Washington, D.C. 20549

Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the fiscal year ended December 30, 2000 Commission File Number: 000-22012

(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

         Minnesota                                       41-1622691
(State or Other Jurisdiction of                       (I.R.S. Employer
Incorporation or Organization)                      Identification Number)

4200 Dahlberg Drive, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55422-4837
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number: (763) 520-8500

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12 (b) of the Act: None

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
Common Stock, no par value per share

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days:

Yes [X] No [_]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. [_]

The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant, based upon the closing sale price of the registrant's common stock on March 12, 2001, as reported on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market, was $10.3 million.

Shares of no par value Common Stock outstanding as of March 12, 2001: 5,386,433 shares.


Portions of the definitive Proxy Statement for the Registrant's Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on May 2, 2001 have been incorporated by reference into Items 10, 11, 12 and 13 of Part III of this report.


PART I                                                                                                       PAGE
Item 1.       Business                                                                                         4

Item 2.       Properties                                                                                      11

Item 3.       Legal Proceedings                                                                               11

Item 4.       Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders                                             11

PART II                                                                                                      PAGE

Item 5.       Market for the Registrant's Common Equity and Related Shareholder Matters                       12

Item 6.       Selected Financial Data                                                                         13

Item 7.       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operation            14

Item 7a.      Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk                                      20

Item 8.       Financial Statements and Supplementary Data                                                     20

Item 9.       Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure            36

PART III                                                                                                     PAGE

Item 10.      Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant                                              36

Item 11.      Executive Compensation                                                                          37

Item 12.      Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management                                  37

Item 13.      Certain Relationships and Related Transactions                                                  37

PART IV                                                                                                      PAGE

Item 14.      Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                                                37

              SIGNATURES                                                                                      40



Exhibit 10.13    Amendment No. 4 to the 1992 Stock Option Plan

Exhibit 10.25    Employment Agreement with Stephen M. Briggs, dated December 14,

Exhibit 10.26    First Amendment to Employment Agreement with John L. Morgan

Exhibit 10.27    2001 Stock Option Plan, including forms of stock option

Exhibit 11.1     Statement of Computation of Per Share Earnings

Exhibit 23.1     Consent of Independent Public Accountants




Grow Biz International, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, (referred to herein as "Company," "we," "us," "our" and other similar terms) is a franchisor of five retail brands that buy, sell, trade and consign merchandise. Each brand operates in a different industry and provides the consumer with high value retailing. We began franchising the Play It Again Sports(R) brand in 1988, and since that date, have made a series of acquisitions and dispositions to grow and diversify our brands in other retail concepts.

. In June 1998, we completed the sale of the assets and franchising rights of our Disc Go Round(R) brand to CD Warehouse, Inc. for $7.0 million cash plus the assumption of $384,000 in deferred franchise fees. At the time of the sale, there were 137 Disc Go Round(R) stores in operation, including three Company-owned stores, and an additional 37 franchise agreements were awarded for stores that were not yet opened. The sale resulted in a $5,231,500 operating gain in the second quarter ending June 27, 1998.

. In August 1997, Grow Biz Games, Inc., a Minnesota corporation and a wholly- owned subsidiary of the Company, acquired certain assets and franchising rights of Video Game Exchange, Inc. ("VGE") of Cleveland, Ohio for total consideration of $6,579,700. VGE was a 40 store retail operation with stores in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Georgia and Maryland and became the nucleus of the It's About Games store brand. We began franchising this brand in 1997. We closed or sold the stores comprising the It's About Games retail chain in November 1999. In December 1999, we completed the sale or liquidation of the assets of our It's About Games brand. We undertook an orderly liquidation of the inventory and other assets by conducting a liquidation sale. Approximately 50% of the assets were disposed of in three main transactions. The first sale, to an unrelated party, of substantially all of the assets of 14 stores in Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio and Pennsylvania for $114,200 plus inventory valued at 40% of cost to be received in cash and a promissory note. The second sale, to an unrelated party, of substantially all of the assets of 14 stores in Ohio for $42,000 plus inventory at 40% of cost to be received in cash and a promissory note. The third, a bulk inventory sale to an unrelated party for $140,000 cash. The remaining assets of the It's About Games brand were disposed of by abandonment or liquidation sale resulting in a total restructuring charge of $11,345,500 for the year ended December 25, 1999.

. In April 1998, we acquired certain assets and franchising rights of Tool Traders, Inc. of Detroit, Michigan, which formed the basis for our ReTool(R) store brand. We paid $380,200 plus a percentage of future royalties for a period of seven years. At the time of acquisition, there were two retail stores in operation under the name Tool Traders. We changed the name and began franchising the ReTool(R) brand in 1998.

. In January 1999, we acquired certain assets and franchising rights of Plato's Closet, Inc. of Columbus, Ohio for total consideration of $400,000 plus a percentage of future royalties for a period of seven years. There were four stores in operation at the time of purchase. We began franchising the Plato's Closet(R) brand in 1999.

. In August 2000, we completed the sale of substantially all the assets related to the Computer Renaissance(R) franchising and retailing operations for $3.0 million to Hollis Technologies, LLC. One million dollars of the purchase price is being held in an escrow account for up to 18 months from August 30, 2000. Hollis Technologies, LLC and CompRen, Inc. have filed a claim with the escrow agent to recover alleged damages incurred in connection with the sale. We do not consent to their claim on the escrowed funds. We believe that these claims are baseless and we have filed a notice of dispute with the escrow agent. Amounts received from the escrow will be recorded as additional income when received.


In addition, we entered into a five-year $2.0 million consulting agreement to provide ongoing franchise and business consulting services to Hollis Technologies, LLC. Pursuant to the Consulting Agreement, Hollis Technologies, LLC agreed to make 60 equal monthly payments of $33,333 to us over the term of the agreement.

Each of our retail store brands emphasizes consumer value by offering high- quality used merchandise at substantial savings from the price of new merchandise and by purchasing customers' used goods that have been outgrown or are no longer used. The stores also offer new merchandise to supplement their selection of used goods.

Our significant assets are located within the United States, and we generate all revenues from United States operations other than 2000 franchising revenues from Canadian operations of approximately $1.8 million.

Our five continuing store brands with their fiscal year 2000 system-wide sales, defined as revenues from all affiliated stores, are summarized as follows:

Play It Again Sports(R) - $282 million

Play It Again Sports(R) stores sell, buy, trade and consign used and new sporting goods, equipment and accessories for a variety of athletic activities including hockey, in-line skating, fitness, ski/snowboard, golf and baseball/softball. The stores offer a flexible mix of merchandise that is adjusted to adapt to seasonal and regional differences. Sales of used sporting goods are emphasized to provide the highest value to the customer. New merchandise is offered to supplement available used goods.

Once Upon A Child(R) - $87 million

Once Upon A Child(R) stores sell and buy used and new children's clothing, toys, furniture, equipment and accessories. This store brand primarily targets cost-conscious parents of children ages infant to twelve years with emphasis on children ages seven years and under. These customers have the opportunity to sell their used children's items to a Once Upon A Child(R) store when outgrown and to purchase quality used children's clothing, toys, furniture and accessories at prices lower than new merchandise. New merchandise is offered as a supplement to used merchandise.

Plato's Closet(R) - $8 million

Plato's Closet(R) stores sell and buy used and new clothing and accessories geared toward the teenage and young adult market. Customers also have the opportunity to sell their used items to a Plato's Closet(R) store when outgrown and to purchase quality used clothing and accessories at prices lower than new merchandise.

Music Go Round(R) - $33 million

Music Go Round(R) stores sell, buy, trade and consign used and new musical instruments, speakers, amplifiers, music-related electronics and related accessories for parents of children who play musical instruments, as well as professional and amateur musicians.

ReTool(R)- $4 million

ReTool(R) stores sell and buy both used and new hand tools, power tools and accessories. The stores also offer to customers the opportunity to try out equipment prior to making a purchase.


Following is a summary of our franchising and corporate store activity for the fiscal year ended December 30, 2000:

                                                   TOTAL       OPENED/      CLOSED/                        TOTAL
                                                 12/25/99    PURCHASED       SOLD          CONVERTED     12/30/00
Play It Again Sports(R)
   Franchised Stores - US and Canada               580         14           (70)              2            526
   Franchised Stores - Other International           8          0             0               0              8
   Corporate - Owned                                 3          0             0              (2)             1
   Other                                            23          0             0               0             23

Once Upon A Child(R)
   Franchised Stores - US and Canada               220         26           (14)              0            232
   Corporate - Owned                                 1          0             0               0              1

Plato's Closet(R)
   Franchised Stores - US and Canada                 4         21             0               0             25
   Corporate - Owned                                 1          0             0               0              1

Computer Renaissance(R)(1)
   Franchised Stores - US and Canada               208          1          (209)              0              0
   Corporate - Owned                                 3          0            (3)              0              0

Music Go Round(R)
   Franchised Stores - US and Canada                72          7           (12)              0             67
   Corporate - Owned                                 8          2            (2)              0              8

   Franchised Stores - US and Canada                11          5            (2)              0             14
   Corporate - Owned                                 1          0             0               0              1
                      Total                      1,143         76          (312)/(1)/         0            907

(1) In August 2000, the Company completed the sale of substantially all the assets related to the Computer Renaissance(R) franchising and retailing operations to Hollis Technologies, LLC.

Franchising Overview

We use franchising as a business method of distributing goods and services through our retail brands to consumers. We, as franchisor, either develop or acquire a business brand, typically represented by a trademark, service mark or similar rights, and an operating system for the franchised business. We then enter into franchise agreements with franchisees and grant the franchisee the right to use our business brand, service marks and operating system to manage the business. Franchisees are required to operate their businesses in accordance with the systems, specifications, standards and formats we develop for the business brand. We train the franchisees on how to operate the franchised business and provide continuing support and service.

Business Strategy

Our business strategy is to develop value-oriented retail brands based on a mix of used and new merchandise and to implement these brands through a nationwide franchise system that provides support services to its franchisees. The key elements of this strategy include (i) offering value-oriented retail brands to prospective entrepreneurs, (ii) attracting new, qualified franchisees and (iii) supporting existing franchisees.


1. Offering Value-Oriented Merchandise Brand Opportunities

Our retail brands provide value to consumers by purchasing and reselling used merchandise that consumers have outgrown or no longer use at substantial savings from the price of new merchandise. By offering a combination of high-quality used and value-priced new merchandise, we benefit from consumer demand for value-oriented retailing. In addition, we believe that among national retail operations our retail store brands provide a unique source of value to consumers by purchasing used merchandise. We also believe that the strategy of buying used merchandise increases consumer awareness of our retail brands.

2. Attracting Franchisees

Our franchise marketing program seeks to attract prospective franchisees with experience in management and operations and an interest in being the owner and operator of their own business. We seek franchisees who: (i) have a sufficient net worth, (ii) have prior business experience, and (iii) intend to be integrally involved with the management of the store. At December 30, 2000, we had 43 franchise agreements for stores that are expected to open in 2001.

We began franchising internationally in 1991 and, as of December 30, 2000, had 83 franchised stores open in Canada. The Canadian stores are operated by franchisees under agreements substantially similar to those used in the United States.

3. Franchise Support

As a franchisor, our success depends upon our ability to develop and support competitive and successful franchise brands. We emphasize the following areas of franchise support and assistance.


Each franchisee must attend our training program regardless of prior experience. The training program is a multi-visit program. Soon after signing a franchise agreement, the franchisee is required to attend a new owner orientation training. This course covers basic management issues, such as preparing a business plan, lease evaluation, evaluating insurance needs and obtaining financing. Our training staff assists each franchise in developing a business plan for their store with financial and cash flow projections. The second training session is centered on store operations. It covers, among other things, point-of-sale computer training, inventory selection and acquisition, sales, marketing and other topics. We provide the franchisee with operations manuals that we periodically update.

Field Support

We provide operations personnel to assist the franchisee in the opening of a new business. We also have an ongoing field support program designed to assist franchisees in operating their stores. Our franchise support personnel visit each store periodically and, in most cases, a business appraisal is made to determine whether the franchisee is operating in accordance with our standards. The visit is also designed to assist franchisees with operational issues.


During training each franchisee is taught how to evaluate, purchase and price used goods. In addition to purchasing used products from customers who bring merchandise to the store, the franchisee is also encouraged to develop sources for purchasing used merchandise in the community. Franchisees typically do not repair or recondition used products, but rather, purchase quality used merchandise that may be put directly on display for resale on an 'as is' basis. We have developed specialized computer point-of-sale systems for Once Upon A Child(R) and Plato's Closet(R) stores that provide the franchisee with standardized pricing information to assist in the purchasing of used items. Play It Again Sports(R) and Music Go Round(R) also use buying guides to assist franchisees in pricing used items although not electronic.


We provide centralized buying services including credit and billing for the Play It Again Sports(R) franchisees. Upon credit approval, Play It Again Sports(R) franchisees may order through the buying group, in which case, product is drop-shipped directly to the store by the vendor. We are invoiced by the vendor and, in turn, we invoice the franchisee adding a 4% service fee to cover our costs of operating the buying group. To provide the remaining brand's franchisees a source of affordable new product, we have developed relationships with our core vendors and negotiated prices for our franchisees to take advantage of on a direct basis. Our Play It Again Sports(R) franchise system relies on several major vendors including Bauer(R) Nike Hockey, The Hockey Company and Keys Fitness. The loss of any of the above vendors would change the vendor mix, but not significantly change our product offered.

Our typical Once Upon A Child(R) franchised store purchases approximately 75% of its new product from Graco(R), Million Dollar Baby and Cosco(R). While we believe that there are several other vendors that could adequately replace the loss of any of these three major vendors, it would alter the selection of product offered.

There are no significant vendors to our typical Music Go Round(R) franchised store the loss of which would materially impair our ability to obtain appropriate product.

Retail Advertising and Marketing

We encourage our franchisees to implement a marketing program that includes one or more of the following: television, radio, direct mail, point-of-purchase materials, in store signage and local store marketing programs. Through these mediums, we advertise both the buying and selling aspects of our retail brands. Franchisees of the respective brands are required to spend the following minimum percentage of their gross sales on approved advertising and marketing: Play It Again Sports(R) - 5%, Once Upon A Child(R) - 5%, Music Go Round(R) - 3%, ReTool(R) - 4% and Plato's Closet(R) - 4%. In addition, all franchisees are required to pay us an annual marketing fee of $500. Franchisees are required to participate in regional cooperative advertising groups.

Computerized Point-Of-Sale Systems

We require franchisees to use a retail information management computer system in each store. Stores which were opened prior to April 1992 were not required to install the system. This computerized point-of-sale system is designed specifically for use in our franchise retail stores. This system includes a cash register, bar code printer and scanner, together with software modules for inventory management, cash management and customer information management. The system is designed to accommodate buying and consigning of used merchandise. This system provides franchisees with an important management tool that reduces errors, increases efficiencies and enhances inventory control. We provide both computer software and hardware support for the system.

Other Support Services

We assist each new franchisee with site location. A third party vendor provides design layouts and opening materials including pricing materials, stationary, signage, fixtures, slatwall and carpeting. Additional communication with franchisees is made through weekly news updates, broadcast faxes and semi-annual conferences which include trade shows.

The Franchise Agreement

We enter into franchise agreements with our franchisees. The following is a summary of certain key provisions of our current standard franchise agreement. A complete copy of our standard franchise agreement has been filed by incorporation as an exhibit to this Form 10-K. Except as noted, the franchise agreements used for each of our business brands are the same.


Each franchisee must execute our franchise agreement and pay an initial franchise fee. At December 30, 2000, the franchise fee for all brands was $20,000 for an initial store. In August 2000, we changed the franchise fees for additional stores for Grow Biz franchisee owners. Once a franchisee opens its initial store, it can open additional stores, in any brand, by paying a $15,000 franchise fee, provided an acceptable territory is available and the franchisee meets minimum financial standards. Typically, the franchisee's initial store is open for business within 270 days from the date the franchise agreement is signed. The franchise agreement has an initial term of 10 years, with subsequent 10-year renewal periods, and grants the franchisee an exclusive geographic area which will vary in size depending upon population, demographics and other factors. A renewal fee equal to $5,000 is payable to us 30 days prior to any franchise renewal. Under current franchise agreements, franchisees of the respective brands are required to pay us weekly continuing fees (royalties) equal to the following percentage of gross sales: Play It Again Sports(R) - 5%, Once Upon A Child(R) - 5%, Music Go Round(R) - 3%, ReTool(R) - 4% and Plato's Closet(R) - 4%. Play It Again Sports(R) franchise agreements signed prior to April 1, 1992 require payment of a 3% royalty. Upon completion of the initial 10-year term, Play It Again Sports(R) royalties are adjusted to 4%. Play It Again Sports(R) franchisees opening their second or additional store pay us a 4% royalty for that store.

Each franchisee is required to pay us an annual marketing fee of $500. Each Play It Again Sports(R) and Once Upon A Child(R) franchisee is required to spend 5% of its gross sales for advertising and promoting its franchised store. We have the option to increase the minimum advertising expenditure requirement for these franchises to 6% of the franchisee's gross sales, of which up to 2% would be paid to us as an advertising fee for deposit in an advertising fund. This fund would be managed by us and would be used for advertising and promotion of the franchise system. We expect to initiate this advertising fund when we determine that the respective franchise system warrants such an advertising and promotion program. Music Go Round(R) franchisees are required to spend at least 3% of gross sales for approved advertising. We have the option to increase the minimum advertising expenditure requirement for these franchises to a total of 4% of the franchisee's gross sales, of which up to one-third, or 1.5%, would be paid to us as an advertising fee for deposit into an advertising fund. Retool(R) and Plato's Closet(R) franchisees are required to spend at least 4% of gross sales for approved advertising. We have an option to increase the minimum advertising expenditure requirement for these franchises up to at total of 5% of franchisee's gross sales, of which up to 2% would be paid to us as an advertising fee for deposit into an advertising fund.

During the term of a franchise agreement, franchisees agree not to operate directly or indirectly any competitive business. In addition, franchisees agree that after the end of the term or termination of the franchise agreement, franchisees will not operate any competitive business for a period of one year and within a reasonable geographic area. We believe that the strict enforcement of the noncompetition clause is critical to the success of the franchise operations. These noncompetition clauses are not enforceable in certain states.

Although our franchise agreements contain provisions designed to assure the quality of a franchisee's operations, we have less control over a franchisee's operations than we would if we owned and operated the store. Under the franchise agreement, we have a right of first refusal on the sale of any franchised store, but we are not obligated to repurchase any franchise.

Renewal of the Franchise Relationship

At the end of the 10-year term of each franchise agreement, each franchisee has the option to "renew" the franchise relationship by signing a new 10-year franchise agreement. If a franchisee chooses not to sign a new franchise agreement, a franchisee must comply with all post termination obligations including the franchisee's agreement not to compete discussed above. This agreement not to compete may not be enforceable in certain states. We may choose not to renew the franchise relationship only when permitted by the franchise agreement and applicable state law.


In 2000, 36 franchisees had their Play It Again Sports(R) franchise agreement expire. Of those franchisees, 33 signed new 10-year franchise agreements. In 2001, 2002 and 2003, 81, 127 and 75 Play It Again Sports(R) franchise agreements will expire, respectively. We believe that renewing a significant number of these franchise relationships is extremely important to the success of this franchise system.

No Once Upon A Child(R) franchise agreements expired in 2000. In 2001, 2002 and 2003, 1, 2 and 41 Once Upon A Child(R) franchise agreements will expire, respectively. We believe that renewing a significant number of these franchise relationships is important to the success of this franchise system.

None of our other franchise systems have franchise agreements that will expire in 2001.


Retailing, including the sale of sporting goods, children's and teenage apparel, musical instruments and tools, is highly competitive. Many retailers have substantially greater financial and other resources than we do. Our franchisees compete with established, locally owned retail stores, discount chains and traditional retail stores for sales of new merchandise. Full line retailers generally carry little or no used merchandise. Resale, thrift and consignment shops and garage and rummage sales offer some competition to our franchisees for the sale of used merchandise. We are aware of, and compete with, one franchisor of stores which sell new and used sporting equipment and two franchisors of stores which sell used and new children's clothing, toys and accessories.

Our Play It Again Sports(R) franchisees compete with large retailers such as The Sports Authority(R), Gart Sports and Oshman's as well as regional and local sporting goods stores. We do not know of any other franchisor that directly competes with us in the sporting goods retail business for potential franchisees.

Our Once Upon A Child(R) franchisees compete primarily with large retailers such as Babies "R" Us(R), Wal-Mart(R), Target(R) Stores and various specialty children's retail stores such as Gap(R) Kids. We compete with other franchisors for franchisees. We view our competitive position with other franchisors in the children's clothing, toys and furniture retail industry as favorable.

Our Plato's Closet(R) franchise stores compete with specialty apparel stores primarily such as Gap(R), Abercrombie & Fitch(R) and The Limited(R). We do not believe we compete with any other franchisor in the teenage clothing retail market.

Our Music Go Round(R) franchise stores compete with large musical instrument retailers such as Guitar Center(R), Mars Music(R) and Sam Ash Music(R). We do not believe we compete with any other franchisor directly in relation to the used and new musical instrument market.

Our franchisees may face additional competition as our franchise systems expand. This could include additional competitors that may enter the used merchandise market. We believe that our franchisees will continue to be able to compete favorably with other retailers based on the strength of our value-oriented brands, the name recognition associated with our service marks and the national recognition gained by our franchise brands.

We also face competition in connection with the sale of franchises. Our prospective franchisees frequently evaluate other franchise opportunities before purchasing a franchise from us. We compete for franchisees with other franchise companies based on at least the following factors: amount of franchise fee, royalty rate, profitability and industry. We believe that our franchise brands compete favorably with other franchises based on the fees we charge, our franchise support services and the performance of our existing franchise brands.


Government Regulation

Fourteen states and the Federal Trade Commission impose pre-sale franchise registration and/or disclosure requirements on franchisors. In addition, a number of states have statutes which regulate substantive aspects of the franchisor-franchisee relationship such as termination, nonrenewal, transfer, discrimination among franchisees and competition with franchisees.

Additional legislation, both at the federal and state levels, could expand pre- sale disclosure requirements, further regulate substantive aspects of the franchise relationship and require us to file our franchise offering circulars with additional states. We cannot predict the effect of future franchise legislation, but do not believe there is any imminent legislation currently under consideration which would have a material adverse impact on our operations.

Trademarks and Service Marks

Grow Biz(R), Play It Again Sports(R), Once Upon A Child(R), Music Go Round(R), Retool(R) and Plato's Closet(R), among others, are our registered service marks. These marks are of considerable value to our business. They support our franchise brands and our marketing and sales efforts. We intend to protect our service marks by appropriate legal action where and when necessary. Each service mark registration must be renewed every 10 years. We have, and intend to, continue to take all steps necessary to renew the registration of all our material service marks.


Our Play It Again Sports(R), Once Upon A Child(R) and Plato's Closet(R) franchise brands have experienced higher than average sales volume during the spring months and during the back to school and holiday shopping seasons. This trend, along with the related impact of our Company-operated retail stores revenue, results in higher than average royalty and merchandise revenue during the second, third and fourth quarters.


As of December 30, 2000, we employed 135 full-time employees, of which 3 were franchise salespersons, 64 were franchise support personnel, 28 were administrative and 40 were retail sales staff. We also employed 28 part-time employees at our Company-owned retail stores as of fiscal year end 2000.


We lease our headquarters facility in Golden Valley, Minnesota. We pay annual base rent of $218,980 plus 55% of common area maintenance charges for the building. The lease expires in 2004. Our facilities are sufficient to meet our current needs and our immediate future needs.

At December 30, 2000, we leased space for our 12 retail store locations, typically for a fixed monthly rental and operating costs. One lease is due to expire in 2001, none in 2002, eight in 2003, three in 2004 and none thereafter.


We are not a party to any material litigation and are not aware of any threatened litigation that would have a material adverse effect on our business.


No matters were submitted to a vote of security holders during the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2000.





Our common stock was traded on the Nasdaq National Market System through February 6, 2000 and is now traded on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market under the symbol "GBIZ". The table below sets forth the high and low bid prices of our common stock as reported by Nasdaq for the periods indicated:

2000:      First       Second      Third       Fourth           1999:      First       Second      Third       Fourth
-------------------------------------------------------      ----------------------------------------------------------
High       8 7/16    8 3/4       4 11/16         7              High      13 10/32     12 5/16     8 1/2        5 1/8
Low           3      4 1/2        3 7/8       3 15/16           Low        12 1/4       6 1/2      4 1/2        2 7/8

The above quotations reflect inter-dealer prices, without retail mark-up, mark- down or commission, and may not necessarily represent actual transactions. At March 12, 2001, there were 5,386,433 shares of common stock outstanding held by approximately 826 beneficial shareholders and 220 shareholders of record. We have not paid any cash dividends on our common stock and do not anticipate paying cash dividends in the foreseeable future.

On July 31, 2000, we entered into a credit agreement with Rush River Group, LLC, an affiliate of ours, to provide a credit facility of up to $7.5 million. As part of that agreement, Rush River Group, LLC required that we not declare or pay any dividends, purchase, redeem, retire or otherwise acquire for value any of our common stock. Also in connection with the credit facility, we issued to Rush River Group, LLC a warrant to purchase 200,000 shares of our common stock at an exercise price of $2.00 per share. The warrant was issued as partial consideration for providing the credit facility to us. The warrant was issued pursuant to Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. The warrant is currently exercisable and will remain exercisable until July 31, 2010.

In connection with the change in our management during fiscal year 2000, we issued to Sheldon T. Fleck a warrant for the purchase of 200,000 shares of our common stock at an exercise price of $6.00 per share. The warrant was issued as compensation for the financial advisor's services, in accordance with the terms of a Letter Agreement dated as of November 17, 1999. The warrant was issued pursuant to Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. The warrant is exercisable and will remain exercisable until March 22, 2008.



The following table sets forth selected financial information for the periods indicated. The information should be read in conjunction with the financial statements and related notes discussed in Item 14, and Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations discussed in Item 7.

                                                                                  Fiscal Year Ended
                                                                        (in thousands except per share data)
                                                  December 30,    December 25,    December 26,      December 27,      December 28,
                                                   2000/(1)/       1999/(2)/        1998/(3)/        1997/(4)/            1996
    Merchandise sales                                  $29,416        $ 45,163          $73,306           $66,889           $71,737
    Royalties                                           16,502          19,085           19,473            17,329            14,965
    Franchise fees                                         914           1,942            2,986             3,907             4,162
    Advertising and other                                  715             368              586               710               686
                                                       -------        --------          -------           -------           -------
        Total revenue                                   47,547          66,558           96,351            88,835            91,550
Cost of merchandise sold                                25,295          39,387           60,325            56,634            63,856
Selling, general and administrative expenses            18,701          28,320           29,105            24,990            23,636
Restructuring and other                                      -          11,345                -                 -                 -
Earnings Charge                                          3,338               -                -                 -                 -
Gain on sale of Disc Go Round                                -               -            5,232                 -                 -
Gain on sale of Computer Renaissance(R)                    537               -                -                 -                 -
                                                       -------        --------          -------           -------           -------
        Income (loss) from operations                      750         (12,494)          12,153             7,211             4,058
Litigation settlement                                        -               -                -            (2,000)                -
Interest income (expense), net                            (944)         (1,293)            (239)              103               195
                                                       -------        --------          -------           -------           -------
        Income (loss) before income taxes                 (194)        (13,787)          11,914             5,314             4,253
(Benefit) Provision for income taxes                       157          (5,198)           4,670             2,083             1,667
                                                       -------        --------          -------           -------           -------
Net income (loss)                                      $  (351)       $ (8,589)         $ 7,244           $ 3,231           $ 2,586
                                                       =======        ========          =======           =======           =======

Net income (loss) per common share - diluted           $  (.07)       $  (1.65)         $  1.24           $   .52           $   .40
                                                       =======        ========          =======           =======           =======
Weighted average shares outstanding                      5,382           5,206            5,833             6,274             6,516
                                                       =======        ========          =======           =======           =======

Balance Sheet Data:
    Working capital                                    $ 5,393        $  2,748          $ 1,103           $ 9,141           $ 8,516
    Total assets                                        14,721          29,642           43,141            37,755            29,177
    Total debt                                           4,788          16,816           17,949             6,330               264
    Shareholders' equity                                 3,467           2,889           10,165            17,451            17,698

Selected Financial Ratios:
    Return on average assets                              (1.6)%         (23.6)%           17.9%              9.7%              8.2%
    Return on average equity                             (11.0)%        (131.6)%           52.5%             18.4%             13.3%

(1) In August 2000, the Company completed the sale of the assets of the Computer Renaissance(R) franchising and retailing operations. See Footnote 4 of the Consolidated Notes to the Financial Statements.
(2) In November 1999, the Company completed the sale of the assets of the It's About Games brand. See Footnote 4 of the Consolidated Notes to the Financial Statements.
(3) In June 1998, the Company completed the sale of Disc Go Round.
(4) In August 1997, the Company acquired certain assets and franchising rights of Video Game Exchange, Inc.



Results of Operations

The following table sets forth selected information from the Company's Consolidated Statements of Operations expressed as a percentage of total revenue and the percentage change in the dollar amounts from the prior period:

                                                          Fiscal Year Ended                      Fiscal 2000       Fiscal 1999
                                           December 30,      December 25,      December 26,      over (under)      over (under)
                                               2000              1999              1998              1999              1998
  Merchandise sales                            61.9%             67.9%             76.1%            (34.9)%           (38.4)%
  Royalties                                    34.7              28.7              20.2             (13.5)             (2.0)
  Franchise fees                                1.9               2.9               3.1             (52.9)            (35.0)
  Advertising and other                         1.5               0.5               0.6              94.3             (37.2)
                                              -----            ------             -----            ------           -------
     Total revenues                           100.0             100.0             100.0             (28.6)            (30.9)

Cost of merchandise sold                       53.2              59.2              62.6             (35.8)            (34.7)
Selling, general and administrative
     expenses                                  39.3              42.6              30.2             (34.0)             (2.7)
Restructuring and other                           -              17.0                 -                 -                 -
Earnings Charge                                 7.0                 -                 -             100.0                 -
Gain on sale of Disc Go Round                     -                 -               5.4                 -            (100.0)
Gain on sale of Computer                        1.1                 -                 -            (100.0)                -
 Renaissance(R)                               -----            ------             -----            ------           -------
Income (loss) from operations                   1.6             (18.8)             12.6             106.0            (202.8)
Interest and other income (expense),           (2.0)             (1.9)             (0.2)             27.0            (441.0)
 net                                          -----            ------             -----            ------           -------
Income (loss) before income taxes              (0.4)            (20.7)             12.4              98.6            (215.7)
(Benefit) Provision for income taxes            0.3              (7.8)              4.9             103.0            (211.3)
                                              -----            ------             -----            ------           -------
     Net income (loss)                         (0.7)%           (12.9)%             7.5%             95.9%           (218.6)%
                                              =====            ======             =====            ======           =======


Merchandise sales, which include the sale of product to franchisees through the Play It Again Sports(R) buying group and retail sales at the Company-owned stores, are as follows:

                                  2000                 1999                 1998
                                  ----                 ----                 ----
Buying Group                $    21,523,800      $    24,554,500      $    40,605,300
Retail Sales                      7,891,900           20,608,500           32,700,700
                                -----------          -----------          -----------
                            $    29,415,700      $    45,163,000      $    73,306,000

The Play It Again Sports(R) buying group revenue declined in 2000 compared to 1999 as a result of having approximately 70 fewer Play It Again Sports(R) stores open as well as the Company's re-evaluation of its extension of credit with certain franchisees. The buying group revenue decline in 1999 compared to 1998 was due to management's strategic decision to reduce the number of vendors which are offered centralized billing through the buying group and encouraging franchisees to purchase more inventory on a direct basis. The decrease in retail sales at Company-owned stores is a result of selling or closing all 61 It's About Games stores in the fourth quarter of 1999 and the sale or closing of seven Company-owned stores during fiscal 2000. Historically, the Play It Again Sports(R) buying group has not contributed materially to the Company's net income.

Revenues from franchising activity were as follows:

                                  2000                 1999                 1998
                                  ----                 ----                 ----
Royalties                   $    16,502,000       $   19,085,100      $    19,472,800
Franchise Fees                      914,000            1,942,200            2,986,400


Royalties are derived from retail sales at the franchise level and are 3% to 5% of franchisee's net sales. In 2000, royalties decreased $2,583,100 compared to 1999. This decrease is due to the sale of the Computer Renaissance(R) brand to Hollis Technologies, LLC in August 2000. If royalties related to Computer Renaissance(R) are excluded from royalties earned in 2000 and 1999, royalties increased 1.8% in 2000 compared to 1999.

Key franchise store sales information is included in the table below. Fiscal year 2000 was a 53-week year and fiscal year 1999 was a 52-week year. The comparable store sales percentages below have been adjusted to remove the effect of the extra week from 2000. Comparable store sales information compares 2000 sales to 1999 sales and 1999 sales to 1998 sales. It is calculated utilizing all stores that were open for the entire 24-month comparable period. Average store sales are computed utilizing all stores open for the entire 12-month period.

                                                 Comparable Store Sales
                                          2000 Increase         1999 Increase                2000
                                            from 1999             from 1998          Average Store Sales
                                            ---------             ---------          -------------------
Play It Again Sports(R)                        9.3%                  1.0%                 $560,800
Once Upon A Child(R)                           2.2%                  4.7%                 $413,500
Music Go Round(R)                              2.0%                  6.8%                 $502,200
Retool(R)                                      1.7%                    -                  $284,400
Plato's Closet(R)                             19.1%                    -                  $710,800

Franchise fee revenue is recognized when substantially all initial franchise services have been performed by the Company. During 1999, the Company revised its fee schedule by eliminating franchise fees for all stores other than the first store opened by a franchisee. As of August 1, 2000, existing franchisees are required to pay an initial franchise fee of $15,000 for each additional franchise. Franchise fees in 2000 declined $1,028,200, or 52.9%, from 1999 as a result of opening 74 franchise stores in 2000 compared to 96 in 1999. Twenty- nine stores were opened during 2000 that were not required to pay a franchise fee. Franchise fees declined $1.1 million to $1.9 million in 1999 compared to $3.0 million in 1998. This decrease is a result of opening fewer stores overall; 96 in 1999 compared to 125 in 1998; and the elimination of franchise fees on all stores other than the first store opened by a franchisee. The reduction in franchise fees in 1999 compared to 1998 was offset, in part, by the $200,000 master franchise fee paid by Duskin Company Ltd., a Japanese company, in the third quarter of 1999.

Advertising and other revenue consists primarily of annual marketing fees, corporate vendor commissions and other miscellaneous revenue. In 2000, advertising and other revenue increased $347,000 compared to 1999. The increase is primarily due to approximately $100,000 in fees received in 2000 on the consulting agreement with Hollis Technologies, LLC.

Cost of Merchandise Sold

Cost of merchandise sold includes the cost of merchandise sold through the Play It Again Sports(R) buying group and at Company-owned retail stores. Over the past three years, cost of merchandise sold as a percentage of the related revenue is shown in the following table:

                              2000                  1999                  1998
                              ----                  ----                  ----
Buying Group                  95.0%                 95.1%                 94.5%
Retail Stores                 61.3%                 77.8%                 65.6%

The 16.5% increase in the 2000 retail gross margin is primarily due to closing the It's About Games retail stores in 1999. The 12.2% increase in the 1999 retail store cost of goods sold is primarily the result of the liquidation of It's About Games inventory sold at significantly reduced prices. Margins have returned to a level consistent with margins achieved prior to acquiring the It's About Games brand and are anticipated to remain at this level.


Selling, General and Administrative

The $9,619,000 decrease in 2000 selling, general and administrative expenses is primarily due to the elimination of related cost of the It's About Games stores closed in 1999, selling the Computer Renaissance(R) franchise system and retail operations in August 2000, closing or selling seven Company-owned stores in fiscal 2000 and downsizing the Company overall.

Sale of Computer Renaissance(R)

In August 2000, the Company completed the disposition of substantially all the assets related to the Computer Renaissance(R) franchising and retailing operations for $3.0 million to Hollis Technologies, LLC. One million dollars of the purchase price is being held in an escrow account for up to 18 months from August 30, 2000. Hollis Technologies, LLC and CompRen, Inc. have filed a claim with the escrow agent to recover alleged damages incurred in connection with the sale. The Company does not consent to the claim on the escrowed funds. The Company believes that these claims are baseless, and has filed a notice of dispute with the escrow agent. Amounts received from the escrow will be recorded as additional income when received. In addition, the Company has entered into a five-year $2.0 million consulting agreement to provide ongoing franchise and business consulting services to Hollis Technologies, LLC. Pursuant to the Consulting Agreement, Hollis Technologies, LLC agreed to make 60 equal monthly payments of $33,333 to the Company over the term of the agreement. For the year ended December 30, 2000, $100,000 of payments made on the Consulting Agreement were reflected in other revenue.

Sale of Corporate Headquarters

On July 10, 2000, the Company sold its corporate headquarters facility to Koch Trucking, Inc. for $3.5 million in cash. Net proceeds from the sale were used to pay down then existing bank debt. The Company entered into a four-year lease for approximately 55% of the facility pursuant to which the Company will pay annual base rent of $218,980. The sale resulted in a $731,000 gain to be recognized over the 48-month lease term. For the year ended December 30, 2000, $91,600 of deferred gain was recognized.

Nonrecurring Charge

The Company recorded a pre-tax, nonrecurring charge of $3.3 million in the second quarter of 2000. This charge consists primarily of two components. First, approximately $2.0 million relates to management's assessment of current information relating to notes receivable and lease obligations booked in connection with the 1998 sale of Company-owned stores. The other component relates to re-evaluating its brands and Company-owned stores that are not performing at expected levels. As a result of this re-evaluation, certain intangible assets were written-down to reflect estimated realizability of long- lived assets.

Restructuring and Other

In the third quarter of 1999, the Company made the decision to dispose of the It's About Games brand. Accordingly, a restructuring charge and charge for asset impairment was taken. Further investment in the business was not consistent with the Company's strategy of reducing the number of Company-owned stores and focusing on franchised store development. In December 1999, the Company completed the sale of the assets of the It's About Games brand. The Company undertook an orderly liquidation of the inventory and store assets by conducting a liquidation sale resulting in a total restructuring charge and charge for asset impairment of $11,345,500 for the year ended December 25, 1999. As of December 30, 2000, the restructuring reserve balance was $817,300.


Net Interest

Net interest expense was $944,100, $1,292,900 and $238,800 in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively. The decrease in net expense in 2000 was due to the reduction in total debt from $16.8 million to $4.8 million at year-end 1999 and 2000, respectively. The increase in net interest expense in 1999 and 1998 was due to the Company having lower cash balances and drawing funds on notes payable as a result of acquisitions, operations of It's About Games and the repurchase of shares of the Company's common stock.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company's primary sources of liquidity have historically been cash flow from operations and bank borrowings. The Company ended 2000 with $2.0 million in cash and a current ratio of 1.79 to 1.0 compared to no cash and a current ratio of 1.14 to 1.0 at the end of 1999.

Ongoing operating activities provided cash of $10.1 million for 2000 compared to $1.4 million for 1999. Components of the cash provided in 2000 include a $5.8 million reduction in accounts receivable as a result of improved collection performance and reduction of certain revenue generating activities, note receivables and buying group receivables. Prepaid expenses and other current assets provided cash of $6.4 million, primarily due to income tax refunds received and cash surrender value proceeds from officers' life insurance policies that were canceled. The components of cash utilized by the reduction in accounts payable of $2.5 million is primarily the result of reduced buying group activity. The $1.2 million reduction in accrued liabilities consists primarily of payments on lease settlements on closed It's About Games store locations accrued at year-end.

Investing activities provided $3.0 million of cash during 2000 and primarily relates to the sale of the Company's corporate headquarters facility.

Financing activities used $11.1 million of cash during 2000 compared to $640,100 for 1999. The $17.5 million of payments on long-term debt includes $7.4 million payments on the bank revolving line of credit with TCF National Bank Minnesota ("TCF Line"), $7.1 million on the bank term note with TCF National Bank Minnesota ("TCF Note"), $2.5 million to pay off the note relating to the purchase of Video Game Exchange, Inc. and $570,000 payments on other notes. The Company received $106,400 in cash from options exercised to purchase stock. The $6.3 million of proceeds from notes payable includes $1.3 million on TCF Line before repayment and $5.0 million borrowed on the new credit facility with Rush River Group, LLC.

On July 31, 2000, the Company entered into a credit agreement with Rush River Group, LLC, an affiliate of the Company, to provide a credit facility of up to $7.5 million ("Rush River Facility"). The credit agreement allows such amount to be drawn upon by the Company in one or more term loans. The initial term loan was $5.0 million dollars and will be repaid by the Company over a seven- year period. Each term loan is or will accrue interest at 14% per year. The purposes of establishing the Rush River Facility were to repay the TCF Line and TCF Note and for general corporate purposes. The Rush River Facility is secured by a lien against substantially all of the Company's assets. Rush River Group, LLC has agreed to subordinate its lien to any lien of a financial institution relating to financing not to exceed $2.5 million dollars.

Among other requirements, the Rush River Facility currently requires that the Company maintain shareholder equity of at least $1,922,000. In addition, if there is a change of control as defined in the credit agreement governing the Rush River Facility, such change is an event of default, and Rush River Group, LLC may declare all amounts outstanding under such term notes immediately due and payable. The Rush River Facility also contains an agreement allowing the Company to prepay any and all amounts outstanding under the Rush River Facility without premium or penalty.


In connection with the Rush River Facility, the Company has issued to Rush River Group, LLC a warrant to purchase 200,000 shares of the Company's common stock at an exercise price of $2.00 per share. The warrant became exercisable upon the removal of certain contingencies and expires on July 31, 2010. See Note 7 to the Financial Statements, "Revolving Line of Credit and Long Term Debt." The Company believes that this new facility, along with cash generated from future operations, will be adequate to meet the Company's current obligations and operating needs.


Forward Looking Statements

The statements contained in the letter from the CEO and the President, Item 1 "Business" and in this Item 7 "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" that are not strictly historical fact, including without limitation, our statements relating to our ability to control costs, our ability to pay down debt, our ability to maintain profitability, the number of stores we believe will open, our ability to slow and ultimately reverse the net loss of franchisees in the Play It Again Sports(R) system and our belief that we will have adequate capital and reserves to meet our current and contingent obligations and operating needs are forward looking statements made under the safe harbor provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. Such statements are based on management's current expectations as of the date of this Report but involve risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by such forward looking statements. Investors are cautioned to consider these forward looking statements in light of important factors which may result in variations from results contemplated by such forward looking statements include, but are not limited to the risk factors discussed below.

Risk Factors

Dependence on Renewals. Each of our franchise agreements is 10 years long. At the end of the term of each franchise agreement, each franchisee has the option to "renew" the franchise relationship by signing a new 10-year franchise agreement.

In 2000, of the 36 franchisees that had their Play It Again Sports(R) franchise agreement expire, 33 signed new 10-year franchise agreements. In 2001, 2002 and 2003, 81, 127 and 75 Play It Again Sports(R) franchise agreements will expire, respectively. We believe that renewing a significant number of these franchise relationships is extremely important to the success of the franchise system. If a significant number of such franchise relationships are not renewed, our financial performance may be materially and adversely affected.

No Once Upon A Child(R) franchise agreements expired in 2000. In 2001, 2002 and 2003, 1, 2 and 41 Once Upon A Child(R) franchise agreements will expire, respectively. We believe that renewing a significant number of these franchise relationships is important to the continued success of this franchise system.

Decline in Number of Franchisees. In 1998, Play It Again Sports(R) closed 64 stores and opened 14 stores, a net loss of 50 stores. In 1999, Play It Again Sports(R) closed 58 stores and opened 12 stores, a net loss of 46 stores. In 2000, Play It Again Sports(R) closed 64 stores and opened 15 stores, a net loss of 49 stores. It is very important to the future success of the Play It Again Sports(R) franchise system that the net loss of Play It Again Sports(R) stores be slowed and ultimately reversed. We believe that a certain number of stores will close each year. Our objective is to minimize store closings by investing more capital in franchisee support services such as franchisee training and the Grow Biz computer support center, by investing capital to improve Grow Biz's proprietary point-of-sale software system and continuing to train our field operations personnel to better serve franchisee needs. In addition, we will allocate more resources to the new franchise sales process. We believe that many of the store closings referenced above were related to weaker stores, the loss of which did not significantly impact the royalties we received. We also believe that in 2001 the net loss of Play It Again Sports(R) stores in our franchise system will slow.


Dependence on New Franchisees. Our ability to generate increased revenue and achieve higher levels of profitability depends on increasing the number of franchised stores open. We believe that many larger and smaller markets will continue to provide significant opportunities for sales of franchises and that we can sustain approximately our current annual level of store openings. However, there can be no assurance that we will sustain this level of store openings.

Inability to Collect Accounts Receivable. In the event that our ability to collect accounts receivable significantly declines from current rates, additional charges that affect earnings may be incurred.

Unopened Stores. We believe that a substantial majority of stores sold but not opened will open within the time period permitted by the applicable franchise agreement or we will be able to resell the territories for most of the terminated or expired franchises. However, there can be no assurance that substantially all of the currently sold but unopened franchises will open and commence paying royalties to us. To the extent we are required to refund any franchise fees for stores that do not open, we believe that we will be able to repay these fees out of available cash.

Dependence on Supply of Used Merchandise. Our brands are based on offering customers a mix of used and new merchandise. As a result, obtaining continuing supplies of high quality used merchandise is essential to the success of our brands. There can be no assurance that we will avoid supply problems with respect to used merchandise.

Lease Terminations. We have closed a number of our Company-owned stores over the past two years, most of which were part of the It's About Games chain of stores. We have been negotiating terminations relative to such leases, however; approximately 11 of such leases remain in effect. There can be no assurance that we will be able to successfully negotiate satisfactory terminations of such remaining leases.

In addition, as part of closing the It's About Games chain of Company-owned stores, we sold the assets related to approximately 28 It's About Games stores and assigned the underlying leases to independent third parties. We remain contingently liable with respect to such leases. There can be no assurance that such independent third parties will comply with the terms and conditions of such leases, in which case we will be responsible to make payments owed under such leases. We believe that we have adequate reserves to cover any prospective liability with respect to such leases.

Competition. Retailing, including the sale of sporting goods, children and teenage apparel, musical instruments and tools, is highly competitive. Many retailers have significantly greater financial and other resources than us and our franchisees. Individual franchisees face competition in their markets from retailers of new merchandise and, in certain instances, resale, thrift and other stores that sell used merchandise. To date, our franchisees and our Company- owned stores have not faced a high degree of competition in the sale of used merchandise. However, we may face additional competition as our franchise systems expand and additional competitors may enter the used merchandise market.

Selling, General and Administrative Expense. Our ability to control the amount, and rate of growth in, selling, general and administrative expenses and the impact of unusual items resulting from our ongoing evaluation of our business strategies, asset valuations and organizational structures is important to our financial success. We cannot assure any investor that we will be able to control such items of expense.

Quarterly Fluctuations. Our quarterly results of operations have fluctuated as a result of the timing of recognition of franchise fees, receipt of royalty payments, timing of merchandise shipments, timing of expenditures and other factors. We cannot assure any investor that results in future periods will not fluctuate on a quarterly basis.


Government Regulation. As a franchisor, we are subject to various federal and state franchise laws and regulations. Although we believe we are currently in material compliance with existing federal and state laws, there is a trend toward increasing government regulation of franchising. The promulgation of new franchising laws and regulations could adversely affect us.

We do not undertake and specifically decline any obligations to publicly release the result of any revisions which may be made to any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of such statements or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events.


The Company incurs financial markets risk in the form of interest rate risk. Management deals with such risk by negotiating fixed rate loan agreements. Accordingly, the Company is not exposed to cash flow risks related to interest rate changes. A one percent change in interest rates would not have a significant impact on the Company's fixed rate debt.


        Grow Biz International, Inc. and Subsidiary
               Index to Financial Statements

Consolidated Balance Sheets                        Page 21
Consolidated Statements of Operations              Page 22
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity    Page 23
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows              Page 24
Consolidated Notes to Financial Statements         Page 25
Report of Independent Public Accountants           Page 35



Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                               December 30, 2000         December 25, 1999
  Cash and cash equivalents                                                            $ 2,005,100                $         -
  Receivables, less allowance for doubtful accounts of $943,500
   and $1,044,000                                                                        6,170,300                 11,164,600
  Inventories                                                                            1,367,200                  1,959,600
  Prepaid expenses and other                                                               396,700                  6,773,800
  Deferred income taxes                                                                  2,290,000                  2,074,200
                                                                                       -----------                -----------
               Total current assets                                                     12,229,300                 21,972,200

LONG-TERM RECEIVABLES (Note 3)                                                             326,200                  1,156,300

  Furniture and equipment                                                                6,022,100                  6,280,800
  Building and building improvements                                                       659,200                  3,681,800
  Less - accumulated depreciation and amortization                                      (5,229,500)                (5,593,500)
                                                                                       -----------                -----------
               Property and equipment, net                                               1,451,800                  4,369,100

  Noncompete agreements and other, net of accumulated
   amortization of $1,813,200 and $2,531,600                                               189,200                    329,800
  Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization of $568,200 and $148,100                       524,300                  1,814,400
                                                                                       -----------                -----------
               Total other assets                                                          713,500                  2,144,200
                                                                                       -----------                -----------
                                                                                       $14,720,800                $29,641,800
                                                                                       ===========                ===========

                                               LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
 Accounts payable                                                                      $ 2,864,000                $ 5,350,700
 Accrued liabilities                                                                     2,469,200                  3,707,000
 Current maturities of long-term debt                                                      827,400                  9,287,600
 Current deferred revenue                                                                  676,000                    878,900
                                                                                       -----------                -----------
               Total current liabilities                                                 6,836,600                 19,224,200


LONG-TERM DEBT                                                                           3,961,000                  7,528,500

DEFERRED GAIN ON BUILDING SALE                                                             456,400                          -

 Common stock, no par, 10,000,000 shares authorized,
   5,386,433 and 5,346,119 shares issued and outstanding                                 1,419,900                  1,313,500
 Common stock warrants                                                                     822,000                          -
 Retained earnings                                                                       1,224,900                  1,575,600
                                                                                       -----------                -----------

               Total shareholders' equity                                                3,466,800                  2,889,100
                                                                                       -----------                -----------
                                                                                       $14,720,800                $29,641,800
                                                                                       ===========                ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                                           Fiscal Year Ended
                                                   December 30, 2000       December 25, 1999       December 26, 1998
     Merchandise sales                                $29,415,700            $ 45,163,000             $73,306,000
     Royalties                                         16,502,000              19,085,100              19,472,800
     Franchise fees                                       914,000               1,942,200               2,986,400
     Advertising and other                                715,100                 368,100                 585,700
                                                      -----------            ------------             -----------
               Total revenue                           47,546,800              66,558,400              96,350,900

COST OF MERCHANDISE SOLD                               25,294,700              39,386,800              60,324,600

SELLING, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES           18,701,200              28,320,200              29,105,000

RESTRUCTURING AND OTHER (NOTE 4)                                -              11,345,500                       -

NONRECURRING CHARGE (NOTE 5)                            3,337,900                       -                       -

GAIN ON SALE OF DISC GO ROUND                                   -                       -               5,231,500

GAIN ON SALE OF COMPUTER RENAISSANCE(R)                   537,200                       -                       -
                                                      -----------            ------------             -----------

               Income (loss) from operations              750,200             (12,494,100)             12,152,800

INTEREST EXPENSE                                       (1,204,600)             (1,545,700)               (710,500)

INTEREST INCOME                                           260,500                 252,800                 471,700
                                                      -----------            ------------             -----------

               Income (loss) before income taxes         (193,900)            (13,787,000)             11,914,000

(BENEFIT) PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                      156,800              (5,197,700)              4,670,200
                                                      -----------            ------------             -----------

NET INCOME (LOSS)                                     $  (350,700)           $ (8,589,300)            $ 7,243,800
                                                      ===========            ============             ===========

BASIC EARNINGS (LOSS) PER SHARE                       $      (.07)           $      (1.65)            $      1.28
                                                      ===========            ============             ===========

BASIC WEIGHTED AVERAGE SHARES OUTSTANDING               5,382,200               5,205,900               5,664,000
                                                      ===========            ============             ===========

DILUTED EARNINGS (LOSS) PER SHARE                     $      (.07)           $      (1.65)            $      1.24
                                                      ===========            ============             ===========

DILUTED WEIGHTED AVERAGE SHARES OUTSTANDING             5,382,200               5,205,900               5,832,700
                                                      ===========            ============             ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity Fiscal years ended December 30, 2000, December 25, 1999 and December 26, 1998

                                                                          Common Stock                Retained
                                                                Shares        Amount     Warrants     Earnings         Total

BALANCE, December 27, 1997                                     6,002,214   $ 7,474,900   $       -   $ 9,975,800   $ 17,450,700
  Repurchase of common stock                                  (1,111,915)   (9,473,300)          -    (7,054,700)   (16,528,000)
  Stock options exercised and related tax benefits               188,756     1,998,400           -             -      1,998,400
  Net income                                                           -             -           -     7,243,800      7,243,800
                                                              ----------   -----------   ---------   -----------   ------------

BALANCE, December 26, 1998                                     5,079,055   $         -   $       -   $10,164,900   $ 10,164,900
  Issuance of common stock                                       182,991       820,800           -             -        820,800
  Stock options exercised and related tax benefits                84,073       492,700           -             -        492,700
  Net loss                                                             -             -           -    (8,589,300)    (8,589,300)
                                                              ----------   -----------   ---------   -----------   ------------

BALANCE, December 25, 1999                                     5,346,119   $ 1,313,500   $       -   $ 1,575,600   $  2,889,100
  Issuance of common stock warrants                                    -             -     822,000             -        822,000
  Stock options exercised and related tax benefits                40,314       106,400           -             -        106,400
  Net loss                                                             -             -           -      (350,700)      (350,700)
                                                              ----------   -----------   ---------   -----------   ------------

BALANCE, December 30, 2000                                     5,386,433   $ 1,419,900   $ 822,000   $ 1,224,900   $  3,466,800
                                                              ==========   ===========   =========   ===========   ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                                                                Fiscal Year Ended
                                                                                December 30,       December 25,        December 26,
                                                                                    2000               1999                1998
  Net income (loss)                                                            $   (350,700)        $(8,589,300)       $  7,243,800
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by
   operating activities -
     Depreciation and amortization                                                2,231,500           2,312,900           2,074,500
     Restructuring and other                                                              -           9,198,500                   -
     Gain on sale of property and equipment                                        (110,000)                  -                   -
     Loss on sale of retail stores                                                        -                   -             (39,800)
     Deferred gain on sale of building                                              (91,600)                  -                   -
     Deferred income tax                                                           (215,800)           (375,100)           (207,500)
       Change in operating assets and liabilities:
       Receivables                                                                5,824,400           2,878,300            (278,100)
       Inventories                                                                  592,400           5,972,600          (6,298,300)
       Prepaid expenses and other                                                 6,377,100          (4,419,300)           (476,000)
       Accounts payable                                                          (2,486,700)         (6,465,900)          4,701,800
       Accrued liabilities                                                       (1,237,900)          1,888,500          (2,143,300)
       Deferred franchise fees                                                     (386,000)         (1,022,900)         (1,402,200)
                                                                               ------------         -----------        ------------
          Net cash provided by operating activities                              10,146,700           1,378,300           3,174,900
                                                                               ------------         -----------        ------------

  Purchases of property and equipment                                              (724,900)         (2,805,700)         (2,302,900)
  (Increase) decrease in other assets                                                64,800            (350,500)           (400,200)
  Proceeds from sale of net assets of Disc Go Round                                       -                   -           1,768,500
  Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                                    3,617,800                   -                   -
                                                                               ------------         -----------        ------------
          Net cash provided by (used for) investing activities                    2,957,700          (3,156,200)           (934,600)
                                                                               ------------         -----------        ------------

  Issuance of common stock warrants                                                 822,000                   -                   -
  Proceeds from notes payable                                                     5,516,200           3,044,000          13,772,100
  Payments on long-term debt                                                    (17,543,900)         (4,176,800)         (2,152,900)
  Repurchase of common stock                                                              -                   -         (16,528,000)
  Proceeds from exercises of options and warrants                                   106,400             492,700           1,998,500
                                                                               ------------         -----------        ------------
          Net cash used for financing activities                                (11,099,300)           (640,100)         (2,910,300)
                                                                               ------------         -----------        ------------

INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH                                                       2,005,100          (2,418,000)           (670,000)
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, beginning of period                                            -           2,418,000           3,088,000
                                                                               ------------         -----------        ------------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, end of period                                       $  2,005,100         $         -        $  2,418,000
                                                                               ============         ===========        ============

  Cash paid for interest                                                       $  1,288,700         $ 1,506,700        $    682,200
                                                                               ============         ===========        ============
  Cash paid for income taxes                                                   $    121,600         $   350,400        $  4,746,400
                                                                               ============         ===========        ============

  Note received in exchange for sale of inventory and property and
   equipment                                                                   $          -         $   927,700        $  1,974,500
                                                                               ============         ===========        ============
  Assets acquired through the issuance of stock                                $          -         $   820,800        $          -
                                                                               ============         ===========        ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Notes to the Financial Statements December 30, 2000 and December 25, 1999

1. Organization and Business:

Grow Biz International, Inc. (the Company) offers licenses to operate retail stores using the service marks "Play It Again Sports", "Once Upon A Child", "Music Go Round", "ReTool" and "Plato's Closet". The initial franchise fee for a first store is $20,000 for all brands. In addition, the Company sells inventory to its Play It Again Sports(R) franchisees through its "Buying Group" and operates retail stores. The Company has a 52/53-week fiscal year that ends on the last Saturday in December. Fiscal year 2000 is a 53-week fiscal year.

In 1997, Grow Biz Games, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, was incorporated in connection with the acquisition of Video Game Exchange, Inc. Certain assets of the following entities were acquired by the Company and its subsidiary with the respective operating results included in the financial statements from the date of acquisition:

Entity                                                           Acquisition Year
------                                                           ---------------
Sports Traders, Inc. (Buying Group)                                    1992
Play It Again Sports retail stores (3)                                 1992
Once Upon A Child, Inc.                                                1992
Hi Tech Consignments, Inc. (Music Go Round)                            1993
Computer Renaissance, Inc.                                             1993
CDX Audio Development, Inc. (Disc Go Round)                            1994
Video Game Exchange, Inc. (It's About Games)                           1997
Tool Traders, Inc. (ReTool)                                            1998
Plato's Closet, Inc.                                                   1999

2. Significant Accounting Policies:

Cash Equivalents

Cash equivalents consist of highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less. Cash equivalents are stated at cost which approximates fair value.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The estimated fair value of the Company's financial instruments approximates their carrying values as of December 2000 and 1999. The fair values of borrowings and notes receivable are estimated by discounting future cash flow payment streams using rates that approximate those of comparable borrowings and notes receivable.


The Company values its inventories at the lower of cost, as determined by the average weighted cost method, or market.


Property and Equipment

Property and equipment is stated at cost. Depreciation and amortization for financial reporting purposes is provided on the straight-line method. Estimated useful lives used in calculating depreciation and amortization are: five years for furniture and equipment and the shorter of the lease term or useful life for leasehold improvements. Major repairs, refurbishments and improvements which significantly extend the useful lives of the related assets are capitalized. Maintenance and repairs, supplies and accessories are charged to expense as incurred.

Evaluation of Long-Lived Assets and Intangible Assets

The Company reviews long-lived assets and certain identifiable intangibles for impairment whenever events or circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of such assets may not be fully recoverable using undiscounted cash flows. See Note 5 for impairment adjustments related to 2000.

Other Assets

Other assets consist primarily of covenants not to compete which are being amortized on a straight-line basis over the terms of the agreements which range from three to ten years and goodwill which is being amortized on a straight-line basis over 15 to 40 years.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principals generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. The ultimate results could differ from those estimates.

Store Opening Costs

All start-up costs associated with the opening of new stores are expensed as incurred.

Revenue Recognition

The Company collects royalties from each franchise based on retail store gross sales. The Company recognizes royalties as revenue when earned. The Company collects franchise fees when franchise agreements are consummated and recognizes the franchise fees as revenue when substantially all initial franchise services have been performed. The Company had deferred franchise fee revenue of $492,900 and $878,900 at December 30, 2000 and December 25, 1999, respectively.

Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share

The Company calculates net income (loss) per share in accordance with FASB Statement No. 128 by dividing net income by the weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding to arrive at the Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share - Basic. The Company calculates Net Income (Loss) Per Share - Dilutive by dividing net income by the weighted average number of shares of common stock and dilutive stock equivalents from the exercise of stock options and warrants using the treasury stock method.


New Accounting Pronouncements

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities," and SFAS No. 137, "Deferral of the Effective Date of SFAS No. 133," which establishes accounting and reporting standards requiring that every derivative instrument (including certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts) be recorded in the balance sheet as either an asset or liability measured at its fair value. If certain conditions are met, a derivative may qualify for hedge accounting. Based on current operations, the Company anticipates that the adoption of SFAS No. 133 at the beginning of fiscal 2001 will not have a significant impact on its results of operations.

In December 1999, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 101, "Revenue Recognition" (SAB No. 101), which provides guidance on the recognition, presentation and disclosure of revenue in financial statements. SAB No. 101 is effective for the Company no later than October 1, 2000. The adoption of SAB No. 101 did not have a material effect on the Company's financial position or results of operations.

3. Receivables:

The Company's current receivables consisted of the following:

                                December 30, 2000         December 25, 1999
                                -----------------         -----------------
Trade                              $4,622,300                 $ 7,068,800
Royalty                             1,475,800                   3,188,500
Notes Receivable                      370,600                   2,013,500
Other                                  27,800                      50,100
                                   ----------                 -----------
                                    6,496,500                  12,320,900
Less:  Long-term Notes               (326,200)                 (1,156,300)
                                   ----------                 -----------
Current Receivables                $6,170,300                 $11,164,600
                                   ==========                 ===========

As part of its normal operating procedures, the Company requires Standby Letters of Credit as collateral for a portion of its trade receivables from its first- year and second-year stores.

Included in accounts receivable above are notes receivable from the sale of Company-owned retail stores bearing interest ranging from 8.0% to 12.5%, payable in monthly principal and interest installments and maturing at various dates from 2001 to 2006.

4. Acquisitions and Dispositions:

Disposition of Computer Renaissance(R)

On August 30, 2000, the Company completed the disposition of substantially all the assets related to the Computer Renaissance(R) franchising and retailing operations for $3.0 million to Hollis Technologies, LLC. One million dollars of the purchase price is being held in an escrow account for up to 18 months from August 30, 2000. Amounts received from the escrow will be recorded as additional income when received. The sale resulted in a $537,200 pre-tax operating gain, or $.06 per share diluted. In addition, the Company has entered into a five-year $2.0 million consulting agreement to provide ongoing franchise and business consulting services to Hollis Technologies, LLC. Pursuant to the Consulting Agreement, Hollis Technologies, LLC agreed to make 60 equal monthly payments of $33,333 to the Company over the term of the agreement. For the year ended December 30, 2000, $100,000 of payments made on the Consulting Agreement are reflected in other revenue of the accompanying financial statements.


Disposition of Corporate Headquarters

On July 10, 2000, the Company sold its corporate headquarters facility to Koch Trucking, Inc. for $3.5 million in cash. Net proceeds from the sale were used to pay down then existing bank debt. The Company entered into a four-year lease for approximately 55% of the facility pursuant to which the Company will pay annual base rent of $218,980. The sale resulted in a $731,000 gain to be recognized over the 48-month lease term.

Disposition of It's About Games

In the third quarter of 1999, the Company made the decision to dispose of the It's About Games brand. Accordingly, a restructuring charge and charge for asset impairment of $11,345,500 was recorded. In December 1999, the Company completed the sale of the assets of the Company's It's About Games brand. The Company undertook an orderly liquidation of the inventory and other assets by conducting a liquidation sale. Approximately 50% of the assets were disposed of in three main transactions.

The first sale, of substantially all of the assets of 14 stores in Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio and Pennsylvania, was for $114,200 plus inventory valued at 40% of cost, which was paid in cash and by a promissory note. The second sale, of substantially all of the assets of 14 stores in Ohio, was for $42,000 plus inventory at 40% of cost, which was paid in cash and by a promissory note. The third sale, was a bulk inventory sale for $140,000 cash. The remaining assets of the It's About Games brand were disposed of by abandonment or liquidation.

Analysis of the restructuring portion of the reserve:

                                 Facility Costs           Employee Costs            Other Costs           Total
                                 --------------           --------------            -----------           -----
Balance at September 25, 1999   $     2,247,000             $          -           $     75,000       $2,322,000
Additional Provisions                         -                  175,000                      -          175,000
Amounts Paid                            (30,500)                (149,800)              (155,300)        (335,600)
Amounts Reclassed                       (80,300)                       -                 80,300                -
Amounts Reversed                       (350,000)                       -                      -         (350,000)
                                ---------------             ------------           ------------       ----------
Balance at December 25, 1999    $     1,786,200             $     25,200           $          -       $1,811,400
                                ---------------             ------------           ------------       ----------
Amounts Paid                           (966,600)                (25,200)                 (2,300)        (994,100)
Amounts Reclassed                        (2,300)                       -                  2,300                -
                                ---------------             ------------           ------------       ----------
Balance at December 30, 2000    $       817,300             $          -           $          -       $  817,300
                                ===============             ============           ============       ==========

Acquisition of Tool Traders, Inc.

In April 1998, the Company announced the acquisition of certain assets and franchising rights of Tool Traders, Inc. of Detroit, Michigan. The Company paid $380,200 plus a percentage of future royalties for a period of seven years.

Acquisition of Plato's Closet, Inc.

In January 1999, the Company announced the acquisition of certain assets and franchising rights of Plato's Closet, Inc. of Columbus, Ohio for total consideration of $400,000 plus a percentage of future royalties for a period of seven years.

5. Nonrecurring Charge:

In 2000, the Company recorded a pre-tax, nonrecurring charge of $3.3 million in the second quarter. This charge consists primarily of two components. First, approximately $2.0 million relates to management's assessment of current information relating to notes receivable and lease obligations booked in connection with the 1998 sale of Company-owned stores. The other component relates to re-evaluating its brands and Company-owned stores that are not performing at expected levels. As a result of this re-evaluation, certain intangible assets were written-down to reflect estimated realizability.


6. Shareholders' Equity:

Repurchase of Common Stock

Since November 1995, the Company's board of directors has authorized the repurchase of up to 3,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock on the open market. As of December 26, 1998, the Company had repurchased 2,560,828 shares of its stock at an average price of $11.70 per share. No shares have been repurchased since fiscal 1998.

Stock Option Plan

The Company has authorized up to 1,400,000 shares of common stock be reserved for granting either nonqualified or incentive stock options to officers and key employees under the Company's 1992 Stock Option Plan (the Plan). Grants can be made by the board of directors or a board-designated committee at a price of not less than 100% of the fair market value on the date of grant. If an incentive stock option is granted to an individual who owns more than 10% of the voting rights of the Company's common stock, the option exercise price may not be less than 110% of the fair market value on the date of grant. The term of the options may not exceed 10 years, except in the case of nonqualified stock options, whereby the terms are established by the board of directors or a board- designated committee. Options may be exercisable in whole or in installments, as determined by the board of directors or a board-designated committee.

Stock options granted and exercised under the plan as of December 30, 2000 were as follows:

                                                                           Weighted Average
                                                 Number of Shares           Exercise Price
                                                 -----------------          --------------
Outstanding at December 27, 1997                      698,862                   $ 9.88
  Granted                                              87,750                    12.42
  Exercised                                          (170,051)                    9.52
  Forfeited                                           (66,624)                   11.35
                                                     --------                   ------
Outstanding at December 26, 1998                      549,937                     9.54
  Granted                                             150,000                     4.25
  Exercised                                           (76,500)                    7.58
  Forfeited                                          (192,061)                   10.92
                                                     --------                   ------
Outstanding at December 25, 1999                      431,376                     7.43
  Granted                                             770,000                     5.03
  Exercised                                           (36,000)                    2.15
  Forfeited                                          (239,126)                    7.80
                                                     --------                   ------
Outstanding at December 30, 2000                      926,250                   $ 5.53
                                                     ========                   ======

Options outstanding as of December 30, 2000 are exercisable as follows:

                                    Options Outstanding                                Options Exercisable
                  --------------------------------------------------------      ----------------------------------
                                              Average                                                  Weighted
                                             Remaining         Weighted                                Average
     Range of               Number       Contractual Life       Average                Number        Exercisable
  Exercise Price         Outstanding          (Years)       Exercise Price            Exercisable       Price
  ---------------         ----------          -------       --------------            -----------       ------
$ 4.25  -  $ 5.1875         830,000            4.35            $  4.97                   15,000         $ 4.25
  8.00  -     10.50          40,000            0.66               8.61                   35,750           8.49
10.625  -     12.25          56,250            1.69              11.63                   33,938          11.48
                            -------                                                      ------
                            926,250                                                      84,688
                            =======                                                      ======

All unexercised options at December 30, 2000 have an exercise price equal to the fair market value on the date of the initial grant.


Employee Stock Purchase Plan

The Company sponsors an Employee Stock Purchase Plan ("Employee Plan") and reserved 100,000 shares of the Company's common stock for issuance to employees who elect to participate. The Employee Plan operates in one-year phases and stock may be purchased at the end of each phase. The stock purchase price is 85% of the fair market value of such common stock on the commencement date or termination date of the phase, whichever is lower. In April 2000, the Company issued 4,314 shares under the plan at a price of $6.56. As of December 30, 2000, contributions had been received for the issuance of 7,166 shares to be issued in April 2001.

Other Options

The Company sponsors a Stock Option Plan for Nonemployee Directors (the "Nonemployee Directors' Plan") and reserved a total of 250,000 shares for issuance to directors of the Company who are not employees. The Nonemployee Directors Plan provides that each director who is not an employee of the Company will receive an option to purchase 25,000 common shares upon initial election as a director at a price equal to the fair market value on the date of grant. Each option granted under the Nonemployee Directors Plan vests and becomes exercisable in five equal increments of 5,000 shares, beginning one year after the date of grant.

The Company granted 100,000 options in 2000 to purchase the Company's common stock at market value on the date of issuance ($6.50 per share) to four non- employee directors. There were 100,000 shares outstanding with none exercisable at December 30, 2000.

The Company accounts for the above plans under APB Opinion No. 25, and accordingly, no compensation expense relating to the granting of options has been recognized in the Statement of Operations. Had compensation cost for these plans been determined consistent with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" (SFAS 123), the Company's proforma net income (loss) and net income (loss) per common share would have changed to the following proforma amounts:

                                                               2000             1999            1998
                                                               ----             ----            ----
Net Income (Loss):                        As Reported        $(350,700)     $(8,589,300)     $7,243,800
                                           Pro Forma         $(944,900)     $(8,685,300)     $7,158,300

Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share
(Diluted):                                As Reported        $    (.07)     $     (1.65)     $     1.24
                                           Pro Forma         $    (.17)     $     (1.67)     $     1.23

The fair value of each option granted subsequent to January 1, 1995 in accordance with SFAS 123 was estimated to be $2.91, $2.53 and $4.53 in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively, on the date of the grant using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following weighted average assumptions: risk free interest rates of 6.22% in 2000, 5.98% in 1999 and 5.549% in 1998, expected life of five years for 2000, 1999 and 1998, expected volatility of 64.17% in 2000, 64.13% in 1999 and 30.69% in 1998, no dividend yield expected in any year.


7. Revolving Line of Credit and Long-Term Debt:

The Company's revolving credit and long-term debt consisted of the following:

                                                       December 30, 2000          December 25, 1999
                                                       -----------------          -----------------
Rush River Group, LLC (net of warrant discount)            $4,083,000                $         -
TCF Bank Revolving Line of Credit                                   -                  6,165,900
TCF Bank Term Debt                                                  -                  9,575,000
Note Payable                                                  464,800                    859,600
Other                                                         240,600                    215,600
                                                           ----------                -----------
Total                                                       4,788,400                 16,816,100
Less:  Current Portion                                       (827,400)                (9,287,600)
                                                           ----------                -----------
                                                           $3,961,000                $ 7,528,500
                                                           ==========                ===========

On July 31, 2000, the Company paid in full all amounts outstanding on the bank revolving line of credit with TCF National Bank Minnesota ("TCF Line") and bank term note with TCF National Bank Minnesota ("TCF Note") that carried interest rates at the bank's base rate plus one percent. To replace the bank debt, the Company entered into a credit agreement with Rush River Group, LLC, an affiliate of the Company, to provide in one or more term loans up to $7.5 million in the aggregate of subordinate secured debt at a fixed rate of 14% per year ("Rush River Facility"). The initial amount borrowed was $5.0 million amortized over seven years with an additional $2.5 million available under the Rush River Facility on similar terms upon 10-days' notice. In connection with the credit agreement governing the Rush River Facility, the Company has agreed to maintain shareholders' equity of $1,922,000. In addition, if there is a change in control, as defined in the credit agreement, such change in control is considered an event of default and Rush River Group, LLC may declare all loan(s) under the Rush River Facility immediately due and payable.

In connection with the Rush River Facility, Rush River Group, LLC received a warrant to purchase 200,000 shares of the Company's common stock at an exercise price of $2.00 per share. The terms of the warrant allowed Rush River Group, LLC to surrender the warrant in exchange for an increase in the annual interest rate under the Rush River Facility from 14% to 18% if The Nasdaq Stock Market required the shareholders of the Company to approve the warrant and such approval was not received. On October 12, 2000, The Nasdaq Stock Market confirmed that it did not require that the shareholders of the Company approve the warrant. The warrant was not exercisable before such time. The warrants were valued at $822,000 and are being amortized over the seven-year term of the credit agreement. In management's opinion, the Rush River Facility was negotiated at terms comparable to those that could be arranged with unrelated parties.

In November 1998, the Company entered into a Repurchase of Rights and Settlement Agreement and dropped its appeal of a February 1998 court ruling requiring the Company to pay $2.0 million to an early partner in the original Play It Again Sports(R) store. Under the agreement, the Company paid $400,000 and signed a three-year note in which the Company is required to pay monthly principal and interest payments at 8%. At December 30, 2000, the balance was $464,800.

Future maturities of long-term debt as of December 30, 2000 are as follows:

2001                     $  827,400
2002                        434,900
2003                        525,400
2004                        635,900
2005                        770,700
Thereafter                1,594,100


8. Income Taxes:

Components of the provision for income taxes were as follows:

                                                December 30, 2000     December 25, 1999       December 26, 1998
                                                -----------------     -----------------       -----------------
Currently payable:
  Federal                                          $      297,600      $     (4,217,600)        $     4,052,700
  State                                                    75,000              (605,000)                825,000
                                                   --------------      ----------------         ---------------
     Subtotal                                             372,600            (4,822,600)              4,877,700
  Deferred income tax benefit                             215,800              (375,100)                207,500
                                                   --------------      ----------------         ---------------
     Total tax provision                           $      156,800      $     (5,197,700)        $     4,670,200
                                                   ==============      ================         ===============

The Company's effective tax rate varies from the statutory federal rate primarily due to the effect of state income taxes. The Company also incurs modest amounts of nondeductible meals and entertainment costs and goodwill amortization.

Deferred income taxes are the result of provisions of the tax laws that either require or permit certain items of income or expense to be reported for tax purposes in different periods than they are reported for financial reporting. The components of the deferred tax asset were as follows:

                                            December 30, 2000        December 25, 1999
                                            -----------------        -----------------
Deferred settlement expense                 $        182,200          $        336,900
Deferred franchise fees                               81,800                   101,900
Accounts receivable and lease reserves               603,800                   409,200
Accrued restructuring charge                         320,400                   710,000
Funds held in escrow                                 392,000                         -
Other                                                709,800                   516,200
                                            ----------------          ----------------
  Net deferred tax asset                    $      2,290,000          $      2,074,200
                                            ================          ================

9. Commitments and Contingencies:

Employee Benefit Plan

The Company provides a 401(k) Savings Incentive Plan which covers substantially all employees. The plan provides for matching contributions and optional profit-sharing contributions at the discretion of the board of directors. Employee contributions are fully vested; matching and profit-sharing contributions are subject to a five-year service vesting schedule. Company contributions to the plan for 2000, 1999 and 1998 were $274,300, $332,300 and $279,500, respectively.

Operating Leases

The Company rents its corporate headquarters and conducts all of its retail operations in leased facilities that expire over the next four years. A majority of these leases require the Company to pay maintenance, insurance, taxes and other expenses in addition to minimum annual rent. Total rent expense under these operating leases was $1,006,600 in 2000, $2,834,200 in 1999 and $2,531,600 in 1998. As of December 30, 2000, minimum rental commitments under noncancelable operating leases are as follows:

2001                      $780,200
2002                       761,900
2003                       663,800
2004                       190,400


In addition to the operating leases obligations disclosed above, the Company has remained a guarantor on Company-owned retail stores that have been either sold or closed. As of December 30, 2000, the Company is contingently liable on these leases for up to an additional $445,300. These leases have various expiration dates through 2006. The Company's exposure is reduced as leases are paid, expire or are renewed by the current operator of the location.


The Company is exposed to a number of asserted and unasserted legal claims encountered in the normal course of business. Management believes that the ultimate resolution of these matters will not have a material adverse effect on the financial position or results of operations of the Company.

Consulting Agreements

The Company has a consulting agreement with the former owner of Tool Traders, Inc. The agreement requires the Company to pay the following percentages of receipts from franchising ReTool(R) stores during the following periods:
September 14, 1999 through September 13, 2001 - 5%; September 14, 2001 through September 13, 2003 - 4%; September 14, 2003 through September 13, 2004 - 3%; September 14, 2004 through September 13, 2005 - 2% and September 14, 2005 through September 13, 2006 - 1%.

The Company has a consulting agreement with the former owner of Plato's Closet, Inc. The agreement requires the Company to pay the following percentages of receipts from franchising Plato's Closet(R) stores during the following periods: January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2000 - 5%; January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2002 - 4%; January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003 - 3%; January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 - 2% and January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 - 1%.

The Company has a five-year $2.0 million consulting agreement to provide ongoing franchise and business consulting services to Hollis Technologies, LLC. Pursuant to the Consulting Agreement, Hollis Technologies, LLC agreed to make 60 equal monthly payments of $33,333 to the Company over the term of the agreement.

10. Business Segment Information:

The Company is engaged in principally one business segment - developing, licensing, franchising and servicing a system of retail stores which buy, sell, trade and consign used and new products. The Company's revenue by retail store brand was as follows:

                                        December 30, 2000        December 25, 1999        December 26, 1998
                                        -----------------        -----------------        -----------------
Play It Again Sports(R)                 $   33,220,600           $    36,864,100           $   54,347,400
Once Upon A Child(R)                         4,797,400                 5,372,300                5,305,700
Computer Renaissance(R)/(1)/                 3,991,200                 6,569,500               12,279,700
Music Go Round(R)                            4,298,200                 4,015,000                5,503,400
Disc Go Round                                        -                         -                1,426,700
It's About Games/(1)/                                -                12,856,900               17,376,700
ReTool(R)                                      474,500                   655,400                  111,300
Plato's Closet(R)                              764,900                   225,200                        -
                                          -------------           --------------           --------------
                                          $  47,546,800           $   66,558,400           $   96,350,900
                                          =============           ==============           ==============

(1) The Company disposed of these retail store brands. See Footnote 4 to the financial statements.

The Company's significant assets are located within the United States and it generates all revenues from United States operations other than 2000 franchising revenues from Canadian operations of $1.8 million.


11. Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited):

The Company's unaudited quarterly results for the years ended December 30, 2000 and December 25, 1999 were as follows:

                                                  First Quarter        Second Quarter         Third Quarter         Fourth Quarter
                                                  -------------        --------------         -------------         --------------
Total Revenue                                       $12,807,300          $12,283,800           $ 11,541,500            $10,914,200
Income (Loss) from Operations                           380,200           (2,630,200)             1,428,000              1,572,200
Net Income (Loss)                                        25,100           (1,797,700)               739,000                682,900
Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share -
Basic                                               $       .00          $      (.33)          $        .14            $       .13
Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share -
Diluted                                             $       .00          $      (.33)          $        .14            $       .12

Total Revenue                                       $18,535,400          $15,264,800           $ 16,673,600            $16,084,600
Income (Loss) from Operations                           (17,300)              88,200            (11,909,000)              (656,000)
Net Income (Loss)                                      (175,200)            (121,300)            (7,440,900)              (851,900)
Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share -
Basic                                               $      (.03)         $      (.02)          $      (1.43)           $      (.16)
Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share -
Diluted                                             $      (.03)         $      (.02)          $      (1.43)           $      (.16)



To the Shareholders of Grow Biz International, Inc.:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Grow Biz International, Inc. and Subsidiary (Minnesota corporations) as of December 30, 2000 and December 25, 1999, and the related consolidated statements of operations, shareholders' equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 30, 2000. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Grow Biz International, Inc. and Subsidiary as of December 30, 2000 and December 25, 1999, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 30, 2000, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.


Minneapolis, Minnesota,
February 2, 2001






The information required by Item 10 relating to our directors, certain of whom are also executive officers, is incorporated by reference to the section entitled "Election of Directors" appearing in the Registrant's proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on May 2, 2001

The other executive officers of the Company are as follows:

NAME                               AGE            POSITION
----                               ---            ---------
Paul F. Kelly                       47            Vice President of Financial Services
Mark T. Hooley                      34            Vice President and General Counsel
Charles V. Kanan                    49            Vice President of Operations
Rebecca J. Geyer                    35            Director of Once Upon A Child(R) & Plato's

Paul F. Kelly has served as Vice President of Financial Services of the Company since November 2000. From August 2000 to November 2000, Mr. Kelly served as the Acting Chief Financial Officer of the Company. Mr. Kelly was the Chief Financial Officer of, Inc., a family oriented internet service provider, from January 2000 to June 2000. This internet start-up was unable to obtain initial financing. In August 2000, Mr. Kelly, along with two other creditors, filed an involuntary petition against, Inc. in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court. In November 2000, the court entered an order for relief under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. From January 1990 to August 1999, Mr. Kelly served as Chief Financial Officer for Terry Feldman's Imports, Inc.

Mark T. Hooley has served as Vice President and General Counsel of the Company since May 2000. From July 1999 to May 2000 Mr. Hooley served as an attorney with the Minneapolis law firm of Briggs & Morgan, P.A. Mr. Hooley was an attorney with the Minneapolis law firm of Mackall, Crounse & Moore, P.L.C. from November 1993 to July 1999. Mr. Hooley is the son-in-law of Mr. Morgan.

Charles V. Kanan has served as Vice President of Operations of the Company since May 2000 and President of Play It Again Sports(R) since January 1994. From December 1990 to December 1991 Mr. Kanan served as Vice President of Marketing and from January 1992 to December 1993, he served as Executive Vice President, of Dahlberg, Inc.

Rebecca J. Geyer has served as Director of the Once Upon A Child(R) & Plato's Closet(R) brands of the Company since May 2000. Ms. Geyer served as General Manager of Once Upon A Child(R) from January 1999 to May 2000 and as General Manager of Plato's Closet(R) from September 1999 to May 2000. From September 1997 to January 1999 Ms. Geyer served as Senior Manager of Operations and Marketing for Once Upon A Child(R). Ms. Geyer served as Manager of Field Operations from October 1994 to September 1997. She joined the Company in September 1993 in the position of Field Operations Manager.

Other than John L. Morgan and Stephen M. Briggs, each of whom is subject to an employment agreement, the term of office of each executive officer continues until terminated by the Company.


There are no arrangements or understandings among any of the executive officers of the Registrant and any other person (not an officer or director of the Registrant acting as such) pursuant to which any of the executive officers were selected as an officer of the Registrant.

Compliance with Section 16(a)

The section entitled "Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance" appearing in the Registrant's proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on May 2, 2001, sets forth certain information with respect to the reporting of purchases and sales of the Registrant's common stock by certain "insiders" and the required information is incorporated herein by reference.


The section entitled "Executive Compensation" appearing in the Registrant's proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on May 2, 2001, sets forth certain information with respect to the compensation of management of the Registrant and the required information is incorporated herein by reference.


The section entitled "Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners, Directors and Executive Officers" appearing in the Registrant's proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on May 2, 2001, sets forth certain information with respect to the ownership of the Registrant's Common Stock and the required information is incorporated herein by reference.


The section entitled "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions" appearing in the Registrant's proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on May 2, 2001, sets forth certain information with respect to certain business relationships and transactions between the Registrant and its directors and officers and the required information is incorporated herein by reference.



(a.) The following documents are filed as a part of this Report:

1. Financial Statements. The financial statements filed as part of this report are listed on the Index to Financial Statements on page 20.

2. Exhibits.


Exhibit Number   Description
--------------   -----------

      3.1        Articles of Incorporation, as amended (Exhibit 3.1)/(1)/
      3.2        By-laws, as amended and restated to date (Exhibit 3.2)/(1)/
      10.1       Form of franchise agreement for Play It Again Sports(R)
                 (Exhibit 10.1)/(3)/
      10.2       Form of franchise agreement for Once Upon A Child(R)
                 (Exhibit 10.2)/(3)/
      10.3       Form of franchise agreement for Music Go Round(R) (Exhibit
      10.4       Form of franchise agreement for ReTool(R) (Exhibit
      10.5       Form of franchise agreement for Plato's Closet(R) (Exhibit
      10.6       Asset Purchase Agreement dated January 24, 1992 with Sports
                 Traders, Inc. and James D. Van Buskirk ("Van Buskirk")
                 concerning acquisition of wholesale business, including
                 amendment dated March 11, 1992 (Exhibit 10.6 (a))/(1)/
      10.7       Retail store agreement dated January 24, 1992 with Van
                 Buskirk (Exhibit 10.6 (b))/(1)/
      10.8       Noncompetition and Consulting agreement dated January 1,
                 1990, as amended January 24, 1992, with Martha Morris
                 (Exhibit 10.7)/(1)/
      10.9       1992 Stock Option Plan, including forms of stock option
                 agreement (Exhibit 10.12)/(1)(3)(5)/
      10.10      Amendment No. 1 to the 1992 Stock Option Plan (Exhibit
      10.11      Amendment No. 2 to the 1992 Stock Option Plan (Exhibit
      10.12      Amendment No. 3 to the 1992 Stock Option Plan (Exhibit
      10.13*     Amendment No. 4 to the 1992 Stock Option Plan/(5)/
      10.14      Nonemployee Director Stock Option Plan, as amended,
                 including form of stock option agreement (Exhibit
      10.15      Employee Stock Purchase Plan of 1994 (Exhibit 10.17)/(2)(3)/
      10.16      Letter of Agreement between the Company and Sheldon & Terry
                 Fleck related to the purchase of stock, dated July 3, 1999
                 (Exhibit 10.1)/(7)/
      10.17      Consulting Agreement with Sheldon Fleck, dated November 17,
                 1999 (Exhibit 10.26)/(8)/
      10.18      Employment Agreement with John L. Morgan, dated March 22,
                 2000 (Exhibit 10.1)/(5)(9)/
      10.19      Non-qualified Stock Option Agreement with John Morgan, dated
                 March 22, 2000 (Exhibit 10.2)/(5)(9)/
      10.20      Common Stock Warrant with Sheldon Fleck, dated March 22,
                 2000 (Exhibit 10.3)/(9)/
      10.21      Credit Agreement with Rush River Group, LLC (Exhibit
      10.22      Common Stock Warrant with Rush River Group, LLC (Exhibit
      10.23      Real Estate Purchase Agreement with Stan Koch & Sons
                 Trucking, Inc. (Exhibit 10.3)/(10)/
      10.24      Lease with Stan Koch & Sons Trucking, Inc. for Corporate
                 Headquarters (Exhibit 10.4)/(10)/
      10.25*     Employment Agreement with Stephen M. Briggs, dated December
                 14, 2000/(5)/
      10.26*     First Amendment to Employment Agreement with John L.
      10.27*     2001 Stock Option Plan, including forms of stock option
      11.1*      Statement of Computation of Per Share Earnings
      21.1       Subsidiaries: Grow Biz Games, Inc., a Minnesota corporation
      23.1*      Consent of Arthur Andersen LLP Independent Public
      24.1       Power of Attorney (Contained on signature page to this
                 Form 10-K)


* Filed Herewith

(1) Incorporated by reference to the specified exhibit to the Registration Statement on Form S-1, effective August 24, 1993 (Reg. No. 33-65108).

(2) Incorporated by reference to the specified exhibit to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 30, 1995.

(3) Incorporated by reference to the specified exhibit to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 28, 1996.

(4) Incorporated by reference to the specified exhibit to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 27, 1997.

(5) Indicates management contracts, compensation plans or arrangements required to be filed as exhibits.

(6) Incorporated by reference to the specified exhibit to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 26, 1998.

(7) Incorporated by reference to the specified exhibit to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 26, 1999.

(8) Incorporated by reference to the specified exhibit to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 25, 1999.

(9) Incorporated by reference to the specified exhibit to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 25, 2000.

(10) Incorporated by reference to the specified exhibit to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 24, 2000.

(b.) Reports on Form 8-K:

On March 29, 2000, the Company filed an 8-K related to the change in management of the Company.

On May 26, 2000, the Company filed an 8-K related to the charge to second quarter earnings.

On September 1, 2000, the Company filed an 8-K related to the disposition of assets of the Computer Renaissance(R) concept.

On September 14, 2000, the Company filed an 8-K/A related to the disposition of assets of the Computer Renaissance(R) concept.

On October 25, 2000, the Company filed an 8-K/A related to the disposition of assets of the Computer Renaissance(R) concept.



In accordance with Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


By: /s/ JOHN L. MORGAN                    Date: March 21, 2001
        John L. Morgan
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

KNOWN TO ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that each person whose signature appears below constitutes and appoints John L. Morgan and Stephen M. Briggs and each of them, his true and lawful attorney-in-fact and agent, with full power of substitution and resubstitution, for him and in his name, place and stead, in any and all capacities, to sign any amendments to this Form 10-K, and to file the same, with exhibits thereto and other documents in connection therewith, with the Securities and Exchange Commission, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorney-in-fact or his substitute or substitutes, may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.

In accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

              SIGNATURE                                    TITLE                                          DATE
              ---------                                    -----                                         ----
  /s/ JOHN L. MORGAN                         Chairman of the Board and chief Executive              March 21, 2001
--------------------------------------         Officer (principal executive officer)
      John L. Morgan

  /s/ STEPHEN M. BRIGGS                      President and Chief Operating Officer                  March 21, 2001
      Stephen M. Briggs

  /s/ PAUL F. KELLY                          Vice President of Financial Services                   March 21, 2001
--------------------------------------         (principal financial and accounting officer)
      Paul F. Kelly

  /s/ KIRK A. MACKENZIE                      Vice Chairman and Director                             March 21, 2001
      Kirk A. MacKenzie

  /s/ WILLIAM D. DUNLAP, JR.                 Director                                               March 21, 2001
      William D. Dunlap, Jr.

  /s/ JENELE C. GRASSLE                      Director                                               March 21, 2001
      Jenele C. Grassle

  /s/ PAUL C. REYELTS                        Director                                               March 21, 2001
     Paul C. Reyelts

  /s/ MARK L. WILSON                         Director                                               March 21, 2001
      Mark L. Wilson




Exhibit         Description
-------         -----------
10.13           Amendment No. 4 to the 1992 Stock Option Plan

10.25           Employment Agreement with Stephen M. Briggs, dated December 14,

10.26           First Amendment to Employment Agreement with John L. Morgan

10.27           2001 Stock Option Plan, including forms of stock option

11.1            Statement of Computation of Per Share Earnings

23.1            Consent of Independent Public Accountants


to the

The following resolution was adopted by the Board of Directors of Grow Biz International, Inc. effective February 20, 2001.

Increase in Number of Shares Reserved Under 1992 Stock Option Plan

RESOLVED, that the number of shares reserved for issuance under the 1992 Stock Option Plan ("1992 Plan") shall be increased from 1,400,000 to 1,530,000 shares of the Corporation's Common Stock, such increase in the number of shares reserved for issuance shall be submitted for approval by the shareholders at the next meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of the Corporation be, and they each hereby are, authorized and directed to take or cause the Corporation's transfer agent to take such action as they may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish the foregoing, and, subject to the approval of the shareholders, all such actions as heretofore may have been taken by the

officers and directors for such purposes are hereby ratified and confirmed.



This EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of December 14, 2000, between Grow Biz International, Inc. ("Employer") and Stephen M. Briggs ("Employee").


Employer desires to employ Employee under the terms of this Agreement, including the non-solicitation, registration rights and other covenants stated below, and Employee is willing to enter into such covenants in return for the benefits hereunder.


In consideration of the foregoing, the parties agree as follows:

1. Nature and Capacity of Employment. Employer agrees to employ Employee as President and Chief Operating Officer of Employer under the terms of this Agreement. Employee agrees to perform on a full-time basis, the functions of this position, under the terms of this Agreement.

2. Term of Employment. The term of this Agreement will commence as of the date hereof and continue until such time as terminated under Section 9 below.

3. Annual Base Salary. The annual base salary, exclusive of any benefits or bonuses, which Employer agrees to pay to Employee for the period beginning January 1, 2001 through January 1, 2002 will be Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000). All amounts paid under this Agreement will be paid consistent with Employer's normal payroll practice and will be subject to all normal and required withholdings.

4. Bonus. The Employer agrees to pay to the Employee, in its sole discretion, an annual bonus of up to fifty percent (50%) of annual base salary. The Employer, in its sole discretion, will establish criteria under which Employee may become eligible to receive such annual bonus payment, and will also maintain the right to adjust such criteria in its sole discretion.

5. Employee Expenses. Employer agrees to reimburse Employee for the reasonable business expenses Employee incurs on behalf of Employer upon proof of expenditure.

6. Car Allowance. Employee shall receive reimbursement for the maintenance of a car during the term of this Agreement of $350.00 per month.

7. Club Dues. Employee shall receive reimbursement for actual club dues during the term of this Agreement in an amount not exceeding $500.00 per month.

8. Employee Benefits. Employee will be eligible for those benefits provided to executive management employees.

9. Stock Options. Employee will be issued a six year option (the "Option"), under the terms of the stock option agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A, to purchase 150,000 shares of Employer's common stock (the "Option Shares"), at an exercise price of $5.1875 per share, vesting at the rate of 37,500 shares per year on the anniversaries of this Agreement.

10. Undertakings of Employee. Employee agrees to spend Employee's full working time and effort in performing Employee's duties with Employer so long as employed by Employer, and will not, during the course of employment by Employer, without prior written approval of Employer, become an employee, director, officer, agent, partner of or consultant to, or a stockholder of (except a stockholder of a public company in which Employee owns less than five percent (5%) of the issued and outstanding capital stock of such company) any company or other business entity which is a significant competitor, supplier, or customer of Employer.

11. Termination of Employment Agreement. Employee's employment under this Agreement may be terminated, by either party for any reason or no reason upon 30 days written notice to Employee.

12. Confidential Information. For purposes hereof, "Confidential Information" means any information that Employee learns or develops during the course of employment that derives independent economic value from being not generally known by the public and includes trade secrets, methods of research and testing, customer lists, vendor lists and financial information, and information relating to such matters as management systems and sales or marketing techniques. Employee will not directly or indirectly use or disclose any Confidential Information for anyone other than Employer either during the course of employment or after the termination of employment. Employee recognizes that the Confidential Information constitutes a valuable asset of Employer and agrees to act in such a manner as to prevent its disclosure and use by any person unless such use is for Employer. Employee's obligations under this paragraph are unconditional and will not be excused by any Employer conduct, except prior voluntary disclosure by Employer of the information.

13. Inventions. Employee agrees to promptly disclose to Employer in writing any invention, improvement, work of authorship, discovery or idea (including those which may be subject to copyright protection) generated, conceived, or reduced to practice by Employee alone or in conjunction with others, during or after working hours, while an employee of Employer ("Inventions"); and all such Inventions will be Employer's exclusive property and are hereby assigned to Employer. Further, Employee will, at Employer's expense, give Employer all assistance it reasonably requires to perfect, protect, and use its rights to Inventions. In particular, Employee will sign all documents, do all things, and supply all information that Employer may deem necessary to: (i) transfer or record the transfer of Employee's entire right, title and interest in Inventions; and (ii) enable Employer to obtain copyright or trademark protection for Inventions. Employee's obligations under this Section will continue beyond the termination of employment with respect to Inventions and will be binding on assigns, executors, and other legal representatives.

NOTICE: Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes (S) 181.78, Employee is notified that the Agreement does not apply to any Invention for which no equipment, supplies, facility, or trade secret information of Employer was used and which was developed entirely on Employee's own time, and which does not relate directly to Employer's business or to its actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development, or which does not result from any work Employee performed for Employer.

14. Non-Solicitation. Employee covenants that during the term of his employment by Employer, and for one year after the termination of his employment, regardless of the cause of termination, Employee will not, without Employer's prior written consent, directly or indirectly, employ or seek to employ, in any capacity, any person who, within the preceding six months, has been an employee of Employer, or any franchisee of Employer.

15. No Restrictions. Employee represents and warrants to Employer that he is not subject to any covenant, agreement, understanding or restriction of any kind or nature which would prohibit, restrict or interfere in any way with his ability to perform the functions of his positions with Employer.

16. Miscellaneous.

16.1 Integration. This Agreement and the Stock Option Agreement of even date herewith contains the entire agreement and understanding among the parties relative to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings relating thereto.

16.2 Applicable Law. This Agreement and the rights of the parties will be governed by and construed and enforced under the laws of the state of Minnesota. The venue for any action hereunder will be in the state of Minnesota, and the parties consent to the jurisdiction of the courts of the state of Minnesota, County of Hennepin, and the U.S. District Court, District of Minnesota.

16.3 Binding Effect. Except as herein provided, this Agreement will be binding upon and will benefit the parties and their respective heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives; provided, however, that Employee may not assign his rights or obligations hereunder without Employer's prior written consent. Employer may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement, provided the assignee agrees to fulfill Employer's obligations hereunder.

16.4 Notices. All notices, requests and other communications hereunder will be given in writing and deemed to have been given if personally delivered, or sent by first class, certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the party at the address as provided below, or to such other address as such party may hereafter designate by written notice to the other party:

(a) If to Employer, to the address of its then principal office.

(b) If to Employee, to the address last shown in Employer's records.

16.5 Modification. This Agreement will not be modified or amended except by a written instrument signed by the parties.

16.6 Severability. The invalidity or partial invalidity of any portion of this Agreement will not invalidate the remainder thereof. If any provision of this Agreement is, for any reason, held to be excessively broad as to scope, activity, subject or otherwise, so as to be unenforceable at law, such provision will be construed by the appropriate judicial body by limiting or reducing it, so as to be enforceable to the maximum extent compatible with then applicable law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date herein first above written.


Grow Biz International, Inc.

Dated:    December 14, 2000        By: /s/ John L. Morgan
                                                John L. Morgan, CEO


Dated:    December 14, 2000        By: /s/ Stephen M. Briggs

                                                Stephen M. Briggs



This Amendment to Employment Agreement ("Amendment") is made as of February 18, 2001, between Grow Biz International, Inc. ("Employer") and John L. Morgan ("Employee").


Employer and Employee entered into a Employment Agreement dated March 22, 2000 ("Employment Agreement"), which each party now desires to amend as set forth below.


In consideration of the foregoing, the parties agree as follows:

1. Amendment of Section 3. Section 3 of the Employment Agreement is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows:

Annual Base Salary. The annual base salary, exclusive of any benefits or bonuses, which Employer agrees to pay to Employee will be One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000). All amounts paid under this Agreement will be paid consistent with Employer's normal payroll practice and will be subject to all normal and required withholdings.

2. Force and Effect. Except as amended hereby, each term of the Employment Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date herein first above written.


Grow Biz International, Inc.

Dated:    February 18, 2001      By: /s/ Stephen M. Briggs
                                     Stephen M. Briggs, President


Dated:    February 18, 2001      By: /s/ John L. Morgan

                                     John L. Morgan




As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below:

(a) "Affiliate" shall mean a Parent or Subsidiary of the Company.

(b) "Committee" shall mean a Committee of two or more directors who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Board. In the event the Company's securities are registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, each of the members of the Committee shall be a "non-employee director" within the meaning of Rule 16b-3, or any successor provision, as then in effect, of the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended.

(c) The "Company" shall mean Grow Biz International, Inc., a Minnesota corporation.

(d) "Fair Market Value" as of any date shall mean (i) if such stock is listed on the Nasdaq National Market, Nasdaq SmallCap Market, or an established stock exchange, the price of such stock at the close of the regular trading session of such market or exchange on such date, as reported by The Wall Street Journal or a comparable reporting service, or, if no sale of such stock shall have occurred on such date, on the next preceding day on which there was a sale of stock; (ii) if such stock is not so listed on the Nasdaq National Market, Nasdaq SmallCap Market, or an established stock exchange, the average of the closing "bid" and "asked" prices quoted by the OTC Bulletin Board, the National Quotation Bureau, or any comparable reporting service on such date or, if there are no quoted "bid" and "asked" prices on such date, on the next preceding date for which there are such quotes; or (iii) if such stock is not publicly traded as of such date, the per share value as determined by the Board, or the Committee, in its sole discretion by applying principles of valuation with respect to the Company's Common Stock.

(e) The "Internal Revenue Code" is the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.

(f) "Option Stock" shall mean Common Stock of the Company (subject to adjustment as described in Section 12) reserved for options pursuant to this Plan.

(g) The "Optionee" means an employee of the Company or any Affiliate to whom an incentive stock option has been granted pursuant to Section 9; a consultant or advisor, to or director, employee or officer, of the Company or any Affiliate to whom a nonqualified stock option has been granted pursuant to
Section 10; or a director to whom a nonqualified stock option has been granted hereunder.

(h) "Parent" shall mean any corporation which owns, directly or indirectly in an unbroken chain, fifty percent (50%) or more of the total voting power of the Company's outstanding stock.

(i) The "Plan" means the Grow Biz International, Inc. 2001 Stock Option Plan, as amended hereafter from time to time, including the form of Option Agreements as they may be modified by the Administrator from time to time.

(j) A "Subsidiary" shall mean any corporation of which fifty percent (50%) or more of the total voting power of outstanding stock is owned, directly or indirectly in an unbroken chain, by the Company.


The purpose of the Plan is to promote the success of the Company and its Affiliates by facilitating the employment and retention of competent personnel and by furnishing incentive to officers, directors, employees, consultants, and advisors upon whose efforts the success of the Company and its Affiliates will depend to a large degree.

It is the intention of the Company to carry out the Plan through the granting of stock options which will qualify as "incentive stock options" under the provisions of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code, or any successor provision, and through the granting of "non-qualified stock options." Adoption of this Plan shall be and is expressly subject to the condition of approval by the shareholders of the Company within twelve (12) months before or after the adoption of the Plan by the Board of Directors. In the event shareholder approval is not obtained within such twelve-month period, any incentive stock options granted under the Plan shall automatically become nonqualified stock options.


The Plan shall be effective as of the date of adoption by the Board of Directors, subject to approval by the shareholders of the Company as required in
Section 2.


The Plan shall be administered by the Board of Directors of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") or by a Committee which may be appointed by the Board from time to time to administer the Plan (hereinafter the Board and Committee shall be collectively referred to as the "Administrator"). The Administrator shall have all of the powers vested in it under the provisions of the Plan, including but not limited to exclusive authority (where applicable and within the limitations described herein) to determine, in its sole discretion, whether an incentive stock option or nonqualified stock option shall be granted, the individuals to whom, and the time or times at which, options shall be granted, the number of shares subject to each option and the option price and terms and conditions of each option. The Administrator shall have full power and authority to administer and interpret the Plan, to make and amend rules, regulations and guidelines for administering the Plan, to prescribe the form and conditions of the respective stock option agreements (which may vary from Optionee to Optionee) evidencing each option and to make all other determinations necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan. The Administrator's interpretation of the Plan, and all actions taken and determinations made by the Administrator pursuant to the power vested in it hereunder, shall be conclusive and binding on all parties concerned.

No member of the Board or the Committee shall be liable for any action taken or determination made in good faith in connection with the administration of the Plan. In the event the Board appoints a Committee as provided hereunder, any action of the Committee with respect to the administration of the Plan shall be taken pursuant to a majority vote of the Committee members or pursuant to the written resolution of all Committee members.


The Administrator shall from time to time, at its discretion and without approval of the shareholders, designate those employees, officers, directors, consultants, and advisors of the Company or of any Affiliate to whom nonqualified stock options shall be granted under this Plan; provided, however, that consultants or advisors shall not be eligible to receive stock options hereunder unless such consultant or advisor renders bona fide services to the Company or Affiliate and such services are not in connection with the offer or sale of securities in a capital raising transaction and do not directly or indirectly promote or maintain a market for the Company's securities. The Administrator shall, from time to time, at its discretion and without approval of the shareholders, designate those employees of the Company or any Affiliate to whom incentive stock options shall be granted under this Plan. The Administrator may grant additional incentive stock options or nonqualified stock options under this Plan to some or all participants then holding options or may grant options solely or partially to new participants. In designating participants, the Administrator shall also determine the number of shares to be optioned to each such participant. The Administrator may from time to time designate individuals as being ineligible to participate in the Plan.


The Stock to be optioned under this Plan shall consist of authorized but unissued shares of Option Stock. Five Hundred Thousand (500,000) shares of Option Stock shall be reserved and available for options under the Plan; provided, however, that the total number of shares of Option Stock reserved for options under this Plan shall be subject to adjustment as provided in Section 12 of the Plan. In the event that any outstanding option under the Plan for any reason expires or is terminated prior to the exercise thereof, the shares of Option Stock allocable to the unexercised portion of such option shall continue to be reserved for options under the Plan and may be optioned hereunder.


Incentive stock options may be granted pursuant to the Plan from time to time during a period of ten (10) years from the effective date as defined in
Section 3. Nonqualified stock options may be granted pursuant to the Plan from time to time after the effective date of the Plan and until the Plan is discontinued or terminated by the Board.


Optionees may pay for shares upon exercise of options granted pursuant to this Plan with cash, personal check, certified check or, if approved by the Administrator in its sole discretion, previously-owned shares of Option Stock valued at such stock's then Fair Market Value, or such other form of payment as may be authorized by the Administrator. The Administrator may, in its sole discretion, limit the forms of payment available to the Optionee and may exercise such discretion any time prior to the termination of the Option granted to the Optionee or upon any exercise of the Option by the Optionee. "Previously-owned shares" means shares of Option Stock which the Optionee has owned for at least six (6) months prior to the exercise of the stock option, or for such other period of time as may be required by generally accepted accounting principles.

With respect to payment in the form of shares of Option Stock, the Administrator may require advance approval or adopt such rules as it deems necessary to assure compliance with Rule 16b-3, or any successor

provision, as then in effect, of the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, if applicable.


Each incentive stock option granted pursuant to this Section 9 shall be evidenced by a written stock option agreement (the "Option Agreement"). The Option Agreement shall be in such form as may be approved from time to time by the Administrator and may vary from Optionee to Optionee; provided, however, that each Optionee and each Option Agreement shall comply with and be subject to the following terms and conditions:

(a) Number of Shares and Option Price. The Option Agreement shall state the total number of shares covered by the incentive stock option. To the extent required to qualify the Option as an incentive stock option under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code, or any successor provision, the option price per share shall not be less than one hundred percent (100%) of the per share Fair Market Value of the Option Stock on the date the Administrator grants the option; provided, however, that if an Optionee owns stock possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or of its parent or any Subsidiary, the option price per share of an incentive stock option granted to such Optionee shall not be less than one hundred ten percent (110%) of the per share Fair Market Value of the Option Stock on the date of the grant of the option. The Administrator shall have full authority and discretion in establishing the option price and shall be fully protected in so doing.

(b) Term and Exercisability of Incentive Stock Option. The term during which any incentive stock option granted under the Plan may be exercised shall be established in each case by the Administrator . To the extent required to qualify the Option as an incentive stock option under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code, or any successor provision, in no event shall any incentive stock option be exercisable during a term of more than ten (10) years after the date on which it is granted; provided, however, that if an Optionee owns stock possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or of its parent or any Subsidiary, the incentive stock option granted to such Optionee shall be exercisable during a term of not more than five (5) years after the date on which it is granted. The Option Agreement shall state when the incentive stock option becomes exercisable and shall also state the maximum term during which the option may be exercised. In the event an incentive stock option is exercisable immediately, the manner of exercise of the option in the event it is not exercised in full immediately shall be specified in the Option Agreement. The Administrator may accelerate the exercise date of any incentive stock option granted hereunder which is not immediately exercisable as of the date of grant.

(c) Other Provisions. The Option Agreement authorized under this Section 9 shall contain such other provisions as the Administrator shall deem advisable. Any such Option Agreement shall contain such limitations and restrictions upon the exercise of the option as shall be necessary to ensure that such option will be considered an "incentive stock option" as defined in Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code or to conform to any change therein.


Each nonqualified stock option granted pursuant to this Section 10 shall be evidenced by a written Option Agreement. The Option Agreement shall be in such form as may be approved from time to time by the Administrator and may vary from Optionee to Optionee; provided, however, that each Optionee and each Option Agreement shall comply with and be subject to the following terms and conditions:

(a) Number of Shares and Option Price. The Option Agreement shall state the total number of shares covered by the nonqualified stock option. Unless otherwise determined by the Administrator, the option price per share shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the per share Fair Market Value of the Option Stock on the date the Administrator grants the option; provided, however, that the option price per share may not be less than eighty-five percent (85%) of the per share Fair Market Value of the Option Stock on the date of grant.

(b) Term and Exercisability of Nonqualified Stock Option. The term during which any nonqualified stock option granted under the Plan may be exercised shall be established in each case by the Administrator. The Option Agreement shall state when the nonqualified stock option becomes exercisable and shall also state the maximum term during which the option may be exercised. In the event a nonqualified stock option is exercisable immediately, the manner of exercise of the option in the event it is not exercised in full immediately shall be specified in the stock option agreement. The Administrator may accelerate the exercise date of any nonqualified stock option granted hereunder which is not immediately exercisable as of the date of grant.

(c) Withholding. The Company or its Affiliate shall be entitled to withhold and deduct from future wages of the Optionee all legally required amounts necessary to satisfy any and all withholding and employment-related taxes attributable to the Optionee's exercise of a nonqualified stock option. In the event the Optionee is required under the Option Agreement to pay the Company, or make arrangements satisfactory to the Company respecting payment of, such withholding and employment-related taxes, the Administrator may, in its discretion and pursuant to such rules as it may adopt, permit the Optionee to satisfy such obligation, in whole or in part, by electing to have the Company withhold shares of Option Stock otherwise issuable to the Optionee as a result of the option's exercise having a Fair Market Value equal to the minimum required tax withholding, based on the minimum statutory withholding rates for federal and state tax purposes, including payroll taxes, that are applicable to the supplemental income resulting from the option. In no event may the Company or any Affiliate withhold shares having a Fair Market Value in excess of such statutory minimum required tax withholding. The Optionee's election to have shares withheld for this purpose shall be made on or before the date the option is exercised or, if later, the date that the amount of tax to be withheld is determined under applicable tax law. Such election shall be approved by the Administrator and otherwise comply with such rules as the Administrator may adopt to assure compliance with Rule 16b-3, or any successor provision, as then in effect, of the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, if applicable.

(d) Other Provisions. The Option Agreement authorized under this Section 10 shall contain such other provisions as the Administrator shall deem advisable.


No incentive stock option shall be transferable, in whole or in part, by the Optionee other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution and, during the Optionee's lifetime, the option may be exercised only by the Optionee. If the Optionee shall attempt any transfer of any incentive stock option granted under the Plan during the Optionee's lifetime, such transfer shall be void and the incentive stock option, to the extent not fully exercised, shall terminate.

No nonqualified stock option shall be transferred, except that the Administrator may, in its sole discretion, permit the Optionee to transfer any or all nonqualified stock options to any member of the Optionee's "immediate family" as such term is defined in Rule 16a-1(e) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or any successor provision, or to one or more trusts whose beneficiaries are members of such Optionee's "immediate family" or partnerships in which such family members are the only partners; provided, however, that the Optionee receives no consideration for the transfer and such transferred nonqualified stock option shall continue to be subject to the same terms and conditions as were applicable to such nonqualified stock option immediately prior to its transfer.



If, following adoption of this Plan, the Company effects an increase or decrease in the number of shares of Common Stock in the form of a subdivision or consolidation of shares, or the payment of a stock dividend, or effects any other increase or decrease in the number of shares of Common Stock without receipt of consideration by the Company, the number of shares of Option Stock reserved under Section 6 hereof and the number of shares of Option Stock covered by each outstanding option and the price per share thereof shall be appropriately adjusted by the Board to reflect such change. Additional shares which may be credited pursuant to such adjustment shall be subject to the same restrictions as are applicable to the shares with respect to which the adjustment relates.

Unless otherwise provided in the Option Agreement, in the event of an acquisition of the Company through the sale of substantially all of the Company's assets and the consequent discontinuance of its business or through a merger, consolidation, exchange, reorganization, reclassification, extraordinary dividend, divestiture or liquidation of the Company (collectively referred to as a "transaction"), all outstanding stock options shall become immediately exercisable, whether or not such options had become exercisable prior to the transaction; provided, however, that if the acquiring party seeks to have the transaction accounted for on a "pooling of interests" basis and, in the opinion of the Company's independent certified public accountants, the acceleration of the exercisability of such options would preclude a pooling of interests under generally accepted accounting principles, the exercisability of such options shall not accelerate. In addition to the foregoing, or in the event a pooling of interests transaction precludes the acceleration of the exercisability of outstanding options, the Board may provide for one or more of the following:

(a) the complete termination of this Plan and the cancellation of outstanding options not exercised prior to a date specified by the Board (which date shall give Optionees a reasonable period of time in which to exercise the options prior to the effectiveness of such transaction);

(b) that Optionees holding outstanding stock options shall receive, with respect to each share of Stock subject to such options, as of the effective date of any such transaction, cash in an amount equal to the excess of the Fair Market Value of such Stock on the date immediately preceding the effective date of such transaction over the option price per share of such options; provided that the Board may, in lieu of such cash payment, distribute to such Optionees shares of stock of the Company or shares of stock of any corporation succeeding the Company by reason of such transaction, such shares having a value equal to the cash payment herein;

(c) the continuance of the Plan with respect to the exercise of options which were outstanding as of the date of adoption by the Board of such plan for such transaction and provide to Optionees holding such options the right to exercise their respective options as to an equivalent number of shares of stock of the corporation succeeding the Company by reason of such transaction.

The Board may restrict the rights of or the applicability of this Section 12 to the extent necessary to comply with Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Internal Revenue Code or any other applicable law or regulation. The grant of an option pursuant to the Plan shall not limit in any way the right or power of the Company to make adjustments, reclassifications, reorganizations or changes of its capital or business structure or to merge, exchange or consolidate or to dissolve, liquidate, sell or transfer all or any part of its business or assets.


No shares of Option Stock shall be issued pursuant to the Plan unless and until there has been compliance, in the opinion of Company's counsel, with all applicable legal requirements, including without limitation, those relating to securities laws and stock exchange listing requirements. As a condition to the issuance of Option Stock to Optionee, the Administrator may require Optionee to
(a) represent that the shares of Option Stock are being acquired for investment and not resale and to make such other representations as the Administrator shall deem necessary or appropriate to qualify the issuance of the shares as exempt from the Securities Act of 1933 and any other applicable securities laws, and
(b) represent that Optionee shall not dispose of the shares of Option Stock in violation of the Securities Act of 1933 or any other applicable securities laws.

As a further condition to the grant of any stock option or the issuance of Option Stock to Optionee, Optionee agrees to the following:

(a) In the event the Company advises Optionee that it plans an underwritten public offering of its Common Stock in compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the underwriter(s) seek to impose restrictions under which certain shareholders may not sell or contract to sell or grant any option to buy or otherwise dispose of part or all of their stock purchase rights of the underlying Common Stock, Optionee will not, for a period not to exceed 180 days from the prospectus, sell or contract to sell or grant an option to buy or otherwise dispose of any stock option granted to Optionee pursuant to the Plan or any of the underlying shares of Option Stock without the prior written consent of the underwriter(s) or its representative(s).

(b) In the event the Company makes any public offering of its securities and determines in its sole discretion that it is necessary to reduce the number of issued but unexercised stock purchase rights so as to comply with any states securities or Blue Sky law limitations with respect thereto, the Administrator shall have the right (i) to accelerate the exercisability of any stock option and the date on which such option must be exercised, provided that the Company gives Optionee prior written notice of such acceleration, and (ii) to cancel any options or portions thereof which Optionee does not exercise prior to or contemporaneously with such public offering.

(c) In the event of a transaction (as defined in Section 12 of the Plan) which is treated as a "pooling of interests" under generally accepted accounting principles, Optionee will comply with Rule 145 of the Securities Act of 1933 and any other restrictions imposed under other applicable legal or accounting principles if Optionee is an "affiliate" (as defined in such applicable legal and accounting principles) at the time of the transaction, and Optionee will execute any documents necessary to ensure compliance with such rules.

The Company reserves the right to place a legend on any stock certificate issued upon exercise of an option granted pursuant to the Plan to assure compliance with this Section 13.


An Optionee (or the Optionee's successor or successors) shall have no rights as a shareholder with respect to any shares covered by an option until the date of the issuance of a stock certificate evidencing such shares. No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or other property), distributions or other rights for which the record date is prior to the date such stock certificate is actually issued (except as otherwise provided in Section 12 of the Plan).


The Board may from time to time, insofar as permitted by law, suspend or discontinue the Plan or revise or amend it in any respect; provided, however, that no such revision or amendment, except as is authorized in Section 12, shall impair the terms and conditions of any option which is outstanding on the date of such revision or amendment to the material detriment of the Optionee without the consent of the Optionee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such revision or amendment shall (i) increase the number of shares subject to the Plan except as provided in Section 12 hereof, (ii) change the designation of the class of employees eligible to receive options, (iii) decrease the price at which options may be granted, or (iv) materially increase the benefits accruing to Optionees under the Plan without the approval of the shareholders of the Company if such approval is required for compliance with the requirements of any applicable law or regulation. Furthermore, the Plan may not, without the approval of the shareholders, be amended in any manner that will cause incentive stock options to fail to meet the requirements of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code.


The granting of an option shall impose no obligation upon the Optionee to exercise such option. Further, the granting of an option hereunder shall not impose upon the Company or any Affiliate any obligation to retain the Optionee in its employ for any period.



THIS AGREEMENT, made effective as of this ____ day of _____________, ______, by and between Grow Biz International, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the "Company"), and ______________________ ("Optionee").

W I T N E S S E T H:

WHEREAS, Optionee on the date hereof is a key employee or officer of the Company or an Affiliate; and

WHEREAS, the Company wishes to grant an incentive stock option to Optionee to purchase shares of the Company's Common Stock pursuant to the Company's 2001 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan"); and

WHEREAS, the Administrator of the Plan has authorized the grant of an incentive stock option to Optionee and has determined that, as of the effective date of this Agreement, the fair market value of the Company's Common Stock is $_________ per share;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Grant of Option. The Company hereby grants to Optionee on the date set forth above (the "Date of Grant"), the right and option (the "Option") to purchase all or portions of an aggregate of ______________________________________________ (________________) shares of Common Stock (the "Stock") at a per share price of $____________ on the terms and conditions set forth herein, and subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 12 of the Plan. This Option is intended to be an incentive stock option within the meaning of Section 422, or any successor provision, of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and the regulations thereunder, to the extent permitted under Code Section 422(d).

2. Duration and Exercisability.

a. General. The term during which this Option may be exercised shall terminate on ____________________________, ______, except as otherwise provided in Paragraphs 2(b) through 2(d) below. This Option shall become exercisable according to the following schedule:

                          Cumulative Percentage
Vesting Date                 of Shares
------------                 ---------

Once the Option becomes exercisable to the extent of one hundred percent (100%) of the aggregate number of shares specified in Paragraph 1, Optionee may continue to exercise this Option under the terms and conditions of this Agreement until the termination of the Option as provided herein. If Optionee does not purchase upon an exercise of this Option the full number of shares which Optionee is then entitled to purchase, Optionee may purchase upon any subsequent exercise prior to this Option's termination such previously unpurchased shares in addition to those Optionee is otherwise entitled to purchase.

b. Termination of Employment (Other Than Disability or Death). If Optionee's employment with the Company or its Affiliate is terminated for any reason other than disability or death, this Option shall terminate on the earlier of (i) the close of business on the three-month anniversary date of the such termination of employment, and (ii) the expiration date of this Option stated in Paragraph 2(a) above. In such period following the termination of Optionee's employment, this Option shall be exercisable only to the extent the Option was exercisable on the vesting date immediately preceding such termination of employment, but had not previously been exercised. To the extent this Option was not exercisable upon such termination of employment, or if Optionee does not exercise the Option within the time specified in this Paragraph 2(b), all rights of Optionee under this Option shall be forfeited.

c. Disability. If Optionee's employment terminates because of disability (as defined in Code Section 22(e), or any successor provision), this Option shall terminate on the earlier of (i) the close of business on the twelve-month anniversary date of the such termination of employment, and (ii) the expiration date of this Option stated in Paragraph 2(a) above. In such period following the termination of Optionee's employment, this Option shall be exercisable only to the extent the Option was exercisable on the vesting date immediately preceding such termination of employment, but had not previously been exercised. To the extent this Option was not exercisable upon such termination of employment, or if Optionee does not exercise the Option within the time specified in this Paragraph 2(c), all rights of Optionee under this Option shall be forfeited.

d. Death. In the event of Optionee's death, this Option shall terminate on the earlier of (i) the close of business on the twelve-month anniversary date of the date of Optionee's death, and (ii) the expiration date of this Option stated in Paragraph 2(a) above. In such period following Optionee's death, this Option shall be exercisable by the person or persons to whom Optionee's rights under this Option shall have passed by Optionee's will or by the laws of descent and distribution only to the extent the Option was exercisable on the vesting date immediately preceding the date of Optionee's death, but had not previously been exercised. To the extent this Option was not exercisable upon the date of Optionee's death, or if such person or persons do not exercise this Option within the time specified in this Paragraph 2(d), all rights under this Option shall be forfeited.

3. Manner of Exercise.

a. General. The Option may be exercised only by Optionee (or other proper party in the event of death or incapacity), subject to the conditions of the Plan and subject to such other administrative rules as the Administrator may deem advisable, by delivering within the Option Period written notice of exercise to the Company at its principal office. The notice shall state the number of shares as to which the Option is being exercised and shall be accompanied by payment in full of the Option price for all shares designated in the notice. The exercise of the Option shall be deemed effective upon receipt of such notice by the Company and upon payment that complies with the terms of the Plan and this Agreement. The Option may be exercised with respect to any number or all of the shares as to which it can then be exercised and, if partially exercised, may be so exercised as to the unexercised shares any number of times during the Option period as provided herein.

b. Form of Payment. Subject to approval by the Administrator, payment of the option price by Optionee shall be in the form of cash, personal check, certified check or previously acquired shares of Stock of the Company, or any combination thereof. Any Stock so tendered as part of such payment shall be valued at its Fair Market Value as provided in the Plan. For purposes of this Agreement, "previously-owned shares" means shares of Stock which the Optionee has owned for at least six (6) months prior to the exercise of the stock option, or for such other period of time as may be required by generally accepted accounting principles.

c. Stock Transfer Records. As soon as practicable after the effective exercise of all or any part of the Option, Optionee shall be recorded on the stock transfer books of the Company as the owner of the shares purchased, and the Company shall deliver to Optionee one or more duly issued stock certificates evidencing such ownership. All requisite original issue or transfer documentary stamp taxes shall be paid by the Company.

4. Miscellaneous.

a. Employment; Rights as Shareholder. This Agreement shall not confer on Optionee any right with respect to continuance of employment by the Company or any of its Affiliates, nor will it interfere in any way with the right of the Company to terminate such employment. Optionee shall have no rights as a shareholder with respect to shares subject to this Option until such shares have been issued to Optionee upon exercise of this Option. No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or other property), distributions or other rights for which the record date is prior to the date such shares are issued, except as provided in
Section 12 of the Plan.

b. Securities Law Compliance. The exercise of all or any parts of this Option shall only be effective at such time as counsel to the Company shall have determined that the issuance and delivery of Stock pursuant to such exercise will not violate any state or federal securities or other laws. Optionee may be required by the Company, as a condition of the effectiveness of any exercise of this Option, to agree in writing that all Stock to be acquired pursuant to such exercise shall be held, until such time that such Stock is registered and freely tradable under applicable state and federal securities laws, for Optionee's own account without a view to any further distribution thereof, that the certificates for such shares shall bear an appropriate legend to that effect and that such shares will be not transferred or disposed of except in compliance with applicable state and federal securities laws.

c. Mergers, Recapitalizations, Stock Splits, Etc. Pursuant and subject to Section 12 of the Plan, certain changes in the number or character of the Stock (through sale, merger, consolidation, exchange, reorganization, divestiture (including a spin-off), liquidation, recapitalization, stock split, stock dividend or otherwise) shall result in an adjustment, reduction or enlargement, as appropriate, in Optionee's rights with respect to any unexercised portion of the Option (i.e., Optionee shall have such "anti- dilution" rights under the Option with respect to such events, but shall not have "preemptive" rights).

d. Shares Reserved. The Company shall at all times during the option period reserve and keep available such number of shares as will be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this Agreement.

e. Withholding Taxes on Disqualifying Disposition. In the event of a disqualifying disposition of the shares acquired through the exercise of this Option, Optionee hereby agrees to inform the Company of such disposition. Upon notice of a disqualifying disposition, the Company may take such action as it deems appropriate to insure that, if necessary to comply with all applicable federal or state income tax laws or regulations, all applicable federal and state payroll, income or other taxes are withheld from any amounts payable by the Company to Optionee. If the Company is unable to withhold such federal and state taxes, for whatever reason, Optionee hereby agrees to pay to the Company an amount equal to the amount the Company would otherwise be required to withhold under federal or state law. Optionee may, subject to the approval and discretion of the Administrator or such administrative rules it may deem advisable, elect to have all or a portion of such tax withholding obligations satisfied by delivering shares of Stock having a Fair Market Value equal to such obligations.

f. Nontransferability. During the lifetime of Optionee, the accrued Option shall be exercisable only by Optionee or by the Optionee's guardian or other legal representative, and shall not be assignable or transferable by Optionee, in whole or in part, other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution.

g. 2001 Stock Option Plan. The Option evidenced by this Agreement is granted pursuant to the Plan, a copy of which Plan has been made available to Optionee and is hereby incorporated into this Agreement. This Agreement is subject to and in all respects limited and conditioned as provided in the Plan. The Plan governs this Option and, in the event of any questions as to the construction of this Agreement or in the event of a conflict between the Plan and this Agreement, the Plan shall govern, except as the Plan otherwise provides.

h. Lockup Period Limitation. Optionee agrees that in the event the Company advises Optionee that it plans an underwritten public offering of its Common Stock in compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and that the underwriter(s) seek to impose restrictions under which certain shareholders may not

sell or contract to sell or grant any option to buy or otherwise dispose of part or all of their stock purchase rights of the underlying Common Stock, Optionee hereby agrees that for a period not to exceed 180 days from the prospectus, Optionee will not sell or contract to sell or grant an option to buy or otherwise dispose of this option or any of the underlying shares of Stock without the prior written consent of the underwriter(s) or its representative(s).

i. Blue Sky Limitation. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, in the event the Company makes any public offering of its securities and determines in its sole discretion that it is necessary to reduce the number of issued but unexercised stock purchase rights so as to comply with any state securities or Blue Sky law limitations with respect thereto, the Administrator shall have the right (i) to accelerate the exercisability of this Option and the date on which this Option must be exercised, provided that the Company gives Optionee 15 days' prior written notice of such acceleration, and
(ii) to cancel any portion of this Option or any other option granted to Optionee pursuant to the Plan which is not exercised prior to or contemporaneously with such public offering. Notice shall be deemed given when delivered personally or when deposited in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid and addressed to Optionee at the address of Optionee on file with the Company.

j. Accounting Compliance. Optionee agrees that, if a merger, reorganization, liquidation or other "transaction" as defined in Section 12 of the Plan is treated as a "pooling of interests" under generally accepted accounting principles and Optionee is an "affiliate" of the Company or any Affiliate (as defined in applicable legal and accounting principles) at the time of such transaction, Optionee will comply with all requirements of Rule 145 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the requirements of such other legal or accounting principles, and will execute any documents necessary to ensure such compliance.

k. Stock Legend. The Administrator may require that the certificates for any shares of Stock purchased by Optionee (or, in the case of death, Optionee's successors) shall bear an appropriate legend to reflect the restrictions of Paragraph 4(b) and Paragraphs 4(h) through 4(k) of this Agreement.

l. Scope of Agreement. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the Company and its successors and assigns and Optionee and any successor or successors of Optionee permitted by Paragraph 2 or Paragraph 4(f) above.

m. Arbitration. Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the alleged breach of it, or the making of this Agreement, including claims of fraud in the inducement, shall be discussed between the disputing parties in a good faith effort to arrive at a mutual settlement of any such controversy. If, notwithstanding, such dispute cannot be resolved, such dispute shall be settled by binding arbitration. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrator shall be a retired state or federal judge or an attorney who has practiced securities or business litigation for at least 10 years. If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator within 20 days, any party may request that the chief judge of the District Court for Hennepin County, Minnesota, select an arbitrator. Arbitration will be conducted pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, and the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association, unless such rules are inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement. Limited civil discovery shall be permitted for the production of documents and taking of depositions. Unresolved discovery disputes may be brought to the attention of the arbitrator who may dispose of such dispute. The arbitrator shall have the authority to award any remedy or relief that a court of this state could order or grant; provided, however, that punitive or exemplary damages shall not be awarded. The arbitrator may award to the prevailing party, if any, as determined by the arbitrator, all of its costs and fees, including the arbitrator's fees, administrative fees, travel expenses, out-of-pocket expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the place of any arbitration proceedings shall be Hennepin County, Minneapolis.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written.


By:__________________________ Its:______________________




THIS AGREEMENT, made effective as of this ______ day of ___________, _____, by and between Grow Biz International, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the "Company"), and _________________ ("Optionee").

W I T N E S S E T H:

WHEREAS, Optionee on the date hereof is a key employee, officer or director of the Company or its Affiliate; and

WHEREAS, the Company wishes to grant a nonqualified stock option to Optionee to purchase shares of the Company's Common Stock pursuant to the Company's 2001 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan"); and

WHEREAS, the Administrator has authorized the grant of a nonqualified stock option to Optionee and has determined that, as of the effective date of this Agreement, the fair market value of the Company's Common Stock is $________ per share;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Grant of Option. The Company hereby grants to Optionee on the date set forth above (the "Date of Grant"), the right and option (the "Option") to purchase all or portions of an aggregate of ______________________________________________ (________________) shares of Common Stock (the "Stock") at a per share price of $____________ on the terms and conditions set forth herein, and subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 12 of the Plan. This Option is a nonqualified stock option and will not be treated as an incentive stock option, as defined under Section 422, or any successor provision, of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and the regulations thereunder.

2. Duration and Exercisability.

a. General. The term during which this Option may be exercised shall terminate on ____________________________, ______, except as otherwise provided in Paragraphs 2(b) through 2(d) below. This Option shall become exercisable according to the following schedule:

                          Cumulative Percentage
Vesting Date                 of Shares
------------                 ---------

Once the Option becomes fully exercisable, Optionee may continue to exercise this Option under the terms and conditions of this Agreement until the termination of the Option as provided herein. If Optionee does not purchase upon an exercise of this Option the full number of shares which Optionee is then entitled to purchase, Optionee may purchase upon any subsequent exercise prior to this Option's termination such previously unpurchased shares in addition to those Optionee is otherwise entitled to purchase.

b. Termination of Relationship (Other Than Disability or Death). If Optionee's relationship with the Company or any Subsidiary is terminated for any reason other than disability or death, this Option shall completely terminate on the earlier of (i) the close of business on the three-month anniversary date of the termination of such relationship, and (ii) the expiration date of this Option stated in Paragraph 2(a) above. In such period following such termination, this Option shall be exercisable only to the extent the Option was exercisable on the vesting date immediately preceding the date on which Optionee's relationship with the Company or Subsidiary terminated, but had not previously been exercised. To the extent this Option was not exercisable upon the termination of such relationship, or if Optionee does not exercise the Option within the time specified in this Paragraph 2(b), all rights of Optionee under this Option shall be forfeited.

c. Disability. If Optionee ceases to be [an employee] [a consultant] [a nonemployee director] of the Company or any Subsidiary because of disability (as defined in Code Section 22(e), or any successor provision), this Option shall completely terminate on the earlier of (i) the close of business on the twelve-month anniversary date of the termination of all such relationships, and (ii) the expiration date of this Option stated in Paragraph 2(a) above. In such period following such termination, this Option shall be exercisable only to the extent the Option was exercisable on the vesting date immediately preceding the date on which all of Optionee's relationships with the Company or Subsidiary have terminated, but had not previously been exercised. To the extent this Option was not exercisable upon the termination of such relationship, or if Optionee does not exercise the Option within the time specified in this Paragraph 2(c), all rights of Optionee under this Option shall be forfeited.

d. Death. In the event of Optionee's death, this Option shall terminate on the earlier of (i) the close of business on the twelve-month anniversary date of the date of Optionee's death, and (ii) the expiration date of this Option stated in Paragraph 2(a) above. In such period following Optionee's death, this Option may be exercised by the person or persons to whom Optionee's rights under this Option shall have passed by Optionee's will or by the laws of descent and distribution only to the extent the Option was exercisable on the vesting date immediately preceding the date of Optionee's death, but had not previously been exercised. To the extent this Option was not exercisable upon the date of Optionee's death, or if such person or persons fail to exercise this Option within the time specified in this Paragraph 2(d), all rights under this Option shall be forfeited.

3. Manner of Exercise.

a. General. The Option may be exercised only by Optionee (or other proper party in the event of death or incapacity), subject to the conditions of the Plan and subject to such other administrative rules as the Administrator may deem advisable, by delivering within the option period written notice of exercise to the Company at its principal office. The notice shall state the number of shares as to which the Option is being exercised and shall be accompanied by payment in full of the option price for all shares designated in the notice. The exercise of the Option shall be deemed effective upon receipt of such notice by the Company and upon payment that complies with the terms of the Plan and this Agreement. The Option may be exercised with respect to any number or all of the shares as to which it can then be exercised and, if partially exercised, may be exercised as to the unexercised shares any number of times during the option period as provided herein.

b. Form of Payment. Subject to the approval of the Administrator, payment of the option price by Optionee shall be in the form of cash, personal check, certified check or previously acquired shares of Stock of the Company, or any combination thereof. Any Stock so tendered as part of such payment shall be valued at its Fair Market Value as provided in the Plan. For purposes of this Agreement, "previously-owned shares" means shares of Stock which the Optionee has owned for at least six (6) months prior to the exercise of the stock option, or for such other period of time as may be required by generally accepted accounting principles.

c. Stock Transfer Records. As soon as practicable after the effective exercise of all or any part of the Option, Optionee shall be recorded on the stock transfer books of the Company as the owner of the shares purchased, and the Company shall deliver to Optionee one or more duly issued stock certificates evidencing such ownership. All requisite original issue or transfer documentary stamp taxes shall be paid by the Company.

4. Miscellaneous.

a. Rights as Shareholder. This Agreement shall not confer on Optionee any right with respect to the continuance of any relationship with the Company or any of its Affiliates, nor will it interfere in any way with the right of the Company to terminate any such relationship. Optionee shall have no rights as a shareholder with respect to shares subject to this Option until such shares have been issued to Optionee upon exercise of this Option. No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or other property), distributions or other rights for which the record date is prior to the date such shares are issued, except as provided in
Section 12 of the Plan.

b. Securities Law Compliance. The exercise of all or any parts of this Option shall only be effective at such time as counsel to the Company shall have determined that the issuance and delivery of Stock pursuant to such exercise will not violate any state or federal securities or other laws. Optionee may be required by the Company, as a condition of the effectiveness of any exercise of this Option, to agree in writing that all Stock to be acquired pursuant to such exercise shall be held, until such time that such Stock is registered and freely tradable under applicable state and federal securities laws, for Optionee's own account without a view to any further distribution thereof and that such shares will be not transferred or disposed of except in compliance with applicable state and federal securities laws.

c. Mergers, Recapitalizations, Stock Splits, Etc. Pursuant and subject to Section 12 of the Plan, certain changes in the number or character of the Stock of the Company (through sale, merger, consolidation, exchange, reorganization, divestiture (including a spin-off), liquidation, recapitalization, stock split, stock dividend or otherwise) shall result in an adjustment, reduction or enlargement, as appropriate, in Optionee's rights with respect to any unexercised portion of the Option (i.e., Optionee shall have such "anti-dilution" rights under the Option with respect to such events, but shall not have "preemptive" rights).

d. Shares Reserved. The Company shall at all times during the option period reserve and keep available such number of shares as will be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this Agreement.

e. Withholding Taxes. In order to permit the Company to comply with all applicable federal or state income tax laws or regulations, the Company may take such action as it deems appropriate to insure that, if necessary, all applicable federal or state payroll, income or other taxes are withheld from any amounts payable by the Company to Optionee. If the Company is unable to withhold such federal and state taxes, for whatever reason, Optionee hereby agrees to pay to the Company an amount equal to the amount the Company would otherwise be required to withhold under federal or state law.

Subject to such rules as the Administrator may adopt, the Administrator may, in its sole discretion, permit a Optionee to satisfy such withholding tax obligations, in whole or in part (i) by delivering shares of Stock of having an equivalent fair market value, or (ii) by electing to have the Company withhold shares of Stock otherwise issuable to Optionee having a Fair Market Value equal to the minimum required tax withholding, based on the minimum statutory withholding rates for federal and state tax purposes, including payroll taxes, that are applicable to the supplemental income resulting from the option. In no event may the Company or Affiliate withhold shares having a Fair Market Value in excess of such statutory minimum required tax withholding. Optionee's election to have shares withheld for purposes of such withholding tax obligations shall be made on or before the date that triggers such obligations or, if later, the date that the amount of tax to be withheld is determined under applicable tax law. Optionee's election shall be approved by the Administrator and otherwise comply with such rules as the Administrator may adopt to assure compliance with Rule 16b-3 or any successor provision, as then in effect, of the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, if applicable.

f. Nontransferability. During the lifetime of Optionee, the accrued Option shall be exercisable only by Optionee or by the Optionee's guardian or other legal representative, and shall not be assignable or transferable by Optionee, in whole or in part, other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution.

g. 2001 Stock Option Plan. The Option evidenced by this Agreement is granted pursuant to the Plan, a copy of which Plan has been made available to Optionee and is hereby incorporated into this Agreement. This Agreement is subject to and in all respects limited and conditioned as provided in the Plan. All defined terms of the Plan shall have the same meaning when used in this Agreement. The Plan governs this Option and, in the event of any questions as to the construction of this Agreement or in the event of a conflict between the Plan and this Agreement, the Plan shall govern, except as the Plan otherwise provides.

h. Lockup Period Limitation. Optionee agrees that in the event the Company advises Optionee that it plans an underwritten public offering of its Common Stock in compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and that the underwriter(s) seek to impose restrictions under which certain shareholders may not sell or contract to sell or grant any option to buy or otherwise dispose of part or all of their stock purchase rights of the underlying Common Stock, Optionee hereby agrees that for a period not to exceed 180 days from the prospectus, Optionee will not sell or contract to sell or grant an option to buy or otherwise dispose of this option or any of the underlying shares of Stock without the prior written consent of the underwriter(s) or its representative(s).

i. Blue Sky Limitation. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, in the event the Company makes any public offering of its securities and determines in its sole discretion that it is necessary to reduce the number of issued but unexercised stock purchase rights so as to comply with any state securities or Blue Sky law limitations with respect thereto, the Administrator shall have the right (i) to accelerate the exercisability of this Option and the date on which this Option must be exercised, provided that the Company gives Optionee 15 days' prior written notice of such acceleration, and
(ii) to cancel any portion of this Option or any other option granted to Optionee pursuant to the Plan which is not exercised prior to or contemporaneously with such public offering. Notice shall be deemed given when delivered personally or when deposited in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid and addressed to Optionee at the address of Optionee on file with the Company.

j. Accounting Compliance. Optionee agrees that, if a merger, reorganization, liquidation or other "transaction" as defined in Section 12 of the Plan is treated as a "pooling of interests" under generally accepted accounting principles and Optionee is an "affiliate" of the Company or any Subsidiary (as defined in applicable legal and accounting principles) at the time of such transaction, Optionee will comply with all requirements of Rule 145 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the requirements of such other legal or accounting principles, and will execute any documents necessary to ensure such compliance.

k. Stock Legend. The Administrator may require that the certificates for any shares of Common Stock purchased by Optionee (or, in the case of death, Optionee's successors) shall bear an appropriate legend to reflect the restrictions of Paragraph 4(b) and Paragraphs 4(h) through 4(k) of this Agreement.

l. Scope of Agreement. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the Company and its successors and assigns and Optionee and any successor or successors of Optionee permitted by Paragraph 2 or Paragraph 4(f) above.

m. Arbitration. Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the alleged breach of it, or the making of this Agreement, including claims of fraud in the inducement, shall be discussed between the disputing parties in a good faith effort to arrive at a mutual settlement of any such controversy. If, notwithstanding, such dispute cannot be resolved, such dispute shall be settled by binding arbitration. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrator shall be a retired state or federal judge or an attorney who has practiced securities or business litigation for at least 10 years. If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator within 20 days, any party may request that the chief judge of the District Court for Hennepin County, Minnesota, select an arbitrator. Arbitration will be conducted pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, and the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association, unless such rules are inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement. Limited civil discovery shall be permitted for the production of documents and taking of depositions. Unresolved discovery disputes may be brought to the attention of the arbitrator who may dispose of such dispute. The arbitrator shall have the authority to award any remedy or relief

that a court of this state could order or grant; provided, however, that punitive or exemplary damages shall not be awarded. The arbitrator may award to the prevailing party, if any, as determined by the arbitrator, all of its costs and fees, including the arbitrator's fees, administrative fees, travel expenses, out-of-pocket expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the place of any arbitration proceedings shall be Hennepin County, Minnesota..

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written.







Statement of Computation of Per Share Earnings

                                                                             Fiscal Year Ended
                                                          December 30,          December 25,          December 26,
                                                              2000                  1999                  1998

Net Income (loss)                                          $ (350,700)          $(8,589,300)           $7,243,800
                                                           ==========           ===========            ==========

Weighted average shares outstanding - Basic                 5,382,200             5,205,900             5,664,000
Dilutive effect of stock options after
application of the treasury stock method                            -                     -               168,700
                                                           ----------           -----------            ----------
Weighted average shares outstanding - Dilutive              5,382,200             5,205,900             5,832,700
                                                           ==========           ===========            ==========

Net income (loss) per common share - Basic                 $     (.07)          $     (1.65)           $     1.28
                                                           ==========           ===========            ==========
Net income (loss) per common share - Dilutive              $     (.07)          $     (1.65)           $     1.24
                                                           ==========           ===========            ==========



As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File Numbers 33-85972, 33-85956, 33-79176, 33-71772, 333- 3236 and 333-3066.


Minneapolis, Minnesota,

March 20, 2001