(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         PUERTO RICO                                            66-0555678
-------------------------------                             -------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                              (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                             Identification No.)

    1441 F.D. Roosevelt Avenue
       San Juan, Puerto Rico                                           00920
---------------------------------------                              ----------
(Address of principal executive offices)                             (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code      (787) 749-4949

Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

Title of each class                        Name of each exchange on
to be so registered                        which each class is to be registered
-------------------                        ------------------------------------

None                                       None

Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

Common Stock, $40.00 Par Value

(Title of class)




Triple-S Management Corporation ("TSM") is incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. It is the holding company of several entities, through which it offers a wide range of insurance products and services. These products and services are offered through the following TSM's subsidiaries:

- Triple-S, Inc. ("TSI"), a health insurance company serving two major segments: the Commercial Program and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Healthcare Reform Program (the "Healthcare Reform") of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

- Seguros Triple-S, Inc. ("STS"), a property and casualty insurance company

- Seguros de Vida Triple-S, Inc. ("SVTS"), a life and disability insurance and annuity products company.

TSM's insurance subsidiaries, as well as other insurers doing business in Puerto Rico, are subject to the regulations and supervision of the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the "Commissioner of Insurance"). The regulation and supervision of the Commissioner of Insurance consist primarily of: the approval of policy forms and rates, when applicable, the standards of solvency that must be met and maintained by insurers and their agents, and the nature of and limitations on investments, deposits of securities for the benefit of policyholders, methods of accounting, periodic examinations and the form and content of reports of financial condition required to be filed, among others. In general, such regulations are for the protection of policyholders rather than security holders.

In addition to the insurance subsidiaries mentioned above, TSM has the following subsidiaries: Interactive Systems, Inc. ("ISI") and Triple-C, Inc. ("TCI"). ISI provides data processing services to Triple-S Management Corporation and its subsidiaries (the "Corporation"). Effective October 1, 2001, TCI was activated and commenced operations as part of a strategic positioning in the health industry to take advantage of new market opportunities. It is currently engaged as the third-party administrator in the administration of the Healthcare Reform. The Healthcare Reform business was administered through a division of TSI until September 30, 2001. It also provides healthcare advisory services to TSI and other health-related services.

TSM started to do business as the holding company on January 4, 1999, the effective date of the corporate reorganization described below. Before the reorganization (as defined herein), Triple-S, Inc. ("SSS"), a health insurance company, was the parent company of most of the subsidiaries previously described.


Effective January 4, 1999, SSS and its subsidiaries completed a tax-exempt corporate reorganization with the approval of the Department of Treasury and the Commissioner of Insurance of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the "Reorganization"). According with the Reorganization, the following transactions occurred:

- The stockholders of SSS exchanged in the same proportion their common stocks held for common shares of TSM.

- SSS transferred to TSM its investment in former wholly owned subsidiaries, amounting to $50.2 million. Such balance was comprised of SSS's capital contribution to its former wholly owned subsidiaries of $9.8 million, as well as the accumulated operating reserves and unrealized gains on securities classified as available-for-sale of the former wholly owned subsidiaries of $35.4 million and $4.9 million, respectively.

- SSS sold to TSM its real estate at their carrying value of $22.5 million at the date of the Reorganization. No gain or loss was recognized by SSS in relation to this transaction.

- SSS merged into Triple-S Salud, Inc. ("TSI") (a wholly owned subsidiary of TSM) and transferred to TSI its net assets of $139.4 million (excluding its investment in former subsidiaries), that include its accumulated operating reserves of $105 million and unrealized gains on securities classified as available-for-sale of $33.8 million.

- SSS ceased to exist and TSI changed its legal name to Triple-S, Inc.

The Reorganization was structured as a tax-exempt reorganization under the Puerto Rico Income Tax Code and the Puerto Rico Income Tax Act of 1954, as amended. A favorable determination letter approving the tax-exempt status of this reorganization was obtained from the Puerto Rico Treasury Department, subject to the Corporation's compliance with certain conditions (see note 15 of audited consolidated financial statements attached hereto as F-6, see Item 15).

As part of the Reorganization, TSM acquired another wholly owned subsidiary, FinaPri, Inc., which was engaged in the business of financing insurance premiums. This subsidiary was liquidated effective December 31, 1999.


This form and other publicly available documents may include statements that may constitute "forward looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, among other things: statements concerning financial condition, results of operations and business of the Corporation. These statements are not historical, but instead represent the Corporation's belief regarding future events, many of which, by their nature, are


inherently uncertain and outside of the Corporation's control. These statements may address, among other things, financial results, strategy for growth, and market position. It is possible that the Corporation's actual results and financial condition may differ, possibly materially, from the anticipated results and financial conditions indicated in these forward-looking statements. The factors that could cause actual results to differ from those in the forward-looking statements are discussed throughout this form for registration. The Corporation is not under any obligation to update or alter any forward-looking statement (and expressly disclaims any such obligations), whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by such forward looking statements include, but are not limited to, rising healthcare costs, business conditions and competition in the different insurance segments, government action and other regulatory issues.


During 2001, economic indicators showed a definite slowdown in Puerto Rico's economy. Gross National Product ("GNP") estimates showed a modest growth of 1.7% during 2001, the lowest expansion rate since 1993. The main factor driving this trend in Puerto Rico's economy was the slowdown and eventual recession experienced in the United States economy. A small decline in government revenues and the resulting decrease in government expenditures also contributed to the decline in growth rate of Puerto Rico's economic activity. The effect of all of these factors were intensified after the events of September 11, 2001, which led the United States and Puerto Rico's economies into a recession.

Even though the United States' economy entered into a recession in the first quarter of 2001, economists expect it to be short lived; some forecasters say as soon as the first quarter of 2002. Although corporate profits have fallen, consumer spending has remained strong, which is an indication of recovery. It is expected that a mild recovery will follow the recession, with a decrease in inflation and a tightening of monetary policy by the Federal Reserve Bank towards the end of the year. Gross Domestic Product ("GDP") is expected to grow at 1.5% in 2002 and some estimates place it even higher. The forecast for 2003 is 3.5%.

Puerto Rico's economy, which follows and is an integral part of the United States economy, is also in a period of recession. Thus, it is also expected to recover in 2002. The Puerto Rico Planning Board expects GNP to grow 0.3% in 2002 and 2.7% in 2003. The recovery should commence during the second quarter of 2002 and will be influenced by various factors. Consumer spending should remain strong as companies continue to offer incentives such as zero financing costs for purchases. Strong growth in the pharmaceutical industry, which represents about 42% of GDP in Puerto Rico, will help to strengthen the economy. In addition, strong housing demands coupled with investments in construction for housing and an expected increase in government expenditures should create new jobs and inject funds into the economy.



The insurance industry in Puerto Rico is highly competitive and is comprised of both local and foreign entities. The approval of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, which applies to Puerto Rico, has opened the insurance market to new competition since financial institutions are permitted to enter into the insurance business. At the moment, several banks in Puerto Rico have established subsidiaries that operate as insurance agencies.

Natural disasters, which have affected Puerto Rico greatly over the past ten years, have prompted local Government to create property and casualty insurance reserves through legislation in order to provide coverage for catastrophic events. The auto insurance market has also been affected by Government regulation, with the Compulsory Auto Insurance Law. This law requires vehicle owners to maintain a minimum of $3,000 in public liability insurance. Additionally, the healthcare insurance sector has experienced significant changes in the past ten years due to the implementation of the Healthcare Reform Program. This Program provides healthcare coverage to Puerto Rico's medically indigent population (as defined by the law), estimated at over 1.6 million lives as of December 31, 2001.

The Corporation is the leader in the insurance industry in Puerto Rico. The Corporation's health insurance company, TSI, is the leader in the health insurance industry with approximately 39% of market share as of December 31, 2001. The property and casualty and the life insurance subsidiaries also have an important position in their respective markets.

Almost all of the Corporation's business is done within Puerto Rico and as such, it is subject to the risks associated with Puerto Rico's economy and its geographic location.


The Corporation participates in the commercial health insurance marketplace through its wholly owned subsidiary, TSI. Total premiums earned, net and net fees attributable to claims under self-funded arrangements in the Commercial Program segment represent 54.9% and 53.8% of consolidated total premiums for the years 2001 and 2000, respectively.

TSI is a Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association sub-licensee, which allows it to use the Blue Shield brand in Puerto Rico. Market share of TSI in Puerto Rico is approximately 39% for 2001. TSI offers a variety of health insurance products, and is the leader in almost every market sector. Its market share is almost twice as large as its nearest competitor and about four times larger than that of its second nearest competitor. TSI offers its products to six distinct market segments in Puerto Rico. During 2001, TSI had the following market share within each segment: Corporate Accounts (groups), 43.4%; Healthcare Reform, 34.2%; Federal Employees, 99.6%; Local Government Employees, 18.7%; Individual Accounts, 54.0%; and about 66.3% in the Medicare supplemental segment. Within the Corporate Accounts segment, employer groups may choose various funding options ranging from fully insured to self-funded financial arrangements. While self-funded clients participate in TSI's networks, the clients bear the claims risk. Through a contract with the United States Office of Personnel Management, TSI provides health benefits to federal employees in Puerto Rico under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. In addition, TSI processes an pays


claims as carrier for the Medicare - Part B Program in Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands. As a carrier for Medicare-Part B, TSI allocates operating expenses to determine reimbursement due for services rendered in accordance with the contract.

TSI's premiums are generated from customers within Puerto Rico. The premiums for this segment are mainly originated through TSI's internal sales force and a network of brokers and independent agents. For purposes of segment reporting, the Healthcare Reform sector is considered a different segment and is separately analyzed.

TSI's business is subject to changing federal and local legal, legislative and regulatory environments. Some of the more significant current issues that may affect TSI's business include:

- efforts to expand the tort liability of health plans

- initiatives to increase healthcare regulation

- local government initiatives for mandatory benefits.

Current initiatives to increase healthcare regulation at the federal level include new legislative proposals for "patients' bill of rights". Such legislation was passed by the United States Senate in June 2001 and would expand tort liability for health plans and change the practices for deciding medical necessity. In August 2001, the United States House of Representatives passed similar legislation in an effort to resolve differences between the two bills. Given the political process, it is not possible to determine what, if any, federal and local legislation or regulation will ultimately be enacted or what would be the effect on TSI.

In 2000, the United States Department of Health and Human Services issued two significant regulations as required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"): one of them addresses the standardization of electronic transactions while the other addresses the privacy of individually identifiable health information.

The final regulation governing security standards for the maintenance and transmission of health information is expected to be effective during 2002. TSI has assessed the effect of the HIPAA regulation on standard transactions on its operations. The original compliance date for this regulation was October 2002, but the President of the United States signed legislation in late 2001 giving covered entities the opportunity, as TSI, to apply for a one-year extension. TSI is already working on the implementation of said regulation and expects to comply with the required dates; however, it plans to file for an extension.

Given that the HIPAA security regulation has not been finalized and that further changes to the privacy regulation were recently issued, TSI continues evaluating the effect of HIPAA regulations on its operations. Notwithstanding, TSI is moving forward with implementation efforts to comply with current regulations on the required dates.


The private health insurance market in Puerto Rico experienced a moderate increase in premiums in 2001. Premiums in the private health insurance market increased by 2.5% in 2001 and 8.9% in 2000. The moderate premium growth was the result of the slowdown in Puerto Rico's economy, particularly in the second half of the year, and from a reduction in the employment of the manufacturing sector due to temporary and permanent plant closings. In the coming years, TSI expects moderate premium growth to take place mostly as the result of a mature health insurance market and moderate increases in total employment. Total employment in Puerto Rico is expected to rise from fiscal year 2001 to 2006 at an average annual rate of 0.86%.

In recent years, the health insurance market as a whole has been affected by rising healthcare costs, particularly those related to pharmacy benefit costs, new medical technology, the current weak economy and a growing sense of consumerism in health benefits. Rising negative consumer perception about managed care caused many consumers to transfer from Health Maintenance Organization ("HMO") type products to companies offering open access and greater choice of healthcare providers. These trends have moved the health insurance industry to adopt strategies that emphasize benefits management (such as defined contribution) from a more restrictive medical management (as pre-authorization of certain procedures).

The greatest challenge for the health insurance industry is to maintain premiums affordable in a sluggish economy while providing for the yearly increases in healthcare costs. These costs are constantly driven upwards by an aging population, new prescription drugs and advances in medical technology.

The underwriting results of the segment have been affected by the ever-increasing healthcare costs. To cope with this situation, TSI has established new strategies for pricing of contracts and is implementing several healthcare management programs.

During the years 1998 and 1999, TSI was subject to higher than expected increases in costs and a decrease in investment income due to interest rate fluctuations. As a result, TSI began implementing premium rate increases. In spite of the increases, TSI has achieved and exceeded projected retention rates. Current retention rates were 95.2% in 2001 and 96.0% in 2000. In addition, TSI has maintained its market share during the last three years.

TSI has established healthcare management program strategies that seek to control claims costs while striving to fulfill the needs of highly informed and demanding healthcare consumers. Among these strategies are the implementation of disease and case management programs. These programs empower consumers by providing them with education and engaging them in actively maintaining or improving their own health. Early identification of patients and inter-program referrals are the milestones of these programs, which provide for integrated and optimal service. Other strategies include innovative partnerships and business alliances with other entities to provide new products and services such as: a 24-hour telephone based triage and health information service; an employee assistance program ("EAP"); and, the promotion of evidence-based protocols and patient safety programs among our providers. TSI has also implemented a hospital


concurrent review program, whose goal is to monitor the adequacy of high admission rate diagnoses and high cost stays. To stem the rising tide in pharmacy benefit costs, TSI has implemented a three-tier formulary product, which has proved to be very effective, an exclusive provider organization ("EPO") and benefits design changes.

TSI expects to remain competitive in the market in which it operates, particularly the Corporate Groups segment. TSI's market position and quality of services are considered strong enough to enable it to maintain a stable level of earnings.


The Corporation participates in the medically indigent health insurance market through its wholly owned subsidiary TSI. The Health Insurance - Healthcare Reform segment comprises TSI's participation in the Healthcare Reform. The Healthcare Reform segment premiums earned, net represent 39.2% and 40.3% of consolidated total premiums earned, net and net fees attributable to Self-Funded Arrangements for the years 2001 and 2000, respectively.

In 1994, the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the "Government") privatized the delivery of services to the medically indigent population in Puerto Rico, as defined by the Government, by contracting with private health insurance companies instead of providing health services directly to such population. The Government divided the Island into ten geographical areas. Starting in 1994 it began to shift its role, instead of directly providing healthcare services to Puerto Rico's medically indigent population through its facilities and medical providers it contracted health insurance companies who in turn contracted private health providers to treat the heath needs of this population. By December 31, 2001, the Healthcare Reform had been fully implemented in each of the ten geographical areas. Each geographical area is awarded to a health insurer doing business in Puerto Rico through a competitive process requesting proposals from the industry.

The Government has been asking insurers to reduce or, at least, control the increase of Healthcare Reform expenditures, which represent approximately 13.0% of total Government expenditures. Several measures have been undertaken by the Government to control Healthcare Reform costs. Some of these measures include closer and continuous scrutiny of participant's (members) qualifications and the carve-out of mental health benefits from the policy. Mental health benefits are currently offered to the Healthcare Reform beneficiaries by behavioral healthcare and mental healthcare companies. The Government is considering carving-out additional benefits provided by the insurers.

All Government Healthcare Reform contracts will expire on June 30, 2002. TSI will submit proposals to renew each of the current contracts and may compete for additional geographical areas. The contract for each area is subject to termination in the event of any non-compliance not corrected or cured to the satisfaction of the Government entity overseeing the Healthcare Reform, or in the


event that the Government determines there is an insufficiency of funds to finance the Healthcare Reform. This last event will require prior written notice of at least ninety days. The loss of any or all of the Healthcare Reform contracts would have a material effect on the Corporation's operating results.

As of December 31, 2001, four local insurance companies are participating in the Healthcare Reform. Once the Healthcare Reform was fully in place, any participating insurance company's growth in this segment depends on winning a geographical area serviced by another insurance company or through the restructuring of the geographical areas. The health insurance companies that decide to participate in this business compete against each other during the adjudication processes. TSI's Healthcare Reform segment competing strengths are a highly efficient administrative structure and superior quality of services.

To provide services to its medically indigent membership, TSI established a managed care program similar to a Health Maintenance Organization ("HMO") that integrates both the financing and delivery of services in order to manage the accessibility, cost and quality of care. The established managed care model includes disease and demand management as well as preventive healthcare services. All of these programs and their effective administrative structure have made TSI's product and pricing structure the most attractive and convenient.

TSI has established a network of Independent Practice Associations ("IPA") to provide service to its Healthcare Reform beneficiaries in the Healthcare Reform areas serviced by TSI. TSI believes it has designed the economic model that best suits the IPAs and the primary care physicians ("PCP"). The risks covered by the Healthcare Reform policy are divided among those assumed by the IPAs and those retained by the insurer. The IPA receives an amount per capita, and it assumes the costs of services provided and referred by its PCPs, including procedures and in-patient services not related to risks assumed by TSI. As part of its services, TSI retains a portion of the capitation payments to the IPAs as a reserve to provide for incurred, but not reported claims ("IBNR") for services rendered by providers other than PCPs. TSI retains the risk associated with services provided to the beneficiaries with special healthcare needs, such as: neonatal, obstetrical, AIDS, cancer, cardiovascular, and dental services, among others. Effective October 1, 2001, mental healthcare services were carved-out by the government and contracted with behavioral healthcare companies. This represented a decrease in monthly premiums income of approximately $3 million.

As of December 31, 2001, TSI's Healthcare Reform segment provides coverage to beneficiaries in the following geographical areas: North, Northwest, Metro-North and Southwest (awarded to TSI effective October 1, 2001). TSI administered the West Area until June 30, 2000. These four areas have a total enrollment of approximately 753 thousand beneficiaries, which represent approximately 40.4% of the total eligible beneficiaries of the population. While this percentage may vary from time to time because of changes in the distribution of areas, TSI's market share in this sector, as a percentage of its total business, has remained relatively stable. Healthcare


Reform segment premiums represent approximately 41.6% and 42.8% of TSI's total premiums as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

Healthcare Reform contracts have generally been for twelve-month periods. Premiums need to be determined taking into consideration future costs of services. Since premium levels are determined on a yearly basis and for a significant block of business, TSI is exposed to a significant underwriting risk.

Effective October 1, 2001, TSI entered into a service agreement with TCI, a previously inactive affiliated organization, for the administration of the Healthcare Reform segment operations in exchange for a service fee that will cover the operating expenses plus a profit.

In 2001 the Healthcare Reform segment experienced underwriting income for the first time in three years. During the years 2000 and 1999, the segment experienced underwriting losses as a result of over-utilization of certain services by the enrolled beneficiaries. In 2001 this situation was corrected by increasing the premium rates and by controlling costs through the utilization, demand and quality management programs. The continued use of these claim management programs, as well as continued monitoring of premium rates, will be important to reduce the possibility of segment underwriting losses in the future.


The Corporation participates in the property and casualty insurance market through its wholly owned subsidiary STS. The property and casualty segment premiums represent 4.7% and 4.9% of the consolidated total premiums earned, net for the years 2001 and 2000, respectively.

STS is a multiple line insurer that substantially underwrites all lines of property and casualty insurance. Its predominant lines of business are commercial multiple peril, auto physical damage, auto liability and dwelling. Business is exclusively subscribed in Puerto Rico through approximately twenty general agencies and independent insurance agents and brokers, one of them being its wholly owned subsidiary, Signature Insurance Agency, Inc., which underwrote about 45% and 44.8% of its total premium volume for the years ended December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

The property and casualty insurance market has been affected by the increased costs of reinsurance. The international reinsurance market has been experiencing difficult times and has raised its reinsurance premium rates over the last two years. The World Trade Center incident on September 11, 2001, has, in effect, significantly altered the balance as to negotiating rates, terms and other conditions. The Puerto Rico property and casualty insurance market must pass on these


additional costs to its customers, in spite of a recession and an economic slowdown. On the positive side, the industry, for the most part, has begun an effort to increase premium rates.

Due to its geographical location, the property and casualty insurance operations in Puerto Rico are subject to natural catastrophic activity. Puerto Rico is exposed to two major natural perils (hurricanes and earthquakes), which leads local insurers to rely on the international reinsurance market in order to provide enough capacity. Other issues that have plagued the industry over the years, such as asbestos and pollution, have not affected the segment's portfolio. STS maintains a comprehensive reinsurance program, which is largely placed through the brokerage market that satisfies industry models, protecting its surplus in the event of a catastrophe and ensuring satisfactory underwriting results.

In addition to its catastrophic reinsurance coverage, STS is required by the local regulatory authorities to establish and maintain a trust fund (the "Trust") to protect STS from its dual exposure to hurricanes and earthquakes. The Trust is intended to be used as the company's first layer of catastrophe protection. As of December 31, 2001 and 2000, STS had $19.7 million and $18.2 million, respectively, invested in securities deposited in the Trust (see note 17 of the audited consolidated financial statements attached hereto as F-6, see item 15).

Considering the significance of reinsurance in protecting its capital base and ensuring ongoing operations, STS is aware of the need to exercise its best business judgment in the selection and approval of its reinsurers. A comprehensive and sound reinsurance program has been established to provide the level of protection that STS desires. These reinsurance arrangements do not relieve STS from its direct obligations to its insureds. However, STS strongly believes that the credit risk arising from recoverable balances of reinsurance, if any, is immaterial. STS' policy is to only transact with reinsurers considered to be financially sound.

The property and casualty insurance market in Puerto Rico is extremely competitive. There are no new sources within the economy providing continued growth; thus, property and casualty insurance companies tend to compete for the same accounts through price and/or more favorable conditions. STS competes by reasonably pricing its products and providing efficient services to producers and agents. The current level of expertise within the segment is also an incentive for professional producers to conduct business with STS.

As of late 2001, pricing began to affect somewhat the local property and casualty insurance market, but at a lower pace than for its United States of America mainland peers. However, the increase in reinsurance costs affected the property and casualty insurance market in Puerto Rico in the same degree as affected in the United States of America mainland. STS' prompt reaction to these factors, as well as the continued careful underwriting of property risks, will preserve strong results while accommodating the higher reinsurance costs.

The property and casualty insurance segment has experienced strong operating results over the past years, and its profitability measures have outperformed industry averages and larger size peers within the local insurance market. Such results have been achieved in spite of unfavorable market conditions, including soft demand, increased competition, a closed marketplace and rising reinsurance costs affecting Puerto Rico over the last few years.


STS' commitment to sound underwriting practices, efficient claims reserve monitoring, extensive catastrophe reinsurance programs, and underwriting expense controls, have enabled it to maintain one of the best combined ratios in the local industry. STS, as well as most of its property and casualty peers, uses the loss ratio, the expense ratio and the combined ratio as measures of performance. A controlled business expansion in the commercial market and better underwriting performance of its auto business, evidenced by declining loss ratios, have also contributed to such favorable results. In addition, prudent reinsurance utilization through a sound strategy to control exposures by means of a strict underwriting criteria and protection of retained exposures have also enhanced underwriting results.


The Corporation participates in the life and disability insurance marketplace by means of its wholly owned subsidiary SVTS. The life and disability segment premiums represent 1.2% and 1.1% of consolidated total premiums earned, net and net fees attributable to self-funded arrangements for 2001 and 2000, respectively.

SVTS offers a wide variety of life, disability and investment products. Among these are: group life insurance, group long and short-term disability, and the administration of individual retirement accounts. Group life insurance represents the bulk of the business. SVTS' insurance products are mainly offered to consumers in Puerto Rico through its own network of brokers and independent agents.

SVTS insures more than 1,400 groups, which represent approximately 300 thousand lives. This makes SVTS the second largest provider of group life insurance in Puerto Rico, with a market share of approximately 15% in 2000.

To continue its growth in the life insurance market in Puerto Rico, SVTS plans to introduce new products and services within the group and individual insurance business in the coming years. During the year 2002, SVTS plans to introduce a credit life insurance product and annuities. It also plans to market and sell several individual insurance products, such as cancer, term life, and accident insurance policies. To distribute its individual insurance products, SVTS created a wholly owned subsidiary, Smart Solutions Insurance Agency Corporation, which should begin operations during 2002.



Total revenue (with intersegment premiums/service revenues shown separately), underwriting income or loss, net income or loss and total assets attributable to reportable segments are set forth in note 3 to the consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, which are attached hereto as F-6, see item 15).


The Corporation considers its trademark of "Triple-S" and the three "S" very important and material to all segments in which it is engaged. In addition to these, other trademarks used by the subsidiaries that are considered important have been duly registered with applicable authorities. It is the Corporation's policy to register all its important and material trademarks in order to protect its rights under applicable corporate and intellectual property laws.


As of March 31, 2002, the Corporation had 1,293 full-time employees and 298 part-time employees. TSI has a collective bargaining agreement with the Union General de Trabajadores, which represents 366 of TSI's 740 regular employees. Said collective bargaining agreement expires on July 31, 2006. The Corporation considers its relations with employees to be good.






                                                                   FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                   2001              2000            1999         1998 (3)       1997 (3)

Premiums earned, net                            $ 1,151,173        1,088,163        967,510        807,067        691,460
Amounts attributable to self-funded
    arrangements                                    134,374          117,542        105,183         85,065         73,723
Less amounts attributable to claims
    under self-funded arrangements                 (126,295)        (113,248)       (96,441)       (79,500)       (68,900)
                                                -----------       ----------       --------       --------       --------
      Premiums earned, net and fee revenue      $ 1,159,252        1,092,457        976,252        812,632        696,283
                                                ===========       ==========       ========       ========       ========

Underwriting loss (1)                           $    (2,602)         (27,811)       (31,868)       (10,260)        (1,798)
                                                ===========       ==========       ========       ========       ========

Net income (loss)                               $    21,715           (1,512)        (5,953)        20,064         19,034
                                                ===========       ==========       ========       ========       ========

Total assets                                    $   656,058          562,153        550,578        582,276        458,611
                                                ===========       ==========       ========       ========       ========

Loans payable to bank                           $    55,650           58,040         60,317             --             --
                                                ===========       ==========       ========       ========       ========

Total stockholders' equity                      $   186,028          159,693        159,247        189,587        156,322
                                                ===========       ==========       ========       ========       ========

Basic earnings per share (2):

   As if the Corporation operated as a
     for-profit organization                    $      1.55            (0.07)         (0.27)          1.64           1.69
                                                ===========       ==========       ========       ========       ========

   Excluding TSI due to its
     not-for-profit status                      $      1.05             0.93           0.64           0.74           0.60
                                                ===========       ==========       ========       ========       ========

(1) Underwriting loss is defined as premiums earned net and net fees attributable to self-funded arrangements less claims incurred and operating expenses, net of reimbursement for services.

(2) Further details of the calculation of basic earnings per share are set forth in note 21 to the consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999.

(3) Financial figures for these years as of TSM predecessor company SSS.



This financial discussion contains an analysis of the consolidated financial position and financial performance as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, and its results of operations for 2001, 2000 and 1999. This analysis should be read in its entirety and in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements, notes and tables included elsewhere in this Form 10. This financial discussion has been prepared pursuant to the rules and regulations adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


The analysis in this section is included to provide an overall view of certain information, the consolidated statements of operations, and key financial information. Further details of the results of operations of each reportable segment are included in the respective segment's section.

(dollar amounts in thousands)                                   2001                  2000                  1999
                                                             -----------            ----------            ----------

Consolidated Total Premiums
  Health Insurance-Commercial Program                        $   636,566               587,614               508,564
  Health Insurance-Healthcare Reform                             454,923               439,774               410,662
  Property and Casualty                                           54,337                53,493                46,308
  Life and Disability                                             13,426                11,576                10,718
                                                             -----------            ----------            ----------
                                                             $ 1,159,252             1,092,457               976,252
                                                             ===========            ==========            ==========

Consolidated Claims Incurred                                 $ 1,021,024               990,133               887,724
Consolidated Operating Expenses                                  140,830               130,135               120,396
                                                             -----------            ----------            ----------
  Consolidated Underwriting Costs                            $ 1,161,854             1,120,268             1,008,120
                                                             ===========            ==========            ==========

Consolidated Underwriting Loss                               $    (2,602)              (27,811)              (31,868)
                                                             ===========            ==========            ==========

Consolidated Loss Ratio                                             88.1%                 90.6%                 90.9%
Consolidated Expense Ratio                                          12.1%                 11.9%                 12.3%
                                                             -----------            ----------            ----------
  Consolidated Combined Ratio                                      100.2%                102.5%                103.3%
                                                             ===========            ==========            ==========

Net Investment Income                                        $    25,405                24,338                22,464
Realized Gain on Sale of Securities                                4,655                 6,377                 6,690
Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Trading Securities                      (3,625)               (3,737)                1,807
                                                             -----------            ----------            ----------
  Total Consolidated Net Investment Income                   $    26,435                26,978                30,961
                                                             ===========            ==========            ==========

Consolidated Net Income/(Loss) per business segment
  Health Insurance-Commercial Program                        $     6,776                (3,090)              (11,119)
  Health Insurance-Healthcare Reform                               4,563                (7,614)               (1,196)
  Property and Casualty                                            6,529                 6,282                 4,508
  Life and Disability                                              3,366                 3,334                 1,803
  Other                                                              481                  (424)                   51
                                                             -----------            ----------            ----------
                                                             $    21,715                (1,512)               (5,953)
                                                             ===========            ==========            ==========


Year Ended December 31, 2001 Compared with December 31, 2000

Consolidated total premiums for the year 2001 increased by $66.8 million or 6.1% when compared to the consolidated total premiums for 2000. This increase is primarily due to a combination of increased premium rates and an increase in membership of the health insurance segments. Total premiums for the Health Insurance - Commercial Program Segment and the Health Insurance - Healthcare Reform Segment increased by $48.9 million or 8.3% and $15.1 million or 3.4%, respectively. Total premiums for the remaining segments increased by $2.8 million or 4.1%.

During the year 2001 the consolidated claims incurred increased by $30.9 million or 3.1% due to an increase in the volume of business. However, the loss ratio reflects a decrease of 2.5 percentage points when compared to the prior year. This decrease is mostly attributed to the Health Insurance - Commercial Program segment and the Health Insurance - Healthcare Reform segment. The decrease in loss ratio is the result of management's ability to adjust its pricing strategy to cope with the increase in claims costs and several measures for cost containment. This process commenced during 1999 and the first half of 2000, and its effect impacted the loss ratio during the second half of 2000 and 2001. The consolidated expense ratio has remained similar to that for 2000.

The consolidated net investment income for 2001 increased by $1.1 million or 4.4% when compared to the year 2000. This increase is mostly due to a higher average investment balance during the year 2001, partially offset by a reduction on the average interest yield of the fixed income portfolio.

The consolidated net realized gain on sale of securities of $4.7 million is the result of the sound and timely management of the investment portfolio in accordance with corporate investment policies and from normal portfolio turnover of the trading and available-for-sale securities.

The net unrealized loss on trading securities of $3.6 million was originated by the investments held by the Health Insurance - Commercial and Health Insurance - Healthcare Reform and the property and casualty segments. This net unrealized loss is attributed to losses in certain portfolios held by such segments in equity holdings that replicate the Standard & Poors 500 Index (S&P 500 Index). This Index experienced a negative return in 2001 and 2000. These segments plan to continue their long-term strategy of passive management and diversification since historically, performance of these types of investments has outperformed other financial instruments.

Year Ended December 31, 2000 Compared with December 31, 1999

Consolidated total premiums for the year 2000 increased by $116.2 million or 11.9% when compared to the consolidated total premiums for 1999. This increase is primarily due to the combined effect of increased premium rates and an increase in membership of the health insurance segments, which combined represent over 93.0% of the increase in the consolidated total premiums.


Total membership for these segments increased by 0.5% during the year 2000. Total premiums for the Health Insurance - Commercial Program and the Health Insurance - Healthcare Reform segments increased by $79.1 million or 15.5% and $29.1 million or 7.1%, respectively. Total premiums for the remaining segments increased by $8 million or 14.1%.

During 1999 and in the first half of 2000, the Health Insurance - Commercial Program and the Health Insurance - Healthcare Reform segments went through a negative underwriting cycle. Beginning in 1999, and in effect during 2000 and 2001, both segments revised their pricing, causing an improvement in the consolidated loss ratio for the year 2000. Other measures were established, such as claim cost containment programs and benefit management initiatives. The consolidated expense ratio for 2000 has remained similar to that for 1999.

The consolidated net investment income for 2000 increased by $1.9 million or 8.3% when compared to the investment income for 1999. This increase is mostly due to a higher average investment balance during 2000, partially offset by a reduction on the average interest yield of the fixed income portfolio during the second half of the year.

Consolidated net realized gain on sale of securities of $6.4 million is the result of the sound and timely management of the investment portfolio in accordance with corporate investment policy and arose from the normal portfolio turnover of the trading and available-for-sale securities.

The net unrealized loss on trading securities of $3.7 million was the result of investments held by the Health Insurance - Commercial Program, the Health Insurance - Healthcare Reform and the property and casualty segments. This net unrealized loss is attributed to certain portfolios in equity securities held by such segments that replicate the S&P 500 Index. This Index experienced a negative return in the year 2000. These segments plan to continue their strategy of passive management and diversification, since the historical performance of these types of investments has outperformed other financial instruments and as part of the diversification strategy of the portfolio.


Health Insurance - Commercial Program Operating Results


The Health Insurance - Commercial Program segment's total revenues are primarily generated from premiums earned for risk-based healthcare services provided to its members, revenues generated from self-funded arrangements, and investment income. Claims incurred include healthcare services and other benefit expenses consisting primarily of payments to physicians, hospital and other service providers. A portion of the claims incurred for each period consists of an actuarial estimate of claims incurred but not reported to the segment during the period. Administrative expenses comprise general, selling, commissions, depreciation, payroll and other


related expenses. The segment's results of operations depend largely on its ability to accurately predict and effectively manage healthcare costs.

This segment has a well-diversified investment portfolio with good asset quality and a large portion invested in investment-grade, fixed income securities. The segment's investment portfolio is predominantly held in U.S. Treasury securities, general obligations and agency-backed mortgage back securities and collaterized mortgage back obligations of U.S. and Puerto Rico government instrumentalities and obligations of state and political subdivisions, which comprise over 40% of the total portfolio value as of December 31, 2001. The remaining investment portfolio consists of an equity securities portfolio that replicates the S&P 500 Index, a corporate bonds portfolio, and investments in strong local stocks of financial institutions. Due to market price appreciation, the segment has a large single issuer equity concentration in common stock of Popular, Inc., which is the holding company of the largest local commercial bank in Puerto Rico. As of December 31, 2001 and 2000, the carrying value of the segment's investment in common stock of Popular, Inc. amounted to $22.2 million and $24 million, respectively.

The Health Insurance - Commercial Program segment operations for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 were as follows:

                                         2001               2000                1999
                                        -------            -------            -------

  Corporate Accounts                    320,577            328,029            314,806
  Self-funded Employers                 121,626            119,069            108,871
  Individual Accounts                    80,625             73,322             70,778
  Federal Employees                      55,704             54,014             52,019
  Local Government Employees             43,272             38,695             45,187
                                        -------            -------            -------
     Total Enrollment                   621,804            613,129            591,661
                                        =======            =======            =======


(dollar amounts in thousands)                             2001                   2000                  1999
                                                        ---------              --------              --------

Premiums Earned, Net                                    $ 628,487               583,320               499,822
Amounts Attributable to Self-funded
  Arrangements                                            134,374               117,542               105,183
Less Amounts Attributable to Claims under
  Self-funded Arrangements                               (126,295)             (113,248)              (96,441)
                                                        ---------              --------              --------

  Premiums Earned, Net and Fee Revenue                  $ 636,566               587,614               508,564
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Claims Incurred                                         $ 560,809               531,187               463,333
Operating Expenses, net                                    83,771                77,990                71,910
                                                        ---------              --------              --------
  Total Underwriting Costs                              $ 644,580               609,177               535,243
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Underwriting Loss                                       $  (8,014)              (21,563)              (26,679)
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Loss Ratio                                                   88.1%                 90.4%                 91.1%
Expense Ratio                                                13.2%                 13.3%                 14.1%
                                                        ---------              --------              --------
  Combined Ratio                                            101.3%                103.7%                105.2%
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Net Investment Income                                   $  10,428                 9,993                 8,027
Realized Gain on Sale of Securities                         3,643                 5,566                 5,340
Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Trading Securities               (2,908)               (3,228)                1,857
                                                        ---------              --------              --------
  Total Net Investment Income                           $  11,163                12,331                15,224
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Net Income (Loss)                                       $   6,776                (3,090)              (11,119)
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Year Ended December 31, 2001 Compared with December 31, 2000

Premium earned, net for the year 2001 reflect an increase of $49 million or 8.3% when compared to the premiums earned, net for 2000. This increase is the result of the combined effect of increases in premium rates and net increases in enrollment. The segment continues monitoring premium rates increases, particularly in the rated Corporate Accounts sector. This monitoring will make sure that premium rates reflect the actual claims experience of the groups. Total enrollment increased by 8,675 members or 1.4% during the year 2001. This increase is mostly attributed to the increase in membership observed in the Individual Accounts of 7,303 members or 10.0%. Approximately 81.5% of the total premiums increase is attributed to increases in premium rates, while the remaining 18.5% is attributed to increases in membership.


Claims incurred increased by $29.6 million or 5.6% when compared to 2000. This increase is due to the net effect of the increase in membership net of a decrease in loss ratio of 2.3 percentage points during the year 2001. The improvement in the loss ratio is the result of increases in premium rules and cost containment measures for claims. As a result of the segment's cost containment initiatives, cost and utilization trends have been maintained at levels consistent with pricing and margin objectives. Due to the various initiatives, average length of hospital stays and emergency room visits continue to exhibit a downward trend. In addition, the implementation of certain pharmacy programs maintained the pharmacy cost trends at single digit numbers during 2001.

The expense ratio for 2001 remained at the same level as the year 2000 levels. The amount of operating expenses increased by $5.8 million or 7.4% for the year 2001. This increase is mostly attributed to increases in normal costs incurred in the acquisition of new business, such as marketing and commission expenses, expenses related to compliance with the federal HIPAA, and in payroll and payroll related expenses.

The segment's net investment income increased $435 thousand or 4.4% when compared to the year 2000. This increase is attributed to a higher average investment balance of $5.9 million or 3.3% during the year 2001, partially offset by a reduction in the average interest yield of the fixed income portfolio. Interest yield decreased to 6.6% in 2001 from 6.9% in 2000.

Realized gains on sales of securities of $3.6 million resulted from the sound and timely management of the investment portfolios in accordance with corporate investment policy objectives, and from normal portfolio turnover of the trading and available-for-sale securities amounting to $35.8 million during 2001.

The net unrealized loss on trading securities of $2.9 million was due to certain holdings in equity securities that replicate the S&P 500 Index. This Index experienced a negative return in the year 2001. The segment plans to continue its long-term strategy of passive management and diversification, since historically, these types of investments have outperformed other financial instruments.

Year Ended December 31, 2000 Compared with December 31, 1999

Total premiums earned, net revenues for the year 2000 reflect an increase of $79.1 million or 15.5% when compared to 1999. This increase is the result of the combined effect of increases in premium rates and net increases in enrollment. Total enrollment increased by 21,468 members or 3.6% during the year 2000. This increase is mostly attributed to increases in membership on the Corporate Accounts and Self-funded Employers sectors, which show a combined increase of almost 5.5%. Approximately 56.9% of the total premiums increase is attributed to increases in premium rates, while the remaining 43.1% is attributed to increases in membership.

Claims incurred increased by $67.8 million or 14.6% when compared to those in 1999. The loss ratio, however, shows a decrease of approximately 0.7 percentage points for the year 2000. This


improvement in loss ratio is the result of better premium pricing and claims cost containment measures. As a result of the segment's cost containment initiatives, cost and utilization trends have been maintained at levels consistent with pricing and margin objectives. The major contributor to this improvement is the reduction of the pharmacy claims trend factor to less than 4.0% in 2000. The pharmacy claims trend factor for the year 1999 was 16.0%. This reduction reflects the effectiveness of management's initiatives to control pharmacy costs, such as the three-tier formulary product and pharmacy benefit design changes.

The expense ratio for 2000 decreased by 0.8 percentage points when compared to 1999. The amount of operating expenses, however, increased by 8.5% to $78 million during the year 2000. This increase is mostly attributed to increases in normal costs incurred in the acquisition of new business, such as marketing and commission expenses, which are directly related to the increase in total premiums, and in payroll and payroll related expenses. The effect of these increases was somewhat mitigated by a decrease of $575 thousand related to consulting fees incurred in 1999 associated to Y2K compliance services.

The segment's net investment income increased $2 million or 24.5% when compared to 1999. This increase is attributed to a higher average investment balance of $10.7 million or 6.3% during the year 2000, and an increase in the average interest yield of the fixed income portfolio. Interest yield increased to 6.9% in 2000 from 6.7% in 1999.

Net realized gain on sale of securities of $5.6 million resulted from the sound and timely management of the investment portfolios in accordance with corporate investment policy objectives and from the normal portfolio turnover of the trading and available-for-sale securities, amounting to $52.7 million during 2000.

The unrealized loss on trading securities of $3.2 million was due to certain holdings in equity securities that replicate the S&P 500 Index. This Index experienced a negative return in the year 2000.

Health Insurance - Healthcare Reform Program Operating Results


The Health Insurance - Healthcare Reform segment's total revenues are primarily generated from premiums earned according to the provisions of the Government's Healthcare Reform contracts and net investment income. Claims incurred include health services and other benefit expenses consisting primarily of payments to physicians, hospitals and other service providers. A portion of the claims incurred for each period consists of an actuarial estimate of claims incurred but not reported to the segment during the period. Administrative expenses consist of general, depreciation, payroll and other related expenses. The segment's results of operations depend largely on its ability to accurately predict and effectively manage healthcare costs.


The segment has a well-diversified investment portfolio with good asset quality and a large portion invested in investment-grade, fixed income securities. The segment's investment portfolio is predominantly held in United States Treasury securities, general obligations and agency backed mortgage back securities and collaterized mortgage back obligations of United States and Puerto Rico government instrumentalities and obligations of state and political subdivisions, which comprise over 45% of the total portfolio value as of December 31, 2001. The remaining balance of the investment portfolio consists of an equity securities portfolio that replicates the S&P 500 Index, a corporate bonds portfolio, as well as investments in strong local stocks of sound financial institutions.

The Health Insurance - Reform Program segment operations for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 were as follows:

(dollar amounts in thousands)                             2001                  2000                  1999
                                                        ---------              --------              --------

Average Enrollment:
  North Area                                              272,564               277,121               273,229
  Northwest Area                                          165,123               163,609               133,167
  Metro-North Area                                        177,065               169,288               161,222
  Southwest Area                                           37,866                    --                    --
  West Area                                                    --                63,209               121,224
                                                        ---------              --------              --------
     Total Average Enrollment                             652,618               673,227               688,842
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Earned Premiums                                         $ 454,923               439,774               410,662
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Claims Incurred                                         $ 420,953               420,476               385,420
Operating Expenses                                         32,646                30,350                30,190
                                                        ---------              --------              --------
  Total Underwriting Costs                              $ 453,599               450,826               415,610
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Underwriting Income (Loss)                              $   1,324               (11,052)               (4,948)
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Loss Ratio                                                   92.5%                 95.6%                 93.9%
Expense Ratio                                                 7.2%                  6.9%                  7.4%
                                                        ---------              --------              --------
  Combined Ratio                                             99.7%                102.5%                101.2%
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Net Investment Income                                   $   4,547                 4,633                 5,212
Realized Gain on Sale of Securities                             6                   252                   489
Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Trading Securities                 (132)                   76                  (400)
                                                        ---------              --------              --------
  Total Net Investment Income                           $   4,421                 4,961                 5,301
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Net Income (Loss)                                       $   4,563                (7,614)               (1,196)
                                                        =========              ========              ========

Year Ended December 31, 2001 Compared with December 31, 2000

Premiums earned for the year 2001 increased by $15.1 million or 3.4% when compared to 2000. This increase is basically the net result of increases in premium rates, decrease in members, and the exclusion of mental health and substance abuse services from the Health Reform insurance


policy. The average enrollment decrease of 20,609 members is attributed to the net effect of the loss of the West Area effective July 1, 2000 and the acquisition of the Southwest Area effective October 1, 2001. This decrease in membership represented about $14 million in premiums earned. The exclusion of the mental health and substance abuse benefits from the coverage of the Healthcare Reform insurance policy represented a decrease of approximately $9 million in earned premiums during 2001. These services will continue to be contracted by the Government with specialized mental health service providers. The total increase experienced in earned premiums is attributed to increased premium rates.

Claims incurred increased by $477 thousand or 0.1% when compared to the year 2000. The increase is attributed to the growth in capitation payments to IPAs and in the cost of risks assumed by the segment net of the exclusion of mental health services and substance abuse benefits, and the decrease in membership. During 2001, the loss ratio for the Health Insurance - Healthcare Reform segment decreased by 3.1 percentage points when compared to the loss ratio for 2000. This decrease is mainly due to increases in premium rates, particularly in the Metro-North Area, as well as to a reduction in the coverage of the Healthcare Reform policy. Effective September 30, 2001, the Healthcare Reform policy did not cover mental health and substance abuse benefits. The Government now directly assumes the risk for these benefits.

The expense ratio did not experience a significant fluctuation during the year 2001.

The segment's net investment income decreased $86 thousand or 1.9% when compared to the prior year. This decrease is attributed to a reduction in the average interest yield of the fixed income portfolio, mitigated by a slightly higher average investment balance of $238 thousand or 0.3% during the year 2001. Interest yield decreased to 5.7% in 2001 from 6.5% in 2000.

The net unrealized loss on trading securities of $132 thousand was due to certain holdings in equity securities that replicate the S&P 500 Index. This Index experienced a negative return in the year 2001. It is expected that the segment continues its long-term strategy of passive management and diversification, since historically, these types of investments have outperformed other financial instruments and as part of the diversification strategy of the portfolio.

Year Ended December 31, 2000 Compared with December 31, 1999

Premiums earned for the year 2000 increased by $29.1 million or 7.1% when compared to 1999. The increase in premiums earned in the result of the increases in premium notes, net of a decrease in the average enrollment of 15,615 members. Premium rates were increased in all contracts renewed during the year. The decrease in enrollment is mainly attributed to the non-renewal of the West Area contract effective July 1, 2000.


During 2000, the loss ratio for the Health Insurance - Healthcare Reform segment increased by 1.7 percentage points when compared to 1999. This increase is due to higher utilization of healthcare services for risks assumed by TSI, mostly in obstetrics and mental health claims.

The expense ratio did not experience a significant fluctuation during 2000.

The segment's net investment income decreased $579 thousand or 11.1% when compared to 1999. This decrease is attributed to the net effect of a lower average investment balance of $1.2 million or 1.6% during the year 2000 and an increase in the average interest yield of the fixed income portfolio. Interest yield increased to 6.5% in 2000 from 6.1% in 1999.

Property and Casualty Insurance Operating Results


The property and casualty insurance segment's total revenues are primarily generated from net premiums earned, net and net investment income. Claims incurred are composed of losses and loss-adjustment expenses. A portion of the claims incurred for each period consists of an estimate of unreported losses to the segment during the period. Administrative expenses consist of general, commissions, depreciation, payroll and other related expenses.

STS has a well-diversified investment portfolio with good asset quality and a large portion invested in investment-grade, fixed income securities. The segment's investment portfolio is predominantly held in U.S. Treasury securities, general obligations and agency-backed mortgage backed securities and collaterized mortgage bank obligations of U.S. and Puerto Rico government instrumentalities and obligations of state and political subdivisions, which comprise over 75% of the total portfolio value as of December 31, 2001. The remaining of the investment portfolio consists of an equity securities portfolio that replicates the S&P 500 Index, as well as investments in strong local stocks of financially sound financial institutions. Due to market value increase, the segment has a large single issuer equity concentration in Common Stock of Popular, Inc. As of December 31, 2001 and 2000, the carrying value of the segment's investment in Popular, Inc. amounted to $4.2 million and $4.9 million, respectively.


The property and casualty insurance segment operations for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 were as follows:

(dollar amounts in thousands)                             2001                 2000                 1999
                                                        --------              -------              -------

Premiums Written:
  Commercial Multiperil                                 $ 41,013               31,082               28,825
  Dwelling                                                18,051               17,046               13,046
  Auto Physical Damage                                    13,961               14,173               13,137
  Commercial Auto Liability                                8,274                9,348                8,904
  Medical Malpractice                                      5,456                4,067                4,129
  All Other                                               10,061               11,508                9,745
                                                        --------              -------              -------
  Total Premiums Written                                  96,816               87,224               77,786
Premiums Ceded                                           (39,608)             (31,208)             (30,847)
                                                        --------              -------              -------
  Net Premiums Written                                    57,208               56,016               46,939
Change in Unearned Premiums                               (2,871)              (2,523)                (631)
                                                        --------              -------              -------
  Net Premiums Earned                                   $ 54,337               53,493               46,308
                                                        ========              =======              =======

Claims Incurred                                         $ 32,348               32,692               31,961
Operating Expenses                                        22,548               20,569               16,559
                                                        --------              -------              -------
  Total Underwriting Costs                              $ 54,896               53,261               48,520
                                                        ========              =======              =======

Underwriting Income (Loss)                              $   (559)                 232               (2,108)
                                                        ========              =======              =======

Loss Ratio                                                  59.5%                61.1%                69.0%
Expense Ratio                                               41.5%                38.5%                35.8%
                                                        --------              -------              -------
  Combined Ratio                                           101.0%                99.6%               104.8%
                                                        ========              =======              =======

Net Investment Income                                   $  7,564                6,996                6,308
Realized Gain on Sale of Securities                          967                  539                  861
Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Trading Securities                (585)                (585)                 350
                                                        --------              -------              -------
  Total Net Investment Income                           $  7,946                6,950                7,519
                                                        ========              =======              =======

Net Income                                              $  6,529                6,282                4,508
                                                        ========              =======              =======

Year Ended December 31, 2001 Compared with December 31, 2000

Gross premiums written for 2001 increased by $9.6 million or 11.0% when compared to 2000. This increase is mainly the result of an increase in premiums of the commercial multiple peril line of $9.9 million or 32.0%, which volume has increased due to STS' efforts to consolidate itself as the island's leader in the commercial package business, and to an increase in


premiums of 34.2% or $1.4 million in the professional liability line. The latter was the result of rate increases in malpractice insurance of 59.9% for physicians and surgeons and 85.6% for hospitals. These increases were effective April 1, 2001. Over 80% of the increase experienced in premiums written is attributed to increased volume of business and the remaining 20% is attributed to increased premium rates.

Premiums ceded to reinsurers during 2001 increased by $8.4 million or 26.9% when compared to 2000. This increase is concentrated in catastrophe reinsurance and attributed to recent worldwide catastrophes and the damages caused to the Island by Hurricane Georges in September 1998. In addition, STS' growth in the commercial property sector caused a proportional increase in aggregates levels needed to be covered by catastrophic and proportional treaties.

The terrorist attacks in the United States of America of September 11, 2001 had an unprecedented impact in the global insurance industry in terms of both the size of the loss and nature. With an estimated loss of $40 to $60 billion, insurers' and reinsurers' capacity and pricing is being adversely affected. Therefore, sharp price increases, new terrorism exclusions and shifting capacity is contemplated. Since Puerto Rico is not a high profile target for terrorist attacks like those of September 11, 2001, the primary impact on the property and casualty insurance industry in Puerto Rico will be the influence by this global condition on the cost and availability of catastrophe coverage. For STS this situation resulted in an increase in catastrophe coverage costs of 44% in the 2002 treaty renewal, which is expected to be recovered through an average increase in property risks rates of approximately 35% and a reduction in acquisition costs.

During 2001, STS' loss ratio decreased by 1.6 percentage points, primarily as a result of favorable underwriting results in the auto business, excellent results of underwriting guidelines and premium rate increases of approximately 60% that were effective April 2001. The expense ratio, however, increased by 7.8% as a result of decreasing reinsurance commission income from proportional reinsurance treaties and the effect of a reinsurance portfolio transfer which took place at the beginning of the year 2001. This portfolio transfer is the result of negotiation and renegotiations of such proportional reinsurance treaties.

The segment's fixed income portfolio continues to achieve excellent performance results. Net investment income during the year 2001 increased $568 thousand or 8.1% when compared to 2000. The continued growth of net investment income is attributed to consistent positive cash flows from operations and strict adherence to the company's investment practices. The investment yield for the segment decreased to 6.3% in 2001 from 6.6% in 2000.

Net realized gain on sale of securities of $967 thousand resulted from the sound and timely management of the investment portfolios in accordance with investment policy objectives and from the normal portfolio turnover of the trading and available-for-sale securities, amounting to $5.6 million for the year 2001.


The net unrealized loss of $585 thousand was due to certain equity holdings that replicate the S&P 500 Index. During 2001 said Index experienced a negative return. The segment plans to continue its long-term strategy of passive management and diversification, since historically, these types of investments have outperformed.

Year Ended December 31, 2000 Compared with December 31, 1999

Gross premiums written for 2000 increased by $9.4 million or 12.1% when compared to 1999. STS' marketing and underwriting strategy, which concentrated its efforts on commercial risks, resulted in sharp increases in the premium volume from package accounts and commercial auto business. Overall, the increase in premiums written is attributed to increased volume of business.

During 2000, the effect of worldwide catastrophes and Hurricane Georges in late 1998 brought an increase in catastrophe reinsurance costs of approximately 15%. STS was not materially impacted by these increases in reinsurance rates, since the majority of the reinsurance contracts had been negotiated in 1999 for a two-year deal, locking in moderate rate increases for 2000 while adding much needed stability. All of these factors resulted in a net 1.2% increase in premiums ceded for the year 2000, which impacted the net premiums earned.

In the year 2000, STS' combined ratio of 99.6% resulted in the best-combined ratio of the last three years. A combined ratio of 99.6% represents a dramatic improvement of 5.2 percentage points over the combined ratio for the year 1999 (104.8%), a year that was still impacted by the effects of Hurricane Georges. This improvement in the combined ratio is a reflection of STS' strong operating performance, considering its growth as a multiple line carrier, and that the industry's five-year combined ratio average was 108.0%. Particularly, good results were observed in the commercial auto lines and the monoline commercial business (dwellings). The operating expense ratio reflects an increase of 2.7 percentage points, mainly due to an increase in commission rates and a reduction in the guarantee fund association recoveries. Recoveries from the local guaranty fund association were stopped due to the full recovery of assessed amounts in early 2000.

The segment's fixed income portfolio continues to achieve excellent performance results. Net investment income during the year 2000 increased 10.9% when compared to 1999. The continued growth of net investment income is attributed to consistent positive cash flows from operations and strict adherence to the company's investment policies. The investment yield for the segment decreased to 6.0% in 2000 from 6.3% in 1999.

Net realized gains on sale of securities of $539 thousand resulted from the sound and timely management of the investment portfolios in accordance with investment policy objectives and from normal portfolio turnover of the trading and available-for-sale securities, amounting to $5.9 million during the year 2000.


The net unrealized loss of $585 thousand was due to certain equity holdings that replicate the S&P 500 Index. In 2000 said Index experienced its first negative return since 1994.

Life and Disability Insurance Operating Results


The life and disability insurance segment's total revenues are primarily generated from net premiums earned and investment income. Claims incurred are composed of benefits and claims expenses. A portion of the claims incurred for each period consists of an estimate of unreported claims to the segment during the period. Administrative expenses consist of general, commissions, depreciation, payroll and other related expenses.

SVTS segment has a well-diversified investment portfolio with good asset quality and a large portion invested in investment-grade, fixed income securities. The segment's investment portfolio is predominantly held in U.S. Treasury securities, general obligations and agency-backed mortgage backed securities and collaterized mortgage bank obligations of U.S. and Puerto Rico government instrumentalities and obligations of state and political subdivisions, which comprise over 80% of the total portfolio value as of December 31, 2001. The remaining investment portfolio consists of investments in strong local stocks from financially sound financial institutions. The segment has a large single issuer equity concentration in Popular, Inc. As of December 31, 2001 and 2000, the carrying value of the segment's investment in Popular, Inc. amounted to $2.2 million and $2.1 million, respectively.


The life and disability insurance segment operations for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 were as follows:

(dollar amounts in thousands)                            2001                 2000                 1999
                                                       --------              -------              -------

Earned Premiums                                        $ 17,996               15,590               13,696
Earned Premiums Ceded                                    (5,165)              (4,558)              (3,774)
                                                       --------              -------              -------
  Net Earned Premiums                                    12,831               11,032                9,922
Commission Income on Reinsurance                            595                  544                  796
                                                       --------              -------              -------
  Net Earned Premiums and Commission Income            $ 13,426               11,576               10,718
                                                       ========              =======              =======

Claims Incurred                                        $  6,914                5,778                7,010
Operating Expenses                                        4,553                3,788                3,183
                                                       --------              -------              -------
  Total Underwriting Costs                             $ 11,467                9,566               10,193
                                                       ========              =======              =======

Underwriting Income                                    $  1,959                2,010                  525
                                                       ========              =======              =======

Loss Ratio                                                 51.5%                49.9%                65.4%
Expense Ratio                                              33.9%                32.7%                29.7%
                                                       --------              -------              -------
  Combined Ratio                                           85.4%                82.6%                95.1%
                                                       ========              =======              =======

Net Investment Income                                  $  2,496                2,502                2,294
Realized Gain on Sale of Securities                          34                   20                   --
                                                       --------              -------              -------
  Total Net Investment Income                          $  2,530                2,522                2,294
                                                       ========              =======              =======

Net Income                                             $  3,366                3,334                1,803
                                                       ========              =======              =======

Year Ended December 31, 2001 Compared with December 31, 2000

Total premiums earned for the year in 2001 increased by $2.4 million or 15.4% when compared to 2000. This increase in premium earned is mostly due to an increase in the number of certificates in force in the group life and group disability business totalling 12,702 certificates or 13.1% during the year 2001. Approximately 99% of the increase experienced in the premium earned are attributed to increased volume of business. The remaining 1% of the increase in premium earned is attributed to increased premium rates.

Premiums ceded to reinsurers during the year 2001 increased by $607 thousand or 13.3%. This increase is directly related to the increase in volume of business of the segment. The ratio of premiums ceded to earned premiums during 2001 was consistent with the ratio for 2000. The premiums ceded to earned premiums' ratio were 28.7% for 2001 and 29.2% for 2000.


Claims incurred increased by $1.1 million or 19.7% when compared to 2000. The segment's loss ratio reflects an increase of 1.6 percentage points during the year 2001. This increase is mainly due to non-recurring release of incurred but not reported claims reserve of approximately $1 million during the year 2000. This adjustment is the result of a better than expected actual development of the incurred but not reported claims reserve determined in 1999 for a significant new group that commenced coverage during the last quarter of 1999. Management assumed a conservative approach in determining the incurred but not reported claims reserve for this group in 1999, assuming a worst-case scenario in the absence of historical claim trends.

The expense ratio for the year 2001 reflects an increase of 1.2 percentage points when compared to 2000. This increase is the result of increased commission expense attributed to the increase in volume of business observed during the year and to the overall increase in payroll and payroll related expenses.

Net investment income for the year 2001 was similar when compared to 2000.

Year Ended December 31, 2000 Compared with December 31, 1999

Earned premiums during 2000 increased by $1.9 million or 13.8% when compared to 1999. This increase in earned premiums is mostly due to an increase in the number of certificates in force in the group life and disability business totalling 4,195 certificates or 4.2% during the year 2000. Approximately 99% of the increase experienced in the earned premiums are attributed to an increase in volume of business. The remaining 1% of the increase in earned premiums is attributed to increases in premium rates.

Premiums ceded to reinsurers during the year 2000 increased by $784 thousand or 20.8% when compared to the premiums ceded for the year 1999. This increase is the direct result of the increase in the volume of business of the segment. The ratio of premiums ceded to earned premiums during the year 2000 was consistent with the ratio for 1999. This ratio was 29.2% for 2000 and 27.6% for 1999.

Claims incurred decreased by $1.2 million or 17.6% for 2000 as compared to 1999. This decrease is due to cost containment measures in the disability line of business and to the previously explained non-recurring adjustment to release the incurred but not reported claims reserve recorded in 2000. In addition, during the year 2000, SVTS established a Disability Case Management unit that is dedicated to the identification and prevention of fraud, as well as to cost containment. The result of the efforts of this unit, combined with the fact that during the year 2000 the segment subscribed more disability business than during 1999, contribute to the reduction experienced in claims incurred.


The expense ratio for the year 2000 reflects an increase of 3.0 percentage points when compared to 1999. This increase is the result of increased commission expenses attributed to the increase in volume of business observed during the year and to the overall increase in payroll and payroll related expenses.

The life and disability segment net investment income increased by $208 thousand or 9.1% during 2000. The growth in net investment income is primarily attributed to an increased average investment balance due to positive cash flows from operations. Also, the average investment yield for the segment increased during the year 2000 to 6.9% from 6.7% in 1999.


Cash Flows

The Corporation maintains good liquidity measures due to the quality of its assets, the predictability of its liabilities, and the duration of its contracts. The liquidity of the Corporation is primarily derived from the operating cash flows of its insurance subsidiaries.

As of December 31, 2001 and 2000, the Corporation's cash and cash equivalents amounted to $81 million and $33.6 million, respectively. Sources of funds considered in meeting the objectives of the Corporation's operations include cash provided from operations, maturities and sales of securities classified within the trading and available-for-sale portfolios, securities sold under repurchase agreements, and issuance of long and short-term debt.

Management believes that the Corporation's liquid assets, its net cash provided from operations and its financing capacity will enable it to meet any foreseeable cash requirements.

Cash Flows from Operations

Most of the cash flows from operating activities are generated from the insurance subsidiaries. The basic components of the cash flows from operations are premium collections, claims payments less reinsurance premiums, and payment of operating expenses.

Net cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities amounted to $69.4 million, $7.4 million and $(49) million as of December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively, which represents an increase of $62 million in 2001 and $56.4 million in 2000. This increase in cash flows provided by operating activities is mainly attributed to the net effect of the following: increase in collections of premiums of $65.9 million in 2001 and $107.3 million in 2000, decrease of $12.3 million in 2001 and an increase of $49.3 in 2000 in the amount of claims losses and benefits paid, and an increase of $15.9 million in 2001 and $5.6 million in 2000 in the amount of cash paid to suppliers and employees. The increase in premium collections is the result of the increased volume of business and increased premium rates of the operating segments. The decrease in the amount of claims losses and benefits paid is the result of the establishment of several costs containment measures by


operating segments. The amount of cash paid to suppliers and employees increased as a result of additional expenses generated from the acquisition of new business.

This excess liquidity is available, among other things, to invest in high quality and diversified fixed income securities and, to a lesser degree, to invest in marketable equity securities.

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

The basic components of the cash flows from investing activities is derived from acquisitions and proceeds from investments in the available-for-sale and held-to-maturity portfolios, and capital expenditures. The Corporation monitors the duration of their investment portfolio and executes its purchases and sales of these investments with the objective of having adequate funds available to satisfy its maturing liabilities.

Net cash flows used in investing activities amounted to $24.8 million, $7.4 million and $45.7 million as of December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively. The cash flows used in investing activities during 2001 and 2000 is mainly due to the investment of the excess cash generated from the operations during the years 2001 and 2000. Total acquisition of investments exceeded the proceeds from investments sold or matured by $18.8 million and $4.8 million during the years 2001 and 2000, respectively.

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Net cash flows provided by financing activities amounted to $2.8 million, $5.2 million and $58.9 million for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively. The decrease in the amount provided by financing activities of $2.4 million during the year 2001 is mainly due to the decrease of the change in outstanding checks in excess of bank balances. The change in outstanding checks in excess of bank balances decreased by $2.8 million during the year 2001. This represents a timing difference between the issuance of checks and the cash balance in the bank account at one point in time. The decrease in the amount provided by financing activities of $53.7 million in 2000 is attributed to the proceeds from the borrowing of two long-term credit agreements with a financial institution during 1999 of $61 million. No additional long-term debt has been borrowed since 1999.

Another financing activity of the Corporation is the principal repayment of two credit agreements. The credit agreements required principal payments amounting to $2.4 million and $2.3 million during 2001 and 2000, respectively. Scheduled principal repayments during 2002 amount to $2.6 million. Principal repayments are expected to be paid out of the Corporation's cash flows from operations.


Financing and Financing Capacity

The Corporation has significant short-term liquidity supporting its businesses. It also has available short-term borrowings from time to time to address timing differences between cash receipts and disbursements. These short-term borrowings are mostly in the form of securities sold under repurchase agreements. As of December 31, 2001, the Corporation had $49 million in available credit on these agreements, although there is no balance due as of that date.

In addition, during 1999 the Corporation entered into two credit agreements with a commercial bank. These credit agreements bear interest rates determined by the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus a margin specified by the commercial bank at the time of the agreement. As of December 31, 2001, the two credit agreements have an outstanding balance of $36.7 million and $19.0 million and an average annual interest rate of 6.1% and 5.6%, respectively. During 2001, the Corporation amended the $19.0 million credit agreement to extend its maturity date and to restructure its repayment schedule, which was originally due in August 31, 2001. The amended agreement stipulates repayments of principal amounts of not less than $250 thousand and in integral multiples of $50 thousand. The aggregate principal amounts of this credit agreement, as amended, shall be reduced annually to the amounts on or before the dates described below:

                              Required Principal
     Date                          Balance
--------------             ----------------------
                           (amounts in thousands)
August 1, 2002                    $ 18,000
August 1, 2003                      16,500
August 1, 2004                      15,000
August 1, 2005                      13,500
August 1, 2006                      12,000
August 1, 2007                          --

These credit agreements contain several restrictive covenants, including, but not limited to, restrictions to incur in additional indebtedness and the granting of certain liens, limitations on acquisitions and limitations on changes in control. As of December 31, 2001, management believes the Corporation is in compliance with these covenants. Failure to meet these covenants may trigger the accelerated payment of the credit agreements' outstanding balance. Principal repayments on these loans are expected to be paid out of the operating and investment cash flows of the Corporation.

The Corporation continually monitors existing and alternative financing sources to support its capital and liquidity needs.


Contractual Obligations and Commercial Commitments

The Corporation's contractual obligations include loans payable to a bank (refer to the previous section) and operating leases. The Corporation has operating non-cancelable leases for several offices and certain equipment. The maturity schedule of the Corporation's contractual obligations at December 31, 2001 is as follows:

                           Total           2002           2003           2004           2005            2006         Thereafter
                          -------          -----          -----          -----          -----          ------        ----------

Loans payable             $55,650          2,640          3,140          3,140          3,140           3,140          40,450
Operating leases            2,800          1,346          1,041            247            101              65              --
                          -------          -----          -----          -----          -----          ------          ------
                          $58,450          3,986          4,181          3,387          3,241           3,205          40,450
                          =======          =====          =====          =====          =====          ======          ======

The maturity schedule of the Corporation's other commercial commitments as of December 31, 2001 is as follows:

                             Total            2002           2003          2004          2005          2006       Thereafter
                            -------          ------          ----          ----          ----          ----       ----------

Standby Repurchase
   Obligations              $49,000          49,000            --            --            --            --            --
                            =======          ======          ====          ====          ====          ====          ====

As of December 31, 2001, the repurchase obligations to credit facilities remained unused. Such facilities are due on various dates in 2002. Management understands that the Corporation has the ability to extend or renew them at its convenience.

Other than as noted above, the Corporation does not have any material off-balance sheet arrangements, trading activities involving non-exchange related contracts accounted for at fair value or relationships with persons or entities that derive benefits from a non-independent relationship with the Corporation or the Corporation's related parties. As of December 31, 2001, the Corporation is not involved in any derivative activity.

Restrictions on Certain Payments by the Corporation

The Corporation is a for-profit organization that operates as a not-for-profit organization by virtue of the affirmative vote of its stockholders. As a result, the Corporation does not distribute dividends. This resolution could be altered anytime by the affirmative vote of stockholders and thus, dividends could be available for distribution subject to the applicable obligations and responsibilities.


In the event that the stockholders decide to operate as a for-profit organization and the Board decides to pay dividends, the amount of net income that could be available for distribution would exclude TSI's net income due to TSI's not-for-profit status obtained through its income tax ruling. This fact was reaffirmed by a letter issued by the Department of Treasury on July 3, 2001.

TSI is not allowed to distribute dividends on its common stock. This is due to an income tax administrative ruling issued by the Department of the Treasury of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, which grants the subsidiary a total tax exemption from Puerto Rico taxes if it complies with several conditions, one of which prohibits the payment of dividends.

TSM's insurance subsidiaries are subject to the regulations of the Commissioner of Insurance of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. These regulations, among other things, require insurance companies to maintain certain levels of capital; therefore, restricting the amount of earnings that can be distributed. As of December 31, 2001, the insurance subsidiaries were in compliance with such minimum capital requirements. These regulations are not directly applicable to TSM, as a holding company, since it is not an insurance company. Except for TSI, which has the dividend restriction imposed by the Department of the Treasury's income tax administrative ruling, the regulations applicable to insurance subsidiaries are not expected to affect their ability to distribute dividends to TSM.

The credit agreements with a commercial bank restrict the amount of dividends that TSM and its subsidiaries can declare or pay to stockholders. According to the credit agreements, the dividend payment cannot exceed the accumulated retained earnings of the paying entity.

None of the previously described dividend restrictions are expected to have a significant effect on TSM's ability to meet its cash obligations.

Solvency Regulation

To monitor the solvency of the operations, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association ("BCBSA") requires TSM and TSI to comply with certain specified levels of Risk Based Capital ("RBC"). RBC is designed to identify weakly capitalized companies by comparing each company's adjusted surplus to its required surplus ("RBC ratio"). The RBC ratio reflects the risk profile of insurance companies. At December 31, 2001, both entities had a RBC ratio above the level required by BCBSA.

Other Contingencies

(1) Litigation - Various litigation claims and assessments against the Corporation have arisen in the course of the Corporation's business, including but not limited to, its activities as an insurer and employer. Further, the Commissioner of Insurance of the Commonwealth of Puerto


Rico, as well as other Federal and Puerto Rico government authorities regularly make inquiries and conduct investigations concerning the Corporation's compliance with applicable insurance and other laws and regulations.

Based on the information currently known by the Corporation's management, in its opinion, the outcomes of such pending investigations and legal proceedings are not likely to have a material adverse effect on the Corporation's financial position, results of operations and cash flows. However, given the inherent unpredictability of these matters, it is possible that an adverse outcome in certain matters could, from time to time, have an adverse effect on the Corporation's operating results and/or cash flows (see Item 8).

(2) Guarantee Associations - To operate in Puerto Rico, insurance companies, such as TSM's insurance subsidiaries, are required to participate in guarantee associations, which are organized to pay policyholders contractual benefits on behalf of insurers declared to be insolvent. These associations levy assessments, up to prescribed limits, on a proportional basis, to all member insurers in the line of business in which the insolvent insurer was engaged. No assessments were levied against the Corporation during the years 2001, 2000 and 1999. As of December 31, 2001, the Corporation maintains an accrual of $785 thousand for possible future assessments. It is the opinion of management that any possible future guarantee association assessments will not have a material effect on the Corporation's operating results and/or cash flows.


The accounting policies described in the following paragraphs are the policies the Corporation considers critical in preparing its consolidated financial statements. These policies include significant estimates made by management using information available at the time the estimates are made. However, as described below, these estimates could materially change if different information or assumptions are used. The descriptions below are summarized and have been simplified for clarity. A more detailed description of the significant accounting policies used by the Corporation in preparing its financial statements is included in note 2 of the notes to the audited consolidated financial statements (see F-6 in item 15).

Revenue Recognition and Allowance for Doubtful Receivables

The Corporation's revenue is principally derived from premiums and fees billed to customers in the health, property and casualty and life and disability insurance businesses. Subscriber premiums on health insurance policies are billed in advance of their respective coverage period, and the related revenue is recorded as earned during the coverage period. Premiums on property and casualty contracts are recognized as earned on a pro rata basis over the policy term. The portion of premiums related to the period prior to the end of coverage is recorded in the consolidated balance sheets as unearned premiums and is transferred to premium revenue as earned. Life insurance premiums are reported as earned when due.


The Corporation estimates the amount of uncollectible receivables in each period and establishes an allowance for doubtful receivables. The amount of the allowance is based on management's evaluation of the aging of accounts and such other factors that deserve current recognition. Actual results could differ from those estimates. A significant change in the level of uncollectible accounts would have a significant effect on the Corporation's results of operations.

Claim Liabilities

Claims processed, incomplete and unreported losses for subscriber benefits for health insurance policies represent the estimated amounts to be paid to providers based on experience and accumulated statistical data. Loss-adjustment expenses related to such claims are currently accrued based on estimated future expenses necessary to process such claims.

TSI contracts with various IPAs for certain medical care services provided to the Healthcare Reform's subscribers. The IPAs are compensated based on a capitation basis. TSI retains a portion of the capitation payments to provide for incurred but not reported losses. Total withholdings and capitation payable are recorded in the consolidated financial statements as part of the liability for claims processed and incomplete, and for future policy benefits.

The liability for losses and loss-adjustment expenses for STS represents individual case estimates for reporting claims and estimates for unreported losses, net of any salvage and subrogation based on past experience, modified for current trends and estimates of expenses for investigating and settling claims.

The liability for future policy benefits is based on the amount of benefits contractually determined for reported claims, and on estimates, based on past experience modified for current trends for unreported claims.

The above liabilities are necessarily based on estimates and, while management believes that the amounts are adequate, the ultimate liability may be in excess of or less than the amounts provided. The methods for making such estimates and for establishing the resulting liability are continually reviewed, and any adjustments are reflected in the consolidated statements of operations of the current year.


The Corporation classifies its debt and marketable equity securities in one of three categories: trading, available for sale, or held to maturity. Trading securities are bought and held principally for the purpose of selling them in the near future. Securities classified as held to maturity are those securities in which the Corporation has the ability and intent to hold until maturity. All other securities not included in trading or held to maturity are classified as available for sale.


Trading and available-for-sale securities are recorded at fair value. Held-to-maturity securities are recorded at amortized cost, adjusted for the amortization, or accretion of premiums or discounts. Unrealized holding gains and losses on trading securities are included in operations. Unrealized holding gains and losses, net of the related tax effect, on available-for-sale securities are excluded from operations and reported as a separate component of other comprehensive income (loss) until realized. Transfers of securities between categories are recorded at fair value at the date of transfer. Unrealized holding gains and losses are recognized in operations for transfers into trading securities. Unrealized holding gains or losses associated with transfers of securities from held to maturity to available for sale are recorded as a separate component of other comprehensive income (loss). The unrealized holding gains or losses included in the separate component of other comprehensive income (loss) for securities transferred from available for sale, to held to maturity are maintained and amortized into operations over the remaining life of the security as an adjustment to yield in a manner consistent with the amortization or accretion of premium or discount on the associated security.

The Corporation regularly monitors the difference between the costs and estimated fair value of their investments. A decline in the fair value of any available-for-sale or held-to-maturity security below cost that is deemed to be other than temporary results in a reduction in the carrying amount to fair value. If investments experience a decline in value that is deemed to be other than temporary, the security is written down to fair value with a charge to operations and a new cost basis for the security is established. Testing for impairment of investments requires significant management judgment. The identification of potentially impaired investments, the determination of their fair value and the assessment of whether any decline in value is other than temporary are the key judgment elements. The discovery of new information and the passage of time can significantly change these judgments. Revisions of impairment judgments are made when new information becomes known, and any resulting impairment adjustments are made at that time. The current economic environment and recent volatility of securities markets increase the difficulty of determining fair value and assessing investment impairment. The same influences tend to increase the risk of potentially impaired assets.

The Corporation seeks to match the maturities of invested assets with the payment of expected liabilities. By doing this, the Corporation attempts to make cash available as payments become due. If a significant mismatch of the maturities of assets and liabilities were to occur, the impact on the Corporation's results of operations could be significant.

Premiums and discounts are amortized or accreted over the life of the related held-to-maturity or available-for-sale security as an adjustment to yield using the effective interest method. Dividends and interests income are recognized when earned.

Realized gains and losses from the sale of available-for-sale securities are included in operations and are determined on a specific-identification basis.



In June 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141, Business Combinations, and SFAS No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets. SFAS No. 141 requires that the purchase method of accounting be used for all business combinations and specifies criteria that intangible assets acquired in a business combination must meet to be recognized and reported separately from goodwill. SFAS No. 142 will require that goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives no longer be amortized, but instead tested for impairment at least annually in accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 142. This statement also requires that intangible assets with estimable useful lives be amortized over their respective estimated useful lives to their estimated residual values and reviewed for impairment in accordance with SFAS No. 121 and subsequently, SFAS No. 144 after its adoption.

The Corporation adopted the provisions of SFAS No. 141 as of July 1, 2001, and SFAS No. 142 is effective January 1, 2002. Goodwill and intangible assets determined to have an indefinite useful life acquired in a purchase business combination completed after June 30, 2001, but before SFAS No. 142 is adopted in full, are not amortized. Goodwill and intangible assets acquired in business combinations completed before July 1, 2001 continued to be amortized and tested for impairment prior to the full adoption of SFAS No. 142.

Upon adoption of SFAS No. 142, the Corporation is required to evaluate its existing intangible assets and goodwill that were acquired in purchase business combinations, and to make any necessary reclassifications in order to conform with the new classification criteria in SFAS No. 141 for recognition separate from goodwill. The Corporation will be required to reassess the useful lives and residual values of all intangible assets acquired and make any necessary amortization period adjustments by the end of the first interim period after adoption. If an intangible asset is identified as having an indefinite useful life, the Corporation will be required to test the intangible asset for impairment in accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 142 within the first interim period. Impairment is measured as the excess of carrying value over the fair value of an intangible asset with an indefinite life. Any impairment loss will be measured as of the date of adoption and recognized as the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle in the first interim period.

In connection with SFAS No. 142's transitional goodwill impairment evaluation, the statement requires the Corporation to perform an assessment of whether there is an indication that goodwill is impaired as of the date of adoption. To accomplish this, the Corporation must identify its reporting units and determine the carrying value of each reporting unit by assigning the assets and liabilities, including the existing goodwill and intangible assets, to those reporting units as of January 1, 2002. The Corporation will then have up to six months from January 1, 2002 to


determine the fair value of each reporting unit and compare it to the carrying amount of the reporting unit. To the extent that the carrying amount of a reporting unit exceeds the fair value of the reporting unit, an indication exists that the reporting unit's goodwill may be impaired and the Corporation must perform the second step of the transitional impairment test.

The second step is required to be completed as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the year of adoption. In the second step, the Corporation must compare the implied fair value of the reporting unit's goodwill with the carrying amount of the reporting unit's goodwill, both of which would be measured as of the date of adoption. The implied fair value of goodwill is determined by allocating the fair value of the reporting unit to all of the assets (recognized and unrecognized) and liabilities of the reporting unit in a manner similar to a purchase price allocation, in accordance with SFAS No. 141. The residual fair value after this allocation is the implied fair value of the reporting unit's goodwill. Any transitional impairment loss will be recognized as the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle in the Corporation's consolidated statement of operations.

As of the date of adoption of SFAS No. 142, the Corporation expects to have unamortized goodwill in the amount of $426 thousand, which will be subject to the transition provisions of SFAS No. 142. Because of the extensive effort needed to comply with adopting SFAS No. 141 and SFAS No. 142, it is not practicable to reasonably estimate the impact of adopting the statements on the Corporation's consolidated financial statements at the date of this report, including whether it will be required to recognize any transitional impairment losses as the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle.

In June 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 143, Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations. SFAS No. 143 requires the Corporation to record the fair value of an asset retirement obligation as a liability in the period in which it incurs a legal obligation associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived assets that result from the acquisition, construction, development, and/or normal use of the assets. The Corporation also records a corresponding asset that is depreciated over the life of the asset. Subsequent to the initial measurement of the asset retirement obligation, the obligation will be adjusted at the end of each period to reflect the passage of time and changes in the estimated future cash flows underlying the obligation. The Company is required to adopt SFAS No. 143 on January 1, 2003.

In August 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 144, Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets. SFAS No. 144 addresses financial accounting and reporting for the impairment or disposal of long-lived assets. This statement requires that long-lived assets be reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held and used is measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of an asset to future net cash flows expected to be generated by the asset. If the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its estimated future cash flows, an impairment charge is recognized by the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds the fair value of the asset. SFAS No. 144 requires companies to separately report discontinued operations and extends that reporting to a component of an entity that either has been disposed of (by


sale, abandonment, or in a distribution to owners) or is classified as held for sale. Assets to be disposed of are reported at the lower of the carrying amount or fair value less costs to sell. The Corporation is required to adopt SFAS No. 144 on January 1, 2002.


The Corporation is exposed to certain market risks that are inherent in the Corporation's financial instruments, which arise from transactions entered into in the normal course of business. The Corporation does not enter into derivative financial instrument transactions to manage or reduce market risk or for speculative purposes, but is subject to market risk on certain of its financial instruments. The Corporation must effectively manage, measure and monitor the market risk associated with its invested assets and interest rate sensitive liabilities. It has established and implemented comprehensive policies and procedures to minimize the effects of potential market volatility.


The Corporation has exposure to market risk mostly in its investment activities. For purposes of this disclosure, "market risk" is defined as the risk of loss resulting from changes in interest rates and equity prices. Analytical tools and monitoring systems are in place to assess each one of the elements of market risks.

As in other insurance companies, investment activities are an integral part of the Corporation's business. Insurance statutes regulate the type of investments that the insurance segments are permitted to make and limit the amount of funds that may be invested in some types of securities. Due to these statutes and regulations as well as due to business and investment strategies, the Corporation has a well-diversified investment portfolio with good asset quality and a large portion invested in investment-grade, fixed income securities.

The Corporation's investment philosophy is to maintain a largely investment-grade fixed income portfolio, provide adequate liquidity for expected liability durations and other requirements, and maximize total return through active investment management.

The Corporation evaluates the interest rates risk of its assets and liabilities regularly, as well as the appropriateness of investments relative to its internal investment guidelines. The Corporation operates within these guidelines by maintaining a well-diversified portfolio, both across and within asset classes. Investment decisions are centrally managed by investment professionals based on the guidelines established by management. The Corporation has a Finance Committee, composed of members of the Board of Directors, which monitors and approves investment policies and procedures. The investment portfolio is managed following those policies and procedures.


The Corporation's investment portfolio is predominantly held is U.S. treasury securities, obligations of U.S. government instrumentalities, obligations of state and political subdivisions, and obligations of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and its instrumentalities, which comprise approximately 70% of the total portfolio value in the year 2001. Of this 70% of total portfolio value, approximately 17% is composed of United States of America agency-backed mortgage backed securities and collaterized mortgage obligations. The remaining balance of the investment portfolio consists of an equity securities portfolio that replicates the S&P 500 Index, a corporate bonds portfolio and investments in strong local stocks from well-known financial institutions. The Corporation has a large single issuer equity concentration in Popular, Inc., which is the holding company of the largest local commercial bank in Puerto Rico. As of December 31, 2001, the carrying value of the Corporation's investment in Popular, Inc. amounted to $37.7 million, which represents 9.0% of total investments and 20.3% of stockholders' equity.

The Corporation measures market risk related to its holdings of invested assets and other financial instruments utilizing a sensitivity analysis. This analysis estimates the potential changes in fair value of the instruments subject to market risk. The sensitivity analysis was performed separately for each of the Corporation's market risk exposures related to its trading and other than trading portfolios. This sensitivity analysis is an estimate and should not be viewed as predictive of the Corporation's future financial performance. The Corporation cannot assure that its actual losses in any particular year will not exceed the amounts indicated in the following paragraphs. Limitations related to this sensitivity analysis include:

- The market risk information is limited by the assumptions and parameters established in creating the related sensitivity analysis, including the impact of prepayment rates on mortgages;

- The model assumes that the composition of assets and liabilities remains unchanged throughout the year.

Accordingly, the Corporation uses such models as tools and not as a substitute for the experience and judgment of its management and Board of Directors.

Interest Rate Risk

The Corporation's exposure to interest rate changes results from its significant holdings of fixed maturities. Fixed maturities include U.S. and Puerto Rico government bonds, securities issued by government agencies, corporate bonds and mortgage-backed securities. Investments subject to interest rates risk are located within the Corporation's trading and other than trading portfolios. The Corporation is also exposed to interest rate risk from its two variable interest credit agreements and from its individual retirement accounts.


Equity Price Risk

The Corporation's investments in equity securities expose it to equity price risks, for which potential losses could arise from adverse changes in the value of equity securities. Financial instruments subject to equity prices risk are located within the Corporation's trading and other than trading portfolios.


Trading Portfolio

The Corporation's trading securities are a source of market risk. As of December 31, 2001, the Corporation's trading portfolio is composed of investments in publicly traded common stock (approximately 57% of total portfolio value) and investments in corporate bonds (approximately 43% of total portfolio value). The securities in the trading portfolio are high quality, diversified across industries and readily marketable. Trading securities are recorded at fair value, changes in the fair value of these securities are included in operations. The fair value of the investments in trading securities is exposed to both interest rate risk and equity price risk.

(1) Interest Rate Risk - The Corporation has evaluated the net impact to the fair value of its fixed income investments using a combination of both statistical and fundamental methodologies. From these shocked values, a resultant market price appreciation/depreciation can be determined after portfolio cash flows are modeled and evaluated over an instantaneous 100, 200 and 300 basis points (bp) rate shifts. Techniques used in the evaluation of cash flows include Monte Carlo simulation through a series of probability distributions over 200 interest rate paths. Necessary prepayment speeds are compiled using Salomon Brothers Yield Book, which sources numerous factors in deriving speeds, including but no limited to: historical speeds, economic indicators, street consensus speeds, etc. Securities evaluated under the aforementioned scenarios include mostly private label structures, provided that cash flows information is available. The following table sets forth the result of this analysis for the year ended December 31, 2001.

                                              EXPECTED              AMOUNT OF         %
Change in Interest Rates                     Fair Value             Decrease        Change
                                             ----------             ---------       ------

      Base Scenario                           $ 38,431                   --           0.00%
                                              ========               ======         ======
         +100 bp                              $ 36,478               (1,953)         (5.08)%
                                              ========               ======         ======
         +200 bp                              $ 34,701               (3,730)         (9.71)%
                                              ========               ======         ======
         +300 bp                              $ 33,078               (5,353)        (13.93)%
                                              ========               ======         ======


The Corporation believes that an interest rate shift in a 12-month period of 100 bp represents a moderately adverse outcome, while a 200 bp shift is significantly adverse and a 300 bp shift is unlikely given historical precedents.

(2) Equity Price Risk - The Corporation's equity securities in the trading portfolio are comprised primarily of publicly traded common stock. Assuming an immediate decrease of 10% in the market value of these securities as of December 31, 2001, the hypothetical loss in the fair value of these investments is estimated to be approximately $5.1 million.

Other than Trading Portfolio

The Corporation's available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities are also a source of market risk. As of December 31, 2001 approximately 88% and 100% of the Corporation's investments in available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities, respectively, consisted of fixed income securities. The remaining balance of the available-for-sale portfolio is comprised of equity securities. Available-for-sale securities are recorded at fair value, changes in the market value of these securities, net of the related tax effect, are excluded from operations and are reported as a separate component of other comprehensive income (loss) until realized. Held-to-maturity securities are recorded at amortized cost, adjusted for the amortization, or accretion of premiums or discounts. The fair value of the investments in the other than trading portfolio is exposed to both interest rate risk and equity price risk.

(1) Interest Rate Risk - The Corporation has evaluated the net impact to the fair value of its fixed income investments using a combination of both statistical and fundamental methodologies. From these shocked values a resultant market price appreciation/depreciation can be determined after portfolio cash flows are modeled and evaluated over an instantaneous 100, 200 and 300 bp rate shifts. Techniques used in the evaluation of cash flows include Monte Carlo simulation through a series of probability distributions over 200 interest rate paths. Necessary prepayment speeds are compiled using Salomon Brothers Yield Book, which sources numerous factors in deriving speeds, including but no limited to: historical speeds, economic indicators, street consensus speeds, etc. Securities evaluated under the aforementioned scenarios include, as it relates to the Corporation, mortgage pass-through certificates and collateralized mortgage obligations of U.S. agencies, and private label structures, provided that cash flows information is available. The following table sets forth the result of this analysis for the year ended December 31, 2001.



                              EXPECTED        AMOUNT OF          %
------------------------     ----------       --------         ------
     Base Scenario            $290,043             --            0.00%
                              ========        =======          ======
        +100 bp               $278,413        (11,630)          (4.01)%
                              ========        =======          ======
        +200 bp               $267,725        (22,318)          (7.69)%
                              ========        =======          ======
        +300 bp               $257,182        (32,861)         (11.33)%
                              ========        =======          ======

The Corporation believes that an interest rate shift in a 12-month period of 100 bp represents a moderately adverse outcome, while a 200 bp shift is significantly adverse and a 300 bp shift is unlikely given historical precedents. Although the Corporation classifies 88% of its fixed income securities as available-for-sale, the Corporation's cash flows and the intermediate duration of its investment portfolio should allow it to hold securities until their maturity, thereby avoiding the recognition of losses, should interest rates rise significantly.

The Corporation is subject to interest rate risk on its two credit agreements with a commercial bank and on its individual retirement accounts ("IRA"). Shifting interest rates do not have a material effect on the fair value of these instruments. The two credit agreements have a variable interest rate structure, which reduces the potential exposure to interest rate risk. The IRA accounts have short-term interest rate guarantee which also reduces the accounts' exposure to interest rate risk.

(2) Equity Price Risk - The Corporation's equity securities in the available-for-sale portfolio are comprised primarily of stock of several Puerto Rico financial institutions. Assuming an immediate decrease of 10% in the market value of these securities as of December 31, 2001, the hypothetical loss in the fair value of these investments is estimated to be approximately $3.8 million.


As part of the Reorganization, TSM acquired the real estate owned by TSI prior to the Reorganization. This real estate includes the seven story (including the basement floor) building located at 1441 F.D. Roosevelt Avenue, in San Juan, Puerto Rico where the main office of TSM, TSI and ISI are located, and the adjacent two buildings, one that houses TCI and certain offices of TSI, and the adjacent parking lot. In addition, TSM is the owner of five floors of a fifteen-story building located at 1510 F.D. Roosevelt Avenue, in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. These floors house the Internal Auditing Office of the Corporation, SVTS, STS and some divisions of TSI.

In addition to the properties described above, TSM or its subsidiaries are parties to leases that are entered into in the ordinary course of business.



The only outstanding voting securities of TSM are shares of its Common Stock, par value $40.00 per share. As of April 1, 2002, there were 9,633 shares of Common Stock outstanding.

The following tables set forth, as of April 1, 2002, certain information concerning ownership of each class of equity securities of TSM by:
(i) each current director individually, (ii) candidates for election as Director of TSM at its Annual Meeting of stockholders to be held on April 28, 2002, (iii) the President and Chief Executive Officer of TSM and the four highest compensated officers of the Corporation other than the President and Chief Executive Officer, (iv) the President of each of the TSM's subsidiaries, and (v) all current directors and executive officers of the Corporation. The management of TSM knows of no person or group that owns more than 5% of the equity securities of TSM. Each of the persons and groups listed below has sole voting (if applicable) and investment power with respect to the securities shown.

                                                                                       PERCENTAGE OF
                                                        AMOUNT OF BENEFICIAL            OUTSTANDING
---------------------------------------------           --------------------         -----------------
Dr. Fernando L. Longo                                             2                          **
Dr. Fernando J. Ysern-Borras                                      1                          **
Ms. Carole Acosta-Grubb*                                          1                          **
Dr. Valeriano Alicea-Cruz                                         2                          **
Mr. Jose Arturo Alvarez-Gallardo*                                 1                          **
Mr. Mario S. Belaval*                                             1                          **
Dr. Arturo Cordova-Lopez                                          1                          **
Mr. Jose Davison-Lampon, Esq.*                                    1                          **
Dr. Porfirio E. Diaz-Torres                                       3                          **
Ms. Sonia Gomez de Torres, CPA*                                   1                          **
Mr. Hector Ledesma*                                               1                          **
Mr. Vicente J. Leon-Irizarry, CPA*                                1                          **
Mr. Juan Jose Leon-Soto, Esq.*                                    1                          **
Dr. Wilfredo Lopez-Hernandez                                      2                          **
Dr. Wilmer Rodriguez-Silva                                       15                          **
Dr. Jesus R Sanchez-Colon                                         1                          **
Mr. Manuel Suarez-Mendez, P.E.*                                   1                          **
Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes*                                     1                          **
Dr. Jaime L. Velasco                                              5                          **
Dr. Manuel A. Marcial-Seoane***                                   1                          **
Ms. Adamina Soto-Martinez, CPA***                                 0                           0
Dr. Alejandro E. Franco-Linares                                   4                          **
Mr. Earl M. Harper                                                0                           0
Dr. Luis A. Marini-Mir                                            2                          **
Mr. Roberto O. Morales, Esq.                                      0                           0
Mr. Luis M. Pimentel-Zerbi                                        0                           0
Mr. Hector R. Ramos, Esq.                                         0                           0

* These directors are stockholders of TSM as a result of the requirement under the TSM's Articles of


Incorporation that requires directors to hold at least one qualifying share of Common Stock TSM.
** Less than 1%
*** Ms. Adamina Soto-Martinez and Dr. Manuel A. Marcial-Seone are candidates for election as director of TSM at the annual meeting of stockholders.


                                                                                       PERCENTAGE OF
                                                         AMOUNT OF BENEFICIAL           OUTSTANDING
---------------------------------------------            --------------------        -----------------
Ms. Socorro Rivas, CPA                                            0                          0
Mr. Juan Jose Roman, CPA                                          0                          0
Mr. Ramon M. Ruiz, CPA                                            0                          0
Mr. Carlos D. Torres-Diaz                                         0                          0
Total Shares owned by Current Directors and
Current Executive Officers, as a group                           49                         **

** Less than 1%


TSM is administered by its Board of Directors, which in accordance with its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, currently consists of nineteen directors. Groups of directors are elected on a staggered basis every three years at the annual ordinary stockholders' meeting. The last election of directors by stockholders was on April 29, 2001. The Board of Directors may appoint new directors to fill the vacancies that occur when a director cannot continue in the Board of Directors for any reason. The new director will serve for the term that the former director was elected. TSM's President and Chief Executive Officer is appointed by the Board of Directors and hold office at the Board's discretion. Scheduled meetings of TSM's Board of Directors are held at least once a month. Special Board meetings are convened by the Chairman of the Board or by at least five Board members.

Listed below are the Corporation's current directors and executive officers:


Directors of Triple-S Management Corporation

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Dr. Fernando L. Longo               62               Director and Chairman
Dr. Fernando J. Ysern-Borras        46               Director and Vice-Chairman
Ms. Carole Acosta-Grubb             59               Director and Treasurer
Dr. Valeriano Alicea-Cruz           56               Director
Mr. Jose Arturo Alvarez-Gallardo    59               Director
Mr. Mario S. Belaval                63               Director
Dr. Arturo Cordova-Lopez            58               Director and Assistant Secretary


Mr. Jose Davison Lampon, Esq.       68               Director
Dr. Porfirio E. Diaz-Torres         60               Director
Ms. Sonia Gomez de Torres, CPA      66               Director and Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Hector Ledesma                  73               Director
Mr. Vicente J. Leon-Irizarry, CPA   63               Director
Mr. Juan Jose Leon-Soto, Esq.       59               Director
Dr. Wilfredo Lopez-Hernandez        58               Director

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Dr. Wilmer Rodriguez-Silva          48               Director and Secretary
Dr. Jesus R Sanchez-Colon           46               Director
Mr. Manuel Suarez-Mendez, P.E.      56               Director
Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes        64               Director
Dr. Jaime L. Velasco                60               Director

Executive Officers Triple-S Management Corporation

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes        64               President and Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Ramon M. Ruiz, CPA              45               Executive Vice President
Mr. Hector R. Ramos, Esq.           54               Senior Vice President for Corporate Affairs
Mr. Juan Jose Roman, CPA            37               Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

TSM is a holding company that conducts its business through its wholly owned subsidiaries: TSI, SVTS, STS, ISI and TCI. The following is a list of the directors and executive officers of each subsidiary:(1)

(1) In addition to the shares owned by TSM, each director owns a qualifying share in order to be director of the subsidiaries. The amount of shares owned by directors is minimal.



Directors of Triple-S, Inc.

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Dr. Fernando L. Longo               62               Director and Chairman
Dr. Wilmer Rodriguez-Silva          48               Director and Vice-Chairman
Ms. Carole Acosta-Grubb             59               Director and Treasurer
Dr. Valeriano Alicea-Cruz           56               Director
Mr. Jose Arturo Alvarez-Gallardo    59               Director
Mr. Mario S. Belaval                63               Director
Dr. Arturo Cordova-Lopez            58               Director and Assistant Secretary
Mr. Jose Davison-Lampon, Esq.       68               Director
Dr. Porfirio E. Diaz-Torres         60               Director
Ms. Sonia Gomez de Torres, CPA      66               Director and Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Hector Ledesma                  73               Director
Mr. Vicente J. Leon-Irizarry, CPA   63               Director
Mr. Juan Jose Leon-Soto, Esq.       59               Director
Dr. Wilfredo Lopez-Hernandez        58               Director
Dr. Jesus R Sanchez-Colon           46               Director
Mr. Manuel Suarez-Mendez, P.E.      56               Director
Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes        64               Director
Dr. Jaime L. Velasco                60               Director and Secretary
Dr. Fernando J. Ysern-Borras        46               Director

Executive Officers of Triple-S, Inc.

Name:                                      Age:              Office:
-----                                      ----              -------
Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes                64               President and Chief Executive Officer
Ms. Socorro Rivas, CPA                      54               Executive Vice President and General Manager
Mr. Earl M. Harper                          43               Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Dr. Alejandro E. Franco-Linares             63               Senior Vice President, Medical, Dental and
                                                             Professional Affairs Division
Mr. Jaime R. Pericas-Alfaro                 37               Vice President, Sales and Marketing Division


Directors of Seguros de Vida Triple-S, Inc.

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Dr. Fernando J. Ysern-Borras        46               Director and Chairman
Dr. Wilfredo Lopez-Hernandez        58               Director and Vice-Chairman
Ms. Carole Acosta-Grubb             59               Director
Ms. Sonia Gomez de Torres, CPA      66               Director and Treasurer
Dr. Fernando L. Longo               62               Director


Mr. Roberto O. Morales, Esq.        58               Director
Dr. Wilmer Rodriguez-Silva          48               Director and Secretary
Mr. Manuel Suarez-Mendez, P.E.      56               Director
Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes        64               Director

Executive Officers of Seguros de Vida Triple-S, Inc.

Name:                               Age:             Office:
-----                               ----             -------
Mr. Roberto O. Morales, Esq.        58               President


Directors of Seguros Triple-S, Inc.

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Mr. Manuel Suarez-Mendez, P.E.      56               Director and Chairman
Dr. Wilfredo Lopez-Hernandez        58               Director and Vice Chairman
Ms. Carole Acosta-Grubb             59               Director and Treasurer
Dr. Arturo Cordova-Lopez            58               Director and Secretary
Dr. Porfirio E. Diaz-Torres         60               Director
Mr. Vicente J. Leon-Irizarry, CPA   63               Director
Dr. Fernando L. Longo               62               Director

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Mr. Luis M. Pimentel-Zerbi          46               Director
Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes        64               Director

Executive Officers of Seguros Triple-S, Inc.

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Mr. Luis M. Pimentel-Zerbi          46               President
Mr. A. Eduardo Arroyo               62               Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Ms. Eva G. Salgado                  45               Vice President, Underwriting Department


Directors of Interactive Systems, Inc.

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Mr. Mario S. Belaval                63               Director and Chairman
Mr. Vicente J. Leon-Irizarry, CPA   63               Director and Vice Chairman


Dr. Valeriano Alicea-Cruz           56               Director
Mr. Jose Arturo Alvarez-Gallardo    59               Director and Treasurer
Mr. Juan Jose Leon-Soto, Esq.       59               Director and Secretary
Dr. Fernando L. Longo               62               Director
Dr. Jesus R Sanchez-Colon           46               Director
Mr. Carlos D. Torres-Diaz           43               Director
Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes        64               Director

Executive Officers of Interactive Systems, Inc.

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Mr. Carlos D. Torres-Diaz           43               President
Mr. Ramon De La Torre               46               Vice President


Directors of Triple-C, Inc.

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Dr. Jaime L. Velasco                60               Director and Chairman
Dr. Wilmer Rodriguez-Silva          48               Director and Vice-Chairman
Ms. Carole Acosta-Grubb             59               Director and Treasurer
Dr. Arturo Cordova-Lopez            58               Director

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Mr. Jose Davison-Lampon, Esq.       68               Director and Secretary
Ms. Sonia Gomez de Torres, CPA      66               Director and Assistant Treasurer
Dr. Fernando L. Longo               62               Director
Dr. Luis A. Marini-Mir              53               Director
Dr. Jesus R. Sanchez-Colon          46               Director
Mr. Manuel Suarez-Mendez, P.E.      56               Director and Assistant Secretary
Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes        64               Director

Executive Officers of Triple-C, Inc.

Name:                              Age:              Office:
-----                              ----              -------
Dr. Luis A. Marini-Mir              53               President
Mr. Fernando Rivera-Rivera          50               Acting Executive Vice President
Dr. Sarah Lopez-Torres              50               Vice President, Medical and Dental Affairs Division

Listed below is certain biographical information of the directors of

DR. FERNANDO L. LONGO has served as Chairman of the Board and director of TSM since 1999. Dr. Longo also serves as director of TSI since 1997, and currently, he is TSI's Chairman of the Board. He is a director of all TSM's subsidiaries.


He has been a member of the American Medical Association, the Society of Military ENT, the Puerto Rican Medical Association and a Junior Member in the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Longo holds a B.S. from the University of Puerto Rico. He also holds an M.D. degree from the School of Medicine of the University of Puerto Rico and a specialty degree in Otolaryngology from the San Juan Municipal Hospital training. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Service. Presently, he is the Secretary of the Board of Hospital San Pablo in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, and holds a private practice in otolaryngology in Bayamon, Puerto Rico.

DR. FERNANDO J. YSERN-BORRAS has served as Vice-Chairman of the Board and director of TSM since 1999. Dr. Ysern-Borras also serves as Chairman of the Board and director of SVTS, and since 1998 as director of TSI. Since 1986, Dr. Ysern-Borras has worked in the Grupo Pediatrico de Caguas. He has worked in several hospitals and has been the Chair of the Pediatric Department in the Inter-American Hospital of Advanced Medicine. He has held positions as Assistant Professor at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine and the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine, Adolescent Medicine Fellowship Director at the Caguas Regional Hospital, President of the Health and Social Welfare Commission, Member of the Puerto Rico Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, and Member of the Caguas Municipal Assembly. Dr. Ysern holds a B.S. from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, and a M.D. from the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine.

MS. CAROLE ACOSTA-GRUBB has served as director and Treasurer of TSM since 1999. Ms. Acosta-Grubb also serves as director of TSI since 1992, and currently, she is TSI's Treasurer. She is also a director of TSI, STS and TCI. From 1993 to the present, Ms. Acosta-Grubb serves as a financial and business consultant. Ms. Acosta-Grubb was the Executive Director at the Office for the Development of Municipal Autonomy for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Ms. Acosta-Grubb was Commissioner of Financial Institutions of Puerto Rico in 1992. She has held several positions in the banking industry among which are Acting President, Treasurer, Assistant to the President and Senior Vice President of Administration at The Federal Savings Bank of Puerto Rico (formerly Bayamon Federal Savings Bank). She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from the University of Puerto Rico and an M.B.A. from Loyola University of the South.

DR. VALERIANO ALICEA-CRUZ has served as director of TSM since 2000. He is also a director of TSI and ISI. Dr. Alicea is an ophthalmologist with a private practice in two municipalities of Puerto Rico. He was President of the Puerto Rico Medical Association, and has served in the Medical Board of the Department of Transportation and Public Works, the Board of Directors of Ojos, Inc., the Puerto Rico Medical Association, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the Puerto Rican Society of Ophthalmology, and the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology. Dr. Alicea holds a B.S. from the University of Puerto Rico, an M.D. from the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine and a Postgraduate Degree in Ophthalmology from the Puerto Rico Medical


Center and affiliate hospitals.

MR. JOSE ARTURO ALVAREZ-GALLARDO has served as director of the Corporation since 2000. He is also a director of TSI and director and Treasurer of ISI. Mr. Alvarez-Gallardo has served in various positions within Mendez & Co., Inc. since 1964, and has been the President of said company since January 1998. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Mendez & Co., Inc., Bamco Products Corporation, International Shipping Agency, Menaco Corporation, and Mendez Realty, Inc. Mr. Alvarez-Gallardo holds a B.A. in Business Administration from Iona College.

MR. MARIO S. BELAVAL has served as director of TSM since 1999. He is also director of TSI since 1999 and Chairman of the Board and director of ISI. From January 2002 to present, he serves as consultant to Miradero Capital Partners; from February 1997 to February 2001 served as consultant to the Economic Development Bank of Puerto Rico, and from December 1996 to December 2001 he served as Chairman of the Board of Bacardi Corporation. Mr. Belaval has been a director of the Puerto Rico Investors Tax-Free Fund since March 1995, of the Tax Free Puerto Rico Fund since February 2001, and of UBS-US PWPR IRA Select Growth and Income Puerto Rico Fund since April 1998. Mr. Belaval holds a B.S. in Economics from Franklin and Marshall College in Pennsylvania.

DR. ARTURO CORDOVA-LOPEZ has served as director and Assistant Secretary of TSM since 1999. He also serves as director and Assistant Secretary of TSI, as director and Secretary of STS, and director of TCI. Dr. Cordova-Lopez has been an associate professor of medicine at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, as well as a Staff Pneumologist and Critical Care Consultant at Pavia Hospital. Before 1995, he was the President of the Medical Faculty at Pavia Hospital. In 1995, he approved the series of exams from the SEC. He is a member of the American Thoracic Society, the American College of Physicians, the American Lung Association, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Puerto Rico, and the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), where he is currently the Governor for Puerto Rico for the ACCP. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, an M.D. from the same institution, and a Master in Science in Epidemiology from the Harvard University School of Public Health. He is Board Certified in internal medicine, pulmonary diseases, critical care medicine and managed care medicine.

MR. JOSE DAVISON-LAMPON, ESQ. has served as director of TSM since 1999. He is also a director of TSI since 1998 and director and Secretary of TCI. Mr. Davison-Lampon is a litigating attorney and public notary in Puerto Rico. His practice is focused on medical malpractice, representing doctors, diagnostic centers, and hospitals. Mr. Davison-Lampon holds a Juris Doctor from the Inter American University of Puerto Rico.

DR. PORFIRIO E. DIAZ-TORRES has served as director of the Corporation since 2000. He is also a director of TSI and STS. Actually Director of the Cardiology Division of the Cardiology and Nuclear Center Dr. Diaz, President of Old Harbor Brewery of Puerto Rico Inc., President of Di'Rome Productions Inc.,


Vice President of the Inter-American College of Cardiology, Past President of the Puerto Rican Society of Cardiology, active member of the American College of Cardiologists, American Medical Association. Also, active in the medical staff of Centro Cardiovascular de Puerto Rico y del Caribe, Auxilio Mutuo Hospital, and San Francisco Hospital. Dr. Diaz-Torres holds a B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Puerto Rico and an M.D. degree from Universidad Central del Este, Dominican Republic.

MS. SONIA GOMEZ DE TORRES, CPA has served as director and Assistant Treasurer of TSM since 1999. Ms. Gomez also serves as director of TSI since 1995. Currently, she is Assistant Treasurer of TSI and TCI, and director and Treasurer of SVTS. Ms. Gomez is a Certified Public Accountant and was an accounting professor at the University of Puerto Rico. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) where she has served as Council member and in its International Qualification Appraisal Board Committee. Ms. Gomez is a member of the National Association of State Board of Accountancy (NASBA) and has served in the CPE Advisory Committee. She is a member and past president of the Puerto Rico State Society of CPA. She holds a B.A. from the University of Puerto Rico and a Masters in Business Administration from New York University, with a major in accounting and a minor in finance.

MR. HECTOR LEDESMA has served as director of TSM since 1999. He is also a director of TSI since 1997. Mr. Ledesma is a private financial consultant. He retired in 1990 from Banco Popular de Puerto Rico where he served as president.


MR. VICENTE J. LEON-IRIZARRY, CPA has served as director of TSM since 2000. He is also a director of TSI and STS and director and Vice Chairman of ISI. Since January 2002, he is a business consultant and a Certified Public Accountant. From February 2000 to December 2001, he served as consultant of Falcon Sanchez & Associates, a Certified Public Accountants firm; from January 1999 to February 2000 he acted as a business consultant and certified public accountant; and in 1998 was a partner of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP. Mr. Leon-Irizarry is a member of the Puerto Rico Society of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Leon-Irizarry holds a B.A. in Accounting from the University of Puerto Rico and has participated in the KPMG LLP's continuing education programs and the Harvard Business Program.

MR. JUAN JOSE LEON-SOTO, ESQ. has served as director of TSM since 1999. He is also a director of TSI since 1995 and director and secretary of ISI. Mr. Leon-Soto is an IT Consultant and President of Information Consulting Services, Inc. since July 2000. From January 1996 to July 2000, he was associated to AVANT Technologies, Inc. He has been Chairman of the Private Industry Council Board (1997-2000), and the Local Workforce Investment Board (since 2000) of the Caguas-Guayama Consortium under JTPA and WIA federal laws, respectively. Mr. Leon-Soto holds a B.A. in Sciences and a Juris Doctor from the University of Puerto Rico.

DR. WILFREDO LOPEZ-HERNANDEZ has served as director of the Corporation since 1999. He is also a director of TSI and Vice Chairman and director of STS and SVTS. Dr. Lopez has a medical private practice. He was an associate professor at the Puerto Rico School of Medicine, an Associate Professor at the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine, and Chief of Service at San Rafael Hospital. He has been a member of the Puerto Rico Urological Association, Societe International D' Urologie, American Confederation of Urology, and the American Urological Association. He holds a B.S. from the University of Puerto Rico, an M.D. from the University of Santiago Compostela, Spain, and Specialty in Urology from the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine.

DR. WILMER RODRIGUEZ-SILVA has served as Director and Secretary of TSM since 1999. In addition, he serves as Vice Chairman and director of TSI and TCI, and is a director and Secretary of SVTS. Dr. Rodriguez-Silva has been the Chief of the Gastrointestinal Section of the San Pablo Medical Center, and a member of the American College of Physicians, the American Gastroenterology Association, the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, the Puerto Rico Medical Association, the Puerto Rico Society for Gastroenterology, and the American College of Gastroenterology. Dr. Rodriguez-Silva holds a B.S. from the University of Puerto Rico and M.D. from the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine.

DR. JESUS R SANCHEZ-COLON has served as Director of TSM since 2000. He is also a Director of TSI, TCI and ISI. Dr. Sanchez is a dentist in private practice since 1982. He is a member of the College of Dental Surgeons of Puerto Rico. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for the Economic Development of the City of San Juan, Delta Dental Plan of Puerto


Rico, and B. Fernandez & Hermanos. Dr. Sanchez-Colon holds a B.A. in Psychology from St. Louis University, a D.M.D. from the University of Puerto Rico, and a Post Graduate General Practice Residency.

MR. MANUEL SUAREZ-MENDEZ, P.E. has served as director of TSM since 1999. He is also director of TSI since 1998, director of SVTS and Chairman of the Board and director of STS. Currently, he is a director and Assistant Treasurer of TCI. Since 1972, Mr. Suarez-Mendez acts as Vice President and Partner of R.B. Construction, S.E. He has been a member of the Puerto Rico College of Engineers, the Home Builders Association, the National Society of Professional Engineers, the Association of General Contractors of America, the American Concrete Institute and the Construction Specifications Institute. Mr. Suarez-Mendez holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the CAAM, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, and a Post Graduate studies in Urban Planning from the University of Puerto Rico.

MR. MIGUEL A. VAZQUEZ-DEYNES has served as director of TSM since 1999. He has served as director of TSI since 1990. He is also a director of SVTS, STS, TCI and ISI. He is the President and Chief Executive Officer of TSM since 1999 and President and Chief Executive Officer of TSI since 1990. Mr. Vazquez-Deynes is scheduled to retire as President and CEO of TSM and TSI on May 1, 2002. Currently, he is President of the Permanent Commission for Planning and Development of the Luis Munoz Marin Foundation, President of the Board of Trustees of the Art Museum of Puerto Rico, and director of the Board of Directors of GM Group, Inc. He has also received many awards, including the Paul Harris Fellow Award from the Rotary District 700, the Jaime Benitez Award from the University of Puerto Rico Foundation, and the Top Ten Business Leaders Hall of Fame Award from Caribbean Business. Mr. Vazquez-Deynes holds a B.S. from the University of Puerto Rico.

DR. JAIME L. VELASCO has served as director of TSM since 1999. He is also a director of TSI since 1993, and currently, its Secretary. He is the Chairman of the Board and Director of TCI. He was the founding member and President of CAP-SSS (Triple-S's Stockholder's and Provider Committee). Dr. Velasco has been in the private ophthalmology practice since 1973. He is a consultant and director of the Ophthalmology Department of the Industrial Hospital. Since 1983, he has been an Assistant Professor of the Ophthalmology Department of the Puerto Rico School of Medicine. He is member of the Puerto Rican Medical Association and the American Academy of Ophthalmology, among others. Dr. Velasco holds a B.S. from the CAAM, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, his M.D. is from the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine and he has a Post Graduate Degree in Ophthalmology from the Puerto Rico Medical Center and affiliated Hospitals.


Listed below is certain biographical information of certain executive officers of the Corporation.

NAME                                                  WORK EXPERIENCE IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS
----                                                  --------------------------------------
MR. MIGUEL A. VAZQUEZ-DEYNES                          President and Chief Executive Officer of TSM since 1999 and
                                                      President and Chief Executive Officer of TSI since 1990.

MR. RAMON M. RUIZ, CPA                                Executive Vice President of TSM since 2001; Senior Vice
                                                      President and Chief Financial Officer of TSM from 1999 to
                                                      2001; Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
                                                      TSI from 1995 to 1999; and Vice President and Chief Financial
                                                      Officer of TSI from 1990 to 1995.

MR. HECTOR R. RAMOS                                   Senior Vice President for Corporate Affairs of TSM since 1999
                                                      and Senior Vice President of TSI from 1995 to 1999.

MR. JUAN JOSE ROMAN, CPA                              Finance Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of TSM
                                                      since 2002, Executive Vice President of TCI from 2001 to
                                                      2002; and Executive Vice President and Vice President of Finance
                                                      of Healthcare Reform Segment from 2000 to 2001 and from 1996 to 1999.

MS. SOCORRO RIVAS, CPA                                General Manager and Executive Vice President of TSI since
                                                      1999 and Executive Vice President of TSI from 1990 to 1999, respectively.

MR. EARL M. HARPER                                    Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of TSI
                                                      since 1999 and Senior Vice President of the Medicare Division
                                                      of TSI from 1992 to 1999.

DR. ALEJANDRO E. FRANCO-LINARES                       Senior Vice President of the Medical, Dental and Professional
                                                      Affairs Division of TSI since 1996.

MR. JAIME R. PERICAS-ALFARO                           Vice President of the Sales and Marketing Division of TSI
                                                      since 2001 and Sales Representative of TSI from 1994 to 2001.


MR. ROBERTO O. MORALES-TIRADO, ESQ.                   President of SVTS since 2000; Consultant to SVTS from 1998 to
                                                      2000; and President and Chief Executive Officer of AIG Life
                                                      Insurance Company of Puerto Rico from 1993 to 1998.

MR. LUIS M. PIMENTEL-ZERBI                            President of STS since 1990.

MR. A. EDUARDO ARROYO                                 Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of STS
                                                      since 1996.

MS. EVA G. SALGADO                                    Vice President of the Underwriting Department of STS since
                                                      1997 and Senior Vice President of the Underwriting Department
                                                      of Integrand Assurance Company from 1979 to 1996.

MR. CARLOS D. TORRES-DIAZ                             President of ISI since 1996.

MR. RAMON DE LA TORRE                                 Vice President of ISI since 1996.

DR. LUIS A. MARINI-MIR                                President of TCI and Healthcare Reform Segment (from 1999 to 2001) since 2001;
                                                      Dental Director of TSI's Medical; Dental and Professional Affairs Division
                                                      from 1998 to 1999; and Dean of the University of Puerto Rico Dental School
                                                      from 1993 to 1997.

MR. FERNANDO RIVERA-RIVERA                            Acting Executive Vice President of TCI since 2002 and Vice
                                                      President of Management Information Systems of TC from 1996
                                                      to present.

DR. SARAH LOPEZ-TORRES                                Vice President of the Medical and Dental Affairs Division of
                                                      TCI since 2000; Medical Director of Utilization Management
                                                      Department of TCI from 1997 to 1999; and Medical Director of
                                                      the Corporacion de Servicios Integrales de la Montana since
                                                      1988 up to 1997.


The Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of TSM provide that the Board of Directors shall be divided into three groups, where directors of TSM shall be elected to serve terms of three years in a staggered manner. They also provide that with the exception of the President of TSM, directors can only serve a maximum of three terms of three years each (for total of nine years). The years of service as director of TSI prior to the Reorganization are taken into consideration as years of service


in TSM Board of Directors when determining whether a director may continue as director of TSM. Due to these provisions, Ms. Carole Acosta-Grubb and Dr. Jaime L. Velasco are not candidates for reelection as directors of TSM in the Annual Meeting of Stockholders scheduled for April 28, 2002.

In addition, TSM has an outstanding policy adopted by the Board of Directors that establishes that the Chairman of the Board can only serve a term of three years. Dr. Longo has served for a three-year term and, thus, cannot continue to serve as Chairman of the Board of TSM after the annual stockholders meeting of April 28, 2002.


The Board of Directors of TSM held twenty-three meetings during the year ended December 31, 2001. TSM has various standing committees as described below, in addition to other ad hoc committees. Mr. Mario S. Belaval and Mr. Jose Davison-Lampon, Esq. attended 61% and 74%, respectively, of the aggregate of the meetings (regular and special) of the Board of Directors of TSM held during the year 2001, which is less than 75%. However, both Mr. Belaval and Mr. Davison-Lampon attended more than 75% of the regular meetings of the Board of Directors of TSM held during the year 2001.

The By-Laws of TSM provide that the Board of Directors of TSM shall have the following committees: (i) Executive Committee, (ii) Finance Committee,
(iii) Audit Committee, (iv) Resolutions and Regulations Committee and (v) Nominations Committee.

Executive Committee. The Executive Committee reviews and approves the following: (i) every plan, project or proposal which could affect standing policies and guidelines established by TSM; (ii) the budget for operational expenses of TSM and any amendment to said budget, (iii) salaries, incentive bonuses and other compensation of officers of TSM, and (iv) subject to the approval of the full Board of Directors, significant contracts, loans or other transaction, financial or otherwise, that would be material to TSM. The full Board of Directors is empowered to delegate other functions to the Executive Committee, provided it does not delegate to such committee the following: (i) the appointment or destitution of officers, (ii) propose amendments to TSM's Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, (iii) the approval of mergers or consolidations, (iv) make recommendations to stockholders in connection with the sale, lease or exchange of all or a substantial part of the assets of TSM,
(v) the approval of resolutions recommending the liquidation or the revocation of the liquidation of TSM, (vi) the authorization of the issuance of capital stock and (vii) the creation of TSM's subsidiaries. All actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be presented to the full Board of Directors in order to be ratified, modified or rejected.

The members of the Executive Committee are: Dr. Fernando L. Longo, Ms. Carole Acosta-Grubb, Dr. Fernando J. Ysern-Borras, Dr. Wilmer Rodriguez-Silva, Mr. Jose Leon-Soto, Esq., Dr. Jaime L. Velasco and Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes. Dr. Fernando L. Longo serves as Chairman of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee met eleven times during the year ended


December 31, 2001.

Finance Committee. The Finance Committee oversees all financial activities of the Corporation, provides guidance to the full Board of Directors in connection to finance matters, studies changes in the economic structure of TSM and evaluates financial procedures used by the Corporation.

The members of the Finance Committee are: Ms. Carole Acosta-Grubb, Mr. Vicente J. Leon-Irizarry, CPA; Mr. Mario S. Belaval, Ms. Sonia Gomez de Torres, CPA; Dr. Fernando Longo, Mr. Hector Ledesma, Mr. Juan Jose Leon-Soto, Esq., Dr. Wilfredo Lopez-Hernandez and Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes. Ms. Carole Acosta-Grubb serves as Chairwoman of the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee met ten times during the year ended December 31, 2001.

Audit Committee. The Audit Committee reviews the following matters:
(i) compliance with internal controls of the Corporation, (ii) activities of the Internal Auditing Office, (iii) results from audits made by regulators,
(iv) consolidated financial results of the Corporation, and (v) the annual report prepared by the Corporation's external auditors. In addition, the Audit Committee selects and recommends for final approval by the full Board of Directors the public accounting firm to be the Corporation's external auditors.

The members of the Audit Committee are: Mr. Mario S. Belaval, Dr. Fernando L. Longo, Mr. Jose Davison-Lampon, Esq., Mr. Vicente J. Leon-Irizarry, CPA; Mr. Manuel Suarez-Mendez, P.E.; Dr. Jaime L. Velasco, Mr. Hector Ledesma, Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes and Dr. Fernando J. Ysern-Borras. Mr. Mario S. Belaval serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee met six times during the year ended December 31, 2001.

Resolutions and Regulations Committee. The Resolutions and Regulations Committee regularly reviews the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation and By-Laws of the Corporation in order to propose amendments or resolutions related to institutional corporate issues. In addition, the Committee also evaluates the resolutions proposed or presented by TSM's stockholders.

The members of the Resolutions and Regulations Committee are: Mr. Juan Jose Leon-Soto, Esq., Dr. Valeriano Alicea-Cruz, Dr. Porfirio Diaz-Torres, Dr. Wilmer Rodriguez-Silva, Dr. Arturo Cordova-Lopez, Dr. Jesus Sanchez-Colon, Mr. Jose Davison-Lampon, Esq., Dr. Jaime L. Velasco, Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes and Dr. Fernando L. Longo. Mr. Juan Jose Leon-Soto, Esq. serves as Chairman of the Resolutions and Regulations Committee. The Resolutions and Regulations Committee met twelve times during the year ended December 31, 2001.

Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee makes recommendations to TSM's Board of Directors of qualified candidates to fill Board's vacancies, for TSM's President and for Director of the Internal Auditing Office of the Corporation. In addition, the committee regularly establishes and reviews criteria to be considered in connection with the nomination of candidates to the Board of Directors.


The members of the Nominations Committee are: Dr. Valeriano Alicea-Cruz, Dr. Arturo Cordova-Lopez, Mr. Jose Arturo Alvarez-Gallardo, Dr. Porfirio Diaz-Torres, Dr. Wilfredo Lopez-Hernandez, Dr. Jesus Sanchez-Colon, Mr. Manuel Suarez-Mendez, P.E.; Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes and Dr. Fernando L. Longo. Dr. Valeriano Alicea-Cruz serves as Chairman of the Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee met two times during the year ended December 31, 2001.



During fiscal year 2001, the Chairman of the Board of TSM received a fee of $350 for each Board of Directors meeting attended. Each director of TSM received a fee of $250 for each Board of Directors meeting attended, and $200 for each committee meeting attended. The president of each committee of the Board of Directors of TSM received a fee of $300 for each meeting , which he or she attended and presided. Only directors who are not employees of TSM receive fees for attendance to Board of Directors meetings or committee meetings.

During fiscal year 2001, the Chairman of the Board of TSI received a fee of $300 for each Board of Directors meeting attended. Each director of TSI received a fee of $200 for each Board of Directors meeting attended, $150 for each committee meeting attended. The president of each committee of the Board of Directors of TSI received a fee of $250 for each meeting of the committee, which he or she attended and presided. Only directors who are not officers employees of TSI receive fees for attendance at Board of Directors meetings or committee meetings.

During fiscal year 2001, the Chairmen of the Boards of SVTS, STS, TCI and ISI received a fee of $300 for each Board of Directors meetings attended. Each director of SVTS, STS, TCI and ISI received a fee of $200 for each of their respective Board of Directors meetings attended. Only directors who are not officers of SVTS, STS, TCI and ISI receive fees for attendance at their respective Board of Directors meetings.

In addition to the fees described above, directors of the Corporation receive health insurance free of charge. Former directors of the Corporation who has served at least six years also receive health insurance free of charge. In case of directors that are currently serving as directors of TSM, such coverage also includes spouses and dependants. Furthermore, directors of the Corporation also receive as additional compensation a per diem amount of $300 for every day the director is unable to work at his or her office as a result of travel or having to appear at activities or engagements of the Corporation.



The following table sets forth the annual compensation for TSM's President and Chief Executive Officer, the Presidents of the subsidiaries and the Corporation's four other most highly compensated executive officers for the years ended December 31, 1999, 2000 and 2001.



                                                YEAR          SALARY(A)         BONUS(B)          OTHER(C)
                                                ----          ---------         --------          --------
Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes(1)                 2001          $428,335          $ 10,416          $    --
President & CEO                                 2000          $428,335          $ 12,700          $    --
Triple-S Management Corporation                 1999          $428,335          $161,886          $    --

Mr. Luis Pimentel-Zerbi                         2001          $167,192          $ 78,995          $    --
President                                       2000          $158,089          $ 32,718          $    --
Seguros Triple-S, Inc.                          1999          $153,432          $ 71,604          $    --

Ms. Socorro Rivas, CPA(2)                       2001          $234,713          $ 23,117          $    --
General Manager and Executive Vice              2000          $197,652          $ 19,266          $    --
President                                       1999          $168,247          $ 61,451          $15,344
Triple-S, Inc.

Mr. Alejandro Franco, MD (3)                    2001          $214,745          $ 19,885          $    --
Senior Vice President                           2000          $202,589          $ 18,777          $    --
Triple-S, Inc.                                  1999          $202,589          $ 61,360          $    --

Mr. Ramon M. Ruiz, CPA (4)                      2001          $171,889          $ 26,783          $    --
Executive Vice President                        2000          $127,416          $ 13,034          $    --
Triple-S Management Corporation                 1999          $125,261          $ 40,552          $    --

Mr. Luis Marini-Mir, DMD(5)                     2001          $158,388          $ 15,050          $19,513
President                                       2000          $147,592          $ 13,950          $22,681
Triple-C, Inc.                                  1999          $ 96,105          $  7,569          $    --

Mr. Roberto O. Morales, Esq. (6)                2001          $147,904          $ 11,658          $16,338
President                                       2000          $158,126          $     --          $    --
Seguros de Vida Triple-S, Inc.                  1999          $100,690          $     --          $    --

Mr. Carlos Torres (7)                           2001          $115,046          $ 11,008          $    --
President                                       2000          $101,577          $ 10,396          $    --
Interactive Systems, Inc.                       1999          $ 80,689          $ 33,724          $    --


a) Salaries before deductions.
b) Includes Christmas bonus and performance bonus.
c) Includes company car and other fringe benefits.

1) Mr. Vazquez's salary includes amounts deferred of $71,389, $15,000, and $50,000 during the years 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively.
2) Ms. Rivas's salary includes amounts deferred of $42,000, $43,784, and $59,343 during the years 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively.
3) Mr. Franco's salary includes amounts deferred of $7,600 and $15,600 during the years 2000 and 1999, respectively.
4) Mr. Ruiz's salary includes amounts deferred of $13,000, $2,400 and $1,600 during the years 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively.
5) Mr. Marini's salary includes amounts deferred of $30,000 during the years 2001 and 2000, respectively and $2,500 in 1999.
6) Mr. Morales commenced to work for SVTS on June 2000. Previously to being appointed President of SVTS, Mr. Morales was a consultant to SVTS and TSI. Salary information for years 2000 and 1999 include $87,499 and $100,690, respectively, for services paid as consultant.
7) Mr. Torres's salary includes amounts deferred of $15,000, $5,665 and $6,998 during 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively.



The Corporation sponsors a noncontributory defined-benefit pension plan for all of its employees who are age 21 or older and have completed one year of service. Pension benefits begin to vest after five years of vesting service, as defined, and are based on years of service and final average salary, as defined. The funding policy is to contribute to the plan as necessary to meet the minimum funding requirements set forth in the Employees Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, plus such additional amounts as the Corporation may determine to be appropriate from time to time.

The following table sets forth the estimated annual benefits that would become payable under the Retirement Plan based upon certain assumptions as to annual basic salary levels and years of service. The amount payable in this table are not necessarily representative of amounts that may actually become payable under the Retirement Plan. The amounts represent the benefits upon retirement on December 31, 2001, of a participant at age 65.


                                                   Years of Service
Remuneration*             15                    20                    25                  30                 35
-------------          -------               -------               -------             -------            -------
   125,000              37,500                50,000                62,500              75,000             75,000
   150,000              45,000                60,000                75,000              90,000             90,000
   175,000              52,500                70,000                87,500             105,000            105,000
   200,000              60,000                80,000               100,000             120,000            120,000
   225,000              67,500                90,000               112,500             135,000            135,000
   250,000              75,000               100,000               125,000             150,000            150,000
   300,000              90,000               120,000               150,000             180,000            180,000
   400,000             120,000               160,000               200,000             240,000            240,000
   450,000             135,000               180,000               225,000             270,000            270,000
   500,000             150,000               200,000               250,000             300,000            300,000

* Final average earnings


The highest average annual rate of pay from any five consecutive calendar year period out of the last ten years. The annual rate of pay in the year of termination is included.



                                                 2001                CREDITED
                                                COVERED              SERVICE
NAME                                         COMPENSATION        AS OF 12/31/2001
----                                         ------------        ----------------
Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez-Deynes                    428,334               11.96
Mr. Luis Pimentel-Zerbi                         175,224               11.71
Ms. Socorro Rivas, CPA                          250,000               19.97
Mr. Alejandro Franco, MD                        214,745                5.56
Mr. Ramon M. Ruiz, CPA                          148,400               11.56
Mr. Luis A. Marini-Mir, MD                      162,000                3.91
Mr. Roberto Morales, Esq.                             -                1.56
Mr. Carlos Torres                               117,907               11.69


The single life annuity benefit is equal to 2% of the final average earnings multiplied by Plan and Association Service up to 30 years, minus prior plan benefit (if any). The accrued benefit cannot be less than the benefit calculated considering Employer Service only. The benefits are not subject to any deduction for Social Security. The Corporation also has a Supplemental Retirement Program. This program covers benefits in excess of the United States Internal Revenue Code limits that apply to the qualified program.


The Corporation offers to all of its employee's non-contributory health plan insurance, life insurance, and long-term and short-term disability insurance. It also provides for the payment of ninety percent of unused and sick leave license.


TSI and other subsidiaries of TSM have contractual arrangements regarding management and technical assistance. Furthermore, in the ordinary course of its business, TSI, SVTS and STS are providers of insurance to business organizations where one or more of the directors of the Corporation have either a direct or indirect business interest.

Directors of the Corporation that are medical doctors or dentists are service providers of TSI in the ordinary course of their business as medical doctors and dentists. The terms of said agreements as service providers of TSI are no different from agreements with medical doctors and dentists that are not directors of the Corporation.


From time to time, in the normal course of business, the Corporation enters into certain transactions with its subsidiaries for the leasing of real estate. For such rents, the subsidiaries make lease payment in amounts similar to those prevailing in the market (arm's length rental payments). In addition, TSI has an outstanding loan with TSM in the amount of $26 million.



On December 6, 1996, the Commissioner of Insurance issued an order to annul the sale of 1,582 shares of common stock held as treasury stock that TSI repurchased from the estate of deceased stockholders. TSI contested such order through administrative and judicial review processes. Consequently, the sale of 1,582 stocks was cancelled and the amount paid was returned to each former stockholder of the aforementioned stocks. During the year 2000, the Commissioner of Insurance issued a pronouncement providing further clarification of the content and effect of the order. The order also required that all corporate decisions undertaken by TSI through the vote of its stockholders on record, be ratified in a stockholders' meeting or in a subsequent referendum. In November 2000, TSM, as the sole stockholder of TSI, ratified all such decisions. Furthermore, on November 19, 2000, TSM held a special stockholders' meeting, where a ratification of these decisions was undertaken, except for the resolutions related to the approval of the Reorganization of SSS and its subsidiaries. This resolution did not reach the two-thirds majority required by the order because the number of stocks that were present and represented at the meeting were below such amount (total stocks present and represented in the stockholders' meeting were 64%). As stipulated in the order, TSM began the process to conduct a referendum among its stockholders to ratify such resolution. The process was later suspended because upon further review of the scope of the order, the Commissioner of Insurance issued an opinion in a letter dated January 8, 2002 indicating that the ratification of the corporate reorganization was not required.

The Commissioner of Insurance confirmed this position in a letter dated March 14, 2002 to TSI that states that there were no further corporate decisions requiring ratification and that the Commissioner's order of December 6, 1996 had been complied with. It is the opinion of management and its legal counsels that the corporate reorganization as approved is in full force and effect. Two stockholders filed a petition for review before the Puerto Rico Circuit Court of Appeals, which petition has been opposed by TSI and by the Commissioner of Insurance.

On April 24, 2002 Octavio Jordan, Agripino Lugo Ramon Vidal and others filed a suit against TSM, TSI, and others in the Court of First Instance for San Juan, Superior Section alleging among other things violations by the defendants of provisions of the Insurance Code, anti-monopolistic practices, unfair business practices and damages in the amount of $12 million dollars. After a preliminary review of the complaint it appears that many of the allegations brought by the plaintiffs have been resolved in favor of TSM and TSI in previous cases brought by the same plaintiffs in the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico and by most of the plaintiffs in the local courts. The defendants, including TSM and TSI will answer the complaint and file motions to dismiss this claim. Due to the preliminary stages of this case management and counsel are reviewing the complaint.

As of December 31, 2001, the Corporation was a defendant in various lawsuits arising out of the ordinary course of business. In the opinion of management and legal counsel, the ultimate disposition of these matters will not have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial


position and results of operations of the Corporation.


(a) There is no established public trading market for the TSM's Common Stock. Sporadic sales of TSM Common Stock are reduced to redemption sales with TSM at the shares $40.00 par value or at the amount originally paid by the stock, since the Common Stock of TSM is generally not transferable. See Item 11.


(b) The only outstanding voting securities of TSM are shares of its Common Stock, par value $40.00 per share. As of April 1, 2002, there were 9,633 shares of Common Stock outstanding. See Item 4.

(c) TSM has not declared nor paid any dividends since its incorporation. TSM does not expect to change its policy of not paying dividends during fiscal year 2002. However, TSM may change this policy in the future if corporate, business and regulatory factors favor such change and if stockholders vote to change the policy.


Not applicable.


The securities registered hereby are TSM's $40.00 par value Common Stock. The authorized capital of TSM under its Articles of Incorporation is $500,000.00 represented by 12,500 shares of Common Stock with a par value of $40.00 per share. The Articles of Incorporation of TSM state that only medical doctors and dentists can become stockholders of TSM and that no person can hold more than twenty-one (21) shares of Common Stock nor five percent (5%) or more of the issued and outstanding shares of voting stock of TSM. Notwithstanding the above, since TSM resulted from the corporate reorganization of SSS, the Articles of Incorporation of TSM grandfathered Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Puerto Rico, Hospital Bella Vista, Hospital Menonita and Sociedad Urologica del Centro as stockholders of TSM.

In addition to these stockholders, TSM's By-Laws require that the directors of TSM be stockholders of TSM. Directors of TSM that are not medical doctors or dentists are authorized to hold one share of Common Stock of TSM while serving as a director of TSM. Said shares are acquired without cash consideration and are returned back to TSM once the director ceases to be a director of TSM.

Any Common Stock stockholder who wishes to sell or otherwise transfer his or her shares must first offer them to TSM in order for TSM to buy such shares from the stockholder. TSM can only buy back shares of Common Stock at the same price paid by the stockholder. The Articles of Incorporation of TSM also provide that shares of Common Stock may be ceded or bequeathed through a will, testament or otherwise to a descendant of the stockholder if such descendant is a medical doctor or dentist.

Common stockholders of TSM have one voting right per share of Common Stock held and there is no cumulative voting. Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of TSM require the affirmative vote of a two third (2/3) majority of the issued and outstanding shares of TSM. However, amendments to Article Five in connection with the Corporation's


authorized capital only require the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the issued and outstanding shares of TSM and amendments to Articles Six, Seven and subsection B of Article Eleven can only be amended with the affirmative vote of a three fourths (3/4) majority of the issued and outstanding shares of TSM.


At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation held on September 6, 2001, the Board authorized TSM to enter into indemnification agreements with directors of TSM in order to indemnify them in their capacity as directors of TSM in accordance with Article 4.08 of the General Corporations Law of Puerto Rico of 1995, as amended (the "Corporation Law"). Under Article 4.08 of the Corporation Law, TSM is authorized to indemnify each director of TSM for amounts paid in expenses, judgments, fines and settlements in connection with any action arising from his or her position as director of TSM if such director acted in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of TSM, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding had no reasonable cause to believe his conduct was unlawful. In addition, under the Corporation Law, TSM may indemnify each director of TSM for expenses incurred in defending against liability arising from actions taken in respect of his or her position if such actions were taken in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to TSM's best interests, the Corporation can also could advance to any directors the costs associated with any such action upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the director to repay such amount if it is ultimately determined that such director is not entitled to indemnification from TSM.


The location of the consolidated financial statements is set-forth in Item 15 -- Financial Statements and Exhibits.



QUARTERS ENDED                                        MARCH 31            JUNE 30         SEPTEMBER 30        DECEMBER 31
--------------                                       ---------           --------         ------------        -----------
                                                                               (in thousands)

Premiums earned, net                                 $ 278,464            275,902            288,760            308,047
Amounts attributable to self-funded
  arrangements                                          33,303             33,034             30,862             37,175
Less amounts attributable to claims
  under self-funded arrangements                       (32,187)           (30,821)           (30,404)           (32,883)
                                                     ---------           --------           --------           --------
       Premiums earned and fee revenue               $ 279,580            278,115            289,218            312,339
                                                     =========           ========           ========           ========

Underwriting income (loss)(1)                        $   1,469             (4,349)               957               (679)
                                                     =========           ========           ========           ========

Net income                                           $   4,166              5,555              2,557              9,437
                                                     =========           ========           ========           ========

Basic earnings per share(2):

    As if the Corporation operated as a
      for-profit organization                        $    0.33               0.40               0.26               0.56
                                                     =========           ========           ========           ========

    Excluding TSI due to its
      not-for-profit status                          $    0.27               0.27               0.25               0.26
                                                     =========           ========           ========           ========


Premiums earned, net                                 $ 273,890            279,669            269,586            265,018
Amounts attributable to self-funded
  arrangements                                          28,295             32,825             26,789             29,633
Less amounts attributable to claims
  under self-funded arrangements                       (27,011)           (30,113)           (23,991)           (32,133)
                                                     ---------           --------           --------           --------
       Premiums earned and fee revenue               $ 275,174            282,381            272,384            262,518
                                                     =========           ========           ========           ========

Underwriting loss(1)                                 $ (14,021)           (11,740)              (309)            (1,741)
                                                     =========           ========           ========           ========

Net income (loss)                                    $  (6,749)            (9,541)             4,961              9,817
                                                     =========           ========           ========           ========

Basic earnings per share(2):

    As if the Corporation operated as a
      for-profit organization                        $   (0.61)             (0.89)              0.49               0.94
                                                     =========           ========           ========           ========

    Excluding TSI due to its
      not-for-profit status                          $    0.18               0.18               0.21               0.36
                                                     =========           ========           ========           ========

(1) Underwriting income (loss) is defined as premiums earned net and net fee attributable to self-funded arrangements less claims incurred and operating expenses, net of reimbursement for services.

(2) Further details of the calculation of basic earnings per share are set forth in note 3 to the consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999.



There are no changes in or disagreements with accountants on accounting and financial disclosure. The Corporation's independent accountants firm is KPMG LLP.


(a) Financial Statements and Financial Statements Schedules

KPMG LLP audited the following financial statements of the Corporation:

--------------------                        -----------
         F-1                                Independent Auditors' Report
                                            Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2001 and 2000
                                            Consolidated  Statements of Operations for the year ended December 31,
                                            2001, 2000, and 1999
                                            Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity and Comprehensive Income
                                            (Loss) for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
                                            Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31,
                                            2001, 2000, and 1999
                                            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements - December 31, 2001, 2000, and

The following are financial statements schedules of the Corporation. Schedule I - Summary of Investments was omitted because the information is disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Schedule VI - Supplemental Information Concerning Property Casualty Insurance Operations was omitted because the schedule is not applicable to the Corporation.

      SCHEDULES                             DESCRIPTION
--------------------                        -----------
         S-1                                Schedule II - Condensed Financial Information of Registrant
         S-2                                Schedule III - Supplementary Insurance Information
         S-3                                Schedule IV - Reinsurance
         S-4                                Schedule V - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts


(b) Exhibits:

--------            -----------
  3(i)              Articles of Incorporation of TSM
  3(ii)             By-Laws of TSM
  10.1              Puerto Rico Health Insurance Contract for the Metro-North Region
  10.2              Puerto Rico Health Insurance Contract for the North Region
  10.3              Puerto Rico Health Insurance Contract for the North-West Region
  10.4              Puerto Rico Health Insurance Contract for the South-West Region
  10.5              Federal Employees Health Benefits Contract
  10.6              Credit Agreement with FirstBank Puerto Rico in the amount of $41,000,000
  10.7              Credit Agreement with FirstBank Puerto Rico in the amount of $20,000,000
  10.8              Non-Contributory Retirement Program
  10.9              Employment Contract with Dr. Alejandro Franco
  10.10             License and other Agreements with Blue Shield
  21                List of Subsidiaries of the Corporation

Management represents that Exhibits 3(i), 3(ii) and 27 are fair and accurate translations of the original documents that are in Spanish.



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this registration statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: April 26, 2002                   By: /s/ Ramon M. Ruiz
      -------------------------           -------------------------------------
                                          Ramon M. Ruiz
                                          Executive Vice President



To the Board of Directors and Stockholders Triple-S Management Corporation and Subsidiaries:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Triple-S Management Corporation and Subsidiaries (the Company) as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, and the related consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' equity, and comprehensive income (loss), and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2001. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Triple-S Management Corporation and Subsidiaries at December 31, 2001 and 2000, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2001, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


San Juan, Puerto Rico

March 15, 2002

Stamp No. 1760596 of the Puerto Rico
Society of Certified Public Accountants
was affixed to the record copy of this report.


Consolidated Balance Sheets
December 31, 2001 and 2000
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                     ASSETS                                   2001          2000
                                                                            --------      --------
Investments and cash:
  Securities held for trading, at fair value:
    Fixed maturities (amortized cost of $37,313 in 2001 and
      $34,307 in 2000)                                                      $ 38,107        33,939
    Equity securities (amortized cost of $47,623 in 2001 and
      $46,313 in 2000)                                                        50,743        54,220
  Securities available for sale, at fair value:
    Fixed maturities (amortized cost of $281,833 in 2001 and
      $254,974 in 2000)                                                      286,505       254,897
    Equity securities (amortized cost of $20,857 in 2001 and
      $23,223 in 2000)                                                        37,829        40,144
  Securities held to maturity, at amortized cost:
    Fixed maturities (fair value of $3,723 in 2001 and $2,037 in 2000)         3,779         2,024
  Cash and cash equivalents                                                   80,970        33,566
                                                                            --------      --------
          Total investments and cash                                         497,933       418,790
Premiums and other receivables, net                                           74,872        66,529
Deferred policy acquisition costs                                              9,550         8,000
Property and equipment, net                                                   39,090        39,054
Other assets                                                                  34,613        29,780
                                                                            --------      --------
          Total assets                                                      $656,058       562,153
                                                                            ========      ========


Claim liabilities:
  Claims processed and incomplete, and future policy benefits               $114,599        84,400
  Unreported losses                                                          103,240        88,146
  Unpaid loss-adjustment expenses                                             11,601        10,685
                                                                            --------      --------
          Total claim liabilities                                            229,440       183,231

Unearned premiums                                                             58,306        52,140
Individual retirement annuities                                               17,426        17,870
Liability to Federal Employees Health Benefits Program                        12,130         9,965
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                      97,078        81,214
Loans payable to bank                                                         55,650        58,040
                                                                            --------      --------
          Total liabilities                                                  470,030       402,460
                                                                            --------      --------
Stockholders' equity:
  Common stock, $40 par value. Authorized 12,500 shares;
    issued and outstanding 9,714 and 9,886 at December
    2001 and 2000, respectively                                                  389           395
  Additional paid-in capital                                                 150,405       150,403
  Operating reserve (deficit)                                                 14,250        (7,465)
  Accumulated other comprehensive income - net unrealized
    gain on securities available for sale                                     20,984        16,360
                                                                            --------      --------
                                                                             186,028       159,693
Commitments and contingencies
                                                                            --------      --------
          Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                        $656,058       562,153
                                                                            ========      ========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


Consolidated Statements of Operations

Years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999

(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                       2001           2000           1999
                                                   -----------     ----------     ----------
  Premiums earned, net                             $ 1,151,173      1,088,163        967,510
  Amounts attributable to self-funded
    arrangements                                       134,374        117,542        105,183
  Less amounts attributable to claims under
    self-funded arrangements                          (126,295)      (113,248)       (96,441)
                                                   -----------     ----------     ----------
                                                     1,159,252      1,092,457        976,252
  Net investment income                                 25,405         24,338         22,464
  Net realized investment gains                          4,655          6,377          6,690
  Net unrealized investment gain (loss) on
    trading securities                                  (3,625)        (3,737)         1,807
  Other income, net                                      4,709          7,552            276
                                                   -----------     ----------     ----------
          Total revenue                              1,190,396      1,126,987      1,007,489

Benefits and expenses:
  Claims incurred                                    1,021,024        990,133        887,724
  Operating expenses, net of reimbursement
     for services                                      140,830        130,135        120,396
  Interest expense                                       5,485          7,055          4,245
                                                   -----------     ----------     ----------
          Total benefits and expenses                1,167,339      1,127,323      1,012,365
                                                   -----------     ----------     ----------
          Income (loss) before taxes                    23,057           (336)        (4,876)
                                                   -----------     ----------     ----------
Income tax expense:
  Current                                                  518            463            255
  Deferred                                                 824            713            822
                                                   -----------     ----------     ----------
          Total income taxes                             1,342          1,176          1,077
                                                   -----------     ----------     ----------
          Net income (loss)                        $    21,715         (1,512)        (5,953)
                                                   ===========     ==========     ==========
Basic net income (loss) per share as if
  the Company operated as a for-profit
  organization (note 21)                           $      1.55          (0.07)         (0.27)
                                                   ===========     ==========     ==========
Basic net income per share as if Triple-S, Inc.
  operated as a not-for-profit
  organization (note 21)                           $      1.05           0.93           0.64
                                                   ===========     ==========     ==========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity and Comprehensive Income (Loss)

Years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                                       ADDITIONAL    OPERATING          OTHER             TOTAL
                                                             COMMON      PAID-IN      RESERVE      COMPREHENSIVE       STOCKHOLDERS'
                                                             STOCK       CAPITAL     (DEFICIT)         INCOME             EQUITY
                                                             -----       -------      --------         -------           --------
Balance at  December 31, 1998                                $ 461           141       150,262          38,723            189,587
  Adjustments made pursuant to corporate reorganization
    on January 4, 1999                                          --       150,262      (150,262)             --                 --
  Issuance of 12 shares                                          1            --            --              --                  1

  Stock redemption                                              (3)           --            --              --                 (3)

  Comprehensive loss:
    Net loss                                                    --            --        (5,953)             --             (5,953)
    Net unrealized change in investment securities              --            --            --         (24,385)           (24,385)
                                                             -----       -------      --------         -------           --------
        Total comprehensive income                              --            --            --              --            (30,338)
                                                             -----       -------      --------         -------           --------
Balance at  December 31, 1999                                  459       150,403        (5,953)         14,338            159,247

  Stock redemption                                             (64)           --            --              --                (64)

  Comprehensive income:
    Net loss                                                    --            --        (1,512)             --             (1,512)
    Net unrealized change in investment securities              --            --            --           2,022              2,022
                                                             -----       -------      --------         -------           --------
        Total comprehensive income                              --            --            --              --                510
                                                                         -------      --------         -------           --------
Balance at December 31, 2000                                   395       150,403        (7,465)         16,360            159,693

  Stock redemption                                              (6)            2            --              --                 (4)

  Comprehensive income:
    Net income                                                  --            --        21,715              --             21,715
    Net unrealized change in investment securities              --            --            --           4,624              4,624
                                                             -----       -------      --------         -------           --------
        Total comprehensive income                              --            --            --              --             26,339
                                                             -----       -------      --------         -------           --------
Balance at December 31, 2001                                 $ 389       150,405        14,250          20,984            186,028
                                                             =====       =======      ========         =======           ========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                            2001             2000           1999
                                                        -----------       ----------       --------
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Premiums collected                                    $ 1,157,527        1,091,630        984,306
  Cash paid to suppliers and employees                     (144,399)        (128,546)      (122,900)
  Claims losses and benefits paid                          (974,815)        (987,073)      (937,793)
  Interest received                                          23,109           22,003         20,781
  Proceeds from trading securities sold or
        Fixed maturities sold                                22,620           22,077         18,033
        Equity securities                                    15,982           16,960         32,248
  Acquisition of investments in trading portfolio:
     Fixed maturities                                       (25,420)         (23,847)       (19,826)
     Equity securities                                      (18,196)         (17,347)       (32,936)
  Interest paid                                              (4,773)          (7,153)        (3,292)
  Expense reimbursement from Medicare                        13,575           10,778         12,391
  Contingency reserve funds from FEHBP                        4,226            7,962             --
                                                        -----------       ----------       --------
        Net cash provided by (used in)
                 operating activities                        69,436            7,444        (48,988)
                                                        -----------       ----------       --------
Cash flows from investing activities:
  Proceeds from investments sold or matured:
    Securities available for sale:
       Fixed maturities sold                                 21,997           29,307         15,954
       Fixed maturities matured                             128,495           11,000         20,000
       Equity securities                                      7,657            3,290          6,881
    Securities held to maturity:
       Fixed maturities matured                                  25               --             75
  Acquisition of investments:
    Securities available for sale:
       Fixed maturities                                    (174,709)         (47,468)       (72,630)
       Equity securities                                       (571)            (969)        (4,113)
    Securities held to maturity:
       Fixed maturities                                      (1,676)              --             --
  Capital expenditures                                       (6,054)          (2,689)       (11,869)
  Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                   --              111             --
                                                        -----------       ----------       --------
        Net cash used in investing activities           $   (24,836)          (7,418)       (45,702)
                                                        -----------       ----------       --------

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Change in outstanding checks in excess of
     bank balances                                      $     5,820            8,578             --
  Payments of short-term borrowings                              --               --         (2,000)
  Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                       --               --         61,000
  Payments of long-term debt                                 (2,390)          (2,277)          (683)
  Issuance of common stock                                       --               --              1
  Redemption of common stock                                     (4)             (64)            (3)
  Proceeds from individual retirement annuities               1,638            2,241          2,772
  Surrenders of individual retirement annuities              (2,260)          (3,235)        (2,177)
                                                        -----------       ----------       --------
        Net cash provided by financing activities             2,804            5,243         58,910
                                                        -----------       ----------       --------
        Net increase (decrease) in cash
          and cash equivalents                               47,404            5,269        (35,780)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year               33,566           28,297         64,077
                                                        -----------       ----------       --------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                $    80,970           33,566         28,297
                                                        ===========       ==========       ========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


Triple-S Management Corporation (the Company or TSM) was incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to engage principally, among other things, as the holding company of entities primarily involved in the insurance industry. The Company was a wholly owned subsidiary of Triple-S, Inc. (TSI) until January 4, 1999 and did not start operations until such day, which is the effective date and completion of a corporate reorganization described below.

Effective January 4, 1999 TSI and its subsidiaries completed a tax-exempt corporate reorganization after the approvals of the Department of Treasury and the Commissioner of Insurance of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the Commissioner of Insurance). Under the corporate reorganization, the following transactions occurred at the same time:

- The stockholders of TSI exchanged in the same proportion, their common stocks outstanding for common stocks of the Company.

- TSI transferred to the Company its investment in its wholly owned subsidiaries aggregating $50,186. Such balance was comprised of TSI's capital contribution to its former wholly owned subsidiaries of $9,852, and the accumulated operating reserves and unrealized gains on securities classified as available for sale of the former wholly owned subsidiaries of $35,400 and $4,934, respectively.

- TSI sold to the Company its buildings, land, and certain improvements at their carrying value amounting to $22,508 at the reorganization date. No gain or loss was recognized by TSI in relation to this transaction.

- TSI merged into Triple-S Salud, Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company) transferring net assets of $139,401 (excluding its investment in former subsidiaries), comprised of accumulated operating reserves of $105,010 and unrealized gains on securities classified as available for sale of $33,789.

- Triple-S, Inc. ceased to exist and Triple-S Salud, Inc. changed its corporate name to Triple-S, Inc.

The aforementioned reorganization was structured as a tax-exempt reorganization pursuant to Sections 1112 and 1114 of the Puerto Rico Income Tax Code and Section 101(8) of the Puerto Rico Income Tax Act of 1954, as amended. A favorable determination letter approving the tax-exempt status of this reorganization was obtained from the Department of Treasury, subject to the Company's compliance with certain conditions (see note 15).

F-6 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

On December 6, 1996 the Commissioner of Insurance issued an order to annul the sale of 1,582 shares of common stock held as treasury stock that TSI repurchased from the estate of deceased stockholders. TSI contested such order through administrative and judicial review processes. Consequently, the sale of 1,582 stocks was cancelled and the amount paid was returned to each former stockholder of the aforementioned stocks. During the year 2000, the Commissioner of Insurance issued a pronouncement providing further clarification to the content and effect of the order. The order also required that all corporate decisions undertaken by TSI through the vote of its stockholders in record, be ratified in a stockholders' meeting or in a subsequent referendum. In November 2000, the Company, as the sole stockholder of TSI, ratified all such decisions. Furthermore, on November 19, 2000 the Company held a special meeting of its stockholders where a ratification of the same decisions was undertaken, except for the resolutions related to the approval of the corporate reorganization of TSI and its subsidiaries. This resolution did not reach the two-thirds majority required by the order because the number of stocks that were present and represented in the meeting were below such amount (total stocks present and represented in the stockholders' meeting were 64%). As stipulated in the order, the Company began the process to conduct a referendum among its stockholders to ratify such resolution. The process was later suspended because upon a further review of the scope of the order, the Commissioner of Insurance upon letter dated January 8, 2002, maintained that the ratification of the corporate reorganization may not be required.

The Commissioner of Insurance confirmed this position in a letter dated March 14, 2002 to TSI that provides that there are no further corporate decisions requiring ratification and that the Commissioner's order of December 6, 1996 has been complied with. It is the opinion of the management and its legal counsels that the corporate reorganization as approved is in full force and effect.

The Company has the following wholly owned subsidiaries that are subject to the regulations of the Commissioner of Insurance: (1) TSI, which provides hospitalization and health benefits to subscribers through contracts with hospitals, physicians, dentists, laboratories, and other organizations located mainly in Puerto Rico. The Company and TSI are members of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA);
(2) Seguros de Vida Triple-S, Inc. (SVTS), which is engaged in the underwriting of life insurance policies and the administration of individual retirement annuities; and (3) Seguros Triple-S, Inc. (STS), which is engaged in the underwriting of property and casualty insurance policies.

The Company also has two others wholly owned subsidiaries, Interactive Systems, Inc. (ISI) and Triple-C, Inc. (TC). ISI is mainly engaged in providing data processing services to the Company and its subsidiaries. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Health Care Reform (the Reform) business was administered through a division of TSI up to September 30, 2001. Effective October 1, 2001 TC commenced operations as part of a strategic positioning in the health industry to take advantage of new market opportunities. It will be mainly engaged as a third-party administrator for TSI in the administration of the Reform. It will also provide health care advisory services to TSI and other health insurance-related services in the health insurance industry.

As part of the corporate reorganization previously mentioned, the Company acquired another wholly owned subsidiary, FinaPri, Inc., which was engaged in the business of financing insurance premiums. This subsidiary was liquidated effective December 31, 1999.

TSI is engaged in three principal underwriting activities which are its Regular Plan, the Reform, and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). The operations of the FEHBP do not result in any excess or deficiency of revenue or expenses as this program has a special account available to compensate

F-7 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

any excess or deficiency in the operations of this program (see note
9). TSI also processes and pays claims as fiscal intermediary for the Medicare - Part B Program in Puerto Rico and is reimbursed for operating expenses (see note 13). The Medicare claims and expenses are not reflected in the accompanying consolidated financial statements.

The premiums of TSI and SVTS are billed in the month prior to the effective date of the policy with a grace period of one month. If the insured fails to pay, the policy can be canceled at the end of the grace period at the option of the companies. Most of the business of STS is written through agents or general agencies that collect the premium from the insureds. The premium is subsequently remitted to this subsidiary, net of commissions. Remittances are due 60 days after the closing date of the general agent's account current.


The following are the significant accounting policies followed by the Company and its subsidiaries:


The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP). These principles are established primarily by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires the Company to make estimates when recording transactions resulting from business operations, based on information currently available. The most significant items on the consolidated balance sheets that involve a greater degree of accounting estimates and actuarial determinations subject to changes in the future are liabilities for claims processed and incomplete, future policy benefits, unreported losses, and unpaid claims. As additional information becomes available (or actual amounts are determinable), the recorded estimates will be revised and reflected in operating results. Although some variability is inherent in these estimates, the Company believes the amounts provided are adequate.

The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries. All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.


Cash equivalents of $52,094 and $13,701 at December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively, consist principally of certificates of deposit, money market accounts, and U.S. Treasury obligations with an initial term of less than three months. For purposes of the consolidated statements of cash flows, the Company considers all highly liquid debt instruments with original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.


Investment in securities at December 31, 2001 and 2000 consists of U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of U.S. government instrumentalities, obligations of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

F-8 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

and its instrumentalities, obligations of state and political subdivisions, mortgage-backed securities, collateralized mortgage obligations, corporate debt, and equity securities. The Company classifies its debt and marketable equity securities in one of three categories: trading, available for sale, or held to maturity. Trading securities are bought and held principally for the purpose of selling them in the near term. Securities classified as held to maturity are those securities in which the Company has the ability and intent to hold the security until maturity. All other securities not included in trading or held to maturity are classified as available for sale.

Trading and available-for-sale securities are recorded at fair value. Held-to-maturity securities are recorded at amortized cost, adjusted for the amortization, or accretion of premiums or discounts. Unrealized holding gains and losses on trading securities are included in operations. Unrealized holding gains and losses, net of the related tax effect, on available-for-sale securities are excluded from operations and are reported as a separate component of other comprehensive income (loss) until realized. Transfers of securities between categories are recorded at fair value at the date of transfer. Unrealized holding gains and losses are recognized in operations for transfers into trading securities. Unrealized holding gains or losses associated with transfers of securities from held to maturity to available for sale are recorded as a separate component of other comprehensive income
(loss). The unrealized holding gains or losses included in the separate component of other comprehensive income (loss) for securities transferred from available for sale to held to maturity, are maintained and amortized into operations over the remaining life of the security as an adjustment to yield in a manner consistent with the amortization or accretion of premium or discount on the associated security.

Net unrealized gain on investments classified as available for sale by the Company and its subsidiaries amounted to $21,644 and $16,844 in 2001 and 2000, respectively, net of deferred tax liability of $660 and $484 in 2001 and 2000, respectively. No deferred income tax was recognized for unrealized gains of $17,311 and $14,908 for 2001 and 2000, respectively, on investments classified as available for sale by TSI due to its tax-exempt status.

The Company regularly monitors the difference between the costs and estimated fair value of their investments. A decline in the market value of any available-for-sale or held-to-maturity security below cost that is deemed to be other than temporary results in a reduction in the carrying amount to fair value. If investments experience a decline in value that is deemed to be other than temporary, the security is written down to fair value with a charge to operations and a new cost basis for the security is established. No impairment has been noted nor recognized by the Company during 2001, 2000, or 1999.

Premiums and discounts are amortized or accreted over the life of the related held-to-maturity or available-for-sale security as an adjustment to yield using the effective interest method. Dividend and interest income are recognized when earned.

Realized gains and losses from the sale of available-for-sale securities are included in operations and are determined on a specific-identification basis.

F-9 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


Subscriber premiums on health insurance policies are billed in advance of their respective coverage period and the related revenue is recorded as earned during the coverage period. Premiums on property and casualty contracts are recognized as earned on a pro rata basis over the policy term. The portion of premiums related to the period prior to the end of coverage is recorded in the consolidated balance sheets as unearned premiums and is transferred to premium revenue as earned. Life insurance premiums are reported as earned when due. Interest earned on premiums financed is recognized based on the sum-of-the-digits method over the term of the related financing contracts. This method provides an income which approximates the income that would be recognized under the interest method. Income recognition is suspended when a loan is contractually delinquent for 15 days, date in which cancellation of the insurance policy is requested. The income recognition is resumed and past-due interest recognized when the loan becomes contractually current.


Financial instruments that potentially subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk consist principally of premiums receivable, accrued interest receivable, and other receivables. A substantial majority of the Company's business activity is with insureds located throughout Puerto Rico, and as such, the Company is subject to the risks associated with the Puerto Rico economy. The Company establishes an allowance for doubtful receivables based on management's evaluation of the aging of accounts and such other factors, which deserve current recognition. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

The Company's profitability depends in large part on accurately predicting and effectively managing health care costs and losses arising from the property and casualty business. The Company regularly reviews its premium and benefit structure to reflect its underlying claims experience and revised actuarial data; however, several factors could adversely affect the Company's underwriting. Certain of these factors are beyond any health plan and property and casualty business control and could adversely affect the Company's ability to accurately predict and effectively control health care costs. Examples of such factors include changes in health care practices, economic conditions, the advent of natural disasters, and malpractice litigation. Costs in excess of those anticipated could have a material adverse effect on the Company's results of operations.


Certain costs for acquiring property and casualty insurance business are deferred by the Company. These costs mainly relate to commissions incurred during the production of new property and casualty business and are deferred and amortized ratably over the terms of the policies.

The method used in calculating deferred policy acquisition costs limits the amount of such deferred costs to actual costs or their estimated realizable value, whichever is lower. In determining estimated realizable value, the method considers the premiums to be earned, losses and loss-adjustment expenses, and certain other costs expected to be incurred as the premiums are earned. Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs in 2001, 2000, and 1999 was approximately $12,700, $11,500, and $10,300, respectively.

F-10 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

Acquisition costs related to health and group life insurance policies are expensed as incurred.


Property and equipment are stated at cost. Maintenance and repairs are expensed as incurred. Depreciation is calculated on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets. Costs of computer equipment, programs, systems, installations, and enhancements are capitalized. Costs of systems in operation are amortized over their estimated useful lives.


Claims processed, incomplete and unreported losses for subscriber benefits for health insurance policies represent the estimated amounts to be paid to providers based on experience and accumulated statistical data. Loss-adjustment expenses related to such claims are accrued currently based on estimated future expenses necessary to process such claims.

TSI's Reform business division contracts with various Independence Practice Associations (IPA) for certain medical care services provided to the Reform's subscribers. The IPAs are compensated based on a capitation basis. TSI retains a portion of the capitation payments to provide for incurred but not reported losses. At December 31, 2001 and 2000, total withholdings and capitation payable amounted to $32,816 and $27,964, respectively, which are recorded as part of the liability for claims processed and incomplete, and future policy benefits in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.

The liability for losses and loss-adjustment expenses for STS represents individual case estimates for reporting claims and estimates for unreported losses, net of any salvage and subrogation based on past experience modified for current trends and estimates of expenses for investigating and settling claims.

The liability for future policy benefits is based on the amount of benefits contractually determined for reported claims, and on estimates, based on past experience modified for current trends, for unreported claims.

The above liabilities are necessarily based on estimates and, while management believes that the amounts are adequate, the ultimate liability may be in excess of or less than the amounts provided. The methods for making such estimates and for establishing the resulting liability are continually reviewed, and any adjustments are reflected in the consolidated statements of operations of the current year.


Amounts received for individual retirement annuities are considered deposits and recorded as a liability. Interest accrued on such individual retirement accounts which amounted to $943, $950, and $959 during the three-year period ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively, is recorded as interest expense in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations.

F-11 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


In the normal course of business, the insurance-related subsidiaries seek to limit its exposure that may arise from catastrophes or other events that cause unfavorable underwriting results by reinsuring certain levels of risk in various areas of exposure with other insurance enterprises or reinsurers.

STS and SVTS record reinsurance receivables on unpaid losses and loss-adjustment expenses and prepaid reinsurance premiums (ceded unearned premiums) as assets, rather than reporting liabilities relating to unearned premiums and losses and loss-adjustment expenses net of the effects of reinsurance.

Reinsurance premiums, commissions, and expense reimbursements, related to reinsured business are accounted for on bases consistent with those used in accounting for the original policies issued and the terms of the reinsurance contracts. Accordingly, reinsurance premiums are reported as prepaid reinsurance premiums and amortized over the remaining contract period in proportion to the amount of insurance protection provided.

Premiums ceded and recoveries of losses and loss-adjustment expenses have been reported as a reduction of premiums earned and losses and loss-adjustment expenses incurred, respectively. Commission and expense allowances received by STS in connection with reinsurance ceded have been accounted for as a reduction of the related policy acquisition costs and are deferred and amortized accordingly.

Amounts recoverable from reinsurers are estimated in a manner consistent with the claim liability associated with the reinsured policy.


Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in the consolidated statements of operations in the period that includes the enactment date.


The fair value information of financial instruments in the accompanying consolidated financial statements was determined as follows:


The carrying amount approximates fair value because of the short-term nature of those instruments.

F-12 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


The fair value of investment in securities is estimated based on quoted market prices for those or similar investments. Additional information pertinent to the estimated fair value of investment in securities is included in note 4.


The carrying amount of receivables, accounts payable, and accrued liabilities approximates fair value because they mature and should be collected or paid within 12 months after December 31.


The fair value of individual retirement annuities is the amount payable on demand at the reporting date, and accordingly, the carrying value amount approximates fair value.


The carrying amount of the loans payable to bank approximates fair value due to its floating interest rate structure.


The Company accounts for long-lived assets in accordance with the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 121, Accounting for the Impairment of Long-lived Assets and for Long-lived Assets to be Disposed Of. This statement requires that long-lived assets and certain identifiable intangibles be reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held and used is measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of an asset to future net cash flows expected to be generated by the asset. If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized is measured by the amount by which the carrying amount of the assets exceeds the fair value of the assets. Assets to be disposed of are reported at the lower of the carrying amount or fair value less costs to sell. No impairment of long-lived assets has been recognized in 2001, 2000, and 1999.


Effective January 1, 1999 the insurance-related subsidiaries adopted the provisions of the Statement of Position (SOP) No. 97-3 Accounting by Insurance and Other Enterprises for Insurance-Related Assessments. This SOP prescribes liability recognition when the following three conditions are met: (1) the assessment has been imposed or the information available prior to the issuance of the financial statements indicates it is probable that an assessment will be imposed; (2) the event obligating an entity to pay (underlying cause of) an imposed or probable assessment has occurred on or before the date of the financial statements; and (3) the amount of the assessment can be reasonably estimated. Also, this SOP provides for the recognition of an asset when the paid or accrued assessment is recoverable through either premium taxes or policy surcharges. The adoption of this SOP during 1999 resulted in a credit to the operations of approximately $1,880, which was included in operating expenses in the accompanying 1999 consolidated statements of operations.

F-13 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


The Company calculates and presents earnings per share in accordance with SFAS No. 128, Earnings per Share. Basic earnings per share excludes dilution and is computed by dividing the net income (loss) that could be available to common stockholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period (see note 21).


In June 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141, Business Combinations, and SFAS No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets. SFAS No. 141 requires that the purchase method of accounting be used for all business combinations. SFAS No. 141 specifies criteria that intangible assets acquired in a business combination must meet to be recognized and reported separately from goodwill. SFAS No. 142 will require that goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives no longer be amortized, but instead tested for impairment at least annually in accordance with the provisions of SFAS No.
142. SFAS No. 142 also requires that intangible assets with estimable useful lives be amortized over their respective estimated useful lives to their estimated residual values, and reviewed for impairment in accordance with SFAS No. 121 and subsequently, SFAS No. 144 after its adoption.

The Company adopted the provisions of SFAS No. 141 as of July 1, 2001 and SFAS No. 142 is effective January 1, 2002. Goodwill and intangible assets determined to have an indefinite useful life acquired in a purchase business combination completed after June 30, 2001 but before SFAS No. 142 is adopted in full, are not amortized. Goodwill and intangible assets acquired in business combinations completed before July 1, 2001 continued to be amortized and tested for impairment prior to the full adoption of SFAS No. 142.

Upon adoption of SFAS No. 142, the Company is required to evaluate its existing intangible assets and goodwill that were acquired in purchase business combinations, and to make any necessary reclassifications in order to conform with the new classification criteria in SFAS No. 141 for recognition separate from goodwill. The Company will be required to reassess the useful lives and residual values of all intangible assets acquired, and make any necessary amortization period adjustments by the end of the first interim period after adoption. If an intangible asset is identified as having an indefinite useful life, the Company will be required to test the intangible asset for impairment in accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 142 within the first interim period. Impairment is measured as the excess of carrying value over the fair value of an intangible asset with an indefinite life. Any impairment loss will be measured as of the date of adoption and recognized as the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle in the first interim period.

In connection with SFAS No. 142's transitional goodwill impairment evaluation, the statement requires the Company to perform an assessment of whether there is an indication that goodwill is impaired as of the date of adoption. To accomplish this, the Company must identify its reporting units and determine the carrying value of each reporting unit by assigning the assets and liabilities, including the existing goodwill and intangible assets, to those reporting units as of January 1, 2002. The Company will then have up to six months from January 1, 2002 to determine the fair value of

F-14 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

each reporting unit and compare it to the carrying amount of the reporting unit. To the extent the carrying amount of a reporting unit exceeds the fair value of the reporting unit, an indication exists that the reporting unit goodwill may be impaired and the Company must perform the second step of the transitional impairment test. The second step is required to be completed as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the year of adoption. In the second step, the Company must compare the implied fair value of the reporting unit goodwill with the carrying amount of the reporting unit goodwill, both of which would be measured as of the date of adoption. The implied fair value of goodwill is determined by allocating the fair value of the reporting unit to all of the assets (recognized and unrecognized) and liabilities of the reporting unit in a manner similar to a purchase price allocation, in accordance with SFAS No. 141. The residual fair value after this allocation is the implied fair value of the reporting unit goodwill. Any transitional impairment loss will be recognized as the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle in the Company's consolidated statement of operations.

As of the date of adoption of SFAS No. 142, the Company expects to have unamortized goodwill in the amount of $426 which will be subject to the transition provisions of SFAS No.
142. Because of the extensive effort needed to comply with adopting SFAS No. 141 and SFAS No. 142, it is not practicable to reasonably estimate the impact of adopting the statements on the Company's consolidated financial statements at the date of this report, including whether it will be required to recognize any transitional impairment losses as the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle.

In June 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 143, Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations. SFAS No. 143 requires the Company to record the fair value of an asset retirement obligation as a liability in the period in which it incurs a legal obligation associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived assets that result from the acquisition, construction, development, and/or normal use of the assets. The Company also records a corresponding asset which is depreciated over the life of the asset. Subsequent to the initial measurement of the asset retirement obligation, the obligation will be adjusted at the end of each period to reflect the passage of time and changes in the estimated future cash flows underlying the obligation. The Company is required to adopt SFAS No. 143 on January 1, 2003.

In August 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 144, Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets. SFAS No. 144 addresses financial accounting and reporting for the impairment or disposal of long-lived assets. This statement requires that long-lived assets be reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held and used is measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of an asset to future net cash flows expected to be generated by the asset. If the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its estimated future cash flows, an impairment charge is recognized by the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds the fair value of the asset. SFAS No. 144 requires companies to separately report discontinued operations and extends that reporting to a component of an entity that either has been disposed of (by sale, abandonment, or in a distribution to owners) or is classified as held for sale. Assets to be disposed of are reported at the lower of the carrying amount or fair value less costs to sell. The Company is required to adopt SFAS No. 144 on January 1, 2002.

F-15 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


The operations of the Company are conducted principally through four business segments. Business segments were identified according to the type of insurance products offered. These segments and a description of their respective operations are as follows:

- Health insurance - Commercial Program - This type of insurance is provided by TSI, and comprises the health insurance coverage subscribed to all commercial groups and some government entities. The Commercial Program offers a fee-for-service type plan through five distinct markets:
corporate sector; individual sector; local government sector, covering the employees of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; federal government program, covering federal government employees within Puerto Rico; and the Medicare supplement plan (Medigap). TSI is a qualified contractor to provide health insurance coverage to federal government employees within Puerto Rico. The contract with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is subject to termination in the event of a noncompliance not corrected to the satisfaction of OPM. The premiums for this segment are mainly originated through TSI's internal sales force and a network of brokers and independent agents. Under its regular plan, TSI provides health insurance coverage to certain employees of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and its instrumentalities. Earned premium revenue related to such health plans amounted to $67,206, $60,102, and $47,924 for the three years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively.

- Health insurance - Reform Program - This type of insurance is also provided by TSI and the business subscribed within this segment is awarded periodically by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's central government. The Reform Program provides health coverage to medically indigent citizens in Puerto Rico, as defined by the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The Reform consists of a single policy with the same benefits for each qualified medically indigent citizen. The government segregates Puerto Rico by areas or regions. Each area is awarded to an insurance company through a bidding process. TSI manages 4 of the 10 areas. TSI's contracts with the government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for the Reform expire on June 30, 2002. TSI will have to submit, through a bidding process, a new proposal to renew all of the current contracts and any additional areas that TSI determines to compete. Such process is expected to commence on or about April 2002. However, all such contracts are subject to termination, with a prior written notice of 90 days in the event of a noncompliance not corrected or cured to the satisfaction of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or in the event the government determines that there are not enough funds for the payment of premiums. Effective October 1, 2001 TSI entered into a service agreement with TC, a previously inactive organization, for the administration of the Reform's segment operations in exchange for a service fee which will essentially cover the operating expenses plus a profit.

- Property and casualty insurance - This type of insurance is provided by STS. The predominant insurance lines of business of this segment are commercial multiple peril, auto physical damage, auto liability, and dwelling. The premiums for this segment are originated through a network of independent insurance agents and brokers.

- Life and disability insurance - This type of insurance is provided by SVTS, which offers primarily group life, group short- and long-term disability insurance coverage and the administration of

F-16 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

individual retirement accounts. The premiums for this segment are mainly subscribed through a network of brokers and independent agents.

The accounting policies for the segments are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies included in the notes to consolidated financial statements. The Company evaluates performance based on the underwriting income and net income of each segment. Transactions between reportable segments are done at transfer prices which approximate fair value. The financial data of each segment is accounted for separately, therefore no segment allocation is necessary. In the case of the commercial and Reform program segments, they are accounted for separately, even though they are both administered by TSI. However, certain operating expenses are centrally managed, therefore requiring an allocation to each segment. Most of these expenses are distributed to each segment based on different parameters, such as payroll hours, processed claims, square footage, and others. In addition, some depreciable assets are kept by one segment, while allocating the depreciation expense to other segments. The allocation of the depreciation expense is based on the same proportion as the asset was used by each segment. Certain expenses are not allocated to the segments and are kept within TSM's operations.

The following table summarizes the operations by major operating segment for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999:

F-17 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999

(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                     OPERATING SEGMENT
                                            HEALTH         HEALTH         PROPERTY        LIFE
                                           INSURANCE      INSURANCE         AND            AND
                                          COMMERCIAL       REFORM         CASUALTY     DISABILITY
                                            PROGRAM        PROGRAM       INSURANCE      INSURANCE    OTHER *       TOTAL
                                          -----------     ----------     ----------    -----------   ------      ----------
Premiums earned, net                       $ 628,487        454,923         54,337       13,426          --       1,151,173
Amounts attributable to self-funded
  arrangements                               134,374             --             --           --          --         134,374
Less amounts attributable to claims
  under self-funded arrangements            (126,295)            --             --           --          --        (126,295)
Intersegment premiums/service revenue            845             --             --           --      18,953          19,798
                                           ---------       --------       --------       ------      ------      ----------
                                             637,411        454,923         54,337       13,426      18,953       1,179,050
Net investment income                         10,428          4,547          7,564        2,496          --          25,035
Realized gain on sale of securities            3,643              6            967           34          --           4,650
Unrealized loss on trading securities         (2,908)          (132)          (585)          --          --          (3,625)
Other                                          4,218             --             42           60          --           4,320
                                           ---------       --------       --------       ------      ------      ----------
                 Total revenue             $ 652,792        459,344         62,325       16,016      18,953       1,209,430
                                           =========       ========       ========       ======      ======      ==========
Underwriting income (loss)                 $  (7,169)         1,324           (559)       1,959         695          (3,750)
                                           =========       ========       ========       ======      ======      ==========
Net income                                 $   6,776          4,563          6,529        3,366         449          21,683
                                           =========       ========       ========       ======      ======      ==========
Claims incurred                            $ 560,809        420,953         32,348        6,914          --       1,021,024
                                           =========       ========       ========       ======      ======      ==========
Operating expenses                         $  83,771         32,646         22,548        4,553      18,258         161,776
                                           =========       ========       ========       ======      ======      ==========
Depreciation expense, included
  in operating expenses                    $   3,053          1,049            503          111           5           4,721
                                           =========       ========       ========       ======      ======      ==========
Interest expense                           $   1,436          1,182             --          938          --           3,556
                                           =========       ========       ========       ======      ======      ==========
Income taxes                               $      --             --            900          245         246           1,391
                                           =========       ========       ========       ======      ======      ==========
Segment assets                             $ 287,893        105,319        179,184       50,410         515         623,321
                                           =========       ========       ========       ======      ======      ==========
Significant noncash item - net
  change in unrealized gain on
  securities available for sale            $   1,036          1,368          1,091          990          --           4,485
                                           =========       ========       ========       ======      ======      ==========

* Includes segments which are not required to be reported separately. These segments include the data processing services organization as well as the third-party administrator of the health insurance services.




Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999

(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                   OPERATING SEGMENT
                                        HEALTH          HEALTH            PROPERTY          LIFE
                                       INSURANCE       INSURANCE            AND              AND
                                      COMMERCIAL        REFORM            CASUALTY       DISABILITY
                                       PROGRAM          PROGRAM          INSURANCE        INSURANCE      OTHER *         TOTAL
                                     -----------       ----------        ---------       ----------      -------       ----------
Premiums earned, net                  $ 583,320          439,774           53,493          11,576            --         1,088,163
Amounts attributable to
  self-funded arrangements              117,542               --               --              --            --           117,542
Less amounts attributable to
  claims under self-funded
  arrangements                         (113,248)              --               --              --            --          (113,248)
Intersegment premiums/service
  revenue                                   752               --               --              --         9,050             9,802
                                      ---------         --------         --------         -------         -----        ----------
                                        588,366          439,774           53,493          11,576         9,050         1,102,259
Net investment income                     9,993            4,633            6,996           2,502            --            24,124
Realized gain on sale of
  securities                              5,566              252              539              20            --             6,377
Unrealized gain (loss) on
  trading securities                     (3,228)              76             (585)             --            --            (3,737)
Other                                     7,426              (62)              --              --            --             7,364
                                                                                          -------         -----        ----------
           Total revenue              $ 608,123          444,673           60,443          14,098         9,050         1,136,387
                                      =========         ========         ========         =======         =====        ==========
Underwriting income (loss)            $ (20,811)         (11,052)             232           2,010           318           (29,303)
                                      =========         ========         ========         =======         =====        ==========
Net income (loss)                     $  (3,090)          (7,614)           6,282           3,334           163              (925)
                                      =========         ========         ========         =======         =====        ==========
Claims incurred                       $ 531,187          420,476           32,692           5,778            --           990,133
                                      =========         ========         ========         =======         =====        ==========
Operating expenses                    $  77,990           30,350           20,569           3,788         8,732           141,429
                                      =========         ========         ========         =======         =====        ==========
Depreciation expense,
  included in operating
  expenses                            $   3,122            1,119              614              54            --             4,909
                                      =========         ========         ========         =======         =====        ==========
Interest expense                      $   2,036            1,461               --             950            --             4,447
                                      =========         ========         ========         =======         =====        ==========
Income taxes                          $      --               --              900             248           155             1,303
                                      =========         ========         ========         =======         =====        ==========
Segment assets                        $ 246,865           74,146          161,811          43,913           225           526,960
                                      =========         ========         ========         =======         =====        ==========
Significant noncash item -
  net change in unrealized
  gain on securities available
  for sale                            $  (1,674)           1,653            2,193            (185)           --             1,987
                                      =========         ========         ========         =======         =====        ==========

* Includes segments which are not required to be reported separately. These segments include the data processing services organization.




Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999

(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                  OPERATING SEGMENT
                                       HEALTH           HEALTH          PROPERTY        LIFE
                                      INSURANCE       INSURANCE           AND            AND
                                     COMMERCIAL         REFORM          CASUALTY      DISABILITY
                                       PROGRAM          PROGRAM        INSURANCE       INSURANCE      OTHER *             TOTAL
                                     ----------       ---------        ---------      ----------      --------         ----------
Premiums earned, net                 $ 499,822          410,662          46,308         10,718              --            967,510
Amounts attributable to
  self-funded arrangements             105,183               --              --             --              --            105,183
Less amounts attributable to
  claims under self-funded
  arrangements                         (96,441)              --              --             --              --            (96,441)
Intersegment premiums/service
  revenue                                  750               --              --             --           9,196              9,946
                                     ---------         --------         -------         ------        --------         ----------
                                       509,314          410,662          46,308         10,718           9,196            986,198
Net investment income                    8,027            5,212           6,308          2,294             507             22,348
Realized gain on sale of
  securities                             5,340              489             861             --              --              6,690
Unrealized gain (loss) on
  trading securities                     1,857             (400)            350             --              --              1,807
Other                                      140              (86)            101             --              --                155
                                     ---------         --------         -------         ------        --------         ----------
           Total revenue             $ 524,678          415,877          53,928         13,012           9,703          1,017,198
                                     =========         ========         =======         ======        ========         ==========
Underwriting income (loss)           $ (25,929)          (4,948)         (2,212)           525            (319)           (32,883)
                                     =========         ========         =======         ======        ========         ==========
Net income (loss)                    $ (11,119)          (1,196)          4,508          1,803              36             (5,968)
                                     =========         ========         =======         ======        ========         ==========
Claims incurred                      $ 463,333          385,420          31,961          7,010              --            887,724
                                     =========         ========         =======         ======        ========         ==========
Operating expenses                   $  71,910           30,190          16,559          3,183           9,515            131,357
                                     =========         ========         =======         ======        ========         ==========
Depreciation expense,
  included in operating
  expenses                           $   2,985            1,047             560             49              --              4,641
                                     =========         ========         =======         ======        ========         ==========
Interest expense                     $     554            1,463              --            959               5              2,981
                                     =========         ========         =======         ======        ========         ==========
Income taxes                         $      --               --             900             57             147              1,104
                                     =========         ========         =======         ======        ========         ==========

* Includes segments which are not required to be reported separately. These segments include the data processing services organization and the insurance premium financing operations.




Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999

(Dollar amounts in thousands)


TOTAL REVENUE                                                  2001               2000               1999
                                                           -----------         ----------         ----------
 Revenue for reportable segments                           $ 1,190,477          1,127,337          1,007,495
 Revenue for other segments                                     18,953              9,050              9,703
                                                           -----------         ----------         ----------
                                                             1,209,430          1,136,387          1,017,198
                                                           -----------         ----------         ----------
 Elimination of intersegment earned premiums                      (845)              (752)              (750)
 Elimination of intersegment service revenue                   (18,953)            (9,050)            (9,196)
 Unallocated amount - revenue from external sources                764                402                237
                                                           -----------         ----------         ----------
                                                               (19,034)            (9,400)            (9,709)
                                                           -----------         ----------         ----------
                 Total consolidated revenue                $ 1,190,396          1,126,987          1,007,489
                                                           ===========         ==========         ==========

UNDERWRITING LOSS                                             2001               2000               1999
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
Underwriting loss for reportable segments                 $    (4,445)           (29,621)           (32,564)
Underwriting income (loss) for other segments                     695                318               (319)
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
                                                               (3,750)           (29,303)           (32,883)
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
Elimination of TSM charge - rent expense                        6,185              6,185              5,510
TSM general and administrative expenses                        (5,037)            (4,693)            (4,495)
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
                                                                1,148              1,492              1,015
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
                Consolidated underwriting loss            $    (2,602)           (27,811)           (31,868)
                                                          ===========         ==========         ==========

NET INCOME (LOSS)                                             2001               2000               1999
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
Net income (loss) for reportable segments                 $    21,234             (1,088)            (6,004)
Net income for other segments                                     449                163                 36
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
                                                               21,683               (925)            (5,968)
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
Elimination of TSM charges:
   Rent expense                                                 6,185              6,185              5,510
   Interest expense                                             1,436              2,036                554
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
                                                                7,621              8,221              6,064
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
Unallocated amounts related to TSM:
   General and administrative expenses                         (5,037)            (4,693)            (4,495)
   Interest expense                                            (3,365)            (4,644)            (1,818)
   Other revenue from external sources                            813                529                264
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
                                                               (7,589)            (8,808)            (6,049)
                                                          -----------         ----------         ----------
                Consolidated net income (loss)            $    21,715             (1,512)            (5,953)
                                                          ===========         ==========         ==========




Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999

(Dollar amounts in thousands)

ASSETS                                                    2001             2000
                                                       ---------         --------
 Total assets for reportable segments                  $ 622,806          526,735
 Total assets for other segments                             515              225
                                                       ---------         --------
                                                         623,321          526,960
 Elimination entries - intersegment receivables           (5,677)          (4,203)
                                                       ---------         --------
 Unallocated amounts related to TSM:
      Cash, cash equivalents, and investments              7,909            7,415
      Property and equipment, net                         30,018           31,240
      Other assets                                           487              741
                                                       ---------         --------
                                                          38,414           39,396
                                                       ---------         --------
      Consolidated assets                              $ 656,058          562,153
                                                       =========         ========

OTHER SIGNIFICANT ITEMS                                                                    2001
                                                                   SEGMENT                                      CONSOLIDATED
                                                                   TOTALS              ADJUSTMENTS (*)             TOTALS
                                                                 ----------            ---------------          ------------
Claims incurred                                                  $1,021,024                    --                1,021,024
Operating expenses                                                  161,776               (20,946)                 140,830
Depreciation expense                                                  4,721                 1,332                    6,053
Interest expense                                                      3,556                 1,929                    5,485
Income taxes                                                          1,391                   (49)                   1,342
Significant noncash item - net change in
  unrealized gain on securities available for sale                    4,485                   139                    4,624

                                                                  SEGMENT                                      CONSOLIDATED
                                                                   TOTALS              ADJUSTMENTS (*)             TOTALS
                                                                 ----------            ---------------          ------------

Claims incurred                                                  $  990,133                    --                  990,133
Operating expenses                                                  141,429               (11,294)                 130,135
Depreciation expense                                                  4,909                 1,428                    6,337
Interest expense                                                      4,447                 2,608                    7,055
Income taxes                                                          1,303                  (127)                   1,176
Significant noncash item - net change in
  unrealized gain on securities available for sale                    1,987                    35                    2,022

                                                                  SEGMENT                                      CONSOLIDATED
                                                                   TOTALS              ADJUSTMENTS (*)             TOTALS
                                                                 ----------            ---------------          ------------
Claims incurred                                                  $  887,724                    --                  887,724
Operating expenses                                                  131,357               (10,961)                 120,396
Depreciation expense                                                  4,641                 1,192                    5,833
Interest expense                                                      2,981                 1,264                    4,245
Income taxes                                                          1,104                   (27)                   1,077

* Adjustments represent principally TSM operations and eliminations of intersegment charges. None of the amounts included as adjustments is considered significant.




Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


The Company investments at December 31, 2001 and 2000, consist of the following:

                                            2001         2000
                                         --------      -------

Trading securities, at fair value        $ 88,850       88,159
Available for sale, at fair value         324,334      295,041
Held to maturity, at amortized cost         3,779        2,024
                                         --------      -------

                                         $416,963      385,224
                                         ========      =======

The amortized cost for debt securities and equity securities, gross unrealized gains, gross unrealized losses, and estimated fair value for trading, available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities by major security type and class of security at December 31, 2001 and 2000, were as follows:

                                                GROSS        GROSS       ESTIMATED
                                 AMORTIZED    UNREALIZED   UNREALIZED      FAIR
                                   COST         GAINS        LOSSES        VALUE
                                 ---------    ----------   ----------    ---------
Trading securities:
  U.S. Treasury
    securities and
    obligations of U.S.
    instrumentalities             $ 1,173           4            (7)        1,170
  Corporate debt
    securities                     36,140       1,114          (317)       36,937
                                  -------       -----        ------        ------

        Total fixed maturities     37,313       1,118          (324)       38,107

  Common stocks                    47,623       7,299        (4,179)       50,743
                                  -------       -----        ------        ------

          Totals                  $84,936       8,417        (4,503)       88,850
                                  =======       =====        ======        ======

F-23 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                  GROSS          GROSS          ESTIMATED
                                  AMORTIZED     UNREALIZED     UNREALIZED         FAIR
                                    COST          GAINS          LOSSES           VALUE
                                  ---------     ----------     ----------       ---------

Securities available for
  U.S. Treasury
    securities and
    obligations of U.S.
    instrumentalities               $203,166         3,157          (402)        205,921
  Obligations of the
    Commonwealth of
    Puerto Rico and its
    instrumentalities                 28,776           628           (50)         29,354
  Obligations of state
    and political
    subdivisions                       3,526            50            --           3,576
    securities                         4,500           116           (15)          4,601
    mortgage obligations              41,865         1,344          (156)         43,053
                                    --------        ------        ------         -------

      Total fixed maturities         281,833         5,295          (623)        286,505

  Equity securities                   20,857        17,423          (451)         37,829
                                    --------        ------        ------         -------

      Totals                        $302,690        22,718        (1,074)        324,334
                                    ========        ======        ======         =======

F-24 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                               GROSS        GROSS        ESTIMATED
                                AMORTIZED    UNREALIZED   UNREALIZED       FAIR
                                  COST         GAINS        LOSSES         VALUE
                                ---------    ----------   ----------     ---------

Securities held to
  U.S. Treasury
    securities and
    obligations of U.S.
    instrumentalities             $1,390          32           --         1,422
    securities                     1,839          --          (84)        1,755
    mortgage obligations             550          --           (4)          546
                                  ------          --          ---         -----

          Totals                  $3,779          32          (88)        3,723
                                  ======          ==          ===         =====

                                             GROSS        GROSS       ESTIMATED
                              AMORTIZED    UNREALIZED   UNREALIZED      FAIR
                                COST         GAINS        LOSSES        VALUE
                              ---------    ----------   ----------    ---------
Trading securities:
  U.S. Treasury
    securities and
    obligations of U.S.
    instrumentalities           $ 1,816           54            --         1,870
  Corporate debt
    securities                   32,491          398          (820)       32,069
                                -------       ------        ------        ------

      Total fixed maturities     34,307          452          (820)       33,939

  Common stocks                  46,313       11,962        (4,055)       54,220
                                -------       ------        ------        ------

         Totals                 $80,620       12,414        (4,875)       88,159
                                =======       ======        ======        ======

F-25 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                GROSS          GROSS        ESTIMATED
                               AMORTIZED      UNREALIZED     UNREALIZED       FAIR
                                 COST           GAINS          LOSSES         VALUE
                               ---------      ----------     ----------     ---------

Securities available for
  U.S. Treasury
    securities and
    obligations of U.S.
    instrumentalities           $185,424         1,609        (1,733)        185,300
  Obligations of the
    Commonwealth of
    Puerto Rico and its
    instrumentalities             21,993           457          (616)         21,834
  Obligations of state
    and political
    subdivisions                   3,532            30           (21)          3,541
    securities                     4,911            48           (15)          4,944
    mortgage obligations          39,114           722          (558)         39,278
                                --------        ------        ------         -------

         Total fixed
           maturities            254,974         2,866        (2,943)        254,897

  Equity securities               23,223        18,144        (1,223)         40,144
                                --------        ------        ------         -------

         Totals                 $278,197        21,010        (4,166)        295,041
                                ========        ======        ======         =======

F-26 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                               GROSS        GROSS          ESTIMATED
                               AMORTIZED     UNREALIZED   UNREALIZED         FAIR
                                 COST          GAINS        LOSSES           VALUE
                               ---------     ----------   ----------       ---------
Securities held to
  U.S. Treasury
    securities and
    obligations of U.S.
    instrumentalities             $1,283          48           --           1,331
    securities                       191          --          (12)            179
    mortgage obligations             550          --          (23)            527
                                  ------          --          ---           -----

         Totals                   $2,024          48          (35)          2,037
                                  ======          ==          ===           =====

Fair values for debt securities were determined using market quotations provided by outside securities consultants or prices provided by market makers. The fair values for equity securities were determined using market quotations on the principal public exchange markets.

Maturities of investment securities classified as available for sale and held to maturity were as follows at December 31, 2001:

                                             AMORTIZED COST          FAIR VALUE
                                             --------------          ----------
Securities available for sale:
  Due in one year or less                       $    535                   535
  Due after one year through five years          132,970               134,280
  Due after five years through ten years          85,395                86,918
  Due after ten years                             16,568                17,118
  Collateralized mortgage obligations             41,865                43,053
  Mortgage-backed securities                       4,500                 4,601
  Equity securities                               20,857                37,829
                                                --------               -------

                                                $302,690               324,334
                                                ========               =======

F-27 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                             AMORTIZED COST          FAIR VALUE
                                             --------------          ----------
Securities held to maturity:
  Due after one year through five years           $1,390               1,422
  Collateralized mortgage obligations                550                 546
  Mortgage-backed securities                       1,839               1,755
                                                  ------               -----

                                                  $3,779               3,723
                                                  ======               =====

Expected maturities may differ from contractual maturities because some issuers have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties.

Investments with an amortized cost of $2,369 and $2,303 (fair value of $2,506 and $2,373) at December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively, were deposited with the Commissioner of Insurance to comply with the deposit requirements of the Insurance Code.

Information regarding realized and unrealized gains and losses from investments for the years ended December 31 is as follows:

                                         2001           2000          1999
                                       -------         ------         ----
Realized gains (loss):
  Debt securities:
    Trading securities:
      Gross gains from sales           $   488            134           57
      Gross losses from sales             (195)          (668)        (424)
                                       -------         ------         ----

                                           293           (534)        (367)
    Available for sale:
      Gross gains from sales               555          1,533           --
      Gross losses from sales               (5)            (2)          (2)
                                       -------         ------         ----

                                           550          1,531           (2)
                                       -------         ------         ----

          Total debt securities            843            997         (369)
                                       -------         ------         ----

Balance carried forward                $   843            997         (369)
                                       -------         ------         ----

F-28 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                   2001            2000            1999
                                                 -------         -------         -------
Balance brought forward                          $   843             997            (369)
                                                 -------         -------         -------

  Equity securities:
    Trading securities:
      Gross gains from sales                       2,095           5,139           6,749
      Gross losses from sales                     (2,999)         (1,258)         (1,636)
                                                 -------         -------         -------

                                                    (904)          3,881           5,113
    Available for sale:
      Gross gains from sales                       4,716           1,499           1,973
      Gross losses from sales                         --              --             (27)
                                                 -------         -------         -------

                                                   4,716           1,499           1,946

          Total equity securities                  3,812           5,380           7,059
                                                 -------         -------         -------

          Net realized gain on securities        $ 4,655           6,377           6,690
                                                 =======         =======         =======

Changes in unrealized gains (losses):
  Debt securities:
    Trading securities                           $ 1,162           1,677          (2,369)
    Available for sale                             4,749           5,711         (14,378)
    Held to maturity                                 (69)             (1)            (84)
                                                 -------         -------         -------

                                                   5,842           7,387         (16,831)
  Equity securities:
    Trading securities                            (4,787)         (5,414)          4,176
    Available for sale                                51          (3,471)        (11,386)
                                                 -------         -------         -------

                                                  (4,736)         (8,885)         (7,210)
                                                 -------         -------         -------

          Net change in unrealized gains
            (losses)                             $ 1,106          (1,498)        (24,041)
                                                 =======         =======         =======

The following equity securities individually exceeded 10% of stockholders' equity at December 31:

                                        2001                                      2000
                        ---------------------------------          --------------------------------
                        AMORTIZED COST         FAIR VALUE          AMORTIZED COST        FAIR VALUE
                        --------------         ----------          --------------        ----------

Popular, Inc.               $13,703               37,679               14,387               32,426
                            =======               ======               ======               ======

F-29 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

As of December 31, 2001 and 2000, the investments in obligations that are payable from and secured by the same source of revenue or taxing authority, other than the U.S. government, did not exceed 10% of stockholders' equity.


Components of net investment income were as follows:

                                                        YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31
                                                      2001        2000        1999
                                                    -------      ------      ------
Mortgage-backed securities                          $   816       5,390         770
Zero coupons                                            268       1,023       2,642
Bonds                                                16,252      11,627      13,070
Securities purchased under agreement to resell          763         847         744
Collateralized mortgage obligations                   2,359       1,996       1,199
Common and preferred stocks                           2,046       1,909       2,148
Others                                                3,123       1,727       2,266
                                                    -------      ------      ------

              Subtotal                               25,627      24,519      22,839

    Less investment expenses                            222         181         375
                                                    -------      ------      ------

              Total                                 $25,405      24,338      22,464
                                                    =======      ======      ======


Premiums and other receivables as of December 31 were as follows:

                                                   2001        2000
                                                 -------      ------

Premiums                                         $40,373      31,130
Self-funded group receivables                     11,241       8,713
FEHBP                                              5,379       7,094
Accrued interest                                   4,833       4,650
Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses            13,371      11,519
Other                                             11,353      12,214
                                                 -------      ------

                                                  86,550      75,320

    Less allowance for doubtful receivables       11,678       8,791
                                                 -------      ------

              Total receivables                  $74,872      66,529
                                                 =======      ======

F-30 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


Property and equipment are composed of the following:

                                                          DECEMBER 31
                                                        2001        2000
                                                      -------      ------
Land                                                  $ 6,531       6,531
Buildings and leasehold improvements                   30,445      29,737
Office furniture and equipment                         15,664      15,518
Computer equipment                                     26,143      21,747
Automobiles                                               237         237
                                                      -------      ------

                                                       79,020      73,770

  Less accumulated depreciation and amortization       39,930      34,716
                                                      -------      ------

        Property and equipment, net                   $39,090      39,054
                                                      =======      ======


The activity in the total claim liabilities during 2001, 2000, and 1999 is as follows:

                                                          2001            2000           1999
                                                      -----------       --------       --------

Claim liabilities at beginning of year                $   183,231        177,427        230,233
Reinsurance recoverable on claim liabilities               (7,636)       (14,609)       (64,422)
                                                      -----------       --------       --------

       Net claim liabilities at beginning of
         year                                             175,595        162,818        165,811
                                                      -----------       --------       --------

Incurred claims and loss-adjustment expenses:
    Current period insured events                       1,022,242        989,435        900,533
    Prior period insured events                            (1,218)           698        (12,809)
                                                      -----------       --------       --------

       Total                                            1,021,024        990,133        887,724
                                                      -----------       --------       --------

Payments of losses and loss-adjustment expenses:
    Current period insured events                         831,006        845,994        779,159
    Prior period insured events                           146,235        131,362        111,558
                                                      -----------       --------       --------

       Total                                              977,241        977,356        890,717
                                                      -----------       --------       --------

       Net claim liabilities at end of year               219,378        175,595        162,818

Reinsurance recoverable on claim liabilities               10,062          7,636         14,609
                                                      -----------       --------       --------

Claim liabilities at end of year                      $   229,440        183,231        177,427
                                                      ===========       ========       ========

F-31 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


The following summarizes the operations of the FEHBP for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999, which are included in the accompanying statements of operations and operating reserve:

                                                2001          2000          1999
                                             --------       -------       -------
Premiums earned:
  Billed                                     $ 91,241        81,113        75,645
  Transfer (to) from special account           (2,165)       (2,383)        2,759
                                             --------       -------       -------

                                               89,076        78,730        78,404
                                             --------       -------       -------

Underwriting costs:
  Claims incurred                              87,782        81,567        74,046
  Operating expenses                            5,616         5,308         4,878
                                             --------       -------       -------

        Total underwriting costs               93,398        86,875        78,924
                                             --------       -------       -------

Underwriting loss                            $ (4,322)       (8,145)         (520)
                                             ========       =======       =======

Interest income                              $    744           860           652

Other income (expenses)                         3,578         7,285          (132)
                                             --------       -------       -------

        Total interest income and other
          income (expenses), net             $  4,322         8,145           520
                                             ========       =======       =======

The changes in the special account during 2001 and 2000 are as follows:

                                                       2001       2000
                                                     -------      -----

Funds payable at beginning of year                   $ 9,965      7,582
Transfer from (to) premiums earned by the FEHBP        2,165      2,383
                                                     -------      -----

Funds payable at end of year                         $12,130      9,965
                                                     =======      =====

The account for the FEHBP is related to the following accounts in the balance sheet as of December 31:

                                                                             2001          2000
                                                                           --------       -------

Cash, cash equivalents, and investments                                    $ 20,549        15,554
Premiums, accrued interest, and other receivables                               671         4,470
Claims liabilities, including related unpaid loss-adjustment expenses        (9,090)      (10,059)
                                                                           --------       -------

                                                                           $ 12,130         9,965
                                                                           ========       =======

F-32 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

A contingency reserve is maintained by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) at the U.S. Treasury, and is available to the Company under certain conditions as specified in government regulations. Accordingly, such reserve is not reflected in the accompanying balance sheets. The contingency reserve balance as of December 31, 2001 has not been determined by OPM. The most recent balance available is as of September 30, 2001 and amounted to approximately $23,367. The balance of such reserve as of December 31, 2000 was approximately $24,664 excluding interest earned on such reserve and other additions during the years then ended, which OPM has not yet determined. The Company received $4,226 and $7,962 of payments made from the contingency reserve fund of OPM during 2001 and 2000, respectively, which are recorded as other income in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. No funds were received during 1999 for these purposes.

The claim payments and operating expenses charged to the FEHBP are subject to audit by the U.S. government. The claim payments and operating expenses reimbursed in connection with the FEHBP have been audited through 1998 by OPM. Management is of the opinion that the adjustments, if any, resulting from such audit will not have a significant effect on the accompanying financial statements.


A summary of the credit agreements entered by the Company with a commercial bank at December 31, is as follows:

                                                                      2001        2000
                                                                    -------      ------

Secured loan payable of $41,000, payable in monthly
  installments of $137, plus interest at a rate reviewed
  periodically of 100 basis points over LIBOR rate selected
  (which was 5.66% and 7.76% at December 31, 2001 and
  2000, respectively)                                               $36,650      38,540

 Secured note payable of $20,000, payable in various different
  installments up to August 31, 2007, with interest payable on
  a monthly basis at a rate reviewed periodically of 130 basis
  points over LIBOR rate selected (which was 3.38% and
  8.06% at December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively)                 19,000      19,500
                                                                    -------      ------

           Total loans payable to bank                              $55,650      58,040
                                                                    =======      ======

Substantially all of the proceeds from the loan payable of $41,000 were used by the Company to finance the acquisition of real estate properties from subsidiaries during 1999. A portion of the proceeds of the $41,000 loan and all of the proceeds of the $20,000 note payable were used by the Company for working capital needs and for the corporate reorganization. Also, these loans provide the Company the option to change the LIBOR rate to be used on the monthly payments within a short-term period.

F-33 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

During 2001, the Company amended its credit agreement related to the $20,000 secured note payable to extend the maturity date of the facility and restructure its repayment schedule, which was originally due in August 31, 2002. The amended agreement calls for repayments of principal amount of not less than $250 and in integral multiples of $50. The aggregate principal amounts shall be reduced annually to the amounts on or before the dates described below:

              DATE             REQUIRED PRINCIPAL
                               OUTSTANDING BALANCE
----------------------------   --------------------

August 1, 2002                 $       18,000
August 1, 2003                         16,500
August 1, 2004                         15,000
August 1, 2005                         13,500
August 1, 2006                         12,000
August 1, 2007                             --

The loan and note payable previously described are guaranteed by a first position held by the bank on the Company's land, building, and substantially all leasehold improvements, as collateral for the term of the loans under a continuing general security agreement. These credit facilities contain certain covenants, which are normal in this type of credit facility, which the Company has complied with at December 31, 2001 and 2000.

Interest expense on the above debts amounted to $3,365, $4,644, and $1,818 for the three years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively.

The Company and its subsidiaries entered into various line-of-credit agreements with commercial banks with an aggregate maximum commitment amount of $10,000 at December 31, 2000,which remained unused at such date. At December 31, 2001 there were no outstanding line-of-credit agreements with any commercial bank.


As members of the BCBSA, the Company and TSI are required by membership standards of the association to maintain liquidity as defined by BCBSA. That is, to maintain net worth exceeding the Company Action Level as defined in the NAIC's Risk-Based Capital for Insurers Model Act.

Also, under the exemption from Puerto Rico income taxes (see note 15) TSI is required to use any net income, among other things, to increase its operating reserve until they reach a balance equivalent to six months of claims expenses. The companies are in compliance with the above requirements.

F-34 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


The related deferred tax effects allocated to the accumulated balances of the unrealized gains (losses) on securities classified as available for sale that are included as comprehensive income (loss) in the accompanying consolidated statements of stockholders' equity, and comprehensive income (loss) in 2001 and 2000 are as follows:

                                                                   DEFERRED TAX
                                                   BEFORE-TAX        (EXPENSE)      NET-OF-TAX
                                                     AMOUNT           BENEFIT         AMOUNT
                                                   ----------      ------------     ----------

Unrealized holding gains on securities
  arising during the period                         $ 10,065           (336)           9,729

Less reclassification adjustment for gains
  and losses realized in income                       (5,265)           160           (5,105)
                                                    --------           ----           ------

          Net change in unrealized gain             $  4,800           (176)           4,624
                                                    ========           ====           ======

                                                                   DEFERRED TAX
                                                   BEFORE-TAX        (EXPENSE)      NET-OF-TAX
                                                     AMOUNT           BENEFIT         AMOUNT
                                                   ----------      ------------     ----------

Unrealized holding gains on securities
  arising during the period                           $ 5,693           (697)           4,996

Less reclassification adjustment for gains and
  losses realized in income                            (2,989)            15           (2,974)
                                                      -------           ----           ------

          Net change in unrealized gain               $ 2,704           (682)           2,022
                                                      =======           ====           ======

Deferred tax expenses or benefits are related to the unrealized holding gains (losses) on investments classified as available for sale held by the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries, except for those related to TSI, for which no deferred income tax effect was recognized due to its tax-exempt status (see notes 4 and 15).


TSI processes and pays claims as fiscal intermediary for the Medicare - Part B Program. Claims from this program, which are excluded from the accompanying consolidated statements of operations, amounted to $539,218, $497,771, and $433,709 for the three years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively.

F-35 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

TSI is reimbursed for administrative expenses incurred in performing this service. For the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999, the Company was reimbursed by approximately $13,575, $10,778, and $12,391, respectively, for such services which are deducted from operating expenses in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations.

The operating expense reimbursements in connection with processing Medicare claims have been audited through 1997 by federal government representatives. Management is of the opinion that no significant adjustments will be made affecting cost reimbursements through December 31, 2001.


STS and SVTS, in accordance with general industry practices, annually purchase reinsurance to protect them from the impact of large unforeseen losses, and prevent sudden and unpredictable changes in net income and stockholders' equity of the Company. Reinsurance contracts do not relieve any of the subsidiaries from their obligations to policyholders. In the event that all or any of the reinsuring companies might be unable to meet their obligations under existing reinsurance agreements, the subsidiaries would be liable for such defaulted amounts.

STS has a number of pro rata and excess of loss reinsurance treaties whereby the subsidiary retains for its own account all loss payments for each occurrence that does not exceed the stated amount in the agreements and a catastrophe cover, whereby it protects itself from a loss or disaster of a catastrophic nature. Under these treaties, STS ceded premiums of $39,608, $31,208, and $30,847 in 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively.

Reinsurance cessions are made on excess of loss treaties and on a facultative basis. Principal reinsurance agreements are as follows:

- Property surplus treaty covering fire, allied lines, and inland marine lines of business for a coverage of a maximum of $10 million and a retention of $500 by STS.

- Casualty excess of loss treaty covering all liability business in Puerto Rico. This treaty provides reinsurance for losses in excess of $150 up to a maximum of $6.85 million.

- Property catastrophe excess of loss covering dwelling and nondwelling business. This treaty provides reinsurance for losses in excess of $5 million resulting from any catastrophe, subject to a maximum loss of $205 million.

- Personal lines quota share, covering private residence, dwelling, homeowners, and special property package business. This treaty provides reinsurance for 15% of losses up to a maximum loss of $1 million for any one risk.

- Property quota share covering property business in Puerto Rico. This treaty provides reinsurance for 36% of losses up to a maximum loss of $500 for any one risk.

- Reinstatement premium protection covering business written and classified by the Company as property business and ceded to their net retention. This treaty provides reinsurance up to a maximum limit of $6.125 million.

F-36 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

- Medical malpractice excess of loss covering professional liability business. This treaty provides reinsurance in excess of $150 up to a maximum of $3.5 million.

- Builder's risk quota share and first surplus covering contractor's risk. This treaty provides reinsurance for 80% of losses up to a maximum of $2 million. Additionally, the treaty provides coverage under first surplus up to a maximum of $5 million.

- Surety quota share treaty covering contract and miscellaneous surety bond business. This treaty provides reinsurance up to $7 million for contract surety bonds and $2 million for miscellaneous surety bonds.

SVTS cedes insurance with five reinsurers. Insurance is ceded on a pro rata, facultative excess of loss and catastrophic bases. Under the pro rata agreement, SVTS reinsures 50% of the risk up to $250 on the life of any participating individual of certain groups insured. Under this treaty, SVTS ceded premiums of $2,379 in 2001, $2,183 in 2000, and $2,076 in 1999.

The life insurance facultative excess of loss agreements provides for SVTS to retain the first $50 of losses on the life of any participating individual of certain groups insured. Any excess will be recovered from the reinsurer. Under these facultative treaties, SVTS ceded premiums of $349 in 2001, $640 in 2000, and $271 in 1999.

SVTS also has a facultative pro rata agreement with another reinsurer for the long-term disability insurance risk. Under this treaty, SVTS reinsures 75% of the risk. Premiums ceded under this treaty amounted approximately $2,433 in 2001, $1,740 in 2000, and $1,427 in 1999.

The accidental death catastrophic reinsurance covers each and every accident arising out of one event or occurrence resulting in the death or dismemberment of five or more persons. SVTS's retention for each event is $250 with a maximum of $1 million for each event and $2 million per year. Under this treaty, the Company ceded premiums of $5 in 2001 and 2000 and $3 in 1999, respectively.

The ceded unearned reinsurance premiums on STS arising from these reinsurance transactions amounted to $12,668 and $9,400 at December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively and are reported as other assets in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.

The effect of reinsurance on premiums earned and claims incurred is as follows:

                        PREMIUMS EARNED                         CLAIMS INCURRED
            ------------------------------------     ---------------------------------
               2001          2000         1999          2001         2000        1999
            ----------     ---------     -------     ---------     -------     -------

Gross       $1,192,678     1,122,079     998,128     1,029,992     998,085     918,122
Ceded           41,505        33,916      30,618         8,968       7,952      30,398
            ----------     ---------     -------     ---------     -------     -------

    Net     $1,151,173     1,088,163     967,510     1,021,024     990,133     887,724
            ==========     =========     =======     =========     =======     =======

F-37 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


Under Puerto Rico income tax law, the Company is not allowed to file consolidated tax returns with its subsidiaries.

The tax status of its subsidiaries is as follows: TSI is exempt from Puerto Rico income taxes under a ruling issued by the Department of the Treasury of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico before and after the corporate reorganization previously described in note 1. This exemption requires TSI to comply with the following significant conditions:

- TSI, the Company, and the stockholders of the Company, should make annual representations to the Department of Treasury of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico ratifying the status of TSI as a nonprofit corporation and the conditions provided by the ruling.

- TSI must annually ratify to the Department of Treasury that it operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare in Puerto Rico.

- TSI's assets (as defined in the ruling) should be used primarily for purposes related to its health insurance business.

- Dividends cannot be paid on its common stock.

- In the event of liquidation of stocks, the Company is entitled to an amount not in excess of the amount paid for the common stock when they were originally issued. Any assets not distributed to the Company will be distributed to nonprofit organizations in the health field.

- Any net income should be used exclusively for:

- Expanding and improving the health insurance services

- Contributions to promote health insurance related activities

- Increasing operating reserve until they reach a balance equivalent to six months of claims expenses.

- In the event that TSI elects not to continue with this tax exemption or it is revoked by the Secretary of Treasury of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, there are two options regarding the possible distribution of the operating reserve. One of the options requires specific distribution to nonprofit organizations in the health field and the other may require the payment of taxes.

At December 31, 2001 and 2000, TSI was in compliance with the aforementioned requirements.

STS is taxed essentially the same as other corporations, with taxable income determined on the basis of the statutory annual statements filed with the insurance regulatory authorities. Also, operations are subject to an alternative minimum income tax, which is calculated based on the formula established by existing tax laws. Any alternative minimum income tax paid may be used as a credit against the excess, if any, of regular income tax over the alternative minimum income tax in future years.

F-38 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

No regular Puerto Rico income tax was payable by STS for 2001 and 2000 since STS incurred a net operating loss for tax purposes mainly caused by exempt interest income of approximately $6,881 and $6,043, respectively. The resulting net operating loss for tax purposes will not represent a future deductible amount because the exempt income for 2001 and 2000 exceeded such amounts.

STS is also subject to federal income taxes for foreign source dividend income. No federal income taxes were recognized for 2001, 2000, and 1999.

SVTS operates as a qualified domestic life insurance company and is subject to the alternative minimum tax and taxes on its capital gains. As of December 31, 2001 and 2000, income tax payable of $12 and $185, respectively, was recorded within accounts payable and accrued liabilities in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.

Deferred income taxes reflect the tax effects of temporary differences between carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and income tax purposes. The net deferred tax liability at December 31, 2001 and 2000 of the Company and of the life and property and casualty insurance subsidiaries, which is included in the accounts payable and accrued liabilities in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets, is composed of the following:

                                                         2001        2000
                                                       -------      ------

Deferred tax asset:
  Puerto Rico Guaranty Fund reserve                    $   235         196
  Alternative minimum tax credit carryforward               78          78
  Allowance for doubtful receivables                       150         143
  Reserve for obsolete inventory                           153          85
  Net operating loss carryforwards                          --         110
  Other                                                     75          64
                                                       -------      ------

    Gross deferred tax asset                               691         676
    Less valuation allowance                                --          87
                                                       -------      ------

                                                           691         589
                                                       -------      ------

Deferred tax liability:
  Deferred policy acquisition costs                     (2,865)     (2,000)
  Unrealized gain on securities available for sale        (660)       (484)
  Catastrophe loss reserve trust fund                   (4,531)     (4,469)
                                                       -------      ------

    Gross deferred tax liability                        (8,056)     (6,953)
                                                       -------      ------

        Net deferred tax liability                     $(7,365)     (6,364)
                                                       =======      ======

F-39 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

A valuation allowance is provided when it is more likely than not that deferred tax assets will not be realized. The Company has established valuation allowances primarily for the net operating loss carryforwards. In assessing the realizability of deferred tax assets, management considers whether it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income during the periods in which those temporary differences become deductible.


The Company sponsors a noncontributory defined-benefit pension plan for all of its employees and for the employees of its subsidiaries who are age 21 or older and have completed one year of service. Pension benefits begin to vest after five years of vesting service, as defined, and are based on years of service and final average salary, as defined. The funding policy is to contribute to the plan as necessary to meet the minimum funding requirements set forth in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, plus such additional amounts as the Company may determine to be appropriate from time to time.

The following table sets forth the plan's benefit obligations, fair value of plan assets, and funded status as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, accordingly:

                                                          2001         2000
                                                        --------      -------

Change in benefit obligation:
  Projected benefit obligation at beginning of year     $ 42,205       37,670
  Service cost                                             2,681        2,390
  Interest cost                                            3,168        2,903
  Benefit payments                                          (180)      (2,575)
  Actuarial losses                                         3,654        1,817
  Settlements                                             (8,894)          --
                                                        --------      -------

  Projected benefit obligation at end of year           $ 42,634       42,205
                                                        ========      =======

  Accumulated benefit obligation at end of year         $ 28,934       29,927
                                                        ========      =======

  Vested benefit obligation at end of year              $ 23,564       24,198
                                                        ========      =======

F-40 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                       2001         2000
                                                     --------      -------

Change in plan assets:
  Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year     $ 36,178       38,606
  Actual return on assets (net of expenses)            (1,947)      (1,899)
  Employer contributions                                1,613        2,046
  Benefit payments                                       (180)      (2,575)
  Settlements                                          (8,894)          --
                                                     --------      -------

  Fair value of plan assets at end of year           $ 26,770       36,178
                                                     ========      =======

Reconciliation of funded status:
  Funded status                                      $(15,864)      (6,027)
  Unrecognized transition obligation                       --           75
  Unrecognized prior service cost                         (14)         (10)
  Unrecognized actuarial loss                           9,269        2,389
                                                     --------      -------

            Accrued benefit cost                     $ (6,609)      (3,573)
                                                     ========      =======

The components of net periodic benefit cost for 2001, 2000, and 1999 were as follows:

                                               2001        2000        1999
                                             -------      ------      ------
Components of net periodic benefit cost:
  Service cost                               $ 2,681       2,390       2,556
  Interest cost                                3,168       2,903       2,609
  Expected return on assets                   (3,214)     (3,107)     (2,601)
  Amortization of transition obligation           75          75          75
  Amortization of prior service cost               5           5           5
  Amortization of actuarial loss                  --          --         231
  Settlement loss                              1,934          --          --
                                             -------      ------      ------

            Net periodic benefit cost        $ 4,649       2,266       2,875
                                             =======      ======      ======

Net periodic pension expense may include settlement charges as a result of retirees selecting lump-sum distributions. Settlement charges may increase in the future if the number of eligible participants deciding to receive distributions and the amount of their benefits increases.

F-41 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

The following assumptions were used on a weighted average basis in the accounting of the plan as of December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999:

                                                   2001                  2000                   1999
                                              ---------------       ----------------       ---------------
Discount rate                                         7.25%                 7.50%                  7.75%
Expected return on plan assets                        9.00%                 9.00%                  9.00%
Rate of compensation increase                 Graded; 3.00 to       Graded; 3.00 to        Graded; 3.00 to
                                                      6.50%                 6.50%                  6.50%

The assumptions used in computing net periodic benefit cost for 2001, 2000, and 1999 were as follows:

                                                      2001                  2000                   1999
                                                 ---------------       ----------------       ---------------

Assumptions used in computing net
  periodic benefit cost:
      Discount rate                                      7.50%                 7.75%                  6.75%
      Expected return on assets                          9.00%                 9.00%                  9.00%
      Rate of compensation increase              Graded; 3.00 to       Graded; 3.00 to        Graded; 3.00 to
                                                         6.50%                 6.50%                  6.50%


In accordance with the Act No. 73 of August 12, 1994, and Chapter 25 of the Insurance Code, STS is required to establish and maintain a trust fund for the payments of catastrophe losses. The establishment of this trust fund will increase the financial capacity in order to offer protection for those insurers exposed to catastrophe losses. This trust may invest its funds in securities authorized by the Insurance Code, but not in investments whose value may be affected by hazards covered by the catastrophic insurance losses. The interest earned on these investments and any realized gain (loss) on investment transactions becomes part of the reserve for catastrophic insurance losses and income (expense) of the Company. The assets in this fund, which are reported as other assets in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets, will be used solely and exclusively to pay catastrophe losses covered under policies written in Puerto Rico.

The operating reserve of STS is restricted in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets by the total catastrophe loss reserve balance.

In addition, pursuant to Article 8 of Rule LXXII of October 15, 1999, of the Insurance Code of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, STS is required to make the current year deposit to the fund, if any, on or before January 30 of the following year. Contributions are determined by a rate (10% for 2001 and 2000), imposed by the Commissioner of Insurance for the catastrophe policies written in that year.

No deposits were made during 2001 as the deposit formula resulted in no additional contribution for the year. The amount deposited in the trust fund may be reimbursed in the case that STS ceases to underwrite risks subject to catastrophe losses.

F-42 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

As of December 31, 2001 and 2000, the movement of the catastrophe loss reserve is as follows:

                                                                        2001       2000
                                                                      -------     ------

Catastrophe loss reserve at beginning of year                         $18,232     14,008
Contributions paid                                                         --      3,467
Investment income                                                       1,500        757
                                                                      -------     ------

Balance of the catastrophe loss reserve trust fund at end of year     $19,732     18,232
                                                                      =======     ======

The trust fund assets are composed of the following:

                                                                           2001        2000
                                                                          -------     ------

U.S. Treasury securities, at amortized cost (fair value of $386 and
    $6,192 in 2001 and 2000, respectively)                                $   370      6,132

Federal Home Loan Bank note, at amortized cost (fair value of $17,784
    and $9,897 in 2001 and 2000, respectively)                             17,595      9,825

Obligations of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and its
    instrumentalities, at amortized cost (fair value of $1,426 and
    $1,409 in 2001 and 2000, respectively)                                  1,500      1,507

Accrued interest receivable                                                   261         35

Cash and cash equivalents                                                       6        733
                                                                          -------     ------

                                                                          $19,732     18,232
                                                                          =======     ======

Maturities of investments held in the catastrophe loss reserve trust fund were as follows at December 31, 2001:

                                                                      ESTIMATED FAIR
                                                  AMORTIZED COST           VALUE
                                                  --------------      ---------------
Due after one year through five years                $14,130               14,327
Due after five years through ten years                 5,335                5,269
                                                     -------               ------

                                                     $19,465               19,596
                                                     =======               ======

F-43 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


The Company leases its regional offices, certain equipment, and warehouse facilities under operating noncancellable leases. Minimum annual rental commitments at December 31, 2001 under existing agreements are summarized as follows:

Year ending December 31:
    2002                              $    1,346
    2003                                   1,041
    2004                                     247
    2005                                     101
    2006                                      65

             Total                    $    2,800

Rental expense for 2001, 2000, and 1999 was $1,274, $1,141, and $2,321, respectively, after deducting the amount of $419, $260, and $309, respectively, reimbursed by Medicare (see note 13).



At December 31, 2001, the Company is defendant in various lawsuits arising in the ordinary course of business. In the opinion of management, with the advice of its legal counsel, the ultimate disposition of these matters will not have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial position and results of operations of the Company.


Pursuant to the Puerto Rico Insurance Code, STS is a member of Sindicato de Aseguradores para la Suscripcion Conjunta de Seguros de Responsabilidad Profesional Medico-Hospitalaria (SIMED) and of the Sindicato de Aseguradores de Responsabilidad Profesional para Medicos. Both syndicates were organized for the purpose of underwriting medical-hospital professional liability insurance. As a member, the subsidiary shares risks with other member companies and, accordingly, is contingently liable in the event that the above-mentioned syndicates cannot meet their obligations. During 2001, 2000, and 1999, no assessment or payment has been made for this contingency.

Additionally, pursuant to Article 12 of Rule LXIX of the Insurance Code of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, STS is a member of the Compulsory Vehicle Liability Insurance Joint Underwriting Association (the Association). This Association was organized during 1997 to underwrite insurance coverage of motor vehicles property damage liability risks effective on January 1, 1998. As a participant, STS shares the risk, proportionately with other members, based on a formula established by the Insurance Code. During the three years ended on December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999, the Association distributed to the insurance companies underwriting auto property damages liability insurance in Puerto Rico, an experience refund. STS received $602, $538, and $447 in 2001, 2000, and 1999, respectively, out of total refund distributed.

F-44 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

STS is a member of the Asociacion de Garantia de Seguros de Todas Clases, excepto Vida, Incapacidad y Salud and TSI and SVTS are members of the Asociacion de Garantia de Seguros de Vida, Incapacidad y Salud. As members, they are required to provide funds for the payment of claims and unearned premiums reimbursements for policies issued by insurance companies declared insolvent. STS has accrued $785 as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, for possible future assessments in connection with insurance companies declared insolvent. During 2001 and 2000, no assessments or payments have been received or made to these associations.


TSI, SVTS, and STS (collectively known as the regulated subsidiaries) are regulated by the Commissioner of Insurance. The regulated subsidiaries are required to prepare financial statements using accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the Commissioner of Insurance, which differ from GAAP.

The principal differences resulting on the financial statements of the regulated subsidiaries under statutory accounting practices with GAAP are as follows:

- The accounting basis of investments in debt and equity securities are based upon the rules promulgated by NAIC SAP.

- Certain assets (primarily prepaid expenses, furniture and equipment, and premiums' balances not collected within 90 days) are classified as nonadmitted and are excluded from the balance sheets by a charge to unassigned capital and surplus.

- Certain notes payable are classified as surplus note under statutory accounting practices.

- Policy acquisitions costs (mainly commissions) are not deferred over the periods in which the premiums are earned but charged to operations as incurred.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has recodified statutory accounting principles (SAP) to promote standardization throughout the industry. On January 1, 2001 the Company adopted these new statutory accounting principles. NAIC SAP provides guidance for areas where statutory accounting has been silent and changes current statutory accounting in some areas, for example, deferred income taxes are recorded. During 1999, the Commissioner of Insurance adopted the NAIC SAP as long as it does not contradict the provisions of the Puerto Rico insurance code. This results on the situation that various accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the Commissioner of Insurance depart from NAIC SAP.

Prescribed statutory accounting practices include a variety of publications of the NAIC including its codification initiative contained on its Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual, as well as state laws, regulations, and general administrative rules. Permitted statutory accounting practices encompass all accounting practices not so prescribed. In terms of permitted accounting practices, the Commissioner of Insurance through a circular letter dated September 14, 2001 permitted the property and casualty insurance companies in Puerto Rico not recording the deferred tax liability that otherwise would have resulted from

F-45 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

the contributions made to the catastrophe reserve fund (see note 17). The use of this permitted statutory accounting practice relieves STS of recording a charge to the statutory surplus of approximately $4,500 in 2001, which otherwise would have been recorded under the prescribed statutory accounting practices.

The accumulated earnings of SVTS and STS are restricted as to the payment of dividends by statutory limitations applicable to domestic insurance companies. Such limitations restrict the payment of dividends by insurance companies generally to unrestricted unassigned surplus funds reported for statutory purposes which amounted to $19,552 and $14,178 as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively for STS and $13,078 and $9,744 for SVTS, respectively. As more fully described in note 17, the accumulated earnings of STS are also restricted by the catastrophe loss reserve balance as required by the Insurance Code.

The net admitted assets and capital and surplus of the insurance subsidiaries at December 31, 2001 and 2000 are as follows:


                                TSI              STS             SVTS
                             --------          -------          ------
Net admitted assets          $369,472          146,385          43,672
                             ========          =======          ======

Capital and surplus          $131,091           47,784          14,278
                             ========          =======          ======


                                TSI              STS             SVTS
                             --------          -------          ------

Net admitted assets          $314,492          135,687          39,896
                             ========          =======          ======

Capital and surplus          $119,509           40,909          10,944
                             ========          =======          ======

The net income (loss) of the insurance subsidiaries for the three years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999 is as follows:

                                TSI              STS             SVTS
                             --------          -------          ------

2001                         $ 15,815           6,469          3,366
                             ========           =====          =====

2000                         $ (5,517)          6,543          3,342
                             ========           =====          =====

1999                         $(13,218)          3,578          1,830
                             ========           =====          =====

F-46 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


The Company presents only basic earnings per share, which is comprised of the net income (loss) that could be available to common stockholders divided by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the period.

The Company is a for-profit organization that operates as a not-for-profit organization by virtue of the affirmative vote of its stockholders. As a result, the Company does not distribute dividends. This resolution could be altered anytime by the affirmative vote of stockholders and thus, dividends could be available for distribution subject to the applicable obligations and responsibilities.

In the event that stockholders decide to operate as a for-profit organization and the Board decides to pay dividends, the amount of net income (loss) that could be available for distribution would exclude TSI's net income due to TSI's not-for-profit status obtained through its income tax ruling (see note 15). This fact was reaffirmed by a letter issued by the Department of Treasury on July 3, 2001. For purposes of computing the basic earnings per share presented in the consolidated statements of operations, the Company considers the operations of TSI as if TSI operated as a for-profit organization. Under this scenario, in order to determine the net income (loss) that could be available to stockholders, the Company estimates the Puerto Rico income taxes that would have otherwise resulted and deducts it from the results of operations of each year. TSI's estimate of Puerto Rico income taxes, computed for such purposes, was determined as for an other than life insurance entity, as defined in the Puerto Rico Income Tax Code, as amended. The effective tax rate used was 39% for the three years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999.

The following table sets forth the resulting net income (loss) that could be available to stockholders if TSI operated as a for-profit organization for the three years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999.

                                                  2001       2000        1999
                                                -------     ------      ------

Net income (loss) for the years                 $21,715     (1,512)     (5,953)

Less tax effect on TSI operations                 6,473       (817)     (3,296)
                                                -------     ------      ------

Net income (loss) available to stockholders     $15,242       (695)     (2,657)
                                                =======     ======      ======

The following table sets forth the computation of basic earnings per share for the three years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999 (in thousands, except per share data):

                                                    2001       2000        1999
                                                  --------     -----      ------

Numerator for basic earnings per share:
  Net income (loss) available to stockholders     $ 15,242      (695)     (2,657)
                                                  ========     =====      ======

Denominator for basic earnings per share:
  Weighted average of common shares
    outstanding                                      9,864     9,894       9,950
                                                  ========     =====      ======

Basic net income (loss) per share                 $   1.55     (0.07)      (0.27)
                                                  ========     =====      ======

F-47 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

Should the Company decide to continue to preserve the tax exemptions granted to TSI by the previously mentioned income tax ruling, then dividends cannot be distributed out of the results of operations of TSI. The following table sets forth the resulting net income (loss) that would otherwise be available for distribution after excluding the net result of operations of TSI for the three years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999.

                                                       2001        2000         1999
                                                     -------     -------      -------

Net income (loss) for the years                      $21,715      (1,512)      (5,953)

Less TSI operations                                   11,339     (10,704)     (12,315)
                                                     -------     -------      -------

Net income after excluding the operations of TSI     $10,376       9,192        6,362
                                                     =======     =======      =======

The following table sets forth the computation of basic earnings per share for the three years ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999 if the Company excludes TSI's results of operations:

                                                        2001      2000      1999
                                                      -------     -----     -----

Numerator for basic earnings per share:
  Net income available to stockholders after
    excluding the net result of operations of TSI     $10,376     9,192     6,362
                                                      =======     =====     =====

Denominator for basic earnings per share:
  Weighted average of common shares
    outstanding                                         9,864     9,894     9,950
                                                      =======     =====     =====

Basic net income per share after excluding the
  net results of operations of TSI                    $  1.05      0.93      0.64
                                                      =======     =====     =====

F-48 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)


A reconciliation of net income (loss) to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities follows:

                                                             2001         2000         1999
                                                          --------      -------      -------

Net income (loss)                                         $ 21,715       (1,512)      (5,953)
                                                          --------      -------      -------

Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss)
    to net cash provided by (used
    in) operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization                          6,053        6,337        5,833
      Net amortization of investments
        (discounts) premiums                                  (789)          28        1,903
      Accretion in value of securities                      (1,324)      (2,113)      (2,447)
      Increase (decrease) in provision for
        doubtful receivables                                 2,887          381       (2,265)
      Gain on sale of securities                            (4,655)      (6,357)      (6,690)
      Unrealized (gain) loss of trading
        securities                                           3,625        3,737       (1,807)
      Proceeds from trading securities sold or
          Fixed maturities sold                             22,620       22,077       18,033
          Equity securities                                 15,982       16,960       32,248
      Acquisition of securities in trading portfolio:
          Fixed maturities                                 (25,420)     (23,847)     (19,826)
          Equity securities                                (18,196)     (17,347)     (32,936)
      Gain on sale of property and equipment                   (35)         (43)          --
      (Increase) decrease in premiums receivable           (10,056)      (7,458)       8,259
      Increase in accrued interest receivable                 (183)        (270)      (1,139)
      (Increase) decrease in other receivables                (991)      12,507       27,726
      (Increase) decrease in deferred policy
        acquisition costs                                   (1,550)      (1,200)         400
      Increase in other assets                              (4,845)      (6,295)      (5,862)
                                                          --------      -------      -------

      Balance carried forward                             $(16,877)      (2,903)      21,430
                                                          --------      -------      -------

F-49 (Continued)


Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                      2001         2000         1999
                                                    --------      ------      --------

  Balance brought forward                           $(16,877)     (2,903)       21,430
                                                    --------      ------      --------

      Increase (decrease) in claims processed
        and incomplete and future policy
        benefits liability                            30,199      (6,098)      (43,683)
      Increase (decrease) in unreported losses        15,094       9,354        (6,450)
      Increase (decrease) in loss-adjustment
        expenses                                         916        (196)           71
      Increase (decrease) on individual
        retirement annuities                             178        (212)          306
      Increase in unearned premiums                    6,166       4,248         4,819
      Increase (decrease) in liability to FEHBP        2,165       2,383        (2,759)
      Increase (decrease) in accounts payable
        and accrued liabilities                        9,880       2,380       (16,769)
                                                    --------      ------      --------

              Net cash provided by (used in)
                operating activities                $ 69,436       7,444       (48,988)
                                                    ========      ======      ========

Supplementary information on noncash
    transactions affecting cash flows
      Adjustments made pursuant to corporate
        reorganization (note 1)                     $     --          --       188,895
                                                    ========      ======      ========

Change in net unrealized gain on
    securities available for sale, including
    deferred income tax liability of $686 in
    2001 and deferred tax asset of $484 in 2000     $  4,624       2,022        24,385
                                                    ========      ======      ========

Cancellation of common stock                        $     --          --           602
                                                    ========      ======      ========

Retirement of fully depreciated items               $    838       1,323           296
                                                    ========      ======      ========

Income taxes paid                                   $    877         353           134
                                                    ========      ======      ========


(Parent Company Only)

Financial Statements

December 31, 2001 and 2000

(With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon)



To the Board of Directors and Stockholders Triple-S Management Corporation:

Under date of March 15, 2002 we reported on the consolidated balance sheets of Triple-S Management Corporation and Subsidiaries (the Company) as of December 31, 2001 and 2000, and the related consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' equity and comprehensive income (loss), and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2001 as contained in the 2001 annual report to stockholders. These consolidated financial statements and our report thereon are incorporated by reference in the annual report on Form 10-K for the year 2001. In connection with our audits of the aforementioned consolidated financial statements, we also audited the related financial statement schedules as listed in the Item 15. These financial statement schedules are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statement schedules based on our audits.

In our opinion, such financial statement schedules, when considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial statements taken as a whole, present fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein.


March 15, 2002

Stamp No. 1760636 of the Puerto Rico
Society of Certified Public Accountants
was affixed to the record copy of this report.

(Parent Company Only)

Balance Sheets

December 31, 2001 and 2000
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                  ASSETS                                        2001                2000
                                                                              ---------           --------

Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents                                                $   2,794              4,418
        Premiums financing contracts                                                196                249
        Due from subsidiaries                                                       210                203
        Other                                                                         8                116
                                                                              ---------           --------
                 Total receivables                                                  414                568
     Less allowance for doubtful receivables                                       (193)              (216)
                                                                              ---------           --------
     Receivables, net                                                               221                352
     Investment in securities                                                     5,115              2,997
     Deferred income tax                                                            253                216
     Other assets                                                                    84                471
                                                                              ---------           --------
                 Total current assets                                             8,467              8,454
Notes receivable from subsidiary                                                 26,000             26,000
Accrued interest                                                                  4,088              2,589
Investments in wholly owned subsidiaries                                        178,979            153,050
Property and equipment, net                                                      30,018             31,240
                                                                              ---------           --------
                 Total assets                                                 $ 247,552            221,333
                                                                              =========           ========
Current liabilities:
     Current portion of long-term debt                                        $   2,640              1,503
     Due to subsidiary                                                            4,693              3,217
     Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                        1,181                383
                                                                              ---------           --------
                 Total current liabilities                                        8,514              5,103
Long-term debt                                                                   53,010             56,537
                                                                              ---------           --------
                 Total liabilities                                               61,524             61,640
Stockholders' equity:
     Common stock at $40 par value. Authorized 12,500 shares; issued
        and outstanding 9,714 and 9,886 shares at December 31, 2001
        and 2000, respectively                                                      389                395
     Additional paid-in capital                                                 150,405            150,403
     Retained earnings (deficit)                                                 14,250             (7,465)
     Accumulated other comprehensive income - net unrealized
        gain on securities available for sale                                    20,984             16,360
                                                                              ---------           --------
                                                                                186,028            159,693
Commitments and contingencies
                                                                              ---------           --------
                 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                   $ 247,552            221,333
                                                                              =========           ========

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


(Parent Company Only)

Statements of Operations

Years ended December 31, 2001 and 2000
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                                              2001              2000
                                                                            --------           ------

Rental income                                                               $  6,574            6,372
General and administrative expenses                                           (5,037)          (4,693)
                                                                            --------           ------
                 Operating income                                              1,537            1,679
Other revenue (expenses):
     Equity in net income (losses) of subsidiaries                            21,683             (925)
     Interest expense, net of interest income of $1,806 and $2,250
        in 2001 and 2000, respectively                                        (1,559)          (2,394)
     Other, net                                                                    5                1
                                                                            --------           ------
                 Total other revenue (expenses), net                          20,129           (3,318)
                                                                            --------           ------
                 Income (loss) before income taxes                            21,666           (1,639)
                                                                            --------           ------
Income tax benefit (expense):
     Current                                                                      --              (33)
     Deferred                                                                     49              160
                                                                            --------           ------
                 Total income tax benefit, net                                    49              127
                                                                            --------           ------
                 Net income (loss)                                          $ 21,715           (1,512)
                                                                            ========           ======

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


(Parent Company Only)

Statements of Cash Flows

Years ended December 31, 2001 and 2000
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                                                   2001               2000
                                                                                  --------           ------

Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net income (loss)                                                            $ 21,715           (1,512)
     Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
        provided by operating activities:
           Equity in net income (loss) of subsidiaries                             (21,683)             925
           Depreciation and amortization                                             1,273            1,414
           Gain on sale of securities                                                   (5)              --
           Provision for obsolescence                                                  221              150
           Provision for doubtful receivables                                          (23)              87
           Deferred income tax benefit                                                 (49)            (160)
           Changes in assets and liabilities:
              Receivables                                                              154              477
              Accrued interest                                                      (1,499)          (2,035)
              Other assets                                                             167               81
              Accounts payable, accrued expenses, and due to
                 subsidiary                                                          2,274            2,639
              Income tax payable                                                        --              (51)
                                                                                  --------           ------
                    Net cash provided by operating activities                        2,545            2,015
                                                                                  --------           ------
Cash flows from investing activities:
     Dividend received from wholly owned subsidiaries                                  240            3,759
     Acquisition of investment in securities classified as
        available for sale                                                          (5,685)          (2,069)
     Proceeds from sale of investment in securities classified as
        available for sale                                                           3,722               --
     Acquisition of property and equipment, net                                        (51)              (8)
                                                                                  --------           ------
                    Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities             (1,774)           1,682
                                                                                  --------           ------
Cash flows from financing activities:
     Capital investment in subsidiary                                                   (1)              --
     Payment of long-term debts                                                     (2,390)          (2,277)
     Redemption of common stocks                                                        (4)             (64)
                                                                                  --------           ------
                    Net cash used in financing activities                           (2,395)          (2,341)
                                                                                  --------           ------
                    Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents            (1,624)           1,356
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                       4,418            3,062
                                                                                  --------           ------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                          $  2,794            4,418
                                                                                  ========           ======
Noncash activities:
     Change in net unrealized gain on securities available for sale               $  4,624            2,022
                                                                                  ========           ======

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


(Parent Company Only)

Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2001 and 2000
(Dollar amounts in thousands)

(Parent Only)

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2001 and 2000


Triple-S Management Corporation (the Company) was incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to engage principally, among other things, as the holding company of entities previously involved in the insurance industry. The Company was a wholly owned subsidiary of Triple-S, Inc. (TSI) until January 4, 1999, and did not start operations until such day, which is the effective date and completion of the corporate reorganization described below.

Effective January 4, 1999 TSI and its subsidiaries completed a tax-exempt corporate reorganization after the approvals of the Department of Treasury and the Commissioner of Insurance of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the Commissioner of Insurance). Under the corporate reorganization, the following transactions occurred at the same time:

- The stockholders of TSI exchanged in the same proportion, their common stocks outstanding for common stocks of the Company.

- TSI transferred to the Company its investment in its wholly owned subsidiaries aggregating $50,186. Such balance was comprised of TSI's capital contribution to its former wholly owned subsidiaries of $9,852, and the accumulated operating reserves and unrealized gains on securities classified as available for sale of the former wholly owned subsidiaries of $35,400 and $4,934, respectively.

- TSI sold to the Company its buildings, land, and certain improvements at their carrying value amounting to $22,508 at the reorganization date. No gain or loss was recognized by TSI in relation to this transaction.

- TSI merged into Triple-S Salud, Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company) transferring net assets of $139,401 (excluding its investment in former subsidiaries), comprised of accumulated operating reserves of $105,010 and unrealized gains on securities classified as available for sale of $33,789.

- TSI ceased to exist and Triple-S Salud, Inc. changed its corporate name to Triple-S, Inc.

The aforementioned reorganization was structured as a tax-exempt reorganization pursuant to Sections 1112 and 1114 of the Puerto Rico Income Tax Code and Section 101(8) of the Puerto Rico Income Tax Act of 1954, as amended. A favorable determination letter approving the tax-exempt status of this reorganization was obtained from the Department of Treasury of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the Department of Treasury), subject to the Company's compliance with certain conditions.


On December 6, 1996 the Commissioner of Insurance issued an order to annul the sale of 1,582 shares of common stock held as treasury stock that TSI repurchased from the estate of deceased stockholders. TSI contested such order through administrative and judicial review processes. Consequently, the sale of 1,582 stocks was cancelled and the amount paid was returned to each former stockholder of the aforementioned stocks. During the year 2000, the Commissioner of Insurance issued a pronouncement providing further clarification to the content and effect of the order. The order also required that all corporate decisions undertaken by TSI through the vote of its stockholders in record, be ratified in a stockholders' meeting or in a subsequent referendum. In November 2000, the Company, as the sole stockholder of TSI, ratified all such decisions. Furthermore, on November 19, 2000 the Company held a special meeting of its stockholders where a ratification of the same decisions was undertaken, except for the resolutions related to the approval of the corporate reorganization of TSI and its subsidiaries. This resolution did not reach the two-thirds majority required by the order because the number of stocks that were present and represented in the meeting were below such amount (total stocks present and represented in the stockholders' meeting were 64%). As stipulated in the order, the Company began the process to conduct a referendum among its stockholders to ratify such resolution. The process was later suspended because upon a further review of the scope of the order, the Commissioner of Insurance upon a letter dated January 8, 2002 maintained that the ratification of the corporate reorganization may not be required.

The Commissioner of Insurance confirmed this position in a letter dated March 14, 2002 to TSI that provides that there are no further corporate decisions requiring ratification and that the Commissioner of Insurance's order of December 6, 1996 has been complied with. It is the opinion of management and its legal counsel that the corporate reorganization as approved is in full force and effect.

The Company has the following wholly owned subsidiaries that are subject to the regulations of the Commissioner of Insurance: (1) TSI, which provides hospitalization and health benefits to subscribers through contracts with hospitals, physicians, dentists, laboratories, and other organizations located mainly in Puerto Rico. The Company and TSI are members of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA);
(2) Seguros de Vida Triple-S, Inc. (SVTS), which is engaged in the underwriting of life insurance policies and the administration of individual retirement annuities; and (3) Seguros Triple-S, Inc. (STS), which is engaged in the underwriting of property and casualty insurance policies.

The Company also has two others wholly owned subsidiaries, Interactive Systems, Inc. (ISI) and Triple-C, Inc. (TC). ISI is mainly engaged in providing data processing services to the Company and its subsidiaries. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Health Care Reform (the Reform) business was administered through a division of TSI up to September 30, 2001. Effective October 1, 2001 TC commenced operations as part of a strategic positioning in the health industry to take advantage of new market opportunities. It will be mainly engaged as a third-party administrator for TSI in the administration of the Reform. It will also provide health care advisory services to TSI and other health insurance-related services in the health insurance industry.

As part of the corporate reorganization previously mentioned, the Company acquired another wholly owned subsidiary, FinaPri, Inc., which was engaged in the business of financing insurance premiums. This subsidiary was liquidated effective December 31, 1999 and its assets and liabilities, including the outstanding balances of certain uncollected premium financing contracts, were transferred to the Company.



The following are the significant accounting policies followed by the Company:


The accompanying financial statements have been prepared for statutory tax purposes and separate consolidated financial statements have been issued. These financial statements are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Cash equivalents of $2,739 and $4,384 at December 31, 2001 and 2000 consist principally of time deposits, and U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of the U.S. government instrumentalities with an initial term of less than three months. For purposes of the statements of cash flows, the Company considers all time deposits and highly liquid debt instruments with original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.


Investment in securities at December 31, 2001 and 2000 consists of obligations of the U.S. government instrumentalities and marketable equity securities. The Company classifies its debt and marketable equity securities as available for sale, and accordingly, are recorded at fair value. Unrealized holding gains and losses, net of the related tax effect, on available-for-sale securities are excluded from operations and are reported as a separate component of other comprehensive income until realized.

Net unrealized gain on securities classified as available for sale by the Company and its subsidiaries amounted to $20,984 and $16,360, net of deferred tax asset of $660 and $484 in 2001 and 2000, respectively. No deferred income tax was recognized for unrealized gains of $17,311 and $14,908 for 2001 and 2000, respectively on investments classified as available for sale by TSI due to its tax-exempt status.

A decline in the fair value of any available-for-sale security below cost that is deemed to be other than temporary results in a reduction in the carrying amount to fair value. The impairment is charged to operations and a new cost basis for the security is established.

Premiums and discounts are amortized or accreted over the life of the related available-for-sale security as an adjustment to yield using the effective interest method. Dividend and interest income are recognized when earned. Realized gains and losses from the sale of available-for-sale securities are included in operations and are determined on a specific-identification basis.


Financial instruments that potentially subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk consist principally of accounts and notes receivable. A substantial majority of the Company's business activity is with its subsidiaries located in Puerto Rico, and as such, the Company is subject to the


risks associated with the Puerto Rico economy and the financial conditions of its subsidiaries. The Company establishes an allowance for doubtful receivables based on management's evaluation of the aging of accounts and such other factors, which deserve current recognition. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Property and equipment are stated at cost. Maintenance and repairs are expensed as incurred. Depreciation is calculated on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets.

Costs of computer equipment, programs, systems, installations, and enhancements are capitalized. Costs of systems in operations are amortized over their estimated useful lives.


Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in the statements of operations in the period that includes the enactment date.


The fair value information of financial instruments in the accompanying financial statements was determined as follows:


The carrying amount approximates fair value because of the short-term nature of those instruments.


The fair value of investment in securities is estimated based on quoted market prices for those or similar investments. Additional information pertinent to the estimated fair value of investment in securities is included in note 3.


The carrying amount of receivables, other assets, due to subsidiary and accounts payable and accrued liabilities approximates fair value because they mature and should be collected or paid within 12 months after December 31.



The carrying amount of long-term debt approximates fair value due to its floating interest rate structure.


The Company accounts for long-lived assets in accordance with the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 121, Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to be Disposed Of. This statement requires that long-lived assets and certain identifiable intangibles be reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held and used is measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of an asset to future net cash flows expected to be generated by the asset. If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized is measured by the amount by which the carrying amount of the assets exceed the fair value of the assets. Assets to be disposed of are reported at the lower of the carrying amount or fair value less costs to sell. No impairment of long-lived assets has been recognized in 2001 and 2000.


Management of the Company has made a number of estimates and assumptions relating to the reporting of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities to prepare these financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


The amortized cost, gross unrealized gains, gross unrealized losses, and estimated fair value for available-for-sale securities at December 31, 2001 and 2000 were as follows:

                                                  GROSS             GROSS            ESTIMATED
                                AMORTIZED       UNREALIZED       UNREALIZED            FAIR
                                  COST            GAINS            LOSSES             VALUE
                                ---------       ----------       ----------          ---------

Obligations of U.S.
    instrumentalities            $3,015              41                 (6)            3,050
Equity securities                 1,859             206                 --             2,065
                                 ------            ----             ------             -----
                                 $4,874             247                 (6)            5,115
                                 ======            ====             ======             =====


                                                  GROSS             GROSS            ESTIMATED
                                AMORTIZED       UNREALIZED       UNREALIZED            FAIR
                                  COST            GAINS            LOSSES             VALUE
                                ---------       ----------       ----------          ---------

Obligations of U.S.
    instrumentalities            $1,600            18                 --              1,618
Equity securities                 1,306            73                 --              1,379
                                 ------            --              -----              -----

                                 $2,906            91                 --              2,997
                                 ======            ==              =====              =====

Maturities of investment securities classified as available for sale were as follows at December 31, 2001:

                                                 AMORTIZED      ESTIMATED FAIR
                                                   COST             VALUE
                                                 ---------      --------------

Due after one year through five years             $2,515            2,533
Due after five years through ten years               500              517
Equity securities                                  1,859            2,065
                                                  ------            -----
                                                  $4,874            5,115
                                                  ======            =====

Proceeds from the sales of investment securities available for sale were $3,722 in 2001. Gross gains of $5 in 2001 were realized on those sales, no gross losses were realized during 2001. There were no sales of investment securities available for sale during 2000.


Property and equipment are composed of the following at December 31:

                                                            2001                 2000
                                                          --------             -------

Land                                                      $  6,531               6,531
Buildings and leasehold improvements                        27,341              27,290
                                                          --------             -------

                                                            33,872              33,821

Less accumulated depreciation and amortization              (3,854)             (2,581)
                                                          --------             -------

              Property and equipment, net                 $ 30,018              31,240
                                                          ========             =======



Summarized combined financial information for the Company's wholly owned subsidiaries as of and for the years ended December 31, 2001 and 2000 is as follows:

                                                                              2001                2000
                                                                            --------            --------

Cash, cash equivalents, and investments                                     $490,024             411,375
Receivables, net                                                              80,399              70,678
Reinsurance recoverable and other assets                                      52,898              44,907
                                                                            --------            --------

              Total assets                                                  $623,321             526,960
                                                                            ========            ========


Reserve for losses, loss-adjustment expenses, and future policy
    benefits                                                                $229,440             183,231
Unearned premiums                                                             58,306              52,140
Individual retirement annuities                                               17,426              17,870
Accounts payable and other liabilities                                       139,170             120,669
                                                                            --------            --------

              Total liabilities                                             $444,342             373,910
                                                                            ========            ========

Stockholders' equity                                                        $178,979             153,050
                                                                            ========            ========

Net income (loss) for the year                                              $ 21,683                (925)
                                                                            ========            ========

The Company allocates to its subsidiaries certain expenses incurred in the administration of their operations. Total charges including other expenses paid on behalf of the subsidiaries amounted to $3,602 and $2,319 in 2001 and 2000, respectively, and are reduced from operating expenses.



A summary of the credit agreements entered by the Company with a commercial bank at December 31, is as follows:

                                                                                      2001               2000
                                                                                     -------            ------

Secured loan payable of $41,000, payable in monthly installments of $137,
    plus interest at a rate reviewed periodically of 100 basis points over
    LIBOR rate selected (which was 5.66% and 7.76% at
    December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively)                                        $36,650            38,540

Secured note payable of $20,000, payable in various different installments up
    to August 31, 2007 with interest payable on a monthly basis at a rate
    reviewed periodically of 130 basis points over LIBOR rate selected (which
    was 3.38% and 8.06% at December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively)                  19,000            19,500
                                                                                     -------            ------

              Total long-term debt                                                    55,650            58,040

Less current installments                                                              2,640             1,503
                                                                                     -------            ------

              Long-term debt, excluding current installments                         $53,010            56,537
                                                                                     =======            ======

Substantially all of the proceeds from the loan payable of $41,000 were used by the Company to finance the acquisition of real estate properties from subsidiaries during 1999. A portion of the proceeds of the $41,000 loan and all of the proceeds of the $20,000 note payable were used by the Company for working capital needs and for the corporate reorganization. Also, these loans provide the Company the option to change the LIBOR rate to be used on the monthly payments within a short-term period.

During 2001, the Company amended its credit agreement related to the $20,000 secured note payable to extend the maturity date of the facility and restructure its repayment schedule, which was originally due in August 31, 2002. The amended agreement calls for repayments of principal amount of not less than $250 and in integral multiples of $50. The aggregate principal amounts shall be reduced annually to the amounts on or before the dates described below:

     DATE                        BALANCE
---------------            -------------------

August 1, 2002             $ 18,000
August 1, 2003               16,500
August 1, 2004               15,000
August 1, 2005               13,500
August 1, 2006               12,000
August 1, 2007                   --


The loan and note payable previously described are guaranteed by a first position held by the bank on the Company's land, building, and substantially all leasehold improvements, as collateral for the term of the loans under a continuing general security agreement. These credit facilities contain certain covenants, which are normal in this type of credit facility, which the Company has complied with at December 31, 2001 and 2000.

Interest expense on these debts amounted to $3,365 and $4,644 for the years ended December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively.


As members of BCBSA, the Company is required by membership standards of the association to maintain liquidity as defined by BCBSA. That is, to maintain net worth exceeding the Company Action Level as defined in the NAIC's Risk-Based Capital for Insurers Model Act. The Company is in compliance with the above requirements.


The related deferred tax effects allocated to the accumulated balances of the unrealized gains on securities substantially held by certain subsidiaries classified as available for sale that are included as comprehensive income in the accompanying statements of stockholders' equity and comprehensive income in 2001 and 2000, are as follows:

                                                         BEFORE-TAX        DEFERRED TAX       NET-OF-TAX
                                                           AMOUNT       (EXPENSE) BENEFIT       AMOUNT
                                                         ----------     -----------------     ----------

Unrealized holding gains on securities arising
    during the period                                     $ 10,065             (336)             9,729
    Less reclassification adjustment for gains
      and losses realized in income                         (5,265)             160             (5,105)
                                                          --------             ----             ------
              Net change in unrealized gains              $  4,800             (176)             4,624
                                                          ========             ====             ======


                                                         BEFORE-TAX        DEFERRED TAX       NET-OF-TAX
                                                           AMOUNT       (EXPENSE) BENEFIT       AMOUNT
                                                         ----------     -----------------     ----------

Unrealized holding gains (loss) on securities
    arising during the period                             $ 5,693             (697)             4,996
    Less reclassification adjustment for gains
      and gains realized in income by the
      subsidiaries                                         (2,989)              15             (2,974)
                                                          -------             ----             ------
              Net change in unrealized gains              $ 2,704             (682)             2,022
                                                          =======             ====             ======

Deferred tax expenses or benefits are related to the unrealized holding gains (losses) on investments classified as available for sale held by the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries, except for those related to TSI, for which no deferred income tax effect was recognized due to its tax exempt status (see notes 3 and 9).


The Company is subject to Puerto Rico income taxes. Under Puerto Rico income tax law, the Company is not allowed to file consolidated tax returns with its subsidiaries.

The income tax benefit (expense) differs from the amount computed by applying the Puerto Rico statutory income tax rate to losses before income taxes as a result of the following:

                                                                           2001               2000
                                                                          -------             ----

Income tax (expense) benefit at statutory rate of 37%                     $(8,016)             607
Increase (decrease) in taxes resulting from:
    Equity in net income (losses) of wholly owned subsidiaries              8,023             (342)
    Valuation allowance for deferred tax asset                                 --              (87)
    Other, net                                                                 42              (51)
                                                                          -------             ----
              Total income tax benefit                                    $    49              127
                                                                          =======             ====


Deferred income taxes reflect the tax effects of temporary differences between carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and income tax purposes. The net deferred tax asset at December 31, 2001 and 2000 is composed of the following:

                                                                                2001             2000
                                                                               -----             ----

Deferred tax assets:
    Allowance for doubtful receivables                                         $  60               67
    Reserve for obsolete supplies inventory                                      153               85
    Net operating loss carryforwards                                              --              110
    Other                                                                         75               64
                                                                               -----             ----
              Gross deferred tax assets                                          288              326
              Less valuation allowance                                            --              (87)
                                                                               -----             ----
                                                                                 288              239
Deferred tax liability:
    Unrealized holding gains on investments classified as available
      for sale by the Company                                                    (35)             (23)
                                                                               -----             ----
              Net deferred tax assets                                          $ 253              216
                                                                               =====             ====

A valuation allowance is provided when it is more likely than not that deferred tax assets will not be realized. The Company has established valuation allowances primarily for the net operating loss carryforwards. In assessing the realizability of deferred tax assets, management considers whether it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income during the periods in which those temporary differences become deductible.


The following are the significant related-party transactions made during the year ended December 31, 2001 and 2000:

                                                               2001             2000
                                                              ------            -----

Rent charges to subsidiaries                                  $6,185            6,185
                                                              ======            =====

Interest charged to subsidiary on notes receivable            $1,436            2,035
                                                              ======            =====



The Company sponsors a noncontributory defined-benefit pension plan for all of its employees and for the employees of its subsidiaries who are age 21 or older and have completed one year of service. Pension benefits begin to vest after five years of vesting service, as defined, and are based on years of service and final average salary, as defined. The funding policy is to contribute to the plan as necessary to meet the minimum funding requirements set forth in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, plus such additional amounts as the Company may determine to be appropriate from time to time.

Pension expense is reported by TSI and allocated to the Company and its affiliates. It is not practicable to determine the amounts of plan assets and accumulated plan benefits related to the Company as required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


The Company is defendant in various lawsuits arising in the ordinary course of business. In the opinion of management, with the advise of its legal counsel, the ultimate disposition of these matters will not have a material adverse effect on the financial position and results of operations of the Company.




                                                          CY                                        AMORTI-
                                                        CLAIMS                                    ZATION OF
                             DEFERRED                    AND                                       DEFERRED
                              POLICY             UN-    BENE-                  NET                 POLICY
                              ACQUI-   CLAIM    EARNED   FITS                 INVEST-              ACQUI-     OTHER
                              SITION   LIABI-    PRE-    PAY-     PREMIUM      MENT      CLAIMS    SITION   OPERATING     PREMIUMS


Health insurance -
  Commercial Program          $   --  $103,313  $ 2,777   $--   $   637,411   $10,428  $  560,809  $    --  $  83,771   $  637,411
Health insurance -
  Reform Program                  --    66,150       --    --       454,923     4,547     420,953       --     32,646      454,923
Property and casualty
  insurance                    9,550    47,073   55,529    --        54,337     7,564      32,348   12,700      9,848       57,224
Life insurance                    --    12,904       --    --        13,426     2,496       6,914       --      4,553           --
Other non-reportable
  segments, parent
  company operations and net
  consolidating entries           --        --       --    --          (845)      370          --       --     (2,688)          --
                              ------  --------  -------   ---   -----------   -------  ----------  -------  ---------   ----------

    Total                     $9,550  $229,440  $58,306   $--   $ 1,159,252   $25,405  $1,021,024  $12,700  $ 128,130   $1,149,558
                              ======  ========  =======   ===   ===========   =======  ==========  =======  =========   ==========


Health insurance -
  Commercial Program          $   --  $ 77,414  $ 2,751   $--   $   588,366   $ 9,993  $  531,187  $    --  $  77,990   $  588,366
Health insurance -
  Reform Program                  --    51,041       --    --       439,774     4,633     420,476       --     30,350      439,774
Property and casualty
  insurance                    8,000    44,385   49,389    --        53,493     6,996      32,692   11,500      9,069       55,920
Life insurance                    --    10,391       --    --        11,576     2,502       5,778       --      3,788           --
Other non-reportable
  segments, parent
  company operations and net
  consolidating entries           --        --       --    --          (752)      214          --       --     (2,562)          --
                              ------  --------  -------   ---   -----------   -------  ----------  -------  ---------   ----------

    Total                     $8,000  $183,231  $52,140   $--   $ 1,092,457   $24,338  $  990,133  $11,500  $ 118,635   $1,084,060
                              ======  ========  =======   ===   ===========   =======  ==========  =======  =========   ==========


Health insurance -
  Commercial Program          $   --  $ 68,784  $ 2,876  $--  $   509,314   $ 8,027  $  463,333  $    --  $  71,910   $  509,314
Health insurance -
  Reform Program                  --    50,737       --   --      410,662     5,212     385,420       --     30,190      410,662
Property and casualty
  insurance                    6,800    50,974   45,016   --       46,308     6,308      31,961   10,300      6,259       46,403
Life insurance                    --     6,932       --   --       10,718     2,294       7,010       --      3,183           --
Other non-reportable
  segments, parent
  company operations and net
  consolidating entries           --        --       --   --         (750)      623          --       --     (1,446)          --
                              ------  --------  -------  ---  -----------   -------  ----------  -------  ---------   ----------

    Total                     $6,800  $177,427  $47,892  $--  $   976,252   $22,464  $  887,724  $10,300  $ 110,096   $  966,379
                              ======  ========  =======  ===  ===========   =======  ==========  =======  =========   ==========





                                                                 CEDED TO         ASSUMED                         OF AMOUNT
                                               GROSS              OTHER          FROM OTHER       NET              ASSUMED
                                               AMOUNT          COMPANIES (1)     COMPANIES       AMOUNT             TO NET


Life insurance in force                      $3,984,033          1,777,518            --        2,206,515              0.0%
                                             ==========          =========          ====        =========           ======

    Life insurance                           $   17,997              4,571            --           13,426              0.0%
    Accident and health insurance             1,092,334                 --            --        1,092,334              0.0%
    Property and casualty insurance              96,831             39,607            --           57,224              0.0%
                                             ----------          ---------          ----        ---------           ------
      Total premiums                         $1,207,162             44,178            --        1,162,984              0.0%
                                             ==========          =========          ====        =========           ======


Life insurance in force                      $3,507,903          1,716,399            --        1,791,504              0.0%
                                             ==========          =========          ====        =========           ======

    Life insurance                           $   15,590              4,014                         11,576              0.0%
    Accident and health insurance             1,028,140                 --            --        1,028,140              0.0%
    Property and casualty insurance              87,128             31,208            --           55,920              0.0%
                                             ----------          ---------          ----        ---------           ------
      Total premiums                         $1,130,858             35,222            --        1,095,636              0.0%
                                             ==========          =========          ====        =========           ======


Life insurance in force                      $2,237,830          1,429,342            --          808,488              0.0%
                                             ==========          =========          ====        =========           ======

    Life insurance                           $   13,697              2,979            --           10,718              0.0%
    Accident and health insurance               919,976                 --            --          919,976              0.0%
    Property and casualty insurance              77,250             30,847            --           46,403              0.0%
                                             ----------          ---------          ----        ---------           ------
      Total premiums                         $1,010,923             33,826            --          977,097              0.0%
                                             ==========          =========          ====        =========           ======

(1) Premiums ceded on the life insurance business are net of commission income on reinsurance amounting to $595, $544 and $795 for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999.





                                           BALANCE AT      CHARGED TO    CHARGED TO                       BALANCE AT
                                          BEGINNING OF     COSTS AND   OTHER ACCOUNTS  DEDUCTIONS -         END OF
                                            PERIOD          EXPENSES   - DESCRIBE (1)   DESCRIBE (2)        PERIOD


 Allowance for doubtful receivables         $ 8,791          4,592            --           (1,705)          11,678
                                            =======          =====          ====           ======           ======


 Allowance for doubtful receivables         $ 8,410          3,853            72           (3,544)           8,791
                                            =======          =====          ====           ======           ======


 Allowance for doubtful receivables         $10,569          2,607            --           (4,766)           8,410
                                            =======          =====          ====           ======           ======

(1) Represents the recovery of accounts previously written-off.

(2) Deductions represent the write-off of accounts deemed uncollectible.






Triple-S Management Corporation

FIRST: The name of this corporation is TRIPLE-S MANAGEMENT


SECOND: The physical address of the designated office of the Corporation is 1141 F.D. Roosevelt Ave, Caparra, Puerto Rico.

THIRD: The name of the Corporation's registered agent will be the Corporation itself, Triple-S Management Corporation.

FOURTH: The nature of the business and the object and purposes proposed to be transacted, promoted and carried on for pecuniary profit, in the same manner as done by any natural person in any part of the world, is as follows:

A. The Corporation shall be the stock holding company for the entities engaged in the business of insurance, businesses related to insurance, and other types of business firms and other activities.

B. The Corporation will hold the following powers:

1. Acquire through purchase, barter or in any other way movable or immovable goods of any kind, necessary or convenient in achieving the purposes of the Corporation, to the extent permitted by law.


2. Possess as owner, undersign, purchase or in another way acquire or sell, transfer, pledge, exchange, or in any other way handle the total or any part of the capital stock, bonds, or any other obligations issued or created by any person, association, society, firm, syndicate, corporation, government or government subdivision, public or gubernatorial authorities, or other entities, and, while the owner of the same, exercise all rights, powers, and privileges of an owner.

3. Formulate, promote or undertake, or participate in the organization, operation, reorganization, consolidation, fusion or liquidation of corporations, associations, firms or other business units, foreign or domestic; and undersign, acquire, invest in, have or make use of its securities or obligations.

4. Issue capital stocks of any nature or class, in any amount; issue capital stock, bonds or other obligations of any nature or class in exchange for cash, movable or immovable goods, for personal services rendered in fact to the Corporation, or in exchange for leases, franchises, rights, privileges, other stocks, bonds and obligations from any other corporation, person or firm or for any other property which this Corporation is authorized to possess.

5. Acquire the surplus value, rights, property and assets, tangible or intangible, of any person, firm, association, or corporation assuming its obligations, paying for same, be it in cash, in stocks,


in bonds, or by assuming the total or a part of the obligations of the cessor; retain or in any way make use of the total or any part of the property acquired in this way, manage in any legal way the total or any part of any business acquired in this way and exercise all the powers necessary and convenient in and in regarding the management of said business.

6. Lend funds, offer advanced payments and extend credit to any other corporation, firm, association or person, under the guarantees deemed convenient by the Board of Directors, and, to the extent permitted by law, guarantee the payment and conformance of any other corporation, firm, association or person of any financial or contractual obligation, or the payment of dividends by any other corporation.

7. Incur in monetary loans for any corporate purpose, and without limits to the amount, liberate, make, accept, endorse, guarantee, execute, and issue promissory notes, drafts, letters of exchange, bonds, and other negotiable and transferable evidence of debt, be they guaranteed by mortgage, security, or in another way, and guarantee payment of any of the same through securities, mortgage or another method of guarantee over the whole or part of the corporation's property, to the extent permitted by law.

8. Purchase or in another way acquire, have, barter, reissue, sell and transfer the capital stock to the extent permitted by law. Subject to:


the exceptions stated here and on the condition that its funds or property not be used to purchase its own stock when said purchase could result in diminishing its capital, and subject also to the condition that the capital stock it possesses will not have the right to vote or to receive dividends.

9. To have one or more offices in or outside the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

10. To do all the activities required or proper in order to qualify and engage in business according to the laws of any state in the United States of America, its territories, districts or possessions, or any foreign country.

11. To do any other act or thing and undertake any other business which is incidental to, convenient, expedient, necessary or legal in fulfilling any and all purposes and objectives specified here, with no restrictions as to place or amount; and to do any and all things provided here with the same reach and extension as could be done by natural persons within the law.

The clauses above shall be interpreted as powers, objectives and purposes, and the statements expressed in each clause will not be limited by reference or inference because of the contents of any other clause, unless stated to the contrary here, and the same shall be considered separate objects.


FIFTH: The Corporation's authorized capital will be FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000) divided in TWELVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (12,500) common stocks with a FORTY DOLLAR ($40) par value.

SIXTH: Only physicians and dentists may be stockholders in this Corporation. No person may own more than 21 voting stocks, nor 5% or more of the Corporation's voting stocks issued and in circulation. With the understanding that organizations such as hospitals, laboratories, and the College of Dental Surgeons of Puerto Rico, who acquired Triple-S, Inc. stocks originally, can convert them into stock from this Corporation. These are: College of Dental Surgeons of Puerto Rico, Bella Vista Hospital, Menonite Hospital, and the Central Urological Society.

SEVENTH: Each stockholder shall, at every Assembly, be entitled to one
(1) vote per share of capital stock registered in his name in the Corporate books. Accumulated votes as discussed in the Puerto Rico General Corporate Law or any other law, regulation or provision are expressly prohibited.

EIGHTH: The Corporation will enjoy preferred rights of acquisition in the eventuality of a sale, donation or other transfer or cession of the Corporate stock. Any stockholder who wishes to sell, donate, or in any other way transfer or cede his Corporate stock must first put the offer in writing to the Corporation, who will proceed to purchase said stocks from the stockholder for the same price he paid for them. However, in the event that said stocks were donated or inherited through a will or in any other way to a person who is 1) a descendant of the stockholder and 2) a physician or a dentist, then said person has the right to hold up to a maximum 21 stocks.


NINTH: The Corporation's Board of Directors can not authorize the sale of any stocks from its subsidiary, Triple-S, Inc., without prior approval through a resolution to this effect, with a vote in favor by 3/4 part of the Board of Directors. If said resolution is approved, the same will be submitted to the stockholders in the Corporation for their consideration during a Special Assembly meeting for this purpose. The resolution to recommend the sale of Triple-S, Inc. stock must be approved by a vote in favor from 2/3 parts of the Corporation's voting stock issued in the special assembly. No Triple-S, Inc. stock can be sold until these requirements have been met.

TENTH: The names and addresses of each of the Incorporators are as follows:

1. Dr. Crispulo Rivera Ofray

2. Dr. Angel W. Hernandez Colon

3. Dr. Carlos Montalvo

4. Dr. Francisco Somoza

5. Ms. Carole Acosta

6. Jose Juan Teruel Vicens, CPA

7. Juan M. Diaz Morales, Eng.

8. Dr. Jaime Velasco

9. Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes

10. Dr. Luis R. Ruiz Rivera

11. Dr. Belisario Matta

12. Atty. Esteban Rodriguez Maduro

13. Sonia Gomez de Torres, CPA

14. Atty. Juan Jose Leon Soto


15. Isidro J. Ferrer, Eng.

16. Dr. Gerardo Martorell

17. Dr. Emigdio Buonomo

18. Mr. Augusto Amato

19. Vacant*

* There currently exists a vacant spot due to the recent death of one of its directors.

The Incorporators' physical and postal address is as follows:

1441 F.D. Roosevelt Ave., San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920 Box 363628, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3628


A. The powers in this Corporation are to be exercised by its 19 member Board of Directors.

B. The Board of Directors is divided into three groups, plus the President of the Corporation. The first is made up of 5 directors, the second group is composed of 6 directors, and the third group is made up of 7 directors. The groups will be placed at intervals, therefore, the term of the first directors in the first group will end in the Stockholder's Annual Assembly in the year 2005; the term of the first directors of the second group will end in the Stockholder's Annual Assembly in the year 2006 and the term of the first directors of the third group will end in the Stockholder's Annual Assembly in the year 2007.

C. The term each group member subsequently elected at the Stockholder's Annual Assemblies will occupy at his elected post will be 3 years. Every


director will continue with his duties until his successor is duly elected and in possession of his post. No Director, excepting the Corporation's President, while fulfilling said hierarchic duties, may be elected for more than 3 terms or serve as such for more than 9 years. The President of the Corporation post, which is also a member of the Board of Directors, is excluded from the before mentioned groups.

D. In order to achieve uniformity in the composition of the number of directors composing each group as stated in this provision, in April 2001 a director will be elected for one year's term only, from April 2001 to April 2002. With the sole purpose of following the group intervals, the requirement of 3 terms or 9 years can be obviated in order for a person to serve this single one-year term. In the case of the first members of the Corporate Board of Directors, the time computation will take into account the period in which the director fulfilled his duties as such in Triple-S, Inc. until the fusion with Triple-S Health.

E. The first Board of Directors is composed of the following individuals, who will occupy their posts until the date stated here:

1. Dr. Crispulo Rivera Ofray President

2. Dr. Angel W. Hernandez Colon Vice-president

3. Dr. Carlos Montalvo Secretary


4. Dr. Francisco Somoza Sub-secretary

5. Ms. Carole Acosta Treasurer

6. Jose Juan Teruel Vicens, CPA Sub-treasurer

7. Juan M. Diaz Morales, Eng.

8. Dr. Jaime Velasco

9. Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes

10. Dr. Luis R. Ruiz Rivera

11. Dr. Belisario Matta

12. Atty. Esteban Rodriguez Maduro

13. Sonia Gomez de Torres, CPA

14. Atty. Juan Jose Leon Soto

15. Isidro J. Ferrer, Eng.

16. Dr. Gerardo Martorell

17. Dr. Emigdio Buonomo

18. Mr. Augusto Amato

19. Vacant*

* There is currently a vacant spot due to the recent death of a director.

TWELFTH: The Corporation will exist in perpetuity.



A. To amend these Articles of Incorporation, an affirmative vote of no less than 2/3 parts of the voting stocks issued and in circulation, except that in the FIFTH Article, which establishes the capital authorized, may be amended through an affirmative vote by a majority of the Corporation's voting stocks issued and in circulation, and the SIXTH, SEVENTH AND ELEVENTH Articles, Item "B", can only be amended through an affirmative vote of 3/4 parts of the Corporation's voting stocks issued and in circulation.

Despite what is stated in Chapter 9 (Sales of Assets; Dissolution) and Chapter
10 (Fusion or Consolidation) of the 1995 General Corporation's Law, as amended, the approval of the transactions provided for therein shall be done through an affirmative vote of 2/3 parts of the Corporation's voting stocks issued and in circulation.

Registered: October 9, 1996
Reviewed: December 7, 1998







1-1 The Incorporators of "Triple-S Management Corporation" adopt the following By-Laws to regulate the Corporation's procedures and to govern the administration of its business.

1-2 The Bylaws approved here shall be submitted to the stockholders, who can adopt, amend or repeal them.


The Board of Directors is made up of nineteen members.


3-1 The Corporation can issue up to twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) common stocks with a par value of FORTY DOLLARS ($40).

3-2 The Corporation will use a circular seal measuring 1- 7/8 in diameter with the name Triple-S Management Corporation around its circumference.


The Incorporators declare and agree, and so establish in these Bylaws, that the following provisions are established with the purpose of creating, defining, limiting and managing the stockholder's rights and privileges:


A. No person may own more than 21 voting stocks, nor 5% or more of the Corporation's voting stocks issued and in circulation.

B. Stock sales will be limited exclusively to physicians and dentists. With the understanding that organizations such as hospitals, laboratories, and the College of Dental Surgeons of Puerto Rico, who acquired Triple-S,

Inc. stocks originally, can continue with all rights as stockholders of Triple-S Management Corporation. In the same manner, members of the Board of Directors who represent the community can hold stocks as long as they remain on the Board.

C. Board of Director's members who represent the community, as long as they remain on the Board, will receive a Corporate stock, free of charge, with the single purpose of qualifying them for the Director of the Corporation title. Said community representatives shall return the qualifying stock when they leave their duties as Directors of the Corporation.

4-2 The Corporation will enjoy preferred rights of acquisition in the eventuality of a sale, donation or other transfer or cession of the Corporate stock. Any stockholder who wishes to sell, donate, or in any other way transfer or cede his Corporate stock must first put the offer in writing to the Corporation, who will proceed to purchase said stocks from the stockholder for the same price he paid for them. However, in the event that said stocks were donated or inherited through a will or in any other way to a person who is 1) a descendant of the stockholder and 2) a physician or a dentist, then said person has the right to hold up to a maximum 21 stocks.


The Corporation's Secretary shall keep, or ensure the keeping of, a complete and exact alphabetical register of all stockholders which includes address and the number of votes each one holds, in the offices of the Corporation. Said register shall be within easy reach and available for photocopy during office working hours, and open for the inspection of any stockholder, particularly, 10 days before a Stockholder's Assembly, and during the time any stockholder's assembly is being held.

The Corporation's register will be the only acceptable evidence to determine the stockholders who have the right to inspect the Corporation's Stockholders Register, Corporate books, and to vote in person or by proxy during any meeting or stockholder's assembly.


5-1 The Triple-S Management Corporation stockholder's Ordinary Annual Assembly will be held in the Corporation's main office or in any other place in Puerto Rico which, from time to time, the Board of Directors determines, in the place designated in the Notice, at 9:00 AM, on the last Sunday in April of each year. The Assembly will be held to cover vacancies in the Board of Directors, receive and consider reports from functionaries regarding their business, and resolve

matters properly submitted for their consideration. With the exception that the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws can not be amended unless the stockholders have been previously notified that among the matters to be considered is the purpose to amend said Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.


The President of the Board of Directors, a majority of the Board of Directors, or stockholders who hold 25% of the registered voting stock can call special stockholder's meetings to be held at the place and time established by the notice, and for the purposes expressed therein. The meetings (special stockholder's assemblies) should be set no less than 20 days or more than 60 days beforehand. The special meetings must be notified in the same manner as done for ordinary assemblies.


Written or printed notice of every annual meeting of the stockholders, stating the time and place and the business proposed to be transacted, shall be given to each stockholder entitled to vote thereat, by delivering the same personally, or by mailing such notice to him, at his address as it appears upon the records of the Corporation during a period of no less than 20 and no more than 60 days prior to the meeting. Along with this notice, all stockholders will receive copies of the Corporation's and its subsidiary's consolidated financial statements. The notice shall designate the place and the date the meeting will be held, and will announce the matter or matters to be considered during the Assembly.


If the directors and functionaries of the Corporation should refrain from calling and celebrating, at its designated time, an Ordinary Annual Assembly, five stockholders can call for and celebrate said Assembly as required in the Bylaws. In case a necessary functionary did not attend said Assembly, one of the stockholders present may be elected to substitute, provisionally, said functionary. Decisions made by said Assembly will be fully valid, as if made by said Ordinary Annual Assembly, and will be registered in the Corporate books.


Notice to attend ordinary and special meetings will be received by all stockholders whose names appear in the Corporate register 20 days prior to the meeting date. At all meetings of the stockholders, the presence in person or by proxy of stockholders entitled to cast a majority in number of votes shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; and it is provided that if at the appointed time there is no quorum, the assembly will wait 1/2 hour, after which 1/3 part of the voting stocks in circulation will constitute quorum in

that meeting. If quorum is not reached, a new Assembly shall be set 30 days hence, where 1/3 part of the voting stocks in circulation will constitute quorum in that meeting. If quorum per regulation is not reached, as many new Assemblies as necessary may be called, with the same 1/3 part requirement.


6-1 Each stockholder shall, at every Assembly, be entitled to one (1) vote per share of capital stock registered in his name in the Corporate books. The vote can be in person or, if absent, by proxy or by certified mail. No vote sent by mail or by proxy will be valid unless issued with the stockholder's signature and received before beginning the work in the Assembly it is destined for. No proxy will be valid after the expiration date it indicates.


Accumulated votes as discussed in the Puerto Rico General Corporate Law or any other law, regulation or provision are expressly prohibited.

6-3 Any agent designated by a registered stockholder must be a participating stockholder, physician or dentist.



A. The election of Members of the Board of Directors will take place by ballot during the duly notified stockholders Annual Ordinary Assembly. The members elected each year will be those necessary to complete the 19 Directors.

The directors will be elected by a majority of votes of the voting stock issued and in circulation with rights to vote for directors and represented in person or by proxy in the Assembly.

B. The Board of Directors is divided into three groups, plus the President of the Corporation. The first is made up of 5 directors, the second group is composed of 6 directors, and the third group is made up of 7 directors. The groups will be placed at intervals, therefore, the term of the first directors in the first group will end in the Stockholder's Annual Assembly in the year 2005; the term of the first directors of the second group will end in the Stockholder's Annual Assembly in the year 2006 and the term of the first directors of the third group will end in the Stockholder's Annual Assembly in the year 2007.

C. The term each group member, subsequently elected at the Stockholder's Annual Assemblies, will occupy at his elected post will be 3 years. Every director will continue with his duties until his successor is duly elected and in possession of his post. No Director, excepting the Corporation's President, while fulfilling said hierarchic duties, may be elected for more than 3 terms or serve as such for more than 9 years. The President of the Corporation post, which is also a member of the Board of Directors, is excluded from the before mentioned groups.

D. In order to achieve uniformity in the composition of the number of directors composing each group as stated in this provision, in April 2001 a director will be elected for one year's term only, from April 2001 to April 2002. With the sole purpose of following the group intervals, the requirement of 3 terms or 9 years can be obviated in order for a person to serve this single one-year term. In the case of the first members of the Corporate Board of Directors, the time computation will take into account the period in which the director fulfilled his duties as such in Triple-S, Inc. until the fusion with Triple-S Health.


In order to be a Director in the Corporation, every person must at least meet the following requirements:

A. Never have declared fraudulent bankruptcy, voluntary or involuntary, nor granted a fraudulent general cession in benefit of creditors.

B. Should never have been convicted of a moral deprivation crime.

C. Should not be a director or functionary of a bank, a savings and loans association, an institution engaged in the business of receiving deposits and lending money in Puerto Rico or any entity or corporation in which any of the institutions referred to have a direct or indirect substantial economic interest or the relationship of owner, subsidiary or affiliate or any entity or corporation which owns, directly or indirectly, substantial economic interest in any of the said institutions, except that the person can fulfill his duties as director or functionary of a financial holding company or a depository institution with whom an insurance company affiliated to the Corporation has a relationship, directly or indirectly, as owner, subsidiary or affiliate.

D. In the case of directors who are physicians or dentists, they should be active participants in the Subsidiary Triple-S, Inc., and have been so for at least 2 years prior to their nomination as directors in the Corporation.



The Board of Directors will be composed of nineteen (19) members elected by the Assembly, or by the Board of Directors in case of vacancies, and will exercise the Corporation's powers and the management of its business in accordance with the General Corporations Law, the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws of the Corporation, as well as the guidelines issued by the shareholders of the Corporation. The power of the Directors to manage the Corporation's affairs may only be exercised when they act strictly as a Board, duly constituted, as a committee of the Board or by express delegation from the Board. In order to function as a Director, it is required that you are a shareholder of the Corporation. The decisions taken by a majority of the Directors present after quorum is constituted in the meeting of the Board duly constituted will be received as actions of the Board of Directors and will be complied with in the same manner as if they were taken by all of the directors of the Board. Of the nineteen (19) members of the Board of Directors, ten (10) must be representatives of the community and/or subscriptors and not medical doctors or dentists. The Board must celebrate at least one annual ordinary meeting before the Annual Shareholders' Assembly and the ordinary and extraordinary meetings the Board determines to be necessary. The Board will meet the last Wednesday of the month, unless special circumstances force the President to change the day, and the Secretary will notify the Directors in writing the date of said meetings. The President of the Board of Directors may convene extraordinary meetings of the Bard to be held at the place, date and time established in the notice to the meeting and for the purposes expressed therein. In addition, the President will have the obligation to convene the Board of Directors when requested by five (5) members of the Board of Directors, ten (10) days after such request is made. Quorum will constitute a majority of the total number of directors.


The vacancies of the Board which take place because of resignation, death, disability which impedes the execution of their functions, or destitution of any director before the expiration of the term for which they were elected, will be filled by the vote of the majority of the Directors present in a Board meeting, convened for these purposes, after the quorum is constituted. The person elected to fill the vacancy will serve the rest of the term of the person who is being substituted and may be reelected for two (2) additional successive terms.


Except for a provision stating the contrary in the Articles of Incorporation or the General Corporations Law, any action or agreement required or permitted to be taken in any meeting of the Board of Directors or any of its committees, may be executed without the need of a meeting if all of the members of the Board of

Directors or the Committee, as the case may be, approve of it in writing and said written approval or approvals are submitted and incorporated in the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors or the Committee.


The officials will be a President, a Vice President, a Treasurer, a Sub Treasurer, and Secretary and a Sub Secretary. The Board of Directors will elect these officials, which will meet the requirements, will have the powers and duties and will serve during the terms established herein.


The President of the Board of Directors will preside over the shareholders' assemblies, the meeting of the Board of Directors and will assume all of the duties and faculties conferred by the Board of Directors. Among his/her functions are the following:

A. Represent the Corporation in the name of the Board of Directors in those official acts which he/she will have to attend and in the relationship with the shareholders of the Corporation and the governmental authorities as a function of his/her duties.

B. Preside over the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.

C. Name the Presidents of the Committees of the Board of Directors, except the President of the Finance Committee, which because of his duties, will be presided by the Treasurer of the Board of Directors.

D. Name the members to the Committees of the Board of Directors.

E. Will be a member of all the committees of the Board of Directors.

F. Will be a member of the Board of Directors of the subsidiary corporations to this Corporation.

G. Recommend to the Board of Directors for their consideration, the creation of committees which are not expressly recognized by the By-Laws and Regulations, according to the needs of the Corporation.

H. Inform to the Board of Directors about his/her official affairs in virtue of his/her duties.

I. Assume all other duties and faculties that from time to time are conferred by the Board of Directors.

J. The President may convene any extraordinary meetings of the Board of Directors that he/she may deem necessary.


In the absence of the President, or if the President is unable to act as such, the Vice President will assume the duties and faculties of the President.


The Secretary will take an oath to loyally carry out the duties of his office and will make sure that the minute books of the Corporation are duly maintained and will note or cause to be noted the actions of the Board of Directors and the Shareholders Assemblies and the voting therein. He/she will issue the necessary certificates and will be responsible for the corporate seal. He/she will be responsible for making sure that the alphabetical registry of all of the shareholders and the Articles of Incorporation, the By-Laws and the certified Regulations are safely kept at the principal offices of the Corporation. In addition, he/she will certify the official acts of the Board of Directors.


The Sub Secretary will assume, in the absence or if the Secretary is unable to perform his/her duties, all of the duties and faculties conferred upon the Secretary.


         The Treasurer will make sure that the securities and the money of the
         Corporation is duly received and guarded, and that the disbursements
         are only made according to duly approved and certified resolutions of
         the Board of Directors. He/she will make sure that the investment
         policies of the Corporation observe the security, liquidity and yield
         criteria, in that order. He/she will preside over the Finance Committee
         of the Board. In addition, the Treasurer will make sure that the
         accounting books and registers are located in the principal offices of
         the Corporation. The Corporation's accounting will follow general
         accepted accounting principles.


         The Sub Treasurer will assume, in the absence or if the Secretary is
         unable to perform his/her duties, all of the duties and faculties
         conferred upon the Treasurer.


         The President of the Board of Directors will name a President and the
         members of the following permanent committees:

A. Executive Committee

The following members of the Board of Directors will be members of this Committee:

1. President of the Board of Directors

2. Vice President

3. Secretary

4. Treasurer

In addition, the President of the Board of Directors will name three (3) members of the Board of Directors to this Committee. All of its members will have the right to a voice and a vote. The decisions of the Committee will be by a majority of the members present at each meeting.

This Committee will meet not less that once every three months and/or by a petition from the President, on the day and time determined by the President.

The duties of the Committee will be:

1. Review, evaluate and pass judgment over every plan, project or proposal which proposes any change or affects the policies and rules established for the Corporation and that are in force and effect at a determined time.

2. Review and approve the budget for the Corporation's operational expenses, including any proposed changed to the already approved and effective budget.

3. Review and approve the salaries, compensation plans, including bonuses and other incentives, of the officials and principal employees of the Corporation.

4. Review and approve, subject to the ratification of the Board of Directors, any significant contract, loan or other financial transaction or other transaction of importance to the Corporation.

5. Those functions and powers that are not established herein will be exercised by the Board of Directors as a whole, provided, however, that the Board of Directors may, through a resolution duly adopted, delegate said power to the Executive Committee in order to take action over a determined issue in a determined moment of time.

6. Not withstanding item (5) above, the faculties of destitution or election of officials, amending the Certificate of Incorporation, approving mergers or consolidations, make recommendations to the shareholders regarding the sale, lease or exchange of all or a substantial part of the property or assets of the Corporation, approve resolutions that recommend the liquidation or the revocation of the same, amending the by-laws or authorize the issuance of capital stock, or create additional subsidiaries, cannot be delegated ever to the Executive Committee.

7. All of the decisions taken by the Executive Committee will be presented to the Board of Directors as a whole in order to be ratified, modified or rejected, in the next Board meeting.

B. Finance Committee

The Treasurer of the Board of Directors will head this Committee. The President of the Board of Directors will name at least four (4) members of the Board of Directors to this Committee, who will meet no less that once every two months. The decisions taken by this Committee will be by a majority of the members present at each meeting.

The duties of this Committee will be:

1. Inspect all of the financial activities of the Corporation.

2. Guide the Board of Directors in all that is related to the finances of the Corporation.

3. Study all recommended changes to the economic structure of the Corporation.

4. Evaluate financial procedures of the Corporation.

C. Auditing Committee

The President of the Board of Directors will name the President of this Committee and at least four (4) additional members of the Board of Directors, none of which can be the President of the Finance Committee, and who will meet no less than once every three months, and as many times as necessary. The decisions of this Committee will be by a majority of the members present at each meeting.

The duties of this Committee will be:

1. Review and make sure that all of the internal controls of the Corporation are being complied with.

2. Review the activities performed by the Internal Auditing Office of the Corporation.

3. Select, for the final determination of the Board of Directors, the external auditing firm of the Corporation.

4. Review the results of the audits performed by the regulatory agencies.

5. Review the results of the consolidated operations of the Corporation.

6. Review and judge the annual report prepared by the external auditors.

D. Resolutions and Regulations Committee

The President of the Board of Directors will name the President of this Committee and at least four (4) additional members of the Board of Directors, who will meet at least once a year, and as many times as necessary. The decisions of this Committee will be by a majority of the members present at each meeting.

The duties of this Committee will be:

1. Review the Articles and By-Laws of the Corporation and propose and prepare those resolutions to amend the Articles and By-Laws or any other resolution related with other institutional issue.

2. Evaluate and judge all resolutions that are presented by the shareholders at the shareholders assemblies.

3. Follow the status of all resolutions approved by the shareholders at the Shareholders Assemblies.

E. Nominations Committee

The President of the Board of Directors will name the President of this Committee and at least four (4) additional members of the Board of Directors, who will meet at least once a year, and as many times as necessary. The decisions of this Committee will be by a majority of the members present at each meeting.

The duties of this Committee will be:

                  1.       Recommend to the Board of Directors any ideal
                           candidate that can fill any vacancy on the Board of

                  2.       Establish and periodically review the qualities that
                           any candidate to be named to the Board of Directors
                           should have.

                  3.       Recommend to the Board of Directors ideal candidates
                           to occupy the positions of President of the
                           Corporation and the Director of the Internal Auditing
                           Office, when said positions are vacant.

         F.       General for all Committees

                  All committees will keep minutes of their meetings. A copy of
                  these minutes and all of the recommendations will be sent to
                  all of the members of the Board of Directors through the
                  President of the Board of Directors. The President of each
                  committee may organize extraordinary meetings, according to
                  the each particular circumstance. The President of the Board
                  of Directors may, from time to time, solicit the advice of any
                  of the committees of the Board, as needed.

                  The President of the Corporation will be a member of every

                  The President of each Committee will notify in writing with no
                  less than five (5) days before the ordinary meetings.

         G.       The Board of Directors or its President may crate any other
                  Committee which they deem necessary for the proper operation
                  of the Corporation's business.


         The Corporation will not make any disbursement of $25 or more without
         evidencing such disbursement with a voucher correctly describing the
         reason for the payment and backed by a endorsed check or receipt signed
         by the person receiving the payment, or in the name of the same person
         if the payment is for services or as a refund. The voucher must
         describe the services performed and detail the expenses by


         None of the members of the Board of Directors will accept, nor will
         benefit from any fee, broker's fee or commission, donation or other
         emolument in relation to any investment, loan, deposit, purchase, sale,
         exchange, service or other similar transaction of the Corporation; nor
         will it have any financial interest in said

         transactions en any capacity, except in representation and for the
         benefit of the Corporation and under the previous authority of the
         Board of Directors.

         However, travel and representation expenses or expenses incurred as a
         result of the attendance to the Board of Directors or Committee
         meetings may be paid to the Directors; as well as for those
         professional services performed as a medical doctor or dentist to the
         insurers of Triple-S, Inc., or any other health subsidiary in its
         capacity as a participating provider of the health insurance plan or

         No ex-director may be part of the Administration of the Corporation or
         its Subsidiaries nor perform any type of professional services in its
         capacity as a private citizen or as part of any business, until after
         three (3) years after the end of his/her term as a member of the Board
         of Directors.


         The following will be considered just cause for the removal of

         1.       Act with gross negligence in the performance of his/her

2. Receive or give a bribe.

3. Convicted of a felony or grave misdemeanor which involves depravation by a competent court.

4. Act immorally or improperly.

5. Have personal interests incompatible with the interests of the Corporation.

6. Embezzle or fraudulently or negligently use or dispose of funds of the Corporation.

7. Improperly use his/her position for personal benefit.

8. To be absent without any justification for three (3)) consecutive ordinary meetings of the Board properly notified or be absent from six (6) ordinary meetings during the period of one year with or without justification.

9. Provide confidential or sensitive information of the Corporation without the proper authorization or when it damages the interests of the business.

10. Lose the Board's confidence when a minimum of three fourths of the total number of directors which comprise the Board concur in voting for the removal of a director.

11. Violate in a consistent manner the Articles of Incorporation or the By-Laws and Regulations of the Corporation, as well as the General Corporations Law of Puerto Rico and/or the agreements approved in the Shareholders Assembly or by the Board of Directors.



         Amendment may be made to the By-Laws when the following requirements
         are complied with and when the proposed amendment has been previously
         submitted to the Board of Directors and has been included in the proxy
         statement for the Assembly.

         A.       Through a resolution approved by the majority of those shares
                  of the Corporation issued and in circulation with the right to
                  vote which are present at a meeting validly constituted,
                  provided, however, that Articles 4-1, item "A:, 6-2 and 7-1,
                  item "B" only may only be amended by the affirmative vote of
                  three fourths (3/4) of the shares of the Corporation issued
                  and in circulation with the right to vote which are present at
                  a meeting validly constituted.

         B.       The approved amendments will be certified by the President and
                  the Secretary, in triplicate, with the seal of the

         C.       The amendments to the By-Laws approved by the shareholders at
                  a meeting or by referendum will be distributed to the

                          CHAPTER 10. - ADMINISTRATION


         The Board of Directors will name a President to the Corporation who
         will be in charge of the general administration, superintendence, and
         management of the business of the Corporation, subject to the orders
         and regulations of the Board of Directors, who will fix his salary. The
         President of the Corporation will assume all other duties and
         responsibilities that are imposed upon him/her at the Shareholders
         Assemblies or by the Board of Directors.


         The Board will have the faculty to name any other officers that they
         deem convenient and necessary.

10-3     BONDS

         The President of the Corporation, as well as any officer or employee
         that collects, received, manages or is responsible for or guard funds
         or securities of the Corporation, will have to give a fidelity bond in
         the amount set forth by the Board of Directors.


         The President of the Corporation will prepare each calendar year the
         budget for the administrative expenses of the Corporation, which will
         be submitted to the Board of Directors on or before November 15 for
         their consideration. The Board of Directors will approve the budget on
         or before December 31, and it will become effective the 1st of January
         of the next calendar year. In the event that the budget is not approved
         by the stated date, the corporate operations will continue based on the
         budget for the previous year until the Board approved a new budget for
         the administrative expenses of the Corporation. The budget will be
         available for inspection by the Shareholders at the principal offices
         of the Corporation, after January 15 of the corresponding year.

By-Laws effective on April 14, 1998
Revised: December 7, 1998, April 25, 1999, April 30, 2000, April 29, 2001.


The Puerto Rico Health Insurance



October 1, 2001-June 30, 2002





TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                    PAGE
--------------------                                                    ----
I           Definitions                                                   2

II          Eligibility and Enrollment                                    8

III         Right to Choose                                              14

IV          Secondary Payor                                              16

V           Emergencies                                                  17

VI          Access to Benefits                                           19

VII         Contracts with HCO's and All Participating Providers         23

VIII        Subscription Process and Identification Cards                28

IX          Summary Plan Description Booklet                             29

X           Grievance Procedure                                          32

XI          Health Care Organizations                                    34

XII         Guarantee of Payment                                         37

XIII        Utilization Review and Quality Assurance                     40

XIV         Compliance and Agreement for Inspection of Records           44

XV          Information, Systems and Reporting Requirements              46

XVI         Financial Requirements                                       54

XVII        Plan Compliance Evaluation Program                           55

XVIII       Payment of Premiums                                          63

XIX         Actuarial Requirements                                       67

XX          Preventive Medicine Program                                  67

XXI         Mental Health Program                                        70

XXII        Benefits                                                     70

XXIII       Conversion Clause                                            71

XXIV        Transactions with the Insurer                                73

XXV         Non-Cancellation Clause                                      73

XXVI        Applicable Law                                               73

XXVII       Effective Date and Term                                      74


TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                    PAGE
--------------------                                                    ----
XXVIII      Conflict of Interest                                         74

XXIX        Income Taxes                                                 74

XXX         Advance Directives                                           74

XXXI        Ownership and Third Party Transactions                       75

XXXII       Modification of the Contract                                 75

XXXIII      Termination of Agreement                                     75

XXXIV       Phase-Out Clause                                             76

XXXV        Third Party Disclaimer                                       77

XXXVI       Penalties Sanctions Clauses                                  77

XXXVII      Hold Harmless Clause                                         80

XXXVIII     Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services Contract
            Requirements                                                 80

XXXIX       Force Majeure                                                81

XL          Year 2000 Clause                                             81

XXLI        Federal Government Approval                                  81

XLII        Acknowledgement as to Insurer                                81

XLIII       Entire Agreement                                             82

Addendum I                 Benefits Coverage-Formulary
Addendum II                PRHIA Instructions to Insurers for
                           Orientation and Subscription Process-
                           Beneficiaries Manual
Addendum III               Insurer Grievance Procedure
Addendum IV                Proposed Information Requirements



This Agreement entered into this 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2001, at San Juan, Puerto Rico, by and between PUERTO RICO HEALTH INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION, a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, organized under Law 72 approved on September 7, 1993, hereinafter referred to as the "ADMINISTRATION", represented by its Executive Director, ANGEL BLANCO BOTTEY, and TRIPLE-S, INC., a domestic corporation duly organized and doing business under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, with employer social security number 66-0229064, hereinafter referred to as the "INSURER", represented by its Chief Executive Officer, MIGUEL VAZQUEZ DEYNES.


In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties, their personal representatives and successors, agree as follows:

FIRST: The ADMINISTRATION has the responsibility to seek, negotiate, and contract with public and private insurers, health care insurance programs that eventually will be capable of providing all citizens that reside in the island of Puerto Rico access to quality health care services, regardless of their economic condition and capacity to pay.

SECOND: Law 72 of September 7, 1993 dictates the express policy that empowers the ADMINISTRATION to seek, negotiate and contract health insurance programs that will allow its beneficiaries access to quality health services, in particular the medically indigent and the public employees of the Central Government and Pensioners.

THIRD: The ADMINISTRATION published a Request For Proposals for the North, Metro-North, East, Southeast, West, Southwest, San Juan, Northwest, Northeast and Central Health Area/Region, seeking to provide health insurance coverage to all eligible beneficiaries in said health Area/Region, by contracting with private insurers.

FOURTH: Pursuant to the terms of the aforementioned Request For Proposals, published on June 3-4, 2001, four different private health insurers submitted to the ADMINISTRATION proposals to underwrite the health insurance for the Health Area/Region.

FIFTH: The proposals submitted by the proposing insurers were thoroughly evaluated by a Evaluation Committee, as well as an Administrative Evaluation Committee within the ADMINISTRATION, as a result of which, a recommendation was presented to the Board of Directors of the ADMINISTRATION.

SIXTH: The Board of Directors of the ADMINISTRATION, after a careful and complete analysis of all technical and administrative elements of the proposals, decided


to award the INSURER the contract to underwrite and administer the health insurance for the METRO NORTH Health Area/Region, composed of the municipalities of BAYAMON, CATANO, DORADO, GUAYNABO, TOA BAJA, VEGA ALTA.

SEVENTH: The benefits to be provided under the plan offered by the INSURER are divided in three types of coverage: 1) the Basic Coverage that includes preventive, medical, hospital, surgical, diagnostic tests, clinical laboratory tests, x-rays, emergency room, ambulance, maternity and prescription drug services; 2) Dental Coverage based on the free choice of participating dentists from INSURER's network, and 3) the Special Coverage that includes benefits for catastrophic conditions, expensive procedures and specialized diagnostic tests. Benefits shall be provided by the INSURER in strict compliance with Law Number 72 of September 7, 1993, as amended, which is made part of this contract, the terms and conditions contained in Addenda I, II, III, and IV of this contract, and subject to the following:


ACCESS: Adequate availability of all necessary health care services included in the plan being contracted to fulfill the needs of the beneficiaries of the program.

ADMINISTRATION: Puerto Rico Health Insurance Administration.

ADVANCE DIRECTIVES: A written instruction such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care, recognized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (whether statutory or as recognized by the courts of the Commonwealth, relating to the provision of health care when the individual is incapacitated.

ANCILLARY SERVICES (Ancillary Charges): Supplemental services, including laboratory, radiology, physical therapy, and inhalation therapy, which are provided in conjunction with medical or hospitals care.

ASSMCA - Mental Health and Substance Abuse Administration: Spanish acronym for the Puerto Rico Mental Health and Substance Abuse Administration, the state agency that has been delegated the responsibility for the planning, establishment of mental and substance abuse policies and procedures, the coordination, development and monitoring of all mental health and substance abuse services rendered to beneficiaries under the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Program.


BENEFICIARY: Any person that under Law 72 of September 7, 1993 is determined eligible to receive services, is reported as such to the INSURER by the ADMINISTRATION, and is enrolled in the plan.

CAPITATION: That portion of the premium paid to the INSURER which is disbursed to the HCO in payment for all the benefits provided under the Basic Coverage to the beneficiaries who have selected said HCO, as hereinafter defined.

CO-INSURANCE: Percentage based participation of the beneficiary on each loss or portion of the cost of receiving a service.

CONTRACT: The present contractual relationship between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER, and to which, 1) Law 72 of September 7, 1993, 2) the Request For Proposal, 3) the INSURER's Proposal documents, 4) the representations and assurances provided at the clarification meeting held on June 11, 2001 contained in the transcript of the meeting, and 5) all other certifications issued by the INSURER following said clarification meeting, are herein incorporated by reference. All of the five (5) preceding set of documents are integral parts of this contract.

CONTRACT TERM: Period of nine (9) consecutive months beginning on the date the contract is effective. The coverage shall end at the conclusion of the contract term, unless extended pursuant to Article XXVII.

CMS: Acronym for the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services.

DEDUCTIBLE: A fixed amount that the beneficiary has to pay to the provider as part of the cost of receiving a health care service, as provided in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

ELECTIVE SURGERY: A surgical procedure that, even though medically necessary and prescribed by a physician, does not need to be performed immediately because no imminent risk to life, permanent damage of a vital organ or permanent impairment is present, and which therefore can be scheduled.

EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONDITION: (Prudent Layperson Standard) a medical condition presenting symptoms of sufficient severity that a person with average knowledge of health and medicine would reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in (i) placing their health or the health of an unborn child in immediate jeopardy, (ii) serious impairment of bodily functions, or (iii) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.

ENCOUNTER: A contact between a patient and health professional during which a service is provided. An encounter form records selected identifying, diagnostic and related information describing an encounter.

FAMILY CONTRACT: The benefits provided to the following eligible beneficiaries;
1) principal subscriber; and 2) his or her spouse (legally married or common law); and 3)


his or her children (legally, adopted, foster or step children) under 21 years old that depend on the principal subscriber for subsistence; and 4) individuals under 21 years of age who have no children and live in common law with one of the eligible children in the same household; and 5) his or her dependents, of any age, who are blind or permanently disabled and live in the same household. Female beneficiaries (except spouse) covered under family contract who become pregnant shall constitute a separate subscriber under an individual contract as of the first day of the month the pregnancy is diagnosed and reported to the INSURER.

HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION/HCO: A health care entity supported by a network of providers and which is based on a managed care system and accessed through a primary care physician (gatekeeper). Said entity has contracted with the insurer to provide, in adequate facilities, the benefits provided for within the Basic Coverage or the Basic and Special Coverage of the health insurance contract. For the purpose of this contract the HCO will be identified by its descriptive name such as Primary Care Center, Physician Hospital Organization (PHO), Independent Practice Association (IPA), Primary Provider Group (PPG), or any other model. The INSURER is responsible for the availability of all necessary providers to cover both the basic and the special coverage.

HEALTH AREA/REGION: The METRO NORTH Health Area/Region as defined by the ADMINISTRATION, composed of the municipalities of BAYAMON, CATANO, DORADO, GUAYNABO, TOA BAJA, AND VEGA ALTA.

HIPAA: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is federal legislation (Public law 104-191) approved by Congress in August 21, 1996 regulating the continuity and portability of health plans, mandating the adoption and implementation of administrative simplification standards to prevent, fraud, abuse, improve health plan overall operations and guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of individually identifiable health information.

INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT: The benefits provided to eligible subscribers that are:
1) unmarried single adults without minor dependents; or 2) married adults whose spouse and/or dependents are not eligible for coverage under this program; or
3) Female beneficiaries (except spouse) covered under family contract who become pregnant as of the first day of the month the pregnancy is diagnosed and reported to the INSURER.

INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATION (IPA): A managed care delivery model in which the INSURER contracts with a physician organization which, in turn, contracts with individual physicians. The IPA physicians practice in their own offices and continue to see their fee-for-service patients. This type of system combines prepayment with the traditional means of delivering health care, a physician office/private practice. For the purpose of this contract, an IPA will be considered a Health Care Organization (HCO).

INSURER: TRIPLE-S, INC., is a private entity which meets the definition of a managed care organization (MCO), previously known as a state defined HMO, has a


comprehensive risk contract primarily for the purpose of providing health care services, making the services it provides accessible (in terms of timeliness, amount, duration and scope) as those services are to other Medicaid recipients within the Area/Region served by the entity and meets the solvency standards under the law as a state licensed risk-bearing entity.

MANAGED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ORGANIZATION (MBHO): An entity constituted by Mental Health Participating Providers and organized with the purpose of negotiating contracts to provide mental health and substance abuse services.

MEDICARE: Federal health insurance program for people 65 or older, people of any age with permanent kidney failure, and certain disabled people according to Title XVIII of the Social Security Act. Medicare has two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A is the hospital insurance that includes inpatient hospital care and certain follow up care. Part B is medical insurance that includes doctor services and many other medical services and items. A Medicare recipient is a person who has either Part A or Part A and B insurance.

MEDICARE BENEFICIARY: Any person who is a Medicare recipient of Part A or Part A and B and complies with the definition of beneficiary established in this article.

MEDICALLY NECESSARY SERVICES: shall mean services or supplies provided by an institution, physician, or other providers that are required to identify or treat a beneficiary's illness, disease, or injury and which are:
a. Consistent with the symptoms or diagnosis and treatment of the enrollee's illness, disease, or injury; and
b. Appropriate with regard to standards of good medical practice; and
c. Not solely for the convenience of an enrollee, physician, institution or other provider; and
d. The most appropriate supply or level of services which can safely be provided to the enrollee. When applied to the care of an inpatient, it further means that services for the enrollee's medical symptoms or condition require that the services cannot be safely provided to the enrollee as an outpatient; and
e. When applied to enrollees under 21 years of age, services shall be provided in accordance with EPSDT requirements including federal regulations as described in 42 CFR Part 441, Subpart B, and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989.

MENTAL HEALTH FACILITIES: Any premises (a) owned, leased, used or operated directly or indirectly by or for the Managed Behavioral Health Organization
(MBHO) or its affiliates for purposes related to this Agreement; or (b)
maintained by a subcontractor or provider to provide mental health services on behalf of the Managed Behavioral Health Organization.


MENTAL HEALTH CARVE-OUT: Specified psychiatric, behavioral, and substance abuse services covered under the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Plan provided through a contract with a separate entity.

NON-PARTICIPATING PROVIDER: All health care services providers that do not have a contract in effect with the INSURER. Said provider is barred from providing services under this contract.

PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN: A doctor of medicine that is legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and has a contract in effect with the INSURER.

PARTICIPATING PROVIDER: All health care services providers that have a contract in effect with the INSURER.

owns, directly or indirectly five percent (5%) or more of the insurer's capital or stock or receives five percent (5%) or more of its profits; has an interest in any mortgage, deed of trust, note, or other obligations secured in whole or in part by the insurer or by its property or assets, and that interest is equal to or exceeds five percent (5%) of the total property and assets of the insurer; or is an officer or director of the INSURER.

PHYSICIAN INCENTIVE PLAN: Any compensation arrangements between INSURER and physician or physician groups that may directly or indirectly have the effect of reducing or limiting services furnished to Medicaid recipients enrolled with the insurer.

PRE-AUTHORIZATION: A written or electronic approval by the INSURER to the beneficiary granting authorization for a benefit to be provided under the Special Coverage of the program. The beneficiary is responsible for obtaining the pre-authorization for coverage in order to receive covered benefits that require it. Failure to obtain pre-authorization precludes coverage. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the INSURER has the option of not requiring pre-authorization for all services received within a particular HCO.

PREMIUM: The monthly amount that the ADMINISTRATION agrees to pay to the INSURER as a result of having assumed the financial risk for providing the benefits to the beneficiaries covered. Method of payment is referred to hereunder as per member per month (PMPM).

PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN (GATEKEEPER): A doctor of medicine legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, who initially evaluates and provides treatment to beneficiaries. He/she is responsible for determining the services required by the beneficiaries, provides continuity of care, and refers the beneficiaries to specialized services if deemed medically necessary. Primary physicians will be considered those professionals accepted as such in the local


and federal jurisdictions. The following are considered primary care physicians:
Pediatricians, Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Family Physicians, Internists and General Practitioners. Each female beneficiary with a pregnancy factor has to select an obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. Once the pregnant woman completes her maternity care period, she will be allowed to continue with her primary care physician.

PROVIDER: An individual or entity that is authorized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to provide health care services.

PRICO: Acronym for the Puerto Rico Insurance Commissioner's Office, the state agency responsible for regulating, fiscalizing, and licensing insurance business in Puerto Rico.

SECOND MEDICAL OPINION: A consultation with a peer requested by the beneficiary, the HCO, a Participating Physician or the INSURER to assess the appropriateness of a previous recommendation for surgery or medical treatment.

SECONDARY or SPECIALTY PHYSICIAN: A physician such as a dermatologist, urologist or cardiologist, who provides professional services on a referral from a Primary Care Provider.

SUBSCRIBER: The beneficiary covered under the individual coverage of the plan or the principal beneficiary who grants eligibility to all those beneficiaries included under the family coverage.

SUPPORT PARTICIPATING PROVIDERS: Health care service providers who are needed to complement and provide support services to the Primary Care Physicians and who have a contract with the INSURER to provide said services. A referral from the Gatekeeper is necessary. The following will be considered support participating providers, among others: Pharmacies, Hospitals, Health Related Professionals, Clinical Laboratories, Radiological Facilities, Podiatrists, Optometrists, and all those participating providers that may be needed to provide services under the basic and special coverage considering the specific health problems of the Area/Region.

SUPPORT PARTICIPATING PHYSICIANS: Doctors of Medicine legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within Puerto Rico who are needed to complement and provide support services to the Primary Care Physicians and who have a contract with the INSURER to provide said services. A referral from the Gatekeeper is necessary.

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT (QI): The ongoing process of responding to data gathered through quality monitoring efforts, in such a way as to improve the quality of health care delivered to individuals. This process necessarily involves follow-up studies of the measures taken to effect change in order to demonstrate that the desired change has occurred.


UTILIZATION MANAGEMENT (UM): The process of evaluating necessity appropriateness and efficiency of healthcare services through the revision of information about hospital, service or procedure from patients and/or providers to determine whether it meets established guidelines and criteria approved by the MCO.


INSURER must maintain the organizational and administrative capacity and capabilities to carry out all duties and responsibilities under this contract.

INSURER must maintain assigned staff with the capacity and capability to provide all services to all Beneficiaries under this contract.

INSURER must maintain an administrative office in the service area (local office). The local office must comply with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for public buildings.

INSURER must provide training and development programs to all assigned staff to ensure they know and understand the service requirements under this contract including the reporting requirements, the policies and procedures, cultural and linguistic requirements and the scope of services to be provided. The training and development plan must be submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION.

INSURER must notify THE ADMINISTRATION immediately no later than 30 days after the effective date of this contract of any changes in its organizational chart as previously submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION.

INSURER must notify THE ADMINISTRATION immediately within fifteen (15) working days of any change in regional or office managers. This information must be updated whenever there is a significant change in organizational structure or personnel.


1. Eligibility shall be determined according to Article VI, Section 5 of Law 72 of September 7, 1993 and the federal laws and regulations governing eligibility requirements for the Medicaid Program.

2. The INSURER shall provide coverage for all the eligible beneficiaries as provided in the prior section.

3. The INSURER shall inform beneficiaries, who are also Medicare recipients with Part A or Part A and B, at the time of enrollment that if they choose to become beneficiaries under the contracted health insurance, the benefits provided under said contract will be accessed exclusively through the primary care physician. In this situation:


a) bad debt reimbursement, as a result of non-payment of deductibles and/or coinsurance, for covered Part A services and Part B services provided in hospital setting, other than physician services;
b) payment for covered Part A services;
c) payment for Part B outpatient services provided in a hospital setting; and
d) all covered Part B services,

will continue to be recognized as a covered reimbursable Medicare Program cost. Medicare beneficiaries with either Part A or Part A and B can choose to access their Part A or Part B services from the Medicare's providers list except that in this case the INSURER will not cover the payment of any benefits provided through this contract.

4. The INSURER represents that neither the capitated amount paid to each HCO nor the fee for service amount paid to all providers includes payment for services covered under the Medicare Federal Program. The primary care physicians, the participating providers or any other physician contracted on a salary basis cannot receive duplicate payments for those beneficiaries that have Medicare Part A or Part B coverage. The INSURER further represents that it will audit and review its billing data to avoid duplicate payment with the Medicare Program. The INSURER shall report its findings to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis. The ADMINISTRATION will audit and review Medicare billing data for Part A or Part B payment for beneficiaries eligible to said Federal Program.

5. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service through the amount paid to the HCO.

6. The INSURER guarantees to maintain adequate services for the Health Area/Region for the prompt enrollment of all eligible beneficiaries on a daily basis and in the order of their application. The INSURER shall maintain sufficient facilities within the Area/Region as needed. The subscriber shall be responsible for visiting the designated facility in order to complete all requirements towards enrollment. The INSURER shall enroll the beneficiary(ies) and issue the official identification card(s) on the same day that the subscriber completes the enrollment requirements. Initial orientation and enrollment will be conducted pursuant to the Instructions to Insurers for Implementation of Orientation and Subscription Process contained in ADDENDUM II.

The INSURER shall be responsible to provide the subscriber with specific information allowing for the prompt and reliable enrollment of all eligible individuals.


7. The ADMINISTRATION shall notify the INSURER on a daily basis of all beneficiaries who have become eligible, as well as those who have ceased to be eligible. The INSURER shall guarantee the maintenance, functionality, and reliability of all necessary systems to allow enrollment or disenrollment of subscribers.

8. The beneficiary becomes eligible for enrollment as of the date specified in the ADMINISTRATION's notification to the INSURER.

9. The beneficiary ceases to be eligible as of the disenrollment date specified in the ADMINISTRATION's notification to the INSURER. If the ADMINISTRATION notifies the INSURER that the beneficiary ceased to be eligible on or before the last working day of the month in which eligibility ceases, the disenrollment will be effective on the first day of the following month. Disenrollment will be effected exclusively by a notification issued by the ADMINISTRATION.

10. If, following disenrollment, a beneficiary's contract is reinstated and the beneficiary is re-enrolled on the same month of disenrollment, the contract will be reinstated as of the date of re-enrollment and the ADMINISTRATION will pay premiums on a pro-rata basis for that month.

11. The INSURER agrees to maintain active enrollment for those beneficiaries reported eligible by the ADMINISTRATION. Notification of eligible persons will be made through electronic transmissions or machine readable media. The ADMINISTRATION will forward this data to the INSURER in the format agreed by both parties in accordance with the Daily Update/Carrier Eligibility File Format as required in the RFP.

12. Coverage under the plan shall begin the day that the enrollment process has been completed. The INSURER will guarantee that it will be ready to notify the ADMINISTRATION of all newly enrolled beneficiaries through electronic or magnetic media on a daily basis upon the Administration's request. This notification will include all new beneficiaries as of the day before the notification is issued and will be sent to the ADMINISTRATION no later than the following working day after the enrollment process has been completed. Premiums shall be paid on a pro-rata basis as of the date that the enrollment process was completed and the official identification card has been issued, to the end of the month, as specified in the INSURER's notification to the ADMINISTRATION. Premium payments, if applicable, for newborn of beneficiaries will accrue as of the date of birth of the child in the event that the enrollment process of said new beneficiary is completed. Premium payments shall be paid retroactively to the INSURER upon enrollment of the newborn. The insurer will pay the providers for the services rendered to that newborn. Nevertheless the newborn will be considered an insured beneficiary under his mother's coverage during the neo-natal period, thirty (30) days.


13. In case that an individual has been certified as eligible by the Department of Health but has not completed the enrollment process, and he/she or his/her dependents need emergency services, the ADMINISTRATION shall verify the eligibility status of the individual. If the individual is eligible as a beneficiary, emergency services will be provided as if the individual is a beneficiary and arrangements for the issuance of the identification card will be made immediately after the notification of eligibility is made by the ADMINISTRATION to the INSURER. The premium in this instance will be paid to the INSURER on a pro-rata basis from the moment the emergency services needed are provided or the identification card is issued, whichever is first. For the purpose of this situation, the enrollment process is the process that commences at the time that the ADMINISTRATION gives notice to the INSURER of the beneficiaries eligibility status, and results in a letter to said beneficiary establishing the date and location for the completion of the enrollment documents and selection of the HCO. Said process ends when the beneficiary has selected an HCO from those available in the Health Area/Region and has received an identification card.

Nothing provided in this section is intended to affect a provider's obligation to screen and stabilize an individual arriving at its facilities for emergency treatment as defined by EMTALA and the applicable Commonwealth laws.

14. Coverage shall end effective on the date of disenrollment. Premiums will be paid until the effective date of disenrollment. In the event of disenrollment while the beneficiary is an inpatient of a hospital on the last day of the month of coverage, and continues to be an inpatient of a hospital during the month following his disenrollment, the ADMINISTRATION will cover the payment of the premium for that following month. If the beneficiary remains hospitalized in subsequent months, the conversion clause will apply for the months after the one being paid by the ADMINISTRATION it being the INSURER's responsibility to assure that premiums are paid. Disenrollment will be effected exclusively by a notification issued by the ADMINISTRATION.

15. The INSURER shall not in any way discriminate nor terminate coverage of any beneficiary(ies) for reasons due to adverse change in recipient's health, or based on expectations that an enrollee will require high cost care, or need of health services, or any reason whatsoever, except for non-payment of premiums or fraudulent use of benefits or participation of fraudulent acts, after prior notification and consultation with the ADMINISTRATION.

16. The INSURER agrees to maintain an Enrollment Data Base which:

a) includes each subscriber and all beneficiaries;
b) contains for each subscriber and beneficiary the information technically defined in the (Carrier Response Billing File/Carrier Eligibility File) formats required in RFP.


17. The INSURER will secure on the date of enrollment a signed statement from the subscriber authorizing the Federal Government, the INSURER, the ADMINISTRATION and/or their designees to review the medical record of the subscriber and other beneficiaries, in order to determine quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services performed under this contract. The terms, content and specifications of said authorization shall be consistent with the standards set forth in 45CFR 164.508 et seq., part of the regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

18. All individually identified information of services related to beneficiaries which is obtained by the INSURER shall be confidential and shall be used or disclosed by the INSURER, the HCO and/or its participating providers only for purposes directly connected with performance of all obligations contained in this contract. Medical records and management information data concerning any beneficiary enrolled pursuant to this contract shall be confidential and shall be disclosed within the INSURER's organization or to other persons, as authorized by the ADMINISTRATION, only as necessary to provide medical care and quality, peer or grievance review of such medical care under the terms of this contract and in coordination with the mental health carve-out contract subscribed by ASSMCA. The confidentiality provisions herein contained shall survive the termination of this contract and shall bind the INSURER, its HCOs and the INSURER's participating providers as long as they maintain any individually identifiable information relating to beneficiaries as provided in the implementation of the HIPAA regulation schedule to be set forth by the Federal Government, 45 CFR 164.102 et. seq. Any request for information which is made by third parties not related to this contract will be forwarded to the ADMINISTRATION for consideration, review and decision as to the pertinence of the request and the authorization for disclosure.

Nothing in this section shall limit or affect the ADMINISTRATION's, the INSURER and/or providers obligations regarding protected individually identifiable health information as provided in 45 CFR 164.102 et seq. (HIPAA) regulations.

Disclosure of individually identifiable health information to any business associate as defined in 45 CFR 164.504(e) of the HIPAA regulations by the INSURER shall entail the legal obligations set forth therein.

19. The INSURER agrees to notify the ADMINISTRATION immediately of any change in the place of residence of the subscriber, insofar as the subscriber makes the change known to the INSURER. Address changes will be forwarded through electronic and/or machine-readable media as referred in paragraph sixteen.


20. The INSURER agrees to implement a program whereby eligible beneficiaries are properly advised of the date of termination of their eligibility so as to assure that they complete the recertification process prior to said date. Said program should provide for an initial notice of the termination date at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of the eligibility termination.

21. The INSURER hereby commits to comply with the electronic transactions, security and privacy requirements of the HIPAA regulations as provided in 45CFR 160 and 142 et seg. within the implementation dates set forth therein or by subsequent regulations schedule.


The INSURER has a limited right to request a beneficiary be disenrolled from INSURER without the beneficiary's consent. THE ADMINISTRATION must approve any INSURER request for disenrolling a beneficiary for cause.

Disenrollment of a beneficiary may be permitted under the following circumstances:

(a) Beneficiary misuses or loans its membership card to another person to obtain services.

(b) Beneficiary is disruptive, unruly, threatening or uncooperative to the extent that beneficiary's membership seriously impairs INSURER's or provider's ability to provide services to beneficiaries or to obtain new beneficiaries, and beneficiary's behavior is not caused by a physical or other mental health condition.

The INSURER must take reasonable measures to improve a beneficiary's behavior prior to requesting disenrollment and must notify beneficiary of its intent to disenroll. Reasonable measure may include providing education and counseling regarding the offensive acts or behavior.

INSURER must notify the beneficiary of the INSURER's decision to disenroll after reasonable measures have failed to remedy the problem.

If the beneficiary disagrees with the decision to disenroll the beneficiary from INSURER, INSURER MUST notify the beneficiary of the availability of the complaint of Grievance Procedure and THE ADMINISTRATION's Fair Hearing process.

If the beneficiary disagrees with the decision to disenroll, INSURER must notify the Beneficiary of the availability of the complaint procedure and compliance with Fair Hearing Process, or as provided by Law 72 of September 7, 1993, as amended.



1. Each principal subscriber shall have the right to select an HCO from those available in the health Area/Region which at no time will be less than two (2) HCOs at each municipality, one of which has to be a privatized or non-privatized government or municipal facility if available, and subject to compliance with INSURER's requirements for HCO's. The selection of the HCO or primary care physician will be made by the beneficiaries at the insurance regional offices.

The right of beneficiaries to transfer or change from an HCO shall be made at any time without cause during the first 90 days following the date of the beneficiary's initial enrollment or the date of enrollment notice is sent, whichever is later, and at most once every twelve (12) months thereafter, and for any of the causes of disenrollment set forth on 42 CFR 438.56 at any time.

2. Each HCO will have available at least one of each specialist considered a primary care physician and shall meet the specification of the ratio specified in Article VI, and will have a sufficient number of primary care physicians to provide health care services to all beneficiaries according to the ratio specified in Article VI. Furthermore, the INSURER will provide to each HCO a network with a sufficient number of participating providers to render all services included under the basic, special and dental coverage to beneficiaries pursuant to the ratio specified in Article VI.

3. The beneficiary shall have the right to choose his or her primary care physician from those available within the HCO selected by the principal subscriber. Said right also encompasses the change of the selected primary physician at any time by making the proper administrative arrangements within the HCO in conformity with the HCO's established policy. The selected primary care physician or the substitute on-duty primary care physician within the HCO must be available on a 24 hour basis for emergencies and/or telephone consultations. Each HCO must have available all of the primary care physicians (family physicians, internists, general practitioners, pediatricians and obstetrician-gynecologist) subject to waivers in case of unavailability of a specific provider.

4. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) municipality within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.

5. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) HCO within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.


6. Each female beneficiary may select (i) primary care physician, or (ii) primary care physician and obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. If the female is pregnant, the obstetrician-gynecologist automatically will become the primary care physician; if one is not previously selected, she will then have to choose an obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. Once the pregnant woman completes her maternity care period, she will be allowed to continue with her original primary care physician.

7. Any subscriber may change the selected HCO subject to the provisions of
Section I, above. If the request for an HCO change is filed with the INSURER on or before the fifth day of each month the change of HCO will become effective on the first day of the next month. If the change is filed after the fifth day of the month, the change in HCO will be effective on the first day of the second succeeding month. Selection guidelines are contemplated in Article VI, paragraph 3 of this contract.

8. The beneficiary shall have the right to choose the provider to be referred to from those participating providers within the HCO's network that are under contract with the INSURER's for benefits covered under the Basic and Special Coverage.

9. Dental services will be provided through the INSURER's network of dentists for the health insurance services contracted. Each subscriber will have the right to select a dentist within the INSURER's network to receive dental services. The accepted dentist/beneficiary ratio is one
(1) dentist for each one thousand three hundred fifty (1,350) beneficiaries.

10. In the event that HCOs under 330 Projects of the Rural Health Initiative have contracts with specialists, support participating providers, or support participating physicians, either on a fee-for-service basis or on a salary basis, the INSURER will be responsible for gathering and reporting all required data including the payment of services described in Article VII, Section five (5), Article XV, sections four (4) and eight (8), and the Record of Service File Layout formats as required in the RFP.

11. The INSURER will provide to each principal subscriber a complete list of all participating physicians and participating providers, with addresses and specialties or health related services offered, in order to allow the beneficiary to choose among them.

12. The beneficiary shall also have the right to choose the pharmacy according to applicable PBM guidelines established by the ADMINISTRATION and any other participating providers among those contracted by the ADMINISTRATION for basic and/or special coverage services, said guidelines to become effective sixty (60) days after notice to INSURER. The ADMINISTRATION will determine the acceptable pharmacy/beneficiary ratio in order to assure access to the pharmacy benefits. The right to choose requires the availability of sufficient number of pharmacies in each municipality of residence of the beneficiaries.


13. The INSURER will develop and effectively disseminate an education and orientation program in order to insure that all eligible beneficiaries are aware of their rights under this contract, including their right to choose physicians and providers. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to make changes, modifications and recommendations to said program in coordination and agreement with the INSURER. This program shall be subject to approval by the ADMINISTRATION prior to its implementation and in compliance with the marketing guidelines and prohibitions referred in Article IX.

14. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the ADMINISTRATION shall preserve the right in coordination with INSURER, to expand, limit or otherwise amend the provision of services as provided for herein and/or to negotiate in coordination with the INSURER, cost saving and efficiency improvement measures. In those cases in which the ADMINISTRATION acts on its own, changes to the provision of services shall be notified to the INSURER no later than 30 days prior to implementation. Said modifications will take place after consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER.


1. The INSURER shall be a secondary payor to any other party liable in any claim for services to a beneficiary, including but not limited to: the INSURER itself, Medicare, other insurers or health maintenance organizations, non-profit INSURER's operating under law 152 approved May 9, 1942 as amended, Association de Maestros de Puerto Rico, medical plans sponsored by employee organizations, labor unions, and any other entity that results liable for the benefits claimed against the INSURER for coverage to beneficiaries.

2. It shall be the responsibility of the INSURER to ascertain that the aforementioned provisions of Law 72 of September 7, 1993 are enforced and that the INSURER acts as secondary payor to any other medical insurance.

3. The ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER will cooperate in the exchange of third parties health insurance benefits information. To this effect the INSURER will comply fully with the Carta Normativa Numero N-E-5-95-98 issued by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner of Puerto Rico and the HIPAA regulations provisions cited elsewhere in this contract.

4. The INSURER will make diligent efforts to determine if beneficiaries have third party coverage and will attempt to utilize such coverage when applicable. The INSURER, will be permitted to retain 100% of the collections from subrogation. The plan's experience will be credited with the amount collected from said primary payor.


5. The INSURER must report quarterly to the ADMINISTRATION the amounts collected from third parties for health services provided. Said reports must provide a detailed description of the beneficiary's name, contract number, third party payor name and address, date of service, diagnosis and provider's name and address and identification number.

6. The INSURER must report quarterly to the ADMINISTRATION the amounts collected from third parties for health services provided according with standard format to be adopted by the ADMINISTRATION. Said reports must provide a detailed description of the beneficiary's name, contract number, third party payor name and address, date of service, diagnosis and provider's name and address and identification number.

7. The INSURER shall develop specific procedures for the exchange of information, collections and reporting of other primary payor sources and is required to verify its own eligibility files for information on whether or not the beneficiary has private health insurance within the INSURER.

8. The INSURER must implement and execute, an effective and diligent mechanism in order to assure the collection from primary payors of all benefits covered under this contract. Said program, mechanisms and method of implementation shall be reported to the ADMINISTRATION as of the first date of the effectiveness of this contract.

9. Failure of the INSURER to comply with this Article may, at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, be cause for the application of the provisions under Article XXXIII.


1. In cases of emergency or immediate need of medical care within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the INSURER will be responsible for the payment of emergency service provided to beneficiaries when the emergency or immediate need of medical care occurs within its network or outside of its network or the geographical Area/Region of the selected HCO's emergency care facility. Such services must be paid by the INSURER regardless of whether the entity that furnishes the service has contracted with the INSURER and no prior authorization shall be required by the INSURER for the provision of emergency services. The INSURER will assume the payment of the medical screening examinations or other medically necessary emergency services, whether or not the patients meets the prudent layperson standard, in the event that the beneficiary's PCP or any INSURER representative or provider instructs them to seek emergency care within or out of its network area/region.


Such services shall consist of whatever is necessary to stabilize the patient's condition, unless the expected medical benefits of a transfer outweigh the risk of not undertaking the transfer, and the transfer conforms with all applicable requirements. The stabilization services includes all treatment that may be necessary to assure within reasonable medical probability, that no material deterioration of the patients condition is likely to result from or occur during discharge of the patient or transfer of patient to another facility.

In the event of a disagreement with the provider concerning whether a patient is stable enough in order to be discharged or transferred or whether the medical benefits outweight the risk, the judgement of the attending physician caring for the enrollee will prevail and oblige the INSURER. Such services shall be provided in such a manner as to allow the subscriber to be stable for discharge or transfer as defined by EMTALA, in order to safely return the subscriber to the corresponding HCO, or to an appropriate participating provider for continuation of treatment.

2. Since emergency care is of utmost concern to the ADMINISTRATION, the INSURER shall require that adequate ambulance transportation and emergency medical care are available. Each municipality shall have access to an emergency care system composed of ground, air and maritime ambulance transportation as necessary, and emergency medical care.

3. Ambulance transportation and emergency care will be subject to periodic reviews by applicable governmental agencies to ensure the highest quality of services.

4. All participating providers shall provide immediate emergency care services to beneficiaries when requested.

5. Emergency care services as well as ambulance transportation services shall exist in each municipality comprising the health area/region, 24 hours a day, and 365 days yearly, operated by an HCO, or by other participating providers.

6. The INSURER and each HCO is required to provide access to emergency care and ambulance transportation services within their own facilities, through their contracted, participating providers or through contract with third parties that guarantee said emergency care and ambulance transportation twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week.

7. The INSURER will assure that each HCO makes the necessary arrangements to have readily available ambulance services in good mechanical condition and properly equipped, in order to assure a prompt and effective ambulance transportation service.

8. The INSURER or the HCO will establish Urgent Care Centers within the Health Area/Region. These include physician offices and clinics with extended hours.


These Urgent Care Centers may complement emergency care services but at no time will they substitute the requirement to have emergency care services and ambulance transportation available at each municipality 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days yearly.

9. The INSURER will provide beneficiaries access to a 24-hour-a-day toll-free hotline with licensed qualified professionals to help beneficiaries with questions about particular medical conditions and to guide them to appropriate facilities (emergency rooms, urgent care centers, among others). Notwithstanding, the aforementioned statement, the beneficiary will have the right to choose to attend an emergency room if he believes his condition is an emergency medical condition, as defined in this contract, without prior need of authorization or certification.


1. The INSURER will contract all available private providers that meet its credentialing process and agree to its contractual terms, in order to assure sufficient participating providers, to satisfy the demand of covered services by the beneficiaries enrolled in the program. The physician/beneficiary ratio accepted is one (1) primary care physician for each eight hundred and fifty (850) beneficiaries; one (1) specialist (not primary care) for each one thousand one hundred (1,100) beneficiaries; and, one (1) physician (all) for each eight hundred
(800) beneficiaries. These ratio does not take into account the expected mix between private patients and beneficiaries which could increase the physicians capacity to 1:1,700 for primary care physicians; 1:2,200 for specialists and 1:1,600 for all physicians. In the event that the HCOs provides services only to beneficiaries under this contract, the physician/beneficiary ratio will be the same to that applicable when there is a mix between private patients and beneficiaries. The INSURER will assure compliance with said physician/beneficiary ratio.

2. The INSURER shall be responsible to contract all the necessary health care services and participating providers to insure that all the benefits covered under the Basic, Dental and Special Coverage of the plan are rendered, through the INSURER's participating providers with the timeliness, amount, duration and scope as those services are rendered to non-enrolled Medicaid recipients within the area/region served.

3. Every subscriber shall be able to select from at least two (2) HCOs with sufficient enrollment capacity in his or her municipality, one of which will be a privatized government facility, if available and subject to compliance with INSURER's requirements for HCOs. Each subscriber shall also be able to choose a HCO outside his or her municipality of domicile as provided for in Article III, paragraph 1 of this contract.


4. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) municipality within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.

5. Contracts between the INSURER and HCOs and between the INSURER and its participating providers shall be independent contracts specifically designed to cover all terms and conditions contained in this contract. Coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.

6. HCO enrollment shall be conditioned on the availability of adequate health care services. It shall be the INSURER's responsibility to maintain a constant assessment of the enrollment capacity of each HCO. Adequate health care services will be those determined acceptable under the ADMINISTRATION's Compliance Evaluation Program as outlined in Article XVII of this contract.

7. That INSURER shall be responsible for communicating to its participating providers the public policy that prohibits provider inquiries with the purpose of determining if the beneficiary is subject to the benefits provided under Law 72 of September 7, 1993.

8. The INSURER is responsible for the development and maintenance of an adequate system for referrals of health services under this contract. It shall audit all systems and processes related to referrals of services that the HCO'S or participating providers implement. In no way the INSURER, HCO'S or any provider's Referral Committee may interfere, prohibit, or restrict any health care professional's advice within their scope of practice. The referral system must be approved by the Administration.

9. All referral systems must comply with timeframes established in paragraph (23). If the system developed by the INSURER is by electronic means, it must be installed at all primary care offices. It is unacceptable to force the beneficiary to move to another facility to obtain referrals.

10. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that no HGO'S or participating providers will impose limit quotas or restrain services to subcontracted providers for the services medically needed (e.g. laboratory, pharmacies, or other services).

11. The INSURER shall expedite access to benefits of beneficiaries diagnosed with conditions under the Special Coverage. The identification of these beneficiaries will allow rapid access of the medical services covered under our Special Coverage.


12. Any denial, unreasonable delay or rationing of services to the beneficiaries is expressly prohibited. The INSURER shall require strict compliance with this prohibition by its participating providers or any other entity related to the rendering of medical care services to the beneficiaries. Any action in violation of this prohibition shall be subject to the provisions of Article VI, Section 6 of Law 72 of September 7, 1993. Furthermore, the INSURER shall be responsible for posting information at every HCO, addressed to the beneficiaries, stating the policy that prohibits denying, unreasonably delaying or rationing services by participating providers or any other entity related to the rendering of medical care services to the beneficiaries, and providing information on procedures for filing a grievance on the subject. The INSURER shall notify the HCOs and participating providers that they must comply with the policy that prohibits the denial, the unreasonable delay or the rationing of services by participating providers or any other entity rendering medical services to beneficiaries, and further that they must provide information on procedures for filing a grievance. The INSURER shall comply with the performance measures established and scheduled by the ADMINISTRATION.

13. The INSURER will ensure that HCOs and participating providers have a mix of patients distributed between private and eligible beneficiaries so as to avoid any possibility of discrimination by reason of medical indigence, whenever feasible.

14. No participating provider, or its agents, may deny a beneficiary access to medically necessary health care services, except for the reasons specified in Article VI, section 6 of Law 72 of September 7, 1993.

15. The INSURER is responsible for having an adequate number of participating physicians and providers to supply all the benefits offered in the Basic, Dental and the Special Coverage of the contracted health insurance. The benefits under the Basic, Special and Dental coverage will be provided to the beneficiaries at the location of the participating providers.

16. The INSURER is responsible to have available all participating providers needed in order to render all the medically necessary services required to provide the beneficiaries with the benefits included in the Basic, Dental and Special Coverage of the contracted health insurance as specified in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

17. The INSURER agrees to require compliance by all participating physicians and providers with all provisions contained in this contract.

18. The INSURER has a continuous legal responsibility toward the ADMINISTRATION to assure that all activities under this contract are carried out. INSURER will use its best efforts to prevent unauthorized actions by HCOs or participating providers. INSURER will take appropriate measures to ensure that all activities under this Contract are carried out. Failure to properly discharge the


obligation to assure, by all means necessary and appropriate, full compliance with said activities, shall result in the termination of this contract as provided in Article XXXIII hereof.

19. Pursuant to the Health Reform Concept of 1993, the INSURER shall contract as participating providers those Commonwealth owned facilities that have been privatized in the Health Area/Region by virtue of Laws 103 of July 12, 1985, and 190 of September 5, 1996, the 330 and 339 Projects of the Rural Health Initiatives, those State owned facilities not privatized, as well as the privatized or non privatized municipally owned facilities in the different areas/regions and regions which will complement access to covered medical services, subject to its credentialing requirements and contractual terms.

20. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that physician and providers of services under this contract will provide the full range medical counseling that is appropriate for beneficiaries condition. In no way the INSURER or any of its contractors may interfere, prohibit, or restrict any health care professional's advice within their scope of practice, regardless of whether a care or treatment is covered under the contract.

21. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that its Physician Incentive Plan does not in any way compensate directly or indirectly physicians, individual physicians, group of physicians or subcontractors as an inducement to reduce or limit medically necessary services furnished to individual enrollee and that it meets the stop-loss protection and enrollee survey and disclosure requirements under the Social Security Act. The INSURER shall ensure that at the intermediate level all physician providers groups are afforded with adequate stop-loss protection within the required thresholds under the Medicaid Program regulations.

22. If the Insurer's Physician Incentive Plan in any respect places physicians at substantial financial risk, INSURER assures that adequate stop-loss insurance will be maintained to protect physicians from loss beyond the risk thresholds established under sections 42CFR 422.208. In the event, INSURER places physicians at substantial risk it shall conduct enrollee/disenrollee surveys not later than one year after the effective date of the contract and at least annually thereafter.

23. Timeframes for Access Requirements. INSURER must have sufficient network of providers and must establish procedures to ensure beneficiaries have access to routine, urgent, and emergency services; telephone appointments; advice and Beneficiaries service lines. These services must be accessible to beneficiaries within the following timeframes:

- Urgent Care within 24 hours of request;


- Routine care within 2 weeks of request;

- Physical/Wellness Exams for adults must be provided within 8 to 10 weeks of the request;

- Referrals: Appointments of referrals must be delivered and notified to beneficiaries within five (5) days from the date prescribed by the provider.

24. INSURER must establish policies and procedures to ensure access to EPSDT Checkups be provided within ninety (90) days of new enrollment, except that newborn beneficiaries should be seen within two (2) weeks of enrollment, and that in all cases, and for all beneficiaries such policies and procedures be consistent with the American Academy of Pediatrics and EPSDT periodicity schedule which is based on the American Academy of Pediatrics schedule and the guidelines established by the ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER must advice the beneficiary of his right to have a checkup.


1. All services necessary to provide beneficiaries the benefits of the Basic, Special and Dental Coverage shall be contracted in writing with all participating providers. The INSURER will ensure that all provisions and requirements contained in this contract are properly included in the contracts with the HCOs and with all participating providers and that they are carried out by said HCOs and participating providers. Such provisions and requirements made part of these contracts will be properly notified to the ADMINISTRATION. Coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.

2. The INSURER may not discriminate with respect to participation, reimbursement or indemnification as to any provider who is acting within the scope of the provider's license or certification under applicable Commonwealth.

3. The INSURER agrees to draft, execute and enforce a specific contract between the INSURER and the HCO and between the INSURER and its participating providers that will include all applicable provisions contained in this contract. The INSURER will insure that said applicable provisions are properly complied with by the HCOs and its network of participating providers.

To this effect, the Insurer also agrees to certify or attest that none of his contractors, subcontractors or providers of services: (1) consults, employs or procures services from any individual that has been debarred or suspended from


any federal agency; or (2) has a director, partner or employee with a beneficial ownership of more than a 5% on their organization's equity who has been debarred or suspended by any federal agency, or (3) procures self-referral of services to any provider in which it may have directly or indirectly any economic or proprietary interest.

The INSURER will certify and attest that it has provided all HCOs, complete written instructions describing procedures to be used for the compliance with all duties and obligations arising under this contract. These instructions will include the following information: provider selection by beneficiaries, covered services, reporting requirements, record- keeping requirements, grievance procedures, deductibles and co-payment amounts, confidentiality, and prohibitions against denial or rationing of services. Copy of these instructions will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION, who reserves the right to request modifications or amendments to said instructions following consultation with the INSURER.

4. The INSURER agrees to incorporate in its contracts with HCOs and in those between the INSURER and its participating providers, the following provisions, among others, contained in this contract:

a. A payment time schedule to pay the HCOs for services rendered and for payment for services rendered by the participating providers to the HCOs, the schedules will not exceed the time limitation standards required by the Administration under this contract to assure prompt payments of sums due to providers.

b. A warranty by the HCO insuring that the method and system used to pay for the services rendered by the HCO's network of participating providers are reasonable and that the negotiated terms do not jeopardize or infringe upon the quality of the services provided.

c. A procedure that establishes how the HCO's network of participating providers can recover from the INSURER monies owed for services rendered and not paid by the HCO, after the HCO's participating provider has demanded payment from the HCO.

d. That payments received for services rendered under the health insurance plan shall constitute full and complete payment except for: (i) the deductibles contained in ADDENDUM I of this contract, and (ii) that the benefits or services rendered is not covered. The INSURER will insure compliance with Article XVIII, paragraphs (6) and (7) of this contract.

e. A release clause authorizing access by the ADMINISTRATION to the participating providers' Medicare billing data for beneficiaries covered by this contract who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare beneficiaries, provided that such access is authorized by CMS and other related statutory or regulatory provisions thereof. Access by the ADMINISTRATION shall be at all times subject to all HIPAA regulations requirements mentioned elsewhere in this contract.


f. That INSURER will cover the payment of Medicare Part B deductibles and co-insurance for services received by a beneficiary under Medicare Part B, accessed through the HCO's primary care provider, with primary care physician's authorization their network of participating providers and the participating providers of the INSURER for the basic and/or special coverage.

g. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics and other institutional care providers, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service.

h. That the only Part A deductible and co-insurance, and Part B deductible and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in a hospital clinic and other institutional care providers, other that physician services, will be the one billed to Medicare as bad debt. No other amount will be charged to these beneficiaries. The INSURER will neither cover the payment of Medicare Part A deductibles and co-insurance for services received by a beneficiary under Medicare Part A nor the Part B deductible and co-insurance for services provided in hospital clinics, other than physician services. The INSURER will cover the deductibles and co-insurances of all Part B services including Part B deductibles and co-insurance for physician services provided in an outpatient basis to hospital clinics.

i. That coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.

j. The INSURER will establish directives for psychotropic prescription dispatchment by providers in accordance with the applicable agreement with the pharmacy benefit managers (PBM). The ADMINISTRATION is evaluating an alternative arrangement for pharmacy benefit management, (PBM), which if agreeable to the parties will be implemented according to Article XXXII of this Contract.

5. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION a detailed description of the payment methodology used to pay for services rendered by the HCOs, HCO's network of providers (primary care physicians and other providers), and other participating providers. Said description of the payment methodology will also address the methodology used by the HCOs in the distribution within their own group of the capitation payments, fee for services or other basis for payment of services to providers servicing said HCOs. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION a monthly report detailing all payments made to the HCO, HCO's network of participating providers and to the INSURER's participating providers classified by specialty.

6. The INSURER represents that neither the premium or the capitated payments or capitated payments with a fee-for-service component for services, made to


HCOs, to HCO's network of participating providers, as well as to the INSURER's participating providers, include payment of services covered under the Medicare Federal Program.

7. As part of the terms and conditions contained in the contracts with participating providers, the INSURER will include in those with privatized government facilities (to include those under management contract, that have been sold or are under lease), a provision that will authorize the INSURER upon the written request of the Department of Health, to withhold a determined amount from the monthly payments to said participating providers for services rendered under this contract. Said amount will be determined by the Department of Health on the basis of the payments contractually agreed to between the Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and said participating providers on account of the management fee, sale price or lease fee, as well as 50% of the employees' payroll which the participating providers are required to reimburse the Department of Health. The INSURER will remit said withheld amounts directly to the Department of Health.

8. The INSURER shall provide all reasonable means necessary to ensure that the contracting practices between its participating HCO and providers are in compliance with federal anti-fraud provisions and particularly, in conformity with the limitations and prohibitions of the False Claims Act, the Anti-kickback statute and regulations and Stark II Law and regulations prohibiting self-referral to designated medical services by participating medical providers.

9. To the extent feasible within INSURER'S existing claims processing systems, INSURER should have a single or central address to which providers must submit claims. If a central processing center is not possible within INSURER's existing claims processing system, INSURER must provide each network provider a complete list of all entities to whom the providers must submit claims for processing and/or adjudication. The list must include the name of the entity, the address to which claims must be sent, explanation for determination of the correct claims payer based on services rendered, and a phone number the provider may call to make claims inquiries. INSURER must notify providers in writing of any changes in the claims filing list at least 30 days prior to effective date of change. If INSURER is unable to provide 30 days notice, providers must be given a 30-day extension on their claims filing deadline to ensure claims are routed to correct processing center.

10. The Administration and the Department of Health Medicaid Fraud Control Unit must be allowed to conduct private interviews of providers and the providers' employees, contractors, and patients. Requests for information must be complied with, in the form and language requested. Providers and their employees and contractors must cooperate fully in making themselves available in person for interviews, consultation, grand jury proceedings, pre-trial conference, hearings, trial and in any other process, including investigations.



INSURER must prepare and issue a Provider Manual(s), including any necessary specialty manuals to the providers in the INSURER network and to newly contracted providers in the INSURER network within five (5) working days from inclusion of the provider into the network. The Provider Manual must contain sections relating to special requirements.

INSURER must provide training to all network providers and their staff regarding the requirements of THE ADMINISTRATION/INSURER contract and special needs of beneficiaries under this contract.

INSURER training for all providers must be completed no later than 30 days after placing a newly contracted provider on active status. INSURER must provide ongoing training to new and existing providers as required by INSURER or THE ADMINISTRATION to comply with this contract.

INSURER must maintain and make available upon request enrollment or attendance rosters dated and signed by each attendee or other written evidence of training of each network provider and their staff.


The providers in INSURER network must meet the following qualifications:

FQHC         A Federally Qualified Health Center meets the standards established
             by federal rules and procedures. The FQHC must also be an eligible
             provider enrolled in the Medicaid program.
Physician    An individual who is licensed to practice medicine as an M.D. or a
             D.O. in Puerto Rico either as a primary care provider or in the
             area of specialization under which they will provide medical
             services under contract with INSURER; who is a provider enrolled in
             the Medicaid program; and who has a valid Drug Enforcement Agency
             registration number and a Puerto Rico Controlled Substance
             Certificate, if either is required in their practice.
Hospital     An institution licensed as a general or special hospital by the
             Puerto Rico Health Department under Chapter 241 of the Health and
             Safety Code and Private Psychiatric Hospitals under Chapter 577 of
             the Health and Safety Code (or is a provider which is a component
             part of a State or local government entity which does not require a
             license under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico), which
             is enrolled as a provider in the Puerto Rico Medicaid Program.


Non-Physician  An individual holding a license issued by the applicable
Practitioner   licensing agency of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico who is
Provider       enrolled in the Puerto Rico Medicaid Program or an individual
               properly trained to provide health support services who
               practices under the direct supervision of an appropriately
               licensed professional.
Clinical       An entity having a current certificate issued under the Federal
Laboratory     Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA), and enrolled in the
               Puerto Rico Medicaid Program.
Rural Health   An institution which meets all of the criteria for designation
Clinic (RHC)   as a rural health clinic, and enrolled in the Puerto Rico
               Medicaid Program. (330, 329)
Local Health   A local health department established pursuant to Health and
Department     Safety Code, Title 2, Local Public Health Reorganization Act
               ss.121.031 ff.
Non-Hospital   A Provider of health care services which is licensed and
Facility       credentialed to provide services, and enrolled in our program.
School Based   Clinics located at school campuses that provide on-site primary
Health Clinic  and preventive care to children and adolescents.


1. The INSURER agrees to comply and implement in full all instructions and guidelines contained in the Administration's Instructions to Insurers for Implementation of Orientation and Subscription Process. (ADDENDUM II)

2. The INSURER shall issue to each beneficiary a card of durable plastic material that provides proper identification to access the benefits covered under this contract.

3. This card shall be similar to those the INSURER issues to the rest of their subscribers and shall not contain information that may identify the cardholder as medically indigent.

4. The INSURER shall be responsible to assure delivery of the cards at a location accessible to the beneficiaries in each municipality.


5. The INSURER shall deliver the card on the same day that the beneficiary completes the enrollment process.

6. The identification cards shall contain the following information:

a) Name of Beneficiary

b) INSURER's Group Number

c) Subscriber's Social Security Number

d) Relationship of beneficiary with subscriber (if applicable)

e) HCO name and number

f) Issue Date

g) Type of Contract (individual or family)

h) Coverage effective date

i) Other Insurance code

j) Medicare Part A and/or Part A and B deductible code.

7. The INSURER will replace lost, stolen, mutilated cards and will have the right to charge the beneficiaries one dollar ($1.00) for each card replaced.

8. The INSURER will replace free of charge the identification card whenever a change of HCO is made.

9. Identification cards are the property of the INSURER and they shall be returned by the beneficiary upon losing eligibility to the plan or when a change of HCO is made.

10. The INSURER shall be responsible for notifying each beneficiary that the identification card is for the personal identification of the beneficiary to whom it has been issued, and that lending, transferring or in any other way consenting to the use of the card by any other person constitutes a fraudulent act.

11. Identification Card contents and layout are subject to the prior approval of the ADMINISTRATION to be in accordance with Law 72 of September 7, 1993.


1. The INSURER shall be responsible for the preparation, printing and distribution, at its own cost, of booklets, in the Spanish language, that describe the plan and the benefits covered therein. The Insurer agrees to submit before the effective date of the contract a translated copy of the beneficiaries booklet in the English language by the proper revision of federal authorities. These booklets will be delivered to each subscriber upon enrollment, along with the required identification card(s).



3. The booklets shall serve as guarantee of the benefits to be provided and shall contain the following information:

a) Schedule of benefits covered, all services and items that are available and that are covered either directly or through methods of referral and/or prior authorization, a written description of how and where the services that have been available through the plan services may be obtained.

b) Benefit's exclusions and limitations. For benefits that enrollees are entitled to but are not available through the MCO, a written description on how and where to obtain benefits; description of procedures for requesting disenrollments/changes.

c) Beneficiary's rights and responsibilities, in accordance with specific rights and requirements to be afforded in accordance with Medical Program regulations 42 CFR 438.100 as amended, Puerto Rico Patient Bill of Rights Law 194, Puerto Rico Mental Health Code, August 25, 2000, as implemented by regulation, and Law 11 which creates the Office of Patients Solicitor General of April 11, 2001.

d) Instructions on how to access benefits, including a list of
(1) available HCO's and its participating providers, PCP or Specialists (its locations and qualifications), (2) providers from which to obtain benefits under the Special Coverage. Said list can be provided in a separate booklet.

e) Official grievances and appeal filing procedures.

f) In the event a Physician Incentive Plan affects the use of referral services and/or places physicians at substantial risk, the INSURER shall provide the following information upon beneficiaries requests: the type of incentive arrangements, whether stop-loss insurance is provided and the survey results of any enrollee/disenrollee surveys that will have to be conducted by INSURER.

g) Unless otherwise specified, subscription materials must be written at the 4th-6th grade reading comprehension level.

4. The booklets shall be approved by the ADMINISTRATION prior to printing, distribution, and dissemination in compliance with provisions of Article IX.

5. The INSURER shall also be responsible for the preparation, printing and distribution, at its own cost, of an Informative Bulletin, in the Spanish language, that describes the plan, services and benefits covered therein as well as the managed care concept. This Informative Bulletin will be distributed among the HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and the INSURER's participating providers.

6. The INSURER shall be responsible to conduct and assure the participation of all providers under this contract to diverse seminars to be held throughout the


Health Area/Region in order to properly orient and familiarize said providers with all aspects and requirements related to the Preventive Medicine Program, Benefits and Coverage under this contract, and the Managed Care concept. Said seminars will be organized, scheduled, conducted and offered at the expense of the INSURER. The curriculum for said seminars will be coordinated with and approved by the ADMINISTRATION Healthcare Coordinators.

7. All participating providers are mandatorily required to receive yearly during the contract term at least four (4) hours of orientation, education and familiarization with different aspects related to this contract on/or before the expiration of the first four and a half (4 1/2) months of the contract term. Failure to comply with this requirement will be sufficient grounds to exclude from the Health Insurance Program the participating provider. If, at the expiration of the first four and half (4 1/2) of the contract term, the participating provider has not fully complied with this requirement, it will be excluded as participating provider for subsequent periods of the contract or the contract term. At the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, and for good cause the excluded provider may be authorized to be contracted as a participating provider if it subsequently complies with the requirement.

8. The ADMINISTRATION will monitor and evaluate all marketing activities by the INSURER, its contractor, sub-contractors or any provider of services under this contract.

9. Any marketing material addressed to enrollees can not contain false or misleading information. All oral, written or audiovisual information addressed to enrollees should be accurate and sufficient for beneficiaries to make an informed consent decision whether or not to enroll and will have to be pre-approved by the ADMINISTRATION.

10. The INSURER, contractor or subcontractor or any providers of services must distribute the material to its entire service area/region. In the event the INSURER or any of its contractors develop new and revised materials they shall submit them to the ADMINISTRATION for prior approval.

11. The ADMINISTRATION will appoint an Advisory Committee, with representation of at least: a board certified physician, a beneficiary of a consumer advocate organization that includes Medicaid recipients a health related professional related with the medical needs of low-income population and a Director of a Welfare Department that does not head a medicaid agency.

12. The Advisory Committee will assist the ADMINISTRATION in the evaluation and the review of any marketing or informational material addressed to assist medicaid recipients in the provision of health services under this contract.


All the marketing activities and the information which shall be allowed will be limited to the following:

a) Clear description of health care benefits coverage and exclusions to enrollees.
b) Explain how, when, where benefits are available to enrollees;
c) Explain how to access emergency, family-planning services, services that do or do not require referrals and authorizations;
d) Explain any benefits enrollees are entitled to, that are not available through the MCO and how to obtain them;
e) Enrollees rights and responsibilities;
f) Grievance and appeal procedures.

13. The INSURER, its agents, any contractor or sub-contractor party under this contract shall not engage in cold call marketing that is, unsolicited personal contact with potential enrollees for the purpose of influencing them to enroll with any of its contractors. Also telephone, door-to-door or telemarketing for the same purposes is hereby prohibited.

14. Neither the INSURER, its contractor, subcontractor or any provider may put into effect a plan under which compensation, reward, gift or opportunity are offered to enrollees as an inducement to enroll other than to offer health care benefits. The INSURER its contractor, subcontractor or provider is prohibited from influencing an individual enrollment with the sale of any other insurance.

15. In the event of a final determination reached by the ADMINISTRATION that the INSURER, its agents, any of its contractor or subcontractors, has failed to comply with any of the provisions set forth on this article, the ADMINISTRATION in compliance with due process guarantees and remedies available under its regulations; Law 72 of September 7, 1993; the Social Security and Balance Budget Act, will proceed to enforce the compliance of these provisions by pursuing within its empowered authority the sanctions established in Article XXXVI.


1. The INSURER represents that it has established an effective procedure that assures the filing, receipt, and prompt handling and resolution of all grievances and complaints made by the beneficiaries and the participating providers. The INSURER will prepare a grievance form that must be approved by the ADMINISTRATION. The approved grievance form shall be made available to all beneficiaries, HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and the INSURER's participating providers. The parties will make whatever adjustments are necessary to reconcile their grievance procedure with provisions of Law 194 of August 25, 2000 (known as "Patient Bill of Rights") or those contained in Law


11 of April 11, 2001 (known as "Law Creating the Office of Patient's Solicitor General") as implemented by regulation.

2. Any written or telephone communication from a beneficiary or participating provider, which expresses dissatisfaction with an action or decision arising under the health insurance contracted, shall be promptly and properly handled and resolved through a routine complaint procedure to be implemented by the INSURER, after prior approval from the ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER shall be responsible for documenting in writing all aspects and details of said complaints.

3. The routine complaint procedure which must be implemented by the INSURER must provide for (i) the availability of complaint forms to document oral complaints; (ii) for the proper handling of the complaints; and (iii) for the disposition by notice to the complainant of the action taken. This notice shall advise the complainant of the INSURER's official Grievance Procedure. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis a written report detailing all grievances and routine complaints received, solved and pending solution and/or copies of the complaint forms with the notation of the action taken. All grievance files and complaint forms must be made available to the ADMINISTRATION for auditing. All grievance documents and related information shall be considered as containing individually identifiable health information, and shall be treated in accordance with the HIPAA regulations cited elsewhere.

4. The Grievance Procedure shall assure the participation of persons with authority to require corrective action.

5. The INSURER's Grievance Procedure shall contain all the necessary provisions that assure the affected parties right to due process of law. In the event that changes are made to the existing Grievance Procedure, a copy of the proposed changes will be made available to the ADMINISTRATION for approval prior to its implementation. A copy of the INSURER's Grievance Procedure is attached hereto as ADDENDUM III and incorporated as part of this contract. The INSURER acknowledges that the arbitration process contemplated in the Grievance Procedure shall not be applicable to disputes between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER.

6. Pursuant to Law 72 of September 7, 1993, any decision issued by the INSURER is subject to appeal before the ADMINISTRATION. Such appeal shall be regulated by the ADMINISTRATION's regulations and the Uniform Administrative Procedure Act, Law 170 of August 12, 1988, as amended and as applicable, provided however, that subscribers grievances shall be expeditiously solved and that INSURER shall therefore fully cooperate with the prompt solutions of any such grievance.


7. The decision issued by the ADMINISTRATION is subject to review before the Circuit Court of Appeals of the San Juan Panel of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

8. INSURER must have written policies and procedures for receiving, tracking, reviewing, and reporting and resolving of Beneficiaries complaints. The procedures must be reviewed and approved in writing by THE ADMINISTRATION. Any changes or modifications to the procedures must be submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION for approval thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the amendment.

9. INSURER must designate an officer of INSURER who has primary responsibility for ensuring that complaints are resolved in compliance with written policy and within the time required. An "officer" of INSURER means a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or chairperson of the Board of Directors of a corporation, the sole proprietor, the managing general partner of a partnership, or a person having similar executive authority in the organization.

10. INSURER must have a routine process to detect patterns of complaints and disenrollments and involve management and supervisory staff to develop policy and procedural improvements to address the complaints. INSURER must cooperate with THE ADMINISTRATION in beneficiaries' complaints relating to enrollment and disenrollment. INSURER's complaints procedures must be provided to beneficiaries in writing and in alternative communication formats. A written description of INSURER's complaints procedures must be in appropriate languages and easy for beneficiaries to understand. INSURER must include a written description in the beneficiaries Handbook. INSURER must maintain at least one local and one toll-free telephone number for making complaints.

11. INSURER's process must require that every complaint received in person, by telephone or in writing, is recorded in a written record and is logged with the following details: date; identification of the individual filing the complaint; identification of the individual recording the complaint; nature of the complaint; disposition of the complaint; corrective action required; and date resolved.

12. The INSURER Grievance Procedures must comply with the minimum standards for prompt resolution of grievances and time frames set forth in 45 CFR 438.400-424.


1. All Health Care Organizations (HCOs) shall have a sufficient number of primary care physicians as specified in Article VI to attend to the medical needs of the beneficiaries. All specialties specified in this section have to be available at each HCO. The following are considered primary care physicians (gatekeepers):


a) General Practitioners

b) Internists

c) Family Physicians

d) Pediatricians

e) Obstetricians and Gynecologists

2. The INSURER shall have available and under contract a sufficient number of the following types of support participating providers to render services to all beneficiaries:

a) Optometrists

b) Podiatrists

c) Clinical laboratories- (The INSURER shall insure that all laboratory testing sites providing services under this contract have either a clinical laboratory improvement amendment (CLIA) certificate with the registration and (CLIA) identification number or a waiver certification).

d) Radiological facilities

e) Health Related Professionals

f) Hospitals

g) Pharmacies

h) All those participating providers that may be needed to provide services under the basic, special and dental coverage considering the specific health problems of an area/region.

The INSURER may not discriminate with respect to participation, reimbursement or indemnification as to any provider who is acting within the scope of the provider's license or certification under applicable state law.

3. The INSURER shall enter into adequate arrangements to provide its beneficiaries with the services provided for under the dental and pharmacy coverage, as contractually agreed to between the dentists and pharmacies and the INSURER. These arrangements will provide for an adequate number of dentists and pharmacies that guarantee the right to choose of the beneficiaries.

4. INSURER shall have available and under contract a sufficient number of the following types of support participating physicians to provide services to all beneficiaries:

a) Ophthalmologists


b) Radiologists

c) All those physicians that may be necessary and are available considering the morbidity and mortality rates of the specific health area/region, and those needed to provide all the benefits contained in the Basic Coverage of the plan.


6. The physician/beneficiary ratio accepted is one (1) primary care physician for each eight hundred and fifty (850) beneficiaries; one (1) specialist (not primary care) for each one thousand one hundred (1,100) beneficiaries; and, one (1) physician (all) for each eight hundred
(800) beneficiaries. These ratio does not take into account the expected mix between private patients and beneficiaries which could increase the physicians capacity to 1:1,700 for primary care physicians; 1:2,200 for specialists and 1:1,600 for all physicians. In the event that the HCOs provides services only to beneficiaries under this contract, the physician/beneficiary ratio will be the same to that applicable when there is a mix between private patients and beneficiaries.

7. The INSURER shall not have, directly or indirectly, any conflict of interest through economic participation in any HCO, participating provider, its subsidiaries, or affiliates.

8. The INSURER shall enforce upon each HCO strict quality assurance and utilization review programs as described in this contract, the Request for Proposals, the INSURER's proposal and its Operations Manual.

9. The INSURER shall contract and have available all the participating providers required to provide to the beneficiaries, in a prompt and efficient manner, the benefits included in the Basic, Special and Dental Coverage as specified in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

10. The INSURER agrees to enforce and assure compliance by the HCOs with all provisions contained in this contract.

11. The INSURER will prepare, and provide to all HCOs, complete written instructions describing procedures to be used for the compliance with all duties and obligations arising under this contract. These instructions will cover at least the following topics: provider selection by beneficiaries, covered services, instructions and coordination of access to mental health services through the mental carve-out contractors, reporting requirements, record keeping requirements, grievance procedures, deductibles and co-payment amounts, confidentiality, and the prohibition against denial or rationing of services. A copy of these instructions will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION, who reserves the right to request modifications or amendments to said instructions following consultation with the INSURER.



1. The INSURER expressly guarantees payment for all medically necessary services rendered to beneficiaries by any and all participating providers.

2. The insolvency, liquidation, bankruptcy or breach of contract of an HCO, or of a contracted participating provider does not release the INSURER from its obligation and guarantee to pay for all services rendered as authorized under this health insurance contract.

The nature of INSURER's obligations to guarantee payment to all HCOs, providers or subcontractors for services rendered under this health insurance contract is solidary, subject to complying with whatever established claim proceedings require. As such, the INSURER will respond directly to the ADMINISTRATION as principal obligor to comply in its entirety with all the contract terms.

3. In accordance with the payments rights guaranteed under paragraph
(4) and (5), the provider shall claim direct payments due by a HCO/Contractor, to the INSURER. The INSURER shall deduct any amount payable directly to a provider from the capitation payments owed to an HCO or other contractor.

4. The INSURER agrees to pay all monies due to the HCOs and/or participating providers according to the agreed payment schedule in the contracts with said parties. The INSURER represents as of the date of this contract that payment to HCO's, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers will be made no later than forty-five (45) days or as provided by legislation from the date that a full, complete and ready to process claim is received at the INSURER, when received within sixty (60) days of date of service. The INSURER expressly commits to implement all internal systems necessary to promptly pay its HCO's and providers all full, complete and ready to process claims within the term provided in this section, and to avoid unjustifiable delay in payment by submitting said claims to audits and evaluation of contested claims; said practice is expressly prohibited, and may result in the remedies set forth at Article XXXVI or termination as provided in Article XXXIII. A complete and ready to process claim (clean claim) is a claim received by the INSURER for adjudication, and which requires no further information, adjustment, or alteration by the provider of the services in order to be processed and paid by the INSURER.

5. In the event that, following the receipt of the claim, the same is totally or partially contested by the INSURER or HCO, the participating provider shall be notified in writing within thirty (30) days that the claim is contested with the contested portion identified and provided the reasons thereof. Upon receipt of a new or supplemented claim, the INSURER or the HCO, shall pay or deny the contested


claim or portion of the contested claim within thirty (30) days. Upon expiration of any of the aforementioned periods of time, the overdue payments shall bear interest at the prevailing rate for personal loans as determined by the Financial Board of the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions.

6. Checks for capitated payments to HCO's, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers are to be regularly issued by the INSURER on the 15th day of each month. The INSURER further represents that it has contracted with the HCO the payment of the corresponding capitation no later than the last day of the month to which said capitation corresponds.

7. The INSURER agrees and warrants that it will be the central payor for all valid claims that will be generated throughout their contracted participating provider network for the health insurance contract for the Health Region/Area.

8. All payments distribution within the capitated services will be made by the INSURER. In the event that participating providers in their arrangements with the HCOs consent to the disbursement of the payment checks directly to the HCOs, the INSURER will assure and require the HCOs to provide on a monthly basis a schedule of the amount of the payments made to said participating providers. In any event, the INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with a detailed monthly report listing by providers the monthly payment distribution. The claim for services rendered will be generated and forwarded by the participating providers directly to the INSURER. The claims submitted by the participating providers will comply with the requirements contained in Article XV, Sections four (4) and eight (8).

9. The INSURER agrees and warrants that the method and system used to pay for the services rendered to and by the HCOs and all participating providers is reasonable and that the amount paid does not jeopardize or infringe upon the quality of the services provided.

10. The guarantee of payment contained in this article will be reinforced through the establishment of different alternatives in order to insure that HCOs, HCO's participating providers and INSURER's participating providers are paid in full for contracted services in accordance with established budgets. Said alternatives will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION for approval prior to its implementation.

11. Inasmuch as the INSURER will be the central payor for all payments for valid claims for services rendered by the HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers the INSURER agrees to incorporate in the contracts with the HCOs, and to require the HCOs to incorporate in their arrangements with their participating providers a provision whereby the INSURER is authorized to adjudicate and determine the validity of any claim or dispute between the HCO and its participating providers regarding a controversy surrounding the validity of the claims of services submitted by said


participating provider. Said provision will assure that the HCO's network of participating providers payment for a valid claim for services is not improperly withheld and that in no event payment in this situation is made more than sixty (60) days from the date that the claim or dispute is received by the INSURER. It will be the INSURER's responsibility to verify the terms of the arrangements between the HCO and its network of participating providers, the rendering of the services, the reasonableness of the claim and that payment has not been made.

12. The guarantee of payment and the representations as to the payment schedule to HCO's and participating providers will be enforceable and not set aside or altered in the event that the INSURER is notified of the expiration of the term of this contract or of its termination.

13. The INSURER agrees to provide the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis, and through electronic or magnetic media format, a detailed report containing all payments made to HCOs, to HCO's network of participating providers, and to the INSURER's participating providers during the month immediately preceding the report. Said report will also include a list of all claims received on account of those payments during the preceding month by the INSURER from the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers as well as a detail as to all claims received but not paid by reason of accounting or administrative objections. The INSURER further agrees to make available to the ADMINISTRATION for auditing purposes any and all records or financial data related to claims submitted but not paid by reason of accounting or administrative objections. The intention of this clause is for the ADMINISTRATION to be able to determine on a monthly basis the amount of money paid to each participating provider, the amount billed by and not paid to each participating provider and the reasons for non-payment in order to keep track of the regularity of payments of the Insurer and the HCOs and their compliance with this contract.

14. The INSURER also agrees to provide to HCO's, on a monthly basis, and through electronic or machine readable media format, a detailed report classified by beneficiaries, by providers, by diagnosis, by procedure, by date of service and by its real cost of all payments made by the INSURER which entails a deduction from the gross monthly payment to said HCO's. Copy of said report will be made available to the ADMINISTRATION each month.

15. Each HCO must report each encounter to the INSURER on a monthly basis classified by each participating provider within the HCO, as well as the real cost of the services of each encounter of service. The INSURER must submit to the ADMINISTRATION the distribution of the capitation within each HCO as established on the Actuarial Reports formats required in the RFP.

16. The INSURER will abide with the ADMINISTRATION efforts to implement cost reduction measures and the future implementation payments methods based on fee schedules or diagnosis related groups that may be established.



1. The INSURER will establish a Quality of Care Program with the following guidelines:

a) PHYSICIAN-CREDENTIALING: The INSURER shall follow strict provider screening procedures before contracting. In order to assure quality health services for the medically indigent, the INSURER will follow stringent physician selection and credentialing process for this plan as per the INSURER's Proposal. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating providers credentials at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all accepted and non-accepted providers.

b) PROVIDER CONTRACTING: The INSURER will assure that all hospitals facilities, doctors, dentists, and all health care providers are appropriately licensed and in good standing with all their governing bodies and accrediting agencies and meet all practice requirements established by law, the Department of Health, the ADMINISTRATION and other governing agencies, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating provider credentials at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all accepted and non-accepted providers.

c) INSPECTION OF ALL FACILITIES: The INSURER will insure that all providers' physical facilities are safe, sanitary and follow sound operating procedures, as described in the INSURER's Proposal and that all laboratory testing site providing services under this contract have their duly CLIA certification along with their identification number or waiver certificate. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating provider facilities at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all inspections done.

d) MEDICAL RECORD REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to monitor the appropriateness of care being provided, the adequacy and consistency of record keeping, and completeness of records, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Medical Record Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit Program records and reports at any time.


e) CLINICAL DATABASE SYSTEM: The HCOs will provide the INSURER with statistical records of utilization of medical services by beneficiaries, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Clinical Database System. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the Clinical Database System records and reports at any time.

f) RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a Retrospective review Program that will address quality and utilization problems that may arise, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Retrospective Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

g) OUTCOME REVIEW: The INSURER will establish an Outcome Review Program to assess the quality of inpatient and ambulatory care management provided by the primary health care providers, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Outcome Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

h) QUALITY OF CARE COMMITTEE: The INSURER will establish a Quality of Care Committee to insure provider's compliance with the INSURER'S quality of care program, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Quality of Care Committee. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.

2. The INSURER will establish cost containment and utilization review programs as follows:

a) HOSPITAL ADMISSION AND STAY REVIEW: The INSURER will establish programs to reduce unnecessary hospital use and to review hospital admissions through the following programs, as described in the INSURER's Proposal:

1) CONCURRENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to review hospital admissions to guarantee adequacy and duration of stay.

2) RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to determine medical necessity and service adequacy after the service has been rendered or paid to providers or physicians.


(3) PROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to determine appropriate lengths of stay at the hospital prior to admission for elective or non-emergency hospitalizations.

b) UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify patterns of medical practice and their effect in the care being provided, as described in the INSURER's Proposal, and through the following:

(1) PRE-PAYMENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to prevent inappropriate billing of services prior to claims payment and to evaluate questionable practices, problematic coding, inappropriate level of care, excessive tests and services.

(2) POST PAYMENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to review service claims for purposes of creating a provider profiling system.

The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings under the Utilization Review Programs. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the programs' findings and reports at any time.

c) SECOND SURGICAL OPINION: The INSURER will establish a program to allow beneficiaries to obtain a second surgical opinion for elective surgical procedures on a voluntary basis, as described in the INSURER's Proposal.

d) INDIVIDUAL CASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify and manage cases that involve high health care costs, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Individual Case Management Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.


f) FRAUD AND ABUSE: The INSURER will establish a program to assure reasonable levels of utilization and quality of care, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Fraud and Abuse Program. The Fraud and Abuse Reports must include:


(1) the number of complaints of fraud and abuse made to the Commonwealth that warrant a preliminary investigation, and,

(2) for each case of suspected fraud and abuse warranting a full investigation, the INSURER must report the following information:

(i) the provider's name and number;
(ii) the source of the complaint;
(iii) the type of provider;
(iv) the nature of the complaint;
(v) the approximate range of dollars involved, and,
(vi) the legal and administrative disposition or status of the case.

g) COORDINATION OF BENEFITS PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify beneficiaries with other insurance in order to coordinate health insurance benefits from other carriers, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Coordination of Benefits Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.

3. DENTAL SERVICES UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM: The INSURER agrees to maintain a program to determine that the services provided to beneficiaries are in accordance to established quality parameters by the dental community as provided for in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all findings of said review program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

4. EPSDT AND MIGRANT SERVICES PROGRAM: The INSURER will implement a program that addresses EPSDT screening and Migrant services indicators for preventive diagnostic tests according to age in all areas/regions and shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis all findings of said program. INSURER assures the compliance with Section 1905(r) of the Social Security Act and the applicable protocols adopted by the Department of Health for the implementation of these Programs.

5. The INSURER shall continue to submit the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis a report that includes all services rendered by diagnosis and procedures identified by all specialties, by place of service including those under dental coverage, and procedures in laboratories and X-rays. It will be reported beginning with the most common diagnosis and procedures until reaching the least common. The INSURER shall be required to provide the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis data in and electronic form that includes all of the specified fields and elements described in ADDENDUM IV, whenever said reporting system can be implemented.


6. All services rendered shall be identified by Current Procedure Terminology, International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modifications Diagnostic Statistic Manual and American Dental Association's Current Dental Terminology, as applicable.

7. The ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER will agree on the required format in order to comply with the reporting requirements in this section and which will be accomplished through electronic or magnetic media.

8. All the required programs, processes and reports heretofore referred to, will also be an obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers, HCOs and HCO's participating providers. The INSURER will assure compliance therewith on the part of said INSURER's participating providers, HCOs and HCO's participating providers.

9. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to require the INSURER to implement additional specific cost and utilization controls, subject to prior consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER if necessary.


1. Since funds from the Commonwealth Plan under Title XIX of the Social Security Act Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid) as well as from Title V of the Social Security Act and Mental Health Block Grants are used to finance this project in part the INSURER shall agree to comply with the requirements and conditions of the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Comptroller General of the United States, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico and this ADMINISTRATION, as to the maintenance of records related to this contract and audit rights thereof, as well as all other legal obligations attendant thereto, including, but not limited to, non-discrimination, coverage benefit eligibility as provided by the Puerto Rico State Plan and Law 72 of 1993, anti-fraud and anti-kickback laws, and those terms and provisions of the SSA as applicable. All disclosure obligations and access requirements set forth in this Article or any other Article shall be subject at all times and to the extent mandated by law and regulation, to the HIPAA regulations described elsewhere in this agreement.

2. The INSURER shall require from the HCO's and all participating providers that they maintain an appropriate record system for services rendered to beneficiaries, including separate medical files and records for each beneficiary as is necessary to record all clinical information pertaining to said beneficiaries, including notations of personal contacts, primary care visits, diagnostic studies and all other services. The INSURER shall also maintain records to document fiscal activities and expenditures relating to compliance under this agreement.


The INSURER and all participating providers shall preserve, and retain in readily accessible form, the records mentioned herein during the term of this contract and for the period of six (6) years thereafter.

3. At all times during the term of this contract and for a period of six
(6) years thereafter, the INSURER and all participating providers will provide the ADMINISTRATION, CMS, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States of America and/or their authorized representatives, access to all records relating to the INSURER's compliance under this contract for the purpose of examination, audit or copying of such records. The audits of such records include examination and review of the sources and applications of funds under this contract. The INSURER shall also furnish access to and permit inspection and audit by the ADMINISTRATION, CMS, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States of America and/or their authorized representatives to any financial records relating to the capacity of the INSURER or its HCOs, if relevant, to bear the risk of potential financial losses.

4. The INSURER shall ensure that the HCO's and all participating providers and their subcontractors furnish to the Peer Review Organization (PRO) or to the ADMINISTRATION on-site access to, or copies of patient care records as needed to evaluate quality of care.

5. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect, evaluate, copy and audit any pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the INSURER related to this contract and those of any HCO or participating provider in order to evaluate the services performed, determination of amounts payable, reconciliation of benefits, liabilities and compliance with this contract.

6. The INSURER shall provide for the review of services (including both in-patient and out-patient services) covered by the plan for the purpose of determining whether such services meet professional recognized standards of health care, including whether appropriate services have not been provided or have been provided in inappropriate settings. It shall also provide for review, by random sampling, by the ADMINISTRATION, of written complaints, and the results thereof, filed by beneficiaries or their representatives as to the quality of services provided.

7. The INSURER agrees that the ADMINISTRATION and CMS may conduct inspections and evaluations, at all reasonable times, through on-site audits, systems tests, assessments, performance review and regular reports to assure the quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services furnished to the beneficiaries.

8. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect all of the INSURER's financial records related to this contract, that may be necessary to assure that the ADMINISTRATION pays no more than its fair share of general


overhead costs as contracted. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect all the HCOs' financial records related to this contract.

9. The INSURER agrees that the ADMINISTRATION may evaluate, through inspection or other means, the facilities of the INSURER's participating providers, HCO's and its participating providers. All facilities shall comply with the applicable licensing and certification requirements as established by regulations of the Department of Health of Puerto Rico. It shall be the INSURER responsibility to take all necessary measures to ascertain that all facilities contracting with INSURER comply with the required licensing and certification regulations of the Puerto Rico Health Department, and to terminate the contract of any facility not in compliance with said provisions.

Failure to adequately monitor the licensing and certification of the facilities may result in the termination of this contract as provided in Article XXXIII.

10. The INSURER agrees and also will require all HCOs and participating providers to agree that the ADMINISTRATION's right to inspect, evaluate, copy and audit, will survive the termination of this contract for a period of six (6) years from said termination date unless:

a) The ADMINISTRATION determines there is a special need to retain a particular record or group of records for a longer period and notifies the INSURER at least thirty (30) days before the normal disposition date;

b) There has been a termination, dispute, fraud, or similar fault by the INSURER, in which case the retention may be extended to three (3) years from the date of any resulting final settlement; or

c) The ADMINISTRATION determines that there is a reasonable possibility of fraud, in which case it may reopen a final settlement at any time;

d) There has been an audit intervention by CMS, the office of the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States or the ADMINISTRATION, in which case the retention may be extended until the conclusion of the audit and publication of the final report.

11. The INSURER agrees to require all HCO's and participating providers to permit the ADMINISTRATION to review and audit all aspects related to quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services rendered, and to demonstrate that the services for which payment was made were actually provided.


1. The INSURER agrees to comply with the reporting and information systems requirements as provided for in the Request for Proposals and the Proposal submitted by the INSURER. Accordingly the INSURER must submit to the


ADMINISTRATION a detailed Systems Requirements Inventory Report which details the following:

a) Plan's compliance with each information system requirement;
b) action plan of INSURER's response to the requirements;
c) actual date that each system requirement will be completely operational, not to exceed the effective date of coverage under this contract.

2. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION the System Inventory Report for final approval not later than the date of the signing of this contract.

3. All Management Information Systems Requirements included in the Request for Proposal and those included in the INSURER's Proposal must commence implementation as of the date of the signing of this contract and shall be fully operational as of the first day of coverage under this contract. Material non compliance with this requirement shall be enough reason to cancel the contract herein, with prior written notification by the ADMINISTRATION to the INSURER according to the time set in Article XXXIII.

4. The INSURER shall be responsible for the data collection and other statistics of all services provided including, but not limited, to encounter and real cost of each one, claims services and any other pertinent data from all HCOs, participating providers or any other entity which provide services to beneficiaries under the program, said data to be classified by provider, by beneficiary, by diagnosis, by procedure and by the date the service is rendered. The data collected must then be forwarded to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis in an electronic or on machine readable media format. The data fields and specific data elements required to be transmitted are contained in the RFP's Record of Service File Layout format. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to modify, expand or delete the requirements contained therein or issue new requirements, subject to consultation with the INSURER and cost negotiation, if necessary. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

5. The INSURER agrees that all required data and information needs to be collected and reported through electronic or machine readable media commencing with the effective date of coverage of this contract.

6. The information systems of all HCOs shall be compatible with the systems in use at all by INSURER.

7. The INSURER shall supply to the HCOs and, upon request, to all participating providers with eligibility information on a daily basis. Said information shall be secured through on-line access with the INSURER.


8. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION within twenty-five
(25) days of the closing of each month, in such form and detail as indicated in the Record of Service File Layout format and any other formats the ADMINISTRATION requires in the RFP, the following information:

a) Data pertaining to health insurance claims, and encounter for all services provided to beneficiaries.

b) Statistical data on providers, medical services and any other services;

c) Enrollment database;

d) Any and all data and information as required in the Request for Proposals and in the Proposal submitted;

e) Any other reports or data that the ADMINISTRATION may require after consultation with the INSURER and cost negotiation, if necessary.

Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

9. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION, on a regular basis as needed, any and all data, information, reports, and documentation that will permit Governmental Agencies, the compilation of statistical data to substantiate the need for, and the appropriate use of federal funds for federally financed health programs.

10. The INSURER agrees to report to the ADMINISTRATION on a daily basis all information pertaining to enrollment, disenrollment, and other subscriber or beneficiary transactions as required by the ADMINISTRATION. All records shall be transmitted: 1) through approved ADMINISTRATION systems contractor; or 2) over data transmission lines directly to the ADMINISTRATION; or 3) on machine readable media. All machine readable media or electronic transmissions shall be consistent with the relevant ADMINISTRATION's record layouts and specifications.

11. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis reports and data generated electronically that allows the ADMINISTRATION:

a. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the delivery of services by providers and the adequacy of these services.
b. Monitoring and evaluation of the efficiency and propriety of the services that are being received by the beneficiaries and their dependents.
c. Comparison of experience with that of other providers.
d. Comparison of the utilization of health care and the cost tendencies within the community and the group that renders service.
e. Demonstration of how the quality of care is being improved for the insured and their dependents.


f. Comparison of the administrative measures taken by the INSURER with reference points to be able to evaluate the progress towards constant improvement.

g. Compliance with the information requirements and reports of the Federal Programs such as: Title II of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; Title IV-B Part 1 and 2, Title IV-E, Title V, Title XIX, Title and Title XXI of the Social Security Act; the applicable state laws as (the Child Abuse Act, "Ley de Maltrato de Menores" Public Law 75 of May 28, 1980; the Protection and Assistance to Victims and Witness Act, "Ley de Proteccion y Asistencia a Victimas de Delitos y Testigos", Public Law 77 of July 9,1986), and any other information requirements which in the future are mandated by federal and state programs.

h. Evaluation of each service provided with separate identification by beneficiary, by provider, by diagnosis, by diagnostic code, by procedure code and by date and place of service. The provider must be identified by his/her provider's identification number or his/her social security account number.

These reporting requirements will be discontinued when the new reporting system contained in ADDENDUM IV is implemented. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

12. The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with a uniform system for data collection.

13. The INSURER'S Information Systems must provide a continuous flow of information to measure the quality of services rendered to the beneficiaries and their dependents. The purpose of these systems must be to help the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER in the process of achieving continuous improvement in the quality of services rendered to beneficiaries and their dependents within a cost effective system.

14. The INSURER will prepare the necessary reports requested herein for the administration of the health insurance contract. Daily reports are due by the end of the following business day. Weekly reports are due on the first business day of the following week. Monthly reports are due twenty-five (25) days after the end of each month. Quarterly reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter.

15. The INSURER must inform to the Administration on a monthly basis all cancellation and disenrollment of providers.

16. The INSURER must provide the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis with the updated version of the Providers Directory.


17. The INSURER will coordinate the enrollment of beneficiaries.

18. The INSURER will assure adequate and efficient functioning for the term of the contract that includes an insurance against economic loss due to system failure or data loss.

19. As an additional measure to guarantee quality and adequacy of the medical health services, the INSURER will conduct periodical statistics analysis of the medical services rendered to the beneficiaries and will compare them with the primary physician practice profile of their regular health insurance plan. Quarterly reports as to the analysis and comparison statistics will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION.

20. In order to insure that all subscriber encounters are registered and recorded, the INSURER will conduct audits of statistical samples and unannounced personal audits of the HCOs and participating provider's facilities to assure that the medical records reconcile with the encounter reported, and corrective measures will be taken in case of any violation of the INSURER's regulations regarding the registration and reporting of encounters. The INSURER will provide quarterly reports to the ADMINISTRATION covering all the findings and corrective measures, if any, taken regarding any violation of said regulations.

21. The INSURER, as a minimum must guarantee the following:

a. The security and integrity of the information and communication systems through:
1. Regular Backups on a daily basis
2. Controlled Access to the physical plant
3. Control logical access to information systems
4. Verification of the accuracy of the data and information

b. The continuity of services through:
1. Regular maintenance of the systems, programs and equipment
2. A staff of duly trained personnel
3. An established and proven system of Disaster Recovery
4. Cost Effective systems.

c. Identification of the beneficiary via the use of plastic cards.

d. Automated system of communication with statistics of the management of calls (Occurrence of busy lines, etc.)

f. A comprehensive health insurance claim processing system to handle receiving process and payment of claims and encounters.


g. Analysis/Control of utilization (The INSURER must provide said analysis to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis in the format outlined by the ADMINISTRATION):

1. by patient/family
2. by region, area/region town, (zip code)
3. by provider (provider's identification number or social security account numbers)
4. by diagnosis
5. by procedure or service
6. by date of service

Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

j. Financial and Actuarial reports
k. System of Control and claims payment that includes payment history.
l. Computerized pharmacy system that permits its integration to the payment procedures to the providers.
m. Outcome Analysis
n. Electronic creation of data files related to mortality, morbidity, and vital statistics.

o. Integration to central systems
1. Procedures and communications Protocol Compatibility;
2. Ability to transmit reports, and or files via electronic means.
p. Electronic Handling of:

1. The process of Admission to hospitals and ambulatory services
2. Verification of eligibility and subscription to the plan.
3. Verification of benefits
4. Verification of Financial information (Deductibles, Co-payments, etc.)
5. Verification of individual demographic data
6. Coordination of Benefits.

q. Computerized applications for general accounting.
r. As to HCOs and all Participating Providers the information system shall provide for:

1. On line access to service history for each beneficiary.
2. Register of diagnosis and procedures for each service rendered.
3. Complete demography on line, including the aspect of coverage and financial responsibility of the patient.
4. Individual and family transactions
5. Annotations on line (General notes such as allergies, reminders or other clinical aspects (free form)


6. Analysis of activity by:

a. department
b. provider
c. diagnosis
d. procedures
e. age
f. sex
g. origin
h. others, as mutually agreed upon.

7. Diagnosis history by patient with multiple codes per service.
8. AD Hoc Reports
9. Referrals Control
10. Electronic Billing
11. Pharmacy system
12. Dental system
13. Ability to handle requirements of the Medicare programs such as RBRVS (Relative Base Relative Value System).
14. Ability to collect data as to the quarter in which the pregnant female beneficiary commences her ob-gyn treatment. The format for the collection of this data shall be approved by the ADMINISTRATION prior to its implementation.

22. The INSURER agrees to report all procedure and diagnostic information using the current versions of Current Procedural Terminology, International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, Diagnostic Statistic Manual and American Dental Association's Current Dental Terminology, respectively. This does not prevent the adoption by INSURER of the ANSI X-12 electronic transactions for standards set forth in the HIPAA regulations; which shall be implemented on or before October 2002, unless modified by DHHS.

23. Non compliance with any of the Information Systems and Reporting Requirements; with any requirements related to the electronic standards transactions to be implemented within the schedule set forth by the HIPAA regulations, or with other requirements contained herein, shall be subject to the provisions of Articles XXXIII and XXXVI of this contract, as well as to Article IV, Section 2(n) of Law 72 of September 7, 1993, which provides the right of the ADMINISTRATION to enforce compliance through the Circuit Court of Appeal Puerto Rico, Part of San Juan.

24. The INSURER shall provide the ADMINISTRATION with one or more telephone numbers of dial-in data lines, and a minimum of three user's ID's and passwords that will allow the ADMINISTRATION's authorized personnel access to the INSURER's on-line computer applications, Such access will allow the ADMINISTRATION use of the same systems and access to the same information


as used by the INSURER and enable the inquiry on beneficiaries, providers, and statistics files related to this contract.

25. As per the INSURER's proposal, INSURER shall provide to each HCOs, HCOs network of participating providers and INSURER'S participating providers in the Health Area/Region, as well as to those outside of the area/region who provide services to beneficiaries from within the area/region, the necessary hardware and software to maintain on-line communication with the INSURER's Information System to document all encounters and services rendered to beneficiaries. Said hardware and software will be provided at a reasonable cost for the implementation and servicing.

26. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION reports as to the data and information gathered through the use of the Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) and the work plan required in the RFP formats, as per Article XVII, Section VII.

27. The INSURER must disclose to the ADMINISTRATION the following information on provider incentive plans in sufficient detail to determine whether their incentive plan complies with the regulatory requirements set forth on 42 CFR 434.70(a) and 422.10:

a) Whether services not furnished by the physician or physician group are covered by the incentive plan. If only the services furnished by the physician or physician group are covered by the incentive plan, disclosure of other aspects of the plan need not be made.
b) The type of incentive arrangement (i.e., withhold, bonus, capitation).
c) A determination on the percent of payment under the contract that is based on the use of referral services. If the incentive plan involves a withholding or bonus, the percent of the withholding of bonus. If the calculated amount is 25% or less, disclosure of the remaining elements in this list is not required and there is no substantial risk.
d) Proof that the physician or physician group has adequate stop-loss protection, including the amount and type of stop-loss protection.
e) The panel size and, if patients are pooled, the method used.
f) In the case of those prepaid plans that are required to conduct beneficiary surveys, the survey's results.

The information items (a) through (e) above, must be disclosed to the ADMINISTRATION: (1) prior to approval of its initial contracts or agreements, upon the contract or agreements anniversary or renewal effective date or upon request by the Administration or CMS. The disclosure item (f) is due 3 months after the end of the contract year or upon request by CMS.

If the contract with the INSURER is an initial Medicaid contract, but the INSURER has operated previously in the commercial or Medicare markets,


information on physician incentive plans for the year preceding the initial contract period must be disclosed. If the contract is an initial contract with INSURER, but the INSURER has not operated previously in the commercial or Medicare markets, the INSURER should provide assurance that the provider agreements that they sign will meet CMS and Commonwealth requirements (i.e. there is no Physician Incentive Plan (PIP); there is a PIP but no Substantial Financial Risk (SFR); there is a PIP and SFR so stop-loss and survey requirements will be met). For contracts being renewed or extended, the INSURER must provide PIP disclosure information for the prior contracting period's contracts.

The INSURER must update PIP disclosures annually and must disclose to administration whether PIP arrangements have changed from the previous year. Where arrangements have not changed, a written assurance that there has not been a change is sufficient. This also applies when INSURER analyze the PIP arrangements in their direct and downstream contracts to determine which disclosure items are due from their contractors. INSURER is expected to maintain the current written assurances and the prior periods' documentation so that the materials are available during on-site reviews.


INSURER must have adequately-staffed telephone lines available. Telephone personnel must receive customer service telephone training. INSURER must ensure that telephone staffing is adequate to fulfill the standards of promptness and quality listed below:

1. 80% of all telephone calls must be answered within an average of 30 seconds;
2. The lost (abandonment) rate must not exceed 5%;
3. INSURER cannot impose maximum call duration limits but must allow calls to be of sufficient length to ensure adequate information is provided to the Beneficiaries or Provider.

29. The INSURER shall abide with the present Information Systems and Reporting Requirements established and shall cooperate with the Administration's Proposed Plans to implement new and revised requirement as set forth in ADDENDUM IV.


1. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION of any loans and other special financial arrangements which are made between the INSURER and any HCO's or participating provider or related parties. Any such loans shall strictly conform with the legal requirements of the anti-fraud and anti-kickback laws and regulations.


2. The INSURER shall provide to the ADMINISTRATION copies of audited financial statements following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and of the report to the Insurance Commissioner in the format agreed to by the National ASSOCIATION of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), for the year ending on December 31, 2000, and subsequently thereafter for the contract term not later than March 15 of each subsequent year. Unaudited GAAP financial statements for each quarter during the contract term shall be presented to the ADMINISTRATION not later than forty five (45) days after the closing of each quarter.

3. The INSURER will maintain adequate procedures and controls to insure that any payments pursuant to this contract are properly made. In establishing and maintaining such procedures the INSURER will provide for separation of the functions of certification and disbursement.

4. The INSURER is required to establish a cash reserve, in accordance with the Insurance Code of Puerto Rico, to insure that outstanding claims can be satisfied in the event of insolvency.

5. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION, upon the expiration of each period of twelve (12) consecutive months of the contract year, and not later than ninety (90) days thereafter, audited financial statements following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) which exclusively present the operational financial situation related to the execution of this contract. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to request interim audited financial statements not to exceed two (2) during the contract term.

6. The INSURER agrees to provide and make available to the ADMINISTRATION or any accounting firm contracted by the ADMINISTRATION any and all working papers of its external auditors related to this contract.


1. The ADMINISTRATION shall conduct periodical evaluations of the INSURER's compliance with all terms and conditions of this contract including, but not limited to, quality, appropriateness, timeliness and reasonableness of cost and administrative expenses, said evaluation to be defined as the Plan Compliance Evaluation Program.

2. Said program will evaluate compliance of the following aspects in each areas/regions:

a) Eligibility and enrollment
b) Services to beneficiaries and participating providers


c) Coverage of benefits
d) Reporting
e) Financial requirements
f) Rules and Regulations
g) Plan initiatives
h) Quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services
i) Utilization
j) Fraud and abuse
k) Accessibility
l) Grievances and Complaint handling
m) Information Systems
n) Electronic standards, security and privacy compliance as provided by HIPAA to include review of timetables for compliance and implementation plans
o) Such aspects which the ADMINISTRATION considers necessary in order to evaluate full compliance with this contract.

3. The evaluation process will be performed throughout the contract year using specific evaluating parameters. All parameters will be derived exclusively from the Request for Proposals, the INSURER's Proposal and this contract. Each area/region will contain several parameters with each parameter having a specific numeric value adding up a subtotal per area/region and a total for the aggregate of all area/regions of evaluation. Results will be presented in a Plan Compliance Evaluation Report. The evaluating parameters will be presented to the INSURER prior to commencement of the evaluation process.

4. The INSURER shall comply with the penalties set for each parameter within the range of values predetermined by the ADMINISTRATION.

5. Compliance with the Plan Compliance Evaluation Program is of essence to this contract and will be a determining factor in the renewal of this contract. Failure to comply with compliance requirements or parameters may also result in the termination of the contract as provided in Article XXXIII.

6. The ADMINISTRATION agrees to furnish the INSURER with the required Plan Performance Evaluation Program prior to its implementation.

7. The INSURER, as an additional tool to assure the evaluation of the insurance contract, agrees to abide, implement and develop the Health Plan-Employer Data and Information Set (Hedis), as revised and recommended by NCQA and in accordance with the time schedule, work plan and other requirements established in Addendum XI of the RFP referring to HEDIS DATA.

8. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES under Plan Compliance Program.



All of the listed remedies below may be exercised by the ADMINISTRATION and are in addition to all other remedies available to the ADMINISTRATION under this contract, by law or in equity, are joint and several, and may be exercised concurrently or consecutively. Exercise of any remedy in whole or in part does not limit the ADMINISTRATION in exercising all or part of any remaining remedies.

Any particular default listed under subparagraph (a) to (j) below (which is not intended to be exhaustive) may be subject, when applicable, to any one or more of the following remedies:

- Terminate the contract if the applicable conditions set forth in Section 10.1 are met;

- Suspend payment to INSURER;

- Recommend to CMS that sanctions be taken against INSURER as set out in Section 10.7;

- Remove the EPSDT's component from the capitation paid to INSURER if the benchmarks(s) missed is for EPSDT's;

- Assess civil monetary penalties as set out in section 10.8; and/or

- Withhold premium payment.



Failure of INSURER to perform an administrative function is a default under this contract. Administrative functions are any requirements under this contract that are not direct delivery of health care services. Administrative functions include claims payment; encounter data submission; filing any report when due; cooperating in good faith with THE ADMINISTRATION, an entity acting on behalf of THE ADMINISTRATION, or an agency authorized by statute or law to require the cooperation of INSURER in carrying out an administrative, investigative, or prosecutorial function of the program; providing or producing records upon request; or entering into contracts or implementing procedures necessary to carry out contract obligations.


Termination or suspension of INSURER's PRICO Certificate of Authority or any adverse action taken by PRICO that THE ADMINISTRATION determines will affect the ability of INSURER to provide health care services to beneficiaries is a default under this contract.



Failure of INSURER to comply with Commonwealth solvency standards or incapacity of INSURER to meet its financial obligations as they come due is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to comply with the federal requirements for Medicaid, including, but not limited to, federal law regarding misrepresentation, fraud, or abuse; and, by incorporation, Medicare standards, requirements, or prohibitions, is a default under this contract.

The following events are defaults under this contract pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1396b(m)(5), 1396u-2(e)(1)(A):

INSURER's substantial failure to provide medically necessary items and services that are required under this contract to be provided to beneficiaries;

INSURER's imposition of premiums or charges on beneficiaries in excess of the premiums or charge permitted by federal law;

INSURER's acting to discriminate among beneficiaries on the basis of their health status or requirements for health care services, including expulsion or refusal to enroll an individual, except as permitted by federal law, or engaging in any practice that would reasonably be expected to have the effect of denying or discouraging enrollment with INSURER by eligible individuals whose medical condition or history indicates a need for substantial future medical services;

INSURER's misrepresentation or falsification of information that is furnished to CMS, THE ADMINISTRATION, a beneficiary, a potential beneficiary, or a health care provider;

INSURER's failure to comply with the physician incentive requirements under 42 U.S.C. 1396b(m)(2)(A)(x); or

INSURER's distribution, either directly or through any agent or independent contractor, of marketing materials that contain , false or misleading information, excluding materials previously approved by THE ADMINISTRATION.



INSURER's misrepresentation or fraud with respect of any provision of this contract is a default under this contract.


Exclusion of INSURER or any of the managing employees or persons with an ownership interest whose disclosure is required by Section 1124(x) of the Social Security Act (the Act) from the Medicaid or Medicare program under the provisions of Section 1128(x) and/or (b) of the Act is a default under this contract.

Exclusion of any provider or subcontractor or any of the managing employees or persons with an ownership interest of the provider or subcontractor whose disclosure is required by Section 1124(x) of the Social Security Act (the Act) from the Medicaid or Medicare program under the provisions of Section 1128(x) and/or (b) of the Act is a default under this contract if the exclusion will materially affect INSURER's performance under this contract.


INSURER's failure to make timely and appropriate payments to network providers and subcontractors is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to audit, monitor, supervise, or enforce functions delegated by contract to another entity that results in a default under this contract or constitutes a violation of state or federal laws, rules, or regulations is a default under this contract.

Failure of INSURER to properly credential its providers, conduct reasonable utilization review, or conduct quality monitoring is a default under this contract.

Failure of INSURER to require providers and contractors to provide timely and accurate encounter, financial, statistical and utilization data is default under this contract.


INSURER's placing the health and safety of the beneficiaries in jeopardy is a default under this contract.



Failure of INSURER to repeatedly meet any benchmark established by THE ADMINISTRATION under this contract is a default under this contract.


THE ADMINISTRATION will provide INSURER with written notice of default (Notice of Default) under this contract. The Notice of Default may be given by any means that provides verification of receipt. The Notice of Default must contain the following information:

(i) A clear and concise statement of the circumstances or conditions that constitute a default under this contract;

(ii) The contract provision(s) under which default is being declared;

(iii) A clear and concise statement of how and/or whether the default may be cured;

(iv) A clear and concise statement of the time period during which INSURER, when applicable, may cure the default;

(v) The remedy or remedies THE ADMINISTRATION is electing to pursue and when the remedy or remedies will take effect; -

(vi) If THE ADMINISTRATION is electing to impose civil monetary penalties, the amount that THE ADMINISTRATION intends to withhold or impose and the factual basis on which THE ADMINISTRATION is imposing the chosen remedy or remedies;

(vii) Whether any part of a civil monetary penalty, if THE ADMINISTRATION elects to pursue these remedy, may be passed through to an individual or entity who is or may be responsible for the act or omission for which default is declared;

(viii) Whether failure to cure the default within the given time period, if any, will result in THE ADMINISTRATION pursuing an additional remedy or remedies, including, but not limited to, additional sanctions,- referral for investigation or action by another agency, and/or termination of the contract.





THE ADMINISTRATION may terminate this contract if: INSURER substantially fails or refuses to provide payment for or access to medically necessary services and items that are required under this contract to be provided to beneficiaries after notice and opportunity to cure; INSURER substantially fails or refuses to perform administrative functions under this contract after notice and opportunity to cure; INSURER materially defaults under any of the provisions of Article XVI; Federal or Commonwealth funds for the Medicaid program are no longer available; or THE ADMINISTRATION has a reasonable belief that INSURER has placed the health or welfare of beneficiaries in jeopardy.

10.1.2  THE ADMINISTRATION must give INSURER 30 days written
         notice of intent to terminate this contract if termination is the
         result of INSURER's substantial failure or refusal to perform
         administrative functions or a material default as established in
         Article XXXIII.

10.1.3   THE ADMINISTRATION may, when termination is due to INSURER's
         substantial failure or refusal to provide payment for or access to
         medically necessary services- and items, notify INSURER's
         beneficiaries of any hearing requested by INSURER. Additionally, if
         THE ADMINISTRATION terminates for this reason, THE ADMINISTRATION may
         enroll INSURER's beneficiaries with another INSURER or permit
         INSURER's beneficiaries to receive Medicaid-covered services other
         than from an INSURER.

10.1.4   INSURER must continue to perform services under the transition plan
         described in Section 10.2.1 if the termination is for any reason other
         than THE ADMINISTRATION'S reasonable belief that INSURER is placing
         the health and safety of the beneficiaries in jeopardy. If termination
         is due to this reason, THE ADMINISTRATION may prohibit INSURER's
         further performance of services under the contract.

10.1.5   If THE ADMINISTRATION terminates this contract, INSURER may appeal the
         termination under Article VI Section 12 Law 72 September 7, 1993, as



         This contract may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of both


         When termination of the contract occurs by reason of default, THE
         ADMINISTRATION and INSURER must meet the following obligations:

10.2.1   THE ADMINISTRATION and INSURER must prepare a transition plan, which
         is acceptable to and approved by THE ADMINISTRATION, to ensure that
         beneficiaries are reassigned to other plans without interruption of
         services. That transition plan will be implemented during the 90-day
         period between receipt of notice and the termination date unless
         termination is the result of THE ADMINISTRATION's reasonable belief
         that INSURER is placing the health or welfare of beneficiaries in
         jeopardy. INSURER is responsible for all expenses related to giving notice to beneficiaries; and INSURER is responsible for all expenses incurred by THE ADMINISTRATION in implementing the transition plan. If the contract is terminated by mutual consent: THE INSURER is responsible for notifying all beneficiaries of the date of termination and how beneficiaries can continue to receive contract services and the provisions of Article XXXIV shall apply.



10.7.1   If CMS determines that INSURER has violated federal law or regulations
         and that federal payments will be withheld, THE ADMINISTRATION will
         deny and withhold payments for new enrollees of INSURER.

10.7.2   INSURER must be given notice and opportunity to appeal a decision of
         THE ADMINISTRATION and CMS pursuant to 42 CFR `434.67.



10.8.1   The Administration may impose monetary penalties according to Article
         XXXVI, Section 4.



10.10.1  INSURER may dispute the notice by the ADMINISTRATION that
         ADMINISTRATION intends to impose any sanction under this contract.
         INSURER may notify THE ADMINISTRATION of its objections by filing a
         written response to the Notice of Default, clearly stating the reason
         INSURER disputes the proposed sanction. With the written response,
         INSURER must submit to THE ADMINISTRATION any documentation that
         supports INSURER's position. INSURER must file the review within
         fifteen (15) days from INSURER's receipt of the Notice of Default as
         provided in Article XXXIII, subparagraph 2. Filing a dispute in a
         written response to the Notice of Default suspends imposition of the
         proposed sanction.

10.10.2  INSURER and THE ADMINISTRATION must attempt to informally resolve the
         dispute. If INSURER and THE ADMINISTRATION are unable to informally
         resolve the dispute THE ADMINISTRATION will make the remedy final.

                                 ARTICLE XVIII
                              PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS

1.       The payment for the first month of coverage under this contract will
         be made upon the certification by the INSURER that it has complied
         with all the terms and conditions contained in this contract to the
         satisfaction of the ADMINISTRATION.

2.       For subsequent months the ADMINISTRATION shall pay to the INSURER-the
         corresponding monthly premium within the first five (5) working days
         of the month of coverage, upon submission by the INSURER of an invoice
         containing the list of the beneficiaries enrolled for the month of the

         The monthly premium calculation for beneficiaries not enrolled for the
         full month shall be determined on a pro-rata basis by dividing the
         corresponding monthly premium amount by the number of days in the month
         and multiplying the result by the number of days the beneficiary was
         actually enrolled.

3.       The monthly premiums for the months comprised within the contract term

and covered by this contract are as follows:


a) For all beneficiaries including all those who are sixty-five
(65) years and older who are Medicare beneficiaries with Part A or Parts A and B and those who are sixty-five years and older who are not Medicare recipients:

1) Per member per month rate (PMPM) (Beneficiary) established at SIXTY EIGHT DOLLARS AND SEVENTY FIVE
CENTS ($68.75).

4. The per member per month rate (PMPM) herein agreed provides for:

a) The billing by providers to Medicare for services rendered to beneficiaries who are also Medicare recipients. The INSURER will not cover deductibles or co-insurance of Part A, but will cover deductibles and co insurance of Part B of Medicare, except for deductibles and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in hospital setting, other than physician services.

b) The recognition as a covered reimbursable Medicare Program cost as bad debts by reason of non-payment of Part A deductibles and/or coinsurance, and for deductibles and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in hospital setting under Medicare Part B, other than physician services.

c) Pharmacy coverage for beneficiaries who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare recipients, as long as the benefits are accessed through the PCP, HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers or the INSURER's participating providers and the prescription is issued by a participating provider of the INSURER.

d) Dental coverage for beneficiaries who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare recipients, the INSURER's participating providers.

e) All benefits included in ADDENDUM I that are not covered under Medicare Part A or Part B.

5. The INSURER shall not, at any time, increase the rate agreed in the contract nor reduce the benefits agreed to as defined in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

6. The INSURER guarantees the ADMINISTRATION that the rate and any applicable deductibles or co-payments constitute full payment for the benefits contracted under the plan, and that participating providers cannot collect any . additional amount from the beneficiaries. Balance billing is expressly prohibited.

Upon a determination made by the ADMINISTRATION that the INSURER or its agents that the INSURER has engaged in balance billing, the ADMINISTRATION will proceed to enforce provisions as established in Article XXXVI.


7. The INSURER understands that the payment of premium by the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER's payments to its HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers, shall be considered as full and complete payment for all services rendered except for the deductibles established in ADDENDUM I of the contract herein.

8. For those Medicare beneficiaries with Part A, any recovery by the provider for Part A deductibles and/or co-insurance will be made exclusively through the Medicare Part A Program as bad debts. In this instance, beneficiaries would neither pay any reimbursement for rendered services to a participating provider nor pay the deductibles included in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

9. For those Medicare beneficiaries with Part B, any recovery by the participating provider for Part B deductibles and/or co-insurance, other than services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, will be made through the INSURER and/or the HCOs. In this instance, beneficiaries would neither pay any reimbursement for rendered services to a participating provider nor pay the deductibles included in ADDENDUM I OF THIS contract.

10. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service, through the capitation paid to the HCO. .

11. Newborns shall be immediately covered by the INSURER if born to an eligible individual and/or family unit as defined herein the Medicaid Commonwealth Plan, the law and its regulations.

12. The INSURER understands that if the Federal Government submits an alternative to the agreement hereof that is more cost effective and for the benefit of the Government of Puerto Rico, the ADMINISTRATION along with the INSURER shall renegotiate the coverage for Medicare beneficiaries with Part A or Part A and B.

13. The INSURER certifies that the monthly billing submitted to the ADMINISTRATION includes all beneficiaries, who have been issued an identification card and for which payment of premiums are due either on a monthly or pro-rated basis. The ADMINISTRATION will not accept any new billing once the monthly billing is submitted by the INSURER- to the ADMINISTRATION, unless there is a justifiable reason for the omission.

14. If any differences arise in the ADMINISTRATION's payment of premiums to the INSURER, the latter will proceed to analyze the differences between the original billing submitted by the INSURER and the amount paid by the


ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER will proceed, after proper analysis, to submit to the ADMINISTRATION a diskette as well as all relevant documentation that supports and details the INSURER's claim not later than thirty (30) working days after payment is made to the INSURER by the ADMINISTRATION. Once this term has ended, the INSURER waives its right to claim any amounts from differences arising from the monthly payment made by the ADMINISTRATION and releases the ADMINISTRATION from any and all obligation to pay any additional premiums, including differences to billing by more than one insurer. During the following one hundred and twenty (120) days the ADMINISTRATION will confirm the validity of the claim and make payment thereof.


1. For the purpose of determining future premiums, the loss experience of this contract shall be based exclusively on the results of the cost of health care services provided to the beneficiaries covered under this contract. The INSURER shall maintain all the utilization and financial data related to this contract duly segregated from its regular accounting system including, but not limited to the General Ledger and the necessary Accounting Registers classified by the Area/Region subject to this contract.

2. Administrative expenses to be included in determining the experience of the program are those directly related to this contract. Separate allocations of expenses from the INSURER's regular business, INSURER's related companies, INSURER's parent company or other entities will be reflected or made a part of the financial and accounting records described in the preceding section.

3. Any pooling of operating expenses with other of the INSURER's groups, cost shifting, financial consolidation or the implementation of other combined financial measures is expressly forbidden.

4. Amounts paid for claims or encounters resulting from services determined to be medically unnecessary by the INSURER will not be considered in the contract's experience.

5. The INSURER shall provide the ADMINISTRATION every month with a Premium Disbursement Illustration. Said illustration shall present the distribution of the capitation, claim expenses by coverage, reserves, administrative expenses and premium distributions as referred and contained in the RFP's Actuarial Reports formats. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.


6. The determination by the INSURER as to the payment of the capitation fee and as to any other payments by virtue of this contract will be computed on an actuarially sound basis.

7. The INSURER will provide to the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis, the actuarial data, premium distribution, and reports as contained in the RFP's Actuarial Report formats. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.


1. Department of Health will provide for and effectively implement a preventive medicine program with primary emphasis on public health education which will include, but will not be limited to, guidance on lifestyles, AIDS, drug abuse, cancer and mother and child care. This is typically referred to as Primary Prevention. The INSURER will collaborate with the Department of Health and provide for a preventive medicine program with primary emphasis on the provision of clinical services in support of the Preventive Medicine Program, including but not limited to, screening and education of individual patients, such as PAP Smears, colorectal screening mammograms and cholesterol screening as indicated by the best practices of medicine.

In cooperation with the INSURER, the Department of Health will develop a surveillance methodology to identify compliance with this program.

2. The INSURER, through its secondary and tertiary Preventive Program, will address, analyze and implement measures to provide effective clinical and educational activities seeking to combat the specific causes of morbidity and mortality in the Area/Region.

3. The INSURER will develop and effectively implement a case management system in order to monitor high risk cases and attend to the covered health care needs of the beneficiaries and dependents within said category.

4. The INSURER represents that under its Preventive Program it will contract, sufficient medical specialists and specialized teams in order to combine the resources of the HCOs and the professional staff of the HCOs, including but not limited to, health educators, nutritionists, dieticians, nurses, other trained personnel and physicians who will act as the team's educator, manager and coordinator.

5. The INSURER will be responsible to direct to a network of other agencies and community resources serving each municipality within the Area/Region so as to guarantee that participating providers and beneficiaries are aware of and


understand the available services in their community and the process by which to access them.

6. The INSURER will assure that discharge of the mother and her baby from the hospital is based upon sound clinical judgment determined by the clinician.

7. The responsibilities of the INSURER in the Preventive Program will include the following

a) A disease management program developed by the INSURER in collaboration with the Department of Health which shall develop standardized processes to address mayor public health programs such as Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension and Congestive Heart Failure, among others. This program shall include identification treatment protocols/guidelines and surveillance/monitoring. In cooperation with the Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) annual reports will be published detailing the results.

b) A case management program which initially will be under the responsibility of a nurse. Case management will not be limited to the physician's offices or a determined center. Coordination of the services provided is required within the community and at the home of the beneficiary, if necessary.

c) An outreach program shall be developed in collaboration with the Department of Health to target specific clinical issues as identified by the Department of Health, for those beneficiaries who cannot access those services. The- clinical standard shall conform to the published HEDIS measures. These measures can be modified or supplemented by the Department of Health. d) The

d) INSURER will assure that all pregnant women are screened for alcohol use following the Department of Health Guidelines.

e) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women will obtain counseling for the HIV test. All pregnant women who accept the the HIV test will be referred to the HIV Prevention and Detection Program of the Department of Health. The participant provider shall coordinate all referrals with the Department of Health. Pre-natal care and HIV testing will continue to be covered benefits under this contract.

f) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women, following the administration of the HIV test that reports a positive result, are allowed to be treated under the guidelines for the utilization of ZDV in pregnant women and neonatal infants to reduce the risk of mother-infant HIV transmission, published by the Department of Health.


g) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women are properly educated about the WIC Program. Those eligible individuals will be referred to the WIC Program of .the Department of Health. It will be 'the immediate responsibility of the participating providers to comply with all requirements in order to arrange the referral to the WIC Program without any cost to the patient.

h) The INSURER will assure that all providers comply with the EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment) Program and the Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services (GAPS) from the American Medical Association. The itinerary of services that have to be rendered by providers will comply with the EPSDT Itinerary Services Formats.

i) The INSURER will be responsible to develop and demonstrate its strategy to meet the appropriate prevention program guidelines as required by the Department of Health.

j) The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION monthly reports detailing all services rendered to mother and child classified by age groups and listing the numbers of pregnant women that have: (i) received prenatal care on each month in the reporting period; (ii) counseled as to HIV testing; (iii) referred to the HIV Prevention and Detection Program of the Department of Health; and (iv) referred to the WIC Program.

k) The INSURER agrees to comply and assure that all participating providers will comply with the federal and local laws referred in Article XV paragraph (11) (g) of this contract. The INSURER will assure the submission by the participating provider of all the protocols and formats requested by the Department of Health, Department of the Family, Department of Education and Department of Justice as contained in the RFP formats.

8. The INSURER will develop and effectively implement incentive-based programs whereby the providers are motivated toward compliance with all requirements of their Preventive Medicine Program such as EPSDT, Immunizations, Prenatal care, reduction in cesarean sections, and other related services.

9. The ADMINISTRATION shall evaluate these preventive programs through HEDIS and other applicable performance standards.

10. The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION quarterly reports- needed by the Department of Health detailing services rendered in the Preventive Program described below.


11. The ADMINISTRATION shall have the right to audit the compliance with these requirements as needed. Non-compliance shall be a determining factor in nonrenewal of this contract or breach thereof as defined in Article of XXXIII.


1. The INSURER shall direct beneficiaries to access Mental Health and Substance Abuse benefits in coordination with the Mental Behavior Healthcare Organization in the health region contracted by the ADMINISTRATION and ASSMCA. The ASSMCA will monitor the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Program provided through the MBHO contracted in the Health Region/Area with sufficient specificity effectiveness in order to provide for all mental health and substance abuse needs for all eligible beneficiaries residing within the municipalities forming part of said area.

2. The INSURER will abide with the ADMINISTRATION and ASSMCA's guidelines for expediting access of beneficiaries to the mental health and substance abuse benefits covered under the Health Insurance Program.


1. The INSURER agrees to provide to the enrolled beneficiaries the benefits included in ADDENDUM I of this contract. The benefits to be provided under the program are divided in three types of coverage: 1) the Basic Coverage that includes preventive, medical, hospital, surgical, diagnostic tests, clinical laboratory tests, x-rays, emergency room, ambulance, maternity and prescription drug services,
2) Dental Coverage based on the right to choose one of the participating dentists from the INSURER's network and 3) the Special Coverage that includes benefits for catastrophic conditions, expensive procedures and specialized diagnostic tests.

2. The INSURER may not modify, change, limit, reduce, or otherwise alter said benefits nor the agreed terms and conditions for their delivery without the express written consent of the ADMINISTRATION.

3. The Coverage for Medicare beneficiaries is established as follows:

(a) Beneficiaries with Part A of Medicare The INSURER will pay for all services not included in Part A of Medicare, and included in the contract herein. The INSURER will not pay the applicable Part A deductibles and coinsurance.


(b) Beneficiaries with Part A and Part B of Medicare- The INSURER will pay for prescription drugs prescribed by PCP and dental coverage. The INSURER will not cover the payment of the applicable Part A deductibles and coinsurance, but will cover the payment of the applicable Part B deductible and co-insurance.

(c) Access to services contemplated herein will be through a selected HCO. Beneficiaries with Part A can select from the Medicare's providers list, in which case the benefits under this contract would not be covered.

4. The Medicare beneficiary can select a Part A provider from the Medicare Part A providers list, but has to select a HCO for Part B services for beneficiaries with Part B services or Part B equivalent services for beneficiaries without Part B of Medicare.


1. If during the term of this contract, the insurance coverage for a beneficiary terminates because the beneficiary ceases to be eligible and is disenrolled, such person has the right to receive a direct payment policy from INSURER without submitting evidence of eligibility. The direct payment policy will be issued by the INSURER without taking into consideration pre-existing conditions or waiting periods. The written request for a direct payment policy must be made, and the first premium submitted to INSURER on or before thirty-one
(31) days after the date of disenrollment, bearing in mind that:

a) The direct payment policy should be an option of such person, through any of the means which at that date INSURER has currently made available according to the age and benefits requested. It will be subject to the terms and conditions of the direct payment policy.

b) The premium for the direct payment policy will be in accordance with the rate then in effect at INSURER, applicable to the form and benefits of the direct payment policy, in accordance with the risk category the person falls in at the moment, and the age reached on the effective date of the direct payment policy. The health condition at the moment of conversion will have no bearing in the eligibility nor will it be an acceptable base for the risk classification.

c) The direct payment policy should also provide for coverage to any other individual, if these were considered eligible beneficiaries at the termination date of the health insurance under this contract. Under option by


INSURER, a separate direct payment policy may be issued to cover the other individuals who formerly were eligible beneficiaries.

d) The direct payment policy will be effective upon termination of coverage under the health insurance contracted.

e) INSURER will not be obligated to issue a direct payment policy covering a person who has the right to receive similar services provided by any insurance coverage or under the Medicare Program of the Federal Social Security legislation, as subsequently amended, if such benefits, jointly provided under the direct payment policy, result in an excess of coverage (over insurance), according to the standards of the INSURER.

2. When coverage under this contract terminates due to the expiration of its term, all persons formerly considered eligible beneficiaries, who have been insured for a period of three (3) years prior to the termination date, will be eligible for a INSURER direct payment policy, subject to the conditions and limitations stipulated in clause 1 of this section.

3. Subject to the conditions and limitations stipulated in clause 1 of this section, the conversion privilege will be granted:

a) to all eligible beneficiaries whose coverage under the health insurance contracted is terminated because they cease to be eligible beneficiaries and are disenrolled.

b) to any eligible beneficiary whose coverage under the health insurance contracted ceases because he no longer qualifies as an eligible beneficiary, regardless of the fact that the principal subscriber and/or any other eligible beneficiary continues covered by said health insurance coverage under this contract.

4. In case an eligible beneficiary under this contract suffers a loss covered by the direct payment policy, described in clause 1 of this section, during the period he/she would have qualified for a direct payment policy and before the said direct payment policy is in effect, the benefits which he/she would have a right to collect under such direct payment policy will be paid as a claim under the direct payment policy, subject to having requested the direct payment policy and the payment of the first premium.

5. If any eligible beneficiary under this contract subsequently acquires the right to obtain a direct payment policy, under the terms and conditions of the INSURER's policies without providing evidence of qualifications for such insurance, subject to the request and payment of the first premium during the period specified in the policy; and if this person is not notified of the existence of this right, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of such period, such person will be


granted an additional period during which time he/she can claim his/her right, none of the above implying the continuation of a policy for a period longer than stipulated in said policy. The additional period will expire fifteen (15) days after the person is notified, but in no case will it be extended beyond sixty (60) days after the expiration date of the policy. Written notification handed to the person or mailed to the last known address of the person, as acknowledged by the policy holder, will be considered as notification, for the purposes of this paragraph. If an additional period is granted for the right of conversion as hereby provided, and if the written application for direct payment, enclosed with the first premium payment, is made during the additional period, the effective date of the direct payment policy will be the termination of the health insurance coverage under this contract.

6. Subject to the other conditions expressed before, the eligible beneficiaries will have the right to conversion, up to one of the following dates:

a) date of termination of his/her eligibility under this contract; or

b) termination date of this contract; or

c) date of amendment of this contract, if said amendment in any way eliminates the beneficiaries' eligibility.


1. All transactions between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER shall, be handled according to the terms and conditions set forth in this contract.

2. The INSURER shall appoint a person that shall be responsible for all transactions with the ADMINISTRATION.

3. All eligibility transactions shall be coordinated on a daily basis.


The INSURER may not cancel this contract, or make modifications to it for any reason, or otherwise change, restrict or reduce the insurance or the benefits, except for nonpayment of premiums.


The Request for Proposal that originated this contract, the Proposal submitted by the INSURER, this contract and/or any other document or provision incorporated to it by


reference, shall be interpreted and construed according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. If any controversy may arise regarding the interpretation or performance of this contract, the parties voluntary. submit for its resolution to the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, San Juan Part.


1. This contract shall be in effect for nine months, starting at 12:01 AM, Puerto Rico time on October 1, 2001, the first day that coverage begins and payment of the premium is due.

2. This contract may not be assigned, transferred or pledged by the INSURER without the express written consent of the ADMINISTRATION.

3. This contract may be extended by the ADMINISTRATION, upon acceptance by the INSURER, for any subsequent period of time if deemed in the best interest of the beneficiaries, the ADMINISTRATION, and the Government of Puerto Rico.


Any officer, director, employee or agent of the ADMINISTRATION, the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, its municipalities or corporations cannot be part of this contract or derive any economic benefit that may arise from its execution.


The INSURER certifies and guarantees that at the time of execution of this contract, 1) it is a corporation duly authorized to conduct business in Puerto Rico and that has filed income tax returns for the previous five (5) years; 2) that it complied with and paid unemployment insurance tax, disability insurance tax (Law 139), social security for drivers ("seguro social choferil"), if applicable); 3) filed State Department reports, during the five (5) years preceding this contract and 4) that it does not owe any kind of taxes to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.


The INSURER agrees to enforce and require compliance by all applicable participating providers with 42 CFR 434, Part 489, Subpart I relating to maintaining written policies


and procedures respecting advance directives. This requirement includes provisions to inform and distribute written information to adult individuals concerning policies on advance directives, including a description of applicable Commonwealth law.


The INSURER shall report ownership, control interest, and related information to the ADMINISTRATION, and upon request, to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Comptroller General of the United States, in accordance with Sections 1124 and 1903 (m)(4) of the Federal Social Security Act.


If the ADMINISTRATION finds that, because of amendments to Law 72 of September 7, 1993, or by reason of other subsequent Federal or local legislative changes that affect this contract, or because of any reasons deemed by the ADMINISTRATION to be in the best interest of the Government of Puerto Rico in carrying out the provisions of Law 72 of September 7, 1993, or in order to perform experiments and demonstration projects pursuant to legislative enactment, modification of this contract is necessary, the ADMINISTRATION may modify any of the requirements, terms and conditions, functions, part thereof or any other services to be performed by the INSURER. Prior to any such modification, the ADMINISTRATION shall afford the INSURER an opportunity to consult and participate in planning for adjustments which might be necessary and thereafter provide the INSURER written notice that the modification is to be made within ninety (90) days after a date specified in the notice. Said modifications will take place after consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER.


1. If the ADMINISTRATION finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing to the INSURER the INSURER has failed substantially to carry out the material terms and conditions of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION may terminate this contract at any time, as provided in
Section 10.1, above.

2. In the event that there is non-compliance by the INSURER with any specific clause of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION will notify the INSURER in writing, indicating the area/region(s) of non-compliance. The INSURER will be granted the opportunity to present and discuss its position regarding the issue within fifteen (15) days from the date of the notification. After considering the


allegations presented by the INSURER following adequate hearing and the opportunity to present all necessary evidence in support of its position, and the ADMINISTRATION formally determines that there is a non-compliance, at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, this contract may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days prior written notice before the effective date of cancellation.

3. In the event that the INSURER does not remedy, correct or cure the material deficiencies noted in the Plan Compliance Evaluation Report, as provided for in Article XVII of this contract, and following the opportunity of an adequate hearing and the presentation of evidence in support of its position, and the ADMINISTRATION confirms the deficiency, then at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION this contract may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days prior notice.

4. If the INSURER were to be declared insolvent, files for bankruptcy or is placed under liquidation, the ADMINISTRATION shall have the option to cancel and immediately terminate this contract. In the event of this happening an enrollee will not be liable for payments under this contract.

5. In the event that this contract is terminated, the INSURER shall promptly provide the ADMINISTRATION all necessary information for the reimbursement of any pending and outstanding Claims. The INSURER hereby recognizes that in the event of termination under this Article it shall be bound to provide reasonable cooperation to the ADMINISTRATION beyond the date of termination in order to properly effect the transition to the new INSURER taking over the region covered by this Contract. This obligation to reasonably cooperate shall survive the date of said effective termination provided, at the ADMINISTRATION's discretion.

6. The INSURER agrees and recognizes that in the event there are no sufficient enough funds designated for the payment of premium, the ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to terminate this contract, effective ninety (90) days after prior written notification.


In the event that the contract is terminated, the INSURER will continue to provide services for a reasonable term to guarantee the continuance of services until the ADMINISTRATION has made adequate arrangements to continue the rendering of health care benefits to beneficiaries. The duration of such term will not exceed sixty (60) days and the PMPM shall be agreed upon by the INSURER and the ADMINISTRATION.

Upon the expiration of the contract, the INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with the historical/utilization data of services rendered to beneficiaries in the


area/region, in order to prevent fraud and double billing of services by the incoming INSURER.

Any INSURER phasing out of a Health Region will guarantee payment for services rendered to beneficiaries under the previous contract. Failure to do so, shall entail in accordance with the fair hearing process established on Article XXXIII, the retention of a determined amount of premium payment of INSURER's Health Region Contract. The amount to be retained shall be sufficient to cover the amount owed.


None of the obligations, covenants, duties, and responsibilities incurred or assumed under the present Contract, the Request For Proposal, Proposal, the representations and assurances provided at the clarification meeting held on June 11, 2001, by either: (I) the INSURER towards the ADMINISTRATION and any governmental agencies, or (ii) the ADMINISTRATION towards the INSURER, shall be deemed as the assumption by the INSURER or the ADMINISTRATION, as the case might be, of any legal liability or responsibility towards a third party in the event that a negligent or intentional injury, malpractice, damage or wrongdoing, or any harm whatsoever is incurred by or caused by the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers and/or the INSURER's participating providers.


1. In the event that the INSURER does not furnish the ADMINISTRATION with any kind of monthly reports related to the gathering and reporting of encounter information, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium for each month in default said retention to be effective for the subsequent month after the default. Once the INSURER complies with said requirement, the amount retained will be fully paid to the INSURER, within five days after receiving the required reports for the subsequent month.

2. In the event that the INSURER does not comply with its obligation related to the monthly gathering and accurate reporting of encounter information, according to Article XV of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium payable to the INSURER for each month in default, provided:

a. the ADMINISTRATION gives, within ten (10) working days after receipt of the monthly report, written notification by certified mail, or personally hand delivers said notification to the INSURER of the non-compliance and the reasons thereof; and

b. the ADMINISTRATION grants ten (10) working days for the INSURER to cure the default; and

c. the INSURER fails to correct it within said term.


Whenever as the above events take place, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium payment for each month in default. Retention will be effective ten (10) working days after the notice of non-compliance. Once the INSURER corrects the problem, at the satisfaction of the ADMINISTRATION and according to Article XV of this contract, the amount retained will be fully paid to the INSURER, within five days after receiving full and complete reports for the subsequent month.

3. For the purpose of subparagraphs 1 and 2, above, default is defined as the non-compliance by the INSURER of the reporting requirements established for the gathering and reporting of encounter information as established in Article XV of this contract, or when the INSURER does not submit the reports within the established term set in this contract.

4. A. Civil Monetary Penalties: In the event that there is a non-compliance with Article VI, XII, XVI, XVII and/or with any specific clause of this contract or the INSURER engages in any of the following practices:

(a) Fails to substantially provide medically necessary services to enrollees under this contract;

(b) imposes on enrollees premiums and charges in excess of the ones permitted under this contract;

(c) discriminates among enrollees on the basis of their health status or requirements for health care (such as terminating an enrollment or refusing to reenroll) except as permitted under the Program or engages in practices to discourage enrollment by recipients whose medical condition or history indicates need for substantial medical services;

(d) misrepresents or falsifies information that is furnished to CMS, to the ADMINISTRATION, to an enrollee, potential enrollee or provider of services;

(e) distributes, directly or indirectly through any agent, independent contractor, marketing material not approved by the ADMINISTRATION, or that contains false or misleading information;

(f) Fails to comply with the requirements for physician incentive plans in section 1876
(i) (8) of the Social Security Act, and at 42 CFR 417.479, or fails to submit to the ADMINISTRATION its physician incentive plans as requested in 42 CFR 434.70

The ADMINISTRATION will notify the INSURER in writing, the findings of the violation and the impending intention to impose intermediate sanctions for each violation which could consist of: monetary penalties at the discretion of the Administration may range from five hundred dollars $500 to twenty five thousand dollars $25,000; or the resolution of the contract and temporary management;


suspension, and/or with-holding of premium payments, which may range from a percent amount, or more than one monthly premium payments. The imposition of sanctions will depend on the extent and severity of the actions:

At the sole discretion of the ADMINISTRATION and after affording the INSURER due process to submit a corrective action as established in paragraph (B), below, the ADMINISTRATION will deduct any amount it may deem adequate from the premium payments or any other administrative items of said payments.

The Office of the Inspector General may impose civil money penalties of up to $25,000.00 in addition to, or in lieu of each determination by the ADMINISTRATION, or CMS, for non-compliance conduct as set forth on subparagraphs (a) through (f).

The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services may seek the enforcement of felony charges, for violation regarding subparagraph (b), above.

B. The INSURER will have the right to present and discuss its position regarding the ADMINISTRATION'S finding within thirty(30) days from the receipt of the notification. After such period expires the Administration will issue its decision regarding the contemplated sanctions which could be
(i) let stand the initial determination, (ii) modify the sanction or (iii) eliminate the sanction if the Insurer has taken affirmative corrective actions. Upon notifying the INSURER of the final decision, if in disagreement, the INSURER will have (30) days to request a hearing before the Administration. Upon the expiration of the thirty (30) days without invoking a formal hearing, or after the celebration of a hearing and after issuance of findings and recommendations of the hearing examiner, the decision will then become final, subject to the appeal process provided in section 12, Art. VI of Law 72, September 7,1993, as amended.

C. The ADMINISTRATION, shall appoint temporary management only if it finds that the INSURER has egregiously or repeatedly engaged in any of the stated practices on paragraph (A) of this article; or places a substantial risk on the health of enrollees; or there is a need to assure the health of an organization's enrollees during an orderly termination, reorganization of the Insurer or while improvements are being made to correct violations. The temporary management may not be removed until the INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that the violations will not recur.

5. If a contractor is found to be in non-compliance with the provisions on ARTICLE VII concerning affiliation with debarred or suspended individuals, the ADMINISTRATION:

a) Shall notify the Secretary of non-compliance;


b) May continue the existing contract with the Insurer, unless the Secretary (in consultation with the Inspector General of the Department of Health Services directs otherwise); and,

c) May not review or otherwise extend the duration of an existing contract with the INSURER unless the Secretary (in consultation with the Inspector General of the DHHS) provides to the ADMINISTRATION and to Congress a written statement describing compelling reasons that exist for renewing or extending the contract.

6. Notwithstanding the provisions set in this Article, the ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to terminate this contract, as established in Article XXXIII.


1. The INSURER warrants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ADMINISTRATION from and against any loss or expense by reason of any liability imposed by law upon the ADMINISTRATION and from and against claims against the ADMINISTRATION for damages because of bodily injuries, including death, at any time resulting therefrom, accidents sustained by any person or persons on account of damage to property arising out of or in consequence of the performance of this contract, whether such injuries to persons or damage to property are due or claimed to be due to any negligence of the INSURER, the INSURER's participating providers, the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers, their agents, servants, or employees or of any other person.

3. The INSURER warrants and agrees to purchase insurance coverage to include Contractual Liability Coverage incorporating the obligations herein assumed by the INSURER with limits of liability which shall not be less than one (1) million dollars with said insurance coverage providing for the INSURER's obligation and the insurance company of INSURER to defend and appear on behalf of the ADMINISTRATION in any and all claims or suits which may be brought against the ADMINISTRATION on account of the obligations herein assumed by the INSURER.


The ADMINISTRATION and INSURER agree and recognize that guidance and directives from the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are incorporated in contracts subject to its approval, such as the present one, and that they constitute binding obligations on the part of the INSURER.



Whenever a period of time is herein prescribed for action to be taken by the INSURER, the INSURER shall not be liable or responsible for, and there shall be excluded from the computation for any such period of time, any delays due to strikes, acts of God, shortages of labor or materials, war, terrorism, governmental laws, regulations or restrictions or any other causes of any kind whatsoever which are beyond the control of the INSURER.


The parties hereby assure that all hardware and software that it uses with respect to this Agreement are Year 2000 Compliant in accordance to CMS's Year Compliance definitions as stated in the RFP. The Parties acknowledge that this provision is an essential condition to this Agreement.


1. Inasmuch as it is a requirement that the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approves this contract in order to authorize the use of federal funds to finance the health insurance contracted, the same may be subject to modifications in order to incorporate or modify the terms and conditions of this contract.

2. Any provision of this contract which is in conflict with any Federal Laws, Federal Medicaid Statutes, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Federal Regulations; or CMS policy guidance, as applicable, is hereby amended to conform to the provisions of those laws, regulations, and Federal policy. Such amendment of the contract will be effective on the effective date of the statutes or regulations necessitating it, and will be binding on the parties even though such amendment may not have been reduced to writing and formally agreed upon and executed by the parties.


1. All responsibilities, obligations, assurances and representations, made, taken, and assumed by the INSURER under this contract will be fully, solely, and entirely assumed by the INSURER. Notwithstanding, the ADMINISTRATION acknowledges that Triple-S will carry out the responsibilities as to the administration and operational management of the Health Insurance subject of


this contract and that its officers are authorized to represent Triple-S, Inc. in matters related to be carried out.

2. The ADMINISTRATION acknowledges that the INSURER is in a corporate reorganizational process. The INSURER will notify the ADMINISTRATION the date when the reorganizational process is completed. The INSURER represents that the reorganizational process shall not constituted an assignment of this Contract.


The parties agree that they accept, consent and promise to abide by each and every one of the clauses contained in this contract and that the contract contains the entire agreement between the parties and in order to acknowledge so, they initial the margin of each of the pages and affix below their respective signatures, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, this 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2001.


By                                           By

/s/ Angel Blanc Bottey                       /s/ Miguel Vazquez Deynes
-----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
Angel Blanc Bottey                           Miguel Vazquez Deynes
Executive Director                           Chief Executive Officer



The Puerto Rico Health Insurance



October 1, 2001- June 30, 2002




TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                   PAGE
--------------------                                                   ----

I      Definitions                                                       2
II     Eligibility and Enrollment                                        8
III    Right to Choose                                                  14
IV     Secondary Payor                                                  16
V      Emergencies                                                      17
VI     Access to Benefits                                               19
VII    Contracts with HCO's and All Participating Providers             23
VIII   Subscription Process and Identification Cards                    28
IX     Summary Plan Description Booklet                                 29
X      Grievance Procedure                                              32
XI     Health Care Organizations                                        35
XII    Guarantee of Payment                                             37
XIII   Utilization Review and Quality Assurance                         40
XIV    Compliance and Agreement for Inspection of Records               44
XV     Information Systems and Reporting Requirements                   47
XVI    Financial Requirements                                           55
XVII   Plan Compliance Evaluation Program                               56
XVIII  Payment of Premiums                                              63
XIX    Actuarial Requirements                                           66
XX     Preventive Medicine Program                                      67
XXI    Mental Health Program                                            70
XXII   Benefits                                                         70
XXIII  Conversion Clause                                                71
XXIV   Transactions with the Insurer                                    73
XXV    Non-Cancellation Clause                                          74
XXVI   Applicable Law                                                   74
XXVII  Effective Date and Term                                          74


TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                   PAGE
--------------------                                                   ----

XXVIII    Conflict of Interest                                          74
XXIX      Income Taxes                                                  75
XXX       Advance Directives                                            75
XXXI      Ownership and Third Party Transactions                        75
XXXII     Modification of the Contract                                  75
XXXIII    Termination of Agreement                                      76
XXXIV     Phase-Out Clause                                              77
XXXV      Third Party Disclaimer                                        77
XXXVI     Penalties Sanctions Clauses                                   77
XXXVII    Hold Harmless Clause                                          80
XXXVIII   Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services
            Contract Requirements                                       81
XXXIX     Force Majeure                                                 81
XL        Year 2000 Clause                                              81
XXLI      Federal Government Approval                                   81
XLII      Acknowledgement as to Insurer                                 82
XLIII     Entire Agreement                                              82


Addendum I        Benefits Coverage-Formulary
Addendum II       PRHIA Instructions to Insurers for Orientation and
                  Subscription Process- Beneficiaries Manual
Addendum III      Insurer Grievance Procedure
Addendum IV       Proposed Information Requirements



This Agreement entered into this 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2001, at San Juan, Puerto Rico, by and between PUERTO RICO HEALTH INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION, a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, organized under Law 72 approved on September 7, 1993, hereinafter referred to as the "ADMINISTRATION", represented by its Executive Director, ANGEL BLANCO BOTTEY, and TRIPLE-S, INC., a domestic corporation duly -organized and doing business under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, with employer social security number 66-0229064, hereinafter referred to as the "INSURER", represented by its Chief Executive Officer, MIGUEL VAZQUEZ DEYNES.


In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties, their. personal representatives and successors, agree as follows:

FIRST: The ADMINISTRATION has the responsibility to seek, negotiate, and contract with public and private insurers, health care insurance programs that eventually will be capable of providing all citizens that reside in the island of Puerto Rico access to quality health care services, regardless of their economic condition and capacity to pay.

SECOND: Law 72 of September 7,1993 dictates the express policy that empowers the ADMINISTRATION to seek, negotiate and contract health insurance programs that will allow its beneficiaries access to quality health services, in particular the medically indigent and the public employees of the Central Government and pensioners.

THIRD: The ADMINISTRATION published a Request For Proposals for the North, Metro-North, East, Southeast, West, Southwest, San Juan, Northwest, Northeast and Central Health Area/Region, seeking to provide health insurance coverage to all eligible beneficiaries in said health Area/Region, by contracting with private insurers

FOURTH: Pursuant to the terms of the aforementioned Request For Proposals, published on June 3-4, 2001, four different private health insurers submitted to the ADMINISTRATION proposals to underwrite the health insurance for the Health Area/Region.

FIFTH: The proposals submitted by the proposing insurers were thoroughly evaluated by a Evaluation Committee, as well as an Administrative Evaluation Committee within the ADMINISTRATION, as a result of which, a recommendation was presented to the Board of Directors of the ADMINISTRATION.

SIXTH: The Board of Directors of the ADMINISTRATION, after a careful and complete analysis of all technical and administrative elements of the proposals, decided


to award the INSURER the contract to underwrite and administer the health insurance for the NORTH Health Area/Region, composed of the municipalities of ARECIBO, BARCELONETA, CAMUY, CIALES, FLORIDA, HATILLO, LARES, MANATI, MOROVIS, QUEBRADILLAS, UTUADO, AND VEGA BAJA.

SEVENTH; The benefits to be provided under the plan offered by the INSURER are divided in three types of coverage: 1) the Basic Coverage that includes preventive, medical, hospital, surgical, diagnostic tests, clinical laboratory tests, x-rays, emergency room, ambulance, maternity and prescription drug services; 2) Dental Coverage based on the free choice of participating dentists from INSURER's network, and 3) the Special Coverage that includes benefits for catastrophic conditions, expensive procedures and specialized diagnostic tests. Benefits shall be provided by the INSURER in strict compliance with Law Number 72 of September 7, 1993, as amended, which is made part of this contract, the terms and conditions contained in Addenda I, II, III, and IV of this contract, and subject to the following:


ACCESS: Adequate availability of all necessary health care services included in the plan being contracted to fulfill the needs of the beneficiaries of the program.

ADMINISTRATION: Puerto Rico Health Insurance Administration.

ADVANCE DIRECTIVES: A written instruction such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care, recognized under the laws, of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (whether statutory or as recognized by the courts of the Commonwealth, relating to the provision of health care when the individual is incapacitated.

ANCILLARY SERVICES (Ancillary Charges): Supplemental services, including laboratory, radiology, physical therapy, and inhalation therapy, which are provided in conjunction with medical or hospitals care.

ASSMCA - Mental Health and Substance Abuse Administration: Spanish acronym for the Puerto Rico Mental Health and Substance Abuse Administration, the state agency that has been delegated the responsibility for the planning, establishment of mental and substance abuse policies and procedures, the coordination, development and monitoring of all mental health and substance abuse services rendered to beneficiaries under the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Program.


BENEFICIARY: Any person that under Law 72 of September 7, 1993 is determined eligible to receive services, is reported as such to the INSURER by the ADMINISTRATION, and is enrolled in the plan.

CAPITATION: That portion of the premium paid to the INSURER which is disbursed to the HCO in payment for all the benefits provided under the Basic Coverage to the beneficiaries who have selected said HCO, as hereinafter defined.

CO-INSURANCE: Percentage based participation of the beneficiary on each loss or portion of the cost of receiving a service.

CONTRACT: The present contractual relationship between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER, and to which, 1) Law 72 of September 7, 1993, 2) the Request For Proposal, 3) the INSURER's Proposal documents, 4) the representations and assurances provided at the clarification meeting held on June 11, 2001 contained in the transcript of the meeting, and 5) all other certifications issued by the INSURER following said clarification meeting, are herein incorporated by reference. All of the five (5) preceding set of documents are integral parts of this contract.

CONTRACT TERM: Period of nine (9) consecutive months beginning on the date the contract is effective. The coverage shall end at the conclusion of the contract term, unless extended pursuant to Article XXVII.

CMS: Acronym for the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services.

DEDUCTIBLE: A fixed amount that the beneficiary has to pay to the provider as part of the cost of receiving a health care service, as provided in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

ELECTIVE SURGERY: A surgical procedure that, even though medically necessary and prescribed by a physician, does not need to be performed immediately because no imminent risk to life, permanent damage of a vital organ or permanent impairment is present, and which therefore can be scheduled.

EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONDITION: (Prudent Layperson Standard) a medical condition presenting symptoms of sufficient severity that a person with average knowledge of health and medicine would reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in (i) placing their health or the health of an unborn child in immediate jeopardy, (ii) serious impairment of bodily functions, or
(iii) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.

ENCOUNTER: A contact between a patient and health professional during which a service is provided. An encounter form records selected identifying, diagnostic and related information describing an encounter.

FAMILY CONTRACT: The benefits provided to the following eligible beneficiaries;
1) principal subscriber; and 2) his or her spouse (legally married or common law); and 3)


his or her children (legally, adopted, foster or step children) under 21 years old that depend on the principal subscriber for subsistence; and 4) individuals under 21 years of age who have no children and live in common law with one of the eligible children in the same household; and 5) his or her dependents, of any age, who are blind or permanently disabled and live in the same household. Female beneficiaries (except spouse.) covered under family contract who become pregnant shall constitute a separate subscriber under an individual contract as of the first day of the month the pregnancy is diagnosed and reported to the INSURER.

HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION / HCO: A health care entity supported by a network of providers and which is based on a managed care system and accessed through a primary care physician (gatekeeper). Said entity has contracted with the insurer to provide, in adequate facilities, the benefits provided for within the Basic Coverage or the Basic and Special Coverage of the health insurance contract. For the purpose of this contract the HCO will be identified by its descriptive name such as Primary Care Center, Physician Hospital Organization (PHO), Independent Practice Association (IPA), Primary Provider Group (PPG), or any other model. The INSURER is responsible for the availability of all necessary providers to cover both the basic and the special coverage.

HEALTH AREA/REGION: The NORTH Health Area/Region as defined by the ADMINISTRATION, composed of the municipalities of ARECIBO, BARCELONETA, CAMUY, CIALES, FLORIDA, HATILLO, LARES, MANATI, MOROVIS, QUEBRADILLAS, UTUADO, AND VEGA BAJA. HIPAA: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is federal legislation (Public law 104-191) approved by Congress in August 21,1996 regulating the continuity and portability of health plans, mandating the adoption and implementation of administrative simplification standards to prevent, fraud, abuse, improve health plan overall operations and guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of individually identifiable health information.

INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT: The benefits provided to eligible subscribers that are: 1) unmarried single adults without minor dependents; or 2) married adults whose spouse and/or dependents are not eligible for coverage under this program; or
3) Female beneficiaries (except spouse) covered under family contract who become pregnant as of the first day of the month the pregnancy is diagnosed and reported to the INSURER.

INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATION (IPA): A managed care delivery model in which the INSURER contracts with a physician organization which, in turn, contracts with individual physicians. The IPA physicians practice in their own offices and continue to see their fee-for-service patients. This type of system combines prepayment with the traditional means of delivering health care, a physician office/private practice. For the purpose of this contract, an IPA will be considered a Health Care Organization (HCO).


INSURER: TRIPLE-S, INC., is a private entity which meets the definition of a managed care organization (MCO), previously known as a state defined HMO, has a comprehensive risk contract primarily for the purpose of providing health care services, making the services it provides accessible (in terms of timeliness, amount, duration and scope) as those services are to other Medicaid recipients within the Area/Region served by the entity and meets the solvency standards under the law as a state licensed risk-bearing entity.

MANAGED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ORGANIZATION (MBHO): An entity constituted by Mental Health Participating Providers and organized with the purpose of negotiating contracts to provide mental health and substance abuse services..

MEDICARE: Federal health insurance program for people 65 or older, people of any age with permanent kidney failure, and certain disabled people according to Title XVIII of the Social Security Act. Medicare has two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A is the hospital insurance that includes inpatient hospital care and certain follow up care. Part B is medical insurance that includes doctor services and many other medical services and items. A Medicare recipient is a person who has either Part A or Part A and B insurance.

MEDICARE BENEFICIARY: Any person who is a Medicare recipient of Part A or Part A and B and complies with the definition of beneficiary established in this article.

MEDICALLY NECESSARY SERVICES: shall mean services or supplies provided by an institution, physician, or other providers that are required to identify or treat a beneficiary's illness, disease, or injury and which are:

a. Consistent with the symptoms or diagnosis and treatment of the enrollee's illness, disease, or injury; and

b. Appropriate with regard to standards of good medical practice; and

c. Not solely for the convenience of an enrollee, physician, institution or other provider; and

d. The most appropriate supply or level of services which can safely be provided to the enrollee. When applied to the care of an inpatient, it further means that services for the enrollee's medical symptoms or condition require that the services cannot be safely provided to the enrollee as an outpatient; and

e. When applied to enrollees under 21 years of age, services shall be provided in accordance with EPSDT requirements including federal regulations as described in 42 CFR Part 441, Subpart B, and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989.


MENTAL HEALTH FACILITIES: Any premises (a) owned, leased, used or operated directly or indirectly by or for the Managed Behavioral Health Organization
(MBHO) or its affiliates for purposes related to this Agreement; or (b)
maintained by a subcontractor or provider to provide mental health services on behalf of the Managed Behavioral Health Organization.

MENTAL HEALTH CARVE-OUT: Specified psychiatric, behavioral, and substance abuse services covered under the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Plan provided through a contract with a separate entity. NON-PARTICIPATING PROVIDER: All health care services providers that do not have a contract in effect with the INSURER. Said provider is barred from providing services under this contract. PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN: A doctor of medicine that is legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and has a contract in effect with the INSURER.

PARTICIPATING PROVIDER: All health care services providers that have a contract in effect with the INSURER.

owns, directly or indirectly five percent (5%) or more of the insurer's capital or stock or receives five percent (5%) or more of its profits; has an interest in any mortgage, deed of trust, note, or other obligations secured in whole or in part by the insurer or by its property or assets, and that interest is equal to or exceeds five percent (5%) of the total property and assets of the insurer; or is an officer or director of the INSURER.

PHYSICIAN INCENTIVE PLAN: Any compensation arrangements between INSURER and physician or. physician groups that may directly or indirectly have the effect of reducing or limiting services furnished to Medicaid recipients enrolled with the insurer.

PRE-AUTHORIZATION: A written or electronic approval by the INSURER to the beneficiary granting authorization for a benefit to be provided under the Special Coverage of the program. The beneficiary is responsible for obtaining the preauthorization for coverage in order to receive covered benefits that require it. Failure to obtain pre-authorization precludes coverage. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the INSURER has the option of not requiring pre-authorization for all services received within a particular HCO.

PREMIUM: The monthly amount that the ADMINISTRATION agrees to pay to the INSURER as a result of having assumed the financial risk for providing the benefits to the beneficiaries covered. Method of payment is referred to hereunder as per member per month (PMPM).


PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN (GATEKEEPER): A doctor of medicine legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, who initially evaluates and provides treatment to beneficiaries. He/she is responsible for determining the services required by the beneficiaries, provides continuity of care, and refers the beneficiaries to specialized services if deemed medically necessary. Primary physicians will be considered those professionals accepted as such in the local and federal jurisdictions. The following are considered primary care physicians: Pediatricians, Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Family Physicians, Internists and General Practitioners. Each female beneficiary with a pregnancy factor has to select an obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. Once the pregnant woman completes her maternity care period, she will be allowed to continue with her primary care physician.

PROVIDER: An individual or entity that is authorized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to provide health care services.

PRICO: Acronym for the Puerto Rico Insurance Commissioner's Office, the state agency responsible for regulating, fiscalizing, and licensing insurance business in Puerto Rico.

SECOND MEDICAL OPINION: A consultation with a peer requested by the beneficiary, the HCO, a Participating Physician or the INSURER to assess the appropriateness of a previous recommendation for surgery or medical treatment.

SECONDARY or SPECIALTY PHYSICIAN: A physician such as a dermatologist, urologist or cardiologist, who provides professional services on a referral from a Primary Care Provider SUBSCRIBER: The beneficiary covered under the individual coverage of the plan or the principal beneficiary who grants eligibility to all those beneficiaries included under the family coverage.

SUPPORT PARTICIPATING PROVIDERS: Health care service providers who are needed to complement and provide support services to the Primary Care Physicians and who have a contract with the INSURER to provide said services. A referral from the Gatekeeper is necessary. The following will be considered support participating providers, among others: Pharmacies, Hospitals, Health Related Professionals, Clinical Laboratories, Radiological Facilities, Podiatrists, Optometrists, and all those participating providers that may be needed to provide services under the basic and special coverage considering the specific health problems of the Area/Region.

SUPPORT PARTICIPATING PHYSICIANS: Doctors of Medicine legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within Puerto Rico who are needed to complement and provide support services to the Primary Care Physicians and who have a contract with the INSURER to provide said services. A referral from the Gatekeeper is necessary.


QUALITY IMPROVEMENT (QI): The ongoing process of responding to data gathered through quality monitoring efforts, in such a way as to improve the quality of health care delivered to individuals. This process necessarily involves follow-up. studies of the measures taken to effect change in order to demonstrate that the desired change has occurred.

UTILIZATION MANAGEMENT (UM): The process of evaluating necessity appropriateness and efficiency of healthcare services through the revision of information about hospital, service or procedure from patients and/or providers to determine whether it meets established guidelines and criteria approved by the MCO.


INSURER must maintain the organizational and administrative capacity and capabilities to carry out all duties and responsibilities under this contract.

INSURER must maintain assigned staff with the capacity and capability to provide all services to all Beneficiaries under this contract.

INSURER must maintain an administrative office in the service area (local office). The local office must comply with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for public buildings..

INSURER must provide training and development programs to all assigned staff to ensure they know and understand the service requirements under this contract including the reporting requirements, the policies and procedures, cultural and linguistic requirements and the scope of services to be provided. The training and development plan must be submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION.

INSURER must notify THE ADMINISTRATION immediately no later than 30 days after the effective date of this contract of any changes in its organizational chart as previously submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION.

INSURER must notify THE ADMINISTRATION immediately within fifteen (15) working days of any change in regional or office managers. This information must be updated whenever there is a significant change in organizational structure or personnel.


1. Eligibility shall be determined according to Article VI, Section 5 of Law 72. of September 7, 1993 and the federal laws and regulations governing eligibility requirements for the Medicaid Program.

2. The INSURER shall provide coverage for all the eligible beneficiaries as provided in the prior section.


3. The INSURER shall inform beneficiaries, who are also Medicare recipients with Part A or Part A and B, at the time of enrollment that if they choose to become beneficiaries under the contracted health insurance, the benefits provided under said contract will be accessed exclusively through the primary care physician. In this situation:

a) bad debt reimbursement, as a result of non-payment of deductibles and/or coinsurance, for covered Part A services and Part B services provided in hospital setting, other than physician services;

b) payment for covered Part A services;

c) payment for Part B outpatient services provided in a hospital setting; and

d) all covered Part B services,

will continue to be recognized as a covered reimbursable Medicare Program cost. Medicare beneficiaries with either Part A or Part A and B can choose to access their Part A or Part B services from the Medicare's providers list except that in this case the INSURER will not cover the payment of any benefits provided through this contract.

4. The INSURER represents that neither the capitated amount paid to each HCO nor the fee for service amount paid to all providers includes payment for services covered under the Medicare Federal Program, The primary care physicians, the participating providers or any other physician contracted on a salary basis cannot receive duplicate payments for those beneficiaries that have Medicare Part A or Part B coverage. The INSURER further represents that it will audit and review its billing data to avoid duplicate payment with the Medicare Program. The INSURER shall report its findings to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis. The ADMINISTRATION will audit and review Medicare billing data for Part A or Part B payment for beneficiaries eligible to said Federal Program.

5. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service through the amount paid to the HCO.

6. The INSURER guarantees to maintain adequate services for the Health Area/Region for the prompt enrollment of all eligible beneficiaries on a daily basis and in the order of their application. The INSURER shall maintain sufficient facilities within the Area/Region as needed. The subscriber shall be responsible for visiting the designated facility in order to complete all requirements towards enrollment. The INSURER shall enroll the beneficiary(ies) and issue the official identification cards) on the same day that the subscriber completes the enrollment requirements. Initial orientation and enrollment will be conducted


pursuant to the Instructions to Insurers for Implementation of Orientation and Subscription Process contained in ADDENDUM II.

The INSURER shall be responsible to provide the subscriber with specific information allowing for the prompt and reliable enrollment of all eligible individuals.

7. The ADMINISTRATION shall notify the INSURER on a daily basis of all beneficiaries who have become eligible, as well as those who have ceased to be eligible. The INSURER shall guarantee the maintenance, functionality, and reliability of all necessary systems to allow enrollment or disenrollment of subscribers.

8. The beneficiary becomes eligible for enrollment as of the date specified in the ADMINISTRATION's notification to the INSURER.

9. The beneficiary ceases to be eligible as of the disenrollment date specified in the ADMINISTRATION's notification to the INSURER. If the ADMINISTRATION notifies the INSURER that the beneficiary ceased to be eligible on or before the last working day of the month in which eligibility ceases, the disenrollment will be effective on the first day of the following month. Disenrollment will be effected exclusively by a notification issued by the ADMINISTRATION.

10. If, following disenrollment, a beneficiary's contract is reinstated and the beneficiary is re-enrolled on the same month of disenrollment, the contract will be reinstated as of the date of re-enrollment and the ADMINISTRATION will pay premiums on a pro-rata basis for that month.

11. The INSURER agrees to maintain active enrollment for those beneficiaries reported eligible by the ADMINISTRATION. Notification of eligible persons will be made through electronic transmissions or machine readable media. The ADMINISTRATION will forward this data to the INSURER in the format agreed by both parties in accordance with the Daily Update/Carrier Eligibility File Format as required in the RFP.

12. Coverage under the plan shall begin the day that the enrollment process has been completed. The INSURER will guarantee that it will be ready to notify the ADMINISTRATION of all newly enrolled beneficiaries through electronic or magnetic media on a daily basis upon the Administration's request. This notification will include all new beneficiaries as of the day before the notification is issued and will be sent to the ADMINISTRATION no later than the following working day after the enrollment process has been completed. Premiums shall be paid on a pro-rata basis as of the: date that the enrollment process was completed and the official identification card has been issued, to the end of the month, as specified in the INSURER's notification to the ADMINISTRATION. Premium payments, if applicable, for newborn of beneficiaries will accrue as of


the date of birth of the child in the event that the enrollment process of said new beneficiary is completed. Premium payments shall be paid retroactively to the INSURER upon enrollment of the newborn. The insurer will pay the providers for the services rendered to that newborn. Nevertheless the newborn will be considered an insured beneficiary under his mother's coverage during the neonatal period, thirty (30) days.

13. In case that an individual has been certified as eligible by the Department of Health but has not completed the enrollment process, and he/she or his/her dependents need emergency services, the ADMINISTRATION shall verify the eligibility status of the individual. If the individual is eligible as a beneficiary, emergency services will be provided as if the individual is a beneficiary and arrangements for the issuance of the identification card will be made immediately after the notification of eligibility is made by the ADMINISTRATION to the INSURER. The premium in this instance will be paid to the INSURER on a pro-rata basis from the moment the emergency services needed are provided or the identification card is issued, whichever is first. For the purpose of this situation, the enrollment process is the process that commences at the time that the ADMINISTRATION gives notice to the INSURER of the beneficiaries eligibility status, and results in a letter to said beneficiary establishing the date and location for the completion of the enrollment documents and selection of the HCO. Said process ends when the beneficiary has selected an HCO from those available in the Health Area/Region and has received an identification card.

Nothing provided in this section is intended to affect a provider's obligation to screen and stabilize an individual arriving at its facilities for emergency treatment as defined by EMTALA and the applicable Commonwealth laws.

14. Coverage shall end effective on the date of disenrollment. Premiums will be paid until the effective date of disenrollment. In the event of disenrollment while the beneficiary is an inpatient of a hospital on the last day of the month of coverage, and continues to be an inpatient of a hospital during the month following his disenrollment, the ADMINISTRATION will cover the payment of the premium for that following month. If the beneficiary remains hospitalized in subsequent months, the conversion clause will apply for the months after the one being paid by the ADMINISTRATION it being the INSURER's responsibility to assure that premiums are paid. Disenrollment will be effected exclusively by a notification issued by the ADMINISTRATION.

15. The INSURER shall not in any way discriminate nor terminate coverage of any beneficiary(ies) for reasons due to adverse change in recipient's health, or based on expectations that an enrollee will require high cost care, or need of health services, or any reason whatsoever, except for non-payment of premiums or fraudulent use of benefits or participation of fraudulent acts, after prior notification and consultation with the ADMINISTRATION.


16. The INSURER agrees to maintain an Enrollment Data Base which:

a) includes each subscriber and all beneficiaries;

b) contains for each subscriber and beneficiary the information technically defined in the (Carrier Response Billing File/Carrier Eligibility File) formats required in RFP.

17. The INSURER will secure on the date of enrollment a signed statement from the subscriber authorizing the Federal Government, the INSURER, the ADMINISTRATION and/or their designees to review the medical record of the subscriber and other beneficiaries, in order to determine quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services performed under this contract. The terms, content and specifications of said authorization shall be consistent with the standards set forth in 45CFR 164.508 et seq., part of the regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

18. All individually identified information of services related to beneficiaries which is obtained by the INSURER shall be confidential and shall be used or disclosed by the INSURER, the HCO and/or its participating providers only for purposes directly connected with performance of all obligations contained in this contract. Medical records and management information data concerning any beneficiary enrolled pursuant to this contract shall be confidential and shall be disclosed within the INSURER's organization or to other persons, as authorized by the ADMINISTRATION, only as necessary to provide medical care and quality, peer or grievance review of such medical care under the terms of this contract and in coordination with the mental health carve-out contract subscribed by AS SMCA. The confidentiality provisions herein contained shall survive the termination of this contract and shall bind the INSURER, its HCOs and the INSURER's participating providers as long as they maintain any individually identifiable information relating to beneficiaries as provided in the implementation of the HIPAA regulation schedule to be set forth by the Federal Government, 45 CFR 164.102 et. seq. Any request for information which is made by third parties not related to this contract will be forwarded to the ADMINISTRATION for consideration, review and decision as to the pertinence of the request and the authorization for disclosure.

Nothing in this section shall limit or affect the ADMINISTRATION's, the INSURER and for providers obligations regarding protected individually identifiable health information as provided in 45 CFR 164.102 et seq. (HIPAA) regulations.

Disclosure of individually identifiable health information to any business associate as defined in 45 CFR 164.504(e) of the HIPAA regulations by the INSURER shall entail the legal obligations set forth therein.


19. The INSURER agrees to notify the ADMINISTRATION immediately of any change in the place of residence of the subscriber, insofar as the subscriber makes the change known to the INSURER. Address changes will be forwarded through electronic and/or machine-readable media as referred in paragraph sixteen.

20. The INSURER agrees to implement a program whereby eligible beneficiaries are properly advised of the date of termination of their eligibility so as to assure that they complete the recertification process prior to said date. Said program should provide for an initial notice of the termination date at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of the eligibility termination.

21. The INSURER hereby commits to comply with the electronic transactions, security and privacy requirements of the HIPAA regulations as provided in 45CFR 160 and 142 et seq. within the implementation dates set forth therein or by subsequent regulations schedule.


The INSURER has a limited right to request a beneficiary be disenrolled from INSURER without the beneficiary's consent. THE ADMINISTRATION must approve any INSURER request for disenrolling a beneficiary for cause.

Disenrollment of a beneficiary may be permitted under the following circumstances:

(a) Beneficiary misuses or loans its membership card to another person to obtain services.

(b) Beneficiary is disruptive, unruly, threatening or uncooperative to the extent that beneficiary's membership seriously impairs INSURER's or provider's ability to provide services to beneficiaries or to obtain new beneficiaries, and beneficiary's behavior is not caused by a physical or other mental health condition.

The INSURER must take reasonable measures to improve a beneficiary's behavior prior to requesting disenrollment and must notify beneficiary of its intent to disenroll. Reasonable measure may include providing education and counseling regarding the offensive acts or behavior.

INSURER must notify the beneficiary of the INSURER's decision to disenroll after reasonable measures have failed to remedy the problem.

If the beneficiary disagrees with the decision to disenroll the beneficiary from INSURER, INSURER MUST notify the beneficiary of the availability of the complaint of Grievance Procedure and THE ADMINISTRATION's Fair Hearing process.


If the beneficiary disagrees with the decision to disenroll, INSURER must notify the Beneficiary of the availability of the complaint procedure and compliance with Fair Hearing Process, or as provided by Law 72 of September 7, 1993, as amended.


1. Each principal subscriber shall have the right to select an HCO from those available in the health Area/Region which at no time will be less than two (2) HCOs at each municipality, one of which has to be a privatized or non-privatized government or municipal facility if available, and subject to compliance with INSURER's requirements for HCO's. The selection of the HCO or primary care physician will be made by the beneficiaries at the insurance regional offices.

The right of beneficiaries to transfer or change from an HCO shall be made at any time without cause during the first 90 days following the date of the beneficiary's initial enrollment or the date of enrollment notice is sent, whichever is later, and at most once every twelve (12) months thereafter, and for any of the causes of disenrollment set forth on 42 CFR 438.56 at any time.

2. Each HCO will have available at least one of each specialist considered a primary care physician and shall meet the specification of the ratio specified in Article VI, and will have a sufficient number of primary care physicians to provide health care services to all beneficiaries according to the ratio specified in Article VI. Furthermore, the INSURER will provide to each HCO a network with a sufficient number of participating providers to render all services included under the basic, special and dental coverage to beneficiaries pursuant to the ratio specified in Article VI.

3. The beneficiary shall have the right to choose his or her primary care physician from those available within the HCO selected by the principal subscriber. Said right also encompasses the change of the selected primary physician at any time by making the proper administrative arrangements within the HCO in conformity with the HCO's established policy. The selected primary care physician or the substitute on-duty primary care physician within the HCO must be available on a 24 hour basis for emergencies and/or telephone consultations. Each HCO must have available all of the primary care physicians (family physicians, internists, general practitioners, pediatricians and obstetrician-gynecologist) subject to waivers in case of unavailability of a specific provider.

4. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) municipality within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.


5. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) HCO within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.

6. Each female beneficiary may select (i) primary care physician, or (ii) primary care physician and obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. If the female is pregnant, the obstetrician-gynecologist automatically will become the primary care physician; if one is not previously selected, she will then have to choose an obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. Once the pregnant woman completes her maternity care period, she will be allowed to continue with her original primary care physician.

7. Any subscriber may change the selected HCO subject to the provisions of Section 1, above. If the request for an HCO change is filed with the INSURER on or before the fifth day of each month the change of HCO will become effective on the first day of the next month. If the change is filed after the fifth day of the month, the change in HCO will be effective on the first day of the second succeeding month. Selection guidelines are contemplated in Article VI, paragraph 3 of this contract.

8. The beneficiary shall have the right to choose the provider to be referred to from those participating providers within the HCO's network that are under contract with the INSURER's for benefits covered under the Basic and Special Coverage.

9. Dental services will be provided through the INSURER's network of dentists for the health insurance services contracted. Each subscriber will have the right to select a dentist within the INSURER's network to receive dental services. The accepted dentist/beneficiary ratio is one (1) dentist for each one thousand three hundred fifty (1,350) beneficiaries.

10. In the event that HCOs under 330 Projects of the Rural Health Initiative have contracts with specialists, support participating providers, or support participating physicians, either on a fee-for-service basis or on a salary basis, the INSURER will be responsible for gathering and reporting all required data including the payment of services described in Article VII, Section five (5), Article XV, sections four (4) and eight (8), and the Record of Service File Layout formats as required in the RFP.

11. The INSURER will provide to each principal subscriber a complete list of all participating physicians and participating providers, with addresses and specialties or health related services offered, in order to allow the beneficiary to choose among them.

12. The beneficiary shall also have the right to choose the pharmacy according to applicable PBM guidelines established by the ADMINISTRATION and any other participating providers among those contracted by the ADMINISTRATION for basic and/or special coverage services, said guidelines to become effective sixty (60) days after notice to INSURER. The ADMINISTRATION will determine the


acceptable pharmacy/beneficiary ratio in order to assure access to the pharmacy benefits. The right to choose requires the availability of sufficient number of pharmacies in each municipality of residence of the beneficiaries. .

13. The INSURER will develop and effectively disseminate an education and orientation program in order to insure that all eligible beneficiaries are aware of their rights under this contract, including their right to choose physicians and providers. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to make changes, modifications and recommendations to said program in coordination and agreement with the INSURER. This program shall be subject to approval by the ADMINISTRATION prior to its implementation and in compliance with the marketing guidelines and prohibitions referred in Article IX.

14. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the ADMINISTRATION shall preserve the right in coordination with INSURER, to expand, limit or otherwise amend the provision of services as provided for herein and/or to negotiate in coordination with the INSURER, cost saving and efficiency improvement measures. In those cases in which the ADMINISTRATION acts on its own, changes to the provision of services shall be notified to the INSURER no later than 30 days prior to implementation. Said modifications will take place after consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER.


1. The INSURER shall be a secondary payor to any other party liable in any claim for services to a beneficiary, including but not limited to:
the INSURER itself, Medicare, other insurers or health maintenance organizations, non-profit INSURER's operating under law 152 approved May 9, 1942 as amended, Asociacion de Maestros de Puerto Rico, medical plans sponsored by employee organizations, labor unions, and any other entity that results liable for the benefits claimed against the INSURER for coverage to beneficiaries.

2. It shall be the responsibility of the INSURER to ascertain that the aforementioned provisions of Law 72 of September 7, 1993 are enforced and that the INSURER .acts as secondary payor to any other medical insurance.

3. The ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER will cooperate in the exchange of third parties health insurance benefits information. To this effect the INSURER will comply fully with the Carta Normativa Numero N-E-5-95-98 issued by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner of Puerto Rico and the HIPAA regulations provisions cited elsewhere in this contract.

4. The INSURER will make diligent efforts to determine if beneficiaries have third party coverage and will attempt to utilize such coverage when applicable. The INSURER, will be permitted to retain 100% of the collections from subrogation.


The plan's experience will be credited with the amount collected from said primary payor.

5. The INSURER must report quarterly to the ADMINISTRATION the amounts collected from third parties for health services provided. Said reports must provide a detailed description of the beneficiary's name, contract number, third party payor name and address, date of service, diagnosis and provider's name and address and identification number.

6. The INSURER must report quarterly to the ADMINISTRATION the amounts collected from third parties for health services provided according with standard format to be adopted by the ADMINISTRATION. Said reports must provide a detailed description of the beneficiary's name, contract number, third party payor name and address, date of service, diagnosis and provider's name and address and identification number.

7. The INSURER shall develop specific procedures for the exchange of information, collections and reporting of other primary payor sources and is required to verify its own eligibility files for information on whether or not the beneficiary has private health insurance within the INSURER.

8. The INSURER must implement and execute, an effective and diligent mechanism in order to assure the collection from primary payors of all benefits covered under this contract. Said program, mechanisms and method of implementation shall be reported to the ADMINISTRATION as of the first date of the effectiveness of this contract.

9. Failure of the INSURER to comply with this Article may, at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, because for the application of the provisions under Article XXXIII.


1. In cases of emergency or immediate need of medical care within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the INSURER will be responsible for the payment of emergency service provided to beneficiaries when the emergency or immediate need of medical care occurs within its network or outside of its network or the geographical Area/Region of the selected HCO's emergency care facility. Such services must be paid by the INSURER regardless of whether the entity that furnishes the service has contracted with the INSURER and no prior authorization shall be required by the INSURER for the provision of emergency services. The INSURER will assume the payment of the medical screening examinations or other medically necessary emergency services, whether or not the patients meets the prudent layperson standard, in the event


that the beneficiary's PCP or any INSURER representative or provider instructs them to seek emergency care within or out of its network area/region.

Such services shall consist of whatever is necessary to stabilize the patient's condition, unless the expected medical benefits of a transfer outweigh the risk of not undertaking the transfer, and the transfer conforms with all applicable requirements. The stabilization services includes all treatment that may be necessary to assure within reasonable medical probability, that no material deterioration of the patients condition is likely to result from or occur during discharge of the patient or transfer of patient to another facility.

In the event of a disagreement with the provider concerning whether a patient is stable enough in order to be discharged or transferred or whether the medical benefits outweight the risk, the judgement of the attending physician caring for the enrollee will prevail and oblige the INSURER. Such services shall be provided in such a manner as to allow the subscriber to be stable for discharge or transfer as defined by EMTALA, in order to safely return the subscriber to the corresponding HCO, or to an appropriate participating provider for continuation of treatment.

2. Since emergency care is of utmost concern to the ADMINISTRATION, the INSURER shall require that adequate ambulance transportation and emergency medical care are available. Each municipality shall have access to an emergency care system composed of ground, air and maritime ambulance transportation as necessary, and emergency medical care.

3. Ambulance transportation and emergency care will be subject to periodic reviews by applicable governmental agencies to ensure. the highest quality of services.

4. All participating providers shall provide immediate emergency care services to beneficiaries when requested.

5. Emergency care services as well as ambulance transportation services shall exist in each municipality comprising the health area/region, 24 hours a day, and 365 days yearly, operated by an HCO, or by other participating providers.

6. The INSURER and each HCO is required to provide access to emergency care and ambulance transportation services within their own facilities, through their contracted, participating providers or through contract with third parties that guarantee said emergency care and ambulance transportation twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week.

7. The INSURER will assure that each HCO makes the necessary arrangements to have readily available ambulance services in good mechanical condition and properly equipped, in order to assure a prompt and effective ambulance transportation service.


8. The INSURER or the HCO will establish Urgent Care Centers within the Health Area/Region. These include physician offices and clinics with extended hours. These Urgent Care Centers may complement emergency care services but at no time will they substitute the requirement to have emergency care services and ambulance transportation available at each municipality 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days yearly.

9. The INSURER will provide beneficiaries access to a 24-hour-a-day toll-free hotline with licensed qualified professionals to help beneficiaries with questions about particular medical conditions and to guide them to appropriate facilities (emergency rooms, urgent care centers, among others). Notwithstanding, the aforementioned statement, the beneficiary will have the right to choose to attend an emergency room if he believes his condition is an emergency medical condition, as defined in this contract, without prior need of authorization or certification.


1. The INSURER will contract all available private providers that meet its credentialing process and agree to its contractual terms, in order to assure sufficient participating providers, to satisfy the demand of covered services by the beneficiaries enrolled in the program. The physician/beneficiary ratio accepted is one (1) primary care physician for each eight hundred and fifty (850) beneficiaries; one (1) specialist (not primary care) for each one thousand one hundred (1,100) beneficiaries; and, one (1) physician (all) for each eight hundred (800) beneficiaries. These ratio does not take into account the expected mix between private patients and beneficiaries which could increase the physicians capacity to 1:1,700 for primary care physicians; 1:2,200 for specialists and 1:1,600 for all physicians. In the event that the HCOs provides services only to beneficiaries under this contract, the physician/beneficiary ratio will be the same to that applicable when there is a mix between private patients and beneficiaries. The INSURER will assure compliance with said physician/beneficiary ratio.

2. The INSURER shall be responsible to contract all the necessary health care services and participating providers to insure that all the benefits covered under the Basic, Dental and Special Coverage of the plan are rendered, through the INSURER's participating providers with the timeliness, amount, duration and scope as those services are rendered to non-enrolled Medicaid recipients within the area/region served.

3. Every subscriber shall be able to select from at least two (2) HCOs with sufficient enrollment capacity in his or her municipality, one of which will be a privatized government facility, if available and subject to compliance with INSURER's requirements for HCOs. Each subscriber shall also be able to choose a HCO


outside his or her municipality of domicile as provided for in Article III, paragraph 1 of this contract.

4. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) municipality within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.

5. Contracts between the INSURER and HCOs and between the INSURER and its participating providers shall be independent contracts specifically designed to cover all terms and conditions contained in this contract. Coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers: to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.

6. HCO enrollment shall be conditioned on the availability of adequate health care services. It shall be the INSURER's responsibility to maintain a constant assessment of the enrollment capacity of each HCO. Adequate health care services will be those determined acceptable under the ADMINISTRATION's Compliance Evaluation Program as outlined in Article XVII of this contract.

7. That INSURER shall be responsible for communicating to its participating providers the public policy that prohibits provider inquiries with the purpose of determining if the beneficiary is subject to the benefits provided under Law 72 of September 7, 1993.

8. The INSURER is responsible for the development and maintenance of an adequate system for referrals of health services under this contract. It shall audit all systems and processes related to referrals of services that the HCO'S or participating providers implement. In no way the INSURER, HCO'S or any provider's Referral Committee may interfere, prohibit, or restrict any health care professional's advice within their scope of practice. The referral system must be approved by the Administration.

9. All referral systems must comply with timeframes established in paragraph (23). If the system developed by the INSURER is by electronic means, it must be installed at all primary care offices. It is unacceptable to force the beneficiary to move to another facility to obtain referrals.

10. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that no HCO'S or participating providers will impose limit quotas or restrain services to subcontracted providers for the services medically needed (e.g. laboratory, pharmacies, or other services).

11. The INSURER shall expedite access to benefits of beneficiaries diagnosed with conditions under the Special Coverage. The identification of these beneficiaries


will allow rapid access of the medical services covered under our Special Coverage.

12. Any denial, unreasonable delay or rationing of services to the beneficiaries is expressly prohibited. The INSURER shall require strict compliance with this prohibition by its participating providers or any other entity related to the rendering of medical care services to the beneficiaries. Any action in violation of this prohibition shall be subject to the provisions of Article VI, Section 6 of Law 72 of September 7, -1993. Furthermore, the INSURER shall be responsible for posting information at every HCO, addressed to the beneficiaries, stating the policy that prohibits denying, unreasonably delaying or rationing services by participating providers or any other entity related to the rendering of medical care services to the beneficiaries, and providing information on procedures for filing a grievance on the subject. The INSURER shall notify the HCOs and participating providers that they must comply with the policy that prohibits the denial, the unreasonable delay or the rationing of services by participating providers or any other entity rendering medical services to beneficiaries, and further that they must provide information on procedures for filing a grievance. The INSURER shall comply with the performance measures established and scheduled by the ADMINISTRATION.

13. The INSURER will ensure that HCOs and participating providers have a mix of patients distributed between private and eligible beneficiaries so as to avoid any possibility of discrimination by reason of medical indigence, whenever feasible.

14. No participating provider, or its agents, may deny a beneficiary access to medically necessary health care services, except for the reasons specified in Article VI, section 6 of Law 72 of September 7, 1993.

15. The INSURER is responsible for having an adequate number of participating physicians and providers to supply all the benefits offered in the Basic, Dental and the Special Coverage of the contracted health insurance. The benefits under the Basic, Special and Dental coverage will be provided to the beneficiaries at the location of the participating providers.

16. The INSURER is responsible to have available all participating providers needed in order to render all the medically necessary services required to provide the beneficiaries with the benefits included in the Basic, Dental and Special Coverage of the contracted health insurance as specified in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

17 The INSURER agrees to require compliance by all participating physicians and providers with all provisions contained in this contract.

18. The INSURER has a continuous legal responsibility toward the ADMINISTRATION to assure that all activities under this contract are carried out.


INSURER will use its best efforts to prevent unauthorized actions by HCOs or participating providers. INSURER will take appropriate measures to ensure that all activities under this Contract are carried out. Failure to properly discharge the obligation to assure, by all means necessary and appropriate, full compliance with said activities, shall result in the termination of this contract as provided in Article XXXIII hereof.

19. Pursuant to the Health Reform Concept of 1993, the INSURER shall contract as participating providers those Commonwealth owned facilities that have been privatized in the Health Area/Region by virtue of Laws 103 of July 12, 1985, and 190 of September 5, 1996, the 330 and 339 Projects of the Rural Health Initiatives, those State owned facilities not privatized, as well as the privatized or non privatized municipally owned facilities in the different areas/regions and regions which will complement access to covered medical services, subject to its credentialing requirements and contractual terms.

20. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that physician and providers of services under this contract will provide the full range medical counseling that is appropriate for beneficiaries condition. In no way the INSURER or any of its contractors may interfere, prohibit, or restrict any health care professional's advice within their scope of practice, regardless of whether a care or treatment is covered under the contract.

21. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that its Physician Incentive Plan does not in any way compensate directly or indirectly physicians, individual physicians, group of physicians or subcontractors as an inducement to reduce or limit medically necessary services furnished to individual enrollee and that it meets the stop-loss protection and enrollee survey and disclosure requirements under the Social Security Act. The INSURER shall ensure that at the intermediate level all physician providers groups are afforded with adequate stoploss protection within the required thresholds under the Medicaid Program regulations.

22. If the Insurer's Physician Incentive Plan in any respect places physicians at substantial financial risk, INSURER assures that adequate stop-loss insurance will be maintained to protect physicians from loss beyond the risk thresholds established under sections 42CFR
422.208. In the event, INSURER places physicians at substantial risk it shall conduct enrollee/disenrollee surveys not later than one year after the effective date of the contract and at least annually thereafter.

23. Timeframes for Access Requirements. INSURER must have sufficient network of providers and must establish procedures to ensure beneficiaries have access to routine, urgent, and emergency services; telephone appointments; advice and Beneficiaries service lines. These services must be accessible to beneficiaries within the following timeframes:


- Urgent Care within 24 hours of request;

- Routine care within 2 weeks of request;

- Physical/Wellness Exams for adults must be provided within 8 to 10 weeks of the request;

- Referrals: Appointments of referrals must be delivered and notified to beneficiaries within five (5) days from the date prescribed by the provider.

24. INSURER must establish policies and procedures to ensure access to EPSDT Checkups be provided within ninety (90) days of new enrollment, except that newborn beneficiaries should be seen within two (2) weeks of enrollment, and that in all cases, and for all beneficiaries such policies and procedures be consistent with the American Academy of Pediatrics and EPSDT periodicity schedule which is based on the American Academy of Pediatrics schedule and the guidelines established by the ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER must advice the beneficiary of his right to have a checkup.


1. All services necessary to provide beneficiaries the benefits of the Basic, Special and Dental Coverage shall be contracted in writing with all participating providers. The INSURER will ensure that all provisions and requirements contained in this contract are properly included in the contracts with the HCOs and with all participating providers and that they are carried out by said HCOs and participating providers. Such provisions and requirements made part of these contracts will be properly notified to the ADMINISTRATION. Coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.

2. The INSURER may not discriminate with respect to participation, reimbursement or indemnification as to any provider who is acting within the scope of the provider's license or certification under applicable Commonwealth.

3. The INSURER agrees to draft, execute and enforce a specific contract between the INSURER and the HCO and between the INSURER and its- participating providers that will include all applicable provisions contained in this contract. The INSURER will insure that said applicable provisions are properly complied with by the HCOs and its network of participating providers.


To this effect, the Insurer also agrees to certify or attest that none of his contractors, subcontractors or providers of services: (1) consults, employs or procures services from any individual that has been debarred or suspended from any federal agency; or (2) has a director, partner or employee with a beneficial ownership of more than a 5% on their organization's equity who has been debarred or suspended by any federal agency, or (3) procures self-referral of services to any provider in which it may have directly or indirectly any economic or proprietary interest.

The INSURER will certify and attest that it has provided all HCOs, complete written instructions describing procedures to be used for the compliance with all duties and obligations arising under this contract. These instructions will include the following information:
provider selection by beneficiaries, covered services, reporting requirements, record- keeping requirements, grievance procedures, deductibles and co-payment amounts, confidentiality, and prohibitions against denial or rationing of services. Copy of these instructions will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION, who reserves the right to request modifications or amendments to said instructions following consultation with the INSURER.

4. The INSURER agrees to incorporate in its contracts with HCOs and in those between the INSURER and its participating providers, the following provisions, among others, contained in this contract:

a. A payment time schedule to pay the HCOs for services rendered and for payment for services rendered by the participating providers to the HCOs, the schedules will not exceed the time limitation standards required by the Administration under this contract to assure prompt payments of sums due to providers.

b. A warranty by the HCO insuring that the method and system used to pay for the services rendered by the HCO's network of participating providers are reasonable and that the negotiated terms do not jeopardize or infringe upon the quality of the services provided.

c. A procedure that establishes how the HCO's network of participating providers can recover from the INSURER monies owed for services rendered and not paid by the HCO, after the HCO's participating provider has demanded payment from the HCO.

d. That payments received for services rendered under the health insurance plan shall constitute full and complete payment except for: (i) the deductibles contained in ADDENDUM I of this contract, and (ii) that the benefits or services rendered is not covered. The INSURER will insure compliance with Article XVIII, paragraphs (6) and (7) of this contract.

e. a release clause authorizing access by the ADMINISTRATION to the participating providers' Medicare billing data for beneficiaries covered by this contract who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare beneficiaries, provided that such access is authorized by CMS and other related statutory or regulatory provisions thereof. Access by the


ADMINISTRATION shall be at all times subject to all HIPAA regulations requirements mentioned elsewhere in this contract.

f. That INSURER will cover the payment of Medicare Part B deductibles and co-insurance for services received by a beneficiary under Medicare Part B, accessed through the HCO's primary care provider, with primary care physician's authorization their network of participating providers and the participating providers of the INSURER for the basic and/or special coverage.

g. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics and other institutional care providers, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service.

h. That the only Part A deductible and co-insurance, and Part B deductible and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in a hospital clinic and other institutional care providers, other that physician services, will be the one billed to Medicare as bad debt. No other amount will be charged to these beneficiaries. The INSURER will neither cover the payment of Medicare Part A deductibles and co-insurance for services received by a beneficiary under Medicare Part A nor the Part B deductible and co-insurance for services provided in hospital clinics, other than physician services. The INSURER will cover the deductibles and co-insurances of all Part B services including Part B deductibles and co-insurance for physician services provided in an outpatient basis to hospital clinics.

i. That coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.

j. The INSURER will establish directives for psychotropic prescription dispatchment by providers in accordance with the applicable agreement with the pharmacy benefit managers (PBM). The ADMINISTRATION is evaluating an alternative arrangement for pharmacy benefit management, (PBM), which if agreeable to the parties will be implemented according to Article XXXII of this Contract.

5. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION a detailed description of the payment methodology used to pay for services rendered by the HC0s, HCO's network of providers (primary care physicians and other providers), and other participating providers. Said description of the payment methodology will also address the methodology used by the HCOs in the distribution within their own group of the capitation payments, fee for services or other basis for payment of services to provider HCOs. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION a monthly report detailing all payments made to the HCO, HCO's network of participating providers and to the INSURER's participating providers classified by specialty.


6. The INSURER represents that neither the premium or the capitated payments or capitated payments with a fee-for-service component for services, made to HCOs, to HCO's network of participating providers, as well as to the INSURER's participating providers, include payment of services covered under the Medicare Federal Program.

7. As part of the terms and conditions contained in the contracts with participating providers, the INSURER will include in those with privatized government facilities (to include those under management contract, that have been sold or are under lease), a provision that will authorize the INSURER upon the written request of the Department of Health, to withhold a determined amount from the monthly payments to said participating providers for services rendered under this contract. Said amount will be determined by the Department of Health on the basis of the payments contractually agreed to between the Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and said participating providers on account of the management fee, sale price or lease fee, as well as 50% of the employees' payroll which the participating providers are required to reimburse the Department of Health. The INSURER will remit said withheld amounts directly to the Department of Health.

8. The INSURER shall provide all reasonable means necessary to ensure that the contracting practices between its participating HCO and providers are in compliance with federal anti-fraud provisions and particularly, in conformity with the limitations and prohibitions of the False Claims Act, the Anti-kickback statute and regulations and Stark II Law and regulations prohibiting self-referral to designated medical services by participating medical providers.

9. To the extent feasible within INSURER'S existing claims processing systems, INSURER should have a single or central address to which providers must submit claims. If a central processing center is not possible within INSURER's existing claims processing system, INSURER must provide each network provider a complete list of all entities to whom the providers must submit claims for processing and/or adjudication. The list must include the name of the entity, the address to which claims must be sent, explanation for determination of the correct claims payer based on services rendered, and a phone number the provider may call to make claims inquiries. INSURER must notify providers in writing of any changes in the claims filing list at least 30 days prior to effective date of change. If INSURER is unable to provide 30 days notice, providers must be given a 30-day extension on their claims filing deadline to ensure claims are routed to correct processing center.

10. The Administration and the Department of Health Medicaid Fraud Control Unit must be allowed to conduct private interviews of providers and the providers' employees, contractors, and patients. Requests for information must be complied with, in the form and language requested. Providers and their employees and contractors must cooperate fully in making themselves available


in person for interviews, consultation, grand jury proceedings, pre-trial conference, hearings, trial and in any other process, including investigations.


INSURER must prepare and issue a Provider Manual(s), including any necessary specialty manuals to the providers in the INSURER network and to newly contracted providers in the INSURER network within five
(5) working days from inclusion of the provider into the network. The Provider Manual must contain sections relating to special requirements.

INSURER must provide training to all network providers and their staff regarding the requirements of THE ADMINISTRATION/INSURER contract and special needs of beneficiaries under this contract.

INSURER training for all providers must be completed no later than 30 days after placing a newly contracted provider on active status. INSURER must provide ongoing training to new and existing providers as required by INSURER or THE ADMINISTRATION to comply with this contract.

INSURER must maintain and make available upon request enrollment or attendance rosters dated and signed by each attendee or other written evidence of training of each network provider and their staff.


The providers in INSURER network must meet the following qualifications:

FQHC              A Federally Qualified Health Center meets the standards
                  established by federal rules and procedures. The FQHC must
                  also be an eligible provider enrolled in the Medicaid

Physician         An individual who is licensed to practice medicine as an M.D.
                  or a D.O. in Puerto Rico either as a primary care provider or
                  in the area of specialization under which they will provide
                  medical services under contract with INSURER; who is a
                  provider enrolled in the Medicaid program; and who has a
                  valid Drug Enforcement Agency registration number and a
                  Puerto Rico Controlled Substance Certificate, if either is
                  required in their practice.

Hospital          An institution licensed as a general or special hospital by
                  the Puerto Rico Health Department under Chapter 241 of the
                  Health and Safety Code and Private Psychiatric Hospitals
                  under Chapter 577 of the Health and Safety Code (or is a
                  provider which is a component part of a State or local
                  government entity which does not require a


                  license under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico),
                  which is enrolled as a provider in the Puerto Rico Medicaid

Non-Physician     An individual holding a license issued by the applicable
Practitioner      licensing agency of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico who is
Provider          enrolled in the Puerto Rico Medicaid Program or an
                  individual properly trained to provide health support
                  services who practices under the direct supervision of an
                  appropriately licensed professional.

Clinical          An entity having a current certificate issued under the
Laboratory        Federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA), and
                  enrolled in the Puerto Rico Medicaid Program.

Rural Health      An institution which meets all of the criteria for
Clinic (RHC)      designation as a rural health clinic, and enrolled in the
                  Puerto Rico Medicaid Program. (330, 329)

Local Health      A local health department established pursuant to Health and
Department        Safety Code, Title 2, Local Public Health Reorganization Act

Non-Hospital      A provider of health care services which is licensed and
Facility          credentialed to provide services, and enrolled in our
Provider          program.

School Based      Clinics located at school campuses that provide on-site
Health Clinic     and primary preventive care to children and adolescents.


1. The INSURER agrees to comply and implement in full all instructions and guidelines contained in the Administration's Instructions to Insurers for Implementation of Orientation and Subscription Process.
(Addendum II)

2. The INSURER shall issue to each beneficiary a card of durable plastic material that provides proper identification to access the benefits covered under this contract.

3. This card shall be similar to those the INSURER issues to the rest of their subscribers and shall not contain information that may identify the cardholder as medically indigent.


4. The INSURER shall be responsible to assure delivery of the cards at a location accessible to the beneficiaries in each municipality.

5. The INSURER shall deliver the card on the same day that the beneficiary completes, the enrollment process.

6. The identification cards shall contain the following information:

a) Name of Beneficiary

b) INSURER's Group Number

c) Subscriber's Social Security Number

d) Relationship of beneficiary with subscriber (if applicable)

e) HCO name and number

f) Issue Date

g) Type of Contract (individual or family)

h) Coverage effective date

i) Other Insurance code

j) Medicare Part A and/or Part A and B deductible code.

7. The INSURER will replace lost, stolen, mutilated cards and will have the right to charge the beneficiaries one dollar ($1.00) for each card replaced.

8. The INSURER will replace free of charge the identification card whenever a change of HCO is made.

9. Identification cards are the property of the INSURER and they shall be returned by the beneficiary upon losing eligibility to the plan or when a change of HCO is made.

10. The INSURER shall be responsible for notifying each beneficiary that the identification card is for the personal identification of the beneficiary to whom it has been issued, and that lending, transferring or in any other way consenting to the use of the card by any other person constitutes a fraudulent act.

11. Identification Card contents and layout are subject to the prior approval of the ADMINISTRATION to be in accordance with Law 72 of September 7, 1993.


1. The INSURER shall be responsible for the preparation, printing and distribution, at its own cost, of booklets, in the Spanish language, that describe the plan and the benefits covered therein. The Insurer agrees to submit before the effective date of the contract a translated copy of the beneficiaries booklet in the English


language by the proper revision of federal authorities. These booklets will be delivered to each subscriber upon enrollment, along with the required identification card(s)


3. The booklets shall serve as guarantee of the benefits to be provided and shall contain the following information:

a) Schedule of benefits covered, all services and items that are available and that are covered either directly or through methods of referral and/or prior authorization, a written description of how and where the services that have been available through the plan services may be obtained.

b) Benefit's exclusions and limitations. For benefits that enrollees are entitled to but are not available through the MCO, a written description on how and where to obtain benefits; description of procedures for requesting disenrollments/changes.

c) Beneficiary's rights and responsibilities, in accordance with specific rights and requirements to be afforded in accordance with Medical Program regulations 42 CFR 438.100 as amended, Puerto Rico Patient Bill of Rights Law 194, Puerto Rico Mental Health Code, August 25, 2000, as implemented by regulation, and Law 11 which creates the Office of Patients Solicitor General of April 11, 2001.

d) Instructions on how to access benefits, including a list of
(1) available HCO's and its participating providers, PCP or Specialists (its locations and qualifications), (2) providers from which to obtain benefits under the Special Coverage. Said list can be provided in a separate booklet.

e) Official grievances and appeal filing procedures.

f) In the event a Physician Incentive Plan affects the use of referral services and/or places physicians at substantial risk, the INSURER shall provide the following information upon beneficiaries requests: the type of incentive arrangements, whether stop-loss insurance is provided and the survey results of any enrollee/disenrollee surveys that will have to be conducted by INSURER.

g) Unless otherwise specified, subscription materials must be written at the 4th-6th grade reading comprehension level.

4. The booklets shall be approved by the ADMINISTRATION prior to printing, distribution, and dissemination in compliance with provisions of Article IX.

5. The INSURER shall also be responsible for the preparation, printing and distribution, at its own cost, of an Informative Bulletin, in the Spanish language, that describes the plan, services and benefits covered therein as well as the managed care concept. This Informative Bulletin will be distributed among the HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and the INSURER's participating providers.


6. The INSURER shall be responsible to conduct and assure the participation of all providers under this contract to diverse seminars to be held throughout the Health Area/Region in order to properly orient and familiarize said providers with all aspects and requirements related to the Preventive Medicine Program, Benefits and Coverage under this contract, and the Managed Care concept. Said seminars will be organized, scheduled, conducted and offered at the expense of the INSURER. The curriculum for said seminars will be coordinated with and approved by the ADMINISTRATION Healthcare Coordinators.

7. All participating providers are mandatorily required to receive yearly during the contract term at least four (4) hours of orientation, education and familiarization with different aspects related to this contract on/or before the expiration of the first four and a half (4 1/2) months of the contract term. Failure to comply with this requirement will be sufficient grounds to exclude from the Health Insurance Program the participating provider. If, at the expiration of the first four and half (4 1/2) of the contract term, the participating provider has not fully complied with this requirement, it will be excluded as participating provider for subsequent periods of the contract or the contract term. At the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, and for good cause the excluded provider may be authorized to be contracted as a participating provider if it subsequently complies with the requirement.

8. The ADMINISTRATION will monitor and evaluate all marketing activities by the INSURER, its contractor, sub-contractors or any provider of services under this contract.

9. Any marketing material addressed to enrollees can not contain false or misleading information. All oral, written or audiovisual information addressed to enrollees should be accurate and sufficient for beneficiaries to make an informed consent decision whether or not to enroll and will have to be pre-approved by the ADMINISTRATION.

10. The INSURER, contractor or subcontractor or any providers of services must distribute the material to its entire service area/region. In the event the INSURER or any of its contractors develop new and revised materials they shall submit them to the ADMINISTRATION for prior approval.

11. The ADMINISTRATION will appoint an Advisory Committee, with representation of at least: a board certified physician, a beneficiary of a consumer advocate organization that includes Medicaid recipients a health related professional related with the medical needs of low-income population and a Director of a Welfare Department that does not head a medicaid agency.


12. The Advisory Committee will assist the ADMINISTRATION in the evaluation and the review of any marketing or informational material addressed to assist medicaid recipients in the provision of health services under this contract.

All the marketing activities and the information which shall be allowed will be limited to the following:

a) Clear description of health care benefits coverage and exclusions to enrollees;

b) Explain how, when, where benefits are available to enrollees;

c) Explain how to access emergency, family-planning services, services that do or do not require referrals and authorizations;

d) Explain any benefits enrollees are entitled to, that are not available through the MCO and how to obtain them;

e) Enrollees rights and responsibilities;

f) Grievance and appeal procedures.

13. The INSURER, its agents, any contractor or sub-contractor party under this contract shall not engage in cold call marketing that is, unsolicited personal contact with potential enrollees for the purpose of influencing them to enroll with any of its contractors. Also telephone, door-to-door or telemarketing for the same purposes is hereby prohibited.

14. Neither the INSURER, its contractor, subcontractor or any provider may put into effect a plan under which compensation, reward, gift or opportunity are offered to enrollees as an inducement to enroll other than to offer health care benefits. The INSURER its contractor, subcontractor or provider is prohibited from influencing an individual enrollment with the sale of any other insurance.

15. In the event of a final determination reached by the ADMINISTRATION that the INSURER, its agents, any of its contractor or subcontractors, has failed to comply with any of the provisions set forth on this article, the ADMINISTRATION in compliance with due process guarantees and remedies available under its regulations; Law 72 of September 7, 1993; the Social Security and Balance Budget Act, will proceed to enforce the compliance of these provisions by pursuing within its empowered authority the sanctions established in Article XXXV1.


1. The INSURER represents that it has established an effective procedure that assures the filing, receipt, and prompt handling and resolution of all grievances and complaints made by the beneficiaries and the participating providers. The INSURER will prepare a grievance form that must be approved by the ADMINISTRATION. The approved grievance form shall be made available to all


beneficiaries, HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and the INSURER's participating providers. The parties will make whatever adjustments are necessary to reconcile their grievance procedure with provisions of Law 194 of August 25, 2000 (known as "Patient Bill of Rights") or those contained in Law 11 of April 11, 2001 (known as "Law Creating the Office of Patient's Solicitor General") as implemented by regulation.

2. Any written or telephone communication from a beneficiary or participating provider, which expresses dissatisfaction with an action or decision arising under the health insurance contracted, shall be promptly and properly handled and resolved through a routine complaint procedure to be implemented by the INSURER, after prior approval from the ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER shall be responsible for documenting in writing all aspects and details of said complaints.

3. The routine complaint procedure which must be implemented by the INSURER must provide for (i) the availability of complaint forms to document oral complaints; (ii) for the proper handling of the complaints; and (iii) for the disposition by notice to the complainant of the action taken. This notice shall advise the complainant of the INSURER's official Grievance Procedure. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis a written report detailing all grievances and routine complaints received, solved and pending solution and/or copies of the complaint forms with the notation of the action taken. All grievance files and complaint forms must be made available to the ADMINISTRATION for auditing. All grievance documents and related information shall be considered as containing individually identifiable health information, and shall be treated in accordance with the HIPAA regulations cited elsewhere.

4. The Grievance Procedure shall assure the participation of persons with authority to require corrective action.

5. The INSURER's Grievance Procedure shall contain all the necessary provisions that assure the affected parties right to due process of law. In the event that changes are made to the existing Grievance Procedure, a copy of the proposed changes will be made available to the ADMINISTRATION for approval prior to its implementation. A copy of the INSURER's Grievance Procedure is attached hereto as ADDENDUM III and incorporated as part of this contract. The INSURER acknowledges that the arbitration process contemplated in the Grievance Procedure shall not be applicable to disputes between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER.

6. Pursuant to Law 72 of September 7, 1993, any decision issued by the INSURER is subject to appeal before the ADMINISTRATION. Such appeal shall be regulated by the ADMINISTRATION's regulations and the Uniform Administrative Procedure Act, Law 170 of August 12, 1988, as amended and as applicable,


provided however, that subscribers grievances shall be expeditiously solved and that INSURER shall therefore fully cooperate with the prompt solutions of any such grievance.

7. The decision issued by the ADMINISTRATION is subject to review before the Circuit Court of Appeals of the San Juan Panel of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

8. INSURER must have written policies and procedures for receiving, tracking, reviewing, and reporting and resolving of Beneficiaries complaints. The procedures, must be reviewed and approved in writing by THE ADMINISTRATION. Any changes or modifications to the procedures must be submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION for approval thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the amendment.

9. INSURER must designate an officer of INSURER who has primary responsibility for ensuring that complaints are resolved in compliance with written policy and within the time required. An "officer" of INSURER means a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or chairperson of the Board of Directors of a corporation, the sole proprietor, the managing general partner of a partnership, or a person having similar executive authority in the organization.

10. INSURER must have a routine process to detect patterns of complaints and disenrollments and involve management and supervisory staff to develop policy and procedural improvements to address the complaints. INSURER must cooperate with THE ADMINISTRATION in beneficiaries' complaints relating to enrollment and disenrollment. INSURER's complaints procedures must be provided to beneficiaries in writing and in alternative communication formats. A written description of INSURER's complaints procedures must be in appropriate languages and easy for beneficiaries to understand. INSURER must include a written description in the beneficiaries Handbook. INSURER must maintain at least one local and one toll-free telephone number for making complaints.

11. INSURER's process must require that every complaint received in person, by telephone or in writing, is recorded in a written record and is logged with the following details: date; identification of the individual filing the complaint; identification of the individual recording the complaint; nature of the complaint; disposition of the complaint; corrective action required; and date resolved.

12. The INSURER Grievance Procedures must comply with the minimum standards for prompt resolution of grievances and time frames set forth in 45 CFR 438.400-424.



1. All Health Care Organizations (HCOs) shall have a sufficient number of primary care physicians as specified in Article VI to attend to the medical needs of the beneficiaries. All specialties specified in this section have to be available at each HCO. The following are considered primary care physicians (gatekeepers):

a) General Practitioners

b) Internists

c) Family Physicians

d) Pediatricians

e) Obstetricians and Gynecologists

2. The INSURER shall have available and under contract a sufficient number of the following types of support participating providers to render services to all beneficiaries:

a) Optometrists

b) Podiatrists

c) Clinical laboratories- (The INSURER shall insure that all laboratory testing sites providing services under this contract have either a clinical laboratory improvement amendment (CLIA) certificate with the registration and (CLIA) identification number or a waiver certification).

d) Radiological facilities

e) Health Related Professionals

f) Hospitals

g) Pharmacies

h) All those participating providers that may be needed to provide services under the basic, special and dental coverage considering the specific health problems of an area/region.

The INSURER may not discriminate with respect to participation, reimbursement or indemnification as to any provider who is acting within the scope of the provider's license or certification under applicable state law.

3. The INSURER shall enter into adequate arrangements to provide its beneficiaries with the services provided for under the dental and pharmacy coverage, as contractually agreed to between the dentists and pharmacies and


the INSURER. These arrangements will provide for an adequate number of dentists and pharmacies that guarantee the right to choose of the beneficiaries.

4. The INSURER shall have available and under contract a sufficient number of the following types of support participating physicians to provide services to all beneficiaries:

a) Ophthalmologists

b) Radiologists

c) All those physicians that may be necessary and are available considering the morbidity and mortality rates of the specific health area/region, and those needed to provide all the benefits contained in the Basic Coverage of the plan.


6. The physician/beneficiary ratio accepted is one (1) primary care physician for each eight hundred and fifty (850) beneficiaries; one
(1) specialist (not primary care) for each one thousand one hundred (1,100) beneficiaries; and, one (1) physician (all) for each eight hundred (800) beneficiaries. These ratio does not take into account the expected mix between private patients and beneficiaries which could increase the physicians capacity to 1:1,700 for primary care physicians; 1:2,200 for specialists and 1:1,600 for all physicians. In the event that the HCOs provides services only to beneficiaries under this contract, the physician/beneficiary ratio will be the same to that applicable when there is a mix between private patients and beneficiaries.

7. The INSURER shall not have, directly or indirectly, any conflict of interest through economic participation in any HCO, participating provider, its subsidiaries, or affiliates.

8. The INSURER shall enforce upon each HCO strict quality assurance and utilization review programs as described in this contract, the Request for Proposals, the INSURER's proposal and its Operations Manual.

9. The INSURER shall contract and have available all the participating providers required to provide to the beneficiaries, in a prompt and efficient manner, the benefits included in the Basic, Special and Dental Coverage as specified in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

10. The INSURER agrees to enforce and assure compliance by the HCOs with all provisions contained in this contract.

11. The INSURER will prepare, and provide to all HCOs, complete written instructions describing procedures to be used for the compliance with all duties and obligations arising under this contract. These instructions will cover at least


the following topics: provider selection by beneficiaries, covered services, instructions and coordination of access to mental health services through the mental carve-out contractors, reporting requirements, record keeping requirements, grievance procedures, deductibles and co-payment amounts, confidentiality, and the prohibition against denial or rationing of services. A copy of these instructions will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION, who reserves the right to request modifications or amendments to said instructions following consultation with the INSURER.


1. The INSURER expressly guarantees payment for all medically necessary services rendered to beneficiaries by any and all participating providers.

2. The insolvency, liquidation, bankruptcy or breach of contract of an HCO, or of a contracted participating provider does not release the INSURER from its obligation and guarantee to pay for all services rendered as authorized under this health insurance contract.

The nature of INSURER's obligations to guarantee payment to all HCOs, providers or subcontractors for services rendered under this health insurance contract is solidary, subject to complying with whatever established claim proceedings require. As such, the INSURER will respond directly to the ADMINISTRATION as principal obligor to comply in its entirety with all the contract terms.

3. In accordance with the payments rights guaranteed under paragraph (4) and (5), the provider shall claim direct payments due by a HCO/Contractor, to the INSURER. The INSURER shall deduct any amount payable directly to a provider from the capitation payments owed to an HCO or other contractor.

4. The INSURER agrees to pay all monies due to the HCOs and/or participating providers according to the agreed payment schedule in the contracts with said parties. The INSURER represents as of the date of this contract that payment to HCO's, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers will be made no later than forty-five (45) days or as provided by legislation from the date that a full, complete and ready to process claim is received at the INSURER, when received within sixty (60) days of date of service. The INSURER expressly commits to implement all internal systems necessary to promptly pay its HCO's and providers all full, complete and ready to process claims within the term provided in this section, and to avoid unjustifiable delay in payment by submitting said claims to audits and evaluation of contested claims; said practice is expressly prohibited, and may result in the remedies set forth at Article XXXVI or termination as provided in Article XXXIII. A complete and


ready to process claim (clean claim) is a claim received by the INSURER for adjudication, and which requires no further information, adjustment, or alteration by the provider of the services in order to be processed and paid by the INSURER.

5. In the event that, following the receipt of the claim, the same is totally or partially contested by the INSURER or HCO, the participating provider shall be notified in writing within thirty (30) days that the claim is contested with the contested portion identified and provided the reasons thereof. Upon receipt of a new or supplemented claim, the INSURER or the HCO, shall pay or deny the contested claim or portion of the contested claim within thirty (30) days. Upon expiration of any of the aforementioned periods of time, the overdue payments shall bear interest at the prevailing rate for personal loans as determined by the Financial Board of the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions.

6. Checks for capitated payments to HCO's, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers are to be regularly issued by the INSURER on the 15th day of each month. The INSURER further represents that it has contracted with the HCO the payment of the corresponding capitation no later than the last day of the month to which said capitation corresponds.

7. The INSURER agrees and warrants that it will be the central payor for all valid claims that will be generated throughout their contracted participating provider network for the health insurance contract for the Health Region/Area.

8. All payments distribution within the capitated services will be made by INSURER. In the event that participating providers in their arrangements with the HCOs consent to the disbursement of the payment checks directly to the HCOs, the INSURER will assure and require the HCOs to provide on a monthly basis a schedule of the amount of the payments made to said participating providers. In any event, the INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with a detailed monthly report listing by providers the monthly payment distribution. The claim for services rendered will be generated and forwarded by the participating providers directly to the INSURER. The claims submitted by the participating providers will comply with the requirements contained in Article XV, Sections four (4) and eight (8).

9. The INSURER agrees and warrants that the method and system used to pay for the services rendered to and by the HCOs and all participating providers is reasonable and that the amount paid does not jeopardize or infringe upon the quality of the services provided.

10. The guarantee of payment contained in this article will be reinforced through the establishment of different alternatives in order to insure that HCOs, HCO's participating providers and INSURER's participating providers are paid in full for


contracted services in accordance with established budgets. Said alternatives will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION for approval prior to its implementation.

11. Inasmuch as the INSURER will be the central payor for all payments for valid claims for, services rendered by the HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers the INSURER agrees to incorporate in the contracts with the HCOs, and to require the HCOs to incorporate in their arrangements with their participating providers a provision whereby the INSURER is authorized to adjudicate and determine the validity of any claim or dispute between the HCO and its participating providers regarding a controversy surrounding the validity of the claims of services submitted by said participating provider. Said provision will assure that the HCO's network of participating providers payment for a valid claim for services is not improperly withheld and that in no event payment in this situation is made more than sixty (60) days from the date that the claim or dispute is received by the INSURER. It will be the INSURER's responsibility to verify the terms of the arrangements between the HCO and its network of participating providers, the rendering of the services, the reasonableness of the claim and that payment has not been made.

12. The guarantee of payment and the representations as to the payment schedule to HCO's and participating providers will be enforceable and not set aside or altered in the event that the INSURER is notified of the expiration of the term of this contract or of its termination.

13. The INSURER agrees to provide the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis, and through electronic or magnetic media format, a detailed report containing all payments made to HCOs, to HCO's network of participating providers, and to the INSURER's participating providers during the month immediately preceding the report. Said report will also include a list of all claims received on account of those payments during the preceding month by the INSURER from the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers as well as a detail as to all claims received but not paid by reason of accounting or administrative objections. The INSURER further agrees to make available to the ADMINISTRATION for auditing purposes any and all records or financial data related to claims submitted but not paid by reason of accounting or administrative objections. The intention of this clause is for the ADMINISTRATION to be able to determine on a monthly basis the amount of money paid to each participating provider, the amount billed by and not paid to each participating provider and the reasons for non-payment in order to keep track of the regularity of payments of the Insurer and the HCOs and their compliance with this contract.

14. The INSURER also agrees to provide to HCO's, on a monthly basis, and through electronic or machine readable media format, a detailed report classified by beneficiaries, by providers, by diagnosis, by procedure, by date of service and by its real cost of all payments made by the INSURER which entails a deduction


from the gross monthly payment to said HCO's. Copy of said report will be made available to the ADMINISTRATION each month.

15. Each HCO must report each encounter to the INSURER on a monthly basis classified by each participating provider within the HCO, as well as the real cost of the services of each encounter of service. The INSURER must submit to the ADMINISTRATION the distribution of the capitation within each HCO as established on the Actuarial Reports formats required in the RFP.

16. The INSURER will abide with the ADMINISTRATION efforts to implement cost reduction measures and the future implementation payments methods based on fee schedules or diagnosis related groups that may be established.


1. The INSURER will establish a Quality of Care Program with the following guidelines:

a) PHYSICIAN-CREDENTIALING: The INSURER shall follow strict provider screening procedures before contracting. In order to assure quality health services for the medically indigent, the INSURER will follow stringent physician selection and credentialing process for this plan as per the INSURER's Proposal. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating providers credentials at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all accepted and non-accepted providers.

b) PROVIDER CONTRACTING: The INSURER will assure that all hospitals facilities, doctors, dentists, and all health care providers are appropriately licensed and in good standing with all their governing bodies and accrediting agencies and meet all practice requirements established by law, the Department of Health, the ADMINISTRATION and other governing agencies, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating provider credentials at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all accepted and non-accepted providers.

c) INSPECTION OF ALL FACILITIES: The INSURER will insure that all providers' physical facilities are safe, sanitary and follow sound operating procedures, as described in the INSURER's Proposal and that all laboratory testing site providing services under this contract have their


duly CILIA certification along with their identification number or waiver certificate. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating provider facilities at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all inspections done.

d) MEDICAL RECORD REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to monitor the appropriateness of care being provided, the adequacy and consistency of record keeping, and completeness of records, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Medical Record Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit Program records and reports at any time.

e) CLINICAL DATABASE SYSTEM: The HCOs will provide the INSURER with statistical records of utilization of medical services by beneficiaries, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Clinical Database System. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the Clinical Database System records and reports at any time.

f) RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a Retrospective review Program that will address quality and utilization problems that may arise, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Retrospective Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

g) OUTCOME REVIEW: The INSURER will establish an Outcome Review Program to assess the quality of inpatient and ambulatory care management provided by the primary health care providers, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Outcome Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

h) QUALITY OF CARE COMMITTEE: The INSURER will establish a Quality of Care Committee to insure provider's compliance with the INSURER's quality of care program, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Quality of Care Committee. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.

2. The INSURER will establish cost containment and utilization review programs as follows:


a) HOSPITAL ADMISSION AND STAY REVIEW: The INSURER will establish programs to reduce unnecessary hospital use and to review hospital admissions through the following programs, as described in the INSURER's Proposal:

(1) CONCURRENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to review hospital admissions to guarantee adequacy and duration of stay.

(2) RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to determine medical necessity and service adequacy after the service has been rendered or paid to providers or physicians.

(3) PROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to determine appropriate lengths of stay at the hospital prior to admission for elective or non-emergency hospitalizations.

b) UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify patterns of medical practice and their effect in the care being provided, as described in the INSURER's Proposal, and through the following:

(1) PRE-PAYMENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to prevent inappropriate billing of services prior to claims payment and to evaluate questionable practices, problematic coding, inappropriate level of care, excessive tests and services.

(2) POST PAYMENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to review service claims for purposes of creating a provider profiling system.

The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings under the Utilization Review Programs. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the programs' findings and reports at any time.

c) SECOND SURGICAL OPINION: The INSURER will establish a program to allow beneficiaries to obtain a second surgical opinion for elective surgical procedures on a voluntary basis, as described in the INSURER's Proposal.

d) INDIVIDUAL CASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify and manage cases that involve high health care costs, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall


submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Individual Case Management Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.


f) FRAUD AND ABUSE: The INSURER will establish a program to assure reasonable levels of utilization and quality of care, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Fraud and Abuse Program. The Fraud and Abuse Reports must include:

(1) the number of complaints of fraud and abuse made to the Commonwealth that warrant a preliminary investigation, and,

(2) for each case of suspected fraud and abuse warranting a full investigation, the INSURER must report the following information:

(i) the provider's name and number;

(ii) the source of the complaint;

(iii) the type of provider;

(iv) the nature of the complaint;

(v) the approximate range of dollars involved, and,

(vi) the legal and administrative disposition or status of the case.

g) COORDINATION OF BENEFITS PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify beneficiaries with other insurance in order to coordinate health insurance benefits from other carriers, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Coordination of Benefits Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.

3. DENTAL SERVICES UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM: The INSURER agrees to maintain a program to determine that the services provided to beneficiaries are in accordance to established quality parameters by the dental community as provided for in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all findings of said review program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

4. EPSDT AND MIGRANT SERVICES PROGRAM: The INSURER will implement a program that addresses EPSDT screening and Migrant services indicators for preventive diagnostic tests according to age in all areas/regions and shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis all findings of said program.


INSURER assures the compliance with Section 1905(r) of the Social Security Act and the applicable protocols adopted by the Department of Health for the implementation of these Programs.

5. The INSURER shall continue to submit the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis a report that includes all services rendered by diagnosis and procedures identified by all specialties, by place of service including those under dental coverage, and procedures in laboratories and X-rays. It will be reported beginning with the most common diagnosis and procedures until reaching the least common. The INSURER shall be required to provide the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis data in and electronic form that includes all of the specified fields and elements described in ADDENDUM IV, whenever said reporting system can be implemented.

6. All services rendered shall be identified by Current Procedure Terminology, International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modifications Diagnostic Statistic Manual and American Dental Association's Current Dental Terminology, as applicable.

7. The ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER will agree on the required format in order to comply with the reporting requirements in this section and which will be accomplished through electronic or magnetic media.

8. All the required programs, processes and reports heretofore referred to, will also be an obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers, HCOs and HCO's participating providers. The INSURER will assure compliance therewith on the part of said INSURER's participating providers, HCOs and HCO's participating providers.

9. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to require the INSURER to implement additional specific cost and utilization controls, subject to prior consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER if necessary.


1. Since funds from the Commonwealth Plan under Title XIX of the Social Security Act Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid) as well as from Title V of the Social Security Act and Mental Health Block Grants are used to finance this project in part the INSURER shall agree to comply with the requirements and conditions of the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Comptroller General of the United States, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico and this ADMINISTRATION, as to the maintenance of records related to this contract and audit rights thereof, as well as all other legal obligations attendant thereto, including, but not limited


to, non-discrimination, coverage benefit eligibility as provided by the Puerto Rico State Plan and Law 72 of 1993, anti-fraud and anti-kickback laws, and those terms and provisions of the SSA as applicable. All disclosure obligations and access requirements set forth in this Article or any other Article shall be subject at all times and to the extent mandated by law and regulation, to the HIPAA regulations described elsewhere in this agreement.

2. The INSURER shall require from the HCO's and all participating providers that they maintain an appropriate record system for services rendered to beneficiaries, including separate medical files and records for each beneficiary as is necessary to record all clinical information pertaining to said beneficiaries, including notations of personal contacts, primary care visits, diagnostic studies and all other services. The INSURER shall also maintain records to document fiscal activities and expenditures relating to compliance under this agreement. The INSURER and all participating providers shall preserve, and retain in readily accessible form, the records mentioned herein during the term of this contract and for the period of six (6) years thereafter.

3. At all times during the term of this contract and for a period of six
(6) years thereafter, the INSURER and all participating providers will provide the ADMINISTRATION, CMS, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States of America and/or their authorized representatives, access to all records relating to the INSURER's compliance under this contract for the purpose of examination, audit or copying of such records. The audits of such records include examination and review of the sources and applications of funds under this contract. The INSURER shall also furnish access to and permit inspection and audit by the ADMINISTRATION, CMS, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States of America and/or their authorized representatives to any financial records relating to the capacity of the INSURER or its HCOs, if relevant, to bear the risk of potential financial losses.

4. The INSURER shall ensure that the HCO's. and all participating providers and their subcontractors furnish to the Peer Review Organization (PRO) or to the ADMINISTRATION on-site access to, or copies of patient care records as needed to evaluate quality of care.

5. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect, evaluate, copy and audit any pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the INSURER related to this contract and those of any HCO or participating provider in order to evaluate the services performed, determination of amounts payable, reconciliation of benefits, liabilities and compliance with this contract.

6. The INSURER shall provide for the review of services (including both in-patient and out-patient services) covered by the plan for the purpose of determining whether such services meet professional recognized standards of health care, including whether appropriate services have not been provided or have been


provided in inappropriate settings. It shall also provide for review, by random sampling, by the ADMINISTRATION, of written complaints, and the results thereof, filed by beneficiaries or their representatives as to the quality of services provided.

7. The INSURER agrees that the ADMINISTRATION and CMS may conduct inspections and evaluations, at all reasonable times, through on-site audits, systems tests, assessments, performance review and regular reports to assure the quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services furnished to the beneficiaries.

8. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect all of the INSURER's financial records related to this contract, that may be necessary to assure that the ADMINISTRATION pays no more than its fair share of general overhead costs as contracted. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect all the HCOs' financial records related to this contract.

9. The INSURER agrees that the ADMINISTRATION may evaluate, through inspection or other means, the facilities of the INSURER's participating providers, HCO's and its participating providers. All facilities shall comply with the applicable licensing and certification requirements as established by regulations of the Department of Health of Puerto Rico. It shall be the INSURER responsibility to take all necessary measures to ascertain that all facilities contracting with INSURER comply with the required licensing and certification regulations of the Puerto Rico Health Department, and to terminate the contract of any facility not in compliance with said provisions.

Failure to adequately monitor the licensing and certification of the facilities may result in the termination of this contract as provided in Article XXXIII.

10. The INSURER agrees and also will require all HCOs and participating providers to agree that the ADMINISTRATION's right to inspect, evaluate, copy and audit, will survive the termination of this contract for a period of six (6) years from said termination date unless:

a) The ADMINISTRATION determines there is a special need to retain a particular record or group of records for a longer period and notifies the INSURER at least thirty (30) days before the normal disposition date;

b) There has been a termination, dispute, fraud, or similar fault by the INSURER, in which case the retention may be extended to three (3) years from the date of any resulting final settlement; or

c) The ADMINISTRATION determines that there is a reasonable possibility of fraud, in which case it may reopen a final settlement at any time;

d) There has been an audit intervention by CMS, the office of the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States or the


ADMINISTRATION, in which case the retention may be extended until the conclusion of the audit and publication of the final report.

11. The INSURER agrees to require all HCO's and participating providers to permit the ADMINISTRATION to review and audit all aspects related to quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services rendered, and to demonstrate that the services for which payment was made were actually provided.


1. The INSURER agrees to comply with the reporting and information systems requirements as provided for in the Request for Proposals and the Proposal submitted by the INSURER. Accordingly the INSURER must submit to the ADMINISTRATION a detailed Systems Requirements Inventory Report which details the following:

a) Plan's compliance with each information system requirement:
b) action plan of INSURER's response to the requirements;
c) actual date that each system requirement will be completely operational, not to exceed the effective date of coverage under this contract.

2. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION the System Inventory Report for final approval not later than the date of the signing of this contract.

3. All Management Information Systems Requirements included in the Request for Proposal and those included in the INSURER's Proposal must commence implementation as of the date of the signing of this contract and shall be fully operational as of the first day of coverage under this contract. Material non compliance with this requirement shall be enough reason to cancel the contract herein, with prior written notification by the ADMINISTRATION to the INSURER according to the time set in Article XXXIII.

4. The INSURER shall be responsible for the data collection and other statistics of all services provided including, but not limited, to encounter and real cost of each one, claims services and any other pertinent data from all HCOs, participating providers or any other entity which provide services to beneficiaries under the program, said data to be classified by provider, by beneficiary, by diagnosis, by procedure and by the date the service is rendered. The data collected must then be forwarded to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis in an electronic or on machine readable media format. The data fields and specific data elements required to be transmitted are contained in the RFP's Record of Service File Layout format. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to modify, expand or delete the requirements contained therein or issue new requirements, subject to


consultation with the INSURER and cost negotiation, if necessary. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

5. The INSURER agrees that all required data and information needs to be collected and reported through electronic or machine readable media commencing with the effective date of coverage of this contract.

6. The information systems of all HCOs shall be compatible with the systems in use at all by INSURER.

7. The INSURER shall supply to the HCOs and, upon request, to all participating providers with eligibility information on a daily basis. Said information shall be secured through on-line access with the INSURER.

8. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION within twenty-five
(25) days of the closing of each month, in such form and detail as indicated in the Record of Service File Layout format and any other formats the ADMINISTRATION requires in the RFP, the following information:

a) Data pertaining to health insurance claims, and encounter for all services provided to beneficiaries.
b) Statistical data on providers, medical services and any other services;
c) Enrollment database;
d) Any and all data and information as required in the Request for Proposals and in the Proposal submitted;

e) Any other reports or data that the ADMINISTRATION may require after consultation with the INSURER and cost negotiation, if necessary.

Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

9. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION, on a regular basis-as needed, any and all data, information, reports, and documentation that will permit Governmental Agencies, the compilation of statistical data to substantiate the need for, and the appropriate use of federal funds for federally financed health programs.

10. The INSURER agrees to report to the ADMINISTRATION on a daily basis all information pertaining to enrollment, disenrollment, and other subscriber or beneficiary transactions as required by the ADMINISTRATION. All records shall be transmitted: 1) through approved ADMINISTRATION systems contractor; or 2) over data transmission lines directly to the ADMINISTRATION; or 3) on machine readable media. All machine readable media or electronic


transmissions shall be consistent with the relevant ADMINISTRATION's record layouts and specifications.

11. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis reports and data generated electronically that allows the ADMINISTRATION:

a. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the delivery of services by providers and the adequacy of these services.
b. Monitoring and evaluation of the efficiency and propriety of the services that are being received by the beneficiaries and their dependents.
c. Comparison of experience with that of other providers.
d. Comparison of the utilization of health care and the cost tendencies within the community and the group that renders service.
e. Demonstration of how the quality of care is being improved for the insured and their dependents.
f. Comparison of the administrative measures taken by the INSURER with reference points to be able to evaluate the progress towards constant improvement.
g. Compliance with the information requirements and reports of the Federal Programs such as: Title II of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; Title IV-B Part 1 and 2, Title IV-E, Title V, Title XIX, Title and Title XXI of the Social Security Act; the applicable state laws as( the Child Abuse Act, "Ley de Maltrato de Menores" Public Law 75 of May 28,1980; the Protection and Assistance to Victims and Witness Act, "Ley de Proteccion y Asistencia a Victimas de Delitos y Testigos", Public Law 77 of July 9,1986), and any other information requirements which in the future are mandated by federal and state programs.
h. Evaluation of each service provided with separate identification by beneficiary, by provider, by diagnosis, by diagnostic code, by procedure code and by date and place of service. The provider must be identified by his/her provider's identification number or his/her social security account number.

These reporting requirements will be discontinued when the new reporting system contained in ADDENDUM IV is implemented. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

12. The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with a uniform system for data collection.

13. The INSURER'S Information Systems must provide a continuous flow of information to measure the quality of services rendered to the beneficiaries and their dependents. The purpose of these systems must be to help the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER in the process of achieving continuous


improvement in the quality of services rendered to beneficiaries and their dependents within a cost effective system.

14. The INSURER will prepare the necessary reports requested herein for the administration of the health insurance contract. Daily reports are due by the end of the following business day. Weekly reports are due on the first business day of the following week. Monthly reports are due twenty-five (25) days after the end of each month. Quarterly reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter.

15. The INSURER must inform to the Administration on a monthly basis all cancellation and disenrollment of providers.

16. The INSURER must provide the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis with the updated version of the Providers Directory.

17. The INSURER will coordinate the enrollment of beneficiaries.

18. The INSURER will assure adequate and efficient functioning for the term of the contract that includes an insurance against economic loss due to system failure or data loss.

19. As an additional measure to guarantee quality and adequacy of the medical health services, the INSURER will conduct periodical statistics analysis of the medical services rendered to the beneficiaries and will compare them with the primary physician practice profile of their regular health insurance plan. Quarterly reports as to the analysis and comparison statistics will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION.

20. In order to insure that all subscriber encounters are registered and recorded, the INSURER will conduct audits of statistical samples and unannounced personal audits of the HCOs and participating provider's facilities to assure that the medical records reconcile with the encounter reported, and corrective measures will be taken in case of any violation of the INSURER's regulations regarding the registration and reporting of encounters. The INSURER will provide quarterly reports to the ADMINISTRATION covering all the findings and corrective measures, if any, taken regarding any violation of said regulations.

21. The INSURER, as a minimum must guarantee the following:

a. The security and integrity of the information and communication systems through:
1. Regular Backups on a daily basis
2. Controlled Access to the physical plant
3. Control logical access to information systems.
4. Verification of the accuracy of the data and information


b. The continuity of services through:
1. Regular maintenance of the systems, programs and equipment
2. A staff of duly trained personnel
3. An established and proven system of Disaster Recovery
4. Cost Effective systems.

c. Identification of the beneficiary via the use of plastic cards.
d. Automated system of communication with statistics of the management of calls (Occurrence of busy lines, etc.)

f. A comprehensive health insurance claim processing system to handle receiving process and payment of claims and encounters.

g. Analysis/Control of utilization (The INSURER must provide said analysis to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis in the format outlined by the ADMINISTRATION):
1. by patient/family
2. by region, area/region town, (zip code)
3. by provider (provider's identification number or social security account numbers)
4. by diagnosis
5. by procedure or service
6. by date of service

Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

j. Financial and Actuarial reports
k. System of Control and claims payment that includes payment history.
l. Computerized pharmacy system that permits its integration to the payment procedures to the providers.
m. Outcome Analysis
n. Electronic creation of data files related to mortality, morbidity, and vital statistics.
o. Integration to central systems
1. Procedures and communications Protocol Compatibility;
2. Ability to transmit reports, and or files via electronic means.
p. Electronic Handling of:

1. The process of Admission to hospitals and ambulatory services
2. Verification of eligibility and subscription to the plan.
3. Verification of benefits
4. Verification of Financial information (Deductibles, Co-payments, etc.)


5. Verification of individual demographic data
6. Coordination of Benefits.

q. Computerized applications for general accounting.
r. As to HCOs and all Participating Providers the information system shall provide for:

1. On line access to service history for each beneficiary.
2. Register of diagnosis and procedures for each service rendered.
3. Complete demography on line, including the aspect of coverage and financial responsibility of the patient.
4. Individual and family transactions
5. Annotations on line (General notes such as allergies, reminders or other clinical aspects (free form)
6. Analysis of activity by:

a. department
b. provider
c. diagnosis
d. procedures
e. age
f. sex
g. origin
h. others, as mutually agreed upon.

7. Diagnosis history by patient with multiple codes per service.
8. AD Hoc Reports
9. Referrals Control
10. Electronic Billing
11. Pharmacy system 12: Dental system
13. Ability to handle requirements of the Medicare programs such as RBRVS (Relative Base Relative Value System).
14. Ability to collect data as to the quarter in which the pregnant female beneficiary commences her ob-gyn treatment. The format for. the collection of this data shall be approved by the ADMINISTRATION prior to its implementation.

22. The INSURER agrees to report all procedure and diagnostic information using the current versions of Current Procedural Terminology, International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, Diagnostic Statistic Manual and American Dental Association's Current Dental Terminology, respectively. This does not prevent the adoption by INSURER of the ANSI X-12 electronic transactions for standards set forth in the HIPAA regulations; which shall be implemented on or before October 2002, unless modified by DHHS.


23. Non compliance with any of the Information Systems and Reporting Requirements; with any requirements related to the electronic standards transactions to be implemented within the schedule set forth by the HIPAA regulations, or with other requirements contained herein, shall be subject to the provisions of Articles XXXIII and XXXVI of this contract, as well as to Article IV, Section 2(n) of Law 72 of September 7, 1993, which provides the right of the ADMINISTRATION to enforce compliance through the Circuit Court of Appeal Puerto Rico, Part of San Juan.

24. The INSURER shall provide the ADMINISTRATION with one or more telephone numbers of dial-in data lines, and a minimum of three user's ID's and passwords that will allow the ADMINISTRATION's authorized personnel access to the INSURER's on-line computer applications, Such access will allow the ADMINISTRATION use of the same systems and access to the same information as used by the INSURER and enable the inquiry on beneficiaries, providers, and statistics files related to this contract.

25. As per the INSURER's proposal, INSURER shall provide to each HCOs, HCO s network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers in the Health Area/Region, as well as to those outside of the area/region who provide services to beneficiaries from within the area/region, the necessary hardware and software to maintain on-line communication with the INSURER's Information System to document all encounters and services rendered to beneficiaries. Said hardware and software will be provided at a reasonable cost for the implementation and servicing.

26. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION reports as to the data and information gathered through the use of the Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) and the work plan required in the RFP formats, as per Article XVII, Section VII.

27. The INSURER must disclose to the ADMINISTRATION the following information on provider incentive plans in sufficient detail to determine whether their incentive plan complies with the regulatory requirements set forth on 42 CFR 434.70(a) and 422.10:

a) Whether services not furnished by the physician or physician group are covered by the incentive plan. If only the services furnished by the physician or physician group are covered by the incentive plan, disclosure of other aspects of the plan need not be made.
b) The type of incentive arrangement (i.e., withhold, bonus, capitation).
c) A determination on the percent of payment under the contract that is based on the use of referral services. If the incentive plan involves a withholding or bonus, the percent of the withholding of bonus. If the calculated amount is 25% or less, disclosure of the remaining elements in this list is not required and there is no substantial risk.


d) Proof that the physician or physician group has adequate stop-loss protection, including the amount and type of stop-loss protection.
e) The panel size and; if patients are pooled, the method used.
f) In the case of those prepaid plans that are required to conduct beneficiary surveys, the survey's results.

The information items (a) through (e) above, must be disclosed to the ADMINISTRATION: (1) prior to approval of its initial contracts or agreements, upon the contract or agreements anniversary or renewal effective date or upon request by the Administration or CMS. The disclosure item (f) is due 3 months after the end of the contract year or upon request by CMS.

If the contract with the INSURER is an initial Medicaid contract, but the INSURER has operated previously in the commercial or Medicare markets, information on physician incentive plans for the year preceding the initial contract period must be disclosed. If the contract is an initial contract with INSURER, but the INSURER has not operated previously in the commercial or Medicare markets, the INSURER should provide assurance that the provider agreements that they sign will meet CMS and Commonwealth requirements (i.e. there is no Physician Incentive Plan (PIP); there is a PIP but no Substantial Financial Risk (SFR); there is a PIP and SFR so stop-loss and survey requirements will be met). For contracts being renewed or extended, the INSURER must provide PIP disclosure information for the prior contracting period's contracts.

The INSURER must update PIP disclosures annually and must disclose to administration whether PIP arrangements have changed from the previous year. Where arrangements have not changed, a written assurance that there has not been a change is sufficient. This also applies when INSURER analyze the PIP arrangements in their direct and downstream contracts to determine which disclosure items are due from their contractors. INSURER is expected to maintain the current written assurances and the prior periods' documentation so that the materials are available during on-site reviews.


INSURER must have adequately-staffed telephone lines available. Telephone personnel must receive customer service telephone training. INSURER must ensure that telephone staffing is adequate to fulfill the standards of promptness and quality listed below:

1. 80% of all telephone calls must be answered within an average of 30 seconds;
2. The lost (abandonment) rate must not exceed 5%;
3. INSURER cannot impose maximum call duration limits but must allow calls to be of sufficient length to ensure adequate information is provided to the Beneficiaries or Provider.


29. The INSURER shall abide with the present Information Systems and Reporting Requirements established and shall cooperate with the Administration's Proposed Plans to implement new and revised requirement as set forth in ADDENDUM IV.


1. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION of any loans and other special financial arrangements which are made between the INSURER and any HCO's or participating provider or related parties. Any such loans shall strictly conform with the legal requirements of the anti-fraud and anti-kickback laws and regulations.

2. The INSURER shall provide to the ADMINISTRATION copies of audited financial statements following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and of the report to the Insurance Commissioner in the format agreed to by the National ASSOCIATION of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), for the year ending on December 31, 2000, and subsequently thereafter for the contract term not later than March 15 of each subsequent year. Unaudited GAAP financial statements for each quarter during the contract term shall be presented to the ADMINISTRATION not later than forty five (45) days after the closing of each quarter.

3. The INSURER will maintain adequate procedures and controls to insure that any payments pursuant to this contract are properly made. In establishing and maintaining such procedures the INSURER will provide for separation of the functions of certification and disbursement.

4. The INSURER is required to establish a cash reserve, in accordance with the Insurance Code of Puerto Rico, to insure that outstanding claims can be satisfied in the event of insolvency.

5. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION, upon the expiration of each period of twelve (12) consecutive months of the contract year, and not later than ninety (90) days thereafter, audited financial statements following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) which exclusively present the operational financial situation related to the execution of this contract. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to request interim audited financial statements not to exceed two (2) during the contract term.

6. The INSURER agrees to provide and make available to the ADMINISTRATION or any accounting firm contracted by the ADMINISTRATION any and all working papers of its external auditors related to this contract.



1. The ADMINISTRATION shall conduct periodical evaluations of the INSURER's compliance with all terms and conditions of this contract including, but not limited to, quality, appropriateness, timeliness and reasonableness of cost and administrative expenses, said evaluation to be defined as the Plan Compliance Evaluation Program.

2. Said program will evaluate compliance of the following aspects in each areas/regions:

a) Eligibility and enrollment
b) Services to beneficiaries and participating providers
c) Coverage of benefits
d) Reporting
e) Financial requirements
f) Rules and Regulations
g) Plan initiatives
h) Quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services
i) Utilization
j) Fraud and abuse
k) Accessibility
l) Grievances and Complaint handling
m) Information Systems
n) Electronic standards, security and privacy compliance as provided by HIPAA to include review of timetables for compliance and implementation plans
o) Such aspects which the ADMINISTRATION considers necessary in order to evaluate full compliance with this contract.

3. The evaluation process will be performed throughout the contract year using specific evaluating parameters. All parameters will be derived exclusively from the Request for Proposals, the INSURER's Proposal and this contract. Each area/region will contain several parameters with each parameter having a specific numeric value adding up a subtotal per area/region and a total for the aggregate of all area/regions of evaluation. Results will be presented in a Plan Compliance Evaluation Report. The evaluating parameters will be presented to the INSURER prior to commencement of the evaluation process.

4. The INSURER shall comply with the penalties set for each parameter within the range of values predetermined by the ADMINISTRATION.

5. Compliance with the Plan Compliance Evaluation Program is of essence to this contract and will be a determining factor in the renewal of this contract. Failure to


comply with compliance requirements or parameters may also result in the termination of the contract as provided in Article XXXIII.

6. The ADMINISTRATION agrees to furnish the INSURER with the required Plan Performance Evaluation Program prior to its implementation.

7. The INSURER, as an additional tool to assure the evaluation of the insurance contract, agrees to abide, implement and develop the Health Plan-Employer Data and Information Set (Hedis), as revised and recommended by NCQA and in accordance with the time schedule, work plan and other requirements established in Addendum XI of the RFP referring to HEDIS DATA.

8. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES under PIan Compliance Program.


All of the listed remedies below may be exercised by the ADMINISTRATION and are in addition to all other remedies available to the ADMINISTRATION under this contract, by law or in equity, are joint and several, and may be exercised concurrently or consecutively. Exercise of any remedy in whole or in part does not limit the ADMINISTRATION in exercising all or part of any remaining remedies.

Any particular default listed under subparagraph (a) to Q) below (which is not intended to be exhaustive) may be subject, when applicable, to any one or more of the following remedies:

- Terminate the contract if the applicable conditions set forth in Section 10.1 are met;
- Suspend payment to INSURER;
- Recommend to CMS that sanctions be taken against INSURER as set out in Section 10.7;
- Remove the EPSDT's component from the capitation paid to INSURER if the benchmarks(s) missed is for EPSDT's;
- Assess civil monetary penalties as set out in section 10.8; and/or
- Withhold premium payment.



Failure of INSURER to perform an administrative function is a default under this contract. Administrative functions are any requirements under this contract that are not direct delivery of health care services. Administrative functions include


claims payment; encounter data submission; filing any report when due; cooperating in good faith with THE ADMINISTRATION, an entity acting on behalf of THE ADMINISTRATION, or an agency authorized by statute or law to require the cooperation of INSURER in carrying out an administrative, investigative, or prosecutorial function of the program; providing or producing records upon request; or entering into contracts or implementing procedures necessary to carry out contract obligations.


Termination or suspension of INSURER's PRICO Certificate of Authority or any adverse action taken by PRICO that THE ADMINISTRATION determines will affect the ability of INSURER to provide health care services to beneficiaries is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to comply with Commonwealth solvency standards or incapacity of INSURER to meet its financial obligations as they come due is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to comply with the federal requirements for Medicaid, including, but not limited to, federal law regarding misrepresentation, fraud, or abuse; and, by incorporation, Medicare standards, requirements, or prohibitions, is a default under this contract.

The following events are defaults under this contract pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1396b(m)(5), 1396u-2(e)(1)(A):

INSURER's substantial failure to provide medically necessary items and services that are required under this contract to be provided to beneficiaries;

INSURER's imposition of premiums or charges on beneficiaries in excess of the premiums or charge permitted by federal law;

INSURER's acting to discriminate among beneficiaries on the basis of their health status or requirements for health care services, including expulsion or refusal to enroll an individual, except as permitted by federal law, or engaging in any practice that would reasonably be expected to have the effect of denying or discouraging enrollment with INSURER by eligible individuals whose medical condition or history indicates a need for substantial future medical services;


INSURER's misrepresentation or falsification of information that is furnished to CMS, THE ADMINISTRATION, a beneficiary, a potential beneficiary, or a health care provider; .

INSURER's failure to comply with the physician incentive requirements under 42 U.S.C. 1396b(m)(2)(A)(x); or

INSURER's distribution, either directly or through any agent or independent contractor, of marketing materials that contain false or misleading information, excluding materials previously approved by THE ADMINISTRATION.


INSURER's misrepresentation or fraud with respect of any provision of this contract is a default under this contract.


Exclusion of INSURER or any of the managing employees or persons with an ownership interest whose disclosure is required by Section 1124(x) of the Social Security Act (the Act) from the Medicaid or Medicare program under the provisions of Section 1128(x) and/or (b) of the Act is a default under this contract.

Exclusion of any provider or subcontractor or any of the managing employees or persons with an ownership interest of the provider or subcontractor whose disclosure is required by Section 1124(x) of the Social Security Act (the Act) from the Medicaid or Medicare program under the provisions of Section 1128(x) and/or (b) of the Act is a default under this contract if the exclusion will materially affect INSURER's performance under this contract.


INSURER's failure to make timely and appropriate payments to network providers and subcontractors is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to audit, monitor, supervise, or enforce functions delegated by contract to another entity that results in a default under this contract or constitutes a violation of state or federal laws, rules, or regulations is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to properly credential its providers, conduct reasonable utilization review, or conduct quality monitoring is a default under this contract.

Failure of INSURER to require providers and contractors to provide timely and accurate encounter, financial, statistical and utilization data is default under this contract.


INSURER's placing the health and safety of the beneficiaries in jeopardy is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to repeatedly meet any benchmark established by THE ADMINISTRATION under this contract is a default under this contract.


THE ADMINISTRATION will provide INSURER with written notice of default (Notice of Default) under this contract. The Notice of Default may be given by any means that provides verification of receipt. The Notice of Default must contain the following information:

(i) A clear and concise statement of the circumstances or conditions that constitute a default under this contract;

(ii) The contract provisions) under which default is being declared;

(iii) A clear and concise statement of how and/or whether the default may be cured;

(iv) A clear and concise statement of the time period during which INSURER, when applicable, may cure the default;

(v) The remedy or remedies THE ADMINISTRATION is electing to pursue and when the remedy or remedies will take effect;

(vi) If THE ADMINISTRATION is electing to impose civil monetary penalties, the amount that THE ADMINISTRATION intends to withhold or impose and the factual basis on which THE ADMINISTRATION. is imposing the chosen remedy or remedies;


             (vii) Whether any part of a civil monetary penalty, if THE
             ADMINISTRATION elects to pursue these remedy, may be passed through
             to an individual or entity who is or may be responsible for the act
             or omission for which default is declared;

             (viii) Whether failure to cure the default within the given time
             period, if any, will result in THE ADMINISTRATION pursuing an
             additional remedy or remedies, including, but not limited to,
             additional sanctions, referral for investigation or action by
             another agency, and/or termination of the contract.


10.1         TERMINATION


             THE ADMINISTRATION may terminate this contract if:     INSURER substantially fails or refuses to provide payment for or
             access to medically necessary services and items that are required
             under this contract to be provided to beneficiaries after notice
             and opportunity to cure;     INSURER substantially fails or refuses to perform administrative
             functions under this contract after notice and opportunity to cure;     INSURER materially defaults under any of the provisions of Article
             XVI;     Federal or Commonwealth funds for the Medicaid program are no
             longer available; or     THE ADMINISTRATION has a reasonable belief that INSURER has placed
             the health or welfare of beneficiaries in jeopardy.

10.1.2       THE ADMINISTRATION must give INSURER 30 days written notice of
             intent to terminate this contract if termination is the result of
             INSURER's substantial failure or refusal to perform administrative
             functions or a material default as established in Article XXXIII.

10.1.3       THE ADMINISTRATION may, when termination is due to INSURER's
             substantial failure or refusal to provide payment for or access to
             medically necessary services and items, notify INSURER's
             beneficiaries of any hearing requested by INSURER. Additionally, if
             THE ADMINISTRATION terminates for this reason, THE ADMINISTRATION
             may enroll


             INSURER's beneficiaries with another INSURER or permit INSURER's
             beneficiaries to receive Medicaid-covered services other than from
             an INSURER.

10.1.4       INSURER must continue to perform services under the transition plan
             described in Section 10.2.1 if the termination is for any reason
             other than THE ADMINISTRATION's reasonable belief that INSURER is
             placing the health and safety of the beneficiaries in jeopardy. If
             termination is due to this reason, THE ADMINISTRATION may prohibit
             INSURER's further performance of services under the contract.

10.1.5       If THE ADMINISTRATION terminates this contract, INSURER may appeal
             the termination under Article VI Section 12 Law 72 September 7,
             1993, as amended.


             This contract may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of
             both INSURER and THE ADMINISTRATION.


             When termination of the contract occurs by reason of default, THE
             ADMINISTRATION and INSURER must meet the following obligations:

10.2.1       THE ADMINISTRATION and INSURER must prepare a transition plan,
             which is acceptable to and approved by THE ADMINISTRATION, to
             ensure that beneficiaries are reassigned to other plans without
             interruption of services. That transition plan will be implemented
             during the 90-day period between receipt of notice and the
             termination date unless termination is the result of THE
             ADMINISTRATION's reasonable belief that INSURER is placing the
             health or welfare of beneficiaries in jeopardy.     INSURER is responsible for all expenses related to giving notice
             to beneficiaries; and     INSURER is responsible for all expenses incurred by THE
             ADMINISTRATION in implementing the transition plan.     If the contract is terminated by mutual consent:     THE INSURER is responsible for notifying all beneficiaries of the
             date of termination and how beneficiaries can continue to receive
             contract services and the provisions of Article XXXIV shall apply.




10.7.1       If CMS determines that INSURER has violated federal law or
             regulations and that federal payments will be withheld, THE
             ADMINISTRATION will deny and withhold payments for new enrollees of

10.7.2       INSURER must be given notice and opportunity to appeal a decision
             of THE ADMINISTRATION and CMS pursuant to 42 CFR 434.67.


10.8.1       The Administration may impose monetary penalties according to
             Article XXXVI, Section 4.



10.10.1      INSURER may dispute the notice by the ADMINISTRATION that
             ADMINISTRATION intends to impose any sanction under this contract.
             INSURER may notify THE ADMINISTRATION of its objections by filing a
             written response to the Notice of Default, clearly stating the
             reason INSURER disputes the proposed sanction. With the written
             response, INSURER must submit to THE ADMINISTRATION any
             documentation that supports INSURER's position. INSURER must file
             the review within fifteen (15) days from INSURER's receipt of the
             Notice of Default as provided in Article XXXIII, subparagraph 2.
             Filing a dispute in a written response to the Notice of Default
             suspends imposition of the proposed sanction.

10.10.2      INSURER and THE ADMINISTRATION must attempt to informally resolve
             the dispute. If INSURER and THE ADMINISTRATION are unable to
             informally resolve the dispute THE ADMINISTRATION will make the
             remedy final.

                                  ARTICLE XVIII
                               PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS

1.       The payment for the first month of coverage under this contract will be
         made upon the certification by the INSURER that it has complied with
         all the terms and conditions contained in this contract to the
         satisfaction of the ADMINISTRATION.


For subsequent months the ADMINISTRATION shall pay to the INSURER the corresponding monthly premium within the first five (5) working days of the month of coverage, upon submission by the INSURER of an invoice containing the list of the beneficiaries enrolled for the month of the invoice.

2. The monthly premium calculation for beneficiaries not enrolled for the full month shall be determined on a pro-rata basis by dividing the corresponding monthly premium amount by the number of days in the month and multiplying the result by the number of days the beneficiary was actually enrolled.

3. The monthly premiums for the months comprised within the contract term and covered by this contract are as follows:

a) For all beneficiaries including all those who are sixty-five
(65) years and older who are Medicare beneficiaries with Part A or Parts A and B and those who are sixty-five years and older who are not Medicare recipients:

1) Per member per month rate (PMPM) (Beneficiary) established at FIFTY FIVE DOLLARS AND TWENTY FIVE CENTS ($55.25).

4. The per member per month rate (PMPM) herein agreed provides far:

a) The billing by providers to Medicare for services rendered to beneficiaries who are also Medicare recipients. The INSURER will not cover deductibles or co-insurance of Part A, but will cover deductibles and co-insurance of Part B of Medicare, except for deductibles and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in hospital setting, other than physician services.

b) The recognition as a covered reimbursable Medicare Program cost as bad debts by reason of non-payment of Part A deductibles and/or coinsurance, and for deductibles and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in hospital setting under Medicare Part B, other than physician services.

c) Pharmacy coverage for beneficiaries who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare recipients, as long as the benefits are accessed through the PCP, HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers or the INSURER's participating providers and the prescription is issued by a participating provider of the INSURER.

d) Dental coverage for beneficiaries who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare recipients, the INSURER's participating providers.

e) All benefits included in ADDENDUM I that are not covered under Medicare Part A or Part B.


5. The INSURER shall not, at any time, increase the rate agreed in the contract nor reduce the benefits agreed to as defined in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

6. The INSURER guarantees the ADMINISTRATION that the rate and any applicable deductibles or co-payments constitute full payment for the benefits contracted under the plan, and that participating providers cannot collect any additional amount from the beneficiaries. Balance billing is expressly prohibited.

Upon a determination made by the ADMINISTRATION that the INSURER or its agents that the INSURER has engaged in balance billing, the ADMINISTRATION will proceed to enforce provisions as established in Article XXXVI.

7. The INSURER understands that the payment of premium by the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER's payments to its HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers, shall be considered as full and complete payment for all services rendered except for the deductibles established in ADDENDUM I of the contract herein.

8. For those Medicare beneficiaries with Part A, any recovery by the provider for Part A deductibles and/or co-insurance will be made exclusively through the Medicare Part A Program as bad debts. In this instance, beneficiaries would neither pay any reimbursement for rendered services to a participating provider nor pay the deductibles included IN ADDENDUM 1 of this contract.

9. For those Medicare beneficiaries with Part B, any recovery by the participating provider for Part B deductibles and/or co-insurance, other than services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, will be made through the INSURER and/or the HCOs. In this instance, beneficiaries would neither pay any reimbursement for rendered services to a participating provider nor pay the deductibles included in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

10. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service, through the capitation paid to the HCO.

11. Newborns shall be immediately covered by the INSURER if born to an eligible individual and/or family unit as defined herein the Medicaid Commonwealth Plan, the law and its regulations.

12. The INSURER understands that if the Federal Government submits an alternative to the agreement hereof that is more cost effective and for the benefit of the Government of Puerto Rico, the ADMINISTRATION along with the


INSURER shall renegotiate the coverage for Medicare beneficiaries with

Part A or Part A and B.

13. The INSURER certifies that the monthly billing submitted to the ADMINISTRATION includes all beneficiaries, who have been issued an identification card and for which payment of premiums are due either on a monthly or pro-rated basis. The ADMINISTRATION will not accept any new billing once the monthly billing is submitted by the INSURER to the ADMINISTRATION, unless there is a justifiable reason for the omission.

14. If any differences arise in the ADMINISTRATION's payment of premiums to the INSURER, the latter will proceed to analyze the differences between the original billing submitted by the INSURER and the amount paid by the ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER will proceed, after proper analysis, to submit to the ADMINISTRATION a diskette as well as all relevant documentation that supports and details the INSURER's claim not later than thirty (30) working days after payment is made to the INSURER by the ADMINISTRATION. Once this term has ended, the INSURER waives its right to claim any amounts from differences arising from the monthly payment made by the ADMINISTRATION and releases the ADMINISTRATION from any and all obligation to pay any additional premiums, including differences to billing by more than one insurer. During the following one hundred and twenty (120) days the ADMINISTRATION will confirm the validity of the claim and make payment thereof.


1. For the purpose of determining future premiums, the loss experience of this contract shall be based exclusively on the results of the cost of health care services provided to the beneficiaries covered under this contract. The INSURER shall maintain all the utilization and financial data related to this contract duly segregated from its regular accounting system including, but not limited to the General Ledger and the necessary Accounting Registers classified by the Area/Region subject to this contract.

2. Administrative expenses to be included in determining the experience of the program are those directly related to this contract. Separate allocations of expenses from the INSURER's regular business, INSURER's related companies, INSURER's parent company or other entities will be reflected or made a part of the financial and accounting records described in the preceding section.

3. Any pooling of operating expenses with other of the INSURER's groups, cost shifting, financial consolidation or the implementation of other combined financial measures is expressly forbidden.


4. Amounts paid for claims or encounters resulting from services determined to be medically unnecessary by the INSURER will not be considered in the contract's experience.

5. The INSURER shall provide the ADMINISTRATION every month with a Premium Disbursement Illustration. Said illustration shall present the distribution of the capitation, claim expenses by coverage, reserves, administrative expenses and premium distributions as referred and contained in the RFP's Actuarial Reports formats. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

6. The determination by the INSURER as to the payment of the capitation fee and as to any other payments by virtue of this contract will be computed on an actuarially sound basis.

7. The INSURER will provide to the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis, the actuarial data, premium distribution, and reports as contained in the RFP's Actuarial Report formats. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.


1. The Department of Health will provide for and effectively implement a preventive medicine program with primary emphasis on public health education which will include, but will not be limited to, guidance on lifestyles, AIDS, drug abuse, cancer and mother and child care. This is typically referred to as Primary Prevention. The INSURER will collaborate with the Department of Health and provide for a preventive medicine program with primary emphasis on the provision of clinical services in support of the Preventive Medicine Program, including but not limited to, screening and education of individual patients, such as PAP Smears, colorectal screening mammograms and cholesterol screening as indicated by the best practices of medicine.

In cooperation with the INSURER, the Department of Health will develop a surveillance methodology to identify compliance with this program.

2. The INSURER, through its secondary and tertiary Preventive Program, will address, analyze and implement measures to provide effective clinical and educational activities seeking to combat the specific causes of morbidity and mortality in the Area/Region.


3. The INSURER will develop and effectively implement a case management system in order to monitor high risk cases and attend to the covered health care needs of the beneficiaries, and dependents within said category.

4. The INSURER represents that under its Preventive Program it will contract, sufficient medical specialists and specialized teams in order to combine the resources of the HCOs and the professional staff of the HCOs, including but not limited to, health educators, nutritionists, dieticians, nurses, other trained personnel and physicians who will act as the team's educator, manager and coordinator.

5. The INSURER will be responsible to direct to a network of other agencies and community resources serving each municipality within the Area/Region so as to guarantee that participating providers and beneficiaries are aware of and understand the available services in their community and the process by which to access them.

6. The INSURER will assure that discharge of the mother and her baby from the hospital is based upon sound clinical judgment determined by the clinician.

7. The responsibilities of the INSURER in the Preventive Program will include the following

a) A disease management program developed by the INSURER in collaboration with the Department of Health which shall develop standardized processes to address major public health programs such as Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension and Congestive Heart Failure, among others. This program shall include identification treatment protocols/guidelines and surveillance/monitoring. In cooperation with the Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) annual reports will be published detailing the results.

b) A case management program which initially will be under the responsibility of a nurse. Case management will not be limited to the physician's offices or a determined center. Coordination of the services provided is required within the community and at the home of the beneficiary, if necessary.

c) An outreach program shall be developed in collaboration with the Department of Health to target specific clinical issues as identified by the Department of Health, for those beneficiaries who cannot access those services. The clinical standard shall conform to the published HEDIS measures. These measures can be modified or supplemented by the Department of Health.

d) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women are screened for alcohol use following the Department of Health Guidelines.


e) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women will obtain counseling for the HIV test. All pregnant women who accept the HIV test will be referred to the HIV Prevention and Detection Program of the Department of Health. The participant provider shall coordinate all referrals with the Department of Health. Pre-natal care and HIV testing will continue to be covered benefits under this contract.

f) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women, following the administration of the HIV test that reports a positive result, are allowed to be treated under the guidelines for the utilization of ZDV in pregnant women and neonatal infants to reduce the risk of mother-infant HIV transmission, published by the Department of Health.

g) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women are properly educated about the WIC Program. Those eligible individuals will be referred to the WIC Program of the Department of Health. It will be the immediate responsibility of the participating providers to comply with all requirements in order to arrange the referral to the WIC Program without any cost to the patient.

h) The INSURER will assure that all providers comply with the EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment) Program and the Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services (GAPS) from the American Medical Association. The itinerary of services that have to be rendered by providers will comply with the EPSDT Itinerary Services Formats.

i) The INSURER will be responsible to develop and demonstrate its strategy to meet the appropriate prevention program guidelines as required by the Department of Health.

j) The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION monthly reports detailing all services rendered to mother and child classified by age groups and listing the numbers of pregnant women that have: (i) received prenatal care on each month in the reporting period; (ii) counseled as to HIV testing; (iii) referred to the HIV Prevention and Detection Program of the Department of Health; and (iv) referred to the WIC Program.

k) The INSURER agrees to comply and assure that all participating providers will comply with the federal and local laws referred in Article XV paragraph (11) (g) of this contract. The INSURER will assure the submission by the participating provider of all the protocols and formats requested by the Department of Health, Department of the Family, Department of Education and Department of Justice as contained in the RFP formats.


8. The INSURER will develop and effectively implement incentive-based programs whereby the providers are motivated toward compliance with all requirements of their Preventive Medicine Program such as EPSDT, Immunizations, Prenatal care, reduction in cesarean sections, and other related services.

9. The ADMINISTRATION shall evaluate these preventive programs through HEDIS and other applicable performance standards.

10. The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION quarterly reports needed by the Department of Health detailing services rendered in the Preventive Program described below.

11. The ADMINISTRATION shall have the right to audit the compliance with these requirements as needed. Non-compliance shall be a determining factor in non-renewal of this contract or breach thereof as defined in Article of XXXIII.


1. The INSURER shall direct beneficiaries to access Mental Health and Substance Abuse benefits in coordination with the Mental Behavior Healthcare Organization in the health region contracted by the ADMINISTRATION and ASSMCA. The ASSMCA will monitor the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Program provided through the MBHO contracted in the Health Region/Area with sufficient specificity effectiveness in order to provide for all mental health and substance abuse needs for all eligible beneficiaries residing within the municipalities forming part of said area.

2. The INSURER will abide with the ADMINISTRATION and ASSMCA's guidelines for expediting access of beneficiaries to the mental health and substance abuse benefits covered under the Health Insurance Program.


1. The INSURER agrees to provide to the enrolled beneficiaries the benefits included in ADDENDUM I of this contract. The benefits to be provided under the program are divided in three types of coverage: 1) the Basic Coverage that includes preventive, medical, hospital, surgical, diagnostic tests, clinical laboratory tests, x-rays, emergency room, ambulance, maternity and prescription drug services, 2) Dental Coverage based on the right to choose one of the participating dentists from the INSURER's network and 3) the Special Coverage that includes benefits for catastrophic conditions, expensive procedures and specialized diagnostic tests.


2. The INSURER may not modify, change, limit, reduce, or otherwise alter said benefits nor the agreed terms and conditions for their delivery without the express written consent of the ADMINISTRATION.

3. The coverage for Medicare beneficiaries is established as follows:

(a) Beneficiaries with Part A of Medicare- The INSURER will pay for all services not included in Part A of Medicare, and included in the contract herein. The INSURER will not pay the applicable Part A deductibles and coinsurance.

(b) Beneficiaries with Part A and Part B of Medicare- The INSURER will pay for prescription drugs prescribed by PCP and dental coverage. The INSURER will not cover the payment of the applicable Part A deductibles and coinsurance, but will cover the payment of the applicable Part B deductible and co-insurance.

(c) Access to services contemplated herein will be through a selected HCO. Beneficiaries with Part A can select from the Medicare's providers list, in which case the benefits under this contract would not be covered.

4. The Medicare beneficiary can select a Part A provider from the Medicare Part A providers list, but has to select a HCO for Part B services for beneficiaries with Part B services or Part B equivalent services for beneficiaries without Part B of Medicare.


1. If during the term of this contract, the insurance coverage for a beneficiary terminates because the beneficiary ceases to be eligible and is dis-enrolled, such person has the right to receive a direct payment policy from INSURER without submitting evidence of eligibility. The direct payment policy will be issued by the INSURER without taking into consideration pre-existing conditions or waiting periods. The written request for a direct payment policy must be made, and the first premium submitted to INSURER on or before thirty-one (31) days after the date of disenrollment, bearing in mind that:

a) The direct payment policy should be an option of such person, through any of the means which at that date INSURER has currently made available according to the age and benefits requested. It will be subject to the terms and conditions of the direct payment policy.


b) The premium for the direct payment policy will be in accordance with the rate then in effect at INSURER, applicable to the form and benefits of the direct payment policy, in accordance with the risk category the person falls in at the moment, and the age reached on the effective date of the direct payment policy. The health condition at the moment of conversion will have no bearing in the eligibility nor will it be an acceptable base for the risk classification.

c) The direct payment policy should also provide for coverage to any other individual, if these were considered eligible beneficiaries at the termination date of the health insurance under this contract. Under option by INSURER, a separate direct payment policy may be issued to cover the other individuals who formerly were eligible beneficiaries.

d) The direct payment policy will be effective upon termination of coverage under the health insurance contracted.

e) INSURER will not be obligated to issue a direct payment policy covering a person who has the right to receive similar services provided by any insurance coverage or under the Medicare Program of the Federal Social Security legislation, as subsequently amended, if such benefits, jointly provided under the direct payment policy, result in an excess of coverage (over insurance), according to the standards of the INSURER.

2. When coverage under this contract terminates due to the expiration of its term, all persons formerly considered eligible beneficiaries, who have been insured for a period of three (3) years prior to the termination date, will be eligible for a INSURER direct payment policy, subject to the conditions and limitations stipulated in clause 1 of this section.

3. Subject to the conditions and limitations stipulated in clause 1 of this section, the conversion privilege will be granted:

a) to all eligible beneficiaries whose coverage under the health insurance contracted is terminated because they cease to be eligible beneficiaries and are disenrolled.

b) to any eligible beneficiary whose coverage under the health insurance contracted ceases because he no longer qualifies as an eligible beneficiary, regardless of the fact that the principal subscriber and/or any other eligible beneficiary continues covered by said health insurance coverage under this contract.

4. In case an eligible beneficiary under this contract suffers a loss covered by the direct payment policy, described in clause 1 of this section, during the period he/she would have qualified for a direct payment policy and before the said direct


payment policy is in effect, the benefits which he/she would have a right to collect under such direct payment policy will be paid as a claim under the direct payment policy, subject to having requested the direct payment policy and the payment of the first premium.

5. If any eligible beneficiary under this contract subsequently acquires the right to obtain a direct payment policy, under the terms and conditions of the INSURER's policies without providing evidence of qualifications for such insurance, subject to the request and payment of the first premium during the period specified in the policy; and if this person is not notified of the existence of this right, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of such period, such person will be granted an additional period during which time he/she can claim his/her right, none of the above implying the continuation of a policy for a period longer than stipulated in said policy. The additional period will expire fifteen (15) days after the person is notified, but in no case will it be extended beyond sixty (60) days after the expiration date of the policy. Written notification handed to the person or mailed to the last known address of the person, as acknowledged by the policy holder, will be considered as notification, for the purposes of this paragraph. If an additional period is granted for the right of conversion as hereby provided, and if the written application for direct payment, enclosed with the first premium payment, is made during the additional period, the effective date of the direct payment policy will be the termination of the health insurance coverage under this contract.

6. Subject to the other conditions expressed before, the eligible beneficiaries will have the right to conversion, up to one of the following dates:

a) date of termination of his/her eligibility under this contract; or
b) termination date of this contract; or
c) date of amendment of this contract, if said amendment in any way eliminates the beneficiaries' eligibility.


1. All transactions between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER shall be handled according to the terms and conditions set forth in this contract.

2. The INSURER shall appoint a person that shall be responsible for all transactions with the ADMINISTRATION.

3. All eligibility transactions shall be coordinated on a daily basis.



The INSURER may not cancel this contract, or make modifications to it for any reason, or otherwise change, restrict or reduce the insurance or the benefits, except for nonpayment of premiums.


The Request for Proposal that originated this contract, the Proposal submitted by the INSURER, this contract and/or any other document or provision incorporated to it by reference, shall be interpreted and construed according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. If any controversy may arise regarding the interpretation or performance of this contract, the parties voluntary submit for its resolution to the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, San Juan Part.


1. This contract shall be in effect for nine months, starting at 12:01 AM, Puerto Rico time on October 1, 2001, the first day that coverage begins and payment of the premium is due.

2. This contract may not be assigned, transferred or pledged by the INSURER without the express written consent of the ADMINISTRATION.

3. This contract may be extended by the ADMINISTRATION, upon acceptance by the INSURER, for any subsequent period of time if deemed in the best interest of the beneficiaries, the ADMINISTRATION, and the Government of Puerto Rico.


Any officer, director, employee or agent of the ADMINISTRATION, the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, its municipalities or corporations cannot be part of this contract or derive any economic benefit that may arise from its execution.



The INSURER certifies and guarantees that at the time of execution of this contract, 1) it is a corporation duly authorized to conduct business in Puerto Rico and that has filed income tax returns for the previous five (5) years; 2) that it complied with and paid unemployment insurance tax, disability insurance tax (Law 139), social security for drivers ("seguro social choferil"), if applicable); 3) filed State Department reports, during the five (5) years preceding this contract and 4) that it does not owe any kind of taxes to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.


The INSURER agrees to enforce and require compliance by all applicable participating providers with 42 CFR 434, Part 489, Subpart I relating to maintaining written policies and procedures respecting advance directives. This requirement includes provisions to inform and distribute written information to adult individuals concerning policies on advance directives, including a description of applicable Commonwealth law.


The INSURER shall report ownership, control interest, and related information to the ADMINISTRATION, and upon request, to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Comptroller General of the United States, in accordance with Sections 1124 and 1903 (m)(4) of the Federal Social Security Act.


If the ADMINISTRATION finds that, because of amendments to Law 72 of September 7, 1993, or by reason of other subsequent Federal or local legislative changes that affect this contract, or because of any reasons deemed by the ADMINISTRATION to be in the best interest of the Government of Puerto Rico in carrying out the provisions of Law 72 of September 7, 1993, or in order to perform experiments and demonstration projects pursuant to legislative enactment, modification of this contract is necessary, the ADMINISTRATION may modify any of the requirements, terms and conditions, functions, part thereof or any other services to be performed by the INSURER. Prior to any such modification, the ADMINISTRATION shall afford the INSURER an opportunity to consult and participate in planning for adjustments which might be necessary and thereafter provide the INSURER written notice that the modification is to be made within


ninety (90) days after a date specified in the notice. Said modifications will take place after consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER.


1. If the ADMINISTRATION finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing to the INSURER the INSURER has failed substantially to carry out the material terms and conditions of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION may terminate this contract at any time, as provided in
Section 10.1, above.

2. In the event that there is non-compliance by the INSURER with any specific clause of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION will notify the INSURER in writing, indicating the area/region(s) of non-compliance. The INSURER will be granted the opportunity to present and discuss its position regarding the issue within fifteen (15) days from the date of the notification. After considering the allegations presented by the INSURER following adequate hearing and the opportunity to present all necessary evidence in support of its position, and the ADMINISTRATION formally determines that there is a non-compliance, at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, this contract may be cancelled by giving thirty
(30) days prior written notice before the effective date of cancellation.

3. In the event that the INSURER does not remedy, correct or cure the material deficiencies noted in the Plan Compliance Evaluation Report, as provided for in Article XVII of this contract, and following the opportunity of an adequate hearing and the presentation of evidence in support of its position, and the ADMINISTRATION confirms the deficiency, then at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION this contract may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days prior notice.

4. If the INSURER were to be declared insolvent, files for bankruptcy or is placed under liquidation, the ADMINISTRATION shall have the option to cancel and immediately terminate this contract. In the event of this happening an enrollee will not be liable for payments under this contract.

5. In the event that this contract is terminated, the INSURER shall promptly provide the ADMINISTRATION all necessary information for the reimbursement of any pending and outstanding Claims. The INSURER hereby recognizes that in the event of termination under this Article it shall be bound to provide reasonable cooperation to the ADMINISTRATION beyond the date of termination in order to properly effect the transition to the new INSURER taking over the region covered by this Contract. This obligation to reasonably cooperate shall survive the date of said effective termination provided, at the ADMINISTRATION' discretion.


6. The INSURER agrees and recognizes that in the event there are no sufficient enough funds designated for the payment of premium, the ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to terminate this contract, effective ninety (90) days after prior written notification.


In the event that the contract is terminated, the INSURER will continue to provide services for a reasonable term to guarantee the continuance of services until the ADMINISTRATION has made adequate arrangements to continue the rendering of health care benefits to beneficiaries. The duration of such term will not exceed sixty (60) days and the PMPM shall be agreed upon by the INSURER and the ADMINISTRATION.

Upon the expiration of the contract, the INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with the historical/utilization data of services rendered to beneficiaries in the area/region, in order to prevent fraud and double billing of services by the incoming INSURER.

Any INSURER phasing out of a Health Region will guarantee payment for services rendered to beneficiaries under the previous contract. Failure to do so, shall entail in accordance with the fair hearing process established on Article XXXIII, the retention of a determined amount of premium payment of INSURER's Health Region Contract. The amount to be retained shall be sufficient to cover the amount owed.


None of the obligations, covenants, duties, and responsibilities incurred or assumed under the present Contract, the Request For Proposal, Proposal, the representations and assurances provided at the clarification meeting held on June 11, 2001, by either: (I) the INSURER towards the ADMINISTRATION and any governmental agencies, or (ii) the ADMINISTRATION towards the INSURER, shall be deemed as the assumption by the INSURER or the ADMINISTRATION, as the case might be, of any legal liability or responsibility towards a third party in the event that a negligent or intentional injury, malpractice, damage or wrongdoing, or any harm whatsoever is incurred by or caused by the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers and/or the INSURER's participating providers.


1. In the event that the INSURER does not furnish the ADMINISTRATION with any kind of monthly reports related to the gathering and reporting of encounter information, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium for each


month in default said retention to be effective for the subsequent month after the default. Once the INSURER complies with said requirement, the amount retained will be fully paid to the INSURER, within five days after receiving the required reports for the subsequent month.

2. In the event that the INSURER does not comply with its obligation related to the monthly gathering and accurate reporting of encounter information, according to Article XV of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium payable to the INSURER for each month in default, provided:

a. the ADMINISTRATION gives, within ten (10) working days after receipt of the monthly report, written notification by certified mail, or personally hand delivers said notification to the INSURER of the non-compliance and the reasons thereof; and
b. the ADMINISTRATION grants ten (10) working days for the INSURER to cure the default; and
c. the INSURER fails to correct it within said term.

Whenever as the above events take place, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium payment for each month in default. Retention will be effective ten (10) working days after the notice of non-compliance. Once the INSURER corrects the problem, at the satisfaction of the ADMINISTRATION and according to Article XV of this contract, the amount retained will be fully paid to the INSURER, within five days after receiving full and complete reports for the subsequent month.

3. For the purpose of subparagraphs 1 and 2, above, default is defined as the non-compliance by the INSURER of the reporting requirements established for the gathering and reporting of encounter information as established in Article XV of this contract, or when the INSURER does not submit the reports within the established term set in this contract.

4. A. Civil Monetary Penalties: In the event that there is a non-compliance with Article VI, XII, XVI, XVII and/or with any specific clause of this contract or the INSURER engages in any of the following practices:

(a) Fails to substantially provide medically necessary services to enrollees under this contract;
(b) imposes on enrollees premiums and charges in excess of the ones permitted under this contract;
(c) discriminates, among enrollees on the basis of their health status or requirements for health care (such as terminating an enrollment or refusing to reenroll) except as permitted under the Program or engages in practices to discourage enrollment by recipients whose medical condition or history indicates need for substantial medical services;


(d) misrepresents or falsifies information that is furnished to CMS, to the ADMINISTRATION, to an enrollee, potential enrollee or provider of services;
(e) distributes, directly or indirectly through any agent, independent contractor, marketing material not approved by the ADMINISTRATION, or that contains false or misleading information;
(f) Fails to comply with the requirements for physician incentive plans in section 1876 (i) (8) of the Social Security Act, and at 42 CFR 417.479, or fails to submit to the ADMINISTRATION its physician incentive plans as requested in 42 CFR 434.70

The ADMINISTRATION will notify the INSURER in writing, the findings of the violation and the impending intention to impose intermediate sanctions for each violation which could consist of: monetary penalties at the discretion of the Administration may range from five hundred dollars $500 to twenty five thousand dollars $25,000; or the resolution of the contract and temporary management; suspension, and/or with-holding of premium payments, which may range from a percent amount, or more than one monthly premium payments. The imposition of sanctions will depend on the extent and severity of the actions.

At the sole discretion of the ADMINISTRATION and after affording the INSURER due process to submit a corrective action as established in paragraph (B), below, the ADMINISTRATION will deduct any amount it may deem adequate from the premium payments or any other administrative items of said payments.

The Office of the Inspector General may impose civil money penalties of up to $25,000.00 in addition to, or in lieu of each determination by the ADMINISTRATION, or CMS, for non-compliance conduct as set forth on subparagraphs(a) through (f).

The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services may seek the enforcement of felony charges, for violation regarding subparagraph (b), above.

B. The INSURER will have the right to present and discuss its position regarding the ADMINISTRATION'S finding within thirty(30) days from the receipt of the notification. After such period expires the Administration will issue its decision regarding the contemplated sanctions which could be (i) let stand the initial determination, (ii) modify the sanction or
(iii) eliminate the sanction if the Insurer has taken affirmative corrective actions. Upon notifying the INSURER of the final decision, if in disagreement, the INSURER will have
(30) days to request a hearing- before the Administration. Upon the expiration of the thirty (30) days without invoking a formal hearing, or after the celebration of a hearing and after issuance of findings and recommendations of the hearing examiner, the decision


will then become final, subject to the appeal process provided in section 12, Art. VI of Law 72, September 7,1993, as amended.

C. The ADMINISTRATION, shall appoint temporary management only if it finds that the INSURER has egregiously or repeatedly engaged in any of the stated practices on paragraph (A) of this article; or places a substantial risk on the health of enrollees; or there is a need to assure the health of an organization's enrollees during an orderly termination, reorganization of the Insurer or while improvements are being made to correct violations. The temporary management may not be removed until the INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that the violations will not recur.

5. If a contractor is found to be in non-compliance with the provisions on ARTICLE VII concerning affiliation with debarred or suspended individuals, the ADMINISTRATION:

a) Shall notify the Secretary of non-compliance;
b) May continue the existing contract with the Insurer, unless the Secretary (in consultation with the Inspector General of the Department of Health Services directs otherwise); and,
c) May not review or otherwise extend the duration of an existing contract with the INSURER unless the Secretary (in consultation with the Inspector General of the DHHS) provides to the ADMINISTRATION and to Congress a written statement describing compelling reasons that exist for renewing or extending the contract.

6. Notwithstanding the provisions set in this Article, the ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to terminate this contract, as established in Article XXXIII.


1. The INSURER warrants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ADMINISTRATION from and against any loss or expense by reason of any liability imposed by law upon the ADMINISTRATION and from and against claims against the ADMINISTRATION for damages because of bodily injuries, including death, at any time resulting therefrom, accidents sustained by any person or persons on account of damage to property arising out of or in consequence of the performance of this contract, whether such injuries to persons or damage to property are due or claimed to be due to any negligence of the INSURER, the INSURER's participating providers, the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers, their agents, servants, or employees or of any other person.

3. The INSURER warrants and agrees to purchase insurance coverage to include Contractual Liability Coverage incorporating the obligations herein assumed by


the INSURER with limits of liability which shall not be less than one
(1) million dollars with said insurance coverage providing for the INSURER's obligation and the insurance company of INSURER to defend and appear on behalf of the ADMINISTRATION in any and all claims or suits which may be brought against the ADMINISTRATION on account of the obligations herein assumed by the INSURER.


The ADMINISTRATION and INSURER agree and recognize that guidance and directives from the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are incorporated in contracts subject to its approval, such as the present one, and that they constitute binding obligations on the part of the INSURER.


Whenever a period of time is herein prescribed for action to be taken by the INSURER, the INSURER shall not be liable or responsible for, and there shall be excluded from the computation for any such period of time, any delays due to strikes, acts of God, shortages of labor or materials, war, terrorism, governmental laws, regulations or restrictions or any other causes of any kind whatsoever which are beyond the control of the INSURER.


The parties hereby assure that all hardware and software that it uses with respect to this Agreement are Year 2000 Compliant in accordance to CMS's Year Compliance definitions as stated in the RFP. The Parties acknowledge that this provision is an essential condition to this Agreement.


Inasmuch as it is a requirement that the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approves this contract in order to authorize the use of federal funds to finance the health insurance contracted, the same may be subject to modifications in order to incorporate or modify the terms and conditions of this contract.


2. Any provision of this contract which is in conflict with any Federal Laws, Federal Medicaid Statutes, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Federal Regulations, or CMS policy guidance, as applicable, is hereby amended to conform to the provisions of those laws, regulations, and Federal policy. Such amendment of the contract will be effective on the effective date of the statutes or regulations necessitating it, and will be binding on the parties even though such amendment may not have been reduced to writing and formally agreed upon and executed by the parties.


1. All responsibilities, obligations, assurances and representations, made, taken, and assumed by the INSURER under this contract will be fully, solely, and entirely assumed by the INSURER. Notwithstanding, the ADMINISTRATION acknowledges that Triple-C will carry out the responsibilities as to the administration and operational management of the Health Insurance subject of this contract and that its officers are authorized to represent Triple-S, Inc. in matters related to be carried out.

2. The ADMINISTRATION acknowledges that the INSURER is in a corporate reorganizational process. The INSURER will notify the ADMINISTRATION the date when the reorganizational process is completed. The INSURER represents that the reorganizational process shall not constituted an assignment of this Contract.


The parties agree that they accept, consent and promise to abide by each and every one of the clauses contained in this contract and that the contract contains the entire agreement between the parties and in order to acknowledge so, they initial the margin of each of the pages and affix below their respective signatures, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, this 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2001.


------------------------------          ------------------------------



The Puerto Rico Health Insurance



October 1, 2001 - June 30, 2002





TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                   PAGE
--------------------                                                   ----

I      Definitions                                                       2
II     Eligibility and Enrollment                                        8
III    Right to Choose                                                  14
IV     Secondary Payor                                                  16
V      Emergencies                                                      17
VI     Access to Benefits                                               19
VII    Contracts with HCO's and All Participating Providers             23
VIII   Subscription Process and Identification Cards                    28
IX     Summary Plan Description Booklet                                 29
X      Grievance Procedure                                              32
XI     Health Care Organizations                                        34
XII    Guarantee of Payment                                             37
XIII   Utilization Review and Quality Assurance                         40
XIV    Compliance and Agreement for Inspection of Records               44
XV     Information Systems and Reporting Requirements                   46
XVI    Financial Requirements                                           54
XVII   Plan Compliance Evaluation Program                               55
XVIII  Payment of Premiums                                              63
XIX    Actuarial Requirements                                           67
XX     Preventive Medicine Program                                      67
XXI    Mental Health Program                                            70
XXII   Benefits                                                         70
XXIII  Conversion Clause                                                71
XXIV   Transactions with the Insurer                                    73
XXV    Non-Cancellation Clause                                          73
XXVI   Applicable Law                                                   73
XXVII  Effective Date and Term                                          74


TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                   PAGE
--------------------                                                   ----

XXVIII    Conflict of Interest                                          74
XXIX      Income Taxes                                                  74
XXX       Advance Directives                                            74
XXXI      Ownership and Third Party Transactions                        75
XXXII     Modification of the Contract                                  75
XXXIII    Termination of Agreement                                      75
XXXIV     Phase-Out Clause                                              76
XXXV      Third Party Disclaimer                                        77
XXXVI     Penalties Sanctions Clauses                                   77
XXXVII    Hold Harmless Clause                                          80
XXXVIII   Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services
            Contract Requirements                                       80
XXXIX     Force Majeure                                                 81
XL        Year 2000 Clause                                              81
XXLI      Federal Government Approval                                   81
XLII      Acknowledgement as to Insurer                                 81
XLIII     Entire Agreement                                              82


Addendum I        Benefits Coverage-Formulary
Addendum II       PRHIA Instructions to Insurers for Orientation and
                  Subscription Process- Beneficiaries Manual
Addendum III      Insurer Grievance Procedure
Addendum IV       Proposed Information Requirements



This Agreement entered into this 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2001, at San Juan, Puerto Rico, by and between PUERTO RICO HEALTH INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION, a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, organized under Law 72 approved on September 7, 1993, hereinafter referred to as the "ADMINISTRATION", represented by its Executive Director, ANGEL BLANCO BOTTEY, and TRIPLE-S, INC., a domestic corporation duly organized and doing business under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, with employer social security number 66-0229064, hereinafter referred to as the "INSURER", represented by its Chief Executive Officer, MIGUEL VAZQUEZ DEYNES.


In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties, their personal representatives and successors, agree as follows:

FIRST: The ADMINISTRATION has the responsibility to seek, negotiate, and contract with public and private insurers, health care insurance programs that eventually will be capable of providing all citizens that reside in the island of Puerto Rico access to quality health care services, regardless of their economic condition and capacity to pay.

SECOND: Law 72 of September 7, 1993 dictates the express policy that empowers the ADMINISTRATION to seek, negotiate and contract health insurance programs that will allow its beneficiaries access to quality health services, in particular the medically indigent and the public employees of the Central Government and pensioners.

THIRD: The ADMINISTRATION published a Request For Proposals for the North, Metro-North, East, Southeast, West, Southwest, San Juan, Northwest, Northeast and Central Health Area/Region, seeking to provide health insurance coverage to all eligible beneficiaries in said health Area/Region, by contracting with private insurers.

FOURTH: Pursuant to the terms of the aforementioned Request For Proposals, published on June 3-4, 2001, four different private health insurers submitted to the ADMINISTRATION proposals to underwrite the health insurance for the Health Area/Region.

FIFTH: The proposals submitted by the proposing insurers were thoroughly evaluated by a Evaluation Committee, as well as an Administrative Evaluation Committee within the ADMINISTRATION, as a result of which, a recommendation was presented to the Board of Directors of the ADMINISTRATION.

SIXTH: The Board of Directors of the ADMINISTRATION, after a careful and complete analysis of all technical and administrative elements of the proposals, decided


to award the INSURER the contract to underwrite and administer the health insurance for the NORTH WEST Health Area/Region, composed of the municipalities of AGUADA, AGUADILLA, ANASCO, ISABELA, MOCA, RINCON, AND SAN SEBASTIAN.

SEVENTH; The benefits to be provided under the plan offered by the INSURER are divided in three types of coverage: 1) the Basic Coverage that includes preventive, medical, hospital, surgical, diagnostic tests, clinical laboratory tests, x-rays, emergency room, ambulance, maternity and prescription drug services; 2) Dental Coverage based on the free choice of participating dentists from INSURER's network, and 3) the Special Coverage that includes benefits for catastrophic conditions, expensive procedures and specialized diagnostic tests. Benefits shall be provided by the INSURER in strict compliance with Law Number 72 of September 7, 1993, as amended, which is made part of this contract, the terms and conditions contained in Addenda I, II, III, and IV of this contract, and subject to the following:


ACCESS: Adequate availability of all necessary health care services included in the plan being contracted to fulfill the needs of the beneficiaries of the program.

ADMINISTRATION: Puerto Rico Health Insurance Administration.

ADVANCE DIRECTIVES: A written instruction such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care, recognized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (whether statutory or as recognized by the courts of the Commonwealth, relating to the provision of health care when the individual is incapacitated.

ANCILLARY SERVICES (Ancillary Charges): Supplemental services, including laboratory, radiology, physical therapy, and inhalation therapy, which are provided in conjunction with medical or hospitals care.

ASSMCA - Mental Health and Substance Abuse Administration: Spanish acronym for the Puerto Rico Mental Health and Substance Abuse Administration, the state agency that has been delegated the responsibility for the planning, establishment of mental and substance abuse policies and procedures, the coordination, development and monitoring of all mental health and substance abuse services rendered to beneficiaries under the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Program.


BENEFICIARY: Any person that under Law 72 of September 7, 1993 is determined eligible to receive services, is reported as such to the INSURER by the ADMINISTRATION, and is enrolled in the plan.

CAPITATION: That portion of the premium paid to the INSURER which is disbursed to the HCO in payment for all the benefits provided under the Basic Coverage to the beneficiaries who have selected said HCO, as hereinafter defined.

CO-INSURANCE: Percentage based participation of the beneficiary on each loss or portion of the cost of receiving a service.

CONTRACT: The present contractual relationship between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER, and to which, 1) Law 72 of September 7, 1993, 2) the Request For Proposal, 3) the INSURER's Proposal documents, 4) the representations and assurances provided at the clarification meeting held on June 11, 2001 contained in the transcript of the meeting, and 5) all other certifications issued by the INSURER following said clarification meeting, are herein incorporated by reference. All of the five (5) preceding set of documents are integral parts of this contract.

CONTRACT TERM: Period of nine (9) consecutive months beginning on the date the contract is effective. The coverage shall end at the conclusion of the contract term, unless extended pursuant to Article XXVII.

CMS: Acronym for the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services.

DEDUCTIBLE: A fixed amount that the beneficiary has to pay to the provider as part of the cost of receiving a health care service, as provided in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

ELECTIVE SURGERY: A surgical procedure that, even though medically necessary and prescribed by a physician, does not need to be performed immediately because no imminent risk to life, permanent damage of a vital organ or permanent impairment is present, and which therefore can be scheduled.

EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONDITION: (Prudent Layperson Standard) a medical condition presenting symptoms of sufficient severity that a person with average knowledge of health and medicine would reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in (i) placing their health or the health of an unborn child in immediate jeopardy, (ii) serious impairment of bodily functions, or
(iii) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.

ENCOUNTER: A contact between a patient and health professional during which a service is provided. An encounter form records selected identifying, diagnostic and related information describing an encounter.

FAMILY CONTRACT: The benefits provided to the following eligible beneficiaries;
1) principal subscriber; and 2) his or her spouse (legally married or common law); and 3)


his or her children (legally, adopted, foster or step children) under 21 years old that depend on the principal subscriber for subsistence; and 4) individuals under 21 years of age who have no children and live in common law with one of the eligible children in the same household; and 5) his or her dependents, of any age, who are blind or permanently disabled and live in the same household. Female beneficiaries (except spouse) covered under family contract who become pregnant shall constitute a separate subscriber under an individual contract as of the first day of the month the pregnancy is diagnosed and reported to the INSURER.

HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION / HCO: A health care entity supported by a network of providers and which is based on a managed care system and accessed through a primary care physician (gatekeeper). Said entity has contracted with the insurer to provide, in adequate facilities, the benefits provided for within the Basic Coverage or the Basic and Special Coverage of the health insurance contract. For the purpose of this contract the HCO will be identified by its descriptive name such as Primary Care Center, Physician Hospital Organization (PHO), Independent Practice Association (IPA), Primary Provider Group (PPG), or any other model. The INSURER is responsible for the availability of all necessary providers to cover both the basic and the special coverage.


HIPAA: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is federal legislation (Public law 104-191) approved by Congress in August 21, 1996 regulating the continuity and portability of health plans, mandating the adoption and implementation of administrative simplification standards to prevent, fraud, abuse, improve health plan overall operations and guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of individually identifiable health information.

INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT: The benefits provided to eligible subscribers that are: 1) unmarried single adults without minor dependents; or 2) married adults whose spouse and/or dependents are not eligible for coverage under this program; or
3) Female beneficiaries (except spouse) covered under family contract who become pregnant as of the first day of the month the pregnancy is diagnosed and reported to the INSURER.

INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATION (IPA): A managed care delivery model in which the INSURER contracts with a physician organization which, in turn, contracts with individual physicians. The IPA physicians practice in their own offices and continue to see their fee-for-service patients. This type of system combines prepayment with the traditional means of delivering health care, a physician office/private practice. For the purpose of this contract, an IPA will be considered a Health Care Organization (HCO).

INSURER: TRIPLE-S, INC., is a private entity which meets the definition of a managed care organization (MCO), previously known as a state defined HMO, has a


comprehensive risk contract primarily for the purpose of providing health care services, making the services it provides accessible (in terms of timeliness, amount, duration and scope) as those services are to other Medicaid recipients within the Area/Region served by the entity and meets the solvency standards under the law as a state licensed risk-bearing entity.

MANAGED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ORGANIZATION (MBHO): An entity constituted by Mental Health Participating Providers and organized with the purpose of negotiating contracts to provide mental health and substance abuse services.

MEDICARE: Federal health insurance program for people 65 or older, people of any age with permanent kidney failure, and certain disabled people according to Title XVIII of the Social Security Act. Medicare has two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A is the hospital insurance that includes inpatient hospital care and certain follow up care. Part B is medical insurance that includes doctor services and many other medical services and items. A Medicare recipient is a person who has either Part A or Part A and B insurance.

MEDICARE BENEFICIARY: Any person who is a Medicare recipient of Part A or Part A and B and complies with the definition of beneficiary established in this article.

MEDICALLY NECESSARY SERVICES: shall mean services or supplies provided by an institution, physician, or other providers that are required to identify or treat a beneficiary's illness, disease, or injury and which are:

a. Consistent with the symptoms or diagnosis and treatment of the enrollee's illness, disease, or injury; and

b. Appropriate with regard to standards of good medical practice; and

c. Not solely for the convenience of an enrollee, physician, institution or other provider; and

d. The most appropriate supply or level of services which can safely be provided to the enrollee. When applied to the care of an inpatient, it further means that services for the enrollee's medical symptoms or condition require that the services cannot be safely provided to the enrollee as an outpatient; and

e. When applied to enrollees under 21 years of age, services shall be provided in accordance with EPSDT requirements including federal regulations as described in 42 CFR Part 441, Subpart B, and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989.

MENTAL HEALTH FACILITIES: Any premises (a) owned, leased, used or operated directly or indirectly by or for the Managed Behavioral Health Organization
(MBHO) or its affiliates for purposes related to this Agreement; or (b)
maintained by a subcontractor or provider to provide mental health services on behalf of the Managed Behavioral Health Organization.


MENTAL HEALTH CARVE-OUT: Specified psychiatric, behavioral, and substance abuse services covered under the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Plan provided through a contract with a separate entity.

NON-PARTICIPATING PROVIDER: All health care services providers that do not have a contract in effect with the INSURER. Said provider is barred from providing services under this contract.

PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN: A doctor of medicine that is legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and has a contract in effect with the INSURER.

PARTICIPATING PROVIDER: All health care services providers that have a contract in effect with the INSURER.

owns, directly or indirectly five percent (5%) or more of the insurer's capital or stock or receives five percent (5%) or more of its profits; has an interest in any mortgage, deed of trust, note, or other obligations secured in whole or in part by the insurer or by its property or assets, and that interest is equal to or exceeds five percent (5%) of the total property and assets of the insurer; or is an officer or director of the INSURER.

PHYSICIAN INCENTIVE PLAN: Any compensation arrangements between INSURER and physician or physician groups that may directly or indirectly have the effect of reducing or limiting services furnished to Medicaid recipients enrolled with the insurer.

PRE-AUTHORIZATION: A written or electronic approval by the INSURER to the beneficiary granting authorization for a benefit to be provided under the Special Coverage of the program. The beneficiary is responsible for obtaining the preauthorization for coverage in order to receive covered benefits that require it. Failure to obtain pre-authorization precludes coverage. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the INSURER has the option of not requiring pre-authorization for all services received within a particular HCO.

PREMIUM: The monthly amount that the ADMINISTRATION agrees to pay to the INSURER as a result of having assumed the financial risk for providing the benefits to the beneficiaries covered. Method of payment is referred to hereunder as per member per month (PMPM).

PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN (GATEKEEPER): A doctor of medicine legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, who initially evaluates and provides treatment to beneficiaries. He/she is responsible for determining the services required by the beneficiaries, provides continuity of care, and refers the beneficiaries to specialized services if deemed medically necessary. Primary physicians will be considered those professionals accepted as such in the local


and federal jurisdictions. The following are considered primary care physicians: Pediatricians, Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Family Physicians, Internists and General Practitioners. Each female beneficiary with a pregnancy factor has to select an obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. Once the pregnant woman completes her maternity care period, she will be allowed to continue with her primary care physician.

PROVIDER: An individual or entity that is authorized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to provide health care services.

PRICO: Acronym for the Puerto Rico Insurance Commissioner's Office, the state agency responsible for regulating, fiscalizing, and licensing insurance business in Puerto Rico.

SECOND MEDICAL OPINION: A consultation with a peer requested by the beneficiary, the HCO, a Participating Physician or the INSURER to assess the appropriateness of a previous recommendation for surgery or medical treatment.

SECONDARY or SPECIALTY PHYSICIAN: A physician such as a dermatologist, urologist or cardiologist, who provides professional services on a referral from a Primary Care Provider.

SUBSCRIBER: The beneficiary covered under the individual coverage of the plan or the principal beneficiary who grants eligibility to all those beneficiaries included under the family coverage.

SUPPORT PARTICIPATING PROVIDERS: Health care service providers who are needed to complement and provide support services to the Primary Care Physicians and who have a contract with the INSURER to provide said services. A referral from the Gatekeeper is necessary. The following will be considered support participating providers, among others: Pharmacies, Hospitals, Health Related Professionals, Clinical Laboratories, Radiological Facilities, Podiatrists, Optometrists, and all those participating providers that may be needed to provide services under the basic and special coverage considering the specific health problems of the Area/Region.

SUPPORT PARTICIPATING PHYSICIANS: Doctors of Medicine legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within Puerto Rico who are needed to complement and provide support services to the Primary Care Physicians and who have a contract with the INSURER to provide said services. A referral from the Gatekeeper is necessary.

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT (QI): The ongoing process of responding to data gathered through quality monitoring efforts, in such a way as to improve the quality of health care delivered to individuals. This process necessarily involves follow-up studies of the measures taken to effect change in order to demonstrate that the desired change has occurred.


UTILIZATION MANAGEMENT (UM): The process of evaluating necessity appropriateness and efficiency of healthcare services through the revision of information about hospital, service or procedure from patients and/or providers to determine whether it meets established guidelines and criteria approved by the MCO.


INSURER must maintain the organizational and administrative capacity and capabilities to carry out all duties and responsibilities under this contract.

INSURER must maintain assigned staff with the capacity and capability to provide all services to all Beneficiaries under this contract.

INSURER must maintain an administrative office in the service area (local office). The local office must comply with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for public buildings.

INSURER must provide training and development programs to all assigned staff to ensure they know and understand the service requirements under this contract including the reporting requirements, the policies and procedures, cultural and linguistic requirements and the scope of services to be provided. The training and development plan must be submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION.

INSURER must notify THE ADMINISTRATION immediately no later than 30 days after the effective date of this contract of any changes in its organizational chart as previously submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION.

INSURER must notify THE ADMINISTRATION immediately within fifteen (15) working days of any change in regional or office managers. This information must be updated whenever there is a significant change in organizational structure or personnel.


1. Eligibility shall be determined according to Article VI, Section 5 of Law 72 of September 7, 1993 and the federal laws and regulations governing eligibility requirements for the Medicaid Program.

2. The INSURER shall provide coverage for all the eligible beneficiaries as provided in the prior section.

3. The INSURER shall inform beneficiaries, who are also Medicare recipients with Part A or Part A and B, at the time of enrollment that if they choose to become beneficiaries under the contracted health insurance, the benefits provided under said contract will be accessed exclusively through the primary care physician. In this situation:


a) bad debt reimbursement, as a result of non-payment of deductibles and/or coinsurance, for covered Part A services and Part B services provided in hospital setting, other than physician services;

b) payment for covered Part A services;

c) payment for Part B outpatient services provided in a hospital setting; and

d) all covered Part B services,

will continue to be recognized as a covered reimbursable Medicare Program cost. Medicare beneficiaries with either Part A or Part A and B can choose to access their Part A or Part B services from the Medicare's providers list except that in this case the INSURER will not cover the payment of any benefits provided through this contract.

4. The INSURER represents that neither the capitated amount paid to each HCO nor the fee for service amount paid to all providers includes payment for services covered under the Medicare Federal Program. The primary care physicians, the participating providers or any other physician contracted on a salary basis cannot receive duplicate payments for those beneficiaries that have Medicare Part A or Part B coverage. The INSURER further represents that it will audit and review its billing data to avoid duplicate payment with the Medicare Program. The INSURER shall report its findings to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis. The ADMINISTRATION will audit and review Medicare billing data for Part A or Part B payment for beneficiaries eligible to said Federal Program.

5. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service through the amount paid to the HCO.

6. The INSURER guarantees to maintain adequate services for the Health Area/Region for the prompt enrollment of all eligible beneficiaries on a daily basis and in the order of their application. The INSURER shall maintain sufficient facilities within the Area/Region as needed. The subscriber shall be responsible for visiting the designated facility in order to complete all requirements towards enrollment. The INSURER shall enroll the beneficiary(ies) and issue the official identification card(s) on the same day that the subscriber completes the enrollment requirements. Initial orientation and enrollment will be conducted pursuant to the Instructions to Insurers for Implementation of Orientation and Subscription Process contained in ADDENDUM II.

The INSURER shall be responsible to provide the subscriber with specific information allowing for the prompt and reliable enrollment of all eligible individuals.


7. The ADMINISTRATION shall notify the INSURER on a daily basis of all beneficiaries who have become eligible, as well as those who have ceased to be eligible. The INSURER shall guarantee the maintenance, functionality, and reliability of all necessary systems to allow enrollment or disenrollment of subscribers.

8. The beneficiary becomes eligible for enrollment as of the date specified in the ADMINISTRATION's notification to the INSURER.

9. The beneficiary ceases to be eligible as of the disenrollment date specified in the ADMINISTRATION's notification to the INSURER. If the ADMINISTRATION notifies the INSURER that the beneficiary ceased to be eligible on or before the last working day of the month in which eligibility ceases, the disenrollment will be effective on the first day of the following month. Disenrollment will be effected exclusively by a notification issued by the ADMINISTRATION.

10. If, following disenrollment, a beneficiary's contract is reinstated and the beneficiary is re-enrolled on the same month of disenrollment, the contract will be reinstated as of the date of re-enrollment and the ADMINISTRATION will pay premiums on a pro-rata basis for that month.

11. The INSURER agrees to maintain active enrollment for those beneficiaries reported eligible by the ADMINISTRATION. Notification of eligible persons will be made through electronic transmissions or machine readable media. The ADMINISTRATION will forward this data to the INSURER in the format agreed by both parties in accordance with the Daily Update/Carrier Eligibility File Format as required in the RFP.

12. Coverage under the plan shall begin the day that the enrollment process has been completed. The INSURER will guarantee that it will be ready to notify the ADMINISTRATION of all newly enrolled beneficiaries through electronic or magnetic media on a daily basis upon the Administration's request. This notification will include all new beneficiaries as of the day before the notification is issued and will be sent to the ADMINISTRATION no later than the following working day after the enrollment process has been completed. Premiums shall be paid on a pro-rata basis as of the date that the enrollment process was completed and the official identification card has been issued, to the end of the month, as specified in the INSURER's notification to the ADMINISTRATION. Premium payments, if applicable, for newborn of beneficiaries will accrue as of the date of birth of the child in the event that the enrollment process of said new beneficiary is completed. Premium payments shall be paid retroactively to the INSURER upon enrollment of the newborn. The insurer will pay the providers for the services rendered to that newborn. Nevertheless the newborn will be considered an insured beneficiary under his mother's coverage during the neo-natal period, thirty (30) days.


13. In case that an individual has been certified as eligible by the Department of Health but has not completed the enrollment process, and he/she or his/her dependents need emergency services, the ADMINISTRATION shall verify the eligibility status of the individual. If the individual is eligible as a beneficiary, emergency services will be provided as if the individual is a beneficiary and arrangements for the issuance of the identification card will be made immediately after the notification of eligibility is made by the ADMINISTRATION to the INSURER. The premium in this instance will be paid to the INSURER on a pro-rata basis from the moment the emergency services needed are provided or the identification card is issued, whichever is first. For the purpose of this situation, the enrollment process is the process that commences at the time that the ADMINISTRATION gives notice to the INSURER of the beneficiaries eligibility status, and results in a letter to said beneficiary establishing the date and location for the completion of the enrollment documents and selection of the HCO. Said process ends when the beneficiary has selected an HCO from those available in the Health Area/Region and has received an identification card.

Nothing provided in this section is intended to affect a provider's obligation to screen and stabilize an individual arriving at its facilities for emergency treatment as defined by EMTALA and the applicable Commonwealth laws.

14. Coverage shall end effective on the date of disenrollment. Premiums will be paid until the effective date of disenrollment. In the event of disenrollment while the beneficiary is an inpatient of a hospital on the last day of the month of coverage, and continues to be an inpatient of a hospital during the month following his disenrollment, the ADMINISTRATION will cover the payment of the premium for that following month. If the beneficiary remains hospitalized in subsequent months, the conversion clause will apply for the months after the one being paid by the ADMINISTRATION it being the INSURER's responsibility to assure that premiums are paid. Disenrollment will be effected exclusively by a notification issued by the ADMINISTRATION.

15. The INSURER shall not in any way discriminate nor terminate coverage of any beneficiary(ies) for reasons due to adverse change in recipient's health, or based on expectations that an enrollee will require high cost care, or need of health services, or any reason whatsoever, except for non-payment of premiums or fraudulent use of benefits or participation of fraudulent acts, after prior notification and consultation with the ADMINISTRATION.

16. The INSURER agrees to maintain an Enrollment Data Base which:

a) includes each subscriber and all beneficiaries;

b) contains for each subscriber and beneficiary the information technically defined in the (Carrier Response Billing. File/Carrier Eligibility File) formats required in RFP.


17. The INSURER will secure on the date of enrollment a signed statement from the subscriber authorizing the Federal Government, the INSURER, the ADMINISTRATION and/or their designees to review the medical record of the subscriber and other beneficiaries, in order to determine quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services performed under this contract. The terms, content and specifications of said authorization shall be consistent with the standards set forth in 45CFR 164.508 et seq., part of the regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

18. All individually identified information of services related to beneficiaries which is obtained by the INSURER shall be confidential and shall be used or disclosed by the INSURER, the HCO and/or its participating providers only for purposes directly connected with performance of all obligations contained in this contract. Medical records and management information data concerning any beneficiary enrolled pursuant to this contract shall be confidential and shall be disclosed within the INSURER's organization or to other persons, as authorized by the ADMINISTRATION, only as necessary to provide medical care and quality, peer or grievance review of such medical care under the terms of this contract and in coordination with the mental health carve-out contract subscribed by ASSMCA. The confidentiality provisions herein contained shall survive the termination of this contract and shall bind the INSURER, its HCOs and the INSURER's participating providers as long as they maintain any individually identifiable information relating to beneficiaries as provided in the implementation of the HIPAA regulation schedule to be set forth by the Federal Government, 45 CFR 164.102 et. seq. Any request for information which is made by third parties not related to this contract will be forwarded to the ADMINISTRATION for consideration, review and decision as to the pertinence of the request and the authorization for disclosure.

Nothing in this section shall limit or affect the ADMINISTRATION's, the INSURER and/or providers obligations regarding protected individually identifiable health information as provided in 45 CFR 164.102 et seq. (HIPAA) regulations.

Disclosure of individually identifiable health information to any business associate as defined in 45 CFR 164.504(e) of the HIPAA regulations by the INSURER shall entail the legal obligations set forth therein.

19. The INSURER agrees to notify the ADMINISTRATION immediately of any change in the place of residence of the subscriber, insofar as the subscriber makes the change known to the INSURER. Address changes will be forwarded through electronic and/or machine-readable media as referred in paragraph sixteen.


20. The INSURER agrees to implement a program whereby eligible beneficiaries are properly advised of the date of termination of their eligibility so as to assure that they complete the recertification process prior to said date. Said program should provide for an initial notice of the termination date at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of the eligibility termination.

21. The INSURER hereby commits to comply with the electronic transactions, security and privacy requirements of the HIPAA regulations as provided in 45CFR 160 and 142 et seg. within the implementation dates set forth therein or by subsequent regulations schedule.


The INSURER has a limited right to request a beneficiary be disenrolled from INSURER without the beneficiary's consent. THE ADMINISTRATION must approve any INSURER request for disenrolling a beneficiary for cause.

Disenrollment of a beneficiary may be permitted under the following circumstances:

(a) Beneficiary misuses or loans its membership card to another person to obtain services.

(b) Beneficiary is disruptive, unruly, threatening or uncooperative to the extent that beneficiary's membership seriously impairs INSURER's or provider's ability to provide services to beneficiaries or to obtain new beneficiaries, and beneficiary's behavior is not caused by a physical or other mental health condition.

The INSURER must take reasonable measures to improve a beneficiary's behavior prior to requesting disenrollment and must notify beneficiary of its intent to disenroll. Reasonable measure may include providing education and counseling regarding the offensive acts or behavior.

INSURER must notify the beneficiary of the INSURER's decision to disenroll after reasonable measures have failed to remedy the problem.

If the beneficiary disagrees with the decision to disenroll the beneficiary from INSURER, INSURER MUST notify the beneficiary of the availability of the complaint of Grievance Procedure and THE ADMINISTRATION's Fair Hearing process.

If the beneficiary disagrees with the decision to disenroll, INSURER must notify the Beneficiary of the availability of the complaint procedure and compliance with Fair Hearing Process, or as provided by Law 72 of September 7, 1993, as amended.



1. Each principal subscriber shall have the right to select an HCO from those available in the health Area/Region which at no time will be less than two (2) HCOs at each municipality, one of which has to be a privatized or non-privatized government or municipal facility if available, and subject to compliance with INSURER's requirements for HCO's. The selection of the HCO or primary care physician will be made by the beneficiaries at the insurance regional offices.

The right of beneficiaries to transfer or change from an HCO shall be made at any time without cause during the first 90 days following the date of the beneficiary's initial enrollment or the date of enrollment notice is sent, whichever is later, and at most once every twelve (12) months thereafter and for any of the causes of disenrollment set forth on 42 CFR 438.56 at any time.

2. Each HCO will have available at least one of each specialist considered a primary care physician and shall meet the specification of the ratio specified in Article VI, and will have a sufficient number of primary care physicians to provide health care services to all beneficiaries according to the ratio specified in Article VI. Furthermore, the INSURER will provide to each HCO a network with a sufficient number of participating providers to render all services included under the basic, special and dental coverage to beneficiaries pursuant to the ratio specified in Article VI.

3. The beneficiary shall have the right to choose his or her primary care physician from those available within the HCO selected by the principal subscriber. Said right also encompasses the change of the selected primary physician at any time by making the proper administrative arrangements within the HCO in conformity with the HCO's established policy. The selected primary care physician or the substitute on-duty primary care physician within the HCO must be available on a 24 hour basis for emergencies and/or telephone consultations. Each HCO must have available all of the primary care physicians (family physicians, internists, general practitioners, pediatricians and obstetrician-gynecologist) subject to waivers in case of unavailability of a specific provider.

4. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) municipality within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.

5. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) HCO within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.


6. Each female beneficiary may select (i) primary care physician, or (ii) primary care physician and obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. If the female is pregnant, the obstetrician- gynecologist automatically will become the primary care physician; if one is not previously selected, she will then have to choose an obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. Once the pregnant woman completes her maternity care period, she will be allowed to continue with her original primary care physician.

7. Any subscriber may change the selected HCO subject to the provisions of Section I, above. If the request for an HCO change is filed with the INSURER on or before the fifth day of each month the change of HCO will become effective on the first day of the next month. If the change is filed after the fifth day of the month, the change in HCO will be effective on the first day of the second succeeding month. Selection guidelines are contemplated in Article VI, paragraph 3 of this contract.

8. The beneficiary shall have the right to choose the provider to be referred to from those participating providers within the HCO's network that are under contract with the INSURER's for benefits covered under the Basic and Special Coverage.

9. Dental services will be provided through the INSURER's network of dentists for the health insurance services contracted. Each subscriber will have the right to select a dentist within the INSURER's network to receive dental services. The accepted dentist/beneficiary ratio is one (1) dentist for each one thousand three hundred fifty (1,350) beneficiaries.

10. In the event that HCOs under 330 Projects of the Rural Health Initiative have contracts with specialists, support participating providers, or support participating physicians, either on a fee-for-service basis or on a salary basis, the INSURER will be responsible for gathering and reporting all required data including the payment of services described in Article VII, Section five (5), Article XV, sections four (4) and eight (8), and the Record of Service File Layout formats as required in the RFP.

11. The INSURER will provide to each principal subscriber a complete list of all participating physicians and participating providers, with addresses and specialties or health related services offered, in order to allow the beneficiary to choose among them.

12. The beneficiary shall also have the right to choose the pharmacy according to applicable PBM guidelines established by the ADMINISTRATION and any other participating providers among those contracted by the ADMINISTRATION for basic and/or special coverage services, said guidelines to become effective sixty (60) days after notice to INSURER. The ADMINISTRATION will determine the acceptable pharmacy/beneficiary ratio in order to assure access to the pharmacy benefits. The right to choose requires the availability of sufficient number of pharmacies in each municipality of residence of the beneficiaries.


13. The INSURER will develop and effectively disseminate an education and orientation program in order to insure that all eligible beneficiaries are aware of their rights under this contract, including their right to choose physicians and providers. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to make changes, modifications and recommendations to said program in coordination and agreement with the INSURER. This program shall be subject to approval by the ADMINISTRATION prior to its implementation and in compliance with the marketing guidelines and prohibitions referred in Article IX.

14. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the ADMINISTRATION shall preserve the right in coordination with INSURER, to expand, limit or otherwise amend the provision of services as provided for herein and/or to negotiate in coordination with the INSURER, cost saving and efficiency improvement measures. In those cases in which the ADMINISTRATION acts on its own, changes to the provision of services shall be notified to the INSURER no later than 30 days prior to implementation. Said modifications will take place after consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER.


1. The INSURER shall be a secondary payor to any other party liable in any claim for services to a beneficiary, including but not limited to:
the INSURER itself, Medicare, other insurers or health maintenance organizations, non-profit INSURER's operating under law 152 approved May 9, 1942 as amended, Asociacion de Maestros de Puerto Rico, medical plans sponsored by employee organizations, labor unions, and any other entity that results liable for the benefits claimed against the INSURER for coverage to beneficiaries.

2. It shall be the responsibility of the INSURER to ascertain that the aforementioned provisions of Law 72 of September 7, 1993 are enforced and that the INSURER acts as secondary payor to any other medical insurance.

3. The ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER will cooperate in the exchange of third parties health insurance benefits information. To this effect the INSURER will comply fully with the Carta Normativa Numero N-E-5-95-98 issued by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner of Puerto Rico and the HIPAA regulations provisions cited elsewhere in this contract.

4. The INSURER will make diligent efforts to determine if beneficiaries have third party coverage and will attempt to utilize such coverage when applicable. The INSURER, will be permitted to retain 100% of the collections from subrogation. The plan's experience will be credited with the amount collected from said primary payor.

5. The INSURER must report quarterly to the ADMINISTRATION the amounts collected from third parties for health services provided. Said reports must


provide a detailed description of the beneficiary's name, contract number, third party payor name and address, date of service, diagnosis and provider's name and address and identification number.

6. The INSURER must report quarterly to the ADMINISTRATION the amounts collected from third parties for health services provided according with standard format to be adopted by the ADMINISTRATION. Said reports must provide a detailed description of the beneficiary's name, contract number, third party payor name and address, date of service, diagnosis and provider's name and address and identification number.

7. The INSURER shall develop specific procedures for the exchange of information, collections and reporting of other primary payor sources and is required to verify its own eligibility files for information on whether or not the beneficiary has private health insurance within the INSURER.

8. The INSURER must implement and execute, an effective and diligent mechanism in order to assure the collection from primary payors of all benefits covered under this contract. Said program, mechanisms and method of implementation shall be reported to the ADMINISTRATION as of the first date of the effectiveness of this contract.

9. Failure of the INSURER to comply with this Article may, at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, be cause for the application of the provisions under Article XXXIII.


1. In cases of emergency or immediate need of medical care within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the INSURER will be responsible for the payment of emergency service provided to beneficiaries when the emergency or immediate need of medical care occurs within its network or outside of its network or the geographical Area/Region of the selected HCO's emergency care facility. Such services must be paid by the INSURER regardless of whether the entity that furnishes the service has contracted with the INSURER and no prior authorization shall be required by the INSURER for the provision of emergency services. The INSURER will assume the payment of the medical screening examinations or other medically necessary emergency services, whether or not the patients meets the prudent layperson standard, in the event that the beneficiary's PCP or any INSURER representative or provider instructs them to seek emergency care within or out of its network area/region.

Such services shall consist of whatever is necessary to stabilize the patient's condition, unless the expected medical benefits of a transfer outweigh the risk of not undertaking the transfer, and the transfer conforms with all applicable


requirements. The stabilization services includes all treatment that may be necessary to assure within reasonable medical probability, that no material deterioration of the patients condition is likely to result from or occur during discharge of the patient or transfer of patient to another facility.

In the event of a disagreement with the provider concerning whether a patient is stable enough in order to be discharged or transferred or whether the medical benefits outweight the risk, the judgement of the attending physician caring for the enrollee will prevail and oblige the INSURER. Such services shall be provided in such a manner as to allow the subscriber to be stable for discharge or transfer as defined by EMTALA, in order to safely return the subscriber to the corresponding HCO, or to an appropriate participating provider for continuation of treatment.

2. Since emergency care is of utmost concern to the ADMINISTRATION, the INSURER shall require that adequate ambulance transportation and emergency medical care are available. Each municipality shall have access to an emergency care system composed of ground, air and maritime ambulance transportation as necessary, and emergency medical care.

3. Ambulance transportation and emergency care will be subject to periodic reviews by applicable governmental agencies to ensure the highest quality of services.

4. All participating providers shall provide immediate emergency care services to beneficiaries when requested.

5. Emergency care services as well as ambulance transportation services shall exist in each municipality comprising the health area/region, 24 hours a day, and 365 days yearly, operated by an HCO, or by other participating providers.

6. The INSURER and each HCO is required to provide access to emergency care and ambulance transportation services within their own facilities, through their contracted, participating providers or through contract with third parties that guarantee said emergency care and ambulance transportation twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week.

7. The INSURER will assure that each HCO makes the necessary arrangements to have readily available ambulance services in good mechanical condition and properly equipped, in order to assure a prompt and effective ambulance transportation service.

8. The INSURER or the HCO will establish Urgent Care Centers within the Health Area/Region. These include physician offices and clinics with extended hours. These Urgent Care Centers may complement emergency care services but at no time will they substitute the requirement to have emergency care services and


ambulance transportation available at each municipality 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days yearly.

9. The INSURER will provide beneficiaries access to a 24-hour-a-day toll-free hotline with licensed qualified professionals to help beneficiaries with questions about particular medical conditions and to guide them to appropriate facilities (emergency rooms, urgent care centers, among others). Notwithstanding, the aforementioned statement, the beneficiary will have the right to choose to attend an emergency room if he believes his condition is an emergency medical condition, as defined in this contract, without prior need of authorization or certification.


1. The INSURER will contract all available private providers that meet its credentialing process and agree to its contractual terms, in order to assure sufficient participating providers, to satisfy the demand of covered services by the beneficiaries enrolled in the program. The physician/beneficiary ratio accepted is one (1) primary care physician for each eight hundred and fifty (850) beneficiaries; one (1) specialist (not primary care) for each one thousand one hundred (1,100) beneficiaries; and, one (1) physician (all) for each eight hundred (800) beneficiaries. These ratio does not take into account the expected mix between private patients and beneficiaries which could increase the physicians capacity to 1:1,700 for primary care physicians; 1:2,200 for specialists and 1:1,600 for all physicians. In the event that the HCOs provides services only to beneficiaries under this contract, the physician/beneficiary ratio will be the same to that applicable when there is a mix between private patients and beneficiaries. The INSURER will assure compliance with said physician/beneficiary ratio.

2. The INSURER shall be responsible to contract all the necessary health care services and participating providers to insure that all the benefits covered under the Basic, Dental and Special Coverage of the plan are rendered, through the INSURER's participating providers with the timeliness, amount, duration and scope as those services are rendered to non-enrolled Medicaid recipients within the area/region served.

3. Every subscriber shall be able to select from at least two (2) HCOs with sufficient enrollment capacity in his or her municipality, one of which will be a privatized government facility, if available and subject to compliance with INSURER's requirements for HCOs. Each subscriber shall also be able to choose a HCO outside his or her municipality of domicile as provided for in Article III, paragraph 1 of this contract.

4. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) municipality within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend


the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.

5. Contracts between the INSURER and HCOs and between the INSURER and its participating providers shall be independent contracts specifically designed to cover all terms and conditions contained in this contract. Coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.

6. HCO enrollment shall be conditioned on the availability of adequate health care services. It shall be the INSURER's responsibility to maintain a constant assessment of the enrollment capacity of each HCO. Adequate health care services will be those determined acceptable under the ADMINISTRATION's Compliance Evaluation Program as outlined in Article XVII of this contract.

7. That INSURER shall be responsible for communicating to its participating providers the public policy that prohibits provider inquiries with the purpose of determining if the beneficiary is subject to the benefits provided under Law 72 of September 7, 1993.

8. The INSURER is responsible for the development and maintenance of an adequate system for referrals of health services under this contract. It shall audit all systems and processes related to referrals of services that the HCO'S or participating providers implement. In no way the INSURER, HCO'S or any provider's Referral Committee may interfere, prohibit, or restrict any health care professional's advice within their scope of practice. The referral system must be approved by the Administration.

9. All referral systems must comply with timeframes established in paragraph (23). If the system developed by the INSURER is by electronic means, it must be installed at all primary care offices. It is unacceptable to force the beneficiary to move to another facility to obtain referrals.

10. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that no HCO'S or participating providers will impose limit quotas or restrain services to subcontracted providers for the services medically needed (e.g. laboratory, pharmacies, or other services).

11. The INSURER shall expedite access to benefits of beneficiaries diagnosed with conditions under the Special Coverage. The identification of these beneficiaries will allow rapid access of the medical services covered under our Special Coverage.

12. Any denial, unreasonable delay or rationing of services to the beneficiaries is expressly prohibited. The INSURER shall require strict compliance with this


prohibition by its participating providers or any other entity related to the rendering of medical care services to the beneficiaries. Any action in violation of this prohibition shall be subject to the provisions of Article VI, Section 6 of Law 72 of September 7, 1993. Furthermore, the INSURER shall be responsible for posting information at every HCO, addressed to the beneficiaries, stating the policy that prohibits denying, unreasonably delaying or rationing services by participating providers or any other entity related to the rendering of medical care services to the beneficiaries, and providing information on procedures for filing a grievance on the subject. The INSURER shall notify the HCOs and participating providers that they must comply with the policy that prohibits the denial, the unreasonable delay or the rationing of services by participating providers or any other entity rendering medical services to beneficiaries, and further that they must provide information on procedures for filing a grievance. The INSURER shall comply with the performance measures established and scheduled by the ADMINISTRATION.

13. The INSURER will ensure that HCOs and participating providers have a mix of patients distributed between private and eligible beneficiaries so as to avoid any possibility of discrimination by reason of medical indigence, whenever feasible.

14. No participating provider, or its agents, may deny a beneficiary access to medically necessary health care services, except for the reasons specified in Article VI, section 6 of Law 72 of September 7, 1993.

15. The INSURER is responsible for having an adequate number of participating physicians and providers to supply all the benefits offered in the Basic, Dental and the Special Coverage of the contracted health insurance. The benefits under the Basic, Special and Dental coverage will be provided to the beneficiaries at the location of the participating providers.

16. The INSURER is responsible to have available all participating providers needed in order to render all the medically necessary services required to provide the beneficiaries with the benefits included in the Basic, Dental and Special Coverage of the contracted health insurance as specified in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

17. The INSURER agrees to require compliance by all participating physicians and providers with all provisions contained in this contract.

18. The INSURER has a continuous legal responsibility toward the ADMINISTRATION to assure that all activities under this contract are carried out. INSURER will use its best efforts to prevent unauthorized actions by HCOs or participating providers. INSURER will take appropriate measures to ensure that all activities under this Contract are carried out. Failure to properly discharge the obligation to assure, by all means necessary and appropriate, full compliance with


said activities, shall result in the termination of this contract as provided in Article XXXIII hereof.

19. Pursuant to the Health Reform Concept of 1993, the INSURER shall contract as participating providers those Commonwealth owned facilities that have been privatized in the Health Area/Region by virtue of Laws 103 of July 12, 1985, and 190 of September 5, 1996, the 330 and 339 Projects of the Rural Health Initiatives, those State owned facilities not privatized, as well as the privatized or non privatized municipally owned facilities in the different areas/regions and regions which will complement access to covered medical services, subject to its credentialing requirements and contractual terms.

20. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that physician and providers of services under this contract will provide the full range medical counseling that is appropriate for beneficiaries condition. In no way the INSURER or any of its contractors may interfere, prohibit, or restrict any health care professional's advice within their scope of practice, regardless of whether a care or treatment is covered under the contract.

21. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that its Physician Incentive Plan does not in any way compensate directly or indirectly physicians, individual physicians, group of physicians or subcontractors as an inducement to reduce or limit medically necessary services furnished to individual enrollee and that it meets the stop-loss protection and enrollee survey and disclosure requirements under the Social Security Act. The INSURER shall ensure that at the intermediate level all physician providers groups are afforded with adequate stop-loss protection within the required thresholds under the Medicaid Program regulations.

22. If the Insurer's Physician Incentive Plan in any respect places physicians at substantial financial risk, INSURER assures that adequate stop-loss insurance will be maintained to protect physicians from loss beyond the risk thresholds established under sections 42CFR
422.208. In the event, INSURER places physicians at substantial risk it shall conduct enrollee/disenrollee surveys not later than one year after the effective date of the contract and at least annually thereafter.

23. Timeframes for Access Requirements. INSURER must have sufficient network of providers and must establish procedures to ensure beneficiaries have access to routine, urgent, and emergency services; telephone appointments; advice and Beneficiaries service lines. These services must be accessible to beneficiaries within the following timeframes:

- Urgent Care within 24 hours of request;

- Routine care within 2 weeks of request;


- Physical/Wellness Exams for adults must be provided within 8 to 10 weeks of the request;

- Referrals: Appointments of referrals must be delivered and notified to beneficiaries within five (5) days from the date prescribed by the provider.

24. INSURER must establish policies and procedures to ensure access to EPSDT Checkups be provided within ninety (90) days of new enrollment, except that newborn beneficiaries should be seen within two (2) weeks of enrollment, and that in all cases, and for all beneficiaries such policies and procedures be consistent with the American Academy of Pediatrics and EPSDT periodicity schedule which is based on the American Academy of Pediatrics schedule and the guidelines established by the ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER must advice the beneficiary of his right to have a checkup.


1. All services necessary to provide beneficiaries the benefits of the Basic, Special and Dental Coverage shall be contracted in writing with all participating providers. The INSURER will ensure that all provisions and requirements contained in this contract are properly included in the contracts with the HCOs and with all participating providers and that they are carried out by said HCOs and participating providers. Such provisions and requirements made part of these contracts will be properly notified to the ADMINISTRATION. Coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.

2. The INSURER may not discriminate with respect to participation, reimbursement or indemnification as to any provider who is acting within the scope of the provider's license or certification under applicable Commonwealth.

3. The INSURER agrees to draft, execute and enforce a specific contract between the INSURER and the HCO and between the INSURER and its participating providers that will include all applicable provisions contained in this contract. The INSURER will insure that said applicable provisions are properly complied with by the HCOs and its network of participating providers.

To this effect, the Insurer also agrees to certify or attest that none of his contractors, subcontractors or providers of services: (1) consults, employs or procures services from any individual that has been debarred or suspended from any federal agency; or (2) has a director, partner or employee with a beneficial ownership of more than a 5% on their organization's equity who has been


debarred or suspended by any federal agency, or (3) procures self-referral of services to any provider in which it may have directly or indirectly any economic or proprietary interest.

The INSURER will certify and attest that it has provided all HCOs, complete written instructions describing procedures to be used for the compliance with all duties and obligations arising under this contract. These instructions will include the following information:
provider selection by beneficiaries, covered services, reporting requirements, record- keeping requirements, grievance procedures, deductibles and co-payment amounts, confidentiality, and prohibitions against denial or rationing of services. Copy of these instructions will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION, who reserves the right to request modifications or amendments to said instructions following consultation with the INSURER.

4. The INSURER agrees to incorporate in its contracts with HCOs and in those between the INSURER and its participating providers, the following provisions, among others, contained in this contract:

a. A payment time schedule to pay the HCOs for services rendered and for payment for services rendered by the participating providers to the HCOs, the schedules will not exceed the time limitation standards required by the Administration under this contract to assure prompt payments of sums due to providers.
b. A warranty by the HCO insuring that the method and system used to pay for the services rendered by the HCO's network of participating providers are reasonable and that the negotiated terms do not jeopardize or infringe upon the quality of the services provided.
c. A procedure that establishes how the HCO's network of participating providers can recover from the INSURER monies owed for services rendered and not paid by the HCO, after the HCO's participating provider has demanded payment from the HCO.
d. That payments received for services rendered under the health insurance plan shall constitute full and complete payment except for: (i) the deductibles contained in ADDENDUM I of this contract, and (ii) that the benefits or services rendered is not covered. The INSURER will insure compliance with Article XVIII, paragraphs (6) and (7) of this contract.
e. a release clause authorizing access by the ADMINISTRATION to the participating providers' Medicare billing data for beneficiaries covered by this contract who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare beneficiaries, provided that such access is authorized by CMS and other related statutory or regulatory provisions thereof. Access by the ADMINISTRATION shall be at all times subject to all HIPAA-regulations requirements mentioned elsewhere in this contract.
f. That INSURER will cover the payment of Medicare Part B deductibles and co-insurance for services received by a beneficiary under Medicare Part B, accessed through the HCO's primary care provider, with primary care


physician's authorization their network of participating providers and the participating providers of the INSURER for the basic and/or special coverage.
g. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics and other institutional care providers, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service.
h. That the only Part A deductible and co-insurance, and Part B deductible and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in a hospital clinic and other institutional care providers, other that physician services, will be the one billed to Medicare as bad debt. No other amount will be charged to these beneficiaries. The INSURER will neither cover the payment of Medicare Part A deductibles and co-insurance for services received by a beneficiary under Medicare Part A nor the Part B deductible and co insurance for services provided in hospital clinics, other than physician services. The INSURER will cover the deductibles and co-insurances of all Part B services including Part B deductibles and co-insurance for physician services provided in an outpatient basis to hospital clinics.
i. That coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.
j. The INSURER will establish directives for psychotropic prescription dispatchment by providers in accordance with the applicable agreement with the pharmacy benefit managers (PBM). The ADMINISTRATION is evaluating an alternative arrangement for pharmacy benefit management, (PBM), which if agreeable to the parties will be implemented according to Article XXXII of this Contract.

5. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION a detailed description of the payment methodology used to pay for services rendered by the HCOs, HCO's network of providers (primary care physicians and other providers), and other participating providers. Said description of the payment methodology will also address the methodology used by the HCOs in the distribution within their own group of the capitation payments, fee for services or other basis for payment of services to providers servicing said HCOs. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION a monthly report detailing all payments made to the HCO, HCO's network of participating providers and to the INSURER's participating providers classified by specialty.

6. The INSURER represents that neither the premium or the capitated payments or capitated payments with a fee-for-service component for services, made to HCOs, to HCO's network of participating providers, as well as to the INSURER's participating providers, include payment of services covered under the Medicare Federal Program.


7. As part of the terms and conditions contained in the contracts with participating providers, the INSURER will include in those with privatized government facilities (to include those under management contract, that have been sold or are under lease), a provision that will authorize the INSURER upon the written request of the Department of Health, to withhold a determined amount from the monthly payments to said participating providers for services rendered under this contract. Said amount will be determined by the Department of Health on the basis of the payments contractually agreed to between the Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and said participating providers on account of the management fee, sale price or lease fee, as well as 50% of the employees' payroll which the participating providers are required to reimburse the Department of Health. The INSURER will remit said withheld amounts directly to the Department of Health.

8. The INSURER shall provide all reasonable means necessary to ensure that the contracting practices between its participating HCO and providers are in compliance with federal anti-fraud provisions and particularly, in conformity with the limitations and prohibitions of the False Claims Act, the Anti-kickback statute and regulations and Stark II Law and regulations prohibiting self-referral to designated medical services by participating medical providers.

9. To the extent feasible within INSURER'S existing claims processing systems, INSURER should have a single or central address to which providers must submit claims. If a central processing center is not possible within INSURER's existing claims processing system, INSURER must provide each network provider a complete list of all entities to whom the providers must submit claims for processing and/or adjudication. The list must include the name of the entity, the address to which claims must be sent, explanation for determination of the correct claims payer based on services rendered, and a phone number the provider may call to make claims inquiries. INSURER must notify providers in writing of any changes in the claims filing list at least 30 days prior to effective date of change. If INSURER is unable to provide 30 days notice, providers must be given a 30-day extension on their claims filing deadline to ensure claims are routed to correct processing center.

10. The Administration and the Department of Health Medicaid Fraud Control Unit must be allowed to conduct private interviews of providers and the providers' employees, contractors, and patients. Requests for information must be complied with, in the form and language requested. Providers and their employees and contractors must cooperate fully in making themselves available in person for interviews, consultation, grand jury proceedings, pre-trial conference, hearings, trial and in any other process, including investigations.



INSURER must prepare and issue a Provider Manual(s), including any necessary specialty manuals to the providers in the INSURER network and to newly contracted providers in the INSURER network within five
(5) working days from inclusion of the provider into the network. The Provider Manual must contain sections relating to special requirements.

INSURER must provide training to all network providers and their staff regarding the requirements of THE ADMINISTRATION/INSURER contract and special needs of beneficiaries under this contract.

INSURER training for all providers must be completed no later than 30 days after placing a newly contracted provider on active status. INSURER must provide ongoing training to new and existing providers as required by INSURER or THE ADMINISTRATION to comply with this contract.

INSURER must maintain and make available upon request enrollment or attendance rosters dated and signed by each attendee or other written evidence of training of each network provider and their staff.


The providers in INSURER network must meet the following qualifications:

FQHC                       A Federally Qualified Health Center meets the standards established by
                           federal rules and procedures. The FQHC must also be an eligible
                           provider enrolled in the Medicaid program.
Physician                  An individual who is licensed to practice medicine as an M.D. or a
                           D.O. in Puerto Rico either as a primary care provider or in the area
                           of specialization under which they will provide medical services under
                           contract with INSURER; who is a provider enrolled in the Medicaid
                           program; and who has a valid Drug Enforcement Agency registration
                           number and a Puerto Rico Controlled Substance Certificate, if either
                           is required in their practice.
Hospital                   An institution licensed as a general or special hospital by the Puerto
                           Rico Health Department under Chapter 241 of the Health and Safety Code
                           and Private Psychiatric Hospitals under Chapter 577 of the Health and
                           Safety Code (or is a provider which is a component part of a State or
                           local government entity which does not require a license under the
                           laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico), which is enrolled as a
                           provider in the Puerto Rico Medicaid Program.
Non-Physician              An individual holding a license issued by the applicable licensing
Practitioner               agency of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico who is enrolled in the


Provider                   Puerto Rico Medicaid Program or an individual properly trained to
                           provide health support services who practices under the direct
                           supervision of an appropriately licensed professional.
Clinical                   An entity having a current certificate issued under the Federal
Laboratory                 Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA), and enrolled in the Puerto
                           Rico Medicaid Program.
Rural Health               An institution which meets all of the criteria for designation as a
Clinic (RHC)               rural health clinic, and enrolled in the Puerto Rico Medicaid Program.
                           (330, 329)
Local Health               A local health department established pursuant to Health and Safety
Department                 Code, Title 2, Local Public Health Reorganization Act ss. 121.031ff.
Non-Hospital               A provider of health care services which is licensed and credentialed
Facility                   to provide services, and enrolled in our program.
School Based               Clinics located at school campuses that provide on-site primary and
Health Clinic              preventive care to children and adolescents.


1. The INSURER agrees to comply and implement in full all instructions and guidelines contained in the Administration's Instructions to Insurers for Implementation of Orientation and Subscription Process.

2. The INSURER shall issue to each beneficiary a card of durable plastic material that provides proper identification to access the benefits covered under this contract.

3. This card shall be similar to those the INSURER issues to the rest of their subscribers and shall not contain information that may identify the cardholder as medically indigent.

4. The INSURER shall be responsible to assure delivery of the cards at a location accessible to the beneficiaries in each municipality.

5. The INSURER shall deliver the card on the same day that the beneficiary completes the enrollment process.


6. The identification cards shall contain the following information:

a) Name of Beneficiary
b) INSURER's Group Number
c) Subscriber's Social Security Number
d) Relationship of beneficiary with subscriber (if applicable)
e) HCO name and number
f) Issue Date
g) Type of Contract (individual or family)
h) Coverage effective date
i) Other Insurance code
k) Medicare Part A and/or Part A and B deductible code.

7. The INSURER will replace lost, stolen, mutilated cards and will have the right to charge the beneficiaries one dollar ($1.00) for each card replaced.

8. The INSURER will replace free of charge the identification card whenever a change of HCO is made.

9. Identification cards are the property of the INSURER and they shall be returned by the beneficiary upon losing eligibility to the plan or when a change of HCO is made.

10. The INSURER shall be responsible for notifying each beneficiary that the identification card is for the personal identification of the beneficiary to whom it has been issued, and that lending, transferring or in any other way consenting to the use of the card by any other person constitutes a fraudulent act.

11. Identification Card contents and layout are subject to the prior approval of the ADMINISTRATION to be in accordance with Law 72 of September 7, 1993.


1. The INSURER shall be responsible for the preparation, printing and distribution, at its own cost, of booklets, in the Spanish language, that describe the plan and the benefits covered therein. The Insurer agrees to submit before the effective date of the contract a translated copy of the beneficiaries booklet in the English language by the proper revision of federal authorities. These booklets will be delivered to each subscriber upon enrollment, along with the required identification card(s).



3. The booklets shall serve as guarantee of the benefits to be provided and shall contain the following information:

a) Schedule of benefits covered, all services and items that are available and that are covered either directly or through methods of referral and/or prior authorization, a written description of how and where the services that have been available through the plan services may be obtained.
b) Benefit's exclusions and limitations. For benefits that enrollees are entitled to but are not available through the MCO, a written description on how and where to obtain benefits; description of procedures for requesting disenrollments/changes.
c) Beneficiary's rights and responsibilities, in accordance with specific rights and requirements to be afforded in accordance with Medical Program regulations 42 CFR 438.100 as amended, Puerto Rico Patient Bill of Rights Law 194, Puerto Rico Mental Health Code, August 25, 2000, as implemented by regulation, and Law 11 which creates the Office of Patients Solicitor General of April 11, 2001.
d) Instructions on how to access benefits, including a list of
(1) available HCO's and its participating providers, PCP or Specialists (its locations and qualifications), (2) providers from which to obtain benefits under the Special Coverage. Said list can be provided in a separate booklet.
e) Official grievances and appeal filing procedures.
f) In the event a Physician Incentive Plan affects the use of referral services and/or places physicians at substantial risk, the INSURER shall provide the following information upon beneficiaries requests: the type of incentive arrangements, whether stop-loss insurance is provided and the survey results of any enrollee/disenrollee surveys that will have to be conducted by INSURER.
g. Unless otherwise specified, subscription materials must be written at the 4th-6th grade reading comprehension level.

4. The booklets shall be approved by the ADMINISTRATION prior to printing, distribution, and dissemination in compliance with provisions of Article IX.

5. The INSURER shall also be responsible for the preparation, printing and distribution, at its own cost, of an Informative Bulletin, in the Spanish language, that describes the plan, services and benefits covered therein as well as the managed care concept. This Informative Bulletin will be distributed among the HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and the INSURER's participating providers.

6. The INSURER shall be responsible to conduct and assure the participation of all providers under this contract to diverse seminars to be held throughout the Health Area/Region in order to properly orient and familiarize said providers with all aspects and requirements related to the Preventive Medicine Program, Benefits and Coverage under this contract, and the Managed Care concept.


Said seminars will be organized, scheduled, conducted and offered at the expense of the INSURER. The curriculum for said seminars will be coordinated with and approved by the ADMINISTRATION Healthcare Coordinators.

7. All participating providers are mandatorily required to receive yearly during the contract term at least four (4) hours of orientation, education and familiarization with different aspects related to this contract on/or before the expiration of the first four and a half (4 1/2) months of the contract term. Failure to comply with this requirement will be sufficient grounds to exclude from the Health Insurance Program the participating provider. If, at the expiration of the first four and half (4 1/2) of the contract term, the participating provider has not fully complied with this requirement, it will be excluded as participating provider for subsequent periods of the contract or the contract term. At the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, and for good cause the excluded provider may be authorized to be contracted as a participating provider if it subsequently complies with the requirement.

8. The ADMINISTRATION will monitor and evaluate all marketing activities by the INSURER, its contractor, sub-contractors or any provider of services under this contract.

9. Any marketing material addressed to enrollees can not contain false or misleading information. All oral, written or audiovisual information addressed to enrollees should be accurate and sufficient for beneficiaries to make an informed consent decision whether or not to enroll and will have to be pre-approved by the ADMINISTRATION.

10. The INSURER, contractor or subcontractor or any providers of services must distribute the material to its entire service area/region. In the event the INSURER or any of its contractors develop new and revised materials they shall submit them to the ADMINISTRATION for prior approval.

11. The ADMINISTRATION will appoint an Advisory Committee, with representation of at least: a board certified physician, a beneficiary of a consumer advocate organization that includes Medicaid recipients a health related professional related with the medical needs of low-income population and a Director of a Welfare Department that does not head a medicaid agency.

12. The Advisory Committee will assist the ADMINISTRATION in the evaluation and the review of any marketing or informational material addressed to assist medicaid recipients in the provision of health services under this contract.

All the marketing activities and the information which shall be allowed will be limited to the following:


a) Clear description of health care benefits coverage and exclusions to enrollees;

b) Explain how, when, where benefits are available to enrollees;

c) Explain how to access emergency, family-planning services, services that do or do not require referrals and authorizations;

d) Explain any benefits enrollees are entitled to, that are not available through the MCO and how to obtain them;

e) Enrollees rights and responsibilities;

d) Grievance and appeal procedures.

13. The INSURER, its agents, any contractor or sub-contractor party under this contract shall not engage in cold call marketing that is, unsolicited personal contact with potential enrollees for the purpose of influencing them to enroll with any of its contractors. Also telephone, door-to-door or telemarketing for the same purposes is hereby prohibited.

14. Neither the INSURER, its contractor, subcontractor or any provider may put into effect a plan under which compensation, reward, gift or opportunity are offered to enrollees as an inducement to enroll other than to offer health care benefits. The INSURER its contractor, subcontractor or provider is prohibited from influencing an individual enrollment with the sale of any other insurance.

15. In the event of a final determination reached by the ADMINISTRATION that the INSURER, its agents, any of its contractor or subcontractors, has failed to comply with any of the provisions set forth on this article, the ADMINISTRATION in compliance with due process guarantees and remedies available under its regulations; Law 72 of September 7, 1993; the Social Security and Balance Budget Act, will proceed to enforce the compliance of these provisions by pursuing within its empowered authority the sanctions established in Article XXXVI.


1. The INSURER represents that it has established an effective procedure that assures the filing, receipt, and prompt handling and resolution of all grievances and complaints made by the beneficiaries and the participating providers. The INSURER will prepare a grievance form that must be approved by the ADMINISTRATION. The approved grievance form shall be made available to all beneficiaries, HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and the INSURER's participating providers. The parties will make whatever adjustments are necessary to reconcile their grievance procedure with provisions of Law 194 of August 25, 2000 (known as "Patient Bill of Rights") or those contained in Law 11 of April 11, 2001 (known as "Law Creating the Office of Patient's Solicitor General") as implemented by regulation.


2. Any written or telephone communication from a beneficiary or participating provider, which expresses dissatisfaction with an action or decision arising under the health insurance contracted, shall be promptly and properly handled and resolved through a routine complaint procedure to be implemented by the INSURER, after prior approval from the ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER shall be responsible for documenting in writing all aspects and details of said complaints.

3. The routine complaint procedure which must be implemented by the INSURER must provide for (i) the availability of complaint forms to document oral complaints; (ii) for the proper handling of the complaints; and (iii) for the disposition by notice to the complainant of the action taken. This notice shall advise the complainant of the INSURER's official Grievance Procedure. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis a written report detailing all grievances and routine complaints received, solved and pending solution and/or copies of the complaint forms with the notation of the action taken. All grievance files and complaint forms must be made available to the ADMINISTRATION for auditing. All grievance documents and related information shall be considered as containing individually identifiable health information, and shall be treated in accordance with the HIPAA regulations cited elsewhere.

4. The Grievance Procedure shall assure the participation of persons with authority to require corrective action.

5. The INSURER's Grievance Procedure shall contain all the necessary provisions that assure the affected parties right to due process of law. In the event that changes are made to the existing Grievance Procedure, a copy of the proposed changes will be made available to the ADMINISTRATION for approval prior to its implementation. A copy of the INSURER's Grievance Procedure is attached hereto as ADDENDUM III and incorporated as part of this contract. The INSURER acknowledges that the arbitration process contemplated in the Grievance Procedure shall not be applicable to disputes between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER.

6. Pursuant to Law 72 of September 7, 1993, any decision issued by the INSURER is subject to appeal before the ADMINISTRATION. Such appeal shall be regulated by the ADMINISTRATION's regulations and the Uniform Administrative Procedure Act, Law 170 of August 12, 1988, as amended and as applicable, provided however, that subscribers grievances shall be expeditiously solved and that INSURER shall therefore fully cooperate with the prompt solutions of any such grievance.

7. The decision issued by the ADMINISTRATION is subject to review before the Circuit Court of Appeals of the San Juan Panel of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.


8. INSURER must have written policies and procedures for receiving, tracking, reviewing, and reporting and resolving of Beneficiaries complaints. The procedures must be reviewed and approved in writing by THE ADMINISTRATION. Any changes or modifications to the procedures must be submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION for approval thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the amendment.

9. INSURER must designate an officer of INSURER who has primary responsibility for ensuring that complaints are resolved in compliance with written policy and within the time required. An "officer" of INSURER means a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or chairperson of the Board of Directors of a corporation, the sole proprietor, the managing general partner of a partnership, or a person having similar executive authority in the organization.

10. INSURER must have a routine process to detect patterns of complaints and disenrollments and involve management and supervisory staff to develop policy and procedural improvements to address the complaints. INSURER must cooperate with THE ADMINISTRATION in beneficiaries' complaints relating to enrollment and disenrollment. INSURER's complaints procedures must be provided to beneficiaries in writing and in alternative communication formats. A written description of INSURER's complaints procedures must be in appropriate languages and easy for beneficiaries to understand. INSURER must include a written description in the beneficiaries Handbook. INSURER must maintain at least one local and one toll-free telephone number for making complaints.

11. INSURER's process must require that every complaint received in person, by telephone or in writing, is recorded in a written record and is logged with the following details: date; identification of the individual filing the complaint; identification of the individual recording the complaint; nature of the complaint; disposition of the complaint; corrective action required; and date resolved.

12. The INSURER Grievance Procedures must comply with the minimum standards for prompt resolution of grievances and time frames set forth in 45 CFR 438.400-424.


1. All Health Care Organizations (HCOs) shall have a sufficient number of primary care physicians as specified in Article VI to attend to the medical needs of the beneficiaries. All specialties specified in this section have to be available at each HCO. The following are considered primary care physicians (gatekeepers):

a) General Practitioners

b) Internists


c) Family Physicians

d) Pediatricians

e) Obstetricians and Gynecologists

2. The INSURER shall have available and under contract a sufficient number of the following types of support participating providers to render services to all beneficiaries:

a) Optometrists

b) Podiatrists

c) Clinical laboratories- (The INSURER shall insure that all laboratory testing sites providing services under this contract have either a clinical laboratory improvement amendment (CLIA) certificate with the registration and (CLIA) identification number or a waiver certification).

d) Radiological facilities

e) Health Related Professionals

f) Hospitals

g) Pharmacies

h) All those participating providers that may be needed to provide services under the basic, special and dental coverage considering the specific health problems of an area/region.

The INSURER may not discriminate with respect to participation, reimbursement or indemnification as to any provider who is acting within the scope of the provider's license or certification under applicable state law.

3. The INSURER shall enter into adequate arrangements to provide its beneficiaries with the services provided for under the dental and pharmacy coverage, as contractually agreed to between the dentists and pharmacies and the INSURER. These arrangements will provide for an adequate number of dentists and pharmacies that guarantee the right to choose of the beneficiaries.

4. The INSURER shall have available and under contract a sufficient number of the following types of support participating physicians to provide services to all beneficiaries:

a) Ophthalmologists

b) Radiologists


c) All those physicians that may be necessary and are available considering the morbidity and mortality rates of the specific health area/region, and those needed to provide all the benefits contained in the Basic Coverage of the plan.


6. The physician/beneficiary ratio accepted is one (1) primary care physician for each eight hundred and fifty (850) beneficiaries; one (1) specialist (not primary care) for each one thousand one hundred (1,100) beneficiaries; and, one (1) physician (all) for each eight hundred
(800) beneficiaries. These ratio does not take into account the expected mix between private patients and beneficiaries which could increase the physicians capacity to 1:1,700 for primary care physicians; 1:2,200 for specialists and 1:1,600 for all physicians. In the event that the HCOs provides services only to beneficiaries under this contract, the physician/beneficiary ratio will be the same to that applicable when there is a mix between private patients and beneficiaries.

7. The INSURER shall not have, directly or indirectly, any conflict of interest through economic participation in any HCO, participating provider, its subsidiaries, or affiliates.

8. The INSURER shall enforce upon each HCO strict quality assurance and utilization review programs as described in this contract, the Request for Proposals, the INSURER's proposal and its Operations Manual.

9. The INSURER shall contract and have available all the participating providers required to provide to the beneficiaries, in a prompt and efficient manner, the benefits included in the Basic, Special and Dental Coverage as specified in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

10. The INSURER agrees to enforce and assure compliance by the HCOs with all provisions contained in this contract.

11. The INSURER will prepare, and provide to all HCOs, complete written instructions describing procedures to be used for the compliance with all duties and obligations arising under this contract. These instructions will cover at least the following topics: provider selection by beneficiaries, covered services, instructions and coordination of access to mental health services through the mental carve-out contractors, reporting requirements, record keeping requirements, grievance procedures, deductibles and co-payment amounts, confidentiality, and the prohibition against denial or rationing of services. A copy of these instructions will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION, who reserves the right to request modifications or amendments to said instructions following consultation with the INSURER.



1. The INSURER expressly guarantees payment for all medically necessary services rendered to beneficiaries by any and all participating providers.

2. The insolvency, liquidation, bankruptcy or breach of contract of an HCO, or of a contracted participating provider does not release the INSURER from its obligation and guarantee to pay for all services rendered as authorized under this health insurance contract.

The nature of INSURER's obligations to guarantee payment to all HCOs, providers or subcontractors for services rendered under this health insurance contract is solidary, subject to complying with whatever established claim proceedings require. As such, the INSURER will respond directly to the ADMINISTRATION as principal obligor to comply in its entirety with all the contract terms.

3. In accordance with the payments rights guaranteed under paragraph (4) and (5), the provider shall claim direct payments due by a HCO/Contractor, to the INSURER. The INSURER shall deduct any amount payable directly to a provider from the capitation payments owed to an HCO or other contractor.

4. The INSURER agrees to pay all monies due to the HCOs and/or participating providers according to the agreed payment schedule in the contracts with said parties. The INSURER represents as of the date of this contract that payment to HCO's, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers will be made no later than forty-five (45) days or as provided by legislation from the date that a full, complete and ready to process claim is received at the INSURER, when received within sixty (60) days of date of service. The INSURER expressly commits to implement all internal systems necessary to promptly pay its HCO's and providers all full, complete and ready to process claims within the term provided in this section, and to avoid unjustifiable delay in payment by submitting said claims to audits and evaluation of contested claims; said practice is expressly prohibited, and may result in the remedies set forth at Article XXXVI or termination as provided in Article XXXIII. A complete and ready to process claim (clean claim) is a claim received by the INSURER for adjudication, and which requires no further information, adjustment, or alteration by the provider of the services in order to be processed and paid by the INSURER.

5. In the event that, following the receipt of the claim, the same is totally or partially contested by the INSURER or HCO, the participating provider shall be notified in writing within thirty (30) days that the claim is contested with the contested portion identified and provided the reasons thereof. Upon receipt of a new or supplemented claim, the INSURER or the HCO, shall pay or deny the contested


claim or portion of the contested claim within thirty (30) days. Upon expiration of any of the aforementioned periods of time, the overdue payments shall bear interest at the prevailing rate for personal loans as determined by the Financial Board of the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions.

6. Checks for capitated payments to HCO's, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers are to be regularly issued by the INSURER on the 15th day of each month. The INSURER further represents that it has contracted with the HCO the payment of the corresponding capitation no later than the last day of the month to which said capitation corresponds.

7. The INSURER agrees and warrants that it will be the central payor for all valid claims that will be generated throughout their contracted participating provider network for the health insurance contract for the Health Region/Area.

8. All payments distribution within the capitated services will be made by the INSURER. In the event that participating providers in their arrangements with the HCOs consent to the disbursement of the payment checks directly to the HCOs, the INSURER will assure and require the HCOs to provide on a monthly basis a schedule of the amount of the payments made to said participating providers. In any event, the INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with a detailed monthly report listing by providers the monthly payment distribution. The claim for services rendered will be generated and forwarded by the participating providers directly to the INSURER. The claims submitted by the participating providers will comply with the requirements contained in Article XV, Sections four (4) and eight (8).

9. The INSURER agrees and warrants that the method and system used to pay for the services rendered to and by the HCOs and all participating providers is reasonable and that the amount paid does not jeopardize or infringe upon the quality of the services provided.

10. The guarantee of payment contained in this article will be reinforced through the establishment of different alternatives in order to insure that HCOs, HCO's participating providers and INSURER's participating providers are paid in full for contracted services in accordance with established budgets. Said alternatives will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION for approval prior to its implementation.

11. Inasmuch as the INSURER will be the central payor for all payments for valid claims for services rendered by the HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers the INSURER agrees to incorporate in the contracts with the HCOs, and to require the HCOs to incorporate in their arrangements with their participating providers a provision whereby the INSURER is authorized to adjudicate and determine the validity of any claim or dispute between the HCO and its participating providers regarding a controversy surrounding the validity of the claims of services submitted by said


participating provider. Said provision will assure that the HCO's network of participating providers payment for a valid claim for services is not improperly withheld and that in no event payment in this situation is made more than sixty (60) days from the date that the claim or dispute is received by the INSURER. It will be the INSURER's responsibility to verify the terms of the arrangements between the HCO and its network of participating providers, the rendering of the services, the reasonableness of the claim and that payment has not been made.

12. The guarantee of payment and the representations as to the payment schedule to HCO's and participating providers will be enforceable and not set aside or altered in the event that the INSURER is notified of the expiration of the term of this contract or of its termination.

13. The INSURER agrees to provide the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis, and through electronic or magnetic media format, a detailed report containing all payments made to HCOs, to HCO's network of participating providers, and to the INSURER's participating providers during the month immediately preceding the report. Said report will also include a list of all claims received on account of those payments during the preceding month by the INSURER from the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers as well as a detail as to all claims received but not paid by reason of accounting or administrative objections. The INSURER further agrees to make available to the ADMINISTRATION for auditing purposes any and all records or financial data related to claims submitted but not paid by reason of accounting or administrative objections. The intention of this clause is for the ADMINISTRATION to be able to determine on a monthly basis the amount of money paid to each participating provider, the amount billed by and not paid to each participating provider and the reasons for non-payment in order to keep track of the regularity of payments of the Insurer and the HCOs and their compliance with this contract.

14. The INSURER also agrees to provide to HCO's, on a monthly basis, and through electronic or machine readable media format, a detailed report classified by beneficiaries, by providers, by diagnosis, by procedure, by date of service and by its real cost of all payments made by the INSURER which entails a deduction from the gross monthly payment to said HCO's. Copy of said report will be made available to the ADMINISTRATION each month.

15. Each HCO must report each encounter to the INSURER on a monthly basis classified by each participating provider within the HCO, as well as the real cost of the services of each encounter of service. The INSURER must submit to the ADMINISTRATION the distribution of the capitation within each HCO as established on the Actuarial Reports formats required in the RFP.

16. The INSURER will abide with the ADMINISTRATION efforts to implement cost reduction measures and the future implementation payments methods based on fee schedules or diagnosis related groups that may be established.



1. The INSURER will establish a Quality of Care Program with the following guidelines:

a) PHYSICIAN-CREDENTIALING: The INSURER shall follow strict provider screening procedures before contracting. In order to assure quality health services for the medically indigent, the INSURER will follow stringent physician selection and credentialing process for this plan as per the INSURER's Proposal. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating providers credentials at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all accepted and non-accepted providers.

b) PROVIDER CONTRACTING: The INSURER will assure that all hospitals facilities, doctors, dentists, and all health care providers are appropriately licensed and in good standing with all their governing bodies and accrediting agencies and meet all practice requirements established by law, the Department of Health, the ADMINISTRATION and other governing agencies, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating provider credentials at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all accepted and non-accepted providers.

c) INSPECTION OF ALL FACILITIES: The INSURER will insure that all providers' physical facilities are safe, sanitary and follow sound operating procedures, as described in the INSURER's Proposal and that all laboratory testing site providing services under this contract have their duly CLIA certification along with their identification number or waiver certificate. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating provider facilities at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all inspections done.

d) MEDICAL RECORD REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to monitor the appropriateness of care being provided, the adequacy and consistency of record keeping, and completeness of records, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Medical Record Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit Program records and reports at any time.


e) CLINICAL DATABASE SYSTEM: The HCOs will provide the INSURER with statistical records of utilization of medical services by beneficiaries, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Clinical Database System. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the Clinical Database System records and reports at any time.

f) RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a Retrospective review Program that will address quality and utilization problems that may arise, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Retrospective Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

g) OUTCOME REVIEW: The INSURER will establish an Outcome Review Program to assess the quality of inpatient and ambulatory care management provided by the primary health care providers, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Outcome Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

h) QUALITY OF CARE COMMITTEE: The INSURER will establish a Quality of Care Committee to insure provider's compliance with the INSURER's quality of care program, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Quality of Care Committee. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.

2. The INSURER will establish cost containment and utilization review programs as follows:

a) HOSPITAL ADMISSION AND STAY REVIEW: The INSURER will establish programs to reduce unnecessary hospital use and to review hospital admissions through the following programs, as described in the INSURER's Proposal:

(1) CONCURRENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to review hospital admissions to guarantee adequacy and duration of stay.

(2) RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to determine medical necessity and service adequacy after the service has been rendered or paid to providers or physicians.


(3) PROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to determine appropriate lengths of stay at the hospital prior to admission for elective or non-emergency hospitalizations.

b) UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify patterns of medical practice and their effect in the care being provided, as described in the INSURER's Proposal, and through the following:

(1) PRE-PAYMENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to prevent inappropriate billing of services prior to claims payment and to evaluate questionable practices, problematic coding, inappropriate level of care, excessive tests and services.

(2) POST PAYMENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to review service claims for purposes of creating a provider profiling system.

The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings under the Utilization Review Programs. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the programs' findings and reports at any time.

c) SECOND SURGICAL OPINION: The INSURER will establish a program to allow beneficiaries to obtain a second surgical opinion for elective surgical procedures on a voluntary basis, as described in the INSURER's Proposal.

d) INDIVIDUAL CASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify and manage cases that involve high health care costs, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Individual Case Management Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.


f) FRAUD AND ABUSE: The INSURER will establish a program to assure reasonable levels of utilization and quality of care, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Fraud and Abuse Program. The Fraud and Abuse Reports must include:


(1) the number of complaints of fraud and abuse made to the Commonwealth that warrant a preliminary investigation, and,

(2) for each case of suspected fraud and abuse warranting a full investigation, the INSURER must report the following information:

(i) the provider's name and number;

(ii) the source of the complaint;

(iii) the type of provider;

(iv) the nature of the complaint;

(v) the approximate range of dollars involved, and,

(vi) the legal and administrative disposition or status of the case.

g) COORDINATION OF BENEFITS PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify beneficiaries with other insurance in order to coordinate health insurance benefits from other carriers, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Coordination of Benefits Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.

3. DENTAL SERVICES UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM: The INSURER agrees to maintain a program to determine that the services provided to beneficiaries are in accordance to established quality parameters by the dental community as provided for in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all findings of said review program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

4. EPSDT AND MIGRANT SERVICES PROGRAM: The INSURER will implement a program that addresses EPSDT screening and Migrant services indicators for preventive diagnostic tests according to age in all areas/regions and shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis all findings of said program. INSURER assures the compliance with Section 1905(r) of the Social Security Act and the applicable protocols adopted by the Department of Health for the implementation of these Programs.

5. The INSURER shall continue to submit the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis a report that includes all services rendered by diagnosis and procedures identified by all specialties, by place of service including those under dental coverage, and procedures in laboratories and X-rays. It will be reported beginning with the most common diagnosis and procedures until reaching the least common. The INSURER shall be required to provide the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis data in and electronic form that includes all of the specified fields and elements described in ADDENDUM IV, whenever said reporting system can be implemented.


6. All services rendered shall be identified by Current Procedure Terminology, International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modifications Diagnostic Statistic Manual and American Dental Association's Current Dental Terminology, as applicable.

7. The ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER will agree on the required format in order to comply with the reporting requirements in this section and which will be accomplished through electronic or magnetic media.

8. All the required programs, processes and reports heretofore referred to, will also be an obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers, HCOs and HCO's participating providers. The INSURER will assure compliance therewith on the part of said INSURER's participating providers, HCOs and HCO's participating providers.

9. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to require the INSURER to implement additional specific cost and utilization controls, subject to prior consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER if necessary.


1. Since funds from the Commonwealth Plan under Title XIX of the Social Security Act Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid) as well as from Title V of the Social Security Act and Mental Health Block Grants are used to finance this project in part the INSURER shall agree to comply with the requirements and conditions of the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Comptroller General of the United States, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico and this ADMINISTRATION, as to the maintenance of records related to this contract and audit rights thereof, as well as all other legal obligations attendant thereto, including, but not limited to, non-discrimination, coverage benefit eligibility as provided by the Puerto Rico State Plan and Law 72 of 1993, anti-fraud and anti-kickback laws, and those terms and provisions of the SSA as applicable. All disclosure obligations and access requirements set forth in this Article or any other Article shall be subject at all times and to the extent mandated by law and regulation, to the HIPAA regulations described elsewhere in this agreement.

2. The INSURER shall require from the HCO's and all participating providers that they maintain an appropriate record system for services rendered to beneficiaries, including separate medical files and records for each beneficiary as is necessary to record all clinical information pertaining to said beneficiaries, including notations of personal contacts, primary care visits, diagnostic studies and all other services. The INSURER shall also maintain records to document fiscal activities and expenditures relating to compliance under this agreement.


The INSURER and all participating providers shall preserve, and retain in readily accessible form, the records mentioned herein during the term of this contract and for the period of six (6) years thereafter.

3. At all times during the term of this contract and for a period of six
(6) years thereafter, the INSURER and all participating providers will provide the ADMINISTRATION, CMS, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States of America and/or their authorized representatives, access to all records relating to the INSURER's compliance under this contract for the purpose of examination, audit or copying of such records. The audits of such records include examination and review of the sources and applications of funds under this contract. The INSURER shall also furnish access to and permit inspection and audit by the ADMINISTRATION, CMS, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States of America and/or their authorized representatives to any financial records relating to the capacity of the INSURER or its HCOs, if relevant, to bear the risk of potential financial losses.

4. The INSURER shall ensure that the HCO's and all participating providers and their subcontractors furnish to the Peer Review Organization (PRO) or to the ADMINISTRATION on-site access to, or copies of patient care records as needed to evaluate quality of care.

5. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect, evaluate, copy and audit any pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the INSURER related to this contract and those of any HCO or participating provider in order to evaluate the services performed, determination of amounts payable, reconciliation of benefits, liabilities and compliance with this contract.

6. The INSURER shall provide for the review of services (including both in-patient and out-patient services) covered by the plan for the purpose of determining whether such services meet professional recognized standards of health care, including whether appropriate services have not been provided or have been provided in inappropriate settings. It shall also provide for review, by random sampling, by the ADMINISTRATION, of written complaints, and the results thereof, filed by beneficiaries or their representatives as to the quality of services provided.

7. The INSURER agrees that the ADMINISTRATION and CMS may conduct inspections and evaluations, at all reasonable times, through on-site audits, systems tests, assessments, performance review and regular reports to assure the quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services furnished to the beneficiaries.

8. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect all of the INSURER's financial records related to this contract, that may be necessary to assure that the ADMINISTRATION pays no more than its fair share of general


overhead costs as contracted. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect all the HCOs' financial records related to this contract.

9. The INSURER agrees that the ADMINISTRATION may evaluate, through inspection, or other means, the facilities of the INSURER's participating providers, HCO's and its participating providers. All facilities shall comply with the applicable licensing and certification requirements as established by regulations of the Department of Health of Puerto Rico. It shall be the INSURER responsibility to take all necessary measures to ascertain that all facilities contracting with INSURER comply with the required licensing and certification regulations of the Puerto Rico Health Department, and to terminate the contract of any facility not in compliance with said provisions.

Failure to adequately monitor the licensing and certification of the facilities may result in the termination of this contract as provided in Article XXXIII.

10. The INSURER agrees and also will require all HCOs and participating providers to agree that the ADMINISTRATION's right to inspect, evaluate, copy and audit, will survive the termination of this contract for a period of six (6) years from said termination date unless:

a) The ADMINISTRATION determines there is a special need to retain a particular record or group of records for a longer period and notifies the INSURER at least thirty (30) days before the normal disposition date;

b) There has been a termination, dispute, fraud, or similar fault by the INSURER, in which case the retention may be extended to three (3) years from the date of any resulting final settlement; or

c) The ADMINISTRATION determines that there is a reasonable possibility of fraud, in which case it may reopen a final settlement at any time;

d) There has been an audit intervention by CMS, the office of the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States or the ADMINISTRATION, in which case the retention may be extended until the conclusion of the audit and publication of the final report.

11. The INSURER agrees to require all HCO's and participating providers to permit the ADMINISTRATION to review and audit all aspects related to quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services rendered, and to demonstrate that the services for which payment was made were actually provided.


1. The INSURER agrees to comply with the reporting and information systems requirements as provided for in the Request for Proposals and the Proposal submitted by the INSURER. Accordingly the INSURER must submit to the


ADMINISTRATION a detailed Systems Requirements Inventory Report which details the following:

a) Plan's compliance with each information system requirement:

b) action plan of INSURER's response to the requirements;

c) actual date that each system requirement will be completely operational, not to exceed the effective date of coverage under this contract.

2. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION the System Inventory Report for final approval not later than the date of the signing of this contract.

3. All Management Information Systems Requirements included in the Request for Proposal and those included in the INSURER's Proposal must commence implementation as of the date of the signing of this contract and shall be fully operational as of the first day of coverage under this contract. Material non compliance with this requirement shall be enough reason to cancel the contract herein, with prior written notification by the ADMINISTRATION to the INSURER according to the time set in Article XXXIII.

4. The INSURER shall be responsible for the data collection and other statistics of all services provided including, but not limited, to encounter and real cost of each one, claims services and any other pertinent data from all HCOs, participating providers or any other entity which provide services to beneficiaries under the program, said data to be classified by provider, by beneficiary, by diagnosis, by procedure and by the date the service is rendered. The data collected must then be forwarded to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis in an electronic or on machine readable media format. The data fields and specific data elements required to be transmitted are contained in the RFP's Record of Service File Layout format. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to modify, expand or delete the requirements contained therein or issue new requirements, subject to consultation with the INSURER and cost negotiation, if necessary. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

5. The INSURER agrees that all required data and information needs to be collected and reported through electronic or machine readable media commencing with the effective date of coverage of this contract.

6. The information systems of all HCOs shall be compatible with the systems in use at all by INSURER.

7. The INSURER shall supply to the HCOs and, upon request, to all participating providers with eligibility information on a daily basis. Said information shall be secured through on-line access with the INSURER.


8. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION within twenty-five
(25) days of the closing of each month, in such form and detail as indicated in the Record of Service File Layout format and any other formats the ADMINISTRATION requires in the RFP, the following information:

a) Data pertaining to health insurance claims, and encounter for all services provided to beneficiaries.

b) Statistical data on providers, medical services and any other services;

c) Enrollment database;

d) Any and all data and information as required in the Request for Proposals and in the Proposal submitted;

e) Any other reports or data that the ADMINISTRATION may require after consultation with the INSURER and cost negotiation, if necessary.

Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

9. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION, on a regular basis as needed, any and all data, information, reports, and documentation that will permit Governmental Agencies, the compilation of statistical data to substantiate the need for, and the appropriate use of federal funds for federally financed health programs.

10. The INSURER agrees to report to the ADMINISTRATION on a daily basis all information pertaining to enrollment, disenrollment, and other subscriber or beneficiary transactions as required by the ADMINISTRATION. All records shall be transmitted: 1) through approved ADMINISTRATION systems contractor; or 2) over data transmission lines directly to the ADMINISTRATION; or 3) on machine readable media. All machine readable media or electronic transmissions shall be consistent with the relevant ADMINISTRATION's record layouts and specifications.

11. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis reports and data generated electronically that allows the ADMINISTRATION:

a. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the delivery of services by providers and the adequacy of these services.

b. Monitoring and evaluation of the efficiency and propriety of the services that are being received by the beneficiaries and their dependents.

c. Comparison of experience with that of other providers.

d. Comparison of the utilization of health care and the cost tendencies within the community and the group that renders service.

e. Demonstration of how the quality of care is being improved for the insured and their dependents.


f. Comparison of the administrative measures taken by the INSURER with reference points to be able to evaluate the progress towards constant improvement.

g. Compliance with the information requirements and reports of the Federal Programs such as: Title II of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; Title IV-B Part 1 and 2, Title IV-E, Title V, Title XIX, Title and Title XXI of the Social Security Act; the applicable state laws as (the Child Abuse Act, "Ley de Maltrato de Menores" Public Law 75 of May 28, 1980; the Protection and Assistance to Victims and Witness Act, "Ley de Proteccion y Asistencia a Victimas de Delitos y Testigos", Public Law 77 of July 9, 1986), and any other information requirements which in the future are mandated by federal and state programs.

h. Evaluation of each service provided with separate identification by beneficiary, by provider, by diagnosis, by diagnostic code, by procedure code and by date and place of service. The provider must be identified by his/her provider's identification number or his/her social security account number.

These reporting requirements will be discontinued when the new reporting system contained in ADDENDUM IV is implemented. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

12. The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with a uniform system for data collection.

13. The INSURER'S Information Systems must provide a continuous flow of information to measure the quality of services rendered to the beneficiaries and their dependents. The purpose of these systems must be to help the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER in the process of achieving continuous improvement in, the quality of services rendered to beneficiaries and their dependents within a cost effective system.

14. The INSURER will prepare the necessary reports requested herein for the administration of the health insurance contract. Daily reports are due by the end of the following business day. Weekly reports are due on the first business day of the following week. Monthly reports are due twenty-five (25) days after the end of each month. Quarterly reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter.

15. The INSURER must inform to the Administration on a monthly basis all cancellation and disenrollment of providers.

16. The INSURER must provide the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis with the updated version of the Providers Directory.


17. The INSURER will coordinate the enrollment of beneficiaries.

18. The INSURER will assure adequate and efficient functioning for the term of the contract that includes an insurance against economic loss due to system failure or data loss.

19. As an additional measure to guarantee quality and adequacy of the medical health services, the INSURER will conduct periodical statistics analysis of the medical services rendered to the beneficiaries and will compare them with the primary physician practice profile of their regular health insurance plan. Quarterly reports as to the analysis and comparison statistics will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION.

20. In order to insure that all subscriber encounters are registered and recorded, the INSURER will conduct audits of statistical samples and unannounced personal audits of the HCOs and participating provider's facilities to assure that the medical records reconcile with the encounter reported, and corrective measures will be taken in case of any violation of the INSURER's regulations regarding the registration and reporting of encounters. The INSURER will provide quarterly reports to the ADMINISTRATION covering all the findings and corrective measures, if any, taken regarding any violation of said regulations.

21. The INSURER, as a minimum must guarantee the following:

a. The security and integrity of the information and communication systems through:

1. Regular Backups on a daily basis

2. Controlled Access to the physical plant

3. Control logical access to information systems

4. Verification of the accuracy of the data and information

b. The continuity of services through:

1. Regular maintenance of the systems, programs and equipment

2. A staff of duly trained personnel

3. An established and proven system of Disaster Recovery

4. Cost Effective systems.

c. Identification of the beneficiary via the use of plastic cards.

d. Automated system of communication with statistics of the management of calls (Occurrence of busy lines, etc.)

f. A comprehensive health insurance claim processing system to handle receiving process and payment of claims and encounters.


g. Analysis/Control of utilization (The INSURER must provide said analysis to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis in the format outlined by the ADMINISTRATION):

1. by patient/family
2. by region, area/region town, (zip code)
3. by provider (provider's identification number or social security account numbers)
4. by diagnosis
5. by procedure or service
6. by date of service

Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

j. Financial and Actuarial reports
k. System of Control and claims payment that includes payment history.
l. Computerized pharmacy system that permits its integration to the payment procedures to the providers.
m. Outcome Analysis
n. Electronic creation of data files related to mortality, morbidity, and vital statistics.
o. Integration to central systems
1. Procedures an communications Protocol Compatibility;
2. Ability to trans it reports, and or files via electronic means.
p. Electronic Handling of:

1. The process of Admission to hospitals and ambulatory services
2. Verification of eligibility and subscription to the plan.
3. Verification of benefits
4. Verification of Financial information (Deductibles, Co-payments, etc.)
5. Verification of individual demographic data
6. Coordination of Benefits.

q. Computerized applications for general accounting.
r. As to HCOs and all Participating Providers the information system shall provide for:

1. On line access to service history for each beneficiary.
2. Register of diagnosis and procedures for each service rendered.
3. Complete demography on fine, including the aspect of coverage and financial responsibility of the patient.
4. Individual and family transactions
5. Annotations on line (General notes such as allergies, reminders or other clinical aspects (free form)


6. Analysis of activity by:

a. department
b. provider
c. diagnosis
d. procedures
e. age
f. sex
g. origin
h. others, as mutually agreed upon.

7. Diagnosis history by patient with multiple codes per service.
8. AD Hoc Reports
9. Referrals Control
10. Electronic Billing
11. Pharmacy system
12. Dental system
13. Ability to handle requirements of the Medicare programs such as RBRVS (Relative Base Relative Value System).
14. Ability to collect data as to the quarter in which the pregnant female beneficiary commences her ob-gyn treatment. The format for the collection of this data shall be approved by the ADMINISTRATION prior to its implementation.

22. The INSURER agrees to report all procedure and diagnostic information using the current versions of Current Procedural Terminology, International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, Diagnostic Statistic Manual and American Dental Association's Current Dental Terminology, respectively. This does not prevent the adoption by INSURER of the ANSI X-12 electronic transactions for standards set forth in the HIPAA regulations; which shall be implemented on or before October 2002, unless modified by DHHS

23. Non compliance with any of the Information Systems and Reporting Requirements; with any requirements related to the electronic standards transactions to be implemented within the schedule set forth by the HIPAA regulations, or with other requirements contained herein, shall be subject to the provisions of Articles XXXIII and XXXVI of this contract, as well as to Article IV, Section 2(n) of Law 72 of September 7, 1993, which provides the right of the ADMINISTRATION to enforce compliance through the Circuit Court of Appeal Puerto Rico, Part of San Juan.

24. The INSURER shall provide the ADMINISTRATION with one or more telephone numbers of dial-in data lines, and a minimum of three user's ID's and passwords that will allow the ADMINISTRATION's authorized personnel access to the INSURER's on-line computer applications, Such access will allow the ADMINISTRATION use of the same systems and access to the same information


as used by the INSURER and enable the inquiry on beneficiaries, providers, and statistics files related to this contract.

25. As per the INSURER's proposal, INSURER shall provide to each HCOs, HCOs network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers in the Health Area/Region, as well as to those outside of the area/region who provide services to beneficiaries from within the area/region, the necessary hardware and software to maintain on-line communication with the INSURER's Information System to document all encounters and services rendered to beneficiaries. Said hardware and software will be provided at a reasonable cost for the implementation and servicing.

26. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION reports as to the data and information gathered through the use of the Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) and the work plan required in the RFP formats, as per Article XVII, Section VII.

27. The INSURER must disclose to the ADMINISTRATION the following information on provider incentive plans in sufficient detail to determine whether their incentive plan complies with the regulatory requirements set forth on 42 CFR 434.70(x) and 422.10:

a) Whether services not furnished by the physician or physician group are covered by the incentive plan. If only the services furnished by the physician or physician group are covered by the incentive plan, disclosure of other aspects of the plan need not be made.
b) The type of incentive arrangement (i.e., withhold, bonus, capitation).
c) A determination on the percent of payment under the contract that is based on the use of referral services. If the incentive plan involves a withholding or bonus, the percent of the withholding of bonus. If the calculated amount is 25% or less, disclosure of the remaining elements in this list is not required and there is no substantial risk.
d) Proof that the physician or physician group has adequate stop-loss protection, including the amount and type of stop-loss protection.
e) The panel size and, if patients are pooled, the method used.
f) In the case of those prepaid plans that are required to conduct beneficiary surveys, the survey's results.

The information items (a) through (e) above, must be disclosed to the ADMINISTRATION: (1) prior to approval of its initial contracts or agreements, upon the contract or agreements anniversary or renewal effective date or upon request by the Administration or CMS. The disclosure item (f) is due 3 months after the end of the contract year or upon request by CMS.

If the contract with the INSURER is an initial Medicaid contract, but the INSURER has operated previously in the commercial or Medicare markets,


information on physician incentive plans for the year preceding the initial contract period must be disclosed. If the contract is an initial contract with INSURER, but the INSURER has not operated previously in the commercial or Medicare markets, the INSURER should provide assurance that the provider agreements that they sign will meet CMS and Commonwealth requirements (i.e. there is no Physician Incentive Plan (PIP); there is a PIP but no Substantial Financial Risk (SFR); there is a PIP and SFR so stop-loss and survey requirements will be met). For contracts being renewed or extended, the INSURER must provide PIP disclosure information for the prior contracting period's contracts.

The INSURER must update PIP disclosures annually and must disclose to administration whether PIP arrangements have changed from the previous year. Where arrangements have not changed, a written assurance that there has not been a change is sufficient. This also applies when INSURER analyze the PIP arrangements in their direct and downstream contracts to determine which disclosure items are due from their contractors. INSURER is expected to maintain the current written assurances and the prior periods' documentation so that the materials are available during on-site reviews.


INSURER must have adequately-staffed telephone lines available. Telephone personnel must receive customer service telephone training. INSURER must ensure that telephone staffing is adequate to fulfill the standards of promptness and quality listed below:

1. 80% of all telephone calls must be answered within an average of 30 seconds;
2. The lost (abandonment) rate must not exceed 5%;
3. INSURER cannot impose maximum call duration limits but must allow calls to be of sufficient length to ensure adequate information is provided to the Beneficiaries or Provider.

29. The INSURER shall abide with the present Information Systems and Reporting Requirements established and shall cooperate with the Administration's Proposed Plans to implement new and revised requirement as set forth in ADDENDUM IV.


The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION of any loans and other special financial arrangements which are made between the INSURER and any HCO's or participating provider or related parties. Any such loans shall strictly conform with the legal requirements of the anti-fraud and anti-kickback laws and regulations.


2. The INSURER shall provide to the ADMINISTRATION copies of audited financial statements following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and of the report to the Insurance Commissioner in the format agreed to by the National ASSOCIATION of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), for the year ending on December 31, 2000, and subsequently thereafter for the contract term not later than March 15 of each subsequent year. Unaudited GAAP financial statements for each quarter during the contract term shall be presented to the ADMINISTRATION not later than forty five (45) days after the closing of each quarter.

3. The INSURER will maintain adequate procedures and controls to insure that any payments pursuant to this contract are properly made. In establishing and maintaining such procedures the INSURER will provide for separation of the functions of certification and disbursement.

4. The INSURER is required to establish a cash reserve, in accordance with the Insurance Code of Puerto Rico, to insure that outstanding claims can be satisfied in the event of insolvency.

5. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION, upon the expiration of each period of twelve (12) consecutive months of the contract year, and not later than ninety (90) days thereafter, audited financial statements following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) which exclusively present the operational financial situation related to the execution of this contract. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to request interim audited financial statements not to exceed two (2) during the contract term.

6. The INSURER agrees to provide and make available to the ADMINISTRATION or any accounting firm contracted by the ADMINISTRATION any and all working papers of its external auditors related to this contract.


1. The ADMINISTRATION shall conduct periodical evaluations of the INSURER's compliance with all terms and conditions of this contract including, but not limited to, quality, appropriateness, timeliness and reasonableness of cost and administrative expenses, said evaluation to be defined as the Plan Compliance Evaluation Program.

2. Said program will evaluate compliance of the following aspects in each areas/regions:

a) Eligibility and enrollment


b) Services to beneficiaries and participating providers
c. Coverage of benefits
d) Reporting
e) Financial requirements
f) Rules and Regulations
g) Plan initiatives
h) Quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services
i) Utilization
j) Fraud and abuse
k) Accessibility
l) Grievances and Complaint handling
m) Information Systems
n) Electronic standards, security and privacy compliance as provided by HIPAA to include review of timetables for compliance and implementation plans
o) Such aspects which the ADMINISTRATION considers necessary in order to evaluate full compliance with this contract.

3. The evaluation process will be performed throughout the contract year using specific evaluating parameters. All parameters will be derived exclusively from the Request for Proposals, the INSURER's Proposal and this contract. Each area/region will contain several parameters with each parameter having a specific numeric value adding up a subtotal per area/region and a total for the aggregate of all area/regions of evaluation. Results will be presented in a Plan Compliance Evaluation Report. The evaluating parameters will be presented to the INSURER prior to commencement of the evaluation process.

4. The INSURER shall comply with the penalties set for each parameter within the range of values predetermined by the ADMINISTRATION.

5. Compliance with the Plan Compliance Evaluation Program is of essence to this contract and will be a determining factor in the renewal of this contract. Failure to comply with compliance requirements or parameters may also result in the termination of the contract as provided in Article XXXIII.

6. The ADMINISTRATION agrees to furnish the INSURER with the required Plan Performance Evaluation Program prior to its implementation.

7. The INSURER, as an additional tool to assure the evaluation of the insurance contract, agrees to abide, implement and develop the Health Plan-Employer Data and Information Set (Hedis), as revised and recommended by NCQA and in accordance with the time schedule, work plan and other requirements established in Addendum XI of the RFP referring to HEDIS DATA.

8. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES under Plan Compliance Program.



All of the listed remedies below may be exercised by the ADMINISTRATION and are in addition to all other remedies available to the ADMINISTRATION under this contract, by law or in equity, are joint and several, and may be exercised concurrently or consecutively. Exercise of any remedy in whole or in part does not limit the ADMINISTRATION in exercising all or part of any remaining remedies.

Any particular default listed under subparagraph (a) to (j) below (which is not intended to be exhaustive) may be subject, when applicable, to any one or more of the following remedies:

- Terminate the contract if the applicable conditions set forth in Section 10.1 are met;
- Suspend payment to INSURER;
- Recommend to CMS that sanctions be taken against INSURER as set out in Section 10.7;
- Remove the EPSDT's component from the capitation paid to INSURER if the benchmarks(s) missed is for EPSDT's;
- Assess civil monetary penalties as set out in section 10.8; and/or
- Withhold premium payment.



Failure of INSURER to perform an administrative function is a default under this contract. Administrative functions are any requirements under this contract that are not direct delivery of health care services. Administrative functions include claims payment; encounter data submission; filing any report when due; cooperating in good faith with THE ADMINISTRATION, an entity acting on behalf of THE ADMINISTRATION, or an agency authorized by statute or law to require the cooperation of INSURER in carrying out an administrative, investigative, or prosecutorial function of the program; providing or producing records upon request; or entering into contracts or implementing procedures necessary to carry out contract obligations.


Termination or suspension of INSURER's PRICO Certificate of Authority or any adverse action taken by PRICO that THE ADMINISTRATION determines will affect the ability of INSURER to provide health care services to beneficiaries is a default under this contract.



Failure of INSURER to comply with Commonwealth solvency standards or incapacity of INSURER to meet its financial obligations as they come due is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to comply with the federal requirements for Medicaid, including, but not limited to, federal law regarding misrepresentation, fraud, or abuse; and, by incorporation, Medicare standards, requirements, or prohibitions, is a default under this contract.

The following events are defaults under this contract pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1396b(m)(5), 1396u-2(e)(1)(A):

INSURER's substantial failure to provide medically necessary items and services that are required under this contract to be provided to beneficiaries;

INSURER's imposition of premiums or charges on beneficiaries in excess of the premiums or charge permitted by federal law;

INSURER's acting to discriminate among beneficiaries on the basis of their health status or requirements for health care services, including expulsion or refusal to enroll an individual, except as permitted by federal law, or engaging in any practice that would reasonably be expected to have the effect of denying or discouraging enrollment with INSURER by eligible individuals whose medical condition or history indicates a need for substantial future medical services;

INSURER's misrepresentation or falsification of information that is furnished to CMS, THE ADMINISTRATION, a beneficiary, a potential beneficiary, or a health care provider;

INSURER's failure to comply with the physician incentive requirements under 42 U.S.C. 1396b(m)(2)(A)(x); or

INSURER's distribution, either directly or through any agent or independent contractor, of marketing materials that contain false or misleading information, excluding materials previously approved by THE ADMINISTRATION.



INSURER's misrepresentation or fraud with respect of any provision of this contract is a default under this contract.


Exclusion of INSURER or any of the managing employees or persons with an ownership interest whose disclosure is required by Section 1124(a) of the Social Security Act (the Act) from the Medicaid or Medicare program under the provisions of Section 1128(a) and/or (b) of the Act is a default under this contract.

Exclusion of any provider or subcontractor or any of the managing employees or persons with an ownership interest of the provider or subcontractor whose disclosure is required by Section 1124(a) of the Social Security Act (the Act) from the Medicaid or Medicare program under the provisions of Section 1128(a) and/or (b) of the Act is a default under this contract if the exclusion will materially affect INSURER's performance under this contract.


INSURER's failure to make timely and appropriate payments to network providers and subcontractors is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to audit, monitor, supervise, or enforce functions delegated by contract to another entity that results in a default under this contract or constitutes a violation of state or federal laws, rules, or regulations is a default under this contract.

Failure of INSURER to properly credential its providers, conduct reasonable utilization review, or conduct quality monitoring is a default under this contract.

Failure of INSURER to require providers and contractors to provide timely and accurate encounter, financial, statistical and utilization data is default under this contract.


INSURER's placing the health and safety of the beneficiaries in jeopardy is a default under this contract.



Failure of INSURER to repeatedly meet any benchmark established by THE ADMINISTRATION under this contract is a default under this contract.


THE ADMINISTRATION will provide INSURER with written notice of default (Notice of Default) under this contract. The Notice of Default may be given by any means that provides verification of receipt. The Notice of Default must contain the following information:

(i) A clear and concise statement of the circumstances or conditions that constitute a default under this contract;

(ii) The contract provision(s) under which default is being declared;

(iii) A clear and concise statement of how and/or whether the default may be cured;

(iv) A clear and concise statement of the time period during which INSURER, when applicable, may cure the default;

(v) The remedy or remedies THE ADMINISTRATION is electing to pursue and when the remedy or remedies will take effect;

(vi) If THE ADMINISTRATION is electing to impose civil monetary penalties, the amount that THE ADMINISTRATION intends to withhold or impose and the factual basis on which THE ADMINISTRATION is imposing the chosen remedy or remedies;

(vii) Whether any part of a civil monetary penalty, if THE ADMINISTRATION elects to pursue these remedy, may be passed through to an individual or entity who is or may be responsible for the act or omission for which default is declared;

(viii) Whether failure to cure the default within the given time period, if any, will result in THE ADMINISTRATION pursuing an additional remedy or remedies, including, but not limited to, additional sanctions, referral for investigation or action by another agency, and/or termination of the contract.



10.1        TERMINATION


            THE ADMINISTRATION may terminate this contract if:    INSURER substantially fails or refuses to provide payment for or
            access to medically necessary services and items that are required
            under this contract to be provided to beneficiaries after notice and
            opportunity to cure;    INSURER substantially fails or refuses to perform administrative
            functions under this contract after notice and opportunity to cure;    INSURER materially defaults under any of the provisions of Article
            XVI;    Federal or Commonwealth funds for the Medicaid program are no longer
            available; or    THE ADMINISTRATION has a reasonable belief that INSURER has placed
            the health or welfare of beneficiaries in jeopardy.

10.1.2      THE ADMINISTRATION must give INSURER 30 days written notice of
            intent to terminate this contract if termination is the result of
            INSURER's substantial failure or refusal to perform administrative
            functions or a material default as established in Article XXXIII.

10.1.3      THE ADMINISTRATION may, when termination is due to INSURER's
            substantial failure or refusal to provide payment for or access to
            medically necessary services and items, notify INSURER's
            beneficiaries of any hearing requested by INSURER. Additionally, if
            THE ADMINISTRATION terminates for this reason, THE ADMINISTRATION
            may enroll INSURER's beneficiaries with another INSURER or permit
            INSURER's beneficiaries to receive Medicaid-covered services other
            than from an INSURER.

10.1.4      INSURER must continue to perform services under the transition plan
            described in Section 10.2.1 if the termination is for any reason
            other than THE ADMINISTRATION's reasonable belief that INSURER is
            placing the health and safety of the beneficiaries in jeopardy. If
            termination is due to this reason, THE ADMINISTRATION may prohibit
            INSURER's further performance of services under the contract.

10.1.5      If THE ADMINISTRATION terminates this contract, INSURER may appeal
            the termination under Article VI Section 12 Law 72 September 7,
            1993, as amended.



            This contract may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of
            both INSURER and THE ADMINISTRATION.


            When termination of the contract occurs by reason of default, THE
            ADMINISTRATION and INSURER must meet the following obligations:

10.2.1      THE ADMINISTRATION and INSURER must prepare a transition plan, which
            is acceptable to and approved by THE ADMINISTRATION, to ensure that
            beneficiaries are reassigned to other plans without interruption of
            services. That transition plan will be implemented during the 90-day
            period between receipt of notice and the termination date unless
            termination is the result of THE ADMINISTRATION's reasonable belief
            that INSURER is placing the health or welfare of beneficiaries in
            jeopardy.    INSURER is responsible for all expenses related to giving notice to
            beneficiaries; and    INSURER is responsible for all expenses incurred by THE
            ADMINISTRATION in implementing the transition plan.    If the contract is terminated by mutual consent:    THE INSURER is responsible for notifying all beneficiaries of the
            date of termination and how beneficiaries can continue to receive
            contract services and the provisions of Article XXXIV shall apply.



10.7.1      If CMS determines that INSURER has violated federal law or
            regulations and that federal payments will be withheld, THE
            ADMINISTRATION will deny and withhold payments for new enrollees of

10.7.2      INSURER must be given notice and opportunity to appeal a decision of
            THE ADMINISTRATION and CMS pursuant to 42 CFR 434.67.



10.8.1      The Administration may impose monetary penalties according to
            Article XXXVI, Section 4.



10.10.1     INSURER may dispute the notice by the ADMINISTRATION that
            ADMINISTRATION intends to impose any sanction under this contract.
            INSURER may notify THE ADMINISTRATION of its objections by filing a
            written response to the Notice of Default, clearly stating the
            reason INSURER disputes the proposed sanction. With the written
            response, INSURER must submit to THE ADMINISTRATION any
            documentation that supports INSURER's position. INSURER must file
            the review within fifteen (15) days from INSURER's receipt of the
            Notice of Default as provided in Article XXXIII, subparagraph 2.
            Filing a dispute in a written response to the Notice of Default
            suspends imposition of the proposed sanction.

10.10.2     INSURER and THE ADMINISTRATION must attempt to informally resolve
            the dispute. If INSURER and THE ADMINISTRATION are unable to
            informally resolve the dispute THE ADMINISTRATION will make the
            remedy final.


1. The payment for the first month of coverage under this contract will be made upon the certification by the INSURER that it has complied with all the terms and conditions contained in this contract to the satisfaction of the ADMINISTRATION.

For subsequent months the ADMINISTRATION shall pay to the INSURER the corresponding monthly premium within the first five (5) working days of the month of coverage, upon submission by the INSURER of an invoice containing the list of the beneficiaries enrolled for the month of the invoice.

2. The monthly premium calculation for beneficiaries not enrolled for the full month shall be determined on a pro-rata basis by dividing the corresponding monthly premium amount by the number of days in the month and multiplying the result by the number of days the beneficiary was actually enrolled.

3. The monthly premiums for the months comprised, within the contract term and covered by this contract are as follows:


a) For all beneficiaries including all those who are sixty-five
(65) years and older who are Medicare beneficiaries with Part A or Parts A and B and those who are sixty-five years and older who are not Medicare recipients:

1) Per member per month rate (PMPM) (Beneficiary) established at FORTY NINE DOLLARS AND SEVENTY FIVE CENTS ($49.75).

4. The per member per month rate (PMPM) herein agreed provides for:

a) The billing by providers to Medicare for services rendered to beneficiaries who are also Medicare recipients. The INSURER will not cover deductibles or co-insurance of Part A, but will cover deductibles and co insurance of Part B of Medicare, except for deductibles and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in hospital setting, other than physician services.

b) The recognition as a covered reimbursable Medicare Program cost as bad debts by reason of non-payment of Part A deductibles and/or coinsurance, and for deductibles and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in hospital setting under Medicare Part B, other than physician services.

c) Pharmacy coverage for beneficiaries who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare recipients, as long as the benefits are accessed through the PCP, HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers or the INSURER's participating providers and the prescription is issued by a participating provider of the INSURER.

d) Dental coverage for beneficiaries who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare recipients, the INSURER's participating providers.

e) All benefits included in ADDENDUM I that are not covered under Medicare Part A or Part B.

5. The INSURER shall not, at any time, increase the rate agreed in the contract nor reduce the benefits agreed to as defined in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

6. The INSURER guarantees the ADMINISTRATION that the rate and any applicable deductibles or co-payments constitute full payment for the benefits contracted under the plan, and that participating providers cannot collect any additional amount from the beneficiaries. Balance billing is expressly prohibited.

Upon a determination made by the ADMINISTRATION that the INSURER or its agents that the INSURER has engaged in balance billing, the ADMINISTRATION will proceed to enforce provisions as established in Article XXXVI.


7. The INSURER understands that the payment of premium by the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER's payments to its HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers, shall be considered as full and complete payment for all services rendered except for the deductibles established in ADDENDUM I of the contract herein.

8. For those Medicare beneficiaries with Part A, any recovery by the provider for Part A deductibles and/or co-insurance will be made exclusively through the Medicare Part A Program as bad debts. In this instance, beneficiaries would neither pay any reimbursement for rendered services to a participating provider nor pay the deductibles included in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

9. For those Medicare beneficiaries with Part B, any recovery by the participating provider for Part B deductibles and/or co-insurance, other than services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, will be made through the INSURER and/or the HCOs. In this instance, beneficiaries would neither pay any reimbursement for rendered services to a participating provider nor pay the deductibles included in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

10. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service, through the capitation paid to the HCO.

11. Newborns shall be immediately covered by the INSURER if born to an eligible individual and/or family unit as defined herein the Medicaid Commonwealth Plan, the law and its regulations.

12. The INSURER understands that if the Federal Government submits an alternative to the agreement hereof that is more cost effective and for the benefit of the Government of Puerto Rico, the ADMINISTRATION along with the INSURER shall renegotiate the coverage for Medicare beneficiaries with Part A or Part A and B.

13. The INSURER certifies that the monthly billing submitted to the ADMINISTRATION includes all beneficiaries, who have been issued an identification card and for which payment of premiums are due either on a monthly or pro-rated basis. The ADMINISTRATION will not accept any new billing once the monthly billing is submitted by the INSURER to the ADMINISTRATION, unless there is a justifiable reason for the omission:

14. If any differences arise in the ADMINISTRATION's payment of premiums to the INSURER, the latter will proceed to analyze the differences between the original billing submitted by the INSURER and the amount paid by the


ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER will proceed, after proper analysis, to submit to the ADMINISTRATION a diskette as well as all relevant documentation that supports and details the INSURER's claim not later than thirty (30) working days after payment is made to the INSURER by the ADMINISTRATION. Once this term has ended, the INSURER waives its right to claim any amounts from differences arising from the monthly payment made by the ADMINISTRATION and releases the ADMINISTRATION from any and all obligation to pay any additional premiums, including differences to billing by more than one insurer. During the following one hundred and twenty (120) days the ADMINISTRATION will confirm the validity of the claim and make payment thereof.


1. For the purpose of determining future premiums, the loss experience of this contract shall be based exclusively on the results of the cost of health care services provided to the beneficiaries covered under this contract. The INSURER shall maintain all the utilization and financial data related to this contract duly segregated from its regular accounting system including, but not limited to the General Ledger and the necessary Accounting Registers classified by the Area/Region subject to this contract.

2. Administrative expenses to be included in determining the experience of the program are those directly related to this contract. Separate allocations of expenses from the INSURER's regular business, INSURER's related companies, INSURER's parent company or other entities will be reflected or made a part of the financial and accounting records described in the preceding section.

3. Any pooling of operating expenses with other of the INSURER's groups, cost shifting, financial consolidation or the implementation of other combined financial measures is expressly forbidden.

4. Amounts paid for claims or encounters resulting from services determined to be medically unnecessary by the INSURER will not be considered in the contract's experience.

5. The INSURER shall provide the ADMINISTRATION every month with a Premium Disbursement Illustration. Said illustration shall present the distribution of the capitation, claim expenses by coverage, reserves, administrative expenses and premium distributions as referred and contained in the RFP's Actuarial Reports formats. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.


6. The determination by the INSURER as to the payment of the capitation fee and as to any other payments by virtue of this contract will be computed on an actuarially sound basis.

7. The INSURER will provide to the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis, the actuarial data, premium distribution, and reports as contained in the RFP's Actuarial Report formats. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.


1. The Department of Health will provide for and effectively implement a preventive medicine program with primary emphasis on public health education which will include, but will not be limited to, guidance on lifestyles, AIDS, drug abuse, cancer and mother and child care. This is typically referred to as Primary Prevention. The INSURER will collaborate with the Department of Health and provide for a preventive medicine program with primary emphasis on the provision of clinical services in support of the Preventive Medicine Program, including but not limited to, screening and education of individual patients, such as PAP Smears, colorectal screening mammograms and cholesterol screening as indicated by the best practices of medicine.

In cooperation with the INSURER, the Department of Health will develop a surveillance methodology to identify compliance with this program.

2. The INSURER, through its secondary and tertiary Preventive Program, will address, analyze and implement measures to provide effective clinical and educational activities seeking to combat the specific causes of morbidity and mortality in the Area/Region.

3. The INSURER will develop and effectively implement a case management system in order to monitor high risk cases and attend to the covered health care needs of the beneficiaries and dependents within said category.

4. The INSURER represents that under its Preventive Program it will contract, sufficient medical specialists and specialized teams in order to combine the resources of the HCOs and the professional staff of the HCOs, including but not limited to, health educators, nutritionists, dieticians, nurses, other trained personnel and physicians who will act as the team's educator, manager and coordinator.

5. The INSURER will be responsible to direct to a network of other agencies and community resources serving each municipality within the Area/Region so as to guarantee that participating providers and beneficiaries are aware of and


understand the available services in their community and the process by which to access them.

6. The INSURER will assure that discharge of the mother and her baby from the hospital is based upon sound clinical judgment determined by the clinician.

7. The responsibilities of the INSURER in the Preventive Program will include the following

a) A disease management program developed by the INSURER in collaboration with the Department of Health which shall develop standardized processes to address mayor public health programs such as Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension and Congestive Heart Failure, among others. This program shall include identification treatment protocols/guidelines and surveillance/monitoring. In cooperation with the Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) annual reports will be published detailing the results.

b) A case management program which initially will be under the responsibility of a nurse. Case management will not be limited to the physician's offices or a determined center. Coordination of the services provided is required within the community and at the home of the beneficiary, if necessary.

c) An outreach program shall be developed in collaboration with the Department of Health to target specific clinical issues as identified by the Department of Health, for those beneficiaries who cannot access those services. The clinical standard shall conform to the published HEDIS measures. These measures can be modified or supplemented by the Department of Health.

d) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women are screened for alcohol use following the Department of Health Guidelines.

e) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women will obtain counseling for the HIV test. All pregnant women who accept the HIV test will be referred to the HIV Prevention and Detection Program of the Department of Health. The participant provider shall coordinate all referrals with the Department of Health. Pre-natal care and HIV testing will continue to be covered benefits under this contract.

f) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women, following the administration of the HIV test that reports a positive result, are allowed to be treated under the guidelines for the utilization of ZDV in pregnant women and neonatal infants to reduce the risk of mother-infant HIV transmission, published by the Department of Health.


g) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women are properly educated about the WIC Program. Those eligible individuals will be referred to the WIC Program of the Department of Health. It will be the immediate responsibility of the participating providers to comply with all requirements in order to arrange the referral to the WIC Program without any cost to the patient.

h. The INSURER will assure that all providers comply with the EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment) Program and the Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services (GAPS) from the American Medical Association. The itinerary of services that have to be rendered by providers will comply with the EPSDT Itinerary Services Formats.

i) The INSURER will be responsible to develop and demonstrate its strategy to meet the appropriate prevention program guidelines as required by the Department of Health.

j) The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION monthly reports detailing all services rendered to mother and child classified by age groups and listing the numbers of pregnant women that have: (i) received prenatal care on each month in the reporting period; (ii) counseled as to HIV testing; (iii) referred to the HIV Prevention and Detection Program of the Department of Health; and (iv) referred to the WIC Program.

k) The INSURER agrees to comply and assure that all participating providers will comply with the federal and local laws referred in Article XV paragraph (11) (g) of this contract. The INSURER will assure the submission by the participating provider of all the protocols and formats requested by the Department of Health, Department of the Family, Department of Education and Department of Justice as contained in the RFP formats.

8. The INSURER will develop and effectively implement incentive-based programs whereby the providers are motivated toward compliance with all requirements of their Preventive Medicine Program such as EPSDT, Immunizations, Prenatal care, reduction in cesarean sections, and other related services.

9. The ADMINISTRATION shall evaluate these preventive programs through HEDIS and other applicable performance standards.

10. The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION quarterly reports needed by the Department of Health detailing services rendered in the Preventive Program described below.


11. The ADMINISTRATION shall have the right to audit the compliance with these requirements as needed. Non-compliance shall be a determining factor in non-renewal of this contract or breach thereof as defined in Article of XXXIII.


1. The INSURER shall direct beneficiaries to access Mental Health and Substance Abuse benefits in coordination with the Mental Behavior Healthcare Organization in the health region contracted by the ADMINISTRATION and ASSMCA. The ASSMCA will monitor the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Program provided through the MBHO contracted in the Health Region/Area with sufficient specificity effectiveness in order to provide for all mental health and substance abuse needs for all eligible beneficiaries residing within the municipalities forming part of said area.

2. The INSURER will abide with the ADMINISTRATION and ASSMCA's guidelines for expediting access of beneficiaries to the mental health and substance abuse benefits covered under the Health Insurance Program.


1. The INSURER agrees to provide to the enrolled beneficiaries the benefits included in ADDENDUM I of this contract. The benefits to be provided under the program are divided in three types of coverage: 1) the Basic Coverage that includes preventive, medical, hospital, surgical, diagnostic tests, clinical laboratory tests, x-rays, emergency room, ambulance, maternity and prescription drug services, 2) Dental Coverage based on the right to choose one of the participating dentists from the INSURER's network and 3) the Special Coverage that includes benefits for catastrophic conditions, expensive procedures and specialized diagnostic tests.

2. The INSURER may not modify, change, limit, reduce, or otherwise alter said benefits nor the agreed terms and conditions for their delivery without the express written consent of the ADMINISTRATION.

3. The coverage for Medicare beneficiaries is established as follows:

(a) Beneficiaries with Part A of Medicare- The INSURER will pay for all services not included in Part A of Medicare, and included in the contract herein. The INSURER will not pay the applicable Part A deductibles and coinsurance.


(b) Beneficiaries with Part A and Part B of Medicare- The INSURER will pay for prescription drugs prescribed by PCP and dental coverage. The INSURER will not cover the payment of the applicable Part A deductibles and coinsurance, but will cover the payment of the applicable Part B deductible and co-insurance.

(c) Access to services contemplated herein will be through a selected HCO. Beneficiaries with Part A can select from the Medicare's providers list, in which case the benefits under this contract would not be covered.

4. The Medicare beneficiary can select a Part A provider from the Medicare Part A providers list, but has to select a HCO for Part B services for beneficiaries with Part B services or Part B equivalent services for beneficiaries without Part B of Medicare.


1. If during the term of this contract, the insurance coverage for a beneficiary terminates because the beneficiary ceases to be eligible and is dis-enrolled; such person has the right to receive a direct payment policy from INSURER without submitting evidence of eligibility. The direct payment policy will be issued by the INSURER without taking into consideration pre-existing conditions or waiting periods. The written request for a direct payment policy must be made, and the first premium submitted to INSURER on or before thirty-one (31) days after the date of disenrollment, bearing in mind that:

a) The direct payment policy should be an option of such person, through any of the means which at that date INSURER has currently made available according to the age and benefits requested. It will be subject to the terms and conditions of the direct payment policy.

b) The premium for the direct payment policy will be in accordance with the rate then in effect at INSURER, applicable to the form and benefits of the direct payment policy, in accordance with the risk category the person falls in at the moment, and the age reached on the effective date of the direct payment policy. The health condition at the moment of conversion will have no bearing in the eligibility nor will it be an acceptable base for the risk classification.

c) The direct payment policy should also provide for coverage to any other individual, if these were considered eligible beneficiaries at the termination date of the health insurance under this contract. Under option by INSURER, a separate direct payment policy may be issued to cover the other individuals who formerly were eligible beneficiaries.


d) The direct payment policy will be effective upon termination of coverage under the health insurance contracted.

e) INSURER will not be obligated to issue a direct payment policy covering a person who has the right to receive similar services provided by any insurance coverage or under the Medicare Program of the Federal Social Security legislation, as subsequently amended, if such benefits, jointly provided under the direct payment policy, result in an excess of coverage (over insurance), according to the standards of the INSURER.

2. When coverage under this contract terminates due to the expiration of its term, all persons formerly considered eligible beneficiaries, who have been insured for a period of three (3) years prior to the termination date, will be eligible for a INSURER direct payment policy, subject to the conditions and limitations stipulated in clause 1 of this section.

3. Subject to the conditions and limitations stipulated in clause 1 of this section, the conversion privilege will be granted:

a) to all eligible beneficiaries whose coverage under the health insurance contracted is terminated because they cease to be eligible beneficiaries and are disenrolled.

b) to any eligible beneficiary whose coverage under the health insurance contracted ceases because he no longer qualifies as an eligible beneficiary, regardless of the fact that the principal subscriber and/or any other eligible beneficiary continues covered by said health insurance coverage under this contract.

4. In case an eligible beneficiary under this contract suffers a loss covered by the direct payment policy, described in clause 1 of this section, during the period he/she would have qualified for a direct payment policy and before the said direct payment policy is in effect, the benefits which he/she would have a right to collect under such direct payment policy will be paid as a claim under the direct payment policy, subject to having requested the direct payment policy and the payment of the first premium.

5. If any eligible beneficiary under this contract subsequently acquires the right to obtain a direct payment policy, under the terms and conditions of the INSURER's policies without providing evidence of qualifications for such insurance, subject to the request and payment of the first premium during the period specified in the policy; and if this person is not notified of the existence of this right, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of such period, such person will be granted an additional period during which time he/she can claim his/her right, none of the above implying the continuation of a policy for a period longer than


stipulated in said policy. The additional period will expire fifteen
(15) days after the person is notified, but in no case will it be extended beyond sixty (60) days after the expiration date of the policy. Written notification handed to the person or mailed to the last known address of the person, as acknowledged by the policy holder, will be considered as notification, for the purposes of this paragraph. If an additional period is granted for the right of conversion as hereby provided, and if the written application for direct payment, enclosed with the first premium payment, is made during the additional period, the effective date of the direct payment policy will be the termination of the health insurance coverage under this contract.

6. Subject to the other conditions expressed before, the eligible beneficiaries will have the right to conversion, up to one of the following dates:

a) date of termination of his/her eligibility under this contract; or
b) termination date of this contract; or
c) date of amendment of this contract, if said amendment in any way eliminates the beneficiaries' eligibility.


1. All transactions between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER shall be handled according to the terms and conditions set forth in this contract.

2. The INSURER shall appoint a person that shall be responsible for all transactions with the ADMINISTRATION.

3. All eligibility transactions shall be coordinated on a daily basis.


The INSURER may not cancel this contract, or make modifications to it for any reason, or otherwise change, restrict or reduce the insurance or the benefits, except for nonpayment of premiums.


The Request for Proposal that originated this contract, the Proposal submitted by the INSURER, this contract and/or any other document or provision incorporated to it by reference, shall be interpreted and construed according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. If any controversy may arise regarding the


interpretation or performance of this contract, the parties voluntary submit for its resolution to the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, San Juan Part.


1. This contract shall be in effect for nine months, starting at 12:01 AM, Puerto Rico time on October 1, 2001, the first day that coverage begins and payment of the premium is due.

2. This contract may not be assigned, transferred or pledged by the INSURER without the express written consent of the ADMINISTRATION.

3. This contract may be extended by the ADMINISTRATION, upon acceptance by the INSURER, for any subsequent period of time if deemed in the best interest of the beneficiaries, the ADMINISTRATION, and the Government of Puerto Rico.


Any officer, director, employee or agent of the ADMINISTRATION, the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, its municipalities or corporations cannot be part of this contract or derive any economic benefit that may arise from its execution.


The INSURER certifies and guarantees that at the time of execution of this contract, 1) it is a corporation duly authorized to conduct business in Puerto Rico and that has filed income tax returns for the previous five (5) years; 2) that it complied with and paid unemployment insurance tax, disability insurance tax (Law 139), social security for drivers ("seguro social choferil"), if applicable); 3) filed State Department reports, during the five (5) years preceding this contract and 4) that it does not owe any kind of taxes to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.


The INSURER agrees to enforce and require compliance by all applicable participating providers with 42 CFR 434, Part 489, Subpart I relating to maintaining written policies and procedures respecting advance directives. This requirement includes provisions to


inform and distribute written information to adult individuals concerning policies on advance directives, including a description of applicable Commonwealth law.


The INSURER shall report ownership, control interest, and related information to the ADMINISTRATION, and upon request, to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Comptroller General of the United States, in accordance with Sections 1124 and 1903(m)(4) of the Federal Social Security Act.


If the ADMINISTRATION finds that, because of amendments to Law 72 of September 7, 1993, or by reason of other subsequent Federal or local legislative changes that affect this contract, or because of any reasons deemed by the ADMINISTRATION to be in the best interest of the Government of Puerto Rico in carrying out the provisions of Law 72 of September 7, 1993, or in order to perform experiments and demonstration projects pursuant to legislative enactment, modification of this contract is necessary, the ADMINISTRATION may modify any of the requirements, terms and conditions, functions, part thereof or any other services to be performed by the INSURER. Prior to any such modification, the ADMINISTRATION shall afford the INSURER an opportunity to consult and participate in planning for adjustments which might be necessary and thereafter provide the INSURER written notice that the modification is to be made within ninety (90) days after a date specified in the notice. Said modifications will take place after consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER.


1. If the ADMINISTRATION finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing to the INSURER the INSURER has failed substantially to carry out the material terms and conditions of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION may terminate this contract at any time, as provided in
Section 10.1, above.

2. In the event that there is non-compliance by the INSURER with any specific clause of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION will notify the INSURER in writing, indicating the area/region(s) of non-compliance. The INSURER will be granted the opportunity to present and discuss its position regarding the issue within fifteen (15) days from the date of the notification. After considering the allegations presented by the INSURER following adequate hearing and the


opportunity to present all necessary evidence in support of its position, and the ADMINISTRATION formally determines that there is a non-compliance, at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, this contract may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days prior written notice before the effective date of cancellation.

3. In the event that the INSURER does not remedy, correct or cure the material deficiencies noted in the Plan Compliance Evaluation Report, as provided for in Article XVII of this contract, and following the opportunity of an adequate hearing and the presentation of evidence in support of its position, and the ADMINISTRATION confirms the deficiency, then at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION this contract may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days prior notice.

4. If the INSURER were to be declared insolvent, files for bankruptcy or is placed under liquidation, the ADMINISTRATION shall have the option to cancel and immediately terminate this contract. In the event of this happening an enrollee will not be liable for payments under this contract.

5. In the event that this contract is terminated, the INSURER shall promptly provide the ADMINISTRATION all necessary information for the reimbursement of any pending and outstanding Claims. The INSURER hereby recognizes that in the event of termination under this Article it shall be bound to provide reasonable cooperation to the ADMINISTRATION beyond the date of termination in order to properly effect the transition to the new INSURER taking over the region covered by this Contract. This obligation to reasonably cooperate shall survive the date of said effective termination provided, at the ADMINISTRATION' discretion.

6. The INSURER agrees and recognizes that in the event there are no sufficient enough funds designated for the payment of premium, the ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to terminate this contract, effective ninety (90) days after prior written notification.


In the event that the contract is terminated, the INSURER will continue to provide services for a reasonable term to guarantee the continuance of services until the ADMINISTRATION has made adequate arrangements to continue the rendering of health care benefits to beneficiaries. The duration of such term will not exceed sixty (60) days and the PMPM shall be agreed upon by the INSURER and the ADMINISTRATION.

Upon the expiration of the contract, the INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with the historical/utilization data of services rendered to beneficiaries in the area/region, in order to prevent fraud and double billing of services by the incoming INSURER.


Any INSURER phasing out of a Health Region will guarantee payment for services rendered to beneficiaries under the previous contract. Failure to do so, shall entail in accordance with the fair hearing process established on Article XXXIII, the retention of a determined amount of premium payment of INSURER's Health Region Contract. The amount to be retained shall be sufficient to cover the amount owed.


None of the obligations, covenants, duties, and responsibilities incurred or assumed under the present Contract, the Request For Proposal, Proposal, the representations and assurances provided at the clarification meeting held on June 11, 2001, by either: (I) the INSURER towards the ADMINISTRATION and any governmental agencies, or (ii) the ADMINISTRATION towards the INSURER, shall be deemed as the assumption by the INSURER or the ADMINISTRATION, as the case might be, of any legal liability or responsibility towards a third party in the event that a negligent or intentional injury, malpractice, damage or wrongdoing, or any harm whatsoever is incurred by or caused by the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers and/or the INSURER's participating providers.


1. In the event that the INSURER does not furnish the ADMINISTRATION with any kind of monthly reports related to the gathering and reporting of encounter information, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium for each month in default said retention to be effective for the subsequent month after the default. Once the INSURER complies with said requirement, the amount retained will be fully paid to the INSURER, within five days after receiving the required reports for the subsequent month.

2. In the event that the INSURER does not comply with its obligation related to the monthly gathering and accurate reporting of encounter information, according to Article XV of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium payable to the INSURER for each month in default, provided:

a. the ADMINISTRATION gives, within ten (10) working days after receipt of the monthly report, written notification by certified mail, or personally hand delivers said notification to the INSURER of the non-compliance and the reasons thereof; and
b. the ADMINISTRATION grants ten (10) working days for the INSURER to cure the default; and
c. the INSURER fails to correct it within said term.

Whenever as the above events take place, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium payment for each month in default. Retention will be


effective ten (10) working days after the notice of non-compliance. Once the INSURER corrects the problem, at the satisfaction of the ADMINISTRATION and according to Article XV of this contract, the amount retained will be fully paid to the INSURER, within five days after receiving full and complete reports for the subsequent month.

3. For the purpose of subparagraphs 1 and 2, above, default is defined as the noncompliance by the INSURER of the reporting requirements established for the gathering and reporting of encounter information as established in Article XV of this contract, or when the INSURER does not submit the reports within the established term set in this contract.

4. A. Civil Monetary Penalties: In the event that there is a non-compliance with Article VI, XII, XVI, XVII and/or with any specific clause of this contract or the INSURER engages in any of the following practices:

(a) Fails to substantially provide medically necessary services to enrollees under this contract;
(b) imposes on enrollees premiums and charges in excess of the ones permitted under this contract;
(c) discriminates among enrollees on the basis of their health status or requirements for health care (such as terminating an enrollment or refusing to reenroll) except as PERMITTED under the Program or engages in practices to discourage enrollment by recipients whose medical condition or history indicates need for substantial medical services;
(d) misrepresents or falsifies information that is furnished to CMS, to the ADMINISTRATION, to an enrollee, potential enrollee or provider of services;
(e) distributes, directly or indirectly through any agent, independent contractor, marketing material not approved by the ADMINISTRATION, or that contains false or misleading information;
(f) Fails to comply with the requirements for physician incentive plans in section 1876
(i) (8) of the Social Security Act, and at 42 CFR 417.479, or fails to submit to the ADMINISTRATION its physician incentive plans as requested in 42 CFR 434.70

The ADMINISTRATION will notify the INSURER in writing, the findings of the violation and the impending intention to impose intermediate sanctions for each violation which could consist of: monetary penalties at the discretion of the Administration may range from five hundred dollars $500 to twenty five thousand dollars $25,000; or the resolution of the contract and temporary management; suspension, and/or with-holding of premium payments, which may range from a percent amount, or more than one monthly premium payments. The imposition of sanctions will depend on the extent and severity of the actions.


At the sole discretion of the ADMINISTRATION and after affording the INSURER due process to submit a corrective action as established in paragraph (B), below, the ADMINISTRATION will deduct any amount it may deem adequate from the premium payments or any other administrative items of said payments.

The Office of the Inspector General may impose civil money penalties of up to $25,000.00 in addition to, or in lieu of each determination by the ADMINISTRATION, or CMS, for non-compliance conduct as set forth on subparagraphs(a) through (f).

The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services may seek the enforcement of felony charges, for violation regarding subparagraph (b), above.

B. The INSURER will have the right to present and discuss its position regarding the ADMINISTRATION'S finding within thirty(30) days from the receipt of the notification. After such period expires the Administration will issue its decision regarding the contemplated sanctions which could be (i) let stand the initial determination, (ii) modify the sanction or
(iii) eliminate the sanction if the Insurer has taken affirmative corrective actions. Upon notifying the INSURER of the final decision, if in disagreement, the INSURER will have
(30) days to request a hearing before the Administration. Upon the expiration of the thirty (30) days without invoking a formal hearing, or after the celebration of a hearing and after issuance of findings and recommendations of the hearing examiner, the decision will then become final, subject to the appeal process provided in section 12, Art. VI of Law 72, September 7,1993, as amended.

C. The ADMINISTRATION, shall appoint temporary management only if it finds that the INSURER has egregiously or repeatedly engaged in any of the stated practices on paragraph (A) of this article; or places a substantial risk on the health of enrollees; or there is a need to assure the health of an organization's enrollees during an orderly termination, reorganization of the Insurer or while improvements are being made to correct violations. The temporary management may not be removed until the INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that the violations will not recur.

5. If a contractor is found to be in non-compliance with the provisions on ARTICLE VII concerning affiliation with debarred or suspended individuals, the ADMINISTRATION:

a) Shall notify the Secretary of non-compliance;

b) May continue the existing contract with the Insurer, unless the Secretary (in consultation with the Inspector General of the Department of Health Services directs otherwise); and,


c) May not review or otherwise extend the duration of an existing contract with the INSURER unless the Secretary (in consultation with the Inspector General of the DHHS) provides to the ADMINISTRATION and to Congress a written statement describing compelling reasons that exist for renewing or extending the contract.

6. Notwithstanding the provisions set in this Article, the ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to terminate this contract, as established in Article XXXIII.


1. The INSURER warrants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ADMINISTRATION from and against any loss or expense by reason of any liability imposed by law upon the ADMINISTRATION and from and against claims against the ADMINISTRATION for damages because of bodily injuries, including death, at any time resulting therefrom, accidents sustained by any person or persons on account of damage to property arising out of or in consequence of the performance of this contract, whether such injuries to persons or damage to property are due or claimed to be due to any negligence of the INSURER, the INSURER's participating providers, the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers, their agents, servants, or employees or of any other person.

3. The INSURER warrants and agrees to purchase insurance coverage to include Contractual Liability Coverage incorporating the obligations herein assumed by the INSURER with limits of liability which shall not be less than one (1) million dollars with said insurance coverage providing for the INSURER's obligation and the insurance company of INSURER to defend and appear on behalf of the ADMINISTRATION in any and all claims or suits which may be brought against the ADMINISTRATION on account of the obligations herein assumed by the INSURER.


The ADMINISTRATION and INSURER agree and recognize that guidance and directives from the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are incorporated in contracts subject to its approval, such as the present one, and that they constitute binding obligations on the part of the INSURER.



Whenever a period of time is herein prescribed for action to be taken by the INSURER, the INSURER shall not be liable or responsible for, and there shall be excluded from the computation for any such period of time, any delays due to strikes, acts of God, shortages of labor or materials, war, terrorism, governmental laws, regulations or restrictions or any other causes of any kind whatsoever which are beyond the control of the INSURER.


The parties hereby assure that all hardware and software that it uses with respect to this Agreement are Year 2000 Compliant in accordance to CMS's Year Compliance definitions as stated in the RFP. The Parties acknowledge that this provision is an essential condition to this Agreement.


1. Inasmuch as it is a requirement that the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approves this contract in order to authorize the use of federal funds to finance the health insurance contracted, the same may be subject to modifications in order to incorporate or modify the terms and conditions of this contract.

2. Any provision of this contract which is in conflict with any Federal Laws, Federal Medicaid Statutes, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Federal Regulations, or CMS policy guidance, as applicable, is hereby amended to conform to the provisions of those laws, regulations, and Federal policy. Such amendment of the contract will be effective on the effective date of the statutes or regulations necessitating it, and will be binding on the parties even though such amendment may not have been reduced to writing and formally agreed upon and executed by the parties.


1. All responsibilities, obligations, assurances and representations, made, taken, and assumed by the INSURER under this contract will be fully, solely, and entirely assumed by the INSURER. Notwithstanding, the ADMINISTRATION acknowledges that Triple-C will carry out the responsibilities as to the administration and operational management of the Health Insurance subject of


this contract and that its officers are authorized to represent Triple-S, Inc. in matters related to be carried out.

2. The ADMINISTRATION acknowledges that the INSURER is in a corporate reorganizational process. The INSURER will notify the ADMINISTRATION the date when the reorganizational process is completed. The INSURER represents that the reorganizational process shall not constituted an assignment of this Contract.


The parties agree that they accept, consent and promise to abide by each and every one of the clauses contained in this contract and that the contract contains the entire agreement between the parties and in order to acknowledge so, they initial the margin of each of the pages and affix below their respective signatures, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, this 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2001.


By                                      By

/s/ Angel Blanco Bottey                 /s/ Miguel Vazquez Deynes
---------------------------             ------------------------------



The Puerto Rico Health Insurance



October 1, 2001-June 30, 2002



TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                              PAGE
I               Definitions                                                          2

II              Eligibility and Enrollment                                           8

III             Right to Choose                                                     14

IV              Secondary Payor                                                     16

V               Emergencies                                                         17

VI              Access to Benefits                                                  19

VII             Contracts with HCO's and All Participating Providers                23

VIII            Subscription Process and Identification Cards                       28

IX              Summary Plan Description Booklet                                    29

X               Grievance Procedure                                                 32

XI              Health Care Organizations                                           34

XII             Guarantee of Payment                                                37

XIII            Utilization Review and Quality Assurance                            40

XIV             Compliance and Agreement for Inspection of Records                  44

XV              Information Systems and Reporting Requirements                      47

XVI             Financial Requirements                                              55

XVII            Plan Compliance Evaluation Program                                  55

XVIII           Payment of Premiums                                                 63

XIX             Actuarial Requirements                                              66

XX              Preventive Medicine Program                                         67

XXI             Mental Health Program                                               70

XXII            Benefits                                                            70

XXIII           Conversion Clause                                                   71

XXIV            Transactions with the Insurer                                       73

XXV             Non-Cancellation Clause                                             73

XXVI            Applicable Law                                                      74

XXVII           Effective Date and Term                                             74


TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                              PAGE
XXVIII          Conflict of Interest                                                74

XXIX            Income Taxes                                                        74

XXX             Advance Directives                                                  75

XXXI            Ownership and Third Party Transactions                              75

XXXII           Modification of the Contract                                        75

XXXIII          Termination of Agreement                                            75

XXXIV           Phase-Out Clause                                                    76

XXXV            Third Party Disclaimer                                              77

XXXVI           Penalties Sanctions Clauses                                         77

XXXVII          Hold Harmless Clause                                                80

XXXVIII         Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services Contract Requirements      81

XXXIX           Force Majeure                                                       81

XL              Year 2000 Clause                                                    81

XXLI            Federal Government Approval                                         81

XLII            Acknowledgement as to Insurer                                       82

XLIII           Entire Agreement                                                    82


Addendum I      Benefits Coverage-Formulary
Addendum II     PRHIA Instructions to Insurers for Orientation and
                Subscription Process-Beneficiaries Manual
Addendum III    Insurer Grievance Procedure
Addendum IV     Proposed Information Requirements



This Agreement entered into this 14th day of September, 2001, at San Juan, Puerto Rico, by and between PUERTO RICO HEALTH INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION, a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, organized under Law 72 approved on September 7, 1993, hereinafter referred to as the "ADMINISTRATION", represented by its Executive Director, ANGEL BLANCO BOTTEY, and TRIPLE-S, INC., a domestic corporation duly organized and doing business under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, with employer social security number 66-0229064, hereinafter referred to as the "INSURER", represented by its Chief Executive Officer, MIGUEL VAZQUEZ DEYNES.


In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties, their personal representatives and successors, agree as follows:

FIRST: The ADMINISTRATION has the responsibility to seek, negotiate, and contract with public and private insurers, health care insurance programs that eventually will be capable of providing all citizens that reside in the island of Puerto Rico access to quality health care services, regardless of their economic condition and capacity to pay.

SECOND: Law 72 of September 7, 1993 dictates the express policy that empowers the ADMINISTRATION to seek, negotiate and contract health insurance programs that will allow its beneficiaries access to quality health services, in particular the medically indigent and the public employees of the Central Government and pensioners.

THIRD: The ADMINISTRATION published a Request For Proposals for the North, Metro-North, East, Southeast, West, Southwest, San Juan, Northwest, Northeast and Central Health Area/Region, seeking to provide health insurance coverage to all eligible beneficiaries in said health Area/Region, by contracting with private insurers.

FOURTH: Pursuant to the terms of the aforementioned Request For Proposals, published on June 3-4, 2001, four different private health insurers submitted to the ADMINISTRATION proposals to underwrite the health insurance for the Health Area/Region.

FIFTH: The proposals submitted by the proposing insurers were thoroughly evaluated by a Evaluation Committee, as well as an Administrative Evaluation Committee within the ADMINISTRATION, as a result of which, a recommendation was presented to the Board of Directors of the ADMINISTRATION.

SIXTH: The Board of Directors of the ADMINISTRATION, after a careful and complete analysis of all technical and administrative elements of the proposals, decided


to award the INSURER the contract to underwrite and administer the health insurance for the SOUTH WEST Health Area/Region, composed of the municipalities of GUANICA, GUAYANILLA, PENUELAS, PONCE, AND YAUCO.

SEVENTH; The benefits to be provided under the plan offered by the INSURER are divided in three types of coverage: 1) the Basic Coverage that includes preventive, medical, hospital, surgical, diagnostic tests, clinical laboratory tests, x-rays, emergency room, ambulance, maternity and prescription drug services; 2) Dental Coverage based on the free choice of participating dentists from INSURER's network, and 3) the Special Coverage that includes benefits for catastrophic conditions, expensive procedures and specialized diagnostic tests. Benefits shall be provided by the INSURER in strict compliance with Law Number 72 of September 7, 1993, as amended, which is made part of this contract, the terms and conditions contained in Addenda I, II, III, and IV of this contract, and subject to the following:


ACCESS: Adequate availability of all necessary health care services included in the plan being contracted to fulfill the needs of the beneficiaries of the program.

ADMINISTRATION: Puerto Rico Health Insurance Administration.

ADVANCE DIRECTIVES: A written instruction such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care, recognized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (whether statutory or as recognized by the courts of the Commonwealth, relating to the provision of health care when the individual is incapacitated.

ANCILLARY SERVICES (Ancillary Charges): Supplemental services, including laboratory, radiology, physical therapy, and inhalation therapy, which are provided in conjunction with medical or hospitals care.

ASSMCA - Mental Health and Substance Abuse Administration: Spanish acronym for the Puerto Rico Mental Health and Substance Abuse Administration, the state agency that has been delegated the responsibility for the planning, establishment of mental and substance abuse policies and procedures, the coordination, development and monitoring of all mental health and substance abuse services rendered to beneficiaries under the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Program.


BENEFICIARY: Any person that under Law 72 of September 7, 1993 is determined eligible to receive services, is reported as such to the INSURER by the ADMINISTRATION, and is enrolled in the plan.

CAPITATION: That portion of the premium paid to the INSURER which is disbursed to the HCO in payment for all the benefits provided under the Basic Coverage to the beneficiaries who have selected said HCO, as hereinafter defined.

CO-INSURANCE: Percentage based participation of the beneficiary on each loss or portion of the cost of receiving a service.

CONTRACT: The present contractual relationship between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER, and to which, 1) Law 72 of September 7, 1993, 2) the Request For Proposal, 3) the INSURER's Proposal documents, 4) the representations and assurances provided at the clarification meeting held on June 11, 2001 contained in the transcript of the meeting, and 5) all other certifications issued by the INSURER following said clarification meeting, are herein incorporated by reference. All of the five (5) preceding set of documents are integral parts of this contract.

CONTRACT TERM: Period of nine (9) consecutive months beginning on the date the contract is effective. The coverage shall end at the conclusion of the contract term, unless extended pursuant to Article XXVII.

CMS: Acronym for the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services.

DEDUCTIBLE: A fixed amount that the beneficiary has to pay to the provider as part of the cost of receiving a health care service, as provided in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

ELECTIVE SURGERY: A surgical procedure that, even though medically necessary and prescribed by a physician, does not need to be performed immediately because no imminent risk to life, permanent damage of a vital organ or permanent impairment is present, and which therefore can be scheduled.

EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONDITION: (Prudent Layperson Standard) a medical condition presenting symptoms of sufficient severity that a person with average knowledge of health and medicine would reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in (i) placing their health or the health of an unborn child in immediate jeopardy, (ii) serious impairment of bodily functions, or
(iii) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.

ENCOUNTER: A contact between a patient and health professional during which a service is provided. An encounter form records selected identifying, diagnostic and related information describing an encounter.

FAMILY CONTRACT: The benefits provided to the following eligible beneficiaries;
1) principal subscriber; and 2) his or her spouse (legally married or common law); and 3)


his or her children (legally, adopted, foster or step children) under 21 years old that depend on the principal subscriber for subsistence; and 4) individuals under 21 years of age who have no children and live in common law with one of the eligible children in the same household; and 5) his or her dependents, of any age, who are blind or permanently disabled and live in the same household. Female beneficiaries (except spouse) covered under family contract who become pregnant shall constitute a separate subscriber under an individual contract as of the first day of the month the pregnancy is diagnosed and reported to the INSURER.

HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION/HCO: A health care entity supported by a network of providers and which is based on a managed care system and accessed through a primary care physician (gatekeeper). Said entity has contracted with the insurer to provide, in adequate facilities, the benefits provided for within the Basic Coverage or the Basic and Special Coverage of the health insurance contract. For the purpose of this contract the HCO will be identified by its descriptive name such as Primary Care Center, Physician Hospital Organization (PHO), Independent Practice Association (IPA), Primary Provider Group (PPG), or any other model. The INSURER is responsible for the availability of all necessary providers to cover both the basic and the special coverage.

HEALTH AREA/REGION: The SOUTH WEST Health Area/Region as defined by the ADMINISTRATION, composed of the municipalities of GUANICA, GUAYANILLA, PENUELAS, PONCE, AND YAUCO.

HIPAA: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is federal legislation (Public law 104-191) approved by Congress in August 21, 1996 regulating the continuity and portability of health plans, mandating the adoption and implementation of administrative simplification standards to prevent, fraud, abuse, improve health plan overall operations and guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of individually identifiable health information.

INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT: The benefits provided to eligible subscribers that are: 1) unmarried single adults without minor dependents; or 2) married adults whose spouse and/or dependents are not eligible for coverage under this program; or 3) Female beneficiaries (except spouse) covered under family contract who become pregnant as of the first day of the month the pregnancy is diagnosed and reported to the INSURER.

INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATION (IPA): A managed care delivery model in which the INSURER contracts with a physician organization which, in turn, contracts with individual physicians. The IPA physicians practice in their own offices and continue to see their fee-for-service patients. This type of system combines prepayment with the traditional means of delivering health care, a physician office/private practice. For the purpose of this contract, an IPA will be considered a Health Care Organization (HCO).

INSURER: TRIPLE-S, INC., is a private entity which meets the definition of a managed care organization (MCO), previously known as a state defined HMO, has a


comprehensive risk contract primarily for the purpose of providing health care services, making the services it provides accessible (in terms of timeliness, amount, duration and scope) as those services are to other Medicaid recipients within the Area/Region served by the entity and meets the solvency standards under the law as a state licensed risk-bearing entity.

MANAGED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ORGANIZATION (MBHO): An entity constituted by Mental Health Participating Providers and organized with the purpose of negotiating contracts to provide mental health and substance abuse services.

MEDICARE: Federal health insurance program for people 65 or older, people of any age with permanent kidney failure, and certain disabled people according to Title XVIII of the Social Security Act. Medicare has two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A is the hospital insurance that includes inpatient hospital care and certain follow up care. Part B is medical insurance that includes doctor services and many other medical services and items. A Medicare recipient is a person who has either Part A or Part A and B insurance.

MEDICARE BENEFICIARY: Any person who is a Medicare recipient of Part A or Part A and B and complies with the definition of beneficiary established in this article.

MEDICALLY NECESSARY SERVICES: shall mean services or supplies provided by an institution, physician, or other providers that are required to identify or treat a beneficiary's illness, disease, or injury and which are:

a. Consistent with the symptoms or diagnosis and treatment of the enrollee's illness, disease, or injury; and

b. Appropriate with regard to standards of good medical practice; and

c. Not solely for the convenience of an enrollee, physician, institution or other provider; and

d. The most appropriate supply or level of services which can safely be provided to the enrollee. When applied to the care of an inpatient, it further means that services for the enrollee's medical symptoms or condition require that the services cannot be safely provided to the enrollee as an outpatient; and

e. When applied to enrollees under 21 years of age, services shall be provided in accordance with EPSDT requirements including federal regulations as described in 42 CFR Part 441, Subpart B, and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989.

MENTAL HEALTH FACILITIES: Any premises (a) owned, leased, used or operated directly or indirectly by or for the Managed Behavioral Health Organization
(MBHO) or its affiliates for purposes related to this Agreement; or (b)
maintained by a subcontractor or provider to provide mental health services on behalf of the Managed Behavioral Health Organization.


MENTAL HEALTH CARVE-OUT: Specified psychiatric, behavioral, and substance abuse services covered under the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Plan provided through a contract with a separate entity.

NON-PARTICIPATING PROVIDER: All health care services providers that do not have a contract in effect with the INSURER. Said provider is barred from providing services under this contract.

PARTICIPATING PHYSICIAN: A doctor of medicine that is legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and has a contract in effect with the INSURER.

PARTICIPATING PROVIDER: All health care services providers that have a contract in effect with the INSURER.

owns, directly or indirectly five percent (5%) or more of the insurer's capital or stock or receives five percent (5%) or more of its profits; has an interest in any mortgage, deed of trust, note, or other obligations secured in whole or in part by the insurer or by its property or assets, and that interest is equal to or exceeds five percent (5%) of the total property and assets of the insurer; or is an officer or director of the INSURER.

PHYSICIAN INCENTIVE PLAN: Any compensation arrangements between INSURER and physician or physician groups that may directly or indirectly have the effect of reducing or limiting services furnished to Medicaid recipients enrolled with the insurer.

PRE-AUTHORIZATION: A written or electronic approval by the INSURER to the beneficiary granting authorization for a benefit to be provided under the Special Coverage of the program. The beneficiary is responsible for obtaining the pre-authorization for coverage in order to receive covered benefits that require it. Failure to obtain pre-authorization precludes coverage. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the INSURER has the option of not requiring pre-authorization for all services received within a particular HCO.

PREMIUM: The monthly amount that the ADMINISTRATION agrees to pay to the INSURER as a result of having assumed the financial risk for providing the benefits to the beneficiaries covered. Method of payment is referred to hereunder as per member per month (PMPM).

PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN (GATEKEEPER): A doctor of medicine legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, who initially evaluates and provides treatment to beneficiaries. He/she is responsible for determining the services required by the beneficiaries, provides continuity of care, and refers the beneficiaries to specialized services if deemed medically necessary. Primary physicians will be considered those professionals accepted as such in the local


and federal jurisdictions. The following are considered primary care physicians:
Pediatricians, Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Family Physicians, Internists and General Practitioners. Each female beneficiary with a pregnancy factor has to select an obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. Once the pregnant woman completes her maternity care period, she will be allowed to continue with her primary care physician.

PROVIDER: An individual or entity that is authorized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to provide health care services.

PRICO: Acronym for the Puerto Rico Insurance Commissioner's Office, the state agency responsible for regulating, fiscalizing, and licensing insurance business in Puerto Rico.

SECOND MEDICAL OPINION: A consultation with a peer requested by the beneficiary, the HCO, a Participating Physician or the INSURER to assess the appropriateness of a previous recommendation for surgery or medical treatment.

SECONDARY or SPECIALTY PHYSICIAN: A physician such as a dermatologist, urologist or cardiologist, who provides professional services on a referral from a Primary Care Provider.

SUBSCRIBER: The beneficiary covered under the individual coverage of the plan or the principal beneficiary who grants eligibility to all those beneficiaries included under the family coverage.

SUPPORT PARTICIPATING PROVIDERS: Health care service providers who are needed to complement and provide support services to the Primary Care Physicians and who have a contract with the INSURER to provide said services. A referral from the Gatekeeper is necessary. The following will be considered support participating providers, among others: Pharmacies, Hospitals, Health Related Professionals, Clinical Laboratories, Radiological Facilities, Podiatrists, Optometrists, and all those participating providers that may be needed to provide services under the basic and special coverage considering the specific health problems of the Area/Region.

SUPPORT PARTICIPATING PHYSICIANS: Doctors of Medicine legally authorized to practice medicine and surgery within Puerto Rico who are needed to complement and provide support services to the Primary Care Physicians and who have a contract with the INSURER to provide said services. A referral from the Gatekeeper is necessary.

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT (QI): The ongoing process of responding to data gathered through quality monitoring efforts, in such a way as to improve the quality of health care delivered to individuals. This process necessarily involves follow-up studies of the measures taken to effect change in order to demonstrate that the desired change has occurred.


UTILIZATION MANAGEMENT (UM): The process of evaluating necessity appropriateness and efficiency of healthcare services through the revision of information about hospital, service or procedure from patients and/or providers to determine whether it meets established guidelines and criteria approved by the MCO.


INSURER must maintain the organizational and administrative capacity and capabilities to carry out all duties and responsibilities under this contract.

INSURER must maintain assigned staff with the capacity and capability to provide all services to all Beneficiaries under this contract.

INSURER must maintain an administrative office in the service area (local office). The local office must comply with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for public buildings.

INSURER must provide training and development programs to all assigned staff to ensure they know and understand the service requirements under this contract including the reporting requirements, the policies and procedures, cultural and linguistic requirements and the scope of services to be provided. The training and development plan must be submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION.

INSURER must notify THE ADMINISTRATION immediately no later than 30 days after the effective date of this contract of any changes in its organizational chart as previously submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION.

INSURER must notify THE ADMINISTRATION immediately within fifteen (15) working days of any change in regional or office managers. This information must be updated whenever there is a significant change in organizational structure or personnel.


1. Eligibility shall be determined according to Article VI, Section 5 of Law 72 of September 7, 1993 and the federal laws and regulations governing eligibility requirements for the Medicaid Program.

2. The INSURER shall provide coverage for all the eligible beneficiaries as provided in the prior section.

3. The INSURER shall inform beneficiaries, who are also Medicare recipients with Part A or Part A and B, at the time of enrollment that if they choose to become beneficiaries under the contracted health insurance, the benefits provided under said contract will be accessed exclusively through the primary care physician. In this situation:


a) bad debt reimbursement, as a result of non-payment of deductibles and/or co-insurance, for covered Part A services and Part B services provided in hospital setting, other than physician services;

b) payment for covered Part A services;

c) payment for Part B outpatient services provided in a hospital setting; and

d) all covered Part B services, will continue to be recognized as a covered reimbursable Medicare Program cost. Medicare beneficiaries with either Part A or Part A and B can choose to access their Part A or Part B services from the Medicare's providers list except that in this case the INSURER will not cover the payment of any benefits provided through this contract.

4. The INSURER represents that neither the capitated amount paid to each HCO nor the fee for service amount paid to all providers includes payment for services covered under the Medicare Federal Program. The primary care physicians, the participating providers or any other physician contracted on a salary basis cannot receive duplicate payments for those beneficiaries that have Medicare Part A or Part B coverage. The INSURER further represents that it will audit and review its billing data to avoid duplicate payment with the Medicare Program. The INSURER shall report its findings to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis. The ADMINISTRATION will audit and review Medicare billing data for Part A or Part B payment for beneficiaries eligible to said Federal Program.

5. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service through the amount paid to the HCO.

6. The INSURER guarantees to maintain adequate services for the Health Area/Region for the prompt enrollment of all eligible beneficiaries on a daily basis and in the order of their application. The INSURER shall maintain sufficient facilities within the Area/Region as needed. The subscriber shall be responsible for visiting the designated facility in order to complete all requirements towards enrollment. The INSURER shall enroll the beneficiary(ies) and issue the official identification card(s) on the same day that the subscriber completes the enrollment requirements. Initial orientation and enrollment will be conducted pursuant to the Instructions to Insurers for Implementation of Orientation and Subscription Process contained in ADDENDUM II.

The INSURER shall be responsible to provide the subscriber with specific information allowing for the prompt and reliable enrollment of all eligible individuals.


7. The ADMINISTRATION shall notify the INSURER on a daily basis of all beneficiaries who have become eligible, as well as those who have ceased to be eligible. The INSURER shall guarantee the maintenance, functionality, and reliability of all necessary systems to allow enrollment or disenrollment of subscribers.

8. The beneficiary becomes eligible for enrollment as of the date specified in the ADMINISTRATION's notification to the INSURER.

9. The beneficiary ceases to be eligible as of the disenrollment date specified in the ADMINISTRATION's notification to the INSURER. If the ADMINISTRATION notifies the INSURER that the beneficiary ceased to be eligible on or before the last working day of the month in which eligibility ceases, the disenrollment will be effective on the first day of the following month. Disenrollment will be effected exclusively by a notification issued by the ADMINISTRATION.

10. If, following disenrollment, a beneficiary's contract is reinstated and the beneficiary is re-enrolled on the same month of disenrollment, the contract will be reinstated as of the date of re-enrollment and the ADMINISTRATION will pay premiums on a pro-rata basis for that month.

11. The INSURER agrees to maintain active enrollment for those beneficiaries reported eligible by the ADMINISTRATION. Notification of eligible persons will be made through electronic transmissions or machine readable media. The ADMINISTRATION will forward this data to the INSURER in the format agreed by both parties in accordance with the Daily Update/Carrier Eligibility File Format as required in the RFP.

12. Coverage under the plan shall begin the day that the enrollment process has been completed. The INSURER will guarantee that it will be ready to notify the ADMINISTRATION of all newly enrolled beneficiaries through electronic or magnetic media on a daily basis upon the Administration's request. This notification will include all new beneficiaries as of the day before the notification is issued and will be sent to the ADMINISTRATION no later than the following working day after the enrollment process has been completed. Premiums shall be paid on a pro-rata basis as of the date that the enrollment process was completed and the official identification card has been issued, to the end of the month, as specified in the INSURER's notification to the ADMINISTRATION. Premium payments, if applicable, for newborn of beneficiaries will accrue as of the date of birth of the child in the event that the enrollment process of said new beneficiary is completed. Premium payments shall be paid retroactively to the INSURER upon enrollment of the newborn. The insurer will pay the providers for the services rendered to that newborn. Nevertheless the newborn will be considered an insured beneficiary under his mother's coverage during the neonatal period, thirty (30) days.


13. In case that an individual has been certified as eligible by the Department of Health but has not completed the enrollment process, and he/she or his/her dependents need emergency services, the ADMINISTRATION shall verify the eligibility status of the individual. If the individual is eligible as a beneficiary, emergency services will be provided as if the individual is a beneficiary and arrangements for the issuance of the identification card will be made immediately after the notification of eligibility is made by the ADMINISTRATION to the INSURER. The premium in this instance will be paid to the INSURER on a prorata basis from the moment the emergency services needed are provided or the identification card is issued, whichever is first. For the purpose of this situation, the enrollment process is the process that commences at the time that the ADMINISTRATION gives notice to the INSURER of the beneficiaries eligibility status, and results in a letter to said beneficiary establishing the date and location for the completion of the enrollment documents and selection of the HCO. Said process ends when the beneficiary has selected an HCO from those available in the Health Area/Region and has received an identification card.

Nothing provided in this section is intended to affect a provider's obligation to screen and stabilize an individual arriving at its facilities for emergency treatment as defined by EMTALA and the applicable Commonwealth laws.

14. Coverage shall end effective on the date of disenrollment. Premiums will be paid until the effective date of disenrollment. In the event of disenrollment while the beneficiary is an inpatient of a hospital on the last day of the month of coverage, and continues to be an inpatient of a hospital during the month following his disenrollment, the ADMINISTRATION will cover the payment of the premium for that following month. If the beneficiary remains hospitalized in subsequent months, the conversion clause will apply for the months after the one being paid by the ADMINISTRATION it being the INSURER's responsibility to assure that premiums are paid. Disenrollment will be effected exclusively by a notification issued by the ADMINISTRATION.

15. The INSURER shall not in any way discriminate nor terminate coverage of any beneficiary(ies) for reasons due to adverse change in recipient's health, or based on expectations that an enrollee will require high cost care, or need of health services, or any reason whatsoever, except for non-payment of premiums or fraudulent use of benefits or participation of fraudulent acts, after prior notification and consultation with the ADMINISTRATION.

16. The INSURER agrees to maintain an Enrollment Data Base which:

a) includes each subscriber and all beneficiaries;

b) contains for each subscriber and beneficiary the information technically defined in the (Carrier Response Billing File/Carrier Eligibility File) formats required in RFP.


17. The INSURER will secure on the date of enrollment a signed statement from the subscriber authorizing the Federal Government, the INSURER, the ADMINISTRATION and/or their designees to review the medical record of the subscriber and other beneficiaries, in order to determine quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services performed under this contract. The terms, content and specifications of said authorization shall be consistent with the standards set forth in 45 CFR 164.508 et seq., part of the regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

18. All individually identified information of services related to beneficiaries which is obtained by the INSURER shall be confidential and shall be used or disclosed by the INSURER, the HCO and/or its participating providers only for purposes directly connected with performance of all obligations contained in this contract. Medical records and management information data concerning any beneficiary enrolled pursuant to this contract shall be confidential and shall be disclosed within the INSURER's organization or to other persons, as authorized by the ADMINISTRATION, only as necessary to provide medical care and quality, peer or grievance review of such medical care under the terms of this contract and in coordination with the mental health carve-out contract subscribed by ASSMCA. The confidentiality provisions herein contained shall survive the termination of this contract and shall bind the INSURER, its HCOs and the INSURER's participating providers as long as they maintain any individually identifiable information relating to beneficiaries as provided in the implementation of the HIPAA regulation schedule to be set forth by the Federal Government, 45 CFR 164.102 et. seq. Any request for information which is made by third parties not related to this contract will be forwarded to the ADMINISTRATION for consideration, review and decision as to the pertinence of the request and the authorization for disclosure.

Nothing in this section shall limit or affect the ADMINISTRATION's, the INSURER and/or providers obligations regarding protected individually identifiable health information as provided in 45 CFR 164.102 et seq. (HIPAA) regulations.

Disclosure of individually identifiable health information to any business associate as defined in 45 CFR 164.504(e) of the HIPAA regulations by the INSURER shall entail the legal obligations set forth therein.

19. The INSURER agrees to notify the ADMINISTRATION immediately of any change in the place of residence of the subscriber, insofar as the subscriber makes the change known to the INSURER. Address changes will be forwarded through electronic and/or machine-readable media as referred in paragraph sixteen.


20. The INSURER agrees to implement a program whereby eligible beneficiaries are properly advised of the date of termination of their eligibility so as to assure that they complete the recertification process prior to said date. Said program should provide for an initial notice of the termination date at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of the eligibility termination.

21. The INSURER hereby commits to comply with the electronic transactions, security and privacy requirements of the HIPAA regulations as provided in 45CFR 160 and 142 et seg. within the implementation dates set forth therein or by subsequent regulations schedule.

22. DISENROLLMENT The INSURER has a limited right to request a beneficiary be disenrolled from INSURER without the beneficiary's consent. THE ADMINISTRATION must approve any INSURER request for disenrolling a beneficiary for cause.

Disenrollment of a beneficiary may be permitted under the following circumstances:

(a) Beneficiary misuses or loans its membership card to another person to obtain services.

(b) Beneficiary is disruptive, unruly, threatening or uncooperative to the extent that beneficiary's membership seriously impairs INSURER's or provider's ability to provide services to beneficiaries or to obtain new beneficiaries, and beneficiary's behavior is not caused by a physical or other mental health condition.

The INSURER must take reasonable measures to improve a beneficiary's behavior prior to requesting disenrollment and must notify beneficiary of its intent to disenroll. Reasonable measure may include providing education and counseling regarding the offensive acts or behavior.

INSURER must notify the beneficiary of the INSURER's decision to disenroll after reasonable measures have failed to remedy the problem.

If the beneficiary disagrees with the decision to disenroll the beneficiary from INSURER, INSURER MUST notify the beneficiary of the availability of the complaint of Grievance Procedure and THE ADMINISTRATION's Fair Hearing process.

If the beneficiary disagrees with the decision to disenroll, INSURER must notify the Beneficiary of the availability of the complaint procedure and compliance with Fair Hearing Process, or as provided by Law 72 of September 7, 1993, as amended.



1. Each principal subscriber shall have the right to select an HCO from those available in the health Area/Region which at no time will be less than two (2) HCOs at each municipality, one of which has to be a privatized or non-privatized government or municipal facility if available, and subject to compliance with INSURER's requirements for HCO's. The selection of the HCO or primary care physician will be made by the beneficiaries at the insurance regional offices.

The right of beneficiaries to transfer or change from an HCO shall be made at any time without cause during the first 90 days following the date of the beneficiary's initial enrollment or the date of enrollment notice is sent, whichever is later, and at most once every twelve (12) months thereafter, and for any of the causes of disenrollment set forth on 42 CFR 438.56 at any time.

2. Each HCO will have available at least one of each specialist considered a primary care physician and shall meet the specification of the ratio specified in Article VI, and will have a sufficient number of primary care physicians to provide health care services to all beneficiaries according to the ratio specified in Article VI. Furthermore, the INSURER will provide to each HCO a network with a sufficient number of participating providers to render all services included under the basic, special and dental coverage to beneficiaries pursuant to the ratio specified in Article VI.

3. The beneficiary shall have the right to choose his or her primary care physician from those available within the HCO selected by the principal subscriber. Said right also encompasses the change of the selected primary physician at any time by making the proper administrative arrangements within the HCO in conformity with the HCO's established policy. The selected primary care physician or the substitute on-duty primary care physician within the HCO must be available on a 24 hour basis for emergencies and/or telephone consultations. Each HCO must have available all of the primary care physicians (family physicians, internists, general practitioners, pediatricians and obstetrician-gynecologist) subject to waivers in case of unavailability of a specific provider.

4. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) municipality within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.

5. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) HCO within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.


6. Each female beneficiary may select (i) primary care physician, or (ii) primary care physician and obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. If the female is pregnant, the obstetrician-gynecologist automatically will become the primary care physician; if one is not previously selected, she will then have to choose an obstetrician-gynecologist as her primary care physician. Once the pregnant woman completes her maternity care period, she will be allowed to continue with her original primary care physician.

7. Any subscriber may change the selected HCO subject to the provisions of
Section I, above. If the request for an HCO change is filed with the INSURER on or before the fifth day of each month the change of HCO will become effective on the first day of the next month. If the change is filed after the fifth day of the month, the change in HCO will be effective on the first day of the second succeeding month. Selection guidelines are contemplated in Article VI, paragraph 3 of this contract.

8. The beneficiary shall have the right to choose the provider to be referred to from those participating providers within the HCO's network that are under contract with the INSURER's for benefits covered under the Basic and Special Coverage.

9. Dental services will be provided through the INSURER's network of dentists for the health insurance services contracted. Each subscriber will have the right to select a dentist within the INSURER's network to receive dental services. The accepted dentist/beneficiary ratio is one
(1) dentist for each one thousand three hundred fifty (1,350) beneficiaries.

10. In the event that HCOs under 330 Projects of the Rural Health Initiative have contracts with specialists, support participating providers, or support participating physicians, either on a fee-for-service basis or on a salary basis, the INSURER will be responsible for gathering and reporting all required data including the payment of services described in Article VII, Section five (5), Article XV, sections four (4) and eight (8), and the Record of Service File Layout formats as required in the RFP.

11. The INSURER will provide to each principal subscriber a complete list of all participating physicians and participating providers, with addresses and specialties or health related services offered, in order to allow the beneficiary to choose among them.

12. The beneficiary shall also have the right to choose the pharmacy according to applicable PBM guidelines established by the ADMINISTRATION and any other participating providers among those contracted by the ADMINISTRATION for basic and/or special coverage services, said guidelines to become effective sixty (60) days after notice to INSURER. The ADMINISTRATION will determine the acceptable pharmacy/beneficiary ratio in order to assure access to the pharmacy benefits. The right to choose requires the availability of sufficient number of pharmacies in each municipality of residence of the beneficiaries.


13. The INSURER will develop and effectively disseminate an education and orientation program in order to insure that all eligible beneficiaries are aware of their rights under this contract, including their right to choose physicians and providers. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to make changes, modifications and recommendations to said program in coordination and agreement with the INSURER. This program shall be subject to approval by the ADMINISTRATION prior to its implementation and in compliance with the marketing guidelines and prohibitions referred in Article IX.

14. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the ADMINISTRATION shall preserve the right in coordination with INSURER, to expand, limit or otherwise amend the provision of services as provided for herein and/or to negotiate in coordination with the INSURER, cost saving and efficiency improvement measures. In those cases in which the ADMINISTRATION acts on its own, changes to the provision of services shall be notified to the INSURER no later than 30 days prior to implementation. Said modifications will take place after consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER.


1. The INSURER shall be a secondary payor to any other party liable in any claim for services to a beneficiary, including but not limited to: the INSURER itself, Medicare, other insurers or health maintenance organizations, non-profit INSURER's operating under law 152 approved May 9, 1942 as amended, Asociacion de Maestros de Puerto Rico, medical plans sponsored by employee organizations, labor unions, and any other entity that results liable for the benefits claimed against the INSURER for coverage to beneficiaries.

2. It shall be the responsibility of the INSURER to ascertain that the aforementioned provisions of Law 72 of September 7, 1993 are enforced and that the INSURER acts as secondary payor to any other medical insurance.

3. The ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER will cooperate in the exchange of third parties health insurance benefits information. To this effect the INSURER will comply fully with the Carta Normativa Numero N-E-5-95-98 issued by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner of Puerto Rico and the HIPAA regulations provisions cited elsewhere in this contract.

4. The INSURER will make diligent efforts to determine if beneficiaries have third party coverage and will attempt to utilize such coverage when applicable. The INSURER, will be permitted to retain 100% of the collections from subrogation. The plan's experience will be credited with the amount collected from said primary payor.


5. The INSURER must report quarterly to the ADMINISTRATION the amounts collected from third parties for health services provided. Said reports must provide a detailed description of the beneficiary's name, contract number, third party payor name and address, date of service, diagnosis and provider's name and address and identification number.

6. The INSURER must report quarterly to the ADMINISTRATION the amounts collected from third parties for health services provided according with standard format to be adopted by the ADMINISTRATION. Said reports must provide a detailed description of the beneficiary's name, contract number, third party payor name and address, date of service, diagnosis and provider's name and address and identification number.

7. The INSURER shall develop specific procedures for the exchange of information, collections and reporting of other primary payor sources and is required to verify its own eligibility files for information on whether or not the beneficiary has private health insurance within the INSURER.

8. The INSURER must implement and execute, an effective and diligent mechanism in order to assure the collection from primary payors of all benefits covered under this contract. Said program, mechanisms and method of implementation shall be reported to the ADMINISTRATION as of the first date of the effectiveness of this contract.

9. Failure of the INSURER to comply with this Article may, at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, be cause for the application of the provisions under Article XXXIII.


1. In cases of emergency or immediate need of medical care within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the INSURER will be responsible for the payment of emergency service provided to beneficiaries when the emergency or immediate need of medical care occurs within its network or outside of its network or the geographical Area/Region of the selected HCO's emergency care facility. Such services must be paid by the INSURER regardless of whether the entity that furnishes the service has contracted with the INSURER and no prior authorization shall be required by the INSURER for the provision of emergency services. The INSURER will assume the payment of the medical screening examinations or other medically necessary emergency services, whether or not the patients meets the prudent layperson standard, in the event that the beneficiary's PCP or any INSURER representative or provider instructs them to seek emergency care within or out of its network area/region.


Such services shall consist of whatever is necessary to stabilize the patient's condition, unless the expected medical benefits of a transfer outweigh the risk of not undertaking the transfer, and the transfer conforms with all applicable requirements. The stabilization services includes all treatment that may be necessary to assure within reasonable medical probability, that no material deterioration of the patients condition is likely to result from or occur during discharge of the patient or transfer of patient to another facility.

In the event of a disagreement with the provider concerning whether a patient is stable enough in order to be discharged or transferred or whether the medical benefits outweight the risk, the judgement of the attending physician caring for the enrollee will prevail and oblige the INSURER. Such services shall be provided in such a manner as to allow the subscriber to be stable for discharge or transfer as defined by EMTALA, in order to safely return the subscriber to the corresponding HCO, or to an appropriate participating provider for continuation of treatment.

2. Since emergency care is of utmost concern to the ADMINISTRATION, the INSURER shall require that adequate ambulance transportation and emergency medical care are available. Each municipality shall have access to an emergency care system composed of ground, air and maritime ambulance transportation as necessary, and emergency medical care.

3. Ambulance transportation and emergency care will be subject to periodic reviews by applicable governmental agencies to ensure the highest quality of services.

4. All participating providers shall provide immediate emergency care services to beneficiaries when requested.

5. Emergency care services as well as ambulance transportation services shall exist in each municipality comprising the health area/region, 24 hours a day, and 365 days yearly, operated by an HCO, or by other participating providers.

6. The INSURER and each HCO is required to provide access to emergency care and ambulance transportation services within their own facilities, through their contracted, participating providers or through contract with third parties that guarantee said emergency care and ambulance transportation twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week.

7. The INSURER will assure that each HCO makes the necessary arrangements to have readily available ambulance services in good mechanical condition and properly equipped, in order to assure a prompt and effective ambulance transportation service.

8. The INSURER or the HCO will establish Urgent Care Centers within the Health Area/Region. These include physician offices and clinics with extended hours.


These Urgent Care Centers may complement emergency care services but at no time will they substitute the requirement to have emergency care services and ambulance transportation available at each municipality 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days yearly.

9. The INSURER will provide beneficiaries access to a 24-hour-a-day toll-free hotline with licensed qualified professionals to help beneficiaries with questions about particular medical conditions and to guide them to appropriate facilities (emergency rooms, urgent care centers, among others). Notwithstanding, the aforementioned statement, the beneficiary will have the right to choose to attend an emergency room if he believes his condition is an emergency medical condition, as defined in this contract, without prior need of authorization or certification.


1. The INSURER will contract all available private providers that meet its credentialing process and agree to its contractual terms, in order to assure sufficient participating providers, to satisfy the demand of covered services by the beneficiaries enrolled in the program. The physician/beneficiary ratio accepted is one (1) primary care physician for each eight hundred and fifty (850) beneficiaries; one (1) specialist (not primary care) for each one thousand one hundred (1,100) beneficiaries; and, one (1) physician (all) for each eight hundred
(800) beneficiaries. These ratio does not take into account the expected mix between private patients and beneficiaries which could increase the physicians capacity to 1:1,700 for primary care physicians; 1:2,200 for specialists and 1:1,600 for all physicians. In the event that the HCOs provides services only to beneficiaries under this contract, the physician/beneficiary ratio will be the same to that applicable when there is a mix between private patients and beneficiaries. The INSURER will assure compliance with said physician/beneficiary ratio.

2. The INSURER shall be responsible to contract all the necessary health care services and participating providers to insure that all the benefits covered under the Basic, Dental and Special Coverage of the plan are rendered, through the INSURER's participating providers with the timeliness, amount, duration and scope as those services are rendered to non-enrolled Medicaid recipients within the area/region served.

3. Every subscriber shall be able to select from at least two (2) HCOs with sufficient enrollment capacity in his or her municipality, one of which will be a privatized government facility, if available and subject to compliance with INSURER's requirements for HCOs. Each subscriber shall also be able to choose a HCO outside his or her municipality of domicile as provided for in Article III, paragraph 1 of this contract.


4. A primary care physician can only act as such in only one (1) municipality within the Health Area/Region subject of this contract and must be available to attend the health care needs of the beneficiary on a twenty four (24) hour basis, seven (7) days a week.

5. Contracts between the INSURER and HCOs and between the INSURER and its participating providers shall be independent contracts specifically designed to cover all terms and conditions contained in this contract. Coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.

6. HCO enrollment shall be conditioned on the availability of adequate health care services. It shall be the INSURER's responsibility to maintain a constant assessment of the enrollment capacity of each HCO. Adequate health care services will be those determined acceptable under the ADMINISTRATION's Compliance Evaluation Program as outlined in Article XVII of this contract.

7. That INSURER shall be responsible for communicating to its participating providers the public policy that prohibits provider inquiries with the purpose of determining if the beneficiary is subject to the benefits provided under Law 72 of September 7, 1993.

8. The INSURER is responsible for the development and maintenance of an adequate system for referrals of health services under this contract. It shall audit all systems and processes related to referrals of services that the HCO'S or participating providers implement. In no way the INSURER, HCO'S or any provider's Referral Committee may interfere, prohibit, or restrict any health care professional's advice within their scope of practice. The referral system must be approved by the Administration.

9. All referral systems must comply with timeframes established in paragraph (23). If the system developed by the INSURER is by electronic means, it must be installed at all primary care offices. It is unacceptable to force the beneficiary to move to another facility to obtain referrals.

10. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that no HCO'S or participating providers will impose limit quotas or restrain services to subcontracted providers for the services medically needed (e.g. laboratory, pharmacies, or other services).

11. The INSURER shall expedite access to benefits of beneficiaries diagnosed with conditions under the Special Coverage. The identification of these beneficiaries will allow rapid access of the medical services covered under our Special Coverage.


12. Any denial, unreasonable delay or rationing of services to the beneficiaries is expressly prohibited. The INSURER shall require strict compliance with this prohibition by its participating providers or any other entity related to the rendering of medical care services to the beneficiaries. Any action in violation of this prohibition shall be subject to the provisions of Article VI, Section 6 of Law 72 of September 7, 1993. Furthermore, the INSURER shall be responsible for posting information at every HCO, addressed to the beneficiaries, stating the policy that prohibits denying, unreasonably delaying or rationing services by participating providers or any other entity related to the rendering of medical care services to the beneficiaries, and providing information on procedures for filing a grievance on the subject. The INSURER shall notify the HCOs and participating providers that they must comply with the policy that prohibits the denial, the unreasonable delay or the rationing of services by participating providers or any other entity rendering medical services to beneficiaries, and further that they must provide information on procedures for filing a grievance. The INSURER shall comply with the performance measures established and scheduled by the ADMINISTRATION.

13. The INSURER will ensure that HCOs and participating providers have a mix of patients distributed between private and eligible beneficiaries so as to avoid any possibility of discrimination by reason of medical indigence, whenever feasible.

14. No participating provider, or its agents, may deny a beneficiary access to medically necessary health care services, except for the reasons specified in Article VI, section 6 of Law 72 of September 7, 1993.

15. The INSURER is responsible for having an adequate number of participating physicians and providers to supply all the benefits offered in the Basic, Dental and the Special Coverage of the contracted health insurance. The benefits under the Basic, Special and Dental coverage will be provided to the beneficiaries at the location of the participating providers.

16. The INSURER is responsible to have available all participating providers needed in order to render all the medically necessary services required to provide the beneficiaries with the benefits included in the Basic, Dental and Special Coverage of the contracted health insurance as specified in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

17. The INSURER agrees to require compliance by all participating physicians and providers with all provisions contained in this contract.

18. The INSURER has a continuous legal responsibility toward the ADMINISTRATION to assure that all activities under this contract are carried out. INSURER will use its best efforts to prevent unauthorized actions by HCOs or participating providers. INSURER will take appropriate measures to ensure that all activities under this Contract are carried out. Failure to properly discharge the


obligation to assure, by all means necessary and appropriate, full compliance with said activities, shall result in the termination of this contract as provided in Article XXXIII hereof.

19. Pursuant to the Health Reform Concept of 1993, the INSURER shall contract as participating providers those Commonwealth owned facilities that have been privatized in the Health Area/Region by virtue of Laws 103 of July 12, 1985, and 190 of September 5, 1996, the 330 and 339 Projects of the Rural Health Initiatives, those State owned facilities not privatized, as well as the privatized or non privatized municipally owned facilities in the different areas/regions and regions which will complement access to covered medical services, subject to its credentialing requirements and contractual terms.

20. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that physician and providers of services under this contract will provide the full range medical counseling that is appropriate for beneficiaries condition. In no way the INSURER or any of its contractors may interfere, prohibit, or restrict any health care professional's advice within their scope of practice, regardless of whether a care or treatment is covered under the contract.

21. The INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that its Physician Incentive Plan does not in any way compensate directly or indirectly physicians, individual physicians, group of physicians or subcontractors as an inducement to reduce or limit medically necessary services furnished to individual enrollee and that it meets the stop-loss protection and enrollee survey and disclosure requirements under the Social Security Act. The INSURER shall ensure that at the intermediate level all physician providers groups are afforded with adequate stop-loss protection within the required thresholds under the Medicaid Program regulations.

22. If the Insurer's Physician Incentive Plan in any respect places physicians at substantial financial risk, INSURER assures that adequate stop-loss insurance will be maintained to protect physicians from loss beyond the risk thresholds established under sections 42CFR 422.208. In the event, INSURER places physicians at substantial risk it shall conduct enrollee/disenrollee surveys not later than one year after the effective date of the contract and at least annually thereafter.

23. Timeframes for Access Requirements. INSURER must have sufficient network of providers and must establish procedures to ensure beneficiaries have access to routine, urgent, and emergency services; telephone appointments; advice and Beneficiaries service lines. These services must be accessible to beneficiaries within the following timeframes:

- Urgent Care within 24 hours of request;


- Routine care within 2 weeks of request;

- Physical/Wellness Exams for adults must be provided within 8 to 10 weeks of the request;

- Referrals: Appointments of referrals must be delivered and notified to beneficiaries within five (5) days from the date prescribed by the provider.

24. INSURER must establish policies and procedures to ensure access to EPSDT Checkups be provided within ninety (90) days of new enrollment, except that newborn beneficiaries should be seen within two (2) weeks of enrollment, and that in all cases, and for all beneficiaries such policies and procedures be consistent with the American Academy of Pediatrics and EPSDT periodicity schedule which is based on the American Academy of Pediatrics schedule and the guidelines established by the ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER must advice the beneficiary of his right to have a checkup.


1. All services necessary to provide beneficiaries the benefits of the Basic, Special and Dental Coverage shall be contracted in writing with all participating providers. The INSURER will ensure that all provisions and requirements contained in this contract are properly included in the contracts with the HCOs and with all participating providers and that they are carried out by said HCOs and participating providers. Such provisions and requirements made part of these contracts will be properly notified to the ADMINISTRATION. Coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.

2. The INSURER may not discriminate with respect to participation, reimbursement or indemnification as to any provider who is acting within the scope of the provider's license or certification under applicable Commonwealth.

3. The INSURER agrees to draft, execute and enforce a specific contract between the INSURER and the HCO and between the INSURER and its participating providers that will include all applicable provisions contained in this contract. The INSURER will insure that said applicable provisions are properly complied with by the HCOs and its network of participating providers.

To this effect, the Insurer also agrees to certify or attest that none of his contractors, subcontractors or providers of services: (1) consults, employs or procures services from any individual that has been debarred or suspended from


any federal agency; or (2) has a director, partner or employee with a beneficial ownership of more than a 5% on their organization's equity who has been debarred or suspended by any federal agency, or (3) procures self-referral of services to any provider in which it may have directly or indirectly any economic or proprietary interest.

The INSURER will certify and attest that it has provided all HCOs, complete written instructions describing procedures to be used for the compliance with all duties and obligations arising under this contract. These instructions will include the following information: provider selection by beneficiaries, covered services, reporting requirements, record-keeping requirements, grievance procedures, deductibles and co-payment amounts, confidentiality, and prohibitions against denial or rationing of services. Copy of these instructions will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION, who reserves the right to request modifications or amendments to said instructions following consultation with the INSURER.

4. The INSURER agrees to incorporate in its contracts with HCOs and in those between the INSURER and its participating providers, the following provisions, among others, contained in this contract:

a. A payment time schedule to pay the HCOs for services rendered and for payment for services rendered by the participating providers to the HCOs, the schedules will not exceed the time limitation standards required by the Administration under this contract to assure prompt payments of sums due to providers.

b. A warranty by the HCO insuring that the method and system used to pay for the services rendered by the HCO's network of participating providers are reasonable and that the negotiated terms do not jeopardize or infringe upon the quality of the services provided.

c. A procedure that establishes how the HCO's network of participating providers can recover from the INSURER monies owed for services rendered and not paid by the HCO, after the HCO's participating provider has demanded payment from the HCO.

d. That payments received for services rendered under the health insurance plan shall constitute full and complete payment except for: (i) the deductibles contained in ADDENDUM I of this contract, and (ii) that the benefits or services rendered is not covered. The INSURER will insure compliance with Article XVIII, paragraphs (6) and (7) of this contract.

e. a release clause authorizing access by the ADMINISTRATION to the participating providers' Medicare billing data for beneficiaries covered by this contract who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare beneficiaries, provided that such access is authorized by CMS and other related statutory or regulatory provisions thereof. Access by the ADMINISTRATION shall be at all times subject to all HIPAA regulations requirements mentioned elsewhere in this contract.


f. That INSURER will cover the payment of Medicare Part B deductibles and co-insurance for services received by a beneficiary under Medicare Part B, accessed through the HCO's primary care provider, with primary care physician's authorization their network of participating providers and the participating providers of the INSURER for the basic and/or special coverage.

g. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics and other institutional care providers, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service.

h. That the only Part A deductible and co-insurance, and Part B deductible and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in a hospital clinic and other institutional care providers, other that physician services, will be the one billed to Medicare as bad debt. No other amount will be charged to these beneficiaries. The INSURER will neither cover the payment of Medicare Part A deductibles and co-insurance for services received by a beneficiary under Medicare Part A nor the Part B deductible and co-insurance for services provided in hospital clinics, other than physician services. The INSURER will cover the deductibles and co-insurances of all Part B services including Part B deductibles and co-insurance for physician services provided in an outpatient basis to hospital clinics.

i. That coverage afforded to beneficiaries under this contract constitutes a direct obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein.

j. The INSURER will establish directives for psychotropic prescription dispatchment by providers in accordance with the applicable agreement with the pharmacy benefit managers (PBM). The ADMINISTRATION is evaluating an alternative arrangement for pharmacy benefit management, (PBM), which if agreeable to the parties will be implemented according to Article XXXII of this Contract.

5. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION a detailed description of the payment methodology used to pay for services rendered by the HCOs, HCO's network of providers (primary care physicians and other providers), and other participating providers. Said description of the payment methodology will also address the methodology used by the HCOs in the distribution within their own group of the capitation payments, fee for services or other basis for payment of services to providers servicing said HCOs. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION a monthly report detailing all payments made to the HCO, HCO's network of participating providers and to the INSURER's participating providers classified by specialty.

6. The INSURER represents that neither the premium or the capitated payments or capitated payments with a fee-for-service component for services, made to


HCOs, to HCO's network of participating providers, as well as to the INSURER's participating providers, include payment of services covered under the Medicare Federal Program.

7. As part of the terms and conditions contained in the contracts with participating providers, the INSURER will include in those with privatized government facilities (to include those under management contract, that have been sold or are under lease), a provision that will authorize the INSURER upon the written request of the Department of Health, to withhold a determined amount from the monthly payments to said participating providers for services rendered under this contract. Said amount will be determined by the Department of Health on the basis of the payments contractually agreed to between the Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and said participating providers on account of the management fee, sale price or lease fee, as well as 50% of the employees' payroll which the participating providers are required to reimburse the Department of Health. The INSURER will remit said withheld amounts directly to the Department of Health.

8. The INSURER shall provide all reasonable means necessary to ensure that the contracting practices between its participating HCO and providers are in compliance with federal anti-fraud provisions and particularly, in conformity with the limitations and prohibitions of the False Claims Act, the Anti-kickback statute and regulations and Stark II Law and regulations prohibiting self-referral to designated medical services by participating medical providers.

9. To the extent feasible within INSURER'S existing claims processing systems, INSURER should have a single or central address to which providers must submit claims. If a central processing center is not possible within INSURER's existing claims processing system, INSURER must provide each network provider a complete list of all entities to whom the providers must submit claims for processing and/or adjudication. The list must include the name of the entity, the address to which claims must be sent, explanation for determination of the correct claims payer based on services rendered, and a phone number the provider may call to make claims inquiries. INSURER must notify providers in writing of any changes in the claims filing list at least 30 days prior to effective date of change. If INSURER is unable to provide 30 days notice, providers must be given a 30-day extension on their claims filing deadline to ensure claims are routed to correct processing center.

10. The Administration and the Department of Health Medicaid Fraud Control Unit must be allowed to conduct private interviews of providers and the providers' employees, contractors, and patients. Requests for information must be complied with, in the form and language requested. Providers and their employees and contractors must cooperate fully in making themselves available in person for interviews, consultation, grand jury proceedings, pre-trial conference, hearings, trial and in any other process, including investigations.



INSURER must prepare and issue a Provider Manual(s), including any necessary specialty manuals to the providers in the INSURER network and to newly contracted providers in the INSURER network within five (5) working days from inclusion of the provider into the network. The Provider Manual must contain sections relating to special requirements.

INSURER must provide training to all network providers and their staff regarding the requirements of THE ADMINISTRATION/INSURER contract and special needs of beneficiaries under this contract.

INSURER training for all providers must be completed no later than 30 days after placing a newly contracted provider on active status. INSURER must provide on-going training to new and existing providers as required by INSURER or THE ADMINISTRATION to comply with this contract.

INSURER must maintain and make available upon request enrollment or attendance rosters dated and signed by each attendee or other written evidence of training of each network provider and their staff.


The providers in INSURER network must meet the following qualifications:

FQHC                      A Federally Qualified Health Center meets the
                          standards established by federal rules and procedures.
                          The FQHC must also be an eligible provider enrolled in
                          the Medicaid program.

Physician                 An individual who is licensed to practice medicine as
                          an M.D. or a D.O. in Puerto Rico either as a primary
                          care provider or in the area of specialization under
                          which they will provide medical services under
                          contract with INSURER; who is a provider enrolled in
                          the Medicaid program; and who has a valid Drug
                          Enforcement Agency registration number and a Puerto
                          Rico Controlled Substance Certificate, if either is
                          required in their practice.

Hospital                  An institution licensed as a general or special
                          hospital by the Puerto Rico Health Department under
                          Chapter 241 of the Health and Safety Code and Private
                          Psychiatric Hospitals under Chapter 577 of the Health
                          and Safety Code (or is a provider which is a component
                          part of a State or local government entity which does
                          not require a license under the laws of the
                          Commonwealth of Puerto Rico), which is enrolled as a
                          provider in the Puerto Rico Medicaid Program.


Non-Physician             An individual holding a license issued by the
Practitioner              applicable licensing agency of the Commonwealth of
Provider                  Puerto Rico who is enrolled in the Puerto Rico
                          Medicaid Program or an individual properly trained to
                          provide health support services who practices under
                          the direct supervision of an appropriately licensed

Clinical                  An entity having a current certificate issued under
Laboratory                the Federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act
                          (CLIA), and enrolled in the Puerto Rico Medicaid

Rural Health              An institution which meets all of the criteria for
Clinic (RHC)              designation as a rural health clinic, and enrolled in
                          the Puerto Rico Medicaid Program. (330, 329)

Local Health              A local health department established pursuant to
Department                Health and Safety Code, Title 2, Local Public Health
                          Reorganization Act ss.121.031ff.

Non-Hospital              A provider of health care services which is licensed
Facility                  and credentialed to provide services, and enrolled in
Provider                  our program.

School Based              Clinics located at school campuses that provide
Health Clinic             on-site primary and preventive care to children and
(SBHC)                    adolescents.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

1. The INSURER agrees to comply and implement in full all instructions and guidelines contained in the Administration's Instructions to Insurers for Implementation of Orientation and Subscription Process. (ADDENDUM II)

2. The INSURER shall issue to each beneficiary a card of durable plastic material that provides proper identification to access the benefits covered under this contract.

3. This card shall be similar to those the INSURER issues to the rest of their subscribers and shall not contain information that may identify the cardholder as medically indigent.

4. The INSURER shall be responsible to assure delivery of the cards at a location accessible to the beneficiaries in each municipality.


5. The INSURER shall deliver the card on the same day that the beneficiary completes the enrollment process.

6. The identification cards shall contain the following information:

a) Name of Beneficiary

b) INSURER's Group Number

c) Subscriber's Social Security Number

d) Relationship of beneficiary with subscriber (if applicable)

e) HCO name and number

f) Issue Date

g) Type of Contract (individual or family)

h) Coverage effective date

i) Other Insurance code

k) Medicare Part A and/or Part A and B deductible code.

7. The INSURER will replace lost, stolen, mutilated cards and will have the right to charge the beneficiaries one dollar ($1.00) for each card replaced.

8. The INSURER will replace free of charge the identification card whenever a change of HCO is made.

9. Identification cards are the property of the INSURER and they shall be returned by the beneficiary upon losing eligibility to the plan or when a change of HCO is made.

10. The INSURER shall be responsible for notifying each beneficiary that the identification card is for the personal identification of the beneficiary to whom it has been issued, and that lending, transferring or in any other way consenting to the use of the card by any other person constitutes a fraudulent act.

11. Identification Card contents and layout are subject to the prior approval of the ADMINISTRATION to be in accordance with Law 72 of September 7, 1993.


1. The INSURER shall be responsible for the preparation, printing and distribution, at its own cost, of booklets, in the Spanish language, that describe the plan and the benefits covered therein. The Insurer agrees to submit before the effective date of the contract a translated copy of the beneficiaries booklet in the English language by the proper revision of federal authorities. These booklets will be delivered to each subscriber upon enrollment, along with the required identification card(s).



3. The booklets shall serve as guarantee of the benefits to be provided and shall contain the following information:

a) Schedule of benefits covered, all services and items that are available and that are covered either directly or through methods of referral and/or prior authorization, a written description of how and where the services that have been available through the plan services may be obtained.

b) Benefit's exclusions and limitations. For benefits that enrollees are entitled to but are not available through the MCO, a written description on how and where to obtain benefits; description of procedures for requesting disenrollments/changes.

c) Beneficiary's rights and responsibilities, in accordance with specific rights and requirements to be afforded in accordance with Medical Program regulations 42 CFR 438.100 as amended, Puerto Rico Patient Bill of Rights Law 194, Puerto Rico Mental Health Code, August 25, 2000, as implemented by regulation, and Law 11 which creates the Office of Patients Solicitor General of April 11, 2001.

d) Instructions on how to access benefits, including a list of
(1) available HCO's and its participating providers, PCP or Specialists (its locations and qualifications), (2) providers from which to obtain benefits under the Special Coverage. Said list can be provided in a separate booklet.

e) Official grievances and appeal filing procedures.

f) In the event a Physician Incentive Plan affects the use of referral services and/or places physicians at substantial risk, the INSURER shall provide the following information upon beneficiaries requests: the type of incentive arrangements, whether stop-loss insurance is provided and the survey results of any enrollee/disenrollee surveys that will have to be conducted by INSURER.

g) Unless otherwise specified, subscription materials must be written at the 4th-6th grade reading comprehension level.

4. The booklets shall be approved by the ADMINISTRATION prior to printing, distribution, and dissemination in compliance with provisions of Article IX.

5. The INSURER shall also be responsible for the preparation, printing and distribution, at its own cost, of an Informative Bulletin, in the Spanish language, that describes the plan, services and benefits covered therein as well as the managed care concept. This Informative Bulletin will be distributed among the HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and the INSURER's participating providers.

6. The INSURER shall be responsible to conduct and assure the participation of all providers under this contract to diverse seminars to be held throughout the


Health Area/Region in order to properly orient and familiarize said providers with all aspects and requirements related to the Preventive Medicine Program, Benefits and Coverage under this contract, and the Managed Care concept. Said seminars will be organized, scheduled, conducted and offered at the expense of the INSURER. The curriculum for said seminars will be coordinated with and approved by the ADMINISTRATION Healthcare Coordinators.

7. All participating providers are mandatorily required to receive yearly during the contract term at least four (4) hours of orientation, education and familiarization with different aspects related to this contract on/or before the expiration of the first four and a half (4 1/2) months of the contract term. Failure to comply with this requirement will be sufficient grounds to exclude from the Health Insurance Program the participating provider. If, at the expiration of the first four and half (4 1/2) of the contract term, the participating provider has not fully complied with this requirement, it will be excluded as participating provider for subsequent periods of the contract or the contract term. At the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, and for good cause the excluded provider may be authorized to be contracted as a participating provider if it subsequently complies with the requirement.

8. The ADMINISTRATION will monitor and evaluate all marketing activities by the INSURER, its contractor, sub-contractors or any provider of services under this contract.

9. Any marketing material addressed to enrollees can not contain false or misleading information. All oral, written or audiovisual information addressed to enrollees should be accurate and sufficient for beneficiaries to make an informed consent decision whether or not to enroll and will have to be pre-approved by the ADMINISTRATION.

10. The INSURER, contractor or subcontractor or any providers of services must distribute the material to its entire service area/region. In the event the INSURER or any of its contractors develop new and revised materials they shall submit them to the ADMINISTRATION for prior approval.

11. The ADMINISTRATION will appoint an Advisory Committee, with representation of at least: a board certified physician, a beneficiary of a consumer advocate organization that includes Medicaid recipients a health related professional related with the medical needs of low-income population and a Director of a Welfare Department that does not head a medicaid agency.

12. The Advisory Committee will assist the ADMINISTRATION in the evaluation and the review of any marketing or informational material addressed to assist medicaid recipients in the provision of health services under this contract.


All the marketing activities and the information which shall be allowed will be limited to the following:

a) Clear description of health care benefits coverage and exclusions to enrollees;

b) Explain how, when, where benefits are available to enrollees;

c) Explain how to access emergency, family-planning services, services that do or do not require referrals and authorizations;

d) Explain any benefits enrollees are entitled to, that are not available through the MCO and how to obtain them;

e) Enrollees rights and responsibilities;

f) Grievance and appeal procedures.

13. The INSURER, its agents, any contractor or sub-contractor party under this contract shall not engage in cold call marketing that is, unsolicited personal contact with potential enrollees for the purpose of influencing them to enroll with any of its contractors. Also telephone, door-to-door or telemarketing for the same purposes is hereby prohibited.

14. Neither the INSURER, its contractor, subcontractor or any provider may put into effect a plan under which compensation, reward, gift or opportunity are offered to enrollees as an inducement to enroll other than to offer health care benefits. The INSURER its contractor, subcontractor or provider is prohibited from influencing an individual enrollment with the sale of any other insurance.

15. In the event of a final determination reached by the ADMINISTRATION that the INSURER, its agents, any of its contractor or subcontractors, has failed to comply with any of the provisions set forth on this article, the ADMINISTRATION in compliance with due process guarantees and remedies available under its regulations; Law 72 of September 7, 1993; the Social Security and Balance Budget Act, will proceed to enforce the compliance of these provisions by pursuing within its empowered authority the sanctions established in Article XXXVI.


1. The INSURER represents that it has established an effective procedure that assures the filing, receipt, and prompt handling and resolution of all grievances and complaints made by the beneficiaries and the participating providers. The INSURER will prepare a grievance form that must be approved by the ADMINISTRATION. The approved grievance form shall be made available to all beneficiaries, HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and the INSURER's participating providers. The parties will make whatever adjustments are necessary to reconcile their grievance procedure with provisions of Law 194 of August 25, 2000 (known as "Patient Bill of Rights") or those contained in Law


11 of April 11, 2001 (known as "Law Creating the Office of Patient's Solicitor General") as implemented by regulation.

2. Any written or telephone communication from a beneficiary or participating provider, which expresses dissatisfaction with an action or decision arising under the health insurance contracted, shall be promptly and properly handled and resolved through a routine complaint procedure to be implemented by the INSURER, after prior approval from the ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER shall be responsible for documenting in writing all aspects and details of said complaints.

3. The routine complaint procedure which must be implemented by the INSURER must provide for (i) the availability of complaint forms to document oral complaints; (ii) for the proper handling of the complaints; and (iii) for the disposition by notice to the complainant of the action taken. This notice shall advise the complainant of the INSURER's official Grievance Procedure. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis a written report detailing all grievances and routine complaints received, solved and pending solution and/or copies of the complaint forms with the notation of the action taken. All grievance files and complaint forms must be made available to the ADMINISTRATION for auditing. All grievance documents and related information shall be considered as containing individually identifiable health information, and shall be treated in accordance with the HIPAA regulations cited elsewhere.

4. The Grievance Procedure shall assure the participation of persons with authority to require corrective action.

5. The INSURER's Grievance Procedure shall contain all the necessary provisions that assure the affected parties right to due process of law. In the event that changes are made to the existing Grievance Procedure, a copy of the proposed changes will be made available to the ADMINISTRATION for approval prior to its implementation. A copy of the INSURER's Grievance Procedure is attached hereto as ADDENDUM III and incorporated as part of this contract. The INSURER acknowledges that the arbitration process contemplated in the Grievance Procedure shall not be applicable to disputes between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER.

6. Pursuant to Law 72 of September 7, 1993, any decision issued by the INSURER is subject to appeal before the ADMINISTRATION. Such appeal shall be regulated by the ADMINISTRATION's regulations and the Uniform Administrative Procedure Act, Law 170 of August 12, 1988, as amended and as applicable, provided however, that subscribers grievances shall be expeditiously solved and that INSURER shall therefore fully cooperate with the prompt solutions of any such grievance.


7. The decision issued by the ADMINISTRATION is subject to review before the Circuit Court of Appeals of the San Juan Panel of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

8. INSURER must have written policies and procedures for receiving, tracking, reviewing, and reporting and resolving of Beneficiaries complaints. The procedures must be reviewed and approved in writing by THE ADMINISTRATION. Any changes or modifications to the procedures must be submitted to THE ADMINISTRATION for approval thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the amendment.

9. INSURER must designate an officer of INSURER who has primary responsibility for ensuring that complaints are resolved in compliance with written policy and within the time required. An "officer" of INSURER means a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or chairperson of the Board of Directors of a corporation, the sole proprietor, the managing general partner of a partnership, or a person having similar executive authority in the organization.

10. INSURER must have a routine process to detect patterns of complaints and disenrollments and involve management and supervisory staff to develop policy and procedural improvements to address the complaints. INSURER must cooperate with THE ADMINISTRATION in beneficiaries' complaints relating to enrollment and disenrollment. INSURER's complaints procedures must be provided to beneficiaries in writing and in alternative communication formats. A written description of INSURER's complaints procedures must be in appropriate languages and easy for beneficiaries to understand. INSURER must include a written description in the beneficiaries Handbook. INSURER must maintain at least one local and one toll-free telephone number for making complaints.

11. INSURER's process must require that every complaint received in person, by telephone or in writing, is recorded in a written record and is logged with the following details: date; identification of the individual filing the complaint; identification of the individual recording the complaint; nature of the complaint; disposition of the complaint; corrective action required; and date resolved.

12. The INSURER Grievance Procedures must comply with the minimum standards for prompt resolution of grievances and time frames set forth in 45 CFR 438.400424.


1. All Health Care Organizations (HCOs) shall have a sufficient number of primary care physicians as specified, in Article VI to attend to the medical needs of the beneficiaries. All specialties specified in this section have to be available at each HCO. The following are considered primary care physicians (gatekeepers):


a) General Practitioners

b) Internists

c) Family Physicians

d) Pediatricians

e) Obstetricians and Gynecologists

2. The INSURER shall have available and under contract a sufficient number of the following types of support participating providers to render services to all beneficiaries:

a) Optometrists

b) Podiatrists

c) Clinical laboratories- (The INSURER shall insure that all laboratory testing sites providing services under this contract have either a clinical laboratory improvement amendment (CLIA) certificate with the registration and (CLIA) identification number or a waiver certification).

d) Radiological facilities

e) Health Related Professionals

f) Hospitals

g) Pharmacies

h) All those participating providers that may be needed to provide services under the basic, special and dental coverage considering the specific health problems of an area/region.

The INSURER may not discriminate with respect to participation, reimbursement or indemnification as to any provider who is acting within the scope of the provider's license or certification under applicable state law.

3. The INSURER shall enter into adequate arrangements to provide its beneficiaries with the services provided for under the dental and pharmacy coverage, as contractually agreed to between the dentists and pharmacies and the INSURER. These arrangements will provide for an adequate number of dentists and pharmacies that guarantee the right to choose of the beneficiaries.

4. The INSURER shall have available and under contract a sufficient number of the following types of support participating physicians to provide services to all beneficiaries:


a) Ophthalmologists

b) Radiologists

c) All those physicians that may be necessary and are available considering the morbidity and mortality rates of the specific health area/region, and those needed to provide all the benefits contained in the Basic Coverage of the plan.


6. The physician/beneficiary ratio accepted is one (1) primary care physician for each eight hundred and fifty (850) beneficiaries; one (1) specialist (not primary care) for each one thousand one hundred (1,100) beneficiaries; and, one (1) physician (all) for each eight hundred
(800) beneficiaries. These ratio does not take into account the expected mix between private patients and beneficiaries which could increase the physicians capacity to 1:1,700 for primary care physicians; 1:2,200 for specialists and 1:1,600 for all physicians. In the event that the HCOs provides services only to beneficiaries under this contract, the physician/beneficiary ratio will be the same to that applicable when there is a mix between private patients and beneficiaries.

7. The INSURER shall not have, directly or indirectly, any conflict of interest through economic participation in any HCO, participating provider, its subsidiaries, or affiliates.

8. The INSURER shall enforce upon each HCO strict quality assurance and utilization review programs as described in this contract, the Request for Proposals, the INSURER's proposal and its Operations Manual.

9. The INSURER shall contract and have available all the participating providers required to provide to the beneficiaries, in a prompt and efficient manner, the benefits included in the Basic, Special and Dental Coverage as specified in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

10. The INSURER agrees to enforce and assure compliance by the HCOs with all provisions contained in this contract.

11. The INSURER will prepare, and provide to all HCOs, complete written instructions describing procedures to be used for the compliance with all duties and obligations arising under this contract. These instructions will cover at least the following topics: provider selection by beneficiaries, covered services, instructions and coordination of access to mental health services through the mental carve-out contractors, reporting requirements, record keeping requirements, grievance procedures, deductibles and co-payment amounts, confidentiality, and the prohibition against denial or rationing of services. A copy of these instructions will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION, who reserves


the right to request modifications or amendments to said instructions following consultation with the INSURER.


1. The INSURER expressly guarantees payment for all medically necessary services rendered to beneficiaries by any and all participating providers.

2. The insolvency, liquidation, bankruptcy or breach of contract of an HCO, or of a contracted participating provider does not release the INSURER from its obligation and guarantee to pay for all services rendered as authorized under this health insurance contract.

The nature of INSURER's obligations to guarantee payment to all HCOs, providers or subcontractors for services rendered under this health insurance contract is solidary, subject to complying with whatever established claim proceedings require. As such, the INSURER will respond directly to the ADMINISTRATION as principal obligor to comply in its entirety with all the contract terms.

3. In accordance with the payments rights guaranteed under paragraph (4) and (5), the provider shall claim direct payments due by a HCO/Contractor, to the INSURER. The INSURER shall deduct any amount payable directly to a provider from the capitation payments owed to an HCO or other contractor.

4. The INSURER agrees to pay all monies due to the HCOs and/or participating providers according to the agreed payment schedule in the contracts with said parties. The INSURER represents as of the date of this contract that payment to HCO's, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers will be made no later than forty-five (45) days or as provided by legislation from the date that a full, complete and ready to process claim is received at the INSURER, when received within sixty (60) days of date of service. The INSURER expressly commits to implement all internal systems necessary to promptly pay its HCO's and providers all full, complete and ready to process claims within the term provided in this section, and to avoid unjustifiable delay in payment by submitting said claims to audits and evaluation of contested claims; said practice is expressly prohibited, and may result in the remedies set forth at Article XXXVI or termination as provided in Article XXXIII. A complete and ready to process claim (clean claim) is a claim received by the INSURER for adjudication, and which requires no further information, adjustment, or alteration by the provider of the services in order to be processed and paid by the INSURER.

5. In the event that, following the receipt of the claim, the same is totally or partially contested by the INSURER or HCO, the participating provider shall be notified in


writing within thirty (30) days that the claim is contested with the contested portion identified and provided the reasons thereof. Upon receipt of a new or supplemented claim, the INSURER or the HCO, shall pay or deny the contested claim or portion of the contested claim within thirty (30) days. Upon expiration of any of the aforementioned periods of time, the overdue payments shall bear interest at the prevailing rate for personal loans as determined by the Financial Board of the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions.

6. Checks for capitated payments to HCO's, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers are to be regularly issued by the INSURER on the 15th day of each month. The INSURER further represents that it has contracted with the HCO the payment of the corresponding capitation no later than the last day of the month to which said capitation corresponds.

7. The INSURER agrees and warrants that it will be the central payor for all valid claims that will be generated throughout their contracted participating provider network for the health insurance contract for the Health Region/Area.

8. All payments distribution within the capitated services will be made by the INSURER. In the event that participating providers in their arrangements with the HCOs consent to the disbursement of the payment checks directly to the HCOs, the INSURER will assure and require the HCOs to provide on a monthly basis a schedule of the amount of the payments made to said participating providers. In any event, the INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with a detailed monthly report listing by providers the monthly payment distribution. The claim for services rendered will be generated and forwarded by the participating providers directly to the INSURER. The claims submitted by the participating providers will comply with the requirements contained in Article XV, Sections four (4) and eight (8).

9. The INSURER agrees and warrants that the method and system used to pay for the services rendered to and by the HCOs and all participating providers is reasonable and that the amount paid does not jeopardize or infringe upon the quality of the services provided.

10. The guarantee of payment contained in this article will be reinforced through the establishment of different alternatives in order to insure that HCOs, HCO's participating providers and INSURER's participating providers are paid in full for contracted services in accordance with established budgets. Said alternatives will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION for approval prior to its implementation.

11. Inasmuch as the INSURER will be the central payor for all payments for valid claims for services rendered by the HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers the INSURER agrees to incorporate in the contracts with the HCOs, and to require the HCOs to incorporate in their arrangements with their participating providers a provision


whereby the INSURER is authorized to adjudicate and determine the validity of any claim or dispute between the HCO and its participating providers regarding a controversy surrounding the validity of the claims of services submitted by said participating provider. Said provision will assure that the HCO's network of participating providers payment for a valid claim for services is not improperly withheld and that in no event payment in this situation is made more than sixty (60) days from the date that the claim or dispute is received by the INSURER. It will be the INSURER's responsibility to verify the terms of the arrangements between the HCO and its network of participating providers, the rendering of the services, the reasonableness of the claim and that payment has not been made.

12. The guarantee of payment and the representations as to the payment schedule to HCO's and participating providers will be enforceable and not set aside or altered in the event that the INSURER is notified of the expiration of the term of this contract or of its termination.

13. The INSURER agrees to provide the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis, and through electronic or magnetic media format, a detailed report containing all payments made to HCOs, to HCO's network of participating providers, and to the INSURER's participating providers during the month immediately preceding the report. Said report will also include a list of all claims received on account of those payments during the preceding month by the INSURER from the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers as well as a detail as to all claims received but not paid by reason of accounting or administrative objections. The INSURER further agrees to make available to the ADMINISTRATION for auditing purposes any and all records or financial data related to claims submitted but not paid by reason of accounting or administrative objections. The intention of this clause is for the ADMINISTRATION to be able to determine on a monthly basis the amount of money paid to each participating provider, the amount billed by and not paid to each participating provider and the reasons for non-payment in order to keep track of the regularity of payments of the Insurer and the HCOs and their compliance with this contract.

14. The INSURER also agrees to provide to HCO's, on a monthly basis, and through electronic or machine readable media format, a detailed report classified by beneficiaries, by providers, by diagnosis, by procedure, by date of service and by its real cost of all payments made by the INSURER which entails a deduction from the gross monthly payment to said HCO's. Copy of said report will be made available to the ADMINISTRATION each month.

15. Each HCO must report each encounter to the INSURER on a monthly basis classified by each participating provider within the HCO, as well as the real cost of the services of each encounter of service. The INSURER must submit to the ADMINISTRATION the distribution of the capitation within each HCO as established on the Actuarial Reports formats required in the RFP.


16. The INSURER will abide with the ADMINISTRATION efforts to implement cost reduction measures and the future implementation payments methods based on fee schedules or diagnosis related groups that may be established.


1. The INSURER will establish a Quality of Care Program with the following guidelines:

a) PHYSICIAN-CREDENTIALING: The INSURER shall follow strict provider screening procedures before contracting. In order to assure quality health services for the medically indigent, the INSURER will follow stringent physician selection and credentialing process for this plan as per the INSURER's Proposal. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating providers credentials at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all accepted and non-accepted providers.

b) PROVIDER CONTRACTING: The INSURER will assure that all hospitals facilities, doctors, dentists, and all health care providers are appropriately licensed and in good standing with all their governing bodies and accrediting agencies and meet all practice requirements established by law, the Department of Health, the ADMINISTRATION and other governing agencies, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating provider credentials at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all accepted and non-accepted providers.

c) INSPECTION OF ALL FACILITIES: The INSURER will insure that all providers' physical facilities are safe, sanitary and follow sound operating procedures, as described in the INSURER's Proposal and that all laboratory testing site providing services under this contract have their duly CLIA certification along with their identification number or waiver certificate. The ADMINISTRATION may review participating provider facilities at any time and submit its findings to the INSURER for consideration by the INSURER if necessary. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all inspections done.

d) MEDICAL RECORD REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to monitor the appropriateness of care being provided, the adequacy and consistency of record keeping, and completeness of records, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the


ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Medical Record Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit Program records and reports at any time.

e) CLINICAL DATABASE SYSTEM: The HCOs will provide the INSURER with statistical records of utilization of medical services by beneficiaries, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Clinical Database System. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the Clinical Database System records and reports at any time.

f) RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a Retrospective review Program that will address quality and utilization problems that may arise, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Retrospective Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

g) OUTCOME REVIEW: The INSURER will establish an Outcome Review Program to assess the quality of inpatient and ambulatory care management provided by the primary health care providers, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Outcome Review Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

h) QUALITY OF CARE COMMITTEE: The INSURER will establish a Quality of Care Committee to insure provider's compliance with the INSURER's quality of care program, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Quality of Care Committee. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.

2. The INSURER will establish cost containment and utilization review programs as follows:

a) HOSPITAL ADMISSION AND STAY REVIEW: The INSURER will establish programs to reduce unnecessary hospital use and to review hospital admissions through the following programs, as described in the INSURER's Proposal:

(1) CONCURRENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to review hospital admissions to guarantee adequacy and duration of stay.


(2) RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to determine medical necessity and service adequacy after the service has been rendered or paid to providers or physicians.

(3) PROSPECTIVE REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to determine appropriate lengths of stay at the hospital prior to admission for elective or non-emergency hospitalizations.

b) UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify patterns of medical practice and their effect in the care being provided, as described in the INSURER's Proposal, and through the following:

(1) PRE-PAYMENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to prevent inappropriate billing of services prior to claims payment and to evaluate questionable practices, problematic coding, inappropriate level of care, excessive tests and services.

(2) POST PAYMENT REVIEW: The INSURER will establish a program to review service claims for purposes of creating a provider profiling system.

The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings under the Utilization Review Programs. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the programs' findings and reports at any time.

c) SECOND SURGICAL OPINION: The INSURER will establish a program to allow beneficiaries to obtain a second surgical opinion for elective surgical procedures on a voluntary basis, as described in the INSURER's Proposal.

d) INDIVIDUAL CASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify and manage cases that involve high health care costs, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Individual Case Management Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.


f) FRAUD AND ABUSE: The INSURER will establish a program to assure reasonable levels of utilization and quality of care, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the


ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Fraud and Abuse Program. The Fraud and Abuse Reports must include:

(1) the number of complaints of fraud and abuse made to the Commonwealth that warrant a preliminary investigation, and,

(2) for each case of suspected fraud and abuse warranting a full investigation, the INSURER must report the following information:

(i) the provider's name and number;

(ii) the source of the complaint;

(iii) the type of provider;

(iv) the nature of the complaint;

(v) the approximate range of dollars involved, and,

(vi) the legal and administrative disposition or status of the case.

g) COORDINATION OF BENEFITS PROGRAM: The INSURER will establish a program to identify beneficiaries with other insurance in order to coordinate health insurance benefits from other carriers, as described in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall submit a report to the ADMINISTRATION on a quarterly basis of all findings in the Coordination of Benefits Program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings and reports at any time.

3. DENTAL SERVICES UTILIZATION REVIEW PROGRAM: The INSURER agrees to maintain a program to determine that the services provided to beneficiaries are in accordance to established quality parameters by the dental community as provided for in the INSURER's Proposal. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION quarterly of all findings of said review program. The ADMINISTRATION may review and/or audit the program findings at any time.

4. EPSDT AND MIGRANT SERVICES PROGRAM: The INSURER will implement a program that addresses EPSDT screening and Migrant services indicators for preventive diagnostic tests according to age in all areas/regions and shall notify the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis all findings of said program. INSURER assures the compliance with Section 1905(r) of the Social Security Act and the applicable protocols adopted by the Department of Health for the implementation of these Programs.

5. The INSURER shall continue to submit the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis a report that includes all services rendered by diagnosis and procedures identified by all specialties, by place of service including those under dental coverage, and procedures in laboratories and X-rays. It will be reported beginning with the most common diagnosis and procedures until reaching the least common. The INSURER shall be required to provide the


ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis data in and electronic form that includes all of the specified fields and elements described in ADDENDUM IV, whenever said reporting system can be implemented.

6. All services rendered shall be identified by Current Procedure Terminology, International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modifications Diagnostic Statistic Manual and American Dental Association's Current Dental Terminology, as applicable.

7. The ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER will agree on the required format in order to comply with the reporting requirements in this section and which will be accomplished through electronic or magnetic media.

8. All the required programs, processes and reports heretofore referred to, will also be an obligation on the part of the INSURER's participating providers, HCOs and HCO's participating providers. The INSURER will assure compliance therewith on the part of said INSURER's participating providers, HCOs and HCO's participating providers.

9. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to require the INSURER to implement additional specific cost and utilization controls, subject to prior consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER if necessary.


1. Since funds from the Commonwealth Plan under Title XIX of the Social Security Act Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid) as well as from Title V of the Social Security Act and Mental Health Block Grants are used to finance this project in part the INSURER shall agree to comply with the requirements and conditions of the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Comptroller General of the United States, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico and this ADMINISTRATION, as to the maintenance of records related to this contract and audit rights thereof, as well as all other legal obligations attendant thereto, including, but not limited to, non-discrimination, coverage benefit eligibility as provided by the Puerto Rico State Plan and Law 72 of 1993, anti-fraud and anti-kickback laws, and those terms and provisions of the SSA as applicable. All disclosure obligations and access requirements set forth in this Article or any other Article shall be subject at all times and to the extent mandated by law and regulation, to the HIPAA regulations described elsewhere in this agreement.

2. The INSURER shall require from the HCO's and all participating providers that they maintain an appropriate record system for services rendered to beneficiaries, including separate medical files and records for each beneficiary as is necessary to record all clinical information pertaining to said beneficiaries,


including notations of personal contacts, primary care visits, diagnostic studies and all other services. The INSURER shall also maintain records to document fiscal activities and expenditures relating to compliance under this agreement. The INSURER and all participating providers shall preserve, and retain in readily accessible form, the records mentioned herein during the term of this contract and for the period of six (6) years thereafter.

3. At all times during the term of this contract and for a period of six
(6) years thereafter, the INSURER and all participating providers will provide the ADMINISTRATION, CMS, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States of America and/or their authorized representatives, access to all records relating to the INSURER's compliance under this contract for the purpose of examination, audit or copying of such records. The audits of such records include examination and review of the sources and applications of funds under this contract. The INSURER shall also furnish access to and permit inspection and audit by the ADMINISTRATION, CMS, the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States of America and/or their authorized representatives to any financial records relating to the capacity of the INSURER or its HCOs, if relevant, to bear the risk of potential financial losses.

4. The INSURER shall ensure that the HCO's and all participating providers and their subcontractors furnish to the Peer Review Organization (PRO) or to the ADMINISTRATION on-site access to, or copies of patient care records as needed to evaluate quality of care.

5. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect, evaluate, copy and audit any pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the INSURER related to this contract and those of any HCO or participating provider in order to evaluate the services performed, determination of amounts payable, reconciliation of benefits, liabilities and compliance with this contract.

6. The INSURER shall provide for the review of services (including both in-patient and out-patient services) covered by the plan for the purpose of determining whether such services meet professional recognized standards of health care, including whether appropriate services have not been provided or have been provided in inappropriate settings. It shall also provide for review, by random sampling, by the ADMINISTRATION, of written complaints, and the results thereof, filed by beneficiaries or their representatives as to the quality of services provided.

7. The INSURER agrees that the ADMINISTRATION and CMS may conduct inspections and evaluations, at all reasonable times, through on-site audits, systems tests, assessments, performance review and regular reports to assure the quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services furnished to the beneficiaries.


8. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect all of the INSURER's financial records related to this contract, that may be necessary to assure that the ADMINISTRATION pays no more than its fair share of general overhead costs as contracted. The ADMINISTRATION and CMS shall have the right to inspect all the HCOs' financial records related to this contract.

9. The INSURER agrees that the ADMINISTRATION may evaluate, through inspection or other means, the facilities of the INSURER's participating providers, HCO's and its participating providers. All facilities shall comply with the applicable licensing and certification requirements as established by regulations of the Department of Health of Puerto Rico. It shall be the INSURER responsibility to take all necessary measures to ascertain that all facilities contracting with INSURER comply with the required licensing and certification regulations of the Puerto Rico Health Department, and to terminate the contract of any facility not in compliance with said provisions.

Failure to adequately monitor the licensing and certification of the facilities may result in the termination of this contract as provided in Article XXXIII.

10. The INSURER agrees and also will require all HCOs and participating providers to agree that the ADMINISTRATION's right to inspect, evaluate, copy and audit, will survive the termination of this contract for a period of six (6) years from said termination date unless:

a) The ADMINISTRATION determines there is a special need to retain a particular record or group of records for a longer period and notifies the INSURER at least thirty (30) days before the normal disposition date;

b) There has been a termination, dispute, fraud, or similar fault by the INSURER, in which case the retention may be extended to three (3) years from the date of any resulting final settlement; or

c) The ADMINISTRATION determines that there is a reasonable possibility of fraud, in which case it may reopen a final settlement at any time;

d) There has been an audit intervention by CMS, the office of the Comptroller of Puerto Rico, the Comptroller General of the United States or the ADMINISTRATION, in which case the retention may be extended until the conclusion of the audit and publication of the final report.

11. The INSURER agrees to require all HCO's and participating providers to permit the ADMINISTRATION to review and audit all aspects related to quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services rendered, and to demonstrate that the services for which payment was made were actually provided.



1. The INSURER agrees to comply with the reporting and information systems requirements as provided for in the Request for Proposals and the Proposal submitted by the INSURER. Accordingly the INSURER must submit to the ADMINISTRATION a detailed Systems Requirements Inventory Report which details the following:

a) Plan's compliance with each information system requirement:

b) action plan of INSURER's response to the requirements;

c) actual date that each system requirement will be completely operational, not to exceed the effective date of coverage under this contract.

2. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION the System Inventory Report for final approval not later than the date of the signing of this contract.

3. All Management Information Systems Requirements included in the Request for Proposal and those included in the INSURER's Proposal must commence implementation as of the date of the signing of this contract and shall be fully operational as of the first day of coverage under this contract. Material non compliance with this requirement shall be enough reason to cancel the contract herein, with prior written notification by the ADMINISTRATION to the INSURER according to the time set in Article XXXIII.

4. The INSURER shall be responsible for the data collection and other statistics of all services provided including, but not limited, to encounter and real cost of each one, claims services and any other pertinent data from all HCOs, participating providers or any other entity which provide services to beneficiaries under the program, said data to be classified by provider, by beneficiary, by diagnosis, by procedure and by the date the service is rendered. The data collected must then be forwarded to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis in an electronic or on machine readable media format. The data fields and specific data elements required to be transmitted are contained in the RFP's Record of Service File Layout format. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to modify, expand or delete the requirements contained therein or issue new requirements, subject to consultation with the INSURER and cost negotiation, if necessary. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

5. The INSURER agrees that all required data and information needs to be collected and reported through electronic or machine readable media commencing with the effective date of coverage of this contract.


6. The information systems of all HCOs shall be compatible with the systems in use at all by INSURER.

7. The INSURER shall supply to the HCOs and, upon request, to all participating providers with eligibility information on a daily basis. Said information shall be secured through on-line access with the INSURER.

8. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION within twenty-five
(25) days of the closing of each month, in such form and detail as indicated in the Record of Service File Layout format and any other formats the ADMINISTRATION requires in the RFP, the following information:

a) Data pertaining to health insurance claims, and encounter for all services provided to beneficiaries.

b) Statistical data on providers, medical services and any other services;

c) Enrollment database;

d) Any and all data and information as required in the Request for Proposals and in the Proposal submitted;

e) Any other reports or data that the ADMINISTRATION may require after consultation with the INSURER and cost negotiation, if necessary.

Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

9. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION, on a regular basis as needed, any and all data, information, reports, and documentation that will permit Governmental Agencies, the compilation of statistical data to substantiate the need for, and the appropriate use of federal funds for federally financed health programs.

10. The INSURER agrees to report to the ADMINISTRATION on a daily basis all information pertaining to enrollment, disenrollment, and other subscriber or beneficiary transactions as required by the ADMINISTRATION. All records shall be transmitted: 1) through approved ADMINISTRATION systems contractor; or 2) over data transmission lines directly to the ADMINISTRATION; or 3) on machine readable media. All machine readable media or electronic transmissions shall be consistent with the relevant ADMINISTRATION's record layouts and specifications.

11. The INSURER will submit to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis reports and data generated electronically that allows the ADMINISTRATION:

a. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the delivery of services by providers and the adequacy of these services.


b. Monitoring and evaluation of the efficiency and propriety of the services that are being received by the beneficiaries and their dependents.

c. Comparison of experience with that of other providers.

d. Comparison of the utilization of health care and the cost tendencies within the community and the group that renders service.

e. Demonstration of how the quality of care is being improved for the insured and their dependents.

f. Comparison of the administrative measures taken by the INSURER with reference points to be able to evaluate the progress towards constant improvement.

g. Compliance with the information requirements and reports of the Federal Programs such as: Title II of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; Title IV-B Part 1 and 2, Title IV-E, Title V, Title XIX, Title and Title XXI of the Social Security Act; the applicable state laws as( the Child Abuse Act," Ley de Maltrato de Menores" Public Law 75 of May 28, 1980; the Protection and Assistance to Victims and Witness Act, "Ley de Proteccion y Asistencia a Victimas de Delitos y Testigos", Public Law 77 of July 9, 1986), and any other information requirements which in the future are mandated by federal and state programs.

h. Evaluation of each service provided with separate identification by beneficiary, by provider, by diagnosis, by diagnostic code, by procedure code and by date and place of service. The provider must be identified by his/her provider's identification number or his/her social security account number.

These reporting requirements will be discontinued when the new reporting system contained in ADDENDUM IV is implemented. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

12. The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with a uniform system for data collection.

13. The INSURER'S Information Systems must provide a continuous flow of information to measure the quality of services rendered to the beneficiaries and their dependents. The purpose of these systems must be to help the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER in the process of achieving continuous improvement in the quality of services rendered to beneficiaries and their dependents within a cost effective system.

14. The INSURER will prepare the necessary reports requested herein for the administration of the health insurance contract. Daily reports are due by the end of the following business day. Weekly reports are due on the first business day of the following week. Monthly reports are due twenty-five (25) days after the end of each month. Quarterly reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter.


15. The INSURER must inform to the Administration on a monthly basis all cancellation and disenrollment of providers.

16. The INSURER must provide the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis with the updated version of the Providers Directory.

17. The INSURER will coordinate the enrollment of beneficiaries.

18. The INSURER will assure adequate and efficient functioning for the term of the contract that includes an insurance against economic loss due to system failure or data loss.

19. As an additional measure to guarantee quality and adequacy of the medical health services, the INSURER will conduct periodical statistics analysis of the medical services rendered to the beneficiaries and will compare them with the primary physician practice profile of their regular health insurance plan. Quarterly reports as to the analysis and comparison statistics will be submitted to the ADMINISTRATION.

20. In order to insure that all subscriber encounters are registered and recorded, the INSURER will conduct audits of statistical samples and unannounced personal audits of the HCOs and participating provider's facilities to assure that the medical records reconcile with the encounter reported, and corrective measures will be taken in case of any violation of the INSURER's regulations regarding the registration and reporting of encounters. The INSURER will provide quarterly reports to the ADMINISTRATION covering all the findings and corrective measures, if any, taken regarding any violation of said regulations.

21. The INSURER, as a minimum must guarantee the following:

a. The security and integrity of the information and communication systems through:

1. Regular Backups on a daily basis

2. Controlled Access to the physical plant

3. Control logical access to information systems

4. Verification of the accuracy of the data and information

b. The continuity of services through:

1. Regular maintenance of the systems, programs and equipment

2. A staff of duly trained personnel

3. An established and proven system of Disaster Recovery

4. Cost Effective systems.

c. Identification of the beneficiary via the use of plastic cards.


d. Automated system of communication with statistics of the management of calls (Occurrence of busy lines, etc.)

f. A comprehensive health insurance claim processing system to handle receiving process and payment of claims and encounters.

g. Analysis/Control of utilization (The INSURER must provide said analysis to the ADMINISTRATION on a monthly basis in the format outlined by the ADMINISTRATION):
1. by patient/family
2. by region, area/region town, (zip code)
3. by provider (provider's identification number or social security account numbers)
4. by diagnosis
5. by procedure or service
6. by date of service

Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

j. Financial and Actuarial reports
k. System of Control and claims payment that includes payment history.
l. Computerized pharmacy system that permits its integration to the payment procedures to the providers.
m. Outcome Analysis
n. Electronic creation of data files related to mortality, morbidity, and vital statistics.
o. Integration to central systems
1. Procedures and communications Protocol Compatibility;

2. Ability to transmit reports, and or files via electronic means.
p. Electronic Handling of:

1. The process of Admission to hospitals and ambulatory services
2. Verification of eligibility and subscription to the plan.
3. Verification of benefits
4. Verification of Financial information (Deductibles, Co-payments, etc.)
5. Verification of individual demographic data
6. Coordination of Benefits.

q. Computerized applications for general accounting.
r. As to HCOs and all Participating Providers the information system shall provide for:

1. On line access to service history for each beneficiary.


2. Register of diagnosis and procedures for each service rendered.
3. Complete demography on line, including the aspect of coverage and financial responsibility of the patient.
4. Individual and family transactions
5. Annotations on line (General notes such as allergies, reminders or other clinical aspects (free form)
6. Analysis of activity by:

a. department
b. provider
c. diagnosis
d. procedures
e. age
f. sex
g. origin
h. others, as mutually agreed upon.

7. Diagnosis history by patient with multiple codes per service.
8. AD Hoc Reports
9. Referrals Control
10. Electronic Billing
11. Pharmacy system
12. Dental system
13. Ability to handle requirements of the Medicare programs such as RBRVS (Relative Base Relative Value System).
14. Ability to collect data as to the quarter in which the pregnant female beneficiary commences her ob-gyn treatment. The format for the collection of this data shall be approved by the ADMINISTRATION prior to its implementation.

22. The INSURER agrees to report all procedure and diagnostic information using the current versions of Current Procedural Terminology, International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, Diagnostic Statistic Manual and American Dental Association's Current Dental Terminology, respectively. This does not prevent the adoption by INSURER of the ANSI X-12 electronic transactions for standards set forth in the HIPAA regulations; which shall be implemented on or before October 2002, unless modified by DHHS.

23. Non compliance with any of the Information Systems and Reporting Requirements; with any requirements related to the electronic standards transactions to be implemented within the schedule set forth by the HIPAA regulations, or with other requirements contained herein, shall be subject to the provisions of Articles XXXIII and XXXVI of this contract, as well as to Article IV, Section 2(n) of Law 72 of September 7, 1993, which provides the right of the ADMINISTRATION to enforce compliance through the Circuit Court of Appeal Puerto Rico, Part of San Juan.


24. The INSURER shall provide the ADMINISTRATION with one or more telephone numbers of dial-in data lines, and a minimum of three user's ID's and passwords that will allow the ADMINISTRATION's authorized personnel access to the INSURER's on-line computer applications, Such access will allow the ADMINISTRATION use of the same systems and access to the same information as used by the INSURER and enable the inquiry on beneficiaries, providers, and statistics files related to this contract.

25. As per the INSURER's proposal, INSURER shall provide to each HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers in the Health Area/Region, as well as to those outside of the area/region who provide services to beneficiaries from within the area/region, the necessary hardware and software to maintain on-line communication with the INSURER's Information System to document all encounters and services rendered to beneficiaries. Said hardware and software will be provided at a reasonable cost for the implementation and servicing.

26. The INSURER agrees to submit to the ADMINISTRATION reports as to the data and information gathered through the use of the Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) and the work plan required in the RFP formats, as per Article XVII, Section VII.

27. The INSURER must disclose to the ADMINISTRATION the following information on provider incentive plans in sufficient detail to determine whether their incentive plan complies with the regulatory requirements set forth on 42 CFR 434.70(a) and 422.10:

a) Whether services not furnished by the physician or physician group are covered by the incentive plan. If only the services furnished by the physician or physician group are covered by the incentive plan, disclosure of other aspects of the plan need not be made.
b) The type of incentive arrangement (i.e., withhold, bonus, capitation).
c) A determination on the percent of payment under the contract that is based on the use of referral services. If the incentive plan involves a withholding or bonus, the percent of the withholding of bonus. If the calculated amount is 25% or less, disclosure of the remaining elements in this list is not required and there is no substantial risk.
d) Proof that the physician or physician group has adequate stop-loss protection, including the amount and type of stop-loss protection.
e) The panel size and, if patients are pooled, the method used.
f) In the case of those prepaid plans that are required to conduct beneficiary surveys, the survey's results.

The information items (a) through (e) above, must be disclosed to the ADMINISTRATION: (1) prior to approval of its initial contracts or agreements,


upon the contract or agreements anniversary or renewal effective date or upon request by the Administration or CMS. The disclosure item (f) is due 3 months after the end of the contract year or upon request by CMS.

If the contract with the INSURER is an initial Medicaid contract, but the INSURER has operated previously in the commercial or Medicare markets, information on physician incentive plans for the year preceding the initial contract period must be disclosed. If the contract is an initial contract with INSURER, but the INSURER has not operated previously in the commercial or Medicare markets, the INSURER should provide assurance that the provider agreements that they sign will meet CMS and Commonwealth requirements (i.e. there is no Physician Incentive Plan (PIP); there is a PIP but no Substantial Financial Risk (SFR); there is a PIP and SFR so stop-loss and survey requirements will be met). For contracts being renewed or extended, the INSURER must provide PIP disclosure information for the prior contracting period's contracts.

The INSURER must update PIP disclosures annually and must disclose to administration whether PIP arrangements have changed from the previous year. Where arrangements have not changed, a written assurance that there has not been a change is sufficient. This also applies when INSURER analyze the PIP arrangements in their direct and downstream contracts to determine which disclosure items are due from their contractors. INSURER is expected to maintain the current written assurances and the prior periods' documentation so that the materials are available during on-site reviews.


INSURER must have adequately-staffed telephone lines available. Telephone personnel must receive customer service telephone training. INSURER must ensure that telephone staffing is adequate to fulfill the standards of promptness and quality listed below:

1. 80% of all telephone calls must be answered within an average of 30 seconds;
2. The lost (abandonment) rate must not exceed 5%;
3. INSURER cannot impose maximum call duration limits but must allow calls to be of sufficient length to ensure adequate information is provided to the Beneficiaries or Provider.

29. The INSURER shall abide with the present Information Systems and Reporting Requirements established and shall cooperate with the Administration's Proposed Plans to implement new and revised requirement as set forth in ADDENDUM IV.



1. The INSURER shall notify the ADMINISTRATION of any loans and other special financial arrangements which are made between the INSURER and any HCO's or participating provider or related parties. Any such loans shall strictly conform with the legal requirements of the anti-fraud and anti-kickback laws and regulations.

2. The INSURER shall provide to the ADMINISTRATION copies of audited financial statements following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and of the report to the Insurance Commissioner in the format agreed to by the National ASSOCIATION of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), for the year ending on December 31, 2000, and subsequently thereafter for the contract term not later than March 15 of each subsequent year. Unaudited GAAP financial statements for each quarter during the contract term shall be presented to the ADMINISTRATION not later than forty five (45) days after the closing of each quarter.

3. The INSURER will maintain adequate procedures and controls to insure that any payments pursuant to this contract are properly made. In establishing and maintaining such procedures the INSURER will provide for separation of the functions of certification and disbursement.

4. The INSURER is required to establish a cash reserve, in accordance with the Insurance Code of Puerto Rico, to insure that outstanding claims can be satisfied in the event of insolvency.

5. The INSURER agrees to provide to the ADMINISTRATION, upon the expiration of each period of twelve (12) consecutive months of the contract year, and not later than ninety (90) days thereafter, audited financial statements following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) which exclusively present the operational financial situation related to the execution of this contract. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to request interim audited financial statements not to exceed two (2) during the contract term.

6. The INSURER agrees to provide and make available to the ADMINISTRATION or any accounting firm contracted by the ADMINISTRATION any and all working papers of its external auditors related to this contract.


1. The ADMINISTRATION shall conduct periodical evaluations of the INSURER's compliance with all terms and conditions of this contract including, but not limited to, quality, appropriateness, timeliness and reasonableness of cost and


administrative expenses, said evaluation to be defined as the Plan Compliance Evaluation Program.

2. Said program will evaluate compliance of the following aspects in each areas/regions:

a) Eligibility and enrollment
b) Services to beneficiaries and participating providers
c) Coverage of benefits
d) Reporting
e) Financial requirements
f) Rules and Regulations
g) Plan initiatives
h) Quality, appropriateness, timeliness and cost of services
i) Utilization
j) Fraud and abuse
k) Accessibility
l) Grievances and Complaint handling
m) Information Systems
n) Electronic standards, security and privacy compliance as provided by HIPAA to include review of timetables for compliance and implementation plans
o) Such aspects which the ADMINISTRATION considers necessary in order to evaluate full compliance with this contract.

3. The evaluation process will be performed throughout the contract year using specific evaluating parameters. All parameters will be derived exclusively from the Request for Proposals, the INSURER's Proposal and this contract. Each area/region will contain several parameters with each parameter having a specific numeric value adding up a subtotal per area/region and a total for the aggregate of all area/regions of evaluation. Results will be presented in a Plan Compliance Evaluation Report. The evaluating parameters will be presented to the INSURER prior to commencement of the evaluation process.

4. The INSURER shall comply with the penalties set for each parameter within the range of values predetermined by the ADMINISTRATION.

5. Compliance with the Plan Compliance Evaluation Program is of essence to this contract and will be a determining factor in the renewal of this contract. Failure to comply with compliance requirements or parameters may also result in the termination of the contract as provided in Article XXXIII.

6. The ADMINISTRATION agrees to furnish the INSURER with the required Plan Performance Evaluation Program prior to its implementation.


7. The INSURER, as an additional tool to assure the evaluation of the insurance contract, agrees to abide, implement and develop the Health Plan-Employer Data and Information Set (Hedis), as revised and recommended by NCQA and in accordance with the time schedule, work plan and other requirements established in Addendum XI of the RFP referring to HEDIS DATA.

8. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES under Plan Compliance Program.


All of the listed remedies below may be exercised by the ADMINISTRATION and are in addition to all other remedies available to the ADMINISTRATION under this contract, by law or in equity, are joint and several, and may be exercised concurrently or consecutively. Exercise of any remedy in whole or in part does not limit the ADMINISTRATION in exercising all or part of any remaining remedies.

Any particular default listed under subparagraph (a) to (j) below (which is not intended to be exhaustive) may be subject, when applicable, to any one or more of the following remedies:

- Terminate the contract if the applicable conditions set forth in Section 10.1 are met;
- Suspend payment to INSURER;
- Recommend to CMS that sanctions be taken against INSURER as set out in Section 10.7;
- Remove the EPSDT's component from the capitation paid to INSURER if the benchmarks(s) missed is for EPSDT's;
- Assess civil monetary penalties as set out in section 10.8; and/or
- Withhold premium payment.



Failure of INSURER to perform an administrative function is a default under this contract. Administrative functions are any requirements under this contract that are not direct delivery of health care services. Administrative functions include claims payment; encounter data submission; filing any report when due; cooperating in good faith with THE ADMINISTRATION, an entity acting on behalf of THE ADMINISTRATION, or an agency authorized by statute or law to require the cooperation of INSURER in carrying out an administrative, investigative, or prosecutorial function of the program; providing or producing records upon


request; or entering into contracts or implementing procedures necessary to carry out contract obligations.


Termination or suspension of INSURER's PRICO Certificate of Authority or any adverse action taken by PRICO that THE ADMINISTRATION determines will affect the ability of INSURER to provide health care services to beneficiaries is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to comply with Commonwealth solvency standards or incapacity of INSURER to meet its financial obligations as they come due is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to comply with the federal requirements for Medicaid, including, but not limited to, federal law regarding misrepresentation, fraud, or abuse; and, by incorporation, Medicare standards, requirements, or prohibitions, is a default under this contract.

The following events are defaults under this contract pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1396b(m)(5), 1396u-2(e)(1)(A):

INSURER's substantial failure to provide medically necessary items and services that are required under this contract to be provided to beneficiaries;

INSURER's imposition of premiums or charges on beneficiaries in excess of the premiums or charge permitted by federal law;

INSURER's acting to discriminate among beneficiaries on the basis of their health status or requirements for health care services, including expulsion or refusal to enroll an individual, except as permitted by federal law, or engaging in any practice that would reasonably be expected to have the effect of denying or discouraging enrollment with INSURER by eligible individuals whose medical condition or history indicates a need for substantial future medical services;

INSURER's misrepresentation or falsification of information that is furnished to CMS, THE ADMINISTRATION, a beneficiary, a potential beneficiary, or a health care provider;


INSURER's failure to comply with the physician incentive requirements under 42 U.S.C. 1396b(m)(2)(A)(x); or

INSURER's distribution, either directly or through any agent or independent contractor, of marketing materials that contain false or misleading information, excluding materials previously approved by THE ADMINISTRATION.


INSURER's misrepresentation or fraud with respect of any provision of this contract is a default under this contract.


Exclusion of INSURER or any of the managing employees or persons with an ownership interest whose disclosure is required by Section 1124(a) of the Social Security Act (the Act) from the Medicaid or Medicare program under the provisions of Section 1128(a) and/or (b) of the Act is a default under this contract.

Exclusion of any provider or subcontractor or any of the managing employees or persons with an ownership interest of the provider or subcontractor whose disclosure is required by Section 1124(a) of the Social Security Act (the Act) from the Medicaid or Medicare program under the provisions of Section 1128(a) and/or (b) of the Act is a default under this contract if the exclusion will materially affect INSURER's performance under this contract.


INSURER's failure to make timely and appropriate payments to network providers and subcontractors is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to audit, monitor, supervise, or enforce functions delegated by contract to another entity that results in a default under this contract or constitutes a violation of state or federal laws, rules, or regulations is a default under this contract.

Failure of INSURER to properly credential its providers, conduct reasonable utilization review, or conduct quality monitoring is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to require providers and contractors to provide timely and accurate encounter, financial, statistical and utilization data is default under this contract.


INSURER's placing the health and safety of the beneficiaries in jeopardy is a default under this contract.


Failure of INSURER to repeatedly meet any benchmark established by THE ADMINISTRATION under this contract is a default under this contract.


THE ADMINISTRATION will provide INSURER with written notice of default (Notice of Default) under this contract. The Notice of Default may be given by any means that provides verification of receipt. The Notice of Default must contain the following information:

(i) A clear and concise statement of the circumstances or conditions that constitute a default under this contract;

(ii) The contract provision(s) under which default is being declared;

(iii) A clear and concise statement of how and/or whether the default may be cured;

(iv) A clear and concise statement of the time period during which INSURER, when applicable, may cure the default;

(v) The remedy or remedies THE ADMINISTRATION is electing to pursue and when the remedy or remedies will take effect;

(vi) If THE ADMINISTRATION is electing to impose civil monetary penalties, the amount that THE ADMINISTRATION intends to withhold or impose and the factual basis on which THE ADMINISTRATION is imposing the chosen remedy or remedies;

(vii) Whether any part of a civil monetary penalty, if THE ADMINISTRATION elects to pursue these remedy, may be passed


                  through to an individual or entity who is or may be
                  responsible for the act or omission for which default is

                  (viii) Whether failure to cure the default within the given
                  time period, if any, will result in THE ADMINISTRATION
                  pursuing an additional remedy or remedies, including, but not
                  limited to, additional sanctions, referral for investigation
                  or action by another agency, and/or termination of the


10.1              TERMINATION


                  THE ADMINISTRATION may terminate this contract if:          INSURER substantially fails or refuses to provide payment for
                  or access to medically necessary services and items that are
                  required under this contract to be provided to beneficiaries
                  after notice and opportunity to cure;          INSURER substantially fails or refuses to perform
                  administrative functions under this contract after notice and
                  opportunity to cure;          INSURER materially defaults under any of the provisions of
                  Article XVI;          Federal or Commonwealth funds for the Medicaid program are no
                  longer available; or          THE ADMINISTRATION has a reasonable belief that INSURER has
                  placed the health or welfare of beneficiaries in jeopardy.

10.1.2            THE ADMINISTRATION must give INSURER 30 days written notice of
                  intent to terminate this contract if termination is the result
                  of INSURER's substantial failure or refusal to perform
                  administrative functions or a material default as established
                  in Article XXXIII.

10.1.3            THE ADMINISTRATION may, when termination is due to INSURER's
                  substantial failure or refusal to provide payment for or
                  access to medically necessary services and items, notify
                  INSURER's beneficiaries of any hearing requested by INSURER.
                  Additionally, if THE ADMINISTRATION terminates for this
                  reason, THE ADMINISTRATION may enroll INSURER's beneficiaries
                  with another INSURER or permit INSURER's beneficiaries to
                  receive Medicaid-covered services other than from an INSURER.


10.1.4            INSURER must continue to perform services under the transition
                  plan described in Section 10.2.1 if the termination is for any
                  reason other than THE ADMINISTRATION's reasonable belief that
                  INSURER is placing the health and safety of the beneficiaries
                  in jeopardy. If termination is due to this reason, THE
                  ADMINISTRATION may prohibit INSURER's further performance of
                  services under the contract.

10.1.5            If THE ADMINISTRATION terminates this contract, INSURER may
                  appeal the termination under Article VI Section 12 Law 72
                  September 7, 1993, as amended.


                  This contract may be terminated at any time by mutual consent
                  of both INSURER and THE ADMINISTRATION.


                  When termination of the contract occurs by reason of default,
                  THE ADMINISTRATION and INSURER must meet the following

10.2.1            THE ADMINISTRATION and INSURER must prepare a transition plan,
                  which is acceptable to and approved by THE ADMINISTRATION, to
                  ensure that beneficiaries are reassigned to other plans
                  without interruption of services. That transition plan will be
                  implemented during the 90-day period between receipt of notice
                  and the termination date unless termination is the result of
                  THE ADMINISTRATION's reasonable belief that INSURER is placing
                  the health or welfare of beneficiaries in jeopardy.          INSURER is responsible for all expenses related to giving
                  notice to beneficiaries; and          INSURER is responsible for all expenses incurred by THE
                  ADMINISTRATION in implementing the transition plan.          If the contract is terminated by mutual consent:          THE INSURER is responsible for notifying all beneficiaries of
                  the date of termination and how beneficiaries can continue to
                  receive contract services and the provisions of Article XXXIV
                  shall apply.




10.7.1            If CMS determines that INSURER has violated federal law or
                  regulations and that federal payments will be withheld, THE
                  ADMINISTRATION will deny and withhold payments for new
                  enrollees of INSURER.

10.7.2            INSURER must be given notice and opportunity to appeal a
                  decision of THE ADMINISTRATION and CMS pursuant to 42 CFR


10.8.1.           The Administration may impose monetary penalties according to
                  Article XXXVI, Section 4.



10.10.1           INSURER may dispute the notice by the ADMINISTRATION that
                  ADMINISTRATION intends to impose any sanction under this
                  contract. INSURER may notify THE ADMINISTRATION of its
                  objections by filing a written response to the Notice of
                  Default, clearly stating the reason INSURER disputes the
                  proposed sanction. With the written response, INSURER must
                  submit to THE ADMINISTRATION any documentation that supports
                  INSURER's position. INSURER must file the review within
                  fifteen (15) days from INSURER's receipt of the Notice of
                  Default as provided in Article XXXIII, subparagraph 2. Filing
                  a dispute in a written response to the Notice of Default
                  suspends imposition of the proposed sanction.

10.10.2           INSURER and THE ADMINISTRATION must attempt to informally
                  resolve the dispute. If INSURER and THE ADMINISTRATION are
                  unable to informally resolve the dispute THE ADMINISTRATION
                  will make the remedy final.

                                  ARTICLE XVIII
                               PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS

1.       The payment for the first month of coverage under this contract will be
         made upon the certification by the INSURER that it has complied with
         all the terms and conditions contained in this contract to the
         satisfaction of the ADMINISTRATION.

         For subsequent months the ADMINISTRATION shall pay to the INSURER the
         corresponding monthly premium within the first five (5) working days of
         the month


of coverage, upon submission by the INSURER of an invoice containing the list of the beneficiaries enrolled for the month of the invoice.

2. The monthly premium calculation for beneficiaries not enrolled for the full month shall be determined on a pro-rata basis by dividing the corresponding monthly premium amount by the number of days in the month and multiplying the result by the number of days the beneficiary was actually enrolled.

3. The monthly premiums for the months comprised within the contract term and covered by this contract are as follows:

a) For all beneficiaries including all those who are sixty-five
(65) years and older who are Medicare beneficiaries with Part A or Parts A and B and those who are sixty-five years and older who are not Medicare recipients:

1) Per member per month rate (PMPM) (Beneficiary) established at FIFTY THREE DOLLARS ($53.00).

4. The per member per month rate (PMPM) herein agreed provides for:

a) The billing by providers to Medicare for services rendered to beneficiaries who are also Medicare recipients. The INSURER will not cover deductibles or co-insurance of Part A, but will cover deductibles and co-insurance of Part B of Medicare, except for deductibles and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in hospital setting, other than physician services.

b) The recognition as a covered reimbursable Medicare Program cost as bad debts by reason of non-payment of Part A deductibles and/or coinsurance, and for deductibles and co-insurance for outpatient services provided in hospital setting under Medicare Part B, other than physician services.

c) Pharmacy coverage for beneficiaries who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare recipients, as long as the benefits are accessed through the PCP, HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers or the INSURER's participating providers and the prescription is issued by a participating provider of the INSURER.

d) Dental coverage for beneficiaries who are also Part A and Part A and B Medicare recipients, the INSURER's participating providers.

e) All benefits included in ADDENDUM I that are not covered under Medicare Part A or Part B.

5. The INSURER shall not, at any time, increase the rate agreed in the contract nor reduce the benefits agreed to as defined in ADDENDUM I of this contract.


6. The INSURER guarantees the ADMINISTRATION that the rate and any applicable deductibles or co-payments constitute full payment for the benefits contracted under the plan, and that participating providers cannot collect any additional amount from the beneficiaries. Balance billing is expressly prohibited.

Upon a determination made by the ADMINISTRATION that the INSURER or its agents that the INSURER has engaged in balance billing, the ADMINISTRATION will proceed to enforce provisions as established in Article XXXVI.

7. The INSURER understands that the payment of premium by the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER's payments to its HCOs, HCO's network of participating providers and INSURER's participating providers, shall be considered as full and complete payment for all services rendered except for the deductibles established in ADDENDUM I of the contract herein.

8. For those Medicare beneficiaries with Part A, any recovery by the provider for Part A deductibles and/or co-insurance will be made exclusively through the Medicare Part A Program as bad debts. In this instance, beneficiaries would neither pay any reimbursement for rendered services to a participating provider nor pay the deductibles included in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

9. For those Medicare beneficiaries with Part B, any recovery by the participating provider for Part B deductibles and/or co-insurance, other than services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, will be made through the INSURER and/or the HCOs. In this instance, beneficiaries would neither pay any reimbursement for rendered services to a participating provider nor pay the deductibles included in ADDENDUM I of this contract.

10. Co-insurance and deductible for Part B services provided on an outpatient basis to hospital clinics, other than physician services, will be considered as a covered bad debt reimbursement item under the Medicare program cost. In this instance, the INSURER will pay for the co-insurance and deductibles related to the physician services provided as a Part B service, through the capitation paid to the HCO.

11. Newborns shall be immediately covered by the INSURER if born to an eligible individual and/or family unit as defined herein the Medicaid Commonwealth Plan, the law and its regulations.

12. The INSURER understands that if the Federal Government submits an alternative to the agreement hereof that is more cost effective and for the benefit of the Government of Puerto Rico, the ADMINISTRATION along with the INSURER shall renegotiate the coverage for Medicare beneficiaries with Part A or Part A and B.


13. The INSURER certifies that the monthly billing submitted to the ADMINISTRATION includes all beneficiaries, who have been issued an identification card and for which payment of premiums are due either on a monthly or pro-rated basis. The ADMINISTRATION will not accept any new billing once the monthly billing is submitted by the INSURER to the ADMINISTRATION, unless there is a justifiable reason for the omission.

14. If any differences arise in the ADMINISTRATION's payment of premiums to the INSURER, the latter will proceed to analyze the differences between the original billing submitted by the INSURER and the amount paid by the ADMINISTRATION. The INSURER will proceed, after proper analysis, to submit to the ADMINISTRATION a diskette as well as all relevant documentation that supports and details the INSURER's claim not later than thirty (30) working days after payment is made to the INSURER by the ADMINISTRATION. Once this term has ended, the INSURER waives its right to claim any amounts from differences arising from the monthly payment made by the ADMINISTRATION and releases the ADMINISTRATION from any and all obligation to pay any additional premiums, including differences to billing by more than one insurer. During the following one hundred and twenty (120) days the ADMINISTRATION will confirm the validity of the claim and make payment thereof.


1. For the purpose of determining future premiums, the loss experience of this contract shall be based exclusively on the results of the cost of health care services provided to the beneficiaries covered under this contract. The INSURER shall maintain all the utilization and financial data related to this contract duly segregated from its regular accounting system including, but not limited to the General Ledger and the necessary Accounting Registers classified by the Area/Region subject to this contract.

2. Administrative expenses to be included in determining the experience of the program are those directly related to this contract. Separate allocations of expenses from the INSURER's regular business, INSURER's related companies, INSURER's parent company or other entities will be reflected or made a part of the financial and accounting records described in the preceding section.

3. Any pooling of operating expenses with other of the INSURER's groups, cost shifting, financial consolidation or the implementation of other combined financial measures is expressly forbidden.

4. Amounts paid for claims or encounters resulting from services determined to be medically unnecessary by the INSURER will not be considered in the contract's experience.


5. The INSURER shall provide the ADMINISTRATION every month with a Premium Disbursement Illustration. Said illustration shall present the distribution of the capitation, claim expenses by coverage, reserves, administrative expenses and premium distributions as referred and contained in the RFP's Actuarial Reports formats. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.

6. The determination by the INSURER as to the payment of the capitation fee and as to any other payments by virtue of this contract will be computed on an actuarially sound basis.

7. The INSURER will provide to the ADMINISTRATION, on a monthly basis, the actuarial data, premium distribution, and reports as contained in the RFP's Actuarial Report formats. Failure to comply with the requirements contained herein will be sufficient cause for the imposition against the INSURER of the penalty provided for in Article XXXVI of this contract.


1. The Department of Health will provide for and effectively implement a preventive medicine program with primary emphasis on public health education which will include, but will not be limited to, guidance on lifestyles, AIDS, drug abuse, cancer and mother and child care. This is typically referred to as Primary Prevention. The INSURER will collaborate with the Department of Health and provide for a preventive medicine program with primary emphasis on the provision of clinical services in support of the Preventive Medicine Program, including but not limited to, screening and education of individual patients, such as PAP Smears, colorectal screening mammograms and cholesterol screening as indicated by the best practices of medicine.

In cooperation with the INSURER, the Department of Health will develop a surveillance methodology to identify compliance with this program.

2. The INSURER, through its secondary and tertiary Preventive Program, will address, analyze and implement measures to provide effective clinical and educational activities seeking to combat the specific causes of morbidity and mortality in the Area/Region.

3. The INSURER will develop and effectively implement a case management system in order to monitor high risk cases and attend to the covered health care needs of the beneficiaries and dependents within said category.


4. The INSURER represents that under its Preventive Program it will contract, sufficient medical specialists and specialized teams in order to combine the resources of the HCOs and the professional staff of the HCOs, including but not limited to, health educators, nutritionists, dieticians, nurses, other trained personnel and physicians who will act as the team's educator, manager and coordinator.

5. The INSURER will be responsible to direct to a network of other agencies and community resources serving each municipality within the Area/Region so as to guarantee that participating providers and beneficiaries are aware of and understand the available services in their community and the process by which to access them.

6. The INSURER will assure that discharge of the mother and her baby from the hospital is based upon sound clinical judgment determined by the clinician.

7. The responsibilities of the INSURER in the Preventive Program will include the following:

a) A disease management program developed by the INSURER in collaboration with the Department of Health which shall develop standardized processes to address mayor public health programs such as Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension and Congestive Heart Failure, among others. This program shall include identification treatment protocol/guidelines and surveillance/monitoring. In cooperation with the Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) annual reports will be published detailing the results.

b) A case management program which initially will be under the responsibility of a nurse. Case management will not be limited to the physician's offices or a determined center. Coordination of the services provided is required within the community and at the home of the beneficiary, if necessary.

c) An outreach program shall be developed in collaboration with the Department of Health to target specific clinical issues as identified by the Department of Health, for those beneficiaries who cannot access those services. The clinical standard shall conform to the published HEDIS measures. These measures can be modified or supplemented by the Department of Health.

d) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women are screened for alcohol use following the Department of Health Guidelines.

e) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women will obtain counseling for the HIV test. All pregnant women who accept the the HIV test will be referred to the HIV Prevention and Detection Program of the Department


of Health. The participant provider shall coordinate all referrals with the Department of Health. Pre-natal care and HIV testing will continue to be covered benefits under this contract.

f) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women, following the administration of the HIV test that reports a positive result, are allowed to be treated under the guidelines for the utilization of ZDV in pregnant women and neonatal infants to reduce the risk of mother-infant HIV transmission, published by the Department of Health.

g) The INSURER will assure that all pregnant women are properly educated about the WIC Program. Those eligible individuals will be referred to the WIC Program of the Department of Health. It will be the immediate responsibility of the participating providers to comply with all requirements in order to arrange the referral to the WIC Program without any cost to the patient.

h) The INSURER will assure that all providers comply with the EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment) Program and the Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services (GAPS) from the American Medical Association. The itinerary of services that have to be rendered by providers will comply with the EPSDT Itinerary Services Formats.

i) The INSURER will be responsible to develop and demonstrate its strategy to meet the appropriate prevention program guidelines as required by the Department of Health.

j) The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION monthly reports detailing all services rendered to mother and child classified by age groups and listing the numbers of pregnant women that have: (i) received prenatal care on each month in the reporting period; (ii) counseled as to HIV testing; (iii) referred to the HIV Prevention and Detection Program of the Department of Health; and (iv) referred to the WIC Program.

k) The INSURER agrees to comply and assure that all participating providers will comply with the federal and local laws referred in Article XV paragraph (11) (g) of this contract. The INSURER will assure the submission by the participating provider of all the protocols and formats requested by the Department of Health, Department of the Family, Department of Education and Department of Justice as contained in the RFP formats.

8. The INSURER will develop and effectively implement incentive-based programs whereby the providers are motivated toward compliance with all requirements of their Preventive Medicine Program such as EPSDT, Immunizations, Prenatal care, reduction in cesarean sections, and other related services.


9. The ADMINISTRATION shall evaluate these preventive programs through HEDIS and other applicable performance standards.

10. The INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION quarterly reports needed by the Department of Health detailing services rendered in the Preventive Program described below.

11. The ADMINISTRATION shall have the right to audit the compliance with these requirements as needed. Non-compliance shall be a determining factor in nonrenewal of this contract or breach thereof as defined in Article of XXXIII.


1. The INSURER shall direct beneficiaries to access Mental Health and Substance Abuse benefits in coordination with the Mental Behavior Healthcare Organization in the health region contracted by the ADMINISTRATION and ASSMCA. The ASSMCA will monitor the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Program provided through the MBHO contracted in the Health Region/Area with sufficient specificity effectiveness in order to provide for all mental health and substance abuse needs for all eligible beneficiaries residing within the municipalities forming part of said area.

2. The INSURER will abide with the ADMINISTRATION and ASSMCA's guidelines for expediting access of beneficiaries to the mental health and substance abuse benefits covered under the Health Insurance Program.


1. The INSURER agrees to provide to the enrolled beneficiaries the benefits included in ADDENDUM I of this contract. The benefits to be provided under the program are divided in three types of coverage: 1) the Basic Coverage that includes preventive, medical, hospital, surgical, diagnostic tests, clinical laboratory tests, x-rays, emergency room, ambulance, maternity and prescription drug services, 2) Dental Coverage based on the right to choose one of the participating dentists from the INSURER's network and 3) the Special Coverage that includes benefits for catastrophic conditions, expensive procedures and specialized diagnostic tests.

2. The INSURER may not modify, change, limit, reduce, or otherwise alter said benefits nor the agreed terms and conditions for their delivery without the express written consent of the ADMINISTRATION.

3. The coverage for Medicare beneficiaries is established as follows:


(a) Beneficiaries with Part A of Medicare- The INSURER will pay for all services not included in Part A of Medicare, and included in the contract herein. The INSURER will not pay the applicable Part A deductibles and coinsurance.

(b) Beneficiaries with Part A and Part B of Medicare- The INSURER will pay for prescription drugs prescribed by PCP and dental coverage. The INSURER will not cover the payment of the applicable Part A deductibles and coinsurance, but will cover the payment of the applicable Part B deductible and co-insurance.

(c) Access to services contemplated herein will be through a selected HCO. Beneficiaries with Part A can select from the Medicare's providers list, in which case the benefits under this contract would not be covered.

4. The Medicare beneficiary can select a Part A provider from the Medicare Part A providers list, but has to select a HCO for Part B services for beneficiaries with Part B services or Part B equivalent services for beneficiaries without Part B of Medicare.


1. If during the term of this contract, the insurance coverage for a beneficiary terminates because the beneficiary ceases to be eligible and is dis-enrolled, such person has the right to receive a direct payment policy from INSURER without submitting evidence of eligibility. The direct payment policy will be issued by the INSURER without taking into consideration pre-existing conditions or waiting periods. The written request for a direct payment policy must be made, and the first premium submitted to INSURER on or before thirty-one (31) days after the date of disenrollment, bearing in mind that:

a) The direct payment policy should be an option of such person, through any of the means which at that date INSURER has currently made available according to the age and benefits requested. It will be subject to the terms and conditions of the direct payment policy.

b) The premium for the direct payment policy will be in accordance with the rate then in effect at INSURER, applicable to the form and benefits of the direct payment policy, in accordance with the risk category the person falls in at the moment, and the age reached on the effective date of the direct payment policy. The health condition at the moment of conversion will have no bearing in the eligibility nor will it be an acceptable base for the risk classification.


c) The direct payment policy should also provide for coverage to any other individual, if these were considered eligible beneficiaries at the termination date of the health insurance under this contract. Under option by INSURER, a separate direct payment policy may be issued to cover the other individuals who formerly were eligible beneficiaries.

d) The direct payment policy will be effective upon termination of coverage under the health insurance contracted.

e) INSURER will not be obligated to issue a direct payment policy covering a person who has the right to receive similar services provided by any insurance coverage or under the Medicare Program of the Federal Social Security legislation, as subsequently amended, if such benefits, jointly provided under the direct payment policy, result in an excess of coverage (over insurance), according to the standards of the INSURER.

2. When coverage under this contract terminates due to the expiration of its term, all persons formerly considered eligible beneficiaries, who have been insured for a period of three (3) years prior to the termination date, will be eligible for a INSURER direct payment policy, subject to the conditions and limitations stipulated in clause 1 of this section.

3. Subject to the conditions and limitations stipulated in clause 1 of this section, the conversion privilege will be granted:

a) to all eligible beneficiaries whose coverage under the health insurance contracted is terminated because they cease to be eligible beneficiaries and are disenrolled.

b) to any eligible beneficiary whose coverage under the health insurance contracted ceases because he no longer qualifies as an eligible beneficiary, regardless of the fact that the principal subscriber and/or any other eligible beneficiary continues covered by said health insurance coverage under this contract.

4. In case an eligible beneficiary under this contract suffers a loss covered by the direct payment policy, described in clause 1 of this section, during the period he/she would have qualified for a direct payment policy and before the said direct payment policy is in effect, the benefits which he/she would have a right to collect under such direct payment policy will be paid as a claim under the direct payment policy, subject to having requested the direct payment policy and the payment of the first premium.

5. If any eligible beneficiary under this contract subsequently acquires the right to obtain a direct payment policy, under the terms and conditions of the INSURER's


policies without providing evidence of qualifications for such insurance, subject to the request and payment of the first premium during the period specified in the policy; and if this person is not notified of the existence of this right, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of such period, such person will be granted an additional period during which time he/she can claim his/her right, none of the above implying the continuation of a policy for a period longer than stipulated in said policy. The additional period will expire fifteen (15) days after the person is notified, but in no case will it be extended beyond sixty (60) days after the expiration date of the policy. Written notification handed to the person or mailed to the last known address of the person, as acknowledged by the policy holder, will be considered as notification, for the purposes of this paragraph. If an additional period is granted for the right of conversion as hereby provided, and if the written application for direct payment, enclosed with the first premium payment, is made during the additional period, the effective date of the direct payment policy will be the termination of the health insurance coverage under this contract.

6. Subject to the other conditions expressed before, the eligible beneficiaries will have the right to conversion, up to one of the following dates:

a) date of termination of his/her eligibility under this contract; or
b) termination date of this contract; or
c) date of amendment of this contract, if said amendment in any way eliminates the beneficiaries' eligibility.


1. All transactions between the ADMINISTRATION and the INSURER shall be handled according to the terms and conditions set forth in this contract.

2. The INSURER shall appoint a person that shall be responsible for all transactions with the ADMINISTRATION.

3. All eligibility transactions shall be coordinated on a daily basis.


The INSURER may not cancel this contract, or make modifications to it for any reason, or otherwise change, restrict or reduce the insurance or the benefits, except for nonpayment of premiums.



The Request for Proposal that originated this contract, the Proposal submitted by the INSURER, this contract and/or any other document or provision incorporated to it by reference, shall be interpreted and construed according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. If any controversy may arise regarding the interpretation or performance of this contract, the parties voluntary submit for its resolution to the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, San Juan Part.


1. This contract shall be in effect for nine months, starting at 12:01 AM, Puerto Rico time on October 1, 2001, the first day that coverage begins and payment of the premium is due.

2. This contract may not be assigned, transferred or pledged by the INSURER without the express written consent of the ADMINISTRATION.

3. This contract may be extended by the ADMINISTRATION, upon acceptance by the INSURER, for any subsequent period of time if deemed in the best interest of the beneficiaries, the ADMINISTRATION, and the Government of Puerto Rico.


Any officer, director, employee or agent of the ADMINISTRATION, the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, its municipalities or corporations cannot be part of this contract or derive any economic benefit that may arise from its execution.


The INSURER certifies and guarantees that at the time of execution of this contract, 1) it is a corporation duly authorized to conduct business in Puerto Rico and that has filed income tax returns for the previous five (5) years; 2) that it complied with and paid unemployment insurance tax, disability insurance tax (Law 139), social security for drivers ("seguro social choferil"), if applicable); 3) filed State Department reports, during the five (5) years preceding this contract and 4) that it does not owe any kind of taxes to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.



The INSURER agrees to enforce and require compliance by all applicable participating providers with 42 CFR 434, Part 489, Subpart I relating to maintaining written policies and procedures respecting advance directives. This requirement includes provisions to inform and distribute written information to adult individuals concerning policies on advance directives, including a description of applicable Commonwealth law.


The INSURER shall report ownership, control interest, and related information to the ADMINISTRATION, and upon request, to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Comptroller General of the United States, in accordance with Sections 1124 and 1903 (m)(4) of the Federal Social Security Act.


If the ADMINISTRATION finds that, because of amendments to Law 72 of September 7, 1993, or by reason of other subsequent Federal or local legislative changes that affect this contract, or because of any reasons deemed by the ADMINISTRATION to be in the best interest of the Government of Puerto Rico in carrying out the provisions of Law 72 of September 7, 1993, or in order to perform experiments and demonstration projects pursuant to legislative enactment, modification of this contract is necessary, the ADMINISTRATION may modify any of the requirements, terms and conditions, functions, part thereof or any other services to be performed by the INSURER. Prior to any such modification, the ADMINISTRATION shall afford the INSURER an opportunity to consult and participate in planning for adjustments which might be necessary and thereafter provide the INSURER written notice that the modification is to be made within ninety (90) days after a date specified in the notice. Said modifications will take place after consultation and cost negotiation with the INSURER.


1. If the ADMINISTRATION finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing to the INSURER the INSURER has failed substantially to carry out the material terms and conditions of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION may terminate this contract at any time, as provided in
Section 10.1, above.


2. In the event that there is non-compliance by the INSURER with any specific clause of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION will notify the INSURER in writing, indicating the area/region(s) of non-compliance. The INSURER will be granted the opportunity to present and discuss its position regarding the issue within fifteen (15) days from the date of the notification. After considering the allegations presented by the INSURER following adequate hearing and the opportunity to present all necessary evidence in support of its position, and the ADMINISTRATION formally determines that there is a non-compliance, at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION, this contract may be cancelled by giving thirty
(30) days prior written notice before the effective date of cancellation.

3. In the event that the INSURER does not remedy, correct or cure the material deficiencies noted in the Plan Compliance Evaluation Report, as provided for in Article XVII of this contract, and following the opportunity of an adequate hearing and the presentation of evidence in support of its position, and the ADMINISTRATION confirms the deficiency, then at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION this contract may be cancelled by giving thirty (30) days prior notice.

4. If the INSURER were to be declared insolvent, files for bankruptcy or is placed under liquidation, the ADMINISTRATION shall have the option to cancel and immediately terminate this contract. In the event of this happening an enrollee will not be liable for payments under this contract.

5. In the event that this contract is terminated, the INSURER shall promptly provide the ADMINISTRATION all necessary information for the reimbursement of any pending and outstanding Claims. The INSURER hereby recognizes that in the event of termination under this Article it shall be bound to provide reasonable cooperation to the ADMINISTRATION beyond the date of termination in order to properly effect the transition to the new INSURER taking over the region covered by this Contract. This obligation to reasonably cooperate shall survive the date of said effective termination provided, at the ADMINISTRATION' discretion.

6. The INSURER agrees and recognizes that in the event there are no sufficient enough funds designated for the payment of premium, the ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to terminate this contract, effective ninety (90) days after prior written notification.


In the event that the contract is terminated, the INSURER will continue to provide services for a reasonable term to guarantee the continuance of services until the ADMINISTRATION has made adequate arrangements to continue the rendering of health care benefits to beneficiaries. The duration of such term will not exceed sixty


(60) days and the PMPM shall be agreed upon by the INSURER and the ADMINISTRATION.

Upon the expiration of the contract, the INSURER will provide the ADMINISTRATION with the historical/utilization data of services rendered to beneficiaries in the area/region, in order to prevent fraud and double billing of services by the incoming INSURER.

Any INSURER phasing out of a Health Region will guarantee payment for services rendered to beneficiaries under the previous contract. Failure to do so, shall entail in accordance with the fair hearing process established on Article XXXIII, the retention of a determined amount of premium payment of INSURER's Health Region Contract. The amount to be retained shall be sufficient to cover the amount owed.


None of the obligations, covenants, duties, and responsibilities incurred or assumed under the present Contract, the Request For Proposal, Proposal, the representations and assurances provided at the clarification meeting held on June 11, 2001, by either: (1) the INSURER towards the ADMINISTRATION and any governmental agencies, or (ii) the ADMINISTRATION towards the INSURER, shall be deemed as the assumption by the INSURER or the ADMINISTRATION, as the case might be, of any legal liability or responsibility towards a third party in the event that a negligent or intentional injury, malpractice, damage or wrongdoing, or any harm whatsoever is incurred by or caused by the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers and/or the INSURER's participating providers.


1. In the event that the INSURER does not furnish the ADMINISTRATION with any kind of monthly reports related to the gathering and reporting of encounter information, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium for each month in default said retention to be effective for the subsequent month after the default. Once the INSURER complies with said requirement, the amount retained will be fully paid to the INSURER, within five days after receiving the required reports for the subsequent month.

2. In the event that the INSURER does not comply with its obligation related to the monthly gathering and accurate reporting of encounter information, according to Article XV of this contract, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium payable to the INSURER for each month in default, provided:

a. the ADMINISTRATION gives, within ten (10) working days after receipt of the monthly report, written notification by certified mail, or personally hand


delivers said notification to the INSURER of the non-compliance and the reasons thereof; and
b. the ADMINISTRATION grants ten (10) working days for the INSURER to cure the default; and
c. the INSURER fails to correct it within said term.

Whenever as the above events take place, the ADMINISTRATION may retain one monthly premium payment for each month in default. Retention will be effective ten (10) working days after the notice of non-compliance. Once the INSURER corrects the problem, at the satisfaction of the ADMINISTRATION and according to Article XV of this contract, the amount retained will be fully paid to the INSURER, within five days after receiving full and complete reports for the subsequent month.

3. For the purpose of subparagraphs 1 and 2, above, default is defined as the non-compliance by the INSURER of the reporting requirements established for the gathering and reporting of encounter information as established in Article XV of this contract, or when the INSURER does not submit the reports within the established term set in this contract.

4. A. Civil Monetary Penalties: In the event that there is a non-compliance with Article VI, XII, XVI, XVII and/or with any specific clause of this contract or the INSURER engages in any of the following practices:

(a) Fails to substantially provide medically necessary services to enrollees under this contract;
(b) imposes on enrollees premiums and charges in excess of the ones permitted under this contract;
(c) discriminates among enrollees on the basis of their health status or requirements for health care (such as terminating an enrollment or refusing to reenroll) except as permitted under the Program or engages in practices to discourage enrollment by recipients whose medical condition or history indicates need for substantial medical services;
(d) misrepresents or falsifies information that is furnished to CMS, to the ADMINISTRATION, to an enrollee, potential enrollee or provider of services;
(e) distributes, directly or indirectly through any agent, independent contractor, marketing material not approved by the ADMINISTRATION, or that contains false or misleading information;
(f) Fails to comply with the requirements for physician incentive plans in section 1876
(i) (8) of the Social Security Act, and at 42 CFR 417.479, or fails to submit to the ADMINISTRATION its physician incentive plans as requested in 42 CFR 434.70


The ADMINISTRATION will notify the INSURER in writing, the findings of the violation and the impending intention to impose intermediate sanctions for each violation which could consist of: monetary penalties at the discretion of the Administration may range from five hundred dollars $500 to twenty five thousand dollars $25,000; or the resolution of the contract and temporary management; suspension, and/or with-holding of premium payments, which may range from a percent amount, or more than one monthly premium payments. The imposition of sanctions will depend on the extent and severity of the actions.

At the sole discretion of the ADMINISTRATION and after affording the INSURER due process to submit a corrective action as established in paragraph (B), below, the ADMINISTRATION will deduct any amount it may deem adequate from the premium payments or any other administrative items of said payments.

The Office of the Inspector General may impose civil money penalties of up to $25,000.00 in addition to, or in lieu of each determination by the ADMINISTRATION, or CMS, for non-compliance conduct as set forth on subparagraphs(a) through (f).

The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services may seek the enforcement of felony charges, for violation regarding subparagraph (b), above.

B. The INSURER will have the right to present and discuss its position regarding the ADMINISTRATION'S finding within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the notification. After such period expires the Administration will issue its decision regarding the contemplated sanctions which could be (i) let stand the initial determination, (ii) modify the sanction or
(iii) eliminate the sanction if the Insurer has taken affirmative corrective actions. Upon notifying the INSURER of the final decision, if in disagreement, the INSURER will have
(30) days to request a hearing before the Administration. Upon the expiration of the thirty (30) days without invoking a formal hearing, or after the celebration of a hearing and after issuance of findings and recommendations of the hearing examiner, the decision will then become final, subject to the appeal process provided in section 12, Art. VI of Law 72, September 7, 1993, as amended.

C. The ADMINISTRATION, shall appoint temporary management only if it finds that the INSURER has egregiously or repeatedly engaged in any of the stated practices on paragraph (A) of this article; or places a substantial risk on the health of enrollees; or there is a need to assure the health of an organization's enrollees during an orderly termination, reorganization of the Insurer or while improvements are being made to correct violations. The temporary management may not be removed until the INSURER assures the ADMINISTRATION that the violations will not recur.


5. If a contractor is found to be in non-compliance with the provisions on ARTICLE VII concerning affiliation with debarred or suspended individuals, the ADMINISTRATION:

a) Shall notify the Secretary of non-compliance;
b) May continue the existing contract with the Insurer, unless the Secretary (in consultation with the Inspector General of the Department of Health Services directs otherwise); and,
c) May not review or otherwise extend the duration of an existing contract with the INSURER unless the Secretary (in consultation with the Inspector General of the DHHS) provides to the ADMINISTRATION and to Congress a written statement describing compelling reasons that exist for renewing or extending the contract.

6. Notwithstanding the provisions set in this Article, the ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to terminate this contract, as established in Article XXXIII.


1. The INSURER warrants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ADMINISTRATION from and against any loss or expense by reason of any liability imposed by law upon the ADMINISTRATION and from and against claims against the ADMINISTRATION for damages because of bodily injuries, including death, at any time resulting therefrom, accidents sustained by any person or persons on account of damage to property arising out of or in consequence of the performance of this contract, whether such injuries to persons or damage to property are due or claimed to be due to any negligence of the INSURER, the INSURER's participating providers, the HCOs, the HCO's network of participating providers, their agents, servants, or employees or of any other person.

3. The INSURER warrants and agrees to purchase insurance coverage to include Contractual Liability Coverage incorporating the obligations herein assumed by the INSURER with limits of liability which shall not be less than one (1) million dollars with said insurance coverage providing for the INSURER's obligation and the insurance company of INSURER to defend and appear on behalf of the ADMINISTRATION in any and all claims or suits which may be brought against the ADMINISTRATION on account of the obligations herein assumed by the INSURER.



The ADMINISTRATION and INSURER agree and recognize that guidance and directives from the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are incorporated in contracts subject to its approval, such as the present one, and that they constitute binding obligations on the part of the INSURER.


Whenever a period of time is herein prescribed for action to be taken by the INSURER, the INSURER shall not be liable or responsible for, and there shall be excluded from the computation for any such period of time, any delays due to strikes, acts of God, shortages of labor or materials, war, terrorism, governmental laws, regulations or restrictions or any other causes of any kind whatsoever which are beyond the control of the INSURER.


The parties hereby assure that all hardware and software that it uses with respect to this Agreement are Year 2000 Compliant in accordance to CMS's Year Compliance definitions as stated in the RFP. The Parties acknowledge that this provision is an essential condition to this Agreement.


1. Inasmuch as it is a requirement that the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approves this contract in order to authorize the use of federal funds to finance the health insurance contracted, the same may be subject to modifications in order to incorporate or modify the terms and conditions of this contract.

2. Any provision of this contract which is in conflict with any Federal Laws, Federal Medicaid Statutes, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Federal Regulations, or CMS policy guidance, as applicable, is hereby amended to conform to the provisions of those laws, regulations, and Federal policy. Such amendment of the contract will be effective on the effective date of the statutes or regulations necessitating it, and will be binding on the parties even though such amendment may not have been reduced to writing and formally agreed upon and executed by the parties.



1. All responsibilities, obligations, assurances and representations, made, taken, and assumed by the INSURER under this contract will be fully, solely, and entirely assumed by the INSURER. Notwithstanding, the ADMINISTRATION acknowledges that Triple-C will carry out the responsibilities as to the administration and operational management of the Health Insurance subject of this contract and that its officers are authorized to represent Triple-S, Inc. in matters related to be carried out.

2. The ADMINISTRATION acknowledges that the INSURER is in a corporate reorganizational process. The INSURER will notify the ADMINISTRATION the date when the reorganizational process is completed. The INSURER represents that the reorganizational process shall not constituted an assignment of this Contract.


The parties agree that they accept, consent and promise to abide by each and every one of the clauses contained in this contract and that the contract contains the entire agreement between the parties and in order to acknowledge so, they initial the margin of each of the pages and affix below their respective signatures, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, this 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2001.


   --------------------------                  -------------------------------
   Angel Blanco Bottey                         Miguel Vazquez Deynes
   Executive Director                          Chief Executive Officer










EFFECTIVE:      January 1, 1960                       EFFECTIVE: January 1, 2002

                hereinafter called the OPM, the Agency, or the Government


                  hereinafter also called the Carrier

Address:        1441 Roosevelt Avenue
                San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3628

In consideration of payment by the Agency of subscription charges set forth in Appendix B, the Carrier agrees to perform all of the services set forth in this contract, including Appendix A.

 FOR THE CARRIER                            FOR THE GOVERNMENT

------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 Name of Person Authorized to               Name of Contracting Officer
 Execute Contract (Type or print)

------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 Title of Signer                            Title of Signer

------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 Signature of Person                        Signature
 Authorized to Execute Contract

------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 Date Signed                                Date Signed


1. Redate Section 1.4 INCORPORATION OF LAWS AND REGULATIONS as JAN 2002 and revise paragraph (b), as follows:



(a) The applicable provisions of (1) chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code; (2) OPM's regulations as contained in part 890, title 5, Code of Federal Regulations; and (3) chapters 1 and 16 of title 48, Code of Federal Regulations constitute a part of this contract as if fully set forth herein, and the other provisions of this contract shall be construed so as to comply therewith.

(b) If the Regulations are changed in a manner which would increase the Carrier's liability under this contract, the Contracting Officer will make an equitable adjustment in accordance with the changes clause, Section
5.38 -- Changes--Negotiated Benefits Contracts.

2. Redate Section 1.9 FEHB QUALITY ASSURANCE as JAN 2002 and revise paragraph (a), as follows:


(a) Health Care Quality.

(1) Effectiveness of Care Measures. The Carrier shall measure and/or collect data on the quality of the health care services it renders to its members as requested by OPM. Measurement/data collection efforts may include performance measurement systems such as Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (IEDIS) or ORYX(TM), or similar measures developed by accreditation agencies such as the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), or the American Accreditation Healthcare Commission/URAC. Costs incurred by the Carrier for collecting or contracting with a vendor to collect quality measures/data shall be the Carrier's responsibility and are allowable administrative expenses, subject to the administrative cost limitation.

(2) Reducing Medical Errors. The Carrier shall implement a patient safety improvement program. At a minimum, the Carrier shall --

(i) Report to OPM on its current patient safety initiatives;

(ii) Report to OPM on how it will strengthen its patient safety program for the future;

(iii) Assist OPM in providing its members with consumer information and education regarding patient safety; and

(iv) Work with its providers, independent accreditation agencies, and others to implement patient safety improvement programs.

(3) Physician Credentialing. The Carrier is encouraged to use an independent accrediting organization to validate its physician credentialing. If the Carrier's physicians meet the credentialing requirements of the credentialing organization, it has met and exceeds the minimum requirements listed below. Otherwise, the Carrier must demonstrate that it requires the following credential checks of all of its physicians, both during the initial hiring process and during periodic re-credentialing. As an alternative, the Carrier may demonstrate that the following credential checks are performed by a secondary source, such as a hospital.

- Verification of medical school graduation records.

- Routine check with local and/or state medical societies and/or boards.


- Routine check of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) list of debarred providers.

- Routine check of the National Practitioner Data Bank.

(4) To demonstrate its commitment to providing quality, cost-effective health care, if it has 500 or more Federal enrollees, the Carrier shall provide its business plan with the steps and timeframes planned to achieve and maintain accreditation.

(5) In order to allow sufficient implementation time, the Contracting Officer will notify the Carrier reasonably in advance of any new requirement(s) under paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2).

(b) Access and Measures of Service.

(1) In addition to any other means of surveying Plan members that the Carrier may develop, the Carrier shall participate in the HEDIS Consumer Assessments of Health Plans Surveys (CAHPS) to provide feedback to enrollees on enrollee experience with the various FEHBP plans. The Carrier shall take into account the published results of the survey, or other results as directed by OPM, in identifying areas for improvement as part of the Carrier's quality assurance program. Payment of survey charges will be in accordance with Section 3.11.

(2) The Carrier shall develop and apply a quality assurance program specifying procedures for assuring contract quality. At a minimum the program shall include procedures to address:

(i) Accuracy of Payments:

(A) Processing Accuracy - the number of FEHB claims processed accurately divided by the total number of FEHB claims processed for the given time period, expressed as a percentage.

REQUIRED STANDARD: An average of 95 percent of FEHB claims must be processed accurately.

(B) COB Processing - the Carrier must demonstrate that a statistically valid sampling technique is routinely used to identify FEHB claims prior to or after processing that require(d) coordination of benefits (COB) with a third party payer. As an alternative, the Carrier may provide evidence that it pursues all claims for COB.

(ii) Timeliness of Payments to Members or Providers:

(A) Average Processing Time (All FEHB Claims) - the average number of working days from the date the Carrier receives an FEHB claim to the date it adjudicates it (paid, denied or a request for further information is sent out), for the given time period, expressed as a cumulative percentage.


- The Carrier adjudicates an average of 60 percent of FEHB claims received over the given time period within 20 working days (28 calendar days).

- The Carrier adjudicates an average of 80 percent of FEHB claims received over the given time period within 30 working days (42 calendar days).

- The Carrier adjudicates an average of 95 percent of FEHB claims received over the given time period within 60 working days (84 calendar days).

(iii) Quality of Service and Responsiveness to Members:

(A) Processing ID cards on change of plan or option - the number of calendar days from the date the Carrier receives the enrollment from the enrollee's agency or retirement system to the date it issues the ID card.


The Carrier issues the ID card within fifteen calendar days after receiving the enrollment from the enrollee's agency or retirement system.

(B) Member Inquiries - the number of working days taken to respond to an FEHB member's written inquiry, expressed as a cumulative percentage, for the given time period.



- The Carrier responds to an average of 60 percent of FEHB member written inquiries within 10 working days (14 calendar days).

- The Carrier responds to an average of 90 percent of FEHB member written inquiries within 30 working days (42 calendar days).

(C) Telephone Access - the Carrier shall report on the following statistics concerning telephone access to the member services department (or its equivalent) for the given time period. Except that, if the Carrier does not have a computerized phone system, report results of periodic surveys on telephone access.

(a) Telephone Waiting Time - the average number of seconds elapsing before the Carrier connects a member's telephone call to its service representative.

REQUIRED STANDARD: On average, no more than 1.5 minutes elapse before the Carrier connects a member's telephone call to its service representative.

(b) Telephone Blockage Rate - the percentage of time that callers receive a busy signal when calling the Carrier.

REQUIRED STANDARD: On average, callers receive a busy signal no more than 10 percent of the time.

(c) Telephone Abandonment Rate - the number of calls attempted but not completed (presumably because callers tired of waiting to be connected to a Carrier representative) divided by the total number of calls attempted (both completed and not completed), expressed as a percentage.

REQUIRED STANDARD: On average, enrollees abandon the effort no more than 8 percent of the time.

(iv) Responsiveness to FEHB Member Requests for Reconsideration:

REQUIRED STANDARD: For 100 percent of written FEHB disputed claim requests received for the given time period, within 30 days after receipt by the Carrier, the Carrier shall affirm the denial in writing to the FEHB member, pay the claim, provide the service, or request additional information reasonably necessary to make a determination.

(v) Quality Assurance Plan:

The Carrier must demonstrate that a statistically valid sampling technique is routinely used prior to or after processing to randomly sample FEHB claims against Carrier quality assurance/fraud and abuse prevention standards.

(c) Appointments.

All Health Maintenance Organization carriers must meet the following standards for the given time period. Except that, if this information is not routinely collected, report results from periodic surveys.


(1) Urgent appointments are available, on average, within 24 hours of an authorized request for one.

(2) Routine appointments are available, on average, within 1 month of an authorized request for one.

(3) Average office waiting times - on average, members who arrive on time for a scheduled appointment wait no more than 30 minutes before they are seen by the provider of the medical service.

(NOTE: For the purpose of this standard (c), a simplified classification system is used in which all appointments are classified as either emergency, urgent or routine. Emergency appointments must be seen immediately to prevent health deterioration. Urgent appointments are those for the sudden, acute onset of symptoms that must be seen within 1 (one) day to prevent health deterioration. All other appointments are considered routine.)

(d) Detection of Fraud and Abuse.

The Carrier shall conduct a program to assess its vulnerability to fraud and abuse and shall operate a system designed to detect and eliminate fraud and abuse internally by Carrier employees and subcontractors, by providers providing goods or services to FEHB Members, and by individual FEHB Members.


(e) Reporting Compliance.

The Carrier shall keep complete records of its quality assurance procedures and fraud program and the results of their implementation and make them available to the Government as determined by OPM. If the Carrier cannot separate FEHB claims from all other claims, the Carrier may report compliance based on all claims and indicate this on the report.

(f) Correction of deficiencies.

The Contracting Officer may order the correction of a deficiency in the Carrier's quality assurance program or fraud program. The Carrier shall take the necessary action promptly to implement the Contracting Officer's order. If the Contracting Officer orders a modification of the Carrier's quality assurance program or fraud program pursuant to this paragraph (f) after the contract year has begun, the costs incurred to correct the deficiency may be excluded from the administrative expenses -- for the contract year -- that are subject to the administrative expenses limitation specified at Appendix B; provided the Carrier demonstrates that the correction of the deficiency significantly increases the Carrier's liability under this contract.

3. Redate Section 1.13 INFORMATION AND MARKETING MATERIALS as JAN 2002 and revise paragraph (a), as follows:



(a) OPM and the Carrier shall agree upon language setting forth the benefits, exclusions and other language of the Plan. The Carrier bears full responsibility for the accuracy of its FEHB brochure. OPM, in its sole discretion, may order the Carrier to print and distribute the agreed upon brochure text, in a format and quantity approved by OPM, including an electronic brochure version for OPM's web site. This formatted document is referred to as the FEHB brochure. The Carrier shall distribute the FEHB brochure on a timely basis TO ALL Federal employees, annuitants, former spouses and former employees and dependents enrolled in the Plan. The Carrier shall also distribute the document(s) to Federal agencies to be made available to such individuals who are eligible to enroll under this contract. At the direction of OPM, the Carrier shall produce and distribute an audio cassette version of the approved language. The Carrier may print additional FEHB brochures for distribution or its own use, but only in the approved format and at its own expense.

(b) Supplemental material. Only marketing materials or other supplemental literature prepared in accordance with FEHBAR 1652.203-70 (Section 1.14 of this contract) may be distributed or displayed at or through Federal facilities.

(c) The Carrier shall reflect the statement of benefits in the agreed upon brochure text included at Appendix A of this contract, verbatim, in the FEHB brochure.

(d) OPM may order the Carrier to prepare an addendum or reissue the FEHB brochure or any piece(s) of supplemental marketing material at no expense to the Government if it is found to not conform to the agreed upon brochure text and/or supplemental marketing materials preparations described in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this section.

4. Replace the "RESERVED" Section 1.21 with Section 1.21 ADMINISTRATIVE SIMPLIFICATION - HIPAA (JAN 2002), as follows:



(a) The Carrier shall implement and be in compliance with the standards for electronic transactions in accordance with the regulations


issued and on the date set forth by the Department of Health and Human Services.

(b) The Carrier shall implement and be in compliance with the standards for privacy of individually identifiable health information in accordance with the regulations issued and on the date set forth by the Department of Health and Human Services.

5. Redate Section 1.23 NOTICE TO ENROLLEES ON TERMINATION OF FEHBP OR PROVIDER CONTRACT as JAN 2002 and revise paragraph (b), as follows:


(JAN 2002)

(a) Enrollees who are undergoing treatment for a chronic or disabling condition or who are in the second or third trimester of pregnancy at the time a carrier terminates (1) all of part of its FEHBP contract or (2) the enrollees' specialty provider contract for reasons other than cause, may be able to continue to see their specialty provider for up to 90 days or through their postpartum care.

(b) The Carrier shall notify its enrollees in writing of its intent to terminate all or part of its FEHBP contract, including service area reductions, or the enrollees' specialty provider contract, for reasons other than cause, in order to allow sufficient time for the enrollees to arrange for continued care after the 90-day period or their postpartum care, whichever applies. The Carrier shall send the notice in time to ensure it is received by the enrollees no less than 90 days prior to the date it terminates the contract, unless the Carrier demonstrates it was prevented from doing so for reasons beyond its control. The Carrier's prompt notice will ensure that the notification period and the transitional care period run concurrently.

6. Redate Section 1.24 TRANSITIONAL CARE as JAN 2002 and revise paragraphs
(a) and (b), as follows:



(a) "Transitional care" is specialized care provided for up to 90 days or through the postpartum period, whichever is later, to an enrollee who is undergoing treatment for a chronic or disabling condition or who is in the second or third trimester of pregnancy when the Carrier terminates (1) all or part of its FEHBP contract or (2) the enrollee's specialty provider contract for reasons other than cause. The 90-day period begins the earlier of the date the enrollee receives the notice required under Section 1.23, Notice to Enrollees on Termination of FEHBP or Provider Contract, or the date the Carrier's or the provider's contract ends.

(b) The Carrier shall ensure the following:

(1) If it terminates a part of its FEHB contract or a specialty provider contract other than for cause, it allows enrollees who are undergoing treatment for a chronic or disabling condition or who are in the second or third trimester of pregnancy to continue treatment under the specialty provider for up to 90 days, or through their postpartum period, whichever is later, under the same terms and conditions that existed at the beginning of the transitional care period; and

(2) If it enrolls a new member who voluntarily changed carriers because the enrollee's former carrier was no longer available in the FEHB Program, it provides transitional care for the enrollee if he or she is undergoing treatment for a chronic or disabling condition or is in the second or third trimester of pregnancy for up to 90 days, or through the postpartum period, whichever is later, under the same terms and conditions the enrollee had under the prior carrier.


(c) If the Carrier terminates a mental health and substance abuse specialty provider other than for cause, or changes the plan's benefit structure for 2001 so that the member's out of pocket costs for mental health and substance abuse services only are greater than they were in year 2000, it must allow continued coverage with the specialty provider for up to ninety days under the same terms and conditions that existed at the beginning of the transitional care period. This transitional period will begin with the Carrier's notice to the member of the change in coverage and ends 90 days after the notice.

(d) In addition, the Carrier shall (1) pay for or provide the transitional care required under this clause at no additional cost to enrollees;

(2) require the specialty provider to promptly transfer all medical records to the designated new provider during or upon completion of the transition period, as authorized by the patient; and,

(3) require the specialty to give all necessary information to the Carrier for quality assurance purposes.

7. Redate Section 3.11 SURVEY CHARGES as JAN 2002 and revise paragraph
(b), as follows:



(a) If the Carrier participates in an FEHB annual consumer assessment survey, it shall pay OPM's contractor a pro rata share of the total cost of consolidating and reporting the survey results to OPM. The Carrier shall pay a separate fee for each plan option and/or rating area. The Carrier agrees to pay the contractor's invoice within 30 days of the billing date. If the Carrier does not remit payment to the contractor within 60 days of the billing date, OPM shall withhold the amount due from the Carrier's subscription charges according to FEHBAR 1652.232-71, Payments--experience-rated contracts, and forward payment to the contractor.

(b) Costs incurred by the Carrier for contracting with a vendor to conduct the survey shall be the Carrier's responsibility and constitute allowable administrative charges.

8. Redate Section 3.12 FEHB CLEARINGHOUSE as JAN 2002 and revise paragraph (a), as follows:



(a) The FEHB Clearinghouse will facilitate the reconciliation of enrollments between carriers and Federal agencies. The Carrier shall pay a pro rata share based on its proportion of FEHB premiums as determined by OPM for the cost of developing and operating the Clearinghouse.

(b) OPM shall withhold the amount due from the Carrier's subscription charges under the authority of FEHBAR 1652.232-71, Payments--Experience-Rated Contracts, and shall forward payment to the FEHB Clearinghouse.

9. The following Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clauses have been revised:


DEFINITIONS (MAR 2001) (FAR 52.202-1)

(a) Agency head or head of the agency means the Secretary, Attorney General, Administrator, Governor, Chairperson, or other chief official, as appropriate) of the agency unless otherwise indicated, including any deputy or assistant chief official of the executive agency.

(b) Commercial component means any component that is a commercial item.

(c) Commercial item means--


(1) Any item, other than real property, that is of a type customarily used for nongovernmental purposes and that--

(i) Has been sold, leased, or licensed to the general public; or

(ii) Has been offered for sale, lease, or license to the general public;

(2) Any item that evolved from an item described in paragraph
(c)(1) of this clause through advances in technology or performance and that is not yet available in the commercial marketplace, but will be available in the commercial marketplace in time to satisfy the delivery requirements under a Government solicitation;

(3) Any item that would satisfy a criterion expressed in paragraphs (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this clause, but for--

(i) Modifications of a type customarily available in the commercial marketplace; or

(ii) Minor modifications of a type not customarily available in the commercial marketplace made to meet Federal Government requirements. "Minor" modifications means modifications that do not significantly alter the nongovernmental function or essential physical characteristics of an item or component, or change the purpose of a process. Factors to be considered in determining whether a modification is minor include the value and size of the modification and the comparative value and size of the final product. Dollar values and percentages may be used as guideposts, but are not conclusive evidence that a modification is minor;

(4) Any combination of items meeting the requirements of paragraphs (c)(1), (2), (3), or (5) of this clause that are of a type customarily combined and sold in combination to the general public;

(5) Installation services, maintenance services, repair services, training services, and other services if such services are procured for support of an item referred to in paragraphs (c)(1), (2), (3), or (4) of this clause, and if the source of such services--

(i) Offers such services to the general public and the Federal Government contemporaneously and under similar terms and conditions; and

(ii) Offers to use the same work force for providing the Federal Government with such services as the source uses for providing such services to the general public;

(6) Services of a type offered and sold competitively in substantial quantities in the commercial marketplace based on established catalog or market prices for specific tasks performed under standard commercial terms and conditions. This does not include services that are sold based on hourly rates without an established catalog or market price for a specific service performed;

(7) Any item, combination of items, or service referred to in subparagraphs (c)(1) through (c)(6), notwithstanding the fact that the item, combination of items, or service is transferred between or among separate divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of a Contractor, or

(8) A nondevelopmental item, if the procuring agency determines the item was developed exclusively at private expense and sold in substantial quantities, on a competitive basis, to multiple State and local Governments.

(d) Component means any item supplied to the Federal Government as part of an end item or of another component, except that for use in 52.225-9, and 52.225-11 see the definitions in 52.225-9(a) and 52.225-11(a).

(e) "Contracting Officer" means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the Contracting Officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the Contracting Officer.

(f) Nondevelopmental item means--

(1) Any previously developed item of supply used exclusively for governmental purposes by a Federal agency, a State or local government, or a foreign government with which the United


States has a mutual defense cooperation agreement;

(2) Any item described in paragraph (f)(1) of this definition that requires only minor modification or modifications of a type customarily available in the commercial marketplace in order to meet the requirements of the procuring department or agency; or

(3) Any item of supply being produced that does not meet the requirements of paragraph (f)(1) or (f)(2) solely because the item is not yet in use.

(g) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, the term "subcontracts" includes, but is not limited to, purchase orders and changes and modifications to purchase orders under this contract.



(a) It is the policy of the United States that small business concerns, veteran-owned small business concerns, service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns, HUBZone small business concerns, small disadvantaged business concerns, and women-owned small business concerns shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in performing contracts let by any Federal agency, including contracts and subcontracts for subsystems, assemblies, components, and relaxed services for major systems. It is further the policy of the United States that its prime contractors establish procedures to ensure the timely payment of amounts due pursuant to the terms of their subcontracts with small business concerns, veteran-owned small business concerns, service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns, HUBZone small business concerns, small disadvantaged business concerns, and women-owned small business concerns.

(b) The Contractor hereby agrees to carry out this policy in the awarding of subcontracts to the fullest extent consistent with efficient contract performance. The Contractor further agrees to cooperate in any studies or surveys as may be conducted by the United States Small Business Administration or the awarding agency of the United States as may be necessary to determine the extent of the Contractor's compliance with this clause.

(c) Definitions. As used in this contract-

"HUBZone small business concern" means a small business concern that appears on the List of Qualified HUBZone Small Business Concerns maintained by the Small Business Administration.

"Service-disabled veteran-owned small business concern"--

(1) Means a small business concern--

(i) Not less than 51 percent of which is owned by one or more service disabled veterans or, in the case of any publicly owned business, not less than 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more service-disabled veterans; and

(ii) The management and daily business operations of which are controlled by one or more service-disabled veterans or, in the case of a veteran with permanent and severe disability, the spouse or permanent caregiver of such veteran.

(2) Service-disabled veteran means a veteran, as defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(2), with a disability that is service-connected, as defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(16).

"Small business concern" means a small business as defined pursuant to
Section 3 of the Small Business Act and relevant regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.

"Small disadvantaged business concern" means a small business concern that represents, as part of its offer that--



(1) It has received certification as a small disadvantaged business concern consistent with 13 CFR part 124, Subpart B;

(2) No material change in disadvantaged ownership and control has occurred since its certification;

(3) Where the concern is owned by one or more individuals, the net worth of each individual upon whom the certification is based does not exceed $750,000 after taking into account the applicable exclusions set forth at 13 CFR 124.104(c)(2); and

(4) It is identified, on the date of its representation, as a certified small disadvantaged business in the database maintained by the Small Business Administration (PRO Net).

"Veteran-owned small business concern" means a small business concern--

(1) Not less than 51 percent of which is owned by one or more veterans (as defined at 38 U.S.C. 101(2)) or, in the case of any publicly owned business, not less than 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more veterans; and

(2) The management and daily business operations of which are controlled by one or more veterans.

"Women-owned small business concern" means a small business concern--

(1) That is at least 51 percent owned by one or more women, or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more women; and

(2) Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women.

(d) Contractors acting in good faith may rely on written representations by their subcontractors regarding their status as a small business concern, a veteran-owned small business concern, a service-disabled veteran-owned small business concern, a HUBZone small business concern, a small disadvantaged business concern, or a women-owned small business concern.



(a) Definitions. As used in this clause,

"Controlled substance" means a controlled substance in schedules I through V of section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) and as further defined in regulation at 21 CFR 1308.11-1308.15.

"Conviction" means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the Federal or State criminal drug statutes.

"Criminal drug statute" means a Federal or non-Federal criminal statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of any controlled substance.

"Drug-free workplace" means the site(s) for the performance of work done by the Contractor in connection with a specific contract where employees of the Contractor are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance.

"Employee" means an employee of a Contractor directly engaged in the performance of work under a Government contract. Directly engaged is defined to include all direct cost employees and any other Contractor employee who has other than a minimal impact or involvement in contract performance.

"Individual" means an offeror/contractor that has no more than one employee including the offeror/contractor.

(b) The Contractor, if other than an individual, shall - within 30 days after award (unless a longer period is agreed to in writing for contracts of 30 days or more performance duration); or as soon as possible for contracts of less than 30 days performance duration -

(1) Publish a statement notifying its employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a


controlled substance is prohibited in the contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition;

(2) Establish an ongoing drug-free awareness program to inform such employees about-

(i) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;

(ii) The contractor's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace;

(iii) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and

(iv) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace.

(3) Provide all employees engaged in performance of the contract with a copy of the statement required by subparagraph (b)(1) of this clause;

(4) Notify such employees in writing in the statement required by subparagraph (b)(1) of this clause that, as a condition of continued employment on this contract, the employee will

(i) Abide by the terms of the statement; and

(ii) Notify the employer in writing of the employee's conviction under a criminal drug statute for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than 5 days after such conviction.

(5) Notify the Contracting Officer in writing within 10 days after receiving notice under subdivision (b)(4)(ii) of this clause, from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. The notice shall include the position title of the employee;

(6) Within 30 days after receiving notice under subdivision
(b)(4)(ii) of this clause of a conviction, take one of the following actions with respect to any employee who is convicted of a drug abuse violation occurring in the workplace:

(i) Taking appropriate personnel action against such employee, up to and including termination; or

(ii) Require such employee to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; and

(7) Make a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of subparagraphs (b)(1) through (b)(6) of this clause.

(c) The Contractor, if an individual, agrees by award of the contract or acceptance of a purchase order, not to engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance while performing this contract.

(d) In addition to other remedies available to the Government, the Contractor's failure to comply with the requirements of paragraphs (b) or (c) of this clause may, pursuant to FAR 23.506, render the Contractor subject to suspension of contract payments, termination of the contract for default, and suspension or debarment.


(a) Definition. Proposal, as used in this clause, means either

(1) A final indirect cost rate proposal submitted by the Contractor after the expiration of its fiscal year which--

(i) Relates to any payment made on the basis of billing rates; or

(ii) Will be used in negotiating the final contract price; or

(2) The final statement of costs incurred and estimated to be incurred under the Incentive Price Revision clause (if applicable), which is used to establish the final contract price.


(b) Contractors which include unallowable indirect costs in a proposal may be subject to penalties. The penalties are prescribed in 10 U.S.C. 2324 or 41 U.S.C. 256, as applicable, which is implemented in Section 42.709 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).

(c) The Contractor shall not include in any proposal any cost that is unallowable, as defined in Subpart 2.1 of the FAR, or an executive agency supplement to the FAR.

(d) If the Contracting Officer determines that a cost submitted by the Contractor in its proposal is expressly unallowable under a cost principle in the FAR, or an executive agency supplement to the FAR, that defines the allowability of specific selected costs, the Contractor shall be assessed a penalty equal to--

(1) The amount of the disallowed cost allocated to this contract; plus

(2) Simple interest, to be computed--

(i) On the amount the Contractor was paid (whether as a progress or billing payment) in excess of the amount to which the Contractor was entitled; and

(ii) Using the applicable rate effective for each six-month interval prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to Pub. L. 92-41 (85 Stat. 97).

(e) If the Contracting Officer determines that a cost submitted by the Contractor in its proposal includes a cost previously determined to be unallowable for that Contractor, then the Contractor will be assessed a penalty in an amount equal to two times the amount of the disallowed cost allocated to this contract.

(f) Determinations under paragraphs (d) and (e) of this clause are final decisions within the meaning of the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 60-1, et seq.).

(g) Pursuant to the criteria in FAR 42.709-5, the Contracting Officer may waive the penalties in paragraph (d) or (e) of this clause.

(h) Payment by the Contractor of any penalty assessed under this clause does not constitute repayment to the Government of any unallowable cost which has been paid by the Government to the Contractor.


(a) Definitions. As used in this clause--

"Commercial item" has the meaning contained in the clause at 52.202-1, Definitions.

"Subcontract" includes a transfer of commercial items between divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the Contractor or subcontractor at any tier.

(b) To the maximum extent practicable, the Contractor shall incorporate, and require its subcontractors at all tiers to incorporate, commercial items or nondevelopmental items as components of items to be supplied under this contract.

(c)(1) The following clauses shall be flowed down to subcontracts for commercial items:

(i) 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (Oct 2000) (15 U.S.C. 637(d)(2) and (3)), in all subcontracts that offer further subcontracting opportunities. If the subcontract (except subcontracts to small business concerns) exceeds $500,000 ($1,000,000 for construction of any public facility), the subcontractor must include 52.219-8 in lower tier subcontracts that offer subcontracting opportunities. -

(ii) 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity (Feb 1999) (E.O. 11246). (iii)
52.222-35, Affirmative Action for Disabled. Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era (Apr 1998) (38 U.S.C. 4212(a)).

(iv) 52.222-36, Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities (Jun 1998) (29 U.S.C. 793).

(v) 52.247-64, Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flagged Commercial Vessels (Jun 2000) (46 U.S.C. Appx 1241) (flowdown not


required for subcontracts awarded beginning May 1, 1996).

(2) While not required, the Contractor may flow down to subcontracts for commercial items a minimal number of additional clauses necessary to satisfy its contractual obligations.

(d) The Contractor shall include the terms of this clause, including this paragraph (d), in subcontracts awarded under this contract















Authorized for distribution by the:

Retirement and Insurance Service


RI 73-016


Effective January 1, 2002

(a) Biweekly net-to-carrier rates, with appropriate adjustments for Enrollees paid on other than a biweekly basis, are as follows:

                        Regular Rates              DoD Demonstration Project Rates
                        -------------              -------------------------------
Self only                 $87.64                 Self only                    $96.30
Self and Family           $188.23                Self and Family              $227.98

(b) The amount of administrative expenses and charges to be included in the Annual Accounting Statement required by Section 3.2 shall be as set out in the schedule below:

                 Item                                 Amount
                 ----                                 ------
(i)      Administrative Expenses    Actual, but not-to exceed the Contractual
                                    Expense Limitation for 2002,* plus an amount
                                    sufficient to cover (a) the incremental
                                    costs associated with implementing the HIPAA
                                    electronic transaction, privacy, and
                                    security standards, not to exceed an amount
                                    to be agreed upon by both parties to this
                                    contract, and (b) the costs needed to pay
                                    the Plan's Independent Public Accountant to
                                    undertake the audits and agreed upon
                                    procedures required in the "FEHBP
                                    Experienced-Rated Carrier and Service
                                    Organization Audit Guide."

(ii)     Taxes                      Actual (except that premium taxes as defined
                                    are not allowable).

(iii)    Service Charge             $625,128.00

*The Contractual Expense Limitation for 2002 is the Contractual Expense Limitation for 2001 ($5,385,148), plus or minus adjustments for inflation and enrollment changes. The base shall be adjusted by percentage changes in enrollment (from OPM's March 2001 to March 2002 headcount) and by the percentage change in the average monthly Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (published monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics) from the 12 month period ending on September 30, 2001, to the 12 month period ending on September 30, 2002.


[US LOGO]          United States
                   OFFICE OF
                   PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20415


Mr. Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes, President
1441 Roosevelt Avenue
San Juan PR 00936-3628


Dear Mr. Vazquez Deynes:

We are enclosing amendments to the standard contract for the year 2002. Please have each of the two copies signed and return both of them to us by December 17, 2001. The enclosures represent the final contract language, and we will not be taking additional comments on them. We thank you for your comments and suggestions. We carefully considered them and as a result have made some modifications.

Section 1.4 Incorporation of Laws and Regulations

This change clarifies the clause regarding implementation of regulatory changes. We received several comments expressing concerns about increased carrier liability. We have clarified our intent to minimize this concern in the final contract clause.

Section 1.7 Statistics and Special Studies

The proposal to add a clause related to reports for mental health and substance abuse parity evaluation is revoked. OPM will rely on existing contract authority in Section 1.7(b).

Section 1.9 FEHB Quality Assurance

This section is changed to clarify that the costs of OPM's effectiveness of care measures are allowable and are subject to the administrative cost limitation for experience rated health plans. (NOTE: This change does not apply to community rated plans.)

Also, this section is changed to reflect OPM's requirement that fee-for-service carriers and HMOs with over 500 enrollees must demonstrate their commitment to accreditation. If they haven't already obtained and maintained accreditation, they must provide us with business plans that include steps and timelines in CY 2002 for implementing accreditation.

We received several comments from fee-for-service carriers seeking relief from the administrative cost ceiling. We believe our incremental approach to enhancing the quality of health plans in the FEHB Program is within reason and should not have a significant impact. Therefore, we believe these types of costs should remain incorporated under the plans' administrative cost ceilings. We intend to work closely with health plans and accrediting organizations to find feasible ways to accomplish this goal.

Section 1.13 Information and Marketing Materials

This section is changed to clarify the responsibility for the accuracy of the brochure and the timeliness of brochure distribution.

We received several comments that this clause is unnecessary. However, we believe it is important to ensure all parties to the contract clearly understand the carriers bear responsibility for accurate statements of their benefits and for ensuring their members receive this information.

Section 1.22 Administrative Simplification - HIPAA

This section requires carriers to implement HIPAA electronic transaction standards and HIPAA privacy standards promulgated by Health and Human Services' regulations. (NOTE: This change is Section 1.21 for community rated contracts).

OPM is required to operate under the regulations issued by the Department of Health and Human Services just like other employers. We received several comments with concerns about both timing and costs of implementing HIPAA. We have adopted a suggested contract clause regarding implementation dates. OPM will assess on a case by case basis the costs carriers attribute to HIPAA implementation. OPM has convened a carrier workgroup to deal with implementation issues and concerns.

Some carriers commented that since the effective date for implementing HIPAA requirements wasn't until 2003, the clause wasn't needed in CY 2002. However, carriers will need to carry out pre-implementation activities during 2002 in order to meet the regulatory timeframes for implementation. In addition, we will be examining the need for additional contract clauses for CY 2003 around the issue of confidentiality.

Section 1.24 Notice to Enrollees on Termination of FEHBP or Provider Contract

This is a technical change to the language on continued care for postpartum. (NOTE: This change is in Section 1.23 for HMO contracts).

Section 1.25 Transitional care

This is a technical change to the language on continued care for postpartum. It also deletes the clause allowing members to continue use of their mental health providers through the transition period from CY2000 to CY2001. (NOTE: This change is in Section 1.24 for HMO contracts).

Section 3.11 Survey Charges

This change clarifies that consumer assessment survey costs are allowable administrative charges for experience rated contracts. (NOTE: This would be in
Section 3.7 for community rated contracts, but this change does not apply to community rated carriers).

Section 3.12 FEHB Clearinghouse

This section is changed to clarify that the clearinghouse facilitates enrollment reconciliation among carriers and agencies and that the pro-rata cost for the clearinghouse is based on FEHB premiums. (NOTE: This change applies to Section
3.6 Discrepancies Between Enrollment and Payments to Carrier for community rated contracts).

We received several comments with concerns that this clause changed the basis for allocating costs from enrollment to premiums. OPM issued an All Carrier letter dated April 25, 2001 (CL 2001-13) on the FEHB clearinghouse that described this change in OPM policy and procedures.

Section 5.1 Definitions

This is a text change to comply with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).

Section 5.14 Utilization of Small Business Concerns

This adds veterans-owned business to the list of small businesses in OPM's pilot project. (NOTE: This only affects the six health plans that are participating in the pilot.)

Section 5.25 Drug Free Workplace

This is a FAR text change.

Section 5.54 Penalties for Unallowable Costs

This is a FAR text change. (NOTE: The clause does not apply to community rated contracts).

Section 5.60 Subcontracts for Commercial Items

This is a FAR text change that adds a small business-subcontracting requirement for contract amounts above $500,000. (NOTE: The clause does not apply to community rated contracts).

Appendix F

This Appendix applies only to the six health plans that are participating in OPM's pilot project on small business subcontracting. The change replaces the current text on small business plans and adds veterans-owned businesses.


Please call your OPM Contract Specialist if you have questions about the final contract changes.


/s/ Daniel A. Green
Daniel A. Green
Contracting Officer
Office of Insurance Programs






Dated as of June 29, 1999



as the Borrower



as the Lender


Dated as of June 29, 1999

TRIPLE-S MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, a Puerto Rico corporation (the "Borrower"), and FIRSTBANK PUERTO RICO, a banking corporation validly organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the "Lender") agree as follows:


SECTION 1.1. CERTAIN DEFINED TERMS. Unless otherwise defined in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings (such meanings to be equally applicable to both the singular and plural forms of the terms defined):

"Affiliate" means with respect to any Person, any other Person
(i) which directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Person, (ii) which directly or indirectly, of record or beneficially, owns or holds ten percent (10%) or more of the shares of any class of the capital stock of such Person having voting powers, or (iii) ten percent (10%) or more of the shares of such stock of which are owned or held, directly or indirectly, of record or beneficially, for such Person. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "control" means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of management and policies of a Person, whether through ownership of common stock, by contract or otherwise; all of the Borrower's officers, shareholders owning ten percent (10%) or more of the common stock of the Borrower, directors, subsidiary corporations, joint venturers and partners shall be deemed to be the Borrower's Affiliates.

"Agreement" or "this Agreement" shall include all amendments, modifications and supplements hereto and shall refer to this Agreement as the same may be in effect at the time such reference becomes operative.

"Ancillary Agreements" means any supplemental agreement, undertaking, instrument, document or other writing executed or delivered by the Borrower as a condition to this Agreement or otherwise in connection herewith, and any collateral granted pursuant thereto, and all other contracts, agreements and documents related thereto and all amendments, modifications or supplements, and appendices, exhibits and schedules to any of the foregoing.

"Assignment of Lease Agreements" means assignment agreement(s) in form and substance acceptable to the Lender, from the Borrower to the Lender, in respect of all Lease Agreements, as amended, supplemented, replaced, extended or otherwise modified from time to time.

"Borrower" has the meaning assigned to that term in the Preamble.

"Borrower's Computer Systems" has the meaning assigned to that term in Section 4.1(w).

"Business Day" means a day of the year, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, on which banks are not required or authorized to close in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

"Capitalized Lease" has the meaning assigned to that term in the definition of Debt.

"Charge(s)" means all Federal, State, Commonwealth, county, city, municipal, local, foreign or other governmental (including, without limitation, PBGC) taxes at the time due and payable, levies, assessments, charges, liens, claims or encumbrances upon or relating to (i) the Collateral,
(ii) the Obligations, (iii) the Borrower's employees, payroll, income or gross receipts, (iv) the Borrower's ownership or use of any of its assets, or (v) any other aspect of the Borrower's business and properties.

"Closing Date" means the date of this Agreement.


"Code" means the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the regulations promulgated and rulings issued thereunder.

"Collateral" means and includes all real and personal property (tangible and intangible, corporeal and incorporeal) and all rights, title and interest in which a lien and/or a security interest is granted, or purported to be granted, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and/or the Collateral Documents.

"Collateral Documents" means, collectively, the Assignment of Lease Agreements, the Mortgage Notes, the Mortgages, the Mortgage Notes Pledge and Security Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements, as amended, supplemented, extended or otherwise modified from time to time, and any other documents, forms and certificates executed, delivered, filed, or recorded in connection with such documents.

"Commonwealth" means the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and its political subdivisions, municipalities, agencies and instrumentalities.

"Contingent Obligation" means any other obligation guaranteeing any indebtedness, leases, dividends or other obligations of any other Person in any manner, whether directly or indirectly.

"Debt" of any Person means, without duplication, (a) all indebtedness of such Person for borrowed money, (b) all Obligations of such Person for the deferred purchase price of property or services (other than trade payables and accrued expenses incurred in the ordinary course of such Person's business), (c) all Obligations of such Person evidenced by notes, bonds, debentures or other similar instruments, (d) all Obligations of such Person created or arising under any conditional sale or other title retention agreement with respect to property acquired by such Person (even through the rights and remedies of the seller or lender under such agreement in the event of default are limited to repossession or sale of such property), (e) the principal component of all Obligations of such Person as lessee under leases that have been or should be, in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, recorded as capital


leases ("Capitalized Leases") which principal component has been or should, at the time of determination, be capitalized on a balance sheet in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, (f) all Obligations, contingent or otherwise, of such Person under acceptance, letter of credit or similar facilities, (g) all Obligations of such Person to purchase, redeem, retire, defease or otherwise make any payment in respect of any capital stock of or other ownership or profit interest in such Person or any other Person or any warrants, rights or options to acquire such capital stock, (h) all Debt of others referred to in clauses (a) through (g) above guaranteed directly or indirectly in any manner by such Person, or in effect guaranteed directly or indirectly by such Person through an agreement (i) to pay or purchase such Debt or to advance or supply funds for the payment or purchase of such Debt, (ii) to purchase, sell or lease (as lessee or lessor) property, or to purchase or sell services, primarily for the purpose of enabling the debtor to make payment of such Debt or to assure the holder of such Debt against loss, (iii) to supply funds to or in any other manner invest in the debtor (including any agreement to pay for property or services irrespective of whether such property is received or such services are rendered) to assure a creditor against loss or (iv) otherwise to assure a creditor against loss, and (v) all Debt referred to in clauses (a) through (g) above secured by (or for which the holder of such Debt has an existing right, contingent or otherwise, to be secured by) any Lien on property (including, without limitation, accounts and contract rights) owned by such Person, even though such Person has not assumed or become liable for the payment of such Debt, in an amount equal to the lesser of the amount of the Debt secured by the Lien or the fair market value of such property.

"Debt Service" means for any period, the sum for the Borrower (determined on a combined basis without duplication in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), of the following: (a) all payments of principal of Debt scheduled to be made during such period plus (b) all interest in respect of Debt


capitalized or expended during such period (whether or not actually paid during such period).

"Default" means any Event of Default or any event that would constitute an Event of Default but for the requirement that notice be given or time elapse or both.

"Deposits" has the meaning assigned to that term in Section 2.4(d).

"Environment" means soil, land, land surface or subsurface strata, surface waters (including navigable waters and ocean waters), ground waters, drinking water supply, stream sediments, ambient air and any other environmental medium.

"Environmental Action" means any administrative, regulatory or judicial action, suit, demand, demand letter, claim, notice of non-compliance or violation, investigation, proceeding, consent order or consent agreement relating in any way to any Environmental Law or any Environmental Permit including, without limitation, (a) any claim by any Governmental Authority for enforcement, cleanup, removal, response, remedial or other actions or damages pursuant to any Environmental Law and (b) any claim by any third party seeking damages, contribution, indemnification, cost recovery, compensation or injunctive relief resulting from hazardous or toxic materials or arising from alleged injury to health, safety or the environment.

"Environmental Law" means any federal, state or local (including, without limitation, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico) law, rule, regulation, order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree, determination or award relating to the environment, health, safety or hazardous or toxic materials, including, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, the Clean Water Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Atomic Energy Act, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Act, each as amended from time to time.


"Environmental Permit" means any permit, approval, identification number, license or other authorization required under any Environmental Law.

"ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended from time to time, and the regulations promulgated and rulings issued thereunder.

"Event of Default" has the meaning assigned to that term in
Section 6.1.

"Excess Cash Flow" means net operating income for the Borrower before depreciation, amortization, non-cash charges and interest expense less Debt Service

"Existing Debt" has the meaning assigned to that term in
Section 4.1(q).

"Fiscal Year" means the twelve-month period commencing on January 1 and ending on December 31 of every year.

"Generally Accepted Accounting Principles" means generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied and maintained throughout the period indicated and consistent with the prior financial practice of the Borrower, except for changes mandated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board or any similar accounting authority of comparable standing.

"Governmental Approval" means any applicable consent, permit, license or other approval issued by any agency, department, bureau, division or other instrumentality of any Governmental Authority.

"Governmental Authority" means any municipal, Commonwealth, state or federal governmental authority (domestic or foreign) having jurisdiction over the Borrower or the transactions contemplated in this Agreement.

"Hazardous Material" means and includes, but shall not be limited to, any (i) "hazardous substances", "pollutant" or "contaminant" (as defined in Sections 101(14), (33) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. ss.9601(14), (33) or the regulations designated pursuant to Section 102 of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. ss.9602 and found at 40 C.F.R. Part 302), including any element, compound, mixture, solution or substance which is or may be designated pursuant to Section 102 of CERCLA
(ii) all substances which are or may be designated


pursuant to Section 311 (b) (2) (A) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. ss.1251, 1321 (b) (2) (A), as amended ("FWPCA"); (iii) any hazardous waste having the characteristics which are identified under or listed pursuant to Section 3001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. ss.6901, 6921, as amended ("RCRA") or having such characteristics which shall subsequently be considered under RCRA to constitute a hazardous waste; (iv) any substance containing petroleum, as that term is defined in Section 9001(8) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. ss.991(8) or 40 C.F.R. Part 280; (v) any toxic pollutant which is or may be listed under Section 3077 (a) or the FWPCA, 33 U.S.C. ss.1317(a);
(vi) any hazardous air pollutant which is or may be listed under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. ss.7401, 7412, as amended; (vii) any imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture with respect to which action has been or may be taken pursuant to Section 16 of the Toxic substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. ss.2601, 2606, as amended; (viii) waste oil and other petroleum products;
(ix) any asbestos, asbestos containing material or urea formaldehyde or material which contains it; or (x) any other toxic materials, contaminants, or hazardous substances or wastes pursuant to any Environmental Law.

"Indebtedness" means all liabilities, obligations and indebtedness of any and every kind and nature including, without limitation, all liabilities and all obligations to trade creditors, whether now or hereafter owing, arising, due or payable, from the Borrower to any Person and howsoever evidenced, created, incurred, acquired or owing, whether primary, secondary, direct, fixed or otherwise.

"Interest Period" means, the period commencing on the date of the Loan and ending on the last day of the period selected by the Borrower pursuant to the provisions below and, thereafter, each subsequent period commencing on the last day of the immediately preceding Interest Period and ending on the last day of the period selected by the Borrower pursuant to the provisions below. The duration of each such Interest Period shall be one, two, three or six months or longer periods not exceeding five years; in each case as the Borrower may, upon notice


received by the Lender not later than 2:00 P.M. (Puerto Rico time) two Business Days prior to the first day of such Interest Period, select; provided, however, that:

(a) whenever the last day of any Interest Period would otherwise occur on a day other than a Business Day, the last day of such Interest Period shall be extended to occur on the next succeeding Business Day, provided, that if such extension would cause the last day of such Interest Period to occur in the next following calendar month, the last day of such Interest Period shall occur on the next preceding Business Day; and

(b) the Borrower may not select any Interest Period that ends after the Termination Date.

"Lease Agreements" means any and all contracts and agreements (whether now existing or hereinafter arising) for the lease and/or use of space in the Property.

"Lender" has the meaning assigned to that term in the Preamble.

"LIBOR" means, as of a particular date of determination and for the Interest Period selected by the Borrower, the offered rate for funds in United States dollars in the London interbank market (rounded upward to the nearest 1/16 of 1%), as published by Telerate Systems, Inc. (currently on page 3750 of its financial information reporting services) as of 11:00 a.m. London Time, on the date which is two (2) Business Days prior to such date of determination, or if such quotations are no longer published or otherwise cease to be available, then the offer quotation for the rate of interest on such deposits as published in The Wall Street Journal on the date of publication of such journal immediately preceding the date of determination.

"Lien" means any lien, security interest or other charge or encumbrance of any kind, or any other type of preferential arrangement, including, without limitation, the lien or retained security title of a conditional vendor and any easement, right of way or other encumbrance on title to real property.


"Loan" means the loan made by the Lender to the Borrower pursuant to Article 2.

"Loan Documents" means collectively, this Agreement, the Note, the Collateral Documents, the Ancillary Agreements and, on and after the date of delivery thereof, each other agreement, document or instrument delivered under the terms of this Agreement or any other Loan Document, in each case as amended or otherwise modified from time to time.

"Material Adverse Change" means any material adverse change in the business, financial condition, operations or properties of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole.

"Material Adverse Effect" means a material adverse effect on
(a) the business, financial condition, operations or properties of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole, (b) the rights and remedies of the Lender under any Loan Document or (c) the ability of the Borrower to perform its Obligations under any Loan Document to which it is or is to be a party.

"Note" means the promissory note of the Borrower payable to the order of the Lender, in substantially the form of Exhibit A, evidencing the aggregate indebtedness of the Borrower to the Lender resulting from the Loan made to the Borrower by the Lender.

"Notice of Selection" has the meaning assigned to that term in
Section 2.4(b).

"Mortgages" means the mortgage(s) and extensions and modifications thereof, in form and substance acceptable to the Lender, constituted by the Borrower to secure the corresponding Mortgage Note.

"Mortgage Notes" means collectively the mortgage notes in form and substance acceptable to the Bank, issued by the Borrower, secure by the corresponding Mortgage and pledged to the Lender pursuant to the Mortgage Notes Pledge and Security Agreement.

"Mortgage Notes Pledge and Security Agreement" shall mean the pledge and security agreement executed by the Borrower in favor of the Lender, in form and substance acceptable to the


Lender, in connection with the Mortgage Notes, as amended, supplemented, replaced, extended or otherwise modified from time to time.

"Notice of Prepayment" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 2.8 hereof.

"Obligations" means, with respect to any Person, any obligation of such Person of any kind (including, without limitation, overdrafts), including, without limitation, any liability of such Person on any claim, whether or not the right of any creditor to payment in respect of such claim is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquidated, fixed, contingent, matured, disputed, undisputed, legal, equitable, secured or unsecured, and whether or not such claim is discharged, stayed or otherwise affected by any proceeding referred to in Section 6.1(f). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Obligations of the Borrower under the Loan Documents include (a) the obligation to pay principal, interest, Charges, expenses, fees, attorneys' fees and disbursements, indemnities and other amounts payable by the Borrower under any Loan Document, and (b) the obligation to reimburse any amount in respect of any of the foregoing that the Lender, in its sole discretion, may elect to pay or advance on behalf of the Borrower.

"Permitted Liens" means such of the following as to which no enforcement, collection, execution, levy or foreclosure proceeding shall have been commenced: (a) Liens for taxes, assessments and governmental charges or levies to the extent not required to be paid under Section 5.1(i); (b) Liens imposed by law, such as materialmen's, mechanics', carriers', workmen's and repairmen's Liens and other similar Liens arising in the ordinary course of business securing obligations that are not overdue for a period of more than thirty (30) days; (c) pledges or deposits to secure obligations under workers' compensation laws or similar legislation or to secure public or statutory obligations; (d) easements, rights of way and other encumbrances on title to real property that do not render title to the property encumbered thereby unmarketable or materially adversely affect the use of such property for its present purposes; (e) Liens securing


surety, indemnity and performance bonds entered into in the ordinary course of business as to which full reserves are maintained; and (f) Liens in existence on the Closing Date, without giving effect to any extensions or renewals thereof.

"Person" means and includes any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, trust, unincorporated organization, association, corporation, institution, entity, party or government (whether national, federal, state, county, city, municipal, or otherwise, including, without limitation, any instrumentality, division, agency, body or department thereof), and including the Borrower.

"Plan" means each employee plan or other plan maintained for the employees of the Borrower or any Subsidiary of the Borrower and covered by Title IV or ERISA.

"Property" means, collectively, each Mortgaged Property as defined in the corresponding Mortgage.

"Regulatory Chance" means any change after the date of this Agreement in United States, Commonwealth, state or municipal laws or regulations or the adoption or making after such date of any interpretations, directives or requests applying to a class of banks including the Lender of or under any United States, Commonwealth, state or municipal, laws or regulations (whether or not having the force of law) by any court or governmental or monetary authority charged with the interpretation or administration thereof.

"Release" means any releasing, spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring. emitting, emptying, discharging, infecting, escaping, leaching, disposing or dumping into the Environment.

"Reportable Event" has the meaning assigned to that term in Title IV of ERISA.

"Solvent" means, as to any Person, that (a) the fair value and present fair saleable value of such Person's assets is in excess of the total amount of such Person's stated liabilities; (b) the present fair saleable value of such Person's assets is in excess of the amount that will be required to pay such Person's probable liability on such Person's Debt as such Debt becomes absolute and mature; (c) such Person does not have


unreasonably small capital to carry on the business in which such Person is engaged and all businesses in which such Person is about to engage; and (d) such Person has not incurred Debt beyond such Person's ability to pay such Debt as it matures.

"Subsidiary" means any corporation of which more than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding capital stock having ordinary voting power to elect a majority of the board of directors of such corporation is at the time directly or indirectly owned or controlled by the Borrower or by one or more Subsidiaries.

"Termination Date" means the earlier of (i) July 1st, 2024 and
(ii) the date of termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 6.1.

"Termination Event" means (i) a Reportable Event described in
Section 4043 of ERISA and the regulations issued thereunder (other than a Reportable Event not subject to the provision for 30-day notice to the PBGC under such regulations), or (ii) the withdrawal of the Borrower or any Affiliate of the Borrower from a Plan during a Plan year in which it was a "substantial employer" as defined in Section 4001(a) (2) of ERISA, or (iii) the filing of a notice of intent to terminate a Plan or the treatment of a Plan amendment as a termination under Section 4041 of ERISA, or (iv) the institution of proceedings to terminate a Plan by the PBGC under Section 4042 of ERISA, or (v) any other event or condition which might constitute grounds under Section 4042 of ERISA for the termination of, or the appointment of a trustee to administer, any Plan.

"Threat of Release" means a substantial likelihood of a Release which might require action or order to prevent or mitigate damage to the Environment that might result from such Release.

"Title Insurance Policy" means a Mortgagee's title insurance policy in form and substance acceptable to the Lender insuring that each Mortgage is a first lien on the corresponding Property.

"Year 2000 Plan" has the meaning assigned to that term in
Section 5.1(1).


Year 2000 Problem" has the meaning assigned to that term in
Section 4.1(w).

SECTION 1.2. COMPUTATION OF TIME PERIODS. In this Agreement in the computation of periods of time from a specified date to a later specified date, the word "from" means "from and including" and the words "to" and "until" each means "to but excluding".

SECTION 1.3. ACCOUNTING TERMS. All accounting terms not specifically defined herein shall be construed in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles consistent with those applied in the preparation of the financial statements referred to in Section 4.1 (e).

SECTION 1.4. OTHER DEFINITIONAL PROVISIONS. The words "hereof", "herein" and "hereunder" and words of similar import when used in this Agreement shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of this Agreement, and Article, Section, Recital, Schedule, Exhibit and like references are to this Agreement unless otherwise specified. Wherever from the context it appears appropriate, each term stated in either the singular or plural shall include the singular and the plural, and pronouns stated in the masculine, feminine or neuter gender shall include the masculine, the feminine and the neuter.


SECTION 2.1. THE LOAN. The Lender agrees, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and in reliance upon the representations and warranties of the Borrower contained herein and/or in the other Loan Documents and if no Event of Default or Default has occurred or is continuing, to make a term loan (the "Loan") to the Borrower on the Closing Date in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed forty one million dollars ($41,000,000) (the "Commitment"). The proceeds of the Loan shall


be used by the Borrower to finance the acquisition of real estate properties from its Subsidiaries and from Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Puerto Rico, to pay reasonable closing and legal costs and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement and the other Loan Documents, for business investments, including the acquisition of other businesses, and for working capital requirements of the Borrower in respect to the business in which the Borrower is presently engaged.


(a) The indebtedness of the Borrower in respect of the Loan shall be evidenced by a promissory note of the Borrower, dated on the Closing Date, in form and substance satisfactory to the Lender (the "Note"), in the amount of the Loan and payable to the order of the Lender, representing the obligation of the Borrower to pay the amount of the Loan, with interest thereon as provided hereinafter.

(b) The amount of the Loan made to the Borrower by the Lender, the interest rate, and all repayments with respect to the Loan shall be recorded by the Lender. The failure to record, or any error in recording, shall not, however, affect the obligations of the Borrower hereunder or under the Note to repay the principal amount of the Loan together with all interest accruing thereon. The records maintained by Lender in the ordinary course of business shall constitute prima facie evidence of the outstanding amount of the Lender's Loan.

SECTION 2.3. REPAYMENT. The Borrower shall repay to the Lender the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the Loan made to the Borrower by no later than the Termination Date in consecutive monthly installments as set forth in the Note evidencing the Loan.

SECTION 2.4. INTEREST. (a) The Borrower shall pay interest on the unpaid principal amount of the Loan made by the Lender from the date of the Loan until such principal amount is paid in full, at a rate per annum equal at all times to the sum of LIBOR plus 100 basis points, payable monthly in arrears on the first Business Day of each month and on the date the Loan is paid in full. The interest rate on the Loan shall be determined by the


Lender on the basis of the Interest Period selected by the Borrower. The Lender shall give prompt written notice to the Borrower of the applicable interest rate as determined by the Lender for purposes of this Section 2.4 (a).

(b) The Borrower may on any Business Day, upon notice (a "Notice of Selection") given to the Lender not later than 2:00 P.M. (Puerto Rico time) on the second Business Day prior to the date of the proposed selection of an Interest Period and subject to the provisions of this Agreement, select Interest Periods for all (or any portion thereof of not less than $250,000 or an integral multiple of $50,000 in excess thereof) of the Loan; provided, however, that any selection shall be effective on, and only on, the last day of an Interest Period. Each such Notice of Selection shall, within the restrictions specified above, specify the duration of the Interest Period for the Loan or any portion thereof and shall be irrevocable and binding on the Borrower. If the Borrower shall fail to select the duration of any Interest Period in accordance with the provisions contained in the definition of "Interest Period" in Section 1.1, the applicable Interest period will automatically, on the last day of the then existing Interest Period therefore, convert into a one month Interest Period.

(c) The Lender shall be entitled to rely on any telephonic notice given by the Borrower pursuant to subsection (b) above (regardless of whether or not such telephonic notice is subsequently confirmed in writing, but without prejudice to the Borrower's obligation to deliver such written confirmation) which the Lender in good faith believes to be from a responsible officer of the Borrower, and the Borrower hereby waives any right that it may have to dispute the accuracy of the Lender's transcription or record of such telephonic notice.

(d) The Borrower may from time to time make and maintain demand and/or time deposits (the "Deposits") with the Lender. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Section 2.4 (a) above, during the time the Borrower maintains Deposits with the Lender in an aggregate principal amount of not less than $1,000,000 and in integral multiples of $250,000, the


Borrower shall pay interest to the Lender on that portion of the Loan equal to the Deposits during the time the Deposits are maintained with the Lender at a rate per annum equal to 100 basis points over and above the rate of interest paid by the Lender to the Borrower on the Deposits.

SECTION 2.5. INCREASED COSTS. (a) If, due to either a Regulatory Change or any change (including any change by way of imposition or increase of reserve requirements) in, or in the interpretation of, any law or regulation occurring after the Closing Date there shall (i) impose, modify or deem applicable any reserve, special deposit or similar requirement against assets held by, or deposits in or for the account of, or loans by, or any other acquisition of funds for contributions by the Lender; or (ii) impose on the Lender any other condition regarding this Agreement; or (iii) subject the Lender to any tax (including, without limitation, United States interest equalization tax), levy, impost, duty, charge, fee, deduction or withholding on or from payments due from the Borrower hereunder; or (iv) change the basis of taxation of payments due hereunder from the Borrower to the Lender (other than by a change in taxation of the overall net income of the Lender); or (v) the compliance with any guideline or request from any central bank or other Governmental Authority (whether or not having the force of law) issued after the Closing Date, and as a result of any of the above there shall be any increase in the cost to the Lender of agreeing to make or making, funding or maintaining the unpaid balance of the Loan, then the Borrower shall from time to time, within 30 days after notice and demand by the Lender, pay to the Lender additional amounts sufficient to compensate the Lender for such increased cost. A certificate as to the amount of such increased cost, submitted to the Borrower by the Lender, shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes, absent manifest ERROR. The Lender will determine the amount of the increased cost payable under this sub-section (a) acting reasonably and in good faith and using averaging and attribution methods among its customers which are fair and reasonable.


(b) If the Lender determines that compliance with any law or regulation or any guideline or request from any central bank or other Governmental Authority (whether or not having the force of law) affects or would affect the amount of capital required or expected to be maintained by the Lender or any corporation controlling the Lender and that the amount of such capital is increased by or based upon the existence of the Lender's commitment to lend hereunder and other commitments of this type (considering the Lender's policy regarding capital adequacy), then, within 30 days after notice and demand by the Lender, the Borrower shall pay to the Lender, from time to time as specified by the Lender, additional amounts sufficient to compensate the Lender or such corporation in the light of such circumstances, to the extent that the Lender reasonably and in good faith determines such increase in capital to be allocable to the existence of the Lender's commitment to lend hereunder (using averaging and attribution methods among its customers which are fair and reasonable). A certificate as to such amounts submitted to the Borrower by the Lender shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes, absent manifest error.

(c) In order to be entitled to compensation under subsection
(a) or (b) of this Section 2.5, the Lender shall notify the Borrower of any event occurring after the date of this Agreement entitling the Lender to compensation under sub-section (a) or (b) of this Section 2.5 as promptly as practicable, but in any event within 30 days, after the Lender obtains actual knowledge thereof. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Section 2.7, the Borrower may, within 60 days after receipt of the notice provided in this sub-section (c), prepay in whole, without penalty or premium, the Loan together with interest and any compensation under sub-section (a) or (b) of this
Section 2.5 accruing up to and including the date of such prepayment.

SECTION 2.6. PAYMENTS AND COMPUTATIONS. (a) The Borrower shall make each payment hereunder and under the Note not later than 2:00 P.M. (Puerto Rico time) on the day when due in United States dollars to the Lender.


(b) The Borrower hereby authorizes the Lender, if and to the extent payment owed to the Lender is not made when due hereunder or under the Note held by the Lender, to charge from time to time any amount so due, first against Account No. 015012-072 of the Borrower with the Bank, and then, against any or all of the other Borrower's accounts with the Lender.

(c) All computations of interest shall be made by the Lender on the basis of a year of 360 days, in each case for the actual number of days (including the first day but excluding the last day) occurring in the period for which such interest are payable. Each determination by the Lender of an interest rate hereunder shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes, absent manifest error.

(d) Whenever any payment hereunder or under the Note shall be stated to be due on a day other than a Business Day, such payment shall be made on the next succeeding Business Day, and such extension of time shall in such case be included in the computation of payment of interest, provided, however, that if such extension would cause the next succeeding Business Day to occur in the next following calendar month, then the day of such payment shall occur on the next preceding Business Day.

SECTION 2.7. VOLUNTARY PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL. The Borrower may, upon at least one (1) Business Day prior written notice to the Lender (each a "Notice of Prepayment"), which notice shall be irrevocable and must be received not later than 3:00 P.M. (Commonwealth time) at least one (1) Business Day prior to such prepayment, stating the proposed date and aggregate principal amount of the prepayment, prepay without penalty or premium from Excess Cash Flow the outstanding principal amount of the Loan in whole or ratably in part with accrued interest to the date of such prepayment on the amount prepaid; provided, that each such partial prepayment shall be in an aggregate principal amount of not less than $250,000 and in integral multiples of $50,000. Each such prepayment shall be applied to the principal outstanding on the Loan, in the inverse order of maturity.

SECTION 2.8. WAIVER OF COLLECTION OF INTEREST. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, the Obligations of the


Borrower under this Agreement, the Note and/or the other Loan Documents shall be subject to the limitation that payments of interest or other amounts shall not be required to the extent that receipt of any such payment by the Lender would be contrary to provisions of law applicable to the Lender limiting the maximum rate of interest or other amounts which may be charged or collected by the Lender.


SECTION 3.1. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE LOAN. The obligation of the Lender to make the Loan is subject to the following conditions precedent:

(a) There shall have occurred no Material Adverse Change since December 31, 1998.

(b) There shall exist no action, suit, investigation, litigation or proceeding affecting the Borrower and/or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of the Borrower, threatened before any court, governmental agency or arbitrator that (i) is reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect or (ii) purports to affect the legality, validity or enforceability of this Agreement, the Note, any other Loan Document or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

(c) The Lender shall have received on the Closing Date, each dated such day (unless otherwise specified), in form and substance satisfactory to the Lender (unless otherwise specified) and (except for the Note) in sufficient copies for the Lender:

(i) The Note of the Borrower to the order of the Lender;
(ii) This Agreement;
(iii) The Collateral Documents: and
(iv) The Title Insurance Policy.

The Lender shall have received such evidence as the Lender may deem satisfactory that all necessary filing fees, and all taxes and other expenses related to such documents and filings, have


been paid in full, or such amounts have been delivered to the Lender.

(d) The Lender shall have received certified copies of all corporate action taken by the Borrower approving each Loan Document to which it is a party, and of all documents evidencing all other necessary corporate action and Governmental Approvals, if any, with respect to each such Loan Document.

(e) The Lender shall have received a certificate of the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Borrower certifying the names and true signatures of the officers of the Borrower authorized to sign each Loan Document to which it is a party and the other documents to be delivered by it hereunder.

(f) The Lender shall have received certificates of good standing acceptable to the Lender showing that the Borrower is in good standing in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and a copy certified by the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary of the Borrower dated not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of execution of this Agreement of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Borrower.

(g) A certificate of the Borrower, signed on behalf of the Borrower by an authorized officer of the Borrower, dated the Closing Date, certifying as to (A) the truth of the representations and warranties contained in the Loan Documents as though made on and as of the date of the Closing Date, and (B) the absence of any event occurring and continuing, or resulting from the Loan, that constitutes a Default.

(h) Such financial, business and other information regarding the Borrower as the Lender shall have requested, including, without limitation, information as to possible contingent liabilities, tax matters, environmental matters, obligations under ERISA and welfare plans, collective bargaining agreements and other arrangements with employees, annual financial statements for the Borrower dated as of December 31, 1998, and interim financial statements for the Borrower dated the end of the most recent fiscal quarter for which financial statements are available.


(i) Payment by the Borrower to the Lender of all reasonable costs and expenses of the Lender (including, without limitation, attorney's fees) incurred in connection with the preparation, negotiation, execution and delivery of this Agreement and the other Loan Documents and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.

(j) The representations and warranties contained in each Loan Document are true and correct in all material respects on and as of the date of the Loan before and after giving effect to the Loan and to the application of the proceeds therefrom.

(k) No event has occurred and is continuing, or would result from the Loan, or from the application of the proceeds therefrom, which constitutes a Default.

(1) The Lender shall have received copies of all consents, licenses, approvals and Governmental Permits, if any, obtained by the Borrower in connection with the execution, delivery, performance, validity and enforceability of the Loan Documents and the use, occupancy and operation of the Property, and all such consents, licenses, approvals and Governmental Permits shall be in full force and effect.

(m) The Borrower shall have delivered to the Lender certificates of insurance or the insurance policies required hereunder and/or under the Collateral Documents.

(n) The Lender shall have received an appraisal report of the Property prepared by a licensed appraiser acceptable to the Lender and in form and substance and showing a value acceptable to the Lender.

(o) The Lender shall have received copies of all Lease Agreements and a schedule summarizing the terms and conditions thereof, and they shall be acceptable to the Lender.

(p) There shall be no eminent domain or similar proceedings pending or affecting the Property.

(q) The Lender shall have received satisfactory evidence that all taxes and levies imposed upon the Property are fully paid and current.


(r) The Lender shall have received such other approvals, consents, waivers, opinions or documents as the Lender may reasonably request.


SECTION 4.1. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE BORROWER. In order to induce the Lender to make the Loan, the Borrower makes the following representations and warranties to the Lender, each and all of which shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement:

(a) The Borrower is a corporation duly organized and validly existing in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Borrower does not conduct business in any other jurisdiction where the nature of its business or assets requires it to be so qualified to do business, except where the failure to so qualify would not have a Material Adverse Effect on the business or the assets of the Borrower. The Borrower has all requisite corporate power and authority to conduct its business, to own its property and to execute, deliver and perform all of its obligations under this Agreement, the Note and each of the other Loan Documents to which it is or will be a party.

(b) The execution, delivery and Performance by the Borrower of the Loan Documents to which it is or will be a party, have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action of the Borrower and do not and will not (A) contravene the organization documents and/or by-laws of the Borrower, (B) violate in any material respect any provision of any applicable law, rule, regulation, order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree, determination or award,
(C) constitute or result in a material breach of or constitute a material default under any indenture or loan or credit agreement or any other agreement, lease or instrument to which the Borrower and/or any its Subsidiaries is a party or by which its properties may be bound or affected, or (D) result in, or require, the creation or imposition of any mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, Lien, security


interest or other charge or encumbrance of any nature (other than as required hereunder) upon or with respect to any of the properties now owned or hereafter acquired by the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries. Neither the Borrower nor its Subsidiaries is in default under any such law, rule, regulation, order, writ; judgment, injunction, decree, determination or award, or in breach of any such indenture, agreement, lease or instrument, the violation or breach of which is reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect.

(c) No authorization or approval or other action by, and no notice to or filing with, any Governmental Authority or regulatory body is required for the due execution, delivery and performance by the Borrower of the Loan Document to which it is or will be a party, or for the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby. The Borrower has all material licenses, permits, rights, variances and other Governmental Approvals that are necessary to perform its various obligations under the Loan Documents, to own and operate its properties and assets and to conduct its business as currently conducted.

(d) This Agreement is, and each other Loan Document to which the Borrower is or will be a party when delivered hereunder will be, legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with their respective terms, except to the extent enforceability thereof may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws affecting creditor's rights generally and by equitable principles (regardless of whether enforcement is sought in equity or at law).

(e) The consolidated balance sheet of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 1998 and the related consolidated statements of income and retained earnings of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries for the period ended on December 31, 1998, copies of which have been furnished to the Lender, fairly present the financial condition of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis as of such date and the results of the operations of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis for the period ended on such date, all in


accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles consistently applied, and since such date, there has been no Material Adverse Change in such condition or operations.

(f) Except as otherwise disclosed in the audited financial statements referred to in sub-section (e) of this Section 4.1, there is no pending or, to the best of the Borrower's knowledge, threatened action or proceeding affecting the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries before any court, governmental agency or arbitrator which, (i) if adversely determined, is reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect or (ii) purports to affect the legality, validity or enforceability of this Agreement, the Note or any other Loan Document or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

(g) The Borrower and its other Subsidiaries are not engaged in the business of extending credit for the purpose of purchasing or carrying margin stock (within the meaning of Regulation U issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System), and no proceeds of the Advances will be used by the Borrower to purchase or carry any margin stock or to extend credit to others for the purpose of purchasing or carrying any margin stock.

(h) After giving effect to the transactions contemplated by the Loan Documents and the payment of all estimated legal, accounting and other fees related hereto and thereto, the Borrower will be Solvent as of and on the Closing Date.

(i) The Borrower and its Subsidiaries have filed all federal, state, Commonwealth, and local tax returns required to be filed and have paid all taxes shown thereon to be due, including interest and penalties, or have provided adequate reserves therefor; no unpaid or uncontested assessments have been made against the Borrower and its Subsidiaries by any taxing authority, nor has any penalty or deficiency been assessed by any such authority, which in the aggregate for all such assessments, penalties and deficiencies may have a Material Adverse Effect. All contested assessments which may have a Material Adverse Effect have been disclosed to the Lender and adequate reserves


have been made therefor. Such tax returns properly reflect the income and taxes of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries for the periods covered thereby, subject only to reasonable adjustments required by the corresponding taxing authorities upon audit and having no Material Adverse Effect on the financial condition, business or results of operations of the Borrower.

(j) No Reportable Event has occurred with respect to any Plan of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries, and neither the Borrower nor its Subsidiaries has any current or past service liability under any Plan.

(k) No Termination Event has occurred or is reasonably expected to occur with respect to any Plan of the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries and neither the Borrower nor its Subsidiaries has any current or past service liability under any Plan.

(1) Neither the Borrower nor its Subsidiaries has incurred any actual withdrawal liability under ERISA with respect to any Plan.

(m) There are no strike's or, to the best of the Borrower's knowledge, other labor disputes or grievances against the Borrower pending or threatened which could have a Material Adverse Effect. There are no unfair. labor practice charges, representation petitions, or grievances pending or in process or, to the best knowledge of the Borrower, threatened by or on behalf of any employee or group of employees of the Borrower which could have a Material Adverse Effect. There are no written complaints, received by the Borrower or, to the best knowledge of the Borrower, threatened, or with respect to unresolved complaints on file, with any federal, state, Commonwealth or local court or government agency alleging employment discrimination, wrongful discharge, or other unlawful employment practice by the Borrower.

(n) No written information, exhibit or report furnished by the Borrower to the Lender in connection with the negotiation of this Agreement, taken together, contained any material misstatement of fact or omitted to state a material fact or any fact necessary to make the statements contained therein


not misleading in light of the circumstances in which they were given.

(o) (i) The operations and properties of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries comply in all material respects with all applicable Environmental Laws; (ii) all necessary Environmental Permits have been obtained and are in effect for the operations and properties of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries and the Borrower and its Subsidiaries are in compliance in all material respects with all such Environmental Permits; (iii) none of the operations or properties of the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries is subject to any Environmental Action alleging the violation of any Environmental Law; (iv) no circumstances known to the Borrower exist that could form the basis of an Environmental Action against the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries or any of their properties that could have a Material Adverse Effect or cause any such property to be subject to any restrictions which could have a Material Adverse Effect on ownership, occupancy, use or transferability under any Environmental Law; (v) none of the operations of the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries are the subject of a federal, state, Commonwealth or local investigation evaluating whether any remedial action is needed to respond to a Release or Threat of Release of any Hazardous Material or any other substance into the Environment, which remedial action may have a Material Adverse Effect on the Borrower's and/or its Subsidiaries' business operations, financial condition or the value of any Collateral; and (vi) the Borrower and its Subsidiaries do not have any contingent liability in connection with any Release or Threat of Release of any Hazardous Material or any other substance into the Environment which contingent liability, if liquidated, would not be adequately covered (in the reasonable determination of the Lender) by insurance or other indemnification rights and which, in the reasonable determination of the Lender, would not have a Material Adverse Effect on the Borrower's and/or its Subsidiaries' business operations or financial condition. The Borrower and its Subsidiaries have not filed any notice under any Environmental Law indicating past or present treatment, storage or disposal of a Hazardous Material or


reporting a Release or Threat of Release of a Hazardous Material or any other hazardous substance into the Environment.

(p) Neither the Borrower nor its other Subsidiaries, is an "investment company", or an "affiliated person" of, or "promoter" or "principal underwriter" for, an "investment company", as such terms are defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. Neither the making of the Loan, nor the application of the proceeds or repayment thereof by the Borrower, nor the consummation of the other transactions contemplated hereby, will violate any provision of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, or any rule, regulation or order of the Securities and Exchange Commission thereunder.

(q) Set forth in the Financial Statements most recently submitted to the Lender is a complete and accurate list of all Debt showing as of the date set forth thereon the principal amount outstanding thereunder (the "Existing Debt").

(r) Neither the Borrower nor its Subsidiaries is a "holding company", or an "affiliate" of a "holding company" or of a "subsidiary company" of a "holding company", as such terms are defined in the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended.

(s) The Borrower has good and marketable title to all assets and properties shown or reported in the Financial Statements most recently submitted to the Lender and all such assets and properties are free and clear of any encumbrances, mortgages, pledges, charges, leases, security interest and any other type of lien, encumbrance and/or title restriction, except those reflected in the Financial Statements.

(t) The Borrower and its Subsidiaries hold all franchises and licenses required for their operations and said licenses and franchises are in full force and effect and no other approval, application, filing, registration, consent or other action of any local, state or federal authority is, or will be required to enable the Borrower and its Subsidiaries to exploit any such franchise and licenses. The Borrower nor its Subsidiaries have received any notice from the granting body or any other Governmental Authority with respect to any breach of


any covenant under, or any default with respect to, any such franchises or licenses. Before and upon giving effect to this Agreement and the Loan Documents no default shall have occurred and be continuing under any such franchises and licenses. All material consents and approvals of, filings and registration with and all other actions in respect of, all Governmental Authorities or instrumentalities required to maintain any franchises and licenses in full force and effect prior to the scheduled date of expiration thereof have been, or, prior to the time when required, will have been, obtained, given, filed or taken or will be in full force and effect.

(u) All policies of insurance of any kind or nature owned by or issued to the Borrower, including, without limitation, policies of life, fire, theft, product liability, public liability, property damage, other casualty, employee fidelity, worker's compensation, employee health and welfare, title, property and liability insurance, are in full force and effect and are of a nature and provide such coverage as is sufficient and as is customarily carried by companies of the size and character of the Borrower. The Borrower has not been refused insurance for which it applied or had any policy of insurance terminated (other than at its request).

(v) The proceeds of the Loan shall be used and applied only for the purposes set forth in Section 2.1 hereof.

(w) The Borrower represents and warrants to the Lender that:
(i) in the normal course of the operation of its business it uses computer hardware and software for the storage and processing of data (collectively the "Borrower's Computer Systems") including financial information, inventory, client lists and other data which is of critical importance to the operation of its business; (ii) as of the date hereof the Borrower's Computer Systems are in adequate condition for the purposes for which they are used and intended; (iii) it is distinctly aware of the existence of the so called year 2000 problem in the computer field (the "Year 2000 Problem"), which consists generally of the fact that present programming of the vast majority of computer software and hardware does not provide


for the recognition of dates after December 31, 1999, and that accordingly, upon the advent of the Year 2000 it is expected that hardware and software which has not been reprogrammed or replaced, as conditions may require, will cease to operate or will otherwise operate erratically, all of which would cause a significant loss of data and other efficiencies to the Borrower's business, including potentially material financial losses: (iv) the Borrower believes that it is taking, or has taken, any and all necessary steps to assure that its significant clients, material suppliers, and any other Person which individually or in the aggregate has or could have a Material Adverse Effect on the operations, financial or otherwise of the Borrower's business including, without limitation, technology, telecommunications, software and hardware providers, are able to meet the requirements of the Year 2000 Problem, and (v) as of the date hereof, the Borrower reasonably believes that it has substantially completed or will be in a position to substantially complete on or before October 31, 1999 all required modifications, conversions, changes or replacements to the Borrower's Computer Systems so that the Year 2000 Problem shall not materially adversely affect the Borrower's business.

(x) (i) There are no material structural or material defects of any kind in the Property or violations of any requirement of Governmental Authorities with respect thereto.

(ii) The Property complies with all applicable zoning and construction ordinances, regulations and restrictive covenants applicable thereto, as well as all ecological and other laws and regulations. The Property has in full force and effect all required Governmental Approvals. There are no presently outstanding notices of violations of Governmental Approvals related to the Property.

(iii) The Property has not been materially damaged by fire or other casualty and is in good rentable condition.

(iv) All utility services necessary for its proper and efficient operation are available at the Property.

(v) The Borrower has obtained all required Governmental Approvals necessary for the present uses, occupancy


and operation of the Property, and they are in full force and effect.

(vi) The Lease Agreements identified in Exhibit 1 of the Assignment of Lease Agreements affecting all or any portion of the Property are in full force and effect and constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower and/or its Subsidiary, as the case may be, enforceable against such parties in accordance with their terms.

(vii) There are no underground storage tanks on, in, under or affecting all or any portion of the Property.

(z) (i) The provisions of each Mortgage are effective to create in favor of the bearer of the Mortgage Note secured thereby, a legal, valid and enforceable first lien and security interest in all right, title and interest of such bearer in the Property described therein; and each Mortgage, when filed in the corresponding Section of the Property Registry of the Commonwealth, will be recorded and upon recordation will constitute a fully perfected first lien on and security interest in all right, title and interest of the Borrower in such Property superior in right to any Liens, existing or future, which any Person may have against such Property or interest therein.

(ii) The Mortgage Notes Pledge and Security Agreement creates in favor of the Lender a legal, valid and enforceable first priority lien and security interest in all right, title and interest of the Borrower in the Mortgage Notes, and upon delivery to, and continued possession by, the Lender of such Mortgage Notes, the Mortgage Notes Pledge and Security Agreement shall constitute a fully perfected first priority lien on and security interest in all right, title and interest of the Borrower in such Mortgage Notes superior in right to any Liens, existing or future, which any Person may have against such Mortgage Notes or interest therein.

(iii) The Assignment of Lease Agreements constitutes in favor of the Lender a legal, valid and enforceable first priority assignment in all right, title and interest of the Borrower in the Lease Agreements described therein superior in


right to any Liens, existing or future, which any Person may have against such Lease Agreements or interest therein.


SECTION 5.1. AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS. So long as the Loan shall remain unpaid and until satisfaction of all other Obligations of the Borrower hereunder, the Borrower will:

(a) Comply and cause its Subsidiaries to comply, in all material respects, with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and orders except where such non-compliance is not reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect.

(b) (i) Maintain and cause its Subsidiaries to maintain all of its properties (real and personal) insured at all times by responsible, reputable and financially sound insurance companies or associations in such amounts and covering loss or damage by fire, earthquake and windstorm and such other risks as are usually carried by companies engaged in similar businesses and owning similar properties as the Borrower or as may be required by the Lender (including an all risk hazard insurance policy with extended coverage endorsement for 100% of the estimated replacement cost of the Property, but in no event for less than the principal outstanding under the Loan, and business interruption and use and occupancy coverage), and (ii) maintain adequate insurance for damage to property, death or bodily injury and other insurance against liability to persons for such risks and hazards and in such amounts as are usually carried by companies engaged in similar businesses (including a comprehensive general liability policy). All such insurance shall include the Lender as the only mortgagee and shall require a 30 day prior written notice to the Lender prior to cancellation. The Borrower shall promptly furnish or cause to be furnished to the Lender in form and substance acceptable to the Lender evidence of such insurance, including originals or copies as the Bank may request of policies, certificates of insurance, riders, endorsements and proof of premium payments.


(c) Furnish to the Lender:

(i) as soon as available and in any event within 30 days after the close of each of the first three quarters of the Borrower's Fiscal Year and within 60 days after the end of the last fiscal quarter of each Fiscal Year of the Borrower; quarterly unaudited financial statements of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis, including balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements, prepared according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The financial statements referred to above shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by the Chief Financial Officer or Treasurer of the Borrower identifying any Event of Default hereunder and/or any existing fact or circumstance which, with the lapse of time or the giving of notice or both, would result in an Event of Default hereunder, and certifying that no other default has occurred under this Agreement, and that no other fact or circumstance exists which, with the lapse of time or the giving of notice or both, would result in an Event of Default hereunder;

(ii) as soon as available and in any event within 120 days after the close of each Fiscal Year of the Borrower, audited financial statements of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis, including balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements, prepared according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, as of the end of such year, certified by independent certified public accountants of recognized national standing satisfactory to the Lender;

(iii) promptly, but in any event within ten (10) Business Days after the Borrower knows or has reason to know of the existence of a Default, a statement of the Chief Financial Officer or Treasurer of the Borrower setting forth details of such Default and the action which the Borrower has taken or will take with respect thereto;

(iv) promptly, but in any event within ten (10) Business Days after receipt by the Borrower of service of process or other notice of commencement thereof, notice of all actions, suits, investigations, litigation and proceedings before any court or governmental department, commission, board, bureau,


agency or instrumentality, domestic or foreign, which requests a monetary judgment not covered by insurance against, or other type of monetary relief not covered by insurance from, the Borrower which could result in a Material Adverse Effect, and promptly after the occurrence thereof notice of any material adverse change in the status or the financial effect on the Borrower of such actions, suits, investigations, litigation and proceedings;

(v) promptly, but in any event within ten (10) Business Days after receipt thereof, copies of the following: (i) any notice of tax deficiency received from the Puerto Rico Treasury Department or any other taxing authority of the Commonwealth, (ii) any notice of municipal license tax deficiency received from the Finance Director of any of the municipalities of the Commonwealth and (iii) any notice of property tax deficiency received from the Municipal Revenue Collections Center of Puerto Rico; provided that this subsection (v) shall only apply to deficiencies which could result in a Material Adverse Effect;

(vi) promptly, but in any event within ten (10) Business Days after the Borrower knows or has reason to know of the existence thereof, notice of any condition or occurrence on any property of the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries that results in noncompliance with, or liability under, any Environmental Law or Environmental Permit with respect to the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries and which noncompliance or liability could result in a Material Adverse Effect;

(vii) promptly, but in any event within ten (10) Business Days after the Borrower knows or has reason to know of the existence thereof, notice of any material labor dispute to which the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries may become a party, any strikes or walkouts relating to any of its or their facilities;

(viii) promptly, but in any event within ten (10) Business Days after the occurrence thereof, notice of the default by the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries under any note, indenture, loan agreement, mortgage, lease, deed or other similar agreement which could result in a Material Adverse Effect.


(d) Obtain, preserve and maintain (i) its corporate existence and going concern status, and (ii) all rights (charter and statutory) and all approvals, authorizations, licenses, permits and franchises of all Governmental Authorities necessary to enable the Borrower to operate and maintain its property, business and operations as currently conducted other than such rights, approvals, authorizations, licenses, permits and franchises which failure to obtain, preserve or maintain could not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

(e) Keep proper books of record and account and cause its Subsidiaries to keep proper books of record and account, in which full and correct entries shall be made of all financial transactions and the assets and businesses of the Borrower in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles consistently applied. The Borrower shall permit authorized representatives of the Lender to visit and inspect its properties and assets, to inspect its books of records and account and make photocopies thereof, to review its accounts and to discuss the affairs, finances and accounts of the Borrower with its authorized Person all at such times during normal business hours, as often as the Lender may reasonably request and upon two (2) Business Day prior notice. The books and records of the Borrower shall be kept at its principal office place of business in the Commonwealth and shall not be removed form such location without the prior consent of the Lender.

(f) Maintain and preserve all of its properties which are necessary or reasonably useful for the proper conduct of its businesses in good working order and condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and in material compliance with all applicable standards and rules imposed by all Governmental Authorities with jurisdiction, except where the failure to do so is not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably likely to result in a Material Adverse Effect; and at all times do or cause to be done all things necessary to obtain, preserve, renew and keep in full force and effect all copyrights, trademarks, service marks and trade names, except where the failure to do so is not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably likely to result in a Material Adverse Effect.


(g) Utilize the proceeds of the Loan for the purposes set forth in Section 2.1.

(h) File and cause its Subsidiaries to file all federal, state, Commonwealth and local tax returns and other reports required by law to be filed, except if the failure to timely file such returns and reports would not result in a Material Adverse Effect; maintain and cause its Subsidiaries to maintain adequate reserves for the payment of all taxes, assessments, governmental charges and levies imposed upon the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries, its income or its profits; pay and discharge all such taxes, assessments, governmental charges and levies imposed upon the Borrower and its Subsidiaries or against its properties prior to the date on which penalties accrue, except to the extent that the same may be contested by the Borrower and/or its subsidiaries in good faith by appropriate proceedings and adequate reserves have been made therefor, unless and until a Lien resulting therefrom attaches to its property and becomes enforceable against its other creditors; and prior to their becoming overdue, promptly notify the Lender in writing as to any such taxes, assessments and governmental charges which it intends to contest.

(i) Continue and cause its Subsidiaries to continue to be Solvent.

(j) Conduct and cause its Subsidiaries to conduct its business so as to comply in all material respects with all applicable Environmental Laws and Environmental Permits; provided, however, that nothing contained in this subsection shall prohibit the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries from contesting, in good faith by appropriate legal proceedings, any such Environmental Law or Environmental Permit or the interpretation or application thereof, provided, further, that the Borrower shall and shall cause its Subsidiaries to comply with the order of any court or other governmental body of applicable jurisdiction relating to such Environmental Laws and Environmental Permits unless the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries shall then be prosecuting an appeal or proceedings for review and shall have secured a stay of enforcement or execution or other arrangement postponing enforcement or execution pending such appeal or proceedings


for review. If the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries shall (i) receive notice that any violation of any Environmental Law or Environmental Permit may have been committed or is about to be committed by the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries, (ii) receive notice that any Environmental Action has been filed or is about to be filed against the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries alleging violations of any Environmental Law or Environmental Permit or requiring the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries to take any action in connection with the Release of toxic or Hazardous Materials into the Environment, (iii) receive any notice from a federal, state, Commonwealth or local governmental agency or private party alleging that the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries may be liable or responsible for costs associated with a response to or cleanup of a Release of a toxic or Hazardous Material into the Environment or any damages caused thereby, (iv) receive any notice that the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries is subject to federal, state, Commonwealth or local investigation evaluating whether any remedial action is needed to respond to the Release of any Hazardous Material or any other substance into the Environment, or (v) receive any notice that any properties or assets of the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries are subject to a Lien in favor of any governmental entity for any liability under Environmental Laws or damages arising from or costs incurred by such governmental entity in response to a Release of a Hazardous Material or any other substance into the Environment, then the Borrower shall promptly but in any event within five (5) Business Days after the Borrower's receipt thereof, provide the Lender with a copy of such notice.

(k) Conduct all transactions with any of its Affiliates on terms that are fair and reasonable and no less favorable to the Borrower than it would obtain in a comparable arm's-length transaction with a Person not an Affiliate.

(1) Take all necessary and appropriate action and steps to address and remedy all and any deficiencies in the Borrower's Computer Systems which relate to the Year 2000 Problem that could be reasonably expected to adversely affect the operations, financial or otherwise, of the Borrower's business, including without limitation estimating the cost of making all


such modifications to the Borrower's Computer Systems. In this respect, it agrees further to maintain the Lender at all times reasonably informed of its progress in making all applicable modifications, conversions, changes or replacements to the Borrower's Computer Systems (the "Year 2000 Plan") so that the Year 2000 Problem shall not materially adversely affect the operations, financial or otherwise, of the Borrower's business.

(m) The Borrower will, promptly upon an authorized Person of the Borrower obtaining knowledge thereof, give notice and complete information to the Lender of (i) any material casualty to any property or asset or any other force majeure, or any litigation, investigation or other proceeding against or involving the Borrower, the result of any which could be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, (ii) any litigation, investigation, other proceeding or dispute affecting the Borrower (A) which relates, in whole or in part, to any of the transactions contemplated by any of the Loan Documents or (B) which is not covered by insurance or (C) which may exist between the Borrower and any Governmental Authority and which might materially interfere with the normal business operations of the Borrower or (iii) any termination and/or any material amendment, modification, substitution of any Lease Agreement.

(n) The Borrower shall perform within all required time periods (after giving effect to any applicable grace periods), all of its obligations and enforce all of its rights under each agreement to which it is a party, where the failure to so perform and enforce would have a Material Adverse Effect. The Borrower shall not terminate or modify in any manner adverse to it and/or the Lender, as reasonably determined by the Lender, any provision of any Lease Agreement to which it is a party which termination or modification could have a Material Adverse Effect. The Borrower shall strictly observe and comply with all of the terms, conditions and covenants contained in the Collateral Documents.

(o) Promptly, upon request by the Lender, the Borrower shall correct any defect or error that may be discovered in any Loan Document or in the execution, acknowledgment or recording thereof. Promptly, upon request by the Lender, the Borrower shall


do, execute, acknowledge, deliver, record, file, register and obtain, any and all such further acts, conveyances, documents, and other instruments and pay the appropriate fees therefor as the Lender may require from time to time in order
(i) to carry out more effectively the purposes of this Agreement or any other Loan Document, (ii) to protect the liens and security interests created by any of the Collateral Documents on any of the Borrower's properties, rights or interests covered or now or hereafter intended to be covered by any of the Collateral Documents, (iii) to perfect and maintain the validity, effectiveness and priority of any of the Collateral Documents and the liens and security interests intended to be created thereby, and (iv) to better assure, convey, grant, assign, transfer, preserve, protect and confer unto the Lender the rights granted or now or hereafter intended to be granted to the Lender under any Loan Document or under any other instrument executed in connection with any Loan Document. The Borrower shall pay all stamp, filing, registry, recording and similar taxes and fees and stamps in connection with the issuance, delivery or transfer by the Borrower to the Lender of the Loan Documents, and the execution, delivery and recording of the Loan Documents and any other agreements and instruments contemplated thereby, and shall save and hold harmless the Lender without limitation as to time against any and all liabilities with respect to such taxes and fees and stamps. The obligations of the Borrower under this sub-section (o) shall survive the payment, prepayment or redemption of the Note, and the termination of this Agreement.

(p) Within five (5) Business Days after executing a Lease Agreement, the Borrower shall deliver to the Lender a true and exact copy of such Lease Agreement. No later than five (5) Business Days after requested by the Lender, the Borrower shall execute and deliver to the Lender an Assignment of lease Agreements covering Lease Agreements executed from time to time after the Closing Date.

(q) Unless otherwise required by any Governmental Authority, at any time after the occurrence and continuance of an Event of Default, the Lender shall have the right to obtain, at the Borrower's cost and expense, periodic appraisals of the


Property. Copies of all such appraisals and any updating thereof will be sent to Borrower.

(r) The Borrower agrees that it will not exercise any right which it may have to cancel the record of the Mortgages by reason of lapse of time counted from the date hereof either under the provisions of Article 145 of the Mortgage Law of Puerto Rico or otherwise and further agrees to execute, promptly at the request of the Lender, and file in the appropriate Section of the Registry of Property of Puerto Rico, at the Borrower's cost and expense, on or before a date which is fifteen (15) years from the date hereof, any and all supplemental instruments or deeds which may be necessary or convenient for the preservation of the Lien of the Mortgages until the Obligations so secured by the Lien of the Mortgage is paid in full, including, without limitation, added of modification of mortgage by virtue of which the Borrower agrees to further extend the prescription period for the expiration of the Mortgages. The failure by the Borrower to fully comply with this sub-section (r) shall constitute an Event of Default under this Agreement.

SECTION 5.2. NEGATIVE COVENANTS. So long as the Loan shall remain unpaid and until full payment of the Note and all other Obligation of the Borrower hereunder, the Borrower will not, without the prior written consent of the Lender:

(a) Declare or pay any dividends, purchase, redeem, retire, defease or otherwise acquire for value any of its capital stock or any warrants, rights or options to acquire such capital stock now or hereafter outstanding, return any capital to its stockholders as such, make any distribution of assets, capital stock, warrants, rights, options, obligations or securities to its stockholders as such, or permit any Subsidiary of the Borrower to purchase, redeem, retire, defease or otherwise acquire for value any capital stock of the Borrower or of any Subsidiary of the Borrower or any warrants, rights or options to acquire such capital stock, provided, however, that if no Default has occurred and is continuing, the Borrower may declare and pay cash dividends in any Fiscal Year not to exceed its retained earnings for such Fiscal Year and undistributed retained earnings for prior Fiscal Years.


(b) Sell, lease, transfer or otherwise dispose of, the Property.

(c) Directly or indirectly enter into any transaction of merger or consolidation; liquidate, windup or dissolve itself (or suffer any such liquidation or dissolution).

(d) Make any material change in the nature of the business carried on by the Borrower as of the date hereof, or make any material change in the Borrower's business objectives, purposes or operations, except if any such change does not result in a Material Adverse Effect.

(e) Assume, guarantee, endorse or otherwise be or become liable upon or permit any Subsidiary to assume, guarantee, endorse or otherwise be or become liable upon, the obligations of any Person, except by the endorsement of negotiable instruments for deposit or collection or similar transactions in the ordinary course of business, in respect to Triple-S, Inc. or if any such assumption, guarantee, endorsement or liability does not result in a Material Adverse Effect.

(f) Create or enter into, or permit any of its Subsidiaries to create or enter into, any Plan except in compliance in all material respects with all applicable laws and regulations.

(g) Enter into or be a party to, or permit any of its Subsidiaries to enter into or be a party to, any transaction with any of its Affiliates, except in the ordinary course of business and pursuant to the reasonable requirements of the Borrower's or such Subsidiary's business and upon fair and reasonable terms which are no less favorable to the Borrower or such Subsidiary than the Borrower or such Subsidiary would obtain in a comparable arm's length transaction with a Person which is not the Borrower's Affiliate or if such transaction does not result in, a Material Adverse Effect.

(h) Amend, or permit any Subsidiary to amend, any provision relating to capital stock or otherwise in any way adverse in any material respect to the interest of the Lender, the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws of the Borrower or such Subsidiary, except to the extent required in order to comply with applicable law or if any such amendment does not result in a


Material Adverse Effect. In any event, the Borrower shall give the Lender not less than thirty (30) days written notice after amending the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws of the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries.

(i) Directly or indirectly make or permit, any change in accounting policies or reporting practices including, without limitation, any change in its Fiscal Year or fiscal periods, except as required by or advisable under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

(j) Surrender, terminate, cancel, modify, change, supplement, alter, amend or violate the Lease Agreements, or cause or permit such acts if any of the foregoing causes a Material Adverse Effect.


SECTION 6.1. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. If any of the following events ("Events of Default") shall occur and be continuing:

(a) The Borrower shall fail to pay when due any amount of principal and/or interest or the Borrower shall fail to pay any other amounts or fees thirty (30) days after the same become due; or

(b) The Borrower shall fail to perform or observe any term, covenant or agreement contained in Sections 5.1 (a), (c), (g), (h), (i),
(j), (k), (p) or (q) or Section 5.2; or

(c) The Borrower shall fail to perform or observe any other term, covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement and/or in any other Loan Document on its part to be performed or observed, and in any such case any such failure shall remain unremedied for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice thereof shall have been given to the Borrower by the Lender; or

(d) Any representation or warranty made by the Borrower (or any of its officers) under or in connection with any Loan Document to which it is a party shall, when taken as a whole, prove to have been incorrect in any material respect when made; or


(e) The Borrower or any Subsidiary thereof shall fail to pay any principal of, premium or interest on any Debt that is outstanding in a principal amount of $1,000,000 or more in the aggregate (excluding Debt evidenced by the Note) (as the case may be), thirty (30) days after the same became due and owing (whether at scheduled maturity, by required prepayment, acceleration, demand or otherwise) or any other default under any agreement or instrument relating to any such Debt, or any other event, shall occur, if the effect of such default or event is to accelerate, or to permit the acceleration of, or to permit the acceleration after the giving of notice or passage of time or both, of, the maturity of such Debt; or any such Debt shall be declared to be due and payable, or required to be prepaid (other than by a regularly scheduled required prepayment), prior to the stated maturity thereof; or

(f) The Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries shall generally not pay its debts as such debts become due, or shall admit in writing its inability to pay its debts generally, or shall make a general assignment for the benefit of all its creditors; or any proceeding shall be instituted by or against the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries seeking to adjudicate it a bankrupt or insolvent, or seeking liquidation, winding up, reorganization, arrangement, adjustment, protection, relief, or composition of it or its debts under any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization or relief of debtors, or seeking the entry of any order for relief or the appointment of a receiver, trustee, or other similar official for it or for any substantial part of its property and, in the case of any such proceeding instituted against it (but not instituted by it) that is being diligently contested by it in good faith, either such proceeding shall remain undismissed or unstayed for a period of sixty (60) days or any of the actions sought in such proceeding (including, without limitation, the entry of any order for relief against, or the appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian or other similar official for, it or any substantial part of its property) shall occur; or the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries shall take any corporate action to authorize any of the actions set forth above in this subsection (f); or


(g) Any Reportable Event which the Lender believes might constitute grounds for termination of any Plan maintained by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries shall have occurred or if a United States District Court appoints a trustee to administer any such Plan, or if the PBGC shall institute proceedings to terminate any such Plan or to appoint a trustee therefor; or if any Termination Event with respect to a Plan shall have occurred, and sixty (60) days thereafter, (i) such Termination Event (if correctable) shall not have been corrected and (ii) the then present value of such Plan's vested benefits exceeds the then current value of assets accumulated IN SUCH Plan; or if the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries as employer under a Plan shall have made a complete or partial withdrawal from such Plan and the Plan sponsor of such Plan shall have notified such withdrawing employer that such employer has incurred an actual withdrawal liability which materially adversely affects the financial condition of the Borrower: or

(h) Any final and unappealable judgment or order for the payment of money in excess of $1,000,000 which is not covered by insurance shall be rendered against the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries and either (i) enforcement proceedings shall have been commenced by any creditor upon such judgment or order or (ii) there shall be any period of thirty (30) consecutive days during which a stay of enforcement of such judgment or order, by reason of a pending appeal or otherwise, shall not be in effect: or

(i) Any material provision of any Loan Document after delivery thereof pursuant to this Agreement shall for any reason (other than pursuant to the terms hereof or thereof) cease to be valid and binding on or enforceable against any party to it (other than the Lender), or any such party shall so state in writing; or

(j) There shall have occurred a condition or a change of circumstances which, taken as a whole, has or could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on the assets, properties, operations or financial condition of the Borrower and/or its Subsidiaries taken as a whole;


then, and in any such event, the Lender may by notice to the Borrower, declare the Note, all interest thereon and all other amounts payable under this Agreement to be forthwith due and payable, whereupon the Note, all such interest and all such amounts shall become and be forthwith due and payable, without presentment, demand, protest or further notice of any kind, all of which are hereby expressly waived by the Borrower; provided, however, that in the event of an actual or deemed entry of an order for relief with respect to the Borrower under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, the obligation of the lender to make any loan shall automatically be terminated and the Note, all such interest and all such amounts shall automatically become and be due and payable, without presentment, demand, protest or any notice of any kind, all of which are hereby expressly waived by the Borrower.


SECTION 7.1. AMENDMENTS, ETC. No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement, the Note or any other Loan Documents, nor consent to any departure by the Borrower therefrom, shall in any event be effective unless the same shall be in writing and signed by the Lender (and, in the case of any such amendment, by the Borrower), and then such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for which given.

SECTION 7.2. NOTICES, ETC. All notices and other communications provided for hereunder shall be in writing (including telecopier, telegraphic, telex or cable communication) and mailed, telecopied, telegraphed, telexed, cabled or delivered personally or by courier, if to the Borrower, at 1441 Roosevelt Avenue, Puerto Nuevo, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Attention: President (Facsimile Number: 787-749-4191; and if to the Lender, at 1519 Ponce de Leon Avenue, 15th Floor, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00911, Attention: President (Facsimile No. 787-787-1245): or as to each party, at such other address as shall be designated by such party in a written notice to the other parties. All such notices and communications shall, when mailed, telecopied, telegraphed,


telexed or cabled, be effective three (3) days after being deposited in the mails, on the day when transmitted by telecopier, on the day when delivered to the telegraph company, on the day when confirmed by telex answerback or on the day when delivered to the cable company, respectively, and when delivered personally or by courier, on the day when delivery is made. Notwithstanding the foregoing, notices and communications to the Lender pursuant to Article 2 shall not be effective until received by the Lender.

SECTION 7.3. NO WAIVER; REMEDIES. No failure on the part of the Lender to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right hereunder or under the Note shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. The remedies herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any remedies provided by law.

SECTION 7.4. COSTS, EXPENSES AND TAXES; INDEMNIFICATION. (a) The Borrower agrees to pay on demand all reasonable costs and expenses of the Lender in connection with the preparation, execution, delivery, administration, modification and amendment of this Agreement, the Note, the Loan Documents and the other documents to be delivered hereunder and under the other Loan Documents. The Borrower further agrees to pay on demand all reasonable costs and expenses, if any (including, without limitation, reasonable counsel fees and expenses), in connection with the enforcement (whether through negotiations, legal proceedings or otherwise) after the occurrence of an Event of Default of this Agreement, the Note, the Loan Documents and the other documents to be delivered hereunder, including, without limitation, reasonable counsel fees and expenses in connection with the enforcement of rights under this Section 7.4(a).

(b) The Borrower hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Lender and each of its Affiliates and its officers, directors, employees, agents, advisors and representatives (each, an "Indemnified Party") from and against ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including, without limitation, the reasonable fees and expenses of counsel), joint or several, that may be incurred by or asserted or awarded


against any Indemnified Party, in each case arising out of or in connection with or by reason of, or in connection with the preparation for a defense of, any investigation, litigation or proceeding arising out of, related to or in connection with (i) the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the other Loan Documents or any use made or proposed to be made with the proceeds of the Advance or (ii) the actual or alleged presence of hazardous materials on any property of the Borrower or any Environmental Action relating in any way to the Borrower in each case whether or not such investigation, litigation or proceeding is brought by the Borrower, its partners, directors, shareholders or creditors or an Indemnified Party or any Indemnified Party is otherwise a party thereto and whether or not the transactions contemplated hereby are consummated, except to the extent such claim, damage, loss, liability or expense is found in a final, non-appealable judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction to have resulted from such Indemnified Party's gross negligence or willful misconduct. The Borrower further agrees that no Indemnified Party shall have any liability (whether direct or indirect, in contract or tort or otherwise) to the Borrower or its creditors for or in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the other Loan Documents, except to the extent that such liability is found in a final nonappealable judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction to have resulted from such Indemnified Party's gross negligence or willful misconduct; provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall not in any way alter any contractual obligation or contractual remedy of any Indemnified Party. The Borrower also agrees not to assert any claim against the Lender, any of its Affiliates, or any of its respective directors, officers, employees, attorneys and agents, on any theory of liability, for special, indirect, consequential or punitive damages arising 'out of or otherwise relating to any of the transactions contemplated herein or in any other Loan Document or the actual or proposed use of the proceeds of the Advances.

(c) If the Borrower fails to pay when due any reasonable costs, expenses or other amounts payable by it under any Loan Document, including, without limitation, fees and


expenses of counsel and indemnities, such amount may be paid on behalf of the Borrower by the Lender in its sole discretion.

SECTION 7.5. RIGHT OF SET-OFF. Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of any Event of Default the Lender is hereby authorized at any time and from time to time, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to set off and apply any and all deposits (general or special, time or demand, provisional or final) at any time held and other indebtedness at any time owing by the Lender to or for the credit or the account of the Borrower against any and all of the Obligations of the Borrower now or hereafter existing under this Agreement, the Note held by the Lender and the other Loan Documents, whether or not the Lender shall have made any demand under this Agreement, the Note, such other Loan Documents and although such Obligations may be unmatured. The Lender agrees promptly to notify the Borrower after any such set-off and application made by the Lender, provided that the failure to give such notice shall not affect the validity of any such set-off and application. The rights of the Lender under this Section are in addition to other rights and remedies (including, without limitation, other rights of set-off) which the Lender may have.

SECTION 7.6. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall become effective when it shall have been executed by the Borrower and the Lender and thereafter shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Borrower, the Lender and their respective successors and assigns, except that the Borrower shall have no right to assign its rights hereunder or any interest herein without the prior written consent of the Lender.

SECTION 7.7. ASSIGNMENTS AND PARTICIPATIONS. (a) The Lender may assign to one or more banks or other entities all or a portion of its rights and obligations under this Agreement (including, without limitation, all or a portion of the Loan owing to it, the Note held by it and the remaining Loan Documents). Prompt notice of such assignment shall be given by the Lender to the Borrower.

(b) The Lender may sell participations to one or more banks or other entities in or to all or a portion of its rights and obligations under this Agreement (including, without limita-


tion, all or a portion of the Loan owing to it and the Note held by it).

(c) The Lender may, in connection with any assignment or participation or proposed assignment or participation pursuant to this Section, disclose to the assignee or participant or proposed assignee or participant, any information relating to the Borrower furnished to such Lender by or on behalf of the Borrower; provided that, prior to any such disclosure, the assignee or participant or proposed assignee or participant shall agree to preserve the confidentiality of any confidential information relating to the Borrower received by it from the Lender pursuant to the terms of Section 7.12.

SECTION 7.8. SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS. Any provision of this Agreement which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.

SECTION 7.9. SURVIVAL OF COVENANTS. All covenants, agreements, representations and warranties made by the Borrower in this Agreement or in any other Loan Document or any instrument, document or certificate delivered pursuant hereto or thereto shall be deemed to have been material and relied on by the Lender, notwithstanding any investigation made by the Lender, and shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement and of such instrument, document or certificate until repayment of all amounts due hereunder and under the Note; provided, however, that the Obligations of the Borrower under Section 7.4 of this Agreement shall survive such repayment.

SECTION 7.10. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS. The Lender shall have the continuing and exclusive right to correctly apply or reverse and re-apply any and all payments to any portion of the obligations of the Borrower. To the extent that the Borrower makes a payment or payments to the Lender which payment or any part thereof are subsequently invalidated, declared to be fraudulent or preferential, set aside or required to be repaid to a trustee, receiver or any other party under any bankruptcy law


or state, Commonwealth or federal law, or equitable cause, then, to the extent of such payment received, the Obligations of the Borrower or part thereof intended to be satisfied shall be revived and continue in full force and effect, as if such payment had not been received by the Lender.

SECTION 7.11. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and by different parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to this Agreement by telecopier shall be effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement.

SECTION 7.12. CONFIDENTIALITY. The Lender agrees to keep confidential all non-public information pertaining to the Loan Parties which is provided to it by any such parties in accordance with the Lender's customary procedures for handling confidential information of this nature, and shall not disclose information to any Person except (i) to such the extent such information is public when received by the Lender or becomes public thereafter due to the act or omission of any party other than the Lender, (ii) to the extent such information is independently obtained from a source other than the Borrower and such information from such source is not, to the Lender's knowledge, subject to any obligation of confidentiality or, if such information is subject to an obligation of confidentiality, that disclosure of such information is permitted, (iii) to any Affiliate of the Lender, counsel, auditor, examiner or any regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Lender, accountants and other consultants retained by the Lender, (iv) in connection with any litigation or the enforcement of the rights of the Lender under this Agreement or any other Loan Document, (v) to the extent required by any applicable statute, rule or regulation or court order (including, without limitation, by way of subpoena) or pursuant to the request of any Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over the Lender, or (vi) to the extent disclosure to other Persons is appropriate in connection with any proposed or actual assignment or grant of a


participation to such other Person (who will in turn be required to maintain confidentiality as if it were the Lender party to this Agreement). In no event shall the Lender be obligated or required to return any such information or other materials furnished by the Borrower pursuant to this Agreement or the other Loan Documents.


SECTION 7.14. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, as of the date first above written.



By: /s/ Miguel A. Vazquez
Name: Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes
Title: President



By: /s/ Luis M. Beauchamp
Name: Luis M. Beauchamp
Title: Senior Executive Vice President



[Form of Note]



$41,000,000.00 San Juan, Puerto Rico June 29, 1999

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned TRIPLE-S MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (hereinafter referred to as the "Borrower"), hereby promises to pay to the order of FIRSTBANK PUERTO RICO (the "Lender") the principal sum of FORTY ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($41,000,000.00) in consecutive monthly installments as follows:
(i) on August 1st, 1999 the principal sum of $136,665.67 and (ii) on the first day of each calendar month thereafter; 299 consecutive monthly installments, each in the principal sum of $136,666.67.

All capitalized terms used herein without definition shall have the respective meanings provided therefor in the Credit Agreement dated as of even date herewith between the Borrower and the Lender (the "Credit Agreement").

The Borrower also promises to pay interest on the unpaid principal amount hereof from time to time outstanding from the date hereof until such principal amount is paid in full at the rates per annum set forth in the Credit Agreement. Such interest shall be payable on such dates as are established in the Credit Agreement and shall be calculated as therein provided.

Both the principal hereof and the interest hereon are payable in lawful money of the United States of America and in immediately available funds at the branch offices of the Lender, located at 1519 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Stop 23, Santurce, San Juan, Puerto Rico, or at such other place as the holder may specify in writing.

The Lender shall, and is hereby authorized by the Borrower to, note on records maintained by the Lender with respect thereto, the amount of the Loan, the interest rate and each repayment of principal with respect to the Loan. Such records shall be prima facie evidence as to the aggregate unpaid principal amount of the Loan evidenced hereby and the terms thereof; provided, however, that the failure of the Lender to make such recordation shall not limit or otherwise affect the obligation of the Borrower to repay such Loan or any interest accrued or accruing thereon or any other amount payable by the Borrower to the Lender hereunder.

Presentment, demand, protest and other notice of any kind are hereby expressly waived to the extent permitted by law.

In the event that any action, suit or other proceeding is brought by the holder hereof to collect this Note, the Borrower shall be liable for all court costs and expenses of collection, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and disbursements.

This Note is executed and delivered to the Lender pursuant to the Credit Agreement and is entitled to the benefits of the Credit Agreement and of the other Loan Documents. The Credit Agreement, among other things, contains provisions for acceleration of the maturity hereof upon the happening of certain stated events, the occurrence of which shall cause the unpaid principal amount of this Note and accrued interest thereof to immediately become due and payable.

This Note shall be interpreted, governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

This Note may be modified only by a writing duly executed by the holder hereof and the Borrower.


                                             By: /s/ Miguel A. Vazquez
                                             Name: Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes
                                             Title: President
Affidavit Number 6.607

Sworn and subscribed to before me by Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes, of legal age, married, executive and resident of San Juan, Puerto Rico, as President of Triple-S Management Corporation, personally known to me, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, this 29th day of June 1999.

                                             /s/ Leopoldo J. Cabassa Sauri
                                             NOTARY PUBLIC




This First Amendment to Loan Agreement (the "Amendment") dated August 30, 2001 by and between TRIPLE-S MANAGEMENT CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as the "Borrower") and FIRSTBANK PUERTO RICO, a banking corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, (hereinafter referred to as the "Lender").


WHEREAS, the Borrower and the Lender are parties to a Credit Agreement dated as of August 31, 1999 (as may be further amended, modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time, the "Credit Agreement"), providing, among other things, subject to the terms and conditions thereof, for a term loan in an aggregate amount not to exceed $20,000,000.00 (hereinafter referred to as the "Loan");

WHEREAS, as of the date hereof the amount outstanding under the Loan is equal to the amount of $19,072,536.46;

WHEREAS, the Borrower has requested the Lender to make certain accommodations and extend the maturity date of the Loan and restructure the repayment schedule of the Loan;

WHEREAS, induced by the representation, warranties and covenants contained herein, the Lender is willing to grant the Borrower's requests and accordingly amend the Credit Agreement on the terms and conditions of this Amendment.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

Section 1. Preamble. The preamble hereto is incorporated herein by reference so as to form a substantive part hereof.

Section 2. Definitions. Terms used but not defined herein shall have the respective meanings ascribed to such terms in the Credit Agreement.

Section 3. Representations and Warranties.

(a) The Borrower represents and warrants that the representations and warranties made by the Borrower in the Credit Agreement are true and correct on and as the date hereof with the same force and effect as if made on and as of such date (or, if any such representation or warranty is expressly stated to have been made as of a specific date, as of such specific date) except as may be amended or modified herein.

(b) The Borrower has no defenses, either in law or in equity, offsets, set-offs, claims or counterclaims of any nature or source, whether liquidated or unliquidated, against the Lender, in connection with the Credit Agreement, the other Loan Documents or any other document, agreement or instrument relating thereto.

(c) The Borrower has power and authority to execute and deliver this Amendment and any other document, agreement or instrument relating thereto.

(d) This Amendment has been duly and validly executed and delivered by the Borrower and constitutes the Borrower's valid and binding obligation, enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with its terms.


Section 4. Amendments. Subject to the satisfaction of the conditions to effectiveness specified in Section 5 hereof, but with effect on and after the date hereof:

(a) Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement shall be amended, to read as follows:

"Governmental Authority" means any municipal, Commonwealth, state or federal governmental authority (domestic or foreign) having jurisdiction over the Borrower and/or the Subsidiaries or the transactions contemplated in this Agreement.

"Termination Date" means the earlier of (i) August 1, 2007 or
(ii) the date of termination of this Agreement pursuant to
Section 6.1.

"Subsidiary" means Triple-S, Inc., Triple-C, Inc., Seguros Triple-S, Inc. and Seguros de Vida Triple-S, Inc. and/or any corporation of which more than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding capital stock having ordinary voting power to elect a majority of the board of directors of such corporation is at the time directly or indirectly owned or controlled by the Borrower or by one or more Subsidiaries.

(b) Section 2.3 of the Credit Agreement is herein deleted and replaced in its entirety with the following:

The aggregate principal amount of the Loan shall be reduced by the Borrower to the amounts and on the dates set forth below and the Borrower shall make on or before the Termination Date a last installment in such amount as may be necessary to repay in full the then outstanding balance of principal and interest of the Loan:

----               -----------------------------

8/1/2002                   $18,000,000
8/1/2003                   $16,500,000
8/1/2004                   $15,000,000
8/1/2005                   $13,500,000
8/1/2006                   $12,000,000
8/1/2007                       -0-

All repayments made by Borrower to Lender to effectuate the reductions described hereinabove shall be made in an aggregate principal amount of not less than $250,000.00 and in integral multiples of $50,000.00.


(c) Section 5.1(a) of the Credit Agreement is herein deleted and replaced in its entirety with the following:

(a) Comply and cause its Subsidiaries to comply, in all material respects, with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and orders of any Governmental Authority, including without limitation minimum capital requirements imposed by the Insurance Commissioner of the Commonwealth except where such non-compliance is not reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect.

Section 5. Conditions to Effectiveness. The amendments and modifications set forth in Section 4 hereof shall become effective as of the date hereof, upon the satisfaction of each of the following conditions to effectiveness:

(a) The Lender shall have received this Amendment duly executed and delivered by the Borrower.

(b) The Borrower shall have paid to the Lender a structuring fee equal to $47,500.00 and shall have paid all expenses and counsel's fees incurred in connection with the preparation and execution of this Amendment.

(c) The Lender shall have received satisfactory evidence that the Borrower is in full compliance with each of the conditions, representations and warranties set forth in Articles 3 and 4 of the Credit Agreement.

(d) The Lender shall have received such other certificates, opinions, documents and/or instruments confirming or otherwise relating to the transactions contemplated in this Amendment as may be reasonably requested by the Lender.

Section 6. Confirmation. The Borrower hereby expressly confirms, reaffirms and ratifies to the Lender the liens, security interest and any other rights afforded to the Lender pursuant to the Loan Documents.

Section 7. Acknowledgment. The Borrower hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Credit Agreement, as amended hereby is valid, binding and enforceable in all respects and that the Borrower's obligations to the Lender are not subject to any defenses, either in law or in equity, including without limitation, any offsets, set offs, claims or


counterclaims against the Lender, as the case may be. The Borrower acknowledges that no agreements or representations by or on behalf of the Lender, which are enforceable by the Borrower have been made or exist between the parties in connection with the past transactions or the transactions evidenced by this Amendment, other than in the Loan Documents and this Amendment.

Section 8. No Other Amendment. Except as expressly amended hereby, the Credit Agreement, the other Loan Documents and any other document, agreement and instrument relating thereto shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with their respective terms, without any amendment, modification or waiver of any provision thereof. Each reference to the Credit Agreement and words of similar import in the Loan Documents shall be further amended, supplemented and otherwise modified and in effect from time to time.

Section 9. Governing Law. In all respects, including all matters of construction, validity and performance, this Amendment, the Credit Agreement, as amended hereby, and the other Loan Documents shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the Commonwealth.

Section 10. Counterparts. This Amendment may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original but both or all of which, when taken together, shall constitute but one document, and shall become effective when copies hereof which, when taken together, bearing the signatures of each of the parties hereto shall be delivered to the Lender.


Section 11. No Novation. The Borrower hereby unconditionally ratifies, reaffirms, extends and accepts the Loan Documents. The parties hereto state that it is not their intention to effect a novation of the obligations and undertakings of the Borrower under the Credit Agreement, the other Loan Documents and any other document, agreement or instrument relating thereto, but only to ratify, reaffirm and accept them and to accomplish the amendments herein set forth. Except for such amendments, the Credit Agreement and the Loan Documents and all terms, covenants, conditions and matters therein contained shall continue in full force and effect.

Section 12. Binding Effect. This Amendment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment has been duly executed as of the date first written above.


By: /s/ Randolfo Rivera Sanfeliz             By: /s/ Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes
   --------------------------------             -------------------------------
Name: Randolfo Rivera Sanfeliz               Name: Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes
Title: Executive Vice President              Title: President


Affidavit No. 15 of (Copia)

Sworn and subscribed before me by Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes, of legal age, married, executive and resident of San Juan Puerto, Puerto Rico as President of Triple-S Management Corporation and by Randolfo Rivera Sanfeliz, of legal age, married, executive and resident of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico as Executive Vice President of Firstbank Puerto Rico, personally known to me. In San Juan, Puerto Rico this 30th day of August 2001.

(SEAL)               /s/ Miguel Agustin Blanco Fuertes
                                 Notary Public



This Mortgage Notes Pledge and Security Agreement (the "Agreement") dated as of the 31st day of August, 1999, by and between TRIPLE-S MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (hereinafter referred to as the "Pledgor") and FIRSTBANK PUERTO RICO, a Puerto Rico banking corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank").


WHEREAS, the Pledgor and the Bank have entered into a Credit Agreement dated as of June 29, 1999 (as modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time, the "Credit Agreement 1"), providing, subject to the terms and conditions thereof, for loans to be made by the Bank to the Pledgor in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $41,000,000.

WHEREAS, concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Pledgor and the Bank are entering into a Credit Agreement dated as of the date hereof (as modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time, the "Credit Agreement"), providing, subject to the terms and conditions thereof, for loans to be made by the Bank to the Pledgor in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $20,000,000.

To induce the Bank to enter into the Credit Agreement 1 and the Credit Agreement and to extend credit thereunder, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Pledgor has granted a security interest in the Collateral (as defined in the Credit Agreement 1) as security for the Secured Obligations 1 (as so defined) and has agreed on a subordinated basis to pledge and grant a security interest in the Collateral (as hereinafter defined) as security for the Secured Obligations (as so defined).

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Definitions.

Reference is hereby made to the Credit Agreement for a statement of the terms thereof. All capitalized terms used in this Agreement that are defined in the Credit Agreement and that are not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning set forth therein. All terms defined in this Agreement in the singular form shall have the same meanings when used in the plural and vice versa. The words "hereof," "herein," and "hereinunder" and words of similar import when used in this Agreement shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of this Agreement, and section, subsection, schedule and exhibit references are to this Agreement unless otherwise specified. All terms defined in this Agreement shall have the defined meanings when used in any certificate or other document made or delivered pursuant hereto. Unless the context indicates

otherwise, the definitions in the PR UCC (as hereinafter defined) as in effect in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico on the Effective Date apply to words and phrases in this Agreement; if definitions in the PR UCC (as hereinafter defined) conflict, definitions in Chapter 9 of the PR UCC (as hereinafter defined) apply. In addition, as used herein:

"Agreement" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the preamble of this Mortgage Notes Pledge and Security Agreement.

"Bank" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the preamble of this Agreement.

"Credit Agreement" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the preamble of this Agreement.

"Credit Agreement 1" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the preamble of this Agreement.

"Effective Date" shall mean the date hereof.

"Pledgor" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the preamble of this Agreement.

"Proceeds" shall mean all proceeds, as such term is defined in Section 9-306(1) of the PR UCC as in effect on the Effective Date and, in any event, shall include, but not be limited to, (i) any and all proceeds of any insurance, judgment, indemnity, warranty or guaranty payable to or on behalf of the Pledgor from time to time with respect to the Mortgage Notes, the Mortgages and/or the Mortgaged Property covered by the Mortgages; (ii) any and all payments (in any form whatsoever) made or due and payable to the Pledgor from time to time in connection with any requisition, confiscation, condemnation, seizure, taking or forfeiture of all or any of the Mortgage Notes, the Mortgages and/or the Mortgaged Property covered by the Mortgages by any governmental authority; and (iii) any and all other amounts from time to time paid or payable under or in connection with any of the Mortgage Notes, the Mortgages and/or the Mortgaged Property covered by the Mortgages.

"Mortgages" shall mean each deed of constitution of mortgage securing the corresponding Mortgage Note constituted over the corresponding Mortgaged Property.

"Mortgage Notes" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
Section 2.1(i) of this Agreement.

"Mortgaged Property" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 4.11 of this Agreement.


"PR UCC" shall mean the Commercial Transactions Act of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico created by Act No. 208 of August 17, 1995, as amended by Act No. 176 of August 31, 1997, Act No. 241 of September 19, 1996, Act No. 1 of January 17, 1997, Act No. 26 of June 30, 1997 and Act No. 214 of December 31, 1997 and as may be further amended and in effect from time to time in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any successor statute.

"Secured Obligations" shall mean collectively, (a) the principal and interest (including, without limitation, interest accruing after the maturity of the loans and interest accruing after the filing of any petition in bankruptcy, or the commencement of any insolvency, reorganization or like proceeding, relating to the Pledgor, whether or not a claim for post-filing or post-petition interest is allowed in such proceeding) on the loans made by the Bank to the Pledgor and all other amounts from time to time owing to the Bank by the Pledgor under the Loan Documents, (b) all Obligations of the Pledgor to the Bank under the Loan Documents and (c) all obligations of the Pledgor to the Bank under this Agreement.

"Secured Obligations 1" shall have the meaning ascribed to the term 'Secured Obligations' as defined in the Credit Agreement 1.

2. Pledge and Grant of Security Interest.

2.1 As collateral security for the prompt payment in full when due (whether at stated maturity, by acceleration or otherwise) of the Secured Obligations, the Pledgor hereby pledges and delivers to the Bank and grants to the Bank as hereinafter provided a continuing security interest, subordinated and junior to the pledge and security interest granted to secured the Secured Obligations 1, in the following properties and/or instruments, whether now owned by the Pledgor or hereafter acquired and whether now existing or hereafter coming into existence (all being collectively referred to herein as the "Collateral"):

(i) All of the mortgage notes (each a "Mortgage Note" and collectively, the "Mortgage Notes") secured by the respective Mortgages, as listed and more fully described in Exhibit A annexed hereto and made a part hereof.

(ii) All extensions, modifications, improvements, betterments, renewals, accessions, substitutes and replacements of, and all additions and appurtenances to, any and all of the property of the Pledgor described in the preceding clause of this
Section 2.1.

(iii) All Proceeds of any and all of the foregoing, including without limitation, all cash, instruments and other property from time to time received, receivable or otherwise distributed in respect of or in exchange for the Mortgage Notes and all proceeds derived from the enforcement thereof or of the Mortgages or other security therefor.


2.2 The Bank (by its acceptance of the benefits of this Agreement) and the Pledgor consent and agree to the possession of the Mortgage Notes by the Bank.

3. Security for the Secured Obligations.

The pledge and security interest created hereby upon the Collateral constitute continuing collateral security for the Secured Obligations and is subordinated and junior to the pledge and security interest created upon the Collateral constituting a continuing first priority security for the Secured Obligations 1.

4. Representations and Warranties.

The Pledgor hereby represents and warrants as follows:

4.1 Upon the filing of the Mortgages for recordation in the Guaynabo Section and the Third Section of San Juan, as the case may be, of the Registry of the Property of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Mortgages will be recorded and upon recordation will constitute a duly perfected valid mortgage lien effective as of the date of filing for recordation on the Mortgaged Property therein described with the priority therein set forth.

4.2 All mortgage recording taxes, notary fees, documentary fees, stamp taxes, and other taxes, fees and expenses required to be paid in connection with the execution and recording of the Mortgage, have been paid in full.

4.3 The Pledgor is and will be at all times during the term of this Agreement the sole beneficial and legal owner of the Collateral free and clear of any lien, security interest, pledge, option or other charge, claim or encumbrance, except for the pledge and security interest created to secured the Secured Obligations 1 and for the pledge and security interest created by this Agreement.

4.4 The exercise by the Bank of any of its rights and remedies hereunder in accordance with the terms of this Agreement will not contravene any law or any contractual restriction binding on or affecting the Pledgor or any of its properties and will not result in or require the creation of any lien, security interest or other charge or encumbrance upon or with respect to any of its properties except the pledge and security interest created hereby.

4.5 No authorization or approval or other action by, and no notice to or filing with, any governmental authority or other regulatory body is required for (i) the pledge and the creation of a security interest by the Pledgor to the Bank of all of the Pledgor's rights, title and interest in and to the Collateral and the perfection of the pledge and security interest of the Mortgage Notes pursuant to this Agreement, or (ii) the exercise by the Bank of any of its rights and remedies hereunder, except for such filings as may be required under the PR UCC.


4.6 Upon delivery of the Mortgage Notes to the Bank and the continued possession of the Mortgage Notes by the Bank, this Agreement creates a valid perfected first priority pledge and security interest in favor of the Bank in the Mortgage Note as security for the Secured Obligations subject to no superior lien, security interest, adverse claim, charge or encumbrance, except for the pledge and security interest created to secured the Secured Obligations 1.

4.7 Each Mortgage Note is secured by, and is entitled to, the benefits of the Mortgage securing the same.

4.8 This Agreement, the Mortgages and the Mortgage Notes constitute the valid and binding obligations of the Pledgor enforceable in accordance with their respective terms, except as enforceability thereof may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, fraudulent conveyance or transfer, moratorium or other similar laws relating to or affecting the rights of creditors generally and by general principles of equity (regardless of whether considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).

4.9 The Pledgor has all necessary power and authority to make and carry out this Agreement, to pledge to the Bank all of its right, title and interest in and to the Mortgage Notes and to create a security interest in the Collateral. The Pledgor is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement.

4.10 The Pledgor does not have or operate in any jurisdiction under, or in the preceding ten (10) years has not had or has not operated in any jurisdiction under, any trade names, fictitious names or other names (including, without limitation, any names of divisions or operations) except its legal name.

4.11 The Pledgor is the owner of record, with valid, good and insurable fee simple ("pleno dominio") title to each portion of the real properties encumbered by the Mortgages (collectively, the "Mortgaged Property"), free and clear of all liens, charges, encumbrances and rights of third parties, other than the lien of the Mortgages, the other encumbrances referred to in the Mortgages or permitted under the Credit Agreement.

4.12 Each Mortgaged Property is served by all utilities required or necessary for current use or the Pledgor has otherwise built the necessary infrastructure to provide all utility services required for the proper operation thereof. All streets necessary to serve the Mortgaged Property are completed and serviceable and to righteous knowledge have been dedicated and accepted as such by the appropriate governmental authorities. The Pledgor has access to the Mortgaged Property from public roads or other right of way easements sufficient to allow the Pledgor and its tenants and invitees to conduct its and their businesses at the Mortgaged Property in accordance with sound commercial practices.


5. Covenants.

So long as any of the Secured Obligations shall remain outstanding and unpaid and until the Commitment of the Bank under the Credit Agreement shall have expired or been terminated, unless the Bank shall otherwise consent in writing (to be given or withheld in its sole discretion):

5.1 The Pledgor will at its expense, at any time from time to time, promptly execute and deliver all further instruments, financing statements and documents and take all further action which may be necessary or that the Bank may reasonably request in order (i) to establish, perfect and protect the pledge and security interest created hereby, and maintain a valid, enforceable, second priority security interest in the Collateral as provided herein and the other rights and security contemplated herein, all in accordance with the PR UCC (ii) to enable the Bank to exercise and enforce its rights and remedies hereunder in respect of the Collateral, or (iii) to otherwise effect the purposes of this Agreement.

5.2 The Pledgor will comply with all Federal, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and local laws, and regulations affecting the Mortgaged Property, Mortgage Notes and/or the Mortgages, except where the failure to do so, individually or in the aggregate, could not reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect.

5.3 Except for the pledge and security interest created to secured the Secured Obligations 1 and for the pledge and security interest created hereby, the Pledgor will not (i) assign, exchange or otherwise dispose of the Collateral or any interest therein or attempt, offer or contract to do so or (ii) create or suffer to exist any mortgage, lien, security interest, attachment or other charge or encumbrance upon or with respect to Collateral.

5.4 The Pledgor will not take any action that would in any manner impair the value or enforceability of the Bank's pledge and security interest in the Collateral and will take such actions as are necessary to preserve the value and enforceability of the Bank's pledge and security interest created by this Agreement.

5.5 The Pledgor shall pay promptly when due all property and other taxes, assessments and governmental charges or levies imposed upon, and all claims (including, without limitation, claims for labor, materials and supplies) against the Mortgaged Property, except to the extent that the validity thereof is being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings and with respect to which adequate reserves have been made and set aside on its books for the payment thereof.


5.6 The Pledgor shall, at its expense, maintain the Mortgaged Property insured by such insurance companies, in such amounts, covering such loss, damage and risks and in the form and manner required under the Credit Agreement.

5.7 The Pledgor shall pay, or cause to be paid, when due all charges for all utility services in connection with the Mortgaged Property and shall comply with all contracts relating to such services.

6. Remedies Upon Default.

If any Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing:

6.1 The Bank shall, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, have the right to foreclose on the lien of the pledge and security interest herein granted upon the Collateral.

6.2 The Bank may bring legal action or proceedings for the collection of the Secured Obligations, and at its option, simultaneously or thereafter foreclose the Mortgages or any of them without first foreclosing the pledge and security interest herein created.

6.3 The Bank may exercise, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in addition to its rights and remedies provided for herein or otherwise available to it at law or in equity, all of the rights and remedies of a secured party under the PR UCC and such additional rights and remedies to which a secured party is entitled under the laws in effect in any jurisdiction where any rights and remedies hereunder may be asserted.

6.4 Any amounts realized by the Bank from the foreclosure of the Mortgages shall be applied by the Bank, in whole or in part and in such order as the Bank shall elect: FIRST, against all or any part of the Secured Obligations 1 and SECOND, against all or any part of the Secured Obligations.

6.5 In the event that the proceeds of any such sale, disposition or realization are insufficient to pay all amounts of the Secured Obligations 1 and the Secured Obligations to which the Bank is legally entitled, the Pledgor shall be liable for the deficiency, together with the default interest rate provided in the Credit Agreement to the extent permitted by law.

6.6 Any balance of proceeds remaining after the Secured Obligations 1 and the Secured Obligations have been paid and performed in full shall be paid over to the Pledgor or to whomever may be lawfully entitled to receive the same.


7. Indemnity and Expenses.

7.1 The Pledgor agrees to indemnify and hold the Bank, and each Affiliate of the Bank (each such Person being called an "Indemnitee") harmless from and against any losses, liabilities, claims and damages including reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements, and other reasonable expenses incurred or arising by reason of the taking or the failure to take action by the Bank, in good faith, with respect of any transaction effected under this Agreement or in connection with the pledge provided for herein, except that such indemnity shall not be available to the extent that such losses liabilities, claims, damages and related expenses are determined by a court of competent jurisdiction by final and nonappealable judgment to have resulted from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of such Indemnitee.

7.2 The Pledgor agrees to pay to the Bank all reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses and all reasonable fees, expenses and disbursements of the Bank, incurred in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the enforcement by the Bank of the provisions of this Agreement and of any transactions effected in connection herewith, including without limitation, all internal revenue stamps, filing and recording fees payable in connection with the foreclosure of the Mortgages and the termination or cancellation of any other liens upon the Mortgaged Property covered thereby.

7.3 The obligations of the Pledgor under this Section 7 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

8. Interest Absolute.

Except as expressly provided herein, all rights and interests of the Bank and the pledge and security interest constituted hereunder, and all agreements and obligations of the Pledgor hereunder, shall be absolute and unconditional, irrespective of:

8.1 any lack of validity or enforceability of the Mortgage Notes, the Mortgages, and/or the other Loan Documents;

8.2 any change in the time, manner or place of payment of, or in any other term of, all or any of the Secured Obligations, or any other amendment or waiver of or any consent to departure from any Loan Document;

8.3 any exchange, release or non-perfection of any lien on or security interest in, any Collateral or any release or amendment or waiver of or consent to departure from any guaranty, for all or any of the Secured Obligations; or


8.4 to the fullest extent permitted by law, any other circumstances that might to the fullest extent permitted by law, any other circumstances that might otherwise constitute a defense available, or discharge of, the Pledgor in respect of the Secured Obligations or this Agreement otherwise constitute a defense available, or discharge of, the Pledgor in respect of the Secured Obligations or this Agreement.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Pledgor hereby consents to, and hereby agrees, that the rights of the Bank hereunder, and the liability of the Pledgor hereunder, shall not be affected by any and all releases of any Collateral from the lien and security interest created by this Agreement, the Loan Documents or any other agreement or instrument. This Agreement and the lien and security interest created hereby shall continue to be effective or be reinstated, as the case may be, if at any time any payment of any of the Secured Obligations is rescinded or must otherwise be returned by the Bank and/or the Bank upon the insolvency, bankruptcy or reorganization of the Pledgor, or otherwise, all as though such payment had not been made.

9. Notice.

Except as otherwise provided herein, all notices, requests and other communications hereunder shall be given as provided in, and with the effect set forth in, the Credit Agreement.

10. Limitation of the Bank's Duties in Respect of the Mortgage Notes and other Provisions Concerning the Collateral.

10.1 Other than holding the possession of the Mortgage Notes in accordance with safe and sound banking practices, the Bank shall not have any other duty under Section 9-207 of the PR UCC to the Pledgor and/or any other Person as to the Mortgage Notes in its possession and control or any income thereon, or as to the preservation of rights against third parties or any other rights pertaining thereto. The Bank assumes no responsibility for the correctness, validity or genuineness of the Mortgage Notes and/or the Mortgages.

10.2 The Pledgor hereby irrevocably appoints the Bank as the Pledgor's attorney-in-fact and proxy, with full authority in the place and stead of the Pledgor and in the name of the Pledgor or otherwise, from time to time in the Bank's discretion, after the occurrence and continuance of an Event of Default, to take any action and to execute any instrument that the Bank may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement including, without limitation, (i) to obtain and adjust insurance required to be paid to the Bank with respect to the Mortgaged Property or the rents thereunder, (ii) to ask, demand, collect, sue for, recover, compound, receive and give acquittance and receipt for moneys due and to becomes due under or in respect of any Collateral or the Mortgaged Property, (iii) to receive, indorse and collect any drafts or other instruments, documents and chattel paper, and
(iv) to file any claims or take any action or institute any proceedings which the Bank may deem necessary or desirable to enforce the rights of the Bank with respect to any Collateral or the Mortgaged Property.


10.3 If the Pledgor fails to perform any agreement contained herein, the Bank may itself perform, or cause performance of, such agreement or obligation, and the expenses of the Bank incurred in connection therewith shall be payable by the Pledgor pursuant to Section 7 hereof.

11. Miscellaneous.

11.1 No amendment of any provisions of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the Pledgor and the Bank and no waiver of any provision of this Agreement, and no consent to any departure by the Pledgor therefrom, shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the Bank and then such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for which given.

11.2 No failure on the part of the Bank to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right hereunder or under any Loan Document shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right precludes any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. The rights and remedies of the Bank provided herein and/or in the Loan Documents are cumulative and are in addition to, and not exclusive of, any rights or remedies provided by law. The rights of the Bank under any Loan Document against any party thereto are not conditional or contingent on any attempt by the Bank to exercise any of its rights under any other Loan Document against such party or against any other Person.

11.3 All rights granted to the Bank hereunder shall be exercised solely at the discretion of the Bank and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating the Bank to exercise any said rights.

11.4 Any provision of this Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining portions hereof or thereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.

11.5 This Agreement shall be binding on the Pledgor and its successors and assigns and shall inure, together with all rights and remedies of the Bank hereunder, to the Bank and its successors, transferees and assigns. Without limiting the generality of the immediately preceding sentence, any person who shall succeed the Bank under the Loan Documents shall become vested with all of the benefits in respect thereof granted to the Bank herein or therein, and the Bank may assign or otherwise transfer its rights under the Loan Document to any other person, and such other person shall thereupon become vested with all of the benefits in respect thereof granted to the Bank herein or therein. None of the rights or obligations of the Pledgor hereunder may be assigned or otherwise transferred without the prior written consent of the Bank (to be given or withheld in its sole discretion).


11.6 When all Secured Obligations 1 and Secured Obligations shall have been paid in full and the Commitment of the Bank under the Credit Agreement shall have expired or been terminated, the lien and security interest created hereby and this Agreement shall terminate, all without delivery of any instrument or performance of any act by any party, and all rights to the Mortgage Notes shall revert to the Pledgor. Upon such termination, (i) the Bank shall return and deliver the Mortgage Notes to the Pledgor without recourse, representation or warranty, and (ii) the Bank will, upon the Pledgor's request and at the Pledgor's expense, execute and deliver to the Pledgor such documents as the Pledgor shall reasonably request to evidence such termination and the reversion of such rights.

11.7 Section headings used in this Agreement are for convenience or reference only and do not constitute part of this Agreement for any other purpose.

11.8 This Agreement is to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico without respect to any otherwise applicable principles of conflict of law, both as to interpretation and performance.

11.9 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which shall be taken to be one and the same instrument, for the same effect as if all parties hereto had signed the same signature page.

11.10 The terms, clauses and provisions of this Agreement are in addition and not in limitation or substitution of the terms, clauses and provisions set forth in the Credit Agreement. In the event of any inconsistency between this Agreement and the Credit Agreement, the terms hereof shall be controlling as necessary to create, preserve and/or maintain a valid, enforceable first priority lien and security interest under applicable law upon the Collateral, but otherwise, provisions of the Credit Agreement shall be controlling.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties hereto through their authorized representatives and is effective as of the day and year first written above.


By: /s/ Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes             By: /s/ Randolfo Rivera Sanfeliz
   -------------------------------              -------------------------------
Name: Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes               Name: Randolfo Rivera Sanfeliz
Title: President                             Title: Executive Vice President


Affidavit No. 6,611 (copy)

Sworn and subscribed before me by Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes, of legal age, married, executive and resident of San Juan Puerto, Puerto Rico as President of Triple-S Management Corporation and Randolfo Rivera Sanfeliz, of legal age, married, executive and resident of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico as Executive Vice President of Firstbank Puerto Rico, both personally known to me. In San Juan, Puerto Rico, this 31st day of August 1999.

(SEAL)               /s/ Leopoldo J. Cabassa Sauri
                                Notary Public



1. Mortgage Note in the principal sum of $29,723,000.00 payable on demand to the bearer thereof executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 secured by a mortgage constituted pursuant to the terms and conditions of Deed No. 3 of Constitution of Mortgage executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 before Notary Public Leopoldo J. Cabassa Sauri.

2. Mortgage Note in the principal sum of $2,812,500.00 payable on demand to the bearer thereof executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 secured by a mortgage constituted pursuant to the terms and conditions of Deed No. 4 of Constitution of Mortgage executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 before Notary Public Leopoldo J. Cabassa Sauri.

3. Mortgage Note in the principal sum of $1,800,000.00 payable on demand to the bearer thereof executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 secured by a mortgage constituted pursuant to the terms and conditions of Deed No. 5 of Constitution of Mortgage executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 before Notary Public Leopoldo J. Cabassa Sauri.

4. Mortgage Note in the principal sum of $989,100.00 payable on demand to the bearer thereof executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 secured by a mortgage constituted pursuant to the terms and conditions of Deed No. 6 of Constitution of Mortgage executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 before Notary Public Leopoldo J. Cabassa Sauri.

5. Mortgage Note in the principal sum of $1,058,400.00 payable on demand to the bearer thereof executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 secured by a mortgage constituted pursuant to the terms and conditions of Deed No. 7 of Constitution of Mortgage executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 before Notary Public Leopoldo J. Cabassa Sauri.

6. Mortgage Note in the principal sum of $2,097,000.00 payable on demand to the bearer thereof executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 secured by a mortgage constituted pursuant to the terms and conditions of Deed No. 8 of Constitution of Mortgage executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 before Notary Public Leopoldo J. Cabassa Sauri.

7. Mortgage Note in the principal sum of $2,520,000.00 payable on demand to the bearer thereof executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 secured by a mortgage constituted pursuant to the terms and conditions of Deed No. 9 of Constitution of Mortgage executed by the Pledgor on June 29, 1999 before Notary Public Leopoldo J. Cabassa Sauri.









The undersigned certifies that Triple-S Management Corporation, incorporated in Puerto Rico with its principal office in Caparra (herein referred to as the "Employer") has adopted a retirement program for certain of its employees, or has amended said program, in the form set forth herein and subject to the elections made herein, effective with respect to Participants who are Employees on or after the 1st day of January, 2001, except to the extent that the context of a provision herein indicates that it is applicable to a Participant who is not an Employee on or after said date.

                                             /s/  Miquel A. Vazquez Deynes

(CORPORATE SEAL)                             Miquel A. Vazquez Deynes

/s/ Arturo de Lahongrais

Arturo de Lahongrais                         President & CEO
---------------------------------            ----------------------------------
Attest                                       Title

Human Resources Vice-President                    2-8-02
---------------------------------            ----------------------------------
Title                                        Date


                                             NATIONAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS

                                             By: /s/
                                             Assistant Secretary

[Amended through 1/1/2002 (ss 10.3.2001)]

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE 1- DEFINITIONS                                                  1-1

1.01  - Actuarial Equivalent                                            1-1

1.O1A - Annuity Starting Date                                           1-1

1.02  - Beneficiary                                                     1-1

1.03  - Break in Service                                                1-1

1.04  - Committee                                                       1-2

1.05  - Early Retirement Age                                            1-2

1.06  - Earnings                                                        1-2

1.07  - Effective Date                                                  1-5

1.08  - Employee                                                        1-5

1.09  - Employer                                                        1-5

1.10  - Employment                                                      1-5

1.11  - Entry Date                                                      1-6

1.12  - Final Average Earnings                                          1-6

1.12A - Maximum Annual Social Security Covered Compensation             1-7

1.13  - Normal Retirement Age                                           1-7

1.13A - Social Security Retirement Age                                  1-7

1.14  - Participant                                                     1-7

1.15  - Participating Plan                                              1-7

1.16  - Plan                                                            1-7

1.17  - Primary Social Security Benefit                                 1-8

1.18  - Program                                                         1-8

1.19  - Program Year                                                    1-8

1.20  - Spouse                                                          1-8

1.21  - Total and Permanent Disability                                  1-9

1.22  - Trust Agreement                                                 1-9

1.23  - Trustee                                                         1-9

1.24  - Trust Fund or Fund                                              1-9

1.25  - Year of Employer Service                                        1-10

1.26  - Year of Participation Service                                   1-10

1.27  - Year of Plans and Association Service                           1-11

    1.28 - Year of Vesting Service                                                       1-11

    1.29 - Hour of Service                                                               1-12

    1.30 - Initial Computation Period and Subsequent Computation Period                  1-13


    2.01  - Conditions of Participation                                                  2-1

    2.02  - Participation                                                                2-1

    2.03  - Acceptance                                                                   2-1

ARTICLE 3 - FINANCING OF PROGRAM                                                         3-1

    3.01  - Medium of Financing the Program                                              3-1

    3.02  - Employer Contributions                                                       3-1

    3.03  - Employee Contributions                                                       3-1

ARTICLE 4 - BENEFITS                                                                     4-1

    4.01  - General Conditions                                                           4-1

    4.02  - Normal Retirement                                                            4-6

    4.03  - Delayed Retirement                                                           4-11

    4.04  - Early Retirement                                                             4-13

    4.05  - Special Early Retirement Benefit                                             4-15

    4.06  - Pre-Retirement Death Benefit                                                 4-16

    4.07  - No Death Benefits Except as Specified                                        4-26

    4.08  - Vesting                                                                      4-26

    4.09  - Other Termination of Employment                                              4-29

    4.10  - Cost-of-Living Adjustment                                                    4-29

    4.11  - Non-duplication of Benefits                                                  4-30

    4.12  - Limitations on Benefits                                                      4-32

    4.13  - Suspension of Benefits                                                       4-40

    4.14  - Leaves of Absence                                                            4-42

    4.15  - Small Benefits                                                               4-42

    4.16  - Granting Credit for-Accrued Benefits for a Period of Total and
            Permanent Disability                                                         4-43


ARTICLE 5 - FORMS OF BENEFITS                                                  5-1

   5.01 - Joint and Survivor Benefit                                           5-1

   5.02 - Distribution Requirements and Election of Optional Retirement
          Benefits                                                             5-2

   5.03 - Determination of Optional Benefit                                    5-6

   5.04 - Description of Options                                               5-9

   5.05 - Cancellation of Election or Beneficiary Change                       5-10

   5.06 - Direct Rollover Rules                                                5-11

   5.07 - Liquidity Shortfall                                                  5-12

ARTICLE 6 - ADMINISTRATION OF PROGRAM                                          6-1

   6.01 - Administration                                                       6-1

   6.02 - Records                                                              6-2

   6.03 - Liability of the Committee                                           6-2

   6.04 - Procedure for Funding Policy                                         6-2

   6.05 - Legal Incompetence                                                   6-2

   6.06 - Correction of Errors                                                 6-3

   6.07 - Payment of Fees and Expenses                                         6-3

ARTICLE 7 - AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF PROGRAM                               7-1

   7.01 - Amendment of Program                                                 7-1

   7.02 - Termination of Program                                               7-1

   7.03 - Rights Non-forfeitable                                               7-4

   7.04 - Distribution on Termination                                          7-4

   7.05 - Liquidation of Assets                                                7-6

   7.06 - Purchase of Benefits                                                 7-6

   7.07 - Restriction of Benefits                                              7-7

ARTICLE 8 - MISCELLANEOUS                                                       8-1

   8.01 - Action by Employer                                                   8-1

   8.02 - Liability of Employer                                                8-1

   8.03 - Successor to Business of Employer                                    8-1

   8.04 - Dissolution of the Employer                                          8-1

   8.05 - Interest in the Fund                                                 8-1


     8.06   - Claims                                                            8-1

     8.07   - Mergers, Consolidations and Transfers of Assets                   8-2

     8.08   - Non-assignment of Benefits                                        8-2

     8.08A  - Certain Judgments                                                 8-3

     8.09   - Definition of Words                                               8-4

     8.10   - Titles                                                            8-4

     8.11   - Construction                                                      8-4

     8.12   - Execution of the Program                                          8-5

ARTICLE 9   - TOP-HEAVY PROVISIONS                                              9-1

     9.01   - Application of Article                                            9-1

     9.02   - Definitions                                                       9-1

     9.03   - Vesting                                                           9-3

     9.04   - Minimum Benefits                                                  9-4

     9.05   - Limitation on Compensation                                        9-5

     9.06   - Limits on Benefits and Contributions                              9-5

 ARTICLE 10 - RETIREE HEALTH BENEFITS                                           10-1

     10.01  - Retiree Health Benefits                                           10-1

     10.02  - Eligible Retirees, Eligible Dependents                            10-1

     10.03  - Limitations on Eligibility                                        10-2

     10.04  - No Employee Contributions                                         10-2

     10.05  - Employer Contributions                                            10-3

     10.06  - Key Employee Accounts                                             10-5

     10.07  - Retiree Health Program Fund                                       10-5

     10.08  - Distribution Directions From Retiree Health Program Plan
              Administrator                                                     10-6

     10.09  - Distribution Instructions to Trustee                              10-6

     10.10  - No Vesting in Trust Assets Prior to Actual Distribution           10-7

     10.11  - Termination of Retiree Health Program                             10-7

     10.12  - Administration                                                    10-8

     10.13  - Inconsistent Program Provisions                                   10-8

     10.14  - Prohibition on Diversion                                          10-8

     10.15  - Nondiscrimination                                                 10-8




As used herein, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning indicated unless otherwise defined or unless a different meaning is required by the context:

1.01 "ACTUARIAL EQUIVALENT" shall mean, with respect to a benefit payable under the Program, a benefit of equivalent value thereto determined on the basis of the following actuarial assumptions:

(a) The interest rate shall be equal to 5%; and (b) The mortality rates shall be unisex rates constructed based upon the 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Table, assuming the following distribution of male and female employees: 50 percent males and 50 percent females.

If this box is checked [X], the Program (and/or any predecessor program qualified under ss.401 of the Internal Revenue Code) specified the actuarial assumptions used to determined a Participant's benefits, and an amendment(s) (including the adoption of this Program or a restated version of the Program) changed those actuarial assumptions; accordingly, any benefit payable under the Program to the Participant thereafter shall be no less than the benefit otherwise payable to the Participant, determined as of the day immediately prior to the effective date of the amendment (i.e., determined as of December 30, 1998) and computed on the basis of the actuarial assumptions in effect on such date.

1.O1A "ANNUITY STARTING DATE" is the benefit commencement date which is the first date for which an amount is paid under the Program.

1.02 "BENEFICIARY" SHALL mean the person or persons last designated by a Participant in writing on forms provided by the Committee to receive benefits (if any) payable under the Program upon his death; provided that any such designation shall be subject to the spousal consent rules of
Section 5.02(b). If no such designation of Beneficiary has been received by the Committee prior to the date of death of the Participant or if there is no surviving Beneficiary and a benefit is due and payable that is a lump sum or may, under the terms of the Program, be computed and payable as a lump sum, such benefit shall be payable to the estate of the Participant.

1.03A A "BREAK IN SERVICE" occurs on the last day of a twelve consecutive month period (immediately following a period of Employment by a Plan) during which an Employee is not in the Employment of a Plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in determining whether an Employee who is absent from work for maternity or paternity reasons has incurred a Break in


Service, for purposes of Sections 2.01 and 4.08, a "Break in Service" occurs on the last day of a twelve consecutive month period (beginning immediately after the first anniversary of his last day of Employment by a Plan) during which the Employee is not in the Employment of a Plan. For this purpose, an absence for maternity or paternity reasons means an absence (i) by reason of the pregnancy of the Employee, (ii) by reason of the birth of a child of the Employee, (iii) by reason of the placement of a child with the Employee in connection with the adoption of such child by the Employee, or (iv) for purposes of caring for such child for a period immediately following such birth or placement. An Employee shall not be deemed to be absent from work for maternity or paternity reasons unless the Employee furnishes the Committee such timely information as the Committee may reasonably require to establish that the absence is for maternity or paternity reasons and the number of days for which there was such an absence. Notwithstanding any provision of the Program to the contrary, a Break in Service will be determined in accordance with the requirements of ss. 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to qualified military service.

1.04 "COMMITTEE" shall mean the National Employee Benefits Committee appointed by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and any successor committee appointed by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association pursuant to an agreement between the Employer and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association referred to as Exhibit B.

1.05 "EARLY RETIREMENT AGE" shall mean the day on which an individual attains his 55th birthdate.

1.06 "EARNINGS" shall mean the following as selected by the Employer:

(a) For a year beginning prior to January 1, 1988, the Participant's compensation rate as specified in [x] the Program or [ ] the predecessor program of the Employer in effect on such date.

(b) For a year beginning on or after January 1. 1988, but prior to N-A; (1), (2) or (3) as checked below:

[x] (1) The Participant's basic compensation rate on January 1 of such year, exclusive of bonuses, overtime, and other extra compensation, or

[ ] (2) The Participant's basic compensation rate on January 1 of such year, and the Participant's [ ] bonuses, [ ] overtime, [ ] other extra compensation, for the year preceding such year, or

[ ] (3) The Participant's compensation which is subject to Federal Income Tax Withholding in such year, plus any amount which the Participant elected pursuant to a


salary reduction agreement to have contributed by the Employer to a qualified cash or deferred arrangement (under Section 401 (k) of the Internal Revenue Code) provided such contribution is not then subject to Federal Income Tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 402(e)(3), plus any additional amounts contributed or deferred at the election of the Participant under Internal Revenue Code
Section 125, 402(h), 403(b), 414(h) or 457(b) and not subject to Federal Income Tax, provided the Participant could have had such amounts paid in cash or otherwise contributed towards a currently taxable benefit, plus, if this box is checked [ ], amounts of compensation that are not subject to Federal Income Tax Withholding that are includable in income and are reported on Form W-2 in such year. However, such amounts earned after the last complete calendar year prior to the earlier of the Employee's Early Retirement Date or last date of Employment shall be disregarded.

(c) For a year beginning on or after "________", (1) or (2) as checked below:

[ ] (1) The Participant's basic compensation rate on January 1 of such year, and the Participant's bonuses, overtime, and other extra compensation, paid in the year preceding such year, but disregarding. such amounts earned on or after the Employee's Early Retirement Date or last date of Employment, or

[ ] (2) The Participant's compensation which is subject to Federal Income Tax Withholding in such year, plus any amount which the Participant elected pursuant to a salary reduction agreement to have contributed by the Employer to a qualified cash or deferred arrangement (under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code) provided such contribution is not then subject to Federal Income Tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 402(e)(3), plus any additional amounts contributed or deferred at the election of the Participant under Internal Revenue Code Section 125, 132(f)(4), 402(h), 403(b), 414(h) or 457(b) and not subject to Federal Income Tax, provided the Participant could have had such amounts paid in cash or otherwise contributed towards a currently taxable benefit, plus, if this box is checked [ ], amounts of compensation that are not subject to Federal Income Tax Withholding that are includable in income and are reported on Form W-2 in such year. However, such amounts earned after the last complete calendar year prior to the earlier of the Employee's Early Retirement Date or last date of Employment shall be disregarded. (In no event, however, will the benefit of an Employee who was a Participant on the date prior to _________________, be less than the benefit would have been under the terms of the Earnings definition in effect under the Program on the


day prior to that date and in accordance with: [ ] Section 1.06 (b)(1) or (2), assuming no changes in the Participant's Earnings after that date; or [ ] Section 1.06 (b)(3), assuming no changes in the Participant's basic compensation rate on that date plus the Participant's projected annual bonuses, overtime, and other extra compensation based on the amount of such extra compensation for the prior year.)

(d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes of calculating benefits in Program Years beginning on or after January 1, 1994, the amount of Earnings taken into account for any Program Year shall not exceed $150,000, as adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury to reflect cost of living increases. Any cost of living increase in effect for a particular Program Year applies only with respect to Earnings for that Program Year taken into account in determining benefits.

(e) The following method shall be used to determine the Earnings of an Employee with a Plan or Plans prior to the time the Employee became employed by the Employer. With respect to an Employee who becomes a Participant on or after January 1, 1999, the Employee's Earnings with the Plan or Plans for such prior period shall be determined exclusively by applying a salary scale, projected backwards, to the Employee's first full calendar year of Earnings with the Employer. For these purposes the salary scale shall be constructed on the assumption that the Employee's Earnings had increased at the rate of 5 percent per year up to the level of the Employee's first full calendar year of Earnings with the Employer. With respect to an Employee who was a Participant in the Program on December 31, 1998, the Employee's Earnings with the Plan or Plans for such prior period shall be determined based on the actual earnings information the Committee acquires from the Plan or Plans. If Committee does not have such earnings information at the time the Employee submits a claim for benefits under the Program, the Employee shall be given the choice of having the Earnings with the Plan or Plans for such prior period determined by applying the 5 percent salary scale described above, or by using such evidence of the Employee's actual Earnings with the Plan or Plans as the Employee may supply that is satisfactory to the Committee in its sole discretion. Evidence which generally will be considered for these purposes includes, but is not limited to, Social Security records, federal W-2 forms, pay stubs, or a letter from the prior Plan; provided, however, that the determination of whether particular evidence is satisfactory shall be made by the Committee in its sole discretion. If the Employee does not submit satisfactory evidence of such prior Plan Earnings within 120 days of the date the Employee is notified of the choice, the Employee's

1-5 Earnings with the prior Plan or Plans shall be determined by applying the 5 percent salary scale described above.

1.07 "EFFECTIVE DATE" shall mean July 1, 1975, the date on which the Employer initially adopted the Program.

1.08 "EMPLOYEE" shall mean any person employed by the Employer, but shall exclude a person who is included in a unit of employees covered by an agreement which is a collective bargaining agreement between employee representatives and one or more employers if retirement benefits were the subject of good faith bargaining between such employee representatives and such employer or employers unless the collective bargaining agreement provides that such employees are covered by this Program. In no event shall the term "Employee" include a person who is not recognized and treated by the Employer as its employee. Such an excluded person includes, but is not limited to, a worker who is classified by the Employer as an independent contractor or consultant, a temporary worker, or an employee of a staffing firm, a leasing organization, or a payroll agency. If such a excluded person is subsequently reclassified or deemed to be reclassified as a common-law employee of the Employer, such person shall, if otherwise eligible, become an "Employee" as of the actual date of reclassification. If the effective date of reclassification is prior to the actual date of reclassification, in no event shall the reclassified person be considered or treated under the Program as an "Employee" with respect to the period prior to the actual date of reclassification, and in no event shall the reclassified person accrue benefits hereunder for such prior period. Further, in no event shall the term "Employee" include a person who is a leased employee (within the meaning of ss. 414(n) of the Internal Revenue Code) of the Employer.

1.09 "EMPLOYER" shall mean Triple-S Management Corporation, which is a Plan as defined in Section 1.16.

1.10 "EMPLOYMENT" shall mean service as an employee, within the meaning of the Federal Insurance Contribution Act, of an employer, beginning when such service first commences and ending on the earlier of (a) the date on which the employee quits, retires, is discharged or dies, (b) the first anniversary of the first date on which an employee is absent from service (with or without pay) for any other reason, such as vacation, holiday, sickness, disability, leave of absence, or layoff, or (c) the date on which the employee quits, retires, is discharged or dies after the employee is absent from service (with or without pay) for any other reason, such as vacation, holiday, sickness, disability, leave of absence, or layoff, provided, however, that if severance from service resulted from a quit, retirement or discharge and the employee returns to


the service of the employer within 12 months of the severance from service, or if the employee severed from service as a result of a quit, retirement or discharge during an absence for any other reason and the employee returns to the service of the employer within 12 months of the date on which he was first absent from service, the period of absence shall be included in Employment.

Notwithstanding any provision of the Program to the contrary, benefits, and service credit with respect to qualified military service will be provided in accordance with ss. 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Solely for purposes of determining an Employee's level of vesting, his participation service under Section 2.01(b), and whether benefits may commence because he has terminated service or retired from the Employer, (and not for the purpose of benefit calculation) the period of Employment (and Hours of Service) shall also include service with (1) any corporation that is a member of a controlled group of corporations (as defined in ss.414(b) of the Internal Revenue Code) that includes the Employer, (2) any trade or business (whether or not incorporated) that is under common control (as defined in ss.414(c) of the Internal Revenue Code) with the Employer, (3) any organization (whether or not incorporated) that is a member of an affiliated service group (as defined in ss.414(m) of the Internal Revenue Code) that includes the Employer, (4) except to the extent otherwise provided in regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under ss.414(n) of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to periods of service required under ss.414(n)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code to be credited to a leased employee (as defined in ss.414(n) of the Internal Revenue Code) or a common-law employee, the leasing organization, and
(5) any other entity required to be aggregated with the Employer pursuant to regulations under ss.414(o) of the Internal Revenue Code.

1.11 "ENTRY DATE" shall mean January 1 or July 1 of a Program Year beginning on or after January 1, 1976, provided, however, that "Entry Date" shall mean the date of Employment by the Employer in the case of an Employee who satisfies the Conditions of Participation set forth in Section 2.01 on the date of his Employment by the Employer, and shall mean the first day following the completion of a Year of Participation Service in the case of an Employee who satisfies the Conditions of Participation set forth in Section 2.01 and whose prior Years of Participation Service were disregarded because of a Break in Service.

1.12 "FINAL AVERAGE EARNINGS" means the highest average of an Employee's Earnings for the five consecutive years (or his total years of Employment by a Plan or Plans if less than five) out of the last 10 years of Employment by a Plan or Plans ending with the last year of Employment for which Earnings are included pursuant to Section 1.06. Notwithstanding the


foregoing, an Employee's Earnings for a period of Employment by a Plan or Plans shall be disregarded if such Employment would also be disregarded as a Year of Plans and Association Service under the second sentence of Section 1.27.

1.12A "MAXIMUM ANNUAL SOCIAL SECURITY COVERED COMPENSATION" means the average (without indexing) of the Social Security taxable wage base in effect for each calendar year during the 35-year period ending with the last day of the calendar year in which an employee attains (or will attain) Social Security Retirement Age. In determining a Participant's Maximum Annual Social Security Covered Compensation for a Program Year, the Social Security taxable wage base in effect for the Program Year for which the determination is being made shall be assumed to remain in effect for subsequent Program Years. A Participant's Maximum Annual Social Security Covered Compensation shall be adjusted each Program Year.

1.13 "NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE" shall mean the later of (a) the date on which an individual attains his 65th birthdate, or (b) the date on which the Participant completes 5 Years of Vesting Service, but in no event later than the date which marks the fifth anniversary of a Participant's participation in the Program.

1.13A "SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT AGE" shall mean the age used as the retirement age for the Participant under ss.216(1) of the Social Security Act, except that such section shall be modified for this purpose, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, by treating age 62 as the "early retirement age" and by rounding up, as described below, any part-year increase in the Social Security Retirement Age to the next whole year. Accordingly, under this definition, the Social Security Retirement Age is 65 for a Participant who was born before January 1, 1938; 66 for a Participant born after December 31, 1937, but before January 1, 1955; and 67 for a Participant born after December 31, 1954.

1.14 "PARTICIPANT" shall mean any individual who has become a Participant pursuant to the provisions of Article 2 and is in the Employment of a Plan or is entitled to a benefit under this Program.

1.15 "PARTICIPATING PLAN" shall mean the Employer which has adopted this Program and a Plan which has adopted a similar program under the National Retirement Trust.

1.16 "PLAN" means a corporation or limited liability company (LLC) which is approved or licensed as a Blue Cross Plan; a corporation or LLC which is approved or licensed as a Blue Shield Plan; Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association; each corporation or LLC which is wholly owned or controlled by a Blue Cross Plan, a Blue Shield Plan or Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association or is jointly owned or controlled by Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association


and/or Plans; and any other organization which the National Employee Benefits Committee approves for participation in a program under the National Retirement Trust.

1.17 "PRIMARY SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFIT" means the estimated "Primary Insurance Amount" of a Participant calculated as of his Normal Retirement Age, as set forth in the Social Security Act in effect on January 1 of the year the Participant's Employment with the Employer is terminated. The Participant's Primary Insurance Amount shall be estimated by the Committee in a uniform manner assuming the Participant's wages subject to the Federal Insurance Contribution Act for years prior to the final year of Earnings from the Employer had increased at the same rate as the national averages for such wages based on data published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It also will be assumed that after the Participant's termination of Employment with the Employer he will not receive any wages subject to the Federal Insurance Contribution Act, except that in the case of a Participant who terminates Employment with the Employer prior to eligibility for Early Retirement Benefits, it will be assumed that wages after such termination will be equal to the final rate of Earnings on an annual basis. If a Participant provides evidence satisfactory to the Committee that his actual Primary Insurance Amount at his Normal Retirement Age is less than the Primary Social Security benefit as estimated, the Primary Social Security Benefit shall be reduced accordingly. For these purposes, satisfactory evidence shall include the Participant's actual wage or earnings history from the Social Security Administration, but shall not include a Social Security award notice or letter. (In no event, however, will the accrued benefit of a Participant, who was also a Participant on June 30, 1979, be less by reason of this definition of Primary Social Security Benefit than the benefit amount which the Participant had accrued through June 30, 1979, under the terms of the Program as of such date.)

1.18 "PROGRAM" shall mean the Non-Contributory Retirement Program for Certain Employees of Triple-S Management Corporation, as restated herein and as amended from time to time.

1.19 "PROGRAM YEAR" shall mean the period beginning with the Effective Date and ending on December 31 of said year and each calendar year thereafter.

1.20 "SPOUSE" shall mean a person who is married to the Participant on the Annuity Starting Date or, if earlier, at the time of his death, provided that a Participant's former spouse shall be treated as his Spouse or surviving Spouse to the extent provided in a "qualified domestic relations. order" (as defined in ss.414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code).


1.21 "TOTAL AND PERMANENT DISABILITY" shall have the same meaning as the term, or a term of a similar import, has under the long-term disability program of the Employer if said program applied to a broad cross section of employees of the Employer on a nondiscriminatory basis. In the event the term "Total and Permanent Disability" is not determined pursuant to the preceding sentence, the term shall mean the condition of a Participant, determined on the basis of medical evidence satisfactory to the Committee, whereby a Participant is found to be wholly prevented from engaging in any occupation comparable to that which he held at the time his disability occurred. The date when a Participant's disability occurred shall be determined by the Committee. A Participant shall not be considered disabled if the Committee determined that his disability resulted from or arose out of

(a) service in the armed forces of any country,

(b) intentionally self-inflicted injury;

(c) wrongful use of narcotics; or

(d) participation in a felonious criminal act which results in the Participant's conviction in a court of law.

The Participant shall be required by the Committee to submit to a medical examination on the second anniversary of the date the disability occurred to determine whether he is in fact so disabled as to be prevented from engaging in any occupation comparable to that which he held at the time of disability. A Participant may be required by the Committee to submit to a medical examination at any time, whether prior or subsequent to the required medical examination on the second anniversary of the date his disability occurred, to determine whether he is disabled so as to be prevented from engaging in any occupation comparable to that which he held at the time his disability occurred.

1.22 "TRUST AGREEMENT" shall mean the agreement attached hereto entered into by the Blue Cross Association and the Bankers Trust Company on the 1st day of September 1974, as amended effective January 1, 1979, to vest the authority of the Blue Cross Association with respect to the Agreement in the Blue Cross Association and Blue Shield Association jointly, and as further amended from time to time.

1.23 "TRUSTEE" shall mean the party or parties designated as such pursuant to the Trust Agreement.

1.24 "TRUST FUND" OR "FUND" shall mean the assets, consisting of cash and such other property as shall be paid or delivered to the Trustee by the Employer or the Committee on behalf of the Employer, including earnings thereon, while held by the Trustee.


1.25 "YEAR OF EMPLOYER SERVICE" shall mean a Program Year beginning on or after January 1, 1976, in which an Employee is in the Employment of the Employer for the entire Program Year (an Employee who is in the Employment of the Employer for less than an entire Program Year shall be given credit for the period of his Employment by the Employer during the Program Year) and shall mean a year of service or part thereof prior to January 1, 1976, determined under the provisions of the Program then in effect with respect to determining service for benefit accrual purposes, provided that "Year of Employer Service" shall not include service subsequent to his termination of Employment with the Employer, and provided further that "Year of Employer Service" shall not include service prior to a Break in Service unless the Employee has a Year of Participation Service subsequent to said Break in Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of an Employee who first becomes a Participant in the Program on or after July 1, 2000, the Employee's Years of Employer Service prior to a Break in Service shall be permanently disregarded if the Employee previously terminated Employment with the Employer prior to acquiring a right to a vested benefit under the Program and if the Employee's subsequent number of consecutive one-year Breaks in Service exceeded the greater of five or the number of the Employee's prior Years of Vesting Service. An appropriate adjustment, however, shall be made to the amount of service prior to January 1, 1976, credited hereunder in order to take into account periods of military service which would otherwise qualify as "Employment" under this Program but which were disregarded under the terms of the Program in effect prior to January 1, 1976.

1.26 "YEAR OF PARTICIPATION SERVICE" shall mean a twelve consecutive month period of Employment with a Plan or Plans, provided, however, that a period of Employment with a Plan or Plans prior to a Break in Service shall be disregarded until the Employee has completed a Year of Participation Service subsequent to said Break in Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of an Employee who first becomes a Participant in the Program on or after July 1, 2000, the Employee's Years of Participation Service prior to a Break in Service shall be permanently disregarded if the Employee previously terminated Employment with a Plan prior to acquiring a right to a vested benefit under the Plan's pension program and if the Employee's subsequent number of consecutive one-year Breaks in Service exceeded the greater of five or the number of the Employee's prior Years of Vesting Service. An appropriate adjustment, however, shall be made to the amount of service prior to January 1, 1976, credited hereunder in order to take into account periods of military service which would otherwise qualify as "Employment"


under this Program but which were disregarded under the terms of the Program in effect prior to January 1, 1976.

1.27 "YEAR OF PLANS AND ASSOCIATION SERVICE" shall mean a Program Year beginning on or after January 1, 1976, in which an Employee is in the Employment of a Plan or Plans for the entire Program Year (an Employee who is in the Employment of a Plan or Plans for less than an entire Program Year shall be given credit for the period of his employment by the Plan or Plans during the Program Year) and shall mean a year of service or part thereof prior to January 1, 1976, in the Employment of a Plan or Plans except periods of said service which were disregarded under the provisions of the Program then in effect (with respect to determining service for benefit accrual purposes) regarding leaves of absence, layoffs, and part-time employment, provided that "Year of Plans and Association Service" shall not include service subsequent to his termination of Employment with the Employer, except as provided in Section 4.16, and provided further that "Year of Plans and Association Service" shall not include service prior to a Break in Service unless the Employee has a Year of Participation Service subsequent to said Break in Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of an Employee who first becomes a Participant in the Program on or after July 1, 2000, the Employee's Years of Plans and Association Service prior to a Break in Service shall be permanently disregarded if the Employee previously terminated Employment with a Plan prior to acquiring a right to a vested benefit under the Plan's pension program and if the Employee's subsequent number of consecutive one-year Breaks in Service exceeded the greater of five or the number of the Employee's prior Years of Vesting Service. An appropriate adjustment, however, shall be made to the amount of service prior to January 1, 1976, credited hereunder in order to take into account periods of military service which would otherwise qualify as "Employment" under this Program but which were disregarded under the terms of the Program in effect prior to January 1, 1976.

1.28 "YEAR OF VESTING SERVICE" shall mean a Program Year beginning on or after January 1, 1976, in which an Employee is in the Employment of a Plan or Plans for the entire Program Year (an Employee who is in the Employment of a Plan or Plans for less than an entire Program Year shall be given credit for the period of his Employment by the Plan or Plans during the Program Year), whether that service is before or after a period of Employment with the Employer, provided, however, that Years of Vesting Service prior to a Break in Service shall be disregarded until the Employee has completed a Year of Vesting Service after a Break in Service, and shall mean a year of service or part thereof prior to January 1, 1976, in the Employment of a Plan or Plans except periods of said service which were disregarded under the provisions of the


Program then in effect (with respect to determining whether an Employee was entitled to a vested benefit) regarding leaves of absence, layoffs, and part-time employment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of an Employee who first becomes a Participant in the Program on or after July 1, 2000, if the Employee terminates Employment with a Plan prior to acquiring a right to a vested benefit under the Plan's pension program and if the Employee's subsequent number of consecutive one-year Breaks in Service exceeds the greater of five or the number of the Employee's prior Years of Vesting Service, the Employee's Years of Vesting Service prior to such Breaks in Service shall be permanently disregarded in determining the Employee's Years of Vesting Service after such Breaks, and the Employee's Years of Vesting Service after such Breaks in Service shall be permanently disregarded in determining the Employee's Years of Vesting Service with respect to any benefit accrued under this Program prior to such Breaks. An appropriate adjustment, however, shall be made to the amount of service prior to January 1, 1976, credited hereunder in order to take into account periods of military service which would otherwise qualify as "Employment" under this Program but which were disregarded under the terms of the Program in effect prior to January 1, 1976.

1.29 "HOUR OF SERVICE" shall mean each hour for which an Employee is directly or indirectly paid or entitled to be paid by the Employer for the performance of duties or on account of a period of time during which no duties are performed due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity, layoff, jury duty, military duty or leave of absence; provided that:

(1) no more than 501 Hours of Service shall be credited to an Employee on account of a single continuous period during which the Employee performed no duties;

(2) no credit shall be given for payment made or due under a plan maintained solely for the-purpose of complying with the applicable worker's compensation or unemployment compensation or disability insurance laws or payments which solely reimburse an Employee for medically related expenses incurred by the Employee; and,

(3) Hours of Service shall be credited for back pay, irrespective of mitigation of damages, either awarded or agreed to by the Employer to the extent such back pay represents payment for hours which are required to be taken into account. However, no Hours of Service shall be credited for back pay if such hours were previously credited.


The determination of Hours of Service for reasons other than the performance of duties shall be made in accordance with the applicable rules of the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor under 29 C.F.R. Part 2530.200b-2(b). Notwithstanding any provision of the Program to the contrary, benefits and service credit with respect to qualified military service will be provided in accordance with ss. 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code.


(a) the Initial Computation Period shall be the period beginning on the date the Employee first performs an Hour of Service for the Employer and ending on the day preceding the first anniversary of such date; and

(b) the Subsequent Computation Period or Periods shall be Program Years beginning with the Program Year which includes the first anniversary of the date the Employee first performs an Hour of Service for the Employer.

In the case of an Employee whose Employment terminates and who completes no more than 500 Hours of Service during the Initial or Subsequent Computation Periods prior to becoming a Participant in the Program, such Employee shall be treated as a new Employee with a new Initial Computation Period on the date the Employee first performs an Hour of Service for the Employer after such Initial or Subsequent Computation Period. Solely for purposes of the preceding sentence, in determining whether an Employee has completed 500 Hours of Service, an Employee who is absent from work for maternity or paternity reasons (as defined in Section 1.03) shall be credited with the number of Hours of Service which otherwise would normally have been credited to such individual but for such absence (or, if such number is indeterminable, 8 Hours of Service per day of such absence), except that the total number of Hours of Service credited to an Employee under this special rule shall not exceed 501 Hours of Service. The hours described in the preceding sentence shall be treated as Hours of Service only in the Computation Period in which the absence from work begins, if the Employee would be credited with more than 500 Hours of Service solely because such hours are treated as Hours of Service, or, in any other case, in the immediately following Computation Period; provided, however, that no credit shall be given for such hours unless the Employee furnishes the Committee with the information described in Section 1.03.

"COMPUTATION PERIOD" shall mean the Initial Computation Period or the Subsequent Computation Period, as the case may be.


In addition, for purposes of the first sentence of this paragraph, the determination of whether an Employee has completed 500 Hours of Service shall be made in accordance with the requirements of ss. 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to qualified military service.





(a) Each Employee on January 1, 1988 who was a Participant in the Program on December 31, 1987, is a Participant on January 1, 1988.

(b) Each other individual who is an Employee on or after January 1, 1988 --
(i) who is regularly employed on a full-time basis shall become a Participant on the first Entry Date on or after attainment of his 21st birthdate (not later than his 21st birthdate) and the completion of one (one or zero) Year of Participation Service, provided he is in the Employment of the Employer on said Entry Date, or

(ii) who is not regularly employed on a full-time basis but who completes 1,000 Hours of Service during the Employee's Initial Computation Period or Subsequent Computation Period shall become a Participant on the first Entry Date which is on or after attainment of his 21st birthdate (not later than his 21st birthdate) and which (check one) [ ] coincides with or immediately precedes the first day of the Computation Period during which the Employee completes 1,000 Hours of Service or [X] (if the second blank in 2.01 (b)(i) is completed by the insertion of the number "one") immediately follows the completion of said Computation Period, provided he is in the Employment of the Employer on said Entry Date.

2.02 PARTICIPATION. Participation in the Program by an eligible Employee shall be a condition of Employment.

2.03 ACCEPTANCE. No provisions of the Program shall be construed as abridging or limiting any managerial right of the Employer, or to give an Employee or Participant the right to be retained in Employment with the Employer, or to interfere with the right of the Employer to discharge any Employee or Participant at any time regardless of the effect which such discharge may have upon him as a Participant. The rights and interests under the Program of each Participant, his heirs, assigns, and Beneficiary, shall be determined by the terms and conditions of the Program as interpreted by the Committee.




3.01 MEDIUM OF FINANCING THE PROGRAM. Investment of all contributions made to the Program and payment of benefits to Participants will be accomplished in accordance with the terms of the Trust Agreement as amended from time to time.

3.02 EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS. The entire cost of the Program shall be paid by the Employer. For the purpose of determining the financial requirements of the Program, as of January 1 of each year, an actuarial evaluation will be made by the Program actuary based upon such mortality tables, rates of interest and other actuarial assumptions as may be adopted on the recommendation of said actuary to the Committee to determine amounts which are sufficient to provide sound actuarial funding of the benefits payable under the Program.

Employer contributions to the Program shall be used solely for the benefit of Participants and Beneficiaries, and except as discussed below in this Section 3.02 and in Section 7.04, Employer contributions shall be irrevocable.

Notwithstanding the second paragraph of this Section 3.02, all amounts contributed by an Employer, except for any amounts the Employer has advised the Committee are intended to be nondeductible contributions, are conditioned on their current deductibility under Section 404 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and, to the extent not so deductible with respect to the tax year for which made, the contributions shall be returned to the Employer if the Employer requests the return and the return is made no later than one year after the disallowance of the deduction. In addition, if an Employer makes a contribution by a mistake of fact, such contribution shall be returned to the Employer if the Employer requests the return and the return is made within one year of the mistaken payment.

The amount which may be returned under the third paragraph shall not be more than the excess of the amount actually contributed over the amount which would have been contributed without the mistake of fact or mistake in determining the deduction. Earnings attributable to the excess contribution may not be returned to the Employer, but losses attributable thereto shall reduce the amount so returned.

Notwithstanding the second paragraph of this Section 3.02, if the Internal Revenue Service makes a final determination that the Program is not a qualified program described in ss. 401 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 at the time of the Program's adoption,


then all assets in the Trust Fund shall be returned to the Employer and not allocated to any Participant, unless the Program is amended so as to permit it to be qualified from its inception.

Any forfeiture arising under the Program shall not be applied to increase the benefits any Participant would otherwise receive under the Program but shall be applied actuarially to reduce contributions by the Employer under the Program.

3.03 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS. Employees shall not contribute to the Program.





(A) ENTITLEMENT TO BENEFITS. Entitlement to benefits under the Program shall be determined as of the earlier to occur of the date of a Participant's termination of Employment by the Employer or the Participant's Normal Retirement Age, except that, effective January 1, 1988, such entitlement shall be determined as of the date of the Participant's termination of Employment by the Employer, on the basis of:

(1) The terms of the Program as in effect as of such date (except that effective January 1, 1989, a former Participant who is in the Employment of a Plan on or after January 1, 1989, must have only 5 Years of Vesting Service in order to obtain a Vested Benefit);

(2) The Participant's age and years of service as of such date (except to the extent that service is credited for periods after termination of Employment by the Employer as provided in Sections 1.28 and 4.16); and

(3) The Participant's history of Earnings as of such date.


(1) In the case of any benefit payable under this Article 4 which is subject to reduction for early commencement, if the present value of such benefit exceeds $5,000, then notwithstanding any early commencement provision in Section 4.04, 4.05, 4.06, and 4.08 to the contrary, in no event shall such benefit commence prior to the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date on which the Participant attains (or would have attained) his Normal Retirement Age (or such earlier age at which the benefit is no longer subject to reduction for early commencement), unless the consent of the Participant (or his surviving Spouse, in the case of a Pre-Retirement Death Benefit payable under Section 4.06) is obtained no more than 90 days prior to the Annuity Starting Date. In the absence of such consent, it shall be presumed that such commencement is deferred until the Participant's Normal Retirement Age (or such earlier age at which the benefit is no longer subject to reduction for early commencement). If a Participant (or his surviving Spouse, in the case of a Pre-Retirement Death Benefit payable under Section 4.06) elects, in accordance with the terms of the Program, an


earlier benefit commencement date, such date shall be prospective only. Such an election must be made during the 90-day period ending on the Annuity Starting Date.

(2) Except as provided in Section 4.15, benefits to which the Participant has become entitled under this Program due to the satisfaction of the conditions specified in Sections 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05, or 4.08 shall commence no earlier than the first day of the month that follows by more than 30 days the provision of the notice required in Section 5.02(b); provided, however, that if the Participant properly elects a distribution in accordance with Section 5.02(b), benefits may commence pursuant to the Participant's election as early as the later of (i) the first day of the month following the provision of such notice, or (ii) the expiration of the seven-day period (or such shorter period allowed under IRS rules) that begins the day after the provision of such notice. If the benefit commencement date properly elected by the Participant is before the end of the waiting period described in clause (ii) above, benefits shall not commence until the expiration of such waiting period, but then may be paid retroactive to the designated benefit commencement date. Effective January 1, 2002, any such retroactive payment shall be subject to such additional requirements, if any, as are prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under ss. 417(a)(7).

(C) LIMITATION ON EXTENT OF INTEGRATION WITH SOCIAL SECURITY. This subsection (c) applies only to a Program that is an offset Program in the manner specified in paragraph (1) or (2) below, whichever is applicable, subject to the general provisions of paragraph (3)

[ ] (1) GRANDFATHERED LIMITATION. This subsection (c)(1) applies only to a Participant who has one Hour of Service on or after January 1, 1989 and before January 1, 1995, and affects only that part of the Participant's benefit that accrues under the Program with respect to Employment in Program Years beginning on or after January 1, 1989. In no event does this subsection (c)(1) apply to that part of a Participant's accrued benefit under the Program that is attributable to Employment prior to January 1, 1989 For these purposes, a Participant's benefit under the Program shall be determined by adding the sum of (i) the Participant's accrued benefit, determined as of December 31, 1988, as if the Participant had terminated Employment with the Employer and without regard to this subsection (c) and (ii) the Participant's accrued benefit, determined solely with respect to Employment after December 31, 1988, taking into account this subsection (c)(1). The


amount in clause (ii) above shall be calculated by reducing the Participant's accrued benefit (calculated without regard to the offset based on the Participant's Primary Social Security Benefit) by the amount of the Participant's accrued benefit (calculated without regard to the offset based on the Participant's Primary Social Security Benefit) as of December 31, 1988, and then applying the offset based on the Participant's Primary Social Security Benefit, taking into account this subsection (c)(1). In the case of a Participant who terminates Employment after December 31, 1993, the Participant's benefit hereunder shall not be less than the Participant's benefit determined under this subsection (c)(1) as of December 31, 1993, as if the Participant had terminated Employment with the Employer on that date.

Under this subsection (c)(1), the reduction in a Participant's benefit amount based on the Participant's Primary Social Security Benefit for benefit amounts accrued subsequent to December 31, 1988, shall not be greater than the lesser of (a) or (b), times the benefit that would have accrued subsequent to December 31, 1988, without regard to such offset, where (a) is 50% and (b) is the ratio of (i) 3/4 of 1 percent, adjusted for commencement before the Social Security Retirement Age, times the Participant's Final Average Compensation multiplied by the lesser of the Participant's Years of Plans and Association Service or the maximum number of years over which benefits accrue in the Program (not to exceed 35) to (ii) the benefit that would have accrued based on all of the Participant's Years of Plans and Association Service without regard to the offset based on the Participant's Primary Social Security Benefit. For this purpose, "Final Average Compensation" means the average of an Employee's Earnings for the three consecutive years (or his total years of employment by a Plan or Plans if less than three) ending with the last year of Employment for which Earnings are included pursuant to Section 1.06.

Effective December 30, 1994, the limitation provided in paragraph (1) shall cease to apply; provided, however, that in no event shall such cessation of application cause the Participant's benefit under the Program in the future to be less than what it would have been if the Participant's benefit had been calculated by taking into account this paragraph (1), but disregarding any increase in the amount of the Participant's Earnings over and above the amount of Earnings which were taken into account under the Program as of December 30, 1994.


[ ] (2) SAFE HARBOR LIMITATION. This subsection (c)(2) applies effective for benefits accruing on or after January 1, 1994, with respect to a Participant's Employment in all Program Years. Under this subsection (c)(2), the reduction in a Participant's benefit amount based on the Participant's Primary Social Security Benefit shall not be greater than the lesser of (a) or (b), times the Participant's Final Average Compensation where (a) is 3/4 of 1 percent, adjusted, as described below, in the event the Participant's benefit commences before the Social Security Retirement Age, in the event the Participant's Final Average Compensation exceeds the Participant's Covered Compensation, and in the event the Program does not meet the applicable demographic requirement referred to in subsection (c)(3) below, and (b) is 50% of the gross benefit percentage rate (the rate at which benefits are determined under the Program with respect to the Participant's Final Average Earnings, expressed as a percentage of Final Average Earnings, without regard to the offset), multiplied by a fraction (not to exceed one), the numerator of which is the Participant's Final Average Earnings and the denominator of which is the Participant's Final Average Compensation. For these purposes, "Final Average Compensation" means the average of the Employee's Earnings for the three consecutive years (or his total years of employment by a Plan or Plans if less than three) ending with the last year of Employment for which Earnings are included pursuant to Section
1.06. In determining the Participant's Final Average Compensation, that portion of the Participant's Earnings for a year that is in excess of the social security taxable wage base in effect at the beginning of the year shall be disregarded.

(3) GENERAL RULES. If, a Participant's Final Average Compensation is greater than his Covered Compensation, then the 3/4 of 1 percent factor shall be reduced in accordance with the following table:

                                                                                                 Then the 3/4 of
If the Final Average                                                                             1% factor is
Compensation is more than                         but not more than                              reduced to
-------------------------                         -----------------                              ---------------
Covered Compensation                              125% of Covered Compensation                       .69%
125% of Covered Compensation                      150% of Covered Compensation                       .60%
150% of Covered Compensation                      175% of Covered Compensation                       .53%
175% of Covered Compensation                      200% of Covered Compensation                       .47%
200% of Covered Compensation                                                                         .42%


"Covered Compensation" means the average (without indexing) of the Social Security taxable wage base in effect for each calendar year during the 35-year period ending with (i) the last day of the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which an employee attains (or will attain) Social Security Retirement Age, or (ii) in the event paragraph
(2) applies, effective January 1, 1995, the last day of the calendar year in which employee attains (or will attain) Social Security Retirement Age. In determining a Participant's Covered Compensation for a Program Year, the Social Security taxable wage base in effect for the Program Year for which the determination is being made shall be assumed to remain in effect for subsequent Program Years. A Participant's Social Security Retirement Age is the earliest age at which he is eligible for unreduced Social Security retirement benefits.

The reduction in the 3/4 of 1 percent factor for early commencement shall be 5/9 of 1 percent for each of the first 60 calendar months by which commencement precedes the Social Security Retirement Age, 5/18 of 1 percent for each calendar month in excess of 60 and less than 120 months, and on an Actuarial Equivalent basis for any additional months.

The demographic requirement referred to in subsection (c)(2) above is satisfied only if the average attained age (determined as of the beginning of the Program Year) of the nonhighly compensated employees in the Program is not greater than the greater of (i) age 50, or (ii) 5 plus the average attained age of the highly compensated employees in the Program. If this demographic requirement is not satisfied, the 3/4 of 1 percent factor shall be reduced to the lesser of the amount determined under the first paragraph of this subsection
(c)(3) or 80 percent of the 3/4 of 1 percent factor, as adjusted (but without regard to the adjustment prescribed under the first paragraph of this subsection (c)(3)).

(D) FRESH-START RULE. The following fresh-start rule shall apply under this Program:

(1) If this box [X] is checked, then notwithstanding any provision of the Program to the contrary, with respect to a Participant who is a ss. 401(a)(17) employee as that term is defined herein, a ss. 401(a)(17) employee's accrued benefit under the Program shall not be less than the sum of --

(i) such Participant's frozen accrued benefit as of December 31, 1993, and


(ii) such Participant's accrued benefit determined under the Program's formula applicable to benefit accruals in the current Program Year as applied to the Participant's years of service after December 31, 1993.

For these purposes, a ss. 401(a)(17) employee is a Participant whose current accrued benefit under the Program is based on Earnings for a year prior to January 1, 1994 that exceeded the annual compensation limit for the 1994 Program Year.

(2) If this box [ ] is checked, then notwithstanding any provision of the Program to the contrary, a Participant's accrued benefit under the Program shall not be less than the sum of --

(i) such Participant's frozen accrued benefit as of December 31, 1993, and

(ii) such Participant's accrued benefit determined under the Program's formula applicable to benefit accruals in the current Program Year to the Participant's years of service after December 31, 1993.


(A) CONDITION. A Participant in the Employment of the Employer upon the attainment of his Normal Retirement Age shall retire on his Normal Retirement Date (unless Delayed Retirement is elected pursuant to Section 4.03) which is the first day of the month coincident with or next following the day on which he attains his Normal Retirement Age and shall be entitled to receive a Normal Retirement Benefit in a form permitted under the Program commencing on his Normal Retirement Date. A Participant shall also meet the condition of this Section 4.02(a) if he remains in the Employment of the Employer beyond this Normal Retirement Date and his benefit is required to commence as of his Normal Retirement Date under Section 4.13.

(B) NORMAL RETIREMENT BENEFIT. The Normal Retirement Benefit payable to a Participant who satisfies the condition in Section 4.02(a) shall be in a form permitted under the Program as provided in Article 5, determined on the basis of a benefit which shall commence on the Participant's Normal Retirement Date and which shall be payable on the first day of each month thereafter during his lifetime, provided, however, that commencement shall be subject to the restrictions of Section 4.01(b), if applicable. Such benefit is equal to one-twelfth of the annual benefit specified in (1), (2), (3), (4) or
(5) which is checked below:


[ ] (1) CAREER EARNINGS BENEFIT. An amount equal to the sum of the amounts determined pursuant to (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi),
(vii), and (viii), (in each case disregarding Years of Employer Service and Years of Plans and Association Service prior to 1976 which would have been disregarded under the break-in-service provisions of the Program prior to 1976, unless otherwise indicated), if checked below:


TO PARTICIPATE. With respect to Years of Employer Service after the Effective Date and after the Employee is eligible to participate in the Program, 1% of the Employee's Earnings (for each such year) not in excess of $__________ and 2% of the Employee's Earnings (for each such year) which are in excess of $_____________.


EFFECTIVE DATE BUT AFTER SATISFACTION OF REQUIREMENTS FOR ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE IF ELIGIBLE ON THE EFFECTIVE DATE. With respect to Years of Employer Service, prior to the Effective Date but after the Employee completed the eligibility requirements for participation in the Program, in the case of an Employee who is eligible to participate in the Program on the Effective Date, 1% of the Employee's Earnings, as of the Effective Date, for each such year.


EFFECTIVE DATE AND BEFORE ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE IF ELIGIBLE ON THE EFFECTIVE DATE. With respect to Years of Plans and Association Service before the Effective Date and before the Employee has completed the requirements for eligibility to participate in the Program, in the case of an Employee who is eligible to participate in the Program on the Effective Date, 1 % of the Employee's Earnings, as of the later of the Effective Date or the date of the Employer's adoption of this benefit for each such year.


4.02(B)(3). With respect to Years of Employer Service before the Employee is eligible to participate in the Program, in the case of an Employee who is eligible to participate in the Program after the Effective Date, and prior to the Employer's adoption of a benefit specified in


Section 4.02(b)(3), 1% of the Employee's Earnings, as of the date of first participation in the Program, for each such year.


SERVICE PRIOR TO 1976. With respect to Years of Employer Service prior to a Break in Service prior to 1976, 1 % of the Employee's Earnings, as of the date the employee became eligible to participate following his last Break in Service prior to 1976, for each such year, excluding the Years of Employer Service before the Employee completed the eligibility requirements for participation in the Program, except if the Employer has adopted the credit specified in 4.02(b)(iv).


ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE. With respect to Years of Plans and Association Service before the Employee is eligible to participate in the Program in the case of an Employee who first was eligible to participate in the Program after the Effective Date and immediately upon completion of the eligibility requirements, 1% of the Employee's Earnings not in excess of $__________ and 2% of the Employee's Earnings which are in excess of $___________ (for this purpose the Employee's Earnings shall be determined as of the date this benefit was adopted by the Employer or as of the date the Employee first became eligible to participate, whichever is later), for each such year.


Years of Plans and Association Service with a Plan which is not a Participating Plan, in the case of an. Employee who transferred to the Employer prior to 1976 after having satisfied the eligibility requirements for participating in the Program as adopted by the Employer, 1 % of the Employee's Earnings determined as of the date of transfer or as of the date this benefit was adopted by the Employer, whichever is later, for each such year.


ELIGIBILITY IF PARTICIPATION BEAN IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF THE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS AND AFTER THE EMPLOYER'S ADOPTION OF THE BENEFIT SPECIFIED IN SECTION 4.02(B)(3). With respect to Years of Plans and Association Service before the Employee is eligible to participate in the Program in the case of an


Employee who first was eligible to participate in the Program on or after the date the Employer adopted a benefit specified in Section 4.02(b)(3), 1% of the Employee's Earnings not in excess of $________ and 2% of the Employee's Earnings which are in excess of $________ (for this purpose the Employee's Earnings shall be determined as of the date the Employee first became eligible to participate in the Program), for each such year.

[X] (2) FINAL AVERAGE EARNINGS BENEFIT. An amount equal to the greater of (a) 60% of the Participant's Final Average Earnings reduced by 0% of the Participant's Primary Social Security Benefit and multiplied by a fraction, the denominator of which is 30 and the numerator of which is the Participant's Years of Plans and Association Service (but the fraction shall not be greater than one), or (b) in the case of an Employee who was a Participant on the day preceding the date on which this provision is effective (check one: (i)
[ ] a benefit determined as of the date preceding the date as of which this provision is effective, pursuant to the terms of the Program (or any predecessor program qualified under ss. 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) in effect on the date preceding the date as of which this provision is effective; or (ii) [ ] a benefit determined as of the earlier of the Employee's termination of Employment with the Employer or pursuant to the terms of the Program (or predecessor program qualified under ss. 401 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) in effect on the date preceding the date as of which this provision is effective, and assuming that there is no increase in the Employee's Earnings from his Employer after the effective date of this provision. If this box [ ] is checked, for purposes of this provision, the amount determined under (a) above shall be further increased by an amount equal to ___% of the Participant's Final Average Earnings for each of the Participant's Years of Plans and Association Service in excess of


EARNINGS BENEFIT WITH A CAREER EARNINGS BENEFIT OFFSET. (a) An amount equal to the sum of the amounts determined pursuant to (i), (ii) (iii), (iv), (v), (vi),
(vii), and (viii) checked in (1) above, and (b) an amount, if any, equal to ____% of Final Average Earnings reduced by the amount specified in (a) and by ____% of the Primary Social Security Benefit, multiplied by a fraction, the denominator of which is ____ and the numerator of which is the Participant's Years of Plans and Association Service (but the fraction shall not be


greater than one). If this box [ ] is checked, the amount determined under this provision shall be further increased by an amount equal to ___% of the Participant's Final Average Earnings for each of the Participant's Years of Plans and Association Service in excess of


EARNINGS BENEFIT WITH A FROZEN CAREER EARNINGS BENEFIT OFFSET. (a) An amount, in the case of an Employee who was a Participant on the day preceding January 1, 1976, equal to the sum of the amounts determined pursuant to (i), (ii), (iii),
(iv), (v), (vi), (vii), and (viii) checked in (1) above based upon the assumption that the Participant's Earnings did not increase after _____________, and excluding any Employer Service or Plans and Association Service after the date referred to above which follows a termination of Employment with the Employer, and (b) an amount, if any, equal to ____% of Final Average Earnings reduced by the amount specified in (a) above, if any, and by ____% of the Primary Social Security Benefit, multiplied by a fraction the denominator of which is __________ and the numerator of which is the Participant's Years of Plans and Association Service (but the fraction shall not be greater than one). If this box [ ] is checked, the amount determined under this provision shall be further increased by an amount equal to of the Participant's Final Average Earnings for each of the Participant's Years of Plans and Association Service in excess of ___________.

[ ] (5) STEP-RATE EXCESS BENEFIT. An amount equal to the greater of (a) (i)___% of that part of the Participant's Final Average Earnings up to the Maximum Annual Social Security Covered Compensation, plus ___% of that part, if any, of his Final Average Earnings which is in excess of the Maximum Annual Social Security Covered Compensation, multiplied by (ii) the number of the Participant's Years of Plans and Association Service, up to a maximum of ___ years, or (b) in the case of an Employee who was a Participant on the day preceding the date on which this provision is effective (check one): (i) [ ] a benefit determined as of the date preceding the date as of which this provision is effective, pursuant to the terms of the Program (or any predecessor program qualified under ss. 401 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) in effect on the date preceding the date as of which this provision is effective; or (ii) [ ] a benefit determined as of the earlier of the Employee's termination of Employment with the Employer or ______, pursuant to the terms of the Program (or any predecessor program qualified under ss. 401 (a)


of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) in effect on the date preceding the date as of which this provision is effective, and assuming that there is no increase in the Employee's Earnings from his Employer after the effective date of this provision.

(C) COMPUTATION OF NORMAL RETIREMENT BENEFIT. In no event shall the Normal Retirement Benefit payable in accordance with Section 4.02(b) be less than the largest periodic benefit that would have been payable to the Participant under the terms of this Program upon separation from service at or prior to Normal Retirement Age (based on his earnings and service at the time of such separation from service). For purposes of comparing periodic benefits in the same form, commencing prior to and at Normal Retirement Age, the greater benefit is determined by converting the benefit payable prior to Normal Retirement Age into the same form of annuity benefit payable at Normal Retirement Age and comparing the amount of such annuity payments.

(D) COORDINATION WITH SECTION 4.13. Payment of benefits under Section 4.02 shall be subject to the rules provided in Section 4.13 regarding suspension of benefits. If a Participant having one Hour of Service on or after January 1, 1988, is in the Employment of the Employer after his Normal Retirement Date and is receiving his Normal Retirement Benefit pursuant to
Section 4.13, he shall accrue and be paid additional benefits under the Program in accordance with Section 4.03(b)(1).


(A) CONDITION. A participant who is in the Employment of the Employer, may elect to remain in the Employment of the Employer beyond his Normal Retirement Date and shall retire on his Delayed Retirement Date which is the first day of the month coincident with or. next following the day of the month on which his Employment with the Employer actually terminates for reasons other than death. Such participant shall be entitled to receive a Delayed Retirement Benefit commencing on that Date. A Participant shall also meet the condition of this Section 4.03(a) and be entitled to a Delayed Retirement Benefit if he remains in the Employment of the Employer beyond his Normal Retirement Date and if his benefit is required to commence after his Normal Retirement Date under Section 4.13 or Section 5.02.

(B) DELAYED RETIREMENT BENEFIT. The Delayed Retirement Benefit payable to a Participant who satisfies the condition in Section 4.03(a) shall be in a form permitted under the Program which shall commence on the earliest of (i) the Participant's Delayed Retirement Date; (ii) the date required by Section 4.13 if payment is required by that Section; or (iii) if payment is


required by Section 5.02, April 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the Participant attains the age of 70 1/2. Such commencement shall be subject to the restrictions of Section 4.01 (b) if applicable. For Participants having one Hour of Service on or after January 1, 1988, such benefit shall be computed in the manner provided in Section 4.02(b) as of the Participant's benefit commencement date; otherwise the rule of this Section as in effect on the date of the Participant's termination of Employment will continue to apply.

(1) If a Participant is in the Employment of the Employer after his Normal Retirement Date and is receiving payment of his benefit as required under Section 5.02 or Section 4.13, he shall continue to accrue benefits under the Program as follows: For each Program Year which includes or follows the Participant's benefit commencement date and in which the Participant was in the Employment of the Employer and an active Participant in the Program, the Participant's Delayed Retirement Benefit shall be computed or recomputed as of the end of such Program Year or the Participant's Delayed Retirement Date, if earlier; provided, however, that any additional benefit that would otherwise be accrued by the Participant for such Program Year under this procedure shall be reduced, but not below zero, by the Actuarial Equivalent of that portion of the total Program distributions made to the Participant by the close of the Program Year that may be taken into account for such purpose in accordance with Treasury Regulations promulgated under Section 411(h)(1)(H) of the Internal Revenue Code. Payment of any additional accruals resulting from this recomputation procedure (to the extent required under Section 4.13(a) or Section 5.02) shall be made as a separate identifiable component in the same form as the Normal or Delayed Retirement Benefit, as applicable, beginning with the first payment interval ending in the Program Year immediately following the Year the amount accrues.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Program, with regard to Participants having one Hour of Service on or after January 1, 1988, for purposes of a computation under this Subsection as of the benefit commencement date, the following rules shall apply; for all other Participants, the rules of this Subsection as in effect on the date of the Participant's termination of Employment shall apply.

(i) A Participant's Final Average Earnings shall be calculated by taking into account Earnings after the Participant's attainment of his Normal Retirement



(ii) A Participant's Primary Social Security Benefit shall be computed by reference to the Social Security Benefit payable to the Participant in the year the Participant's benefit commences;

(iii) A Participant's Years of Employer Service and Years of Plans and Association Service shall be computed by taking into account service subsequent to attainment of his Normal Retirement Date; and

(iv) For purposes of Section 4.11 (a) concerning nonduplication of benefits, the offset shall be applied by reducing the benefit payable under the Program for the life of the Participant commencing at the benefit commencement date.

In the event the Participant's Delayed Retirement Benefit is computed or recomputed after the benefit commencement date, as provided in paragraph (b)(1), the above factors shall be applied as of the recomputation date.

(C) COORDINATION WITH SECTION 4.13. Payment of benefits under Section 4.03 shall be subject to the rules prescribed in Section 4.13 regarding suspension of benefits. If a Participant who is not receiving his Normal Retirement Benefit is in the Employment of the Employer after his Normal Retirement Age, is an active Participant, but does not work the Hours of Service specified in Section 4.13(a), his benefits will be paid in accordance with
Section 4.13(a). Those Participants having one Hour of Service on or after January 1, 1988 shall in such case continue to accrue and be paid benefits under the Program as provided in Section 4.03(b).


(A) CONDITION. A Participant whose Employment with the Employer is terminated for reasons other than death on or after his Early Retirement Age but prior to his Normal Retirement Date and upon completion of 5 Years of Plans and Association Service shall be entitled to receive an Early Retirement Benefit, and his Early Retirement Date shall be the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date on which said Employment terminates.

(B) EARLY RETIREMENT BENEFIT. The Early Retirement Benefit payable to a Participant who satisfies the condition in Section 4.04(a) shall be in a form permitted under the Program as provided in Article 5, equal to either (1) or (2) below,


(1) An Early Retirement Benefit which is computed in accordance with Section 4.02(b) and which shall commence on (check one) [ ] the Participant's Normal Retirement Date or [X] the later of the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date on which the Participant attains age 62 or the first day of the first month coincident with or next following his termination of Employment by a Plan, if he is then living; or

(2) a reduced Early Retirement Benefit, if requested in writing to the Employer by the Participant, which shall commence on the first day of the month coincident with or next following the Participant's Early Retirement Date or, commencing on the first day of a month specified by the Participant which is subsequent to his Early Retirement Date and prior to the date selected in Section 4.04(b)(1) above, determined under the provision checked below:

[X] (i) The Actuarial Equivalent of (check one) [ ] the Early Retirement Benefit in (1) above commencing on the Participant's Normal Retirement Date; or [X] the Early Retirement Benefit computed as if the benefit in (1) above were payable at age 62 if the Participant has not attained age 62, or if the Participant has attained age 62, the amount of the deferred Early Retirement Benefit computed in (1) above.

[ ] (ii) the Early Retirement Benefit in (1) above reduced by (check one): [ ] ___% for each calendar month (which is _______% per year), if any, by which the commencement of the benefit precedes the Participant's Normal Retirement Date; or [ ] ___% for each calendar month (which is ___% per year), if any, by which the commencement of the benefit precedes the first of the month coincident with or next following the date the Participant would attain age 62.

[ ] (iii) the Early Retirement Benefit in (1) above reduced as follows (check one): [ ] for a Participant whose benefit commences on or after age 60 but prior to age 65, the benefit will be reduced by 2/3 of 1% for each calendar month (which is 8% per year) by which commencement of the benefit precedes age 65, and for a Participant whose benefit commences on or after age 55 but prior to age 60, the benefit will be reduced by the sum of 40% and 1/3 of 1% for each calendar month (which is 4% per year) by which commencement of the benefit precedes age 60; or [ ] for a Participant whose benefit commences on or after age 57 but prior to age


62, the benefit will be reduced by 2/3 of 1% for each calendar month (which is 8% per year) by which commencement of the benefit precedes age 62; and for a Participant whose benefit commences on or after age 55 but prior to age 57, the benefit will be reduced by the sum of 40% and 1/3 of 1% for each calendar month (which is 4% per year) by which commencement of the benefit precedes age 57.

If this box is checked [X] the Program (and/or predecessor program qualified under ss. 401 of the Internal Revenue Code) specified the actuarial assumptions or conversion factors for determining a Participant's reduced early retirement benefit and an amendment(s) (including the adoption of this Program or a restated version of the Program) changed the actuarial assumptions or conversion factors for determining such Participant's benefit; therefore, any benefit payable to the Participant under this provision shall be no less than the reduced benefit as previously specified in Section 4.04(b)(2) (and/or the predecessor program, if applicable), determined as of the day immediately prior to the effective date of the amendment(s) (i.e., determined as of December 30, 1998) and computed on the basis of the actuarial assumptions or conversion factors in effect on such date(s).

A Participant whose benefits under the Program have not commenced may change the date elected under (1) or (2) above prospectively on a request in writing to the Employer. Commencement of the Early Retirement Benefit shall be subject to the restrictions of Section 4.01(b) if applicable.


(A) CONDITION. If this box [X] is checked, a Participant with 30 Years of Plans and Association Service, who has attained N/A years of age and is in the Employment of the Employer, may elect to retire at any time and shall receive, if he is then living, the Special Early Retirement Benefit in lieu of any other benefit under this Program. Such Participant's Special Early Retirement Date shall be the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date on which said Employment terminates.


[X] (1) The Special Early Retirement Benefit payable to a Participant who satisfies the condition in Section 4.05(a) shall be in a form permitted under the Program as provided in Article 5, payable as an immediate benefit commencing on the Participant's Special


Early Retirement Date and computed as of the date of commencement of the benefit in the manner set forth in Section 4.02(b). Commencement of the Special Early Retirement Benefit shall be subject to the restrictions of Section 4.01(b) if applicable.

[ ] (2) The Special Early Retirement Benefit payable to a Participant who satisfies the condition in Section 4.05(a) shall be in a form permitted under the Program as provided in Article 5, equal to either (i) or (ii) below:

(i) A Special Early Retirement Benefit which is computed in accordance with Section 4.02(b), and which shall commence on the later of the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date on which the Participant attains age ______ or the first day of the first month coincident with or next following the Participant's termination of Employment with the Employer, or

(ii) A reduced Special Early Retirement Benefit, if requested in writing to the Employer by the Participant, which shall commence on the Participant's Special Early Retirement Date or on the first day of a month specified by the Participant which is subsequent to the Participant's Special Early Retirement Date and prior to the date referenced in Section 4.05(b)(2)(i) above. The reduced Special Early Retirement Benefit shall be a benefit computed in accordance with Section 4.02(b), reduced by ____ of 1% for each calendar month (which is _____% per year), if any; by which the commencement of the benefit precedes the first of the month coincident with or next following the date the Participant would attain the age specified in Section 4.05(b)(2)(i) above.

A Participant whose benefits under the Program have not commenced may change the date elected under (i) or (ii) above prospectively on a request in writing to the Employer. Commencement of the Special Early Retirement Benefit under Section 4.05(b)(2) shall be subject to the restrictions of Section 4.01(b) if applicable.


(A) CONDITION. A Participant's surviving Spouse shall be entitled to a Pre-Retirement Death Benefit if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

(1) The Participant's Employment with the Employer terminates by reason of death:


(i) after the Participant has attained his 55th birthdate and completed the number of Years of Plans and Association Service that are required of the Participant under Section 4.04(a), (if any); or

(ii) if this box [ ] is checked, after the Participant has attained his birthdate and ____ Years of Plans and Association Service; or

(2) The Participant has completed 5 Years of Vesting Service (or otherwise has a nonforfeitable right to a benefit under the Program) and dies before his Annuity Starting Date, irrespective of whether he is then in the Employment of the Employer.

The Pre-Retirement Death Benefit may be waived pursuant to paragraph (e).

(B) COMMENCEMENT OF PRE-RETIREMENT DEATH BENEFIT. The Pre-Retirement Death Benefit payable when the condition in Section 4.06(a) has been satisfied shall commence on the first day of the calendar month coincident with or next following the later of the Participant's date of death or the date the Participant attained (or would have attained) his Normal Retirement Age (or such earlier age at which the benefit is no longer subject to reduction for early commencement). If a Participant dies before attaining the Normal Retirement Age, his surviving Spouse may elect to accelerate the commencement of the survivor annuity to the first day of any month coincident with or next following the later of the Participant's date of death or the date the Participant would have attained age 55. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this box [ ] is checked, and a death benefit would have been payable in accordance with Section 4.06 of the Program, as in effect on December 31, 1984, with respect to a Participant who died prior to attaining age 55, then the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit payable with respect to a Participant whose Spouse would have been eligible for such benefit if the Participant had died on December 31, 1984, shall commence on the first day of the calendar month coincident with or next following the Participant's date of death.

Pre-Retirement Death Benefit payments shall be made on the first day of each month following the applicable commencement date, and the last payment shall be the payment due in the month in which the Spouse's death occurs.


(1) In the case of a Participant who dies before attaining the Normal Retirement Age, the surviving Spouse shall receive monthly benefits equal to (check one):


[X] (i) the amount which would have been payable to the Participant under Section 4.04(b)(1), without regard to the conditions expressed in 4.04(a), as a deferred benefit commencing at his Normal Retirement Date, computed as of his date of termination of Employment with the Employer, assuming in the case of a Participant who dies during such Employment that Employment had terminated on the date prior to the date of his death, multiplied by (aa) a percentage equal to 50% reduced by 2 percentage points for each complete year by which the commencement date for benefits under this Section precedes his Normal Retirement Date or (bb) a full 50% in the case of a Participant who was eligible for an immediate unreduced Special Early Retirement Benefit under Section 4.05(b) on the day prior to the date of his death; or

[ ] (ii) 50% of the amount which would have been payable to the Participant under Section 4.08(b)(1) as a deferred benefit, without regard to the conditions expressed in Section 4.08(a), computed as of his date of termination of Employment with the Employer, assuming in the case of the Participant who dies during such Employment that Employment had terminated on the day prior to the date of his death.

(2) In the case of a Participant who dies on or after attaining the Normal Retirement Age, but prior to his Annuity Starting Date, his surviving Spouse shall receive monthly benefits equal to 50% of the amount that would have been payable to the Participant had he retired on the day before his death with an immediate straight life annuity computed in accordance with Section 4.02 or 4.03.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), in the event a Participant dies, after having made a valid election of Option C under Section 5.04 and designated his Spouse as the contingent Beneficiary, but prior to his Annuity Starting Date, his surviving Spouse shall receive the monthly benefit that would have been payable to her under Option C if the Participant had retired and started to receive benefits on the day before his death.

(4) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), in no event will the benefits received by a surviving Spouse under the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit be less than the benefit the Spouse would have received as the survivor portion of the Joint and Survivor Benefit payable under the Program (i) where the Participant's death occurs after the date he attained age 55, as if the Participant had retired on the day before his death; or (ii) where


the Participant's death occurs on or before the date he attained age 55, as if the Participant had terminated Employment on the day of his death (or if earlier, the date the Participant actually terminated Employment), survived until age 55, retired, and died on the day thereafter.

(D) COST OF COVERAGE. If this box [ ] is checked, the amount otherwise payable to a Participant (or his surviving Spouse) under the Program shall be reduced by the applicable percentage for each complete month that the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit coverage was in effect after July 1, 1985. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the "applicable percentage" means the percentage specified in the following table, based on the Participant's age on the last day of each month of coverage:

Participant's Age          Applicable Percentage
55 and older               .0400%
50 to 54                   .0200%
45 to 49                   .0100%
40 to 44                   .0067%
35 to 39                   .0050%
under 35                   .0040%

Pre-Retirement Death Benefit coverage shall remain in effect until the date on which the earliest of the following occurs: the death of the Participant's Spouse, the entry of a final divorce decree dissolving the Participant's marriage, the date on which the spouse is no longer treated as the Participant's Spouse pursuant to regulations issued under ss.401 and ss.417 of the Internal Revenue Code, the Participant's Annuity Starting Date, or the waiver of coverage pursuant to paragraph (e). In addition, the Participant shall not be treated as having Pre-Retirement Death Benefit coverage for purposes of calculating the foregoing coverage charges prior to the later of the month in which the Participant is allowed to waive the coverage in accordance with paragraph (e) or the month in which the Participant receives Notice in accordance with paragraph (f); provided, however, that this limitation shall not apply for purposes of determining the charges for periods of coverage in Program Years beginning before January, 1, 1989.

With respect to a Participant who retired on his Early Retirement Date, but elected to defer commencement of his Early Retirement Benefit and was covered by the Spouse's benefit


described in Section 5.01(b) of the Program as in effect on December 31, 1984, the amount otherwise payable to such Participant upon retirement shall also be reduced to take into account the charge imposed for survivor coverage up to December 31, 1984.

(E) WAIVER OF PRE-RETIREMENT DEATH BENEFIT. If the box in paragraph (d) is checked, then at any time during the election period, a Participant may elect to waive the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit coverage or revoke such waiver. Any election or revocation shall be made in writing on a form filed with the Employer in such manner as the Committee may determine. A Participant's election to waive the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit shall be ineffective unless the Participant's Spouse consents in writing to such election and the Spouse's consent acknowledges the effect of such election and is witnessed by an Employer representative of the Program or a notary public. The preceding sentence shall not apply if it is established to the satisfaction of the Program representative that the Spouse's consent cannot be obtained because there is no Spouse, because the Spouse cannot be located, or because of any other circumstances described in regulations issued under ss. 401 and ss. 417 of the Internal Revenue Code. The consent of a Participant's Spouse (or the establishment that such consent cannot be obtained) shall be effective only with respect to that particular Spouse. A Participant may revoke his election to waive the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit without the consent of his Spouse.

For purposes of this paragraph (e), the election period shall begin on the first day of the Program Year in which the Participant attains age 35, or, if earlier, on the date a Participant terminates his Employment prior to attaining age 35, and shall end on the date of the Participant's death. If an active Employee becomes a vested Participant prior to attaining age 35, such an Employee may, with spousal consent, in accordance with this paragraph (e), make a temporary election to waive the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit at any time beginning with the month in which he acquires a vested fight under the Program, and ending on the day before the first day of the Program Year in which he attains age 35; provided, however, that such temporary election, if not revoked earlier, shall become invalid on the first day of the Program Year in which the Participant attains age 35.

(F) NOTICE REQUIREMENTS. If the box in paragraph (d) is checked, then within the applicable notice period, the Employer shall furnish each Participant with a written explanation of the terms and conditions of the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit and the rights of the Participant and his Spouse with respect thereto. Such explanation shall be provided in a manner consistent with the regulations prescribed under ss. 401 and ss. 417 of the Internal Revenue Code. In the case


of an Employee who becomes a Participant on or before the first day of the Program Year in which he attains age 32, the notice period shall begin on the first day of the Program Year in which the Participant attains age 32, and shall end on the last day of the Program Year preceding the Program Year in which the Participant attains age 35. In the case of an Employee who becomes a Participant after the first day of the Program Year in which he attains age 32, the notice period shall begin on the day he becomes a Participant and shall end twelve months later. In the case of an Employee who terminates his Employment prior to attaining age 35, the notice period shall begin one year prior to such date of termination and shall end one year after such date. Should such Participant return to the Employment of the Employer, the applicable notice requirements of this paragraph shall be observed. Additionally, in the case of an Employee who becomes a Participant before the first day of the Plan Year in which he attains age 32, the notice period with respect to the temporary election in Section 4.06(e) shall begin on the day the Participant first acquires a vested right under the Program.

(G) TRANSITION RULES. The provisions of this Section 4.06 shall apply to any Participant who is credited with at least one Hour of Service or one hour of paid leave on or after. August 23, 1984. In addition, any other Participant may elect to have the provisions of this Section 4.06 apply if such Participant has completed at least 10 Years of Vesting Service, including at least one Hour of Service after December 31, 1975, and such Participant was alive but not yet receiving benefits under the Program as of August 23, 1984. Every Participant eligible to make such election shall be notified of this right at such time and in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe. If any such Participant elects to be covered by Section 4.06 of this Program, then, to the extent provided in paragraph (d) above, a coverage charge shall be applied against his retirement benefits for the period of coverage beginning on the date the election is made; and if; any such Participant had elected death benefit coverage under the terms of the Program in effect prior to January 1, 1985, any coverage charge arising under the terms of such Program shall also be applied against his retirement benefits for the period of coverage prior to the date the Participant elects to be covered under Section 4.06 of this Program. The relevant provisions of the Program in effect prior to January 1, 1985, shall apply with respect to any other Participant who was alive but not yet receiving benefits under the Program as of August 23, 1984.

[ ] is checked, and if the box in paragraph (d) is not checked, then effective with respect to all Participants who are


Employees on __________, the provisions of Section 4.06 shall be applied with the modifications set forth in this paragraph (h).

(1) If, at the time of a Participant's death, there is no surviving Spouse, but the condition in Section 4.06(a) is otherwise satisfied, the Participant's designated Beneficiary, if surviving, shall be entitled to a Pre-Retirement Death Benefit. For this purpose, "Beneficiary" shall mean the natural person or persons last designated by a Participant, in writing on forms of the Committee provided by the Employer, who shall receive the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit payable under this Section 4.06 upon the death of the Participant. The Participant may from time to time change his designation by filing a new written designation with the Employer. Such designation becomes effective only upon receipt by the Employer. If the Participant subsequently marries, any designation of a Beneficiary hereunder shall automatically become void. A married Participant may not designate a Beneficiary under this paragraph
(h) for a Pre-Retirement Death Benefit, whether or not the Participant's Spouse would otherwise consent to such designation.

(2) (i) A Pre-Retirement Death Benefit payable to a surviving Spouse shall commence in accordance with paragraph (b); provided, however, that in the event the Participant dies prior to attaining age 55, the surviving Spouse may elect to accelerate the commencement of such benefit to the first day of the calendar month coincident with or next following the Participant's date of death. A Pre-Retirement Death Benefit payable to a Participant's surviving Beneficiary shall commence on the first day of the calendar month coincident with or next following the Participant's date of death, and may not be deferred by the Beneficiary.

(ii) A Pre-Retirement Death Benefit payable to a surviving Spouse or a surviving Beneficiary shall be in the form of a monthly annuity for the life of the recipient in the amount specified below in paragraph
(3), or in the form of an equivalent lump sum, which lump sum shall be computed according to the interest rate and mortality assumptions used to calculate the Lump Sum payment under Section 5.03(b). The surviving Spouse or the surviving Beneficiary, as the case may be, may elect which form of payment is to be made; provided, however, that the payment to the surviving Spouse shall be in the form of a lump sum in the event the mandatory cash-out provisions of Section 4.15 apply; and provided further that the payment to the surviving Beneficiary shall be in the form of a lump sum in the event that the


Beneficiary's lump sum equivalent is less than or equal to $5,000, or in the event that the dollar amount of the monthly annuity otherwise payable hereunder to that Beneficiary is less than $100.

(iii) Pre-Retirement Death Benefit payments made in the form of a monthly annuity shall be made on the first day of each month following the applicable commencement date, and the last payment shall be the payment due in the month in which the recipient's death occurs. If a single sum payment of the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit is made hereunder, no further benefit shall be paid to the recipient of the lump sum.

(3) (i) In the case of a Participant who dies before attaining the Normal Retirement Age, the amount of the monthly benefit payable to an eligible surviving Spouse shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (c); provided, however, if the commencement date for the benefit is prior to the date the Participant would have attained age 55, the percentage referred to in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(aa) or paragraph (c)(1)(ii), as applicable, shall be the percentage specified in the table below, based on the relationship of the commencement date to what would have been the Participant's attained age at that time (check one):

[ ] where the box in Section 4.06 (c) (1) (i) is checked:

Attained Age               Applicable Percentage
------------               ---------------------
55                         30.0%
54                         28.0%
53                         26.0%
52                         24.0%
51                         22.0%
50                         20.0%
49                         19.0%
48                         18.0%
47                         17.0%
46                         16.0%
45                         15.0%
44                         14.5%
43                         14.0%
42                         13.5%
41                         13.0%
40                         12.5%
39                         12.0%
38                         11.5%
37                         11.0%
36                         10.5%


Attained Age                                 Applicable Percentage
------------                                 ---------------------
35                                           10.0%
34                                           9.5%
33                                           9.0%
32                                           8.5%
31                                           8.0%
30                                           7.5%
29                                           7.0%
28                                           6.5%
27                                           6.0%
26                                           5.5%
25                                           5.0%
24                                           4.5%
23                                           4.0%
22                                           3.5%
21                                           3.0%
20                                           2.5%
19                                           2.0%
18                                           1.5%
17                                           1.0%
16                                           0.5%

where the box in Section 4.06. (c) (1) (ii) is checked:

Attained Age                        Applicable Percentage
------------                        ---------------------
55                                  50.0%
54                                  47.0%
53                                  44.0%
52                                  41.0%
51                                  38.0%
50                                  35.5%
49                                  33.0%
48                                  30.5%
47                                  28.5%
46                                  26.5%
45                                  24.5%
44                                  23.0%
43                                  21.5%
42                                  20.0%
41                                  18.5%


Attained Age                                 Applicable Percentage
------------                                 ---------------------
40                                            17.5%
39                                            16.5%
38                                            15.5%
37                                            14.5%
36                                            13.5%
35                                            12.5%
34                                            11.5%
33                                            10.5%
32                                            10.0%
31                                            9.5%
30                                            9.0%
29                                            8.5%
28                                            8.0%
27                                            7.5%
26                                            7.0%
25                                            6.5%
24                                            6.0%
23                                            5.5
22                                            5.0%
21                                            4.5%
20                                            4.0%

The minimum benefit set forth in paragraph (c)(4) shall not apply if the commencement date for the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit precedes the date the Participant would have attained age 55.

(ii) In the case of a Participant who dies on or after attaining the Normal Retirement Age, but prior to the Annuity Starting Date, the amount of the monthly benefit payable to an eligible surviving Spouse shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (c).

(iii) In the event the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit is payable to a surviving Beneficiary other than the surviving Spouse, the amount of the monthly benefit shall be calculated under paragraph (c) and this paragraph (h)(3) in the same manner as if the surviving Beneficiary had been a surviving Spouse; provided, however, that if the Pre-Retirement Death Benefit is payable to a surviving Beneficiary who is more than 5 years younger than the Participant, the amount of the monthly benefit otherwise payable hereunder shall be reduced by .4 percent for each year (or fraction thereof) in excess of 5 that the surviving Beneficiary is younger than the Participant; and provided further that the minimum benefits prescribed by


paragraph (c)(3) and (c)(4) shall not apply in determining the amount of benefit payable to a surviving Beneficiary.

(iv) In the event the Participant designates more than one Beneficiary, the amount determined under the applicable portion of Section 4.06(c)(1) or (2), to be the monthly amount which would have been payable to the Participant, will be divided equally among the Beneficiaries and adjusted as follows. The benefit payable to each of the Beneficiaries shall be determined by applying Section 4.06(h)(3)(iii) to the portion of the Participant's benefit allocated with respect to the Beneficiary under the preceding sentence. The mandatory cash-out provisions of Section 4.06(h)(2)(ii) shall be applied separately to each Beneficiary pursuant to that section, based on the value of the benefit payable to that Beneficiary.

(v) If a single Participant does not designate a Beneficiary, or if the Beneficiary designated by such Participant dies before the Participant and no Beneficiary is named, the following shall be the Participant's Beneficiary:

(aa) the Participant's surviving issue, per stirpes, or if none;

(bb) the Participant's surviving parents, or if none;

(cc) the Participant's estate.

The benefit payable to a Beneficiary designated under this subparagraph (v) shall be determined in the manner set forth in subparagraph (iv), except that if the Participant's Beneficiary is the Participant's estate, the benefit shall be paid to the estate in the form of a lump sum on the first day of the calendar month coincident with or next following the Participant's date of death, or as soon as practicable thereafter. For purposes of determining the value of that lump sum benefit, the estate will be deemed to be a single Beneficiary that is the same age as the Participant.

4.07 NO DEATH BENEFITS EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED. Death benefits shall not be payable hereunder except as specifically provided in Section 4.06 or under the terms of an optional form of benefit selected by the Participant. This exclusion applies to, but is not limited to, the following:

(a) A death benefit shall not be payable under the Program if a Participant dies, after benefit payments to the Participant have commenced unless the form of benefit specifically provides for a death benefit.

(b) Except as provided in Section 4.06 hereof, a death benefit shall not be payable under the Program if a Participant dies while not in the Employment of a Plan and at a time when benefit payments to the Participant never had commenced.


(c) A death benefit shall not be payable under the Program if a Participant dies prior to termination of Employment with a Plan except as provided in Section 4.06 hereof.


(a) CONDITION. A Participant whose Employment with the Employer is terminated and who is not entitled to an Early Retirement Benefit under Section 4.04(a) shall be entitled to a Vested Benefit if he completes 10 years of Vesting Service which may include service subsequent to said termination of Employment as provided in Section 1.28. Effective January 1, 1989, a Participant who is in the Employment of a Plan on or after such date shall be entitled to a Vested Benefit upon termination of Employment if he completes 5 Years of Vesting Service which service may also include service subsequent to the Participant's termination of Employment as provided in Section 1.28.

(b) VESTED BENEFIT. The Vested Benefit payable to a Participant who satisfies the condition in Section 4.08(a) shall be in a form permitted under the Program and determined as specified in (1) or (2) below:

(1) A benefit specified in (i), (ii), or (iii) below, whichever is checked:

[X](i) a benefit, which shall commence at (check one) [X] the first day of the month coincident with or next following the Participant's attainment of his Normal Retirement Age or [ ] the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date on which the Participant attains his 62nd birthdate, if he is then living, computed as of his date of termination of Employment with the Employer in the manner set forth in Section 4.02(b); or

[ ](ii) a benefit which shall commence at (check one) [ ] the first day of the month coincident with or next following the Participant's attainment of his Normal Retirement Age or [ ] the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date on which the Participant attains his 62nd birthdate, if he is then living, computed as of his date of termination of Employment with the Employer in the manner set forth in Section 4.02(b) except that the denominator of the fraction specified in Section 4.02(b) (2),
(3), or (4) is the greater of the number of Years of Plans and Association Service which the Employee would have had if he had remained an Employee to his Normal Retirement Age or the denominator specified in Section 4.02(b) (2), (3), or (4), whichever is applicable (but the fraction shall not be greater than one).


[ ](iii) a benefit which shall commence at (check one) [ ] the first day of the month coincident with or next following the Participant's attainment of his Normal Retirement Age or [ ] the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date on which the Participant attains his 62nd birthdate, if he is then living, computed as of the first day of the month coincident with or next following attainment of his Normal Retirement Age in the manner set forth in Section 4.02(b) (2), (3) or (4), except that the resultant fraction shall be equal to one, and based on his Final Average Earnings and his Earnings as of his date of termination of Employment with the Employer and then multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the Participant's Years of Plans and Association Service as of his date of termination of Employment with the Employer and the denominator of which is the greater of the number of Years of Plans and Association Service which the Employee would have had if he had remained an Employee to his Normal Retirement Age or the denominator specified in Section 4.02(b)(2), (3), or (4), whichever is applicable (but the fraction shall not be greater than one).

(2) A reduced Vested Benefit if requested in writing to the Employer by the Participant, commencing on the first day of the month coincident with or next following the Participant's Early Retirement Age or on the first day of a month specified by the Participant which is subsequent to his Early Retirement Age and prior to the date selected in Section 4.08(b)(1)(i), (ii), or (iii) above, determined under the provision checked below:

[X](i) a benefit which is the Actuarial Equivalent of the benefit specified in [X](1)(i), [ ](1)(ii), or [ ](1)(iii) of this Section 4.08, as checked above, or

[ ](ii) a benefit specified in [ ](1)(i),
[ ](1)(ii), or [ ](1)(iii) of this Section 4.08, as checked above, reduced by , ___% for each calendar month (which is __% per year) by which the date of commencement of the benefit precedes the date selected in Section 4.08(b)(1)(i), (ii), or
(iii) above, or

[ ](iii) a benefit specified in [ ](1)(i),
[ ](1)(ii) or [ ](1)(iii) of this Section 4.08, as checked above, reduced as follows (check one):

[ ] for a Participant whose benefit commences on or after age 60 but prior to age 65, the benefit will be reduced by 2/3 of 1% for each calendar month


(which is 8% per year) by which commencement of the benefit precedes age 65, and for a Participant whose benefit commences on or after age 55 but prior to age 60, the benefit will be reduced by the sum of 40% and 1/3 of 1% for each calendar month (which is 4% per year) by which commencement of the benefit precedes age 60; or

[ ] for a Participant whose benefit commences on or after age 57 but prior to age 62, the benefit will be reduced by 2/3 of 1 % for each calendar month (which is 8% per year) by which commencement of the benefit precedes age 62; and for a Participant whose benefit commences on or after age 55 but prior to age 57, the benefit will be reduced by the sum of 40% and 1/3 of 1 (degree)/a for each calendar month (which is 4% per year) by which commencement of the benefit precedes age 57.

If this box is checked [X] the Program (and/or predecessor program qualified under ss.401 of the Internal Revenue Code) specified the actuarial assumptions or conversion factors for determining a Participant's reduced vested benefit, and an amendment(s) (including the adoption of this Program or a restated version of the Program) changed the actuarial assumptions or conversion factors for determining such Participant's benefit; therefore, any benefit payable to the Participant under this provision shall be no less than the reduced benefit as previously specified in Section 4.08(b)(2) (and/or the predecessor program, if applicable), determined as of the day immediately prior to the effective date of the amendment(s) (i.e., determined as of December 30. 1998) and computed on the basis of the actuarial assumptions or adjustment factors in effect on such date(s).

A Participant whose benefits under the Program have not commenced may change the date elected under (1) or (2) above prospectively on a request in writing to the Employer. Commencement of the Vested Benefit shall be subject to the restrictions of Section 4.01(b) if applicable.

4.09 OTHER TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT. If a Participant's Employment by a Plan is terminated and he or his Beneficiary is not eligible to receive a benefit under any preceding Section of Article 4 or under Section 4.16, no benefit shall be payable under the Program. In such event, any nonvested benefit of the Participant shall be disposed of in accordance with the deemed cash-out rules of Section 4.15.


4.10 COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT. If an amendment is adopted as provided below and submitted to the Committee, the benefit payable to a Participant who has one Hour of Service on or after January 1, 1988, or to such Participant's Beneficiary, or to such Participant's domestic relations order (such alternate payee shall be referred to as an "eligible alternate payee") shall be adjusted in accordance with the method selected below; otherwise the adjustment shall be in accordance with this Section as in effect on December 31, 1987.


Participant, Beneficiary or eligible alternate payee shall be increased by a percentage of said benefit as of the first month designated by the Employer of the year for which the Employer adopts an amendment invoking this Section
4.10(a). Such percentage shall equal the excess of the Annual Consumer Price Index percentage (the Index for all Urban Consumers issued by the Department of Labor) for the year preceding that for which such amendment is adopted over the prior Consumer Price Index percentage for the year in which the benefit hereunder commenced or was last adjusted pursuant to this Section 4.10, whichever occurred later.

[ ](B) PERIODIC PERCENTAGE INCREASE. The benefit of a Participant, Beneficiary or eligible alternate payee which has commenced at least twelve months prior to the effective date of the amendment hereunder shall be increased by ___% as of the first month designated by the Employer of the year for which the Employer adopts an amendment invoking this Section 4.10(b).


of a Participant, Beneficiary or eligible alternate payee which has commenced at least twelve months prior to the effective date of the amendment hereunder shall be increased by a percentage figure as of the first month of the year for which the Employer adopts an amendment invoking this Section 4.10(c). This percentage shall equal ___% multiplied by the number of complete years which have elapsed since the Participant's, Beneficiary's or eligible alternate payee's benefit was last increased under this Section 4.10, whichever occurred later. In no event shall the increase for a Participant, Beneficiary or eligible alternate payee be less than __nor more than ___.

For purposes of this Section 4.10, if the amount of the benefit being paid to a Participant is limited by the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit (as defined in Section 4.12(a)), any


cost-of-living adjustment adopted by an Employer under this Section 4.10 shall be applied to the amount of benefit being paid, but only to the extent permitted under Section 4.12.

4.11 NON-DUPLICATION OF BENEFITS. Benefits are provided under this Program for prior service with the Employer and other Plans, but it is the intent of this Program to avoid duplication of benefits provided under this Program and the pension programs of such Plans with respect to such prior service. The term "pension program" refers to a program which satisfies the requirements of ss.401 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The following rules shall apply for the purpose of eliminating duplication:

(a) A benefit payable under this Program, including a pre-retirement death benefit, shall be offset by the amount of employer-paid benefits earned under a pension program of a Plan for a period of service for which credit is given under this Program. Generally the offset shall be applied by reducing the benefit payable to the Participant under the Program for the life of the Participant commencing at age 65 by the benefit payable under the pension program of the other Plan in the same form and commencing at the same time; the resulting benefit shall be paid at the time and in the form determined under the provisions of the Program. If the other Plan was merged with the Employer, or if the Employer and the other Plan conducted joint operations at the same principal place of business, the offset shall be applied by reducing the benefit payable to the Participant under this Program at the time of commencement by the Actuarial Equivalent of the benefit payable under the pension program of the other Plan if the benefit under this Program commences prior to the Participant's Normal Retirement Age. The offset shall be made if the Participant's benefit under the other program is or was nonforfeitable, regardless of whether the Participant has taken his prior benefit in a form other than the form in which benefits are payable under this Program or, in the case of an offset applied to a pre-retirement death benefit, has failed to elect, or has waived, an optional form of benefit which would have provided a death benefit to his spouse. Further, the offset shall be made if this Program is terminated based on the benefit credited to the Participant under the other Plan's pension program at the time of this Program's termination if the Participant has vested in that benefit, regardless of whether that benefit is ultimately paid to the Participant. However, a Participant's benefit under this Program shall not be less than the benefit would have been if credit had not been given for the prior service with the other Plan.

(b) A benefit payable under this Program shall be offset by any benefit previously earned and payable to the Participant or his Beneficiary under this Program. The offset shall be


applied by reducing the current benefit payable to the Participant under this Program at the time such benefit commences by the prior benefit, including the value of any applicable cost of living adjustment and excluding any special early retirement supplement, payable under the Program (expressed in the form of a comparable lifetime only benefit in accordance with the relevant actuarial conversion factors specified in the Program).

(c) If prior to January 1, 1974, the Employer maintained a Disability Retirement Program under a Trust administered by the same Trustee as this Program, jointly with this Trust, an Employee who was disabled prior to January 1, 1974, and who is entitled to a benefit under the Disability Retirement Program, shall be entitled to a benefit from this Program reduced by the amount of the benefit payable to the Participant under the Employer's Disability Retirement Program.


(A) BASIC LIMITATION. Subject to the adjustments hereinafter set forth, the maximum annual amount of retirement benefit payable to a Participant under this Program, when expressed as an annual benefit, shall not exceed the lesser of:

(1) the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit or

(2) 100% of the Participant's average compensation for the three consecutive calendar years during which he was a Participant and had the greatest aggregate compensation from the Employer.

Such amount is referred to herein as the Maximum Permissible Amount.

For purposes of this Section, the term "annual benefit" means the benefit that is payable annually to a Participant in the form of a straight lifetime benefit with no ancillary benefits, and the term "compensation" includes a Participant's wages, salaries, and other amounts received for personal services actually rendered in the course of employment with the Employer (including, but not limited to, commissions paid to salesmen, compensation for services on the basis of a percentage of profits, commissions on insurance premiums, and bonuses). The term "compensation" does not, however, include contributions made by the Employer to a program of deferred compensation to the extent that (before the application of the limitations of ss.415 of the Internal Revenue Code to that program) the contributions are not includable in the gross income of the Employee for the taxable year in which contributed, or other amounts which receive special tax benefits (such as premiums for group term life insurance, but only to the extent that the premiums are excludable from the gross income of the Employee). Nevertheless, any


elective deferrals or contributions as described in ss. 415(c)(3)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code that are made with respect to an Employee shall be considered as "compensation" in the year such amounts are deferred or contributed, and any amounts received by an Employee pursuant to an unfunded non-qualified program shall be considered as "compensation" in the year such amounts are includable in the gross income of the Employee. The term "Defined Benefit Dollar Limit" shall mean the dollar limit specified in ss.415(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(b) ADJUSTMENTS to Basic Limitation. For purposes of applying the limitation described in Section 4.12(a), the following adjustments shall be made:

(1) ADJUSTMENTS FOR OTHER Forms of BENEFIT. When a benefit is payable in any form other than a straight lifetime benefit or a qualified joint and survivor benefit with the Employee's Spouse, the benefit shall be adjusted to an actuarially equivalent annual benefit before applying the limitations of this Section 4.12. Effective January 1, 1995, with respect to benefits commencing on or after such date, the actuarially equivalent annual benefit for these purposes will be equal to the greater of the annual benefit computed using the interest rate and mortality table (or other tabular factor) specified in the Program for adjusting benefits in the same form, and the annual benefit computed using a 5 percent interest rate assumption and the Applicable Mortality Table. For these purposes the Applicable Mortality Table is the mortality table that is prescribed by the IRS based on the prevailing commissioners' standard table (described in ss. 807(d)(5)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code) used to determine reserves for group annuity contracts issued on the date as of which present value is being determined (without regard to any other subparagraph of ss. 807(d)(5)). In determining the actuarially equivalent annual benefit for a benefit form other than a nondecreasing annuity payable for a period of not less than the life of the Participant (or, in the case of a qualified pre-retirement survivor annuity, the life of the surviving Spouse), the following phrases shall be substituted for "a 5 percent interest rate assumption" for purposes of making the above adjustment:

(i) With respect to benefits commencing on or after January 1, 1995, and before July 1, 1996, "for any calendar quarter, the annual interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities as specified by the IRS for the


fifth full calendar month preceding the first day of such calendar quarter"; or

(ii) With respect to benefits commencing on or after July 1, 1996, the "Applicable Interest Rate," as defined in Section 5.03(b)(1)".

(2) ADJUSTMENT FOR COMMENCEMENT BEFORE SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT AGE. If the benefit payable to a Participant under the Program begins before the Participant attains his Social Security Retirement Age, then the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit shall be adjusted, in accordance with such rules as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, so that it is actuarially equivalent to an annual benefit in the amount of the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit commencing at his Social Security Retirement Age. The adjustment shall be consistent with the reduction for old-age insurance benefits commencing before the Social Security Retirement Age under the Social Security Act, and the Defined Benefit Dollar limit for benefits commencing before age 62 shall be the actuarial equivalent of the limit for benefits commencing at age 62, calculated as the lesser of the equivalent annual benefit computed using the interest rate and mortality table (or other tabular factor) equivalence for early retirement benefits, and the equivalent annual benefit computed using a 5 percent interest rate assumption and the Applicable Mortality Table. For these purposes the Applicable Mortality Table is the mortality table that is prescribed by the IRS based on the prevailing commissioners' standard table (described in ss. 807(d)(5)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code) used to determine reserves for group annuity contracts issued on the date as of which present value is being determined (without regard to any other subparagraph of ss. 807(d)(5)). Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to benefits commencing on or after January 1, 1995, and before August 21, 1996, that are payable in a form other than a nondecreasing annuity payable for a period of not less than the life of the Participant (or, in the case of a qualified pre-retirement survivor annuity, the life of the surviving Spouse), the following phrases shall be substituted for "a 5 percent interest rate assumption" for purposes of making the above adjustment:

(i) With respect to benefits commencing on or after January 1, 1995, and before July 1, 1996, "for any calendar quarter, the annual


interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities as specified by the IRS for the fifth full calendar month preceding the first day of such calendar quarter";

(ii) With respect to benefits commencing on or after July 1, 1996, and before August 21, 1996, "the "Applicable Interest Rate," as defined in
Section 5.03(b)(1)".

(3) ADJUSTMENT FOR COMMENCEMENT AFTER SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT AGE. If the benefit payable to a Participant under the Program begins after the Participant attains his Social Security Retirement Age, then the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit shall be adjusted so that it is actuarially equivalent to an annual benefit in the amount of the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit commencing at the Social Security Retirement Age. The actuarially equivalent amount of annual benefit shall be calculated as the lesser of the equivalent annual benefit computed using the interest rate and mortality table (or other tabular factor) equivalence for delayed retirement benefits, and the equivalent annual benefit computed using a 5 percent interest rate assumption and the Applicable Mortality Table. For these purposes the Applicable Mortality Table is the mortality table that is prescribed by the IRS based on the prevailing commissioners' standard table (described in ss. 807(d)(5)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code) used to determine reserves for group annuity contracts issued on the date as of which present value is being determined (without regard to any other subparagraph of ss. 807(d)(5)).

(c) COST OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENTS. The Defined Benefit Dollar Limit will be automatically adjusted for increases in the cost of living in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to the provisions of ss.415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code. Such adjustments to the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit shall be applicable to the benefit of a Participant who is in the Employment of the Employer. Such adjustments shall also be applicable to the benefit of a Participant whose Employment with the Employer has terminated, but whose benefit has not yet commenced, and the particular Defined Benefit Dollar Limit that shall apply to the benefit of such a Participant shall be the Limit in effect in the year of the benefit commencement date. Such adjustments to the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit shall be applicable to a Participant whose benefit under the Program has commenced prior to the calendar year of the adjustment and who is no longer accruing benefits under the Program; provided, however, that in no event shall the amount of benefit paid to the Participant following such


adjustment exceed the amount payable to the Participant upon benefit commencement, plus any cost-of-living adjustment provided under Section 4.10 of the Program.

(d) PRESERVATION OF ACCRUED BENEFIT. If any Participant's accrued benefit under the Program at the close of the last calendar year beginning before January 1, 1983, when expressed as an annual benefit, exceeds the limitation in effect under Section 4.12(a)(1) for any subsequent year, then the limitation of Section 4.12(a)(1) with respect to such Participant shall be equal to the amount of such accrued benefit. In determining the amount of any Participant's accrued benefit for the purposes of this paragraph, such accrued benefit shall include optional benefit forms; and no change in the terms of the Program after July 1, 1982, and no cost-of-living adjustment occurring after July 1, 1982, shall be taken into account. The transitional rule described in this paragraph shall not apply to any Participant if the Program was not in existence on July 1, 1982.

In addition, for those Employees who were Participants as of January 1, 1987, if any such Participant's current accrued benefit under the Program exceeds the limitations described in Section 4.12(b)(2) or 4.12(g)(1), then for purposes of ss.415(b) and (e) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit with respect to such Participant shall be equal to such current accrued benefit. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "current accrued benefit" shall mean a Participant's accrued benefit under the Program, determined as if the Participant had separated from service as of December 31, 1986, when expressed as an annual benefit within the meaning of ss.415(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code. In determining such benefit, any change in the terms and conditions of the Program, and any cost of living adjustment made after May 5, 1986, shall be disregarded.

Finally, the restrictions in this Section 4.12 shall be modified as provided in ss.415(b)(2)(F) of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to Participants employed by organizations exempt from tax under Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code.

(e) PARTICIPATION IN OTHER DEFINED BENEFIT PROGRAMS. The limitations in this Section with respect to any Participant who at any time has participated in any other defined benefit program maintained by the Employer shall apply as if the total benefits payable under all such defined benefit programs were payable from one program. For purposes of this paragraph and paragraph (h), the Employer shall include (1) any corporation that is a member of a controlled group of corporations (as defined in ss.414(b), as modified by ss.415(h), of the Internal Revenue Code) that includes the Employer, (2) any trade or business (whether or not


incorporated) that is under common control (as defined in ss.414(c), as modified by ss.415(h), of the Internal Revenue Code) that includes the Employer, (3) any organization (whether or not incorporated) that is a member of an affiliated service group (as defined in ss.414(m) of the internal Revenue Code) that includes the Employer, (4) to the extent required in regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under ss.414(n) of the Internal Revenue Code, with respect to benefits attributable to the Employer under ss.414(n)(1)(B), the leasing organization, and any other entity required to be aggregated with the Employer pursuant to regulations under ss.414(o) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(f) BENEFITS NOT IN EXCESS OF $10,000. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to any Participant who has not at any time participated in any defined contribution program maintained by the Employer if his total annual benefit payable in accordance with this Section in any year is not in excess of $10,000.


(1) In applying the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit of
Section 4.12(a), the maximum annual retirement benefit payable to any Participant who has completed less than 10 years of participation in the Program shall be the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of years of the Participant's participation and the denominator of which is 10. To the extent provided by the Secretary of the Treasury in regulations, this fraction shall be applied separately with respect to each change in the benefit structure of the Program. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, this fraction shall not be applied with respect to changes in the benefit structure of the Program that are adopted on or after August 3, 1992.

(2) In applying the Section 4.12(a) percent of compensation limit or the limit in Section 4.12(f), the maximum annual retirement benefit payable to any Participant who has completed less than 10 Years of Employer Service shall be the amount determined under
Section 4.12(a) or Section 4.12(f), as the case may be, multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of the Participant's Years of Employer Service and the denominator of which is 10.

(3) In no event shall the preceding Sections 4.12(g)(1) or (2) reduce the limitations provided under ss.415(b)(1) and (4) of the Internal Revenue Code to an amount less than one-tenth of the applicable limitation (as determined without regard to this
Section 4.12(g)).



Effective for benefits paid on or after January 1, 2000, this sub-section (h) shall not be applicable, except in cases where application of this sub-section is necessary to avoid a duplication of benefits that otherwise would result between benefits paid under this Program and under any non-qualified supplemental retirement program of the Employer, such as may occur if payment under such non-qualified program was made prior to January 1, 2000.

(1) BASIC LIMITATION. In the case of a Participant who also has participated in a defined contribution program maintained by the Employer, the sum of the defined benefit program fraction and the defined contribution program fraction for any Program Year shall not exceed 1.0. In the event the sum of such fractions would exceed 1.0, the annual benefit payable under this Program shall be adjusted, or if this box [ ] is checked, the annual additions under the defined contribution program shall be limited, in order that the sum of the defined benefit program fraction and the defined contribution program fraction for any Program Year shall not exceed 1.0.

(2) DEFINITIONS. For purposes of applying the limitations of this Section 4.12(h), the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

(i) The term "defined benefit program fraction" for a Program Year shall mean the projected annual benefit of the Participant under the Program (determined as of the close of the year), divided by the lesser of

(aa) 1.25, multiplied by the Defined Benefit Dollar Limit in effect under Section 4.12(x)(1); or

(bb) 1.4, multiplied by the amount which may be taken into account under, Section 4.12(x)(2) with respect to such Participant for such year.

(ii) The term "defined contribution program fraction" shall mean a fraction, the numerator of which is the sum of the annual additions to the Participant's account under all qualified defined contribution programs of the Employer for the current and all prior Program Years (including any amount allocated after December 31, 1985, to a key employee's post-retirement medical benefit account, as described in ss.419A(d) of the Internal Revenue Code), plus the sum of the annual additions attributable to the Participant's Employee


contributions to any qualified defined benefit programs of the Employer for the current and all prior Program years, and the denominator of which is the sum of the lesser of the following amounts determined for the current and for each prior Program Year:

(aa) 1.25, multiplied by the dollar limitation in effect under ss.415(c)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code for such Program Year; or

(bb) 1.4, multiplied by 25 percent of the Participant's compensation for such Program Year.

With respect to Program Years beginning before January 1, 1976, the aggregate amount taken into account in the numerator of the fraction shall not exceed the aggregate amount taken into account in the denominator.

(iii) The term "annual addition" shall mean the sum for any Program Year of the following amounts:

(aa) Employer contributions;

(bb) Forfeitures; and

(cc) Nondeductible Participant contributions.

With respect to any Program Year beginning prior to January 1, 1976, the amount of the Participant's contributions for such year shall be deemed to be an amount equal to the aggregate of the Participant's contributions to the program prior to January 1, 1976 (without regard to contributions made on or after October 2, 1973, which exceed the rate of Employee contributions prescribed under the terms of the program as of such date), in excess of 10 percent of his aggregate compensation for each Program Year of his participation prior to such date, multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is 1 and the denominator of which is the number of the Employee's years of participation in the program prior to January 1, 1976.

The annual additions for any Program Year beginning before January 1, 1987, shall not be recomputed to treat all nondeductible Participant contributions as annual additions.


If the applicable requirements of ss.415 of the Internal Revenue Code as in effect for all Program Years beginning before January 1, 1987, were satisfied, an amount shall be subtracted from the numerator of the defined contribution program fraction (not exceeding such numerator) as prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury so that the sum of the defined benefit program fraction and the defined contribution program fraction as computed under this section does not exceed 1.0 for such Program Year.

(3) SPECIAL PROCEDURE FOR YEARS AFTER 1982. Unless this box [ ] is checked, in applying the limitation of Section 4.12 (h)(1) with respect to any year ending after December 31, 1982, the amount taken into account in the denominator of tile defined contribution program fraction with respect to each Participant for all years ending before January 1, 1983, shall be an amount equal to the aggregate of the maximum additions which could have been made under the program on the Participant's behalf for each Program Year ending before January 1, 1983, multiplied by the transition fraction. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term "transition fraction" means a fraction,

(i) The numerator of which is the lesser of -

(aa) $51,875, or

(bb) 1.4, multiplied by 25 percent of the Participant's compensation for the Program Year ending in 1981; and

(ii) the denominator of which is the lesser of -

(aa) $41,500, or

(bb) 25 percent of the Participant's compensation for the year ending in 1981.

The procedure described in this paragraph (3) shall apply only to defined contribution programs that were in existence on or before July 1, 1982.

4.13 SUSPENSION OF BENEFITS. Payment of benefits under the Program shall be suspended in accordance with the following provisions.


(1) CONDITIONS FOR SUSPENSION. If a Participant attains his Normal Retirement Age and remains in the Employment of the Employer, the benefits otherwise payable to the Participant under the Program shall be suspended (and permanently


withheld) as provided herein for any calendar month during which the Participant completes 84 or more Hours of Service.

(2) TERMINATION OF SUSPENSION. If benefit payments are suspended pursuant to this Section, benefit payments will start no later than (a) the first day of the third calendar month after the calendar month in which the conditions for suspension in paragraph
(a)(1) are not satisfied; or, (b) if earlier than (a), for Participants who attain the age of 70 1/2 after December 31, 1987, if payment is required by Section 5.02, April 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the Participant attains the age of 70 1/2, such payments to be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.02. The initial payment upon the start of benefits hereunder shall include any amounts withheld during the period beginning with the first month in which the conditions for suspension are not met and the month in which payments start, less any amounts which are subject to offset as described below.

(3) AMOUNT OF BENEFITS PAYABLE. In the case of a Participant who continues in the Employment of the Employer beyond his Normal Retirement Age and whose benefit then commences under paragraph (a)(1), upon the start of such payments, the amount of the Participant's benefit will be determined under Section 4.02 or Section 4.03 as applicable.

(B) RECOVERY OF CERTAIN OVERPAYMENTS. Upon the start of benefit payments hereunder, the amount of the Participant's benefit shall be reduced by the amount of any payments previously made to the Participant for a calendar month in which conditions for suspension were satisfied. The amount of the offset or reduction which shall be made against any month's payment shall not exceed 25 percent of the benefit payment which would have been due the Participant but for the offset, except that in the case of the initial payment due the Participant upon resumption of payments, the offset or reduction may be applied without regard to the 25 percent limitation.

(C) NOTICE. During the first calendar month in which the suspension of a Participant's benefits is implemented under this Section, the Committee will furnish to such Participant by personal delivery or first class mail a notice that his benefits are being suspended. The notice to the Participant will also contain such other information as is required by the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor under 29 C.F.R. Part 2530.203-3(b)(4).


(D) DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Section, the term "Hour of Service" shall be determined in accordance with Section 1.29, exclusive of paragraph (3) of that Section.

(E) TRANSITION RULE. In the case of a rehired Participant who on December 31, 1998, was in the Employment of the Employer and whose benefits under this Program had previously commenced but thereafter had been suspended upon reemployment with the Employer in accordance with the provisions of this
Section prior to January 1, 1999, the suspension of such benefits shall terminate effective as of January 1, 1999. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any benefits earned by the Participant following reemployment with the Employer shall be subject to the provisions of this Section as in effect on January 1, 1999.

4.14 LEAVES OF ABSENCE. See Section 1.10 regarding unpaid Leaves of Absence.

4.15 SMALL BENEFITS. In the event that the lump sum present value of any benefit payable to a Participant hereunder is less than or equal to $5,000, then the present value of such benefit is to be paid to the Participant in a single sum at the time the benefit would otherwise commence. Effective January 1, 1998, if the lump sum present value of any benefit payable to the Participant determined as of the Annuity Starting Date specified herein is less than or equal to $5,000, the present value of such benefit is to be paid to the Participant as of the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date of termination of Employment, which shall be the Annuity Starting Date for purposes of this calculation. Payment shall be made as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable, but in no event later than 180 days after the Annuity Starting Date. If a Participant who has received the lump sum present value of his benefit is subsequently reemployed by the Employer, any benefit subsequently accrued shall be offset, in accordance with Section 4.11, by the value of the benefit previously paid. In the event that the present value of a Pre-Retirement Death Benefit payable to a Participant's surviving Spouse under Section 4.06 is less than or equal to $5,000, then the present value of such benefit is to be paid to the surviving Spouse in a single sum as of the first day of the calendar month next following the Participant's date of death. If any single sum payment is made in accordance with this Section 4.15, no further benefit will be payable to the Participant, his Beneficiary, or his surviving Spouse. For purposes of this Section 4.15, the lump sum present value of a benefit shall be computed according to the interest rate and mortality assumptions used to calculate the Lump Sum payment under Section 5.03(b). In the event the Participant's Employment by a Plan is terminated and he


or his Beneficiary is not entitled to receive any benefit under this Program, the Participant or his Beneficiary, as the case may be, shall be deemed to have received a distribution of zero under the Program as of the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date of termination of Employment, and the Participant's benefit under the Program shall thereupon be forfeited. If the Participant is subsequently employed by a Plan, such forfeited benefit shall automatically be reinstated, and shall be subject to the Program's vesting requirements, provided, however, that the benefit shall not be reinstated if the Participant's subsequent Employment with the Plan would be permanently disregarded under Section 1.28 in determining the Employee's Years of Vesting Service with respect to such benefit.

4.16 GRANTING CREDIT TOWARD ACCRUED BENEFITS FOR A PERIOD OF TOTAL AND PERMANENT DISABILITY. If this box is checked [ ] and a Participant is Totally and Permanently Disabled while he is in the Employment of the Employer, the Participant's Years of Plans and Association Service and Years of Vesting Service shall include, for all Program purposes except for Section 4.05, the period immediately following said termination of Employment during which the Participant is continuously Totally and Permanently Disabled. The Participant's Employment with the Employer shall be deemed not to have ceased until the earlier to occur of (i) the first day of the month in which the Participant no longer is Totally and Permanently Disabled, (ii) the date of the Participant's death, or (iii) the first day of the first month for which the Participant no longer receives long-term disability payments from a long-term disability program of the Employer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall credit be given under this Subsection (a) during any period in which the Employer does not maintain a long term disability program covering any active Participant, except that a Participant who is already disabled and who continues to receive long term disability payments shall continue to receive credit in accordance with the preceding sentence.




(a) The benefit to which a Participant is entitled normally shall be payable in equal monthly installments in accordance with paragraph (1) or (2) hereof, subject to the conditions set forth therein unless the Participant elects, in the manner provided in Section 5.02, to have the benefit paid in another form permitted under Section 5.04.

(1) The benefit payable to a Participant who has a Spouse on the date the Participant's benefit commences shall be payable for the lifetime of the Participant, with one-half of the amount payable to the Participant continued thereafter for the lifetime of his Spouse. Such joint and survivor form shall be (check one):

[X] (i) The Actuarial Equivalent of the benefit which would have been payable only for the lifetime of the Participant.

[ ] (ii) A form of benefit in which the Participant receives 95% of the benefit which would have been payable only for the lifetime of the Participant reduced by .48 of 1 percentage point for each year by which the Participant's age exceeds age 55 and further reduced by .48 of 1 percentage point for each year by which his Spouse's age is less than the Participant's age or, when his Spouse's age exceeds the Participant's age, increased by .48 of 1 percentage point for each year by which his Spouse's age exceeds the Participant's age. In no event shall the amount of the benefit payable to the Participant exceed the benefit that otherwise would have been payable to him for his life only.

[ ] (iii) A form of benefit in which the Participant receives __% of the benefit which would have been payable only for the lifetime of the Participant.

In no event shall the joint and survivor form designated above be less valuable than any other optional form of benefit payable under the Program at the same time.

If this box is checked [X] the Program (and/or any predecessor program qualified under ss.401 of the Internal Revenue Code) specified the actuarial assumptions or conversion factors for determining the joint and survivor form of benefit, and an amendment(s) (including the adoption of this Program or a restated version of the Program) changed the actuarial assumptions or conversion factors for determining such


Participant's benefit, therefore, any benefit payable to the Participant under such joint and survivor form shall be no less than the joint and survivor benefit otherwise payable, determined as of the day immediately prior to the effective date of the amendments) i.e. determined as of December 30, 1998) and computed on the basis of the actuarial assumptions or conversion factors in effect on such date(s).

(2) The benefit payable to any Participant who does not have a Spouse on the date the Participant's benefit commences shall be a benefit payable only for the lifetime of the Participant.

(b) Except as provided in Section 4.06, no benefit shall be payable under the Program with respect to a Participant who retires or otherwise terminates Employment, and then dies prior to the Annuity Starting Date.



(1) GENERAL LIMITATIONS. Any distribution pursuant to a form of benefit provided under the Program shall be made in accordance with ss.401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under that section. Distributions made pursuant to any option elected by a Participant that provides for payments to a Beneficiary after the death of a Participant shall be made in accordance with regulations under ss.401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, including Treas. Reg. ss. 1.401(a)(9)-2. Any distributions required by the terms of a "qualified domestic relations order" under Section 8.08 shall also be in accordance with ss.401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations issued thereunder.

(2) DISTRIBUTIONS PRIOR TO PARTICIPANT'S DEATH. Notwithstanding any provision of the Program to the contrary (other than Section 5.02(a)(4)), distribution of a Participant's benefits shall commence as of April 1 of the calendar year following the later of the calendar year in which the Participant attains the age of 70 1/2 or the calendar year in which the Participant retires from the Employment of the Employer. In the case of a Participant who retires in a calendar year after the calendar year in which such Participant attains age 70 1/2, the Participant's accrued benefit shall be actuarially increased to take into account the period after age 70 1/2 in which the Participant was not receiving any benefits under the Program. In the case of a Participant who is a 5-percent owner (as


defined in Section 416 of the Internal Revenue Code) of the Employer (a "5-percent Owner") with respect to the Program Year ending in the calendar year in which the Participant attains age 70 1/2, distribution of such Participant's benefits shall commence as of April 1 of the calendar year following the calendar. year in which the Participant attains age 70 1/2, even if the Participant is still actively employed at that time. In the case of a Participant who is not a 5-percent Owner who attained age 70 1/2 at any time after December 31, 1994 and prior to January 1, 2001 and had made an irrevocable election to commence benefit payments while he is actively employed, payment hereunder shall commence as of April 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the Participant attains the age of 70 1/2, unless otherwise permitted by law.

(3) DISTRIBUTION AFTER A PARTICIPANT'S DEATH. Notwithstanding any provision of the Program to the contrary (other than Section 5.02(a)(4)), any distribution following a Participant's death shall be subject to the following limitations. In the event a Participant dies after the distribution of his interest has commenced, the remaining portion of such interest (if any) shall be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution in effect prior to the Participant's death. In the event a Participant dies before the distribution of his interest has commenced, payments (if any) shall be made in accordance with Section 4.06.

(4) TRANSITION RULE. Subject to the provisions of
Section 5.02(a)(1) and 5.02(b), a Participant's interest shall be distributed in accordance with any valid, unrevoked election that was made or deemed to be made pursuant to Section 242(b)(2) of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, notwithstanding the other limitations in paragraphs (2) and (3) above.

(B) ELECTION OF OPTIONAL RETIREMENT BENEFITS. A Participant who is entitled to receive a benefit payable under Section 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05 or 4.08 may elect to receive a benefit payable in accordance with the options set forth in Section 5.04 in lieu of all other benefits that he is entitled to receive from the Program. The election of any option (or the revocation thereof in accordance with paragraph (3) below) shall not be subject to the Committee's approval, but shall be made in writing on a form filed with the Committee in such manner as the Committee may determine and shall be subject to the limitations described in Section 5.02(a) and the following terms and conditions:


(1) No more than 90 days and no less than 30 days prior to the Participant's Annuity Starting Date, the Employer shall provide the Participant with a written explanation of

(i) the terms and conditions of the joint and survivor benefit described in Section 5.01(a)(1), and a general description of the material features (including relative values and deferral rights, if any) of the optional forms of benefit under the Program;

(ii) the Participant's right to make, and the effect of making, an election to waive such joint and survivor benefit, including the Participant's right to have at least 30 days to consider such election;

(iii) the rights of the Participant's spouse with respect to such election; and

(iv) the right of the Participant to revoke, and the effect of revoking, a prior election to waive such joint and survivor benefit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the 30-day advance notification requirement of this paragraph (1) may be waived in the event the Participant, following the provision of the written explanation described herein, properly elects a form of distribution with an earlier Annuity Starting Date, provided that the designated Annuity Starting Date is consistent with the distribution limitations prescribed in Section 4.01(b).

(2) A Participant may elect an optional form of benefit payment at any time following the receipt of the above explanation and within 90 days of the Annuity Starting Date, but if the Participant has a Spouse, such election shall be ineffective without the consent of such Spouse. The Spouse's consent must acknowledge the effect of such election, the optional form of benefit elected, and, if applicable, the specific nonspouse beneficiary designated, and must be witnessed by an Employer representative or a notary public. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Participant's election shall be effective without the consent of his Spouse if (i) the Participant elects Option C and designates his Spouse as the contingent Beneficiary, inasmuch as the benefits provided under Option C are qualified joint and survivor annuities (within the meaning of ss.417(b) of the Internal Revenue Code) and are actuarially equivalent to the benefit described in Section 5.01(a)(1) of the Program, or (ii) it is established to the satisfaction of the Employer representative that such consent cannot be obtained because there is no Spouse,


because the Spouse cannot be located, or because of any other circumstances described in regulations issued under ss.401 and ss.417 of the Internal Revenue Code. Any consent by a Spouse (or any establishment that such consent cannot be obtained) shall be effective only with respect to such Spouse.

(3) A Participant, in his sole discretion, may revoke his election to waive the joint and survivor form of benefit at any time prior to his Annuity Starting Date, or, if later, the expiration of the seven-day period (or such shorter period allowed under IRS rules) beginning the day after the date the written explanation described in paragraph (1) is provided. If a Participant divorces his Spouse prior to his Annuity Starting Date, any valid elections made when the Participant was married shall remain valid unless the Participant makes a new election or is remarried.

(4) The relevant provisions of Section 5.02(b) shall apply after December 31, 1984, to any Participant who is credited with at least one Hour of Service or one hour of paid leave with the Employer on or after August 23, 1984. The relevant provisions of the Program, as in effect prior to December 31, 1984, shall continue to apply with respect to all other Participants. In addition, any Participant described in the following sentence may elect, at any time prior to the date his benefits begin, to have his benefits paid in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.02(b), as in effect on December 31, 1984. A Participant shall be eligible to make such election if he was credited with at least one Hour of Service under the Program on or after September 2, 1974, he was not credited with any Hours of Service after December 31, 1975, and he was still alive but not receiving benefits under the Program as of August 23, 1984. Every Participant eligible to make such election shall be notified of this right at such time and in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Such election shall be made no later than the date the Participant's benefits begin (or the date of the Participant's death, if earlier). No death benefits shall be payable with respect to such a Participant if he dies prior to his Annuity Starting Date.



(A) FOR OPTIONS A, B, C OR D. Any benefit payable in accordance with Options A, B, C or D provided in Section 5.04 shall be determined as of the date benefits are to commence and in an amount determined pursuant to one of the following (check one):

[X] (1) A benefit that is the Actuarial Equivalent of the benefit that otherwise would be payable to the Participant for his life only, or

[ ] (2) A benefit that shall be equal to:

(i) Under Option A. Life Benefit: the benefit payable to the Participant for life only.

(ii) Under Option B. Life Benefit with 120 or 240 Payments Guaranteed: (aa) 98% of the amount of the benefit that otherwise would be payable to the Participant for his life reduced by.5 of I percentage point for each year (5/120 of I percentage point for each calendar month) by which the Participant's age exceeds age 55 when the first 120 monthly payments are guaranteed, or (bb) 90% of the amount of the benefit that otherwise would be payable to the Participant for his life only reduced by 1 percentage point for each year (1/12 of 1 percentage point for each calendar month) by which the Participant's age exceeds age 55 when the first 240 monthly payments are guaranteed, whichever is elected.

(iii) Under Option C. Joint and Contingent Benefit: the form of benefit elected by the Participant and calculated as (aa) a benefit under which the Participant receives 95% of the benefit which would have been payable only for the lifetime of the Participant reduced by.48 of 1 percentage point for each year by which the Participant's age exceeds age 55 and further reduced by.48 of 1 percentage point for each year by which the Beneficiary's age is less than the Participant's age or, when the Beneficiary's age exceeds the Participant's age, increased by .48 of 1 percentage point for each year by which the Beneficiary's age exceeds the Participant's age with 50% of that amount continued thereafter for the lifetime of his Beneficiary, or (bb) a benefit under which the Participant receives 92.6% of the benefit which would have been payable only for the lifetime of the Participant reduced by .48 of 1 percentage point for each year by which the Participant's age exceeds age 55 and further reduced by .48 of 1 percentage point


for each year by which the Beneficiary's age is less than the Participant's age or, when the Beneficiary's age exceeds the Participant's age, increased by.48 of 1 percentage point for each year by which the Beneficiary's age exceeds the Participant's age with 66-2/3% of that amount continued thereafter for the lifetime of his Beneficiary; or (cc) a benefit under which the Participant receives 87.8% of the benefit which would have been payable only for the lifetime of the Participant reduced by .48 of 1 percentage point for each year by which the Participant's age exceeds age 55 and further reduced by.48 of 1 percentage point for each year by which the Beneficiary's age is less than the Participant's age or, when the Beneficiary's age exceeds the Participant's age, increased by.48 of 1 percentage point for each year by which the Beneficiary's age exceeds the Participant's age with 100% of that amount continued thereafter for the lifetime of his Beneficiary. In no event, however, shall the amount of the benefit payable to the Participant exceed the benefit that otherwise would have been payable to him for his life only.

(iv) Under Option D, Social Security Adjustment. The amount of the benefit that otherwise would be payable to the Participant for his life only where the amount of the increase in monthly benefit payable to the Participant until the earliest age of eligibility for Social Security Benefits is equal to the estimated Primary Social Security Benefit at that age reduced as follows:

(aa) for a Participant whose benefit commences on or after five years prior to the earliest age of eligibility for Social Security Benefits, the benefit will be reduced by 2/3 of 1% for each calendar month (which is, 8% per year) by which commencement of the benefit precedes the earliest age of eligibility for Social Security Benefits, or

(bb) for a Participant whose benefit commences on or after age 55 but prior to five years preceding the earliest age of eligibility for Social Security Benefits, the benefit will be reduced by the sum of the amount calculated in (aa) above and 1/3 of 1% for each calendar month (which is 4% per year) by which commencement of the benefit precedes five years prior to the earliest age of eligibility for Social Security Benefits.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Employer has elected
Section 5.01(a)(1)(iii), the amounts payable under Option C shall be the greater of the amounts determined in a manner


consistent with Section 5.01(a)(1)(iii) or the amounts determined under Section 5.01(a)(1)(i) or (ii), whichever is elected.

To the extent required by law, in no event shall the amount payable under Option D be less than the actuarially equivalent of the benefit that otherwise be payable to the Participant for his life only, using for these purposes the Applicable Mortality Table and the Applicable Interest Rate, as defined in Section 5.03(b)(1).


(1) IN GENERAL. Any benefit payable in accordance with Option E provided in Section 5.04 shall be determined as of the date benefits are to commence as the equivalent value of the benefit that otherwise would be payable to the Participant for his life only. The amount of the benefit shall be based on the Applicable Mortality Table and the Applicable Interest Rate for the date as of which the benefits are to commence, but shall be subject to the minimum benefit provisions specified in paragraphs (2), (3), (4) or (5) below, to the extent they apply.

For these purposes, "Applicable Mortality Table" shall mean the mortality table that is prescribed by the IRS based on the prevailing commissioners' standard table (described in ss. 807(d)(5)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code) used to determine reserves for group annuity contracts issued on the date as of which present value is being determined (without regard to any other subparagraph of ss. 807(d)(5)). "Applicable Interest Rate" shall mean, for any calendar quarter, the annual interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities as specified by the IRS for the fifth full calendar month preceding the first day of such calendar quarter.

(2) SIX MONTH TRANSITION FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS. In the case of a Participant whose benefit-commencement date is on or after July 1, 1996, but before January 1, 1997, in no event shall the amount of this Option E, Lump Sum be less than the amount determined as of the date benefits are to commence, but applying for these purposes the provisions of Section 5.03(b) which were in effect as of June 30, 1996.

(3) TRANSITION RULE FOR ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS. In the case of a Participant (i) who was an active Participant as of June 30, 1996, (ii) who, as of that date, had a vested right to benefits under this Program, and (iii) who retires on or before December 1, 1998, so that the Participant's benefit commencement date is prior to January 1, 1999, in no event shall the amount of this Option E, Lump Sum be less than the amount


determined as of the date benefits are to commence, but using for these purposes the Participant's vested accrued benefit as of June 30, 1996, and the provisions of Section 5.03(b) which were in effect as of June 30, 1996.

(4) REGULATORY TRANSITION AMOUNT. To the extent required by law, with respect to distributions which are determined as of a date that falls within the one-year period beginning July 1, 1996, and ending June 30, 1997, in no event shall the amount of this Option E, Lump Sum be less than the amount determined under Section 5.03(b)(1) as of the date benefits are to commence, but using for these purposes as the "Applicable Interest Rate," the interest rate specified in
Section 5.03(b)(1), or the annual interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities as specified by the IRS for January of the Program Year that contains the determination date, whichever interest rate produces the larger benefit.

(5) MINIMUM BASED ON NORMAL RETIREMENT BENEFIT. In no event shall the amount of this Option E, Lump Sum be less than the present value (determined as of the date benefits are to commence on the basis of the Applicable Mortality Table and the Applicable Interest Rate) of the Participant's Normal Retirement Benefit determined under
Section 4.02(b).

(C) CHANGE IN ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS OR CONVERSION FACTORS. If this box is checked [X] the Program (and/or predecessor program qualified under ss.401 of the Internal Revenue Code) specified the actuarial assumptions or conversion factors for determining an optional form of benefit described in
Section 5.04, and an amendment(s) (including the adoption of this Program or a restated version of the Program) changed the actuarial assumptions or conversion factors for determining such optional form of benefit; therefore, any benefit payable to the Participant in such optional form shall be no less than the benefit otherwise payable in such optional form, determined as of the day immediately prior to the effective date of the amendment(s) (i.e., determined as of December 30, 1998) and computed on the basis of the actuarial assumptions or conversion factors in effect on such date(s).


OPTION A. LIFE BENEFIT. This form of benefit is payable monthly to the Participant for He.

OPTION B. LIFE BENEFIT WITH 120 OR 240 PAYMENTS GUARANTEED. This form of benefit is payable monthly to the Participant for life with the first 120 or 240 monthly payments guaranteed, as elected by the Participant. Any guaranteed payments due after the death of the


Participant shall be payable to his Beneficiary, if any, who survives the Participant, or if there is no surviving Beneficiary, the commuted value of any remaining guaranteed payments shall be payable to the estate of said Participant. Such commuted value shall be determined by the Committee on the basis of an interest rate described in Section 5.03(b)(2).

OPTION C. JOINT AND CONTINGENT BENEFIT. This optional benefit is payable monthly to the Participant for life and a percentage (50%, 66-2/3% or 100%) of such amount, as elected by the Participant, shall continue after his death to his surviving Beneficiary for life.

OPTION D. SOCIAL SECURITY ADJUSTMENT. This optional benefit may be elected only upon commencement of benefits under Section 4.04(b), 4.05(b) or 4.08(b), if such commencement is prior to the earliest age of eligibility for Social Security Benefits. It provides an increased retirement benefit payable monthly to the Participant during his lifetime until the earliest age for Social Security Benefits, and then a reduced retirement benefit payable each month thereafter for life, in order to provide an approximately level retirement income when such reduced benefit is added to his Primary Social Security Benefit. This option shall be determined according to an estimated amount of Primary Social Security Benefit payable at the earliest age of eligibility for Social Security Benefits in accordance with the Social Security law as it exists on the date his retirement benefit is to commence.

OPTION E. LUMP SUM. This optional benefit is payment of the present value of the Participant's benefit in a single lump sure in full discharge of the benefit payable to the Participant.

5.05 CANCELLATION OF ELECTION OR BENEFICIARY CHANGE. The Participant may revoke an election made under Section 5.02(b) in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.02(b)(3). The election by a Participant of any option permitted under Section 5.04 shall be null and void if his designated Beneficiary dies before benefits are to commence, and in that event the Participant may elect another optional form of benefit pursuant to this Article 5.

A Participant who has elected Option B, Life Benefit with 120 or 240 Payments Guaranteed, may change the Beneficiary, at any time before or after benefits are payable, in writing on a form filed with the Committee in such manner as the Committee may determine. A Participant whose benefits have commenced under any other form of benefit may not change the beneficiary, unless paragraph one of this Section applies.

In all other respects, the elections made by a Participant as to form of benefit and Beneficiary shall be irrevocable.



(a) This Section 5.06 applies to distributions made on or after January 1, 1993. Notwithstanding any provision of the Program to the contrary that would otherwise limit a distributee's election under this Section 5.06, a distributee may elect, at the time, in the manner, and subject to the restrictions, all as prescribed by the Committee, to have any portion of an eligible rollover distribution otherwise due the distributee paid directly to an eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee in a direct rollover. Payment to an eligible retirement plan shall be made in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Committee.

(B) DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Section 5.06, the following definitions apply:

(1) An eligible rollover distribution is any distribution of all or any portion of the balance to the credit of the distributee, except that an eligible rollover distribution does not include: any distribution that is one of a series of substantially equal periodic payments (not less frequently than annually) made for the life (or life expectancy) of the distributee or the joint lives (or joint life expectancies) of the distributee and the distributee's designated beneficiary, or for a specified period of ten years or more; any distribution to the extent such distribution is required under ss. 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code; and the portion of any distribution that is not includible in gross income.

(2) An eligible retirement plan is an individual retirement account described in ss. 408(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, an individual retirement annuity described in ss. 408(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, an annuity plan described in ss. 403(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, or a qualified trust described in ss. 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, that accepts the distributee's eligible rollover distribution. However, in the case of an eligible rollover distribution to the surviving spouse, an eligible retirement plan is an individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity.

(3) A distributee includes an Employee or former Employee. In addition, the Employee's or former Employee's surviving spouse and the Employee's or former Employee's spouse or former spouse who is the alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order, as defined in ss. 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code, are distributees with regard to the interest of the spouse or former spouse.


(4) A direct rollover is a payment by the Program to the eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee.

Section 5.07 Liquidity Shortfall. In no event shall the Program make a payment prohibited by section 206(e) of ERISA during any period in which the Program has a liquidity shortfall."



6.01 ADMINISTRATION. The Committee is the named fiduciary and the administrator of the Program and shall have the sole power, duty and responsibility of directing the administration of the Program, except to the extent that such duty and responsibility is specifically delegated herein to the Employer. The Committee shall have the sole and absolute right and power to construe and interpret the provisions of the Program and administer it for the best interest of the Participants and Beneficiaries, including, but not limited to, the following powers and duties:

(a) to construe any ambiguity and interpret any provision of the Program or supply any omission or reconcile any inconsistencies in such manner as it deems proper, decide all questions of eligibility and determine the amount, manner, and time of payment of any benefits hereunder. All decisions of the Committee shall be uniformly and consistently applied to all Participants and Beneficiaries in similar circumstances;

(b) to make a determination as to the right of any person to a benefit and to prescribe a procedure for claims review;

(c) to establish uniform rules and procedures to be followed by Participants and Beneficiaries in filing applications for benefits, in furnishing and verifying proofs necessary to determine age, and in any other matters required to administer the Program;

(d) to receive and review the annual actuarial valuation report on the Program;

(e) to receive and review reports of the financial condition and of the receipts and disbursements of the Fund from the Trustee;

(f) to adopt such rules and actuarial tables as it deems necessary or desirable;

(g) to maintain and preserve a record for each Participant which shows all items of information required for the administration of the Program;

(h) to establish written procedures (consistent with the regulations prescribed under ss.ss.401(a)(13) and 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code and ss.206(d) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) to determine the qualified status of domestic relations orders and to administer distributions under qualified domestic relations orders; and

(i) to delegate some or all of its duties, responsibilities and authorities to one or more specified parties.


All directions by the Committee shall be conclusive on all parties concerned, including the Trustee, and all decisions of the Committee as to the facts of any case and the meaning, intent, or proper construction of any provision of the Program, or as to any rule or regulation in its application to any case shall be final and conclusive, except as otherwise provided by law.

6.02 RECORDS. All acts and determinations of the Committee shall be duly recorded and all such records, together with such other documents as may be necessary for the administration of the Program, shall be preserved in the custody of the Committee. Copies of the Program, forms and procedures shall be made available at all reasonable times for examination by the Participants.

6.03 LIABILITY OF THE COMMITTEE. The Employer shall indemnify and save the members of the Committee, and each of them, harmless from the effects and consequences of their acts, omissions and conduct in their official capacity with respect to this Program, except to the extent that such effects and consequences shall result from their own willful misconduct or gross negligence.

When making a determination or calculation, the Committee shall be entitled to rely conclusively upon, and shall be fully protected by the Employer in any action it may take or suffer in reliance upon, information furnished by the Employer.

The Employer and the Committee shall be entitled to rely upon all certificates and reports furnished by any consultant and actuary and upon all opinions given by legal counsel selected by the Employer or Committee.

6.04 PROCEDURE FOR FUNDING POLICY. The Committee from time to time shall establish a funding policy and method for the Program which is consistent with the objectives of the Program. The funding policy and method, as established and amended from time to time, shall be stated to the Trustee in order that the Trustee and each investment manager may coordinate the investment policies of the Trust Fund with such funding policy and method.

6.05 LEGAL INCOMPETENCE. If any Participant or Beneficiary is a minor, or is in the judgment of the Committee otherwise legally incapable of personally receiving and giving a valid receipt for any payment due him hereunder, the Committee may, unless and until a claim shall have been made by a guardian or conservator of such person duly appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction, direct the Trustee that payment be made to such person's Spouse, child, parent, brother or sister, or other person deemed by the Committee to be a proper person to


receive such payment. Any payment so made shall be a complete discharge of any liability under the Program for such payment.

6.06 CORRECTION OF ERRORS. If any change in records or error results in any Participant or Beneficiary receiving from the Program more or less than he would have been entitled to receive had the records been correct or had the error not been made, the Committee, upon discovery of such error, shall correct the error by adjustment, as far as practicable, of the payments in such manner that the benefits to which such person was correctly entitled shall be paid.

6.07 PAYMENT OF FEES AND EXPENSES. Reasonable fees and expenses incurred in connection with the administration and operation of the Program may be charged directly to the Trust, including, but not limited to investment manager fees, Trustee charges, actuarial/computer expenses, auditor fees, PBGC premiums, legal fees, bonding expenses, and expenses attributable to the retirement staff of the National Employee Benefits Administration of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association; provided, however, that such fees and expenses may be charged directly to the Trust only to the extent permitted by law; and provided further that in the event the Program is sponsored by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, the expenses attributable to the retirement staff of the National Employee Benefits Administration of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association shall not be charged to the Program. For these purposes, the allocation of fees and expenses to a particular Program's Trust shall be made in a manner consistent with the allocation method set forth in Section 2 of the agreement between the Employer and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (referred to as Exhibit B). Fees and expenses incurred in connection with the Program that are not charged directly to the Trust hereunder will be charged to the Employer in accordance with Section 2 of Exhibit B.



7.01 AMENDMENT OF PROGRAM. The right to modify, alter or amend the program in whole or in part is specified in the agreement between the Employer and the Blue Shield Association pursuant to which this Program is established referred to as Exhibit B); provided, however, that no amendment shall cause or permit any part of the Fund to be used for, or diverted to, purposes other than for the exclusive benefit of the Participants and Retired Participants, or their Beneficiaries or estates; that no amendment shall have the effect of revesting in the Employer any portion of such assets, except as provided in Section 7.04 and as provided by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, ERISA, or other law; and that no amendment, unless it is necessary to meet the requirements of any present, new or modified State or Federal law or regulation, shall operate to deprive any Participant or Beneficiary of any benefits which have vested in him prior to such amendment.


(A) TERMINATION BY THE EMPLOYER. The Employer expects the Program to be continued indefinitely, but the Employer reserves the right at any time to terminate, partially terminate or withdraw from the program or transfer assets to an annuity carrier of its own selection (any of the aforementioned referred to in this Section 7.02 as a "Termination"). Such termination, withdrawal or transfer of assets shall be as of the last day of any calendar year after forwarding the required notice of termination as provided in Section
7.02(c) The employer also reserves the right to suspend contributions from time to time and such suspension of contributions shall not be deemed to be a Termination of the Program except as provided in the agreement between the Employer and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association pursuant to which this Program is established.

(B) LIMITATION ON DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE. The decision to have a Termination ("Terminate this Program") being within the full discretion of the Employer under subsection (a), above, upon the Committee's receipt of an Employer's written notice of it intent to Terminate the Program given in accordance with subsection (c), below, the power and duty of the Committee in connection with such Termination the Program, except as specifically provided in this Section 7.02. The Employer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Committee and the Blue Cross and


Blue Shield Association and the employees, officers, members and agents of each
(each of the aforementioned hereinafter referred to as an "Indemnified Party")
from and against any and all past, present or future losses, claims, damages, expenses, court costs or liabilities ("Claims") incurred by any Indemnified Party that may arise out of or result from the Employer's decision to Terminate the Program, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees and related expenses (including the reasonable fees and related expenses of independent counsel of any Indemnified Party) retained or employed in order to defend or respond to any such Claim. Each Indemnified Party shall have the right to participate in any proceeding, suit, hearing, action or investigation (a "Proceeding") brought in connection to any such Claim and assume the defense of any Proceeding to the extent determined by the Indemnified Party. Each Indemnified Party shall have the right to select and employ independent counsel in any Proceeding.

(C) NOTICE OF TERMINATION. In the event that an Employer desires to Terminate the Program, the Employer shall deliver a written notice of intent to Terminate the Program to the Committee no later than

(1) ninety days prior to the proposed date of the Termination, in the case of a settlement of liabilities through the purchase of annuities or transfer of assets to another program, or

(2) one hundred twenty days prior to the proposed date of the Termination, in the case of a termination or partial termination of the Program, except that (i) if the Committee determines that a partial termination of the Program has occurred under applicable law, notification under this
Section 7.02(c) shall be waived, or (ii) if the Employer determines that a partial termination has occurred or will occur under applicable law, the Employer shall deliver written notice thereof to the Committee immediately upon making such determination.

(D) SECRETARY AND ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE COMMITTEE. The Committee hereby delegates to the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary appointed by the Committee the full power and duty, exercisable either by such Secretary or such Assistant Secretary acting alone, to take such actions and make such determinations, whether ministerial or discretionary, as are specified to be undertaken by either such person in this Section 7.02.

(E) SEGREGATION OF FUND ASSETS. Upon the Committee's receipt of an Employer's written notice of its intent to Terminate the Program given in accordance with this Section 7.02, the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary of the Committee shall take all steps deemed necessary


by either such person to segregate the Fund assets which are attributable to the Employer's Program from the remainder of the Master Retirement Fund, after either such person has determined the amount so attributable and after the determinations provided for in subsection (f), below, have been made. The segregation of such assets shall be made effective as of the last day of the month which immediately precedes the date of the Termination, except as provided below. If such day precedes the date of the Termination by less than thirty days, the segregation of such assets shall be made effective as of the last day of the immediately prior month. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the segregation of such assets shall be made effective on such other date as is mutually agreed upon by the Employer and either the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary of the Committee.

(F) DETERMINATION OF ASSETS UPON A TERMINATION. After the Committee's receipt of an Employer's written notice of intent to Terminate the Program given in accordance with this Section 7.02, the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary of the Committee, in his or her sole discretion, after consultation with the Employer and the Employer's successor investment advisor, if any, shall determine which particular assets and the proportions thereof which shall comprise the Fund assets attributable to the Employer's Program and which shall be segregated (under subsection (e), above) and transferred (or liquidated, with the cash proceeds thereof delivered) as of the date of the Termination to the successor trustee (or annuity carrier) designated by the Employer as transferee of such assets (or cash). Upon making such determination, the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary, as the case may be, shall notify the Employer of such determination. In the event that the Employer is dissatisfied by such determination of the assets to be so transferred, the Employer may appeal to the Committee in order to request an alternative selection of assets to be transferred. In the event that the Employer so appeals the Secretary's or Assistant Secretary's selection of assets to be transferred, the Committee's decision regarding the assets to be transferred, after due consideration of the Employer's request, shall be final, conclusive and binding.

(G) TERMINATION EXPENSES. An Employer which has given the Committee its written notice of intent to Terminate the Program in accordance with this Section 7.02 shall pay all expenses incurred by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and its agents or employees in connection with such Employer's Termination of the Program ("Termination Expenses"), and all such expenses shall be charged directly to such Employer. The term "Termination Expenses" shall include any such expenses incurred prior to or as a part of the Termination, as well as any


such expenses incurred subsequent to the Termination, such as but not limited to audit expenses or expenses incurred in filing forms with the Internal Revenue Service or the PBGC. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any such Termination Expenses which are expenses that are properly chargeable to the Trust shall be charged to the Fund assets attributable to the Employer's Program (rather than charged to the Employer), after segregation of such assets under subsection (e), above.

7.03 RIGHTS NON-FORFEITABLE. The forfeitable rights to accrued benefits (determined as of the date of termination of the Program) of Participants affected by a partial or complete termination of the Program pursuant to Section 7.02 shall be non-forfeitable and shall be determined in accordance with this Article 7. Distributions of assets to all Participants and Beneficiaries shall be made in accordance with this Article 7. If annuities are distributed, they shall be non-transferable.

7.04 DISTRIBUTION ON TERMINATION. Upon partial or complete termination pursuant to Section 7.02 of the Program, the assets of the Program shall be allocated in the following order:

First, each Participant in receipt of a benefit shall be entitled to a share equal to his contributions to the Program which were not mandatory, if any, and each Participant, Spouse or Beneficiary in receipt of a pension shall be entitled to a share equal to any excess of said contributions at the time of retirement or prior death over the sum of benefits received; and

Second, each Participant not yet retired shall be entitled to a share equal to his mandatory contributions, if any, to the Program, and each Participant, Spouse or Beneficiary in receipt of a pension shall be entitled to a share equal to any excess of said contributions at the time of retirement or prior death over the sum of benefits received; and

Third, each Participant, Spouse or Beneficiary in receipt of a benefit on the date three years prior to the date of termination, each Participant who would have been in receipt of a benefit on the date three years prior to such date of termination, if he had retired prior to that date, and each Spouse or Beneficiary of a deceased Participant who was in receipt of a benefit on the date three years prior to the date of termination or would have been in receipt of a benefit had he retired prior to such date, shall be entitled to a share equal to the reserve computed to be required for his benefit accrued under the Program as in effect at the time during the five-year period ending on such date of termination when the said benefit was or would have been the lowest, reduced by his share under subparagraphs First and Second above; and


Fourth, each Participant, Spouse or Beneficiary in receipt of a benefit and each participant who is eligible to retire on the date of such termination shall be entitled to a share equal to the reserve computed to be required for his priority benefit credits, as hereinafter defined, reduced by his shares under subparagraphs First, Second and Third above; and

Fifth, each Participant or former Employee not eligible to retire who had met the eligibility requirements for, or is entitled to receive a deferred vested pension shall be entitled to a share equal to the reserve computed to be required to his priority benefit credits, as hereinafter defined, reduced by his share under subparagraphs First and Second above; and

Sixth, each Participant, Spouse or Beneficiary in receipt of a benefit and each Participant who is eligible to retire on the date of such termination shall be entitled to a share equal to the reserve computed to be required for his benefit credits, reduced by his shares under subparagraphs First, Second, Third and Fourth above; and

Seventh, each Participant or former Employee not eligible to retire who has met the eligibility requirements for, or is entitled to receive, a deferred vested pension shall be entitled to a share equal to the reserve computed to be required for such deferred vested pension, reduced by his shares under subparagraphs First, Second and Fifth above; and

Eighth, each other Participant not included in the above paragraphs on the date of such termination shall be entitled to a share equal to the reserve computed to be required for his benefit credits, reduced by his share, if any, under subparagraph First and Second above; provided that:

If the funds are insufficient to provide in full for the shares under subparagraph First, each share thereunder shall be reduced prorata; if the funds are insufficient to provide in full for the shares under subparagraph Second, each share thereunder shall be reduced prorata; and if the funds are insufficient to provide in full for the shares under subparagraph Third, Fourth or Fifth after provision for all shares under previous subparagraphs, each share under such subparagraph Third, Fourth or Fifth shall be reduced prorata.

If the funds are insufficient to provide in full for the shares under subparagraph Sixth, Seventh or Eighth after provisions for all shares under previous subparagraphs, the funds available for allocation under such subparagraph Sixth, Seventh or Eighth shall be allocated first to provide the shares under such subparagraph without regard to any benefits resulting from any amendments to the Program which became


effective within the 60 months preceding the date of such termination and if the funds are insufficient to provide such shares in full each such share shall be reduced prorata. If the funds are sufficient to provide such shares in full, any remaining assets shall be allocated to provide the shares under such subparagraphs based on the benefits resulting from such amendments until the first such amendment as to which the funds are insufficient, and the share with respect to such amendment shall be reduced prorata.

Any assets remaining after provision in full for shares First through Eighth inclusive shall be returned to the Employer.

"Priority benefit" for purposes of subparagraphs Fourth and Fifth shall mean (a) the amount of a Participant's benefits accrued under the Program which have not resulted from an amendment which was made, or became effective, whichever is later, within the 60-month period ending on the said date of termination, plus (b) 20% of the amount of his accrued benefits resulting from each amendment made within the 60-month period prior to the date of such termination, multiplied by the number of full years that such amendment has been in effect, or a pension of $20 per month multiplied by such number of full years, if greater, but not in excess of (c) the total accrued benefit under the Program as of the said date of termination, or (d) the benefit which is the actuarial equivalent of a monthly benefit payable to the Participant for life commencing at age 65 equal to the lesser of (i) his average monthly compensation during the five consecutive years of his employment with the Employer affording the highest such average, or (ii) $750 multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the Social Security taxable wage base in effect on the date of such termination and the denominator of which is $13,200.

7.05 LIQUIDATION OF ASSETS. The Committee will then arrange for the liquidation of the Fund assets and secure from the Trustee a statement of the liquidated value of such assets, and will disclose to the Internal Revenue Service the method of distribution of such assets of the Program in accordance with Section 7.06.

7.06 PURCHASE OF BENEFITS. The Employer will then arrange for the application of the assets to the purchase of benefits. Subject to the provisions of Article 7, distribution of assets upon termination of the Program shall be made in the form of a single sum cash payment if the present value of the benefit is $5,000 or less, and otherwise in the form of an annuity. Such present value shall be calculated on the basis of the Applicable Mortality Table and the Applicable Interest Rate, as defined in Section 5.03(b)(1). Any annuity contract issued in


accordance with this Section 7.06 shall comply with the requirements of ss.ss.401(x)(11), 411(d)(6), and 417 of the Internal Revenue Code.

7.07 RESTRICTION OF BENEFITS. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Program to the contrary, benefits payable under the Program shall be subject to the restrictions of Treas. Reg. ss. 1.401(x)(4)-5(b)(2) and
(3), as provided herein. In no event shall this Section be interpreted to impose requirements which are more restrictive than those imposed by such regulations.

(A) RESTRICTIONS ON TERMINATION OF THE PROGRAM. In the event that the Program is terminated, the benefit of any highly compensated employee and any former highly compensated employee shall be limited to a benefit that is nondiscriminatory under ss. 401(x)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.


(1) In any year, the payment of benefits to or on behalf of a restricted employee shall not exceed an amount equal to the payments that would be made to or on behalf of the restricted employee in that year under --

(i) a straight life annuity that is the actuarial equivalent of the accrued benefit and other benefits to which the restricted employee is entitled under the Program (other than a social security supplement); and

(ii) a social security supplement, if any, that the restricted employee is entitled to receive.

(2) A restricted employee is a highly compensated employee or a former highly compensated employee but only if such employee is one of the 25 nonexcludable employees and former employees with the largest amount of compensation in the current or any prior year.

(3) No restrictions on distributions shall apply if any one of the following conditions is satisfied:

(i) After taking into account payment to or on behalf of the restricted employee of all benefits payable to or on behalf of such restricted employee under this Program, the value of Program assets equals or exceeds 110 percent of the value of current liabilities of this Program, as defined in ss. 412(1)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code,


(ii) The value of the benefits payable to or on behalf of the restricted employee under this Program is less than 1 percent of the value of current liabilities of this Program, as defined in ss. 412(1)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code, before distribution, or

(iii) The value of the benefits payable to or on behalf of the restricted employee under this Program does not exceed $5,000.

(4) In the event the pre-termination restrictions of this Section 7.07(b) apply to a distribution, the Committee may nevertheless permit payment in excess of the limitation in paragraph
(1) provided that an agreement has been established with the restricted employee to secure repayment to the Program of any amount necessary for the distribution of assets upon Program termination to satisfy ss. 401(a)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Such agreement shall comply with applicable IRS rules and regulations.



8.01 ACTION BY EMPLOYER. Whenever under the terms of this Program the Employer is permitted or required to perform any act, it shall be done and performed by an officer thereunto duly authorized by its board of directors unless the authority to perform the act has been otherwise delegated pursuant to this Program.

8.02 LIABILITY OF EMPLOYER. The Employer shall have no liability for payments under the Program or administration of the Fund except as otherwise provided by law. Persons entitled to benefits shall look solely to the Fund for any payments under the Program.

8.03 SUCCESSOR TO BUSINESS OF EMPLOYER. Unless this Program is sooner terminated, a successor to the business of the Employer shall continue the Program and such successor shall thereupon succeed to all the rights, powers and duties of the Employer hereunder. The Employment of any Employee who has continued in the employ of such successor shall not be deemed to have been terminated or severed for any purpose hereunder.

8.04 DISSOLUTION OF THE EMPLOYER. In the event that the Employer is dissolved by reason of bankruptcy or insolvency, without any provision being made for the continuance of this Program by a successor to the business of the Employer, the Program hereunder shall terminate and the Trustee shall proceed in the same manner as though the Program were being terminated as provided in Article 7.

8.05 INTEREST IN THE FUND. Except to the extent provided herein, no Participant, Beneficiary, nor any dependent of a Participant, nor any person claiming by or through such Participant, nor any other person, partnership, firm or corporation shall have any right, title or interest in or to the Fund or any part thereof; and the Fund shall not be liable for or subject to the debts, contracts, or liabilities of any such person, partnerships, firms or corporations, and no such person, partnership, firm or corporation shall have any right to any portion of the Fund.

8.06 CLAIMS. Any payment of benefit to a Participant or Beneficiary, or to their legal representatives, in accordance with the provisions of the Program, shall, to the extent of the method of computation as well as the amount thereof, constitute full satisfaction of all claims hereunder against the Trustee, Committee and the Employer, who may require such Participant or Beneficiary or legal representative, as a condition precedent to such payment, to execute a receipt therefor in such forms as shall be determined by the Trustee, Committee or the Employer, as the case may be.


8.07 MERGERS, CONSOLIDATIONS AND TRANSFERS OF ASSETS. In the event that this Program merges or consolidates with, or transfers its assets or liabilities to, any other program of deferred compensation qualified under ss.401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, no Participant herein shall, solely on account of such merger, consolidation or transfer, be entitled to a benefit immediately following such event which is less than the benefit to which he was entitled immediately preceding such event. For the purpose of this Section, the benefit to which a Participant is entitled shall be calculated based upon the assumption that the Program termination and distribution of assets occurred on the day as of which the amount of the Participant's entitlement is being determined.

8.08 NON-ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFITS. The benefits under this Program shall not be assigned or alienated, except to the extent required by the terms of a "qualified domestic relations order" (as defined in ss.414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code) entered on or after January 1, 1985. The Committee shall treat a domestic relations order entered before January 1, 1985, as a qualified domestic relations order if payment of benefits pursuant to such order has commenced as of such date. The Committee may, in its sole discretion, treat any other domestic relations order entered before January 1, 1985, as a qualified domestic relations order.

In the case of any domestic relations order received by the Committee on or after January 1, 1985, the Committee shall promptly notify the Participant and any other alternate payee (as defined in ss.414(p)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code) of the receipt of such order and of the procedures for determining the qualified status of domestic relations orders. Within a reasonable period after receipt of such order, the Committee shall determine whether such order is qualified and shall notify the Participant and each alternate payee of such determination. During any period in which the qualified status of a domestic relations order is being determined (by the Committee, a court, or otherwise), the Committee shall direct the Trustee to segregate in a separate account the amounts that would have been payable to each alternate payee if the order had been determined to be a qualified domestic relations order. If, within 18 months of the receipt of the order, the order (or modification thereof) is determined to be a qualified domestic relations order, the Committee shall direct the Trustee to pay the segregated amounts (plus any interest thereon) to the person or persons entitled thereto. If, within 18 months of the receipt of the order, it is determined that the order is not qualified, or the issue as to whether the order is qualified is not resolved, then the Committee shall direct the Trustee to pay the segregated amounts plus any interest thereon) to the person or persons who would have been entitled to such


amounts if there had been no order. Any determination that an order is qualified which is made after the close of the 18-month period shall be applied prospectively only.

8.08A CERTAIN JUDGMENTS. The prohibitions set forth in Section 8.08 shall not apply to any offset of a Participant's benefits provided under this Program against an amount that the Participant is ordered or required to pay to the Program if--

(a) the order or requirement to pay arises:

(1) under a judgment of conviction for a crime involving the Program,

(2) under a civil judgment (including a consent order or decree) entered by a court in an action brought in connection with a violation (or alleged violation) of part 4 of subtitle B of title I of ERISA, or

(3) pursuant to a settlement agreement between the Secretary of Labor and the Participant, or a settlement agreement between the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Participant, in connection with a violation (or alleged violation) of part 4 of such subtitle by a fiduciary or any other person,

(b) the judgment, order, decree, or settlement agreement expressly provides for the offset of all or part of the amount ordered or required to be paid to the Program against the Participant's benefits provided under the Program, and

(c) if the Participant has a spouse at the time at which the offset is to be made,

(1) either such spouse has consented in writing to such offset and such consent is witnessed by a notary public or an Employer representative of the Program (or it is established to the satisfaction of the Committee that such consent may not be obtained by reason of circumstances described in Code Section 417(a)(2)(B) ), or an election to waive the right of the spouse to either a qualified joint and survivor annuity or a qualified preretirement survivor annuity is in effect in accordance with the requirements of Code Section 417(a),

(2) such spouse is ordered or required in such judgment, order, decree, or settlement to pay an amount to the Program in connection with a violation of part 4 of such subtitle, or

(3) in such judgment, order, decree, or settlement, such spouse retains the right to receive the survivor annuity under a qualified joint and survivor annuity provided pursuant to Code Section 401(a)(11)(A)(i) and under a qualified preretirement


survivor annuity provided pursuant to Code Section 401(a accordance with subsection (d), below.

(d) The survivor annuity described in subsection (c) shall be determined as if:

(1) the Participant terminated employment on the date of the offset,

(2) there was no offset,

(3) the Program permitted commencement of benefits only on or after Normal Retirement Age,

(4) the Program provided only the minimum-required qualified joint and survivor annuity, and

(5) the amount of the qualified preretirement survivor annuity the Program is equal to the amount of the survivor annuity; required qualified joint and survivor annuity.

For purposes of this subsection, the term "minimum required qualified joint and survivor annuity" means the qualified joint and survivor annuity which is the actuarial equivalent of the Participant's accrued benefit (within the meaning of Code Section 411(a)(7)) and under which the survivor annuity is 50 percent of the amount of the annuity which is payable during the joint lives of the Participant and the Participant's spouse.

8.09 DEFINITION OF WORDS. Feminine or neuter pro: those of the masculine form, and the plural shall be substituted for places herein where the context may require such substitution.

8.10 TITLES. The titles of Articles and Sections are and shall not be construed as part of the Program or in any respect provisions.

8.11 CONSTRUCTION. In any question of interpretation or other matter of doubt, the Trustee, the Committee and the Employer may rely upon the opinion provisions of the Program shall be construed, administered and the State of Illinois to the extent that the application of state law to the Program has not been preempted by ss.514 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. All contributions to the Fund shall be deemed to take place in the State of Illinois.


8.12 EXECUTION OF THE PROGRAM. The execution of this Program shall be accomplished by means of an agreement (referred to as Exhibit B) with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association which is attached to and constitutes part of the Program. This document may be executed in any number of counterparts and each fully executed counterpart shall be deemed an original.



9.01 APPLICATION OF ARTICLE. Notwithstanding any provision of the Program to the contrary, the provisions of this Article shall apply with respect to any Program Year beginning on or after January 1, 1984, if, and only if, the Program is deemed to be a "top-heavy plan" with respect to such Year within the meaning of ss.416 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The Program shall constitute a "top-heavy plan" if --

(a) the Program is not part of an aggregation group and, as of the determination date, the present value of the cumulative accrued benefits under the Program for key employees exceeds 60 percent of the present value of the cumulative accrued benefits under the Program for all employees, where such ratio is computed in accordance with the provisions of ss.416(g) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and any regulations prescribed thereunder, or

(b) the Program must be included in an aggregation group and such group is a top-heavy group. meaning indicated:

9.02 DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Article, the following terms shall have the

(A) AGGREGATION GROUP. The term "aggregation group" means-

(1) each retirement program maintained by the Employer which qualifies under ss.401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and in which a key employee is a participant;

(2) each other program maintained by the Employer which enables a program described in the preceding clause to meet the non-discrimination requirements of ss.401(a)(4) or the participation requirements of ss.410 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; and

(3) if the Employer so elects, any other program of the Employer, if, after the inclusion of such program in the aggregation group, such group would continue to meet the non-discrimination requirements of ss.401(a)(4) and the participation, requirements of ss.410 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(B) TOP-HEAVY GROUP. The term "top-heavy group" means any aggregation group if, as of the determination date, the sum of the present value of the cumulative accrued benefits for key employees under all defined benefit programs included in such group, and the aggregate of the accounts of key employees under all defined contribution programs included in


such group, exceeds 60 percent of the analogous sum determined for all employees. The present value of the cumulative accrued benefits for any employee and the value of the account of any employee shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of ss.416(g) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and any regulations prescribed thereunder.

(C) KEY EMPLOYEE. The term "key employee" means any individual who is a key employee within the meaning of ss.416(i)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe thereunder.

(D) NON-KEY EMPLOYEE. The term "non-key employee" means any Employee who is not a key employee.

(E) DETERMINATION DATE. The term "determination date" means, with respect to any Program Year, the last day of the preceding Program Year; in the case of the initial Program Year, however, the determination date is the last day of such year.

(F) VALUATION DATE. The term "valuation date" means the first day of the Program Year containing the determination date.


(1) ACCRUED BENEFIT. The "accrued benefit" of a Participant means --

(i) in the case of the initial Program Year, the benefit accrued under Articles 4 and 9 of the Program, determined as if the Participant terminated service as of the determination date; and

(ii) in the case of any other Program Year, the benefit accrued under Articles 4 and 9 of the Program, determined as if the Participant terminated service as of the valuation date.

(2) PRESENT VALUE OF CUMULATIVE ACCRUED BENEFIT. The present value of a Participant's cumulative accrued benefit shall be computed based on an interest rate of 5 percent and the mortality rates shall be unisex rates constructed based upon the 1986 Projected Experience Table assuming a distribution of 46 percent males and 54 percent females. Each Participant's benefit shall be assumed to commence at the age at which the benefit is most valuable to the Participant.

Solely for the purpose of determining if the Program and any other program included in a required aggregation group of which this Program is a part, is top-heavy (within the meaning of ss.416(g) of the Internal Revenue Code) the accrued benefit of a Participant who is a non-key employee shall be determined under (i) the


method, if any, that uniformly applies for accrual purposes under all programs maintained by the Employer or (ii) if there is no such method, as if such benefit accrued not more rapidly than the slowest accrual rate permitted under the fractional accrual rate of ss.416(b)(1)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(H) EMPLOYER. To the extent required under ss.416 of the Internal Revenue Code, the term Employer includes (1) any corporation that is a member of a controlled group of corporations (as defined in ss.414(b) of the Internal Revenue Code) that includes the Employer, (2) any trade or business (whether or not incorporated) that is under common control (as defined in ss.414(c) of the Internal Revenue Code) with the Employer, (3) any organization (whether or not incorporated) that is a member of an affiliated service group (as defined in ss.414(m) of the Internal Revenue Code) that includes the Employer, (4) except to the extent otherwise provided in regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under ss.414(n) of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to periods of service required under ss.414(n)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code to be credited to a leased employee (as defined in ss.414(n) of the Internal Revenue Code) or a common-law employee, the leasing organization, and
(5) any other entity required to be aggregated with the Employer pursuant to regulations under ss.414(0) of the Internal Revenue Code.


(A) TOP-HEAVY VESTING SCHEDULE. If, with respect to any Program Year, the Program is deemed to be a top-heavy plan, then each Participant shall have a nonforfeitable right to a percentage of his accrued benefit under the Program (including benefits accrued before January 1, 1984, and before the Program becomes top-heavy), determined under the following schedule:

Years of Vesting Services       Nonforfeitable Percentage
-------------------------       ------------------------
           2                               20
           3                               40
           4                               60
           5                               80
           6 or more                      100

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the top-heavy vesting schedule described above shall not apply to the accrued benefit of any Participant who fails to complete an Hour of Service after the Program becomes a top-heavy plan.


(B) CHANGE IN VESTING SCHEDULE. In the event that the Program ceases to be a top-heavy plan, then each Participant's interest in his accrued benefit under the Program shall vest in accordance with the following rules;

(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) below, the nonforfeitable percentage of a Participant's accrued benefit shall be determined under the terms of the Program without regard to the provisions of Section 9.03(a).

(2) If a Participant has 3 or more Years of Vesting Service, the nonforfeitable percentage of his accrued benefit shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.03(a) or
Section 9.03(b)(1), whichever produces the greater vested benefit. Provided, however, that such a Participant's nonforfeitable percentage shall not be greater than that which is determined under the Program without regard to the provisions of Section 9.03(a) unless under regulations or rulings interpreting Sections 411 and 416 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, such a Participant would otherwise have the right to an election described in Section 411(1)(10)(B) of such Code.

(3) In no event shall a change in the vesting schedule resulting from a change in the Program's top-heavy status reduce the nonforfeitable percentage of any Participant's accrued benefit (determined as of the date the change in the vesting schedule occurs).


(A) GENERAL RULE. If, with respect to any Program Year, the Program is deemed to be a top-heavy plan, then the accrued benefit of each Participant who is a non-key employee, when expressed as an annual retirement benefit, shall be at least 2 percent of the average of the Participant's compensation (as defined in Section 4.12(a)) for years in the "testing period", multiplied by his number of Years of Employer Service (but not more than 10 such years). For purposes of this Section, a Year of Employer Service shall not be taken into account if the Program was not a top-heavy plan for any Program Year ending during such Year of Employer Service, or if such Year of Employer Service was completed in a Program Year beginning before January 1, 1984.

(B) TESTING PERIOD. For purposes of Section 9.04(a), a Participant's "testing period" is the period of consecutive Years of Employer Service (not exceeding 5) during which the Participant had the greatest aggregate compensation from the Employer; provided, however, that a year shall not be included in the testing period if such year ends in a Program Year


beginning before January 1, 1984, or such year begins after the close of the last Program Year in which the Program was a top-heavy plan.

(C) ANNUAL RETIREMENT BENEFIT. For purposes of Section 9.04(a), the term "annual retirement benefit" means a benefit payable annually in the form of a single life annuity (with no ancillary benefits) beginning at Normal Retirement Age. If the form of benefit is other than a single life annuity or the benefit commences at a date before or after attainment of Normal Retirement Age, each Participant who is a non-key employee must receive an amount that is the actuarial equivalent of the minimum single life annuity commencing at Normal Retirement Age. The minimum benefit described in Section 9.04(a) shall not be adjusted to take into consideration the availability of preretirement ancillary benefits under the Program.

(D) NONFORFEITABLE BENEFITS. The minimum benefits required under this Section shall vest in the same manner as any other benefits accrued under the Program, except that the minimum benefits shall not be subject to permanent suspension in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.13.

(E) NONDUPLICATION OF BENEFITS. If the Employer maintains a defined contribution program in addition to this Program, the Employer shall provide. non-key employees who participate in both programs with a minimum contribution under the defined contribution program in lieu of the minimum benefit described in Section 9.04(a). Such minimum contribution shall be the minimum amount required by regulations prescribed under ss.4I 6(c) and (f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(F) LIMITATION ON MINIMUM BENEFIT. This Section sets forth the requirements imposed by ss.416(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and the regulations prescribed thereunder and shall not be interpreted to impose any requirements other than, or provide any benefits greater than, those mandated by such provisions of law.

9.05 LIMITATION ON COMPENSATION. The limitation on Earnings in
Section 1.06 shall be applied in determining compensation under the Program.


(A) BASIC LIMITATION. If, with respect to any Program Year, the Program is deemed to be a top-heavy plan, then the limitation described in
Section 4.12(h), if it is otherwise applicable, shall be applied by substituting "1.0" for."1.25" wherever the latter appears in that Section.


(B) EXCEPTION. Paragraph (a) shall not apply, however, if the Program is not a "super top-heavy plan" (as defined in paragraph (c)) and the Program provides each non-key employee with the additional minimum benefit described in paragraph (d).

(C) SUPER TOP-HEAVY PLAN. The Program shall constitute a "super top-heavy plan" unless the Program would not be a top heavy plan if "90 percent" were substituted for "60 percent" wherever the latter appears in Sections 9.01(a) and 9.02(b).

(D) ADDITIONAL MINIMUM BENEFIT. The requirements of this paragraph shall be satisfied if the Program would satisfy the minimum benefit provisions of Section 9.04 if "3 percent" were substituted for "2 percent" in paragraph (a) thereof, or, if an Employer is providing the minimum contribution under the defined contribution program in accordance with Section 9.04(e), such additional contributions are made to the defined contribution program as shall be required under regulations prescribed under ss.416(f) and (h)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(E) COORDINATION WITH SECTION 4.12. If the basic limitation described in paragraph (a) of this Section applies to the Program with respect to any Program Year, and the procedure is adopted to compute the denominator of the defined contribution program fraction in accordance with the transitional rule of Section 4.12(h)(3), then Section 4.12(h)(3)(i)(aa) shall be applied by substituting "$41,500" for "$51,875."



10.01 RETIREE HEALTH BENEFITS. This Article 10 is intended to provide for the pre-funding of certain retiree health benefits provided under the terms of the _______________________ (the "Retiree Health Program") with respect to Eligible Retirees and Eligible Dependents (as defined in Sections 10.02 and 10.03). Except to the extent that benefits provided through this Article 10 have been previously paid under the Retiree Health Program through other contributions of the Employer or disbursements from a trust attributable to such contributions, it is intended that benefits provided to Eligible Retirees and Eligible Dependents under the terms of the Retiree Health Program shall be provided, first, by disbursement from such a trust or trusts, if any, attributable to Employer contributions, and, next, by disbursement of assets held in accordance with this Article 10 to the Claims Administrator under the Retiree Health Program (as defined in Section 10.08). Notwithstanding any provision of the Program to the contrary, this Article 10 is only intended to provide a source of payment for future benefits to which Eligible Retirees and Eligible Dependents may be entitled under the Retiree Health Program described in Section 10.07. Entitlement of any Eligible Retiree or Eligible Dependent to benefits hereunder is expressly limited to any such rights under the Retiree Health Program and is subject to any limitations, including rights reserved by the Employer to amend, terminate or otherwise change the Retiree Health Program. This Article 10 is intended to meet the requirements of Code Section 401(h) and shall be interpreted accordingly.

10.02 ELIGIBLE RETIREES, ELIGIBLE DEPENDENTS. The eligibility of former Employees of the Employer and the eligibility of their spouses and dependents to receive benefits under this Article 10 shall be determined solely in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Retiree Health Program, as amended from time to time. Each former Employee of the Employer who satisfies the requirements of the Retiree Health Program for entitlement for a retiree health benefit thereunder, who is eligible to receive retirement benefits under this Program and who is not excluded from the group of such former Employees for whom contributions will be made under the Trust as provided in Section 10.03 below shall be considered an "Eligible Retiree". Each spouse and dependent of such former Employee who satisfies the requirements of the Retiree Health Program for entitlement for a retiree health benefit thereunder, who is eligible to receive retirement benefits under this Program and who is not excluded from the group of such


spouses and dependents for whom contributions will be made under the Trust as provided in Section 10.03 below shall be considered an "Eligible Dependent". Except as expressly provided to the contrary herein with respect to amounts actually disbursed under the Trust to or for the benefit of an Eligible Retiree or Eligible Dependent, neither such Eligible Retirees and Eligible Dependents, nor any medical care providers or assignees shall have any right, title or interest with respect to any assets of the Trust. All such Trust assets shall be held hereunder for the benefit of all Eligible Retirees and Eligible Dependents covered by the Retiree Health Program, and shall be available for disbursement in accordance with Sections 10.08 and 10.09 to or for the benefit of any Eligible Retirees or Eligible Dependents covered by the Retiree Health Program, except that benefits that are paid to a Key Employee (as defined in Code Section
401(h)) shall be limited to the amounts credited to the Key Employee's Account as established under Section 10.06. The entitlement of specific Employees, former Employees, spouses, dependents, medical providers or assignees (subject to Section 8.08, Code Section 401(a)(13) and ERISA Section 206(d)) to receive disbursements of assets held in the Trust shall be determined solely under the terms and conditions of the Retiree Health Program.

10.03 LIMITATIONS ON ELIGIBILITY. The benefits payable under this Article 10 shall not be utilized to provide benefits under the Retiree Health Program for the following groups of otherwise Eligible Retirees and Eligible Dependents:

Check as many boxes as are applicable:

[ ] (i) Each Employee who is categorized as a Key Employee as such term is defined in Code Section 401(h) and the spouse and dependents of such person.

[ ](ii) Each Employee who is a member of a collective bargaining unit and the spouse and dependents of such person.

[ ](iii) Each person who ____________________ and the spouse and dependents of such person.

10.04 NO EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS. Eligible Retirees and their Eligible Dependents may be required to pay a portion or all of the cost of the coverages provided under the Retiree Health Program. Any such contributions by Eligible Retirees or Eligible Dependents shall be made and applied to provide benefits solely in the manner required by the terms and conditions of such Retiree Health Program. No Eligible Retirees or Eligible Dependents shall be permitted to make contributions hereunder. The foregoing limitation shall not prevent the


Trustee or the Committee from seeking to recover from any person amounts paid from the Trust in error or amounts which any such person may owe to the Trust under principles of subrogation.

10.05 EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS. Each year the Employer shall make a contribution to the Trust in an amount determined by the Employer on the advice of a qualified actuary. The amount contributed each year by an Employer shall be determined in accordance with the following rules:

(A) ACTUARIAL DETERMINATION OF CONTRIBUTION LIMITS. The amount of such contribution shall be determined pursuant to a written report prepared by a qualified actuary retained for this purpose. The amount so determined for any Program Year shall be reasonable and ascertainable as required by Code Section 401(h) and shall not exceed the amount of the maximum deduction which the Employer is entitled to receive for such contribution for the Program Year to which such contribution relates as determined by such actuary;

(B) COORDINATION OF ACTUARIAL FUNDING WITH FUNDING UNDER OTHER PROGRAMS. In determining the actuarial cost of future retiree health benefits in accordance with (a) above, the actuary shall coordinate such determination with the actuary or actuaries performing similar determinations under any voluntary employees' beneficiary association trusts qualified under Code Section 501(c)(9) or other funding vehicles (in accordance with the coordination method described in Section 10.01) to which contributions have been made or are to be made by the Employer for the benefit of Eligible Retirees or Eligible Dependents with respect, to benefits they are or may become entitled to under the Retiree Health Program. The Employer shall notify the Committee and the actuary performing the calculation described in (a) above of any such parallel funding arrangements. Unless so notified, the Committee and such actuary shall assume that no such other funding arrangements have been utilized by the Employer with respect to Eligible Retirees or Eligible Dependents;

(C) SUBORDINATION OF BENEFITS UNDER RETIREE HEALTH PROGRAM. Retiree Health Program benefits are intended to be subordinate to the Program's retirement benefits. Accordingly, the aggregate actual contributions to the Program made after ____________________ for the purpose of providing Retiree Health Program benefits (when added to actual contributions, if any, for life insurance protection under the Program) shall not exceed 25 percent of the total actual contributions to the Program since _________________, including the aforementioned contributions and contributions for retirement or survivors' benefits (other than contributions to fund past service credits) after the date on which this Article 10 originally became effective. The


term "life insurance protection" as used in the prior sentence shall not include any Program provision for a survivor's benefit where the present value of the survivor's benefit does not exceed the present value of the accrued benefit of the Employee to which the survivor's benefit relates. For purposes of applying this limitation, the Employer and the Committee may conclusively rely on an actuarial certification prepared by the Program's enrolled actuary demonstrating compliance. If any amounts are inadvertently or negligently contributed to the Retiree Health Program in excess of the limitation imposed by this Subsection, such excess allocation shall be considered to have been contributed to the Retiree Health Program by mistake and in violation of this limit and shall be withdrawn from that Fund promptly and returned to the Employer to the extent permitted by ERISA, with the remainder, if any, applied to provide retirement benefits then payable under the Program;

(D) DEDUCTIBILITY. Neither the Association nor the Committee makes any representations regarding the deductibility of any contribution made in accordance with this Article 10;

(E) CONTRIBUTION DEADLINE. All contributions with respect to a Program Year shall be made by payment of such amount to the Trustee no later than the time for filing the Employer's federal income tax return for the Program Year to which such contributions relate, provided that any such contributions made after the end of a fiscal year of the Employer which are made before the due date for its federal income tax return shall be deemed made during such earlier fiscal year if they are designated by the Employer as having been made for that fiscal year;

(F) No INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE ENTITLEMENT TO SPECIFIC TRUST ASSETS. Although contributions of an Employer may be calculated with reference to specific Employees or groups of Employees, neither the Committee nor the Trustee shall maintain account records in the name of individual Employees nor earmark any Employee's interest hereunder until the time arrives for payment of benefits hereunder by the Trustee or by a Claims Administrator or other entity receiving Trust assets from the Trustee for the purposes of making benefit payments hereunder except as required by Section 10.05(g) below;

(G) KEY EMPLOYEES. Notwithstanding the provisions of
Section 10.05(f) above, contributions which may be used to provide benefits for Key Employees or their Eligible Dependents shall be accompanied by detailed calculations which reflect the portion of such contributions which are intended to provide for the payment of benefits with respect to


Employees who constitute "Key Employees" for purposes of Code Section 401(h), and which contributions shall be reflected by Key Employee accounts described in
Section 10.06 below.

Employer contributions for Retiree Health Program benefits shall be designated as being made for the Retiree Health Program at the time they are made and shall be credited to the Retiree Health Program fund described in Section 10.07. In determining how much may be deducted for contributions to the Program to provide Retiree Health Program benefits, the Program's enrolled actuary may take into account reasonably projected increases in health care costs due to inflation and other factors. Lump sum contributions may be made by the Employer to satisfy past service costs or experience losses of the Retiree Health Program without the need for amortization. In determining the amount of Employer contributions necessary to fund Retiree Health Program benefits, the Program's enrolled actuary shall reduce the contributions that would otherwise be required for any period by the full amount (i.e., without amortization) then credited to the Retiree Health Program which, during the period in question, has become unneeded for paying Retiree Health Program benefits for any reason, including but not limited to termination of employment, death and any other such event, determined in a reasonable manner selected by the actuary.

10.06 KEY EMPLOYEE ACCOUNTS. In order to comply with the requirements of Code Sections 415 and 419A, whenever the Committee is informed that a Key Employee within the meaning of Code Section 401(h) is or may be an Eligible Retiree, the Committee shall establish a separate bookkeeping Account in the name of such Key Employee. Such bookkeeping account is solely intended to permit the preservation of records necessary to assure compliance with Code
Section 415 in the event such Key Employee or his or her spouse and dependents actually receive benefits hereunder. It is in no way intended that the maintenance of such accounts shall create in such Key Employee a vested interest in any portion of the Trust Fund prior to actual payment of benefits hereunder to such Key Employee or his or her Eligible Dependents.

10.07 RETIREE HEALTH PROGRAM FUND. A separate account (the "Retiree Health Program Fund") shall be maintained on the books of the Program to reflect assets held to fund benefits payable under this Article 10. For all investment purposes, however, the assets attributable to the Retiree Health Program Fund may be commingled with other Program assets. The Retiree Health Program Fund shall be credited with future Employer contributions specifically designated as being made to the Program for the purpose of funding Retiree Health


Program benefits under this Section and all contributions made hereunder to the Retiree Health Program by or on behalf of Eligible Retirees and their Eligible Dependents and the gains and losses credited on the foregoing amounts under a reasonable investment accounting system established by the Committee. Benefits payable in accordance with this Article 10 shall be payable only from the amounts credited to the Retiree Health Program Fund, which shall be debited to reflect such payments. Administrative expenses attributable to the Retiree Health Program which are not directly paid by the Employer may be paid out of the Retiree Health Program Fund. Thus, the assets of the Program (other than those credited to the Retiree Health Program Fund) shall be used solely for paying retirement benefits and the administrative expenses incurred in connection with providing such benefits.

10.08 DISTRIBUTION DIRECTIONS FROM RETIREE HEALTH PROGRAM PLAN ADMINISTRATOR. It shall be the responsibility of the Plan Administrator of the Retiree Health Program to direct the Committee with respect to all distributions of Trust assets held on behalf of such Retiree Health Program. Pursuant to such Retiree Health Program, a "Claims Administrator" may be authorized to give such instructions to the Committee or to receive such disbursements, provided that the Committee is supplied with satisfactory evidence of delegation of such authority. In connection with such distributions, it shall be the responsibility of the Retiree Health Program Plan Administrator to prepare and file with the Committee in advance of any distribution of Program benefits, a certification regarding its determination that such distributions satisfy the requirements of the Retiree Health Program and of this Program. In addition, no less frequently than once each year or at such other times as the Committee shall reasonably request, the Retiree Health Program Plan Administrator shall prepare and file with the Committee a list of all distributions requested with respect to Eligible Retirees and Eligible Dependents and such other information as may be required by the Committee.

10.09 DISTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS TO TRUSTEE. Upon receipt of proper directions from a Retiree Health Program Plan Administrator to cause distributions to be made hereunder, the Committee shall notify the Trustee of the amounts to be disbursed, the identity of the payee of each such payment and of all other information which the Committee deems advisable or the Trustee may reasonably require. If benefit payments to Eligible Retirees and Eligible Dependents under the Retiree Health Program are actually made by a Claims Administrator pursuant to an agreement with the Employer or an appropriate representative of the Retiree Health Program which is satisfactory to the Committee, the Committee may direct the Trustee to


disburse Trust assets to such Claims Administrator for disbursement of such Trust assets to provide benefits. In making such directions to the Trustee, the Committee may rely upon any instructions from such Claims Administrator which the Committee reasonably believes to be authentic based upon documents or notifications previously received from the Retiree Health Program Plan Administrator or the Employer regarding the identity and authority of such Claims Administrator. A Plan described in Section 1.16, including the Employer or an affiliate of the Employer, serving as a Claims Administrator, Insurer or Health Maintenance Organization may act as a disbursing agent for the Trustee pursuant to this Section 10.09, to the extent permitted by Sections 408(b)(2) or 408(b)(5) of ERISA, by Prohibited Transaction Class Exemption 79-41 or by administrative exemptions issued pursuant to Section 408(a) of ERISA or to the extent that the Committee is otherwise satisfied that such actions are not inconsistent with the requirements of ERISA.

10.10 NO VESTING IN TRUST ASSETS PRIOR TO ACTUAL DISTRIBUTION. No Eligible Retiree or Eligible Dependent shall have any vested interest in assets held on behalf of a Retiree Health Program under the Trust until such assets have been disbursed to or on behalf of such Eligible Retiree or Eligible Dependent by the Trustee, a Claims Administrator or other similar entity in accordance with this Article 10. Benefits payable or which may become payable in accordance with this Article 10 shall not be deemed for any reason to be a part of any accrued benefit under this Program, nor shall such benefits be entitled to the protections of Code Section 411(d)(6) or of any other statute. The Employer expressly reserves the right prospectively or retroactively to change, reduce or eliminate the benefits provided under the Retiree Health Program at any time and in any fashion. No person may rely on the future continuation of Retiree Health Program benefits since the Employer has expressly reserved the right to change or reduce benefits or terminate the Program at any time. Whether or not the Employer formally eliminates or reduces Retiree Health Program benefits, such benefits shall only be provided to the extent they can be paid from assets then credited to the Retiree Health Program and the Employer shall have no obligation to contribute additional amounts to fund such benefits.

10.11 TERMINATION OF RETIREE HEALTH PROGRAM. If the Retiree Health Program is ever terminated (even though the Program continues in existence) or if the Program in its entirety (including the Retiree Health Program) is ever terminated, after the payment of or provision for all medical benefits promised under the Retiree Health Program for expenses incurred prior to such termination, any surplus remaining in the Retiree Health Program shall be


returned to the Employer (even if only the Retiree Health Program has been terminated), to the extent required by Internal Revenue Code Section 401(h) and to the extent permitted by ERISA.

10.12 ADMINISTRATION. The Retiree Health Program shall be administered in accordance with its terms except to the extent the Committee or the Employer has expressly been given administrative powers or duties under this Section. The Employer or the Committee may delegate any such powers or duties to their counterparts under the Retiree Health Program.

10.13 INCONSISTENT PROGRAM PROVISIONS. This Article 10 shall supersede any previously adopted inconsistent provisions of the Retiree Health Program, the Program and the Trust Agreement. Specifically, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Retiree Health Program is hereby amended to provide that the Employer shall not pay benefits or expenses which are paid for under this Article 10. Except as provided in this Section 10.13, all other provisions of the Retiree Health Program, the Program and the Trust Agreement shall apply with respect to this Article 10.

10.14 PROHIBITION ON DIVERSION. It shall be impossible, at anytime prior to the satisfaction of all liabilities under this Article 10 to provide the benefits set forth in Section 10.01, for any part of the corpus or income of the separate account described in Section 10.07 to be used for, or diverted to, any purpose other than the providing of such benefits.

10.15 NONDISCRIMINATION. In accordance with Treasury Regulation ss. 1.401- 14(b)(2), benefits under the Retiree Health Program which are provided under this Article 10 shall not discriminate in favor of persons who are highly compensated employees as defined in Code Section 414(q) or their spouses or dependents. Benefits which are provided under the Retiree Health Program, but which are not provided under this Article 10, shall not be subject to this requirement.




In the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico, today the 6th of December of 2001.


FOR THE FIRST PART: TRIPLE-S, INC., a corporation organized and engaged in business in conformance with Commonwealth of Puerto Rico laws, represented here by its Board of Director's President, DR. FERNANDO L. LONGO, and by its Senior Executive Officer, MR. MIGUEL A. VAZQUEZ DEYNES, of legal age, married, the latter a physician by trade, and residing in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, and the former an executive residing in Carolina, Puerto Rico, whose authorities and duties they are prepared to justify as soon as it is required of them.

FOR THE SECOND PART: ALEJANDRO E. FRANCO LINARES, of legal age, married, a physician by trade and a resident of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.

The undersigned , whom I know personally and whose personal circumstances are known to me by their declarations, assure me they have, and to my knowledge and judgement have the legal capacity to execute this document, and to that effect, freely and voluntarily.


FIRST: For purposes of abbreviation and ease in understanding and analyzing this agreement of intentions, the following terms shall have the meaning stated in these definitions:

a. The "SEO"; The Senior Executive Officer of Triple-S, Inc., Mr.

Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes

b. The "BOARD"; The Board of Directors of Triple-S, Inc.

c. The "PBD"; President of the BOARD, Dr. Fernando L. Longo

d. The "VMDP"; The Senior Vice-president of the Medical, Dental and Professional Matters Division, Dr. Alejandro E. Franco Linares,


e. The "CONTRACT"; This Employment Contract.

SECOND: That Triple-S, Inc. is a company dedicated, among other activities, to providing insurance coverage for the receipt of medical-hospital services throughout the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

THIRD: that the VMDP is a vastly experienced professional in the Medical Field, having obtained a Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Puerto Rico, interning and specializing in internal medicine and Rheumatology at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine's University Hospital. The VMDP also is knowledgeable about health insurance plans, and the concepts of limiting costs and of professional relationships, having served as Senior Vice-president of the Medical, Dental and Professional Matters Division of Triple-S, Inc. since June 10, 1996.

FOURTH: Since the VMDP's employment contract expires on December 31, 2001, the parties to this agreement have agreed that the VMDP keep acting as such, with obligations, functions, responsibilities, powers and rights similar to the ones that constitute the employment relationship which will furthermore be agreed to and noted here.

FIFTH: For purposes of establishing the internal relationship between both contracting parts as herein stated, they agree to the present CONTRACT subject to the following Clauses and Conditions.


1. EXCELLENCE IN PERFORMANCE. Through this CONTRACT, the VMDP is under the obligation of dedicating and directing all of his working time, intellect, attention, energy, experience and knowledge towards the protection of Triple-S, Inc.'s best interests, within the framework of excellence his capacity and ability permit.

2. OFFICER AND TITLE. The VMDP will carry the Title of Senior Vice-president of the Medical, Dental and Professional Matters Division of Triple-S, Inc.

3. HIERARCHY. The VMDP will respond directly to Triple-S, Inc.'s SEO, and will inform the Board of Directors about Triple-S, Inc.'s medical, dental and professional problems.

4. FIDUCIARY NORMS AND OBLIGATIONS. The VMDP will be under the obligation to conform loyally and fully with all administrative guidelines, rules, regulations and norms established by Triple-S, Inc., developing and establishing the operational controls necessary to protect Triple-S, Inc.'s best interests. The VMDP will be loyal to Triple-S, Inc. at all times, and will solemnly recognize the obligation represented in his acceptance of the current title.


5. PRINCIPAL FUNCTIONS. The functions the VMDP will undertake through this contract will be all those related to Triple-S, Inc.'s medical, dental and professional matters, and he will be the person the SEO will turn to in dealing with these medical, dental and professional matters. The VMDP's functions will invariably be performed in Triple-S, Inc.'s best interests and for its protection. The VMDP will participate in meetings held by the Professional Relations and Reasonable Fee Committee, the Dental and Reasonable Fee Committee, the Revision of Use and Reasonable Fee Committee, and in the Board of Directors, in the role of Advisor. His presence will be required in the meetings held by these committees and by the Board of Directors, unless the President of the Committee in question, or the Board's, excuse his presence.

6. INCIDENTAL OR ACCESSORY FUNCTIONS. The VMDP should also fulfill all those functions, tasks and commissions, incidental or accessory, which the SEO assigns him from time to time, including his presence in other Board Committees.

7. ECONOMIC REMUNERATION. The VMDP will be economically remunerated in the following manner for the services that, in keeping with this CONTRACT, he is under the obligation to fulfill:

a. Salary. An annual salary of $214,745.00, equivalent to $17,895.42 a month.

b. Christmas Bonus. A Christmas bonus equivalent to 5% of his annual salary, plus half a month's salary, plus any bonus Triple-S, Inc. is obligated by law provisions to pay. This Christmas bonus will be paid in conformance to the Triple-S, Inc.'s policies and norms applicable to their management employees, and as modified from time to time.

c. Optional Additional Annual Bonus. The Board of Directors can also, at their option, grant an optional additional annual bonus that will be computed by the Board of Directors each year, as is established in the following clause.

8. COMPUTING THE OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL ANNUAL BONUS. The Optional Additional Annual Bonus (AAB) will be determined annually, at the Board of Director's option, immediately after Triple-S, Inc. receives its financial statements for the pertinent economic year, certified by their internal auditors. The AAB will be credited to the VMDP as soon as the Board has determined it, and according to the criteria it establishes for its payment. The Board of Directors will compute the AAB at the time it considers the Vice Presidents' AABs.

9. DEFERRED COMPENSATION. The VMDP will have the power to, from time to time, defer payments for any of the before mentioned economic remuneration concepts in keeping with his wishes, if and when such action is in accordance to the applicable law provisions and to good corporate practices.

10. ANNUAL SALARY REVISION. The VMDP's SALARY will be reviewed annually, effective January 1st of each year, beginning on January 1, 2002. Said revision would take into account the percent of change in Puerto Rico's general economic inflation rate, as determined by the Planning Board for the previous year, and other factors regarding compensation of other Officers of same or similar position and responsibility within the local industry and commerce, and any other relevant factor. The BOARD shall do the computing of the salary change at the time it reviews compensation to Vice-presidents.

11. FRINGE BENEFITS. The VMDP will have the right to all fringe benefits such as: Retirement Plan, Health Plan, vacations, sick leave, disability insurance and others, in conformance to Triple-S, Inc.'s policies and norms as applicable to its management employees, and as modified from time to time.

Triple-S, Inc. also will reimburse or pay the VMDP the following:

A. Representation, travel and miscellaneous expenses which are reasonably and necessarily incurred in carrying out his official duties;

B. Annual membership fees to two professional associations such as the Puerto Rico College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Puerto Rico Medical Association, per prior approval from the SEO, and

C. any other related expenses that the SEO deems necessary in carrying out his duties.

12. DEDUCTIONS. Triple-S, Inc. will make all deductions from the VMDP's remuneration that the law requires, such as: social security, retained income taxes, and his spouse's and any other optional dependent's life and disability insurance portion. The VMDP is authorized to acquire any life insurance coverage in addition to the one currently held by Triple-S, Inc. , at his own responsibility and cost.

13. EXCLUSION FROM THE MINIMUM WAGE LAW. The VMDP recognizes that the duties he will undertake are excluded from the Puerto Rico Minimum Wage Law.

14. EFFECTIVENESS AND TERM OF CONTRACT. This contract's effective date is established to be January 1, 2002 and its ending date is December 31, 2005. The Board of Directors can, at their option, renew this contract. The Board of Directors must notify the VMDP no later than one year before the ending date of this original contract term or of its renovation, of their decision to renew or not renew it.

If Triple-S, Inc. decides not to renew the Contract, it is under the obligation to pay the VMDP one year's salary. Triple-S, Inc. must also have fulfilled all obligations to the VMDP which correspond to his contract's terms, including those regarding compensation and fringe benefits. Disbursement of this amount shall occur no later than the last effective date of this contract. In case this contract is renewed and then terminated before the renovation's ending date, Triple-S, Inc. is under the obligation of providing the VMDP with the same compensation.

15. UNILATERAL RESOLUTION- JUST CAUSE. It is understood that Triple-S, Inc. is assisted by just cause for unilaterally dissolving this CONTRACT when the VMDP incurs in any of the following behaviors:

a. negligence in carrying out his duties, or their late, inadequate or inept performance;

b. conviction of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral depravation;

c. insubordination;

d. material non-conformance to corporate norms, rules and agreements, or those of this CONTRACT;

e. improper or disorderly conduct;

f. existence of a conflict of interests;

g. total , temporary or partial closing of Triple-S, Inc.`s operations;

h. employment reductions that result from Triple-S, Inc.'s diminishing business volume.

16. UNILATERAL RESOLUTION. The parties agree that Triple-S, Inc. has the right to dissolve this contract at any time before the agreed ending date. To exercise this right, the PBD and the SEO will jointly notify the VMDP thirty days before the effective date of said unilateral dissolution. As a condition for Triple-S, Inc. to exercise this right, it must proceed immediately with the total cash liquidation of the balance of this professional employment contract, in addition

to the one year salary specified in paragraph 14, including the fringe benefits, and subtracting the discounts applicable by law. Triple-S, Inc. will have the option of continuing monthly payments until the contract is completed.

17. PREMATURE TERMINATION- DEATH, DISABILITY OR BANKRUPTCY. If the VMDP should die during this CONTRACT term, Triple-S, Inc. will liquidate his wages through payment to the heirs. Besides the life insurance the VMDP is entitled to as specified, and the liquidation of his wages, the VMDP's heirs are not entitled to any additional compensation.

If the VMDP should suffer a significant mental or physical disability, or if Triple-S, Inc. should be brought, voluntarily or involuntarily, to a bankruptcy process, Triple-S, Inc. can, at its option entirely, dissolve this contract unilaterally. This without the assumption that the VMDP's rights are violated in case of a physical disability, due to the disability insurance stated before.

For purposes of the last paragraph, it will be understood that the VMDP suffers from significant physical or mental disability when he absents himself from his employment for six consecutive months, or he is absent in excess of NINETY PERCENT of said SIX consecutive month period. In termination for any of the before mentioned reasons, the payment of one year's salary will not apply.

18. PREMATURE TERMINATION- TURNING 65 YEARS OLD. The VMDP, in agreement with the SEO, can finalize this contract on the date the VMDP turns 65 years old. This will be done through the VMDP notification at least six months before the date he would turn said age. In termination for the before mentioned reasons, the payment of one year's salary will not apply.

19. PRIVILEGED MATERIAL- CONFIDENTIALITY. Except as formerly stated, all the information Triple-S, Inc. shares with the VMDP, or that he is privy to as a consequence of his employee relationship with Triple-S, Inc., in the guise of any chores, relationships, contacts, businesses, clients and duties, will constitute privileged and confidential material.

Consequently, the VMDP will not divulge said information to third parties, including Triple-S, Inc. employees, functionaries or officers who do not have a legitimate reason to know this information. The confidentiality and privilege obligation discussed here shall survive the conclusion, unilateral resolution or termination of this CONTRACT.

20. DOCUMENTS. At the end of this contract, the VMDP will keep or return all documents, objects, materials and the rest of the information he has obtained through Triple-S, Inc. business, in the Triple-S, Inc. offices, recognizing at the same time that said documents, objects, materials and related information are the exclusive property of Triple-S, Inc.

21. LIMITATION- OTHER EMPLOYMENT OR DUTIES. The VMDP is not to count on third parties for supplying any service, independent of whether economic compensation is involved or not, unless the SEO and PBD have previously given their express consent.

22. TRIPLE-S, INC. PERSONNEL. The VMDP will not solicit or encourage the Triple-S, Inc. personnel to quit their jobs and join him or a third party in other activities that are not to Triple-S, Inc.'s benefit.



23. CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION. Triple-S, Inc. and their legal representative wrote this contract, therefore its intellectual property and author's rights are theirs. At the same time, the contract is a product of negotiations between both parties, so no assumption or inference should be made in favor of any of them.

24. CEDING. The VMDP may not totally or partially cede the obligations and responsibilities assumed through this CONTRACT to a third party.

25. PACT TOTALITY. This document constitutes the total and complete pact agreed to by the contracting parts. No other former agreement, contract or pact should be considered valid or effective.

26. AMENDMENTS. In case the undersigned wish to amend the content of any clause in this CONTRACT, this should be done in writing, clearly stating which clause is being amended and what the amendment consists of.

27. HEADINGS. The headings included in this CONTRACT have been added to aid in reading and analyzing it. At no time should these headings be interpreted as the pact agreed upon by the undersigned, or that they amend the content of the clauses each one heads.

28. LIMITED INVALIDITY. In case any clause in this CONTRACT is declared null or illegal, the rest of the clauses will continue with full effectiveness and force.

29. INTERPRETATION. This CONTRACT will be interpreted according to the prevailing judicial order in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

30. JURISDICTION AND COMPETENCE. If it were necessary to judicially annul any controversy related to this CONTRACT, the parties will submit voluntarily to the jurisdiction of the Puerto Rico Court of First Instance and would choose the San Juan Halls of the Superior or District Court, as were the case, to void it.

SUCH IS THE PACT agreed upon by contracting parties, which they recognize and sign in San Juan, Puerto Rico on the date stated above.

Triple-S, Inc.

Signed                             Signed
-----------------------------      -----------------------------------
By: Dr. Fernando L. Longo          By: Dr. Alejandro E. Franco Linares

By: Miguel A. Vazquez Deynes



This agreement by and between Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association ("BCBSA") and The Blue Shield Plan, known as Triple-S Management Corporation (the "Plan").


WHEREAS, the Plan and/or its predecessor(s) in interest (collectively the "Plan") had the right to use the BLUE SHIELD and BLUE SHIELD Design service marks (collectively the "Licensed Marks") for health care plans in its service area, which was essentially local in nature;

WHEREAS, the Plan was desirous of assuring nationwide protection of the Licensed Marks, maintaining uniform quality controls among Plans, facilitating the provision of cost effective health care services to the public and otherwise benefiting the public;

WHEREAS, to better attain such ends, the Plan and the predecessor of BCBSA executed the Agreement(s) Relating to the Collective Service Mark "Blue Shield"; and

WHEREAS, BCBSA and the Plan desire to supercede said Agreement(s) to reflect their current practices and to assure the continued integrity of the Licensed Marks and of the BLUE SHIELD system;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual agreements hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:


1. BCBSA hereby grants to the Plan, upon the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, the right to use BLUE SHIELD in its trade and/or corporate name (the "Licensed Name"), and the right to use the Licensed Marks, in the sale, marketing and administration of health care plans and related services in the Service Area set forth and defined in paragraph 5 below. As used herein, health care plans and related services shall include acting as a nonprofit health care plan, a for-profit health care plan, or mutual health insurer operating on a not-for-profit or for-profit basis, under state law; financing access to health care services; providing health care management and administration; administering, but not underwriting, non-health portions of Worker's Compensation insurance; and delivering health care services.

2. The Plan may use the Licensed Marks and Name in connection with the offering of: a) health care plans and related services in the Service Area through Controlled Affiliates, provided that each such Controlled Affiliate is separately licensed to use the Licensed Marks and Name under the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement attached as Exhibit 1 hereto (the "Controlled Affiliate License Agreement"); and: b) insurance coverages offered by life insurers under the applicable law in the Service Area, other than those which the Plan may offer in its own name, provided through Controlled Affiliates, provided that each such Controlled Affiliate is separately licensed to use the Licensed Marks and Name under the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement attached as Exhibit 1A hereto (the "Controlled Affiliate License Agreement Applicable to Life Insurance Companies") and further provided that the offering of such services does not and will not dilute or tarnish the unique value of the Licensed Marks and Name; and c) administration and underwriting of Workers' Compensation Insurance Controlled Affiliates, provided that each such Controlled Affiliate is separately licensed to use the LICENSED MARKS AND NAME UNDER the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement attached as Exhibit 1 hereto (the "Controlled Affiliate License."). As used herein, a Controlled Affiliate is defined as an entity organized and operated in such a manner that it is subject to the bona fide control of a Plan or Plans and, if the entity meets the standards of subparagraph B but not subparagraph A of this paragraph, the entity, its owners, and persons with authority to select or appoint members or board members, other than a Plan or Plans, have received written approval of BCBSA. Absent written approval by BCBSA of an alternative method of control, bona fide control shall mean that a Plan or Plans authorized to use the Licensed Marks in the Service Area of the Controlled Affiliate pursuant to this License Agreements) with BCBSA, other than such Controlled Affiliate's License Agreement(s), (the "Controlling Plans)"), must have:

A. The legal authority, directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries: (a) to select members of the Controlled Affiliate's governing body having more than 50% voting control thereof; (b) to exercise control over the policy and operations of the Controlled Affiliates (c) to prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the Controlled Affiliate with which the Controlling Plan(s) do(es) not concur. In addition, a Plan or Plans directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries shall own more than 50% of any for-profit Controlled Affiliate; or




This agreement by and between Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association ("BCBSA") and The Blue Shield Plan, known as Triple-S Management Corporation (the "Plan").


WHEREAS, the Plan and/or its predecessors) in interest (collectively the "Plan") had the right to use the BLUE SHIELD and BLUE SHIELD Design service marks (collectively the "Licensed Marks") for health care plans in its service area, which was essentially local in nature;

WHEREAS, the Plan was desirous of assuring nationwide protection of the Licensed Marks, maintaining uniform quality controls among Plans, facilitating the provision of cost effective health care services to the public and otherwise benefiting the public;

WHEREAS, to better attain such ends, the Plan and the predecessor of BCBSA executed the Agreement(s) Relating to the Collective Service Mark "Blue Shield"; and

WHEREAS, BCBSA and the Plan desire to supercede said Agreement(s) to reflect their current practices and to assure the continued integrity of the Licensed Marks and of the BLUE SHIELD system;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual agreements hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:


1. BCBSA hereby grants to the Plan, upon the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, the right to use BLUE SHIELD in its trade and/or corporate name (the "Licensed Name"), and the right to use the Licensed Marks, in the sale, marketing and administration of health care plans and related services in the Service Area set forth and defined in paragraph 5 below. As used herein, health care plans and related services shall include acting as a nonprofit health care plan, a for-profit health care plan, or mutual health insurer operating on a not-for-profit or for-profit basis, under state law; financing access to health care services; providing health care management and administration; administering, but not underwriting, non-health portions of Worker's Compensation insurance; and delivering health care services.

2. The Plan may use the Licensed Marks and Name in connection with the offering of: a) health care plans and related services in the Service Area through Controlled Affiliates, provided that each such Controlled Affiliate is separately licensed to use the Licensed Marks and Name under the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement attached as Exhibit 1 hereto (the "Controlled Affiliate License Agreement"); and: b) insurance coverages offered by life insurers under the applicable law in the Service Area, other than those which the Plan may offer in its own name, provided through Controlled Affiliates, provided that each such Controlled Affiliate is separately licensed to use the Licensed Marks and Name under the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement attached as Exhibit 1A hereto (the "Controlled Affiliate License Agreement Applicable to Life Insurance Companies") and further provided that the offering of such services does not and will not dilute or tarnish the unique value of the Licensed Marks and Name; and c) administration and underwriting of Workers' Compensation Insurance Controlled Affiliates, provided that each such Controlled Affiliate is separately licensed to use the Licensed Marks and Name under the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement attached as Exhibit 1 hereto (the "Controlled Affiliate License."). As used herein, a Controlled Affiliate is defined as an entity organized and operated in such a manner that it is subject to the bona fide control of a Plan or Plans and, if the entity meets the standards of subparagraph B but not subparagraph A of this paragraph, the entity, its owners, and persons with authority to select or appoint members or board members, other than a Plan or Plans, have received written approval of BCBSA. Absent written approval by BCBSA of an alternative method of control, bona fide control shall mean that a Plan or Plans authorized to use the Licensed Marks in the Service Area of the Controlled Affiliate pursuant to this License Agreements) with BCBSA, other than such Controlled Affiliate's License Agreement(s), (the "Controlling Plan(s)"), must have:

A. The legal authority, directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries: (a) to select members of the Controlled Affiliate's governing body having more than 50% voting control thereof; (b) to exercise control over the policy and operations of the Controlled Affiliates (c) to prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the Controlled Affiliate with which the Controlling Plans) doles) not concur. In addition, a Plan or Plans directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries shall own more than 50% of any for-profit Controlled Affiliate; or



B. The legal authority directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries (a) to select members of the Controlled Affiliate's governing body having not less than 50% voting control thereof; (b) to prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the Controlled Affiliate with which the Controlling Plans) do(es) not concur; (c) to exercise control over the policy and operations of the Controlled Affiliate at least equal to that exercised by persons or entities (jointly or individually) other than the Controlling Plan(s). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in (a) through (c) hereof, the Controlled Affiliate's establishing or governing documents must also require written approval by the Controlling Plan(s) before the Controlled Affiliate can:

1. Change its legal and/or trade name;

2. Change the geographic area in which it operates;

3. Change any of the types of businesses in which it engages;

4. Create, or become liable for by way of guarantee, any indebtedness, other than indebtedness arising in the ordinary course of business;

5. Sell any assets, except for sales in the ordinary course of business or sales of equipment no longer useful or being replaced;

6. Make any loans or advances except in the ordinary course of business;

7. Enter into any arrangement or agreement with any party directly or indirectly affiliated with any of the owners of the Controlled Affiliate or persons or entities with the authority to select or appoint members or board members of the Controlled Affiliate, other than the Plan or Plans (excluding owners of stock holdings of under 5% in a publicly traded Controlled Affiliate);

8. Conduct any business other than under the Licensed Marks and Name;

9. Take any action that any Controlling Plan or BCBSA reasonably believes will adversely affect the Licensed Marks or Names.

In addition, a Plan or Plans directly or indirectly through wholly owned subsidiaries shall own at least 50% of any for-profit Controlled Affiliate.


(The next page is page 3)

3. The Plan may engage in activities not required by BCBSA to be directly licensed through Controlled Affiliates and may indicate its relationship thereto by use of the Licensed Name as a tag line, provided that the engaging in such activities does not and will not dilute or tarnish the unique value of the Licensed Marks and Name and further provided that such tag line use is not in a manner likely to cause confusion or mistake. Consistent with the avoidance of confusion or mistake, each tag line use of the Plan's Licensed Name: (a) shall be in the style and manner specified by BCBSA from time-to-time; (b) shall not include the design service marks; (c) shall not be in a manner to import more than the Plan's mere ownership of the Controlled Affiliate; and (d) shall be restricted to the Service Area. No rights are hereby created in any Controlled Affiliate to use the Licensed Name in its own name or otherwise. At least annually, the Plan shall provide BCBSA with representative samples of each such use of its Licensed Name pursuant to the foregoing conditions.

4. The Plan recognizes the importance of a comprehensive national network of independent BCBSA licensees which are committed to strengthening the Licensed Marks and Name. The Plan further recognizes that its actions within its Service Area may affect the value of the Licensed Marks and Name nationwide. The Plan agrees (a) to maintain in good standing its membership in BCBSA; (b) promptly to pay its dues to BCBSA, said dues to represent the royalties for this License Agreement; (c) materially to comply with all applicable laws; (d) to comply with the Membership Standards Applicable to Regular Members of BCBSA, a current copy of which is attached as Exhibit 2 hereto; and (e) reasonably to permit BCBSA, upon a written, good faith request and during reasonable business hours, to inspect the Plan's books and records necessary to ascertain compliance herewith. As to other Plans and third parties, BCBSA shall maintain the confidentiality of all documents and information furnished by the Plan pursuant hereto, or pursuant to the Membership Standards, and clearly designated by the Plan as containing proprietary information of the Plan.

5. The rights hereby granted are exclusive to the Plan within the geographical area(s) served by the Plan on June 30, 1972, and/or as to which the Plan has been granted a subsequent license, which is hereby defined as the "Service Area," except that BCBSA reserves the right to use the Licensed Marks in said Service Area, and except to the extent that said Service Area may overlap areas served by one or more other licensed Blue Shield Plans as of said date or subsequent license, as to which overlapping areas the rights hereby granted are nonexclusive as to such other Plan or Plans only.



6. Except as expressly provided by BCBSA with respect to National Accounts, Government Programs and certain other necessary and collateral uses, the current rules and regulations governing which are attached as Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4 hereto, or as expressly provided herein, the Plan may not use the Licensed Marks and Name outside the Service Area or in connection with other goods and services, nor may the Plan use the Licensed Marks or Name in a manner which is intended to transfer in the Service Area the goodwill associated therewith to another mark or name. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the Plan from engaging in lawful activity anywhere under other marks and names not confusingly similar to the Licensed Marks and Name, provided that engaging in such activity does and will not dilute or tarnish the unique value of the Licensed Marks and Name.

7. The Plan agrees that it will display the Licensed Marks and Name only in such form, style and manner as shall be specifically prescribed by BCBSA FROM time-to-time in regulations of general application in order to prevent impairment of the distinctiveness of the Licensed Marks and Name and the goodwill pertaining thereto. The Plan shall cause to appear on all materials on or in connection with which the Licensed Marks or Name are used such legends, markings and notices as BCBSA may reasonably request in order to give appropriate notice of service mark or other proprietary rights therein or pertaining thereto.

8. BCBSA agrees that: (a) it will not grant any other license effective during the term of this License Agreement for the use of the Licensed Marks or Name which is inconsistent with the rights granted to the Plan hereunder; and (b) it will not itself use the Licensed Marks in derogation of the rights of the Plan or in a manner to deprive the Plan of the full benefits of this License Agreement. The Plan agrees that it will not attack the title of BCBSA in and to the Licensed Marks or Name or attack the validity of the Licensed Marks or of this License Agreement. The Plan further agrees that all use by it of the Licensed Marks and Name or any similar mark or name shall inure to the benefit of BCBSA, and the Plan shall cooperate with BCBSA in effectuating the assignment to BCBSA of any service mark or trademark registrations of the Licensed Marks or any similar mark or name held by the Plan or a Controlled Affiliate of the Plan, all or any portion of which registration consists of the Licensed Marks.


9. (a). Should the Plan fail to comply with the provisions of paragraphs 2-4, 6, 7 and/or 12, and not cure such failure within thirty (30) days of receiving written notice thereof (or commence curing such failure within such thirty day period and continue diligent efforts to complete the curing of such failure if such curing cannot reasonably be completed within such thirty day period), BCBSA shall have the right to issue a notice that the Plan is in a state of noncompliance. Except as to the termination of a Plan's License Agreement or the merger of two or more Plans, disputes as to noncompliance, and all other disputes between or among BCBSA, the Plan, other Plans and/or Controlled Affiliates, shall be submitted promptly to mediation and mandatory dispute resolution pursuant to the rules and regulations of BCBSA, A current copy of which is attached as Exhibit 5 hereto, and shall be timely presented and resolved. The mandatory dispute resolution panel shall have authority to issue orders for specific performance and assess monetary penalties. If a state of noncompliance as aforesaid is undisputed by the Plan or is found to exist by a mandatory dispute resolution panel and is uncured as provided above, BCBSA shall have the right to seek judicial enforcement of the License Agreement. Except, however, as provided in paragraphs 9(d)(iii) and 15(a)(i)-(viii) below, no Plan's license to use the Licensed Marks and Name may be finally terminated for any reason without the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Plans and three-fourths of the total then current weighted vote of all the Plans.

(b). Notwithstanding any other provision of this License Agreement, a Plan's license to use the Licensed Marks and Name may be forthwith terminated by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Plans and three-fourths of the total then current weighted vote of all the Plans at a special meeting expressly called by BCBSA for the purpose on ten (10) days written notice to the Plan advising of the specific matters at issue and granting the Plan an opportunity to be heard and to present its response to Member Plans for: (i) failure to comply with any minimum capital or liquidity requirement under the Membership Standard on Financial Responsibility; or (ii) impending financial insolvency; or (iii) the pendency of any action instituted against the Plan seeking its dissolution or liquidation or its assets or seeking appointment of a trustee, interim trustee, receiver or other custodian for any of its property or business or seeking the declaration or establishment of a trust for any of its property of business, unless this License Agreement has been earlier terminated under paragraph 15(a); or (iv) such other reason as is determined in good faith immediately and irreparably to threaten the integrity and reputation of BCBSA, the Plans and/or the Licensed Marks.

(c). To the extent not otherwise provided therein, neither:
(i) the Membership Standards Applicable to Regular Members of BCBSA; nor (ii) the rules and regulations governing National Accounts, Government Programs and certain other uses; nor (iii) the rules and regulations governing mediation and mandatory dispute resolution, may be amended unless and until each such amendment is first adopted by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Plans and of three-fourths of the total then current weighted vote of all the Plans.



9. (d). The Plan may operate as a for-profit company on the following

(i) The Plan shall discharge all responsibilities which it has to the Association and to other Plans by virtue of this Agreement and the Plan's membership in BCBSA.

(ii) The Plan shall not use the licensed Marks and Name, or any derivative thereof, as part of its legal name or any symbol used to identify the Plan in any securities market. The Plan shall use the licensed Marks and Name as part of its trade name within its service area for the sale, marketing and administration of health care and related services in the service area.

(iii) The Plan's license to use the Licensed Marks and Name shall automatically terminate effective: (a) thirty days after the Plan knows, or there is an SEC filing indicating that, any Institutional Investor, has become the Beneficial Owner of securities representing 10% or more of the voting power of the Plan ("Excess Institutional Voter"), unless such Excess Institutional Voter shall cease to be an Excess Institutional Voter prior to such automatic termination becoming effective; (b) thirty days after the Plan knows, or there is an SEC filing indicating that, any Noninstitutional Investor has become the Beneficial Owner of securities representing 5% or more of the voting power of the Plan ("Excess Noninstitutional Vote") unless such Excess Noninstitutional Voter shall cease to be an Excess Noninstitutional Voter prior to such automatic termination becoming effective; (c) thirty days after the Plan knows, or there is an SEC filing indicating that, any Person has become the Beneficial Owner of 20% or more of the Plan's then outstanding common stock or other equity securities which (either by themselves or in combination) represent an ownership interest of 20% or more pursuant to determinations made under paragraph 9(d)(iv) below ("Excess Owner"), unless such Excess Owner shall cease to be an Excess Owner prior to such automatic termination becoming effective; (d) ten business days after individuals who at the time the Plan went public constituted the Board of Directors of the Plan (together with any new directors whose election to the Board was approved by a vote of 2/3 of the directors then still in office who were directors at the time the Plan went public or whose election or nomination was previously so approved) (the "Continuing Directors") cease for any reason to constitute a majority of the Board of Directors; or (e) ten business days after the Plan consolidates with or merges with or into any person or conveys, assigns, transfers or sells all or substantially all of its assets to any person other than a merger in which the Plan is the surviving entity and immediately after which merger, no person is an Excess Institutional Voter, an Excess Non institutional Voter or an Excess Owner: provided that, if requested by the affected Plan in a writing received by BCBSA prior to such automatic termination becoming effective, the provisions of this paragraph 9(d)(iii) may be waived, in whole or in part,



upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the disinterested Plans and a majority of the total then current weighted vote of the disinterested Plans. Any waiver so granted may be conditioned upon such additional requirements (including but not limited to imposing new and independent grounds for termination of this License) as shall be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the disinterested Plans and a majority of the total then current weighted vote of the disinterested Plans. If a timely waiver request is received, no automatic termination shall become effective until the later of:
(1) the conclusion of the applicable time period specified in paragraphs
9(d)(iii)(a)-(d) above, or (2) the conclusion of the first Member Plan meeting after receipt of such a waiver request.

In the event that the Plan's license to use the Licensed Marks and Name is terminated pursuant to this Paragraph 9(d)(iii), the license may be reinstated in BCBSA'S SOLE discretion if, within 30 days of the date of such termination, the Plan demonstrates that the Person referred to in clause (a), (b) or (c) of the preceding paragraph is no longer an Excess Institutional Voter, an Excess Noninstitutional Voter or an Excess Owner.

(iv) The Plan shall not issue any class or series of security other than (i) shares of common stock having identical terms or options or derivatives of such common stock, (ii) non-voting, non-convertible debt securities or (iii) such other securities as the Plan may approve, provided that BCBSA receives notice at least thirty days prior to the issuance of such securities, including a description of the terms for such securities, and BCBSA shall have the authority to determine how such other securities will be counted in determining whether any Person is an Excess Institutional Voter, Excess Noninstitutional Voter or an Excess Owner.

(v) For purposes of paragraph 9(d)(iii), the following definitions shall apply:

(a) "Affiliate" and "Associate" shall have the respective meanings ascribed to such terms in Rule 12b-2 of the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and in effect on November 17, 1993 (the "Exchange Act").

(b) A Person shall be deemed the "Beneficial Owner" of and shall be deemed to "beneficially own" any securities:

(i) which such Person or any of such Person's Affiliates or Associates beneficially owns, directly or indirectly;



(ii) which such Person or any of such Person's Affiliates or Associates has (A) the right to acquire (whether such right is exercisable immediately or only after the passage of time) pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding, or upon the exercise of conversion rights, exchange rights, warrants or options, or otherwise; or (B) the right to vote pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding; provided, however, that a Person shall not be deemed the Beneficial Owner of, or to beneficially own, any security if the agreement, arrangement or understanding to vote such security (1) arises solely from a revocable proxy or consent given to such Person in response to a public proxy or consent solicitation made pursuant to, and in accordance with, the applicable rules and regulations promulgated under the Exchange Act and (2) is not also then reportable on Schedule 13D under the Exchange Act (or any comparable or successor report); or

(iii) which are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by any OTHER Person (or any Affiliate or Associate thereof) with which such Person (or any of such Person's Affiliates or Associates) has any agreement, arrangement or understanding (other than customary agreements with and between underwriters and selling group members with respect to a bona fide public offering of securities) relating to the acquisition, holding, voting (except to the extent contemplated by the proviso to (b)(ii)(B) above) or disposing of any securities of the Plan.

Notwithstanding anything in this definition of Beneficial Ownership to the contrary, the phrase "then outstanding," when used with reference to a Person's Beneficial Ownership of securities of the Plan, shall mean the number of such securities then issued and outstanding together with the number of such securities not then actually issued and outstanding which such Person would be deemed to own beneficially hereunder.

(c) A Person shall be deemed an "Institutional Investor" if (but only if) such Person (i) is an entity or group identified in the SEC's Rule 13d-1(b)(1)(ii) as constituted on June 1, 1997, and
(ii) every filing made by such Person with the SEC under Regulation 13D-G (or any successor Regulation) with respect to such Person's Beneficial Ownership of Plan securities shall have contained a certification identical to the one required by item 10 of SEC Schedule 13G as constituted on June 1, 1997.



(d) "Noninstitutional Investor" means any Person who is not an Institutional Investor.

(e) "Person" shall mean any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, trust, association, joint venture or other entity, and shall include any successor (by merger or otherwise) of such entity.



(The next page is page 6)

10. This License Agreement shall remain in effect: (a) until terminated as provided herein; or (b) until this and all such other License Agreements are terminated by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Plans and three-fourths of the total then current weighted vote of all the Plans; (c) until terminated by the Plan upon six (6) months written notice to BCBSA.

11. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 15 below or by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Plans and three-fourths of the total then current weighted vote of all the Plans, or unless this and all such other License Agreements are simultaneously terminated by force of law, the termination of this License Agreement for any reason whatsoever shall cause the reversion to BCBSA of all rights in and to the Licensed Marks and Name, and the Plan agrees that it will promptly discontinue all use of the Licensed Marks and Name, will not use them thereafter, and will promptly, upon written notice from BCBSA, change its corporate name so as to eliminate the Licensed Name therefrom.

12. The license hereby granted to Plan to use the Licensed Marks and Name is and shall be personal to the Plan so licensed and shall not be assignable by any act of the Plan, directly or indirectly, without the written consent of BCBSA. Said license shall not be assignable by operation of law, nor shall Plan mortgage or part with possession or control of this license or any right hereunder, and the Plan shall have no right to grant any sublicense to use the Licensed Marks and Name.

13. BCBSA shall maintain appropriate service mark registrations of the Licensed Marks and BCBSA shall take such lawful steps and proceedings as may be necessary or proper to prevent use of the Licensed Marks by any person who is not authorized to use the same. Any actions or proceedings undertaken by BCBSA under the provisions of this paragraph shall be at BCBSA's sole cost and expense. BCBSA shall have the sole right to determine whether or not any legal action shall be taken on account of unauthorized use of the Licensed Marks, such right not to be unreasonably exercised. The Plan shall report any unlawful usage of the Licensed Marks to BCBSA in writing and agrees, free of charge, to cooperate fully with BCBSA's program of enforcing and protecting the service mark rights, trade name rights and other rights in the Licensed Marks.


14. The Plan hereby agrees to save, defend, indemnify and hold BCBSA and any other Plan(s) harmless from and against all claims, damages, liabilities and costs of every kind, nature and description which may arise exclusively and directly as a result of the activities of the Plan. BCBSA hereby agrees to save, defend, indemnify and hold the Plan and any other Plan(s) harmless from and against all claims, damages, liabilities and costs of every kind, nature and description which may arise exclusively and directly as a result of the activities of BCBSA.

15. (a). This Agreement shall automatically terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (i) a voluntary petition shall be filed by the Plan or by BCBSA seeking bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement with creditors or other relief under the bankruptcy laws of the United States or any other law governing insolvency or debtor relief, or (ii) an involuntary petition or proceeding shall be filed against the Plan or BCBSA seeking bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement with creditors or other relief under the bankruptcy laws of the United States or any other law governing insolvency or debtor relief and such petition or proceeding is consented to or acquiesced in by the Plan or BCBSA or is not dismissed within sixty (60) days of the date upon which the petition or other document commencing the proceeding is served upon the Plan or BCBSA respectively, or (iii) an order for relief is entered against the Plan or BCBSA in any case under the bankruptcy laws of the United States, or the Plan or BCBSA is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent (as that term is defined in the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted in the state of Illinois) by any court of competent jurisdiction, or (iv) the Plan or BCBSA makes a general assignment of its assets for the benefit of creditors, or (v) the Department of Insurance or other regulatory agency assumes control of the Plan or delinquency proceedings (voluntary or involuntary) are instituted, or (vi) an action is brought by the Plan or BCBSA seeking its dissolution or liquidation of its assets or seeking the appointment of a trustee, interim trustee, receiver or other custodian for any of its property or business, or (vii) an action is instituted by any governmental entity or officer against the Plan or BCBSA seeking its dissolution or liquidation of its assets or seeking appointment of a trustee. interim trustee, receiver or other custodian for any of its property or business and such action is consented to or acquiesced in by the Plan or BCBSA or is not dismissed within one hundred thirty (130) days of the date upon which the pleading or other document commencing the action is served upon the Plan or BCBSA respectively, provided that if the action is stayed or its prosecution is enjoined, the one hundred thirty (130) day period is tolled for the duration of the stay or injunction, and provided further, that the Association's Board of Directors may toll or extend the 130 day period at any time prior to its expiration, or (viii) a trustee, interim trustee, receiver or other custodian for any of the Plan's or BCBSA's property or business is appointed, or the Plan or BCBSA is ordered dissolved or liquidated, or (ix) the Plan shall fail to pay its dues and shall not cure such failure within thirty (30) days of receiving written notice thereof. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, a declaration or a request for declaration of the existence of a trust over any of the Plan's or BCBSA's property or business shall not in itself be deemed to constitute or seek appointment of a trustee, interim trustee, receiver or other custodian for purposes of subparagraphs 15(a)(vii) and (viii) of this Agreement.



(b). BCBSA, or the Plans (as provided and in addition to the rights conferred in Paragraph 10(b) above), may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice upon the occurrence of either of the following events: (a) the Plan or BCBSA becomes insolvent (as that term is defined in the Uniform Commercial Code enacted in the state of Illinois), or (b) any final judgment against the Plan or BCBSA remains unsatisfied or unbonded of record for a period of sixty (60) days or longer.

(c). If this License Agreement is terminated as to BCBSA for any reason stated in subparagraphs 15(a) and (b) above, the ownership of the Licensed Marks shall revert to each of the Plans.

(d). Upon termination of this License Agreement or any Controlled Affiliate License Agreement of a Larger Controlled Affiliate, as defined in Exhibit 1 to this License Agreement:

(i) The terminated entity shall send a notice through the U.S. mails, with first class postage affixed, to all individual and group customers, providers, brokers and agents of products or services sold, marketed, underwritten or administered by the terminated entity or its Controlled Affiliates under the Licensed Marks and Name. The form and content of the notice shall be specified by BCBSA and shall, at a minimum, notify the recipient of the termination of the license, the consequences thereof, and instructions for obtaining alternate products or services licensed by BCBSA. This notice shall be mailed within 15 days after termination or, if termination is pursuant to paragraph 10(d) of this Agreement, within 15 days after the written notice to BCBSA described in paragraph 10(d).

(ii) The terminated entity shall deliver to BCBSA within five days of a request by BCBSA a listing of national accounts in which the terminated entity is involved (in a Control, Participating or Servicing capacity), identifying the national account and the terminated entity's role therein. For those accounts where the terminated entity is the Control Plan, the Plan must also indicate the Participating and Servicing Plans in the national account syndicate.



(iii) Unless the cause of termination is an event stated in paragraph 15(a) or (b) above respecting BCBSA, the Plan and its Licensed Controlled Affiliates shall be jointly liable for payment to BCBSA of an amount equal to $25 multiplied by the number of Licensed Enrollees of the terminated entity and its Licensed Controlled Affiliates; provided that if any other Plan is permitted by BCBSA to use marks or names licensed by BCBSA in the Service Area established by this Agreement, the payment shall be multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of Licensed Enrollees of the terminated entity and its Licensed Controlled Affiliates and the denominator of which is the total number of Licensed Enrollees in the Service Area. Licensed Enrollee means each and every person and covered dependent who is enrolled as an individual or member of a group receiving products or services sold, marketed or administered under marks or names licensed by BCBSA as determined at the earlier of (a) the end of the last fiscal year of the terminated entity which ended prior to termination or
(b) the fiscal year which ended before any transactions causing the termination began. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the amount payable pursuant to this subparagraph (d)(iii) shall be due only to the extent that, in BCBSA's opinion, it does not cause the net worth of the Plan to fall below 100% of the capital benchmark formula or its equivalent under any successor formula, as set forth in the applicable financial responsibility standards established by BCBSA (provided such equivalent is approved for purposes of this sub paragraph by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Plans and three-fourths of the total then current weighted vote of all the Plans), measured as of the date of termination and adjusted for the value of any transactions not made in the ordinary course of business. This payment shall not be due in connection with transactions exclusively by or among Plan or their affiliates, including reorganizations, combinations or mergers, where the BCBSA Board of Directors determines that the license termination does not result in a material diminution in the number of Licensed Enrollees or the extent of their coverage.



(iv) BCBSA shall have the right to audit the books and records of the terminated entity and its Licensed Controlled Affiliates to verify compliance with this paragraph 15(d).

(v) As to a breach of 15 (d) (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv), the parties agree that the obligations are immediately enforceable in a court of competent jurisdiction. As to a breach of 15 (d) (i), (ii) or
(iv) by the Plan, the parties agree there is no adequate remedy at law and BCBSA is entitled to obtain specific performance.

(e). BCBSA shall be entitled to enjoin the Plan or any related party in a court of competent jurisdiction from entry into any transaction which would result in a termination of this License Agreement unless the License Agreement has been terminated pursuant to paragraph 10 (d) of this Agreement upon the required six (6) month written notice.

(f). BCBSA acknowledges that it is not the owner of assets of the Plan.

16. This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein, and contains all of the covenants and agreements of the parties as to the licensing of the Licensed Marks and Name. This Agreement may be amended only by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Plans and three-fourths of the total then current weighted vote of all the Plans as officially recorded by the BCBSA Corporate Secretary.

17. If any provision or any part of any provision of this Agreement is judicially declared unlawful, each and every other provision, or any part of any provision, shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding such judicial declaration.

18. No waiver by BCBSA or the Plan of any breach or default in performance on the part of BCBSA or the Plan or any other licensee of any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default in performance of said terms, covenants or conditions.

19a. All notices provided for hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent in duplicate by regular mail to BCBSA or the Plan at the address currently published for each by BCBSA and shall be marked respectively to the attention of the President and, if any, the General Counsel, of BCBSA or the Plan.



(The next page is page 9)

19b. Except as provided in paragraphs 9(b), 9(d)(iii), 15(a), and 15(b) above, this Agreement may be terminated for a breach only upon at least 30 days' written notice to the Plan advising of the specific matters at issue and granting the Plan an opportunity to be heard and to present its response to the Member Plans.


20. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute the parties hereto as partners or joint venturers, or either as the agent of the other, and Plan shall have no right to bind or obligate BCBSA in any way, nor shall it represent that it has any right to do so. BCBSA shall have no liability to third parties with respect to any aspect of the business, activities, operations, products, or services of the Plan.

21. This Agreement shall be governed, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this License Agreement to be executed, effective as of the date of last signature written below.


By /s/

Title President & CEO

Date 1-4-99

By /s/

Title      President and CEO

Date January 4, 1999



June 1998


The standards for licensing Controlled Affiliates are established by BCBSA and are subject to change from time-to-time upon the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the Plans and three-fourths (3/4) of the total weighted vote. Each licensed Plan is required to use a standard Controlled Affiliate license form provided by BCBSA and to cooperate fully in assuring that the licensed Controlled Affiliate maintains compliance with the license standards.

The Controlled Affiliate License provides a flexible vehicle to accommodate the potential range of health and workers' compensation related products and services Plan Controlled Affiliates provide. The Controlled Affiliate License collapses former health Controlled Affiliate licenses (HCC, HMO, PPO, TPA, and IDS) into a single license using the following business-based criteria to provide a framework for license standards:

- Percent of Controlled Affiliate controlled by parent: Greater than 50 percent or 50 percent?

- Risk assumption: yes or no?

- Medical care delivery: yes or no?

- Size of the Controlled Affiliate: If the Controlled Affiliate has health or workers' compensation administration business, does such business constitute 15 percent or more of the parent's and other licensed health subsidiaries' contract enrollment?



For purposes of definition:

- A "smaller Controlled Affiliate:" (1) comprises less than fifteen percent (15%) of Plan's and its licensed Controlled Affiliates' total contract enrollment (as reported on the BCBSA Quarterly Enrollment Report, excluding rider and freestanding coverage, and treating an entity seeking licensure as licensed);* or (2) underwrites the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance and has total premium revenue less than 15 percent of the sponsoring Plan's net subscription revenue.

- A "larger Controlled Affiliate" comprises fifteen percent (15%) or more of Plan's and its licensed Controlled Affiliates' total contract enrollment (as reported on the BCBSA Quarterly Enrollment Report, excluding rider and freestanding coverage, and treating an entity seeking licensure as licensed.)*

Changes in Controlled Affiliate status:

If ANY Controlled Affiliate's status changes regarding: its Plan ownership level, its risk acceptance or direct delivery of medical care, the Controlled Affiliate shall notify BCBSA within thirty (30) days of such occurrence in writing and come into compliance with the applicable standards within six (6) months.

If a smaller Controlled Affiliate's health and workers' compensation administration business reaches or surpasses fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract enrollment of the Plan and licensed Controlled Affiliates, the Controlled Affiliate shall:



1. Within thirty (30) days, notify BCBSA of this fact in writing, including evidence that the Controlled Affiliate meets the minimum liquidity and capital (BCBSA Capital Benchmark or "Managed Care Organizations Risk-Based Capital (NICO-RBC)" as defined by the NAIC and state-established minimum reserve) requirements of the larger Controlled Affiliate Financial Responsibility standard; and

2. Within six (6) months after reaching or surpassing the fifteen percent (15%) threshold, demonstrate compliance with all license requirements for a larger Controlled Affiliate.

If a Controlled Affiliate that underwrites the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance receives a change in rating or proposed change in rating, the Controlled Affiliate shall notify BCBSA within 30 days of notification by the external rating agency.

*For purposes of this calculation

The numerator equals:

Applicant Controlled Affiliate's contract enrollment, as defined in BCBSA's Quarterly Enrollment Report (excluding rider and freestanding coverage).

The denominator equals:

Numerator PLUS Plan and all other licensed Controlled Affiliates' contract enrollment, as reported in BCBSA's Quarterly Enrollment Report (excluding rider and freestanding coverage).




As described in Preamble section of Exhibit A to the Affiliate License Agreement, each controlled affiliate seeking licensure must answer four questions. Depending on the controlled affiliate's answers, certain standards apply:

1. What percent of the controlled affiliate is controlled by the parent Plan?
          More than 50%                           50%                   100% and Primary
                                                                      Business Government
         Standard lA, 4                      Standard 1B, 4               Non-Risk

                                                                         Standard 4 - 10A
* Applicable only if using the names and marks.


2. Is risk being assumed?


 Controlled            Controlled             Controlled             Controlled              Controlled     Controlled
 Affiliate             Affiliate              Affiliate              Affiliate               Affiliate      Affiliate
 underwrites           comprises <            comprises _>           comprises <             comprises _>   Primary
 any indemnity         15% of total           15% of total           15% of total            15% of total   Business is
 portion of            contract               contract               contract                contract       Government
 workers'              enrollment of          enrollment of          enrollment of           enrollment of  Non-Risk
 compensation          Plan and its           Plan and its           Plan and its            Plan and its
 insurance             licensed               licensed               licensed                licensed       Standard 10B
                       affiliates,            affiliates,            affiliates              affiliates
 Standards 7A-         and does not           and does not
 7E                    underwrite the         underwrite the
                       indemnity              indemnity
                       portion of             portion of             Standard 2              Standard 6H
                       workers'               workers'               (Guidelines
                       compensation           compensation           2.1,2.3)
                       insurance              insurance

                       Standard 2             Standard 6H


3. Is medical care being directly provided?

                                Yes                                                               No

                            Standard 3A                                                       Standard 3B


4. If the controlled affiliate has health or workers' compensation administration business, does such business comprise 15$ or more of the total contract enrollment of Plan and its licensed controlled affiliates?

                                Yes                                                               No




Standards 6A-6I           Controlled               Controlled           Controlled
                          Affiliate is a           Affiliate is         Affiliate's
                          former primary           not a former         Primary Business
                          licensee                 primary              is Government
                                                   licensee             Non-Risk

                           Standards               Standards            Standards 8,
                            5, 8, 9                   5,8                   10(C)




1A.) The Standard for more than 50% Plan control is:

A Controlled Affiliate shall be organized and operated in such a manner that a licensed Plan or Plans authorized to use the Licensed Marks in the Service Area of the Controlled Affiliate pursuant to separate License Agreement(s) with BCBSA, other than such Controlled Affiliate's License Agreement(s), (the "Controlling Plan(s)"), have the legal authority, directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries: 1) to select members of the Controlled Affiliate's governing body having more than 50% voting control thereof; and 2) to prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the Controlled Affiliate with which the Controlling Plan(s) do(es) not concur; and 3) to exercise control over the policy and operations of the Controlled Affiliate. In addition, a Plan or Plans directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries shall own more than 50% of any for-profit Controlled Affiliate.

1B.) The Standard for 50% Plan control is:

A Controlled Affiliate shall be organized and operated in such a manner that a licensed Plan or Plans authorized to use the Licensed Marks in the Service Area of the Controlled Affiliate pursuant to separate License Agreement(s) with BCBSA, other than such Controlled Affiliate's License Agreement(s), (the "Controlling Plan(s)"), have the legal authority, directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries:

1) to select members of the Controlled Affiliate's govern having not less than 50% voting control thereof; and

2) to prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the Controlled Affiliate with which the Controlling Plan(s) do(es) not concur; and

3) to exercise control over the policy and operations of the Controlled Affiliate at least equal to that exercised by persons or entities (jointly or individually) other than the Controlling Plan(s).


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in 1) through 3) hereof, the Controlled Affiliate's establishing or governing documents must also require written approval by the Controlling Plan(s) before the Controlled Affiliate can:

- change the geographic area in which it operates

- change its legal and/or trade names

- change any of the types of businesses in which it engages

- create, or become liable for by way of guarantee, any indebtedness, other than indebtedness arising in the ordinary course of business

- sell any assets, except for sales in the ordinary course of business or sales of equipment no longer useful or being replaced

- make any loans or advances except in the ordinary course of business

- enter into any arrangement or agreement with any party directly or indirectly affiliated with any of the owners or persons or entities with the authority to select or appoint members or board members of the Controlled Affiliate, other than the Plan or Plans (excluding owners of stock holdings of under 5% in a publicly traded Controlled Affiliate)

- conduct any business other than under the Licensed Marks and Name

- take any action that any Controlling Plan or BCBSA reasonably believes will adversely affect the Licensed Marks and Name.

In addition, a Plan or Plans directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries shall own at least 50% of any for-profit Controlled Affiliate.


EXHIBIT A (continued)


A Controlled Affiliate shall be operated in a manner that provides reasonable financial assurance that it can fulfill all of its contractual obligations to its customers. If a risk-assuming Controlled Affiliate ceases operations for any reason, Blue Shield and/or Blue Shield Plan coverage will be offered to all Controlled Affiliate subscribers without exclusions, limitations or conditions based on health status. If a nonrisk-assuming Controlled Affiliate ceases operations for any reason, sponsoring Plans) will provide for services to its
(their) customers.


3A.) The Standard for a Controlled Affiliate that employs, owns or contracts on a substantially exclusive basis for medical services is:

A Controlled Affiliate shall maintain unimpaired licensure or certification for its medical care providers to operate under applicable state laws.

3B.) The Standard for a Controlled Affiliate that does not employ, own or contract on a substantially exclusive basis for medical services is:

A Controlled Affiliate shall maintain unimpaired licensure or certification to operate under applicable state laws.


A Controlled Affiliate shall make adequate disclosure in contracting with third parties and in disseminating public statements of 1) the structure of the Blue Shield and Blue Shield System; and 2) the independent nature of every licensee; and 3) the Controlled Affiliate's financial condition.


For a smaller Controlled Affiliate that does not underwrite the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance, the Standard is:



A Controlled Affiliate and/or its licensed Plans) shall furnish, on a timely and accurate basis, reports and records relating to these Standards and the License Agreements between BCBSA and Controlled Affiliate.


Standards 6(A) - (I) that follow apply to larger Controlled Affiliates.

Standard 6(A): Board of Directors

A Controlled Affiliate Governing Board shall act in the interest of its Corporation in providing cost-effective health care services to its customers. A Controlled Affiliate shall maintain a governing Board, which shall control the Controlled Affiliate, composed of a majority of persons other than providers of health care services, who shall be known as public members. A public member shall not be an employee of or have a financial interest in a health care provider, nor be a member of a profession which provides health care services.

Standard 6(B): Responsiveness to Customers

A Controlled Affiliate shall be operated in a manner responsive to customer needs and requirements.

Standard 6(C): Participation in National Programs

A Controlled Affiliate shall effectively and efficiently participate in each national program as from time to time may be adopted by the Member Plans for the purposes of providing portability of membership between the licensees and ease of claims processing for customers receiving benefits outside of the Controlled Affiliate's Service Area.

Such programs are applicable to licensees, and include:

A. Transfer Program;

B. BlueCard Program;


EXHIBIT A (continued)

C. Inter-Plan Teleprocessing Systems (ITS); and

D. Inter-Plan Data Reporting (IPDR) Program, through January 1, 1999.

Standard 6(D): Financial Performance Requirements

In addition to requirements under the national programs listed in Standard 6C:
Participation in National Programs, a Controlled Affiliate shall take such action as required to ensure its financial performance in programs and contracts of an inter-licensee nature or where BCBSA is a party.

Standard 6(E): Cooperation with Plan Performance Response Process

A Controlled Affiliate shall cooperate with BCBSA's Board of Directors and its Plan Performance and Financial Standards Committee in the administration of the Plan Performance Response Process and in addressing Controlled Affiliate performance problems identified thereunder.

Standard 6(F): Independent Financial Rating

A Controlled Affiliate shall obtain a rating of its financial strength from an independent rating agency approved by BCBSA's Board of Directors for such purpose.

Standard 6(G): Best Efforts

During each year, a Controlled Affiliate shall use its best efforts in the designated Service Area to promote and build the value of the Blue Shield Mark.

Standard 6(H): Financial Responsibility

A Controlled Affiliate shall be operated in a manner that provides reasonable financial assurance that it can fulfill all of its contractual obligations to its customers.


EXHIBIT A(continued)

Standard 6(I): Reports and Records

A Controlled Affiliate shall furnish to BCBSA on a timely and accurate basis reports and records relating to compliance with these Standards and the License Agreements between BCBSA and Controlled Affiliate. Such reports and records are the following:

A) BCBSA Controlled Affiliate Licensure Information Request; and

B) Biennial trade name and service mark usage material, including disclosure material; and

C) Changes in the ownership and governance of the Controlled Affiliate, including changes in its charter, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, changes in a Controlled Affiliate's Board composition, or changes in the identity of the Controlled Affiliate's Principal Officers, and changes in risk acceptance, contract growth, or direct delivery of medical care; and

D) Quarterly Financial Report, Quarterly Plan Capital Benchmark Worksheet through 6/30/99, Semi-annual "Managed Care Organizations Risk-Based Capital (MCO-RBC) Report" starting 12/31/98 and thereafter as defined by the NAIC, Annual Financial Forecast, Annual Certified Audit Report, Insurance Department Examination Report, Annual Statement filed with State Insurance Department (with all attachments), and Consolidating Financial Statement;

E) Quarterly Utilization Report through 12/31/99, Quarterly Enrollment Report, Semi-Annual Benefit Cost Management Report starting 6/30/00 and thereafter, and NMIS Quarterly Report.

F) Quarterly Year 2000 Readiness Report, in format approved by the Plan Performance and Financial Standards Committee (Note: Authorization for this report sunsets 12/31/99 unless extension adopted by the Member Plans).



STANDARD 6(J): Control by Unlicensed Entities Prohibited

No Controlled Affiliate shall cause or permit an unlicensed entity to obtain control of the Controlled Affiliate or to acquire a substantial portion of its assets related to licensable services.


Standards 7(A) - (E) that follow apply to Controlled Affiliates that underwrite the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance.

Standard 7 (A): Financial Responsibility

A Controlled Affiliate shall be operated in a manner that provides reasonable financial assurance that it can fulfill all of its contractual obligations to its customers.

Standard 7(B): Reports and Records

A Controlled Affiliate shall furnish, on a timely and accurate basis, reports and records relating to compliance with these Standards and the License Agreements between BCBSA and the Controlled Affiliate. Such reports and records are the following:

A. BCBSA Controlled Affiliate Licensure Information Request; and

B. Biennial trade name and service mark usage materials, including disclosure materials; and

C. Annual Certified Audit Report, Annual Statement as filed with the State Insurance Department (with all attachments), Annual NAIC's Risk-Based Capital Worksheets for Property and Casualty Insurers, and Annual Financial Forecast; and



D. Quarterly Financial Report, Quarterly Estimated Risk-Based Capital for Property and Casualty Insurers, Insurance Department Examination Report, and Quarterly NMIS Report (for licensed health business only); and

E. Notification of all changes and proposed changes to independent ratings within 30 days of receipt and submission of a copy of all rating reports; and

F. Changes in the ownership and governance of the Controlled Affiliate including changes in its charter, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, changes in a Controlled Affiliate's Board composition, Plan control, state license status, operating area, the Controlled Affiliate's Principal Officers or direct delivery of medical care.

Standard 7(C): Loss Prevention

A Controlled Affiliate shall apply loss prevention protocol to both new and existing business.

Standard 7(D): Claims Administration

A Controlled Affiliate shall maintain an effective claims administration process that includes all the necessary functions to assure prompt and proper resolution of medical and indemnity claims.

Standard 7(E): Disability and Provider Management

A Controlled Affiliate shall arrange for the provision of appropriate and necessary medical and rehabilitative services to facilitate early intervention by medical professionals and timely and appropriate return to work.




A Controlled Affiliate and its Sponsoring Plans) shall cooperate with BCBSA's Board of Directors and its Plan Performance and Financial Standards Committee in the administration of the Controlled Affiliate License Performance Response Process Protocol (ALPRPP) and in addressing Controlled Affiliate compliance problems identified thereunder.


A smaller Controlled Affiliate for which this standard applies pursuant to the Preamble section of Exhibit A of the Controlled Affiliate License Agreement shall effectively and efficiently participate in certain national programs from time to time as may be adopted by Member Plans for the purposes of providing ease of claims processing for customers receiving benefits outside of the Controlled Affiliate's service area and be subject to certain relevant financial and reporting requirements.


Standards 10(A) - (C) that follow apply to Controlled Affiliates whose primary business is government non-risk.

Standard 10(A) - Organization and Governance

A Controlled Affiliate shall be organized and operated in such a manner that it is 1) wholly owned by a licensed Plan or Plans and 2) the sponsoring licensed Plan or Plans have the legal ability to prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the Controlled Affiliate with which it does not concur.



Standard 10(B) - Financial Responsibility

A Controlled Affiliate shall be operated in a manner that provides reasonable financial assurance that it can fulfill all of its contractual obligations to its customers.

Standard 10(C):- Reports and Records

A Controlled Affiliate shall furnish, on a timely and accurate basis, reports and records relating to compliance with these Standards and the License Agreements between BCBSA and the Controlled Affiliate. Such reports and records are the following:

A. BCBSA Affiliate Licensure Information Request; and

B. Biennial trade name and service mark usage materials, including disclosure material; and

C. Annual Certified Audit Report, Annual Statement (if required) as filed with the State Insurance Department (with all attachments), Annual NAIC Risk-Based Capital Worksheets (if required) as filed with the State Insurance Department (with all attachments), and Insurance Department Examination Report (if applicable)*; and

D. Changes in the ownership and governance of the Controlled Affiliate, including changes in its charter, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, changes in the Controlled Affiliate's Board composition, Plan control, state license status, operating area, the Controlled Affiliate's Principal Officers or direct delivery of medical care.



Controlled Affiliate will pay BCBSA a fee for this license in accordance with the following formula:


For Controlled Affiliates not underwriting the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance:

An amount equal to its pro rata share of each sponsoring Plan's dues payable to BCBSA computed with the addition of the Controlled Affiliate's subscription revenue and contracts arising from products using the marks. The payment by each sponsoring Plan of its dues to BCBSA, including that portion described in this paragraph, will satisfy the requirement of this paragraph, and no separate payment will be necessary.

For Controlled Affiliates underwriting the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance:

An amount equal to 0.35 percent of the gross revenue per annum of Controlled Affiliate arising from products using the marks; plus, an annual fee of $5,000 per license for a Controlled Affiliate subject to Standard 7.

For Controlled Affiliates whose primary business is government non-risk:

An amount equal to its pro-rata share of each sponsoring Plan's dues payable to BCBSA computed with the addition of the Controlled Affiliate's government non-risk beneficiaries.



An amount equal to 0.24 percent of the gross revenue per annum of Controlled Affiliate arising from products using the marks; plus:

1) An annual fee of $5,000 per license for a Controlled Affiliate subject to Standard 6.

2) An annual fee of $2,000 per license for all other Controlled Affiliates.

The foregoing shall be reduced by one-half where both a BLUE CROSS@ and BLUE SHIELD@ License are issued to the same Controlled Affiliate. In the event that any license period is greater or less than one (1) year, any amounts due shall be prorated. Royalties under this formula will be calculated, billed and paid in arrears.


This Agreement by and among Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association ("BCBSA") and Triple-S, Inc. ("Controlled Affiliate"), a Controlled Affiliate of the Blue Shield Plan(s), known as Triple-S, Management Corporation ("Plan"), which is also a Party signatory hereto.

WHEREAS, BCBSA is the owner of the BLUE SHIELD and BLUE SHIELD Design service marks;

WHEREAS, Plan and Controlled Affiliate desire that the latter be entitled to use the BLUE SHIELD and BLUE SHIELD Design service marks (collectively the "Licensed Marks") as service marks and be entitled to use the term BLUE SHIELD in a trade name ("Licensed Name");

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual agreements hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:


Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, BCBSA hereby grants to Controlled Affiliate the right to use the Licensed Marks and Name in connection with, and only in connection with: (i) health care plans and related services and administering the non-health portion of workers' compensation insurance, and (ii) underwriting the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance, provided that Controlled Affiliate's total premium revenue comprises less than 15 percent of the sponsoring Plan's net subscription revenue.

This grant of rights is non-exclusive and is limited to the Service Area served by the Plan. Controlled Affiliate may not use the Licensed Marks and Name in its legal name and may use the Licensed Marks and Name in its Trade Name only with the prior consent of BCBSA.


A. Controlled Affiliate agrees to use the Licensed Marks and Name only in connection with the licensed services and further agrees to be bound by the conditions regarding quality control shown in attached Exhibit A as they may be amended by BCBSA from time-to-time.

B. Controlled affiliate agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws.

C. Controlled Affiliate agrees that it will provide on an annual basis (or more often if reasonably required by Plan or by BCBSA) a report or reports to Plan and BCBSA demonstrating Controlled Affiliate's compliance with the requirements of this Agreement including but not limited to the quality control provisions of this paragraph and the attached Exhibit A.

D. Controlled affiliate agrees that Plan and/or BCBSA may, from time-to-time, upon reasonable notice, review and inspect the manner and method of Controlled Affiliate's rendering of service and use of the Licensed Marks and Name.

E. As used herein, a Controlled Affiliate is defined as an entity organized and operated in such a manner, that it meets the following requirements:

(1) A Plan or Plans authorized to use the Licensed Marks in the Service Area of the Controlled Affiliate pursuant to separate License Agreement(s) with BCBSA, other than such Controlled Affiliate's License Agreement(s), (the "Controlling Plan(s)"), must have the legal authority directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries to select members of the Controlled Affiliate's governing body having not less than 50% voting control thereof and to:

(a) prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the Controlled Affiliate with which the Controlling Plan(s) do(es) not concur;

(b) exercise control over the policy and operations of the Controlled Affiliate at least equal to that exercised by persons or entities (jointly or individually) other than the Controlling Plan(s); and

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in (a) through (b) hereof, the Controlled Affiliate's establishing or governing documents must also require written approval by the Controlling Plan(s) before the Controlled Affiliate can:

(i) change its legal and/or trade names;

(ii) change the geographic area in which it operates;

(iii) change any of the types) of businesses in which it engages;


(iv) create, or become liable for by way of guarantee, any indebtedness, other than indebtedness arising in the ordinary course of business;

(v) sell any assets, except for sales in the ordinary course of business or sales of equipment no longer useful or being replaced;

(vi) make any loans or advances except in the ordinary course of business;

(vii) enter into any arrangement or agreement with any party directly or indirectly affiliated with any of the owners or persons or entities with the authority to select or appoint members or board members of the Controlled Affiliate, other than the Plan or Plans (excluding owners of stock holdings of under 5% in a publicly traded Controlled Affiliate);

(viii) conduct any business other than under the Licensed Marks and Name;

(ix) take any action that any Controlling Plan or BCBSA reasonably believes will adversely affect the Licensed Marks and Name.

In addition, a Plan or Plans directly or indirectly through wholly owned subsidiaries shall own at least 50% of any for-profit Controlled Affiliate.


(2) A Plan or Plans authorized to use the Licensed Marks in the Service Area of the Controlled Affiliate pursuant to separate License Agreement(s) with BCBSA, other than such Controlled Affiliate's License Agreement(s), (the "Controlling Plan(s)"), have the legal authority directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries to select members of the Controlled Affiliate's governing body having more than 50% voting control thereof and to:

(a) prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the Controlled Affiliate with which the Controlling Plan(s) do(es) not concur;
(b) exercise control over the policy and operations of the Controlled Affiliate.

In addition, a Plan or Plans directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries shall own at least 50% of any for-profit Controlled Affiliate.



A. Controlled Affiliate recognizes the importance of a comprehensive national network of independent BCBSA licensees which are committed to strengthening the Licensed Marks and Name. The Controlled Affiliate further recognizes that its actions within its Service Area may affect the value of the Licensed Marks and Name nationwide.

B. Controlled Affiliate shall at all times make proper service mark use of the Licensed Marks and Name, including but not limited to use of such symbols or words as BCBSA shall specify to protect the Licensed Marks and Name and shall comply with such rules (generally applicable to Controlled Affiliates licensed to use the Licensed Marks and Name) relative to service mark use, as are issued from time-to-time by BCBSA. Controlled Affiliate recognizes and agrees that all use of the Licensed Marks and Name by Controlled Affiliate shall inure to the benefit of BCBSA.

C. Controlled Affiliate may not directly or indirectly use the Licensed Marks and Name in a manner that transfers or is intended to transfer in the Service Area the goodwill associated therewith to another mark or name, nor may Controlled Affiliate engage in activity that may dilute or tarnish the unique value of the Licensed Marks and Name.

D. If Controlled Affiliate meets the standards of 2E(1) but not 2E(2) above and any of Controlled Affiliate's advertising or promotional material is reasonably determined by BCBSA and/or the Plan to be in contravention of rules and regulations governing the use of the Licensed Marks and Name. Controlled Affiliate shall for ninety (90) days thereafter obtain prior approval from BCBSA of advertising and promotional efforts using the Licensed Marks and Name, approval or disapproval thereof to be forthcoming within five (5) business days of receipt of same by BCBSA or its designee. In all advertising and promotional efforts, Controlled Affiliate shall observe the Service Area limitations applicable to Plan.

E. Controlled Affiliate shall use its best efforts in the Service Area to promote and build the value of the Licensed Marks and Name.



Controlled Affiliate shall not, directly or indirectly, sublicense, transfer, hypothecate, sell, encumber or mortgage, by operation of law or otherwise, the rights granted hereunder and any such act shall be voidable at the sole option of Plan or BCBSA. This Agreement and all rights and duties hereunder are personal to Controlled Affiliate.


Controlled Affiliate shall promptly notify Plan and Plan shall promptly notify BCBSA of any suspected acts of infringement, unfair competition or passing off that may occur in relation to the Licensed Marks and Name. Controlled Affiliate shall not be entitled to require Plan or BCBSA to take any actions or institute any proceedings to prevent infringement, unfair competition or passing off by third parties. Controlled Affiliate agrees to render to Plan and BCBSA, without charge, all reasonable assistance in connection with any matter pertaining to the protection of the Licensed Marks and Name by BCBSA.


Controlled Affiliate and Plan hereby agree to save, defend, indemnify and hold BCBSA harmless from and against all claims, damages, liabilities and costs of every kind, nature and description (except those arising solely as a result of BCBSA's negligence) that may arise as a result of or related to Controlled Affiliate's rendering of services under the Licensed Marks and Name.


A. Except as otherwise provided herein, the license granted by this Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of one (1) year and shall be automatically extended for additional one (1) year periods unless terminated pursuant to the provisions herein.

B. This Agreement and all of Controlled Affiliate's rights hereunder shall immediately terminate without any further action by any party or entity in the event that Plan ceases to be authorized to use the Licensed Marks and Name.

C. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this license to use the Licensed Marks and Name may be forthwith terminated by the Plan or the affirmative vote of the majority of the Board of Directors of BCBSA present and voting at a special meeting expressly called by BCBSA for the purpose on ten (10) days written notice to the Plan advising of the specific matters at issue and granting the Plan an opportunity to be heard and to present its response to


Member Plans for: (1) failure to comply with any applicable minimum capital or liquidity requirement under the quality control standards of this Agreement; or
(2) failure to comply with the "Organization and Governance" quality control standard of this Agreement: or (3) impending financial insolvency; or (4.) for a Smaller Controlled Affiliate (as defined in Exhibit A), failure to comply with any of the applicable requirements of Standards 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7 of attached Exhibit A; or (5) the pendency of any action instituted against the Controlled Affiliate seeking its dissolution or liquidation of its assets or seeking appointment of a trustee, interim trustee, receiver or other custodian for any of its property or business or seeking the declaration or establishment of a trust for any of its property or business, unless this Controlled Affiliate License Agreement has been earlier terminated under paragraph 7(e); or (6) failure by a Controlled Affiliate that meets the standards of 2E(1) but not 2E(2) above to obtain BCBSA's written consent to a change in the identity of any owner, in the extent of ownership, or in the identity of any person or entity with the authority to select or appoint members or board members, provided that as to publicly traded Controlled Affiliates this provision shall apply only if the change affects a person or entity that owns at least 5% of the Controlled Affiliate's stock before or after the change; or (7) such other reason as is determined in good faith immediately and irreparably to threaten the integrity and reputation of BCBSA, the Plans, any other licensee including Controlled Affiliate and/or the Licensed Marks and Name.

D. Except as otherwise provided in Paragraphs 7(B), 7(C) or 7(E) herein, should Controlled Affiliate fail to comply with the provisions of this Agreement and not cure such failure within thirty (30) days of receiving written notice thereof (or commence a cure within such thirty day period and continue diligent efforts to complete the cure if such curing cannot reasonably be completed within such thirty day period) BCBSA or the Plan shall have the right to issue a notice that the Controlled Affiliate is in a state of noncompliance. If a state of noncompliance as aforesaid is undisputed by the Controlled Affiliate or is found to exist by a mandatory dispute resolution panel and is uncured as provided above, BCBSA shall have the right to seek judicial enforcement of the Agreement or to issue a notice of termination thereof. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, any disputes as to the termination of this License pursuant to Paragraphs 7(B), 7(C) or 7(E) of this Agreement shall not be subject to mediation and mandatory dispute resolution. All other disputes between BCBSA, the Plan and/or Controlled Affiliate shall be submitted promptly to mediation and mandatory dispute resolution. The mandatory dispute resolution panel shall have authority to issue orders for specific performance and assess monetary penalties. Except, however, as provided in Paragraphs 7(B) and 7(E) of this Agreement, this license to use the Licensed Marks and Name may not be finally terminated for any reason without the affirmative vote of a majority of the present and voting members of the Board of Directors of BCBSA.


E. This Agreement and all of Controlled Affiliate's rights hereunder shall immediately terminate without any further action by any party or entity in the event that:

(1) Controlled Affiliate shall no longer comply with item 2(E) above;

(2) Appropriate dues, royalties and other payments for Controlled Affiliate pursuant to paragraph 9 hereof, which are the royalties for this License Agreement, are more than sixty (60) days in arrears to BCBSA; or

(3) Any of the following events occur: (i) a voluntary petition shall be filed by Controlled Affiliate seeking bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement with creditors or other relief under the bankruptcy laws of the United States or any other law governing insolvency or debtor relief, or (ii) an involuntary petition or proceeding shall be filed against Controlled Affiliate seeking bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement with creditors or other relief under the bankruptcy laws of the United States or any other law governing insolvency or debtor relief and such petition or proceeding is consented to or acquiesced in by Controlled Affiliate or is not dismissed within sixty (60) days of the date upon which the petition or other document commencing the proceeding is served upon the Controlled Affiliate, or (iii) an order for relief is entered against Controlled Affiliate in any case under the bankruptcy laws of the United States, or Controlled Affiliate is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent as those terms are defined in the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted in the State of Illinois by any court of competent jurisdiction, or (iv) Controlled Affiliate makes a general assignment of its assets for the benefit of creditors, or (v) the Department of Insurance or other regulatory agency assumes control of Controlled Affiliate or delinquency proceedings (voluntary or involuntary) are instituted, or (vi) an action is brought by Controlled Affiliate seeking its dissolution or liquidation of its assets or seeking the appointment of a trustee, interim trustee, receiver or other custodian for any of its property or business, or
(vii) an action is instituted by any governmental entity or officer against Controlled Affiliate seeking its dissolution or liquidation of its assets or seeking the appointment of a trustee, interim trustee, receiver or other custodian for any of its property or business and such action is consented to or acquiesced in by Controlled Affiliate or is not dismissed within one hundred thirty (130) days of the date upon which the pleading or other document commencing the action is served upon the Controlled Affiliate, provided that if the action is stayed or its prosecution is enjoined, the one hundred thirty
(130) day period is tolled for the duration of the stay or injunction, and provided further, that the Association's Board of Directors may toll or extend the 130 day period at any time prior to its expiration, or (viii) a trustee, interim trustee, receiver or other custodian for any of Controlled Affiliate's property or business is appointed or the Controlled Affiliate is ordered dissolved or liquidated. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, a declaration or a request for declaration of the existence of a trust over any of


the Controlled Affiliate's property or business shall not in itself be deemed to constitute or seek appointment of a trustee, interim trustee, receiver or other custodian for purposes of subparagraphs i(e)(3)(vii) and (viii) of this Agreement.

F. Upon termination of this Agreement for cause or otherwise, Controlled Affiliate agrees that it shall immediately discontinue all use of the Licensed Marks and Name, including any use in its trade name.

G. Upon termination of this Agreement, Controlled Affiliate shall immediately notify all of its customers that it is no longer a licensee of BCBSA and, if directed by the Association's Board of Directors, shall provide instruction on how the customer can contact BCBSA or a designated licensee to obtain further information on securing coverage. The notification required by this paragraph shall be in writing and in a form approved by BCBSA. The BCBSA shall have the right to audit the terminated entity's books and records to verify compliance with this paragraph.

H. In the event this Agreement terminates pursuant to 7(b) hereof, or in the event the Controlled Affiliate is a Larger Controlled Affiliate (as defined in Exhibit A), upon termination of this Agreement, the provisions of Paragraph 7.G. shall not apply and the following provisions shall apply:

(1) The Controlled Affiliate shall send a notice through the U.S. mails, with first class postage affixed, to all individual and group customers, providers, brokers and agents of products or services sold, marketed, underwritten or administered by the Controlled Affiliate under the Licensed Marks and Name. The form and content of the notice shall be specified by BCBSA and shall, at a minimum, notify the recipient of the termination of the license, the consequences thereof, and instructions for obtaining alternate products or services licensed by BCBSA. This notice shall be mailed within 15 days after termination.

(2) The Controlled Affiliate shall deliver to BCBSA within five days of a request by BCBSA a listing of national accounts in which the Controlled Affiliate is involved (in a control, participating or servicing capacity), identifying the national account and the Controlled Affiliate's role therein.

(3) Unless the cause of termination is an event respecting BCBSA stated in paragraph 15(a) or (b) of the Plan's license agreement with BCBSA to use the Licensed Marks and Name, the Controlled Affiliate, the Plan, and any other Licensed Controlled Affiliates of the Plan shall be jointly liable for payment to BCBSA of an amount equal to $25 multiplied by the number of Licensed Enrollees of the Controlled Affiliate; provided that if any other Plan is permitted by BCBSA to use marks or names licensed by BCBSA in the Service Area established by this Agreement, the payment shall be multiplied by a fraction, the


numerator of which is the number of Licensed Enrollees of the Controlled Affiliate, the Plan, and any other Licensed Controlled Affiliates and the denominator of which is the total number of Licensed Enrollees in the Service Area. Licensed Enrollee means each and every person and covered dependent who is enrolled as an individual or member of a group receiving products or services sold, marketed or administered under marks or names licensed by BCBSA as determined at the earlier of (i) the end of the last fiscal year of the terminated entity which ended prior to termination or (ii) the fiscal year which ended before any transactions causing the termination began. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the amount payable pursuant to this subparagraph H. (3) shall be due only to the extent that, in BCBSA's opinion, it does not cause the net worth of the Controlled Affiliate, the Plan or any other Licensed Controlled Affiliates of the Plan to fall below 100% of the capital benchmark formula, or its equivalent under any successor formula, as set forth in the applicable financial responsibility standards established by BCBSA (provided such equivalent is approved for purposes of this sub paragraph by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Plans and three-fourths of the total then current weighted vote of all the Plans); measured as of the date of termination, and adjusted for the value of any transactions not made in the ordinary course of business. This payment shall not be due in connection with transactions exclusively by or among Plans or their affiliates, including reorganizations, combinations or mergers, where the BCBSA Board of Directors determines that the license termination does not result in a material diminution in the number of Licensed Enrollees or the extent of their coverage.

(4) BCBSA shall have the right to audit the books and records of the Controlled Affiliate, the Plan, and any other Licensed Controlled Affiliates of the Plan to verify compliance with this paragraph 7.H.

(5) As to a breach of 7.H.(1), (2), (3) or (4), the parties agree that the obligations are immediately enforceable in a court of competent jurisdiction. As to a breach of 7.H.(1), (2) or (4.) by the Controlled Affiliate, the parties agree there is no adequate remedy at law and BCBSA is entitled to obtain specific performance.

I. In the event the Controlled Affiliate is a Smaller Controlled Affiliate (as defined in Exhibit A), the Controlled Affiliate agrees to be jointly liable for the amount described in H.3. hereof upon termination of the BCBSA license agreement of any Larger Controlled Affiliate of the Plan.

J. BCBSA shall be entitled to enjoin the Controlled Affiliate or any related party in a court of competent jurisdiction from entry into any transaction which would result in a termination of this Agreement unless the Plan's license from BCBSA to use the Licensed Marks and Names has been terminated


pursuant to 10(d) of the Plan's license agreement upon the required 6 month written notice.

K. BCBSA acknowledges that it is not the owner of assets of the Controlled Affiliate.

L. In the event that the Plan has more than 50 percent voting control of the Controlled Affiliate under Paragraph 2(E)(2) above and is a Larger Controlled Affiliate (as defined in Exhibit A), then the vote called for in Paragraphs 7(C) and 7(D) above shall require the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Blue Shield Plans which are Regular Members of BCBSA and three-fourths of the total then current weighted vote of all the Blue Shield Plans which are Regular Member Plans of BCBSA.


The parties agree that any disputes between them or between or among either of them and one or more Plans or Controlled Affiliates of Plans that use in any manner the Blue Shield and Blue Shield Marks and Name are subject to the Mediation and Mandatory Dispute Resolution process attached to and made a part of Plan's License from BCBSA to use the Licensed Marks and Name as Exhibits 5, 5A and 5B as amended from time-to-time, which documents are incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth herein.


Controlled Affiliate will pay to BCBSA a fee for this License determined pursuant to the formulas) set forth in Exhibit B.



Nothing contained in the Agreement shall be construed as creating a joint venture, partnership, agency or employment relationship between Plan and Controlled Affiliate or between either and BCBSA.


Notices regarding the subject matter of this Agreement or breach or termination thereof shall be in writing and shall be addressed in duplicate to the last known address of each other party, marked respectively to the attention of its President and, if any, its General Counsel.


This Agreement contains the complete understandings of the parties in relation to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may only be amended by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Plans and three-fourths of the total then current weighted vote of all the Plans as officially recorded by the BCBSA Corporate Secretary.


If any term of this Agreement is held to be unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, such findings shall in no way affect the remaining obligations of the parties hereunder and the court may substitute a lawful term or condition for any unlawful term or condition so long as the effect of such substitution is to provide the parties with the benefits of this Agreement.


No waiver by BCBSA of any breach or default in performance on the part of Controlled Affiliate or any other licensee of any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default in performance of said terms, covenants or conditions.





This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of Illinois.


The headings inserted in this agreement are for convenience only and shall have no bearing on the interpretation hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this License Agreement to be executed and effective as of the date of last signature written below.


By: /s/

Date:   January 4, 1999


By: /s/

Date:   January 4, 1999


By: /s/

Date:   January 4, 1999



June 1998


The standards for licensing Controlled Affiliates are established by BCBSA and are subject to change from time-to-time upon the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the Plans and three-fourths (3/4) of the total weighted vote. Each licensed Plan is required to use a standard Controlled Affiliate license form provided by BCBSA and to cooperate fully in assuring that the licensed Controlled Affiliate maintains compliance with the license standards.

The Controlled Affiliate License provides a flexible vehicle to accommodate the potential range of health and workers' compensation related products and services Plan Controlled Affiliates provide. The Controlled Affiliate License collapses former health Controlled Affiliate licenses (HCC, HMO, PPO, TPA, and IDS) into a single license using the following business-based criteria to provide a framework for license standards:

- Percent of Controlled Affiliate controlled by parent: Greater than 50 percent or 50 percent?

- Risk assumption: yes or no?

- Medical care delivery: yes or no?

- Size of the Controlled Affiliate: If the Controlled Affiliate has health or workers' compensation administration business, does such business constitute 15 percent or more of the parent's and other licensed health subsidiaries' contract enrollment?



For purposes of definition:

- A "smaller Controlled Affiliate:" (1) comprises less than fifteen percent (15%) of Plan's and its licensed Controlled Affiliates' total contract enrollment (as reported on the BCBSA Quarterly Enrollment Report, excluding rider and freestanding coverage, and treating an entity seeking licensure as licensed);* or (2) underwrites the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance and has total premium revenue less than 15 percent of the sponsoring Plan's net subscription revenue.

- A "larger Controlled Affiliate" comprises fifteen percent (15%) or more of Plan's and its licensed Controlled Affiliates' total contract enrollment (as reported on the BCBSA Quarterly Enrollment Report, excluding rider and freestanding coverage, and treating an entity seeking licensure as licensed.)*

Changes in Controlled Affiliate status:

If ANY Controlled Affiliate's status changes regarding: its Plan ownership level, its risk acceptance or direct delivery of medical care, the Controlled Affiliate shall notify BCBSA within thirty (30) days of such occurrence in writing and come into compliance with the applicable standards within six (6) months.

If a smaller Controlled Affiliate's health and workers' compensation administration business reaches or surpasses fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract enrollment of the Plan and licensed Controlled Affiliates, the Controlled Affiliate shall:



1. Within thirty (30) days, notify BCBSA of this fact in writing, including evidence that the Controlled Affiliate meets the minimum liquidity and capital (BCBSA Capital Benchmark or "Managed Care Organizations Risk-Based Capital (MCO-RBC)" as defined by the NAIC and state-established minimum reserve) requirements of the larger Controlled Affiliate Financial Responsibility standard; and

2. Within six (6) months after reaching or surpassing the fifteen percent (15%) threshold, demonstrate compliance with all license requirements for a larger Controlled Affiliate.

If a Controlled Affiliate that underwrites the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance receives a change in rating or proposed change in rating, the Controlled Affiliate shall notify BCBSA within 30 days of notification by the external rating agency.

(*) For purposes of this calculation,

The numerator equals:

Applicant Controlled Affiliate's contract enrollment, as defined in BCBSA's Quarterly Enrollment Report (excluding rider and freestanding coverage).

The denominator equals:

Numerator PLUS Plan and all other licensed Controlled Affiliates' contract enrollment, as reported in BCBSA's Quarterly Enrollment Report (excluding rider and freestanding coverage).


EXHIBIT A (continued)


As described in Preamble section of Exhibit A to the Affiliate License Agreement, each controlled affiliate seeking licensure must answer four questions. Depending on the controlled affiliate's answers, certain standards apply:

1. What percent of the controlled affiliate is controlled by the parent Plan?

      More than 50%                50%              100% and Primary Business is

     Standard 1A, 4          Standard 1B,4                  Standard ?????

* Applicable only if using the names and marks.


2. Is risk being assumed?

Controlled Affiliate  Controlled Affiliate  Controlled Affiliate  Controlled Affiliate  Controlled Affiliate  Controlled
underwrites any       comprises < 15%       comprises=> 15%       comprises < 15%       comprises=> 15%       Affiliate's Primary
indemnity portion     of total contract     of total contract     of total contract     of total contract     Business
of workers'           enrollment of Plan    enrollment of Plan    enrollment of Plan    enrollment of Plan    Government Non-
compensation          and its licensed      and its licensed      and its licensed      and its licensed      Risk
insurance             affiliates, and does  affiliates, and does  affiliates            affiliates
                      not underwrite the    not underwrite the
Standards 7A-7E       indemnity portion     indemnity portion
                      of workers'           of workers'
                      compensation          compensation          Standard 2            Standard 6H           Standard 10B
                      insurance             insurance             (Guidelines 2.1, 2.3)

                      Standard 2            Standard 6H
                      (Guidelines 2.1,2.2)


3. Is medical care being directly provided?

                     Yes                                       No

                 Standard 3A                              Standard 3B


4. If the controlled affiliate has health or workers' compensation administration business, does such business comprise 15% or more of the total contract enrollment of Plan and its licensed controlled affiliates?

        Yes                                         No

  Standards 6A-6I    Controlled Affiliate is    Controlled            Controlled Affiliate's
                     a former primary           Affiliate is not a    Primary Business is
                     licensee                   former primary        Government Non-
                                                licensee              Risk

                     Standards 5,8,9            Standards 5,8         Standards 8,10(C)




1A.) The Standard for more than 50% Plan control is:

A Controlled Affiliate shall be organized and operated in such a manner that a licensed Plan or Plans authorized to use the Licensed Marks in the Service Area of the Controlled Affiliate pursuant to separate License Agreement(s) with BCBSA, other than such Controlled Affiliate's License Agreement(s), (the "Controlling Plans)"), have the legal authority, directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries: 1) to select members of the Controlled Affiliate's governing body having more than 50% voting control thereof; and 2) to prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the Controlled Affiliate with which the Controlling Plans) do(es) not concur; and 3) to exercise control over the policy and operations of the Controlled Affiliate. In addition, a Plan or Plans directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries shall own more than 50% of any for-profit Controlled Affiliate.

1B.) The Standard For 50% Plan control is:

A Controlled Affiliate shall be organized and operated in such a manner that a licensed Plan or Plans authorized to use the Licensed Marks in the Service Area of the Controlled Affiliate pursuant to separate License Agreement(s) with BCBSA, other than such Controlled Affiliate's License Agreement(s), (the "Controlling Plan(s)"), have the legal authority, directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries:

1) to select members of the Controlled Affiliate's governing body having not less than 50% voting control thereof; and

2) to prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the Controlled Affiliate with which the Controlling Plan(s) do(es) not concur; and

3) to exercise control over the policy and operations of the Controlled Affiliate at least equal to that exercised by persons or entities (jointly or individually) other than the Controlling Plan(s).


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in 1) through 3) hereof, the Controlled Affiliate's establishing or governing documents must also require written approval by the Controlling Plan(s) before the Controlled Affiliate can:

- change the geographic area in which it operates

- change its legal and/or trade names

- change any of the types of businesses in which it engages

- create, or become liable for by way of guarantee, any indebtedness, other than indebtedness arising in the ordinary course of business

- sell any assets, except for sales in the ordinary course of business or sales of equipment no longer useful or being replaced

- make any loans or advances except in the ordinary course of business

- enter into any arrangement or agreement with any party directly or indirectly affiliated with any of the owners or persons or entities with the authority to select or appoint members or board members of the Controlled Affiliate, other than the Plan or Plans (excluding owners of stock holdings of under 5% in a publicly traded Controlled Affiliate)

- conduct any business other than under the Licensed Marks and Name

- take any action that any Controlling Plan or BCBSA reasonably believes will adversely affect the Licensed Marks and Name.

In addition, a Plan or Plans directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries shall own at least 50% of any for-profit Controlled Affiliate.




A Controlled Affiliate shall be operated in a manner that provides reasonable financial assurance that it can fulfill all of its contractual obligations to its customers. If a risk-assuming Controlled Affiliate ceases operations for any reason, Blue Shield and/or Blue Shield Plan coverage will be offered to all Controlled Affiliate subscribers without exclusions, limitations or conditions based on health status. If a nonrisk-assuming Controlled Affiliate ceases operations for any reason, sponsoring Plan(s) will provide for services to its
(their) customers.


3A.) The Standard for a Controlled Affiliate that employs, owns or contracts on a substantially exclusive basis for medical services is:

A Controlled Affiliate shall maintain unimpaired licensure or certification for its medical care providers to operate under applicable state laws.

3B.) The Standard for a Controlled Affiliate that does not employ, own or contract on a substantially exclusive basis for medical services is:

A Controlled Affiliate shall maintain unimpaired licensure or certification to operate under applicable state laws.


A Controlled Affiliate shall make adequate disclosure in contracting with third parties and in disseminating public statements of 1) the structure of the Blue Shield and Blue Shield System; and 2) the independent nature of every licensee; and 3) the Controlled Affiliate's financial condition.


For a smaller Controlled Affiliate that does not underwrite the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance, the Standard is:



A Controlled Affiliate and/or its licensed Plan(s) shall furnish, on a timely and accurate basis, reports and records relating to these Standards and the License Agreements between BCBSA and Controlled Affiliate.


Standards 6(A) - (I) that follow apply to larger Controlled Affiliates.

Standard 6(A): Board of Directors

A Controlled Affiliate Governing Board shall act in the interest of its Corporation in providing cost-effective health care services to its customers. A Controlled Affiliate shall maintain a governing Board, which shall control the Controlled Affiliate, composed of a majority of persons other than providers of health care services, who shall be known as public members. A public member shall not be an employee of or have a financial interest in a health care provider, nor be a member of a profession which provides health care services.

Standard 6(B): Responsiveness to Customers

A Controlled Affiliate shall be operated in a manner responsive to customer needs and requirements.

Standard 6(C): Participation in National Programs

A Controlled Affiliate shall effectively and efficiently participate in each national program as from time to time may be adopted by the Member Plans for the purposes of providing portability of membership between the licensees and ease of claims processing for customers receiving benefits outside of the Controlled Affiliate's Service Area.

Such programs are applicable to licensees, and include:

A. Transfer Program;

B. BlueCard Program;



C. Inter-Plan Teleprocessing System (ITS); and

Standard 6(D): Financial Performance Requirements

In addition to requirements under the national programs listed in Standard 6C:
Participation in National Programs, a Controlled Affiliate shall take such action as required to ensure its financial performance in programs and contracts of an inter-licensee nature or where BCBSA is a party.

Standard 6(E): Cooperation with Plan Performance Response Process

A Controlled Affiliate shall cooperate with BCBSA's Board of Directors and its Plan Performance and Financial Standards Committee in the administration of the Plan Performance Response Process and in addressing Controlled Affiliate performance problems identified thereunder.

Standard 6(F): Independent Financial Rating

A Controlled Affiliate shall obtain a rating of its financial strength from an independent rating agency approved by BCBSA's Board of Directors for such purpose.

Standard 6(G): Best Efforts

During each year, a Controlled Affiliate shall use its best efforts in the designated Service Area to promote and build the value of the Blue Shield Mark.

Standard 6(H): Financial Responsibility

A Controlled Affiliate shall be operated in a manner that provides reasonable financial assurance that it can fulfill all of its contractual obligations to its customers.



Standard 6(I): Reports and Records

A Controlled Affiliate shall furnish to BCBSA on a timely and accurate basis reports and records relating to compliance with these Standards and the License Agreements between BCBSA and Controlled Affiliate. Such reports and records are the following:

A) BCBSA Controlled Affiliate Licensure Information Request; and

B) Biennial trade name and service mark usage material, including disclosure material; and

C) Changes in the ownership and governance of the Controlled Affiliate, including changes in its charter, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, changes in a Controlled Affiliate's Board composition, or changes in the identity of the Controlled Affiliate's Principal Officers, and changes in risk acceptance, contract growth, or direct delivery of medical care; and

D) Quarterly Financial Report, Quarterly Plan Capital Benchmark Worksheet through 6/30/99, Semi-annual "Managed Care Organizations Risk-Based Capital (MCO-RBC) Report" starting 12/31/98 and thereafter as defined by the NAIC, Annual Financial Forecast, Annual Certified Audit Report, Insurance Department Examination Report, Annual Statement filed with State Insurance Department (with all attachments); and

E) Quarterly Utilization Report through 12/31/99, Quarterly Enrollment Report, Semi-Annual Benefit Cost Management Report starting 6/30/00 and thereafter, and NMIS Quarterly Report; and

F) Quarterly Year 2000 Readiness Report, in format approved by the Plan Performance and Financial Standards Committee (Note: Authorization for this report sunsets 12/31/99 unless extension adopted by the Member Plans).




No Controlled Affiliate shall cause or permit an unlicensed entity to obtain control of the Controlled Affiliate or to acquire a substantial portion of its assets related to licensable services.


Standards 7(A) - (E) that follow apply to Controlled Affiliates that underwrite the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance.

Standard 7 (A): Financial Responsibility

A Controlled Affiliate shall be operated in a manner that provides reasonable financial assurance that it can fulfill all of its contractual obligations to its customers.

Standard 7(B): Reports and Records

A Controlled Affiliate shall furnish, on a timely and accurate basis, reports and records relating to compliance with these Standards and the License Agreements between BCBSA and the Controlled Affiliate. Such reports and records are the following:

A. BCBSA Controlled Affiliate Licensure Information Request; and

B. Biennial trade name and service mark usage materials, including disclosure materials; and

C. Annual Certified Audit Report, Annual Statement as filed with the State Insurance Department (with all attachments), Annual NAIC's Risk-Based Capital Worksheets for Property and Casualty Insurers, and Annual Financial Forecast; and



D. Quarterly Financial Report, Quarterly Estimated Risk-Based Capital for Property and Casualty Insurers, Insurance Department Examination Report, and Quarterly NMIS Report (for licensed health business only); and

E. Notification of all changes and proposed changes to independent ratings within 30 days of receipt and submission of a copy of all rating reports; and

F. Changes in the ownership and governance of the Controlled Affiliate including changes in its charter, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, changes in a Controlled Affiliate's Board composition, Plan control, state license status, operating area, the Controlled Affiliate's Principal Officers or direct delivery of medical care.

Standard 7(C): Loss Prevention

A Controlled Affiliate shall apply loss prevention protocol to both new and existing business.

Standard 7(D): Claims Administration

A Controlled Affiliate shall maintain an effective claims administration process that includes all the necessary functions to assure prompt and proper resolution of medical and indemnity claims.

Standard 7(E): Disability and Provider Management

A Controlled Affiliate shall arrange for the provision of appropriate and necessary medical and rehabilitative services to facilitate early intervention by medical professionals and timely and appropriate return to work.




A Controlled Affiliate and its Sponsoring Plan(s) shall cooperate with BCBSA's Board of Directors and its Plan Performance and Financial Standards Committee in the administration of the Controlled Affiliate License Performance Response Process Protocol (ALPRPP) and in addressing Controlled Affiliate compliance problems identified thereunder.


A smaller Controlled Affiliate for which this standard applies pursuant to the Preamble section of Exhibit A of the Controlled Affiliate License Agreement shall effectively and efficiently participate in certain national programs from time to time as may be adopted by Member Plans for the purposes of providing ease of claims processing for customers receiving benefits outside of the Controlled Affiliate's service area and be subject to certain relevant financial and reporting requirements.


Standards 10(A) - (C) that follow apply to Controlled Affiliates whose primary business is government non-risk.

Standard 10(A) - Organization and Governance

A Controlled Affiliate shall be organized and operated in such a manner that it is 1) wholly owned by a licensed Plan or Plans and 2) the sponsoring licensed Plan or Plans have the legal ability to prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the Controlled Affiliate with which it does not concur.



Standard 10(B) - Financial Responsibility

A Controlled Affiliate shall be operated in a manner that provides reasonable financial assurance that it can fulfill all of its contractual obligations to its customers.

Standard 10(C):- Reports and Records

A Controlled Affiliate shall furnish, on a timely and accurate basis, reports and records relating to compliance with these Standards and the License Agreements between BCBSA and the Controlled Affiliate. Such reports and records are the following:

A. BCBSA Affiliate Licensure Information Request; and

B. Biennial trade name and service mark usage materials, including disclosure material; and

C. Annual Certified Audit Report, Annual Statement (if required) as filed with the State Insurance Department (with all attachments), Annual NAIC Risk-Based Capital Worksheets (if required) as filed with the State Insurance Department (with all attachments), and Insurance Department Examination Report (if applicable)(*); and

D. Changes in the ownership and governance of the Controlled Affiliate, including changes in its charter, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, changes in the Controlled Affiliate's Board composition, Plan control, state license status, operating area, the Controlled Affiliate's Principal Officers or direct delivery of medical care.



Controlled Affiliate will pay BCBSA a fee for this license in accordance with the following formula:


For Controlled Affiliates not underwriting the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance:

An amount equal to its pro rata share of each sponsoring Plan's dues payable to BCBSA computed with the addition of the Controlled Affiliate's subscription revenue and contracts arising from products using the marks. The payment by each sponsoring Plan of its dues to BCBSA, including that portion described in this paragraph, will satisfy the requirement of this paragraph, and no separate payment will be necessary.

For Controlled Affiliates underwriting the indemnity portion of workers' compensation insurance:

An amount equal to 0.35 percent of the gross revenue per annum of Controlled Affiliate arising from products using the marks; plus, an annual fee of $5,000 per license for a Controlled Affiliate subject to Standard 7.

For Controlled Affiliates whose primary business is government nonrisk:

An amount equal to its pro-rata share of each sponsoring Plan's dues payable to BCBSA computed with the addition of the Controlled Affiliate's government non-risk beneficiaries.




An amount equal to 0.24 percent of the gross revenue per annum of Controlled Affiliate arising from products using the marks; plus:

1) An annual fee of $5,000 per license for a Controlled Affiliate subject to Standard 6.

2) An annual fee of $2,000 per license for all other Controlled Affiliates.

The foregoing shall be reduced by one-half where both a BLUE CROSS(R) and BLUE SHIELD(R) License are issued to the same Controlled Affiliate. In the event that any license period is greater or less than one (1) year, any amounts due shall be prorated. Royalties under this formula will be calculated, billed and paid in arrears.




This agreement by and among Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association ("BCBSA") ___________________________ ("Controlled Affiliate"), a Controlled Affiliate of the Blue Shield Plan(s), known as _________________________________ ("Plan").

WHEREAS, BCBSA is the owner of the BLUE SHIELD and BLUE SHIELD Design service marks;

WHEREAS, the Plan and the Controlled Affiliate desire that the latter be entitled to use the BLUE SHIELD and BLUE SHIELD Design service marks (collectively the "Licensed Marks") as service marks and be entitled to use the term BLUE SHIELD in a trade name ("Licensed Name");

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual agreements hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:


Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, BCBSA hereby grants to the Controlled Affiliate the exclusive right to use the licensed Marks and Names in connection with and only in connection with those life insurance and related services authorized by applicable state law, other than health care plans and related services (as defined in the Plan's License Agreements with BCBSA) which services are not separately licensed to Controlled Affiliate by BCBSA, in the Service Area served by the Plan, except that BCBSA reserves the right to use the Licensed Marks and Name in said Service Area, and except to the extent that said Service Area may overlap the area or areas served by one or more other licensed Blue Shield Plans as of the date of this License as to which overlapping areas the rights hereby granted are nonexclusive as to such other Plan or Plans and their respective Licensed Controlled Affiliates only. Controlled Affiliate cannot use the Licensed Marks or Name outside the Service Area or, anything in any other license to Controlled Affiliate notwithstanding, in its legal or trade name.


A. Controlled Affiliate agrees to use the Licensed Marks and Name only in relation to the sale, marketing and rendering of authorized products and further agrees to be bound by the conditions regarding quality control shown in Exhibit A as it may be amended by BCBSA from time-to-time.



B. Controlled Affiliate agrees that Plan and/or BCBSA may, from time-to-time, upon reasonable notice, review and inspect the manner and method of Controlled Affiliate's rendering of service and use of the Licensed Marks and Name.

C. Controlled Affiliate agrees that it will provide on an annual basis (or more often if reasonably required by Plan or by BCBSA) a report to Plan and BCBSA demonstrating Controlled Affiliate's compliance with the requirements of this Agreement including but not limited to the quality control provisions of Exhibit A.

D. As used herein, a Controlled Affiliate is defined as an entity organized and operated in such a manner that it is subject to the bona fide control of a Plan or Plans. Absent written approval by BCBSA of an alternative method of control, bona fide control shall mean the legal authority, directly or indirectly through wholly-owned subsidiaries: (a) to select members of the Controlled Affiliate's governing body having not less than 51% voting control thereof; (b) to exercise operational control with respect to the governance thereof; and (c) to prevent any change in its articles of incorporation, bylaws or other governing documents deemed inappropriate. In addition, a Plan or Plans shall own at least 51% of any for-profit Controlled Affiliate. If the Controlled Affiliate is a mutual company, the Plan or its designee(s) shall have and maintain, in lieu of the requirements of items (a) and (c) above, proxies representing 51% of the votes at any meeting of the policyholders and shall demonstrate that there is no reason to believe this such proxies shall be revoked by sufficient policyholders to reduce such percentage below 51%.


Controlled Affiliate shall at all times make proper service mark use of the Licensed Marks, including but not limited to use of such symbols or words as BCBSA shall specify to protect the Licensed Marks, and shall comply with such rules (applicable to all Controlled Affiliates licensed to use the Marks) relative to service mark use, as are issued from time-to-time by BCBSA. If there is any public reference to the affiliation between the Plan and the Controlled Affiliate, all of the Controlled Affiliate's licensed services in the Service Area of the Plan shall be rendered under the Licensed Marks. Controlled Affiliate recognizes and agrees that all use of the Licensed Marks by Controlled Affiliate shall inure to the benefit of BCBSA.


Controlled Affiliate shall not sublicense, transfer, hypothecate, sell, encumber or mortgage, by operation of law or otherwise, the rights granted hereunder and any such act shall be


voidable at the option of Plan or BCBSA. This Agreement and all rights and duties hereunder are personal to Controlled Affiliate.


Controlled Affiliate shall promptly notify Plan and BCBSA of any suspected acts of infringement, unfair competition or passing off which may occur in relation to the Licensed Marks. Controlled Affiliate shall not be entitled to require Plan or BCBSA to take any actions or institute any proceedings to prevent infringement, unfair competition or passing off by third parties. Controlled Affiliate agrees to render to Plan and BCBSA, free of charge, all reasonable assistance in connection with any matter pertaining to the protection of the Licensed Marks by BCBSA.


Controlled Affiliate hereby agrees to save, defend, indemnify and hold Plan and BCBSA harmless from and against all claims, damages, liabilities and costs of every kind, nature and description which may arise as a result of Controlled Affiliate's rendering of health care services under the Licensed Marks.


The license granted by this Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of one (1) year and shall be automatically extended for additional one (1) year periods upon evidence satisfactory to the Plan and BCBSA that Controlled Affiliate meets the then applicable quality control standards, unless one of the parties hereto notifies the other party of the termination hereof at least sixty (60) days prior to expiration of any license period.

This Agreement may be terminated by the Plan or by BCBSA for cause at any time provided that Controlled Affiliate has been given a reasonable opportunity to cure and shall not effect such a cure within thirty (30) days of receiving written notice of the intent to terminate (or commence a cure within such thirty day period and continue diligent efforts to complete the cure if such curing cannot reasonably be completed within such thirty day period). By way of example and not for purposes of limitation, Controlled Affiliate's failure to abide by the quality control provisions of Paragraph 2, above, shall be considered a proper ground for cancellation of this Agreement.

This Agreement and all of Controlled Affiliate's rights hereunder shall immediately terminate without any further action by any party or entity in the event that:


A. Controlled Affiliate shall no longer comply with Standard No.
1 (Organization and Governance) of Exhibit A or, following an opportunity to cure, with the remaining quality control provisions of Exhibit A, as it may be amended from time-to-time; or

B. Plan ceases to be authorized to use the Licensed Marks; or

C. Appropriate dues for Controlled Affiliate pursuant to item 8 hereof, which are the royalties for this License Agreement are more than sixty
(60) days in arrears to BCBSA.

Upon termination of this Agreement for cause or otherwise, Controlled Affiliate agrees that it shall immediately discontinue all use of the Licensed Marks including any use in its trade name.

In the event of any disagreement between Plan and BCBSA as to whether grounds exist for termination or as to any other term or condition hereof, the decision of BCBSA shall control, subject to provisions for mediation or mandatory dispute resolution in effect between the parties.

Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensed Controlled Affiliate shall immediately notify all of its customers that it is no longer a licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and provide instruction on how the customer can contact the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association or a designated licensee to obtain further information on securing coverage. The written notification required by this paragraph shall be in writing and in a form approved by the Association. The Association shall have the right to audit the terminated entity's books and records to verify compliance with this paragraph.


Controlled Affiliate will pay to BCBSA a fee for this license in accordance with the following formula:

- An annual fee of five thousand dollars ($5,000) per license, plus

- .05% of gross revenue per year from branded group products, plus

- .5% of gross revenue per year from branded individual products plus

- .14% of gross revenue per year from branded individual annuity products.

The foregoing percentages shall be reduced by one-half where both a BLUE CROSS(R) and BLUE SHIELD(R) license are issued to the same entity. In the event that any License period is greater or less than one (1) year, any amounts due shall be prorated. Royalties under this formula will be calculated, billed and paid in arrears.



Plan will promptly and timely transmit to BCBSA all dues owed by Controlled Affiliate as determined by the above formula and if Plan shall fail to do so, Controlled Affiliate shall pay such dues directly.


Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a joint venture, partnership, agency or employment relationship between Plan and Controlled Affiliate or between either and BCBSA.

(The next page is page 5)



Notices regarding the subject matter of this Agreement or breach or termination thereof shall be in writing and shall be addressed in duplicate to the last known address of each other party, marked respectively to the attention of its President and, if any, its General Counsel.


This Agreement contains the complete understandings of the parties in relation to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may only be amended by a writing executed by all parties.


If any term of this Agreement is held to be unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, such finding shall in no way effect the remaining obligations of the parties hereunder and the court may substitute a lawful term or condition for any unlawful term or condition so long as the effect of such substitution is to provide the parties with the benefits of this Agreement.


No waiver by BCBSA of any breach or default in performance on the part of the Controlled Affiliate or any other licensee of any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default in performance of said terms, covenants or conditions.


This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of Illinois.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this License Agreement to be executed, effective as of the date of last signature written below.




Controlled Affiliate







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The standards for licensing Life Insurance Companies (Life and Health Insurance companies, as defined by state statute) are established by BCBSA and are subject to change from time-to-time upon the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the Plans and three-fourths (3/4) of the total weighted vote of all Plans. Each Licensed Plan is required to use a standard controlled affiliate license form provided by BCBSA and to cooperate fully in assuring that the licensed Life Insurance Company maintains compliance with the license standards.

An organization meeting the following standards shall be eligible for a license to use the Licensed Marks within the service area of its sponsoring Licensed Plan to the extent and the manner authorized under the Controlled Affiliate License applicable to Life Insurance Companies and the principal license to the Plan.


The LIC shall be organized and operated in such a manner that it is controlled by a licensed Plan or Plans which have, directly or indirectly: 1) not less than 51% of the voting control of the LIC; and 2) the legal ability to prevent any change in the articles of incorporation, bylaws or other establishing or governing documents of the LIC with which it does not concur; and 3) operational control of the LIC.

If the LIC is a mutual company, the Plan or its designee(s) shall have and maintain, in lieu of the requirements of items 1 and 2 above, proxies representing at least 51% of the votes at any policyholder meeting and shall demonstrate that there is no reason to believe such proxies shall be revoked by sufficient policyholders to reduce such percentage below 51%.


The LIC must maintain unimpaired licensure or certificate of authority to operate under applicable state laws as a life and health insurance company in each state in which the LIC does business.


The LIC and its sponsoring licensed Plan(s) shall maintain and furnish, on a timely and accurate basis, such records and reports regarding the LIC as may be required in order to establish compliance with the license agreement. The LIC and its sponsoring licensed Plan(s) shall permit BCBSA to examine the affairs of the LIB and shall agree that BCBSA's board may submit a written report to the chief executive officer(s) and the board(s) of directors of the sponsoring Plan(s).



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The LIC and its sponsoring Plan(s) shall agree to use the then-current BCBSA mediation and mandatory dispute resolution processes, in lieu of a legal action between or among another licensed controlled affiliate, a licensed Plan or BCBSA.


The LIC shall maintain adequate financial resources to protect its customers and meet its business obligations.




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The Membership Standards apply to all organizations seeking to become or to continue as Regular Members of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Any organization seeking to become a Regular Member must be found to be in substantial compliance with all Membership Standards at the time membership is granted and the organization must be found to be in substantial compliance with all Membership Standards for a period of two (2) years preceding the date of its application. If Membership is sought by an entity which controls or is controlled by one or more Plans, such compliance shall be determined on the basis of compliance by such Plan or Plans.

The Regular Member Plans shall have authority to interpret these Standards. Compliance with any Membership Standard may be excused, at the Plans' discretion, if the Plans agree that compliance with such Standard would require the Plan to violate a law or governmental regulation governing its operation or activities.

A Regular Member Plan that operates as a "Shell Holding Company" is defined as an entity that assumes no underwriting risk and has less than 1% of the consolidated enterprise assets (excludes investments in subsidiaries) and less than 5% of the consolidated enterprise general and administrative expenses.

A Regular Member Plan that operates as a "Hybrid Holding Company" is defined as an entity that assumes no underwriting risk and has either more than 1% of the consolidated enterprise assets (excludes investments in subsidiaries) or more than 5% of the consolidated enterprise general and administrative expenses.

Standard 1:       A Plan's Board shall not be controlled by any special interest
                  group, and shall act in the interest of its Corporation in
                  providing cost effective health care services to its
                  customers. A Plan shall maintain a governing Board, which
                  shall control the Plan, composed of a majority of persons
                  other than providers of health care services, who shall be
                  known as public members. A public member shall not be an
                  employee of or have a financial interest in a health care
                  provider, nor be a member of a profession which provides
                  health care services.

Standard 2:       A Plan shall furnish to the Association on a timely and
                  accurate basis reports and records relating to compliance with
                  these Standards and the License Agreements between the
                  Association and the Plans. Such reports and records are the

                                                 AMENDED AS OF NOVEMBER 19, 1998



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A. BCBSA Membership Information Request;

B. Biennial trade name and service mark usage material, including disclosure material under Standard 7;

C. Changes in the governance of the Plan, including changes in a Plan's Charter, Articles of Incorporation, or Bylaws, changes in a Plan's Board composition, or changes in the identity of the Plan's Principal Officers;

D. Quarterly Financial Report, including the Quarterly Plan Capital Benchmark Worksheet through 6/30/99, Semi-annual "Managed Care Organizations Risk-Based Capital (MCO-RBC) Report" starting 12/31/98 and thereafter as defined by the NAIC, Annual Financial Forecast, Annual Certified Audit Report, Insurance Department Examination Report, Annual Statement filed with State Insurance Department (with all attachments), Consolidating Financial Statement; and

- Starting 12/31/98 and thereafter, Plans that are a Shell Holding Company as defined in the Preamble hereto are required to furnish only a calendar year-end "Managed Care Organizations Risk-Based Capital (MCO-RBC) Report" as defined by the NAIC.

- Starting 1/1/99 and thereafter, Plans that are a Shell Holding Company as defined in the Preamble hereto are not required to furnish a Quarterly Plan Capital Benchmark Worksheet.

E. Quarterly Utilization Report through 12/31/99, Quarterly Enrollment Report, Semi-Annual Benefit Cost Management Report starting 6/30/00 and thereafter, and NMIS Quarterly Report.

- Starting 1/1/99 and thereafter, Plans that are a Shell Holding Company as defined in the Preamble hereto are not required to furnish any items identified in Paragraph E.




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                  F.       Quarterly Year 2000 Readiness Report, in format
                           approved by the Plan Performance and Financial
                           Standards Committee (Note: Authorization for this
                           report sunsets 12/31/99 unless extension adopted by
                           the Member Plans).

                           -        Plans that are a Shell Holding Company as
                                    defined in the Preamble hereto are not
                                    required to furnish a Quarterly Year 2000
                                    Readiness Report.

Standard 3:       A Plan shall be operated in a manner that provides
                  reasonable financial assurance that it can fulfill its
                  contractual obligations to its customers.

Standard 4:       A Plan shall be operated in a manner responsive to customer
                  needs and requirements.

Standard 5:       A Plan shall effectively and efficiently participate in
                  each national program as from time to time may be adopted by
                  the Member Plans for the purposes of providing portability of
                  membership between the Plans and ease of claims processing for
                  customers receiving benefits outside of the Plan's Service

                  Such programs are applicable to Blue Cross and Blue Shield
                  Plans, and include:

         A.       Transfer Program;

         B.       Inter-Plan Data Reporting (IPDR) Program through January 1,

         C.       Inter-Plan Teleprocessing System (ITS); and

         D.       BlueCard Program.

                                                 AMENDED AS OF NOVEMBER 19, 1998



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Standard 6:                In addition to requirements under the national
                           programs listed in Standard 5: Participation in
                           National Programs, a Plan shall take such action as
                           required to ensure its financial performance in
                           programs and contracts of an inter-Plan nature or
                           where the Association is a party.

Standard 7:                A Plan shall make adequate disclosure in contracting
                           with third parties and in disseminating public
                           statements of (i) the structure of the Blue Cross and
                           Blue Shield System, (ii) the independent nature of
                           every Plan, and (iii) the Plan's financial condition.

Standard 8:                A Plan shall cooperate with the Association's Board
                           of Directors and its Plan Performance and Financial
                           Standards Committee in the administration of the Plan
                           Performance Response Process and in addressing Plan
                           performance problems identified thereunder.

Standard 9:                A Plan shall obtain a rating of its financial
                           strength from an independent rating agency approved
                           by the Association's Board of Directors for such

Standard 10:               During each year, a Plan and its Controlled
                           Affiliate(s) engaged in providing licensable services
                           (excluding Life Insurance and Charitable Foundation
                           Services) shall use their best efforts in the
                           designated Service Area to promote and build the
                           value of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Marks.

Standard 11                Neither a Plan nor any Larger Controlled Affiliate
                           shall cause or permit an unlicensed entity to obtain
                           control of the Plan or Larger Controlled Affiliate or
                           to acquire a substantial portion of its assets
                           related to licensable services.

                                                 AMENDED AS OF NOVEMBER 19, 1998



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1. The strength of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield National Accounts mechanism, and the continued provision of cost effective, quality health care benefits to National Accounts, are predicated on locally managed provider networks coordinated on a national scale in a manner consistent with effective service to National Account customers and consistent with the preservation of the integrity of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield system and the Licensed Marks. These guidelines shall be interpreted in keeping with such ends.

2. A National Account is an entity with employee and/or retiree locations in more than one Plan's Service Area. Unless otherwise agreed, a National Account is deemed located in the Service Area in which the corporate headquarters of the National Account is located. The Control Plan of a National Account is the Plan in whose Service Area the National Account is located. A participating ("Par") Plan is a Plan in whose Service Area the National Account has employee and/or retiree locations, but in which the National Account is not located.

3. The National Account Guidelines enunciated herein below shall be applicable only with respect to the business of new National Accounts acquired after January 1, 1991.

4. Control Plans shall utilize National Account identification cards complying with then currently effective BCBSA graphic standards in connection with all National Accounts business to facilitate administration thereof, to minimize subscriber and provider confusion, and to reflect a commitment to cooperation among Plans.

5. Disputes among Plans and/or BCBSA as to the interpretation or implementation of these Guidelines or as to other National Accounts issues shall be submitted to mediation and mandatory dispute resolution as provided in the License Agreement. For two years from the effective date of the License Agreement, however, such disputes shall be subject to mediation only, with the results of such mediation to be collected and reported in order to establish more definitive operating parameters for National Accounts business and to serve as ground rules for future binding dispute resolution.


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6. The Control Plan may use the BlueCard Program (as defined by IPOC) to deliver benefits to employees and non-Medicare eligible retirees in a Participating Plan's service area if an alternative arrangement with the Participating Plan cannot be negotiated. The Participating Plan's minimum servicing requirement for those employees and non-Medicare retirees in its service area is to deliver benefits using the BlueCard Program. Account delivery is subject to the policies, provisions and procedures of the BlueCard Program.

7. For provider payments in a Participating Plan's area (on non-BlueCard claims), payment to the provider may be made by the Participating Plan or the Control Plan at the Participating Plan's option. If the Participating Plan elects to pay the provider, it may not withhold payment of a claim verified by the Control Plan or its designated processor, and payment must be in conformity with service criteria established by the Board of Directors of BCBSA (or an authorized committee thereof) to assure prompt payment, good service and minimum confusion with providers and subscribers. The Control Plan, at the Participating Plan's request, will also assure that measures are taken to protect the confidentiality of the data pertaining to provider reimbursement levels and profiles.

8. For claim payments in a Participating Plan's area (on non-BlueCard claims), Participating Plans are strongly encouraged, but not required, to pass along to the Control Plan part or all of local provider discounts and differentials for use by the Control Plan in negotiating financial arrangements with National Accounts. However, since the size, basis, form and use of local differentials can vary substantially among Plans and also by individual National Account characteristics, the degree and form of any discount or differential passed along to the Control Plan shall be strictly a matter of negotiated contractual agreement between a Participating Plan and the Control Plan and may also vary from one National Account to another. In order to facilitate the quotation of national account pricing and the offering of a variety of National Account delivery systems, all Plans are strongly encouraged to periodically publish to other Plans and the BCBSA their National Account contracting policies with respect to the handling of differentials.

The Control Plan, in its financial agreements with a National Account, is expected to reasonably reflect the aggregate amount of differentials passed along to the Control Plan by all Participating Plans in a National Account. The exact form and substance of this may vary from one National Account to another and shall be a matter of



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explicit negotiation and contractual relationship between the National Account and the Control Plan. The specifics in an agreement between the Control Plan and the National Account may vary in form (e.g., a guaranteed offset against retentions, or a direct pass through, or a guaranteed aggregate percentage discount, or no pass back at all, etc.), and the Control Plan has the responsibility and the Authority to negotiate precise arrangements. However, irrespective of the final arrangements between the Control Plan and the National Account, a Participating Plan's liability for passing along differentials shall be limited to the contractual agreement the Participating Plan has with the Control Plan on a specific National Account.

9. Other than in contracting with health care providers or soliciting such contracts in areas contiguous to a Plan's Service Area in order to serve its subscribers or those of its licensed Controlled Affiliate residing or working in its Service Area, a Control Plan may not use the Licensed Marks and/or Name, as a tag line or otherwise, to negotiate directly with providers outside its Service Area.



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1. A Plan and its licensed Controlled Affiliate may use the Licensed Marks and Name in bidding on and executing a contract to serve a Government Program, and in thereafter communicating with the Government concerning the Program. With respect, however, to such contracts entered into after the 1st day of January, 1991, the Licensed Marks and Name will not be used in communications or transactions with beneficiaries or providers in the Government Program located outside a Plan's Service Area, unless the Plan can demonstrate to the satisfaction of BCBSA's governing body that such a restriction on use of the Licensed Marks and Name will jeopardize its ability to procure the contract for the Government Program. As to both existing and future contracts for Government Programs, Plans will discontinue use of the Licensed Marks and Name as to beneficiaries and Providers outside their Service Area as expenditiously as circumstances reasonably permit. Effective January 1, 1995, except as provided in the first sentence above, all use by a Plan of the Licensed Marks and Name in Government Programs outside of the Plan's Service Area shall be discontinued. Incidental communications outside a Plan's Service Area with resident or former resident beneficiaries of the Plan, and other categories of necessary incidental communications approved by BCBSA, are not prohibited.

2. In connection with activity otherwise in furtherance of the License Agreement, a Plan may use the Licensed Marks and Name outside its Service Area in the following circumstances which are deemed legitimate and necessary and not likely to cause consumer confusion:

a. sending letterhead, envelopes, and similar items for administrative purposes which do not solicit the sale of health care plans and related services;

b. distributing business cards other than in marketing and selling;

C. contracting with health care providers or soliciting such contracts in areas contiguous to a Plan's Service Area in order to serve its subscribers or those of its licensed Controlled Affiliate residing or working in its service area;

d. issuing a small sign containing the legal name or trade name of the Plan or its licensed Controlled Affiliate for display by a provider to identify the latter as a participating provider of the Plan or Controlled Affiliate;


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e. advertising in publications or electronic media solely to persons for employment;

f. advertising in print, electronic or other media which serve, as a substantial market, the Service Area of the Plan or licensed Controlled Affiliate, provided that no Plan may advertise outside its Service Area on the national broadcast and cable networks and that advertisements in national print media are limited to the smallest regional edition encompassing the Service Area;

g. advertising by direct mail where the addressee's zip code plus 4 includes, at least in part, the Plan's Service Area or that of a licensed Controlled Affiliate.



The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans ("Plans") and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association ("BCBSA") recognize and acknowledge that the Blue Cross and Blue Shield system is a unique nonprofit and for-profit system offering cost effective health care financing and services. The Plans and BCBSA desire to utilize Mediation and Mandatory Dispute Resolution ("MMDR") to avoid expensive and time-consuming litigation that may otherwise occur in the federal and state judicial systems. Even MMDR should be viewed, however, as methods of last resort, all other procedures for dispute resolution having failed. Except as otherwise provided in the License Agreements, the Plans, their Controlled Affiliates and BCBSA agree to submit all disputes to MMDR pursuant to these Rules and in lieu of litigation.


A. Pre-MMDR Efforts

Before filing a Complaint to invoke the MMDR process, the CEO of a complaining party, or his/her designated representative, shall undertake good faith efforts with the other side(s) to try to resolve any dispute.

B. Complaint

To commence a proceeding, the complaining party (or parties) shall provide by certified mail, return receipt requested, a written Complaint to the BCBSA Corporate Secretary (which shall also constitute service on BCBSA if it is a respondent) and to any Plan(s) and/or Controlled Affiliate(s) named therein. The Complaint shall contain:

i. identification of the complaining party (or parties) requesting the proceeding;

ii. identification of the respondent(s);

iii. identification of any other persons or entities who are interested in a resolution of the dispute;

iv. a full statement describing the nature of the dispute;

v. identification of all of the issues that are being submitted for resolution:


vi. the remedy sought;

vii. a statement as to whether the complaining party (or parties) elects) first to pursue Mediation;

viii. any request, if applicable, that one or more members of the Mediation Committee be disqualified from the proceeding and the grounds for such request;

ix. any request, if applicable, that the matter be handled on an expedited basis and the reasons therefor; and

x. a statement signed by the CEO of the complaining party affirming that the CEO has undertaken efforts, or has directed efforts to be undertaken, to resolve the dispute before resorting to the MMDR process.

The complaining party (or parties) shall file and serve with the Complaint copies of all documents which the party (or parties) intend(s) to offer at the Arbitration Hearing and a statement identifying the witnesses the party (or parties) intend(s) to present at the Hearing, along with a summary of each witness' expected testimony.

C. Answer

Within twenty (20) days after receipt of the Complaint, each respondent shall serve on the BCBSA and on the complaining party (or parties) and on the Chairman of the Mediation Committee;

i. a full Answer to the aforesaid Complaint;

ii. a statement of any Counterclaims against the complaining party (or parties), providing with respect thereto the information specified in Paragraph 1.B., above;

iii. a statement as to whether the respondent elects to first pursue Mediation;

iv. any request, if applicable, that one or more members of the Mediation Committee be disqualified from the proceeding and the grounds for such request; and

v. any request, if applicable, that the matter be handled on an expedited basis and the reasons therefor.

The respondent(s) shall file and serve with the Answer or by the date of the Initial Conference set forth in Paragraph 3.B., below, copies of all documents which the respondent(s) intend(s) to offer at the Arbitration Hearing and a statement identifying the witnesses the party (or parties) intend(s) to present at the Hearing, along with a summary of each witness' expected testimony.

D. Reply To Counterclaim

Within ten (10) days after receipt of any Counterclaim, the complaining party (or parties) shall serve on BCBSA and on the responding party (or parties) and on the Chairman of the Mediation Committee, a Reply to the Counterclaim. Such Reply must provide the same information required by Paragraph 1.C.


A. Mediation Committee

To facilitate the mediation of disputes between or among BCBSA, THE PLANS and/or their Controlled Affiliates, the BCBSA Board has established a Mediation Committee. Mediation may be pursued in lieu of or in an effort to obviate the Mandatory Dispute Resolution process, and all parties are strongly urged to exhaust the mediation procedure.

B. Election To Mediate

If any party elects first to pursue Mediation, and if it appears to the Corporate Secretary that the dispute falls within the jurisdiction of the Mediation Committee, as set forth in Exhibit 5-A hereto, then the Corporate Secretary will promptly furnish the Mediation Committee with copies of the Complaint, Answer, Counterclaim and Reply to Counterclaim, and other documents referenced in Paragraph 1, above.

C. Selection of Mediators

The parties shall promptly attempt to agree upon: (i) the number of mediators desired, not to exceed three mediators; and (ii) the selection of the mediator(s) who may include members of the Mediation Committee and/or experienced mediators from an independent entity to mediate all disputes set forth in the Complaint and Answer (and Counterclaim and Reply, if any). In the event the parties cannot agree upon the number of mediators desired, that number shall default to three. In the event the parties cannot agree upon the selection of mediator(s), the Chairman will select the mediator(s), at least one of which shall be an experienced mediator from an independent entity, consistent with the provisions set forth in this Paragraph. No member of the Mediation Committee who is a representative of any party to the Mediation may be selected to mediate the dispute. The Chairman shall also endeavor not to select as a mediator any member of the Mediation Committee whom a party has requested to be disqualified. If, after due regard for availability, expertise, and such other considerations as may best promote an expeditious Mediation, the Chairman

believes that he or she must consider for selection a member of the Mediation Committee whom a party has requested to be disqualified, the other members of the Committee eligible to be selected to mediate the dispute shall decide the request for disqualification. By agreeing to participate in the Mediation of a dispute, a member of the Mediation Committee represents to the party (or parties) thereto that he or she knows of no grounds which would require his or her disqualification.

D. Binding Decision

Before the date of the Mediation Hearing described below, the Corporate Secretary will contact the party (or parties) to determine whether they wish to be bound by any recommendation of the selected mediators for resolution of the disputes. If all wish to be bound, the Corporate Secretary will send appropriate documentation to them for their signatures before the Mediation Hearing begins.

E. Mediation Procedure

The Chairman shall promptly advise the parties of a scheduled Mediation Hearing date. Unless a party requests an expedited procedure, or unless all parties to the proceeding agree to one or more extensions of time, the Mediation Hearing set forth below shall be completed within forty (40) days of BCBSA's receipt of the Complaint. The selected mediators, unless the parties otherwise agree, shall adhere to the following procedure:

i. Each party must be represented by its CEO or other representative who has been delegated full authority to resolve the dispute. However, parties may send additional representatives as they see fit.

ii. By no later than five (5) days prior to the date designated for the Mediation Hearing, each party shall supply and serve a list of all persons who will be attending the Mediation Hearing, and indicate who will have the authority to resolve the dispute.

iii. Each party will be given one-half hour to present its case, beginning with the complaining party (or parties), followed by the other party or parties. The parties are free to structure their presentations as they see fit, using oral statements or direct examination of witnesses. However, neither cross-examination nor questioning of opposing representatives will be permitted. At the close of each presentation, the selected mediators will be given an opportunity to ask questions of the presenters and witnesses. All parties must be present throughout the Mediation Hearing. The selected mediators may extend the time allowed for each party's presentation at the Mediation Hearing. The selected mediators may meet in executive session, outside the presence of the parties, or may meet with the parties separately, to discuss the controversy.

iv. After the close of the presentations, the parties will attempt to negotiate a settlement of the dispute. If the parties desire, the selected mediators, or any one or more of the selected mediators, will sit in on the negotiations.

v. After the close of the presentations, the selected mediators may meet privately to agree upon a recommendation for resolution of the dispute which would be submitted to the parties for their consideration and approval. If the parties have previously agreed to be bound by the results of this procedure, this recommendation shall be binding upon the parties.

vi. The purpose of the Mediation Hearing is to assist the parties to settle their grievances short of mandatory dispute resolution. As a result, the Mediation Hearing has been designed to be as informal as possible. Rules of evidence shall not apply. There will be no transcript of the proceedings, and no party may make a tape recording of the Mediation Hearing.

vii. In order to facilitate a free and open discussion, the Mediation proceeding shall remain confidential. A "Stipulation to Confidentiality" which prohibits future use of settlement offers, all position papers or other statements furnished to the selected mediators, and decisions or recommendations in any Mediation proceeding shall be executed by each party.

viii. Upon request of the selected mediators, or one of the PARTIES, BCBSA staff may also submit documentation at any time during the proceedings.

F. Notice Of Termination Of Mediation

If the Mediation cannot be completed within the prescribed or agreed time period due to the lack of cooperation of any party, as determined by the selected mediators, or if the Mediation does not result in a final resolution of all disputes at the Mediation Hearing or within forty (40) days after the Complaint was served, whichever comes first, any party or any one of the selected mediators may so notify the Corporate Secretary, who shall promptly issue a Notice of termination of mediation to all parties, to the selected mediators, and to the MDR Administrator, defined below. Such notice shall serve to bring the Mediation to an end and to initiate Mandatory Dispute Resolution. Upon agreement of all parties and the selected mediators, the Mediation process may continue at the same time the MDR process is invoked. The Notice described above would serve to initiate the MDR proceeding and would not terminate the proceedings.


If all parties elect not to first pursue Mediation, or if a notice of termination of Mediation is issued as set forth in Paragraph 2.F., above, then the unresolved disputes set forth in any Complaint and Answer (and Counterclaim and Reply, if any) shall be subject to MDR.

A. MDR Administrator

The Administrator shall be an independent entity such as the Center for Public Resources, Inc. or Endispute, Inc., specializing in alternative dispute resolution. The Administrator shall be designated initially, and may be changed from time to time, by the affirmative vote of fifty-one (51) percent of the Plans and fifty-one (51) percent of the total then current weighted vote of all the Plans.

B. Initial Conference

Within five (5) days after a Notice of Termination has issued, or within five (5) days after the time for filing and serving the Reply to any Counterclaim if the parties elect first not to mediate, the parties shall confer with the Administrator to discuss selecting a dispute resolution panel ("the Panel"). This Initial Conference may be by telephone. The parties are encouraged to agree to the composition of the Panel and to present that agreement to the Administrator at the Initial Conference. If the parties do not agree on the composition of the Panel by the time of the Initial Conference, or by any extension thereof agreed to by all parties and the Administrator, then the Panel Selection Process set forth in subparagraph C shall be followed.

C. Panel Selection Process

The Administrator shall designate at least seven potential arbitrators. The exact number designated shall be sufficient to give each party at least two peremptory strikes. Each party shall be permitted to strike any designee for cause and the Administrator shall determine the sufficiency thereof in its sole discretion. The Administrator will designate a replacement for any designee so stricken. Each party shall then be permitted two peremptory strikes. From the remaining designees, the Administrator shall select a three member Panel. The Administrator shall set THE DATES for exercising all strikes and shall complete the Panel Selection Process within fifteen (15) days of the Initial Conference. Each Arbitrator shall be compensated at his or her normal hourly rate or, in the absence of an established rate, at a reasonable hourly rate to be promptly fixed by the Administrator for all time spent in connection with the proceedings and shall be reimbursed for any travel and other reasonable expenses.

D. Duties Of The Arbitrators

The Panel shall promptly designate a Presiding Arbitrator for the purposes reflected below, but shall retain the power to review and modify any ruling or other action of said Presiding Arbitrator. Each Arbitrator shall be an independent Arbitrator, shall be governed by the Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes, appended as Exhibit "5-B" hereto, and shall at or prior to the commencement of any Arbitration Hearing take an oath to that effect. Each Arbitrator shall promptly disclose in writing to the Panel and to the parties any circumstances, whenever arising, that might cause doubt as to such Arbitrator's compliance, or ability to comply, with said Code of Ethics, and, absent resignation by such Arbitrator, the remaining Arbitrators shall determine in their sole discretion whether the circumstances so disclosed constitute grounds for disqualification and for replacement. With respect to such circumstances arising or coming to the attention of a party after an Arbitrator's selection, a party may likewise request the Arbitrator's resignation or a determination as to disqualification by the remaining Arbitrators. With respect to a sole Arbitrator, the determination as to disqualification shall be made by the Administrator.

There shall be no ex parts communication between the parties or their counsel and any member of the Panel.

E. Panel's Jurisdiction And Authority

The Panel's jurisdiction and authority shall extend to all disputes between or among the Plans, their Controlled Affiliates, and/or BCBSA, except for those disputes excepted from these MMDR procedures as set forth in the License Agreements.

With the exception of punitive or treble damages, the Panel shall have full authority to award the relief it deems appropriate to resolve the parties' disputes, including monetary awards and injunctions, mandatory or prohibitory. The Panel has no authority to award punitive or treble damages except that the Panel may allocate or assess responsibility for punitive or treble damages assessed by another tribunal. Subject to the above limitations, the Panel may, by way of example, but not of limitation:

i. interpret or construe the meaning of any terms, phrase or provision in any license between BCBSA and a Plan or a Controlled Affiliate relating to the use of the BLUE CROSS(R)or BLUE SHIELD@ service marks.

ii. determine whether BCBSA, a Plan or a Controlled Affiliate has violated the terms or conditions of any license between the BCBSA and a Plan or a Controlled Affiliate relating to the use of the BLUE CROSS or BLUE SHIELD@ service marks.

iii. decide challenges as to its own jurisdiction.

iv. issue such orders for interim relief as it deems appropriate pending Hearing and Award in any Arbitration.

It is understood that the Panel is expected to resolve issues based on governing principles of law, preserving to the maximum extent legally possible the continued integrity of the Licensed Marks and the BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD system. The Panel shall apply federal law to all issues which, if asserted in the United States District Court, would give rise to federal question jurisdiction, 28 U.S.C. ss. 1331. The Panel shall apply Illinois law to all issues involving interpretation, performance or construction of any License Agreement or Controlled Affiliate License Agreement unless the agreement otherwise provides. As to other issues, the Panel shall choose the applicable law based on conflicts of law principles of the State of Illinois.

F. Administrative Conference And Preliminary Arbitration Hearing

Within ten (10) days of the Panel being selected, the Presiding Arbitrator will schedule an Administrative Conference to discuss scheduling of the Arbitration Hearing and any other matter appropriate to be considered including: any written discovery in the form of requests for production of documents or requests to admit facts; the identity of any witness whose deposition a party may desire and a showing of exceptional good cause for the taking of any such deposition; the desirability of bifurcation or other separation of the issues; the need for and the type of record of conferences and hearings, including the need for transcripts; the need for expert WITNESSES AND HOW EXPERT testimony should be presented; the appropriateness of motions to dismiss and/or for full or partial summary judgment; consideration of stipulations; the desirability of presenting any direct testimony in writing; and the necessity for any on-site inspection by the Panel.

G. Discovery

i. REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS: All requests for the production of documents must be served as of the date of the Administrative Conference as set forth in Paragraph 3.F., above. Within twenty (20) days after receipt of a request for documents, a party shall produce all relevant and non-privileged documents to the requesting party. In his or her discretion, the Presiding Arbitrator may require the parties to provide lists in such detail as is deemed appropriate of all documents as to which privilege is claimed and may further require in-camera inspection of the same.

ii. REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS: Requests for Admissions may be served up to 21 days prior to the Arbitration Hearing. A party served with Requests For Admissions must respond within twenty (20) days of receipt of said request. The good faith use of and response to Requests for Admissions is encouraged, and the Panel shall have full discretion, with reference to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, in awarding appropriate sanctions with respect to abuse of the procedure.

iii. DEPOSITIONS As a general rule, the parties will not be permitted to take deposition testimony for discovery purposes. The Presiding Arbitrator, in his or her sole discretion, shall have the authority to permit a party to take such deposition testimony upon a showing of exceptional good cause, provided that no deposition, for discovery purposes or otherwise, shall exceed three (3) hours, excluding objections and colloquy of counsel.

iv. EXPERT WITNESS(ES): If a party intends to present the testimony of an expert witness during the oral hearing, it shall provide all other parties with a written statement setting forth the information required to be provided by Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(4)(A)(i) prior to the expiration of the discovery period.

v. DISCOVERY CUT-OFF. The Presiding Arbitrator shall determine the date on which the discovery period will end, but the discovery period shall not exceed forty-five (45) days from its commencement, without the agreement of all parties.

vi. ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY. Any additional discovery will be at the discretion of the Presiding Arbitrator. The Presiding Arbitrator is authorized to resolve all discovery disputes, which resolution will be binding on the parties unless modified by the Arbitration Panel. If a party refuses to comply with a decision resolving a discovery dispute, the Panel. in keeping with Fed. R. Civ. P. 37, may refuse to allow that party to support or oppose designated claims or defenses, prohibit that party from introducing designated matters into evidence or, in extreme cases, decide an issue submitted for resolution adversely to that party.

H. Panel Suggested Settlement/Mediation

At any point during the proceedings, the Panel at the request of any party or on its own initiative, may suggest that the parties explore settlement and that they do so at or before the conclusion of the Arbitration Hearing, and the Panel shall give such assistance in settlement negotiations as the parties may request and the Panel may deem appropriate. Alternatively, the Panel may direct the parties to endeavor to mediate their disputes as provided above, or to explore a mini-trial proceeding, or to have an independent party render a neutral evaluation of the parties' respective positions. The Panel shall enter such sanctions as it deems appropriate with respect to any party failing to pursue in good faith such Mediation or other alternate dispute resolution methods.

I. Subpoenas On Third Parties

Pursuant to, and consistent with, the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C.ss.9 et seq., a party may request the issuance of a subpoena on a third party, to compel testimony or documents, and, if good and sufficient cause is shown, the Panel shall issue such a subpoena.

J. Arbitration Hearing

An Arbitration Hearing will be held within thirty (30) days after the Administrative Conference if no discovery is taken, or within thirty (30) days after the close of discovery, unless all parties and the Panel agree to extend the Arbitration Hearing date, or unless the parties agree in writing to waive the Arbitration Hearing. The parties may mutually agree on the location of the Arbitration Hearing. If the parties fail to agree, the Arbitration Hearing shall be held in Chicago, Illinois, or at such other location determined by the Presiding Arbitrator to be most convenient to the participants. The Panel will determine the date(s) and time(s) of the Arbitration Hearing(s) after consultation with all parties and shall provide reasonable notice thereof to all parties or their representatives.

K. Arbitration Hearing Memoranda

Twenty (20) days prior to the Arbitration Hearing, each party shall submit to the other party (or parties) and to the Panel an Arbitration Hearing Memorandum which sets forth the applicable law and any argument as to any relevant issue. The Arbitration Hearing Memorandum will supplement, and not repeat, the allegations, information and documents contained in or with the Complaint, Answer, Counterclaim and Reply, if any. Ten (10) days prior to the Arbitration Hearing, each party may submit to the other party (or parties) and to the Panel a Response Arbitration Hearing Memorandum which sets forth any response to another party's Arbitration Hearing Memorandum.

L. Notice For Testimony

Ten (10) days prior to the Arbitration Hearing, any party may serve a Notice on any other party (or parties) requesting the attendance at the Arbitration Hearing of any officer, employee or director of the other party (or parties) for the purpose of providing noncumulative testimony. If a party fails to produce one of its officers, employees or directors whose noncumulative testimony during the Arbitration Hearing is reasonably requested by an adverse party, the Panel may refuse to allow that party to support or oppose designated claims or defenses, prohibit that party from introducing designated matters into evidence or, in extreme cases, decide an issue submitted for mandatory dispute resolution adversely to that party. This Rule may not be used for the purpose of burdening or harassing any party, and the Presiding Arbitrator may impose such orders as are appropriate so as to prevent or remedy any such burden or harassment.

M. Arbitration Hearing Procedures

i. ATTENDANCE AT ARBITRATION HEARING: Any person having a direct interest in the proceeding is entitled to attend the Arbitration Hearing. The Presiding Arbitrator shall otherwise have the power to require the exclusion of any witness, other than a party or other essential person, during the testimony of any other witness. It shall be discretionary with the Presiding Arbitrator to determine the propriety of the attendance of any other person.

ii. CONFIDENTIALITY. The Panel and all parties shall maintain the privacy of the Arbitration Proceeding. The parties and the Panel shall treat the Arbitration Hearing and any discovery or other proceedings or events related thereto, including any award resulting therefrom, as confidential except as otherwise necessary in connection with a judicial challenge to or enforcement of an award or unless otherwise required by law.

iii. STENOGRAPHIC RECORD: Any party, or if the parties do not object, the Panel, may request that a stenographic or other record be made of any Arbitration Hearing or portion thereof. The costs of the recording and/or of preparing the transcript shall be borne by the requesting party and by any party who receives a copy thereof. If the Panel requests a recording and/or a transcript, the costs thereof shall be borne equally by the parties.

iv. OATHS: The Panel may require witnesses to testify under oath or affirmation administered by any duly qualified person and, if requested by any party, shall do so.

v. ORDER OF ARBITRATION HEARING: An Arbitration Hearing shall be opened by the recording of the date, time, and place of the Arbitration Hearing, and the presence of the Panel, the parties, and their representatives, if any. The Panel may, at the beginning of the Arbitration Hearing, ask for statements clarifying the issues involved.

Unless otherwise agreed, the complaining party (or parties) shall then present evidence to support their claim(s). The respondent(s) shall then present evidence supporting their defenses and Counterclaims, if any. The complaining party (or parties) shall then present evidence supporting defenses to the Counterclaims, if any, and rebuttal.

Witnesses for each party shall submit to questions by adverse PARTIES and/or the Panel.

The Panel has the discretion to vary these procedures, but shall afford a full and equal opportunity to all parties for the presentation of any material and relevant evidence

vi. EVIDENCE: The parties may offer such evidence as is relevant and material to the dispute and shall produce such evidence as the Panel may deem necessary to an understanding and resolution of the dispute. Unless good cause is shown, as determined by the Panel or agreed to by all other parties, no party shall be permitted to offer evidence at the Arbitration Hearing which was not disclosed prior to the Arbitration Hearing by that party. The Panel may receive and consider the evidence of witnesses by affidavit upon such terms as the Panel deems appropriate.

The Panel shall be the judge of the relevance and materiality of the evidence offered, and conformity to legal rules of evidence, other than enforcement of the attorney-client privilege and the work product protection, shall not be necessary. The Federal Rules of Evidence shall be considered by the Panel in conducting the Arbitration Hearing but those rules shall not be controlling. All evidence shall be taken in the presence of the Panel and all of the parties, except where any party is in default or has waived the right to be present.

Settlement offers by any party in connection with Mediation or MDR proceedings, decisions or recommendations of the selected mediators, and a party's position papers or statements furnished to the selected mediators shall not be admissible evidence or considered by the Panel without the consent of all parties.

vii. CLOSING OF ARBITRATION HEARING: The Presiding Arbitrator shall specifically inquire of all parties whether they have any further proofs to offer or witnesses to be heard. Upon receiving negative replies or if he or she is satisfied that the record is complete, the Presiding Arbitrator shall declare the Arbitration Hearing closed with an appropriate notation made on the record. Subject to being reopened as provided below, the time within which the Panel is required to make the award shall commence to run, in the absence of contrary agreement by the parties, upon the closing of the Arbitration Hearing.

With respect to complex disputes, the Panel may, in its sole discretion, defer the closing of the Arbitration Hearing for a period of up to thirty (30) days after the presentation of proofs in order to permit the parties to submit post-hearing briefs and argument, as the Panel deems appropriate, prior to making an award.

For good cause, the Arbitration Hearing may be reopened for up to thirty (30) days on the Panel's initiative, or upon application of a party, at any time before the award is made


An Award must be in writing and shall be made promptly by the Panel and, unless otherwise agreed by the parties or specified by law, no later than thirty (30) days from the date of closing the Arbitration Hearing. If all parties so request, the AWARD shall contain findings of fact and conclusions of law. The Award, and all other rulings and determinations by the Panel, may be by a majority vote.

Parties shall accept as legal delivery of the Award the placing of the Award or a true copy thereof in the mail addressed to a party or its representative at its last known address or personal service of the Award on a party or its representative.

Awards are binding only on the parties to the Arbitration and are not binding on any non-parties to the Arbitration and may not be used or cited as precedent in any other proceeding.

After the expiration of twenty (20) days from initial delivery, the Award (with corrections, if any) shall be final and binding on the parties, and the parties shall undertake to carry out the Award without delay.

Proceedings to confirm, modify or vacate an Award shall be conducted in conformity with and controlled by the Federal Arbitration Act. 9 U.S.C. ss.1, et seq.

O. Return Of Documents

Within sixty (60) days after the Award and the conclusion of any judicial proceedings with respect thereto, each party and the Panel shall return any documents produced by any other party, including all copies thereof. If a party receives a discovery request in any other proceeding which would require it to produce any documents produced to it by any other party in a proceeding hereunder, it shall not produce such documents without first notifying the producing party and giving said party reasonable time to respond, if appropriate, to the discovery request.


A. Expedited Procedures

Any party to a Mediation may direct a request for an expedited Mediation Hearing to the Chairman of the Mediation Committee, to the selected Mediators, and to all other parties at any time. The Chairman of the Mediation Committee, or at his or her direction, the then selected Mediators, shall grant any request which is supported by good and sufficient reasons. If such a request is granted, the Mediation shall be completed within as short a period as practicable, as determined by the Chairman of the Mediation Committee or, at his or her direction, the then selected Mediators.

Any party to an Arbitration may direct a request for expedited proceedings to the Administrator, to the Panel, and to all other parties at any time. The Administrator, or the Presiding Arbitrator if the Panel has been selected, shall grant any such request which is supported by good and sufficient reasons. If such a request is granted, the Arbitration shall be completed within as short a time as practicable, as determined by the Administrator and/or the Presiding Arbitrator.

B. Temporary Or Preliminary Injunctive Relief

Any party may seek temporary or preliminary injunctive relief with the filing of a Complaint or at any time thereafter. If such relief is sought prior to the time that an Arbitration Panel has been selected, then the Administrator shall select a single Arbitrator who is a lawyer who has no interest in the subject matter of the dispute, and no connection to any of the parties, to hear and determine the request for temporary or preliminary injunction. If such relief is sought after the time that an Arbitration Panel has been selected, then the Arbitration Panel will hear and determine the request. The request for temporary or preliminary injunctive relief will be determined with reference to the temporary or preliminary injunction standards set forth in Fed. R. Civ. P. 65.

C. Defaults And Proceedings In The Absence Of A Party

Whenever a party fails to comply with the MDR Rules in a manner deemed material by the Panel, the Panel shall fix a reasonable time for compliance and, if the party does not comply within said period, the Panel may enter an Order of default or afford such other relief as it deems appropriate. Arbitration may proceed in the event of a default or in the absence of any party who, after due notice, fails to be present or fails to obtain an extension. An Award shall not be made solely on the default or absence of a party, but the Panel shall require the party who is present to submit such evidence as the Panel may require for the making of findings, determinations, conclusions, and Awards.

D. Notice

Each party shall be deemed to have consented that any papers, notices, or process necessary or proper for the initiation or continuation of a proceeding under these rules or for any court action in connection therewith may be served on a party by mail addressed to the party or its representative at its last known address or by personal service, in or outside the state where the MDR proceeding is to be held.

The Corporate Secretary and the parties may also use facsimile transmission, telex, telegram, or other written forms of electronic communication to give the notices required by these rules.

E. Expenses

The expenses of witnesses shall be paid by the party causing or requesting the appearance of such witnesses. All expenses of the MDR proceeding, including compensation, required travel and other reasonable expenses of the Panel, and the cost of any proof produced at the direct request of the Panel, shall be borne equally by the parties and shall be paid periodically on a timely basis, unless they agree otherwise or unless the Panel in the Award assesses such expenses, or any part thereof against any party (or parties). In exceptional cases, the Panel may award reasonable attorneys' fees as an item of expense, and the Panel shall promptly determine the amount of such fees based on affidavits or such other proofs as the Panel deems sufficient.

F. Disqualification Or Disability Of A Panel Member

In the event that any Arbitrator of a Panel with more than one Arbitrator should become disqualified, resign, die, or refuse or be unable to perform or discharge his or her duties after the commencement of MDR but prior to the rendition of an Award, and the parties are unable to agree upon a replacement, the remaining Panel member(s):

i. shall designate a replacement, subject to the right of any party to challenge such replacement for cause.

ii. shall decide the extent to which previously held hearings shall be repeated.

If the remaining Panel members consider the proceedings to have progressed to a stage as to make replacement impracticable, the parties may agree, as an alternative to the recommencement of the Mandatory Dispute Resolution process, to resolution of the dispute by the remaining Panel members.

In the event that a single Arbitrator should become disqualified, resign, die, or refuse or be unable to perform or discharge his or her duties after the commencement of MDR but prior to the rendition of an Award, and the parties are unable to agree upon a replacement, the Administrator shall appoint a successor, subject to the right of any party to challenge such successor for cause, and the successor shall decide the extent to which previously held proceedings shall be repeated.

G. Amendments

These MMDR Rules may be altered or amended from time to time by the affirmative vote of fifty-one (51) percent of the Plans and fifty-one (51) percent of the total then current weighted vote of all the Plans.

H. Extensions of Time

Any time limit set forth in these Rules may be extended upon agreement of the parties and approval of: (i) the Chairman of the Mediation Committee if the proceeding is then in Mediation; (ii) the Administrator if the proceeding is in Arbitration, but no Arbitration Panel has been selected; or (iii) the Arbitration Panel, if the proceeding is in Arbitration and the Arbitration Panel has been selected.

1. Intervention

The Plans, their Controlled Affiliates, and BCBSA, to the extent subject to MMDR pursuant to their License Agreements, shall have the right to move to intervene in any pending Arbitration. A written motion for intervention shall be made to: (i) the Administrator, if the proceeding is in Arbitration, but no Arbitration Panel has been selected; or (ii) the Arbitration Panel, if the proceeding is in Arbitration and the Arbitration Panel has been selected. The written motion for intervention shall be delivered to the BCBSA Corporate Secretary (which shall also constitute service on the BCBSA if it is a respondent) and to any Plan(s) and/or Controlled Affiliate(s) which are parties to the proceeding. Any party to the proceeding can submit written objections to the motion to intervene. The motion for intervention shall be granted upon good cause shown. Intervention also may be allowed by stipulation of the parties to the Arbitration proceeding. Intervention shall be allowed upon such terms as the Arbitration Panel decides.

J. BCBSA Assistance In Resolution of Disputes

The resources and personnel of the BCBSA may be requested by any member Plan at any time to try to resolve disputes with another Plan.

K. Neutral Evaluation

The parties can voluntarily agree at any time to have an independent party render a neutral evaluation of the parties' respective positions.

L. Recovery of Attorney Fees and Expenses

I. Motions to Compel

Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Rules, any Party subject to the License Agreements (for purposes of this Section L and all of its sub-sections only hereinafter referred to collectively and individually as a "Party") that initiates a court action or administrative proceeding solely to compel adherence to these Rules shall not be determined to have violated these Rules by initiating such action or proceeding.

II. Recovery of Fees, Expenses and Costs

The Arbitration Panel may, in its sole discretion, award a Party its reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and costs associated with a filing to compel adherence to these Rules and/or reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and costs incurred in responding to an action filed in violation of these Rules; provided, however, that neither fees, expenses, nor costs shall be awarded by the Arbitration Panel if the Party from which the award is sought can demonstrate to the Arbitration panel, in its sole discretion, that it did not violate these Rules or that it had reasonable grounds for believing that its action did not violate these Rules.

III. Requests for Reimbursement

For purposes of this Section L, any Party may request reimbursement of fees, expenses and/or costs by submitting said request in writing to the Arbitration Panel at any time before an award is delivered pursuant to Section 3-N hereof, with a copy to the Party from which reimbursement is sought, explaining why it is entitled to such reimbursement. The Party from which reimbursement is sought shall have 20 days to submit a response to such request to the Arbitration Panel with a copy to the Party seeking reimbursement.




REPORTS TO: Board of Directors

CHARGE: 1. Develop and implement processes for resolving misunderstandings or disagreements between Plans or between Plans and the Association under the following circumstances:

a. Matters at issue regarding relationships between Plans or between Plans and the Association.

b. Matters at issue regarding relationships between Plans or between Plans and the Association.

c. Matters at issue under the Inter-Plan Bank, Reciprocity, and Transfer Programs.

d. Matters at issue regarding contractor selection or performance under the Medicare

Part A Program.

2. Determination of equalization allowances and/or cost allowances under FEP shall not be considered by this Committee.

MEMBERSHIP: Six to Eight

STAFF: Senior Vice President and General Counsel


This agreement is an Addendum to the Blue Shield License Agreement ("Addendum") entered into by and between the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association ("BCBSA") and Triple-S Management Corporation (the "Plan").


WHEREAS, BCBSA is the owner of the BLUE SHIELD service marks and the BLUE SHIELD Design service marks (the "Licensed Marks") and the name BLUE SHIELD (the "Licensed Name");

WHEREAS, simultaneously with this Addendum, BCBSA and the Plan are entering into a License Agreement granting the Plan certain rights to use the Licensed Marks and Name (the "License Agreement");

WHEREAS, the Plan, upon consummation of its proposed restructuring transaction (the "Transaction"), must achieve compliance with the requirements of the License Agreement applying to for-profit Primary Licensees if it is to retain its license from BCBSA;

WHEREAS, the Plan has agreed to an action plan that either will bring it into compliance with the for-profit requirements of the License Agreement or will result in automatic termination of the License Agreement;

WHEREAS, BCBSA has determined that it is in the best interest of the Licensed Marks, BCBSA, and its Member Plans to enter into this Addendum with the Plan;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual agreements hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:


1.0 Trigger Date. The "Trigger Date" for purposes of this addendum shall be the date of the first meeting of the Plan's shareholders after the Transaction's consummation. If the Plan's shareholders meet on the date of consummation, then that date shall be the Trigger Date.

2.0 Modifications to Governing Documents. On or before the Trigger Date, the Plan shall modify its articles of incorporation, bylaws, and all other applicable governing documents (collectively "Charter Documents") to:

(a) Provide that no investor may own 5% or more of its stock; and

(b) Reallocate the three classes of Plan board members according to the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A and adopt appropriate amendments to the Charter Documents to reflect this commitment to reconfigure the Plan Board so that each class consists of as equal a number of directors as possible.

3.0 Deadline. The modifications to the Charter Documents required in paragraph 2.0 shall be effective no later than thirty (30) days after the Trigger Date.

4.0 Automatic Termination. This Addendum and the License Agreement shall automatically terminate thirty-one (31) days after (1) the Trigger Date if the Plan fails to comply with any of the obligations in paragraphs 2.0 and 3.0; or (2) any actions described in Exhibit A are not taken within the time limits set forth therein.

5.0 Relationship to License Agreement. This Addendum is in addition to the terms and conditions of the License Agreement and does not limit the parties' rights and obligations under the License Agreement; provided, that this Addendum shall govern to the extent it conflicts with any term or condition of the License Agreement.

6.0 Miscellaneous Terms and Conditions.

6.1 This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties as to the subject matter hereof and supercedes any prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreement with regard to the subject matter hereof.

6.2 Each person who signs this Addendum in a representative capacity warrants that he or she is duly authorized to do so.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Addendum to be executed on the dates set forth below, signed:


By:  /s/

Title: President & CEO

Date:   1-4-99


By:  /s/

Title:  President and CEO

Date:  January 4, 1999




The Board of Directors will be divided in three groups plus the President of the Corporation, of which the first one will be composed by five (5) directors, the second group will be composed by six (6) directors and the third group will be composed by seven (7) directors. The groups will be scaled; therefore, the term of the first directors of the first group will fall due at the Annual Stockholders Meeting of 2005; the term of the first directors of the second group will fall due at the Annual Stockholders Meeting of 2006, and the term of the first directors of the third group will fall due at the Annual Stockholders Meeting of 2007.

The term during which the members of each group, elected in each annual stockholders meetings, will be in force, will be three (3) years. Every director will continue in office until his/her successor is duly elected and in possession of his/her post. No director, with the exception of the President of the Corporation, while carrying on such hierarchical functions, may be elected for more than three (3) terms, nor serve for more than nine (9) years. In addition, the President of the Corporation, who is member of the Board of Directors, will be exempt from inclusion in any of the groups stated above.

In order to achieve uniformity in the number of directors in each group, as stated in this Article, a director will be elected in April of 2001 for one (1) year term, from April of 2001 to April of 2002. With the only purpose to comply with the Staggered terms, the three (3) terms or nine (9) years disposition will be waived with the only purpose that a person can serve for the only term of one
(1) year. In the case of the first members of the Board of Directors, the amount of time in which the director functioned as such, in Triple-S, Inc., until its merger with Triple-S Salud, will be taken into consideration.



Triple-S, Inc.
1441 F.D. Roosevelt Avenue
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920

Seguros de Vida Triple-S, Inc.
1441 F.D. Roosevelt Avenue
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920

Seguros Triple-S, Inc.
1441 F.D. Roosevelt Avenue
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920

Triple-C, Inc.
1441 F.D. Roosevelt Avenue
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920

Interactive Systems, Inc.
1441 F.D. Roosevelt Avenue
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920

All these subsidiaries are incorporated under the laws of Puerto Rico.

In addition to these subsidiaries Seguros de Vida Triple-S, Inc. has the following wholly-owned subsidiary:

Smart Solutions Insurance Agency Corporation 1441 F.D. Roosevelt Avenue
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920

Also Seguros Triple-S, Inc. has the following wholly-owned subsidiary:

Signature Insurance Agency, Inc.
1441 F.D. Roosevelt Avenue
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920

These subsidiaries are incorporated under the laws of Puerto Rico.