As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 26, 2 009

Washington , D.C.   20549

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008
For the transition period from ________________ to ________________
Date of event requiring this shell company report

Commission file number: 001-14491
(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)
(Translation of Registrant’s name into English)
(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

Avenida das Américas, 3.434 - 7º andar
22640-102 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
(Address of principal executive offices)

Claudio Zezza
Chief Financial Officer
TIM Participações S.A.
Avenida das Américas, 3.434 - 7º andar
22640-102 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Tel: 55 21 4009-4000 / Fax: 55 21 4009-3990
(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and Address of Company Contact Person)

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
Title of each class
Name of each exchange on which registered
Preferred Shares, without par value*
New York  Stock Exchange
American Depositary Shares, as evidenced by American Depositary Receipts, each representing 10 Preferred Shares
New York  Stock Exchange
*   Not for trading, but only in connection with the listing of American Depositary Shares on the New York Stock Exchange

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:   None
Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act:   None
Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the annual report.
Common Shares, without par value
Preferred Shares, without par value
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.   x Yes      o No
If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 of 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 .    o Yes      x  No
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.    x Yes        o No
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files).     o Yes       x   No
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, or a non-accelerated filer. See definition of “accelerated filer and large accelerated filer” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (check one):
Large accelerated filer    x                                                 Accelerated filer    o                                           Non-accelerated filer  o
Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:
o   U.S GAAP   o International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board  x Other
If “Other” has been checked in response to the previous question, indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow.
o    Item 17                     x     Item 18
If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act)
o  Yes                     x     No





In this annual report, TIM Participações S.A. , a corporation (sociedade anônima) organized under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, is referred to as “TIM,” “TIM Participações” or the “Holding Company.” References to “we,” “us” and “our” are to TIM together with, where the context so requires and as explained more fully below, one or more of TIM Sul S.A. (“TIM Sul”), TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações S.A. (“TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações”), TIM Celular S.A. (“TIM Celular”) and Maxitel S.A. (“TIM Maxitel”) each a directly or indirectly wholly-owned operating subsidiary of the Holding Company and a corporation organized under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil.
The Holding Company is the result of the merger of Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A. (“TND”), then the controlling shareholder of TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações, with and into Tele Celular Sul Participações S.A. (“TSU”), then the controlling shareholder of TIM Sul, on August 30, 2004 (the “TND/TSU Merger”).
On March 16, 2006, we acquired all of the share capital of TIM Celular, a wholly-owned subsidiary of our controlling shareholder, TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A. (“TIM Brasil”), to integrate the two companies’ operations, seeking to optimize the group’s financial structure and management, creating one of the largest Brazilian wireless companies in terms of market capitalization presenting an attractive investment for shareholders. As a result, TIM Celular and its operating subsidiary TIM Maxitel became our subsidiaries. On March 16, 2006, the acquisition (“TIM Celular Acquisition”) was approved by Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings of our shareholders and the shareholders of TIM Celular and became effective on such date. For accounting purposes, the acquisition was treated as if it had occurred on January 1, 2006. Except where specifically noted, information in this annual report does not account for the effects of such acquisition.
On June 30, 2006, at their respective Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings, TIM Celular, TIM Maxitel , TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and TIM Sul approved the merger of TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações into TIM Maxitel and of TIM Sul into TIM Celular. On the same date, Maxitel’s name changed to TIM Nordeste S.A. (“TIM Nordeste”).
References in this annual report to the “preferred shares” and the “common shares” are, respectively, to the preferred shares, which have no voting rights, other than in the limited circumstances described in “Item 10B. Additional Information—Memorandum and Articles of Association—Rights Relating to our Shares—Voting Rights”, and common shares, of TIM. References to the “American Depositary Shares” or “ADSs” are to TIM’s American Depositary Shares, each representing 10 preferred shares. The ADSs are evidenced by American Depositary Receipts, or ADRs, which are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, or the NYSE, under the symbol “TSU”. The common shares and preferred shares are listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange under the symbols “TCSL3” and “TCSL4”, respectively.
Pursuant to an Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting held on May 30, 2007, our shareholders approved a reverse stock split of the totality of shares issued by us. As a result, the shares were amalgamated at the ratio of one thousand (1,000) existent shares per one (1) share of the respective type. The reverse split approved did not result in modification in the amount of the capital stock and the amalgamated shares granted to their holders the same rights previously established in our bylaws for the respective type of share. The holders of American Depositary Receipt – ADR now have their receipts represented by ten (10) preferred shares each.
Market Share Data
Market share information is calculated by the Company based on information provided by the Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações , or Anatel. Penetration data is calculated by the Company based on information provided by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística , or IBGE.
Presentation of Financial Information
Our consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil (“Brazilian GAAP”), which include accounting principles derived from Brazilian Corporations Law and accounting standards and supplementary procedures established by the CVM and the Accounting Pronouncements Committee ( Comitê de pronunciamentos Contábeis - CPC ) of Brazil, and related rules applicable to telecommunications service operators.

 See note 35 to our consolidated financial statements for a summary of the differences between Brazilian GAAP and generally accepted accounting principles in the United States, or U.S. GAAP, as well as a reconciliation to U.S. GAAP of our shareholders’ equity as of December 31, 2008 and 2007 and net income   for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 as described below.
We account for the TIM Celular Acquisition under Brazilian GAAP as a purchase at book value, generating no goodwill, pursuant to which TIM Participações consolidated the results of TIM Celular with effect from January 1, 2006. All intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated. Note 35 to our consolidated financial statements also includes (i) an explanation of how the amounts were calculated, including what adjustments were made; and (ii) a reconciliation of the amounts to US. GAAP.
All references herein to the “ real, ” “ reais ” or “R$” are to the Brazilian r eal , the official currency of Brazil . All references to “U.S. dollars,” “dollars” or “ U.S. $” are to United States   D ollars.
Solely for the convenience of the reader , we have translated some amounts included in “Item 3A. Key Information Selected Financial Data” and elsewhere in this annual report from reais into U.S. dollars   using the commercial selling rate as reported by the Central Bank of Brazil (the “Central Bank”) at December 31, 2008 of R$2.3370 to U.S.$1.00. These translations should not be considered representations that any such amounts have been, could have been or could be converted into U.S. dollars at that or any other exchange rate. Such translations should not be construed as representations that the real amounts represent or have been or could be converted into U.S. dollars as of that or any other date. See “Item 3A. Key Information—Selected Financial Data—Exchange Rates” for information regarding exchange rates for the Brazilian currency.
Certain figures included in this annual report have been subject to rounding adjustments. Accordingly, figures shown as totals in certain tables may not be an arithmetic aggregation of the figures that precede them.
The “Technical Glossary” at the end of this annual report provides definitions of certain technical terms used in this annual report and in the documents incorporated in this annual report by reference.

This annual report contains statements in relation to our plans, forecasts, expectations regarding future events, strategies and projections, which are forward-looking statements and involve risks and uncertainties and are therefore, not guarantees of future results. Forward looking statements speak only as of the date they were made, and we undertake no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements after we file this annual report because of new information, future events and other factors. We, and our representatives, may also make forward-looking statements in press releases and oral statements. Statements that are not statements of historical fact, including statements about the beliefs and expectations of our management, are forward-looking statements. Words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “plan,” “predict,” “project” and “target” and similar words are intended to identify forward-looking statements, which necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Our actual results and performance could differ substantially from those anticipated in our forward-looking statements. These statements appear in a number of places in this annual report, principally in “Item 4. Information on the Company” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects,” and include, but are not limited to, statements regarding our intent, belief or current expectations with respect to:
Brazilian wireless industry conditions and trends;
characteristics of competing networks’ products and services;
estimated demand forecasts;
growing our subscriber base and especially our postpaid subscribers;
development of additional sources of revenue;
strategy for marketing and operational expansion;
achieving and maintaining customer satisfaction;
development of higher profit margin activities, attaining higher margins, and controlling customer acquisition and other costs; and
capital expenditures forecasts.
Because forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, our actual results and performance could differ significantly from those anticipated in such statements and the anticipated events or circumstances might not occur. The risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to:
general economic and business conditions, including the price we are able to charge for our services and prevailing foreign exchange rates;
competition, including expected characteristics of competing networks, products and services and from increasing consolidation and services bundling in our industry;
our ability to anticipate trends in the Brazilian telecommunications industry, including changes in market size, demand and industry price movements, and our ability to respond to the development of new technologies and competitor strategies;
our ability to expand our services and maintain the quality of the services we provide;
the rate of customer churn we experience;
changes in official regulations and the Brazilian government’s telecommunications policy;
political economic and social events in Brazil ;
access to sources of financing and our level and cost of debt;
our ability to integrate acquisitions;
regulatory issues relating to acquisitions;
the adverse determination of disputes under litigation;
inflation, interest rate and exchange rate risks; and
other factors identified or discussed under “Item 3D. Key Information—Risk Factors” and elsewhere in this annual report.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
A.             Selected Financial Data
The selected financial data presented below should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements, including the notes thereto. Our consolidated financial statements have been audited by Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes S.S. The report of Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes S.S. on the consolidated financial statements appears elsewhere in this annual report.

Selected Financial Data
The following table represents a summary of our selected financial data for the five years ended December 31, 2008. The data are derived from our consolidated financial statements, audited by Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes S.S., and should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements, related notes, and other financial information included herein.
Year Ended December 31,
2007 (3) as adjusted
2006 ( 2 (3)  as adjusted
2005 (2) as adjusted
2005 (1) (2)
pro forma as adjusted
2004 (2) as adjusted
2004 (1) (2)
pro forma as adjusted
(millions of reais or U.S. dollars, unless otherwise indicated)
Statement of Operations Data:
Brazilian GAAP
Net operating revenue
    5,597.4       1 3,081.0       12,4 41.6       10,138.2       2,918.2       8,368.1       2,564.6       6,253.8  
Cost of goods and services
    (3,022.6 )     (7,0 63.8 )     (6,7 31.8 )     (5,530. 0 )     (1,383.1 )     (4,650.8 )     (1,302.5 )     (3,971.9 )
Gross profit
    2,574.8       6,017.2       5,7 09.8       4,6 08.2       1,535.1       3,717.3       1,262.1       2,281.9  
Operating expenses:
Selling expenses
    (1,753.7 )     (4,09 8.4 )     (3,8 90.9 )     (3,2 50.9 )     (798.1 )     (3,067.7 )     (647.3 )     (2,191.5 )
General and administrative expenses
    (482.4 )     (1,1 27.4 )     (1,0 32.8 )     (9 54.9 )     (185.9 )     (795.2 )     (182.4 )     (613.8 )
Other net operating expense
    (128.6 )     (300.5 )     ( 269.5 )     ( 202.3 )     (25.3 )     (255.5 )     1.6       (322.8 )
Operating income (loss) before financial income (expenses)
    210.1       490.9       516 .6       200.1       525.8       (401.1 )     434.0       (846.2 )
Net financial income (expense)
    (160.5 )     (3 75.0 )     (2 81.5 )     (2 64.0 )     63.3       (350.1 )     51.1       (201.5 )
Operating income (loss)
    49.6       115.9       2 35.1       ( 63.9 )     589.1       (751.2 )     485.1       (1,047.7 )
Net non-operating income (expense)
    -       -       -       -       (2.2 )     (5.5 )     (4.6 )     (12.1 )
Income (loss) before taxes and minority interests
    49.6       115.9       235.1       (63.9 )     586.9       (756.7 )     480.5       (1,059.8 )
Income and social contribution taxes
    27.5       6 4.3       (1 66.8 )     ( 203.1 )     (140.5 )     (176.1 )     (153.8 )     (157.1 )
Minority interests
    -       -       -       -       (21.5 )     (21.5 )     (70.1 )     (70.1 )
Net income (loss)
    77.1       180.2       68.3       (2 67.0 )     424.9       (954.3 )     256.6       (1,287.0 )
Net income (loss) per share in 2008 to 2007 and per 1,000 shares outstanding in 2006 to 2004 ( reais )
    0.03           0.08       0.03       (0.11 )     0.48       n/a       0.38       n/a  
Number of shares outstanding:
Common shares (in millions)
    n/a       798       795       793,544       299,611       n/a       264,793       n/a  
Preferred shares (in millions)
    n/a       1,545       1,539       1,536,171       579,965       n/a       437,712       n/a  
Dividends per share in 2008 to 2007 and per 1,000 shares in 2006 to 2004 – reais(4)
    n/a         0.11       0.14       0.19       0.14       n/a       0.10       n/a  
Dividends per share in 2008 to 2007 and per 1,000 shares in 2006 to 2004  – in U.S. dollars (5)
    n/a         0.05       0.08       0.09       0.06       n/a       0.04       n/a  
U.S. GAAP (6)
Net operating revenues
    5,598.4       13,083.7       12,494.0       10,165.4       8,329.9       -       6,114.8       -  
Operating income (expense)
    175.9       411.2       469.6       130.2       (510.4 )     -       (983.0 )     -  
Net income (loss)
    64.8       151.5       92.0       (217.9 )     (950.7 )     -       (1,303.1 )     -  
Balance Sheet Data:
Brazilian GAAP
Property, pla nt, equipment and software , net
    4,113.4       6,971.4       7,021.8       7,185.9       1,872.7       7,815.9       1,663.5       6,807.4  
Total assets
    6,948.9       16,239.5       14,564.0       14,206.7       4,457.4       15,233.9       3,665.5       13,083.3  
Loans, financing and debentures
    1,496.7       3,497.7       2, 097.4       2, 156.3       129.0       1,819.6       104.1       593.5  
Shareholders’ equity
    3,333.6       7,790.5       7,771.8       7,910.3       2,714.8       8,622.7       1,999.0       7,575.8  
Capital stock
    3,257.9       7,613.6       7,550.5       7,512.7       1,472.1       7,455.9       884.5       6,503.7  
U.S. GAAP (6)
Property, plant, equipment and software , net
    1,972.3       6,781.6       6,916.9       7,028.8       7,714.0       -       6,766.2          
Total assets
    6,798.7       16,339.9       14,6 67.6       14,271.9       15,417.2               13,060.7          
Loans and financing
    1,496.7       3,497.7       2, 113.5       2,140.9       1,808.8               592.0          
Shareholders’ equity
    3,369.3       7,876.6       7,886.6       8,154.9       8,665.5               7,420.1          

The pro forma information 2005 and 2004 reflects the TIM Celular Acquisition (see note 2-a  to our consolidated financial statements)  as if it had occurred on January 1, 2004 for Statement of Operations information, and on December 31, 2004 for balance sheet information.
For consistency of presentation with 2008 and 2007, amounts in 2006, 2005 and 2004 have been adjusted to reflect: reclassification of the amortization of the tax benefit related to the goodwill paid in the privatization from other net operating expense to income and social contribution taxes, reclassification of PIS/COFINS tax credit, previously recorded as other net operating expenses, to credit in deductions from revenues and credit net financial income, reclassification of income tax on remittance from net financial expense to cost of services and adjustment of income tax incentive (Adene) to the net income (loss), resulting from the change in accounting principles . Please see notes 3 and 8 to our consolidated financial statements.
For consistency of presentation with 2008, amounts in 2007 and 2006 have been adjusted to reflect : reclassification of intangible assets intended for the Company’s operations to a   s pecific group called “intangible” ;   accounting of borrowing costs as a reduction of  “loans and financing” and amortization of them over the contract period (up to December 31, 2007, these costs were amortized on a straight-line basis, over the duration of the loan) ;   accounting of derivative instruments at fair value;   new treatment for lapsed dividends (dividends not claimed by shareholders within the time limit determined by Brazilian law), earlier accounted for in profit and loss, now to be accounted for within shareholders’ equity; reclassification of  non operating income to other operating income. S ee note 3- c and e to our consolidated financial statements for further detail . The 2005 and 2004 financial statements were not adjusted to reflect such effects.
Dividends per share have been computed as the sum of dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity (“ juros sobre capital próprio ,” according to Brazilian law), an alternative under Brazilian Corporations Law to the distribution of dividends to shareholders. The distribution of dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity, in each year, proceeded according to the terms set forth by our common shareholders, a t the relevant annual general meeting. Dividends per share have been determined as the sum of declared dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity, divided by the total number of common shares and preferred shares outstanding as of the common shareholders' meeting date. See “Item 10E. Additional Information — Taxation — Brazilian Tax Considerations― Distributions of Interest on Capital.”
Amounts expressed in U.S. dollars, according to the exchange rate applicable at the date of the relevant shareholders’ general meeting that approved the distributi on of dividends and interest on shareholders equity.
The U.S. GAAP amounts of TIM Participações S.A.  reflect the TIM Celular Acquisition considered a business combination under common control similar to a pooling-of-interest. Accordingly, such exchange of shares was accounted for at historical carrying values.
Brazilian Economic Environment
Our business, prospects, financial condition and results of operations are dependent on general economic conditions in Brazil .
The Brazilian economy has shown greater stability since the current federal administration took office in January 2003.  Overall, the Federal Government continues the macroeconomic policy of the previous administration by giving priority to fiscal responsibility.
In 2006, the real appreciated 8.7% against the U.S. dollar between December 31, 2005 and 2006. Despite this appreciation, the country had a positive current account balance of US$6.3 billion. For the fourth consecutive year, the Current Transactions/PIB ratio, an indicator of vulnerability to international financial crises, was positive, showing the country’s lower exposure to risk. The average unemployment rate increased to 10.0% as of December 31, 2006 in the country’s main metropolitan regions, in accordance with estimates disclosed by the IBGE. In 2006, the inflation rate, as measured by the IPCA, was 3.1%, and the average TJLP interest rate was 6.8%. International reserves also reached record levels and the highest quality thus far, reducing the presence of short-term capital.
Macroeconomic results for 2007 indicate accelerated economic growth and monetary stability. An exchange rate depreciation of 17.2% over the year contributed to an even higher reduction in the inflation rate, as measured by the IPCA.  The inflation rate for 2007 reached 4.6%, being within the target range established by the Comitê de Política Monetária (Brazilian Monetary Policy Committee), or COPOM. Externally, the accumulated trade surplus as of December 31, 2007, having reached US$40 billion, was relatively lower than that recorded for both 2005 and 2006; however, the country’s international reserves continued to increase. The average unemployment rate decreased to 7.4% as of December 31, 2007 in the country’s main metropolitan regions, in accordance with estimates disclosed by the IBGE. Accelerated economic growth towards the end of 2006 continued throughout 2007. Among the factors contributing for a stronger economic growth in 2007 are the continuing reduction in the basic interest rate, which stabilized at 11.25% in September, and the evolution of the credit supply.
The Brazilian economy performed well until the third quarter 2008, growing by 6.38%, which was across all components of GDP and was fully driven by domestic demand. The net contribution of domestic demand to GDP growth in the first nine months of 2008 was 8.1 percentage points, while the foreign demand had a net negative impact of 2.5 p.p. on GDP.   The new economic scenario that impacted the country's economy from October result ed in a slowdown in economic activity in the past quarter in a yearly comparison. Despite the adverse scenario that gripped the country in the last quarter of 2008, real economic growth in 2008 was more than 5% due to the strong economic growth in the first nine months.

M onetary policy had two distinct ive characteristics in 2008 :

before September 2008, it was restrictive, due to inflationary pressures, with interest rate rising by 250 basis points between April and September, pushing SELIC, the basic interest rate, from 11.25% p.a. to 13.75% p.a.
after September 2008, with the worsening of the international financial crisis and its adverse effects on the Brazilian economy, the Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM) began signaling a change towards an expansionist policy and cut the Selic rate by 100 basis points in January 2009 to 12.75% p.a.

The table below sets forth data regarding GDP growth, inflation, interest and real /U.S. dollar exchange rates in the periods indicated:
For the Year Ended December 31,
GDP growth (1)
    3.8 %     5.4 %     5.1 %
Inflation (IGP-M) (2)
    3.9 %     7.8 %     9.8 %
Inflation (IPCA) (3)
    3.1 %     4.6 %     5.9 %
DI Rate (4)
    13.1 %     11.8 %     12.4 %
TJLP (5)
    6.8 %     6.2 %     6.2 %
Appreciation (devaluation) of the real against the U.S. dollar
    8.7 %     17.2 %     (32.0 %)
Exchange rate (closing)—R$ per US$1.00
    R$2.138       R$1.771       R$2.337  
Average exchange rate—R$ per US$1.00 (6)
    R$2.177       R$1.948       R$1.837  
The Brazilian GDP for 2006, 2007 and 2008 was calculated using the new procedures adopted by the IBGE.
Inflation (IGP-M) is the general market price index as measured by FGV, and represents data accumulated over  the 12 months in each year ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008.
Inflation (IPCA) is a consumer price index measured by IBGE, and represents data accumulated over the 12 months in each year ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008.
The DI rate is the average inter-bank deposit rate performed during the day in Brazil (accrued as of the last month of the period, annualized).
Represents the interest rate applied by BNDES in long-term financings (end of the period).
Average exchange rate on the last day of each year.

Sources: BNDES, Central Bank, FGV and IBGE.
Exchange Rates
We pay any cash dividends, interest on shareholders’ equity and any other cash distributions with respect to our preferred shares in reais . Accordingly, exchange rate fluctuations will affect the U.S. dollar amounts received by the holders of ADSs on conversion by the Depositary of dividends and other distributions in Brazilian currency on our preferred shares represented by ADSs. Fluctuations in the exchange rate between Brazilian currency and the U.S. dollar will affect the U.S. dollar equivalent price of our preferred shares on the Brazilian stock exchanges. In addition, exchange rate fluctuations may also affect our dollar equivalent results of operations. See “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects.”
Prior to March 14, 2005 , there were two principal legal foreign exchange markets in Brazil :
the commercial rate exchange market; and
the floating rate exchange market.
Most trade and financial foreign-exchange transactions were carried out on the commercial rate exchange market. These transactions included the purchase or sale of shares or payment of dividends or interest with respect to shares. Foreign currencies could only be purchased in the commercial exchange market through a Brazilian bank authorized to operate in these markets. In both markets, rates were freely negotiated and could be influenced by Central Bank intervention.
Resolution No. 3.265 by the National Monetary Council, dated March 4, 2005 , consolidated the foreign exchange markets into one single foreign exchange market, effective as of March 14, 2005 . All foreign exchange transactions are now carried out through institutions authorized to operate in the consolidated market and are subject to registration with the Central Bank’s electronic registration system. Foreign exchange rates continue to be freely negotiated, but may be influenced by Central Bank intervention.
Since 1999, the Central Bank has allowed the real /U.S. dollar exchange rate to float freely, and during that period, the real /U.S. dollar exchange rate has fluctuated considerably. In the past, the Central Bank has intervened occasionally to control unstable movements in foreign exchange rates. We cannot predict whether the Central Bank or the Brazilian government will continue to let the real float freely or will intervene in the exchange rate market through a currency band system or otherwise. The real may depreciate or appreciate against the U.S. dollar substantially in the future. For more information on these risks, see “—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Brazil .”
The following table shows the selling rate for U.S. dollars for the periods and dates indicated. The information in the “Average” column represents the annual average of the exchange rates during the periods presented.
Reais per U.S. Dollar
Year End
    3.2051       2.6544       2.9257       2.6544  
    2.7621       2.1633       2.4341       2.3407  
    2.3711       2.0586       2.1771       2.1380  
    2.1520       1.7325       1.9483       1.7713  
    2.5004       1.5593       1.8375       2.3370  


Reais per U.S. Dollar
November 2008
    2.4277       2.1210  
December 2008
    2.5004       2.3331  
January 2009
    2.2174       2.3803  
February 2009
    2.3916       2.2446  
March 2009
    2.4218       2.2375  
April 2009
    2.2899       2.1699  
May 2009
    2.1476       1.9730  
June 2009 (through June 23 , 2009)
    2.0074       1.9301  

Source: Central Bank/Bloomberg
Brazilian law provides that, whenever there is a serious imbalance in Brazil ’s balance of payments or serious reasons to foresee such imbalance, temporary restrictions may be imposed on remittances of foreign capital abroad. For approximately six months in 1989, and early 1990, for example, the Federal Government froze all dividend and capital repatriations that were owed to foreign equity investors. These amounts were subsequently released in accordance with Federal Government directives. There can be no assurance that similar measures will not be taken by the Federal Government in the future.
B.             Capitalization and Indebtedness
Not applicable .
C.             Reasons for the Offer and Use of Proceeds
Not applicable .
D.             Risk Factors
This section is intended to be a summary of more detailed discussions contained elsewhere in this annual report. The risks described below are not the only ones we face. Our business, results of operations or financial condition could be harmed if any of these risks materializes and, as a result, the trading price of our shares and our ADSs could decline.
Risks Relating to our Business
Our business will be adversely affected if we are unable to successfully implement our strategic objectives. Factors beyond our control may prevent us from successfully implementing our strategy.
            On December 3, 2008, we set out our strategic priorities for the 2009-2011 period. Our strategy is aimed at improving revenues and selective growth, while maintaining financial discipline. To achieve this goal, we will focus on strengthening our position by leveraging mobile telephony to enable b road b and growth and exploiting opportunities arising from fixed-line to mobile substitution. See “Item 4B. Information on the Company Business Overview Mobile Service Rates and Plans.”
            TIM’s ability to implement and achieve these strategic objectives may be influenced by certain factors, including factors outside of its control, such as:
regulatory decisions and changes in the regulatory environment in Brazil ;
increasing numbers of new competitors in the Brazilian telecommunications market which could reduce TIM’s market share;
increasing and stronger market competition in its principal markets with a consequent decline in the prices of services;
TIM’s ability to strengthen its competitive position in Brazil for mobile telecommunications;
TIM’s ability to develop and introduce new technologies which are attractive to the market, to manage innovation, to supply value added services and to increase the use of its fixed and mobile service;
the success of “disruptive” new technologies which could cause significant reductions in revenues to fixed and mobile operators;
TIM’s ability to implement efficiency;
TIM’s ability to refinance existing indebtedness when due under the current uncertain conditions in the capital and bank markets as credit markets worldwide have experienced a severe reduction in liquidity and term funding;
TIM’s ability to attract and retain highly qualified employees; and
the effect of exchange rate fluctuations.
 As a result of these uncertainties there can be no assurance that the objectives identified by management can effectively be attained in the manner and within the timeframes described.
We face increasing competition, which may adversely affect our results of operations.
The opening of the Brazilian market to competition for telecommunications services has adversely affected the industry’s historical margins. Due to additional Personal Communication Services (“PCS”) providers that have commenced operations in recent years, we are facing increased competition throughout Brazil . We compete not only with companies that provide wireless services and trunking, but also with companies that provide fixed-line telecommunications and Internet access services, because of the trend toward the convergence and substitution of mobile services for these and other services and a trend of bundling PCS services with Internet and other services. As a result, the cost of maintaining our revenues share has increased and in the future we may incur higher advertising and other costs as we attempt to maintain or expand our presence in the market. Claro and Vivo received authorization to provide PCS in the same regions as TIM, completing their national coverage. Also Oi received authorization to provide PCS service in São Paulo   State .
We also expect to face increased competition from other wireless telecommunications services, such as digital trunking, because these services are generally less expensive than cellular telecommunications services. In addition, technological changes in the telecommunications field, such as the development of 3G and VOIP, are expected to introduce additional sources of competition.
This increasing competition may increase the rate of customer turnover and could continue to adversely affect our market share and margins. Our ability to compete successfully will depend on the effectiveness of our marketing and our ability to anticipate and respond to developments in the industry, including new services that may be introduced, changes in consumer preferences, demographic trends, economic conditions and discount pricing strategies by competitors. Additionally, we may face competitors with greater access to financial resources and capital markets than ours. We cannot predict which of many possible factors will be important in maintaining our competitive position or what expenditures will be required to develop and provide new technologies, products or services. If we are unable to compete successfully, our business, financial condition and results of operations will be materially adversely affected.
There is the perspective of changing the current rules for service exploration that may cause an unbalanced competition between fixed incumbents and other players. For example the merger between the two concessionaires Oi and Brasil Telecom would represent a step back from the liberalization architecture and would hamper competition if not counterbalanced by appropriate regulatory measures (like Local Loop Unbundling obligations).
Anatel is expected to auction bandwidths in the 3.5 and 10.5 GHZ (WI-MAX) spectrum to provide broadband wireless and fixed telephony services. Anatel cancelled the auction scheduled to take place in 2006. New bidding terms have not yet been made public and according to information currently available from Anatel, the new auction will take place probably in the second half of 2009. Purchasers of these bandwidths may offer services that could compete with our services. TIM intends to bid for this band.
We may be unable to respond to the recent trend towards consolidation in the Brazilian wireless telecommunications market.
The Brazilian telecommunication market has been consolidating and we believe such trend is likely to continue. Additional joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions among telecommunications service providers are possible in the future. If such consolidation occurs, it may result in increased competition within our market. We
may be unable to adequately respond to pricing pressures resulting from consolidation in our market, adversely affecting our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We may not receive as much interconnection revenue as we receive today.
Beginning in July 2004, interconnection charges became freely negotia ble by cellular telecommunications service providers in Brazil , pursuant to rules issued by Anatel. As a result, the interconnection fees we we re able to charge in the past have decreased, after adjustment for inflation. The interconnection fees we charge may continue to decrease and as a result, we may receive less interconnection revenue than we presently do, which may have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We may face difficulties responding to new telecommunications technologies.
The Brazilian wireless telecommunications market is experiencing significant technological changes, as evidenced by, among other factors:
the changing regulatory environment, such as the introduction of numbering portability;
shorter time periods between the introduction of new telecommunication products and their required enhancements or replacements;
ongoing improvements in the capacity and quality of digital technology available in Brazil ;
the introduction of Third Generation (“3G”) mobile telephony services; and
the anticipated auction of licenses for the operation of 3.5 GHz and 10.5 GHz (WI-MAX) with limited mobility.
Our business is dependent on our ability to expand our services and to maintain the quality of the services provided.
Our business, as a cellular telecommunications services provider, depends on our ability to maintain and expand our cellular telecommunications services network. We believe that our expected growth will require, among other things:
continuous development of our operational and administrative systems;
increasing marketing activities; and
attracting, training and retaining qualified management, technical and sales personnel.
These activities are expected to place significant demand on our managerial, operational and financial resources. Failure to manage successfully our expected growth could reduce the quality of our services, with adverse effects on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Our operations are dependent upon our ability to maintain and protect our network. Damage to our network and backup systems could result in service delays or interruptions and limit our ability to provide customers with reliable service over our network. The occurrence of any such events may adversely affect our business, financial condition or operating results.
Our operations depend on our ability to maintain, upgrade and efficiently operate accounting, billing, customer service, information technology and management information systems.
Sophisticated information and processing systems are vital to our growth and our ability to monitor costs, render monthly invoices for services, process customer orders, provide customer service and achieve operating efficiencies. There can be no assurance that we will be able to successfully operate and upgrade our accounting, information and processing systems or that they will continue to perform as expected. Any failure in our accounting, information and processing systems could impair our ability to collect payments from customers and respond satisfactorily to customer needs, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition and operating results.
We may experience a high rate of customer turnover which could increase our costs of operations and reduce our revenue.
Churn reflects the number of customers who have their service terminated during a period, expressed as a percentage of the simple average of customers at the beginning and end of the period. Our high churn rates are primarily a result of our competitors’ aggressive subsidization of handset sales, adverse macroeconomic conditions in Brazil and our strict policy of terminating customers who do not continue to use our services or do not pay their bills. As indicated by our past rates of customer churn, we may experience a high rate of customer turnover which could increase our cost of operations and reduce our revenue.
Our controlling shareholder may exercise its control in a manner that differs from the interests of other shareholders.
Telecom Italia, through its indirect full ownership of TIM Brasil, our controlling shareholder, and TIM Brasil, each have the ability to determine actions that require shareholder approval, including the election of a majority of our directors and, subject to Brazilian law, the payment of dividends and other distributions. Telecom Italia or TIM Brasil may exercise this control in a manner that differs from the best interests of other shareholders.
Certain debt agreements of our subsidiaries contain financial covenant and any default under such debt agreements may have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and cash flows.
Certain of our subsidiaries’ existing debt agreements contain restrictions and covenants and require the maintenance or satisfaction of specified financial ratios and tests. The ability of our subsidiaries to meet these financial ratios and tests can be affected by events beyond our and their control, and we cannot assure that they will meet those tests. Failure to meet or satisfy any of these covenants, financial ratios or financial tests could result in an event of default under these agreements. As of December 31, 2008 , our subsidiaries, had approximately R$ 3.2 billion in consolidated outstanding indebtedness (post hedge) . If we are unable to meet these debt service obligations, or comply with the debt covenants, we could be forced to restructure or refinance this indebtedness, seek additional equity capital or sell assets.
In addition, because of our net debt position in 2008 of R$1 .7  million (loans plus accrued interests and derivatives – liabilities, less cash and cash equivalents, derivatives – assets and short term investments), we may need additional funding to meet our obligations and to conduct our activities and in the event public or private financial is unavailable, our financial condition and results and, consequently, the market price for our shares may be adversely affected.
We face risks associated with litigation.
We and our subsidiaries are party to a number of lawsuits and other proceedings. An adverse outcome in, or any settlement of, these or other lawsuits could result in significant costs to us. In addition, our senior management may be required to devote substantial time to these lawsuits, which they could otherwise devote to our business. See "Item 8A. Financial Information—Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal Proceeding s."
Any modification or termination of our ability to use the “TIM” tradename may adversely affect our business and operating results.
Telecom Italia owns the property rights to the “TIM” tradename. Telecom Italia may stop us from using the TIM trade name any time. The loss of the use of the “TIM” trade name could have a material adverse effect on our business and operating results.
The shareholding structure of our parent company, Telecom Italia S.p.A, has undergone relevant changes.
On April 28, 2007, Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A, Intesa San Paolo S.p.A, Mediobanca S.p.A., Sintonia S.p.A and Telefónica S.A . entered into an agreement to acquire the entire share capital of Olimpia S.p.A., a company which, at the time, held approximately 18% of the voting capital of Telecom Itália S.p.A., our indirect parent company. This acquisition was made through Telco S.p.A. (“Telco”). With the conclusion of the transaction and the subsequent merger of Olimpia S.p.A. with and into Telco (December 2007), Telco came to hold 23.6% and it presently holds 24.5% of the voting capital of Telecom Italia S.p.A., the indirect parent company of TIM Participações.
The Brazilian telecommunications regulator, Anatel, approved the acquisition of Olimpia by Telco, and imposed certain restrictions to guarantee the total segregation of the business and operations of the two groups, Telefónica and TIM, in Brazil.  Anatel already ratified the full compliance of TI and TIM, with the measures to be adopted immediatly after the approval. The additional measures required by Anatel in May 2008, which were timely submitted to Anatel by TIM Brasil, TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste, are still under evaluation. We cannot guarantee that Anatel will approve the additional measures we have either taken or proposed to take to comply with its ruling.
 Telco’s acquisition of Olimpia is also currently analyzed by the Brazilian antitrust authority (CADE) in a proceeding to which TIM is not a party filed by Telco’s shareholders, and is subject to CADE’s approval.
The consequences in case (i) Anatel understands that the additional measures being taken or proposed to segregate the businesses of TIM and Vivo in Brazil are not sufficient; or (ii) the Brazilian antitrust authority does not approve the transaction, are currently unpredictable and may have adverse effects on TIM’s business and results. See Item 4.A. Information on the Company History and Development of the Company Recent Developments Acquisition of Olimpia S.p.A.  On July 31, 2008, Anatel approved the corporate instruments filed on November 22, 2007 after finding full compliance with the restrictions imposed by the applicable Anatel ruling.
Risks Relating to the Brazilian Telecommunications Industry
We may be classified by Anatel as an economic group with significant market power, which will subject us to increased regulation.
In 2005, Anatel issued specific regulations regarding telecommunications service providers with significant market power. Anatel has indicated that it will establish more stringent regulation for economic groups with significant market power in order to ensure competition. We cannot give assurance that we will not be deemed to have significant market power, and thus be subject to increased regulatory requirements.
In July 2006, Anatel issued regulation s regarding the remuneration of the mobile operators network and brought to the mobile industry the concept of significant market power. Under such regulation, the VU-M value is freely negotiated between operators, but in case of no successful negotiation by   2010 , as an arbitration procedure, the Agency will determine, based on a fully allocated cost model, a reference value for a network usage fee (VU-M) of companies that are deemed to hold significant market power. In order to determine the companies that have a significant market power in the mobile interconnection market, Anatel will consider: market share in the mobile interconnection market and in the mobile services market, economies of scope and scale, dominance of infrastructure that is not economically viable to duplicate, existence of negotiation power to acquire equipments and services, existence of vertical integration, existence of barriers to entry, access to financing sources. For purposes of the mobile network remuneration rules until Anatel defines which groups have significant market power, all groups that include a SMP provider will be considered as having a significant market power in the offer of mobile interconnection in their respective services areas.
We are subject to various obligations in the performance of our activities with which we may be unable to comply.
In the performance of our telecommunications services, we are subject to compliance with various legal and regulatory obligations including, but not limited to, the obligations arising from the following:
the rules set forth by Anatel, the primary telecommunications industry regulator in Brazil ;
the PCS authorizations under which we operate our cellular telecommunications business;
the fixed authorizations (local, national long distance, international long distance under and multimedia service) under which we operate our telecommunications business;
the Consumer Defense Code; and
the General Telecommunications Law (Lei No. 9,472/97, as amended).
We believe that we are currently in material compliance with our obligations arising out of each of the above referenced laws, regulations and authorizations. However, in light of the administrative proceedings for breach of quality standards brought since December 2004 by Anatel against TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste we
cannot provide any assurance that we are in full compliance with our quality of service obligations under the PCS authorizations. In fact, there are some administrative proceedings regarding noncompliance with quality goals and regulatory obligations that resulted in fees applied by Anatel on TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste. For more information, see “Item 8A. Financial Information—Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal Proceedings” . In addition, we cannot assure that we will be able to fully comply with each of the above referenced laws, regulations and authorizations or that we will be able to comply with future changes in the laws and regulations to which we are subject. These regulatory developments or our failure to comply with them could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Extensive government regulation of the telecommunications industry may limit our flexibility in responding to market conditions, competition and changes in our cost structure.
Our business is subject to extensive government regulation, including any changes that may occur during the period of our concession to provide telecommunication services. Anatel, which is the main telecommunications industry regulator in Brazil , regulates, among others:
industry policies and regulations;
rates and tariffs for telecommunications services;
telecommunications resource allocation;
service standards;
technical standards;
interconnection and settlement arrangements; and
universal service obligations.
This extensive regulation and the conditions imposed by our authorization to provide telecommunication services may limit our flexibility in responding to market conditions, competition and changes in our cost structure.
Our authorizations may be terminated by the Brazilian government under certain circumstances or we may not receive renewals of our authorizations.
We operate our business under authorizations granted by the Brazilian government. As a result, we are obligated to maintain minimum quality and service standards, including targets for call completion rates, geographic coverage and voice channel traffic rates, user complaint rates and customer care call completion rates. Our ability to satisfy these standards, as well as others, may be affected by factors beyond our control. We cannot assure you that, going forward, we will be able to comply with all of the requirements imposed on us by Anatel or the Brazilian government. Our failure to comply with these requirements may result in the imposition of fines or other government actions, including, in an extreme situation, the termination of our authorizations in the event of material non-compliance.
Our radio frequency authorizations for the 800 MHz, 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands that we use to provide PCS services started to expire in September 2007 (under the Term of Authorization for the State of Paraná except the Londrina and Tamarana municipalities) and are renewable for one additional 15-year period, requiring payment at every two-year period of the equivalent to 2% (two percent) of the prior year’s revenue net of taxes, by way of investment under the Basic and Alternative Service Plans.

The TIM Celular’s authorization to operate in the State of Paraná, except in Londrina and Tamarana municipalities, was extended to September 3, 2022, in accordance with Act 57.551 of April 13, 2006. The first payment under this authorization was made on April 30, 2009.

The radiofrequencies authorizations for the 800 MHz, 900 MHz and 1800 MHz that expired in 2008 were :

September 03, 2008 - TIM Celular (Santa Catarina)
November 28, 2008 - TIM Nordeste (Ceará)
December 15, 2008 - TIM Nordeste (Alagoas)
December 31, 2008 - TIM Nordeste (Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte)

Anatel has approved the renewal of such authorizations.

Any partial or total revocation of our authorizations or failure to receive renewal of such authorizations when they expire would have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.
The telecommunications industry is subject to rapid technological changes and these changes could have a material adverse effect on our ability to provide competitive services.
The telecommunications industry is subject to rapid and significant technological changes. For example, t he telecommunications industry has introduced   the Third Generation (“3G”) mobile telephone services . Our future success depends, in part, on our ability to anticipate and adapt in a timely manner to technological changes. We expect that new products and technologies will emerge and that existing products and technologies will be further developed.
The advent of new products and technologies could have a variety of consequences for us. New products and technologies may reduce the price of our services by providing lower-cost alternatives, or they may also be superior to, and render obsolete, the products and services we offer and the technologies we use, thus requiring investment in new technology. If such changes do transpire, our most significant competitors in the future may be new participants in the market without the burden of any installed base of older equipment. The cost of upgrading our products and technology to continue to compete effectively could be significant.
Due to the nature of our business we are exposed to numerous consumer claims and tax-related proceedings.
Our business exposes us to a variety of lawsuits brought by or on behalf of consumers that are inherent in the mobile telecommunications industry in Brazil. Currently, we are subject to a number of public civil actions and class actions that have been brought against mobile telecommunications providers in Brazil relating principally to the expiration of prepaid usage credits, minimum term clauses, subscription fees and the use of land to install our network sites. These suits include claims contesting certain aspects of the fee structure of our prepaid and postpaid plans which are commonplace in the Brazilian telecommunications industry.
 In addition, federal and state tax authorities in Brazil have brought actions challenging the tax treatment of certain components of the service revenues earned by mobile telecommunications providers, such as the application of ICMS to activation fees and monthly subscription charges. As of December 31, 2008, we are subject to approximately 1,141 tax-related lawsuits and administrative proceedings with an aggregate value of approximately R$1.4 billion. See “Item 8A. Financial Information—Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal Proceedings”.
Although many of these consumer and tax claims relate to general business practices in the Brazilian mobile telecommunications industry, adverse determinations could have an adverse affect on our business practices and results of operations.
The mobile industry, including us, may be harmed by reports suggesting that radio frequency emissions cause health problems and interfere with medical devices.
Media and other reports have suggested that radio frequency emissions from wireless handsets and base stations may cause health problems. If consumers harbor health-related concerns, they may be discouraged from using wireless handsets. These concerns could have an adverse effect on the wireless communications industry and, possibly, expose wireless providers, including us, to litigation. We cannot assure you that further medical research and studies will refute a link between the radio frequency emissions of wireless handsets and base stations and these health concerns.
Government authorities could increase regulation of wireless handsets and base stations as a result of these health concerns or wireless companies, including us, could be held liable for costs or damages associated with these concerns, which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operation. The expansion of our network may be affected by these perceived risks if we experience problems in finding new sites, which in turn may delay the expansion and may affect the quality of our services. On July 2, 2002 , Anatel published Resolution No. 303 that limits emission and exposure for fields with frequencies between 9
kHz and 300 GHz. In addition, the Brazilian government is developing specific legislation for the deployment of radio frequency transmission stations that will supersede the existing state and municipal laws. The new laws may create additional transmission regulations which, in turn, could have an adverse effect on our business.
The new index applied for the remuneration for the use of SMP’s network may not be adequate.
As of 2006, Anatel uses IST index ( Índice de Serviços de Telecomunicações ) to adjust STFC Concessionaries’ rates, Industrial Exploration of Dedicated Lines (“ Exploração Industrial de Linha Dedicada” or “EILD”) and remuneration for the use of Personal Communication Service (“Serviço Móvel Pessoal” or “SMP”), which substitutes the General Price Index, or the IGP-DI (the Índice Geral de Preços Disponibilidade Interna ), an inflation index developed by the Fundação Getulio Vargas , a private Brazilian foundation. Thus, the prices we may charge for our services may be indirectly impacted by this new index. Anatel begins to regulate the telecommunications industry based on a model that analyzes compan y costs based on a hypothetical company’s costs and other factors. If this new adjustment mechanism, or any other mechanism chosen by Anatel in the future, does not adequately reflect the true effect of inflation on our prices, our results of operations could be adversely affected.
Anatel’s proposal regarding the consolidation of prices could have an adverse effect on our results.
Anatel issued new regulations on interconnection rules, some of which could have an adverse effect on our results. The rules that may adversely affect our results are (1) Anatel had defined clearly that same SMP provider with different authorization areas receive only one instead of two interconnection charges (VU-M) for long distance calls originated and terminated in their networks, and (2) if the free-market negotiation of prices for VU-M does not reach success , Anatel can, from April 2010 on , apply the Full Allocated Cost model.  These regulations can have an adverse effect on our results of operations because (1) our interconnection charges would drop significantly, thereby reducing our revenues, and (2) Anatel may allow more favorable prices for economic groups without significant market power.
Anatel´s new regulation on number portability could have an adverse effect on our results.
Anatel issued in March 2007 regulation s regarding the implementation of number portability in Brazil for fixed telephony and mobile services providers (SMP). Po rtability is limited to migration between providers of the same telecommunications services. For SMP providers, portability can take place when customer s change service provider s within the same Registration Area as well as when customer s change the service plan of the same service provider. We expect number portability to increase competition between services providers and we are confident that due to our quality levels the implementation of such regulation will help us increase our customer base. If we are unable to maintain our quality levels, number portability could have an adverse effect on our client´s base and our results.

The current global  economic crisis could reduce purchases of our products and services and adversely affect our results of operations, cash flows and  financial condition.
Uncertainty about current global economic conditions poses a significant risk as consumers and businesses may postpone spending in response to tighter credit, negative financial news (including high levels of unemployement) or declines in income or asset values, which could have a material negative effect on the demand for our products and services.  Economic difficulties in the credit markets and other economic conditions, such as the current recession or the risk of a potential recession, may reduce the demand for or the timing of purchases of our products and services.  A loss of customers or a reduction in purchases by our current customers could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flow and may negatively affect our ability to meet our growth targets.  Other factors that could influence customer demand include access to credit, consumer confidence and other macroeconomic factors.
Risks Relating to Brazil
The Brazilian government has exerted significant influence over the Brazilian economy and continues to do so. This involvement, like local political and economic conditions, may have an adverse effect on our activities, our business, or the market prices of our shares and ADSs.
The Brazilian government has frequently intervened in the Brazilian economy and occasionally made drastic changes in economic policy. To influence the course of Brazil’s economy, control inflation and implement other policies, the Brazilian government has taken various measures, including the use of wage and
price controls, currency devaluations, capital controls and limits on imports and freezing bank accounts. We have no control over, and cannot predict what measures or policies the Brazilian government may take or adopt in the future. Our business, financial condition, revenues, results of operations, prospects and the trading price of our units may be adversely affected by changes in government policies and regulations, as well as other factors, such as:
fluctuating exchange rates;
interest rates;
monetary policy;
changes in tax regimes;
liquidity in domestic capital and credit markets;
fiscal policy;
political instability;
reductions in salaries or income levels;
rising unemployment rates;
exchange controls and restrictions on remittances abroad; and
other political, diplomatic, social or economic developments in or affecting Brazil.

In the past, the performance of the Brazilian economy was affected by its political situation. Historically, political crises and scandals have affected the confidence of investors and the public in general, and have adversely affected the development of the economy and the market price of securities issued by Brazilian companies. We cannot predict what policies will be adopted by the Brazilian government and whether these policies will negatively affect the economy or our business or financial performance. We cannot predict whether the Brazilian government will intervene in the Brazilian economy in the future. Governmental actions may adversely affect our business by reducing demand for our services, increasing our costs, or limiting our ability to provide services. In addition, political uncertainties and scandals, social instability and other political or economic developments may have an adverse effect on us.
Tax reforms may affect our prices.
The Brazilian government has proposed tax reforms that are currently being considered by the Brazilian Congress. If we experience a higher tax burden as a result of the tax reform, we may have to pass the cost of that tax increase to our customers. This increase may have a material negative impact on the dividends paid by our subsidiaries to us and on our revenues and operating results.
Inflation, and government measures to curb inflation, may adversely affect the Brazilian economy, the Brazilian securities market, our business and operations and the market prices of our shares or the ADSs.
Historically, Brazil has experienced high rates of inflation. Inflation and some of the Brazilian government’s measures taken in an attempt to curb inflation have had significant negative effects on the Brazilian economy generally. Inflation, policies adopted to contain inflationary pressures and uncertainties regarding possible future governmental intervention have contributed to economic uncertainty and heightened volatility in the Brazilian securities market.
Since the introduction of the real in 1994, Brazil ’s inflation rate has been substantially lower than in previous periods. According to the General Market Price Index ( Índice Geral de Preços do Mercado , or IGP-M), a general price inflation index developed by Fundação Getulio Vargas , a private Brazilian foundation, the inflation rates in Brazil were 12.4% in 2004, 1.2% in 2005, 3.8% in 2006, 7.7% in 2007 and 9.8% in 2008. In addition, according to the National Extended Consumer Price Index ( Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo , or IPCA), published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics ( Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística , or IBGE), the Brazilian price inflation rates were 9.3% in 2003, 7.6% in 2004, 5.7% in 2005, 3.1% in 2006, 4.6% in 2007 and 5.9% in 2008. The Brazilian government’s measures to control inflation have often included maintaining a tight monetary policy with high interest rates, thereby restricting availability of credit and reducing economic growth. Inflation, actions to combat inflation and public speculation about possible additional actions have also contributed materially to economic uncertainty in Brazil and to heightened volatility in the Brazilian securities markets.
Brazil may experience high levels of inflation in the future. Periods of higher inflation may decrease the rate of growth of the Brazilian economy, which could lead to reduced demand for our products in Brazil and decreased net sales. Inflation is also likely to increase some of our costs and expenses, which we may not be
able to pass on to our customers and, as a result, may reduce our profit margins and net income. In addition, high inflation generally leads to higher domestic interest rates, and, as a result, the costs of servicing our debt may increase, resulting in lower net income. Inflation and its effect on domestic interest rates can, in addition, lead to reduced liquidity in the domestic capital and lending markets, which could affect our ability to refinance our indebtedness in those markets. Any decline in our net sales or net income and any deterioration in our financial condition would also likely lead to a decline in the market price of our shares and the ADSs.
Exchange rate movements may adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.
The Brazilian currency has been devalued frequently over the past four decades. Throughout this period, the Brazilian government has implemented various economic plans and exchange rate policies, including sudden devaluations, periodic mini-devaluations (during which the frequency of adjustments has ranged from daily to monthly), exchange controls, dual exchange rate markets and a floating exchange rate system. From time to time, there have been significant fluctuations in the exchange rate between the Brazilian currency and the U.S. dollar and other currencies. For example, the real depreciated against the U.S. dollar by 15.7% in 2001 and 34.3% in 2002. Notwithstanding the fact that the real has appreciated 11.5%, 8.7%,17.2% and -32% in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively, there can be no guarantees as to whether the real will depreciate or appreciate against the U.S. dollar in the future.
Continuing appreciation of the real against the U.S. dollar may lead to a deterioration of the country’s current account and the balance of payments, as well as to a dampening of export-driven growth. Any such appreciation could reduce the competitiveness of our exports and adversely affect our net sales and our cash flows from exports. Devaluation of the real relative to the U.S. dollar could create additional inflationary pressures in Brazil by increasing the price of imported products which may result in the adoption of deflationary government policies. The sharp depreciation of the real in relation to the U.S. dollar may generate inflation and governmental measures to fight possible inflationary outbreaks, including the increase in interest rates. Devaluations of the real would reduce the U.S. dollar value of distributions and dividends on our preferred shares and ADSs and may also reduce the market value of such securities. Any such macroeconomic effects could adversely affect our net operating revenues and our overall financial performance.
We acquire our equipment and handsets from global suppliers, the prices of which are denominated in U.S. dollars. Depreciation of the real against the U.S. dollar may result in a relative increase in the price of our equipment and handsets. Thus, we are exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from our need to make substantial dollar-denominated expenditures, particularly for imported components, equipment and handsets, that we have limited capacity to hedge.
Fluctuations in interest rates may have an adverse effect on our business and the market prices of our shares or the ADSs.
The Central Bank establishes the basic interest rate target for the Brazilian financial system by reference to the level of economic growth of the Brazilian economy, the level of inflation and other economic indicators. From February to July 17, 2002 , the Central Bank reduced the basic interest rate from 19% to 18%. From October 2002 to February 2003, the Central Bank increased the basic interest rate by 8.5 percentage points, to 26.5% on February 19, 2003 . The basic interest rate continued to increase until June 2003 when the Central Bank started to decrease it. Subsequently, the basic interest rate suffered further fluctuations, and, in December 2008, the basic interest rate was 13.75%.
On December 31, 2008, all of our indebtedness was either denominated in reais and subject to Brazilian floating interest rates or subject to currency swaps that are tied to Brazilian floating interest rates, such as the Long-Term Interest Rate ( Taxa de Juros de Longo Prazo , or TJLP), the interest rate used in our financing agreements with Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development ( Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES, or BNDES), and the Interbank Deposit Certificate Rate ( Certificado de Depositário Interbancário , or CDI rate), an interbank certificate of deposit rate that applies to our foreign currency swaps and some of our other real -denominated indebtedness . On December 31, 2008 , R$3,224.9 million, post-hedge, of our total consolidated indebtedness was subject to floating interest rates. Any increase in the CDI rate or the TJLP rate may have an adverse impact on our financial expenses and our results of operations.
Brazilian government exchange control policies could adversely affect our ability to make payments on foreign currency-denominated debt.
The purchase and sale of foreign currency in Brazil is subject to governmental control. In the past, the Central Bank has centralized certain payments of principal on external obligations. Many factors could cause the
Brazilian government to institute a more restrictive exchange control policy, including, without limitation, the extent of Brazilian foreign currency reserves, the availability of sufficient foreign exchange, the size of Brazil’s debt service burden relative to the economy as a whole, Brazil’s policy towards the International Monetary Fund, or IMF, and political constraints to which Brazil may be subject. A more restrictive policy could affect the ability of Brazilian debtors (including us) to make payments outside of Brazil to meet foreign currency-denominated obligations.
Adverse changes in Brazilian economic conditions could cause an increase in customer defaults on their outstanding obligations to us, which could materially reduce our earnings.
Our operations are significantly dependent on our customers’ ability to make payments on their accounts. If the Brazilian economy worsens because of, among other factors, the level of economic activity, devaluation of the real , inflation or an increase in domestic interest rates, a greater portion of our customers may not be able to make timely payments for services, which would increase our past due accounts and could materially reduce our net earnings. In addition, the growth of our postpaid base makes us more vulnerable to any increases in customer defaults.
Events in other countries may have a negative impact on the Brazilian economy and the market value of our units.
Economic conditions and markets in other countries, including United States, Latin American and other emerging market countries, may affect the Brazilian economy and the market for securities issued by Brazilian companies. Although economic conditions in these countries may differ significantly from those in Brazil, investors’ reactions to developments in these other countries may have an adverse effect on the market value of securities of Brazilian issuers. Crises in other emerging market countries could dampen investor enthusiasm for securities of Brazilian issuers, including ours, which could adversely affect the market price of our shares and ADSs.
In addition, the Brazilian economy is affected by international economic and market conditions generally, especially economic conditions in the United States. Share prices on Bovespa, for example, have historically been sensitive to fluctuations in U.S. interest rates and the behavior of the major U.S. stock indexes. An increase in the interest rates in other countries, especially the United States, may reduce global liquidity and investors’ interest in the Brazilian capital markets, adversely impacting the price of our shares and ADSs.
We  may be vulnerable to the current disruptions and volatility in the global financial markets.
      The global financial system has since mid 2007 experienced severe credit and liquidity conditions and disruptions leading to greater volatility. Since the fall of 2008, global financial markets deteriorated sharply and a number of major foreign financial institutions, including some of the largest global commercial banks, investment banks, mortgage lenders, mortgage guarantors and insurance companies, were experiencing significant difficulties including runs on their deposits and inadequate liquidity.
      In an attempt to increase liquidity in the financial markets and prevent the failure of the financial system, various governments have intervened on an unprecedented scale, but there is no assurance that these measures will successfully alleviate the current financial crisis. Despite intervention, global investor confidence remains low and credit remains relatively lacking.
      Continued or worsening disruption and volatility in the global financial markets could have a material adverse effect on our ability to access capital and liquidity on acceptable financial terms, and consequently on our operations. Furthermore, an economic downturn could negatively affect the financial stability of our customers, which could result in a general reduction in business activity and a consequent loss of income for us.
Risks Relating to Our ADSs
Holders of our preferred shares, including preferred shares in the form of ADSs, have no voting rights except under limited circumstances.
Of our two classes of capital stock outstanding, only our common shares have full voting rights. Except in certain limited circumstances, our preferred shares will be entitled to vote only in the event that we fail to pay minimum dividends for a period of three consecutive years. As a result, holders of our preferred shares generally
will not be able to influence any corporate decision requiring a shareholder vote, including the declaration of dividends.
Holders of our preferred shares or ADSs may not receive any dividends.
According to Brazilian Corporations Law and our bylaws, we must generally pay dividends to all shareholders of at least 25% of our annual net income, as determined and adjusted under the Brazilian Corporations Law. These adjustments to net income for purposes of calculating the basis for dividends include allocations to various reserves that effectively reduce the amount available for the payment of dividends. However, we are not required and may be unable to pay minimum dividends if we have losses.
Since we are a holding company, our income consists of distributions from our subsidiaries in the form of dividends or other advances and payments. We do not generate our own operating revenues, and we are dependent on dividends and other advances and payments for our cash flow, including to make any dividend payments or to make payments on our indebtedness.
Holders of our ADSs are not entitled to attend shareholders meetings and may only vote through the Depositary.
Under Brazilian law, only shareholders registered as such in our corporate books may attend shareholders’ meetings. All preferred shares underlying our ADSs are registered in the name of the d epositary. A holder of ADSs, accordingly, is not entitled to attend shareholders' meetings. Holders of our ADSs may exercise their limited voting rights with respect to our preferred shares represented by the ADSs only in accordance with the deposit agreement relating to the ADSs. There are practical limitations upon the ability of ADS holders to exercise their voting rights due to the additional steps involved in communicating with ADS holders. For example, we are required to publish a notice of our shareholders’ general meetings in certain newspapers in Brazil . Holders of our shares can exercise their right to vote at a shareholders’ general meeting by attending the meeting in person or voting by proxy. By contrast, holders of our ADSs will receive notice of a shareholders’ general meeting by mail from the ADR depositary following our notice to the ADR depositary requesting the ADR depositary to do so. To exercise their voting rights, ADS holders must instruct the ADR depositary on a timely basis. This noticed voting process will take longer for ADS holders than for direct holders of our shares. If it fails to receive timely voting instructions from a holder for the related ADSs, the ADR depositary will assume that such holder is instructing it to give a discretionary proxy to a person designated by us to vote your ADSs, except in limited circumstances.
We cannot assure you that holders will receive the voting materials in time to ensure that such holders can instruct the depositary to vote the shares underlying their respective ADSs. In addition, the depositary and its agents are not responsible for failing to carry out holder’s voting instructions or for the manner of carrying out your voting instructions. This means that holders may not be able to exercise their right to vote and may have no recourse if our shares held by such holders are not voted as requested.
The value of our ADSs or shares may depreciate if our control is changed.
In the event there is a change of our control, our minority common shareholders are entitled to tag-along rights whereby they may choose to also sell their shares to the new controlling shareholder for at least 80% of the price paid by the new controlling shareholders for the shares of our former controlling shareholder. Accordingly, if such change of control happens, the market value of our common shares may appreciate while the market value of our preferred shares may depreciate.
Holders of our ADSs or preferred shares in the United States may not be entitled to participate in future preemptive rights offerings.
Under Brazilian law, if we issue new shares for cash as part of a capital increase, we generally must grant our shareholders the right to purchase a sufficient number of shares to maintain their existing ownership percentage. Rights to purchase shares in these circumstances are known as preemptive rights. We may not legally allow holders of our ADSs or preferred shares in the United States to exercise any preemptive rights in any future capital increase unless we file a registration statement with the SEC with respect to that future issuance of shares or the offering qualifies for an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act. At the time of any future capital increase, we will evaluate the costs and potential liabilities associated with filing a registration statement with the SEC and any other factors that we consider important to determine whether to file such a registration statement. We cannot assure holders of our ADSs or preferred shares in the United States that we will file a registration statement with the SEC to allow them to participate in a preemptive rights offering. As a result, the equity interest of those holders in us may be diluted proportionately.
Enforcement of rights in Brazil may be difficult.
We and our directors and officers reside in outside the United States , and a substantial portion of the assets of these persons and our assets are located in Brazil . As a result, it may not be possible to effect service of process upon these persons within the United States or other jurisdictions outside of Brazil . Brazilian law provides that a final decision obtained against us in a foreign jurisdiction may be enforceable in Brazil without reconsideration of the merits upon confirmation of that judgment by the Superior Court of Justice, upon the fulfillment of some conditions. However, there can be no assurance that these conditions will be met and, consequently, that it will be possible to enforce judgments of non-Brazilian courts in Brazil , including judgments predicated on civil liability under the U.S. securities laws against us or our directors and officers.
Restrictions on the movement of capital out of Brazil may adversely affect our ability to remit dividends and distributions on, or the proceeds of any sale of, our shares and the ADSs.
Brazilian law permits the Brazilian government to impose temporary restrictions on conversions of Brazilian currency into foreign currencies and on remittances to foreign investors of proceeds from their investments in Brazil , whenever there is a serious imbalance in Brazil ’s balance of payments or there are reasons to expect a pending serious imbalance. The Brazilian government last imposed remittance restrictions for approximately six months in 1989 and early 1990. In the event that the Brazilian government determines that the Brazilian foreign currency reserves need to be maintained, it may impose temporary charges on any overseas remittance of up to 50% of the value of the remittance. We cannot assure you that the Brazilian government will not take any such measures in the future.
Any imposition of restrictions on conversions and remittances could hinder or prevent holders of our shares or the ADSs from converting into U.S. dollars or other foreign currencies and remitting abroad dividends, distributions or the proceeds from any sale in Brazil of our shares. Exchange controls could also prevent us from making payments on our U.S. dollar-denominated debt obligations and hinder our ability to access the international capital markets. As a result, exchange controls restrictions could reduce the market prices of our shares and the ADSs.
Holders of ADSs may face difficulties in protecting their interests because we are subject to different corporate rules and regulations as a Brazilian company and our shareholders may have less extensive rights.
Holders of ADSs will not be direct shareholders of our company and will be unable to enforce the rights of shareholders under our by-laws and the Brazilian Corporation Law.
Our corporate affairs are governed by our by-laws and the Brazilian Corporation Law, which differ from the legal principles that would apply if we were incorporated in a jurisdiction in the United States , such as the state of Delaware or New York , or elsewhere outside Brazil . Even if a holder of ADSs surrenders its ADSs and becomes a direct shareholder, its rights as a holder of our shares under the Brazilian Corporation Law to protect its interests relative to actions by our Board of Directors or executive officers may be fewer and less well-defined than under the laws of those other jurisdictions.
Judgments seeking to enforce our obligations in respect of our shares or ADSs in Brazil will be payable only in reais .
If proceedings are brought in the courts of Brazil seeking to enforce our obligations with respect to our shares or ADSs, we will not be required to discharge our obligations in a currency other than reais . Under Brazilian exchange control limitations, an obligation in Brazil to pay amounts denominated in a currency other than reais may only be satisfied in Brazilian currency at the exchange rate, as determined by the Central Bank, in effect on the date the judgment is obtained, and such amounts are then adjusted to reflect exchange rate variations through the effective payment date. The then prevailing exchange may not afford non-Brazilian investors with full compensation for any claim arising out of or related to our obligations under our shares or the ADSs.


Volatility and lack of liquidity in the Brazilian stock market may substantially limit investors’ ability to sell shares at the price and time desired.
Investment in securities traded in emerging markets such as Brazil often involves more risk than other world markets, given the track record of economical instability and constant changes. The Brazilian stock market is significantly smaller, less liquid and more concentrated, compared to the world’s major stock market. On December 31, 2008, Bovespa’s market capitalization was approximately R$1.4 trillion (US$0.6 trillion), and the average daily trading volume for the year ended December 31, 2008 was R$5.5 billion (US$3.1 billion). The Brazilian capital market shows significant concentration. The top ten shares in terms of trading volume accounted for approximately 53.1% of all shares traded on the Bovespa in the year ended December 31, 2008. These characteristics of the Brazilian capital market may substantially limit the ability of investors to sell shares at the desired price and time, which may materially and adversely affect share prices.
Shares eligible for future sale may adversely affect the market value of our shares and ADSs.
Certain of our shareholders have the ability, subject to applicable Brazilian laws and regulations and applicable securities laws in the relevant jurisdictions, to sell our shares and ADSs. We cannot predict what effect, if any, future sales of our shares or ADSs may have on the market price of our shares or ADSs. Future sales of substantial amounts of such shares or ADSs, or the perception that such sales could occur, could adversely affect the market prices of our shares or ADSs.
Holders of ADSs or preferred shares could be subject to Brazilian income tax on capital gains from sales of ADSs or preferred shares.
According to Article 26 of Law No. 10,833 of December 29, 2003, which came into force on February 1, 2004, capital gains realized on the disposition of assets located in Brazil by non-Brazilian residents, whether or not to other non-residents and whether made outside or within Brazil, are subject to taxation in Brazil at a rate of 15%, or 25% if realized by investors resident in a “tax haven” jurisdiction (i.e., a country that does not impose any income tax or that imposes tax at a maximum rate of less than 20%). Although we believe that the ADSs will not fall within the definition of assets located in Brazil for the purposes of Law No. 10,833, considering the general and unclear scope of Law 10,833 and the absence of any judicial guidance in respect thereof, we are unable to predict whether such interpretation will ultimately prevail in the Brazilian courts.
Gains realized by non-Brazilian holders on dispositions of preferred shares in Brazil  or in transactions with Brazilian residents may be exempt from Brazilian income tax,  or  taxed at a rate of 15% or 25%, depending on the circumstances. Gains realized through transactions on Brazilian stock exchanges, if carried out in accordance with Resolution 2,689, of January 26, 2000  (“Resolution CMN 2,689” ) of the National Monetary Council, or Conselho Monetário Nacional  (“CMN”), as described below in “Item 10E. Additional Information—Taxation—Brazilian Tax Considerations—Taxation of Gains,” are exempt from the Brazilian income tax. Gains realized through transactions on Brazilian stock exchanges not in accordance with Resolution CMN 2,689  are subject to tax at a rate of 15% and also to withholding incom e tax at a rate of 0.005% (to offset the tax due on eventual capital gain). Gains realized through transactions with Brazilian residents or through transactions in Brazil not on the Brazilian stock exchanges are subject to tax at a rate of 15%, or 25% if realized by investors resident in a tax haven jurisdiction.
An exchange of ADSs for preferred shares risks loss of certain foreign currency remittance and Brazilian tax advantages.
The ADSs benefit from the certificate of foreign capital registration, which permits JP Morgan Chase Bank, as depositary, to convert dividends and other distributions with respect to preferred shares into foreign currency, and to remit the proceeds abroad. Holders of ADSs who exchange their ADSs for preferred shares will then be entitled to rely on the depositary’s certificate of foreign capital registration for five business days from the date of exchange. Thereafter, they will not be able to remit non-Brazilian currency abroad unless they obtain their own certificate of foreign capital registration, or unless they qualify under Resolution CMN 2,689, which entitles certain investors to buy and sell shares on Brazilian stock exchanges without obtaining separate certificates of registration.
If holders of ADSs do not qualify under Resolution CMN 2,689, they will generally be subject to less favorable tax treatment on distributions with respect to our preferred shares. There can be no assurance that the depositary’s certificate of registration or any certificate of foreign capital registration obtained by holders of ADSs will not be affected by future legislative or regulatory changes, or that additional Brazilian law restrictions applicable to their investment in the ADSs may not be imposed in the future.
If we raise additional capital through an offering of shares, investors’ holdings may be diluted.
We may need to raise additional funds through a capital increase, public or private debt financings, or a new share issuance in connection with our business. Any additional capital raised through the issuance of shares or securities convertible into shares conducted on stock exchanges or through public offerings may be made, according to Brazilian law, without preemptive rights for the holders of our shares, which may result in the dilution of our holdings in our share capital.
The market price of our shares or ADSs may be adversely affected if we, our controlling shareholders, directors or officers decide to issue or sell a substantial number of our shares, or if there is a perception of the possibility of such events.
Item 4. Information on the Company
A.             History and Development of the Company
Basic Information
TIM Participações S.A. is a corporation ( sociedade anônima ) organized under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The Company was incorporated on May 22, 1998 under the name Tele Celular Sul Participações S.A. , which was later changed to TIM Participações S.A. on August 30, 2004.
Our headquarters are located at Avenida das Américas, 3434-7th floor, 22640-102 Rio de Janeiro , Brazil and our telephone number is +55 (21) 4009-3742 and our fax number is +55 (21) 4009-3314.
Our agent for service of process in the United States is CT Corporation located at 111 Eighth Avenue , New York , NY   10011 .
Historical Background
Telecom Italia began operating in Brazil in 1998 and is today one of the leading wireless operators in the country. Telecom Italia considers its operations in Brazil extremely important. In the 2001 auctions held by Anatel for Bands D and E, Telecom Italia was the only company to be awarded licenses covering the entirety of the Brazilian territory, becoming as a result the sole operator to offer services on a nationwide level under the same brand. In 2002, Telecom Italia (then Telecom Italia Mobile) formed TIM Brasil, the holding company of Telecom Italia’s operating companies in Brazil .
Prior to the incorporation of Telebrás in 1972, there were more than 900 telecommunications companies operating throughout Brazil . Between 1972 and 1975, Telebrás, as a regulated monopoly, acquired almost all the telephone companies operating in Brazil . Beginning in 1995, the Brazilian federal government undertook a comprehensive reform of Brazil ’s telecommunications regulatory system. In 1996 and 1997, the Brazilian government passed bills allowing for the privatization of Telebrás by auctioning of authorizations and concessions to privately-owned telecommunications service providers, while establishing Anatel as an independent regulatory agency.
The new regulatory framework established the structure of the Brazilian mobile telecommunications industry in place today. Anatel established ten wireless areas and the cellular operations of Telebrás and another state -owned company were spun off into new holding companies. When these holding companies were privatized their operating subsidiaries became the legacy monopoly providers in each of the ten wireless areas, servicing essentially all the mobile customers then in the area. To introduce competition, additional bandwidths were auctioned off. As a result, seven of such ten areas now have four mobile service providers, and the remaining areas   have three such providers.
In May 1998, following the breakup of Telebrás, 12 new holding companies (the “New Holding Companies”) were formed. The restructuring was conducted by means of a procedure under Brazilian Corporations Law called cisão or split up. Virtually all of the assets and liabilities of Telebrás, including the shares held by Telebrás in the operating companies of the Telebrás System, were allocated to the New Holding Companies. The split-up of the Telebrás System into the New Holding Companies is referred to in this respect as the “Breakup” or the “Breakup of Telebrás.”
The New Holding Companies, together with their respective subsidiaries, consisted of:
eight cellular telecommunications service providers, each operating in one of ten regions (each a “Cellular Region”);
three fixed-line telecommunications service providers, each providing local service and intraregional long distance service in one of three regions (each a “Fixed-Line Region”); and
Embratel Participações S.A. — Embratel (“Embratel”), which provides domestic long distance telecommunications service (including intraregional and interregional), as well as international telecommunications service throughout Brazil .


Upon the Breakup of the Telebrás System, the Brazilian territory was initially divided by Anatel into ten separate cellular service regions (“Band A Regions”), each serviced by one of the New Holding Companies operating in the cellular telecommunications business. In addition, under the General Telecommunications Law, the Federal Government granted authorizations to new companies to provide cellular telecommunications service within a 25 MHz sub-band within the band of 800 to 850 MHz, which is referred to as Band B (“Band B”). Companies operating under the Band B are distributed throughout ten different regions, which generally overlap with the Band A Regions.
The rules set forth by Anatel prevented the controlling shareholders of Band A and Band B cellular service providers from holding more than one license, either in the form of an authorization or a concession, in a single PCS region. Accordingly, a company controlling a Band A or Band B cellular service provider that acquired control of a PCS authorization resulting in a geographical overlap of its licenses had two alternatives:
it could have sold its controlling shares in either the Band A or the Band B cellular service provider within six months of purchasing the PCS authorization; or
it could have waived the right to operate under the PCS authorization in the areas where overlapping Band A and Band B services existed.
As a result, some companies controlled by Telecom Italia waived their rights to provide PCS services in certain areas. Specifically, in 2001, TIM Brasil’s subsidiaries Portale Rio Norte and TIM Centro Sul waived their rights to operate under PCS authorizations in areas currently served by TIM Maxitel, TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações, because of geographical overlaps in the PCS authorizations awarded to Portale Rio Norte and TIM Centro Sul and the concessions held at that time by Maxitel and us.
On December 31, 2002 , TIM Celular Centro Sul and Portale Rio Norte merged into Portale São Paulo S.A. On January 22, 2003 , Portale São Paulo S.A. changed its name to TIM Celular.
TSU and TND, the two companies that merged to form TIM in 2004, were each one of the New Holding Companies. In the Breakup of Telebrás, TSU and TND were each allocated all of the share capital held by Telebrás in the operating subsidiaries of the Telebrás System that provided cellular telecommunications services in their respective regions. The New Holding Company providing fixed-line telecommunications service in the Southern Region, in which TIM Sul operates, is Brasil Telecom, S/A (“Brasil Telecom”) and the New Holding Company providing fixed-line telecommunications service in the Northeastern Region, in which TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações operates, is Tele Norte Leste Participações S.A. (together with its subsidiaries, “Telemar”).
In July 1998, the Federal Government sold substantially all its shares of the New Holding Companies, including its shares of TSU and TND, to private investors. Shares of TSU and TND previously owned by the Federal Government were sold to a consortium comprised of UGB Participações Ltda. (“UGB”) and Bitel, both companies organized according to the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. In March 1999, UGB sold its ownership interest in TSU and TND to Bitel, effective upon approval by Anatel and the Brazilian antitrust agency (“CADE”). In September 2003, TIM Brasil merged into Bitel, and its corporate name was changed to TIM Brasil. TIM Brasil is wholly owned, indirectly, by Telecom Italia, a corporation organized under the laws of Italy .
In December 2002, TIM Sul, TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and TIM Maxitel converted their respective concessions to operate under Cellular Mobile Service (“SMC”) regulations into authorizations to operate under PCS regulations. Each of SMC and PCS are subject to specific regulations that differ from each other. As part of this conversion process, in July 2003, TIM Sul, TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and TIM Maxitel also received from Anatel a national long distance and an international authorization, which were returned to Anatel in January 2005.
In July 2003, TSU subsidiaries Telesc Celular and CTMR Celular merged into Telepar Celular, which had its name changed to TIM Sul. In January 2004, TND’s subsidiaries Telpa Celular , Telern Celular, Teleceará Telular, Telepisa Celular and Telasa Celular merged into Telpe Celular, which had its name changed to TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações.
In August 2004, TND merged with and into TSU and the latter was renamed TIM Participações (“TIM”), in order to integrate the two companies’ operations, reduce administrative costs, improve access to capital and achieve greater market liquidity. TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações, formerly an operating subsidiary of TND, became an operating subsidiary of TIM, along with TIM Sul. For accounting purposes, the merger was treated as if it had occurred on January 1, 2004 .
On May 30, 2005 , we acquired all outstanding minority interests in our subsidiaries TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações.
On March 16, 2006, we acquired all of the share capital of TIM Celular, a wholly-owned subsidiary of our controlling shareholder, TIM Brasil, in order to integrate the two companies’ operations, seeking to optimize the group’s financial structure and management, creating one of the largest Brazilian wireless companies in terms of market capitalization presenting an attractive investment for shareholders. As a result, TIM Celular and its operating subsidiary TIM Maxitel became our subsidiaries. The acquisition became effective following approval in the respective Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings of our shareholders and the shareholders of TIM Celular, respectively, on March 16, 2006.
On June 30, 2006, TIM Celular, Maxitel, TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and TIM Sul approved the merger of TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações into Maxitel and of TIM Sul into TIM Celular. On the same date, Maxitel’s name changed to TIM Nordeste.
With the addition of 29.7 million new lines during 2008, Brazil has reached a mobile subscriber’s base of 150.6 million customers in the end of the year. This means a teledensity of 78.1%, compared to 63.6% in December 2007.
Our controlling shareholder, TIM Brasil, is a wholly-owned Brazilian subsidiary of Telecom Italia International N.V., which in 2008 merged with TIM International N.V., the former owner of TIM Brasil and is itself a wholly-owned Dutch subsidiary of Telecom Italia.
Telecom Italia is a corporation organized under the laws of the Republic of Italy. Telecom Italia S.p.A. and its subsidiaries (the “ Telecom Italia Group ”) operate mainly in Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and South America.
The Telecom Italia Group is engaged principally in the communications sector and, particularly, the fixed and mobile national and international telecommunications sector, the television sector and the office products sector.
In particular, at December 31, 2008 the Telecom Italia Group was one of the world’s largest fixed telecommunications operators with approximately 17.4 million physical accesses (consumer and business) in Italy (19.2 million at December 31, 2007).  On the other hand, at December 31, 2008 the wholesale customer portfolio reached approximately 5 million accesses for telephone services with an increase of approximately 1.5 million compared to December 31, 2007. Furthermore, in Italy, the broadband portfolio reached 8.1 million accesses at December 31, 2008 (of which 6.8 million are retail accesses and 1.3 million are wholesale accesses) with an increase of 0.5 million accesses compared to December 31, 2007.
In addition, the Telecom Italia Group was the leading mobile operator in Italy, with approximately 34.8 million mobile telephone lines at December 31, 2008 (36.3 million at December 31, 2007), as a result of a sale policy with a better selective approach focused on high-value customers (at December 31, 2008 the mobile post-paid lines were approximately 6 million with a 12.5% increase compared to the end of 2007).

Recent Developments
Acquisition of Intelig
TIM Participações S.A.   plans to  acquire the telecommunications company Intelig Telecomunicações Ltda. (“Intelig”) from JVCO Participações Ltda. (“JVCO”) (part of the group controlled by Mr. Nelson Tanure and which conducts business in the communications, real estate and harbor facilities industries) in exchange for up to 6.15% of TIM Participações’ capital stock. On April 16, 2009 the management  of TIM Participações S.A.and Docas Investimentos S.A. (“Docas”) publicly announced that a merger agreement was executed between TIM Participações, TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A. (its controlling shareholder), JVCO and  Docas (the controlling shareholder of JVCO) to indirectly acquire control of Intelig. The acquisition will occur through the merger into TIM Participações of Holdco Participações Ltda., a company controlled by JVCO, which in turn will hold, upon completion of the merger, 100% of the capital stock of Intelig.

The agreement sets forth that, upon achievement of certain conditions precedent, particularly prior approval from the National Telecommunications Agency – ANATEL, TIM Participações (i) will absorb the net assets of Holdco, which shall be extinguished; (ii) will succeed Holdco in all of its rights and obligations; and (iii) will
become the direct sole quotaholder of Intelig. Once consummated, the transaction will cause the extinction of the quotas representing the capital stock of Holdco, which will be substituted by common and preferred shares issued by TIM Participações due to the capital increase, in the same proportion of the shares currently issued by TIM Participações, and delivered to JVCO, which currently holds direct control of Holdco.  The transaction has also been submitted to the Brazilian antitrust authority (CADE) and its approval is currently pending.

The agreement further states that, by virtue of the absorption of the net assets of Holdco, and the consequent capital increase of TIM Participações, JVCO will be attributed a percentage of up to 6.15%of the total common shares, and up to 6.15% of the total preferred shares issued by TIM Participações at the time of the transaction. This shareholding interest may undergo changes by virtue of variations in the capital stock of TIM Participações and/or the need for adjustments due to the amount of Intelig’s net debt existing at the time of consummation of the transaction. The completion of the merger is subject to verification and confirmation of the applicable exchange ratio by an economic-financial valuation report to be prepared by a first-rank financial institution for purposes of completing the transaction.
Acquisition of Olimpia S.p.A.
On April 28, 2007, Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A, Intesa San Paolo S.p.A, Mediobanca S.p.A., Sintonia S.p.A and Telefónica S.A . entered into an agreement to acquire the entire share capital of Olimpia S.p.A., a company which, at the time, held approximately 18% of the voting capital of Telecom Itália S.p.A., our indirect parent company. This acquisition was made through Telco S.p.A. (“Telco”). With the conclusion of the transaction, and the subsequent merger of Olimpia S.p.A. with and into Telco (December 2007), Telco came to hold 23.6% of the voting capital of Telecom Italia S.p.A., the indirect parent company of TIM Participações.   Finally, on March 20, 2008, Telco brought its investment in Telecom Italia S.p.A. to 24.5% of its voting capital.
Interests in Telco are held by the Generali group (28.1%), Intesa San Paolo S.p.A. (10.6%), Mediobanca S.p.A. (10.6%), Sintonia S.A. (8.4%) and Telefónica S.A. (42.3%).
In accordance with Telco Shareholders’ Agreement, the Investors have agreed that Telecom Italia group and Telefónica group will be managed autonomously and independently. In particular, the directors designated by Telefónica in Telco and Telecom Italia shall be directed by Telefónica to neither participate nor vote at the Board of Directors’ meetings at which resolutions will be discussed and proposed relating to the policies, management and operations of companies directly or indirectly controlled by Telecom Italia providing services in Brazil and other countries where regulatory and legal restrictions or limitations for the exercise of voting rights by Telefónica are in force.
Agreements between the TIM operators controlled by TIM Participações and the Telefónica´s operators in Brazil, in force as of December 31, 2007, refer solely to services related to co-carrier relationships, covering such subjects as interconnection, roaming, site sharing, co-billing procedures, and CSP (carrier access codes) arrangements, and were entered into at arm’s length prices and terms, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. See “Item 3D. Key Information Risk Factors Risks Relating to our Business The shareholding structure of our parent company, Telecom Italia S.p.A, has undergone relevant changes.”
Anatel approved the acquisition of Olimpia by Telco, but imposed certain restrictions to guarantee the total segregation of the business and operations of the two groups, Telefónica and TIM, in Brazil (Act number 68.276/2007, published in the Brazilian Federal Gazette (DOU) on November 5, 2007). In compliance with the requirements of that Act, on November 22, 2007, TIM Brasil, TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste submitted to Anatel the corporate instruments, including those received from Telco, required to implement the measures and procedures imposed by the Anatel Act and that assure the segregation of Telecom Italia’s activities in Brazil from any potential influence of Telefónica. Therefore, TIM continues to operate in the Brazilian market independently and autonomously just as before Telco’s acquisition of Olimpia.
Additionally, as required by the Anatel Act, on May 2, 2008, TIM Brasil, TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste submitted to Anatel a list of additional measures aimed to assure continued total segregation between TIM´s Brazilian mobile operators and Vivo, a Brazilian mobile operator in which Telefónica holds a large equity stake. These measures must be approved by Anatel and, following such approval, will need to be implemented within an additonal six-month period.

On July 31, 2008, Anatel approved the corporate instruments filed on November 22, 2007 after finding full compliance with the restrictions imposed by the applicable Anatel ruling.

Capital Expenditures
Our capital expenditure priorities in 2008 are related primarily to the expansion of the capacity and quality of our GSM network, as well as the development of information technology systems. The acquisition of new 3G authorizations, in the amount of R$1.3 billion , also have greatly impacted our expenditures during the year.
Capital expenditures, including accounts payable, during 2006, 2007 and 2008 were R$1,587.8 million, R$1,932.9 million and R$3,272.1 million, respectively.
The following table shows our capital expenditures in each individual category for each of the three years ended December 31, 2008 , 2007 and 2006 :
Year ended December 31,
Capital expenditures
    R$ 1,089.5       R$ 1,106.9       R$   819.0  
    1,239.0       29.0       -  
Information technology                                                            
    545.3       506.2       412.2  
Handsets provided to corporate customers ( comodato )
    358.2       234.6       314.2  
    40.1       56.2       42.4  
Total capital expenditures                                                            
    R$3,272.1       R$ 1,932.9       R$ 1,587.8  

Our B oard of Directors has approved our budget for capital expenditures from 2009 to 2011 in the total amount of approximately R$2.3 billion in 2009 and approximately 12% of net revenues for 2011, for expenditures relating to our subsidiaries TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste. Most of the capital expenditures we budgeted for 2009 to 2011 relate to the expansion of the capacity and quality of our 3G technology and development of technology infrastructure. The method of financing for these capital expenditures will be external bank loans.
Our capital expenditures are based on commercial, technical and economic factors such as service rates, service demand, price and availability of equipment. There is no assurance that our estimates of such commercial, technical and economic factors will prove to be correct, or that we will actually spend our planned capital expenditures in the period from 2009 to 2011.
B.             Business Overview
Market Characteristics
The Brazilian mobile telecommunications market has in recent years been characterized by the expansion of the number of subscribers, investment in network infrastructure and subsidies to attract and retain customers. These expenditures have resulted in a significant increase in mobile penetration, revenue generation and competition for customers. As of December 31, 2008 , there were approximately 151million mobile lines, representing 78% of the population. Although the industry has benefited from the increased purchasing power of Brazil ’s less affluent population, its focus remains on the more affluent cities clustered in the south and southeast of the country.
As is the case throughout most of Latin America, the Brazilian mobile telecommunications market is characterized by a large number of prepaid customers. According to Anatel, at the end of 2007 and 2008, in Brazil approximately 81% and 81.5%, respectively, of mobile lines were prepaid and 19% and 18.5%, respectively, were postpaid notwithstanding a 29.7 million increase in the number of subscribers during 2008. The average monthly revenue per mobile customer in Brazil for 2008 was approximately R$2 6.9 .
Our Business
We primarily use the global system for mobile communications technology, or GSM, to provide mobile telecommunications services throughout Brazil. In four of our areas we still offer time-division multiple access technology, or TDMA, in addition to GSM. Since the introduction of GSM technology in the fourth quarter of 2002, the percentage of our customers using GSM technology has rapidly increased, reaching approximately 99.1% as of December 31, 2008 . In those areas where we still offer TDMA technology, we will continue to try to migrate our remaining TDMA customers to GSM. We offer value-added services, including short message services or text messaging, multimedia messaging services, push-mail, Blackberry service (the first provider in Brazil to do so), video call, turbo mail, WAP downloads, web browsing, business data solutions, songs, games,
TV access, voice mail, conference calling, chats and other content and services. We provide interconnection services to fixed line and mobile service providers as well.
In 2008, after obtaining the authorization to use 3G technology nationwide, the Company has been able to offer its customers third generation services, such as broad band internet access and TV. This technology is already made available in the principal Brazilian cities, covering approximately 38% of our client base, and is soon to be offered in other locations. With the implementation of fixed telephony services in September 2008, the Company has become a comprehensive telecom services provider – the only one in the wireless industry. We believe that such technological integration is essential for a Company that wants to become the industry leader.
Regional Overview
We cover an area containing over 165 million of Brazil ’s 193 million inhabitants. Our mobile operating subsidiaries have ap proximately 36.4 million customers located in each of the Brazilian states and in the Federal District . On December 31, 2008, our combined penetration reached approximately 78% and our combined market sh are totaled approximately 24.2% . The map below shows an overview of the Brazilian mobile telecommunications market based on the wireless areas established by Anatel.
Through our subsidiaries, we provide mobile telecommunications services using digital technologies to the ten wireless areas of Brazil shown in the above map, as set forth below.
Operating Subsidiary
(As of December 31) (in thousands)
Areas Covered
TIM Nordeste

Areas 4, 9 and 10 shown above.
Includes the states of Alagoas, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Sergipe.
GSM, 3G and TDMA
TIM Celular

Areas 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 shown above.
Includes the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Espirito Santo, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima, Tocantins, Federal District, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.
GSM, 3G and TDMA
The following table shows combined information regarding the Brazilian mobile telecommunications market and our customer base, coverage and related matters, at the dates indicated. Except as otherwise indicated, the amounts presented in the following table are our estimates.
On December 31,
(in millions, except percentages)
Brazilian population (1)
    191       190       188  
Total penetration(2)(3)
    78%       64%       53%  
Brazilian subscribers
    150.7       121.0       99.9  
National percentage subscriber growth
    24.5%       21.1%       15.9%  
Population we cover(1)
    165       162       141  
Percentage of urban population we cover(4)
    93%       93%       92%  
Total number of our subscribers
    36.4       31.3       25.4  
Our percentage growth in subscribers
    16.5%       23.0%       26.0%  
Our percentage of postpaid customers
    18.1%       21.7%       21.3%  
Our ARPU(5)
29. 7    
34. 4    
33 .1  
Information from IBGE, based upon Censo Demográfico 2000. The large increase as of December 31, 2006 represents an adjustment made by IBGE.
Percentage of the total population of Brazil using mobile services, equating one mobile line to one subscriber.
Based on information published by Anatel and IBGE.
Number of people able to access our mobile network, based on Anatel’s coverage criteria.
Average monthly revenue earned per TIM subscriber.

Mobile Service Rates and Plans
In Brazil , as in most of Latin America , mobile telecommunications service is offered on a “calling party pays” basis, under which the customer generally pays only for outgoing calls. Additional charges apply when a customer receives or places calls while outside of the customer’s “registration area”, which are the areas into which we divide our coverage areas.
Under our current authorizations, we are allowed to set prices for our service plans, provided that such amounts do not exceed a specified inflation adjusted cap. Anatel must ratify our basic and other service plans, but its focus is on compliance with the relevant regulatory rules rather than the prices charged. See “—Regulation of the Brazilian Telecommunications Industry—Rate Regulation.” We charge different rates for our services, which vary according to the customer’s service plan. Per minute prices decrease as customer commit to purchasing more minutes per month. Prices can also vary depending on the time of the day, the type of call (for fixed lines, for other operators or on net calls – inside TIM network) or the location of the parties on a call.
Anatel regulations require mobile telecommunications providers to offer service to all individuals regardless of income level. We recommend service plans that are suitable to each potential customer’s needs and credit history, such as our prepaid service plans described below. If a customer fails to make timely payment, services can be interrupted. See “—Billing and Collection.”
We offer mobile services under a variety of rate plans to meet the needs of different customer segments, including our corporate customers. The rate plans are either “postpaid,” where the customer is billed monthly for the previous month, or prepaid, where the customer pays in advance for a specified volume of use over a specified period.
Our postpaid plans include the following charges:
monthly subscription charges, which usually include a number of minutes of use that are included in the monthly service charge;
usage charges, for usage in excess of the specified number of minutes included in the monthly subscription charge; and
additional charges, including charges for value-added services and information.
Certain plans include the cost of national roaming and long distance in the price per minute so that all calls within Brazil cost the same amount per minute. Some postpaid plans are designed for high and moderate usage subscribers, who are typically willing to pay higher monthly fees in exchange for minutes included in the monthly service charge and lower per minute usage charges under a single contract while other plans are designed to satisfy the more limited needs of low-usage postpaid subscribers. We also offer customized services to our corporate clients which may include local call rates between employees wherever located in Brazil .
We also offer several prepaid plans, none of which include monthly charges. Prepaid customers can purchase a prepaid credits plan that provides a specific amount of usage time and may receive additional services such as voicemail and caller identification. In 2008 we expanded our prepaid recharge stations by 24%. There are already over 325,652 recharge stations nationwide, offering two recharge options: physical (cards) and electronic (online and PIN System). We have agreements with large national retail stores chains, in addition to partnerships with regional retail stores chains, to offer online recharge. Customers with debit cards that use Banco 24Horas (ATMs), as well as customers using Visa, MasterCard or Diners credit cards are already able to recharge their prepaid phones straight from their mobile handsets.
Despite the highly competitive environment, TIM has maintained its focus on the mobile market’s value segment, developing communication solutions that encourage clients to use our data and voice services more often. “TIM Web” and “TIM Mais Completo” , were an example of the evolution in our marketing activities. “TIM Web” is a postpaid plan for internet access from laptops or desktops without the need of a provider, while “TIM Mais Completo” combines mobile and residential telephony with internet access. The two products are part of TIM’s strategy of offering increasingly convergent services and thus, in addition to competitive prices, mobility and internet portability, without the need for an access provider.

In 2008, TIM changed the terms of its sales promotions and focused on its high-quality clients to recover profitability in the second semester. TIM also reinforced its policy for granting subsidies for handset purchases in order to retain and attract new post-paid clients. In addition, in 2008 TIM took important steps in its convergence strategy by launching mobile broadband and wireline services. These efforts translated into the launch of innovative products such as the first Brazilian Notebook fully connected to wireless broadband, and the offer of fixed telecom services at competitive rates.

Each customer segment has options specially tailored for pre-paid, post-paid, and fixed clients. New 3G technology has allowed the Company to broaden convergence of its services, offering a new portfolio of options to meet a greater number of  market needs, such as 3G mobile broadband, launch of iPhone, and TIM TV (ability to watch a selection of TV channels through handsets).

In September 2008, following its convergence, the Company launched its fixed telecom services, TIM Fixo. This new service enables the Company to enter the fixed telecom services market, with an estimated demand of 40 million users and revenues of R$45 billion.

Sources of Revenue
Our total gross revenue by category of activity for each of the last three years are set forth below.
Year ended December 31,
Category of Activity
Gross mobile telephone services
    16,485.8       15,376.6       11,820.3  
Gross sales of handsets and accessories
    1,766.4       1,838.1       2,057.3  
    18,252.2       17,214.7       13,877.6  

Revenue from mobile telephone services includes revenue from:
monthly subscription charges;
network usage charges for local mobile calls;
roaming fees;
  interconnection charges;
national and international long distance calls; and
value-added services, including charges for short message services or text messaging, multimedia messaging services, push-mail, Blackberry service, video call, turbo mail, WAP downloads, web browsing, business data solutions, songs, games, TV access, voicemail, conference calling, chats and other content and services.
We also earn revenues from sales of mobile handsets and accessories.
Monthly Subscription Charges
We receive a monthly subscription fee under our postpaid mobile plans which varies based on the usage limits under the plan.
Network Usage Charges
We divide our coverage areas into certain areas defined as “home registration areas”. Calls within the same home registration area are considered local calls. Each of our customers is registered as a user of one of our home registration areas.
As determined by Anatel, our usage rate categories for local mobile services on a prepaid or postpaid basis are as follows:
VC1. The VC1 rate is our base rate per minute and applies to mobile / fixed calls made by a customer located in the customer’s home registration area to a person registered in the same home registration area.
VC. The VC rate is our base rate per minute and applies to mobile / mobile calls made by a customer located in the customer’s home registration area to a person registered in the same home registration area.
AD. AD is a per-call surcharge applicable to all outgoing calls or incoming calls made or received by a customer while outside such customer’s home registration area.
VU-M. VU-M is the fee another telecommunications service provider pays us for the use of our network by such provider’s customers, in this case for local calls. (See “—Interconnection Charges.”).
As described above under “—Mobile Service Rates and Plans”, we are allowed to set the rates we charge within these rate categories. Usage charges are for minutes in excess of those included as part of the monthly subscription charge under the relevant postpaid plan.
Roaming Fees
We receive revenue pursuant to roaming agreements we have entered into with other mobile telecommunications service providers. When a call is made from within our coverage area by a client of another mobile service provider, that service provider is charged a roaming fee for the service utilized, be it voice, text messaging or data , at our applicable rates. Similarly, when one of our clients makes a mobile call when that customer is outside of our coverage area using the network of another service provider, we must pay the charges associated with that call to the mobile service provider in whose coverage area the call originates at the applicable rate of such mobile service provider.
Automatic national roaming permits our customers to use their mobile telephones on the networks of other mobile service providers while traveling or “roaming” in the limited areas of Brazil that are outside of our network, complementing our current mobile coverage. Similarly, we provide mobile telecommunications service to customers of other mobile service providers when those customers place or receive calls while in our network. Mobile service providers party to roaming agreements must provide service to roaming customers on the same basis that such providers provide service to their own clients. All such providers carry out a monthly reconciliation of roaming charges. Our roaming agreements have a one-year term and automatically renew for additional one-year terms.
Interconnection Charges
Interconnection charges represent a significant part of our revenues. We receive interconnection revenues in connection with any call originating from another service provider’s network, mobile or fixed line, which is received by any mobile customer, of ours or of another provider’s, while using our network. We charge the service provider from whose network the call originates an interconnection fee for every minute our network is used in connection with the call. The interconnection fees we charge other service providers became freely negotiable in 2005.
We have entered into interconnection agreements with all the telecommunications service providers operating in Brazil, which include provisions specifying the number of interconnection points, the method by which signals must be received and transmitted, and the costs and fees for interconnection services. Nevertheless, even in the absence of approval by Anatel, the parties to these interconnection agreements are obligated to offer interconnection services to each other. See “—Regulation of the Brazilian Telecommunications Industry—Interconnection Regulation.” The interconnection fees we were permitted to charge other mobile telecommunications providers, and which other mobile telecommunications providers charge us, has in the past frequently been adjusted by inflation .
In 2005, two agreements relating to interconnection fees were entered into: (i) among the fixed telephony incumbents (with the exception of Embratel) and the mobile service providers, pursuant to which our interconnection fee paid by other operators when their users access our network to communicate with our users was increased by 4.5%, for calls completed by a number registered within that customer’s home registration area (VC-1 calls) and (ii) among the fixed telephony incumbents (with the exception of Embratel) and the mobile service providers relating to the interconnection fees paid by the fixed telephony incumbents to the mobile service operators in the case of long distance calls, that is VC-2 and VC-3 calls, whereby such fees were increased by 7.99%.

In 2007, an additional agreement relating to interconnection fees entered into among the fixed telephony incumbents (with the exception of Embratel) and the mobile service providers established an average VU-M increase of 2%. The same parties also executed an additional agreement, which was homologated by Anatel, contemplating a 68.5% increase in the VU-M fee over the VC-1 adjustment for 2008. Accordingly , in 2008, the mobile received also an average VU-M increase of 2%.

In March, 2009, there was an agreement between TIM and Embratel (because Embratel did not participate in the previous agreements) to establish the same conditions agreed between TIM and the other incumbents, with the applicable ajustments in terms of financial agreements. In 2009 there could be new negotiation concerning the VU-M agreements.

Long Distance
Telecommunications customers in Brazil are able to select long distance carriers on a per-call basis under the Carrier Selection, or the CSP program, introduced in July 2003, by punching in a two-digit code prior to dialing long distance. This regulation also increased the size of home registration areas, calls within which are local calls and, as a result, reduced the number of home registration areas.
We offer long distance services to our customers throughout Brazil through our wholly-owned subsidiary TIM Celular. This service allows our mobile customers the option of continuing to use our service for long distance calls, which we believe strengthens our relationship with and the loyalty of our customers, and enhances the perception of our brand as a comprehensive mobile telecommunications service. Mobile customers of other service providers can also choose to use our long distance service.
Under this structure, a customer is charged the VC1 or VC rates directly by us only for calls made by and completed to a number registered within that customer’s home registration area.  Long distance calls, however, are charged to a customer by the chosen long distance carrier.  Other long distance carriers, in turn, pay us a VU-M fee for any use of our network for a long distance call.
As determined by Anatel, our long distance usage rate categories are as follows:
VC2. The VC2 rate applies to calls placed by a customer located in one of our home registration areas selecting us as the long distance carrier, on a per-call basis, to place a call to a person registered in another home registration area within the same wireless area recognized by Anatel;
VC3. The VC3 rate applies to calls placed by a customer located in one of our home registration areas selecting us as the long distance carrier, on a per-call basis, to place a call to a person registered outside the same wireless area recognized by Anatel; and
VU-M. VU-M is the fee another telecommunications service provider pays us for the use of our network by such provider’s customers, in this case for long distance calls. (See “—Interconnection Charges.”)
Value-Added Services
We offer, directly or through agreements entered into with third parties, value-added services, including short message services or text messaging, multimedia messaging services, push-mail, video call, turbo mail, WAP downloads, web browsing, business data solutions, songs, games, TV access, voicemail, conference calling, chats and other content to our postpaid and prepaid customers. It is important to mention that we were the first mobile service provider in Brazil to offer subscriptions for Blackberry service. Under various postpaid mobile plans some value-added services are included in the monthly subscription charge at a specified level of usage.
Value-added services represented 9.7% of our gross service revenues in 2008, and for 2007 represented 7.9%. However, we experienced a significant growth in usage of these services in 2008, as illustrated by revenue growth from value-added services of 31.3% compared to 2007. We work with Telecom Italia, which makes substantial investment in developing new products, new technology and platforms, to evaluate the value-added services most prized by customers and to reduce implementation problems.
Short Message Services (SMS) or Text Messaging. Since December 2001, through agreements with other providers, we have offered two-way short (or text) message services, allowing our subscribers to send and receive short messages to and from users of networks of other carriers. In 2008, SMS represented approximately 36 % of the revenue we derived from value-added services. Notwithstanding the expectation that other value-added services will begin to generate more revenue, we expect the proportionate contribution of SMS to remain at similar levels, since we believe SMS usage can continue to increase based on the lower usage rates in Brazil compared to Europe and the United States .
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). As an enhanced version of SMS, MMS allows customers the capability to send, in a single message, multiple color images, sounds and different size text to another mobile phone or e-mail account.
Downloads. We offer personalized ring tones, true tones, screen savers, business data solutions, games and video clips for downloading.
Web browsing. Wireless application protocol, or WAP is a global standard designed to make Internet services available to mobile telephone users. WAP allows a micro “browser” in a mobile phone to link into a gateway service in our network enabling users to browse through different pages of information on the Internet. We currently offer e-mail, data and information services and electronic commerce transactions, to our prepaid and postpaid users.
Data transmission. We also offer general packet radio services (GPRS) to our postpaid and prepaid subscribers through our GSM network. GPRS is a non-voice value-added service that allows information to be sent and received across a mobile network. GPRS radio resources are used only when users are actually sending or receiving data. Rather than dedicating a radio channel to a mobile data user for a fixed period of time, the available radio resource can be concurrently shared between several users. As a result, large numbers of GPRS users can share the same bandwidth and be served from a single cell. The number of users supported depends on the application being used and how much data is being transferred. Because of the spectrum efficiency of GPRS, there is less need to build in idle capacity that is only used during peak hours. GPRS therefore allows us to maximize the use of our network resources. Our network allows customers with enabled devices to use EDGE technology, which is an evolution of GPRS allowing higher data transmission and a better using experience. During 2008 we launched 3G services, which is a brand new technology that enhances the portfolio of value- added services (such as TV channels and speed of downloads). We believe that 3G is an important milestone in our path towards achieving market leadership.
Sales of Mobile   H andsets
We offer a diverse portfolio of approximately 74 handset models from several handset manufacturers, including Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sony and Ericsson, for sale through our dealer network, which includes our own stores, exclusive franchises, authorized dealers and department stores. We are focused on offering an array of handsets with enhanced functionality for value-added services, including handsets that make 3G, GPRS, EDGE , MMS , MP3, tri-band, infra-red, Bluetooth, browsers, internet, e-mail and Java available, while reducing reliance on the subsidies for handsets that have characterized the Brazilian market. Our mobile handsets can be used in conjunction with either our prepaid or postpaid service plans. At present, we believe that supplies of mobile handsets are sufficient to satisfy demand. See “—Our Network.”
Co-Billing Services
Co-billing occurs when we bill our customers on behalf of another long distance service provider for services rendered to our customer by that carrier. Beginning July 2003, we started providing co-billing services to other telecommunication service providers operating in Brazil . The rates of such services are being negotiated under the supervision of Anatel.
Sales and Marketing
We commenced marketing our mobile telecommunications services under the brand “TIM” in March 1999. We divide our market into three main categories: large business customers (businesses with four or more mobile lines), medium business customers (businesses with fewer than four mobile lines), and individual customers. These categories are divided further according to level of usage, distinguishing, for example, high-volume users from other categories of usage. We take these categories into account when developing service plans, sales strategies, customer service strategies and new products, as well as for billing and collection purposes. We also use market research reports and focus group studies to analyze our customer base. We refer to this analytical approach to our customer base as “customer segmentation.” Our strategy has been focused on the acquisition and retention of highly valued clients in all segments and on the pursuit of operating efficiency in supporting the expansion of or client base. We currently intend to reduce our level of promotions and subsidies for handsets and certain prepaid services, and to focus our sales and marketing efforts on postpaid customers, high quality prepaid customers and service plans. In addition, although there can be no assurance, if we  achieve and maintain a clear lead in customer satisfaction , we believe we will be well placed and benefit from number portability , recently introduced in Brazil.
As of December 31, 2008 , our services were marketed through the largest distribution network in Brazil with over 9,450 points of sale (8,700 in 2007) , of which approximately 100 were our own stores. In addition, we had over 325,652 recharging points for prepaid service. We market our services through a network of stores, including general retail stores that sell our mobile telecommunications services and related goods on a non-exclusive basis, and dedicated outlets that sell our services and goods exclusively. We, however, intend to focus on sales through our exclusive stores and franchises as opposed to general retail stores where subsidies often generate losses. Sales of our products and services are offered by our sales personnel and also by authorized dealers, who are not our employees. We select our authorized dealers based on a number of factors including the suitability of the premises in which our services and ancillary merchandise will be offered. Our personnel and authorized dealers receive ongoing training and marketing support.
Our Network
Our wireless networks use only digital technologies, primarily GSM, and cover approximately 93% of the urban Brazilian population based to Anatel’s coverage criteria. In four areas, in addition to GSM we offer TDMA, a technology that divides radio spectrum into assigned time slots to transmit signals. As of December 31, 2008 , approximately 99.1% of our subscribers used GSM technology and we expect our remaining TDMA customers to migrate to GSM within the next few years. Because GSM is widely used in Europe and North America , it provides faster availability of new products and services and a wider variety of suppliers than TDMA technology. During 2008 we implemented 3G services within our network, which enable users to experience a higher level of conectivity through broadband internet access and TV high speed downloads. As of December 31, 2008, we had 1,455 sites ready to operate under 3G. With our acquisition of TIM Celular, we hold authorizations from Anatel to provide our mobile services in each of the ten wireless areas of Brazil over various frequency spectrums. We are also monitoring the status of the possible auction of new bandwidth authorizations by Anatel. We view the purchase of any frequency made available by Anatel for the provision of mobile services as a priority since having available frequency is at the core of our business.
Our wireless network principally includes transport and computer equipment, as well as exchange and transmission equipment consisting primarily of switches and 9,729 radio base stations in our GSM network and 2,171 radio base stations in our TDMA network as of December 31, 2008 . The network is connected primarily by a fiber-optic transmission system leased mainly from Intelig, Telemar, Embratel, Brasil Telecom and Telefônica. Nokia, Ericsson and Siemens are our main suppliers of GSM network equipment. Our GSM radio bases are equipped to receive the new 3G technology equipments, which have been installed in 1,463 sites in twelve Brazil ian states.
In light of the widespread geographic coverage we have already achieved, we are focusing the further expansion and improvement of our GSM network on areas where it is important to increase the quality of our coverage, such as in tunnels, along major roadways, inside buildings in metropolitan areas and in frequented areas, such as tourist destinations, which typically experience high mobile use. We also will continue to ensure our network has the capacity to absorb high call volume where relevant.
Site-Sharing Agreements
With the objective of avoiding unnecessary duplication of networks and infrastructures, Anatel permits telecommunications service providers to use other providers’ networks as secondary support in providing telecommunications services. Therefore, we have allowed other telecommunications service providers to use our infrastructure, and we have used others’ infrastructure, pursuant to site-sharing agreements we have entered into with such providers.
Customer Service
TIM ’s business vision is the quest for customer satisfaction through continuous improvements of processes and systems that facilitate the relationship between the company and its customers regardless of the channel of communication . Thus, it monitors and analyzes information from its system of relations (CRM) and local record of customer interactions with the company through a customer driven organization, offering unique and innovative service in all points of contact .

In this daily pursuit of customer satisfaction TIM endeavors to train its relationship consultants, reviewing processes and procedures of care, improving and optimizing systems and thus ensuring that the daily relationship with their clients is the best possible and that the customer is satisfied.

On December 1, 2008, when Ordinance 6.523 (Decreto Lei 6.523)  which regulates  phone customer service, entered into force, TIM improved its   service to its customers by adjusting its systems and processes.

For example, TIM invested in an automated process which provides protocols through interactive voice response (“IVR”), enabling client identification and manual selection of options, and recording and reporting through a unique sequential protocol. Additionally, TIM offers a cancellation and complaint option on its main menu to facilitate access by the client.

With respect to call transfers, TIM invested in its CRM tool, adding new functions that do not require the client to repeat a request if the client is transferred to a second operator. These improvements of the CTI and CRM systems ensure the transfer of customer data at the time of the call, minimizing the number of calls transferred improperly.

For hearing impaired clients, TIM offers a preferential service through text messages, with storage of historical data service, which can be retrieved for later delivery. Furthermore, TIM invested in a tool that allows a client’s customer care service history to be retrieved and sent to the client on demand. This service is available for communications via regular mail, e-mail, fax and text messages.

Finally, adjustments to the quality of customer service were made in order to minimize waiting time.

Billing and Collection
Our company-wide, integrated billing and collection systems are provided by a third-party vendor. These systems have four main functions:
customer registration;
customer information management;
accounts receivable management; and
billing and collection.
These billing systems give us significant flexibility in developing service plans and billing options. Certain aspects of billing customers in Brazil are regulated by Anatel. For mobile telephones, currently if a customer’s payment is more than 15 days overdue, we can suspend the customer’s ability to make outgoing calls, and if the payment is 45 days overdue, we can suspend the customer’s ability to receive incoming calls. After 90 days from the customer’s payment due date, we generally discontinue service entirely, although discontinuation of service is sometimes delayed between 120 and 180 days after the due date for valued customers. For fixed telephones, if a customer’s payment is more than 30 days overdue, we can suspend the customer’s ability to make outgoing calls, and if the payment is 60 days overdue, we can suspend the customer’s ability to receive incoming calls. The rules of discontinuation of fixed service are the same as applied for the mobile service.
Pursuant to Anatel regulations, we and other telephone service providers periodically reconcile the interconnection and roaming charges owed among them and settle on a net basis. See “—Sources of Revenue—Interconnection Charges” and “—Sources of Revenue—Roaming Fees.” Currently, the roaming reconciliation process is largely managed by industry sponsored groups, including Verisign Clearing House for domestic roaming TDMA and MACH for domestic and international GSM, while the interconnection reconciliation process is primarily managed directly by us.
Fraud Detection and Prevention
“Subscription fraud,” which consists of using identification documents of another individual to obtain mobile services, and “cloning fraud,” which consists of duplicating the mobile signal of a mobile subscriber and thereby allowing the perpetrator to make calls using the subscriber’s signal, are the two principal types of fraud relating to mobile , fixed and long distance service. Since a substantial majority of our customers use GSM, an entirely digital technology, we experience a low level of “cloning fraud” which is fairly common in parts of Brazil for users of TDMA, CDMA and other technologies that use analog technology either entirely or in connection with some roaming services.
We have implemented cloning fraud-prevention measures, including restrictions on the level of international calls, and cloning fraud-detection measures, including review of call records to detect abnormal usage patterns, in an effort to detect fraud as quickly as possible and thereby reduce the associated costs. We use a nationwide fraud detection system licensed from Hewlett Packard. This system analyzes various aspects of mobile , fixed and long distance service usage including simultaneous usage by a single customer, call frequency and unusually high usage patterns.
As part of our commitment to excellent customer service, in the limited instances in which our customers experience cloning fraud, the customer’s number, mobile telephone or fixed telephone, or both, , are changed free of charge. If subscription fraud has occurred, both the applicable number and the mobile telephone line are terminated. If part of a fraudulent call is carried by the network of another service provider, we are generally obligated to pay that service provider the applicable interconnection fee, regardless of whether we ever collect the receivable associated with the call.
Most of TIM ’s efforts in 2008 were focused on implement ing fraud prevent ion measures in point of sales, including digital authentication for our sales front end system and strong training program as well as monitoring and identification of point s of sale.   C ustomers’ c redit history is also being checked during the application process.
Mobile Competitors
In addition to TIM, there are three other major participants in the Brazilian mobile market   that also offer natiowide coverage, Vivo, Claro and Oi.
TIM is the brand name under which we market our mobile telecommunications services. We offer GSM, including 3G, EDGE, and TDMA technology. Currently, our subsidiaries, hold mobile licenses for each of the ten wireless areas of Brazil recognized by Anatel, making us the only mobile operator in Brazil offering nationwide coverage. In two of our ten areas we are the Telebrás legacy provider. Our network covers approximately 93% of the country’s population based on Anatel’s coverage criteria.
We have two major competitors in Brazil:
Vivo, which is jointly controlled by Portugal Telecom and Spain’s Telefónica Móviles, until 2007 was operating in eight wireless areas of Brazil recognized by Anatel, using TDMA and CDMA, and in 2007 started to use GSM technology in 800 MHz and 1900 MHz and in 2008 started the UMTS in 2100 NHz ; and
Claro, which is controlled by America Móvil, until 2008 was operat ing in nine wireless areas of Brazil recognized by Anatel, using GSM and TDMA technology (Claro started to operate in area 8 .
In addition, we also compete with “Oi” (the new Telemar brand), in all areas.
The Brazilian mobile telecommunications industry is highly competitive.  Any adverse effects on our results and market share from competitive pressures will depend on a variety of factors that cannot be assessed with precision and that are beyond our control.  Among such factors are our competitors’ size, experience, business strategies and capabilities, the prevailing market conditions and the applicable regulations.
Other Competition
We also compete with fixed line telephone service providers.  The fixed line incumbent providers in Brazil   (Oi, Brasil Telecom , Telefonica and Embratel) offer packages of services including voice (both fixed line and mobile), broadband and other services, an approach called “bundling.”  Fixed line providers are, however, required to offer their services to unaffiliated mobile providers on the same basis they are offered to affiliated mobile providers.
On April 27, 2000 , Anatel issued Resolution No. 221/00, later superseded by Regulation No. 404 of May 5, 2005, regulating Specialized Mobile Service, or trunking, which is based on push-to-talk technology, with rules similar to the ones applicable to the mobile telecommunications services.  Trunking service providers are not permitted to offer their services to individuals, and, therefore, will be competing with us exclusively in the corporate segment of our market.  Nextel has provided trunking services in Brazil since 2001.
We have experienced a trend of generating a significantly higher number of new clients and handset sales in the fourth quarter of each year as compared to the other three fiscal quarters. A number of factors contribute to this trend, including the increased use of retail distribution in which sales volume increases significantly during the year-end holiday shopping season, the timing of new product and service announcements and introductions, aggressive marketing and promotions in the fourth quarter of each year.
Our Operational Contractual Obligations
For more information on our material contractual obligations, see “Item 10C . Additional Information—Material Contracts.”
Interconnection Agreements
We have entered into interconnection agreements with most telecommunications service providers operating in Brazil . The terms of our interconnection agreements include provisions specifying the number of interconnection points, the method by which signals must be received and transmitted, and the costs and fees for interconnection services. Due to our migration to PCS (SMP – “Serviço Móvel Pessoal” ), we have adapted our interconnection to conform to the new PCS rules and submitted these revised contracts to Anatel. Nevertheless, even in the absence of approval by Anatel, the parties to these interconnection agreements are obligated to offer interconnection services to each other. See “—Regulation of the Brazilian Telecommunications Industry—Interconnection Regulation.”
Roaming Agreements
We have entered into roaming agreements for automatic roaming with other cellular service providers operating outside our Regions. Automatic roaming permits our clients to use their mobile telephones on the networks of other cellular service providers while traveling or “roaming” in Brazil outside our Regions. Similarly, we provide cellular telecommunications service to customers of other cellular service providers when those customers place or receive calls while visiting our Regions. The cellular service providers party to these
agreements must provide service to roaming clients on the same basis that they provide service to their own clients and to carry out a monthly reconciliation of roaming charges.
Through TIM Brasil, we are a member of the Roaming Management Committee (now named ABR Associação Brasileira de Recursos em Telecomunicações ), a group comprised of all cellular and fixed telecommunications service providers operating in Brazil . The Roaming Management Committee was created to independently control the activities related to TDMA & CDMA roaming services in Brazil and some international roaming agreements entered into by Brazilian companies with telecommunications service providers operating in the member countries of Mercosul.
The GSM national and international  roaming services is supported by individual agreements with the companies partners.
International Roaming Agreements
We have roaming agreements with other GSM telecommunications service providers operating in 185 countries with 400 contracts.
Site-Sharing Agreement
With the objective of avoiding unnecessary duplication networks and infrastructures, Anatel permits telecommunications service providers to use other providers’ networks as secondary support in providing telecommunications services. Therefore, we have allowed other telecommunications service providers in our region to use our infrastructure, and we have used others’ infrastructure, pursuant to site-sharing agreements we have entered into with them.
Co-billing occurs when we bill one of our customers on behalf of a long distance service provider for services rendered to our customers by that carrier. We provide co-billing services to all long distance operators on terms that are freely negotiated in accordance with Anatel regulations.
Taxes on Telecommunications Goods and Services
The costs of telecommunications goods and services to clients are subject to a variety of federal, state and local taxes (in addition to taxes on income), the most significant of which are ICMS, ISS, COFINS, PIS, FUST Tax, FUNTTEL Tax, FISTEL Tax and Income Tax, which are described below.
ICMS . The principal tax applicable to telecommunications goods and services is a state value-added tax, the Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços , or ICMS, which the Brazilian States levy at varying rates on certain revenues arising out of the sale of goods and services, including certain telecommunications services.  The ICMS tax rate for domestic telecommunications services is levied at rates between 25% and 35%. The ICMS tax rate levied on the sale of mobile handsets averages 17% throughout the Regions, to the exception of certain handsets whose manufacturers are granted certain local tax benefits, thereby reducing the rate to as much as 7%. In 2005, certain of the states in Brazil started to charge ICMS on the sale of mobile handsets under a “tax replacement” system, under which the taxpayer that manufactures the goods is required to anticipate and pay ICMS amounts that would otherwise only become due in later steps of the distribution chain. In May 2005, the States decided, with the exception of the state of Alagoas and the Federal District , that as from January 2006,  the sellers should issue invoices of communications services (Model 22) corresponding to the value of tax due on the sale of calling cards to dealers or final customers. The amount of ICMS tax due in such transactions is passed on to the dealers or final consumers.
ISS . The Imposto Sobre Serviços , or ISS, taxes on certain services listed in the List of Services prescribed by Complementary Law No. 116/03 (“LC116/03”). This list also includes certain services that have the purpose of providing goods. Municipalities impose this tax at varying rates, but in the majority of large cities, the ISS rate is the highest rate allowed (5%). The tax basis of the ISS is the price of the service, minus certain exceptions (such as construction services). As provided by Constitutional Amendment No. 20, dated June 12, 2002 , municipalities must charge a minimum rate of 2% and they must not directly or indirectly grant tax benefits that may result in and effective rate below 2%. In August 2003, the LC 116/03, established a new framework for the
ISS, which pressed  Municipalities to adapt their respective ISS legislation in order to comply with the rules set forth by LC 116/03. Such new federal rules are effective as from January 1, 2004 .
COFINS . The Contribuição Social para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social , or COFINS, is a social contribution levied on gross revenues (which may include financial revenue, depending on the systematics applicable to each business). On November 27, 1998 , the Brazilian government increased the COFINS rate from 2% to 3% but permitted taxpayers to offset up to one-third of the amount of COFINS paid against the amount owed as Contribuição Sobre Lucro Líquido (“CSLL”), a social contribution tax assessed on net income. The ability to offset COFINS against CSLL was subsequently revoked for periods after January 1, 2000 . On January 1, 2000 , we began to pay the COFINS tax over our bills at a rate of 3%. In December 2003, through the Law n o 10. 833, the COFINS legislation was further amended, making this tax noncumulative, raising its rate to 7.6% to certain transactions, except in connection with telecommunications services, for which the rate continue s to be 3%.
PIS . The Programa de Integração Social , or PIS is another social contribution, levied, prior to December 2002, at a rate of 0.65%, on gross revenues from certain telecommunications service activities (both operating and financial) and handset sales. In December 2002, Law n° 10.637 was enacted, making such contribution non-cumulative and increasing the rate to1.65% on gross revenues from sales of handsets, except in connection with telecommunications services, for which the rate continue s to be 0.65%.
FUST . On August 17, 2000 , the Brazilian government created the Fundo de Universalização dos Serviços de Telecomunicações , or FUST, a fund that is supported by a interference with the economic order contribution tax applicable to all telecommunications services, or FUST Tax. The purpose of the FUST is to reimburse a portion of the costs incurred by telecommunications service providers to meet the universal service targets required by Anatel (such as targets for rural and impoverished areas, schools, libraries and hospitals), in case these costs are not entirely recovered through the collection of telecommunications service fees and charges. The FUST Tax is imposed at a rate of 1% on gross operating revenues, net of ICMS, PIS and COFINS, and its cost may not be passed on to clients. Telecommunications companies can draw from the FUST to meet the universal service targets required by Anatel.
On December 15, 2005 , Anatel enacted Precedent No. 7/05 requiring that FUST be paid on revenues arising from interconnection charges since the effectiveness of the FUST. A notice was issued deciding that the company must adjust values on FUST statements to calculate the tax due related to the FUST assessment on interconnection charges, or those values would be enrolled under the federal overdue tax liability and charged with penalties and interests. A writ of mandamus was filed for relief from the FUST assessment under the interconnection charges under the terms of Precedent No. 7/05 and was decided favorably to the company. Although such first level decision may still be challenged in the near future (i.e. is still subject to appeal and does not constitute res judicata ), it is now in full force and effect.
FUNTTEL . On November 28, 2000 , the Brazilian government created the Fundo para Desenvolvimento Tecnológico das Telecomunicações , or FUNTTEL, a fund that is supported by a social contribution tax applicable to all telecommunications services, or the FUNTTEL Tax. The FUNTTEL is a fund managed by BNDES and FINEP, a government research and development agency. The purpose of the FUNTTEL is to promote the development of telecommunications technology in Brazil and to improve competition in the industry by financing research and development in the area of telecommunications technology. The FUNTTEL Tax is imposed at a rate of 0.5% on gross operating revenues, net of ICMS, PIS and COFINS, and its cost may not be passed on to clients.
FISTEL . The Fundo de Fiscalização das Telecomunicações, or FISTEL, a fund supported by a tax applicable to telecommunications services, or the FISTEL Tax, was established in 1966 to provide financial resources to the Brazilian government for its regulation and inspection of the sector. The FISTEL Tax consists of two types of fees: an installation inspection fee assessed on telecommunications stations upon the issuance of their authorization certificates, as well as every time we activate a new mobile number, and an annual operations inspection fee that is based on the number of authorized stations in operation as well as the total basis of mobile number at the end of the previous calendar year. The amount of the installation inspection fee is a fixed value, depending upon the kind of equipment installed in the authorized telecommunications station.
Effective April 2001, the installation and inspection fee has been assessed based on net activations of mobile numbers (i.e., the number of new cellular activations reduced by the number of cancelled subscriptions), as well as based on the net additions of radio base stations. The operations inspection fee equals 50% of the total amount of installation inspection fees that would have been paid with respect to existing equipment.
Income tax . Income tax expense is made up of two components, a federal income tax and a social contribution tax on taxable profits, which is known as the “social contribution tax”. The federal income tax also includes two components: a federal income tax and an additional income tax. The federal income tax is payable at the rate of 15%. Additional income tax of 10% will be levied on the share of taxable profits exceeding R$0.02 million accrued monthly. The social contribution tax is currently assessed at a rate of 9.0% of adjusted net income.
Companies are taxed based on their worldwide income rather than on income produced solely in Brazil . As a result, profits, capital gains and other income obtained abroad by Brazilian entities are added to their net profits for tax purposes. In addition, profits, capital gains and other income obtained by foreign branches or income obtained from subsidiaries or foreign corporations controlled by a Brazilian entity are computed in the calculation of an entity’s profits, in proportion to its participation in such foreign companies capital. In principle the Brazilian entity is allowed to deduct income tax paid abroad, up to the amount of Brazilian income taxes imposed on such income (reciprocity of treatment between Brazil and the country from which the income or gain comes from is required in order for this rule to apply). Effective January 1, 2002 , profits (including retained profits from previous years) realized by a Brazilian entity from controlled or affiliated companies are taxed as of the date of the Brazilian entity s year-end balance sheet, unless the Brazilian entity is liquidated before the date of its year-end balance sheet, in which case the profits are taxed at the time of its liquidation.
Prior to January 1, 2002, profits realized by an entity in Brazil from a branch or agency were taxed as of the date of the Brazilian entity s year-end balance sheet, and profits from a controlled or affiliated company were taxed as of the date such amounts were paid or made available to the Brazilian company as dividends or otherwise.
Dividends are not subject to withholding income tax when paid. However, as the payment of dividends is not tax deductible for the company distributing them, there is an alternative regime for stockholder compensation called interest on equity, which allows companies to deduct any interest paid to stockholders from net profits for tax purposes.
These distributions may be paid in cash. The interest is calculated in accordance with daily pro rata variation of the Brazilian government s long-term interest rate - TJLP, as determined by the Central Bank from time to time, and cannot exceed the greater of: (i) 50% of the net income (before taxes and already considering the deduction of the own interest amount attributable to stockholders) related to the period in respect of which the payment is made; or (ii) 50% of the sum retained profits and profits reserves as of the date of the beginning of the period in respect of which the payment is made.
Any payment of interest to stockholders is subject to withholding income tax at the rate of 15% or 25% in the case of a stockholder who is domiciled in a tax haven. These payments may be qualified, at their net value, as part of any mandatory dividend.
Losses carried forward are available for offset during any year up to 30.0% of annual taxable income. No time limit is currently imposed on the application of net operating losses on a given tax year to offset future taxable income within the same tax year.
Regulation of the Brazilian Telecommunications Industry
Our business is subject to comprehensive regulation under the General Telecommunications Law, and a comprehensive regulatory framework for the provision of telecommunications services promulgated by Anatel.
Anatel is the regulatory agency for telecommunications under the General Telecommunications Law and the October 1997 Regulamento da Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (the “Anatel Decree”). Anatel is
administratively independent and financially autonomous. Anatel maintains a close relationship with the Ministry of Communications and is required to report its activities to the Ministry of Communications. It has authority to propose and to issue regulations that are legally binding on telecommunications service providers. Any proposed regulation or action by Anatel is subject to a period of public comment, which may include public hearings, and may be challenged in Brazilian courts.
Authorizations and Concessions
With the privatization of the Telebrás system and pursuant to the Lei Mínima (the “Minimum Law”), Band A and Band B service providers were granted concessions under SMC regulations. Each concession was a specific grant of authority to supply cellular telecommunications services in a defined geographical area, subject to certain requirements contained in the applicable list of obligations appended to each concession.
Through resolutions enacted in September 2000 and January 2001, Anatel launched the PCS regime, and began encouraging cellular service providers operating under SMC regulations to convert their concessions into authorizations under PCS regulations. According to the rules issued by Anatel, SMC providers would not be able to renew their concessions to provide SMC services, and were compelled to convert to the PCS regime in order to continue their operations. The permission from Anatel to transfer the control of these companies were also conditioned on rules that compelled SMC providers to migrate its SMC concessions to PCS authorizations, and to operate under the PCS regulations.
In 1997 and 1998, TIM Sul’s, TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações’ and TIM Maxitel’s predecessors were granted SMC concessions and in December 2002, TIM Sul, TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and TIM Maxitel’s converted their SMC concessions into PCS authorizations, with an option to renew the authorizations for an additional 15 years following the original expiration dates of the concessions. TIM Celular acquired PCS authorizations in conjunction with auctions of bandwidth by Anatel in 2001, and subsequently acquired additional authorizations and operat ions under the PCS regulations as well.
The following table shows the expiration date of the initial period of each of TIM Nordeste’s PCS authorizations:
Expiration date
800 MHz, 900 MHz and 1,800 MHz

State of Pernambuco
May 15, 2009
April 30, 2023
State of Ceara
November 28, 2023
April 30, 2023
State of Paraíba
December 31, 2023
April 30, 2023
State of Rio Grande do Norte
December 31, 2023
April 30, 2023
State of Alagoas
December 15, 2023
April 30, 2023
State of Piaui
March 27, 2009
April 30, 2023
State of Minas Gerais   (except for the “Triângulo Mineiro” (*) municipalities for Radio-frequencies 3G)
April 7, 2013
April 30, 2023
States of Bahia and Sergipe
August 6, 2012
April 30, 2023

The following table shows the expiration date of the initial period of each of TIM Celular’s PCS authorizations:
Expiration date
800 MHz, 900 MHz and 1,800 MHz

State of Paraná (except for cities of Londrina and Tamarana)
September 3, 2022
April 30, 2023
State of Santa Catarina
September 30, 2023
April 30, 2023
Cities of Pelotas, Morro Redondo, Capão do Leão and Turuçu (State of Rio Grande do Sul)
April 14, 2009
April 30, 2023
State of Rio Grande do Sul (except the cities of Pelotas, Morro Redondo, Capão do Leão and Turuçu)
March 12, 2016
April 30, 2023
City of São Paulo (State of São Paulo )
March 12, 2016
April 30, 2023

State of São Paulo (except the city of São Paulo )
March 12, 2016
April 30, 2023
States of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo
March 29, 2016
April 30, 2023
States of Maranhão, Pará, Amapá, Amazonas and Roraima
March 29, 2016
April 30, 2023
States of Acre, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Tocantins, Goiás and the Federal District
March 12, 2016
April 30, 2023
Cities of Londrina and Tamarana (State of Paraná )
March 12, 2016
April 30, 2023

According to the General Telecommunications Law and regulations issued by Anatel thereunder, licenses to provide telecommunications services are granted either under the public regime, by means of a concession or a permission, or under the private regime, by means of an authorization. Only certain fixed-line service providers are currently operating under the public regime. All the other telecommunications services providers in Brazil are currently operating under the private regime, including all the PCS services providers.
Telecommunications services providers under the private regime are classified as either providing a service of collective interest or restricted interest. Collective interest private regime services are subject to requirements imposed by Anatel under their authorizations and the General Telecommunications Law. Restricted interest private regime services are subject to fewer requirements than public regime or collective interest private regime services. According to the General Telecommunications Law and the regulation thereunder, all the PCS services providers in Brazil operate under the collective interest private regime.
Obligations of Telecommunications Companies
In November 1999, Anatel and the Brazilian mobile service providers jointly adopted a “Protocol for Mobile Cellular Service Providers” (the “Protocol”). The Protocol established additional quality of service targets and rates, which SMC operators were required to achieve by June 2001. Although the General Telecommunications Law does not specify any penalties for failing to meet the targets required by the Protocol, Anatel was required to examine the performance of the Brazilian telecommunications companies under the Protocol’s standards. Despite migration to PCS in December 2002, from January to June 2003, we reported to Anatel regarding, and had complied with, all quality of service indicators applicable to SMC operators. The Protocol ceased to be applicable to TIM Sul, TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and TIM Maxitel after July 2003.
Beginning in September 2003, we became subject to the PCS quality of service indicators. Our quality of service obligations under our PCS authorizations differ substantially from those under the previous SMC concessions. See “—PCS Regulation.” Since December 2003, we have achieved the majority, but not all of the service of quality requirements applicable to the PCS service operators. Some of our PCS quality of service indicators are currently difficult to achieve due to, for example, our dependence on the performance of third parties and the continuing clarification of some of the quality of service measurements under the PCS rules. As a result since 2004 Anatel has been filing administrative proceedings against TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste for non-compliance with certain of our quality of service obgliations. In some of these proceedings, Anatel applied a fee that did not cause a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. We will continue to strive to meet all of our quality of service obligations under the PCS authorizations, but we can provide no assurance that we will be able to do so. For information about administrative proceedings instituted, see “Item 8A. Financial Information—Consolidated Statements and Others Financial Information —Legal Proceedings.”
PCS Regulation
In September 2000, Anatel promulgated regulations regarding PCS wireless telecommunications services that are significantly different from the ones applicable to cellular companies operating under Band A and Band B. The new rules allow companies to provide wireless telecommunications services under PCS authorizations. The PCS authorizations allow new entrants in the Brazilian telecommunications market to compete with existing telecommunications service providers.
According to rules issued by Anatel, renewal of a concession to provide cellular services, as well as permission from Anatel to transfer control of cellular companies, are conditioned on agreement by such cellular service provider to operate under the PCS rules. TIM Sul,  TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and TIM Maxitel converted their cellular concessions into PCS authorizations in December 2002, and later transferred them to TIM Sul, TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and TIM Maxitel, which are now TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste subject to obligations under the PCS regulations. See “—Authorizations and Concessions.”
In connection with the PCS authorization auctions in 2001 and 2002, Anatel divided the Brazilian territory into three separate regions, each of which is equal to the regions applicable to the public regime fixed-line telephone service providers. PCS services may only be provided under Bands C, D and E licenses which initially 1800 MHz band (after words encompass also the 900 MHz band) and were auctioned by Anatel in 2001 and 2002.  TIM acquired the D band in regions II and III and the E band in region I, filling the national coverage, considering the TIM Sul, TIM Nordeste and Maxitel coverages.
In December 2007, TIM Celular acquired new authorization for 1800 MHz in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro   States in order to improve its radio frequency capacity in theses regions.
In the same auction, Claro and Vivo acquired authorization to provide PCS services in regions where TIM provides services but where Claro and Vivo previously did not provide such services by using 1800 MHz and 1900 MHz bands, therefore now competing with TIM in these regions. In the same auction, Oi received authorization to provide PCS services in the state of São Paulo by using 1800 MHz (band M in the whole state and band E in the state’s countryside).
Anatel has initiated administrative proceedings against TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste for noncompliance with certain quality standards and noncompliance with the rules and the authorization terms. We have been fined by Anatel in several proceedings and are still discussing the penalty imposed in appeals before the agency. As a result of these proceedings, Anatel applied a fee that did not cause a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. However, we cannot give assurance that we will be able to fully comply with our obligations under the PCS regime or with future changes in the regulations to which we are subject. See “—Obligations of Telecommunications Companies”, “Item 3D. Key Information—Risk Factors—Risks Relating to our Business” and “Item 8A. Financial Information—Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal Proceedings” .
According to the new PCS regulations, we are required to adjust our operating processes and agreements to such new rules, including our interconnection agreements, as well as agreements with our customers. By April 2005, substantially all of our interconnection arrangements were covered by agreements that had been amended to reflect the PCS regulations.
In August 2007, Anatel issued a new resolution nº 477 establishing new obligations regarding PCS, in particular in connection with users’ rights towards their mobile services providers.  The new resolution came into effect in February 2008. The main PCS new regulatory obligations include the following:
Creating at least one customer service department for each municipality division ;
Increasing prepaid card terms (from 90 days to at least 180 days);
Reimbursing prepaid credits;
Supplying a number of protocol for each communication with a customer;
Sending such protocol number by SMS;
Cancelling service in every customer’s service channel of the Company;
Cancelling service in 24 hours;
Sending free prepaid card detailed report of service use;
Changing rules for scheduled billing of postpaid customers;
Ceasing to impose fines on customers based on breach of loyalty plans; and
Taking measures to prevent SMS spamming.
Interconnection Regulation
Telecommunications service providers are required to provide interconnection according to the “General Interconnection Rules,” adopted by Anatel through Resolução 410/05, which replaced Resolução 40/98. The terms and conditions of interconnection are to be negotiated by the parties, within certain guidelines established by Anatel, which indicate that the Agency will not allow anti-competitive practices, especial ly the exercise of
subsidies or artificial decrease s in price, the unauthorized use of competitors information, the omission of relevant technical and commercial information, prevent abusive demands to enter into interconnection agreements, intentional delay in negotiation, coercion in order to enter into an interconnection agreement, and imposition of conditions that lead to the inefficient use of the network or equipment. Even though the rule is that interconnection prices will be freely negotiated by the operators, Anatel has discretionary authority to set the price for the interconnection (based on a Fully Allocated Cost model) if the operators are unable to reach a consensus or if the prices agreed upon are damaging to competition. Interconnection agreements must be approved by Anatel before they become effective. Telecommunications service providers must make available public interconnection offers with all information relevant for the establishment of an interconnection (applicable regulation is vague as to the scope of information that must be included in the public interconnection offer), ensuring non-discriminatory treatment of service providers interest in such interconnection.
In March 2005, Anatel issued a Regulation of Account Allocation and Segregation applicable to incumbents and economic groups holding significant market power in the fixed telephony or PCS interconnection networks in the leased lines market. See “—Significant Market Power.”
In July 2006, Anatel, through Rule 438, terminated the partial bill and keep system – by means of which one mobile operator paid another one when the proportion between their outbound and inbound traffic was in excess of the 45% to 55% range. As a result, mobile operators began to pay and receive integrally costs and revenues, respectively, for network use based on total traffic. The same rule established that the interconnection fee (VUM) will continue to be freely negotiated between operators and set forth a discount for off-peak calls – depending on the time of the day when the call is made – for mobile operators in originated and such long distance calls (VC-2 and VC-3). Further, under the new regulation, the interconnection fee (VU-M) remains freely negotiable but Anatel will more strictly regulate operators with significant market power in the future. See “Item 3D. Key Information—Risk Factors—Risks Relating to the Brazilian Telecommunications Industry”.
In 2006, two agreements relating to interconnection fees were entered into: (i) among the fixed telephony incumbents (with the exception of Embratel) and the mobile service providers, pursuant to which our interconnection fee paid by other operators when their users access our network to communicate with our users was increased by 4.5%, for calls completed by a number registered within that customer’s home registration area (VC-1 calls) and (ii) among the fixed telephony incumbents (with the exception of Embratel) and the mobile service providers relating to the interconnection fees paid by the fixed telephony incumbents to the mobile service operators in the case of long distance calls, that is VC-2 and VC-3 calls, whereby such fees were increased by 7.99%.

On March 27, 2006, Anatel approved an increase of 7.99% in VC-2 and VC-3 (national long distance fixed to mobile calls) to the local incumbent fixed operators. Concurrently, Anatel approved provisory contracts entered into among the incumbents and the mobile operators providing for an increase of 4.5% to the VU-M (interconnection fee due to mobile operators).  An arbitration procedure before Anatel more recently confirmed such VU-M increase.

In 2007, an additional agreement relating to interconnection fees entered into among the fixed telephony incumbents (with the exception of Embratel) and the mobile service providers established an average VU-M increase of 2%. The same parties also executed an additional agreement, which was homologated by Anatel, contemplating a 68.5% increase in the VU-M fee over the VC-1 adjustment for 2008. Accordingly , in 2008, the mobile received also an average VU-M increase of 2%.

Significant Market Power
In 2005, Anatel issued specific regulations regarding telecommunications service providers with significant market power. Anatel has indicated that it will establish more stringent regulations for economic groups with significant market power in order to ensure market competition. In July 2006, Anatel issued regulation regarding the remuneration of mobile operators network and brought to the mobile industry the concept of significant market power. Under such regulation, as from a future date to be established by Anatel, the Agency would determine, based on a fully allocated cost model, a reference value for a network usage fee (VU-M) of companies that are deemed to hold significant market power. Such value will be reassessed every 3 years. In order to determine the companies that have a significant market power in the mobile interconnection market, Anatel will consider: market share in the mobile interconnection market and in the mobile services market, economies of scope and scale, dominance of infrastructure that is not economically viable to duplicate, existence of negotiation power to acquire equipments and services, existence of vertical integration, existence of barriers to entry, access to financing sources.
For purposes of the mobile network remuneration rules until Anatel defines which groups have significant market power, all groups that include a SMP provider will be considered as having a significant market power in the offer of mobile interconnection in their respective services areas.
Rate Regulation
Under our PCS authorizations, we are allowed to set prices for our service plans, subject to approval by Anatel, provided that such amounts do not exceed a specified inflation adjusted cap. Anatel currently uses the IST ( Índice de Serviços de Telecomunicações) , a general price inflation index developed by Fundação Getulio Vargas , a private Brazilian foundation, in evaluating prices and determining the relevant cap for prices charged in the telecommunications industry. Beginning in 2 010 , we expect Anatel to begin to evaluate prices in the telecommunications industry based on a model that takes into account the costs of a hypothetical company costs, along with other factors. In connection with the introduction of this model, Anatel is us ing a different inflation index, the Í ndice de Serviços de Telecomunicações , or IST, which takes into account the average fluctuation of  a number of prices of goods and services in a given period, as well as existing adjustment rates in our industry. We expect that the adjustment of our prices will follow the trend of the market, and that the adjustment will be below the annual inflation rate based on the IST. If this new inflation adjustment mechanism, or any other mechanism chosen by the Brazilian government in the future, does not adequately reflect the true effect of inflation on our prices, our results of operations could be adversely affected.
Number Portability
In March 2007 Anatel issued new regulation regarding on number portability in Brazil for fixed telephony and mobile services providers (SMP). Po rtability is limited to migration between providers of the same telecommunications services. For SMP providers, portability can take place when customer changes services provider within the same Registration Area as well as when customer changes the service plan of the same area. Anatel finished the nationwide NP implementation schedule in March 2009.
Value-Added Services and Internet Regulation
Value-added services are not considered under Brazilian telecommunications regulations to be telecommunications services, but rather an activity that adds features to a telecommunications service supported by such value-added services. Regulations require all telecommunications service providers to grant network access to any party interested in providing value-added services, on a non-discriminatory basis, unless technically impossible. Telecommunications service providers also are allowed to render value-added services through their own networks. Internet access is considered by Brazilian legislation to be a value-added service, and its providers are not considered to be telecommunications companies. Current regulations allow us or any other interested party to offer Internet connection services through our network.
The new 3G environment
On December 18, 2007 , Anatel auctioned 4 bands - J (10MHz+ 10 MHz); F (15MHz +15 MHz); G (10MHz + 10MHz) and I (10MHz+ 10 MHz) - at 2.100 MHz to operate 3G Wireless Services nationwide;
Anatel split the Brazilian territory  into 11 sub regions.  The city and state of São Paulo have been grouped with the North and Northeast sub-regions, which have the lowest GDP per capita in Brazil and the smallest wireless coverage;
We have successfully participated in the 3G spectrum auction,winning band F in the city of São Paulo and North region, as well as bands G and I in the other areas, except area VII (Uberlândia and surrounding area in the State of Minas Gerais). We estimate that such exception will cause no material impact on us because we will also develop 3G in the 800 MHz band. UMTS technology  works in both 800 MHz and 2100 MHz frequencies. We intend to develop our networks using  2100 MHz frequency in some regions and both the 2100 MHz and 800 MHz frequencies for other areas (areas that we originally covered using A and B bands), except for Uberlandia (area VII), where we will use  the 850 MHz frequency. The licenses were issued by Anatel in April, 2008.
We paid R$1,324.7 million for these radio frequencies, which represented a premium of R$680.3 million, or 95%, over the minimum price. Anatel’s auction as a whole has resulted in an average of 86.7% premium paid over the minimum bid prices.  The main telecom players have acquired  3G bands practically for all areas within Brazil.  Claro has acquired nine radiofrequency bundles, followed by, Vivo (seven), OI (five), CBTC (three) and BRT (two).
In the near future, Anatel will make a new auction for the band H with 10MHz + 10 MHz at 2.100MHz.
C.             Organizational Structure
Substantially all assets held by TIM Participações consist of the shares of its wholly-owned subsidiaries TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste. The following chart illustrates our current ownership structure:
* “CS ” refers to our common shares.
** “PS ” refers to our preferred shares, which are non-voting.
***The total is based on our total share capital being represented by ordinary shares and preferred shares .
D.             Property, Plant s and Equipment
Our principal properties consist of transmission equipment, switching equipment, which connect calls to and from customers, and radio base stations, which comprise certain signal transmission and reception equipment covering a defined area. At our radio base stations we have also installed antennas and certain equipment to connect these antennas with our switching equipment. As of December 31, 2008 , we had 91 mobile switches and 12,014 radio base stations. We generally lease or buy the sites where our mobile telecommunications network equipment is installed. On December 31, 2008, we owned approximately 93,624 square meters and leased approximately 866,154 square meters of real property, all of which were available for installation of our equipment. We also lease approximately 145,966 square meters and own approximately 62,971 square meters of office space. There are no encumbrances that may affect our utilization of our property or equipment.
Item 4A. Unresolved Staff Comments
You should read the following discussion in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes and other financial information included elsewhere in this annual report, and in conjunction with the financial information included under “Item 3A. Key Information—Selected Financial Data.”
Acquisition of TIM Celular  by TIM Participações
On March 16, 2006, we acquired all of the share capital of TIM Celular, a wholly-owned subsidiary of our controlling shareholder, TIM Brasil, pursuant to a transaction in which TIM Brasil received shares issued by TIM.   As a result, TIM Celular and its operating subsidiary, TIM Maxitel, became our subsidiaries. The acquisition became effective following approval in the respective Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings of our shareholders and the shareholders of TIM Celular on March 16, 2006 .
We account ed for the acquisition under Brazilian GAAP as a purchase at book value, generating no goodwill, pursuant to which the results of TIM and TIM Celular were combined with effect from January 1, 2006 . For more information regarding the acquisition of TIM Celular by TIM, see “Presentation of Information.”
Due to the TIM Celular Acquisition, our 2007 consolidated financial statements are not comparable with our historical financial statements. In addition, we are unable to distinguish clearly between internal growth in 2007 and growth due to the TIM Celular Acquisition. In order to address this situation and to facilitate an understanding of how our business evolved in 2007, we have provided supplemental 2006 and 2005 pro forma information throughout this annual report. The pro forma information reflects the TIM Celular Acquisition as if it had occurred on January 1, 2004.
Merger of TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações into Maxitel and of TIM Sul into TIM Celular
On May 4, 2006, the Board of Directors of TIM Participações authorized the Merger Protocols and Justification report, which proposed the merger of TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações into Maxitel and the merger of TIM Sul into TIM Celular, wholly owned subsidiaries of TIM Participações.
On June 30, 2006, through the Shareholder General Meetings of TIM Celular, Maxitel, TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and TIM Sul the mergers of TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações into Maxitel and of TIM Sul into TIM Celular were approved. On the same date, Maxitel was renamed TIM Nordeste S.A.
Ownership Restructuring of the Companies controlled by TIM Participações
On May 30, 2005 , we acquired all outstanding minority interests in our subsidiaries TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações. The primary purpose of the transaction was to increase the liquidity of the publicly traded stock of the companies involved.
Minority shareholders of TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações who did not exercise withdrawal rights received shares of TIM Participações. The minority shareholders that exercised the withdrawal right represented 0.001% of the voting capital of TIM Participações and 0.001% of the total capital of TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações (or R$417.03 and R$454.73, respectively). Common shares of TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações were exchanged for common shares of TIM Participações and preferred shares of TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações were exchanged for preferred shares of TIM Participações. As a result of the transaction, TIM Participações owns all of the common and preferred shares of TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações, both of which are now wholly-owned subsidiaries of TIM Participações. The transaction described above has had no impact on the operational activities of TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações or TIM Sul.
On May 30, 2005 , the corporate capital of TIM Participações was increased by R$415.1 million with the issuance of 160,311,357,056 shares that were subscribed by the minority shareholders of TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações. The total capital of TIM Participações after the capital increase was R$1,472.1 million.
Merger of Tele Nordeste Celular Participações  into Tele Celular Sul Participações
On August 30, 2004 , TND merged with and into TSU (the “TSU/TND Merger”), which was subsequently renamed TIM Participações. Under applicable Brazilian accounting principles, the merger was accounted for as a purchase of TND at book value, generating no goodwill. We accounted for the merged companies’ combined operations as if the merger had occurred on January 1, 2004 .
Critical Accounting Policies
Critical accounting policies are those that are important to the presentation of our financial condition and results of operations and require management’s most subjective, complex judgments, often requiring management to make estimates about the effect of matters that are inherently uncertain. As the number of variables and assumptions affecting the possible future resolution of the uncertainties increases, those judgments become more complex. We base our estimates and assumptions on historical experience, industry trends or other factors that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results may vary from what we anticipate, and different assumptions or estimates about the future could change our reported financial results. In order to provide an understanding about how our management has estimated the potential impact of certain uncertainties, including the variables and assumptions underlying the estimates, we have identified the critical accounting policies discussed below. We describe our significant accounting policies, including the ones discussed below, in note 4 to our consolidated financial statements.
Depreciation and Impairment of Long-Lived Assets
Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost of acquisition or construction. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method based on the estimated useful lives of the underlying assets. See notes 4.g and 10 to our consolidated financial statements. We currently depreciate automatic switching, transmission and other equipment based on an estimated useful life of seven years. The assets related to TDMA technology were subject ed to accelerated depreciation and w ere depreciated 100%   in 2008. Free handsets for corporate customers ( comodato ) are depreciated over two years.
We review our long-lived assets, such as goodwill, for impairment whenever events or circumstances indicate the carrying value of an asset may not be recoverable from estimated future cash flows expected to result from its use and eventual disposition. However, asset impairment evaluations are, by nature, highly subjective. If our projections are not met, we may have to record impairment charges not previously recognized. In analyzing potential impairments, we use projections based on our view of growth rates for our business, anticipated future economic, regulatory and political conditions and changes in technology. Such projections are subject to change, including as a result of technological developments that may render long-lived assets obsolete sooner than anticipated. See note 4.h and 11 to our consolidated financial statements.
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
We maintain an allowance for doubtful accounts for estimated losses resulting from the failure of our customers to make required payments. We revise our estimated percentage of losses on a regular basis, taking into account our most recent experience with non-payments (i.e. average percentage of receivables historically written-off, economic conditions and the length of time the receivables are past due). The provision for doubtful accounts for 2008 was based on the following estimates of percentages of receivables, classified by the number of days such receivables are overdue, that it projected to be uncollectible. These estimates were based on historical experience of write-offs and future expectations of conditions that might impact the collectibility of accounts. See notes 4.d and 5 to our consolidated financial statements. The amount of the loss, if any, that we actually experience with respect to these accounts may differ from the amount of the allowance maintained in connection with them.
Days overdue
Percentage estimated
to be   uncollectible
2.5 % - 6 %
Receivables overdue 1 to 90 days*
4.5 % - 10%
Receivables overdue 91 to 120 days
Receivables overdue 121 to 150 days
Receivables overdue 151 to 180 days
Receivables overdue more than 180 days
* Percentage varies based on area and customer composition.
Asset Retirement Ob ligations
Our subsidiaries are contractually obligated to dismantle their cellular towers from various sites they lease. We must record as asset retirement obligations the present value of the estimated costs to be incurred for dismantling and removing cellular towers and equipment from leased sites. The offset to this provision is recorded as property, plant and equipment, and the depreciation is calculated based on the useful lives of the corresponding assets.

Contingent Liabilities
The accrual for a contingency involves considerable judgment on the part of management. As prescribed by SFAS 5, “Accounting for Contingencies,” a contingency is “an existing condition, situation, or set of circumstances involving uncertainty as to possible gain or loss to an enterprise that will ultimately be resolved when one or more future events occur or fail to occur.”
We are subject to various claims, including regulatory, legal and labor proceedings covering a wide range of matters that arise in the ordinary course of business. We adopted a policy of analyzing each such proceeding and making a judgment as to whether a loss is probable, possible or remote. We make accruals for proceedings that we are party to when we determine that losses are probable and can be reasonably estimated. Our judgment is always based on the opinion of our legal advisors. Accrual balances are adjusted to account for changes in circumstances for ongoing matters and the establishment of additional accruals for new matters. While we believe that the current level of accruals is adequate, changes in the future could impact these determinations.
Revenue Recognition and Customer Incentive Programs
Revenues are recorded when services are rendered. As a result of our billing cycle cut-off times, we are required to make estimates for services revenue earned but not yet billed. These estimates, which are based primarily upon unbilled minutes of use, could differ from our actual experience. See note 4 to our consolidated financial statements.
Brazilian GAAP and U.S. GAAP
Our consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with Brazilian GAAP, which differs in certain material respects from U . S. GAAP . See note 3 5 to our consolidated financial statements for a summary of the differences between the Brazilian Corporations Law accounting method and US. GAAP, as well as a reconciliation of our shareholders’ equity as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, and net income for the years ended December 31, 2008 , 2007 and 2006 to U . S. GAAP. Net income for 2008 is R$ 151.5 million under US. GAAP, compared with net income of R$ 180.2 million under Brazilian GAAP. Shareholders’ equity at December 31, 2008 was R$ 7,876.6 million under U . S. GAAP, compared to R$ 7,790.5 million under Brazilian GAAP.
The differences between Brazilian GAAP and U . S. GAAP that have the most significant effects on net income in 200 8 are capitalized interest, and the rules regarding depreciation and amortization of the effect of indexation of property, plant and equipment, the allocation of fair value due to the TND/TSU merger and the acquisition of the minority interests in TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and TIM Sul along with reversal of pre operating expenses capitalized and reversal of amortization of interest and exchange variation. The differences between Brazilian GAAP and U . S. GAAP that have the most significant effects on shareholders’ equity in 200 8 are the differences in the rules regarding depreciation and amortization, allocation of fair value due to the merger with TND, goodwill amortization and the deferred tax effect on the differences between Brazilian GAAP and U . S. GAAP , along with the reversal of pre operating expenses capitalized and reversal of amortization of interest and exchange variation.
The portion of the merger under common control was accounted for in a manner similar to a pooling-of-interest based on the historical carrying values of the assets and liabilities of TND and others. Additionally, the financial statements of the companies under common control are presented on a combined basis for all periods they are under common control.
In March 16, 2006 we acquired TIM Celular and its wholly-owned subsidiaries. For Brazilian GAAP purposes, in the year of acquisition, the results of operations of the TIM Celular were included in our results of operations for the entire year, as required by the merger agreement.  For US GAAP purposes, as both the Company and TIM Celular are majority owned by TIM Brasil, a common controlling shareholder, the exchange of shares for the purpose of the merger of TIM Celular with and into the Company is considered a business combination of companies under common control and was accounted for in a manner similar to a pooling-of-
interest. Accordingly, such exchange of shares was accounted for at historical carrying values. The merger was reflected from 2000, the year TIM Brasil formed TIM Celular and, consequently, had control of both the Company and TIM Celular. Therefore, for all periods presented, the Company’s and TIM Celular’s financial statements have been combined.
Accounting  Practice Changes
Brazilian Law 11.638/07, promulgated on December 28, 2007, changed and revoked some provisions of Law 6.404 of December 15, 1976 and Law 6.385 of December 7, 1976. The main objective of this new law, which came into effect on January 1, 2008, was to update Brazilian accounting regulations and prepare for a reconciliation with international accounting pronouncements, especially those issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”).

The provisions of this law, which apply to the financial statements for the fiscal years beginning on January 1, 2008, are not deemed changes in circumstances or estimates.   The main effects resulting from the adoption of Law 11.638/07 in the financial statements were:

a djustment to present value of long-term balances (assets and liabilities) and current assets and liabilities when the present value adjustment is deemed relevant;

   the amounts related to ADENE’s tax incentive for the subsidiary TIM Nordeste were accounted for in the income for the year 2008, as an income tax expense reduction, and subsequently reclassified as a revenue reserve. In fiscal years 2007 and 2006, the subsidiary’s results (exploration losses) did not permit TIM Nordeste to recognize the incentive;

   the Company began to account for the transaction costs incurred on borrowing as a reduction of the loans and financing account, and to amortize them over the same loan amortization period. Until December 31, 2007, these costs had been recorded as prepaid expenses and amortized on a straight-line basis, over the duration of the loan;

   the Company´s derivative instruments were accounted for at their fair value. Until December 31, 2007, derivative instruments were recorded at cost plus financial income / losses resulting from the accumulated variation of its underpinnings.
The accounting changes mentioned above were retrospectively adjusted in the December 31, 2007 and 2006 financial statements for comparison purposes. The effects of such changes are described in note 3 to the financial statements. The Company’s financial information included in the 20-F (Part I and II) were also retrospectively adjusted as of December 31, 2007 and 2006.
Political, Economic, Regulatory and Competitive Factors
The following discussion should be read in conjunction with “Item 4. Information on the Company.” As set forth in greater detail below, our financial condition and results of operations are significantly affected by Brazilian telecommunications regulation, including the regulation of rates. See “Item 4.B. Information on the Company—Business Overview—Regulation of the Brazilian Telecommunications Industry—Rate Regulation.” Our financial condition and results of operations have also been, and are expected to continue to be, affected by the political and economic environment in Brazil . See “Item 3D. Key Information—Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Brazil .” In particular, our financial performance will be affected by:
general economic and business conditions, including the price we are able to charge for our services and prevailing foreign exchange rates;
our ability to generate free cash flow in the coming years ;
competition, including expected characteristics of network, offers,   customer care and from increasing consolidation in our industry and nationwide presence of Claro, Vivo and Oi ;
our ability to secure and maintain telecommunications infrastructure licenses, rights-of-way and other regulatory approvals;
our ability to anticipate trends in the Brazilian telecommunications industry, including changes in market size, demand and industry price movements, and our ability to respond to the development of new technologies and competitor strategies;
our ability to expand and maintain the quality of the services we provide;
the rate of customer churn we experience;
changes in official regulations and the Brazilian government’s telecommunications policy;
political economic and social events in Brazil ;
access to sources of financing and our level and cost of debt;
our ability to integrate acquisitions;
regulatory issues relating to acquisitions;
the adverse determination of disputes under litigation; and
inflation, interest rate and exchange rate risks.
Despite the adverse scenario that gripped the country in the last three months of 2008, the Brazilian economy had a 5.1% GDP growth (compared to 5.4% in 2007), which was fueled by strong economic growth in the first nine months of the year. The exchange rate was R$2.337 to U.S.$1.00 on December 31, 2008 compared to R$1.7713 to U.S.$1.00 on December 31, 2007. Concerns about rising inflation, pushed on by the credit expansion effect on consumption, led the Brazilian federal government to raise the benchmark interest rate throughout 2008, despite pressure from some industries representatives. As a result, the SELIC interest rate (the official interest rate published by the Central Bank) closed the year at 13.75%. From October on, with the worsening of the international financial crisis and its adverse effects on the Brazilian economy, the Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) began signaling the change from a restrictive monetary policy to an expansionist one. IBOVESPA, the Brazilian Stock market index, was down by 41.2% for the year ended December 31, 2008 closing at 37,550 points.
The Brazilian mobile market reached 150.6 million lines nationwide at the end of December 2008, corresponding to a penetration ratio of 78% (compared to 64% in 2007) and an annual growth of 24.5% (compared to 21.1% in 2007). Brazil is the fifth largest mobile telephony market and is currently the most common means of communication in Brazilian households among all social classes. According to Anatel (Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency), mobile market net adds reached 30 million in 2008 which represents a 41% upturn from 2007. The prepaid mix continues to represent the greatest part of total subscriber base, 81.5%.

TIM’s subscriber base ended the year with 36.4 million clients, 16.5% up from 2007, corresponding to a market share of 24.2%, while the service revenues share, our primary focus, stood at 27% in 2008. The pre-paid segment reached 29.8 million (21.8% up from 2007) while the post-paid stood at 6.6 million users in the year (3.0% down from 2007) due to rigid disconnection policy, fiercer competitive environment and less than expected acquisition in this segment. As for the client mix, the post-paid accounted for 18.1% of total subscriber base, compared to 21.7% from a year ago, largely impacted by the increase of pre-paid base and the aforementioned performance from post-paid.
In 2008, TIM added 5.1 million customers, down from 5.8 million in 2007. The drop reflects TIM’s conservative criteria in subsidy policy and rigid disconnection rule. Thus, TIM continues to maintain the highest ARPU (average revenue per user) among peers, registering R$29.7 in 2008. On a yearly basis, ARPU dropped 13% which is partially attributed to an increase of 22% in the pre-paid segment (where the market growth is concentrated), a lower incoming revenue contribution and post-paid mix decline.
ARPU is a key performance indicator which is calculated by the ratio between total net service revenue per average customer base per month. In 2008, our average customer base, calculated as the simple mean of monthly averages, increased 22.4% to 33.9 million, compared to 27.7 million customers in 2007.
The following table shows the total average number of customers during 2008 and 2007.
Year ended December 31,
Average number of customers using post-paid plans(1)
    6,79 8 , 430       6,11 0 , 448  
Average number of customers using pre-paid plans(1)
    27, 106 , 282       21,594,078  
Total number of customers (1)
    3 3 , 904 , 713       27,70 4 , 526  
Average numbers are based on the number of customers at the end of each month during the relevant year.

A.             Operating Results
The following table shows certain components of our statement of operations for each year in the three-year period ended December 31, 2008 , as well as the percentage change from year to year.
Statement of Operations:
Brazilian GAAP
Year ended December 31,
Percent change
as adjusted
2006  as adjusted
      2008-2007       2007-2006  
(in millions of reais )
Net operati ng revenue
    13,081.0       12,441.6       10,138.2       5.1 %     22.7 %
Cost of services and goods
    (7,063.8 )     (6,731.8 )     (5,530.0 )     4.9 %     21.7 %
Gross profit
    6,017.2       5,709.8       4,608.2       5.4 %     23.9 %
Operating expenses:
Selling expenses
    (4,098.4 )     (3,890.9 )     (3,250.9 )     5.3 %     19.7 %
General and administrative expenses
    (1,127.4 )     (1,032.8 )     (954.9 )     9.2 %     8.2 %
Other operating expense
    (300.5 )     (269.5 )     (202.3 )     11.5 %     33.2 %
Total operating expenses
    (5,526.3 )     (5,193.2 )     (4,408.1 )     6.4 %     17.8 %
Operating income (loss) before interest
    490.9       516.6       200.1       -5.0 %     158.2 %
Net financial income (expense)
    (375.0 )     (281.5 )     (264.0 )     33.2 %     6.6 %
Operating income (expense)
    115.9       235.1       (63.9 )     -50.7 %     -467.9 %
Income and social contribution tax benefit (expense)
    64.3       (166.8 )     (203.1 )     -138.5 %     -17.9 %
Net income (loss)
    180.2       68.3       (267.0 )     163.8 %     -125.6 %

Results of Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2008 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 2007
Operating revenues
Our operating revenues consisted of:
monthly subscription charges;
usage charges, which include roaming charges;
interconnection charges;
long distance charges;
value-added services;
other service revenues; and
proceeds from the sale of handsets and accessories.
The composition of our operating revenues by category of service is presented in n ote 21 to our consolidated financial statements and discussed below. We do not determine net operating revenues or allocate cost by category of service.
The following table shows certain components of our operating revenues, as well as the percentage change of each component from the prior year, for 2008 and 2007:
Statement of Operations Data:
Year ended December 31,
Percentage change
Brazilian GAAP
(in millions of reais )
Monthly subscription charges
    378.9       444.2       -14.7 %
Usage charges
    7, 954.7       7,267.9       9.4 %
Fixed services
    7.9       -       -  
Interconnection charges
    4,458.2       4,466.6       -0.2 %
Long distance charges
    1,986.7       1,889.7       5.1 %
Value added services
    1,598.3       1,217.1       31.3 %
Other service revenues
    101. 1       91.1       11.0 %
Gross operating revenues from services
    16,485. 8       15,376.6       7.2 %
Value-added and other taxes relating to services
    (3,659.1 )     (3,206.4 )     14.1 %
Discounts on services
    (729.9 )     (749.2 )     -2.6 %
Net operating revenues from services
    12,096.8       11,421.0       5.9 %
Sales of cellular handsets and accessories
    1,766.4       1,838.1       -3.9 %
Value-added and other taxes on handset sales
    (437.4 )     (547.6 )     -11.2 %
Discounts on handset sales
    (344.8 )     (269.9 )     27.8 %
Net operating revenues from sales of cellular handsets and accessories
    984.2       1,020.6       -9.6 %
Total net operating revenues
    13,081.0       12,441.6       5.1 %

Our gross service revenue for the year ended December 31, 2008 was R$16,485.8 million, representing a 7.2% increase from 2007. This increase derived mainly from the 16.5% expansion of our customer base and the 31.3% growth of value-added service revenues. The gross handset revenue for 2008 was R$1,766.4 million a 3.9% decrease over 2007. Gross revenues for 2008 totaled R$18,252.2 billion, 6.0% higher than gross revenues in 2007.
Net operating revenues increased 5.1% to R$13,081.0 million in 2008 from R$12,441.6 million in 2007. This is primarily due to the expansion in the number of customers, which leverages the growth in the use of services as a whole, including value-added services. Out of the total amount registered in 2008, 92.5% are represented by net service revenues and 7.5% by net handset revenues, as compared to 91.8% and 8.2%, respectively, in 2007.
Monthly subscription charges
Revenues from monthly subscription charges decreased to R$378.9 million in 2008 as compared to R$444.2 million in 2007, due to campaigns adopted by the company to encourage the migration of basic plans to usage service plans.
Usage charges
Revenue from usage charges was R$ 7,954.7 million in 2008, a 9. 4 % increase from R$7,2 67.9 million in 2007, due primarily to subscriber base increase and marketing campaigns adopted by the company to stimulate usage .

The total average monthly minutes of billed use per customer (“MOU”) for 2008 and 2007 were as follows :
Year ended December 31,
Average incoming MOU during the year
    25       32  
Average outgoing MOU during the year
    70       64  
Average total MOU during the year
    95       96  

Interconnection charges
Interconnection revenues consist of amounts paid to us by other mobile and fixed line providers for completion of calls on our network of calls originating on their networks. Our interconnection revenues were R$4,458. 2 in 2008, a 0.2% decrease from R$4,466.6 in 2007.   Despite subscriber growth, such performance can be attributed to the strong on-net calls stimulation by the market as a whole and a fixed to mobile traffic reduction trend. Interconnection as a percentage of total gross revenues of services stood at 27% in 2008 (compared to 2007).
Long distance charges
Revenues from long distance charges increased to R$1,986.7 million in 2008 from R$1,889.7 million in 2007, explained by our subscribers base growth and efforts to facilitate the use of our long distance service through selection of service providers , service packages and promotions .
Value-added services
Value-added servic e revenues increased 31 . 3% to R$1,598.3 million in 2008 from R$1,217.1 million in 2007, principally due to a n increase of o ur customer base ,   both on voice and data, such revenue increase were also backed on TIM s ability to maintain its innovative position .

Fueled by our 3G network, data transmission represents a key role to support company’s revenue growth. In this sense, TIM has reinforced its cutting edge positioning on data offer, widening partnerships and enhancing smart-phones portfolio (with the recent launch of the 3G iPhone). On top of that, the company continued to promote its mobile broadband offer through TIM web broadband.

Value-added services include short messaging services ( SMS, which represent a relevant portion of value-added service revenues), multimedia message services ( MMS ), data transmission, downloads (wallpapers, ring tones ) , TV access, voice mail, and chat.
Other service revenues
Revenues from other services increased 11.0% to R$101.1 million in 2008 from R$91.1 million in 2007. Revenues from other services are mainly composed by site sharing and co-billing services, which occur when a customer is billed by his own operator on behalf of another long distance company for services provided by such carrier.
Sales of mobile handsets and accessories
Sales of mobile handsets was down   3.9 % to R$1,7 66.4 million in 2008 when compared to R$1,8 38 .1 million registered in 2007. The Company mai ntained its segmented approach by stimulating the sales of SIM cards only for prepaid segment and advanced data enabled handsets and broadband access modems for postpaid and data customers .
Value-added and other taxes relating to services
The principal tax on telecommunications services is ICMS tax, which is imposed at rates between 25% and 35%. ICMS is also the principal tax on sales of handsets, which is imposed at a rate between 7% and 17%. See “Item 4B. Information on the Company—Business Overview—Taxes on Telecommunications Goods and Services.” Two federal social contribution taxes, PIS and COFINS, are imposed at combined rates of 3.65% on gross revenues operating relating to telecommunications services and at combined rates of 9.25% on mobile telephone handset sales.
Our value-added and other taxes relating to services and handset sales increased 9.1 % from 2007 to 2008, primarily as a result of an increase in operating revenue from services.
Discounts on services and handset sales were up   5.5 % to R$1, 074.7 million in 2008 as compared to R$1, 019 . 1 million in 2007. This increase was due primarily to strong competitive pressure to offer discounts during 200 8 .
Costs of services and goods
Costs of services and goods increased by 4.9% to R$7,063.8 in 2008 from R$ 6,731.8   in 2007, due primarily to increases in expenses related to improved capacity and quality of our GSM coverage and the deployment of our third generation network. Thus, the Company registered an increase of 20.3% in circuit leasing and related expenses, 16.7% in materials and services and 244.1% in FISTEL tax and other. Additionally, we also observed an increase of 6.5% in interconnection expenses reflecting the traffic growth in the period.
The following table shows the composition of costs of services and sales of mobile handsets, as well as the percentage change from 2007 to 2008:
Statement of Operations Data:
Year ended December 31,
Percentage change
Brazilian GAAP
      2008 - 2007  
(in millions of reais )
Depreciation and amortization
    1,324.4       1,332.9       -0.6 %
Interconnection expenses
    3,238.7       3,040.9       6.5 %
Circuit leasing and related expenses
    704.7       585.8       20.3 %
Materials and services
    267.2       229.0       16.7 %
    91.0       99.5       -8.5 %
FISTEL tax and other
    32.0       9.3       244.1 %
Total cost of services
    5,658.0       5,297.4       6.8 %
Cost of handsets and accessories sold
    1,405.8       1,434.4       -2.0 %
Total costs of services and goods
    7,063.8       6,731.8       4.9 %

Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization expenses decreased 0.6% to R$1,324.4 million in 2008 from R$1,332.9 million in 2007. The change presented in 2008 when compared to 2007 was pushed down by the total depreciation of the TDMA network in 2007. In 2008 the Company made new investments in  network and IT infrastructure expansion and improvement, which added new depreciation expenses.
Interconnection expenses
Interconnection expenses consist of the amount paid to fixed-line and other mobile service providers for termination of our outgoing calls on their networks. Interconnection costs increased 6.5% to R$3,238.7 million in 2008 from R$3,040.9 million in 2007. The growth is a result of strong outgoing traffic observed in the period, fueled by traffic promotions.
Circuit leasing and related expenses
Circuit leasing and related expenses represent lease payments to fixed carriers for the use of circuits ,   interconnecting our network and transporting our customer traffic through third-parties fixed infrastructure. Circuit leasing and related expenses increased 20.3% in 2008 to R$704.7 million from R$ 585.8 million in 2007. The increase follows the voice and data traffic growth (also fueled by 3G launch).
Materials and services
Materials and services costs were R$267.2 million in 2008, up 16.7% from R$229.0 million incurred in 2007. The increase reflects GSM network maintenance and 3G deployment.
Personnel costs decreased 8.5% to R$91.0 million in 2008 from R$99.5 million in 2007. The decrease was due principally to the reduction of the network workforce.
FISTEL tax and other
FISTEL tax and other costs increased 244.1% to R$32.0 million in 2008 from R$9.3 million in 2007, due in part to the renewal of licenses in 2008.
Costs of handsets and accessories sold
The cost of handsets and accessories sold in 2008 was R$1,405.8 million, representing 2.0% of decrease from R$1,434.4 million in 2007 despite a handset sale volume increase in the same period. The drop was mainly due to a lower handset average price (US$ average exchange rate depreciation, plus GSM handsets bulk purchase advantages).
Gross profit margins
The following table shows our gross profits, as well as the percentage change, from 2008 to 2007:
Statement of Operations Data:
Year ended December 31,
Percentage change
Brazilian GAAP
      2008 - 2007  
(in millions of reais )
Net operating revenues from services
    12,096.8       11,421.0       5.9 %
Cost of services
    (5,658.0 )     (5,297.4 )     6.8 %
Gross profit from services
    6,438.8       6,123.6       5.2 %
Net operating revenues from sales of cellular handsets and accessories
    984.2       1,020.6       (3.5 %)
Cost of goods
    (1,405.8 )     (1,434.4 )     (2.0 %)
Gross loss from sales of cellular handsets and accessories
    (421.6 )     (413.8 )     1.9 %
Gross profit
    6,017,2       5,709.8       5.4 %

Our gross profit margin from services (gross profit as a percentage of net service revenues) decreased from 53.6% in 2007 to 53.2% in 2008. The small decrease was explained by an increase of 20.3% in circuit leasing and related expenses, as well as 16.7% in expenses with material and services.
Our negative gross margin for sales of mobile handsets and accessories increased from 40.5% in 2007 to 42.8% in 2008. TIM continues to maintain its subsidy policy, often with special promotions at particular times of the year , following its segmented approach (subsidy for postpaid according to its contract plan). We engage in sales of handsets with the goal of customer acquisition and retention (loyalty program). The Company continues to aim to offer a complete and exclusive handset portfolio, which also supports VAS usage .
Our overall gross profit margin increased, from 45.9% in 2007 to 46.0% in 2008. This resulted primarily from a n increase in gross profit margin on services offset by the decrease of our gross margin for handset sales.
Operating expenses
The following table shows our operating expenses, as well as the percentage change from year to year of each component, for 2008 and 2007:
Statement of Operations Data:
Year ended December 31,
Percentage change
Brazilian GAAP
2007 as adjusted
      2008 - 2007  
(in millions of reais )
Operating expenses:
Selling expenses
    4,098.4       3,890.9       5.3 %
General and administrative expenses
    1,127.4       1,032.8       9.2 %
Other operating expenses, net
    300.5       269.5       11.5 %
Total operating expenses
    5,526.3       5,193.2       6.4 %
Our total operating expenses increased 6.4% to R$5,526.3 million in 2008 from R$5,193.2 million in 2007. This increase resulted from selling and general and administrative expenses growth.
Selling expenses
Selling expenses increased 5.3% to R$4,098.4   million in 2008 from R$ 3,890.9 million in 2007. The increase is due to higher commercial activities in the period: 11% of gross ads increase, the launch of 3G and convergent offer TIM Fixo. The growth was concentrated on outsourced expenses, recharge commission (given that pre-paid base grew by 21.8%) and FISTEL taxes (subscriber base increase 16.5% in 2008).
Selling expenses decreased as a percentage of net revenues from services, to 33.9% in 2008 from 34.1% in 2007.
General and administrative expenses
General and administrative expenses increased 9.2% to R$1,127.4 million in 2008 from R$1,032.8 million in 2007. The growth was primarily due to depreciation and amortization of intangible assets, as well as an increase in maintenance service in IT and consulting and legal services.
Other operating expense s , net
Other net operating expenses increased 11.5% to R$300.5 million in 2008 from R$269.5 million in 2007. This increased was primarily due to   the increase of amortization from 3G licenses, and provision for contingencies.
Net financial expense
TIM registered a net financial expense of R$375 .0 million in 2008, which represented a 33.2% increase from R$281.5 million in 2007. The increase reflects the new ind ebt ed ness of the Company to acquire the 3G licenses, which underwent NPV adjustments to comply with new Brazilian corporate law and had an impact of R$85.7 million in 2008 . The NPV adjustement is related to the effect of the recognition of the 3G license liability based on its present value.
Income and social contribution taxes
Income and social contribution taxes are calculated based on the separate income of each subsidiary, adjusted by the additions and exclusions provided by tax law. The Company recorded income and social contribution tax of R$64.3 million in 2008, compared to an expense of R$166.8 million in 2007. The increase was mainly due to the recognition of R$160.2 in tax benefit during 2008 for the subsidiary TIM Nordeste , resulting from the partial reversal of the valuation allowance recorded in prior years . This amount results from TIM Nordeste’s business plan, which demonstrates the capability of TIM Nordeste to generate future taxable income to compensate the tax benefit recognized.
Net i ncome (loss)
Our net income in 2008 was R$180.2 million, representing an increase of R$111.9 million or 163.8% from a net income of R$68.3 million in 2007, primarily reflecting the recognition of the above explained tax credits.
Results of Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2007 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 2006
Operating revenues
Our operating revenues consisted of:
monthly subscription charges;
usage charges, which include roaming charges;
interconnection charges;
long distance charges;
value-added services;
other service revenues; and
proceeds from the sale of handsets and accessories.
The composition of our operating revenues by category of service is presented in note 21 to our consolidated financial statements and discussed below. We do not determine net operating revenues or allocate cost by category of service.
The following table shows certain components of our operating revenues, as well as the percentage change of each component from the prior year, for 2007 and 2006:
Statement of Operations Data:
Year ended December 31,
Percentage change
Brazilian GAAP
2006 as adjusted
(in millions of reais )
Monthly subscription charges
    444.2       580.3       -23.5 %
Usage charges
    7,267.9       5,476.1       32.7 %
Interconnection charges
    4,466.6       3,439.3       29.9 %
Long distance charges
    1,889.7       1,351.1       39.9 %
Value added services
    1,217.1       886.2       37.3 %
Other service revenues
    91.1       87.3       4.4 %
Gross operating revenues from services
    15,376.6       11,820.3       30.1 %
Value-added and other taxes relating to services
    (3,206.4 )     (2,476.0 )     29.5 %
Discounts on services
    (749.2 )     (388.7 )     92.7 %
Net operating revenues from services
    11,421.0       8,955.6       27.5 %
Sales of cellular handsets and accessories
    1,838.1       2,057.3       -10.7 %
Value-added and other taxes on handset sales
    (547.6 )     (598.1 )     -8.4 %
Discounts on handset sales
    (269.9 )     (276.6 )     -2.4 %
Net operating revenues from sales of cellular handsets and accessories
    1,020.6       1,182.6       -13.7 %
Total net operating revenues
    12,441.6       10,138.2       22.7 %

Our net operating revenues increased 22.7% to R$12,441.6 million in 2007 from R$10,138.2 million in 2006. This is primarily due to the expansion in the number of customers, which leverages the growth in the use of services as a whole, including value-added services (VAS). Out of the total of R$12.4 billion of net operating revenues in 2007, 91.8% are represented by net service revenues and 8.2% by net sales revenues of handsets, as compared to 88.3% and 11.7%, respectively, in 2006.
In 2007, our average number of customers, calculated as the simple mean of monthly averages, increased 23.1% to 27.7 million, compared to 22.5 million customers in 2006. This increase is a result of strong market campaign and brand quality.
Monthly subscription charges
Revenues from monthly subscription charges decreased to R$444.2 million in 2007 as compared to R$580.3 million in 2006, due to campaigns adopted by the company to encourage the migration of basic plans to usage service plans. The following table shows the total average number of customers during 2007 and 2006.
Year ended December 31,
Average number of customers using post-paid plans(1)
    6,111,606       4,630,782  
Average number of customers using pre-paid plans(1)
    21,594,078       17,873,350  
Total number of customers (1)
    27,705,684       22,504,132  
Average numbers are based on the number of customers at the end of each month during the relevant year.
Usage charges
Revenue from usage charges was R$7,267.9 million in 2007, a 32.7% increase from R$5,476.1 million in 2006, due primarily to the marketing campaigns adopted by the company to stimulate usage, the high quality of the customers acquired in the year, who are characterized by increased service usage along with an increase of 23.1% of our average number of customers.
The total average monthly minutes of billed use per customer (“MOU”) for 2007 and 2006 was as shown in the following table:
Year ended December 31,
Average incoming MOU during the year
    32       37  
Average outgoing MOU during the year
    64       52  
Average total MOU during the year
    96       89  

Interconnection charges
Interconnection revenues consist of amounts paid to us by other mobile and fixed line providers for completion of calls on our network of calls originating on their networks. Until July 14, 2006 , no payments were made to us to the extent that offsetting charges between us and any other mobile service provider falls within a band of 45% to 55% of the aggregate charges for local calls between us and a provider for any given month, as required by the PCS regulations in July 2003. However, as such, Anatel completely eliminated the bill and keep concept, establishing a full interconnection regime, meaning that each mobile operator will be paid for the use of its network, based on total traffic. Our interconnection revenues were R$4,466.6 in 2007, a 29.9% increase from R$3,439.3 in 2006.
Long distance charges
Revenues from long distance charges increased to R$1,889.7 million in 2007 from R$1,351.1 million in 2006, due to an increase in our subscribers base and our efforts to facilitate the use of our long distance service through selection of service providers and service packages.
Value-added services
Value-added services revenues increased 37.3% to R$1,217.1million in 2007 from R$886.2 million in 2006, principally due to a significant increase in our customer base and partially due to GSM and its large variety of innovations with popular content (entertainment, infotainment and institutional/governmental information). These services include short messaging services (which represent the major portion of VAS revenues), ring tones, TV access, photo transmissions, multimedia message services ( MMS ), voice mail, call waiting, call forwarding, conference calling services and chat, among others.
Other service revenues
Revenues from other services increased 4.4% to R$91.1 million in 2007 from R$87.3 million in 2006. Revenues from other services mainly include revenues from site sharing and co-billing services,   which occur when we bill our customers on behalf of another long distance service provider for services rendered to our customer by that carrier.
Sales of mobile handsets and accessories
Sales of mobile handsets decreased 10.7% to R$1,838.1 million in 2007 as compared to R$2,057.3 million in 2006. The Company continued to seek the reduction of the sales of prepaid handsets, while stimulating the sales of ind ividual SIM cards and advanced data enabled handsets.
Value-added and other taxes relating to services
The principal tax on telecommunications services is ICMS tax, which is imposed at rates between 25% and 35%. ICMS is also the principal tax on sales of handsets, which is imposed at a rate between 7% and 17%. See “Item 4B. Information on the Company—Business Overview—Taxes on Telecommunications Goods and Services.” Two federal social contribution taxes, PIS and COFINS, are imposed at combined rates of 3.65% on gross revenues operating relating to telecommunications services and at combined rates of 9.25% on mobile telephone handset sales.
Our value-added and other taxes relating to services and handset sales increased  22.1% from 2006 to 2007, primarily as a result of an increase in operating revenue from services.
Discounts on services and handset sales increased 53.2% to R$1,019.0 million in 2007 as compared to R$665.3 million in 2006. This increase was due primarily to strong competitive pressure to offer discounts during 2007.
Costs of services and goods
Costs of services and goods increased by 21.7% to R$ 6,731.8   in 2007 from R$ 5,530.0   in 2006, due primarily to increases in expenses related to expanding the coverage and capacity of our GSM network and other costs relating to servicing a significant increase in our customer base. Additionally, costs of services and goods increased due to a 70.8% increase in interconnection expenses as a result of the termination of the partial bill and keep system in July 14, 2006, a 0.6% increase in depreciation and amortization expenses and a 1.9% increase in cost of handsets and accessories sold. These costs increases were partially offset by a 3.4% decrease in circuit leasing and related expenses, a 19.5% decrease in materials and services, a 52.3% decrease in the Fistel tax and a 6.8% decrease in personnel expenses. Cost of goods and services represented 54.5% of net revenues in 2006 and 54.1% of net revenues in 2007. This decrease is principally due to the benefits of scale primarily attributable to the increase of our customer base. The following table shows the composition of costs of services and sales of mobile handsets, as well as the percentage change from 2006 to 2007:
Statement of Operations Data:
Year ended December 31,
Percentage change
Brazilian GAAP
2006 as adjusted
      2007 - 2006  
(in millions of reais )
Depreciation and amortization
    1,332.9       1,324.8       0.6 %
Interconnection expenses
    3,040.9       1,780.4       70.8 %
Circuit leasing and related expenses
    585.8       606.3       -3.4 %
Materials and services
    229.0       284.4       -19.5 %
    99.5       106.8       -6.8 %
FISTEL tax and other
    9.3       19.5       -52.3 %
Total cost of services
    5,297.4       4,122.2       28.5 %
Cost of handsets and accessories sold
    1,434.4       1,407.8       1.9 %
Total costs of services and goods
    6,731.8       5,530.0       21.7 %
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization expenses increased 0.6% to R$1,332.9 million in 2007 from R$1,324.8 million in 2006, due to the network and IT infrastructure expansion and improvement.
Interconnection expenses
Interconnection expenses consist of amounts paid to fixed-line and other mobile service providers for completion on their networks of calls originating on our network. Interconnection costs increased 70.8% to R$3,040.9 million in 2007 from R$1,780.4 million in 2006, due to the elimination of the bill and keep system, meaning that the Company now pays the interconnection charge on every local call to other mobile operators, and to the growth in traffic volume (increase of 33.3% in 2007), basically due to the expansion of the client base.
Circuit leasing and related expenses
Circuit leasing and related expenses represent lease payments to Brasil Telecom, Telemar, Embratel and Telefonica for use of circuits interconnecting our radio base stations and switching centers and connecting our network to the networks of Brasil Telecom, Telemar, Embratel and Telefonica. Circuit leasing and related expenses decreased 3.4% in 2007 to R$585.8 million from R$606.3 million in 2006.
Materials and services
Materials and services costs were R$229.0 million in 2007, a 19.5% decrease over R$284.4 million in 2006. The decrease was primarily the optimization of our expenses.
Personnel costs decreased 6.8% to R$99.5 million in 2007 from R$106.8 million in 2006. The decrease was due principally to the reduction of the network maintenance workforce.
FISTEL tax and other
FISTEL tax and other costs decreased 52.3% to R$9.3million in 2007 from R$19.5 million in 2006, due in part to fewer installed base stations in 2007 as compared to 2006.
Costs of handsets and accessories sold
The cost of handsets and accessories sold in 2007 was R$1,434.4 million, representing a 1.9% increase from R$1,407.8 million in 2006. This increase was mainly due to the annual growth in handset sales volume (6.0 million in 2007 versus 5.5 million in 2006).
Gross profit margins
The following table shows our gross profits, as well as the percentage change, from 2007 to 2006:
Statement of Operations Data:
Year ended December 31,
Percentage change
Brazilian GAAP
2006 as adjusted
(in millions of reais )
Net operating revenues from services
    11,421.0       8,955.6       27.5 %
Cost of services
    (5,297.4 )     (4,122.2 )     28.5 %
Gross profit from services
    6,123.6       4,833.4       26.7 %
Net operating revenues from sales of cellular handsets and accessories
    1,020.6       1,182.6       -13.7 %
Cost of goods
    (1,434.4 )     (1,407.8 )     1.9 %
Gross loss from sales of cellular handsets and accessories
    (413.8 )     (225.2 )     83.7 %
Gross profit
    5,709.8       4,608.2       23.9 %

Our gross profit margin (gross profit as a percentage of net revenues) from services decreased from 54.0% in 2006 to 53.6% in 2007. This decrease resulted from an increase in cost of services, mainly affected by an increase of 70.8% in interconnection expenses.
Our negative gross margin for sales of mobile handsets and accessories increased from 19.0% in 2006 to 40.5% in 2007. We engage in sales of handsets, often with special promotions at particular times of the year, in order to increase the number of customers and generate demand for our services.
Our overall gross profit margin increased, from 45.5% in 2006 to 45.9% in 2007. This resulted primarily from a increase in gross profit margin on services offset by the decrease of our gross margin for handset sales.
Operating expenses
The following table shows our operating expenses, as well as the percentage change from year to year of each component, for 2007 and 2006:

Statement of Operations Data:
Year ended December 31,
Percentage change
Brazilian GAAP
2007 as adjusted
2006 as adjusted
      2007 - 2006  
(in millions of reais )
Operating expenses:
Selling expenses
    3,890.9       3,250.9       19.7 %
General and administrative expenses
    1,032.8       954.9       8.2 %
Other operating expenses, net
    269. 5       202.3       33.2 %
Total operating expenses
    5,193. 2       4,408.1       17.8 %

Our total operating expenses increased 17.8% to R$5,193.2 million in 2007 from R$4,408.1 million in 2006. This increase resulted from increases in selling expenses and general and administrative expenses.
Selling expenses
Selling expenses increased 19.7% to R$ 3,890.9 million in 2007 from R$3,250.9 million in 2006, mainly reflecting an increase in gross additions, which affected mostly variable expenses related to commissions. Therefore, selling expenses decreased as a percentage of net revenues from services, being 34.1% in 2007 and 36.3% in 2006.
General and administrative expenses
General and administrative expenses increased 8.2% to R$1,032.8 million in 2007 from R$954.9 million in 2006. This increase was primarily due to depreciation and amortization.
Other operating expense s , net
Other net operating expenses increased 33.2% to R$269. 5 million in 2007 from R$202.3 million in 2006. This increase was primarily due to   the reclassification of costs with sale of property, plant and equipment items, formerly considered “non operating expenses.”
Net financial expense s
We had net financial expense s of R$281.5 million in 2007, which represented a 6.6% increase from R$264.0 million in 2006. This increase reflects higher financial income over short term investments incurred in 2006 in comparison to 2007 (R$117.0 in 2006 against R$24.5 in 2007).
Income and social contribution taxes
We recorded income and social contribution tax expense s of R$166.8 million in 2007, compared to an expense of R$203.1million in 2006.
Net Income (loss)
Our net income in 2007 was R$68.3 million, representing an increase of R$335.3 million or 125.6% from a loss of R$267.0 million in 2006, primarily reflecting the increase in our operating income .
B. Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company expects to finance its capital expenditures and other liquidity requirements for 2008 and 2009 with operating revenue, renewals of maturing indebtedness and new financing.

In 2008, the Company resettled R$300 million maturing in August 2008 to August 2010 (Club Deal - Tranche “A”),  contracted new short and medium term debt with local and international banks for an amount of R$1 billion and was granted an additional R$152 million of long term soft loans (loans with a below-market rate of interest) under the existing BNDES facility.

New financing achieved in 2008, included long term soft loans granted from i) Banco do Nordeste do Brasil (BNB) for an amount of R$67 million of which R$45 million have been disbursed in April 2008 with last disbursement to be completed in 2009, ii) European Investment Bank (EIB) for an amount of EUR 200 million to be disbursed in 2009, iii) Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) for an amount
of R$ 1.51 billion of which R$ 270 million have been disbursed in December 2008, and iv) BNPP-SACE (Societá Servizi Assicurativi)  for an amount of US$ 144 million that have been disbursed in January 2009.

In 2009, the Company will complete its current financing needs with current long term facilities and partial renewal of its short term debt.

Sources of Funds

Cash from operations

Our cash flows from operating activities were  R$3,180.3 million in 2008, compared to R$2,503.6 million in 2007. At December 31, 2008, we had negative working capital of R$44.7 million, compared to a working capital of R$259.6 million in 2007. It is important to emphasize that in 2008 we had a disbursement of R$1.32 billion for a 3G license payment.

Financial Contracts

We and our subsidiaries are parties to the following material financial contracts:

Credit Agreement, dated as of June 28, 2004, among TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, in the principal amount of R$20 million. The amount outstanding as of December 31, 2008, including accrued interest, was R$11.4 million. The agreement, which matures on June 28, 2012, bears interest in the rate of 10.0% per annum. In connection with this agreement, Banco Bradesco S.A. issued a letter of guarantee, subject to the payment of fees corresponding to 1% per annum of the principal amount. The guarantee agreement executed by TIM Nordeste and Banco Bradesco S.A. provides for the issuance of a R$30 million promissory note by TIM Nordeste with Tim Participações as the guarantor of such promissory note.

Credit Agreement, dated as of April 29, 2005, among TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, in the principal amount of approximately R$85.3 million. The amount outstanding as of December 31, 2008, including accrued interest, was R$60.2 million. The agreement, which matures on April 29, 2013, and bears interest at a rate of 10.0% per annum. In connection with this agreement, Banco Bradesco S.A. issued a letter of guarantee, subject to the payment of fees corresponding to 1% per annum of the principal amount. The guarantee agreement executed by TIM Nordeste and Banco Bradesco S.A. provides for the issuance of a R$ 128.0 million promissory note by TIM Nordeste with Tim Participações as the guarantor of such promissory note.
Credit Agreement, dated as of June 28, 2004, among TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, in the principal amount of R$99.9 million. The amount outstanding as of December 31, 2008, including accrued interest, was R$56.8 million. The agreement, which matures on June 28, 2012, bears interest in the rate of 11.5% per annum. In connection with this agreement, Banco Bradesco S.A. issued a letter of guarantee, subject to the payment of fees corresponding to 1% per annum of the principal amount. The guarantee agreement executed by TIM Nordeste and Banco Bradesco S.A. provides for the issuance of a R$ 149.8 million promissory note by TIM Nordeste with Tim Participações as the guarantor of such promissory note.
Credit Agreement, dated as of January 28, 2008, among TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, in the principal amount of R$ 67.0 million, of which R$44.6 million have currently been drawn. The amount outstanding as of December 31, 2008, including accrued interest, was R$ 45.3 million. The agreement, which matures on January 31, 2016, bears interest in the rate of 10.0% per annum. In connection with this agreement, Banco Votorantim S.A. issued a letter of guarantee, subject to the payment of fees corresponding to 0.75% per annum of the integral principal amount offered in the Credit Agreement. The guarantee agreement executed by TIM Nordeste and Banco Votorantim S.A. provides for the issuance of a $67.0 million promissory note by TIM Nordeste. TIM Participações is not the guarantor in this promissory note.
Credit Agreement, dated as of August 10, 2005, among BNDES, as lender, TIM Celular, as borrower, and Tim Brasil as guarantor, in the principal amount of R$1,015.5 million outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The agreement, which matures on August 15, 2013 bears interest at a fixed rate of 4.2% plus the TJLP, which was 6.25% per annum on December 31, 2008. On December 31, 2007, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$1,019.9 million.

Credit Agreement, dated as of October 14, 2005, among BNDES, as lender, TIM Celular, as borrower, and Unibanco, as guarantor, in the principal amount of R$35.8 million outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The agreement, which matures on October 17, 2011, bears interest at a fixed rate of 3% plus the TJLP, which was 6.25% per annum on December 31, 2008. On December 31, 2008, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$36.0 million. In connection with this agreement, Unibanco issued a letter of guarantee, subject to the payment of fees corresponding to 0.64% per annum of the principal amount.

Credit Agreement, dated as of  November 19, 2008, among BNDES, as lender, TIM Celular, as borrower, and Tim Participações as guarantor, in the principal amount of R$230 million outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The agreement, which matures on July 15, 2017 bears interest at a fixed rate of 2.2% plus the TJLP, which was 6.25% per annum on December 31, 2008. On December 31, 2008, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$230.4 million.

Credit Agreement, dated as of November 19, 2008, among BNDES, as lender, TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Tim Participações as guarantor, in the principal amount of R$40 million outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The agreement, which matures on July 15, 2017 bears interest at a fixed rate of 2.2% plus the TJLP, which was 6.25% per annum on December 31, 2008. On December 31, 2008, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$40.1 million.

Credit Agreement, dated as of August 26, 2005 as amended in August 14, 2008, among HSBC, ABN Amro, Bradesco, Banco do Brasil, Itaú, Santander, BNP Paribas, Unibanco, Banco Votorantim, Societé Generale, as lenders, TIM Celular, as borrower, and Tim Brasil, as guarantor, in the principal amount of R$600.0 million outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The Tranche A of R$ 300 million, which matures on August 10, 2009, bears interest at a variable rate of 0.9% above the CDI interest rate. The Tranche B, which matures on August 5, 2010, bears interest at a variable rate of 1.80% above the CDI interest rate. On December 31, 2008, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$628.7 million.

Credit Agreement, dated as of April 18, 2008, among ABN as lender, and TIM Celular, as borrower, in the principal amount of R$ 150.0 million outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The agreement, which matures on November 04, 2011, bears interest at a variable rate of 110% of the CDI interest rate. On December 31, 2008, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$154.5 million.

Credit Agreement, dated as of May 5, 2008, among ABN as lender, and TIM Celular, as borrower, in the principal amount of R$ 50.0 million outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The agreement, which matures on April 25, 2011, bears interest at a variable rate of 110% of the CDI interest rate. On December 31, 2008, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$51.1 million.

Several facility agreements contracted  under Resolution CMN n. 2.770 (Foreign currency denominated debt already swapped into local floating interest rate denominated currency) and disbursed between March  and December 2008, among TIM Celular, as borrower, and Banco Santander, Votorantim,Unibanco, and ABN AMRO, as lenders , in the total principal amount of R$ 648.9 million. The total outstanding amount as of December 31, 2008 is R$ 1,214.8 million, including accrued interest. The agreements, the last of which matures on July 2010, bear an average cost of 127.6% of the CDI. No guarantees were offered for these loans.
See notes 13 and 29 in our consolidated financial statements for a further description of such financing agreements.

Uses of Funds

Principal uses of funds during the three-year period ended December 31, 2008, were the purchase of fixed assets, the payment of distributions to our shareholders and loan repayments. Funds used for the purchase of fixed assets, including accounts payable, for the years ended December 2008, 2007 and 2006 totaled R$3,272.1 million, R$1,044.2 million and R$937.5 million, respectively. Dividend payments to our shareholders and subsidiary minority interest during the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 totaled R$207.6 million, R$440.3 million and R$114.9 million, respectively. Funds used for loan payments for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006 totaled, respectively, R$557.9, R$1,466.8 million and R$1,070.7 million.

Investments in Fixed Assets
Our capital expenditures in 2008, 2007, and 2006 related primarily to:
deployment of our third generation (3G) network
implementation and maintenance of our GSM and TDMA networks;
purchases of equipment relating to our migration to PCS operations;
expanding network capacity, geographic coverage and digitalization;
developing new operational systems to meet customers’ demands and information technology systems; and
free handsets provided to corporate customers (comodato) .
The following table contains a breakdown of our investments in fixed assets for the years ended December 31, 2008 , 2007, and 2006:

Year ended December 31,
Capital Expenditures Categories
(in millions of reais )
  R$ 1,089.5     R$  1,106.9     R$  819.0  
    1,239.0       29.0       -  
Information technology
    545.3       506.2       412.2  
Handsets provided to corporate customers ( comodato )
    358.2       234.6       314.2  
    40.1       56.2       42.4  
Total capital expenditures
  R$  3,272.1     R$  1,932.9     R$  1,587.8  

Our Board of Directors has approved our budget for capital expenditures from 2009 to 2011 in the total amount of R$2.3 billion in 2009 and 12% of net revenues for 2011, for expenditures relating to our subsidiaries TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste. Most of the capital expenditures we budgeted for 2009 to 2011 relate to the expansion of the capacity and quality of our 3G technology and development of technology infrastructure. See “Item 4.A. Information on the Company—History and Development of the Company—Capital Expenditures.”
Our Dividends are calculated in accordance with our bylaws and the Brazilian Corporations Law. Pursuant to our bylaws, we must distribute an amount equivalent to 25% of adjusted net income as minimum dividend each year ended December 31, provided that there are funds available for distribution.

For the purposes of the Brazilian Corporation Law and in accordance with our bylaws, “adjusted net income” is the amount equal to the net profit adjusted to reflect allocations to or from: (i) the legal reserve, and (ii) a contingency reserve for probable losses, if applicable.

Preferred shares are nonvoting but take priority on (i) capital reimbursement, at no premium; and (ii) payment of a minimum non-cumulative dividend of 6% p.a. on the total obtained from dividing the capital stock by the total number of shares issued by the us.

Following the latest amendment to Brazilian Corporations Law (Law No. 10,303/01), our bylaws have been amended by including the First Paragraph of Section 10, to give holders of preferred shares, the right to receive dividends corresponding to 3% (three percent) of shareholders equity every year, based on the balance sheet most recently approved, whenever the amount then resulting exceeds the dividend amount as calculated pursuant  to the criteria, described in the preceding paragraph.

Our management proposed that the outstanding balance of the adjusted net profits, in the amount of R$ 171.1 million be fully distributed as dividends to our preferred shareholders.

The following table contains a breakdown of the dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity actually paid (net of income taxes) by us to our shareholders during the years ended December 31, 2008, 2007 and 2006:
Dividend Distribution (1)
Year ended December 31,
(in millions of reais )
  R$ 207.6     R$  440.3     R$  58.5  
Interest on shareholders’ equity
    -       -     R$  56.4  
Total distributions
  R$ 207.6     R$  440.3     R$  114.9  
(1) Amounts already paid to our shareholders

On April 2 , 200 9 our shareholders approved the distribution of R$ 171.1 million as dividends to our shareholders with respect to our 200 8 results . On April 11, 2008 our shareholders approved the distribution of R$212.0 million as dividends to our shareholders with respect to our 2007 results. On April 12, 2007 our shareholders approved the distribution of R$450.7 million as dividends to our shareholders with respect to our 2006 results. On March 7, 2006 our shareholders approved the distribution of R$132.5 million (R$122.0 million net of taxes) as dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity to our shareholders with respect to our 2005 results.

C.             Research and Development
We do not independently develop new telecommunications hardware and depend upon the manufacturers of telecommunications products for the development of new hardware. Accordingly, we do not expect to incur material research and development expenses in the future.

D.             Trend Information
Customer Base and Market Share
TIM’s subscriber base ended the year with 36.4 million clients, 16.5% up from 2007, corresponding to a market share of 24.2%, while the service revenues share, our primary focus, stood at 27% in 2008, compared to 33.8% in 2007. The pre-paid segment reached 29.8 million (21.8% up from 2007) while the post-paid stood at 6.6 million users in the year (3.0% down from 2007) due to rigid disconnection policy, fiercer competitive environment and less than expected acquisition in this segment.
Although no assurances can be given as to the size of our subscriber base and market share in the future, we intend to focus on maintaining and improving our strong position in the mobile telecommunications market in Brazil in terms of number of subscribers and our high quality customer composition. To do so we intend to utilize sophisticated customer relationship strategies and our customer segmentation approach, which we believe has contributed to an increased subscriber base and market share since the beginning of 2005, to retain our current customers and attract new customers.
Change of Mix Between Postpaid and Prepaid Customers
As for the client mix, our post-paid customers accounted for 18.1% of total subscriber base, compared to 21.7% from a year ago, largely impacted by the increase of pre-paid base and the aforementioned performance from post-paid. It is also worth noting that the mobile market growth has been concentrated in the prepaid segment due to increased penetration in the low income classes.
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) Per Month
TIM continues to maintain the highest ARPU among peers, registering R$29.7 in 2008, down 13% when compared to R$34.4 presented in 2007. The trend is partially attributed to an increase of 22% in the pre-paid segment, a lower incoming revenue contribution and post-paid mix decline.
We are seeking to maintain our ARPU leadership position by focusing on value customers through segment ed marketing approach and offering innovative and convergent services. If we are able to continue to maintain a relatively high ARPU, it would allow us to maintain revenue growth.
Revenues from value-added services had an important role in offsetting ARPU’s downward trend of the market as a whole. In 2008 we registered a value-added service revenue growth of 31.3% and accounted for
10% of total gross service revenue (compared to 8% registered in 2007). We anticipate that revenues from value-added services will continue to increase and become a larger component of our total service revenues, particularly after the launch of our 3G offers (such as our mobile broadband solution). As the provision of value-added services has a relatively low marginal cost, we anticipate that value-added services will contribute to the growth of our operating margins.
Competitive Environment
Brazil has a competitive scenario that is almost unique in the world. The competition in the country’s mobile telephony sector has bec o me fiercer with the recent mergers and acquisitions. This market has been growing at significant rates compared not only to the telecom industry but also to other sectors of the economy. Brazil is one of the few markets with four nationwide competitors, each with a market share between 20% and 30%, which TIM believes, acts as the driver of growth and for the development of differentiated and quality services at fair and competitive prices.
        In 200 8 , despite the competitive environment, our gross acquisition cost (per gross addition) was R$110 for the year ended December 31, 2008, compared to R$118 presented in 2007. The decrease of 7% reflects the consistent segmented approach, with commission and subsidy based on profitability, and focus on SIM-card only sales approach to the pre-paid segment .

In addition to competition from other traditional mobile telecommunications service providers, the level of competition from fixed-line service providers has increased, and we expect will continue to increase, as fixed-line service providers attempt to attract subscribers away from mobile service based on price and package offers that bundle multiple applications such as voice services (mobile and fixed-line), broadband and other services. Technological changes in the telecommunications field, such as the development of third generation, and number portability are expected to introduce additional sources of competition. It is also expected that Anatel will auction licenses to provide mobile telecommunications services over additional bandwidth frequencies to accommodate these emerging technologies.
The year 2008 was marked both by the government’s programs to encourage digital inclusion and the maturing of convergent services, until then inaccessible to the majority of the population. TIM pioneered the trend and, in 2007, launched TIM Web, the mobile Internet service with 2.5G technology, th r ough its GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) networks, allowing users mobile access to Internet even before the launch of 3G technology in Brazil. Such initiatives, both of the government and the telecom companies, helped the country register record personal computer sales, expand digital inclusion and be among the world’s five biggest markets in this segment. Also in 2008, the broadband market grew by more than 60% compared to the previous year, reaching a penetration of 21 % of households , with mobile broadband accounting for more than 40% of this growth.
The scope of competition and any adverse effects on our results and market share will depend on a variety of factors that cannot be assessed with precision, some of which are beyond our control. See “Item 3D. Key Information—Risk Factors” and “Item 4B. Information on the Company Business Overview—Competition.”
Network Investment
In order to support the sector’s high growth rates, substantial investments are required in technology and infrastructure, both for expansion and for improving the quality of services provided . As a provider of a service that is fundamental for the company’s social and economic development, TIM reiterates its commitment to invest in and work for universal access to telecommunications.
We maintain our investments in expanding our GSM network ,   reaching a coverage of 93% of the country’s urban population, serving around 2,800 cities. GSM coverage counts with 100% of GPRS and around 75% of EDGE . Our 3G services (launched in the second quarter of 2008 ) are already in the main cities in Brazil . We will, however, continue to invest in selectively expanding our coverage of the Brazilian population, focusing on the quality of coverage we provide in major metropolitan areas by increasing our coverage in buildings, tunnels and major roads and on increasing capacity across our network to ensure it remains capable of absorbing high call volume in high usage areas. GSM is viewed as good pathway to more advanced technologies, and we expect relatively limited further investment will be required to make our current network capable of supporting emerging technologies such as 3G, 3.5G and High Speed Downlink Packet Access, or HSDPA.
E.             Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
We do not have any off-balance sheet arrangements.

F.             Tabular Disclosure of Contractual Obligations
The following table shows our contractual obligations and commercial commitments as of December 31, 2008 :
Payments due by Period
(in millions of reais )
Less than
1 year
1-3 years
4-5 years
More than
5 years
Long-term debt
    3,497,733       1,431,219       1,393,268       496,497       176,749  
Operating leases(1)
    1,177,079       218,191       461,571       497,317       -  
    4,674,812       1,649,410       1,854,839       993,814       176,749  
The information regarding payments due by period under our operating leases reflects future payments due that are non-cancelable without payment of a penalty. See note 18 to our Consolidated Financial Statements.
Other than as set forth herein, we have no capital lease obligations, unconditional purchase obligations, commercial commitments (i.e., lines of credit, standby letters of credit, standby repurchase obligations or other commercial commitments) or other long-term obligations.  Interest is not included in long-term debt since subject to variable interest – see note 13 to our consolidated financial statements.
In 2008, we expect to have approximately R$3.8 billion in capital expenditures relating to our subsidiaries. Most of the planned 2008 capital expenditures relate to the expansion of the capacity and quality of our 3G technology and development of information technology systems. See “Item 4.A. Information on the Company—History and Development of the Company—Capital Expenditures.”
Contingent Pension Liabilities
Until December 1999, we participated in a multi-employer defined benefit plan (the “Telebrás Pension Plan” ) that covered the employees of the Telebrás System who retired before the Breakup as well as those who continued working for the operating companies after the Breakup. We are contingently liable, jointly and severally with the other New Holding Companies, for the unfunded obligations of the Telebrás Pension Plan with respect to all such employees who retired before January 30, 2000 . In December 1999, we changed to a defined benefit plan (the “PBS Plan”) that covers only those former employees of Telebrás who continued to be employed by us after December 1999. We are also contingently liable for the unfunded obligations of the PBS Plan with respect to our employees participating in this plan. See note 33 to our consolidated financial statements.
In November 2002, we created a separate defined contribution plan (the “TIMPREV Pension Plan” ). Migration to this plan was optional for employees linked to the PBS Plan. Migration to the TIMPREV Pension Plan extinguishes the migrating participant’s rights under the PBS Plan. We are also contingently liable for the unfounded obligations of the TIMPREV Pension Plan with respect to our employees participating in this plan. See note 33 to our consolidated financial statements.
G.    Safe harbor
Not applicable.
A.     Directors and Senior Management
 Board of Directors
We are administered by a Board of Directors ( Conselho de Administração ) and a Board of Executive Officers ( Diretoria ), which are overseen by a Fiscal Committee ( Conselho Fiscal ). The Board of Directors is comprised of three to nine members, serving for of a two year term each with the possibility of re-election.
Our directors’ duties and responsibilities are set forth by Brazilian law, our Estatutos Sociais (“by-laws”) and our Política de Divulgação de Informações (Disclosure Policy) , as determined by CVM Instruction 358. All decisions taken by our Board of Directors are registered in the books of the Board of Directors’ meetings. The Board of Directors holds regular meetings once every quarter of the fiscal year and also holds special meetings when ever discretionarily called by the chair man , by two directors or by the Chief Executive Officer. The chair man of the Board of Directors may also invite to the Board of Directors’ meetings, at his discretion, any of
our key employees, in order to discuss any relevant corporate matter. Our Board of Directors does not have an independent directors’ committee . However, in the course of 2008, the Board of Directors has implemented two special advisory committees: the Compensation Committee and the Internal Control and Corporate Governance Committee, both composed by at least one independent director.
Management is required to comply with, and has agreed to comply with, the Manual of Securities Trade and Information Use and Disclosure Policy and the Code of Ethics, issued by the Company.
The following are the members of the Board of Directors and their respective titles:
Date Appointed
Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
April 2, 2009
Gabriele Galateri di Genola
April 2, 2009
Luca Luciani
April 2, 2009
Carmelo Furci
April 2, 2009
Mailson Ferreira da Nóbrega
April 2, 2009
Oscar Cichetti
April 2, 2009
Andrea Sandro Calabi
April 2, 2009
Manoel Horácio Francisco da Silva
April 2, 200 9
Stefano de Angelis
April 2, 200 9

In addition, it shall be recorded that Mr. Nóbrega, Mr. Calabi and Mr. Francisco da Silva are the members of the Board of Directors qualified as independent directors according to Brazilian independence standards.  They are scheduled to be re-elected or replaced at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to be held in 2011. Set forth below are brief biographical descriptions of the members of the Board of Directors.
Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo .   Mr. Araujo holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ and has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company since the beginn ing of this year. Mr. Araujo started his career in the telecommunications area in Telerj , where he performed for six years in the development of rules for the Data Communications Service. From 1977 to 1997 he worked in Embratel , where he held the positions of Manager of the Data and Text Communications Service, of Assistant of the Engineering Officer and of Manager of the Business Customers Department. In Splice do Brasil, Mr. Araujo has held the position of Services Officer, working in the areas of paging, trunking, Internet and participating of the implementation activities of BCP and BSE. In August 1998, he took office in the position of Chief Executive Officer of Tele Centro Oeste Celular . In March 2003, Mr. Araujo took office in the position of Chief Executive Officer of TIM Brasil, which he held until January 2009, when he took office in the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of TIM Participações S.A. Mr. Araujo is also the Chairman of the Scientific Council of Instituto Ronald McDonald , a member of the Board of Directors of Associação Nacional das Operadoras de Celular (Acel) , a member of the Superior Council of Infra-Structure of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo, a member of the Steering Committee of the Ação da Cidadania and the Deputy-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Telebrasil .
Gabriele Galateri di Genola. Mr. Galateri di Genola was appointed Chairman of Telecom Italia on December 3, 2007. After earning his MBA at the Columbia   University   Business   School , Mr. Galateri di Genola began his career in 1971 at the Headquarters of the Banco di Roma, where he started as Head of the Financial Analysis Office before being appointed to manage the International Loans Office.  From 1974 to 1976 he worked as Financial Director of the Saint Gobain Group in Italy and in Paris . In 1977, he joined FIAT S.p.A., where he moved from Head of North, Central and South American Operations at the International Finance Office to Head of International Finance and, ultimately, Director of Finance. Mr. Galateri di Genola became CEO of Ifil S.p.A. in 1986. In 1993, he took on the positions of CEO and General Manager of IFI, which he retained until 2002. In June 2002, he was appointed CEO of FIAT S.p.A.. Between April 2003 and June 2007, Mr. Galateri di Genola was Chairman of Mediobanca S.p.A. He is a non-executive Board Member TIM Participações S.A, Banca Esperia S.p.A., Banca CRS S.p.A., Banca CARIGE, Italmobiliare S.p.A., Fiera di Genova S.p.A., Utet S.p.A., Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia – Foundation, European Institute of Oncology S.p.A., and Accor S.A. Mr. Galateri di Genola is a Vice Chairman of Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. He is a member of the General Council and of the Executive Board of Confindustria. He is also Confindustria’s Chairman Representative for telecommunications and broadband development.

Carmelo Furci. Mr. Furci was appointed Vice President of Telecom Italia Group in Latin America. After obtaining his first degree, in 1978 Carmelo Furci began working as a consultant at the Vector - Centro de Estudios Economicos y Sociales, in Amsterdam and Santiago (Chile). He remained there until 1982, when  received his Doctorate of Philosophy in Economics and Government at the London School of Economics (LSE), part of the University of London. After three years working as a NATO Senior Fellow in Political Sciences, he spent 1983 and 1984 at the London School of Economics (LSE),
where he became an Honorary Fellow in Latin American Studies. In 1984, he lectured in International Relations at the American University of Rome (AUR). Mr. Furci worked at Enimont from 1985 to 1989 as the International Relations Supervisor. The following year he joined the World Bank as Head of External Relations for Europe and the Vatican State. Between 1994 and 1997, he served as Strategies Manager for international affairs. Since joining the Telecom Italia Group in 1998, he has held a number of positions, starting with Chairman and CEO of Telecom Italia do Brasil, and Head of Public and Economic Affairs at Telecom Italia Latin America, based in Rio de Janeiro. After returning to Italy, he joined the Finance Administration and Control Division in 2002, where he was put in charge of relations with International Financial Bodies, a position that was reconfirmed in 2006. From December 2007 to May 2008 he was appointed Coordinator of the Group's Steering Committee for relations with Telefonica. Mr. Furci has sat on the Board of Telecom Italia Group companies Solpart, Brasil Telecom, Etecsa Cuba, Entel Bolivia and Entel Chile. He has also served as Chairman of the Board at Telenordeste Celular and Telecentrosul Celular in Brazil. He is a member of the OECD taskforce on China, and has written a number of books on Latin America. Mr. Furci has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A. since August 6, 2008.
Luca Luciani.  Mr. Luciani holds a degree in Economics and Trade from Univ. LUISS, in Rome. He worked at Procter & Gamble, in Italy, from 1990 to 1994, acting in the area of financial analysis and strategic planning, until he was retained as consultant by Bain, Cuneo and Associates, in 1994, rendering services for clients such as ENEL, Olivetti and Telecom Italia (Business Division). In 1998, he joined ENEL as Group Controller until 1999. From 1999 to 2008, he worked at Telecom Italia in several positions: from 1999 to 2002 he was the Group Controller, in 2002 and 2003 he was the Chief Financial Officer of TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile Company, listed in the Italian and U.S. market), from 2004 to 2006 he was responsible for Marketing, Sales and Operations in the TIM Business Mobile Unit. In 2007 he became the General Manager of the TIM Mobile Services Unit of Telecom Italia. Presently, he is the Chief Executive Officer of Tim Celular.

Mailson Ferreira da Nóbrega. Mr. Nóbrega has been a member of our Board of Directors since April 2007. He is an economist and held the position of Brazil s Minister of Finance from 1988 to 1990, after building an extensive career at Banco do Brasil and in the public sector, in which the following positions stand out: Chief Economist and Chief of Project Analysis Department at Banco do Brasil; Coordination Chief of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance. He performed as the Deputy Managing Director of the European Brazilian Bank - EUROBRAZ, in London. As a minister, he became a member of the Board of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Mr. Nóbrega is currently a member of the Board of Directors of a number of companies in Brazil and abroad. Mr. Nóbrega was also a member of our Fiscal Committee in 2004 and in 2005. He wrote three books and is now a columnist of the weekly Veja Magazine.

Oscar Cicchetti. Mr. Cicchetti was born in Pizzoli, in the province of L’Aquila, Italy, on June 17, 1951. Since June 2008 he has been the Manager of Domestic Market Operations. He began his career in 1978 as an analyst at software house Datamat. In 1979 he joined SIP to manage Network and Installations in the Ascoli Piceno area until 1984, and then worked as a Market Manager in Ancona and Perugia. Between 1987 and 1993, he was responsible for Process Organization at the HR Management office. In 1993, Mr Cicchetti transferred to the Azienda di Stato dei Servizi Telefonici company (later known as Iritel), where he served until 1994 as Head of Organization and Training. From 1994 to 1997, he acted as Head of Staff for the General Manager of Business Systems, before taking on this same role for the CEO of STET/Telecom Italia. Between 1997 and 2000, he held several managerial positions at the Telecom Italia Group, including Central Deputy Manager and Head of the International   Business Unit and ultimately Head of Strategic Planning and Head of the Network Division. After working as a freelance consultant in 2001 and 2002 for Wind and Morgan Stanley Private Equity, in 2003 Mr. Ci c chetti became CEO of business data services specialist Netscalibur S.p.A, a job he retained until 2006. He was appointed CEO of Infracom Network Application SpA in 2007, prior to making his return to the Telecom Italia Group in January 2008, when he became Head of Telecom Italia Business Strategies & International Development. Mr. Cichetti is also Chairman of Telecom Italia Sparkle and Matrix, b oard m ember of the Telecom Italia Foundation, Olivetti S.p.A. and TIM Participaçoes S.A.

Andrea Sandro Calabi .   Mr. Calabi holds a degree in Economics from the Faculdade de Economia e Administração da Universidade de São Paulo   (FEA-USP), a Master in Economics (1972) from the Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas da Universidade de São Paulo (IPE-USP),  a “Master of Arts” (1975) and a PhD (1982) in Economics from the University of California , Berkeley (USA). Mr. Calabi was Chief Executive Officer of DIVESP (Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários do Estado de São Paulo) between 1983 and 1985, General Secretary of the Planning Secretary of the Brazilian Presidency between 1985 and 1986, Chief Executive Officer of the IPEA ( Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada of the Ministry of
Planning) between 1985 and 1986 and between 1995 and 1996, Secretary of the Treasury Department between 1986 and 1988, Partner and Officer of CONSEMP   (Consultoria e Empreendimentos Industriais Ltda.) between 1988 and December 1994, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Planning between 1995 and 1996, Chief Executive Officer of Banco do Brasil between January and July 1999, Chairman of the BNDES, FINAME and BNDESPAR between July 1999 and February 2000, Special Advisor of the Governor Mário Covas between March 2000 and September 2001, Secretary of Economics and Planning of the State of São Paulo between January 2003 and February 2005, and he also performed as a member of the Board of Directors of many companies, such as CESP ( Companhia Energética de São Paulo ), Cyrela Brazil Realty, FIPE (Fundação de Pesquisas Econômicas da USP) , FFM (Fundação Faculdade de Medicina da USP) and FUSSESP (Fundo Social de Solidariedade do Gov. do Estado de São Paulo) .

Manoel Horácio Francisco da Silva.   Mr. Francisco da Silva is the Chief Executive Officer of   Banco Fator since 2002. Before his current position, he was the Chief Executive Officer of Telemar and also managed the area of paper and cellulose from Cia Vale do Rio Doce . Mr Francisco da Silva worked in the Group Ericsson do Brasil for 23 years, where he reached the position of Chief Executive Officer in many companies of the Group. He was also the Chief Executive Officer of Ficap , Chief Executive Officer of Sharp Equipamentos Eletrônicos . He also performed as the Superintendent Officer of the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional , being responsible for the restructuring process of the Cia Vale do Rio Doce . He has also performed as member of the Board of Directors of many companies, such as Sadia , Bahia Sul , Group Ericson, Docenave and Telemar . He was appointed in 1989 as the major financial professional of the year by the Instituto Brasileiro de Executivos de Finanças (IBEF) and earned 3 prizes in 2001. Mr. Francisco da Silva holds a degree in Business Administration from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC) of São Paulo and also completed the Advanced Management Program in the Harvard   Business   School .

Stefano de Angelis . Mr. de Angelis is currently r esponsible for the Planning and Control Dep ar t ment at Telecom Italia , a position he has held since 2008. He was the Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer of TIM Participações S.A. between 2006 and 2007. He has also served as Chief Administration, Finance and Control Officer of the TIM Companies in Brazil since July 2004. Between 2002 and 2004, he was responsible for the planning and controlling operations of Telecom Italia Mobile S.p.A. in Italy . Mr. de Angelis also worked in the Consodata Group Ltd, H.M.C. S.p.A., Stet S.p.A. and at Fiat Geva. S.p.A.. Mr. de Angelis was a member of the Board of Directors of Stream S.p.A. between April 2000 and June 2000, TV Internazionale S.p.A. (“La 7”) between June 2001 and December 2002, MTV Italia S.r.1. between April 2002 and December 2002, Officer of TVI Montecarlo S.A.M. between April 2002 and November 2002, Chief Executive Officer of Globo Communication S.A.M. between April 2002 and November 2002, and Chief Executive Officer and Officer of Consodata Group Ltd between October 2002 and January 2003. Mr. de Angelis holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from Università degli Studi di Rome and also a MBA from Scuola di Amministrazione Aziendale dell’ Università di Torino, in Italy.

We do not have contracts with our directors providing benefits upon termination of their appointments.
Board of Executive Officers
As approved in the Annual and Extraordinary Shareholders’   Meeting held on April 2, 2009, our Board of Executive Officers is comprised of at least two and no more than five members, who may or may not be shareholders. The title of the members of our Board of Executive Officers shall be as follows: (i) Chief Executive Officer, (ii) Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, (iv) Chief Supplies Officer, (v) Chief Human Resources Officer, (vi) Legal Officer. Each member of our Board of Executive Officers, who serve two-year terms of office (with re-election permitted) may be elected or dismissed by our Board of Directors at any time and with no cause.
The following are the current members of the Board of Executive Officers and their respective titles:
Date Appointed
Luca Luciani
Chief Executive Officer
January 19 , 200 9
Claudio Zezza
Chief Financial Officer and Investors Relations Officer
August 6, 2008
Cláudio Roberto de Argollo Bastos
Chief Supplies Officer
May 5, 2008
Beniamino Bimonte
Chief Human Resources Officer
August 6, 2008
Lara Cristina Ribeiro Piau Marques
Legal Officer
May 5, 2008

Set forth below are brief biographical descriptions of our executive officers.
Luca Luciani . Please find above the brief biographical description of Mr. Luciani .
Claudio Zezza . Mr. Zezza is an Italian citizen and holds a degree in Economics and Trade from the University of Rome, with specialization in Finance, Financial Statements and Economics. Currently, Mr. Zezza is the Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer of the Company. Mr. Zezza joined Telecom Italia in 1990. In 1998, he began working in the area of International Businesses of TIM in Italy and, in 2000, he became responsible for the International Operational Management. Four years later, he became responsible for the Planning and Control Department. Mr. Zezza has also performed in the area of International Business Performance. His last position in Italy, before coming to Brazil to become responsible for the Financial Office, was being responsible for the International Control in Administration, Finance and Control.
Cláudio Roberto de Argollo Bastos . Mr. Bastos has been the Supply Officer of TIM Participações S.A. since May 4, 2006. He has also served as the Supply Officer for TIM Brasil S.A. since 2001 and for TIM Peru from June 2004 to February 2005. He gained experience working for Intelig Telecomunicações Ltda, Ethyl/Texaco, A.Araujo S.A. Engenharia and Internacional de Enga S.A. from 1985 to 2001. He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from Universidade Federal Fluminense and attended the Executive MBA in COPPEAD at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Mr. Bastos attended a post-graduate program in Telecommunications Management at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas.

Beniamino Bimonte . Mr. Bimonte holds a degree in Economics & Commerce from the Università Federico II in Napoli and holds a Master of Business Administration from STOÀ – MIT. He joined the Human Resources Department of the Group in 1993, where he served in several positions. In 2002, he became the Chief of Organizational Development at TIM Italia S.p.A, a position he held until 2005. From 2006 to 2007 he served as Head of Human Resources Planning and Work Cost at Telecom Italia S.p.A. In 2008, he became responsible for the Managerial Development department, including HR management for Senior Managers, compensation and people development. Mr. Bimonte has also published two works in “Liguori Editore”: an article on Intranet and knowledge management entitled “Un progetto di organizzazione, gestione e diffusione delle conoscenze in azienda” and another entitled “Persone e Innovazione” in 2007. In 2008, Mr. Bimonte was appointed the Chief of Human Resources and Security for TIM Participações.

Lara Cristina Ribeiro Piau Marques . Ms. Marques has served as the Legal Manager of Telebrás, participating in the entire privatization process and coordinating the Contentious Law area. Ms. Marques has also served as the Legal Officer of the 14 th Federal Court of the Brazilian Federal District, where she was responsible for all of the orders and legal opinions, as well as for the management and coordination of the team. She also served as the Legal Manager for TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações from October 1998 to January 2003, as a member of the Fiscal Committee of Tele Celular Sul Participações S.A., Telepar Celular S.A. and CTMR Celular from 2000 to 2003 and as the Legal Manager for TIM Celular S.A. from February 2003 to July 2004. Ms. Marques has been the Legal Officer of TIM Participações S.A. since May 4, 2006 and of TIM Brasil since July 2004. She holds a degree in Law from the Faculdade de Direito do Distrito Federal and attended a post graduate program in Civil Procedure Law at the Instituto Brasileiro de Processo Civil at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas . She has completed courses in International Law at the Hague Academy in International Law in Holland, in Labor Law at the Universidade de Brasília, in Tort Law at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas , and has a MBA in Telecommunications from IBMEC.  Ms. Marques also teaches Telecommunications Law at the Legal Research Institute – IPEJUR.
Fiscal Committee
The Fiscal Committee’s composition for 2009 consisted of five members, four of which were elected by the majority common shareholders and one by the minority preferred shareholders.
The following are the current members of our Fiscal Committee:
Date appointed
Miguel Roberto Gherrize (*)
April 2, 2009
1 year
Luiz Mariano de Campos
April 2, 2009
1 year
Oswaldo Orsolin (*)
April 2, 2009
1 year
Alberto Emmanuel Whitaker
April 2, 2009
1 year
Alfredo Ferreira Marques Filho (*)
April 2, 2009
1 year
(*) Audit Committee financial experts.
Under Brazilian c orporate l aw, the Fiscal Committee’s general duties and responsibilities include monitoring the actions of management and verifying its compliance with legal duties and appropriate statutes; providing opinions regarding management’s annual report, business plans and budgets; and performing reviews of, and opinions regarding our financial statements. All members serve independently from the company in their capacities on the Fiscal Committee.
Since our April 23, 2004 shareholders’ meeting, we have elected members of the Fiscal Committee who are independent from the Company and its affiliates. At a shareholders’ meeting held on May 6, 2004 , we adopted internal regulations of our Fiscal Committee in order for it to serve also as an alternative structure to an Audit Committee in accordance with Rule 10A-3 under Section 301 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, or Sarbanes-Oxley. Such internal regulations were updated on the Shareholders’ Meeting held on March 16, 2006. See “Item 16D. Exemptions from the Listing Standards for Audit Committees.”
B.     Compensation
At the year ended December 31, 2008 , we approved the aggregate amount of approximately R $9.6 million as compensation to our directors and executive officers. The officers and directors did not receive any benefit not included in the compensation referred to in this Annual Report. Accordingly, we did not set aside or accrue any amounts to provide pension, retirement or similar benefits to our officers and directors during 2008 . Our executive officers and other managers of the company are eligible to receive an incentive (MBO or “Management by Objectives”) bonus. The general criteria for the MBO bonus are approved by our Board of Directors and provides that eligible executive officers and other managers may receive a multiple of their base salary if they achieve certain pre-established targets.
At the year ended December 31, 2008 , each member of our Administrative Counsel received R $153,000 and each member of our Fiscal Committee received an annual compensation of R$ 138,000, proportionally paid according to each member’s acquisition period.
We are not required under Brazilian law to disclose, and have not disclosed, the compensation of our officers on an individual basis.
C.    Board practices
See “Item 6.A. Directors, Senior Management and Employees Directors and Senior Management” and “Item 6.B. Directors, Senior Management and Employees Compensation.”

D.    Our Employees
On December 31, 2008 , we had 10,296 full-time employees. The following tables shows a breakdown of our employees as of December 31, 2008 , 2007 and 2006.
As of December 31,
Total number of employees
    10,296       10,039       9,541  
Number of employees by category of activity
    771       910       956  
Sales and marketing
    3,420       3,380       3,297  
Information technology
    449       437       473  
Customer care
    4,589       4,313       3,726  
     Support and other
    1,067       999       1,089  

All employees are represented by state labor unions associated with the Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Telecomunicações – Fenattel and the Federação Interestadual dos Trabalhadores em Telecomunicações – Fittel or the Sindicato dos Engenheiros do Estado do Paraná e Nordeste . We negotiate a
new collective labor agreement every year with the local unions. The collective agreements currently in force expire in 2009. Management considers our relations with our work force to be satisfactory. We have not experienced a work stoppage that had a material effect on our operations.
Employee Benefit Plans
Our employees at the time of the Breakup of Telebrás had the right to maintain their rights and benefits in the Telebrás Pension Plan, managed by Fundação Telebrás de Seguridade Social – Sistel (“Sistel”), a multi-employer defined benefit plan that supplements government-provided retirement benefits. We make monthly contributions to the Telebrás Pension Plan in amounts equal to 13.5% of the salary of each employee covered by the defined benefit plans administered by Sistel. Each employee member also made a monthly contribution to Sistel based on age and salary. Members of the Telebrás Pension Plan qualified for full pension benefits after reaching age 57 provided they had been members of the Telebrás Pension Plan for at least ten uninterrupted years and have been affiliated with the social security system for at least 35 years. The Telebrás Pension Plan operated independently from us, and their assets and liabilities were fully segregated from the sponsor’s, and operate with independent management ; however, we were contingently liable for all of the unfunded obligations of the plan. Employees hired after the Privatization did not become members of the Telebrás Pension Plan, and we did not contribute to any defined benefit pension fund on behalf of such employees. See note 33 to our consolidated financial statements.
In January 2000, TIM and the other companies that formerly belonged to the Telebrás System agreed to break the existing solidarity basis of the Sistel Pension Plan s , resulting in the creation of a subdivision of the original plan, covering the Telebrás System as a whole These new private pension plans have retained the same terms and conditions of the Telebrás Pension Plan. The division served to allocate liability among the companies that formerly belonged to the Telebrás system according to each company’s contributions in respect of its own employees (currently PBS-A, comprised of retirees and pensionists) . Joint liability among the Telebrás Pension Plan sponsors will continue with respect to retired employees who will necessarily remain members of the Telebrás Pension Plan. See note 33 to the consolidated financial statements.
During 2002, TIM created a new defined contribution pension plan ( “TIMPREV” ) , that allowed employees to migrate from the former pension plan,   which had its solidarity basis eliminated in 2000. TIMPREV was approved by the Secretary of Complementary Pension on November 13, 2002 in Notification 1,917 CGAJ/SPC. TIMPREV sets forth new guidelines for the granting and maintenance of benefits and outlines new rights and obligations for Sistel, the plan administrator; sponsors; participants and their respective beneficiaries.
Migration from the PBS Plan to TIMPREV is optional. In order to encourage migration to TIMPREV, we offered bonuses to those employees migrating before January 29, 2003 . As of December 31, 2004 , more than 90% of the participants in our private plan had migrated to TIMPREV. Upon electing to migrate to TIMPREV, a participant extinguishes all rights to benefits under the PBS Plan.
During 2008, the Company made its best effort to encourage migration of the remaining participants of the defined benefit plans to TIMPREV. Even though employees agreed with the migration proposed, legal matters did not allow this change at that time. These obstacles are expected to be legally solved during 2009.
As more employees participate in TIMPREV, we anticipate that the sponsor’s risk to eventual actuarial deficit will decrease, consistent with the characteristics of typical defined contribution plans. Under the rules of defined contribution plans, the sponsor normally contributes 100% of the basic contribution of the participant. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the approved rules, the administrator of TIMPREV will ensure the benefits listed below:
a regular retirement pension;
an anticipated retirement pension;
a disability pension;
a deferred proportional benefit; and
a death pension.
However, the administrator will not assume responsibility for granting any other benefit, even if social security officially grants it to its beneficiaries.
In accordance with Brazilian law, our employees also receive payments based on our financial performance. The amount of the payment is determined by negotiation between us and the unions representing our employees.
On January 31, 2006, the Board of Directors of the Company approved a proposal of migration of pension plans sponsored by the Company, TIM Sul, Tim Participações and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações at SISTEL to a multi-employer plan administered by HSBC Pension Fund. Such migration was approved by Secretary of Complementary Pension during the first quarter of 2007. Pursuant to this authorization, the HSBC began to administrate TIM´s Pension Plan in April 2007.

Defined Contribution Plan
On August 7, 2006, TIM Participações' Board of Directors approved the adoption of a supplementary defined contribution plan managed by Itaú Vida e Previdência S.A. for the Company and its subsidiaries. All employees not yet entitled to pension plans sponsored by the Company and its subsidiaries are eligible to this supplementary defined contribution plan.

E.    Share Ownership
The directors and members of our administrative, supervisory and management bodies do not hold, in the aggregate, more than 1% of either the common shares or preferred shares outstanding. As of December 31, 2008, our directors and executive officers, owned, in the aggregate, no common shares and 100 preferred shares.
A.           Major Shareholders
Of our two classes of capital stock outstanding, only our common shares have full voting rights. The following table sets forth ownership information with respect to all shareholders that, to our knowledge, own 5% of the common shares or more as of December 31, 2008. The common shares held by TIM Brasil have the same voting rights as the other common shares.
Name of owner
Common Shares Owned
Percentage of Outstanding
Common Shares
TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A
All our officers and directors as a group *
* Represents less than 1%.
TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A. is a Brazilian subsidiary of a group controlled by Telecom Italia. See “Item 4C. Information on the Company Organizational Structure.”
As of December 31, 2008, there were 368,260,571 preferred shares represented by ADSs. As of such date, the number of preferred shares represented by ADSs represented 23.83% of the total number of preferred shares outstanding and 15.71% of our total capital.
B.             Related Party Transactions
As of December 31, 2008 , we did not owe to our affiliates any amounts arising out of outstanding inter-company loans. We had inter-company receivables and payables in amounts of R$9. 6 million and R$ 77.4 million, respectively on December 31, 2008 . See note 31 to our consolidated financial statements.
Guarantees of Obligations of our Subsidiaries
We are a guarantor of a promissory note issued by TIM Nordeste in the amount of R$ 11.7 million as of December 2008 . This promissory note was issued pursuant to a guarantee agreement between Banco Bradesco S.A., TIM Nordeste and TND, in which Banco Bradesco S.A. issued a letter of guarantee for the Credit Agreement, dated as of June 28, 2004, between TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, in the principal amount of R$20 million . See Item 5B. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects Liquidity and Capital Resources Financial Contracts.
We are a guarantor of a promissory note issued by TIM Nordeste in the amount of R$58.3  million as of December 31, 2008 . This promissory note was issued pursuant to a guarantee agreement between Banco Bradesco S.A.and TIM Nordeste, in which Banco Bradesco S.A. issued a letter of guarantee for the Credit Agreement, dated as of June 28, 2004, between TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil
S.A., as lender, in the principal amount of R$99.9 million . See “Item 5B. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects Liquidity and Capital Resources Financial Contracts.
We are a guarantor of a promissory note issued by TIM Nordeste in the amount of R$ 61.7 million as of December 31, 2008 . This promissory note was issued pursuant to a guarantee agreement between Banco Bradesco S.A. and TIM Nordeste, in which Banco Bradesco S.A. issued a letter of guarantee for the Credit Agreement, dated as of April 27, 2005, between TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, in the principal amount of R$85 million. See “Item 5B. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects Liquidity and Capital Resources Financial Contracts.
We are the guarantor of a promissory note issued by TIM Celular, as borrower, in the amount of R$ 35.9 million as of December 2008. This promissory note was issued pursuant to a guarantee agreement between Unibanco and TIM Celular, in which Unibanco issued a letter of guarantee for the Credit Agreement dated October 14, 2005, between TIM Celular, as borrower, and BNDES, as lender, in the principal amount of R$35.9 million. See “Item 5B. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects Liquidity and Capital Resources Financial Contracts.

We granted three guarantees in favor of BNDES, in the amounts of: R$ 1,019.9 under the Credit Agreement dated as of August 10, 2005, of TIM Celular; R$ 230.4 under the Credit Agreement dated as of November 19, 2008, of TIM Celular; and R$ 40.1 referred to the Credit Agreement dated as of November 19, 2008, of TIM Nordeste. See “Item 5B. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects Liquidity and Capital Resources Financial Contracts.

Agreement between Telecom Italia SpA. and TIM Participações
This agreement, originally signed in May 3, 2007, was extended for an additional 12 months beginning on January 3, 2009 pursuant to the approval by TIM Participações’ shareholders in a meeting held on April 2, 2009. The purpose of the agreement is to enable us to benefit from Telecom Italia’s internationally recognized expertise, built throughout years of operation in more mature and developed markets. The cooperation and support activities to be performed by the parties will be focused in adding value to the operations of TIM Participações through:

Benefiting from Telecom Italia’s experience and industrial capacity as one of the major players in the European market;
The systems/services/processes/best practices that were largely used in the Italian market and may be easily customized for the Brazilian market through limited investments and mitigated implementation risks;
An increase in efficacy and efficiency by adopting in-house solutions that have been widely tested and used.
The  second extended term of the agreement provides for a total price cap of  €9.5 million. The price cap represents the maximum consideration to be paid by TIM Participaçoes operating companies for all the services and support rendered by Telecom Italia during 2009. Under the agreement’s first extended term, the price cap amounted to €8.7 million. Under the original agreement  the price cap amounted to  €14.5 million and for the year ending December 31, 2007 we made a provision of  €13.6 million (approximately R$35 million). As customary, in transactions of this nature, we hired a specialized and independent firm (Accenture do Brasil) to perform an economic appraisal of the agreement. The report prepared by Accenture do Brasil and presented to our Board of Directors concluded that the amounts provided for in the agreement are more favorable to us than market prices.
C.           Interests of experts and counsel.
Not applicable.
A.             Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information
See “Item 17. Financial Statements.”
Legal Proceedings
We are subject to various claims, including regulatory, legal and labor proceedings covering a wide range of matters that arise in the ordinary course of business. We adopted a policy of analyzing each such proceeding and making a judgment as to whether a loss is probable, possible or remote. We make accruals for legal proceedings that we are party to when we determine that losses are probable and can be reasonably estimated. Our judgment is always based on the opinion of our legal advisers. Accrual balances are adjusted to account for changes in circumstances for ongoing matters and the establishment of additional accruals for new matters. While we believe that the current level of accruals is adequate, changes in the future could impact these determinations.
Anatel Administrative Proceedings
Under the terms of the Authorization for Mobile Personal Service (SMP) Exploitation, TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste implemented mobile personal telecommunications cover for the assigned area.  Under such Terms of Authorization, TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste are required to operate in accordance with the quality standards established by Anatel.  If they fail to meet the minimum quality standards required, TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste are subject to PADO (Obligation Non-Compliance Determination Procedures) and applicable penalties. Anatel has brought administrative proceedings against TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste for (i) noncompliance with certain quality service indicators; and (ii) default of certain other obligations assumed under the Terms of Authorization and pertinent regulations. In their defense before Anatel, TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste attributed the lack of compliance to items beyond their control and not related to their activities and actions. We cannot predict the outcome of these proceedings at this time, but have accrued the amount in our balance sheet as a provision for all those cases in which we estimate our loss to be probable.

Civil Litigation
Litigation Related to the Conversion of Our Concessions into Authorizations
In January 2003, a type of class action (“ ação popular ”) was brought by an individual against Anatel and all the companies controlled by Telecom Italia in Brazil , including us. The claim sought to suspend the effects of Resolução 318, of September 27, 2002 , and other acts by Anatel, including Authorizations PVCP/SPV Nos. 001/2002 to 011/2002, published on December 12, 2002 , which authorized us to migrate from the SMC regime to the PCS regime.
The action specifically challenged the omission of provisions regulating the return of the assets (“ bens reversíveis ”) used by us in connection with the provision of telecommunication services by the time of the expiration of the authorizations. By reason of such omission, argues the claimant, the Brazilian Federal Government would suffer irreparable damage and, therefore, Anatel acts allowing the migration from SMC to PCS should be declared null and void.
We have challenged this action vigorously, and after some preliminary decisions by lower courts we have obtained a unanimous decision from the Regional Federal Court of Appeals (“Tribunal Regional Federal”) permitting the migration from SMC to PCS, reserving discussion about the return of the assets to the Brazilian Federal Government for a later date. The judge extinguished the action. The decision was subject to compulsory appeal at a superior court. On October 19, 2007 , the court of appeals ordered the return of the case to the lower courts to allow other interested parties to take part in the litigation.
We believe that the migration from the SMC regime to the PCS regime, and the related acts by Anatel, will not be suspended or modified. We expect proceedings relating to the return (“ reversão ”) to the federal government of our assets used in connection with the provision of telecommunication services to continue. In 2003, Anatel and the federal government informed the Court that Authorizations PVCP/SVP nos. 001/2002 to 011/2002 are valid and should not be voided by the Court.
We entered into amendments to our authorizations to provide for the contingency that in the event of the termination of our authorizations, the assets essential to our provision of services would be returned to the federal government.
Litigation Related to the Use of the Goodwill Arising Out of the Breakup of Telebrás
On April 4, 2002 , a Congressman filed a lawsuit in federal court in Brasília, Federal District , against a number of governmental telecommunication entities and the New Holding Companies. The purpose of the
lawsuit is to prevent the New Holding Companies from using the amortization of the goodwill paid by the New Holding Companies to the Brazilian government in the Breakup of Telebrás to generate tax benefits.
Even though we are unable to predict the final outcome of this lawsuit, we believe that a ruling favorable to the plaintiff is unlikely. Accordingly, we have not created a reserve in connection with this litigation. If an unfavorable ruling is issued against us, we will lose the tax benefit derived from the premiums paid, and our tax liability will increase. We have already amortized a portion of the goodwill. We believe that an unfavorable decision would not have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial condition or prospects.
Litigation Arising Out of Events Prior to the Breakup of Telebrás
Telebrás and its operating subsidiaries, the legal predecessors of the Holding Company and TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações, respectively, are defendants in a number of legal proceedings and subject to certain other claims and contingencies. Liability for any claims arising out of acts committed by Telebrás and its operating subsidiaries prior to the effective date of the spin-off of the cellular assets and liabilities of Telebrás and its operating subsidiaries to the TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações remain with Telebrás and its operating subsidiaries, except for those liabilities for which specific accounting provisions were assigned to TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações. Any claims against Telebrás and its operating subsidiaries that are not satisfied by Telebrás and its operating subsidiaries could result in claims against TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações, to the extent that TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações have received assets that might have been used to settle such claims had such assets not been spin off from Telebrás and its operating subsidiaries.
Under the terms of the Breakup of the Telebrás system, liability for any claims arising out of acts committed by Telebrás prior to the effective date of the Breakup remains with Telebrás, except for labor and tax claims (for which Telebrás and the New Holding Companies are jointly and severally liable by operation of law) and any liability for which specific accounting provisions were assigned to the Holding Company or one of the other New Holding Companies. In June 2007, the judge extinguished the action. This decision was compulsorily appealable at a superior instance and our management believes that the chances of claims of nature materializing and having a material adverse financial effect on us are remote.
Litigation Related to the Application of PIS and COFINS
In 2001, 2002 and 2004, the Federal Government, through the “Ministério Público Federal”, filed lawsuits to prevent TIM Su l and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações from passing along to their respective customers co sts regarding PIS and COFINS. See “Item 4B. Information on the Company—Business Overview—Taxes on Telecommunications Goods and Services.” The Federal Government also claimed that these entities should compensate their customers for these charges by paying each of them an amount equal to double the amount that was individually paid.
In March 2004, a decision favorable to Telpe Celular, now TIM Nordeste, was rendered by the second level Court, denying the claims of the Federal Government. The Federal Government appealed from this decision. Nonetheless, we are unable to predict the final outcome of these lawsuits. We are also unable to predict whether an unfavorable decision would have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial conditions or prospects.
Additionally, in 2005 we filed a lawsuit to recover the PIS and COFINS amounts paid in accordance with paragraph 1 of article 3 of Law No. 9718/98, which was deemed unconstitutional by the Federal Supreme Court.
Litigation Related to the Authorization to Operate in the State of São Paulo
Vivo and Claro brought an action seeking an injunction to annul the grant to TIM Celular by Anatel of its authorization to operate in the State of São Paulo, alleging that the granting of such authorization was improper by seeking to establish that Telecom Italia and Brasil Telecom were related parties at the time the authorization was granted, which would contravene applicable regulations. A preliminary injunction was denied by the lower court and this decision was upheld upon appellate review. This holding is subject to further review by the Brazilian Supreme Court. A judicial decision granted the motion in part, not receiving plaintiff’s indemnification claim. An appeal was filed, and now we are waiting for second instance court’s decision. We believe that the likelihood of an adverse ruling in this matter is remote.

Litigation Related to the values charged for VU-M
In August 2007, GVT filed a lawsuit against TIM Celular, and other telecommunications companies, before the 4th Federal  Court. The plaintiff claims that a contractual clause establishing the VU-M amount used by the defendants in their interconnection arrangements is illegal and abusive and as such plaintiff requires that (1) the clause be anulled and (2) all amounts allegedly charged in excess since July 2004 be refunded. A preliminary order was granted determining the payment  by GVT to TIM and other defendants of VU-M on the basis of R$0.2899 per minute and that GVT shall deposit on court the difference between such amount and the value charged by the defendants. As both in-house and outside counsels find that the risk of loss for the subsidiary is possible, no provision has been recorded.

Tax Litigation
Litigation Related to the Payment of Income Tax and CSLL
In September 2003, TIM Nordeste was assessed by the Ceará Federal Revenue Service (SRF) authorities for R$12.7 referring to: (i) disallowance of R$8.4 expenses included in the IRPJ determination for the period from 1999 through 2001; (ii) R$3.2 of differences in CSLL payments for the years from 1998 through 2001; (iii) differences of R$0.3 and R$0.8, respectively, in the payment of PIS and COFINS for the years from 1998 through 2002. The Company unsuccessfully filed an opposition and a voluntary appeal against this assessment, at the administrative level. As a consequence, based on its internal and external lawyers´ opinion the losses thereon are probable, the Management set up two provisions: one in the amount of R$11.2 for IRPJ and CSLL, under the heading “Provision for Income Tax and Social Contribution,” and one in the amount of R$1.1, for PIS and COFINS, under the heading “Other Operating Expenses”.

In May 2005, the Brazilian tax authority in the state of Minas Gerais issued five tax assessment notices to TIM Nordeste. Two of these notices relate to corporate income tax (IRPJ) assessments, two refer to social contribution on net income tax (CSLL) assessments, and one refers to an income tax, withheld at the source, on principal (IRRF) assessment, for 2002. In the case of the IRPJ and CSLL notices, the asserted infractions are (i) alleged improper adjustments to net income in determining profits relating to inappropriate adjustments due to monetary variations in swap arrangements; (ii) alleged exclusion of exchange rate variations of foreign debt that were improperly eliminated by us and deducted as an expense from our cash flow statement; and (iii) the imposition of a penalty based on the argument that the tax should have been collected based on our estimated income. The notice relating to the IRRF assessment alleges that the tax paid was less than the tax due because we calculated income based on the net value received and excluded amounts for tax collected, fines for late payments and interest.
We are challenging these tax assessments with the appropriate Brazilian tax authorities and a final determination is pending. The total value of the five tax assessment notices is R$126.9 million. We believe that the probable amount that we will be required to pay is R$32.8 million and we have made provisions in this amount.
Litigation Related to the Deduction of Goodwill Paid in the Sistema Telebrás Auction
TIM Nordeste received on October 30, 2006 tax assessment notices at the amount of R$331.2 million which was then reduced to the amount of R$258.1 million related to the set-off of the premium paid (goodwill) in the Sistema Telebrás auction (acquisition of mobile companies) against the company’s income, for tax purposes. Such tax assessment notices belong to the same administrative proceeding and are based on the following facts: (a) non tax-deduction of the expense resulted from the goodwill pay-off; (b) non registration of the goodwill exclusion in the book taxable income (LALUR); (c) improper set-off of the debt disallowance and negative tax calculation basis related to the previous fiscal years; (d) overdeduction of the activity profit tax break; (e) previous tax-deduction of the disallowance of the withholding Social Contribution on Net Income (CSLL); (f) improper deduction of the annual monetary adjustment of the prepaid Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and CSLL; (g) fine over the lack of payment of IRPJ and CSLL which are due based on a monthly estimative.
After timely challenging these assessment notices the subsidiary now awaits the taxing authorities’ decision on the matter.
 In March 2007, the Brazilian Tax Authorities informed TIM that the amounts of IRPJ, CSLL and a separate fine totaling R$73 million (principal and separate fine) had been excluded from the assessment notice, fact that caused the reduction of the original assessment. As a consequence, this assessment was partially reduced, the discussion on the remainder being transferred to 160 compensation processes, currently totaling R$85.6 million.
In May and July 2008, TIM Nordeste received 49 compensation processes issued by the Federal Treasury related to the IR and CSL totaling R$11 million.   Based on its internal and external lawyers’ opinion, we have not set up a provision for the above mentioned tax assessments.

Claims Related to the Payment of PIS and COFINS Taxes by TIM Nordeste
In 2004, TIM Nordeste was assessed in connection with PIS and COFINS due on exchange variation arising from revenue generated in 1999. Both assessment notices amounted to R$30.9 million . Because this is a controversial matter involving interpretation of applicable legislation, a provision was set up, in 2004, for the same amount. On March 13, 2006, a decision not subject to further appeal was issued on the action filed by the company against Law 9718 of November 27, 1998. The company alleged that this law was unconstitutional concerning the expansion of the tax basis of calculation, preventing the collection of PIS and COFINS on non-operating revenue. In view of the final decision, the Management of TIM Nordeste requested extinction of the tax assessment against TIM Nordeste, concerning PIS and COFINS on exchange variation, and reversed in 2006, the provision set up in 2004.

In April 2007, the amount of PIS on exchange variation claimed was reduced by R$5.3 million , after the matter was declared unconstitutional and recognized as such in the administrative level. The remainder – R$25.6 million – is now under discussion. TIM Nordeste awaits the recognition, at administrative level, of the impossibility of collecting the remaining related to the COFINS infraction.
Litigation Related to the Application of ICMS
In June 1998, the governments of the individual Brazilian States agreed to construe existing Brazilian tax law in a way to apply ICMS in respect of certain revenues, including cellular activation fees and monthly subscription charges, that had not previously been subject to such taxes. Under Brazilian law, there is a risk that the state governments could seek to apply this interpretation retroactively to activation and subscription fees charged during the five years preceding June 30, 1998 . We believe that the attempt by the state governments to extend the scope of ICMS to services that are supplementary (such as monthly subscription charges) to basic telecommunications services is unlawful because:
the state governments acted beyond the scope of their authority;
their interpretation would subject to taxation certain revenues, particularly activation fees, that are not considered to be payments for telecommunications services; and
new taxes may not be applied retroactively.
It should be noted that certain second level Courts have addressed this issue and ruled that the ICMS is not applicable to services that are supplementary to basic telecommunications services, relieving us from the payment of the ICMS tax on activation fees in certain Brazilian States.  In other States we are required to make judicial deposits in connection with the activation fee tax until a final decision is granted on the matter. There have been recent decisions favorable to the operators addressing the fact that certain revenues, including cellular activation fees and subscription charges are not subject to ICMS tax to date. We have been granted favorable final decisions relating to the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, Sergipe, Alagoas and Rio Grande do Sula and Paraíba. Additionally, the Company has filed lawsuits in the Brazilian States of Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí, Ceará, and Bahia, and has been granted favorable second level decisions in most of them.  We have not made any accruals in connection therewith.
State of Santa Catarina ICMS Tax Charges
The state of Santa Catarina issued 20 infraction notices against TIM Celular, former TIM Sul , regarding the payment of ICMS tax arising from various services rendered, including international telecommunication services rendered by Telesc Celular, TIM SUL, from April 1998 to January 2000 and activation and other fees charged by TIM Sul from April 1998 to August 2003. We paid one of the infraction notice in full in 2005. A final determination was reached for 10 of the infraction notices, requiring us to pay the infraction notices in part. A determination for the remaining 9 infraction notices has not yet been reached. The total amount outstanding for the remaining 19 infraction notices was R$95.4 million. We vigorously continued  to litigate the remaining infraction notices   and in 2008 we reached material results related to eight infraction notices, thus the current amount outstanding for the remaining 11 infraction notices is R$39.1 million.
We had created a provision in the amount of R$4.3 million with respect to such charges. In April 2008, the Company decided to pay two infraction notices considering the adhesion to the s tate program called Revigorar which reduced the amount involved in the cases in 50%.  The total amount charged in theses cases was R$5.1 million and with the reduction of 50%, the Company paid R$2.5 million. In view of the extinguishing of these two infraction notices, we reversed R$1.8 million to TIM Celular, as reversion of the provision.
State of Rio de Janeiro ICMS Tax Charges
In November 2007, TIM Celular was assessed by the State of Rio de Janeiro’s taxing authorities for R$38.3 million, for allegedly having taken undue ICMS credit from acquisition of fixed assets without application to monthly installments of a coefficient calculated ratably to the goods dispatched subjected to tax and the total goods dispatched.  This assessment is being impugned by the Company at administrative level.   Based on its internal and external lawyers’ opinion, the Company has not set up a provision for losses thereon.

In November 2007, TIM Celular was assessed by the State of Rio de Janeiro’s taxing authorities for R$14.3 million for defaulting on payment of ICMS and Contribution to the “Fundo Estadual de Combate à Pobreza e Desigualdades Sociais” (State Fund for Fighting Poverty and Social Inequalities) allegedly due on international roaming services. This assessment is being impugned by TIM Celular at administrative level. Based on its internal and external lawyers´ opinion, the Company has not set up a provision for losses thereon.

State of São Paulo ICMS Tax Charges

In November 2007 t he state of São Paulo issued tax assessment notices against TIM Celular regarding payment of ICMS tax related to: (i) conditional discounts granted to the customers, which have to be considered on the ICMS tax calculation basis; and (ii) fine for infringement of tax obligation. The total amount outstanding for the remaining infraction notices is R$ 151 million . We are challenging this tax assessment before the appropriate Brazilian tax authorities and a final decision is pending. We believe there is a possibility that we will be required to pay this tax assessment but that it is not probable . Accordingly, we have not made a provision for this amount.
State of Minas Gerais ICMS Tax Charges
In September 2008 t he state of  Minas Gerais issued tax assessment notices against TIM Nordeste regarding payment of ICMS tax related to conditional discounts granted to the customers, which have to be considered on the ICMS tax calculation basis. The total amount involved in these infraction notices is R$ 17.1 million . We are challenging this tax assessment before the appropriate Brazilian tax authorities and a final decision is pending. We believe there is a possibility that we will be required to pay this tax assessment but that it is not probable . Accordingly, we have not made a provision for this amount.
In September 2008 t he State of  Minas Gerais issued tax assessment notices against TIM Nordeste regarding payment of ICMS tax related to supposed lack of register in the fiscal books  The total amount involved in these infraction notices is R$ 24.9 million . We are challenging this tax assessment before the appropriate Brazilian tax authorities and a final decision is pending. We believe there is a possibility that we will be required to pay this tax assessment but that it is not probable . Accordingly, we have not made a provision for this amount.
State of Bahia ICMS Tax Charges

In June 2008, TIM Nordeste was assessed by the State of Bahia´s taxing authorities for R$ 16.4 million for defaulting on payment of ICMS and Contribution to the “Fundo Estadual de Combate à Pobreza e Desigualdades Sociais” (State Fund for Fighting Poverty and Social Inequalities) related to pre-paid revenues. This assessment is being impugned by TIM Nordeste at an administrative level. We believe there is a possibility of loss of this tax assessment but that it is not probable . Accordingly, we have not made a provision for this amount .

State of Ceará ICMS Tax Charges

In August 2008, the State of  Ceará issued tax assessment notices against TIM Nordeste regarding payment of ICMS tax related to an exploitation of credit of eletricity and supposed improper tax credit on fixed assets. The total amount involved in this infraction notices is R$ 24.8 million  This assessment is being impugned by TIM Nordeste at administrative level. Based on its internal and external lawyers’ opinion, the Company has not
set up a provision for losses thereon.
State of Sergipe ICMS Tax Charges

In October 2008, the State of  Sergipe issued tax assessment notices against TIM Nordeste regarding payment of ICMS tax related to later on delivery the fiscal eletronics books . The total amount involved in this infraction notices is R$ 16.7 million. This assessment is being impugned by TIM Nordeste at administrative level. We believe there is a possibility that we will be required to pay this tax assessment but that it is not probable . Accordingly, we have not made a provision for this amount
Municipality of Rio de Janeiro ISS tax Charges

TIM Celular received a tax assessment notice from the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro related to the supposed lack of collection of ISS in the value of R$ 94.3 million. The main reason of this tax assessment notice relates to site-sharing agreements. The municipality wants to charge the ISS over this agreements in view of the Complementary Law nr. 116/03, exhibit item 3.04. However, we have strong arguments to fight against  this law because the ISS is a tax on services and the site-sharing agreements do   n o t involve service. Moreover, there is a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of item 3.04 of the Complementary Law nr 116/03 ( ADIN Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade ). We are challenging this tax assessment with the appropriate Brazilian tax authorities and a final decision is pending. We believe there is a possibility that we will be required to pay this tax assessment but that it is not probable . Accordingly, we have not made a provision for this amount.
Litigation Related to the Payment of FUST
The FUST tax is levied at a rate of 1% on gross revenues, net of ICMS, PIS and COFINS, and its initial cost may not be passed on to clients. In light of a ruling issued by Anatel in 2005, the TIM Group, together with the other telecommunications providers in Brazil , have filed a lawsuit and obtained a preliminary injunction (now confirmed by a first level decision, still subject to appeal) authorizing us not to collect the FUST tax related to interconnection revenues. We have not collected the FUST assessed on interconnection fees. In October and November, 2006 TIM Group received 180 tax assessment notices referring to the supposed existence of tax debit, as refined in Anatel´s “Report of Inspection”. Such tax assessment notices are based on the supposed inaccuracy of information given by TIM related to the collection of FUST over prescriptions of interconnection during the year of 2001, resulting in a total amount of R$31.3 million.  
In September and November 2007, TIM Group has received new tax assessment notices based on the supposed inaccuracy of information given by TIM related to the collection of FUST over interconnection revenues during the year of 2002, resulting in a total amount of R$18.6 million.
In J une and J uly 2008, TIM Group has received new tax assessment notices based on the supposed inaccuracy of information given by TIM related to the collection of FUST over interconnection revenues during the year of 2003, resulting in a total amount of R$32.3 million.   We estimate the likelihood of an adverse ruling in this matter is possible. For this reason, we have not made any accrual in connection therewith. See note 1 6 to our consolidated financial statements.
Litigation Related to the Payment of FUNTTEL
In December, 2006, November and December, 2007,   TIM Group has received  tax assessment notices referring to the supposed existence of tax debit, as refined in Anatel´s “Report of Inspection”. Such tax assessment notices are based on the supposed inaccuracy of the in formation given by TIM related to the collection of FUNTTEL over interconnection revenue during the year of 2001 and 2002, resulting in a total amount of R$ 13.2 million .  In November 2008, TIM Group has received new tax assessment notices based on the supposed inaccuracy of the in formation given by TIM related to the collection of FUNTTEL over interconnection revenue during 2003, resulting in a total amount of R$17.0 million.
TIM Group filed a writ of mandamuns and obtained a preliminary injunction authorizing us not to collect the FUNTTEL tax related to interconnection revenues. We estimate the likelihood of an adverse ruling in this matter is possible. For this reason, we have not made any accrual in connection therewith.
Other Litigation
We are a party to certain legal proceedings arising in the normal course of business. Most of these legal proceedings may be divided into two main categories: consumer protection claims and labor law claims. The most common issue raised by claimants in the consumer protection cases against us is allegedly incorrect charges imposed by us as well as defects on mobile handsets we sell. Most labor law claims against us have been brought by former employees for alleged infringement of labor laws during the duration of their employment contracts with us. As of December 31, 2007 , we were a party to approximately 34,400 consumer protection claims and 2,350 labor law claims. There are also 105 public civil actions and class actions (respectively “ ação civil pública ” and “ ação popular ”). We believe that such actions, if decided adversely to us, would not have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition or results of operations.

Dividend Policy
Under our by-laws, we are required to distribute 25% of our adjusted net income to our shareholders, either as dividends or as tax-deductible interest on net worth (“General Dividend”). We are also required to pay a non-cumulative preferred dividend on our preferred shares in an amount equal to the greater of (“Preferred Dividend”):
6% of our capital (“capital social”) divided by the total number of common and preferred shares and
3% of our net shareholders’ equity (“patrimônio líquido”) to the extent of retained earnings , according to the most recent financial statements approved by our shareholders.
The amount of General Dividend, if any, payable by us to the holders of preferred shares is offset by the amount of Preferred Dividend paid to such preferred shareholders.
As a result of these provisions, holders of our preferred shares are entitled to receive in any year distributions of cash dividends prior to the holders of our Common Shares receiving any distribution of cash dividends in such year. In addition, distributions of cash dividends in any year are made:
first, to the holders of preferred shares, up to the amount of the Preferred Dividend that must be paid to the holders of preferred shares for such year;
then, to the holders of common shares, until the amount distributed in respect of each Common Share is equal to the amount distributed in respect of each preferred shares; and
thereafter, to the holders of common shares and preferred shares on a pro rata basis.
If the dividend to be paid to the holders of preferred shares is not paid for a period of three years, holders of preferred shares will be entitled to full voting rights until the year when that dividend is paid in full for any year.
We may also make additional distributions to the extent of available distributable profits and reserves.  TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste are also subject to mandatory distribution requirements and, to the extent of distributable profits and reserves, are accordingly required to pay dividends to us. All of the aforementioned distributions may be made as dividends or as tax-deductible interest on capital.
Brazilian corporations may make payments to shareholders characterized as interest on the corporation’s capital ( juros sobre capital próprio ) as an alternative form of making dividend distributions to the shareholders. The rate of interest may not be higher than the Federal Government’s long-term interest rate as determined by the Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES from time to time. Dividends are not subject to withholding income tax when paid. On the other hand, interest on capital paid to shareholders is deductible from the corporation’s net profits for tax purposes, but the distributions are subject to withholding tax . See “Item 10E. Additional Information––Taxation––Brazilian Tax Considerations––Distributions of Interest on Capital.”
For the purposes of Brazilian Corporations Law, and in accordance with our by-laws, adjusted net income is an amount equal to net profit adjusted to reflect allocations to and from:
the legal reserve; and
contingency reserves.
We are required to maintain a legal reserve, to which we must allocate 5% of net profits for each fiscal year until the amount for such reserve equals 20% of our capital. However, we are not required to make any allocations to our legal reserve in respect of any fiscal year in which our legal reserve, together with our other capital reserves, exceeds 30% of our capital. Losses, if any, may be charged against the legal reserve . On December 31, 2008, the balance of our legal reserve was R$111.6 million, which was equal to 1.47% of our total capital.
Brazilian Corporations Law also provides for two discretionary allocations of net profits that are subject to approval by the shareholders at the annual meeting. First, a percentage of net profits may be allocated to a contingency reserve for anticipated losses that are deemed probable in future years. Any amount so allocated in a prior year must be either reversed in the fiscal year in which the loss was anticipated if such loss does not in fact occur, or written off in the event that the anticipated loss occurs. Second, if the mandatory distributable amount exceeds the sum of realized net profits in a given year, such excess may be allocated to unrealized revenue reserve. Under Brazilian Corporations Law, realized net profits is defined as the amount of net profits that exceeds the net positive result of equity adjustments and profits or revenues from operations with financial results after the end of the next succeeding fiscal year.
Under Brazilian Corporations Law, any company may, as a term in its by-laws, create a discretionary reserve. By-laws which authorize the allocation of a percentage of a company’s net income to the discretionary reserve must also indicate the purpose, criteria for allocation and a maximum amount of the reserve. The Company’s by-laws authorize the allocation of the net income balance not allocated to the payment of the mandatory minimum dividend nor to the preferred shares priority dividend to a supplementary reserve for the expansion of corporate business, not to exceed 80% (eighty percent) of the capital. The loss for the 2007 year was fully absorbed by the reserve for expansion and part of this reserve was used to pay dividends. On December 31, 2007 , in accordance with our by-laws, we used our reserve for expansion to distribute dividends.
We may also allocate a portion of our net profits for discretionary appropriations for plant expansion and other capital investment projects, the amount of which would be based on a capital budget previously presented by our management and approved by shareholders. Under Brazilian Corporations Law, capital budgets covering more than one year must be reviewed at each annual shareholders’ meeting. After completion of the relevant capital projects, we may retain the appropriation until the shareholders vote to transfer all or a portion of the reserve to capital realized.
The amounts available for distribution may be further increased by a decrease in the contingency reserve for anticipated losses anticipated in prior years but not realized. The amounts available for distribution are determined on the basis of financial statements prepared in accordance with Brazilian GAAP.
The legal reserve is subject to approval by the shareholders voting at the annual meeting and may be transferred to capital but is not available for the payment of dividends in subsequent years. Our calculation of net profits and allocations to reserves for any fiscal year are determined on the basis of financial statements prepared in accordance with Brazilian Corporations Law.
Remaining amounts to be distributed are allocated first to the payment of a dividend to holders of Common Shares in an amount equal to the dividend paid to the preferred shareholders. The remainder is distributed equally among holders of preferred shares and common shares.
Under Brazilian Corporations Law, a company is permitted to suspend the mandatory dividend in respect of common shares and preferred shares not entitled to a fixed or minimum dividend if:
its management (Board of Directors and Board of Executive Officers) and Fiscal Committee report to the shareholders’ meeting that the distribution would be incompatible with the financial circumstances of that company; and
the shareholders ratify this conclusion at the shareholders’ meeting.
In this case,
the management must forward to the Brazilian S ecurities and Exchange   C ommission within five days of the shareholders’ meeting an explanation justifying the information transmitted at the meeting; and
the profits which were not distributed are to be recorded as a special reserve and, if not absorbed by losses in subsequent fiscal years, are to be paid as dividends as soon as the financial situation permits.
Our preferred shares are each entitled to a minimum dividend and thus the mandatory dividend may be suspended only with respect to our common shares. Dividends may be paid by us out of retained earnings or profit reserves in any given fiscal year.
For the purposes of Brazilian Corporations Law, the net income after income tax and social contribution for such fiscal year, net of any accumulated losses from prior fiscal years and any amounts allocated to warrants and employees’ and management’s participation in a company’s profits shall be distributed as dividends.
Payment of Dividends
We are required by law and by our by-laws to hold an annual shareholders’ meeting by April 30 of each year, at which, among other things, an annual dividend may be declared by decision of our shareholders on the recommendation of our executive officers, as approved by our Board of Directors. The payment of annual dividends is based on the financial statements prepared for the fiscal year ending December 31. Under Brazilian Corporations Law, dividends are required to be paid within 60 days following the date the dividend is declared to shareholders of record on such declaration date, unless a shareholders’ resolution sets forth another date of payment, which in any event shall occur prior to the end of the fiscal year in which such dividend was declared.
A shareholder has a three-year period from the dividend payment date to claim dividends in respect of its shares, after which we have no liability for such payment. Because our shares are issued in book-entry form, dividends with respect to any share are credited to the account holding such share. We are not required to adjust the amount of paid-in capital for inflation. Annual dividends may be paid to shareholders on a pro rata basis according to the date when the subscription price is paid to us.
Our preferred shares underlying the ADSs are held in Brazil by a Brazilian custodian, Banco Itaú S.A., as the agent for the Depositary, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., which is the registered owner of our shares. Payments of cash dividends and distributions in respect of the ADRs, if any, will be made in Brazilian currency to the custodian on behalf of the Depositary which will then convert those proceeds into dollars and will cause such dollars to be delivered to the Depositary for distribution to holders of ADRs. In the event that the custodian is unable to immediately convert the Brazilian currency received as dividends into dollars, the amount of dollars payable to holders of ADRs may be adversely affected by devaluations of the Brazilian currency that occur before such dividends are converted and remitted. Dividends in respect of our preferred shares paid to resident and non-resident shareholders, including holders of ADSs, are not currently subject to Brazilian withholding tax.
B.             Significant Changes
A.             Offer and Listing Details
The preferred shares trade principally on the Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (the “Bovespa”) under the symbol “TCSL4”. On December 31, 2008 , we had 557,487,576 preferred shares and 149,145,599 common shares outstanding.   The preferred shares traded in the United States on the NYSE are represented by ADSs, each ADS representing 10 preferred shares. The ADSs are issued by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (the “Depositary” or “JPMorgan”), pursuant to a Deposit Agreement among us, the Depositary and the registered holders and beneficial owners from time to time of ADRs. See “Item 10C. Additional Information—Material Contracts.” The ADSs trade on the NYSE under the symbol “ TSU .”
The table below shows, for the indicated periods, the high and low closing prices of our ADSs on the New York Stock Exchange, in U.S. dollars, and the preferred shares on the São Paulo Stock Exchange, in reais :
New York Stock Exchange
São Paulo Stock Exchange
(in U.S. $ per ADS)
(in reais per thousand preferred shares)
Year ended
December 31, 2003
    14.73       5.80       4.32       2.05  
December 31, 2004
    16.71       11.10       4.78       3.39  
December 31, 2005
    25.76       12.11       5.90       3.19  

New York Stock Exchange
São Paulo Stock Exchange
(in U.S. $ per ADS)
(in reais per thousand preferred shares)
December 31, 2006
    40.60       23.54       8.66       5.25  
December 31, 2007
    46.40       29.54       8.10       5.80  
December 31, 2008
    43.80       11.44       7.33       2.42  
Year ended December 31, 2007
First quarter
    35.27       30.25       7.37       6.45  
Second quarter
    38.24       32.58       7.77       6.51  
Third quarter
    40.56       29.54       7.62       6.00  
Fourth quarter
    46.40       32.71       8.10       5.80  
Year ended December 31, 2008
First quarter
    43.81       31.48       7.33       5.46  
Second quarter
    34.77       27.19       5.95       4.44  
Third quarter
    27.98       19.17       4.50       3.44  
Fourth quarter
    21.68       11.44       4.50       2.42  
Quarter ended March 31, 2009
March 31, 2009
    15.50       12.34       3.68       2.85  
Month ended
November 30, 2008
    17.96       12.15       4.10       2.86  
December 31, 2008
    18.69       12.41       4.50       2.95  
January 31, 2009
    14.89       12.47       3.39       2.95  
February 28, 2009
    15.50       13.91       3.68       3.19  
March 31, 2009
    13.82       12.34       3.36       2.85  
April 30, 2009
    17.17       11.99       3.80       2.64  
May 3 1 , 2009
    19.65       16.23       3.96       3.43  
June 30, 2009 (through June 23, 2009)     20.48       16.79        3.97       3.40  

B.             Plan of Distribution
Not applicable.
C.             Markets
Trading on the Brazilian Stock Exchanges
The Bovespa is the only Brazilian Stock Exchange on which equity and debt securities issued by Brazilian companies are traded.
Trading on the Bovespa is conducted every business day, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. during daylight saving time in Brazil, on an electronic trading system called “Megabolsa.” Trading is also conducted between 5:45 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., or between 6:45 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. during daylight saving time in Brazil. The “after-market” trading is the scheduled after the close of principal trading sessions, when investors may send purchase and sell orders and make trades through the home broker system.  This after-market trading is subject to regulatory limits on price volatility of securities traded by investors operating on the Internet.
When shareholders trade shares or units on Bovespa, the trade is settled in three business days after the trade date, without adjustments to the purchase price. The seller is ordinarily required to deliver the shares or units to the exchange on the second business day following the trade date. Delivery of and payment for shares or units are made through the facilities of an independent clearing house, the Companhia Brasileira de Liquidação e Custodia , or CBLC.
In order to maintain control over the fluctuation of Bovespa index, Bovespa has adopted a “circuit breaker” system pursuant to which trading sessions may be suspended for a period of 30 minutes or one hour whenever Bovespa index falls below 10% or 15%, respectively, in relation to the closing index levels of the previous trading session.
Although the Brazilian equity market is Latin America’s largest in terms of market capitalization, it is smaller and less liquid than the major U.S. and European securities markets. Moreover, Bovespa is less liquid than the New York Stock Exchange and other major exchanges in the world. Although any of the outstanding shares of a listed company may trade on a Brazilian stock exchange, in most cases fewer than half of the listed shares are actually available for trading by the public, the remainder being held by small groups of controlling persons, governmental entities or one principal shareholder. Trading on Brazilian stock exchanges by non-residents of Brazil is subject to registration procedures.
Trading on Brazilian stock exchanges by a holder not deemed to be domiciled in Brazil, for Brazilian tax and regulatory purposes (a “non-Brazilian holder”), is subject to certain limitations under Brazilian foreign investment legislation. With limited exceptions, non-Brazilian holders may only trade on Brazilian stock exchanges in accordance with the requirements of Resolution CMN 2,689. Resolution CMN 2,689 requires that securities held by non-Brazilian holders be maintained in the custody of, or in deposit accounts with, financial institutions and be registered with a clearinghouse duly authorized by the Central Bank and the CVM. In addition, Resolution CMN 2,689 requires non-Brazilian holders to restrict their securities trading to transactions on Brazilian stock exchanges or qualified over-the-counter markets. With limited exceptions, non-Brazilian holders may not transfer the ownership of investments made under Resolution CMN 2,689 to other non-Brazilian holders through a private transaction. See “Item 10E. Additional Information—Taxation—Brazilian Tax Considerations” for a description of certain tax benefits extended to non-Brazilian holders who qualify under Resolution CMN 2,689.
Differentiated Levels of Corporate Governance and the New Market
In order to increase the transparency of the Brazilian capital markets and protect minority shareholders’ rights, Bovespa has implemented certain new initiatives, including:
a classification system referred to as “Differentiated Levels of Corporate Governance” applicable to the companies already listed in Bovespa; and
a new separate listing segment for qualifying issuers referred to as the Novo Mercado , or New Market.
The Differentiated Levels of Corporate Governance, Level 1 and Level 2, are applicable to listed companies that voluntarily comply with special disclosure and corporate governance practices established by Bovespa. The companies may be classified into two different levels, depending on their degree of adherence to the Bovespa’s practices of disclosure and corporate governance.
To become a Level 1 company, an issuer must voluntarily satisfy, in addition to the obligations imposed by Brazilian law, the following requirements:
ensure that shares amounting to at least 25% of its capital are outstanding and available for trading in the market;
adopt procedures that favor the dispersion of shares into the market whenever making a public offering;
comply with minimum quarterly disclosure standards;
follow stricter disclosure policies with respect to transactions with controlling shareholders, directors and officers involving the issuer’s securities;
submit any existing shareholders’ agreements and stock option plans to the Bovespa; and
make a schedule of corporate events available to the shareholders.
We are currently considering complying with these requirements for Level 1 of Corporate Governance.
To become a Level 2 company, an issuer must, in addition to satisfying the Level 1 criteria and the obligations imposed by Brazilian law, satisfy the following requirements:
require all directors to serve unstaggered one-year terms;
prepare and publish annual financial statements in English and in accordance with U.S. GAAP or IAS GAAP;
create tag-along rights for minority shareholders, ensuring holders of common shares of the right to sell on the same terms as a controlling shareholder, and ensuring preferred shareholders a price equal to at least 80% of that received by the selling controlling shareholder;
grant preferred shareholders the right to vote in certain cases, including, without limitation, the transformation, spin-off or merger of the company, and approval of agreements with related parties;
make a tender offer for all outstanding shares, for a price equal to fair market value, in the event of delisting from Level 2 qualification; and
agree to submit any disputes between the company and its investors exclusively to the Bovespa’s Market Arbitration Chamber.
The New Market is a separate listing segment for the trading of shares issued by companies that voluntarily adopt certain additional corporate governance practices and disclosure requirements which are more demanding than those required by the current law in Brazil . Companies may qualify to have their shares traded in the New Market, if, in addition to complying with the Level 2 corporate governance practices referred to above, their capital stock consists only of voting common shares.
Bovespa Market Administration Panel
Pursuant to Law Nr. 9,307/96, a Market Arbitration Panel (the “Panel”) has been established by the Bovespa. The Panel was established to settle certain types of disputes, including disputes relating to corporate governance, securities issues, financial regulatory issues and other capital market matters, with respect to Bovespa listed companies that have undertaken to voluntarily comply with Level 2 and New Market levels of corporate governance and disclosure. The Panel will provide a forum for dispute resolution involving, among others, the Bovespa, the applicable listed company and the shareholders, directors and management of the applicable listed company.
Regulation of Brazilian Securities Markets
The Brazilian securities markets are principally governed by Law No. 6,385, of December 7, 1976, and Brazilian corporation law, each as amended and supplemented, and by regulations issued by the CVM, which has authority over stock exchanges and the securities markets generally; the National Monetary Council; and the Central Bank, which has, among other powers, licensing authority over brokerage firms and regulates foreign investment and foreign exchange transactions.
These laws and regulations, among others, provide for licensing and oversight of brokerage firms, governance of the Brazilian stock exchanges, disclosure requirements applicable to issuers of traded securities, restrictions on price manipulation and protection of minority shareholders. They also provide for restrictions on insider trading. Accordingly, any trades or transfers of our equity securities by our officers and directors, our controlling shareholders or any of the officers and directors of our controlling shareholders must comply with the regulations issued by the CVM.
Under Brazilian corporation law, a corporation is either publicly held ( companhia aberta ), as we are, or closely held ( companhia fechada ). All publicly held companies are registered with the CVM and are subject to reporting requirements. We have the option to ask that trading in securities on Bovespa be suspended in anticipation of a material announcement. Trading may also be suspended on the initiative of Bovespa or the CVM, based on or due to, among other reasons, a belief that a company has provided inadequate information regarding a material event or has provided inadequate responses to inquiries by the CVM or Bovespa.
The Brazilian over-the-counter market consists of direct trades between individuals in which a financial institution registered with the CVM serves as intermediary. No special application, other than registration with the CVM, is necessary for securities of a public company to be traded in this market. The CVM requires that it be given notice of all trades carried out in the Brazilian over-the-counter market by the respective intermediaries.
Trading on Bovespa by non-residents of Brazil is subject to limitations under Brazilian foreign investment and tax legislation. The Brazilian custodian for our preferred shares on behalf of the Depositary for the ADSs, has obtained registration from the Central Bank to remit U.S. dollars abroad for payments of dividends, any other cash distributions, or upon the disposition of the shares and sales proceeds thereto. In the event that a holder of ADSs exchanges preferred shares for ADSs, the holder will be entitled to continue to rely on the
custodian’s registration for five business days after the exchange. Thereafter, the holder may not be able to obtain and remit U.S. dollars abroad upon the disposition of our preferred shares or upon distributions relating to our preferred shares, unless the holder obtains a new registration. See “Item 10B. Additional Information—Memorandum and Articles of Association.”
Brazilian regulations also require that any person or group of persons representing the same interest that has directly or indirectly acquired an interest corresponding to 5% of a type or class of shares of a publicly traded company must provide such publicly traded company with information on such acquisition and its purpose, and such company must transmit this information to the CVM. If this acquisition causes a change in the corporate control or in the administrative structure of the company, as well as when such acquisition triggers the obligation of making a public offering in accordance with CVM Instruction 358/03, then the acquiring entity shall disclose this information to the applicable stock exchanges and the appropriate Brazilian newspapers. Regulations also require disclosure of any subsequent increase or decrease of five percent or more in ownership of common shares, including warrants and debentures convertible into common shares in the same terms above.
D.             Selling Shareholders
Not applicable.
E.             Dilution
Not applicable.
F.           Expenses of the issue
Not applicable.
A.           Share Capital
Not applicable.
B.           Memorandum and Articles of Association
The following summarizes certain material provisions of TIM’s by-laws and the Brazilian Corporations Law, the main bodies of regulation governing us. Copies of TIM’s by-laws have been filed as exhibits to this annual report on Form 20-F. Except as described in this section, TIM’s by-laws do not contain provisions addressing the duties, authority or liabilities of the directors and senior management, which are instead established by Brazilian Corporations Law.
TIM’s by-laws have been registered with the Public Registry of the state of Rio de Janeiro under company number (NIRE) 33.3.0027696-3.
Corporate Purpose
Article 2 of our by-laws provides that our main corporate purpose is to exercise control over operating companies that provide mobile telephone and other services in their respective authorization and/or concession area. Other corporate purposes include:
promote, through our controlled or affiliated companies, the expansion of mobile telephone services in their respective concession areas;
procure funding from internal or external sources;
promote and foster study and research for the development of mobile telephone services;
perform, through our controlled or affiliated companies, specialized technical services related to the mobile telephone industry;
promote and coordinate, through our controlled or affiliated companies, the education and training of the staff required by the telephone services;
effect or order the importation of goods and services for our controlled and affiliated companies;
perform any other activities linked or related to our corporate purpose; and
hold interests in other companies.
Company Management
Following is a description of some of the provisions of our by-laws concerning members of the Board of Directors:
Pursuant to Art. 25, item XVI, the Board of Directors has the power to approve loans and financing as well as to issue promissory notes, for an amount exceeding 2% of the shareholders’ equity;
Pursuant to Art. 25 , item XXI , the Board of Directors has the power to allocate the total budget for management remuneration approved by the shareholders’ meeting among the directors and the executive officers, observed the allocations already approved by the Shareholders’ meeting; and
Pursuant to Art. 27, paragraph 3 , a member of the Board of Directors is not authorized to access information or to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors regarding subjects or proposals in respect of which such director has or represents an interest conflicting with those of TIM.
Pursuant to the Brazilian Corporations Law, each member of the Board of Directors must have at least one share of our capital stock in order to qualify to be a Director. There are no provisions in the by-laws with respect to:
a director’s power to vote compensation to him or herself in the absence of an independent quorum;
borrowing powers exercisable by the directors;
age limits for retirement of directors;
required shareholding for director qualification;
anti-takeover mechanisms or other procedures designed to delay, defer or prevent changes in our control; or
disclosure of share ownership.

“The Executive Officers are the Company s representative and executive body, and each one of them shall act within his/her respective scope of authority. Following is a description of some of the provisions of our by-laws concerning the Board of Executive Officers:
Pursuant to Art. 32, item III, the Board of Executive Officers has the power to authorize the participation of the Company or its companies controlled in any joint venture, partnership, consortium or any similar structure;
Pursuant to Art. 32, item VI, the Board of Executive Officers has the power to approve the execution by the Company or by its controlled companies, of active or passive agreements for the supply or lease of goods or services, whose annual value is greater than R$15.0 (fifteen million reais); and
Pursuant to Art. 32, item VII, the Board of Executive Officers has the power to approve the contracting by the Company or by its controlled companies of loans, financing, or any other transactions implying indebtedness to the Company or its controlled companies, whose individual value is greater than R$30.0 (thirty million reais), provided that the provisions of item XVII of section 25 of this By-laws are observed.”

Rights Relating to our Shares
Dividend Rights
See “Item 8A . Financial Information― Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information Dividend Policy.”
Voting Rights
Each common share entitles the holder to one vote at meetings of shareholders. Our preferred shares do not entitle the holder to vote except as set forth below. Holders of our preferred shares are each entitled to attend or to address meetings of shareholders.
One of the members of our Fiscal Committee and his or her alternate may be elected by majority vote of the holders of our preferred shares represented at the annual meeting of shareholders at which members of the Fiscal Committee are elected.
Brazilian Corporations Law provides that certain non-voting shares, such as our preferred shares, at a minimum, acquire voting rights in the event we fail for three consecutive fiscal years to pay the dividend to which such shares are entitled until such payment is made.
In addition, our by-laws provide that our preferred shares are entitled to full voting rights with respect to:
the approval of any long-term contract between us or any of our subsidiaries, on the one hand, and any controlling shareholder or affiliates or related parties thereof, on the other hand, except in certain cases involving standard contracts entered into in the ordinary course of business; and
resolutions modifying certain provisions of our by-laws.
Any change in the preference, benefits, conditions of redemption and amortization of our preferred shares, or the creation of a class of shares having priority or preference over our preferred shares, would require the approval of holders of a majority of our outstanding preferred shares at a special meeting of holders of our preferred shares. Such meeting would be called by publication of a notice in three Brazilian official gazettes at least thirty days prior to the meeting but would not generally require any other form of notice. In any circumstances in which holders of our preferred shares are entitled to vote, each of our preferred shares will entitle the holder to one vote.
Meeting of Shareholders
According to Brazilian law, shareholders must be previously notified through a notice published in three Brazilian official gazettes in order for a general or extraordinary shareholders’ meeting to be held. The notification must occur at least 15 days prior to the meeting scheduled date. If the first meeting is not held for any reason on first notice, a second notification must be published at least eight days before the second meeting date.
On the first notice, meetings may be held only if shareholders holding at least one-fourth of voting shares are represented. Extraordinary meetings for the amendment of the by-laws may be held on the first notice only if shareholders holding at least two thirds of the voting capital are represented. On a second call, the meetings are held regardless of quorum.
Preemptive Rights
Each of our shareholders has a general preemptive right to subscribe shares in any capital increase, in proportion to its shareholding. A minimum period of 30 days following the publication of notice of the capital increase is allowed for the exercise of the right, and the right is transferable.
However, a shareholders’ meeting is authorized to eliminate preemptive rights with respect to the issuance of new shares, debentures and warrants convertible into new shares up to the limit of the authorized share capital, provided that the distribution of these securities is effected:
on a stock exchange;
in a public offering;
through an exchange of shares in a public offering the purpose of which is to acquire control of another company; or
through the use of certain tax incentives.
In the event of a capital increase that would maintain or increase the proportion of capital represented by the preferred shares, holders of the ADSs, or of the preferred shares, would have preemptive rights to subscribe only to newly issued preferred shares. In the event of a capital increase that would reduce the proportion of capital represented by the preferred shares, holders of the ADSs or the preferred shares would have preemptive rights to subscribe to preferred shares in proportion to their shareholdings and to the Common Shares only to the extent necessary to prevent dilution of their interest in the Holding Company.
Preemptive rights to purchase shares may not be offered to U.S. holders of the ADSs unless a registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933 is effective with respect to the shares underlying those rights, or an exemption form the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 is available. Consequently, if you are a holder of our ADSs who is a U.S. person or is located in the United States , you may be restricted in your ability to participate in the exercise of preemptive rights.
Right of Redemption
Subject to certain exceptions, the common shares and the preferred shares are redeemable by shareholders exercising dissenter’s withdrawal rights in the event that shareholders representing over 50% of the voting shares adopt a resolution at a duly convened shareholders meeting to:
change the preference of our preferred shares or to create a class of shares having priority or preference over our preferred shares;
reduce the mandatory distribution of dividends;
change our corporate purpose;
participate in group of companies;
transfer all of our shares to another company in order to make us a wholly-owned subsidiary of that company;
split up, subject to the conditions set forth by Brazilian Corporations Law;
change corporate form;
approve the acquisition of another company, the price of which exceeds certain limits set forth in the Brazilian Corporations Law; or
merge or consolidate ourselves with another company.
The redemption right expires 30 days after publication of the minutes of the relevant shareholders’ meeting or, whenever the resolution requires the approval of the holders of preferred shares in a special meeting of the holders of preferred shares affected by the resolution, within 30 days following the publication of the minutes of that special meeting. The shareholders would be entitled to reconsider any action giving rise to redemption rights within 10 days following the expiration of those rights if they determine that the redemption of shares of dissenting shareholders would jeopardize our financial stability.
The rights of withdrawal under Brazilian Corporations Law for dissenting shareholders to seek redemption of the shares in the case of a company’s decision to participate in a group of companies or to merge or consolidate itself with another company are not automatically available to holders of our preferred shares. This results from an exception under Brazilian Corporations Law that excludes dissenters’ rights in such cases for holders of shares that have a public float rate higher than 50% and that are “liquid.” Shares are defined as being “liquid” for these purposes if they form part of the Bovespa Index or another stock exchange index (as defined by the CVM). Our preferred shares are currently included on the Bovespa Index. For as long as our shares are part of any qualifying market index, the right of redemption shall not be extended to our shareholders with respect to decisions regarding our merger or consolidation with another company, or the participation in a group of companies as defined by Brazilian Corporations Law. Currently, neither our common nor preferred shares have a public float rate higher than 50%, such that withdrawal rights are applicable.
Unless otherwise provided in the by-laws, which is not the case with us, a shareholder exercising rights to redeem shares is entitled to receive the book value of such shares, determined on the basis of the last annual balance sheet approved by the shareholders. If the shareholders’ meeting giving rise to redemption rights occurs
more than 60 days after the date of the last annual balance sheet, a shareholder may demand that its shares be valued on the basis of a new balance sheet that is as of a date within 60 days of such shareholders’ meeting.
Form and Transfer
Our shares are maintained in book-entry form with a transfer agent, Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A., and the transfer of our shares is made in accordance with the applicable provision of the Brazilian Corporations Law, which provides that a transfer of shares is effected by an entry made by the transfer agent on its books, debiting the share account of the seller and crediting the share account of the purchaser, against presentation of a written order of the seller, or judicial authorization or order, in an appropriate document which remains in the possession of the transfer agent. The preferred shares underlying our ADS are registered on the transfer agent’s records in the name of the Brazilian Depositary.
Transfers of shares by a foreign investor are made in the same way and executed by such investor’s local agent on the investor’s behalf except that, if the original investment was registered with the Central Bank under the Brazilian foreign investment in capital markets regulations, the foreign investor should also seek amendment, if necessary, though its local agent, of the certificate of registration to reflect the new ownership.
Bovespa reports transactions carried out in its market to the Companhia Brasileira de Liquidação e Custódia , or CBLC, a central clearing system. A holder of our shares may choose, at its discretion, to participate in this system. All shares elected to be put into the system will be deposited in custody with the relevant stock exchange, through a Brazilian institution duly authorized to operate by the Central Bank and CVM and having a clearing account with the relevant stock exchange. The fact that such shares are subject to custody with the relevant stock exchange will be reflected in our register of shareholders. Each participating shareholder will, in turn, be registered in our register of beneficial shareholders, as the case may be, maintained by the relevant stock exchange and will be treated in the same way as registered shareholders.
Description of American Depositary Receipts in Respect of Preferred Shares
The following is a summary of the material provisions of the deposit agreement dated as of June 24, 2002 among TIM Participações, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as depositary, and holders of our ADRs, pursuant to which the ADSs representing our preferred shares are issued. This summary is subject to and qualified in its entirety by reference to the deposit agreement, including the form of ADRs attached thereto. The deposit agreement is an exhibit to this annual report. Copies of the deposit agreement are available for inspection at the ADR Administration Office of the Depositary, currently located at 4 New York Plaza, Floor 13, New York, New York 10004.
American Depositary Receipts
ADRs evidencing ADSs are issuable under the deposit agreement. Each ADR is in registered form and evidences a specified number of ADSs, each ADSs representing 10 preferred shares, deposited with the custodian and registered in the name of the depositary. We refer to those preferred shares, together with any additional preferred shares at any time deposited or deemed deposited under the deposit agreement and any and all other securities, cash and other property received by the depositary or the custodian in respect of those preferred shares and at such time held under the deposit agreement, as the “deposited securities.” Only persons in whose names ADRs are registered on the books of the depositary are treated by the depositary as owners of the ADRs.
Deposit, Transfer and Withdrawal
Our by-laws provide that ownership of capital is evidenced only by a record of ownership maintained in a depositary account with a financial institution, such as a bank, acting as a registrar for the shares. Currently, this function is performed by Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A., as registrar and transfer agent. Accordingly, all references to the deposit, surrender and delivery of the preferred shares refer only to book-entry transfers of the preferred shares in Brazil . All references to the deposit, surrender and delivery of the ADSs or the ADRs refer not only to the physical transfer of any certificates evidencing those ADSs but also to any book-entry transfers.
The preferred shares represented by ADSs were deposited pursuant to the deposit agreement by book-entry transfer to an account of the custodian and registered in the name of the custodian. The depositary is the holder of record on the books of the custodian of all those preferred shares.
The depositary has agreed, upon delivery (including by book-entry credit) to the custodian of the preferred shares (or evidence of rights to receive preferred shares) and pursuant to appropriate instruments of transfer and
upon payment of applicable fees, charges and taxes, to execute and deliver at its transfer office to, or upon the written order of, the person or persons named in the notice of the custodian delivered to the depositary or requested by the person depositing those preferred shares with the depositary, an ADR or ADRs registered in the name or names of such person or persons and evidencing the authorized number of ADSs requested by such person or persons.
ADRs may be either in physical certificated form or book-entry form, the ownership of which is recorded on an electronic system maintained by The Depository Trust Company, or DTC, without the issuance of a certificate.
The depositary may refuse to accept for deposit any preferred shares identified by us as required to be but not actually registered under the Securities Act.
Upon (1) surrender of a certificated ADR at the transfer office of the depositary, or (2) receipt of proper instructions and documentation in the case of an ADR issued in book-entry form, for the purpose of withdrawal of the deposited securities represented by the ADSs evidenced by that ADR, and upon payment of the fees of the depositary, governmental charges and taxes provided in the deposit agreement, the holder of that ADR will be entitled to delivery at the customer’s office, to the holder or upon the holder’s order, the amount of deposited securities at the time represented by the ADSs evidenced by that ADR. Any forwarding of the deposited securities to the ADR holder will be at the risk and expense of such holder.
Subject to the terms and conditions of the deposit agreement, the depositary may execute and deliver ADRs before receipt of preferred shares or rights to receive preferred shares (which we refer to as a “pre-release”).
Each pre-release must be: (1) accompanied by a written representation from the person to whom the ADRs are to be delivered, stating that such person (a) owns the underlying preferred shares, (b) assigns all beneficial rights, titles and interests in those preferred shares to the depositary, (c) agrees to hold those preferred shares for the account of the depositary, and (d) will deliver those preferred shares to the custodian as soon as practicable and promptly upon demand therefor; and (2) at all times fully collateralized with cash or U.S. government securities.
The collateral referred to in clause (2) above will be held by the depositary for the benefit of all ADR holders, but will not constitute deposited securities for the purpose of the deposit agreement.
The number of ADRs involved in pre-release transactions may not exceed 30% of the ADSs outstanding (without giving effect to ADSs evidenced by ADRs outstanding as a result of the pre-release), but the depositary reserves the right to change or disregard that limit from time to time as it deems appropriate. The depositary may retain for its own account any earnings on collateral for pre-released ADRs.
The depositary and its agents, pursuant to the deposit agreement, may own and deal in any class of securities and in ADRs of TIM Participações and its affiliates.
Distributions on Deposited Securities
The depositary will distribute to each ADR holder by mail at the address shown on the ADR register all cash, additional (or rights to receive) preferred shares or other distributions in proportion to the number of ADSs evidenced by each holder’s ADRs, after payment of all applicable taxes and any (1) stock transfer or other governmental charge, (2) stock transfer or registration fees in effect for the registration of transfers of the preferred shares or other deposited securities, and (3) other applicable charges of the depositary provided for in the deposit agreement. If the depositary determines in its discretion that any such distribution is not practicable with respect to any ADR holder, it may effect the distribution as it deems practicable.
The depositary will distribute any U.S. dollars resulting from a cash dividend or other cash distribution or the net proceeds of sales of any other distribution after deducting any applicable taxes and all expenses in converting reais to U.S. dollars and transferring them to the United States among other expenses.
The depositary will also distribute additional ADRs evidencing ADSs representing any preferred shares available for distribution as a result of a dividend or free distribution on the deposited securities, or the net proceeds resulting from the sale of a portion of those shares that give rise to fractional ADSs.
In addition, the depositary will distribute warrants or other instruments representing rights to acquire additional ADRs in respect of any rights to subscribe for additional preferred shares or rights of any nature made available for distribution. If we do not furnish to the depositary evidence that the rights may lawfully be
distributed, which evidence we have no obligation to furnish, the depositary may either sell those rights and distribute the cash net proceeds to ADR holders or let those rights lapse without being distributed if such sell cannot be accomplished.
Finally, the depositary will distribute any securities or property available for distribution other than the ones described above by any means it deems equitable and practicable. If the depositary deems any such distribution not equitable or practicable, it may instead sell any such securities or property and distribute the cash net proceeds to ADR holders.
In connection with any distribution to ADR holders, TIM Participações will remit to the appropriate governmental authority or agency all amounts (if any) required to be withheld and owing to that authority or agency by TIM Participações, and the depositary and the custodian will remit to the appropriate governmental authority or agency all amounts (if any) required to be withheld and owing to such authority or agency by the depositary or custodian. If the depositary determines that any distribution of property other than cash (including preferred shares and rights to subscribe therefor) is subject to any tax that the depositary is obligated to withhold, the depositary may, by public or private sale, dispose of all or a portion of such property in the amounts and in manner as the depositary deems necessary and practicable to pay such taxes, and the depositary will distribute the net proceeds of any such sale or the balance of any such property after deduction of such taxes to the ADR holders entitled thereto.
The depositary may, in its discretion, amend ADRs or distribute additional or amended ADRs or cash, securities or property to reflect any change in par value, split-up, consolidation, cancellation or any other reclassification of the deposited securities, any distribution of preferred shares or other distribution not made available to ADR holders, or any cash, securities or other property available to the depositary in respect of deposited securities from any recapitalization, reorganization, merger, consolidation, liquidation, receivership, bankruptcy or sale of all or substantially all our assets. Whatever cash, securities or other property results from any of the foregoing (even if the depositary does not amend the ADRs or make a distribution to ADR holders to reflect any of the foregoing) will constitute deposited securities and each ADS evidenced by outstanding ADRs will automatically represent its pro rata interest in the newly deposited securities.
Record Dates
The depositary may, after consultation with us if practicable, fix a record date, which shall be as near as practicable to any corresponding record date set by us (1) for the determination of the ADR holders who will be entitled to receive any distribution on or in respect of deposited securities, including dividends, (2) to give instructions for the exercise of voting rights at a shareholders’ meeting, (3) to receive any notices, or (4) to act in respect of other matters.
Voting of Deposited Securities
Preferred shares do not entitle their holders to vote on any matter presented to a vote of shareholders of TIM Participações except as set forth under “—Rights Relating to our Shares—Voting Rights.” Under those circumstances and unless, in the future, the terms of the preferred shares are revised or amended to provide for voting rights, or if the preferred shares obtain voting rights pursuant to Brazilian Corporations Law or any change in any other laws, rules or regulations applicable to those shares or through any change in interpretation of those laws, the information set forth below applies.
As soon as practicable after receipt of notice of any meeting or solicitation of consents or proxies of holders of preferred shares or other deposited securities, the depositary will mail to all ADR holders a notice, the form of which notice containing:
the information included in the notice of meeting received by the depositary from TIM Participações and any solicitation materials;
a statement that holders of TIM Participações ADRs on the specified record date will be entitled to instruct the depositary as to the exercise of the voting rights, if any, pertaining to the preferred shares represented by their respective ADSs; and
a statement as to the manner in which such instructions may be given, including instructions to give a discretionary proxy to a person designated by TIM Participações.
Upon receipt of instructions of a holder of our ADRs on the record date, in the manner and on or before the date established by the depositary for that purpose, the depositary will endeavor, insofar as practicable and
permitted under the provisions of the deposited securities, to vote or cause to be voted the amount of preferred shares or other deposited securities represented by the ADSs evidenced by such ADRs in accordance with the instructions received. The depositary will not itself exercise any voting discretion in respect of any preferred shares.
ADR holders are not entitled to attend meetings of our shareholders. An ADR holder wishing to do so must cancel its ADRs and obtain delivery of the underlying preferred shares, registered in the name of that holder, before the record date for attendance at the meeting.
Available Information
Copies of the deposit agreement, the provisions of or governing deposited securities and any written communications sent by us to the depositary are available for inspection by ADR holders at the offices of the depositary and the custodian and at the depositary’s transfer office The depositary will also mail to ADR holders copies of those communications when furnished by us.
Amendment and Termination of Deposit Agreement
The form of the ADRs and any provision of the deposit agreement may at any time be amended by agreement between us and the depositary. However, any amendment that imposes or increases any fees or charges (other than stock transfer or other taxes and other governmental charges, transfer or registration fees, cable, telex or facsimile transmission costs, delivery costs or other such expenses), or that otherwise prejudices any substantial existing right of ADR holders, will become effective 30 days after notice of such amendment has been given to holders of ADRs.
Every ADR holder at the time that amendment becomes effective will be deemed, by continuing to hold that ADR, to consent and agree to the amendment and to be bound by the deposit agreement as amended thereby. In no event will any amendment impair the right of any ADR holder to surrender ADRs and receive the preferred shares and other property represented thereby, except to comply with mandatory provisions of applicable law.
Upon the resignation or removal of the depositary pursuant to the deposit agreement, the depositary may, and shall if requested by us, terminate the deposit agreement by mailing a notice of termination to holders of ADRs at least 30 days before the date fixed in the notice for termination.
After the date fixed for termination, the depositary and its agents will perform no further acts under the deposit agreement, except to receive and hold (or sell) distributions on deposited securities, including payment of dividends, and deliver preferred shares being withdrawn (after deducting, in each case, the fees of the depositary for the surrender of an ADR and other expenses set forth in the deposit agreement and any applicable taxes or governmental charges).
As soon as practicable after the expiration of six months from the date of termination, the depositary may sell the deposited securities then held thereunder and hold in a segregated account the net proceeds of the sale, together with any other cash, without liability for interest, in trust for the pro rata benefit of the ADR holders that have not thereunder surrendered their ADRs. After effecting such a sale, the depositary will be discharged from all obligations under the deposit agreement, except to account for such net proceeds and other cash (after deducting, in each case, the fee of the depositary and other expenses set forth in the deposit agreement for the surrender of an ADR and any applicable taxes or other governmental charges) and certain indemnification obligations to us. Upon termination of the deposit agreement, TIM Participações will also be discharged from all obligations thereunder, except for certain indemnification obligations to the depositary and its agents.
Charges of Depositary
The depositary may charge U.S$5.00 per 100 ADSs (or portion thereof) from each person to whom ADRs are issued against deposits of preferred shares, including deposits in respect of distributions of additional preferred shares, rights and other distributions, as well as from each person surrendering ADSs for withdrawal.
In addition, the following fees and charges will be incurred by ADR holders, any party depositing or withdrawing preferred shares or any party surrendering ADRs or to whom ADRs are issued (including, without limitation, issuance pursuant to a stock dividend or stock split declared by TIM Participações or an exchange of stock regarding the ADRs or deposited securities or a distribution of ADRs pursuant to the deposit agreement), whichever is applicable:
a fee of U.S$0.02 or less per ADS (or portion thereof) for any cash distribution effected;
a fee of U.S$1.50 per ADR or ADSs for transfers made, to the extent not prohibited by the rules of any stock exchange or interdealer quotation system upon which the ADSs are traded;
a fee of U.S$5.00 per 100 ADSs for all distributions of securities or the net cash proceeds from the sale thereof;
transfer or registration fees, if any, in connection with the deposit or withdrawal of deposited securities;
cable, telex and facsimile transmission and delivery charges incurred at the request of persons depositing or delivering preferred shares, ADRs or any deposited securities;
expenses incurred by the depositary in connection with the conversion of reais into U.S. dollars; and
any fees and expenses incurred by the depositary in connection with the delivery of deposited securities or otherwise in connection with the depositary’s or its custodian’s compliance with applicable laws, rules or regulations.
Any amendment to the ADRs or the deposit agreement that imposes or increases any fees or charges (other than stock transfer or other taxes and other governmental charges, transfer or registration fees, cable, telex or facsimile transmission costs, delivery costs or other such expenses) will become effective 30 days after notice of such amendment has been given to holders of ADRs.
Liability of ADR Holders for Taxes or Other Charges
If any tax or other governmental charge becomes payable by or on behalf of the custodian or the depositary with respect to any ADR or any deposited securities represented by the ADSs evidenced by that ADR, that tax or other governmental charge must be paid by the holder of that ADR.
The depositary may refuse to effect registration or transfer of the ADR or any split-up or combination thereof or any withdrawal of deposited securities underlying such ADR until that payment is made, may withhold any dividends or other distributions or may sell for the account of that holder any part or all of the deposited securities underlying that ADR, and may apply such dividends or distributions or the proceeds of any such sale in payment of any such tax or other governmental charge, and the holder of such ADR remains liable for any deficiency.
Limitation on Execution, Delivery, Transfer and Withdrawal of ADRs
Prior to the issuance, registration, registration of transfer, split-up or combination of any ADR, the delivery of any distribution thereon or the withdrawal of deposited securities, TIM Participações, the depositary or the custodian may require payment of (1) any applicable stock transfer or other tax or other governmental charge, (2) any stock transfer or registration fees in effect for the registration of transfers of the preferred shares or other deposited securities, and (3) any other applicable charges of the depositary provided for in the deposit agreement.
In addition, the depositary may require satisfactory proof of identity, genuineness of any signature, citizenship, residence, exchange control approval, beneficial ownership, as well as compliance with applicable law, regulations (including applicable rules and regulations of the Central Bank and the CVM), provisions of or governing the deposited securities and the terms of the deposit agreement. The issuance, registration, transfer, split-up or combination of ADRs, acceptance of deposits of preferred shares and withdrawal of deposited securities may, generally or in particular instances, be suspended during any period when the ADR register or any register for the deposited securities is closed or when such action is deemed advisable by the depositary or TIM Participações.
The depositary will keep at its transfer office in the Borough of Manhattan, the City of New York , a register for the registration, transfer, combination and split-up of certificated ADRs, which register includes data from the electronic system maintained by DTC to keep a record of ADRs issued in book-entry form only. This register will be open for inspection by ADR holders at all reasonable times. The depositary will also maintain a facility for the delivery and receipt of ADRs in the Borough of Manhattan, the City of New York .
The depositary may appoint co-transfer agents for the purpose of effecting transfers, combinations and split-ups of ADRs on its behalf at transfer offices other than the transfer office of the depositary.
Exoneration of Liability
Neither the depositary nor TIM Participações nor their respective agents will be liable if they:
are prevented from, delayed or subject to any civil or criminal penalty on account of, doing or performing any act required to be performed under the deposit agreement by reason of any law or regulation, provision of or governing the deposited securities, act of God, war or any other circumstance beyond their control;
exercise or fail to exercise any discretionary act allowed for under the deposit agreement;
perform their obligations under the deposit agreement without gross negligence or bad faith; or
act or fail to act in reliance upon the advice of legal counsel, accountants, any person depositing preferred shares, any holder of ADRs or any person believed by them to be competent to give such advice.
Governing Law
The deposit agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York .

Material Contracts
The following is a summary of the material contracts to which we have been a party in the past two years, other than contracts entered into in the ordinary course of business:
Credit Agreement, dated as of June 28, 2004, among TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, in the principal amount of R$20 million. The amount outstanding as of December 31, 200 8 , including accrued interest, was R$1 1.4 million. The agreement, which matures on June 28, 2012 , bears interest in the rate of 10.0 % per annum. In connection with this agreement, Banco Bradesco S.A. issued a letter of guarantee, subject to the payment of fees corresponding to 1% per annum of the principal amount. The guarantee agreement executed by TIM Nordeste and Banco Bradesco S.A. provides for the issuance of a $ 11.7 million promissory note by TIM Nordeste, with Tim Participações as the guarantor of such promissory note.
Credit Agreement, dated as of April 29, 2005, among TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, in the principal amount of approximately R$85.3 million. The amount outstanding as of December 31, 200 8 , including accrued interest,  was R$ 60.2 million. The agreement, which matures on April 29, 2013 , and bears interest at a rate of 10.0 % per annum. In connection with this agreement, Banco Bradesco S.A. issued a letter of guarantee, subject to the payment of fees corresponding to 1% per annum of the principal amount. The guarantee agreement executed by TIM Nordeste and Banco Bradesco S.A. provides for the issuance of a $ 61.7 million promissory note by TIM Nordeste, with Tim Participações as the guarantor of such promissory note.
Credit Agreement, dated as of June 28, 2004, among TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, in the principal amount of R$99.9 million. The amount outstanding as of December 31, 2007, including accrued interest, was R$ 56.8 million. The agreement, which matures on June 28, 2012 , bears interest in the rate of 1 0.0 % per annum. In connection with this agreement, Banco Bradesco S.A. issued a letter of guarantee, subject to the payment of fees corresponding to 1% per annum of the principal amount. The outstanding guarantee agreement executed by TIM Nordeste and Banco Bradesco S.A. provides for the issuance of a $ 58.3 million promissory note by TIM Nordeste, with Tim Brasil as the guarantor of such promissory note.
Credit Agreement, dated as of January 28, 2008, among TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, in the principal amount of R$ 67.0 million, of which R$44.6 million have currently been drawn. The amount outstanding as of December 31, 2008, including accrued interest, was R$ 45.3 million. The agreement, which matures on January 31, 2016, bears interest in the rate of 10.0% per annum. In connection with this agreement, Banco Votorantim S.A. issued a letter of guarantee, subject to the payment of fees corresponding to 0.75% per annum of the integral principal amount offered in the Credit Agreement. The guarantee agreement executed by TIM Nordeste and
Banco Votorantim S.A. provides for the issuance of a $67.0 million promissory note by TIM Nordeste. TIM Participações is not the guarantor in this promissory note.
Credit Agreement, dated as of August 10, 2005, among BNDES, as lender, TIM Celular, as borrower, and TIM Brasil e Participações as guarantor, in the principal amount of R$1,0 15.5 million outstanding as of December 31, 200 8 . The agreement, which matures on August 15, 2013 bears interest at a fixed rate of 4.2% plus the TJLP, which was 6.25% per annum on December 31, 200 8 . On December 31, 2007 , the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$1,0 19 .9 million.
Credit Agreement, dated as of October 14, 2005, among BNDES, as lender, TIM Celular, as borrower, and Unibanco, as guarantor, in the principal amount of R$ 35.8 million outstanding as of December 31, 200 8 . The agreement, which matures on October 17, 2011 , bears interest at a fixed rate of 3% plus the TJLP, which was 6.25% per annum on December 31, 2007 . On December 31, 200 8 , the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$ 36.0 million. In connection with this agreement, Unibanco issued a letter of guarantee, subject to the payment of fees corresponding to 0.64% per annum of the principal amount.
Credit Agreement, dated as of  November 19, 2008, among BNDES, as lender, TIM Celular, as borrower, and Tim Participações as guarantor, in the principal amount of R$230 million outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The agreement, which matures on July 15, 2017 bears interest at a fixed rate of 2.2% plus the TJLP, which was 6.25% per annum on December 31, 2008. On December 31, 2008, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$230.4 million.

Credit Agreement, dated as of November 19, 2008, among BNDES, as lender, TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Tim Participações as guarantor, in the principal amount of R$40 million outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The agreement, which matures on July 15, 2017 bears interest at a fixed rate of 2.2% plus the TJLP, which was 6.25% per annum on December 31, 2008. On December 31, 2008, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$40.1 million.

Credit Agreement, dated as of August 26, 2005 as amended in August 14, 2008, among HSBC, ABN Amro, Bradesco, Banco do Brasil, Itaú, Santander, BNP Paribas, Unibanco, Banco Votorantim, Societé Generale, as lenders, TIM Celular, as borrower, and Tim Brasil, as guarantor, in the principal amount of R$600.0  million outstanding as of December 31,  2008. The Tranche A of R$ 300 million, which matures on August 10, 2009, bears interest at a variable rate of 0.9% above the CDI interest rate. The Tranche B, which matures on August 5, 2010, bears interest at a variable rate of 1.80% above the CDI interest rate. On December 31, 2008, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$ 628.7 million.

Credit Agreement, dated as of April 18, 2008, among ABN as lender, and TIM Celular, as borrower, in the principal amount of R$ 150.0 million outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The agreement, which matures on November 4, 2011, bears interest at a variable rate of 110% of the CDI interest rate. On December 31, 2008, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$154.5 million.

Credit Agreement, dated as of May 5, 2008, among ABN as lender, and TIM Celular, as borrower, in the principal amount of R$ 50.0 million outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The agreement, which matures on April 25, 2011, bears interest at a variable rate of 110% of the CDI interest rate. On December 31, 2008, the outstanding amount under this credit agreement, including accrued interest, was R$51.1 million.
Credit Agreement, dated as of November 22, 2000, among BNDES, as lender, TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Tim Brasil Serviços e Part. S.A.,as guarantors, which was fully repayed on December 15, 2007. Under this loan, which originally matured on January 1, 2008, 76% of the total amount accrued interest at a fixed rate of 3.50% plus the TJLP, which was 6.25% per annum on December 31, 2007. The remaining 24% was adjusted according to a “BNDES currency basket” consisting mainly of the U.S. dollar plus a 3.50% spread related to the BNDES foreign funding costs (Res. 635/87).
Credit Agreement, dated as of November 22, 2000, among Bradesco, Unibanco, Banco Alfa, Itaú BBA, as lenders, TIM Nordeste, as borrower,and Tim Brasil Serviços e Part. S.A., as guarantor, which was fully repayed on December 15, 2007. Under this loan, which originally had the expiry date of January 1, 2008, 76% of the total principal amount accrued interest at a fixed rate of 4.0% plus the TJLP, which was 6.25% per annum on December 31, 2007. The remaining 24% of principal was adjusted according
to a “BNDES currency basket” consisting mainly of the U.S. dollar plus a 4.0% spread related to the BNDES foreign funding costs (Res. 635/87).
Several facility agreements contracted  under the Resolution CMN n. 2.770 (foreign currency denominated debt already swapped into local floating interest rate denominated currency) (“Compror”), contracted and disbursed between March. June, July and December 2008, among TIM Celular, as borrower, and Banco Santander, Votorantim,Unibanco, and ABN AMRO, as lenders , in the total principal amount of R$ 648.9 million. The total outstanding amount as of December 31, 2008 was R$1,214.8 million, including accrued interest. The agreements, the last of which matures in July 2010, bear an average cost of 127.6% of the CDI and are denominated in foreign currencies (USD an JPY) bearing interests of 5.45% p.a. (USD) and 1.79% p.a. (JPY). Otherwise, for each disbursement was contracted a swap (CCIRS), bringing the final average cost to 104.5% of the CDI. No guarantees were offered for these loans.

D. Exchange Controls
There are no restrictions on ownership of our preferred shares or common shares by individuals or legal entities domiciled outside Brazil . However, the right to convert dividend payments and proceeds from the sale of shares into foreign currency and to remit such amounts outside Brazil is subject to restrictions under foreign investment legislation which generally requires, among other things, that the relevant investments have been registered with the Central Bank. Foreign investors may register their investment under Law No. 4,131 of September 3, 1962 (“Law No. 4,131”), or Resolution CMN 2,689. Registration under Law No. 4,131 or under Resolution CMN 2,689 generally enables foreign investors to convert into foreign currency dividends, other distributions and sales proceeds received in connection with registered investments and to remit such amounts abroad. Resolution CMN 2,689 affords favorable tax treatment to foreign investors who are not resident in a tax haven jurisdiction, which is defined under Brazilian tax laws as a country that does not impose taxes or where the maximum income tax rate is lower than 20% or that restricts the disclosure of shareholder composition or ownership of investments. See “—E. Taxation—Brazilian Tax Considerations.” Such restrictions on the remittance of foreign capital abroad may hinder or prevent Banco Itaú S.A., as custodian for our preferred shares represented by ADSs, or holders who have exchanged ADRs for preferred shares, from converting dividends, distributions or the proceeds from any sale of such preferred shares, as the case may be, into U.S. dollars and remitting such U.S. dollars abroad. Holders of ADSs could be adversely affected by delays in, or refusal to grant any, required government approval for conversions of Brazilian currency payments and remittances abroad of our preferred shares underlying the ADSs.
Under Resolution CMN 2,689, foreign investors may invest in almost all financial assets and engage in almost all transactions available in the Brazilian financial and capital markets, provided that certain requirements are fulfilled. In accordance with Resolution CMN 2,689, foreign investors are individuals, corporations, mutual funds and collective investments domiciled or headquartered abroad.
Pursuant to Resolution CMN 2,689, foreign investors must:
appoint at least one representative in Brazil with powers to perform actions relating to the foreign investment;
complete the appropriate foreign investment registration form;
obtain registration as a foreign investor with the CVM; and
register the foreign investment with the Central Bank.
The securities and other financial assets held by the foreign investor pursuant to Resolution CMN 2,689 must be:
registered or maintained in deposit accounts or under the custody of an entity duly licensed by the Central Bank or by the CVM or
registered in registration, clearing and custody systems authorized by the Central Bank or by the CVM.
In addition, securities trading is restricted to transactions carried out on the stock exchanges or organized over-the-counter markets licensed by the CVM.
On January 26, 2000 , the Central Bank enacted Circular No. 2,963, providing that beginning on March 31, 2000 , all investments by a foreign investor under the Resolution CMN 2,689 are subject to the electronic registration with the Central Bank. Foreign investments registered under the Annex IV regulations were required to conform to the new registration rules by June 30, 2000 .
Resolution No. 1,927 of the CMN provides for the issuance of depositary receipts in foreign markets in respect of shares of Brazilian issuers. The ADS program was approved under the Annex V regulations by the Central Bank and the Brazilian securities commission prior to the issuance of the ADSs. Accordingly, the proceeds from the sale of ADSs by ADR holders outside Brazil are free of Brazilian foreign investment controls and holders of the ADSs will be entitled to favorable tax treatment. See “—E. Taxation—Brazilian Tax Considerations.” According to Resolution CMN 2,689, foreign investments registered under Annex V Regulations may be converted into the new investment system and vice-versa, provided the conditions set forth by the Central Bank and the CVM are complied with.
An electronic registration has been generated in the name of the Depositary with respect to the ADSs and is maintained by the custodian on behalf of the Depositary. This electronic registration is carried on through the Central Bank’s information system. Pursuant to the registration, the custodian and the Depositary are able to convert dividends and other distributions with respect to our preferred shares represented by ADSs into foreign currency and remit the proceeds outside Brazil . In the event that a holder of ADSs exchanges such ADSs for preferred shares, such holder will be entitled to continue to rely on the Depositary’s certificate of registration for five business days after such exchange, following which such holder must seek to obtain its own certificate of registration with the Central Bank. Thereafter, any holder of preferred shares may not be able to convert into foreign currency and remit outside Brazil the proceeds from the disposition of, or distributions with respect to, such preferred shares, unless such holder qualifies under the Annex IV or the Resolution 2,689 regulations, or obtains its own certificate of registration. A holder that obtains a certificate of registration will be subject to less favorable Brazilian tax treatment than a holder of ADSs. See “—E. Taxation—Brazilian Tax Considerations.” In addition, if the holder is a qualified investor under Resolution CMN 2,689 but resides in a jurisdiction that does not impose income tax or where the income tax is imposed at a maximum rate of 20%, this holder will be subject to a less favorable tax treatment than a holder of ADSs.
Under current Brazilian legislation, the federal government may impose temporary restrictions on remittances of foreign capital abroad in the event of a serious imbalance or an anticipated serious imbalance of Brazil ’s balance of payments. For approximately six months in 1989 and early 1990, the federal government froze all dividend and capital repatriations held by the Central Bank that were owed to foreign equity investors, in order to conserve Brazil’s foreign currency reserves. These amounts were subsequently released in accordance with federal government directives. The imbalance in Brazil ’s balance of payments increased during 1999, and there can be no assurance that the federal government will not impose similar restrictions on foreign repatriations in the future.
E.    Taxation
The following summary contains a description of the principal Brazilian and U.S. federal income tax consequences of the ownership and disposition of the preferred shares or ADSs, but it does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all the tax considerations that may be relevant to a decision to hold preferred shares or ADSs. The summary is based upon the tax laws of Brazil and regulations thereunder and on the federal income tax laws of the United States thereunder as of the date hereof, which are subject to change. Holders of preferred shares or ADSs should consult their own tax advisers as to the tax consequences of the ownership and disposition of preferred shares or ADSs in their particular circumstances.
Although there is at present no income tax treaty between Brazil and the United States, the tax authorities of the two countries have had discussions that may culminate in such a treaty. No assurance can be given, however, as to whether or when a treaty will enter into force or how it will affect the U.S. holders of preferred shares or ADSs.
Brazilian Tax Considerations
The following discussion summarizes the principal Brazilian tax consequences of the ownership and disposition of preferred shares or ADSs by a non-Brazilian holder. This discussion does not address all the Brazilian tax considerations that may be applicable to any particular non-Brazilian holder, and each non-Brazilian holder should consult its own tax adviser about the Brazilian tax consequences of investing in preferred shares or ADSs.
Taxation of Dividends
Dividends paid by us in cash or in kind from profits of periods beginning on or after January 1, 1996 (i) to the Depositary in respect of preferred shares underlying ADSs or (ii) to a non-Brazilian holder in respect of preferred shares will generally not be subject to Brazilian income tax withholding. The dividend distribution made in 2008 does not include any dividends relating to periods ending on or before January 1, 1996.
Taxation of Gains
According to Article 26 of Law No. 10,833 of December 29, 2003, which came into force on February 1, 2004, capital gains realized on the disposition of assets located in Brazil by non-Brazilian residents, whether or not to other non-residents and whether made outside or within Brazil, are subject to taxation in Brazil at a rate of 15%, or 25% if made by investors domiciled in a “tax haven” jurisdiction (i.e., a country that does not impose any income tax or that imposes tax at a maximum rate of less than 20%). Although we believe that the ADSs will not fall within the definition of assets located in Brazil for the purposes of Law No. 10,833, considering the general and unclear scope of Law 10,833 and the absence of any judicial guidance in respect thereof, we are unable to predict whether such interpretation will ultimately prevail in the Brazilian courts.
Gains realized by non-Brazilian holders on dispositions of preferred shares in Brazil or in transactions with Brazilian residents may be exempt from Brazilian income tax or taxed at a rate of 15% or 25%, depending on the circumstances. Gains realized through transactions on Brazilian stock exchanges, if carried out in accordance with Resolution CMN 2,689, as described below, are exempt from Brazilian income tax. Gains realized through transactions on Brazilian stock exchanges are subject to Brazilian income tax at a rate of 15% and also to Brazilian withholding tax at a rate of 0.005% (to offset the Brazilian income tax due on eventual capital gain). Gains realized through transactions with Brazilian residents or through transactions in Brazil not on the Brazilian stock exchanges are subject to tax at a rate of 15%, or 25% if made by investors resident in a tax haven jurisdiction.
Non-Brazilian holders of preferred shares registered under Resolution CMN 2,689, which as of March 31, 2000 superseded the Annex IV Regulations, may be subject to favorable tax treatment if the investor has
appointed a representative in Brazil with power to take action relating to the investment in preferred shares;
registered as a foreign investor with the CVM; and
registered its investment in preferred shares with the Central Bank.
Under Resolution CMN 2,689 securities held by foreign investors must be maintained under the custody of, or in deposit accounts with, financial institutions duly authorized by the Central Bank and the CVM. In addition, securities trading is restricted under Resolution CMN 2,689 to transactions on Brazilian stock exchanges or qualified over-the-counter markets. The preferential treatment afforded under Resolution CMN 2,689 and afforded to investors in ADSs is not available to investors resident or domiciled in tax havens.
There can be no assurance that the current preferential treatment for holders of ADSs and non-Brazilian holders of preferred shares under Resolution CMN 2,689 will be maintained.
Gain on the disposition of preferred shares is measured by the difference between the amount in Brazilian currency realized on the sale or exchange and the acquisition cost of the shares sold, measured in Brazilian currency, without any correction for inflation. The acquisition cost of shares registered as an investment with the Central Bank is calculated on the basis of the foreign currency amount registered with the Central Bank. See “—D. Exchange Controls” above.
There is a possibility that gains realized by a non-Brazilian holder upon the redemption of preferred shares will be treated as gains from the disposition of such preferred shares to a Brazilian resident occurring off of a stock exchange and will accordingly be subject to tax at a rate of 15% or 25%, if realized by investors resident in a tax haven jurisdiction.
Any exercise of preemptive rights relating to preferred shares or ADSs should not be subject to Brazilian taxation. Gains on the sale or assignment of preemptive rights relating to preferred shares should be subject to the same tax treatment applicable to a sale or disposition of our preferred shares.
The deposit of preferred shares in exchange for the ADSs may be subject to Brazilian income tax if the amount previously registered with the Central Bank as a foreign investment in our preferred shares is lower than
the average price per preferred share on the Bovespa on the day of the deposit; or
if no preferred shares were sold on that day, the average price on the Bovespa during the fifteen preceding trading sessions.
The difference between the amount previously registered and the average price of the preferred shares, calculated as set forth above, will be considered a capital gain subject to income tax. Unless the preferred shares were held in accordance with Resolution CMN 2,689, in which case the exchange would be tax-free, the capital gain will be subject to income tax at the following rates: (i) 15%, for gains realized through transactions on Brazilian stock exchanges; or (ii) 15%, or 25% if realized by investors resident in a tax haven jurisdiction, for gains realized through transactions in Brazil not on the Brazilian stock exchanges.
The withdrawal of preferred shares in exchange for ADSs is not subject to Brazilian income tax. On receipt of the underlying preferred shares, a non-Brazilian holder entitled to benefits under Resolution CMN 2,689 will be entitled to register the U.S. dollar value of such shares with the Central Bank of Brazil as described above in “—D. Exchange Controls”. If such non-Brazilian holder does not qualify under Resolution CMN 2,689, it will be subject to the less favorable tax treatment described above in respect of exchanges of preferred shares.
Distributions of Interest on Capital
A Brazilian corporation may make payments to its shareholders characterized as interest on the corporation's capital as an alternative form of making dividend distributions. See “Item 8A. Financial Information—Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information—Dividend Policy.” The rate of interest may not be higher than the TJLP, as determined by the Central Bank from time to time. The total amount distributed as interest on capital may not exceed, for tax purposes, the greater of:
50% of net income for the year in respect of which the payment is made, after the deduction of social contribution or net profits and before (1) making any deduction for corporate income taxes paid and (2) taking such distribution into account; or
50% of retained earnings for the year prior to the year in respect of which the payment is made.
Payments of interest on capital are decided by the shareholders on the basis of recommendations by our Board of Directors.
Up to the limit mentioned above, distributions of interest on capital paid to Brazilian and non-Brazilian holders of preferred shares, including payments to the Depositary in respect of preferred shares underlying ADSs, are deductible by us for Brazilian tax purposes. Such payments are subject to Brazilian income tax withholding at the rate of 15%, except for payments to beneficiaries who are exempt from tax in Brazil, which are free of Brazilian tax, and except for payments to beneficiaries domiciled in tax havens, which payments are subject to withholding at a 25% rate.
No assurance can be given that our Board of Directors will not recommend that future distributions of profits will be made by means of interest on capital instead of by means of dividends.
Other Brazilian Taxes
There are no Brazilian inheritance, gift or succession taxes applicable to the ownership, transfer or disposition of the preferred shares or ADSs by a non-Brazilian holder except for gift and inheritance taxes levied by some States in Brazil on gifts made or inheritances bestowed by individuals or entities not resident or domiciled in Brazil or in the relevant state to individuals or entities that are resident or domiciled within such state in Brazil. There are no Brazilian stamp, issue, registration, or similar taxes or duties payable by holders of preferred shares or ADSs.
The IOF may also be levied on transactions involving bonds or securities (“IOF/Títulos”) even if the transactions are carried out in Brazilian stock, futures or commodities exchanges. The rate of the IOF/Títulos with respect to preferred shares is currently 0%. The Minister of Finance, however, has the legal power to increase the rate to a maximum of 1.5% per day. Any such increase will be applicable only prospectively.
Until December 31, 2007 the Temporary Contribution on Financial Transactions (“CPMF tax”) was assessed at the rate of 0.38% on certain funds transfers in connection with financial transactions in Brazil. The CPMF tax was imposed upon owners of Brazilian bank accounts. Stock exchange transactions were exempted from the CPMF tax. In addition, debits of reais from deposit bank accounts exclusively opened for investments in fixed and variable income financial assets (“conta corrente de depósito para investimento”) were not subject to the CPMF assessment. However, by the end of 2007 this tax has been repealed by the Brazilian Congress. Therefore, the assessment of the CPMF tax on financial transactions carried out as from January 1, 2008 has been extinguished.

Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Considerations
The following are the material U.S. federal income tax consequences to a U.S. Holder described below of owning and disposing of preferred shares or ADSs, but it does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all tax considerations that may be relevant to a particular person’s decision to hold or dispose of such securities.  The discussion applies only to a U.S. Holder that holds preferred shares or ADSs as capital assets for tax purposes and it does not describe all tax consequences that may be relevant to U.S. Holders subject to special rules, such as:
certain financial institutions;
insurance companies;
dealers and traders in securities or foreign currencies;
persons holding preferred shares or ADSs as part of a hedge, “straddle,” integrated transaction or similar transaction;
persons whose functional currency for U.S. federal income tax purposes is not the U.S. dollar;
partnerships or other entities classified as partnerships for U.S. federal income tax purposes;
persons liable for the alternative minimum tax;
tax-exempt organizations;
persons holding shares in connection with a trade or business conducted outside of the United States;
persons holding preferred shares or ADSs that own or are deemed to own ten percent or more of our voting stock; or
persons who acquired our shares or ADSs pursuant to the exercise of any employee stock option or otherwise as compensation.
If an entity that is classified as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes holds preferred shares or ADSs, the U.S. federal income tax treatment of a partner will generally depend on the status of the partner and upon the activities of the partnership.  Partnerships holding preferred shares or ADSs and partners in such partnerships should consult their tax advisers as to the particular U.S. federal income tax consequences of holding and disposing of the preferred shares or ADSs.
This discussion is based on the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), administrative pronouncements, judicial decisions and final, temporary and proposed Treasury regulations, all as of the date hereof.  These laws are subject to change, possibly with retroactive effect.  It is also based in part on representations by the Depositary and assumes that each obligation under the Deposit Agreement and any related agreement will be performed in accordance with its terms.
A “U.S. Holder” is a holder who, for U.S. federal tax purposes, is a beneficial owner of preferred shares or ADSs that is:
a citizen or individual resident of the United States;
a corporation, or other entity taxable as a corporation, created or organized in or under the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; or
an estate or trust the income of which is subject to U.S. federal income taxation regardless of its source.
In general, a U.S. Holder that owns ADSs will be treated as the owner of the underlying preferred shares represented by those ADSs for U.S. federal income tax purposes.  Accordingly, no gain or loss will be recognized if a U.S. Holder exchanges ADSs for the underlying preferred shares represented by those ADSs.
The U.S. Treasury has expressed concerns that parties to whom American depositary shares are released before delivery of shares to the depositary or intermediaries in the chain of ownership between U.S. holders and the issuer of the security underlying the American depositary shares may be taking actions that are inconsistent with the claiming of foreign tax credits by U.S. holders of American depositary shares. Such actions would also be inconsistent with the claiming of the reduced rate of tax applicable to dividends received by certain non-corporate holders.  Accordingly, the creditability of Brazilian taxes and the availability of the reduced tax rate for dividends received by certain non-corporate holders, each described below, could be affected by actions taken by such parties or intermediaries.
U.S. Holders should consult their tax advisers concerning the U.S. federal, state, local and foreign tax consequences of owning and disposing of preferred shares or ADSs in their particular circumstances.
This discussion assumes that the Company is not, and will not become, a passive foreign investment company, as described below.
Taxation of Distributions
Distributions paid on preferred shares or ADSs will generally be treated as dividends to the extent paid out of the Company’s current or accumulated earnings and profits (as determined under U.S. federal income tax principles).  Because the Company does not maintain calculations of its earnings and profits under U.S. federal income tax principles, it is expected that distributions generally will be reported to U.S. Holders as dividends.  Subject to applicable limitations and the discussion above regarding concerns expressed by the U.S. Treasury, dividends paid by qualified foreign corporations to certain non-corporate U.S. Holders in taxable years beginning before January 1, 2011 are taxable at favorable rates, up to a maximum rate of 15%.  A foreign corporation is treated as a qualified foreign corporation with respect to dividends paid on stock that is readily tradable on a securities market in the United States, such as the New York Stock Exchange where our ADSs are traded.  U.S. Holders should consult their tax advisers to determine whether a favorable rate will apply to dividends they receive and whether they are subject to any special rules that limit their ability to be taxed at a favorable rate.
The amount of a dividend will include any amounts withheld by the Company in respect of Brazilian taxes on the distribution.  The amount of the dividend will be treated as foreign-source dividend income to U.S. Holders and will not be eligible for the dividends-received deduction generally allowed to U.S. corporations under the Code.  Dividends will be included in a U.S. Holder’s income on the date of the U.S. Holder’s or, in the case of ADSs, the Depositary’s receipt of the dividend.  The amount of any dividend income paid in reais will be the U.S. dollar amount calculated by reference to the exchange rate in effect on the date of such receipt regardless of whether the payment is in fact converted into U.S. dollars.  If the dividend is converted into U.S. dollars on the date of receipt, a U.S. Holder generally should not be required to recognize foreign currency gain or loss in respect of the dividend income.  A U.S. Holder may have foreign currency gain or loss if the dividend is converted into U.S. dollars after the date of its receipt.
Subject to applicable limitations that may vary depending upon a U.S. Holder’s circumstances and subject to the discussion above regarding concerns expressed by the U.S. Treasury, Brazilian income taxes withheld from dividends on preferred shares or ADSs generally will be creditable against a U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability.     The rules governing foreign tax credits are complex and, therefore, U.S. Holders should consult their tax advisers regarding the availability of foreign tax credits in their particular circumstances.     Instead of claiming a credit, a U.S. Holder may elect to deduct such Brazilian taxes in computing its taxable income, subject to generally applicable limitations under U.S. law.  An election to deduct foreign taxes instead of claiming foreign tax credits must apply to all taxes paid or accrued in the taxable year to foreign countries and possessions of the United States.
Sale, Redemption or Other Disposition of Preferred Shares or ADSs
For U.S. federal income tax purposes, gain or loss realized on the sale, redemption or other disposition of preferred shares or ADSs will be capital gain or loss, and will be long-term capital gain or loss if the U.S. Holder held the preferred shares or ADSs for more than one year, assuming that, in the case of a redemption, the U.S. Holder does not own, and is not deemed to own, any of our voting stock. The amount of the gain or loss will equal the difference between the U.S. Holder’s tax basis in the preferred shares or ADSs disposed of and the amount realized on the disposition, in each case as determined in U.S. dollars. Such gain or loss will generally be U.S. source gain or loss for foreign tax credit purposes. If a Brazilian tax is withheld on the sale or disposition of preferred shares or ADSs, a U.S. Holder’s amount realized will include the gross amount of the proceeds of such sale or disposition before deduction of the Brazilian tax. See “—Brazilian Tax Considerations – Taxation of Gains” for a description of when a disposition may be subject to taxation by Brazil. U.S. Holders should consult their tax advisors as to whether the Brazilian tax on gains may be creditable against the holder's U.S. federal income tax on foreign source income from other sources.

Passive Foreign Investment Company Rules
The Company believes that it was not a “passive foreign investment company” (“PFIC”) for U.S. federal income tax purposes for its 2008 taxable year.  However, since PFIC status depends upon the composition of a company’s income and assets and the market value of its assets from time to time, there can be no assurance that the Company will not be a PFIC for any taxable year.
If the Company   were a PFIC for any taxable year during which a U.S. Holder held preferred shares or ADSs, gain recognized by such U.S. Holder on a sale or other disposition (including certain pledges) of the preferred shares or ADSs would be allocated ratably over the U.S. Holder’s holding period for the preferred shares or ADSs.  The amounts allocated to the taxable year of the sale or other disposition and to any year before the Company became a PFIC would be taxed as ordinary income.  The amount allocated to each other taxable year would be subject to tax at the highest rate in effect for individuals or corporations, as appropriate, for such taxable year, and an interest charge would be imposed on the amount allocated to such taxable year.  Similar rules would apply to any distribution in respect of preferred shares or ADSs to the extent in excess of 125% of the average of the annual distributions on preferred shares or ADSs received by a U.S. Holder during the preceding three years or such holder’s holding period, whichever is shorter.  Certain elections (such as a mark-to-market election) may be available that would result in alternative treatment under the PFIC rules.  U.S. Holders should consult their tax advisers to determine whether the Company is a PFIC for any given taxable year and the tax consequences to them of holding shares in a PFIC.
Information Reporting and Backup Withholding
Payments of dividends and sales proceeds that are made within the United States or through certain U.S.-related financial intermediaries generally are subject to information reporting and may be subject to backup withholding unless (i) the U.S. Holder is a corporation or other exempt recipient or (ii) in the case of backup withholding, the U.S. Holder provides a correct taxpayer identification number and certifies that it is not subject to backup withholding.
The amount of any backup withholding from a payment to a U.S. Holder will be allowed as a credit against the U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability and may entitle the U.S. Holder to a refund, provided that the required information is timely furnished to the Internal Revenue Service.

G.    Statement by Experts
Not applicable.
H.    Documents on Display
Statements contained in this annual report as to the contents of any contract or other document referred to are not necessarily complete, and each of these statements is qualified in all respects by reference to the full text of such contract or other document filed as an exhibit hereto. Anyone may read and copy this report, including the exhibits hereto, at the Securities and Exchange Commission’s public reference room in Washington , D.C. Information on the operation of the public reference room is available by calling 1-800-SEC-0330.
We are subject to the information and periodic reporting requirements of the Exchange Act and, in accordance therewith, will file periodic reports and other information with the SEC. These periodic reports and other information will be available for inspection and copying at the regional offices, public reference facilities of the SEC referred to above. As a foreign private issuer, we are exempt from certain provisions of the
Exchange Act prescribing the furnishing and content of proxy statements and periodic reports and from Section 16 of the Exchange Act relating to short swing profits reporting and liability.
We will furnish to JPMorgan Chase N.A., as Depositary, copies of all reports we are required to file with the SEC under the Exchange Act, including our annual reports in English, containing a brief description of our operations and our audited annual consolidated financial statements, which will be prepared in accordance with the Brazilian Corporations Law accounting method and include a reconciliation to U.S. GAAP. In addition, we are required under the Deposit Agreement to furnish the Depositary with copies of English translations to the extent required under the rules of the SEC of all notices of preferred shareholders’ meetings and other reports and communications that are generally made available to holders of preferred shares. Under certain circumstances, the Depositary will arrange for the mailing to all ADR holders, at our expense, of these notices, reports and communications.
I.    Subsidiary information.
Not applicable.
We are exposed to market risk from changes in both foreign currency exchange and interest rates. We are exposed to foreign exchange rate risk mainly because certain costs of ours are denominated in currencies (primarily U.S. dollars) other than those in which we earn revenues (primarily reais ). Similarly, we are subject to market risk deriving from changes in interest rates, which may affect the cost of our financing. Prior to 1999, we did not use derivative instruments, such as foreign exchange forward contracts, foreign currency options, interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements, to manage these market risks. In 1999 (April 1999 for TND), we began entering into hedging agreements covering payments of principal on our foreign exchange denominated indebtedness. We also have entered into arrangements to hedge market risk deriving from changes in interest rates for some of our debt obligations. We do not hold or issue derivative or other financial instruments for trading purposes.
Interest Rate Risk
On December 31, 2008 , our outstanding debt accrued interest at the CDI or the TJLP and totaled R$ 3,224.9 million. On the same date, we had cash and cash equivalents, in the amount of R$ 1,531.5 million and R$ 23.0 million in short-term instruments accruing interest at the CDI rate.
Over a one year period, before accounting for tax expenses, a hypothetical, instantaneous and unfavorable change of 100 basis points in interest rates applicable to our financial assets and liabilities on December 31, 2008 would have resulted in a variation of R$18.2 million in our interest expenses from financial contracts and a variation of R$3.8 million in our revenues from financial investments (assuming that this hypothetical 100 basis point movement in interest rates uniformly applied to each “homogenous category” of our financial assets and liabilities and that such movement in interest rates was sustained over the full one-year period). For purposes of this interest rate risk sensitivity analysis, financial assets and liabilities denominated in the same currency (e.g., U.S. dollars) are grouped in separate homogenous categories. This interest rate risk sensitivity analysis may therefore overstate the impact of interest rate fluctuations to us, as unfavorable movements of all interest rates are unlikely to occur consistently among different homogenous categories.
Exchange Rate Risk
Devaluation of the real increases the cost, expressed in real , of some of our foreign-currency-denominated capital expenditures. As of December 31, 200 8 , we did not have any outstanding unhedged financial indebtedness denominated in foreign currency and were thus not exposed to exchange rate risk based on our indebtedness. We enter in to hedging agreements to hedge our borrowings denominated in foreign currency and thus have limited our exchange rate exposure regarding such borrowings. Our foreign-exchange hedging agreements protect us from devaluations of the real but expose us to potential losses in the event the foreign currencies decline in value against the real . However, any such decline in the value of foreign currencies would reduce our costs in reais in terms of planned capital expenditures as discussed below.
Our revenues are earned almost entirely in real , and we have no material foreign currency-denominated assets. We acquire our equipment and handsets from global suppliers, the prices of which are primarily denominated in U.S. dollars. Thus, we are exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from our need to make substantial dollar-denominated expenditures, particularly for imported components, equipment and handsets, that we have limited capacity to hedge. Furthermore, depreciation of the real against the U.S. dollar could create
additional inflationary pressures in Brazil by increasing the price of imported products which may result in the adoption of deflationary government policies.

Not applicable.
(a) Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Under the supervision and with the participation of our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, we have evaluated the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures   as of December 31, 2008. Based on that evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have concluded that these controls and procedures are effective in ensuring that all material information required to be filed in this annual report has been made known to them in a timely fashion. Our disclosure controls and procedures are effective in ensuring that information required to be disclosed in the reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the Commission’s rules and forms and are effective in ensuring that information to be disclosed in the reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our principal executive and principal financial officers, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
(b) Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) of the Exchange Act). TIM’s internal control system was designed to provide reasonable assurance as to the integrity and reliability of the published financial statements. All internal control systems, no matter how well designed, have inherent limitations and can provide only reasonable assurance that the objectives of the control system are met.

Management evaluated the internal control over financial reporting under the supervision of our Chief Executive Officer, or CEO and Chief Financial Officer, or CFO as of December 31, 2008. Management evaluated the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting based on the criteria set out in the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (“COSO”) framework. TIM’s management concluded that as of December 31, 2008, our internal control over financial reporting was adequate and effective, based on those criteria.

Our independent registered public accounting firm, Ernst Young Auditores Independentes S.S., has issued an attestation report on the effectiveness of our internal controls over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008.  The report on the audit of our internal control over financial reporting is included below.

(c) Attestation Report of the Registered Public Accounting Firm
Ernst Young Auditores Independentes S.S., the independent registered public accounting firm that has audited our consolidated financial statements, has issued an attestation report on the effectiveness of our internal controls over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008.  The attestation report appears as follows:


The Board of Directors and Shareholders
TIM Participações S.A.

We have audited TIM Participações S.A.’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008 , based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (the COSO criteria). TIM Participações S.A.’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and, for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting included in the accompanying Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board ( United States ). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
In our opinion, TIM Participações S.A. maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008, based on the COSO criteria.
We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the consolidated balance sheets of TIM Participações S.A. as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, and related consolidated statements of income, changes in shareholder’s equity, cash flows, and value added statement for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2008 and our report dated February 19, 2009, except as to Notes 35 and 36, as to which the date is April 22, 2009, expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.

Auditores Independentes S.S.

Claudio Camargo

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
February 19, 2009, except for internal control over financial reporting related to Notes 35 and 36 of the 2008 consolidated financial statements, as to which the date is April 22, 2009.


(d) Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
A number of processes and systems are currently being changed in order to unify the operations of the various entities making up TIM Participações. An action plan is being implemented in order to comply with the best practices within the industry. However, these changes will not significantly affect these controls subsequent to the date of evaluation and do not constitute corrective action with regard to material weaknesses as a result of the evaluation.

Our Fiscal Committee, which functions as an audit committee, shall be comprised of three to five permanent members and an equal number of alternates, shareholders or not, elected by the Shareholders’ meeting. This year we have five members only, four elected by the majority common shareholders and one by the minority preferred shareholders. Our Fiscal Committee has determined that three of its members, independent members of our Fiscal Committee under Brazilian rules, are “audit committee financial experts” as such term is defined by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
We have adopted a Code of Conduct and Transparency that applies to our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Principal Accounting Officer and persons performing similar functions, as well as to our other directors, officers, controlling shareholders and members of our Fiscal Committee in accordance with CVM rules satisfying the requirements of Brazilian Law. Our code of ethics is filed as an exhibit to this annual report and is available on our website at . The Code of Conduct and Transparency is also available free of charge upon request. Such request may be made by mail, telephone or fax at the address set forth in the second paragraph of “Item 4.A. Information on the Company—History and Development of the Company—Basic Information .” T he Code of Ethics was updated on the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on September 30 th , 200 8 .
Our Code of Conduct and Transparency does not address all of the principles set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission in Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. However, pursuant to company policy and section 156 of Brazilian Corporations Law No. 6.404 an officer is prohibited from taking part in any corporate transaction in which he has an interest that conflicts with the interests of the company. This disqualification must be disclosed to the board. Moreover, an officer may only contract with the company under reasonable and fair conditions, identical to those that prevail in the market or under which the company would contract with third parties. Any contract entered into or performed in violation of this article is voidable and requires the offending officer to disgorge any benefits he received from such violation.
In November 2006, a communication channel was created to address “complaints” related to breaking and/or suspicion of breaking the Control Model of the Company. The Control Model is a document based on the Code of Ethics, General Principles of Internal Control and Principles of Behavior with the Public Administration. This channel is accessible via email or letter addressed to the Internal Audit department.

During the same period, a committee formed by the directors of the Internal Auditing, Human Resources and Security was created to analyze reported complaints and take the necessary actions.

Audit and Non-Audit Fees
The following table sets forth the fees billed to us by our independent auditors, Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes S.S., during the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007:
Year ended December 31,
(in thousands of reais)
Audit fees
    5,729       6,244  
Audit-related fees
    35       95  
Total fees
    5,764       6,339  

Audit fees in the above table are the aggregate fees billed by Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes S.S. in connection with the audit of our annual financial statements and limited reviews of our quarterly financial information for statutory purposes and the assessment required under Section 404 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act.
Audit-related fees in the above table are the aggregate fees billed by Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes S.S. for a consolidation reporting package related to the company’s ultimate parent company.
Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures
The general authority to pre-approve the engagement of our independent auditors to render non-audit services is under the purview of our Fiscal Committee. Accordingly, the Fiscal Committee has established pre-approval procedures to control the provision of all audit and non-audit services by our independent auditors (the “Pre-Approval Policy”). Under the Pre-Approval Policy, the engagement of our independent auditors to provide audit and non-audit services must be pre-approved by the Fiscal Committee, either in the form of a special approval or through the inclusion of the services in question in a list adopted by the Fiscal Committee of pre-approved services. The Pre-Approval Policy is detailed as to the particular services to be provided. Additionally, the Pre-Approval Policy affirms that the Fiscal Committee’s responsibilities under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 are not delegated to management.
Brazilian Corporations Law requires that we have a statutory Board of Auditors (referred to as our Fiscal Committee or Conselho Fiscal ). Our Fiscal Committee meets the requirements of the general exemption set forth in Exchange Act Rule 10A-3(c)(3). See “Item 6A. Directors, Senior Management and Employees—Directors and Senior Management—Fiscal Committee.” Our Fiscal Committee is primarily charged with certain advisory, oversight and review functions with respect to the company’s financial statements, management acts and certain proposals to be submitted to shareholders’ meetings, such as proposals made by management regarding investment plans, capital expenditures budget, dividends distribution and corporate restructuring involving the company. However, the Fiscal Committee, as required by Brazilian Corporations Law, has only an advisory role and does not participate in the management of the company. Indeed, decisions of the Fiscal Committee are not binding on the company under Brazilian Corporations Law. Our Board of Directors, under Brazilian Corporations Law, is the only entity with the legal capacity to appoint and terminate any independent registered public accounting firm.
Since Brazilian Corporations Law does not specifically grant our Fiscal Committee the power to establish receipt, retention and complaint procedures regarding accounting, internal control and audit matters, or create policies for the confidential, anonymous treatment of employee concerns regarding accounting or auditing matters, we adopted a Fiscal Committee charter at a shareholders’ meeting held on May 6, 2004 and revised the charter at a shareholders’ meeting held on March 16, 2006, to clarify that the Fiscal Committee has certain powers and duties, which comprise among others the powers herein mentioned, and also further specifies heightened qualification requirements for members of the Fiscal Committee. On May 4, 2006 , our Board of Directors approved the submission to the Shareholders’ Meeting of a proposal to amend our bylaws. The proposal provides for the incorporation of the above-mentioned powers, duties and qualifications relating to the Fiscal Committee into the bylaws. Said proposal was approved by the Shareholders’ meeting held on June 5, 2006.
We do not believe that our use of the Fiscal Committee in accordance with Brazilian Corporations Law, as opposed to the provisions set forth in Exchange Act Rule 10A-3(b), materially adversely affects the ability of the Fiscal Committee to act independently, satisfy the other applicable requirements of Exchange Act Rule 10A-3 or to fulfill its fiduciary and other obligations under Brazilian law. It is presently contemplated that the Fiscal Committee will continue to be independent. However, because the Fiscal Committee’s members will continue to be elected and its budget will continue to be set at the general shareholders’ meeting, we can make no assurance that the Fiscal Committee or its future members will continue to be independent from our controlling shareholder in the future.


Principal Differences Between Brazilian and US . Corporate Governance Practices
The significant differences between our corporate governance practices and those of the New York Stock Exchange are as follows:
Independence of Directors and Independence Tests
Neither our Board of Directors nor our management test s the independence of directors before elections are made. However, both Brazilian Corporations Law and the CVM establish rules for certain qualification requirements and restrictions, investiture, compensation, and duties and responsibilities of the companies’ executives and directors. W e believe these rules provide adequate assurances that our directors are independent, and they permit us to have directors that would not otherwise pass the independence tests established by the NYSE.
Executive Sessions
According to Brazilian Corporations Law, up to one-third of the members of the Board of Directors can be elected for executive positions. The remaining non management directors are not expressly empowered to serve as a check on management and there is no requirement that those directors meet regularly without management. We c urrently have only one member of our Board of Directors also taking an executive position :   Mr. Luca Luciani.
Even though   we are not required under applicable Brazilian Corporate Law to have special advisory committees of the Board of Directors, we have two such committees : the Internal Control and Corporate Governance Committee and the Compensation Committee, which were implemented on September 30 th , 2008. Pursuant to our bylaws our directors are elected by our shareholders at a general shareholders’ meeting. Compensation for our directors and executive officers is established by our shareholders.
Audit Committee and Additional Requirements
Brazilian Corporations Law requires that we have a statutory Board of Auditors (referred to as our Fiscal Committee or C onselho Fiscal) . Our Fiscal Committee meets the requirements of the general exemption set forth in Exchange Act Rule 10A-3(c)(3). Our Fiscal Committee is primarily charged with certain advisory, oversight and review functions with respect to the company’s financial statements, management acts and certain proposals to be submitted to shareholders’ meetings, such as proposals made by management regarding investment plans, capital expenditures budget, dividends distribution and corporate restructuring involving the company. However, the Fiscal Committee, as required by Brazilian Corporations Law, has only an advisory role and does not participate in the management of the company. D ecisions of the Fiscal Committee are not binding on the company under Brazilian Corporations Law. Our Board of Directors, under Brazilian Corporations Law, is the only entity with the legal capacity to appoint and terminate any independent ly registered public accounting firm.
Because Brazilian Corporations Law does not specifically grant our Fiscal Committee the power to establish receipt, retention and complaint procedures regarding accounting, internal control and audit matters, or create policies for the confidential, anonymous treatment of employee concerns regarding accounting or auditing matters, we adopted at a shareholders’ meeting held on May 6, 2004 a committee charter to clarify that the Fiscal Committee has certain powers and duties, which include the powers herein mentioned.
We do not believe that our use of the Fiscal Committee in accordance with Brazilian Corporations Law, as opposed to the provisions set forth in Exchange Act Rule 10A-3(b), materially adversely affects the ability of the Fiscal Committee to act independently, satisfy the other applicable requirements of Exchange Act Rule 10A-3 or fulfill its fiduciary and other obligations under Brazilian law. It is presently contemplated that the Fiscal Committee will continue to be independent. However, because the Fiscal Committee ’s members will continue to be elected and its budget will continue to be set at the general shareholders’ meeting, we can make no assurance s that the Fiscal Committee or its future members will continue to be independent from our controlling shareholder in the future.
We have responded to Item 18 in lieu of responding to this Item.
See our audited consolidated financial statements beginning at page F-1.
1.1 *
By-laws of TIM Participações S.A. , as amended (English translation).
Loan Agreement, dated as of March 14, 2008, between Banco Votorantim S.A, as lender, and TIM Celular S.A., as borrower.
Credit Note, dated as of June 6, 2008, between Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A, as lender, and TIM Celular S.A., as borrower.
Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement, dated as of June 3, 2008, between European Investment Bank, as lender, TIM Celular S.A., as borrower, and TIM Participações S.A. as Guarantor.
Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement, dated as of June 3, 2008, between European Investment Bank, as lender, TIM Nordeste S.A., as borrower, and TIM Participações S.A. as Guarantor.
Finance Contract, dated as of June 3, 2008, between European Investment Bank, as lender, and TIM Nordeste S.A., as borrower.
Addendum to the Loan Agreement dated as of November 19, 2008, between BNDES Bank, as lender, and TIM Nordeste S.A., as borrower.
Loan Agreement, dated as of November 19, 2008, between BNDES Bank, as lender, and TIM Nordeste S.A. and TIM Celular S.A., as borrowers.
Addendum to the Credit Agreement dated as of November 19, 2008, between BNDES Bank, as lender, and TIM Celular S.A., as borrower.
Addendum to Credit Note dated as of August 31, 2005, between Unibanco Bank, as lender, and TIM Participações S.A., as borrower.
Credit Note, dated as of December 30, 2008, between Unibanco Bank, as lender, and TIM Celular S.A., as borrower.
Credit Note, dated as of December 30, 2008, between Unibanco Bank, as lender, and TIM Celular S.A., as borrower.
Derivative Agreement, dated as of December 30, 2008, between Unibanco Bank, as contracted party, and TIM Celular S.A., as contracting party.
Derivative Agreement, dated as of December 30, 2008, between Unibanco Bank, as contracted party, and TIM Celular S.A., as contracting party.
Confirmation of Swap Operation, dated as of July 7, 2008, between ABN AMRO Real S.A, as contracted party, and TIM Celular S.A., as contracting party.
Facility Agreement, dated as of November 28, 2008, between BNP Paribas, as lender, and TIM Celular S.A., borrower.
Amendment to Credit Facility Agreement dated as of August 14, 2008, between ABN Amro Real S.A., BNP Paribas Brasil, Bradesco S.A., Banco do Brasil S.A., Banco Itaú BBA S.A., Banco Santander Brasil S.A., Banco Société Générale Brasil S.A., Banco Votorantim S.A., and Unibanco S.A. as lenders, and TIM Celular S.A., as borrower.
Credit Note, dated as of March 14, 2008, between Banco Santander S.A., as lender, and TIM Celular S.A., borrower.
Credit Note, dated as of March 14, 2008, between Banco Santander S.A., as lender, and TIM Celular S.A., borrower.
Addendum to Credit Note dated as of August 31, 2005, between Banco Santander S.A., as lender, and TIM Participações S.A., as borrower.
Addendum to Facility Agreement dated as of September 6, 2008, to contract signed June 14, 2007, between Banco Santander S.A., as lender, and TIM Celular S.A., borrower.
Second Amendment to the Cooperation and support Agreement, dated as of April 22, 2009, between Telecom Itália s.p.a and TIM Celular S.A.
2 . 22
Deposit Agreement, dated as of June 24, 2002, among Tele Celular Sul Participações S.A., JPMorgan Chase Bank, as Depositary, and holders of American Depositary Receipts issued thereunder, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 30, 2005.
4. 1
Credit Agreement dated as of September 22, 2000, between TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações (then Telpe Celular), as borrower, and the European Investment Bank, as lender, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 30, 2005.
4. 2
Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement dated as of September 22, 2000, between European Investment Bank and Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A., which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 30, 2005.
4. 3
Indemnification Agreement dated as of September 22, 2000, between Banque Sudameris, as Guarantor, and Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A., as Indemnifier, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 30, 2005.
4. 4
Counter Indemnity Agreement dated as of September 22, 2000, between Banque Sudameris, as Guarantor, and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações (then Telpe Celular), as Borrower, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 30, 2005.
4. 5
Credit Agreement dated as of June 28, 2004, by and between Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, and TIM Nordeste, as borrower, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 30, 2005.
4. 6
Guarantee Agreement dated as of June 24, 2004 among Banco Bradesco S.A., TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A. (English t ranslation), which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 30, 2005.
4. 7
Management Assistance Agreement, dated as of October 1, 2000, between Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A. and Telecom Italia Mobile S.p.A., which is incorporated by reference to the  annual report of Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A. filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 2, 2001 .
4. 8
Standard Concession Agreement for Mobile Cellular Service (Portuguese v ersion), which is incorporated by reference to our registration statement filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 18, 1998 .
4. 9
Standard Concession Agreement for Mobile Cellular Service (English t ranslation), which is incorporated by reference to our registration statement filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 18, 1998 .
4.1 0
Authorization Agreement for Mobile Cellular Service for Telepar Celular (English t ranslation), which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 18, 2003 .
4.1 1
Authorization Agreement for Mobile Cellular Service for CTMR Celular (English t ranslation), which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 18, 2003 .
4.1 2
Authorization Agreement for Mobile Cellular Service for Telesc Celular (English t ranslation), which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 18, 2003 .
4.1 3
Authorization Agreement for Mobile Cellular Service for Telpe Celular (English t ranslation), which is incorporated by reference to the annual report of Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A. filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 16, 2003 .
4.1 4
Authorization Agreement for Mobile Cellular Service for Teleceara Celular (English t ranslation), which is incorporated by reference to the annual report of Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A. filed on F orm 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 16, 2003 .
4.1 5
Authorization Agreement for Mobile Cellular Service for Telasa Celular (English t ranslation), which is incorporated by reference to the annual report of Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A. filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 16, 2003 .
4.1 6
Authorization Agreement for Mobile Cellular Service for Telpa Celular (English t ranslation), which is incorporated by reference to the annual report of Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A. filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 16, 2003 .
4. 17
Authorization Agreement for Mobile Cellular Service for Telern Celular (English t ranslation), which is incorporated by reference to the annual report of Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A. filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 16, 2003 .
4. 18
Authorization Agreement for Mobile Cellular Service for Telepisa Celular (English t ranslation), which is incorporated by reference to the annual report of Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A. filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 16, 2003 .
4. 19
Interconnection Network Agreement relating to Local Services dated as of June 1, 2003 between TIM Sul and Brasil Telecom (English translation), which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 19, 2004 .
Credit Agreement, dated as of June 28, 2004, among TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16 , 2006.
Credit Agreement, dated as of April 29, 2005, among TIM Nordeste, as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16 , 2006.
Credit Agreement, dated as of November 28, 2000, among BNDES, a syndicate of banks, Maxitel S.A. , as borrower, and TIM Brasil Participações, as guarantor, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16 , 2006.
Credit Agreement, dated as of June 28, 2004, among Maxitel S.A. , as borrower, and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., as lender, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16 , 2006.
4. 24
Credit Agreement, dated as of August 10, 2005, among BNDES, as lender, TIM Celular, as borrower, and TIM Brasil, as guarantor, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16 , 2006.
4. 25
Credit Agreement, dated as of October 14, 2005, among BNDES, as lender, and TIM Celular, as borrower, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16 , 2006.
4. 26
Credit Agreement, dated as of August 26, 2005, among a syndicate of banks, TIM Celular, as borrower, and TIM Brasil, as guarantor, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16 , 2006.
Credit Agreement, dated as of January 7, 2002, among Banco BBA Creditanstalt S.A., as lender, and TIM Rio Norte , as borrower, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16 , 2006.
On Lending of Funds from BNDES Credit Agreement, dated as of November 22, 2000, between BNDES, as lender, and Maxitel S.A. , as borrower, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16 , 2006.
Credit Agreement, dated as of November 28, 2000 , between BNDES, as lender, and Maxitel S.A. , as borrower, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 22 , 2007.
Authorization agreement for TIM Celular S.A. dated May 25, 2007 pursuant to which TIM is authorized to provide land line switched telephone services (STFC) in regions I, II and III , which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 3, 2008.
Credit Agreement, dated as of June 14, 2007, among Banco Santander Banespa S.A., as lender, and TIM Celular S.A., as borrower , which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 3, 2008.
Credit Agreement, dated as of December 6, 2007 , among Banco Santander S.A., as lender, and TIM Celular S.A., as borrower , which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 3, 2008.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Nordeste S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Nordeste S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Nordeste S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Nordeste S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Nordeste S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Nordeste S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Nordeste S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Nordeste S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Celular S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Celular S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Celular S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Celular S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Celular S.A.
Term of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies, dated as of April 29, 2008, between ANATEL (the National Telecommunications Agency) and TIM Celular S.A.
Foreign Onlending Agreement, dated February 24, 2006, between Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A., as lender, and TIM Celular, as borrower, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16 , 2006.
Credit Facility Agreement, dated February 16, 2006, between Santander Brasil S.A., as lender, and TIM Celular, as borrower, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16 , 2006.
Statement regarding computation of per share earnings, which is incorporated by reference to note 4.t to our consolidated financial statements included in this annual report.
List of Subsidiaries, which is incorporated by reference to our annual report filed on Form 20-F with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 22, 2006.
Code of Ethics (English translation).
12.1 *
Section 302 Certification of the Chief Executive Officer.
12.2 *
Section 302 Certification of the Chief Financial Officer.
13 *
Section 906 Certification of the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.
  * Filed herewith.
The following explanations are not intended as technical definitions, but to assist the general reader to understand certain terms as used in this annual report.
Analog: A mode of transmission or switching which is not digital, e.g ., the representation of voice, video or other modulated electrical audio signals which are not in digital form.
ARPU ( Average Revenue Per User ) : A measure used in the mobile telecommunications industry to evaluate the revenue generated by customers.
Broadband services: Services characterized by a transmission speed of 2Mbit/s or more. According to international standards, these services are interactive services, including video telephone/videoconferencing (both point to point and multipoint).
Channel: One of a number of discrete frequency ranges utilized by a radio base station.
Digital: A mode of representing a physical variable such as speech using digits 0 and 1 only. The digits are transmitted in binary form as a series of pulses. Digital networks allow for higher capacity and higher flexibility through the use of computer-related technology for the transmission and manipulation of telephone calls. Digital systems offer lower noise interference and can incorporate encryption as a protection from external interference.
EDGE ( Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution ) : A technology that provides enhanced functionality and facilitates the use of advanced technology over mobile devices.
GSM (Global System Mobile ): A standard of digital mobile telecommunications technology.
Interconnection charge: Amount paid per minute charged by network operators for the use of their network by other network operators. Also known as an “access charge.”
Mobile service: A mobile telecommunications service provided by means of a network of interconnected low powered radio base stations, each of which covers one small geographic cell within the total mobile telecommunications system service area.
Network: An interconnected collection of elements. In a telephone network, these consist of switches connected to each other and to customer equipment. The transmission equipment may be based on fiber optic or metallic cable or point-to-point connections.
Penetration: The measurement of the take-up of services. At any date, the penetration is calculated by dividing the number of customers by the population to which the service is available and multiplying the quotient by 100.
Roaming: A function that enables customers to use their mobile telephone on networks of service providers other than the one with which they signed their initial contract.
Switch: These are used to set up and route telephone calls either to the number called or to the next switch along the path. They may also record information for billing and control purposes.
TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access): A standard of digital mobile telecommunications technology.
Value-Added Services: Value-added services provide additional functionality to the basic transmission services offered by a telecommunications network.
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol): A specification for a set of telecommunications protocols to standardize the way that wireless devices, such as mobile telephones and radio receivers, can be used to access the internet.
The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing Form 20-F and that it has duly caused  and authorized the undersigned to sign this annual report on its behalf.
By:   /s/ Luca Luciani
Luca Luciani
Chief Executive Officer

By:   /s/ Claudio Zezza
Claudio Zezza
Chief Financial Officer
Dated: June 26, 2009

Consolidated Financial Statements

TIM Participações S.A and subsidiaries

Years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008

with Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008


The Board of Directors and Shareholders of TIM Participações S.A.
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of TIM Participações S.A. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2008  and 2007, and the related consolidated statements of operations, changes in shareholders' equity, cash flows and value added  for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2008 . These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board ( United States ). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of TIM Participações S.A. and subsidiaries at December 31, 2008  and 2007, and the consolidated results of their operations, their cash flows and their value added  for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2008  in conformity with accounting principles adopted in Brazil, which differ in certain respects from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (See Notes 35 and 36 to the consolidated financial statements).
As mentioned in Note 2, the Company adopted new accounting principles effective in Brazil for the year ended December 31, 2008, and therefore, the financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, were restated in accordance with NPC (Accounting Procedures and Rules) No. 12 - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.
We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the effectiveness of TIM Participações S.A.’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008 , based on criteria established in Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission and our report dated February 19, 2009 , except for internal control over financial reporting related to Notes 35 and 36  to the 2008 consolidated financial statements of, as to which the date is April 22, 2009 , expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.
Rio de Janeiro, February 19, 2009, except for Notes 35 and 36, as to which the date is April 22, 2009.
Auditores Independentes S.S.
CRC - 2SP 015.199/O-6 - F - RJ
Claudio Camargo


December 31, 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais)
as adjusted
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
          1,117,410       1,531,543  
Short-term investments
          55,255       23,048  
Accounts receivable, net
      3,029,930       2,635,355  
      278,126       548,514  
Recoverable taxes
      495,932       603,353  
Deferred income and social contribution taxes
      29,429       49,451  
Prepaid expenses
      240,087       155,825  
Operations with derivatives
      17,661       260,925  
Other assets
            23,981       26,839  
Total current assets
            5,287,811       5,834,853  
Non-current assets
Long-term investments
            3,989       9,911  
Recoverable taxes
      233,482       226,975  
Deferred income and social contribution taxes
      -       110,763  
Judicial deposits
      102,402       143,924  
Prepaid expenses
      7,806       13,693  
Operations with derivatives
      -       126,648  
Other noncurrent assets
            7,274       7,268  
Permanent assets
Property, plant and equipment, net
      4,839,037       4,799,092  
Intangibles, net
      4,082,185       4,966,341  
Total assets
            14,563,986       16,239,468  

as adjusted
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
      3,143,331       3,328,714  
Loans and financing
      769,357       1,431,219  
Accrued interest
            29,268       51,486  
Operations with derivatives
      15,589       52,448  
Salaries and related charges
      110,553       106,991  
Taxes, charges and contributions
      570,346       601,778  
Authorizations payable
            34,791       -  
Dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity payable
            239,508       193,365  
Other current liabilities
            115,518       113,639  
Total current liabilities
            5,028,261       5,879,640  
Noncurrent liabilities
Loans and financing
      1,327,997       2,066,514  
Operations with derivatives
      -       10,814  
Provision for contingencies
      215,740       253,370  
Pension plan
      7,377       6,425  
Asset retirement obligations
      192,137       211,802  
Other noncurrent liabilities
            20,669       20,447  
Shareholders’ equity
            7,550,525       7,613,610  
Capital reserves
            97,415       34,330  
Income reserves
            123,865       142,516  
Total shareholders' equity
            7,771,805       7,790,456  
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity
            14,563,986       16,239,468  

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


Years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Brazilian Reais, except for earnings per share, expressed in Reais)

As adjusted
(note 3-e)
As adjusted
(note 3-e)
Gross revenues
Telecommunications services
      11,820,276       15,376,550       16,485,813  
Sale of goods
      2,057,283       1,838,102       1,766,400  
              13,877,559       17,214,652       18,252,213  
Deductions from gross revenues
      (3,739,312 )     (4,773,010 )     (5,171,248 )
Net operating revenues
      10,138,247       12,441,642       13,080,965  
Cost of services rendered
      (4,122,239 )     (5,297,428 )     (5,658,009 )
Cost of goods sold
      (1,407,761 )     (1,434,430 )     (1,405,788 )
Gross profit
            4,608,247       5,709,784       6,017,168  
Operating expenses:
      (3,250,951 )     (3,890,925 )     (4,098,389 )
General and administrative
      (954,858 )     (1,032,793 )     (1,127,426 )
Other operating expenses
      (202,334 )     (269,428 )     (300,480 )
              (4,408,143 )     (5,193,146 )     (5,526,295 )
Income before financial results
            200,104       516,638       490,873  
Financial income (expenses):
 Financial income
      192,385       104,123       173,313  
 Financial expenses
      (412,104 )     (378,638 )     (445,564 )
 Foreign exchange variation, net
      (44,299 )     (6,984 )     (102,724 )
              (264,018 )     (281,499 )     (374,975 )
Operating income (loss)
            (63,914 )     235,139       115,898  
Income and social contribution tax expense
      (203,133 )     (166,837 )     64,254  
Net income (loss) for the year
            (267,047 )     68,302       180,152  
Earnings (loss) per thousand shares for 2006, and per shares, for 2007, outstanding at year-end (R$) (*)
            (0.11 )     0.03       0.08  

(*) On May 30, 2007, the shareholders approved a reverse stock split in the proportion of 1,000 (one thousand) shares to 1 (one) share of each class. Had the reverse stock split occurred on December 31, 2006, income (loss) per share for the years ended December 31, 2006 would have been presented per share instead of per thousand share as presented above amounting to R$(0.11), respectively, per share.

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


Years ended December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais)
Capital reserves
Income reserves
Special goodwill reserve
Reserve for future capital increase
Legal reserve
Expansion reserve
Retained earnings
Balances at December  31, 2005
    1,472,075       185,680       6,401       98,741       951,924       -       2,714,821  
Prior years' adjustments
    -       -       -       -       (74,973 )     -       (74,973 )
Capital increase with incorporation of shares:
TIM Celular S.A
    5,983,784       -       -       -       -       -       5,983,784  
Capital increase with transfer of  reserve
    56,851       (50,450 )     (6,401 )     -       -       -       -  
Dividends and interest on shareholder's equity directly allocated in the Company's shareholder's equity and subsidiaries (note 3-c)
    -       -       -       -       4,523       -       4,523  
Dividends proposed
    -       -       -       -       (450,763 )     -       (450,763 )
Loss for the year
Originally presented
    -       -       -       -       -       (285,542 )     (285,542 )
Adjustments for 2006, recorded in 2007 and 2008 (note 3-c)
    -       -       -       -       -       18,495       18,495  
                                              (267,047 )     (267,047 )
Allocation of loss for the year:
Use of expansion reserve
    -       -       -       -       (267,047 )     267,047       -  
Balances at December 31, 2006
    7,512,710       135,230       -       98,741       163,664       -       7,910,345  
Dividends and interest on shareholder's equity directly allocated in the Company's shareholder's equity and subsidiaries (note 3-c)
    -       -       -       -       5,145       -       5,145  
Capital increase with transfer of  reserve
    37,815       (37,815 )     -       -       -       -       -  
Net income for the period
Originally presented
    -       -       -       -       -       76,095       76,095  
Adjustments for 2007, recorded in 2008 (note 3-c)
    -       -       -       -       -       (7,793 )     (7,793 )
                                              68,302       68,302  
Reduction in reserves for expansion
    -       -       -       -       (7,793 )     7,793       -  
Allocation of net income for the year:
Legal reserve
    -       -       -       3,805       -       (3,805 )     -  
Dividends proposed
    -       -       -       -       -       (72,290 )     (72,290 )
Dividends proposed with use of expansion reserve
    -       -       -       -       (139,697 )     -       (139,697 )
Balances at December 31, 2007
    7,550,525       97.415       -       102.546       21,319       -       7,771,805  
Dividends and interest on shareholder's equity directly allocated in the Company's shareholder's equity and subsidiaries (note 3-c)
    -       -       -       -       9,643       -       9,643  
Capital increase with transfer of  reserve
    63,085       (63,085 )     -       -       -       -       -  
Net income for the year
    -       -       -       -       -       180,152       180,152  
Allocation of net income for the year:
Legal reserve
    -       -       -       9,008       -       (9,008 )     -  
Dividends proposed
    -       -       -       -       -       (171,144 )     (171,144 )
Balances at December 31, 2008
    7,613,610       34,330       -       111,554       30,962       -       7,790,456  

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


Years ended December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais)

Years ended December 31,
As adjusted
2007 As adjusted
Operating activities
Net income (loss) for the year
    (267,048 )     68,302       180,152  
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash:
Depreciation and amortization
    2,234,437       2,323,674       2,408,545  
Deferred income tax and social contribution
    137,357       62,060       (130,785 )
Actuarial liability
    2,499       1,294       (952 )
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment
    (2,526 )     24,705       3,046  
Monetary variation on asset retirement obligations, judicial deposits and contingencies
    26,594       53,365       17,858  
Accrued interest and foreign exchange variation  of loans
    319,601       232,676       343,042  
Accrued interest and foreign exchange variation  of authorizations
    1,270       1,491       50,887  
Interest on short-term investments
    (117,027 )     (24,516 )     (96,341 )
Allowance for doubtful accounts
    451,976       714,571       748,833  
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Trade accounts receivables
    (898,883 )     (1,222,439 )     (354,258 )
    51,133       (114,018 )     (270,388 )
Recoverable taxes
    (19,028 )     (151,191 )     (100,915 )
Prepaid expenses
    (170,815 )     (13,629 )     78,376  
Other current and noncurrent assets
    (19,122 )     (38,335 )     (27,523 )
Salaries and social charges
    (1,935 )     18,060       (3,562 )
Accounts payable
    (99,548 )     298,357       275,071  
Taxes payable
    8,303       200,081       31,432  
Provision for contingencies
    (17,589 )     26,373       29,923  
Other current and noncurrent liabilities
    23,157       42,738       (2,095 )
Net cash provided by operating activities
    1,642,806       2,503,619       3,180,346  
Investing activities
Short-term investments
    769,417       566,185       122,624  
Property, plant and equipment and software license acquisitions
    (2,244,031 )     (1,799,643 )     (2,119,373 )
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment
    12,182       11,093       5,538  
Authorization payments
    -       (11,517 )     (1,324,672 )
Net cash used in investing activities
    (1,462,432 )     (1,233,882 )     (3,315,883 )
Financing activities
New loans
    1,078,445       1,162,235       1,315,261  
Loan and financing payments
    (1,070,665 )     (1,466,836 )     (557,946 )
Dividends and interest on shareholders' equity paid
    (114,889 )     (440,291 )     (207,645 )
Net cash provided (used in) by financing activities
    (107,109 )     (744,892 )     549,670  
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
    73,265       524,845       414,133  
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year
    519,300       592,565       1,117,410  
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year
    592,565       1,117,410       1,531,543  

F - 7

Years ended December 31,
As adjusted
2007 As adjusted
Supplementary disclosure of cash flow information:
Interest paid
    260,150       240,260       297,730  
Income and social contribution taxes paid
    25,966       55,723       79,333  
Accounts payable related to capital expenditures
    937,468       1,044,175       951,841  
Capitalized interest
    16,564       11,347       2,647  

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


Years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007
(In thousands of Reais)
Gross operating revenue
    13,877,559       17,214,652       18,252,213  
Allowance for doubtful accounts
    (451,976 )     (714,571 )     (748,833 )
Discounts given, returns and other
    (839,613 )     (1,192,598 )     (1,179,947 )
      12,585,970       15,307,483       16,323,433  
Input acquired from third parties
Cost of services rendered and goods sold
    (3,951,472 )     (5,159,299 )     (5,475,372 )
Materials, energy, third parties services and other
    (2,047,023 )     (2,376,306 )     (2,481,146 )
      (5,998,495 )     (7,535,605 )     (7,956,518 )
Depreciation and amortization
    (2,234,437 )     (2,323,674 )     (2,408,545 )
Net value-added produced
    4,353,038       5,448,204       5,958,370  
Value-added received through reclassification
Equity pickup
    -       -       -  
Financial revenues
    523,879       321,597       1,164,662  
      523,879       321,597       1,164,662  
Total value-added to be distributed
    4,876,917       5,769,801       7,123,032  
Value-added distribution
Personnel and related charges
    507,071       530,513       548,007  
Taxes, rates and contributions
    3,708,063       4,429,492       4,646,630  
Interest and rentals
    928,830       741,496       1,748,243  
    -       72,290       171,144  
Income (losses) withheld
    (267,047 )     (3,990 )     9,008  
      4,876,917       5,769,801       7,123,032  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008
(in thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated)
TIM Participações S.A. (the “Company” or “TIM Participações”) is a listed company directly controlled by TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A. (“TIM Brasil”), an indirect subsidiary of Telecom Italia S.p.A. (“Telecom Italia”). As of December 31, 2008, TIM Brasil held 81.32% of the Company’s voting capital and 69.85% of its total capital.
After the completion of the acquisitions mentioned in note 2a), the Company became the sole shareholder of TIM Celular S.A. (“TIM Celular”). TIM Celular and its wholly-owned subsidiary TIM Nordeste S.A. (“TIM Nordeste”) provide mobile telephony services and fixed line telephony services in all states of Brazil under the “TIM” tradename, which is owned by Telecom Italia.

Services provided by the subsidiaries are regulated by Brazilian Telecommunications Agency – Anatel, the regulatory agency of telecommunications in Brazil. The exploration of the Personal Communication Service (“PCS”) and Commuted Fixed Telephone Service (STFC) is for an indefinite period, since valid radio-frequencies are held within the respective operating regions.

The authorizations for use of radiofrequency granted to the subsidiaries mature as follows:

TIM Nordeste
Expiration Date
800MHz, 900 MHz and 1.800 MHz
State of Pernambuco
May 15, 2009
April 30, 2023
State of Ceará
November 28, 2023
April 30, 2023
State of Paraíba
December 31, 2023
April 30, 2023
State of Rio Grande do Norte
December 31, 2023
April 30, 2023
State of Alagoas
December 15, 2023
April 30, 2023
State of Piauí
March 27, 2009
April 30, 2023
State of Minas Gerais   (except for the “Triângulo Mineiro“(*) municipalities for Radio-frequencies 3G)
April 7, 2013
April 30, 2023
States of Bahia and Sergipe
August 6, 2012
April 30, 2023

(*) The Far Western region of the state of Minas Gerais.


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)

TIM Celular
Expiration Date
800MHz, 900 MHz and 1.800 MHz
States of Amapá, Roraima, Pará, Amazonas, Maranhão, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo
March 29, 2016
April 30, 2023
States of Acre, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Tocantins, Goiás, Rio Grande do Sul (except the cities of Pelotas, Morro Redondo, Capão do Leão and Turuçu), Federal District and cities of Londrina and Tamarana (State of Paraná)
March 12, 2016
April 30, 2023
State of São Paulo
March 12, 2016
April 30, 2023
State of Paraná (except for cities of Londrina and Tamarana)
September 3, 2022
April 30, 2023
State of Santa Catarina
September 3, 2023
April 30, 2023
Cities of Pelotas, Morro Redondo, Capão do Leão and Turuçu (State of Rio Grande do Sul)
April 14, 2009
April 30, 2023
Renewal of authorizations

The radiofrequency licensing authorizations for the 800 MHz, 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands began to expire in certain regions in September 2007 and are renewable for an additional 15-year period. For renewal purposes, at each two-year period, a payment of the equivalent to 2% (two percent) of the prior year´s gross revenues net of taxes on sales is required. The first payment for these authorizations is scheduled for April 30, 2009.


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)

The renewal of five (5) radio-frequency licensing authorizations which matured in 2008 were formalized through the following acts: Act 5.520 – state of Santa Catarina; Act  7.383 - state of Alagoas; Act  7.385 – state of Ceará; Act 7.386 – state of Paraíba ; and Act  7.390 – state of Rio Grande do Norte.   Also, the renewal of two (2) radio frequency licensing authorizations maturing in 2009 were formalized through the following acts: Act 7.388 – state of Pernambuco; and Act 7.389 – state of Piauí, all published in the DOU (Official Gazette) of  11/18/2008.

Although the economic situation in Brazil has remained stable in recent years, an increase of inflation levels and currency fluctuations could adversely affect the Company’s operations. The foreign exchange volatility of the Real (R$) in relation to the US Dollar affects the Company’s consolidated financial statements. The exchange rate of the Real to the US Dollar was R$2.1380:US$1.00, R$1.7713:US$1.00 and R$2.3370:US$1.00 at December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively. At December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2008, the loans based in US Dollar represented 2.97% and 8.81% of the Company’s total consolidated debt, respectively.
Corporate Reorganization

Acquisition of TIM Celular

On January 31, 2006, the Boards of Directors of the Company and TIM Celular, an entity under common control, proposed the acquisition of TIM Celular by the Company through the exchange of all of TIM Celular’s shares for shares of the Company.

On March 16, 2006, the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings of the Company and of TIM Celular approved the acquisition, making TIM Celular into a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. As a result, TIM Celular’s wholly-owned operating subsidiaries, TIM Nordeste, CRC - Centro de Relacionamento com Clientes Ltda. (“CRC”) and Blah! Sociedade Anônima de Serviços e Comércio (“Blah”), became subsidiaries of the Company.

As a result of this transaction, the Company issued 1,443,012,977,093 shares (491,506,603,551 common shares and 951,506,373,542 preferred shares) on the date of shareholder approval (March 16, 2006). Had the reverse stock split occurred during 2005 the Company would have issued 1,443,012,977 shares.

This transaction intended to optimize the organizational structure of the companies and their subsidiaries. The transaction allowed synergies between the companies to provide PCS on a national level.

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December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
The exercise of withdrawal rights by common shareholders of the Company expired on April 19, 2006. No shareholders exercised their withdrawal rights.

In accordance with the merger agreement, the acquisition was recorded using the book value of the net assets acquired as of January 1, 2006, the date the Company also began consolidating TIM Celular’s results.
Restructuring of subsidiaries

On March 30, 2006, the General Shareholders’ Meeting of TIM Celular approved the merger of the net assets of CRC and Blah! into TIM Celular. CRC and Blah! were wholly-owned subsidiaries of TIM Celular. CRC operated the call center services, providing services only to TIM Celular. Blah! rendered value-added services (VAS) such as multimedia messaging services and song downloads to TIM Group’s companies.

On May 4, 2006, the Board of Directors of TIM Participações proposed the merger of TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações into Maxitel and the merger of TIM Sul into TIM Celular. All four entities were wholly-owned subsidiaries of TIM Participações.

On June 30, 2006, at the General Shareholders’ Meetings of TIM Celular, Maxitel, TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações and TIM Sul approved the merger of TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações into Maxitel and of TIM Sul into TIM Celular. On the same date, Maxitel was renamed TIM Nordeste.

These restructurings intended to optimize the organizational structure of the subsidiaries.

F - 13


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Preparation and Presentation of the Financial Statements

Basis of presentation

The consolidated financial statements have been presented in Brazilian currency (“Real” or “R$”) prepared in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil (“Brazilian GAAP”). These accounting practices are based on the Brazilian Corporate Law (Law No. 6,404/76, as amended), the rules and regulations issued by the Brazilian Securities Commission (“Comissão de Valores Mobiliários” or “CVM”), the provisions introduced by Provisional Measure No. 449/08 and the rules issued by the Brazilian Accounting Standards Board (“Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis” or “CPC”).

The Company is a listed company, with American Depositary Receipts traded on the New York Stock Exchange – USA. Consequently, the Company is subject to the rules of the Security and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) for foreign private issuers (“FPIs”) and is also required to include in its consolidated financial statements specific disclosures relating to the reconciliation between shareholders’ equity and net income prepared in accordance with Brazilian GAAP and shareholders’ equity and net income prepared under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“US GAAP”). For more details, see notes 35 and 36.

The level of disclosure in the consolidated financial statements was adjusted and expanded and certain reclassifications were made to comply with US GAAP.

Assets and liabilities are classified as current when their realization or settlement is estimated to occur within twelve months after the balance sheet date. Otherwise, they are shown as non-current.

Changes in preparation and disclosure of the financial statements

The Law 11.638/07, promulgated on December 28, 2007 changed and revoked some provisions of the Law 6.404 of December 15, 1976 and Law 6.385 of December 7, 1976. The main objective of this new law, which came into effect on January 1, 2008, was to update Brazilian accounting regulations and prepare the harmonization thereof with international pronouncements, specially those issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”).


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)

The provisions of this Law, which apply to the financial statements for the fiscal years beginning on January 1, 2008, are not deemed as changes in circumstances or estimates.

According to the CVM Deliberation 565 of December 17, 2008, which approved the accounting pronouncement CPC 13 – First Adoption of Law 11.638/07 and the Provisional Measure 449/08, and in compliance with the provisions of CVM Deliberation 506 of June 19, 2006, the Company fixed January 1 st , 2006 as the transition date for adopting the new accounting practices. The transition date is defined as the starting point for recording the changes in the Brazilian accounting practices.

The CPC 13 waives the companies from the compliance with NPC 12 and CVM Deliberation 506/06 – Accounting Practices, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Correction of Errors” upon the first adoption of Law 11.638/07 and PM 449/08. This deliberation requires that besides demonstrating the effects of the adoption of a new accounting practice on the retained earnings (accumulated losses) account, companies would be required to present the opening balance by account or group of accounts relating to the earliest period presented in the financial statements, for comparative purposes. However, the Company opted for not taking the CPC 13 exemption and, accordingly, its financial statements for 2006, 2007 and 2008 are presented in accordance with the same accounting practices, being therefore comparable.

The changes in accounting practices, which affected the opening balance sheet and the statement of operations for December 31, 2007 and 2006, were measured and recorded by the Company based on the following accounting pronouncements:

Conceptual Framework for Preparation and Presentation of the Financial Statements, approved by CVM Deliberation 539 of March 14, 2008;

CPC 01 – Impairment, approved by CVM Deliberation 527 of November 1, 2007;

CPC 02 – Effects of Changes in Exchange Rates and Conversion of Financial Statements, approved by CVM Deliberation 534 of January 29, 2008;

CPC 03 – Statement of Cash Flows, approved by CVM Deliberation 547 of August 13,  2008;

CPC 04 – Intangible Assets, approved by CVM Deliberation 553 of November 12,  2008;

CPC 05 – Related-Party Disclosure approved by CVM Deliberation 560 of December 11, 2008;

CPC 06 – Lease Operations, approved by CVM Deliberation 554 of November 12,  2008;

CPC 07 – Governmental Subvention and Assistance, approved by CVM Deliberation 555 of November 12,  2008;

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December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
CPC 08 – Transaction Costs and Premium on Issuance of Marketable Securities, approved by CVM Deliberation 556 of November 11,  2008;

CPC 09 – Value-Added Statement, approved by CVM Deliberation 557 of November 12, 2008;

CPC 10 – Share Based Payment, approved by CVM Deliberation 562 of December 17, 2008;

CPC 12 – Present Value Adjustments, approved by CVM Deliberation 564 of December 17, 2008;

CPC 13 – First-Time Adoption of Law 11.638/07 and Provisional Measure 449/08, approved by CVM Deliberation 565 of December 17, 2008;

CPC 14 – Financial Instruments, approved by CVM Deliberation 566 of December 17, 2008.

The effects arisen for the adoption of Law 11.638/07, PM 449/08 and CPCs’ requirements in the financial statements were:

Adjustment to present value of long-term balances (assets and liabilities, when CPC12 is applicable) and current assets and liabilities when the present value adjustment is deemed relevant. After evaluating the impact of this change, the Company’s Management concluded that the amounts payable in connection with the exploration of the 3G licenses (acquired in 2008) would have relevant effects for the financial statements. As a consequence, they were adjusted to present value, as disclosed in Note 11. In relation to other current and long-term assets and liabilities no relevant effects were identified;

The amounts related to ADENE’s incentive for the subsidiary TIM Nordeste were accounted for in the income for the year 2008, as an income tax expense reduction, and subsequently reclassified as a revenue reserve. In fiscal year 2007 and 2006, the subsidiary’s results (exploration losses) did permit TIM Nordeste to recognize the incentive;

The Company began to account for the transaction costs incurred on borrowing as a reduction of the loans and financing account, and amortize them over the same loan amortization period. Until December 31, 2007, these costs had been recorded as prepaid expenses and amortized on a straight-line basis, over the duration of the loan. The effect of this accounting practice was a R$1,475 reduction of financial expenses and a R$16,190 reduction of loans reflected in the financial statements for

F - 16


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
the year ended December 31, 2007. In 2006, the effect of such adjustment resulted in the reduction of financing expenses by R$12,184;
In compliance with CVM Deliberation 566 of December 17, 2008, which approves the Technical Pronouncement CPC 14, the Company´s derivative instruments were accounted for at their fair value. Until December 31, 2007, derivative instruments were recorded at cost plus financial income / losses arisen from the accumulated variation of its underlyings. For comparison purposes, the 2007 amounts were adjusted retroactively, causing (1) a reduction of the net revenue from monetary variation by R$4,123, (2) an increase of current assets by R$17,661, (3) an increase of current liabilities by R$10,203 and (4) an increase of non-current liabilities by R$2,329. In 2006, the effect of such adjustment resulted in an increase of net revenue from monetary variation by R$10,883;

The preparation of cash flow statements becomes mandatory, replacing the obligation to prepare the statement of changes in financial position. The Company has been complying with this requirement since prior years.
The Company opted for maintaining the recognized balances of deferred charges within the intangible assets group until they are fully amortized. As required by CPC 13, the Company analyzed the recovery of these amounts in accordance with CPC 01 – impairment, having found no sign of decrease in this recoverable value.

The Company opted for the Transition Taxation Method (RTT) instituted by the Provisional Measure 449/08, whereby the corporate income tax (IRPJ), the social contribution on net income (CSLL) and the contributions to PIS and COFINS (Social Security Funding), for the two-year period 2008-2009, continue to be determined by accounting methods and criteria laid down in Law 6.404 of December 15, 1976, still ruling on December 31, 2007. Accordingly, the deferred income tax and social contribution due on adjustments arising from adoption of new accounting practices stipulated by Law 11.638/08 and Provisional Measure 449/08, where applicable, were reflected in the financial statements of the Company in accordance with CVM Instruction 371 (statement that sets forth the rules for the recognition of deferred taxes). The Company will demonstrate this option at the Income Tax Return “DIPJ” in 2009.

As defined by the Brazilian Accounting Practices, up to December 31, 2009, the Company will revaluate the estimates of useful life of its property, plant and equipment items, which are used as a basis for calculating depreciation and amortization rates. If relevant, any changes in the estimated useful life of these assets will be treated as changes in accounting estimates to be recognized prospectively.

F - 17


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
The effects of law 11.638/07 in 2008 profit and loss and shareholders’ equity are summarized bellow:

Balances as of December 31, 2008:
    180,152       7,790,456  
Effects from law 11.638/07:
Borrowing costs
    9,832       (6,358 )
Derivatives fair value adjustments
    10,466       5,337  
Balances before adoption of law 11.638/07
    200,450       7,789,435  
Other changes in accounting policies

Lapsed Dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity

In addition to the change in accounting practices recorded to comply with Law 11,638/07 requirements, the Company also changed the practice to record lapsed dividends and interest in shareholders’equity.

In accordance with the paragraph 2 article 47 of Company’s by-laws, unclaimed dividends are considered lapsed after three years, at which time they revert to the Company. Until December 31, 2007, the Company and its subsidiaries had been recording these lapsed dividends and interest in the statement of operations. In 2008, the Company and its subsidiaries have retroactively changed their accounting policy recording it through shareholders’ equity, similar to a shareholder contribution. This change was also adopted to conform with the international accounting practices expected to be fully adopted in 2010.

In 2008, the effects of the lapsed dividends of R$9,643 were recorded directly in the statements of shareholders’ equity and not recorded in the statements of operations, as in prior years, due to the change in the accounting policy. The effect of this change in accounting policy was a reduction on the statements of operations for the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2007 of R$4,523 and R$5,145, respectively.


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)

Consolidated Financial Statements

The consolidated financial statements include assets, liabilities and the result of operations of the Company and its subsidiaries TIM Celular e TIM Nordeste, respectively, as follows :

Ownership %
TIM Celular
    100.00       -       100.00       -       100.00       -  
TIM Nordeste
    -       100.00       -       100.00       -       100.00  
All intercompany transactions and balances are eliminated upon consolidation. The main consolidation procedures are as follows:

Elimination of asset and liability accounts among the consolidated companies;
Elimination of the participation in capital, reserves and retained earnings of the subsidiaries;
Elimination of revenues and expenses generated by transactions among the consolidated companies;
Comparability of the Consolidated Financial Statements

Reclassifications and adjustments in the consolidated financial statements

The Company and its subsidiaries aim to continuously improve the presentation of the financial statements while maintaining compliance with generally accepted accounting principles. The adoption of new accounting principles and the application of preferred account classifications, according to Brazilian GAAP, resulted in some adjustments and reclassifications presented below and, consequently, balance sheets and statements of operations different from those previously issued and/or made available to the financial statements’ users.

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December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
The adjustments and reclassifications in the consolidated statements of operations and balance sheet are as follows:

Fair value measurement of financial instruments.

Deferral of borrowing costs, which are offset against the loan balances. In previous years the costs were recorded as prepaid expenses.

Reclassification of lapsed dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity from “other operating expenses” to “shareholders’ equity”, resulting in the change in accounting policy disclosed in note 3-c.

Reclassification of software licensing, IT systems under construction and others from property, plant and equipment to intangibles.

Reclassification of the amount of reverse stock split from current liabilities to noncurrent liabilities, considering the liability is payable by the Company within 10 years.

Reclassification of amounts due to the elimination of the “non operating revenues” classification under BR-GAAP (law 11.638/07).

As reported
Other operating revenues, net (Note 23)
    (200,338 )     -       -       (4,522 )     2,526       (202,334 )
      (4,406,147 )     -       -       (4,522 )     2,526       (4,408,143 )
Income before financial results
    202,100       -       -       (4,522 )     2,526       200,104  
Financial expenses (Note 25)
    (424,288 )     -       12,184       -       -       (412,104 )
Foreign exchange variation, net (Note 26)
    (55,132 )     10,833       -       -       -       (44,299 )
Operating income
    (84,935 )     10,833       12,184       (4,522 )     2,526       (63,914 )
Non operating income
    2,526       -       -       -       (2,526 )     -  
Net income (loss) for the year
    (285,542 )     10,833       12,184       (4,522 )     -       (267,047 )


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Current assets
Operations with derivatives (Note 29)
    -       17,661       -       17,661  
Other assets
    23,981       -       -       23,981  
Noncurrent assets
Property, plantand equipment (Note 10)
    7,021,819       -       (2,182,782 )     4,839,037  
Intangíbles (Note 11)
    1,899,403       -       2,182,782       4,082,185  
Current liabilities
Operations with derivatives (Note 29)
    5,386       10,203       -       -       15,589  
Other liabilities
    136,187       -       -       (20,669 )     115,518  
Noncurrent liabilities
Loans and financing (Note 13)
    1,344,187       -       (16,190 )     -       1,327,997  
Operations with derivatives (Note 29)
    (2,329 )     2,329       -       -       -  
    Other liabilities
    -       -       -       20,669       20,669  
Shareholders’ Equity (Note 18)
Income reserves
    102,546       5,129       16,190       -       123,865  
Other operating revenues, net (Note 23)
    239,861       -       -       (5,145 )     (24,422 )     (269,428 )
      (5,163,579 )     -       -       (5,145 )     (24,422 )     (5,193,146 )
Income before financial results
    546,205       -       -       (5,145 )     (24,422 )     516,638  
Financial expenses (Note 25)
    (380,113 )     -       1,475       -       -       (378,638 )
Foreign exchange variation, net (Note 26)
    (2,861 )     (4,123 )     -       -       -       (6,984 )
Operating income
    267,354       (4,123 )     1,475       (5,145 )     (24,422 )     235,139  
Non operating income
    (24,422 )     -       -       -       24,422       -  
Net income (loss) for the year
    76,095       (4,123 )     1,475       (5,145 )     -       68,302  


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)

Summary of Accounting Practices

Cash and cash equivalents

The Company considers all highly liquid investments with maturities of three months or less at the balance sheet date as cash and cash equivalents.

Short-term investments

Short-term investments have maturities greater than three months at the balance sheet date and are recorded at the fair value, as current assets, as of the balance sheet date. The balance of short-term investments is composed by Bank Deposit Certificates (CDB) issued by first tier banks, subject to an average rate of 103.6% of the Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI) rate (average rate of 101.9% at December 31, 2007).

Financial instruments

The financial instruments are only recognized as from the date the Company and its subsidiaries become part of the financial instruments contracts. After being contracted they are initially recorded at fair value plus the transaction costs directly attributable to acquisition, except for the case of financial assets and liabilities classified as financial assets at fair value through profit and loss, in which such transaction costs are classified into the “Income for the Year”.   Subsequently they are measured at each balance sheet date, in accordance with the rules applying to each classification of financial assets and liabilities.

c.1) Financial assets: the main financial assets recognized by the Company and its subsidiaries are: cash and cash equivalents; short-term investments in the Money market; unrealized gains on derivative operations and trade receivables. These assets are classified under the following categories, according to the purpose for which they were acquired or issued:

Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss: in this category are financial assets held for trading and those initially assigned the fair value under “Income”. If their original purpose is sale or repurchase in the short term, they are classified as items held for trading.   Derivative instruments are also classified as held for trading. At each balance sheet date they are measured at fair value. The interest, monetary restatement, exchange variation and variations arising from determination at fair value are recognized as income, as incurred, on the financial revenue and expense line.

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 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Loans and receivables: these are non-derivative instruments with fixed or determinable payments, though not quoted in an active market. After the initial recognition, they are measured at the amortized cost, using the effective yield method. The interest rate, monetary restatement and exchange variation less, where applicable, losses on the recoverable value, are recognized as income, as incurred, on the financial revenue and expense line.

Investments held to maturity date: these are financial, non-derivative assets with fixed or determinable payments and defined maturity for which the Company has a positive intention and ability to hold until the maturity date. After the initial recognition, they are measured at the amortized cost, using the effective yield method. The interest rate, monetary restatement and exchange variation less, where applicable, losses on the recoverable value, are recognized as income, as incurred, on the financial revenue and expense line.

c.2) Financial liabilities:  the main financial liabilities recognized by the Company and its subsidiaries are:  trade payables, unrealized losses on derivative operations and loans and financing. They are classified under the following categories, according to the nature of the contracted financial instruments:

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss: these include financial liabilities usually traded before maturity, liabilities recorded, upon the initial recognition, at fair value through the profit and loss and derivative instruments. At each balance sheet date they are measured at fair value. The interest rate, monetary restatement, exchange variation and variations arising from determination at fair value, where applicable, are recognized as income, as incurred, on the financial revenue and expense line.

Financial liabilities not measured at fair value: these are financial, non-derivative liabilities which are not usually traded before the maturity date. After the initial recognition they are measured at the amortized cost, using the effective yield method. The interest rate, monetary restatement, exchange variation and variations arising from determination at fair value, where applicable, are recognized as income, as incurred, on the financial revenue and expense line.


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Accounts receivable

Accounts receivable from mobile telephone subscribers and interconnection are calculated at the tariff rate on the date the services were rendered. Accounts receivable also include services provided to customers up to the balance sheet date but not yet invoiced and receivables from sales of handsets and accessories.

Allowance for doubtful accounts

The allowance for doubtful accounts is recorded based on the customer base profile, the aging of overdue accounts, the economic scenario and the risks involved in each case. The allowance amount is considered sufficient to cover probable losses on the receivables.


Inventories are stated at the average acquisition cost.  A provision is recognized to adjust the cost of handsets and accessories to net realizable value.

Prepaid expenses

Prepaid expenses are stated at the amounts actually spent but not yet incurred.

The subsidy on the sale of handsets and connect cards to postpaid subscribers are deferred and amortized over the minimum term of the service contract signed by subscribers (12 and 18 months, respectively in 2007 and 12 months as from 2008). The penalties contractually established for those subscribers who cancel their subscription or migrate to prepaid plans before the end of the term of the contract are higher than the subsidy incurred on the sale of handsets and connect cards.

Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment is stated at acquisition and/or construction cost, less accumulated depreciation calculated based on the straight-line method at rates that take into consideration the estimated useful lives of the assets. Repair and maintenance costs which extend the useful lives of the related assets are capitalized, while other routine costs are charged to the result of operations.

Interest computed on debts that are directly linked to the finance of the construction of property, plant and equipment, is capitalized until the related assets become operational and depreciated based on the useful lives of related assets.

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December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Estimated costs to be incurred on dismantling cellular towers and equipment on leased property are capitalized and depreciated based on the useful lives of the related assets.

The Company’s management reviews property, plant and equipment for possible impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of an asset or group of assets may not be recoverable on the basis of undiscounted future cash flows. The reviews are carried out at the lowest level of asset groups to which management is able to attribute identifiable future cash flows. The Company analyzes the net book value of the underlying assets and adjusts it if the sum of the expected future cash flows is less than the net book value. These reviews have not indicated the need to recognize any impairment losses during the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

The estimates of useful lives of property, plant and equipment are regularly reviewed in order to reflect technological changes.

Intangible assets

Intangible assets reflect (i) the purchase of authorizations and radiofrequencies stated at acquisition cost, (ii) deferred charges comprised by pre-operating expenses and financial costs of the required working capital at the subsidiaries’ pre-operating stage and (iii) goodwill.

Amortization expense is calculated based on the straight-line method over the life of the assets, which are five years for radiofrequency bands, fifteen years for authorizations and ten years for goodwill and deferred charges.

The estimates of useful lives of intangibles are regularly reviewed in order to reflect technological changes.

Income and social contribution tax
The provision for income tax and social contribution is calculated in accordance with pertinent legislation in force at the balance sheet date. Income tax is calculated at 15% on taxable income, plus 10% surtax on portions exceeding R$240 in a 12-month period. Social contribution is calculated at 9% on taxable income recognized on the accrual basis. Income tax is calculated based on the taxable income for the period, as determined by current legislation. Social contribution is calculated based on prevailing tax rates, considering pretax income.

Deferred taxes are recognized on temporary differences and income and social contribution tax losses, when applicable, and are recorded as current and noncurrent 
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December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
according to the expected realization supported by projected future taxable income which is reviewed every year and properly approved by Company’s management. Only 30% of tax loss carriedforward can be used to offset taxable income in any given year.

Prepaid amounts or those which can be offset are shown as current or non-current assets, depending on the expectative of its realization.

TIM Nordeste, indirectly owned by TIM Participações, through Certificates (“Laudos Constitutivos”) No. 0144/2003 and No. 0232/2003, issued on March 31, 2003 by the Agency for Development of the Northeast Region of Brazil - ADENE, became eligible to the following tax incentives: (i) 75% reduction in income tax and non-refundable surtaxes, for 10 (ten) years, from 2002 to 2011, calculated on profit from tax incentive activities (“lucro da exploração”) resulting from implementation of their installed capacity to render digital mobile telephony services; and (ii) reduction by 37.5%, 25% and 12.5% in income tax and refundable surtaxes, for fiscal years 2003, 2004 to 2008 and 2009 to 2013, respectively, calculated on profit from tax incentive activities resulting from the installed capacity for rendering analogical mobile telephony services. The Company monthly calculates and registers its income tax payables and ADENE incentive gross, making the payments net. The ADENE benefit is recorded in the year it is granted as a reduction of the income tax expense.

Provision for contingencies

The provision for contingencies is recorded based on estimates which take into consideration the opinion of the Company and its subsidiaries’ management and of their legal advisors, and is recorded based on the probable losses at the end of the claims. Possible risk losses are disclosed and remote risk losses are not disclosed.

Asset retirement obligations

The Company records as asset retirement obligations the present value of the estimated costs to be incurred for dismantling and removing cellular towers and equipment from leased sites. The offset to this provision is recorded as property, plant and equipment, and the depreciation is calculated based on the useful lives of the corresponding assets.

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December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Revenue recognition

Revenues are recorded by the Company only if their realization is probable. Wireless services revenue primarily includes monthly recurring charges (subscriptions), airtime (usage of telephone), roaming charges and long distance calls. Wireless services revenue is recognized based upon minutes of use processed, net of credits and adjustments for services discounts. Billings are recorded monthly and the revenues not billed between the billings date and the end of the month are identified and processed and recognized in the month the service was rendered. Revenues from prepaid services are recognized when the services are rendered to customers. Revenue and related expenses associated with the sale of wireless handsets and accessories are recognized when the products are delivered and accepted by the customer or distributors. For sales of handsets and modems where subsidies are granted to postpaid subscribers, such subsidies are expensed on straight-line basis over a period of 12 and 18 months, respectively in 2007 and 12 months as from 2008.

Advertising costs

The Company expenses advertising costs as incurred. Advertising expenses are recorded as selling expenses. The advertising expenses are R$317,534, R$308,790 and R$293,097, for the years ended December 31, 2006, December 31, 2007 and for December 30, 2008, respectively.

Pension plans and other post-employment benefits

The Company and its subsidiaries record the adjustments related to the obligations of the employees’ pension plan, based on the Projected Credit Unit method, in conformity with the rules established by IBRACON NPC 26, approved by CVM Deliberation No. 371.

Foreign currency transactions

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate of exchange prevailing of the transaction date. Foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities are translated into Real using the exchange rate of the balance sheet date, which is reported by the Central Bank of Brazil. Exchange gains and losses are recognized in the statement of operations as they occur.

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December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Employees’ profit sharing

The Company and its subsidiaries record a provision for employees’ profit sharing, based on the targets disclosed to its employees and approved by the Board of Directors. The related amounts are recorded as personnel expenses and allocated to the statements of operations’ accounts considering each employee’s cost center.

Net income (loss) per shares

These amounts are calculated based on the number of outstanding shares at the balance sheet date. The 2006 amounts are presented in lots of 1,000 shares and the 2007 amount is presented per share due to a reverse stock split that took place during 2007 (Note 18).

Use of estimates

Estimates are used for measuring and recognizing certains assets and liabilities reflected in the financial statements of the Company. In making these estimates, past and current experiences, assumptions underlying future events, and other objective and subjective factors were taken into account. Among the significant items subject to estimates are: the determination of useful lives of fixed and intangible assets; the allowance for doubtful accounts; the provision for losses on inventories; an analysis of fixed and intangible assets recovery amounts; deferred income tax and social contribution; rates and deadlines considered for adjusting certain assets and liabilities to present value; the provision for actuarial liabilities; the provision for contingencies; quantification of the fair value of financial instruments; considerations concerning recognition and measurement of development costs capitalized as intangible assets; estimates for disclosure of a sensitivity  analysis of derivative instruments according to CVM Instruction 475/08.   Due to the inaccuracies inherent in their determination, when settled, the transactions involving estimates may result in rather different amounts from those reflected in the financial statements.

A djustment to present value

The Company and its subsidiaries, in accordance with the CVM instruction 469/08 issued during 2008, recognize present value adjustments for long-term assets and liabilities. The present value effects are also recorded for short-term balances if these effects are significant, comparing to the Company’s working capital and considering the financial statements as a whole. The discount to present value is based on the basic interest rate prevailing in the Brazilian market (commonly Interbank Deposit Certificate - CDI).

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December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Statements of cash flows and value-added

The statements of cash flows were prepared and presented in accordance with CVM Deliberation 547 of August 13, 2008, which approved the accounting pronouncement CPC 03 – Statement of Cash Flows, issued by the Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC). The value-added statements are intended to demonstrate how much value has been created by the Company through the utilization of its capacity, capital, and other resources, and how it is allocated among different stakeholders in an accounting period. Such statements were prepared and presented in accordance with CVM Deliberation 557 of November 12, 2008, which approved the accounting pronouncement CPC 09 – Value-Added Statement, issued by the CPC.

Accounts receivable

Services billed
    1,189,378       831,762  
Unbilled services
    547,911       560,513  
    872,195       867,426  
Sale of handsets
    859,364       708,176  
Other accounts receivable
    17,021       29,581  
      3,485,869       2,997,458  
Allowance for doubtful accounts
    (455,939 )     (362,103 )
      3,029,930       2,635,355  

The changes in the allowance for doubtful accounts were as follows:

Beginning balance
    69,557       309,431       455,939  
Effects of mergers (note 2-a)
    167,817       -       -  
Provision charged to selling expense
    451,976       595,931       748,833  
    (379,919 )     (449,423 )     (842,669 )
Ending balance
    309,431       455,939       362,103  

The Resolution 438 of July 10, 2006 introduced new regulations on SMP network remuneration, by providing for implementation of discounts for hourly modulation connected with the VU-M agreement. As there has been no agreement with Embratel for correction of VU-M, the Company does not apply the respective discount for hourly modulation to operations with that company and awaits the decision on the arbitration process conducted by
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December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
ANATEL. The receivable amount in discussion with Embratel amounts to R$ 175,508 as of December 31, 2008 (R$ 110,501 in 2007) and is included in the interconnection balance above.
In the third quarter of 2007, during the implementation of a new credit and collection controls management system, it came to management’s attention that certain amounts recorded as accounts receivable from sales of handsets in installments were not being invoiced in the monthly bills to customers during 2007 and the previous two fiscal years. This resulted in a write-off of accounts receivable from sales of handsets in the amount of R$173,310, of which, R$118,640 was recorded as selling expenses and R$54,670 as a reduction of sales of goods. During December 2007 the Company resumed to invoice installments from sale of handsets in the customers monthly bills.


Cellular handsets and connect cards
    236,658       517,436  
Accessories and prepaid cards
    21,106       24,393  
TIM "chips"
    40,231       27,859  
      297,995       569,688  
Provision for adjustment to realizable value
    (19,869 )     (21,174 )
      278,126       548,514  
Recoverable taxes

Corporate Income Tax
    85,487       70,746  
Social Contribution on net income
    25,005       29,845  
ICMS - Value-Added Tax on Sales and Services 
    462,722       470,766  
PIS - Employees Profit Participation Program and COFINS - Tax for Social Security Financial
    143,697       223,886  
Recoverable income taxes withheld
    9,755       27,810  
    2,748       7,275  
      729,414       830,328  
    (495,932 )     (603,353 )
    233,482       226,975  

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December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
The noncurrent portion refers mainly to ICMS tax credits on the acquisition of fixed assets.

On March 13, 2006, and October 22, 2007, favorable final court decisions not subject to further appeal were given to the subsidiary TIM Nordeste (“Maxitel”) declaring the unconstitutionality of Law No. 9,718/98, which expanded the calculation basis of PIS and COFINS to include revenues other than sales. As a result of this decision, the subsidiary recorded in 2006 and 2007 tax credits amounting to R$52,317 and R$23,424 related to the periods from February 1999 through December 2002 related to PIS, and February 1999 through January 2004 related to COFINS.

The Company and its subsidiary TIM Celular await a favorable ruling on a similar claim, however, the companies have not yet received the ruling, therefore they have not recorded the related PIS and COFINS credits. The amounts involved are R$17,406 and R$40,512, respectively.
Deferred income and social contribution taxes

The deferred income and social contribution taxes are comprised as follows:

Goodwill on privatization
    86,556       -  
Reversal of the provision for integrity of equity
    (57,127 )     -  
Tax benefit related to goodwill paid on privatization
    29,429       -  
Tax losses
    1,491,837       1,649,882  
Social contribution (CSLL) negative basis
    537,037       593,924  
Allowance for doubtful accounts
    155,019       123,115  
Operations with derivatives
    (705 )     (110,266 )
Provision for contingencies
    73,352       86,146  
Accelerated depreciation – TDMA technology
    54,783       30,921  
Present value adjustment – 3G licenses
    -       29,130  
    4,009       4,546  
    33,674       33,840  
      2,378,435       2,441,238  
Less: Valuation allowance
    (2,349,006 )     (2,281,024 )
      29,429       160,214  
Current portion
    (29,429 )     (49,451 )
Noncurrent portion
    -       110,763  

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 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
According to CVM Instruction 371/02, relying on the expectation of future taxable income generation, as foreseen by a technical study approved by the Management and review by fiscal council, TIM Nordeste recognized tax credits on tax losses, negative social contribution basis and temporary differences to which no statutes of limitation apply.

Based on this technical study of future taxable income generation, TIM Nordeste expects to recover these credits as follows:


The estimates of tax credit recoveries were based on projections of taxable income, which in turn relied on financial and business forecasts made at the end of years 2008 and 2007. Given the uncertainties usually surrounding forecasts, these estimates may not be realized in the future.

Accumulated tax losses and negative bases

The consolidated tax losses and negative social contribution bases give rise to tax benefits which are recognized only if their prospects of realization are consistent and they are not barred by statutes of limitation. These tax credits can be summarized as follows:
Tax Credit
Tax Credit
Tax Credit
Tax loss
    6,095,565       1,523,891       5,967,348       1,491,837       6,599,526       1,649,882  
Negative basis
    6,095,476       548,593       5,967,081       537,037       6,599,155       593,924  
Temporary differences
    669,249       227,545       941,565       320,132       580,683       197,432  
      12,860,290       2,300,029       12,875,994       2,349,006       13,779,364       2,441,238  
Tax benefit related to goodwill paid on privatization

The deferred tax asset related to goodwill paid on privatization is related to the future tax benefit, as a consequence of the restructuring plan started in 2000. The matching account of the deferred tax benefit is a special reserve for goodwill in shareholders’ equity and was realized based on the estimated future profitability and the time of concession. The goodwill amortization is recorded as provision for income tax and social contribution.

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December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
During 2008 the remaining balance of R$29,429 was amortized (R$50,450 for 2007 and R$50,450 for 2006) related to such goodwill. Also under the terms of the restructuring plan, the effective tax benefit for each fiscal year will be subsequently capitalized in the name of the controlling shareholder of the Company (note 18-b). The special goodwill reserve recorded by the Company represents the parent company’s right on future capitalization (note 18-b).

As described in note 2-b, during 2006 the Company reorganized its corporate structure and, accordingly, management’s analysis and projections of tax credit realization were prepared pursuant to this new structure. As a result of this, during 2006, the Company wrote-off the deferred tax assets of R$75,133 related to temporary differences and tax losses carry forwards and negative basis of social contribution recorded in the balance sheet.

Prepaid expenses

Subsidy on sales of handsets (1)
    176,060       134,865  
    8,443       14,069  
Advertising expenses
    53,516       1,907  
Financial charges
    5,192       4,461  
    4,682       14,216  
      247,893       169,518  
    (240,087 )     (155,825 )
    7,806       13,693  

(1) The Company grants immediate discounts on the sale of handsets to postpaid subscribers, who enter into a legally enforceable contract with exit penalties and minimum monthly charges for a predetermined period. The amount granted to postpaid consumers is deferred and amortized over the term of the enforceable contracts. The deferral of such costs, which is allowable under certain conditions, most accurately reflects the performance of the postpaid business by matching costs with the related revenue.


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Property, plant and equipment

2007 as adjusted
Annual depreciation rate
Accumulated depreciation
Switching/transmission equipment
      7,195,252       (4,348,989 )     2,846,263  
Handsets (*)
      757,288       (501,919 )     255,369  
      1,625,288       (737,835 )     887,453  
Leasehold improvements
      108,597       (69,669 )     38,928  
Computer assets
      1,029,430       (661,873 )     367,557  
Assets for general use
      320,254       (110,588 )     209,666  
            11,036,110       (6,430,873 )     4,605,236  
            25,472       -       25,472  
Construction in progress
            208,329       -       208,329  
              11,269,909       (6,430,873 )     4,839,037  
(*) Represents inventories owned by the subsidiaries and provided free of charge to corporate customers.
Annual depreciation rate
Accumulated depreciation
Switching/transmission equipment
      7,814,298       (5,037,152 )     2,777,146  
Handsets (*)
      954,543       (637,697 )     316,846  
      1,812,391       (899,668 )     912,723  
Leasehold improvements
      118,600       (84,654 )     33,946  
Computer assets
      1,066,639       (822,232 )     244,407  
Assets for general use
      351,546       (142,360 )     209,186  
            12,118,017       (7,623,763 )     4,494,254  
            27,790       -       27,790  
Construction in progress
            277,048       -       277,048  
              12,422,855       (7,623,763 )     4,799,092  

Construction in progress refers basically to the construction of new transmission units (Cell Sites - BTS) for network expansion.


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
The Company capitalized interest as follows:

Capitalized interest
    16,564       11,347       2,647  

Implementation of operating technologies

The subsidiaries´ operate their service network using TDMA, GSM and 3G technologies. At December 31, 2008, no provision for loss on recovery of property, plant and equipment was deemed necessary. The assets related to TDMA technology are fully depreciated as of December 31, 2008.
2007 as adjusted
Annual amortization rate
Accumulated depreciation
PCS authorizations and radiofrequencies
7 to 20
      3,252,103       (1,548,103 )     1,704,000  
Software licenses
      4,064,531       (1,999,902 )     2,064,629  
Deferred charges
      423,351       (233,096 )     190,255  
Construction in progress
      117,736       -       117,736  
Goodwill on acquisition of additional shares in TIM Celular
      16,918       (11,790 )     5,128  
      3,060       (2,623 )     437  
Total assets
            7,877,699       (3,795,514 )     4,082,185  


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)

Annual amortization rate
Accumulated depreciation
PCS authorizations and radiofrequencies
7 to 20
      4,491,097       (1,849,921 )     2,641,176  
  Software licenses
      4,831,979       (2,744,240 )     2,087,739  
Deferred charges
      423,351       (274,322 )     149,029  
Construction in progress
      84,554       -       84,554  
Goodwill on acquisition of additional shares in TIM Celular
      16,918       (13,371 )     3,547  
      3,040       (2,744 )     296  
Total assets
            9,850,939       (4,884,598 )     4,966,341  

3G technology

In December 2007, under the ANATEL Invitation to Bid no. 002/2007/SPV, TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste jointly purchased authorizations to use Radio-frequencies at the F, G, and I (1.9GHz/2.1GHz) radio-frequency sub-bands referring to the 3G (UMTS) pattern and corresponding to all the Brazilian states, except the “Triângulo Mineiro” municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais. In April 2008, the terms of authorization to use the 3G Radio-frequencies in the amount of R$1,324,672 were signed, of which 10% was paid at that time, the remainder – R$1,192,204 - being payable in a lump sum by December 10, 2008. The balance payable and the corresponding intangibles were recognized at their present value: R$1,106,527. The discount to present value was based on basic interest rates prevailing in the Brazilian market, taking into consideration based on maturity period of each operation. These authorizations are valid for 15 years and renewable for a further equal period.

3G authorizations have coverage commitments for servicing with the related frequencies (1.9 GHz/2.1GHz) in several municipalities and in those with less than 30,000 inhabitants, not covered by PCS.


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Accounts payable and accrued expenses

Local currency
Suppliers of materials and services
    2,464,225       2,654,599  
Interconnection charges (a)
    310,977       306,225  
Roaming charges (b)
    981       846  
Co-billing charges (c)
    213,281       177,008  
      2,989,464       3,138,678  
Foreign currency
Suppliers of materials and services
    93,165       131,610  
Roaming charges (b)
    60,702       58,426  
      153,867       190,036  
      3,143,331       3,328,714  

Refers to use of the network of other fixed and mobile telephone operators, where calls are initiated at TIM network and end in the network of other operators;

This refers to calls made when customers are outside their registration area, being therefore considered visitors in the other network (roaming); and
This refers to calls made by customers when they choose another long-distance call operator – CSP (“co-billing”).


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Loans and financing
Local currency
Banco do Nordeste : financing subject to fixed interest of 10% p.a., with a 15% to 25% bonus for principal payments made on or before the maturity date.   This financing is the subject matter of a swap operation intended as a hedge, which changes its cost into % of the CDI daily rate beginning with 76.90%.
Bank surety
Banco do Nordeste : financing subject to fixed interest of 10% p.a. with a 15% to 25% bonus for principal payments made on or before the maturity date.   This financing is the subject matter of a swap operation intended as a hedge, which changes the cost into % of the CDI daily rate varying between 75.75% and 69.80%.
Bank surety and TIM Participações´surety
Banco do Nordeste : financing subject to fixed interest of 10% p.a. with a 15% to 25% bonus for principal payments made on or before the maturity date.
Bank surety and TIM Participações´s surety
BNDES (Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social): this financing bears interest at 4.20% p.a. plus variation of the TJLP (long-term interest rate) as disclosed by the Brazilian Central Bank. Part of this TJLP-based financing`(42% at December 31, 2008) was the object of a swap for 91.43% of the Bank Deposit Certificate (CDI) daily rate.
TIM Participações´ surety, with part of the service revenues being attached to the loan balance
BNDES (Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social): this financing bears interest at 2.20% p.a. plus variation of the TJLP (long-term interest rate) as disclosed by the Brazilian Central Bank.
TIM Participações´ surety, with part of the service revenues being attached to the loan balance
BNDES (Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social): this financing bears interest at 3.0% p.a. plus variation of the TJLP (long-term interest rate) as disclosed by the Brazilian Central Bank. Part of this TJLP-based financing was the object of a swap to 81.80% of the daily CDI rate.
Bank surety
Syndicated Loan: the  balance is restated based on the CDI rate variation plus a 0.90% and 1.80% of the CDI p.a.  In the case of an applicable rate of 0.90% of the CDI, it is established in accordance with the Consolidated Net Debt/ Consolidated EBITDA ratio, calculated based on quarterly information on the Company .
 TIM Participações´surety
Compro r: Bank financing for payment of suppliers of goods and services, linked to foreign currency variations: 33% of the agreements denominated in US dollars and 67% of the agreements denominated in Yen. These agreements are the object of swap operations which result in cost of some 115.98% of the CDI daily rate.
CCB – Working Capital: Bank financing in local currency for meeting working capital requirements. At the restated cost at 110%  of the CDI  daily rate
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Current portion
Long-term portion

The Syndicated Loan was obtained by the subsidiary TIM Celular in two tranches of R$300,000 and has restrictive clauses concerning certain financial ratios calculated on a semi annual basis. As of December 31, 2008, the Company was in compliance with all restrictive clauses. The following Financial Institutions are party to this loan agreement: HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A., Banco BNP Paribas Brasil S.A., Banco Bradesco S.A., Banco do Brasil S.A., Banco Itaú BBA S.A., Banco Santander Brasil S.A., Banco Société Générale Brasil S.A., Banco Votorantim S.A. and Unibanco – União de Bancos Brasileiros S.A. In August 2008, TIM Celular negotiated the replacement of TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A.’s guarantee by TIM Participações S.A. guarantee, as well as the extension of Tranche A in the amount of R$300,000 to August 2010. The Tranche B, in amount of R$300,000 matures in August 2009.

The CCB (Bank Credit Schedules) loan also has the same restrictive clauses as the Syndicated Loan, all of which have been complied with by the subsidiary. This loan was obtained from ABN AMRO Real S.A.

The BNDES loans for financing the mobile telephone network have restrictive clauses concerning certain financial indices, calculated on a semi annual basis. As of December 31, 2008, the subsidiary was in compliance with the contractual provisions.

The subsidiaries entered into swap operations to protect themselves against devaluation of the Brazilian currency (“Real”) in relation to foreign currencies and changes in the fair value of financing  indexed to fixed interest rates and TJLP.

The long-term portions of loans and financing at December 31, 2008 mature as follows:

2014 onwards


December 31, 2006 , 2007 and 2008
 (In thousands of Reais, unless when otherwise stated)
Salaries and related charges payable

Salaries and fees
    14       21  
Social charges
    26,157       26,235  
Labor provisions
    75,585       70,389  
Employee retention
    8,797       10,346  
      110,553       106,991  
Taxes, Charges and Contributions

Corporate Income Tax and Social Contribution on net income
    104,848       67,263  
ICMS - Value-Added Tax on Sales and Services 
    337,849       400,766  
COFINS - Tax for Social Security Financial
    42,804       46,043  
PIS – Employees Profit Participation Program
    9,274       9,976  
    38,699       23,560  
Renewal of authorizations
    2,217       12,746  
IRRF - Withholding tax
    2,079       3,753  
ISS - Tax for services
    20,282       28,615  
    12,294       9,056  
      570,346       601,778  
(*) Refers to (i) FISTEL - Fund for Telecommunications Inspection, (ii) FUST - Telecommunications Services’ Universalization Fund, and (iii) FUNTTEL - Fund for the Technological Development of Telecommunications.

Provision for contingencies

The Company and its subsidiaries are party to certain legal proceedings (labor, tax, regulatory and civil) arising in the ordinary course of their business, and have recorded provisions when management believes it can reasonably estimate probable losses, based on the opinion of their legal advisors .

Judicial Deposits
    79,639       97,988       23,220       34,869  
    50,008       55,170       31,989       50,462  
    76,159       76,762       47,193       58,593  
    9,934       23,450       -       -  
      215,740       253,370       102,402       143,924  
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The changes in the provision for contingencies can be summarized as follows:

Additions, net of reversals
Monetary variations
    79,639       85,789       (67,584 )     144       97,988  
    50,008       7,174       (2,669 )     657       55,170  
    76,159       (498 )     (2,836 )     3,937       76,762  
    9,934       10,957       (410 )     2,969       23,450  
      215,740       103,422       (73,499 )     7,707       253,370  

Civil contingencies

Several legal and administrative processes have been filed against the Company by consumers, suppliers, service providers and consumer protection agencies, dealing with various issues arising in the regular course of business. Management analyzes each legal or administrative process to determine whether it involves probable, possible or remote risk of contingencies. In doing so, the Company always takes into account the opinion of lawyers engaged to conduct the processes.  The evaluation is periodically reviewed, with the possibility of being modified over the processes due to facts of events such as case law changes.

Consumer lawsuits

Approximately 55,523 individual lawsuits (2007 – 34,400) have been filed against the subsidiaries, mostly by consumers claiming for settlement of matters arising from their relationship with the Company. These lawsuits include the allegedly undue collection, contract cancellation, defects of equipment, non-compliance with delivery deadlines and undue restriction credit.

Collective actions

There are three collective actions against subsidiaries involving the risk of probable loss, which can be summarized as follows: (i) a suit against TIM Celular claiming for the installation of a service unit for personal assistance in Rio Branco, AC.; (ii) a suit against TIM Nordeste in the state of Bahia claiming for prohibition of collection of long-distance calls originated and received between Petrolina/PE and Juazeiro/BA, because of the existing state line areas; and (iii) a suit against TIM Celular in the state of Rio de Janeiro, prohibiting the subsidiary from charging contractual fines to its consumers in the event of cell phone thefts. No provisions have been recorded for these contingencies, given the obligations involved therein and the impossibility of accurately quantifying possible losses at the current stage of the processes. Management has not set up provisions for the above described processes.


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Labor contingencies

These refer to claims filed by both former employees, in connection with salaries, salary differences and equalization, overtime, variable compensation/commissions, and former employees of service providers who, based on pertinent legislation, have made claims for labor obligations defaulted on by their outsourced employers.

Labor claims

Of the 2,950 labor suits filed against the Company and its subsidiaries (2007 – 2,350) over 65% involve claims related to service providers, concentrated on certain companies from São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba and Recife. Part of these relate to specific projects of service agreement review, often ended in rescission in 2006, winding up of the companies and termination of employees involved.
Tax Contingencies

IR (income tax) and CSLL (social contribution on net income)

 In 2005, the subsidiary TIM Nordeste was assessed R$126,933 by the Belo Horizonte Federal Revenue Service (SRF) authorities related to (i) taxation on monetary variations arising from swap transactions and exchange variations on unsettled loans, (ii) collection of a one-time fine for nonpayment of social contribution tax on net profit on a monthly estimated basis, for 2002 and part of 2001, (iii) nonpayment of corporate income tax on a monthly estimated basis for 2002, and (iv) remittance of interests abroad, subject to withholding income tax. The subsidiary is currently discussing these assessments with the tax authorities and, based on the opinion of both internal and external legal advisors, management concluded that probable losses to be incurred in these proceedings amount to R$32,750. Such amount is related to contingencies for income tax and social contribution. If such amount had been paid at the time it was incurred, it would have been recorded as income and social contribution tax expense. Therefore, during 2006, the subsidiary recorded the provision as income and social contribution tax expense.
In September 2003, the subsidiary TIM Nordeste received an assessment in the state of Ceará at the amount of R$12,721, related to: (i) disallowance of expenses used to calculate the income tax for the periods from 1999 to 2001, amounting to R$8,402; (ii) differences in the payments of social contribution for the periods from 1998 to 2001, amounting to R$3,208; e (iii) differences in the payments of PIS and COFINS for the periods from 1998 to 2002, amounting to R$334 and R$777, respectively. The Company did not succeed in its defense at the administrative level. As a consequence, based on the opinion of both internal and external
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legal counsel losses were deemed probable, and, of the R$12,721, Management recorded in September 2007 a provision of R$11,610, against “Income tax and social contribution expense” and one in the amount of R$1,111, for PIS and COFINS, as “Other Operating Expenses”.
ICMS ( Value-Added Tax on Sales and Services )

In April 2008 TIM Celular adhered to the “Programa Catarinense Revigorar” which provides for remission of 50% of pending tax debt with the State of Santa Catarina. As a consequence, only 50% of two additional tax assessments became due: (i) misappropriation of ICMS credit in connection with acquisition of unused third party services totaling R$1,802 (R$901 became due); and (ii): default on ICMS due on services rendered to users who had been blocked or disconnected from the network, totaling R$3,300 (R$1,650 became due). The total amount of R$2,551 was paid in 2008.
Regulatory Contingencies

Due to noncompliance with certain provisions of the PCS Regulation and quality targets, defined in the General Plan of Quality Targets for PCS (PGMQ-PCS), ANATEL started a proceeding for noncompliance with obligations (PADO) against the subsidiaries.

The subsidiaries have endeavored to contest the proceeding. The defense arguments may contribute to a significant reduction in the penalty initially applied or result in definitive PADO revocation without any penalty application. The provision for regulatory contingencies was recorded based on the amount of the penalties received for which the risk of loss is considered probable (note 33).
Possible contingencies (not accrued)

Civil, Labor, Regulatory and Tax-related actions have been filed against the Company and its subsidiaries involving risk of loss that is classified as possible by management and the Company’s legal advisors. No provision has been recorded for these contingencies.

    85,622       125,774  
    72,671       110,483  
    935,699       1,183,514  
    28,014       23,699  
      1,122,066       1,443,470  

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A description of the significant claims involving possible loss is as follows:


Collective Actions

Five collective actions have been brought to Court against subsidiaries, involving the risk of possible loss, which can be summarized as follows: (i) a suit against the subsidiary TIM Nordeste in the state of Pernambuco, questioning the TIM Nordeste policy for defective phone replacement, allegedly in disagreement with the manufacturer´s warranty terms; (ii) a suit against TIM Nordeste  in the state of Ceará, claiming for the Company’s obligation to replace cell phone sets which have been the subject of fraud in that state; and (iii) a suit against TIM Celular in the State of Para, complaining about the quality of the network service in São Felix do Xingú; (iv) a suit against TIM Celular in the state of Maranhão, questioning the qualigy of network services rendered in Balsas; and (v) a suit filed agains TIM Celular, questioning the long distance charges levied on calls made in Bertioga – SP and the respective region.

Other Actions and Proceedings

TIM Nordeste is the defendant in an action filed by the legal services providers of  the law firm Mattos & Callumby Lisboa Advogados, in Rio de Janeiro’s 29 th Civil Court. They claim for success fees allegedly due under a service agreement for filing court injunctions against interest and monetary restatement on purchase prices of the subsidiary’s “Band B”. The action was settled during 2008 with suspension of pledges and deposits made to the claimant in the amount of R$8,033.
TIM Celular, together with other telecommunications companies, has also been sued by GVT at the 4 th Federal Audit Court. The plaintiff claims for declaration of nullity of a contractual clause dealing the VU-M amount used by the defendants by way of interconnection, which is deemed illegal and abusive and as such requiring refunding of all amounts allegedly charged in excess since July 2004. A preliminary order was granted determining the payment of VU-M on the basis of R$0,2899 per minute, and escrow deposits to be made by GVT in the amount of the difference between this and the value claimed by the defendants. Besides the suits, GVT has also made a Representation to the same effect before the Economic Right Secretariat, which found it right to file an Administrative Process against the Company and other mobile telephony operators, on the grounds of an alleged infraction of economic principles. This administrative process is at the initial stage of defense.


Labor claims

A substantial portion of contingencies refers to organizational restructuring, include the discontinuance of the Client Relationship Centers (call centers) in Fortaleza, Salvador and Belo Horizonte, and the termination of 800 own employees and outsourced personnel.
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The process 01102-2006. refers to a civil public action filed by the State of Minas Gerais´s Public Labor Ministry 3 rd Region, on the charge of irregular outsourcing practices and collective damages. In the respective sentence published on April 16, 2008, the first degree substitute judge found the Public Prosecution Service´s request partly founded, having judged the outsourcing irregular and the damages collective and determined. An ordinary appeal filed against this decision is now awaiting judgment. Prior to this appeal, TIM filed a writ of mandamus requesting a preliminary order to stop the coercive acts imposed by the sentence.   In view of the ordinary appeal filed, the writ of mandamus lost its objective. To be granted a suspensive effect of its appeal, TIM Nordeste proposed an innominate writ of prevention, which was judged extinguished without the respective judgment on merits.  In order to reverse the Regional Labor Court – 3 rd Region, TIM Nordeste filed a correctional claim with the Superior Labor Court, with a favorable decision which reversed the Court decision at the second level. Currently, the decision on the ordinary appeal is still pending.

Also there were processes filed in the state of Paraná, involving claims for indemnity in connection with social cards. According to an internal rule, TELEPAR (state owned company merged into TIM Celular) undertook to supplement retirement benefits of employees hired until 1982, having proposed to comply with this obligation through payment of a certain amount in cash, before the privatization process. Some of its former employees, however, have questioned this transaction, and were granted their claims, in certain cases.

Social Security

TIM Celular received in São Paulo an additional tax assessment Notice referring to an alleged irregularity in the payment of contributions to social security levied on Employees´ Profit-Sharing plan in the amount of R$2,131. After filing its administrative defense, the subsidiary awaits the outcome of the process.

In May 2006, TIM Nordeste was assessed under the tax assessment notice no. 35611926-2 for social security contributions allegedly due on: (i) hiring bonus; (ii) non-adjusted bonus; (iii) payment for self-employed people´s activities; and (iv) sales incentives. TIM Nordeste´s administrative defense did not result in reversal of the entry (decision – assessment). In an attempt to change this decision, TIM Nordeste filed an appeal with the Ministry of Finance´s Taxpayers´ Council, which is now pending judgment.


Income Tax and Social Contribution

On October 30, 2006, the indirect subsidiary TIM Nordeste was assessed at the amount of R$331,171 which was then reduced to R$258,144 under a single administrative process referring to IRPJ, CSLL and a separate fine, for different reasons. Most of the assessment refers to amortization of goodwill determined at a Telebrás System privatization auction and the related tax deductions. Under Law 9.532/97, art. 7, the proceeds of goodwill amortization can be included in the taxable income of a company resulting from merger or split, whereby one company holds investment in the other, and pays for it using the goodwill determined
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based on the investee´s expected profitability. Also, this is a usual operation performed in accordance with CVM Instruction 319/99.

After timely challenging these assessment notices the subsidiary now awaits the taxing authorities´ decision on the matter. In March 2007, by means of a Fiscal Information Report, the Recife/PE´s Internal Revenue Secretariat informed TIM that the amounts of IRPJ, CSLL and a separate fine totaling R$73,027 (principal and separate fine) had been excluded from the assessment notice, fact that caused the reduction of the original assessment. As a consequence, this assessment was partially reduced, the discussion on the remainder being transferred to 160 compensation processes, currently totaling R$85,771. Based on its internal and external lawyers´ opinion, the Company has not set up a provision for the above mentioned processes.

From May to July 2008, TIM Nordeste received 49 communications of assessment issued by the “Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil” in connection with Income Tax and Social Contribution offset by the subsidiary in the years 2002, 2003 and 2004, totaling R$11,088. After it timely impugned all these assessments, the subsidiary now awaits a decision at administrative level within the Brazilian court.

In October 2005, TIM Nordeste received a Fiscal Execution notification in the amount of R$5,624, for defaulting on payment of IRRF on rentals, royalties and work done without employment bonds.   This subsidiary has already stayed this execution and intends to defend itself against it at higher court jurisdictions.

In 2004, the TIM Nordeste received delinquency notices related to PIS and COFINS payable on foreign exchange gains generated in 1999. The two notices filed by the tax authorities amount to R$30,913. Given the differing interpretations of the applicable legislation, a provision was recorded in 2004 for probable losses. On March 13, 2006 a favorable court ruling was issued on the claim filed by the Company against Law 9,718/98, with no right to further appeal. The Company alleged that this law was unconstitutional concerning the expansion of the tax basis of calculation, preventing the collection of PIS and COFINS on non-operating income. In view of the final decision, Management requested extinction of the tax assessment against the subsidiary, concerning PIS and COFINS on exchange variation and reversed, in 2006, the provision set up in 2004 (note 23). In April 2007, part of the delinquency notice at the amount R$5,293 was extinguished, and was related to PIS on exchange variation, and the remainder (R$25,620) is still under discussion, but it will not supersede the Company’s favorable court ruling on unconstitutionality.
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ICMS - Value-Added Tax on Sales and Services 

During 2006, the indirect subsidiary TIM Nordeste received tax assessments from the tax authorities of the State of Piauí in the amount of R$7,308, regarding intrastate and interstate ICMS rate difference on the acquisition of fixed assets for use and consumption, as well as, the determination of ICMS calculation basis for acquisition of goods intended for sale. The Company is disputing these assessments.

In October 2006, TIM Nordeste was assessed by the State of Paraíba’s taxing authorities for R$5,511 referring to failure to ratably reverse ICMS credits on shipment of exempt and non-taxed goods. This assessment is being impugned at administrative level.

In November 2007, the subsidiary TIM Celular was assessed by the State of Rio de Janeiro´s tax authorities at the amount of R$38,274, for allegedly having taken undue ICMS credit from the acquisition of fixed assets. This assessment is being disputed by the Company at administrative level.   Based on its internal and external lawyers´ opinion, the Company has not set up a provision the above mentioned litigation.

In November 2007, the subsidiary TIM Celular was assessed by the State of Rio de Janeiro´s tax authorities at the amount of R$14,367 for defaulting on payment of ICMS and Contribution to the “Fundo Estadual de Combate à Pobreza e Desigualdades Sociais” (State Fund for Fighting Poverty and Social Inequalities) allegedly due on international roaming services. This assessment is being disputed by the subsidiary at the administrative level. Based on its internal and external lawyers´ opinion, the Company has not set up a provision for the above mentioned litigation.

In November 2007, TIM Celular was assessed by the State of São Paulo taxing authorities for R$151,017, for allegedly having failed to include conditional discounts granted to clients in the ICMS basis of calculation. Also, this subsidiary was fined for delivery of digital files allegedly containing incomplete information on operations and services rendered in the January-December 2003 period. This assessment is being impugned by the subsidiary at administrative level.

In 2003 and 2004 TIM Celular was assessed by the State of Santa Catarina taxing authorities for R$39,183 (current value), mainly relating to dispute on the levying of ICMS on certain services provided. This amount is the result of several favorable sentences in administrative processes initially involving assessments of R$95,449. The Company is currently discussing these assessments with the taxing authorities. Based on the internal and external lawyers, the Management concluded that there is still the possibility of loss on the processes under discussion.
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In June 2008, TIM Nordeste was assessed by the State of Bahia taxing authorities for R$16,444, for  allegedly defaulting on payment of an additional 2% ICMS rate referring to the Contribution to the “Fundo Estadual de Combate à Pobreza e Desigualdades Sociais” (State Fund for Fighting Poverty and Social Inequalities) due on prepaid reloading revenues.   The amounts in question are being discussed after a writ of mandamus obtained by the subsidiary with the respective escrow deposits being duly made.   Anyhow, the assessment is being impugned at administrative level.

In August 2008, TIM Nordeste was assessed by the State of Ceará’s taxing authorities for R$24,886 for a debit arising from unduly taking ICMS credit on electric power acquisition and on property, plant and equipment received, without taking into account the proportion of total shipments to tax exempt and non-taxed shipments. The defense against this assessment is under way at administrative level.

In September 2008, TIM Nordeste was assessed by the State of Minas Gerais’s taxing authorities for R$17,167 for underpayment of ICMS due to an undue reduction of the basis of calculation of telecommunications services and discount on sales of cell phone sets.   The defense against this assessment is under way at administrative level.

In September 2008, TIM Nordeste was assessed by the State of Minas Gerais’s taxing authorities for R$24,930, representing a separate fine for failure to record telecommunications service invoices in the ICMS determination book. This assessment is being contested by the subsidiary at administrative level.

In October 2008 TIM Nordeste was assessed by the state of Sergipe´s taxing authorities for R$16,668, referring to a fine for an alleged late-filing of electronic files containing fiscal documentation supporting telecommunication services rendered. This assessment is being contested by the subsidiary at administrative level.

In December 2008, TIM Nordeste was assessed by the state of Rio Grande do Norte´s taxing authorities for R$13,145, for the following reasons:  (i) default on payment of ICMS due on communication services rendered in the period from January through December 2003; (ii) default on payment of  ICMS due on sales operations performed in the period from January through December 2003; (iii) underpayment of  ICMS due to use of a lower tax rate than legally stipulated; (iv) underpayment of additional ICMS due on the “Fundo de Combate a Pobreza e as Desigualdades Sociais” (State Fund for Fighting Poverty and Social Inequalities) in the period from January 2004 through December 2005; and (v) unduly taking tax credit on acquisitions of property, plant and equipment. This assessment is being contested by the subsidiary at administrative level.
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On December 20, 2007, the subsidiary TIM Celular was assessed by the State of Rio de Janeiro’s tax authorities, at the amount of R$94,359 for allegedly failing to pay ISS tax on the following services: technical programming, administrative plan cancellation services, telephone directory aid service and provision of data and information and network infrastructure sharing. This assessment is being disputed by the Company at administrative level. Based on its internal and external lawyers´ opinion, the Company has not set up a provision the above mentioned litigation.
Fund for Universalization of Telecommunications Services – FUST contribution tax

On December 15, 2005, ANATEL issued its Summary no. 07, aiming at collect FUST on interconnection revenues, as from the date of enactment of Law 9,998 of August 17, 2000.  The Company and its subsidiary believe that based on applicable legislation (including the sole paragraph of article 6 of Law 9,998), interconnection revenues are not subject to FUST, and accordingly, Management has taken the necessary measures to protect their interests. In October and November 2006, ANATEL assessed the Company’s subsidiaries at the amount of R$31,338 referring to FUST on interconnection revenues and related fines for the calendar year 2001 in response to Summary no. 07.

From September to December 2007, ANATEL issued several assessment notices against the Company’s subsidiaries totaling R$18,654, in connection with FUST allegedly due on interconnection revenues for the calendar year 2002.  ANATEL claims for FUST collection on interconnection revenues is currently suspended, due to a favorable court decision to the subsidiaries.

In June and July 2008, new assessment notices amounting to R$32,360 were issued by ANATEL in connection with FUST levied on interconnection revenues allegedly due for the year 2003 and 2004. ANATEL claims for FUST collection on interconnection revenues is currently suspended, due to a sentence that is favorable to the subsidiaries.

Fund for Technological Development of Telecommunications – FUNTTEL contribution tax

In December, 2006, November and December, 2007, the Communications Ministry issued an assessment against the Company’s subsidiaries, totaling R$13,265, related to FUNTTEL on interconnection revenues supposedly due during calendar years 2001 and 2002, as well as related fines. The Company believes that the above mentioned revenues are not subjected FUNTTEL. The Company appealed for an injunction for the non collection of FUNTTEL on interconnection revenues, based on the same arguments defended for FUST. The claims for FUNTTEL collection on interconnection revenues has been suspended, because of favorable court ruling issued in favor of the subsidiaries.
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In November 2008, further assessment notices for R$17,017 were issued by ANATEL in connection with FUNTTEL due on interconnection revenues allegedly due in 2003.   ANATEL claims for FUNTTEL collection on interconnection revenues is currently suspended, due to a sentence that is favorable to the subsidiaries.

Regulatory Proceedings

Because the Company has allegedly failed to comply with some provisions of both the Personal Mobile Service – SMP and the Commuted Fixed Telephone Service – STFC, ANATEL initiated some Obligation Non-Compliance Determination Procedures PADO, against the subsidiaries.

TIM Celular is authorized to provide SMP in the state of Paraná (except in Londrina and Tamarana) for an indefinite period, and for using the related SMP radio frequencies. In 2006, under the Term of Authorization 002/2006/PVCP/SPV-ANATEL, the authorization for use of radiofrequencies was extended for 15 years from the end of the original validity period, i.e. through September 3, 2022. In view of this extension, the object of the above mentioned Term of Authorization issued in accordance with Act 57.551 of April 13, 2006, the Company was, in its opinion, unduly required by ANATEL to pay for a new Installation Inspection Fee (TFI) for all its mobile stations in operation in the service-provision area, although these stations have already been licensed at the cost of R$80,066.

TIM Celular is authorized to provide SMP in the state of Santa Catarina (plus Pelotas, Morro Redondo, Capão do Leão and Turuçu in the state of Rio Grande do Sul) for an indefinite period, and for using the related SMP radio frequencies.   In 2008, under the Term of Authorization 074/2008/PVCP/SPV-ANATEL, the authorization for use of radiofrequencies was extended for 15 years from the end of the original validity period, i.e. through September 30, 2023. In view of this extension, the object of the above mentioned Term of Authorization issued under Act 5.520 of September 18, 2008, the Company was, in its opinion, unduly required by ANATEL, on October 17, 2008, to pay for a new Installation Inspection Fee (TFI) for all its mobile stations in operation in the service-provision area, although these stations have already been licensed at the cost of R$54,026.

TIM Nordeste is authorized to provide SMP in the state of Ceará for an indefinite period, and for using the related SMP radio frequencies. In 2008, under the Term of Authorization 084/2008/PVCP/SPV-ANATEL, the authorization for use of radiofrequencies was extended for 15 years from the end of the original validity period, i.e. through November 28, 2023. In view of this extension, the object of the above mentioned Term of Authorization issued in accordance with Act 7.385 of November 27, 2008, the Company was in its opinion, unduly required by ANATEL, on January 6, 2009, to pay for a new Installation Inspection Fee (TFI) for all its mobile stations in operation in the service-provision area, although these stations have already been licensed at the cost of R$41,728.
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This requirement, according to ANATEL, would be justified by application of art.9, III of Resolution 255, which provides for issuance of new licenses if the validity period is renewed. However, as the Company does not find that this legal provision is correctly applied, the collection in question was timely impugned at administrative level, so that simultaneously the collection can be questioned and the collection suspended until a final decision is reached by ANATEL.

Potential litigation

Litigation Arising Out of Events Prior to the Breakup of TELEBRÁS

Telecomunicações Brasileiras S.A. - TELEBRÁS and its operating subsidiaries (collectively, the Predecessor Companies), the legal predecessors of the Company and its subsidiaries, respectively, are defendants in a number of legal proceedings and subject to certain other claims and contingencies. Liability for any claims arising out of acts committed by the Predecessor Companies prior to the effective date of the spin-off of the cellular assets and liabilities of the Predecessor Companies to the Company’s subsidiaries remains with the Predecessor Companies, except for those liabilities for which specific accounting provisions were assigned to the Company’s subsidiaries. Any claims against the Predecessor Companies that are not satisfied by the Predecessor Companies could result in claims against the Company’s subsidiaries, to the extent that the Company’s subsidiaries have received assets that might have been used to settle such claims had such assets not been spun off from the Predecessor Companies.

Under the terms of the breakup of the TELEBRÁS system, liability for any claims arising out of acts committed by TELEBRÁS prior to the effective date of the breakup remains with TELEBRÁS, except for labor and tax claims (for which TELEBRÁS and the companies formed through the breakup of TELEBRÁS (the New Holding Companies) are jointly and severally liable by operation of law) and any liability for which specific accounting provisions were assigned to the Company or one of the other New Holding Companies. Management believes that the chances of claims of this nature materializing and having a material adverse financial effect on the Company are remote.

Litigation Related to the Use of Premium Arising Out of the Breakup of TELEBRÁS

On April 4, 2002, a Congressman filed a lawsuit in federal court in Brasília, Federal District, against a number of governmental telecommunication entities and the New Holding Companies. The purpose of the lawsuit is to prevent the New Holding Companies from using the amortization of the goodwill paid by the New Holding Companies to the Brazilian government in the breakup of TELEBRÁS to generate tax benefits. The Company contested this claim before the relevant federal court, and no decision had been made on this lawsuit prior to the time of filing.
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Even though the Company is unable to predict the final outcome of this lawsuit, management believes that a ruling favorable to the plaintiff is unlikely. Accordingly, no reserve was created in connection with this litigation. If an unfavorable ruling is issued against the Company, the tax benefit derived from the premiums paid will be lost, and the Company’s tax liability will increase. Management does not expect an unfavorable decision for this lawsuit.


The Company rents equipment and premises through a number of agreements that expire at different dates. Total annual rent expense under these agreements which are operating leases was as follows:

Rent expense
    189,511       190,339       209,800  

At December 31, 2008, the future minimum operating lease payments under lease agreements are as follows:

Asset retirement obligations

The changes in asset retirement obligations were as follows:

Balance at the beginning of the year
    158,168       192,137  
Additions during the period, net of disposals
    15,190       3,465  
Accretion expense during the year
    18,779       16,200  
Balance at the end of the year
    192,137       211,802  
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The Company’s subsidiaries are contractually obligated to dismantle their cellular towers from various sites they lease.

Pursuant to Circular CVM/SNC/SP No. 01/2007, the Company must record as asset retirement obligations the present value of the estimated costs to be incurred for dismantling and removing cellular towers and equipment from leased sites. The offset to this provision is recorded as property, plant and equipment, and the depreciation is calculated based on the useful lives of the corresponding assets.

The asset retirement obligations were recorded at present value, and consequently, financial expenses totaling R$16,200 were recorded in the consolidated statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 2008 (R$18,779 and R$26,594 for the years ended 2007 and 2006, respectively).

Shareholders’ equity


The Company is authorized to increase its capital, through approval by a shareholders’ meeting, so as not to exceed 2,500 billion common or preferred shares, without the need to maintain the proportion between the classes of shares, but keeping the legal limit of 2/3 (two thirds) for issuing preferred shares without voting rights. The limit to increase the Company’s capital may be modified with the approval of an Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting.

On March 16, 2006, the Shareholders’ Meeting approved a capital increase of R$5,983,784 through the issuance of 491,506,603,551 common shares and 951,506,373,542 preferred shares due to the incorporation of shares of TIM Celular with no par value, on behalf of TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações and there was no exercise of withdrawal rights by common shareholders of the Company. At this same meeting, authorized capital was increased from 1,400 billion shares to 2,500 billion shares. Had the reverse stock split occurred during 2006 the Company would have issued 491,506,603 common shares and 951,506,374 preferred shares and authorized capital would have increased to 2,500 million shares.

On September 29, 2006, the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company, approved a capital increase of R$50,450, through the issuance of 2,427,042,369 common shares and 4,698,352,944 preferred shares with no par value on behalf of TIM Brasil. Had the reverse stock split occurred during 2006 the Company would have issued 2,427,042 common shares and 4,698,353 preferred shares. This capital increase was made using the tax benefit from the goodwill amortization due to the partial spin-off of the Company. For the minority shareholders, it assured the right of capitalization, considering the same conditions applied to the majority shareholder, in order to maintain its minority interest.
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The subscription price per 1,000 shares was R$8.92 for the common shares and R$6.13 for the preferred shares. Had the reverse stock split occurred during 2006 the subscription price would have been R$8.92 per common share and R$6.13 per preferred share. At the same Extraordinary General Meetings, the shareholders approved another capital increase of R$6,401 through capitalization of Future Capital Increase Reserve without issuance of shares, in benefit of all shareholders.

On May 30, 2007 the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company approved a reverse stock split of all shares issued by the Company at the ratio of 1,000 (one thousand) shares to 1(one) share of each class. In the period from June 1, 2007 to July 2, 2007, the shareholders adjusted their ownership positions to lots of multiples of 1,000 shares of class, in a private negotiation at BOVESPA (São Paulo Stock Exchange) or the counter market, at their free and exclusive discretion.

On September 18, 2007, 2,285,736 shares (1,185,651 common shares and 1,100,085 preferred shares) were sold at an auction held at the São Paulo Stock Exchange - BOVESPA. Those shares represented fractions resulting from the reverse stock split approved at the Extraordinary Shareholders´ Meeting held on May 30, 2007 which were not adjusted to a position of 1,000 shares by the respective shareholders. The proceeds from this sale represent a liability and are available to the respective shareholders at any branch of Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A.

On November 5, 2007, the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company, approved a capital increase of R$37,815, through the issuance of 1,447,392 common shares and 2,801,911 preferred shares with no par value on behalf of TIM Brasil. This capital increase was made using the tax benefit from the goodwill amortization due to the partial spin-off of the Company. For the minority shareholders, it assured the right of capitalization, considering the same conditions applied to the majority shareholder, in order to maintain its minority interest.

The subscription price per share was R$11.24 for the common shares and R$7.69 for the preferred shares.

On April 11, 2008 the Shareholders´ Meeting of the Company, approved a capital increase of R$63,085, through issuance of 3,359,308 common shares and 6,503,066 preferred shares without nominal value, on behalf of TIM Brasil. This capital increase was made using the tax benefit from the goodwill amortization due to the partial spin-off of the Company. For the minority shareholders, it assured the right of capitalization, considering the same conditions applied to the majority shareholder, in order to maintain its minority interest.
The share subscription price per share was R$7.59 for common shares and R$5.78 for preferred shares.
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Shares with no par value represent the subscribed and paid-in capital, as follows:

      2006 (*)  
Number of common shares
    793,544,276,988       794,991,669       798,350,977  
Number of preferred shares
    1,536,170,582,578       1,538,972,494       1,545,475,560  
      2,329,714,859,566       2,333,964,163       2,343,826,537  
(*) Had the reverse stock split occurred on December 31, 2006 shares outstanding for the year ended December 31, 2006 would have amounted to 2,329,714,860, respectively.

The preferred shares are non-voting, except if the dividend to be paid to the holders of preferred shares is not paid for a period of three years. In such case they are entitled to full voting rights until such time as that dividend is paid in full for any year. Further, the preferred shares are entitled to priority over the common shares in the case of liquidation. The preferred shares are also entitled to preferential, noncumulative dividends calculated as the greater of (i) 6% of nominal paid-in capital or (ii) 3% of net equity per share as per the latest approved balance sheet under Brazilian GAAP. The number of non-voting shares or shares with limited voting rights, such as the preferred shares, may not exceed two-thirds of the total number of shares.
Capital reserves

Special Goodwill Reserve

This reserve was set up during the corporate reorganization process in 2000. The portion of the special reserve corresponding to the tax benefit obtained may be capitalized at the end of each fiscal year for the benefit of the controlling shareholder, through issuance of new shares. The respective capital increase will be subject to preemptive rights of the minority shareholders, in proportion to their shareholdings, by type and class upon the new issuance, and the amounts payable during the year in connection with this right must be delivered directly to the controlling shareholder, in accordance with Instruction No. 319/99 of the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM).

Revenue Reserves

Legal Reserve

This refers to the 5% (five percent) of net income for every year ended December 31 to be appropriated to the legal reserve, which should not exceed 20% (twenty percent) of capital. Also, the Company is not authorized to set up a legal reserve when it exceeds 30% (thirty
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percent) of capital plus capital reserves. This reserve can be used only for capital increase or offset accumulated losses.
Reserve for Expansion

This reserve, which is set up based on paragraph 2, article 40 of the by-laws and article 194 of Law 6.404/76, is intended to fund investment and network expansion projects.

The Company realized in 2007 part of the reserve for expansion, in the amount of R$450,763, as dividend distribution related to the year ended December 31, 2006.

The Company´s management proposed to realize the balance of the Reserve for Expansion – R$139,697 – as of December 31, 2007 by way of dividend distribution (Note 18-d).


Dividends are calculated in accordance with the by-laws and Brazilian Corporate Law ( “Lei das Sociedades por Ações” ).

Based on its by-laws, the Company shall distribute an amount equivalent to 25% of adjusted net income as minimum dividend each year ended December 31, provided that there are funds available for distribution. For the purposes of the Brazilian Corporation Law, and in accordance with the Company’s by-Laws, “adjusted net income” is an amount equal to the net profit adjusted to reflect allocations to or from: (i) the statutory and legal reserves, (ii) a contingency reserve for probable losses, if applicable, (iii) profit reserve for expansion, and (iv) unrealized profit for reserve.

Preferred shares are nonvoting but take priority in (i) capital reimbursement, at no premium; and (ii) payment of a minimum non-cumulative dividend of 6% p.a. on the total obtained from dividing the capital stock by the total number of shares issued by the Company.

In order to comply with the New Corporate Law (Law No. 10,303/01), the Company’s by-laws were amended, including the first paragraph of Section 10, which ensures the holders of preferred shares the right to receive dividends corresponding to 3% (three percent) of shareholders’ equity on an annual basis, based on the balance sheet most recently approved, whenever the dividend established according to this criteria exceeds the dividend calculated according to the criteria previously established, described in the preceding paragraph.

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The dividends proposed for the year ended December 31, 2008 are as follows:
Capital – common shares
Capital – preferred shares
Dividends: 6% for preferred shares s statutorily stipulated
Net income for the year
(-) Set up of legal reserve
    (9,008 )
Adjusted net income
Minimum dividends to preferred shareholders
Minimum dividends based on 25% of adjusted income
(+) Supplementary dividends to income distributed
(=) Dividends referring to income distribution
Dividends per share (expressed in Reais)
Preferred shares

According to by-laws, the Company, minimum not cumulative dividends, calculated in 6% of the capital stock would be R$301,216. However, management proposed to distribute all available profit on December 31, 2008, as dividends to preferred shareholders.

The dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity payable as of December 31, 2008 include R$22,221 relating to prior years (R$27,521 in 2007).

The dividends proposed for the year ended December 31, 2007, are based on the distribution of 100% of the adjusted net income for the year ended December 31, 2007 and distribution of the remaining balance of the expansion reserve to the preferred shareholders , as follows:

Capital – common shares
Capital – preferred shares
Dividends: 6% for preferred shares, as statutorily stipulated
Net income for the year
(-) Set up of legal reserve
    (3,805 )
Adjusted net income
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Minimum dividends to preferred shareholders
Minimum dividends based on 25% of adjusted income
(+) Supplementary dividends to income distributed
(=) Dividends referring to income distribution
(+) Distribution of 100% of the reserve for expansion
Total dividends proposed
Dividends per share (expressed in Reais)
Preferred shares

According to by-laws, the Company, minimum not cumulative dividends, calculated in 6% of the capital stock would be R$298,720. However, management proposes to distribute all available profit and reserves on December 31, 2007, as dividends to preferred shareholders.

Despite the Company’s losses for the year ended December 31, 2006, the Company’s management proposed utilizing part of the expansion reserve in the amount of R$450,763 for dividend distribution. The preferred dividends proposed were calculated based on an annual 6% payment based on the total obtained from dividing the capital stock representing preferred shares by the total number of the same class of shares issued by the Company. Additionally, under article 47 of the Company’s by-laws, the Company proposes to adopt the same payment criteria for common shares, as follows:
Capital – common shares
Capital – preferred shares
Capital stock
Dividends: 6%
Preferred dividends (65.94%)
Common dividends (34.06%)
Total proposed dividends
Dividends per 1,000 shares (expressed in Reais)
Common shares
Preferred shares
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Net operating revenues

Revenue from telecommunications services – Mobile
Subscription charges
    580,277       444,156       378,876  
Use charges
    5,476,107       7,267,947       7,954,683  
    3,439,305       4,466,525       4,458,169  
Long distance service
    1,351,150       1,889,708       1,986,704  
Value-added services – VAS
    886,181       1,217,111       1,598,303  
    87,256       91,062       101,138  
      11,820,276       15,376,509       16,477,873  
Revenue from telecommunications services – Fixed
    -       41       7,940  
Revenue from telecommunications services – Mobile and Fixed
    11,820,276       15,376,550       16,485,813  
Sales of goods
    2,057,283       1,838,102       1,766,400  
Gross operating income
    13,877,559       17,214,652       18,252,213  
    (2,899,699 )     (3,580,412 )     (3,991,301 )
    (665,342 )     (1,018,993 )     (1,074,638 )
    (174,271 )     (173,605 )     (105,309 )
      (3,739,312 )     (4,773,010 )     (5,171,248 )
Net operating revenues
    10,138,247       12,441,642       13,080,965  
Cost of services rendered and goods sold

    (106,825 )     (99,484 )     (91,051 )
Third-party services
    (280,165 )     (224,362 )     (263,674 )
Interconnection charges
    (2,254,799 )     (3,491,292 )     (3,793,518 )
Depreciation and amortization
    (1,324,843 )     (1,332,855 )     (1,324,429 )
Telecommunications supervision fund (Fistel)
    (10,618 )     (6,775 )     (8,731 )
    (128,358 )     (131,626 )     (143,046 )
    (16,631 )     (11,034 )     (33,560 )
Cost of services rendered
    (4,122,239 )     (5,297,428 )     (5,658,009 )
Cost of goods sold
    (1,407,761 )     (1,434,430 )     (1,405,788 )
Total cost of services rendered and goods sold
    (5,530,000 )     (6,731,858 )     (7,063,797 )

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Selling expenses

    (300,389 )     (337,053 )     (366,560 )
Third-party services
    (1,347,196 )     (1,622,047 )     (1,741,347 )
Advertising expenses
    (317,534 )     (308,790 )     (293,097 )
Allowance for doubtful accounts
    (451,976 )     (714,571 )     (748,833 )
Telecommunications supervision fund (Fistel)
    (410,756 )     (502,794 )     (563,421 )
Depreciation and amortization
    (325,038 )     (327,222 )     (295,868 )
    (98,062 )     (78,448 )     (89,263 )
Selling expenses
    (3,250,951 )     (3,890,925 )     (4,098,389 )
General and administrative expenses

    (187,676 )     (188,860 )     (190,551 )
Third-party services
    (362,173 )     (365,272 )     (392,161 )
Depreciation and amortization
    (332,825 )     (414,234 )     (484,733 )
    (72,184 )     (64,427 )     (59,981 )
General and administrative expenses
    (954,858 )     (1,032,793 )     (1,127,426 )

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Other operating income (expenses)

as adjusted
as adjusted
Telecommunication service fines
    50,913       66,567       117,867  
Reversal of the provision for contingencies (a)
    39,754       2,210       12,475  
Disposal of fixed assets
    12,182       11,093       5,538  
Other operating income
    28,645       7,156       17,096  
      131,494       87,026       152,976  
Goodwill amortization
    (1,581 )     (1,581 )     (1,581 )
Amortization of concessions
    (248,238 )     (247,654 )     (301,818 )
Taxes, charges and contributions
    (29,130 )     (9,899 )     (18,764 )
Provision for contingencies
    (22,165 )     (28,583 )     (42,398 )
Loss on judicial proceedings
    (21,145 )     (32,800 )     (73,499 )
Cost of fixed assets disposed
    (9,656 )     (35,798 )     (8,584 )
Other operating expenses
    (1,914 )     (139 )     (6,812 )
      (333,829 )     (356,454 )     (453,456 )
Other operating expenses
    (202,335 )     (269,428 )     (300,480 )
 In 2006, primarily refers to reversal of the provision for PIS and COFINS in subsidiary TIM Nordeste (see note 16).
Financial income

Interest accrued on short-term investments
    117,028       24,516       96,341  
Monetary adjustment
    14,623       28,429       18,576  
Interest on accounts receivable
    13,620       17,221       47,406  
PIS/Cofins recovery (Note 8)
    30,183       23,424       -  
    16,931       10,533       10,990  
Financial income
    192,385       104,123       173,313  
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Financial expenses

as adjusted
as adjusted
Interest on loans and financing
    (228,036 )     (207,071 )     (244,470 )
Interest on suppliers
    (29,314 )     (12,699 )     (27,199 )
Interest on authorizations
    (998 )     (1,121 )     (66,380 )
Monetary adjustment
    (47,313 )     (73,267 )     (11,078 )
Interest on taxes and charges
    (10,035 )     (6,849 )     (3,790 )
CPMF (tax on financial activities)
    (48,568 )     (51,941 )     (1,194 )
Financial expenses on handset sales
    (20,017 )     -       -  
Financing discounts
    (7,880 )     (11,361 )     (66,640 )
    (19,943 )     (14,329 )     (24,813 )
Financial expenses
    (412,104 )     (378,638 )     (445,564 )
Foreign exchange variation, net

Loans and financing
    9,147       7,004       (433,969 )
Suppliers – Trade payables
    11,967       10,366       (17,414 )
    (63,814 )     (17,104 )     340,284  
    (1,599 )     (7,250 )     8,375  
Foreign exchange variation, net
    (44,299 )     (6,984 )     (102,724 )

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Income and social contribution taxes expenses and tax losses

Income and social contribution taxes expenses are as follows:

Current income tax
    (60,972 )     (76,768 )     (73,383 )
Current social contribution tax
    (20,945 )     (27,977 )     (26,438 )
Tax incentive - ADENE
    16,141       (32 )     33,290  
Total current taxes
    (65,776 )     (104,777 )     (66,531 )
Deferred income tax
    (63,887 )     -       117,804  
Deferred social contribution tax
    (23,020 )     -       42,410  
Amortization of goodwill
    (50,450 )     (50,450 )     (29,429 )
Provision for contingencies on income tax and social contribution (note 16)
    -       (11,610 )     -  
Total deferred taxes
    (137,357 )     (62,060 )     130,785  
      (203,133 )     (166,837 )     64,254  

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The reconciliation between income and social contribution tax expenses, tax expense calculated based on combined statutory rates, and the amount recorded in the statement of income, is as follows:

as adjusted
as adjusted
 Income (loss) before income and social contribution taxes
    (63,915 )     235,139       115,898  
Combined statutory rate
    34 %     34 %     34 %
Income and social contribution taxes at combined statutory rate
    21,731       (79,947 )     (39,405 )
Tax loss carryforwards and temporary differences not recorded
    (265,028 )     (49,469 )     (58,765 )
Recorded tax loss carryforwards and temporary differences
    -       -       160,214  
Provision for contingencies on income tax and social contribution (note 16)
    -       (11,610 )     -  
Effect of income and social contribution taxes on Permanent (Additions)/Exclusions
    19,740       (20,072 )     (32,445 )
Tax incentive – ADENE
    16,141       (32 )     33,290  
    4,283       (5,707 )     1,365  
Subtotal of (additions)/exclusions
    (224,864 )     (86,890 )     103,659  
Income and social contribution taxes debited to income for the year
    (203,133 )     (166,837 )     64,254  
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Transactions with Telecom Italia Group

Consolidated balances of transactions with Telecom Italia Group are as follows:

Telecom Personal Argentina (1)
    1,020       721  
Telecom Sparkle (1)
    3,789       1,555  
Telecom Italia (2)
    2,780       4,913  
    1,715       2,365  
    9,304       9,554  

Telecom Italia (2)
    51,129       41,154  
Telecom Personal Argentina (1)
    3,448       1,279  
Telecom Sparkle (1)
    4,826       6,315  
Italtel (3)
    42,518       27,876  
    1,378       791  
    103,299       77,415  

Telecom Italia (2)
    8,645       12,221       11,244  
Telecom Personal Argentina (1)
    6,556       2,884       3,059  
Telecom Sparkle (1)
    4,501       7,816       6,567  
    1,415       1,315       1,987  
    21,117       24,236       22,857  
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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
Telecom Italia (2)
    23,314       26,551       29,079  
Telecom Sparkle (1)
    17,747       21,324       22,223  
Telecom Personal Argentina (1)
    8,376       7,321       9,333  
Italtel (3)
    1,042       3,086       7,631  
    1,386       1,622       1,494  
    51,865       59,904       69,760  

(1)     International services

International services with Telecom Argentina and Sparkle, Companies of the Telecom Italia Group, refer to roaming, value-added services (“VAS”) and media services.

(2)     Telecom Italia

Receivables and payables refer to international roaming, technical post-sales assistance, and VAS.

On March 3, 2008, at the General Shareholders´ Meeting of the Company, the renewal for a further 12 months was approved, of a cooperation and support agreement with Telecom Italia, which had been approved on May 3, 2007 by the Board of Directors of the Company. The agreement aims to add value to the Company by benefiting from Telecom Italia’s experience in (i) increasing efficacy and efficiency by adopting in-house solutions, (ii) sharing systems, services, processes and best practices that were largely used in the Italian market and may be easily customized for the Company. Total incurred during 2008 amounts to R$29,586, of which R$26,835 relates to property, plant and equipment and R$2,751 to cost/expenses. During 2007, the amount incurred was R$35,396, of which R$33,499 related to property, plant and equipment, and R$1,897 to cost/expense.

(3)     Development and maintenance of billing system

These costs, incurred with Italtel, a company of the Telecom Italia Group, refer to the development and maintenance contracts regarding the billing system.

The balance sheet account balances are recorded in the following accounts groups: accounts receivable, suppliers – trade payables and other current assets and liabilities.
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Financial instruments and risk management

In accordance with CVM Deliberation 550, of October 17, 2008, the Company and its subsidiaries explain that the risk factors to which they are exposed are as indicated bellow. The Company presents its financial instruments according to CVM’s instruction 566, issued December 17, 2008, which approved CPC’s Technical Pronouncement 14, and CVM’s instruction 475.

Exchange rate risk

The exchange rate risk relates to the possibility of the subsidiaries incurring losses resulting from fluctuations in exchange rates, thus increasing debt balances of loans obtained in the market and the corresponding financial charges. In order to mitigate this kind of risk, the Company carries out swap contracts with financial institutions.

As of December 31, 2008 the subsidiaries’ loans indexed to the exchange variance of foreign currencies are fully covered by swap contracts.  The income or loss resulting from these swap contracts is charged to operating income.

Interest rate risk

The interest rate risks relate to:

Possibility of variances in the fair value of financing indexed to fixed interest rates; in the event the latter does not proportionately follow those of CDI – Interbank Deposit Certificates. Gains or losses arising from swap contracts affects directly TIM Nordeste’s results;

Possibility of changes in the fair value of TJLP-indexed loans, if the TJLP does not follow the CDI – Interbank Deposit Certificate rates.   In order to reduce this type of risk, the subsidiaries sign swap contracts with financial institutions, the gains and losses on which are recorded in the TIM Celular ’s results;

Possibility of an unfavorable change in interest rates, with a resulting increase in financial expenses incurred by the subsidiaries, due to fluctuation of interest rate on part of their hedge debt and obligations. At December 31, 2008, the subsidiaries’ financial resources are mostly invested in CDI, which partially reduces this risk.

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Credit risk related to services rendered

This risk is related to the possibility of the subsidiaries computing losses originating from the difficulty in collecting the amounts billed to customers. In order to mitigate this risk, the Company and its subsidiaries perform credit analysis that assist the management of risks related to collection problems, and monitor accounts receivable from subscribers, blocking the telephone, in case customers default on payment of their bills. There is no single client accounting for more than 10% of net receivables from services rendered at December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008 or of income from services in 2006, 2007 and 2008. The Company generally does not require collateral from its customers.

Credit risk related to the sale of handsets and prepaid telephone cards

The policy adopted by the subsidiaries for sale of telephone sets and distribution of prepaid telephone cards is directly related to credit risk levels accepted in the regular course of business. The choice of partners, the diversification of the accounts receivable portfolio, the monitoring of credit conditions, the positions and limits defined for orders placed by dealers, and the adoption of guarantees are procedures adopted by the subsidiaries to minimize possible collection problems with their business partners.  There is no single client accounting for more than 10% of net receivables from sales of goods at December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008 or of income from sale of goods in 2006, 2007 and 2008.

Financial credit risk

This risk relates to the possibility of the Company and its subsidiaries computing losses originating from the difficulty in realizing its short-term investments and swap contracts. The Company and its subsidiaries minimize the risk associated to these financial instruments by investing in well-reputed financial institutions and by following policies that establish maximum levels of concentration of risk by financial institution.

There is no concentration of available resources of work, service, concessions or rights that have not been mentioned above that could, if eliminated suddenly, severely impact the operations of the Company and its subsidiaries.

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Market value of financial instruments

The consolidated financial derivative instruments are as follows:

Derivative operations
    17,661       15,589       2,072       387,573       63,262       324,311  
Current portion
    17,661       15,589       -       260,925       52,448       -  
Long-term portion
    -       -       -       126,648       10,814       -  
The consolidated financial derivative instruments as of December 31, 2008 mature as follows :

    122,410       10,814  
    2,358       -  
    1,604       -  
    276       -  
      126,648       10,814  

The fair values of derivative instruments of the subsidiaries were determined based on future cash flows (assets and liabilities position), taking into account the contracted conditions and bringing these flows to present value by means of discount at the future CDI rate published in the market. The fair values were estimated at a specific time, based on information available and the Company´s valuation methodologies.
The Company’s protection policy against financial risk – A summary

The Company’s policy stipulates the adoption of swap mechanisms against financial risks involved in financing taken in foreign or local currency, in order to control the exposure to risks related with exchange variation and interest rate variation.

The derivate instruments against exposure to exchange risks should be contracted concurrently with the debt contract that originated the exposure. The level of coverage to be contracted for these exchange exposures is 100% in terms of time and amount.

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When it comes to exposure to risk factors in local currency arising from financing linked to fixed interest rate or TJLP, as the yield on the Company’s and the subsidiaries cash and cash equivalents is based on the CDI, it is the subsidiaries´ strategy to change part of these risks into exposure to the CDI.

As of December 31, 2008 and 2007, there are margins or guarantees applying to the operations with derivative instruments owned by the subsidiaries.

The selection criteria followed by financial institutions rely on parameters that take into consideration the rating provided only by renowned risk analysis agencies, the shareholders´ equity and the degree of concentration of their operations and resources.

The table below shows the derivative instruments operations contracted by the subsidiaries, in force as of December 31, 2008 and 2007:
Reference Value
Net Balance of
(Notional R$)
Fair Value
Fair Value
Item affected by swap mechanism
Fixed interest risk vs. CDI
Part of financing taken
from BNB
Assets Position
Liabilities Position
TJLP Risk vs. CDI
Part of
Assets Position
financing taken
Liabilities Position
from BNDES
USD Exchange Risk vs. CDI
Hedge against the risk of
exchange variation of loans   granted by the Banks ABN and Unibanco
Assets Position
Liabilities Position
JPY Exchange Risk vs. CDI
Hedge against the risk of
  exchange variation of loans granted by the banks Santander   and Votorantim
Assets Position
Liabilities Position
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Fixed interest swap vs. CDI

The operations with derivative instruments are intended to safeguard the Company and the subsidiary TIM Nordeste against possible losses in the case of increase in the interest rate set by Banco do Nordeste do Brasil (BNB), as required by the provisions dealing with financial charges on operations that use the Constitutional Financing Funds´s resources obtained under financing operations for expansion of the Company´s network in the Northeastern region, in 2004 and 2005. These derivative instruments mature through April 2013 and safeguard approximately 75% of all the financing taken from BNB by TIM Nordeste.

Based on the BNB´s current reference rate - 10% p.a. – the financing taken by the subsidiary TIM Nordeste and the respective derivative instruments contracted as part of these financing operations average 11.24% p.a. as a receivable item, and 73.47% of the CDI as a payable item. A possible reversal scenario would occur, if the CDI exceeded the level of 17.51% p.a.. These derivative instruments were contracted with Santander and Unibanco.

TJLP Swap vs. CDI

These financial derivative instrument operations are intended to safeguard the Company and the subsidiary TIM Celular against possible loss of assets due to increase in BNDES´s reference rate (TJLP) for financing contracted with that Institution in 2005. Its payable portion is contracted at an average cost in the equivalent to 90.62% of the CDI. These operations currently protect 33% of the total financing taken from BNDES, and mature on a monthly basis through August 2013. At December 31, 2008, the Company´s book income on this operation is positive, with Santander and UNIBANCO as its partners.

Exchange swap vs. CDI

The derivative instruments of this kind are intended to safeguard the Company and the subsidiary TIM Celular against exchange risks involved in contracts indexed to the USD and JPY, and simultaneously contracted with the respective financing. All loans are safeguarded at an average cost of 122.19% of the CDI for USD-denominated contracts and 112.85% for JPY-denominated ones. As a receivable item, a swap is contracted using the same coupon of the line used. In this case, the exchange loss on financing is fully offset by the gain on swap receivable. These swap contracts mature on the same date as the debt, i.e., between February/09 and July/10. These derivative instruments were contracted with Santander, Unibanco, Votorantim and ABN AMRO.

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Statement of Sensitivity Analysis – Effect on the swap fair value variation

For identifying possible distortions on derivative consolidated operations currently in force, a sensitivity analysis was made considering three different scenarios (probable, possible and remote) and the respective impact on the results attained, namely:

Probable Scenario
Possible Scenario
Remote Scenario
Prefixed debt
    128,433       133,003       136,528       144,407  
Fair value of swap assets side
    129,457       133,003       136,528       144,407  
Fair value of swap liabilities side
    121,267       122,132       122,970       124,764  
Swap - Net exposure
    8,190       10,871       13,558       19,643  
TJLP-indexed  debt (partial amount)
    425,123       423,665       429,818       444,730  
Fair value of swap assets side
    416,228       423,665       429,818       444,730  
Fair value of swap liabilities side
    412,947       413,851       414,752       416,777  
Swap - Net exposure
    3,281       9,814       15,066       27,953  
US- indexed debt
    329,044       327,737       436,297       513,472  
Fair value of swap assets side
    332,270       327,737       436,297       513,472  
Fair value of swap liabilities side
    291,239       291,044       290,859       290,470  
Swap - Net exposure
    41,031       36,693       145,438       223,002  
JPY-indexed debt
    860,611       697,676       1,149,295       1,357,539  
Fair value of swap assets side
    860,611       697,676       1,149,295       1,357,539  
Fair value of swap liabilities side
    608,768       608,768       608,105       606,713  
Swap - Net exposure
    251,843       88,908       541,190       750,826  

The Company and its subsidiaries own only financial derivative instruments intended to hedge their financial debt. As a consequence, the changes in the economic scenarios leading to positive or negative effects in the fair value of the derivatives produce opposite effects for the debts hedged.   In connection with these operations, the Company and its subsidiaries disclosed the fair value of items hedged (debt) and the financial derivative instrument on separate lines, (see above), so as to provide information on the Company´s and its subsidiaries´ net exposure in each of the three scenarios focused.

Note that all operations with financial derivative instruments contracted by the subsidiaries are solely intended as a safeguard for assets. As a consequence, any increase or decrease in the respective market value will correspond to an inversely proportional change in the
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financial debt contracted under the financial derivative instruments contracted by the subsidiaries.

Our sensitivity analyses referring to the derivative instruments in effect as of December 31, 2008 basically rely on assumptions relating to variations of the market interest rate, prefixed rate and TJLP, as well as variations of foreign currencies underlying the swap contracts. These assumptions were chosen solely because of the characteristics of our derivative instruments, which are exposed only to interest rate and exchange rate variations.
Given the characteristics of the subsidiaries´ financial derivative instruments, our assumptions basically took into consideration the effect of reduction of the main indices (CDI and TJLP) and fluctuation of foreign currencies used in swap operations, with the following percentages and quotations as a result:
Risk Variable
Probable Scenario
Possible Scenario
Remote Scenario
A Table of Gains and Losses for the Period

Descriptive Table of Gains and (Losses) on Derivatives
December 31, 2008
Fixed interest risk vs. CDI
TJLP risk vs. CDI
    (519 )
USD exchange risk vs. CDI
JPY exchange risk vs. CDI
Net gains/(losses)

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Pension plans and other post-employment benefits

The provision for pension plan and other post-employment benefits, as of December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2008, is comprised as follows:

Supplementary pension
    4,614       4,290  
PAMA – health care plan
    2,567       1,946  
    196       189  
      7,377       6,425  
Supplementary Defined Contribution Plan

On August 7, 2006, the Company’s Board of Directors approved the implementation of a supplementary defined contribution plan administered by Itaú Vida e Previdência S.A. for the Company and its subsidiaries. All employees not yet entitled to pension plans sponsored by the Company and its subsidiaries are eligible for the Supplementary Defined Contribution Plan.

The Company recorded expenses of R$6,535 related to contributions to this defined contribution plan during 2008 (R$7,962 in 2007 and R$3,685 in 2006).

Supplementary pension

The Company is sponsor, as successor from the partial spin-off of Telecomunicações do Paraná S.A. - TELEPAR, of the pension supplementation plans introduced in 1970 by a Collective Agreement Document, approved by the Atypical Contractual Relationship Document entered into by the Company and the labor unions representing the major professional categories of employees.

This agreement covers 86 employees hired before December 31, 1982, who are entitled to additional retirement benefits, only if they retire after having worked for the minimum time required for retirement (30 years for men and 25 years for women).

In June 1998, after the breakup of Telebrás, the Company opted for the extinction of this additional pension plan. As a consequence of the extinction of the plan, the Company allowed its participants to receive a payment in cash for the accumulated benefits or to transfer them to the PBS-A-Sistel plan. Most participating employees opted for the cash payment, which resulted in a disbursement of nearly R$7,000 in 1998. The remaining
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provisioned amount of R$4,614 at December 31, 2007 will be used to cover the benefits of those employees who have not opted yet (4 employees as of December 31, 2007 and 2008).

The Company and its subsidiaries TIM Nordeste and TIM Celular sponsor a defined benefit pension plan for a group of employees from the former Telebrás system, as a result of legal provisions established at the time of that company’s privatization in July 1998. The plan is administered by the Fundação Sistel de Seguridade Social – SISTEL.
During 1999 and 2000, each sponsor of the plans managed by SISTEL began creating their own individual retirement plans. The sponsors maintained the joint plan only for those participants who had retired prior to January 31, 2000. During 2002, the Company began structuring a defined contribution plan that would permit a migration to such plan to the employees under the defined benefit plan.

On November 13, 2002, through Notification No. 1,917 CGAJ/SPC, the Secretary of Complementary Pension approved the new defined contribution pension plan, TIMPREV, which provides new conditions for the granting and maintenance of benefits, as well as the rights and obligations of the Plan Administration Entity, the Sponsors, the Participants and their respective beneficiaries.

Over 90% of the Company’s participants of the prior plan migrated to the new plan through the deadline for migration on January 29, 2003.

Under the new plan, the Company matches employee contributions at 100%. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the approved plan, TIMPREV provides the benefits listed below:

Regular retirement pension
Early retirement pension
Disability pension
Deferred proportional benefit
Death pension

However, as there was not a complete migration of the employees to TIMPREV, the pension and health care plans originated from the Telebrás system continue to exist and are summarized below:

PBS: Sistel pension plan, which has the characteristic of a defined benefit plan and includes the active employees that were part of the plans sponsored by the companies comprised by Telebrás system ;
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PBS Assistidos: multi-employer pension plan for inactive employees ;

Convênio de Administração: for management of pension payments to retirees and those receiving pensions of the predecessor to the Company and its subsidiaries ;

PAMEC: supplementary health care plan for employees and to the retirees of the predecessor to the Company and its subsidiaries ;

PBT : defined benefit pension plan for the retirees of the predecessor to the Company and its subsidiaries ; and

PAMA: shared-cost health care plan for retired employees and their dependents .

In accordance with CVM Deliberation 371, the funded status was not recognized as an asset by the sponsors because this amount is not refundable to the participants and because future sponsor contributions will not be reduced.

As of December 31, 2008 the health care plan (PAMA) and supplemented medical care plan (PAMEC) reflected an unfunded status of R$2,135 (R$2,763 in 2007), which required the recording of actuarial liabilities.

On January 31, 2006, the Board of Directors of the Company approved a proposal of migration of pension plans sponsored by the Company, TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste at SISTEL to a multi-employer plan administered by HSBC Pension Fund.

On January 29, 2007 and April 9, 2007, the Ministry of Social Security approved the transfer of the administration of the following pension plans from SISTEL to HSBC Pension Fund: (i) PBS, (ii) PBT, (iii) Convenio de Administração, and (iv) TIM Prev.

PAMA and PBS – Assistidos, are still under the administration of SISTEL. During 2007, PAMEC was terminated.

During the year ended 2008, the expenses related to contributions to the pension and other post-employment benefits totaled R$224 (R$247 in 2007 and R$272 in 2006).

The actuarial position of assets and liabilities related to pension and health care plans as of December 31, 2007 and December 30, 2008 is shown below, considering the rules defined in IBRACON NPC-26, as approved by CVM Instruction 371 for the plans existing prior to TIMPREV, and which still have active members.

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a)   Effects recognized at:
PBS Assistidos
Convênio de Administração
Reconciliation of assets and liabilities at December 31, 2008
    (*)       (*)       (*)             (*)                    
Present value of actuarial liabilities
    24,445       4,850       870       189       1,387       3,764       35,505       38,153  
Fair value of the plans’ assets
    (46,547 )     (7,985 )     (2,152 )     -       (2,347 )     (1,818 )     (60,849 )     (59,712 )
Present value of liabilities exceeding the fair value of assets
    (22,102 )     (3,135 )     (1,282 )       189       (960 )       1,946       (25,344 )     (21,559 )
Net actuarial liabilities/(assets)
    (22,102 )     (3,135 )     (1,282 )     189       (960 )     1,946       (25,344 )     (21,559 )
(*) No asset was recognized by the sponsors because this amount is not refundable to the participants and because future sponsor contributions will not be reduced.

b)   Changes in net actuarial liabilities (assets)

PBS Assistidos
Convênio de Administração
Atuarial liabilities (assets) as of December 31, 2007
    (19,174 )     (3,077 )     (1,181 )     196       (890 )     2,567  
Expense (income) recognized in prior year
    (2,877 )     (335 )     (164 )     21       (136 )     337  
Sponsors’ contributions
    (42 )     -       -       (8 )     -       (4 )
Actuarial (gains) losses recognized
    (9 )     277       63       (20 )     66       (954 )
Net actuarial liabilities (assets) as of December 31, 2008
    (22,102 )     (3,135 )     (1,282 )     189       (960 )     1,946  

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c)   Statement of loss (gain) calculation

PBS Assistidos
Convênio de Administração
(Gains) losses on actuarial obligations
    (2,320 )     (217 )     (47 )     (20 )     (51 )     (1,349 )
(Gains) losses on the plans´ assets
    2,294       494       110       -       117       395  
Losses on employees´ contributions
    17       -       -       -       -       -  
(Gains) losses as of December 31, 2008
    (9 )     277       63       (20 )     66       (954 )
d)   Reconciliation of present value of liabilities

PBS Assistidos
Convênio de Administração
Liabilities at December 31, 2007
    25,948       4,948       897       196       1,431       4,733  
Cost of current service
    25       -       -       -       -       37  
Interest on actuarial liabilities
    2,693       513       93       21       148       502  
Benefits paid in the year
    (1,901 )     (394 )     (72 )     (8 )     (141 )     (159 )
    160       259       38       4       76       (724 )
(Gain)/loss on liabilities
    (2,480 )     (476 )     (86 )     (24 )     (127 )     (625 )
Liabilities as of December 31, 2008
    24,445       4,850       870       189       1,387       3,764  

e)   Reconciliation of fair value of assets

PBS Assistidos
Convênio de Administração
Fair value of assets at December 31, 2007
    45,122       8,025       2,078       -       2,321       2,166  
Benefits paid in the year
    (1,901 )     (394 )     (72 )     (8 )     (141 )     (159 )
Participants´ contributions
    18       -       -       -       -       -  
Sponsors’ contributions
    42       -       -       8       -       4  
Actual yield on assets in the year
    3,266       354       146       -       167       (193 )
Assets at December 31, 2008
    46,547       7,985       2,152       -       2,347       1,818  
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f)   Expenses expected for 2009

PBS Assistidos
Convênio de Administração
Cost of current service (with interest)
    10       -       -       -       -       23  
Interest on actuarial liabilities
    2,769       549       98       22       157       436  
Yield of plan assets
    (5,517 )     (879 )     (256 )     -       (277 )     (241 )
Participants´ contributions for the next year
    (18 )     -       -       -       -       -  
Total expenses (income) to be recognized– Net
    (2,756 )     (330 )     (158 )     22       (120 )     218  

Actuarial assumptions adopted in the calculation
The main actuarial assumptions adopted in the calculation were as follows:
Nominal  discount rate of actuarial liabilities:
11.82% p.a.
Expected nominal yield rate of plans´ assets:
PBS-A: 11,3% a.a.
PAMA: 13,8% a.a.
Convênio de Administração: 12,11% a.a
PBT-TIM: 12,11% a.a.
PBS-TCS: 12,11% a.a.
PBS-TNC: 12,11% a.a.
Estimated nominal rate of salary increase:
 6.59% p.a.
Estimated nominal rate of benefit increase:
 4.50% p.a.
Biometric general mortality table:
AT83 segregated by sex
Biometric disability table:
Mercer Disability Table
Estimated turnover rate:
Retirement likelihood:
100% upon first eligibility to a plan benefit
Estimated long-term inflation rate
Computation method
Projected Credit Unit Method

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Directors’ fees

The Company and its subsidiaries’ directors’ fees paid during the year ended 2008 were R$10,063 (R$8,862 in 2007 and R$ 8,014 in 2006).

The Company and its subsidiaries maintain a policy to monitor risks inherent in their operations. Based on such, as of December 31, 2008, the Company and its subsidiaries have insurance coverage against operating risks, third party liability, health, among others. Management of the Company and its subsidiaries believe that the insurance policies are sufficient to cover any losses. The table below presents the main assets, liabilities or interests insured and the related amounts:

Amounts insured
Operating Risks
General Third Party Liability – RCG
Vehicles (Executive and Operational Fleets)
Asset and third-party damages

The scope of our audit work does not include the issuance of an opinion on the sufficiency of insurance coverage, which was determined and checked for adequacy by the Company’s Management.
Commitments with ANATEL

On the terms of the Authorization for PCS Exploitation, the subsidiaries committed themselves to implement mobile personal telecommunications coverage for the assigned area, on a phased basis, within the quality standards established by said authorization. Subsidiaries are subject to penalties if the terms of the authorization are not complied with.

Anatel started administrative proceedings against the subsidiaries for (i) noncompliance with certain quality service ratios; and (ii) noncompliance with other obligations derived from the Terms of Authorization and regulations.

The subsidiaries submitted answers to ANATEL, explaining that there were several reasons for defaulting, mainly due to involuntary factors unrelated to their activities and actions.   The provision for regulatory contingencies recorded in the balance sheet reflects the expected losses, per management expectations (note 16).

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Transactions with Grupo Telefónica

On April 28, 2007, Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A, Intesa San Paolo S.p.A, Mediobanca S.p.A., Sintonia S.p.A and Telefónica S.A . entered into an agreement to purchase the entire share capital of Olimpia S.p.A., a company which, in turn, held approximately 18% of the voting capital of Telecom Itália S.p.A. (“Telecom Italia”), the Company´s ultimate parent company.   This acquisition was made through a company named Telco S.p.A. (“Telco”).   With the authorization of the transaction in October 2007, Telco held 23.6% of the voting capital of Telecom Italia.

Through its Act no. 68.276/2007 dated of November 5, 2007, ANATEL approved the transaction and imposed certain restrictions which aim to guarantee independence of businesses and operations performed by the Telefónica and TIM group companies in Brazil. In order to implement ANATEL’s requirements, TIM Brasil, TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste submitted to ANATEL the necessary measures to ensure this independence in Brazil, so that Telefónica´s participation in Telco S.p.A. cannot generate or be considered to influence the financial, operational and strategic decisions made by TIM Group Brazilian companies. As a result of ANATEL’s requirements, TIM continues to operate in the Brazilian market with the same independence and autonomy as before the transaction.

As of December 31, 2008, the agreements between the Grupo TIM operating companies controlled by TIM Participações and the operating companies of Telefónica Group in Brazil,  refer solely to telecommunications services covering interconnection, roaming, site sharing and co-billing procedures, as well as contracts relating to CSP (provider operation code), in accordance with the current legislation. Receivables and payables related to these agreements amount to R$153,692 and R$122,951, as of December 31, 2008 and R$202,269 and R$163,728, as of December 31, 2007, respectively. Operating revenues and expenses recorded by the Company for the year ended December 31, 2008 after approval of the transaction amount to R$1,490,027 and R$924,937 and R$246,337 and R$161,084 for the year ended December 31, 2007, respectively.

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Reconciliation between Brazilian GAAP and US GAAP

Description of differences between Brazilian GAAP and US GAAP

The Company’s consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with Brazilian GAAP, which accounting practices and policies are described in note 4. Such practices and policies differ significantly from US GAAP.

As a result of the impacts  of Law 11.638/07 implementation, the previous years’ Brazilian GAAP amounts changed and certain differences between Brazilian GAAP and US GAAP were eliminated, as: (a) recognition of financial instruments and (b) recognition of transaction costs incurred on acquisition of borrowings. Also, the accounting policy for recognition of lapsed dividends under Brazilian GAAP was retroactively changed and now conforms with US GAAP.

Under US GAAP, the weighted average number of shares outstanding, and earnings per share presented have been retroactively restated to reflect the effect of the reverse stock split described in Note 18.

The tables below represent the reconciliation between the Company’s consolidated net income and net equity under Brazilian GAAP and US GAAP:
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Reconciliation of the differences between Brazilian GAAP and US GAAP in income (loss):

Reference to notes
2006 As adjusted
2007 As adjusted
Net income (loss), as adjusted, under Brazilian GAAP
      (267,047 )     68,302       180,152  
Consolidated adjustments for US GAAP:
(i) Effects of merger with TND:
Portion under common control :
Amortization of customer list and concession (acquisition by TIM Brasil in 1998)
    (9,727 )     (9,727 )     (9,727 )
Portion acquired from third parties :
Additional amortization and depreciation expense from write-up to fair value
    (75,844 )     (75,844 )     (62,785 )
Deferred tax on the effects of merger with TND
    29,094       29,094       24,655  
(ii) Effects of acquisition of minority interests of TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste:
Additional amortization and depreciation expense from write-up to fair value
    (62,401 )     (62,401 )     (56,996 )
Deferred tax on the effects of acquisition of minority interests
    21,216       21,216       19,379  
(iii) Effects of acquisition of TIM Celular:
Common control acquisition of TIM Nordeste S.A. :
Additional amortization and depreciation expense from write-up to fair value (acquisition by TIM Brasil in 2000 and 2002)
    (3,447 )     (267 )     (22 )
Other consolidated adjustments for US GAAP:
Depreciation and amortization of the effect of indexation for the years ended December 31, 1996 and 1997
    (2,655 )     -       -  
Capitalized interest
    18,783       20,284       15,849  
Amortization of capitalized interest
    (19,218 )     (23,578 )     (22,929 )
Pre-operating expenses
    42,335       42,335       41,226  
Provision for pension plan
    1,838       729       (620 )
Goodwill amortization
    1,581       1,581       1,581  
Handset discounts
    47,217       52,360       2,775  
Reversal of the amortization of capitalized interest and foreign exchange variation on concession financing
    27,820       27,820       27,820  
      2,739       -       -  
Deferred tax on the other consolidated adjustments, net of valuation allowance
      29,816       139       (8,843 )
Net income (loss) under US GAAP
      (217,900 )     92,043       151,515  

December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
Reconciliation of the differences between Brazilian GAAP and US GAAP in shareholders’ equity:
to notes
2007 As
Total shareholders’ equity, as adjusted, under Brazilian GAAP
      7,771,805       7,790,456  
Consolidated adjustments for US GAAP:
(i) Effects of merger with TND:
Portion under common control :
Effects of acquisition of TND by TIM Brasil in 1998
    128,708       118,981  
Portion acquired from third parties :
Write-up to fair value from acquisition of minority interest
    336,268       336,268  
Additional amortization and depreciation expense resulting from write-up to fair value
    (252,813 )     (315,598 )
Transaction costs
    8,557       8,557  
Deferred tax on the effects of merger with TND
    (31,683 )     (7,028 )
(ii) Effects of acquisition of minority interests of TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste:
Write-up to fair value from acquisition of minority interest
    249,006       249,006  
Additional amortization and depreciation expense resulting from write-up to fair value
    (161,203 )     (218,199 )
Deferred tax on the effects of acquisition of minority interests
    (29,853 )     (10,474 )
    13,294       13,294  
(iii) Effects of acquisition of TIM Celular
Common control acquisition of TIM Nordeste :
Effects of acquisition of TIM Nordeste by TIM Brasil in 2000 and 2002
    80,427       80,427  
Additional amortization and depreciation expense resulting from write-up to fair value
    (80,405 )     (80,427 )
Other consolidated adjustments for US GAAP:
Capitalized interest
    183,722       199,571  
Amortization of capitalized interest
    (81,652 )     (104,581 )
Pre-operating expenses
    (190,255 )     (149,029 )
Provision for pension plan
    2,567       1,947  
Goodwill amortization
    9,684       11,265  
Corporate reorganization – acquisition of minority interest
    14,520       14,520  
Handset discounts
    (2,775 )     -  
Reversal of capitalized interest and foreign exchange variation on concession financing
    (350,326 )     (350,326 )
Reversal of amortization of capitalized interest and foreign exchange variation on concession financing
    236,875       264,695  
Effect of deferred taxes on the other consolidated adjustments, net of valuation allowance
      32,103       23,260  
Shareholders' equity under US GAAP
      7,886,571       7,876,585  

December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
a.   Acquisitions and Business Combinations

Under Brazilian GAAP, assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business combination effected through an exchange of shares are recorded at book value as of the date of acquisition designated in the business combination agreement. No goodwill or other fair value adjustments are recorded.

Under US GAAP, net assets acquired in a business combination are recorded at fair value on the acquisition date. The difference between the purchase price and the fair value of the net identifiable assets acquired is recorded as goodwill or negative goodwill. Goodwill is not subject to amortization, but is periodically assessed for impairment. Negative goodwill should be proportionally allocated to certain non-current assets acquired. Business combinations of companies under common control are accounted for in a manner similar to a pooling-of-interest based on the historical carrying values of the assets and liabilities of the acquired company. Additionally, the financial statements of the companies under common control are presented on a combined basis for all periods they are under common control.

(i) Acquisition of TND

The Company acquired Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A (“TND”) on August 30, 2004 (acquisition date). For Brazilian GAAP purposes, in the year of the acquisition, the results of operations of TND were included in the results of operations of the Company for the entire year, as required by the related merger agreement.

For US GAAP purposes, as both the Company and TND were majority owned by TIM Brasil, a common controlling shareholder, the exchange of shares for the purpose of the merger of TND with and into the Company was considered a business combination of companies under common control and was accounted for in a manner similar to a pooling-of-interest. Accordingly, such exchange of shares, as it related to the portion under common ownership (23.73%) was accounted for at historical carrying values. The portion acquired from third parties (76.27%) was accounted for using the purchase method of accounting (at fair value) on a pro rata basis.
The following is a summary of the shares issued for each portion of the acquisition:

Preferred Shares
Common Shares
Portion under common control
    12,632,514       68,241,478  
Portion acquired from third parties
    198,519,351       59,353,273  
    211,151,865       127,594,751  
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )

With respect to the acquisition of minority interest, the merger occurred on the acquisition date. With respect to the portion of the merger under common control, the merger was reflected from 1998, the date TIM Brasil acquired control of both the Company and TND. Therefore, for all periods presented, the Company’s and TND’s financial statements have been combined. The effects of the acquisition of the portion from third parties are reflected from September 1, 2004.
Portion Under Common Control

In 1998, TIM Brasil acquired ownership control of TND and recorded intangible assets and goodwill in the amount of R$640,699 as follows:

Customer list
The amount of goodwill not allocated was amortized up to December 31, 2001 in accordance with SFAS No. 142, considering a period of 11 years based on the remaining period of the concession. In 2000, TIM Brasil concluded a restructuring process in which an amount of R$204,781, related to the fiscal benefit of such goodwill, was pushed down to TND, which was recorded as deferred tax assets. The intangible assets related to customer list and concession have been amortized since 1998. Therefore, for US GAAP purposes and in connection with the merger, the remaining goodwill recorded by TIM Brasil related to TND was pushed down to the Company. As of December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2008, the effect of the push down was as follows:

Total amount acquired in 1998
    640,699       640,699  
Fiscal benefit resulting from goodwill pushdown
    (204,781 )     (204,781 )
Accumulated amortization of goodwill, amortized up to December 31, 2001
    (185,006 )     (185,006 )
Accumulated amortization of customer list, fully amortized by December 31, 2002
    (24,932 )     (24,932 )
Accumulated amortization of concession
    (97,272 )     (107,000 )
      128,708       118,980  
Deferred tax liability related to concession
    (3,308 )     -  
Total effect of push down
    125,400       118,980  

December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
The adjustments to reflect the additional amortization expense under US GAAP for the years ended 2006, 2007 and 2008 from the write-up to fair value for the acquisition of TND by TIM Brasil in 1998 were R$9,727, R$9,727 and R$9,727, respectively.

Customer list of R$24,932 with annual amortization expense of R$4,986 was fully amortized by December 31, 2002.

Concession of R$107,000 with annual amortization expense of R$9,727 was fully amortized by December 31, 2008.

Goodwill of R$508,767 was amortized up to December 31, 2001 and in accordance with SFAS No. 142, beginning in 2002 this goodwill was not subject to amortization.
Portion Acquired from Third Parties

For US GAAP purposes, the value of the shares issued for the portion acquired from third parties was determined based on the average market price of the Company’s shares over the 2-day period before and after the terms of the acquisition were agreed to and announced (June 1, 2004). The purchase price for the acquisition of the interest held by third parties of R$960,092 was calculated as follows:

Fair market value of the Company shares issued to third party shareholders (198,519,351 preferred shares x R$3.843 per share, and 59,353,273 common shares x R$3.148 per share)
Fair value of options held by TND employees
Acquired business acquisition costs
Purchase price
The purchase price of the transaction related to the third parties was allocated as follows:

Fair value increments:
 Property, plant and equipment
 Customer list
 Deferred tax liability
    (114,331 )
Adjustments to fair value
Remaining net book value of identifiable net asset acquired and liabilities assumed which approximates fair value
Purchase price
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )

The balances of the fair value increments and the related deferred income taxes at December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2008 were:

plant and
Customer list
    58,264       121,319       156,685       336,268  
Accumulated amortization/depreciation
    (32,376 )     (89,866 )     (130,571 )     (252,813 )
      25,888       31,453       26,114       83,455  
Deferred income taxes
    8,802       10,694       8,879       28,375  

plant and
Customer list
    58,264       121,319       156,685       336,268  
Accumulated amortization/depreciation
    (42,088 )     (116,825 )     (156,685 )     (315,598 )
      16,176       4,494       -       20,670  
Deferred income taxes
    5,500       1,528       -       7,028  

The additional amortization and depreciation expense resulting from the write-up to fair value of the above-mentioned fair value increments under US GAAP was R$75,844 (R$50,057, net of tax), R$75,844 (R$50,057, net of tax) and R$62,785 (R$41,439, net of tax) for the year ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.

Property, plant and equipment of R$58,264 with annual depreciation expense of R$9,712 is being amortized over its average useful life of 6 years.

Customer list of R$156,685 with annual amortization expense of R$39,171 (R$26,114 in 2008) was totally amortized over its useful life of 4 years.

Concession of R$121,319 with annual amortization expense of R$26,960 is being amortized over its useful life of 4.5 years.
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
The Company incurred transaction costs of R$11,220 associated with the merger. These costs include fees paid to investment bankers, attorneys and accountants. These costs were fully expensed for Brazilian GAAP purposes. For US GAAP purposes, the Company included those costs related to the portion of the transaction subject to purchase accounting, R$8,557, in the acquisition cost.

(ii) Acquisition of minority interests of TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações:

The shareholders of the Company approved the acquisition of the minority interests of TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações on May 30, 2005 (acquisition date), making the companies into wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company. For Brazilian GAAP purposes the effects of the acquisition are reflected from April 1, 2005, in accordance with the Protocol and Justification of Merger agreement, and for US GAAP purposes from June 1, 2005.

The following is a summary of the Company shares issued to the minority interests of each of the subsidiaries:

TIM Nordeste
Preferred Shares
    63,464,535       68,122,264       131,586,799  
Common Shares
    18,991,743       9,732,506       28,724,249  
      82,456,278       77,854,770       160,311,048  

For US GAAP purposes, the value of the shares issued was determined based on the average market price of the Company's shares over the 2-day period before and after the terms of the acquisition were agreed to and announced (April 27, 2005). The purchase price for the acquisition of R$624,156 was calculated as follows:

Fair market value of Company shares issued to minority shareholders (131,586,799 preferred shares x R$3.858 per share, and 28,724,250 common shares x R$3.788 per share)
Acquisition costs
Purchase price
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
The purchase price of the transaction was allocated as follows:

Fair value increments:
Property, plant and equipment
Customer list
Deferred tax liability
    (84,662 )
Adjustments to fair value
Remaining net book value of identifiable net asset acquired and liabilities assumed which approximates fair value
Purchase price

The balances of the fair value increments and the related deferred income taxes at December 31, 2007 and 2008 were:

plant and
Customer list
    39,412       73,771       135,823       249,006  
Accumulated amortization/depreciation
    (16,972 )     (56,512 )     (87,719 )     (161,203 )
      22,440       17,259       48,104       87,803  
Deferred income taxes
    7,630       5,868       16,355       29,853  

plant and
Customer list
    39,412       73,771       135,823       249,006  
Accumulated amortization/depreciation
    (23,542 )     (72,982 )     (121,675 )     (218,199 )
      15,870       789       14,148       30,807  
Deferred income taxes
    5,396       268       4,810       10,474  
The additional amortization and depreciation expense resulting from the write-up to fair value of the above-mentioned fair value increments under US GAAP was R$62,401
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
(R$41,185 net of tax), R$62,401 (R$41,185 net of tax) and R$56,996 (R$37,617 net of tax) for the year ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.

Property, plant and equipment of R$39,412 with annual depreciation expense of R$6,570 is being amortized over its average useful life of 6 years.

Customer list of R$135,823 with annual amortization expense of R$33,956 is being amortized over its useful life of 4 years.

Concession of R$73,771 with annual amortization expense of R$21,876 (R$16,470 in 2008) is being amortized over its useful life of 3.4 years.

The Company incurred transaction costs of R$7,767 associated with the acquisition. These costs include fees paid to investment bankers, attorneys and accountants. These costs were fully expensed for Brazilian GAAP purposes. For US GAAP purposes, the Company included those costs related to the portion of the transaction subject to purchase accounting in the acquisition cost.

(iii) Acquisition of TIM Celular

As explained in note 2-a, the Company acquired TIM Celular and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, TIM Nordeste, CRC and Blah on March 16, 2006. For Brazilian GAAP purposes, in the year of acquisition, the results of operations of the TIM Celular were included in the results of operations of the Company for the entire year, as required by the merger agreement.

For US GAAP purposes, as both the Company and TIM Celular are majority owned by TIM Brasil, a common controlling shareholder, the exchange of shares for the purpose of the merger of TIM Celular with and into the Company is considered a business combination of companies under common control and was accounted for in a manner similar to a pooling-of-interest. Accordingly, such exchange of shares was accounted for at historical carrying values. The merger was reflected from 2000, the year TIM Brasil formed TIM Celular and, consequently, had control of both the Company and TIM Celular.

TIM Celular acquired TIM Nordeste from TIM Brasil on October 28, 2004. For Brazilian GAAP purposes, TIM Celular recorded the acquisition of TIM Nordeste using the book value of the net assets acquired at September 30, 2004, in accordance with the merger agreement. The results of operations of TIM Nordeste were also consolidated by TIM Celular beginning on that date.

TIM Celular acquired CRC and Blah from TIM Brasil, on December 21, 2005. For Brazilian GAAP purposes, TIM Celular recorded the acquisition of CRC and Blah using the book value of the net assets acquired at November 30, 2005, in accordance with the merger
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
agreement. The results of operations of CRC and Blah were consolidated by TIM Celular beginning on that date.

For US GAAP purposes, because the Company, TIM Nordeste, CRC and Blah are majority owned by TIM Brasil, a common controlling shareholder, the mergers of TIM Nordeste, CRC and Blah with and into TIM Celular are considered business combinations of companies under common control and were accounted for in a manner similar to a pooling-of-interest. Accordingly, such acquisitions were accounted for at historical carrying values. The mergers were reflected from 1998, 2001 and 2000, the date TIM Brasil formed TIM Nordeste, CRC and Blah, respectively, and, consequently, had control of the Company, TIM Nordeste, CRC and Blah.

For Brazilian GAAP purposes, TIM Celular recorded its acquisition of TIM Nordeste based on the net assets of TIM Nordeste as reflected in TIM Nordeste’s books. For US GAAP purposes, the acquisition of TIM Nordeste was recorded based on the US GAAP carrying value of TIM Nordeste as reflected in TIM Brasil’s books. The adjustments in the reconciliation relate to prior purchase price allocations related to TIM Brasil’s minority interest acquisitions of TIM Nordeste.

b.   Inflation accounting for the years ended December 31, 1996 and 1997

Under Brazilian GAAP, the Company discontinued accounting for the effects of inflation as of December 31, 1995. As of January 1, 1996, the carrying value of all non-monetary assets and liabilities became their historical cost basis. Under US GAAP, Brazil was still considered to be a highly inflationary economy until July 1, 1997 and, based on discussions at the meeting of the International Task Force of the AICPA, the Company continued to record the effects of inflation using the IGP index up to 1997.

The US GAAP adjustment represents the amortization of the restatement of fixed assets, which resulted from the inflation accounting to income applied during 1996 and 1997, and was fully amortized during the year ended December 31, 2006.

c.   Capitalization of interest and the respective amortization

According to Brazilian GAAP applicable to the telecommunications sector through December 31, 1998, (i) the interest attributable to construction in progress was calculated at 12% per year on the balance of construction in progress (ii) the portion related to interest on third-party loans was credited to financial expenses on the basis of actual financial costs and (iii) the balance related to the Company’s own capital was credited to shareholders’ equity. Beginning in 1999, the Company and its subsidiaries started to capitalize interest on specific loans based on the respective interest rates that are specifically related to the financing of specific construction in progress.
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )

For US GAAP purposes, interest on loans is capitalized up to the total of construction in progress. The credit is a reduction of financial expenses.

The effects of these different criteria for capitalizing and amortizing capitalized interest are presented below:

Capitalized interest difference
US GAAP capitalized interest:
    35,347       31,631       18,496  
Less Brazilian GAAP capitalized interest:
    (16,564 )     (11,347 )     (2,647 )
US GAAP difference
    18,783       20,284       15,849  
Amortization of capitalized interest difference
Brazilian GAAP amortization of capitalized interest:
    1,363       9,957       6,922  
Less US GAAP amortization of capitalized interest:
    (20,580 )     (33,535 )     (29,851 )
US GAAP difference
    (19,217 )     (23,578 )     (22,929 )
d.   Pre-operating expenses

Under Brazilian GAAP, pre-operating expenses incurred may be deferred until the commercial operations begin. Subsequently all costs related to the organization and start-up of a new business may be capitalized to the extent that they are considered recoverable. The amounts are amortized over a period of five to ten years.

Under US GAAP, the rules are generally more restrictive as to the costs that can be capitalized and the periods over which such costs are amortized and these expenses are normally charged to operations.

e.   Pensions and other post-retirement benefits

As discussed in note 31, the Company and its subsidiaries sponsor pension plans and other post-retirement benefit plans. Through December 31, 1999 all plans were considered to be multi-employer defined benefits plans, in which the Company and its subsidiaries contribute towards the pension and other post-retirement benefits on the basis of a fixed percentage of salary, as annually recommended by independent actuaries. For the purposes of the financial statements under the accounting practices established by Brazilian GAAP and for US GAAP purposes, the companies recognized the expenses for the contributions to the multi-employer defined plans on the accrual basis and disclose their annual contributions.
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
In December 1999, the Company announced its intention to withdraw from the plans sponsored by all the companies belonging to the TELEBRÁS system covering active employees while remaining jointly and severally liable solely for the obligations under the pension and health care plans covering retirees and their dependants. In the consolidated financial statements under Brazilian GAAP this change had no accounting impact and the contributions to the plans sponsored exclusively by the Company are still recognized as expenses on the accrual basis.

For US GAAP purposes, since the sponsors decided to split-off the total assets and related actuarial obligations for the multi-employer plan prior to December 31, 1999 the Company recognized a contingent liability, which was probable and estimable, for the accrued pension cost as of such date. The funded status of those plans was recognized as of December 31, 1999, in shareholders’ equity and in net income for the year, as required by SFAS No. 87 “Employer’s Accounting for Pensions”, SFAS No. 106 “Employer’s Accounting for Postretirement Benefits and Than Pensions” and SFAS No. 158 “Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans”. The provisions of SFAS No. 87 concerning the calculation of the funded status were applied with effect from January 1, 1992, since it was impossible to apply them from the effective date specified in the standard.

At December 31, 2007 and 2008, the liability of R$2,567 and R$1,946, respectively, related to multiemployer plans (PAMA) recorded under Brazilian GAAP was reversed for US GAAP purposes.

f.   Goodwill amortization

The Company has recognized goodwill of R$16,669 in 2000 related to acquisition of minority interest on TIM Sul (merged by TIM Celular). For Brazilian GAAP purposes such goodwill has been amortized for a period of 10 years. For US GAAP purposes, the goodwill is not subject to amortization beginning January 1, 2002. The amount of such amortization for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008 is R$1,581, R$1,581 and R$1,581, respectively.

For US GAAP purposes, as required by SFAS No. 142, the Company makes annual assessments of all goodwill amounts recorded, including the amount discussed above. Based on management’s assessment of the fair value of the Company’s recorded goodwill amounts, there was no impairment recorded for US GAAP purposes as of December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008.
g.   Corporate reorganization – acquisition of minority interest

In 2002 the Company started a corporate reorganization, which was concluded in 2003, in which TIM Sul (formerly Telepar Celular S.A) acquired the Company’s and minority
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
interests in the other two Company’s subsidiaries, Telesc Celular S.A and CTMR Celular S.A, being the owner of 100% of those subsidiaries. Under Brazilian GAAP the accounting was a capital increase by the book value of the two subsidiaries at TIM Sul and a contra account in investments. For the consolidated financial statements purposes this investment was eliminated.

For US GAAP purposes, the portion of such corporate reorganization related to the acquisition of minority interest was recorded using the purchase method in accordance with SFAS No. 141 and was recorded based on the fair value.

For the year ended on December 31, 2002, the Company recorded an asset of R$14,520 and an increase in minority interest, on a consolidated level for US GAAP purposes. The effect on operating and net income was not significant.

h.   Handset discounts

From 2004 to July 2006, the Company had combined sales, offering a discount on future telecommunications services to clients that purchased handsets and entered into a service contract (postpaid plan). The price of the handset and the discount were reflected in the clients’ future invoices, in equal installments, based on the handsets’ original prices. For Brazilian GAAP purposes, the handset sales revenue were recognized at the gross amount when sold and the discounts are recognized on a monthly basis as a reduction in the service revenues. Under US GAAP, in accordance with EITF 00-21, “Revenue Arrangements with Multiple Deliverables,” the Company divides this arrangement into separate units of accounting and recognizes the discount on the handset when sold.
i.   Capitalized interest and foreign exchange variation on concession financing

For Brazilian GAAP purposes, TIM Nordeste capitalized expenses related to interest and foreign exchange differences on the financing of its concession from 1999 to 2000. Under US GAAP, foreign exchange gains and losses may not be capitalized. In addition, because during the period in question TIM Nordeste was providing mobile telephony services under the concession to its subscribers, the asset would not qualify for the capitalization of interest. Consequently, the interest and foreign exchange differences recorded under Brazilian GAAP from 1999 to 2000, and the related amortization, have been reversed for US GAAP.
j.   Incentives to customers

The subsidiaries granted incentives to certain customers that are classified as financial expenses for Brazilian GAAP purposes. For US GAAP purposes, such incentives of R$20,017 for the year ended December 31, 2006, are classified as
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
reductions in revenue. For the years ended after December 31, 2006, these incentives to customers are classified as reductions in revenues also for Brazilian GAAP purposes, eliminating the adjustments made for US GAAP purposes.

k.   Earnings (loss) per share

Under Brazilian GAAP, earnings (loss) per share are determined based upon the total number of shares, common and preferred, outstanding as of the end of the period.

Under US GAAP, earnings per share are determined based upon the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period. Entities whose capital structures include securities that may participate in dividends with common stock according to a predetermined formula should use the two-class method of computing earnings per share as described in SFAS No. 128, “Earnings per Share”.

Since the preferred and common shareholders have different dividend, voting and liquidation rights, basic earnings per share should be calculated using the two-class method. The two-class method is an earnings allocation formula that determines earnings per share for preferred and common shares according to the dividends to be paid as required by the Company’s by-laws and participation rights in undistributed earnings. Under the Company’s bylaws, if the Company is able to pay dividends in excess of the minimum requirement for preferred shareholders and the remainder of the net income is sufficient to provide equal dividends to both common and preferred shareholders, then the earnings per share will be the same for both common and preferred shareholders.

EITF Issue No. 03-6 (“EITF 03-6”), “Participating Securities and the Two-Class Method under FASB Statement No. 128, “Earnings per Share”,” addresses the allocation of losses under the two-class method. If undistributed earnings must be allocated to participating securities under the two-class method, losses should also be allocated. However, EITF 03-6 limits this allocation only to situations when the security has: (1) the right to participate in the earnings of the Company, and (2) an objectively determinable contractual obligation to share in losses of the Company. Because the Company’s preferred shareholders do not meet the latter requirement, in years of losses, such losses are entirely allocated to the Company’s common shareholders. Therefore, basic loss per common share is computed by increasing loss by preferred dividends and dividing by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the period.

December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )

The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted loss per common and preferred shares:

Years ended December 31,
Net income (loss) for the year under US GAAP
    (217,900 )     92,043       151,515  
Preferred dividends
    (297,225 )     (211,987 )     (171,144 )
Loss attributable to common shareholders
    (515,125 )     (119,944 )     (19,629 )
Weighted-average outstanding shares (in thousand)
    791,736       793,766       798,228  
    1,532,669       1,536,600       1,545,238  
Earnings/(loss) per share (basic and diluted)
 Common shares
    (0.651 )     (0.151 )     (0.025 )
 Preferred shares
    0.194       0.138       0.111  

As mentioned in note 18, on May 30, 2007 the shareholders of the Company approved a 1,000 to 1 reverse stock split. The reverse stock split intended facilitate the trading of the Company’s shares, which are now being traded through individual shares instead of lots of 1,000 shares.

For Brazilian GAAP purposes, the effects of the reverse stock split are not applied retroactively. Therefore, earnings (loss) per share were not affected and are still being presented per thousand shares for the year ended December 31, 2006.

Under US GAAP, the effects of the reverse stock split are applied retroactively, affecting the earnings (loss) per share calculation. As such, the Company is presenting earnings (loss) per individual share and not per thousand shares for US GAAP purposes.

l.   Incorporation of tax benefit of goodwill by subsidiaries

According to Brazilian GAAP, companies may assign the tax benefit of the goodwill to their subsidiaries in order to receive the tax benefit generated by the amortization of such goodwill. The goodwill is presented as deferred taxes with a contra account in a special reserve within shareholders’ equity. The goodwill is subject to normal asset impairment tests. The tax benefit of the deduction of the amortization from the tax basis for income tax and social contribution generates a reduction of income tax and social contribution payable. Therefore, the amount recognized as an expense resulting from tax deductible amortization of goodwill is equal to the reduction in tax on taxable income. Such accounting generates a reduction in taxes payables.
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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )

Once the benefit is realized, shares will be issued to the controlling shareholder for the amount of the realized benefit; minority shareholders will be entitled to buy shares in proportion to their interests by paying them directly to the controlling shareholder.

Under US GAAP, goodwill generated internally is not recognized; however, the future tax benefit generated by the amortization of goodwill is recognized as a contribution from the controlling shareholder within additional paid-in capital, similarly to the accounting principles under the Brazilian GAAP. The realization of the tax benefit by the amortization of the goodwill is recognized as a decrease in the value of the deferred tax with a consequent decrease in the tax payable, and does not affect the determination of net income for the period, similar to the accounting principles under the Brazilian GAAP. The net balance of the goodwill and the related provision reversal are considered as deferred tax asset for Brazilian GAAP and US GAAP purposes. The additional capital paid is transferred to capital upon the issuance of the shares. The tax benefit related to this goodwill is subject to the US GAAP income tax recoverability valuation allowance analysis.

m.   Income taxes

Effective January 1, 2007, the Company and its subsidiaries adopted FASB Interpretation No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes (FIN 48), which clarifies the accounting for uncertainty in income taxes recognized in an enterprise’s financial statements in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, “Accounting for Income Taxes”. The Interpretation prescribes a threshold for the financial statement recognition and measurement of a tax position taken or expected to be taken within an income tax return. For each tax position, the enterprise must determine whether it is more likely than not that the position will be sustained upon examination based on the technical merits of the position, including resolution of any related appeals or litigation. A tax position that meets the more likely than not recognition threshold is then measured to determine the amount of benefit to recognize within the financial statements. No benefits may be recognized for tax positions that do not meet the more likely than not threshold. The benefit to be recognized is the largest amount that is more likely than not to be realized upon ultimate settlement.

As a result of implementing Interpretation 48, the Company’s financial statements did not have a material impact and did not result in a cumulative adjustment to retained earnings from the adoption of this interpretation. The Company will continue to recognize interest and penalties in interest expense for unrecognized tax benefits.

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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )

A reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of unrecognized income tax benefits is as follows:

Balance at the beginning of the year
    32,750       64,762  
Additions based on tax positions
    11,610       -  
Interest and penalties
    20,402       5,244  
    -       -  
Balance at the end of the year
    64,762       70,006  

The unrecognized tax benefits are related to several assessment notices against subsidiary TIM Nordeste. See note 16 for details on the assessments.

The Company and its subsidiaries file, separately, income tax returns in the Brazilian federal jurisdiction and are generally no longer subject to federal income tax examinations by tax authorities for years before 2002. As a large taxpayer, the Company and its subsidiaries are under continuous examination by the Brazilian federal tax authorities.

n.   Inventories owned by the subsidiaries and provided free of charge to corporate

The subsidiaries have agreements with its corporate customers, through which handsets owned by the subsidiaries are provided free of charge to the customer for a period of 24 months, through a right-of-use agreement. Under Brazilian GAAP these handsets are recorded as property, plant and equipment and depreciated over a period of 24 months. The period of 24 months represents the estimated contractual relationship with our subscribers and also the estimated useful life of the handsets.

Under US GAAP the subsidiaries have deferred the inventoriable cost of the handsets provided for customer under this revenue arrangement, as required in Accounting Research Bulleting No. 43 – Restatement and Revision of Accounting Research Bulletins as amended by FASB Statement No. 151 – Inventory Costs, an Amendment of ARB No. 43, Chapter 4 (ARB 43). Therefore, the cost of handsets under this type of agreement are reclassified from property, plant and equipment to costs of inventory subject to a deferred revenue arrangement, non-current, and amortized over the period of 24 months. The subsidiaries expect to recover the cost through the non-cancellable service arrangement.

The amounts of inventoriable costs incurred by the Company and reclassified to non-current assets, net of amortization was R$255,369 and R$316,847 as of December 31, 2007 and 2008, respectively.
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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
o.   Cash equivalents

Under Brazilian GAAP, cash equivalents are investments with maturities of three months or less at the balance sheet date. For US GAAP, cash equivalents are investments with original maturities of three months or less as the time of purchase to be cash equivalents. There was no reclassification identified between Brazilian GAAP and US GAAP.

p.   Reversal of common share dividends

Under the Company’s by-laws, the Company is required to distribute an aggregate amount equal to at least 25% of the Company’s adjusted net income of each fiscal year as a minimum mandatory dividend.  Each preferred share is entitled to priority in the allocation of adjusted net income up to its non-cumulative dividend preference, equal to 6% p.a. on the total obtained from dividing the capital stock by the total number of shares issued by the Company.

The Company may refrain from paying the mandatory minimum dividend for a given fiscal year only if the managing bodies of the corporation (i.e., the board of directors and the board of executive officers report to the annual general shareholders’ meeting that payment of the mandatory dividend would be “incompatible with the corporation’s financial situation.”).

Under Brazilian GAAP, the minimum mandatory dividend and any other discretionary dividends must be recognized in the year in which the related income is earned.

Under US GAAP, only the minimum mandatory dividend is recognized in the year in which the distributable profits are earned.  Any other discretionary dividends are recognized in the period in which the dividends are approved by the Company’s shareholders.

q.   Liability related to reverse stock split

In 2007 the Company performed a reverse stock split of its shares. At that time, every group of 1,000 shares was converted to 1 share . As a result the reverse stock split, a liability of R$20,669 was generated by the Company due to fractions of shares to refund the shareholders. Under Brazilian GAAP, such liability was classified in noncurrent liability, considering that it is not probable that an effective cash out will occur in the near future. Under US GAAP, the liability was classified as current liabilities since it is payable on demand.

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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
II          Changes in shareholders’ equity under US GAAP

Balances as of December 31, 2006
Net income
Common dividends (note 35-p) (*)
    (153,538 )
Preferred dividends (note 18-d)
    (211,987 )
Lapsed dividends
Balances as of December 31, 2007
Net income
Preferred dividends (note 18-d)
    (171,144 )
Lapsed dividends
Balances as of December 31, 2008
(*) Common share dividends for the year ended December 31, 2006 were approved by shareholders during 2007.

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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
Additional disclosures required by US GAAP

a.      Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets and Statements of Operations – US GAAP

The following are the condensed consolidated balance sheets of the Company under US GAAP at December 31, 2007 and 2008:

Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
    1,117,410       1,531,543  
Short-term investments
    55,255       23,048  
Accounts receivable, net
    3,027,155       2,635,355  
    278,126       548,514  
Recoverable taxes
    495,932       603,353  
Deffered tax and social contribution
    -       59,356  
Prepaid expenses
    237,206       155,825  
Operations with derivatives
    17,661       260,925  
Other current assets
    23,981       26,839  
Total current assets
    5,252,726       5,844,758  
Noncurrent assets
Long-term investments
    3,989       9,911  
Recoverable taxes
    233,482       226,975  
Deferred tax and social contribution
    -       131,463  
Prepaid expenses
    5,495       13,693  
Judicial Deposits
    102,402       143,924  
Operations with derivatives
    -       126,648  
Other noncurrent assets
    262,643       324,11 6  
Property, plant and equipment, net
    4,734,087       4,609,281  
Intangibles, net
    3,906,008       4,747,564  
    161,605       161,605  
Total assets
    14,662,437       16,339,938  
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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
    3,879,732       4,028,926  
Loans and financing
    766,476       1,482,705  
Operations with derivatives
    15,589       52,448  
Deferred income tax and social contribution
    -       14,703  
Dividends and interest on shareholders' equity payable
    239,508       193,365  
Other current liabilities
    136,187       134,086  
Total current liabilities
    5,037,492       5,906,233  
Noncurrent liabilities
Loans and financing
    1,325,687       2,066,514  
Operations with derivatives
    -       10,814  
Provision for contingencies
    215,740       253,370  
Deferred income tax and social contribution
    -       10,141  
Asset retirement obligations
    192,137       211, 802  
Other noncurrent liabilities
    4,810       4,479  
Shareholders' equity
    7,886,571       7,876,585  
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity
    14,662,437       16,339,938  

The following are the condensed consolidated statements of operations of the Company under US GAAP for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008:

Net revenues
    10,165,448       12,494,002       13,083,741  
Costs of goods sold and services rendered
    (5,553,558 )     (6,752,29 2 )     (7,084,445 )
Gross profit
    4,611,890       5,741,710       5,999,296  
Operating income (expenses):
Selling, general and administrative
    (4,181,329 )     (4,900,346 )     (5,203,793 )
Other operating expenses
    (300,235 )     (371,718 )     (384,307 )
      (4,481,564 )     (5,272,064 )     (5,588,100 )
Operating profit (loss)
    130,326       469,646       411,196  
Financial expenses, net
    (225,219 )     (261,216 )     (359,126 )
Income (loss) before taxes
    (94,893 )     208,430       52,070  
Income tax expense
    (123,007 )     (116,387 )     99,445  
Net income (loss) for the year
    (217,900 )     92,043       151,515  
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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
b.     Pension and other post-retirement benefits

As discussed in note 30, the Company, and practically all other companies belonging to the TELEBRÁS system, participates in multi-employer defined post retirement pension and other benefits plans operated and managed by SISTEL.

In December 1999, the Company and the other companies participating in the plans identified in these consolidated financial statements as PBS-A-SISTEL and PAMA-SISTEL reached an agreement to remove the active employees from the pension plan and create a new plan for each one of the new holding companies, including the Company (plans as identified in note 31). The parties agreed to allocate the plan assets based on the reserves under the Brazilian GAAP. The allocation of the initial transition liabilities and non-amortized gains and losses was based on the projected benefit liability (PBO) of each individual employer divided by the total SISTEL PBO in December 31, 1999, under SFAS No. 87. Retirees of the new holding companies participating in the SISTEL-defined pension plan would remain as part of the SISTEL multi-employer defined plan. The post-retirement health benefit plans would also remain as multi-employer defined plans; SISTEL, however, no longer subsidizes life insurance premiums for retirees.

The change in benefit obligation and plan assets, as well as the funding status on December 31, 2007 and 2008 for the pension plans for the active employees of TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste and the annual pension cost of the active employees Company’s sponsored defined benefit plan pension in accordance with US GAAP, are summarized below:

Projected benefit obligation at beginning of year
    23,842       25,948  
Service cost
    49       25  
Interest cost
    2,358       2,693  
Actuarial (gain) loss
    1,456       160  
Benefits paid
    (1,755 )     (1,902 )
Projected benefit obligation at end of year
    25,950       26,924  
Change in plan assets
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year
    40,687       45,122  
Actual return on plan assets
    6,083       3,266  
    106       60  
Benefits paid
    (1,755 )     (1,902 )
Fair value of plan assets at end of year
    45,121       46,546  
Funded status
    19,174       22,102  
Unrecognized net actuarial gains
    (9,704 )     (9,445 )
Unrecognized net transition obligation, net
    195       94  
Net amount recognized
    9,665       12,751  
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )

Amounts to be recognized in the statement of financial position consist of (*):

Prepaid benefit cost
    19,171       22,102  
Accrued benefit cost
    -       -  
Intangible assets
    -       -  
Net amount recognized
    19,171       22,102  
(*)No asset was recognized by the sponsors because this amount is not refundable to the participants and because future sponsor contributions will not be reduced.

The accumulated benefit obligation for all defined benefit pension plans was R$25,875 and R$24,418 at December 31, 2007 and 2008, respectively.

The components of net periodic benefit cost for the TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste plan for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008 are as follows:

Years ended December 31,
Service cost
    89       49       25  
Interest cost
    2,496       2,358       2,693  
Expected return on plan assets
    (4,786 )     (4,198 )     (5,560 )
Amortization of unrecognized gains
    (443 )     (340 )     (268 )
Amortization of transitional obligation
    102       102       102  
Expected participants’ contributions
    (60 )     (44 )     (35 )
Net periodic benefit cost
    (2,602 )     (2,073 )     (3,043 )

The actuarial assumptions for December 31, 2007 and 2008 used in the computation of the funding status of the PBS-A-SISTEL, PBS-TIM Celular and the PBS-TIM Nordeste were the following:

Discount rates to determine the projected benefit liabilities
    10.77 %     11.82 %
Rate of growth in compensation levels
    6.59 %     6.59 %
Expected long-term rate of return for the plan assets
    12.57 %     12.11 %
    4.50 %     4.50 %

The expected long-term rate of return for the plan assets was set up based on the pension portfolio’s past average rate or earnings, discussion with portfolio managers and comparisons with similar companies. The expected long-term rate of return is based on an asset allocation assumption of 15% to equities and 85% fixed income securities.
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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
Plan Assets

TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste pension plans weighted-average asset allocations at December 31, 2007 and 2008, by asset category were as follows:

Equity securities
    5 %     4 %
Debt securities
    95 %     96 %
    100 %     100 %

The SISTEL TIM Celular and SISTEL TIM Nordeste Benefit Plans Investment Policy’s are addressed in the Equity Application Master Plan (PDAP), which sets forth the policy for application and management of funds supporting the Plan, with a view to meeting the profitability and social security goals in accordance with the related actuarial liability.

Based on the short, medium and long-term macroeconomic scenarios prepared by SISTEL, the PDAP sets out objectives, goals and restrictions as to the investment of plan funds, and determines and designs the strategic assignment of these funds in each segment and portfolio, as well as the assets that may be selected and the strategy to be adopted to manage these assets.

The assignment addressed in the PDAP sets forth the ceiling and floor limits to break down the asset portfolio into fixed-income and variable assets, as well as loans and financings to the members of the plan, taking into consideration the limits set forth in National Monetary Council Resolution No. 3121, apart from the criteria for selection of these assets.

The minimum actuarial rate forecast for the Plan consists of profitability at least equal to INPC (Brazilian Broad National Consumer Price Index) + 6% p.a.

Cash Flows

The Company expects to contribute R$37 to its pension plans in 2009. The expected future benefit payments in 2007 and 2008 can be summarized as follows:

2014 to 2017
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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
A summary of the funding status of the Sistel (PBS-A- SISTEL) pension plans on December 31, 2007 and 2008 for the multi-employer plan is presented below:

Projected benefit obligation (PBO)
    (8,451,066 )     (8,312,412 )
Fair value of the plan assets
    13,706,568       13,656,383  
Excess of assets over projected liabilities
    5,255,502       5,343,971  
A summary of the funding status of the health plan (PAMA) on December 31, 2007 and 2008 for the multi-employer plan is presented below:
Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation (APBO)
    (2,453,104 )     (2,337,587 )
Fair value of the plan assets
    1,122,830       1,109,190  
Excess of benefit obligation over assets
    (1,330,274 )     (1,227,397 )

New accounting standards

Recently Adopted Standards

In December 2008, the FASB issued FSP FIN 46(R)-8, “Disclosures about Variable Interest Entities” (FSP FIN 46(R)-8). FSP FIN 46(R)-8 requires enhanced disclosures about a company’s involvement in VIEs. The enhanced disclosures required by this FSP are intended to provide users of financial statements with an greater understanding of: (i) the significant judgments and assumptions made by a company in determining whether it must consolidate a VIE and/or disclose information about its involvement with a VIE; (ii) the nature of restrictions on a consolidated VIEs assets reported by a company in its statement of financial position, including the carrying amounts of such assets; (iii) the nature of, and changes in, the risks associated with a company’s involvement with a VIE; (iv) how a company’s involvement with a VIE affects the company’s financial position, financial performance, and cash flows. This FSP was effective for the year ended December 31, 2008 and had no impact on the Consolidated Financial Statements.

In May 2008, the FASB issued SFAS No. 162, “The Hierarchy of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” (SFAS 162). SFAS 162 identifies the sources of accounting principles and the framework for selecting the principles to be used in the preparation of financial statements that are presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting
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principles in the United States. This statement was effective for the year ended December 31, 2008.

In February 2007, FASB issued SFAS No. 159, “The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities”, a standard that provides companies with an option to report selected financial assets and liabilities at fair value. The Standard requires companies to provide additional information that shows the effect of the Company’s choice to use fair value on its earnings. It also requires entities to display the fair value of those assets and liabilities for which the Company has chosen to use fair value on the face of the balance sheet. The new Statement does not eliminate disclosure requirements included in other accounting standards, including requirements for disclosures about fair value measurements included in FASB Statements No. 157, “Fair Value Measurements”, and No. 107, “Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments”. This statement was effective for the year ended December 31, 2008 and had no impact on the Consolidated Financial Statements as management did not elect the fair value option for any other financial instruments or certain other assets and liabilities.

In September 2006, the FASB issued SFAS 158, which requires companies to (i) fully recognize as an asset or liability, the overfunded or underfunded status of defined benefit pension and other postretirement benefit plans; (ii) recognize changes in the funded status through other comprehensive income in the year in which the changes occur ; (iii) measure the funded status of defined benefit pension and other postretirement benefit plans as of the date of the company’s fiscal year end; and (iv) provide enhanced disclosures. The provisions of SFAS 158 were effective for the year ended December 31, 2006, except for the requirement to measure the funded status of retirement benefit plans on Company’s fiscal year end, which was effective for the year ended December 31, 2008. Since the Company’s measurement date was already December of each year, this change had no impact on its Consolidated Financial Statements.

In September 2006, FASB issued SFAS No. 157, “Fair Value Measurements”. SFAS No. 157 defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. SFAS No. 157 applies under other accounting pronouncements that require or permit fair value measurement. SFAS No. 157 does not require any new fair value measurements. This statement is initially effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007 (calendar year 2008), and is to be applied prospectively as of the beginning of the year in which it is initially applied. For all nonrecurring fair value measurements of nonfinancial assets and liabilities, the statement is effective for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2008 (calendar year 2009). Since the Company has not changed its current practice, this change had no impact on its Consolidated Financial Statements. See Note 29 on Financial Instruments and 36.i.

In October 2008, the FASB issued FSP No. 157-3, “Determining the Fair Value of a Financial Asset When the Market for That Asset Is Not Active” (FSP 157-3). FSP 157-3
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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
clarifies the application of SFAS 157 in a market that is not active and provides an example to illustrate key considerations in determining the fair value of a financial asset when the market for that financial asset is not active. FSP 157-3 was effective for the Company on December 31, 2008 for all financial assets and liabilities recognized or disclosed at fair value in the Consolidated Financial Statements on a recurring basis (at least annually). The adoption of FSP FAS 157-3 had no impact on the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Recently Issued Standards

In December 2008, the FASB issued FSP No. FAS 132(R)-1, “Employers’ Disclosures about Postretirement Benefit Plan Assets,” (FSP FAS 132(R)-1). FSP FAS 132(R)-1 amends SFAS No. 132 (revised 2003), “Employers’ Disclosures about Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits,” to provide guidance on an employer’s disclosures about plan assets of a defined benefit pension or other postretirement plans. This guidance is intended to ensure that an employer meets the objectives of the disclosures about plan assets in an employer’s defined benefit pension or other postretirement plan to provide users of financial statements with an understanding of the following: how investment allocation decisions are made; the major categories of plan assets; the inputs and valuation techniques used to measure the fair value of plan assets; the effect of fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs on changes in plan assets; and significant concentrations of risk within plan assets. FSP FAS 132(R)-1 is effective for the year ending December 31, 2009. As FSP FAS 132(R)-1 only requires enhanced disclosures, management anticipates that the adoption of FSP FAS 132(R)-1 shall not have an impact on the Consolidated Financial Statements.

In November 2008, the FASB ratified Emerging Issues Task Force ("EITF") Issue No. 08-6, "Equity Method Investment Accounting Considerations" ("EITF 08-6"). EITF 08-6 clarifies the accounting for certain transactions and impairment considerations involving equity method investments. EITF 08-6 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008, with early adoption prohibited. The Company is in the process of evaluating the impact, if any, of EITF 08-6 on its consolidated financial statements.

In November 2008, the FASB ratified EITF Issue No. 08-7, "Accounting for Defensive Intangible Assets" ("EITF 08-7"). EITF 08-7 clarifies the accounting for certain separately identifiable intangible assets which an acquirer does not intend to actively use but intends to hold to prevent its competitors from obtaining access to them. EITF 08-7 requires an acquirer in a business combination to account for a defensive intangible asset as a separate unit of accounting which should be amortized to expense over the period the asset diminishes in value. EITF 08-7 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008, with early adoption prohibited. The Company is in the process of evaluating the impact, if any, of EITF 08-7 on its consolidated financial statements.
In April 2008, the FASB issued FAS No. 142-3, “Determination of the Useful Life of Intangible Assets” (FSP 142-3). FAS 142-3 amends the factors to be considered in
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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
developing renewal or extension assumptions used to determine the useful life of intangible assets under SFAS No. 142, “Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets.” Its intent is to improve the consistency between the useful life of an intangible asset and the period of expected cash flows used to measure its fair value. This FSP is effective prospectively for intangible assets acquired or renewed after January 1, 2009. The Company does not expect FSP 142-3 to have a material impact on its accounting for future acquisitions of intangible assets.

In May 2008, the FASB issued Statement No. 163, Accounting for Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts—an interpretation of FASB Statement No. 60.  This Statement requires that an insurance enterprise recognize a claim liability prior to an event of default (insured event) when there is evidence that credit deterioration has occurred in an insured financial obligation. This Statement also clarifies how Statement 60 applies to financial guarantee insurance contracts, including the recognition and measurement to be used to account for premium revenue and claim liabilities. Those clarifications will increase comparability in financial reporting of financial guarantee insurance contracts by insurance enterprises. This Statement requires expanded disclosures about financial guarantee insurance contracts. The accounting and disclosure requirements of the Statement will improve the quality of information provided to users of financial statements. This Statement is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008. Management does not expect the adoption of SFAS 163 will have an effect on its consolidated financial statements.

In March 2008, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued SFAS No. 161, “Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities – An Amendment of SFAS No. 133” (SFAS 161). SFAS 161 seeks to improve financial reporting for derivative instruments and hedging activities by requiring enhanced disclosures regarding the impact on financial position, financial performance, and cash flows. To achieve this increased transparency, SFAS 161 requires (i) the disclosure of the fair value of derivative instruments and gains and losses in a tabular format; (ii) the disclosure of derivative features that are credit risk-related; and (iii) cross-referencing within footnote disclosures to enable financial statement users to locate important information about derivative instruments. As SFAS 161 only requires enhanced disclosures, management anticipates that the adoption of SFAS 161 will not have an impact on the Consolidated Financial Statements.

In February 2008, the FASB issued FSP No. FAS 157-1, “Application of FASB Statement No. 157 to FASB Statement No. 13 and Other Accounting Pronouncements That Address Fair Value Measurements for Purposes of Lease Classification or Measurement under Statement 13,” which states that SFAS No. 13, “Accounting for Leases,” (SFAS 13) and other accounting pronouncements that address fair value measurements for purposes of lease classification or measurement under SFAS 13 are excluded from the provisions of SFAS 157, except for assets and liabilities related to leases assumed in a business combination that are required to be measured at fair value under SFAS No. 141, “Business Combinations,” (SFAS
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( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
141) or SFAS No. 141 (revised 2007), “Business Combinations,” (SFAS 141(R)). The Company will apply FSP No. FAS 157-1 to future leasing transactions.

Also in February 2008, the FASB issued FAS 157-2, which delays the effective date of SFAS 157 for all nonfinancial assets and nonfinancial liabilities , except those that are recognized or disclosed at fair value in the financial statements on a recurring basis (at least annually). FSP 157-2 partially defers the effective date of SFAS 157 to fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2008, and interim periods within those fiscal years for items within the scope of this FSP. The adoption of SFAS 157 for all nonfinancial assets and nonfinancial liabilities is effective beginning January 1, 2009. The Company is still in the process of evaluating the impact that SFAS 157 will have on its nonfinancial assets and liabilities not valued on a recurring basis (at least annually).

In December 2007, the FASB also issued SFAS No. 160, “Non-controlling Interests in Consolidated Financial Statements, an amendment of ARB 51.” This statement clarifies that a non-controlling (minority) interest in a Operating Subsidiary is an ownership interest in the entity that should be reported as equity in the consolidated financial statements. It also requires consolidated net income to include the amounts attributable to both the parent and non-controlling interest, with disclosure on the face of the consolidated income statement of the amounts attributed to the parent and to the non-controlling interest. This statement will be effective prospectively for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008 (calendar year 2009), with presentation and disclosure requirements applied retrospectively to comparative financial statements. The Company is currently evaluating the provisions of this statement.

In December 2007, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued SFAS No. 141(R), “Business Combinations.” Statement 141(R) establishes principles and requirements for how an acquiring entity in a business combination recognizes and measures the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the transaction; establishes the acquisition-date fair value as the measurement objective for all assets acquired and liabilities assumed; and requires the acquirer to disclose to investors and other users all of the information needed to evaluate and understand the nature and financial effect of the business combination. This statement will be effective prospectively for business combinations for which the acquisition date is on or after the beginning of the first annual reporting period beginning on or after December 15, 2008 (calendar year 2009). The impact of the adoption of SFAS 141R on the Company’s consolidated financial position, results of operations will largely be dependent on the size and nature of the business combinations completed after the adoption of this statement.

d.     Segment information

Under US GAAP, SFAS No. 131, “Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information” sets forth the rules under which publicly traded companies are obliged to disclose financial and descriptive information on their business segments. Management is of the opinion that the Company and its subsidiaries operate in a single business segment as
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
telecommunication services providers and, therefore, the disclosure of information requirements under US GAAP do not apply.

e.     Comprehensive income

Comprehensive income is not different from net income under US GAAP for 2006, 2007 and 2008.

f.     Termination benefits

The companies in Brazil are required to deposit 8% of the gross salary of each employee to an account under the employee’s name for Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço (FGTS - Workers’ Compensation Fund). No other contribution to the FGTS is required. Contributions are recorded as they occur. The contribution expense was R$27,239, R$27,098 and R$28,429 for the years ended December 31 2006, 2007 and 2008. Brazilian labor law requires the Company to pay additional compensation to employees terminated without cause, equivalent to 50% (being 40% paid to employee and 10% paid to federal government) of the total amount of deposits already made by the Company to the individual employee’s FGTS account, for the period such employee worked for the Company.

g.     Concentration of risks

The Company’s policy is to continually monitor the level of trade accounts receivable and limit the exposure to bad debts by cutting access to the telephone network if any invoice is approximately 15 days past due.

The Company maintains cash and cash equivalents with various financial institutions and, as a policy, limits exposure to any one institution.

In conducting its businesses, the Company is fully dependent upon the cellular telecommunications concession as granted by the Federal Government.

All employees are represented by state labor unions associated with the Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Telecomunicações (“Fenattel”) and the Federação Interestadual dos Trabalhadores em Telecomunicações (“Fittel”) or the Sindicato dos Engenheiros do Estado do Paraná e Nordeste. The Company negotiates new collective labor agreements every year with the local unions. The collective agreements currently in force will expire in November 2009.

There is no concentration of available sources of labor, services, concessions or rights, other than those mentioned above, that could, if suddenly eliminated, severely impact the Company’s operations.
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
h.     Income and social contribution taxes

Under US GAAP purposes, the deferred income and social contribution tax assets, with the corresponding valuation allowance, are comprised as follows :

Goodwill on privatization
    86,556       -  
Reversal of the provision for integrity of equity
    (57,127 )     -  
Tax benefit related to goodwill paid on privatization
    29,429       -  
Tax loss carryforwards - income tax
    1,491,837       1,649,882  
Tax loss carryforwards – social contribution tax
    537,037       593,924  
Fair value increments from acquisitions of minority interests
    (58,234 )     (17,501 )
Operation with derivatives – assets
    (705 )     (110,266 )
Adjustment to fair value – 3G licenses
    -       29,130  
Pre-operating expenses
    64,686       50,669  
Interest and foreing exchange on concession financing
    38,574       29,115  
Allowance for doubtful accounts
    155,019       123,115  
Provision for contingencies
    73,352       86,146  
Handset discounts
    944       -  
Accelerated depreciation of TDMA equipment
    54,783       30,921  
Provision for employees’ profit sharing
    13,510       11,431  
Capitalized interest
    (34,703 )     (32,297 )
Other provisions
    22,334       26,293  
Valuation allowance
    (2,387,863 )     (2,304,587 )
      -       165,975  
Current assets
    -       59,356  
Current liabilities
    -       (14,703 )
Noncurrent assets
    -       131,463  
Noncurrent liabilities
    -       (10,141 )

The decrease in the valuation allowance was due to the fact that TIM Nordeste, as from 2008, had complied with the requirements to recognize part of the deferred taxes asset for which a full valuation allowance was recorded in previous years.

December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )

Income and social contribution tax expenses under US GAAP are as follows:

Income and social contribution tax expense (note 27)
    (203,133 )     (166,837 )     64,254  
Deferred tax on the US GAAP adjustments, net of valuation allowance (note 35)
    80,126       50,450       35,191  
Total income tax and social contribution tax expense
    (123,007 )     (116,387 )     99,445  

The effect of the income tax reduction resulting from the ADENE tax incentive, per shares, for 2006, 2007 and 2008, was as follows:

 Common shares
    0.020       0.000       0.042  
 Preferred shares
    -       -       -  

The effective tax rate for the Company under US GAAP was (129.13%), 55.84% and 190.98% for 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.

i.   Fair value measurements (SFAS 157)

The Company adopted SFAS 157 on January 1, 2008, which provides a definition of fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and requires expanded disclosures about fair value measurements. The standard applies when GAAP requires or allows assets or liabilities to be measured at fair value; therefore, it does not expand the use of fair value in any new circumstance.

SFAS 157 defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. SFAS 157 clarifies that fair value should be based on the assumptions market participants would use when pricing an asset or liability and establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the information used to develop those assumptions. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority to quoted prices available in active markets (i.e., observable inputs) and the lowest priority to data lacking transparency (i.e., unobservable inputs). Additionally, SFAS 157 requires an entity to consider all aspects of nonperformance risk, including the entity’s own credit standing, when measuring the fair value of a liability.

SFAS 157 establishes a three-level hierarchy to be used when measuring and disclosing fair value. An instrument’s categorization within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
level of significant input to its valuation. Following is a description of the three hierarchy levels:
Level 1 - Inputs are quoted prices in active markets for identical asset or liabilities as of the measurement date. Additionally, the entity must have the ability to access the active market, and the quoted prices cannot be adjusted by the entity.

Level 2 - Inputs are other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. Level 2 inputs include quoted prices in active markets for similar assets or liabilities; quoted prices in inactive markets for identical or similar assets or liabilities; or inputs that are observable or can be corroborated by observable market data by correlation or other means for substantially the full term of the assets or liabilities.

Level 3 - Unobservable inputs are supported by little or no market activity. The unobservable inputs represent management’s best assumptions of how market participants would price the assets or liabilities. Generally, Level 3 assets and liabilities are valued using pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies, or similar techniques that require significant judgment or estimation.

In accordance with SFAS 157, the Company measures its cash equivalents, foreign currency and interest rate derivative swap contracts at fair value. Cash equivalents and short-term investments is classified within Level 1, because it is valued using quoted market prices or alternative pricing sources and models utilizing market observable inputs. Foreign currency, interest rate derivative swap contracts and loans and financing are classified within Level 2 as the valuation inputs are based on quoted prices and market observable data of similar instruments.

The estimated market value of financial instruments, mainly of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable and short-term financial instruments approximates the corresponding book value considering that maturity of these instruments is within short-term. The following table summarizes our financial assets and liabilities recorded at fair value as of December 31, 2008 and 2007, except for loans and financings, whose fair value differs from book value:

December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
December 31, 2008
Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets
(Level 1)
Significant other observable inputs
(Level 2)
Significant unobservable inputs
(Level 3)
Book value
Fair value total
Cash and cash equivalents
    1,531,543       1,531,543       1,531,543       -       -  
Short-term investments – composed by Bank Deposit Certificates (CDB)
      23,048         23,048         23,048         -         -  
Derivative contracts
    387,573       387,573       -       387,573       -  
Foreign currency derivative contracts
    373,480       373,480       -       373,480       -  
Interest rate derivative contracts (fixed interest x CDI)
    8,200       8,200       -       8,200       -  
    Interest rate derivative contracts (TJLP x CDI)
    5,893       5,893       -       5,893       -  
Total assets
    1,942,164       1,942,164       1,554,591       387,573       -  
Loans and financings, with accrued interest
    3,549,219       3,495,308       -       3,495,308       -  
Derivative contracts
    63,262       63,262       -       63,262       -  
Foreign currency derivative contracts
    60,640       60,640       -       60,640       -  
Interest rate derivative contracts (fixed interest x CDI)
    10       10       -       10       -  
    Interest rate derivative contracts (TJLP x CDI)
    2,612       2,612       -       2,612       -  
Total liabilities
    3,612,481       3,558,570       -       3,558,570       -  
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )

December 31, 2007
Quoted prices  in active markets for identical assets
(Level 1)
Significant other observable inputs
(Level 2)
Significant Unobservable inputs
(Level 3)
Book value
Fair value total
Cash and cash equivalents
    1,117,410       1,117,410       1,117,410       -       -  
Short-term investments – composed by Bank Deposit Certificates (CDB)
      55,255         55,255         55,255         -         -  
Derivative contracts
    17,661       17,661       -       17,661       -  
Foreign currency derivative contracts
    460       460       -       460       -  
Interest rate derivative contracts (fixed interest x CDI)
    7,065       7,065       -       7,065       -  
    Interest rate derivative contracts (TJLP x CDI)
    10,136       10,136       -       10,136       -  
Total assets
    1,190,326       1,190,326       1,172,665       17,661       -  
Loans and financings, with accrued interest
    2,126,622       2,128,558       -       2,128,558       -  
Derivative contracts
    15,589       15,589       -       15,589       -  
Foreign currency derivative contracts
    6,928       6,928       -       6,928       -  
Interest rate derivative contracts (fixed interest x CDI)
    (15 )     (15 )     -       (15 )     -  
    Interest rate derivative contracts (TJLP x CDI)
    8,677       8,677       -       8,677       -  
Total liabilities
    2,142,211       2,144,147       -       2,144,147       -  

The valuation method used for the calculation of fair value of loans, financing and derivative instruments (foreign currency and interest rate derivative swap contracts) was the discounted cash flow considering the expected settlements and realization of such financial assets and liabilities at the market rates prevailing at balance sheet date. For derivative instruments the method used for the calculation of fair value is presented in greater detail in Note 29.

In order to minimize its exposure to the local variable interest rate (CDI), the Company invests its excess cash, amounting to R$ 1,281,674 (R$ 58,956 in 2007), substantially in cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments (Bank Deposit Certificates) based on the CDI rate variation. The book values of these instruments approximate market values, since they may be redeemed in the short term.
December 31, 200 6 , 200 7 and 200 8
( i n thousands of Reais, unless otherwise stated )
For the year ended on December 31, 2008, short-term investments generated incomes of R$ 96,341 (R$ 24,516 in 2007), which was included as financial income.
Also, during the year ended on December 31, 2008, our foreign currency and interest rate derivative swap contracts (CDI x prefixed) generated a gain of R$338,619 and R$1,686 respectively, which have been included as foreign exchange variation in results of operations.

j.   Subsequent event (Unaudited)

Acquisition of Intelig
On April 16, 2009 the managements of TIM Participações S.A.and Docas Investimentos S.A. publicly announced, through a material Fact Note, a Merger Agreement was executed between TIM Participações, its controlling shareholder, TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A. and JVCO Participações Ltda., with the intervenience of Docas, in order to deal with the indirect acquisition of control of Intelig Telecomunicações Ltda., a telecommunications company active in the local, national and international long distance calls, as well as data transmission. This acquisition is planned to occur through the merger into TIM Participações of Holdco Participações Ltda., a company controlled by JVCO, which in turn will hold, upon completion of the merger, 100% of the capital stock of Intelig.

The Agreement sets forth that, upon achievement of certain conditions precedent, particularly prior approval from the National Telecommunications Agency – ANATEL, TIM Participações (i) will absorb the net assets of Holdco, which shall be extinguished; (ii) will succeed Holdco in all of its rights and obligations; and (iii) will become the direct controlling shareholder of Intelig. Once consummated, the Transaction will cause the extinction of the quotas representing the capital stock of Holdco, which will be substituted by common and preferred shares issued by TIM Participações due to the capital increase, in the same proportion of the shares currently issued by TIM Participações, and delivered to JVCO, which currently holds direct control of Holdco.

The Agreement further states that, by virtue of the absorption of the net assets of Holdco, and the consequent capital increase of TIM Participações, JVCO will be attributed a percentage of up to 6.15%of the total common shares, and up to 6.15% of the total preferred shares issued by TIM Participações at the time of the Transaction; this shareholding interest may undergo changes by virtue of variations in the capital stock of TIM Participações and/or the need for adjustments due to the amount of Intelig’s net debt existing at the time of consummation of the Transaction. The completion of the merger is subject to verification and confirmation of the applicable exchange ratio by an economic-financial valuation report to be prepared by a first-rank financial institution for purposes of completing the Transaction.

*            *            *

  F - 118

Section 1 - TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. is a publicly-held company, governed by these By-laws and by the applicable legislation.
Section 2 - The purpose of the Company is to:
Control the companies which explores telecommunications services, including mobile personal telephone services and others, in their respective authorization and/or concession areas;
Promote, through its controlled or affiliated companies, the expansion and implementation of mobile telephone services in their respective concession and/or authorization areas;
Promote, perform or give guidance in relation to the borrowing of funds from internal and external sources to be invested by the Company or by its controlled companies;
Promote and incentive study and research activities for the development of the mobile telephone services industry;
Provide specialized technical mobile telecommunications services through controlled or affiliated companies;
Promote, incentive and coordinate, through controlled or affiliated companies, the education and training of the staff required by the mobile telephone services industry;
Perform or promote the import of goods and services for the controlled or affiliated companies;
Engage in any other activities related or akin to its purpose; and
Hold interest in the corporate capital of other companies.
Section 3 - The Company is headquartered and its forum is based in the city and State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida das Américas, 3434, Bloco 1, 7º andar – Parte; upon resolution of its Board of Directors, the Company may open and close branches and offices anywhere in Brazil or abroad.
Section 4 - The duration term of the Company is indeterminate.

Section 5 - The subscribed and fully-paid capital stock is of seven billion, six hundred and thirty-two million, three hundred and seventy-one thousand, three hundred and seventy-three reais and fifty-six cents (R$7,632,371,373.56), represented by two billion, three hundred and forty-eight million, four hundred and forty-seven thousand and thirty-six (2,348,447,036) shares, of which seven hundred and ninety-nine million, nine hundred and twenty-four thousand, eight hundred and five (799,924,805) are common shares and one billion, five hundred and forty-eight million, five hundred and twenty-two thousand, two hundred and thirty-one (1,548,522,231) are preferred shares, all of them nominative shares, with no par value.
Section 6 - The Company is authorized to increase the capital stock upon resolution of the Board of Directors, irrespective of an amendment to these By-laws, up to a limit of two billion and five hundred million (2,500,000,000 ) shares, either common or preferred shares.
Sole Paragraph – Within the limits of the authorized capital stated in the caput of this section, the Company may grant stock options to its officers, employees or individuals rendering services to the Company or to its controlled companies, in compliance with the plan approved by the Shareholders' Meeting.
Section 7 - The capital stock is represented by common and preferred shares, with no par value; there is no obligation of keeping a ratio between them in capital increases, except as otherwise provided by the law or hereby.
Section 8 - The Shareholders' Meeting may cancel the preemptive right in the issue of shares, convertible debentures and subscription bonus, which placement is made by:
Public subscription or public trading;
Exchange for shares of stock in a tender bid for the controlling interest, pursuant to sections 257 through 263 of Law No. 6,404/76;
Use of tax incentives, as provided in the applicable special law.
Section 9 - Each common share corresponds to 1 (one) vote in the Shareholders' Meeting resolutions.
Section 10 - Preferred shares have no right to vote, except in the case provided in the sole paragraph of section 13 hereof, being assured to them the following priority or advantages:
priority in the capital stock refund, without any premium;
payment of a minimum and non-cumulative dividend of 6% (six percent) per year

  over the amount resulting from the division of the subscribed capital stock by the total number of shares issued by the Company.
Paragraph One: Preferred shareholders are ensured the right to receive, every year, a dividend on their shares corresponding to 3% (three percent) of  the book value of the share, as stated in the last approved balance sheet, whenever the dividend determined by this criterion is higher than the dividend calculated by applying the criterion set forth in item II of this section.
Paragraph Two – Preferred shares shall acquire the right to vote in the event the Company ceases paying the minimum dividends provided above for three ( 3 ) consecutive years, and shall retain such right until the full payment, in the event such dividends are non-cumulative, or until the cumulative dividends in arrears are paid, all pursuant to pa ragraph 1, section 111 of Law No. 6, 404/76.
Section 11 – The shares of Company shall be book entry shares and shall be kept in a deposit account, at a financial institution, on behalf of their holders, with no issuance of share certificates. The depository institution may charge shareholders for the cost of transferring their shares, as provided in section 35, paragraph 3 rd of Law No. 6, 404/76.
Section 12 – The Shareholders' Meeting is the ruling body of the Company, with authority to decide on all business concerning its corporate purpose and take the actions deemed convenient to the protection and development of the Company.
Section 13 – The following are exclusive powers of the Shareholders' Meeting:
to amend the B y -laws;
to authorize the issue of debentures and convertible debentures into shares or their sale, if they are kept in treasury, and also authorize the sale of any convertible debentures into shares issued by controlled companies held by the Company, and the Company may vest on the Board of Directors the authority to determine the time and conditions of the maturity, amortization or redemption; the interest payment terms and conditions; profit-sharing and reimbursement premium, if any; and the placement or subscription method; as well as the type of debentures;
To decide on the appraisal of assets given by shareholders to pay up capital stock;
To decide on the Company's transformation, merger, take-over and split-up; its dissolution and liquidation; to appoint and remove liquidators and appreciate their accounts;
To authorize the Company to grant guarantees to third parties’ obligations, excluding its controlled companies’ obligations;

To suspend the rights of shareholders that do not comply with their duties imposed by law or by these By-laws;
To elect and remove, at any time, the members of the Board of Directors and the members of the Statutory Audit Committee;
to determine the global or individual remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors, Board of Executive Officers and members of the Statutory Audit Committee;
to annually take the accounts of the management and decide about the financial statements submitted by the management;
to decide whether the Company shall file a civil liability law suit against the management for losses in the Company’s assets, as provi ded in section 159 of Law No. 6, 404/76;
to authorize the sale of all or part of the shares of a controlled company;
to resolve about capital stock increase by means of subscription of new shares, as provided in the sole paragraph of section 6 and whenever the limit of the authorized capital has been attained;
to decide on the issue of any other securities in Brazil or abroad, in particular the issue of shares and subscription bonus, in compliance with the laws and the provisions hereof;
to authorize the exchange of shares or other securities issued by controlled companies;
to previously approve the execution of any agreements with a duration exceeding 12 (twelve) months between the Company or its controlled companies, on the one side, and the controlling shareholder or companies controlled, affiliated or under the same control or the controlling companies of the latter, or parties related to the Company, on the other side, except when those agreements are governed by uniform clauses.
Sole Paragraph - Without prejudice to the provision under pa ragraph 1, section 115 of Law No. 6, 404/76, the holders of preferred shares shall have right to vote on the shareholders' meeting decisions mentioned in item XV of this section, as well as on those concerning the amendment or cancellation of the following provisions of these sections:
item XV of section 13;
sole paragraph of section 14; and
section 49.
Section 14 - The Shareholders' Meeting shall be convened by the Board of Directors, represented by its Chairman, and may also be convened as provided under the sole pa ragraph of section 123 of Law No. 6, 404/76.
Sole Paragraph - In the hypotheses provided under section 136 of Law No. 6 , 404/76, the first call to the Shareholders' Meeting shall be made at least 30 (thirty) days in advance, and the second call at least eight (8) days in advance.

Section 15 - The Shareholders' Meeting shall be opened by the Company's Chief Executive Officer or by its expressly appointed proxy, with specific authority therefore, who shall then elect the presiding board, formed by a chairman and a secretary, chosen among the attending individuals.
Sole Paragraph – In order to prove the shareholder status, it will be observed the provision of section 126 of Law No. 6 , 404/76; holders of uncertified or deposited shares shall deposit with the Company' s head-office, no later than two (2) working days before the shareholders' meeting, their identity document and respective proxy, when needed, and the receipt/statement issued by the depository institution, issued no later than five (5) working days before the shareholders' meeting.
Section 16 - The Shareholders' Meeting proceedings and resolutions shall be recorded in minutes, signed by the presiding board and the shareholders attending the meeting that represent, at least, the majority required for passing resolutions.
Paragraph One   - The minutes shall be recorded as a summary of the facts, including dissents and protests.
Paragraph Two   - Except as otherwise decided by the Meeting, the minutes shall be published without the shareholders' signatures.
Section 17 - Annually, within the first four months following the end of the fiscal year, a annual Shareholders' Meeting shall be convened to:
take the management accounts; examine, discuss and vote the financial statements;
decide on the uses to which the net profits of the fiscal year should be put and on the distribution of dividends; and
elect the members of the Statutory Audit Committee and, when applicable, the members of the Board of Directors.
Section 18 - A Special Shareholders' Meeting shall be convened whenever the Company interests so require.
Section 19 . – The shareholders shall exercise their voting rights in the Company’s interests.

Section 20 - The Company shall be managed by the Board of Directors and by the Board of Executive Officers.
Paragraph One - The Board of Directors, as a decision body, shall carry out the high management of the Company.
Paragraph Two - The Board of Executive Officers is the Company’s representative and executive body, and each one of its members shall act within his/her respective scope of authority, provided that the limits set forth in sections 13, 25 and 32 of these By-laws are observed.
Paragraph Three - The duties and powers vested by law on each management body cannot be assigned to another.
Paragraph Four – The members of the Board of Directors and of the Board of Executive Officers are released from providing a pledge as guarantee of their term of office.
Section 21 - Managers will take office by signing an instrument of appointment recorded in the Book of the Minutes of the Board of Directors or Executive Officers’ Meetings, as the case may be.
Section 22 – At the taking of office,   the Company’s Managers shall sign, in addition to the instrument of appointment, a statement pursuant to which they shall adhere  to the terms of the Company’s ethics code and the “Policy of Disclosure and Use of Information and of Securities Trading” Manual.
Section 23 – In addition to the events of death, resignation, dismissing and other events provided for in the law, the position shall become vacant when ever the manager fails to sign the instrumen t of appointment within the thirty (30) days as of its election or is absent from exercisi ng its duties for more than thirty (30) consecutive days or ninety (90) non-consecutive days during the term of office, everything with no just cause, at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Sole Paragraph – The resignation from the position of manager shall be made upon written communication to the body integrated by the resigning member, and it shall become effective as of such moment to the Company and, to any third parties, after the filing of the document of resignation with the Board of Trade and its publication.
Section 24 - The m anagers' mandate shall be of two (2) years, with reelection allowed.
Sole Paragraph – The managers' mandates shall be considered extended until their elected successors take office.

Section 25 – In addition to the duties provided by law, the Board of Dire ctors is responsi ble for:
approving and following up the Company's annual budget, as well as that of its controlled companies, in addition to the goals action plan and business strategy plan for the period covered by the budget;
deciding on the Company's capital increase up to the limit of authorized capital, as provided in section 6 of these By-laws;
authorizing the issue of commercial papers for public offering;
deciding, when so empowered by the Shareholders' Meeting, on the conditions for the issue of debentures, as provided in parag raph 1, section 59 of Law No. 6, 404/76;
authorizing the purchase of shares issued by the Company, for the purposes of cancellation or holding them in treasury and subsequent sale;
 deciding on the approval of a program of depository receipts issued by the Company;
approving the purchase or sale by the Company of its interest in capital stock of other companies, except in the case provided in item XI of section 13 of these By-laws;
authorizing the waiver of preemptive rights to the subscription of shares, debentures convertible into shares or subscription bonus issued by the controlled companies;
authorizing the creation of subsidiar y companies ;
authorizing the Company, as well as its controlled companies and affiliates, to enter into, amend or terminate shareholders’ agreements;
previously approving any continuous rendering agreements, with a term equal to or below 12 (twelve) months, of an amount equal to or greater than R$5,000,000.00 (five million Reais)  per year, between the Company or its controlled companies, on one side, and the controlling shareholder or controlled companies, affiliated, under common control or holding companies of the latter, or companies in any way related to the Company or its controlled companies, on the other side;
submitting to the approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting the performance of any business or transaction included among those listed in item XV of the section 13 of these By-laws;
authorizing the granting of secured or personal guaranty by the Company in favor of controlled companies;
authorizing the sale or encumbrance of the Company’s real estate properties, or those of the companies controlled thereby, whose book value is greater than R$250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand Reais);
authorizing the sale or encumbrance of any assets integrating the Company’s

  permanent assets, or those of the companies controlled thereby, whose book value is greater than R$5,000,000.00 (five million Reais);
authorizing the purchase by the Company, or by its controlled companies , of assets for the permanent assets whose individual value is greater than 2% (two percent) of the Company’s net worth, accrued on the latest annual balance sheet approved by the Shareholders `s Meeting;
approving the contracting by the Company or its controlled companies of loans, financing or other transactions implying indebtedness to the Company or its controlled companies, whose individual value is higher than two percent   (2%) of the Company’s net worth, accrued o n the latest annual balance sheet approved by the Shareholder’s Meeting;
 by virtue of the Company’s social responsibilities and those of its controlled companies, authorizing the performance of non-profit acts, for the benefit of employees or the community, whenever the va lue involved is greater than R$ 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand Reais), provided that the granting of guaranties to employees in the case of interstate and/or intercity transfers does not depend on previous approval by the Board of Directors;
approving the Company's supplementary pension plan and that of its controlled companies;
electing and dismissing, at any time, the Executive Officers, including the Chief Executive Officer, determining their specific duties and scopes of authority in compliance with the provisions of these By-laws, and also approving the assignment of new duties to Executive Officers and any amendment to the composition and the duties of the Executive Officers ;
dividing the total global remuneration amount established by the Shareholders' Meeting among the Directors and Executive Officers of the Company, as the case may be;
approving any Executive Officers' proposal concerning the Company's internal regulations with the respective organizational chart, including the scope of authority and specific duties of its Executive Officers;
establishing the guidelines for Company proxies' vote in the Shareholders' Meetings of its controlled or affiliated companies, as far as the matters approved by the Board of Directors are concerned;
appointing the Company's representatives in the management of the companies in which it holds capital interest;
X X XV .
electing and dismissing the Company’s independent auditors, provided that the recommendations of the Statutory Audit Committee are observed;
perform any other activity assigned to it by the Shareholders' Meeting;
deciding the cases not provided for herein and performing other duties not assigned to another body by law or by these By-laws.

Section 26 - The Boar d of Directors is comprised of three (3) to nine (9 ) permanent members and the same number of alternates.
Section 27 - The Directors and the respective alternates thereto shall be elected by the Shareholders' Meeting , that shall also appoint, among them, the Chairman of the board.
Paragraph One - A Director shall have a spotless reputation; and except as waived by the Shareholders' Meeting, the following may not be elected: (I) those who hold positions in companies that might be considered competitors to the Company; or (II) those who have or represent conflicting interest with that of the Company. A Director shall not be able to exercise the right to vote in the case those same impediments specified in this paragraph 1 supervene.
Paragraph Two - Pursuant to Section 115, paragraph 1 of Law No. 6, 404/76, the right to vote for the election of the Directors shall not be exercised in the circumstances where there is a conflict of interest with that of the Company.
Paragraph Three - A Director shall not have access to information nor attend a Board of Directors’ meeting concerning matters in which he/she has or represents conflicting interest with the Company.
Section 28 – The members of the Board of Directors shall be replaced when they are absent, hindered or vacant, by the respective alternate thereto.
Sole Paragraph - In the case of a vacancy in the position of a permanent Director and, in the absence of the alternate thereto to serve for the remaining time of the mandate, the remaining Directors shall appoint a substitute that will exercise the office until the first Shareholders' Meeting.
Section 29 - The Board of Directors shall meet regularly every quarter and whenever called for a special meeting by its Chairman , by any 2 (two) Directors or by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer.
Paragraph One – The call notices shall be sent by mail, fax or e-mail, delivered at least 7 (seven) days in advance, except in the cases of evident urgency, at the sole discretion of the Chairman of the Board. The call notice shall specify the agenda.
Paragraph Two – The members of the Board are authorized to participate through video and/or audio conferences, everything with no prejudice to the effectiveness of the decisions made. Votes by letter, fax or e-mail are allowed as well, as long as they are received by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or the alternate thereto until the time of the respective meeting.

Paragraph Three – The Chairman of the Board of Directors may invite to attend the meetings of the body any other members of the Board of Executive Officers, other Company’s high-ranked employees, as well as any third parties that may contribute with opinions or recommendations related to the matters to be decided on by the Board of Directors. The individuals invited to attend the meetings of the Board shall not be entitled to vote.
Section 30 - The Board of Directors decisions shall be passed by majority of votes, with the presence of the majority of the Directors; and in the event of draw, the Chairman shall be entitled to the deciding vote.
Sole Paragraph – In any case, the Board of Directors meetings shall be recorded in minutes, which shall be signed by all that attended such meeting.
Section 31 - The Board of Executive Officers, who may or may not be shareholders themselves, shall be comprised of a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of six (5) members, which shall have the following titles: I – Chief Executive Officer, II – Chief Financial Offic er; III – Chief Supplies Officer; I V – C hief Human Resources Officer; V – Legal Officer . All Executive Officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors, which may dismiss them at any time .
Paragraph One - The Chief Financial Officer shall also perform the duties of Chief Investor Relations Officer.
Paragraph Two - In the case of a vacant Executive Officer position, the Board of Directors shall elect a new Executive O fficer or an alternate to fill it in for the unexpired term of mandate.
Paragraph Three - In the absence or temporary incapacity of any Officer, an alternate shall be appointed by the Chief Executive Officer or, in the event of his /her incapacity, by majority decision of the Executive Officers.
Section 32 – Pursuant to the provisions of section 143, par agraph 2 nd of Law No. 6, 404/76, it is incumbent upon the Board of Executive Officers, acting as a decision body:
I . – approve the proposals, plans and projects to be submitted to the Board of Directors and/or the Shareholders’ Meeting;

II – previously approve the execution of any agreements between the Company or its controlled companies, on one side, and the controlling shareholder or controlled companies, affiliates, companies subject to common control or controlling companies of the latter, or companies that otherwise are parties related to the Company or its controlled companies, on the other side, provided that the provisions of sections   13 and 25 are observed;
III – authorize the participation of the Company or its controlled companies in any joint venture, partnership, consortium or any similar structure;
IV – authorize the sale or encumbrance of any Company’s real estate properties, or those of its  controlled companies, provided that the provisions of item XIV of section 25 of these By-laws are observed;
V - authorize the sale or encumbrance of any assets integrating the Company’s permanent assets, or those of its controlled companies, whose book value is greater th an R$1,000,000.00 (one million R eais), provided that the provisions of item XV of section 25 of these By-laws are observed;
VI – approve the execution by the Company or by its controlled companies, of active or passive agreements for the supply or lease of goods or services whose annual value is greater than R$15,000,000.00 (fifteen million R eais);
VII – approve the contracting by the Company or by its controlled companies of loans, financing, or any other transactions implying indebtedness to the Company or its controlled companies, whose individual value is greater than R$30,000,000.00 (th irty million R eais), provided that the provisions of item XVII of section 25 of th e s e By-laws are observed;
VIII – authorize the settlement in administrative or judicial proceedings, lawsuits or litigation related to the Company or its controlled companies, whenever the amount involved is greater than R$5,000,000.00 (five million Reais);
IX – by virtue of the Company’s social responsibilities and those of its controlled companies, authorize the performance of non-profit acts to the benefit of employees or the community, provided that  the provisions of item XVIII of section 25 of the By-laws are observed;
X – approve the execution of collective agreements by the Company or its controlled companies;
XI – establish the internal policy of authorizations of the Company and of its controlled companies;

XII – authorize the appointment of proxies for the practice of the acts listed in this Section 32.
Section 33 – The Board of Executive Officers shall meet whenever convened by the Chief Executive Officer or by 2 (two) members of the Board of Executive Officers.
Paragraph One   - The call notices shall be sent by mail, fax or e-mail, delivered at least 2 (two) days in advance, except in the cases of evident urgency, at the sole discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. The call notice shall specify the agenda.
Paragraph Two   – The officers are authorized to participate through video and/or audio conferences, everything with no prejudice to the effectiveness of the decisions made. Votes by letter, fax or e-mail are allowed as well, as long as they are received by the Chief Executive Officer or the alternate thereto until the time of the meeting.
Paragraph Three – The decisions of the Board of Executive Officers shall be made by majority of votes of the Executive Officers, and the Chief Executive Officer shall be entitled to the deciding vote in the event of draw.
Paragraph Four   – In any event, the meetings of the Board of Executive Officers shall be recorded in minutes, which shall be signed by the attending officers.
Section 34 - The Chief Executive Officer, acting severally, is vested with full powers to practice any and every act and sign any and every document on behalf of the Company, provided that the limits set forth by Sections 13, 25 and 32 of these By-laws and under the law are observed.
Paragraph One The Board of Directors is responsible for determining the scope of authority of each one of the other Executive Officers, as well as the value up to which they are authorized to perform acts and sign documents on behalf of the Company, provided that the limits set forth in sections 13, 25 and 32 of these By-laws and under the law are observed.
Paragraph Two Without prejudice of the provision of paragraph one of this section, any of the Executive Officers may act severally in matters the value of which does not exceed R$100,000.00 (one hundred thousand Reais), as well as to represent the Company before third parties, including federal, state and local government agencies.
Section 35 – Provided that the limits set forth in sections 13, 25, 32 and 34 of these By-laws and under the law are observed, the Company shall be represented and shall be validly bound by the act or signature of: (I) any Executive Officer, acting severally, or (II) 2 (two) attorneys acting jointly. The Company may also be represented by a single attorney, acting severally, as long as the respective power of attorney has been signed by 2 (two) Executive Officers, one of them necessarily being the Chief Executive Officer.

Sole Paragraph - The powers of attorney granted by the Company shall be always signed by one Executive Officer, within the scope of authority of such Officer. The powers of attorney shall specify the powers granted and, except for those for judicial purposes, shall be valid for a maximum of 1 (one) year. The granting of powers of attorney “ad   negotia” is prohibited.
Section 36 – The Board of Executive Office rs shall manage the Company strictly complying with the provisions of these By-laws and the applicable legislation, and the members thereof are not allowed to jointly or severally practice any act strange to the Company’s corporate purposes.
Section 37 - The Statutory Audit Committee is the body responsible for the surveillance of the Company’s management acts and information to shareholders, and shall be operated permanently.
Sole Paragraph – In addition to its ordinary duties, the Statutory Audit Committee also performs the function of Company’s Audit Committee.
Section 38 - The Statutory Audit Committee shall be comprised of 3 (three) to 5 (five) permanent members and an equal number of alternates, shareholders or not, elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting.
Paragraph One   The members of the Statutory Audit Committee shall be independent, and for such, they shall comply with the following requirements: I – not be or not have been in the past 3 (three) years an employee or manager of the Company or any company controlled thereby or under the common control therewith; II – not receive any remuneration, either directly or indirectly, from the Company or from a company controlled thereby or under the common control therewith, except for the remuneration as member of the Statutory Audit Committee. Individuals who are not qualified as independent, as provided for in this paragraph 1, may not be elected for the Statutory Audit Committee;
Paragraph Two - The term of office of Statutory Audit Committee members shall end at the first Annual Shareholders' Meeting following the respective election, reelection being allowed. The members of the Statutory Audit Committee shall remain in office until their successors are installed.
Paragraph Three - The members of the Statutory Audit Committee, in their first meeting, shall elect their Chairman, charged with effecting that organ's decisions.

Paragraph Four - The Statutory Audit Committee may request the Company to appoint qualified staff to provide it clerical and technical support.
Paragraph Five -  Upon their installation, the members of the Statutory Audit Committee shall sign, in addition to the instrument of taking of office, a statement whereby they shall abide by the rules of such agency’s internal regulation, the Company’s ethics code and the “Policy of Disclosure and Use of Information and of Securities Trading” Manual, as well as a statement certifying that they are not under any hindrance, as provided for in the internal regulation of the Statutory Audit Committee.
Section 39 – In addition to the duties provided for at law, the Statutory Audit Committee shall, as the Company’s Audit Committee:
I. advise the Board of Directors on the contracting of or the termination of the agreement with the Company’s independent auditors;
II. previously approve the services to be rendered by the independent auditors, whether such services are audit services or not, as well as the respective fees to be paid by the Company, everything as provided for in the respective procedure as approved by the Statutory Audit Committee;
III. analyze the annual working plan of the Company’s independent auditors, discuss the outcome of their activities, works and revisions made, as well as assess their performance and independence;
IV. issue opinions and judgments and supervise the activities of the Company’s independent auditors, including, to the extent allowed by the law, assist in the settlement of any possible discrepancies between the management and the independent auditors as far as the submission of financial statements and information is concerned;
V. review the work plan of internal auditors, discuss the outcome of their activities, works and revisions made;
VI. analyze the efficacy of the Company’s internal control systems and risk management, in order to monitor the compliance with the provisions related to the submission of financial statements and information, among other things;
VII. carry out the duties provided for in the internal regulation of the Statutory Audit Committee related to receiving, processing and handling anonymous denunciations pertaining to any accounting, internal accounting control or audit matters (“reporting channel”).

Section 40 - The Statutory Audit Committee shall meet regularly every quarter, and specially whenever needed.
Paragraph One - The meetings shall be convened by the Chairman of the Statutory Audit Committee or by 2 (two) of its members or by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, and they shall be established upon the attendance of the majority of its members.
Paragraph Two - The Committee resolutions shall be passed by majority vote, the majority of its members being present and the dissenting member of the Statutory Audit Committee shall state his dissenting opinion on the meeting minutes and shall inform it to the managing organs and the Shareholders’ Meeting.
Section 41- The members of the Statutory Audit Committee shall be replaced in their absence or incapacity by their respective alternates.
Section 42 - In addition to the events of death, resignation, removal and others provided by law, a position shall become vacant when the member of the Statutory Audit Committee fails to appear at 2 (two) consecutive meetings or 3 (three) non-consecutive meetings in a fiscal year.
Paragraph One - In the event a position in the Committee becomes vacant, the replacement shall be effected as provided under section 41 hereof.
Paragraph Two - If a position in the Statutory Audit Committee becomes vacant and there is no alternate to be called to serve for the remaining term of office, a Shareholders' Meeting shall be convened to elect the alternate.
Section 43 - The remuneration of the members of the Statutory Audit Committee shall be determined by the Annual Shareholders' Meeting electing them, and for each acting member it shall not be less than one tenth of the average remuneration paid to each Executive Officer, not counting profit sharing.
Sole Paragraph - The acting alternate shall be entitled to the member's remuneration for the replacement period, counted month by month, on which case the permanent member shall not receive the monthly remuneration.
Section 44 – As suggested by the Statutory Audit Committee, the Company’s Shareholders’ Meeting shall set aside, on an annual basis, a reasonable amount to pay the expenses incurred by the Statutory Audit Committee, which shall be incurred pursuant to the budget approved by the majority of its members.
Paragraph One – The Company’s management shall take the actions required for the Company to bear all costs and expenses as approved by the Statutory Audit Committee, provided that the limit established by the Company’s Shareholders’ Meeting is observed.

Paragraph   Two – The Statutory Audit Committee, upon decision of the majority of its members , may hire external consultants, including independent auditors and lawyers, to assist it in complying with its duties and assignments, provided that the annual budgetary limit determined by the Shareholders’ Meeting is observed , as provided in the head paragraph hereof.
Section 45 - The fiscal year shall last one year, starting on January 1st (first) of each year and ending on the last day of the month of December.
Section 46 - The Management shall submit to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting, together with the financial statements, a proposal for employee profit sharing and for the destination of the net income of the year.
Paragraph One - The net income shall have the following destination:
5% (f ive percent) for the legal reserve, up to 20% (twenty percent) of the paid-up capital;
25% (t wenty-five percent) of the net income, restated pursuant to items II and III of section 202 of Law No. 6, 404/76 shall be distributed as mandatory minimum dividend to all shareholders, respecting the provisions of the next section; such amount shall be increased to meet the amount required to pay the preferred shares priority dividend.
Paragraph Two - The net income balance not allocated to the payment of the mandatory minimum dividend nor to the preferred shares priority dividend shall be allocated to a supplementary reserve for the expansion of corporate business, and shall not exceed 80% (eighty percent) of the   capital stock . Once that limit is reached, the Shareholders' Meeting shall decide on the destination of the balance, either distribution to shareholders or capitalization.
Section 47 - The amount corresponding to the mandatory minimum dividend shall be destined to the payment of the preferred shares priority dividend up to the preference limit; then the owners of common shares shall be paid, up to the same limit of preferred shares; the balance, if any, shall be prorated among all shareholders.
Paragraph One - The management may pay or credit interest on capital as provided under paragraph 7, section 9 of Law No. 9, 249/95 and applicable laws and regulations, which can be deducted from the mandatory dividends under sec tion 202 of Law No. 6, 404/76, even when included in the preferred shares minimum dividend.

Paragraph Two - Dividends not claimed within a period of 3 (three) years shall revert to the Company.
Section 48 - The Company shall be liquidated in the cases provided by law, or upon decision of the Shareholders' Meeting, which shall determine the method of liquidation, elect the liquidator and install the Statutory Audit Committee for the liquidation period, electing its members and determining their respective remuneration.
Section 49 - The approval by the Company, through its representatives, of the merger, split-up, takeover or dissolution of its controlled companies shall be preceded by an economic-financial analysis by an internationally acknowledged independent company, that shall confirm equitable treatment is being provided to all companies involved, the shareholders of which shall be granted ample access to the report on that analysis.
Section 50 – These By-laws shall be interpreted in good faith. The Shareholders and the Company shall act in their relationship with the strictest good faith , both subjectively and objectively.




1. BASE DATE: 03/14/2008
CONTRACT No. 10061697
2. BANK: BANCO VOTORANTIM S.A., headquartered at Av. Roque Petroni Júnior, 999 – 16 th floor, São Paulo/SP, corporate taxpayer register CNPJ/MF No. 59.588.111/0001-03, represented according to its Bylaws.
3. BORROWER: TIM CELULAR S.A., headquartered at Av. Giovanni Gronchi, 7143 – São Paulo/SP, CNPJ/MF No. 04.206.050/0001-80, represented according to its Bylaws.
4.1. Values:
4.1.1. Value of Onlending in foreign currency: Yen 6,056,935,192.61 (six billion, fifty-six million, nine hundred and thirty-five thousand, one hundred and ninety-two Japanese yens and sixty-one cents).
4.1.2. Conversion foreign exchange rate: R$ 0.016510
4.1.3 Value in domestic currency: R$ 100,000,000.03 (one hundred million reais and three cents).
4.2. Charges:
4.2.1. Interest, Onlending Commission and Income Tax (per annum): 1.0000 % p.a., linear, corresponding to 0.0833% p.m., linear.
4.3. Tariffs: 0.00                                           4.4. Other Expenses: 0.00
5. TERM:
5.1. Maturity date of charges and income tax: 02/25/2009.
5.2. Maturity date of principal: 02/25/2009.
6. Promissory Note – value: Yen 6,115,485,566.14 (six billion, one hundred and fifteen million, four hundred and eighty-five thousand, five hundred and sixty-six Japanese yens and fourteen cents), due cash.



The parties identified above execute this Contract, based on Resolution No. 2770, of 08.30.00, of the National Monetary Council and other provisions pertaining to the kind, by the following clauses and conditions:

1. Based on Resolution No. 2770, of 08.30.00 and other complementary rules, the BANK captured funds in foreign currency, with the objective of passing them on to their clients in Brazil, whose conditions and form of payment were previously approved by the Central Bank of Brazil, through the Department of Inspection and Registration of Foreign Capitals (FIRCE).

2. By the same instrument, and always according to Resolution 2770 and other complementary rules, the BANK lends to the BORROWER, by onlending, the sum in domestic currency, expressed in item 4.1.3 of the preambular framework, as a loan with foreign exchange indexation, resulting from the conversion of the value into Japanese Yen, cited in item 4.1.1. of the above table, by the foreign exchange conversion rate cited in item 4.1.2. above.

3. The BORROWER undertakes to pay at the headquarters of the BANK, regardless of any notice or judicial or extrajudicial notification, the loan mentioned in item 4.1.1. of the preambular table, accreted of the charges established in item 4.2.1 of the same table, on the due date(s) set forth in item 5 of the same table, by check issued by it, Electronic Transfer – TED or Credit Clearance Document – DOC, in domestic currency equivalent to the value of the provision of Japanese Yen, converted by sale rate, published by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN-PTAX 800 – option 5 – Quotations for Accounting – currency 470 – market rate, in force for the date of payment with respect to the average of the immediately previous business day.

3.1. If the Central Bank of Brazil fails to inform the rates mentioned in Clause 3 above, the one disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil will be used in its substitution, and, in the absence thereof, the average of the sale rates, calculated and informed by the BANK in connection with the business day immediately prior to the date(s) established for maturity will be used, which rates are practiced by the banks: BANCO ITAÚ S.A., BANCO CITIBANK S.A. and BANCO DO BRASIL S.A.

3.2. The charges will be calculated on the balance due of the principal in Japanese Yen by the number of days of the period, on the basis of 1 (one) year of three hundred and sixty-five days.

3.3. The resources of this onlending will be used by the BORROWER for its social purposes.

4. If the date of any payment accrues on a day in which the BANK does not operate, or cannot close the Foreign Exchange, as a result of a bank holiday in Brazil or abroad, the BORROWER shall effect it on the first subsequent business day or on the first business day prior to that of maturity, so as to enable the remittance of currency abroad, on the dates in the deadlines. All and any liens resulting from the modifications contemplated in this clause shall be borne by the BORROWER and the benefits that may arise will be credited to it.

4.1. If the Brazilian authorities determine an extraordinary bank holiday, which prevents the BANK from acquiring the currency necessary to settle its commitments with the external creditor, the BORROWER will effect the payments due herein to the BANK on the second business day immediately subsequent to the end of the respective holiday, the values due by BORROWER to the BANK being converted by the Sale rate, published by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN-PTAX 800 – option 5 – Accounting Quotations – currency 470 – market rates, in force for the date of effective payment relative to the average of the immediately previous business day.

5. The value of the principal and the respective charges are subject to foreign exchange parity, which means that the BORROWER undertakes to bear the foreign exchange risks resulting from this transaction until the effective and total liquidation of the obligations resulting from this contract, undertaking to settle its debit in compliance with the provisions of Clause 3 above.

6. The LENDER undertakes to reimburse all and any rate, liens, financial charges, registration emoluments, taxes, among them the tax on Credit Transactions (IOC) and Income Tax (IR) on remittances abroad, whenever these are due, or those which come to be created, whether on the contracted loan, or on the remittance abroad of the sums destined to liquidation of the loan. The obligation established herein shall only apply when and if the charges are effectively due. It is further clarified that, any incentive, benefit or restitution applicable, shall revert to the benefit of BORROWER.

6.1. If, by virtue of laws, normative acts, or internal administrative measures, the remittances of the payments to the foreign creditor, are hindered or aggravated with additional cost not existing at the time of the execution of this contract, as a result of the imposition of tax burdens, to this remittances, BORROWER shall reimburse to the BANK, within 48 (forty-eight) hours, which will begin with the receipt of the respective notification(s).

7. Without the express consent of the BANK, the BORROWER may not liquidate early, as a whole or in part, the debt resulting from this contract.

8. To ensure the ready payment and liquidation of its debit, comprising the principal, accessories and charges, BORROWER makes hereby the delivery to the BANK of Promissory Note(s), issued by it, in the quantities and values set forth in item 6 of the table above.

8.1. If, at any time, for any reason, it is verified that the effective debt of the BORROWER, whether as principal and/or interest, is, at the time, superior to the one consigned in the respective Promissory Note, the BANK, in addition to collecting the same Promissory Note, shall collect the difference verified.

8.2. Regardless of the enforcement of the guarantees created, the BANK may, if default on the conventional or legal obligations is configured at the charge of BORROWER, promote the protest and execution of the Promissory Note(s) issued by the BORROWER.

9. LENDER may not assign, transfer or pledge the rights and obligations resulting from this instrument, totally or partially, without the previous consent of the BANK.

10. Regardless of judicial or extrajudicial interpellation, it shall be legally operated, for purposes of Article 397 of the Civil Code, the early maturity of the entire debt of BORROWER, in addition to the other events contemplated herein, in the following cases: a) if any of the events contemplated in articles 333 and 1425 of the Civil Code occurs; b) if it is verified the falsehood of any declaration, information or document, which has been, respectively, executed, rendered or delivered by BORROWER; c) if BORROWER has any title protested, in an amount superior to R$20,000,000.00 (twenty million reais), the protest remaining unjustified for more than 30 (thirty) days or bring any judicial or extrajudicial recovery proceedings or have its bankruptcy fundamentally required or declared; d) if any change, transfer or assignment, direct or indirect, occurs, of the corporate/share control, or yet, the incorporation, merger or split of CLIENT, provided that such event does not occur between or with subsidiaries, associated and/or parent companies of CLIENT; e) if the BORROWER interrupts its activities; f) when applicable, if the BORROWER suffers the intervention of the Central Bank of Brazil and g) if BORROWER fails to comply with any of the clauses or conditions recorded herein.

11. In the absence of payment, at the opportune moment, of any sum due as a result of this contract, or in the event of default in general, on any obligations assumed by BORROWER, the immediate termination of the credit granted herein shall occur, and the total outstanding debt will become hereby due and enforceable,  accreted of a permanence commission, calculated at 1% (one percent) per month, in addition to a fine of 2% (two percent) on the debt in arrears. In such circumstances, the BANK will be authorized to proceed to the immediate execution of all the guarantees created, regardless of the order in which they were granted, it will not matter, however, the execution of only part of said guarantees in waiver of the others restricted to this contract, such guarantees may be executed at any time, until the final and full liquidation of the debt.

13. ( sic ) If the value of any charge, expense or tax, which accrues or comes to accrue on the obligations contracted herein, is defined only at the time of the release or placement of the resources at the disposal of BORROWER, or, in the case of increase of any charges or taxes, BORROWER will be previously informed, by mail, telegram or FAX, to be sent to the address indicated in table 3.

14. It is expressly covenanted that abstaining from the exercise, by the BANK, of any rights or faculties to which it is entitled by this contract, or eventual tolerance with arrears or default in compliance with the obligations of BORROWER, shall not affect those rights or faculties, which may be exercised at any time by the BANK, at its sole discretion, nor alteration in any way, of the conditions stipulated herein. Eventual and transitory tolerance by the BANK shall not bind it with respect to future maturities or defaults.

15. If, to promote the defense of its rights resulting from this contract, or to have satisfaction of what is due to it, the BANK needs to appeal to administrative or judicial means, it will be entitled to receive from BORROWER, in addition to the legal and collection costs, the lawyers’ fees arbitrated in Court, provided that the borrower is the recipient of the adversary party’s fees.

16. The Parties hereby recognize that the BORROWER, its affiliates, administrators, employees and eventual subcontractors will be subject to the observance and compliance with the Code of Ethics of BORROWER (“Code of Ethics of TIM”), which provides that all the business of BORROWER, including this Contract, are guided by sustainable development and growth, and by respect and protection of human rights, of the right to work, of the principles of environmental protection and the fight against corruption, in light of the principles of the Global Covenant of the United Nations Organizations. The Code of Ethics of TIM provides the need for respect: (i) honesty, loyalty and transparency to its shareholders, clients, partners, suppliers, contractors, market, governmental agencies, community and other stakeholders; (ii) the interests of the company and the contracting parties, above the individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers; (iii) the safety and health rules in work locations; (iv) the environment and public health, adopting, also, a preventive approach to related problems. The BORROWER also repudiates and sentences (a) any act that it attempts against human rights, especially those protected by the Constitution; (b) child, illegal or slave labor; (c) acts that imply or result in torture, physical or mental; (d) acts that attempt against health and safety in the work locations, including aiming to prevent accidents and damage to health; (e) acts that impair the right of free association of its employees; (f) discriminatory acts in labor relations, including in the definition of remuneration, access to training, promotions, terminations and retirements, whether in function of race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental handicap, trade union affiliation, nor shall support any other form of discrimination or harassment; (g) acts of corruption on the website of TIM Participações S.A. ( ) Area: Corporate Governance, Ethics Code) and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments, at the disposal for public consultation. To this effect, the BANK declares that its performance and its business, to the extent applicable, observe and diffuse in its business chain the principles and values mentioned above, ethically and socially responsible.

17. The Venue of the Judiciary District of the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, is hereby elected, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged, to settle any questions arising out of the performance of this contract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this contract in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor, with the undersigned witnesses.

São Paulo, March 14, 2008
Nelson Jorge de Freitas
Mario Antonio Thomazi
1. [signature]
2. [signature]
Sérgio Augusto Waschinsky
Maria Carolina Mirabella
CPF 199.284.228-00
CPF 310.381.208-61
ID 24.680.040-9
ID 18.437.414-5



Value Yen 6,115,485,566.14
Due: Cash

On the due date contemplated above, we shall pay for this Promissory Note to BANCO VOTORANTIM S.A., headquartered at Av. Roque Petroni Júnior, 999 – 16 th floor, City of São Paulo – SP, registered at CNPJ/MF No. 59.588.111/0001-03, or to its order, the equivalent in domestic foreign currency to Yen 6,116,485,566.14 (six billion, one hundred and fifteen million, four hundred and eighty-five thousand, five hundred and sixty-six Japanese Yen and fourteen cents), calculated according to the rate published by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN-PTAX 800 – option 5 – Quotations for Accounting – currency 470 – market rates, which rate shall be in force on the last business day, immediately prior to the date of effective payment. This Promissory Note was issued to guarantee full compliance with the obligations resulting from the Loan Agreement for Onlending of External Loan – Resolution No. 2770, of 08.30.2000, of the National Monetary Council, signed on 03/14/2008, between TIM CELULAR S.A. and BANCO VOTORANTIM S.A.

São Paulo, March 14, 2008

Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi, 7143 – São Paulo/SP
CNPJ/MF No.: 04.206.0500001-80





The CLIENT identified below issues this Bank Credit Note, which will be governed by the conditions established in the preamble and in the clauses below.

BANCO ABN AMRO REAL S/A , headquartered in São Paulo/SP, at Avenida Paulista No. 1374 – 3 rd floor, corporate taxpayer register under CNPJ/MF No. 33.066.408/0001-15
Corporate Name:
São Paulo
1) Name/Corporate Name
2) Name/Corporate Name
3) Name/Corporate Name
1. Amount of Loan:
R$ 150,000,000.00
2. Maturity of the first installment:
3. Amount of installment (fixed installments) ACCORDING TO ATTACHED PAYMENT FLOW
4.Number of installments: 6
5. Final maturity:
6. Contracting Fee:
R$ 150.00 paid in one installment
R$ 2,820,000.00 paid in one installment
8. Effective Rate:
0% p.m.,
0% p.y.
9. Place of Payment:
10. Interest [X] Floating Rate:
interest equivalent to Effective Rate plus 110% of CDI (Interfinance Deposit Certificate)
11. Form of payment: [X] Principal according to flow attached plus interest accruing in period.
None checked


CLIENT issues this Note and promises to pay to the BANK or to its order the amount indicated in field 1 of Table IV of the preamble, plus the charges indicated in fields 6, 7 and 10 of table IV of the preamble, in the location and as form of payment, established in fields 9 and 11 of table IV of the preamble to 16:00 h (Brasilia time) of each date of payment of interest or due date, respectively, and in the other clauses below, recognizing this debt as established, agreed and due on the due dates contemplated in this Note.

1.1. The values corresponding to the Contracting Fee and to IOF (Tax on Credit Transactions) shall be paid upon contracting or with the installments of the loan, as indicated in field 7 of table IV of the preamble.


This Note represents a loan transaction, for financing of CLIENT’S productive activity, in the amount indicated in field 1 of table IV of the preamble, effected by the BANK by credit undertaken, on this date, in the current account of CLIENT indicated in the preamble.


Interest, capitalized daily, as permitted by the legislation in force, equivalent to one of the rates below, as indicated in table IV of the preamble, shall accrue on the balances due:
  a) Prefixed : equivalent to the effective rate set forth on table IV.
Postfixed : equivalent to the effective rate set forth in table IV plus the variation of the TR (Reference Rate), in the accrual period; or
Floating: equivalent to the effective rate set forth in table IV, plus a floating rate corresponding to the percentage indicted in table IV of the preamble of the CDI rate (average rate for funding in the Brazilian interfinance market for extragroup transactions, referred to as DI – over, published by CETIP – Custody and Liquidation Chamber, accumulated in the accrual period.

3.1. In periods of less than 30 (thirty) days, the “pro rata” criteria (proportional the number of days) shall be used, according to the regulation in force.


In addition to the interest mentioned above, CLIENT will be due to pay the following:

Contracting fee , in the amount set forth in the table (See preamble, published in the branches of the BANK or posted on its website (;
b)          IOF ( Tax on Credit Transactions), in the amount corresponding to table IV of the preamble.

4.1.      CLIENT is responsible for all the taxes, contributions, charges and additional costs of any nature, accruing or which come to accrue on the loan represented in this Note, including those resulting from alterations in rates, tax basis or collection periods and collect them according to the legislation in force or reimburse it to the BANK, according to the case:


In addition to the events contemplated in the law, this Note, shall be due automatically and early, the total balance due becoming immediately enforceable, if the CLIENT and/or JOINT DEBTORS:

do not comply with any of the monetary obligations assumed herein or in the guarantee instruments, if any, unless (a) this monetary failure is caused by a technical or administrative error, (b) this amount is paid within 5 (five) days counting from the due date and (c) the non-monetary failure continues without remedy for a period of 30 (thirty) days counting from the date on which the CLIENT in question becomes aware of noncompliance;

have provided any declaration, guarantee or affirmation made or considered as made by CLIENT pursuant to the terms of this Note, which is or is evidenced to be incorrect or misleading, in any respected, when made or considered as made, unless the circumstances that gave origin to this declaration are (a) subject to being remedied (b) are remedied in the period of 30 days after the CLIENT in question becomes aware of the circumstances.

do not comply with any of the obligations resulting from other contracts signed with the BANK or third parties for an amount equal or superior to R$ 75,000,000.00 (seventy-five million reais).

sustain protests of financial instruments and/or documents representative of the debt in an amount superior to R$ 15,000,000.00 (fifteen million reais) for whose payment it is responsible, except if CLIENT proves that the protest occurred through errors or bad faith of the protestor or if the protest is cancelled in the period of 72 (seventy-two) hours after the BANK has become aware of it.

sustain any judicial or extrajudicial measure, which, at the discretion of the BANK, may affect its capacity to honor its obligations assumed in this Note, or in the instruments of guarantee, if any.

propose, or any member of the Restricted Group proposes, judicial or extrajudicial recovery, or have their bankruptcy required or decreed, including by any member of the Restricted Group.

terminate their activities or have their corporate control modified or transferred directly or indirectly to third parties, without the BANK’S authorization.

h)         acquire the companies not belonging to the Telecommunications sector

have, or any member of the Restricted Group has, any license or concession issued revoked, cancelled or due, which is necessary for the conducting of their business, except by the long distance telecommunications business.

suffer a process of execution of execution of the guarantee against goods of the Restricted Group, in which the individual book value or the market value of these assets, whichever is largest, exceeds R$ 75,000,000.00 (seventy-five million reais) and that is not declared groundless or suspended within a period of 30 days or a judicial measure is rendered against the Restricted Group, pursuant to the terms of any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law in force on this date or subsequently, with the exception, however, that this event of maturity may not be opposed to CLIENT if the process in question is (i) incoherent or shameful and is being challenged in good faith by duly brought proceedings and (ii) it is considered groundless or suspended in the period of 60 days after valid notification of the execution of if a judicial measure is rendered against the Restricted Group, pursuant to the terms of any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law, in force on this or a subsequent date.

do not effect, or any member of the Restricted Group do not effect, the payment on the due date of any amount due by it pursuant to the terms of an unapeallable sentence for an amount equal or superior to R$ 75,000,000.00 (seventy-five million reais).

dispose of, hold in guarantee third parties or constitute any kind of lien or encumbrance on any of its goods or rights, without previous consent by the BANK, except those that refer to long distance services.

suffer, or any member of the Restricted Group suffers, by any governmental authority, conviction, confiscation, intervention or misappropriation or expropriation of all or a significant part of the goods or revenues, with the exception of the license and of the goods related to the provision of long distance telecommunications services.

do not maintain their assets, which are subject to being insured, insured against the risks of deterioration or perishing.

suffer a relevant change in its economic-financial condition, which, at the discretion of the BANK, may compromise its capacity to honor the obligations assumed in this Note or in the guarantee instruments, if any.

do no confer to the BANK the same rights and privileges that any other creditor, present and future, of CLIENT, which has the same credit rating, being treated, therefore, in an egalitarian way, in all respects, CLIENT being bound, when necessary, to execute all the instruments necessary, including postponements to this Note, so as to ensure egalitarian treatment to the BANK, except those resulting from loan transactions executed with BNDES or securitized credits.

5.1.      The BANK shall not be obliged to release the resources of the CLIENT if any of the events described above occurs prior to the release.

For purposes of this Clause:

Restricted Group”   means the CLIENT, the JOINT DEBTOR, TIM Participações S.A. and TIM Nordeste S.A.

5.2.      Still, in order to ensure that CLIENT has the financial conditions to pay this debt, CLIENT undertakes to respect, during the term of this Note, the following financial parameters, according to the data set forth on its consolidated financial statements prepared in the period.

ratio between “Consolidated Net Debt” (defined below) and maximum “Consolidated EBITDA” (defined below), to be verified from June 2008, of 2.0.

Minimum Interest Cover Ratio of 2.25.

For purposes of this Clause, the terms defined below shall have the following meanings:

Loans means, at any time, the balance of the principal, capital or nominal value of any fixed or minimum premium, to be paid as a result of the early payment or redemption of any debt, related to:

(i) cash borrowed in loan and balances due with financial institutions;
(ii) any amount raised by acceptance according to any facility;
(iii) any amount raised pursuant to the terms of any purchase of instruments or issue of obligations, notes, debentures, loans for the purchase of shares or any similar instrument;
(iv) the value of any liabilities in respect of any lease of lease and purchase contract, which, according to the generally accepted accounting principles, would be treated as financial lease or of goods of the property, plant and equipment;
(v) receivables sold or discounted (except any receivables which are sold without the right of redress);
(vi) any obligation of counter-indemnity in respect of a guarantee, indemnity. obligation, letter of credit, “standby” or document or any other instrument issued by a bank or financial institution (except any one given in relation to the commercial credit resulting from the normal course of business);
(vii) any value raised by the issue of redeemable shares, redeemable at the discretion of the holder prior to August 26, 2005;
(viii) any value of any liabilities related to a forward agreement or deferred purchase agreement if one of the main reasons for the execution of this contract is funding;
(ix) any value raised in any other transaction (including any sale on credit or purchase agreement), which has the commercial effect of a loan; and
(x) (without duplicity) the value of any liability in respect of any guarantee or indemnity related to any one of the items mentioned above.

Availabilities” means, at any time, money in the bank, denominated in reais or in any other currency freely convertible into reais, in the Brazilian interbank market, and credited in an account in the name of a member of the TB Group, with a reputable financial institution, of which one member of the TB Group is the sole beneficiary, with right to that (i) the cash be reimbursable upon request; (ii) the reimbursement of that money is not contingent to the waiver of early payment of any debt of any member of the TB Group or any other person, or to compliance with any condition; (iii) there is no guarantee for that money, except the Permitted Encumbrances guaranteeing loans, and (iv) this money is free and immediately available to be applied in the amortization or in the prepayment of Loans.

Applications in Availabilities means instruments of the debt expressed in reais or in any other freely convertible currency into reais in the Brazilian interbank market, provided that these instruments of debt are not convertible into any other form of securities.

Consolidated EBITDA” means, for any measurement period, the consolidated profits of the TB Group from the activities of that measurement period:

(i) prior to the deduction of any Consolidated Net Financial Charges;
(ii) prior to consideration of any items treated as extraordinary or exceptional items;
(iii) prior to the deduction of any value of any profit of the TB Group attributable to any company in which that member of the TB Group has minority vote; and
(iv) prior to the deduction of any value attributed to the amortization of the intangible assets or to depreciation of tangible assets.

Net Consolidated Debt”   means, at any moment, the total value of the obligations of the TB Group, related to Loans, but:

(i) including, in the case of financial leases, only the value then capitalized;
(ii) excluding any obligations to any member of the TB Group; and
(iii) deducting the total value of the Availabilities and Applications in Availabilities freely available held by any member of the TB Group at the time, so that no value is included or excluded more than once.

Consolidated Net Financial Charges means, for any measurement period, the total value of accrued interest, commissions, fees, discounts, break costs, premiums and other financial payments relating to Loans, which are paid, to pay or capitalized by any member of the TB Group in relation to that measurement period:

(i) excluding any obligations to any other member of the TB Group;
(ii) including the interest on payment of lease and rent and purchase of to be paid by any member of the TB Group;
(iii) including any commission, fee, deduction and other accrued financial payments to be realized by any member of the TB Group, pursuant to the terms of any hedge agreement of interest rate;
(iv) deducting any commission, rate, deduction and other financial payments accrued due to any member of the TB Group, pursuant to the terms of any hedge instrument of interest rate;
(v) deducting any accrued interest due to any member of the TB Group on any deposit or bank account; and
(vi) adding the value of any dividends in cash or distributions paid or made by CLIENT in relation to that measurement period.

Subsidiary”   means in relation to any person, (i) a joint stock company in which more than 50% of the combined voting power of the shares with voting right outstanding is held, directly or indirectly, by this person and/or by one or more of the other Subsidiaries of this person or (ii) any other person (except a joint stock company) in which this person and/or one or more of the other Subsidiaries, directly or indirectly, has powers to orient the policies, management and business of that person.

Interest Cover Ratio” means the reason between (i) EBITDA less depreciation and amortization set forth in its restated financial statements and (ii) the interest expense with interest incurred in the same period relating to EBITDA, including, without limitation, expenses resulting from monetary variations;

TB Group”   means TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A. and its Subsidiaries.

5.3. The CLIENT hereby undertakes to contract a reputable audit company and inform to the BANK, within 30 days of the execution of this Note.

The provision of the audit services shall contemplate the full analysis of the financial statements of the CLIENT with the presentation of the quarterly balance sheets within 60 days after termination of each quarter and annual audited balance sheet within 90 days after closure of the fiscal year, as well as verification of compliance with the financial parameters established in Clause 5.2 to the maturity date of the transaction represented in this Note.

The CLIENT hereby authorizes the Bank, through its representatives and agents, by notice to the Beneficiary, of at least 24 (twenty-four) hours, in business hours, free access to all its facilities and to the accounting records, for assessment of the economic-financial performance of CLIENT and verification of compliance with the obligations assumed in this Note.


In the event of lack of punctuality in compliance with the monetary obligations resulting from this Note, on the amounts due shall accrue, from the date of the default to the date of effective payment: a) arrears interest of 1% (one percent) per month or fraction; b) remuneration interest collected per day of delay, calculated according to the interest rate in force on the payment date, practiced by the Bank in its credit transactions, published on the BANK’S website ( – page Loans –Interest Items – Table of Charges and Default), and c) arrears interest of 2% (two percent).


In the event of CLIENT requesting the early liquidation, total or partial, of this debt, it shall pay the amount equivalent to the value of the principal to be amortized, plus interest due to the end of the contractual period, deducting the percentage equivalent to the market rate contemplated for the remaining period at the time of the liquidation.

CLIENT undertakes, moreover, to give minimum notice to the BANK of 1 (one) day, in the case of intending to amortize or liquidate early the balance due resulting from this Note.


CLIENT and/or the JOINT DEBTORS authorize the BANK, irrevocably and irreversibly, to debit from their current account, as much as the funds allow, all the monetary obligations, principal and accessory, resulting from this Note, including the portions due not yet paid, plus the arrears charges covenanted herein, CLIENT and/or JOINT DEBTORS undertaking to maintain in their current account available and sufficient funds to accept such debits.


To ensure compliance with the obligations of this Note, the guarantees set forth in table V of the preamble, instrumentalized in separate documents, shall be constituted in favor of the bank, and will be an integral part of this Note.


The JOINT DEBTORS, co-issuers of this Note, declare to be jointly responsible with CLIENT for compliance with all the monetary obligations, principal and accessory, contemplated in this Note, promising to pay this debt, which they recognize as established, agreed and enforceable, pursuant to the terms of Clause 1.


CLIENT will responsible for the expenses incurred by the BANK, with the contracting of the professional services of lawyers, or collection company to recover its credits, until legal limits, ensuring equal right to the CLIENT , if the latter has to collect any amount due to it by the BANK.


Tolerance by any of the parties with noncompliance with the contractual obligations by the adversary party will be considered mere liberality and will not lead to novation, pardon or contractual alteration.


The BANK may assign or transfer, as a whole or in part, in any form permitted by law, including by the issue of the Certificates of Bank Credit Note, the rights, obligations and guarantees of this Note. For such, they may, deliver to the assignee all the documentation pertaining to credit, provided that authorized previously by CLIENT.

CLIENT may assign or transfer, as a whole or in part, in any form permitted by law, the rights, obligations and guarantees of this Note to Tim Nordeste S/A (if this is not CLIENT) or to Tim Celular S;A (if this is not CLIENT), upon previous notification to the BANK.


The CLIENT and/or JOINT DEBTORS authorize the BANK to consult and include the relevant information to active and passive and guarantee financial transactions under its liability in the credit information system and register of the Central Bank of Brazil.


CLIENT declares that the resources resulting from this Clause shall not be destined to any purposes and/or projects, which may cause social damages and which do not strictly comply with the legal and regulatory rules that govern the National Environmental Policy.

The Parties hereby recognize that the CLIENT, its directors, administrators, employees and eventual subcontractors, are subject to observance and compliance with the “TIM Code of Ethics”, which provides that all the business of CLIENT, including this Contract, will be marked by respect: (i) for the environment, including regarding the disposal of batteries, emission of pollutants, recycling of waste (ii) to the safety and health rules in the workplace; (iii) to honesty and transparency to its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and governmental bodies, (iv) to the interests of society and of the Parties, above the individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, which may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts or benefits using the name and reputation of the CLIENT, or as a result of the performance of the activities. The TIM Ethics Code is available on the website of TIM Participações S.A. ( – Area: Corporate Governance, Ethics Code) and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments, available for public consultation.


The forums of the Judiciary District of São Paulo or the domicile of the defendant, at the discretion of the plaintiff, is hereby elected to settle any issues arising out of this Note.


If any item or clause of this Note is considered illegal, unenforceable or ineffective, for any reason, all the other items and clauses shall remain fully valid and effective. The BANK and the CLIENT hereby undertake to negotiate, in the shortest possible period, an item or clause, which, according to the case, substitutes the item or illegal, unenforceable or ineffective clause. In this negotiation, the objective of the parties on the date of execution of this instrument shall be considered, as well as the context in which the item or illegal, unenforceable or ineffective clause was entered.

The effects of this Note retroact to 04/18/2008.

This Note is issued in 2 (two) counterparts, only one being negotiable.

Rio de Janeiro, June 06, 2008

Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta
Mario Cesar Pereira
Luiza ( illegible )
José Carlos Lopes
Administration, Finance and Control Director
CPF: 044.6 ( illegible )






R$ 1.00
R$ 1.00
R$ 1.00
R$ 1.00
R$ 1.00
R$ 149,999,995.00



The CLIENT identified below issues this Bank Credit Note, which will be governed by the conditions established in the preamble and in the clauses below.

BANCO ABN AMRO REAL S/A , headquartered in São Paulo/SP, at Avenida Paulista No. 1374 – 3 rd floor, corporate taxpayer register under CNPJ/MF No. 33.066.408/0001-15
Corporate Name:
São Paulo
1) Name/Corporate Name
2) Name/Corporate Name
3) Name/Corporate Name
1. Amount of Loan:
R$ -50,000,000.00
2. Maturity of the first installment:
3. Amount of installment (fixed installments) ACCORDING TO ATTACHED PAYMENT FLOW
4.Number of installments: 6
5. Final maturity:
6. Contracting Fee:
R$ 200.00 paid in one installment
R$ 938,249,99 paid in one installment
8. Effective Rate:
0% p.m.,
0% p.y.
9. Place of Payment:
10. Interest [X] Floating Rate:
interest equivalent to Effective Rate plus 109,6% of CDI (Interfinance Deposit Certificate)
11. Form of payment: [X] Principal according to flow attached plus interest accruing in period.
None checked


CLIENT issues this Note and promises to pay to the BANK or to its order the amount indicated in field 1 of Table IV of the preamble, plus the charges indicated in fields 6, 7 and 10 of table IV of the preamble, in the location and as form of payment, established in fields 9 and 11 of table IV of the preamble to 16:00 h (Brasilia time) of each date of payment of interest or due date, respectively, and in the other clauses below, recognizing this debt as established, agreed and due on the due dates contemplated in this Note.

1.1. The values corresponding to the Contracting Fee and to IOF (Tax on Credit Transactions) shall be paid upon contracting or with the installments of the loan, as indicated in field 7 of table IV of the preamble.


This Note represents a loan transaction, for financing of CLIENT’S productive activity, in the amount indicated in field 1 of table IV of the preamble, effected by the BANK by credit undertaken, on this date, in the current account of CLIENT indicated in the preamble.


Interest, capitalized daily, as permitted by the legislation in force, equivalent to one of the rates below, as indicated in table IV of the preamble, shall accrue on the balances due:
  a)  Prefixed : equivalent to the effective rate set forth on table IV.
Postfixed : equivalent to the effective rate set forth in table IV plus the variation of the TR (Reference Rate), in the accrual period; or
Floating: equivalent to the effective rate set forth in table IV, plus a floating rate corresponding to the percentage indicted in table IV of the preamble of the CDI rate (average rate for funding in the Brazilian interfinance market for extragroup transactions, referred to as DI – over, published by CETIP – Custody and Liquidation Chamber, accumulated in the accrual period.

3.1. In periods of less than 30 (thirty) days, the “pro rata” criteria (proportional the number of days) shall be used, according to the regulation in force.


In addition to the interest mentioned above, CLIENT will be due to pay the following:

Contracting fee , in the amount set forth in the table (See preamble, published in the branches of the BANK or posted on its website (;
IOF ( Tax on Credit Transactions), in the amount corresponding to table IV of the preamble.

4.1.      CLIENT is responsible for all the taxes, contributions, charges and additional costs of any nature, accruing or which come to accrue on the loan represented in this Note, including those resulting from alterations in rates, tax basis or collection periods and collect them according to the legislation in force or reimburse it to the BANK, according to the case:


In addition to the events contemplated in the law, this Note, shall be due automatically and early, the total balance due becoming immediately enforceable, if the CLIENT and/or JOINT DEBTORS:

do not comply with any of the monetary obligations assumed herein or in the guarantee instruments, if any, unless (a) this monetary failure is caused by a technical or administrative error, (b) this amount is paid within 5 (five) days counting from the due date and (c) the non-monetary failure continues without remedy for a period of 30 (thirty) days counting from the date on which the CLIENT in question becomes aware of noncompliance;

have provided any declaration, guarantee or affirmation made or considered as made by CLIENT pursuant to the terms of this Note, which is or is evidenced to be incorrect or misleading, in any respected, when made or considered as made, unless the circumstances that gave origin to this declaration are (a) subject to being remedied (b) are remedied in the period of 30 days after the CLIENT in question becomes aware of the circumstances.

do not comply with any of the obligations resulting from other contracts signed with the BANK or third parties for an amount equal or superior to R$ 75,000,000.00 (seventy-five million reais).

sustain protests of financial instruments and/or documents representative of the debt in an amount superior to R$ 15,000,000.00 (fifteen million reais) for whose payment it is responsible, except if CLIENT proves that the protest occurred through errors or bad faith of the protestor or if the protest is cancelled in the period of 72 (seventy-two) hours after the BANK has become aware of it.

sustain any judicial or extrajudicial measure, which, at the discretion of the BANK, may affect its capacity to honor its obligations assumed in this Note, or in the instruments of guarantee, if any.

propose, or any member of the Restricted Group proposes, judicial or extrajudicial recovery, or have their bankruptcy required or decreed, including by any member of the Restricted Group.

terminate their activities or have their corporate control modified or transferred directly or indirectly to third parties, without the BANK’S authorization.

h)         acquire the companies not belonging to the Telecommunications sector

have, or any member of the Restricted Group has, any license or concession issued revoked, cancelled or due, which is necessary for the conducting of their business, except by the long distance telecommunications business.

suffer a process of execution of execution of the guarantee against goods of the Restricted Group, in which the individual book value or the market value of these assets, whichever is largest, exceeds R$ 75,000,000.00 (seventy-five million reais) and that is not declared groundless or suspended within a period of 30 days or a judicial measure is rendered against the Restricted Group, pursuant to the terms of any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law in force on this date or subsequently, with the exception, however, that this event of maturity may not be opposed to CLIENT if the process in question is (i) incoherent or shameful and is being challenged in good faith by duly brought proceedings and (ii) it is considered groundless or suspended in the period of 60 days after valid notification of the execution of if a judicial measure is rendered against the Restricted Group, pursuant to the terms of any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law, in force on this or a subsequent date.

do not effect, or any member of the Restricted Group do not effect, the payment on the due date of any amount due by it pursuant to the terms of an unapeallable sentence for an amount equal or superior to R$ 75,000,000.00 (seventy-five million reais).

dispose of, hold in guarantee third parties or constitute any kind of lien or encumbrance on any of its goods or rights, without previous consent by the BANK, except those that refer to long distance services.

suffer, or any member of the Restricted Group suffers, by any governmental authority, conviction, confiscation, intervention or misappropriation or expropriation of all or a significant part of the goods or revenues, with the exception of the license and of the goods related to the provision of long distance telecommunications services.

do not maintain their assets, which are subject to being insured, insured against the risks of deterioration or perishing.

suffer a relevant change in its economic-financial condition, which, at the discretion of the BANK, may compromise its capacity to honor the obligations assumed in this Note or in the guarantee instruments, if any.

do no confer to the BANK the same rights and privileges that any other creditor, present and future, of CLIENT, which has the same credit rating, being treated, therefore, in an egalitarian way, in all respects, CLIENT being bound, when necessary, to execute all the instruments necessary, including postponements to this Note, so as to ensure egalitarian treatment to the BANK, except those resulting from loan transactions executed with BNDES or securitized credits.

5.1.      The BANK shall not be obliged to release the resources of the CLIENT if any of the events described above occurs prior to the release.

For purposes of this Clause:

Restricted Group”   means the CLIENT, the JOINT DEBTOR, TIM Participações S.A. and TIM Nordeste S.A.

5.2.     Still, in order to ensure that CLIENT has the financial conditions to pay this debt, CLIENT undertakes to respect, during the term of this Note, the following financial parameters, according to the data set forth on its consolidated financial statements prepared in the period.

ratio between “Consolidated Net Debt” (defined below) and maximum “Consolidated EBITDA” (defined below), to be verified from June 2008, of 2.0.

Minimum Interest Cover Ratio of 2.25.

For purposes of this Clause, the terms defined below shall have the following meanings:

Loans means, at any time, the balance of the principal, capital or nominal value of any fixed or minimum premium, to be paid as a result of the early payment or redemption of any debt, related to:

(i) cash borrowed in loan and balances due with financial institutions;
(ii) any amount raised by acceptance according to any facility;
(iii) any amount raised pursuant to the terms of any purchase of instruments or issue of obligations, notes, debentures, loans for the purchase of shares or any similar instrument;
(iv) the value of any liabilities in respect of any lease of lease and purchase contract, which, according to the generally accepted accounting principles, would be treated as financial lease or of goods of the property, plant and equipment;
(v) receivables sold or discounted (except any receivables which are sold without the right of redress);
(vi) any obligation of counter-indemnity in respect of a guarantee, indemnity. obligation, letter of credit, “standby” or document or any other instrument issued by a bank or financial institution (except any one given in relation to the commercial credit resulting from the normal course of business);
(vii) any value raised by the issue of redeemable shares, redeemable at the discretion of the holder prior to August 26, 2005;
(viii) any value of any liabilities related to a forward agreement or deferred purchase agreement if one of the main reasons for the execution of this contract is funding;
(ix) any value raised in any other transaction (including any sale on credit or purchase agreement), which has the commercial effect of a loan; and
(x) (without duplicity) the value of any liability in respect of any guarantee or indemnity related to any one of the items mentioned above.

Availabilities” means, at any time, money in the bank, denominated in reais or in any other currency freely convertible into reais, in the Brazilian interbank market, and credited in an account in the name of a member of the TB Group, with a reputable financial institution, of which one member of the TB Group is the sole beneficiary, with right to that (i) the cash be reimbursable upon request; (ii) the reimbursement of that money is not contingent to the waiver of early payment of any debt of any member of the TB Group or any other person, or to compliance with any condition; (iii) there is no guarantee for that money, except the Permitted Encumbrances guaranteeing loans, and (iv) this money is free and immediately available to be applied in the amortization or in the prepayment of Loans.

Applications in Availabilities means instruments of the debt expressed in reais or in any other freely convertible currency into reais in the Brazilian interbank market, provided that these instruments of debt are not convertible into any other form of securities.

Consolidated EBITDA” means, for any measurement period, the consolidated profits of the TB Group from the activities of that measurement period:

(i) prior to the deduction of any Consolidated Net Financial Charges;
(ii) prior to consideration of any items treated as extraordinary or exceptional items;
(iii) prior to the deduction of any value of any profit of the TB Group attributable to any company in which that member of the TB Group has minority vote; and
(iv) prior to the deduction of any value attributed to the amortization of the intangible assets or to depreciation of tangible assets.

Net Consolidated Debt”   means, at any moment, the total value of the obligations of the TB Group, related to Loans, but:

(i) including, in the case of financial leases, only the value then capitalized;
(ii) excluding any obligations to any member of the TB Group; and
(iii) deducting the total value of the Availabilities and Applications in Availabilities freely available held by any member of the TB Group at the time, so that no value is included or excluded more than once.

Consolidated Net Financial Charges means, for any measurement period, the total value of accrued interest, commissions, fees, discounts, break costs, premiums and other financial payments relating to Loans, which are paid, to pay or capitalized by any member of the TB Group in relation to that measurement period:

(i) excluding any obligations to any other member of the TB Group;
(ii) including the interest on payment of lease and rent and purchase of to be paid by any member of the TB Group;
(iii) including any commission, fee, deduction and other accrued financial payments to be realized by any member of the TB Group, pursuant to the terms of any hedge agreement of interest rate;
(iv) deducting any commission, rate, deduction and other financial payments accrued due to any member of the TB Group, pursuant to the terms of any hedge instrument of interest rate;
(v) deducting any accrued interest due to any member of the TB Group on any deposit or bank account; and
(vi) adding the value of any dividends in cash or distributions paid or made by CLIENT in relation to that measurement period.

Subsidiary”   means in relation to any person, (i) a joint stock company in which more than 50% of the combined voting power of the shares with voting right outstanding is held, directly or indirectly, by this person and/or by one or more of the other Subsidiaries of this person or (ii) any other person (except a joint stock company) in which this person and/or one or

more of the other Subsidiaries, directly or indirectly, has powers to orient the policies, management and business of that person.

Interest Cover Ratio” means the reason between (i) EBITDA less depreciation and amortization set forth in its restated financial statements and (ii) the interest expense with interest incurred in the same period relating to EBITDA, including, without limitation, expenses resulting from monetary variations;

TB Group”   means TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A. and its Subsidiaries.

5.3. The CLIENT hereby undertakes to contract a reputable audit company and inform to the BANK, within 30 days of the execution of this Note.

The provision of the audit services shall contemplate the full analysis of the financial statements of the CLIENT with the presentation of the quarterly balance sheets within 60 days after termination of each quarter and annual audited balance sheet within 90 days after closure of the fiscal year, as well as verification of compliance with the financial parameters established in Clause 5.2 to the maturity date of the transaction represented in this Note.

The CLIENT hereby authorizes the Bank, through its representatives and agents, by notice to the Beneficiary, of at least 24 (twenty-four) hours, in business hours, free access to all its facilities and to the accounting records, for assessment of the economic-financial performance of CLIENT and verification of compliance with the obligations assumed in this Note.


In the event of lack of punctuality in compliance with the monetary obligations resulting from this Note, on the amounts due shall accrue, from the date of the default to the date of effective payment: a) arrears interest of 1% (one percent) per month or fraction; b) remuneration interest collected per day of delay, calculated according to the interest rate in force on the payment date, practiced by the Bank in its credit transactions, published on the BANK’S website ( – page Loans –Interest Items – Table of Charges and Default), and c) arrears interest of 2% (two percent).


In the event of CLIENT requesting the early liquidation, total or partial, of this debt, it shall pay the amount equivalent to the value of the principal to be amortized, plus interest due to the end of the contractual period, deducting the percentage equivalent to the market rate contemplated for the remaining period at the time of the liquidation.

CLIENT undertakes, moreover, to give minimum notice to the BANK of 1 (one) day, in the case of intending to amortize or liquidate early the balance due resulting from this Note.


CLIENT and/or the JOINT DEBTORS authorize the BANK, irrevocably and irreversibly, to debit from their current account, as much as the funds allow, all the monetary obligations, principal and accessory, resulting from this Note, including the portions due not yet paid, plus the arrears charges covenanted herein, CLIENT and/or JOINT DEBTORS undertaking to maintain in their current account available and sufficient funds to accept such debits.


To ensure compliance with the obligations of this Note, the guarantees set forth in table V of the preamble, instrumentalized in separate documents, shall be constituted in favor of the bank, and will be an integral part of this Note.


The JOINT DEBTORS, co-issuers of this Note, declare to be jointly responsible with CLIENT for compliance with all the monetary obligations, principal and accessory, contemplated in this Note, promising to pay this debt, which they recognize as established, agreed and enforceable, pursuant to the terms of Clause 1.


CLIENT will responsible for the expenses incurred by the BANK, with the contracting of the professional services of lawyers, or collection company to recover its credits, until legal limits, ensuring equal right to the CLIENT ,  f the latter has to collect any amount due to it by the BANK.


Tolerance by any of the parties with noncompliance with the contractual obligations by the adversary party will be considered mere liberality and will not lead to novation, pardon or contractual alteration.


The BANK may assign or transfer, as a whole or in part, in any form permitted by law, including by the issue of the Certificates of Bank Credit Note, the rights, obligations and guarantees of this Note. For such, they may, deliver to the assignee all the documentation pertaining to credit, provided that authorized previously by CLIENT.

CLIENT may assign or transfer, as a whole or in part, in any form permitted by law, the rights, obligations and guarantees of this Note to Tim Nordeste S/A (if this is not CLIENT) or to Tim Celular S;A (if this is not CLIENT), upon previous notification to the BANK.


The CLIENT and/or JOINT DEBTORS authorize the BANK to consult and include the relevant information to active and passive and guarantee financial transactions under its liability in the credit information system and register of the Central Bank of Brazil.


CLIENT declares that the resources resulting from this Clause shall not be destined to any purposes and/or projects, which may cause social damages and which do not strictly comply with the legal and regulatory rules that govern the National Environmental Policy.

The Parties hereby recognize that the CLIENT, its directors, administrators, employees and eventual subcontractors, are subject to observance and compliance with the “TIM Code of Ethics”, which provides that all the business of CLIENT, including this Contract, will be marked by respect: (i) for the environment, including regarding the disposal of batteries, emission of pollutants, recycling of waste (ii) to the safety and health rules in the workplace; (iii) to honesty and transparency to its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and governmental bodies, (iv) to the interests of society and of the Parties, above the individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, which may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts or benefits using the name and reputation of the CLIENT, or as a result of the performance of the activities. The TIM Ethics Code is available on the website of TIM Participações S.A. ( – Area: Corporate Governance, Ethics Code) and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments, available for public consultation.


The forums of the Judiciary District of São Paulo or the domicile of the defendant, at the discretion of the plaintiff, is hereby elected to settle any issues arising out of this Note.


If any item or clause of this Note is considered illegal, unenforceable or ineffective, for any reason, all the other items and clauses shall remain fully valid and effective. The BANK and the CLIENT hereby undertake to negotiate, in the shortest possible period, an item or clause, which, according to the case, substitutes the item or illegal, unenforceable or ineffective clause. In this negotiation, the objective of the parties on the date of execution of this instrument shall be considered, as well as the context in which the item or illegal, unenforceable or ineffective clause was entered.

The effects of this Note retroact to 04/18/2008.

This Note is issued in 2 (two) counterparts, only one being negotiable.

Rio de Janeiro, June 06, 2008

Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta
Mario Cesar Pereira
Luiza ( illegible )
José Carlos Lopes
Administration, Finance and Control Director
CPF: 044.6 ( illegible )






R$ 1.00
R$ 1.00
R$ 1.00
R$ 1.00
R$ 1.00
R$ 49,999,995.00


Fl No. 24.462 BRESI
Serapis No. 2007-0223
(Loan from Own Resources)
Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement
European Investment Bank
TIM Participações S.A.
Luxembourg, 3rd June 2008

Fi: 24.462/BR
Luxembourg, 3 rd June 2008


European Investment Bank established at 100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by Mr. Francisco de Paula Coelho, Director and Mrs. Regan Otte, Associate Director,

hereinafter referred to as: the "Bank"

of the first part, and

TIM Participações S.A., a company registered under Brazilian law, whose registered office is at Av. Das Américas, 3434 Bloco 1 — 7 ° Andar, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil represented by, Mr. Francesco Tanzi, Business Manager,

hereinafter referred to as: the "Guarantor"

of the second part.

By an agreement (the "Finance Contract") dated 3 rd June 2008 and made between the Bank and TIM Celular S.A., a joint stock company incorporated in the Federative Republic of Brazil, having its principal office at Av. Giovanni Gronchi 7143, Vila Andrade Sao Paulo, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil (the "Borrower"), the Bank has agreed to establish in favour of the Borrower a credit in an amount of EUR 166 000 000 (one hundred and sixty six million euros).
As at the date of this Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement (the "Guarantee"), the Guarantor owns 100% (one hundred percent) of the voting shares in the Borrower, and 100% (one hundred percent) of its total share capital.
The obligations of the Bank under the Finance Contract are conditional upon the prior execution and delivery by the Guarantor of a guarantee of performance by the Borrower of its financial obligations under the Finance Contract and the delivery of a favourable legal opinion thereon.
By resolutions dated 26 th May 2008, the Board of Directors of the Guarantor has authorised the granting of the Guarantee and Mr Francesco Tanzi been authorised to execute this Guarantee (evidence of such authorisation is attached as Annex I). The Brazilian legal adviser to the Bank will issue a favourable legal opinion regarding the enforceability of this Guarantee against the Guarantor in form and substance acceptable to the Bank.
NOW THEREFORE it is hereby agreed as follows:

Finance Contract
The Guarantor acknowledges notice of the provisions of the Finance Contract, a copy of which has been delivered to it. Terms defined in the Finance Contract shall have the same meaning when used herein.
2.01         Payment
In consideration of the Credit established by THE BANK under THE FINANCE CONTRACT, and subject to Articles 4 to 7 inclusive, THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantees the payment of all Guaranteed Sums (as defined below). THE GUARANTOR undertakes that, if THE BORROWER should fail to pay any Guaranteed Sum to THE BANK, whether upon the normal due date, upon demand for early repayment or otherwise, THE GUARANTOR shall upon receipt of a written demand from THE BANK pay the Guaranteed Sum so demanded to THE BANK within 5 Business Days in the currency specified in THE FINANCE CONTRACT and to the account or accounts specified in the demand, provided that the maximum liability of THE GUARANTOR shall not at any time exceed 115% of the principal and interest amount of the Loan outstanding from time to time under THE FINANCE CONTRACT, less all principal instalments of the Loan in respect of which THE GUARANTOR has been released and continues to be released from liability at or prior to that time under either or both Articles 5or6.
For the purposes of this Guarantee, a "Guaranteed Sum" means any sum of principal, interest, commission, liquidated damages, charge or expense or any other sum which is expressed to be payable from time to time by the Borrower to the Bank under or pursuant to the Finance Contract and any other sum due from time to time by the Borrower in connection with any advance or credit extended under the Finance Contract.
The Guarantor further agrees and undertakes to pay interest to the Bank at the rate and on the terms specified in the Finance Contract for payment of overdue sums on any sum demanded under this Guarantee from the date of receipt of the Bank's demand until the date of receipt of such sum by the Bank.
2.02         Nature of Guarantor's Liability
The obligations of the Guarantor hereunder are those of a primary obligor and not merely those of a surety. They shall not be impaired or discharged by reason of:
illegality, invalidity or unenforceability in or of the terms of the Finance Contract;
disability, incapacity or change in status or constitution of the Borrower, the Bank or any other party;
liquidation or insolvency of the Borrower;

time or other indulgence granted by the Bank or any arrangement entered into or composition accepted by the Bank, varying the rights of the Bank under the Finance Contract;
forbearance or delay on the part of the Bank in asserting any of its rights against the Borrower under the Finance Contract;
any other security or guarantee which the Bank now has or may hereafter acquire with respect to the Borrower's obligations under the Finance Contract; or
any circumstance, other than actual payment of a Guaranteed Sum, which might otherwise discharge or diminish the obligations of the Guarantor.
2.03         Indemnity
As a continuing obligation additional to and separate from those set out in Articles 2.01 and 2.02, and without prejudice to the validity or enforceability of those obligations, the Guarantor unconditionally and irrevocably undertakes that if any Guaranteed Sum should not be recoverable by the Bank from the Guarantor under Article 2.01 for whatsoever reason, and whether or not the reason was known to the Bank, the Guarantor shall, upon first written demand by the Bank, and as if it were a sole and independent obligor, compensate the Bank by way of a full indemnity for all loss resulting from the failure of the Borrower to make payment of any Guaranteed Sum in the amount and currency provided for by or pursuant to the Finance Contract, whether upon the normal due date, upon demand for early repayment or otherwise, as the case may be.
2.04         Continuing Security
This Guarantee is a continuing security and shall endure until all Guaranteed Sums have been fully and unconditionally paid or discharged and, in any case, until the date six months after the Maturity Date as defined in the Finance Contract. No payment or discharge which may be avoided under any enactment relating to insolvency, no payment or discharge made or given which is subsequently avoided and no release, cancellation or discharge of this Guarantee given or made on the faith of any such payment shall constitute discharge of the Guarantor under this Guarantee or prejudice or affect the Bank's right to recover from the Guarantor to the full extent of this Guarantee.
2.05         Application of Payments
Any money duly received by the Bank pursuant to this Guarantee may be placed by the Bank to the credit of a suspense account with a view to preserving the right of the Bank to prove for the whole of the claims against the Borrower or may be applied by the Bank in or towards satisfaction of such of the Guaranteed Sums as the Bank in its absolute discretion may from time to time determine.

2.06         Covenants of Guarantor
The Guarantor agrees that until all the Guaranteed Sums have been fully paid or discharged:
it shall not seek to enforce any obligation owed to the Guarantor by the Borrower which arises by virtue of the discharge by the Guarantor of its obligations hereunder;
except as required by mandatory provision of law, it shall pay to the Bank all dividends or payment of interest on equity in liquidation or otherwise received by it from or for the account of the Borrower in respect of any obligation referred to in indent (a) above; the Bank shall apply such sums to reduce the outstanding Guaranteed Sums in such sequence as it may decide;
it shall not exercise any right of subrogation to the rights of the Bank under the Finance Contract or any security granted in connection therewith; and
it shall not exercise (and hereby waives) any rights of contribution which it may have against any other guarantor of the Guaranteed Sums.
2.07         Acknowledgement
The Guarantor acknowledges: (i) that it has entered into this Guarantee on the basis of its own assessment of the Borrower and of any security provided, and (ii) that it has not been induced to enter into this Guarantee by any representation made by the Bank. The Bank shall not be obliged to report to the Guarantor on the financial position of the Borrower or of any other guarantor or on any security provided or on any other matter. The Bank shall have no liability for granting or disbursing the Loan, for cancelling or not cancelling the Credit or for demanding or not demanding prepayment under the Finance Contract.
Enforcement of Guarantee
3.01         Certificate Conclusive
A certificate of the Bank as to any default by the Borrower in the payment of any Guaranteed Sum shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive against the Guarantor.
3.02         Guarantor's Obligations Unconditional
The Guarantor undertakes to pay all sums due hereunder in full, free of set-off or counterclaim. This Guarantee may be enforced by the Bank upon provision of a statement of the reason for the demand. The Bank shall not be obliged to take any action against the Borrower, to have recourse to any other guarantee or enforce any other security as a condition precedent to the enforcement by the Bank of this Guarantee.

3.03         Guarantor's Option
The Guarantor may, at any date which is a Payment Date and with a prior notice of thirty (30) days, pay to the Bank all (but not less than all) outstanding Guaranteed Sums, in settlement of its obligations hereunder and of the Borrower's obligations under the Finance Contract. If the Guarantor makes such payment, the Bank shall, upon the request and at the expense of that Guarantor, assign to the Guarantor the Bank's rights under the Finance Contract and under any security therefore.
Information and other Undertakings
4.01         Information concerning the Guarantor
The Guarantor shall deliver to the Bank each year, within fifteen (15) days of delivery to its shareholders, a copy of its annual report and audited financial statements together with all other such information as the Bank may reasonably require as to the Guarantor's financial situation and shall inform the Bank without delay of any material change in its By-laws, , so long as the Guarantor is not prevented by law from disclosing such change to any third party.
4.02         Material Changes concerning the Guarantor
So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Guarantor shall immediately inform the Bank of:
any material alteration to its documents of incorporation and of any substantial modification of any legislation which would adversely affect in any material respect its activities;
its knowledge, that a single natural or legal person or a group of such persons acting in concert, has acquired (or will acquire shortly) such number of its voting shares, and/or of those of any other legal person, as is necessary to control it by the direct and/or indirect exercise of voting rights, such information to be communicated as soon as practicable;
any intention on its part to grant any security over any of its assets in favour of a third party;
any intention on its part to make any disposal of any material component of its assets, which would adversely affect its ability to perform its obligations hereunder;
any fact which obliges it, and any demand made to it, to prepay or discharge ahead of maturity, by reason of default, any loan, Financial Indebtedness or obligation arising out of any financial transaction, exceeding 1.5% of the Guarantor's net tangible worth.

4.03         Performance in Jeopardy
Generally, the Guarantor shall inform the Bank forthwith of any fact or event which could reasonably be expected to jeopardise the performance or to prevent the substantial fulfilment of any obligation of the Guarantor under this Guarantee.
For the purposes of this Contract TIMP's net tangible worth means on a consolidated basis the sum of total assets less total liabilities less intangible assets
Amendment to the Finance Contract
In addition to any variations provided for in the Finance Contract, the Bank may agree to any amendment or variation thereto, if:
the amendment or variation does not increase the amounts payable by the Guarantor under this Guarantee or change the conditions under which such amounts are payable; or
the amendment or variation consists in the extension of time for payment of a Guaranteed Sum of up to three (3) months; or
the Guarantor has given its prior written consent to the amendment or variation, provided that such consent may not unreasonably be refused or delayed.
Waiver of Rights
This GUARANTEE is provided with the express waiver of the benefits contained in articles 366, 827, 829, 835, 836, 837, 838 and 839 of the Brazilian Civil Code and in article 595 of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code.
Other Guarantees
This Guarantee is independent of any guarantees now or hereafter given to the Bank by other guarantors or by the European Community (the "EC"). The Guarantor hereby waives any right to contribution or indemnity from the EC. If payment is made to the Bank by the EC on account of any Guaranteed Sum, the EC shall be subrogated to the rights of the Bank under this Guarantee and the EC may recover from the Guarantor any amount outstanding under this Guarantee.

Taxes, Charges and Expenses
The Guarantor shall bear its own costs of execution and implementation of this Guarantee and, without prejudice to the terms of Article 2, shall indemnify the Bank against all:
taxes and fiscal charges, legal costs and other expenses duly documented incurred by the Bank in the execution or implementation of this Guarantee; and
losses, charges and expenses duly documented to which the Bank may be subject or which it may properly incur under or in connection with the recovery from any person of sums expressed due under or pursuant to the Finance Contract.
Furthermore, the Guarantor shall make payments hereunder without withholding or deduction on account of tax or fiscal charges.
Law and Jurisdiction
9.01         Law
This Guarantee shall be governed by, and construed in all respects in accordance with, English law.
9.02         Jurisdiction
The parties hereto submit to the jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice in England (the "Court") and all disputes concerning this Guarantee shall be submitted to the Court. A decision of the Court given pursuant to this Article 9.02 shall be conclusive and binding on the parties without restriction or reservation.
9.03         Agent for Service
The Guarantor appoints TI United Kingdom Limited, whose address is 100, New Bridge Street, EC4V 6JA London, United Kingdom to be its Agent for the purpose of accepting service on their behalf on any writ, notice, order, judgement or other legal process.
9.04         Waiver of immunity
To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Guarantor hereby irrevocably agrees that no immunity (to the extent that it may at any time exist) from any proceedings, from attachment (whether in aid of execution, before judgement or otherwise) of its assets or from execution of judgement shall be claimed by it or on its behalf or with respect to its assets, any such immunity being irrevocably waived.

The Guarantor hereby irrevocably agrees that it and its assets are, and shall be, subject to such proceedings, attachment or execution in respect of its obligations under this Guarantee, and consents to such proceedings, attachment or execution.
9.05         Invalidity
If any provision hereof is invalid, such invalidity shall not prejudice any other provision hereof.
9.06         Assignment
The Guarantor shall not assign all or any part of the benefit of its rights or obligations under this Guarantee without the prior consent of the Bank.
9.07         Evidence of Sums due
In any legal action arising out of this Guarantee the certificate of the Bank as to any amount due to the Bank under this Guarantee shall be prima facie evidence of such amount, in the absence of manifest error.
9.08         Third Party Rights
Save for the purposes of Article 2.06 (d) which may be enforced by any other guarantor of the Guaranteed Sums, a person who is not a party to this Guarantee has no rights under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this Guarantee.
Final Clauses
10.01       Notices
Notices and other communications given hereunder by one party to this Guarantee to the other shall be sent to its address set out below, or to such other address as it shall have previously notified to the former in writing as its new address for such purpose:
- for the Bank:
- for the Guarantor:
100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Av. Das Américas, 3434 Bloco 01 – 7 °Andar Barra da Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro
State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

10.02       Form of Notice
Notices and other communications, for which fixed periods are laid down in this Guarantee or which themselves fix periods binding on the addressee, shall be served by hand delivery, registered letter, internationally recognised courier services, telex or any other means of transmission which affords evidence of receipt by the addressee. The date of registration or, as the case may be, the stated date of receipt of transmission shall be conclusive for the determination of a period.
10.03       Recitals, Schedules and Annexes
The Recitals form part of this Guarantee.
The following Annex is attached hereto:
Annex I                                                   Authority of Signatories
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Guarantee to be executed in four (4) originals in the English language, having caused each page to be initialled by Mrs. R. Otte, on behalf of the Bank and Mr. F. Tanzi, on behalf of the Guarantor.
Signed for and on behalf of
Signed for and on behalf of
( signature )
( signature )
F. de Paula Coelho R. Otte
this 3rd   day of June 2008, at Luxembourg
The undersigned Paul FRIEDERS, notary residing in Luxembourg, hereby certifies that this document was signed in his presence by Mr. F. de Paula Coelho and Mrs. R. Otte for and on behalf of EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK and by Mr. Tanzi on behalf of TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A
Luxembourg, 3 rd June 2008.
Witness Witness
A. Barrag án
F. Petralia




Publicly Held Company
CNPJ/MF 02.558.115/0001-21
NIRE 33.300.276.963

HELD ON MAY 05, 2008

DATE, TIME AND PLACE : May 05, 2008, at 15:30h, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro.

ATTENDANCE : The Meeting of the Board of Directors of TIM Participações S.A. (“Company”) on the date, time and place mentioned above, with the attendance of all of its acting members, Messrs. Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo and Francesco Saverio Locati. According to the authorization provided in §2 of Article 29 of the Bylaws of the Company, Messrs. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, Stefano Ciurli, Isaac Selim Sutton, Maílson Ferreira da Nóbrega and Josino de Almeida Fonseca participated in the meeting by audio-conference. Mrs. Lara Ribeiro Piau Marques, Legal Director of the Company, Mr. Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta, Financial and Investors Relations Director of the Company, Mr. Miguel Roberto Gherrize, Chairman of the Company’s Audit Committee and Mrs. Kátia Nozela, manager of the Company’s balance sheet area were also present.

PRESIDING OFFICERS : Mr. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, who invited me, Alessandra Catanante, to act as Secretary, assumed as Chairman.

AGENDA : (1) examine, discuss and approve the report of Quarterly Information (“ITR”) of the Company raised on March 30, 2008; (2) become aware of the execution of 02 (two) contractual instruments, in the following terms: (i) Contracting Party: TIM Celular S.A.; Contractor: Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A.; Purpose: loan for working capital; Value: R$ 150,000,000.00 (one hundred and fifty million reais) and (ii) Contracting Party: TIM Celular S.A.; Contractor: Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A.; Purpose: loan for working capital; Value: R$ 50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais) (iii) become aware of the rectification of typing error in the Proposal of the Administration for Destination of the Income of the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2007; (4) deliberate on the distribution, among the directors of the board, of the remuneration funds, approved in the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting/Special Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 11, 2008, to the Board of Directors and (5) reelection of the members of the Management.

RESOLUTIONS : After analysis and discussion of the matters set forth in the Agenda, as well as of the related material, the Directors resolved, by unanimous vote, and without any restriction, in the following terms: (1) approve the report of the ITR’s of the Company raised on March 30, 2008, and audited by the Auditor Directors; (2) became aware, approved and ratified the execution of 02 (two) contractual instruments, in the following terms: (i) Contracting Party: TIM Celular S.A.; Contractor: Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A.; Purpose: loan for working capital; Value: R$ 150,000,000.00 (one hundred and fifty million reais); and (ii) Contracting Party: TIM Celular S.A.; Contractor: Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A.; Purpose: loan for working capital; Value: R$ 50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais); (3) approve the rectification of the reference to dividends to distribute, substituting the expression “Lot for one thousand shares” by “Per share”, set forth in the Proposal of the Administration for Destination of the Income of the Fiscal Year ended on December 31, 2007 attached to the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors held on March 04, 2008, in view of the typing error verified; (4) approve the distribution, among the directors of the Board, of the remuneration funds approved in the Annual/Special Shareholders’ Meeting, held on April 11, 2008, to the Board of Directors, according to the instrument filed at the Company headquarters, whereas Messrs. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, Stefano Ciurli, Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo and Francesco Saverio Locati, waived expressly their remuneration funds; and (5) approve the reelection of the composition of the Company’s Management, comprised by: (i) Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo – CEO, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card No. 02.158.026-1, issued by IFP/RJ and CPF/MF No. 235.485.337-87; (ii) Francesco Saverio Locati – General Director , Italian, married, physicist, holder of Italian passport No. 708463-X and CPF/MF No. 060.287.447-60; (iii) Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta – Financial and Investors Relations Director, Italian, divorced, administrator, holder of Italian passport No. C-113621, valid thru 02/10/2014, and CPF/MF No. 060.522.167-78; (iv) Cláudio Roberto de Argollo Bastos – Supplies Director, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card No. 07101376-7 and CPF/MF No. 805.708.607-68; (v) Orlando Lopes Junior, Human Resources Director,   Brazilian, married, lawyer, ID OAB/SP No. 59.567 and CPF/MF No. 858.808.338-87; (vi) Lara Cristina Ribeiro Piau Marques – Legal Director, Brazilian, married, lawyer, ID OAB/DF No. 11.539 and CPF/MF No. 554.012.011-68, all with commercial address at Avenida das Américas No. 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor, Barra da Tijuca, City and State of Rio de Janeiro, CEP: 22640-102, all with term of 02 (two) years, as provided in §1 of Article 20 of the Bylaws of the Company, until the first Meeting of the Board of Directors, to be held after the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of 2010 .

ADJOURNMENT : Having nothing further to deal, the works were closed and the meeting suspended for the time necessary to draw up these minutes, which, once the session was reopened, were read, found correct, approved and signed by all the Directors present. Directors: Messrs. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo, Stefano Ciurli, Franscesco Saverio Locati, Maílson Ferreira de Nóbrega, Josino de Almeida Fonseca, Isaac Selim Dutton.


I attest that this is a true copy of the original drawn up in the appropriate book.

Rio de Janeiro/RJ, May 05, 2008.

Secretary of the Board

(stamp) Board of Trade of the State of Rio de Janeiro
(stamp) Authentication of Document


(Attachment to the Annual/Special Shareholders Meeting held on 04.11.2008)



Article 1 – TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. is a company by shares, publicly held, which is governed by these Bylaws and by the applicable legislation:

Article 2 – The Company’s purpose is:

I – exercise the control of companies that exploit telecommunications services, including mobile telephony services and others, in the areas of their concessions and/or authorizations;

II – promote, through subsidiaries or associated companies, the expansion and implementation of mobile telephony services, in the respective concession and/or authorization areas;

III – promote, perform or orient the funding, from internal and external sources, of funds to be applied by the Company or by its subsidiaries;

IV – promote and encourage activities of studies and research aimed at the development of the mobile telephony sector;

V – perform, through subsidiaries or associated companies, specialized technical services related to the area of mobile telephony;

VI – promote, stimulate and coordinate, through controlled companies, or associated companies, the education and training of the personnel necessary to the mobile telephony sector;

VII – perform or promote imports of goods and services for their controlled and associated companies;

VIII – perform other related or correlated activities to its corporate purpose; and

IX – participate in the capital of other companies.

Article 3 – The Company has headquarters and venue in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida das Américas No. 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Part, and may, by decision of the Board of Directors, create and extinguish branches and offices anywhere in the country and abroad .

Article 4 – The duration of the Company is indefinite.


Article 5 – The capital stock, subscribed and paid-in, is R$ 7,613,610,143.12 (seven billion, six hundred and thirteen million, six hundred and ten thousand, one hundred and forty-three reais and twelve centavos), represented by 2,343,826,537 (two billion, three hundred and forty-three, eight hundred and twenty-six thousand, five hundred and thirty-seven) shares, 798,350,977 (seven hundred and ninety-eight million, three hundred and fifty thousand, nine hundred and seven) being common shares and 1,545,475,560 (one billion, five hundred and forty-five million, four hundred and seventy-five thousand, five hundred and sixty) preferred shares, all nominative and without par value.

Article 6 -  The Company is authorized to increase its capital stock, by deliberation of the Board of Directors, regardless of statutory reform, up to the limit of 2,500,000,000 (two billion and five hundred million) shares, common or preferred.

Sole § - Within the limit of the authorized capital contemplated in the heading of this Article, the Company may grant a purchase option of shares to its administrators, employees and to natural persons, who provide services to the Company or to companies under the same control, according to the plan approved by the General Meeting;

Article 7 – The capital stock is represented by common and preferred shares, without par value, there not being the obligation, in capital increases, to preserve the proportion among them, in compliance with the legal and statutory provisions.


Article 8 – By resolution of the General Meeting, the preemptive right for issue of shares, debentures convertible into shares and subscription bonuses may be excluded, whose placement is made by:

I – public subscription or sale in the stock exchange;

II – swap of shares, in public acquisition offering, pursuant to the terms of Articles 257 to 263 of Law 6.404/76 of Law 6.404/76;

I           III– enjoyment of tax incentives, pursuant to the terms of the special law.

Article 9 – The right to a vote corresponds to each common share in the resolutions of the General Meeting.

Article 10 – The preferred shares do not entitle to vote, except in the event of the single § of Article 13 of these Bylaws, they being assured the following preferences or advantages:

I – priority in the reimbursement of capital, without premium;

II – payment of the minimum , non-cumulative dividends, of 6% (six percent) per annum, on the value resulting from the division of the capital subscribed by the total number of shares of the Company.

§1 . It is assured to the holders of the preferred shares, year by year, the right to receive a dividend per share, corresponding to 3% (three percent) of the value of the shareholders’ equity of the share, according to the last approved balance sheet, whenever the dividend established according to this criteria is superior to the dividend calculated according to the criteria established in item II of this Article.

§2 . The preferred shares will acquire the voting right if the Company, for a period of 03 (three) consecutive years, fails to pay the minimum dividends to which they are entitled in the terms of the heading of this Article, which right they shall preserve, if such dividends are not cumulative, or until the cumulative dividends in arrears are paid, all according to §1 of Article III of Law No. 6.404/76.

Article 11 - The shares of the Company will be book shares, being held in a deposit account, in a financial institution, in the name of its holders, without issue of certificates. The depositary institution may collect from the shareholders the cost of the service of transfer of its shares, pursuant to the terms of Article 35, §3 of Law 6.404/76.


Article 12 – The General Meeting is the superior body of the Company, with powers to deliberate on all the business relating to the corporate purpose and to take steps that it deems convenient to the defense and development of the Company.

Article 13 – It is privately incumbent upon the Shareholders’ Meeting:

I . to reform the Bylaws;

II. authorize the issue of debentures and debentures convertible into stock or sell them, if in treasury, as well as authorize the sale of debentures convertible into shares held by issued by subsidiaries, being able to delegate to the Board of Directors, the resolution at the time and conditions of maturity, amortization or redemption, at the time and payment conditions of interest, participation in profits and reimbursement premium, if any, and the manner of subscription or placement, as well as of the type of the debentures;

III – resolve on the evaluation of the assets that the shareholder competes for the formation of the capital stock;

IV – deliberate on the transformation, merger, incorporation and split of the Company, its dissolution and liquidation, elect and remove liquidators and judge their accounts;

V – authorize the provision of guarantees by the Company to obligations of third parties, not including subsidiaries;

VI – suspend the exercise of the rights of the shareholder who fails to comply with the obligations imposed by law or by Bylaws;


VII – elect or remove, at any time, the members of the Board of Directors and the members of the Audit Committee;

VIII – set the aggregate or individual remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors, the Management and the Audit Committee;

IX – take, annually, the accounts of the administrators and deliberate on the financial statements presented by them;

X – resolve on the extension of the civil liability plan to be filed by the Company against the administrators, for the losses caused to its shareholders, in accordance with the provisions in Article 159 of Law 6.404/76;

XI – authorize the disposal, as a whole or in part, of the shares of the company under its control;

XII – resolve on the increase of capital stock by subscription of new shares, in the event of the Sole § of Article 6, when the limit of the authorized capital is exhausted;

XIII – resolve on the issue of any other instruments or securities, in Brazil or abroad, especially on the issue of shares and subscription bonuses, in compliance with the legal and statutory provisions;

XIV- authorize the swap of shares or other securities issued by subsidiaries;

XV – approve previously the execution of any contracts with term superior to 12 (twelve) months by the Company or its subsidiaries, on the one hand, and the controlling shareholder or the subsidiaries, subject to the common control or parent companies of the latter, or what constitutes parties related to the Company, of another party, except when the contracts comply with uniform clauses.

Sole § - Without prejudice to the provisions in §1 of Article 115 of Law 6.404/76, the holders of preferred shares will be entitled to vote in the shareholders’ meeting mentioned in item XV of this Article, as well as in those referring to the alteration or revocation of the following statutory provisions:

I – item XV of Article 13;

II – Sole § of Article 14; and

III – Article 49.

Article 14 – The Shareholders’ Meeting shall be called by the Board of Directors, it being incumbent upon its chairman to substantiate the respective act, which may be called as contemplated in the Sole § of Article 123 of Law 6.404/76.

Sole § - In the events of Article 136 of Law 6.404/76, the first call of the Shareholders’ Meeting shall be made with 30 (thirty) days notice, at least, and with minimum notice of 08 (eight) days, on second call.

Article 15 - The Shareholders’ Meeting shall be convened by the CEO of the Company or by an attorney-in-fact appointed by him, with specific powers, who will carry out the election of the presiding officers, comprised of a Chairman and one secretary, chosen among those present.

Sole § - For purposes of evidencing the condition of shareholder, it shall be observed the provisions of Article 126 of Law 6.404/76, whereas the holders of the book or custody shares shall deposit, to 02 (two) business days prior to the shareholders’ meeting, at the headquarters of the Company, in addition to the ID document and the respective instrument of power of attorney, when necessary, the evidence/statement issued by the depositary financial institution, the latter issued, at least 05 (five) business days prior to the shareholders’ meeting.

Article 16 – Minutes shall be drawn up of the General Meeting, signed by all the members of the board and by the shareholders present, who represent, at least, the majority necessary for the deliberations taken.

§1 - The minutes shall be drawn up in summary form of the fact, including dissidences and protests;.

§2 – Except for resolution to the contrary at a Meeting, the minutes will be published with omission of the signatures of the shareholders.

Article 17 – Annually, in the four first months subsequent to the end of the fiscal year, the General Meeting shall meet, annually, to:


I – take the accounts of the administrators: examine, discuss and vote on the financial statements;

II – resolve on the destination of the net profits of the fiscal year and the distribution of dividends;

III – elect the members of the Audit Committee, and, when applicable, the members of the Board of Directors.

Article 18 – The General Meeting will meet, specially, whenever the interests of the Company require.

Article 19 - The shareholders shall exercise their voting right in the interest of the Company.



Article 20 – The administration of the Company is exercised by the Board of Directors and by the Management.

§1 – The Board of Directors, the collegiate decision body, exercise the superior administration of the Company.

§2 -  The Management is the representative and executive body of administration of the Company, each of its members acting according to the respective competence, in compliance with the limitations established in Articles 13, 25 and 32 of these Bylaws.

§3 -  The attributions and powers conferred by law to each of the bodies of the administration may not be granted to another body.

§4 – The members of the Board of Directors and of the Management are waived from providing bail as guarantee for their management.

Article 21 – The administrators are invested by terms drawn up in the Book of Minutes of the Meetings of the Board of Directors or of the Management, according to the case.

Article 22 – Upon investiture, the administrators of the Company shall sign, in addition to the term of investiture through which they will adhere to the terms of the Company’s Code of Ethics, and of the policy manual of disclosure and use of the information and negotiations of securities of the Company.

Article 23 – In addition to the cases of death, waiver, removal and others contemplated in the law, vacancy of office will occur when the administrator fails to sign the term of investiture in the period of 30 (thirty) days of election of fail to exercise the function for more than 30 (thirty) consecutive days or 90 (ninety) intercalated days during the term of office, all without cause, at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Sole § - The waiver from the office of administrator occurs by communication in writing to the body which the waiving party integrates, from this moment, before the Company and third parties, it becomes effective, after filing of the waiver document in the trade register and its publication.

Article 24 – The mandate of the administrators is of 02 (two) years, reelection being permitted.

Sole § -  The mandates of the administrators are reputed extended until investiture of their elected successors.



Article 25 – In addition to the attributions contemplated by law, the following is incumbent upon the Board of Directors:

I – approve and follow up on the annual budget of the Company, as well as the companies controlled by it, in addition to the targets and business strategy plan contemplated for the effective period of the budget.

II – resolve on the capital increase of the Company up to the limit of capital authorized, according to Article 6 of these Bylaws;


III – authorize the issue of (illegible) commercial for public subscription (“commercial papers”);

(authentication stamp of document)

IV – resolve, when delegated by the General Meeting, on the conditions of issue of debentures, according to the provisions in §1 of Article 59 of Law 6.404/76;

V – authorize the acquisition of the shares issued by the Company, for purposes of cancellation or permanence in treasury and subsequent disposal;

VI – resolve on the approval of the “depositary receipts” program issued by the Company;

VII – approve the participation or disposal of participation of the Company in the capital of other companies, except for the event contemplated in item XI of Article 13 of these Bylaws;

VIII – authorize the waiver of shares subscription rights, debentures convertible into shares or subscription bonus issued by the subsidiaries;

IX – authorize the creation of a subsidiary;

X – authorize the Company, as well as its subsidiaries and associated companies, to execute, alter or terminate the shareholders agreements.

XI – approve previously the execution of any continued service agreement, with effectiveness equal to or lower than 12 (twelve) months and amount equal or superior to R$ 5,000,000.00 (five million reais) per annum, between the Company or its subsidiaries, on the one hand, and the controlling shareholder or controlled companies, associated companies, subject to common contract or parent companies of the latter, or in which in any other way constitute parties related to the Company or its subsidiaries, on the other hand;

XII – submit to the approval of the General Meeting the performance of any business or transaction, which is included among those mentioned in item XV of Article 13 of these Bylaws;

XIII – authorize the rendering of in collateral securities  or personal securities by the Company in favor of a subsidiary;

XIV – authorize the disposal or encumbrance of any securities of the Company, or of the companies controlled by it, whose book value is superior to R$ 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand reais).

XV – authorize the disposal or encumbrance of any assets that integrate the permanent assets of the Company or companies controlled by it, whose book value is superior to R$ 5,000,000.00 (five million reais);

XVI – authorize the acquisition by the Company, or by the companies controlled by it, of assets for the permanent assets whose individual value is superior to 2% (two percent) of the shareholders’ equity of the Company, verified in the last annual balance sheet approved by the General Meeting;

XVII – approve the contracting by the Company, or by companies controlled by it, of loans, financing or other transactions which imply in debt by the Company or the subsidiaries, whose individual value is superior to 2% (two percent) of the Company’s shareholders’ equity, calculated in the last annual balance sheet approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting;

XVIII – having in view the corporate responsibilities of the Company and its subsidiaries, authorize the practice of gratuitous acts to the benefit of the employees or the community, whenever the value involved is superior to R$ 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand reais); whereas the provision of bail to employees in the case of transfers and/or interstate and/or intermunicipal reorganization does not configure a matter that depends on previous approval by the Board of Directors.

XIX – approve the policy of complementary pension funds of the Company and of the companies controlled by it;

XX – elect and remove, at any time, the Company’s Directors, including the Chairman, setting their attributions and the specific authority limits, in compliance with the provisions of these Bylaws, as well as approve the attribution of new functions to the Directors and any alteration in the composition and in the attributions of the members of the Management;


XXI – apportion the aggregate amount, established by the Shareholders’ Meeting, among the Directors and Officers of the Company, when applicable;

XXII – approve the proposal of the Management with respect to the regimen of the Company with the respective organizational structure, including competence and specific attributions of the Company Officers;

XXIII – establish guidelines for the exercise of the voting right by the representatives of the Company at the General Meetings of their subsidiaries or associated companies, regarding the matters approved by this Board of Directors;

XXIV – appoint the Company’s representatives in the administration of the company in which it participates;

XXV – choose and remove the Company’s independent auditors, the recommendations of the Audit Committee being heard;

XXVI – perform other activities delegated to them by the General Meeting;

XXVII – resolve the casus omissis in these Bylaws and perform other attributions that the Law or these Bylaws do not confer to another body of the Company.

Article 26 – The Board of Directors is comprised of 03 (three) to 07 (seven) effective members and an equal number of deputies.

Article 27 – The members of the Board of Directors and the respective deputies are elected by the General Meeting who chooses them, among them, the Chairman of the Board.

§1 - The Director must have a blameless reputation, he who, falls under the following, may not be elected, except for waiver by the General Meeting: I – holds office in companies that may be considered competitors of the Company or II – has or represents an interest in conflict with the Company. The voting right may not be exercised if the impediment factors indicated in §1 are configured, in supervention.

§2 . It is prohibited, in the form of Article 115, § 1 of Law 6.404/76, the voting right, in the election of the members of the Board of Directors, in circumstances which configure conflict of interest with the Company.

§3 - The Director may not have access to information or participate in the meeting of the Board of Directors related to matters on which it has or represents an interest in conflict with the Company.

Article 28 – The members of the Board of Directors will be substituted in their absences, impediment or vacancy, by the respective deputy.

Sole § - In the case of vacancy from the office of effective Director, and, in the absence of its deputy, to comply with the time remaining in the mandate, the other Directors shall appoint a deputy who will serve to the first General Meeting.

Article 29 – The Board of Directors meets ordinarily once per quarter and especially with minimum notice of 07 (seven) days, except in the events of manifest urgency, at the sole discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and the communication shall contain the agenda.

§1 Calls are made by letter, fax or e-mail delivered with 7 days in advance, unless in cases of urgency, at the sole discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The communication shall comp rise the agenda.

§2 – The members of the Board of Directors may participate in the meeting by audio or video-audioconference, all without any loss to the validity of the decisions taken. Votes by letter, fax or e-mail will also be admitted, provided that received by the Chairman of the Board or his deputy to the time of the respective meeting.

§3 – The Chairman of the Board of Directors may invite to participate in the meetings of the body any member of the Management, other executives of the Company, as well as third parties, who may contribute with opinions or recommendations related to the matters to be deliberated by the Board of Directors. The individuals invited to participate in the meetings of the Board of Directors shall not be entitled to vote.

Article 30 – The Board of Directors deliberates by majority of votes, the majority of its members present, it being incumbent upon the Chairman of the Board, in the case of a tie, the casting vote.


Sole § - In any event, minutes shall be drawn up of the meetings of the Board of Directors, which will be signed by those present.


Article 31 – The Management shall be comprised by at least 02 (two) and a maximum of 06 (six) members, shareholders or not, who will have the following designations: I – CEO; II – Financial Directors; III – General Director; IV – Supplies Director; V – Human Resources Director; VI – Legal Director. All the Directors will be elected by the Board of Directors removable by it at any time.

§1 – The Financial Director shall accumulate the function of Investors Relations Director.

§2 – In the event of a vacancy in the office of Director, it will be incumbent upon the Board of Directors to elect the new Director or designate the deputy, who will complete the mandate of the deputy.

§3 – In the event of absences or temporary impediments of any Director, the deputy will be appointed by the CEO, or, in its impossibility, by a decision of the majority of the Management.

Article 32 – Pursuant to the terms of Article 143, §2 of Law 6.404/76, it is incumbent upon the General Meeting, to:

I – approve the proposals, plans and projects to be submitted to the Board of Directors and/or to the General Meeting;

II – approve prior to the execution of any contracts by the Company or its subsidiaries, on the one hand, and the controlling shareholder or the subsidiaries, associated companies, subject to common control or parent companies of the latter, or which in any other way constitute parties related to the Company or its subsidiaries, on the other hand, in compliance with the provisions in Articles 13 and 25 of these Bylaws;

III – authorize the participation of the Company or of companies controlled by it in any “joint venture”, association, consortium, or any other similar structure;

IV – authorize the disposal or encumbrance of any securities of the Company, or of companies controlled by it, in compliance with the provisions in item XIV of Article 25 of these Bylaws;

V – authorize the disposal or operation of any goods that integrate the permanent assets of the Company, or of companies controlled by it, whose book value is superior to R$ 1,000,000.00 (one million reais), in compliance with the provision in item XV of Article 25 of these Bylaws;

VI – approve the execution by the Company or by the companies controlled by it, of active or passive contracts of supply or lease of goods or services, whose annual value is superior to R$ 15,000,000.00 (fifteen million reais);

VII – approve the contracting by the Company, or by companies controlled by it, of loans, financing, or other transactions that imply debt by the Company or subsidiaries, whose individual value is superior to R$ 30,000,000.00 (thirteen million reais), in compliance with the provisions in item XVII of Article 25 of these Bylaws;

VIII – authorize the transaction or agreement in administrative or legal proceedings, actions or litigation, related to the Company or the companies controlled by it, whenever the value involved is superior to (illegible ciphers) (five million reais);

(authentication stamp)

IX – having in view the corporate responsibilities of the Company and its subsidiaries, authorize the practice of gratuitous acts to the benefit of the employees or the community, in compliance with the provisions in item XVIII of Article 25 of these Bylaws;

X – approve the execution of collective agreements by the Company or companies controlled by it;

XI – set the internal policy of authorizations of the Company and of the companies controlled by it;

XII – authorize the appointment of attorneys-in-fact for the practice of the acts listed in this Article 32.


Article 33 – The Management  shall meet whenever the CEO is called or by 02 (two) members of the Management.

§1 – The calls are made by letter, fax or e-mail, delivered with the minimum advance of 02 (two) days, except in the events of manifest urgency, at the sole discretion of the CEO, such communication shall contain the agenda.

§2 – The members of the Management may participate in the meetings by audio or videoconference, all without any loss to the validity of the decisions taken. Votes by letter, fax or e-mail shall also be admitted, provided that received by the CEO or his deputy to the time of the meeting.

§3 – The meetings of the Management shall be taken by the vote of the majority of the acting Directors, it being incumbent upon the CEO the casting vote, in the event of a tie.

§4 – In any event, of the meetings of the Management, their minutes will be drawn upon, which will be signed by those present.

Article 34 – The CEO, acting in isolation, will have full powers to perform all and any acts and sign all and any documents in the name of the Company, in compliance with the limitations established in Articles 13, 25 and 32 of these Bylaws and in the law.

§1 – It will be incumbent upon the Chairman of the Board of Directors the limit of authority of each of the other Directors, setting the value within which the same will be authorized to perform acts and sign documents in the name of the Company, in compliance with the limitations established in Articles 13, 25 and 32 of these Bylaws and in the law.

§2 -  Without prejudice to the provisions in the heading and in §1 of this Article, any one of the Directors of the Company may act individually in questions whose value does not exceed the amount of R$ 100,000.00 (one hundred thousand reais), as well as the representation of the Company before third parties, including federal, state and municipal public bodies.

Article 35 – In compliance with the limitations established in Articles 13, 25, 32 and 34 of these Bylaws and of the Law, the Company will be represented and will be considered validly bound for act or signature: I – of any Director, acting in isolation, or II – of 02 (two) attorneys-in-fact, acting jointly. The Company may also be represented by a single attorney-in-fact, acting individually, provided that the respective instrument of power of attorney has been signed by 02 (two) Directors of the Company, one of them being necessarily the CEO.

Sole § - The instruments of power of attorney granted by the Company will be signed by a Director, in compliance with the respective limits of authority of said Director. The powers of attorney shall specify the powers granted, and, with the exception of the powers of attorney granted for legal purposes, will have the maximum period of 01 (one) year. The subgranting of “ad negotia” powers of attorney is prohibited.

Article 36 -  The Management will administer the Company complying strictly with the provisions in these Bylaws and in the applicable legislation, it being prohibited to their members, jointly or individually, perform acts foreign to the corporate purposes of the Company.


Article 37 -  The Audit Committee is the inspection body of the acts of the administrative acts of the Company and information to shareholders, and it shall function permanently .

Sole § - In addition to the ordinary attributions, the “ Conselho Fiscal ”  also performs the function of its equivalent US Audit Committee.

Article 38 – The Audit Committee will be comprised of 03 (three) to 05 (five) effective members and an equal number of deputies, shareholders or not, elected by the General Meeting.

§1 – The members of the “ Conselho Fiscal” or Audit Committee shall be independent, and it shall, for such, comply with the following requirements: I - not be or have been, in the past 03 (three) years, employed or the administrator of the Company or of a subsidiaries or company under common control; II – not receive any remuneration, directly or indirectly, from the Company or company controlled or under common control, except the remuneration as member of the Audit Committee. Individuals not qualified as independent, according to the provisions of this §1, may not be elected to the Company’s Audit Committee.

§2 – The mandate of the members of the Audit Committee ends on the first subsequent Shareholders’ Meeting to the

respective election, reelection being permitted, the members of the committee holding office until the investiture of their successors.

§3 – The members of the Audit Committee, in their first meeting, shall elect their Chairman, who shall comply with the resolutions of the body.

§4 – The Audit Committee may request to the Company the appointment of qualified personnel to act as secretary and provide technical support.

§5 – Upon investiture (illegible) the Audit Committee shall sign, in addition to the term of investiture, a declaration through (illegible) terms of the internal regulations of the body, of the Company’s ethics code, of the policy manual of disclosure and use of information and negotiations of the Company, as well as of a declaration that they are not impeded, according to the provisions in the Audit Committee’s Internal Regulations.

Article 39 – In addition to the attributions contemplated in the law, the Audit Committee, it is capacity as the Company’s Audit Committee, shall:

I – recommend to the Board of Auditors the contracting or termination of the contract with independent auditors of the Company;

II – previously recommend the services to be provided by the independent auditors, whether said services are audit services or not, as well as the respective fees to be paid by the Company, all pursuant to the terms of the respective procedure approved by the Audit Committee:

III – analyze the annual labor plan of the Company’s independent auditors, discuss the result of its activities, works and reviews made, as well as assess its performance and independence;

IV – issue opinions and supervise the activities of the independent auditors of the Company, including, but not limited to, to the extent permitted by law, assistances in the solution of eventual divergence among the administration and the independent auditors regarding the presentation of the financial statement and information;

V – analyze the work plan of the internal auditors, discuss the result of its activities, works and reviews conducted;

VI – analyze the effectiveness of the internal control and risk management systems of the Company, to, among others, monitor compliance with the provisions related to the presentation of the financial statements and information;

VII – exercise the attributions contemplated in the internal regulations of the Audit Committee related to the receipt, processing and treatment of the anonymous accusations in connection with any accounting matters, internal accounting or audit controls (“denouncement channel”).

Article 40 – The Audit Committee shall meet, ordinarily, once per quarter and, especially, whenever necessary.

§1 – The meetings will be called by the Chairman of the Audit Committee, by 02 (two) members of the Audit Committee or by the CEO of the Company, being convened with the presence of the majority of its members;

§2 – The Audit Committee manifests by majority of votes, the majority of its members being present, the dissident Audit Committee being authorized to consign its dissident vote in meeting minutes and inform it to the bodies of the administration and to the General Meeting.

Article 41 – The members of the Audit Committee will be substituted, in their absences or impediments, by the respective deputy.

Article 42 – In addition to the cases of death, waiver, removal and others contemplated in the law, the office’s vacancy shall occur when the member of the Audit Committee fails to attend, without cause, 02 (two) consecutive meetings or 03 (three) intercalary meetings, in the fiscal year.

§1 – If the vacancy in the office of the member of the Audit Committee occurs, the substitution will occur according to the provisions in Article 41 of these Bylaws.

§2 – The office of the member of the Audit Committee becoming vacant and in the absence of the respective deputy to

fulfill the remaining time of the term, the General Meeting shall be called to elect a deputy.

Article 43 – The remuneration of the members of the Audit Committee will be established by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting which elects them, and may not be inferior, for each acting member, to one tenth of that which, on average, is attributed to each member of the Management, not computing the profit sharing.

Sole § - The acting deputy will be entitled to remuneration of its effective counterpart, in the period in which the substitution occurs, counting month by month, in which case the incumbent member shall not receive his monthly remuneration.

Article 44 – By proposal of the Audit Committee, the Company’s General Meeting shall separate, annually, a reasonable amount to pay for the expenses of the Audit Committee, which will be incurred according to the budget approved by the majority of its members.

§1 – The Company’s administration will take the steps necessary for the Company to bear with all the costs and expenses, as approved by the Audit Committee, in compliance with the limit established by the General Meeting of the Company.

§2 – The Audit Committee, by resolution of the majority of its members, may engage external consultants, including independent auditors and lawyers, to assist it in complying with its attributions, in compliance with the annual budget limit established by the General Meeting, according to the heading of this Article.


Article 45 – The fiscal year will have the duration of one year, beginning on January 1 st (first) of each year and ending on the last day of December.

Article 46 – Together with the financial statements, the bodies of the Company’s administration shall present to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, a proposal on the participation of the employees in the profits and destination of the net profit of the fiscal year.

§1 – The net profits will have the following destination:

I – 5% (five percent) to the legal reserve, up to 20% (twenty percent) of the capital stock paid-in;

II – 25% (twenty-five) percent (illegible) of the net profit adjusted according to items II and III of Article 202 of Law 6.404/76 (illegible) as minimum compulsory dividend to all the shareholders, in compliance with the provisions in the following article, this value being increased up to the amount necessary for the payment of the priority dividend of the preferred shares.

§2 – The balance of the net profits not allocated to the payment of the minimum compulsory dividend or to the priority dividend of the preferred shares will be destined to a supplementary reserve for expansion of the corporate business, which may not exceed 80% (eighty percent) of the capital stock. This limit being reached, the General Meeting shall deliberate on the balance, carrying out its distribution to the shareholders or to increase in the capital stock.

Article 47 – The value corresponding to the minimum compulsory dividend will be destined prioritarily to payment of the priority dividend of the preferred shares, up to the limit of the preference; next, the holders of common shares will be paid, up to the limit of the preferred shares; the balance, if any, will be apportioned by all the shares, in equal conditions.

§1 - The bodies of the administration may pay or credit interest on net current assets pursuant to the terms of §7 of Article 9 of Law 9.249/95 and relevant legislation and regulation, which may be imputed to the compulsory dividends contemplated in Article 202 of Law 6.404/76, even when included in the minimum dividend of preferred shares.

§2 – The dividends not claimed within 03 (three) years shall revert to the benefit of the Company.


Article 48 -  The Company will enter into liquidation in the cases contemplated in the law, or by resolution of the General Meeting, which will establish the form of liquidation, elect the liquidator and convene the Audit Committee, for the liquidation period, electing the members and setting their respective remunerations.



Article 49 – The approval by the Company, through its representatives, of merger, split, incorporation or dissolution transactions of its subsidiaries shall be preceded by an economic-financial analysis by independent company, of international renown, confirming that equitable treatment is being given to all the interested companies, whose shareholders shall have full access to the report of each analysis.

Article 50 – These Bylaws shall be interpreted in good faith. The shareholders and the Company shall act, in their relations, preserving the strictest subjective and objective good faith.


Publicly Held Company
CNPJ/MF 02.558.115/0001-21
NIRE 33.300.276.963

HELD ON APRIL 11, 2008

DATE, TIME AND PLACE : April 11, 2008, at 11:00h, at the headquarters of TIM Participações S.A. (“Company”), located at Avenida das Américas No. 3434, Block 1, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ.

ATTENDANCE : Shareholders representing more than 74.63% (seventy-four point sixty-three percent) of the voting capital, as verified by the signatures posted in the Shareholders Attendance Book. Moreover, Mr. Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta, Financial and Investors Relations Director of the Company, Mr. Miguel Roberto Gherrize, member of the Audit Committee and also representative of the independent auditors of the Company were present.

PRESIDING OFFICERS : Chairman – Robson Goulart Barreto, Secretary – Alessandra Catanante.

CALL NOTICE : (1) Call Notice published in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Jornal do Brasil and in Gazeta Mercantil , on March 25, 26 and 27, 2008; (2) The announcement contemplated in Article 133 of Law No. 6.404/76 was published in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Gazeta Mercantil, on March 25, 26 and 27, 2008; (3) The administration report, the financial statements and the opinion of the independent auditors relative to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2007 were published in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Gazeta Mercantil and in Jornal do Brasil, on March 14, 2008 .

AGENDA : (1) resolve on the administration report and the financial statements of the Company, in connection with the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2007; (2) resolve on the proposal by the administration in connection with the destination of the income of fiscal year 2007 and the distribution of dividends of the Company; (3) resolve on the proposal by the administration for increase in the capital stock of the Company; (4) elect the effective and deputy members of the Audit Committee and decide on the proposal for their remuneration; (5) resolve on the proposal of remuneration of the administrators of the Company in connection with the fiscal year 2008; and (6) decide on the alteration of the newspapers for legal publications of the Company.

READING OF DOCUMENTS, RECEIPT OF VOTES AND DRAWING UP OF MINUTES : (1) The reading of the documents related to the matter to be decided in this General Meeting, once its content is fully known by the shareholders; (2) The vote declarations, protests, and dissidences that may be presented will be numbered, received and authenticated by the Board and will be filed at the Company’s headquarters, pursuant to the terms of Article 130, §1 of Law 6.404/76; (3) The drawing up of these minutes was authorized, according to the (illegible) publication with omission of the signatures of all the shareholders, pursuant to the terms of Article 130, §§ 1 and 2 of Law 6.404/76, respectively; (4) minutes of the Annual and Special Shareholders’ Meeting will be drawn up in a single instrument, pursuant to the terms of Article 131, Sole §, of Law No. 6.404/76;

RESOLUTIONS : After analysis and discussion of the matter set forth in the Agenda, the shareholders decided, to: (1) approve , unanimously, the administration report and the financial statements of the Company, drawn up on December 31, 2007, which were the purpose of revision by the independent auditors of the Company, Directa Auditores, it being consigned the abstaining of the shareholders legally impeded in relation to the approval of the financial statements; (2) approve, by absolute majority o votes, the proposal of the administration of the destination of the income of fiscal year 2007 and of the distribution of the net profits of the fiscal year, less the legal reserve, and the remaining balance resulting from the reversal of the reserve for expansion, both paid exclusively to the preferred shares as priority dividend, as determined by Article 47 of the Company’s Bylaws. Thus, each preferred share will give the right to receive R$ 0.1377 (one thousand and seventy-seven tenths of thousandths of reais), to be paid in the period of up to 75 (seventy-five) days. It was emphasized that the common shares fail to give right to minimum dividends by virtue of the Company’s result in the past fiscal year having been insufficient to pay the priority dividends of the preferred shares; (3) approve , by majority of votes, the proposal of the administration for capital increase of the Company, in the amount of R$63,084,868.02 (sixty-three million, eighty-four thousand, eight hundred and sixty-eight reais and two cents) with issue of 3,359,308 (three million, three hundred and fifty-nine thousand, three hundred and eight) common shares and 6,503,066 (six million, five hundred and three thousand, sixty-six) preferred shares, at the price of issue of R$ 7.59 (seven reais and fifty-nine cents) and R$ 5.78 (five reais and seventy-eight cents) per common and preferred share, respectively, by capitalization of the remaining portion of the Special Premium Reserve, corresponding to the tax benefit earned by the Company’s Subsidiaries during the fiscal year 2007, which benefit resulting from the amortization of the premium incorporated by the Subsidiaries in the fiscal year 200. Pursuant to the terms of CVM Instruction No. 319/99 and the Split and Incorporation Protocols contemplated in this issue, the portion of the Special Premium Reserve corresponding to the tax benefit shall be

capitalized in the Subsidiaries, where R$37,904,239.62 (thirty-seven million, nine hundred and four thousand, two hundred and thirty-nine reais and seventy-two cents) in connection with TIM Celular S.A. and R$ 25,180,628.40 (twenty-five million, one hundred and eighty thousand, six hundred and twenty-eight reais and forty cents) in connection with TIM Nordeste S.A. As a result of the capital increase mentioned previously, the capital stock passes from R$7,550,525,275.10 (seven billion, five hundred and fifty million, five hundred and twenty-five thousand, two hundred and seventy-five reais and ten cents) to R$7,613,610,143.12 (seven billion, six hundred and thirteen million, six hundred and ten thousand, one hundred and forty-three reais and twelve cents) whereas its homologation is immediate in view of the commitments previously assumed by the shareholders of TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A., the other minority shareholders being able to exercise their preemptive rights in the legal period, in the proportion of the shares held by them, as determined by CVM Instruction No. 319/99, the values eventually calculated reverting to said controlling clause. Thus, Article 5 of the Bylaws come into effect with the following wording: “ Article 5 – The capital stock, subscribed and paid in is of R$7,613,610,143.12 (seven billion, six hundred and thirteen million, six hundred and ten thousand, one hundred and forty-three reais and twelve cents), represented by 2,343,826,537 (two billion, one thousand, one hundred and forty-three reais and twelve cents),, 798,350,977 (seven hundred and ninety-eight million, three hundred and fifty thousand, nine hundred and seventy-seven) being common shares and 1,545,475,560 (one billion, five hundred and forty-five million, four hundred and seventy-five thousand, five hundred and sixty) preferred shares, all nominative and without par value; (4) it was decided by the majority of the shareholders present to increase the composition of the Company’s Audit Committee to 5 (five) effective members and other 5 (five) deputy members and to elect , first, as effective member and deputy of the Company’s Audit Committee, in separate ballot, in the form of §4, section “a” of Article 161 of Law No.6.404/76, by shareholders representing approximately 2.77% (two point seventy-seven percent) of the preferred shareholders present at this Meeting, with abstaining of the controlling shareholder in the vote, as effective   member, Mr. José Sampaio de Lacerda Junior, Brazilian, married, economist, holder of ID Card No. 198809, issued by SSP/DF, individual taxpayer register CPF No. 067.890.051/53, domiciled at SQN 213 – Block D – apt. 503, Asa Norte, Brasilia, and as   deputy Mr. Robson Balilla, Brazilian, married, banker, and economist, holder of ID Card No. 5136909, individual taxpayer register under CPF No. 873.184.238/00, issued by SSP/SP, domiciled at Av. Alfredo Bechelli No. 74, Rudge Ramos, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo; further elected were, by majority vote of the shareholders holders of common shares present at this Meeting, as effective member: (i) Mr. Miguel Roberto Gherrize, Brazilian, married, accountant, CPF/MF No. 107140308-72, holder of ID Card RG No. 2563050, domiciled at Rua Joaquim José Esteves No. 60, apt. 192c, Bairro Santo Amaro, in the City and State of São Paulo, and as deputy Mr. João Carlos Hopp, Brazilian, married, college professor, CPF No. 201275708-10, holder of ID Card No. 1395761-2, issued by SSP/SP, residing at the city and State of São Paulo, at Alameda Casa Branca, No 456/ 7 th floor,; (ii) Oswaldo Orsolia, Brazilian, married, economist CPF No 034.987.868-49, holder of ID Card No 29118529, issued by SSP/SP, domiciled at Avenida Lopes de Azevedo, No 154, casa 1, Bairro Jardim Everest, São Paulo/SP, CEP:05603-000, and as deputy Mr. Roosevelt Fernandes Leadebal, Brazilian, married, economist, CPF No. 016.083.804-59, holder of ID Card No. 74.045, issued by SSP/RN, residing at SQSW 305, Block G, apt. 407, Brasilia, DF; (iii) Messrs. Alberto Emmanuel Whitaker, Brazilian, married, administrator and lawyer, CRA 2724 and OAB/SP 37643, CPF No. 002.337.738-00, holder of ID Card 2025093, issued by SSP/SP, residing and domiciled at Alameda Itu No. 823, apt. 31, Bairro Cerqueira Cesar, São Paulo/SP, CEP 01421-000, and as deputy Mr. João Verner Juenemann, Brazilian, married, CPF No. 000.952.490-87, holder of ID Card No. 3010401283, residing at Rua André Poente, No. 238, Bairro Independência, Porto Alegre/RS. CEP: 90035-150, still elected as effective member Mr. Alfredo Ferreira Marques Filho, Brazilian, married, auditor, CRC 1SP154954/O-3, CPF No. 01329-000, and as deputy Mr. Francisco de Paula dos Reis Junior, Brazilian, married, auditor, CPF No. 007.190.878-13, holder of ID Card No. 9448100-3, issued by SSP-SP, residing at Rua dos Ingleses, 609, São Paulo, SP, CEP: 01329-000, accepting the indication and recommendation made by the representative of the administrator Credit Suisse Hedging-Griffo Corretora de Valores S.A., which now represents several minority shareholders holder of common shares present at this Meeting. The shareholders who indicated the members of the Audit Committee presently elected declared that, as a condition for investiture of these effective and deputy elected members, the shall obtain, within 30 (thirty) days, or even prior to the date of the next meeting of the Audit Committee, whichever occurs first, from these members the confirmation that they have the necessary qualifications and comply with the requirements established in Law 6.404/76 and in the Bylaws of the Company to hold the office of member of the Conselho Fiscal /Audit Committee of the Company. These presently elected members shall have a term of office until the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company to be held in (illegible) invested in the offices upon compliance with the conditions applicable and execution of the respective terms of investiture, as and in the period established in Law 6.404/76 and in the Company’s Bylaws. It was also approved , by majority of the votes cast, the aggregate remuneration of the members of the Audit Committee for the fiscal year 2008, in the amount of R$ 612,000.00 (six hundred and twelve thousand reais), which corresponds to R$11,500.00 (eleven thousand and five hundred reais) per member; (5)   approve , unanimously, the remuneration of the administrators in connection with the fiscal year 2008, in the following terms: (a) Remuneration of the Board of Directors : aggregate annual remuneration of the Directors in the amount of R$ 459,000.00 (four hundred and fifty-nine thousand reais), to be attributed to the Directors, individually, according to the criteria deliberated in the next meeting of the Board of Directors; (b) Remuneration of the Management : aggregate annual remuneration in the amount of up to R$ 10,600,000.00 (ten million and six hundred thousand reais). With respect to the variable remuneration (bonus/profit sharing, to be determined according to the variable remuneration policy of the Company). It is registered that the proposal approved herein was appreciated by the Board of Directors of the Company, at a meeting held on March 04, 2008; and (6) ratify , unanimously, the decision of the administration, to the effect that the

legal publications of the Company start to be made in “Jornal do Comércio” and in “Valor Econômico”, in addition to the official body published in the State of Rio de Janeiro, pursuant to the terms of Article 289, §3 of Law 6.404/76.

ADJOURNMENT : Having nothing further to deal, the Chairman of the Board suspended the works for the time necessary to draw up these minutes. The session reopened, the minutes were read and approved by those present, signed by the President and Secretary of the Board and by the shareholders identified below.

[signature]                                                                                                                    [signature]
ROBSON GOULART BARRETO                                                                           ALESSANDRA CATANANTE
      Chairman of the Board                                                                                               Secretary of the Board

pp. Kenneth Gerald Clark Junior

pp. Sabrina de Lima Martins

pp. Sabrina de Lima Martins


[stamp of authentication as of may 28 th 2008, signed by Jobson Eleuterio Belo, Authorized  Clerl]



[stamp of authentication as of may 28 th 2008, signed by Jobson Eleuterio Belo, Authorized  Clerl]

TIM. PARTICIPAÇÕES . S.A., com sede na Avenida das Américas, n° 3434, Bloco 1, 7° andar, na Cidade e Estado do Rio de Janeiro, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o n° 02.558.115/0001-21 ("OUTORGANTE"), neste ato devidamente representada por seu Diretor Presidente, o Sr. MARIO CESAR PEREIRA DE ARAUJO, brasileiro, casado, engenheiro, portador da carteira de identidade n° 02.158.026 IFP/RJ, inscrito no CPF/MF sob o n° 235.485.337-87, e por seu Diretor de Suprimentos, o Sr. CLAUDIO ROBERTO DE ARGOLLO BASTOS, brasileiro, casado, engenheiro, portador da carteira de identidade n° 07101376-7, inscrito no CPF/MF sob o n° 805.708.607-68, ambos domiciliados na Avenida das Américas,' n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6° andar, na Cidade e Estado do Rio de Janeiro, nomeia e constitui como seus bastantes procuradores:
(i)   OSCAR CICCHETTI, italiano, casado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n° D-786130, válido até 10 de abril de 2015, domiciliado em Corso d'Italia, n° 41, na Cidade de Roma, Itália;
(ii)   FRANCESCO TANZI, italiano, casado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n° B-074220, válido até 8 de outubro de 2013, domiciliado na Piazza Degli . Affari n° 2, na Cidade de Milão,Itália;(iii) FRANCESCO MANCINI, italiano, casado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n° 696478U, válido até 12 de janeiro de 2010, domiciliado na Via Negri, nº 1, Cidade de Milão, Itália, e; (iv) GIANANDREA CASTELLI RIVOLTA, italiano, divorciado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n" C­113621, válido até 10 de fevereiro de 2014, inscrito no CPF/MF sob o n° 060.522.167-78, domiciliado na Avenida das Américas n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6° andar, Barra da Tijuca, Cidade e . Estado do Rio de Janeiro (isoladamente "OUTORGADO" e, em, conjunto, "OUTORGADOS");
com poderes para, individualmente,
representar a OUTORGANTE com o propósito de:
(i)       Negociar e assinar, em nome da OUTORGANTE, Contrato de Financiamento, a ser celebrado entre a OUTORGANTE e European Investment Bank ("EIB"), com sede na Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, n° 100, Luxemburgo, L-2950, Luxemburgo, por um valor total de €
TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., a company, duly incorporated and existing under the laws of Brazil, with registered office at Avenida das Américas, n° 3434, Bloco 1, 7 th floor, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, enrolled in the CNPJ/MF under number 02.558.115/0001-21 ("GRANTOR") herein represented by its Directors, Mr. MARIO CESAR PEREIRA DE ARAUJO, Brazilian, married, engineer, bearer of identity card number 02.158.026 IFP/RJ, enrolled in the
Individual Taxpayers' . Register ("CPF/MF") under number 235.485.337­87, and Mr. CLÁUDIO. ROBERTO DE ARGOLLO BASTOS, Brazilian, married, engineer, bearer of identity card number 07101376-7, enrolled in the CPF/MF under number 805.708.607-68, both domiciled at Avenida das Américas, n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6th floor, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, appoints and constitutes as its attorneys-in-fact:
(i)   OSCAR CICCHETTI, Italian, married, business manager, bearer of the Italian passport number D-786130, in force until April 10 th , 2015, domiciled at Corso d'Italia n° 41, in the City of Rome, Italy;
(ii)   FRANCESCO TANZI, Italian, married,, business manager, bearer of the Italian passport number B-074220, in force until ' October 8 th ,   2013, domiciled at Piazza Degli Affari n° 2, in the City of Milan, Italy; (iii) FRANCESCO MANCINI, Italian, married, business manager, bearer of the Italian passport number 696478U, in force until January 12 th , 2010, domiciled at Via Negri, n° 1, in the City of Milan, Italy, and; (iv) GIANANDREA CASTELLI RIVOLTA, Italian, divorced, business manager, bearer of the italian passport number 113621, in force until February 10th, 2 enrolled, in the CPF/MF under number 060.522.167-78, domiciled at Avenida das Américas, n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6 th floor, Barra da Tijuca, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro (each the "GRANTEE" and, together, the "GRANTEES");
with powers to, each acting individually, represent the GRANTOR for the purposes of:
(i)       negotiating and signing in the name and on behalf of the GRANTOR a Finance Contract to be entered into by and between the GRANTOR and the European Investment Bank ("EIB"), with registered office at Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, n° 100, Luxembourg, L-2950, Luxembourg, for a total principal amount of € 200,000,000.00 (two hundred


200.000.000,00 (duzentos milhões de euros) ("Contrato"), assim como outros documentos, incluindo, mas não se limitando a, pedidos de saque e contra-garantias, que possam ser necessários ou úteis de acordo ou em conexão com o Contrato, e;
(ii)     proceder de forma semelhante em nome da OUTORGANTE todas as medidas e acordos legais que possam ser necessários ou úteis de acordo e em conexão com o Contrato e qualquer medida complementar relacionada que possa ser necessária ou útil para o fiel cumprimento deste mandato.
Os OUTORGADOS devem observar fiel e rigorosamente as competências fixadas no Estatuto Social, na Política de Autorizações Societárias e no Código de Ética da OUTORGANTE, bem como os preceitos gerais de probidade e legalidade no exercício deste mandato.
A OUTORGANTE se compromete a aprovar e ratificar toda e qualquer medida que os OUTORGADOS venham a executar por este mandato e a isentá-los contra todas as medidas executadas ou pretendidas no escopo do presente mandato.
O presente mandato será válido apenas para a prática dos atos acima declinados ou pelo prazo de 1 (um) ano a contar da presente data, podendo ser revogado a qualquer momento pela OUTORGANTE.
Rio de Janeiro, 27 de maio de 2008.
( Consta assinatura )
( Consta assinatura )
million euros) ("Agreement"), as well as all other documents including, but not limiting to, drawdown requests and counter/guarantees, which may be necessary or useful pursuant to or in connection with the Agreement, and;
(ii)     carrying out likewise in the name and on behalf of the GRANTOR all legal actions and consents which may be necessary or useful pursuant to or in connection with the Agreement and whatever related or complementary actions which may be necessary or useful for the complete fulfillment of the power of attorney received herein.
The GRANTEES must faithfully and strictly consider the powers established by the GRANTOR's by-laws, Corporate Authorization Policy and Ethical Code, as well as the general precepts of probity and legality in the discharge of this power of attorney.
The GRANTOR undertakes to approve and ratify any and all actions which the GRANTEES shall execute hereunder and to hold them harmless against all  executed actions or purported to be done hereunder.
This power of attorney will be in force for the execution of the aforementioned actions or for the period of one (1) year and can be revoked at any time by the GRANTOR.
Rio de Janeiro, 27 de maio de 2008.
( Consta assinatura )
( Consta assinatura )


( this page next to the previous one does not need translation, it just needs to be scanned or typed)
(authentication stamp of document)
(authentication stamp of signature of MARIO CESAR PEREIRA DE ARAUJO and CLAUDIO ROBERTO DE ARGOLLO BASTOS, Rio de Janeiro, May 28, 2008, 4 o Ofício de Notas)

Publicly Held Company
CNPJ/MF 02.558.115/0001-21
NIRE 33.300.276.963

HELD ON MAY 26, 2009

DATE, TIME AND PLACE : May 26, 2008, at 15:00h, in the City and State of São Paulo.

ATTENDANCE : The Board of Directors of TIM Participações S.A. (“Company”) met, on the date, time and location mentioned above. Messrs. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, Isaac Selim Sutton and Josino de Almeida Fonseca participated in presence. Messrs. Stefano Ciurli, Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo, Francesco Saverio Locati and Maílson Ferreira da Nóbrega, participated by audioconference, as authorized in §2 of Article 29 of the Company Bylaws, whereas, all, jointly, represent all the acting members. Mr. Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta (Financial and Investors Relations Officer) was also present.

PRESIDING OFFICERS : Mr. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco assumed as Chairman, who invited me, Alessandra Catanante, to act as his Secretary.

AGENDA : (1) Examine, discuss and approve the execution of the long-term finance agreement between Banco Europeu de Investimentos (“BEI”) and operators TIM Celular S.A. and Tim Participações S.A.; (2) Examine, discuss and approve the execution of the counterguarantee contract by bank bail with 1 st class international investment banks for the loan agreement mentioned above.

RESOLUTIONS : After analysis and discussion of the matter set forth in the Agenda, as well as the related material, the Directors resolved, by unanimous vote, and without any restriction, the following terms: (1) approve the execution of the long-term finance agreement, between Banco Europeu de Investimentos (“BEI”) and operators TIM Celular S.A. and TIM Nordeste S.A., with the guarantee of TIM Participações S.A., in the amount of EUR 200,000,000.00 (two hundred million Euros), in the form of the material presented and filed at the Company’s headquarters, whereas the Directors requested to be informed about all the details at the time of disbursement, and that, therefore, such disbursement will be subject to previous approval by the Board; (2) approve the execution, by the Company, of a counterguarantee agreement by bail, to be issued by banks to be selected for coverage of the finance with BEI. The guarantee will be, for all the amount and term to be contracted. To this effect, the Management of the Company and of its subsidiaries is authorized to perform all the acts and take all the steps necessary and required for the execution of the Contracts and operations in reference, including regarding the (i) execution of the contracts and terms of authorization necessary, by any of the Directors and/or Attorneys-in-Fact of the Company duly appointed with specific powers, as well as by the Directors and/or Attorneys-in-Fact of its subsidiaries, respectively; and (ii) authorization to the Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries to grant powers of attorney, with specific powers, related to the Contracts listed in (1) and (2) above, to Messrs. Oscare Chicchetti, Francesco Tanzi, Francesco Mancini and Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta.

ADJOURNMENT : Having nothing further to deal, the works were ended and the meeting suspended for the time necessary to draw up these minutes, which, the session reopened, was read, found correct, approved and signed by all the Directors present. Messrs. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo, Francesco Saverio Locati, Josino de Almeida Fonseca, Stefano Ciurli, Mailson Ferreira da Nóbrega and Isaac Selim Sutton.

I attest that this is a true copy of the original drawn up in the appropriate book.

São Paulo, SP, May 26, 2008

[signature]                                                                                                        [signature]
GIORGIO DELLA SETA FERRARI                                                ALESSANDRA CATANANTE
CORBELLI GRECO                                                                           Secretary of the Board
Chairman of the Board and of the Board of

[stamp of authentication as of may 28 th 2008, signed by Jobson Eleuterio Belo, Authorized  Clerl]

[stamp of authentication as of may 28 th 2008, signed by Jobson Eleuterio Belo, Authorized  Clerl]


TIM Participacoes S.A.
Av. Das Américas, 3434
Bloco 1 - 7 ° Andar, Barra da Tijuca,
Rio de Janeiro,
State of Rio de Janeiro,
For the attention of Mr. F. Tanzi
Luxembourg, 3rd June 2008                                                                          JU/RO/rs                        No 1258
TIM Celular Project
Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement of even date herewith between European Investment Bank (the "Bank") and TIM Participacoes S.A (the "Guarantor"). Finance Contract signed on 3rd June 2008 between European Investment Bank and TIM Celular S.A.
Dear Sirs,
We write with reference to certain provision in the above mentioned Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement Terms used in the Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement have the same meaning herein.
Article 2.01
We confirm that if the Bank has accepted a Substitute Financial Asset ("SFA"), as defined in the Finance Contract, as payment for sums due in the circumstances described in Article 4.05 of the Finance Contract, the Bank will not make demand on the Guarantor for such payment; provided that the SFA covers the full amount due to the Bank at the relevant time.
Article 2.02(d)
We confirm that if the Bank grants any time, indulgence, arrangement or composition to the Borrower, which would vary the Bank's rights under the Finance Contract, the Bank will inform the Guarantor in a timely manner.
Article 2.03
We confirm that if it can be proved by the Guarantor that the Bank has engaged in an act of wilful misconduct with regard to the Guarantor, which nullifies by law the Indemnity given pursuant to Article 2.03, the Bank may not make demand thereunder.
Yours faithfully
          (signature)                                                                          (signature)
F. de Paula Coelho                                                                          R. Otte

Fl No. 24.463 BRESI
Serapis No. 2007-0223

(Loan from Own Resources)

Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement


European Investment Bank


TIM Participações S.A.

Luxembourg, 3rd June 2008





Fi: 24.463/BR







Luxembourg, 3 rd June 2008


European Investment Bank established at 100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by Mr. Francisco de Paula Coelho, Director and Mrs. Regan Otte, Associate Director,

hereinafter referred to as: the "Bank"

of the first part, and

TIM Participações S.A., a company registered under Brazilian law, whose registered office is at Av. Das Américas, 3434 Bloco 1 — 7 ° Andar, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil represented by, Mr. Francesco Tanzi, Business Manager,

hereinafter referred to as: the "Guarantor"

of the second part.


By an agreement (the "Finance Contract") dated 3 rd June 2008 and made between the Bank and TIM   Nordeste S.A., a joint stock company incorporated in the Federative Republic of Brazil, having its principal office at Av. Ayrton Senna  da Silva 1633, Bairro da Piedade-Jaboatão dos Guarupes, State of Pernanbuco, Brazil (the "Borrower"), the Bank has agreed to establish in favour of the Borrower a credit in an amount of EUR 34 000 000 (thirty four million euros).

As at the date of this Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement (the "Guarantee"), the Guarantor owns through TIM Celular S.A. 100% (one hundred percent) of the voting shares in the Borrower, and 100% (one hundred percent) of its total share capital.

The obligations of the Bank under the Finance Contract are conditional upon the prior execution and delivery by the Guarantor of a guarantee of performance by the Borrower of its financial obligations under the Finance Contract and the delivery of a favourable legal opinion thereon.

By resolutions dated 26 th May 2008, the Board of Directors of the Guarantor has authorised the granting of the Guarantee and Mr Francesco Tanzi. Has been authorised to execute this Guarantee (evidence of such authorisation is attached as Annex I). The Brazilian legal adviser to the Bank will issue a favourable legal opinion regarding the enforceability of this Guarantee against the Guarantor in form and substance acceptable to the Bank.

NOW THEREFORE it is hereby agreed as follows:

Finance Contract

The Guarantor acknowledges notice of the provisions of the Finance Contract, a copy of which has been delivered to it. Terms defined in the Finance Contract shall have the same meaning when used herein.


2.01         Payment

In consideration of the Credit established by THE BANK under THE FINANCE CONTRACT, and subject to Articles 4 to 7 inclusive, THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantees the payment of all Guaranteed Sums (as defined below). THE GUARANTOR undertakes that, if THE BORROWER should fail to pay any Guaranteed Sum to THE BANK, whether upon the normal due date, upon demand for early repayment or otherwise, THE GUARANTOR shall upon receipt of a written demand from THE BANK pay the Guaranteed Sum so demanded to THE BANK within 5 Business Days in the currency specified in THE FINANCE CONTRACT and to the account or accounts specified in the demand, provided that the maximum liability of THE GUARANTOR shall not at any time exceed 115% of the principal and interest amount of the Loan outstanding from time to time under THE FINANCE CONTRACT, less all principal instalments of the Loan in respect of which THE GUARANTOR has been released and continues to be released from liability at or prior to that time under either or both Articles 5 or 6.

For the purposes of this Guarantee, a "Guaranteed Sum" means any sum of principal, interest, commission, liquidated damages, charge or expense or any other sum which is expressed to be payable from time to time by the Borrower to the Bank under or pursuant to the Finance Contract and any other sum due from time to time by the Borrower in connection with any advance or credit extended under the Finance Contract.

The Guarantor further agrees and undertakes to pay interest to the Bank at the rate and on the terms specified in the Finance Contract for payment of overdue sums on any sum demanded under this Guarantee from the date of receipt of the Bank's demand until the date of receipt of such sum by the Bank.

2.02         Nature of Guarantor's Liability

The obligations of the Guarantor hereunder are those of a primary obligor and not merely those of a surety. They shall not be impaired or discharged by reason of:

illegality, invalidity or unenforceability in or of the terms of the Finance Contract;

disability, incapacity or change in status or constitution of the Borrower, the Bank or any other party;

liquidation or insolvency of the Borrower;

time or other indulgence granted by the Bank or any arrangement entered into or composition accepted by the Bank, varying the rights of the Bank under the Finance Contract;

forbearance or delay on the part of the Bank in asserting any of its rights against the Borrower under the Finance Contract;

any other security or guarantee which the Bank now has or may hereafter acquire with respect to the Borrower's obligations under the Finance Contract; or

any circumstance, other than actual payment of a Guaranteed Sum, which might otherwise discharge or diminish the obligations of the Guarantor.

2.03         Indemnity

As a continuing obligation additional to and separate from those set out in Articles 2.01 and 2.02, and without prejudice to the validity or enforceability of those obligations, the Guarantor unconditionally and irrevocably undertakes that if any Guaranteed Sum should not be recoverable by the Bank from the Guarantor under Article 2.01 for whatsoever reason, and whether or not the reason was known to the Bank, the Guarantor shall, upon first written demand by the Bank, and as if it were a sole and independent obligor, compensate the Bank by way of a full indemnity for all loss resulting from the failure of the Borrower to make payment of any Guaranteed Sum in the amount and currency provided for by or pursuant to the Finance Contract, whether upon the normal due date, upon demand for early repayment or otherwise, as the case may be.

2.04         Continuing Security

This Guarantee is a continuing security and shall endure until all Guaranteed Sums have been fully and unconditionally paid or discharged and, in any case, until the date six months after the Maturity Date as defined in the Finance Contract. No payment or discharge which may be avoided under any enactment relating to insolvency, no payment or discharge made or given which is subsequently avoided and no release, cancellation or discharge of this Guarantee given or made on the faith of any such payment shall constitute discharge of the Guarantor under this Guarantee or prejudice or affect the Bank's right to recover from the Guarantor to the full extent of this Guarantee.

2.05         Application of Payments

Any money duly received by the Bank pursuant to this Guarantee may be placed by the Bank to the credit of a suspense account with a view to preserving the right of the Bank to prove for the whole of the claims against the Borrower or may be applied by the Bank in or towards satisfaction of such of the Guaranteed Sums as the Bank in its absolute discretion may from time to time determine.

2.06         Covenants of Guarantor

The Guarantor agrees that until all the Guaranteed Sums have been fully paid or discharged:

it shall not seek to enforce any obligation owed to the Guarantor by the Borrower which arises by virtue of the discharge by the Guarantor of its obligations hereunder;

except as required by mandatory provision of law, it shall pay to the Bank all dividends or payment of interest on equity in liquidation or otherwise received by it from or for the account of the Borrower in respect of any obligation referred to in indent (a) above; the Bank shall apply such sums to reduce the outstanding Guaranteed Sums in such sequence as it may decide;

it shall not exercise any right of subrogation to the rights of the Bank under the Finance Contract or any security granted in connection therewith; and

it shall not exercise (and hereby waives) any rights of contribution which it may have against any other guarantor of the Guaranteed Sums.

2.07         Acknowledgement

The Guarantor acknowledges: (i) that it has entered into this Guarantee on the basis of its own assessment of the Borrower and of any security provided, and (ii) that it has not been induced to enter into this Guarantee by any representation made by the Bank. The Bank shall not be obliged to report to the Guarantor on the financial position of the Borrower or of any other guarantor or on any security provided or on any other matter. The Bank shall have no liability for granting or disbursing the Loan, for cancelling or not cancelling the Credit or for demanding or not demanding prepayment under the Finance Contract.

Enforcement of Guarantee

3.01         Certificate Conclusive

A certificate of the Bank as to any default by the Borrower in the payment of any Guaranteed Sum shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive against the Guarantor.

3.02         Guarantor's Obligations Unconditional

The Guarantor undertakes to pay all sums due hereunder in full, free of set-off or counterclaim. This Guarantee may be enforced by the Bank upon provision of a statement of the reason for the demand. The Bank shall not be obliged to take any action against the Borrower, to have recourse to any other guarantee or enforce any other security as a condition precedent to the enforcement by the Bank of this Guarantee.

3.03         Guarantor's Option

The Guarantor may, at any date which is a Payment Date and with a prior notice of thirty (30) days, pay to the Bank all (but not less than all) outstanding Guaranteed Sums, in settlement of its obligations hereunder and of the Borrower's obligations under the Finance Contract. If the Guarantor makes such payment, the Bank shall, upon the request and at the expense of that Guarantor, assign to the Guarantor the Bank's rights under the Finance Contract and under any security therefore.

Information and other Undertakings

4.01         Information concerning the Guarantor

The Guarantor shall deliver to the Bank each year, within fifteen (15) days of delivery to its shareholders, a copy of its annual report and audited financial statements together with all other such information as the Bank may reasonably require as to the Guarantor's financial situation and shall inform the Bank without delay of any material change in its By-laws, so long as the Guarantor is not prevented by law from disclosing such change to any third party.

4.02         Material Changes concerning the Guarantor

So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Guarantor shall immediately inform the Bank of:

any material alteration to its documents of incorporation and of any substantial modification of any legislation which would adversely affect in any material respect its activities;

its knowledge, that a single natural or legal person or a group of such persons acting in concert, has acquired (or will acquire shortly) such number of its voting shares, and/or of those of any other legal person, as is necessary to control it by the direct and/or indirect exercise of voting rights, such information to be communicated as soon as practicable;

any intention on its part to grant any security over any of its assets in favour of a third party;

any intention on its part to make any disposal of any material component of its assets, which would adversely affect its ability to perform its obligations hereunder;

any fact which obliges it, and any demand made to it, to prepay or discharge ahead of maturity, by reason of default, any loan, Financial Indebtedness or obligation arising out of any financial transaction, exceeding 1.5% of the Guarantor's net tangible worth.

4.03         Performance in Jeopardy

Generally, the Guarantor shall inform the Bank forthwith of any fact or event which could reasonably be expected to jeopardise the performance or to prevent the substantial fulfilment of any obligation of the Guarantor under this Guarantee.
For the purposes of this Contract TIMP's net tangible worth means on a consolidated basis the sum of total assets less total liabilities less intangible assets.

Amendment to the Finance Contract

In addition to any variations provided for in the Finance Contract, the Bank may agree to any amendment or variation thereto, if:

the amendment or variation does not increase the amounts payable by the Guarantor under this Guarantee or change the conditions under which such amounts are payable; or

the amendment or variation consists in the extension of time for payment of a Guaranteed Sum of up to three (3) months; or

the Guarantor has given its prior written consent to the amendment or variation, provided that such consent may not unreasonably be refused or delayed.

Waiver of Rights

This GUARANTEE is provided with the express waiver of the benefits contained in articles 366, 827, 829, 835, 836, 837, 838 and 839 of the Brazilian Civil Code and in article 595 of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code.

Other Guarantees

This Guarantee is independent of any guarantees now or hereafter given to the Bank by other guarantors or by the European Community (the "EC"). The Guarantor hereby waives any right to contribution or indemnity from the EC. If payment is made to the Bank by the EC on account of any Guaranteed Sum, the EC shall be subrogated to the rights of the Bank under this Guarantee and the EC may recover from the Guarantor any amount outstanding under this Guarantee.


Taxes, Charges and Expenses

The Guarantor shall bear its own costs of execution and implementation of this Guarantee and, without prejudice to the terms of Article 2, shall indemnify the Bank against all:

taxes and fiscal charges, legal costs and other expenses duly documented incurred by the Bank in the execution or implementation of this Guarantee; and

losses, charges and expenses duly documented to which the Bank may be subject or which it may properly incur under or in connection with the recovery from any person of sums expressed due under or pursuant to the Finance Contract.

Furthermore, the Guarantor shall make payments hereunder without withholding or deduction on account of tax or fiscal charges.

Law and Jurisdiction

9.01         Law

This Guarantee shall be governed by, and construed in all respects in accordance with, English law.

9.02         Jurisdiction

The parties hereto submit to the jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice in England (the "Court") and all disputes concerning this Guarantee shall be submitted to the Court. A decision of the Court given pursuant to this Article 9.02 shall be conclusive and binding on the parties without restriction or reservation.

9.03         Agent for Service

The Guarantor appoints TI United Kingdom Limited, whose address is 100, New Bridge Street, EC4V 6JA London, United Kingdom to be its Agent for the purpose of accepting service on their behalf on any writ, notice, order, judgement or other legal process.

9.04         Waiver of immunity

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Guarantor hereby irrevocably agrees that no immunity (to the extent that it may at any time exist) from any proceedings, from attachment (whether in aid of execution, before judgement or otherwise) of its assets or from execution of judgement shall be claimed by it or on its behalf or with respect to its assets, any such immunity being irrevocably waived.


The Guarantor hereby irrevocably agrees that it and its assets are, and shall be, subject to such proceedings, attachment or execution in respect of its obligations under this Guarantee, and consents to such proceedings, attachment or execution.

9.05         Invalidity

If any provision hereof is invalid, such invalidity shall not prejudice any other provision hereof.

9.06         Assignment

The Guarantor shall not assign all or any part of the benefit of its rights or obligations under this Guarantee without the prior consent of the Bank.

9.07         Evidence of Sums due

In any legal action arising out of this Guarantee the certificate of the Bank as to any amount due to the Bank under this Guarantee shall be prima facie evidence of such amount, in the absence of manifest error.

9.08         Third Party Rights

Save for the purposes of Article 2.06 (d) which may be enforced by any other guarantor of the Guaranteed Sums, a person who is not a party to this Guarantee has no rights under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this Guarantee.

Final Clauses

10.01       Notices

Notices and other communications given hereunder by one party to this Guarantee to the other shall be sent to its address set out below, or to such other address as it shall have previously notified to the former in writing as its new address for such purpose:

- for the Bank:
- for the Guarantor:
100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Av. Das Américas, 3434 Bloco 01 – 7 °Andar
Barra da Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro
State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


10.02       Form of Notice

Notices and other communications, for which fixed periods are laid down in this Guarantee or which themselves fix periods binding on the addressee, shall be served by hand delivery, registered letter, internationally recognised courier services, telex or any other means of transmission which affords evidence of receipt by the addressee. The date of registration or, as the case may be, the stated date of receipt of transmission shall be conclusive for the determination of a period.

10.03       Recitals, Schedules and Annexes

The Recitals form part of this Guarantee.

The following Annex is attached hereto:

Annex I                                                   Authority of Signatories

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Guarantee to be executed in four (4) originals in the English language, having caused each page to be initialled by Mrs. R. Otte, on behalf of the Bank and Mr. F. Tanzi, on behalf of the Guarantor.
Signed for and on behalf of
Signed for and on behalf of
( signature )
( signature )
F. de Paula Coelho R. Otte
this 3rd   day of June 2008, at Luxembourg
The undersigned Paul FRIEDERS, notary residing in Luxembourg, hereby certifies that this document was signed in his presence by Mr. F. de Paula Coelho and Mrs. R. Otte for and on behalf of EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK and by Mr. Tanzi on behalf of TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A
Luxembourg, 3 rd June 2008.
Witness Witness
A. Barrag án
F. Petralia




Publicly Held Company
CNPJ/MF 02.558.115/0001-21
NIRE 33.300.276.963
HELD ON MAY 05, 2008
DATE, TIME AND PLACE : May 05, 2008, at 15:30h, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro.
ATTENDANCE : The Meeting of the Board of Directors of TIM Participações S.A. (“Company”) on the date, time and place mentioned above, with the attendance of all of its acting members, Messrs. Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo and Francesco Saverio Locati. According to the authorization provided in §2 of Article 29 of the Bylaws of the Company, Messrs. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, Stefano Ciurli, Isaac Selim Sutton, Maílson Ferreira da Nóbrega and Josino de Almeida Fonseca participated in the meeting by audio-conference. Mrs. Lara Ribeiro Piau Marques, Legal Director of the Company, Mr. Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta, Financial and Investors Relations Director of the Company, Mr. Miguel Roberto Gherrize, Chairman of the Company’s Audit Committee and Mrs. Kátia Nozela, manager of the Company’s balance sheet area were also present.
PRESIDING OFFICERS : Mr. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, who invited me, Alessandra Catanante, to act as Secretary, assumed as Chairman.
AGENDA : (1) examine, discuss and approve the report of Quarterly Information (“ITR”) of the Company raised on March 30, 2008; (2) become aware of the execution of 02 (two) contractual instruments, in the following terms: (i) Contracting Party: TIM Celular S.A.; Contractor: Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A.; Purpose: loan for working capital; Value: R$ 150,000,000.00 (one hundred and fifty million reais) and (ii) Contracting Party: TIM Celular S.A.; Contractor: Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A.; Purpose: loan for working capital; Value: R$ 50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais) (iii) become aware of the rectification of typing error in the Proposal of the Administration for Destination of the Income of the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2007; (4) deliberate on the distribution, among the directors of the board, of the remuneration funds, approved in the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting/Special Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 11, 2008, to the Board of Directors and (5) reelection of the members of the Management.
RESOLUTIONS : After analysis and discussion of the matters set forth in the Agenda, as well as of the related material, the Directors resolved, by unanimous vote, and without any restriction, in the following terms: (1) approve the report of the ITR’s of the Company raised on March 30, 2008, and audited by the Auditor Directors; (2) became aware, approved and ratified the execution of 02 (two) contractual instruments, in the following terms: (i) Contracting Party: TIM Celular S.A.; Contractor: Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A.; Purpose: loan for working capital; Value: R$ 150,000,000.00 (one hundred and fifty million reais); and (ii) Contracting Party: TIM Celular S.A.; Contractor: Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A.; Purpose: loan for working capital; Value: R$ 50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais); (3) approve the rectification of the reference to dividends to distribute, substituting the expression “Lot for one thousand shares” by “Per share”, set forth in the Proposal of the Administration for Destination of the Income of the Fiscal Year ended on December 31, 2007 attached to the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors held on March 04, 2008, in view of the typing error verified; (4) approve the distribution, among the directors of the Board, of the remuneration funds approved in the Annual/Special Shareholders’ Meeting, held on April 11, 2008, to the Board of Directors, according to the instrument filed at the Company headquarters, whereas Messrs. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, Stefano Ciurli, Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo and Francesco Saverio Locati, waived expressly their remuneration funds; and (5) approve the reelection of the composition of the Company’s Management, comprised by: (i) Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo – CEO, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card No. 02.158.026-1, issued by IFP/RJ and CPF/MF No. 235.485.337-87; (ii) Francesco Saverio Locati – General Director, Italian, married, physicist, holder of Italian passport No. 708463-X and CPF/MF No. 060.287.447-60; (iii) Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta – Financial and Investors Relations Director, Italian, divorced, administrator, holder of Italian passport No. C-113621, valid thru 02/10/2014, and CPF/MF No. 060.522.167-78; (iv) Cláudio Roberto de Argollo Bastos – Supplies Director, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card No. 07101376-7 and CPF/MF No. 805.708.607-68; (v) Orlando Lopes Junior, Human Resources Director,   Brazilian, married, lawyer, ID OAB/SP No. 59.567 and CPF/MF No. 858.808.338-87; (vi) Lara Cristina Ribeiro Piau Marques – Legal Director, Brazilian, married, lawyer, ID OAB/DF No. 11.539 and CPF/MF No. 554.012.011-68, all with commercial address at Avenida das Américas No. 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor, Barra da Tijuca, City and State of Rio de Janeiro, CEP: 22640-102, all with term of 02 (two) years, as provided in §1 of Article 20 of the Bylaws of the Company, until the first Meeting of the Board of Directors, to be held after the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of 2010 .
ADJOURNMENT : Having nothing further to deal, the works were closed and the meeting suspended for the time necessary to draw up these minutes, which, once the session was reopened, were read, found correct, approved and signed by all the Directors present. Directors: Messrs. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo, Stefano Ciurli, Franscesco Saverio Locati, Maílson Ferreira de Nóbrega, Josino de Almeida Fonseca, Isaac Selim Dutton.

I attest that this is a true copy of the original drawn up in the appropriate book.
Rio de Janeiro/RJ, May 05, 2008.
Secretary of the Board
(stamp) Board of Trade of the State of Rio de Janeiro
(stamp) Authentication of Document

(Attachment to the Annual/Special Shareholders Meeting held on 04.11.2008)
Article 1 – TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. is a company by shares, publicly held, which is governed by these Bylaws and by the applicable legislation:
Article 2 – The Company’s purpose is:
I – exercise the control of companies that exploit telecommunications services, including mobile telephony services and others, in the areas of their concessions and/or authorizations;
II – promote, through subsidiaries or associated companies, the expansion and implementation of mobile telephony services, in the respective concession and/or authorization areas;
III – promote, perform or orient the funding, from internal and external sources, of funds to be applied by the Company or by its subsidiaries;
IV – promote and encourage activities of studies and research aimed at the development of the mobile telephony sector;
V – perform, through subsidiaries or associated companies, specialized technical services related to the area of mobile telephony;
VI – promote, stimulate and coordinate, through controlled companies, or associated companies, the education and training of the personnel necessary to the mobile telephony sector;
VII – perform or promote imports of goods and services for their controlled and associated companies;
VIII – perform other related or correlated activities to its corporate purpose; and
IX – participate in the capital of other companies.
Article 3 – The Company has headquarters and venue in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida das Américas No. 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Part, and may, by decision of the Board of Directors, create and extinguish branches and offices anywhere in the country and abroad .
Article 4 – The duration of the Company is indefinite.
Article 5 – The capital stock, subscribed and paid-in, is R$ 7,613,610,143.12 (seven billion, six hundred and thirteen million, six hundred and ten thousand, one hundred and forty-three reais and twelve centavos), represented by 2,343,826,537 (two billion, three hundred and forty-three, eight hundred and twenty-six thousand, five hundred and thirty-seven) shares, 798,350,977 (seven hundred and ninety-eight, three hundred and fifty, nine hundred and seventy-seven) being common shares and 1,545,475,560 (one billion, five hundred and forty-five million, four hundred and seventy-five thousand, five hundred and sixty) preferred shares, all nominative and without par value.
Article 6 –  The Company is authorized to increase its capital stock, by deliberation of the Board of Directors, regardless of statutory reform, up to the limit of 2,500,000,000 (two billion and five hundred million) shares, common or preferred.
Sole § – Within the limit of the authorized capital contemplated in the heading of this Article, the Company may grant a purchase option of shares to its administrators, employees and to natural persons, who provide services to the Company or to companies under the same control, according to the plan approved by the General Meeting;
Article 7 – The capital stock is represented by common and preferred shares, without par value, there not being the obligation, in capital increases, to preserve the proportion among them, in compliance with the legal and statutory provisions.

Article 8 – By resolution of the General Meeting, the preemptive right for issue of shares, debentures convertible into shares and subscription bonuses may be excluded, whose placement is made by:
I – public subscription or sale in the stock exchange;
II – swap of shares, in public acquisition offering, pursuant to the terms of Articles 257 to 263 of Law 6.404/76 of Law 6.404/76;
III – enjoyment of tax incentives, pursuant to the terms of the special law.
Article 9 – The right to a vote corresponds to each common share in the resolutions of the General Meeting.
Article 10 – The preferred shares do not entitle to vote, except in the event of the single § of Article 13 of these Bylaws, they being assured the following preferences or advantages:
I – priority in the reimbursement of capital, without premium;
II – payment of the minimum , non-cumulative dividends, of 6% (six percent) per annum, on the value resulting from the division of the capital subscribed by the total number of shares of the Company.
§1 . It is assured to the holders of the preferred shares, year by year, the right to receive a dividend per share, corresponding to 3% (three percent) of the value of the shareholders’ equity of the share, according to the last approved balance sheet, whenever the dividend established according to this criteria is superior to the dividend calculated according to the criteria established in item II of this Article.
§2 . The preferred shares will acquire the voting right if the Company, for a period of 03 (three) consecutive years, fails to pay the minimum dividends to which they are entitled in the terms of the heading of this Article, which right they shall preserve, if such dividends are not cumulative, or until the cumulative dividends in arrears are paid, all according to §1 of Article III of Law No. 6.404/76.
Article 11 - The shares of the Company will be book shares, being held in a deposit account, in a financial institution, in the name of its holders, without issue of certificates. The depositary institution may collect from the shareholders the cost of the service of transfer of its shares, pursuant to the terms of Article 35, §3 of Law 6.404/76.
Article 12 – The General Meeting is the superior body of the Company, with powers to deliberate on all the business relating to the corporate purpose and to take steps that it deems convenient to the defense and development of the Company.
Article 13 – It is privately incumbent upon the Shareholders’ Meeting:
I – to reform the Bylaws;
II – authorize the issue of debentures and debentures convertible into stock or sell them, if in treasury, as well as authorize the sale of debentures convertible into shares held by issued by subsidiaries, being able to delegate to the Board of Directors, the resolution at the time and conditions of maturity, amortization or redemption, at the time and payment conditions of interest, participation in profits and reimbursement premium, if any, and the manner of subscription or placement, as well as of the type of the debentures;
III – resolve on the evaluation of the assets that the shareholder competes for the formation of the capital stock;
IV – deliberate on the transformation, merger, incorporation and split of the Company, its dissolution and liquidation, elect and remove liquidators and judge their accounts;
V – authorize the provision of guarantees by the Company to obligations of third parties, not including subsidiaries;
VI – suspend the exercise of the rights of the shareholder who fails to comply with the obligations imposed by law or by Bylaws;

VII – elect or remove, at any time, the members of the Board of Directors and the members of the Audit Committee;
VIII – set the aggregate or individual remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors, the Management and the Audit Committee;
IX – take, annually, the accounts of the administrators and deliberate on the financial statements presented by them;
X – resolve on the extension of the civil liability plan to be filed by the Company against the administrators, for the losses caused to its shareholders, in accordance with the provisions in Article 159 of Law 6.404/76;
XI – authorize the disposal, as a whole or in part, of the shares of the company under its control;
XII – resolve on the increase of capital stock by subscription of new shares, in the event of the Sole § of Article 6, when the limit of the authorized capital is exhausted;
XIII – resolve on the issue of any other instruments or securities, in Brazil or abroad, especially on the issue of shares and subscription bonuses, in compliance with the legal and statutory provisions;
XIV – authorize the swap of shares or other securities issued by subsidiaries;
XV – approve previously the execution of any contracts with term superior to 12 (twelve) months by the Company or its subsidiaries, on the one hand, and the controlling shareholder or the subsidiaries, subject to the common control or parent companies of the latter, or what constitutes parties related to the Company, of another party, except when the contracts comply with uniform clauses.
Sole § - Without prejudice to the provisions in §1 of Article 115 of Law 6.404/76, the holders of preferred shares will be entitled to vote in the shareholders’ meeting mentioned in item XV of this Article, as well as in those referring to the alteration or revocation of the following statutory provisions:
I – item XV of Article 13;
II – Sole § of Article 14; and
III – Article 49.
Article 14 – The Shareholders’ Meeting shall be called by the Board of Directors, it being incumbent upon its chairman to substantiate the respective act, which may be called as contemplated in the Sole § of Article 123 of Law 6.404/76.
Sole §  – In the events of Article 136 of Law 6.404/76, the first call of the Shareholders’ Meeting shall be made with 30 (thirty) days notice, at least, and with minimum notice of 08 (eight) days, on second call.
Article 15 - The Shareholders’ Meeting shall be convened by the CEO of the Company or by an attorney-in-fact appointed by him, with specific powers, who will carry out the election of the presiding officers, comprised of a Chairman and one secretary, chosen among those present.
Sole § – For purposes of evidencing the condition of shareholder, it shall be observed the provisions of Article 126 of Law 6.404/76, whereas the holders of the book or custody shares shall deposit, to 02 (two) business days prior to the shareholders’ meeting, at the headquarters of the Company, in addition to the ID document and the respective instrument of power of attorney, when necessary, the evidence/statement issued by the depositary financial institution, the latter issued, at least 05 (five) business days prior to the shareholders’ meeting.
Article 16 – Minutes shall be drawn up of the General Meeting, signed by all the members of the board and by the shareholders present, who represent, at least, the majority necessary for the deliberations taken.
§1 – The minutes shall be drawn up in summary form of the fact, including dissidences and protests;
§2 – Except for resolution to the contrary at a Meeting, the minutes will be published with omission of the signatures of the shareholders.
Article 17 – Annually, in the four first months subsequent to the end of the fiscal year, the General Meeting shall meet, annually, to:

I – take the accounts of the administrators: examine, discuss and vote on the financial statements;
II – resolve on the destination of the net profits of the fiscal year and the distribution of dividends;
III – elect the members of the Audit Committee, and, when applicable, the members of the Board of Directors.
Article 18 – The General Meeting will meet, specially, whenever the interests of the Company require.
Article 19 – The shareholders shall exercise their voting right in the interest of the Company.
Article 20 – The administration of the Company is exercised by the Board of Directors and by the Management.
§1 – The Board of Directors, the collegiate decision body, exercise the superior administration of the Company.
§2 –  The Management is the representative and executive body of administration of the Company, each of its members acting according to the respective competence, in compliance with the limitations established in Articles 13, 25 and 32 of these Bylaws.
§3 –  The attributions and powers conferred by law to each of the bodies of the administration may not be granted to another body.
§4 – The members of the Board of Directors and of the Management are waived from providing bail as guarantee for their management.
Article 21 – The administrators are invested by terms drawn up in the Book of Minutes of the Meetings of the Board of Directors or of the Management, according to the case.
Article 22 – Upon investiture, the administrators of the Company shall sign, in addition to the term of investiture through which they will adhere to the terms of the Company’s Code of Ethics, and of the policy manual of disclosure and use of the information and negotiations of securities of the Company.
Article 23 – In addition to the cases of death, waiver, removal and others contemplated in the law, vacancy of office will occur when the administrator fails to sign the term of investiture in the period of 30 (thirty) days of election of fail to exercise the function for more than 30 (thirty) consecutive days or 90 (ninety) intercalated days during the term of office, all without cause, at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Sole § – The waiver from the office of administrator occurs by communication in writing to the body which the waiving party integrates, from this moment, before the Company and third parties, it becomes effective, after filing of the waiver document in the trade register and its publication.
Article 24 – The mandate of the administrators is of 02 (two) years, reelection being permitted.
Sole § – The mandates of the administrators are reputed extended until investiture of their elected successors.
Article 25 – In addition to the attributions contemplated by law, the following is incumbent upon the Board of Directors:
I – approve and follow up on the annual budget of the Company, as well as the companies controlled by it, in addition to the targets and business strategy plan contemplated for the effective period of the budget.
II – resolve on the capital increase of the Company up to the limit of capital authorized, according to Article 6 of these Bylaws;
III – authorize the issue of (illegible) commercial for public subscription (“commercial papers”);

(authentication stamp of document)
IV – resolve, when delegated by the General Meeting, on the conditions of issue of debentures, according to the provisions in §1 of Article 59 of Law 6.404/76;
V – authorize the acquisition of the shares issued by the Company, for purposes of cancellation or permanence in treasury and subsequent disposal;
VI – resolve on the approval of the “depositary receipts” program issued by the Company;
VII – approve the participation or disposal of participation of the Company in the capital of other companies, except for the event contemplated in item XI of Article 13 of these Bylaws;
VIII – authorize the waiver of shares subscription rights, debentures convertible into shares or subscription bonus issued by the subsidiaries;
IX – authorize the creation of a subsidiary;
X – authorize the Company, as well as its subsidiaries and associated companies, to execute, alter or terminate the shareholders agreements;
XI – approve previously the execution of any continued service agreement, with effectiveness equal to or lower than 12 (twelve) months and amount equal or superior to R$ 5,000,000.00 (five million reais) per annum, between the Company or its subsidiaries, on the one hand, and the controlling shareholder or controlled companies, associated companies, subject to common contract or parent companies of the latter, or in which in any other way constitute parties related to the Company or its subsidiaries, on the other hand;
XII – submit to the approval of the General Meeting the performance of any business or transaction, which is included among those mentioned in item XV of Article 13 of these Bylaws;
XIII – authorize the rendering of in collateral securities or personal securities by the Company in favor of a subsidiary;
XIV – authorize the disposal or encumbrance of any securities of the Company, or of the companies controlled by it, whose book value is superior to R$ 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand reais).
XV – authorize the disposal or encumbrance of any assets that integrate the permanent assets of the Company or companies controlled by it, whose book value is superior to R$ 5,000,000.00 (five million reais);
XVI – authorize the acquisition by the Company, or by the companies controlled by it, of assets for the permanent assets whose individual value is superior to 2% (two percent) of the shareholders’ equity of the Company, verified in the last annual balance sheet approved by the General Meeting;
XVII – approve the contracting by the Company, or by companies controlled by it, of loans, financing or other transactions which imply in debt by the Company or the subsidiaries, whose individual value is superior to 2% (two percent) of the Company’s shareholders’ equity, calculated in the last annual balance sheet approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting;
XVIII – having in view the corporate responsibilities of the Company and its subsidiaries, authorize the practice of gratuitous acts to the benefit of the employees or the community, whenever the value involved is superior to R$ 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand reais); whereas the provision of bail to employees in the case of transfers and/or interstate and/or intermunicipal reorganization does not configure a matter that depends on previous approval by the Board of Directors;
XIX – approve the policy of complementary pension funds of the Company and of the companies controlled by it;
XX – elect and remove, at any time, the Company’s Directors, including the Chairman, setting their attributions and the specific authority limits, in compliance with the provisions of these Bylaws, as well as approve the attribution of new functions to the Directors and any alteration in the composition and in the attributions of the members of the Management;

XXI – apportion the aggregate amount, established by the Shareholders’ Meeting, among the Directors and Officers of the Company, when applicable;
XXII – approve the proposal of the Management with respect to the regimen of the Company with the respective organizational structure, including competence and specific attributions of the Company Officers;
XXIII – establish guidelines for the exercise of the voting right by the representatives of the Company at the General Meetings of their subsidiaries or associated companies, regarding the matters approved by this Board of Directors;
XXIV – appoint the Company’s representatives in the administration of the company in which it participates;
XXV – choose and remove the Company’s independent auditors, the recommendations of the Audit Committee being heard;
XXVI – perform other activities delegated to them by the General Meeting;
XXVII – resolve the casus omissis in these Bylaws and perform other attributions that the Law or these Bylaws do not confer to another body of the Company.
Article 26 – The Board of Directors is comprised of 03 (three) to 07 (seven) effective members and an equal number of deputies.
Article 27 – The members of the Board of Directors and the respective deputies are elected by the General Meeting who chooses them, among them, the Chairman of the Board.
§1 – The Director must have a blameless reputation, he who, falls under the following, may not be elected, except for waiver by the General Meeting: I – holds office in companies that may be considered competitors of the Company or II – has or represents an interest in conflict with the Company. The voting right may not be exercised if the impediment factors indicated in §1 are configured, in supervention.
§2 – It is prohibited, in the form of Article 115, § 1 of Law 6.404/76, the voting right, in the election of the members of the Board of Directors, in circumstances which configure conflict of interest with the Company.
§3 – The Director may not have access to information or participate in the meeting of the Board of Directors related to matters on which it has or represents an interest in conflict with the Company.
Article 28 – The members of the Board of Directors will be substituted in their absences, impediment or vacancy, by the respective deputy.
Sole § – In the case of vacancy from the office of effective Director, and, in the absence of its deputy, to comply with the time remaining in the mandate, the other Directors shall appoint a deputy who will serve to the first General Meeting.
Article 29 – The Board of Directors meets ordinarily once per quarter and especially with minimum notice of 07 (seven) days, except in the events of manifest urgency, at the sole discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and the communication shall contain the agenda.
§1  – Calls are mad e by letter, fax or e-mail delivered with 7 days in advance, unless in cases of urgency, at the sole discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The communication shall comprise the agenda.
§2 – The members of the Board of Directors may participate in the meeting by audio or video-audioconference, all without any loss to the validity of the decisions taken. Votes by letter, fax or e-mail will also be admitted, provided that received by the Chairman of the Board or his deputy to the time of the respective meeting.
§3 – The Chairman of the Board of Directors may invite to participate in the meetings of the body any member of the Management, other executives of the Company, as well as third parties, who may contribute with opinions or recommendations related to the matters to be deliberated by the Board of Directors. The individuals invited to participate in the meetings of the Board of Directors shall not be entitled to vote.
Article 30 – The Board of Directors deliberates by majority of votes, the majority of its members present, it being incumbent upon the Chairman of the Board, in the case of a tie, the casting vote.
Sole § – In any event, minutes shall be drawn up of the meetings of the Board of Directors, which will be signed by those

Article 31 – The Management shall be comprised by at least 02 (two) and a maximum of 06 (six) members, shareholders or not, who will have the following designations: I – CEO; II – Financial Directors; III – General Director; IV – Supplies Director; V – Human Resources Director; VI – Legal Director. All the Directors will be elected by the Board of Directors removable by it at any time.
§1 – The Financial Director shall accumulate the function of Investors Relations Director.
§2 – In the event of a vacancy in the office of Director, it will be incumbent upon the Board of Directors to elect the new Director or designate the deputy, who will complete the mandate of the deputy.
§3 – In the event of absences or temporary impediments of any Director, the deputy will be appointed by the CEO, or, in its impossibility, by a decision of the majority of the Management.
Article 32 – Pursuant to the terms of Article 143, §2 of Law 6.404/76, it is incumbent upon the General Meeting, to:
I – approve the proposals, plans and projects to be submitted to the Board of Directors and/or to the General Meeting;
II – approve prior to the execution of any contracts by the Company or its subsidiaries, on the one hand, and the controlling shareholder or the subsidiaries, associated companies, subject to common control or parent companies of the latter, or which in any other way constitute parties related to the Company or its subsidiaries, on the other hand, in compliance with the provisions in Articles 13 and 25 of these Bylaws;
III – authorize the participation of the Company or of companies controlled by it in any “joint venture”, association, consortium, or any other similar structure;
IV – authorize the disposal or encumbrance of any securities of the Company, or of companies controlled by it, in compliance with the provisions in item XIV of Article 25 of these Bylaws;
V – authorize the disposal or operation of any goods that integrate the permanent assets of the Company, or of companies controlled by it, whose book value is superior to R$ 1,000,000.00 (one million reais), in compliance with the provision in item XV of Article 25 of these Bylaws;
VI – approve the execution by the Company or by the companies controlled by it, of active or passive contracts of supply or lease of goods or services, whose annual value is superior to R$ 15,000,000.00 (fifteen million reais);
VII – approve the contracting by the Company, or by companies controlled by it, of loans, financing, or other transactions that imply debt by the Company or subsidiaries, whose individual value is superior to R$ 30,000,000.00 (thirteen million reais), in compliance with the provisions in item XVII of Article 25 of these Bylaws;
VIII – authorize the transaction or agreement in administrative or legal proceedings, actions or litigation, related to the Company or the companies controlled by it, whenever the value involved is superior to (illegible ciphers) (five million reais);
(authentication stamp)
IX – having in view the corporate responsibilities of the Company and its subsidiaries, authorize the practice of gratuitous acts to the benefit of the employees or the community, in compliance with the provisions in item XVIII of Article 25 of these Bylaws;
X – approve the execution of collective agreements by the Company or companies controlled by it;
XI – set the internal policy of authorizations of the Company and of the companies controlled by it;
XII – authorize the appointment of attorneys-in-fact for the practice of the acts listed in this Article 32.

Article 33 – The Management  shall meet whenever the CEO is called or by 02 (two) members of the Management.
§1 – The calls are made by letter, fax or e-mail, delivered with the minimum advance of 02 (two) days, except in the events of manifest urgency, at the sole discretion of the CEO, such communication shall contain the agenda.
§2 – The members of the Management may participate in the meetings by audio or videoconference, all without any loss to the validity of the decisions taken. Votes by letter, fax or e-mail shall also be admitted, provided that received by the CEO or his deputy to the time of the meeting.
§3 – The meetings of the Management shall be taken by the vote of the majority of the acting Directors, it being incumbent upon the CEO the casting vote, in the event of a tie.
§4 – In any event, of the meetings of the Management, their minutes will be drawn upon, which will be signed by those present.
Article 34 – The CEO, acting in isolation, will have full powers to perform all and any acts and sign all and any documents in the name of the Company, in compliance with the limitations established in Articles 13, 25 and 32 of these Bylaws and in the law.
§1 – It will be incumbent upon the Chairman of the Board of Directors the limit of authority of each of the other Directors, setting the value within which the same will be authorized to perform acts and sign documents in the name of the Company, in compliance with the limitations established in Articles 13, 25 and 32 of these Bylaws and in the law.
§2 –  Without prejudice to the provisions in the heading and in §1 of this Article, any one of the Directors of the Company may act individually in questions whose value does not exceed the amount of R$ 100,000.00 (one hundred thousand reais), as well as the representation of the Company before third parties, including federal, state and municipal public bodies.
Article 35 – In compliance with the limitations established in Articles 13, 25, 32 and 34 of these Bylaws and of the Law, the Company will be represented and will be considered validly bound for act or signature: I – of any Director, acting in isolation, or II – of 02 (two) attorneys-in-fact, acting jointly. The Company may also be represented by a single attorney-in-fact, acting individually, provided that the respective instrument of power of attorney has been signed by 02 (two) Directors of the Company, one of them being necessarily the CEO.
Sole § – The instruments of power of attorney granted by the Company will be signed by a Director, in compliance with the respective limits of authority of said Director. The powers of attorney shall specify the powers granted, and, with the exception of the powers of attorney granted for legal purposes, will have the maximum period of 01 (one) year. The subgranting of “ad negotia” powers of attorney is prohibited.
Article 36 – The Management will administer the Company complying strictly with the provisions in these Bylaws and in the applicable legislation, it being prohibited to their members, jointly or individually, perform acts foreign to the corporate purposes of the Company.
Article 37 – The Audit Committee is the inspection body of the acts of the administrative acts of the Company and information to shareholders, and it shall function permanently .
Sole § – In addition to the ordinary attributions, the “ Conselho Fiscal ”  also performs the function of its equivalent US Audit Committee.
Article 38 – The Audit Committee will be comprised of 03 (three) to 05 (five) effective members and an equal number of deputies, shareholders or not, elected by the General Meeting.
§1 – The members of the “ Conselho Fiscal” or Audit Committee shall be independent, and it shall, for such, comply with the following requirements: I - not be or have been, in the past 03 (three) years, employed or the administrator of the Company or of a subsidiaries or company under common control; II – not receive any remuneration, directly or indirectly, from the Company or company controlled or under common control, except the remuneration as member of the Audit Committee. Individuals not qualified as independent, according to the provisions of this §1, may not be elected to the Company’s Audit Committee.
§2 – The mandate of the members of the Audit Committee ends on the first subsequent Shareholders’ Meeting to the respective election, reelection being permitted, the members of the committee holding office until the investiture of their

§3 – The members of the Audit Committee, in their first meeting, shall elect their Chairman, who shall comply with the resolutions of the body.
§4 – The Audit Committee may request to the Company the appointment of qualified personnel to act as secretary and provide technical support.
§5 – Upon investiture (illegible) the Audit Committee shall sign, in addition to the term of investiture, a declaration through (illegible) terms of the internal regulations of the body, of the Company’s ethics code, of the policy manual of disclosure and use of information and negotiations of the Company, as well as of a declaration that they are not impeded, according to the provisions in the Audit Committee’s Internal Regulations.
Article 39 – In addition to the attributions contemplated in the law, the Audit Committee, it is capacity as the Company’s Audit Committee, shall:
I – recommend to the Board of Auditors the contracting or termination of the contract with independent auditors of the Company;
II – previously recommend the services to be provided by the independent auditors, whether said services are audit services or not, as well as the respective fees to be paid by the Company, all pursuant to the terms of the respective procedure approved by the Audit Committee;
III – analyze the annual labor plan of the Company’s independent auditors, discuss the result of its activities, works and reviews made, as well as assess its performance and independence;
IV – issue opinions and supervise the activities of the independent auditors of the Company, including, but not limited to, to the extent permitted by law, assistances in the solution of eventual divergence among the administration and the independent auditors regarding the presentation of the financial statement and information;
V – analyze the work plan of the internal auditors, discuss the result of its activities, works and reviews conducted;
VI – analyze the effectiveness of the internal control and risk management systems of the Company, to, among others, monitor compliance with the provisions related to the presentation of the financial statements and information;
VII – exercise the attributions contemplated in the internal regulations of the Audit Committee related to the receipt, processing and treatment of the anonymous accusations in connection with any accounting matters, internal accounting or audit controls (“denouncement channel”).
Article 40 – The Audit Committee shall meet, ordinarily, once per quarter and, especially, whenever necessary.
§1 – The meetings will be called by the Chairman of the Audit Committee, by 02 (two) members of the Audit Committee or by the CEO of the Company, being convened with the presence of the majority of its members;
§2 – The Audit Committee manifests by majority of votes, the majority of its members being present, the dissident Audit Committee being authorized to consign its dissident vote in meeting minutes and inform it to the bodies of the administration and to the General Meeting.
Article 41 – The members of the Audit Committee will be substituted, in their absences or impediments, by the respective deputy.
Article 42 – In addition to the cases of death, waiver, removal and others contemplated in the law, the office’s vacancy shall occur when the member of the Audit Committee fails to attend, without cause, 02 (two) consecutive meetings or 03 (three) intercalary meetings, in the fiscal year.
§1 – If the vacancy in the office of the member of the Audit Committee occurs, the substitution will occur according to the provisions in Article 41 of these Bylaws.
§2 – The office of the member of the Audit Committee becoming vacant and in the absence of the respective deputy to fulfill the remaining time of the term, the General Meeting shall be called to elect a deputy.

Article 43 – The remuneration of the members of the Audit Committee will be established by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting which elects them, and may not be inferior, for each acting member, to one tenth of that which, on average, is attributed to each member of the Management, not computing the profit sharing.
Sole § – The acting deputy will be entitled to remuneration of its effective counterpart, in the period in which the substitution occurs, counting month by month, in which case the incumbent member shall not receive his monthly remuneration.
Article 44 – By proposal of the Audit Committee, the Company’s General Meeting shall separate, annually, a reasonable amount to pay for the expenses of the Audit Committee, which will be incurred according to the budget approved by the majority of its members.
§1 – The Company’s administration will take the steps necessary for the Company to bear with all the costs and expenses, as approved by the Audit Committee, in compliance with the limit established by the General Meeting of the Company.
§2 – The Audit Committee, by resolution of the majority of its members, may engage external consultants, including independent auditors and lawyers, to assist it in complying with its attributions, in compliance with the annual budget limit established by the General Meeting, according to the heading of this Article.
Article 45 – The fiscal year will have the duration of one year, beginning on January 1 st (first) of each year and ending on the last day of December.
Article 46 – Together with the financial statements, the bodies of the Company’s administration shall present to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, a proposal on the participation of the employees in the profits and destination of the net profit of the fiscal year.
§1 – The net profits will have the following destination:
I – 5% (five percent) to the legal reserve, up to 20% (twenty percent) of the capital stock paid-in;
II – 25% (twenty-five) percent (illegible) of the net profit adjusted according to items II and III of Article 202 of Law 6.404/76 (illegible) as minimum compulsory dividend to all the shareholders, in compliance with the provisions in the following article, this value being increased up to the amount necessary for the payment of the priority dividend of the preferred shares.
§2 – The balance of the net profits not allocated to the payment of the minimum compulsory dividend or to the priority dividend of the preferred shares will be destined to a supplementary reserve for expansion of the corporate business, which may not exceed 80% (eighty percent) of the capital stock. This limit being reached, the General Meeting shall deliberate on the balance, carrying out its distribution to the shareholders or to increase in the capital stock.
Article 47 – The value corresponding to the minimum compulsory dividend will be destined prioritarily to payment of the priority dividend of the preferred shares, up to the limit of the preference; next, the holders of common shares will be paid, up to the limit of the preferred shares; the balance, if any, will be apportioned by all the shares, in equal conditions.
§1 – The bodies of the administration may pay or credit interest on net current assets pursuant to the terms of §7 of Article 9 of Law 9.249/95 and relevant legislation and regulation, which may be imputed to the compulsory dividends contemplated in Article 202 of Law 6.404/76, even when included in the minimum dividend of preferred shares.
§2 – The dividends not claimed within 03 (three) years shall revert to the benefit of the Company.
Article 48 – The Company will enter into liquidation in the cases contemplated in the law, or by resolution of the General Meeting, which will establish the form of liquidation, elect the liquidator and convene the Audit Committee, for the liquidation period, electing the members and setting their respective remunerations.

Article 49 – The approval by the Company, through its representatives, of merger, split, incorporation or dissolution transactions of its subsidiaries shall be preceded by an economic-financial analysis by independent company, of international renown, confirming that equitable treatment is being given to all the interested companies, whose shareholders shall have full access to the report of each analysis.
Article 50 – These Bylaws shall be interpreted in good faith. The shareholders and the Company shall act, in their relations, preserving the strictest subjective and objective good faith.

Publicly Held Company
CNPJ/MF 02.558.115/0001-21
NIRE 33.300.276.963
HELD ON APRIL 11, 2008
DATE, TIME AND PLACE : April 11, 2008, at 11:00h, at the headquarters of TIM Participações S.A. (“Company”), located at Avenida das Américas No. 3434, Block 1, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
ATTENDANCE : Shareholders representing more than 74.63% (seventy-four point sixty-three percent) of the voting capital, as verified by the signatures posted in the Shareholders Attendance Book. Moreover, Mr. Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta, Financial and Investors Relations Director of the Company, Mr. Miguel Roberto Gherrize, member of the Audit Committee and also representative of the independent auditors of the Company were present.
PRESIDING OFFICERS : Chairman – Robson Goulart Barreto, Secretary – Alessandra Catanante.
CALL NOTICE : (1) Call Notice published in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Jornal do Brasil and in Gazeta Mercantil , on March 25, 26 and 27, 2008; (2) The announcement contemplated in Article 133 of Law No. 6.404/76 was published in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Gazeta Mercantil, on March 25, 26 and 27, 2008; (3) The administration report, the financial statements and the opinion of the independent auditors relative to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2007 were published in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Gazeta Mercantil and in Jornal do Brasil, on March 14, 2008 .
AGENDA : (1) resolve on the administration report and the financial statements of the Company, in connection with the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2007; (2) resolve on the proposal by the administration in connection with the destination of the income of fiscal year 2007 and the distribution of dividends of the Company; (3) resolve on the proposal by the administration for increase in the capital stock of the Company; (4) elect the effective and deputy members of the Audit Committee and decide on the proposal for their remuneration; (5) resolve on the proposal of remuneration of the administrators of the Company in connection with the fiscal year 2008; and (6) decide on the alteration of the newspapers for legal publications of the Company.
READING OF DOCUMENTS, RECEIPT OF VOTES AND DRAWING UP OF MINUTES : (1) The reading of the documents related to the matter to be decided in this General Meeting, once its content is fully known by the shareholders; (2) The vote declarations, protests, and dissidences that may be presented will be numbered, received and authenticated by the Board and will be filed at the Company’s headquarters, pursuant to the terms of Article 130, §1 of Law 6.404/76; (3) The drawing up of these minutes was authorized, according to the (illegible) publication with omission of the signatures of all the shareholders, pursuant to the terms of Article 130, §§ 1 and 2 of Law 6.404/76, respectively; (4) minutes of the Annual and Special Shareholders’ Meeting will be drawn up in a single instrument, pursuant to the terms of Article 131, Sole §, of Law No. 6.404/76.
RESOLUTIONS : After analysis and discussion of the matter set forth in the Agenda, the shareholders decided, to: (1) approve , unanimously, the administration report and the financial statements of the Company, drawn up on December 31, 2007, which were the purpose of revision by the independent auditors of the Company, Directa Auditores, it being consigned the abstaining of the shareholders legally impeded in relation to the approval of the financial statements; (2) approve, by absolute majority o votes, the proposal of the administration of the destination of the income of fiscal year 2007 and of the distribution of the net profits of the fiscal year, less the legal reserve, and the remaining balance resulting from the reversal of the reserve for expansion, both paid exclusively to the preferred shares as priority dividend, as determined by Article 47 of the Company’s Bylaws. Thus, each preferred share will give the right to receive R$ 0.1377 (one thousand and seventy-seven tenths of thousandths of reais), to be paid in the period of up to 75 (seventy-five) days. It was emphasized that the common shares fail to give right to minimum dividends by virtue of the Company’s result in the past fiscal year having been insufficient to pay the priority dividends of the preferred shares; (3) approve , by majority of votes, the proposal of the administration for capital increase of the Company, in the amount of R$63,084,868.02 (sixty-three million, eighty-four thousand, eight hundred and sixty-eight reais and two cents) with issue of 3,359,308 (three million, three hundred and fifty-nine thousand, three hundred and eight) common shares and 6,503,066 (six million, five hundred and three thousand, sixty-six) preferred shares, at the price of issue of R$ 7.59 (seven reais and fifty-nine cents) and R$ 5.78 (five reais and seventy-eight cents) per common and preferred share, respectively, by capitalization of the remaining portion of the Special Premium Reserve, corresponding to the tax benefit earned by the Company’s Subsidiaries during the fiscal year 2007, which benefit resulting from the amortization of the premium incorporated by the Subsidiaries in the fiscal year 200. Pursuant to the terms of CVM Instruction No. 319/99 and the Split and Incorporation Protocols contemplated in this issue, the portion of the Special Premium Reserve corresponding to the tax benefit shall be

capitalized in the Subsidiaries, where R$37,904,239.62 (thirty-seven million, nine hundred and four thousand, two hundred and thirty-nine reais and seventy-two cents) in connection with TIM Celular S.A. and R$ 25,180,628.40 (twenty-five million, one hundred and eighty thousand, six hundred and twenty-eight reais and forty cents) in connection with TIM Nordeste S.A. As a result of the capital increase mentioned previously, the capital stock passes from R$7,550,525,275.10 (seven billion, five hundred and fifty million, five hundred and twenty-five thousand, two hundred and seventy-five reais and ten cents) to R$7,613,610,143.12 (seven billion, six hundred and thirteen million, six hundred and ten thousand, one hundred and forty-three reais and twelve cents) whereas its homologation is immediate in view of the commitments previously assumed by the shareholders of TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A., the other minority shareholders being able to exercise their preemptive rights in the legal period, in the proportion of the shares held by them, as determined by CVM Instruction No. 319/99, the values eventually calculated reverting to said controlling clause. Thus, Article 5 of the Bylaws come into effect with the following wording: “ Article 5 – The capital stock, subscribed and paid in is of R$7,613,610,143.12 (seven billion, six hundred and thirteen million, six hundred and ten thousand, one hundred and forty-three reais and twelve cents), represented by 2,343,826,537 (two billion, one thousand, one hundred and forty-three reais and twelve cents, 798,350,977 (seven hundred and ninety-eight million, three hundred and fifty thousand, nine hundred and seventy-seven) common shares and 1,545,475,560 (one billion, five hundred and forty-five million, four hundred and seventy-five thousand, five hundred and sixty) preferred shares, all nominative and without par value; (4) it was decided by the majority of the shareholders present to increase the composition of the Company’s Audit Committee to 5 (five) effective members and other 5 (five) deputy members and to elect , first, as effective member and deputy of the Company’s Audit Committee, in separate ballot, in the form of §4, section “a” of Article 161 of Law No.6.404/76, by shareholders representing approximately 2.77% (two point seventy-seven percent) of the preferred shareholders present at this Meeting, with abstaining of the controlling shareholder in the vote, as effective   member, Mr. José Sampaio de Lacerda Junior, Brazilian, married, economist, holder of ID Card No. 198809, issued by SSP/DF, individual taxpayer register CPF No. 067.890.051/53, domiciled at SQN 213 – Block D – apt. 503, Asa Norte, Brasilia, and as   deputy Mr. Robson Balilla, Brazilian, married, banker, and economist, holder of ID Card No. 5136909, individual taxpayer register under CPF No. 873.184.238/00, issued by SSP/SP, domiciled at Av. Alfredo Bechelli No. 74, Rudge Ramos, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo; further elected were, by majority vote of the shareholders holders of common shares present at this Meeting, as effective member: (i) Mr. Miguel Roberto Gherrize, Brazilian, married, accountant, CPF/MF No. 107140308-72, holder of ID Card RG No. 2563050, domiciled at Rua Joaquim José Esteves No. 60, apt. 192c, Bairro Santo Amaro, in the City and State of São Paulo, and as deputy Mr. João Carlos Hopp, Brazilian, married, college professor, CPF No 201275708-10, holder of ID Card No 1395761-2, issued by SSP/SP, residing at the city and State of São Paulo, at Alameda Casa Branca No456/ 7 th floor; (ii) Oswaldo Orsolia, Brazilian, married, economist, CPF No 034.987.868-49, holder of ID Card No 29118529, issued by SSP/SP, domiciled at Avenida Lopes de Azevedo, No 154, casa 1, Bairro Jardm Everest, São Paulo/SP, CEP 05603-000, and as deputy Mr. Roosevelt Fernandes Leadebal, Brazilian, married, economist, CPF No. 016.083.804-59, holder of ID Card No. 74.045, issued by SSP/RN, residing at SQSW 305, Block G, apt. 407, Brasilia, DF; (iii) Messrs. Alberto Emmanuel Whitaker, Brazilian, married, administrator and lawyer, CRA 2724 and OAB/SP 37643, CPF No. 002.337.738-00, holder of ID Card 2025093, issued by SSP/SP, residing and domiciled at Alameda Itu No. 823, apt. 31, Bairro Cerqueira Cesar, São Paulo/SP, CEP 01421-000, and as deputy Mr. João Verner Juenemann, Brazilian, married, CPF No. 000.952.490-87, holder of ID Card No. 3010401283, residing at Rua André Poente, No. 238, Bairro Independência, Porto Alegre/RS. CEP: 90035-150, still elected as effective member Mr. Alfredo Ferreira Marques Filho, Brazilian, married, auditor, CRC 1SP154954/O-3, CPF No. 01329-000, and as deputy Mr. Francisco de Paula dos Reis Junior, Brazilian, married, auditor, CPF No. 007.190.878-13, holder of ID Card No. 9448100-3, issued by SSP-SP, residing at Rua dos Ingleses, 609, São Paulo, SP, CEP: 01329-000, accepting the indication and recommendation made by the representative of the administrator Credit Suisse Hedging-Griffo Corretora de Valores S.A., which now represents several minority shareholders holder of common shares present at this Meeting. The shareholders who indicated the members of the Audit Committee presently elected declared that, as a condition for investiture of these effective and deputy elected members, the shall obtain, within 30 (thirty) days, or even prior to the date of the next meeting of the Audit Committee, whichever occurs first, from these members the confirmation that they have the necessary qualifications and comply with the requirements established in Law 6.404/76 and in the Bylaws of the Company to hold the office of member of the Conselho Fiscal /Audit Committee of the Company. These presently elected members shall have a term of office until the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company to be held in (illegible) invested in the offices upon compliance with the conditions applicable and execution of the respective terms of investiture, as and in the period established in Law 6.404/76 and in the Company’s Bylaws. It was also approved , by majority of the votes cast, the aggregate remuneration of the members of the Audit Committee for the fiscal year 2008, in the amount of R$ 612,000.00 (six hundred and twelve thousand reais), which corresponds to R$11,500.00 (eleven thousand and five hundred reais) per member; (5)   approve , unanimously, the remuneration of the administrators in connection with the fiscal year 2008, in the following terms: (a) Remuneration of the Board of Directors : aggregate annual remuneration of the Directors in the amount of R$ 459,000.00 (four hundred and fifty-nine thousand reais), to be attributed to the Directors, individually, according to the criteria deliberated in the next meeting of the Board of Directors; (b) Remuneration of the Management : aggregate annual remuneration in the amount of up to R$ 10,600,000.00 (ten million and six hundred thousand reais). With respect to the variable remuneration (bonus/profit sharing, to be determined according to the variable remuneration policy of the Company). It is registered that the proposal approved herein was appreciated by the Board of Directors of the Company, at a meeting held on March 04, 2008; and (6) ratify , unanimously, the decision of the administration, to the effect that the

legal publications of the Company start to be made in “Jornal do Comércio” and in “Valor Econômico”, in addition to the official body published in the State of Rio de Janeiro, pursuant to the terms of Article 289, §3 of Law 6.404/76.
ADJOURNMENT : Having nothing further to deal, the Chairman of the Board suspended the works for the time necessary to draw up these minutes. The session reopened, the minutes were read and approved by those present, signed by the President and Secretary of the Board and by the shareholders identified below.
[signature]                                                                                                                 [signature]
ROBSON GOULART BARRETO                                                                        ALESSANDRA CATANANTE
       Chairman of the Board                                                                                            Secretary of the Board
pp. Kenneth Gerald Clark Junior
pp. Sabrina de Lima Martins
pp. Sabrina de Lima Martins


[stamp of authentication as of may 28 th 2008, signed by Jobson Eleuterio Belo, Authorized  Clerl]


[stamp of authentication as of may 28 th 2008, signed by Jobson Eleuterio Belo, Authorized  Clerl]

TIM. PARTICIPAÇÕES . S.A., com sede na Avenida das Américas, n° 3434, Bloco 1, 7° andar, na Cidade e Estado do Rio de Janeiro, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o n° 02.558.115/0001-21 ("OUTORGANTE"), neste ato devidamente representada por seu Diretor Presidente, o Sr. MARIO CESAR PEREIRA DE ARAUJO, brasileiro, casado, engenheiro, portador da carteira de identidade n° 02.158.026 IFP/RJ, inscrito no CPF/MF sob o n° 235.485.337-87, e por seu Diretor de Suprimentos, o Sr. CLAUDIO ROBERTO DE ARGOLLO BASTOS, brasileiro, casado, engenheiro, portador da carteira de identidade n° 07101376-7, inscrito no CPF/MF sob o n° 805.708.607-68, ambos domiciliados na Avenida das Américas,' n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6° andar, na Cidade e Estado do Rio de Janeiro, nomeia e constitui como seus bastantes procuradores:
(i)   OSCAR CICCHETTI, italiano, casado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n° D-786130, válido até 10 de abril de 2015, domiciliado em Corso d'Italia, n° 41, na Cidade de Roma, Itália;
(ii)   FRANCESCO TANZI, italiano, casado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n° B-074220, válido até 8 de outubro de 2013, domiciliado na Piazza Degli . Affari n° 2, na Cidade de Milão,Itália;(iii) FRANCESCO MANCINI, italiano, casado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n° 696478U, válido até 12 de janeiro de 2010, domiciliado na Via Negri, nº 1, Cidade de Milão, Itália, e; (iv) GIANANDREA CASTELLI RIVOLTA, italiano, divorciado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n" C­113621, válido até 10 de fevereiro de 2014, inscrito no CPF/MF sob o n° 060.522.167-78, domiciliado na Avenida das Américas n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6° andar, Barra da Tijuca, Cidade e . Estado do Rio de Janeiro (isoladamente "OUTORGADO" e, em, conjunto, "OUTORGADOS");
com poderes para, individualmente ,
representar a OUTORGANTE com o propósito de:
(i)     Negociar e assinar, em nome da OUTORGANTE, Contrato de Financiamento, a ser celebrado entre a OUTORGANTE e European Investment Bank ("EIB"), com sede na Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, n° 100, Luxemburgo, L-2950, Luxemburgo, por um valor total de €
TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., a company, duly incorporated and existing under the laws of Brazil, with registered office at Avenida das Américas, n° 3434, Bloco 1, 7 th floor, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, enrolled in the CNPJ/MF under number 02.558.115/0001-21 ("GRANTOR") herein represented by its Directors, Mr. MARIO CESAR PEREIRA DE ARAUJO, Brazilian, married, engineer, bearer of identity card number 02.158.026 IFP/RJ, enrolled in the
Individual Taxpayers' . Register ("CPF/MF") under number 235.485.337­87, and Mr. CLÁUDIO. ROBERTO DE ARGOLLO BASTOS, Brazilian, married, engineer, bearer of identity card number 07101376-7, enrolled in the CPF/MF under number 805.708.607-68, both domiciled at Avenida das Américas, n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6th floor, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, appoints and constitutes as its attorneys-in-fact:
(i)   OSCAR CICCHETTI, Italian, married, business manager, bearer of the Italian passport number D-786130, in force until April 10 th , 2015, domiciled at Corso d'Italia n° 41, in the City of Rome, Italy;
(ii)   FRANCESCO TANZI, Italian, married,, business manager, bearer of the Italian passport number B-074220, in force until ' October 8 th ,   2013, domiciled at Piazza Degli Affari n° 2, in the City of Milan, Italy; (iii) FRANCESCO MANCINI, Italian, married, business manager, bearer of the Italian passport number 696478U, in force until January 12 th , 2010, domiciled at Via Negri, n° 1, in the City of Milan, Italy, and; (iv) GIANANDREA CASTELLI RIVOLTA, Italian, divorced, business manager, bearer of the italian passport number 113621, in force until February 10th, 2 enrolled, in the CPF/MF under number 060.522.167-78, domiciled at Avenida das Américas, n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6 th floor, Barra da Tijuca, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro (each the "GRANTEE" and, together, the "GRANTEES");
with powers to, each acting individually, represent the GRANTOR for the purposes of:
(i)     negotiating and signing in the name and on behalf of the GRANTOR a Finance Contract to be entered into by and between the GRANTOR and the European Investment Bank ("EIB"), with registered office at Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, n° 100, Luxembourg, L-2950, Luxembourg, for a total principal amount of € 200,000,000.00 (two hundred

200.000.000,00 (duzentos milhões de euros) ("Contrato"), assim como outros documentos, incluindo, mas não se limitando a, pedidos de saque e contra-garantias, que possam ser necessários ou úteis de acordo ou em conexão com o Contrato, e;
(ii)    proceder de forma semelhante em nome da OUTORGANTE todas as medidas e acordos legais que possam ser necessários ou úteis de acordo e em conexão com o Contrato e qualquer medida complementar relacionada que possa ser necessária ou útil para o fiel cumprimento deste mandato.
Os OUTORGADOS devem observar fiel e rigorosamente as competências fixadas no Estatuto Social, na Política de Autorizações Societárias e no Código de Ética da OUTORGANTE, bem como os preceitos gerais de probidade e legalidade no exercício deste mandato.
A OUTORGANTE se compromete a aprovar e ratificar toda e qualquer medida que os OUTORGADOS venham a executar por este mandato e a isentá-los contra todas as medidas executadas ou pretendidas no escopo do presente mandato.
O presente mandato será válido apenas para a prática dos atos acima declinados ou pelo prazo de 1 (um) ano a contar da presente data, podendo ser revogado a qualquer momento pela OUTORGANTE.
Rio de Janeiro, 27 de maio de 2008.
( Consta assinatura )
( Consta assinatura )
million euros) ("Agreement"), as well as all other documents including, but not limiting to, drawdown requests and counter/guarantees, which may be necessary or useful pursuant to or in connection with the Agreement, and;
(ii)     carrying out likewise in the name and on behalf of the GRANTOR all legal actions and consents which may be necessary or useful pursuant to or in connection with the Agreement and whatever related or complementary actions which may be necessary or useful for the complete fulfillment of the power of attorney received herein.
The GRANTEES must faithfully and strictly consider the powers established by the GRANTOR's by-laws, Corporate Authorization Policy and Ethical Code, as well as the general precepts of probity and legality in the discharge of this power of attorney.
The GRANTOR undertakes to approve and ratify any and all actions which the GRANTEES shall execute hereunder and to hold them harmless against all  executed actions or purported to be done hereunder.
This power of attorney will be in force for the execution of the aforementioned actions or for the period of one (1) year and can be revoked at any time by the GRANTOR.
Rio de Janeiro, 27 de maio de 2008.
( Consta assinatura )
( Consta assinatura )

( this page next to the previous one does not need translation, it just needs to be scanned or typed)
(authentication stamp of document)
(authentication stamp of signature of MARIO CESAR PEREIRA DE ARAUJO and CLAUDIO ROBERTO DE ARGOLLO BASTOS, Rio de Janeiro, May 28, 2008, 4 o Ofício de Notas)

Publicly Held Company
CNPJ/MF 02.558.115/0001-21
NIRE 33.300.276.963
HELD ON MAY 26, 2009
DATE, TIME AND PLACE : May 26, 2008, at 15:00h, in the City and State of São Paulo.
ATTENDANCE : The Board of Directors of TIM Participações S.A. (“Company”) met, on the date, time and location mentioned above. Messrs. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, Isaac Selim Sutton and Josino de Almeida Fonseca participated in presence. Messrs. Stefano Ciurli, Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo, Francesco Saverio Locati and Maílson Ferreira da Nóbrega, participated by audioconference, as authorized in §2 of Article 29 of the Company Bylaws, whereas, all, jointly, represent all the acting members. Mr. Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta (Financial and Investors Relations Officer) was also present.
PRESIDING OFFICERS : Mr. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco assumed as Chairman, who invited me, Alessandra Catanante, to act as his Secretary.
AGENDA : (1) Examine, discuss and approve the execution of the long-term finance agreement between Banco Europeu de Investimentos (“BEI”) and operators TIM Celular S.A. and Tim Participações S.A.; (2) Examine, discuss and approve the execution of the counterguarantee contract by bank bail with 1 st class international investment banks for the loan agreement mentioned above.
RESOLUTIONS : After analysis and discussion of the matter set forth in the Agenda, as well as the related material, the Directors resolved, by unanimous vote, and without any restriction, the following terms: (1) approve the execution of the long-term finance agreement, between Banco Europeu de Investimentos (“BEI”) and operators TIM Celular S.A. and TIM Nordeste S.A., with the guarantee of TIM Participações S.A., in the amount of EUR 200,000,000.00 (two hundred million Euros), in the form of the material presented and filed at the Company’s headquarters, whereas the Directors requested to be informed about all the details at the time of disbursement, and that, therefore, such disbursement will be subject to previous approval by the Board; (2) approve the execution, by the Company, of a counterguarantee agreement by bail, to be issued by banks to be selected for coverage of the finance with BEI. The guarantee will be, for all the amount and term to be contracted. To this effect, the Management of the Company and of its subsidiaries is authorized to perform all the acts and take all the steps necessary and required for the execution of the Contracts and operations in reference, including regarding the (i) execution of the contracts and terms of authorization necessary, by any of the Directors and/or Attorneys-in-Fact of the Company duly appointed with specific powers, as well as by the Directors and/or Attorneys-in-Fact of its subsidiaries, respectively; and (ii) authorization to the Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries to grant powers of attorney, with specific powers, related to the Contracts listed in (1) and (2) above, to Messrs. Oscare Chicchetti, Francesco Tanzi, Francesco Mancini and Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta.
ADJOURNMENT : Having nothing further to deal, the works were ended and the meeting suspended for the time necessary to draw up these minutes, which, the session reopened, was read, found correct, approved and signed by all the Directors present. Messrs. Giorgio della Seta Ferrari Corbelli Greco, Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo, Francesco Saverio Locati, Josino de Almeida Fonseca, Stefano Ciurli, Mailson Ferreira da Nóbrega and Isaac Selim Sutton.
I attest that this is a true copy of the original drawn up in the appropriate book.
São Paulo, SP, May 26, 2008
[signature]                                                                                                    [signature]
GIORGIO DELLA SETA FERRARI                                                ALESSANDRA CATANANTE
CORBELLI GRECO                                                                           Secretary of the Board
Chairman of the Board and of the Board of
[stamp of authentication as of may 28 th 2008, signed by Jobson Eleuterio Belo, Authorized  Clerl]
[stamp of authentication as of may 28 th 2008, signed by Jobson Eleuterio Belo, Authorized  Clerl]

TIM Participacoes S.A.
Av. Das Américas, 3434
Bloco 1 - 7 ° Andar, Barra da Tijuca,
Rio de Janeiro,
State of Rio de Janeiro,
For the attention of Mr. F. Tanzi
Luxembourg, 3rd June 2008                                                                          JU/RO/rs                        No 1257
TIM Celular Project
Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement of even date herewith between European Investment Bank (the "Bank") and TIM Participacoes S.A (the "Guarantor"). Finance Contract signed on 3rd June 2008 between European Investment Bank and TIM Celular S.A.
Dear Sirs,
We write with reference to certain provision in the above mentioned Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement Terms used in the Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement have the same meaning herein.
Article 2.01
We confirm that if the Bank has accepted a Substitute Financial Asset ("SFA"), as defined in the Finance Contract, as payment for sums due in the circumstances described in Article 4.05 of the Finance Contract, the Bank will not make demand on the Guarantor for such payment; provided that the SFA covers the full amount due to the Bank at the relevant time.
Article 2.02(d)
We confirm that if the Bank grants any time, indulgence, arrangement or composition to the Borrower, which would vary the Bank's rights under the Finance Contract, the Bank will inform the Guarantor in a timely manner.
Article 2.03
We confirm that if it can be proved by the Guarantor that the Bank has engaged in an act of wilful misconduct with regard to the Guarantor, which nullifies by law the Indemnity given pursuant to Article 2.03, the Bank may not make demand thereunder.
Yours faithfully
          (signature)                                                                          (signature)
F. de Paula Coelho                                                                          R. Otte

Fl No: 24.463 BRESI
Serapis No. 2007-0223

(Loan from Own Resources)

Finance Contract


European Investment Bank


TIM Nordeste S.A.

Luxembourg, 3 rd June 2008



Fl N° 24.463/BR


(Own Resources)







Luxembourg, 3 rd June 2008




EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK having its seat at 100 boulevard Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg, L - 2950, Luxembourg, represented by Mr. Francisco de Paula Coelho, Director and Mrs. Regan Otte, Associate Director,

hereinafter referred to as: "THE BANK"

of the first part, and

TIM Nordeste S.A., a company incorporated in Brazil, having its registered office at Avenida Ayrton Senna da Silva, 1633 Bairro da Piedade, Jaboatão dos Guarapes, Pernambuco (CEP 54.410­240). represented by Mr. Francesco Tanzi, Business Manager,

hereinafter referred to as: "THE BORROWER"
of the second part.



The Republic of Brazil and THE BANK concluded a Framework Agreement governing THE BANK's activities in the Federative Republic of Brazil ("Brazil") (the "Framework Agreement").

THE BORROWER is a company established in, and having its principal place of business in, Brazil and ultimately controlled by Telecom Italia SpA. At present, THE BORROWER provides cellular telecommunications services in nine (9) States and the Federal District pursuant to licences granted by Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações ("Anatel").
The Government of Brazil has acknowledged by letter dated 20 th February 2008 that the loan financing to be provided under the present Contract falls within the scope of the Framework Agreement.

THE BORROWER, together with TIM Celular S.A. is undertaking a project (the "Project") comprising the expansion of a GSM network as well as the initial roll out of a UMTS mobile network as more particularly described in the technical description (the "Technical Description") set out in Schedule A.1 hereto. THE BORROWER, TIM Nordeste S.A. and TIM Participações constitute, for the purpose of this Contract the group (the "Group").

The total cost of the Project, as estimated by THE BANK, is EUR 1 994 000 000 (one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four million euros).

THE BORROWER has stated that it intends to finance the Project as follows:
Source of funds
EUR million
Own funds/other funds
In order to complete the financing plan set out in Recital (6) THE BORROWER has requested from THE BANK a credit of EUR 200 000 000 (two hundred million euros) to be lent under two contracts, of which, EUR 34 000 000, or the equivalent thereof, is to be lent under this Contract with THE BORROWER and EUR 166 000 000, or the equivalent thereof, is to be lent under a Contract to be signed with TIM Celular S.A. pursuant to the 4th Asia and Latin America Mandate.

In response to THE BORROWER's request, being satisfied that the financing of the Project comes within the scope of its functions, and relying, inter alia, on the statements and facts cited in these Recitals, THE BANK is willing to make available to THE BORROWER a credit of EUR 34 000 000 (thirty four million euros) or the equivalent thereof under this Finance Contract (the "Contract").

In addition to disbursements in usual convertible currencies THE BANK has agreed to make an uncommitted Brazilian Real (" BRL ") linked facility available to THE BORROWER.

F. Tanzi, duly authorised to enter into the present Finance Contract, copy of such authorisation is attached hereto as Annex I. Furthermore, it has been duly certified in the form set out in Annex II that such borrowing is within the corporate powers of THE BORROWER.

The financial obligations of THE BORROWER hereunder are to be guaranteed by means of a guarantee in form and substance satisfactory to THE BANK (the "Guarantee") issued by banks acceptable to THE BANK (each a "Guarantor").

TIM Participações S.A. ("TIMP"), the Brazilian parent company of THE BORROWER, has agreed to execute a guarantee and indemnity agreement, in form and substance satisfactory to THE BANK, whereby it undertakes to further guarantee and indemnify THE BANK for the financial obligations of THE BORROWER (the "TIMP Guarantee").

The Statute of THE BANK provides that THE BANK shall ensure that its funds are used as rationally as possible in the interests of the European Community ("EC") and accordingly that the terms and conditions of its loan operations shall be consistent with EC policy. In accordance with the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force, as established within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, THE BANK has adopted a policy to pay especial attention to its transactions and its business relations in those cases where it provides finance for a project located in a country that does not sufficiently apply with those recommendations or to a borrower or beneficiary resident in such country.

All references herein to Articles, Recitals, Schedules and Annexes are references respectively to articles of, and recitals, schedules and annexes to this Contract;

NOW THEREFORE it is hereby agreed as follows:


Credit and disbursement

1.01         Amount of Credit

By this Contract THE BANK establishes in favour of THE BORROWER, and THE BORROWER accepts, a credit (the "Credit") in an amount of EUR 34 000 000 (thirty-four million euros) or its equivalent for the financing of the Project.

1.02         Disbursement procedure

A.       Tranches

THE BANK shall disburse the Credit in up to five (3) tranches (each a "Tranche") during the period between the date of this Contract and the date falling eighteen (18) months thereafter (the "Availability Period"). The amount of each tranche, if not being the undrawn balance of the Credit, shall be a minimum of EUR 5 000 000 ( five million euros) or the equivalent thereof.

B.       Disbursement Request for Tranches other than BRL-Linked Tranches

From time to time up to the date falling twenty (20) days prior to the end of the Availability Period and subject to confirmation by THE BANK that all conditions precedent set out in Article 1.04A and 1.04B have been satisfied, THE BORROWER may present to THE BANK a written request (a " Disbursement Request "), substantially in the form set out in Schedule C, for the disbursement of a Tranche (other than a BRL-Linked Tranche as defined below). Save where the evidence has been already supplied, the Disbursement Request shall be accompanied by evidence of the authority of the signatory or signatories thereof, together with their authenticated specimen signatures. The Disbursement Request shall:

specify the amount and currency of disbursement of the Tranche;

specify whether the Tranche shall bear a fixed rate of interest (a "Fixed-Rate Tranche") in accordance with Article 3.01A or a floating rate of interest (i.e. a "Floating-Rate Tranche") determined pursuant to the respective provisions of Article 3.01B;

specify THE BORROWER's preferred date for disbursement, which shall be a Relevant Business Day (as defined in Article 5.01(b)) during the Avalaibility Period, falling not less than fifteen (15) calendar days following the date of the Disbursement Request, it being understood that THE BANK may disburse the Tranche up to four calendar months from the date of the Disbursement Request;

specify the preferred interest payment periodicity for the Tranche, chosen in accordance with Article 3.01;

specify the preferred terms for repayment of principal chosen in accordance with Article 4.01; and

state the bank account of THE BORROWER (in appropriate format for the relevant currency to which disbursement should be made) provided that only one account may be specified for each Tranche; and

confirm that as from the date of signature of this Contract and up to the date of the Disbursement Request to the best knowledge of THE BORROWER:

there has been no Material Adverse Change in its financial condition that would or may affect its ability to perform its obligations under this Contract; and

no situation exists by virtue of which THE BANK may cancel or suspend the undisbursed part of the Credit pursuant to Article 1.068(i).

THE BORROWER may also at its discretion specify in the Disbursement Request the following respective elements if any, as indicated by THE BANK to be applicable to the Tranche, that is to say:

in the case of a Fixed-Rate Tranche, the fixed interest rate applicable to it during its lifetime; and

in the case of a Floating-Rate Tranche, the Spread (as defined in Article 3.01 B) applicable to it during its lifetime.

For the purposes of this Contract generally, " Relevant Interbank Rate " means EURIBOR in the case of a Tranche or other sum denominated in EUR, LIBOR in the case of a Tranche or other sum denominated in USD and the market rate according to a definition chosen by THE BANK and separately communicated in writing in accordance with Article 12 of this Agreement to THE BORROWER, in the case of a Tranche or other sum denominated in any other currency.

Subject to the second last paragraph of Article 1.02C, each Disbursement Request is irrevocable.

C.       Disbursement Notice
Between ten (10) and fifteen (15) days before the date of disbursement of a Tranche (other than a BRL-Linked Tranche) THE BANK shall, if the Disbursement Request conforms to Article 1.02B, deliver to THE BORROWER a notice (hereafter a "Disbursement Notice"), which shall specify:

the amount and currency of disbursement of the Tranche;

the interest rate basis and, for a Fixed-Rate Tranche, the fixed interest rate and for a Floating-Rate Tranche, the Spread and the periodicity of the payment of interest;

the applicable Payment Dates and principal repayment terms;

the date on which the Tranche is scheduled to be disbursed (the " Scheduled Disbursement Date "), disbursement being in any case subject to the conditions of Article 1.04; and


If one or more of the elements specified in the Disbursement Notice does not conform to the corresponding element, if any, in the Disbursement Request, THE BORROWER may within three (3) Luxembourg Business Days following receipt of the Disbursement Notice without liability revoke the Disbursement Request by notice to THE BANK and thereupon the Disbursement Request and the Disbursement Notice shall be of no effect.

For the purposes of this Contract generally " Luxembourg Business Day " means a day on which commercial banks are open for business in Luxembourg.

D.       Disbursement Procedure for BRL-Linked Tranches

1.      BLT Disbursement Request

From time to time prior to the date falling twenty (20) days prior to the end of the Availability Period and subject to confirmation by THE BANK that all conditions to disbursement set out in Article 1.04A and 1.04B have been satisfied, THE BORROWER may request disbursement of a Tranche in respect of which payments will be linked to the Brazilian Real ("BRL") (such a Tranche being referred to as a "BRL-Linked Tranche") by presenting to THE BANK a duly completed and signed request (a "BLT Disbursement Request"), substantially in the form set out in Schedule E. Save where the evidence has been already supplied, the BLT Disbursement Request shall be accompanied by evidence of the authority of the signatory or signatories, together with their authenticated specimen signatures. Each BLT Disbursement Request shall specify:

the requested equivalent EUR amount of the Tranche

the preferred date for disbursement which shall be a date falling not less than fifteen (15) Luxembourg Business Days after the date of the Disbursement Request;

the preferred interest rate basis for such BRL-Linked Tranche which shall be floating, fixed or zero coupon;

the preferred principal repayment characteristics for the Tranche which may be on an amortizing or bullet basis provided that:

if the request is for an amortizing BRL-Linked Tranche, the first repayment date shall fall two (2) years after disbursement and the final repayment date shall fall no later than nine (9) years after disbursement;

if the request is for a bullet BRL-Linked Tranche, the repayment date shall fall no later than seven (7) years after disbursement;

  (v)       the bank account of THE BORROWER.

2.      THE BANK's Offer

Following receipt of a BLT Disbursement Request, THE BANK shall make such efforts as it shall deem reasonable to obtain financing offers from such counterparts in the capital markets as it shall deem fit enabling it to offer a BRL­Linked Tranche to THE BORROWER on terms substantially compatible with such BLT Disbursement Request.


THE BANK shall be under no obligation to disclose any details of the efforts used or the counterparts contacted in respect of the foregoing and THE BORROWER acknowledges that THE BANK may not be able to obtain suitable offers and makes no commitment in that respect.

Within five (5) Luxembourg Business Days following receipt of a BLT Disbursement Request THE BANK shall either:

inform THE BORROWER that it is not able to offer a BRL-Linked Tranche having characteristics that are substantially similar to those set out in the BLT Disbursement Request;

deliver to THE BORROWER an offer to make available a BRL-Linked Tranche giving the characteristics of the offered BRL-Linked Tranche substantially in the form of Schedule F (each a "BLT Offer").

3.      THE BORROWER's Acceptance

THE BORROWER may accept a BLT Offer by delivering a copy of the BLT Offer duly countersigned by authorised officers of THE BORROWER to THE BANK no later than the deadline specified and otherwise in accordance with the directors of THE BANK as contained in the relevant BLT Offer (the "Acceptance Deadline").

Any such acceptance must be accompanied by:

evidence of compliance with Central Bank registration requirements in respect of such Tranche consisting in a screen print-out of the computer generated update of the ROF registered at Central Bank's Sisbacen; and

in case of a BRL-Linked Tranche identified as a zero-coupon BRL-Linked Tranche, payment of the BLT Upfront Fee specified in the relevant BLT Offer.

If a BLT Offer is duly accepted by THE BORROWER on or before the Acceptance Deadline, THE BANK shall make the corresponding BRL-Linked Tranche (each an "Accepted BRL-Linked Tranche") available to THE BORROWER in accordance with the relevant BLT Offer subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract as amended and supplemented by Schedule G.

Any BLT Offer which is not duly accepted on or before the Acceptance Deadline shall automatically lapse and THE BORROWER shall be deemed to have refused such BLT Offer.

4.      Notices by facsimile

By way of exception to the provisions of Article 12.01, each BLT Disbursement Request, BLT Offer and BLT Acceptance shall be delivered by facsimile transmission to the following facsimile numbers (or such other facsimile number as the relevant party may notify to the other with no less than fifteen (15) calendar days prior written notice:



- for THE BANK:                  100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L – 2950 Luxembourg
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Fax: + 352 4379 66599
Attn: Head of Division, Operations in Latin America

- for THE BORROWER:        Avenida das Américas 3434
Bloco 1 7º Andar
Barra da Tijuca, RJ
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fax: + 55-21 400 939 43
Attention: Financial Director

E.       Disbursement account

Disbursement shall be made to the account of THE BORROWER at the bank account informed pursuant to Article 1.02B(vi) and 1.02D(v) above or such other bank account as THE BORROWER shall notify in writing to THE BANK not less than fifteen (15) calendar days before the Scheduled Disbursement Date.

1.03         Currency of disbursement

Subject to availability, THE BANK shall disburse each Tranche in EUR or in USD or any other currency that is widely traded on the principal foreign exchange markets and which, in the case of a Floating-Rate Tranche, is a currency that is available to THE BANK at variable rates of interest.

For the calculation of the sums available to be disbursed in currencies other than EUR, and to determine their equivalent in EUR, THE BANK shall apply the rate published by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, available on, or shortly before, submission of the Disbursement Notice as THE BANK shall decide.

1.04         Conditions of disbursement

A.       First Tranche

Disbursement of the first Tranche under Article 1.02 is subject to THE BANK's receipt, on or before the date falling fifteen (15) Luxembourg Business Days preceding the Scheduled Disbursement Date, of the following documents or evidence in each case in form and substance satisfactory to it:

legal opinion from THE BANK's Brazilian legal advisers covering substantially the issues set out in Schedule H;

executed by the Guarantor and (b) the TIMP Guarantee duly executed together with a legal opinion on the due execution of the TIMP Guarantee by TIMP and on the validity and enforceability of TIMP's obligations under the TIMP Guarantee;

THE BANK shall have received from THE BORROWER details of the bank account (specifying the account number and the account bank's "Bank Identifier Code") to which the disbursement is to be made;


certificate from THE BORROWER that insurances in accordance with the requirements of Article 6.05 are in place;

evidence that (i) THE BORROWER has registered the terms and conditions of this Contract and the first Tranche to be disbursed under this Contract with the Central Bank of Brazil by means of the registration through the SISBACEN system named Registro de Operações Financeiras ("ROF") or any equivalent system applicable at the date of registration and that (ii) such ROF registration obtained by THE BORROWER pursuant to item (iii) above is valid and effective to allow THE BORROWER to receive the disbursement of the Tranche and, subsequently, to allow THE BORROWER to complement the ROF with the terms and conditions of repayment of the Tranche (" Schedule of Payments ") in the appropriate Schedule of Payments screen so as to enable THE BORROWER to comply in full with any of its payment obligations under or in connection with this Contract;

The Agent of Service pursuant to Article 11.03 has accepted its appointment.

B.       All Tranches

The disbursement of each Tranche under Article 1.02, including the first, is subject to receipt by THE BANK in form and substance satisfactory to it, before the date falling seven (7) Luxembourg Business Days before the Scheduled Disbursement Date, of:

a list of the contracts evidencing expenditure (net of taxes and duties payable in the Federative Republic of Brazil) already incurred or to be incurred within three (3) months from the Scheduled Disbursement Date by THE BORROWER in respect of items specified in the Technical Description as eligible for financing under the Credit, which contracts shall have been executed on terms reasonably satisfactory to THE BANK having regard to THE BANK's Procurement Guide 2004 edition (all such expenditure being herein referred to as "Qualifying Expenditure") for a minimum aggregate value equal to or exceeding the amount of the Tranche to be disbursed by THE BANK under this Contract; and

when solicited by THE BANK, certified true copies of contracts and such other documents evidencing the said expenditure in the form of, inter alia, contracts and proof of payment.

Evidence that:

THE BORROWER has registered the terms and conditions of such further Tranche to be disbursed under this Contract with the Central Bank of Brazil by means of the registration through the ROF or any equivalent system applicable at the date of registration; and

the ROF obtained by THE BORROWER pursuant to Article 1.04A(v) is valid and effective to allow THE BORROWER to receive the disbursement of such further Tranche and, subsequently, to allow THE BORROWER to complement the ROF with the Schedule of Payments in the appropriate "Schedule of Payments" screen so as to enable THE BORROWER to comply in full with any of its payment obligations under or in connection with this Contract;

THE BORROWER has complemented the ROF with the Schedule of Payments for all previous Tranches disbursed under this Contract;


1 0.

No Change of Control (as defined in Article 4.03A (2)) has occurred;

No event mentioned in Article 10.01 (each an "Event of Default") and no event which with the lapse of time, the fulfilment of any condition or the making of any determination could reasonably be expected to be an Event of Default (a "Potential Event of Default") has occurred and not been remedied;

no Originating Event (as defined in Schedule D) has occurred or is imminent; and

no Material Adverse Change has occurred.

For the Purposes of this Contract, "Material Adverse Change" means any event or change of condition, as compared with its condition at 31 st December 2007 (the "Accounting Date") affecting THE BORROWER, which in the reasonable opinion of THE BANK, materially impairs the ability of THE BORROWER to perform its financial and other material obligations under this Contract.

1.05          Deferment of disbursement

A.       Grounds for deferment

THE BANK shall, at the request of THE BORROWER, defer disbursement of any Tranche in whole or in part to a date specified by THE BORROWER being a date falling not more than six months from its Scheduled Disbursement Date. In such a case, THE BORROWER shall pay deferment indemnity as determined pursuant to Article 1.05B below. Any request for deferment shall have effect in respect of a Tranche only if it is made at least seven (7) Luxembourg Business Days before its Scheduled Disbursement Date.

If any of the conditions referred to in Article 1.04 is not fulfilled as of the specified date, and at the Scheduled Disbursement Date, disbursement will be deferred to a date agreed between THE BANK and THE BORROWER falling not less than seven (7) Luxembourg Business Days following the fulfilment of all conditions of disbursement.

B.       Deferment indemnity

If the disbursement of any Notified (as defined below in this Article1.05B) Tranche is deferred, whether on request of THE BORROWER or by reason of non-fulfilment of the conditions of disbursement, THE BORROWER shall, upon demand by THE BANK, pay an indemnity on the amount of which disbursement is deferred. Such indemnity shall accrue from the Scheduled Disbursement Date to the actual disbursement date or, as the case may be, until the date of cancellation of the Tranche at a rate equal to R, minus R2, where:

means the rate of interest that would have applied from time to time pursuant to Article 3.01 and the relevant Disbursement Notice, if the Tranche had been disbursed on the Scheduled Disbursement Date


means the Relevant Interbank Rate less 0.125% (12.5 basis points); provided that for the purpose of determining the Relevant Interbank Rate in relation to this Article


1.05, the relevant periods provided for in Schedule B shall be successive periods of one month commencing on the Scheduled Disbursement Date.

Furthermore, the indemnity:

if the deferment exceeds one month in duration, shall accrue at the end of every month and be payable in accordance with Article 1.08;

shall be calculated using the day count convention applicable to R1 ;

where R 2   exceeds R 1 , shall be set at zero.

In this Contract a "Notified Tranche" means a Tranche in respect of which THE BANK has issued a Disbursement Notice.

C.       Cancellation of disbursement deferred by six months

THE BANK may, by notice to THE BORROWER, cancel a disbursement, which has been deferred under Article 1.05A by more than six months in aggregate. The cancelled amount shall remain available for disbursement under Article 1.02.

1.06         Cancellation and suspension

A.       BORROWER's right to cancel

THE BORROWER may at any time by notice given to THE BANK cancel, in whole or in part and with immediate effect, the undisbursed portion of the Credit. However, the notice shall have no effect on a Notified Tranche whose Scheduled Disbursement Date falls within seven (7) Luxembourg Business Days following the date of the notice.

B.       BANK's right to suspend and cancel

THE BANK may, by notice to THE BORROWER, in whole or in part suspend and/or cancel the undisbursed portion of the Credit at any time, and with immediate effect:

upon the occurrence of an Event of Default or an event mentioned in Article 4.03A;

in exceptional circumstances adversely affecting THE BANK's access to the capital market, save as regards a Notified Tranche; or

C.       Indemnity for suspension and cancellation of a Tranche

1.      Suspension

If THE BANK suspends a Notified Tranche, whether upon the occurrence of an Indemnifiable Prepayment Event (as defined in Article 4.03C) or an Event of Default but not otherwise, THE BORROWER shall indemnify THE BANK under Article 1.05B.


2.      Cancellation

If THE BORROWER cancels a Fixed Rate Notified Tranche, it shall indemnify THE BANK in accordance with Article 4.02B(1). If THE BORROWER cancels any part of the Credit other than a Notified Tranche, no indemnity is payable.

If THE BANK cancels a Fixed Rate Notified Tranche upon the occurrence of an Indemnifiable Prepayment Event or cancels a Fixed Rate Tranche disbursement pursuant to Article 1.05C, THE BORROWER shall indemnify THE BANK in accordance with Article 4.02B (1). If THE BANK cancels a Notified Tranche upon an Event of Default, THE BORROWER shall indemnify THE BANK in accordance with Article 10.02. Save in these cases, no indemnity is payable upon cancellation by THE BANK.

An indemnity shall be calculated on the basis that the cancelled amount is deemed to have been disbursed and repaid on the Scheduled Disbursement Date or, to the extent that the disbursement of the Tranche is currently deferred or suspended, on the date of the cancellation notice.

1.07         Cancellation after expiry of the Availability Period

The undisbursed portion of the Credit shall be automatically cancelled upon the expiry of the Availability Period.

1.08        Suspension of Credit in the Case of Fraud / Money Laundering

THE BANK may also suspend disbursement of the Credit so long as, acting reasonably, it is not satisfied that the warranty and the undertakings given by THE BORROWER in Articles 6.10 and 8.05 have been complied with.

1.09        Sums due under Article 1

Sums due under Articles 1.05 and 1.06 shall be payable in the currency of the Tranche concerned. They shall be payable within seven (7) Luxembourg Business Days of THE BORROWER's receipt of THE BANK's demand or within any longer period specified in THE BANK's notice of demand.


2.01         Amount of Loan

The loan made under the Credit (hereinafter the "Loan") shall comprise the aggregate of the amounts disbursed by THE BANK in the currencies of disbursement, as notified by THE BANK upon the occasion of the disbursement of each Tranche. .


2.02         Currency of repayments

Each repayment of a Tranche under Article 4 or, as the case may be, Article 10 shall be in the currency of the Tranche.

2.03         Currency of interest and other charges

Interest and other charges payable by THE BORROWER under Articles 3, 4 and, where applicable, 10 shall be calculated and be payable in respect of each Tranche in the currency of the Tranche.
Any payment under Article 9.02 shall be made in the currency specified by THE BANK having regard to the currency of the expenditure to be reimbursed by means of that payment.

2.04         Confirmation by THE BANK

After each disbursement of a Tranche, THE BANK shall deliver to THE BORROWER a summary statement showing the disbursement date, currency and amount, repayment terms and interest rate of and for that Tranche. Such confirmation shall include an amortisation table.



3.01          Rate of interest

A.       Fixed-Rate Tranches

THE BORROWER shall pay interest on the outstanding balance of each Fixed-Rate Tranche semi-annually in arrears on the relevant Payment Dates, commencing on the first such Payment Date following the date of disbursement of the Tranche.

Interest shall be calculated on the basis of Article 5.02(i) at the Fixed Rate.

In this Contract, "Fixed Rate" means an annual interest rate determined by THE BANK in accordance with the applicable principles from time to time laid down by the governing bodies of THE BANK for loans made at a fixed rate of interest, denominated in the currency of the Tranche and bearing equivalent terms for the repayment of capital and the payment of interest.

B.       Floating-Rate Tranches

THE BORROWER shall pay interest on the outstanding balance of each Floating-Rate Tranche at the Floating Rate semi-annually in arrears on the relevant Payment Dates commencing on the first such Payment Date following its date of Disbursement of that Tranche. THE BANK shall notify the Floating-Rate to THE BORROWER within ten (10) days following the commencement of each Floating-Rate Reference Period. Interest shall


be calculated in respect of each Floating-Rate Reference Period on the basis of Article 5.020). For this purpose:

"Floating-Rate" means a fixed-spread floating interest rate, that is to say an annual interest rate equal to the Relevant Interbank Rate plus or minus the Spread, determined by THE BANK for each successive Floating-Rate Reference Period.

"Floating-Rate Reference Period" means each period of six months from one Payment Date to the next relevant Payment Date, provided that the first Floating-Rate Reference Period shall commence on the date of disbursement of the Tranche.

"Spread" means such fixed spread to the Relevant Interbank Rate (being either plus or minus) determined by THE BANK and notified to THE BORROWER in the relevant Disbursement Notice.

3.02         Interest on overdue sums

Without prejudice to Article 10 and by way of exception to Article 3.01, interest shall accrue on any overdue sum payable under the terms of this Agreement from the due date to the date of payment at an annual rate equal to the Relevant Interbank Rate plus 2% (200 basis points) and shall be payable in accordance with the demand of THE BANK. For the purpose of determining the Relevant Interbank Rate in relation to this Article 3.02, the relevant periods within the meaning of Schedule B shall be successive periods of one month commencing on the due date.

However, interest on a Fixed-Rate Tranche shall be charged at the annual rate that is the sum of the relevant rate defined in Article 3.01 plus 0.25% (25 basis points), if that annual rate exceeds, for any given relevant period, the rate specified in the preceding paragraph.

If the overdue sum is in a currency other than the currency of the Loan, the following rate per annum shall apply, namely the Relevant Interbank Rate for transactions in that currency plus 2% (200 basis points), calculated in accordance with the market practice.


4.01         Normal repayment

A.     By instalments

THE BORROWER shall repay each Tranche by equal semi-annual instalments of principal on the Payment Dates specified in the relevant Disbursement Notice in accordance with the terms of the amortisation table delivered pursuant to Article 2.04.

Each amortisation table shall be drawn up on the basis that the first repayment date of each Tranche shall be the first Payment Date falling after the second anniversary of the requested date of disbursement of the Tranche and the last repayment date shall be a Payment Date falling not earlier than four (4) years and not later than nine (9) years from the requested date of disbursement of the Tranche.


B.     Single instalment

Alternatively, THE BORROWER may elect in the relevant Disbursement Request to repay the Tranche in a single instalment on a specified Payment Date falling not less than three (3) years nor more than seven (7) years from the requested date of disbursement.

C.     Maturity Date definition

The last or sole repayment date of a Tranche specified pursuant to Article 4.01A or Article 4.01 B is herein referred to as the "Maturity Date".

4.02          Voluntary prepayment

A.     Prepayment option

Subject to Articles 4.02B and 4.04, THE BORROWER may prepay all or part of any Tranche, together with accrued interest thereon, upon giving one month's prior written notice (a "Prepayment Notice") specifying the amount thereof to be prepaid (the "Prepayment Amount") and the date on which THE BORROWER proposes to effect prepayment (the "Prepayment Date"), which date shall be a Payment Date for that Tranche.

B.     Prepayment indemnity

1.       Fixed-Rate Tranche

In respect of each Prepayment Amount of a Fixed-Rate Tranche, THE BORROWER shall pay to THE BANK on the Prepayment Date an indemnity equal to the present value (as of the Prepayment Date) of the excess, if any, of:

the interest that would accrue thereafter on the Prepayment Amount over the period from the Prepayment Date to the Maturity Date, if it were not prepaid


the interest that so would accrue over that period, if it were calculated at the EIB  Redeployment Rate (as defined below), less 15 basis points.

The said present value shall be calculated at a discount rate equal to the EIB Redeployment Rate, applied as of each relevant Payment Date.

In this Contract, "EIB Redeployment Rate" means the Fixed Rate in effect one month prior to the Prepayment Date and having the same terms for the payment of interest and the same repayment profile to Maturity Date as the Prepayment Amount.

2.       Floating-Rate Tranche

THE BORROWER may prepay a Floating-Rate Tranche without indemnity on any relevant Payment Date.




C.     Prepayment mechanics

THE BANK   shall notify THE BORROWER, not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the Prepayment Date, of the Prepayment Amount, of the interest due thereon, and of the indemnity payable under Article 4.02B or, as the case may be, that no indemnity is due.

Not later than the Acceptance Deadline (as defined below), THE BORROWER shall notify THE BANK either:

that it confirms the Prepayment Notice on the terms specified by THE BANK; or
that it withdraws the Prepayment Notice.

If THE BORROWER gives the confirmation under (i), it shall effect the prepayment. If THE BORROWER withdraws the Prepayment Notice or fails to confirm it in due time, it may not effect the prepayment. Save as aforesaid, the Prepayment Notice shall be binding and irrevocable.

THE BORROWER shall accompany the prepayment by the payment of accrued interest and indemnity, if any, due on the Prepayment Amount.

For the purpose of this Article 4.02C, the "Acceptance Deadline" for a notice is: (a) 16h00 Luxembourg time on the day of delivery, if THE BANK's notice is delivered by 14h00 on a Luxembourg Business Day; or (b) 11h00 on the next following day which is a Luxembourg Business Day, if THE BANK's notice is delivered after 14h00 Luxembourg time on any such day.

4.03         Compulsory prepayment

Grounds for prepayment

1.      Pari passu to repayment of another Term Loan

If THE BORROWER voluntarily prepays a part or the whole of any other loan or financial indebtedness, originally granted for a term of more than five (5) years (each a "Term Loan"), THE BANK may demand prepayment of such proportion of the Loan as the amount repaid of the Term Loan bears to the aggregate outstanding amount of all Term Loans.

THE BANK shall address its demand, if any, to THE BORROWER within four (4) weeks of receipt of notice under Article 8.02(iii)(c). Any sum demanded by THE BANK shall be paid, together with accrued interest, on the date indicated by THE BANK, which date shall not precede the date of prepayment of the Term Loan in question.

Prepayment of a Term Loan by means of a new loan having a term at least equal to the unexpired term of the loan prepaid shall not be considered to be a prepayment.


2.       Change-of-control Event

If THE BORROWER is informed, or has reasonable grounds to believe, that Telecom Italia SpA ceases to control, directly or indirectly, 50%, plus one share, of the share capital of THE BORROWER (such an event being hereafter referred to as a "Change-of-control Event"), THE BORROWER shall promptly inform THE BANK. Upon receipt of such information THE BANK may demand that THE BORROWER consult with it. Such consultation shall take place within thirty (30) days from the date of THE BANK's request. If, after the elapse of thirty (30) days from the date of such a request, THE BANK is of the reasonable opinion that the Change-of-control Event is likely to prejudice the future servicing of the Loan or the financial stability of THE BORROWER in any material respect, it may demand that THE BORROWER prepay the Loan.

For the purposes of this Contract "control" means a) more than 50% of the shares and/or voting rights of THE BORROWER and b) power to appoint or remove the majority of members of the governing bodies of THE BORROWER.

3.       Material Adverse Change

If there is a substantial decrease in the capital and reserves or the assets of THE BORROWER or TIMP which would likely materially impair the ability of THE BORROWER or TIMP to comply with its payment obligations hereunder, THE BORROWER shall promptly inform THE BANK. Upon receipt of such information THE BANK may demand prepayment of the Loan.

Prepayment mechanics

Any sum demanded by THE BANK pursuant to Article 4.03A, together with any interest accrued and any indemnity due under Article 4.03C, shall be paid on the date indicated by THE BANK, which date shall fall not less than thirty (30) days from the date of THE BANK's notice of demand.

Prepayment indemnity

In the case of prepayment upon the event mentioned under Article 4.03A(2), (the "Indemnifiable Prepayment Event"), the indemnity, if any, shall be determined in accordance with Article 4.02B.

If, moreover, pursuant to any provision of Article 4.03B THE BORROWER prepays a Tranche on a date other than a relevant Payment Date, THE BORROWER shall indemnify THE BANK in such amount as THE BANK shall certify is required to compensate it for receipt of funds otherwise than on a relevant Payment Date.

4.04         Application of partial prepayments

If THE BORROWER partially prepays a Tranche, the Prepayment Amount shall be applied pro rata or, at its option, by inverse order of maturity to each outstanding instalment.

If THE BANK demands a partial prepayment of the Loan, THE BORROWER, in complying with the demand, may, by notice to THE BANK, delivered within five (5) Luxembourg Business Days


of its receipt of THE BANK's demand, choose the Tranches to be prepaid and exercise its option for application of the prepaid sums.

4.05         Exceptional payment by means of Substitute Financial Asset

A.     Definitions

For the purposes of this Article 4.05, the following terms have the meanings respectively ascribed to them:

"SFA" means a substitute financial asset in the form of either:

a deposit:

freely disposable by THE BANK and made irrevocably in favour of THE BANK with the Central Bank of the Host Country, or with any other authority or legal entity for the time being entrusted with the relevant functions of a central bank in the Host Country or

held on an account in the name of THE BANK at such other credit institution licensed to exercise banking activities in the Host Country as THE BANK shall promptly notify to THE BORROWER upon the latter's request or any other entity designated by THE BANK; or

at the discretion of THE BANK, an instrument constituting a claim by THE BANK on an acceptable credit institution in the Host Country or any third country.

"Convertible SFA" means an SFA denominated in the currency of the Prevented Payment or other convertible currency acceptable to THE BANK.

"Host Country" means Brazil.

"Host Government" means an authority having at any relevant time effective control of all or part of the territory of the Host Country or any political or territorial subdivision or public authority thereof or any other entity in or of the Host Country on which regulatory, executive or judicial powers are conferred by the laws of the Host Country.

"Local Currency SFA" means an SFA denominated in the currency of the Host Country.

"Borrower-related Non-Transfer of Currency" and "BNTC Event" mean:

any action by the Host Government which prevents THE BORROWER from converting funds in local currency into the currency of any sum due under this Contract or into a freely convertible currency or into another currency deemed acceptable by THE BANK or from transferring outside the Host Country the local currency concerned or the currency into which the local currency has been converted, for the purpose of paying any sum due under this Contract; or

any failure by the Host Government to take action with a view to effecting or allowing such conversion or such transfer by or on behalf of THE BORROWER;


in circumstances where:

THE BORROWER is able freely and lawfully to avail itself within the Host Country of the local currency or other currency into which the local currency has been converted; and

THE BORROWER has without success for a period of thirty (30) days endeavoured by all reasonable means to complete the necessary legal formalities to effect the transfer or conversion.

"Potential BNTC Event" means an event, which with the lapse of time or the fulfilment of any condition would constitute a BNTC Event.

"Prevented Payment" means a sum that THE BORROWER is due to pay to THE BANK, other than a sum due under Article 4.02B, but which it is prevented from paying by reason of a Potential BNTC Event.

B.     Procedures in case of Potential BNTC Event

As soon as THE BORROWER becomes aware that any sum that it is due to pay to THE BANK under this Contract is or will be a Prevented Payment, it shall so notify THE BANK. Furthermore, THE BORROWER:

shall, no later than five (5) Luxembourg Business Days after the due date of the said sum (or such longer period as THE BANK shall agree), provide THE BANK with evidence of the relevant Potential BNTC Event and, if THE BANK so requires from THE BORROWER after examining that evidence, shall within a like interval provide the further evidence so required; and

shall, within five (5) Luxembourg Business Days following receipt of notice by THE BORROWER to the effect that THE BANK accepts that a Potential BNTC Event has occurred and is continuing and that the sum in question is a Prevented Payment, make a Convertible SFA in the amount of the Prevented Payment or, if THE BANK by such notice informs THE BORROWER that it is satisfied, having regard to any evidence supplied by THE BORROWER, that the laws and regulations in force in the Host Country do not allow the creation of a Convertible SFA, a Local Currency SFA having a value equivalent to that of the Prevented Payment;

provided that THE BANK shall endeavour to specify its further requirements, if any, envisaged in indent (a) above within five (5) Luxembourg Business Days following receipt of the evidence first furnished by THE BORROWER and endeavour to give the notice envisaged in indent (b) within a like interval after receiving the required evidence.

The required amount of the Local Currency SFA shall be determined by applying the exchange rate generally applicable to an authorised purchase of the currency of the Prevented Payment with the currency of the Host Country on either (i) the date of the establishment of the Local Currency SFA or, failing that, (ii) the most recent date on which such a rate was effectively available to THE BORROWER.

The creation of the SFA shall not constitute payment. THE BANK may suspend disbursement pending receipt of further required evidence. It may, however, not exercise its rights under Article 2.03 or 10.01A(ii), on the sole ground of THE BORROWER's failure to pay the Prevented Payment, unless it has given five (5) Luxembourg Business


Days prior written notice to THE BORROWER stating either (i) that THE BANK is not satisfied, upon the basis of evidence furnished, that the due payment in question is a Prevented Payment or (ii) that the SFA has not been duly created by or on behalf of THE BORROWER in form and amount acceptable to THE BANK.

Furthermore, if an event capable of constituting a Potential BNTC Event continue for a continuous period of six months following the due date of a Prevented Payment, THE BANK may by notice to THE BORROWER cancel the undisbursed portion of the Credit. For cancellation on that ground, no commission shall be payable.

C.     BANK's Determination of BNTC Event

Having regard to the facts prevailing on the date (the "Event Date") which is the later of (i) the date falling fifteen (15) days following the constitution of the SFA pursuant to Article 4.05A above and (ii) the date falling thirty (30) days from the due date of the Prevented Payment, THE BANK shall within five (5) Luxembourg Business Days from the Event Date notify THE BORROWER as to whether or not THE BANK is satisfied that THE BORROWER's payment default was caused by the occurrence of a BNTC Event and that the following conditions are met, namely that:

THE BORROWER continues to suffer the effects of a BNTC Event in respect of the Prevented Payment and has done so continuously since the date of THE BORROWER's payment default; and

at all material times THE BORROWER has diligently endeavoured to make the payment by all legal means available to it.

If THE BANK determines that all such points are satisfied, the said notice shall contain a statement to the effect that the SFA constitutes full and final discharge of THE BORROWER for the Prevented Payment.

If THE BANK requires additional time to determine whether the abovementioned points are satisfied and whether or not to make such a demand, it may grant itself that time by notice to THE BORROWER. Once THE BANK determines that one or other of the said points is not satisfied, it shall so notify THE BORROWER and may demand that THE BORROWER make the Prevented Payment. THE BORROWER shall forthwith make the payment in full. Furthermore, if THE BANK makes such a demand:

interest shall accrue on the Prevented Payment from its original due date to the actual date of payment at the rate applicable under Article 3.01; and

THE BORROWER shall compensate THE BANK for any loss or expense incurred by it as a consequence of THE BORROWER's initial payment default; and

within fifteen (15) Luxembourg Business Days following the date of making of the Prevented Payment by THE BORROWER under this Article 4.05C, THE BANK shall, to the extent possible under the laws of the Host Country, assign or transfer to THE BORROWER the SFA and all interest thereupon accrued, net of any loss or expense incurred by THE BANK in connection therewith.



5.01         Payment Date definition

In this Contract: "Payment Date" means for any Tranche, the semi-annual dates specified in the Disbursement Notice until the Maturity Date, save that, in case any such date is not a Relevant Business Day, it means:

for a Fixed-Rate Tranche, the following Relevant Business Day without adjustment to the interest amount payable; and

for a Floating-Rate Tranche, the next day, if any, of that calendar month that is a Relevant Business Day or, failing that, the nearest preceding day that is a Relevant Business Day, with a corresponding adjustment to the interest amount payable.

"Relevant Business Day" means:

for the EUR, a day on which the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer (TARGET) payment system operates; and

for any other currency, a day on which banks are open for normal business in the principal domestic financial centre of the currency concerned.

5.02         Day count convention

Any amount due by way of interest, indemnity or fee from THE BORROWER under this Contract, and calculated in respect of a fraction of a year, shall be determined using the following conventions:

for a Fixed-Rate Tranche, a year of 360 days and a month of 30 days; and

for an Floating-Rate Tranche, a year of 360 days (but 365 days (invariable) for GBP ("pounds sterling")) and the number of days elapsed.

5.03         Time and Place of Payment

All sums other than of interest, indemnity and principal are payable within twenty (20) days of THE BORROWER's receipt of THE BANK's demand.

Each sum payable by THE BORROWER under this Contract shall be paid to the respective account notified by THE BANK to THE BORROWER. THE BANK shall indicate the account not less than fifteen (15) days before the due date for the first payment by THE BORROWER and shall notify any change of account not less than fifteen (15) days before the date of the first payment to which the change applies. This period of notice does not apply in the case of payment under Article 10.


A sum due from THE BORROWER shall be deemed paid when THE BANK receives it.

For this Article 5 generally, all BRL—Linked Tranches shall be governed by the provisions of Schedule G hereto.

Borrower undertakings

6.01         Use of Loan and other funds

THE BORROWER shall use the proceeds of the Loan exclusively for the execution of the Project. THE BORROWER shall ensure that it has available to it the other funds listed in Recital (6) and that such funds are applied, to the extent required, on the financing of the Project.

6.02          Completion of Project

THE BORROWER shall carry out the Project in accordance with the Technical Description (as may be modified from time to time with the approval of THE BANK), and complete it by the completion date specified therein.

6.03         Increased cost of Project

If the total cost of the Project exceeds the estimated figure set out in the Recital (5), THE BORROWER shall obtain the finance to fund the excess cost without recourse to THE BANK, so as to enable THE BORROWER to complete the Project in accordance with the Technical Description, unless otherwise agreed with THE BANK.

6.04         Procurement procedure

THE BORROWER undertakes to purchase equipment, secure services and order works for the Project by open international tender or other acceptable procurement procedure complying, to THE BANK's satisfaction, with its policy as described in its Procurement Guide in force at the date of this Contract.

6.05         Continuing Project undertakings

So long as the Loan is outstanding, THE BORROWER shall:

"Maintenance": maintain, repair, overhaul and renew all property forming part of the Project as required to keep it in standard working order;

"Project assets": unless THE BANK shall have given its prior consent in writing, retain title to and possession of all or substantially all the assets comprising the Project and maintain the Project in substantially continuous operation in accordance with its original purpose; provided that THE BANK may withhold its consent only where the proposed action would prejudice THE BANK's interests as lender to THE BORROWER and


provided further that THE BANK's consent shall no be required in the event of replacement or renewal of such assets in line with technologically required evolutions;

"Insurance": insure all works and property forming part of the Project with first class insurance companies in accordance with the most comprehensive relevant industry practice;

"Authorisations, rights etc": obtain, maintain in force and where necessary renew all authorisations, permits, consents, licenses, and all rights of way or use necessary for the execution and operation of the Project;

"Environment": implement and operate the Project in conformity with the applicable law and regulations of Brazil, as well as with the applicable international treaties that have as principal objective the preservation, protection or improvement of the Environment (including international guidelines regarding electromagnetic field radiation such as established by ICNIRP, International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection); for which purpose "Environment" means the following: (a) human living conditions; (b) fauna and flora; (c) soil, water, air, climate and the landscape; and (d) cultural heritage and the built environment; and includes working conditions of workers engaged on the Project and its social effects;
"General law": execute and operate the Project in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and the condition of any authorisation or other document referred to in (iv) above; and
                (vii)   THE BORROWER undertakes to continue to use state of the art technology at all times.

6.06         Disposal of assets

THE BORROWER shall not sell, assign, transfer or surrender all or a material part of its assets without the prior written consent of THE BANK other than disposal within the Group. For the purposes of this section "a material part of its assets" shall mean a cumulative 25% of TIMP's consolidated net tangible fixed assets represented in the audited financial statement at the Accounting Date.

6.07         Auditing of Accounts

THE BORROWER undertakes to retain as its auditors an independent firm of accountants of international repute, with proven capacity of auditing according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

6.08         Representations and warranties

THE BORROWER represents and warrants to THE BANK that:

THE BORROWER has obtained all material and necessary consents, authorisations, licences or approvals of governmental or public bodies or authorities in connection with the Project and all such consents, authorisations, licences or approvals are in full force and effect;


it is a corporation ("sociedade anônima") duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of Brazil and it has power to own its property and other assets; it has the power to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this Contract and all necessary corporate, shareholder and other action has been taken to authorise its execution, delivery and performance;

this Contract has been duly authorised by it and executed by its duly authorised representatives and constitutes its valid and legally binding obligations;

the execution and delivery of, the performance of its obligations under, and compliance with the provisions of, this Contract do not and will not:

contravene in any material respect any existing applicable law or regulation, or any judgement, decree or authorisation to which it is subject;

conflict in any material respect with, or result in any material breach of any of the terms of, or constitute a material default under, any other agreement or other instrument to which it is a party or is subject or by which either of them or its property is bound which could have a Material Adverse Change; or

conflict with any provision of its by-laws;

every material and necessary consent, authorisation, licence or approval of, or registration with, or declaration to, governmental or public bodies or authorities or courts required by it to authorise, or required by it in connection with:

the implementation and operation of the Project; and

the execution, delivery, validity, enforceability or admissibility in evidence of this Contract or the performance by it of its material obligations under this Contract,

has been obtained or made and is in full force and effect, and there has been no material default in the observance of the conditions or restrictions (if any) imposed in, or in connection with, any of such documents;

the consolidated audited accounts of THE BORROWER for the financial year on the Accounting Date have been prepared on a basis consistent with previous years and have been approved by its auditors as representing a true and fair view of the results of its operations for that year and accurately disclose or reserve against all the liabilities (actual or contingent) of THE BORROWER;

there has been no Material Adverse Change and no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing;

to the best of its knowledge, there is no event outstanding, imminent or prevailing which, with the lapse of time and the fulfilment of any other condition would constitute an Originating Event (as defined in Schedule D); and

no material litigation, arbitration or regulatory proceedings or investigations are current or, to the best of its knowledge, threatened in writing against it which could result in any Material Adverse Change.


Each of the above representations shall be deemed to be repeated on the date of each Disbursement Request.

So long as any part of the Loan remains outstanding, THE BORROWER shall ensure that all sums owed to THE BANK hereunder rank at least pari passu in right of payment with all other present and future unsecured and unsubordinated obligations under any debt instrument of THE BORROWER, in any case, save those whose claims are preferred by any bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation or other laws of general application.

6.09         Specific undertakings in respect of Brazilian Exchange Control Regulations

THE BORROWER undertakes to:

take all necessary steps to obtain approval of and register each Tranche as a foreign direct loan with the Central Bank of Brazil, to preserve THE BANK's rights arising from the registration of each Tranche and its payment modalities with the Central Bank of Brazil through the ROF (or any equivalent system applicable at the date of registration), complemented by the relevant Schedules of Payments, and to apply for any amendment to the registration to reflect any modification made to the terms and conditions of each Tranche, including without limitation, any substitution of a Guarantor pursuant to Article 7.02 that occurs after registration has been completed;

complement the ROF obtained pursuant to Article 1.04 of this Contract with the respective Schedule of Payments indicating the terms and conditions of repayment set forth in the Disbursement Notice, no later than fifteen (15) days after the closing of the foreign exchange contract related to the disbursement of each Tranche and provide THE BANK with evidence of such registration;

provide evidence to THE BANK that the Contract and the TIMP Guarantee are is registered, together with a sworn public translation of the Contract and the TIMP Guarantee into Portuguese, with the appropriate Registry of Titles and Deeds ("Registro de Títulos e Documentos") within ninety (90) business days of its date of signature together with an original or certified copy of the contract so registered;

keep available for inspection by the Central Bank of Brazil all the documents mentioned in items (i), (ii) and (iii) above so long as the Loan is outstanding and for a period of five (5) years after the for as payment of all amounts due under this Contract.

upon request by THE BANK or by the Central Bank of Brazil, or any other authority or legal entity entrusted with foreign exchange control powers in Brazil, file this Contract with the Central Bank of Brazil or any such other authority or legal entity which shall from time to time replace it.

6.10         Integrity Commitment

THE BORROWER warrants and undertakes that it has not committed, and no person to its present knowledge has committed, any of the following acts and that it will not commit, and no person, with its consent or prior knowledge, will commit any such act, that is to say:

the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any improper advantage to influence the action of a person holding a public office or function or a director or employee of a public


authority or public enterprise or a director or official of a public international organisation in connection with any procurement process or in the execution of any contract; or

any act which improperly influences or aims improperly to influence the procurement process or the implementation of the Project to the detriment of THE BORROWER, including collusion between tenderers.


7.01           Guarantee and indemnity

The obligations of THE BANK hereunder are conditional in a guarantee from TIMP in form and substance acceptable to THE BANK.

The obligations of THE BANK hereunder are conditional upon the prior full execution and delivery to THE BANK of the Guarantee by a Qualifying Guarantor (as defined below). THE BORROWER acknowledges and consents to the terms of the Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement.

For the purpose of this Contract, "Qualifying Guarantor" means a bank or other financial institution that satisfies one of the following conditions at the time of issue of the Guarantee, or, as the case may be, at the time it accedes to the Guarantee:

each credit rating that it holds, from any of Standard and Poor's Rating Group, Moody's Investor Services Inc., Fitch Ratings Limited or any other such rating agency accepted by THE BANK in writing, in respect of its most recent unsecured and unsubordinated medium/long-term credit rating, is equal to or higher than:

A-, A3 or A-, or equivalent, from at least two of the above mentioned rating agencies where THE BORROWER is rated by any three or more of the above mentioned rating agencies;

A-, A3, A-, or equivalent, from both the relevant rating agencies, where the rating is assigned by any two of the above mentioned rating agencies; and

A-, A3 or A-, or equivalent, where the rating is assigned by any one of the above mentioned rating agencies;

and such bank or other financial institution is in other respects acceptable to THE BANK; or

it is accepted by THE BANK by notice in writing, with copy to THE BORROWER, subject to the conditions THE BANK may in its discretion deem appropriate, and to the acceptance of the terms of notice by the relevant Guarantor and acknowledgement by THE BORROWER.


7.02         Guarantor events

A.     Guarantor trigger events

If, at any time while the Loan is outstanding, in respect of any Qualifying Guarantor (an "Affected Guarantor"):

any rating of its most recent unsecured and unsubordinated long term debt is lower than:

A-, A3 or A-, or equivalent from any three of the rating agencies mentioned in Article 7.01(a) above;

A-, A3 or A-, or equivalent from any two of the rating agencies mentioned in Article 7.01(a) above;

A-, A3 or A-, or equivalent from any one of the rating agencies mentioned in Article 7.01(a) above;

none of the agencies rate its unsecured and unsubordinated long-term debt;

in the reasonable opinion of THE BANK: (a) there has been an adverse change of circumstances which is material in relation to such Qualifying Guarantor or (b) the Guarantor's obligations cease to be valid, legal and enforceable obligations; and

THE BANK may at any time thereafter at its discretion demand that THE BORROWER or TIMP shall, within a specified period of time of at least thirty (30) days, either:

procure the replacement of the Affected Guarantor by a Qualifying Guarantor; or

save in the case of indent (iii)(b) of this Article 7.02A, procure that the Affected Guarantor either: (i) provide cash collateral in favour of THE BANK, on such terms as THE BANK may reasonably require, as security for the Affected Guarantor's obligations under the Guarantee; or (ii) execute other security offering protection acceptable to THE BANK.

If none of the foregoing actions is taken within the period specified by THE BANK and to its satisfaction, THE BORROWER shall, upon demand by THE BANK, immediately prepay to THE BANK an amount equal to (x) the Affected Guarantor's percentage participation in the Guarantee multiplied by (y) the aggregate of: (a) the amount of the Loan outstanding, (b) unpaid interest accrued to the date of prepayment on the amount prepaid, (c) the amount of an indemnity calculated in accordance with Article 4.02B in respect of an amount equal to (a) and (d) any other sum then payable under this Contract in respect of the amount prepaid.

The non-exercise by THE BANK of the right to demand substitution of the Affected Guarantor, the delivery of collateral or the execution of other security shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any of THE BANK's rights hereunder.

B.     Guarantor insolvency events
If an Event of Default of the nature described in any of Article 10.01A (iii) to (vii) inclusive or a Material Adverse Change occurs in respect of any Guarantor, THE BORROWER shall replace such Guarantor with a Qualifying Guarantor. If THE BORROWER fails to demonstrate to THE BANK, promptly upon the latter's request, that it has a reasonable prospect of replacing such Guarantor or if, in any case, THE BORROWER does not, following demand by THE BANK, replace such Guarantor, within thirty (30) days of the date when the said event occurred, THE BANK may require THE BORROWER to pay immediately an amount equal to the (x) relevant Guarantor's percentage participation in the Guarantee multiplied by (y) the aggregate of (a) the amount of the Loan outstanding; (b) unpaid interest accrued to the date of prepayment on the amount prepaid; (c) the amount of an indemnity calculated in accordance with Article 4.02B in respect of an amount equal to (a); and (d) any other sum then payable under this Contract in respect of the amount prepaid.

7.03         Negative Pledge

So long as the Loan is outstanding, if THE BORROWER or TIMP (having obtained the previous written consent of THE BANK) grants to a third party any Security Interest on, or with respect to, any of its assets it shall, if so required by THE BANK, provide equivalent Security Interest to THE BANK for the performance of its obligations under this Contract or permit THE BANK to share on a pari passu basis such Security Interest with such third party.

For this purpose "Security Interest" means any mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, security assignment, hypothecation or security interest or any other agreement or arrangement having the effect of conferring security.

Nothing in the above paragraph shall apply to:

any Security Interest entered into pursuant to this Contract or disclosed in writing to THE BANK in a disclosure letter to be delivered by THE BORROWER to THE BANK not later than seven days after the date of this Contract;

to any vendor's lien or other encumbrance on land or other assets, where such encumbrance secures only the purchase price or any credit, having a term of not more than twelve months, obtained to finance it;

any security, lien or other encumbrance arising by operation of law;

any pledge over inventories created to secure any short-term credit;

any Security Interest granted over assets the aggregate value of which does not exceed on a cumulative basis 10% of TIMP's net tangible worth based on its most recent audited accounts; and

encumbrances granted and/or given as a guarantee of financial indebtedness within the framework of hedging operations carried out to manage the risk to that indebtedness (including, but not limited to, credit support annexes and agreements) provided that the aggregate value of which does not exceed on a cumulative basis USD 50 000 000 or its equivalent in any other currency.


any Security Interest over or affecting any asset acquired by THE BORROWER after the date hereof and subject to which such asset is acquired, if:

such Security Interest was not created in contemplation of the acquisition of such asset by THE BORROWER

the amount thereby secured has not been increased in contemplation of, or since the date of, the acquisition of such asset THE BORROWER

any Security Interest relating to loan granted or arranged by Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social ("BNDES")

For the purpose of this Article 7.03, THE BORROWER and TIMP declare that none of its property is subject to any encumbrance or any challenge to title, save as permitted above and save as to be disclosed in writing to THE BANK.

For the purposes of this Contract TIMP's net tangible worth means on a consolidated basis the sum of total assets less total liabilities less intangible assets

Information and visits

8.01          Information concerning the Project


deliver to THE BANK (a) the information in content and in form, and at the times, specified in the Schedule A.2 or otherwise as agreed from time to time by the parties to this Contract, and (b) any such information or further document concerning the financing, procurement, implementation, operation and environmental impact of or for the Project as THE BANK may reasonably require;

submit for the approval of THE BANK without delay any substantial change to the price, design, plans, timetable or expenditure programme for the Project in relation to the disclosures made to THE BANK prior to the signing of this Contract;

provide to THE BANK, if so requested: (a) a certificate of its insurers showing fulfilment of the requirements of Article 6.05 (iii); and (b) a list of policies in force covering the Project, together with confirmation of payment of the current premiums;

promptly inform THE BANK of (a) any material litigation or administrative proceedings that is commenced or, to the best of its knowledge, threatened against it; or (b) any fact or event known to THE BORROWER, which in either case might reasonably be expected to substantially prejudice the execution or operation of the Project or the fulfilment by THE BORROWER obligations under this Contract;


8.02         Information concerning BORROWER


deliver to THE BANK:

each year within one month after their publication, its annual report, including its audited balance sheet, profit and loss account and auditor's report; and

from time to time, such further information on its general financial situation as THE BANK may reasonably require;

ensure that its accounting records fully reflect the operations relating to the financing, execution and operation of the Project;

inform THE BANK immediately of:

any material alteration to its statutes after the date of this Contract;

any material alteration in any matter concerning it that is set out in the Recitals;

any fact which obliges it to prepay any Financial Indebtedness in advance of its scheduled Maturity;

any intention on its part to grant any security over any of its assets in favour of a third party other than those set out in clause 7.03 paragraph 3 above;

any intention on its part to make any disposal of any material component of the Project; and

any fact or event that is reasonably likely to prevent the substantial fulfilment of any of its material obligations under this Contract.

For the purpose of this Contract Financial Indebtedness means, in respect of THE BORROWER:

all indebtedness of THE BORROWER for borrowed money;

all indebtedness under any acceptance credit opened on behalf of THE BORROWER, or in relation to any letter of credit issued for the account of that person for the purpose of raising finance;

the face amount of all bills of exchange for which THE BORROWER is liable;

all indebtedness of THE BORROWER under any bond, debenture, note or similar instrument issued for the purpose of raising finance;

all indebtedness of THE BORROWER under any interest rate or currency swap or forward currency sale or purchase or other form of interest or currency hedging transaction (including, amongst other things, caps, collars and floors);

all payment obligations of THE BORROWER under any finance lease; and

all liabilities of THE BORROWER (actual or contingent) under any guarantee, bond, security, indemnity or other agreement in respect of any Financial Indebtedness of any other person.

For the avoidance of doubt, this definition excludes any Financial Indebtedness owed by one member of the Group to another member of the Group.

8.03         Visits by THE BANK and documents

THE BORROWER shall allow persons designated by THE BANK to (which may include representatives of the European Court of Auditors or any other Community institution) visit the sites, installations and works comprising the Project and to conduct such checks as they may wish, and shall provide them, or ensure that they are provided, with all necessary assistance for this purpose.

THE BORROWER acknowledges that THE BANK may be obliged to divulge all documents relating to THE BORROWER or the Project to the Court of Auditors or any other Community institution or body as are necessary for the performance of its respective tasks in accordance with the law of the European Union.

8.04          Investigations and information THE BORROWER undertakes:

to take such action as THE BANK shall reasonably request to investigate and/or terminate any alleged or suspected act of the nature described in Article 6.10;

to inform THE BANK of the measures taken to seek damages from the persons responsible for any loss resulting from any such act; and to facilitate any investigation that THE BANK may make concerning any such act.

8.05         Information on Originating Events

THE BORROWER shall inform THE BANK immediately of the occurrence of an Originating Event of which it becomes aware.

Charges and expenses

9.01         Taxes, duties and fees

THE BORROWER shall pay all taxes, duties, fees and other impositions of whatsoever nature, including stamp duty and registration fees, arising out of the execution or implementation of this Contract or any related document and in the creation of any security for the Loan.

THE BORROWER shall pay all principal, interest, indemnity and other amounts due under this Contract gross without deduction of any national or local impositions whatsoever; Provided that,


if THE BORROWER is obliged to make any such deduction, it shall gross up the payment to THE BANK so that after deduction, the net amount received by THE BANK is equivalent to the sum due.

9.02         Other charges

THE BORROWER  shall bear all duly documented charges and expenses, including professional, banking or exchange charges incurred in connection with the preparation and implementation of this Contract or any related document, including any amendment thereto, and in the creation, registration, perfection, management and realisation of any security for the Loan.

Prepayment upon an event of default

10.01       Right to demand repayment

THE BORROWER shall repay the Loan or any part thereof forthwith, together with interest accrued thereon, upon written demand being made therefore by THE BANK in accordance with the following provisions of this Article 10.

Immediate demand

THE BANK may make such demand immediately:

if THE BORROWER fails on due date to repay any part of the Loan, to pay interest thereon or to make any other payment to THE BANK as herein provided;

if any information or document given to THE BANK by or on behalf of THE BORROWER in connection with the negotiation of this Contract or during its lifetime will prove to have been incorrect in any material particular;

if, following any default in relation thereto, THE BORROWER or TIMP is required or will, following expiry of any applicable contractual grace period, be required to prepay or discharge ahead of maturity any other Financial Indebtedness exceeding 1.5% of TIMP's net tangible worth;

if THE BORROWER or TIMP is unable to pay its debts as they fall due, or makes or, without prior written notice to THE BANK, seeks to make a composition with its creditors generally;

if an order is made or an effective resolution is passed for the winding up of THE BORROWER or TIMP, or if THE BORROWER or TIMP takes steps towards a substantial reduction in its capital, is declared insolvent or ceases or resolves to cease to carry on the whole or any substantial part of its business or activities, save in the course of a material reconstruction, amalgamation, reorganisation, merger or consolidation previously consented to by THE BANK, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld by THE BANK;

if an encumbrancer takes possession of, or a receiver, liquidator, administrator, administrative receiver or similar officer is appointed, whether by a court of competent jurisdiction or by any competent administrative authority, of or over, any part of the business or material assets of THE BORROWER or TIMP or any property forming part of the Project,

if any distress, execution, sequestration or other process is levied or enforced upon any material property of THE BORROWER or TIMP or any material property forming part of the Project and is not discharged or opposed within thirty (30) days, which would likely materially impair the ability of THE BORROWER or TIMP to comply with its payment obligations hereunder or to perform the Project;

or if the terms of one of its licences is modified, revoked or lapses with the confirmed result that the ability of THE BORROWER or TIMP to comply with its obligations under this Contract is impaired.

Demand after notice to remedy

THE BANK may also make such demand, upon the matter not being remedied within a reasonable period of time specified in a notice served by THE BANK on THE BORROWER:

if THE BORROWER fails to comply with any material obligation under this Contract not being an obligation mentioned in Article 10.01A(ii); or

if any fact stated in the Recitals materially alters and is not materially restored and if the alteration prejudices the interests of THE BANK as lender to THE BORROWER or adversely affects the implementation or operation of the Project.

Other rights at law

Article 10.01 shall not restrict any other right of THE BANK at law to require prepayment of the Loan.

10.02        Indemnity

Fixed-Rate Tranches

In case of demand under Article 10.01 in respect of any Tranche, THE BORROWER shall pay to THE BANK a sum calculated in accordance with Article 4.02B on any sum that has become due and payable. Such sum shall accrue from the due date for payment specified in THE BANK's notice of demand and be calculated on the basis that prepayment is effected on the date so specified.

Floating-Rate Tranches

In case of demand under Article 10.01 in respect of an Floating-Rate Tranche, THE BORROWER shall pay to THE BANK a sum equal to the present value of 0.15% (15 basis points) per annum calculated and accruing on the amount due to be prepaid in the same manner as interest would have been calculated and would have accrued, if that amount would have remained outstanding according to the original amortisation schedule of the Tranche.

Such present value shall be determined using a discount rate, applied as of each relevant Payment Date. The discount rate shall be EIB Redeployment Rate.

10.03       General

Amounts due by THE BORROWER pursuant to this Article 10.02 shall be payable on the date of prepayment specified in THE BANK's demand.

10.04       Non-Waiver

No failure or delay by THE BANK in exercising any of its rights under this Article 10 shall be construed as a waiver of such right.

10.05        Application of sums received

Sums received by THE BANK following a demand under Article 10.01 shall be applied first in payment of expenses, interest and indemnities and secondly in reduction of the outstanding instalments in inverse order of maturity. THE BANK may apply sums received between Tranches at its discretion.


Law and iurisdiction

11.01       Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by the laws of England.

11.02       Jurisdiction

The parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England.

11.03       THE BORROWER's Agent for Service

THE BORROWER appoints TI United Kingdom Limited, whose address is 100, New Bridge Street, EC4V 6JA London, United Kingdom to be its Agent for the purpose of accepting service on their behalf on any writ, notice, order, judgement or other legal process.

11.04       Evidence of sums due

In any legal action arising out of this Contract, the certificate of THE BANK as to any amount due to THE BANK under this Contract shall be prima facie evidence of such amount.

11.05       Complete Agreement


This Contract constitutes the complete agreement between the parties hereto. The mutual undertakings and representations contained in this Contract replace all prior undertakings and representations made by the parties in the course of the correspondence, discussions and negotiations leading to the conclusion of this Contract.

Final clauses

12.01       Notices to either party

Notices and other communications given hereunder addressed to either party to this Contract shall be in writing and shall be sent to its address set out below, or to such other address as it previously notifies to the other in writing:

- for THE BANK :
 100 boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L- 2950 Luxembourg.
Attention: Head of Division, Operations for Latin America Fax +352 437966599

 Avenida das Americas 3434 Bloco 1 7° Andar
Barra de Tijuca, RJ
 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
 Fax: + 55-21 400 939 43 Attention:
12.02       Form of notice

Notices and other communications, for which fixed periods are laid down in this Contract or which themselves fix periods binding on the addressee, shall be served by hand delivery, registered letter, facsimile or other means of transmission which affords evidence of receipt by the addressee. The date of registration or, as the case may be, the stated date of receipt of transmission shall be conclusive for the determination of a period.
Notices issued by THE BORROWER pursuant to any provision of this Contract shall, where required by THE BANK, be delivered to THE BANK together with satisfactory evidence of the authority of the person or persons authorised to sign such notice on behalf of THE BORROWER and the authenticated specimen signature of such person or persons.

12.03       Recitals, Schedules and Annexes

The Recitals and following Schedules form part of this Contract:

- Schedule Al                              Technical Description

- Schedule A2                                         Information Duties


- Schedule B
Definitions of EURIBOR and LIBOR

- Schedule C
Form of Disbursement Request

- Schedule D
Definition of Originating Event

- Schedule E
Form of BLT Disbursement Request (Article 1.02D)

- Schedule F
Form of BLT Offer

- Schedule G
Amendments and Supplemental Provisions applying to BRL­Linked Tranches

- Schedule H
Legal Opinion

The following Annexes are attached hereto:

- Annex I
Authorisation of signatories

- Annex II
Certificate of Borrowing Powers

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed in six (6) originals in the English language and have respectively caused the undersigned and, to initial each page of this Contract on their behalf.

Signed for and on behalf of                                                 Signed for and on behalf of

EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK                                                TIM NORDESTE S.A.

( Consta assinatura )                                                         ( Consta assinatura )

F. de Paula Coelho     R. Otte                                                        F. Tanzi

The undersigned Paul FRIENDS, notary residing in Luxembourg, hereby certifies that this document was signed in his presence by Mr. F. de Paula Coelho and Mrs. R. Otte for and on behalf of EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK and by Mr.Tanzi on behalf of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

This 3 rd day of June 2008, at Luxembourg.


1                                                                           2.

( Consta assinatura )                                                ( Consta assinatura )
A.Barragán                                                            F. Petragglia



A legalização deste documento não implica na aceitação de seu conteúdo.
1843 - Reconheço verdadeira, por semelhança, a assinatura, no anverso deste documento, de Paul FRIEDERS, Notário em Luxemburgo, Grão Ducado do Luxemburgo, a qual confere com os padrões depositados no Serviço Consular. E, para constar onde convier, mandei passar o presente, que assinei e fiz selar com o Selo de Armas desta Embaixada. Dispensada a legalização da assinatura consular de acordo com o artigo 2°, do Decreto n° 84.451, de 31/01/80.
Pagou R$ 20,00-ouro
Ou Euros 16,00. Tab. 416.

Bruxelas, 09 de junhp de 2008

( consta assinatura )
Amado Cetrole


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1.               Purpose, Location

The project comprises the purchase, installation and bringing into service by TIM Brazil of the mobile telecommunication elements described below, over a 1.5 year period. It concerns all federal states of Brazil. The quantities described below are subject to minor variations arising in the normal course of operations.

2.              Description

Material, Equipment, Works and Services

A. Second Generation mobile – GSM (GPRS, EDGE) technology

The project installations are part of TIM's development programme. Main network elements will reach the following numbers by the end of the year 2008: Mobile Switch Centres – 68; Base Station Controllers – 164; Base Transceiver Stations (Macro and Micro) – 10 068; Transceivers –82 403. Municipalities served will be 2 887. Project additions will be: Mobile Switch Centres – 13; Base Station Controllers – 27; Base Transceiver Stations – 1 001. Municipalities newly served will be 386.

Concerning data services, this network will be 100% upgraded to GPRS and 72% upgraded to EDGE by end 2008.

The 2G investment above is split between the two groups of TIM companies as follows:

A.1.   TIM Celular formed by TIMs Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Centro Oeste, Sul and Norte

Main network elements will reach the following numbers by the end of the year 2008: Mobile Switch Centres – 48; Base Station Controllers – 120; Base Transceiver Stations – 7 170; Transceivers – 56 772. Municipalities served will be 1 853. Project additions will be: Mobile Switch Centres – 8; Base Station Controllers – 22; Base Transceiver Stations (Macro and Micro) – 606. Municipalities newly served will be 215. The % of GSM infrastructure upgraded to EDGE will be 77%.

A.2.   TIM Nordeste formed by TIM Leste and TIM Nordeste

Main network elements will reach the following numbers by the end of the year 2008: Mobile Switch Centres – 20; Base Station Controllers – 44; Base Transceiver Stations – 2 898; Transceivers- 25 681. Municipalities served will be 1 034. Project additions will be: Mobile Switch Centres- 5; Base Station Controllers – 5; Base Transceiver Stations (Macro and Micro) – 395. Municipalities newly served will be 171. The % of GSM infrastructure upgraded to EDGE will be 63%.


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B. Third Generation mobile - UMTS/IMT-2000 technology

First installations to be built during 2008 to reach the following numbers by end of the year 2008: Radio Network Controllers- 30; Node-Bs- 2 536; Media Gateways- 16. The number of municipalities served will be 47.

The 3G investment above is split between the two groups of TIM companies as follows:

B.1.    TIM Celular formed by TIMs São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Centro Oeste, Sul and Norte

Radio Network Controllers- 18; Node-Bs- 1 867; Media Gateways- 12. Municipalities served will be 31.

B.2.    TIM Nordeste formed by TIM Leste and TIM Nordeste

Radio Network Controllers - 12; Node-Bs-669; Media Gateways - 4. Municipalities served will be 16.

C. Common

IT for Business & Corporate.

Technical land and buildings.


Operation and Management Systems (hardware and software). Energy and Air Conditioning systems.

3.              Items to be directly funded by EIB

The costs eligible for EIB direct funding are the Network and the Information Technology. The EIB loan of up to EUR 200 million will be allocated to a part of imported eligible items, to be installed in the less developed regions of Brazil (preferentially the North and Northeast). The exact allocation will be coordinated with the promoter during contract negotiations.

Elements of the project investment that are not eligible for EIB funding are: Handset Subsidies, Spectrum license, Commercial (new stores, store refurbishment and furniture for exclusive dealers), General and Administration premises.

4.              Calendar

Works and installations have started in July 2007 and will be completed and ready for service by 31 December 2008.


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1.              Dispatch of information: designation of the person responsible

The information below has to be sent to the Bank under the responsibility of:

TIM Celular S.A
Contact person
Luiz Alberto dos Santos
Function I Department
Finanças e Tesouraria
Tim Brasil - RJ
Av. das Américas, 3-434-7°- andar
Barra da Tijuca – RJ – CEP: 22640-102
Fixed + 55 21 4009-4791; Mobile + 55 21 8113-1640
+ 55 21 4009-3943

The above-mentioned contact person is the responsible contact for the time being. The Borrower shall inform the EIB immediately in case of any change.

2.              Information on specific subjects

The Borrower shall deliver to the Bank the following information at the latest by the deadlines indicated below.

Document / information
Summary report on evolution of quality of service
indicators such as claims to regulator, network
availability and dropped call rates.
31 July 2008, 31 January 2009


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3.             Information on the end of works and first three months of operation

The Borrower shall deliver to the Bank the following information on project completion and initial operation at the latest by the deadline indicated below.

Document / information
Date of delivery
to the Bank
Project Completion Report, including:
- A brief description of the technical characteristics of the project
as completed, explaining the reasons for any significant change;
-      The date of completion of each of the main project's
components, explaining reasons for any possible delay;
- The final cost of the project, explaining reasons for any
possible cost increases vs. initial budgeted cost, presenting the
breakdown per technology (2G, 3G) and per region;- The
number of new jobs permanently created by the project for its
operation and maintenance. Man person necessary for project
- A description of any major issue with impact on the
environment. Difficulties encountered during the project to roll
out new base stations;
- Update on procurement procedures;
- Update on the project's demand or usage and comments
(subscribers, ARPU, market share, penetration). Details on
EDGE and UMTS broadband usage.
- Information and analysis about evolution of quality of service
indicators such as claims to regulator, network availability and
dropped call rates. Evaluation of the influence of the project
investments on such evolution.
- Any significant issue that has occurred and any significant risk
that may affect the project's operation;
- Any legal action concerning the project that may be ongoing.
  Language of reports   


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Definition of LIBOR

1.              EURIBOR

"EURIBOR" means:

in respect of a relevant period of less than a month, the rate of interest for deposits in EUR for a term of one month, and

in respect of any relevant period, or any other period of time of one or more (but whole) months, the rate of interest for deposits in EUR for a term being the number of whole months or,

in respect of any relevant period, or any other period of time, of more than one (but not whole) months, the rate resulting from a linear interpolation by reference to two rates for deposits in EUR, one of which applicable for a period of whole months next shorter and the other for period of whole months next longer than the length of the relevant period.

(the period for which the rate is taken or based on which the rates are interpolated being hereinafter called the "Representative Period") as published at 11.00 a.m. Brussels time or at a later time acceptable to THE BANK on the day (the "Reset Date") which falls two (2) Relevant Business Days prior to the first day of the relevant period, on Reuters page EURIBOR 01 or its successor page or, failing which, by any other means of publication chosen for this purpose by THE BANK.

If such rate is not so published, THE BANK shall request the principal euro-zone offices of four major banks in the euro-zone, selected by THE BANK, to quote the rate at which EUR deposits in a comparable amount are offered by each of them as at approximately 11:00 a.m., Brussels time, on the Reset Date to prime banks in the euro-zone interbank market for a period equal to the Representative Period. If at least two quotations are provided, the rate for that Reset Date will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations.

If fewer than two quotations are provided as requested, the rate for that Reset Date will be the arithmetic mean of the rates quoted by major banks in the euro-zone, selected by THE BANK, at approximately 11:00 a.m. Brussels time on the day which falls two Relevant Business Days after the Reset Date, for loans in EUR in a comparable amount to leading European Banks for a period equal to the Representative Period

2.              LIBOR USD

"LIBOR" means, in respect of USD:

in respect of a relevant period of one month or less than a month, the rate of interest for deposits in USD for a period of one (1) month;

in respect of any relevant period, or any other period of time of one or more (but whole) months, the rate of interest for deposits in USD for a term being the number of whole months or,


in respect of any relevant period, or any other period of time, of more than one (but not whole) months, the resulting from a linear interpolation by reference to two rates for deposits in USD, one of which applicable for a period of whole months next shorter and the other for period of whole months next longer than the length of the relevant period.

(the period for which the rate is taken or based on which the rates are interpolated being hereafter called the "Representative Period") as set by the British Bankers Association and released by financial news providers at 11.00 a.m. London time or at a later time acceptable to THE BANK on the day (the "Reset Date") which falls two (2) London Business Days prior to the first day of the relevant period.

If such rate is not so released by any financial news provider acceptable to THE BANK, THE BANK shall request the principal London offices of four major Banks in the London interbank market selected by THE BANK to quote the rate at which USD deposits in a comparable amount are offered by each of them at approximately 11.00 a.m. London time on the Reset Date, to prime banks in the London interbank market for a period equal to the Representative Period. If at least two such quotations are provided, the rate will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations provided.

If fewer than two quotations are provided as requested, THE BANK shall request the principal New York City offices of four major Banks in the New York City interbank market, selected by THE BANK, to quote the rate at which USD deposits in a comparable amount are offered by each of them at approximately 11.00 a.m. New York City time on the day falling two (2) New York Business Days after the Reset Date, to prime banks in the European market for a period equal to the Representative Period. If at least two such quotations are provided, the rate will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations provided.

3.              General

For the purposes of the foregoing definitions:

"New York Business Day" means a day on which banks are open for normal business in New York.

All percentages resulting from any calculations referred to in this Schedule will be rounded, if necessary, to the nearest one hundred-thousandth of a percentage point, with halves being rounded up.

THE BANK shall inform THE BORROWER without delay of the quotations received by THE BANK.

If any of the foregoing provisions becomes inconsistent with provisions adopted under the aegis of EURIBOR FBE and EURIBOR ACI in respect of EURIBOR or of the British Bankers Association in respect of LIBOR, THE BANK may by notice to THE BORROWER amend the provision to bring it into line with such other provisions.



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To:                   European Investment Bank
From:               TIM Nordeste S.A.

Finance Contract between European Investment Bank and TIM Nordeste S.A. dated [XX, XXXXXX 2007] (hereafter referred to as the "Finance Contract") ref n° [•] reg. TIM Celular Project

Dear Sirs,

Terms defined in the Finance Contract have the same meaning when used in this letter.

We hereby request disbursement of a Tranche having the characteristics set out in the annex hereto.

For the purposes of Article 1.04 of the Finance Contract we hereby certify to you as follows:

there has been no material change to any aspect of the Project on which THE BORROWER is obliged to report under Article 8.01, save as previously communicated by THE BORROWER;

THE BORROWER has sufficient funds available to ensure the timely completion and implementation of the Project in accordance with Schedule A.1;

No Change of Control (as defined in Article 4.03A2 has occurred);

there is no event outstanding, imminent or prevailing which, with the lapse of time and the fulfilment of any other condition would constitute an Originating Event.

no Event of default or Potential Event of Default has occurred and not been remedied; and
(i no litigation, arbitration or regulatory proceedings or investigations are current or, to the best of its knowledge, threatened against it which could be reasonably expected to result in any Material Adverse Change.

Yours faithfully,
for and on behalf of TIM Nordeste S.A.



(Page 2 of 2)


Disbursement Request                                                              Tranche No:                                                    Date:

Please proceed with the following disbursement: Loan Name (*):

Loan Name (*):
Reserved for the EIB
Signature Date (*):
Loan Amount:
Reference number:
Disbursed to date:
Disbursement Nº:
Balance for disbursement:
Proposed disbursement date:
Disbursement deadline:
Total request (contract currency)
Max. number of disbursements:
Minimum Tranche size:
To be disbursed as follows
Total allocations to date:
Currency (Art. 1.03)
Conditions precedent:
EUR 5.000.000
Interest rate basis interest rate/ spread (Art. 3.01)
Fixed Rate /
Floating Rate
Interest frequency (Art. 3.01)
Repayment (Art. 4.01)
¨ semi-annual installments
Payment Dates (Art. 5.01)
First repayment date
Last repayment date
Borrower’s account to be credited:                                                                Acc. Nº:
Bank name and address:
Please transmit information relevant to request to:
Borrower’s authorized name(s) and signature(s):


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" Denial Of Justice Event" means any repudiation or breach by a Host Government of a Project Agreement where the repudiation or breach:

prevents, or materially contributes to preventing, THE BORROWER from performing its obligations towards THE BANK; or

prevents any Guarantor from realising the full value of security taken over the revenues or other benefits derived from any security interest in the Project Agreement, provided always that:

an Arbitral Tribunal has rendered a Final Award providing for damages in respect of the Relevant Party's claim for damages arising out of such breach or repudiation;

such Final Award is for a specified monetary amount, and is rendered for breach of a contractual obligation under, or for repudiation of, a Project Agreement by the Host Government;

the Relevant Party affected by such repudiation or breach has made reasonable efforts to exhaust all legal remedies to enforce the Final Award against the Host Government for a period of 180 consecutive days from the date of the award; and

the Host Government's refusal to enforce the Final Award is arbitrary and/or discriminatory.

" EWCD Event " means: (i) Expropriation, or (ii) War and Civil Disturbance.

" Expropriation " means: any measure taken, directed, authorised, ratified or approved by the Host Government, each being an administrative or legislative measure and constituting an instance of expropriation within the meaning of this definition. A measure constitutes an instance of expropriation for the purposes of this definition if it has the effect of preventing THE BORROWER or a Guarantor from paying or recovering a Guaranteed Sum and the resultant failure to pay or recover endures for a period of ninety (90) days; provided that:

non-discriminatory measures of general application adopted in good faith by the Host Government and of the type which governments normally take in the public interest for requirements such as public safety, the collection of tax revenues, protection of the environment or regulation of economic activity shall not be regarded as constituting Expropriation unless those measures are intended by the Host Government to have a confiscatory effect; and

non-fulfilment by the Host Government of an obligation of a contractual nature towards THE BORROWER or a Guarantor shall not in itself or by itself constitute Expropriation.


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" Guaranteed Sum " means: any sum of principal, interest, commission, liquidated damages, charge or expense or any other sum which is expressed to be payable from time to time by THE BORROWER to THE BANK under or pursuant to this Contract and any other sum due from time to time from THE BORROWER to THE BANK in connection with any advance or credit extended under this Contract.

4.              "Host Country" means: The Federative Republic of Brazil.

"Host Government" means: an authority having at any relevant time effective control of all or part of the territory of the Host Country or any political or territorial subdivision or public authority thereof or any other entity in or of the Host Country on which regulatory or executive powers are conferred by the laws of the Host Country.

6.              "Non-Transfer of Currency" and "NTC Event" means:

any action by the Host Government which prevents THE BORROWER or a Guarantor from converting funds in local currency into the currency of any sum due under this Contract or into a freely convertible currency or into another currency deemed acceptable by THE BANK or from transferring outside the Host Country the local currency concerned or the currency into which the local currency has been converted, for the purpose of (i) paying any Guaranteed Sum, or (ii) receiving or recovering payment in respect of a Guaranteed Sum which a Guarantor has paid; or

any failure by the Host Government to take action with a view to effecting or allowing such conversion or such transfer by or on behalf of THE BORROWER or a Guarantor;

in circumstances where:

THE BORROWER or, as the case may be, the Guarantor is able freely and lawfully to avail itself within the Host Country of the local currency or other currency into which the local currency has been converted; and

THE BORROWER or, as the case may be, the Guarantor has without success for a period of thirty (30) days endeavoured by all reasonable means to complete the necessary legal formalities to affect the transfer or conversion.

"Originating Event" in relation to THE BORROWER or a Guarantor means each of the following events affecting either of them respectively, namely:

Non-Transfer of Currency or NTC Event;

Expropriation; and

War and Civil Disturbance,

as defined herein, subject to the general qualifications set out in Article 4.03 of the Guarantee.

" Potential EWCD Event" means: an event which with the lapse of time or the fulfilment of any condition would constitute an EWCD Event.



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"Potential NTC Event" means: an event which with the lapse of time or the fulfilment of any condition would constitute an NTC Event.

"War and Civil Disturbance" means: any act of war (declared or otherwise), revolution, insurrection, civil war, riot or social strife, terrorism or sabotage having the direct and immediate effect of preventing THE BORROWER or a Guarantor for a period of ninety (90) days from paying or recovering a Guaranteed Sum. In all cases, to fall within the scope of this definition, the constitutive acts must have been undertaken with the primary intent of achieving a political objective. Acts undertaken principally in order to support labour, student or other non-political objectives shall not be covered under this definition.


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To:                    European Investment Bank
[                   ]
[                   ]

From:               TIM Nordeste S.A.

Date: ¨

Dear Sirs,

Subject :
Finance Contract between European Investment Bank and TIM Nordeste S.A. [    ] ref n° • (the "Finance Contract").

Terms defined in the Finance Contract have the same meaning when used in this letter.

We hereby request THE BANK to make an offer for the disbursement of a BRL-Linked Tranche. We set out our preferred terms in the attached Annex.

For the purposes of Article 4 of the Finance Contract we hereby certify to you as follows:

there has been no material change to any aspect of the Project on which THE BORROWER is obliged to report under Article 8.01, save as previously communicated by THE BORROWER;

THE BORROWER has sufficient funds available to ensure the timely completion and implementation of the Project in accordance with Schedule A.1;

No Change of Control (as defined in Article 4.03A2 has occurred);

there is no event imminent or prevailing which is or with the lapse of time or fulfilment of any condition would constitute an Originating Event;

no Event of Default or Potential Event of Default has occurred and not been remedied; and

no litigation, arbitration or regulatory proceedings or investigations are current or, to the best of its knowledge, threatened against it which could be reasonably expected to result in any Material Adverse Change.

Yours faithfully,
TIM Nordeste S.A.


Annex: Characteristics of Requested BRL-Linked Tranche



(Page 2 of 2)

Disbursement Date
Interest Rate Basis
Repayment Basis
Repayment Date(s)1

' Specify first and last if the Tranche is to be amortizing


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To:                   TIM Nordeste S.A.
Attention:      [                  ]
Fax:                 [                   ]
Date:                [                  ]

Dear Sirs,

Finance Contract between European Investment Bank and [BORROWER] dated [ ] Ref N°[_] (the "Finance Contract").

BLT Disbursement Request N° [_] dated [_] (the "BLT Disbursement Request")

We refer to the Finance Contract. Terms defined in the Finance Contract shall have the same meaning when used herein.

We further refer to the BLT Disbursement Request delivered under Article 1.02D of the Finance Contract.
In accordance with Article 1.02D of the Finance Contract, we hereby offer to make the BRL-Linked Tranche described below available to you.

To accept this BLT Offer you must send a copy of this letter duly signed on your behalf to the following fax number [_]   no later than [time] Luxembourg time on [date]. Following this time, the offer contained in this letter shall automatically lapse.

If you do accept the BRL-Linked Tranche proposed in this BLT Offer, the terms of the Finance Contract as modified and supplemented by the provisions set out in Schedule [G] to the Finance Contract shall apply to the BRL-Linked Tranche.

Characteristics of the proposed BRL-Linked Tranche

Amount of BRL-Linked Tranche:
BRL [_]
Payment Currency:
Amount in Payment Currency:
Disbursement Date:
Interest Type:
Floating/Fixed/Zero Coupon
Fixed Interest Rate:
[_]% per annum
Floating Interest Rate
[_] determined in accordance with Annex I Zero
Coupon Provisions:
Discount Rate
Disbursement Amount
Zero-Coupon Upfront Fee



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Interest Payment Dates
[_] in each year commercing on [_] up to, and including, the Maturity Date (specified below) subject in each case to adjustment in accordance with the Business Day Convention.
Repayment Basis
Amortizing / Bullet
Repayment Date(s)
If Interest Type “amortizing”: [_] and [_] in each year up to and including the Maturity Date subject to adjustment in accordance with the Business Day Convenion.

If Interest Type “bullet”: The Maturity Date (specified below).
Maturity Date:
[_] subject to adjustment in accordance with the Business Day Convention.
Business Day Convenion: 2
Day Count Convention: 3
Payment Business Days:
Days on which commercial Banks are open for business in [_]
FX Exchange Rate
[_] as determined in accordance with the FX Exchange Rate Determination Method
FX Exchange Rate Determination Method: 4
FX Rate Determination Time:
[time] am/pm. ([place] time)
FX Rate Determination Date:
[_] FX Business Days prior to the relevant payment date
FX Business Days
Days on which Banks are open for business in [_]

For and on behalf of European Investment Bank

We hereby accept the above BLT Offer

For and behalf of TIM Nordeste S.A.
Date:          [_]

2 NB: To be completed: Should be self contained (ie full text rather than abbreviated language).
3 NB: To be completed: Should be self contained (ie full text rather than abbreviated language).
4 NB: To be completed: Should be self contained (ie full text rather than abbreviated language) and include fall back.


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The terms of the Finance Contract shall apply to a BRL-Linked Tranche as amended and supplemented in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule.

This Schedule G forms an integral part of the Finance Contract.

Article 1.05 Deferment of disbursement

Article 1.05 shall not apply to BRL-Linked Tranches.

Article 1.06 Cancellation and suspension

Article 1.06 shall not apply to an Accepted BRL-Linked Tranche and the following Article shall apply in its place:

"1.06       Bank's right to cancel a BRL-Linked Tranche

THE BANK may by notice to THE BORROWER cancel any undisbursed Accepted BRL-Linked Tranche upon the occurrence of any Event of Default or Potential Event of Default or the occurrence of an Originating Event.

Following any such cancellation, THE BORROWER shall pay to THE BANK within seven days on demand the BRL Indemnity Amount in respect of such Accepted BRL-Linked Tranche."

Article 2           Loan

For the purposes of Articles 2.01, 2.02, 2.03 and 2.04, the currency of a BRL-Linked Tranche shall be BRL provided always that all payments of principal, interest or other charges or indemnities payable in respect thereof shall be made in the applicable Payment Currency in accordance with the provisions of the Finance Contract.

Article 3.01 Rate of Interest

If the applicable Interest Type is "Floating" or "Fixed", Article 3.01 shall not apply to the relevant BLT Tranche and shall be replaced for these purposes by the following:

"3.01 Rate of interest.

Interest shall accrue on the outstanding principal amount of a BRL-Linked Tranche at an annual rate equal to the sum of the applicable Floating Interest Rate or Fixed Interest Rate (as applicable).


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THE BORROWER shall pay the Payment Currency Equivalent of interest accrued on each BRL­Linked Tranche in arrears on the applicable Interest Payment Dates commencing on the first applicable Interest Payment Date following the date of disbursement of the relevant BRL-Linked Tranche.

Interest shall be calculated on the basis of the applicable Day Count Convention.

If the applicable Interest basis is "Zero Coupon", Article 3.01 shall not apply to the relevant BRL­Linked Tranche.

Article 4.01 Normal Repayment

Article 4.01 shall not apply to a BRL-Linked Tranche and the following provisions shall replace it:

(a)            If the applicable Repayment Basis is "Amortizing":

"4.01 Normal Repayment

THE BORROWER shall repay the BRL-Linked Tranche by instalments on the Repayment Date specified in the relevant BLT Offer in accordance with the amortisation table set out in the relevant BLT Offer.

Each amortisation table shall be drawn up on the basis that repayment of the BRL-Linked Tranche shall be made by equal instalments of principal on each applicable Repayment Date.

The amount of each instalment shall be the Payment Currency Equivalent of the BRL amount of the relevant instalment as set out in the amortisation table."

(b)             If the applicable Repayment Basis is "Bullet":

"4.01 Normal Repayment

THE BORROWER shall repay the Payment Currency Equivalent of the entire BRL principal amount of the BRL-Linked Tranche on the Maturity Date specified in the relevant BLT Offer."

Article 4.02 Voluntary Prepayment

No voluntary prepayment shall be allowed in respect of a BRL-Linked Tranche and Article 4.02 shall not apply to BRL-Linked Tranches.


Article 4.03 Compulsory Prepayment

Article 4.03C (Prepayment indemnity) shall not apply to a BRL-Linked tranche and shall be replaced in respect thereof by the following:



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"4.03C Prepayment Indemnity

In the case of a prepayment made in accordance with this Article 4.03, the indemnity payable shall be equal to the BRL Indemnity Amount."

Article 5           Payments

Article 5.01 (Payment Date definition) and Article 5.02 (Day Count Convention) shall not apply in respect of BRL-Linked Tranches,5

Article 7.02 Guarantor Events

In respect of BRL-Linked Tranches, the reference in the second paragraph of Article 7.02A (Guarantor related remedies) and in Article 7.026 (Guarantor default event), shall be deemed to be replaced by a reference to the BRL Indemnity Amount.

Article 10.02 Indemnity

Article 10.02 shall not apply in respect of BRL-Linked Tranches and shall be deemed to be replaced by the following Article:

"10.02 Indemnity

In case of demand under the Article 10.01 in respect of a BRL-Linked Tranche THE BORROWER shall pay to THE BANK a sum equal to the BRL Indemnity Amount."


Save as specifically amended or supplemented by the terms of this Schedule G, the Finance Contract shall apply unamended in respect of each BRL-Linked Tranche.

Definitions and interpretation

(a)           Definitions

The following terms have the following meanings for the purposes of the Finance Contract:
"BRL Hedging Amount" means in respect of each BRL-Tranche to be cancelled or prepaid the cost in the Payment Currency, if any, for THE BANK to enter into a swap or such other hedging arrangement on the date of cancellation or prepayment as it shall deem appropriate in respect of the BRL-linked indebtedness incurred by THE BANK to fund such BRL-Linked Tranche. The BRL Hedging Amount shall be determined by THE BANK ,in its absolute discretion, as the sum of:

5 These definitions therefore need to be self-contained in the BLT Offer


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(a)  the average price of entering into such swap or other hedging arrangement (including any settlement or dealing costs)quoted by Hedging Counterparties. At least three (3) Hedging Counterparties having been requested to make such quotations;

(b)   such legal and transaction costs as THE BANK shall determine are reasonably likely to be incurred by it in respect of such swap or hedging arrangement.

provided that:

THE BANK may be required to disclose to THE BORROWER the price quotations obtained but shall not be under any obligation to disclose the identity of the relevant Hedging Counterparties; and

if the determination of the net BRL Hedging Amount pursuant to this definition results in a sum being payable to THE BANK, the BRL Hedging Amount shall be deemed to be zero for the purposes of the determination of the BRL Indemnity Amount

"BRL Indemnity Amount" means in respect of any BRL Tranche which is either cancelled or prepaid, the BRL Hedging Amount; and

"Hedging Counterparties" means financial institutions acceptable to THE BANK for the purposes of entering into swap or other hedging arrangements in respect of the BRL-linked indebtedness incurred by THE BANK to fund a BRL-Linked Tranche.

"Payment Currency Equivalent" means the equivalent of any amount of BRL in the Payment Currency determined by applying the FX Exchange Rate to the relevant amount of BRL at the FX Rate Determination Time on the FX Rate Determination Date.

(b)           Interpretation

For the purposes of this Schedule G, the term "applicable" shall mean in respect of any BRL­Linked Tranche, the relevant item set out in the BLT Offer relating to such BRL-Linked Tranche.




THE BORROWER is a limited liability company duly established and validly existing under the law of the Federative Republic of Brazil, and has all requisite corporate powers to carry on its business as now conducted and to enter into and to perform the obligations imposed on it by the Contract.

Execution and delivery of the Contract on behalf of THE BORROWER have been duly authorised by all necessary corporate action.

The Contract has been validly executed and constitutes legal, valid and binding obligations of THE BORROWER, enforceable in the Federative Republic of Brazil.

THE BORROWER has obtained all necessary exchange control consents required under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil to permit THE BORROWER to receive disbursement under the Contract, to repay the Loan (as defined in Article 2.01 of the Contract) in the currency of disbursement, to pay interest and all other amounts due under the Contract and to open and maintenance the account to which THE BORROWER directs THE BANK to disburse the Credit. No other consent, approval, order or authorisation of, or declaration or filing with any Brazilian governmental authority is required in connection with the valid authorization, execution or performance by the Company of its obligations under the Contract.

All sums due by THE BORROWER to THE BANK under the Contract shall be made gross without deduction or withholding of any tax or other levies at source.

The execution, delivery and performance by THE BORROWER of the Contract will not violate or be in breach of the law of the Federative Republic of Brazil or of any documents comprising the constitution of THE BORROWER.

The application of English law as the proper law of the Contract and the submission by THE BORROWER to jurisdiction of the English courts are valid and enforceable against THE BORROWER and will be recognised by the Courts of Brazil.

A judgment obtained in the English Courts will be enforced by the Brazilian Courts without re­examining the merits of the case.

Any approval, consent, order, permit, licence or waiver by or from any governmental or local authority necessary for THE BORROWER (a) to carry out its business is in full force and effect and (b) to fulfil its obligations hereunder (including all exchange control registrations and consents).

THE BORROWER is not in breach of or in default under any agreement, document or instrument to which it is a party or which is binding upon it or any of its assets, and there are no actions, proceedings or claims currently pending or, to the best of its knowledge, threatened, the adverse determination of which might have a material adverse effect on the financial condition of THE BORROWER.




Finance Contract between European Investment Bank
and [company name]

Dated: [no later than the date of the FC referred to]

I hereby confirm that:-

A true copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of [company name] has been delivered to the European Investment Bank and no change thereto has been made since the date of such delivery.

As at the date hereof [company name] has not exceeded any limits on its borrowing powers contained in its Memorandum or Articles of Association or in any contract or any other instrument; the receipt of the loan the subject of the Finance Contract will not cause any of such limits to be exceeded, nor result in the imposition of increased financial charges or requirements as to security under any other contract or instrument to which [company name] is a party.

The borrowing to be made under the Finance Contract has been duly authorised by all relevant internal procedures of [company name]; the resolution to enter into the Finance Contract, a copy of which has been delivered to European Investment Bank, is still in force and has not been cancelled or modified.

Save as already disclosed in writing to European Investment Bank, [company name] has not at the date hereof changed any of its assets to any person, firm or company.



TIM. NORDESTE . S.A., com sede na Avenida Ayrton Senna da Silva, n° 1633, Bairro de Piedade, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Estado do Pernambuco; CEP 54.410-240, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o n° 01.009.686/0001-44 ("OUTORGANTE"), neste ato devidamente representada por seu Diretor Presidente, o Sr. MARIO CESAR PEREIRA DE ARAUJO, brasileiro, casado, engenheiro, portador da carteira de identidade n° 02.158.026 IFP/RJ, inscrito no CPF/MF sob o n° 235.485.337-87, e por seu Diretor de Suprimentos, o Sr. CLAUDIO ROBERTO DE ARGOLLO BASTOS, brasileiro, casado, engenheiro, portador da carteira de identidade n° 07101376-7, inscrito no CPF/MF sob o n° 805.708.607-68, ambos domiciliados na Avenida das Américas,' n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6° andar, na Cidade e Estado do Rio de Janeiro, nomeia e constitui como seus bastantes procuradores:
(i)   OSCAR CICCHETTI, italiano, casado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n° D-786130, válido até 10 de abril de 2015, domiciliado em Corso d'Italia, n° 41, na Cidade de Roma, Itália;
(ii)   FRANCESCO TANZI, italiano, casado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n° B-074220, válido até 8 de outubro de 2013, domiciliado na Piazza Degli . Affari n° 2, na Cidade de Milão,Itália;(iii) FRANCESCO MANCINI, italiano, casado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n° 696478U, válido até 12 de janeiro de 2010, domiciliado na Via Negri, nº 1, Cidade de Milão, Itália, e; (iv) GIANANDREA CASTELLI RIVOLTA, italiano, divorciado, administrador, portador do passaporte italiano n" C­113621, válido até 10 de fevereiro de 2014, inscrito no CPF/MF sob o n° 060.522.167-78, domiciliado na Avenida das Américas n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6° andar, Barra da Tijuca, Cidade e . Estado do Rio de Janeiro (isoladamente " OUTORGADO " e, em, conjunto, " OUTORGADOS ");
c om poderes para, individualmente, representar a OUTORGANTE com o propósito de:
(i)           Negociar e assinar, em nome da OUTORGANTE , Contrato de Financiamento, a ser celebrado entre a OUTORGANTE e European Investment Bank ("EIB"), com sede na Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, n° 100, Luxemburgo, L-2950, Luxemburgo, por um valor total de € 200.000.000,00 (duzentos milhões de euros) ("Contrato"), assim como outros documentos, incluindo, mas não se limitando a, pedidos de saque e contra-garantias, que possam ser necessários ou úteis de acordo ou em conexão com o Contrato, e;
(ii)               proceder de forma semelhante em nome da OUTORGANTE todas as medidas e acordos legais que possam ser necessários ou úteis de acordo e em conexão com o Contrato e qualquer medida complementar relacionada que possa ser necessária ou útil para o fiel cumprimento deste mandato.
Os OUTORGADOS devem observar fiel e rigorosamente as competências fixadas no Estatuto Social, na Política de Autorizações Societárias e no Código de Ética da OUTORGANTE , bem como os preceitos gerais de probidade e legalidade no exercício deste mandato.
A OUTORGANTE se compromete a aprovar e ratificar toda e qualquer medida que os OUTORGADOS venham a executar por este mandato e a isentá-los contra todas as medidas executadas ou pretendidas no escopo do presente mandato.
TIM NORDESTE S.A., a company, duly incorporated and existing under the laws of Brazil, with registered office at Avenida Ayrton Senna da Silva, n° 1633, Piedade, in the City of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, CEP 54.410­240, enrolled in the CNPJ/MF under number 01.009.686/0001-44 ("GRANTOR") herein represented by its Directors, Mr. MARIO CESAR PEREIRA DE ARAUJO, Brazilian, married, engineer, bearer of identity card number 02.158.026 IFP/RJ, enrolled in the
Individual Taxpayers' . Register ("CPF/MF") under number 235.485.337­87, and Mr. CLÁUDIO. ROBERTO DE ARGOLLO BASTOS, Brazilian, married, engineer, bearer of identity card number 07101376-7, enrolled in the CPF/MF under number 805.708.607-68, both domiciled at Avenida das Américas, n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6th floor, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, appoints and constitutes as its attorneys-in-fact:
(i)   OSCAR CICCHETTI, Italian, married, business manager, bearer of the Italian passport number D-786130, in force until April 10 th , 2015, domiciled at Corso d'Italia n° 41, in the City of Rome, Italy;
(ii)   FRANCESCO TANZI, Italian, married,, business manager, bearer of the Italian passport number B-074220, in force until ' October 8 th ,   2013, domiciled at Piazza Degli Affari n° 2, in the City of Milan, Italy; (iii) FRANCESCO MANCINI, Italian, married, business manager, bearer of the Italian passport number 696478U, in force until January 12 th , 2010, domiciled at Via Negri, n° 1, in the City of Milan, Italy, and; (iv) GIANANDREA CASTELLI RIVOLTA, Italian, divorced, business manager, bearer of the italian passport number 113621, in force until February 10th, 2 enrolled, in the CPF/MF under number 060.522.167-78, domiciled at Avenida das Américas, n° 3434, Bloco 1, 6 th floor, Barra da Tijuca, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro (each the "GRANTEE" and, together, the " GRANTEES ");
with powers to, each acting individually, represent the GRANTOR for the purposes of:
(i)               negotiating and signin in the name and on behalf of the GRANTOR a Finance Contract to be entered into by and between the GRANTOR and the European Investment Bank ("EIB"), with registered office at Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, n° 100, Luxembourg, L-2950, Luxembourg, for a total principal amount of € 200,000,000.00 (two hundred million euros) ("Agreement"), as well as all other documents including, but not limiting to, drawdown requests and counter/guarantees, which may be necessary or useful pursuant to or in connection with the Agreement, and;
(ii)               carrying out likewise in the name and on behalf of the GRANTOR all legal actions and consents which may be necessary or useful pursuant to or in connection with the Agreement and whatever related or complementary actions which may be necessary or useful for the complete fulfillment of the power of attorney received herein.
The GRANTEES must faithfully and strictly consider the powers established by the GRANTOR's by-laws, Corporate Authorization Policy and Ethical Code, as well as the general precepts of probity and legality in the discharge of this power of attorney.
The GRANTOR undertakes to approve and ratify any and all actions which the GRANTEES shall execute hereunder and to hold them harmless against all  executed actions or purported to be done hereunder.
O presente mandato será válido apenas para a prática dos atos acima declinados ou pelo prazo de 1 (um) ano a contar da presente data, podendo ser revogado a qualquer momento pela OUTORGANTE.  
This power of attorney will be in force for the execution of the aforementioned actions or for the period of one (1) year and can be revoked at any time by the GRANTOR.
Rio de Janeiro, 27 de maio de 2008.
  Rio de Janeiro, 27 de maio de 2008.
( Consta assinatura )
( Consta assinatura )
( Consta assinatura )
( Consta assinatura )

Closely Held Company
Corporate Taxpayer Register CNPJ/MF: 01.009.686/0001-44
NIRE: 26.300.014.769

HELD ON MAY 26, 2008

DATE, TIME AND PLACE : May 26, 2008, at 09:00h, at the corporate headquarters of TIM Nordeste S.A. (“Company”), at Avenida Ayrton Senna da Silva, No. 1633, in the city of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, state of Pernambuco.

ATTENDANCE : Shareholder representing the entire capital stock of the Company, according to the signature of the Shareholder Attendance Book.

PRESIDING OFFICERS : Mrs. Lara Ribeiro Piau Marques assumed the presidency of the Board, as contemplated in Article 124, §4 of Law 6.404/76.

AGENDA : (1) Examine, discuss and approve the execution of the long term financing agreement between Banco Europeu de Investimentos (“BEI”) and the operators TIM Celular S.A. and Tim Nordeste S.A., with the guarantee of TIM Participações S.A.; (2) Examine, discuss and approve the execution of the counterguarantee contract by bail bonds with 1 st class international banks for the loan agreement mentioned above.

RESOLUTIONS : After analysis and discussion of the subject set forth in the Agenda, it was unanimously decided by vote without any restrictions: (1) to approve the execution of a long term financing agreement by Banco Europeu de Investimentos (“BEI”) and the operators TIM Celular S.A. and TIM Nordeste S.A., with surety from TIM Participações S.A., in the amount of EUR 200,000,000.00 (two hundred million Euros), according to the material presented and filed at the Company’s headquarters; (2) approve the execution, by the Company, of a counterguarantee agreement by bail bond, to be issued by banks to be selected to cover the financing with BEI. The guarantee will be for the entire amount and period to be contracted. To this effect, the Company’s management is authorized to perform all the acts and take all the steps necessary and required for the execution of the Contracts and said transactions, including regarding (i) execution of the contracts and terms of authorization necessary, by any of the Directors and/or Attorneys-in-Fact of the Company duly designated with specific powers; and (ii) authorize the Directors of the Company to grant powers of attorney, with specific powers related to the Contracts listed in (1) and (2) above, to Messrs. Oscar Cicchetti, Francesco Tanzi, Francesco Mancini and Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta.

ADJOURNMENT : Having nothing further to deal, the President of the Board suspended the works for the time necessary to drawing up these minutes. Once the session was reopened, the minutes were read and approved by those present, signed by the President and by the Secretary and by the shareholders identified below.
[signature]       [signature]
President of the Board and representative of
Secretary of the Board
  TIM Celular S.A. and TIM Participações S.A.

Closely Held Company
Corporate Taxpayer Register CNPJ/MF: 01.009.686/0001-44
NIRE: 26.300.014.769

HELD ON MAY 05, 2008

DATE, TIME AND PLACE : May 05, 2008, at 10:00h, at the corporate headquarters of TIM Nordeste S.A. (“Company”), at Avenida Ayrton Senna da Silva, No. 1633, in the city of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, State of Pernambuco.

ATTENDANCE : Shareholders representing the totality of the capital stock of the Company, according to the signature in the Shareholders Attendance Book.

PRESIDING OFFICERS : Mr. Cláudio Roberto de Argollo Bastos assumed the presidency, who invited me, Lucas Dietrich E. Brenner, to act as his Secretary.

CALL NOTICE : The publication of the Call Notices was waived, as authorized in Article 124, §4 of Law 6.404/76.

RESOLUTIONS : After analysis and discussion of the matter set forth in the Agenda, it was decided by unanimous vote and without any restrictions, to approve the reelection of the Company’s Management, comprised of: (i) Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo – CEO, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card No. 02.158.026-1; (ii) Francesco Saverio Locati – Director General, Italian, married, physicist, holder of Italian Passport No. 708463-X and individual taxpayer register CPF/MF No. 060.278.447-60; (iii) Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta – Director of Administration, Finance and Control, Italian, divorced, administrator, holder of ID Card No. C-113621, valid to 02/10/04, and CPF/MF No. 060.522.167-78; (iv) Cláudio Roberto de Argollo Bastos – Supplies Director, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card No. 07101376-7 and CPF/MF No. 805.708.607-68; (v) Orlando Lopes Junior – Human Resources Director, Brazilian, married, lawyer, OAB/SP No. 59.567 and CPF/MF No. 858.808.338-87; (vi) Lara Cristina Ribeiro Piau Marques – Legal Director, Brazilian, married, lawyer, OAB/DF No. 11.539 and CPF/MF No. 554.012.011-68, all with commercial address at Avenida das Américas, No. 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor, Barra da Tijuca, City and State of Rio de Janeiro, CEP: 22640-102,  and with mandate for 02 (two) years, as provided in §1 of Article 16 of the Corporate Bylaws of the Company, until the Special Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company, to be held in 2010. All the acts previously performed by the directors described above are ratified.
ADJOURNMENT : Having nothing further to deal, the President of the Board suspended the works for the time necessary to draw up these minutes. The session reopened, the minutes were read and approved by those present, signed by the Chairman and by the Secretary of the Board and by the shareholders identified below.
CLÁUDIO ROBERTO DE ARGOLLO                                                                                    
Chairman of the Board and representative of
TIM Participações S.A.
Secretary of the Board

Closely Held Company
Corporate Taxpayer Register CNPJ/MF: 01.009.686/0001-44
NIRE: 26.300.014.769

HELD ON APRIL 09, 2008

DATE, TIME AND PLACE : April 09, 2008, at 09:00h, at the headquarters of TIM Nordeste S.A. (“Company”), located at Avenida Ayrton Senna da Silva, No. 1633, Piedade, in the city of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, State of Pernambuco.

ATTENDANCE : Shareholders representing all the capital stock of the Company, according to the signature in the Shareholders Attendance Book.

PRESIDING OFFICERS : Chairman – Mr. Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo; Secretary of the Board – Mrs. Alessandra Catanante.

CALL NOTICE AND PUBLICATIONS : (I) The publication of Call Notices was waived, as provided in Article 124, §4 of Law of Law 6.404/76; (2) The documents contemplated in Article 133 of Law 6.404/76 were published in the Pernambuco State of Official Gazette and in the Commercial Gazette, on March 14, 2008; (3) The minutes of the Annual and the Special Shareholders’ Meeting will be drawn up in a single instrument, pursuant to the terms of Article 131, Sole §, of Law 6.404/76.

AGENDA : (1) deliberate on the administration report and on the financial statements of the Company referring to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2007; (2) deliberate on the proposal of the administration of destination of the income of fiscal year 2007; (3) deliberate on the proposal for capital increase of the Company, with reference to the tax benefit verified in 2007, without issue of new shares, resulting from the amortization of the premium incorporated in the fiscal year of 2000; (4) in function of the capital increase mentioned earlier, deliberate on the proposal of alteration of the wording of Article 5 of the Bylaws of the Company; and (5) deliberate on the alteration of the newspapers for legal publications of the Company.

RESOLUTIONS : After analysis and discussion of the subject matter set forth in the Agenda, the shareholders decided, by unanimous vote, and without any restrictions: to (1) approve the administration report and the financial statements of the Company, raised on December 31, 2007, which were the purpose of revision by the independent auditors of the Company, Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes S.S.; (2) approve the proposal of the administration of destination of the results of the Company, proposing that the loss verified in the fiscal year 2007, in the amount of R$ 83,079,682.44 (eighty-three million, seventy-nine thousand, six hundred and eighty-two reais and forty-four cents), be absorbed fully by the Company’s Profit Reserve up to the limit of said Reserves, according to Article 189 of Law 6.404/76; (3) approve the proposal for capital increase of the Company, in the amount of R$25,180,628.40 (twenty-five million, one hundred and eighty thousand, six hundred and twenty-eight reais and forty cents), with reference to the tax benefit earned in 2007, without issue of new shares, pursuant to the terms of Article 169, §1 of Law 6.404/76, resulting from the amortization of the premium incorporated in the fiscal year 2000; (4) approve the proposal for alteration of Article 5 of the Company’s Bylaws, and, as a result if the previously mentioned capital increase, whereas the capital stock starts to be R$ 1,635,581,953.17 (one billion, six hundred and thirty-five million, five hundred and eighty-one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-three reais and seventeen cents) and Article 5 of the Bylaws starts to read with the following wording: “ ARTICLE 5” – The capital stock subscribed and paid-in of the Company is R$ 1,635,581,953.17 (one billion, six hundred and thirty-five million, five hundred and eighty-one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-three reais and seventy cents), divided into 769,629,057 (seven hundred and sixty-nine million, six hundred and twenty-nine thousand and fifty-seven) nominative shares without par value, where 256,543,019 (two hundred and fifty-six million, five hundred and forty-three thousand and nineteen) common shares and 513,086,038 (five hundred and thirteen million, eighty-six thousand and thirty-eight) preferred shares. Sole § - The preferred shares do not give the right to vote, but will enjoy the following privileges: (a) right to receipt of one minimum, non-cumulative dividend, of 0.5% (half of a percent) of the net profit, in each fiscal year; (b) priority in the reimbursement of the capital, without premium, in the event of liquidation of the Company.” It is recorded that the Company fails to distribute the minimum dividend, mentioned in the Sole § of Article 5 of the Company Bylaws, having in view the loss verified in the fiscal year, according to item 2 above; and (5) approve the appointment of the administration to the effect that the Company’s legal publications start to be made in “Folha de Pernambuco” in addition to the official body published in the State of Pernambuco, pursuant to the terms of Article 289, §3 of Law 6.404/76.

ADJOURNMENT :   Having nothing further to deal, the Chairman of the Board suspended the works for the time necessary to draw up these minutes. Once the session was reopened, the minutes were read and approved by those present, signed by the Chairman of the Board and by the Secretary of the Board as well as by the shareholders of TIM Celular S.A. and TIM Participações S.A.

I certify that this is a true copy of the original drawn up in the appropriate book.

Secretary of the Board

(Attachment to the Annual/Special Shareholders’ Meeting held on 04.09.2008)



ARTICLE 1 – TIM NORDESTE S.A. is a closely held company by shares, which is governed by these Bylaws and by the legal provisions applicable to it. The Company may also use the trade name “TIM NORDESTE” and/or “TIM LESTE”   and/or “TIM MAXITEL”.

ARTICLE 2 – The Company has its venue in the city of Jaboatão of Guararapes, State of Pernambuco, headquartered at Av. Ayrton Senna da Silva No. 1633, Piedade. The decision related the opening and closing of branches, offices and establishments, whatsoever, inside and outside the national territory, may be taken at a Meeting of the Management.

ARTICLE 3 – The purpose of the Company is:

I. implant, operate and provide telecommunications and related services, by concessions, permissions or authorizations;
II. commercialize, rent and give in loan for use telephone appliances, their accessories and spare parts;
III. provide maintenance services in telephone appliances and telephony equipment;
IV. import and export telecommunication and other equipment related to the exploitation of telecommunication services;
V. exploit activities of its corporate purpose through the concession of deductibles;
VI. perform other related or correlated activities to those described in the previous items;
VII. participate in the capital of other companies.

ARTICLE 4 . The duration of the Company is indefinite.


ARTICLE 5 – The capital stock subscribed and paid in of the Company is R$ 1,635,581,953.17 (one billion, six hundred and thirty-five million, five hundred and eighty-one thousand, nine hundred and fifty-three reais and seventeen cents), divided into 769,629,057 (seven hundred and sixty-nine million, six hundred and twenty-nine thousand and fifty-seven) nominative shares without par value, 256,543,019 (two hundred and fifty-six million, five hundred and forty-three thousand and nineteen) common shares and 513,086,038 (five hundred and thirteen million, eighty-six thousand and thirty-eight) preferred shares.

Sole § - The preferred shares do not give the right to vote, but will enjoy the following privileges: (a) right to receive one minimum, non-cumulative dividend, of 0.5% (half of a percent) of the net profit, in each fiscal year; (b) priority in the reimbursement of the capital, without premium, in the event of liquidation of the Company.

ARTICLE 6 – Each common share will entitle to one vote in the resolutions of the Shareholders’ Meetings.

ARTICLE 7 – Once the legal provisions applicable are respected, the Company may make a total or partial redemption of shares of any kind or class, it being up to the General Meeting to set the respective redemption value and the other characteristics of the transaction.


ARTICLE 8 – The Shareholders’ Meeting has the attributions contemplated in the law and, irrevocably and ordinarily, shall be installed annually in the course of the 04 (four) months subsequent to the adjournment of the fiscal year, which will be installed, extraordinarily, whenever the interest of the Company requires.

ARTICLE 9 – The Shareholders’ Meeting will have the powers and prerogatives attributed by laws and by these Bylaws, including the following:

I – elect and remove the Directors of the Company and set their attributions, in compliance with what is provided by the Bylaws in this respect;

II – approve the sphere of performance and scope of the Directors, managers and employees of the Company;

III – deliberate on the waiver of the preemptive right or right of disposal of any participation by the Company in companies under its control;

IV – authorize the Company, as well as its associates, subsidiaries, or companies in which it participates, to execute, alter or terminate shareholders’ agreements;

V – choose and remove the independent auditors, if any;

ARTICLE 10 -  The Shareholders’ Meeting will be called by the CEO, in compliance with the applicable law for the other cases of call. Regardless of the formalities of the call, the General Meeting in which all the shareholders attend will be considered regular.

ARTICLE 11 -  The General Meeting will be presided by the Director Superintendent or, in his absence, by any of the shareholders present, who will appoint the secretary to sit at the Board.

ARTICLE 12 – The resolutions of the General Meeting, with the exceptions contemplated in the law, will be taken by majority of votes of those present.

ARTICLE 13 – The permanent body of the administration of the Company is the Management. The administrators of the Company are waived from providing guarantee of the management.

ARTICLE 14 – The Directors must assume their offices within 30 (thirty) days counted from the respective dates of appointment, by execution of the term of investiture in the book of minutes of the Meetings of the Management, who must remain in their offices until the investiture of new administrators elect.

§1 – In addition to the cases of death, waiver, removal and others contemplated in the law, the vacancy of the office will occur when the administrator fails to sign the term of investiture in the period contemplated in the heading or leaves the exercise of the function for more than 30 (thirty) consecutive days or 90 (ninety) intercalated days during the period of the mandate, all without cause, at the discretion of the Shareholders’ Meeting.

§2 – The waiver from the office of administrator is made by written communication to the body which the waiver integrates, becoming effective, from this moment, before the Company and, before third parties, after filing of the waiver document in the Trade Register and its publication .

ARTICLE 15 – The General Meeting shall set the remuneration of the administrators of the Company. The remuneration may be set individually for each administrator or globally.



ARTICLE 16 – The Company will have a Management which will be competent for the administration and management of the corporate business, and, moreover, will represent the Company before third parties and in the performance of all the acts that are related to the objective of the Company, all according to the provisions in Article 21 of these Bylaws.

§1 – The Management shall be comprised by at least 02 (two) and a maximum of 07 (seven) members, who will have the following designations: I – CEO; II – Financial Director; III – General Director; IV – Supplies Director; V – Human Resources Director; VI – Legal Director and VII – Director without specific designation. All the Directors will have a term of 02 (two) years and will be elected by the General Meeting and removable by it at any time.

§2 – In the event of absences or temporary impediments of any Director, the deputy will be appointed by the CEO, or in his impossibility, by decision of the majority of the Management.

§3 – In the event of a vacancy in the office of Director, it shall be up to the Shareholders’ Meeting to elect the new Director or designate the deputy, who will conclude the mandate of the deputy.

ARTICLE 17 – Upon the act of the investiture, the Company Directors, in addition to adhering to the terms of the Code of Ethics of the Group, shall also be obliged to observe the provisions contained in the “ Policy of Authorization of Corporate Authorizations of TIM Nordeste S.A.” (“Authorizations Policy”), approved by the General Meeting of the Company, which reflects and incorporates the statutory provisions of TIM Participações S.A., controller of the Company.

ARTICLE 18 – The Management shall always meet whenever called by the CEO or by 2 (two) members of the Management. The call shall be made by written notice, sent to all the Directors by letter, fax or electronic communication.

§ 1 – The members of the Management may participate in the meetings by audio or videoconference, all without any loss to the validity of the decisions taken. In any event, minutes will be drawn up of the Management meetings, which will be signed by the participants.

§2 – The decisions of the Management will be taken by the vote of the majority of the acting Directors, it being incumbent upon the Chairman, in the event of a tie, to have the casting vote.

ARTICLE 19 – The CEO, acting individually, shall have full powers to perform all and any act and sign all and any document in the name of the Company, in compliance only with the limitations established in Articles 9, 17 and 21 of the Bylaws and in the Law.

§1 – The Shareholders’ Meeting shall establish the limit of authority of each of the other Directors, setting the value within which the same are authorized to practice acts and sign documents in the Company’s behalf.

§2 – Without prejudice to the provisions in the heading and in § 1 of this Article, any of the other Directors of the Company may act individually in issues whose value does not exceed the amount of R$ 100,000.00 (one hundred thousand reais), as well as in the representation of the Company before third parties, including federal, state and municipal public bodies.

ARTICLE 20 – In compliance with the limitations established in Articles 9, 17 and 21 of these Bylaws, the Company will be represented and considered validly obliged by act or signature: I – of any Director, acting individually, or II – of 02 (two) attorneys-in-fact, acting individually, provided that the respective instrument of power of attorney has been signed by 02 (two) Directors of the Company, one of them being necessarily the CEO.

Sole § - The instruments of power of attorney granted by the Company will be signed by one Director, in compliance with the respective authority limits of said Director. The powers of attorney shall specify the powers granted, and, with the exception of those granted for judicial purposes, having the maximum period of 01 (one) year. Subgranting of the “ad negotia” powers of attorney is prohibited.

ARTICLE 21 – The Management shall administer the Company, complying with the provisions in the applicable legislation, in these Bylaws, in the Code of Ethics and Authorizations Policy mentioned in Article 17 above, it being prohibited to its members, jointly or individually, to practice any acts foreign to the corporate objectives.



ARTICLE 22 - The Audit Committee will only be convened at the request of shareholders and has the competencies, responsibilities and duties defined by law.

Sole § - The Audit Committee is comprised of at least 03 (three) and a maximum of 05 (five) effective members and an equal number of deputies, elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting.


ARTICLE 23 -  The fiscal year will coincide with the calendar year, beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31. At the end of the fiscal year, the respective financial statements will be prepared as required by law.

ARTICLE 24 – In each fiscal year, the shareholders will be entitled to one compulsory dividend corresponding to 25% (twenty-five percent) of the profit earned in the fiscal year, agreed pursuant to the terms of Article 202 of Brazilian Corporate Law.

ARTICLE 25 – The Company, by resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting, may draw up biannual, quarterly or monthly balance sheets. The Company also by resolution of the General Meeting may also declare interim dividends to the account of the accumulated profits or of profit reserves existing in the last annual or biannual balance sheet.

Sole § - The dividends distributed may remunerate the shareholders by payment of interest on the net current assets, in the form and within the limits established by the law.

ARTICLE 26 - The Company may compensate its shareholders upon payment of interest on the own capital as provided by Law on the appropriate capital.

Sole § - The remuneration paid pursuant to the terms of this Article will be imputed in the compulsory dividend.



ARTICLE 27 – The Company may, regardless of dissolution or liquidation, transform into a company or another type than a joint stock company.


ARTICLE 28 – The Company shall dissolve and enter into liquidation in the cases contemplated by law. It is up to the Shareholders’ Meeting to establish the manner of liquidation and to elect the liquidator, or liquidators, and the Audit Committee, who shall function in the period of liquidation, setting their powers and remuneration.



Finance Contract between European Investment Bank and TIM Nordeste S.A.

Date: 3 rd June 2008

I hereby confirm that: -

(a) A true copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of TIM Nordeste S.A. has been delivered to the European Investment Bank and no change hereto has been made since the date of such delivery.

(b) As at the date hereof TIM Nordeste S.A. has not exceeded any limits on its borrowing powers contained in its Memorandum or Articles of Association or in any contract or any other instrument; the receipt of the loan the subject of the Finance Contract will not cause any of such limits to be exceeded, nor result in the imposition of increased financial charges or requirements as to security under any other contract or instrument to which TIM Nordeste S.A. is a party.

(c) The borrowing to be made under the Finance Contract has been duly authorized by all relevant internal procedures of TIM Nordeste S.A.; the resolution to enter into the Finance Contract, a copy of which has been delivered to European Investment Bank, is still in force and has not been cancelled or modified.

(d) Save as already disclosed to European Investment Bank, TIM Nordeste S.A. has not at the date hereof changed any of its assets to any person, firm or company.

F. Tanzi
Business Manager

Avenida Ayrton Senna da Silva
1633 Bairro da Piedade
Jaboatão dos Guarapes

For the attention of: Mr. Francesco Tanzi

Luxembourg, 3 rd June 2008                                                                                                JU/RO/RS                                No. 1255

Subject:                                TIM Celular Project
Finance Contract or even date herewith between European Investment Bank (the “Bank”) and TIM Nordeste S.A. (the “Borrower”)

Dear Sirs,

We write with reference to certain provisions in the above mentioned Finance Contract. Terms used in the Finance Contract have the same meaning herein.

Article 1.02B(iii)

We confirm that it the BANK’S practice to respond to Disbursement Requests within 2 weeks of receipt and in that response to specify whether or not the Disbursement Request can be met.

Article 6.04

We confirm that the tendering procedures undertaken by THE BORROWER satisfy the requirements of Article 6.04.

Article 6.10

We confirm that Article 6.10 refers to persons employed by THE BORROWER or otherwise controlled by THE BORROWER.

Article 10.01A(i)
We confirm that, with regard to Article 10.01A(i), it is not the policy of THE BANK to exercise its rights under this subparagraph without having regard to the fact that clerical and administrative errors can occur in any organization.

Yours faithfully,

[signature]                                                                                     [signature]
F. de Paula Coelho                                                                         R. Otte


DEC 19, 2008 1047940


BANCO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO E SOCIAL – BNDES (NATIONAL BANK FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT), hereby referred to simply as BNDES, a federal public company, headquartered in Brasilia, Federal District, with services in this City, at Avenida República do Chile No. 100, corporate taxpayer register CNPJ No. 33.657.248/0001-89, through its undersigned representatives;

TIM NORDESTE S/A , hereinafter referred to as TIM NORDESTE, a limited liability company, headquartered in Jaboatão dos Guararapes, state of Pernambuco, at Avenida Ayrton Senna da Silva No. 1633, CEP 54410-240, CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44, through its undersigned representatives;

attending further, as INTERVENING PARTY TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A , the joint stock company, headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida das Américas No. 3.434, block 1, 7 th floor, CEP 22640-102, CNPJ No. 02.558.115/0001-21, through its undersigned representatives,

have mutually agreed to the following in the clauses below:


In light of the agreement signed herein, BNDES and TIM NORDESTE agree to regulate the use of part of the credit limit extended through the CONTRACT, by the following clauses and conditions:


Subcredit “A1” : in the value of R$ 26,012,000.00 (twenty six million and twelve thousand reais), to be provided with the funds mentioned in item I of Clause 1 of the CONTRACT, in compliance with all the other provisions in connection with the subcredits provided with such funds;

Subcredit “B1”: in the value of R$ 60,692,000.00 (sixty million and six hundred and ninety two thousand reais), to provided with the funds mentioned in item II of Clause 1 of the CONTRACT, in compliance with

all the other provisions in connection with the subcredits provided with such funds; and,
Subcredit “C1”: in the value of R$ 115,081,000.00 (one hundred and fifteen million and eighty one thousand reais), to be provided with the funds mentioned in item II of Clause 1 of the CONTRACT, in compliance with all the other provisions pertaining to the subcredits provided with such funds; and

In compliance with the provisions in §1 of Clause 3 of the CONTRACT, the funds of the Subcredits mentioned above to be released shall be transferred to the current account No. 102.464-9, which TIM NORDESTE has at UNIBANCO (No. 409), branch No. 0300.


The portion of Subcredit “A1” not used will be restated, from the date of execution of this Addendum until the date of its use, in compliance with the minimum period of 12 (twelve) months, by the variation of the Ample National Consumer Price Index – IPCA, calculated and published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE, in compliance with the procedures contemplated in Clause 6 of the CONTRACT.

In compliance with the provisions in the heading of this item, BNDES may reduce the Subcredit “A1” prior to its total use, the value of this reduction starting to constitute Subcredit “D1”, under the same conditions of Subcredit “B1”, with the exception of the maturity of the amortization installments, which shall remain equal to the provisions of Clause 9, item I, of the CONTRACT, and of item 7.1 of Clause 1 of this Addendum. If this event occurs, BNDES shall inform the alteration, in writing to TIM NORDESTE.

3 - AVAILABILITY OF SUBCREDITS “B1” AND “C1”:   The value of each installment of Subcredits “B1” and “C1” to be placed at the disposal of TIM NORDESTE will be calculated according to the criteria established in the law that institutes the Long Term Interest Rate – TJLP for determination of the balances due of the financing contracted by the BNDES System to November 30, 1994.


Expansion, modernization and technological update of the plant of TIM NORDESTE, with investments in network and IT (information technology). The Investments Plan of TIM NORDESTE in network comprises the expansion of the use of GSM technology and the implementation of 3G (third generation) technology whereas the latter shall permit the supply of mobile broad bank by the operator.



Subcredit “A1” : up to 30 (thirty) months, counting from the date of execution of this Addendum;

Subcredits “B1” and “C1”: to 30 (thirty) months, counting from the execution date of this Addendum, without prejudice to the power of BNDES, prior or after the final term of this period, supported by the guarantees constituted in the CONTRACT, to extend said period, by express authorization, by letter, regardless of other formality or registration.

6 - GRACE PERIOD (Clause 5 of the CONTRACT) :

Subcredits “B1” and “C1”: 31 (thirty-one) months, beginning on the fifteenth (15 th ) immediately subsequent to the execution date of this Addendum and ending on July 15, 2011.

7 - AMORTIZATION (Clause 9 of the CONTRACT):

Subcredit “A1”: in 06 (six) annual and successive installments, each of them in the value of the principal falling due restated of the debt of this Subcredit, divided by the number of amortization installments not yet due, the first installment falling due on July 15 th (fifteenth), 2012, and the last on July 15 th (fifteenth) of 2017, in compliance with the provisions of Clause 24 of the CONTRACT;

Subcredits “B1” and “C1”: in 72 (seventy-two) monthly and successive installments, each in the value of the principal falling due of the debt of these Subcredits, divided by the number of amortization installments not yet due, the first falling due on August 15 th (fifteenth), 2011, and the last on July 15 th (fifteenth), 2017, in compliance with the provisions of Clause 24 of the CONTRACT.

8 - INTEREST (Clauses 4 and 5 of the CONTRACT) :

Subcredit “A1” : 2.62% (two integers and sixty-two hundredths per cent) per year (as remuneration), above the reference rate, disclosed by BNDES, in force on the date of use of this Subcredit, calculated pursuant to the terms of Clause 4 of the CONTRACT, due, annually , on the 15 th (fifteenth) of July of each year, from July 15 th , 2012, including, with the amortization installments of this Subcredit principal, in compliance with the provisions of Clause 24 of the CONTRACT.

of the non-capitalized portion of Subcredit “B1”: 2.62% (two integers and sixty-two hundredths per cent) per annum (as remuneration), above the Long Term Interest Rate – TJLP, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, in compliance with the scheme described in Clause 5 of the CONTRACT, enforceable on the 15 (fifteenth) day of the months of January, April, July and October of each year, in the period comprised between December 15 th (fifteenth), 2008 and July 15 th

(fifteenth), 2011, and monthly from August 15 th (fifteenth), 2011, including, with the amortization installments of this Subcredit principal, in compliance with the provisions in Clause 24 of the CONTRACT.
uncapitalized portion of Subcredit “C1”: 1.72% (one integer and sixty-two hundredths per cent) per annum (as remuneration), above the Long Term Interest Rate- TJLP, published by the Central Bank of Brazil, in compliance with the scheme described in Clause 5 of the CONTRACT, due on the 15 th (fifteenth) of January, April, July and October of each year, in the period comprised between December 15 th (fifteenth), 2008 and July 15 th (fifteenth), 2011, and monthly from August 15 th (fifteenth), 2011, including, with the amortization installments of principal of this Subcredit, in compliance with the provisions of Clause 24 of the CONTRACT.

9 - CONDITIONS OF USE . In addition to the conditions of use contemplated in Clause 17 of the CONTRACT, use of the Subcredits “A1”, “B1” and “C1” mentioned in item 1 of this instrument, is subject to compliance with the following:

9.1.            For use of the first installment of Subcredits “A1”, “B1” and “C1”:

presentation, by TIM NORDESTE, of the Contract of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants, contemplated in the Sole § of Clause 2 of this Addendum, duly signed and registered in the Register of Deeds and Documents of the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and of the city of Jaboatão dos Guararapes (PE);

return, by TIM NORDESTE, to BNDES, of the counterparts of Notification delivered to each of the Collection Agents, extra judicially or by them duly signed, according to the provisions in §1 of Clause 6 of the Contract of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants, mentioned in the Sole § of Clause 2 of this Addendum.

For use of each portion of Subcredits “A1”, “B1” and “C1”: presentation, by TIM NORDESTE, of the Debt Clearance Certificate – CND, issued by the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil, on the INTERNET, to be extracted by TIM CELULAR, at the addresses or and verified by BNDES at same.

For use of the funds of Subcredit “A1” contemplated in item 1.1 of Clause 1 of this Addendum: evidence to BNDES of use by at least 40% (forty percent) of Subcredits “B1” and “C1” contemplated in items 1.2 and 1.3 of Clause 1 of this Addendum.



To ensure the payment of the obligations resulting from this Addendum, as the principal of the debt, commissions, conventional penalty, fines and expenses, TIM NORDESTE has restricted, in favor of BNDES, irrevocably and irreversibly, from the

date of execution of this Addendum and until final liquidation of all the obligations assumed therein, the revenues earned by TIM NORDESTE, pursuant to the terms of Clause 10 of this CONTRACT.


           The guarantee contemplated in the heading of this Clause will be formalized in the Agreement of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants, to be executed by TIM NORDESTE and BNDES, having as intervening party the financial institution chosen by TIM NORDESTE, with the consent of BNDES, in the capacity of centralizing bank and administrator of restricted and assigned revenues. The Agreement of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants mentioned will be attached hereto.



TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A, identified in the preamble, accepts this Addendum, in the capacity of guarantor and principal payer, waiving expressly the benefits of Articles 366, 827 and 838 of the Civil Code, and assuming joint liability, to the final liquidation of this Contract, for the faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations assumed in the CONTRACT, by TIM NORDESTE.



           The CONTRACTING PARTIES and the INTERVENING PARTY hereby ratify all the Clauses of the CONTRACT, where they do not clash against the provisions of this Addendum, the guarantees covenanted in said Contract being maintained, the same not leading to novation.



TIM NORDESTE undertakes to promote the registration of this Addendum in the Register of Deeds and Documents of the Judiciary District of Rio de Janeiro, within 30 (thirty) days, counted from this date.

TIM NORDESTE has presented a Debt Clearance Certificate – CND No. 053262008-15001250, issued on October 31, 2008, by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.

The INTERVENING PARTY TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A presented a Debt Clearance Certificate – CND No. 001482008-17300115, issued on October 23, 2008, by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.


The pages of this instrument are initialed by Cynthia Maria Idalgo Ruiz Quinta dos Santos, BNDES lawyer, by authorization of the legal representatives that sign it.

Rio de Janeiro, December 12, 2008


[signature]   [signature]  
WAGNER BITTENCOURT   Eduardo Rath Fingeri  
Director Director  


Mario Cesar Pereira de Araújo



Mario Cesar Pereira de Araújo



Name: Lúcia Benechis
ID: 09602266-0
CPF: 016678507-50

Name: Marco Chiarucci
Finance Manager

Signature page of Addendum No. 2 to Loan Agreement by Extension of Revolving Credit Facility No. 08.2.0790.1 of November 19, 2008, executed by the National Bank of Economic and Social Development – BNDES and TIM NORDESTE S/A, with the third party intervention.

Translator’s Note : The signatures of Mario Cesar Pereira Araujo and Lucia Benechis were duly authenticated at the 4 th Notary Public Office, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, on December 17, 2008.


BANCO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO E SOCIAL (BNDES) , hereby simply referred to as BNDES, a public federal company, headquartered in Brasilia, Federal District, and with services in this city, at Avenida República do Chile No. 100, corporate taxpayer register under CNPJ No. 33.657.248/0001-89, by its undersigned representatives;

TIM CELULAR S/A , hereinafter referred to as TIM CELULAR, a limited liability company, headquartered in São Paulo, at Avenida Giovanni Gronchi No. 7.143, CEP 05724-006, CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80, by its undersigned representatives; and

TIM NORDESTE S/A , hereinafter referred to as TIM NORDESTE, a limited liability company, headquartered in Jabotão dos Guararapes, State of Pernambuco, at Avenida Ayrton Senna da Silva, No. 1633, CEP 54410-240, CNPJ/MF No. 01.009.686/0001-44, by its undersigned representatives;


TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A, a corporation headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida das Américas No. 3434, block 1, 7 th floor, CEP 22640-102, CNPJ No. 02.558.115/0001-21, by its undersigned representatives,

have mutually agreed to the clauses below:



BNDES, through this Contract, extends to the BENEFICIARIES, legal entities who integrate the same Economic Group, by this Contract, a revolving credit limit in the value of up to R$ 1,510,000,000.00 (one billion, five hundred and ten million reais), to be provided with the funds mentioned, in compliance with the provision in §3 of this Clause:

I – ordinary of BNDES, in the scope of Resolution No. 1321/06, of July 13, 2006, by the Management of BNDES; and/or

II – ordinary of BNDES, which are comprised, among other sources, by funds of Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador - FAT (Worker's Support Fund), by the resources of FAT -

Special Deposits and of the Participation Fund PIS/PASEP, in compliance, with respect to its allocation, the legislation applicable to each of said sources.


The credit will be divided into subcredits, according to its specific destination and respective BENEFICIARY of the funds resulting from it, in compliance with the provisions of Clause 2, which will be referred to as letters of the alphabet followed by the cardinal numeral contemplated in the Credit Limit Use Document, which Clause 12 refers to, use of the extended credit limit being prohibited to BENEFICIARIES or to the Economic Group to which it belongs, if applicable, in values lower than R$ 1,000,00.00 (one million reais).


TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A will participate in the execution of each Credit Limit Use Document contemplated in Clause 12, together with BENEFICIARY of the respective subcredits, as responsible for determining the distribution of the credit value extended herein among BENEFICIARIES, which grant, hereby, irrevocably and irreversibly, the powers necessary for such.


The sources of funds of the subcredits contemplated in the previous § will be defined among those mentioned in items I and II of this Clause, at the time of approval of the corresponding specific destination, according to the Operating Policies of BNDES in force.


The incidence of interest on the subcredits contemplated in §1 of this Clause will be determined according to the sources of the funds contemplated in items I and II of this Clause, according to the provisions of Clauses 4 and 5.


The credit installments committed through the execution of the Credit Limit Use Document contemplated in Clause 12 will be restated as established herein, as contemplated in item V of this Clause.


The available balance of the credit will be reduced by the values used and automatically restored by the values of the amortizations of principal  carried out.




The credit may be intended for the making, by the BENEFICIARIES, of the following investments:

I – implementation, expansion and modernization of fixed assets;

II – acquisition of new machinery and equipment, including industrial sets and systems, produced in Brazil and accredited by BNDES, which present nationalization indices equal or superior to 60% (sixty percent) or which comply with the Basic Productive Process;

III – engineering studies and projects related to the implementation and expansion of fixed assets;

IV – implementation of projects of Quality and Productivity; Research and Development; Technical and Management Qualification; Technological Update; and Information Technology;

V – social investment projects and programs; and

VI – environmental investments.


Regardless of the adequacy of the investments to be made to the provisions in the heading of this Clause, the use of the credit limit for the execution of projects, which may, at the sole discretion of BNDES, cause a significant impact on the economic and financial situation of the respective BENEFICIARY or Economic Group to which it belongs, or in its long-term strategies, decharacterizing them as current projects.


The specific destination of the credit will be established in the Credit Limit Use Document contemplated in Clause 12, in compliance with the BNDES Operational Policies in force.



The subcredits provided with the resources mentioned in item I of Clause 1 will be placed at the disposal of each BENEFICIARY in a single installment on the 15 th day of the month of use, and the subcredits provided with the resources mentioned in item II of Clause 1, in installments, after compliance with the suspensive conditions of use mentioned in Clause 17 and those contemplated in the Credit Use Document, in function of the needs for the performance of the specific destinations contemplated in item II of Clause 12, in compliance with the financial schedule of BNDES, which is subordinated to the definition of funds for its application, by the National Monetary Council.


The funds of this transaction will be placed at the disposal of each BENEFICIARY, by credit into a current account opened in its name at BNDES, not subject to operation, in which will be made, also, at the time of release, the debits determined by law and those contractually authorized by each BENEFICIARY, whose total remaining balance of the funds shall be immediately transferred to the current account to be indicated in the Credit Limit Use Document contemplated in Clause 12.


BNDES may suspend, automatically, the use of the funds of this Contract, in the event of BENEFICIARIES, during the term of this Contract, failing to comply with the requirements established by BNDES, in its Operational Policies, for the use of the product Credit Limit.



On the principal of the debt of each BENEFICIARY, resulting from the subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item I of Clause 1, a percentage of interest shall accrue (as remuneration), to be established in the terms of §1 of this Clause, above the reference rate disclosed by BNDES, in force on the date of use of the subcredits, which will be equivalent to the average cost representative of the funding without restriction to onlending in specific conditions as well as derivative instruments of BNDES and of BNDES Participações S.A. - BNDESPAR, indexed by the National Ample Consumer Price Index - IPCA, including all the taxes, contributions, commissions and expenses directly accruing on these transactions, in the civil quarter immediately prior to the month of calculation of said interest rate, calculated on the restated outstanding balance in the terms of Clause 6.


The percentage contemplated in the heading of this Clause will be defined for each Subcredit, to be constituted in the terms of §1 of Clause 1, at the time of approval of the corresponding specific destination, according to the Operational Policies of BNDES, in force, and the risk rating of the Economic Group to which the BENEFICIARIES belong, performed according to the criteria of BNDES.


The interest will be calculated on a daily basis by the system of compound interest, due annually, during the amortization period, together with the installments of the principal, and upon maturity or liquidation of the debt, in compliance with the provisions of Clause 24.


The reference rate contemplated in the heading of this Clause will be published by BNDES in the Union Gazette (Section 3) on the 25 th (twenty-fifth) of the months of January, April, July and October of each year or on the first subsequent edition to that day, if said official publication is not published on that date, and will be available on the official page of BNDES on the Internet ( ) on the same dates mentioned above.


During the period in which the liabilities of BNDES and BNDESPAR, contemplated in the heading of this Clause, do not exist, the internal rate of return of the National Treasury Notes Series B (NTN-B) will be used, with maturity date of 10 (ten) years.


If the instruments contemplated in §4 fail to be representative of the internal federal security debt indexed to the IPCA, the internal rate of return of the instrument will be used, which best reflects, at the discretion of BNDES, the internal competitive federal security debt indexed to the IPCA with maturity period of 10 (ten) years.


The internal rate of return contemplated in §§ 4 and 5 will be calculated, using the average of the rates disclosed by ANDIMA (National Association of Financial Market Institutions) or, in its absence, by another source of information chosen by BNDES, with the objective of obtaining reference prices for the secondary market of financial instruments, contemplated in §4, in the 40 (forty) business days, counted retroactively at each tax basis date, the latter included, applying simple interpolation for the period of 10 (ten) years, if there are no financial instruments with such maturity date.



On the principal of the debt of each BENEFICIARY, resulting from the subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item II of Clause 1, a percentage of interest shall accrue (as remuneration), to be established in the terms of §1 of this Clause, above the Long-Term Interest Rate – TJLP, published by the Central Bank of Brazil, according to the following scheme:

I – When the TJLP is higher than 6% (six percent) per year:

The amount corresponding to the TJLP portion in excess of 6% (six percent) per year will be capitalized on the 15 th (fifteenth) day of each month of effectiveness of this Contract, and, upon its maturity or liquidation, in compliance with the

provision in Clause 24, and verified by incidence of the following capitalization term on the balance due, considering all the financial events occurred in the period:
TC = [1(1 + TJLP)/1.06] n/360 -1 (term of capitalization equal to, open square brackets, ratio between TJLP, plus the unit, and an integer and six hundredths, close square brackets, to the power corresponding to the ratio between “n” and three hundred and sixty, deducting such result from the unit), where:

TC – capitalization term;

TJLP – Long Term Interest Rate, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil; and

n- number of days existing between the date of the financial event and the date of capitalization, maturity or liquidation of the obligation, considering as a financial event all and any fact of a financial nature from which results, or may result, an alteration in the balance due of each BENEFICIARY, resulting from this Contract.

The percentage above the TJLP (remuneration) mentioned in the heading of this Clause, plus the non-capitalized portion of the TJLP of 6% (six percent) per annum, shall accrue on the balance due, on the due dates of the interest mentioned in §3 of on the maturity or liquidation date of this Contract, in compliance with the provisions in section "a" and considering, for daily calculation of interest, the number of days elapsed between the date of each financial event and the due dates cited above.

II – When the TJLP is equal to or lower than 6% (six percent) per year:

The percentage above the TJLP (remuneration), mentioned in the heading of this Clause, plus the TJLP, shall accrue on the outstanding balance, on the due dates of the interest mentioned in §3 or on the due or liquidation date of this Contract, considering, for daily calculation of interest, the number of days elapsed between the date of each financial event and the due dates cited above.


The percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be defined by each Subcredit, to be constituted pursuant to the terms of §1 of Clause 1, at the time of approval of the corresponding specific destination, according to the Operational Policies of BNDES, in force, and the risk rating of the Economic Group to which BENEFICIARIES belong, performed according to the criteria of BNDES.


The amount mentioned in the terms of item I, section “a”, which will be capitalized, incorporated into the debt principal, will be due in terms of item II of Clause 9.



The amount calculated in the terms of item I, section “b”, or of item II, will be due, quarterly, during the grace period, and, monthly, during the amortization period, together with the installments of principal, and upon maturity or liquidation of the Contract, in compliance with the provisions of Clause 24.


In the event of use of the resources originating from the PIS/PASEP Participation Fund, contemplated under Complementary Law No. 26, of September 11, 1975, the remuneration commissions due, according to the legislation relevant to said Fund, shall be considered, hereby, covered by the interest stipulated in this Clause.



The balance due of each BENEFICIARY from the subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item I of Clause 1, including the principal, compensatory interest, other expenses, commissions and other charges covenanted, shall be restated annually by the variation of the National Wide Consumer Price Index - IPCA, calculated and disclosed monthly by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, and applied by BNDES, according to the following criteria: calculation in business days of the IPCA Monetary Unit of BNDES - UMIPCA, expressed in reais, based in the IPCA variation, and the UMIPCA value on the 15 th (fifteenth) day of each month shall be correspondent to the UMIPCA value on the 15 th (fifteenth) day of the immediately preceding month, restated by the IPCA monthly disclosed by IBGE in the beginning of the current month, there being an interval between the 16th (sixteenth) and 14 th (fourteenth) day to be calculated pro rata temporis exponentially by business days by application of the last IPCA disclosed by IBGE on a date prior to the 16 th (sixteenth) day of each month.


For purposes of the provisions in the heading of this Clause, in any month where the 15 th (fifteenth) is not a business day, the first immediately succeeding business day will be considered.


In the event of the monthly IPCA only being disclosed by IBGE after the 14 th (fourteenth) of the month, the last UMIPCA used by BNDES will continue to be adopted, for the purposes contemplated in this Clause, until the date of disclosure by the IBGE.


Upon occurrence of the provisions in §2 of this Clause, at the time of disclosure of the month's IPCA, the UMIPCA used in the period contemplated in said §2 of this Clause will be adjusted to reflect the inflation disclosed.


The eventual differences verified, by force of the provisions in the previous §, will be incorporated to the balance due of each BENEFICIARY, arising out of the respective subcredit, if positive or, if negative, reduced from this balance due.


The balance due from the subcredits provided with the resources mentioned in item I of Clause 1 may, at any time, start to be remunerated, as a whole or in part, by the same legal criteria adopted for the remuneration of the funds onlent to BNDES,–originating from the PIS/PASEP Fund and the FAT, in compliance with the provisions in Clause 11, based on the outstanding balance calculated pursuant to the terms of this Clause, on the date on which the alteration is effectuated, this portion being applied (which will start to constitute a separate subcredit) to the same conditions of the subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item II of Clause 1, with the exception of the maturity of the amortization provisions, which shall remain equal to the provisions in Clause 9, item I. In this event, BNDES shall inform the alteration, in writing, to the BENEFICIARIES affected.



In the event of non-disclosure of the IPCA by IBGE for the period of 6 (six) months or of the extinction of the IPCA, mentioned in Clauses 4 and 6, by the supervention of legal or regulatory rules, or alteration of the criteria of its application, BNDES shall choose a substitute index that best preserves the real value of the transaction and remunerates in the same previous levels. In this case, BNDES will inform the alteration in writing, to the BENEFICIARIES.



The collection of the principal and charges will be made by Collection Notice, issued by BNDES, with advance, in advance, for each BENEFICIARY, to liquidate those obligations on their maturity dates.


Considering that the debt from the subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item I of Clause 1 is subject to annual restatement, pursuant to the terms of Clause 6, the Collection Notice contemplated in this Clause will be issued by BNDES with the indication of a reference value in IPCA Monetary Unit of BNDES – UMIPCA, whose

value shall be obtained at the Collection Department of the Financial Area of BNDES – AF/DECOB.


Failure to receive the Collection Notice will not release the BENEFICIARIES from the obligation to pay the provisions of principal and charges on the dates established in this Contract.


BNDES will leave at the disposal of BENEFICIARY the information, data and calculations that serve as a basis for calculation of the values due.



The principal of the debt resulting from each use of the credit limit extended by this Contract, formalized through the Document of Use of Credit Limit contemplated in this Clause 12 shall be paid by BNDES, as follows:

I – in connection with the subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item I of Clause 1: in a period to be established in the Credit Limit Use Document contemplated in Clause 12, in compliance with the provisions in §1 of Clause 12, in annual and successive installments, each in the value of the principal falling due of the debt of these subcredits, restated in the terms of Clause 6, divided by the number of amortization installments not yet due, the first falling due on the 15 th (fifteenth) of the thirteenth month immediately subsequent to the end of the period of use of these subcredits, in compliance with the provisions in Clause 24;

II – in connection with the subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item II of Clause 1; in a period to be established in the Credit Limit Use Document referred to in Clause 12, in compliance with the provisions in §1 of Clause 12, in monthly and successive installments, each in the value of the principal falling due of the debt of these subcredits, divided by the number of amortization installments not yet due, the first installment falling due on the 15 th (fifteenth) day of the month subsequent to the grace period of these subcredits, contemplated in §1 of this Clause, and in compliance with the provisions of Clause 24.


The grace period contemplated in item II of the heading of this Clause will be established in the Credit Limit Use Document contemplated in Clause 12, in compliance with the provisions in §1 of Clause 12, counted from 15 th (fifteenth) day subsequent to the date of formalization of said Use Document.


Each BENEFICIARY undertakes to liquidate, with the last provision of amortization of the Subcredits, which it owes, all the obligations resulting from them.



To ensure payment of the obligations resulting from this Contract, as the principal of the debt, interest, commissions, conventional penalty, fines and expenses, the revenues earned by BENEFICIARIES, the revenues earned by BENEFICIARIES are restricted, in favor of BNDES, by BENEFICIARIES, irrevocably and irreversibly, from the date of execution of the Credit Limit Use Document, contemplated in Clause 12, and until the final liquidation of all the obligations assumed therein. The revenues will be deposited, exclusively in a financial institution chosen by BENEFICIARIES, with the consent of BNDES, which will operate as the centralizing bank and administrator of the restricted revenues. In the event of declaration of early maturity by BNDES or of default on obligations resulting from the Credit Limit Use Document, contemplated in Clause 12, BENEFICIARIES shall assign the binding revenues, in favor of BNDES, to the limit necessary for liquidation of the debt or payment of the value defaulted on.


The guarantee contemplated in the heading of this Clause will be formalized in the Contract of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants, to be signed by each of BENEFICIARIES and BNDES, having, as intervening party, the financial institution chosen by BENEFICIARIES, with the consent of BNDES, in the capacity of centralizing bank and administrator of the revenues restricted and assigned. The Contract of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants mentioned will be attached to the Credit Limit Use Document contemplated in Clause 12.


The Contract of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants shall provide that the volume of restriction of revenues shall be equal or superior to the greater of the following parameters: (a) 25% of the sum of the balance due of each Credit Limit Use Document contemplated in Clause 12, and (b) the sum of the amortization installments of principal falling due on the next six months.



In the event of the legal criteria of remuneration of the funds onlent to BNDES, originating from the PIS/PASEP Participation Fund and the FAT being substituted, the remuneration contemplated in Clause 5 may, at the discretion of BNDES, start to be made, by use of a new remuneration criteria of said funds, or another, indicated by BNDES, which, in addition to preserving the real value of the transaction, remunerates

it in the same previous levels. In this case, BNDES shall inform the alteration, in writing, to BENEFICIARIES.



The specific destination and committed value of the credit limit shall be established by the parties by a Credit Limit Use Document, which, for all legal purposes and effects, shall start to integrate this Contract, which shall contain, at least, the following information:

I – Parties, duly identified, including BNDES, TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A and BENEFICIARIES of the extended subcredits;

II – Specific destination, falling under an item contemplated in the purpose of this Contract, contemplated in Clause 2;

III – Value committed in the specific destination;

IV – Sources of funds to be used in the specific destination;

V – Form and database of the restatement of the value committed in the specific destination;

VI – Interest rate and due dates;

VII – Use period;

VIII – Initial and final dates of the grace period and amortization, in compliance with the total maximum period established in §1 of this Clause;

IX – Ratification or constitution of guarantees, according to the case;

X – Special additional obligations;

XI – Conditions of use of specific destination;

XII – Compulsoriness of registration of this Credit Limit Use Document with the competent registration office.


The sum of the grace and amortization periods, to be established for each Subcredit to be constituted in the terms of §1 of Clause 1 shall comply with the limit of 120 (one hundred and twenty) months.


The formalization of the Credit Limit Use Document  contemplated in Clause 12 is subject to:

I – presentation, by BENEFICIARY, of the Installation License, officially published, issued by the competent state body, which integrates the National System of the Environment (SISNAMA), or, suppletively, by the National Institute of the Environment and Renewable Resources - IBAMA, in connection with the respective specific destination, or declaration, by the BENEFICIARY, in the event of non-requirement of Environmental Licenses;

II – presentation, by the BENEFICIARY, to BNDES, of other documents required by legal or regulatory provision, as well as those usually requested in analogous transactions, deemed necessary by BNDES; and

III – inexistence of registration in the Employers’ Register that workers have been kept in slave condition, instituted by Ordinance No. 540, of 10.15.04, by the Labor and Employment Ministry, to be verified by BNDES, by consultation on the INTERNET, at the address (Resolution No. 1178, of 05.31.2006, by the BNDES Management).


The Commission by Contractual Alteration shall not be due when the addendum, formalized by a Credit Limit Use Document, contemplated in Clause 12 has as one of its objectives the definition of a specific destination and its corresponding financial conditions.



The BENEFICIARIES undertake, regarding the respective specific destinations that they assume, to:

I – comply, where applicable, by the final liquidation of the debt resulting from this Contract, the " LEGAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO BNDES CONTRACTS" , approved by Resolution No. 665, of December 10, 1987, partially altered by Resolution No. 775, of December 16, 1991, by Resolution No. 863, of March 11, 1996, by Resolution No. 878, of September 04, 1996, by Resolution No. 894, of March 06, 1997, by Resolution No. 927, of April 01, 1998, by Resolution No. 976, of September 24, 2001, and by Resolution No. 1571/2008, of March 04, 2008, all of the BNDES Management, published in the Union Gazette (Section I), of December 29, 1987, December 27, 1991, April 08, 1996, September 24, 1996, March 19, 1997, April 15, 1998, October 31, 2001 and March 25, 2008, respectively, whose copy is hereby delivered to BENEFICIARIES, who, after becoming aware of the entire content of the same, declare that they accept it, as an integral and inseparable part of this Contract, for all legal effects and purposes;


II – compromise the credit in the period of 5 (five) years, counting from the date of execution of this Contract;

III – use the specific destination value in the period to be established in the Credit Limit Use Document, contemplated in Clause 12, counting from the date of execution of this Use Document;

IV – in the event of, in function of the specific destinations contemplated in item II of Clause 12, a reduction occurring in the staff of BENEFICIARIES during the effective date of this Contract, and a training program being offered geared to work opportunities in the region and/or a reemployment program of workers in other companies, after they have submitted to BNDES, for appreciation, a document that specifies and attests the conclusion of the negotiations held with the competent representation(s) of the workers involved in the dismissal process;

V – adopting, during the effective period of the Contract, measures and actions intended to prevent or correct damages to the environment, occupational safety and medicine, which may be caused by the specific destinations contemplated in item II of Clause 12;

VI – maintaining in a regular situation their obligations with the environmental bodies, during the effective period of this Contract;

VII – observing, during the effective period of this Contract, the provisions in the legislation applicable to handicapped persons;

VIII – communicating to BNDES, on the date of the event, the name and taxpayer register CPF/MF number of the person who, performing a remunerated function, or being among its owners, controllers or directors, has graduated or been invested as Federal Deputy or Senator;

IX – presenting, annually, by April 30 of the subsequent year, the financial statements of the company, based on December 31, audited by an independent audit company, registered at CVM (Brazilian Securities & Exchange Commission), until final liquidation of all the obligations assumed in this Contract.

X – presenting to BNDES, whenever requested, a physical execution report of its investment plan, containing information related to the number of locations attended and network elements, in connection with GSM technology, 3G (third generation), and others implemented by BENEFICIARIES, during the effective period of the Contract; and

XI – during the effective period of the Contract, maintaining their obligations in regular status, before ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency), which failure of compliance may lead to damages to the implementation of the project and/or significantly affect the quality of the service provided, and/or affect the payment capacity of BENEFICIARIES.



The Controlling Intervening Party, TIM Participações S/A, identified in the preamble of this Contract, assumes hereby the obligation of:

I – submitting to the previous consent of BNDES any proposals of matters regarding the encumbrances, at any title, of any shares held by it, issued by each of BENEFICIARIES, for sale, acquisition, incorporation, merger, split of assets or any other act, leading or which may lead to modifications in the current configuration of any of BENEFICIARIES, or in transfer of the share control of any one of BENEFICIARIES, or in alteration of its capacity as controlling shareholder of any of BENEFICIARIES, pursuant to the terms of Article 116 of Law No. 6.404 of 12.15.1976;

II – not promote the inclusion of a corporate agreement, bylaws or articles of incorporation of any of BENEFICIARIES, of a provision leading to:

a) restrictions to the growth capacity of BENEFICIARY or to its technological development;

b) access restrictions by BENEFICIARY to new markets; or

c) restrictions or loss of payment capacity of the financial obligations of the transactions with BNDES;

III – not promote acts or measures that impair or alter the economic-financial balance of any of BENEFICIARIES;

IV - take every step necessary to ensure compliance with the purpose of this transaction;

V – maintain, from 2009, and during the effectiveness of each Credit Limit Use Document, contemplated in Clause 12, until its final maturity, the following financial indices according to the values stipulated below, to be calculated at every civil semester, in the months of June and December, based on its consolidated financial statements, with limited review in the first semester and complete examination at the end of the fiscal year, performed by external auditors registered at CVM. The external auditors shall issue, for BNDES, a verification report of the financial indices simultaneously to the publication of the audit reports, in the maximum period of 3 (three) months after the closure of each civil semester:

a) Capitalization Index (PL/AT): equal or superior to 0.35;

b) EBITDA/Net Financial Expenses: equal or superior to 3.5;

c) Total Financial Debt/EBITDA: Equal or inferior to 3.00;

d) Net Short Term Financial Debt/EBITDA: equal or inferior to 0.40 in 2009 and 0.35 from 2010.


In the event of noncompliance with any of the indices contemplated in item V of this Clause, BNDES may, at its sole discretion, in each calculation period, opt, within 60 (sixty) days after presentation and docket in the Telecommunications Department of BNDES, of the calculation report of the financial indicators mentioned in item V of this Clause, between the early maturity of each Credit Limit Use Document contemplated in Clause 12 or the freezing of funds corresponding to 03 (three) times the value of the "Largest Installment", as defined and provided in the Contract of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants, mentioned in §1 of Clause 10.


For purposes of calculation of the indices set forth in item V of this Clause, the following definitions and criteria shall be added:

I) PL = Shareholders’ Equity, including Minority Participations;

II) AT = Total Assets.

III) EBITDA corresponds to the gross profit, minus commercialization, general and administrative and other net operating expenses, plus depreciation and amortization built-into the costs of the services provided, costs of goods sold and in the operating expenses mentioned above.

IV) Net Financial Expenses: sum of all the financial expenses, less the sum of all the financial revenues presented in the Income Statement sent to CVM, except interest on net current assets or any other form of remuneration of the shareholders.

V) Total Financial Debt: corresponds to the sum of the balance of the consolidated onerous debts of TIM Participações S/A, including: loans and financing; issue of fixed income capital, promissory notes and debentures, convertible or not, in the local or international capital market; as well as the sale or assignment or future receivables, if they are accounted for as obligations; and other financial transactions of indebtedness of the company, recorded in the current liabilities and in the long term liabilities;

VI) Short-term Financial Debt: corresponds to the sum of the balance of the onerous consolidated debts of TIM Participações S/A, recorded in the current liabilities, including: loans and financing; issue of fixed income instruments, promissory notes and debentures, whether convertible or not, in the local or international capital market; as well as the sale or assignment of future receivables, if they are recorded in the accounts as obligations; and other financial transactions of debt of the company;

VII) Short-term Net Financial Debt: Short-term Financial Debt less Availabilities (cash and financial investments).

VIII) Parameters related to the result (EBITDA and Net Financial Expenses), refer to the values of the last 12 (twelve) months prior to the calculation;

IX) If the value calculated for the negative index due to negative Net Financial Expenses, this will not be considered noncompliance with the financial index, mentioned in section “b” of item V, of the heading of this Clause.


If, in the following calculation period, the noncompliance contemplated in §1 of this Clause is not verified, the funds retained will be released to this current account of free movement of BENEFICIARY.



The BENEFICIARIES and the INTERVENING PARTY hereby, irrevocably and irreversibly, constitute each other mutually and reciprocally attorneys-in-fact until final settlement of the debt assumed herein, with powers to receive summons, notifications and, moreover, with “ad judicia” powers for the forum in general, which may be subgranted to a lawyer, all with respect to any legal or extrajudicial proceedings filed against them by BNDES, as a result of this Contract, being able to perform all acts necessary to proper and faithful compliance with this mandate.



The BENEFICIARIES authorize BNDES to deduct from the first installment, in connection with the first use of the Credit Limit for specific destination, regardless of which of them is favored by the corresponding Credit Limit Use Document contemplated in Clause 12, the value of R$ 203,978.00 (two hundred and three thousand, nine hundred and seventy-eight reais) as Study Commission of the projects mentioned in Clause 2 of this Contract.



The use of the credit limit, in addition to compliance, where applicable, with the conditions contemplated in Articles 5 and 6 of the “ PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO BNDES CONTRACTS ” mentioned above, in those established in the “ FOLLOW-UP RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS ” and those contemplated in the Credit Limit Use Document, contemplated in Clause 12, is subject to compliance with the following:

I – For use of the first installment of the credit limit: opening, by BENEFICIARIES, of current accounts at BNDES.

II – For use of each installment of the credit limit:

a) formalization and registration, at the competent registry office(s), of the Credit Limit Use Document contemplated in Clause 12;

b) inexistence of fact of an economic-financial nature, which, at the discretion of BNDES, may compromise the performance of the undertaking financed herein, so as to alter it or prevent its performance, pursuant to the terms contemplated in the project approved by BNDES;

c) presentation, by BENEFICIARIES, of Negative Debt Certificate – CND, issued by the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil on the INTERNET, to be extracted by BENEFICIARY at the addresses or and verified by BNDES in the same; and

d) evidence of regular status before the environmental bodies, or when such evidence has not been presented and is in force, declaration by BENEFICIARY of the respective Credit Limit Use Documnent contemplated in Clause 12 on the continuity of the validity of such document.

III – For use of the subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item I of Clause 1: evidence to BNDES of use of at least 40% (forty percent) of the sum of subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item II of Clause 1, in each Credit Limit Use Document executed pursuant to the terms of Clause 12.



TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A, identified in the preamble, accepts this Contract, in the capacity of guarantor and principal payer, waiving expressly the benefits of Articles 366, 827 and 838 of the Civil Code, and assuming joint liability until final liquidation of this Contract, for faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations assumed herein by BENEFICIARIES.



In the occurrence of default on the obligations assumed by the BENEFICIARIES and by the INTERVENING PARTIES, the provisions in Articles 40 to 47-A of the “ PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO BNDES CONTRACTS”, contemplated in Clause 13, item I.


Upon calculation of the balance overdue of the subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item I of Clause 1, both the restatement of the value of the debt and the charges will be calculated pro rata temporis per business day until the date of effective payment.



In the event of judicial collection, resulting from this Contract, BENEFICIARIES shall pay a fine of 10% (ten percent) on the principal and charges of the respective debts, in addition to extrajudicial, judicial expenses and lawyers’ fees, due from the date of filing of the legal measure of collection.



In the event of early liquidation of the debt, the guarantees will be released, the provisions in Article 18, §2 of the “PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO BNDES CONTRACT”, mentioned in Clause 13, item I, applying to the other obligations.


The early, partial or total, liquidation of the portion of subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item I of Clause, when authorized by BNDES, shall be performed jointly with the calculated values corresponding to the balances due, on the liquidation date, of the subcredits provided with the resources mentioned in item II of Clause 1, in compliance with the proportionality among the balances due of these subcredits, established in the respective Credit Limit Use Document.


At the time of calculation of the balance due in the early partial or total liquidation of the subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item I of Clause 1, both the restatement of the value of the debt and the charges will be calculated pro rata temporis per useful day until the date of the effective payment, in compliance with Clauses 4 and 6 of this Contract, where applicable.



BENEFICIARIES hereby declare, irrevocably and irreversibly, that they have nothing to oppose to the future assignment, by BNDES, of the subcredits provided with the funds mentioned in item I of Clause 1, consenting, herewith, that all the obligations to be complied with in connection with BNDES, resulting from this Contract, after assignment of said credits, remain in full force.


BNDES, pursuant to the terms of Article 290 of the Civil Code, shall notify Beneficiaries about the assignment contemplated in the heading of this Clause.



BNDES may declare this Contract to have matured early, with enforceability and immediate suspension of any disbursement if, in addition to the events contemplated in Articles 39 and 40 of the “ PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO BNDES CONTRACTS ”, contemplated in Clause 13, the following is evidenced by BNDES:

a) reduction in the personnel of any of BENEFICIARIES without compliance with the provisions in item IV of Clause 13;

b) the existence of a convicting sentence transited in rem judicatum in connection with the performance of acts, by any of BENEFICIARIES, which lead to violation of the legislation that fights discrimination of race or gender, child and slave labor;

c) the inclusion, in a corporate agreement, bylaws or articles of incorporation of any of BENEFICIARIES, of its parent companies, of a provision leading to restrictions or loss of the capacity of payment of the financial obligations resulting from this transaction;


In the event of application of the funds granted by this Contract for a purpose other than the one contemplated in Clause 2, BNDES, without prejudice to the provisions in the heading of this Clause, shall communicate the fact to the Public Prosecution Service, for the purposes and effects of Law No. 7.492, of 06.16.86.


This Contract shall also mature early, with enforceability of the debt and immediate suspension of any disbursement, on the date of graduation as Federal Deputy or Senator of the person performing a remunerated function at any of BENEFICIARIES, or if, among its owners, controllers or directors, there are persons guilty of the prohibitions contemplated by the Federal Constitution, Article 54, items I and II. No default charges will accrue, provided that the payment occurs within the period of 5 (five) business days counted from the date of graduation, under penalty of, not doing so, the charges contemplated for the events or early maturity due to default accruing.



Every maturity of provision of amortization of principal and charges, which occurs on Saturdays, Sundays or national holidays, including bank holidays, will be, for all effects and purposes of this Contract, displaced to the first subsequent business day, the charges being calculated until this date, and the following regular verification period and calculation of the charges of the Contract shall also begin on this date.


Except for an express provision otherwise, the holidays of the location where the headquarters of each of BENEFICIARIES is located, whose addresses are indicated in this Contract, shall be considered the holidays, for purposes of the provisions in the heading of this Clause regarding the installments of principal and charges in connection with the respective debts.



The BENEFICIARIES declare that the provisions of this Contract were negotiated in light of and in strict compliance with the Code of Ethics available on the website .

The BENEFIFICARY TIM CELULAR S/A has presented a Debt Clearance Certificate - CND No. 000862008-2120050, issued on June 24, 2008, by the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil.

The BENEFICIARY TIM NORDESTE S/A has presented a Debt Clearance Certificate – CNF No. 053262008-15001250, issued on October 31, 2008, by the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil.

( A blank page is inserted after this one )

The INTERVENING PARTY TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A presented the Debt Clearance Certificate - CND No. 001482008-17300115, issued on October 23, 2008, by the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil.

The pages of this instrument are initialed by Cynthia Maria Idalgo Ruiz dos Santos, lawyer of BNDES, by authorization of the legal representatives, which sign it.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, they sign this contract in 3 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form and for a single purpose, before the undersigned witnesses.

Rio de Janeiro, November 19, 2008


Luciano Coutinho   Wagner Bittencourt  
President    Director  

For Beneficiaries :

Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo


Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
For Intervening Party :

Mario Cesar de Araujo

( All signatures above duly notarized )

Signature page of Loan Agreement by Extension of Revolving Credit Facility No. 08.2.0790.1, executed by the National Bank of Economic and Social Development – BNDES and TIM Celular S/A, with the third party intervention.

Witnesses :

[signature]     [signature]  
Name: Lúcia Benechts  Name: José Romeu Pontes Cardoso Jr.  
ID: IFP 0960266-0    ID: 88105926-0  
CPF: 016678507-50     CPF: 633.788.287-15  

( All Witnesses’ signatures duly notarized )


DEC 17, 2008 732214


BANCO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO E SOCIAL – BNDES (NATIONAL BANK FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT), hereby referred to simply as BNDES, a federal public company, headquartered in Brasilia, Federal District, with services in this City, at Avenida República do Chile No. 100, corporate taxpayer register CNPJ No. 33.657.248/0001-89, through its undersigned representatives;

TIM CELULAR S/A , hereinafter referred to as TIM CELULAR, a limited liability company, headquartered in São Paulo, at Avenida Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143, CEP 05724-006, CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80, through its undersigned representatives;

attending further, as INTERVENING PARTY TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A , the joint stock company, headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida das Américas No. 3.434, block 1, 7 th floor, CEP 22640-102, CNPJ No. 02.558.115/0001-21, through its undersigned representatives,

have mutually agreed to the following in the clauses below:


In light of the agreement signed herein, BNDES and TIM CELULAR agree to regulate the use of part of the credit limit extended through the CONTRACT, by the following clauses and conditions:


Subcredit “A1” : in the value of R$ 103,958,000.00 (one hundred and three million, nine hundred and fifty-eight thousand reais), to be provided with the funds mentioned in item I of Clause 1 of the CONTRACT, in compliance with all the other provisions in connection with the subcredits provided with such funds;

Subcredit “B1”: in the value of R$ 242,568,000.00 (two hundred and forty two millions, five hundred and sixty eight thousand reais), to provided with the funds mentioned in item II of Clause 1 of the

CONTRACT, in compliance with all the other provisions in connection with the subcredits provided with such funds; and,
Subcredit “C1”: in the value of R$ 245,983,000.00 (two hundred and forty-five million, nine hundred and eighty-three thousand reais), to be provided with the funds mentioned in item II of Clause 1 of the CONTRACT, in compliance with all the other provisions pertaining to the subcredits provided with such funds; and

In compliance with the provisions in §1 of Clause 3 of the CONTRACT, the funds of the Subcredits mentioned above to be released shall be transferred to the current account No. 102.464-9, which TIM CELULAR has at UNIBANCO (No. 409), branch No. 0300.


The portion of Subcredit “A1” not used will be restated, from the date of execution of this Addendum until the date of its use, in compliance with the minimum period of 12 (twelve) months, by the variation of the Ample National Consumer Price Index – IPCA, calculated and published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE, in compliance with the procedures contemplated in Clause 6 of the CONTRACT.

In compliance with the provisions in the heading of this item, BNDES may reduce the Subcredit “A1” prior to its total use, the value of this reduction starting to constitute Subcredit “D1”, under the same conditions of Subcredit “B1”, with the exception of the maturity of the amortization installments, which shall remain equal to the provisions of Clause 9, item I, of the CONTRACT, and of item 7.1 of Clause 1 of this Addendum. If this event occurs, BNDES shall inform the alteration, in writing to TIM CELULAR.

3 - AVAILABILITY OF SUBCREDITS “B1” AND “C1”:   The value of each installment of Subcredits “B1” and “C1” to be placed at the disposal of TIM CELULAR will be calculated according to the criteria established in the law that institutes the Long Term Interest Rate – TJLP for determination of the balances due of the financing contracted by the BNDES System to November 30, 1994.


Expansion, modernization and technological update of the plant of TIM CELULAR, with investments in network and IT (information technology). The Investments Plan of TIM CELULAR in network comprises the expansion of the use of GSM technology and the implementation of 3G (third generation) technology whereas the latter shall permit the supply of mobile broad bank by the operator. The investments of the TIM Group in IT aim at the optimization of the information systems, which support the commercialization process of services, consolidating the different systems used currently and increasing the capacity of the same.



Subcredit “A1” : up to 30 (thirty) months, counting from the date of execution of this Addendum;

Subcredits “B1” and “C1”: to 30 (thirty) months, counting from the execution date of this Addendum, without prejudice to the power of BNDES, prior or after the final term of this period, supported by the guarantees constituted in the CONTRACT, to extend said period, by express authorization, by letter, regardless of other formality or registration.

6 - GRACE PERIOD (Clause 5 of the CONTRACT) :

Subcredits “B1” and “C1”: 31 (thirty-one) months, beginning on the fifteenth (15 th ) immediately subsequent to the execution date of this Addendum and ending on July 15, 2011.

7 - AMORTIZATION (Clause 9 of the CONTRACT):

Subcredit “A1”: in 06 (six) annual and successive installments, each of them in the value of the principal falling due restated of the debt of this Subcredit, divided by the number of amortization installments not yet due, the first installment falling due on July 15 th (fifteenth), 2012, and the last on July 15 th (fifteenth) of 2017, in compliance with the provisions of Clause 24 of the CONTRACT;

Subcredits “B1” and “C1”: in 72 (seventy-two) monthly and successive installments, each in the value of the principal falling due of the debt of these Subcredits, divided by the number of amortization installments not yet due, the first falling due on August 15 th (fifteenth), 2011, and the last on July 15 th (fifteenth), 2017, in compliance with the provisions of Clause 24 of the CONTRACT.

8 - INTEREST (Clauses 4 and 5 of the CONTRACT) :

Subcredit “A1” : 2.62% (two integers and sixty-two hundredths per cent) per year (as remuneration), above the reference rate, disclosed by BNDES, in force on the date of use of this Subcredit, calculated pursuant to the terms of Clause 4 of the CONTRACT, due, annually , on the 15 th (fifteenth) of July of each year, from July 15 th , 2012, including, with the amortization installments of this Subcredit principal, in compliance with the provisions of Clause 24 of the CONTRACT.

of the non-capitalized portion of Subcredit “B1”: 2.62% (two integers and sixty-two hundredths per cent) per annum (as remuneration), above the Long Term Interest Rate – TJLP, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, in compliance with the scheme described in Clause 5 of the CONTRACT, enforceable on the 15 (fifteenth) day of the months of January, April, July and October of each year, in the period comprised

between December 15 th (fifteenth), 2008 and July 15 th (fifteenth), 2011, and monthly from August 15 th (fifteenth), 2011, including, with the amortization installments of this Subcredit principal, in compliance with the provisions in Clause 24 of the CONTRACT.
uncapitalized portion of Subcredit “C1”: 1.72% (one integer and sixty-two hundredths per cent) per annum (as remuneration), above the Long Term Interest Rate- TJLP, published by the Central Bank of Brazil, in compliance with the scheme described in Clause 5 of the CONTRACT, due on the 15 th (fifteenth) of January, April, July and October of each year, in the period comprised between December 15 th (fifteenth), 2008 and July 15 th (fifteenth), 2011, and monthly from August 15 th (fifteenth), 2011, including, with the amortization installments of this Subcredit principal, in compliance with the provisions of Clause 24 of the CONTRACT.

9 - CONDITIONS OF USE . In addition to the conditions of use contemplated in Clause 17 of the CONTRACT, use of the Subcredits “A1”, “B1” and “C1” mentioned in item 1 of this instrument, is subject to compliance with the following:

9.1.            For use of the first installment of Subcredits “A1”, “B1” and “C1”:

presentation, by TIM CELULAR, of the Contract of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants, contemplated in the Sole § of Clause 2 of this Addendum, duly signed and registered in the Register of Deeds and Documents of the city of Rio de Janeiro and of the city of São Paulo;

return, by TIM CELULAR, to BNDES, of the counterparts of Notification delivered to each of the Collection Agents, extra judicially or by them duly signed, according to the provisions in §1 of Clause 6 of the Contract of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants, mentioned in the Sole § of Clause 2 of this Addendum.

For use of each portion of Subcredits “A1”, “B1” and “C1”: presentation, by TIM CELULAR, of the Debt Clearance Certificate – CND, issued by the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil, on the INTERNET, to be extracted by TIM CELULAR, at the addresses or and verified by BNDES at same.

For use of the funds of Subcredit “A1” contemplated in item 1.1 of Clause 1 of this Addendum: evidence to BNDES of use by at least 40% (forty percent) of Subcredits “B1” and “C1” contemplated in items 1.2 and 1.3 of Clause 1 of this Addendum.




To ensure the payment of the obligations resulting from this Addendum, as the principal of the debt, commissions, conventional penalty, fines and expenses, TIM CELULAR has restricted, in favor of BNDES, irrevocably and irreversibly, from the date of execution of this Addendum and until final liquidation of all the obligations assumed therein, the revenues earned by TIM CELULAR, pursuant to the terms of Clause 10 of this CONTRACT.


           The guarantee contemplated in the heading of this Clause will be formalized in the Agreement of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants, to be executed by TIM CELULAR and BNDES, having as intervening party the financial institution chosen by TIM CELULAR, with the consent of BNDES, in the capacity of centralizing bank and administrator of restricted and assigned revenues. The Agreement of Binding and Assignment of Revenues and Other Covenants mentioned will be attached hereto.



TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A, identified in the preamble, accepts this Addendum, in the capacity of guarantor and principal payer, waiving expressly the benefits of Articles 366, 827 and 838 of the Civil Code, and assuming joint liability, to the final liquidation of this Contract, for the faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations assumed in the CONTRACT, by TIM CELULAR.



           The CONTRACTING PARTIES and the INTERVENING PARTY hereby ratify all the Clauses of the CONTRACT, where they do not clash against the provisions of this Addendum, the guarantees covenanted in said Contract being maintained, the same not leading to novation.



TIM CELULAR undertakes to promote the registration of this Addendum in the Register of Deeds and Documents of the Judiciary District of Rio de Janeiro, within 30 (thirty) days, counted from this date.

TIM CELULAR has presented a Debt Clearance Certificate – CND No. 000862008-21200050, issued on June 24, 2008, by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.


The INTERVENING PARTY TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S/A presented a Debt Clearance Certificate – CND No. 001482008-17300115, issued on October 23, 2008, by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.

The pages of this instrument are initialed by Cynthia Maria Idalgo Ruiz Quinta dos Santos, BNDES lawyer, by authorization of the legal representatives that sign it.

Rio de Janeiro, December 12, 2008


[signature]     [signature]  
WAGNER BITTENCOURT  Eduardo Rath Fingeri  
Director    Director  
Translator’s Note: The signatures of Wagner Bittencourt and Eduardo Rath Fingeri were duly authenticated at the 20 th Notary Public Office – Notary Vera Lúcia Cario Bequeira, Av. Almirante Barroso, 2, SBL 1, Rio de Janeiro, RJ on 12/17/2008.


Signature page of Addendum No. 1 to Loan Agreement by Extension of Revolving Credit Facility No. 08.2.0790.1 of November 19, 2008, executed by the National Bank of Economic and Social Development – BNDES and TIM Celular S/A, with the third party intervention.

Mario Cesar Pereira de Araújo


Mario Cesar Pereira de Araújo


Name: Lúcia Benechis
ID: 09602266-0
CPF: 016678507-50

Lúcia Benechis
Finance & Treasury

Name: Marco Chiarucci
Finance Manager

Translator’s Note : The signatures of Mario Cesar Pereira Araujo and Lucia Benechis were duly authenticated at the 4 th Notary Public Office, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, on December 17, 2008.

Translator’s Note : The signature of Mario Chiarucci was duly authenticated at the 4 th Notary Public Office, Rio de Janeiro, RJ on December 17, 2008.


August 05, 2010
CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Av. Giovanni Gronchi 7,143
São Paulo
São Paulo
UNIBANCO - União de Bancos Brasileiros S.A.
Av. Eusébio Matoso, 891 – 18 th floor
São Paulo
São Paulo
55 11 3097-4908
Avenida das Américas, 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Parte
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
55 21 4009 3102
4.1. Nature:
4.2. Value of Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.3. Net Value of the Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.4. IOF:
4.5 – Place of Payment:
4.6. Account of Payment: TIM Celular S.A. – CNPJ: 04.206.050/0001-80
Bank: 399
Branch: 0454
Account: 05452-80
5.1. Readjustment Base:
100% CDI
5.2. Margin:
1.80% per annum
5.3. Period of Interest:
August 05, 2010
Installment No.
March 02, 2006
August 29, 2006
February 26, 2007
August 27, 2007
February 25, 2008
August 15, 2008
February 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
February 06, 2010
August 05, 2010

Whereas ISSUER issued on August 31, 2005 the Bank Credit Note No. TA008 (“ CCB ”):

WHEREAS the Parties wish to alter certain conditions of the Bank Credit Note (CCB) to: (i) substitute the GUARANTOR; (ii) extend the Maturity Date of the CCB; and (iii) change the interest rate;

hereby, the Parties identified above, by their undersigned legal representatives, have mutually agreed to this Addendum No. 01 to CCB (the “ Addendum ”), according to the clauses and conditions below:

1. Substitution of the GUARANTOR:

1.1. The Parties resolve hereby to substitute the GUARANTOR of CCB by TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., already identified in item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum.

1.2. By virtue of the substitution mentioned in Clause 1.1. above, TIM BRASIL SERVIÇOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., registered under CNPJ/MF No. 02.600.854/0001-34,is, from this date, released from all the obligations assumed in CCB.

1.3. The GUARANTOR, duly identified in Item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum, assumes hereby, all the obligations resulting from the CCB, attending, also, in the condition of Joint Debtor, consenting expressly with what has been covenanted in the CCB, whose full content it declares to know, assuming unlimited liability for faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations resulting from it, assumed by the ISSUER, whether of principal, financial compensatory and arrears charges, covering interest, monetary indexation, taxes, contractual fine, lawyers’ fees and other expenses, due exclusively, as a result of the conditions covenanted in the CCB.

2. Alteration of the Profit Margin

2.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Margin indicated in Item 5.2. of the preamble of CCB, which, from this date, will start to be 1.80% per annum, Item 5.2 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.

3. Alteration of the Maturity Date
3.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Maturity Date indicated in item 6 of the preamble of the CCB, it being agreed that the new Maturity Date of the CCB will be August 05, 2010, Item 6 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording already existing in the preamble of this Addendum.

4. Other Alterations
4.1. The Parties resolve to alter the numbering of the sub-items of Item 4 of the preamble of the CCB, which comes into effect with the numbering already set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.
4.1.1. As a result of the renumbering of sub-item 4 of the preamble, the mention of Item 4.4. set forth in Clause 2 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.5 of the preamble of this Addendum and the mention of Item 4.5 of Clause 3 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.6 of the preamble of this Addendum.

4.2. The Parties resolve to exclude field 5.4 of the preamble.
4.3. The Parties resolve to alter the heading of Clause 5 of the CCB, which comes into effect with the following wording:

“the interest and charges established in item 5 of the Preamble shall be accrued on the value of the principal mentioned in item 4.2 of the agreement with the following formula: (…)”

4.4. The Parties resolve to alter the definition of “Restricted Group” set forth in Clause 12.2 of the CCB to the following wording:

“(…) “Restricted Group” shall mean the ISSUER, GUARANTOR, TIM Nordeste S.A., the latter in the capacity of successor by incorporation of Maxitel S.A. and TIM Celular S.A., in the capacity of successor by incorporation of TIM Sul S.A.”

5. Payment Promise
5.1. The ISSUER admits to be the debtor and promises to pay to the CREDITOR, at its headquarters, or to its order, in cash, the value of the principal established in item 4.2. of the Preamble, plus interest and other charges due, in Brazilian currency, incurred to the date of effective payment.

6. Defined Terms

6.1. The terms used in capital letters and not defined in this Addendum have the meaning established in the CCB.

7. Declaration of the ISSUER and the GUARANTOR
7.1. The ISSUER and the GUARANTOR declare that all the conditions contemplated in this Addendum were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website of Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed in its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

8. Ratification
8.1. All the other clauses and conditions agreed in the CCB presently amended are maintained and fully ratified, those which were not expressly modified by this Addendum, which is an integral and inseparable and complementary part hereof, for all effects and purposes, likewise all the guarantees constituted in the amended CCB are equally ratified, to which the GUARANTOR agrees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Addendum in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, which becomes an integral part of CCB, whereas only the counterpart of the CREDITOR will be negotiable.

São Paulo, August 14, 2008


[signature]                                                                           [signature]
Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo                         Name:
Title: President

TIM Participações S.A.

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

Aware and in agreement:

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo


Name:                                                    Name:                                        Name:
Title:                                                      Title:                                           Title:

August 05, 2010
CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Av. Giovanni Gronchi 7,143
São Paulo
São Paulo
Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A.
Av. Paulista, 1.374 – 14 th floor
São Paulo
São Paulo
55 11 2192-1786
Avenida das Américas, 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Parte
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
55 21 4009 3102
4.1. Nature:
4.2. Value of Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.3. Net Value of the Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.4. IOF:
4.5 – Place of Payment:
4.6. Account of Payment: TIM Celular S.A. – CNPJ: 04.206.050/0001-80
Bank: 399
Branch: 0454
Account: 05452-80
5.1. Readjustment Base:
100% CDI
5.2. Margin:
1.80% per annum
5.3. Period of Interest:
August 05, 2010
Installment No.
March 02, 2006
August 29, 2006
February 26, 2007
August 27, 2007
February 25, 2008
August 15, 2008
February 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
February 06, 2010
August 05, 2010


Whereas ISSUER issued on August 31, 2005 the Bank Credit Note No. TA008 (“ CCB ”):

WHEREAS the Parties wish to alter certain conditions of the Bank Credit Note (CCB) to: (i) substitute the GUARANTOR; (ii) extend the Maturity Date of the CCB; and (iii) change the interest rate;

hereby, the Parties identified above, by their undersigned legal representatives, have mutually agreed to this Addendum No. 01 to CCB (the “ Addendum ”), according to the clauses and conditions below:

1. Substitution of the GUARANTOR:

1.1. The Parties resolve hereby to substitute the GUARANTOR of CCB by TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., already identified in item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum.

1.2. By virtue of the substitution mentioned in Clause 1.1. above, TIM BRASIL SERVIÇOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., registered under CNPJ/MF No. 02.600.854/0001-34,is, from this date, released from all the obligations assumed in CCB.

1.3. The GUARANTOR, duly identified in Item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum, herein assumes, all the obligations resulting from the CCB, attending, also, in the condition of Joint Debtor, consenting expressly with what has been agreed in the CCB, whose full content it declares to know, assuming unlimited and joint liability for faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations resulting from it, assumed by the ISSUER, whether of principal, financial compensatory and arrears charges, covering interest, monetary indexation, taxes, contractual fine, lawyers’ fees and other expenses, due exclusively, as a result of the conditions agreed in the CCB.

2. Alteration of the Profit Margin

2.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Margin indicated in Item 5.2. of the preamble of CCB, which, from this date, will start to be 1.80% per annum, Item 5.2 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.

3. Alteration of the Maturity Date
3.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Maturity Date indicated in item 6 of the preamble of the CCB, it being agreed that the new Maturity Date of the CCB will be August 05, 2010, Item 6 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording already existing in the preamble of this Addendum.

4. Other Alterations
4.1. The Parties resolve to alter the numbering of the sub-items of Item 4 of the preamble of the CCB, which comes into effect with the numbering already set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.
4.1.1. As a result of the renumbering of sub-item 4 of the preamble, the mention of Item 4.4. set forth in Clause 2 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.5 of the preamble of this Addendum and the mention of Item 4.5 of Clause 3 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.6 of the preamble of this Addendum.

4.2. The Parties resolve to exclude field 5.4 of the preamble.
4.3. The Parties resolve to alter the heading of Clause 5 of the CCB, which comes into effect with the following wording:

“the interest and charges established in item 5 of the Preamble shall accrued on the value of the principal mentioned in item 4.2 of the agreement with the following formula: (…)”

4.4. The Parties resolve to alter the definition of “Restricted Group” set forth in Clause 12.2 of the CCB to the following wording:

“(…) “Restricted Group” shall mean the ISSUER, GUARANTOR, TIM Nordeste S.A., the latter in the capacity of successor by incorporation of Maxitel S.A. and TIM Celular S.A., in the capacity of successor by incorporation of TIM Sul S.A.”

5. Payment Promise
5.1. The ISSUER admits to be the debtor and promises to pay to the CREDITOR, at its headquarters, or to its order, in cash, the value of the principal established in item 4.2. of the Preamble, plus interest and other charges due, in Brazilian currency, incurred to the date of effective payment.

6. Defined Terms

6.1. The terms used in capital letters and not defined in this Addendum have the meaning established in the CCB.

7. Declaration of the ISSUER and the GUARANTOR
7.1. The ISSUER and the GUARANTOR declare that all the conditions contemplated in this Addendum were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website of Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed in its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

8. Ratification
8.1. All the other clauses and conditions agreed in the CCB presently amended are maintained and fully ratified, those which were not expressly modified by this Addendum, which is an integral and inseparable and complementary part hereof, for all effects and purposes, likewise all the guarantees constituted in the amended CCB are equally ratified, to which the GUARANTOR agrees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Addendum in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, which becomes an integral part of CCB, whereas only the counterpart of the CREDITOR will be negotiable.

São Paulo, August 14, 2008


[signature]                                                                           [signature]
Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo                               Name:
Title: President

TIM Participações S.A.

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

Aware and in agreement:

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo

Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A.

Name:                                                    Name:                                        Name:
Title:                                                      Title:                                           Title:


August 05, 2010
CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Av. Giovanni Gronchi 7,143
São Paulo
São Paulo
HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo_
Travessa Oliveira Bello, 34 – 4 th floor
55 11 3847-5611
Avenida das Américas, 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Parte
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
55 21 4009 3102
4.1. Nature:
4.2. Value of Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.3. Net Value of the Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.4. IOF:
4.5 – Place of Payment:
4.6. Payment Account : TIM Celular S.A. – CNPJ: 04.206.050/0001-80
Bank: 399
Branch: 0454
Account: 05452-80
5.1. Readjustment Base:
100% CDI
5.2. Margin:
1.80% per annum
5.3. Period of Interest:
August 05, 2010
Installment No.
March 02, 2006
August 29, 2006
February 26, 2007
August 27, 2007
February 25, 2008
August 15, 2008
February 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
February 06, 2010
August 05, 2010

Whereas ISSUER issued on August 31, 2005 the Bank Credit Note No. TA008 (“ CCB ”):

WHEREAS the Parties wish to alter certain conditions of the Bank Credit Note (CCB) to: (i) substitute the GUARANTOR; (ii) extend the Maturity Date of the CCB; and (iii) change the interest rate;

hereby, the Parties identified above, by their undersigned legal representatives, have mutually agreed to this Addendum No. 01 to CCB (the “ Addendum ”), according to the clauses and conditions below:

1. Substitution of the GUARANTOR:

1.1. The Parties resolve hereby to substitute the GUARANTOR of CCB by TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., already identified in item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum.

1.2. By virtue of the substitution mentioned in Clause 1.1. above, TIM BRASIL SERVIÇOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., registered under CNPJ/MF No. 02.600.854/0001-34,is, from this date, released from all the obligations assumed in CCB.

1.3. The GUARANTOR, duly identified in Item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum, assumes hereby, all the obligations resulting from the CCB, attending, also, in the condition of Joint Debtor, consenting expressly with what has been agreed in the CCB, whose full content it declares to know, assuming unlimited and joint liability for faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations resulting from it, assumed by the ISSUER, whether of principal, financial compensatory and arrears charges, covering interest, monetary indexation, taxes, contractual fine, lawyers’ fees and other expenses, due exclusively, as a result of the conditions agreed in the CCB.

2. Alteration of the Profit Margin

2.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Margin indicated in Item 5.2. of the preamble of CCB, which, from this date, will start to be 1.80% per annum, Item 5.2 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.

3. Alteration of the Maturity Date
3.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Maturity Date indicated in item 6 of the preamble of the CCB, it being agreed that the new Maturity Date of the CCB will be August 05, 2010, Item 6 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording already existing in the preamble of this Addendum.

4. Other Alterations
4.1. The Parties resolve to alter the numbering of the sub-items of Item 4 of the preamble of the CCB, which comes into effect with the numbering already set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.
4.1.1. As a result of the renumbering of sub-item 4 of the preamble, the mention of Item 4.4. set forth in Clause 2 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.5 of the preamble of this Addendum and the mention of Item 4.5 of Clause 3 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.6 of the preamble of this Addendum.

4.2. The Parties resolve to exclude field 5.4 of the preamble.
4.3. The Parties resolve to alter the heading of Clause 5 of the CCB, which comes into effect with the following wording:

“the interest and charges established in item 5 of the Preamble shall accrued on the value of the principal mentioned in item 4.2 of the agreement with the following formula: (…)”

4.4. The Parties resolve to alter the definition of “Restricted Group” set forth in Clause 12.2 of the CCB to the following wording:

“(…) “Restricted Group” will start to mean the ISSUER, GUARANTOR, TIM Nordeste S.A., the latter in the capacity of successor by incorporation of Maxitel S.A. and TIM Celular S.A., in the capacity of successor by incorporation of TIM Sul S.A.”

5. Payment Promise
5.1. The ISSUER admits to be the debtor and promises to pay to the CREDITOR, at its headquarters, or to its order, in cash, the value of the principal established in item 4.2. of the Preamble, plus interest and other charges due, in Brazilian currency, incurred to the date of effective payment.

6. Defined Terms

6.1. The terms used in capital letters and not defined in this Addendum have the meaning established in the CCB.

7. Declaration of the ISSUER and the GUARANTOR
7.1. The ISSUER and the GUARANTOR declare that all the conditions contemplated in this Addendum were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website of Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed in its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

8. Ratification
8.1. All the other clauses and conditions agreed in the CCB presently amended are maintained and fully ratified, those which were not expressly modified by this Addendum, which is an integral and inseparable and complementary part hereof, for all effects and purposes, likewise all the guarantees constituted in the amended CCB are equally ratified, to which the GUARANTOR agrees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Addendum in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, which becomes an integral part of CCB, whereas only the counterpart of the CREDITOR will be negotiable.

São Paulo, August 14, 2008


[signature]                                                                           [signature]
Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo                            Name:
Title: President

TIM Participações S.A.

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

Aware and in agreement:

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo


Name:                                                    Name:                                        Name:
Title:                                                      Title:                                           Title:


August 05, 2010
CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Av. Giovanni Gronchi 7,143
São Paulo
São Paulo
Banco Bradesco S.A.
Cidade de Deus, s/no. – Vila Yara
São Paulo
55 11 3684-9107
Avenida das Américas, 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Parte
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
55 21 4009 3102
4.1. Nature:
4.2. Value of Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.3. Net Value of the Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.4. IOF:
4.5 – Place of Payment:
4.6. Payment Account : TIM Celular S.A. – CNPJ: 04.206.050/0001-80
Bank: 399
Branch: 0454
Account: 05452-80
5.1. Readjustment Base:
100% CDI
5.2. Margin:
1.80% per annum
5.3. Period of Interest:
August 05, 2010
Installment No.
March 02, 2006
August 29, 2006
February 26, 2007
August 27, 2007
February 25, 2008
August 15, 2008
February 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
February 06, 2010
August 05, 2010

Whereas ISSUER issued on August 31, 2005 the Bank Credit Note No. TA008 (“ CCB ”):

WHEREAS the Parties wish to alter certain conditions of the Bank Credit Note (CCB) to: (i) substitute the GUARANTOR; (ii) extend the Maturity Date of the CCB; and (iii) change the interest rate;

hereby, the Parties identified above, by their undersigned legal representatives, have mutually agreed to this Addendum No. 01 to CCB (the “ Addendum ”), according to the clauses and conditions below:

1. Substitution of the GUARANTOR:

1.1. The Parties resolve hereby to substitute the GUARANTOR of CCB by TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., already identified in item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum.

1.2. By virtue of the substitution mentioned in Clause 1.1. above, TIM BRASIL SERVIÇOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., registered under CNPJ/MF No. 02.600.854/0001-34,is, from this date, released from all the obligations assumed in CCB.

1.3. The GUARANTOR, duly identified in Item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum, assumes hereby, all the obligations resulting from the CCB, attending, also, in the condition of Joint Debtor, consenting expressly with what has been agreed in the CCB, whose full content it declares to know, assuming unlimited and joint liability for faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations resulting from it, assumed by the ISSUER, whether of principal, financial compensatory and arrears charges, covering interest, monetary indexation, taxes, contractual fine, lawyers’ fees and other expenses, due exclusively, as a result of the conditions agreed in the CCB.

2. Alteration of the Profit Margin

2.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Margin indicated in Item 5.2. of the preamble of CCB, which, from this date, will start to be 1.80% per annum, Item 5.2 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.

3. Alteration of the Maturity Date
3.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Maturity Date indicated in item 6 of the preamble of the CCB, it being agreed that the new Maturity Date of the CCB will be August 05, 2010, Item 6 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording already existing in the preamble of this Addendum.

4. Other Alterations
4.1. The Parties resolve to alter the numbering of the sub-items of Item 4 of the preamble of the CCB, which comes into effect with the numbering already set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.
4.1.1. As a result of the renumbering of sub-item 4 of the preamble, the mention of Item 4.4. set forth in Clause 2 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.5 of the preamble of this Addendum and the mention of Item 4.5 of Clause 3 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.6 of the preamble of this Addendum.

4.2. The Parties resolve to exclude field 5.4 of the preamble.
4.3. The Parties resolve to alter the heading of Clause 5 of the CCB, which comes into effect with the following wording:

“the interest and charges established in item 5 of the Preamble shall accrued on the value of the principal mentioned in item 4.2 of the agreement with the following formula: (…)”

4.4. The Parties resolve to alter the definition of “Restricted Group” set forth in Clause 12.2 of the CCB to the following wording:

“(…) “Restricted Group” will start to mean the ISSUER, GUARANTOR, TIM Nordeste S.A., the latter in the capacity of successor by incorporation of Maxitel S.A. and TIM Celular S.A., in the capacity of successor by incorporation of TIM Sul S.A.”

5. Payment Promise
5.1. The ISSUER admits to be the debtor and promises to pay to the CREDITOR, at its headquarters, or to its order, in cash, the value of the principal established in item 4.2. of the Preamble, plus interest and other charges due, in Brazilian currency, incurred to the date of effective payment.

6. Defined Terms

6.1. The terms used in capital letters and not defined in this Addendum have the meaning established in the CCB.

7. Declaration of the ISSUER and the GUARANTOR
7.1. The ISSUER and the GUARANTOR declare that all the conditions contemplated in this Addendum were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website of Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed in its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

8. Ratification
8.1. All the other clauses and conditions covenanted in the CCB presently amended are maintained and fully ratified, those which were not expressly modified by this Addendum, to which the same is an integral and inseparable and complementary part, for all effects and purposes, likewise all the guarantees constituted in the amended CCB are equally ratified, to which the GUARANTOR agrees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Addendum in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, which becomes an integral part of CCB, whereas only the counterpart of the CREDITOR will be negotiable.

São Paulo, August 14, 2008


[signature]                                                                           [signature]
Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo                          Name:
Title: President

TIM Participações S.A.

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

Aware and in agreement:

Name: Cesar Pereira de Araujo


Name:                                                    Name:                                        Name:
Title:                                                      Title:                                           Title:


August 05, 2010
CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Av. Giovanni Gronchi 7,143
São Paulo
São Paulo
Banco Société Générale Brasil S/A_
Av. Paulista, 2.300 – 9 th floor
São Paulo
São Paulo
55 11 3217-8000
Avenida das Américas, 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Parte
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
55 21 4009 3102
4.1. Nature:
4.2. Value of Principal: R$ 25,000,000.00 (Twenty five million reais)
4.3. Net Value of the Principal: R$ 25,000,000.00 (Twenty five million reais)
4.4. IOF:
4.5 – Place of Payment:
4.6. Payment Account : TIM Celular S.A. – CNPJ: 04.206.050/0001-80
Bank: 399
Branch: 0454
Account: 05452-80
5.1. Readjustment Base:
100% CDI
5.2. Margin:
1.80% per annum
5.3. Period of Interest:
August 05, 2010
Installment No.
March 02, 2006
August 29, 2006
February 26, 2007
August 27, 2007
February 25, 2008
August 15, 2008
February 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
February 06, 2010
August 05, 2010

Whereas the ISSUER issued on August 31, 2005 the Bank Credit Note No. TA008 (“ CCB ”):

WHEREAS the Parties wish to alter certain conditions of the Bank Credit Note (CCB) to: (i) substitute the GUARANTOR; (ii) extend the Maturity Date of the CCB; and (iii) change the interest rate;

hereby, the Parties identified above, by their undersigned legal representatives, have mutually agreed to this Addendum No. 01 to CCB (the “ Addendum ”), according to the clauses and conditions below:

1. Substitution of the GUARANTOR:

1.1. The Parties resolve hereby to substitute the GUARANTOR of CCB by TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., already identified in item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum.

1.2. By virtue of the substitution mentioned in Clause 1.1. above, TIM BRASIL SERVIÇOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., registered under CNPJ/MF No. 02.600.854/0001-34,is, from this date, released from all the obligations assumed in CCB.

1.3. The GUARANTOR, duly identified in Item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum, assumes hereby, all the obligations resulting from the CCB, attending, also, in the condition of Joint Debtor, consenting expressly with what has been agreed in the CCB, whose full content it declares to know, assuming unlimited and joint liability for faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations resulting from it, assumed by the ISSUER, whether of principal, financial compensatory and arrears charges, covering interest, monetary indexation, taxes, contractual fine, lawyers’ fees and other expenses, due exclusively, as a result of the conditions agreed in the CCB.

2. Alteration of the Profit Margin

2.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Margin indicated in Item 5.2. of the preamble of CCB, which, from this date, will start to be 1.80% per annum, Item 5.2 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.

3. Alteration of the Maturity Date
3.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Maturity Date indicated in item 6 of the preamble of the CCB, it being agreed that the new Maturity Date of the CCB will be August 05, 2010, Item 6 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording already existing in the preamble of this Addendum.

4. Other Alterations
4.1. The Parties resolve to alter the numbering of the sub-items of Item 4 of the preamble of the CCB, which comes into effect with the numbering already set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.
4.1.1. As a result of the renumbering of sub-item 4 of the preamble, the mention of Item 4.4. set forth in Clause 2 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.5 of the preamble of this Addendum and the mention of Item 4.5 of Clause 3 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.6 of the preamble of this Addendum.

4.2. The Parties resolve to exclude field 5.4 of the preamble.
4.3. The Parties resolve to alter the heading of Clause 5 of the CCB, which comes into effect with the following wording:

“the interest and charges established in item 5 of the Preamble shall accrued on the value of the principal mentioned in item 4.2 of the agreement with the following formula: (…)”

4.4. The Parties resolve to alter the definition of “Restricted Group” set forth in Clause 12.2 of the CCB to the following wording:

“(…) “Restricted Group” will start to mean the ISSUER, GUARANTOR, TIM Nordeste S.A., the latter in the capacity of successor by incorporation of Maxitel S.A. and TIM Celular S.A., in the capacity of successor by incorporation of TIM Sul S.A.”

5. Payment Promise
5.1. The ISSUER admits to be the debtor and promises to pay to the CREDITOR, at its headquarters, or to its order, in cash, the value of the principal established in item 4.2. of the Preamble, plus interest and other charges due, in Brazilian currency, incurred to the date of effective payment.

6. Defined Terms

6.1. The terms used in capital letters and not defined in this Addendum have the meaning established in the CCB.

7. Declaration of the ISSUER and the GUARANTOR
7.1. The ISSUER and the GUARANTOR declare that all the conditions contemplated in this Addendum were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website of Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed in its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

8. Ratification
8.1. All the other clauses and conditions agreed in the CCB presently amended are maintained and fully ratified, those which were not expressly modified by this Addendum, which is an integral and inseparable and complementary part hereof, for all effects and purposes, likewise all the guarantees constituted in the amended CCB are equally ratified, to which the GUARANTOR agrees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Addendum in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, which becomes an integral part of CCB, whereas only the counterpart of the CREDITOR will be negotiable.

São Paulo, August 14, 2008


[signature]                                                                           [signature]
Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo                           Name:
Title: President

TIM Participações S.A.

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

Aware and in agreement:

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo


Name:                                                    Name:                                        Name:
Title:                                                      Title:                                           Title:

BANK CREDIT NOTE No. 1473490101

R Giovanni Gronchi 07143
Current Account No.
Value of principal in foreign currency
US$*****58,924,046.91 (Fifty-eight million, nine hundred and twenty-four thousand, forty-six US dollars and ninety-one cents)
Date of issue
0291 days
Due Date
Interest fixed at the rate of *****1.50000000% per annum, equivalent to *****0.12500000% per month, calculated linearly, “pro rata temporis”, based on a year of 360 (three hundred and sixty) running days.
Date: 03/14/2008
(X) Credit into Current Account held by CLIENT at UNIBANCO
(  ) TED (Wire Transfer)/DOC (Credit Order Form) in favor of CLIENT
Exchange rate for conversion of the Value of the Principal in Foreign Currency:
(X) R$ 1.6971 per US$
(  ) according to conversion criteria stipulated in Clause 3.1.1 of this instrument.
Release value: R$ 100,000,000.00
Principal: upon final maturity
Financial charges: upon final maturity
Debit into current account held by CLIENT
Financing of working capital to CLIENT

By this Bank Credit Note (“Note”), the CLIENT appointed and identified in the preamble above (“Preamble”) (“CLIENT”), irrevocably and irreversibly, shall pay to UNIBANCO, headquartered at Avenida Eusébio Matoso, 891, in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo.


Registered at CNPJ/MF No. 33.700.394/0001-40 (“UNIBANCO”), or to its order, on the dates, form and place of payment contemplated in this Note and attached spreadsheets, the debt in cash, established and agreed, net and due, including the value of the principal of the loan and the interest, restatements and other charges and expenses stipulated herein, upon the following clauses and conditions:


1.1. UNIBANCO hereby, pursuant to the terms of this Note, grants to CLIENT a loan in the value and conditions defined in the Preamble, by onlending of resources in foreign currency captured abroad, according to the registration at the Central Bank of Brazil, based on Resolution No. 2770 of the National Monetary Council, for its equivalent in domestic currency (“Transaction”), to be used according to the purpose stipulated in the Preamble.


2.1. There shall accrue, on the value of the Transaction, in its expression in foreign currency, from the date of the release of the funds to the date(s) of the respective maturities of this Note, the financial charges, according to the conditions defined in the Preamble and in the attached spreadsheets, which will be due for its equivalent in domestic currency, as defined in Clause 4.4.

2.1.1. The financial charges comprise the interest of the external transaction, the value of the corresponding income tax to the remittance of this interest abroad, in relation only to the portion of the external transaction onlent to the CLIENT, the onlending commission of UNIBANCO and the expenses with remittances to the creditor abroad.


3.1. The release of the funds will be made on the date, in the conditions and in the value defined in the Preamble, in domestic currency corresponding to the value in foreign currency.

3.1.1. In the event of the release of fund being contracted on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, as stipulated in the Preamble, and if it is not defined there, the value in domestic currency, it is hereby agreed that the respective value will be verified by the conversion of the values in foreign currency, based on the sale rate of the US dollar, with reference to the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX 800”, option 5 – currency 220 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the conversion parameter established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value to be released to the CLIENT for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the exchange rate disclosed by the agency Reuters, at 11:00 AM, New York time, on a specific screen referred to as “EFX=*, relative to the business day immediately prior to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters, (ii) by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market on the immediately previous business day, (ii) by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market, on the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, average rate which will be obtained by UNIBANCO with, at least, 03 (three) first class institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the market of free rates, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the release of this Note.

3.2. In the event of the release of funds being contracted on a subsequent date to the issue of this Note and if to the date of effective release of the resources, any modification occurs, whether legal or normative, which may, directly or indirectly, modify any of the conditions defined herein, such modification will be incorporated immediately to this Note, regardless of any notification or formal act, UNIBANCO being released from any responsibility resulting from this action.

3.3. UNIBANCO, when necessary, to evidence effective release of the resources of the loan and the amount of the balance due of the CLIENT’s obligations, resulting from this Note, undertakes to issue a statement of the current account in which were credited the resources in relation to the Loan, and, if necessary, the calculation spreadsheet demonstrating the total amount of the obligations of the CLIENT, resulting from this Note. Said statement and calculation spreadsheet, after issued, will be attached to this Note, legally integrating it, and will constitute sufficient evidence of the release of the funds and the amount of the balance due of the CLIENT’s obligations.



3.4. For all effects and purposes, they integrate this Note, in the Preamble stipulated above, as well as in the statements and calculation spreadsheets issued by UNIBANCO, pursuant to the terms of Clause 3.3 above.


4.1. The CLIENT shall pay to UNIBANCO, or to its order, by this counterpart of Note, pursuant to the terms of Law 10.931/2004 (as altered), all the values due covered by this Note, including, but not limited to, the principal due, all the financial charges and other expenses, which shall be paid in the flow; in the form and period defined in the Preamble and/or in this Note and/or attached spreadsheets, as applicable.

4.1.1. The eventual payment performed by the CLIENT by check, credit documents, payment orders, including, but not limited to Credit Order Documents – DOC, or any other mechanisms or payment instruments available in the market, including documents cleared by the Central Agency of Clearance of Checks and Other Papers, which shall be issued by it, will only be considered as effectively liquidated and/or received by UNIBANCO when reverted into immediately available resources and, by virtue thereof, charges shall accrue for the use of the resources by the CLIENT in this period, which will be equal to the remuneration charges of this Note.

4.1.2. In the event of any maturity date of principal, financial charges, taxes or any other values due covered by this Note, coinciding with national, municipal or bank holidays, the CLIENT shall make the payment on the first subsequent business day. In this event, the financial charges shall accrue to the date of the effective payment.

4.2. In the event of the form of liquidation defined in the Preamble be debit into current account, the CLIENT hereby authorizes, irreversibly and irrevocably, UNIBANCO, to debit into the current account defined in the Preamble, all the values, whose payment or reimbursement is due to UNIBANCO, in the scope or for purposes of this Note.

4.2.1. For the purposes described in the heading of this Clause, the CLIENT undertakes to maintain in said current account, sufficient and immediately available funds for the effectuation of all the debits resulting from this Note.

4.2.2. On the value, or portion of the value, to debit for which there are no funds available in said current account, there shall accrue, from the due date of the obligations of the CLIENT, the arrears charges contemplated in this Note.

4.3. Having in view that the resources restricted to this Note will be granted through onlending by UNIBANCO of resources arising out of external funding in foreign currency, it is established that the reimbursement of the value of the principal and the payment of the charges accruing shall be made by the CLIENT for the equivalent in domestic currency of the monetary provision expressed in that foreign currency. In these conditions, the CLIENT will be subject to the foreign exchange risk of the foreign currency resulting from this Transaction, whatever the manner how this risk presents itself.

4.4. The amounts in domestic currency corresponding to the reimbursement values of the principal and the financial charges will be obtained, at each opportunity, by the conversion of the values in foreign currency, based on the sale rate of the US dollar relative to the business day immediately prior to the date of reimbursement of the payment, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX 800”, option 5 – currency 220 or based on another rate, which, officially substitutes it. If the conversion parameter established herein is not disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the amount due by the CLIENT for its equivalent, in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the foreign exchange rate disclosed by the agency Reuters, at 11:00 AM, New York time, on the specific screen referred do as “EFX=”, relative to the business day immediately prior to the maturity date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters; (ii) by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market on the business day immediately prior to the date of liquidation, average rate which will be obtained by UNIBANCO, with, at least, 03 (three) first class institutions, authorized to operate in foreign exchange, which are acting, on that date, in the market of free rates, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the payment mentioned in this Note.




5.1. The constitution of the additional guarantees, if thus agreed by the parties, will be formalized by specific document(s), to be established by UNIBANCO, which will constitute an integral and inseparable part of this Note.

5.2. At the time of the default by the CLIENT, the guarantees effectively provided will become due, immediately, regardless of notification, interpellation, summons or any other judicial or extrajudicial form.


6.1. CLIENT declares, irrevocably and irreversibly, that it knows and complies with all the environmental rules covered by the Brazilian legislation, and that the use of the values resulting from this Note will not imply violation of any of said rules.

6.1.1. The Parties hereby recognize that the CLIENT is subject to compliance with the principles of the “Code of Ethics of TIM”, which provide that all the business of CLIENT, including this Note, will be marked by respect: (i) for the environment, including regarding the disposal of batteries, issue of pollutants, recycling of waste (ii) safety and health rules in the workplace, (iii) honesty and transparency for its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and the environmental bodies, (iv) to the interests of the company and the Parties, above the individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, which may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts or benefits using the name and reputation of the CLIENT or as a result of the performance of their activities. The Code of Ethics of TIM is available on the website of TIM Participações S.A. – Area: Corporate Governance; Code of Ethics) and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments, at the disposal for public consultation.


7.1. UNIBANCO will have the right to consider this Note to have matured early and to require from CLIENT, regardless of notification, the full payment, in a single installment, of all the balance due hereof, according to Clause 3.3, including with the enforceability of the guarantees constituted in the events contemplated in the law, in the following events:

(a) if the CLIENT incurs in arrears in relation to any obligation, which must be complied with by it, as a result of this Note and its attachments;

(b) if CLIENT violates or does not comply with, as a whole or in part, any clause or condition of this Note and of the corresponding Spreadsheets and/or Electronic Files, which is not remedied within 10 (ten) days from receipt of the notification to do so;

(c) if the CLIENT has the title or responsibility or co-obligations in a superior value, considered individually, to R$ 20,000,000.00 (twenty million reais), or superior value,


considered cumulatively, to R$ 60,000,000.00 (sixty million), duly protested or suffers execution or seizure of without the specification in this respect being requested by UNIBANCO has been presented by the CLIENT in the period, which has been designated by UNIBANCO has been presented by the CLIENT, in the period which has been designated or, the explanation having been presented or not, if the same is not considered satisfactory by UNIBANCO;

(d) if the CLIENT has its direct or indirect corporate control transferred to this parties or is incorporated, or there is dissolution of the ISSUER, or there is merger or transfer, whether by split or in any other way, of the operational assets to another entity;

(e) if the CLIENT defaults on its obligations and/or does not liquidate, in the respective maturity, a debit of its responsibility, resulting from other contracts, loans or deductions executed with UNIBANCO and/or any companies, directly or indirectly, associated, parent companies or controlled by UNIBANCO, including abroad, and/or if there occurs termination of the respective documents;

(f) if the CLIENT and/or any companies members of the economic Group of CLIENT, including abroad, become insolvent, are declared bankrupt, are under judicial or extrajudicial recovery requested or decreed.

(g) change or alteration of the corporate purpose of the CLIENT, or of any INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S), so as to alter the current principal activities of the CLIENT, or of the respective INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S), or adds to these activities new business, which prevail or may represent deviations in relation to the activities currently developed;

(h) all and any obligations assumed by the CLIENT, its subsidiaries, parent companies or associated companies, with UNIBANCO or any subsidiary or associated company thereof, from any contracts, terms or commitments, shall be due and punctually settled in face of UNIBANCO.


8.1. The CLIENT shall legally incur in arrears, regardless of notice or notification of any kind, if it fails to comply with any obligations derived from this Note, in which case, automatically, it will be obliged to pay the sum due, converted, on the date of the respective maturity, for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais), as defined in Clause 4.4, accreted cumulatively of the following: (i) arrears interest on the totality of the sums due, per day of delay, calculated exponentially at the rate of 12% (twelve percent) per annum, based on a year of 360 running days; (ii) permanence commission, calculated per day of arrears, according to the variation of the average weighted rate, adjusted from the financing transactions for one day, hedged on public federal instruments and processed in the Special Custody and Liquidation System (Selic) or in clearing and liquidation chambers of assets, according to the committed transactions, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil; and (iii) contractual fine of 2% (two percent) of the sum due, accreted of arrears interest and permanence commission. From the arrears of the CLIENT, the value due and overdue is released from external funding.

8.1.1. The accretions described in items (i) and (ii) of the heading of this clause will be calculated and accrue from the beginning of the maturity of the obligation until its effective and full payment to UNIBANCO.

8.2. If UNIBANCO has to go to Court for an eventual default by CLIENT in this Note, the CLIENT shall be obliged, also, to pay the legal costs of the proceedings and the lawyers’ fees judicially established.


9.1. If the CLIENT has an interest in liquidating early, totally or partially, its obligations resulting from this Note, it may do so. The parties hereby pre-establish the adjustment in the value due by the CLIENT in the case of early payment, which will be calculated according to section “b’, below, being accrued or subtracted from the balance due in the terms of section “c”;


a) The value of the interest due to the early payment will be calculated by the application of all the charges, accruing pursuant to the terms of this Note, to the date of early payment;

b) UNIBANCO will perform the calculation of the present value of the payments, representative of the interest falling due and of the principal not amortized, from the due dates originally agreed, by the discount of this flow, having as a basis the interest rate in force at the time of the early payment, for the same transactions, whose credit rating is equivalent to the credit risk rating of CLIENT, or, in the absence of these transactions, according to the rates of investment of resources available to UNIBANCO, at the time of early payment. If the present value of this flow is superior to the value of the principal not amortized, the surplus difference will consist in the indemnity due by the CLIENT to UNIBANCO;

c) The balance due on the date of early payment shall consist in the principal not amortized, accrued of the charges agreed in this Noted for the period.

9.1.1. It is previously agreed that in no event shall the restitution of any value paid early by the CLIENT, as commission, or any charges and expenses, even if partially or proportionally, it being established that the values whose payment is pending shall be paid in advance for the early liquidation to take place as contemplated here.


10.1 CLIENT shall bear with all the charges imputed to him accruing on this Note and on the collection and performance of the guarantees restricted to it, such as: i) foreign exchange variation; ii) interest and commission on onlending stipulated herein; iii) income tax, when accruing, due for the payment of interest and other expenses to the external creditor of UNIBANCO; iv) evaluation and revaluation of goods or rights offered in guarantee; v) insurance premiums and policy costs; vi) redemption or sale of the goods or rights given in guarantee; vii) taxes of any nature and parafiscal contributions that accrue or come to accrue on the principal and accessory transactions

contemplated in this Note or on other guarantees, as well as all or any expense, even if not mentioned here, resulting from this Note, which UNIBANCO is obliged to pay for.

10.2. In the event of noncompliance with any monetary obligations due by this Note, CLIENT is obliged to pay IOF (Tax on Financial Transactions), pursuant to the terms of the legislation applicable, accruing on such obligations due and not paid, which will be calculated, based on the rate in force applicable to loan transactions, from the maturity date of the obligation to the date of effective payment.

10.3. By virtue of the resources that come from the Transaction having origin in loans borrowed by UNIBANCO abroad, if any legal or normative modification occurs, which may, directly or indirectly: i) modify any of the conditions applicable to this Note, including those in connection: with the remittance of currency abroad, to the closing of foreign exchange contracts, and to the release of funds currently lent, or ii) increase the costs of this transaction, including those related to the release of funds lent, such modifications will be automatically applicable to this Note, and all the costs, liens or charges, which result from these modifications, especially those resulting from the eventual imposition of compulsory collections on the resources with which this transaction is provided, will be the responsibility of CLIENT.

10.4. The amounts due by the CLIENT, pursuant to the terms of this clause, which are not deducted from the funds delivered to it, at the time of release, will be debited when due, from its current account, UNIBANCO being, for this, irrevocably and irreversibly authorized to effect such debits.




11.1. The effects of this instrument will retroact to 03/14/2008.


11.1 All the notices, notifications or communications which, according to this Note, shall be made in writing, will be considered valid by sending a fax, telex, telegram or by registered mail with confirmation of receipt sent to the addresses of the parties indicated in the Preamble or to any other address subsequently informed, in writing, by the addressee to the other party.

11.2. The CLIENT and the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) undertake to maintain UNIBANCO informed about any alteration of address, e-mail, telephone and other data referring to its location. If there is no updated information, all the letters sent by UNIBANCO to the address existing in its records will be, for all legal purposes, considered received.

11.3. The CLIENT hereby authorizes UNIBANCO to send any information in connection herewith by e-mail to be sent to the address informed in the Preamble.

11.4. The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY(IES) GUARANTOR(S) hereby recognizes as means of evidence of the debit and of the credit, resulting herefrom, the statements, the issue notices or the collection notices issued by UNIBANCO, if not verified in the maximum period of 10 (ten) days, counted from the date of the respective issue.

11.5. Tolerance by each of the parties in light of the noncompliance, by the other party, with any of the obligations resulting from this Note, shall not constitute novation, or even precedent, which, in any way, or for any purpose, release the parties from effecting it, as well as the other obligations resulting from this Note.

11.6. Failure to exercise, by the parties, any of the rights guaranteed to them by this Note and the Law, shall not constitute cause of alteration or contractual novation and shall not impair the exercise of these rights at subsequent times or in an identical subsequent occurrence.

11.7. UNIBANCO is expressly authorized to include and consult the CLIENT information and the information from the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) with the Central System of Credit Risk of the Central Bank of Brazil.

11.8. The parties establish that the information provided and the financial statements presented by the CLIENT may be the purpose of disclosure to the companies belonging to the same economic conglomerate as UNIBANCO.

11.9. This Note is issued irrevocably and irreversibly, binding the parties and their eventual successors at any title.

11.10 The competent bodies and government offices are authorized, irrevocably and irreversibly, to perform all and any registrations necessary for full effectiveness of this Note and of the guarantees created herein, the CLIENT bears with all the costs and expenses resulting from this.


11.11. Eventual tolerance by UNIBANCO, when any right or prerogative, which it holds, by force of this Note, shall not lead to alteration or waiver of said rights or prerogatives, which may be exercised, at any time.

11.12. To settle any conflict arising out of the interpretation and/or execution of this Note, the forum of the Judiciary District of the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, is hereby elected, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged. UNIBANCO may also choose the forum of any of its branches or of the headquarters or domicile of the CLIENT or of the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this Note in 04 (four) counterparts of equal tenor and form, only one of them being negotiable for a single purpose, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.

São Paulo, July 22, 2008




INTEREST RATE: ******1.500000 % p.a. BASE DATE: 07/22/2008




A – Commission
R$  - 0 – US$  - 0 –
B- Registry Office     
C- Interest
R$ - 0 – US$    - 0 –
R$ *****100,000,000.01

This spreadsheet if an integral, inseparable and complementary part of the NOTE/LOAN AGREEMENT BY ONLENDING OF FUNDS IN FOREIGN CURRENCY No. 1473490101 – Signed on 07/22/2008

Lúcia Benechis
Luiz Alberto dos Santos
Finance & Treasury
TIM- Finances & Treasury


BANK CREDIT NOTE No. 1473463801

R Giovanni Gronchi 07143
Current Account No.
Value of principal in foreign currency
US$*****29,462,023.45 (Twenty-nine million, four hundred and sixty-two thousand, twenty-three US dollars and forty-five cents)
Date of issue
0291 days
Due Date
Interest fixed at the rate of *****1.50000000% per annum, equivalent to *****0.12500000% per month, calculated linearly, “pro rata temporis”, based on a year of 360 (three hundred and sixty) running days.
Date: 03/14/2008
(X) Credit into Current Account held by CLIENT at UNIBANCO
(  ) TED (Wire Transfer)/DOC (Credit Order Form) ( in favor of CLIENT
Exchange rate for conversion of the Value of the Principal in Foreign Currency:
(X) R$ 1.6971 per US$
(  ) according to conversion criteria stipulated in Clause 3.1.1 of this instrument.
Release value: R$ 50,000,000.00
Principal: upon final maturity
Financial charges: upon final maturity
Debit into current account held by CLIENT
Financing of working capital to CLIENT

By this Bank Credit Note (“Note”), the CLIENT appointed and identified in the preamble above (“Preamble”) (“CLIENT”), irrevocably and irreversibly, shall pay to UNIBANCO, headquartered at Avenida Eusébio Matoso, 891, in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo.


Registered at CNPJ/MF No. 33.700.394/0001-40 (“UNIBANCO”), or to its order, on the dates, form and place of payment contemplated in this Note and attached spreadsheets, the debt in cash, established and agreed, net and due, including the value of the principal of the loan and the interest, restatements and other charges and expenses stipulated herein, upon the following clauses and conditions:


1.1. UNIBANCO hereby, pursuant to the terms of this Note, grants to CLIENT a loan in the value and conditions defined in the Preamble, by onlending of resources in foreign currency captured abroad, according to the registration at the Central Bank of Brazil, based on Resolution No. 2770 of the National Monetary Council, for its equivalent in domestic currency (“Transaction”), to be used according to the purpose stipulated in the Preamble.


2.1. There shall accrue, on the value of the Transaction, in its expression in foreign currency, from the date of the release of the funds to the date(s) of the respective maturities of this Note, the financial charges, according to the conditions defined in the Preamble and in the attached spreadsheets, which will be due for its equivalent in domestic currency, as defined in Clause 4.4.

2.1.1. The financial charges comprise the interest of the external transaction, the value of the corresponding income tax to the remittance of this interest abroad, in relation only to the portion of the external transaction onlent to the CLIENT, the onlending commission of UNIBANCO and the expenses with remittances to the creditor abroad.


3.1. The release of the funds will be made on the date, in the conditions and in the value defined in the Preamble, in domestic currency corresponding to the value in foreign currency.

3.1.1. In the event of the release of fund being contracted on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, as stipulated in the Preamble, and if it is not defined there, the value in domestic currency, it is hereby agreed that the respective value will be verified by the conversion of the values in foreign currency, based on the sale rate of the US dollar, with reference to the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX 800”, option 5 – currency 220 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the conversion parameter established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value to be released to the CLIENT for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the exchange rate disclosed by the agency Reuters, at 11:00 AM, New York time, on a specific screen referred to as “EFX=*, relative to the business day immediately prior to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters, (ii) by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market on the immediately previous business day, (ii) by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market, on the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, average rate which will be obtained by UNIBANCO with, at least, 03 (three) first class institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the market of free rates, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the release of this Note.

3.2. In the event of the release of funds being contracted on a subsequent date to the issue of this Note and if to the date of effective release of the resources, any modification occurs, whether legal or normative, which may, directly or indirectly, modify any of the conditions defined herein, such modification will be incorporated immediately to this Note, regardless of any notification or formal act, UNIBANCO being released from any responsibility resulting from this action.

3.3. UNIBANCO, when necessary, to evidence effective release of the resources of the loan and the amount of the balance due of the CLIENT’s obligations, resulting from this Note, undertakes to issue a statement of the current account in which were credited the resources in relation to the Loan, and, if necessary, the calculation spreadsheet demonstrating the total amount of the obligations of the CLIENT, resulting from this Note. Said statement and calculation spreadsheet, after issued, will be attached to this Note, legally integrating it, and will constitute sufficient evidence of the release of the funds and the amount of the balance due of the CLIENT’s obligations.



3.4. For all effects and purposes, they integrate this Note, in the Preamble stipulated above, as well as in the statements and calculation spreadsheets issued by UNIBANCO, pursuant to the terms of Clause 3.3 above.


4.1. The CLIENT shall pay to UNIBANCO, or to its order, by this counterpart of Note, pursuant to the terms of Law 10.931/2004 (as altered), all the values due covered by this Note, including, but not limited to, the principal due, all the financial charges and other expenses, which shall be paid in the flow; in the form and period defined in the Preamble and/or in this Note and/or attached spreadsheets, as applicable.

4.1.1. The eventual payment performed by the CLIENT by check, credit documents, payment orders, including, but not limited to Credit Order Documents – DOC, or any other mechanisms or payment instruments available in the market, including documents cleared by the Central Agency of Clearance of Checks and Other Papers, which shall be issued by it, will only be considered as effectively liquidated and/or received by UNIBANCO when reverted into immediately available resources and, by virtue thereof, charges shall accrue for the use of the resources by the CLIENT in this period, which will be equal to the remuneration charges of this Note.
4.1.2. In the event of any maturity date of principal, financial charges, taxes or any other values due covered by this Note, coinciding with national, municipal or bank holidays, the CLIENT shall make the payment on the first subsequent business day. In this event, the financial charges shall accrue to the date of the effective payment.

4.2. In the event of the form of liquidation defined in the Preamble being debit into current account, the CLIENT hereby authorizes, irreversibly and irrevocably, UNIBANCO, to debit into the current account defined in the Preamble, all the values, whose payment or reimbursement is due to UNIBANCO, in the scope or for purposes of this Note.

4.2.1. For the purposes described in the heading of this Clause, the CLIENT undertakes to maintain in said current account, sufficient and immediately available funds for the effectuation of all the debits resulting from this Note.

4.2.2. On the value, or portion of the value, to debit for which there are no funds available in said current account, there shall accrue, from the due date of the obligations of the CLIENT, the arrears charges contemplated in this Note.

4.3. Having in view that the resources restricted to this Note will be granted through onlending by UNIBANCO of resources arising out of external funding in foreign currency, it is established that the reimbursement of the value of the principal and the payment of the charges accruing shall be made by the CLIENT for the equivalent in domestic currency of the monetary provision expressed in that foreign currency. In these conditions, the CLIENT will be subject to the foreign exchange risk of the foreign currency resulting from this Transaction, whatever the manner how this risk presents itself.

4.4. The amounts in domestic currency corresponding to the reimbursement values of the principal and the financial charges will be obtained, at each opportunity, by the conversion of the values in foreign currency, based on the sale rate of the US dollar relative to the business day immediately prior to the date of reimbursement of the payment, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX 800”, option 5 – currency 220 or based on another rate, which, officially substitutes it. If the conversion parameter established herein is not disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the amount due by the CLIENT for its equivalent, in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the foreign exchange rate disclosed by the agency Reuters, at 11:00 AM, New York time, on the specific screen referred do as “EFX=”, relative to the business day immediately prior to the maturity date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters; (ii) by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market on the business day immediately prior to the date of liquidation, average rate which will be obtained by UNIBANCO, with, at least, 03 (three) first class institutions, authorized to operate in foreign exchange, which are acting, on that date, in the market of free rates, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the payment mentioned in this Note.



5.1. The constitution of the additional guarantees, if thus agreed by the parties, will be formalized by specific document(s), to be established by UNIBANCO, which will constitute an integral and inseparable part of this Note.

5.2. At the time of the default by the CLIENT, the guarantees effectively provided will become due, immediately, regardless of notification, interpellation, summons or any other judicial or extrajudicial form.


6.1. CLIENT declares, irrevocably and irreversibly, that it knows and complies with all the environmental rules covered by the Brazilian legislation, and that the use of the values resulting from this Note will not imply violation of any of said rules.

6.1.1. The Parties hereby recognize that the CLIENT is subject to compliance with the principles of the “Code of Ethics of TIM”, which provide that all the business of CLIENT, including this Note, will be marked by respect: (i) for the environment, including regarding the disposal of batteries, issue of pollutants, recycling of waste (ii) safety and health rules in the workplace, (iii) honesty and transparency for its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and the environmental bodies, (iv) to the interests of the company and the Parties, above the individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, which may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts or benefits using the name and reputation of the CLIENT or as a result of the performance of their activities. The Code of Ethics of TIM is available on the website of TIM Participações S.A. – Area: Corporate Governance; Code of Ethics) and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments, at the disposal for public consultation.


7.1. UNIBANCO will have the right to consider this Note to have matured early and to require from CLIENT, regardless of notification, the full payment, in a single installment, of all the balance due hereof, according to Clause 3.3, including with the enforceability of the guarantees constituted in the events contemplated in the law, in the following events:

(a) if the CLIENT incurs in arrears in relation to any obligation, which must be complied with by it, as a result of this Note and its attachments;

(b) if CLIENT violates or does not comply with, as a whole or in part, any clause or condition of this Note and of the corresponding Spreadsheets and/or Electronic Files, which is not remedied within 10 (ten) days from receipt of the notification to do so;

(c) if the CLIENT has the title or responsibility or co-obligations in a superior value, considered individually, to R$ 20,000,000.00 (twenty million reais), or superior value,


considered cumulatively, to R$ 60,000,000.00 (sixty million), duly protested or suffers execution or seizure of without the specification in this respect being requested by UNIBANCO has been presented by the CLIENT in the period, which has been designated by UNIBANCO has been presented by the CLIENT, in the period which has been designated or, the explanation having been presented or not, if the same is not considered satisfactory by UNIBANCO;

(d) if the CLIENT has its direct or indirect corporate control transferred to this parties or is incorporated, or there is dissolution of the ISSUER, or there is merger or transfer, whether by split or in any other way, of the operational assets to another entity;

(e) if the CLIENT defaults on its obligations and/or does not liquidate, in the respective maturity, a debit of its responsibility, resulting from other contracts, loans or deductions executed with UNIBANCO and/or any companies, directly or indirectly, associated, parent companies or controlled by UNIBANCO, including abroad, and/or if there occurs termination of the respective documents;

(f) if the CLIENT and/or any companies members of the economic Group of CLIENT, including abroad, become insolvent, are declared bankrupt, are under judicial or extrajudicial recovery requested or decreed.

(g) change or alteration of the corporate purpose of the CLIENT, or of any INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S), so as to alter the current principal activities of the CLIENT, or of the respective INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S), or adds to these activities new business, which prevail or may represent deviations in relation to the activities currently developed;

(h) all and any obligations assumed by the CLIENT, its subsidiaries, parent companies or associated companies, with UNIBANCO or any subsidiary or associated company thereof, from any contracts, terms or commitments, shall be due and punctually settled in face of UNIBANCO.


8.1. The CLIENT shall legally incur in arrears, regardless of notice or notification of any kind, if it fails to comply with any obligations derived from this Note, in which case, automatically, it will be obliged to pay the sum due, converted, on the date of the respective maturity, for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais), as defined in Clause 4.4, accreted cumulatively of the following: (i) arrears interest on the totality of the sums due, per day of delay, calculated exponentially at the rate of 12% (twelve percent) per annum, based on a year of 360 running days; (ii) permanence commission, calculated per day of arrears, according to the variation of the average weighted rate, adjusted from the financing transactions for one day, hedged on public federal instruments and processed in the Special Custody and Liquidation System (Selic) or in clearing and liquidation chambers of assets, according to the committed transactions, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil; and (iii) contractual fine of 2% (two percent) of the sum due, accreted of arrears interest and permanence commission. From the arrears of the CLIENT, the value due and overdue is released from external funding.

8.1.1. The accretions described in items (i) and (ii) of the heading of this clause will be calculated and accrue from the beginning of the maturity of the obligation until its effective and full payment to UNIBANCO.

8.2. If UNIBANCO has to go to Court for an eventual default by CLIENT in this Note, the CLIENT shall be obliged, also, to pay the legal costs of the proceedings and the lawyers’ fees judicially established.


9.1. If the CLIENT has an interest in liquidating early, totally or partially, its obligations resulting from this Note, it may do so. The parties hereby pre-establish the adjustment in the value due by the CLIENT in the case of early payment, which will be calculated according to section “b’, below, being accreted or subtracted from the balance due in the terms of section “c”;


a) The value of the interest due to the early payment will be calculated by the application of all the charges, accruing pursuant to the terms of this Note, to the date of early payment;

b) UNIBANCO will perform the calculation of the present value of the payments, representative of the interest falling due and of the principal not amortized, from the due dates originally agreed, by the discount of this flow, having as a basis the interest rate in force at the time of the early payment, for the same transactions, whose credit rating is equivalent to the credit risk rating of CLIENT, or, in the absence of these transactions, according to the rates of investment of resources available to UNIBANCO, at the time of early payment. If the present value of this flow is superior to the value of the principal not amortized, the surplus difference will consist in the indemnity due by the CLIENT to UNIBANCO;

c) The balance due on the date of early payment shall consist in the principal not amortized, accreted of the charges agreed in this Noted for the period.

9.1.1. It is previously agreed that in no event shall the restitution of any value paid early by the CLIENT, as commission, or any charges and expenses, even if partially or proportionally, it being established that the values whose payment is pending shall be quitted early for the early liquidation to operated as contemplated here.


10.1 CLIENT shall bear with all the charges imputed to him accruing on this Note and on the collection and performance of the guarantees restricted to it, such as: i) foreign exchange variation; ii) interest and commission on onlending stipulated herein; iii) income tax, when accruing, due for the payment of interest and other expenses to the external creditor of UNIBANCO; iv) evaluation and revaluation of goods or rights offered in guarantee; v) insurance premiums and policy costs; vi) redemption or sale of the goods or rights given in guarantee; vii) taxes of any nature and parafiscal contributions that accrue or come to accrue on the principal and accessory transactions contemplated in this Note or on other guarantees, as well as all or any expense, even if not mentioned here, resulting from this Note, which UNIBANCO is obliged to pay for.

10.2. In the event of noncompliance with any monetary obligations due by this Note, CLIENT is obliged to pay IOF (Tax on Financial Transactions), pursuant to the terms of the legislation applicable, accruing on such obligations due and not paid, which will be calculated, based on the rate in force applicable to loan transactions, from the maturity date of the obligation to the date of effective payment.

10.3. By virtue of the resources that come from the Transaction having origin in loans borrowed by UNIBANCO abroad, if any legal or normative modification occurs, which may, directly or indirectly: i) modify any of the conditions applicable to this Note, including those in connection: with the remittance of currency abroad, to the closing of foreign exchange contracts, and to the release of funds currently lent, or ii) increase the costs of this transaction, including those related to the release of funds lent, such modifications will be automatically applicable to this Note, and all the costs, liens or charges, which result from these modifications, especially those resulting from the eventual imposition of compulsory collections on the resources with which this transaction is provided, will be the responsibility of CLIENT.

10.4. The amounts due by the CLIENT, pursuant to the terms of this clause, which are not deducted from the funds delivered to it, at the time of release, will be debited when due, from its current account, UNIBANCO being, for this, irrevocably and irreversibly authorized to effect such debits.





11.1. The effects of this instrument will retroact to 03/14/2008.


11.1 All the notices, notifications or communications which, according to this Note, shall be made in writing, will be considered valid by sending a fax, telex, telegram or by registered mail with confirmation of receipt sent to the addresses of the parties indicated in the Preamble or to any other address subsequently informed, in writing, by the addressee to the other party.

11.2. The CLIENT and the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) undertake to maintain UNIBANCO informed about any alteration of address, e-mail, telephone and other data referring to its location. If there is no updated information, all the letters sent by UNIBANCO to the address existing in its records will be, for all legal purposes, considered received.

11.3. The CLIENT hereby authorizes UNIBANCO to send any information in connection herewith by e-mail to be sent to the address informed in the Preamble.

11.4. The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY(IES) GUARANTOR(S) hereby recognizes as means of evidence of the debit and of the credit, resulting herefrom, the statements, the issue notices or the collection notices issued by UNIBANCO, if not verified in the maximum period of 10 (ten) days, counted from the date of the respective issue.

11.5. Tolerance by each of the parties in light of the noncompliance, by the other party, with any of the obligations resulting from this Note, shall not constitute novation, or even precedent, which, in any way, or for any purpose, release the parties from effecting it, as well as the other obligations resulting from this Note.

11.6. Failure to exercise, by the parties, any of the rights guaranteed to them by this Note and the Law, shall not constitute cause of alteration or contractual novation and shall not impair the exercise of these rights at subsequent times or in an identical subsequent occurrence.

11.7. UNIBANCO is expressly authorized to include and consult the CLIENT information and the information from the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) with the Central System of Credit Risk of the Central Bank of Brazil.

11.8. The parties establish that the information provided and the financial statements presented by the CLIENT may be the purpose of disclosure to the companies belonging to the same economic conglomerate as UNIBANCO.

11.9. This Note is issued irrevocably and irreversibly, binding the parties and their eventual successors at any title.

11.10 The competent bodies and government offices are authorized, irrevocably and irreversibly, to perform all and any registrations necessary for full effectiveness of this Note and of the guarantees created herein, the CLIENT bears with all the costs and expenses resulting from this.


11.11. Eventual tolerance by UNIBANCO, when any right or prerogative, which it holds, by force of this Note, shall not lead to alteration or waiver of said rights or prerogatives, which may be exercised, at any time.

11.12. To settle any conflict arising out of the interpretation and/or execution of this Note, the forum of the Judiciary District of the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, is hereby elected, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged. UNIBANCO may also choose the forum of any of its branches or of the headquarters or domicile of the CLIENT or of the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this Note in 04 (four) counterparts of equal tenor and form, only one of them being negotiable for a single purpose, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.

São Paulo, July 22, 2008






INTEREST RATE: ******1.500000 % p.a. BASE DATE: 07/22/2008



A – Commission
R$  - 0 – US$  - 0 –
B- Registry Office
C- Interest
R$  - 0 – US$    - 0 –
R$ *****50,000,000.01

This spreadsheet if an integral, inseparable and complementary part of the NOTE/LOAN AGREEMENT BY ONLENDING OF FUNDS IN FOREIGN CURRENCY No. 1473490101 – Signed on 07/22/2008

Lúcia Benechis
Luiz Alberto dos Santos
Finance & Treasury
TIM- Finances & Treasury


No. 08L13596

UNIBANCO – UNIÃO DE BANCOS BRASILEIROS S.A., headquartered in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Avenida Eusébio Matoso, 89I, corporate taxpayer register CNPJ/MF No. 33.700.394/000I-40, represented according to its Bylaws, hereinafter simply referred to as UNIBANCO

CNPJ/CPF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Hereinafter simply referred to as CONTRACTING PARTY , hereby represented according to its Bylaws/Articles of Incorporation.


1. Base Value of Transaction:
R$ 8,841,553.23 (eight million, eight hundred and forty-one thousand, five hundred and fifty-three reais and twenty-three cents)
2. Parameter of UNIBANCO:
100.00% OF CDI (Interbank Deposit Certificate) – Cetip (Clearing Chamber) + 4.3000 p.a. exponential
3. Parameter of CONTRACTING PARTY:
Dollar USA + 3,50000 a.a. linear
4. Exchange Rate (when applicable)
a) initial R$/Currency:
b) for liquidation:
R$ 2.3956
SISBACEN (Central Bank Information System) – Ptax 800, option 5, sale quotation of the business day immediately prior to the start date of the transaction.
5. Period of Transaction:
181 running days
6. Due Date:
7. Calculation Agent: UNIBANCO
The Parties indicated and identified above resolve to enter into this DERIVATIVE AGREEMENT – SWAP, hereinafter simply referred to as Contract, which will be governed by the following clauses and conditions:
1. By force of this Contract, UNIBANCO and CONTRACTING PARTY reciprocally undertake to pay the sums determined based on the respective Parameters and verified according to the criteria established in this Contract, with the effect of the change of risk of oscillations of these Parameters.
i) UNIBANCO, in compliance with the terms of Clause 2, below, undertakes to pay to CONTRACTING PARTY, on the Due Date (stipulated in item 6 of Chart II) the result verified according to Clause 1.1, calculated based on the Parameter of the CONTRACTING PARTY; and
ii) the CONTRACTING PARTY, in compliance with the terms of Clause 2 below undertakes to pay to UNIBANCO, on the Due Date, the result verified in clause 1.1., calculated based on the Parameter or UNIBANCO.
1.1. The value of the obligations of CONTRACTING PARTY and of UNIBANCO, resulting from this Contract, will be calculated, separately, by the Calculation Agent, using the Book of Formulas – SPR – SWAP Contracts of CETIP – Clearance and Custody Chamber, in force on this date, available on the site of CETIP ( ). In the absence of a formula applicable to the Parameter used in this Contract, the value of the obligation will be calculated according to the average value verified with three first class institutions.


1.2 The Parties agree that the rates, indices or prices disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, by CETIP, by the Commodities and Futures Exchange – BM&F or by another source of public disclosure, will be used by the Calculation Agent for purposes of determination of the financial results of this Contract, except in the event contemplated in Clause 1.3 below.
1.3. If the rate, index or price to be used in the verification of the final net value due by one Party to the other, in the terms of this Contract, is not available in the official bodies or body responsible for their issue or determination, the Parties hereby irrevocably agree that the Calculation Agent shall adopt the rate, indices or price, which officially substitutes the previous rate, index or price and, in the event of non-disclosure, will perform the calculations necessary for determination of the final value due by one Party to the other, always acting in good faith and within the most ethical limits of the market.
1.4. The Parties hereby recognize as established and agreed, including for collection purposes by execution, the obligations verified by the Calculation Agent, according to this Contract.
2. The Parties stipulate that, once they become due, their obligations, resulting from this Contract shall be liquidated solely by their difference, as contemplated in Article 816 of the Civil Code, so that: i) if the obligations of CONTRACTING PARTY are in value superior to the obligations of UNIBANCO, the former shall pay to UNIBANCO the surplus difference; or (iii) if the obligations of CONTRACTING PARTY are in a value equal to the obligations of UNIBANCO, no payment shall be made.
3. Any of the Parties may require early liquidation of this Contract, in the event of the noncompliance, by the other Party, with any obligation contemplated in this Contract. In this case, the early liquidation shall occur in 5 (five) business days counted from the date of receipt, by the Party that did not comply with the obligation, of the notification issued to this effect by the Party, who decrees the early liquidation.
3.1. Without prejudice to the provisions in the heading of this Clause, UNIBANCO may require early liquidation of this Contract if: (i) the CONTRACTING PARTY incurs in arrears with respect to any payment due by it to UNIBANCO by force of any derivative transaction contracted by them; ii) in the event of legitimate protest of a financial instrument against CONTRACTING PARTY in a value, individual or aggregate, equal or superior to R$ 15,000,000.00 (fifteen million reais); iii) CONTRACTING PARTY files for bankruptcy, or has its bankruptcy or civil insolvency required or decreed; if) there is merger, split, incorporation, incorporation of shares, of or by the CONTRACTING PARTY, except among companies of the same economic group as CONTRACTING PARTY, or any other corporate restructuring procedure, or, dissolution of CONTRACTING PARTY, without previous and express consent by UNIBANCO, provided that, at the discretion of UNIBANCO, such corporate restructuring jeopardizes compliance with the obligations resulting herefrom. In this case, the early liquidation shall occur on the date indicated by UNIBANCO.
3.2. Without prejudice to the provisions in the heading of this Clause, CONTRACTING PARTY may demand the early liquidation of the Contract, if there is liquidation or extrajudicial intervention by UNIBANCO.


3.3. The obligations of the Parties, resulting from this Contract shall, further, be liquidated early: i) by supervention of the legal or regulatory rules, any of the Parameters is extinguished; ii) the current operating conditions of the Financial Institutions are altered, so that the transaction contemplated in this Contract is prohibited or has its conditions modified so as to make the transaction unfeasible; or iii) any taxes or contributions, which have a significant impact on this transaction, are created, altered or increase. In this case, the early liquidation shall occur on the day on which are published said legal or regulatory measures.
3.3.1. If, due to any alteration in the legislation or norms, there is an increase in the taxes and contributions accruing on this transaction, or any new tax or contribution accrues thereon, the Parties shall contact each other, by recorded telephone call, to discuss who shall bear with the respective additional costs. If the Parties do not reach an agreement within 3 (three) business days from the beginning of said discussions, any of Parties may liquidate early this transaction, in compliance with the form of calculation set forth in Clause 3.5 below.
3.4. In the event of early liquidation of this Contract, UNIBANCO may compensate its eventual credits resulting from this Contract, with the adjustment of any derivatives transaction (including options), which has been executed with CONTRACTING PARTY and is due or enforceable. In this case, the value of each transaction will be determined according to the respective contract or, in the absence of criteria of verification of this value, according to market practices.
3.5. In the event of early liquidation of this Contract, the obligations of UNIBANCO and of CONTRACTING PARTY, resulting from this Contract, shall be calculated separately, by the Calculation Agent, according to the cost of reinstatement of this derivative transaction for the remaining period, on the date of liquidation, based on market standards and practices, in compliance with the following criteria:
i) the Calculation Agent shall verify the values due, projecting the future value of each obligation, based on the Parameter applicable, and bringing this future value to present value based on a Reversal Rate.
ii) the Reversal Rate, expressed on annual basis, shall be equivalent to the rate in force in the domestic market, at the time of early liquidation, for derivative transactions equivalent to the Transaction, for its remaining period.
3.6. In any of the events contemplated in Clause 3, the liquidation of the obligations of the Parties, resulting from this Contract, shall occur always and exclusively by the difference, according to Clause 2 above.
4. The Parties, by common agreement and at any time, even prior to the Due Date, may decide for the partial or total liquidation of this Contract; for such, both the obligations of UNIBANCO and of CONTRACTING PARTY shall be calculated in the same manner as mentioned in Clause 3.5 above, except with regard to the Reversal Rate and the base value, which, if necessary, shall be established by the Parties, by common agreement, on the date of early liquidation.
4.1. In any of the events contemplated in this Clause, the liquidation of the obligations of the Parties, resulting from this Contract, shall occur always and exclusively by the difference, according to Clause 2, above.


5. The values eventually due by UNIBANCO to CONTRACTING PARTY by force of this Contract, shall be paid by: i) credit in the investment account restricted to the current account of CONTRACTING PARTY, described in the preamble; or ii) TED (Electronic Transfer of Funds) to the Investment Account maintained by CONTRACTING PARTY with another financial institution according to the payment instructions informed by CONTRACTING PARTY.
5.1. The values eventually due by UNIBANCO to CONTRACTING PARTY by force of this Contract shall be paid by: i) debit into current account or investment account restricted to the current account of CONTRACTING PARTY, described in the preamble; or ii) in the case of insufficiency of funds in said accounts, by TED, forwarded by CONTRACTING PARTY, according to the payment instructions informed by UNIBANCO.
5.2. The quittance of the obligations of CONTRACTING PARTY, as contemplated in this Clause, will be subject, depending on the case: i) to effective entry or clearance of the financial resources transmitted by TED; or ii) to the effective availability of limit for withdrawals in the accounts where the respective debits are processed.
5.3. The financial liquidation of this Contract will occur on the Due Date or, in the event of early liquidation, as indicated in Clause 3, or agreed by the parties, in the event of Clause 4.
6. If any of the Parties incurs in arrears with regard to the payment of any obligation assumed in this Contract, on the amount in arrears, from the due date to the date of effective payment, there shall accrue: I) the average rate practiced by the financial market (CDI – EXTRAGROUP disclosed by CETIP), at the time of default; ii) arrears interest at the rate of 1% (one percent) per month. On the outstanding balance, accreted of the arrears charges stipulated above, a non-indemnity fine of 2% (two percent) shall accrue.
6.1. It shall further be due by the Party in arrears the reimbursement of all the expenses incurred with the collection of any credit of the other Party, resulting from this Contract, as well as lawyers’ fees set by the Courts.
7. UNIBANCO is, hereby, irrevocably and irreversibly authorized to debit, from the current or investment account restricted to the current account held by CONTRACTING PARTY, indicated in the Preamble, the total or partial amount of any obligations due by it by force of this Contract, at any title.
7.1. The quittance of any of the obligations of CONTRACTING PARTY, resulting from this Contract, is subject to the existence of balance in the current or investment account in which the debit is processed in a value sufficient for its full or partial liquidation.
8. Any guarantees paid by force of this Contract shall be imputed, first, in the payment of interest and arrears charges, fines and expenses with collection, if any, and, subsequently, the balance outstanding, in the liquidation of the value of principal of the obligations due.


9. On the date of liquidation of the obligations resulting from this Contract, the Calculation Agent shall send to CONTRACTING PARTY the “Statement of Settlement of Transaction”, which will be issued according to the models set forth in Attachment I hereof, as applicable, and which will describe the liquidation of this transaction as well as determine the payments, which shall be effected by force thereof.
9.1 Failure to receive the Statement of Settlement of Transaction, contemplated in the heading of this Clause 9 or its untimely receipt shall not release the parties from their obligation to pay the sums due, in the periods and conditions agreed in this Contract. The parties shall request, to the Due Date or to the date of early settlement, by telephone, to the Calculation Agent, the value to be paid or received, in the event of failure to receive or untimely receipt of the Statement of Settlement of Transaction.
9.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY may request clarifications on the sums paid or received under this Contract within 3 (three) days of receipt of the Statement of Settlement of Transaction.
10. The CONTRACTING PARTY declares that it is aware that all its telephone contacts with UNIBANCO, pertaining to this Contract, may be recorded and that said recording, if it occurs, shall constitute sufficient evidence of notification, for purposes of Clause 9.1. above, as well as of any existing agreement by the parties in relation to this Contract, including with relation to determination of the Reversal Rate.
11. None of the Parties may dispose of, assign, transfer or encumber, in any way, its rights or obligations resulting from this Contract, without previous consent, in writing, by the other Party.
12. The transaction resulting from this Contract will be recorded and settled according to the Regulation of the Financial Risks Protection System – SPR, administered with CETIP.
13. The Calculation Agent will be responsible for: (a) calculation of the indices and floating or fixed rates; (b) by the calculation of the monetary value of a currency in relation to another currency; (c) by selection of the bodies or agents responsible for disclosure of the rate, index or price, when those indicated in this Contract are not disclosed; and (d) by the performance of any other function, which has been specified in this Contract as being the responsibility of the Calculation Agent. Whenever the Calculation Agent is requested to act or to exercise judgment in any other way, it will do so in good faith.
14. Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 10 above, all the alterations to this Contract shall be made by contractual addendum as written.
15. The Parties hereby recognize that TIM, its directors, administrators, employees and eventual subcontractors, are subject to observance and compliance with the “Ethics Code” of TIM, which proscribes that all the business of TIM, including this Contract, be based on respect: (i) for the environment, including regarding disposal of batteries, issuance of pollutants, recycling of waste (ii) the safety and health rules in the workplace, (iii) honesty and transparency to its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and governmental bodies; (iv) the interests of the company and the Parties, above the individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, who may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts or benefits, using TIM’s name and reputation or as a result of the performance of their activities. TIM’s Ethics Code is filed at the headquarters of TIM and in all of its establishments, available for public consultation.


16. Any disputes or controversies, which may arise among the parties, resulting from or related to the interpretation or performance of this Contract, shall be finally submitted to arbitration, pursuant to the terms of Law 9.307, of September 23, 1996, which shall be conducted according to the Arbitration Regulation of the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce, in force on this date, available, in other ways, on the website , which the Parties declare to be fully aware of in the act of execution of this Contract (the “Arbitration Regulation”), and according to the provisions of the Arbitration Convention according to Clause 17, below.
17. When brought as a result of the provisions in Clause 16 above, the arbitration among the parties to this Contract, shall be governed by the following provisions, as well as by those set forth in the Arbitration Regulation.
17.1. The arbitration will have its headquarters in the city of São Paulo – SP, in the Arbitration Center of the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce (“Center”).
17.2. The arbitration proceedings shall occur in Portuguese, the registration of the acts being performed by any means available for this, including shorthand, audiovisual and electronic. Said means shall enable the storage and subsequent consultation by the Parties of data, maintaining the integrity, authorship and authenticity of the information stored intact, at any time.
17.3. Pursuant to the terms of the Arbitration Regulation, the Parties shall deposit, on the date of institution of the Arbitration, 20% (twenty percent) of the value of the fees estimated of the arbiters and all the expenses to be incurred with the bringing of arbitration proceedings, so that each Party bear with equal parts of the totality of the costs involved in the arbitration.
17.3.1. If any of the Parties fails to make the deposit of the values as mentioned in Clause 17.3, above, the other Party will be authorized to make the missing deposit.
17.3.2 The Party who fails to make the deposit as mentioned in Clause 17.3.1 above shall, in addition to the payment of the values mentioned in Clause 17.3 above, pay to the other Party, as a fine, the value equivalent to 20% (twenty percent) of the amount resulting from the sum of the value of the fees estimated of the arbiters and of all expenses to be incurred with the bringing of the arbitration proceedings.
17.4 The Arbitration Court (“Arbitration Court” shall consist of three arbiters, indicated as follows.
17.5 Each of the Parties will indicate an arbiter and his respective deputies, duly identifying them on the occasion of execution of the Arbitration Term.
17.6. If any of the Parties fails to appoint an arbiter, by omission or default, even though it has submitted to arbitration, the arbiter of such Party will be appointed by the Arbitration Center of the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce.
17.7. Pursuant to the terms of the Arbitration Regulation, it is agreed that the third arbiter, who will be the Chairman of the Arbitration Court, will be elected by the arbiters appointed by the Parties, as determined in the items above.
17.8. The Arbitration Court will be authorized, pursuant to the terms of Article 11, IV of the Arbitration Law, to apply, with respect to the merits of the question submitted to the Arbitration Court, the following rules, by order: (i) rules resulting from the uses and customs of the national and international financial market; (ii) Brazilian law, especially norms directed at the Brazilian financial institutions; (iii) general principles of the Law; and (iv) those issued from international treaties and conventions. The arbiters are not authorized to decide by equity.

17.8.1. The normative systems mentioned above shall be applied in the order stipulated above, whereas a previous system may only be pretermitted by the following system of the listing, if the rules of that system, in the grounded opinion of the arbiters, are insufficient to decide on the purpose of the arbitration.
17.9. The Arbitration Court shall expressly prohibit all decisions of an injunctive or provisional nature, in the arbitration proceedings.
17.10. The arbitration sentence will be rendered in the City of São Paulo, in writing, justifying the foundations of the decision and analyzing the matters of fact and of law, at the headquarters of the Center, within 120 days counted from the date of the institution of the arbitration proceeding, corresponding to the date of receipt by the Center of the notification by the Initiating Party of the arbitration proceedings, pursuant to the terms of the Regulation.
17.11. The arbitration sentence rendered will be final and unappealable, generating all the effects of a judicial sentence, including formal and material res judicata.
17.12. The Parties agree to comply with the arbitration sentence faithfully and timely, waiving, hereby, irrevocably and irreversibly, the presentation of any appeal in any instance or Court.
17.13. Pursuant to the terms of Article 31 of the Arbitration Law, any of the Parties may request in Court the execution of the arbitration sentence, with the objective of compelling the other Party to the corresponding compliance, exclusively in the venue of the Judiciary District of the City of São Paulo.
17.14. The arbitration sentence will establish that the defeated party shall reimburse the other party for all and any expenses incurred, including those in connection with the fees of the arbiters and lawyers, established by the Arbitration Court, according to the relevant tables and fees, including in the reimbursement of the amounts advanced pursuant to the terms of Clause 17.3 above.
17.15. The lawyers of the Parties, when constituted pursuant to the terms of the Arbitration Regulation, shall receive a copy of all the communications, notifications, correspondence, notices and other information on the acts and determinations of the Arbitration Court sent to the Parties, sending of information by email, fax or regular post being at the choice of the sender.
17.16. Pursuant to the terms of the Arbitration Regulation, the arbitration proceeding, is strictly confidential. It is prohibited to the members of the Center, to the arbiters and to the Parties themselves, as well as any others eventually involved, to disclose any information related to it, to which they have had access as a result of the job or participation in said procedure, except by express authorization by the Parties.
17.17. The Parties elect the forum of the Judiciary District of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, to settle any claims arising out of this Contract, with waiver of any other, however privileged, provided that the use of the Judiciary respects the limits established in the Arbitration Law, or its purpose is the requirement of urgent legal measures.


17.18. The Parties shall observe and comply with the rules, terms and procedures for compliance with the arbitration procedure, as determined by the Arbitration Regulation.

We declare that we have read, initialed and accepted, expressly and irrevocably, the terms of the arbitration convention, composed by Clause 17 of the DERIVATIVES CONTRACT – SWAP.


17.19. To settle eventual doubts and claims, the client may contact its manager. If the expected solution is not achieved, UNIBANCO provides the telephone of its Ombudsman’s Office (0800-7226281).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Contract in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and with the same effect, which are subscribed by two witnesses.


        ______________________________________TIM CELULAR



1. ______________________
Taxpayer Register – CPF:


São Paulo, ___________________200____

Corporate Taxpayer Register - CNPJ/MF:
C/O Mr.

Branch/Investment Account linked to Current Account:


We inform that, on this date, as stipulated in the CONTRACT in reference, the swap transaction specified below is being liquidated, according to the conditions below:

1) Settled Base Value
2) Gross Adjustment
3) Income Tax
4) Net Adjustment
5) Date of Transaction
6) Settlement Date
7) Parameter of CONTRACTING PARTY  Percentage: ___%Indexer:
9) Parameter of UNIBANCO                          Percentage:___%Indexer:
10) Reversal Rate (if applicable)   ___% p.a.

The debits and credits of values due by force of the CONTRACT shall be made into the Investment Account restricted to the Current Account of CONTRACTING PARTY.

This Statement is an integral part of the relevant CONTRACT, to which it is subordinated inseparably and complementarily.

in the capacity of Calculation Agent

1. ______________________
Taxpayer Register – CPF:


No. 08L13594

UNIBANCO – UNIÃO DE BANCOS BRASILEIROS S.A., headquartered in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Avenida Eusébio Matoso, 89I, corporate taxpayer register CNPJ/MF No. 33.700.394/000I-40, represented according to its Bylaws, hereinafter simply referred to as UNIBANCO

CNPJ/CPF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Hereinafter simply referred to as CONTRACTING PARTY , hereby represented according to its Bylaws/Articles of Incorporation.


1. Base Value of Transaction:
R$ 141,158,446.78 (one hundred and forty-one million, one hundred and fifty-one thousand, four hundred and forty-six reais and seventy-eight cents)
2. Parameter of UNIBANCO:
100.00% OF CDI (Interbank Deposit Certificate) – Cetip (Clearing Chamber) + 4.3000 p.a. exponential
3. Parameter of CONTRACTING PARTY:
US Dollar + 3.500 p.a Linear
4. Exchange Rate (when applicable)
a) initial R$/Currency:
b) for liquidation:
R$ 2.3956
SISBACEN (Central Bank Information System) – Ptax 800, option 5, sale quotation of the business day immediately prior to the start date of the transaction.
5. Period of Transaction:
181 running days
6. Due Date:
7. Calculation Agent: UNIBANCO
The Parties indicated and identified above resolve to enter into this DERIVATIVE AGREEMENT – SWAP, hereinafter simply referred to as Contract, which will be governed by the following clauses and conditions:
1. By force of this Contract, UNIBANCO and CONTRACTING PARTY reciprocally undertake to pay the sums determined based on the respective Parameters and verified according to the criteria established in this Contract, with the effect of the change of risk of oscillations of these Parameters.
i) UNIBANCO, in compliance with the terms of Clause 2, below, undertakes to pay to CONTRACTING PARTY, on the Due Date (stipulated in item 6 of Chart II) the result verified according to Clause 1.1, calculated based on the Parameter of the CONTRACTING PARTY; and
ii) the CONTRACTING PARTY, in compliance with the terms of Clause 2 below undertakes to pay to UNIBANCO, on the Due Date, the result verified in clause 1.1., calculated based on the Parameter of UNIBANCO.
1.1. The value of the obligations of CONTRACTING PARTY and of UNIBANCO, resulting from this Contract, will be calculated, separately, by the Calculation Agent, using the Book of Formulas – SPR – SWAP Contracts of CETIP – Clearance and Custody Chamber, in force on this date, available on the site of CETIP ( ). In the absence of a formula applicable to the Parameter used in this Contract, the value of the obligation will be calculated according to the average value verified with three first class financial institutions.

1.2 The Parties agree that the rates, indices or prices disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, by CETIP, by the Commodities and Futures Exchange – BM&F or by another source of public disclosure, will be used by the Calculation Agent for purposes of determination of the financial results of this Contract, except in the event contemplated in Clause 1.3 below.
1.3. If the rate, index or price to be used in the verification of the final net value due by one Party to the other, in the terms of this Contract, is not available in the official bodies or body responsible for their issue or determination, the Parties hereby irrevocably agree that the Calculation Agent shall adopt the rate, indices or price, which officially substitutes the previous rate, index or price and, in the event of non-disclosure, will perform the calculations necessary for determination  thereof for the assessment of the final value due by one Party to the other, always acting in good faith and within the most ethical limits of the market.
1.4. The Parties hereby recognize as established and agreed, including for collection purposes by execution, the obligations verified by the Calculation Agent, according to this Contract.

2. The Parties stipulate that, once they become due, their obligations, resulting from this Contract shall be liquidated solely by their difference, as contemplated in Article 816 of the Civil Code, so that: i) if the obligations of CONTRACTING PARTY are in value superior to the obligations of UNIBANCO, the former shall pay to UNIBANCO the surplus difference; (ii) if the obligations of UNIBANCO are in value superior to the obligations of CONTRACTING PARTY, the former shall pay to CONTRACTING PARTY the surplus difference; or (iii) if the obligations of CONTRACTING PARTY are in a value equal to the obligations of UNIBANCO, no payment shall be made.
3. Any of the Parties may require early liquidation of this Contract, in the event of the noncompliance, by the other Party, with any obligation contemplated in this Contract. In this case, the early liquidation shall occur in 5 (five) business days counted from the date of receipt, by the Party that did not comply with the obligation, of the notification issued to this effect by the Party, who decrees the early liquidation.
3.1. Without prejudice to the provisions in the heading of this Clause, UNIBANCO may require early liquidation of this Contract if: (i) the CONTRACTING PARTY incurs in arrears with respect to any payment due by it to UNIBANCO by force of any derivative transaction contracted between them; ii) there is legitimate protest of a financial instrument against CONTRACTING PARTY in a value, individual or aggregate, equal or superior to R$ 15,000,000.00 (fifteen million reais); iii) CONTRACTING PARTY files for bankruptcy, or has its bankruptcy or civil insolvency required or decreed; if) there is merger, split, incorporation, incorporation of shares, of or by the CONTRACTING PARTY, except among companies of the same economic group as CONTRACTING PARTY, or any other corporate restructuring procedure, or, dissolution of CONTRACTING PARTY, without previous and express consent by UNIBANCO, provided that, at the discretion of UNIBANCO, such corporate restructuring jeopardizes compliance with the obligations resulting here from. In this case, the early liquidation shall occur on the date indicated by UNIBANCO.
3.2. Without prejudice to the provisions in the heading of this Clause, CONTRACTING PARTY may demand the early liquidation of the Contract, if there is liquidation or extrajudicial intervention by UNIBANCO.

3.3. The obligations of the Parties, resulting from this Contract shall, further, be liquidated early if: i) by supervention of the legal or regulatory rules, any of the Parameters is extinguished; ii) the current operating conditions of the Financial Institutions are altered, so that the transaction contemplated in this Contract is prohibited or has its conditions modified so as to make the transaction unfeasible; or iii) any taxes or contributions, which have a significant impact on this transaction, are created, altered or increase. In this case, the early liquidation shall occur on the day on which are published said legal or regulatory measures.
3.3.1. If, due to any alteration in the legislation or norms, there is an increase in the taxes and contributions accruing on this transaction, or any new tax or contribution accrues thereon, the Parties shall contact each other, by recorded telephone call, to discuss who shall bear with the respective additional costs. If the Parties do not reach an agreement within 3 (three) business days from the beginning of said discussions, any of Parties may liquidate early this transaction, in compliance with the form of calculation set forth in Clause 3.5 below.
3.4. In the event of early liquidation of this Contract, UNIBANCO may compensate its eventual credits resulting from this Contract, with the adjustment of any derivatives transaction (including options), which has been executed with CONTRACTING PARTY and is due or enforceable. In this case, the value of each transaction will be determined according to the respective contract or, in the absence of criteria of verification of this value, according to market practices.
3.5. In the event of early liquidation of this Contract, the obligations of UNIBANCO and of CONTRACTING PARTY, resulting from this Contract, shall be calculated separately, by the Calculation Agent, according to the cost of reinstatement of this derivative transaction for the remaining period, on the date of liquidation, based on market standards and practices, in compliance with the following criteria:
i) the Calculation Agent shall verify the values due, projecting the future value of each obligation, based on the Parameter applicable, and bringing this future value to present value based on a Reversal Rate.
ii) the Reversal Rate, expressed on annual basis, shall be equivalent to the rate in force in the domestic market, at the time of early liquidation, for derivative transactions equivalent to the Transaction, for its remaining period.
3.6. In any of the events contemplated in Clause 3, the liquidation of the obligations of the Parties, resulting from this Contract, shall occur always and exclusively by the difference, according to Clause 2 above.
4. The Parties, by common agreement and at any time, even prior to the Due Date, may decide for the partial or total liquidation of this Contract; for such, both the obligations of UNIBANCO and of CONTRACTING PARTY shall be calculated in the same manner as mentioned in Clause 3.5 above, except with regard to the Reversal Rate and the base value, which, if necessary, shall be established by the Parties, by common agreement, on the date of early liquidation.
4.1. In any of the events contemplated in this Clause, the liquidation of the obligations of the Parties, resulting from this Contract, shall occur always and exclusively by the difference, according to Clause 2, above.

5. The values eventually due by UNIBANCO to CONTRACTING PARTY by force of this Contract, shall be paid by: i) credit in the investment account restricted to the current account of CONTRACTING PARTY, described in the preamble; or ii) TED (Electronic Transfer of Funds) to the Investment Account maintained by CONTRACTING PARTY with another financial institution according to the payment instructions informed by CONTRACTING PARTY.
5.1. The values eventually due by UNIBANCO to CONTRACTING PARTY by force of this Contract shall be paid by: i) debit into current account or investment account restricted to the current account of CONTRACTING PARTY, described in the preamble; or ii) in the case of insufficiency of funds in said accounts, by TED, forwarded by CONTRACTING PARTY, according to the payment instructions informed by UNIBANCO.
5.2. The quittance of the obligations of CONTRACTING PARTY, as contemplated in this Clause, will be subject, depending on the case: i) to effective entry or clearance of the financial resources transmitted by TED; or ii) to the effective availability of limit for withdrawals in the accounts where the respective debits are processed.
5.3. The financial liquidation of this Contract will occur on the Due Date or, in the event of early liquidation, as indicated in Clause 3, or agreed by the parties, in the event of Clause 4.
6. If any of the Parties incurs in arrears with regard to the payment of any obligation assumed in this Contract, on the amount in arrears, from the due date to the date of effective payment, there shall accrue: I) the average rate practiced by the financial market (CDI – EXTRAGROUP disclosed by CETIP), at the time of default; ii) arrears interest at the rate of 1% (one percent) per month. On the outstanding balance, accreted of the arrears charges stipulated above, a non-indemnity fine of 2% (two percent) shall accrue.
6.1. It shall further be due by the Party in arrears the reimbursement of all the expenses incurred with the collection of any credit of the other Party, resulting from this Contract, as well as lawyers’ fees set by the Courts.
7. UNIBANCO is, hereby, irrevocably and irreversibly authorized to debit, from the current or investment account restricted to the current account held by CONTRACTING PARTY, indicated in the Preamble, the total or partial amount of any obligations due by it by force of this Contract, at any title.
7.1. The quittance of any of the obligations of CONTRACTING PARTY, resulting from this Contract, is subject to the existence of balance in the current or investment account in which the debit is processed in a value sufficient for its full or partial liquidation.
8. Any guarantees paid by force of this Contract shall be imputed, first, in the payment of interest and arrears charges, fines and expenses with collection, if any, and, subsequently, the balance outstanding, in the liquidation of the value of principal of the obligations due.

9. On the date of liquidation of the obligations resulting from this Contract, the Calculation Agent shall send to CONTRACTING PARTY the “Statement of Settlement of Transaction”, which will be issued according to the models set forth in Attachment I hereof, as applicable, and which will describe the liquidation of this transaction as well as determine the payments, which shall be effected by force thereof.
9.1 Failure to receive the Statement of Settlement of Transaction, contemplated in the heading of this Clause 9 or its untimely receipt shall not release the parties from their obligation to pay the sums due, in the periods and conditions agreed in this Contract. The parties shall request, to the Due Date or to the date of early settlement, by telephone, to the Calculation Agent, the value to be paid or received, in the event of failure to receive or untimely receipt of the Statement of Settlement of Transaction.
9.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY may request clarifications on the sums paid or received under this Contract within 3 (three) days of receipt of the Statement of Settlement of Transaction.
10. The CONTRACTING PARTY declares that it is aware that all its telephone contacts with UNIBANCO, pertaining to this Contract, may be recorded and that said recording, if it occurs, shall constitute sufficient evidence of notification, for purposes of Clause 9.1. above, as well as of any existing agreement by the parties in relation to this Contract, including with relation to determination of the Reversal Rate.
11. None of the Parties may dispose of, assign, transfer or encumber, in any way, its rights or obligations resulting from this Contract, without previous consent, in writing, by the other Party.
12. The transaction resulting from this Contract will be recorded and settled according to the Regulation of the Financial Risks Protection System – SPR, administered with CETIP.
13. The Calculation Agent will be responsible for: (a) calculation of the indices and floating or fixed rates; (b) by the calculation of the monetary value of a currency in relation to another currency; (c) by selection of the bodies or agents responsible for disclosure of the rate, index or price, when those indicated in this Contract are not disclosed; and (d) by the performance of any other function, which has been specified in this Contract as being the responsibility of the Calculation Agent. Whenever the Calculation Agent is requested to act or to exercise judgment in any other way, it will do so in good faith.
14. Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 10 above, all the alterations to this Contract shall be made by contractual addendum as written.
15. The Parties hereby recognize that TIM, its directors, administrators, employees and eventual subcontractors, are subject to observance and compliance with the “Ethics Code” of TIM, which proscribes that all the business of TIM, including this Contract, be based on respect: (i) for the environment, including regarding disposal of batteries, issuance of pollutants, recycling of waste (ii) for the safety and health rules in the workplace, (iii) for honesty and transparency to its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and governmental bodies; (iv) the interests of the company and the Parties, above the individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, who may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts or benefits, using TIM’s name and reputation or as a result of the performance of their activities. TIM’s Ethics Code is filed at the headquarters of TIM and in all of its establishments, available for public consultation.


16. Any disputes or controversies, which may arise among the parties, resulting from or related to the interpretation or performance of this Contract, shall be finally submitted to arbitration, pursuant to the terms of Law 9.307, of September 23, 1996, which shall be conducted according to the Arbitration Regulation of the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce, in force on this date, available, in other ways, on the website , which the Parties declare to be fully aware of in the act of execution of this Contract (the “Arbitration Regulation”), and according to the provisions of the Arbitration Convention according to Clause 17, below.

17. When brought as a result of the provisions in Clause 16 above, the arbitration among the parties to this Contract, shall be governed by the following provisions, as well as by those set forth in the Arbitration Regulation.
17.1. The arbitration will have its headquarters in the city of São Paulo – SP, in the Arbitration Center of the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce (“Center”).
17.2. The arbitration proceedings shall occur in Portuguese, the registration of the acts being performed by any means available for this, including shorthand, audiovisual and electronic. Said means shall enable the storage and subsequent consultation by the Parties of data, maintaining the integrity, authorship and authenticity of the information stored intact, at any time.
17.3. Pursuant to the terms of the Arbitration Regulation, the Parties shall deposit in the Center, on the date of institution of the Arbitration, 20% (twenty percent) of the value of the fees estimated of the arbiters and all the expenses to be incurred with the bringing of arbitration proceedings, so that each Party bear with equal parts of the totality of the costs involved in the arbitration.
17.3.1. If any of the Parties fails to make the deposit of the values as mentioned in Clause 17.3, above, the other Party will be authorized to make the missing deposit.
17.3.2 The Party who fails to make the deposit as mentioned in Clause 17.3.1 above shall, in addition to the payment of the values mentioned in Clause 17.3 above, pay to the other Party, as a fine, the value equivalent to 20% (twenty percent) of the amount resulting from the sum of the value of the fees estimated of the arbiters and of all expenses to be incurred with the bringing of the arbitration proceedings.
17.4 The Arbitration Court (“Arbitration Court”) shall consist of three arbiters, indicated as follows.
17.5 Each of the Parties will indicate an arbiter and his respective deputies, duly identifying them on the occasion of execution of the Arbitration Term.
17.6. If any of the Parties fails to appoint an arbiter, by omission or default, even though it has submitted to arbitration, the arbiter of such Party will be appointed by the Arbitration Center of the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce.
17.7. Pursuant to the terms of the Arbitration Regulation, it is agreed that the third arbiter, who will be the Chairman of the Arbitration Court, will be elected by the arbiters appointed by the Parties, as determined in the items above.
17.8. The Arbitration Court will be authorized, pursuant to the terms of Article 11, IV of the Arbitration Law, to apply, with respect to the merits of the question submitted to the Arbitration Court, the following rules, by order: (i) rules resulting from the uses and customs of the national and international financial market; (ii) Brazilian law, especially norms directed at the Brazilian financial institutions; (iii) general principles of the Law; and (iv) those issued from international treaties and conventions. The arbiters are not authorized to decide by equity.

17.8.1. The normative systems mentioned above shall be applied in the order stipulated above, whereas a previous system may only be pretermitted by the following system of the listing, if the rules of that system, in the grounded opinion of the arbiters, are insufficient to decide on the purpose of the arbitration.
17.9. The Arbitration Court shall expressly prohibit all decisions of an injunctive or provisional nature, in the arbitration proceedings.
17.10. The arbitration sentence will be rendered in the City of São Paulo, in writing, justifying the foundations of the decision and analyzing the matters of fact and of law, at the headquarters of the Center, within 120 days counted from the date of the institution of the arbitration proceeding, corresponding to the date of receipt by the Center of the notification by the Initiating Party of the arbitration proceedings, pursuant to the terms of the Regulation.
17.11. The arbitration sentence rendered will be final and unappealable, generating all the effects of a judicial sentence, including formal and material res judicata.
17.12. The Parties agree to comply with the arbitration sentence faithfully and timely, waiving, hereby, irrevocably and irreversibly, the presentation of any appeal in any instance or Court.
17.13. Pursuant to the terms of Article 31 of the Arbitration Law, any of the Parties may request in Court the execution of the arbitration sentence, with the objective of compelling the other Party to the corresponding compliance, exclusively in the venue of the Judiciary District of the City of São Paulo.
17.14. The arbitration sentence will establish that the defeated party shall reimburse the other party for all and any expenses incurred, including those in connection with the fees of the arbiters and lawyers, established by the Arbitration Court, according to the relevant tables of fees, including in the reimbursement, the amounts advanced pursuant to the terms of Clause 17.3 above.
17.15. The lawyers of the Parties, when constituted pursuant to the terms of the Arbitration Regulation, shall receive a copy of all the communications, notifications, correspondence, notices and other information on the acts and determinations of the Arbitration Court sent to the Parties, it being allowed sending of information by email, fax or regular post at the choice of the sender.
17.16. Pursuant to the terms of the Arbitration Regulation, the arbitration proceeding, is strictly confidential. It is prohibited to the members of the Center, to the arbiters and to the Parties themselves, as well as any others eventually involved, to disclose any information related to it, to which they have had access as a result of the job or participation in said procedure, except by express authorization by the Parties.
17.17. The Parties elect the forum of the Judiciary District of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, to settle any claims arising out of this Contract, with waiver of any other, however privileged, provided that the use of the Judiciary respects the limits established in the Arbitration Law, or its purpose is the requirement of urgent legal measures.

17.18. The Parties shall observe and comply with the rules, terms and procedures for compliance with the arbitration procedure, as determined by the Arbitration Regulation.


We declare that we have read, initialed and accepted, expressly and irrevocably, the terms of the arbitration convention, composed by Clause 17 of the DERIVATIVES CONTRACT – SWAP.



17.19. To settle eventual doubts and claims, the client may contact its manager. If the expected solution is not achieved, UNIBANCO provides the telephone of its Ombudsman’s Office (0800-7226281).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Contract in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and with the same effect, which are subscribed by two witnesses.


        ______________________________________TIM CELULAR



1. ______________________
Taxpayer Register – CPF:


São Paulo, ___________________200

Corporate Taxpayer Register - CNPJ/MF:
C/O Mr.

Branch/Investment Account linked to Current Account:


We inform that, on this date, as stipulated in the CONTRACT in reference, the swap transaction specified below is being [partially/totally] liquidated , according to the conditions below:

1) Settled Base Value         R$
2) Gross Adjustment           R$
3) Income Tax                     R$
4) Net Adjustment               R$
5) Date of Transaction       ___/___/____
6) Settlement Date             ___/___/____
7) Parameter of CONTRACTING PARTY     Percentage: ___%Indexer:
9) Parameter of UNIBANCO                          Percentage:___%Indexer:
10) Reversal Rate (if applicable)   ___% p.a.

The debits and credits of values due by force of the CONTRACT shall be made into the Investment Account restricted to the Current Account of CONTRACTING PARTY.

This Statement is an integral part of the relevant CONTRACT, to which it is subordinated inseparably and complementarily.

                          in the capacity of Calculation Agent


1. ______________________
Taxpayer Register – CPF:



In connection with Swap No. 08G04228, registered with CETIP/BM&F (Custody and Liquidation Center/Commodities & Futures Exchange)

Party A:
Party B:
Negotiation Date:
Start Date:
Liquidation Date:
Reference Value:
6,726,569.07 (six million seven hundred and twenty-six thousand, five hundred and sixty-nine reais and seven cents)

If the Start Date is subsequent to the Negotiation Date, the Reference Value will be restated by the variation of the [XXXX] of the Negotiation Date to the Start Date.

Premium to be paid for [XXXX] for the right of repentance: [XXXXX]

Index 1 Payer: TIM CELULAR S.A.
% of Index
Exchange Rate (initial)
Exchange Rate (final)
% Interest p.a.
114% (one hundred and fourteen percent)

The restatement index 1 is limited by the maximum and minimum values above.

Index 2 – Payer – ABN AMRO

% of Index
Exchange Rate (initial)
Exchange Rate (final)
% Interest p.a.
100% (one hundred percent)
6.19% (six point one nineteen percent) per annum

The restatement index 2 is limited by the maximum and minimum values above.

(stamp) Notary Public – 1st Notary Public of Osasco, Avenida João Batista, 239 – Centro, dated February 02, 2009. Authentication 0671AC6000801

Calculation Agent:
Account for payments to Party A: [   ]
Account for payments to Party B: [  ], or to its order, on the date of liquidation or early maturity

This Confirmation is an integral part of the Contract between Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A. and TIM CELULAR S.A., dated September 14, 2004 and respective Addenda, if any.

Lúcia Benechis
Marcio Fagundes
Finance & Treasury
Finance & Treasury

Raul Donatelli
Luiza H. Grillo
Cenape: 546.054.012
CPF: illegible


Name: Eduardo Bizarro Uchôa
Name: Regiane C. dos Santos
CPF/MF: 271.675.408-03
CPF/MF: 491.217.014



In connection with Swap No. 08F11476, registered with CETIP/BM&F (Custody and Liquidation Center/Commodities & Futures Exchange)

Party A:
Party B:
Negotiation Date:
Start Date:
Liquidation Date:
Reference Value:
R$ 14,932,246.63 (fourteen million and nine hundred and thirty-two thousand, two hundred and forty-six reais and sixty-three cents)

If the Start Date is subsequent to the Negotiation Date, the Reference Value will be restated by the variation of the [XXXX] of the Negotiation Date to the Start Date.

Premium to be paid for [XXXX] for the right of repentance: [XXXXX]

Index 1 Payer: TIM CELULAR S.A.
% of Index
Exchange Rate (initial)
Exchange Rate (final)
% Interest p.a.
114% (one hundred and fourteen percent)
The restatement index 1 is limited by the maximum and minimum values above.

Index 2 – Payer – ABN AMRO
% of Index
Exchange Rate (initial)
Exchange Rate (final)
% Interest p.a.
100% (one hundred percent)
5.89% (five point eighty-nine percent) per annum
The restatement index 2 is limited by the maximum and minimum values above.

(stamped on all pages) Notary Public – 1st Notary Public of Osasco, Avenida João Batista, 239 – Centro, dated February 02, 2009. Authentication 0671AC6000808

Calculation Agent:
Account for payments to Party A: [   ]
Account for payments to Party B: [  ], or to its order, on the date of liquidation or early maturity

This Confirmation is an integral part of the Contract between BANCOABN AMRO Real S.A. and TIM CELULAR S.A., dated September 14, 2004 and respective Addenda, if any.

Lúcia Benechis

Cristiano Torres Sofia
Luiza H. Grilo
CPF: 110.064.948-47
CPF: illegible


Name: Rita Crepaldi
Name: Eduardo Bizarro Uchôa
CPF/MF: 969.885.026
CPF/MF: 271.675.408-03

(stamp) 1st Notary Office of Osasco
Avenida João Batista – Centro
Authentication 0671AC600815

USD 143,671,929
dated 28 November 2008
as Borrower
as Guarantor
and with
acting as Mandated Arranger
acting as Agent
as Original Lender
and with
as guarantee provider and co-arranger



Definitions and Interpretation
The Facility
Conditions of Utilisation
Utilisation - Loans
Prepayment and Cancellation
Interest Periods
Changes to the Calculation of Interest
Indemnity in respect of the SACE Guarantee
Tax Gross Up and Indemnities
Increased Costs
Other Indemnities
Mitigation by the Lenders
Costs and Expenses
Information Undertakings
General Undertakings
Financial covenants
Events of Default
Changes to the Lenders
Changes to the Obligors
Role of the Agent and the Mandated Arranger

Conduct of Business by the Finance Parties
Sharing among the Finance Parties
Payment Mechanics
Calculations and Certificates
Partial Invalidity
Remedies and Waivers
Amendments and Waivers
Governing Law
Schedule 1 Conditions Precedent to Initial Utilisation
Schedule 2 Requests
Schedule 3 Form of Transfer Certificate
Schedule 4 Existing Security
Schedule 6 Timetables
Schedule 7 Form of Compliance Certificate


THIS AGREEMENT is dated 28 November 2008 and made between:
TIM CELULAR S.A., a company (sociedade anônima) duly organized and existing in accordance with the laws of Brazil, with its head office at Avenida Giovanni Gronchi, 7.143, City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil, enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 04.206.050/0001-80 ("TIM Celular");
TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A ., a company (sociedade anônima) duly organized and existing in accordance with the laws of Brazil, with its head office at Avenida das Américas, 3.434, bloco 1, 7° andar - Parte, City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 02.558.115/0001-21 (the "Guarantor");
BNP PARIBAS , a company (societe anonyme) duly organised and existing under the laws of the French Republic, with a share capital of E 1,823,540,634 and having its registered office at 16, boulevard des Italiens, 75009 Paris, France as mandated arranger (the "Mandated Arranger");
BNP PARIBAS , a company (societe anonyme) duly organised and existing under the laws of the French Republic, with a share capital of €1,823,540,634 and having its registered office at 16, boulevard des Italiens, 75009 Paris, France as Agent of the other Finance Parties (the "Agent"); and
BNP PARIBAS , a company (societe anonyme) duly organised and existing under the laws of the French Republic, with a share capital of E 1,823,540,634 and having its registered office at 16, boulevard des Italiens, 75009 Paris, France as lender (the "Original Lender").
IT IS AGREED as follows:
In this Agreement:
" Affiliate " means, in relation to any person, a Subsidiary of that person or a Holding Company of that person or any other Subsidiary of that Holding Company.
" Applicable Exchange Rate " means PTAX800 rate published by the Brazilian Central Bank through SISBACEN.
" Anatel " means Anatel (Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações), the telecommunications regulation agency in Brazil.

" Authorisation " means an authorisation, consent, approval, licence, exemption, filing, notarisation or registration.
" Authority " means Anatel and any other national, supranational, regional or local government or governmental, administrative, fiscal, judicial, or government-owned body, department, commission, authority, tribunal, agency or entity, or central bank (or any person, whether or not government-owned and howsoever constituted or called, that exercises the functions of a central bank) in a Relevant Jurisdiction.
" Availability Period " means the period from and including the date of this Agreement to and including the date falling one (1) Month after the Signing Date (or, if prior to the date falling one (1) Month after the Signing Date, to the date on which the Available Facility is reduced to zero).
" Available Commitment " means a Lender's Commitment minus:
the amount of its participation in any outstanding Loans; and
in relation to any proposed Utilisation, the amount of its participation in any Loans that are due to be made on or before the proposed Utilisation Date.
" Available Facility " means the aggregate for the time being of each Lender's Available Commitment.
" Best Industry Practice " means the exercise of that degree of skill, diligence, prudence, foresight and practice which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a reasonable and prudent leading internationally recognised telecommunications company conducting the same type of business activities as those of the Obligors.
" BNDES " means Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social, the Brazilian development bank.
" Borrower " means TIM Celular.
" Brazil " means the Federative Republic of Brazil.
" Break Costs " means Fixed Rate Break Costs and Funding Break Costs.
" Business Day " means a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which banks are open for general business in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, London, Paris and (in relation to any date for payment or purchase in dollars) New York.
" Commitment " means:
in relation to the Original Lender, an amount equal to the Facility Amount and the amount of any other Commitment transferred to it under this Agreement; and


in relation to any other Lender, the amount of any Commitment transferred to it under this Agreement,
to the extent not cancelled, reduced or transferred by it under this Agreement.
" Compliance Certificate " means a certificate substantially in the form set out in Schedule 6 (Form of Compliance Certificate).
" Conversion Date " means:
for a Loan which is to be made at the date of the Conversion Request and for which a Conversion Notice has been provided by the Borrower and accepted by the Agent, the Utilisation Date for that Loan; or
for a Floating Rate Loan which has been made as at the date of the Conversion Request and for which a Conversion Notice has been provided by the Borrower and accepted by the Agent, the last day in the Interest Period for that Floating Rate Loan that is current as at the date of such Conversion Request.
" Conversion Notice " means a notice substantially in the form set out in Part 3 of Schedule 2 (Requests).
" Conversion Request " means a notice substantially in the form set out in Part 2 of Schedule 2 (Requests).
" Corporate Reorganisation " means any amalgamation, demerger, merger or corporate reconstruction or reorganisation.
" Default " means an Event of Default or any event or circumstance specified in Clause 22 (Events of Default) which would (with the expiry of a grace period, the giving of notice, the making of any determination under the Finance Documents or any combination of any of the foregoing) be an Event of Default.
" Environment " means all, or any of, the following:
the air (including, without limitation, the air within buildings and the air within other natural or man-made structures above or below ground);
water (including, without limitation, territorial, coastal and inland waters, ground and surface water and water in drains and sewers);
land (including, without limitation, surface and sub-surface soil);
the health of animals;
natural habitats; and
human health.


" Environmental Law " means any applicable law in any jurisdiction in which any member of the Group conducts business which relates to the pollution or protection of the Environment (or any part thereof) or harm to or the protection of human health or the health of animals or plants. "Event of Default" means any event or circumstance specified as such in Clause 22 (Events of Default).
" Facility " means the term loan facility made available under this Agreement as described in Clause 2 (The Facility).
" Facility Amount " means USD143,671,929 being BRL 331,250,000 converted into dollars at the Applicable Exchange Rate published on 25 November 2008 (such Applicable Exchange Rate being 2.3056 BRL: 1 USD).
" Facility Office " means the office or offices notified by a Lender to the Agent in writing on or before the date it becomes a Lender (or, following that date, by not less than five Business Days' written notice) as the office or offices through which it will perform its obligations under this Agreement.
" Fee Letter " means any letter or letters dated on or about the date of this Agreement between the Mandated Arranger and the Borrower (or the Agent and the Borrower) or SACE and the Borrower setting out any of the fees referred to in Clause 12 (Fees).
" Final Repayment Date " means the date which falls 108 Months after the Signing Date.
" Finance Document " means this Agreement, the Guarantee, any Fee Letter, any Transfer Certificate and any other document designated as a "Finance Document" by the Agent and any of the Borrower or the Guarantor.
" Finance Party " means the Agent, the Mandated Arranger or a Lender.
" Financial Indebtedness " means any indebtedness for or in respect of:
moneys borrowed;
debit balances with financial institutions;
any amount raised by acceptance under any acceptance credit facility or dematerialised equivalent;
any amount raised pursuant to any note purchase facility or the issue of bonds, notes, debentures, loan stock or any similar instrument;
the amount of any liability in respect of any lease or hire purchase contract which would, in accordance with GAAP, be treated as a finance or capital lease;
receivables sold or discounted (other than any receivables to the extent they are sold on a non-recourse basis);


any derivative transaction entered into in connection with protection against or benefit from fluctuation in any rate or price (and, when calculating the value of any derivative transaction, only the marked to market value shall be taken into account);
any counter-indemnity obligation in respect of a guarantee, indemnity, bond, standby or documentary letter of credit or any other instrument issued by a bank or financial institution (excluding any given in respect of trade credit arising in the ordinary course of trading);
any amount raised by the issue of redeemable shares which are redeemable a the option of the holder on or before the Final Repayment Date;
any amount of any liability under an advance or deferred purchase agreement if one of the primary reasons behind the entry into this agreement is to raise finance;
any amount raised under any other transaction (including any forward sale or purchase agreement) having the commercial effect of a borrowing; and
(without double counting) the amount of any liability in respect of any guarantee or indemnity for any of the items referred to in paragraphs (a) to (k) above.
For the avoidance of doubt, this definition excludes any Financial Indebtedness owed by one member of the Group to another member of the Group.
" Fixed Rate " means, in relation to any Fixed Rate Loan made or to be made to the Borrower, the fixed rate accepted by the Borrower during a Quotation Conference Call that is confirmed by a Conversion Notice relating to that Fixed Rate Loan.
" Fixed Rate Break Costs " means, for a Finance Party, in respect of a Fixed Rate Event relating to the Loan (or part thereof), such amount as is determined by a Finance Party (acting in good faith), as being equal to the aggregate of:
the costs, claims, losses and liabilities that such Finance Party would incur on termination under an interest rate swap agreement (regardless of whether such an interest rate swap agreement has actually been entered into by that Finance Party):
where such interest rate swap agreement is governed by the ISDA 1992 Master Agreement and is for a nominal amount equal to the principal amount of the Loan and provides, for the period from the Conversion Date for the Loan to the Final Repayment Date, that such Finance Party is to pay to the counterparty under such interest rate swap agreement an amount calculated at the Fixed Rate for the Loan in exchange for a payment calculated by reference to LIBOR by the counterparty on the Scheduled Repayment Dates; and

where the date on which such Fixed Rate Event occurs is deemed to be the Early Termination Date (as defined in the ISDA 1992 Master Agreement), the amount payable on such Early Termination Date is determined under section 6(e) of the ISDA 1992 Master Agreement by Market Quotation and Second Method and as if that Finance Party is the Non-Defaulting Party and the Borrower the Defaulting Party (and the only Affected Party) (where Early Termination Date, Market Quotation, Second Method, Non-Defaulting Party, Defaulting Party and Affected Party each has the meaning provided to it in the ISDA 1992 Master Agreement); and
any other costs, claims, losses and liabilities that such Finance Party has incurred or will incur under any other arrangement which that Finance Party has entered with respect to hedging interest rate exposure and which is attributable to such Fixed Rate Event.
" Fixed Rate Event " means:
any Loan (or part thereof) to be made under the Facility (a), if made; would be a Fixed Rate Loan and (b) is not made by reason of the operation of any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement (other than by reason of default or negligence by that Finance Party alone);
all of a Scheduled Amount of a Fixed Rate Loan is not repaid on the Scheduled Repayment Date for that Scheduled Amount; or
other than repayment of all (but not part) of a Scheduled Amount of a Fixed Rate Loan on the Scheduled Repayment Date for that Scheduled Amount, all or any part of a Fixed Rate Loan is repaid on any date (including, for the avoidance of doubt, if, for a Fixed Rate Loan, more or less than the Scheduled Amount for that Fixed Rate Loan and for a Repayment Date is repaid on that Repayment Date).
" Fixed Rate Loan " means a Loan made or to be made under the Facility to the Borrower in respect of which the Borrower has delivered to the Agent a Conversion Notice pursuant to Clause 8.1.4 which has been accepted by the Agent or the principal amount outstanding for the time being of that Loan.
" Floating Rate Loan " means a Loan (other than a Fixed Rate Loan) made or to be made under the Facility or the principal amount outstanding for the time being of that Loan.
" Funding Break Costs " means the amount (if any) by which:
the interest which a Finance Party should have received for the period from the date of receipt of all or any part of its participation in a Loan or Unpaid Sum to the last day of the current Interest Period in respect of that Loan or Unpaid Sum, had the principal amount or Unpaid Sum received been paid on the last day of that Interest Period;


the amount which that Finance Party would be able to obtain by placing an amount equal to the principal amount or Unpaid Sum received by it on deposit with a leading bank in the Relevant Interbank Market for a period starting on the Business Day following receipt or recovery and ending on the last day of the current Interest Period.
" GAAP " means generally accepted accounting principles in Brazil/the accounting rules set forth in Law No. 6,404/76, as amended, the rules and regulations issued by the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários and the accounting standards issued by the Instituto dos Auditores Independentes do Brasil­IBRACON.
" Group " means each Obligor and each of its Subsidiaries for the time being.
" Guarantee " means the guarantee between the Guarantor and the Agent.
" Hedging Instrument " means any instrument or agreement with respect to any currency or interest rate purchase, cap or collar agreement, forward rate agreement, interest rate agreement, interest rate or currency future or option contract, foreign exchange or currency purchase or sale agreement, interest rate swap or currency swap or combined similar agreement or any derivative transaction protecting against or benefiting from fluctuations in any currency or interest rate or price under the Facility.
" Hedge Provider " has the meaning given to it in Clause 20.13.
" Hedging Transaction " means any hedging arrangement which is the subject of a Hedging Instrument.
" Holding Company " means, in relation to a company or corporation, any other company or corporation in respect of which it is a Subsidiary.
" Illicit Origin " means any origin which is illicit or fraudulent, including without limitation, drug trafficking, corruption, organised criminal activities, terrorism, money laundering or fraud.
" Interest Period " means, in relation to the Loan, each period determined in accordance with Clause 9 (Interest Periods) and, in relation to an Unpaid Sum, each period determined in accordance with Clause 8.5 (Default interest).
" Lender " means:
the Original Lender; and
any bank, financial institution, trust, fund or other entity which has become a Party in accordance with Clause 23 (Changes to the Lenders),
which in each case has not ceased to be a Party in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


" LIBOR " means, in relation to any Loan:
the applicable British Bankers' Association Interest Settlement Rate for dollars for the relevant period, at the date of this Agreement displayed on page 3750 of the Telerate screen or page BBAM of the Bloomberg screen, provided that if each such page is replaced or service ceases to be available, the Agent may specify another page or service displaying the appropriate rate after consultation with the Borrower and the Lenders (such rate, the "Screen Rate"); or
(if no Screen Rate is available for dollars for the Interest Period of that Loan) the arithmetic mean of the rates (rounded upwards to four decimal places) as supplied to the Agent at its request quoted by the Reference Banks to leading banks in the London interbank market,
as of the Specified Time on the Quotation Day for the offering of deposits in dollars and for a period comparable to the Interest Period for that Loan.
" Loan " means a Floating Rate Loan or a Fixed Rate Loan.
" London Business Days " a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which banks are open for general business in London and (in relation to any date for payment or purchase in dollars) New York.
" Majority Lenders " means:
if there are no Loans then outstanding, a Lender or Lenders whose Commitments aggregate more than 66 2 / 3 % of the Total Commitments (or, if the Total Commitments have been reduced to zero, aggregated more than 66 2 / 3 % of the Total Commitments immediately prior to the reduction); or
at any other time, a Lender or Lenders whose participations in the Loans then outstanding aggregate more than 66 2 / 3 % of all the Loans then outstanding.
"Margin " means two point fifty three per cent. (2.53%) per annum.
" Material Adverse Effect " means a material adverse effect on:
the business, operations, property, financial condition of any Obligor, any member of the Group or the Group taken as a whole;
the ability of an Obligor to perform its payment and other material obligations under the Finance Documents or to perform its material obligations under any Telecommunications Licence; or
the validity or enforceability of the Finance Documents or any Telecommunications Licence or the rights or remedies of any Finance Party under the Finance Documents.

" Month " means a period starting on one day in a calendar month and ending on the numerically corresponding day in the next calendar month, except that:
(subject to paragraph (c) below) if the numerically corresponding day is not a Business Day, that period shall end on the next Business Day in that calendar month in which that period is to end if there is one, or if there is not, on the immediately preceding Business Day;
if there is no numerically corresponding day in the calendar month in which that period is to end, that period shall end on the last Business Day in that calendar month; and
if an Interest Period begins on the last Business Day of a calendar month, that Interest Period shall end on the last Business Day in the calendar month in which that Interest Period is to end.
The above rules will only apply to the last Month of any period.
" Network " means:
the GSM networks operated by the Borrower in Brazil as at the Signing Date together with, from time to time, each additional GSM network operated by the Borrower in Brazil after the Signing Date; and
on or after the grant of the first 3G Telecommunications Licence to the Borrower, from time to time, each 3G network by the Borrower in Brazil.
" Obligor " means the Borrower or the Guarantor.
" Original Financial Statements " means:
in relation to the Guarantor, its audited non-consolidated financial statements and the consolidated financial statements of the Group, in each case for the financial year ended 31 December 2007; and
in relation to the Borrower, its audited consolidated and non-consolidated financial statements for its financial year ended 31 December 2007.
"Party" means a party to this Agreement.
" Permitted Disposal " means:
any sale, transfer, lease or disposal which is made in the ordinary course of trading and on arm's length terms;
for fair market value, provided that, at the Obligors' sole discretion, (1) the net disposal proceeds are applied towards prepayment of the Facilities or (2) the net disposal proceeds are re-invested within 12 months after the date of such disposal in assets to be used in the ordinary course of business of the disposing entity; or (3), other than proceeds to which (1) or (2) applies, the higher of the consideration and market value of all assets of the Group disposed of pursuant to this paragraph (b) does not in


aggregate exceed R$ 400,000,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency or currencies);
any sale, transfer, lease or disposal by a member of the Group other than the Borrower or the Guarantor to another member of the Group;
any sale, transfer, lease or disposal to the Borrower or the Guarantor;
any sale, lease, transfer or other disposal of assets which are worn out or obsolete and which have been replaced or are no longer needed for the business activities of the Group; and
any sale or transfer of receivables in an aggregate amount of up to R$ 400,000,000 for the purpose of a transaction involving the securitization of an Obligor's receivables.
" Permitted Reorganisation " means a Corporate Reorganisation of a member of the Group:
such Corporate Reorganisation is on a solvent basis;
the Guarantor directly or indirectly continues to control the surviving entity or surviving entities; and
the financial position of the surviving entity or entities shall not be worse than the financial position of each  member of the Group involved in such Corporate Reorganisation prior to the Corporate Reorganisation, which shall be supported by certified pro-forma calculations to be provided to the Agent prior to such Corporate Reorganisation; and
if such Corporate Reorganisation involves an Obligor:
such Obligor is a surviving entity following such Corporate Reorganisation;
the surviving entity continues to be bound by all the obligations of such Obligor under the Finance Documents prior to such Corporate Reorganisation;
immediately following such Corporate Reorganisation, the obligations expressed to be assumed by, and the Security expressed to be created by, such Obligor under Finance Documents to which it is a party will each remain legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligations of such Obligor; and
in the reasonable opinion of the Majority Lenders, such Corporate Reorganisation will not have a Material Adverse Effect; and


the financial position of the Obligors involved in the Corporate Reorgansation after the Corporate Reorganisation shall not be worse than the financial position of the Obligors involved in the Corporate Reorgansation after the Corporate Reorganisation prior to the Corporate Reorganisation, which shall be supported by certified pro-forma calculations to be provided to the Agent prior to such Corporate Reorganisation; or
if carried out with the prior written consent of the Agent.
" Permitted Security " means:
any Security listed in Schedule 4 (Existing Security), except to the extent the principal amount secured by that Security exceeds the amount stated in that Schedule;
any lien arising by operation of law and in the ordinary course of trading;
any Security over or affecting any asset acquired by a member of the Group after the date of this Agreement if:
the Security was not created in contemplation of the acquisition of that asset by a member of the Group;
the principal amount secured has not been increased in contemplation of, or since the acquisition of that asset by a member of the Group; and
the Security is removed or discharged within three (3) months of the date of acquisition of such asset;
any Security over or affecting any asset of any company which becomes a member of the Group after the date of this Agreement, where the Security is created prior to the date on which that company becomes a member of the Group, if:
the Security was not created in contemplation of the acquisition of that company;
the principal amount secured has not increased in contemplation of or since the acquisition of that company; and
the Security is removed or discharged within three (3) months of that company becoming a member of the Group; and
any Security securing indebtedness, relating to (a) loans from, or arranged by, BNDES obtained by the Borrower or (b) any securitisation transaction involving receivables originated by a member of the Group, the outstanding principal amount of which (when aggregated with the outstanding principal amount of any other such indebtedness which has the benefit of Security given by the Borrower other than any permitted under paragraphs (a) to (d) above) does not exceed R$ 2,575,000,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency or currencies).


" Prohibited Payment " means:
any offer, gift, payment, promise to pay, commission, fee, loan or other consideration which would constitute bribery or an improper gift or payment under, or a breach of, any law of a Relevant Jurisdiction; or
any offer, gift, payment, promise to pay, commission, fee, loan or other consideration which would or might constitute bribery within the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions of 17 December 1997.
" Qualifying Lender " has the meaning given to it in Clause 13 (Tax Gross Up and Indemnities).
" Quotation Day " means, in relation to any period for which an interest rate is to be determined, two London Business Days before the first day of that period unless market practice differs in the Relevant Interbank Market, in which case the Quotation Day will be determined by the Agent in accordance with market practice in the Relevant Interbank Market (and if quotations would normally be given by leading banks in the Relevant Interbank Market on more than one day, the Quotation Day will be the last of those days).
" Reference Banks " means the principal London offices of BNP Paribas, HSBC Bank plc, JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., Deutsche Bank AG and Société Générale or such other banks as may be appointed by the Agent in consultation with the Borrower.
" Relevant Interbank Market " means the London interbank market.
" Relevant Jurisdictions " means:
England and Wales; and
Brazil, and "Relevant Jurisdiction" means any of them.
" Repayment Date " means each of the dates which fall 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90, 96, 102 and 108 Months after the earlier of (i) the Utilisation Date and (ii) 28 December 2008.
" Repeating Representations " means each of the representations set out in Clauses 18.1 (Status) to 18.7 (Financial statements), Clauses 18.9 (No) to 18.11 (Pari passu ranking) and Clauses 18.14 (No merger or acquisition) to 18.20 (Taxation), but in the case of the representation set out in Clause 18.7 (Financial statements), subject to Clause 18.22 (Repetition).


" SACE " means SACE S.p.A. — Servizi Assicurativi del Commercio Estero, a società per azioni organised under the laws of the Republic of Italy, whose registered office is at Piazza Poli 37/42, 00187 Rome, Italy.
" SACE Guarantee" means the guarantee between SACE, the Agent and the Original Lender, in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent, whereby SACE guarantees, on the terms and conditions thereof, the Borrower' obligations under this Agreement in respect of, subject to its terms and conditions, eighty per cent (80%) of the principal and interest repayable or payable under this Agreement in accordance with the terms of the SACE Guarantee.
" SACE Guarantee Event " means any of the following events or circumstances:
it is or becomes unlawful for SACE to perform or comply with any or all of its payment obligations pursuant to the SACE Guarantee;
any of the obligations of SACE under the SACE Guarantee are not or cease to be legal, valid, binding or in full force and effect;
SACE avoids, rescinds, repudiates, suspends or terminates the SACE Guarantee in whole or in part, or
any event or circumstance occurs in any relevant jurisdiction which has or might reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the SACE Guarantee.
" SACE Reimbursement Agreement" means the agreement between the Borrower, the Guarantor and SACE relating to the reimbursement of amounts paid under the SACE Guarantee.
" SACE Upfront Guarantee Fee " means the upfront guarantee fee payable to SACE under the SACE Guarantee.
" Scheduled Amount " means, for each Repayment Date and each Fixed Rate Loan, the amount of that Fixed Rate Loan that, on the Conversion Date for that Fixed Rate Loan, is due to be repaid on that Repayment Date in accordance with Clause 6.1 (Repayment of the Loan).
" Scheduled Repayment Date " means, for any Scheduled Amount, the Repayment Date on which that Scheduled Amount is to due to be repaid (as at the Conversion Date of the Relevant Loan).
" Screen Rate " has the meaning given to it in the definition of "LIBOR" above.
" Security " means a mortgage, charge, pledge, lien or other security interest securing any obligation of any person or any other agreement or arrangement having a similar effect.
" Signing Date " means the date of this Agreement.
" Specified Time " means a time determined in accordance with Schedule 5 (Timetables).


" Subsidiary " means in relation to any company or corporation, a company or corporation:
which is controlled, directly or indirectly, by the first mentioned company or corporation;
more than half the issued share capital of which is beneficially owned, directly or indirectly by the first mentioned company or corporation; or
which is a Subsidiary of another Subsidiary of the first mentioned company or corporation,
and for this purpose, a company or corporation shall be treated as being controlled by another if that other company or corporation is able to direct its affairs and/or to control the composition of its board of directors or equivalent body.
" Tax " means any tax, levy, impost, duty or other charge or withholding of a similar nature (including any penalty or interest payable in connection with any failure to pay or any delay in paying any of the same).
" Telecommunications Licence " means:
each of the Authorisations provided by Anatel or any other Authority in Brazil to the Borrower to provide mobile services or personal communication services in Brazil, being as at the date hereof, as set out in Schedule or any other material Authorisation required from any Authority in Brazil for the operation of the Network; and
each 3G Telecommunication Licence obtained by an Obligor.
" Telecom Italia " means Telecom Italia S.p.A, company duly organized and existing in accordance with the laws of Italy, with its head office at Milan, Piazza degli Affari n. 2, 20123 Milan, Italy.
" 3G Telecommunications Licence " means each Authorisation provided by Anatel or any other Authority in Brazil which is required under Brazilian law for the purposes of the installation, operation or maintenance of a "3G" telecommunications network and "3G" telecommunications services in Brazil.
" Total Commitments " means the aggregate of the Commitments, being equal to the Facility Amount at the date of this Agreement.
" Transfer Certificate " means a certificate substantially in the form set out in Schedule 3 (Form of Transfer Certificate) or any other form agreed between the Agent and the Borrower.
" Transfer Date " means, in relation to a transfer, the later of:
the proposed Transfer Date specified in the Transfer Certificate; and
the date on which the Agent executes the Transfer Certificate.


" Unpaid Sum " means any sum due and payable but unpaid by an Obligor under the Finance Documents.
" Utilisation " means a utilisation of the Facility.
" Utilisation Date " means the date of a Utilisation, being the date on which the relevant Loan is to be made.
" Utilisation Request " means a notice substantially in the form set out in Part 1 of Schedule 2 (Request).
" VAT " means value added tax as provided for in the Value Added Tax Act 1994 and any other tax of a similar nature.
Unless a contrary indication appears any reference in this Agreement to:
the "Agent", the "Mandated Arranger ", any "Finance Party", any "Lender", any "Obligor" or any "Party" shall be construed so as to include its successors in title, permitted assigns and permitted transferees;
"assets" includes present and future properties, revenues and rights of every description;
a "Finance Document" or any other agreement or instrument is a reference to that Finance Document or other agreement or instrument as amended, novated, supplemented, extended, replaced or restated;
"indebtedness" includes any obligation (whether incurred as principal or as surety) for the payment or repayment of money, whether present or future, actual or contingent;
"include" and "including" are to be construed without limitation;
a "law" includes any law (including statutory and common law), statute, constitution, decree, judgement, treaty, other legislative measure or regulation of any governmental, intergovernmental or supranational body, agency, department or regulatory, self-regulatory or other authority or organisation;
a "person" includes any individual, firm, company, corporation, government, state or agency of a state or any association, trust, joint venture, consortium or partnership (whether or not having separate legal personality);
a "regulation" includes any regulation, rule, official directive, request or guideline (whether or not having the force of law) of any governmental, intergovernmental or supranational body, Anatel,


any other agency, department or regulatory, self-regulatory or other authority or organisation;
a provision of law is a reference to that provision as amended or re­enacted; and
a time of day is a reference to Paris time.
" control " with respect to a person means:
the power (whether by way of ownership of shares, proxy, contract, agency or otherwise) to:
cast, or control the casting of, more than one-half of the maximum number of votes that might be cast at a general meeting of the relevant Obligor; or
appoint or remove all, or the majority, of the directors or other equivalent officers of the relevant Obligor; or
give directions with respect to the operating and financial policies of the relevant Obligor which the directors or other equivalent officers of the relevant Obligor are obliged to comply with; or
the holding of more than one-half of the issued share capital of the relevant Obligor (excluding any part of that issued share capital that carries no right to participate beyond a specified amount in a distribution of either profits or capital) or otherwise holding more than one-half of the economic interest of the relevant Obligor.
Section, Clause and Schedule headings are for ease of reference only.
Unless a contrary indication appears, a term used in any other Finance Document or in any notice given under or in connection with any Finance Document has the same meaning in that Finance Document or notice as in this Agreement.
A Default (other than an Event of Default) is "continuing" if it has not been remedied or waived and an Event of Default is "continuing" if it has not been waived.
Currency Symbols and Definitions
"USD", "$" and "dollars" denote the lawful currency of the United States of America.
"R$", "BRL", "Reais" and "Brazilian Reais" denote the lawful currency of Brazil.
Accounting terms


All accounting expressions which are not otherwise defined herein shall be construed in accordance with GAAP for the relevant period or at the relevant time.
Third party rights
Unless expressly provided to the contrary in a Finance Document, a person who is not a Party has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (the "Third Parties Act") to enforce or to enjoy the benefit of any term of this Agreement.
Notwithstanding any term of any Finance Document, the consent of any person who is not a Party is not required to rescind or vary this Agreement at any time.


The Facility
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Lenders make available to the Borrower a dollar term loan facility in an aggregate amount equal to the Total Commitments.
Finance Parties' rights and obligations
The obligations of each Finance Party under the Finance Documents are several. Failure by a Finance Party to perform its obligations under the Finance Documents does not affect the obligations of any other Party under the Finance Documents. No Finance Party is responsible for the obligations of any other Finance Party under the Finance Documents.
The rights of each Finance Party under or in connection with the Finance Documents are separate and independent rights and any debt arising under the Finance Documents to a Finance Party from an Obligor shall be a separate and independent debt.
A Finance Party may, except as otherwise stated in the Finance Documents, separately enforce its rights under the Finance Documents.
The Borrower shall apply all amounts borrowed by it under the Facility towards partially financing:
3G Telecommunications Licences to be acquired by the Borrower;
property, plant and equipment;
intangible assets; and
acquisition of, setting up or share capital increases in companies (other than Italian companies).
No Finance Party is bound to monitor or verify the application of any amount borrowed pursuant to this Agreement.
Initial conditions precedent
The Borrower may not deliver an Utilisation Request unless the Agent has received all of the documents and other evidence listed in Schedule 1 (Conditions


Precedent to Initial Utilisation) in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent. The Agent shall notify the Borrower and the Lenders promptly upon being so satisfied.
Further conditions precedent
The Lenders will only be obliged to comply with Clause 5.4 (Lenders' participation) if on the date of the Utilisation Request and on the proposed Utilisation Date:
the SACE Guarantee is in full force and effect and the SACE Guarantee provides the relevant cover in relation to the proposed Utilisation;
no SACE Guarantee Event has occurred and is continuing;
no Default is continuing or would result from the proposed Loan; and
the Repeating Representations to be made by each Obligor are true in all material respects.
Maximum number of Loans
The Borrower may only deliver one Utilisation Request and, accordingly, only one (1) Loan may be made to it.


Delivery of a Utilisation Request
The Borrower may utilise the Facility by delivery to the Agent of a duly completed Utilisation Request not later than the Specified Time. Only one Utilisation Request may be delivered under this Agreement.
Completion of the Utilisation Request
The Utilisation Request is irrevocable and will not be regarded as having been duly completed unless:
the proposed Utilisation Date is a Business Day within the Availability Period;
the currency and amount of the Utilisation comply with Clause 5.3 (Currency and amount); and
the proposed Interest Period complies with Clause 9 (Interest Periods).
Only one Loan may be requested in the Utilisation Request.
Currency and amount
The currency specified in the Utilisation Request must be dollars.
The amount of the proposed Loan must be an amount which is a minimum of five million dollars ($5,000,000).
Lenders' participation
If the conditions set out in this Agreement have been met, each Lender shall make its participation in the Loan by the Utilisation Date through its Facility Office.
The amount of each Lender's participation in the Loan will be equal to the proportion borne by its Available Commitment to the Available Facility immediately prior to making the Loan.
The Agent shall notify each Lender of the amount of the Loan and the amount of its participation in the Loan, in each case by the Specified Time.
5.5           Cancellation of Commitment
The Total Commitments shall be immediately cancelled at the end of the Availability Period.

6.             REPAYMENT
6.1          Repayment of the Loan
The Borrower shall repay the Loan made in instalments by repaying on each Repayment Date an amount which reduces the amount of the outstanding Loan made by an amount equal to one twelfth of the Loan as at close of business in Paris on the last day of the Availability Period.
The Borrower may not re-borrow any part of the Facility which is repaid.
7.1          Illegality
If, at any time, it is or will become unlawful in any applicable jurisdiction for a Lender to perform any of its obligations as contemplated by this Agreement or to fund or maintain its participation in the Loan:
that Lender shall promptly notify the Agent upon becoming aware of that event;
upon the Agent notifying the Borrower, the Commitment of that Lender will be immediately cancelled; and
the Borrower shall repay that Lender's participation in the Loan made to it on the last day of the Interest Period for the Loan occurring after the Agent has notified the Borrower or, if earlier, the date specified by the Lender in the notice delivered to the Agent.
7.2          SACE Guarantee Event
If, at any time, a SACE Guarantee Event occurs:
upon the Agent notifying the Borrower, the Commitment of each Lender will be immediately cancelled; and
if the Agent so requires the Borrower shall repay each Lender's participation in the Loan made to it on the last day of the Interest Period for the Loan occurring after the Agent has notified the Borrower or, if earlier, the date specified by the Agent.
7.3          Change of control
If Telecom Italia ceases to control directly or indirectly an Obligor or Telecom Italia ceases to hold directly or indirectly at least fifty per cent. (50%) plus one (1) of the ordinary shares in any Obligor:
such Obligor shall promptly notify the Agent upon becoming aware of that event;

a Lender shall not be obliged to fund a Utilisation; and
if the Majority Lenders so require, the Agent shall, by not less than ten (10) Business Days' notice to the Borrower, cancel the Total Commitments and declare all outstanding Loans, together with accrued interest and all other amounts accrued under the Finance Documents, immediately due and payable, at which time the Total Commitments will be cancelled and all such outstanding amounts will become immediately due and payable.
If the Guarantor ceases to control the Borrower or the Guarantor ceases to hold a majority economic interest in any Borrower:
the Guarantor shall promptly notify the Agent upon becoming aware of that event;
a Lender shall not be obliged to fund a Utilisation; and
if the Majority Lenders so require, the Agent shall, by not less than ten (10) Business Days' notice to the Borrower, cancel the Total Commitments and declare the outstanding Loan (if any), together with accrued interest and all other amounts accrued under the Finance Documents, immediately due and payable, at which time the Total Commitments will be cancelled and all such outstanding amounts will become immediately due and payable.
7.4          Voluntary prepayment of Loan
The Borrower may, if it gives the Agent not less than ten (10) Business Days' (or such shorter period as the Majority Lenders may agree) prior notice, prepay the whole or any part of the Loan (but, if in part, being an amount that reduces the amount of the Loan by a minimum amount of five million dollars ($5,000,000)).
The Loan may only be prepaid:
after the last day of the Availability Period (or, if earlier, the day on which the Available Facility is zero); and
if any Break Costs payable in connection with such prepayment in accordance with Clause 10.4 (Funding Break Costs) or 10.5 (Fixed Rate Break Costs) are paid on or before the date of such prepayment.
Any prepayment under this Clause 7.4 shall satisfy the obligations under   Clause 6.1 (Repayment of the Loan) in inverse chronological order.
Mandatory Prepayment


the Borrower is prevented from operating all or substantially all of the Network operated by it:
by applicable law, or pursuant to any decision or action of any Authority, for a period in excess of seven (7) days; or
as a result of force majeure for a period in excess of fourteen (14) days or, in circumstances where all other mobile telecoms operators in Brazil are similarly affected by the applicable force majeure event for such period, for a period in excess of fourteen (14) -days; or
other than for the reasons referred to in paragraph 7.5.1, the Borrower ceases or suspends the operation of all or substantially all of the Network previously operated by it for a period in excess of five (5) days; or
it is or becomes unlawful for an Obligor to perform any of its obligations under a Finance Document to which it is party unless such unlawfulness arises as a result of any act or omission of an Obligor or any of their respective Affiliates; or
by or under the authority of any government or other Authority in Brazil:
the management of any member of the Group is wholly or partially displaced or the authority of any member of the Group in the conduct of its business is wholly or partially curtailed; or;
all or a majority of the issued shares of any member of the Group or the whole or any part (the book value, calculated using GAAP, of which is 20 per cent. or more of the book value of the whole) of its revenues or assets is seized, nationalised, expropriated or compulsorily acquired; or
any law of Brazil is enacted or introduced that:
results or is reasonably likely to result in the unavailability of dollars in the interbank foreign exchange market in Brazil; or
prohibits, delays (for a period in excess of 30 days) or, in a material manner restricts:
the conversion of BRL into dollars; or
the transfer of dollars from Brazil to other countries (or any class of countries which includes any country where a Lender's Facility Office is located),
by an Obligor (or an Obligor's ability to procure such conversion or transfer,
then the Borrower shall be obliged (without any notice being required to be given by the Lender or any other person) to prepay the Loan and all other amounts due,


owing or payable hereunder in full immediately and the Total Commitments will be reduced to zero.
7.6          Restrictions
Any notice of cancellation or prepayment given by any Party under this Clause 7 shall be irrevocable and, unless a contrary indication appears in this Agreement, shall specify the date or dates upon which the relevant cancellation or prepayment is to be made and the amount of that cancellation or prepayment.
Any prepayment under this Agreement shall be made together with accrued interest on the amount prepaid and, subject to any Break Costs, without premium or penalty.
The Borrower may not reborrow any part of the Facility which is prepaid.
The Borrower shall not repay or prepay all or any part of the Loans or cancel all or any part of the Commitments except at the times and in the manner expressly provided for in this Agreement.
No amount of the Total Commitments cancelled under this Agreement may be subsequently reinstated.
If the Agent receives a notice under this Clause 7 it shall promptly forward a copy of that notice to the Borrower or the affected Lender, as appropriate.


8.           INTEREST
8.1          Fixed Rate Loan
Not less than three (3) Business Days, before the proposed Conversion Date for the Loan and on or before the Repayment Date immediately prior to the Final Repayment Date, the Borrower may deliver to the Agent a duly completed Conversion Request in respect of all of (but not part of) (a) a Loan to be made or (b) a Floating Rate Loan made to the Borrower, and requesting a quotation from the Agent on the proposed Fixed Rate that:
would be applicable to the Loan if it were made as a Fixed Rate Loan; or
would be applicable to the Floating Rate Loan if it were to be converted into a Fixed Rate Loan on the first day of the next succeeding Interest Period.
The Borrower may not deliver a Conversion Request for a Loan that is to be made unless on or prior to the delivery of such Conversion Request, it has delivered a Utilisation Request for such Loan.
Subject to Clause 8.1.5, upon receipt of a duly completed Conversion Request from the Borrower, the Agent shall promptly notify each of the Lenders and each of the Lenders shall provide to the Agent its acceptance or refusal to provide the Fixed Rate not less than four (4) Business Days after receipt of a Conversion Request.
Not later than 12 noon on the date falling two (2) Business Days prior to the proposed Conversion Date for the Loan and subject to all Lenders having accepted the relevant Conversion Request, a conference call (the " Quotation Conference Call ") shall be held among the Borrower that delivered the relevant Conversion Request, each Lender and the Agent, for the purpose of determining a fixed rate for the Loan. The Quotation Conference Call will be attended by representatives of the Borrower, the Lenders and the Agent (each of whom shall be authorised to arrange fixed rate funding and a fixed rate for the Loan without reference to another person). It is hereby accepted by the Borrower that any acceptance given by the Borrower during the Quotation Conference Call of a fixed rate for the Loan provided by the Agent (acting on the instructions of the Lenders) shall, by virtue of the Borrower's signature to this Agreement, constitute acceptance by the Borrower of that fixed rate as the Fixed Rate for the Loan and express authority from the Borrower to the Lenders to arrange such funding at the rate so provided by the Agent and agreed to by the Borrower. If the Lenders and the Borrower agree upon a fixed rate of interest for the Loan on a Quotation Conference Call, the Borrower shall confirm such agreed fixed rate of interest to the Agent with the Conversion Notice (duly executed by an


authorised signatory on behalf of the Borrower) immediately after such conference call and that agreed fixed rate shall be the " Fixed Rate " for that Loan.
Each of the Lenders shall not be obliged to provide a fixed rate in respect of a Conversion Request if:
a Default has occurred and is continuing;
that Lender has not received all necessary internal credit approvals to provide a fixed rate; or
it is not practicable for that Lender to enter into interest rate swap arrangements for the swapping of LIBOR interest rates for fixed rates for the period until the Final Repayment Date in the Relevant Interbank Market.
If the Borrower accepts a Fixed Rate during the Quotation Conference Call and issues a Conversion Notice pursuant to such Quotation Conference Call which has been accepted by the Agent, then:
if such Conversion Notice relates to a Loan which is to be made to the Borrower, the Loan shall be a Fixed Rate Loan as of its Utilisation Date and interest on the Loan shall, from and including that Utilisation Date, be calculated in accordance with Clause 8.3 (Calculation of interest — Fixed Rate Loan); and
if such Conversion Notice relates to a Floating Rate Loan which has been made to the Borrower, that Floating Rate Loan shall become a Fixed Rate Loan on the first day of the Interest Period immediately following the Conversion Request and interest on the Loan shall, from and including the first day of the Interest Period immediately following the Conversion Request, be calculated in accordance with Clause 8.3 (Calculation of interest — Fixed Rate Loan).
Any Conversion Notice, once accepted by the Agent, shall be irrevocable.
No Fixed Rate Loan may be converted into a Floating Rate Loan.
8.2          Calculation of interest — Floating Rate Loan
The rate of interest on a Floating Rate Loan for each Interest Period is the percentage rate per annum which is the aggregate of the applicable:
Margin; and
8.3          Calculation of interest — Fixed Rate Loan


The rate of interest on a Fixed Rate Loan for each Interest Period is the percentage rate per annum which is the aggregate of the applicable:
Margin; and
Fixed Rate for the Fixed Rate Loan.
8.4          Payment of interest
The Borrower shall pay accrued- interest- on the Loan- on the last day of each Interest Period.
8.5          Default interest
If the Borrower fails to pay any amount payable by it under a Finance Document on its due date, interest shall accrue on the overdue amount from the due date up to the date of actual payment (both before and after judgment) at a rate which, subject to paragraph (b) below, is one per cent (1%) higher than the rate which would have been payable if the overdue amount had, during the period of non-payment, constituted a Floating Rate Loan in the currency of the overdue amount for successive Interest Periods, each of a duration selected by the Agent (acting reasonably). Any interest accruing under this Clause 8.5 shall be immediately payable by the Borrower on demand by the Agent.
If any overdue amount consists of all or part of the Loan which became due on a day which was not the last day of an Interest Period relating to the Loan:
the first Interest Period for that overdue amount shall have a duration equal to the unexpired portion of the current Interest Period relating to the Loan; and
the rate of interest applying to the overdue amount during that first Interest Period shall be one per cent. (1%) higher than the rate which would have applied if the overdue amount had constituted a Floating Rate Loan.
Default interest (if unpaid) arising on an overdue amount will be compounded with the overdue amount at the end of each Interest Period applicable to that overdue amount but will remain immediately due and payable.
8.6          Notification of rates of interest
The Agent shall promptly notify the Lenders and the Borrower of the determination of a rate of interest under this Agreement.
9.            INTEREST PERIODS
9.1          Interest Periods


Subject to this Clause 9, each Interest Period for the Loan shall be six Months.
Any Interest Period for the Loan that begins before a Repayment Date and would otherwise extend beyond such Repayment Date, shall end on such Repayment Date.
An Interest Period for the Loan shall not extend beyond the Final Repayment Date.
Each Interest Period for the Loan shall start on the Utilisation Date or (if already made) on the last day of its preceding Interest Period.
Non-Business Days
If an Interest Period would otherwise end on a day which is not a Business Day, that Interest Period will instead end on the next Business Day in that calendar month (if there is one) or the preceding Business Day (if there is not).

10.1        Absence of quotations
Subject to Clause 10.2 (Market disruption), if LIBOR is to be determined by reference to the Reference Banks but a Reference Bank does not supply a quotation by the Specified Time on the Quotation Day, the applicable LIBOR shall be determined on the basis of the quotations of the remaining Reference Banks.
10.2        Market disruption
If a Market Disruption Event occurs in relation to the Loan for any Interest Period, then the rate of interest on each Lender's share of the Loan for the Interest Period shall be the percentage rate per annum which is the sum of:
the Margin; and
the rate notified to the Agent by that Lender as soon as practicable and in any event before interest is due to be paid in respect of that Interest Period, to be that which expresses as a percentage rate per annum the cost to that Lender of funding its participation in the Loan from whatever source it may reasonably select.
In this Agreement " Market Disruption Event " means:
at or about noon on the Quotation Day for the relevant Interest Period the Screen Rate is not available and, none or only one of the Reference Banks supplies a rate to the Agent to determine LIBOR for dollars and the relevant Interest Period; or
before close of business in London on the Quotation Day for the relevant Interest Period, the Agent receives notifications from a


Lender or Lenders (whose participations in the Loan exceed 35 per cent. of the Loan) that the cost to it (or them) of obtaining matching deposits in the Relevant Interbank Market would be in excess of LIBOR.
10.3        Alternative basis of interest or funding
If a Market Disruption Event occurs and the Agent or the Borrower so require, the Agent and the Borrower shall enter into negotiations (for a period of not more than thirty days) with a view to-agreeing-asubstitute basis for determining the rate of interest.
Any alternative basis agreed pursuant to paragraph 10.3.1 above shall, with the prior consent of all the Lenders and the Borrower, be binding on all Parties.
10.4       Funding Break Costs
The Borrower shall, within three (3) Business Days of demand by a Finance Party, pay to that Finance Party its Funding Break Costs attributable to all or any part of the Loan or Unpaid Sum being paid by the Borrower on a day other than the last day of an Interest Period for the Loan or Unpaid Sum.
Each Lender shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after a demand by the Agent, provide a certificate confirming the amount of its Funding Break Costs for any Interest Period in which they accrue.
10.5        Fixed Rate Break Costs
If a Fixed Rate Event occurs in respect of a Loan made or to be made to the Borrower, the Borrower shall, within three (3) Business Days of demand by a Finance Party, pay to that Finance Party its Fixed Rate Break Costs.
Each Lender shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after a demand by the Agent, provide a certificate confirming the amount of its Fixed Rate Break Costs to which any demand under Clause 10.5.1 relates.
Each of the Obligors jointly and severally shall within five (5) Business Days of demand by such Finance Party pay such Finance Party the amount of any costs, expenses or liabilities incurred by such Finance Party relating to any investigation or the obtaining of additional information which is required under the terms and conditions of the SACE Guarantee or which is requested by the SACE.
12.          FEES
Commitment fee
The Borrower shall pay to the Agent (for the account of each Lender and, to the extent provided in the SACE Guarantee, SACE) a fee in dollars


computed at the rate of zero point thirty five per cent. (0.35%) per annum on that Lender's Available Commitment for the Availability Period.
The accrued commitment fee is payable on the last day of the Availability Period and, if cancelled in full, on the cancelled amount of the relevant Lender's Commitment at the time the cancellation is effective.
12.2        Arrangement fee
The Borrower shall pay to the Mandated Arranger (for its own account) an arrangement fee in the amount and at the times agreed in a Fee Letter.
12.3        Payment of the SACE Upfront Guarantee Fee
The Borrower shall pay directly to SACE, no later than the date falling ten (10) days after the Signing Date (but in any event prior to delivery of the first Utilisation Request), the SACE Upfront Guarantee Fee in accordance with the provisions of a Fee Letter.

13.1        Definitions
In this Agreement:
" Protected Party " means a Finance P arty which is or will be subject to any liability or required to make any payment, for or on account of Tax in relation to a sum received or receivable (or any sum deemed for the purposes of Tax to be received or receivable) under a Finance Document.
" Tax Credit " means a credit obtained from the Tax Authorities in the jurisdiction of incorporation of a Lender against, relief or repayment of any Tax attributable to amounts paid to the Brazilian Tax Authority which amounts are the subject of DARFs provided by the Borrower to the Agent pursuant to Clause 13.2.5.
"Tax Deduction" means a deduction or withholding for or on account of Tax from a payment under a Finance Document.
"Tax Payment" means either the increase in a payment made by the Borrower to a Finance Party under Clause 13.2 (Tax gross-up) or a payment under Clause 13.3 (Tax indemnity).
Unless a contrary indication appears, in this Clause 13 ( Tax Gross Up and Indemnities) a reference to "determines" or "determined" means a determination made in the absolute discretion of the person making the determination.
13.2        Tax gross-up
Each Obligor shall make all payments to be made by it without any Tax Deduction, unless a Tax Deduction is required by law.
Each Obligor shall promptly upon becoming aware that it must make a Tax Deduction (or that there is any change in the rate or the basis of a Tax Deduction) notify the Agent accordingly. Similarly, a Lender shall notify the Agent on becoming so aware in respect of a payment payable to that Lender. If the Agent receives such notification from a Lender it shall notify the relevant Obligor.
If a Tax Deduction is required by law to be made by an Obligor, the amount of the payment due from that Obligor shall be increased to an amount which (after making any Tax Deduction) leaves an amount equal to the payment which would have been due if no Tax Deduction had been required.
If an Obligor is required to make a Tax Deduction, that Obligor shall make that Tax Deduction and any payment required in connection with


that Tax Deduction within the time allowed and in the minimum amount required by law.
Within two (2) Months of making either a Tax Deduction or any payment required in connection with that Tax Deduction, the Obligor making that Tax Deduction shall deliver to the Agent for the Finance Party entitled to the payment:
save as provided in paragraph (b) below, an original (or certified copy), and if unavailable, evidence satisfactory to that Finance Party that the Tax Deduction has been made or (as applicable) any appropriate payment paid to the relevant taxing authority; and
if such Tax Deduction is made in Brazil, an original copy of a document (DARF) from the Brazilian Tax Authority certifying that the appropriate payment has been paid to the Brazilian Tax Authority.
13.3         Tax indemnity
The Borrower shall (within three (3) Business Days of demand by the Agent) pay to a Protected Party an amount equal to the loss, liability or cost which that Protected Party determines will be or has been (directly or indirectly) suffered for or on account of Tax by that Protected Party in respect of a Finance Document.
Paragraph 13.3.1 above shall not apply:
with respect to any Tax assessed on a Finance Party:
under the law of the jurisdiction in which that Finance Party is incorporated or, if different, the jurisdiction (or jurisdictions) in which that Finance Party is treated as resident for tax purposes; or
under the law of the jurisdiction in which that Finance Party's Facility Office is located in respect of amounts received or receivable in that jurisdiction,
if that Tax is imposed on or calculated by reference to the net income received or receivable (but not any sum deemed to be received or receivable) by that Finance Party; or
to the extent a loss, liability or cost is compensated for by an increased payment under Clause 13.2 (Tax gross-up).
A Protected Party making, or intending to make a claim under paragraph 13.3.1 above shall promptly notify the Agent of the event which will give, or has given, rise to the claim, following which the Agent shall notify the Borrower.



A Protected Party shall, on receiving a payment from an Obligor under this Clause 13.3, notify the Agent.
13.4        Tax Credit
If the Borrower makes a Tax Payment and the relevant Finance Party determines that:
a Tax Credit is attributable either to an increased payment of which that Tax Payment forms part, or to that Tax Payment; and
that Finance Party has fully obtained, utilised and retained that Tax Credit,
the Finance Party shall, at the end of the third calendar year following the calendar year in which the payment to the Brazilian Tax Authority giving rise to such Tax Credit was made by the Borrower, pay an amount to the Borrower an amount equal to that payment to the Brazilian Tax Authority (or, if less, an amount which that Finance Party determines will leave it (after that payment) in the same after-Tax position as it would have been in had the Tax Payment not been required to be made by the Borrower).
No Finance Party shall be required to provide fiscal or accounting proof regarding its computation of any Tax Credit or to provide information regarding its tax situation or its tax credit policy in respect of any tax credit matter.
Each Finance Party shall have an absolute discretion as to the extent, order and manner in which it shall use Tax Credits and any tax refunds of which it may benefit under French law or under a tax treaty, whatsoever its origin or nature.
13.5         Stamp taxes
The Borrower shall pay and, within three (3) Business Days of demand, indemnify each Finance Party against any cost, loss or liability that Finance Party incurs in relation to all stamp duty, registration and other similar Taxes (and any notarial fees) payable in respect of any Finance Document or any judgment in connection therewith.
13.6         Value added tax
All amounts set out, or expressed to be payable under a Finance Document by any party to such Finance Document to a Finance Party which (in whole or in part) constitute the consideration for VAT purposes shall be deemed to be exclusive of any VAT which is chargeable on such supply, and accordingly, subject to paragraph 13.6.3 below, if VAT is chargeable on any supply made by any Finance Party to any party to a Finance Document under a Finance Document, that party shall pay to the Finance Party (in addition to and at the same time as paying the consideration) an amount equal to the amount of the VAT (and such Finance Party shall promptly provide an


appropriate VAT invoice to such party).
If VAT is chargeable on any supply made by any Finance Party (the "Supplier") to any other Finance Party (the "Recipient") under a Finance Document, and any party to a Finance Document (the "Relevant Party") is required by the terms of any Finance Document to pay an amount equal to the consideration for such supply to the Supplier (rather than being required to reimburse the Recipient in respect of that consideration), such Party shall also pay to the Supplier (in addition to and at the same time as paying such amount) an amount equal to the amount of such VAT. The Recipient will promptly pay to the Relevant Party an amount equal to any credit or repayment from the relevant tax authority which it reasonably determines relates to the VAT chargeable on that supply.
Where a Finance Document requires any party to a Finance Document to reimburse a Finance Party for any costs or expenses, that party to a Finance Document shall also at the same time pay and indemnify the Finance Party against all VAT incurred by the Finance Party in respect of the costs or expenses to the extent that the Finance Party reasonably determines that neither it nor any other member of any group of which it is a member for VAT purposes is entitled to credit or repayment from the relevant tax authority in respect of the VAT.
Increased costs
Subject to Clause 14.3 (Exceptions) the Borrower shall, within three (3) Business Days of a demand by the Agent, pay for the account of a Finance Party the amount of any Increased Costs incurred by that Finance Party or any of its Affiliates as a result of (i) the introduction of or any change in (or in the interpretation, administration or application of) any law or regulation or (ii) compliance with any law or regulation made or implemented after the date of this Agreement.
In this Agreement "Increased Costs" means:
a reduction in the rate of return from the Facility or on a Finance Party's (or its Affiliate's) overall capital;
an additional or increased cost; or
a reduction of any amount due and payable under any Finance Document,
which is incurred or suffered by a Finance Party or any of its Affiliates to the extent that it is attributable to that Finance Party having entered into its Commitment or funding or performing its obligations under any Finance Document.


14.2        Increased cost claims
A Finance Party intending to make a claim pursuant to Clause 14.1 (Increased costs) shall notify the Agent of the event giving rise to the claim, following which the Agent shall promptly notify the Borrower.
Each Finance Party shall, as soon as practicable after a demand by the Agent, provide a certificate confirming the amount of its Increased Costs and providing reasonable detail of the background and computation of that claim.
Clause 14.1 (Increased costs) does not apply to the extent any Increased Cost is:
attributable to a Tax Deduction required by law to be made by an Obligor;
compensated for by Clause 13.3 (Tax indemnity) (or would have been compensated for under Clause 13.3 (Tax indemnity) but was not so compensated solely because any of the exclusions in paragraph (b) of Clause 13.3 (Tax indemnity) applied);
attributable to the wilful breach by the relevant Finance Party or its Affiliates of any law or regulation, or
which is attributable to the implementation or application of or compliance with the "International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards, a Revised Framework" published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in June 2004 in the form existing on the date of this Agreement ("Basel II") or any other law or regulation which implements Basel II (whether such implementation, application or compliance is by a government, regulator, Finance Party or any of its affiliates).
In this Clause 14.3, a reference to a "Tax Deduction" has the same meaning given to the term in Clause 13.1 (Definitions).
Currency indemnity
If any sum due from the Borrower under the Finance Documents (a "Sum"), or any order, judgment or award given or made in relation to a Sum, has to be converted from the currency (the "First Currency") in which that Sum is payable into another currency (the "Second Currency") for the purpose of:
making or filing a claim or proof against the Borrower;


obtaining or enforcing an order, judgment or award in relation to any litigation or arbitration proceedings,
the Borrower shall as an independent obligation, within three (3) Business Days of demand, indemnify each Finance Party to whom that Sum is due against any cost, loss or liability arising out of or as a result of the conversion including any discrepancy between (A) the rate of exchange used to convert that Sum from the First Currency into the Second Currency and (B) the rate or rates of exchange available to that person at the time of its receipt of that  Sum.
The Borrower waives any right it may have in any jurisdiction to pay any amount under the Finance Documents in a currency or currency unit other than that in which it is expressed to be payable.
Other indemnities
The Obligors jointly and severally shall, within three (3) Business Days of demand, indemnify each Finance Party against any cost, loss or liability incurred by that Finance Party as a result of:
the occurrence of any Event of Default;
a failure by an Obligor to pay any amount due under a Finance Document on its due date, including without limitation, any cost, loss or liability arising as a result of Clause 27 (Sharing among the Finance Parties);
funding, or making arrangements to fund, its participation in a Loan requested by the Borrower in a Utilisation Request but not made by reason of the operation of any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement (other than by reason of default or negligence by that Finance Party alone);
any indemnity payment made by such Finance Party to the Agent (other than in respect of any cost, loss or liability incurred as direct result of such Finance Party's gross negligence or wilful misconduct); or
the Loan (or part of the Loan) not being prepaid in accordance with a notice of prepayment given by the Borrower.
15.3        Indemnity to the Agent
The Obligors jointly and severally shall promptly indemnify the Agent against any cost, loss or liability incurred by the Agent (acting reasonably) as a result of:
investigating any event which it reasonably believes is a Default; or
acting or relying on any notice, request or instruction which it reasonably believes to be genuine, correct and appropriately authorised.
16.1        Mitigation

Each Finance Party shall, in consultation with the Borrower, take all reasonable steps to mitigate any circumstances which arise and which would result in any amount becoming payable under or pursuant to, or cancelled pursuant to, any of Clause 7.1 (Illegality), Clause 13 (Tax Gross Up and Indemnities) or Clause 14 (Increased Costs) including (but not limited to) transferring its rights and obligations under the Finance Documents to another Affiliate or Facility Office.
Paragraph 16.1.1 above does not in any way limit the obligations of any Obligor under the Finance Documents.
16.2        Limitation of liability
The Obligors jointly and severally shall within, three (3) Business Days of demand, indemnify each Finance Party for all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by that Finance Party as a result of steps taken by it under Clause 16.1 (Mitigation).
A Finance Party is not obliged to take any steps under Clause 16.1 (Mitigation) if, in the opinion of that Finance Party (acting reasonably), to do so might be prejudicial to it.
17.1        Transaction expenses
The Obligors jointly and severally shall promptly on demand pay the Agent and the Mandated Arranger (in aggregate) fifty per cent. (50%) of the amount of all costs and expenses (including legal fees) reasonably incurred by any of Agent and the Mandated Arranger in connection with the negotiation, preparation, printing, execution and syndication of:
this Agreement and any other documents referred to in this Agreement; and
any other Finance Documents executed after the date of this Agreement.
17.2        Amendment costs
If an Obligor requests an amendment, waiver or consent, the Obligor making such request shall, within three (3) Business Days of demand, reimburse the Agent for the amount of all costs and expenses (including legal fees) reasonably incurred by the Agent in responding to, evaluating, negotiating or complying with that request or requirement.
17.3        Enforcement costs
The Obligors jointly and severally shall, within three (3) Business Days of demand, pay to each Finance Party the amount of all costs and expenses (including legal fees) incurred by it in connection with the enforcement of, or the preservation of any rights under, any Finance Document.


Each Obligor makes the representations and warranties set out in this Clause 18 to each Finance Party on the date of this Agreement.
18.1         Status
It is a corporation, duly incorporated and validly existing under the law of its jurisdiction of incorporation.
It has the power to own its assets and carry on its business as it is being conducted.
18.2        Corporate and Governmental Authorisations
It has the power to enter into, perform and deliver, and has taken all necessary action to authorise its entry into, performance and delivery of, the Finance Documents to which it is a party and the transactions contemplated by those Finance Documents.
All Authorisations required:
to enable it lawfully to enter into, exercise its rights and comply with its obligations in the Finance Documents to which it is a party; and
to make the Finance Documents to which it is a party admissible in evidence in Brazil,
have been obtained or effected and are in full force and effect.
All Telecommunications Licences required for the operation of the Network have been obtained and are in full force and effect.
18.3        Binding obligations
The obligations expressed to be assumed by it in each Finance Document are, subject to any general principles of law as at the date of this Agreement limiting its obligations, which are specifically referred to in any legal opinion delivered pursuant to Clause 4 (Conditions of Utilisation), legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligations.
18.4         Non-conflict with other obligations
The entry into and performance by it of, and the transactions contemplated by, the Finance Documents do not and will not conflict with:
any law or regulation applicable to it;
its constitutional documents; or


any material agreement or instrument binding upon it or any of its Subsidiaries or any of its or any of its Subsidiaries' assets.
18.5         No resulting Security
The entry into and performance by it of, and the transactions contemplated by, the Finance Documents do not and will not result in the creation of or the obligation to create any Security by it or any other Obligor in favour of any person (other than the Finance Parties).
18.6         No misleading information
All written information supplied by any member of the Group is true, complete and accurate in all material respects as at the date it was given and is not misleading in any respect.
18.7         Financial statements
Its Original Financial Statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP consistently applied.
Its Original Financial Statements fairly represent its financial condition and operations (consolidated in the case of the Guarantor) during the relevant financial year.
There has been no material adverse change in its business or financial condition of any member of the Group (or the consolidated business or financial condition the Group) since the date on which the latest audited financial statements of such party or parties were prepared.
18.8        No filing or stamp taxes
Under the law of its jurisdiction of incorporation it is not necessary that the Finance Documents be filed, recorded or enrolled with any court or other authority in that jurisdiction or that any stamp, registration or similar tax be paid on or in relation to the Finance Documents or the transactions contemplated by the Finance Documents except for the registration of the corporate acts undertaken by the Obligors in connection with the execution and delivery of the Finance Documents with the relevant Junta Comercial (Board of Commerce) of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the State of São Paulo.
18.9         No Default
No Default is continuing or might reasonably be expected to result from the making of a Utilisation.
18.10       No proceedings pending or threatened
No litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings of or before any court, arbitral body or agency which, if adversely determined, might have a Material Adverse Effect has (to the best of its knowledge and belief) been threatened in writing or started against any member of the Group.

18.11      Pari passu ranking
The Finance Documents and the obligations contemplated therein are direct, unconditional and unsubordinated general obligations of the Obligors, and such obligations rank, in right of payment, at least pari passu with all other unsecured and unsubordinated indebtedness of the Obligors, other than obligations mandatorily preferred by operation of law applying to companies generally.
18.12      No Immunity
In any proceedings taken in its jurisdiction of incorporation in relation to this Agreement, it will not be entitled to claim for itself or any of its assets immunity from suit, execution, attachment or other legal process.
18.13      Private and commercial acts
Its execution of the Finance Documents constitutes, and its exercise of its rights and performance of its obligations under this Agreement will constitute, private and commercial acts done and performed for private and commercial purposes.
18.14      No merger or acquisition
Neither it nor the Guarantor has initiated any process of merger, acquisition or purchase (howsoever described) which if continued would breach, or which breaches the terms of Clause 20.7 (Merger) or Clause 20.10 (Acquisitions).
18.15      Ownership of the Borrower
The Borrower is a wholly owned Subsidiary of the Guarantor.
18.16      Governing law and enforcement
The choice of English law as the governing law of the Finance Documents will be recognised and enforced in Brazil.
Any judgment obtained in England in relation to a Finance Document will be recognised and enforced in Brazil.
18.17      Compliance with laws
Each Obligor is in compliance with laws and regulations applicable to it where failure to do so might have a Material Adverse Effect and is in compliance in all material respects with all Environmental Laws where failure to do so might reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the Environment (or any material part thereof).
18.18      No Prohibited Payments
No Prohibited Payment has been made or provided, directly or indirectly, by (or on behalf of) it, any of its Affiliates, its or its Affiliates' officers, directors or any other person acting on its behalf to, or for the benefit of, any Authority (or any official, officer, director, agent or key employee of,

or other person with management responsibilities in, of any Authority) in connection with any Telecommunications Licence or any of the Finance Documents.
None of it, any of its Affiliates, its or its Affiliates' officers, directors or any other person acting on its behalf has been held by the judgment of a court, in a criminal or a civil matter, to have carried out a Prohibited Payment.
18.19      No funds of Illicit Origin
No investments in shares in the Borrower and no payments made by the Borrower in respect of Telecommunications Licences have been funded out of funds of Illicit Origin, and none of the sources of funds to be used by the Borrower in connection with the acquisition of the Telecommunications Licences or its business are of Illicit Origin.
None of the Loans will be used to finance equipment or sectors under embargo decisions of the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union or Italy.
18.20      Taxation
It has duly and punctually paid and discharged all Taxes imposed upon it or its assets within the time period allowed without incurring penalties (except to the extent that (i) payment is being contested in good faith, (ii) it has maintained adequate reserves for those Taxes and (iii) payment can be lawfully withheld).
It is not materially overdue in the filing of any Tax returns.
No claims are being or are reasonably likely to be asserted against it with respect to Taxes.
18.21      Ethical Code
This Agreement was negotiated in full compliance with its Ethical Code
18.22      Repetition
The Repeating Representations are deemed to be made by each Obligor (by reference to the facts and circumstances then existing) on the date of each Utilisation Request and on the first day of each Interest Period.
If on any date of repetition of the representation and warranty set out in Clause 18.7 (Financial statements) the audited financial statements of an Obligor (consolidated and non-consolidated) for a period ending subsequent to the dates referred to in the definition of "Original Financial Statements" have been published, that Clause will be treated as referring to the latest such audited financial statements (consolidated and non-consolidated) of that Obligor.


The representations and warranties contained in Clause 18.6 (No misleading information) are deemed to be made in respect of information on the date such information is delivered to any of the Finance Parties.
19.1        Financial statements
Each Obligor shall supply to the Agent and SACE in sufficient copies for all the Lenders:
as soon as the same become available, but in any event within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the end of each of its financial years, its audited financial statements (consolidated and non-consolidated) for that financial year; and
as soon as the same become available, but in any event within forty-five (45) days after the end of each half of each of its financial years, its financial statements for that financial half year.
19.2        Compliance Certificate
The Guarantor shall supply to the Agent and SACE, with each set of financial statements delivered pursuant to paragraph 19.1.1 or 19.1.2 of Clause 19.1 (Financial statements), a Compliance Certificate setting out (in reasonable detail) computations as to compliance with Clause 21 (Financial covenants) as at the date at which those financial statements were drawn up.
Each Compliance Certificate shall be signed by two directors of the Guarantor.
19.3        Requirements as to financial statements
Each set of financial statements delivered by an Obligor pursuant to Clause 19.1 (Financial statements) shall be certified by a director of the relevant company as fairly representing its financial condition as at the date at which those financial statements were drawn up.
The Obligors shall procure that each set of financial statements delivered pursuant to Clause 19.1 (Financial statements) is prepared using GAAP.
The Guarantor shall procure that each set of financial statements of the Guarantor delivered pursuant to Clause 19.1 (Financial statements) is prepared using GAAP and accounting practices and financial reference periods consistent with those applied in the preparation of the Original Financial Statements for the Guarantor unless, in relation to any set of financial statements, it notifies the Agent that there has been a change in GAAP or the accounting practices or reference periods, and its auditors deliver to the Agent:


a description of any change necessary for those financial statements to reflect the GAAP, accounting practices and reference periods upon which the Guarantor's Original Financial Statements were prepared; and
sufficient information, in form and substance as may be reasonably required by the Agent, to enable the Lenders to determine whether Clause 21 (Financial covenants) has been complied with and make an accurate comparison between the financial position indicated in those financial statements and the Guarantor’s Original Financial Statements.
Any reference in this Agreement to "the financial statements" of the Guarantor shall be construed as a reference to those financial statements as adjusted to reflect the basis upon which the Original Financial Statements were prepared.
19.4        Information in respect of the Telecommunications Licences and the Network Each Obligor shall:
supply to the Agent no later than five (5) Business Days after receipt or despatch of the same, copies of all correspondence with the Anatel or any other Authority in Brazil relating to any current, potential or threatened termination, suspension, breach or amendment of any Telecommunications Licence; and
notify the Agent no later than three (3) Business Days after becoming aware of the same of any suspension of the operations by the Borrower of all or substantially all of the Network operated by the Borrower for a period in excess of forty-eight (48) hours.
19.5        Information: miscellaneous
The Borrower shall supply to the Agent (in sufficient copies for all the Lenders, if the Agent so requests):
all documents despatched by the Borrower to its shareholders (or any class of them) or its creditors generally at the same time as they are dispatched;
promptly upon becoming aware of them, the details of any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings which are current, threatened in writing or pending against any member of the Group (or against the directors of any member of the Group), and which might, if adversely determined, have a Material Adverse Effect; and
promptly, such further information regarding the financial condition, business and operations of any member of the Group as any Finance Party (through the Agent) may reasonably request.
19.6        Notification of default


Each Obligor shall notify the Agent of any Default (and the steps, if any, being taken to remedy it) promptly upon becoming aware of its occurrence (unless that Obligor is aware that a notification has already been provided by another Obligor).
Promptly upon a request by the Agent, the Borrower shall each supply to the Agent a certificate signed by two of its directors or senior officers on its behalf certifying that no Default is continuing (or if a Default is continuing, specifying the Default and the steps, if any, being taken to remedy it).
19.7        "Know your customer" checks
the introduction of or any change in (or in the interpretation, administration or application of) any law or regulation made after the date of this Agreement;
any change in the status of an Obligor or the composition of the shareholders of an Obligor after the date of this Agreement; or
a proposed assignment or transfer by a Lender of any of its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a party that is not a Lender prior to such assignment or transfer,
obliges the Agent or any Lender (or, in the case of paragraph (c) above, any prospective new Lender) to comply with "know your customer" or similar identification procedures in circumstances where the necessary information is not already available to it, each Obligor shall promptly upon the request of the Agent or any Lender supply, or procure the supply of, such documentation and other evidence as is reasonably requested by the Agent (for itself or on behalf of any Lender) or any Lender (for itself or, in the case of the event described in paragraph (c) above, on behalf of any prospective new Lender) in order for the Agent, such Lender or, in the case of the event described in paragraph (c) above, any prospective new Lender to carry out and be satisfied it has complied with all necessary "know your customer" or other similar checks under all applicable laws and regulations pursuant to the transactions contemplated in the Finance Documents.
Each Lender shall promptly upon the request of the Agent supply, or procure the supply of, such documentation and other evidence as is reasonably requested by the Agent (for itself) in order for the Agent to carry out and be satisfied it has complied with all necessary "know your customer" or other similar checks under all applicable laws and regulations pursuant to the transactions contemplated in the Finance Documents.
20.1    Conduct of Business


Each Obligor shall:
conduct its business in accordance with Best Industry Practice; and
ensure that no substantial change is made to the general nature of its business or of the business of the Group from that carried on at the date of this Agreement.
20.2        Authorisations
Each Obligor shall promptly:
obtain, comply with and do all that is necessary to maintain in full force and effect each Authorisation; and
upon the reasonable request of the Agent, supply certified copies to the Agent of each material Authorisation,
in each case required to enable it to perform its obligations under the Finance Documents and to ensure the legality, validity, enforceability or admissibility in evidence in its jurisdiction of incorporation of any Finance Document.
20.3        Telecommunications Licences
Each Obligor shall:
do all that is necessary to maintain in full force and effect (and, if necessary, renew) each of the Telecommunications Licences;
in all material respects, construct and operate the Network in accordance with the Telecommunications Licences; and
comply will all material provisions of the Telecommunications Licences.
20.4        Compliance with laws
Each Obligor shall comply in all respects with all laws to which it may be subject, if failure so to comply would have a Material Adverse Effect and shall comply in all material respects with all Environmental Laws where failure to do so might reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the Environment (or any material part thereof).
20.5        Negative pledge
No Obligor shall (and the Guarantor shall ensure that no other member of the Group will) create or permit to subsist any Security over any of its assets.
No Obligor shall (and shall ensure that no other member of the Group will):

sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any of its assets on terms whereby they are or may be leased to or re-acquired by an Obligor or any other member of the Group;
sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any of its receivables on recourse terms;
enter into any arrangement under which money or the benefit of a bank or other account may be applied, set-off or made subject to a combination of accounts;or
enter into any other preferential arrangement having a similar effect,
in circumstances where the arrangement or transaction is entered into primarily as a method of raising Financial Indebtedness or of financing the acquisition of an asset.
Paragraphs 20.5.1 and 20.5.2 above do not apply to a Permitted Security.
20.6        Disposals
No Obligor shall (and the Guarantor shall ensure that no other member of the Group will), enter into a single transaction or a series of transactions (whether related or not) and whether voluntary or involuntary to sell, lease, transfer or otherwise dispose of any asset.
Paragraph 20.6.1 above does not apply to any sale, lease, transfer or other disposal which is a Permitted Disposal.
20.7        Merger
No Obligor shall (and the Guarantor shall ensure that no other member of the Group will) enter into any amalgamation, demerger, merger or corporate reconstruction.
Paragraph 20.7.1 above does not apply to any amalgamation, demerger, merger or corporate reconstruction which is a Permitted Reorganisation for that Obligor or that member of the Group.
20.8        Insurance
Each Obligor shall (and the Guarantor shall ensure that each member of the Group will) maintain insurances on and in relation to its business and assets with reputable underwriters or insurance companies against those risks and to the extent as is usual for companies carrying on the same or substantially similar business.
20.9        Agent Taxation
Each Obligor shall (and the Guarantor shall ensure that each member of the Group will) duly and punctually pay and discharge all Taxes imposed upon it or its assets within the time period allowed without incurring penalties (except to the


extent that (a) such payment is being contested in good faith, (b) adequate reserves are being maintained for those Taxes and (c) such payment can be lawfully withheld).
20.10      Acquisitions
No Obligor shall (and each Obligor shall ensure that no other member of the Group will) purchase, hold or acquire (including pursuant to any Corporate Reorganisation with any person that was not a wholly owned Subsidiary before such Corporate Reorganisation):
any shares of capital stock, partnership interests, membership interests or other equity ownership interests in a person which corporate purpose involves activities other than activities related to the telecommunications, media and office products businesses; or
any warrants, options or other rights to acquire such shares or interests.
20.11      Pari passu ranking
Each Obligor shall ensure that the claims of each Finance Party against it under each Finance Document to which it is party rank and will rank at least pari passu with the present and future claims of all its other unsecured and unsubordinated creditors, except for claims mandatorily preferred by law applying to companies generally.
20.12      Arm's length basis
No Obligor shall enter into any transaction, agreement or other arrangement with any Affiliate except on arm's length terms.
20.13      Hedging Transaction
The Borrower agrees to offer BNP Paribas the opportunity to provide any Hedging Instruments that the Borrower wishes to enter into from time to time and if the Borrower approaches other providers of Hedging Instruments ("Hedge Providers"), the Borrower agrees to provide BNP Paribas with the option to equal such Hedge Provider's offer (including, without limitation, as to tenor, credit spread and structure) and, if BNP Paribas' offer is equivalent or better, to accept BNP Paribas' offer for the Hedging Transaction in question.
20.14      Condition subsequent
The Borrower shall deliver to the Agent and SACE by no later than 31 December 2008 a copy of the Guarantor's 2009-2011 Budget Plan and relevant investment programme for that period.
21.1        Financial definitions
In this Agreement:


"Borrowings" means, at any time, the aggregate outstanding principal, capital or nominal amount (and any fixed or minimum premium payable on prepayment or redemption) of any indebtedness of members of the Group for or in respect of:
moneys borrowed;
debit balances with financial institutions;
any amount raised by acceptance under any acceptance credit facility or dematerialised equivalent;
any amount raised pursuant to any note purchase facility or the issue of bonds, notes, debentures, loan stock or any similar instrument;
the amount of any liability in respect of any lease or hire purchase contract which would, in accordance with GAAP, be treated as a finance or capital lease;
receivables sold or discounted (other than any receivables to the extent they are sold on a non-recourse basis);
any counter-indemnity obligation in respect of a guarantee, indemnity, bond, standby or documentary letter of credit or any other instrument issued by a bank or financial institution (excluding any given in respect of trade credit arising in the ordinary course of trading);
any amount raised by the issue of redeemable shares which are redeemable at the option of the holder on or before the Final Repayment Date;
any amount of any liability under an advance or deferred purchase agreement if one of the primary reasons behind the entry into this agreement is to raise finance;
any amount raised under any other transaction (including any forward sale or purchase agreement) having the commercial effect of a borrowing; and
(without double counting) the amount of any liability in respect of any guarantee or indemnity for any of the items referred to in paragraphs 21.1.1 to 21.1.10 above.
"Cash" means, at any time, cash at bank denominated in Reais or in any other currency freely convertible into Reais in the Brazilian interbank market and credited to an account in the name of a member of the Group with a reputable financial institution and to which a member of the Group is alone beneficially entitled for so long as (i) that cash is repayable on demand, (ii) repayment of that cash is not contingent on the prior discharge of any indebtedness of any member of the Group or of any other person or on the satisfaction of any other condition, (iii) there is no Security over that cash other than Permitted Security securing Borrowings, and (iv) such cash is freely and immediately available to be applied in repayment or prepayment of Borrowings.


"Cash Equivalent Investments" means debt securities denominated in Reais or in any other currency freely convertible into Reais in the Brazilian interbank market and which debt securities are not convertible into any other form of security.
"Consolidated Debt Service" means, for any Relevant Period, the aggregate of all amounts of principal, interest (together with any amounts due by virtue of a tax gross-up) and fees which were scheduled to be paid by the Group in respect of any consolidated Financial Indebtedness during such period but excluding, for the avoidance of any doubt:
any principal amounts falling due under any overdraft or revolving facility and which were available for simultaneous redrawing according to the terms of that facility; and
any principal amounts which were simultaneously refinanced with no effect (net) on the consolidated freely available cash and cash equivalents of the Group.
"Consolidated EBITDA" means, for any Relevant Period, the consolidated profits of the Group from ordinary activities for that Relevant Period:
before deducting any Consolidated Net Finance Charges;
before taking into account any items treated as exceptional or extraordinary items;
before deducting the amount of any profit of any member of the Group which is attributable to any company in which that member of the Group holds the minority of the voting rights;
before deducting any amount attributable to the amortisation of intangible assets or the depreciation of tangible assets; and
after deducting an amount equal to the Relevant Percentage of the profit of any member of the Group (other than the Borrower) in which the Guarantor (directly or indirectly) holds a minority economic interest but the majority of the voting rights,
in each case, to the extent added, deducted or taken into account, as the case may be, for the purposes of determining the profits of the Group from ordinary activities before taxation, amortisation and depreciation as determined from the financial statements of the Group and Compliance Certificates delivered in accordance with Clause 19.1 (Financial statements) and Clause 19.2 (Compliance Certificate).
"Consolidated Net Debt" means, at any time, the aggregate amount of all obligations of the Group for or in respect of Borrowings but:
including, in the case of finance leases, only the capitalised value therefore;

deducting an amount equal to the Relevant Percentage of such obligations of any member of the Group (other than the Borrower) in which the Guarantor holds, directly or indirectly, a minority economic interest but the majority of the voting rights;
excluding any such obligations to any member of the Group (but adding back the Relevant Percentage of any such obligations owing to a member of the Group (other than the Borrower) in which the Guarantor holds, directly or indirectly, a minority economic interest but the majority of the voting rights); and
deducting the aggregate amount of freely available Cash and Cash Equivalent Investments held by any member of the Group at such time (but adding back an amount equal to the Relevant Percentage of freely available Cash and Cash Equivalent Investments held by any member of the Group (other than the Borrower) in which the Guarantor holds, directly or indirectly, a minority economic interest but the majority of the voting rights),
and so that no amount shall be included or excluded more than once.
"Consolidated Net Finance Charges" means, for any Relevant Period, the aggregate amount of the accrued interest, commission, fees, discounts, break costs, premiums and other finance payments in respect of Borrowings whether paid, payable or capitalised by any member of the Group in respect of that Relevant Period:
excluding the Relevant Percentage of any such obligations of any member of the Group (other than the Borrower) in which the Guarantor holds, directly or indirectly, a minority economic interest but the majority of the voting rights;
excluding any such obligations owing to any member of the Group (but adding back the Relevant Percentage of any such obligations owing to a member of the Group (other than the Borrower) in which the Guarantor holds, directly or indirectly, a minority economic interest but the majority of the voting rights);
including the interest element of leasing and hire purchase payments (but excluding the Relevant Percentage of any such interest element payable by any member of the Group (other than the Borrower) in which the Guarantor holds, directly or indirectly, a minority economic interest but the majority of the voting rights);
including any accrued commission, fees, discounts and other finance payments payable by any member of the Group under any interest rate hedging agreement (but excluding the Relevant Percentage of any such finance charges payable by any member of the Group (other than the Borrower) in which the Guarantor holds, directly or indirectly, a minority economic interest but the majority of the voting rights);


deducting any accrued commission, fees, discounts and other finance payments owing to any member of the Group under any interest rate hedging instrument (but adding back the Relevant Percentage of any such obligations owing to a member of the Group (other than the Borrower) in which the Guarantor holds, directly or indirectly, a minority economic interest but the majority of the voting rights);
deducting any accrued interest owing to any member of the Group on any deposit or bank account (but adding back an amount equal to the Relevant Percentage of such accrued interest owing to any member of the Group (other than the Borrower) in which the Guarantor holds, directly or indirectly, a minority economic interest but the majority of the voting rights); and
adding the amount of any cash dividends or distributions paid or made by the Guarantor in respect of that Relevant Period.
" Debt Service Cover Ratio " means, in respect of any Relevant Period, the ratio of Consolidated EBITDA for that Relevant Period to Consolidated Debt Service for that Relevant Period.
" Existing Facility Agreement " means the existing R$ 600,000,000 master term loan credit facility agreement entered into on 26 August 2005 between, inter alios, TIM Celular S.A. as borrower, TIM Participações S.A. as guarantor and HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. — Banco Multiplo as administrative agent.
" Existing Facility Termination Date " means the last scheduled final maturity date of the facilities granted under the Existing Facility Agreement as at the Signing Date, being 5 August 2010.
" Existing Facility Actual Termination Date " means the first date on which (i) all of the liabilities and obligations of TIM Celular and the Guarantor under the Existing Facility Agreement have been unconditionally paid and discharged in full and (ii) none of the parties to the Existing Facility Agreement have any actual or contingent obligations thereunder.
" Interest Cover Ratio " means, in respect of any Relevant Period, the ratio of Consolidated EBITDA for that Relevant Period to Consolidated Net Finance Charges for that Relevant Period.
" Relevant Percentage " means, at any time, in respect of any member of the Group, the percentage of the economic interest in that member of the Group that is not held by the Guarantor (and for the avoidance of doubt, for the purposes of calculating the Relevant Percentage in respect of any indirect Subsidiary of the Guarantor, the Relevant Percentage of any and all relevant intermediate members of the Group will be taken into account to determine the economic interest which is not held by the Guarantor in that indirect Subsidiary).
" Relevant Period " means each period of twelve Months ending on the last day of the Guarantor's financial year (being as at the date of this Agreement, 31December) and


each period of six Months ending on the last day of the Guarantor's financial half-year (being as at the date of this Agreement, 30 June).
21.2         Financial Condition
The Guarantor shall ensure that, for any Relevant Period:
the Consolidated Net Debt to Consolidated EBITDA Ratio as at the end of that Relevant Period:
if such Relevant Period ends on or before the Existing Facility Termination Date, does not exceed 2.00: 1.00; and
if such Relevant Period ends after the Existing Facility Termination Date and the Existing Facility Actual Termination Date has occurred, does not exceed 2.50: 1.00; and
if such Relevant Period ends after the Existing Facility Termination Date but the Existing Facility Agreement Actual Termination Date has not occurred, does not exceed the lower of
2.50: 1.00; and
the level required by the financial covenant (howsoever described) in the Existing Facility Agreement for the Consolidated Net Debt to Consolidated EBITDA Ratio (as defined in the Existing Facility Agreement);
the Interest Cover Ratio is at least equal to 2.25 :1.00; and
the Debt Service Cover Ratio is at least equal to 1.30 :1.00.
21.3         Financial Testing
The financial covenants set out in Clause 21.2 (Financial Condition) shall be calculated in accordance with GAAP and tested by reference to each of the financial statements of the Guarantor delivered pursuant to paragraphs 19.1.1 and 19.1.2 of Clause 19.1 (Financial statements) and/or each Compliance Certificate delivered pursuant to Clause 19.2 (Compliance Certificate).
22.          EVENTS OF DEFAULT
Each of the events or circumstances set out in this Clause 22 is an Event of Default (save as for Clause 22.14 (Acceleration).
22.1         Non-payment
An Obligor does not pay on the due date any amount payable pursuant to a Finance Document or the SACE Reimbursement Agreement at the place at and in the currency in which it is expressed to be payable unless (i) such failure is caused by an error of technical or administrative nature and (ii) payment is made within five (5) Business Days of its due date.

22.2         Financial covenants
Any requirement of Clause 21 (Financial covenants) is not satisfied.
Other obligations
An Obligor does not comply with any provision of the Finance Documents (other than those referred to in Clause 22.1 (Non-payment) or in Clause 21 (Financial covenants)) or the SACE Reimbursement Agreement .
No Event of Default under this Clause 22.3 will occur if the failure to comply is capable of remedy and is remedied within 30 days of the Agent giving notice to the relevant Obligor or the relevant Obligor becoming aware of the failure to comply.
22.4         Misrepresentation
Any representation or statement made or deemed to be made by an Obligor in the Finance Documents or the SACE Reimbursement Agreement or any other document delivered by or on behalf of any Obligor under or in connection with any Finance Document is or proves to have been incorrect or misleading in any material respect when made or deemed to be made.
No Event of Default under this Clause 22.4 will occur if events or circumstances giving rise to such representation or statement having been incorrect or misleading in any material respect when made or deemed to be made is capable of remedy and is remedied within 30 days of the Agent giving notice to the relevant Obligor or the relevant Obligor becoming aware of such event or circumstance.
22.5         Cross default
Any Financial Indebtedness of any member of the Group is not paid when due nor within any originally applicable grace period.
Any Financial Indebtedness of any member of the Group is declared to be or otherwise becomes due and payable prior to its specified maturity as a result of an event of default (however described).
Any commitment for any Financial Indebtedness of any member of the Group is cancelled or suspended by a creditor of any member of the Group as a result of an event of default (however described).
Any creditor of any member of the Group becomes entitled to declare any Financial Indebtedness of any member of the Group due and payable prior to its specified maturity as a result of an event of default (however described).
No Event of Default will occur under this Clause 22.5 if the aggregate amount of Financial Indebtedness or commitment for Financial

Indebtedness falling within paragraphs 22.5.1 to 22.5.4 above is less than R$75,000,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency or currencies).
22.6         Insolvency
A member of the Group is unable or admits inability to pay its debts as they fall due, suspends making payments on any of its debts or, by reason of actual or anticipated financial difficulties, commences negotiations with one or more of its creditors with a view to rescheduling any of its
The value of the assets of any member of the Group is less than its liabilities (taking into account contingent and prospective liabilities).
A moratorium is declared in respect of any indebtedness of any member of the Group.
A member of the Group is insolvent for the purposes of Brazilian law.
22.7         Insolvency proceedings
Any corporate action, legal proceedings or other procedure or step is taken in relation to:
the suspension of payments, a moratorium of any indebtedness, winding-up, dissolution, administration or reorganisation (by way of voluntary arrangement, scheme of arrangement or otherwise) of any member of the Group (other than a Permitted Reorganisation);
a composition, compromise, assignment or arrangement with any creditor of any member of the Group;
the appointment of a liquidator (other than in respect of a solvent liquidation of a member of the Group which is not an Obligor), receiver, administrative receiver, administrator, compulsory manager or other similar officer in respect of any member of the Group or any of its assets; or
enforcement of any Security over any assets of any member of the Group,
or any analogous procedure or step is taken in any jurisdiction.
No Event of Default will occur under this Clause 22.7 in relation to any action, proceeding or step which is frivolous or vexatious and is discharged, stayed (but only for so long as it is stayed) or dismissed within 60 (sixty) days of commencement.


22.8         Creditors' process
Any expropriation, attachment, sequestration, distress or execution affects any asset or assets of a member of the Group having an aggregate value of R$ 375,000,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency or currencies) and is not discharged, stayed (but only for so long as it is stayed) or dismissed within 60 (sixty) days of commencement.
22.9         Telecommunications Licences
Any of the following events or circumstances occurs:
any Telecommunications Licence is not or ceases to be in full force and effect;
breach by any party of any material term of any Telecommunications Licence (which is not cured within any cure period provided for in such Telecommunications Licence) the breach of which may give rise to the right to terminate or suspend any such Telecommunications Licence, unless such breach; or
any suspension, cancellation or unilateral amendment by Anatel or any other Authority that adversely affects a material right of, or imposes an additional material obligation on the Borrower under any Telecommunication Licence.
22.10       Unlawfulness
It is or becomes unlawful for an Obligor to perform any of its obligations under a Finance Document to which it is party where such unlawfulness arises as a result of any act or omission of an Obligor or any of their respective Affiliates.
22.11       Repudiation
An Obligor repudiates a Finance Document or the SACE Reimbursement Agreement or evidences an intention to repudiate a Finance Document or the SACE Reimbursement Agreement.
22.12       Moratorium
A moratorium is called, for Brazilian borrowers, guarantors or sureties or a class of Brazilian borrowers, guarantors or sureties to which an Obligor belongs, on the payment of interest or the repayment of principal on Financial Indebtedness or any class of Financial Indebtedness to which the Loans belong (or the payment under guarantees or suretyships in respect thereof).
22.13       Termination of business
Any Obligor ceases to carry on all or a material part of the business it carries on as of the Signing Date.


22.14       Acceleration
On and at any time after the occurrence of an Event of Default which is continuing, the Agent may, and shall if so directed by the Majority Lenders or SACE, by notice to the Borrower:
cancel the Total Commitments, at which time they shall immediately be cancelled;
declare that all or part of the Loans, together with accrued interest, and­ all other amounts accrued or outstanding under the Finance Documents be immediately due and payable, at which time they shall become immediately due and payable; and/or
declare that all or part of the Loans be payable on demand, at which time they shall immediately become payable on demand by the Agent on the instructions of the Majority Lenders.


23.1        Assignments and transfers by the Lenders
Subject to this Clause 23, a Lender (the "Existing Lender") may:
assign any of its rights; or
transfer by novation any of its rights and obligations,
to another bank or financial institution or to a trust, fund or other entity which is regularly engaged in or established for the purpose of making, purchasing or investing in loans, securities or other financial assets or to SACE (the "New Lender").
23.2         Conditions of assignment or transfer
The consent of the Guarantor is required for an assignment or transfer by an Existing Lender, unless:
such assignment or transfer is to another Lender or an Affiliate of a Lender;
such assignment or transfer is to SACE; or
at the time of such assignment or transfer, an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing.
The consent of the Guarantor to an assignment or transfer must not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The Guarantor will be deemed to have given its consent five (5) Business Days after the Existing Lender has requested it unless consent is expressly refused by the Guarantor within that time.
Nothing in this Agreement shall prejudice or otherwise limit:
the right of any Lender to assign its rights, or transfer its rights and obligations, under, or in connection with, any Finance Document to SACE; or
the right of SACE to be subrogated to any Lenders' rights under, or in connection with, any Finance Document.
An assignment will only be effective on:
receipt by the Agent of written confirmation from the New Lender (in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent) that the New Lender will assume the same obligations to the other Finance Parties as it would have been under if it was the Original Lender; and


performance by the Agent of all necessary "know your customer" or other similar checks under all applicable laws and regulations in relation to such assignment to a New Lender.
A transfer will only be effective if the procedure set out in Clause 23.5 (Procedure for transfer) is complied with.
a Lender assigns or transfers any of its rights or obligations under the Finance Documents or changes its Facility Office; and
as a result of circumstances existing at the date the assignment, transfer or change occurs, an Obligor would be obliged to make a payment to the New Lender or Lender acting through its new Facility Office under Clause 14 (Increased Costs),
then the New Lender or Lender acting through its new Facility Office is only entitled to receive payment under those Clauses to the same extent as the Existing Lender or Lender acting through its previous Facility Office would have been if the assignment, transfer or change had not occurred.
23.3         Assignment or transfer fee
The New Lender shall, unless such New Lender is SACE, on the date upon which an assignment or transfer takes effect, pay to the Agent (for its own account) a fee of three thousand dollars ($3,000).
23.4        Limitation of responsibility of Existing Lenders
Unless expressly agreed to the contrary, an Existing Lender makes no representation or warranty and assumes no responsibility to a New Lender for:
the legality, validity, effectiveness, adequacy or enforceability of the Finance Documents, the SACE Guarantee or any other documents;
the financial condition of any Obligor or SACE;
the performance and observance by any Obligor or SACE of its obligations under the Finance Documents, the SACE Guarantee or any other documents; or
the accuracy of any statements (whether written or oral) made in or in connection with any Finance Document, the SACE Guarantee or any other document,
and any representations or warranties implied by law are excluded.


Each New Lender confirms to the Existing Lender and the other Finance Parties that it:
has made (and shall continue to make) its own independent investigation and assessment of the financial condition and affairs of each Obligor and its related entities and SACE in connection with its participation in this Agreement and has not relied exclusively on any information provided to it by the Existing Lender in connection with any Finance Document; and
will continue to make its own independent appraisal of the creditworthiness of each Obligor and its related entities and SACE whilst any amount is or may be outstanding under the Finance Documents or any Commitment is in force.
Nothing in any Finance Document obliges an Existing Lender to:
accept a re-transfer or a re-assignment from a New Lender of any of the rights and obligations assigned or transferred under this Clause 23; or
support any losses directly or indirectly incurred by the New Lender by reason of the non-performance by any Obligor of its obligations under the Finance Documents or otherwise.
23.5         Procedure for transfer
Subject to the conditions set out in Clause 23.2 (Conditions of assignment or transfer) a transfer is effected in accordance with paragraph (c) below when the Agent executes an otherwise duly completed Transfer Certificate delivered to it by the Existing Lender and the New Lender. The Agent shall, subject to paragraph (b) below, as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt by it of a duly completed Transfer Certificate appearing on its face to comply with the terms of this Agreement and delivered in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, execute that Transfer Certificate.
The Agent shall only be obliged to execute a Transfer Certificate delivered to it by the Existing Lender and the New Lender once it is satisfied it has complied with all necessary "know your customer" or other similar checks under all applicable laws and regulations in relation to the transfer to such New Lender.
On the Transfer Date:
to the extent that in the Transfer Certificate the Existing Lender seeks to transfer by novation its rights and obligations under the Finance Documents each of the Obligors and the Existing Lender shall be released from further obligations towards one another under the Finance Documents and their respective rights against one another under the Finance Documents shall be cancelled (being the "Discharged Rights and Obligations");


each of the Obligors and the New Lender shall assume obligations towards one another and/or acquire rights against one another which differ from the Discharged Rights and Obligations only insofar as that Obligor and the New Lender have assumed and/or acquired the same in place of that Obligor and the Existing Lender;
the Agent, the Mandated Arranger, the New Lender and the other Lenders shall acquire the same rights and assume the same obligations between themselves as they would have acquired and assumed had the New Lender been the Original Lender with the rights and/or obligations acquired or assumed by it as a result of the transfer and to that extent the Agent, the Mandated Arranger and the Existing Lender shall each be released from further obligations to each other under the Finance Documents; and
the New Lender shall become a Party as a "Lender".
23.6         Disclosure of information
Any Finance Party may disclose to:
any of its Affiliates and/or any other Finance Party and/or to SACE;
any other person:
to (or through) whom that Finance Party assigns or transfers (or may potentially assign or transfer) all or any of its rights and obligations under this Agreement;
with (or through) whom that Finance Party enters into (or may potentially enter into) any sub-participation in relation to, or any other transaction under which payments are to be made by reference to, this Agreement or any Obligor; or
to whom, and to the extent that, information is required to be disclosed by any applicable law or regulation;
to a rating agency or its professional; and
if requested or required to do so by any court, tribunal or judicial, governmental, supervisory or regulatory body or the rules of any stock exchange or required to do so under any applicable law,
any information about any Obligor, the Group (and any member thereof) and the Finance Documents as that Finance Party shall consider appropriate.
24.1         Assignments and transfers by Obligors
No Obligor may assign any of its rights or transfer any of its rights or obligations under the Finance Documents.

Appointment of the Agent
Each other Finance Party appoints the Agent to act as its agent under and in connection with the Finance Documents.
Each other Finance Party authorises the Agent to exercise the rights, powers, authorities and discretions specifically given to the Agent under or in connection with the Finance Documents together with any other incidental rights, powers, authorities and discretions.
Duties of the Agent
The Agent shall promptly forward to a Party the original or a copy of any document which is delivered to the Agent for that Party by any other Party.
Except where a Finance Document specifically provides otherwise, the Agent is not obliged to review or check the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any document it forwards to another Party.
If the Agent receives notice from a Party referring to this Agreement, describing a Default and stating that the circumstance described is a Default, it shall promptly notify the other Finance Parties.
If the Agent is aware of the non-payment of any principal, interest, commitment fee or other fee payable to a Finance Party (other than the Agent or the Mandated Arranger) under this Agreement it shall promptly notify the other Finance Parties.
The Agent's duties under the Finance Documents are solely mechanical and administrative in nature.
Role of the Mandated Arranger
Except as specifically provided in the Finance Documents, the Mandated Arranger has no obligations of any kind to any other Party under or in connection with any Finance Document.
No fiduciary duties
Nothing in this Agreement constitutes the Agent or the Mandated Arranger as a trustee or fiduciary of any other person.
Neither the Agent nor the Mandated Arranger shall be bound to account to any Lender for any sum or the profit element of any sum received by it for its own account.

Business with the Group
The Agent and the Mandated Arranger may accept deposits from, lend money to and generally engage in any kind of banking or other business with any member of the Group.
Rights and discretions of the Agent
The Agent may rely on:
any representation, notice or document believed by it to be genuine, correct and appropriately authorised; and
any statement made by a director, authorised signatory or employee of any person regarding any matters which may reasonably be assumed to be within his knowledge or within his power to verify.
The Agent may assume (unless it has received notice to the contrary in its capacity as agent for the Lenders) that:
no Default has occurred (unless it has actual knowledge of a Default arising under Clause 22.1 (Non-payment));
any right, power, authority or discretion vested in any Party, SACE or the Majority Lenders has not been exercised; and
any notice or request made by the Borrower (other than a Utilisation Request) is made with the consent and knowledge of all the Obligors.
The Agent may engage, pay for and rely on the advice or services of any lawyers, accountants, surveyors or other experts.
The Agent may act in relation to the Finance Documents through its personnel and agents.
The Agent may disclose to any other Party any information it reasonably believes it has received as Agent under this Agreement.
Notwithstanding any other provision of any Finance Document to the contrary, neither the Agent nor the Mandated Arranger is obliged to do or omit to do anything if it would or might in its reasonable opinion constitute a breach of any law or regulation or a breach of a fiduciary duty or duty of confidentiality.
Majority Lenders' instructions
Unless a contrary indication appears in a Finance Document or otherwise required, or instructed by SACE, under the SACE Guarantee, the Agent shall (i) exercise any right, power, authority or discretion vested in it as Agent in accordance with any instructions given to it by the Majority Lenders (or, if so instructed by the Majority Lenders, refrain from exercising any right, power,

authority or discretion vested in it as Agent) and (ii) not be liable for any act (or omission) if it acts (or refrains from taking any action) in accordance with an instruction of the Majority Lenders.
Unless a contrary indication appears in a Finance Document, any instructions given by the Majority Lenders or SACE under the SACE Guarantee will be binding on all the Finance Parties.
The Agent may refrain from acting in accordance with the instructions of the Majority Lenders (or, if appropriate, the Lenders) until it has received such security as it may require for any cost, loss or liability (together with any associated VAT) which it may incur in complying with the instructions.
In the absence of instructions from the Majority Lenders, (or, if appropriate, the Lenders) the Agent may act (or refrain from taking action) as it considers to be in the best interest of the Lenders.
The Agent is not authorised to act on behalf of a Lender (without first obtaining that Lender's consent) in any legal or arbitration proceedings relating to any Finance Document.
Responsibility for documentation
Neither the Agent nor the Mandated Arranger is responsible for:
the adequacy, accuracy and/or completeness of any information (whether oral or written) provided by the Agent, the Mandated Arranger, an Obligor or any other person given in or in connection with any Finance Document, the SACE Guarantee or the transactions contemplated by the Finance Documents or the SACE Guarantee; or
the legality, validity, effectiveness, adequacy or enforceability of any Finance Document or the SACE Guarantee or any other agreement, arrangement or document entered into, made or executed in anticipation of or in connection with any Finance Document or the SACE Guarantee.
Exclusion of liability
Without limiting paragraph 25.9.2 below, the Agent will not be liable (including, without limitation, for negligence or any other category of liability whatsoever) for any action taken by it under or in connection with any Finance Document or the SACE Guarantee, unless directly caused by its gross negligence or wilful misconduct.
No Party (other than the Agent) may take any proceedings against any officer, employee or agent of the Agent in respect of any claim it might have against the Agent or in respect of any act or omission of any kind by that officer, employee or agent in relation to any Finance Document or the SACE Guarantee and any officer, employee or agent of the Agent

may rely on this Clause subject to Clause 1.5 (Third party rights) and the provisions of the Third Parties Act.
The Agent will not be liable for any delay (or any related consequences) in crediting an account with an amount required under the Finance Documents to be paid by the Agent if the Agent has taken all necessary steps as soon as reasonably practicable to comply with the regulations or operating procedures of any recognised clearing or settlement system used by the Agent for that purpose.
Nothing in this Agreement shall oblige the Agent or the Mandated Arranger to carry out any "know your customer" or other checks in relation to any person on behalf of any Lender and each Lender confirms to the Agent and the Mandated Arranger that it is solely responsible for any such checks it is required to carry out and that it may not rely on any statement in relation to such checks made by the Agent or the Mandated Arranger.
Lenders' indemnity to the Agent
Each Lender shall (in proportion to its share of the Total Commitments or, if the Total Commitments are then zero, to its share of the Total Commitments immediately prior to their reduction to zero) indemnify the Agent, within three Business Days of demand, against any cost, loss or liability (including, without limitation, for negligence or any other category of liability whatsoever) incurred by the Agent (otherwise than by reason of the Agent's gross negligence or wilful misconduct) (notwithstanding the Agent's negligence, gross negligence or any other category of liability whatsoever but not including any claim based on the fraud of the Agent) in acting as Agent under the Finance Documents (unless the Agent has been reimbursed by an Obligor pursuant to a Finance Document).
Resignation of the Agent
Subject to the terms of the SACE Guarantee, the Agent may resign and appoint one of its Affiliates as successor by giving notice to the other Finance Parties and the Borrower.
Subject to the terms of the SACE Guarantee, alternatively the Agent may resign by giving notice to the other Finance Parties and the Borrower, in which case the Majority Lenders (after consultation with the Borrower) may appoint a successor Agent.
If the Majority Lenders have not appointed a successor Agent in accordance with paragraph 25.11.2 above within 30 days after notice of resignation was given, the Agent (after consultation with the Borrower) may, subject to the terms of the SACE Guarantee, appoint a successor Agent.
The retiring Agent shall, at its own cost, make available to the successor Agent such documents and records and provide such assistance as the

successor Agent may reasonably request for the purposes of performing its functions as Agent under the Finance Documents.
The Agent's resignation notice shall only take effect upon the appointment of a successor.
Upon the appointment of a successor, the retiring Agent shall be discharged from any further obligation in respect of the Finance Documents but shall remain entitled to the benefit of this Clause 25. Its successor   and each of the other Parties shall have the same rights and obligations amongst themselves as they would have had if such successor had been an original Party.
Subject to the terms of the SACE Guarantee, after consultation with the Guarantor, the Majority Lenders may, by notice to the Agent, require it to resign in accordance with paragraph 25.11.2 above. In this event, the Agent shall resign in accordance with paragraph 25.11.2 above.
In acting as agent for the Finance Parties, the Agent shall be regarded as acting through its agency division which shall be treated as a separate entity from any other of its divisions or departments.
If information is received by another division or department of the Agent, it may be treated as confidential to that division or department and the Agent shall not be deemed to have notice of it.
Relationship with the Lenders
The Agent may treat each Lender as a Lender, entitled to payments under this Agreement and acting through its Facility Office unless it has received not less than five Business Days prior notice from that Lender to the contrary in accordance with the terms of this Agreement
Credit appraisal by the Lenders
Without affecting the responsibility of any Obligor for information supplied by it or on its behalf in connection with any Finance Document, each Lender confirms to the Agent and the Mandated Arranger that it has been, and will continue to be, solely responsible for making its own independent appraisal and investigation of all risks arising under or in connection with any Finance Document and the SACE Guarantee including but not limited to:
the financial condition, creditworthiness, condition, affairs, status and nature of each member of the Group and SACE;
the legality, validity, effectiveness, adequacy or enforceability of any Finance Document and the SACE Guarantee and any other agreement, arrangement or document entered into, made or executed in anticipation of, under or in connection with any Finance Document or the SACE Guarantee;


whether that Lender has recourse, and the nature and extent of that recourse, against any Party or any of its respective assets under or in connection with any Finance Document or the SACE Guarantee, the transactions contemplated by the Finance Documents, the SACE Guarantee or any other agreement, arrangement or document entered into, made or executed in anticipation of, under or in connection with any Finance Document or the SACE Guarantee; and
the adequacy, accuracy and/or completeness of the any information provided  by the Agent, any Party or by any other person under or in connection with any Finance Document or the SACE Guarantee, the transactions contemplated by the Finance Documents, the SACE Guarantee or any other agreement, arrangement or document entered into, made or executed in anticipation of, under or in connection with any Finance Document or the SACE Guarantee, and each Lender warrants to the Agent and the Mandated Arranger that it has not relied on and will not at any time rely on the Agent or the Mandated Arranger in respect of any of these matters.
Deduction from amounts payable by the Agent
If any Party owes an amount to the Agent under the Finance Documents the Agent may, after giving notice to that Party, deduct an amount not exceeding that amount from any payment to that Party which the Agent would otherwise be obliged to make under the Finance Documents and apply the amount deducted in or towards satisfaction of the amount owed. For the purposes of the Finance Documents that Party shall be regarded as having received any amount so deducted.
No provision of this Agreement will:
interfere with the right of any Finance Party to arrange its affairs (tax or otherwise) in whatever manner it thinks fit;
oblige any Finance Party to investigate or claim any credit, relief, remission or repayment available to it or the extent, order and manner of any claim; or
oblige any Finance Party to disclose any information relating to its affairs (tax or otherwise) or any computations in respect of Tax.
Payments to Finance Parties
If a Finance Party (a "Recovering Finance Party") receives or recovers any amount from an Obligor other than in accordance with Clause 28 (Payment mechanics) and applies that amount to a payment due under the Finance Documents then:

the Recovering Finance Party shall, within three Business Days, notify details of the receipt or recovery, to the Agent;
the Agent shall determine whether the receipt or recovery is in excess of the amount the Recovering Finance Party would have been paid had the receipt or recovery been received or made by the Agent and distributed in accordance with Clause 28 (Payment Mechanics), without taking account of any Tax which would be imposed on the Agent in relation to the receipt, recovery or distribution; and
the Recovering Finance Party shall, within three Business Days of demand by the Agent, pay to the Agent an amount (the "Sharing Payment") equal to such receipt or recovery less any amount which the Agent determines may be retained by the Recovering Finance Party as its share of any payment to be made, in accordance with Clause 28.5 (Partial payments).
Redistribution of payments
The Agent shall treat the Sharing Payment as if it had been paid by the relevant Obligor and distribute it between the Finance Parties (other than the Recovering Finance Party) in accordance with Clause 28.5 (Partial payments).
Recovering Finance Party's rights
On a distribution by the Agent under Clause 27.2 (Redistribution of payments), the Recovering Finance Party will be subrogated to the rights of the Finance Parties which have shared in the redistribution.
If and to the extent that the Recovering Finance Party is not able to rely on its rights under paragraph 27.3.1 above, the relevant Obligor shall be liable to the Recovering Finance Party for a debt equal to the Sharing Payment which is immediately due and payable.
Reversal of redistribution
If any part of the Sharing Payment received or recovered by a Recovering Finance Party becomes repayable and is repaid by that Recovering Finance Party, then:
each Finance Party which has received a share of the relevant Sharing Payment pursuant to Clause 27.2 (Redistribution of payments) shall, upon request of the Agent, pay to the Agent for account of that Recovering Finance Party an amount equal to the appropriate part of its share of the Sharing Payment (together with an amount as is necessary to reimburse that Recovering Finance Party for its proportion of any interest on the Sharing Payment which that Recovering Finance Party is required to pay); and
that Recovering Finance Party's rights of subrogation in respect of any reimbursement shall be cancelled and the relevant Obligor will be liable to the reimbursing Finance Party for the amount so reimbursed.

This Clause 27 shall not apply to the extent that the Recovering Finance Party would not, after making any payment pursuant to this Clause, have a valid and enforceable claim against the relevant Obligor.
A Recovering Finance Party is not obliged to share with any other Finance Party any amount which the Recovering Finance Party has received or recovered as a result of taking legal or arbitration proceedings, if:
it notified that other Finance Party of the legal or arbitration proceedings; and
that other Finance Party had an opportunity to participate in those legal or arbitration proceedings but did not do so as soon as reasonably practicable having received notice and did not take separate legal or arbitration proceedings.

Payments to the Agent
On each date on which an Obligor or a Lender is required to make a payment under a Finance Document, that Obligor or Lender shall make the same available to the Agent (unless a contrary indication appears in a Finance Document) for value on the due date at the time and in such funds specified by the Agent as being customary at the time for settlement of transactions in the relevant currency in the place of payment.
Payment shall be made to such account in the principal financial centre of the country of that currency with such bank as the Agent specifies.
Distributions by the Agent
Each payment received by the Agent under the Finance Documents for another Party shall, subject to Clause 28.3 (Distributions to an Obligor), Clause 28.4 (Clawback) and Clause 25.15 (Deduction from amounts payable by the ) be made available by the Agent as soon as practicable after receipt to the Party entitled to receive payment in accordance with this Agreement (in the case of a Lender, for the account of its Facility Office), to such account as that Party may notify to the Agent by not less than five Business Days' notice with a bank in the principal financial centre of the country of that currency.
Distributions to an Obligor
The Agent may (with the consent of the Obligor or in accordance with Clause 29 (Set-off)) apply any amount received by it for that Obligor in or towards payment (on the date and in the currency and funds of receipt) of any amount due from that Obligor under the Finance Documents or in or towards purchase of any amount of any currency to be so applied.
Where a sum is to be paid to the Agent under the Finance Documents for another Party, the Agent is not obliged to pay that sum to that other Party (or to enter into or perform any related exchange contract) until it has been able to establish to its satisfaction that it has actually received that sum.
If the Agent pays an amount to another Party and it proves to be the case that the Agent had not actually received that amount, then the Party to whom that amount (or the proceeds of any related exchange contract) was paid by the Agent shall on demand refund the same to the Agent together with interest on that amount from the date of payment to the date of receipt by the Agent, calculated by the Agent to reflect its cost of funds.

Partial payments
If the Agent receives a payment that is insufficient to discharge all the amounts then due and payable by an Obligor under the Finance Documents, the Agent, subject to the terms of the SACE Guarantee, shall apply that payment towards the obligations of that Obligor under the Finance Documents in the following order:
first, in or towards payment pro rata of any unpaid fees, costs and expenses of the Agent and the Mandated Arranger under the Finance Documents;
secondly, in or towards payment pro rata of any accrued interest, fee or commission due but unpaid under this Agreement;
thirdly, in or towards payment pro rata of any principal due but unpaid under this Agreement; and
fourthly, in or towards payment pro rata of any other sum due but unpaid under the Finance Documents.
The Agent shall, if so directed by the Majority Lenders (and subject to the terms of the SACE Guarantee), vary the order set out in paragraphs 28.5.1 (b) to (d) above.
Paragraphs 28.5.1 and 28.5.2 above will override any appropriation made by an Obligor.
No set-off by Obligors
All payments to be made by an Obligor under the Finance Documents shall be calculated and be made without (and free and clear of any deduction for) set-off or counterclaim.
Business Days
Any payment which is due to be made on a day that is not a Business Day shall be made on the next Business Day in the same calendar month (if there is one) or the preceding Business Day (if there is not).
During any extension of the due date for payment of any principal or Unpaid Sum under this Agreement interest is payable on the principal or Unpaid Sum at the rate payable on the original due date.
Currency of account
Subject to paragraphs 28.8.2 and 28.8.3 below, dollars is the currency of account and payment for any sum from an Obligor under any Finance Document.
Each payment in respect of costs, expenses or Taxes shall be made in the currency in which the costs, expenses or Taxes are incurred.

Any amount expressed to be payable in a currency other than dollars shall be paid in that other currency.
Each Finance Party may at any time whilst an Event of Default is continuing set off any matured obligation due from an Obligor under the Finance Documents (to the extent beneficially owned by that Finance Party) against any matured obligation owed by that Finance Party to such Obligor, regardless of the place of payment, booking branch or currency of either obligation. If the obligations are in different currencies, the Finance Party may convert either obligation at a market rate of exchange in its usual course of business for the purpose of the set-off.
Set-off not Mandatory
No Finance Party shall be obliged to exercise any right given to it by Clause 29.1 (Set­off).
Communications in writing
Any communication to be made under or in connection with the Finance Documents shall be made in writing and, unless otherwise stated, may be made by fax or letter.
The address and fax number (and the department or officer, if any, for whose attention the communication is to be made) of each Party for any communication or document to be made or delivered under or in connection with the Finance Documents is:
in the case of each Obligor, that identified with its name below;
(i)            in case of the Borrower:
Avenida das Américas, 3.434, bloco 1, 7° andar
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
CEP 22640-102
(ii)           in case of the Guarantor:
Avenida das Américas, 3.434, bloco 1, 7° andar
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
CEP 22640-102

in the case of each Lender, that notified in writing to the Agent on or prior to the date on which it becomes a Party; and
in the case of the Agent, that identified with its name below,
or any substitute address or fax number or department or officer as the Party may notify to the Agent (or the Agent may notify to the other Parties, if a change is made by the Agent) by not less than five Business Days' notice.
Any communication or document made or delivered by one person to another under or in connection with the Finance Documents will only be effective:
if by way of fax, when received in legible form; or
if by way of letter, when it has been left at the relevant address or five Business Days after being deposited in the post postage prepaid in an envelope addressed to it at that address,
and, if a particular department or officer is specified as part of its address details provided under Clause 30.2 (Addresses), if addressed to that department or officer.
Any communication or document to be made or delivered to the Agent will be effective only when actually received by the Agent and then only if it is expressly marked for the attention of the department or officer identified with the Agent's signature below (or any substitute department or officer as the Agent shall specify for this purpose).
All notices from or to an Obligor shall be sent through the Agent.
Notification of address and fax number
Promptly upon receipt of notification of an address and fax number or change of address or fax number pursuant to Clause 30.2 (Addresses) or changing its own address or fax number, the Agent shall notify the other Parties.
Electronic communication
Any communication to be made between the Agent and a Lender under or in connection with the Finance Documents may be made by electronic mail or other electronic means, if the Agent and the relevant Lender:
agree that, unless and until notified to the contrary, this is to be an accepted form of communication;
notify each other in writing of their electronic mail address and/or any other information required to enable the sending and receipt of information by that means; and

notify each other of any change to their address or any other such information supplied by them.
Any electronic communication made between the Agent and a Lender will be effective only when actually received in readable form and in the case of any electronic communication made by a Lender to the Agent only if it is addressed in such a manner as the Agent shall specify for this purpose.
English language
Any notice given under or in connection with any Finance Document must be in English.
All other documents provided under or in connection with any Finance Document must be:
in English; or
if not in English, and if so required by the Agent, accompanied by a certified English translation and, in this case, the English translation will prevail unless the document is a constitutional, statutory or other official document.
3 1. 
31.1         Accounts
In any litigation or arbitration proceedings arising out of or in connection with a Finance Document, the entries made in the accounts maintained by a Finance Party are prima facie evidence of the matters to which they relate.
Certificates and determinations
Any certification or determination by a Finance Party of a rate or amount under any Finance Document is, in the absence of manifest error, conclusive evidence of the matters to which it relates.
Day count convention
Any interest, commission or fee accruing under a Finance Document will accrue from day to day and is calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed and a year of 360 days or, in any case where the practice in the Relevant Interbank Market differs, in accordance with that market practice.
If, at any time, any provision of the Finance Documents is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under any law of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions nor the legality, validity or enforceability of such provision under the law of any other jurisdiction will in any way be affected or impaired.


No failure to exercise, nor any delay in exercising, on the part of any Finance Party, any right or remedy under the Finance Documents shall operate as a waiver, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right or remedy prevent any further or other exercise or the exercise of any other right or remedy. The rights and remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.
Required consents
Subject to Clause 34.2 (Exceptions) and save as otherwise provided in the SACE Guarantee, any term of the Finance Documents may be amended or waived only with the consent of the Majority Lenders and the Obligors and any such amendment or waiver will be binding on all Parties.
The Agent may effect, on behalf of any Finance Party, any amendment or waiver permitted by this Clause.
An amendment or waiver that has the effect of changing or which relates to:
the definition of "Majority Lenders" in Clause 1.1 (Definitions);
an extension to the date of payment of any amount under the Finance Documents;
a reduction in the Margin or a reduction in the amount of any payment of principal, interest, fees or commission payable;
an increase in or an extension of any Commitment;
a change to the Borrower or Guarantors;
any provision which expressly requires the consent of all the Lenders; or
Clause 2.2 (Finance Parties' rights and obligations), Clause 23 (Changes to the Lenders) or this Clause 34,
shall not be made without the prior consent of all the Lenders.
An amendment or waiver which relates to the rights or obligations of the Agent or the Mandated Arranger may not be effected without the consent of the Agent or the Mandated Arranger as the case may be.


Each Finance Document may be executed in any number of counterparts, and this has the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Finance Document.

This Agreement and all non-contractual obligations arising from or connected with it are governed by English law.
37. 1        Jurisdiction
The courts of England have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement (including a dispute relating to non-contractual obligations arising from or in connection with this Agreement, or a dispute regarding the existence, validity or termination of this Agreement or the consequences of its nullity) (a "Dispute").
The Parties agree that the courts of England are the most appropriate and convenient courts to settle Disputes and accordingly no Party will argue to the contrary.
This Clause 37.1 (Jurisdiction) is for the benefit of the Finance Parties only. As a result, and notwithstanding paragraph 37.1.1 of Clause 37.1, any Finance Party may take proceedings relating to a Dispute in any other courts with jurisdiction. To the extent allowed by law, the Finance Parties may take concurrent proceedings in any number of jurisdictions.
Service of process
Without prejudice to any other mode of service allowed under any relevant law, each Obligor:
irrevocably appoints TI United Kingdom Limited of 100 New Bridge Street, London EC4V 6JA, England as its agent for service of process in relation to any proceedings before the English courts in connection with any Finance Document; and
agrees that failure by an agent for service of process to notify the relevant Obligor of the process will not invalidate the proceedings concerned.
Waiver of immunity
Each Obligor waives generally all immunity it or its assets or revenues may otherwise have in any jurisdiction, including immunity in respect of:
the bringing of any suit, action or proceeding;
the giving of any relief by way of injunction or order for specific performance or for the recovery of assets or revenues; and

the issue of any process against its assets or revenues for the enforcement of a judgment or, in an action in rem, for the arrest, detention or sale of any of its assets and revenues.
Security for costs
To the extent that any Obligor may, in any suit, action or proceeding arising in connection with any Finance Document be entitled to the benefit of any provision requiring a Finance Party to post security for the costs for that Obligor, or post a bond or to take any similar action, that Obligor irrevocably waives such benefit, to the fullest extent now and in the future permitted under applicable law.
This Agreement has been entered into on the date stated at the beginning of this Agreement.

Schedule 1
A copy of the constitutional documents (estatuto social) of each Obligor.
A copy of a resolution of the board of directors or of the shareholders (as appropriate) of each Obligor (i) approving the terms of, and the transactions contemplated by, the Finance Documents to which it is a party and resolving that it execute the Finance Documents to which it is a party; and (ii) authorising a specified person or persons to execute the Finance Documents to which it is a party on its behalf and to sign and/or despatch all documents and notices (including, if relevant, any Utilisation Request) to be signed and/or despatched by it under or in connection with the Finance Documents to which it is a party.
A copy of each power of attorney required for the signatories of the Obligors to the Finance Documents.
The registration of the corporate acts undertaken by the Obligors in connection with the execution and delivery of the Finance Documents with the Junta Comercial (Board of Commerce).
A specimen of the signature of each person authorised by the resolution referred to in paragraph (b) above.
A certificate of each Obligor confirming that borrowing or guaranteeing, as appropriate, the Total Commitments would not cause any borrowing, guaranteeing or similar limit binding on any Obligor to be exceeded.
A certificate of an authorised signatory of the relevant Obligor certifying that each copy document relating to it specified in this Schedule 1 is correct, complete and in full force and effect as at a date no earlier than the date of this Agreement.
Finance Documents
A duly executed original copy of each Finance Document (and evidence of any relevant taxes, stamp duties, notarial fees, registration fees or taxes having been paid with respect to each such document where applicable), in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent, duly executed and in full force and effect.
SACE Conditions Precedent
The SACE Guarantee duly executed by the parties thereto.
The SACE Reimbursement Agreement duly executed by the parties thereto.

Evidence that the SACE Guarantee shall have become effective and unconditional.
Evidence that the SACE Upfront Guarantee Fee has been paid to SACE.
Legal opinions
A legal opinion of Clifford Chance Europe LLP, English legal advisers to the Mandated Arranger and the Agent.
A legal opinion of Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice, Brazilian legal advisers to the Mandated Arranger and the Agent.
Telecommunications Licences
A copy of each Telecommunications Licence existing as at the date of this Agreement.
Evidence of the electronic registration of the relevant financial terms and conditions of the Loans and the Guarantee with the Central Bank of Brazil through the Module of Registration of Financial Transactions (Registro de Operações Financeiras - ROF) of the Data System of the Central Bank of Brazil (Sisbacen) pursuant to the provisions of Circular No. 3,027 of February 22, 2001, of the Central Bank of Brazil.
The registration of this Agreement and the Guarantee, together with a sworn translation into Portuguese language, with the appropriate Registry of Titles and Deeds (Registro de Títulos e Documentos) in the City of São Paulo and the City of Rio de Janeiro.
Other documents and evidence
Evidence that any agent for service of process referred to in Clause 37.2 (Service of Process) has accepted its appointment.
The Original Financial Statements of each Obligor.
Evidence that the fees, costs and expenses then due from the Borrower pursuant to Clause 12 (Fees) and Clause 17 (Costs and Expenses) have been paid or will be paid by the first Utilisation Date.
A copy of any other Authorisation or other document, opinion or assurance which the Agent considers to be necessary or desirable (if it has timely notified the Borrower accordingly) in connection with the entry into and performance of the transactions contemplated by any Finance Document or for the validity and enforceability of any Finance Document.

Schedule 2
Part 1

TIM Celular S.A.
Dear Sirs
TIM Celular S.A. — USD143,671,929 SACE Facility Agreement
dated 28 November 2008 (the "Agreement")
We refer to the Agreement. This is a Utilisation Request. Terms defined in the Agreement have the same meaning in this Utilisation Request unless given a different meaning in this Utilisation Request.
We wish to borrow a Loan on the following terms:
TIM Celular S.A.
Proposed Utilisation Date:
[•] (or, if that is not a Business Day, the next Business Day)
Currency of Loan:
[0] or, if less, the Available Facility
Interest Period:
We confirm that each condition specified in Clause 4.2 (Further conditions precedent) is satisfied on the date of this Utilisation Request.
The proceeds of the Loan should be credited to [account].
This Utilisation Request is irrevocable. 
Yours faithfully

authorised signatory for
TIM Celular S.A.

Part 2
TIM Celular S.A.
Dear Sirs
TIM Celular S.A.– USD143,671,929 SACE Facility Agreement
dated 28 November 2008 (the "Agreement")
We refer to the Agreement. This is a Conversion Request. Terms defined in the Agreement have the same meaning in this Conversion Request unless given a different meaning in this Conversion Request.
We refer to the [Loan (the "Relevant Loan") to be made in an amount of [ ] with a Utilisation Date of [ ] (the "Proposed Conversion Date")]/[the Floating Rate Loan (the "Relevant Loan") which has been made with an Interest Period ending on [ ] (the "Proposed Conversion Date") which, following any repayment to be made on that date, will have the principal amount of [ ]].
We request that you provide us with the proposed Fixed Rate for the Relevant Loan from the Proposed Conversion Date.
We confirm that no Default is continuing [or would result from the proposed Loan] and the Repeating Representations to be made by each Obligor are true in all material respects.
Yours faithfully

authorised signatory for
TIM Celular S.A.

Part 3
TIM Celular S.A.
Dear Sirs
TIM Celular S.A.- USD143,671,929 SACE Facility Agreement
dated 28 November 2008 (the "Agreement")
We refer to the Agreement, to the Conversion Request delivered by us to you on [ ] (the "Relevant Conversion Request") and to the Quotation Conference Call organized between us, you and the Lenders at [ ] [a.m./p.m.] on [date]. Terms defined in the Agreement have the same meaning in this Conversion Notice unless given a different meaning in this Conversion Notice.
We refer to the Relevant Loan (as defined in the Relevant Conversion Request) in an amount of [ ] as at the Proposed Conversion Date (as defined in the Relevant Conversion Request) and fixed rate accepted by us during the Quotation Conference Call.
We confirm that we accept the fixed rate of [rate agreed during Quotation Conference Call], such fixed rate becoming the Fixed Rate for the Relevant Loan.
We confirm that no Default is continuing [or would result from the proposed Loan] and the Repeating Representations to be made by each Obligor are true in all material respects.
This Conversion Notice is irrevocable.
This Conversion Notice is governed by English law. 
Yours faithfully

authorised signatory for
TIM Celular S.A.
Yours faithfully

authorised signatory for
[name of Agent]

Schedule 3
[•] as Agent
[The Existing Lender] (the "Existing Lender" ) and [The New Lender] (the " New Lender ")
TIM Celular S.A. —USD143,671,929 Facility Agreement dated 28 November 2008
(the "Agreement")
We refer to the Agreement. This is a Transfer Certificate. Terms defined in the Agreement have the same meaning in this Transfer Certificate unless given a different meaning in this Transfer Certificate.
We refer to Clause 23.5 (Procedure for transfer):
The Existing Lender and the New Lender agree to the Existing Lender transferring to the New Lender by novation all or part of the Existing Lender's Commitment, rights and obligations referred to in the Schedule (together with the rights and obligations under the Guarantee relating thereto) in accordance with Clause 23.5 (Procedure for transfer).
The proposed Transfer Date is [•].
The Facility Office and address, fax number and attention details for notices of the New Lender for the purposes of Clause 30.2 (Addresses) are set out in the Schedule.
The New Lender expressly acknowledges the limitations on the Existing Lender's obligations set out in paragraph (c) of Clause 23.4 (Limitation of responsibility of Existing Lenders).
This Transfer Certificate may be executed in any number of counterparts and this has the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of this Transfer Certificate.
This Transfer Certificate is governed by English law.

Commitment/rights and obligations to be transferred
[insert relevant details]
[Facility Office address, fax number and attention details for notices and account details for payments,]
[Existing Lender]
[New Lender]
This Transfer Certificate is accepted by the Agent and the Transfer Date is confirmed as [•]. [Agent]

Schedule 4
Name of Obligor
On Behalf  of
Total Principal
Amount of Indebtedness
Final repayment
date for principal
TIM Celular S.A.
TIM Participações S.A.
1) Aval (financial guarantee)
TIM Celular
2) Bank Guarantee (financial guarantee)
TIM Celular
  3) Aval (financial guarantee)
TIM Celular
31/12/2018 (*)
  4) Aval (financial guarantee)
TIM Celular
Syndicate of lenders
(as to 50%)
(as to 50%)
(*) estimated maturity date: 8 years after drawdown


Schedule 5
Delivery of a duly completed Utilisation
Request (Clause 5.1 (Delivery of a Utilisation
Agent notifies the Lenders of the Loan in
accordance with Clause 5.4 (Lenders'
LIBOR and Reference Bank Rate is fixed
Quotation Day as of 11:00 a.m. (London time)
"U" = date of utilisation or, if applicable, in the case of a Loan that has already been borrowed, the first day of the relevant Interest Period for that Loan
"U - X" = Business Days prior to date of utilisation

Schedule 6
[•] as Agent
SACE S.p.A. — Servizi Assicurativi del Commercio Estero
TIM Participações S A

Dear Sirs
TIM Celular S.A. — USD143,671,929 Facility Agreement dated 28 November 2008
(the "Agreement")
We refer to the Agreement. This is a Compliance Certificate. Terms defined in the Agreement have the same meaning when used in this Compliance Certificate unless given a different meaning in this Compliance Certificate.
We refer to the [annual/semi annual] [audited] financial statements for the Group for the Relevant Period ending [insert date].
We confirm that:
the Consolidated Net Debt to Consolidated EBITDA Ratio as at the end of that Relevant Period was [ ]: 1.00;
the Interest Cover Ratio for the Relevant Period was [ ]:1.00;
the Debt Service Cover Ratio for the Relevant Period was [ ]:1.00; and
[insert details of calculation of financial covenants and whether the Company is in compliance with those covenants]
[We confirm that no Default is continuing.]
TIM Participações S.A.
TIM Participações S.A.
If this statement cannot be made, the certificate should identify any Default that is continuing and the steps, if any, being taken to remedy it.

Schedule 7
OBJECT   and / or RF
SMP Authorization
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
006/2002- extended by
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
extended by N°
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"

SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
SMP - "Personal
Mobile Service"
800 MHz SMP
extended by N°
  824 to 835 MHz UL /
869 to 880 MHz DL
845 to 846,5 MHz UL /
890 to 891,5 MHz DL
extended by N°
824 to 835 MHz UL /
869 to 880 MHz DL
845 to 846,5 MHz UL /
890 to 891,5 MHz DL
824 to 835 MHz UL /
869 to 880 MHz DL
845 to 846,5 MHz UL /
890 to 891,5 MHz DL
824 to 835 MHz UL /
869 to 880 MHz DL
845 to 846,5 MHz UL /
890 to 891,5 MHz DL
824 to 835 MHz UL /
869 to 880 MHz DL
845 to 846,5 MHz UL /
890 to 891,5 MHz DL
824 to 835 MHz UL /
869 to 880 MHz DL
845 to 846,5 MHz UL /
890 to 891,5 MHz DL
824 to 835 MHz UL /
869 to 880 MHz DL
845 to 846,5 MHz UL /
890 to 891,5 MHz DL
824 to 835 MHz UL /
869 to 880 MHz DL
845 to 846,5 MHz UL /
890 to 891,5 MHz DL
824 to 835 MHz UL /
869 to 880 MHz DL
845 to 846,5 MHz UL/



890 to 891,5 MHz DL
835 to 845 MHz UL / 880 to 890 MHz DL 846,5 to 849 MHz UL / 891,5 to 894 MHz DL
835 to 845 MHz UL / 880 to 890 MHz DL 846,5 to 849 MHz UL / 891,5 to 894 MHz DL
900 MHz SMP
036/2004 - ANATEL
907,5 to 910 MHz UL /
952,5 to 955 MHz DL
038/2004 - ANATEL
907,5 to 910 MHz UL /
952,5 to 955 MHz DL
034/2004 - ANATEL
907,5 to 910 MHz UL /
952,5 to 955 MHz DL
037/2004 - ANATEL
907,5 to 910 MHz UL /
952,5 to 955 MHz DL
035/2004 - ANATEL
907,5 to 910 MHz UL /
952,5 to 955 MHz DL
033/2004 - ANATEL
907,5 to 910 MHz UL /
952,5 to 955 MHz DL
039/2004 - ANATEL
898,5 to 901 MHz UL /
943,5 to 946 MHz DL
035/2003 - ANATEL
898,5 to 901 MHz UL /
943,5 to 946 MHz DL
036/2003 -ANATEL
extended by N°
002/2006/PVC P/S PV-
907,5 to 910 MHz UL /
952,5 to 955 MHz DL
037/2003 -ANATEL
extended by N°
907,5 to 910 MHz UL /
952,5 to 955 MHz DL


038/2003 - ANATEL
907,5 to 910 MHz UL /
952,5 to 955 MHz DL
034/2003 - ANATEL
912,5 to 915 MHz UL /
957,5 to 960 MHz DL
032/2003 - ANATEL
910 to 912,5 MHz UL /
955 to 957,5 MHz DL
033/2003 - ANATEL
910 to 912,5 MHz UL /
955 to 957,5 MHz DL
1800 MHz SMP
020/2003 - ANATEL
1730 to 1740 MHz UL
/ 1825 to 1835 MHz
017/2003 - ANATEL
1730 to 1740 MHz UL
/ 1825 to 1835 MHz
021/2003 - ANATEL
1730 to 1740 MHz UL
/ 1825 to 1835 MHz
019/2003 - ANATEL
1730 to 1740 MHz UL
/ 1825 to 1835 MHz
022/2003 - ANATEL
1730 to 1740 MHz UL
/ 1825 to 1835 MHz
018/2003 - ANATEL
1730 to 1740 MHz UL
/ 1825 to 1835 MHz
015/2003 - ANATEL
1730 to 1740 MHz UL
/ 1825 to 1835 MHz
016/2003 - ANATEL
1730 to 1740 MHz UL
/ 1825 to 1835 MHz
024/2003 - ANATEL
extended by N°
1725 to 1735 MHz UL
/ 1820 to 1830 MHz
023/2003 - ANATEL
extended by N°
1725 to 1735 MHz UL
/ 1820 to 1830 MHz


025/2003 - ANATEL
1725 to 1735 MHz UL
/ 1820 to 1830 MHz
004/2001 - ANATEL
1740 to 1755 MHz UL
/ 1835 to 1850 MHz
002/2001 - ANATEL
1710 to 1725 MHz UL
/ 1805 to 1820 MHz
003/2001 - ANATEL
1710 to 1725 MHz UL
/ 1805 to 1820 MHz
029/2007 - ANATEL
1725 to 1730 MHz UL
/ 1820 to 1825 MHz
030/2007 - ANATEL
1735 to 1740 MHz UL
/ 1830 to 1935 MHz
1.9 GHz / 2,1 GHz
N° 44/2008/SPV-
1935 to 1945 MHz UL
/ 2125 to 2135 MHz
N° 45/2008/SPV-
1935 to 1945 MHz UL
/ 2125 to 2135 MHz
N° 46/2008/SPV-
1935 to 1945 MHz UL
/ 2125 to 2135 MHz
N° 47/2008/SPV-
1935 to 1945 MHz UL
/ 2125 to 2135 MHz
N° 48/2008/SPV-
1935 to 1945 MHz UL
/ 2125 to 2135 MHz
N° 49/2008/SPV-
1935 to 1945 MHz UL
/ 2125 to 2135 MHz
N° 50/2008/SPV-
1935 to 1945 MHz UL
/ 2125 to 2135 MHz

N° 51/2008/SPV-
1935 to 1945 MHz UL
/ 2125 to 2135 MHz
N° 52/2008/SPV-
G and F
1935 to 1945 MHz UL
/ 2125 to 2135 MHz
DL and 1920 to 1935
MHz UL/2110 to
2125 MHz DL
N° 53/2008/SPV-
I and G
1955 to 1965   MHz UL
/ 2145 to 2155 MHz
DL and 1935 to 1945
MHz UL / 2125 to
2135 MHz DL
N° 54/2008/SPV-
1955 to 1965 MHz UL
/ 2145 to 2155 MHz
N° 55/2008/SPV-
1955 to 1965 MHz UL
/ 2145 to 2155 MHz
N° 56/2008/SPV-
F and I
1920 to 1935 MHz UL
/ 2110 to 2125 MHz
DL and 1955 to 1965
MHz UL/2145 to
2155 MHz DL
N° 58/2008/SPV-
1955 to 1965 MHz UL
/ 2145 to 2155 MHz
237/2002/SPB -
STFC - LDN (National
Long Distance)
238/2002/SPB -
(International Long
087/2003 – ANATEL
SCM - (Multimidia


437/2007/SPB -
STFC - Local (Local






This amendment to the MASTER TERM LOAN CREDIT FACILITY AGREEMENT is made on August 14 th ,   2008 (the "Amendment ")   by and between:
(1)   TIM CELULAR S.A., a company (sociedade anônima) duly organized and existing in accordance with the laws of Brazil, with its head office at Avenida Giovanni Gronchi, 7.143. City of São Paulo. State of São Paulo, Brazil, enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 04.206.050/0001-80 (the "Borrower ");
(2)   TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A ., a company (sociedade anónima) duly organized and existing in accordance with the laws of Brazil, with its head office at Avenida das Américas, 3.434, bloco 1, 7° andar - Parte, City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 02.558.115/0001--21 (the "Guarantor ");
(3)   TIM BRASIL SERVIÇOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A ., a company (sociedade anônima) duly organized and existing in accordance with the laws of Brazil, with its head office at Avenida das Américas, 3.434, bloco 1, 6° andar, City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 02.600.854/0001- 34 (“TIM Brasil ");
(4)   HSBC BANK PLC , a financial institution duly organized and existing in accordance with the laws of England, with its head office at 8 Canada Square, Level 24, City of London, England, as Initial Mandated Lead Arranger of the Facilities (the "Initial Mandated Lead Arranger ");
(5)   HSBC BANK BRASIL S.A. – BANCO MÚLTIPLO , a financial institution duly organized and existing in accordance with the laws of Brazil, with its head office at Travessa Oliveira Bello, No. 34, 4 1h Floor, City of Curitiba, State of Parana, Brazil, enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 01.701.201/0001-89, as Administrative Agent for the Lenders (the "Administrative Agent" and "Lender ");
and the Lenders:
(6)   BANCO ABN AMRO REAL S.A ., enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 33.066.408/0001-15
(7)   BANCO BNP PARIBAS BRASIL S.A ., enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 01.522.368/0001-82
(8)   BANCO BRADESCO S.A ., enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 60.746.948/0001-12
(9)   BANCO DO BRASIL S.A ., enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 00.000.000/0001-47
(10)   BANCO ITAÚ BBA S.A ., enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 17.298.092/0001-30
(11)   BANCO SANTANDER BRASIL S.A ., enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 61.472.676/0001-72


(12)   BANCO SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE BRASIL-S.A ., enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 61.533.584/0001-55
(13)   BANCO VOTORANTIM S.A ., enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 59.588.111/0001-03
(14)   UNIBANCO — UNIÃO DE BANCOS BRASILEIROS S.A. . enrolled with the General Taxpayer's Registry (CNPJ/MF) under No. 33.700.394/0001-40
The Parties wish to amend certain terms and conditions of the Master Term Loan Credit Facility Agreement ( "Facility Agreement ")   in order to postpone the Maturity Date of the Facility A (as defined in the Agreement) to August 05, 2010 and revise the interest rate applicable to the Facility A:
The Parties wish to replace TIM BRASIL as Guarantor to TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A ., already qualified above;
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:
Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined or amended by this Agreement, shall bear the same meanings assigned to them in the Facility Agreement.
The Parties agree to replace TIM BRASIL by TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., already qualified above, as guarantor. TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. hereby undertakes all the obligations arising from the Facility Agreement in respect of which Guarantor expressly declares to have full knowledge, agrees to comply with in its entirety.
Due to the replacement set forth in article 2.1. of this Amendment. the Parties agree, in mutual agreement, to discharge TIM BRASIL of the obligations of guarantor assumed by it under the Facility Agreement as from the date hereof.
Any mentions to the Guarantor on the Facility Agreement shall mean TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A ., as the date hereof.
Final Maturity Date -   The Parties agree to postpone the Final Maturity Date of the Facility A to August 05, 2010. The obligations of the Obligor to make payment of the Facility A to the Lenders is absolute, irrevocable and unconditional. The Final Maturity Date of the Facility B and all conditions set forth in Article 5, Section 5.3.(v) will be in entire and fully force.
Interest --   Due to the postponement of the Final Maturity Date of the Facility A, the Parties agree to amend the applicable interest margin to 1.80% per annum.
Fees — The Borrower shall pay to the Administrative Agent for the account of each Lender, within five Business Days of the date hereof, a postponement participation fee computed at the rate of 0.50% on that Lender's Commitment for Facility A.

The following terms defined in the Appendix 1 – Definitions - of the Facility Agreement shall hereby be amended to read as follows:
"Final Maturity Date" shall mean:
(1) in relation to the Facility A. the date falling 60 months after the first Disbursement hereunder; and
(ii) in relation to the Facility B. the date falling 48 months after the first Disbursement hereunder.
"Guarantor" shall mean Tim Participações S.A
This Amendment shall be deemed to be an amendment to the Facility Agreement, and the Facility Agreement, as amended hereby, is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in each and every respect and all references to the Facility Agreement in any other document, instrument, agreement or writing shall hereafter be deemed to refer to the Facility Agreement as amended hereby.
The provisions of the Facility Agreement shall, except as hereby amended, continue in full force and effect.
The Obligor represents and warrants to the Lenders that:
Both before and after giving effect to this Amendment, the representations and warranties of the Obligor under the Facility Agreement are true on and as of the date hereof as though made on such date;
After giving effect to this Amendment, no Potential Event of Default will then have occurred and be continuing:
It has full power and authority, and has taken all action necessary, to execute and deliver this Amendment;
The execution and delivery of this Amendment and the performance of its obligations hereunder, will not (a) conflict with or result in a breach of, or require any consent under, its organizational documents, (b) violate any provision of any law„ rule, regulation, order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree, determination or award presently in effect and applicable to it, (c) result in a breach of or constitute a default under any indenture or financing or credit agreement or any other agreement, lease or instrument to which it is a party or by which it or its properties may be bound or affected, or (d) result in, or require, the creation or imposition of any lien upon or with respect to any of its properties or assets;
No authorization or approval or other action by, and no notice to or filing with, any governmental authority or regulatory body is required for the due execution, delivery and performance by it of this Amendment: and

This Amendment has been duly executed and delivered by it and constitutes its legal, valid and binding obligations, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms.
This Amendment is binding upon the Parties for themselves and their successors for any purpose.
The Obligor expressly declares that all the conditions set forth in this Amendment were negotiated accordingly with its Ethical Code available at the Guarantor's web site ( — Corporate Governance area and filed within its headquarters and all its subsidiaries.
6.1.          This Amendment shall be governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil.
The Parties irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the courts sitting in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo to resolve any disputes or controversies related to or arising from the Facility Agreement or from this Amendment.
This Amendment has been executed by the duly authorized representatives of the Parties to it on the date first mentioned above.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Parties signed this Amendment in the presence of 03 (three) undersigned witnesses in 13 (thirteen) counterparts of identical form and content.


( There appears signature )
Name: Mário César Pereira de Araújo
Title: Presidente


( There appears signature )
Name: Mário César Pereira de Araújo
Title: Presidente

Initial Mandated Lead Arranger
by HSBC BANK BRASIL S.A. — BANCO MÚLTIPLO ON BEHALF OF HSBC BANK PLC , as permitted by Section 22.1(ii) of the Master Term Loan Credit Facility Agreement
Administrative Agent and Lender






























Acknowledge and agree to:

( signature )
Name: Mário César Pereira de Araújo
Title: President

( signature )
Name: TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. (Marco Chiarucci)
ID: Treasury Manager

BANK CREDIT NOTE No. 231010018

Av. Giovanni Gronchi, 7143 – Vila Andrade
São Paulo/SP
Current Account No.
Value of the Principal in foreign currency:
JPY 2,977,431,072.47
Date of Issue
364 days
Due Date:
Fixed interest at the rate of 1.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.8333% per month, calculated linearly “pro rata temporis”, based on a year of 360 (three hundred and sixty) running days.
TAC – Credit Facility Rate, in the amount of without effect to be paid as follows, without effect .
Date: 03.14.2008
(  ) Credit into current account held by the CLIENT in the BANK
(X) TED/DOC (Electronic Transfer of Funds) in favor of CLIENT .
Exchange rate for conversion of the Value of the Principal in Foreign Currency:
(X) R$ 0.016793 per JPY 1,00
  according to conversion criteria stipulated at clause 3.1.1. herein
Release amount: R$ 50,000,000.00
Principal: JPY 2,977,431,072.47, equivalent to R$ 50,000,000.00 on 03.13.2009
Financial charges: on 03.13.2009, according to the table of financial charges
Debit into the current account held by CLIENT
X DOC/TED in favor of Banco Santander S.A. 033 Branch 001 – current account 996155831
Without effect
Corporate name/Name
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect

By this Bank Credit Note (“Note”),   the CLIENT appointed and identified in the preamble above (“Preamble”) (“ CLIENT”), irrevocably and irreversibly, shall pay to Banco Santander S.A., headquartered at Rua Amador Bueno, 474 – Santo Amaro, in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, CNPJ/MF No. 90.400.888/0001-42 (“ CREDITOR”) , or to its order, on the dates, form and place of payment contemplated in this Note, the debt in cash, established, agreed and enforceable, including the value of the principal of the loan and interest, restatements and other charges and expenses stipulated herein, upon the following clauses and conditions:

1.1. The CREDITOR hereby, pursuant to the terms of this Note, grants to CLIENT a loan in the value and in the conditions defined in the Preamble, by onlending of external funds, raised based on Resolution No. 2770 of the National Monetary Council, for its equivalent in national currency (“Transaction”).

2.1. There shall be accrued on the value of the Transaction, in its expression in foreign currency, from the date of release of the funds to the date(s) of the respective maturity dates of this Note, the financial charges, according to the conditions defined in the Preamble, which will be due for its equivalent in national currency, as defined in Clause 4.4.

2.1.1. The financial charges comprise the interest of the external transaction, the value of the income tax corresponding to the remittance of interests abroad, in connection only with the portion of the transaction onlent to the CLIENT , the onlending commission of the CREDITOR and expenses with remittance to the creditor abroad.

3.1. The release of funds will be made on the date, in the conditions and in the value defined in the Preamble, in national currency corresponding to the value in foreign currency.

3.1.1. In the event of the release of the funds being contracted on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, as stipulated in the Preamble, and if the value in domestic currency is not defined, it is hereby agreed that the respective value will be calculated by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen, with respect to the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, published by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the conversion parameter established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value to be release to the CLIENT for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the exchange rate disclosed by the Reuters branch, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in relation to the business day immediately subsequent to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters, (ii) by the average of the sale rates adopted by the market on the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, average rate which is obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least, 03 (three) first class institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the market of free rates, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the release of this Note.

3.2. In the event of the release of the funds being contracted on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, and if to the effective date of release of the funds, any legal or normative modification occurs, directly or indirectly, modifying any of the conditions defined herein, such modification will be incorporated to this Note, regardless of any notification or formal act, the CREDITOR being released from any liability resulting from such fact.


4.1. The CLIENT shall pay to the CREDITOR, or to its order, by this counterpart of Note, issued in the terms of Law 10.931/2004 (as altered), all the values due contemplated in this note, but not limited to the principal due, financial charges, expenses, tariffs and rates, which shall be paid in the flow, in the form and period defined in the Preamble and/or in this Note, as applicable.


4.1.1. The eventual payment performed by the CLIENT by check, credit documents, payment orders, including, but not limited to the Credit Order Documents – DOC, or any other mechanisms or payment instruments available in the market, including documents cleared by the Check Clearance Center and Other Papers – which shall be under its own issue, will only be considered as effectively liquidated and/or received by the CREDITOR when reverted into immediately available funds, and, by virtue of this, charges will occur for the use of the funds by CLIENT in this period, which will be equal to the remuneration charges of this Note.

4.1.2. In the event of any maturity date of the principal, financial charges, taxes or any other amounts due under this Note, coinciding with national, municipal or bank holidays, the CLIENT shall effect the payment on the first following business day. In this event, the financial charges shall accrue to the date of the effective payment.

4.2. If the form of liquidation, defined in the Preamble is a debit into current account, the CLIENT hereby authorizes, irreversibly and irrevocably, the CREDITOR to debit into the current account defined in the Preamble, all the values whose payment or reimbursement is due to the CREDITOR in the scope or by effect of this Note.

4.2.1 For the purposes described in this clause heading, the CLIENT undertakes to keep in the said current account, enough funds and immediately available for the performance of all debits arising from this Note.

4.2.2. On the value, or portion of value, to debit for which there were no funds available in said current account, from the date of the maturity of the obligations of the CLIENT , the financial charges contemplated in this Note shall accrue.

4.3. Having in view that the resources restricted to this Note will be granted through onlending by the CREDITOR of funds arising out of external funding in foreign currency, it is established that the reimbursement of the value of the principal and the payment of the charges accruing shall be made by the CLIENT for the equivalent in domestic foreign currency of a monetary provision expressed in that currency. In these conditions, the CLIENT will be subject to the foreign currency exchange risk resulting from this Transaction, whatever the manner this risk is presented.

4.4. The amounts in national currency, corresponding to the reimbursement values of principal and financial charges will be obtained, on each occasion, by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen relating to the date immediately prior to the date of reimbursement or of the payment, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the parameter of conversion established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value due by the CLIENT for its equivalent in national currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the foreign exchange rate disclosed by Reuters agency, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in connection with the business day immediately prior to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters; (ii) by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market on the business day immediately prior to the liquidation date, average rate, which will be obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least 03 (three) first class international institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the free rates market, in compatible volumes with the amount contemplated in the payment mentioned in this Note.


5.1. The constitution of the additional guarantees, if thus agreed by the parties, will be formalized by specific document(s) to be established by the CREDITOR, or which will constitute an integral and inseparable part of this Note.

5.2. At the time of payment by the CLIENT, the guarantees effectively provided, regardless of notification, appeal, service of process or any other judicial or extrajudicial formality shall be enforceable, immediately.


6.1. The CLIENT declares, irrevocably and irreversibly, that it knows and complies with all the environmental rules contemplated in the Brazilian legislation and that its use of the values resulting from this Clause shall not lead to violation of any of these rules.

6.1.1. The Parties hereby recognize that the CLIENT is subject to compliance with the principles of the “Tim‘s Code of Ethics”, which provide that all the business of the CLIENT , including this Note, will be marked by respect to: (i) the environment, including regarding the disposal of batteries, emission of pollutants, recycling of wastes; (ii) safety and health rules in the business locations, (iii) honesty and transparency to its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and governmental bodies, (iv) the interests of the company and of the Parties, above individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, which may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts or benefits using the name and reputation of the CLIENT, or as a result of the exercise of their activities. TIM’s Code of Ethics is available on the website of TIM Participações S.A. ( – Area: Corporate Governance, Code of Ethics) and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments, at the disposal for public consultation.


7.1. The CREDITOR will be entitled to consider this Note as due early and require from the CLIENT , regardless of notification, full payment in a single installment of the entire balance due resulting from this, including with the enforceability of the guarantees in the events contemplated by law, in the following events:

(a) if the CLIENT incurs in arrears in relation to any obligations which must be complied by it as a result of this Note;

(b) if the CLIENT violates or does not comply, as a whole or in part, with any clause or condition of this Note and the corresponding Spreadsheets and/or Electronic Files, which is not remedied within 10 (ten) days from receipt of the notification to do so;

(c) if the CLIENT has an instrument of its responsibility or co-obligation in a value superior to R$ 20,000,000.00 (twenty million), duly protested or undergoes execution or seizure of the goods without the explanation in this respect requested by the CREDITOR having been presented by the CLIENT in the period designated or the explanation having been presented, if the same is not considered satisfactory by the CREDITOR .

(d) if the CLIENT has its direct or indirect controlling interest transferred to a third party or is incorporated or if the merger, or transfer, occurs, whether by split or any other way of the operating assets to another entity without the CREDITOR , at its sole discretion, having formally manifested in the period of 5 (five) days counted from the date of the respective corporate act its decision of not maintaining this Note in force.
(e) if the CLIENT defaults on its obligations and/or does not liquidate, in the respective maturity, debit of its responsibility resulting from the other contracts or discounts entered into with the CREDITOR and/or any companies, directly or indirectly associated, controlling or controlled by the CREDITOR , including abroad, and/or the termination of the respective documents occurs, by fault of the CLIENT .

(f) change or alteration of the corporate purpose of the CLIENT , or of any INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) , so as to alter their current main activities of the CLIENT , or of the respective INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S ), or to add to these activities new business, which have prevalence or may represent diversions in relation to the activities currently developed.

(g) Change or alteration of the CLIENT’S corporate purpose, or of any INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S), so that it changes the current main activities of the CLIENT, or of the respective INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S), or that adds to these activities new business which prevails or may represent deviations in relation to the currently developed activities.


8.1. The CLIENT shall legally incur in arrears, regardless of notice or notification of any kind, if it fails to comply with any obligation derived from this Note, in which case, automatically, it will be obliged to pay the amount due, converted, on the date of the respective maturity, for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais), as defined in Clause 4.4., plus cumulatively the following: (i) interest on arrears on the total of the values due, per day of delay, calculated exponentially, at the rate of 12% (twelve percent) per annum, based on a year of 360 running days; (ii) permanence commission, calculated per day of delay, according to the variation of the average weighted rate and adjusted of finance transactions for one day, hedged on public federal instruments and processed in the Special Liquidation and Custody System (Selic) or in chambers for clearing and liquidation of assets, in the form of committed transactions, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil; and (iii) contractual fine of 2% (two percent) of the value due, plus arrears interest and permanence commission. From the arrears of CLIENT , the operation is released from external funding.

8.1.1. The accruals described in items (i) and (ii) of the heading of this Clauses shall be calculated and accrued from the maturity of the obligation until its effective and full payment to the CREDITOR.

8.2. If the CREDITOR has to go to Court due to an eventual default by the CLIENT on this Note, the CLIENT will be obliged, also, to pay the court fees of the proceedings and lawyers’ fees set judicially.


9.1. If the CLIENT has an interest in liquidating early, totally or partially, its obligations resulting from this Note, he may do so, provided that they agree with the conditions of such liquidation, satisfactorily to the CREDITOR and to the CLIENT .

9.1.1 It is previously agreed that under no case the reimbursement of any amount paid as early liquidation by the CLIENT shall be due as commission, rate or tariff, even if partial or proportionally, and the amounts which payment are pending shall be paid in advance so that the early liquidation occurs as provided herein.


10.1 The following will be at the account of and imputable to CLIENT: (I) All the taxes present and future, which, according to the law, are under its responsibility; (ii) all the expenses related to and/or resulting from this Note, including, but not limited to expenses with public registry offices and any other extrajudicial expenses, which the CREDITOR has to incur for the collection and/or safety of this Note; (iii) all the tariffs and rates contemplated in the Preamble; and (iv) any other liens and charges that are borne by the CREDITOR related and/or resulting from this Note.

10.1.1. All the payments due by the CLIENT contemplated in this Clause shall be paid by CLIENT within 10 (ten) business days counted from issue by the CREDITOR, of the respective debit notice, which will occur by one of the vehicles of communication contemplated in this Note.

10.2. In the event of noncompliance with any monetary obligations due by this Note, the CLIENT is obliged to pay IOF accruing on such obligations due and not paid, which will be calculated, based on the rate in force applicable to loan transactions, from the date of the maturity of the obligation until the date of the effective payment.


11.1 All the notices, notifications or communications, which, according to this Note, shall be made in writing, will be considered valid by the remittance of fax, telex, telegram or through registered mail, with confirmation of receipt, sent to the addresses of the parties indicated in the Preamble, or to any other address subsequently communicated, in writing, by the senders and the other party.

11.2. The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) undertake to maintain the CREDITOR informed about any alteration of address, e-mail, electronic address, telephone and other data relative to its location. If there is no updated information, all the correspondence maintained by the CREDITOR at the existing address in its records will be, for all legal effects, considered received.

11.3. The CLIENT hereby authorizes the CREDITOR to send any information pertaining hereto by e-mail to be sent to the address informed in the Preamble.

11.4 The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) recognize hereby as means of evidence of the debit and credit resulting hereof, the statements, the issue notices or the collection notices issued by the CREDITOR , if not challenged in the maximum period of 10 (ten) days, counted from the date of the respective issue.

11.5   Tolerance by one of the parties as regards noncompliance, by the other party, with any of the obligations resulting from this Note shall not constitute novation, or even precedent, which, in any way or for any purpose releases the parties to effect them, as well as the other obligations resulting from this Note.

11.6. Failure to exercise, by the parties, any of the rights assured to them by this Note and the Law, shall not constitute the cause of alteration or novation and will not impair the exercise of these rights at subsequent times or in identical subsequent occurrence.

11.7. The CREDITOR is expressly authorized to include and consult the information of CLIENT and of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) with the Central System of Credit Rating Information of the Central Bank of Brazil.

11.8. The parties provide that the information provided and the financial statements presented by the CLIENT may be the purpose of disclosure to the companies belonging to the same economic conglomerate of the CREDITOR .

11.9. This Note is issued irrevocably and irreversibly, binding the parties and their eventual successors at any title.

11.10. To settle any conflict in connection with the interpretation and/or execution of this Note, the venue of the Judiciary District of the City of São Paulo is hereby elected, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged it may be, the CREDITOR may further choose the venue of any of its branches or of the headquarters or domicile of CLIENT or of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this Note in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, only one of them being negotiable for a single purpose, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.
São Paulo, March 14, 2008
Banco Santander S.A.
Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta,
Administration Officer,
Finances & Control.
The persons identified below attend hereby Consenting Intervening Party(ies) pursuant to the terms of Article 1.647 of the Civil Code.
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect


Private instrument of Adhesion to the Protection System Against Financial Risks – SPR
Instrument of Negotiation    No. 97223
Date of Transaction:
04752901 SÃO PAULO SP
05724-05         SÃO PAULO – SP
Contract Specification
Contract No.
Start Date
Rules of Contract
Value of Indexer
% Indexer
% Rate (p.a.)
 Assets- Institution:
Assets- Client:
Form of Financial Liquidation:
Custody Location: CETIP
Registration No.:
This Negotiation Note is an inseparable and complementary part of the Private Instrument of Adhesion to the Protection System against Financial Risks – SPR, executed by the parties, according to Law No. 10.892/04 and complementary rules, the transactions executed from 10.01.04 will be net of the Investment Account, except for the performances adjusted in liquidation.
The JPYBRL indexer refers to BRLJPY Bacen

Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta &
Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Administration Officer, Finance & Control and President, respectively


BANK CREDIT NOTE No. 231009958

Av. Giovanni Gronchi, 7143 – Vila Andrade
São Paulo/SP
Current Account No.
Value of the Principal in foreign currency:
JPY 5,954,862,144.34
Date of Issue
364 days
Due Date:
Fixed interest at the rate of 1.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.8333% per month, calculated linearly “pro rata temporis”, based on a year of 360 (three hundred and sixty) running days.
TAC – Facility Rate, in the amount of without effect to be paid as follows, without effect .
Date: 03.14.2008
(  ) Credit into current account held by the CLIENT in the BANK
(X) TED/DOC (Electronic Transfer of Funds) in favor of CLIENT .
Exchange rate for conversion of the Value of the Principal in Foreign Currency:
(X) R$ 0.016793 per JPY 1,00
  according to conversion criteria stipulated at clause 3.1.1. herein
Release amount: R$ 100,000,000.00
Principal: JPY 5,954,862,144.34, equivalent to R$ 100,000,000.00 on 03.13.2009
Financial charges: on 03.13.2009, according to the table of financial charges
Debit into the current account held by CLIENT
X DOC/TED in favor of Banco Santander S.A. 033 Branch 001 – current account 996155831
Without effect
Corporate name/Name
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect


By this Bank Credit Note (“Note”),   the CLIENT appointed and identified in the preamble above (“Preamble”) (“ CLIENT”), irrevocably and irreversibly, shall pay to Banco Santander S.A., headquartered at Rua Amador Bueno, 474 – Santo Amaro, in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, CNPJ/MF No. 90.400.888/0001-42 (“ CREDITOR”) , or to its order, on the dates, form and place of payment contemplated in this Note, the debt in cash, established, agreed and enforceable, including the value of the principal of the loan and interest, restatements and other charges and expenses stipulated herein, upon the following clauses and conditions:

1.1. The CREDITOR hereby, pursuant to the terms of this Note, grants to CLIENT a loan in the value and in the conditions defined in the Preamble, by onlending of external funds, raised based on Resolution No. 2770 of the National Monetary Council, for its equivalent in domestic currency (“Transaction”).

2.1. There shall accrue on the value of the Transaction, in its expression in foreign currency, from the date of release of the funds to the date(s) of the respective maturity of this Note, the financial charges, according to the conditions defined in the Preamble, which will be due for its equivalent in domestic currency, as defined in Clause 4.4.

2.1.1. The financial charges comprise the interest of the external transaction, the value of the income tax corresponding to the remittance of interest abroad, in connection only with the portion of the transaction onlent to the CLIENT , the onlending commission of the CREDITOR and expenses with remittance to the creditor abroad.

3.1. The release of the funds will be made on the date, in the conditions and in the value defined in the Preamble, in domestic currency corresponding to the value in foreign currency.

3.1.1. In the event of the release being contracted of the funds on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, as stipulated in the Preamble, and if the value in domestic currency is not defined, it is hereby agreed that the respective value will be calculated by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen, with respect to the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, published by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the conversion parameter established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value to be release to the CLIENT for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the exchange rate disclosed by the Reuters branch, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in relation to the business day immediately subsequent to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters, (ii) by the average of the sale rates adopted by the market on the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, average rate which is obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least, 03 (three) first class institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the market of free rates, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the release of this Note.

3.2. In the event of the release of the funds being contracted on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, and if to the effective date of release of the funds, any legal or normative modification occurs, directly or indirectly, modifying any of the conditions defined herein, such modification will be incorporated to this Note, regardless of any notification or formal act, the CREDITOR being released from any liability resulting from such fact.


4.1. The CLIENT shall pay to the CREDITOR, or to its order, by this counterpart of Note, issued in the terms of Law 10.931/2004 (as altered), all the values due contemplated in this note, but not limited to the principal due, financial charges, expenses, tariffs and rates, which shall be paid in the flow, in the form and period defined in the Preamble and/or in this Note, as applicable.

4.1.1. The eventual payment performed by the CLIENT by check, credit documents, payment orders, including, but not limited to the Credit Order Documents – DOC, or any other mechanisms or payment instruments available in the market, including documents cleared by the Check Clearance Center and Other Papers – which shall be under its own issue, will only be considered as effectively liquidated and/or received by the CREDITOR when reverted into immediately available funds, and, by virtue of this, charges will occur for the use of the funds by CLIENT in this period, which will be equal to the remuneration charges of this Note.

4.1.2. In the event of any maturity date of the principal, financial charges, taxes or any other amounts due under this Note, coinciding with national, municipal or bank holidays, the CLIENT shall effect the payment on the first following business day. In this event, the financial charges shall accrue to the date of the effective payment.

4.2. In the event of the form of liquidation, defined in the Preamble being a debit in the current account, the CLIENT hereby authorizes, irreversibly and irrevocably, the CREDITOR to debit into the current account defined in the Preamble, all the values whose payment or reimbursement is sue to the CREDITOR in the scope or by effect of this Note.

4.2.1 For the purposes described in this clause heading, the CLIENT undertakes to keep in the said current account, enough funds and immediately available for the performance of all debits arising from this Note.

4.2.2. On the value, or portion of value, to debit for which there were no funds available in said current account, from the date of the maturity of the obligations of the CLIENT , the financial charges contemplated in this Note shall accrue.

4.3. Having in view that the resources restricted to this Note will be granted through onlending by the CREDITOR of funds arising out of external funding in foreign currency, it is established that the reimbursement of the value of the principal and the payment of the charges accruing shall be made by the CLIENT for the equivalent in national currency of a monetary provision expressed in that currency. In these conditions, the CLIENT will be subject to the foreign exchange risk resulting from this Transaction, whatever the manner this risk is presented.

4.4. The amounts in national currency, corresponding to the reimbursement values of principal and financial charges will be obtained, on each occasion, by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen relating to the date immediately prior to the date of reimbursement or of the payment, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the parameter of conversion established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value due by the CLIENT for its equivalent in national currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the foreign exchange rate disclosed by the agency Reuters, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in connection with the business day immediately prior to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters; (ii) by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market on the business day immediately prior to the liquidation date, average rate, which will be obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least 03 (three) first class international institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the free rates market, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the payment mentioned in this Note.


5.1. The constitution of the additional guarantees, if thus agreed by the parties, will be formalized by specific document(s) to be established by the CREDITOR, or which will constitute an integral and inseparable part of this Note.

5.2. At the time of payment by the CLIENT, the guarantees effectively provided, regardless of notification, interpellation, citation or any other judicial or extrajudicial formality shall be enforceable, immediately.


6.1. The CLIENT declares, irrevocably and irreversibly, that it knows and complies with all the environmental rules contemplated in the Brazilian legislation and that its use of the values resulting from this Clause shall not lead to violation of any of these rules.

6.1.1. The Parties hereby recognize that the CLIENT is subject to compliance with the principles of the “Tim’s Code of Ethics”, which provide that all the business of the CLIENT , including this Note, will be marked by respect: (i) the environment, including regarding the disposal of batteries, emission of pollutants, recycling of wastes; (ii) safety and health rules in the business locations, (iii) honesty and transparency to its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and governmental bodies, (iv) the interests of the company and of the Parties, above individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, which may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts or benefits using the name and reputation of the CLIENT, or as a result of the exercise of their activities. The TIM’s Code of Ethics is available on the website of TIM Participações S.A. ( – Area: Corporate Governance, Code of Ethics) and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments, at the disposal for public consultation.


7.1. The CREDITOR will be entitled to consider this Note as due early and require from the CLIENT , regardless of notification, full payment in a single installment of the entire balance due resulting from this, including with the enforceability of the guarantees in the events contemplated by law, in the following events:

(a) if the CLIENT incurs in arrears in relation to any obligations which must be complied by it as a result of this Note;

(b) if the CLIENT violates or does not comply, as a whole or in part, with any clause or condition of this Note and the corresponding Spreadsheets and/or Electronic Files, which is not remedied within 10 (ten) days from receipt of the notification to do so;

(c) if the CLIENT has an instrument of its responsibility or co-obligation in a value superior to R$ 20,000,000.00 (twenty million), duly protested or undergoes execution or seizure of the goods without the explanation in this respect requested by the CREDITOR having been presented by the CLIENT in the period designated or the explanation having been presented, if the same is not considered satisfactory by the CREDITOR .

(d) if the CLIENT has its direct or indirect controlling interest transferred to a third party or is incorporated or if the merger, or transfer, occurs, whether by split or any other way of the operating assets to another entity without the CREDITOR , at its sole discretion, having formally manifested in the period of 5 (five) days counted from the date of the respective corporate act its decision of not maintaining this Note in force.
(e) if the CLIENT defaults on its obligations and/or does not liquidate, in the respective maturity, debit of its responsibility resulting from the other contracts or discounts entered into with the CREDITOR and/or any companies, directly or indirectly associated, controlling or controlled by the CREDITOR , including abroad, and/or the termination of the respective documents occurs, by fault of the CLIENT .

(f) change or alteration of the corporate purpose of the CLIENT , or of any INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) , so as to alter their current main activities of the CLIENT , or of the respective INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S ), or to add to these activities new business, which have prevalence or may represent diversions in relation to the activities currently developed.

(g) Change or alteration of the CLIENT’S corporate purpose, or of any INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S), so that it changes the current main activities of the CLIENT, or of the respective INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S), or that adds to these activities new business which prevails or may represent deviations in relation to the currently developed activities.


8.1. The CLIENT shall legally incur in arrears, regardless of notice or notification of any kind, if it fails to comply with any obligation derived from this Note, in which case, automatically, it will be obliged to pay the amount due, converted, on the date of the respective maturity, for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais), as defined in Clause 4.4., plus cumulatively the following: (i) arrears interest on the total of the values due, per day of delay, calculated exponentially, at the rate of 12% (twelve percent) per annum, based on a year of 360 running days; (ii) permanence commission, calculated per day of delay, according to the variation of the average weighted rate and adjusted of finance transactions for one day, hedged on public federal instruments and processed in the Special Liquidation and Custody System (Selic) or in chambers for clearing and liquidation of assets, in the form of committed transactions, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil; and (iii) contractual fine of 2% (two percent) of the value due, plus interest on arrears and permanence commission. From the arrears of CLIENT , the operation is released from external funding.

8.1.1. The accruals described in items (i) and (ii) of the heading of this Clauses shall be calculated and accrued from the maturity of the obligation until its effective and full payment to the CREDITOR.

8.2. If the CREDITOR has to go to Court due to an eventual default by the CLIENT on this Note, the CLIENT will be obliged, also, to pay the court fees of the proceedings and lawyers’ fees set judicially.


9.1. If the CLIENT has an interest in liquidating early, totally or partially, its obligations resulting from this Note, he may do so, provided that they agree with the conditions of such liquidation, satisfactorily to the CREDITOR and to the CLIENT .

9.1.1 It is previously agreed that under no case the reimbursement of any amount paid as early liquidation by the CLIENT shall be due as commission, rate or tariff, even if partial or proportionally, and the amounts which payment are pending shall be paid in advance so that the early liquidation occurs as provided herein.


10.1 The following will be at the account of and imputable to CLIENT: (I) All the taxes present and future, which, according to the law, are under its responsibility; (ii) all the expenses related to and/or resulting from this Note, including, but not limited to expenses with public registry offices and any other extrajudicial expenses, which the CREDITOR has to incur for the collection and/or safety of this Note; (iii) all the tariffs and rates contemplated in the Preamble; and (iv) any other liens and charges that are borne by the CREDITOR related and/or resulting from this Note.

10.1.1. All the payments due by the CLIENT contemplated in this Clause shall be paid by CLIENT within 10 (ten) business days counted from issue by the CREDITOR, of the respective debit notice, which will occur by one of the vehicles of communication contemplated in this Note.

10.2. In the event of noncompliance with any monetary obligations due by this Note, the CLIENT is obliged to pay IOF accruing on such obligations due and not paid, which will be calculated, based on the rate in force applicable to loan transactions, from the date of the maturity of the obligation until the date of the effective payment.


11.1 All the notices, notifications or communications, which, according to this Note, shall be made in writing, will be considered valid by the remittance of fax, telex, telegram or through registered mail, with confirmation of receipt, sent to the addresses of the parties indicated in the Preamble, or to any other address subsequently communicated, in writing, by the senders and the other party.

11.2. The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) undertake to maintain the CREDITOR informed about any alteration of address, e-mail, electronic address, telephone and other data relative to its location. If there is no updated information, all the correspondence maintained by the CREDITOR at the existing address in its records will be, for all legal effects, considered received.

11.3. The CLIENT hereby authorizes the CREDITOR to send any information pertaining hereto by e-mail to be sent to the address informed in the Preamble.

11.4 The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) recognize hereby as means of evidence of the debit and credit resulting hereof, the statements, the issue notices or the collection notices issued by the CREDITOR , if not challenged in the maximum period of 10 (ten) days, counted from the date of the respective issue.

11.5   Tolerance by one of the parties as regards noncompliance, by the other party, with any of the obligations resulting from this Note shall not constitute novation, or even precedent, which, in any way or for any purpose releases the parties to effect them, as well as the other obligations resulting from this Note.

11.6. Failure to exercise, by the parties, any of the rights assured to them by this Note and the Law, shall not constitute the cause of alteration or novation and will not impair the exercise of these rights at subsequent times or in identical subsequent occurrence.

11.7. The CREDITOR is expressly authorized to include and consult the information of CLIENT and of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) with the Central System of Credit Rating Information of the Central Bank of Brazil.

11.8. The parties provide that the information provided and the financial statements presented by the CLIENT may be the purpose of disclosure to the companies belonging to the same economic conglomerate of the CREDITOR .

11.9. This Note is issued irrevocably and irreversibly, binding the parties and their eventual successors at any title.

11.10. To settle any conflict in connection with the interpretation and/or execution of this Note, the venue of the Judiciary District of the City of São Paulo is hereby elected, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged it may be, the CREDITOR may further choose the venue of any of its branches or of the headquarters or domicile of CLIENT or of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this Note in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, only one of them being negotiable for a single purpose, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.
São Paulo, March 14, 2008
Banco Santander S.A.
Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta,
Administration Officer,
Finances & Control.
The persons identified below attend hereby Consenting Intervening Party(ies) pursuant to the terms of Article 1.647 of the Civil Code.
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect



Private instrument of Adhesion to the Protection System Against Financial Risks – SPR

Instrument of Negotiation    No. 97220
Date of Transaction:
04752901                      SÃO PAULO SP
05724-06   SÃO PAULO – SP
  VILA ANDRADE    004.206.050/0001-80
Contract Specification

Contract No.
Start Date
Rules of Contract
Value of Indexer
% Indexer
% Rate (p.a.)
Assets- Institution:
Assets- Client:
Form of Financial Liquidation:
Custody Location:  CETIP
Registration No.:  08C07461
This Negotiation Note is an inseparable and complementary part of the Private Instrument of Adhesion to the Protection System against Financial Risks – SPR, executed by the parties, according to Law No. 10.892/04 and complementary rules, the transactions executed from 10.01.04 will be net of the Investment Account, except for the performances adjusted in liquidation.
The JPYBRL indexer refers to BRLJPY Bacen

Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta &
Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Administration Officer, Finance & Control and President, respectively


BANK CREDIT NOTE No. 231009098

Av. Giovanni Gronchi, 7143 – Vila Andrade
São Paulo/SP
Current Account No.
Value of the Principal in foreign currency:
JPY 9,231,905,465.29
Date of Issue
362 days
Due Date:
Fixed interest at the rate of 1.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.8333% per month, calculated linearly “pro rata temporis”, based on a year of 360 (three hundred and sixty) running days.
TAC – Facility Rate, in the amount of without effect to be paid as follows, without effect .
Date: 03.14.2008
(  ) Credit into current account held by the CLIENT in the BANK
(X) TED/DOC (Electronic Transfer of Funds) in favor of CLIENT .
Exchange rate for conversion of the Value of the Principal in Foreign Currency:
(X) R$ 0.016248 per JPY 1,00
  according to conversion criteria stipulated at clause 3.1.1. herein
Release amount: R$ 150,000,000.00
Principal: JPY 9,231,905,465.29, equivalent to R$ 150,000,000.00 on 03.02.2009
Financial charges: on 03.02.2009, according to the table of financial charges
Debit into the current account held by CLIENT
X DOC/TED in favor of Banco Santander S.A. 033 Branch 001 – current account 996155831
Without effect
Corporate name/Name
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect


By this Bank Credit Note (“Note”),   the CLIENT appointed and identified in the preamble above (“Preamble”) (“ CLIENT”), irrevocably and irreversibly, shall pay to Banco Santander S.A., headquartered at Rua Amador Bueno, 474 – Santo Amaro, in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, CNPJ/MF No. 90.400.888/0001-42 (“ CREDITOR”) , or to its order, on the dates, form and place of payment contemplated in this Note, the debt in cash, established, agreed and enforceable, including the value of the principal of the loan and interest, restatements and other charges and expenses stipulated herein, upon the following clauses and conditions:

1.1. The CREDITOR hereby, pursuant to the terms of this Note, grants to CLIENT a loan in the value and in the conditions defined in the Preamble, by onlending of external funds, raised based on Resolution No. 2770 of the National Monetary Council, for its equivalent in domestic currency (“Transaction”).

2.1. There shall accrue on the value of the Transaction, in its expression in foreign currency, from the date of release of the funds to the date(s) of the respective maturity dates of this Note, the financial charges, according to the conditions defined in the Preamble, which will be due for its equivalent in domestic currency, as defined in Clause 4.4.

2.1.1. The financial charges comprise the interest of the external transaction, the value of the income tax corresponding to the remittance of interest abroad, in connection only with the portion of the transaction onlent to the CLIENT , the onlending commission of the CREDITOR and expenses with remittance to the creditor abroad.

3.1. The release of the funds will be made on the date, in the conditions and in the value defined in the Preamble, in domestic currency corresponding to the value in foreign currency.

3.1.1. In the event of the release being contracted of the funds on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, as stipulated in the Preamble, and if the value in national currency is not defined, it is hereby agreed that the respective value will be calculated by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen, with respect to the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, published by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the conversion parameter established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value to be released to the CLIENT for its equivalent in national currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the exchange rate disclosed by Reuters agency, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in relation to the business day immediately subsequent to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters, (ii) by the average of the sale rates adopted by the market on the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, average rate which is obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least, 03 (three) first class institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the market of free rates, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the release of this Note.

3.2. In the event of the release of the funds being contracted on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, and if to the effective date of release of the funds, any legal or normative modification occurs, directly or indirectly, modifying any of the conditions defined herein, such modification will be incorporated to this Note, regardless of any notification or formal act, the CREDITOR being released from any liability resulting from such fact.


4.1. The CLIENT shall pay to the CREDITOR, or to its order, by this counterpart of Note, issued in the terms of Law 10.931/2004 (as altered), all the values due contemplated in this note, but not limited to the principal due, financial charges, expenses, tariffs and rates, which shall be paid in the flow, in the form and period defined in the Preamble and/or in this Note, as applicable.

4.1.1. The eventual payment performed by the CLIENT by check, credit documents, payment orders, including, but not limited to the Credit Order Documents – DOC, or any other mechanisms or payment instruments available in the market, including documents cleared by the Check Clearance Center and Other Papers – which shall be under its own issue, will only be considered as effectively liquidated and/or received by the CREDITOR when reverted into immediately available funds, and, by virtue of this, charges will occur for the use of the funds by CLIENT in this period, which will be equal to the remuneration charges of this Note.

4.1.2. In the event of any maturity date of the principal, financial charges, taxes or any other amounts due under this Note, coinciding with national, municipal or bank holidays, the CLIENT shall effect the payment on the first following business day. In this event, the financial charges shall accrue to the date of the effective payment.

4.2. In the event of the form of liquidation, defined in the Preamble being a debit in the current account, the CLIENT hereby authorizes, irreversibly and irrevocably, the CREDITOR to debit into the current account defined in the Preamble, all the values whose payment or reimbursement is sue to the CREDITOR in the scope or by effect of this Note.
4.2.1 For the purposes described in this clause heading, the CLIENT undertakes to keep in the said current account, enough funds and immediately available for the performance of all debits arising from this Note.

4.2.2. On the value, or portion of value, to debit for which there were no funds available in said current account, from the date of the maturity of the obligations of the CLIENT , the financial charges contemplated in this Note shall accrue.

4.3. Having in view that the resources restricted to this Note will be granted through onlending by the CREDITOR of funds arising out of external funding in foreign currency, it is established that the reimbursement of the value of the principal and the payment of the charges accruing shall be made by the CLIENT for the equivalent in national currency of a monetary provision expressed in that currency. In these conditions, the CLIENT will be subject to the foreign exchange risk resulting from this Transaction, whatever the manner this risk is presented.

4.4. The amounts in national currency, corresponding to the reimbursement values of principal and financial charges will be obtained, on each occasion, by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen relating to the date immediately prior to the date of reimbursement or of the payment, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the parameter of conversion established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value due by the CLIENT for its equivalent in national currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the foreign exchange rate disclosed by Reuters agency, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in connection with the business day immediately prior to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters; (ii)( by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market on the business day immediately prior to the liquidation date, average rate, which will be obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least 03 (three) first class international institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the free rates market, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the payment mentioned in this Note.


5.1. The constitution of the additional guarantees, if thus agreed by the parties, will be formalized by specific document(s) to be established by the CREDITOR, or which will constitute an integral and inseparable part of this Note.

5.2. At the time of payment by the CLIENT, the guarantees effectively provided, regardless of notification, appeal, service of process or any other judicial or extrajudicial formality shall be enforceable, immediately.


6.1. The CLIENT declares, irrevocably and irreversibly, that it knows and complies with all the environmental rules contemplated in the Brazilian legislation and that its use of the values resulting from this Clause shall not lead to violation of any of these rules.

6.1.1. The Parties hereby recognize that the CLIENT is subject to compliance with the principles of the “Tim‘s Code of Ethics”, which provide that all the business of the CLIENT , including this Note, will be marked by respect: (i) the environment, including regarding the disposal of batteries, emission of pollutants, recycling of waste; (ii) safety and health rules in the business locations, (iii) honesty and transparency to its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and governmental bodies, (iv) the interests of the company and of the Parties, above individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, which may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts or benefits using the name and reputation of the CLIENT, or as a result of the exercise of their activities. The TIM’s Code of Ethics is available on the website of TIM Participações S.A. ( – Area: Corporate Governance, Code of Ethics) and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments, at the disposal for public consultation.


7.1. The CREDITOR will be entitled to consider this Note as due early and require from the CLIENT , regardless of notification, full payment in a single installment of the entire balance due resulting from this, including with the enforceability of the guarantees in the events contemplated by law, in the following events:

(a) if the CLIENT incurs in arrears in relation to any obligations which must be complied by it as a result of this Note;

(b) if the CLIENT violates or does not comply, as a whole or in part, with any clause or condition of this Note and the corresponding Spreadsheets and/or Electronic Files, which is not remedied within 10 (ten) days from receipt of the notification to do so;

(c) if the CLIENT has an instrument of its responsibility or co-obligation in a value superior to R$ 20,000,000.00 (twenty million), duly protested or suffers execution or seizure of the goods without the explanation in this respect requested by the CREDITOR having been presented by the CLIENT in the period designated or the explanation having been presented, if the same is not considered satisfactory by the CREDITOR .

(d) if the CLIENT has its direct or indirect controlling interest transferred to a third party or is incorporated or if the merger, or transfer, occurs, whether by split or any other way of the operating assets to another entity without the CREDITOR , at its sole discretion, having formally manifested in the period of 5 (five) days counted from the date of the respective corporate act its decision of not maintaining this Note in force.
(e) if the CLIENT defaults on its obligations and/or does not liquidate, in the respective maturity, debit of its responsibility resulting from the other contracts or discounts entered into with the CREDITOR and/or any companies, directly or indirectly associated, controlling or controlled by the CREDITOR , including abroad, and/or the termination of the respective documents occurs, by fault of the CLIENT .

(f) change or alteration of the corporate purpose of the CLIENT , or of any INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) , so as to alter their current main activities of the CLIENT , or of the respective INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S ), or to add to these activities new business, which have prevalence or may represent diversions in relation to the activities currently developed.

(g) Change or alteration of the CLIENT’S corporate purpose, or of any INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S), so that it changes the current main activities of the CLIENT, or of the respective INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S), or that adds to these activities new business which prevails or may represent deviations in relation to the currently developed activities.


8.1. The CLIENT shall legally incur in arrears, regardless of notice or notification of any kind, if it fails to comply with any obligation derived from this Note, in which case, automatically, it will be obliged to pay the amount due, converted, on the date of the respective maturity, for its equivalent in national currency (reais), as defined in Clause 4.4., plus cumulatively the following: (i) arrears interest on the total of the values due, per day of delay, calculated exponentially, at the rate of 12% (twelve percent) per annum, based on a year of 360 running days; (ii) permanence commission, calculated per day of delay, according to the variation of the average weighted rate and adjusted of finance transactions for one day, hedged on public federal instruments and processed in the Special Liquidation and Custody System (Selic) or in chambers for clearing and liquidation of assets, in the form of committed transactions, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil; and (iii) contractual fine of 2% (two percent) of the value due, plus interest on arrears and permanence commission. From the arrears of CLIENT , the operation is released from external funding.

8.1.1. The accruals described in items (i) and (ii) of the heading of this Clauses shall be calculated and accrued from the maturity of the obligation until its effective and full payment to the CREDITOR.

8.2. If the CREDITOR has to go to Court due to an eventual default by the CLIENT on this Note, the CLIENT will be obliged, also, to pay the court fees of the proceedings and lawyers’ fees set judicially.


9.1. If the CLIENT has an interest in liquidating early, totally or partially, its obligations resulting from this Note, he may do so, provided that they agree with the conditions of such liquidation, satisfactorily to the CREDITOR and to the CLIENT .

9.1.1 It is previously agreed that under no case the reimbursement of any amount paid as early liquidation by the CLIENT shall be due as commission, rate or tariff, even if partial or proportionally, and the amounts which payment are pending shall be paid in advance so that the early liquidation occurs as provided herein.


10.1 The following will be at the account of and imputable to CLIENT: (I) All the taxes present and future, which, according to the law, are under its responsibility; (ii) all the expenses related to and/or resulting from this Note, including, but not limited to expenses with public registry offices and any other extrajudicial expenses, which the CREDITOR has to incur for the collection and/or safety of this Note; (iii) all the tariffs and rates contemplated in the Preamble; and (iv) any other liens and charges that are borne by the CREDITOR related and/or resulting from this Note.

10.1.1. All the payments due by the CLIENT contemplated in this Clause shall be paid by CLIENT within 10 (ten) business days counted from issue by the CREDITOR, of the respective debit notice, which will occur by one of the vehicles of communication contemplated in this Note.

10.2. In the event of noncompliance with any monetary obligations due by this Note, the CLIENT is obliged to pay IOF accruing on such obligations due and not paid, which will be calculated, based on the rate in force applicable to loan transactions, from the date of the maturity of the obligation until the date of the effective payment.


11.1 All the notices, notifications or communications, which, according to this Note, shall be made in writing, will be considered valid by the remittance of fax, telex, telegram or through registered mail, with confirmation of receipt, sent to the addresses of the parties indicated in the Preamble, or to any other address subsequently communicated, in writing, by the senders and the other party.

11.2. The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) undertake to maintain the CREDITOR informed about any alteration of address, e-mail, electronic address, telephone and other data relative to its location. If there is no updated information, all the correspondence maintained by the CREDITOR at the existing address in its records will be, for all legal effects, considered received.

11.3. The CLIENT hereby authorizes the CREDITOR to send any information pertaining hereto by e-mail to be sent to the address informed in the Preamble.

11.4 The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) recognize hereby as means of evidence of the debit and credit resulting hereof, the statements, the issue notices or the collection notices issued by the CREDITOR , if not challenged in the maximum period of 10 (ten) days, counted from the date of the respective issue.

11.5   Tolerance by one of the parties as regards noncompliance, by the other party, with any of the obligations resulting from this Note shall not constitute novation, or even precedent, which, in any way or for any purpose releases the parties to effect them, as well as the other obligations resulting from this Note.

11.6. Failure to exercise, by the parties, any of the rights assured to them by this Note and the Law, shall not constitute the cause of alteration or novation and will not impair the exercise of these rights at subsequent times or in identical subsequent occurrence.

11.7. The CREDITOR is expressly authorized to include and consult the information of CLIENT and of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) with the Central System of Credit Rating Information of the Central Bank of Brazil.

11.8. The parties provide that the information provided and the financial statements presented by the CLIENT may be the purpose of disclosure to the companies belonging to the same economic conglomerate of the CREDITOR .

11.9. This Note is issued irrevocably and irreversibly, binding the parties and their eventual successors at any title.

11.10. To settle any conflict in connection with the interpretation and/or execution of this Note, the venue of the Judiciary District of the City of São Paulo is hereby elected, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged it may be, the CREDITOR may further choose the venue of any of its branches or of the headquarters or domicile of CLIENT or of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this Note in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, only one of them being negotiable for a single purpose, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.
São Paulo, March 14, 2008
Banco Santander S.A.
Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta,
Administration Officer,
Finances & Control.
The persons identified below attend hereby Consenting Intervening Party(ies) pursuant to the terms of Article 1.647 of the Civil Code.
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect

Private instrument of Adhesion to the Protection System Against Financial Risks – SPR
Instrument of Negotiation    No. 97080
Date of Transaction:
04752901           SÃO PAULO SP
05724-07         SÃO PAULO – SP
Contract Specification

Contract No.
Start Date
Rules of Contract
Value of Indexer
% Indexer
% Rate (p.a.)
Assets- Institution:
Assets- Client:
Form of Financial Liquidation:
Custody Location: CETIP
Registration No.:  08C02023
This Negotiation Note is an inseparable and complementary part of the Private Instrument of Adhesion to the Protection System against Financial Risks – SPR, executed by the parties, according to Law No. 10.892/04 and complementary rules, the transactions executed from 10.01.04 will be net of the Investment Account, except for the performances adjusted in liquidation.
The JPYBRL indexer refers to BRLJPY Bacen

Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta &
Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Administration Officer, Finance & Control and President, respectively


BANK CREDIT NOTE No. 231009958

Av. Giovanni Gronchi, 7143 – Vila Andrade
São Paulo/SP
Current Account No.
Value of the Principal in foreign currency:
JPY 5,954,862,144.34
Date of Issue
364 days
Due Date:
Fixed interest at the rate of 1.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.8333% per month, calculated linearly “pro rata temporis”, based on a year of 360 (three hundred and sixty) running days.
TAC – Facility Rate, in the amount of without effect to be paid as follows, without effect .
Date: 03.14.2008
(  ) Credit into current account held by the CLIENT in the BANK
(X) TED/DOC (Electronic Transfer of Funds) in favor of CLIENT .
Exchange rate for conversion of the Value of the Principal in Foreign Currency:
(X) R$ 0.016793 per JPY 1,00
  according to conversion criteria stipulated at clause 3.1.1. herein
Release amount: R$ 100,000,000.00
Principal: JPY 5,954,862,144.34, equivalent to R$ 100,000,000.00 on 03.13.2009
Financial charges: on 03.13.2009, according to the table of financial charges
Debit into the current account held by CLIENT
X DOC/TED in favor of Banco Santander S.A. 033 Branch 001 – current account 996155831
Without effect
Corporate name/Name
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect


By this Bank Credit Note (“Note”),   the CLIENT appointed and identified in the preamble above (“Preamble”) (“ CLIENT ”),   irrevocably and irreversibly, shall pay to Banco Santander S.A., headquartered in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, CNPJ/MF No. 90.400.888/0001-42 (“ CREDITOR”) , or to its order, on the dates, form and place of payment contemplated in this Note, the debt in cash, established, agreed and enforceable, including the value of the principal of the loan and interest, restatements and other charges and expenses stipulated herein, upon the following clauses and conditions:

1.1. The CREDITOR hereby, pursuant to the terms of this Note, grants to CLIENT a loan in the value and in the conditions defined in the Preamble, by onlending of external funds, raised based on Resolution No. 2770 of the National Monetary Council, for its equivalent in domestic currency (“Transaction”).

2.1. There shall accrue on the value of the Transaction, in its expression in foreign currency, from the date of release of the funds to the date(s) of the respective maturity(ies) of this Note, the financial charges, according to the conditions defined in the Preamble, which will be due for its equivalent in domestic currency, as defined in Clause 4.4.

2.1.1. The financial charges comprise the interest of the external transaction, the value of the income tax corresponding to the remittance of interest abroad, in connection only with the portion of the transaction on lent to the CLIENT , the onlending commission of the CREDITOR and expenses with remittance to the creditor abroad.

3.1. The release of the funds will be made on the date, in the conditions and in the value defined in the Preamble, in domestic currency corresponding to the value in foreign currency.

3.1.1. In the event of the release being contracted of the funds on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, as stipulated in the Preamble, and if the value in domestic currency is not defined, it is hereby agreed that the respective value will be calculated by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen, with respect to the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, published by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the conversion parameter established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value to be release to the CLIENT for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the exchange rate disclosed by the Reuters branch, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in relation to the business day immediately subsequent to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters, (ii) by the average of the sale rates adopted by the market on the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, average rate which is obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least, 03 (three) first class institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the market of free rates, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the release of this Note.

3.2. In the event of the release of the funds being contracted on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, and if to the effective date of release of the funds, any legal or normative modification occurs, directly or indirectly, modifying any of the conditions defined herein, such modification will be incorporated to this Note, regardless of any notification or formal act, the CREDITOR being released from any liability resulting from such fact.


4.1. The CLIENT shall pay to the CREDITOR , or to its order, by this counterpart of Note, issued in the terms of Law 10.931/2004 (as altered), all the values due contemplated in this note, but not limited to the principal due, financial charges, expenses, tariffs and rates, which shall be paid in the flow, in the form and period defined in the Preamble and/or in this Note, as applicable.

4.1.1. The eventual payment performed by the CLIENT by check, credit documents, payment orders, including, but not limited to the Credit Order Documents – DOC, or any other mechanisms or payment instruments available in the market, including documents cleared by the Check Clearance Center and Other Papers – which shall be under its own issue, will only be considered as effectively liquidated and/or received by the CREDITOR when reverted into immediately available funds, and, by virtue of this, charges will occur for the use of the funds by CLIENT in this period, which will be equal to the remuneration charges of this Note.

4.1.2. In the event of any maturity date of the principal, financial charges, taxes or any other amounts due under this Note, coinciding with national, municipal or bank holidays, the CLIENT shall effect the payment on the first following business day. In this event, the financial charges shall accrue to the date of the effective payment.

4.2. In the event of the form of liquidation, defined in the Preamble being a debit in the current account, the CLIENT hereby authorizes, irreversibly and irrevocably, the CREDITOR to debit into the current account defined in the Preamble, all the values whose payment or reimbursement issue to the CREDITOR in the scope or by effect of this Note.

4.2.2. On the value, or portion of value, to debit for which there were no funds available in said current account, from the date of the maturity of the obligations of the CLIENT , the financial charges contemplated in this Note shall accrue.

4.3. Having in view that the resources restricted to this Note will be granted through on lending by the CREDITOR of funds arising out of external funding in foreign currency, it is established that the reimbursement of the value of the principal and the payment of the charges accruing shall be made by the CLIENT for the equivalent in domestic foreign currency of a monetary provision expressed in that currency. In these conditions, the CLIENT will be subject to the foreign exchange risk resulting from this Transaction, whatever the manner this risk is presented.

4.4. The amounts in domestic foreign currency, corresponding to the reimbursement values of principal and financial charges will be obtained, on each occasion, by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen relating to the date immediately prior to the date of reimbursement or of the payment, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the parameter of conversion established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value due by the CLIENT for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the foreign exchange rate disclosed by the agency Reuters, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in connection with the business day immediately prior to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters; (ii)( by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market on the business day immediately prior to the liquidation date, average rate, which will be obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least 03 (three) first class international institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the free rates market, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the payment mentioned in this Note.


5.1. The constitution of the additional guarantees, if thus agreed by the parties, will be formalized by specific document(s) to be established by the CREDITOR, or which will constitute an integral and inseparable part of this Note.

5.2. At the time of payment by the CLIENT, the guarantees effectively provided, regardless of notification, interpellation, citation or any other judicial or extrajudicial formality shall be enforceable, immediately.


6.1. The CLIENT declares, irrevocably and irreversibly, that it knows and complies with all the environmental rules contemplated in the Brazilian legislation and that its use of the values resulting from this Clause shall not lead to violation of any of these rules.

6.1.1. The Parties hereby recognize that the CLIENT is subject to compliance with the principles of the “Tim Ethics Code”, which provide that all the business of the CLIENT , including this Note, will be marked by respect: (i) the environment, including regarding the disposal of batteries, issue of pollutants, recycling of wastes; (ii) safety and health rules in the business locations, (iii) honesty and transparency to its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and governmental bodies, (iv) the interests of the company and of the Parties, above individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, which may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts

or benefits using the name and reputation of the CLIENT, or as a result of the exercise of their activities. The TIM Ethics Code is available on the website of TIM Participações S.A. ( – Area: Corporate Governance, Ethics Code) and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments, at the disposal for public consultation.


7.1. The CREDITOR will be entitled to consider this Note as due early and require from the CLIENT , regardless of notification, full payment in a single installment of the entire balance due resulting from this, including with the enforceability of the guarantees in the events contemplated by law, in the following events:

(a) if the CLIENT incurs in arrears in relation to any obligations which must be complied by it as a result of this Note;

(b) if the CLIENT violates or does not comply, as a whole or in part, with any clause or condition of this Note and the corresponding Spreadsheets and/or Electronic Files, which is not remedied within 10 (ten) days from receipt of the notification to do so;

(c) if the CLIENT has an instrument of its responsibility or co-obligation in a value superior to R$ 20,000,000.00 (twenty million), duly protested or suffers execution or seizure of the goods without the explanation in this respect requested by the CREDITOR having been presented by the CLIENT in the period designated or the explanation having been presented, if the same is not considered satisfactory by the CREDITOR .

(d) if the CLIENT has its corporate direct or indirect corporate control transferred to a third party or is incorporated or if the merger, or transfer, occurs, whether by split or any other way of the operating assets to another entity without the CREDITOR , at its sole discretion, having formally manifested in the period of 5 (five) days counted from the date of the respective corporate act its decision of not maintaining this Note in force.

(e) if the CLIENT defaults on its obligations and/or does not liquidate, in the respective maturity, debit of its responsibility resulting from the other contracts or discounts entered into with the CREDITOR and/or any companies, directly or indirectly associated, controlling or controlled by the CREDITOR , including abroad, and/or the termination of the respective documents occurs, by fault of the CLIENT .

(f) change or alteration of the corporate purpose of the CLIENT , or of any INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) , so as to alter their current main activities of the CLIENT , or of the respective INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S ), or to add to these activities new business, which have prevalence or may represent diversions in relation to the activities currently developed.


8.1. The CLIENT shall legally incur in arrears, regardless of notice or notification of any kind, if it fails to comply with any obligation derived from this Note, in which case, automatically, it will be obliged to pay the amount due, converted, on the date of the respective maturity, for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais), as defined in Clause 4.4., plus cumulatively the following: (i) arrears interest on the total of the values due, per day of delay, calculated exponentially, at the rate of 12% (twelve percent) per annum, based on a year of 360 running days; (ii) permanence commission, calculated per day of delay, according to the variation of the average weighted rate and adjusted of finance transactions for one day, hedged on public federal instruments and processed in the Special Liquidation and Custody System (Selic) or in chambers for clearing and liquidation of assets, in the form of committed transactions, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil; and (iii) contractual fine of 2% (two percent) of the value due, plus arrears interest and permanence commission. From the arrears of CLIENT , the operation is released from external funding.

8.1.1.   The accretions described in items (i) and (ii) of the heading of this Clauses shall be calculated and accrued from the maturity of the obligation until its effective and full payment to the CREDITOR.

8.2. If the CREDITOR has to go to Court given an eventual default by the CLIENT on this Note, the CLIENT will be obliged, also, to pay the legal costs of the proceedings and lawyers’ fees set judicially.


9.1. If the CLIENT has an interest in liquidating early, totally or partially, its obligations resulting from this Note, he may do so, provided that they agree, satisfactorily to the CREDITOR and to the CLIENT as

commission, rate or tariff, even if partially or proportionately, it being established that the values whose payment are pending shall be paid for early so that the early liquidation operates as contemplated herein.


10.1 The following will be at the account of and imputable to CLIENT: (I) All the taxes present and future, which, according to the law, are under its responsibility; (ii) all the expenses related to and/or resulting from this Note, including, but not limited to expenses with public registry offices and any other extrajudicial expenses, which the CREDITOR has to incur for the collection and/or safety of this Note; (iii) all the tariffs and rates contemplated in the Preamble; and (iv) any other liens and charges that are borne by the CREDITOR related and/or resulting from this Note.

10.1.1. All the payments due by the CLIENT contemplated in this Clause shall be paid by CLIENT within 10 (ten) business days counted from issue by the CREDITOR, of the respective debit notice, which will occur by one of the vehicles of communication contemplated in this Note.

10.2. In the event of noncompliance with any monetary obligations due by this Note, the CLIENT is obliged to pay IOF accruing on such obligations due and not paid, which will be calculated, based on the rate in force applicable to loan transactions, from the date of the maturity of the obligation until the date of the effective payment.


11.1 All the notices, notifications or communications, which, according to this Note, shall be made in writing, will be considered valid by the remittance of fax, telex, telegram or through registered mail, with confirmation of receipt, sent to the addresses of the parties indicated in the Preamble, or to any other address subsequently communicated, in writing, by the senders and the other party.

11.2. The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) undertake to maintain the CREDITOR informed about any alteration of address, e-mail, electronic address, telephone and other data relative to its location. If there is no updated information, all the correspondence maintained by the CREDITOR at the existing address in its records will be, for all legal effects, considered received.

11.3. The CLIENT hereby authorizes the CREDITOR to send any information pertaining hereto by e-mail to be sent to the address informed in the Preamble.

11.4 The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) recognize hereby as means of evidence of the debit and credit resulting herefrom, the statements, the issue notices or the collection notices issued by the CREDITOR , if not challenged in the maximum period of 10 (ten) days, counted from the date of the respective issue.

11.5   Tolerance by one of the parties as regards noncompliance, by the other party, with any of the obligations resulting from this Note shall not constitute novation, or even precedent, which, in any way or for any purpose releases the parties to effect them, as well as the other obligations resulting from this Note.

11.6. Failure to exercise, by the parties, any of the rights assured to them by this Note and the Law, shall not constitute the cause of alteration or novation and will not impair the exercise of these rights at subsequent times or in identical subsequent occurrence.

11.7. The CREDITOR is expressly authorized to include and consult the information of CLIENT and of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) with the Central System of Credit Rating Information of the Central Bank of Brazil.

11.8. The parties provide that the information provided and the financial statements presented by the CLIENT may be the purpose of disclosure to the companies belonging to the same economic conglomerate of the CREDITOR .

11.9. This Note is issued irrevocably and irreversibly, binding the parties and their eventual successors at any title.

11.10. To settle any conflict in connection with the interpretation and/or execution of this Note, the venue of the Judiciary District of the City of São Paulo is hereby elected, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged it may be, the CREDITOR may further choose the venue of any of its branches or of the headquarters or domicile of CLIENT or of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this Note in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, only one of them being negotiable for a single purpose, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.

São Paulo, March 14, 2008


[signature]                                                                [signatures]
TIM CELULAR S.A.                                                                           Banco Santander S.A.

Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta,
Edvaldo Kakegawa and Roberto Teodoro Franco
Administration Officer,
Finances & Control.  General Managers
The persons identified below attend hereby Consenting Intervening Party(ies) pursuant to the terms of Article 1.647 of the Civil Code.

without effect
without effect

without effect
without effect

without effect
without effect

without effect
without effect

By this Bank Credit Note (“Note”),   the CLIENT appointed and identified in the preamble above (“Preamble”) (“ CLIENT”), irrevocably and irreversibly, shall pay to Banco Santander S.A., headquartered at Rua Amador Bueno, 474 – Santo Amaro, in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, CNPJ/MF No. 90.400.888/0001-42 (“ CREDITOR”) , or to its order, on the dates, form and place of payment contemplated in this Note, the debt in cash, established, agreed and enforceable, including the value of the principal of the loan and interest, restatements and other charges and expenses stipulated herein, upon the following clauses and conditions:

1.1. The CREDITOR hereby, pursuant to the terms of this Note, grants to CLIENT a loan in the value and in the conditions defined in the Preamble, by onlending of external funds, raised based on Resolution No. 2770 of the National Monetary Council, for its equivalent in domestic currency (“Transaction”).

2.1. There shall accrue on the value of the Transaction, in its expression in foreign currency, from the date of release of the funds to the date(s) of the respective maturity(ies) of this Note, the financial charges, according to the conditions defined in the Preamble, which will be due for its equivalent in domestic currency, as defined in Clause 4.4.

2.1.1. The financial charges comprise the interest of the external transaction, the value of the income tax corresponding to the remittance of interest abroad, in connection only with the portion of the transaction onlent to the CLIENT , the onlending commission of the CREDITOR and expenses with remittance to the creditor abroad.

3.1. The release of the funds will be made on the date, in the conditions and in the value defined in the Preamble, in domestic currency corresponding to the value in foreign currency.

3.1.1. In the event of the release being contracted of the funds on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, as stipulated in the Preamble, and if the value in domestic currency is not defined, it is hereby agreed that the respective value will be calculated by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen, with respect to the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, published by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the conversion parameter established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value to be release to the CLIENT for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the exchange rate disclosed by the Reuters branch, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in relation to the business day immediately subsequent to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters, (ii) by the average of the sale rates adopted by the market on the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, average rate which is obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least, 03 (three) first class institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the market of free rates, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the release of this Note.

3.2. In the event of the release of the funds being contracted on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, and if to the effective date of release of the funds, any legal or normative modification occurs, directly or indirectly, modifying any of the conditions defined herein, such modification will be incorporated to this Note, regardless of any notification or formal act, the CREDITOR being released from any liability resulting from such fact.


4.1. The CLIENT shall pay to the CREDITOR, or to its order, by this counterpart of Note, issued in the terms of Law 10.931/2004 (as altered), all the values due contemplated in this note, but not limited to the principal due, financial charges, expenses, tariffs and rates, which shall be paid in the flow, in the form and period defined in the Preamble and/or in this Note, as applicable.

4.1.1. The eventual payment performed by the CLIENT by check, credit documents, payment orders, including, but not limited to the Credit Order Documents – DOC, or any other mechanisms or payment instruments available in the market, including documents cleared by the Check Clearance Center and Other Papers – which shall be under its own issue, will only be considered as effectively liquidated and/or received by the CREDITOR when reverted into immediately available funds, and, by virtue of this, charges will occur for the use of the funds by CLIENT in this period, which will be equal to the remuneration charges of this Note.

4.1.2. In the event of any maturity date of the principal, financial charges, taxes or any other amounts due under this Note, coinciding with national, municipal or bank holidays, the CLIENT shall effect the payment

on the first following business day. In this event, the financial charges shall accrue to the date of the effective payment.

4.2. In the event of the form of liquidation, defined in the Preamble being a debit in the current account, the CLIENT hereby authorizes, irreversibly and irrevocably, the CREDITOR to debit into the current account defined in the Preamble, all the values whose payment or reimbursement issue to the CREDITOR in the scope or by effect of this Note.

4.2.2. On the value, or portion of value, to debit for which there were no funds available in said current account, from the date of the maturity of the obligations of the CLIENT , the financial charges contemplated in this Note shall accrue.

4.3. Having in view that the resources restricted to this Note will be granted through onlending by the CREDITOR of funds arising out of external funding in foreign currency, it is established that the reimbursement of the value of the principal and the payment of the charges accruing shall be made by the CLIENT for the equivalent in domestic foreign currency of a monetary provision expressed in that currency. In these conditions, the CLIENT will be subject to the foreign exchange risk resulting from this Transaction, whatever the manner this risk is presented.

4.4. The amounts in domestic foreign currency, corresponding to the reimbursement values of principal and financial charges will be obtained, on each occasion, by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen relating to the date immediately prior to the date of reimbursement or of the payment, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the parameter of conversion established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value due by the CLIENT for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the foreign exchange rate disclosed by the agency Reuters, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in connection with the business day immediately prior to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters; (ii)( by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market on the business day immediately prior to the liquidation date, average rate, which will be obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least 03 (three) first class international institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the free rates market, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the payment mentioned in this Note.


5.1. The constitution of the additional guarantees, if thus agreed by the parties, will be formalized by specific document(s) to be established by the CREDITOR, or which will constitute an integral and inseparable part of this Note.

5.2. At the time of payment by the CLIENT, the guarantees effectively provided, regardless of notification, interpellation, citation or any other judicial or extrajudicial formality shall be enforceable, immediately.


6.1. The CLIENT declares, irrevocably and irreversibly, that it knows and complies with all the environmental rules contemplated in the Brazilian legislation and that its use of the values resulting from this Clause shall not lead to violation of any of these rules.

6.1.1. The Parties hereby recognize that the CLIENT is subject to compliance with the principles of the “Tim Ethics Code”, which provide that all the business of the CLIENT , including this Note, will be marked by respect: (i) the environment, including regarding the disposal of batteries, issue of pollutants, recycling of wastes; (ii) safety and health rules in the business locations, (iii) honesty and transparency to its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and governmental bodies, (iv) the interests of the company and of the Parties, above individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, which may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts or benefits using the name and reputation of the CLIENT, or as a result of the exercise of their activities. The TIM Ethics Code is available on the website of TIM Participações S.A. ( – Area: Corporate Governance, Ethics Code) and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments, at the disposal for public consultation.


7.1. The CREDITOR will be entitled to consider this Note as due early and require from the CLIENT , regardless of notification, full payment in a single installment of the entire balance due resulting from this, including with the enforceability of the guarantees in the events contemplated by law, in the following events:

(a) if the CLIENT incurs in arrears in relation to any obligations which must be complied by it as a result of this Note;

(b) if the CLIENT violates or does not comply, as a whole or in part, with any clause or condition of this Note and the corresponding Spreadsheets and/or Electronic Files, which is not remedied within 10 (ten) days from receipt of the notification to do so;

(c) if the CLIENT has an instrument of its responsibility or co-obligation in a value superior to R$ 20,000,000.00 (twenty million), duly protested or suffers execution or seizure of the goods without the explanation in this respect requested by the CREDITOR having been presented by the CLIENT in the period designated or the explanation having been presented, if the same is not considered satisfactory by the CREDITOR .

(d) if the CLIENT has its corporate direct or indirect corporate control transferred to a third party or is incorporated or if the merger, or transfer, occurs, whether by split or any other way of the operating assets to another entity without the CREDITOR , at its sole discretion, having formally manifested in the period of 5 (five) days counted from the date of the respective corporate act its decision of not maintaining this Note in force.
(e) if the CLIENT defaults on its obligations and/or does not liquidate, in the respective maturity, debit of its responsibility resulting from the other contracts or discounts entered into with the CREDITOR and/or any companies, directly or indirectly associated, controlling or controlled by the CREDITOR , including abroad, and/or the termination of the respective documents occurs, by fault of the CLIENT .

(f) change or alteration of the corporate purpose of the CLIENT , or of any INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) , so as to alter their current main activities of the CLIENT , or of the respective INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S ), or to add to these activities new business, which have prevalence or may represent diversions in relation to the activities currently developed.


8.1. The CLIENT shall legally incur in arrears, regardless of notice or notification of any kind, if it fails to comply with any obligation derived from this Note, in which case, automatically, it will be obliged to pay the amount due, converted, on the date of the respective maturity, for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais), as defined in Clause 4.4., plus cumulatively the following: (i) arrears interest on the total of the values due, per day of delay, calculated exponentially, at the rate of 12% (twelve percent) per annum, based on a year of 360 running days; (ii) permanence commission, calculated per day of delay, according to the variation of the average weighted rate and adjusted of finance transactions for one day, hedged on public federal instruments and processed in the Special Liquidation and Custody System (Selic) or in chambers for clearing and liquidation of assets, in the form of committed transactions, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil; and (iii) contractual fine of 2% (two percent) of the value due, plus arrears interest and permanence commission. From the arrears of CLIENT , the operation is released from external funding.

8.1.1. The accretions described in items (i) and (ii) of the heading of this Clauses shall be calculated and accrued from the maturity of the obligation until its effective and full payment to the CREDITOR.

8.2. If the CREDITOR has to go to Court given an eventual default by the CLIENT on this Note, the CLIENT will be obliged, also, to pay the legal costs of the proceedings and lawyers’ fees set judicially.


9.1. If the CLIENT has an interest in liquidating early, totally or partially, its obligations resulting from this Note, he may do so, provided that they agree, satisfactorily to the CREDITOR and to the CLIENT as commission, rate or tariff, even if partially or proportionately, it being established that the values whose payment are pending shall be paid for early so that the early liquidation operates as contemplated herein.


10.1 The following will be at the account of and imputable to CLIENT: (I) All the taxes present and future, which, according to the law, are under its responsibility; (ii) all the expenses related to and/or resulting from this Note, including, but not limited to expenses with public registry offices and any other extrajudicial expenses, which the CREDITOR has to incur for the collection and/or safety of this Note; (iii) all the tariffs and rates contemplated in the Preamble; and (iv) any other liens and charges that are borne by the CREDITOR related and/or resulting from this Note.

10.1.1. All the payments due by the CLIENT contemplated in this Clause shall be paid by CLIENT within 10 (ten) business days counted from issue by the CREDITOR, of the respective debit notice, which will occur by one of the vehicles of communication contemplated in this Note.

10.2. In the event of noncompliance with any monetary obligations due by this Note, the CLIENT is obliged to pay IOF accruing on such obligations due and not paid, which will be calculated, based on the rate in force applicable to loan transactions, from the date of the maturity of the obligation until the date of the effective payment.


11.1 All the notices, notifications or communications, which, according to this Note, shall be made in writing, will be considered valid by the remittance of fax, telex, telegram or through registered mail, with confirmation of receipt, sent to the addresses of the parties indicated in the Preamble, or to any other address subsequently communicated, in writing, by the senders and the other party.

11.2. The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) undertake to maintain the CREDITOR informed about any alteration of address, e-mail, electronic address, telephone and other data relative to its location. If there is no updated information, all the correspondence maintained by the CREDITOR at the existing address in its records will be, for all legal effects, considered received.

11.3. The CLIENT hereby authorizes the CREDITOR to send any information pertaining hereto by e-mail to be sent to the address informed in the Preamble.

11.4 The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) recognize hereby as means of evidence of the debit and credit resulting herefrom, the statements, the issue notices or the collection notices issued by the CREDITOR , if not challenged in the maximum period of 10 (ten) days, counted from the date of the respective issue.

11.5   Tolerance by one of the parties as regards noncompliance, by the other party, with any of the obligations resulting from this Note shall not constitute novation, or even precedent, which, in any way or for any purpose releases the parties to effect them, as well as the other obligations resulting from this Note.

11.6. Failure to exercise, by the parties, any of the rights assured to them by this Note and the Law, shall not constitute the cause of alteration or novation and will not impair the exercise of these rights at subsequent times or in identical subsequent occurrence.

11.7. The CREDITOR is expressly authorized to include and consult the information of CLIENT and of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) with the Central System of Credit Rating Information of the Central Bank of Brazil.

11.8. The parties provide that the information provided and the financial statements presented by the CLIENT may be the purpose of disclosure to the companies belonging to the same economic conglomerate of the CREDITOR .

11.9. This Note is issued irrevocably and irreversibly, binding the parties and their eventual successors at any title.

11.10. To settle any conflict in connection with the interpretation and/or execution of this Note, the venue of the Judiciary District of the City of São Paulo is hereby elected, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged it may be, the CREDITOR may further choose the venue of any of its branches or of the headquarters or domicile of CLIENT or of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this Note in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, only one of them being negotiable for a single purpose, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.

São Paulo, March 14, 2008
Banco Santander S.A.
Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta,
Edvaldo Kakegawa and Roberto Teodoro Franco
Administration Officer,
Finances & Control.
General Managers

The persons identified below attend hereby Consenting Intervening Party(ies) pursuant to the terms of Article 1.647 of the Civil Code.

without effect
without effect

without effect
without effect

without effect
without effect

without effect
without effect

BANK CREDIT NOTE No. 231009098

Av. Giovanni Gronchi, 7143 – Vila Andrade
São Paulo/SP
Current Account No.
Value of the Principal in foreign currency:
JPY 9,231,905,485.29
Date of Issue
362 days
Due Date:
Fixed interest at the rate of 1.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.8333% per month, calculated linearly “pro rata temporis”, based on a year of 360 (three hundred and sixty) running days.
TAC – Facility Rate, in the amount of without effect to be paid as follows, without effect .
Date: without effect
(  ) Credit into current account held by the CLIENT in the BANK
(X) TED/DOC (Electronic Transfer of Funds) in favor of CLIENT .
Exchange rate for conversion of the Value of the Principal in Foreign Currency:
(X) R$ 0.016248 per JPY 1,00
  according to conversion criteria stipulated at clause 3.1.1. herein
Release amount: R$ 150,000,000.00
Principal: JPY 9,231,905,465.29, equivalent to R$ 150,000,000.00 on 03.02.2009
Financial charges: on 03.02.2009, according to the table of financial charges
Debit into the current account held by CLIENT
X DOC/TED in favor of Banco Santander S.A. 033 Branch 001 – current account 996155831
Without effect
Corporate name/Name
without effect
without effect
without effect
without effect


By this Bank Credit Note (“Note”),   the CLIENT appointed and identified in the preamble above (“Preamble”) (“ CLIENT”), irrevocably and irreversibly, shall pay to Banco Santander S.A., headquartered at Rua Amador Bueno, 474 – Santo Amaro, in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, CNPJ/MF No. 90.400.888/0001-42 (“ CREDITOR”) , or to its order, on the dates, form and place of payment contemplated in this Note, the debt in cash, established, agreed and enforceable, including the value of the principal of the loan and interest, restatements and other charges and expenses stipulated herein, upon the following clauses and conditions:

1.1. The CREDITOR hereby, pursuant to the terms of this Note, grants to CLIENT a loan in the value and in the conditions defined in the Preamble, by onlending of external funds, raised based on Resolution No. 2770 of the National Monetary Council, for its equivalent in domestic currency (“Transaction”).

2.1. There shall accrue on the value of the Transaction, in its expression in foreign currency, from the date of release of the funds to the date(s) of the respective maturity(ies) of this Note, the financial charges, according to the conditions defined in the Preamble, which will be due for its equivalent in domestic currency, as defined in Clause 4.4.

2.1.1. The financial charges comprise the interest of the external transaction, the value of the income tax corresponding to the remittance of interest abroad, in connection only with the portion of the transaction onlent to the CLIENT , the onlending commission of the CREDITOR and expenses with remittance to the creditor abroad.

3.1. The release of the funds will be made on the date, in the conditions and in the value defined in the Preamble, in domestic currency corresponding to the value in foreign currency.

3.1.1. In the event of the release being contracted of the funds on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, as stipulated in the Preamble, and if the value in domestic currency is not defined, it is hereby agreed that the respective value will be calculated by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen, with respect to the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, published by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the conversion parameter established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value to be release to the CLIENT for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the exchange rate disclosed by the Reuters branch, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in relation to the business day immediately subsequent to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters, (ii) by the average of the sale rates adopted by the market on the business day immediately prior to the date of release of the funds to the CLIENT, average rate which is obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least, 03 (three) first class institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the market of free rates, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the release of this Note.

3.2. In the event of the release of the funds being contracted on a date subsequent to the issue of this Note, and if to the effective date of release of the funds, any legal or normative modification occurs, directly or indirectly, modifying any of the conditions defined herein, such modification will be incorporated to this Note, regardless of any notification or formal act, the CREDITOR being released from any liability resulting from such fact.


4.1. The CLIENT shall pay to the CREDITOR, or to its order, by this counterpart of Note, issued in the terms of Law 10.931/2004 (as altered), all the values due contemplated in this note, but not limited to the principal due, financial charges, expenses, tariffs and rates, which shall be paid in the flow, in the form and period defined in the Preamble and/or in this Note, as applicable.

4.1.1. The eventual payment performed by the CLIENT by check, credit documents, payment orders, including, but not limited to the Credit Order Documents – DOC, or any other mechanisms or payment instruments available in the market, including documents cleared by the Check Clearance Center and Other Papers – which shall be under its own issue, will only be considered as effectively liquidated and/or received by the CREDITOR when reverted into immediately available funds, and, by virtue of this, charges will occur for the use of the funds by CLIENT in this period, which will be equal to the remuneration charges of this Note.

4.1.2. In the event of any maturity date of the principal, financial charges, taxes or any other amounts due under this Note, coinciding with national, municipal or bank holidays, the CLIENT shall effect the payment on the first following business day. In this event, the financial charges shall accrue to the date of the effective payment.

4.2. In the event of the form of liquidation, defined in the Preamble being a debit in the current account, the CLIENT hereby authorizes, irreversibly and irrevocably, the CREDITOR to debit into the current account defined in the Preamble, all the values whose payment or reimbursement is sue to the CREDITOR in the scope or by effect of this Note.

4.2.2. On the value, or portion of value, to debit for which there were no funds available in said current account, from the date of the maturity of the obligations of the CLIENT , the financial charges contemplated in this Note shall accrue.

4.3. Having in view that the resources restricted to this Note will be granted through onlending by the CREDITOR of funds arising out of external funding in foreign currency, it is established that the reimbursement of the value of the principal and the payment of the charges accruing shall be made by the CLIENT for the equivalent in domestic foreign currency of a monetary provision expressed in that currency. In these conditions, the CLIENT will be subject to the foreign exchange risk resulting from this Transaction, whatever the manner this risk is presented.

4.4. The amounts in domestic foreign currency, corresponding to the reimbursement values of principal and financial charges will be obtained, on each occasion, by the conversion of the values in foreign currency based on the sale rate of the Yen relating to the date immediately prior to the date of reimbursement or of the payment, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, through SISBACEN, transaction “PTAX800”, option 5 – currency 470 or based on another rate, which officially substitutes it. If the parameter of conversion established herein fails to be disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil, the conversion of the value due by the CLIENT for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais) shall occur (i) by the foreign exchange rate disclosed by the agency Reuters, at 11:00 h, New York time, in the specific screen referred to as “EFX=”, in connection with the business day immediately prior to the due date of the obligation; or, if this rate is not disclosed by Reuters; (ii)( by the average of the sale rates practiced by the market on the business day immediately prior to the liquidation date, average rate, which will be obtained by the CREDITOR, with, at least 03 (three) first class international institutions authorized to operate in foreign exchange and which are acting, on that date, in the free rates market, in volumes compatible with the amount contemplated in the payment mentioned in this Note.


5.1. The constitution of the additional guarantees, if thus agreed by the parties, will be formalized by specific document(s) to be established by the CREDITOR, or which will constitute an integral and inseparable part of this Note.

5.2. At the time of payment by the CLIENT, the guarantees effectively provided, regardless of notification, interpellation, citation or any other judicial or extrajudicial formality shall be enforceable, immediately.


6.1. The CLIENT declares, irrevocably and irreversibly, that it knows and complies with all the environmental rules contemplated in the Brazilian legislation and that its use of the values resulting from this Clause shall not lead to violation of any of these rules.

6.1.1. The Parties hereby recognize that the CLIENT is subject to compliance with the principles of the “Tim Ethics Code”, which provide that all the business of the CLIENT , including this Note, will be marked by respect: (i) the environment, including regarding the disposal of batteries, issue of pollutants, recycling of wastes; (ii) safety and health rules in the business locations, (iii) honesty and transparency to its partners, suppliers, contractors, the market and governmental bodies, (iv) the interests of the company and of the Parties, above individual interests of its employees, representatives and service providers, which may not obtain for themselves or for another, information, opportunities, business, advantages, gifts or benefits using the name and reputation of the CLIENT, or as a result of the exercise of their activities. The TIM Ethics Code is available on the website of TIM Participações S.A. ( – Area: Corporate Governance, Ethics Code) and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments, at the disposal for public consultation.


7.1. The CREDITOR will be entitled to consider this Note as due early and require from the CLIENT , regardless of notification, full payment in a single installment of the entire balance due resulting from this, including with the enforceability of the guarantees in the events contemplated by law, in the following events:

(a) if the CLIENT incurs in arrears in relation to any obligations which must be complied by it as a result of this Note;

(b) if the CLIENT violates or does not comply, as a whole or in part, with any clause or condition of this Note and the corresponding Spreadsheets and/or Electronic Files, which is not remedied within 10 (ten) days from receipt of the notification to do so;

(c) if the CLIENT has an instrument of its responsibility or co-obligation in a value superior to R$ 20,000,000.00 (twenty million), duly protested or suffers execution or seizure of the goods without the explanation in this respect requested by the CREDITOR having been presented by the CLIENT in the period designated or the explanation having been presented, if the same is not considered satisfactory by the CREDITOR .

(d) if the CLIENT has its corporate direct or indirect corporate control transferred to a third party or is incorporated or if the merger, or transfer, occurs, whether by split or any other way of the operating assets to another entity without the CREDITOR , at its sole discretion, having formally manifested in the period of 5 (five) days counted from the date of the respective corporate act its decision of not maintaining this Note in force.
(e) if the CLIENT defaults on its obligations and/or does not liquidate, in the respective maturity, debit of its responsibility resulting from the other contracts or discounts entered into with the CREDITOR and/or any companies, directly or indirectly associated, controlling or controlled by the CREDITOR , including abroad, and/or the termination of the respective documents occurs, by fault of the CLIENT .

(f) change or alteration of the corporate purpose of the CLIENT , or of any INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) , so as to alter their current main activities of the CLIENT , or of the respective INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S ), or to add to these activities new business, which have prevalence or may represent diversions in relation to the activities currently developed.


8.1. The CLIENT shall legally incur in arrears, regardless of notice or notification of any kind, if it fails to comply with any obligation derived from this Note, in which case, automatically, it will be obliged to pay the amount due, converted, on the date of the respective maturity, for its equivalent in domestic currency (reais), as defined in Clause 4.4., plus cumulatively the following: (i) arrears interest on the total of the values due, per day of delay, calculated exponentially, at the rate of 12% (twelve percent) per annum, based on a year of 360 running days; (ii) permanence commission, calculated per day of delay, according to the variation of the average weighted rate and adjusted of finance transactions for one day, hedged on public federal instruments and processed in the Special Liquidation and Custody System (Selic) or in chambers for clearing and liquidation of assets, in the form of committed transactions, disclosed by the Central Bank of Brazil; and (iii) contractual fine of 2% (two percent) of the value due, plus arrears interest and permanence commission. From the arrears of CLIENT , the operation is released from external funding.

8.1.1. The accretions described in items (i) and (ii) of the heading of this Clauses shall be calculated and accrued from the maturity of the obligation until its effective and full payment to the CREDITOR.

8.2. If the CREDITOR has to go to Court given an eventual default by the CLIENT on this Note, the CLIENT will be obliged, also, to pay the legal costs of the proceedings and lawyers’ fees set judicially.


9.1. If the CLIENT has an interest in liquidating early, totally or partially, its obligations resulting from this Note, he may do so, provided that they agree, satisfactorily to the CREDITOR and to the CLIENT as commission, rate or tariff, even if partially or proportionately, it being established that the values whose payment are pending shall be paid for early so that the early liquidation operates as contemplated herein.


10.1 The following will be at the account of and imputable to CLIENT: (I) All the taxes present and future, which, according to the law, are under its responsibility; (ii) all the expenses related to and/or resulting from this Note, including, but not limited to expenses with public registry offices and any other extrajudicial expenses, which the CREDITOR has to incur for the collection and/or safety of this Note; (iii) all the tariffs and rates contemplated in the Preamble; and (iv) any other liens and charges that are borne by the CREDITOR related and/or resulting from this Note.

10.1.1. All the payments due by the CLIENT contemplated in this Clause shall be paid by CLIENT within 10 (ten) business days counted from issue by the CREDITOR, of the respective debit notice, which will occur by one of the vehicles of communication contemplated in this Note.

10.2. In the event of noncompliance with any monetary obligations due by this Note, the CLIENT is obliged to pay IOF accruing on such obligations due and not paid, which will be calculated, based on the rate in force applicable to loan transactions, from the date of the maturity of the obligation until the date of the effective payment.


11.1 All the notices, notifications or communications, which, according to this Note, shall be made in writing, will be considered valid by the remittance of fax, telex, telegram or through registered mail, with confirmation of receipt, sent to the addresses of the parties indicated in the Preamble, or to any other address subsequently communicated, in writing, by the senders and the other party.

11.2. The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) undertake to maintain the CREDITOR informed about any alteration of address, e-mail, electronic address, telephone and other data relative to its location. If there is no updated information, all the correspondence maintained by the CREDITOR at the existing address in its records will be, for all legal effects, considered received.

11.3. The CLIENT hereby authorizes the CREDITOR to send any information pertaining hereto by e-mail to be sent to the address informed in the Preamble.

11.4 The CLIENT and the INTERVENING PARTY GUARANTOR(S) recognize hereby as means of evidence of the debit and credit resulting herefrom, the statements, the issue notices or the collection notices issued by the CREDITOR , if not challenged in the maximum period of 10 (ten) days, counted from the date of the respective issue.

11.5   Tolerance by one of the parties as regards noncompliance, by the other party, with any of the obligations resulting from this Note shall not constitute novation, or even precedent, which, in any way or for any purpose releases the parties to effect them, as well as the other obligations resulting from this Note.

11.6. Failure to exercise, by the parties, any of the rights assured to them by this Note and the Law, shall not constitute the cause of alteration or novation and will not impair the exercise of these rights at subsequent times or in identical subsequent occurrence.

11.7. The CREDITOR is expressly authorized to include and consult the information of CLIENT and of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) with the Central System of Credit Rating Information of the Central Bank of Brazil.

11.8. The parties provide that the information provided and the financial statements presented by the CLIENT may be the purpose of disclosure to the companies belonging to the same economic conglomerate of the CREDITOR .

11.9. This Note is issued irrevocably and irreversibly, binding the parties and their eventual successors at any title.

11.10. To settle any conflict in connection with the interpretation and/or execution of this Note, the venue of the Judiciary District of the City of São Paulo is hereby elected, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged it may be, the CREDITOR may further choose the venue of any of its branches or of the headquarters or domicile of CLIENT or of the INTERVENING GUARANTOR(S) .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this Note in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, only one of them being negotiable for a single purpose, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.
São Paulo, March 05, 2008
Banco Santander S.A.
Gianandrea Castelli Rivolta,
Edvaldo Kakegawa and Roberto Teodoro Franco
Administration Officer,
Finances & Control. General Managers
The persons identified below attend hereby Consenting Intervening Party(ies) pursuant to the terms of Article 1.647 of the Civil Code.

without effect
without effect

without effect
without effect

without effect
without effect

without effect
without effect


August 05, 2010
CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Av. Giovanni Gronchi 7,143
São Paulo
São Paulo
Banco Santander do Brasil S.A.
Rua Amador Bueno, 474 Block D – 3 rd floor
São Paulo
São Paulo
55 11 5538-6179
Avenida das Américas, 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Parte
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
55 21 4009 3102
4.1. Nature:
4.2. Value of Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.3. Net Value of the Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.4. IOF:
4.5 – Place of Payment:
4.6. Account of Payment: TIM Celular S.A. – CNPJ: 04.206.050/0001-80
Bank: 399
Branch: 0454
Account: 05452-80
5.1. Readjustment Base:
100% CDI
5.2. Margin:
1.80% per annum
5.3. Period of Interest:
August 05, 2010
Installment No.
March 02, 2006
August 29, 2006
February 26, 2007
August 27, 2007
February 25, 2008
August 15, 2008
February 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
February 06, 2010
August 05, 2010

Whereas ISSUER issued on August 31, 2005 the Bank Credit Note No. TA008 (“ CCB ”):

WHEREAS the Parties wish to alter certain conditions of the Bank Credit Note (CCB) to: (i) substitute the GUARANTOR; (ii) extend the Maturity Date of the CCB; and (iii) change the interest rate;

hereby, the Parties identified above, by their undersigned legal representatives, have mutually agreed to this Addendum No. 01 to CCB (the “ Addendum ”), according to the clauses and conditions below:

1. Substitution of the GUARANTOR:

1.1. The Parties resolve hereby to substitute the GUARANTOR of CCB by TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., already identified in item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum.

1.2. By virtue of the substitution mentioned in Clause 1.1. above, TIM BRASIL SERVIÇOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. , registered under CNPJ/MF No. 02.600.854/0001-34,is, from this date, released from all the obligations assumed in CCB.

1.3. The GUARANTOR, duly identified in Item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum, assumes hereby, all the obligations resulting from the CCB, attending, also, in the condition of Joint Debtor, consenting expressly with what has been covenanted in the CCB, whose full content it declares to know, assuming unlimited liability for faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations resulting from it, assumed by the ISSUER, whether of principal, financial compensatory and arrears charges, covering interest, monetary indexation, taxes, contractual fine, lawyers’ fees and other expenses, due exclusively, as a result of the conditions covenanted in the CCB.

2. Alteration of the Profit Margin

2.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Margin indicated in Item 5.2. of the preamble of CCB, which, from this date, will start to be 1.80% per annum, Item 5.2 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.

3. Alteration of the Maturity Date

3.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Maturity Date indicated in item 6 of the preamble of the CCB, it being agreed that the new Maturity Date of the CCB will be August 05, 2010, Item 6 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording already existing in the preamble of this Addendum.

4. Other Alterations

4.1. The Parties resolve to alter the numbering of the sub-items of Item 4 of the preamble of the CCB, which comes into effect with the numbering already set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.
4.1.1. As a result of the renumbering of sub-item 4 of the preamble, the mention of Item 4.4. set forth in Clause 2 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.5 of the preamble of this Addendum and the mention of Item 4.5 of Clause 3 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.6 of the preamble of this Addendum.

4.2. The Parties resolve to exclude field 5.4 of the preamble.

4.3. The Parties resolve to alter the heading of Clause 5 of the CCB, which comes into effect with the following wording:

“The interest and charges established in item 5 of the Preamble shall accrued on the value of the principal mentioned in item 4.2 of the agreement with the following formula: (…)”

4.4. The Parties resolve to alter the definition of “Restricted Group” set forth in Clause 12.2 of the CCB to the following wording:

“(…) “Restricted Group” will start to mean the ISSUER, GUARANTOR, TIM Nordeste S.A., the latter in the capacity of successor by incorporation of Maxitel S.A. and TIM Celular S.A., in the capacity of successor by incorporation of TIM Sul S.A.”

5. Promise of Payment

5.1. The ISSUER admits to be the debtor and promises to pay to the CREDITOR, in the financial center of its headquarters, or to its order, in cash, the value of the principal established in item 4.2. of the Preamble, plus interest and other charges due, in Brazilian domestic currency, incurred to the date of effective payment.

6. Defined Terms

6.1. The terms used in capital letters and not defined in this Addendum have the meaning established in the CCB.

7. Declaration of the ISSUER and the GUARANTOR

7.1. The ISSUER and the GUARANTOR declare that all the conditions contemplated in this Addendum were negotiated in the light and in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website of Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed in its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

8. Ratification

8.1. All the other clauses and conditions covenanted in the CCB presently amended are maintained and fully ratified, those which were not expressly modified by this Addendum, to which the same is an integral and inseparable and complementary part, for all effects and purposes, likewise all the guarantees constituted in the amended CCB are equally ratified, to which the GUARANTOR agrees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Addendum in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, which becomes an integral part of CCB, whereas only the counterpart of the CREDITOR will be negotiable.

São Paulo, August 14, 2008


Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

TIM Participações S.A.

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

Aware and in agreement:

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araújo
Title: President


August 05, 2010
CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Av. Giovanni Gronchi 7,143
São Paulo
São Paulo
Banco do Brasil S.A.
Rua Prodessor Lélio Gama, 105 - 4 th floor
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
55 21 3808-3100
Avenida das Américas, 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Parte
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
55 21 4009 3102
4.1. Nature:
4.2. Value of Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.3. Net Value of the Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.4. IOF:
4.5 – Place of Payment:
4.6. Account of Payment: TIM Celular S.A. – CNPJ: 04.206.050/0001-80
Bank: 399
Branch: 0454
Account: 05452-80
5.1. Readjustment Base:
100% CDI
5.2. Margin:
1.80% per annum
5.3. Period of Interest:
August 05, 2010
Installment No.
March 02, 2006
August 29, 2006
February 26, 2007
August 27, 2007
February 25, 2008
August 15, 2008
February 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
February 06, 2010
August 05, 2010


Whereas ISSUER issued on August 31, 2005 the Bank Credit Note No. TA008 (“ CCB ”):

WHEREAS the Parties wish to alter certain conditions of the Bank Credit Note (CCB) to: (i) substitute the GUARANTOR; (ii) extend the Maturity Date of the CCB; and (iii) change the interest rate;

hereby, the Parties identified above, by their undersigned legal representatives, have mutually agreed to this Addendum No. 01 to CCB (the “ Addendum ”), according to the clauses and conditions below:

1. Substitution of the GUARANTOR:

1.1. The Parties resolve hereby to substitute the GUARANTOR of CCB by TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., already identified in item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum.

1.2. By virtue of the substitution mentioned in Clause 1.1. above, TIM BRASIL SERVIÇOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. , registered under CNPJ/MF No. 02.600.854/0001-34,is, from this date, released from all the obligations assumed in CCB.

1.3. The GUARANTOR, duly identified in Item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum, assumes hereby, all the obligations resulting from the CCB, attending, also, in the condition of Joint Debtor, consenting expressly with what has been covenanted in the CCB, whose full content it declares to know, assuming unlimited liability for faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations resulting from it, assumed by the ISSUER, whether of principal, financial compensatory and arrears charges, covering interest, monetary indexation, taxes, contractual fine, lawyers’ fees and other expenses, due exclusively, as a result of the conditions covenanted in the CCB.

2. Alteration of the Profit Margin

2.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Margin indicated in Item 5.2. of the preamble of CCB, which, from this date, will start to be 1.80% per annum, Item 5.2 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.

3. Alteration of the Maturity Date
3.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Maturity Date indicated in item 6 of the preamble of the CCB, it being agreed that the new Maturity Date of the CCB will be August 05, 2010, Item 6 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording already existing in the preamble of this Addendum.

4. Other Alterations
4.1. The Parties resolve to alter the numbering of the sub-items of Item 4 of the preamble of the CCB, which comes into effect with the numbering already set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.
4.1.1. As a result of the renumbering of sub-item 4 of the preamble, the mention of Item 4.4. set forth in Clause 2 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.5 of the preamble of this Addendum and the mention of Item 4.5 of Clause 3 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.6 of the preamble of this Addendum.

4.2. The Parties resolve to exclude field 5.4 of the preamble.

4.3. The Parties resolve to alter the heading of Clause 5 of the CCB, which comes into effect with the following wording:

“The interest and charges established in item 5 of the Preamble shall accrued on the value of the principal mentioned in item 4.2 of the agreement with the following formula: (…)”

4.4. The Parties resolve to alter the definition of “Restricted Group” set forth in Clause 12.2 of the CCB to the following wording:

“(…) “Restricted Group” will start to mean the ISSUER, GUARANTOR, TIM Nordeste S.A., the latter in the capacity of successor by incorporation of Maxitel S.A. and TIM Celular S.A., in the capacity of successor by incorporation of TIM Sul S.A.”

5. Promise of Payment
5.1. The ISSUER admits to be the debtor and promises to pay to the CREDITOR, in the financial center of its headquarters, or to its order, in cash, the value of the principal established in item 4.2. of the Preamble, plus interest and other charges due, in Brazilian domestic currency, incurred to the date of effective payment.

6. Defined Terms

6.1. The terms used in capital letters and not defined in this Addendum have the meaning established in the CCB.

7. Declaration of the ISSUER and the GUARANTOR
7.1. The ISSUER and the GUARANTOR declare that all the conditions contemplated in this Addendum were negotiated in the light and in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website of Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed in its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

8. Ratification
8.1. All the other clauses and conditions covenanted in the CCB presently amended are maintained and fully ratified, those which were not expressly modified by this Addendum, to which the same is an integral and inseparable and complementary part, for all effects and purposes, likewise all the guarantees constituted in the amended CCB are equally ratified, to which the GUARANTOR agrees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Addendum in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, which becomes an integral part of CCB, whereas only the counterpart of the CREDITOR will be negotiable.

São Paulo, August 14, 2008


Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

TIM Participações S.A.

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

Aware and in agreement:

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araújo
Title: President

Banco do Brasil S.A.


August 05, 2010
CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Av. Giovanni Gronchi 7,143
São Paulo
São Paulo
Banco Votorantim S.A.
Av. Roque Petroni Júnior, 999 - 16 th floor
São Paulo
São Paulo
55 11 5185-1700
Avenida das Américas, 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Parte
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
55 21 4009 3102
4.1. Nature:
4.2. Value of Principal: R$ 25,000,000.00 (Twenty five million reais)
4.3. Net Value of the Principal: R$ 25,000,000.00 ( Twenty five fifty million reais)
4.4. IOF:
4.5 – Place of Payment:
4.6. Account of Payment: TIM Celular S.A. – CNPJ: 04.206.050/0001-80
Bank: 399
Branch: 0454
Account: 05452-80
5.1. Readjustment Base:
100% CDI
5.2. Margin:
1.80% per annum
5.3. Period of Interest:
August 05, 2010
Installment No.
March 02, 2006
August 29, 2006
February 26, 2007
August 27, 2007
February 25, 2008
August 15, 2008
February 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
February 06, 2010
August 05, 2010

Whereas ISSUER issued on August 31, 2005 the Bank Credit Note No. TA008 (“ CCB ”):

WHEREAS the Parties wish to alter certain conditions of the Bank Credit Note (CCB) to: (i) substitute the GUARANTOR; (ii) extend the Maturity Date of the CCB; and (iii) change the interest rate;

hereby, the Parties identified above, by their undersigned legal representatives, have mutually agreed to this Addendum No. 01 to CCB (the “ Addendum ”), according to the clauses and conditions below:

1. Substitution of the GUARANTOR:

1.1. The Parties resolve hereby to substitute the GUARANTOR of CCB by TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., already identified in item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum.

1.2. By virtue of the substitution mentioned in Clause 1.1. above, TIM BRASIL SERVIÇOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. , registered under CNPJ/MF No. 02.600.854/0001-34,is, from this date, released from all the obligations assumed in CCB.

1.3. The GUARANTOR, duly identified in Item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum, assumes hereby, all the obligations resulting from the CCB, attending, also, in the condition of Joint Debtor, consenting expressly with what has been covenanted in the CCB, whose full content it declares to know, assuming unlimited liability for faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations resulting from it, assumed by the ISSUER, whether of principal, financial compensatory and arrears charges, covering interest, monetary indexation, taxes, contractual fine, lawyers’ fees and other expenses, due exclusively, as a result of the conditions covenanted in the CCB.

2. Alteration of the Profit Margin

2.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Margin indicated in Item 5.2. of the preamble of CCB, which, from this date, will start to be 1.80% per annum, Item 5.2 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.

3. Alteration of the Maturity Date

3.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Maturity Date indicated in item 6 of the preamble of the CCB, it being agreed that the new Maturity Date of the CCB will be August 05, 2010, Item 6 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording already existing in the preamble of this Addendum.

4. Other Alterations

4.1. The Parties resolve to alter the numbering of the sub-items of Item 4 of the preamble of the CCB, which comes into effect with the numbering already set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.
4.1.1. As a result of the renumbering of sub-item 4 of the preamble, the mention of Item 4.4. set forth in Clause 2 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.5 of the preamble of this Addendum and the mention of Item 4.5 of Clause 3 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.6 of the preamble of this Addendum.

4.2. The Parties resolve to exclude field 5.4 of the preamble.

4.3. The Parties resolve to alter the heading of Clause 5 of the CCB, which comes into effect with the following wording:

“The interest and charges established in item 5 of the Preamble shall accrued on the value of the principal mentioned in item 4.2 of the agreement with the following formula: (…)”

4.4. The Parties resolve to alter the definition of “Restricted Group” set forth in Clause 12.2 of the CCB to the following wording:

“(…) “Restricted Group” will start to mean the ISSUER, GUARANTOR, TIM Nordeste S.A., the latter in the capacity of successor by incorporation of Maxitel S.A. and TIM Celular S.A., in the capacity of successor by incorporation of TIM Sul S.A.”

5. Promise of Payment

5.1. The ISSUER admits to be the debtor and promises to pay to the CREDITOR, in the financial center of its headquarters, or to its order, in cash, the value of the principal established in item 4.2. of the Preamble, plus interest and other charges due, in Brazilian domestic currency, incurred to the date of effective payment.

6. Defined Terms

6.1. The terms used in capital letters and not defined in this Addendum have the meaning established in the CCB.

7. Declaration of the ISSUER and the GUARANTOR

7.1. The ISSUER and the GUARANTOR declare that all the conditions contemplated in this Addendum were negotiated in the light and in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website of Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed in its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

8. Ratification

8.1. All the other clauses and conditions covenanted in the CCB presently amended are maintained and fully ratified, those which were not expressly modified by this Addendum, to which the same is an integral and inseparable and complementary part, for all effects and purposes, likewise all the guarantees constituted in the amended CCB are equally ratified, to which the GUARANTOR agrees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Addendum in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, which becomes an integral part of CCB, whereas only the counterpart of the CREDITOR will be negotiable.

São Paulo, August 14, 2008


Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

TIM Participações S.A.

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

Aware and in agreement:

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araújo
Title: President


August 05, 2010
CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Av. Giovanni Gronchi 7,143
São Paulo
São Paulo
Banco BNP Paribas Brasil S.A._
Av. Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek
São Paulo
55 11 3841-3182
Avenida das Américas, 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Parte
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
55 21 4009 3102
4.1. Nature:
4.2. Value of Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.3. Net Value of the Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.4. IOF:
4.5 – Place of Payment:
4.6. Account of Payment: TIM Celular S.A. – CNPJ: 04.206.050/0001-80
Bank: 399
Branch: 0454
Account: 05452-80
5.1. Readjustment Base:
100% CDI
5.2. Margin:
1.80% per annum
5.3. Period of Interest:
August 05, 2010
Installment No.
March 02, 2006
August 29, 2006
February 26, 2007
August 27, 2007
February 25, 2008
August 15, 2008
February 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
February 06, 2010
August 05, 2010

Whereas ISSUER issued on August 31, 2005 the Bank Credit Note No. TA008 (“ CCB ”):

WHEREAS the Parties wish to alter certain conditions of the Bank Credit Note (CCB) to: (i) substitute the GUARANTOR; (ii) extend the Maturity Date of the CCB; and (iii) change the interest rate;

hereby, the Parties identified above, by their undersigned legal representatives, have mutually agreed to this Addendum No. 01 to CCB (the “ Addendum ”), according to the clauses and conditions below:

1. Substitution of the GUARANTOR:

1.1. The Parties resolve hereby to substitute the GUARANTOR of CCB by TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., already identified in item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum.

1.2. By virtue of the substitution mentioned in Clause 1.1. above, TIM BRASIL SERVIÇOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. , registered under CNPJ/MF No. 02.600.854/0001-34,is, from this date, released from all the obligations assumed in CCB.

1.3. The GUARANTOR, duly identified in Item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum, assumes hereby, all the obligations resulting from the CCB, attending, also, in the condition of Joint Debtor, consenting expressly with what has been covenanted in the CCB, whose full content it declares to know, assuming unlimited liability for faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations resulting from it, assumed by the ISSUER, whether of principal, financial compensatory and arrears charges, covering interest, monetary indexation, taxes, contractual fine, lawyers’ fees and other expenses, due exclusively, as a result of the conditions covenanted in the CCB.

2. Alteration of the Profit Margin

2.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Margin indicated in Item 5.2. of the preamble of CCB, which, from this date, will start to be 1.80% per annum, Item 5.2 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.

3. Alteration of the Maturity Date

3.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Maturity Date indicated in item 6 of the preamble of the CCB, it being agreed that the new Maturity Date of the CCB will be August 05, 2010, Item 6 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording already existing in the preamble of this Addendum.

4. Other Alterations

4.1. The Parties resolve to alter the numbering of the sub-items of Item 4 of the preamble of the CCB, which comes into effect with the numbering already set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.
4.1.1. As a result of the renumbering of sub-item 4 of the preamble, the mention of Item 4.4. set forth in Clause 2 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.5 of the preamble of this Addendum and the mention of Item 4.5 of Clause 3 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.6 of the preamble of this Addendum.

4.2. The Parties resolve to exclude field 5.4 of the preamble.

4.3. The Parties resolve to alter the heading of Clause 5 of the CCB, which comes into effect with the following wording:

“The interest and charges established in item 5 of the Preamble shall accrued on the value of the principal mentioned in item 4.2 of the agreement with the following formula: (…)”

4.4. The Parties resolve to alter the definition of “Restricted Group” set forth in Clause 12.2 of the CCB to the following wording:

“(…) “Restricted Group” will start to mean the ISSUER, GUARANTOR, TIM Nordeste S.A., the latter in the capacity of successor by incorporation of Maxitel S.A. and TIM Celular S.A., in the capacity of successor by incorporation of TIM Sul S.A.”

5. Promise of Payment

5.1. The ISSUER admits to be the debtor and promises to pay to the CREDITOR, in the financial center of its headquarters, or to its order, in cash, the value of the principal established in item 4.2. of the Preamble, plus interest and other charges due, in Brazilian domestic currency, incurred to the date of effective payment.

6. Defined Terms

6.1. The terms used in capital letters and not defined in this Addendum have the meaning established in the CCB.

7. Declaration of the ISSUER and the GUARANTOR

7.1. The ISSUER and the GUARANTOR declare that all the conditions contemplated in this Addendum were negotiated in the light and in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website of Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed in its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

8. Ratification

8.1. All the other clauses and conditions covenanted in the CCB presently amended are maintained and fully ratified, those which were not expressly modified by this Addendum, to which the same is an integral and inseparable and complementary part, for all effects and purposes, likewise all the guarantees constituted in the amended CCB are equally ratified, to which the GUARANTOR agrees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Addendum in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, which becomes an integral part of CCB, whereas only the counterpart of the CREDITOR will be negotiable.

São Paulo, August 14, 2008


Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

TIM Participações S.A.

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

Aware and in agreement:

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President


August 05, 2010
CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Av. Giovanni Gronchi 7,143
São Paulo
São Paulo
Banco Itaú BBA S.A.
Praça Alfredo Egydio de Souza Aranha, 100 – Torre Conceição - 9 th floor
São Paulo
São Paulo
55 11 3708-8849
Avenida das Américas, 3434, Block 1, 7 th floor – Parte
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
55 21 4009 3102
4.1. Nature:
4.2. Value of Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.3. Net Value of the Principal: R$ 31,250,000.00 (Thirty-one million, two hundred and fifty thousand reais)
4.4. IOF:
4.5 – Place of Payment:
4.6. Account of Payment: TIM Celular S.A. – CNPJ: 04.206.050/0001-80
Bank: 399
Branch: 0454
Account: 05452-80
5.1. Readjustment Base:
100% CDI
5.2. Margin:
1.80% per annum
5.3. Period of Interest:
August 05, 2010
Installment No.
March 02, 2006
August 29, 2006
February 26, 2007
August 27, 2007
February 25, 2008
August 15, 2008
February 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
February 06, 2010
August 05, 2010


Whereas ISSUER issued on August 31, 2005 the Bank Credit Note No. TA008 (“ CCB ”):

WHEREAS the Parties wish to alter certain conditions of the Bank Credit Note (CCB) to: (i) substitute the GUARANTOR; (ii) extend the Maturity Date of the CCB; and (iii) change the interest rate;

hereby, the Parties identified above, by their undersigned legal representatives, have mutually agreed to this Addendum No. 01 to CCB (the “ Addendum ”), according to the clauses and conditions below:

1. Substitution of the GUARANTOR:

1.1. The Parties resolve hereby to substitute the GUARANTOR of CCB by TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., already identified in item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum.

1.2. By virtue of the substitution mentioned in Clause 1.1. above, TIM BRASIL SERVIÇOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. , registered under CNPJ/MF No. 02.600.854/0001-34,is, from this date, released from all the obligations assumed in CCB.

1.3. The GUARANTOR, duly identified in Item 3 of the preamble of this Addendum, assumes hereby, all the obligations resulting from the CCB, attending, also, in the condition of Joint Debtor, consenting expressly with what has been covenanted in the CCB, whose full content it declares to know, assuming unlimited liability for faithful and accurate compliance with all the obligations resulting from it, assumed by the ISSUER, whether of principal, financial compensatory and arrears charges, covering interest, monetary indexation, taxes, contractual fine, lawyers’ fees and other expenses, due exclusively, as a result of the conditions covenanted in the CCB.

2. Alteration of the Profit Margin

2.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Margin indicated in Item 5.2. of the preamble of CCB, which, from this date, will start to be 1.80% per annum, Item 5.2 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.

3. Alteration of the Maturity Date

3.1. The Parties hereby resolve to alter the Maturity Date indicated in item 6 of the preamble of the CCB, it being agreed that the new Maturity Date of the CCB will be August 05, 2010, Item 6 being altered, which will come into effect with the wording already existing in the preamble of this Addendum.

4. Other Alterations

4.1. The Parties resolve to alter the numbering of the sub-items of Item 4 of the preamble of the CCB, which comes into effect with the numbering already set forth in the preamble of this Addendum.
4.1.1. As a result of the renumbering of sub-item 4 of the preamble, the mention of Item 4.4. set forth in Clause 2 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.5 of the preamble of this Addendum and the mention of Item 4.5 of Clause 3 of the CCB starts to refer to Item 4.6 of the preamble of this Addendum.

4.2. The Parties resolve to exclude field 5.4 of the preamble.

4.3. The Parties resolve to alter the heading of Clause 5 of the CCB, which comes into effect with the following wording:

“The interest and charges established in item 5 of the Preamble shall accrued on the value of the principal mentioned in item 4.2 of the agreement with the following formula: (…)”

4.4. The Parties resolve to alter the definition of “Restricted Group” set forth in Clause 12.2 of the CCB to the following wording:

“(…) “Restricted Group” will start to mean the ISSUER, GUARANTOR, TIM Nordeste S.A., the latter in the capacity of successor by incorporation of Maxitel S.A. and TIM Celular S.A., in the capacity of successor by incorporation of TIM Sul S.A.”

5. Promise of Payment

5.1. The ISSUER admits to be the debtor and promises to pay to the CREDITOR, in the financial center of its headquarters, or to its order, in cash, the value of the principal established in item 4.2. of the Preamble, plus interest and other charges due, in Brazilian domestic currency, incurred to the date of effective payment.

6. Defined Terms

6.1. The terms used in capital letters and not defined in this Addendum have the meaning established in the CCB.

7. Declaration of the ISSUER and the GUARANTOR

7.1. The ISSUER and the GUARANTOR declare that all the conditions contemplated in this Addendum were negotiated in the light and in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website of Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed in its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

8. Ratification

8.1. All the other clauses and conditions covenanted in the CCB presently amended are maintained and fully ratified, those which were not expressly modified by this Addendum, to which the same is an integral and inseparable and complementary part, for all effects and purposes, likewise all the guarantees constituted in the amended CCB are equally ratified, to which the GUARANTOR agrees.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties sign this Addendum in 02 (two) counterparts of equal tenor and form, which becomes an integral part of CCB, whereas only the counterpart of the CREDITOR will be negotiable.

São Paulo, August 14, 2008


Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

TIM Participações S.A.

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President

Aware and in agreement:

Name: Mario Cesar Pereira de Araujo
Title: President


Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 672,925,610.75

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007 , the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 (“Principal Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 06.15.2007, the Financing Spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 753
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 672,925,610.75 equivalent to R$ 10,437,076.22
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 3,364,628.45, equivalent on 06.09.2008¸ by ptax 0.015510 to R$ 52,185.39 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 09, 2008
Banco Santander S.A.
TIM Celular S.A.
Lúcia Benechis
Finance & Treasury
Finance & Treasury
Marcio Fagundes
Name: Debora Nathalia Miranda
Name: Fernanda Rodrigues da Costa
CPF: 340.626.958-39
CPF: 275.375.168-47
ID: 34.798.798-9
ID: 28.672.306-2

  Extension Data
Term – days 753
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 672,925,610.75 equivalent to R$ 10,437,076.22
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 3,364,628.45, equivalent on 06.09.2008¸ by ptax 0.015510 to R$ 52,185.39 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered hereby were ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in light of and in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 09, 2008
Banco Santander
TIM Celular S.A.
Lúcia Benechis
Finance & Treasury
Finance & Treasury
Marcio Fagundes

Name: Debora Nathalia Miranda
Name: Fernanda Rodrigues da Costa
CPF: 340.626.958-39
CPF: 275.376.168-47
ID: 34.798.798-9 ID: 28.672.306-2

Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 100,399,777.75

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 (“Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 12.17.2007, the Financing Spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 746
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 100,399,777.75 equivalent to R$ 1,519,149.04
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 507,576.69, equivalent on 06.16.2008¸ by ptax 0.015131 to R$ 7,680.14 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 16, 2008
Banco Santander
TIM Celular S.A.
Lúcia Benechis
Finance & Treasury
Finance & Treasury
Marcio Fagundes

Name: Debora Nathalia Miranda
Name: Fernanda Rodrigues da Costa
CPF: 340.626.958-39
CPF: 275.376.168-47
ID: 34.798.798-9 ID: 28.672.306-2

Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 93,838,232.54

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 (“Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 06.25.2007, the Financing Spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 739
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 93,838,232.54 equivalent to R$ 1,404,664.50
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 474,404.24, equivalent on 06.23.2008¸ by ptax 0.014969 to R$ 7,101.36 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 23, 2008
Banco Santander
Name: Debora Nathalia Miranda
Name: Fernanda Rodrigues da Costa
CPF: 340.626.958-39
CPF: 275.376.168-47
ID: 34.798.798-9
ID: 28.672.306-2



Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 1,611,597,720.10

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 – Spreadsheet no. 150519307 (“Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 07.12.2007, the Financing Spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;


Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties resolve, hereby, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 728
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 1,611,597,720.10 equivalent to R$ 24,286,777.64
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 7,968,455.08, equivalent on 07.04.2008¸ by ptax 0.015070 to R$ 120,084.62 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, July 04, 2008
Banco Santander
Mario Cesar P. de Araujo

Name: Daniel Ribeiro
Name: Lucimara O. C. Seki
CPF: 295.139.26(illegible)
CPF: 132.246.268-28
ID: 27.26 (illegible)

Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 1,335,146,683.19

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 (“Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 06.21.2007, the Financing Spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;
Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties resolve, hereby, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 746
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 1,335,146,683.19 equivalent to R$ 20,202,104.46
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 6,712,820.48, equivalent on 06.16.2008¸ by ptax 0.015131 to R$ 101,571.69 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories declare, expressly, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 16, 2008
Banco Santander

Name: Daniel Ribeiro
Name: Lucimara O. C. Seki
CPF: 295.139.26 (illegible)
CPF: 132.246.268-28
ID: 27.26 (illegible)

Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 287,676,205.03

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 - Spreadsheet no. 150494507 (“Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 07.03.2007, the Financing spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 737
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 287,676,205.03 equivalent to R$ 4,282,635.66
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 1,438,380.85, equivalent on 06.25.2008¸ by ptax 0.014887 to R$ 21,413.18 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 25, 2008
Banco Santander

Name: Debora Nathalia Miranda
Name: Célia (illegible)
CPF: 340.626.958-39
CPF: 075.580.578-08
ID: 34.798.798-9
ID: 12.919.384-7


Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 162,250,944.90

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 150491807 (“Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 07.02.2007, the Financing Spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 737
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 162,250,944.90 equivalent to R$ 2,415,429.82
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 811,254.33, equivalent on 06.25.2008¸ by ptax 0.014887 to R$ 12,077.14 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories declare, expressly, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 25, 2008
Banco Santander


Name: Debora Nathalia Miranda
Name: Célia Bracio Pilastro
CPF: 340.626.958-39
CPF: 075.580.578-08
ID: 34.798.798-9
ID: 12.919.384-7

Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 226,257,264.64

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 (“Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 06.22.2007, the Financing Spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 746
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 226,257,264.64 equivalent to R$ 3,423,498.67
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 1,131,286.68, equivalent on 06.16.2008¸ by ptax 0.015131 to R$ 17,117.50 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories declare, expressly, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 16, 2008

Banco Santander
TIM Celular S.A.
Lúcia Benechis
Marcio Fagundes
Finance & Treasury
Finance & Treasury
Name: Debora Nathalia Miranda
Name: Fernanda Rodrigues da Costa
CPF: 340.626.958-39
CPF: 275.376.168-47
ID: 34.798.798-9
ID: 28.672.306-2

Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 49,028,785.31

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 (“Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 06.18.2007, the Financing spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, which is effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 746
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 49,028,785.31 equivalent to R$ 741,854.55
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 247,867.92, equivalent on 06.16.2008¸ by ptax 0.015131 to R$ 3,750.49 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim

Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 16, 2008
Banco Santander
TIM Celular S.A.
Lúcia Benechis
Marcio Fagundes
Finance & Treasury
Finance & Treasury
Name: Debora Nathalia Miranda
Name: Fernanda Rodrigues da Costa
CPF: 340.626.958-39
CPF: 275.376.168-47
ID: 34.798.798-9
ID: 28.672.306-2

Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 171,119,873.47

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade

City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 (“Mother Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 06.19.2007, the Financing Spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 746
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 171,119,873.47 equivalent to R$ 2,589,214.81
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 1,131,286.68, equivalent on 06.16.2008¸ by ptax 0.015131 to R$ 13,017.99 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 16, 2008
Banco Santander
TIM Celular S.A.
Lúcia Benechis
Marcio Fagundes
Finance & Treasury
Finance & Treasury
Name: Debora Nathalia Miranda
Name: Fernanda Rodrigues da Costa
CPF: 340.626.958-39
CPF: 275.376.168-47
ID: 34.798.798-9
ID: 28.672.306-2

Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 1,159,007,918.59

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000


CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 (“Mother Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 06.29.2007, the Financing Spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 739
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 1,159,007,918.59 equivalent to R$ 17,349,189.53
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 5,795,039.52, equivalent on 06.23.2008¸ by ptax 0.014969 to R$ 86,745.95 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any

other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 23, 2008
Banco Santander
Mario Cesar P. de Araujo
Name: Daniel Ribeiro
Name: Lucimara O. C. Seki
CPF: 295.139.268-00
CPF: 132.246.268-28
ID: 27.281.095-2

Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing Spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 1,591,852,052.54

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 12/06/.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 151099447 (“Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 12.13.2007, the Financing Spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, which is effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 752
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 1,591,652,052.54 equivalent to R$ 24,374,559.53
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 7,958,260.25, equivalent on 06.10.2008¸ by ptax 0.015314 to R$ 121,872.80 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 10, 2008
Banco Santander
Mario Cesar P. de Araujo
Name: Daniel Ribeiro
Name: Lucimara O. C. Seki
CPF: 295.139.268-00
CPF: 132.246.268-28
ID: 27.281.095-2

Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of financing spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 1,479,049,203.62

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.

CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.14.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 (“Mother Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 06.28.2007, the Financing spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:
Extension Data
Term – days 739
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 1,479,049,203.62 equivalent to R$ 22,139,887.53
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 7,395,245.58, equivalent on 06.23.2008¸ by ptax 0.014969 to R$ 110,699.43 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 23, 2008
Banco Santander
Mario Cesar P. de Araujo
Name: Daniel Ribeiro
Name: Lucimara O. C. Seki
CPF: 295.139.268-00
CPF: 132.246.268-28
ID: 27.281.095-2

Santander Letterhead Paper


I – Characteristics of Financing spreadsheet
Due Date

Execution Date

Value of Spreadsheet
JPY 114,990,616.07

II – Parties

BANK: Banco Santander S.A.
CNPJ/MF No.: 90.400.888/0001-42
Address: Rua Amador Bueno No. 474 – Santo Amaro
City/State: São Paulo – SP
CEP: 04572-000

CNPJ/MF: 04.206.050/0001-80
Address: Av. Giovanni Gronchi No. 7143 – Vila Andrade
City/State: São Paulo – SP
Branch: 2.263
Current Account No.: 130.003.017

Whereas on 06.12.2007, the parties identified above have entered into this Credit Facility Agreement for the Acquisition of Assets and Services with Onlending of External Funds – Compror No. 300467507 (“Contract”);

Whereas the parties signed on 12.14.2007, the Financing spreadsheet, characterized in Table I of the Preamble (“Spreadsheet”);

Whereas the Spreadsheet is an integral and inseparable part of the Contract;

Whereas the parties wish to extend the Spreadsheet maturity date;

Whereas that, for such, the FINANCED PARTY hereby authorizes the BANK to make the debit in its current account in connection with the interest and financial charges due as a result of the financing. Thus, the interest and financial charges incurred to date on the value mentioned in table I above are being renewed;

The parties hereby resolve, to amend the Spreadsheet in the following terms:

1. The item “Loan Characteristics” set forth in the preamble of the Spreadsheet, shall be effective with the following wording:

Extension Data
Term – days 751
Due Date 07.02.2010
Extension Value JPY 114,990,616.07 equivalent to R$ 1,756,826.63
Interest Rate: 2.00000% per annum, equivalent to 0.16667% per month , calculated linearly, considering a year of 360 days.

Amount to debit
Amount of interest and Financial charges to debit
JPY: 574,953.38, equivalent on 06.11.2008¸ by ptax 0.015278 to R$ 8,784.14 .

2. All the other clauses and conditions of the Spreadsheet that were not expressly altered are hereby ratified.

3. All the definitions used herein and not expressly defined herein will have the meanings attributed to them in the terms of the Spreadsheet.

4. This addendum does not constitute novation. Thus, the parties are not interested in the novation of the obligations assumed in the Spreadsheet amended herein, of which this instrument becomes an integral and complementary part for all legal effects.

5. The signatories expressly declare, that they are fully aware of the terms of the Spreadsheet to settle any issues arising out of this instrument, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be. The BANK may, however, choose the venue of the domicile of the FINANCED PARTY .

7. “TIM declares that all the conditions contemplated in this Contract were negotiated in strict compliance with its Code of Ethics, which is available at the website Tim Participações S.A. ( – Corporate Governance Area and filed at its headquarters and in all of its establishments.

São Paulo, June 11, 2008
Banco Santander
TIM Celular S.A.
Lúcia Benechis
Marcio Fagundes
Finance & Treasury
Finance & Treasury
Name: Debora Nathalia Miranda
Name: Fernanda Rodrigues da Costa
CPF: 340.626.958-39
CPF: 275.376.168-47
ID: 34.798.798-9
ID: 28.672.306-2



This second amendment to the Cooperation and Support Agreement (the “Second Amendment”) is made this 22 nd day of April 2009 by and between:
Telecom Italia S.p.A. , an Italian corporation, with its head office located in the City of Milan, at Piazza Affari 2, 20123, registered with the Italian Register of Companies under number 00488410010 (hereinafter referred to as “TI”),
Tim Celular S.A. , a corporation organized under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, with its head office located in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Avenida Giovanni Gronchi, n° 7143, Brazil, registered with the National Register of Legal Entities (C.N.P.J.) under number 04.206.050/0001-80, (hereinafter referred to as “Tim Celular”); and Tim Nordeste S.A. , a corporation organized under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, with its head office located the City of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, State of Pernambuco, at Av. Ayrton Senna da Silva, n° 1.633, Brazil, registered with the National Register of Legal Entities (C.N.P.J.) under number 01.009.686/0001-44, (hereinafter referred to as “Tim Nordeste”, and together with Tim Celular sometimes individually referred to as “Company” and jointly referred to as the “Companies”),
and, as intervening party,
Tim Participações S.A. , a corporation organized under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil with its head office located in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Avenida das Americas, n° 3434, 7 th floor, Brazil, registered with the National Register of Legal Entities – C.N.P.J. under number .558.115/0001-21, (“Tim Part”);
TI, TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste shall each individually be referred to as a “Party” and collectively be referred to as the “Parties”.
WHEREAS the Parties, as of the 30 th of May 2007 executed the Cooperation and Support Agreement (the “Agreement”) for the provision of different kind of services and/or the granting of software licenses by TI to TIM Celular and TIM Nordeste, in the areas of Network, Information Technology and Marketing and Sales;
WHEREAS on 8 th April 2008 the Parties entered into First Amendment to the Cooperation and Support Agreement (“First Amendment”) whereby they agreed upon to extend the Initial Term of the Agreement from 3 rd January 2008

to 2 nd January 2009 and determined a Road Map for year 2008 along with a Project Price Cap for 2008;
WHEREAS according to the First Amendment, the Term of the Agreement expired on the 2 nd of January 2009 and the Companies are now willing to avail of TI’s support and expertise also for year 2009 continuing in being provided by TI with services support and license in some core areas of the telecommunication business also beyond the above mentioned expiration date, by further extending the term of the Agreement for an additional twelve months period;
WHEREAS the further extension of the Term of the Agreement contemplated herein has been duly authorised by each Party’s corporate bodies and competent officers, in compliance with the best corporate governance rules and practice to them applicable

NOW, THEREFORE , the Parties hereto, in consideration of the foregoing premises which form an integral and substantial part of this instrument, agreed to execute this Second Amendment to the Cooperation and Support Agreement under the following terms and conditions.
1.            Definitions and Interpretation.
The definitions contained in the Agreement and its Annexes shall apply to this Second Amendment (except where any term is specifically defined herein or the context otherwise requires).
This Second Amendment modifies the Agreement according to the terms and conditions set forth below. Except as expressly provided in this Second Amendment, no other term or condition set forth in the Agreement and its Annexes is modified by this Second Amendment, and nothing contained herein unless expressly provided to the contrary shall be deemed to be or constitute an amendment, modification, extension, supplement or novation of the Agreement and its Annexes.
Each reference in the Agreement to “this Agreement”, “hereunder”, “hereof”, “herein” or words of like import referring to the Agreement, shall mean and be a reference to the Agreement as amended pursuant to this Second Amendment.
2.            Amendment to the Agreement.
Extension of the Initial Term of the Agreement . The Parties hereby agree to extend the Term of the Agreement, which expired upon the 2 nd of January 2009, by establishing that the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect from the 3 rd of January 2009 until the 2 nd of January 2010 (“the Extended Term”).
Project Price Cap for 2009 . The Parties agree to amend sub-section 5.1 of the Agreement setting forth that, during the Extended Term as provided herein the Projects to be agreed upon between the Parties in connection with the Agreement shall not exceed the total amount of €9.500.000,00 (nine million five hundred thousand Euros) (“Projects’ Price Cap for 2009”).
Road Map 2009 . Prior to the execution of this Second Amendment, the Companies and TIM Part have been provided by TI with a new Road Map which relates to year 2009, aiming at allowing the identification and evaluation of the possible Projects that the Companies may elect to pursue during the Extended Term provided herein. Such new Road Map for year 2009, has been further implemented in consultation between TI and the

Companies and by the execution of this Second Amendment it is finally agreed between the Parties in the version which is enclosed hereto as Annex I (“Road Map 2009”). The Road Map 2009 will be used for the purposes set out in Section 3.1.1 of the Agreement.
For the Extended Term agreed herein, each reference in the Agreement to the terms “Project Price Cap”, “Road Map”, “Term” and “Annex VII”, shall be intended as a reference made to “Project Price Cap 2009”, “Road Map 2009”, “Extended Term” and “Annex I” respectively, as defined in this Second Amendment
The Parties acknowledge and agree that, for all that is not expressly provided in this Second Amendment to the contrary, the provisions contained in the Agreement shall apply.

Governing Law.
This Second Amendment shall be governed by the laws of Italy. The provisions of Section 10 of the Agreement shall apply to this Amendment and are incorporated herein by reference, mutatis mutandis .
/s/ Franco Bernabè
Telecom Italia S.p.A.
By: Franco Bernabè
Title: Chief Executive Officer

/s/ Beniamino Bimonte
/s/ Claudio Zezza
TIM Celular S.A.
By: Beniamino Bimonte
Title: Diretor
Claudio Zezza
Diretor de Administraç ăo
Finanças e Controle

/s/ Beniamino Bimonte
/s/ Claudio Zezza
TIM Nordeste S.A.
By: Beniamino Bimonte
Title: Diretor
Claudio Zezza
Diretor de Administra çăo
Finanças e Controle

/s/ Beniamino Bimonte
/s/ Claudio Zezza
Tim Participações S.A. .
By: Beniamino Bimonte
Title: Diretor
Claudio Zezza
Diretor de Administra çăo
Finanças e Controle

I undersigned Dr. Maria Bellezza, a Notary Public in Milan, Italy, do hereby certify that this document was signed by Mr. Franco Bernabè, born in Vipiteno (BZ), on September 18th 1948, resident in Milan, Piazza degli Affari n. 2, to act in his capacity of Managing Director on behalf of the Company TELECOM ITALIA s.p.a. with head office in Milan, Piazza degli Affari n.2, registered at the Register of Enterprises of Milan under n. 00488410010.
Milan, Italy, April, 22, 2009


Cooperation and Support Agreement Telecom Italia – Brazilian Companies:
Roadmap of Marketing, Sales, International
Applications, and Global Network Projects in 2009
February 2009
final version

Breakdown of Cooperation and Support Agreement 2009
PRICE (euro)


Marketing – Projects 2009 Brazil (1/2)
New Consumer Postpaid Portfolio and Prepaid Approach
Support TIM Brasil in the development of a new postpaid offer portfolio aimed at regaining competitive advantage and leadership.
Support TIM Brasil in redefining the portfolio approach, the portfolio and plan/promo mix with the aim of maximizing margins reducing dependence on promotion for the post paid.
> Increase postpaid MKT share
> New positioning on segments:
- High Value
- Young
> Increase revenues
> Increase Prepaid MARPU
January-December 2009
Reassessment of CRM Model and New Loyalty Strategy
Support TIM Brasil in renewing the CRM Model and defining a new Loyalty strategy with the aim of reducing the current churn rate:
(i) New cross/upselling policies and strategies
(ii) Assement and enhancement of customer profiling
> Churn reduction on high value segments
> Increase ARPU
January-December 2009
Number Portability
Support TIM Brasil with benchmarking and case studies to help TIM in developing attractive win-back and retention approach for NP strategy.
> Accelerate TIM Brasil’s learning on effectiveness of new initiatives.
> Churn reduction on high value segments
January-December 2009
Telecom Italia – Confidential

Marketing – Projects 2009 Brazil (2/2)
VAS Development
Support TIM Brasil in the analysis and repositioning of SMS pricing and promo versus voice services and other email and messaging services (MMS, IM) with the aim of increasing SMS attractiveness
Support TIM Brasil in the ongoing enhancement of Data offer portfolio
Share TI’s best practices and know-how on Mobile Portal evolution and Third Parties management
> Increase SMS usage and penetration
> Optimize cannibalization between msg services
> Speed up mobile BB usage and penetration
> Develop Content market
> Increase revenues
January-December 2009
VAS Positioning & Innovation
Share TI’s know-how and facilitate innovation in TIM Brasil with a particular focus on:
(i) Shared Partners Agreements
(ii) Handset & SIM best practice
(iii) Service trials
(iv) Platform and Process Requirements
> Increase TIM Brasil positioning as Innovator
> Help TIM Brasil to develop business partnership
January-December 2009
New Business Portfolio
Support TIM Brasil in identifying a new competitive offer portfolio with a market segmentation approach and help reduce negative and low margin customer base
> Increase Market Share
> Increase Revenues
January-December 2009
Telecom Italia – Confidential


Sales – Projects 2009 Brazil (1/2)
Business Channel
Support TIM Brasil in the management of the business sales channel, in terms of definition of commercial policies and channel development:
(i) SME segmentation and commissioning methods
(ii) Soho segment sales channel strategy
(iii) Portfolio Management
(iv) Reduce agent channel turn over
(v) Top client (macro-conta)
(VI) Multichannel approach
> Boost TBP performance through a performance based commissioning model and a segmentation model.
> Implement specific sales strategy for the SOHO segment in order to increase the market share in the addressed segment
> Support the implementation of the portfolio management through the indirect sales channel in order to increase the satisfaction of valuable customer and reduce the churn rate.
> Reduce current agent turnover in order to approach the SME valuable customers with more motivated and efficient sales force.
January-December 2009
Consumer Commissioning and Segmentation
Support TIM Brasil in the implementation and update of the segmentation and commissioning systems within the consumer sales channels.
> Increase channel productivity
> Boost dealer performances in terms of overall sales, top of the range handsets and VAS sales and specifically enhance results on high end customer acquisition
January-December 2009
Sales Development
Support TIM Brasil in the management of the 2009 events and in the development of the sales channel for the new organization and the commercialization of new products and services:
(i) Full deployment of 3G development & Number Portability
(ii) New convergent and Broadband products
(iii) Management of multi-channel impact: balancing the different activities (selling, upselling, caring and post-sales among different channels
> Accelerate TIM Brasil’s learning curve on new market challenges hence improving time-to-market and effectiveness of new initiatives
January-December 2009
Telecom Italia – Confidential

Sales – Projects 2009 Brazil (2/2)
Trade Marketing
Support TIM Brasil in the ongoing enhancement of the Points of Sales through Trade Marketing activities:
Launch and development of the sales force community (mundo tim): training and promotion
(i) Evolution of the channel image (below the line)
(ii) Increase of the effectiveness of in-store animation
> Increase shop performance
> Improve channel image
January-December 2009
Handsets Management
Share Tl’s best practices and know-how on the ongoing development of the handset boost:
(i) Consumer and Business portfolio segmentation
(ii) Vendor management
> Increase handsets revenues
> Increase attractiveness of TIM Brazil’s offer using handsets as a push for innovation.
> Improve offer with effective portfolio segmentation
January-December 2009

Information Technology – Projects 2009 Brazil (1/3)
> Interconnection Billing
> “ SCTR ”, is the TI software dedicated to interconnection billing. It performs sizing, pricing, discounting and accounting of the traffic exchanged between interconnected telecommunication companies, both for fixed and mobile networks. It has been in house developed and conceived to offer flexible solutions by using a technological platform aligned to the current market standards, in order to meet the growing interconnection needs.
> New and/or improved functions shall be developed and implemented by TI (evolution);
> TI will provide a Remote Support Group which will provide second level assistance to TIM Brasil and will be activated in case of s/w bugs, system crash, critical system performance problems, need of urgent changes in processing flow.
Corporate centralized solution to manage the Interconnection Billing business.
Support the traffic size growth and the assurance of Interconnection revenue.
Align SCTR Platform to improve the performances and to manage the basic configuration in a user-friendly environment.
Jan. - Dec. 2009
> TDWH is the first level datawarehouse aimed to the management of any kind of rated traffic produced by the billing systems (OPSC, BSCS and SCTR). The system classifies all the TIM Brasil customers calls and organizes them in Analitical data model. The system is the main feeding source of several upper layer Business Intelligence Systems belonging to Tim Brasil (Customer Profiling, DW Unico, EIS, etc).
> TI shall provide new releases in the course of 2009, incorporating a number of new functionalities (evolution);
> In addition, maintenance and application management as well as remote support to operations shall also be provided.
> Creation of a dedicated support team (Help Desk) to assist and support operations and monitoring of the system also in overtime
Allows the Marketing, VAS, Revenue Assurance and Long Distance Groups within the Company to obtain traffic information for all GSM clients in Brazil.
Jan. - Dec. 2009
> Customer Profiling
> CP Latam is the TI software tool that dramatically improves the ability to understand customer trends, thereby improving marketing strategies. CP Latam gathers information on every contact a customer may have with its telecommunication operator, including phone calls, contact, letters, etc., creating a common view. By processing personal and traffic data, CP Latam elaborates behavioral and economic indicators to conduct decisional analysis.
> TI shall provide new releases for CP LATAM in the course of 2009, incorporating a number of new functionalities (evolution); In addition, maintenance and application management as well as remote support to operations shall also be provided.
Allows the Marketing area to create Segmented Direct Marketing Actions;
Allows the Marketing area to create Segmented Offers / Products.
Jan. - Dec. 2009
> SISO is the system dedicated to the management of info related to the sales of handsets, SIM cards and related services.
> TI shall provide a new release for SISO in the course of 2009, incorporating a number of new functionalities (evolution); in addition, maintenance and application management as well as remote support to operations shall also be provided.
Allows the Sales area to make the necessary analysis involving all the Sell-in and Sell-out processes.
Jan. - Dec. 2009


Information Technology – Projects 2009 Brazil (2/3)
Revenue Assurance Package
> The RAP System is a Revenue Assurance enabling platform. It is designed with a “best of breed” approach in order to be efficient and robust and allow a “fast track” implementation of the monitoring requirements.
> It supports both the “classical RA Approach” (balancing and reject monitoring) and a more “transaction oriented” Revenue Assurance approach.
> TI shall provide 4 new releases of RAP in the course of 2009, incorporating a number of new functionalities (evolution) and will provide the enhancements of the platform to take into account the new version of the operating system, DB and reporting tool.
> TI will provide a Remote Support Group which will provide second level assistance to TIM Brasil and will be activated in case of s/w bugs, system crash, critical system performance problems, need of urgent chances in processing flow.
To answer Revenue Assurance and Billing areas demands through controls improvements in CDR process from mediation platform thru mediation, pre paid, post paid, interconnection and co-billing systems. Better information accuracy and performance improvement in the KPI analysis, due to the development of detailed and user-friendly reports, with comprehensive statistics data from different periods.
Jan. - Dec. 2009
Traffic Data Collection CDR Archiving
> Cdr Archiving collects from the mediation systems and the clearing house ( TAP Traffic) the traffic data to store it, fulfilling the magistracy brazilian rules.
> TI shall provide maintenance and application management as well as remote support to operations.
to maintain the system fully operational
Jan. - Dec. 2009
Security - PCS Project
> Security is one of the most important issues to be faced by any IT department in a telecommunications Company.
> Tim Brasil and Telecom Italia, in order to comply the Sarbanes Oxley Act, shall deploy an Identity and Access Management system that can efficiently support a Company cross functional process. In the year 2008, a number of functionalities shall be implemented and deployed in the PCS System. TIM Brasil is responsible for overall design and for the implementation of the necessary infrastructure whereas TI shall leverage software reusability in order to speed-up deployment.
> Specifically, in its role as support group, TI shall package and support installation of the s/w kit, produce integration test plans, support integration tests and User Acceptance Tests, provide training and all necessary documentation.
Provide Automatisation and Control:
Manage user identities and entitlements, authentication, authorization and accounting of the user accessing the majority of Tim Brasil applications
Trace the management activities of the user credentials (user id and password) and entitlements (SAP);
Trace the user accesses to the applications ‘PCS connected’.
Jan. - Dec. 2009


Information Technology - Projects 2009 Brazil (3/3)
> Mobile Advertising Platform Evolution:
> The application which supports Mobile Campaign Service, Opt-in (customer permission to receive advertising) and TimSpot service shall be improved and enhanced based on TIM Brasil requirements (evolutive maintenance)
Possibility to launch new VAS products with reduced time to market
Jan.-Dec. 2009
> IT Network Technical support
The Technical Consulting is focused on:
> ITnet Backbone evolution toward the MPLS technology
> Upgrade of the Data Centre of Santo André
> Internet POP in Santo André
> Technology transfer about MPLS IT Networks
> Interdata Center Links Upgrade
> Network and traffic analysis
Technological update of network infrastructure; Guarantee the quality and efficiency of network architecture.
Jan.-Dec. 2009
> IT Alarm audit and System mgt for PCS
Delivery of an alarm audit system for PCS
> realtime monitoring of abnormal accesses
> alarms with several levels of severity (Fatal, Critical, Minor, Warning, Harmless)
> monitoring of administrators activity
> alarms correlation and display
Ad hoc monitoring of different applications
Jan.-Dec. 2009


Network – Projects 2009 Brazil (1/2)
CN CS 2G/3G evolution and optimization
To optimise Capex and Opex by applying a common TI group technology strategy evolution.
January - December 2009
CN PS 2G/3G evolution
New service implementation and to optimise Capex and Opex by applying a common TI group technology strategy evolution.
January - December 2009
IN Services evolution
Support Tim Brasil to develop a network solution to allow IN Trigger multiplatform
January - December 2009
2G/3G RAN (Radio Access Network) development and optimization support
2G and 3G RAN parameter fine tuning local and remote support; RAN resources dimensioning and optimization; RAN designing and optimization process review support; RAN quality assessment and quality improvement processes review; Training courses on specific TIM Brasil needs and on TI proposals; Technical support for testing and trials.
January - December 2009
Guitar Data Base Customization
to make TIM BRASIL radio data base compatible to GUITAR
January - December 2009
WiMax technical scouting
know how transfer on WiMax technology; scenario analysis support for WiMax introduction; network solution selection and testing support
January - September 2009
Sharing TI own technological scouting process and dimensioning tools for network evolution analysis.
January - December 2009
Definition of Flexible Service architecture and best practices.
January - June 2009
Revenue e TTA
Revenue assurance.
January - June 2009
Process Assessment & Review
Vas Quality Assurance - Change Management – Fault Management
January - December 2009
OSS architecture optimization
January - June 2009
Smart Platform based services
supporto Bella definizione e implementazione dei processi di OM relativi alla Smart Platform
January - December 2009
PVV One backbone
Architecture review, OPEX Reduction
January - December 2009
Supporto alla progettazione low-level design IpBB
Architecture optimization, OPEX Reduction
January - December 2009
Supporto evoluzione architetturale Soft Switch Italtel
Architecture review, Service quality
January - December 2009
PVV Metro Network
Transport network quality
January - December 2009
Service Application Class 5 Based
New service implementation and to optimise Capex and Opex by applying a common TI group technology strategy evolution.
January - December 2009
Integrated Device Management
IDM architecture evolution and best practices
January - June 2009
Support to Metro Network new services integration
New service implementation and to optimise Capex and Opex by applying a common TI group technology strategy evolution.
January - December 2009

plug & play
Services and quality architecture improvement
February – December 2009
Sistemi Sicurezza Rete
Network security improvement
February – December 2009
Services and quality architectural improvement
February – December 2009
February – December 2009


Network – Projects 2009 Brazil (2/2)
Outsourcing & Other Services
Guitar 2G/3G - Licence Renewal
Exploiting TI own radio planning tool.
January - December 2009
Erato-Licence Renewal
to optimize radio channels dimensioning process and increase efficiency.
January - December 2009
I-box2009 license fee
Reducing Time to Market for VAS launch.
January - December 2009
TGDS - 2009 license fee (Easy Config - 6 mesi, EIR/IMEI manager, Traffic steering, La sai Chiama ora)
Allowing operator to improve time to market in launching of new VAS through a multiservice platform (in tim brasil network)
January - December 2009
DBR 2009 evolution maintenance
To continue to use the actual sistem according to network evolution (new Network Element SW/HW release)
February - December 2009
IRMA 2009 evolution maintenance
To continue to use the actual sistem according to network evolution (new Network Element SW/HW release)
February - December 2009
i-NMS 2009 evolution maintenance (mandatory evolution)
To continue to use the actual sistem according to network evolution
February - December 2009
Operation and Maintenance Support for IBOX – Outsourcing
Skilled Support for O&M Activity
January - December 2009
Operation and Maintenance Support for TGDS - Easy Config, Traffic Steering, EIR, Lo Sai/Chiama Ora
Skilled Support for O&M Activity
January - December 2009
Development of network planning tools
Support to the network dimensioning: Improvement of budget process and definition. Updating of related tools according to network evolution (e.g. 3G, WiMax, )
January - December 2009
Technical Support to the development of network planning tools
Technical support (models & algorithms definition, ...) – know how transfer - Training on the job
January - December 2009
Customization services for VAS (SMS e MMS)
February - December 2009
Customization services
February - December 2009
Customization services
February - December 2009
Customization services and Evolution Maintenance
February - December 2009



No. 44/2008/SPV – ANATEL





Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  RONALDO MOTA SARDENBERG, Brazilian, married, registration Department of State no. 5601MRE and CPF/MF No. 075.074.884-20, together with Counselor ANTONIO DOMINGOS TEIXIERA BEDRAN, Brazilian, married, lawyer, holder of ID Card no. 16065 OAB/MG and enrolled with CPF/MF no. 007377046, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM NORDESTE S.A., CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I
Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range G (1.935 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the states of Bahia and Sergipe.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.

Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 003/2002/SPV-ANATEL, of December 10, 2002, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of December 12, 2002, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 147,292,991.27 (a hundred and forty-seven million, two hundred and ninety-two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-one reais and twenty seven cents) to be paid as follows:

a)           The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b)           The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.

§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.


Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.

Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.


Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.


Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1 . The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.


Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.


Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:

by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.


Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE , indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use

No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents

Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.


Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008





Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID CREA-DF No. 4.346/D


Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM NORDESTE S.A. CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 44/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1,698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “G” (1,935 MHz to 1,945 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,125 MHz to 2,135 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the states of Bahia and Sergipe, for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 003/2002/SPV-ANATEL, of December 10, 2002, published in DOU of December 12, 2002, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: RONALDO MOTA SARDENBERG, Chairman of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)
AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA:  Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Barata; Placas; Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaralina; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipumirim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargeão; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floraí; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova América da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Índios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Carnalaú; Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Manaíra; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu; Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastião Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)
AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Canaã dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capinzal; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;


Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivaí; Sengés; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar;
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piauí;
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; Ibotirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Eduardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,


Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaí; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Mirandópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras; São Tiago; São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
  4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
R$ 401,408.00
(Table continues)
Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
  Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I) Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
Year 1
Year 2
  Year 3
  Year 4
  Year 5
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)

No. 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL





Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM NORDESTE S.A., CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I

Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range G (1.935 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the state of Ceará.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.


Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 053/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of January 14, 2005, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 11,210,020.27 (eleven million, two hundred and ten thousand, twenty reais and twenty-five cents), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.


§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.


Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.


Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.
Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.



Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1. The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:


I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:


by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.


Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE , indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents


Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM NORDESTE S.A. CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1,698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “G” (1,935 MHz to 1,945 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,125 MHz to 2,135 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the state of Ceará, for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 053/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in DOU of January 14, 2005, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Barata; Placas; Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaralina; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipum.irim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargeão; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floraí; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova América da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Jndios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Carnalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Manaíra; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu; Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastião Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)
AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Cana dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capinzal; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;


Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivaí; Sengés; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piaui;
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; Ibotirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Ed uardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,


Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaí; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Mirandópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras; São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
  4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
R$ 401,408.00
(Table continues)
Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I) Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
Year 1
Year 2
  Year 3
  Year 4
  Year 5
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)

No. 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL





Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM NORDESTE S.A., CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I

Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range G (1.935 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the state of Paraíba.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.


Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – D.O.U. of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 054/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of January 14, 2005, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 5,407,165.25 (five million,  four hundred and seven thousand, one hundred and sixty-five reais and twenty five cents), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.

§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.


Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.

Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.


Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1 . The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:

by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE, indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents

Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM NORDESTE S.A. CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “G” (1,935 MHz to 1,945 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,125 MHz to 2,135 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the state of Paraíba, for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 052/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in DOU of January 14, 2005, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Placas; Barata; Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaral na; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipumirim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis ; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargedo; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floral; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova América da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Jndios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Camalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Manaira; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milha; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã;Pindaí; Pindobaçu Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastiao Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)
AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueieras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Govertnador Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luis Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Tunilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Cana dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capinzal; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas; Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;


Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivai; Sengés; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piaui; .
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-
Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Eduardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaf; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Miranópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde ; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
  Coverage Commitments
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants
 (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities
below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
R$ 2,548,000.00
R$ 2,038,400.00
R$ 1,630,720.00
R$ 1,354,752.00
R$ 784,000.00
R$ 627,200.00
R$ 501,760.00
R$ 401,408.00
R$ 686,000.00
R$ 439,040.00
R$ 351,232.00
R$ 196,000.00
R$ 78,400.00
R$ 62,720.00
R$ 50,176.00
R$ 490,000.00
R$ 392,000.00
R$ 313,600.00
R$ 200,704.00
R$ 588,000.00
R$ 548,800.00
R$ 439,040.00
R$ 351,232.00
R$ 588,000.00
R$ 470,400.00
R$ 376,320.00
R$ 351,232.00
R$ 980,000.00
R$ 784,000.00
R$ 627,200.00
R$ 501,760.00
(Table continues)
        Coverage Commitments
 PGA 1 Region
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
 Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Terms of Authorization
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)

No. 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL





Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM NORDESTE S.A., CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I

Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range G (1.935 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the state of Pernambuco.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.


Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 011/2002SPV-ANATEL, of December 10, 2002, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of January 14, 2005, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 16,666,417.80 (sixteen million, six hundred and sixty-six thousand, four hundred and seventeen reais and eighty cents), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.

§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.


Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.

Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.


Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1 . The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:

by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE , indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents

Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM NORDESTE S.A. CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “G” (1,935 MHz to 1,945 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,125 MHz to 2,135 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the state of Pernambuco, for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 011/2002 SPV-ANATEL, of December 10, 2002, published in DOU of December 12, 2002, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Placas; Barata Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaral na; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipumirim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres;   Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargedo; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floral; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova América da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Jndios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Camalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Maraína; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã;Pindaí; Pindobaçu  Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastiao Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.




Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)
AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueieras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Govertnador Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luis Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Cana dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capinzal; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas; Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;




Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivai; Senges; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Taracatu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piaui;
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-
Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Eduardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ;   Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaf; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Miranópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
  Coverage Commitments
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants
 (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities
below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
R$ 2,548,000.00
R$ 2,038,400.00
R$ 1,630,720.00
R$ 1,354,752.00
R$ 784,000.00
R$ 627,200.00
R$ 501,760.00
R$ 401,408.00
R$ 686,000.00
R$ 439,040.00
R$ 351,232.00
R$ 196,000.00
R$ 78,400.00
R$ 62,720.00
R$ 50,176.00
R$ 490,000.00
R$ 392,000.00
R$ 313,600.00
R$ 200,704.00
R$ 588,000.00
R$ 548,800.00
R$ 439,040.00
R$ 351,232.00
R$ 588,000.00
R$ 470,400.00
R$ 376,320.00
R$ 351,232.00
R$ 980,000.00
R$ 784,000.00
R$ 627,200.00
R$ 501,760.00
(Table continues)
        Coverage Commitments
 PGA 1 Region
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
 Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Terms of Authorization
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)


No. 45/2008/SPV – ANATEL





Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM NORDESTE S.A., CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I

Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range G (1.935 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the state of Alagoas.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.


Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 052/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of January 14, 2005, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 4,072,222.60 (four million, seventy-two thousand, two hundred and twenty-two reais and sixty cents), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) the remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.

§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues

resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.


Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.

Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.


Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.


Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1. The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred

thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:


by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.


Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE, indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents


Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.


Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM NORDESTE S.A. CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 45/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1968, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “G” (1,935 MHz to 1,945 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,125 MHz to 2,135 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the state of Alagoas, for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 052/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in DOU of January 14, 2005, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhas; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; Sao Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São Joao do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; Sao Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Placas; Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaral na; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Brescia; Palm Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Ponta; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmou; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Galvão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipumirim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Ttaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargedo; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Angulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Tvaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floral; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiai do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova America da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Agua Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Jndios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Carnal* Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Manaira; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; Sao José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastiao do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilãndia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Cora; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrecia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aivaba; Arneiroz; Caritas; Camaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milha; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Juiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastiao Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)
AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueieras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archez; Govertnador Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luis Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Agua das Cunhas; Palmeirândia; Paulo Gamos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luis Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilãndia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Cana dos Carajás; Curiónópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçui; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraf; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraf; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capina]; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Marques; Carambef; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;


Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivai; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivai; Senges; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tocaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piaui; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piauí.
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Floránia; Governador Dix-
Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luiz Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaira; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; Botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licinio de Almeida; Luis Ed uardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,


Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaf; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeüna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Miranópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jetuitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Mirai; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Tiage São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
  4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
R$ 401,408.00
(Table continues)
Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
  Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I) Item 4.12.4.
Year 1
Year 2
  Year 3
  Year 4
  Year 5
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)

No. 49/2008/SPV – ANATEL





Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM NORDESTE S.A., CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:


Chapter I
Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range G (1.935 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the state of Piauí.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.


Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 055/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of January 15, 2005, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 2,888,798,06 (two million, eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand, seven hundred and ninety-eight reais and six cents), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.


§1 –In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.


Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.


Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.


Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1 . The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:


I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:

by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.


Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE , indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents

Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM NORDESTE S.A. CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 49/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “G” (1,935 MHz to 1,945 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,125 MHz to 2,135 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the state of Alagoas, for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 052/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in DOU of January 14, 2005, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Placas; Barata Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaralina; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipumirim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São Joao do Ttaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargedo; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Angulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Tvaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floral; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiai do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova America da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Índios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Camalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento;Maraína; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu; Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastiao Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)
AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueieras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Canaã dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capinzal; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;


Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivaí; Sengés; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piaui;
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Ed uardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,

Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaí; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Mirandópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras; São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
  4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
R$ 401,408.00
(Table continues)
Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I) Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
Year 1
Year 2
  Year 3
  Year 4
  Year 5
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)

No. 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL





Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM NORDESTE S.A., CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I
Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range G (1.935 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.


Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 051/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of January 14, 2005, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 5,401,093.16 (five million, four hundred and one thousand, ninety-three  reais and sixteen cents), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.

§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.


Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.

Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.


Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1 . The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:

by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.


Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE , indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents

Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM NORDESTE S.A. CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1968, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “G” (1,935 MHz to 1,945 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,125 MHz to 2,135 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 051/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in DOU of January 14, 2005, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Barata; Placas; Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaralina; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipum.irim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargeão; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floraí; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova América da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Índios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Carnalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Manaíra; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu; Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastião Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)
AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueieras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Cana dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capinzal; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;

Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivaí; Sengés; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piaui;
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-
Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Ed uardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaí; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Mirandópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras; São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
  4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
(Table continues)
Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I) Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
Year 1
Year 2
  Year 3
  Year 4
  Year 5
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)

No. 51/2008/SPV – ANATEL





Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM NORDESTE S.A., CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I

Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range G (1.935 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the state of Minas Gerais, except the municipalities of Araporã, Araújos, Campina Verde, Campo Florido, Campos Altos, Canápolis, Capinópolis, Carmo do Paranaíba, Carneirinho, Centralina, Comendador Gomes, Conceição das Alagoas, Córrego Danta, Cruzeiro da Fortaleza, Delta, Frutal, Gurinhatã, Ibiraci, Igaratinga, Iguatama, Indianópolis, Ipiaçú, Itapagipe, Ituiutaba, Iturama, Lagamar, Lagoa Formosa, Lagoa Grande, Limeira D’Oeste, Luz, Maravilhas, Moema, Monte Alegre de Minas, Monte Santo de Minas, Nova Ponte, Nova Serrana, Papagaios, Pará de Minas, Pato de Minas, Pedrinópolis, Pequi, Perdigão, Pirajuba, Pitangui, Planura, Prata, Presidente Olegário, Rio Paranaíba, Santa Juliana, Santa Vitória, São Francisco de Sales, São José da Varginha, Tupaciguara, Uberaba, Uberlândia, União de Minas e Vazante.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of

telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.

Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 002/2002/SPV-ANATEL, of December 10, 2002, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of December 12, 2002, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 40,559,848.00 (forty million, five hundred and fifty-nine thousand, eight hundred and forty reais), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of

simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.

§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.

Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.

Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1 . The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract

that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:

by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE , indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents

Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM NORDESTE S.A. CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 51/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1968, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “G” (1,935 MHz to 1,945 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,125 MHz to 2,135 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the state of Minas Gerais, except the municipalities of Araporã, Araújos, Campina Verde, Campo Florido, Campos Altos, Canápolis, Capinópolis, Carmo do Paranaíba, Carneirinho, Centralina, Comendador Gomes, Conceição das Alagoas, Córrego Danta, Cruzeiro da Fortaleza, Delta, Frutal, Gurinhatã, Ibiraci, Igaratinga, Iguatama, Indianópolis, Ipiaçú, Itapagipe, Ituiutaba, Iturama, Lagamar, Lagoa Formosa, Lagoa Grande, Limeira D’Oeste, Luz, Maravilhas, Moema, Monte Alegre de Minas, Monte Santo de Minas, Nova Ponte, Nova Serrana, Papagaios, Pará de Minas, Pato de Minas, Pedrinópolis, Pequi, Perdigão, Pirajuba, Pitangui, Planura, Prata, Presidente Olegário, Rio Paranaíba, Santa Juliana, Santa Vitória, São Francisco de Sales, São José da Varginha, Tupaciguara, Uberaba, Uberlândia, União de Minas e Vazante, for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 002/2002/SPV-ANATEL, of December 10, 2002, published in DOU of December 12, 2002, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Barata; Placas; Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaralina; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipum.irim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargeão; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floraí; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova América da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Índios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Carnalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Manaíra; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu; Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastião Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.




Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)

AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueieras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Canaã dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capina]; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;


Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivaí; Sengés; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piaui;
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-
Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Ed uardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaí; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Mirandópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras; São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
  Coverage Commitments
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants
 (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities
below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
R$ 2,548,000.00
R$ 2,038,400.00
R$ 1,630,720.00
R$ 1,354,752.00
R$ 784,000.00
R$ 627,200.00
R$ 501,760.00
R$ 401,408.00
R$ 686,000.00
R$ 439,040.00
R$ 351,232.00
R$ 196,000.00
R$ 78,400.00
R$ 62,720.00
R$ 50,176.00
R$ 490,000.00
R$ 392,000.00
R$ 313,600.00
R$ 200,704.00
R$ 588,000.00
R$ 548,800.00
R$ 439,040.00
R$ 351,232.00
R$ 588,000.00
R$ 470,400.00
R$ 376,320.00
R$ 351,232.00
R$ 980,000.00
R$ 784,000.00
R$ 627,200.00
R$ 501,760.00
(Table continues)
        Coverage Commitments
 PGA 1 Region
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
 Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Terms of Authorization
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)


No. 52/2008/SPV – ANATEL




Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM CELULAR S.A., CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I

Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range G (1.935 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo.

b) sub-range F (1.920 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.110 MHz to 2.125 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the states of Amazonas, Amapá, Pará, Maranhão and Roraima.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.

Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 004/2001/SPV-ANATEL, of March 29, 2001, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of March 30, 2001, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 431,306,182.31 (Four hundred and thirty-one million, three hundred and six thousand, one hundred and eighty-tow reais and thirty-one cents), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.

§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.


Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.

Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.

Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.


Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1 . The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.


Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:

by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE , indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .


Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents

Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.


Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM NORDESTE S.A. CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 52/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1968, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “G” (1,935 MHz to 1,945 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,125 MHz to 2,135 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, “F” (1,920 MHz to 1,935 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,110 MHz to 2,125 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the states of Amazonas, Amapá, Pará, Maranhão and Roraima for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 004/2001/SPV-ANATEL, of March 29, 2001, published in DOU of March 30, 2001, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; MagalhãesBarata; Placas; Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaralina; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipum.irim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargeão; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area )
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floraí; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova América da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Jndios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Carnalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Manaíra; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu; Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastião Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)

AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueieras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Cana dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capina]; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;



Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivaí; Sengés; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí;São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piaui;
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Ed uardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,


Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaí; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Mirandópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras; São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
  4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercomtel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
(Table continues)
Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I) Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
Year 1
Year 2
  Year 3
  Year 4
  Year 5
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercomtel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)

No. 53/2008/SPV – ANATEL





Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM CELULAR S.A., CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I
Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range I (1.955 MHz to 1.965 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the states of Acre, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Tocantins, Goiás, Distrito Federal, Rio Grande do Sul, except in the municipalities of Paranaíba, in Mato Grosso do Sul and Buriti Alegrem Cachoeira Dourada, Inaciolândia, Itumbiara, Paranaiguara and São Simão, in Goiás ans Pelotas, Morro Redondo, Capão do Leão and Turuçu in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

b) sub-range G (1.935 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the municipalities of Paranaíba, in Mato Grosso do Sul, Buriti Alegre, Cachoeira Dourada, Inaciolândia, Itumbiara, Paranaiguara and São Simão, in Goiás, and in the municipalities of Londrina and Tamarana, in Paraná.


Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.

Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 002/2001/SPV-ANATEL, of March 12, 2001, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of March 13, 2001, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 241,072,375.82 (two hundred and forty-one million, seventy-two thousand, to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the

payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.

§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.

Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.

Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.


Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1. The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee, for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract

that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:

by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE , indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents

Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.


Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM CelularS.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Celular S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM NORDESTE S.A. CNPJ No. 01.009.686/0001-44 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 53/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1968, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) sub-range I (1.955 MHz to 1.965 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the states of Acre, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Tocantins, Goiás, Distrito Federal, Rio Grande do Sul, except in the municipalities of Paranaíba, in Mato Grosso do Sul and Buriti Alegrem Cachoeira Dourada, Inaciolândia, Itumbiara, Paranaiguara and São Simão, in Goiás ans Pelotas, Morro Redondo, Capão do Leão and Turuçu in the state of Rio Grande do Sul., and G (1.935 MHz to 1.945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.125 MHz to 2.135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the municipalities of Paranaíba, in Mato Grosso do Sul, Buriti Alegre, Cachoeira Dourada, Inaciolândia, Itumbiara, Paranaiguara and São Simão, in Goiás, and in the municipalities of Londrina and Tamarana, in Paraná. for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 002/2001/SPV-ANATEL, of March 12, 2001, published in DOU of March 13, 2001, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Barata; Placas; Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaralina; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipum.irim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargeão; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floraí; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova América da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Jndios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Carnalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Manaíra; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu; Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastião Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)
AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueieras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Cana dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capinzal; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;

Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivaí; Sengés; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piaui;
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-
Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Ed uardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,


Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaí; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Mirandópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras; São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
  4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
R$ 401,408.00
(Table continues)
Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I) Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
Year 1
Year 2
  Year 3
  Year 4
  Year 5
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)


No. 54/2008/SPV – ANATEL




Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM CELULAR S.A., CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I

Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range I (1.955 MHz to 1.965 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.145 MHz to 2.155 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the state of Paraná, except for the municipalities of Londrina and Tamarana.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.


Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 006/2002/SPV-ANATEL, of December 10, 2002, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of December 12, 2002, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 87,019,824.72 (eighty-seven million, nineteen thousand, eight hundred and twenty-four reais and seventy two cents), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.

§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.


Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.

Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.


Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1 . The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:

a)   by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
b)   upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE , indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents

Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Nordeste S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM CELULAR S.A. CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 54/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1699, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “I” (1,955 MHz to 1,965 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,145 MHz to 2,155 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the state of Paraná, except for the municipalities of Londrina and Tamarana, for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 006/2002/SPV-ANATEL, of December 10, 2002, published in DOU of December 12, 2002, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM CELULAR S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA:   Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Placas;Barata Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaral na; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipumirim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Varge; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floraí; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova America da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Índios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Camalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Manaíra; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilãndia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu; Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastião Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)

AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador  Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo gamos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Canaã dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capinzal; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas; Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;




Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivaí; Sengés; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piauí;
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-
Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Ed uardo Magalhães ; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,


Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaí; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Miranópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras; São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;


Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
  4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
R$ 401,408.00
(Table continues)
Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I) Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
Year 1
Year 2
  Year 3
  Year 4
  Year 5
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)


No. 55/2008/SPV – ANATEL





Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM CELULAR S.A., CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I

Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range I (1.955 MHz to 1.965 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.145 MHz to 2.155 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the state of Santa Catarina.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.


Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 049/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of January 14, 2005, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 57,070,202.26 (fifty-seven million, seventy thousand, two hundred and two reais and twenty-six cents), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.


§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.


Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.


Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.


Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1 . The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:


by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.


Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE , indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents


Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Celular S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Celular S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM CELULAR S.A. CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 45/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1699, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “I” (1,955 MHz to 1,965 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,145 MHz to 2,155 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the state ofSanta Catarina, for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 049/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in DOU of January 14, 2005, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM NORDESTE S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; Sao Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Placas; Barata Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaralina; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipumirim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargeão; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area )
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floral; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova América da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Jndios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Camalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Maraína; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; CerroCorá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu;  Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastião Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)

AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueieras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Cana dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capinzal; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas; Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;




Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivaí; Sengés; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí;  São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piauí;
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-
Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Eduardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,


Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaí; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; iIpeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Miranópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras; São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
  4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
R$ 401,408.00
(Table continues)
Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I) Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
Year 1
Year 2
  Year 3
  Year 4
  Year 5
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)

No. 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL





Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1699, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM CELULAR S.A., CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I

Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

sub-range F (1.920 MHz to 1.935 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.110 MHz to 2.125 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the  municipalities of Alumínio, Araçariguama, Arujá, Atibaia, Barueri, Biritiba-Mirim, Bom Jesus dos Perdões, Bragança Paulista, Cabreúva, Caieiras, Cajamar, Campo Limpo Paulista, Carapicuíba, Cotia, Diadema, Embu, Embu-Guaçu, Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Francisco Morato, Franco da Rocha, Guararema, Guarulhos, Igaratá, Itapecerica da Serra, Itapevi, Itaquaquecetuba, Itatiba, Itú, Itupeva, Jandira, Jarinu, Joanópolis, Judiaí, Juquitiba, Mairinque, Mariporã, Mauá, Mogi das Cruzes, Morungaba, Nazaré Paulista, Osasco, Pedra Bela, Pinhalzinho, Piracaia, Pirapora do Bom Jesus, Poá, Ribeirão Pires, Rio Grande da Serra, Salesópolis, Salto, Santa Isabel, Santana do Parnaíba, Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, São Lourenço da Serra, São Paulo, São Roque, Suzano, Taboão da Serra, Tuiuti,Vargem, Vargem Grande Paulista,e Várzea Paulista, in the state of São Paulo.

Sub-range I (1,955 MHz to1965 MHz for for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2,145 MHz to 2,155 MHz for transmission os the Base Radio Stations), in the municipalities of


Section 33 from Region III PGO, that are: Altinópolis, Aramina, Batatais, Brodósqui,Buritizal, Cajuru, Cássia dos Coqueiros, Colômbia, Franca, Guairá, Ipuã, Ituverava, Jardinópolis, Miguelópolis, Morro Agudo, Nuiporanga, Orlândia , Riberão Corrente, Sales de Oliveira, Santa Cruz da Esperança, Santo Antônio da Alegria e São Joaquim da Barra in the state of São Paulo
Sub-range G (1,935 MHz to 1,945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2,125 MHz to 2,135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in all state of São Paulo, except in the municipalities mentioned in a) and b).

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.
Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 052/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of March 12, 2001, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of March 13, 2001, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 272,405,569.27 (two hundred and seventy-two million, four hundred and five- thousand, five hundred and sixty-nine reais and twenty-seven cents), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social

Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) The remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.

§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.


§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.
Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.


Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.

Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.


Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.
Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1 . The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the

49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;


e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:

by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising

which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.


Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE, indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents

Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them,

those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM CelularS.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Celular S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8



ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608

Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM CELULAR S.A. CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1699, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “F” (1,920 MHz to 1,935 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,110 MHz to 2,125 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations), in the state of in the municipalities of Alumínio, Araçariguama, Arujá, Atibaia, Barueri, Biritiba-Mirim, Bom Jesus dos Perdões, Bragança Paulista, Cabreúva, Caieiras, Cajamar, Campo Limpo Paulista, Carapicuíba, Cotia, Diadema, Embu, Embu-Guaçu, Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Francisco Morato, Franco da Rocha, Guararema, Guarulhos, Igaratá, Itapecerica da Serra, Itapevi, Itaquaquecetuba, Itatiba, Itú, Itupeva, Jandira, Jarinu, Joanópolis, Judiaí, Juquitiba, Mairinque, Mariporã, Mauá, Mogi das Cruzes, Morungaba, Nazaré Paulista, Osasco, Pedra Bela, Pinhalzinho, Piracaia, Pirapora do Bom Jesus, Poá, Ribeirão Pires, Rio Grande da Serra, Salesópolis, Salto, Santa Isabel, Santana do Parnaíba, Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, São Lourenço da Serra, São Paulo, São Roque, Suzano, Taboão da Serra, Tuiuti,Vargem, Vargem Grande Paulista,e Várzea Paulista, in the state of São Paulo, I (1,955 MHz to1965 MHz for for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2,145 MHz to 2,155 MHz for transmission os the Base Radio Stations), in the municipalities of Section 33 from Region III PGO, that are: Altinópolis, Aramina, Batatais, Brodósqui,Buritizal, Cajuru, Cássia dos Coqueiros, Colômbia, Franca, Guairá, Ipuã, Ituverava, Jardinópolis, Miguelópolis, Morro Agudo, Nuiporanga, Orlândia , Riberão Corrente, Sales de Oliveira, Santa Cruz da Esperança, Santo Antônio da Alegria e São Joaquim da Barra in the state of São Paulo, e G (1,935 MHz to 1,945 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2,125 MHz to 2,135 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in all state of São Paulo, except in the municipalities mentioned in a) and b).for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 052/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of March 12, 2002, published in DOU of March 13, 2002, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM CELULAR S.A.

Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Placas;Barata; Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaralina; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipumirim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargeão; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area )
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floraí; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova América da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;

MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Jndios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Camalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Manaíra; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Cariús; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro, Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu; Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastião Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.



Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)
AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador  Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Canaã dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capinzal; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas; Marques; Carambef; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;


Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivaí; Sengés; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí;  São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piauí;
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Floránia; Governador Dix-
Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luiz Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Eduardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,


Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaí; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Miranópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri;Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras;  São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;

Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
  4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
R$ 401,408.00
(Table continues)
Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I) Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
Year 1
Year 2
  Year 3
  Year 4
  Year 5
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)


No. 58/2008/SPV – ANATEL







Hereby, on one side, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES – ANATEL, hereinafter referred to as ANATEL, an entity that integrates the UNION, pursuant to the terms of Federal Law No. 9.472, of July 16, 1997, General Telecommunications Law – LGT, combined with Article 194, II, of the Internal Regime of Anatel, approved by Resolution No. 270, of July 19, 2001, with CGC/MF No. 02.030.715/0001-12, presently represented by its Private Service Superintendent  JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Brazilian, married, registration CREA-DF No. 4.346/D and CPF/MF No. 184.059.671-68, according to Ordinance No. 42, of February 23, 2000, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of February 25, 2000, according to the approval of its Managing Board by Act No. 1698, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette of March 28, 2008, and, on the other side, by TIM CELULAR S.A., CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80, presently represented by its attorneys-in-fact, PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 02100430-4, issued by Instituto Félix Pacheco, and registered under CPF/MF No. 164.125.917-53 and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Brazilian, married, engineer, holder of ID Card RG No. 3055777-8, issued by the Public Safety Department of the State of Paraná, and registered under CPF/MF No. 680.334.279-49, hereinafter referred to as AUTHORIZEE, enter into this TERM OF AUTHORIZATION, which will be governed by the rules mentioned below and by the following clauses:

Chapter I
Purpose, Area and Term of Authorization

Clause 1.1 – The purpose of this Term is the concession of an Authorization for Use of Radiofrequencies Blocks, without exclusivity, primarily, in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies, as defined below:

a) sub-range I (1.955 MHz to 1.965 MHz for transmission of the Mobile Stations and 2.145 MHz to 2.155 MHz for transmission of the Base Radio Stations), in the municipalities of Pelotas, Morro Redondo, Capão do Leão e Turuçu, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul;.

Clause 1.1.1 .- The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is a restricted administrative act, associated to the concession, permission or authorization for the provision of telecommunications services, which attributes to the interested party, for a definite period, the right of use of radiofrequency, in the legal and regulatory conditions.

Clause 1.2. – For purposes of this Term, the following definitions apply:

I – Municipalities without SMP: urban area of the Headquarters District of the Municipality where the provisions in Clause 10.4 of this Term applies.


Chapter II
Effective Period

Clause 2.1 – This Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks is issued for the period of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication in the Union Gazette – DOU of the statement of this Term, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for Provision of the Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 050/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in the DOU (Union Gazette) of January 14, 2005, subject to extension, only once, for an equal period, its effectiveness being subject to maintenance of the requirements contemplated in this Term.

§1 – The use of radiofrequency will occur primarily and be restricted to the Provision Area.

§2- The right of use of radiofrequency is subject to efficient and adequate use of the same.

§3 – The sharing of radiofrequency, when it does not imply in prejudicial interference, not impose a limitation to the provision of SMP, may be authorized by ANATEL.

Chapter III
Price for Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 3.1. - The value of the concession for authorization for use of radiofrequency in the Sub-range contemplated in this term is R$ 2,289,944.20 (two million, two hundred and eighty-nine thousand, nine hundred and forty-four reais and twenty cents), to be paid as follows:

a) The total value proposed or 10% of this value shall be paid on the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Social Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposal and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of the effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation;

b) the remaining 90% shall be paid in six equal and annual installments, with maturity, respectively, in up to 36 (thirty-six), 48 (forty-eight), 60 (sixty), 72 (seventy-two), 84 (eighty-four) and 96 (ninety-six) months counted from the date of execution of this Term of Authorization, the amount to be paid being restated, by the variation of the IST (Telecommunications Sector Index), from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation until the date of effective payment, if the payment occurs after 12 (twelve) months, from the date of delivery of the Identification and Fiscal Regularity Documents, of the Price Proposals and of the Qualification Documentation, accreted of simple interest of 1% (one percent) per month, accruing on the restated value, from the date of execution of this Term.

Clause 3.2 . The AUTHORIZEE, for extension of the right for use of radiofrequencies associated to the Authorization for the exploration of the Personal Mobile Service, shall pay, every biennium, during the extension period, liens corresponding to 2% (two percent) of its revenue from the year prior to payment, of the SMP, net of the taxes and social contributions accruing, whereas in the 15 th year the AUTHORIZEE shall pay 1% of its revenue from the previous year.

§1 – In the calculation of the value mentioned in the heading of this Clause, the net revenue resulting from the application of the Service, Basic and Alternative Plans, as well as the revenues resulting from the values for the remuneration of use of its networks, contemplated in the Authorization for exploitation of the Personal Mobile System shall be considered.

§2- The calculation of the percentage mentioned in the heading of this Clause will be made always in relation to the net revenue of deductions of taxes and accruing contributions, calculated between January and December of the previous year and obtained from the financial statements prepared according to the fundamental accounting principles approved by the Administration of the AUTHORIZEE and audited by independent auditors, and the payment will be due on April 30 (thirty) of the year subsequent to that of verification of the lien.

§3 – The first installment of the lien will fall due on April 30 (thirty), 2025, calculated considering the net revenue verified of January 1 to December 31, 2024, and the subsequent installments will fall due each twenty-four months, having as tax basis the revenue of the previous year.

§4- The delay in payment of the lien contemplated in this Clause will imply the collection of an arrears fine of 0.33% (zero point thirty-three percent) per day, up to the limit of 10% (ten percent), plus the reference rate SELIC for federal instruments, to be applied on the value of the debt, considering all the days of arrears in the payment.

§5- Non payment of the value stipulated in this Clause will lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, regardless of the application of other penalties contemplated in the Regulation of Anatel.

§6- The percentage contemplated in the heading shall apply in the interval of extension of the rights for use of radiofrequency, regardless of the Radiofrequencies contemplated in this extension.

§7 – In any of the situations that lead to the extinction of this Authorization, the values of the installments paid of the public price and the guarantee amount of execution of the Scope Commitments, to the date of said extinction, shall not be reimbursed.

§8 - Only in events of waiver of this Authorization, the installments to fall due of the public price and the amount of performance bond of the Scope Commitments not yet redeemed by compliance with the Scope Commitments will be considered undue, and Anatel may begin a new bidding procedure contemplated in this authorization.

§9 - In addition to the performance bond of Scope Commitments, if there is lack of compliance with the Scope Commitments, the Authorizee will be subject to a Procedure for Verification of Lack of Compliance with Obligations – PADO, which will lead Anatel to decide for the sanction applicable to the situation detected.

Clause 3.3 – The request for extension of the right of use of the radiofrequencies shall be sent to ANATEL in the interval of four years, maximum, to three years, at least, prior to the date of maturity of the original term.

Sole§ - The denial will only occur if the interested party is not making rational and adequate use of the radiofrequency, if it has committed repeated offenses in its activities, or if modification of the destination of the use of the radiofrequency is necessary.

Clause 3.4 – ANATEL is authorized to bring new proceedings of concession of authorization for SMS exploitation, if a request for extension is not formulated timely.


Chapter IV
Prerogatives of ANATEL

Clause 4.1 . Without prejudice to the other regulatory provisions, ANATEL shall:

I – ensure compliance with the rules and regulations in force and those, which, during the effectiveness of this Term, are edited;

II – restrain behavior prejudicial to free competition;

III – prevent economic concentration, including imposing restrictions, limits or conditions to this Term;

IV – administer the spectrum of radiofrequencies, applying the legal and regulatory penalties;

V – extinguish this Term in the cases contemplated herein and in the applicable legislation;

Clause 4.2 . ANATEL may determine to the AUTHORIZEE to cause to cease immediately the broadcasting of any telecommunications station, which is causing prejudicial interference in the telecommunications services regularly exploited, until the interference has ceased.

Chapter V
General conditions of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 5.1 . The Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may only be associated to the authorization for the exploitation of the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 5.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to strictly observe all the regulation dealing with the Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks presently GRANTED , being subject including to new regulations and alterations that may be edited.

Clause 5.3 . The AUTHORIZEE shall not have an acquired right to maintenance of the existing conditions on the date of execution of this Term, and shall observe the new conditions imposed by law or by the regulation to be edited by ANATEL.

Clause 5.4 . The AUTHORIZEE shall ensure that the installation of the telecommunications stations, as well as their expansion is in accordance with the regulatory provisions, especially the limitations in connection with the distance from airports, aerodromes, radiogonometry stations and indigenous areas.

Clause 5.5 . The installation, operation and disabling of the telecommunications station shall comply with the provisions in the regulations.

Clause 5.6 . The AUTHORIZEE shall use the respective blocks on its account and risk, being entirely responsible for any losses resulting from its use.

Clause 5.7 . The AUTHORIZEE is solely responsible for any damage that it may cause to its users, or to third parties, by virtue of the use of the respective blocks, excluding all and any responsibility of ANATEL.

Clause 5.8 . The equipment that composes the telecommunication stations of the systems must have certification issued or accepted by ANATEL, according to the regulations in force.

Chapter VI
Availability of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 6.1 . The right of use of the radiofrequency blocks mentioned in this Chapter does not elide ANATEL’s prerogative of modifying its destination or ordering the alteration of powers or other technical characteristics.

Clause 6.2 . Unjustified failure to use the radiofrequency blocks will subject th e AUTHORIZEE to the applicable sanctions, according to the regulations.

Chapter VII
Transfer of the Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks

Clause 7.1 . The authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks without the corresponding transfer of authorization of the provision of service linked to it is non-transferable.

Clause 7.2 . The authorization for use of the radiofrequency blocks shall be extinguished with the advent of its final term or in the case of its irregular transfer, as well as by forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment of the telecommunications service authorization using it.

Chapter VIII
Non-obligation of continuity and right of waiver

Clause 8.1 . This Term does not impose on the AUTHORIZEE the duty of continuity of the use of the respective blocks, being entitled to right of waiver pursuant to the terms of Article 142 of Law No. 9.472, of 1997, in compliance with the provisions in this Term.

§1 The right of waiver does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to guarantee to the users, as contemplated in this Term and in the regulation, previous knowledge of the interruption of use of the authorized radiofrequency blocks.

§2 The right of waiver, equally, does not elide the duty of the AUTHORIZEE to comply with the commitments of interest by the collectivity assumed by it with the execution of this Term.

Chapter IX

Clause 9.1. The AUTHORIZEE must permit to the agents of ANATEL at any time free access to the equipment and facilities, as well as supply to them all the documents and information necessary to performance of the inspection activities.

Sole § The AUTHORIZEE may appoint a representative to follow up on the inspection agents in its visits, inspections and activities.

Clause 9.2 . The AUTHORIZEE undertakes to pay the inspection rates under the terms of the legislation, especially the Rates of Inspection of Installation and Operation.

Sole §. The inspection rates shall be collected according to the table that integrates Attachment I of Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.


Chapter X
Scope Commitments

Clause 10.1. The AUTHORIZEE shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and Municipalities without SMP;

I – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I other authorized sub-ranges for provision of SMP, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants and municipalties without SMP, listed on Tables I of Attachment I of this Term;

II – comply, with SMP provided in the radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G, I, the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, listed on Tables 2 and 3 of Attachment I of this Term;

§1 Attendance to the municipalities set forth in item I shall comply with the following terms:

a) 50% of all the municipalities within 12 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the Union Gazette – DOU;

b) 100% of all the municipalities within 24 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

§2 Attendance to all the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants shall be performed with SMP, provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequency J, F, G or I from the 49 th (forty-ninth) month after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization, each year fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of municipalities shall be attended, as set forth in Table 2 of Attachment I of this Term, until the end of ninety-six (96) months sixty percent (60%) of the municipalities are attended.

§3 For attendance of the municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, Anatel has consented in the use of the same network by two or more providers, including the sharing of the block of radiofrequencies granted for SMP, according to the express provision contained in §2 of Article 1 of the Regulation on Conditions of Use of Radiofrequencies in the SMP Ranges, approved by Resolution No. 454, of December 11, 2006.

§4 Pursuant to the terms of the regulation to be issued, the SMP Authorizee  , for the municipalities with population below 30,000 (thirty thousand) inhabitants, after two years from the beginning of the regular service offer, is obliged to sign, with other SMP providers, which request it, a contract that permits them to commercialize the service, in said municipalities, using the authorized network in operation.

§5 The Authorizee, in its Provision Area, is obliged to attend subscribers visitors from other SMP Authorizee  (s), including in the same Provision Area, in municipalities with population below thirty thousand (30,000) inhabitants, except in the municipalities where the Authorizee (s) already dispose of infrastructure for the provision of SMP, in compliance with the technology standard.

Clause 10.2 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants:

I – attend, with SMP provided in radiofrequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, 50% of the municipalities with population of more than 30,000 (thirty thousand) and less than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) within 60 months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.3 . The Authorizee shall comply with the following Scope Commitments, for municipalities with population of more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants;

I – attend, with SMP provided in the sub-ranges of radiofrequencies J, F, G or I 100% of the municipalities with population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, as follows:

a) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50% (fifty percent) of the State capitals, of the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 12 (twelve) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

b) attend the State capitals, the municipalities with more than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) inhabitants and, in Region II, also the Federal District, within 24 (twenty-four) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

c) hold a coverage area equivalent to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the urban area in 50 % (fifty percent) of municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants, within 36 (thirty-six) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

d) attend the municipalities with more than 200,000 (two hundred thousand) inhabitants within 48 (forty-eight) months after publication of the Term of Authorization in the DOU;

e) attend municipalities with more than 100,000 (one hundred thousand) inhabitants within 60 (sixty) months after publication of the statement of the Term of Authorization in the DOU.

Clause 10.4 . A municipality will be considered attended when a coverage area contains, at least, eighty percent (80%) of the urban area of the District Headquarters of the municipality attended by the Personal Mobile Service.

Clause 10.5 . The municipalities are defined considering the estimates of the Population for States and Municipalities, with reference date on July 1, 2006, published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through Resolution No. 2, of August 28, 2006, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of August 31, 2006.

Clause 10.6 . In addition to execution of the performance bonds of the corresponding Scope Commitments, noncompliance with the commitments subjects the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions contemplated in this Term and in the regulations, and may result in extinction of the authorization.

Clause 10.7 . During the period of exploitation of the service, the value presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments may be redeemed, by request from the Authorizee, containing evidence of compliance with the commitments assumed in the terms established.

Clause 10.8 . The redemption  mentioned in the previous Clause shall only occur when compliance with the commitments assumed occurs in a form and period provided in this term.

Clause 10.9 . The redemption, according to the case, shall occur after a certificate issued by Anatel, which will occur immediately upon an inspection procedure, as follows:

by substitution of a new instrument corresponding to the total remaining value of the Authorization and thus successively;
upon return, through receipt, of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments;

Clause 10.10 . Total or partial noncompliance with the commitments assumed in connection with the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization, in addition to execution of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments presented, proportionately to the commitments assumed and not complied with in relation to the number of municipalities resulting from the Scope Commitments provided in this term.

Clause 10.11 . The Authorizee shall revalidate the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments within 5 (five) business days prior to the end of the respective valid date, extending its validity for minimum periods of 12 (twelve) months. The term shall comprise the period of analysis of compliance with the commitments until conclusion and issue of a certificate by Anatel.

Clause 10.12 . Delay in revalidation of the performance bonds of the Scope Commitments may lead to forfeiture of this authorization.

Clause 10.13 . In the event of extinction of the Authorization, Anatel may transfer the amount of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments to the prevailing bidder in the subsequent bidding procedure in the same area of provision, for conclusion of compliance with the commitments assumed and not complied with, until the date of extinction, within the periods stipulated.

Clause 10.14 . Every year relative to compliance with the scope commitments, the Authorizee shall send to Anatel, on the 1 st (first) business day of the 10 th (tenth) month, correspondence, advising which municipalities are already attended and which will be attended by the end of the year, for purposes of beginning of verification of the Agency in connection with compliance with the Scope Commitments.

Clause 10.15 . For purposes of redemption of the performance bond of the Scope Commitments, Anatel’s verification shall be concluded within 2 (two) months from the maximum period established of the said commitments.

Clause 10.16 . Anatel may, at any time, request to the Authorizee a list with an estimate of attendance, which shall contain the municipalities to be attended and the respective attendance periods.

Clause 10.17 . The values presented as performance bond of the Scope Commitments are listed on Table 1 of Attachment II of this Term.

Chapter XI

Clause 11.1 .  Noncompliance with conditions or commitments assumed, associated to the Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, shall subject the AUTHORIZEE to the sanctions established in the specific regulation, without prejudice to civil and criminal sanctions.

Clause 11.12 . Noncompliance with the provisions in Clauses 15.3 and 15.3.1 of this term may lead to forfeiture of the Authorization for exploitation of the SMP or of the Authorization for use of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XII

Clause 12.1 . This term will be extinguished by cancellation, forfeiture, decay, waiver or annulment, in compliance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Clause 12.2 . The cancellation of the Concession of Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed when there is loss of the indispensable conditions for maintenance of the respective Authorization for Use of the Radiofrequency Blocks.

Clause 12.3 . The forfeiture of the Concession of Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks may be decreed in the following events:

I – performance of serious offense;

II – transfer of authorization for use of radiofrequency blocks;

III – repeated noncompliance with the commitments assumed in this Term or in the provisions in the regulations;

IV – failure of payment of the Inspection Installation Fees and Operating Inspection Fees, as provided in Law No. 5.070, of July 7, 1966, with its alterations.

Clause 12.4 . The annulment of the Concession for Authorization of Use of Radiofrequency Blocks shall result from recognition, by the administrative or judicial authority, of irregularity that cannot be remedied of this Term.

Clause 12.5 . Bilateral termination shall operate from the requirement of waiver, formulated by the AUTHORIZEE , indicating the period in which it intends to continue to use the radiofrequency blocks prior to their final interruption, which shall not be less than 6 (six) months.

§1 . Termination does not elide the compulsoriness for AUTHORIZEE to answer for the damages caused to users.

§2 . The instrument of bilateral termination shall contain provisions on the conditions and terms in which the termination will operate.

Clause 12.6 . The extinction of the Concession for Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency shall be declared in an appropriate administrative procedure, the adversary party system and full defense being assured to AUTHORIZEE .

Clause 12.7 . ANATEL may not be held liable for users or for third parties or for any charges, liens, obligations or commitments with third parties or employees of AUTHORIZEE , caused by extinction pronounced in the form contemplated in the regulation and in this Term.

Clause 12.8 . The extinction of transfer of this authorization will lead to the extinction or transfer of the authorization contemplated in the Terms of Authorization of Radiofrequency Use No.s 46/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 47/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 48/2008/SPV – ANATEL, 49/2008/SPV - ANATEL, 50/2008/SPV – ANATEL and 56/2008/SPV – ANATEL.

Chapter XIII
The Legal Regime and the Applicable Documents

Clause 13.1 . This Term is governed by Law 9.472, of 1977, and regulations resulting from it, especially Regulation of Use of the Spectrum of Radiofrequencies.

Chapter XIV

Clause 14.1. The Forum of the Judiciary Section of the Federal Court of Brasilia, Federal District shall be competent to settle issues arising out of this Term of Authorization.

Chapter XV
Final Provisions

Clause 15.1 . This Term of Authorization shall enter into force from the Publication of its statement in the Union Gazette.

Clause 15.2 . In the contracting of services and in the acquisition of equipment and materials linked to the service contemplated in this Term, the Authorizee undertakes to consider the offer of independent suppliers, including national ones, and to based its decisions, with respect to the different offers presented, in compliance with the objective criteria of price, delivery conditions, and technical specifications established in the relevant regulation.

Clause 15.2.1 . In the cases where there is equivalence among offers, the Authorizee  undertakes to use as a tie-break criteria, the preference of services supplied by companies located in Brazil, equipment, computer programs (software) and materials produced in Brazil, and, among them, those with national technology. The equivalence mentioned in this item will be verified when, cumulatively:

the national price is smaller than or equal to the price of the imported one, placed in the national territory, including accruing taxes;

the delivery period is compatible with the service needs; and

the technical specifications established in the relevant regulation are met and have certification issued or accepted by Anatel, when applicable.

Clause 15.2.2 . The following are comprised as services, those related to research and development, planning, project, implementation, and physical installation, operation, maintenance, as well as the acquisition of computer programs (software), supervision, evaluation tests of telecommunications systems.

Clause 15.3 . This authorization must be unified with the SMP authorizations, already existing, belonging to the same Region of the General Authorizations Plan of SMP, in the case of Authorizee, its subsidiaries, parent companies and associated companies, shall already hold authorization to provide the SMP service in the same region of the General Authorizations Plan – PGA.

Clause 15.3.1. The unification shall occur within 18 (eighteen) months from the publication in the DOU of the statement of the Term.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this instrument in 03 (three) counterparts of equal tenor and form, before the undersigned witnesses, who also sign it, to produce its legal and judicial effects.

Brasilia, April 29, 2008


Private Services Superintendent

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Celular S.A.
ID IFP No. 02100430-4

Attorney-in-fact of TIM Celular S.A.
ID SSP-PR No. 3055777-8


ID SSP-DF No. 435.023

ID SSP-PR No. 10.608



Federative Republic of Brazil – National Press

Published on April 30, 2008

PARTIES : National Telecommunications Agency – Anatel and TIM CELULAR S.A. CNPJ No. 04.206.050/0001-80 TYPE: TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 58/2008/SPV – ANATEL, resulting from Act No. 1968, of March 26, 2008, published in the Union Gazette – DOU, of March 28, 2008. PURPOSE: Concession of Authorization for Use of Radiofrequency Blocks, in Sub-range(s) “I” (1,955 MHz to 1,965 MHz for transmission of Mobile Stations and 2,145 MHz to 2,155 MHz for transmission of Base Radio Stations),  municipalities of Pelotas, Morro Redondo, Capão do Leão e Turuçu, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul., for the term of 15 (fifteen) years, counted from the date of publication of this statement, for remuneration, associated to the Authorization for the Provision of Personal Mobile Service – SMP, TERM OF AUTHORIZATION No. 050/2004/SPV-ANATEL, of December 30, 2004, published in DOU of January 14, 2005, being subject to extension, a single time, for an equal period, for remuneration, its term being subject to the maintenance of the requirements contemplated in the respective term, as defined in Bid Notice No. 002/2007/SPV – ANATEL. EXECUTION DATE: April 29, 2008. SIGNATORIES: JARBAS JOSÉ VALENTE, Private Services Superintendent of Anatel and PAULO ROBERTO DA COSTA LIMA and LEANDRO ENRIQUE LOBO GUERRA, Attorneys-in-Fact of TIM CELULAR S.A.



Municipalities without SMP (Year 1/Year 2)

AM: Amaturá; Envira; Guajará; Itamarati; Juruá; Tonantins.
MA : Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Boa Vista do Gurupi; Buriti; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueiras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luís Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhãs; Palmeirândia; Paraibano; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Ribamar Fiquene; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São Felix de Balsas; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro dos Crentes; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Sitio Novo; Tasso Fragoso; Timbiras; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire; Governador Nunes Freire; Penalva;
PA: Anajás; Aveiro; Bonito; Chaves; Colares; Floresta do Araguaia; Gurupá; Magalhães Placas; Barata Santa Cruz do Arari; São João do Araguaia; Novo Progresso.
RR: Amajari; Bonfim; Normandia.
ES: Bom Jesus do Norte.
PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Epitaciolândia.
GO: Alto Horizonte; Amaral na; Arenópolis; Bonópolis; Campinaçu; Campos Verdes; Diorama; Montividiu do Norte; Mutunópolis; Nova Iguaçu de Goiás; Nova Roma; Santa Fé de Goiás; Santo Antônio de Goiás; Trombas; Turvelândia; Uirapuru.
MS : Japorã; Juti.
MT: Apiacás; Campinápolis; Campos de Júlio; Cocalinho; Nova Maringá; Novo São Joaquim; Porto dos Gaúchos; Rio Branco; São José do Xingu.
RO : Cabixi; Cacaulândia; Castanheiras; Chupinguaia; Nova União; Parecis; Pimenteiras do Oeste; Primavera de Rondônia; Rio Crespo; São Felipe D'Oeste; Seringueiras; Teixeirópolis; Vale do Anari.
RS: Boa Vista do Incra; Braga; Capão do Cipó; Eugênio de Castro; Garruchos; Ivorá; Jari; Lagoa dos Três Cantos; Maçambara; Nova Alvorada; Nova Bréscia; Paim Filho; Pinhal da Serra; Pirapó; Pontão; Quevedos; Santo Expedito do Sul; Toropi; Tunas; Tupanci do Sul; Ubiretama; Vanini; Vitória das Missões.
TO: Bom Jesus do Tocantins; Esperantina; Itaguatins; Palmeiras do Tocantins; Praia Norte; Tupirama.
Agronômica; Alto Bela Vista; Anchieta; Arabutã; Arroio Trinta; Arvoredo; Bela Vista do Toldo; Braço do Trombudo; Calmon; Caxambu do Sul; Chapadão do Lageado; Dona Emma; Doutor Pedrinho; Erval Velho; Gaivão; Guatambú; Ibiam; Ibicaré; Imbuia; Iguaçu; Ipum.irim; Iraceminha; Lacerdópolis; Lindóia do Sul; Macieira; Major Vieira;  Matos Costa; Mirim Doce; Morro Grande; Nova Itaberaba; Paial; Passo de Torres; Peritiba; Presidente Castello Branco; Riqueza; Romelândia; Salto Veloso; Santa Rosa de Lima; Santa Terezinha; São João do Itaperiú; São João do Oeste; São Martinho; Treviso; Treze de Maio; Vargeão; Vidal Ramos; Vitor Meireles; Witmarsum; Xavantina;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area )
Abatiá; Altamira do Paraná; Ângulo; Arapuã; Ariranha do Ivaí; Barra do Jacaré; Boa Esperança; Cafeara; Campina do Simão; Corumbataí do Sul; Cruzmaltina; Espigão Alto do Iguaçu; Farol; Fénix; Floraí; Floresta; Flórida; Francisco Alves; Godoy Moreira; Honório Serpa; Janiópolis; Jundiaí do Sul; Lidianópolis; Lobato; Luiziana; Maripá; Mato Rico; Miraselva; Munhoz de Melo; Nova América da Colina; Nova Santa Rosa; Nova Tebas; Novo Itacolomi; Ouro Verde do Oeste; Pato Bragado; Prado Ferreira; Pranchita; Quarto Centenário; Rancho Alegre D'Oeste; Rio Bom; Rio Branco do Ivaí; Sabáudia; Santa Inês; Santo Antônio do Paraíso; Santo Inácio; São Jorge d’Oeste; São José da Boa Vista; Saudade do Iguaçu; Uniflor; Verê;



MG (Except Sercomtel Area)
Água Branca; Aguiar; Amparo; Assunção; Belém do Brejo do Cruz; Bernardino Batista; Bom Jesus; Bom Sucesso; Bonito de Santa Fé; Borborema; Brejo do Cruz; Brejo dos Santos; Cachoeira dos Índios; Cacimbas; Caldas Brandão; Camalaú Carrapateira; Catingueira; Congo; Coxixola; Emas; lgaracy; Imaculada; Jericó; Junco do Seridó; Juru; Lagoa; Livramento; Maraína; Matinhas; Mato Grosso; Monte Horebe; Nova Olinda; Olho d'Agua; Ouro Velho; Parati; Paulista; Pilões; Poço Dantas; Poço de José de Moura; Prata; Riacho dos Cavalos; Salgadinho; Santa Helena; Santana dos Garrotes; Santarém; São João do Rio do Peixe; São João do Tigre; São José de Piranhas; São José de Princesa; São José do Brejo do Cruz; São José do Sabugi; São José dos Cordeiros; São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro; Serra Branca; Serraria; Soledade; Tavares; Triunfo; Uiraúna; Várzea; Zabelê;
Betânia; Caetés; Carnaíba; Cedro; Dormentes; Flores; Granito; Inajá; Itapetim; Manari; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Santa Cruz; Santa Filomena; Tacaratu; Tupanatinga; Vertentes;
Campo Grande;
Aroazes; Baixa Grande do Ribeiro; Barra D’Alcântara; Brasileira; Curimatá; Francinópolis; Gilbués; Itaueira; Jaicós; Lagoa do Sítio; Novo Oriente do Piauí; Prata do Piauí; Ribeiro Gonçalves; Santa Cruz dos Milagrs; Santa Filomena; São Félix do Piauí; São Miguel da Baixa Grande; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Várzea Grande;
Almiro Afonso; Antônio Martins; Augusto Severo; Bodó; Cerro Corá; Felipe Guerra; Florânia; Francisco Dantas; Frutuoso Gomes; Governador Dix-Sept; Rosado; Ipueira; Janduís; João Dias; José da Penha; Lagoa Nova; Lucrécia; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Messias Targino; Olho-d’Água do Borges; Paraná; Paraú; Patu; Pilões; Portalegre; Rafael Fernandes; Rafael Godeiro; Riacho da Cruz; Rodolfo Fernandes; São Fernando; São Francisco do Oeste; São João do Sabugi; São Tomé; São Vicente; Serra Negra do Norte; Serrinha dos Pintos; Severiano Melo; Taboleiro Grande; Tenente Ananias; Tenente Laurentino Cruz; Timbaúba dos Batistas; Triunfo Potiguar; Upanema; Viçosa;
Aiuaba; Arneiroz; Caritas; Carnaubal; Ererê; Hidrolândia; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Novo Oriente; Pires Ferreira; Poranga; Portiretama; Quiterianópolis; Solonópole; Bela Cruz; Itarema;
BA: Abaíra; Andorinha; Antônio Gonçalves; Aramar; Barra do Mendes; Barro Alto; Biritinga; Boninal; Botuporã; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Caturama; Cipó; Cocos; Condeúba; Contendas do Sincorá; Coribe; Dom Basilio; Érico Cardoso; Gentio do Ouro; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibipitanga; Ibitiara; Ibititá; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Iuiú; Jacaraci; Jiquiriçá; Jussiape; Lagoa Real; Lajedo do Tabocal; Licínio do Almeida; Maiquinique; Marcioníliio Souza; Mascote; Matina; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Nordestina; Nova Redenção; Novo Horizonte; Palmeiras; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu; Ribeirão do Largo; Rio do Pires; Sátiro Dias; Saubara; Sebastião Laranjeiras; Serra Dourada; Souto Soares; Urandi; Cachoeira.





Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 5, Year 6, Year 7/Year 8)

AM: Autazes; Boca do Acre.
MA: Amapá do Maranhão; Benedito Leite; Bequimão; Carolina; Central do Maranhão; Centro Novo do Maranhão; Duque Bacelar; Estreito; Feira Nova do Maranhão; Fortaleza dos Nogueieras; Godofredo Viana; Gonçalves Dias; Governador Archer; Governador  Eugênio Barros; Governador Newton Bello; Guimarães; Igarapé Grande; Lima Campos; Loreto; Luis Domingues; Magalhães de Almeida; Nova Colinas; Olho d'Água das Cunhas; Palmeirândia; Paulo Ramos; Peri Mirim; Pirapemas; Porto Franco; Sambaíba; Santo Antônio dos Lopes; São Bernardo; São João do Paraíso; São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão; São Pedro da Água Branca; São Raimundo das Mangabeiras; São Vicente Ferrer; Timbiras; Turilândia; Vila Nova dos Martírios; Vitorino Freire.
PA: Cana dos Carajás; Curionópolis; Marapanim; Mocajuba; Ourém; Ourilândia do Norte; Tucumã.
RR: Mucajaí.
ES Alfredo Chaves; Anchieta; Baixo Guandu; Boa Esperança; Conceição do Castelo; Guaçuí; Ibiraçu; Iconha; Jerônimo Monteiro; João Neiva; Montanha; Muqui; Rio Novo do Sul; Santa Teresa; São Gabriel da Palha; Sooretama; Vargem Alta.
RJ: Areal; Cantagalo; Carapebus; Casimiro de Abreu; Comendador Levy Gasparian; Cordeiro; Duas Barras; Italva; Itaocara; Macuco; Miracema; Paty do Alferes; Porciúncula; Quissamã; Rio das Flores; Santa Maria Madalena; Sapucaia.
AC/ DF/ GO/ MS/ MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area)/ RO/ RS/ TO
AC: Acrelândia.
GO: Alto Paraíso de Goiás; Bom Jesus de Goiás; Britânia; Cachoeira Alta; Caçu; Campinorte; Corumbá de Goiás; Crixás; Firminópolis; Jandaia; Joviânia; Montividiu; Mozarlândia; Nerópolis; Posse; Santa Rita do Araguaia; São Miguel do Araguaia; Vianópolis.
MS: Agua Clara; Anaurilândia; Aparecida do Taboado; Bandeirantes; Bodoquena; Camapuã; Cassilândia; Costa Rica; Deodápolis; Fátima do Sul; Glória de Dourados; Iguatemi; Inocência; Itaquiraí; Ivinhema; Jardim; Maracaju; Selvíria; Sonora.
MT: Arenápolis; Campo Novo do Parecis; Canarana; Colíder; Colniza; Comodoro; Lucas do Rio Verde; Porto Esperidião; São José dos Quatro Marcos; Sapezal; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade.
RO : Cerejeiras; Colorado do Oeste; Monte Negro.
RS : Agudo; Aratiba; Arroio do Meio; Augusto Pestana; Barracão; Caibaté; Campina das Missões; Cândido Godói; Carlos Barbosa; Cerro Largo; Chuí; Crissiumal; David Canabarro; Dois Irmãos; Encantado; Estrela; Flores da Cunha; Frederico Westphalen; Garibaldi; Guaporé; Horizontina; Imigrante; Ivoti; Lagoa Vermelha; Marcelino Ramos; Mata; Nova Prata; Portão; Porto Lucena; Porto Xavier; Quaraí; Roque Gonzales; São Francisco de Assis; São Jerônimo; Serafina Corrêa; Taquari; Terra de Areia; Teutônia; Três Coroas; Três de Maio; Três Forquilhas; Três Passos; Triunfo; Veranópolis.
TO: Alvorada; Araguaçu; Araguatins; Arraias; Augustinópolis; Colinas do Tocantins; Figueirópolis; Formoso do Araguaia; Guaraí; Miracema do Tocantins; Natividade; Pedro
Afonso; Peixe; Taguatinga; Tocantinópolis; Xambioá.
Abelardo Luz; Agrolândia; Alfredo Wagner; Armazém; Balneário Piçarras; Benedito Novo; Bom Retiro; Campo Belo do Sul; Campo Erê; Capinzal; Catanduvas; Cunha Porã; Descanso; Forquilhinha; Guaraciaba; Ipira; Irani; Itá; Itaiópolis; Itapoá; Jaborá; Joaçaba; Laurentino; Lontras; Maravilha; Meleiro; Orleans; Pinhalzinho; Piratuba; Pomerode; Quilombo; Rio do Oeste; Salete; Sangão; São Domingos; São João Batista; São Lourenço do Oeste; São Ludgero; Saudades; Sombrio; Tangará; Tijucas; Três Barras; Treze Tílias; Trombudo Central; Xaxim.
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Arapoti; Assis Chateaubriand; Astorga; Barracão; Bela Vista do Paraíso; Borrazópolis; Cafelândia; Cambará; Cândido de Abreu; Candói; Capanema; Capitão Leônidas; Marques; Carambeí; Carlópolis; Cerro Azul; Chopinzinho; Cidade Gaúcha; Clevelândia; Colorado; Corbélia; Coronel Vivida; Cruz Machado; Cruzeiro do Oeste; Cruzeiro do Sul;





Curiúva; Entre Rios do Oeste; Faxinal; Figueira; Goioerê; Guaíra; Ibaiti; Ibema; Inácio Martins; Ipiranga; Ivaí; Ivaiporã; Jaguapitã; Japurá; Jardim Alegre; Jataizinho; Joaquim Távora; Jussara; Loanda; Mallet; Mangueirinha; Manoel Ribas; Marmeleiro; Missal; Moreira Sales; Nova Aurora; Nova Esperança; Nova Fátima; Nova Londrina; Palmital; Palotina; Pérola; Piral do Sul; Planalto; Pontal do Paraná; Porecatu; Quatiguá; Quatro Barras; Querência do Norte; Ribeirão Claro; Roncador; Rondon; Santa Fé; Santa Helena; Santa Isabel do Ivai; Santa Izabel do Oeste; São Carlos do Ivaí; São João; São João do Ivaí; São João do Triunfo; São Miguel do Iguaçu; São Pedro do Ivai; Sengéss; Teixeira Soares; Terra Roxa; Tibagi; Tomazina; Tupãssi; Ubiratã; Wenceslau Braz;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Alhandra; Belém; Bonito de Santa Fe; Brejo do Cruz; Caaporã; Caldas Brandão; Catolé do Rocha; Conceição; Coremas; Cuité; Esperança; Imaculada; Itaporanga; Jericó; Manaíra; Mari; Monteiro; Paulista; Picuí; Princesa Isabel; Remígio; Santa Luzia; Santana dos Garrotes; São Bentinho; São Bento; São João do Rio do Peixe; São José de Piranhas; Serra Branca; Soledade; Sumé; Tavares; Uiraúna;
Agrestina; Altinho; Araçoiaba; Betânia; Caetés; Camocim de São Felix; Carnaíba; Cedro; Condado; Dormentes; Feira Nova; Fernando de Noronha; Flores; Gameleira; Inajá; Ipubi; Itapetim; Mirandiba; Moreilândia; Orocó; Passira; Sairé; Tacaratu; Taquaritinga do Norte; Toritama; Triunfo; Tupanatinga;   Vertentes;
Anadia; Cajueiro; Lagoa da Canoa; Monteirópolis; Pão de Açúcar
Água Branca; Barro Duro; Bom Jesus; Brasileira; Cocal; Corrente; Curimatá; Gilbués; Inhuma; Itaueira; Jaicós; Paulistana; Piracuruca; Ribeiro Gonçalves; São João do Piauí; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piauí; São Raimundo Nonato; Simões; Simplício Mendes; Valença do Piauí.
Alto do Rodrigues; Augusto Severo; Baraúna; Cerro Corá; Florânia; Governador Dix-
Sept Rosado; Itajá; Jardim de Piranhas; Jardim do Seridó; Jucurutu; Lagoa Nova; Lajes; Luís Gomes; Marcelino Vieira; Parelhas; Patu; Pau dos Ferros; Riachuelo; Santa Maria; Santana do Matos; Santo Antônio; São João do Sabugi; São Miguel; Serra Negra do Norte; Tenente Ananias; Umarizal; Upanema;
Aiuaba; Barro; Cariús; Carnaubal; Forquilha; Guararniranga; Ibiapina; Icapuí; Independência; Ipaporanga; Iracema; Jaguaribara; Jijoca de Jericoacoara; Marco; Milhã; Monsenhor Tabosa; Pacoti; Paraipaba; Poranga; Quiterianópolis; São João do Jaguaribe; Solonópole; Ubajara; Uruburetama; Varjota;
BA : Abaíra; Alcobaça; Andorinha; Barra do Mendes; Biritinga; Brotas de Macaúbas; Canudos; Capim Grosso; Cocos; Condeúba; Coribe; Glória; Ibiassucê; Ibicoara; Ibititá; botirama; Igaporã; Ipupiara; Itaeté; Itiruçu; Lagoa Real; Licínio de Almeida; Luís Eduardo Magalhães; Mascote; Mortugaba; Mulungu do Morro; Piatã; Pindaí; Pindobaçu ; Riachão do Jacuípe; Rio do Pires; São Felix do Coribe; Serra Dourada; Sobradinho; Urandi.
SE : Canindé de São Francisco; Japaratuba; Pirambu; Riachão do Dantas; Ribeirópolis,




Municipalities with population below 30,000 inhabitants (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5/Year 6)

MT/ PR (Sercomtel Area) /RO/
Cachoeira Dourada;
PR (Except Sercomtel Area)
Biritiba-Mirim; Bom Jesus dos Perdões; Joanópolis; Pinhalzinho; Vargem; Álvares Machado; Apiaf; Arealva; Ariranha; Caconde; Cananéia; Cardoso; Castilho; Chavantes; Conchas; Cristais Paulista; Divinolândia; Dois Córregos; Dourado; Dumont; Echaporã; Flórida Paulista; General Salgado; Getulina; Guaiçara; Guapiara; Guarantã; Guareí; Herculândia; Ibirá; Ibirarema; Igaraçu do Tietê; Iguape; Ilha Comprida; Ipeúna; Irapuru; Itariri; Jacupiranga; Junqueirópolis; Luís Antônio; Macaubal; Magda; Miracatu; Miranópolis; Neves Paulista; Nhandeara; Nova Europa; Oriente; Pacaembu; Panorama; Patrocínio Paulista; Pedro de Toledo; Pirapozinho; Pompéia; Potim; Ribeirão Branco; Riolândia; Rosana; Salto Grande; Santo Antônio do Aracanguá; São Sebastião da Grama; Taguaí; Tapiratiba; Teodoro Sampaio; Tupi Paulista; Urupês; Valentim Gentil; Vista Alegre do Alto; Altinópolis; Colômbia; Ipuã;
MG (Except CTBC Area)
Abaeté; Abre Campo; Açucena; Água Boa; Águas Formosas; Alto Caparaó; Alto Rio Doce; Arinos; Augusto de Lima; Bambuí; Belo Oriente; Belo Vale; Bueno Brandão; Buritis; Buritizeiro; Cabo Verde; Cachoeira de Minas; Camanducaia; Candeias; Careaçu; Carmo do Rio Claro; Carmópolis de Minas; Catas Altas; Cláudio; Coração de Jesus; Corinto; Coromandel; Cristais; Cristina; Divino; Dona Eusébia; Espera Feliz; Eugenópolis; Extrema; Fervedouro; Francisco Sá; Fronteira; Galiléia; Grão Mogol; Guaranésia; Guarani; Ibiá; Inhapim; Itacarambi; Itamarandiba; Itambacuri; Itamogi; Itaobim; Itapecerica; Itapeva; Itaú de Minas; Jacutinga; Jequeri; Jequitaí; Jequitinhonha; Juatuba; Juraia; Manga; Manhumirim; Matias Cardoso; Mato Verde; Mercês; Mesquita; Miradouro; Miraí; Monsenhor Paulo; Monte Azul; Monte Belo; Monte Sião; Mutum; Muzambinho; Nova Porteirinha; Padre Paraíso; Pains; Paraisópolis; Peçanha; Pedra Azul; Pedra do Indaiá; Pedras de Maria da Cruz; Perdizes; Piranga; Poço Fundo; Pouso Alto; Resplendor; Rio Acima; Rio Novo; Rio Pardo de Minas; Santa Bárbara do Leste; Santa Margarida; Santa Rita de Caldas; Santo Antônio do Monte; São Geraldo; São Gonçalo do Sapucaí; São João da Ponte; São João do Paraíso; São Thomé das Letras; São Tiago São Vicente de Minas; Serra do Salitre; Simão Pereira; Soledade de Minas; Teixeiras; Turmalina; Varzelândia; Virginópolis;



Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of the municipalities without SMP (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I, or SMP rendered in remaining radio frequency sub-ranges)
Item 4.12, “a” and 4.12.1.
Servicing of municipalities with population below 30 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I);
Item 4.12, “b”, 4.12.2 E 4.12.3: Servicing of 60% of the total municipalities below 30 thousand inhabitants of the corresponding P Area
4.12.2.: Year 5
4.12.2.: Year 6
4.12.2.: Year 7
4.12.2.: Year 8
Year 1
Year 2
4.12.3.: Year 3
  4.12.3.: Year 4
4.12.3.: Year 5
4.12.3.: Year 6
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of Municipalities
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)
(Table continues)
Terms of Authorization
PGA I Region
Value of the Concession
Coverage Commitment
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 30 thousand inhabitants and smaller than 100 thousand inhabitants (SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I) Item 4.12.4.
Servicing of municipalities with population greater than 100 thousand inhabitants
(SMP rendered in radio frequency sub-ranges J, F, G or I)
Item 4.12.5
Year 1
Year 2
  Year 3
  Year 4
  Year 5
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
No of
Guarantee for the Execution of the Coverage Commitments (R$)
PR (Sercontel Area) / RO/ RS (Except CTMR) /TO
PR (Except Sercontel Area)
MG (Except CTBC Area)

Code of Ethics
Our Values
Article 1 - Proposition
Article 2 - Objectives and Values
Article 3 - Internal Control System
Article 4 - Stakeholders Relations
     4.1 Shareholders
     4.2 Customers
     4.3 Community
     4.4 Human Resources
     4.5 Market
Article 5 - Related Parties Transactions
Article 6 - Code Users' Conduct
Article 7 - Compliance With the Code
Article 8 - Monitiring and Review of the Code
Code of Ethics. Our values in practice.
You have already been introduced to our values. These are shared by all employees, responsible for the establishment of our corporate identity. The Code of Ethics presents the conduct in accordance with the culture and values of TIM. This is your guide to be practiced by you as best as possible. With the observance to the Code of Ethics, we are integrating our ideas and objectives in order to consolidate an identity more and more solid for the Company.
Read and observe the Code of Ethics of TIM. Tim grows and so do you.

Our Values
This value anticipates and positively influences the events, capturing and developing opportunities, formulating useful proposals and initiatives in pursuit of organizational objectives.
This value ensures through ethical and transparent conduct the strengthening of internal and external relations, based on loyalty and information exchange principles.
This value considers time as an important tool, the optimization of which impacts on service costs and the possibility of internal or external customer loyalty. Even when facing a complex situation and lack of information, it provides quick and efficient solutions.
He/she develops the skills required by his/her field of activity, conveying reliability and credibility to others. He/she is responsible for his/her self-development, using this professional improvement project, as his/her contribution to the success of TIM.
This value considers both the internal or external customer as its main employer and his/her satisfaction is an essential value. Our employees are able to anticipate or promptly answer the customers’ needs.
The team collaborates and acts together, minimizing conflicts and maximizing the exchange of information, promoting the utilization of all employees' contributions in pursuit of a common result.
This value ensures the development of innovative solutions, promoting new ideas to improve the existing processes and systems, thus, reinforcing TIM’s positioning in the market.
This value is directly responsible for reaching concrete results, assuming the challenges and risks assigned as a growth opportunity, without requiring the management to solve problems, which can be settled within the scope of employee’s own activity.

·      The Telecom Italia Group carries out its internal and external activities observing the principles included herein, which is the foundation of its organizational model and internal control system, certain that ethics when conducting business is also an essential condition to reach the company’s success.
·      In this scenario, Telecom Italia joined - and encourages the membership of all the Corporations of the Group - the Global Compact promoted by the United Nations (UN), on human rights, environmental protection, working conditions and combating corruption, ensuring full execution of this institutional commitment through the accomplishment of specific initiatives on subjects of an environmental and social character, with particular attention to the following areas of action: a) environmental policies, b) social policies related to child labor, the slave labor, health and safety, freedom of association and the right to collective hiring, non-discrimination, disciplinary procedures, the working hours, the pay c) relationships with suppliers in the purchase process of the Telecom Italia Gr o up.
What is Global Compact?
It is an initiative which proposes to the global business community the challenge of supporting worldwide the promotion of fundamental values in human rights, labor rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption areas.
·       Social entities, collaborators, managerial body, the service provider of all the Corporations of the Group, as well as the collaborators and third parties with a business relationship with the Group – within the limits of respective abilities, functions and responsibilities – shall observe this Code.
The Code of Ethics  presents the principles observed by Telecom Italia Group and it is the foundation of our organizational model and internal control system, as we consider ethics when conducting business a factor which influences the company’s success.
You must observe it according to your authority, duties and responsibilities.  

·      The basic objective of Telecom Italia Group Companies is the generation of sustainable value for shareholders, in accordance with the principles contained herein. For such purpose, the industrial and financial strategies and resulting operational activities must be guided based on the efficient employment of resources.
The basic objective of Telecom Italia Group Companies is to generate value for our shareholders. Such goal is reached by efficiently using resources. Thus, all the industrial and financial strategies must be guided so that the achievement of such objective is possible.
·   The Group Companies:
In the condition of active members and responsible for the communities in which they operate, they have the commitment to comply and make others comply with, internally, the laws in force in the countries where they perform their activity and the ethical principles usually accepted, according to the international standards, in the conduction of businesses:  Transparency, honesty and loyalty.
The Group Companies are active members and responsible for their community and must observe the governing laws of the countries where they operate.
In addition, Telecom Italia Group Companies observe the following International Principles of Ethics:
They must refuse and condemn the use of illegal behavior or somehow incorrect (in relation to the community, public authorities, customers, workers, investors, suppliers, and competitors) in order to reach their own economic objectives, which must be exclusively pursued through the excellence of their products and services in terms of quality and the cost-benefit, based on experience, customer service, and innovation.
In order to reach their economic objectives, the Companies must not make use of illegal or incorrect behavior. They must endeavor to improve the excellence of their products and services. Experience, customer service and innovation are the basic precepts for this to happen.
They must adopt organizational instruments capable of preventing infringement to laws and to the principles of transparency, honesty and loyalty on the part of employees and partners, as well as take measures ensuring that such instruments are respected and effectively implemented.
They must ensure to the market, investors and the community in general full transparency about their activities, always safekeeping the strategic information.
They must endeavor all their efforts to promote a loyal competition, which takes into account from their self-benefit, as well as from the benefit of all operators in the market, their customers, and stakeholders in general.
Who are the stakeholders?
Stakeholders are every person and companies influencing or being impacted by the actions of a business organization. The company which respects stakeholders understands that its target public is not only the end consumer but all the segments related to its activity.
Customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, competitors, government and even the next generations are examples of TIM stakeholders.
They must pursue excellence and market competitiveness, providing its customers with high quality products and services and which efficiently meet their requirements.
They must be aware of the strategic relevance of the services they render for the welfare and development of the communities where they operate.
They must protect and acknowledge their human resources.
They must employ the resources with responsibility, pursuing sustainable development, respecting the environment and the rights of future generations.
They shall take the initiative of performing acts of liberality on behalf of bodies and entities without profitable ends, through initiatives of a humanitarian, cultural, social and Sporting character, which represent concrete actions that create added-value to shareholders and stakeholders, yet under the view of an ethical and civil behavior;
They shall assure the proper planning and seasonable accomplishment of the objectives of the company, in strong logic with the strategic policies of the Telecom It a lia Group correlated, by having as a priority commitment the creation of value.
 Some duties of Telecom Italia Group Companies:
·   Business transparency;
·   To foster loyalty in competition;
·   To pursue excellence and market competitiveness;
·   To support welfare and development of the communities where they operate;
·   To acknowledge their human resources;
·   To pursue the sustainable development.

·       An efficient and effective internal control system is a necessary condition to the conduction of businesses in conformity with the principles of this Code.   In this context, the internal control system fits in as a process – constituted by rules, procedures and organizational structures – intended for the assurance of: a) the efficiency of the corporation and entrepreneur management; b) its recognition and check also by means of the traceability of acts and operations; c) the reliability on accounting and management information; d) the compliance with laws and rules of each source and the protection of the entrepreneur integral, in order to prevent frauds that brings damages for the Corporations of the Grupo Telecom Itália and for the financial markets. In this way, everyone for which this Code is intended for shall contribute s o that the system run properly .
·      The proper specification of duties and responsibilities, with a coherent allocation of delegation of the operational activities and the reliability of the accounting and management data are especially important aspects of the internal control system.
·      The survey, registration, elaboration and presentation of the accounting, administrative and managerial data, according to the modalities and within the terms estimated by the applicable norms and aligned to the entrepreneur procedures, represent a priority objective for the Group Corporations. The achievement of this objective  - for which it is necessary the contribution of all users of the Code – is primary responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer, of Chief Financial Officer, and of the people in charge of the accountancy and of the operational control of each Corporation of the Group .
Accounting and management data
The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer are the main persons in charge of collection, maintenance, processing, and dissemination of accounting and management data.

4.1 Shareholders
The Group Companies commit themselves to ensure equal treatment to all shareholder categories, avoiding preferential treatment. The advantages derived from pertaining to a business group must be ensured, observing the applicable rules and the individual interest of each one of the Companies in the profitability of their activities and value generation for their shareholders.
Equal treatment among shareholders is ensured by the Group Companies. Thus, behavior benefiting any category of shareholders is disapproved.

4.2 Customers
The Corporations of the Group has based the excellence of products and services offered on the attention to the customers and on the intention of meeting their orders. The primary objective pursued is assuring an immediate, qualified and competent response directed to the customers’ requirements, establishing their behavior on honesty, politeness and collaboration under a logic of focus in the customer, complying with specific principles of discipline established by the procedures. In this context, the activity of collaboration with consumers associations, through the stipulation of specific agreements on the issue is also valorized.
4.2.2 - Competitors
The Corporations of the Group shall make their best efforts to promote a loyal competition, deemed functional in meeting the interests of the Group and of all market operators, customers and stakeholders in general.
4.2.3 - Suppliers
The Corporations of the Group shall assure that the purchase processes are intended for the supplying of goods/services with the best conditions in the market, assuring at the same time the requirements of quality, safety and environmental respect.
4.2.4 - Institutions
The Corporations of the Group want to keep a relationship of collaboration and transparency with the national and supranational institutions, with the objective of facilitate the conversation on themes of specific interest.
4.2.5 –Environment
The Corporations of the Group aims at achieving their own strategy in respect of environment on the following principles: Improve the utilization of energy sources and natural resources, minimize the negative environmental impacts and maximize the positive impacts, support the dissemination of culture in a proper approach on environmental themes, assure the interest in a continuous improvement of the environmental patrimony, adopt sensitive purchase policies to the environmental themes.
Our Customers
We must ensure prompt and qualified response, addressing the customers' needs, and based on honesty, courtesy and collaboration.

4.3 Community
·       The Group Companies intend to contribute to economic welfare and the development of communities where they operate, through efficient and state-of-the-art services.
·       Consistent with said objectives and responsibilities undertaken before several stakeholders, the Group Companies must identify at research and innovation a priority condition for growth and success.
·       In accordance with their nature as private companies and related requirements of an economically efficient management, the Group Companies when making choices must take into account the social relevance of the telecommunication services and endeavor efforts to meet communities' needs, including their weaker elements.
To offer efficient and high technology services is how Telecom Italia Group contributes to the economic welfare and to the growth of the communities where the company operates. Its Companies must consider the social relevance of telecommunication services, endeavoring efforts to meet the community's needs.
Research and innovation must be considered as essential for the growth and success of the company.
·      Aware of the importance of the service rendered and resulting responsibilities before the community, the Group Companies maintain relations with public local, federal and supranational authorities, based on the full and effective collaboration and transparency, respecting the role of each one of them, as well as the economic objectives and the values contained in this Code.
·      The Group Companies are favorable and when this is the case, they support social, cultural and educational initiatives focused on individual development and improvement of life conditions.
·      The Group Companies will not make contributions of any kind neither to political parties or the workers union organizations , nor to their representatives or candidates, thus, ensuring the compliance with the applicable legislation.
Relationship with Social Institutions
The Group Companies must take into account their Social Responsibility. They must maintain a transparent relationship with the public authorities and are not allowed to allocate any kind of contribution or advantage to political parties, rather than those provided for by law. To stimulate and support social, cultural and educational initiatives, aimed at improving individual's life quality is also one of the companies' duties.
·     The Group Companies believe that the worldwide sustainable growth , in light of the common interest of all current and future stakeholders. Therefore, their business and investment choices must be based on respect to the environment and to the public health.
·     The Group Companies must take into account the environmental issues when taking their decisions and going beyond the applicable legislation requires - when this is operational and economically feasible - technologies and production methods in harmony with the environment, in order to reduce the environmental impact of their activities.
The Group Companies believe in the practice that leads to a sustainable development, preserving the natural heritage for future generations. The investments and operations of Telecom Italia Group must be chosen considering the respect to the environment and to the public health. Technologies and production methods must be in harmony with the environment, in order to reduce their impacts.

4.4 Human Resources
·      The Group Companies acknowledge the core relevance of human resources, convinced that the main success factor for any company is represented by contribution of people who work in it, under a context of loyalty and mutual trust.
·       The Corporations of the Group shall defend the safety and healthy in the work places and consider essential, in the performance of the economic activity, the respect to the workers rights. The management in the work relationship shall be guided in order to assure equal opportunities and provide the professional growth of each collaborator .
People Management
The main success factor of any company is represented by the contribution of the people who work in it. The Group Companies must ensure the safety of their employees at the workplaces and respect their labor rights. Moreover, they must offer equal opportunities and favor the employees' professional growth.

4.5 Market
·      The Group Companies acknowledge the relevance of correct information about their activities for the market, the investors and the community in general.
·      Once ensured the confidentiality requirements inherent to their business, the Group Companies assume the transparency as their objective in their relations with every stakeholder . The Group Companies must especially provide information to the market and the investors , complying with criteria of honesty, directness and equal access to information.
·      The disclosure of information to third parties must be ruled by specific internal procedures, observing the applicable rules.
The disclosure of correct information about their activities must be one of the main concerns of the Group Companies. They are supposed to assume transparency as their objective in the relations with every Stakeholder, being careful to disclose information to the market with honesty, directness and equal access. Internal procedures must be observed for the disclosure of information to third parties.
om honestidade, clareza e igualdade de acesso. Para a divulgação de dados para terceiros, os procedimentos internos devem ser seguidos.

The Group Companies' activities must be guided by honesty and transparency principles. For such purpose, related parties transactions, including intercompany transactions, must ensure substantial honesty and procedural integrity, through the compliance with the business conduct rules applicable to such transactions, upon which the market must be duly informed.
The related parties operations and transactions, including intercompany transactions, must ensure substantial honesty and procedural integrity.

·    The conduct and business relations of the social entities, administrators and everyone working to the Group Companies must be based on the compliance with the applicable rules, this Code and the Companies' own procedures.
The conduct of Telecom Italia Group’s employees must be based on:
·       the compliance with the applicable rules;
·       the provisions of this Code of Ethics;
·       the Companies’ own procedures.
The persons to whom this code is addressed are not allowed to:
pursue personal or third parties' interests to the detriment of the interest of the Company where they work;
improperly explore, for personal or third parties' interests, the name or the reputation of the Company to which they work or of the Group, as well as information or business opportunities obtained as a result of the performance of their duties;
use Company's assets for purposes different from these are destined.
The persons to whom this Code is addressed must abstain themselves from performing activities (whether or not paid) and conduct not compatible with the obligations arising from their relations with the Company where they work.
Not allowed conduct
The employees are not allowed to place their personal interests above the Companies’ interests. They must neither use the name or reputation of the Company for their own benefit, nor even information or business opportunities they are aware of in the exercise of their activities. Activities, behavior and conduct not compatible with their responsibilities and obligations at the Company must also be avoided.
·     The Group Companies' employees must report to their chiefs any conflict of interests, whether potential, direct or indirect, in relation to the Company where they work. In case of doubts about the existence of conflict of interests, the employees must comply with the provisions of this Code.
·      People for whom this Code is intended for shall assure the confidentiality of any information obtained in the exercise of their functions, in compliance with the discipline estimated by the specific internal procedure, obeying the classification confidentiality profile and information management.  The handling of confidential information, specially in relation to the sensitive information, that is, which may cause impact on the prices of products, services or real estate values (price sensitive information), shall be ruled – observing the applicable norms – by the specific internal procedures.
Confidentiality of information
The employees must maintain the confidentiality of the information obtained in the exercise of their duties. The treatment of confidential information is defined by special internal procedures.

·    The collaborators themselves, advisers, service providers and third parties with relationship of work with the Group, shall promptly inform the person in charge of the Corporation Internal Control for which they work, directly or through an immediate superior, the accomplishment of the modalities indicated by the specific internal procedures, searching for the non-anonymous manner in the communication in the cases below:
·    The employees must promptly inform the person in charge of the Company's internal control to which they work for, directly or through their chief about any:
b reach or encouragement to breach of the norms of law or rule, of the prescriptions of this Code, of internal procedures;
i rregularity or negligence on the accounting registers or related documents, or yet in the compliance with obligations referred to the financial or internal administrative reports.
eventual request for clarifications on the evaluation of honesty of themselves or others, as well as possible deficiencies of this Code or propositions of modification and/or integration of the Code itself.
·    The person in charge of the internal control must examine the information received in order to investigate the facts and take the necessary measures, including proposals to punish the guilty ones, when necessary, observing the procedures established in the applicable rules, collective agreements and contracts .
·   The person who in good faith reports eventual situations of disrespect to this Code must not suffer any adverse consequences. His/her name will be maintained in confidentiality, unless otherwise provided for by law.
·    The Internal Control and Corporate Governance Committee and the Audit Board / Comitee must be properly informed about the reports received by the persons in charge of the internal control, as well as the measures taken accordingly.
Informing about inadequate conduct
In case of eventual infringements to the laws in force, to the Code of Ethics or to the internal procedures, the employees must immediately inform these irregularities to the person in charge of the internal control. The identity of employee providing such information will be preserved, observing the laws in force.

This code shall be the object of annual control and if the need of updating by the Council of Administration of the TIM Interests, through previous recommendation of the Internal Control Committee and Corporate Governance is verified, observed, yet, the opinion of the Fiscal Council/Audit Committee, which may also submit proposals for the Council of Administration.
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I, Luca Luciani, certify that:
1.        I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. ;
2.        Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3.        Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
4.      The company’s other certifying officers and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the company and have:
Designed such disclosure controls and procedures or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
Evaluated the effectiveness of the company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
Disclosed in this report any change in the company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the company’s internal control over financial reporting; and
5.        The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the company’s auditors and to the audit committee of the company’s b oard of d irectors (or persons performing the equivalent function s ):
All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and
Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the company’s internal control over financial reporting.
Date: June 26 , 200 9
/s/ Luca Luciani
Luca Luciani
Chief Executive Officer



I,   Claudio Zezza , certify that:
1.        I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of TIM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. ;
2.        Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3.        Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
4.      The company’s other certifying officers and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the company and have:
Designed such disclosure controls and procedures or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
Evaluated the effectiveness of the company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
Disclosed in this report any change in the company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the company’s internal control over financial reporting; and
5.        The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the company’s auditors and to the audit committee of the company’s b oard of d irectors (or persons performing the equivalent function s ):
All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and
Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the company’s internal control over financial reporting.
Date: June 26 , 2008
/s/ Claudio Zezza
Claudio Zezza
Chief Financial Officer


The certification set forth below is being submitted in connection with the Annual Report on December 31, 2008 for the purpose of complying with Rule 13a-14(b) or Rule 15d-14(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) and Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United States Code.

Luca Luciani , the Chief Executive Officer, and Claudio Zezza , the Chief Financial Officer of TIM Participações S.A. , each certifies that, to the best of their respective knowledge:

the Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of TIM Participações S.A.

Rio de Janeiro, June 26 , 2009

/s   / Luca Luciani
Luca Luciani
Chief Executive Officer

/s   / Claudio Zezza
Claudio Zezza
Chief Financial Officer