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For the month of May 2019

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Interim Report of Financial Condition and Results of Operations for the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018




Management's discussion and analysis


Forward-looking statements


Financial condition and results of operations


Discussion of measures


Business metrics for Care Coordination


Results of operations, financial position and net assets




Recently issued accounting standards


Financial Statements (unaudited)


Consolidated statements of income


Consolidated statements of comprehensive income


Consolidated balance sheets


Consolidated statements of cash flows


Consolidated statement of shareholders' equity


Notes to consolidated financial statements


Quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk


Controls and procedures




Legal and regulatory matters







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Management's discussion and analysis

In this report, "FMC-AG & Co. KGaA," or the "Company," "we," "us" or "our" refers to the Company or the Company and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis, as the context requires. You should read the following discussion and analysis of the results of operations of the Company and its subsidiaries in conjunction with our unaudited consolidated financial statements and related notes contained elsewhere in this report and our disclosures and discussions in our consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2018 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB"), using the euro as our reporting currency. At March 31, 2019, there were no IFRS or International Financial Reporting Interpretation Committee ("IFRIC") interpretations as endorsed by the European Union relevant for interim reporting that differed from IFRS as issued by the IASB.

The term "North America Segment" refers to our North America operating segment, the term "EMEA Segment" refers to the Europe, Middle East and Africa operating segment, the term "Asia-Pacific Segment" refers to our Asia-Pacific operating segment, and the term "Latin America Segment" refers to our Latin America operating segment. The term "Corporate" includes certain headquarters' overhead charges, including accounting and finance, centrally managed production, asset management, quality management, procurement and research and development. The abbreviation "M" is used to denote the presentation of amounts in millions. The term "Constant Currency" or at "Constant Exchange Rates" means that we have translated local currency revenue, operating income, net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA and other items for the current reporting period into euro using the prior year exchange rates to provide a comparable analysis without effect from exchange rate fluctuations on translation, as described below under "Financial condition and results of operations—II. Discussion of measures—Non—IFRS measures—Constant currency information."

Forward-looking statements

This report contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). When used in this report, the words "outlook," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates" and similar expressions are generally intended to identify forward looking statements. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which cannot be predicted with accuracy and some of which might not even be anticipated, and future events and actual results, financial and otherwise, could differ materially from those set forth in or contemplated by the forward-looking statements contained elsewhere in this report. We have based these forward-looking statements on current estimates and assumptions made to the best of our knowledge. By their nature, such forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors which could cause actual results, including our financial condition and profitability, to differ materially, positively or negatively, relative to the results expressly or implicitly described in or suggested by these statements. Moreover, forward-looking estimates or predictions derived from third parties' studies or information may prove to be inaccurate. Consequently, we cannot give any assurance regarding the future accuracy of the opinions set forth in this report or the actual occurrence of the projected developments described herein. In addition, even if our future results meet the expectations expressed here, those results may not be indicative of our performance in future periods.

These risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other factors, including associated costs, could cause actual results to differ from our projected results and include, among others, the following:

changes in governmental and commercial insurer reimbursement for our complete products and services portfolio, including the United States ("U.S.") Medicare reimbursement system for dialysis and other health care services, including potentially significant changes that could be enacted due to the announced intention of the Trump administration to continue its efforts to repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act;

the outcome of government and internal investigations as well as litigation;

risks relating to compliance with current and future government regulations applicable to our business including, in the U.S., the Anti-Kickback Statute, the False Claims Act, the Stark Law, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, the Health Information Technology for Economic and


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possible future disruptions in federal government agencies' operations and funding that could negatively impact regulatory approvals for our pharmaceutical products, medical devices and regulatory guidance;

the influence of commercial insurers and integrated care organizations, including efforts by these organizations to manage costs by limiting healthcare benefits, reducing provider reimbursement and/or restricting options for patient funding of health insurance premiums;

the impact of health care, tax and trade law reforms and regulation, including those proposed and enacted by the Trump administration in the U.S.;

product liability risks;

risks relating to our ability to continue to make acquisitions;

risks relating to our ability to attract and retain skilled employees, including shortages of skilled clinical personnel;

the impact of currency fluctuations;

potential impairment loss on assets in the Latin America Segment due to decreases in the recoverable amount of those assets relative to their book value;

our ability to protect our information technology systems against cyber security attacks or prevent other data privacy or security breaches;

changes in our costs of purchasing and utilization patterns for pharmaceuticals;

introduction of generic or new pharmaceuticals that compete with our products or services or the development of pharmaceuticals that greatly reduce the progression of chronic kidney disease;

launch of new technology, or advances in medical therapies, that compete with our medical businesses;

changes in raw material and energy costs or the inability to procure raw materials;

collectability of our receivables, which depends primarily on the efficacy of our billing practices and the financial stability and liquidity of our governmental and commercial payors;

our ability to achieve cost savings in various health care risk management programs in which we participate or intend to participate; and

the greater size, market power, experience and product offerings of certain competitors in certain geographic regions and business lines.

Important factors that could contribute to such differences are noted in "Financial condition and results of operations—I. Overview" below, in note 12 of the notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report, in note 22 of the notes to consolidated financial statements included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2018, as well as under "Risk Factors," "Business overview," "Operating and financial review and prospects," and elsewhere in that report.

Our business is also subject to other risks and uncertainties that we describe from time to time in our public filings. Developments in any of these areas could cause our results to differ materially from the results that we or others have projected or may project.

Our reported financial condition and results of operations are sensitive to accounting methods, assumptions and estimates that are the basis of our financial statements. The actual accounting policies, the judgments made in the selection and application of these policies as well as the sensitivities of reported results to changes in accounting policies, assumptions and estimates are factors to be considered along with our financial statements and the discussion under "Results of operations, financial position and net assets" below.


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IFRS 16, Leases ("IFRS 16") replaces the straight-line operating lease expense for former leases under IAS 17, Leases ("IAS 17") with a depreciation charge for the lease asset and an interest expense on the lease liability as well as the classification of certain IAS 17 leases ("IFRS 16 Implementation"). As a result of the implementation of IFRS 16, we have updated our accounting policies accordingly. Please refer to note 1 of the notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report for further details on the updated policies. Excluding the policy update for IFRS 16, there have been no significant changes during the three months ended March 31, 2019 to the items disclosed within the critical accounting policies and estimates in notes 1 and 2 to the consolidated financial statements in our annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2018 in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB.

Rounding adjustments applied to individual numbers and percentages shown in this and other reports may result in these figures differing immaterially from their absolute values.

Financial condition and results of operations

I.     Overview

We are the world's largest kidney dialysis company, based on publicly reported sales and number of patients treated. We provide dialysis care and related services to persons who suffer from end stage renal disease ("ESRD") as well as other health care services. We develop and manufacture a wide variety of health care products, which includes both dialysis and non-dialysis products. Our dialysis products include dialysis machines, water treatment systems and disposable products while our non-dialysis products include acute cardiopulmonary and apheresis products. We sell our health care products to customers in around 150 countries and we also use them in our own health care service operations. Our dialysis business is therefore vertically integrated. We describe certain other health care services that we provide in our North America Segment and our Asia-Pacific Segment as "Care Coordination." Care Coordination currently includes, but is not limited to, coordinated delivery of pharmacy services, vascular, cardiovascular and endovascular specialty services as well as ambulatory surgery center services, physician nephrology and cardiology services, health plan services, urgent care services and ambulant treatment services. Until June 28, 2018, Care Coordination also included the coordinated delivery of emergency, intensivist and hospitalist physician services as well as transitional care which we refer to as "hospital related physician services" (see note 2 (b) of the notes to the consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report). All of these Care Coordination services together with dialysis care and related services represent our health care services. We estimated the volume of the global dialysis market was approximately €71 billion in 2018. Due to the complexity and evolving nature of Care Coordination services, we are currently unable to estimate the global volume of this market. Dialysis patient growth results from factors such as the aging population and increased life expectancies; shortage of donor organs for kidney transplants; increasing incidence of kidney disease and better treatment of and survival of patients with diabetes, hypertension and other illnesses, which frequently lead to the onset of chronic kidney disease; improvements in treatment quality, new pharmaceuticals and product technologies, which prolong patient life; and improving standards of living in developing countries, which make life-saving dialysis treatment available. We are also engaged in different areas of health care research.

As a global company delivering health care services and products, we face the challenge of addressing the needs of a wide variety of stakeholders, such as patients, customers, payors, regulators and legislators in many different economic environments and health care systems. In general, government-funded programs (in some countries in coordination with private insurers) pay for certain health care items and services provided to their citizens. Not all health care systems provide for dialysis treatment. Therefore, the reimbursement systems and ancillary services utilization environment in various countries significantly influence our business.

Premium assistance programs

On August 18, 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ("CMS") issued a request for information ("RFI") seeking public comment about providers' alleged steering of patients inappropriately to individual plans offered on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act individual health insurance market. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. ("FMCH") and other dialysis providers, commercial insurers and other industry participants responded to the RFI, and in that response, we reported that we do not engage in such steering. On December 14, 2016, CMS published an Interim Final Rule ("IFR") titled "Medicare Program; Conditions for Coverage for End-Stage Renal Disease Facilities-Third Party


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Payment" that would amend the Conditions for Coverage for dialysis providers, like FMCH. The IFR would have effectively enabled insurers to reject premium payments made by patients who received grants for individual market coverage from the American Kidney Fund ("AKF") and, therefore, could have resulted in those patients losing their individual market health insurance coverage. The loss of individual market coverage for these patients would have had a material and adverse impact on our operating results. On January 25, 2017, a federal district court in Texas, responsible for litigation initiated by a patient advocacy group and dialysis providers including FMCH, preliminarily enjoined CMS from implementing the IFR ( Dialysis Patient Citizens v. Burwell (E.D. Texas, Sherman Div.) ). The preliminary injunction was based on CMS' failure to follow appropriate notice-and-comment procedures in adopting the IFR. The injunction remains in place and the court retains jurisdiction over the dispute. On June 22, 2017, CMS requested a stay of proceedings in the litigation pending further rulemaking concerning the IFR. CMS stated, in support of its request that it expects to publish a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register and otherwise pursue a notice-and-comment process in the fall of 2017 which they ultimately did not publish. Plaintiffs in the litigation, including FMCH, consented to the stay, which was granted by the court.

Separately, the United States Department of Health and Human Services ("HHS") announced in its fall 2018 semi-annual review of agency actions, or "unified agenda," that it was considering the publication of a new proposed rule, ostensibly consistent with the Court's order on the IFR, that would establish requirements for third parties that provide financial assistance to patients for premiums to enroll in coverage provided by an individual market plan (RIN 0938-AT11). The unified agenda identified "11/00/18" as a target publication date for the proposed rule, but no proposed rule has been published for comment.

The operation of charitable assistance programs like that of the AKF is also receiving increased attention by state insurance regulators and legislators. The result may be a regulatory framework that differs from state to state. Even in the absence of the IFR or similar administrative actions, insurers are likely to continue efforts to thwart charitable premium assistance to our patients for individual market plans and other insurance coverages. If successful, these efforts would have a material adverse impact on our operating results.

On January 3, 2017, FMCH received a subpoena from the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts inquiring into its interactions and relationships with AKF, including its charitable contributions to the Fund and the Fund's financial assistance to patients for insurance premiums. FMCH is cooperating with the investigation.

For further information on these and other legal proceedings, please see note 12 of the notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited) found elsewhere in this report.

U.S. ballot initiatives and other legislation

Further federal or state legislation or regulations may be enacted in the future through legislative and public referendum processes that could substantially modify or reduce the amounts paid for services and products offered by us and our subsidiaries and/or mandate new or alternative operating models and payment models that could present more risk to our healthcare service operations. Ballot initiatives that are successfully introduced at the state level in the United States require the vote of state citizens to directly adopt or reject proposed new legislation. These ballot initiatives require a material expenditure of resources by us to participate in public discourse regarding the proposed new legislation underlying the initiatives, which if passed, could further regulate multiple aspects of our operations including, for instance, clinic staffing requirements, state inspection requirements and profit margins on commercial business. Efforts to enact new state laws regarding our operations are continuing. State regulation at this level would introduce an unprecedented level of oversight and additional expense at the clinic level which could have a material adverse effect on our business in the impacted states. It is also possible that statutes may be adopted or regulations may be promulgated in the future that impose additional eligibility requirements for participation in the federal and state healthcare programs. Such new legislation or regulations could, depending upon the detail of the provisions, have positive or adverse effects, possibly material, on our businesses and results of operations.

Significant U.S. reimbursement developments

The majority of health care services we provide are paid for by governmental institutions. For the three months ended March 31, 2019, approximately 34% of our consolidated revenue is attributable to U.S.


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federally-funded health care benefit programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, under which reimbursement rates are set by CMS. Legislative changes could affect Medicare reimbursement rates for a significant portion of the services we provide. To date, the stability of reimbursement in the U.S. has been affected by (i) the implementation of the ESRD prospective payment system ("ESRD PPS") in January 2011, (ii) the U.S. federal government across the board spending cuts in payments to Medicare providers commonly referred to as "U.S. Sequestration," (iii) the reduction to the ESRD PPS rate to account for the decline in utilization of certain drugs and biologicals associated with dialysis pursuant to the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 ("ATRA") as subsequently modified under the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 ("PAMA") and (iv) CMS' 2017 final rule on the Physician Fee Schedule, which partially corrected reimbursement for certain procedures that were materially undervalued in 2016. Please see the detailed discussions on these and further legislative developments below:

Under the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 ("MIPPA"), for patients with Medicare coverage, all ESRD payments for dialysis treatments are made under a single bundled payment rate which provides a fixed payment rate, the ESRD PPS, to encompass substantially all goods and services provided during the dialysis treatment. MIPPA further created the ESRD quality incentive program ("QIP") which provides that dialysis facilities that fail to achieve quality standards established by CMS could have payments reduced, determined on an annual basis, by up to 2%.

MIPPA also includes a provision for an annual adjustment to the ESRD PPS base rate based on changes in the costs of a "market basket" of certain healthcare items and services, less a productivity adjustment.

Additionally, as a result of the Budget Control Act of 2011 ("BCA") and subsequent activity in Congress, U.S. Sequestration ($1.2 trillion in across-the-board spending cuts in discretionary programs) took effect on March 1, 2013 and is expected to continue through mid-2024. In particular, a 2% reduction to Medicare payments took effect on April 1, 2013 and continues in force. Spending cuts pursuant to U.S. Sequestration have adversely affected and will continue to adversely affect our operating results.

In 2014, as mandated by ATRA, CMS issued a final rule for the ESRD PPS, which phased in payment reductions to account for changes in utilization of certain drugs and biologicals that are included in the ESRD PPS, which were subsequently modified by PAMA. These reductions reduced our market basket inflation adjustment by 1.25% in 2016 and 2017, and reduced our inflation adjustment by 1% in 2018.

On November 1, 2018, CMS issued the final rule and updated the ESRD PPS rate for 2019. We and other large dialysis organizations will experience a 1.6% increase in payments under this final rule. The base rate per treatment is $235.27 which represents a 1.2% increase from the 2018 base rate including the adjustment for the wage index budget-neutrality factor. The 2019 final rule reflects a market basket increase of 1.3% (2.1% market basket increase that is partially offset by a 0.8% multifactor productivity adjustment as mandated by the ACA) and application of the wage index budget-neutrality adjustment factor of 0.999506. The 2019 ESRD PPS rate contains an increase to the wage index floor of 0.1, for a 2019 wage index floor of 0.5000. CMS updated the acute kidney injury dialysis payment rate for calendar year ("CY") 2019 to $235.27, which is the same as the base rate finalized under the ESRD PPS for CY 2019. In the final rule, effective January 1, 2020, CMS also expanded the transitional drug add-on payment adjustment ("TDAPA") to all new renal dialysis drugs and biological products, not just those in new ESRD PPS functional categories. CMS changed the basis of payment for the TDAPA from pricing methodologies under section 1847A of the Act, which includes ASP+6, to ASP+0. CMS will continue to pay for Sensipar and Parsabiv™ for the remainder of the transition period based on the average sales price plus 6% (4.3% after giving effect to the U.S. sequestration).

The ESRD PPS final rule, released on November 1, 2018, also updated the ESRD QIP, for payment years 2021 and 2022, under which payments made to dialysis facilities are subject to reduction based on clinical measures. The final rule includes QIP alignments for the payment year 2021 to the CMS Meaningful Measures Initiatives. Specifically, for Payment Year 2021, the rule finalizes measure removal factors, removes four measures, and makes changes to the measure domain categories including establishment of Patient and Family Engagement/Care Coordination and the Clinical Care as individual domains. The rule also establishes new domain and measure weights. The rule delays reporting of QIP data for new facilities until four months after the CMS certification number becomes effective in an effort to provide facilities with more time to learn how to report the required data. The


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On November 2, 2018, CMS issued the CY 2019 final rule for hospital outpatient and ambulatory surgery center payment systems. CMS did not finalize the proposal to designate certain other dialysis vascular access codes as office based procedures, which would have capped reimbursement for those codes at the Medicare physician fee schedule rate. For CY 2019, those dialysis vascular access codes will continue to be paid at the ASC rate. The final rule updating the ASC Fee Schedule for CY 2019 decreased the reimbursement rates for certain vascular access services. For the range of procedures provided in an ASC, these cuts represent an average decrease of 3.3% compared to the prior year. For the most common dialysis access related procedures, the average decrease was also 3.3% compared to the prior year. CMS also updated the Physician Fee Schedule for CY 2019. For the range of procedures provided in a physician office, the CY 2019 Physician Fee Schedule represents an average increase of 0.06% compared to the prior year and for the most common dialysis access related procedures, an increase of 0.3% compared to the prior year.

Presently, there is considerable uncertainty regarding possible future changes in health care regulation, including the regulation of reimbursement for dialysis services. See "Risk factors—We operate in a highly regulated industry such that the potential for legislative reform provides uncertainty and potential threats to our operating models and results" which is included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2018.

In a final rule published on November 6, 2015, CMS provided for implementation of the PAMA oral-only provision. CMS clarified that once any non-oral ESRD-related drug in a category previously considered oral only is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA"), such category of drugs will cease to be considered oral only. However, for at least two years, CMS will pay for both oral and non-oral versions of the drug using a TDAPA. During this transition period, CMS will not pay outlier payments for these drugs, but the agency will collect data reflecting utilization of both the oral and injectable or intravenous forms of the drugs, as well as payment patterns, in order to help determine how to appropriately adjust the ESRD PPS payment rate as these drugs are included in the payment bundle. At the end of this transition period, CMS will incorporate payment for the oral and non-oral versions of the drug in the ESRD PPS payment rates, utilizing a public rulemaking process.

The introduction of Parsabiv™ will also result in changes in how some payors, other than Medicare, arrange for the provision of calcimimetics for their patients. While some patients will continue to receive calcimimetics from their pharmacies as a pharmacy benefit, other patients may receive calcimimetics from their dialysis providers, as a medical benefit. While we anticipate receiving additional reimbursement from payors when these drugs are provided by our clinics, this type of transition from an oral-only drug has not occurred previously and the reimbursement landscape for non-Medicare payors is still being developed.

Several generic calcimimetic products have been approved by the FDA. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc., "FMCH") has been able to purchase certain of these generic calcimemetic products at rates that are lower than the rate paid for the brand name calcimemetic, Sensipar. As a result, FMCH has been able to realize a savings in cost. Amgen, Inc. ("Amgen"), the manufacturer of Sensipar, has taken steps to prevent the continued sale of the generic products through settlement and legal action. If Amgen is successful in preventing the continued sale of generic calcimemetics, FMCH might not be able to purchase a lower priced alternative and continue to realize cost savings, which could have an adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition.

If we are unable to secure and maintain appropriate reimbursement arrangements for calcimimetics when provided by our dialysis clinics, we could experience a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition.

Participation in new Medicare payment arrangements

Under CMS' Comprehensive ESRD Care Model (the "Model"), dialysis providers and physicians can form entities known as ESRD Seamless Care Organizations, or "ESCOs," as part of a new payment and


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care delivery model that seeks to deliver better health outcomes for Medicare ESRD patients while lowering CMS' costs. Following our initial participation in six ESCOs, we are presently participating in the Model through 24 ESCOs formed at our dialysis facilities. ESCOs that achieve the program's minimum quality thresholds and generate reductions in CMS' cost of care above certain thresholds for the ESRD patients covered by the ESCO will receive a share of the cost savings, which is adjusted based on the ESCO's performance on certain quality metrics. ESCOs that include dialysis chains with more than 200 facilities are required to share in the risk of cost increases and to reimburse CMS a share of any such increases if actual costs rise above set thresholds. The number of patients participating in our ESCOs increased from approximately 46,000 as of January 1, 2019 to approximately 48,000 as of March 31, 2019.

In November 2017, we announced the results from the first performance year from our ESCOs. The results, which cover the period from October 2015 through December 2016, show improved health outcomes for patients receiving coordinated care through the ESCOs. This success was validated by an independent report, which showed a nearly 9% decrease in hospitalization rates for these patients during the same time. As a result, the Company's ESCOs together generated more than $43 M in gross savings, an average 5.47% reduction in expenditures per patient, with all six of its first-year ESCOs exceeding the shared savings benchmark. Final performance year settlement reports have not yet been provided by CMS to finalize ESCO performance results for 2017.

As of January 1, 2019, we no longer provide any Medicare Advantage ESRD Chronic Conditions Special Needs Plan ("MA-CSNP") products.

We have also entered into sub-capitation and other risk-based and value-based arrangements with certain payors to provide care to commercial and Medicare Advantage ESRD patients. Under these arrangements, a baseline per patient per month amount is established. If we provide complete care for less than the baseline, we retain the difference. If the cost of complete care exceeds the baseline, we may owe the payor the difference.

Company structure

Our operating segments are the North America Segment, the EMEA Segment, the Asia-Pacific Segment and the Latin America Segment. The operating segments are determined based upon how we manage our businesses with geographical responsibilities. All segments are primarily engaged in providing health care services and the distribution of products and equipment for the treatment of ESRD and other extracorporeal therapies. Management evaluates each segment using measures that reflect all of the segment's controllable revenues and expenses. With respect to the performance of business operations, management believes that the most appropriate IFRS measures are revenue, operating income and operating income margin. We do not include income taxes as we believe this is outside the segments' control. Financing is a corporate function which our segments do not control. Therefore, we do not include interest expense relating to financing as a segment measurement. Similarly, we do not allocate certain costs which relate primarily to certain headquarters' overhead charges, including accounting and finance, because we believe that these costs are also not within the control of the individual segments. Production of products, production asset management, quality and supply chain management as well as procurement related to production are centrally managed at Corporate. Global research and development is also centrally managed at Corporate. These corporate activities do not fulfill the definition of a segment according to IFRS 8. Products are transferred to the segments at cost; therefore, no internal profit is generated. The associated internal revenue for the product transfers and their elimination are recorded as corporate activities (see note 14 of the notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited) found elsewhere in this report). Capital expenditures for production are based on the expected demand of the segments and consolidated profitability considerations. In addition, certain revenues, investments and intangible assets, as well as any related expenses, are not allocated to a segment but accounted for as Corporate. Accordingly, all of these items are excluded from our analysis of segment results and are discussed below in the discussion of our consolidated results of operations.

II.    Discussion of measures

Non-IFRS measures

Certain of the following key performance indicators and other financial information as well as discussions and analyses set out in this report include measures that are not defined by IFRS ("Non-IFRS Measure"). We believe this information, along with comparable IFRS measurements, is useful to our investors as it provides a basis for assessing our performance, payment obligations related to performance-based


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compensation as well as our compliance with financial covenants. Non-IFRS financial measures should not be viewed or interpreted as a substitute for financial information presented in accordance with IFRS.

Delivered EBIT (Non-IFRS Measure)

As a result of the significance of noncontrolling interest holders in our operations, we believe a measure that is meaningful to investors is operating income less noncontrolling interests ("Delivered EBIT"). Delivered EBIT approximates the operating income attributable to the shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA. As such, we believe that operating income, or EBIT, is the closest comparable IFRS measure. Delivered EBIT is also benchmarked based on movement at constant exchange rates. See "Constant currency information" below.

Below is a table showing the reconciliation of operating income to Delivered EBIT on a consolidated basis and for our reporting segments:

Delivered EBIT reconciliation

in € M

  Three months
March 31
  2019   2018  



Operating income (EBIT)

    537     497  

less noncontrolling interests

    (57 )   (51 )

Delivered EBIT

    480     446  

North America


Operating income (EBIT)

    372     362  

less noncontrolling interests

    (53 )   (48 )

Delivered EBIT

    319     314  



Operating income (EBIT)

    332     349  

less noncontrolling interests

    (47 )   (45 )

Delivered EBIT

    285     304  

Care Coordination


Operating income (EBIT)

    40     13  

less noncontrolling interests

    (6 )   (3 )

Delivered EBIT

    34     10  



Operating income (EBIT)

    138     109  

less noncontrolling interests

    (2 )   (1 )

Delivered EBIT

    136     108  



Operating income (EBIT)

    95     74  

less noncontrolling interests

    (2 )   (2 )

Delivered EBIT

    93     72  



Operating income (EBIT)

    89     68  

less noncontrolling interests

    (2 )   (2 )

Delivered EBIT

    87     66  

Care Coordination


Operating income (EBIT)

    6     6  

less noncontrolling interests


Delivered EBIT

    6     6  

Latin America


Operating income (EBIT)

    11     14  

less noncontrolling interests

    0     0  

Delivered EBIT

    11     14  


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Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities in % of revenue

Our consolidated statement of cash flows indicates how we generated and used cash and cash equivalents. In conjunction with our other primary financial statements, it provides information that helps us evaluate changes to our net assets and our financial structure (including liquidity and solvency). Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities is applied to assess whether a business can generate the cash required to make the necessary replacement and expansion of investments. This indicator is impacted by the profitability of our business and the development of working capital, mainly receivables. Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities in percent of revenue shows the percentage of our revenue that is available in terms of financial resources. It is an indicator of our operating financial strength.

Free cash flow in % of revenue (Non-IFRS Measure)

Free cash flow (net cash provided by (used in) operating activities after capital expenditures, before acquisitions and investments) refers to the cash flow we have at our disposal. This indicator shows the percentage of revenue available for acquisitions and investments, dividends to shareholders, reducing debt financing or for repurchasing shares.

The following table shows the cash flow key performance indicators for the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018 and reconciles free cash flow and free cash flow in percent of revenue to Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities and Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities in percent of revenue, respectively:

Cash flow measures

in € M, except where otherwise specified

  For the three
months ended
March 31,
  2019   2018  


    4,133     3,976  

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

    76     (45 )

Capital expenditures

    (201 )   (221 )

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

    2     3  

Capital expenditures, net

    (199 )   (218 )

Free cash flow

    (123 )   (263 )

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities in % of revenue

    1.8 %   (1.1 )%

Free cash flow in % of revenue

    (3.0 )%   (6.6 )%

Net leverage ratio (Non-IFRS Measure)

The Net Leverage Ratio is a key performance indicator used for internal management. To determine the Net Leverage Ratio, debt less cash and cash equivalents (net debt) is compared to EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) (adjusted for acquisitions and divestitures made for the last twelve months with a purchase price above a €50 M threshold as defined in our Amended 2012 Credit Agreement and non-cash charges). The ratio is an indicator of the length of time the Company needs to service the net debt out of its own resources. We believe that the Net Leverage Ratio provides more reliable information about the extent to which we are able to meet our payment obligations rather than considering only the absolute amount of our debt. We have a strong market position in a growing, global and mainly non-cyclical market. Furthermore, most of our customers have a high credit rating as the dialysis industry is characterized by stable and sustained cash flows. We believe this enables us to work with a relatively large share of debt capital compared with companies in other industries. The following table shows the reconciliation of Net Leverage Ratio as of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018.


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Reconciliation of net leverage ratio

in € M, except where otherwise specified

  Adjusted for
  March 31,
  March 31,
  December 31,


    13,232     8,633     7,546  

Cash and cash equivalents

    959     959     2,146  

Net Debt

    12,273     7,674     5,400  

Operating Income (1)(2)(3)


Depreciation and amortization (1)(2)

    937     770     716  

Non-cash charges (2)

    45     45     45  

EBITDA (1)(2)(3)

    3,880     3,059     2,976  

Net leverage ratio (1)(3)

    3.2     2.5     1.8  
Including adjustments for acquisitions and divestitures made for the last twelve months with a purchase price above a €50 M threshold as defined in the Amended 2012 Credit Agreement.

Last 12 months.

Excluding the loss related to divestitures of Care Coordination activities (see note 2 b) of the notes to the consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report) and excluding NxStage related transaction costs.

Return on invested capital ("ROIC") (Non-IFRS Measure)

ROIC is the ratio of operating income, for the last twelve months, after tax ("net operating profit after tax" or "NOPAT") to the average invested capital of the last five quarter closing dates and expresses how efficiently we allocate the capital under our control or how well we employ our capital with regard to a specific investment project. The following table shows the reconciliation of average invested capital to total assets, which we believe to be the most directly comparable IFRS financial measure, and how ROIC is calculated:

Reconciliation of Average Invested Capital and ROIC

in € M, except where otherwise specified

  March 31,
2019 (1)
  December 31,
2018 (2)
  September 30,
2018 (2)
  June 30,
2018 (2)
  March 31,
2018 (2)

Total assets

    28,125     28,193     27,516     26,960     24,903  

Plus: Cumulative goodwill amortization

    419     413     407     405     385  

Minus: Cash and cash equivalents

    (959 )   (2,187 )   (1,795 )   (1,698 )   (838 )

Minus: Loans to related parties

    (81 )   (80 )   (112 )   (117 )   (109 )

Minus: Deferred tax assets

    (303 )   (346 )   (328 )   (334 )   (325 )

Minus: Accounts payable

    (708 )   (658 )   (628 )   (576 )   (511 )

Minus: Accounts payable to related parties

    (210 )   (154 )   (194 )   (183 )   (236 )

Minus: Provisions and other current liabilities (3)

    (2,748 )   (2,771 )   (2,791 )   (2,732 )   (2,447 )

Minus: Income tax payable

    (162 )   (166 )   (209 )   (330 )   (239 )

Invested capital

    23,373     22,244     21,866     21,395     20,583  

Average invested capital as of March 31, 2019


Operating income (1) (2) (4)


Income tax expense (1) (2) (4) (5)

    (798 )                        



ROIC in %

    9.9 %                        


Table of Contents

  December 31,
  September 30,
2018 (2)
  June 30,
2018 (2)
  March 31,
2018 (2)
  December 31,
2017 (2)

Total assets

    26,242     25,587     25,045     23,091     22,930  

Plus: Cumulative goodwill amortization

    413     407     405     385     395  

Minus: Cash and cash equivalents

    (2,146 )   (1,754 )   (1,657 )   (800 )   (931 )

Minus: Loans to related parties

    (81 )   (112 )   (118 )   (109 )   (92 )

Minus: Deferred tax assets

    (345 )   (328 )   (334 )   (325 )   (315 )

Minus: Accounts payable

    (641 )   (611 )   (559 )   (496 )   (577 )

Minus: Accounts payable to related parties

    (154 )   (194 )   (183 )   (236 )   (147 )

Minus: Provisions and other current liabilities (3)

    (2,728 )   (2,748 )   (2,689 )   (2,406 )   (2,565 )

Minus: Income tax payable

    (165 )   (209 )   (330 )   (239 )   (194 )

Invested capital

    20,395     20,038     19,580     18,865     18,504  

Average invested capital as of December 31, 2018


Operating income (2)


Income tax expense (2) (5)

    (617 )                        



ROIC in %

    12.4 %                        
Adjusted for the impact of the IFRS 16 implementation.

Including adjustments for acquisitions and divestitures made for the last twelve months with a purchase price above a € 50 M threshold as defined in the Amended 2012 Credit Agreement.

Including non-current provisions, non-current labor expenses and variable payments outstanding for acquisitions and excluding pension liabilities and noncontrolling interests subject to put provisions.

Last 12 months.

Adjusted for noncontrolling partnership interests.


EBITDA is the basis for determining compliance with certain covenants contained in our Amended 2012 Credit Agreement and may also be relevant in other major financing arrangements. You should not consider EBITDA to be an alternative to net earnings determined in accordance with IFRS or to cash flow from operations, investing activities or financing activities. In addition, not all funds depicted by EBITDA are available for management's discretionary use. For example, a substantial portion of such funds are subject to contractual restrictions and functional requirements to fund debt service, capital expenditures and other commitments from time to time as described in more detail elsewhere in this report. A reconciliation of EBITDA to cash flow provided by (used in) operating activities, which we believe to be the most directly comparable IFRS financial measure, is calculated as follows:

Reconciliation of EBITDA to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

in € M

  For the three
March 31,
  2019   2018  


    899     672  

Interest expense (net of interest income)

    (108 )   (83 )

Income tax expense

    (101 )   (84 )

Change in deferred taxes, net

    54     (8 )

Changes in operating assets and liabilities

    (682 )   (584 )

Compensation expense related to share-based plans

    1     19  

(Gain) loss on sale of fixed assets, investments and divestitures

    (9 )   2  

Other items, net

    22     21  

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

    76     (45 )


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Constant currency information (Non-IFRS)

Some key performance indicators and other financial measures used in this report such as changes in revenue, operating income and net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA include the impact of translating local currencies to our reporting currency for financial reporting purposes. We calculate these Non-IFRS financial measures at constant exchange rates in our filings to show changes in our revenue, operating income, net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA and other items without giving effect to period-to-period currency fluctuations. Under IFRS, amounts received in local (non-euro) currency are translated into euro at the average exchange rate for the period presented. Once we translate the local currency for the constant currency, we then calculate the change, as a percentage, of the current period calculated using the prior period exchange rates versus the prior period. This resulting percentage is a Non-IFRS Measure referring to a change as a percentage at constant currency. These currency-adjusted financial measures are identifiable by the designated terms "Constant Exchange Rates" or "Constant Currency."

We believe that the measures at Constant Currency (Non-IFRS Measure) are useful to investors, lenders and other creditors because such information enables them to gauge the impact of currency fluctuations on our revenue, operating income, net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA and other items from period to period. However, we limit our use of Constant Currency period-over-period changes to a measure for the impact of currency fluctuations on the translation of local currency into euro. We do not evaluate our results and performance without considering both Constant Currency period-over-period changes in Non-IFRS revenue, operating income, net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA and other items and changes in revenue, operating income, net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA and other items prepared in accordance with IFRS. We caution the readers of this report to follow a similar approach by considering data on Constant Currency period-over-period changes only in addition to, and not as a substitute for or superior to, changes in revenue, operating income, net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA and other items prepared in accordance with IFRS. We present the growth rate derived from IFRS measures next to the growth rate derived from Non-IFRS measures such as revenue, operating income, net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA and other items. As the reconciliation is inherent in the disclosure, we believe that a separate reconciliation would not provide any additional benefit.

Business metrics for Care Coordination

The measures for the North America Segment and the Asia-Pacific Segment discussed below include prior programs in which we participated and current and future programs that we will be participating in and will be reflected in the discussion of our business. Currently, in our North America Segment, sub-capitation, BPCI (until June 28, 2018—see note 2 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report), ESCO programs, MA-CSNPs (until December 31, 2018) and other shared savings programs are included within the Member Months and Medical Cost Under Management calculations below. In the future, other programs may be included in the metrics below. Note that due to the timing required by CMS to review the BPCI and ESCO program data that we provide, estimates have been used to report these metrics in a timely manner. The Asia-Pacific Segment Care Coordination metric currently used for discussion purposes is patient encounters. These metrics may be developed further in future periods. These metrics are neither IFRS measures nor non-IFRS measures, and are therefore not accompanied by or reconciled to IFRS measures.

Member months under medical cost management

In our North America Segment, member months under medical cost management is calculated by multiplying the number of members included in value-based reimbursement programs, such as Medicare Advantage plans or other value-based programs in the U.S., by the corresponding number of months these members participate in those programs ("Member Months"). In the aforementioned programs, we assume the risk of generating savings. The financial results are recorded in earnings as our performance is determined. The membership offerings within Care Coordination are sub-capitation arrangements, MA-CSNPs (until December 31, 2018), ESCO and BPCI (until June 28, 2018—see note 2 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report) programs as well as other shared savings programs. An increase in patient membership may indicate future earnings or losses as our performance is determined through these managed care programs.


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Medical cost under management

In our North America Segment, medical cost under management represents the management of medical costs associated with our patient membership in value-based programs. For ESCO, BPCI (until June 28, 2018—see note 2 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report) and other shared savings programs, this is calculated by multiplying the Member Months in each program by the benchmark of expected medical costs per member per month. The sub-capitation and MA-CSNPs calculation multiplies the premium per member of the program per month by the number of Member Months associated with the plan, as noted above.

Care coordination patient encounters

Care Coordination patient encounters represents the total patient encounters and procedures conducted by certain of our Care Coordination activities and, we believe, is an indicator of the revenue generated. Care Coordination patient encounters in the North America Segment is the sum of all encounters and procedures completed during the period by Sound Inpatient Physicians, Inc. ("Sound") until June 28, 2018 (see note 2 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report), MedSpring Urgent Care Centers, Azura Vascular Care, and National Cardiovascular Partners, the trade name of Laurus Healthcare L.P., as well as patients in our Fresenius Medical Care Rx Bone Mineral Metabolism ("Rx BMM") program. Care Coordination patient encounters in the Asia-Pacific Segment is the sum of all encounters for the following services: ambulant treatment services in day care hospitals, comprehensive and specialized health check-ups, inpatient and outpatient services, vascular access and other chronic treatment services.

III.  Results of operations, financial position and net assets

The following sections summarize our results of operations, financial position and net assets as well as key performance indicators by reporting segment, as well as Corporate, for the periods indicated. We prepared the information using a management approach, consistent with the manner in which management internally disaggregates financial information to assist in making operating decisions and evaluating management performance.

Results of operations

Segment data (including Corporate)

in € M

  For the three
months ended
March 31,
  2019   2018  

Total revenue


North America

    2,887     2,774  


    653     636  


    428     392  

Latin America

    161     170  


    4     4  


    4,133     3,976  

Operating income


North America

    372     362  


    138     109  


    95     74  

Latin America

    11     14  


    (79 )   (62 )


    537     497  

Interest income

    28     25  

Interest expense

    (136 )   (108 )

Income tax expense

    (101 )   (84 )

Net Income

    328     330  

Net Income attributable to noncontrolling interests

    (57 )   (51 )

Net Income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA

    271     279  


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Revenue and operating income generated in countries outside the eurozone are subject to currency fluctuations. The three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018 were positively impacted by the development of the euro against the U.S. dollar. For the three-months ended March 31, 2019, approximately 70% of revenue and approximately 69% of operating income were generated in U.S. dollars.

Three months ended March 31, 2019 compared to three months ended March 31, 2018

Consolidated financials

Key indicators for the consolidated financial statements

in € M, except where otherwise specified

  For the three months ended
March 31
  Change in %  
Currency (1)
  2019   2018  


    4,133     3,976     4 %   (1 )%

Health care services

    3,317     3,209     3 %   (2 )%

Health care products

    816     767     6 %   4 %

Number of dialysis treatments

    12,561,531     12,154,164     3 %      

Same market treatment growth in %

    3.5 %   2.3 %            

Gross profit as a % of revenue

    30.6 %   30.3 %            

Selling, general and administrative costs as a % of revenue

    17.3 %   17.1 %            

Operating income

    537     497     8 %   3 %

Operating income margin in %

    13.0 %   12.5 %            

Delivered EBIT (2)

    480     446     8 %   3 %

Net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA

    271     279     (3 )%   (6 )%

Basic earnings per share

    0.88     0.91     (3 )%   (7 )%
For further information on Constant Exchange Rates, see "—II. Discussion of Measures—Non—IFRS Measures—Constant currency information" above.

For further information on Delivered EBIT, including a reconciliation of Delivered EBIT to Operating Income on a consolidated basis and for each of our operating segments, see "—II. Discussion of Measures—Non—IFRS Measures—Delivered EBIT" above.

Health care services revenue increased by 3% including a 5% positive impact from foreign currency translation effects. At Constant Exchange Rates, health care services revenue decreased by 2% largely due to decreases attributable to prior year revenue associated with the divested Sound activities as well as the effect of closed or sold clinics (8%) and a decrease in dialysis days (1%), partially offset by growth in same market treatments (3%), increases in organic revenue per treatment (3%) and contributions from acquisitions (1%).

Dialysis treatments increased by 3% as a result of growth in same market treatments (3%) and contributions from acquisitions (2%), partially offset by a decrease in dialysis days (1%) and the effect of closed or sold clinics (1%).

At March 31, 2019, we owned, operated or managed (excluding those managed but not consolidated in the U.S.) 3,971 dialysis clinics compared to 3,790 dialysis clinics at March 31, 2018. During the three months ended March 31, 2019, we acquired 25 dialysis clinics, opened 29 dialysis clinics and combined or closed 11 clinics. The number of patients treated in dialysis clinics that we own, operate or manage (excluding patients of dialysis clinics managed but not consolidated in the U.S.) increased by 4% to 336,716 at March 31, 2019 from 322,253 at March 31, 2018.

Health care product revenue increased by 6% including a 2% positive impact from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, health care product revenue increased by 4%. Dialysis product revenue increased by 7%, including a 2% positive impact from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, dialysis product revenue increased by 5% driven by higher sales of home hemodialysis products (largely as a result of the acquisition of NxStage Medical Inc. ("NxStage")), dialyzers, products for acute care treatments, solutions and concentrates, and bloodlines, partially offset by lower sales of machines as a result of changes in the accounting treatment for sale-leaseback transactions due to the IFRS 16 Implementation. Non-dialysis product revenue decreased by 3% to €19 M from €20 M with no


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foreign currency translation effects. The non-dialysis product revenue decrease was due to slightly lower sales volumes.

The increase period over period in the gross profit margin was 0.3 percentage points with virtually no effect from foreign currency translation. The increase primarily reflects increases in the North America Segment and the Asia-Pacific Segment, partially offset by a decrease in the EMEA Segment. The increase in the North America Segment was mainly attributable to the positive current year effect from the divestiture of Sound which operated at lower margins, a favorable effect from the IFRS 16 Implementation (see note 1 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report) and a positive impact from manufacturing, partially offset by higher personnel expense. The increase in the Asia-Pacific Segment was driven by a favorable impact from business growth, partially offset by an unfavorable mix effect from acquisitions with lower margins. The decrease in the EMEA Segment was mainly driven by higher rent expense, unfavorable foreign currency transaction effects, the impact from one less dialysis day, acquisitions with lower margins, and higher personnel expense in certain countries, as well as other smaller cost increases.

The increase period over period in selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expenses as a percentage of revenue was 0.2 percentage points. Foreign currency translation effects represented a 0.1 percentage point negative effect in the current period. The increase was primarily driven by increases in the North America Segment and at Corporate as well as an unfavorable impact of varying margins across the four operating segments, partially offset by decreases in the EMEA Segment and the Asia-Pacific Segment. The increase in the North America Segment was due to the integration and operational costs associated with NxStage, higher personnel expense, an unfavorable impact from legal settlements, and higher stock compensation expense, partially offset by the positive impact from income attributable to a consent agreement on certain pharmaceuticals. The increase at Corporate was mainly driven by higher stock compensation expense, unfavorable foreign currency transaction effects and higher project costs. The decrease in the EMEA Segment was due to a reduction of a contingent consideration liability related to Xenios AG ("Xenios"), favorable foreign currency transaction effects, and a positive impact from acquisitions, partially offset by higher bad debt expense. The decrease in the Asia-Pacific Segment was due to favorable foreign currency transaction effects.

Research and development expenses increased by 5% to €34 M from €32 M. Period over period, as a percentage of revenue, research and development expenses remained stable.

Income from equity method investees increased by 12% to €20 M from €18 M. The increase was primarily driven by higher income from Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Ltd., an entity in which we have ownership of 45%, mainly due to higher sales of renal pharmaceuticals.

The increase period over period in the operating income margin was 0.5 percentage points with virtually no effect from foreign currency translation. The increase in the current period was largely driven by the increase in the gross profit margin as well as the loss related to the divestiture of Care Coordination activities in the first quarter of 2018, partially offset by the increase in SG&A expenses, as discussed above.

Delivered EBIT increased by 8% including a 5% positive impact from foreign currency translation effects. At Constant Exchange Rates, Delivered EBIT increased by 3% largely driven by increased operating income, partially offset by an increase in income attributable to noncontrolling interests.

Net interest expense increased by 30% to €108 M from €83 M, including a 6% negative impact from foreign currency translation effects. At Constant Exchange Rates, net interest expense increased by 24%, primarily due to a higher debt level driven by the IFRS 16 Implementation and the acquisition of NxStage, partially offset by the replacement of high interest bearing senior notes repaid in 2018 by debt instruments at lower interest rates and interest income from the investment of the Sound proceeds.

Income tax expense increased by 20% to €101 M from €84 M. The effective tax rate increased to 23.5% from 20.3% for the same period of 2018 largely driven by the prior year impact in 2018 caused by favorable implications of the US Tax Reform.

Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests increased by 11% to €57 M from €51 M, including an 8% negative impact resulting from foreign currency translation effects. At Constant Exchange Rates, net income attributable to noncontrolling interests increased by 3% driven by higher earnings from Care Coordination in the United States.


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Net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA decreased by 3% to €271 M from €279 M including a 3% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA decreased by 6% due to the combined effects of the items discussed above.

Basic earnings per share decreased by 3%, including a 4% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, basic earnings per share decreased by 7%. The average weighted number of shares outstanding for the period was approximately 306.7 M in 2019 (306.5 M in 2018).

We employed 118,308 people (full-time equivalents) as of March 31, 2019 compared to 114,831 as of March 31, 2018, an increase of 3%, primarily due to the NxStage acquisition.

Consolidated operating performance on an adjusted basis

Management believes that there are certain distinct transactions or events for which the operating results should be adjusted to enhance transparency and comparability. We believe the following results (adjusted to exclude these items) should be analyzed in connection with the results presented above. For the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018, we have identified the following transactions that, when excluded from the results disclosed above, may provide a reader with further useful information in assessing our performance:

IFRS 16 Implementation

an adjustment to remove the contribution of NxStage during the first quarter of 2019 to conform to the 2018 presentation ("NxStage Operations")

the integration costs related to the acquisition of NxStage on February 21, 2019 ("NxStage Costs")

costs associated with the sustainable improvement of our cost base ("Cost Optimization Costs")

an adjustment to remove the contribution of Sound during the first quarter of 2018 to conform to the 2019 presentation ("Q1 Sound")

the gain related to divestitures of Care Coordination activities (see note 2 (b) of the notes to the consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report) ("(Gain) loss related to divestitures of Care Coordination activities")

The following table reconciles the key indicators for the consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS to the key indicators adjusted for the items described above. While we believe these adjustments provide additional clarity to the discussion of our operating results, the following table should only be viewed as a supplement to our results disclosed in accordance with IFRS above.

Consolidated operating performance on an adjusted basis

in € M, except where otherwise specified

  Change in % as
  IFRS 16
Currency (1)

Three months ended March 31


Total revenue

    4,133     22     (30 )           4,125     11 %   6 %

Health Care Services

    3,317         (1 )           3,316     12 %   6 %

Health Care Products

    816     22     (29 )           809     5 %   4 %

Total operating income (EBIT)

    537     (17 )   11     16     4     551     9 %   4 %

Operating income (EBIT) Margin

    13.0 %                           13.4 %            

Interest expense, net






Income tax expense

    101     7     5     4     1     118     37 %   31 %

Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests

    57                     57     11 %   3 %

Net income (2)




Basic earnings per share

    0.88     0.06     0.05     0.04     0.01     1.04     8 %   3 %


Table of Contents

Consolidated operating performance on a comparable basis and adjusted

Sound (3)
  (Gain) loss related
to divestitures of
Care Coordination

Three months ended March 31


Total revenue



Health Care Services

    3,209     (251 )       2,958  

Health Care Products

    767             767  

Total operating income (EBIT)

    497     (4 )   13     506  

Operating income (EBIT) Margin

    12.5 %               13.6 %

Interest expense, net



Income tax expense

    84     2         86  

Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests

    51             51  

Net income (2)


Basic earnings per share

    0.91     0.01     0.04     0.96  
For further information on Constant Exchange Rates, see "—II. Discussion of measures—Non-IFRS measures—Constant currency information" above.

Attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA.

Contribution of Sound Physicians.

The following discussions pertain to the North America Segment, the EMEA Segment, the Asia-Pacific Segment and the Latin America Segment and the measures we use to manage these segments.

North America Segment

Key indicators and business metrics for the North America Segment

in € M, except where otherwise specified

  For the three months
ended March 31
  Change in %  
Currency (1)
  2019   2018   As Reported  

Total North America Segment



    2,887     2,774     4 %   (4 )%

Health care services

    2,680     2,590     3 %   (4 )%

Health care products

    207     184     12 %   4 %

Operating income

    372     362     3 %   (4 )%

Operating income margin in %

    12.9 %   13.1 %            

Delivered EBIT (2)

    319     314     2 %   (4 )%




    2,579     2,259     14 %   5 %

Number of dialysis treatments

    7,707,848     7,473,764     3 %      

Same market treatment growth in %

    3.3 %   2.3 %            

Operating income

    332     349     (5 )%   (10 )%

Operating income margin in %

    12.9 %   15.4 %            

Delivered EBIT (2)

    285     304     (6 )%   (12 )%

Care Coordination



    308     515     (40 )%   (45 )%

Operating income

    40     13     203 %   180 %

Operating income margin in %

    13.0 %   2.6 %            

Delivered EBIT (2)

    34     10     253 %   226 %

Member Months Under Medical Cost Management (3)(4)

    170,903     165,797     3 %      

Medical Cost Under Management (3)(4)

    1,071     1,189     (10 )%   (17 )%

Care Coordination Patient Encounters (3)(4)

    272,353     1,957,694     (86 )%      
For further information on Constant Exchange Rates, see "—II. Discussion of Measures—Non-IFRS Measures—Constant currency information" above.

For further information on Delivered EBIT, including a reconciliation of Delivered EBIT to Operating Income on a consolidated basis and for each of our operating segments, see "—II. Discussion of Measures—Non-IFRS Measures—Delivered EBIT" above.

For further information on these metrics, please refer to the discussion above of our Care Coordination measures under "Business Metrics for Care Coordination."

The metrics may be understated due to a physician mapping issue related to the BPCI program within a CMS system which has not yet been resolved. Additionally, data presented for the BPCI and ESCO metrics are subject to finalization by CMS, which may result in changes from previously reported metrics.


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Dialysis revenue increased by 14% including a 9% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, dialysis revenue increased by 5%. Dialysis revenue is comprised of dialysis care revenue and health care product revenue.

Dialysis care revenue increased by 14% to €2,372 M from €2,075 M, including an 8% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, dialysis care revenue increased by 6% mainly due to increases in organic revenue per treatment (3%), growth in same market treatments (3%), and contributions from acquisitions (1%), partially offset by a decrease in dialysis days (1%).

Dialysis treatments increased by 3% largely due to growth in same market treatments (3%) and contributions from acquisitions (1%), partially offset by a decrease in dialysis days (1%). At March 31, 2019, 205,775 patients (4% increase from March 31, 2018) were being treated in the 2,559 dialysis clinics that we own or operate in the North America Segment, compared to 197,339 patients treated in 2,419 dialysis clinics at March 31, 2018.

In the U.S., the average revenue per treatment increased to $355 (€289 at Constant Exchange Rates) from $348 (€283). The development was mainly attributable to higher utilization of oral based ancillaries and the impact from an increase in the ESRD PPS base rate, partially offset by lower revenue from commercial payors.

Cost per treatment in the U.S., adjusted for the effects from the IFRS 16 Implementation, increased to $301 (€245 at Constant Exchange Rates) from $289 (€235). This increase was largely driven by higher utilization of oral based ancillaries and higher personnel expense.

Health care product revenue increased by 12% including an 8% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, health care product revenue increased by 4% driven by higher sales of home hemodialysis products, products for acute care, and bloodlines, all largely as a result of the NxStage acquisition, partially offset by lower sales of machines as a result of changes in the accounting treatment for sale-leaseback transactions due to the IFRS 16 Implementation.

Operating income margin

The decrease period over period in the dialysis operating income margin was 2.5 percentage points. Foreign currency translation effects represented a 0.2 percentage point decrease in the current period. At Constant Exchange Rates, the decrease was due to higher personnel expense, the integration and operational costs associated with NxStage, an unfavorable impact from legal settlements, and higher stock compensation expense, partially offset by the positive impact from income attributable to a consent agreement on certain pharmaceuticals, a favorable effect from the IFRS 16 Implementation and a favorable impact from manufacturing.

Delivered EBIT

Dialysis Delivered EBIT decreased by 6%, including a 6% positive impact from foreign currency translation effects. At Constant Exchange Rates, dialysis Delivered EBIT decreased by 12% mainly as a result of decreased operating income coupled with an increase in income attributable to noncontrolling interests.

Care Coordination


Care Coordination revenue decreased by 40%, including a 5% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, Care Coordination revenue decreased by 45% driven by decreases attributable to prior year revenue associated with the divested Sound activities (53%), partially offset by an increase in organic revenue growth (7%) and contributions from acquisitions (1%).

Operating income margin

The increase period over period in the Care Coordination operating income margin was 10.4 percentage points with virtually no effect from foreign currency translation. The increase at Constant Exchange Rates was mainly due to the loss related to divestiture of Care Coordination activities in the first quarter of 2018,


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increased member months for health plan services, increased volumes for vascular services, and a positive effect from the IFRS 16 Implementation.

Delivered EBIT

Care Coordination Delivered EBIT increased by 253% including a 27% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, Care Coordination delivered EBIT increased by 226% mainly as the result of increased operating income, partially offset by an increase in income attributable to noncontrolling interests.

Care Coordination business metrics

Member months under medical cost management remained stable primarily due to the expansion of our existing ESCOs through the addition of new physician practice partners and dialysis facilities, offset by the divestment of our controlling interest in Sound on June 28, 2018 and, as a result, the conclusion of our participation in BPCI. See note 2 (b) of the notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report) and note 4 to the table "Key indicators and business metrics for the North America Segment," above.

Care Coordination's medical cost under management decreased by 10%, including a 7% positive impact from foreign currency translation in the current period. At Constant Exchange Rates, Care Coordination's medical cost under management decreased by 17% due to the divestment of our controlling interest in Sound on June 28, 2018 (see note 2 (b) of the notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report) and, as a result, the conclusion of our participation in BPCI. This decrease was partially offset by our expansion of our existing ESCOs through the addition of new physician practice partners and dialysis facilities. See note 4 to the table "Key indicators and business metrics for the North America Segment" above.

The decrease in patient encounters was primarily driven by decreased encounters for hospital related physician services as a result of our divesting our controlling interest in Sound on June 28, 2018. See note 2 (b) of the notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report) and note 4 to the table "Key indicators and business metrics for the North America Segment" above.

North America Segment operating performance on an adjusted basis

Management believes that there are certain distinct transactions or events for which the operating results should be adjusted to enhance transparency and comparability. We believe the following results (adjusted to exclude these items) should be analyzed in connection with the results presented above. For the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018, we have identified the following transactions that, when excluded from the results disclosed above, may provide a reader with further useful information in assessing our performance:

IFRS 16 Implementation

NxStage Operations

NxStage Costs

Cost Optimization Costs

Q1 Sound

(Gain) loss related to divestitures of Care Coordination activities


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The following table reconciles the key indicators for the North America Segment in accordance with IFRS to the key indicators adjusted for the items described above. While we believe these adjustments provide additional clarity to the discussion of our operating results, the following table should only be viewed as a supplement to our results disclosed in accordance with IFRS above.


North America Segment operating performance on an adjusted basis

in € M, except where otherwise specified

  Change in % as
  IFRS 16
  Results 2019
Currency (1)

Three months ended March 31



    2,887     22     (30 )           2,879     14 %   5 %

Health Care Services

    2,680         (1 )           2,679     14 %   6 %

thereof Dialysis Care

    2,372         (1 )           2,371     14 %   6 %

thereof Care Coordination

    308                     308     17 %   8 %

Health Care Products

    207     22     (29 )           200     9 %   0 %

Operating income (EBIT)

    372     (13 )   11     16     4     390     5 %   –1 %

Operating income margin (EBIT)

    12.9 %                           13.6 %            


    332     (11 )   11     16     4     352     1 %   –5 %

Dialysis operating income margin (EBIT)

    12.9 %                           13.7 %            

Care Coordination

    40     (2 )               38     72 %   59 %

Care Coordination operating income margin (EBIT)

    13.0 %                           12.3 %            

North America Segment operating performance on an adjusted basis

  Q1 Sound (2)   (Gain) loss related
to divestitures of
Care Coordination

Three months ended March 31



    2,774     (251 )       2,523  

Health Care Services

    2,590     (251 )       2,339  

thereof Dialysis Care

    2,075             2,075  

thereof Care Coordination

    515     (251 )       264  

Health Care Products

    184             184  

Operating income (EBIT)

    362     (4 )   13     371  

North America operating income margin (EBIT)

    13.1 %               14.7 %


    349             349  

Dialysis operating income margin (EBIT)

    15.4 %               15.4 %

Care Coordination

    13     (4 )   13     22  

Care Coordination operating income margin (EBIT)

    2.6 %               8.3 %
For further information on Constant Exchange Rates, see "—II. Discussion of measures—Non-IFRS measures—Constant currency information" above.

Contribution of Sound Physicians.


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EMEA Segment

Key indicators for the EMEA Segment

in € M, except where otherwise specified

  For the three months
ended March 31,
  Change in %  
Currency (1)
  2019   2018  


    653     636     3 %   4 %

Health care services

    324     314     3 %   5 %

Health care products

    329     322     2 %   3 %

Number of dialysis treatments

    2,475,702     2,387,160     4 %      

Same market treatment growth in %

    3.9 %   2.4 %            

Operating income

    138     109     26 %   27 %

Operating income margin in %

    21.1 %   17.1 %            

Delivered EBIT (2)

    136     108     26 %   27 %
For further information on Constant Exchange Rates, see "—II. Discussion of Measures—Non—IFRS Measures—Constant currency information" above.

For further information on Delivered EBIT, including a reconciliation of Delivered EBIT to Operating Income on a consolidated basis and for each of our operating segments, see "—II. Discussion of Measures—Non—IFRS Measures—Delivered EBIT" above.


Health care service revenue increased by 3%, including a 2% negative impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, health care service revenue increased by 5% as a result of growth in same market treatments (4%), contributions from acquisitions (3%), and increases in organic revenue per treatment (1%), partially offset by a decrease in dialysis days (2%), and the effect of closed or sold clinics (1%).

Dialysis treatments increased by 4% mainly due to growth in same market treatments (4%) and contributions from acquisitions (2%), partially offset by the effect of closed or sold clinics (1%) and a decrease in dialysis days (1%). As of March 31, 2019, we had 65,833 patients (4% increase from March 31, 2018) being treated at the 782 dialysis clinics that we own, operate or manage in the EMEA Segment compared to 63,114 patients treated at 754 clinics at March 31, 2018.

Health care product revenue increased by 2%, including a 1% negative impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, health care product revenue increased by 3%. Dialysis product revenue increased by 3% with virtually no effect from foreign currency translation. The increase was due to higher sales of machines, dialyzers, hemodialysis solutions and concentrates, and renal pharmaceuticals, partially offset by lower sales of products for acute care treatments. Non-Dialysis product revenue decreased by 3% to €19 M from €20 M with virtually no impact from foreign currency translation effects. The non-dialysis product revenue decrease was due to slightly lower sales volumes.

Operating income margin

The increase period over period in the operating income margin was 4.0 percentage points. Foreign currency translation effects represented a 0.1 percentage point increase in the operating income margin. At Constant Exchange Rates, operating income margin increased mainly due to a reduction of a contingent consideration liability related to Xenios, partially offset by higher bad debt expense, higher rent expense, and the impact from one less dialysis day.

Delivered EBIT

Delivered EBIT increased by 26%, including a 1% negative impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, the Delivered EBIT increased by 27% primarily due to increased operating income, partially offset by an increase in income attributable to noncontrolling interests.


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Asia-Pacific Segment

Key indicators for the Asia-Pacific Segment

in € M, except where otherwise specified

  For the three months
ended March 31,
  Change in %  
Currency (1)
  2019   2018  

Total Asia-Pacific Segment



    428     392     9 %   6 %

Health care services

    199     184     8 %   4 %

Health care products

    229     208     10 %   8 %

Operating income

    95     74     28 %   25 %

Operating income margin in %

    22.1 %   19.0 %            

Delivered EBIT (2)

    93     72     29 %   26 %




    376     346     9 %   5 %

Number of dialysis treatments

    1,099,404     1,060,114     4 %      

Same market treatment growth in %

    7.1 %   4.2 %            

Operating income

    89     68     31 %   27 %

Operating income margin in %

    23.6 %   19.7 %            

Delivered EBIT (2)

    87     66     31 %   28 %

Care Coordination



    52     46     14 %   12 %

Operating income

    6     6     (6 )%   (5 )%

Operating income margin in %

    11.3 %   13.7 %            

Delivered EBIT (2)

    6     6     (3 )%   (2 )%

Care Coordination Patient Encounters (3)

    216,320     200,138     8 %      
For further information on Constant Exchange Rates, see "—II. Discussion of Measures—Non—IFRS Measures—Constant currency information" above.

For further information on Delivered EBIT, including a reconciliation of Delivered EBIT to Operating Income on a consolidated basis and for each of our operating segments, see "—II. Discussion of Measures—Non-IFRS Measures—Delivered EBIT" above.

For further information on patient encounters, please refer to the discussion above of our Care Coordination measures under "Business Metrics for Care Coordination."



Dialysis revenue increased by 9% including a 4% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, dialysis revenue increased by 5%. Dialysis revenue is comprised of dialysis care revenue and health care product revenue.

Dialysis care revenue increased by 7% to €147 M from €138 M including a 6% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation effects. At Constant Exchange Rates, dialysis care revenue increased by 1% as a result of growth in same market treatments (7%), and contributions from acquisitions (1%), partially offset by the effect of closed or sold clinics (4%), a decrease in organic revenue per treatment (2%) and a decrease in dialysis days (1%).

Dialysis treatments increased by 4% mainly due to growth in same market treatments (7%), and contributions from acquisitions (1%), partially offset by the effect of closed or sold clinics (3%) and a decrease in dialysis days (1%). As of March 31, 2019, we had 31,674 patients (5% increase from March 31, 2018) being treated at the 398 dialysis clinics that we own, operate or manage in the Asia-Pacific Segment compared to 30,194 patients treated at 385 clinics at March 31, 2018.

Health care product revenue increased by 10% including a 2% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, health care product revenue increased by 8% as a result of increased sales of dialyzers, machines, hemodialysis solutions and concentrates, and products for acute care treatments.


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Operating income margin

The increase period over period in the operating income margin was 3.9 percentage points. Foreign currency translation effects represented a 0.2 percentage point decrease in the operating income margin. At Constant Exchange Rates, the operating income margin increased due to favorable foreign currency transaction effects and a favorable impact from business growth.

Delivered EBIT

Delivered EBIT increased by 31%, including a 3% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, Delivered EBIT increased by 28% mainly due to increased operating income.

Care Coordination


Care Coordination revenue increased by 14%, including a 2% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, Care Coordination revenue increased by 12% driven by contributions from acquisitions (7%) and organic revenue growth (5%).

Operating income margin

The decrease period over period in the Care Coordination operating income margin was 2.4 percentage points. Foreign currency translation effects represented a 0.3 percentage point decrease in the operating income margin. At Constant Exchange Rates, the operating income margin decrease was driven by higher start-up and operating costs.

Delivered EBIT

Care Coordination Delivered EBIT decreased by 3%, including a 1% negative impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, Care Coordination Delivered EBIT decreased by 2% mainly as the result of decreased operating income.

Care Coordination business metrics

The number of patient encounters increased due to increased encounters for comprehensive and specialized health check-ups as well as ambulant treatment services, inpatient and outpatient services, vascular access and other chronic treatment services.

Latin America Segment

Key indicators for the Latin America Segment

in € M, except where otherwise specified

  For the three months
ended March 31,
  Change in %  
Currency (1)
  2019   2018  


    161     170     (5 )%   14 %

Health care services

    114     121     (5 )%   20 %

Health care products

    47     49     (5 )%   1 %

Number of dialysis treatments

    1,278,577     1,233,126     4 %      

Same market treatment growth in %

    0.7 %   1.1 %            

Operating income

    11     14     (19 )%   (24 )%

Operating income margin in %

    7.1 %   8.3 %            

Delivered EBIT (2)

    11     14     (21 )%   (26 )%
For further information on Constant Exchange Rates, see "—II. Discussion of Measures—Non—IFRS Measures—Constant currency information" above.

For further information on Delivered EBIT, including a reconciliation of Delivered EBIT to Operating Income on a consolidated basis and for each of our operating segments, see "—II. Discussion of Measures—Non-IFRS Measures—Delivered EBIT" above.


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Health care service revenue decreased by 5%, including a 25% negative impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, health care service revenue increased by 20% as a result of increases in organic revenue per treatment (16%), contributions from acquisitions (5%) and growth in same market treatments (1%), partially offset by the effect of closed or sold clinics (1%), and a decrease in dialysis days (1%).

Dialysis treatments increased by 4% mainly due to contributions from acquisitions (5%) and growth in same market treatments (1%), partially offset by the effect of closed or sold clinics (1%) and a decrease in dialysis days (1%). As of March 31, 2019, we had 33,434 patients (a 6% increase from March 31, 2018) being treated at the 232 dialysis clinics that we own, operate or manage in the Latin America Segment compared to 31,606 patients treated at 232 clinics at March 31, 2018.

Health care product revenue decreased by 5%, including a 6% negative impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, health care product revenue remained relatively stable with a slight increase of 1%.

Operating income margin

The decrease period over period in the operating income margin was 1.2 percentage points. Foreign currency translation effects represented a 1.6 percentage point increase in the operating income margin. At Constant Exchange Rates, the operating income margin decreased mainly due to the impact from hyperinflation in Argentina, partially offset by favorable foreign currency transaction effects.

Delivered EBIT

Delivered EBIT decreased by 21% including a 5% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation. At Constant Exchange Rates, Delivered EBIT decreased by 26% mainly due to decreased operating income.

Financial position

Sources of liquidity

Our primary sources of liquidity are typically cash provided by operating activities, cash provided by short-term debt from third parties and related parties, as well as proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt (including the issuance of bonds under our debt issuance program) and equity securities as well as divestitures. We require this capital primarily to finance working capital needs, fund acquisitions and clinics in which we have ownership of less than 100%, develop free-standing renal dialysis clinics and other health care facilities, purchase equipment for existing or new renal dialysis clinics and production sites, repay debt, pay dividends and repurchase shares, (see "Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities" and "Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities" below).

In our long-term financial planning, we focus primarily on the Net Leverage Ratio, a Non-IFRS Measure, see "—II. Discussion of Measures—Non-IFRS Measures—Net leverage ratio (Non-IFRS Measure)" above. At March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, the Net Leverage Ratio was 3.2 and 1.8, respectively. Adjusted for IFRS 16, the Net Leverage Ratio was 2.5 at March 31, 2019.

At March 31, 2019, we had cash and cash equivalents of €959 M compared to €2,146 M at December 31, 2018.

Free cash flow (Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities, after capital expenditures, before acquisitions and investments) amounted to €(123) M and €(263) M for the three months ended March 31, 2019 and March 31, 2018, respectively. Free cash flow is a Non-IFRS measure reconciled to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities, the most directly comparable IFRS measure, see "—II. Discussion of measures—Non-IFRS measures—Cash flow measures" above. Free cash flow in percent of revenue was (3.0%) and (6.6%) for the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively.

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

In the first three months of 2019, net cash provided by operating activities was €76 M as compared to net cash used in operating activities of €45 M in the first three months of 2018. Net cash provided by (used in)


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operating activities in percent of revenue increased to 2% for the first three months of 2019 as compared to (1%) for 2018. Cash provided by (used in) operating activities is impacted by the profitability of our business, the development of our working capital, principally inventories, receivables and cash outflows that occur due to a number of specific items as discussed below. The increase in net cash provided by operating activities was largely driven by the IFRS 16 Implementation leading to a reclassification of the repayment portion of rent to financing activities.

The profitability of our business depends significantly on reimbursement rates. Approximately 80% of our revenue is generated by providing health care services, a major portion of which is reimbursed by either public health care organizations or private insurers. For the three months ended March 31, 2019, approximately 34% of our consolidated revenue was attributable to U.S. federal health care benefit programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement. Legislative changes could affect Medicare reimbursement rates for a significant portion of the services we provide as well as the scope of Medicare coverage. A decrease in reimbursement rates or the scope of coverage could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations and thus on our capacity to generate cash flow. See "I. Overview," above.

We intend to continue to address our current cash and financing requirements using cash provided by operating activities, our existing and future credit agreements, issuances under the commercial paper program (see note 8 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements (unaudited) included in this report) as well as the utilization of the Accounts Receivable Facility. In addition, when funds are required for acquisitions or to meet other needs, we expect to successfully complete long-term financing arrangements, such as the issuance of bonds. We aim to preserve financial resources with a minimum of €500 M of committed and unutilized credit facilities.

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities depends on the collection of accounts receivable. Commercial customers and governments generally have different payment cycles. Lengthening their payment cycles could have a material adverse effect on our capacity to generate cash flow. In addition, we could face difficulties in enforcing and collecting accounts receivable under some countries' legal systems and due to the economic conditions in some countries. Accounts receivable balances, net of valuation allowances, represented Days Sales Outstanding ("DSO") of 83 days at March 31, 2019, an increase as compared to 75 days at December 31, 2018.

DSO by segment is calculated by dividing the segment's accounts and other receivable and contract liabilities, converted to euro using the average exchange rate for the period presented, less any sales or value added tax included in the receivables, by the average daily sales for the last twelve months of that segment, converted to euro using the average exchange rate for the period. Receivables and sales are adjusted for amounts related to acquisitions and divestitures made within the reporting period with a purchase price above a €50 M threshold as defined in the Amended 2012 Credit Agreement. The development of DSO by reporting segment is shown in the table below:

DSO by reporting segment

  March 31
  December 31,

North America Segment

    72     60  

EMEA Segment

    96     98  

Asia-Pacific Segment

    117     116  

Latin America Segment

    120     119  

FMC-AG & Co. KGaA average days sales outstanding

    83     75  

The DSO increase in the North America Segment was largely due to seasonality in invoicing. The DSO decrease in the EMEA Segment primarily reflects the improved collection efforts from health care organizations. The Asia-Pacific Segment's DSO increase primarily reflects delays in payment collections in China. The increase in the Latin America Segment reflects periodic fluctuations in payment of public health care organizations in certain countries.

Due to the fact that a large portion of our reimbursement is provided by public health care organizations and private insurers, we expect that most of our accounts receivable will be collectible.


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Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

In the first three months of 2019, net cash used in investing activities was €2,016 M as compared to net cash used in investing activities of €400 M in the comparable period of 2018. The following table shows our capital expenditures for property, plant and equipment, net of proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment as well as acquisitions, investments and purchases of intangible assets for first three months of 2019 and 2018:

Capital expenditures (net), acquisitions, investments and purchases of intangible assets

in € M

investments and
purchases of
intangible assets
  For the three months ended March 31  
  2019   2018   2019   2018  

North America Segment

    95     137     1,782 (1)   159  

Thereof investments in debt securities


EMEA Segment

    25     28     19     17  

Asia-Pacific Segment

    9     9     1      

Latin America Segment

    5     2     20     4  


    65     42     7     1  


    199     218     1,829     181  
Primarily related to the acquisition of NxStage on February 21, 2019.

The majority of our capital expenditures in the first three months of 2019 was used for maintaining existing clinics, equipping new clinics, maintaining and expanding production facilities (primarily in the North America Segment, France, and Germany), capitalization of machines provided to our customers and for Care Coordination as well as capitalization of certain development costs. Capital expenditures remained stable at approximately 5% of total revenue in the first three months of 2019 as compared to the same period in 2018.

Investments in the first three months of 2018 were primarily driven by debt securities in the North America Segment. The remaining investments in the North America Segment, the EMEA Segment and the Latin America Segment were largely acquisitions of dialysis clinics.

We anticipate capital expenditures of €1.0 to €1.2 billion and expect to make acquisitions and investments, excluding investments in securities, of approximately €400 to €600 M in 2019 as described in the "Outlook" below.

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

In the first three months of 2019 and 2018, net cash provided by financing activities was €722 M and €338 M, respectively.

In the first three months of 2019, cash was mainly provided by the utilization of the accounts receivable facility, proceeds from long-term debt (including additional drawings under the U.S. dollar and euro revolving credit facility of the Amended 2012 Credit Agreement) and short-term debt, partially offset by repayments of lease liabilities, shares repurchased as part of a share buy-back program, and repayments of short-term debt, including repayments from related parties as well as distributions to noncontrolling interests.

In the first three months of 2018, cash was mainly provided by proceeds from short-term debt including drawings under the commercial paper program as well as proceeds from long-term debt and capital lease obligations including additional drawings under the U.S. dollar revolving credit facility of the Amended 2012 Credit Agreement, partially offset by distributions to noncontrolling interests.

Balance sheet structure

Total assets as of March 31, 2019 increased by 23% to €32.4 billion from €26.2 billion as compared to December 31, 2018, including a 2% positive impact resulting from foreign currency translation, largely due to the implementation of the IFRS 16 in 2019. At Constant Exchange Rates, total assets increased by 21% to €31.8 billion from €26.2 billion.


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Current assets as a percent of total assets decreased to 23% at March 31, 2019 as compared to 30% at December 31, 2018. The equity ratio, the ratio of our equity divided by total liabilities and shareholders' equity, decreased to 41% at March 31, 2019 as compared to 49% at December 31, 2018. ROIC decreased to 9.9% at March 31, 2019, adjusted for the implementation of IFRS 16, as compared to 12.4% at December 31, 2018.

Report on post-balance sheet date events

No significant activities have taken place subsequent to the balance sheet date March 31, 2019 that have a material impact on the key figures and earnings presented. Currently, there are no other significant changes in our structure, management, legal form or personnel.


Below is a table showing our growth outlook for 2019 and 2020 which are determined by reference to target results determined in accordance with IFRS and presented in euro. The targets indicated for 2019 and 2020 are calculated and presented at Constant Exchange Rates with reliance on Item 10(e)(1)(i)(B) of SEC Regulation S-K as it is impossible to predict currency exchange movements over the course of an entire year. These targets as well as the 2018 base are and will be adjusted in order to make the business performance in the respective periods comparable for items such as: lower additions to provisions related to FCPA in 2018 ("FCPA Related Charges"), the IFRS 16 Implementation, the contributions from Sound in the first half year of 2018, the gain (loss) related to divestitures of Care Coordination activities and expenses for the cost optimization program. All effects from the acquisition of NxStage Medical Inc. are excluded from the Outlook 2019 and 2020.


In € billions ("BN"), except where otherwise noted

  Outlook 2019
(at Constant Currency) (1)
  Outlook 2020
(at Constant Currency) (1)

Revenue (2)

  Growth 3 - 7%   mid to high single digit growth rate

Operating income (2)

  Growth (1) - 3%   mid to high single digit growth rate

Delivered EBIT (2)

  Growth (1) - 3%   mid to high single digit growth rate

Net income growth at Constant Currency (2) (3)

  Growth (2) - 2%   mid to high single digit growth rate

Basic earnings per share growth at Constant Currency (2) (3)

  assessed based on expected development of net income and shares outstanding   assessed based on expected development of net income and shares outstanding

Capital expenditures

  €1.0 - €1.2 BN   n.a.

Acquisitions and investments (4)

  €0.4 - €0.6 BN   n.a.

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities in % of revenue

  > 10%   n.a.

Free cash flow in % of revenue

  > 4%   n.a.

Net leverage ratio

  < 2.5   n.a.


  ³ 8.0%   n.a.

Dividend per share

  assessed based on expected development of net income and shares outstanding   n.a.

Employees (5)

  > 117,000   n.a.

Research and development expenses

  €160 - €170 M   n.a.
Outlook 2019 and 2020 are and will be adjusted in order to make the business performance comparable to results 2018 adjusted for items such as: FCPA Related Charges, the IFRS 16 Implementation, the gain (loss) related to divestitures of Care Coordination activities and expenses for the cost optimization program. All effects from the acquisition of NxStage Medical Inc. are excluded from the Outlook 2019 and 2020.

Results 2018 adjusted for the (gain) loss related to divestitures of Care Coordination activities, the 2018 FCPA Related Charge and the contributions from Sound in the first half year of 2018.

Net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA.

Excluding investments in securities.

Full-time equivalents.


Table of Contents

NxStage Estimate

Below is a table showing the estimated effects of the NxStage acquisition on our business in 2019 and 2020, excluding integration costs of approximately €50 M to €75 M over the three years following the closing of the transaction. These effects are determined in accordance with IFRS and presented in euro. The estimates indicated for 2019 and 2020 are calculated and presented at Constant Exchange Rates with reliance on Item 10(e)(1)(i)(B) of SEC Regulation S-K as it is impossible to predict currency exchange movements over the course of an entire year.

NxStage Estimate (1)

In € M

  Estimate 2019
(at Constant Currency)
  Estimate 2020
(at Constant Currency)


  240 - 260   310 - 330

Operating income

  (30) - (20)   20 - 30


  (75) - (65)   (85) - (75)

Net income

  (75) - (65)   (40) - (30)
The numbers are excluding effects from the implementation of IFRS 16 and excluding integration costs. The 2019 estimates cover the period starting on February 21, 2019 (closing date) until year-end 2019.

Recently issued accounting standards

Refer to note 1 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements (unaudited) in this report for information regarding recently issued accounting standards.


Table of Contents


Financial statements

Consolidated statements of income


Consolidated statements of income

in € thousands ("THOUS"), except per share data

  For the three months
ended March 31,
  Note   2019   2018  



Health care services

        3,317,308     3,208,795  

Health care products

        815,249     766,834  

  2 a, 14     4,132,557     3,975,629  

Costs of revenue:




Health care services

        2,505,423     2,434,324  

Health care products

        361,846     338,556  

        2,867,269     2,772,880  

Gross profit


Operating (income) expenses:




Selling, general and administrative

        715,157     678,777  

(Gain) loss related to divestitures of Care Coordination activities

  2 b     0     13,103  

Research and development

  2 c     33,614     31,897  

Income from equity method investees

        (20,033 )   (17,904 )

Operating income

        536,550     496,876  

Other (income) expense:




Interest income

        (27,944 )   (24,836 )

Interest expense

        135,792     107,769  

Income before income taxes

        428,702     413,943  

Income tax expense

        100,944     84,234  

Net income

        327,758     329,709  

Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests


Net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA

        270,749     278,555  

Basic earnings per share

  2 d     0.88     0.91  

Fully diluted earnings per share

  2 d     0.88     0.91  


See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated financial statements.


Table of Contents


Consolidated statements of comprehensive income


Consolidated statements of comprehensive income

in € THOUS

  For the three months
ended March 31,
  Note   2019   2018  

Net income

          327,758     329,709  

Other comprehensive income (loss):


Components that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Gain (loss) related to foreign currency translation

          269,741     (265,041 )

Gain (loss) related to cash flow hedges (1)

    13     (1,296 )   7,834  

Income tax (expense) benefit related to components of other comprehensive income that may be reclassified

          426     (2,218 )

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax

          268,871     (259,425 )

Total comprehensive income

          596,629     70,284  

Comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests


Comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA

          518,625     44,508  
Including cost of hedging in the amount of €(893) and €(630) for the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018.


See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated financial statements.


Table of Contents


Consolidated balance sheets

Consolidated balance sheets

in € THOUS, except share data

  Note   March 31,
  December 31,



Cash and cash equivalents

  5     958,788     2,145,632  

Trade accounts and other receivables

  6     3,856,891     3,337,706  

Accounts receivable from related parties

  4     95,281     92,662  


  7     1,695,658     1,466,803  

Other current assets

        894,229     804,083  

Total current assets

        7,500,847     7,846,886  

Property, plant and equipment


Right of use assets

  1     4,310,976      

Intangible assets

        1,430,970     681,331  


        13,561,939     12,209,606  

Deferred taxes

        308,530     345,686  

Investment in equity method investees

  14     630,439     649,780  

Other non-current assets

        659,946     672,969  

Total non-current assets

        24,852,357     18,395,382  

Total assets

        32,353,204     26,242,268  



Accounts payable

        707,774     641,271  

Accounts payable to related parties

  4     210,384     153,781  

Current provisions and other current liabilities

        2,809,937     2,904,288  

Short-term debt

  8     1,319,997     1,205,294  

Short-term debt from related parties

  8     107,400     188,900  

Current portion of long-term debt

  9     1,511,815     1,106,519  

Current portion of long-term lease liabilities

  1     615,011      

Current portion of long-term lease liabilities from related parties

  1     16,489      

Income tax payable

        64,627     68,229  

Total current liabilities

        7,363,434     6,268,282  

Long-term debt, less current portion




Long-term lease liabilities, less current portion

  1     3,863,651      

Long-term lease liabilities from related parties, less current portion

  1     116,913      

Non-current provisions and other non-current liabilities

        718,895     750,738  

Pension liabilities

        563,538     551,930  

Income tax payable

        96,247     97,324  

Deferred taxes

        722,859     626,521  

Total non-current liabilities

        11,763,266     7,072,028  

Total liabilities

        19,126,700     13,340,310  

Shareholders' equity:


Ordinary shares, no par value, €1.00 nominal value, 384,822,972 shares authorized, 307,907,293 issued and 305,278,102 outstanding as of March 31, 2019 and 384,822,972 shares authorized, 307,878,652 issued and 306,878,701 outstanding as of December 31, 2018

        307,907     307,879  

Treasury stock, at cost

        (164,809 )   (50,993 )

Additional paid-in capital

        3,871,908     3,873,345  

Retained earnings

        8,991,461     8,831,930  

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

        (955,874 )   (1,203,750 )

Total FMC-AG & Co. KGaA shareholders' equity

        12,050,593     11,758,411  

Noncontrolling interests

        1,175,911     1,143,547  

Total equity

        13,226,504     12,901,958  

Total liabilities and equity

        32,353,204     26,242,268  


See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated financial statements.


Table of Contents


Consolidated statements of cash flows


Consolidated statements of cash flows

in € THOUS

  For the three months
ended March 31,
  Note   2019   2018  

Operating activities


Net income

          327,758     329,709  

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:


Depreciation and amortization

    14     362,376     174,994  

Change in deferred taxes, net

          53,960     (8,147 )

(Gain) loss on sale of fixed assets, right of use assets, investments and divestitures

          (8,563 )   2,028  

Compensation expense related to share-based plans

          1,380     18,656  

Investments in equity method investees, net

          20,894     22,303  

Interest expense, net

          107,848     82,933  

Changes in assets and liabilities, net of amounts from businesses acquired:


Trade accounts and other receivables

          (430,041 )   (462,386 )


          (141,258 )   (84,210 )

Other current and non-current assets

          (70,828 )   9,537  

Accounts receivable from related parties

          (2,476 )   (10,370 )

Accounts payable to related parties

          54,840     90,081  

Accounts payable, provisions and other current and non-current liabilities          

          (67,346 )   (152,973 )

Paid interest

          (135,041 )   (110,178 )

Received interest

          12,644     6,436  

Income tax payable

          69,244     98,507  

Paid income taxes

          (79,832 )   (51,728 )

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

          75,559     (44,808 )

Investing activities


Purchases of property, plant and equipment

          (200,849 )   (221,486 )

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

          1,911     3,095  

Acquisitions and investments, net of cash acquired, and purchases of intangible assets

    15     (1,828,525 )   (181,403 )

Proceeds from divestitures

    15     11,012     158  

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

          (2,016,451 )   (399,636 )

Financing activities


Proceeds from short-term debt

          175,009     268,785  

Repayments of short-term debt

          (64,027 )   (18,889 )

Proceeds from short-term debt from related parties


Repayments of short-term debt from related parties

          (81,500 )    

Proceeds from long-term debt

          414,458     105,899  

Repayments of long-term debt

          (17,421 )   (15,027 )

Repayments of lease liabilities

          (151,856 )    

Repayments of lease liabilities from related parties

          (4,066 )    

Increase (decrease) of accounts receivable securitization program

          584,185     9,356  

Proceeds from exercise of stock options

          148     562  

Purchase of treasury stock

          (89,446 )    

Distributions to noncontrolling interests

          (54,873 )   (50,951 )

Contributions from noncontrolling interests

          11,545     6,303  

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

          722,156     337,838  

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

          31,892     (25,125 )

Cash and cash equivalents:


Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

          (1,186,844 )   (131,731 )

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period

          2,145,632     978,109  

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

    5     958,788     846,378  


See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated financial statements.


Table of Contents

Consolidated statement of shareholders' equity
For the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018 (unaudited)

Consolidated statements of shareholders' equity  
in € THOUS, except share data
  Accumulated other
comprehensive income (loss)
  Ordinary shares   Treasury stock    
Co. KGaA
  Note   Number of
  No par
  Number of
  Amount   Additional
paid in
  Cash flow
  Pensions   Noncontrolling

Balance at December 31, 2017

          308,111,000     308,111     (1,659,951 )   (108,931 )   3,969,245     7,137,255     (1,203,904 )   (18,336 )   (263,338 )   9,820,102     1,008,084     10,828,186  

Adjustment due to initial application of IFRS 9





Adjusted Balance at December 31, 2017

          308,111,000     308,111     (1,659,951 )   (108,931 )   3,969,245     7,132,179     (1,203,904 )   (18,336 )   (263,338 )   9,815,026     1,008,084     10,823,110  

Proceeds from exercise of options and related tax effects

          10,322     10             476                     486         486  

Compensation expense related to stock options

                          2,014                     2,014         2,014  

Purchase/ sale of noncontrolling interests

                          2,835                     2,835     (11,199 )   (8,364 )

Contributions from/ to noncontrolling interests

                                                  (43,702 )   (43,702 )

Noncontrolling interests subject to put provisions

    13                         67,120                 67,120         67,120  

Net Income

                              278,555                 278,555     51,154     329,709  

Other comprehensive income (loss) related to:


Foreign currency translation

                                  (243,632 )   13     3,956     (239,663 )   (25,378 )   (265,041 )

Cash flow hedges, net of related tax effects

                                      5,616         5,616         5,616  

Comprehensive income

                                              44,508     25,776     70,284  

Balance at March 31, 2018

          308,121,322     308,121     (1,659,951 )   (108,931 )   3,974,570     7,477,854     (1,447,536 )   (12,707 )   (259,382 )   9,931,989     978,959     10,910,948  

Balance at December 31, 2018

          307,878,652     307,879     (999,951 )   (50,993 )   3,873,345     8,831,930     (911,473 )   (1,528 )   (290,749 )   11,758,411     1,143,547     12,901,958  

Adjustment due to initial application of IFRS 16






Adjusted balance at December 31, 2018

          307,878,652     307,879     (999,951 )   (50,993 )   3,873,345     8,716,711     (911,473 )   (1,528 )   (290,749 )   11,643,192     1,128,039     12,771,231  

Proceeds from exercise of options and related tax effects

          28,641     28             (1,326 )                   (1,298 )       (1,298 )

Compensation expense related to stock options

                          1,380                     1,380         1,380  

Purchase of treasury stock

    2d             (1,629,240 )   (113,816 )                       (113,816 )       (113,816 )

Purchase/ sale of noncontrolling interests

                          (1,491 )                   (1,491 )   16,142     14,651  

Contributions from/ to noncontrolling interests

                                                  (46,274 )   (46,274 )

Noncontrolling interests subject to put provisions

    13                         4,001                 4,001         4,001  

Net Income

                              270,749                 270,749     57,009     327,758  

Other comprehensive income (loss) related to:


Foreign currency translation

                                  251,734     (6 )   (2,982 )   248,746     20,995     269,741  

Cash flow hedges, net of related tax effects

                                      (870 )       (870 )       (870 )

Comprehensive income

                                              518,625     78,004     596,629  

Balance at March 31, 2019

          307,907,293     307,907     (2,629,191 )   (164,809 )   3,871,908     8,991,461     (659,739 )   (2,404 )   (293,731 )   12,050,593     1,175,911     13,226,504  

See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated financial statements.


Table of Contents


Notes to consolidated financial statements


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

1. The Company and basis of presentation

The Company

Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA ("FMC-AG & Co. KGaA" or the "Company"), a German partnership limited by shares (Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien) registered in the commercial registry of Hof an der Saale under HRB 4019, with its business address at Else-Kröner-Str. 1, 61352 Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe, is the world's largest kidney dialysis company, based on publicly reported sales and number of patients treated. The Company provides dialysis treatment and related dialysis care services to persons who suffer from end-stage renal disease ("ESRD"), as well as other health care services. The Company also develops and manufactures a wide variety of health care products, which includes dialysis and non-dialysis products. The Company's dialysis products include hemodialysis machines, peritoneal cyclers, dialyzers, peritoneal solutions, hemodialysis concentrates, solutions and granulates, bloodlines, renal pharmaceuticals and systems for water treatment. The Company's non-dialysis products include acute cardiopulmonary and apheresis products. The Company supplies dialysis clinics it owns, operates or manages with a broad range of products and also sells dialysis products to other dialysis service providers. The Company describes certain of its other health care services as "Care Coordination." Care Coordination currently includes, but is not limited to, the coordinated delivery of pharmacy services, vascular, cardiovascular and endovascular specialty services as well as ambulatory surgery center services, physician nephrology and cardiology services, health plan services, urgent care services and ambulant treatment services. Until June 28, 2018, Care Coordination also included the coordinated delivery of emergency, intensivist and hospitalist physician services as well as transitional care which the Company refers to as "hospital related physician services." All of these Care Coordination services together with dialysis care and related services represent the Company's health care services.

In these unaudited consolidated financial statements, "FMC-AG & Co. KGaA," or the "Company" refers to the Company or the Company and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis, as the context requires. "Fresenius SE" and "Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA" refer to Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA. "Management AG" and the "General Partner" refer to Fresenius Medical Care Management AG which is FMC-AG & Co. KGaA's general partner and is wholly owned by Fresenius SE. "Management Board" refers to the members of the management board of Management AG and, except as otherwise specified, "Supervisory Board" refers to the supervisory board of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA. The term "North America Segment" refers to the North America operating segment, the term "EMEA Segment" refers to the Europe, Middle East and Africa operating segment, the term "Asia-Pacific Segment" refers to the Asia-Pacific operating segment, and the term "Latin America Segment" refers to the Latin America operating segment. For further discussion of the Company's operating segments, see note 14.

Basis of presentation

The consolidated financial statements and other financial information included in the Company's quarterly reports on Form 6-K and its Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2018 were prepared solely in accordance with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB"), using the euro as the Company's reporting currency. At March 31, 2019, there were no IFRS or International Financial Reporting Interpretation Committee ("IFRIC") interpretations as endorsed by the European Union relevant for interim reporting that differed from IFRS as issued by the IASB. As such, the accompanying condensed interim report complies with the requirements of International Accounting Standard ("IAS") 34, Interim Financial Reporting as well as with the rules concerning interim reporting as issued by the IASB.

The consolidated financial statements at March 31, 2019 and for the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018 contained in this report are unaudited and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements contained in the Company's 2018 Annual Report on Form 20-F. The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets


Table of Contents


Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expense during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Such financial statements reflect all adjustments that, in the opinion of management, are necessary for a fair presentation of the results of the periods presented. All such adjustments are of a normal recurring nature.

Starting on July 1, 2018, the Company's subsidiaries in Argentina applied IAS 29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies, due to the inflation in Argentina. Pursuant to IAS 29, the Company recorded a loss on its net monetary position of €5,189 for the three months ended March 31, 2019. The Company calculated the loss with the use of the Consumer Price Index (Índice de precios al consumidor) as published by the Argentine Statistics and Census Institute for the first three months ended March 31, 2019, which lists the level at 206 index points, a 12% increase since January 1, 2019.

As a result of the implementation of IFRS 16, Leases, the Company updated its accounting policies. Refer to "Recently implemented accounting pronouncements" below for further details on the updated policies. Excluding the policies update for IFRS 16, the accounting policies applied in the accompanying consolidated financial statements are the same as those applied in the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2018.

As of December 31, 2018, "Property, plant and equipment" included leased fixed assets of €36,402 recognized in accordance with IAS 17, Leases. These are transferred to the line item "Right-of-use assets" as of the beginning of fiscal year 2019.

As of December 31, 2018, "Current portion of long-term debt" included current lease liabilities from capital leases in accordance with IAS 17 of €9,387. From 2019, these are included in the balance sheet item "Current portion of long-term lease liabilities".

As of December 31, 2018, "Long-term debt, less current portion" included non-current lease liabilities from capital leases in accordance with IAS 17 of €26,757. From 2019, these are included in the balance sheet item "Long-term lease liabilities, less current portion".

In the consolidated statement of cash flows, in the comparative information for the period from January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018, the line item "Repayments of long-term debt" included repayments of lease liabilities from capital leases in accordance with IAS 17 of €2,724. In the previous periods this line item was labeled as "Repayments of long-term debt and capital lease obligations". From 2019, these repayments are included in the line item "Repayments of lease liabilities" in accordance with IFRS 16.

Based on the IFRIC agenda decision relating to the applicability of IAS 12, Income Taxes, to the accounting for interest and penalties related to income taxes and an interpretation issued by the Accounting Standards Committee of Germany approved in September 2018, interest and penalties related to income taxes have been reclassified from income tax expense to interest expense, net in the amount of €2,957 for the three months ended March 31, 2018.

The results of operations for the three months ended March 31, 2019 are not necessarily indicative of the results of operations for the year ending December 31, 2019.

Recently implemented accounting pronouncements

The Company has prepared its consolidated financial statements at March 31, 2019 in conformity with IFRS in force for the interim periods on January 1, 2019. In the first quarter of 2019, the Company applied the following new standard relevant for its business for the first time:


In January 2016, the IASB issued IFRS 16, which supersedes the current standard on lease-accounting, IAS 17, as well as the interpretations IFRIC 4, Determining whether an arrangement contains a lease, Standing Interpretations Committee ("SIC")-15, Operating leases—incentives and SIC-27, Evaluating the substance of transactions in the legal form of a lease.


Table of Contents


Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

IFRS 16 significantly changes lessee accounting. For almost all leases, a lessee is required to recognize a right-of-use asset representing its right to use the underlying leased asset and a lease liability representing its obligation to make lease payments.

Leases with a total maximum term of twelve months (short-term leases) and leases for underlying assets of low-value may be exempt from balance sheet recognition by applying an accounting policy choice. Depreciation of the right-of-use asset and interest on the lease liability must be recognized in the income statement for every on-balance lease contract. Therefore, straight-line rental expenses will no longer be shown for the vast majority of the leases. The lessor accounting requirements in IAS 17 are substantially carried forward.

The Company applies the modified retrospective method in accordance with IFRS 16 as the transition method. Accordingly, the cumulative effect from first-time application is recognized in the opening balance of retained earnings as of January 1, 2019 without adjustments to the comparative information of the previous period. In the application of the modified retrospective method, the carrying amount of the lease liability at the date of the initial application is determined by discounting the remaining lease payments of lease agreements that were classified as operating leases under IAS 17 using the term-, country-, and currency-specific incremental borrowing rate at date of initial application. Furthermore, right-of-use assets are to be recognized. In the application of the modified retrospective method, the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset equals the carrying amount of the lease liability adjusted for any prepaid or accrued lease payments. For a part of the existing contracts, the Company recognizes the right-of-use asset with its carrying amount assuming the new standard had been applied since the commencement date of the lease discounted using its term-, country-, and currency-specific incremental borrowing rate at the date of initial application.

Regarding the options and exemptions available upon the initial application of IFRS 16, the Company adopted the following approach:

IFRS 16 is only applied to contracts that were previously identified as leases under IAS 17 and IFRIC 4.

Recognition, valuation and disclosure principles of IFRS 16 are not applied to lease contracts with a lease term ending in less than 12 months from the date of the initial application. The respective lease contracts are accounted for as if they were short term leases and recognized as an expense accordingly.

Material initial direct costs are included in the measurement of a right-of-use asset with the carrying amount assuming the new standard was applied since the commencement date of the lease.

Upon initial recognition no impairment review is performed. The right-of-use assets are adjusted for onerous contract provisions, recognized on the consolidated balance sheet immediately before the date of initial application.

Right-of-use assets from lease contracts are classified in accordance with the Company's classification of property, plant and equipment:

Right-of-use assets: Land

Right-of-use assets: Buildings and improvements

Right-of-use assets: Machinery and equipment

In addition to the right-of-use asset categories above, prepayments on right-of-use assets are presented separately. Right-of-use assets from lease contracts and lease obligations are presented separately from property, plant and equipment and other financial debt in the consolidated balance sheet.

For lease contracts that include both lease and non-lease components that are not separable from lease components, no allocation is performed. Each lease component and any associated non-lease components are accounted for as a single lease.


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

Upon the initial application of IFRS 16 as of January 1, 2019, the Company recognized right-of-use assets of €4,266,753 and lease liabilities from third and related parties of €4,547,535. The cumulative effect from the first-time application is recognized in the opening balance of retained earnings (€115,219) as well as in non-controlling interests (€15,508) as of January 1, 2019.

The following table shows a reconciliation of the future minimum rental payments as of December 31, 2018 to the lease liabilities as of January 1, 2019:

Reconciliation of lease liabilities upon the initial application of IFRS 16

in € THOUS


Future minimum rental payments as of December 31, 2018 (IAS 17)


less short-term leases

    (21,936 )

less leases of low-value assets

    (34,145 )


    (30,066 )

Gross lease liabilities as of January 1, 2019



    (893,957 )

Lease liabilities as a result of the initial application of IFRS 16 as of January 1, 2019


Lease liabilities from capital leases as of December 31, 2018 (IAS 17)


Lease liabilities as of January 1, 2019


The lease liabilities were discounted using the term-, country-, and currency-specific incremental borrowing rate as of January 1, 2019. The weighted average discount rate was 3.69%.

Leasing in the consolidated statements of income

The Company decided not to apply the guidance within IFRS 16 to short-term leases as well as leases for underlying assets of low-value. These lease payments will be recognized as expenses over the lease term.

The following table shows the effects from lease agreements on the consolidated statements of income in the first three months of fiscal year 2019:

Leasing in the consolidated statements of income

in € THOUS

  For the three months
ended March 31, 2019

Depreciation on right-of-use assets


Expenses relating to short-term leases


Expenses relating to leases of low-value assets


Expenses relating to variable lease payments


Income from subleasing right-of-use asset


Interest expense on lease liabilities



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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

Leasing in the consolidated balance sheets

At March 31, 2019, the book values of right-of-use assets consisted of the following:

Right-of-use assets

in € THOUS

  March 31, 2019  

Right-of-use assets: Land


Right-of-use assets: Buildings and improvements


Right-of-use assets: Machinery and equipment


Right-of-use assets


In the first three months of fiscal year 2019, additions to right-of-use assets were €104,131.

Recent accounting pronouncements not yet adopted

The IASB issued the following new standard which is relevant for the Company:

IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts

In May 2017, the IASB issued IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts. IFRS 17 establishes principles for the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure related to the issuance of insurance contracts. IFRS 17 replaces IFRS 4, Insurance Contracts, which was brought in as an interim standard in 2004. IFRS 4 permitted the use of national accounting standards for the accounting of insurance contracts under IFRS. As a result of the varied application for insurance contracts there was a lack of comparability among peer groups. IFRS 17 eliminates this diversity in practice by requiring all insurance contracts to be accounted for using current values. The frequent updates to the insurance values are expected to provide more useful information to users of financial statements. IFRS 17 is effective for fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2021. Earlier adoption is permitted for entities that have also adopted IFRS 9, Financial Instruments and IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers. The Company is evaluating the impact of IFRS 17 on the consolidated financial statements.

In the Company's view, all other pronouncements issued by the IASB do not have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements.


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

2. Notes to the consolidated statements of income

a)    Revenue

The Company has recognized the following revenue in the consolidated statement of income for the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018:


in € THOUS

  For the three months ended March 31,  
  2019   2018  
  Revenue from
contracts with
  Total   Revenue from
contracts with

Health care services


Dialysis services

    2,957,381         2,957,381     2,648,293         2,648,293  

Care Coordination

    299,544     60,383     359,927     507,244     53,258     560,502  

    3,256,925     60,383     3,317,308     3,155,537     53,258     3,208,795  

Health care products


Dialysis products

    762,885     33,790     796,675     729,956     17,736     747,692  

Non-dialysis products

    18,574         18,574     19,142         19,142  

    781,459     33,790     815,249     749,098     17,736     766,834  


    4,038,384     94,173     4,132,557     3,904,635     70,994     3,975,629  

b)    (Gain) loss related to divestitures of Care Coordination activities

On April 20, 2018, the Company signed a definitive agreement to divest its controlling interest in Sound Inpatient Physicians, Inc. ("Sound") to an investment consortium led by Summit Partners, L.P., ("Summit Consortium"). Upon receipt of the required regulatory approvals under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Acts of 1976, as amended, and the satisfaction of customary closing conditions, the divestiture was consummated on June 28, 2018. The total transaction proceeds were $1,770,516 (€1,531,109), net of related tax payments. For the three months ended March 31, 2018, the pre-tax loss related to divestitures for Care Coordination activities was €13,103, which primarily related to the initial increase in valuation of Sound's share based payment program. Sound was included in Care Coordination within the North America Segment. The Company's history with Sound, prior to divestment, includes the following milestones:

In July 2014, the Company made an investment for a majority interest in Sound, a physician services organization focused on hospitalist, emergency, intensivist and post-acute care services, furthering its strategic investments and expanding the health care services we offer.

In November 2014, Sound acquired Cogent Healthcare, expanding Sound to serve over 180 hospitals in 35 states with more than 1,750 providers.

In 2017, the Company increased its interest in Sound raising the Company majority interest to almost 100% during the first half of 2017.

c)     Research and development expenses

Research and development expenses of €33,614 for the three months ended March 31, 2019 (for the three months ended March 31, 2018: €31,897) include expenditure for research and non-capitalizable development costs as well as depreciation and amortization expenses related to capitalized development costs of €92 (for the three months ended March 31, 2018: €80).


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

d)    Earnings per share

The following table contains reconciliations of the numerators and denominators of the basic and fully diluted earnings per share computations for 2019 and 2018:

Reconciliation of Basic and Diluted Earnings per Share

in € THOUS, except share and per share data

  For the three months ended
March 31,
  2019   2018  



Net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA




Weighted average number of shares outstanding


Potentially dilutive shares


Basic earnings per share

    0.88     0.91  

Fully diluted earnings per share

    0.88     0.91  

Share buy-back program

In 2019, the Company will utilize the authorization granted by the Company's Annual General Meeting on May 12, 2016 to conduct a share buy-back program. The 2019 share buy-back program allows for a maximum of 6,000,000 shares to be repurchased at a total purchase price, excluding ancillary transaction costs, of up to €330,000 between March 12, 2019 and May 10, 2019. For the period ending March 31, 2019, the Company repurchased 1,629,240 shares, at an average weighted stock purchase price of €69.86.

As of March 31, 2019, the Company holds 2,629,191 treasury shares. These shares will be used solely to reduce the registered share capital of the Company by cancellation of the acquired shares.

The following tabular disclosure provides the number of shares acquired in the context of the share buy-back programs as well as the retired treasury stock:

Treasury Stock

  Average price
paid per share
  Total number of shares
purchased and retired
as part of publicly
announced plans or
  Total value
of shares (1)
  in €
  in € THOUS

December 31, 2017

    65.63     1,659,951     108,931  

Purchase of Treasury Stock


May 2018

    86.69     173,274     15,020  

June 2018

    86.14     257,726     22,201  

Repurchased Treasury Stock

    86.37     431,000     37,221  

Retirement of repurchased Treasury Stock


December 2018

    87.23     1,091,000     95,159  

December 31, 2018

    51.00     999,951     50,993  

Purchase of Treasury Stock


March 2019

    69.86     1,629,240     113,816  

March 31, 2019

    62.69     2,629,191     164,809  
The value of shares repurchased is inclusive of fees (net of taxes) paid in the amount of approximately €11, respectively, for services rendered.


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

3. Acquisition of NxStage Medical, Inc.

On February 21, 2019, the Company acquired all of the outstanding shares of NxStage for $30.00 per common share. The total acquisition value of this business combination, net of cash acquired, is $1,976,235 (€1,740,563 at date of closing). NxStage is a leading medical technology company that develops, produces and markets an innovative product portfolio of medical devices for use in home dialysis and in the critical care setting. This acquisition is part of the Company's stated strategy to expand and complement its existing business through acquisitions. Generally, these acquisitions do not change the Company's business model and are easy to integrate without disruption to its existing business, requiring little or no realignment of its structures. The NxStage acquisition is consistent in this regard as it supplements the Company's existing business.

The following table summarizes the estimated fair values, as of the date of acquisition based upon information available, as of March 31, 2019, of assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of the acquisition. Any adjustments to acquisition accounting, net of related income tax effects, will be recorded with a corresponding adjustment to goodwill:

Estimated Fair Values of Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed—Preliminary

in $ THOUS

  in USD  

Cash and cash equivalents


Trade accounts and other receivables


Other current assets


Property, plant and equipment


Intangible assets and other assets




Accounts payable, current provisions and other current liabilities

    (69,456 )

Income tax payable and deferred taxes

    (119,086 )

Other liabilities

    (23,118 )

Noncontrolling interests (subject and not subject to put provisions)

    (4,063 )

Total acquisition cost




Cash acquired

    (47,203 )

Net Cash paid


As of the acquisition date, it is estimated that amortizable intangible assets acquired in this acquisition will have weighted average useful lives of 13 years.

Goodwill in the amount of $1,165,289 was acquired as part of the NxStage acquisition and is allocated to the North America Segment.

NxStage's results have been included in the Company's consolidated statement of income since February 21, 2019. Specifically, NxStage has contributed revenue and an operating loss in the amount of $33,805 (€29,764) and $12,655 (€11,142) respectively, to the Company's consolidated operating income. This operating loss amount does not include synergies which may have resulted at consolidated entities outside NxStage since the acquisition closed.

Pro forma financial information

The following financial information, on a pro forma basis, reflects the consolidated results of operations for the three months ended March 31, 2019 as if the NxStage acquisition had been consummated on January 1, 2019 and excludes related transaction costs. The pro-forma financial information is not


Table of Contents


Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

necessarily indicative of the results of operations as it would have been had the transactions been consummated on January 1, 2019.

Pro forma financial Information

in € THOUS, except per share data

  in EUR  

Pro forma revenue


Pro forma net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA


Basic earnings per share


Fully diluted earnings per share


4. Related party transactions

Fresenius SE is the Company's largest shareholder and owns 30.92% of the Company's outstanding shares, excluding treasury shares held by the Company, at March 31, 2019. The Company has entered into certain arrangements for services and products with Fresenius SE or its subsidiaries and with certain of the Company's equity method investees as described in item a) below. The arrangements for leases with Fresenius SE or its subsidiaries are described in item b) below. The Company's terms related to the receivables or payables for these services, leases and products are generally consistent with the normal terms of the Company's ordinary course of business transactions with unrelated parties and the Company believes that these arrangements reflect fair market terms. The Company utilizes various methods to verify the commercial reasonableness of its related party arrangements. Financing arrangements as described in item c) below have agreed upon terms which are determined at the time such financing transactions occur and reflect market rates at the time of the transaction. The relationship between the Company and its key management personnel who are considered to be related parties is described in item d) below. Our related party transactions are settled through Fresenius SE's cash management system where appropriate.

a)    Service agreements and products

The Company is party to service agreements with Fresenius SE and certain of its affiliates (collectively the "Fresenius SE Companies") to receive services, including, but not limited to: administrative services, management information services, employee benefit administration, insurance, information technology services, tax services and treasury management services. The Company also provides central purchasing services to the Fresenius SE Companies. These related party agreements generally have a duration of 1 to 5 years and are renegotiated on an as needed basis when the agreement comes due. The Company provides administrative services to one of its equity method investees.

The Company sold products to the Fresenius SE Companies and made purchases from the Fresenius SE Companies and equity method investees. In addition, Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. ("FMCH") purchases heparin supplied by Fresenius Kabi USA, Inc. ("Kabi USA"), through an independent group purchasing organization ("GPO"). Kabi USA is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Fresenius SE. The Company has no direct supply agreement with Kabi USA and does not submit purchase orders directly to Kabi USA. FMCH acquires heparin from Kabi USA, through the GPO contract, which was negotiated by the GPO at arm's length on behalf of all members of the GPO.

The Company entered into a ten year agreement with a Fresenius SE Company for the manufacturing of infusion bags. In order to establish the new production line, the Company purchased machinery from the Fresenius SE company in the amount of €250 during the three months ended March 31, 2019.

In December 2010, the Company and Galenica Ltd. (now known as Vifor Pharma Ltd.) formed the renal pharmaceutical company Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Ltd., ("VFMCRP"), an equity method investee of which the Company owns 45%. The Company has entered into exclusive supply agreements to purchase certain pharmaceuticals from VFMCRP.


Table of Contents


Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

Below is a summary, including the Company's receivables from and payables to the indicated parties resulting from the above described transactions with related parties.

Service agreements and products with related parties

in € THOUS

  For the three months
ended March 31,
  For the three months
ended March 31,
  March 31, 2019   December 31, 2018  
  Sales of
goods and
  Purchases of
goods and
  Sales of
goods and
  Purchases of
goods and

Service agreements (1)


Fresenius SE

    32     5,182     70     5,724     1,064     3,149     378     4,019  

Fresenius SE affiliates

    940     24,652     876     24,455     849     7,946     681     8,470  

Equity method investees

    730         5,060         78         2,449      


    1,702     29,834     6,006     30,179     1,991     11,095     3,508     12,489  



Fresenius SE affiliates

    9,862     8,290     7,907     9,075     11,062     3,699     8,750     3,658  

Equity method investees

        151,645         121,021         112,907         57,975  


    9,862     159,935     7,907     130,096     11,062     116,606     8,750     61,633  
In addition to the above shown accounts payable, accrued expenses for service agreements with related parties amounted to €6,687 and €9,376 at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, respectively.

b)    Lease agreements

In addition to the above-mentioned product and service agreements, the Company is a party to real estate lease agreements with the Fresenius SE Companies, which mainly include leases for the Company's corporate headquarters in Bad Homburg, Germany and production sites in Schweinfurt and St. Wendel, Germany. The majority of the leases expire at the end of 2026.

Below is a summary resulting from the above described lease agreements with related parties. For information on the implementation of IFRS 16, see note 1.

Lease agreements with related parties

in € THOUS

  For the three months ended
March 31, 2019
  For the three months ended
March 31, 2018
  March 31, 2019  
  Depreciation   Interest
expense (1)
  Lease income   Lease expense   Right-of-use

Fresenius SE

    1,214     137     854         2,069     35,219     35,286  

Fresenius SE affiliates

    3,089     353     161         3,692     97,966     98,116  


    4,303     490     1,015         5,761     133,185     133,402  
Short-term leases and expenses relating to variable lease payments are exempted from balance sheet recognition.

c)     Financing

The Company receives short-term financing from and provides short-term financing to Fresenius SE. The Company also utilizes Fresenius SE's cash management system for the settlement of certain intercompany receivables and payables with its subsidiaries and other related parties. As of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, the Company had accounts receivable from Fresenius SE related to short-term financing in the amount of €80,388 and €80,228, respectively. As of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, the Company had accounts payable to Fresenius SE related to short-term financing in the amount of €76,784 and €32,454, respectively. The interest rates for these cash management arrangements are set on a


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

daily basis and are based on the then-prevailing overnight reference rate, with a floor of zero, for the respective currencies.

On August 19, 2009, the Company borrowed €1,500 from the General Partner on an unsecured basis at 1.335%. The loan repayment has been extended periodically and is currently due August 22, 2019 with an interest rate of 0.825%. On November 28, 2013, the Company borrowed an additional €1,500 with an interest rate of 1.875% from the General Partner. The loan repayment has been extended periodically and is currently due on November 23, 2019 with an interest rate of 0.825%.

At March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, a subsidiary of Fresenius SE held unsecured bonds issued by the Company in the amount of €5,000 and €6,000, respectively. The bonds were issued in 2011 and 2012, mature in 2021 and 2019, respectively, and each has a coupon rate of 5.25% with interest payable semiannually.

At March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, the Company borrowed from Fresenius SE in the amount of €104,400 on an unsecured basis at an interest rate of 0.825% and €185,900 on an unsecured basis at an interest rate of 0.825%, respectively. For further information on this loan agreement, see note 8.

d)    Key management personnel

Due to the Company's legal form of a German partnership limited by shares, the General Partner holds a key management position within the Company. In addition, as key management personnel, members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, as well as their close relatives, are considered related parties.

The Company's Articles of Association provide that the General Partner shall be reimbursed for any and all expenses in connection with management of the Company's business, including remuneration of the members of the General Partner's supervisory board and the members of the Management Board. The aggregate amount reimbursed to the General Partner was €8,028 and €4,016, respectively, for its management services during the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018. As of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, the Company had accounts receivable from the General Partner in the amount of €1,840 and €176, respectively. As of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, the Company had accounts payable to the General Partner in the amount of €5,899 and €47,205, respectively.

5. Cash and cash equivalents

As of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, cash and cash equivalents are as follows:

Cash and cash equivalents

in € THOUS

  March 31,
  December 31,


    705,731     831,885  

Securities and time deposits

    253,057     1,313,747  

Cash and cash equivalents

    958,788     2,145,632  

The cash and cash equivalents disclosed in the table above, and in the consolidated statements of cash flows, include at March 31, 2019 an amount of €5,740 (December 31, 2018: €5,002) from collateral requirements towards an insurance company in North America that are not available for use.


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

6. Trade accounts and other receivables

As of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, trade accounts and other receivables are as follows:

Trade accounts and other receivables

in € THOUS

  March 31, 2019   December 31, 2018  
  thereof Credit-
  thereof Credit-

Trade accounts and other receivables, gross

    3,980,307     387,850     3,455,721     325,240  

thereof Finance Lease Receivables

    44,037         28,726      

less allowances

    (123,416 )   (87,056 )   (118,015 )   (85,775 )

Trade accounts and other receivables

    3,856,891     300,794     3,337,706     239,465  

The other receivables in the amount of €79,627 include receivables from finance leases, operating leases and insurance contracts (December 31, 2018: €66,496).

All trade accounts and other receivables are due within one year. A small portion of the trade account receivables are subject to factoring agreements.

Trade accounts receivables and finance lease receivables with a term of more than one year in the amount of €120,479 (December 31, 2018: €120,668) are included in the balance sheet item "Other non-current assets."

7. Inventories

At March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, inventories consisted of the following:


in € THOUS

  March 31,
  December 31,

Finished goods

    895,533     774,133  

Health care supplies

    470,202     391,593  

Raw materials and purchased components

    237,664     224,054  

Work in process

    92,259     77,023  


    1,695,658     1,466,803  


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

8. Short-term debt and short-term debt from related parties

At March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, short-term debt and short-term debt from related parties consisted of the following:

Short-term debt and short-term debt from related parties

in € THOUS

  March 31,
  December 31,

Commercial paper program

    999,834     999,873  

Borrowings under lines of credit

    318,540     204,491  


    1,623     930  

Short-term debt

    1,319,997     1,205,294  

Short-term debt from related parties (see note 4c)

    107,400     188,900  

Short-term debt and short-term debt from related parties

    1,427,397     1,394,194  

The Company and certain consolidated entities operate a multi-currency notional pooling cash management system. The Company met the conditions to offset balances within this cash pool for reporting purposes. At March 31, 2019, cash and borrowings under lines of credit in the amount of €113,238 (December 31, 2018: €122,256) were offset under this cash management system.

Commercial paper program

The Company maintains a commercial paper program under which short-term notes of up to €1,000,000 can be issued. At March 31, 2019, the outstanding commercial paper amounted to €1,000,000 (December 31, 2018: €1,000,000).


At March 31, 2019, the Company had €1,623 (December 31, 2018: €930) of other debt outstanding related to fixed payments outstanding for acquisitions.

Short-term debt from related parties

The Company is party to an unsecured loan agreement with Fresenius SE under which the Company or FMCH may request and receive one or more short-term advances up to an aggregate amount of $400,000 until maturity on July 31, 2022. For further information on short-term debt from related parties, see note 4 c).


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

9. Long-term debt

As of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, long-term debt consisted of the following:

Long-term debt

in € THOUS

March 31,
December 31,

Amended 2012 Credit Agreement

    2,296,088     1,887,357  


    3,752,592     3,700,446  

Convertible Bonds

    394,794     393,232  

Accounts Receivable Facility


Capital lease obligations (1)



    159,725     134,855  

Long-term debt (2)

    7,192,978     6,152,034  

Less current portion

    (1,511,815 )   (1,106,519 )

Long-term debt, less current portion (2)

    5,681,163     5,045,515  
As of December 31, 2018, this line item included lease liabilities from capital leases in accordance with IAS 17. From 2019, these are transferred to balance sheet items "Current portion of long-term lease liabilities" and "Long-term lease liabilities, less current portion" (see Note 1).

Labeled as "Long-term debt and capital lease obligations" as of December 31, 2018, this line item included lease liabilities from capital leases in accordance with IAS 17. From 2019, these are transferred to balance sheet item "Long-term lease liabilities, less current portion" (see Note 1).

Amended 2012 Credit Agreement

The following table shows the available and outstanding amounts under the Amended 2012 Credit Agreement at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018:

Amended 2012 Credit Agreement—Maximum amount available and balance outstanding


  Maximum amount available
March 31, 2019
  Balance outstanding
March 31, 2019 (1)

Revolving credit USD 2017 / 2022

  $ 900,000   801,068   $ 246,345   219,266  

Revolving credit EUR 2017 / 2022

  600,000   600,000   200,000   200,000  

USD term loan 2017 / 2022

  $ 1,320,000   1,174,900   $ 1,320,000   1,174,900  

EUR term loan 2017 / 2022

  308,000   308,000   308,000   308,000  

EUR term loan 2017 / 2020

  400,000   400,000   400,000   400,000  

        3,283,968         2,302,166  


  Maximum amount available
December 31, 2018
  Balance outstanding
December 31, 2018 (1)

Revolving credit USD 2017 / 2022

  $ 900,000   786,026   $    

Revolving credit EUR 2017 / 2022

  600,000   600,000      

USD term loan 2017 / 2022

  $ 1,350,000   1,179,039   $ 1,350,000   1,179,039  

EUR term loan 2017 / 2022

  315,000   315,000   315,000   315,000  

EUR term loan 2017 / 2020

  400,000   400,000   400,000   400,000  

        3,280,065         1,894,039  
Amounts shown are excluding debt issuance costs.


Table of Contents


Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

Accounts Receivable Facility

The following table shows the available and outstanding amounts under the Accounts Receivable Facility at March 31, 2019 and at December 31, 2018:

Accounts Receivable Facility—Maximum amount available and balance outstanding


  Maximum amount
March 31, 2019 (1)
  Balance outstanding
March 31, 2019 (2)

Accounts Receivable Facility

  $ 900,000   801,068   $ 663,500   590,565  


  Maximum amount
December 31, 2018 (1)
  Balance outstanding
December 31, 2018 (2)

Accounts Receivable Facility

  $ 900,000   786,026   $    
Subject to availability of sufficient accounts receivable meeting funding criteria.

Amounts shown are excluding debt issuance costs.

The Company also had letters of credit outstanding under the Accounts Receivable Facility in the amount of $26,631 and $26,631 (€23,704 and €23,259) at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, respectively. These letters of credit are not included above as part of the balance outstanding at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018; however, they reduce available borrowings under the Accounts Receivable Facility.

10. Supplementary information on capital management

As of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018 the total equity in percent of total assets was 40.9% and 49.2%, respectively, and the debt in percent of total assets was 40.9% and 28.8%, respectively.

Further information on the Company's capital management is available in the Annual Report on Form 20-F as of December 31, 2018.

The Company's financing structure and business model are reflected in the investment grade ratings. The Company is covered and rated investment grade by the three leading rating agencies, Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch.

Rating (1)

  Standard & Poor's   Moody's   Fitch

Corporate Credit Rating

  BBB–   Baa3   BBB–


  positive   stable   stable
A rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities of the Company, and may be subject to suspension, change or withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating agency.

11. Employee benefit plans

The Company currently has five principal pension plans, one for German employees, three for French employees and the other covering employees in the United States, the last of which was curtailed in 2002. Plan benefits are generally based on years of service and final salary. As there is no legal requirement in Germany to fund defined benefit plans, the Company's pension obligations in Germany are unfunded. Each year FMCH contributes to the plan covering United States employees at least the minimum required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended. In 2019, FMCH did not have a minimum funding requirement. For the first three months of 2019, the Company voluntarily provided €294


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

to the defined benefit plan. For the remaining period of 2019, the Company expects further voluntarily contributions of €812.

The following table provides the calculations of net periodic benefit cost for the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively.

Net periodic benefit cost

in € THOUS

  For the three
months ended
March 31,
  2019   2018  

Current service cost

    7,444     6,794  

Net interest cost

    3,454     3,208  

Net periodic benefit costs

    10,898     10,002  

12. Commitments and contingencies

Legal and regulatory matters

The Company is routinely involved in claims, lawsuits, regulatory and tax audits, investigations and other legal matters arising, for the most part, in the ordinary course of its business of providing health care services and products. Legal matters that the Company currently deems to be material or noteworthy are described below. The Company records its litigation reserves for certain legal proceedings and regulatory matters to the extent that the Company determines an unfavorable outcome is probable and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. For the other matters described below, the Company believes that the loss probability is remote and/or the loss or range of possible losses cannot be reasonably estimated at this time. The outcome of litigation and other legal matters is always difficult to predict accurately and outcomes that are not consistent with the Company's view of the merits can occur. The Company believes that it has valid defenses to the legal matters pending against it and is defending itself vigorously. Nevertheless, it is possible that the resolution of one or more of the legal matters currently pending or threatened could have a material adverse effect on its business, results of operations and financial condition.

On February 15, 2011, a whistleblower (relator) action under the False Claims Act against FMCH was unsealed by order of the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts and served by the relator. United States ex rel. Chris Drennen v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. , 2009 Civ. 10179 (D. Mass.). The relator's complaint, which was first filed under seal in February 2009, alleged that FMCH sought and received reimbursement from government payors for serum ferritin and multiple forms of hepatitis B laboratory tests that were medically unnecessary or not properly ordered by a physician. Discovery on the relator's complaint closed in May 2015. Although the United States initially declined to intervene in the case, the government subsequently changed position. On April 3, 2017, the court allowed the government to intervene with respect only to certain hepatitis B surface antigen tests performed prior to 2011, when Medicare reimbursement rules for such tests changed. The court has subsequently rejected government requests to conduct new discovery and to add counts to its complaint-in-intervention that would expand upon the relator's complaint, but has allowed FMCH to take discovery against the government as if the government had intervened at the outset.

Beginning in 2012, the Company received certain communications alleging conduct in countries outside the United States that might violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or other anti-bribery laws. The Company conducted investigations with the assistance of outside counsel and, in a continuing dialogue, advised the Securities and Exchange Commission and the United States Department of Justice (collectively and interchangeably the "government") about these investigations. The government also conducted its own investigations, in which the Company cooperated.


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


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In the course of this dialogue, the Company identified and reported to the government, and took remedial actions including employee disciplinary actions with respect to, conduct that resulted in the government seeking monetary penalties including disgorgement of profits and other remedies. This conduct revolved principally around the Company's products business in countries outside the United States.

The Company recorded charges of €200,000 in 2017 and €77,200 in 2018 encompassing estimates for the government's claims for profit disgorgement, penalties, certain legal expenses, and other related costs or asset impairments believed likely to be necessary for full and final resolution, by litigation or settlement, of the claims and issues arising from the investigation. The increase recorded in 2018 took into consideration preliminary understandings with the government on the financial terms of a potential settlement. Following this increase, which takes into account incurred and anticipated legal expenses, impairments and other costs, the provision totals €223,980 as of December 31, 2018.

On March 29, 2019, the Company entered into a non-prosecution agreement with the DOJ and a separate agreement with the SEC intended to resolve fully and finally the government's claims against the Company arising from the investigations. The Company agreed to pay a combined total in penalties and disgorgement of approximately $231,700 to the government in connection with these agreements. As part of the settlement, the Company further agreed to retain an independent compliance monitor for a period of two years and to an additional year of self-reporting.

The Company continues to cooperate with government authorities in Germany in their review of the issues resolved in the U.S. settlement.

The Company continues to implement enhancements to its anti-corruption compliance program, including internal controls related to compliance with international anti-bribery laws. The Company continues to be fully committed to compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and other applicable anti-bribery laws.

Personal injury litigation involving the Company's acid concentrate product, labeled as Granuflo® or Naturalyte®, first arose in 2012 and was substantially resolved by settlement agreed in principle in February 2016 and consummated in November 2017. Remaining individual personal injury cases do not present material risk.

The Company's affected insurers agreed to the settlement of the acid concentrate personal injury litigation and funded $220,000 of the settlement fund under a reciprocal reservation of rights encompassing certain coverage issues raised by insurers and the Company's claims for indemnification of defense costs. The Company accrued a net expense of $60,000 in connection with the settlement, including legal fees and other anticipated costs. Following entry into the settlement, the Company's insurers in the AIG group and the Company each initiated litigation against the other relating to the AIG group's coverage obligations under applicable policies. In the coverage litigation, the AIG group seeks to be indemnified by the Company for a portion of its $220,000 outlay; the Company seeks to confirm the AIG group's $220,000 funding obligation, to recover defense costs already incurred by the Company, and to compel the AIG group to honor defense and indemnification obligations, if any, required for resolution of cases not participating in the settlement. As a result of decisions on issues of venue, the coverage litigation is proceeding in the New York state trial court for Manhattan. ( National Union Fire Insurance v. Fresenius Medical Care , 2016 Index No. 653108 (Supreme Court of New York for New York County)).

Four institutional plaintiffs filed complaints against FMCH or its affiliates under state deceptive practices statutes resting on certain background allegations common to the GranuFlo®/NaturaLyte® personal injury litigation but seeking as a remedy the repayment of sums paid to FMCH that are attributable to the GranuFlo®/NaturaLyte® products. These cases implicate different legal standards, theories of liability and forms of potential recovery from those in the personal injury litigation and their claims were not extinguished by the personal injury litigation settlement described above. The four plaintiffs were the Attorneys General for the States of Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi and the commercial insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana in its private capacity. State of Mississippi ex rel. Hood, v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc., No. 14-cv-152 (Chancery Court, DeSoto County); State of Louisiana


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ex re. Caldwell and Louisiana Health Service & Indemnity Company v. Fresenius Medical Care Airline, et al 2016 Civ. 11035 (U.S.D.C. D. Mass.); Commonwealth of Kentucky ex rel. Beshear v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. et al., No. 16-CI-00946 (Circuit Court, Franklin County). On February 12, 2019, agreement was reached to settle and resolve Kentucky's claims in Beshear in exchange for FMCH´s payment of $10,300 and the case has been dismissed. On April 1, 2019, agreement was reached to settle and resolve Mississippi's claims in Hood for $15,700 and activity has ceased in that case pending the court's expected approval. The Caldwell and Blue Cross Louisiana cases remain unresolved and are proceeding together in federal court in Boston but are subject to undecided motions for severance and remand. There is no trial date in either case. The Company has additionally increased its litigation reserves to account for anticipated settlement of some, but not all, of the remaining payor cases. However, at the present time there are no agreements in principle for resolving the remaining cases and litigation through final adjudication may be required in all of them.

On September 6, 2018, a special-purpose entity organized under Delaware law for the purpose of pursuing litigation filed a Pure Bill of Discovery in a Florida county court seeking discovery from FMCH related to the personal injury settlement, but no other relief. MSP Recovery Claims Series LLC v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, No. 2018-030366-CA-01 (11th Judicial Circuit, Dade County, Florida). The Pure Bill was thereafter removed to federal court and transferred into the multidistrict Fresenius Granuflo/Naturalyte Dialysate Products Liability Litigation in Boston. No.1:13-MD-02428-DPW (D. Mass. 2013). On March 12, 2019, plaintiff amended its Pure Bill by filing a complaint claiming rights to recover monetary damages on behalf of various persons and entities who are alleged to have assigned to plaintiff their rights to recover monetary damages arising from their having provided or paid for medical services for dialysis patients receiving treatments using FMCH's acid concentrate product. FMCH is responding to the amended complaint.

In August 2014, FMCH received a subpoena from the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland inquiring into FMCH's contractual arrangements with hospitals and physicians involving contracts relating to the management of in-patient acute dialysis services. FMCH is cooperating in the investigation.

In July 2015, the Attorney General for Hawaii issued a civil complaint under the Hawaii False Claims Act alleging a conspiracy pursuant to which certain Liberty Dialysis subsidiaries of FMCH overbilled Hawaii Medicaid for Liberty's Epogen® administrations to Hawaii Medicaid patients during the period from 2006 through 2010, prior to the time of FMCH's acquisition of Liberty. Hawaii v. Liberty Dialysis—Hawaii, LLC et al. , Case No. 15-1-1357-07 (Hawaii 1 st  Circuit). The State alleges that Liberty acted unlawfully by relying on incorrect and unauthorized billing guidance provided to Liberty by Xerox State Healthcare LLC, which acted as Hawaii's contracted administrator for its Medicaid program reimbursement operations during the relevant period. The amount of the overpayment claimed by the State is approximately $8,000, but the State seeks civil remedies, interest, fines, and penalties against Liberty and FMCH under the Hawaii False Claims Act substantially in excess of the overpayment. After prevailing on motions by Xerox to preclude it from doing so, FMCH is pursuing third-party claims for contribution and indemnification against Xerox. The State's False Claims Act complaint was filed after Liberty initiated an administrative action challenging the State's recoupment of alleged overpayments from sums currently owed to Liberty. The civil litigation and administrative action are proceeding in parallel. Trial in the civil litigation is scheduled for April 2020.

On August 31, 2015, FMCH received a subpoena under the False Claims Act from the United States Attorney for the District of Colorado (Denver) inquiring into FMCH's participation in and management of dialysis facility joint ventures in which physicians are partners. FMCH continues to cooperate in the Denver United States Attorney's Office ("USAO") investigation, which has come to focus on purchases and sales of minority interests in ongoing outpatient facilities between FMCH and physician groups.

On November 25, 2015, FMCH received a subpoena under the False Claims Act from the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn) also inquiring into FMCH's involvement in certain dialysis facility joint ventures in New York. On September 26, 2018, the Brooklyn USAO declined to intervene on the qui tam complaint filed under seal in 2014 that gave rise to this investigation. CKD


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


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Project LLC v. Fresenius Medical Care , 2014 Civ. 6646 (E.D.N.Y. November 12, 2014). The court unsealed the complaint, allowing the relator to serve and proceed on its own. The relator—a special-purpose entity formed by law firms to pursue qui tam proceedings—has served its complaint and litigation is proceeding.

Beginning October 6, 2015, the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn) has led an investigation, through subpoenas issued under the False Claims Act, utilization and invoicing by the Company's subsidiary Azura Vascular Care for a period beginning after the Company's acquisition of American Access Care LLC ("AAC") in October 2011. The Company has cooperated in the Brooklyn USAO investigation, which is continuing. Allegations against AAC arising in districts in Connecticut, Florida and Rhode Island relating to utilization and invoicing were settled in 2015.

On October 22, 2018, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York (Manhattan) announced a False Claims Act settlement for up to $18,400 with Vascular Access Centers LP, a competitor of AAC and Azura. Simultaneously, the 2012 qui tam (whistleblower) complaint that gave rise to the investigation was unsealed. Levine v. Vascular Access Centers , 2012 Civ. 5103 (S.D.N.Y.). That qui tam complaint names as defendants, among others in the dialysis industry, subsidiaries and employees of the Company engaged in the vascular access business. The Manhattan USAO did not intervene against non-settling defendants, allowing the relator to proceed on his own against those defendants. The relator subsequently dismissed with prejudice the defendants related to FMCH.

On June 30, 2016, FMCH received a subpoena from the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas (Dallas) seeking information under the False Claims Act about the use and management of pharmaceuticals including Velphoro®. The investigation encompasses DaVita, Amgen, Sanofi, and other pharmaceutical manufacturers and includes inquiries into whether certain compensation transfers between manufacturers and pharmacy vendors constituted unlawful kickbacks. The Company understands that this investigation is substantively independent of the $63,700 settlement by DaVita Rx announced on December 14, 2017 in the matter styled United States ex rel. Gallian v. DaVita Rx , 2016 Civ. 0943 (N.D. Tex.). FMCH is cooperating in the investigation.

On November 18, 2016, FMCH received a subpoena under the False Claims Act from the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn) seeking documents and information relating to the operations of Shiel Medical Laboratory, Inc., which FMCH acquired in October 2013. In the course of cooperating in the investigation and preparing to respond to the subpoena, FMCH identified falsifications and misrepresentations in documents submitted by a Shiel salesperson that relate to the integrity of certain invoices submitted by Shiel for laboratory testing for patients in long term care facilities. On February 21, 2017, FMCH terminated the employee and notified the United States Attorney of the termination and its circumstances. The terminated employee's conduct is expected to result in demands for the Company to refund overpayments and to pay related penalties under applicable laws, but the monetary value of such payment demands cannot yet be reasonably estimated. The Brooklyn USAO continues to investigate a range of issues involving Shiel, including allegations of improper compensation (kickbacks) to physicians, and has disclosed that multiple sealed qui tam complaints underlie the investigation.

On December 12, 2017, the Company sold to Quest Diagnostics certain Shiel operations that are the subject of this Brooklyn subpoena, including the misconduct reported to the United States Attorney. Under the sale agreement, the Company retains responsibility for the Brooklyn investigation and its outcome. The Company continues to cooperate in the ongoing investigation.

On December 14, 2016, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS"), which administers the federal Medicare program, published an Interim Final Rule ("IFR") titled "Medicare Program; Conditions for Coverage for End-Stage Renal Disease Facilities-Third Party Payment." The IFR would have amended the Conditions for Coverage for dialysis providers, like FMCH and would have effectively enabled insurers to reject premium payments made by or on behalf of patients who received grants for individual market coverage from the American Kidney Fund ("AKF" or "the Fund"). The IFR could thus have resulted in those patients losing individual insurance market coverage. The loss of coverage for these patients would have had a material and adverse impact on the operating results of FMCH.


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


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On January 25, 2017, a federal district court in Texas responsible for litigation initiated by a patient advocacy group and dialysis providers including FMCH preliminarily enjoined CMS from implementing the IFR. Dialysis Patient Citizens v. Burwell , 2017 Civ. 0016 (E.D. Texas, Sherman Div.). The preliminary injunction was based on CMS' failure to follow appropriate notice-and-comment procedures in adopting the IFR. The injunction remains in place and the court retains jurisdiction over the dispute.

On June 22, 2017, CMS requested a stay of proceedings in the litigation pending further rulemaking concerning the IFR. CMS stated, in support of its request, that it expects to publish a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register and otherwise pursue a notice-and-comment process. Plaintiffs in the litigation, including FMCH, consented to the stay, which was granted by the court on June 27, 2017.

On January 3, 2017, FMCH received a subpoena from the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts under the False Claims Act inquiring into FMCH's interactions and relationships with the AKF, including FMCH's charitable contributions to the Fund and the Fund's financial assistance to patients for insurance premiums. FMCH is cooperating in the investigation, which is part of a broader investigation into charitable contributions in the medical industry. The Company believes that the investigation revolves around conduct alleged to be unlawful in United Healthcare v. American Renal Associates, 2018 Civ. 10622 (D. Mass.), but believes that such unlawful conduct was not undertaken by the Company. On July 2, 2018, American Renal Associates announced that it had reached a settlement in principle of the United Healthcare litigation. The Company lacks information necessary to assess how the American Renal Associates settlement may impact the United States Attorney's investigation.

On April 8, 2019, United Healthcare served a demand for arbitration against FMCH. The demand asserts that FMCH unlawfully "steered" patients by waiving co-payments and other means away from coverage under government-funded insurance plans including Medicare into United's commercial plans, including Affordable Care Act exchange plans. FMCH is contesting United's claims and demands.

In early May 2017, the United States Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee (Nashville) issued identical subpoenas to FMCH and two subsidiaries under the False Claims Act concerning the Company's retail pharmaceutical business. The investigation is exploring allegations related to improper inducements to dialysis patients to fill oral prescriptions through FMCH's pharmacy service, improper billing for returned pharmacy products and other allegations similar to those underlying the $63,700 settlement by DaVita Rx in Texas announced on December 14, 2017. United States ex rel. Gallian , 2016 Civ. 0943 (N.D. Tex.). FMCH is cooperating in the investigation.

On March 12, 2018, Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Ltd. and Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma France S.A.S. (collectively, "VFMCRP") (the joint venture between Galenica (Vifor) and FMC-AG & Co. KGaA), filed a complaint for patent infringement against Lupin Atlantis Holdings SA and Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc. (collectively, "Lupin"), and Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. ("Teva") in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware (Case 1:18-cv-00390-LPS). The patent infringement action is in response to Lupin and Teva's filings of Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDA) with the FDA for generic versions of Velphoro®. Velphoro® is protected by patents listed in the FDA's Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations, also known as the Orange Book. The complaint was filed within the 45-day period provided for under the Hatch-Waxman legislation, and triggered a stay of FDA approval of the ANDAs for 30 months (2.5 years) (specifically, up to July 29, 2020 for Lupin's ANDA; and August 6, 2020 for Teva's ANDA), or a shorter time if a decision in the infringement suit is reached that the patents-at-issue are invalid or not infringed. Recently, in response to another ANDA being filed for a generic Velphoro®, VFMCRP filed a complaint for patent infringement against Annora Pharma Private Ltd., and Hetero Labs Ltd. (collectively, "Annora"), in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware on December 17, 2018. A 30-month stay of FDA approval of Annora's ANDA will run through to May 30, 2021.

On December 17, 2018, FMCH was served with a subpoena under the False Claims Act from the United States Attorney for the District of Colorado (Denver) as part of an investigation of allegations against DaVita, Inc. involving transactions between FMCH and DaVita. The subject transactions include sales and


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

purchases of dialysis facilities, dialysis-related products and pharmaceuticals, including dialysis machines and dialyzers, and contracts for certain administrative services. FMCH is cooperating in the investigation.

From time to time, the Company is a party to or may be threatened with other litigation or arbitration, claims or assessments arising in the ordinary course of its business. Management regularly analyzes current information including, as applicable, the Company's defenses and insurance coverage and, as necessary, provides accruals for probable liabilities for the eventual disposition of these matters.

The Company, like other healthcare providers, insurance plans and suppliers, conducts its operations under intense government regulation and scrutiny. It must comply with regulations which relate to or govern the safety and efficacy of medical products and supplies, the marketing and distribution of such products, the operation of manufacturing facilities, laboratories, dialysis clinics and other health care facilities, and environmental and occupational health and safety. With respect to its development, manufacture, marketing and distribution of medical products, if such compliance is not maintained, the Company could be subject to significant adverse regulatory actions by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") and comparable regulatory authorities outside the U.S. These regulatory actions could include warning letters or other enforcement notices from the FDA, and/or comparable foreign regulatory authority which may require the Company to expend significant time and resources in order to implement appropriate corrective actions. If the Company does not address matters raised in warning letters or other enforcement notices to the satisfaction of the FDA and/or comparable regulatory authorities outside the U.S., these regulatory authorities could take additional actions, including product recalls, injunctions against the distribution of products or operation of manufacturing plants, civil penalties, seizures of the Company's products and/or criminal prosecution. FMCH is currently engaged in remediation efforts with respect to one pending FDA warning letter. The Company must also comply with the laws of the United States, including the federal Anti-Kickback Statute, the federal False Claims Act, the federal Stark Law, the federal Civil Monetary Penalties Law and the federal Foreign Corrupt Practices Act as well as other federal and state fraud and abuse laws. Applicable laws or regulations may be amended, or enforcement agencies or courts may make interpretations that differ from the Company's interpretations or the manner in which it conducts its business. Enforcement has become a high priority for the federal government and some states. In addition, the provisions of the False Claims Act authorizing payment of a portion of any recovery to the party bringing the suit encourage private plaintiffs to commence whistleblower actions. By virtue of this regulatory environment, the Company's business activities and practices are subject to extensive review by regulatory authorities and private parties, and continuing audits, subpoenas, other inquiries, claims and litigation relating to the Company's compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Company may not always be aware that an inquiry or action has begun, particularly in the case of whistleblower actions, which are initially filed under court seal.

The Company operates many facilities and handles the personal data ("PD") of its patients and beneficiaries throughout the United States and other parts of the world, and engages with other business associates to help it carry out its health care activities. In such a decentralized system, it is often difficult to maintain the desired level of oversight and control over the thousands of individuals employed by many affiliated companies and its business associates. On occasion, the Company or its business associates may experience a breach under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule and Security Rules, the EU's General Data Protection Regulation and or other similar laws ("Data Protection Laws") when there has been impermissible use, access, or disclosure of unsecured PD or when the Company or its business associates neglect to implement the required administrative, technical and physical safeguards of its electronic systems and devices, or a data breach that results in impermissible use, access or disclosure of personal identifying information of its employees, patients and beneficiaries. On those occasions, the Company must comply with applicable breach notification requirements.

The Company relies upon its management structure, regulatory and legal resources, and the effective operation of its compliance program to direct, manage and monitor the activities of its employees. On occasion, the Company may identify instances where employees or other agents deliberately, recklessly or inadvertently contravene the Company's policies or violate applicable law. The actions of such persons may subject the Company and its subsidiaries to liability under the Anti-Kickback Statute, the Stark Law, the


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False Claims Act, Data Protection Laws, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, among other laws and comparable state laws or laws of other countries.

Physicians, hospitals and other participants in the healthcare industry are also subject to a large number of lawsuits alleging professional negligence, malpractice, product liability, worker's compensation or related claims, many of which involve large claims and significant defense costs. The Company has been and is currently subject to these suits due to the nature of its business and expects that those types of lawsuits may continue. Although the Company maintains insurance at a level which it believes to be prudent, it cannot assure that the coverage limits will be adequate or that insurance will cover all asserted claims. A successful claim against the Company or any of its subsidiaries in excess of insurance coverage could have a material adverse effect upon it and the results of its operations. Any claims, regardless of their merit or eventual outcome, could have a material adverse effect on the Company's reputation and business.

The Company has also had claims asserted against it and has had lawsuits filed against it relating to alleged patent infringements or businesses that it has acquired or divested. These claims and suits relate both to operation of the businesses and to the acquisition and divestiture transactions. The Company has, when appropriate, asserted its own claims, and claims for indemnification. A successful claim against the Company or any of its subsidiaries could have a material adverse effect upon its business, financial condition, and the results of its operations. Any claims, regardless of their merit or eventual outcome, could have a material adverse effect on the Company's reputation and business.

In Germany, the tax audits for the years 2006 through 2009 have been substantially completed. The German tax authorities have indicated a re-qualification of dividends received in connection with intercompany mandatorily redeemable preferred shares into fully taxable interest payments for these and subsequent years until 2013. The Company has defended its position and will avail itself of appropriate remedies. An adverse determination with respect to fully taxable interest payments related to intercompany mandatorily redeemable preferred shares and the disallowance of certain other tax deductions could have a material adverse effect on the Company's financial condition and results of operations.

The Company is also subject to ongoing and future tax audits in the U.S., Germany and other jurisdictions in the ordinary course of business. Tax authorities routinely pursue adjustments to the Company's tax returns and disallowances of claimed tax deductions. When appropriate, the Company defends these adjustments and disallowances and asserts its own claims. A successful tax related claim against the Company or any of its subsidiaries could have a material adverse effect upon its business, financial condition and results of operations. Any claims, regardless of their merit or eventual outcome, could have a material adverse effect on the Company's reputation and business.

Other than those individual contingent liabilities mentioned above, the current estimated amount of the Company's other known individual contingent liabilities is immaterial.


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

13. Financial instruments

The following tables show the carrying amounts and fair values of the Company's financial instruments at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018:

Carrying amount and fair value of financial instruments

in € THOUS

  Carrying amount   Fair value  
March 31, 2019
  FVPL   FVOCI   Not
  Total   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3  

Cash and cash equivalents (1)

    705,731     253,057             958,788         253,057      

Trade accounts and other receivables


Accounts receivable from related parties

    95,281                 95,281              

Derivatives—cash flow hedging instruments


Derivatives—not designated as hedging instruments

        29,646             29,646         29,646      

Equity investments

        113,668     33,608         147,276     13,045     134,231      

Debt securities

        94,223     256,902         351,125     346,508     4,617      

Other financial assets

    127,088             105,063     232,151              

Other current and non-current assets

    127,088     237,537     290,510     106,295     761,430              

Financial assets

    4,729,601     490,594     290,510     161,685     5,672,390              

Accounts payable

    707,774                 707,774              

Accounts payable to related parties

    210,384                 210,384              

Short-term debt and short-term debt from related parties

    1,427,397                 1,427,397              

Long-term debt

    7,192,978                 7,192,978     4,331,857     3,049,725      

Long-term lease liabilities and long-term lease liabilities from related parties

                4,612,064     4,612,064              

Derivatives—cash flow hedging instruments


Derivatives—not designated as hedging instruments

        40,184             40,184         40,184      

Variable payments outstanding for acquisitions

        135,161             135,161             135,161  

Noncontrolling interest subject to put provisions

                831,630     831,630             831,630  

Other financial liabilities

    1,275,539                 1,275,539              

Other current and non-current liabilities

    1,275,539     175,345         836,504     2,287,388              

Financial liabilities

    10,814,072     175,345         5,448,568     16,437,985              
Highly liquid short-term investments are categorized in level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. Other cash and cash equivalents is not categorized.


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

Carrying amount and fair value of financial instruments

in € THOUS

  Carrying amount   Fair value  
December 31, 2018
  FVPL   FVOCI   Not
  Total   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3  

Cash and cash equivalents (1)

    831,885     1,313,747             2,145,632         1,313,747      

Trade accounts and other receivables


Accounts receivable from related parties

    92,662                 92,662              

Derivatives—cash flow hedging instruments


Derivatives—not designated as hedging instruments

        18,222             18,222         18,222      

Equity investments

        106,350     34,377         140,727     13,869     126,858      

Debt securities

        83,213     250,822         334,035     329,821     4,214      

Other financial assets

    144,838             107,125     251,963              

Other current and non-current assets

    144,838     207,785     285,199     108,617     746,439              

Financial assets

    4,357,643     1,521,532     285,199     158,065     6,322,439              


Accounts payable

    641,271                 641,271              

Accounts payable to related parties

    153,781                 153,781              

Short-term debt and short-term debt from related parties

    1,394,194                 1,394,194              

Long-term debt and capital lease obligations

    6,115,890             36,144     6,152,034     4,227,684     2,022,057      

Derivatives—cash flow hedging instruments


Derivatives—not designated as hedging instruments

        18,911             18,911         18,911      

Variable payments outstanding for acquisitions

        172,278             172,278             172,278  

Noncontrolling interest subject to put provisions

                818,871     818,871             818,871  

Other financial liabilities

    1,467,767                 1,467,767              

Other current and non-current liabilities

    1,467,767     191,189         819,996     2,478,952              

Financial liabilities

    9,772,903     191,189         856,140     10,820,232              
Highly liquid short-term investments are categorized in level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. Other cash and cash equivalents is not categorized.

Derivative and non-derivative financial instruments are categorised in the following three-tier fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs in making the measurements. Level 1 is defined as observable inputs, such as quoted prices in active markets. Level 2 is defined as inputs other than quoted prices in active markets that are directly or indirectly observable. Level 3 is defined as unobservable inputs for which little or no market data exists, therefore requiring the Company to develop its own assumptions. Fair value information is not provided for lease liabilities and for financial instruments, if the carrying amount is a reasonable estimate of fair value due to the relatively short period of maturity of these instruments. Transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy have not occurred as of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018. The Company accounts for possible transfers at the end of the reporting period.

Derivative financial instruments

In order to manage the risk of currency exchange rate fluctuations and interest rate fluctuations, the Company enters into various hedging transactions by means of derivative instruments with highly rated financial institutions. The Company primarily enters into foreign exchange forward contracts and interest rate swaps. Derivative contracts that do not qualify for hedge accounting are utilized for economic purposes. The Company does not use financial instruments for trading purposes. Additionally the Company purchased share options in connection with the issuance of the Convertible Bonds. Any change in the Company's share price above the conversion price would be offset by a corresponding value change in the share options.


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

Non-derivative financial instruments

The significant methods and assumptions used for the classification and measurement of non-derivative financial instruments are as follows:

The Company assessed its business models and the cash flow characteristics of its financial assets. The vast majority of the non-derivative financial assets are held in order to collect the contractual cash flows. The contractual terms of the financial assets allow the conclusion that the cash flows represent payment of principle and interest only. Trade accounts and other receivables, Accounts receivable from related parties and Other financial assets are consequently measured at amortized cost.

Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of cash funds and other short-term investments. Cash funds are measured at amortized cost. Short-term investments are highly liquid and readily convertible to known amounts of cash. Short-term investments are measured at FVPL. The risk of changes in fair value is insignificant.

Equity investments are not held for trading. At initial recognition the Company elected, on an instrument-by-instrument basis, to represent subsequent changes in the fair value of individual strategic investments in OCI. If equity instruments are quoted in an active market, the fair value is based on price quotations at the period-end-date.

The majority of the debt securities are held within a business model whose objective is achieving both contractual cash flows and sell the securities. The standard coupon bonds give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the outstanding principal amount. Subsequently these financial assets have been classified as FVOCI. The smaller part of debt securities do not give rise to cash flows that are solely payments of principle and interest. Consequently, these securities are measured at FVPL. In general most of the debt securities are quoted in an active market.

Long-term debt is recognized at its carrying amount. The fair values of major long-term debt are calculated on the basis of market information. Liabilities for which market quotes are available are measured using these quotes. The fair values of the other long-term debt are calculated at the present value of the respective future cash flows. To determine these present values, the prevailing interest rates and credit spreads for the Company as of the balance sheet date are used.

Variable payments outstanding for acquisitions are recognized at their fair value. The estimation of the individual fair values is based on the key inputs of the arrangement that determine the future contingent payment as well as the Company's expectation of these factors. The Company assesses the likelihood and timing of achieving the relevant objectives. The underlying assumptions are reviewed regularly.

Noncontrolling interests subject to put provisions are recognized at their fair value. The methodology the Company uses to estimate the fair values assumes the greater of net book value or a multiple of earnings, based on historical earnings, development stage of the underlying business and other factors. Additionally, there are put provisions that are valued by an external valuation firm. The external valuation estimates the fair values using a combination of discounted cash flows and a multiple of earnings and/or revenue. When applicable, the obligations are discounted at a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability. The estimated fair values of the noncontrolling interests subject to these put provisions can also fluctuate, and the discounted cash flows as well as the implicit multiple of earnings and/or revenue at which these noncontrolling interest obligations may ultimately be settled could vary significantly from the Company's current estimates depending upon market conditions.


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

Following is a roll forward of variable payments outstanding for acquisitions and noncontrolling interests subject to put provisions at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018:

Reconciliation from beginning to ending balance of level 3 financial instruments

in € THOUS

  2019   2018  
outstanding for
subject to put
outstanding for
subject to put

Beginning balance at January 1,

    172,278     818,871     205,792     830,773  


    83     15,997     19,051     53,731  


    (3,653 )   (968 )   (15,734 )   (50,706 )

(Gain) Loss recognized in profit or loss

    (34,666 )   32,586     (36,327 )   142,279  

(Gain) Loss recognized in equity

        (26,895 )       (50,612 )


        (28,287 )       (139,742 )

Foreign currency translation and other changes

    1,119     20,326     (504 )   33,148  

Ending balance at March 31, and December 31,

    135,161     831,630     172,278     818,871  

14. Segment and corporate information

The Company's operating segments are the North America Segment, the EMEA Segment, the Asia-Pacific Segment and the Latin America Segment. The operating segments are determined based upon how the Company manages its businesses with geographical responsibilities. All segments are primarily engaged in providing health care services and the distribution of products and equipment for the treatment of ESRD and other extracorporeal therapies.

Management evaluates each segment using measures that reflect all of the segment's controllable revenues and expenses. With respect to the performance of business operations, management believes that the most appropriate measures are revenue, operating income and operating income margin. The Company does not include income taxes as it believes this is outside the segments' control. Financing is a corporate function, which the Company's segments do not control. Therefore, the Company does not include interest expense relating to financing as a segment measurement. Similarly, the Company does not allocate certain costs, which relate primarily to certain headquarters' overhead charges, including accounting and finance, because the Company believes that these costs are also not within the control of the individual segments. Production of products, production asset management, quality and supply chain management as well as procurement related to production are centrally managed at Corporate. The Company's global research and development is also centrally managed at Corporate. These corporate activities do not fulfill the definition of a segment according to IFRS 8, Operating Segments. Products are transferred to the segments at cost; therefore, no internal profit is generated. The associated internal revenue for the product transfers and their elimination are recorded as corporate activities. Capital expenditures for production are based on the expected demand of the segments and consolidated profitability considerations. In addition, certain revenues, investments and intangible assets, as well as any related expenses, are not allocated to a segment but are accounted for as Corporate.


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Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

Information pertaining to the Company's segment and Corporate activities for the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018 is set forth below:

Segment and corporate information

in € THOUS

  Corporate   Total  

Three months ended March 31, 2019


Revenue from contracts with customers

    2,826,212     635,800     411,603     160,601     4,034,216     4,168     4,038,384  

Other revenue external customers

    60,564     16,813     15,971     825     94,173         94,173  

Revenue external customers

    2,886,776     652,613     427,574     161,426     4,128,389     4,168     4,132,557  

Inter-segment revenue

    576     1     234     65     876     (876 )    


    2,887,352     652,614     427,808     161,491     4,129,265     3,292     4,132,557  

Operating income

    372,394     137,776     94,702     11,395     616,267     (79,717 )   536,550  


                                        (107,848 )

Income before income taxes


Depreciation and amortization

    (228,735 )   (46,973 )   (22,601 )   (8,363 )   (306,672 )   (55,704 )   (362,376 )

Income (loss) from equity method investees

    21,362     (1,317 )   (294 )   282     20,033         20,033  

Total assets

    21,513,220     4,232,196     2,669,344     821,984     29,236,744     3,116,460     32,353,204  

thereof investment in equity method investees

    332,184     177,658     96,641     23,956     630,439         630,439  

Additions of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and right of use assets

    188,150     47,114     13,743     14,783     263,790     73,487     337,277  

Three months ended March 31, 2018


Revenue from contracts with customers

    2,719,627     631,224     380,801     169,340     3,900,992     3,643     3,904,635  

Other revenue external customers

    54,835     4,584     10,661     914     70,994         70,994  

Revenue external customers

    2,774,462     635,808     391,462     170,254     3,971,986     3,643     3,975,629  

Inter-segment revenue

    400     303     187     39     929     (929 )    


    2,774,862     636,111     391,649     170,293     3,972,915     2,714     3,975,629  

Operating income

    362,208     108,934     74,220     14,114     559,476     (62,600 )   496,876  


                                        (82,933 )

Income before income taxes


Depreciation and amortization

    (90,655 )   (28,861 )   (11,159 )   (4,580 )   (135,255 )   (39,739 )   (174,994 )

Income (loss) from equity method investees

    18,801     (1,334 )   335     102     17,904         17,904  

Total assets

    15,408,120     3,640,775     2,081,140     694,375     21,824,410     2,332,651     24,157,061  

thereof investment in equity method investees

    316,916     181,938     96,961     23,915     619,730         619,730  

Additions of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

    141,821     30,405     10,034     3,796     186,056     45,114     231,170  


Table of Contents


Notes to consolidated financial statements (Continued)


(in THOUS, except share and per share data)

15. Supplementary cash flow information

The following additional information is provided with respect to net cash provided by (used in) investing activities:

Details for net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

in € THOUS

  For the three months
March 31,
  2019   2018  

Details for acquisitions


Assets acquired

    (2,082,291 )   (36,062 )

Liabilities assumed

    190,406     2,608  

Noncontrolling interests subject to put provisions


Noncontrolling interests


Non-cash consideration

    6,518     2,864  

Cash paid

    (1,862,196 )   (30,590 )

Less cash acquired

    42,496     252  

Net cash paid for acquisitions

    (1,819,700 )   (30,338 )

Cash paid for investments

    (282 )   (146,867 )

Cash paid for intangible assets

    (8,543 )   (4,198 )

Total cash paid for acquisitions and investments, net of cash acquired, and purchases of intangible assets

    (1,828,525 )   (181,403 )

Details for divestitures


Cash received from sale of subsidiaries or other businesses, less cash disposed


Cash received from divestitures of securities

    4,230     82  

Cash received from repayment of loans


Proceeds from divestitures

    11,012     158  

Acquisitions of the last twelve months decreased net income (net income attributable to shareholders of FMC-AG & Co. KGaA) for the three months ended March 31, 2019 by €12,593 (excluding the costs of the acquisitions).

16. Events occurring after the balance sheet date

No significant activities have taken place subsequent to the balance sheet date March 31, 2019 that have a material impact on the key figures and earnings presented. Currently, there are no other significant changes in the Company's structure, management, legal form or personnel.


Table of Contents

Quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk

The information in note 13 of the notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited), presented elsewhere in this report is incorporated by this reference.


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Controls and procedures

The Company is a "foreign private issuer" within the meaning of Rule 3b-4(c) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). As such, the Company is not required to file quarterly reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission and is required to provide an evaluation of the effectiveness of its disclosure controls and procedures, to disclose significant changes in its internal control over financial reporting and to provide certifications of its Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer under Sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 only in its Annual Report on Form 20-F. The Company furnishes quarterly financial information to the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") and such certifications under cover of Form 6-K on a voluntary basis and pursuant to the provisions of the Company's pooling agreement entered into for the benefit of the public holders of our shares. In connection with such voluntary reporting, the Company's management, including the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of the Company's General Partner, has conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Company's disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of the period covered by this report, of the type contemplated by Securities Exchange Act Rule 13a-15. Based on that evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer concluded in connection with the furnishing of this report, that the Company's disclosure controls and procedures are designed to ensure that the information the Company is required to disclose in the reports filed or furnished under the Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Commission's rules and forms and are effective to ensure that the information the Company is required to disclose in its reports is accumulated and communicated to the General Partner's Management Board, including the General Partner's Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. During the past fiscal quarter, there have been no significant changes in internal controls, or in factors that could significantly affect internal controls.

On March 29, 2019, the Company entered into a non-prosecution agreement with the DOJ and a separate agreement with the SEC intended to resolve fully and finally the government's claims against the Company arising from the investigations, see note 12 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements (unaudited) presented elsewhere in this Report. The Company continues to implement enhancements to its anti-corruption compliance program, including internal controls related to compliance with international anti-bribery laws. The Company continues to be fully committed to compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and other applicable anti-bribery laws.


Table of Contents


Legal and regulatory matters

The information in note 12 of the notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited), presented elsewhere in this report is incorporated by this reference.


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Exhibit No.    
  4.15   Non-Prosecution Agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice dated February 25, 2019




Corrected Order Instituting Cease-And-Desist Proceedings Pursuant to Section 21C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings, And Imposing a Cease-And-Desist Order from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission




Certification of Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of the Company's General Partner Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.




Certification of Chief Financial Officer and member of the Management Board of the Company's General Partner Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.




Certification of Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of the Company's General Partner and Chief Financial Officer and member of the Management Board of the Company's General Partner Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (this exhibit accompanies this report as required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and is not to be deemed "filed" for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended).




The following financial statements as of and for the three-months periods ended March 31, 2019 from FMC-AG & Co. KGaA's Report on Form 6-K for the month of May 2019, formatted in XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language): (i) Consolidated Statements of Income, (ii) Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income, (iii) Consolidated Balance Sheets, (iv) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, (v) Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity and (vi) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


Table of Contents


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

    DATE: May 2, 2019

a partnership limited by shares, represented by:



its General Partner






        Name:   Rice Powell
        Title:   Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of the General Partner






        Name:   Michael Brosnan
        Title:   Chief Financial Officer and member of the Management Board of the General Partner


Exhibit 4.15


United States Department of Justice

Criminal Division






February 25, 2019


Maxwell Carr-Howard


Dentons US LLP

1900 K Street N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20006


Re:          Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA


Dear Mr. Carr-Howard:


The United States Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Fraud Section and the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts (collectively, the “Department”) and Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (the “Company”) pursuant to authority granted by the Company’s Management Board, enter into this Non-Prosecution Agreement (the “Agreement”). On the understandings specified below, the Department will not criminally prosecute the Company for any crimes (except for criminal tax violations, as to which the Department does not make any agreement) relating to any of the conduct described in the Statement of Facts attached hereto as Attachment A. To the extent there is conduct disclosed by the Company that does not relate to any of the conduct described in the attached Statement of Facts, such conduct will not be exempt from prosecution and is not within the scope of or relevant to this Agreement. The Company, pursuant to authority granted by the Company’s Management Board, also agrees to certain terms and obligations of the Agreement as described below.


The Department enters into this Agreement based on the individual facts and circumstances presented by this case and the Company, including:


(a)           the Company did receive voluntary disclosure credit because it voluntarily and timely disclosed to the Department the conduct described in the Statement of Facts attached hereto as Attachment A (“Statement of Facts”);


(b)           the Company received partial credit for its cooperation with the Department’s investigation, including: conducting a thorough internal investigation; making regular factual presentations to the Department; providing facts learned during witness interviews; voluntarily making foreign-based employees available for interviews in the United States; producing documents to the Department from foreign countries in ways that did not implicate foreign data privacy laws; collecting, analyzing, and organizing voluminous evidence and information from multiple jurisdictions for the Department, including translating key documents; and disclosing conduct to the Department that was outside the scope of its initial voluntary self-disclosure; however, the Company did not receive full cooperation credit because it did not timely respond to




requests by the Department and, at times, did not provide fulsome responses to requests for information;


(c)           the Company provided to the Department all relevant facts known to it, including information about the individuals involved in the conduct described in the attached Statement of Facts and conduct disclosed to the Department prior to the Agreement;


(d)           the Company engaged in remedial measures, including: (1) causing at least ten employees who were involved in or failed to detect the misconduct described in the Statement of Facts to be removed from the Company, because their employment was terminated, they resigned after being asked to leave, or they voluntarily left once the Company’s internal investigation began; (2) enhancing its compliance program, controls, and anti-corruption training; (3) terminating business relationships with the third party agents and distributors who participated in the misconduct described in the Statement of Facts; (4) adopting heightened controls on the selection and use of third parties, to include third party due diligence; and (5) withdrawing from consideration of pending public contracts potentially related to the misconduct described in the Statement of Facts;


(e)           the Company has enhanced, and has committed to continuing to enhance, its compliance program and internal controls, including by taking steps to ensure that its compliance program satisfies the minimum elements set forth in Attachment B to this Agreement (Corporate Compliance Program);


(f)            misconduct continued to occur at the Company until 2016, thus the parties have agreed that to ensure and test the effectiveness of the Company’s enhanced compliance program and to prevent a reoccurrence of the conduct outlined in the Statement of Facts, an independent compliance monitor shall be appointed for a term of two years;


(g)           the nature and seriousness of the offense conduct, including: the amount of illegal payments to foreign officials; conduct in multiple, high-risk jurisdictions; the pervasiveness throughout a business unit of the Company responsible for the conduct described in the Statement of Facts; the continuation of unlawful conduct until 2016; and the involvement of certain high-level executives;


(h)           the Company has agreed to disgorge $147 million in profits and prejudgment interest to the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) in connection with the conduct described in the Statement of Facts;


(i)            the Company has agreed to continue to cooperate with the Department in any ongoing investigation of the conduct of the Company; and


(j)            accordingly, after considering (a) through (i) above, the Department believes that the appropriate resolution of this case is a non-prosecution agreement with the Company, a criminal penalty with an aggregate discount of 40% off of the bottom of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines fine range, and an independent compliance monitor for a term of two years, followed by self-monitoring for the remainder of the Agreement.




The Company admits, accepts, and acknowledges that it is responsible under United States law for the acts of its officers, directors, employees, and agents as set forth in the attached Statement of Facts, and that the facts described therein are true and accurate and constitute a willful violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”), 15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1, et seq . The Company expressly agrees that it shall not, through present or future attorneys, officers, directors, employees, agents or any other person authorized to speak for the Company make any public statement, in litigation or otherwise, contradicting the acceptance of responsibility under U.S. law by the Company set forth above or the facts described in the attached Statement of Facts. The Company agrees that if it or any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries or affiliates issues a press release or holds any press conference in connection with this Agreement, the Company shall first consult the Department to determine (a) whether the text of the release or proposed statements at the press conference are true and accurate with respect to matters between the Department and the Company; and (b) whether the Department has any objection to the release.


The Company’s obligations under this Agreement shall have a term of three years from the later of the date on which the Agreement is executed or the date on which the independent compliance monitor (the “Monitor”) is retained by the Company, as described below (the “Term”). The Company agrees, however, that, in the event the Department determines, in its sole discretion, that the Company has knowingly violated any provision of this Agreement or has failed to completely perform or fulfill each of the Company’s obligations under this Agreement, an extension or extensions of the Term may be imposed by the Department, in its sole discretion, for up to a total additional time period of one year, without prejudice to the Department’s right to proceed as provided in the breach provisions of this Agreement below. Any extension of the Agreement extends all terms of this Agreement, including the terms of the monitorship in Attachment C, for an equivalent period. Conversely, in the event the Department finds, in its sole discretion, that there exists a change in circumstances sufficient to eliminate the need for the monitorship in Attachment C, and that the other provisions of this Agreement have been satisfied, the Agreement may be terminated early.


The Company shall cooperate fully with the Department in any and all matters relating to the conduct described in this Agreement and the attached Statement of Facts and other conduct under investigation by the Department at any time during the Term, subject to applicable law and regulations, until the later of the date upon which all investigations and prosecutions arising out of such conduct are concluded, or the end of the Term. At the request of the Department, the Company shall also cooperate fully with other domestic or foreign law enforcement and regulatory authorities and agencies, as well as with Multilateral Development Banks (“MDBs”), in any investigation of the Company, its parent company or its affiliates, or any of its present or former officers, directors, employees, agents, and consultants, or any other party, in any and all matters relating to the conduct described in this Agreement and the attached Statement of Facts and other conduct under investigation by the Department or any other component of the Department of Justice at any time during the Term. The Company’s cooperation pursuant to this Paragraph is subject to applicable law and regulations, including relevant data privacy, national security laws and regulations, and labor laws, as well as valid claims of attorney-client privilege or attorney work product doctrine; however, the Company must provide to the Department a log of any information or cooperation that is not provided based on an assertion of law, regulation, or




privilege, and the Company bears the burden of establishing the validity of any such assertion. The Company agrees that its cooperation shall include, but not be limited to, the following:


a.             The Company shall truthfully disclose all factual information with respect to its activities, those of its parent company and affiliates, and those of its present and former directors, officers, employees, agents, and consultants, including any evidence or allegations and internal or external investigations, about which the Company has any knowledge or about which the Department may inquire. This obligation of truthful disclosure includes, but is not limited to, the obligation of the Company to provide to the Department, upon request, any document, record or other tangible evidence about which the Department may inquire of the Company.


b.             Upon request of the Department, the Company shall designate knowledgeable employees, agents or attorneys to provide to the Department the information and materials described above on behalf of the Company. It is further understood that the Company must at all times provide complete, truthful, and accurate information.


c.             The Company shall use its best efforts to make available for interviews or testimony, as requested by the Department, present or former officers, directors, employees, agents, and consultants of the Company. This obligation includes, but is not limited to, sworn testimony before a federal grand jury or in federal trials, as well as interviews with domestic or foreign law enforcement and regulatory authorities. Cooperation shall include identification of witnesses who, to the knowledge of the Company, may have material information regarding the matters under investigation.


d.             With respect to any information, testimony, documents, records or other tangible evidence provided to the Department pursuant to this Agreement, the Company consents to any and all disclosures to other governmental authorities, including United States authorities and those of a foreign government, of such materials as the Department, in its sole discretion, shall deem appropriate.


In addition, during the Term, should the Company learn of any evidence or allegation that may constitute a violation of the FCPA anti-bribery or accounting provisions had the conduct occurred within the jurisdiction of the United States, or any evidence or allegation of a violation of a Federal health care fraud offense, as that term is defined in Title 18, United States Code, Section 24, the Company shall promptly report such evidence or allegation to the Department. On the date that the Term expires, the Company, by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and the Chief Financial Officer of the Company, will certify to the Department that the Company has met its disclosure obligations pursuant to this Agreement. Each certification will be deemed a material statement and representation by the Company to the executive branch of the United States for purposes of 18 U.S.C. § 1001.


The Company represents that it has implemented and will continue to implement a compliance and ethics program designed to prevent and detect violations of the FCPA and other applicable anti-corruption laws throughout its operations, including those of its affiliates, agents, and joint ventures, and those of its contractors and subcontractors whose responsibilities include interacting with foreign officials or other activities carrying a high risk of corruption, including,




but not limited to, the minimum elements set forth in Attachment B (Corporate Compliance Program).


In order to address any deficiencies in its internal accounting controls, policies, and procedures, the Company represents that it has undertaken, and will continue to undertake in the future, in a manner consistent with all of its obligations under this Agreement, a review of its existing internal accounting controls, policies, and procedures regarding compliance with the FCPA and other applicable anti-corruption laws as set forth within the scope of the Mandate and Corporate Compliance Program (Attachments B and C). Where necessary and appropriate, the Company agrees to adopt a new compliance program, or to modify its existing one, including internal controls, compliance policies, and procedures in order to ensure that it maintains: (a) an effective system of internal accounting controls designed to ensure the making and keeping of fair and accurate books, records, and accounts; and (b) a rigorous anti-corruption compliance program that incorporates relevant internal accounting controls, as well as policies and procedures designed to effectively detect and deter violations of the FCPA and other applicable anti-corruption laws. The compliance program, including the internal accounting controls system will include, but not be limited to, the minimum elements set forth in Attachment B. In assessing the company’s compliance program, the Department, in its sole discretion, may consider the Monitor’s certification decision.


The Company agrees to retain a Monitor for the term of two years from the date on which the Monitor is retained by the Company, subject to extension or early termination as described above. The Monitor’s duties and authority, and the obligations of the Company with respect to the Monitor and the Department, are set forth in Attachment C, which is incorporated by reference into this Agreement. No later than the date of execution of this Agreement, the Company will propose to the Department a pool of three qualified candidates to serve as the Monitor. The Monitor candidates or their team members shall have, at a minimum, the following qualifications:


a.                                       demonstrated expertise with respect to the FCPA and other applicable anti- corruption laws, including experience counseling on FCPA issues;


b.                                       experience designing and/or reviewing corporate compliance policies, procedures and internal controls, including FCPA and anti-corruption policies, procedures and internal controls;


c.                                        the ability to access and deploy resources as necessary to discharge the Monitor’s duties as described in the Agreement; and


d.                                       sufficient independence from the Company to ensure effective and impartial performance of the Monitor’s duties as described in the Agreement.


The Department retains the right, in its sole discretion, to choose the Monitor from among the candidates proposed by the Company, though the Company may express its preference(s) among the candidates. Monitor selections shall be made in keeping with the Department of Justice’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. If the Department determines, in its sole discretion, that any of the candidates are not, in fact, qualified to serve as the Monitor, or if the




Department, in its sole discretion, is not satisfied with the candidates proposed, the Department reserves the right to request that the Company nominate additional candidates. In the event the Department rejects any proposed Monitors, the Company shall propose additional candidates within twenty business days after receiving notice of the rejection so that three qualified candidates are proposed. This process shall continue until a Monitor acceptable to both parties is chosen. The Department and the Company will use their best efforts to complete the selection process within sixty calendar days of the execution of this Agreement. If the Monitor resigns or is otherwise unable to fulfill his or her obligations as set out herein and in Attachment C, the Company shall within twenty business days recommend a pool of three qualified Monitor candidates from which the Department will choose a replacement.


The Monitor’s powers, duties, and responsibilities, as well as additional circumstances that may support an extension of the Monitor’s term, are set forth in Attachment C. The Company agrees that it will not employ or be affiliated with the Monitor or the Monitor’s firm for a period of not less than two years from the date on which the Monitor’s term expires. Nor will the Company discuss with the Monitor or the Monitor’s firm the possibility of further employment or affiliation during the Monitor’s term.


At the end of the monitorship, provided all requirements set forth in Paragraphs 19-20 of Attachment C are met, the Company will report on its compliance to the Department periodically, every six-months, for the remainder of this Agreement, regarding remediation and implementation of the enhanced compliance measures set forth by the Monitor as described in Paragraph 21 of Attachment C.


The Company agrees to pay a monetary penalty in the amount of $84,715,273 to the United States Treasury no later than five business days after the Agreement is fully executed, and to pay disgorgement and prejudgment interest in the amount of $147 million. The monetary penalty is based upon profits of approximately $141,192,121 as a result of the offense conduct, and reflects a discount of 40% off of the bottom of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines fine range. The Department will credit the $147 million in disgorgement and prejudgment interest that the Company is paying to the SEC. The Company acknowledges that no tax deduction may be sought in connection with the payment of any part of this $84,715,273 penalty. The Company shall not seek or accept directly or indirectly reimbursement or indemnification from any source with regard to the penalty or disgorgement amounts that the Company pays pursuant to this Agreement or any other agreement entered into with an enforcement authority or regulator concerning the facts set forth in the attached Statement of Facts.


The Department agrees, except as provided herein, that it will not bring any criminal or civil case (except for criminal tax violations, as to which the Department does not make any agreement) against the Company relating to any of the conduct described in the attached Statement of Facts. The Department, however, may use any information related to the conduct described in the attached Statement of Facts against the Company: (a) in a prosecution for perjury or obstruction of justice; (b) in a prosecution for making a false statement; (c) in a prosecution or other proceeding relating to any crime of violence; or (d) in a prosecution or other proceeding relating to a violation of any provision of Title 26 of the United States Code. This Agreement does not provide any protection against prosecution for any future conduct by the Company or any of its present or




former parents or subsidiaries. In addition, this Agreement does not provide any protection against prosecution of any individuals, regardless of their affiliation with the Company or any of its present or former parents or subsidiaries.


If, during the Term, the Company (a) commits any felony under U.S. federal law; (b) provides in connection with this Agreement deliberately false, incomplete, or misleading information, including in connection with its disclosure of information about individual culpability; (c) fails to cooperate as set forth in this Agreement; (d) fails to implement a compliance program as set forth in this Agreement and Attachment B; (e) commits any acts that, had they occurred within the jurisdictional reach of the FCPA, would be a violation of the FCPA; or (f) otherwise fails to completely perform or fulfill each of the Company’s obligations under the Agreement, regardless of whether the Department becomes aware of such a breach after the Term is complete, the Company shall thereafter be subject to prosecution for any federal criminal violation of which the Department has knowledge, including, but not limited to, the conduct described in the attached Statement of Facts, which may be pursued by the Department in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts or any other appropriate venue. Determination of whether the Company has breached the Agreement and whether to pursue prosecution of the Company shall be in the Department’s sole discretion. Any such prosecution may be premised on information provided by the Company or its personnel. Any such prosecution relating to the conduct described in the attached Statement of Facts or relating to conduct known to the Department prior to the date on which this Agreement was signed that is not time-barred by the applicable statute of limitations on the date of the signing of this Agreement may be commenced against the Company, notwithstanding the expiration of the statute of limitations, between the signing of this Agreement and the expiration of the Term plus one year. Thus, by signing this Agreement, the Company agrees that the statute of limitations with respect to any such prosecution that is not time-barred on the date of the signing of this Agreement shall be tolled for the Term plus one year. In addition, the Company agrees that the statute of limitations as to any violation of U.S. federal law that occurs during the Term will be tolled from the date upon which the violation occurs until the earlier of the date upon which the Department is made aware of the violation or the duration of the Term plus five years, and that this period shall be excluded from any calculation of time for purposes of the application of the statute of limitations.


In the event the Department determines that the Company has breached this Agreement, the Department agrees to provide the Company with written notice of such breach prior to instituting any prosecution resulting from such breach. Within thirty days of receipt of such notice, the Company shall have the opportunity to respond to the Department in writing to explain the nature and circumstances of such breach, as well as the actions the Company has taken to address and remediate the situation, which explanation the Department shall consider in determining whether to pursue prosecution of the Company.


In the event that the Department determines that the Company has breached this Agreement: (a) all statements made by or on behalf of the Company to the Department or to the Court, including the attached Statement of Facts and any testimony given by the Company before a grand jury, a court, or any tribunal, or at any legislative hearings, whether prior or subsequent to this Agreement, and any leads derived from such statements or testimony, shall be admissible in evidence in any and all criminal proceedings brought by the Department against the Company;




and (b) the Company shall not assert any claim under the United States Constitution, Rule 11(f) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 410 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, or any other federal rule that any such statements or testimony made by or on behalf of the Company prior or subsequent to this Agreement, or any leads derived therefrom, should be suppressed or are otherwise inadmissible. The decision whether conduct or statements of any current director, officer or employee, or any person acting on behalf of, or at the direction of, the Company, will be imputed to the Company for the purpose of determining whether the Company has violated any provision of this Agreement shall be in the sole discretion of the Department.


Except as may otherwise be agreed by the parties in connection with a particular transaction, the Company agrees that in the event that, during the Term, it undertakes any change in corporate form, including if it sells, merges, or transfers business operations that are material to the Company’s consolidated operations, or to the operations of any subsidiaries or affiliates involved in the conduct described in the attached Statement of Facts, as they exist as of the date of this Agreement, whether such change is structured as a sale, asset sale, merger, transfer, or other change in corporate form, it shall include in any contract for sale, merger, transfer, or other change in corporate form a provision binding the purchaser, or any successor in interest thereto, to the obligations described in this Agreement. The purchaser or successor in interest must also agree in writing that the Department’s ability to determine there has been a breach under this Agreement is applicable in full force to that entity. The Company agrees that the failure to include this Agreement’s breach provisions in the transaction will make any such transaction null and void. The Company shall provide notice to the Department at least thirty (30) days prior to undertaking any such sale, merger, transfer, or other change in corporate form. The Department shall notify the Company prior to such transaction (or series of transactions) if it determines that the transaction(s) will have the effect of circumventing or frustrating the enforcement purposes of this Agreement. If at any time during the Term the Company engages in a transaction(s) that has the effect of circumventing or frustrating the enforcement purposes of this Agreement, the Department may deem it a breach of this Agreement pursuant to the breach provisions of this Agreement. Nothing herein shall restrict the Company from indemnifying (or otherwise holding harmless) the purchaser or successor in interest for penalties or other costs arising from any conduct that may have occurred prior to the date of the transaction, so long as such indemnification does not have the effect of circumventing or frustrating the enforcement purposes of this Agreement, as determined by the Department.


This Agreement is binding on the Company and the Department but specifically does not bind any other component of the Department of Justice, other federal agencies, or any state, local or foreign law enforcement or regulatory agencies, or any other authorities, although the Department will bring the cooperation of the Company and its compliance with its other obligations under this Agreement to the attention of such agencies and authorities if requested to do so by the Company.


It is further understood that the Company and the Department may disclose this Agreement to the public.




This Agreement sets forth all the terms of the agreement between the Company and the Department. No amendments, modifications or additions to this Agreement shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the Department, the attorneys for the Company, and a duly authorized representative of the Company.





















Acting Chief, Fraud Section





Criminal Division





United States Department of Justice







28 March 2019



/s/ Paul A. Hayden





Paul A. Hayden





Sonali D. Patel





Trial Attorneys















United States Attorney





District of Massachusetts







28 Mar 2019



/s/ Jordi de Llano





Jordi de Llano





Assistant United States Attorney




















Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA










25 Feb 2019



/s/ Rice Powell





Rice Powell





Chief Executive Officer





Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA







25 Feb 2019



/s/ Mike Brosnan





Mike Brosnan





Chief Financial Officer





Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA







25 Feb 2019



/s/ Maxwell Carr-Howard





Dentons US LLP





Maxwell Carr-Howard








The following Statement of Facts is incorporated by reference as part of the non-prosecution agreement (the “Agreement”) between the United States Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Fraud Section and the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts (collectively, the “Department”) and Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (“FMC” or the “Company”). FMC hereby agrees and stipulates that the following information is true and accurate. FMC admits, accepts, and acknowledges that it is responsible for the acts of its officers, directors, employees, and agents as set forth below:


Relevant Entities and Individuals


1.                                       FMC, a German Corporation headquartered in Bad Homburg, Germany, was a leading provider of products and services for people with chronic kidney failure. FMC engaged in its business through various subsidiaries around the world, and FMC maintained separate geographic divisions which oversaw operations of its subsidiaries in the carrying out of FMC’s business. FMC’s American Depositary Receipt shares were publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker “FMS” and it was an “issuer” within the meaning of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”), Title 15, United States Code, Sections 78 dd-1(a) and 78m(b).


2.                                       FMC’s Europe, Middle East, and Africa (“EMEA”) division includes Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH (“FMC-D”), a limited liability company organized under the federal laws of Germany. The EMEA division was responsible for FMC’s operations of its subsidiaries in those areas and its leadership and staff were based in Bad Homburg, Germany.


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3.                                       “FMC Executive 1,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a high-level executive within the EMEA division whose responsibilities included business development.


4.                                       “FMC Employee 1,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a sales manager within the EMEA division whose responsibilities included sales in North and West Africa.


Overview of the Schemes


5.                                       Between in or around 2007 and in or around 2016, FMC, through its agents and employees, engaged in various schemes to pay bribes to publicly-employed health and/or government officials to obtain or retain business for and on behalf of FMC. In Angola and Saudi Arabia, these agents and employees utilized the means and instrumentalities of U.S. interstate commerce, including the use of internet-based email accounts hosted by numerous service providers located in the United States. With respect to these schemes, as well as in connection with conduct in Morocco, Spain, Turkey, and West Africa, FMC, through its agents and employees, knowingly and willfully failed to implement reasonable internal accounting controls over financial transactions or failed to maintain books and records that accurately and fairly reflected the transactions.


FCPA Anti-Bribery Violations




Relevant Entities and Individuals


6.                                       FMC Portugal was a wholly owned subsidiary of FMC under the responsibility of FMC’s EMEA Division. FMC operated in Portugal and Angola, through FMC Portugal. FMC Portugal provided FMC services and products in Portugal and sold FMC products for use in


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Angola. FMC Portugal and its employees were “agents” of an issuer within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(a).


7.                                       “FMC Portugal Executive 1,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a high-level executive at FMC Portugal whose responsibilities included business development.


8.                                       FMC and FMC Portugal operated in Angola through FMC Angola, which was established for the purpose of expanding FMC into the Angolan dialysis market. FMC Angola was overseen by FMC Portugal. FMC Angola and its employees were “agents” of an issuer within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(a).


9.                                       “Angolan State-Owned Clinic 1,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a state-owned and controlled medical clinic in Angola that performed functions that Angola treated as its own, and thus was an instrumentality within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1).


10.                                “Angolan State-Owned Clinic 2,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a state-owned and controlled medical clinic in Angola that performed functions that Angola treated as its own, and thus was an instrumentality within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1).


11.                                “Angolan State-Owned Military Hospital,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a state-owned and controlled hospital in Angola that performed functions that Angola treated as its own, and thus was an instrumentality within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1).


12.                                “Angolan Military Health Officer,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a high-ranking officer in the Medical Services Division of the


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Angolan Armed Forces and a “foreign official” within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1).


13.                                “Shareholder Company,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was owned by the sons of the Angolan Military Health Officer. One of the owners of Shareholder Company was also a shareholder in FMC Angola.


14.                                “Angolan Doctor 1,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a top nephrologist in Angola, a Director at the Angolan State-Owned Military Hospital, an employee of Angolan State-Owned Clinic 2, and a “foreign official” within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1).


15.                                “Angolan Doctor 2,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a top nephrologist in Angola, an employee of Angolan State-Owned Clinic 1 and Angolan State-Owned Clinic 2, and a “foreign official” within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1).


Conduct Relevant to Angola


16.                                Between approximately 2010 and 2014, FMC, through FMC Portugal and FMC Angola, offered or provided things of value to the Angolan Military Health Officer and his family, as well as prominent Angolan government-employed nephrologists, specifically shares in a joint venture, storage contracts, and consultancy agreements, for the purpose of securing an improper advantage and assisting FMC with obtaining and retaining business in Angola.


17.                                For example, in developing the FMC Angola joint venture, on or about August 4, 2010, FMC Portugal Executive 1 emailed FMC Executive 1 explaining the intention to attribute 35% of the share capital of FMC Angola to certain “local partners” as minority shareholders — specifically “15% to [Angolan Military Health Officer who was listed by his military rank], 15% to [Angolan Doctor 1] and 5% to NefroAngola - a local company which owners are all the Angolan nephrologists.”


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18.                                On or about August 24, 2010, FMC Portugal Executive 1 emailed another FMC Portugal executive requesting that she update the drafts of the proposal to sell shares of FMC Angola for FMC Executive 1 and another FMC executive to consider. This new configuration assigned 15% of the share capital of FMC Angola to the Angolan Military Health Officer, who was identified as “Dr.” instead of by his military rank as in previous emails; 12.5% of the share capital to Angolan Doctor 1; 2.5% of the share capital to Angolan Doctor 2; and 5% of the share capital to NefroAngola. This email also explained that the payment for share acquisition on the part of the new minority shareholders would be made when the first dividends were distributed.


19.                                In or around September 2010, FMC Executive 1 prepared and presented the proposal to sell shares in FMC Angola to “local partners” to the FMC Board of Management (“BoM”) in Germany. The JVA did not disclose that the minority shareholders included an Angolan military health officer and Angolan government-employed doctors. Rather the JVA simply identified the Angolan Military Health Officer as a “Doctor.” Ultimately, no shares were provided to the Angolan Military Health Officer.


20.                                During the same time period, in or around September 2010, FMC Angola started selling products to Angolan State-Owned Clinic 1, where Angolan Doctor 2 (a proposed shareholder) was employed, and Angolan State-Owned Military Hospital, where Angolan Doctor 1 (another proposed shareholder) was employed. Further, FMC entered into a contract for services with Angolan State-Owned Clinic 2, where both Angolan Doctor 1 and Angolan Doctor 2 were also employed.


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21.                                Approximately one month later, in or around October 2010, the FMC BoM approved the JVA and valued the minority shareholders’ stake at $35,000. The JVA was structured so that the shares would be purchased with proceeds from the first dividends issued by FMC Angola. On or about October 27, 2011, FMC Portugal Executive 1 emailed a spreadsheet with the total number of shares that each shareholder would receive to the Angolan Military Health Officer and copied Angolan Doctor 1 on his internet-based email account. The JVA was not finalized until January 2012, when shares of FMC Angola were formally transferred to the minority shareholders, including the foreign officials identified above.


22.                                In or around January 2012, the shareholder agreement between FMC, the son of the Angolan Military Health Officer (who was appointed in place of the Angolan Military Health Officer), Angolan Doctor 1, Angolan Doctor 2, and NefroAngola was finalized. The minority shareholders never paid for their shares in FMC Angola, nor did they ever receive dividends


23.                                In exchange for their shares, the minority shareholders directed customers to FMC Angola. For example, in or around June 2012, FMC executives and FMC Portugal executives received an internal audit report highlighting a conflict of interest that existed in FMC Angola, specifically “two Angolan shareholders brought customers to FMC Angola” and that these shareholders “also work for these customers as doctors.” As discussed above, Angolan Doctors 1 and 2 were both shareholders in FMC Angola and both employed by Angolan state-owned entities. Further, the Angolan Military Health Officer, whose son was a designated shareholder of FMC Angola, exercised authority over the Angolan State-Owned Military Hospital in his role as an officer in the Medical Services Division of the Angolan Armed Forces. Thus, FMC was made aware that the minority shareholders were foreign officials.


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24.                                In or around late 2010, FMC Angola entered into an oral contract with the Shareholder Company, which was owned by the sons of the Angolan Military Health Officer, to provide warehousing space. In or around December 2011, FMC Angola paid approximately $560,000 to the Shareholder Company for purported “Temporary Storage Services,” however, no FMC Angola products were ever stored at the Shareholder Company warehouse.


25.                                After the June 2012 internal audit report identified this temporary storage contract as a conflict of interest, in or around July 2012, FMC Angola (through a FMC Portugal executive and FMC Portugal Executive 1) executed a written contract with the Shareholder Company to provide temporary storage services for approximately $77,000 per month from January 2012 to January 2013. During that time period, no FMC Angola products were ever stored at the Shareholder Company warehouse. FMC Angola did not ultimately pay the storage fees associated with the written contract due to the initiation of the Company’s internal investigation.


26.                                In addition to the temporary storage contract with the Shareholder Company, FMC Angola entered into a separate distribution arrangement with the Shareholder Company in which the Shareholder Company would serve as the sole distributor for FMC products sold to Angolan State-Owned Clinic 1. In or around July 2012, FMC Portugal Executive 1 emailed the Shareholder Company, wherein he stated that “[FMC Angola] might be able to move the contracts from [Angolan State-Owned Clinic 1] into [Shareholder Company] before the end of the year!!” In or around 2013, Angolan State-Owned Clinic 1 notified FMC Angola that it was no longer on the list of authorized suppliers for certain consumable products and that Angolan State-Owned Clinic 1 could only purchase these products through the Shareholder Company because Shareholder Company was on the list of authorized dealers. Thereafter, FMC Angola sold the designated products to the Shareholder Company without a written contract, while FMC Angola continued to


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supply other products directly to Angolan State-Owned Clinic 1. The Shareholder Company never paid FMC Angola for the products purportedly purchased for distribution to Angolan State-Owned Clinic 1. FMC terminated the distribution to Shareholder Company in or around 2014.


27.                                Finally, FMC Portugal and FMC Angola also made improper payments to government doctors through sham consulting contracts for which no services were ever performed. For example, beginning in or around January 2011, FMC Portugal entered into a contract with Angolan Doctor 1 for purported consulting services for €5,000 per month. On or about May 24, 2011, FMC Portugal Executive 1 emailed Angolan Doctor 1 on his internet-based email account discussing his consultancy payments for January 2011 until April 2011. In or around October 2011, after the initial consulting contract was terminated, FMC Angola entered into a second consulting contract with Angolan Doctor 1. The second contract was for purported consulting services to provide information about the Angolan dialysis market for $7,500 per month. The second contract was terminated in or around November 2012. Angolan Doctor 1, however, never provided any services related to these consulting agreements.


28.                                In addition, beginning in or around April 2010, NefroCare Portugal (a subsidiary of FMC Portugal) entered into a contract with Angolan Doctor 2 to provide purported consultancy services related to the Angolan health industry for which Angolan Doctor 2 was paid approximately €2,500 per month, which increased to €3,500 per month in or around January 2011. In or around August 2012 and continuing until in or around November 2012, FMC Portugal entered into a separate contract with Angolan Doctor 2 to provide purported consultancy services for the Angolan health industry for which Angolan Doctor 2 was paid approximately €4,230 per month. Angolan Doctor 2, however, never provided any services related to these consulting agreements.


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29.                                As a result of improper payments made to Angolan health officials, FMC benefited by approximately $12.6 million during the relevant time period.


Saudi Arabia


Relevant Entities and Individuals


30.                                “Saudi Distributor,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a third-party distributor. FMC’s operations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (“KSA”) were conducted through Saudi Distributor pursuant to a Management Assistance Agreement and an Agency and Distributorship Agreement with FMC. The Management Assistance Agreement and Agency and Distribution Agreement provided that Saudi Distributor would sell products on behalf of FMC and pursuant to specific terms and conditions set by FMC. In addition, Saudi Distributor’s finances were fully consolidated within FMC’s. Thus, Saudi Distributor and its employees were “agents” of an issuer within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(a).


31.                                “Saudi Distributor GM,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was the General Manager of Saudi Distributor.


32.                                “Saudi Technical Organization,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, received funds from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and was acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of a foreign government within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1). Saudi Technical Organization was involved in nephrology-related activities in KSA, including the coordination of dialysis treatments in KSA.


33.                                “Saudi Medical Services Group,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a medical services company. Saudi Medical Services Group was the authorized KSA distributor for products for a German company, which developed and sold


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products that could be used in connection with dialysis equipment (“German Company 1”). Saudi Medical Services Group had a contract pursuant to which it would receive a commission on sales of products purchased by FMC from German Company 1. FMC purchased certain assets and products of German Company 1 in 2004, after which it ceased operations.


34.                                “Saudi JV,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a joint venture in which FMC was a 25% shareholder. Saudi JV manufactured dialyzers at a production plant in KSA. FMC served as the primary source of raw materials for the dialyzers produced by Saudi JV.


35.                                “Saudi Doctor 1,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a prominent doctor in KSA, the Chairman and Director General of Saudi Technical Organization, and a “foreign official” within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1). Saudi Doctor 1 is also affiliated with Saudi Medical Services Group.


36.                                “Saudi Doctor 2,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was also a prominent doctor in KSA, the Deputy Director General of Saudi Technical Organization, and a “foreign official” within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1). Saudi Doctor 2 is also affiliated with Saudi Medical Services Group and Saudi JV.


37.                                “Saudi Doctor 3,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was the Chief Executive Officer of a government owned and operated charity that focused on medical care for patients in renal failure.


Conduct Relevant to Saudi Arabia


38.                                Between 2007 and 2012, FMC, through Saudi Distributor, made improper payments to publicly-employed doctors and others in order to expand its market share in KSA.


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39.                                During the relevant period, Saudi Distributor GM employed a check cashing scheme in order to funnel cash to publicly-employed doctors. Specifically, Saudi Distributor GM instructed employees to cash checks that had been made payable in their names and return the cash to him. Saudi Distributor GM then arranged to have the cash delivered to Saudi government doctors and others.


40.                                Saudi Distributor GM concealed the true purpose of these transactions by falsely recording them as “Project Marketing Expenses” or “Collection Commissions” in Saudi Distributor’s financial records, which were ultimately consolidated with FMC’s. In total, FMC made approximately $1.7 million in payments through the check writing scheme.


41.                                Saudi Distributor also often made improper payments to government doctors through sham consulting and commission agreements for which no services were ever performed. For example, Saudi Distributor entered into a “Sales Support” consultancy agreement with Saudi Doctor 1 pursuant to which Saudi Doctor 1 received a $68,000 commission purportedly for services rendered in connection with a 2007 tender for dialysis equipment won by Saudi Distributor. Saudi Doctor 1, however, provided no services in connection with that tender. The agreement was prepared after the tender had been awarded. A June 14, 2007 FMC email shows that the FMC Project Director responsible for the business explained to his regional supervisor that winning this tender was “compensation” from Saudi Technical Organization for losing an earlier tender. In addition, on or about June 24, 2010, Saudi Distributor GM emailed Saudi Doctor 1 on his internet-based email account, wherein he discussed getting Saudi Doctor 1 his commission payments.


42.                                Saudi Doctor 2 was paid over $220,000 through “commission” agreements. Internal FMC communications show that these payments to Saudi Doctor 2 were viewed as


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necessary to continue to do business in KSA. In 2011, for example, an email sent from Saudi JV’s plant manager to FMC employees in Germany explained that Saudi Doctor 2 assisted in avoiding a government inspection of its factory that “could have shut down the factory or made it ineligible for tenders.”


43.                                Saudi Distributor paid more than $90,000 to a government charity run by Saudi Doctor 3. Saudi Distributor GM understood that such payments were necessary in order to win contracts. In fact, in one November 2008 email from Saudi Distributor GM to FMC personnel, he explains that Saudi Doctor 3 “informed [] frankly that who will support the Association will get the orders as simple as that[.]” In addition, on or about March 15, 2012, Saudi Doctor 3, using his internet-based email account, emailed Saudi Distributor GM a draft commission contract for helping to secure tenders for FMC. That agreement was never executed.


44.                                FMC also channeled improper payments through fake collection commission agreements. Despite having salaried employees responsible for collecting outstanding debts, Saudi Distributor entered into a commission collection agreement with the relative of a Ministry of Health (“MOH”) official in connection with bidding on MOH dialysis machine tenders, which FMC ultimately won. In total, Saudi Distributor made over $200,000 in improper payments in connection with this contract.


45.                                Another method by which Saudi Distributor made improper payments to Saudi government doctors was by providing gifts and paying for travel with no business or educational justification. Often times, the payments were made using the credit card of Saudi Distributor GM and included luxury accommodations for the doctors and their families.


46.                                For example, Saudi Distributor purchased laptops as gifts for two nurses at government hospitals. According to FMC emails, the nurses specifically requested the laptops as


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gifts and an FMC consultant recommended Saudi Distributor make the purchases because otherwise the nurses could report to MOH the fact that their hospitals did not receive certain parts from Saudi Distributor. Emails show that the consultant also recommended the purchase of the laptops because “otherwise we will lost the IA tender of 2008.” Saudi Distributor GM authorized the purchase for a cost of $1,165.33.


47.                                In other instance, which occurred in or around January 2010, Saudi Distributor paid for a six-night stay at the Atlantis Palm Hotel in Dubai for Saudi Doctor 2 and his wife. The trip was recorded as related to a medical congress in Saudi Distributor records, but no evidence exists that Saudi Doctor 2 participated or attended any such congress. The total cost of the trip was $7,579.20.


48.                                In addition to the payments discussed above, Saudi Distributor also steered improper payments to customs officials in order to clear shipments more quickly and avoid or reduce associated fees. The improper payments were made through a third-party freight and logistics company that served as a customs clearance agent (“Customs Agent”) and were mischaracterized on invoices as “handling charges” and “miscellaneous expenses.” For example, in or around July 2011, Saudi Distributor learned of the detention of a shipment by Saudi customs officials for lack of country-of-origin documentation. In order to release the shipment, Customs Agent sought the approval of a $3,200.00 payment. Saudi Distributor approved the charge for the stated purpose of “expediting the mentioned shipment.” Records of the transaction show that the payment was subsequently booked as a miscellaneous “handling charge.” In total, there were over $1.7 million in payments to Customs Agent that lacked supporting documentation for the services rendered.


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49.                                Finally, in addition to the conduct discussed above, there is evidence demonstrating that numerous documents and other records were altered or destroyed. After the FMC internal investigation commenced in late 2012, Saudi Distributor GM directed employees to destroy or alter company documents, to create additional fictitious records, and to lie to investigators.


50.                                As a result of improper payments made in Saudi Arabia, FMC benefitted by approximately $42.7 million during the relevant period.


FCPA Accounting Violations




Relevant Entities and Individuals


51.                                FMC Morocco was a wholly owned subsidiary of FMC under the responsibility of FMC’s EMEA division. FMC operated in Morocco through FMC Morocco, and FMC Morocco provided FMC services and products in Morocco. FMC Morocco and its employees were “agents” of an issuer within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(a).


52.                                “FMC Morocco Executive 1,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a high-level executive at FMC Morocco with decision-making authority.


53.                                “Morocco State-Owned Military Hospital 1,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a state-owned and controlled medical clinic in Morocco and performed functions that Morocco treated as its own, and thus was an instrumentality within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1).


54.                                “Morocco State-Owned Military Hospital 2,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a state-owned and controlled medical clinic in Morocco and


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performed functions that Morocco treated as its own, and thus was an instrumentality within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1).


55.                                “Morocco State-Official 1,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a nephrologist and was responsible for the creation of dialysis centers at Morocco State-Owned Military Hospital 1 and Morocco State-Owned Military Hospital 2 and a “foreign official” within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(f)(1).


56.                                “Company A” is an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC and was created to conceal payments intended for Morocco State-Official 1.


Conduct Relevant to Morocco


57.                                Between in or around October 2006 and in or around 2010, FMC and FMC Morocco paid bribes to Morocco State-Official 1 for the purpose of securing an improper advantage and assisting FMC with obtaining and retaining business in Morocco.


58.                                During the relevant period, in preparing a bid to develop a dialysis center at Morocco State-Owned Military Hospital 1, FMC Employee 1 and FMC Morocco Executive 1 devised a financial model that included provisions to pay Morocco State-Official 1 a “commission” that was 10% of the total order value, 50% of which would be paid during the first year (2007) and 12.5% annually thereafter. This commission was, in fact, a bribe to be paid in exchange for Morocco State-Official 1 selecting FMC Morocco to develop the dialysis center at Morocco State-Owned Military Hospital 1. In discussing the commission payment, FMC Employee 1 sent an email saying he would meet with Morocco State-Official 1 in order to discuss and obtain additional development projects, such as Morocco State-Owned Military Hospital 2 and Marrakesh for which “[FMC Employee 1] insisted to get a certain support…” In addition, FMC Employee 1 emailed


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Morocco State-Official 1 wherein he stated that 50% of Morocco State-Official 1’s “commission” amount would be given as soon as possible.


59.                                In or around January 2007, FMC Employee 1, FMC Morocco Executive 1, and Morocco State-Employee 1 signed a €1.8 million contract relating to the Morocco State-Owned Military Hospital 1 project. FMC received payments in connection with this contract until in or around December 2010.


60.                                In or around January 2007, FMC Employee 1 and others concealed the first payment to Morocco State-Official 1 by amending and backdating another FMC employee’s contract which allowed him to receive a bonus of €90,000 (half of the 10% “commission” for the €1.8 million project). The remaining “commission” payments were disguised as bonus payments and paid out to Morocco State-Official 1 at approximately €22,500 for each of the next four years between in or around 2008 and in or around 2011 for a total of approximately €90,000. Each of these payments were falsely recorded as “commissions” in the books and records of FMC and FMC Morocco.


61.                                Additionally, in or around 2009, FMC and FMC Morocco were preparing to make an offer on the Morocco State-Owned Military Hospital 2 project to develop a dialysis center. In or around January 2009, employees of FMC Morocco and FMC Germany discussed the use of a consultant in “promoting” FMC Morocco’s interest in the project, which was intended to pay bribes to Morocco-State Official 1 in exchange for selecting FMC Morocco to develop the dialysis center. In an email dated on or about August 27, 2009, FMC Morocco Executive 1 suggested to FMC Germany employees that they not specify the purpose of the consultancy contract, noting that they “keep it as is, we both know the objective of this contract.”


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62.                                On or about September 15, 2009, Morocco State-Official 1 and FMC Morocco Executive 1 signed a €1.4 million contract for the Morocco State-Owned Military Hospital 2 project.


63.                                Shortly after FMC Morocco was awarded the Morocco State-Owned Military Hospital 2 project, an FMC executive and FMC Morocco Executive 1 signed a service agreement with Company A, an entity that was created in or around February or March 2009 with a stated business purpose of providing staffing and miscellaneous services. The contract provided a vague description of services and, although it was signed on or about September 30, 2009, it was backdated to June 20, 2009.


64.                                Between in or around October 2009 and December 2010, FMC Morocco paid Company A approximately €170,000 in improper payments intended for Morocco State-Official 1.


65.                                As a result of improper payments made to Morocco State-Official 1, FMC benefitted by approximately $3.7 million during the relevant period.




Relevant Entities and Individuals


66.                                FMC Spain was a wholly owned subsidiary of FMC under the responsibility of FMC’s EMEA Division. FMC operated in Spain through FMC Spain, and FMC Spain provided FMC services and products in Spain. FMC Spain and its employees were “agents” of an issuer within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(a).


67.                                “Spanish State-Owned Hospital 1,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a state-owned and controlled hospital in Barcelona, Spain.


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68.                                “Spanish State-Owned Hospital 2,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a state-owned and controlled hospital located in Valencia, Spain.


69.                                “Spanish State-Owned Hospital 3,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a state-owned and controlled hospital located in Torrecardenas, Spain.


70.                                “Spanish State-Owned Hospital 4,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a state-owned and controlled hospital located in Santander, Spain.


71.                                “Spanish Doctor 1,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was the head of the Nephrology Department at Spanish State-Owned Hospital 2.


72.                                “Spanish Doctor 2,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was the head of the Nephrology Department at Spanish State-Owned Hospital 3.


73.                                “Spanish Doctor 3,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was the head of the dialysis section at Spanish State-Owned Hospital 1 and served as a member of FMC Spain’s scientific advisory committee.


Conduct Relevant to Spain


74.                                Beginning in at least 2007 and continuing until approximately 2014, FMC Spain made payments to publicly-employed doctors and other healthcare professionals in Spain, in connection with public tenders in which FMC Spain sought to compete. Among other things, FMC Spain sometimes accomplished this through (i) fake consulting agreements with publicly-employed doctors or professionals who could influence or provide information about public tenders; (ii) gifts or other benefits such as travel to medical conferences; and (iii) donations to fund projects for the doctors.


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75.                                In certain public tenders, FMC Spain received advance information about tender specifications from publicly-employed doctors or administrators, some of whom received payments from FMC Spain. In some tenders, FMC Spain intended to influence the publicly-employed doctors or administrators to modify aspects of the tenders before they were publicly announced. For example, between 2008 and 2011, FMC Spain paid Spanish Doctor 1 more than €81,000 without a consulting agreement or contract in place. In addition, from 2012 through 2014, FMC Spain had a consulting contract with Spanish Doctor 1 which resulted in over €39,000 in payments, and provided Spanish Doctor 1 with travel sponsorships.


76.                                In connection with a 2011 tender held by Spanish State-Owned Hospital 2, FMC Spain submitted draft technical specifications and improvements, a draft tender scoring methodology, and proposed scores to Spanish Doctor 1. FMC Spain was awarded the tender in March 2011. Ultimately, this tender resulted in more than €1.7 million in revenue to FMC Spain.


77.                                FMC Spain also provided money and benefits to Spanish Doctor 2. In connection with a 2015 tender held by Spanish State-Owned Hospital 3, FMC Spain suggested to Spanish Doctor 2 how the tender should be drafted. According to a December 2014 email from FMC Spain’s Sales Director, FMC “got [Spanish Doctor 2] to decide to ‘support [FMC Spain]’ to obtain 60% of the adjudication.” FMC Spain was later awarded 60% of the tender, which was valued at approximately €2.66 million.


78.                                FMC Spain also entered into consulting agreements with doctors in Spain and provided them with other financial incentives in an effort to get the doctors to influence FMC Spain business. For example, from 2008 to 2014, pursuant to various consulting agreements, FMC Spain paid Spanish Doctor 3 approximately €340,000, paid for his travel to various medical congresses and for a trip to the United States, and paid for a two-week English language course.


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79.                                FMC Spain also made improper payments to doctors in exchange for patient referrals to FMC Spain clinics. The payments were channeled to the doctors through consulting agreements with entities owned by the same doctors. In other instances, FMC Spain purchased businesses from the doctors and, thereafter, paid the doctors for use of the buildings in which the businesses were located.


80.                                For example, FMC Spain made payments and provided benefits to six publicly-employed doctors at Spanish State-Owned Hospital 4. FMC Spain paid approximately €5 million plus 5% of sales for five years for a clinic that was owned by the doctors. FMC Spain also entered into a lease agreement with another entity owned by the six doctors to rent the space in which the original clinic was located.


81.                                As a result of FMC Spain’s failure to implement reasonable internal controls, the improper payments to doctors continued until 2014. Many of these payments were improperly recorded as consulting expenses in the books and records of FMC and FMC Spain. During the relevant time period, FMC benefitted by approximately $23.8 million as a result of these payments.




Relevant Entities and Individuals


82.                                FMC Turkey was a wholly owned subsidiary of FMC under the responsibility of FMC’s EMEA Division. FMC operated in Turkey through FMC Turkey, and FMC Turkey provided FMC services and products in Turkey. FMC Turkey and its employees were “agents” of an issuer within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(a).


83.                                “FMC Turkey Executive 1,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a high-level executive at FMC Turkey.


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84.                                “Turkish Doctor 1,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a prominent nephrology doctor, a professor at a public university.


85.                                “Joint Venture 1,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a partnership between FMC Turkey and Turkish Doctor 1.


86.                                “FMC Turkey Distributor,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a former distributor of FMC Turkey products.


87.                                “Turkish Doctor 2,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a prominent nephrologist at a Turkish state-owned hospital.


88.                                “Joint Venture 2,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a partnership between FMC Turkey and Turkish Doctor 2.


Conduct Relevant to Turkey


89.                                Between in or around 2005 until in or around 2014, FMC Turkey entered into joint ventures with publicly-employed doctors in exchange for those doctors directing business from their public employer to FMC Turkey clinics.


90.                                Although FMC Turkey primarily developed and proposed the joint ventures, in some instances, FMC Turkey sought approval from FMC managers in Germany, including the FMC Acquisition Investment Committee (“AIC”) and, in some cases, the FMC BoM to establish the joint ventures.


91.                                In a presentation from approximately 2007, FMC Turkey Executive 1 set forth FMC Turkey’s strategy to increase patient volumes and growth, and discussed a need “to select and find ways to work with nephrologists who refer the patients from the important state hospitals.” The presentation also included a proposal to pay salaries and bonuses to publicly-employed doctors or enter into joint ventures in which the doctors would be given “20-30% shares.”


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92.                                For example, in or around 2006, FMC Turkey entered into Joint Venture 1 with Turkish Doctor 1, who received 35% of the joint venture shares (worth approximately $74,000 at the time) at the time it was formed. Employees of FMC Turkey understood that Turkish Doctor 1’s shares were held in the name of a former FMC Turkey distributor, as demonstrated through numerous emails. For example, on or about November 25, 2008, FMC Turkey Executive 1 emailed FMC Executive 1 and another FMC executive, noting that they had established the joint venture and given a 35% share to Turkish Doctor 1 in the name of former FMC Turkey distributor.


93.                                Similarly, in another email sent on or about November 25, 2008, FMC Turkey Executive 1 noted to FMC Executive 1 and another FMC executive that Turkish Doctor 1 would not be able to contribute to a capital increase in Joint Venture 1 and, as a result, they intended to decrease his shares from 35% to 25%. When the other FMC executive questioned why “they have to be so cooperative to keep [Turkish Doctor 1] when he’s not paying anything,” FMC Turkey Executive 1 responded that Turkish Doctor 1 has strong relations with state hospitals and that they are “not in the position to start a fight with this professor by diluting his shares.”


94.                                In or around 2010, FMC Turkey purchased Turkish Doctor 1’s shares in the joint venture for approximately $356,000 (which was concealed by paying Turkish Doctor 1 through a former FMC Turkey distributor), in part based on patient enrollment. FMC Turkey and FMC never required Turkish Doctor 1 to pay for his shares in the joint venture resulting in $356,000 profit to Turkish Doctor 1.


95.                                In another example, in or around June 2012, FMC Turkey entered into Joint Venture 2 with Turkish Doctor 2. FMC Turkey understood that it could not hire Turkish Doctor 2 as an employee, but evaded this issue by entering into a joint venture relationship with him. Indeed, FMC Turkey paid for Turkish Doctor 2’s initial capital contribution for the 20% position,


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which was valued at approximately $111,000. FMC Turkey’s approval request to the FMC BoM stated that Turkish Doctor 2 would pay for his shares through a deduction of proceeds from the future sale of the 20% interest in the venture instead of paying up front. Turkish Doctor 2 never paid for his shares through this proposed deduction.


96.                                In or around August 2012, FMC Turkey entered into a share purchase agreement to purchase Turkish Doctor 2’s 20% interest, which was predicated on Turkish Doctor 2 doubling the number of patients being treated at the clinic. Pursuant to the share purchase agreement Turkish Doctor 2 also received approximately $63,000 in payments between 2012 and 2013 based on the number of patients treated. In addition to these payments, in or around 2014, FMC Turkey purchased Turkish Doctor 2’s shares in the joint venture for approximately $451,000 without requiring Turkish Doctor 2 to pay for his shares. Thus, the joint venture served as a means for FMC to pay Turkish Doctor 2 approximately $451,000 at the same time he was involved in referring patients from his state-owned employer to the clinic.


97.                                As a result of FMC’s lack of reasonable internal controls, improper payments were made to publicly-employed doctors in Turkey through joint ventures and FMC benefitted by approximately $1.3 million during the relevant period.


West Africa


Relevant Entities and Individuals


98.                                FMC’s operation in West Africa fell under the responsibility of FMC’s EMEA division. FMC operated in West Africa through FMC employees based in Germany and Morocco and these FMC employees provided FMC services and products in French-speaking West Africa, including Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Niger, Gabon, Chad, and Senegal. FMC


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Germany and its employees were “agents” of an issuer within the meaning of the FCPA, Title 15, United States Code, Section 78dd-1(a).


99.                                “Gabon State-Owned Hospital 1,” an entity whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, was a state-owned and controlled hospital located in Libreville, Gabon.


100.                         “Gabon State-Owned Hospital Employee 1,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, is a high-level executive at Gabon State-Owned Hospital 1 responsible for finances.


101.                         “Gabon State-Owned Hospital Employee 2,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, is a high-level executive at Gabon State-Owned Hospital 1 responsible for accounting.


102.                         “Gabon State-Owned Hospital Employee 3,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, is a high-level executive Gabon State-Owned Hospital 1 responsible for accounting.


103.                         “Gabon State-Owned Hospital Employee 4,” an individual whose identity is known to the Department and to FMC, is a technician at Gabon State-Owned Hospital 1.


Conduct Relevant to West Africa


104.                         Between in or around 2007 and in or around 2016, FMC knowingly paid bribes to publicly-employed health officials in Gabon and other West African countries to obtain and retain business, specifically consisting of direct payments, concealing payments through third parties, and concealing payments through a third-party distributorship.


105.                         For example, as part of the scheme, FMC employees met with representatives of Gabon State-Owned Hospital 1 and proposed a five-year agreement that would include the “prices plus the commission” that the officials would receive for each kit sold. On or about October 20,


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2006 an FMC employee responsible for sales in West Africa reported to FMC Employee 1, stating that the agreement would provide for a €12 commission for each kit sold, which was intended as a “commission for the three persons who sign the contract with us.”


106.                         In or around January 2007, FMC and Gabon State-Owned Hospital 1 entered into a five year contract in which FMC would provide 10,000 kits per year, priced at €72 per kit. The contract was signed by FMC Employee 1, another FMC employee, Gabon State-Owned Hospital Employee 1, Gabon State-Owned Hospital Employee 2, and Gabon State-Owned Hospital Employee 3. In exchange for their assistance in obtaining this contract, FMC employees directed approximately $400,000 to the officials employed by Gabon State-Owned Hospital 1 through sham consultancy agreements designed to hide the “commissions.”


107.                         The commission payments were booked to the General Ledger account, as translated into English, as “Provision for export commissions” when in fact they were bribes.


108.                         In or around February 2009, FMC entered into a new contract with Gabon State-Owned Hospital 1. The contract provided a minimum purchase by Gabon State-Owned Hospital of 13,000 kits per year, over five years, with a new cost per kit of €92.5.


109.                         In or around the summer of 2010, FMC entered into a service agreement with Company B. The service agreement was signed by two FMC executives and a Company B Executive, and was backdated to January 2009. Under the agreement, FMC paid Company B €800 per day for purported services in West Africa. In reality, the payments to Company B were intended to paper over the “commissions” to state-owned employees who previously received direct payments from FMC, as well as a 15% fee for Company B.


110.                         In addition to the conduct described above for Gabon, between in or around 2010 until in or around 2013, FMC paid Company B to make similar improper “commission” payments


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to state-owned hospital employees in the West African countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ivory Coast, and Niger. Further, between in or around 2010 and in or around 2012, FMC also paid Company C to make improper “commission” payments to state-owned hospital employees in Cameroon.


111.                         Finally, in or around August 2012, FMC shifted its scheme from service agreements to a distributorship model with Company B and entered into a new contract with the MOH for Gabon specifying that sales may go through Company B. Under this contract, Company B would now distribute FMC products to the MOH of Gabon as a conduit entity. Records show that Company B did not actually distribute FMC products and that FMC continued to ship the products directly to the MOH. The improper “commission” payments to state-owned hospital employees continued with the cost now concealed within the price per kit. For example, Company B invoiced Gabon State-Owned Hospital 1 €92.50 per kit while FMC invoiced Company B only € 54 per kit, allowing Company B to keep the difference of €38.50 per kit. FMC’s relationship with Company B continued until in or around 2016.


112.                         As a result of improper payments made to publicly-employed doctors in West Africa through direct payments, concealing payments through third parties, and concealing payments through a third-party distributorship, FMC benefitted by approximately $56.7 million during the relevant period.


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In order to address any deficiencies in its internal controls, compliance code, policies, and procedures regarding compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”), 15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1, et seq., and other applicable anti-corruption laws, Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (the “Company”) agrees to continue to conduct, in a manner consistent with all of its obligations under this Agreement, appropriate reviews of its existing internal controls, policies, and procedures.


Where necessary and appropriate, the Company agrees to adopt new or to modify existing internal controls, compliance code, policies, and procedures in order to ensure that it maintains: (a) a system of internal accounting controls designed to ensure that the Company makes and keeps fair and accurate books, records, and accounts; and (b) a rigorous anti-corruption compliance program that includes policies and procedures designed to detect and deter violations of the FCPA and other applicable anti-corruption laws. At a minimum, this should include, but not be limited to, the following elements to the extent they are not already part of the Company’s existing internal controls, compliance code, policies, and procedures:


High-Level Commitment


1.                                       The Company will ensure that its Management Board provides strong, explicit, and visible support and commitment to its corporate policy against violations of the anti-corruption laws and its compliance code.


Policies and Procedures


2.                                       The Company will develop and promulgate a clearly articulated and visible corporate policy against violations of the FCPA and other applicable foreign law counterparts


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(collectively, the “anti-corruption laws,”), which policy shall be memorialized in a written compliance code.


3.                                       The Company will develop and promulgate compliance policies and procedures designed to reduce the prospect of violations of the anti-corruption laws and the Company’s compliance code, and the Company will take appropriate measures to encourage and support the observance of ethics and compliance policies and procedures against violation of the anti-corruption laws by personnel at all levels of the Company. These anti-corruption policies and procedures shall apply to all directors, officers, and employees and, where necessary and appropriate, outside parties acting on behalf of the Company in a foreign jurisdiction, including but not limited to, agents and intermediaries, consultants, representatives, distributors, teaming partners, contractors and suppliers, consortia, and joint venture partners (collectively, “agents and business partners”). The Company shall notify all employees that compliance with the policies and procedures is the duty of individuals at all levels of the company. Such policies and procedures shall address:


a.                                       gifts;


b.                                       hospitality, entertainment, and expenses;


c.                                        customer travel;


d.                                       political contributions;


e.                                        charitable donations and sponsorships;


f.                                         facilitation payments; and


g.                                        solicitation and extortion.


4.                                       The Company will ensure that it has a system of financial and accounting procedures, including a system of internal controls, reasonably designed to ensure the maintenance


B- 2


of fair and accurate books, records, and accounts. This system should be designed to provide reasonable assurances that:


a.                                       transactions are executed in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization;


b.                                       transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles or any other criteria applicable to such statements, and to maintain accountability for assets;


c.                                        access to assets is permitted only in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization; and


d.                                       the recorded accountability for assets is compared with the existing assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action is taken with respect to any differences.


Periodic Risk-Based Review


5.                               The Company will develop these compliance policies and procedures on the basis of a periodic risk assessment addressing the individual circumstances of the Company, in particular the foreign bribery risks facing the Company, including, but not limited to, its geographical organization, interactions with various types and levels of government officials, industrial sectors of operation, involvement in joint venture arrangements, importance of licenses and permits in the Company’s operations, degree of governmental oversight and inspection, and volume and importance of goods and personnel clearing through customs and immigration.


6.                               The Company shall review its anti-corruption compliance policies and procedures no less than annually and update them as appropriate to ensure their continued effectiveness, taking into account relevant developments in the field and evolving international and industry standards.


B- 3


Proper Oversight and Independence


7.                               The Company will assign responsibility to one or more senior corporate executives of the Company for the implementation and oversight of the Company’s anti-corruption compliance code, policies, and procedures. Such corporate official(s) shall have the authority to report directly to independent monitoring bodies, including internal audit, the Company’s Management Board, or any appropriate committee of the Management Board, and shall have an adequate level of autonomy from management as well as sufficient resources and authority to maintain such autonomy.


Training and Guidance


8.                               The Company will implement mechanisms designed to ensure that its anti-corruption compliance code, policies, and procedures are effectively communicated to all directors, officers, employees, and, where necessary and appropriate, agents and business partners. These mechanisms shall include: (a) periodic training for all directors and officers, all employees in positions of leadership or trust, positions that require such training (e.g., internal audit, sales, legal, compliance, finance), or positions that otherwise pose a corruption risk to the Company, and, where necessary and appropriate, agents and business partners; and (b) corresponding certifications by all such directors, officers, employees, agents, and business partners, certifying compliance with the training requirements.


9.                               The Company will maintain, or where necessary establish, an effective system for providing guidance and advice to directors, officers, employees, and, where necessary and appropriate, agents and business partners, on complying with the Company’s anti-corruption compliance code, policies, and procedures, including when they need advice on an urgent basis or in any foreign jurisdiction in which the Company operates.


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Internal Reporting and Investigation


10.                        The Company will maintain, or where necessary establish, an effective system for internal and, where possible, confidential reporting by, and protection of, directors, officers, employees, and, where appropriate, agents and business partners concerning violations of the anti-corruption laws or the Company’s anti-corruption compliance code, policies, and procedures.


11.                        The Company will maintain, or where necessary establish, an effective and reliable process with sufficient resources for responding to, investigating, and documenting allegations of violations of the anti-corruption laws or the Company’s anti-corruption compliance code, policies, and procedures.


Enforcement and Discipline


12.                        The Company will implement mechanisms designed to effectively enforce its compliance code, policies, and procedures, including appropriately incentivizing compliance and disciplining violations.


13.                        The Company will institute appropriate disciplinary procedures to address, among other things, violations of the anti-corruption laws and the Company’s anti-corruption compliance code, policies, and procedures by the Company’s directors, officers, and employees. Such procedures should be applied consistently and fairly, regardless of the position held by, or perceived importance of, the director, officer, or employee. The Company shall implement procedures to ensure that where misconduct is discovered, reasonable steps are taken to remedy the harm resulting from such misconduct, and to ensure that appropriate steps are taken to prevent further similar misconduct, including assessing the internal controls, compliance code, policies, and procedures and making modifications necessary to ensure the overall anti-corruption compliance program is effective.


B- 5



Third-Party Relationships


14.                                The Company will institute appropriate risk-based due diligence and compliance requirements pertaining to the retention and oversight of all agents and business partners, including:


a.                                       properly documented due diligence pertaining to the hiring and appropriate and regular oversight of agents and business partners;


b.                                       informing agents and business partners of the Company’s commitment to abiding by anti-corruption laws, and of the Company’s anti-corruption compliance code, policies, and procedures; and


c.                                        seeking a reciprocal commitment from agents and business partners.


15.                                Where necessary and appropriate, the Company will include standard provisions in agreements, contracts, and renewals thereof with all agents and business partners that are reasonably calculated to prevent violations of the anti-corruption laws, which may, depending upon the circumstances, include: (a) anti-corruption representations and undertakings relating to compliance with the anti-corruption laws; (b) rights to conduct audits of the books and records of the agent or business partner to ensure compliance with the foregoing; and (c) rights to terminate an agent or business partner as a result of any breach of the anti-corruption laws, the Company’s compliance code, policies, or procedures, or the representations and undertakings related to such matters.


Mergers and Acquisitions


16.                                The Company will develop and implement policies and procedures for mergers and acquisitions requiring that the Company conduct appropriate risk-based due diligence on


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potential new business entities, including appropriate FCPA and anti-corruption due diligence by legal, accounting, and compliance personnel.


17.                        The Company will ensure that the Company’s compliance code, policies, and procedures regarding the anti-corruption laws apply as quickly as is practicable to newly acquired businesses or entities merged with the Company and will promptly:


a.                                       train the directors, officers, employees, agents, and business partners consistent with Paragraph 8 above on the anti-corruption laws and the Company’s compliance code, policies, and procedures regarding anti-corruption laws; and


b.                                       where warranted, conduct an FCPA-specific audit of all newly acquired or merged businesses as quickly as practicable.


Monitoring and Testing


18.                                The Company will conduct periodic reviews and testing of its anti-corruption compliance code, policies, and procedures designed to evaluate and improve their effectiveness in preventing and detecting violations of anti-corruption laws and the Company’s anti-corruption code, policies, and procedures, taking into account relevant developments in the field and evolving international and industry standards.


B- 7








The duties and authority of the Independent Compliance Monitor (the “Monitor”), and the obligations of Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (the “Company”), on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries and affiliates, with respect to the Monitor and the United States Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Fraud Section and the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts (collectively, the “Department”), are as described below:


1.                                       The Company will retain the Monitor for a period of not less than two years (the “Term of the Monitorship”), unless the early termination provisions of Paragraph 3 of the Non- Prosecution Agreement (the “Agreement”) are triggered. Subject to certain conditions specified below that would, in the sole discretion of the Department, allow for an extension of the Term of the Monitorship, the Monitor shall be retained until the criteria in Paragraphs 19-20 below are satisfied or the Agreement expires, whichever occurs first.


Monitor’s Mandate


2.                                       The Monitor’s primary responsibility is to assess and monitor the Company’s compliance with the terms of the Agreement, including the Corporate Compliance Program in Attachment B, so as to specifically address and reduce the risk of any recurrence of the Company’s misconduct. During the Term of the Monitorship, the Monitor will evaluate, in the manner set forth below, the effectiveness of the internal accounting controls, record-keeping, and financial reporting policies and procedures of the Company as they relate to the Company’s current and ongoing compliance with the FCPA and other applicable anti-corruption laws (collectively, the “anti-corruption laws”), except for Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries, to


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the extent that those entities and/or their employees and agents operate exclusively within the United States, and take such reasonable steps as, in his or her view, may be necessary to fulfill the foregoing mandate (the “Mandate”). Nothing in this Mandate precludes the Monitor from seeking a briefing on the Company’s compliance program in the United States. This Mandate shall include an assessment of the Management Board’s and senior management’s commitment to, and effective implementation of, the corporate compliance program described in Attachment B of the Agreement.


Company’s Obligations


3.                                       The Company shall cooperate fully with the Monitor, and the Monitor shall have the authority to take such reasonable steps as, in his or her view, may be necessary to be fully informed about the Company’s compliance program in accordance with the principles set forth herein and applicable law, including applicable data protection and labor laws and regulations. To that end, the Company shall: facilitate the Monitor’s access to the Company’s documents and resources; not limit such access, except as provided in Paragraphs 5-6; and provide guidance on applicable local law (such as relevant data protection and labor laws). The Company shall provide the Monitor with access to all information, documents, records, facilities, and employees, as reasonably requested by the Monitor, that fall within the scope of the Mandate of the Monitor under the Agreement. The Company shall use its best efforts to provide the Monitor with access to the Company’s former employees and its third-party vendors, agents, and consultants.


4.                                       Any disclosure by the Company to the Monitor concerning corrupt payments, false books and records, and internal accounting control failures shall not relieve the Company of any otherwise applicable obligation to truthfully disclose such matters to the Department, pursuant to the Agreement.


C- 2


Withholding Access


5.                                       The parties agree that no attorney-client relationship shall be formed between the Company and the Monitor. In the event that the Company seeks to withhold from the Monitor access to information, documents, records, facilities, or current or former employees of the Company that may be subject to a claim of attorney-client privilege or to the attorney work-product doctrine, or where the Company reasonably believes production would otherwise be inconsistent with applicable law, the Company shall work cooperatively with the Monitor to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of the Monitor.


6.                                       If the matter cannot be resolved, at the request of the Monitor, the Company shall promptly provide written notice to the Monitor and the Department. Such notice shall include a general description of the nature of the information, documents, records, facilities or current or former employees that are being withheld, as well as the legal basis for withholding access. The Department may then consider whether to make a further request for access to such information, documents, records, facilities, or employees.


Monitor’s Coordination with the
Company and Review Methodology


7.                                       In carrying out the Mandate, to the extent appropriate under the circumstances, the Monitor should coordinate with Company personnel, including in-house counsel, compliance personnel, and internal auditors, on an ongoing basis. The Monitor may rely on the product of the Company’s processes, such as the results of studies, reviews, sampling and testing methodologies, audits, and analyses conducted by or on behalf of the Company, as well as the Company’s internal resources (e.g., legal, compliance, and internal audit), which can assist the Monitor in carrying out the Mandate through increased efficiency and Company-specific expertise, provided that the Monitor has confidence in the quality of those resources.


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8.                                       The Monitor’s reviews should use a risk-based approach, and thus, the Monitor is not expected to conduct a comprehensive review of all business lines, all business activities, or all markets. In carrying out the Mandate, the Monitor should consider, for instance, risks presented by: (a) the countries and industries in which the Company operates, other than Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries, to the extent that those entities and/or their employees and agents operate exclusively within the United States; (b) current and future business opportunities and transactions; (c) current and potential business partners, including third parties and joint ventures, and the business rationale for such relationships; (d) the Company’s gifts, travel, and entertainment interactions with foreign officials; and (e) the Company’s involvement with foreign officials, including the amount of foreign government regulation and oversight of the Company, such as licensing and permitting, and the Company’s exposure to customs and immigration issues in conducting its business affairs.


9.                                       In undertaking the reviews to carry out the Mandate, the Monitor shall formulate conclusions based on, among other things: (a) inspection of relevant documents, including the Company’s current anti-corruption policies and procedures; (b) on-site observation of selected systems and procedures of the Company at sample sites, including internal accounting controls, record-keeping, and internal audit procedures; (c) meetings with, and interviews of, relevant current and, where appropriate, former directors, officers, employees, business partners, agents, and other persons at mutually convenient times and places; and (d) analyses, studies, and testing of the Company’s compliance program.


Monitor’s Written Work Plans


10.                                To carry out the Mandate, during the Term of the Monitorship, the Monitor shall conduct an initial review and prepare an initial report, followed by at least one follow-up review


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and report as described in Paragraphs 16-18 below. With respect to the initial report, after consultation with the Company and the Department, the Monitor shall prepare the first written work plan within thirty (30) calendar days of being retained, and the Company and the Department shall provide comments within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the written work plan. With respect to each follow-up report, after consultation with the Company and the Department, the Monitor shall prepare a written work plan at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to commencing a review, and the Company and the Department shall provide comments within fifteen calendar days after receipt of the written work plan. Any disputes between the Company and the Monitor with respect to any written work plan shall be decided by the Department in its sole discretion.


11.                                All written work plans shall identify with reasonable specificity the activities the Monitor plans to undertake in execution of the Mandate, including a written request for documents. The Monitor’s work plan for the initial review shall include such steps as are reasonably necessary to conduct an effective initial review in accordance with the Mandate, including by developing an understanding, to the extent the Monitor deems appropriate, of the facts and circumstances surrounding any prior FCPA violations that gave rise to this Agreement or other applicable anti- corruption laws. In developing such understanding the Monitor is to rely to the extent possible on available information and documents provided by the Company. The Monitor shall not conduct his or her own inquiry into the historical events that gave rise to the Agreement.


Initial Review


12.                                The initial review shall commence no later than sixty (60) calendar days from the date of the engagement of the Monitor (unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the Monitor, and the Department). The Monitor shall issue a written report within one hundred twenty calendar days of commencing the initial review, setting forth the Monitor’s assessment and, if necessary,


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making recommendations reasonably designed to improve the effectiveness of the Company’s program for ensuring compliance with the anti-corruption laws. The Monitor should consult with the Company concerning his or her findings and recommendations on an ongoing basis and should consider the Company’s comments and input to the extent the Monitor deems appropriate. The Monitor may also choose to share a draft of his or her reports with the Company and the Department prior to finalizing them. The Monitor’s reports need not recite or describe comprehensively the Company’s history or compliance policies, procedures and practices, but rather may focus on those areas with respect to which the Monitor wishes to make recommendations, if any, for improvement or which the Monitor otherwise concludes merit particular attention. The Monitor shall provide the report to the Company’s Management Board and contemporaneously transmit copies to both the (a) Deputy Chief — FCPA Unit, Fraud Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice, 1400 New York Avenue N.W., Bond Building, Eleventh Floor, Washington, D.C. 20005; and (b) Chief — Economic Crimes Unit, United States Attorney’s Office, District of Massachusetts, 1 Courthouse Way, Suite 9200, Boston, MA 02210. After consultation with the Company, the Monitor may extend the time period for issuance of the initial report for a brief period of time with prior written approval of the Department.


13.                                Within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after receiving the Monitor’s initial report, the Company shall adopt and implement all recommendations in the report, unless, within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving the report, the Company notifies in writing the Monitor and the Department of any recommendations that the Company considers unduly burdensome, inconsistent with applicable law or regulation, impractical, excessively expensive, or otherwise inadvisable. With respect to any such recommendation, the Company need not adopt that recommendation within the one hundred twenty (120) calendar days of receiving the report but


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shall propose in writing to the Monitor and the Department an alternative policy, procedure, or system designed to achieve the same objective or purpose. As to any recommendation on which the Company and the Monitor do not agree, such parties shall attempt in good faith to reach an agreement within fifteen (15) calendar days after the Company serves the written notice.


14.                                In the event the Company and the Monitor are unable to agree on an acceptable alternative proposal, the Company shall promptly consult with the Department. The Department may consider the Monitor’s recommendation and the Company’s reasons for not adopting the recommendation in determining whether the Company has fully complied with its obligations under the Agreement. Pending such determination, the Company shall not be required to implement any contested recommendation(s).


15.                                With respect to any recommendation that the Monitor determines cannot reasonably be implemented within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after receiving the report, the Monitor may extend the time period for implementation with prior written approval of the Department.


Follow-Up Review


16.                                The follow-up review shall commence no later than one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the issuance of the initial report (unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the Monitor and the Department). The Monitor shall issue a written follow-up report within one hundred fifty (150) calendar days of commencing the follow-up review, setting forth the Monitor’s assessment and, if necessary, making recommendations in the same fashion as set forth in Paragraph 12 with respect to the initial review. The Monitor shall also certify whether the Company’s compliance program, including its policies and procedures, is reasonably designed and implemented to prevent and detect violations of the anti-corruption laws. After consultation with


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the Company, the Monitor may extend the time period for issuance of the follow-up report for a brief period of time with prior written approval of the Department.


17.                                Within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after receiving the Monitor’s follow-up report, the Company shall adopt and implement all recommendations in the report, unless, within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the report, the Company notifies in writing the Monitor and the Department concerning any recommendations that the Company considers unduly burdensome, inconsistent with applicable law or regulation, impractical, excessively expensive, or otherwise inadvisable. With respect to any such recommendation, the Company need not adopt that recommendation within the one hundred twenty (120) calendar days of receiving the report but shall propose in writing to the Monitor and the Department an alternative policy, procedure, or system designed to achieve the same objective or purpose. As to any recommendation on which the Company and the Monitor do not agree, such parties shall attempt in good faith to reach an agreement within fifteen (15) calendar days after the Company serves the written notice.


18.                                In the event the Company and the Monitor are unable to agree on an acceptable alternative proposal, the Company shall promptly consult with the Department. The Department may consider the Monitor’s recommendation and the Company’s reasons for not adopting the recommendation in determining whether the Company has fully complied with its obligations under the Agreement. Pending such determination, the Company shall not be required to implement any contested recommendation(s).


Certification of Compliance
and Termination of the Monitorship


19.                                At the conclusion of the ninety (90) calendar day period following the issuance of the follow-up report, if the Monitor believes that the Company’s compliance program is reasonably


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designed and implemented to detect and prevent violations of the anti-corruption laws and is functioning effectively, the Monitor shall certify the Company’s compliance with its compliance obligations under the Agreement. The Monitor shall then submit to the Department a written report (“Certification Report”) within forty (40) calendar days. The Certification Report shall set forth an overview of the Company’s remediation efforts to date, including the implementation status of the Monitor’s recommendations, and an assessment of the sustainability of the Company’s remediation efforts. The Certification Report should also recommend the scope of the Company’s future self-reporting. Also at the conclusion of the one hundred twenty (120) calendar day period following the issuance of the follow-up report, the Company shall certify in writing to the Department, with a copy to the Monitor, that the Company has adopted and implemented all of the Monitor’s recommendations in the initial and follow-up report(s), or the agreed-upon alternatives. The Monitor or the Company may extend the time period for issuance of the Certification Report or the Company’s certification, respectively, with prior written approval of the Department.


20.                                At such time as the Department approves the Certification Report and the Company’s certification, the monitorship shall be terminated, and the Company will be permitted to self-report to the Department on its enhanced compliance obligations for the remainder of the term of the Agreement. The Department, however, reserves the right to terminate the monitorship absent certification by the Monitor, upon a showing by the Company that termination is, nevertheless, in the interests of justice.


21.                                If permitted to self-report to the Department, the Company shall thereafter submit to the Department a written report every six months setting forth a complete description of its remediation efforts to date, its proposals to improve the Company’s internal accounting controls,


C- 9


policies, and procedures for ensuring compliance with the anti-corruption laws, and the proposed scope of the subsequent reviews. The report shall be transmitted to both the (a) Deputy Chief — FCPA Unit, Fraud Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice, 1400 New York Avenue, N.W., Bond Building, Eleventh Floor, Washington, D.C. 20005, or his or her designee; and (b) Chief — Economic Crimes Unit, United States Attorney’s Office, District of Massachusetts, 1 Courthouse Way, Suite 9200, Boston, MA 02210, or his or her designee. The Company may extend the time period for issuance of the self-report with prior written approval of the Department.


Extension of the Term of the Monitorship


22.                                If, however, at the conclusion of the ninety (90) calendar-day period following the issuance of the follow-up report, the Department concludes that the Company has not by that time successfully satisfied its compliance obligations under the Agreement, the Term of the Monitorship shall be extended for a reasonable period of time not to exceed one year.


23.                                Under such circumstances, the Monitor shall commence the second follow-up review no later than sixty (60) calendar days after the Department concludes that the Company has not successfully satisfied its compliance obligations under the Agreement (unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the Monitor, and the Department). The Monitor shall issue a written follow-up report within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days of commencing the second follow-up review in the same fashion as set forth in Paragraph 12 with respect to the initial review and in accordance with the procedures for follow-up reports set forth in Paragraphs 16-18. A determination to terminate the monitorship shall then be made in accordance with Paragraphs 19-20.


24.                                If, after completing the second follow-up review, the Department again concludes that the Company has not successfully satisfied its obligations under the Agreement with respect to the Monitor’s Mandate, the Term of the Monitorship shall be extended until expiration of the


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Agreement, and the Monitor shall commence a third follow-up review within sixty (60) calendar days after the Department concludes that the Company has not successfully satisfied its compliance obligations under the Agreement (unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the Monitor, and the Department). The Monitor shall issue a written follow-up report within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days of commencing the third follow-up review in the same fashion as set forth in Paragraph 12 with respect to the initial review and in accordance with the procedures for follow-up reports set forth in Paragraphs 16-18.


Monitor’s Discovery of Potential or Actual Misconduct


25.                                (a)                                  Except as set forth below in sub-paragraphs (b) and (c), should the Monitor discover during the course of his or her engagement that:


·                                           improper payments or anything else of value may have been offered, promised, made, or authorized by any entity or person within the Company or any entity or person working, directly or indirectly, for or on behalf of the Company;


·                                           the Company may have maintained false books, records or accounts; or,


·                                           the Company may have failed to implement a system of internal accounting controls that is sufficient to accurately record the Company’s transactions (collectively, “Potential Misconduct”), the Monitor shall immediately report the Potential Misconduct to the Company’s General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, and/or Audit Committee for further action, unless the Potential Misconduct was already so disclosed. The Monitor also may report Potential Misconduct to the Department at any time, and shall report Potential Misconduct to the Department when it requests the information.


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(b)                                  If the Monitor believes that any Potential Misconduct actually occurred or may constitute a criminal or regulatory violation (“Actual Misconduct”), the Monitor shall immediately report the Actual Misconduct to the Department. When the Monitor discovers Actual Misconduct, the Monitor shall disclose the Actual Misconduct solely to the Department, and, in such cases, disclosure of the Actual Misconduct to the General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, and/or the Audit Committee of the Company should occur as the Department and the Monitor deem appropriate under the circumstances.


(c)                                   The Monitor shall address in his or her reports the appropriateness of the Company’s response to disclosed Potential Misconduct or Actual Misconduct, whether previously disclosed to the Department or not. Further, if the Company or any entity or person working directly or indirectly on behalf of the Company withholds information necessary for the performance of the Monitor’s responsibilities and the Monitor believes that such withholding is without just cause, the Monitor shall also immediately disclose that fact to the Department and address the Company’s failure to disclose the necessary information in his or her reports.


(d)                                  The Company nor anyone acting on its behalf shall take any action to retaliate against the Monitor for any such disclosures or for any other reason.


Meetings During Pendency of Monitorship


26.                                The Monitor shall meet with the Department within thirty (30) calendar days after providing each report to the Department to discuss the report, to be followed by a meeting between the Department, the Monitor, and the Company.


27.                                At least annually, and more frequently if appropriate, representatives from the Company and the Department will meet together to discuss the monitorship and any suggestions,


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comments, or improvements the Company may wish to discuss with or propose to the Department, including with respect to the scope or costs of the monitorship.


Contemplated Confidentiality of Monitor’s Reports


28.                                The reports will likely include proprietary, financial, confidential, and competitive business information. Moreover, public disclosure of the reports could discourage cooperation, or impede pending or potential government investigations and thus undermine the objectives of the monitorship. For these reasons, among others, the reports and the contents thereof are intended to remain and shall remain non-public, except as otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing, or except to the extent that the Department determines in its sole discretion that disclosure would be in furtherance of the Department’s discharge of its duties and responsibilities or is otherwise required by law.


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Exhibit 4.16



Before the




Release No. 85468 / March 29, 2019



Release No. 4033 / March 29, 2019



File No. 3-19126





In the Matter of






Fresenius Medical Care AG



& Co. KGaA





















The Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”) deems it appropriate that cease-and-desist proceedings be, and hereby are, instituted pursuant to Section 21C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”), against Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (“FMC” or “Respondent”).




In anticipation of the institution of these proceedings, Respondent has submitted an Offer of Settlement (the “Offer”) which the Commission has determined to accept. Solely for the purpose of these proceedings and any other proceedings brought by or on behalf of the Commission, or to which the Commission is a party, Respondent admits the Commission’s jurisdiction over it and the subject matter of these proceedings, and consents to the entry of this Order Instituting Cease-and-Desist Proceedings Pursuant to Section 21C of the Securities




Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings, and Imposing a Cease-and-Desist Order (“Order”), as set forth below.




On the basis of this Order and Respondent’s Offer, the Commission finds that:




1.                                       This matter concerns violations of the anti-bribery, books and records and internal accounting controls provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (the “FCPA”) [15 U.S.C. 78dd] by FMC, a world-wide provider of products and services for individuals with chronic kidney failure headquartered in Bad Homburg, Germany. From at least 2009 through 2016, millions of dollars in bribes were paid to procure business throughout its operations, including in Saudi Arabia, Angola, and eight countries in the West African region. Further, in FMC’s operations in those countries, as well as Turkey, Spain, China, Serbia, Bosnia, and Mexico, payments were not accurately reflected in FMC’s books and records. FMC also failed to have sufficient internal accounting controls in place, which contributed to the misconduct continuing for many years across multiple continents. In connection with the misconduct described in Saudi Arabia, West Africa, and Angola, FMC employees and agents utilized the means and instrumentalities of U.S. interstate commerce, including the use of internet-based email accounts hosted by numerous service providers located in the United States. The company benefitted by over $135 million as a result of the improper payments.




2.                                       FMC is a provider of products and services for individuals with chronic kidney failure. FMC, operating in over 150 countries, is incorporated under the federal laws of Germany and is headquartered in Bad Homburg. Since 1996, FMC’s American Depositary Shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker “FMS” and are registered with the Commission pursuant to Section 12(b). The company files periodic reports, including Form 20-F, with the Commission pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.


Relevant Entities


3.                                       The misconduct took place in FMC subsidiaries in Morocco, Portugal, Angola, Turkey, Spain, China, Serbia, Bosnia, and Mexico. During the relevant time period FMC’s West Africa business was managed and operated from Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH, a limited liability company organized under the federal laws of Germany, and was later operated from FMC Morocco. The financials for each subsidiary were consolidated with those of FMC.


4.                                       Saudi Advanced Renal Services Ltd. (“SRS”) is a wholly consolidated distributor that promotes and sells FMC’s products in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia pursuant to a Management Assistance Agreement and an Agency and Distributorship Agreement with FMC. SRS’s financial statements are consolidated with those of FMC.








5.                                       FMC failed to promptly address numerous red flags of corruption in its operations that were known since the early 2000s. This includes employees making improper payments through a variety of schemes, including using sham consulting contracts, falsifying documents, and funneling bribes through a system of third party intermediaries. FMC failed to properly assess and manage its worldwide risks, and devoted insufficient resources to compliance. In many instances, senior management actively thwarted compliance efforts, personally engaging in corruption schemes and directing employees to destroy records of the misconduct. The improper conduct continued for years in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, eight countries in the West African region, Angola, Turkey, Spain, China, Serbia, Bosnia, and Mexico.


Conduct Relevant to Saudi Arabia


6.                                       From 2007 to 2012, FMC’s wholly consolidated distributor Saudi Advanced Renal Services (“SRS”) paid over $4.9 million in improper payments to publicly-employed doctors (“HCPs”), government officials and others in Saudi Arabia to retain or obtain business. FMC knew of the high risks in the business, but failed to ensure that sufficient internal accounting controls were in place. FMC also failed to assign a compliance officer to the region. In 2009 and early 2011, senior officials at FMC’s German headquarters received reports from a senior SRS finance officer that the SRS General Manager (“GM”) submitted false invoices and that there was a practice of making improper marketing and travel expenditures without proper documentation. The conduct continued and by December 2011, the SRS finance officer elevated his complaints to the FMC controller and the head of Internal Audit. The conduct continued until late 2012 when remedial action was first initiated and the GM was terminated in 2013. Overall, FMC benefitted by over $40 million as a result of the corruption schemes in Saudi Arabia.


7.                                       Payments were made to private and public HCPs, other government officials, and high ranking officials at a Saudi Technical Organization that was acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia when it reviewed and approved dialysis products for use in tenders. Between 2007 and 2012, SRS generated approximately $1.77 million through a check writing scheme. Checks were written to SRS employees who cashed the checks and handed the cash to the SRS GM. SRS employees sometimes stored bags of cash in a safe without proper documentation. The transactions were falsely recorded as project marketing expenses and collection commissions in SRS’ books and records, which FMC consolidated. In addition to false descriptions, the transactions lacked appropriate support for the accounting entries.


8.                                       Through another scheme, SRS entered into a purported collection commission agreement with the relative of a MOH employee in connection with bidding on MOH dialysis machine tenders. While SRS had salaried employees that collected overdue receivables from FMC




customers, the MOH relative was paid over $200,000 for work already performed by these employees — which was more than the combined total salary paid to these same employees. As a result, FMC won the tender.


9.                                       A variety of other questionable business schemes included: i) sham consulting agreements with doctors for services never performed, ii) payments to third party agents in which doctors had beneficial interest, and iii) improper travel, entertainment, and gifts to doctors. FMC failed to conduct due diligence on the doctors and agents, or take steps to ensure that agreed upon services were provided.


10.                                Some specific examples of the methods used by FMC to make illicit payments to doctors in Saudi Arabia are as follows:


·                   Improper payments to Doctor A, a high-ranking official at Saudi Technical Organization, who according to one email, played a critical role in FMC’s factory avoiding an inspection that “could have shut down the factory or made it ineligible for tenders.” FMC payments to Doctor A were made through commission agreements with no evidence of services provided. On at least one occasion, it was communicated to SRS and FMC that Doctor A would not sign necessary papers for FMC products because he had not been paid. Doctor A received over $220,000. FMC also employed two of Doctor A’s family members despite knowledge that they were low performers in order to keep the doctor happy.


·                   Doctor B, another high-ranking official of Saudi Technical Organization and who served as a board member of a prominent charity founded by the Saudi government as well as a director of a company that provided FMC dialyzers to KSA hospitals, received payments pursuant to contracts with entities owned by the doctor or consulting contracts in which there was no evidence that services were performed. Once the contracts expired in 2008, SRS continued to make payments through late 2011 despite the lack of services rendered. Doctor B was paid over $190,000.


·                   Payments were also made to Doctor C, the CEO of a charity established by a senior Saudi Official and an organization very influential in determining MOH tender award recipients. In one email, the GM stated that Doctor C had informed SRS that those who “will support the charity will get the [MOH] orders as simple as that.” Doctor C and his family were also provided with travel that had no business purpose. In addition on March 15, 2012, Doctor C, using an internet-based email account, emailed SRS GM a draft commission contract for his assistance in securing contracts on behalf of FMC. Doctor C received over $93,000.


·                   Head Nurse D, for a military hospital, also received cash payments over $213,000 through both the check-to-cash scheme and payments as a purported consultant with no proof of services rendered. SRS made product sales valued at approximately $1.467 million and won three MOH tenders for the military hospital.


·                   Improper gifts valued over $330,000 were provided to doctors and customers without adequate supporting documentation with the more expensive gifts given to the more influential customers.


11.                                SRS also made at least $31,000 in improper payments to Saudi customs officials through a third-party agent to avoid or reduce penalties and fees. Invoices from the customs agent mischaracterized the payments as handling charges or miscellaneous expenses. SRS accounting




records show that $1.76 million of additional payments to the customs agent lacked supporting documentation of services it rendered.


12.                                Numerous documents were altered, destroyed and falsified in the company’s accounting records to conceal the bribes. The falsification and destruction of records intensified once the company’s internal investigation began. For example, employees created fake accounting records to support a $100,000 check-to-cash transaction related to a bid for a multi-billion dollar MOH tender. The discovery of the $100,000 payment led FMC to withdraw from the tender.


Conduct Relevant to Morocco


13.                                From 2006 to 2010, an FMC Senior Officer and FMC Sales Manager in Germany engaged in a scheme to pay bribes to a Moroccan Official, the chief nephrologist at two state owned military hospitals, to obtain contracts. They entered into a sham marketing agreement with Moroccan Official to pay him a 10% commission on a contract with Agadir Military Hospital with half to be paid in 2007 and afterwards 12.5% annually. They also agreed to pay him bribes on future projects in Morocco including Rabat Military Hospital.


14.                                In order to get $123,000 in cash for the Moroccan Official, they devised a scheme in which they paid a fake bonus to a West Africa manager who had a German bank account. The senior FMC Germany managers assisted in backdating the fake bonus payment and amending West Africa manager’s employment contract. West Africa manager then traveled to Germany with the brother of Morocco Official to retrieve the cash from his German bank, which he then gave to the brother for the Moroccan Official. Numerous red flags were overlooked in connection with the bonus payment, including that the bonus payment order and contract amendment were clearly backdated and didn’t have any relevance to the Moroccan business.


15.                                Less than one month later, in February 2007, FMC Morocco and the Agadir Military Hospital entered into a contract to build and provide products for a dialysis center. From 2008 through March 2012, FMC paid the Moroccan Official an additional $111,000 that was also funneled through fake bonus payments to another FMC manager. All the bribe payments were falsely recorded as commission payments. FMC earned over $2.3 million in revenue from the Agadir hospital project as a result of its bribery scheme.


16.                                FMC also paid bribes to the Moroccan Official to obtain a 2009 contract at the Rabat Military Hospital, this time using a sham consultant contract with a Moroccan agent associated with Moroccan Official. FMC failed to identify numerous red flags of the corruption, including the fact that the contract was backdated and the purported invoices and endorsed checks from the Moroccan agent were signed by Moroccan Official’s brother, who was also a FMC Morocco manager. Between 2009 and 2010, FMC paid the agent approximately $221,000 intended for Moroccan Official and falsely recorded as marketing expenses.


17.                                In April 2012, FMC received a whistleblower email raising various allegations about payments to government officials in Morocco. In May 2013, FMC received an anonymous




complaint about improper payments related to military hospitals located in Agadir and Rabat. Despite the 2012 allegations, and a subsequent email received in July 2013, FMC did not initiate an investigation until January 2014, almost eight months later. After receiving preservation notices in January 2014, some FMC managers destroyed records and deleted files from computers. Overall, FMC benefited by over $3 million as a result of the corruption schemes in Morocco.


Conduct Relevant to Eight West African Countries


18.                                From 2007 to at least 2016, the same FMC Senior Officer and FMC Sales Manager who orchestrated the bribe schemes in Morocco also engaged in schemes to bribe publicly-employed hospital doctors and administrators in eight West African countries to win FMC business. The countries include Gabon, Cameroon, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ivory Coast, Niger, and Senegal.


19.                                In Gabon for example, from October 2007 to 2009, FMC entered into sham consultant agreements with three government hospital executives in return for their assistance in obtaining business and timely payments from product sales to Centre Hospitalier de Libreville (“CHL”), a public hospital. FMC agreed to pay the executives a kickback from each dialysis kit sold to the hospital, paying the executives over $420,000. The bribe payments were falsely recorded as “export commissions.”


20.                                Beginning in 2009, a third party agent (“West African Supplier”) was used as a conduit for the payments. FMC paid sham “service fees” to West African Supplier, who passed the funds to public HCPs and hospital administrators who had previously been paid through fake consultancy agreements. In May 2010, FMC backdated a service agreement with West African Supplier to January 1, 2009 to better conceal the scheme. From 2009 to 2012, FMC paid West African Supplier over $807,000 intended for the three Gabonese hospital executives, and over $2.1 million intended for doctors in other West African countries.


21.                                In 2013, West African Supplier’s relationship with FMC was changed from a third party agent to a purported distributor. Rather than pay West African Supplier a service fee, it was provided with a significant margin on sales to the Ministry of Health, CHL, and other West African hospitals to fund the payments to HCPs. Numerous red flags were present that West African Supplier was not a true distributor, including the facts that FMC continued to pay for the delivery of its products to customers and that products were sold to West African Supplier at a greatly reduced price.


22.                                A FMC Sales Manager raised concerns about FMC’s loss of revenue using West African Supplier as a distributor since they were receiving almost 50% less than what had been invoiced to the hospitals under the prior scheme. The FMC finance director for West Africa explained the loss of revenue was justified since West African Supplier was absorbing the costs of making the phony commission payments to the doctors. With the costs shifted to West African Supplier, FMC books showed expenses were significantly lower, which enabled FMC executives to conceal the bribe payments to the hospital officials. From 2007 to 2016, FMC made improper




payments in Gabon of approximately $2.3 million either directly to hospital executives or through West African Supplier.


23.                                FMC also used West African Supplier as a distributor to funnel improper commission payments to doctors in return for product sales with public hospitals in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Niger, and Senegal. The conduct started in 2007 and continued through at least 2016 when FMC finally terminated the relationship. Throughout the schemes, an FMC West Africa manager used his personal internet-based email accounts to send spreadsheets of bribe payments to hospital employees to FMC Germany supervisors, who ensured that the improper payments were made.


24.                                From 2007 through 2012, FMC engaged in a similar bribery scheme in Cameroon, but used a different distributor. For example, FMC gave one hospital official 15% of all hospital sales and gave another doctor five euros per dialysis kit sold. From 2007 to 2016, approximately $1.7 million in improper payments to publicly-employed doctors were made from Cameroon Distributor’s margin on the resale of the FMC products.


25.                                Despite the ongoing investigations of known corruption in multiple nearby countries, FMC failed to implement a sufficient system of internal accounting controls. The bribery schemes in West Africa continued by many of the same FMC managers involved in schemes in other countries. The books and records often lacked adequate documentary support and records were falsified. At the direction of more senior FMC managers, employees altered and destroyed documents and deleted files from computers. Efforts were made to align fictitious stories about the misuse of company funds and lower-level employees were berated if they didn’t destroy their laptops or delete emails. Despite multiple red flags of bribery, FMC’s legal, compliance, and internal audit functions failed to detect and prevent the bribery. Employees were inadequately trained on the company’s anti-corruption policies, and due diligence on third parties was minimal. Overall, FMC benefited by over $40 million as a result of the corruption schemes in West African countries.


Conduct Relevant to Angola


26.                                In 2004, FMC South Africa explored entering the Angolan dialysis market and generated a report, which was circulated to several FMC employees, including FMC EMEA Executive Vice President, that raised red flags about corruption, most notably that Angola’s Director of Military Services (“Military Official”) received a 20% commission on all dialysis kits sold to military hospitals and that Angolan Reseller was partially owned by government officials. An August 7, 2007 email also warned of “concerns about this direct market entry …. [that] will require some extra precaution, documentation, and management attention.”




27.                                In 2008, FMC Portugal began selling products into Angola through Angolan Reseller, which was partly owned by Military Official. Further, FMC did not adequately train its FMC Portugal employees about their dealings with government officials until late 2012. As a result, from 2008 to 2010, bribes were paid in the form of 20% commissions to Military Official through Angolan Reseller.


28.                                In 2008, FMC created FMC Angola, a separate legal entity intended to make sales into Angola with FMC Portugal retaining management. By 2010, FMC’s relationship with its reseller became fractured. In June 2010, FMC Portugal orchestrated a scheme by which it provided a 35% stake in FMC Angola to prominent Angolan nephrologists, including Military Official, as well as to Angolan Doctor A, a key nephrologist at several Angolan public hospitals that were state-owned entities. In April 2011, FMC granted a power of attorney to execute the share transfer, signed by FMC’s senior legal and compliance officer and an FMC Board of Management member. In January 2012, the shares were transferred to the Angolan officials without their having paid anything in exchange and without any due diligence conducted on the transaction.


29.                                FMC Angola also entered into a business relationship with Angolan Distributor, owned equally by the sons of Military Officer. First, FMC Angola paid Angolan Distributor $559,972 for “temporary storage” services without a contract or actual services performed. FMC Angola also entered into a contract with Angolan Distributor for “the Provision of Logistics Services” whereby Angolan Distributor was to provide warehousing storage for $77,300 per month, which it received despite never providing the warehousing. FMC Angola in fact already had a lease agreement with another warehouse for the same services at a cost three times less than the costs charged by Angolan Distributor.


30.                                In June 2012, a draft internal audit report identified that in Angola “overall controls are not functioning as intended” and flagged the Angolan Distributor temporary storage arrangement as a problem since (1) the owner of the company was a shareholder of FMC Angola and (2) there was a total lack of written documentation relating to the services. FMC Legal and Compliance issued a directive in October 2012 freezing all payments to Angolan Distributor. Despite the directive, FMC Angola continued to accrue an additional $878,900 on its books for storage services never rendered, but ultimately was prevented from making the payment.


31.                                During the freeze period, in addition to the temporary storage contract with Angolan Distributor, FMC made Angolan Distributor its exclusive distributor in Angola of certain products and gave Angolan Distributor one of FMC’s largest clients as a customer. The distributor arrangement thereby created a significant margin, approximately 60% of sales, that was provided to the government officials on over $433,000 in sales.


32.                                FMC’s senior managers both in Portugal and at the parent level failed to take any timely steps to put a stop to the numerous conflicts raised by the Angolan Distributor relationship. FMC Portugal misled FMC’s internal audit team when they tried to determine if additional relationships with the Angolan Distributor existed. Only upon being instructed in July 2013 to




Please freeze the contract” did a senior FMC Portugal manager report that Angolan Distributor had been made a distributor for certain sales without any written contract.


33.                                Despite this new information, it took until November 2013 for an FMC Legal and Compliance team to review the relationship with Military Officer and the other minority shareholders, including examining “the applicability and justification of dividends for shareholders who have not paid for their interest in the company yet.” FMC Legal and Compliance ultimately concluded in December 2013 that these facts raised “a serious issue under our company’s government procedures and a problematic behavior …. it cannot be questioned that a clear management board directive” was not followed.


34.                                During the entire time, FMC Angola also made payments to the other minority shareholders, Angolan Doctor A and Angolan Doctor B, both government officials, by entering into consulting contracts with each doctor. Per contracts, Angolan Doctor A was paid $7,500 per month while Angolan Doctor B was paid $3,140 monthly. Angolan Doctor A discussed his consultancy payments with FMC using his personal internet-based email account. Pursuant to these contracts and other salary payments, the doctors received a total of approximately $400,000 from FMC. There was no review of the contracts, no apparent due diligence for conflicts of interest, and no documentation of services. Overall, FMC benefited by over $10 million as a result of the corruption schemes in Angola.


Conduct Relevant to Turkey


35.                                Between 2005 and 2014, FMC Turkey entered into four separate joint ventures with publicly employed doctors in exchange for those doctors directing business from their public employer to FMC clinics. The doctors did not provide any capital in exchange for their shares. In some cases, doctors’ shares were held in the names of other individuals.


36.                                In a 2007 internal presentation by a FMC Turkey Vice-President, FMC Turkey set forth a strategy to “select and find ways to work with nephrologists who refer the patients from the important state hospitals.” The presentation included a proposal to pay salaries and bonuses to doctors and provide them with 20-30% shares in joint ventures in exchange for the doctors directing patients to FMC Turkey clinics.


37.                                In one joint venture involving a prominent doctor at a public hospital in Diyarbakir, a senior manager at FMC Germany wrote: “The professor who is our shareholder has very strong relations with all state authorities including the university and other state hospitals. He is in a way protector of our interests, benefits and operation in the city…. It is very hard to compete and operate in this city if a powerful local is not backing you…. He should stay as our doctor for the health and wellbeing of our system in this city.”


38.                                After recapitalizing the JV, FMC paid that same doctor over $350,000 for his unpaid interest in the JV, a payment that was based in part on patient enrollment. Then in 2013, FMC Turkey sold the clinic’s assets to the doctor for $830,000. The FMC AG Board of




Management approved the sale to the doctor in June 2013. As early as at least 2008, FMC senior management were aware that the doctor did not pay for his initial 35% stake in the clinic, and that his shares were being held in someone else’s name.


39.                                In Erzurum, FMC gave shares to a professor with ties to the Turkish Minister of Health, for referring patients from the university’s clinics. The professor didn’t make any capital contributions for his shares. Ultimately, the professor was paid $323,000 for his 40% stake despite having an outstanding $1,553,000 receivable. FMC Turkey managers discussed the need to make the payment to the professor despite the outstanding receivable. In one exchange among FMC managers, they noted that if they pushed for payment the “[Professor] would immediately turn his back to us and fight with us. Knowing his before mentioned local and country level power, … he would ask the doctors to refer back their patients to state hospital clinic and would also ask the doctors to change to [a FMC competitor] all our PD patients.”


40.                                In one JV that should have raised significant red flags, the approval request to the FMC Board of Management stated that three doctors “currently working in the dialysis unit of the State Hospital will participate in the startup both as shareholders and employees. It is expected that on opening 60 patients will be referred from the State Hospital to the new clinic.” An email among FMC Turkey senior management noted “Our expectations regarding [Yalova] are high as we have very powerful doctors as partners in these startups. So after a year’s time we expect high patient numbers and at least breakeven results in two years and a profitable operation after then.” None of the doctors contributed capital for their shares.


41.                                In another example, in Kayseri, FMC Turkey entered into a joint venture with a nephrologist at the state hospital, noting “After 2 years, when the patient number increases preset levels, [the doctor] will sell their shares at preset amounts and their debt to the company will be deducted from this amount and the rest will be paid to them.” In August 2012, FMC Turkey entered into a share purchase agreement to purchase the doctor’s 20% interest, which provided for a purchase price predicated on the number of patients at the clinic. Between 2012 and 2013, the doctor received $63,000. In 2014, he received $451,000 in cash and debt reductions, including debts unrelated to the transaction, for his 20% stake. The payment was based principally on the number of patients enrolled at the clinic at the time of the sale. Overall, FMC benefited by over $1 million as a result of the improper conduct in Turkey.


Conduct Relevant to Spain


42.                                In certain public tenders between 2007 and 2014, FMC Spain received advance information about tender specifications from publicly employed doctors or administrators. Some of those doctors received improper payments from FMC Spain, including pursuant to consulting agreements, or other benefits such as travel to medical congresses, trips to the United States, donations to fund projects for the doctors, and gifts. In some of these tenders, FMC Spain sought to have the doctors modify aspects of the tenders before the tenders were publicly announced or to direct hospital sales to FMC.





43.                                FMC Spain entered into numerous consulting agreements with publicly employed doctors with limited or no due diligence or compliance review. FMC Spain failed to adequately document services performed by doctors who also assisted in obtaining or retaining business. Per the agreements, fixed amounts to be paid to the doctors as “consultants” ranged from $16,000 to approximately $187,000 per year. Sometimes payments were made without a written agreement.


44.                                For example, in connection with a 2011 tender held by a Valencia state-owned hospital, FMC Spain provided Spain Doctor A with draft tender technical specifications and improvements, a draft scoring methodology, and proposed scores to win the tender. The doctor used his personal email account to agree to some of the proposals with FMC winning the $2 million tender. FMC Spain paid Spain Doctor A over $114,000 between 2008 and 2011. A donation of over $40,000 was made to the hospital’s foundation for the doctor’s training programs, and additional payments were made to the doctor between 2012 and 2014 of $51,600, along travel sponsorships and gifts.


45.                                According to a December 2014 email between senior FMC managers discussing influencing a 2015 tender at a state-owned hospital in Torrecardenas, the company “got [Spain Doctor B] to decide to support [FMC Spain] to obtain 60% of the adjudication.” Afterward, FMC won 60% of the tender, valued at approximately $3 million. Spain Doctor B received payments from FMC, as well as travel sponsorships and gifts.


46.                                In some instances, FMC Spain made improper payments to doctors to refer patients to FMC clinics or to use more expensive FMC products. Payments were sometimes made to the doctors indirectly through consortiums owned by the doctors, or by FMC acquiring businesses from the doctors and, thereafter, paying for the use of the buildings in which the businesses were located.


47.                                For example, FMC Spain made improper payments and provided benefits to six publicly-employed doctors at a Spanish state-owned hospital. FMC Spain acquired a clinic owned by the doctors and then paid them 5% of all subsequent sales, and then later leased space from the doctors. FMC Spain provided additional compensation to the six doctors by entering into a consulting agreement with various forms of businesses owned by the doctors. In total, FMC paid the doctors over $3 million.


48.                                In 2010, FMC’s Internal Audit team found FMC Spain failed to comply with the company’s policy concerning dealings with foreign officials. In 2014, another Internal Audit report, sent to the same recipients as the 2010 report and the entire FMC Management Board, raised significant red flags about FMC Spain’s payments to public officials, including a lack of documentation for payments related to gifts, donations, sponsorships, commissions, and consultancy payments. The payments to doctors continued until 2015. Many of these payments were improperly recorded as consulting expenses in the books and records of FMC and FMC Spain. Overall, FMC benefited by over $20 million as a result of the improper conduct.




Conduct Relevant to China


49.                                From 2007 to 2014, FMC China’s clinic business, Nephrocare, planned and implemented incentive programs in which bonus payments were provided to publicly-employed HCPs with which FMC China had supply agreements. The amounts of the payments were based in part on the number of treatments provided and/or the number of new patients treated, and were taken into consideration in the clinics’ financial models. Certain emails between FMC China personnel suggest that the purpose of the bonus payments was to influence clinic procurement decisions.


50.                                During this time period, approximately $6.4 million in expense accrual entries were related to such bonuses. However, only $1.7 million of the $6.4 million were reconciled to specific payments. Of the remaining $4.7 million in accruals, the FMC China accounting records failed to adequately tie the accruals and payments. They were recorded either in the year-end bonus or other promotional expenses general ledger accounts, and were generally described in underlying accounting records as “center marketing fees.” The inaccurate record-keeping can be attributed to a senior FMC China manager, who cautioned a fellow employee in 2011 to avoid the use of the term bonus due to “internal legal compliance” concerns when describing these payments.


51.                                As a general practice, these bonuses would be paid once FMC China received payments it was owed from hospitals for equipment purchases. Payments were made directly to the doctors and nurses responsible for managing the clinics and in positions to influence clinic procurement decisions. Some payments were made in cash, while others were made by wire transfer, and later by a third party agent. FMC China stopped using the third party agent in 2014 after an internal audit report raised concerns that the agent was being paid without corresponding reports showing proof of services rendered. Overall, FMC benefited by over $10 million as a result of the improper conduct.


Conduct Relevant to the Balkan Region (Serbia and Bosnia)


52.                                From 2007 to 2014, four doctors were paid over $329,000 by FMC while serving on the Serbian Health Fund (“RFZO”) commission or other public tender commission while FMC sought business from those same public commissions. FMC also paid for side trips and extra day accommodations for publicly-employed doctors in connection with travel to medical conferences. For example in 2008, FMC paid $393,000 for travel and accommodations for those same four dual-employed doctors and their spouses to attend a conference in Philadelphia, PA, which included non-business side trips to New York City and Cancun, Mexico. Doctors were also provided laptops and GPS devices.


53.                                FMC paid dual-employed doctors through a Serbian Agent. In 2010, FMC compliance issued a directive prohibiting the use of Serbian Agent and requiring that service contracts have more specificity to support payments. The directive was circumvented when an FMC Serbia executive approved payments through a third-party transport vendor, who then paid over $170,000 to the dual-employed doctors. FMC also made over $1 million in payments to




“speed up” the clinic privatization process for four clinics. The consultant’s quarterly reports used to support the payments were drafted by FMC senior managers. In another instance, FMC senior managers gave a distributor, operated by a Serbian doctor, cash payments of over $62,000 plus 10 dialysis machines free of charge, which he resold to FMC for $139,500 to prolong a tender silently and avoid import taxes.


54.                                In Bosnia, FMC also made improper payments to a prominent Bosnian government doctor to support FMC’s bid to win a government tender to establish and operate clinics in the regions of Srpska and Brcko. In November 2008, the doctor was elected to the Brcko Assembly. A 2008 fourth quarter activity report from the doctor to FMC listed as an achievement for the quarter “removing all problems regarding the tender in Brcko.” FMC initially failed to investigate the meaning of that entry and instead paid the doctor $80,850 in December 2008. In February 2009, the doctor was elected the mayor of Brcko and thereafter the consultant agreement was placed in the name of the doctor’s wife. By 2009, FMC paid the doctor over $1.3 million to successfully win the bid. FMC also made over $957,000 in payments to a Bosnian healthcare executive to assist FMC’s establishment of clinics in Brcko and Hercegovina, without any evidence of services performed. Overall, FMC benefited by over $10 million as a result of the improper conduct in Serbia and Bosnia.


Conduct Relevant to Mexico


55.                                In 2010, FMC Mexico engaged in a scheme to increase the price per dialysis kit for a tender with one of its largest customers in Mexico, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (“IMSS”), Mexico’s state-run social insurance agency. FMC Mexico employed the services of a third party agent, Mexican Distributor, to pay kickbacks to IMSS officials relating to the tender bid. Among other products, Mexican Distributor sold medical kits used in hemodialysis treatments.


56.                                In January 2010, FMC Mexico was awarded a portion of an IMSS subrogation tender, at an agreed reimbursement price of $92 per treatment, which reflected a price increase that Mexican Distributor supposedly negotiated for its kits. On December 8, 2010, almost a full year after the IMSS tender award, FMC Mexico’s General Director and Chief Financial Officer executed a contract with Mexican Distributor, agreeing to pay Mexican Distributor a commission of $0.40 per treatment performed on IMSS patients in 2010 and $0.20 per treatment in 2011. The retroactive contract improperly identified the commissions as being for “advice.”


57.                                An FMC internal audit report found several problems with this arrangement, including insufficient evidence that Mexican Distributor rendered services that contributed to the increase in price, the contract was signed a year after services were supposedly rendered, and monetary payments were made retroactively. The audit identified $213,500 in improper commissions paid to Mexican Distributor intended in part for IMSS officials in 2010 and 2011. Overall, FMC benefited by over $2 million as a result of the improper conduct.




Legal Standards and Violations


58.                                Under Section 21C of the Exchange Act, the Commission may impose a cease-and-desist order upon any person who is violating, has violated, or is about to violate any provision of the Exchange Act or any rule or regulation thereunder, and upon any other person that is, was, or would be a cause of the violation, due to an act or omission the person knew or should have known would contribute to such violation.


59.                                As a result of conduct described above in Saudi Arabia, Angola and West Africa, FMC violated Section 30A of the Exchange Act, which in relevant part makes it unlawful for an issuer with securities registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Act or which is required to file reports under Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act, or any employee or agent acting on its behalf, to make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce corruptly in furtherance of an effort to pay or offer to pay anything of value to foreign officials for the purpose of influencing their official decision-making, in order to assist in obtaining or retaining business. Finally, each FMC subsidiary and entity was also an “agent” of FMC within the meaning of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.


60.                                Further, as a result of the conduct described in each of the countries above, FMC violated Section 13(b)(2)(A) of the Exchange Act, which requires issuers to make and keep books, records, and accounts which, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect their transactions and dispositions of the assets of the issuer.


61.                                In addition, as a result of the conduct described in each of the countries above, FMC violated Section 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act, which requires issuers to devise and maintain a system of internal accounting controls sufficient to provide reasonable assurances that (i) transactions are executed in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization; (ii) transactions are recorded as necessary (I) to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles or any other criteria applicable to such statements, and (II) to maintain accountability for assets; (iii) access to assets is permitted only in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization; and (iv) the recorded accountability for assets is compared with the existing assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action is taken with respect to any differences.


FMC’s Self-Disclosure, Cooperation, and Remedial Efforts


62.                                In determining to accept the Offer, the Commission considered remedial acts promptly undertaken by Respondent and cooperation afforded the Commission staff. FMC self- reported certain misconduct and voluntarily provided facts developed during its internal investigation. FMC’s cooperation with the Commission’s investigation varied at times. FMC produced documents, including key document binders and translations as needed, and made current or former employees available to the Commission staff, including those who needed to travel to the United States.




63.                                FMC’s remediation included the termination of employees and third parties responsible for the misconduct and enhancements to its internal accounting controls. FMC strengthened its global compliance organization; enhanced its policies and procedures regarding the due diligence process and the use of third parties; created positions to address potential risks; and increased training of employees on anti-bribery issues.




64.                                Respondent undertakes to engage an Independent Compliance Monitor and report to the Commission staff periodically pursuant to the provisions set forth in Attachment A of the Order.


65.                                Respondent undertakes to require the Independent Compliance Monitor to enter into an agreement that provides that for the period of engagement and for a period of two years from completion of the engagement, the Independent Compliance Monitor shall not enter into any employment, consultant, attorney-client, auditing or other professional relationship with Respondent, or any of its present or former affiliates, directors, officers, employees, or agents acting in their capacity. The agreement will also provide that the Independent Compliance Monitor will require that any firm with which he/she is affiliated or of which he/she is a member, and any person engaged to assist the Independent Compliance Monitor in performance of his/her duties under this Order shall not, without prior written consent of the Division of Enforcement, enter into any employment, consultant, attorney-client, auditing or other professional relationship with Respondent, or any of its present or former affiliates, directors, officers, employees, or agents acting in their capacity as such for the period of the engagement and for a period of two years after the engagement.


66.                                Certify, in writing, compliance with the undertaking(s) set forth above. The certification shall identify the undertaking(s), provide written evidence of compliance in the form of a narrative, and be supported by exhibits sufficient to demonstrate compliance. The Commission staff may make reasonable requests for further evidence of compliance, and Respondent agrees to provide such evidence. The certification and supporting material shall be submitted to Tracy L. Price, Deputy Chief, FCPA Unit, Division of Enforcement, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street, N.E., Mail Stop 5631, Washington, D.C. 20549, with a copy to the Office of Chief Counsel of the Enforcement Division, no later than sixty (60) days from the date of the completion of the undertakings.


67.                                Respondent undertakes to do the following: in connection with this action and any related judicial or administrative proceeding or investigation commenced by the Commission or to which the Commission is a party, Respondent (i) agrees to appear and be interviewed by Commission staff at such times and places as the staff requests upon reasonable notice; (ii) will accept service by mail or facsimile transmission of notices or subpoenas issued by the Commission for documents or testimony at depositions, hearings, or trials, or in connection with any related investigation by Commission staff; (iii) appoints Respondent’s undersigned attorney as agent to receive service of such notices and subpoenas; (iv) with respect to such notices and subpoenas,




waives the territorial limits on service contained in Rule 45 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and any applicable local rules, provided that the party requesting the testimony reimburses Respondent’s travel, lodging, and subsistence expenses at the then-prevailing U.S. Government per diem rates; and (v) consents to personal jurisdiction over Respondent in any United States District Court for purposes of enforcing any such subpoena.


Non-Prosecution Agreement


68.                                FMC has entered into a three-year non-prosecution agreement with the United States Department of Justice that acknowledges responsibility for criminal conduct relating to certain findings in the Order.


Non-Imposition of a Civil Penalty


69.                                FMC acknowledges that the Commission is not imposing a civil penalty based upon the imposition of an $84.7 million criminal fine as part of its resolution with the Department of Justice.




In view of the foregoing, the Commission deems it appropriate to impose the sanctions agreed to in Respondent FMC’s Offer.


Accordingly, pursuant to Section 21C of the Exchange Act, it is hereby ORDERED that :


A.                                     Respondent FMC cease-and-desist from committing or causing any violations and any future violations of Sections 30A, 13(b)(2)(A) and 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. §§ 78m(b)(2)(A), 78m(b)(2)(B), and 78dd-1].


B.                                     Respondent shall comply with its Undertakings as enumerated in paragraphs 64 to 67 above.


C.                                     Respondent shall, within fourteen days of the entry of this Order, pay disgorgement of $135 million and prejudgment interest of $12 million, for total payment of $147 million to the Securities and Exchange Commission for transfer to the general fund of the United States Treasury, subject to Exchange Act Section 21F(g)(3). If payment of disgorgement and prejudgment interest is not made by the date the payment is required by this Order, additional interest shall accrue pursuant to SEC Rule of Practice 600.


Payment must be made in one of the following ways:


(1)                                  Respondent may transmit payment electronically to the Commission, which will provide detailed ACH transfer/Fedwire instructions upon request;




(2)                                  Respondent may make direct payment from a bank account via through the SEC website at; or


(3)                                  Respondent may pay by certified check, bank cashier’s check, or United States postal money order, made payable to the Securities and Exchange Commission and hand-delivered or mailed to:


Enterprise Services Center

Accounts Receivable Branch

HQ Bldg., Room 181, AMZ-341

6500 South MacArthur Boulevard

Oklahoma City, OK 73169


Payments by check or money order must be accompanied by a cover letter identifying FMC as a Respondent in these proceedings, and the file number of these proceedings; a copy of the cover letter and check or money order must be sent to Tracy L. Price, Deputy Chief, FCPA Unit, Division of Enforcement, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F St., NE, Washington, DC 20549-5631.


D.                                     Respondent acknowledges that the Commission is not imposing a civil penalty based in part upon its cooperation in a Commission investigation and related enforcement action. If at any time following the entry of the Order, the Division of Enforcement (“Division”) obtains information indicating that Respondent knowingly provided materially false or misleading information or materials to the Commission, or in a related proceeding, the Division may, at its sole discretion and with prior notice to the Respondent, petition the Commission to reopen this matter and seek an order directing that the Respondent pay an additional civil penalty. Respondent may contest by way of defense in any resulting administrative proceeding whether it knowingly provided materially false or misleading information, but may not: (1) contest the findings in the Order; or (2) assert any defense to liability or remedy, including, but not limited to, any statute of limitations defense.


By the Commission.



Vanessa A. Countryman


Acting Secretary




Attachment A


Independent Compliance Monitor


Retention of Monitor and Term of Engagement


1.                                       Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (“Company”) shall engage an independent compliance monitor (the “Monitor”) not unacceptable to the staff of the Commission within sixty (60) calendar days of the issuance of the Order. The Monitor shall have, at a minimum, the following qualifications: (i) demonstrated expertise with respect to the FCPA and other applicable anti-corruption laws, including experience counseling on FCPA issues; (ii) experience designing or reviewing corporate compliance policies, procedures, and internal accounting controls, including FCPA and anti-corruption policies and procedures; (iii) the ability to access and deploy resources as necessary to discharge the Monitor’s duties; and (iv) sufficient independence from the Company to ensure effective and impartial performance of the Monitor’s duties. The Commission staff may extend the Company’s time period to retain the Monitor, in its sole discretion. If the Monitor resigns or is otherwise unable to fulfill the obligations herein, the Company shall within thirty (30) days retain a successor Monitor that has the same minimum qualifications as the original monitor and that is not unacceptable to the Commission staff.


2.                                       The Company shall retain the Monitor for a period of not less than twenty-four (24) months from the date the Monitor is retained (the “Term of the Monitorship”), unless the Commission staff finds, in its sole discretion, that there exists a change in circumstances sufficient to terminate the Monitorship early or extend the Monitorship as set forth in paragraphs 24-25 (Termination or Extension of Monitorship).




Company’s Obligations


3.                                       The Company shall cooperate fully with the Monitor and provide the Monitor with access to all non-privileged information, documents, books, records, facilities, and personnel as reasonably requested by the Monitor, which fall within the Monitor’s mandate; such access shall be provided consistent with the Company’s and the Monitor’s obligations under applicable local laws and regulations, including but not limited to, applicable data privacy and national security laws and regulations. The Company shall use its best efforts, to the extent reasonably requested, to provide the Monitor with access to the Company’s former employees, third party vendors, agents, and consultants. The Company does not intend to waive the protection of the attorney work product doctrine, attorney-client privilege, or any other privilege applicable as to third parties.


4.                                       The parties agree that no attorney-client relationship shall be formed between the Company and the Monitor. In the event that the Company seeks to withhold from the Monitor access to information, documents, books, records, facilities, current or former personnel of the Company, its third-party vendors, agents, or consultants that may be subject to a claim of attorney-client privilege or to the attorney work-product doctrine, or where the Company reasonably believes production would otherwise be inconsistent with the applicable law, the Company shall work cooperatively with the Monitor to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of the Monitor. If, during the Term of the Monitorship, the Monitor believes that the Company is unreasonably withholding access on the basis of a claim of attorney-client privilege, attorney work-product doctrine, or other asserted applicable law, and cannot resolve the matter cooperatively with the Company, the Monitor shall notify the Commission staff.




5.                                       Upon entry of this Order and during the Term of the Monitorship, should the Company learn of credible evidence or allegations of corrupt payments, false books, records, or accounts, or the failure to implement adequate internal accounting controls, the Company shall promptly report such credible evidence or allegations to the Commission staff. Any disclosure by the Company to the Monitor concerning credible evidence of corrupt payments, false books and records, or internal accounting control issues shall not relieve the Company of any otherwise applicable obligation to truthfully disclose such matters to the Commission staff.


Monitor’s Mandate


6.                                       The Monitor shall review and evaluate the effectiveness of the Company’s policies, procedures, practices, internal accounting controls, recordkeeping, SOX controls, and financial reporting processes (collectively, “Policies and Procedures”), as they relate to the Company’s current and ongoing compliance with the anti-bribery, books and records, and internal accounting controls provisions of the FCPA and other applicable anti-corruption laws (collectively, “Anti-corruption Laws”), and make recommendations reasonably designed to improve the effectiveness of the Company’s Policies and Procedures and FCPA corporate compliance program (the “Mandate”). This Mandate shall include an assessment of the Management and Supervisory Boards and senior management’s commitment to, and effective implementation of, the Policies and Procedures and FCPA corporate compliance program. In carrying out the Mandate, to the extent appropriate under the circumstances, the Monitor may coordinate with the Company personnel, including in-house counsel or through designated outside counsel, compliance personnel, and internal auditors. To the extent the Monitor deems appropriate, it may rely on the Company’s processes, and on sampling and testing methodologies. The Monitor is not expected to conduct a





comprehensive review of all business lines, all business activities, and all markets. This Mandate shall not apply to Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries, to the extent that those entities and/or their employees and agents operate exclusively within the United States. Nonetheless, the Monitor may seek a briefing on the regulatory environment and the structure of the compliance program in the United States. If requested by the Monitor, the Company shall provide such a briefing, with reasonable consideration of the scope of the Mandate. Any disputes between the Company and the Monitor with respect to the Work Plan shall be decided by the Commission staff in its sole discretion.


7.                                       During the Term of the Monitorship, the Monitor shall conduct an initial review and two follow-up reviews and prepare an initial report and a first and second follow-up report, and issue a Certification Report if appropriate, as described below.


Initial Review and Report


8.                                       Promptly upon being retained, the Monitor shall prepare a written Work Plan, which shall be submitted to the Company and the Commission staff for comment no later than thirty (30) days after being retained.


9.                                       In order to conduct an effective Initial Review and to understand fully any existing deficiencies in the Company’s Policies and Procedures and FCPA corporate compliance program, the Monitor’s Work Plan shall include such steps as are reasonably necessary to understand the Company’s business and its global anti-corruption risks. The steps shall include:


(a)                                  inspection of relevant documents, including the internal accounting controls, recordkeeping, and financial reporting policies and procedures as they relate to the Company’s compliance with the books and records,




internal accounting controls, and anti-bribery provisions of the FCPA and other applicable anti-corruption laws;


(b)                                  onsite observation of selected systems and procedures comprising the Company’s Policies and Procedures and FCPA corporate compliance program, including anti-corruption compliance procedures, internal accounting controls, recordkeeping, due diligence, and internal audit procedures, including at sample sites;


(c)                                   meetings with, and interviews of, as relevant, the Company employees, officers, directors, and, where appropriate and feasible, its third-party vendors, agents, or consultants and other persons at mutually convenient times and places; and


(d)                                  risk-based analyses, studies, and testing of the Company’s FCPA corporate compliance program.


10.                                The Monitor may take steps as reasonably necessary to develop an understanding of the facts and circumstances surrounding prior FCPA violations that gave rise to this action or violations of other applicable Anti-corruption Laws, but shall not conduct his or her own inquiry into those historical events.


11.                                After receiving the Initial Review Work Plan, the Company and Commission staff shall provide any comments concerning the Initial Review Work Plan within fifteen (15) days to the Monitor. Any disputes between the Company and the Monitor with respect to the Initial Review Work Plan shall be decided by the Commission staff in its sole discretion. Following




comments by the Company and Commission staff, the Monitor will have ten (10) days to submit a Final Initial Review Work Plan.


12.                                The Initial Review shall commence no later than sixty (60) days from the date of the engagement of the Monitor (unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the Monitor, and the Commission staff). The Monitor shall issue a written report within one hundred twenty (120) days of commencing the Initial Review, setting forth the Monitor’s assessment and, if necessary, making recommendations reasonably designed to improve the effectiveness of the Company’s Policies and Procedures and FCPA corporate compliance program as they relate to the Company’s compliance with the FCPA and other applicable Anti-corruption Laws. The Monitor should consult with the Company concerning his or her findings and recommendations on an ongoing basis and should consider the Company’s comments and input to the extent the Monitor deems appropriate. The Monitor may also choose to share a draft of his or her report with the Company and Commission staff prior to finalizing it. The Monitor shall provide the report to the Management Board of the Company and contemporaneously transmit a copy to Commission staff.


13.                                Within ninety (90) days after receiving the Monitor’s Initial Review Report, the Company shall adopt and implement all recommendations in the report, provided, however, that as to any recommendation that the Company considers unduly burdensome, impractical, costly, or inconsistent with applicable law or regulation, the Company need not adopt that recommendation at that time, but may submit in writing to the Monitor and the Commission staff within fifteen (15) days of receiving the report, an alternative policy, procedure, or system designed to achieve the same objective or purpose.




14.                                In the event the Company and the Monitor are unable to agree on an acceptable alternative proposal, the Company shall promptly consult with the Commission staff. Any disputes between the Company and the Monitor with respect to the recommendations shall be decided by the Commission staff in its sole discretion. The Commission staff shall consider the Monitor’s recommendation and the Company’s reasons for not adopting the recommendation in determining whether the Company has fully complied with its obligations. Pending such determination, the Company shall not be required to implement any contested recommendation(s).


15.                                With respect to any recommendation that the Monitor determines cannot reasonably be implemented within ninety (90) days after receiving the report, the Monitor may extend the time period for implementation with prior written approval of the Commission staff.


Follow Up Reviews


16.                                The Monitor shall conduct a minimum of two Follow-Up Reviews. The Monitor shall submit a written work plan for each follow-up review to the Company and Commission staff within sixty (60) calendar days after the issuance of either the initial report, or the applicable follow-up report. The Company and Commission staff shall provide any comments concerning the work plan within fifteen (15) calendar days in writing to the Monitor. Any disputes between the Company and the Monitor with respect to the written work plan shall be decided by the Commission staff in its sole discretion. Following comments by the Company and Commission staff, the Monitor will have ten (10) calendar days to make revisions to the follow-up work plan.


17.                                The Monitor shall commence the follow-up review pursuant to the work plan no later than ninety (90) calendar days after the issuance of the initial report, or applicable follow-up




report, (unless otherwise agreed by the Company, the Monitor and the Commission staff). The Monitor shall issue its written follow-up report within one hundred-twenty (120) calendar days of commencing the follow-up review. The follow-up report shall set forth the Monitor’s assessment of, and any additional recommendations regarding, the Policies and Procedures as they relate to the Company’s compliance with the Anti-corruption Laws; the Monitor’s assessment of the implementation by the Company of any recommendations made in the initial report, or follow-up report if applicable; and the Monitor’s assessment of the commitment of the Company’s Supervisory and Management Boards and senior management to compliance with the FCPA.


18.                                Within ninety (90) days after receiving the Monitor’s follow up report, the Company shall adopt and implement all recommendations in the report, provided, however, that as to any recommendation that the Company considers unduly burdensome, impractical, costly, or inconsistent with applicable law or regulation, the Company need not adopt that recommendation at that time, but may submit in writing to the Monitor and the Commission staff within fifteen (15) days of receiving the report, an alternative policy, procedure, or system designed to achieve the same objective or purpose.


19.                                In the event the Company and the Monitor are unable to agree on an acceptable alternative proposal within fifteen (15) days, the Company shall promptly consult with the Commission staff. Any disputes between the Company and the Monitor with respect to the recommendations shall be decided by the Commission staff in its sole discretion. The Commission staff shall consider the Monitor’s recommendation and the Company’s reasons for not adopting the recommendation in determining whether the Company has fully complied with




its obligations. Pending such determination, the Company shall not be required to implement any contested recommendation(s). The Monitor shall repeat the process of Follow-Up Reviews until the terms in paragraph 21 (Certification of Compliance) or paragraphs 24-25 (Termination or Extension of Monitorship) are met.


20.                                Throughout the Term of the Monitorship, the Monitor shall disclose to the Commission staff any credible evidence that corrupt or otherwise suspicious transactions occurred, or payments of things of value were offered, promised, made or authorized by any entity or person within the Company, or any entity or person working directly or indirectly for or on behalf of the Company, or that related false books and records may have been maintained by or on behalf of the Company. The Monitor shall contemporaneously notify the Company’s Global General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, or Audit Committee for further action unless at the Monitor’s discretion he or she believes disclosure to the Company would be inappropriate under the circumstances. The Monitor shall address in his or her reports the appropriateness of the Company’s response to all improper activities, whether previously disclosed to the Commission staff or not.


Certification of Compliance


21.                                At the conclusion of the ninety (90) calendar day period following the issuance of the second follow-up report, or later follow-up report if applicable, if the Monitor believes that the Company’s Policies and Procedures and FCPA compliance program are reasonably designed and implemented to detect and prevent violations of the Anti-corruption Laws and are functioning effectively, the Monitor shall certify the Company’s compliance with its compliance obligations under the Order. The Monitor shall then submit to the Commission staff a written




report (“Certification Report”) within forty (40) calendar days. The Certification Report shall set forth an overview of the Company’s remediation efforts to date, including the implementation status of the Monitor’s recommendations, and an assessment of the sustainability of the Company’s remediation efforts. The Certification Report should also recommend the scope of the Company’s future self-reporting. Also at the conclusion of the ninety (90) calendar day period following the issuance of the second follow-up report, the Company shall certify in writing to the Commission staff, with a copy to the Monitor, that the Company has adopted and implemented all of the Monitor’s recommendations in the initial and follow-up report(s), or the agreed-upon alternatives. The Monitor or the Company may extend the time period for issuance of the Certification Report or the Company’s certification, respectively, with prior written approval of the Commission staff.


Self-Reporting Period


22.                                At such time as the Commission staff approves the Certification Report and the Company’s certification, the monitorship shall be terminated, and the Company will be permitted to self-report to the Commission staff on its enhanced compliance obligations for the remainder of the term of the Order. The Commission staff, however, reserves the right to terminate the monitorship absent certification by the Monitor, upon a showing by the Company that termination is, nevertheless, in the interests of justice.


23.                                If permitted to self-report to the Commission staff, the Company shall thereafter submit to the Commission staff a written Initial Self-Report and Follow Up Self-Report at six (6) month intervals, setting forth a complete description of its remediation efforts to date, its proposals to improve the Company’s Policies and Procedures and FCPA compliance program for




ensuring compliance with the Anti-corruption Laws, and the proposed scope of the subsequent reviews. The Company shall disclose any credible evidence that corrupt or otherwise suspicious transactions occurred, or payments of things of value were offered, promised, or provided to foreign officials, that it learns of that occurred after the date of this Consent. The Company may extend the time period for issuance of the self-report with prior written approval of the Commission staff.


Termination or Extension of the Monitorship


24.                                If at the conclusion of the ninety (90) calendar-day period following the issuance of the second follow-up report, or later follow-up report if applicable, the Commission staff concludes in its sole discretion that the Company has not by that time successfully satisfied its compliance obligations under the Order, the Term of the Monitorship shall be extended for twelve (12) months. Under such circumstances, the Monitor shall commence additional Follow-Up Reviews in accordance with Paragraphs 16-19.


25.                                If at the conclusion of the thirty-six (36) month period the Commission staff concludes the Company has not met its obligations under the Order, the Commission staff in its sole discretion may extend the Monitorship or Self-Reporting requirements up to forty-eight (48)


months from the issuance of the Order, and require reporting as set forth for Follow-Up Reviews or Self-Reporting.


Extensions of Time


26.                                Upon request by the Monitor or the Company, the Commission staff may extend any procedural time period set forth above for good cause shown.




Confidentiality of Reports


27.                                The reports submitted by the Monitor and the periodic reviews and reports submitted by the Company will likely include confidential financial, proprietary, competitive business, or commercial information. Public disclosure of the reports could discourage cooperation, impede pending or potential government investigations, or undermine the objective of the reporting requirement. For these reasons, among others, the reports and the contents thereof are intended to remain and shall remain non-public, except (i) pursuant to court order, (ii) as agreed to by the parties in writing, (iii) to the extent that the Commission determines in its sole discretion that disclosure would be in furtherance of the Commission’s discharge of its duties and responsibilities, or (iv) as is otherwise required by law.


Address for All Written Communications and Reports


28.                                All reports or other written communications by the Monitor or the Company directed to the Commission staff shall be transmitted to Tracy L. Price, FCPA Unit, Deputy Chief, Division of Enforcement, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington D.C. 20549.




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Exhibit 31.1


I, Rice Powell, certify that:

I have reviewed this report on Form 6-K of Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (the "Report").

Based on my knowledge, this Report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this Report;

Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this Report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this Report;

The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and we have:

designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this Report is being prepared;

designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this Report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this Report based on such evaluation; and

disclosed in this Report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and

The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

Date: May 2, 2019

    By:   /s/ RICE POWELL

        Rice Powell
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of the General Partner



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Exhibit 31.2


I, Michael Brosnan, certify that:

I have reviewed this report on Form 6-K of Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (the "Report");

Based on my knowledge, this Report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this Report;

Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this Report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this Report;

The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and we have:

designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this Report is being prepared;

designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this Report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this Report based on such evaluation; and

disclosed in this Report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and

The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent function):

all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

Date: May 2, 2019


        Michael Brosnan
Chief Financial Officer and member of the Management Board of the General Partner



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Exhibit 32.1

18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350,

In connection with the report of Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (the "Company") on Form 6-K furnished for the month of May 2019 containing its unaudited financial statements as of March 31, 2019 and for the three-months periods ending March 31, 2019 and 2018, as submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the "Report"), the undersigned, Rice Powell, Chief Executive Officer and Michael Brosnan, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, as adopted pursuant to § 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

The Report fully complies with the requirements of section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and result of operations of the Company.
    By:   /s/ RICE POWELL

        Rice Powell
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of the General Partner



May 2, 2019






        Michael Brosnan
Chief Financial Officer and member of the Management Board of the General Partner



May 2, 2019
