Washington, D.C. 20549
For fiscal year ended December 31, 2014
For the transition period from ____ to ______
Date of event requiring this shell company report:
Commission file number: 000-22216
Canadian Zinc Corporation
(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)
British Columbia, Canada
(Province or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)
(Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code)
(I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
650 West Georgia Street, Suite 1710
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6B 4N9
(604) 688-2001
(Address and Telephone Number of Registrant’s Principal Executive Offices)

CT Corporation System, 111 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY, 10011,  (212) 590-9070
(Name, address (including zip code) and telephone number (including area code) of agent for service in the United States)
Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:  None
Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  Common Shares, no par value
Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act:  None
Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer's classes of capital or common stock as of December 31, 2014: 218,047,709 common shares
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.
Yes ___          No     X   
If this is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act.
Yes ___           No     X   
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant: (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.
Yes      X           No ___ 
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files).
Yes ___         No ___ 
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, or a non-accelerated filer. See definition of "accelerated filer and large accelerated filer" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one):
Large accelerated filer ___                                                                Accelerated filer ___                                                      Non-accelerated filer      X   
Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:
U.S. GAAP___                           International Financial Reporting Standards as issued ___                                                 Other    ___
by the International Accounting Standards Board     X    

If "Other" has been checked in response to the previous question, indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow:
___  Item 17                                  ___  Item 18
If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).
Yes ___         No    X                                   

         A. Selected Financial Data
         B. Capitalization and Indebtedness
         C. Reasons for the Offer and Use of Proceeds
    D. Risk Factors
         A. History and Development of the Company
         B. Business Overview
         C. Organizational Structure
         D. Property, Plants and Equipment
         A. Operating Results
         B. Liquidity and Capital Resources
         C. Research and Development, Patents and Licences, Etc.
         D. Trend Information
         E. Off-balance Sheet Arrangements
         F. Tabular Disclosure of Contractual Obligations
         A. Directors and Senior Management
         B. Compensation
         C. Board Practices
         D. Employees
         E. Share Ownership
         A. Major Shareholders
         B. Related Party Transactions
         C. Interests of Experts and Counsel
         A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information
         B. Significant Changes
         A. Offer and Listing Details
         B. Plan of Distribution
         C. Markets
         D. Selling Shareholders
         E. Dilution
         F. Expenses of the Issue
         A. Share Capital

B. Memorandum and Articles of Association
C. Material Contracts
D. Exchange Controls
E. Taxation
F. Dividends and Paying Agents
G. Statements by Experts
H. Documents on Display
I. Subsidiary Information
A to D.
E. Use of Proceeds
          A. Disclosure Controls and Procedures
          B. Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
          C. Attestation Report of Registered Public Accounting Firm
D. Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

This Annual Report contains forward-looking statements that are made under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and under Canadian securities laws that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Such statements are based on the Canadian Zinc Corporation’s (the “ Company ”, the “ Registrant ”, “ Canadian Zinc ” or “ CZN ”) current expectations, estimates and projections about the industry, management’s beliefs and certain assumptions made by it. We use words such as “expect,” “anticipate,” “project,” “believe,” “plan,” “intend,” “seek,” “should,” “estimate,” “future” and other similar expressions to identify forward-looking statements. The Company’s actual results could differ materially and adversely from those expressed in any forward-looking statements as a result of various factors.
Statements about the Company’s planned/proposed Prairie Creek Mine operations, which includes future mine grades and recoveries; the Company’s plans for further exploration at the Prairie Creek Mine and other exploration properties; future cost estimates pertaining to further development of the Prairie Creek Mine and items such as long-term environmental reclamation obligations; financings and the expected use of proceeds thereof; the completion of financings and other transactions; the outlook for future prices of zinc, lead and silver; the impact to the Company of future accounting standards and discussion of risks and uncertainties around the Company’s business are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, the Company's actual results could differ materially and adversely from those expressed in any forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.
Information relating to the magnitude or quality of mineral deposits is deemed to be forward-looking information. The reliability of such information is affected by, among other things, uncertainty involving geology of mineral deposits; uncertainty of estimates of their size or composition; uncertainty of projections relating to costs of production or estimates of market prices for the mineral; the possibility of delays in mining activities; changes in plans with respect to exploration, development projects or capital expenditures; and various other risks including those relating to health, safety and environmental matters.
The Company cautions that the list of factors set forth above is not exhaustive. Some of the risks, uncertainties and other factors which negatively affect the reliability of forward-looking information are discussed in the Company's public filings with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities, including its most recent Annual Report, quarterly reports, material change reports and press releases, and with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). In particular, your attention is directed to the risks detailed herein concerning some of the important risk factors that may affect its business, results of operations and financial conditions. You should carefully consider those risks, in addition to the other information in this Annual Report and in the Company's other filings and the various public disclosures before making any business or investment decisions involving the Company and its securities.
The Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statement, or any other information contained or referenced in this Annual Report to reflect future events and circumstances for any reason, except as required by law. In addition, any forecasts or guidance provided by the Company are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company’s management as at the date of this Annual Report and, accordingly, they involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Consequently, there can be no assurances that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update such projections if management’s beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors should change.

This Annual Report on Form 20-F includes resource and reserve information that has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the securities laws in effect in Canada, which differ from the requirements of United States securities laws. The terms “mineral reserve”, “proven mineral reserve” and “probable mineral reserve” are Canadian mining terms as defined in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (the “CIM”) -  CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves , adopted by the CIM Council, as amended. These definitions differ from the definitions in SEC Industry Guide 7 under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”). Under SEC Industry Guide 7 standards, a “final” or “bankable” feasibility study is required to report reserves, the three-year historical average price is used in any reserve or cash flow analysis to designate reserves and the primary environmental analysis or report must be filed with the appropriate governmental authority.
In addition, the terms “mineral resource”, “measured mineral resource”, “indicated mineral resource” and “inferred mineral resource” are defined in and required to be disclosed by NI 43-101; however, these terms are not defined terms under SEC Industry Guide 7 and are normally not permitted to be used in reports and registration statements filed with the SEC. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into reserves. “Inferred mineral resources” have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies, except in rare cases. Investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource exists or is economically or legally mineable. Disclosure of “contained ounces” or “contained metal” in a resource is permitted disclosure under Canadian regulations; however, the SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute “reserves” by SEC Industry Guide 7 standards as in place tonnage and grade without reference to unit measures.
U.S. Investors should note that Canadian Zinc Corporation DOES NOT currently disclose any SEC Industry Guide 7 mineral reserves with regard to its mineral deposits at the Prairie Creek Mine site.

In this Annual Report, metric measures are used with respect to mineral properties described herein. For ease of reference, the following conversion factors are provided:
1 mile = 1.6093 kilometres
1 metric ton (tonne) = 2,205 pounds
1 foot - 0.305 metres
1 troy ounce = 31.103 grams
1 acre = 0.4047 hectare
1 imperial gallon = 4.546 litres
1 long ton = 2,240 pounds
1 imperial gallon = 1.2010 U.S. gallons
“BQ” – Referring to diamond drill core with a diameter of 36.5 mm or 1.438 inches.
“Deposit” -- A mineralized body which has been physically delineated by sufficient drilling, trenching, and/or underground work, and found to contain a sufficient average grade of a commodity, metal or metals to warrant further exploration and/or development expenditures. Such a deposit does not qualify as a commercially mineable ore body or as containing reserves of ore, unless final legal, technical, and economic factors are resolved.
“Net Profits” -- Profits resulting from metal production from the property, less deduction of certain limited costs including smelting, refining, transportation and insurance costs.
“NQ” – Referring to diamond drill core with a diameter of 47.6 mm or 1.835 inches.
“Ore” -- A natural aggregate of one or more minerals which, at a specified time and place, may be mined and sold at a profit or from which some part may be profitably separated.
“Reclamation” -- The restoration of land and the surrounding environment of a mining site after the metal is extracted.
“Ton” -- Short ton (2,000 lbs.). 1 Ton equals 0.907185 Metric Tons.
“Tonne (t)” -- Metric ton (1,000 kilograms). 1 Tonne equals 1.10231 Tons.

National Instrument 43-101 requires mining companies to disclose reserves and resources using the subcategories of proven reserves, probable reserves, measured resources, indicated resources and inferred resources. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
A “mineral reserve” is the economically mineable part of a measured or indicated resource demonstrated by at least a preliminary feasibility study. This study must include adequate information on mining, processing, metallurgical, economic and other relevant factors that demonstrate, at the time of reporting, that economic extraction can be justified. A mineral reserve includes diluting materials and allows for losses that may occur when the material is mined. A “proven mineral reserve” is the economically mineable part of a measured resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics are so well established that they can be estimated with confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters, to support production planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. A “probable mineral reserve” is the economically mineable part of an indicated mineral resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics can be estimated with a level of confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters, to support mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit.
A “mineral resource” is a concentration or occurrence of natural, solid, inorganic or fossilized organic material in or on the earth’s crust in such form and quantity and of such a grade or quality that it has reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and continuity of a mineral resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge. A “measured mineral resource” is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics can be estimated with a level of confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters, to support mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough to confirm both geological and grade continuity. An “indicated mineral resource” is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics can be estimated with a level of confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters, to support mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough for geological and grade continuity to be reasonably assumed. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. An “inferred mineral resource” is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity and grade or quality can be estimated on the basis of geological evidence and limited sampling and reasonably assumed, but not verified, geological and grade continuity. The estimate is based on limited information and sampling gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes.
A “feasibility study” is a comprehensive study of a mineral deposit in which all geological, engineering, legal, operating, economic, social, environmental and other relevant factors are considered in sufficient detail that it could reasonably serve as the basis for a final decision by a financial institution to finance the development of the deposit for mineral production. A “preliminary feasibility study” or “pre-feasibility study” is a comprehensive study of the viability of a mineral project that has advanced to a stage where the mining method, in the case of underground mining, or the pit configuration, in the case of an open pit, has been established, and which, if an effective method of mineral processing has been determined, includes a financial analysis based on reasonable assumptions of technical, engineering, operating, economic factors and the evaluation of other relevant factors which are sufficient for a qualified person, acting reasonably, to determine if all or part of the mineral resource may be classified as a mineral reserve. “Cut-off grade” means (a) in respect of mineral resources, the lowest grade below which the mineralized rock currently cannot reasonably be expected to be economically extracted, and (b) in respect of mineral reserves, the lowest grade below which the mineralized rock currently cannot be economically extracted as demonstrated by either a preliminary feasibility study or a feasibility study. Cut-off grades vary between deposits depending upon the amenability of ore to mineral extraction and upon costs of production and metal prices.

Not applicable.
Not applicable.
A. Selected Financial Data
The following table sets forth our selected financial data of the Company. This selected financial data is derived from the Company’s audited financial statements and notes thereto as at December 31, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010. The Company’s financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, which differs in certain respects from U.S. GAAP. The selected financial data provided below is not necessarily indicative of the future results of operations or financial performance of the Company. The Company has not paid any dividends on its common shares and it does not expect to pay dividends in the foreseeable future. The selected financial data set forth below should be read in conjunction with “Item 5 – Operating and Financial Review and Prospects,” and the financial statements and the notes thereto and other financial information which appear elsewhere in this Annual Report.
Selected Financial Data
(CDN$ in thousands, except share and per share data)
Year ended December 31,
    2014     2013     2012     2011     2010  
Amounts in accordance with IFRS:
Net income (loss)
  $ (12,434 )   $ (6,911 )   $ (19,870 )   $ (33,362 )   $ 18,494  
Basic and diluted income (loss) per share
    (0.06 )     (0.04 )     (0.13 )     (0.26 )     0.15  
Total assets
    21,899       19,272       21,948       28,686       53,408  
Net assets
    17,045       15,685       17,812       25,764       51,235  
Share capital
    104,028       91,823       87,250       77,052       70,314  
    14,270       12,681       12,470       10,750       9,597  
Dividends declared (per share)
  $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ 0.00  
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding – basic
    192,465,968       166,539,368       157,936,692       130,816,879       122,561,368  
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding – diluted
    192,465,968       166,539,368       157,936,692       130,816,879       124,724,308  
Number of common shares outstanding
    218,047,709       172,828,575       164,031,781       143,109,112       130,448,492  
In this Annual Report, unless otherwise specified, all dollar amounts are expressed in Canadian dollars (“CDN”).

Since June 1, 1970, the Government of Canada has permitted a floating exchange rate to determine the value of the Canadian dollar against the U.S. dollar. The high and low exchange rates, the average rates (average of the exchange rates on the last day of each month during the period), and the end of the period rates for Canadian dollars, expressed in U.S. dollars, from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2014 were as follows:
Years ended December 31
    0.9422       1.0164       1.0299       1.0583       1.0054  
    0.8589       0.9348       0.9599       0.9430       0.9278  
    0.9027       0.9670       1.0008       1.0151       0.9671  
End of Period
    0.8620       0.9402       1.0051       0.9833       1.0054  

The high and low exchange rates for Canadian dollars, expressed in U.S. dollars for each of the most recent six months were as follows:
    0.8980       0.8900       0.8815       0.8527       0.8063       0.8039  
    0.8858       0.8751       0.8589       0.7863       0.7915       0.7811  

The exchange rate on April 27, 2015 was 0.8261.
B. Capitalization and Indebtedness
Not applicable.
C. Reasons for the Offer and Use of Proceeds
Not applicable.
D. Risk Factors
The following is a discussion of those distinctive or special characteristics of the Company’s operations and industry which may have a material impact on, or constitute risk factors in respect of, the Company’s future financial performance.
Permitting, Environmental and Other Regulatory Requirements
The Company’s operations are subject to permitting, environmental and other regulatory requirements which the Company may not be able to comply with.
The operations of Canadian Zinc require licences and permits from various governmental and regulatory authorities. Canadian Zinc holds all necessary licences and permits under applicable laws and regulations for the operation of the Prairie Creek Mine. Canadian Zinc believes that it is presently complying in all material respects with the terms of its current licences and permits. However, such licences and permits are subject to change in various circumstances. There can be no guarantee Canadian Zinc will be able to maintain all necessary licences and permits as are required to explore and develop its properties, including the Prairie Creek Property, commence construction or operation of mining facilities or properties under exploration or development.
The Prairie Creek Project is located in an environmentally sensitive and remote area in the Mackenzie Mountains of the Northwest Territories, within the watershed of the South Nahanni River. The South Nahanni River is considered to be of global significance, is highly valued as a wilderness recreation river and is a designated World Heritage Site. The South Nahanni River flows through the Nahanni National Park Reserve.

The Prairie Creek Property is encircled by the Nahanni National Park Reserve; however, an area of approximately 300 square kilometres immediately surrounding the Prairie Creek Mine is specifically excluded from the Park. In 2009 new legislation entitled “An Act to Amend the Canada National Parks Act to enlarge Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada” was enacted, which also authorized the Minister of Environment to enter into leases, licences of occupation or easements over Nahanni Park lands for the purposes of a mining access road leading to the Prairie Creek Mine area, including the sites of storage and other facilities connected with that road. The Company has obtained permits from the Parks Canada Agency for the purposes of accessing the Prairie Creek Mine area. There can be no guarantee Canadian Zinc will be able to maintain all necessary permits on acceptable terms.
Canadian Zinc’s activities are subject to extensive federal, provincial, territorial and local laws and regulations governing environmental protection and employee health and safety. Canadian Zinc is required to obtain governmental permits and provide bonding requirements under federal and territorial water and mine regulations. All phases of Canadian Zinc’s operations are subject to environmental regulation. These regulations mandate, among other things, the maintenance of water and air quality standards and land reclamation. They also set forth limitations on the generation, transportation, storage and disposal of solid and hazardous waste. Environmental legislation is evolving in a manner, which will require stricter standards and enforcement, increased fines and penalties for non-compliance, and more stringent environmental assessments of proposed projects. United Nations proposals for a global treaty on mercury, intended to result in reduced global emissions of mercury, may place restrictions on the production, use and international movement of mercury and mercury-containing wastes which may, if adopted, result in restrictions on shipment of concentrates or other mineral products containing by-product or trace mercury. There is no assurance that future changes in environmental laws or regulations, if any, will not adversely affect Canadian Zinc’s operations.
Environmental laws and regulations are complex and have tended to become more stringent over time. These laws are continuously evolving. Any changes in such laws, or in the environmental conditions at the Prairie Creek Property, could have a material adverse effect on Canadian Zinc’s financial condition, liquidity or results of operations. Canadian Zinc is not able to determine the impact of any future changes in environmental laws and regulations on its future financial position due to the uncertainty surrounding the ultimate form such changes may take. The Company does not currently consider that expenditures required to maintain ongoing environmental monitoring obligations at the Prairie Creek Property are material to the results and financial condition of the Company. However, these costs could become material in the future and would be reported in the Company’s public filings at that time.
Although Canadian Zinc makes provision for reclamation costs, it cannot be assured that such provision is adequate to discharge its obligations for these costs. As environmental protection laws and administrative policies change, Canadian Zinc will revise the estimate of its total obligations and may be obliged to make further provisions or provide further security for mine reclamation costs. The ultimate amount of reclamation to be incurred for existing and past mining interests is uncertain.
Existing and possible future environmental legislation, regulations and actions could cause additional expense, capital expenditures, restrictions and delays in the activities of the Company, the extent of which cannot be predicted. The Company must obtain various regulatory approvals, permits and licences relating to the Prairie Creek Property and there is no assurance that such approvals will be obtained. No assurance can be given that new rules and regulations will not be enacted or made, or that existing rules and regulations will not be applied, in a manner which could limit or curtail production or development.
Regulatory approvals and permits are currently, and will in the future be, required in connection with Canadian Zinc’s operations. To the extent such approvals are required and not obtained; Canadian Zinc may be curtailed or prohibited from proceeding with planned exploration or development of its mineral properties or from continuing its mining operations.
Failure to comply with applicable laws, regulations and permitting requirements may result in enforcement actions thereunder, including orders issued by regulatory or judicial authorities causing operations to cease or be curtailed, and may include corrective measures requiring capital expenditures, installation of additional equipment, or remedial actions. The Company may have civil or criminal fines or penalties imposed for violations of applicable laws or regulations.

Failure to comply with applicable environmental and health and safety laws can result in injunctions, damages, suspension or revocation of permits and imposition of penalties. There can be no assurance that Canadian Zinc has been or will be at all times in complete compliance with all such laws, regulations and permits, or that the costs of complying with current and future environmental and health and safety laws and permits will not materially adversely affect Canadian Zinc’s business, results of operations or financial condition. Environmental hazards may exist on the properties, including the Prairie Creek Property, on which Canadian Zinc holds interests which are unknown to Canadian Zinc at present and which have been caused by previous owners or operators of the properties.
Amendments to current laws, regulations and permits governing operations and activities of mining and exploration companies, or more stringent implementation thereof, could have a material adverse impact on Canadian Zinc and cause increases in exploration expenses, capital expenditures or production costs or require abandonment or delays in the development of mining properties.
The Prairie Creek Project has, on numerous occasions, experienced significant delays in obtaining permits and licences necessary for the conduct of its operations. If at any time permits essential to operations are not obtained, or not obtained in a timely manner, or are cancelled or revoked, there is a risk that the Company may not be able to operate a mine at the Prairie Creek Property.
Political and Legislative
Canadian Zinc’s operations are exposed to various levels of political, legislative and other risks and uncertainties.
Canadian Zinc conducts its operations in Canada and specifically in the Northwest Territories and the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Mackenzie Valley in the Northwest Territories of Canada is in an area which is claimed by the Dehcho First Nations as their traditional territory. The Dehcho have not settled their land claim with the Federal Government of Canada. The Dehcho and the Federal Government both claim legal title to this territory and legal title to the land remains in dispute. The Company’s operations are potentially subject to a number of political, legislative and other risks. Canadian Zinc is not able to determine the impact of political, legislative or other risks on its business or its future financial position.
Canadian Zinc’s operations are exposed to various levels of political, legislative and other risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, cancellation, renegotiation or nullification of existing leases, claims, permits and contracts; expropriation or nationalization of property; changes in laws or regulations; changes in taxation laws or policies; royalty and tax increases or claims by governmental, Aboriginal or other entities; retroactive tax or royalty claims and changing political conditions; government mandated social expenditures; governmental regulations or policies that favour or require the awarding of contracts to local or Aboriginal contractors or require contractors to employ residents of, or purchase supplies from, a particular jurisdiction or area; or that require that an operating project have a local joint venture partner, which may require to be subsidized; and other risks arising out of sovereignty or land claims over the area in which Canadian Zinc’s operations are conducted.
The mineral exploration, mine development, and proposed mining, processing activities of Canadian Zinc, and the anticipated production, transportation and sale of mineral concentrates are subject to extensive federal, territorial, international and local laws, regulations and treaties, including various laws governing prospecting, development, production, transportation taxes, labour standards and occupational health, mine safety, toxic substances including mercury, land use, water use and other matters. Such laws and regulations are subject to change and can become more stringent and costly over time. No assurance can be given that new laws, rules and regulations will not be enacted or that existing laws, rules and regulations will not be applied in a manner which could limit or curtail exploration, development, mining, processing, production and sale of concentrates. Amendments to current laws and regulations governing operations and activities of exploration and mining, or more stringent implementation thereof, could have a substantial adverse impact on Canadian Zinc.

There was a major change to the legislative and regulatory framework and regulations in the Mackenzie Valley between 1998 and 2000. There can be no assurance that these laws and regulations will not change in the future in a manner that could have an adverse effect on the Company’s activities and/or its financial condition. In 2007, the Federal Government announced the Northern Regulatory Improvement Initiative to improve the current regulatory regime in the north of Canada and in May 2010 announced an Action Plan to improve northern regulatory regimes, which anticipate changes to the current legislative framework and regulatory processes. In 2013, the Federal Government introduced Bill C-15 The Northwest Territories Devolution Act which includes proposed amendments to the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act, which amendments may impose additional regulations, obligations or restrictions on mining operations in the Mackenzie Valley.
In relation to Northwest Territories specifically, a number of policy and social issues exist which increase Canadian Zinc’s political and legislative risk. The Government of Canada is facing legal and political issues, such as land claims and social issues, all of which may impact future operations. This political climate increases the risk of the Government making changes in the future to its position on issues such as mining rights and land tenure, which in turn may adversely affect Canadian Zinc’s operations. Future government actions cannot be predicted, but may impact the operation and regulation of the Prairie Creek Mine. Changes, if any, in Government policies, or shifts in local political attitude in the Northwest Territories may adversely affect Canadian Zinc’s operations or business.
On April 1, 2014 Bill C-15 -The Northwest Territories Devolution Act came into law providing for the devolution of lands and resource management in the NWT from the Government of Canada to the Government of the Northwest Territories (“GNWT”). Devolution in the NWT represents the transfer of decision-making and administration for land and resource management from the Government of Canada to the Government of the Northwest Territories. The territorial government is now responsible for the management of onshore lands and the issuance of rights and interests with respect to onshore minerals and oil and gas. Devolution also gives the GNWT the power to collect and share in resource revenues generated in the territory.
Canadian Zinc’s exploration, development and production activities may be substantially affected by factors beyond Canadian Zinc’s control, any of which could materially adversely affect Canadian Zinc’s financial position or results of operations. The occurrence of these various factors and uncertainties cannot be accurately predicted. The Company is not able to determine the impact of these risks on its business.
Financing and Going Concern
Additional financing will be needed for the Company’s business operations and there are no assurances that the Company will be able to obtain the necessary funding under acceptable terms and there is uncertainty regarding the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
The successful development of the Company’s properties will depend upon the Company’s ability to obtain financing through private placement financing, public financing, the joint venturing of projects, bank financing or other means. There is no assurance that the Company will be successful in obtaining the required financing.
Securities of junior and small-cap companies have experienced substantial volatility in the past, often based on factors unrelated to the financial performance or prospects of the companies involved. These factors include macroeconomic developments in North America and global and market perceptions of the attractiveness of particular industries. The share price of Canadian Zinc is likely to be significantly affected by short-term changes in metal prices. Other factors unrelated to Canadian Zinc’s performance that may have an effect on the price of its shares include the following: the extent of analytical coverage available to investors concerning Canadian Zinc’s business may be limited if investment banks with research capabilities do not follow the Company’s securities; lessening in trading volume and general market interest in the Company’s securities may affect an investor’s ability to trade significant numbers of common shares; the size of Company’s public float may limit the ability of some institutions to invest in the Company’s securities; and a substantial decline in the price of the common shares that persists for a significant period of time could cause the Company’s securities to be delisted from an exchange, further reducing market liquidity.
As a result of any of these factors, the market price of the Company’s shares at any given point in time may not accurately reflect Canadian Zinc’s long-term value. Securities class action litigation often has been brought against companies following periods of volatility in the market price of their securities. Canadian Zinc may in the future be the target of similar litigation. Securities litigation could result in substantial costs and damages and divert management’s attention and resources.

Canadian Zinc does not currently generate any cash flow from its operations and will need to generate additional financial resources in order to fund its planned exploration and development programs and its corporate administration costs. There is a risk that additional financing will not be available to the Company on a timely basis or on acceptable terms. There are no assurances that the Company will continue to be able to obtain additional financial resources and/or achieve positive cash flows or profitability. Canadian Zinc has not achieved profitable operations, has an accumulated deficit since inception and expects to incur further losses in the development of its business. If the Company is unable to obtain adequate additional financing, the Company may be required to curtail operations and its exploration and development activities. Failure to continue as a going concern would require that the Company’s assets and liabilities be restated on a liquidation basis which would differ significantly from the going concern basis.
The development and exploration of Canadian Zinc’s Prairie Creek Property will require substantial additional financing. The SNC Preliminary Feasibility Study of 2012 estimated that, depending on final design and operating permit conditions, the additional capital required to install the planned new facilities and to bring the Prairie Creek Mine into production will aggregate $160 million plus a contingency of $33 million for a total of $193 million. Working capital upon commencement of production is estimated to be $34 million plus a contingency of $7 million for a total of $41 million.
The Company is in the process of updating the estimate of capital costs to bring the Prairie Creek Mine into production and a revised estimate will be included in the updated feasibility study to be completed alter in the year. The PFS included an estimate of $12.8 million in respect of security deposits or financial assurance required to secure reclamation obligations arising under various surface leases, permits and licences. The new Water Licences and Land Use Permits issued in 2013 together provide for the posting, in stages, of a total of approximately $20.4 million in respect of security deposits or financial assurance required to secure reclamation obligations and expected decommissioning liabilities. The Company is currently finalizing the design and cost estimates of a potential all season road for inclusion into the capital cost schedule of the Prairie Creek Project. Incorporation of an all season road for future operations would require significant additional capital cost which were not considered in the 2012 Preliminary Feasibility Study.
Failure to obtain sufficient financing or to post the financial assurance or security when required will result in delaying or indefinite postponement of exploration, development or production on Canadian Zinc’s property or even a loss of property interest. There can be no assurance that additional capital or other types of financing will be available when needed or that, if available, the terms of such financing will be favourable to Canadian Zinc.
Metal Prices and Marketability of Minerals
The Company may be adversely affected by fluctuations in metal prices.
The market price of metals and minerals is volatile and cannot be controlled. Metal prices have fluctuated widely, particularly in recent years. If the price of metals and minerals should drop significantly, the economic prospects for the Prairie Creek Project could be significantly reduced or rendered uneconomic. There is no assurance that, a profitable market may exist for the sale of products, including concentrates from the Prairie Creek Project. Factors beyond the control of the Company may affect the marketability of minerals or concentrates produced. The marketability of minerals is affected by numerous other factors beyond the control of the Company, including quality issues, impurities, government regulations, royalties, allowable production and regulations regarding the importing and exporting of minerals, the effect of which cannot be accurately predicted.
Factors tending to affect the price of metals include:
  • The relative strength of the U.S. dollar against other currencies;
  • Government monetary and fiscal policies;
  • Expectations of the future rate of global monetary inflation and interest rates;
  • General economic conditions and the perception of risk in capital markets;
  • Political conditions including the threat of terrorism or war;
  • Speculative trading;

  • Investment and industrial demand; and
  • Global production and inventory stocks.
The effects of these factors, individually or in aggregate, on the prices of zinc, lead and/or silver is impossible to predict with accuracy. Fluctuations in metal prices may adversely affect Canadian Zinc’s financial performance and results of operations. Further, if the market price of zinc, lead and/or silver falls or remains depressed, Canadian Zinc may experience losses or asset write-downs and may curtail or suspend some or all of its exploration, development and mining activities.
Furthermore, sustained low metal prices can halt or delay the development of new and existing projects; reduce funds available for mineral exploration and may result in the recording of a write-down of mining interests due to the determination that future cash flows would not be expected to recover the carrying value.
Metal prices fluctuate widely and are affected by numerous factors beyond Canadian Zinc’s control such as the sale or purchase of such commodities by various central banks and financial institutions, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation or deflation, fluctuation in the value of the United States dollar and foreign currencies, global and regional supply and demand, and the political and economic conditions of major mineral and metal producing countries throughout the world.
Future production, if any, from Canadian Zinc’s mining properties is dependent on mineral prices that are adequate to make these properties economic. The prices of metals have fluctuated widely in recent years, and future or continued serious price declines could cause continued development of and commercial production from Canadian Zinc’s properties to be impracticable. Depending on the price of metal, cash flow from mining operations may not be sufficient and Canadian Zinc may never commence commercial production and may lose its interest in, or may be forced to sell, its properties. The SNC Preliminary Feasibility Study on the Prairie Creek Project, completed in 2012, assumed levels of treatment charges, penalties and payabilities for all concentrates used in the economic analysis and were derived from a market study conducted by an independent third-party, however, no smelters or concentrate buyers have directly offered or confirmed the assumed treatment charges, penalties or payabilities. There can be no assurance that the assumed terms will be available to the Company.
In addition to adversely affecting Canadian Zinc’s reserve or resource estimates and its financial condition, declining commodity prices can impact operations by requiring a reassessment of the feasibility of a particular project. The need to conduct such a reassessment may cause substantial delays or may interrupt operations until the reassessment can be completed.
Currency fluctuations may affect the costs that Canadian Zinc incurs at its operations. Zinc, lead and silver are sold throughout the world based principally on the U.S. dollar price, but operating expenses are incurred in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. Appreciation of the Canadian dollar against the U.S. dollar increases the cost of production in U.S. dollar terms at mines located in Canada.
Exploration and Evaluation
Mineral exploration involves a high degree of risk.
The business of exploring for minerals and mining involves a high degree of risk. There is no assurance the Company’s mineral exploration activities will be successful. Few properties that are explored are ultimately developed into producing mines. In exploring and developing its mineral deposits the Company is subjected to an array of complex economic factors and technical considerations. Unusual or unexpected formations, formation pressures, power outages, labour disruptions, flooding, explosions, cave-ins, landslides, environmental hazards, and the inability to obtain suitable or adequate machinery, equipment or labour are other risks involved in the conduct of exploration and development programs. Such risks could materially adversely affect the business or the financial performance of the Company.
There is no certainty that the expenditures made by Canadian Zinc towards the search and evaluation of mineral deposits will result in discoveries of commercial quantities of ore. The exploration for and development of mineral deposits involves significant risks which even a combination of careful evaluation, experience and knowledge may not eliminate. Major expenses may be required to locate and establish mineral reserves, to develop metallurgical processes and to construct mining and processing facilities at a particular site. It is impossible to ensure that the exploration or development programs planned by Canadian Zinc will result in a profitable commercial mining operation. Whether a mineral deposit will be commercially viable depends on a number of factors, some of which are: the particular attributes of the deposit, such as size, grade and proximity to infrastructure; metal prices which are highly cyclical; and government regulations, including regulations relating to prices, taxes, royalties, land tenure, land use, importing and exporting of minerals and environmental protection. The exact effect of these factors cannot be accurately predicted, but the combination of these factors may result in Canadian Zinc not receiving an adequate return on invested capital.

A specific risk associated with the Prairie Creek Property is its remote location. Mining, processing, development and exploration activities depend, to one degree or another, on adequate infrastructure. Reliable roads, bridges, power sources and water supply are important factors, which affect capital and operating costs. Unusual or infrequent weather phenomena, government or other interference in the maintenance or provision of such infrastructure could adversely affect Canadian Zinc’s operations, financial condition and results of operations.
Mining operations generally involve a high degree of risk. Canadian Zinc’s mining operations will be subject to all the hazards and risks normally encountered in the development and production of minerals, including unusual and unexpected geologic formations, seismic activity, rock bursts, cave-ins, flooding and other conditions involved in the drilling and removal of material, any of which could result in damage to, or destruction of, mines and other producing facilities, damage to life or property, environmental damage and possible legal liability. Mining and milling operations are subject to hazards such as equipment failure or failure of retaining dams around tailings disposal areas, which may result in environmental pollution and consequent liability.
Uncertainty in the Estimation of Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources
There is uncertainty in the estimation of mineral reserves and mineral resources.
The figures for Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources contained in this document are estimates only and no assurance can be given that the anticipated tonnages and grades will be achieved, that the indicated level of recovery will be realized or that Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources can be mined or processed profitably. There are numerous uncertainties inherent in estimating Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources, including many factors beyond Canadian Zinc’s control. Such estimation is a subjective process, and the accuracy of any reserve and resource estimate is a function of the quantity and quality of available data and of the assumptions made and judgments used in engineering and geological interpretation. In addition, there can be no assurance that mineral or metal recoveries in small scale laboratory tests will be duplicated in larger scale tests under on-site conditions or during production.
Inferred mineral resources do not have demonstrated economic viability. Due to the uncertainty which may attach to inferred mineral resources, there is no assurance that inferred mineral resources will be upgraded to measured and indicated mineral resources as a result of continued exploration.
Fluctuation in metal prices, results of drilling, metallurgical testing and production and the evaluation of mine plans subsequent to the date of any estimate may require revision of any such resource or reserve estimate. The volume and grade of resources mined and processed and recovery rates may not be the same as currently anticipated. Any material reductions in estimates of Mineral Reserves or Mineral Resources, or of Canadian Zinc’s ability to extract these Mineral Reserves or Mineral Resources, could have a material adverse effect on Canadian Zinc’s results of operations and financial condition.
Mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates are imprecise and depend partly on statistical inferences drawn from drilling and other data which may prove to be unreliable. Future production could differ dramatically from reserve or resource estimates for many reasons including the following:
  • Mineralization or formations could be different from those predicted by drilling, sampling and similar examinations;
  • Declines in the market price of metals may render the mining of some or all of Canadian Zinc’s Mineral Reserves or Mineral Resources uneconomic;
  • Increases in operating mining costs and processing costs could adversely affect reserves or resources; and

  • The grade of reserves or resources may vary significantly from time to time and there can be no assurance that any particular level of metal may be recovered from the reserves or resources.
Any of these factors may require Canadian Zinc to reduce its Mineral Reserve or Mineral Resources estimates.
Insurance and Uninsured Risks
The Company is not insured to cover all potential risks.
Canadian Zinc’s business is subject to a number of risks and hazards generally, including adverse environmental conditions, industrial accidents, labour disputes, unusual or unexpected geological conditions, ground or slope failures, cave-ins, changes in the regulatory environment and natural phenomena such as inclement weather conditions, floods and earthquakes. Such occurrences could result in damage to mineral properties or production facilities, personal injury or death, environmental damage to Canadian Zinc’s properties or the properties of others, delays in mining, monetary losses and possible legal liability.
Although Canadian Zinc maintains insurance to protect against certain risks in such amounts as it considers reasonable, its insurance will not cover all the potential risks associated with the Company’s mining operations. Canadian Zinc may also be unable to maintain insurance to cover these risks at economically feasible premiums. Insurance coverage may not continue to be available or may not be adequate to cover any resulting liability. Moreover, insurance against risks such as environmental pollution or other hazards as a result of exploration and production is not generally available to Canadian Zinc or to other companies in the mining industry on acceptable terms. In particular, the Company is not insured for environmental liability or earthquake damage.
Canadian Zinc might also become subject to liability for pollution or other hazards which may not be insured against, or which Canadian Zinc may elect not to insure against, because of premium costs or other reasons. Losses from these events may cause Canadian Zinc to incur significant costs that could have a material adverse effect upon its financial performance and results of operations.
Title Matters
Title to the Company’s mineral properties may be challenged or defective. Aboriginal groups may raise title disputes in relation to land claims and any impairment or defect in title could have a negative impact on the Company.
Mining leases and surface leases issued to the Company by the Federal Government have been surveyed but other parties may dispute the Company’s title to its mining properties. The mining claims in which the Company has an interest have not been surveyed and, accordingly, the precise location of the boundaries of the claims and ownership of mineral rights on specific tracts of land comprising the claims may be in doubt. These claims have not been converted to lease, and are, accordingly, subject to regular compliance with assessment work requirements. Failure to comply strictly with applicable laws, regulations and local practices relating to mineral right applications and tenure, could result in loss, reduction or expropriation of entitlements.
While the Company has investigated its title to all its mining leases, surface leases and mining claims and, to the best of its knowledge, title to all properties is in good standing, this should not be construed as a guarantee of title and title may be affected by undetected defects. The validity and ownership of mining property holdings can be uncertain and may be contested. There are currently a number of pending Aboriginal or Native title or Treaty or traditional land ownership claims relating to Northwest Territories. The Company’s properties at Prairie Creek are subject to Aboriginal or Native land claims. Title insurance generally is not available, and Canadian Zinc’s ability to ensure that it has obtained secure title to individual mineral properties or mining concessions may be severely constrained. Canadian Zinc’s mineral properties may be subject to prior unregistered liens, agreements, transfers or claims, including Native land claims, and title may be affected by, among other things, undetected defects. No assurances can be given that there are no title defects affecting such properties.

Executives and Conflicts of Interest
The Company is dependent on certain key executives and the loss of these executives may adversely affect our business and results of operations.
Canadian Zinc is dependent on the services of key executives, including the President & Chief Executive Officer and the Vice President of Exploration & Chief Operating Officer of the Company, and a small number of other skilled and experienced executives and personnel. Due to the relatively small size of the Company, the loss of these persons or Canadian Zinc’s inability to attract and retain additional highly skilled or experienced employees may adversely affect its business and future operations.
Certain officers and directors of the Company may be in a position of conflicts of interest.
Certain of the directors and officers of the Company also serve as directors and/or officers of, or have significant shareholdings in, other companies involved in natural resource exploration and development and consequently there exists the possibility for such directors and officers to be in a position of conflict. Any decision made by any of such directors and officers involving Canadian Zinc will be made in accordance with their duties and obligations to deal fairly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Company and its shareholders. In addition, each of the directors is required to declare and refrain from voting on any matter in which such directors may have a conflict of interest in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) and other applicable laws.
To the extent that such other companies may participate in ventures in which Canadian Zinc may participate, the directors of Canadian Zinc may have a conflict of interest in negotiating and concluding terms respecting the extent of such participation. In the event that such a conflict of interest arises at a meeting of the Company’s directors, a director who has such a conflict will abstain from voting for the approval of such participation or such terms.
From time to time several companies may collectively participate in the acquisition, exploration and development of natural resource properties thereby allowing for their participation in larger programs, permitting involvement in a greater number of programs and reducing financial exposure in respect of any one program. It may also occur that a particular company will assign all or a portion of its interest in a particular program to another of these companies due to the financial position of the company making the assignment. Under the laws of the Province of British Columbia, the directors of the Company are required to act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of the Company. In determining whether or not Canadian Zinc will participate in a particular program and the interest therein to be acquired by it, the directors will primarily consider the degree of risk to which the Company may be exposed and its financial position at that time.
From time to time Canadian Zinc undertakes evaluations of opportunities to acquire additional mining assets and businesses. Any resultant acquisitions, such as those discussed in this Annual Report, may be significant in size, may change the scale of Canadian Zinc’s business, and may expose Canadian Zinc to new geographic, political, operating financial and geological risks. Canadian Zinc’s success in its acquisition activities depends on its ability to identify suitable acquisition candidates, to acquire them on acceptable terms, and integrate their operations successfully with those of Canadian Zinc. Any acquisition would be accompanied by risks, such as a significant decline in metal prices; the ore body proving to be below expectations; the difficulty of assimilating the operation and personnel; the potential disruption of Canadian Zinc’s ongoing business; the inability of management to maximize the financial and strategic position of Canadian Zinc through the successful integration of acquired assets and businesses; the maintenance of uniform standards, control, procedures and policies; the impairment of relationships with employees, customers and contractors as a result of any integration of new management personnel; and the potential unknown liabilities associated with acquired assets and business. In addition Canadian Zinc may need additional capital to finance an acquisition. Debt financing related to any acquisition will expose Canadian Zinc to the risk of leverage, while equity financing may cause existing shareholders to suffer dilution. There can be no assurance that Canadian Zinc would be successful in overcoming these risks or any other problems encountered in connection with such acquisitions.

The resource industry is very competitive.
The mining industry is competitive in all of its phases. There is aggressive competition within the mining industry for the discovery and acquisition of properties considered to have commercial potential. Canadian Zinc faces strong competition from other mining companies in connection with the acquisition of properties, mineral claims, leases and other mineral interests as well as for the recruitment and retention of qualified employees and other personnel. Many of these companies have greater financial resources, operational experience and technical capabilities than Canadian Zinc. As a result of this competition, Canadian Zinc may be unable to maintain or acquire attractive mining properties on terms it considers acceptable or at all. Consequently, Canadian Zinc’s operations and financial condition could be materially adversely affected.
Requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Similar Canadian Regulations
The Company is subject to the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and similar Canadian regulations and there are no assurances that the Company will be able to continue to comply with these heightened regulatory requirements.
Since 2007, the Company has documented and tested its internal control procedures in order to satisfy the requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (“SOX”), which requires an annual assessment by management of the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting and an attestation by the Company’s independent auditors addressing internal controls over financial reporting.
Due to its size, its limited staff resources and financial constraints, the Company is exposed to certain potential deficiencies in its internal controls over financial reporting. If the Company is unable to maintain the adequacy of its internal control over financial reporting, as such standards are modified, supplemented, or amended from time to time; the Company may not be able to ensure that it can conclude on an ongoing basis that it has effective internal controls over financial reporting in accordance with Section 404 of SOX. The Company’s inability to satisfy the requirements of Section 404 of SOX on an ongoing, timely basis could result in the loss of investor confidence in the reliability of its consolidated financial statements, which in turn could harm the Company’s business and negatively impact the trading price of its common shares. In addition, any inability to implement required new or improved controls, or difficulties encountered in their implementation, could impact the Company’s operating results or cause it to be unable to meet its reporting obligations. Future acquisitions (if any) may provide the Company with challenges in implementing the required processes, procedures and controls in the acquired operations. Acquired companies may not have disclosure controls and procedures or internal control over financial reporting that are as thorough or effective as those required by securities laws currently applicable to the Company.
No evaluation can provide complete assurance that the Company’s internal control over financial reporting will detect or uncover all failures of persons within the Company to disclose material information otherwise required to be reported. The effectiveness of the Company’s controls and procedures could also be limited by simple errors or faulty judgments. In addition, as the Company continues to develop, the challenges involved in implementing appropriate internal controls over financial reporting will increase and will require that the Company continue to enhance its internal controls over financial reporting. Although the Company will be required to devote substantial time and will incur substantial costs, as necessary, in an effort to ensure ongoing compliance, the Company cannot be certain that it will be successful in continuing to comply with Section 404 of SOX.
Vatukoula Gold Mines plc
The Company has an investment in Vatukoula Gold Mines plc, which operates the Vatukoula Gold Mine in Fiji. Fiji has experienced political unrest and there may, at times, be challenges to foreign owned companies in Fiji. VGM expenditures are made in Fijian dollars and revenues are in U.S. dollars. The parent company in the VGM group is based in the United Kingdom. The impact of foreign exchange fluctuations may have a material impact on the results of operations of VGM. As VGM is operating a working gold mine, it is exposed to risk from changes in commodity prices (notably gold) and also the price of oil on the world markets. Adverse changes in these prices could have a material impact on the operations of VGM and therefore the fair value or price of VGM shares.

History of Losses and No Assurance of Profitable Operations
The Company has a history of losses and no assurance of profitable operations.
The Company has incurred losses since inception of $101,253,000 through December 31, 2014, which includes $72,597,000 of exploration and development expenditures on the Prairie Creek property and central Newfoundland properties which have been expensed in accordance with the Company’s accounting policies. There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to operate profitably during future periods. If the Company is unable to operate profitably during future periods, and is not successful in obtaining additional financing, the Company could be forced to cease its exploration and evaluation programs and mine development activities as a result of insufficient cash resources.
Shareholder Dilution
The exercise of outstanding options and warrants would lead to dilution of current shareholders.
As of December 31, 2014, there were 218,047,709 common shares outstanding. As of December 31, 2014, the Company had 5,693,800 share purchase options and 17,295,960 warrants outstanding allowing the holders to purchase 22,989,760 common shares. Directors and officers of the Company hold 3,900,000 of these share purchase options, contractors and employees of the Company hold 1,793,800 share purchase options and third-party entities hold 17,295,960 share purchase warrants.
As of March 31, 2015, there were 218,047,709 common shares outstanding and the Company had 5,693,800 share purchase options and 16,908,360 warrants outstanding allowing the holders to purchase 22,602,160 common shares. The exercise of all of the existing share purchase options and warrants would result in percentage ownership dilution to the existing shareholders.
Potential Future Equity Financings
Additional financing may be needed for our business operations which may lead to dilution of the Company’s current shareholders.
The Company has used equity financing in order to meet its needs for capital and may engage in equity financings during future periods. Subsequent issuances of equity securities or securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for equity securities would result in further percentage ownership dilution to existing shareholders and could depress the price of the Company’s shares.
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
The Company is a foreign corporation and all of the Company’s directors and officers are outside of the United States, which may make enforcement of civil liabilities difficult.
Canadian Zinc is organized under the law of, and headquartered in, British Columbia, Canada, and none of its directors and officers are citizens or residents of the United States. In addition, all of its assets are located outside the United States. As a result, it may be difficult or impossible for an investor to (i) enforce in courts outside the United States judgments against the Company and its directors and officers obtained in United States courts based upon the civil liability provisions of United States federal securities law or (ii) bring in courts outside the United States an original action against the Company and/or its directors and officers to enforce liabilities based upon such United States securities laws.
Foreign Private Issuer Status
As a foreign private issuer, the Company’s shareholders may have less complete and timely data.

The Company is a “foreign private issuer” as defined in Rule 3b-4 under the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). Equity securities of the Company are accordingly exempt from Sections 14(a), 14(b), 14(c), 14(f) and 16 of the Exchange Act pursuant to Rule 3a12-3 of the Exchange Act. Therefore, the Company is not required to file a Schedule 14A proxy statement in relation to the annual meeting of shareholders. The submission of proxy and annual meeting of shareholder information on Form 6-K may result in shareholders having less complete and timely information in connection with shareholder actions. The exemption from Section 16 rules regarding reports of beneficial ownership and purchases and sales of common shares by insiders and restrictions on insider trading in the Company’s securities may result in shareholders having less data and there being fewer restrictions on insiders’ activities in the Company’s securities.
U.S. Tax Matters
The Company’s Passive Foreign Investment Company status has possible adverse tax consequences for U.S. investors.
Because the Company is an exploration stage company and its only material revenues consist of passive investment income on its cash investments, U.S. holders of common shares should be aware that the Company believes it was classified as a passive foreign investment company (“PFIC”) during the tax year ended December 31, 2014, and based on current business plans and financial expectations, the Company anticipates that it may be a PFIC for the current tax year and may be a PFIC in future tax years. If the Company is a PFIC for any year during a U.S. shareholder’s holding period of the common shares, then such U.S. shareholder generally will be required to treat any gain realized upon a disposition of common shares, or any “excess distribution” received on its common shares, as ordinary income, and to pay an interest charge on a portion of such gain or distribution, unless the shareholder makes a timely and effective "qualified electing fund" election (“QEF Election”) or a "mark-to-market" election with respect to the common shares. A U.S. shareholder who makes a QEF Election generally must report on a current basis its share of the Company's net capital gain and ordinary earnings for any year in which the Company is a PFIC, whether or not the Company distributes any amounts to its shareholders. However, U.S. shareholders should be aware that there can be no assurance that the Company will satisfy the record keeping requirements that apply to a qualified electing fund, or that the Company will supply U.S. shareholders with information that such U.S. shareholders require to report under the QEF Election rules, in the event that the Company is a PFIC and a U.S. shareholder wishes to make a QEF Election. Thus, U.S. shareholders may not be able to make a QEF Election with respect to their common shares. A U.S. shareholder who makes a mark-to-market election generally must include as ordinary income each year the excess of the fair market value of the common shares over the taxpayer’s adjusted tax basis therein. This paragraph is qualified in its entirety by the discussion below under the heading “Certain United States Federal Income Tax Consequences.” Each U.S. shareholder should consult its own tax advisors regarding the PFIC rules and the U.S. federal income tax consequences of the acquisition, ownership, and disposition of common shares.
Penny Stock Rules
The Company’s securities may be subject to penny stock regulations.
The SEC has adopted Rule 15g-9 which generally defines “penny stock” to be any equity security that has a market price (as defined) less than $5.00 per share or an exercise price of less than $5.00 per share, subject to certain exceptions. The penny stock rules impose additional sales practice requirements on broker-dealers who sell to persons other than established customers and “accredited investors.” The term “accredited investor” refers generally to institutions with assets in excess of $5,000,000 or individuals with a net worth in excess of $1,000,000 or annual income exceeding $200,000 or $300,000 jointly with their spouse. The penny stock rules require a broker-dealer, prior to a transaction in a penny stock not otherwise exempt from the rules, to deliver a standardized risk disclosure document in a form prepared by the SEC, which provides information about penny stocks and the nature and level of risks in the penny stock market. The broker-dealer also must provide the customer with current bid and offer quotations for the penny stock, the compensation of the broker-dealer and its salesperson in the transaction and monthly account statements showing the market value of each penny stock held in the customer's account. The bid and offer quotations, and the broker-dealer and salesperson compensation information, must be given to the customer orally or in writing prior to effecting the transaction and must be given to the customer in writing before or with the customer's confirmation. In addition, the penny stock rules require that prior to a transaction in a penny stock not otherwise exempt from these rules, the broker-dealer must make a special written determination that the penny stock is a suitable investment for the purchaser and receive the purchaser's written agreement to the transaction. These disclosure requirements may have the effect of reducing the level of trading activity in the secondary market for the stock that is subject to these penny stock rules. Consequently, these penny stock rules may affect the ability of broker-dealers to trade the Company’s securities.

A. History and Development of the Company
The Company was incorporated in British Columbia, Canada, on December 16, 1965 under the former Companies Act of British Columbia. The Company changed its name to “San Andreas Resources Corporation” on August 29, 1991 and to “Canadian Zinc Corporation” on May 25, 1999. The Company currently exists under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia). On June 16, 2004, the Company’s shareholders adopted new Articles to bring the Company’s Charter documents up to date and into conformity with the then new Business Corporations Act (British Columbia).
The Company's head office, which is also its registered and records office, is located at Suite 1710, 650 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6B 4N9.
The Company’s shareholders passed a resolution to amend the Company’s authorized share capital from 50,000,000 common shares with no par value to 100,000,000 common shares with no par value on May 24, 2002 and from 100,000,000 common shares with no par value to 200,000,000 common shares with no par value on December 30, 2003. On June 16, 2004, shareholders passed a resolution to change the authorized share capital to an unlimited number of common shares with no par value.
General Development of the Business
Canadian Zinc is a public company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol “CZN” and traded on the OTCQB under the symbol “CZICF” and is engaged in the business of exploration and, when warranted, development of natural resource properties.
The Company’s principal focus is the development of the Prairie Creek property (the “Prairie Creek Property”, “Prairie Creek Project” or “Prairie Creek Mine”) in the Northwest Territories, Canada and the exploration of base metal properties in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
The Prairie Creek Property contains a zinc/lead/silver mineral resource located approximately 500 kilometres west of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories, Canada. The Prairie Creek Mine already has extensive infrastructure in place including five kilometres of underground workings on three levels, a 1,000 tonne per day mill, a fleet of heavy duty and light duty surface vehicles, three surface exploration diamond drills, camp accommodation, maintenance and water treatment facilities and a 1,000 long gravel metre airstrip. The Company has obtained all the significant regulatory permits and social licences required to complete construction and development at the mine site and the access road to allow commencement of mining and milling at Prairie Creek.
Canadian Zinc’s primary objective is to bring the Prairie Creek Mine into production at the earliest opportunity and in pursuit of that objective to complete ongoing optimization, planning and engineering for incorporation into feasibility studies to support and secure the necessary financing to rehabilitate, upgrade and modernize the Mine, including the processing plant and other site infrastructure.
Canadian Zinc also owns an extensive land package in central Newfoundland, Canada, with known lead/zinc deposits and extensive exploration potential, which includes the South Tally Pond project, which hosts the Lemarchant deposit, the Tulks South project, which hosts the Boomerang and Domino deposits, and the Long Lake project.

The Company’s exploration strategy in Newfoundland is to continue to build on its existing polymetallic resource base with the aim of developing either a stand-alone mine, similar to the past-producing mine at Buchans or the Duck Pond mine, or a number of smaller deposits that could be developed simultaneously and processed in a central milling facility.
Three Year History
Throughout the years 2012, 2013 and 2014, the Company’s principal focus has been its efforts to advance the Prairie Creek Project towards completion of development and subsequent production.
Preliminary Feasibility Study
In June 2012 a Preliminary Feasibility Study (“PFS” or “Preliminary Feasibility Study”) was prepared by SNC-Lavalin Inc. (“SNC” or “SNC-Lavalin”) of Vancouver and a corresponding technical report dated effective June 15, 2012 was filed on SEDAR on August 9, 2012. Such report was revised to incorporate post-tax results and was filed on SEDAR on July 23, 2014. The revised report (the “AMC Technical Report”) by AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd. is titled “Prairie Creek Property, Northwest Territories, Canada, Technical Report for Canadian Zinc Corporation”. The Qualified Persons responsible are J. M. Shannon, P. Geo., AMC Mining Consultants Ltd.; D. Nussipakynova, P. Geo., AMC Mining Consultants Ltd.; JB Hancock, P. Eng., Barrie Hancock & Associates Inc.; and F. Sveinson, P. Eng., SNC-Lavalin Inc.
The Preliminary Feasibility Study projected a mining rate of 1,400 tonnes per day, with mill throughput, following dense media separation, of 1,000 tonnes per day, to produce an average annual output of approximately 60,000 tonnes of zinc concentrates and 60,000 tonnes lead concentrates,which in total contain approximately 76 million pounds of zinc, 90 million pounds of lead and 2.2 million ounces of silver per year, for a projected mine life of 11 years.
The PFS included a number of recommendations for further work and studies to optimize the Prairie Creek Project, including detailed mine planning, construction engineering, transport efficiencies, reducing start-up time and addressing working capital requirements.
Optimization Studies
In order to address the recommendations of the PFS, and move the Prairie Creek Project towards full feasibility for financing, Canadian Zinc embarked on a series of optimization projects in late 2013, which continued throughout 2014 and into 2015. The main objectives have been to improve the project economics by increasing the mine life; defining, with feasibility level accuracy, the capital cost required to place the mine into production, refining the projected costs to operate the mine; and developing a transportation plan and marketing strategy for all of the Prairie Creek concentrate production.
New Resource Estimate
During 2014, the Company engaged AMC Mining Consultants (“AMC”) to undertake an underground optimization study of the mine with a view to reducing the initial cost of mine development, improving the mining methods, minimize mine operating costs and incorporate results of recent exploration drilling programs into an updated mineral resource estimate. AMC also undertook a number of underground mine studies, including a geotechnical assessment to determine the optimum mining methods for use in the design of the new mine plan. Underground ventilation and backfill studies were also completed.
A new mineral resource estimate, completed by AMC in March 2015 demonstrated an increase in overall resource tonnages in the Indicated and the Inferred categories. The new resource estimate is based on a newly constructed and revised and more detailed geological wireframe block model, developed over the past year, which defines and constrains the mineralized system for inclusion in the new mine plan. The new resource estimate also includes results from additional drilling and underground sampling not included in previous estimates.

Exploration and Site Programs
The Company conducted surface exploration drill programs; site maintenance and facility upgrade programs during 2012 and 2013. In October 2014, the Company awarded an underground exploration and development program to Procon Mining and Tunneling Ltd. (“Procon”) and undertook the first stage of the program that included dewatering and re-installation of electrical and ventilation services to the 650 metre-long decline tunnel located at the end of the 870m underground level.
Permitting at Prairie Creek
On December 8, 2011, the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (the “Review Board”) issued its Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision (the “EA Report”) for the Company’s proposed Prairie Creek Mine in which it concluded that the proposed development of the Prairie Creek Mine is not likely to have any significant adverse impacts on the environment or to be a cause for significant public concern; that an environmental impact review of this proposed development is not necessary; and that the proposed Prairie Creek Mine project should proceed to the regulatory phase for approvals by the Water Board.
In January 2012, following the completion of the Environmental Assessment in December 2011, the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (“MVLWB” or the “Water Board”) commenced the regulatory process for the issue of a Type “A” Water Licence and Land Use Permits for the operation of the Prairie Creek Mine.
In June 2013, the MVLWB issued Land Use Permit MV2008D0014 which permits Canadian Zinc to extract ore and waste rock from the Prairie Creek Mine, operate a flotation mill concentrator to produce zinc and lead concentrates, create a waste rock facility, and refurbish and develop site facilities in support of the mining operation, along with the eventual closure and reclamation of the mine site.
In September 2013, the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (“AANDC”), approved and signed the Type “A” Water Licence for the Prairie Creek Mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada. The Type “A” Water Licence, MV2008L2-002, was issued by the Water Board on September 24, 2013 and entitles Canadian Zinc to use water, dewater the underground mine for the purposes of mining and to dispose of waste for mining and milling.
In April 2014, Canadian Zinc made application to the MVLWB and Parks Canada for permits to construct, maintain and operate an all season road from the Mine to the Liard Highway. The MVLWB referred the applications to the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (“MVRB”) in May 2014 for environmental assessment. In June 2014, the Company presented its Developer’s scoping document to local communities and organizations. In September 2014, the MVRB issued the final Terms of Reference and the Company submitted the Developer’s Assessment Report to the MVRB in April 2015.
Lead / Zinc Exploration in Newfoundland
During 2014 the Company conducted three drill programs on the South Tally Pond; Tulks South and Long Lake projects in central Newfoundland. The 2014 drill programs in central Newfoundland were successful, and considered very encouraging, in that 20 of the 27 holes intersected the targeted mineralization, including some massive sulphide intercepts ranging up to 25% zinc and 15% lead.
On September 24, 2012, Canadian Zinc acquired all of the outstanding common shares of Paragon Minerals Corporation in exchange for common shares of Canadian Zinc on the basis of 0.136 of a share of Canadian Zinc for each share of Paragon.
On December 20, 2013, Canadian Zinc acquired all of the outstanding common shares of Messina Minerals Inc. in exchange for 2,132,714 common shares of Canadian Zinc by way of a statutory plan of arrangement on the basis of one share of Canadian Zinc for 5.9 shares of Messina.

In May 2013, Canadian Zinc raised $10.3 million by the sale to Sandstorm Metals & Energy Ltd. (“Sandstorm”) of a 1.2% net smelter return royalty (“NSR”) on the Prairie Creek Mine. In addition, as part of the agreement, Sandstorm has granted Canadian Zinc the option, for a period of 30 months, to repurchase 100% of the NSR without premium or penalty for US$10 million, if Canadian Zinc enters into a metal stream agreement with Sandstorm under which Sandstorm will provide Canadian Zinc with an upfront deposit of not less than US$90 million to be used to finance part of the capital cost to develop the Prairie Creek Mine. Canadian Zinc has granted Sandstorm with a right of first refusal on any future royalty or stream financing for the Prairie Creek Project.
The Company does not consider the 1.2% net smelter return royalty sold in May of 2013 to have a material impact on the economic analysis in the Preliminary Feasibility Study. The Company expects that the 1.2% net smelter return royalty will result in a reduction of 2.4% in annual earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.
In August, 2013, the Company issued by way of a bought deal private placement 6,460,000 flow-through shares on a brokered basis at $0.62 per share, for aggregate gross proceeds of $4,005,000.
In July 2014, Canadian Zinc raised $15.75 million through the sale of 28,572,000 Units priced at $0.35 per Unit and 15,134,000 common shares, which qualify as “flow-through” shares, at a price of $0.38 per flow-through share in a bought deal financing through a syndicate of underwriters led by Dundee Securities Ltd. and including Canaccord Genuity and Paradigm Capital. Each Unit is composed of one common share and a one half of one common share purchase warrant. Each full warrant entitles the holder to purchase one common share at an exercise price of $0.50 on or before July 31, 2017.
The proceeds of the Unit financing are being used to initiate underground development at the Prairie Creek mine, to complete ongoing optimization studies and to undertake engineering and preliminary procurement. The net proceeds of the flow-through financing are being used to undertake exploration program on the Prairie Creek Property with the goal of increasing mineral resources and to expand the potential at the Company’s exploration properties in central Newfoundland.
Canadian Zinc’s focus for 2015 will be to continue to advance the Prairie Creek Mine towards production.
The ongoing underground diamond drilling program will be completed within the second quarter of 2015. The planned drilling will total about 6,000 metres of diamond drill coring over 21 holes on four, 50-metre spaced sections. Six holes have already been completed from the first station. The objective is to increase the life of the mine, especially in the higher grade vein mineralization, by converting part of the currently Inferred Resource to an Indicated category.
The results of this drill program will then be incorporated into yet another updated mineral resource estimate, which will in turn be converted into an updated mineral reserve and revised mine plan, which will then be incorporated in a new economic model for the Prairie Creek Mine.
Further assessment of underground hydrology will assist in evaluating the possibility of dewatering the underground mining area prior to commencing actual development, which should have significant savings in both mining and water treatment costs and in the capital costs of water treatment facilities at surface.
Further metallurgical test work, and plant engineering and design, will be carried out to modify and simplify the proposed mineral process flow-sheet with the objective of enhancing the quality and payability of the lead and zinc concentrates. Consideration will also be given to enhancing the grinding and flotation circuits to increase the mill’s capacity and throughput.
Discussions and negotiations will continue with a select group of smelters to obtain firm indications of off-take interest, for both lead and zinc concentrates from the Prairie Creek mine, including indications of expected treatment charges and penalties.

Further examination of the capital costs associated with construction and installation of new facilities and equipment, and the integration of such new facilities and equipment into the existing mine facilities, along with the refurbishment the existing facilities, will be continued by Tetra Tech WEI Inc. (“Tetra Tech”). Completion of this work will enable updating the estimate of capital costs to bring the Prairie Creek Mine into production.
The new mineral reserve estimate, revised mine plan, modified process flow-sheet and updated estimate of capital costs will form the basis of an updated preliminary feasibility study, which will also include evaluation of the integration of an all season road into the Prairie Creek Project. Subject to completion of the current underground drilling program and the ongoing optimization work, it is expected that this updated preliminary feasibility study will be completed later in 2015.
The adoption of an all season road, which would enable the transportation of both supplies and concentrates in smaller volumes spread throughout the year, has many financial implications, both in additional capital cost but also in potential savings and lower finance costs, that need to be further evaluated. The Company submitted its Developer’s Assessment Report in April 2015 with the objective of completing the all season road Environmental Assessment by the end of the 2015 calendar year and permitting of the road in early 2016.
The development of the Prairie Creek Mine will require substantial additional financing. Canadian Zinc will continue to evaluate alternatives for raising the senior financing necessary to complete the development and construction of the Prairie Creek Mine. However the ability to raise financing is impacted by conditions beyond the control of the Company, including depressed commodity prices, continued uncertainty in the capital markets and the current lack of investor interest in the resource sector.
From discussions and investigations to date, while there is considerable interest on the part of financial and commodity institutions, particularly in the context of the positive outlook of the price of zinc, it has been indicated that the opportunity of raising bank debt financing for Prairie Creek would be enhanced with the production of a definitive or bankable feasibility study which would address all of the contingences in the required detail and help to manage or reduce the various risk factors. Following completion of the updated preliminary feasibility study, the Company will consider the benefits of continuing to work towards completion of a definitive feasibility study which could be required to support bank debt or other senior financing.
At December 31, 2014, the Company had working capital of $12.4 million and expects it will be able to meet its current commitments and continue its planned 2015 programs and corporate activities.
B. Business Overview
The Company’s principal focus is exploration and development of the Prairie Creek Property (a zinc/lead/silver, partially developed property) located approximately 500 kilometres west of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
Canadian Zinc’s primary objective is to bring the Prairie Creek Mine into production at the earliest opportunity and in pursuit of that objective to complete ongoing optimization, planning and engineering and secure sales agreements for future concentrate production for incorporation into feasibility studies to support and secure the necessary financing to rehabilitate, upgrade and modernize the Mine, including the processing plant and other site infrastructure.
Canadian Zinc also owns an extensive mineral land package in central Newfoundland covering three large VMS projects with known mineral deposits and excellent exploration potential, including the South Tally Pond project, which hosts the Lemarchant deposit; the Tulks South project, which hosts the Boomerang and Domino deposits and the Hurricane and Tulks East prospects; and the Long Lake project.
The Company’s exploration strategy in Newfoundland is to continue to build on its existing polymetallic resource base with the aim of developing either a stand-alone mine, similar to the past-producing mine at Buchans or the Duck Pond mine, or a number of smaller deposits that could be developed simultaneously and processed in a central milling facility.
The Company is considered to be in the exploration and development stage given that its exploration properties are not yet in production and, to date, have not earned any significant revenues. The recoverability of amounts shown for exploration and evaluation assets shown on the Company’s balance sheet is dependent on the existence of economically recoverable reserves, obtaining and/or maintaining the necessary permits to operate a mine, obtaining the financing to complete construction and development and future profitable mine production.

The market price of metals and minerals is volatile and cannot be controlled. Metal prices have fluctuated widely, particularly in recent years. If the price of metals and minerals should drop significantly, the economic prospects for the Prairie Creek Project could be significantly reduced or rendered uneconomic. There is no assurance that, even if commercial quantities of ore are delineated, a profitable market may exist for the sale of products, including concentrates from that ore. Factors beyond the control of the Company may affect the marketability of any minerals discovered or concentrates produced. The marketability of minerals is affected by numerous factors beyond the control of the Company, including quality issues, impurities, government regulations, royalties, allowable production and importing and exporting of minerals, the effect of which cannot be accurately predicted.
C. Organizational Structure
At the end of its most recently completed financial year the Company structure includes a wholly-owned subsidiary Paragon Minerals Corporation (“Paragon”), which is organized under the laws of Canada and a wholly-owned subsidiary Messina Minerals Inc. (“Messina”), which is organized under the laws of British Columbia. (See “General Development of the Business – Company Acquisitions”) The following chart shows the intercorporate relationship between the Company and its subsidiaries:
D. Property, Plants and Equipment
The Company presently maintains offices in Vancouver, Fort Simpson and Toronto (all in Canada). The Company’s head office is located in Vancouver and is approximately 3,000 square feet in size. The Company presently leases office space in Fort Simpson which supports a Community Liaison Officer and acts as an information source on Prairie Creek for the local community to access. In addition the office can receive any questions, issues or concerns from the community about the development. The Company’s Toronto office is maintained for the use of the Chief Executive Officer and Vice-president – Investor Relations.
Mineral Properties
History of Prairie Creek – the Company’s Principal Property
The original discovery of mineralization on the Prairie Creek Property was made in 1928 at the showing known as the “No. 5 Zone.” In 1958, a limited mapping program was undertaken by Fort Reliance Minerals Ltd. The claims lapsed in 1965 and were restaked by the prospector and subsequently conveyed to Cadillac Explorations Ltd. (“Cadillac”) in 1966. Cadillac also acquired a 182,590 acre prospecting permit.
During 1966 to 1969, trenching was carried out by Cadillac on a number of zones and underground exploration commenced. The prospecting permit expired in 1969 and 6,659 acres (210 claims) were selected by Cadillac and brought to lease. The property was optioned to Penarroya Canada Ltee. (“Penarroya”) in 1970 and the underground development was extended. Surface drilling and preliminary metallurgical testing was also conducted. Penarroya discontinued their work in late 1970 and Cadillac resumed full operation of the project. Cadillac further developed the underground workings and resampled the crosscuts in 1979.

In 1980, an independent feasibility study was completed for Cadillac by Kilborn Engineering which resulted in a decision to put the property into production. In December 1980, Procan Exploration Company Ltd. (“Procan”) (a company associated with Herbert and Bunker Hunt of Texas) agreed to provide financing for construction, mine development and working capital necessary to attain production based on the Kilborn feasibility study. Between 1980 and 1982, extensive mine development took place. Cadillac acquired a 1,000-ton per day mill concentrator and transported it to the minesite. The mill was erected and a camp established. Two adits and extensive underground workings were developed. During this time the winter road connecting the mine to the Liard Highway was constructed and over 500 loads of supplies were transported to site. Construction activities continued until May 1982 and were almost complete when they were suspended due to lack of financing. Subsequently, Cadillac went into bankruptcy in May 1983 and site maintenance and operations were taken over by Procan.
In 1991, Nanisivik Mines Limited (an unaffiliated third party) acquired the property through the bankruptcy proceedings. Pursuant to an August 23, 1991 Option Agreement, the Company entered into an option to acquire a 60% interest in the Prairie Creek Property from Nanisivik Mines Ltd. Subsequently, pursuant to a March 29, 1993 Asset Purchase Agreement that superseded the Option Agreement, the Company acquired a 100% interest in the Prairie Creek Property, and a 60% interest in the plant and equipment, subject to a net smelter royalty of 2% in favour of Titan Pacific Resources Ltd. which as successor to Titan held the remaining 40% interest. In January 2004, the Company acquired all of Titan’s interest, including the 2% net smelter royalty, and now holds a 100% interest in the Prairie Creek property, plant and equipment.
Between 1991 and 2000, the Company carried out various exploration programs on the Prairie Creek Property. In January 2001, the Company completed a Scoping Study designed to outline and guide the re-development of the existing mine and mill on the Prairie Creek Property. The Scoping Study indicated the feasibility of a mining and milling operation on the site and identified a number of different development and production scenarios.
In 2006 and 2007, the Company carried out an underground exploration program, driving a decline about 550 metres and completing approximately 10,600 metres of underground drilling. In October 2007, an updated Technical Report (the “Minefill Report”) with regard to Mineral Resource Estimation on the Main Zone at Prairie Creek was independently prepared by Minefill Services Inc. in compliance with National Instrument 43-101, following the results of the 2006/2007 underground drilling program. The Minefill Report verifies and confirmed the previous historical resource estimate completed by MRDI in 1998 and notes significant upgrades in resource categories. The Minefill Report indicates that the Prairie Creek Property hosts total Measured and Indicated Resources of 5,840,329 tonnes grading 10.71% zinc, 9.90% lead, 161.12 grams silver per tonne and 0.326% copper. In addition, the Minefill Report confirms that there is also a large Inferred Resource of 5,541,576 tonnes grading at 13.53% zinc, 11.43% lead, 215 grams per tonne silver and 0.514% copper and additional exploration potential. This positive report led the Company to submit a formal application to the regulatory authorities in 2008 to secure the necessary licences and permits required for an operating mine at Prairie Creek.
As noted above, a Preliminary Feasibility Study prepared by SNC-Lavalin Inc. of Vancouver was submitted to the Company in June 2012 and a corresponding Technical Report dated effective June 15, 2012 was filed on SEDAR on August 9, 2012. Such report was revised to incorporate post-tax results and was filed on SEDAR on July 23, 2014. The Preliminary Feasibility Study was based on a Mineral Reserve of 5.2 million tonnes averaging 9.4% zinc, 9.5% lead and 151 g/t silver, calculated from a AMC Mineral Resource estimate of June 2012 of 5.4 million tonnes averaging 10.8% zinc, 10.2% lead and 160 g/t silver and an Inferred Resource of 6.2 million tonnes averaging 14.5% zinc, 11.5% lead, 0.57% copper and 229 g/t silver.
A new Mineral Resource estimate completed in March 2015 by AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd. (Gregory Z. Mosher P.Geo. and J. Morton Shannon P.Geo., Qualified Persons (“QP”), as defined by National Instrument 43-101) demonstrated an increase in overall Mineral Resource tonnages in the Indicated category and in the Inferred category. The new Mineral Resource updates the previous Mineral Resource Estimate of June 2012.
A Project Description Report (“PDR”) was prepared and filed with the MVLWB in May 2008 in support of application for operating permits. The PDR describes in detail the proposed new mining operations at Prairie Creek and contemplates the construction of new facilities including new fuel-efficient/low-emission power generating units, a kitchen/accommodation block, concentrate storage shed, an incinerator, a new engineered waste rock pile and two new transfer stations along the winter road.

After review of the PDR, the MVLWB in August 2008 referred the application to Environmental Assessment under the jurisdiction of the Review Board. In March 2010, the Company submitted its Developer’s Assessment Report to the Review Board.
In December 2011, The Review Board issued its Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision for Canadian Zinc’s proposed Prairie Creek Mine. The Review Board concluded the proposed development is not likely to have any significant adverse impacts on the environment or to be a cause for significant public concern, an environmental impact review of the proposed development is not necessary and the project should proceed to the regulatory phase for approvals. In June 2012, the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development advised the Review Board that an environmental impact review of the proposed development of the Prairie Creek Mine is not necessary.
In a decision dated June 8, 2012, the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, on behalf of the responsible Ministers with jurisdiction, including the Minister of the Environment, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, the Minister of Transport Canada and the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Government of the Northwest Territories, advised the Review Board of the decision that the Ministers will not order an environmental impact review of the proposed development of the Prairie Creek Mine, nor will they refer the proposal to the Minister of the Environment for a Canadian Environmental Assessment Act joint panel review.
In January 2012, following the completion of the Environmental Assessment in December 2011, the Water Board commenced the regulatory process for the issue of a Type “A” Water Licence and Land Use Permits for the operation of the Prairie Creek Mine. In February 2012, the Company submitted a Consolidated Project Description (“CPD”), highlighting the changes that resulted from commitments made by Canadian Zinc during the EA process.
In June 2013, the MVLWB issued Land Use Permit MV2008D0014, which permits Canadian Zinc to extract ore and waste rock from the Prairie Creek Mine, operate a flotation mill concentrator to produce zinc and lead concentrates, create a waste rock facility, and refurbish and develop site facilities in support of the mining operation, along with the eventual closure and reclamation of the mine site. This permit, which is valid for a term of five years, with an optional two year extension, is subject to numerous conditions including the requirement to deposit with the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada security of $3 million within ninety days of the issue of the permit and an additional $1 million prior to the commencement of construction upgrades to the mill.
Also in June 2013, the MVLWB issued LUP MV2008T0012 which permits Canadian Zinc to construct and operate the Liard Transfer Facility to be situated near the junction of the existing Prairie Creek Mine access road and the Liard Highway. The Liard Transfer Facility is a staging area at the south end of the winter access road designed to temporarily store outbound concentrate and inbound supplies. This permit is valid for a term of five years, with an optional two year extension, and provides for the posting of security in the total amount of $315,000 at various stages of activity under that permit.
In September 2013, the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada approved and signed the Type “A” Water Licence for the Prairie Creek Mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada. The Type “A” Water Licence, MV2008L2-002, was issued by the Water Board in September, 2013.
The Type “A” Water Licence is valid for a term of seven years and entitles Canadian Zinc to use water, dewater the underground mine for the purposes of mining and to dispose of waste for mining and milling. The Licence is subject to numerous conditions, including the requirement to post, in stages and maintain security for future reclamation with the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada totaling $13.07 million on an original schedule of $3 million within ninety days of the effective date of the licence, $5 million prior to extracting waste rock from the underground mine and $5.07 million prior to commencing milling.
The Type “A” Water Licence and the Land Use Permit are the key regulatory permits needed for the construction, development and operation of the Prairie Creek Mine. The successful completion of the regulatory process marked the culmination of many years of effort by the Canadian Zinc team, the MVLWB, the various government agencies and all the stakeholders in the region. The positive recommendation of the Water Board demonstrates that a broad consensus has been achieved through the process.

Copies of the Type “A” Water Licence and Land Use Permit and associated documents may be inspected on the Water Board website (Year 2008, Canadian Zinc MV2008L2-0002) and under the Company’s profile on SEDAR.
On December 22, 2013, the Company filed an application to the MVLWB for amendments to the timing schedules of the various security deposits to be provided to the Minister of of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada under the Type “A” Water Licence and the Land Use Permit. The Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has confirmed to the MVLWB that the Board’s assessment of the Company’s liability for the cost of closure and reclamation is not applicable until a new lease for production replaces the existing care and maintenance surface lease. The Company has provided responses to Information Requests and the MVLWB has circulated the application to interested parties for comment.
In August 2014, Canadian Zinc submitted an amended development schedule for the Prairie Creek Mine to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board and this was followed up by an application to the MVLWB in October 2014 requesting that its Type “A” Water Licence be held in abeyance until more certainty develops around the actual commencement of construction and the mine development schedule. This action would defer the schedule and dates in the licence for the submission of various plans until the activation of licence and the commencement of operations. The MVLWB is considering the Company’s request and has circulated this application to interested parties for comment.
Road Land Use Permits and Water Licences
Nahanni National Park Reserve (“NNPR”) was expanded in 2009 and now encircles the Prairie Creek Property; however the Prairie Creek Property was excluded from the expansion area and is not part of the Park. The park expansion area now includes a significant portion of the Prairie Creek Access Road route, however, when NNPR was expanded the Canada National Parks Act was amended to enable the Minister of the Environment to enter into leases or licences of occupation of, and easements over, public lands situated in the expansion area for the purposes of a mining access road leading the Prairie Creek area, including the sites of storage and other facilities connected with that road.
The applications for land use permits, and water licences relating to the road access are multi-jurisdictional and the Company applied to both to the Water Board and Parks Canada for road related permits and licences.
In January 2013, the MVLWB issued LUP MV2012F007 for a period of five years, which permits the construction, maintenance, operation and use of the winter road connecting the Prairie Creek Mine to the Liard Highway. This permit allows the outbound transportation of the zinc and lead concentrates to be produced at the mine and the inbound transportation of fuel and other supplies during the actual operation of the Prairie Creek Mine. This road permit incorporates realignment of the original route which will improve access and further reduce potential environmental impact and provides for the posting of security of $220,000 prior to the commencement of operations.
At the same time the Water Board also issued a Type “B” Water Licence   MV2012L1-0005, valid for a period of seven years commencing January 2013, which permits the limited use of water and disposal of waste for road construction, maintenance, and operational activities and provides for the posting of security of $220,000. This Land Use Permit and Water Licence apply to the portion of the winter road traversing Crown Land which is under the jurisdiction of the Water Board. There are two sections to this portion of the road, the first being 17 kilometres of road from the mine site to the point where the road enters the NNPR and the second, being 80 kilometres of road from the eastern boundary of the NNPR to the Liard Highway.
In September 2013, the Company received from Parks Canada permits Parks2012_W001 WL and Parks2012-L001 LUP, both valid for a period of five years valid until August 2018. The permits authorize road access through the NNPR to connect sections of road outside the Park permitted by the MVLWB. In order to ensure a harmonized regulatory process, the conditions in the Parks Canada permits largely mirror those in the Land Use Permits previously issued to the Company by the MVLWB, in respect of that portion of the road that runs outside the NNPR. The Parks Canada permits provide for the posting of security totaling approximately $2.57 million at various stages prior to the commencement of operations of the road or construction of the transfer facilities.

Canadian Zinc now holds all land use permits and water licences required for the construction and operation of the entire 184 kilometre winter access road which connects the Prairie Creek Mine to the Liard Highway and for the construction of two transfer and staging facilities along the road, one near the Liard River crossing and the second inside the Park at about the half way mark. The access road, part of which passes over Crown land and part through the expanded Nahanni National Park Reserve, is multi-jurisdictional and the Company has received from both the Water Board and Parks Canada all necessary road related permits and licences related to their respective jurisdictions.
In April 2014, the Company submitted an application to the MVLWB and to Parks Canada for Land Use Permits to permit the possible future upgrade of the winter access road to all season use. The application for permits for an all season road is presently in Environmental Assessment before the Mackenzie Valley Review Board. In June 2014, the Company presented a Developer’s scoping document to local communities and organizations. In September 2014, the MVRB issued the final Terms of Reference and the Company submitted the Developer’s Assessment Report to the MVRB in April 2015.
Preliminary Feasibility Study
In June 2012, a Preliminary Feasibility Study prepared by SNC-Lavalin Inc. of Vancouver was submitted to the Company. This report contains capital cost estimates for the rehabilitation and upgrading of the mill, power plant and water treatment plant, and for new water storage ponds. It includes an engineering procurement and construction management plan, as well as working cost estimates for mining, processing and transportation. A comprehensive cash flow model was designed to estimate the economics of the proposed operation. The PFS indicated a pre-tax NPV, using an 8% discount, of $253 million, with an IRR of 40.4% and payback period of three years, with an 11 year mine life, and pre-production capital costs totaling $193 million. The report indicated a post-tax NPV of $155 million; with an IRR of 31.7% and payback period of three years.
A Technical Report by AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd. dated effective June 15, 2012 was filed on SEDAR on August 9, 2012, and subsequently filed on EDGAR, and revised to incorporate post-tax results and filed on SEDAR on July 23, 2014. The revised report is titled “Prairie Creek Property, Northwest Territories, Canada, Technical Report for Canadian Zinc Corporation”. The Qualified Persons responsible are J. M. Shannon, P. Geo., AMC Mining Consultants Ltd.; D. Nussipakynova, P. Geo., AMC Mining Consultants Ltd.; JB Hancock, P. Eng., Barrie Hancock & Associates Inc.; and F. Sveinson, P. Eng., SNC-Lavalin Inc.
The Preliminary Feasibility Study was based on a Mineral Reserve of 5.2 million tonnes averaging 9.4% zinc, 9.5% lead and 151 g/t silver, calculated from an AMC June 2012 Mineral Resource estimate of 5.4 million tonnes averaging 10.8% zinc and 10.2% lead with 160 g/t silver and an Inferred resource of 6.2 million tonnes averaging 14.5% zinc,11.5% lead, 0.57% copper and 229 g/t silver (see AMC Technical Report filed on SEDAR).
For readers to understand the technical information in this Annual Report they should read the AMC Technical Report (available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com and EDGAR at www.sec.gov under the Company's profile) in its entirety, including all qualifications, assumptions and exclusions that relate to the technical information set out in this Annual Report. The AMC Technical Report is intended to be read as a whole, and sections should not be read or relied upon out of context. The technical information in the AMC Technical Report is subject to the assumptions and qualifications contained in the AMC Technical Report.
The Company has included these website addresses in this Form Annual Report only as inactive textual references and does not intend them to be active links to these websites. The contents of these websites, and information accessible through them, do not form part of this Annual Report.
The Company is in the process of updating the estimate of capital costs to bring the Prairie Creek Mine into production and a revised estimate will be included in an updated preliminary feasibility study to be completed later in 2015. The 2012 Preliminary Feasibility Study included an estimate of $12.8 million in respect of security deposits or financial assurance required to secure reclamation obligations arising under various surface leases, permits and licences. The new water licences and land use permits issued in 2013 together provide for the posting, in stages, of a total of approximately $20.4 million in respect of security deposits or financial assurance required to secure reclamation obligations. The Company is also currently finalizing the design and cost estimates of a potential all season road for inclusion into the capital cost schedule of the Prairie Creek Project. Incorporation of an all season road for future operations would require significant additional capital costs which were not considered in the 2012 Preliminary Feasibility Study.

Highlights of the Preliminary Feasibility Study:
Pre-tax Net Present Value (“NPV”), using an 8% discount, of $253 million, with an internal rate of return (“IRR”) of 40.4% and payback period of three years, based on base case metal price forecasts of $1.20/lb for both zinc and lead and $28.00/oz silver, for the first two years of mine production during 2014/15, then reducing to long-term prices of $1.00/lb zinc, $1.00/lb lead and $26.00/oz silver in 2016 and thereafter. Post-tax NPV resulted in an NPV of $155 million; an IRR of 31.7% and payback period of three years.
Average annual earnings before interest taxes depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”) of $66 million per year and $686 million over the life of the Project.
11 year mine life based exclusively on a defined mineral reserve of 5.2 million tonnes, grading 9.4% zinc and 9.5% lead, with 151 g/t silver.
Average annual production of 60,000 tonnes of zinc concentrate and 60,000 tonnes of lead concentrate containing 76M lbs of zinc, 90M lbs of lead and 2.2M ounces of silver.
100% underground operation with mining rates averaging 1,350 tpd, primarily utilizing the cut- and-fill mining method and with paste backfill consuming 100% of the tailings stream generated from the 1,000 tpd milling process.
Pre-production capital costs, excluding contingency, is estimated to be $160 million of which $42 million will be incurred in year 1 and $118 million in year 2 with an additional contingency of $33 million.
Working capital is estimated at $41 million, which includes a $7 million contingency and the cost and delivery of materials, supplies and fuel for the first season of operation in addition to the first three months of operating expenditures, with the assumption the concentrate will be sold as produced.
Average life-of-mine (“LOM”) cash operating costs of ore mined (before transportation costs) are estimated at $144/t and a LOM sustaining capital of $11 million. Transportation costs are estimated at $60/t of ore mined for the LOM.
(A l l   c os t s $ C D N a t   pa r w i th $ U S,   t = t o n ne , g = g r a m ,   lbs = po u nd s,   t p d = to n ne s   pe r d a y ,   i n t e n de d   l e ve l   o f   a c c u r a c y   o f cap i t a l   c o s t   e s t i m a t e s   a r e   +/ - 2 0% )
The 2012 Preliminary Feasibility Study included a number of recommendations for further work and studies to optimize the Prairie Creek Project, including detailed mine planning, construction engineering, transport efficiencies, reducing start-up time and addressing working capital requirements, and specifically:
Undertaking additional drilling programs, particularly towards the north end of the deposit, to increase the confidence level in the estimated resources and reserves and to identify additional resources.
Modifying the mine plan to include increased resources and identify areas of the mine amenable to lower cost bulk mining methods.
Use of a form of longhole / sublevel stoping rather than cut and fill in zones of wider mineralization which could reduce operating costs, increase mine productivity and allow for more tailings to be stored underground with less cement required during backfill.
Examination of opportunities to improve efficiencies in transport, scheduling and logistics
Review of opportunities for early completion of construction, engineering and mine development programs to reduce start-up times required.
Undertaking geotechnical drilling to confirm ground support requirements and stability control during operations.
Preparation of a mine dewatering plan.
Optimization 2014/2015
In order to address the recommendations of the PFS, and move the Prairie Creek Project towards full feasibility for financing, Canadian Zinc embarked on a series of optimization projects in late 2013, which continued throughout 2014 and into 2015. The main objectives have been to improve the project economics by increasing the mine life; defining, with feasibility level accuracy, the capital cost required to place the mine into production, refining the projected costs to operate the mine; and developing a transportation plan and marketing strategy for all of the Prairie Creek concentrate production.

New Mineral Resource
During 2014, the Company engaged AMC Mining Consultants to undertake an underground optimization study of the mine with a view to reducing the initial cost of mine development, improving the mining methods, minimize mine operating costs and incorporate results of recent exploration drilling programs into an updated mineral resource estimate. AMC also undertook a number of underground mine studies, including a geotechnical assessment to determine the optimum mining methods for use in the design of the new mine plan, and underground ventilation and backfill studies were also completed.
AMC also completed a geotechnical analysis of the existing underground workings and concluded that longhole stoping methods were a viable and preferable mining method for the project. The longhole stoping is expected to reduce operating costs and increase mine productivity when compared to the cut and fill method proposed in the PFS from 2012.
A new mineral resource estimate, prepared by AMC in March 2015 demonstrated an increase in overall resource tonnages in the Measured plus Indicated and in the Inferred categories. The new resource estimate is based on a newly constructed and revised and more detailed geological wireframe block model, developed over the past year, which defines and constrains the mineralized system for inclusion in the new mine plan. The new resource estimate also includes results from additional drilling and underground sampling not previously included.
The new Mineral Resource estimate has demonstrated an increase in overall tonnages of Measured and Indicated Resources. The new updated estimate, with increases in both the vein and stockwork tonnages in the Measured and Indicated category, will increase the life-of-mine potential compared to the 2012 Resource Estimate.
Total Measured and Indicated Resource tonnages increased by 21% to 6.5 million tonnes at combined grade of approximately 20% Pb and Zn with 150 g/t Ag, details of which include:
an 11% increase in Main Quartz Vein tonnage to 4.1 M tonnes grading 12.4% Pb, 11.2% Zn, 199 g/t Ag;
an increase in Stockwork tonnage to 1.4 M tonnes grading 4.0% Pb, 7.1% Zn, 63 g/t Ag from the previous stockwork estimate of 410,000 tonnes grading 3.7% Pb, 7.7% Zn, 69g/t Ag;
a more constrained classification of Stratabound mineralization has shifted the previously reported tonnage from the Measured category to the Indicated category and decreased the tonnage by 17% to 1.1 M tonnes grading 5.4% Pb, 10.8% Zn, 55 g/t Ag.
Total Inferred Resource tonnages increased by 13% to 7.1 M tonnes grading 9.6% Pb, 11.7% Zn, 177 g/t Ag from 6.2 M tonnes grading 11.5% Pb; 14.5%Zn, 229 g/t Ag.
The mineralization at Prairie Creek Mine occurs within three different styles namely; the Main Quartz Vein (“MQV”), which is the high grade steeply dipping fault structure that hosts the majority of mineralization; the Stockwork Zone (“STK”), which is a series of narrow high grade veins occurring at an oblique angle to the Main Quartz Vein; and the Stratabound Massive Sulphide (“SMS”), which occur as a thick pyrite-rich replacement-type deposit cut by the Main Quartz Vein.

The following table shows the detail of the 2015 Mineral Estimate by resource category and mineralization style.
Zn (%)
Pb (%)
Ag (g/t)
    1,279,000       13.2       11.6       211  
    2,850,000       10.2       12.8       193  
    4,129,000       11.2       12.4       199  
    6,132,000       12.6       10.4       195  
Zn (%)
Pb (%)
Ag (g/t)
    0       0.0       0.0       0  
    1,400,000       7.1       4.0       63  
    1,400,000       7.1       4.0       63  
    790,000       4.7       4.0       61  
Zn (%)
Pb (%)
Ag (g/t)
    0       0.0       0.0       0  
    1,059,000       10.8       5.4       55  
    1,059,000       10.8       5.4       55  
    156,000       11.0       6.6       63  
Notes: Estimated at a cut-off grade of 8% Zn-Eq based on prices of US$1.00/lb for both zinc and lead and US$20/oz for silver, with average processing recovery factors of 78% for Zn, 89% for Pb and 93% for Ag, and average payables of 85% for Zn, 95% for Pb and 81% for Ag.
The March 2015 Prairie Creek mineral resource estimate was completed by AMC Mining Consultants Ltd.  [Gregory Z. Mosher P.Geo., and J. Morton Shannon, P.Geo., Qualified Persons (“QP”), as defined by National Instrument 43-101]. AMC also completed the previous mineral resource estimate in 2012.
The new mineral resource updates the previous resource estimate reported in June, 2012, which was incorporated into the Preliminary Feasibility Study. The Company does not consider the changes in the mineral resource estimates to be a material change in respect of the affairs of the Company. The following table compares the 2015 overall mineral resource with the previous 2012 overall mineral resource at the Prairie Creek Mine:

Zn (%)
Pb (%)
Ag (g/t)
    Zn (%)     Pb (%)    
Ag (g/t)
    1,279,000       13.2       11.6       211       1,700,000       12.1       9.7       155  
    5,309,000       9.5       9.0       131       3,731,000       10.2       10.5       162  
    6,588,000       10.2       9.5       147       5,431,000       10.8       10.2       160  
    7,078,000       11.7       9.6       177       6,239,000       14.5       11.5       229  
The main differences between the 2015 and the 2012 resource estimates are attributed to:

Including data from 50 additional diamond drill holes and underground chip samples.
More constraining factors used in the 2015 estimation, including block size, interpolation and minimum number of samples used.
The 2015 Mineral Resource was estimated by ordinary Kriging; the 2012 Mineral Resource was estimated using inverse distance squared.
The 2015 estimate used a regression equation to estimate bulk densities; the 2012 estimate used interpolated bulk density values and a single fixed value for the STK zone.
The 2015 block model incorporated LIDAR survey data which improved the accuracy in surface control when incorporating the new drill/chip data.
The geological interpretation was revised to subdivide the Main Quartz Vein into two en-echelon bodies.
The total Inferred Mineral Resource was estimated with a 13% higher tonnage but at a lower grade as a result of using more constraining geological factors and more minimum sample points.
Engineering and Construction
During 2014, the Company engaged Tetra Tech to provide technical services for basic engineering and procurement services for the development of major equipment packages, facility rehabilitation and repair work and capital items for the Prairie Creek Mine with the goal to refine and augment the design work completed previously and generate definitive feasibility level estimates of the capital cost and schedules, and in turn reduce contingency factors.
Specifically, Tetra Tech developed tender packages for mine rehabilitation and development; mill completion, power generation and distribution; heat recovery systems; a dense media separation plant; a paste fill plant; a water treatment plant; instrumentation and control systems; camp construction; and winter road construction and maintenance. Plant engineering and design work by Tetra Tech has identified the possibility and desirability of enhancing the grinding and flotation circuits to increase the mill’s capacity and throughput.
The contract tendering and procurement process, managed by Tetra Tech, is nearly complete and has been an important phase of the Prairie Creek Project that refines and augments the design work completed previously and will generate definitive estimates for a large portion of the capital cost required to place the Prairie Creek Mine into operation.
Negotiations with vendors are being finalized and the Company expects to be able to compile the complete capital cost estimate for inclusion into an updated preliminary feasibility study targeted to be completed later in the year.
Transportation Studies
Canadian Zinc is working with a number of experts in the transportation business to identify optimum transportation routes and methods, along with the associated costs. The transportation plan utilized in the 2012 PFS envisaged the use of the access road from the mine site to the Liard Highway only in the winter months of each year, both for the outward transportation of concentrates and for the inward transportation of equipment and supplies, including diesel fuel. This winter road plan would necessitate a large investment in working capital to finance consumables and supplies and also a large build up in concentrate inventory awaiting transportation and sale, and would involve a major mobilization and logistical exercise.
Accordingly, in pursuit of possible improved economics, consideration is being given to the construction and use of an all season road which would enable the transportation of both supplies and concentrates in smaller volumes spread throughout each year. Incorporation of an all season road for future operations would have significant financial implications, both in additional capital cost but also in potential savings and lower finance costs.
The Company is currently finalizing the design and cost estimate of a potential all season road for inclusion into the capital cost schedule of the Prairie Creek Project, along with incorporating the subsequent reduction in operating costs associated with an all season road of this nature.

Concentrate Marketing
In 2014 the Company engaged Cliveden Trading AG, an international metal trading and advisory company based in Switzerland, (“Cliveden”) to formulate a comprehensive market assessment and marketing strategy for all concentrate production and advise CZN on commercial and marketing matters. Cliveden has identified multiple smelter destinations and is developing marketing strategies as well as advising on expected treatment charges and penalties for the Prairie Creek concentrates.
The Company’s goal is to obtain firm indications of off-take interest, for both lead and zinc concentrates, from a select group of smelters identified by Cliveden. These indications along with the expected treatment charges and penalties identified by Cliveden will be incorporated into the updated preliminary feasibility study.
Metallurgical studies are also being carried out to further optimize and update the proposed mill flow-sheet with the objective of improving the quality of the concentrates by enhancing recoveries and reducing deleterious elements. The zinc concentrate to be produced from Prairie Creek is expected to contain relatively high levels of mercury and the potential reduction of this deleterious element will enable the zinc concentrate to be treated in a greater number of zinc smelters.
These studies are on-going and include lab testing using new and different re-agents combined with trade-off evaluations of projected economics to better determine optimum concentrate specifications and payability of the contained metals. The results of these metallurgical studies will be incorporated into the updated preliminary feasibility study.
Underground Exploration Program 2014 / 2015
Canadian Zinc is currently carrying out an underground diamond drill program at the Prairie Creek Mine with the objective of converting part of the currently Inferred Resource to an Indicated category for potential inclusion in an updated mine plan to be incorporated in an update preliminary feasibility study to be completed following completion of the current drilling program later in the year.
The mining contract for the initial underground exploration and development program at the Prairie Creek Mine was awarded to Procon in October 2014.
The mining contract was awarded to Procon following a tendering process which included a number of major mining contractors with the objective of optimising mine development and operating costs related to the Prairie Creek Mine. This involved the creation of a comprehensive mine tender package and an underground site visit to Prairie Creek by all prospective contractors, which led to tenders being developed by the contractors and bids submitted which were subsequently assessed by the Company.
The Prairie Creek Mine exploration and development program has been divided into stages.
The first stage was to re-open access to the underground by dewatering and re-installing electrical and ventilation services to the 650 metre-long decline which is located at the end of the 870m underground level. Rehabilitation of the underground workings near the 930m level portal area was completed by removing all old timbers and bolting and shotcreting the area. The portal area at the 930m level also contains the primary ventilation fan which distributes air to the lower level. Further rehabilitation of some manway raises and refuge stations is also planned.
After completion of the rehabilitation stage, Canadian Zinc began an exploration diamond drill program from underground drill stations located at the end of the decline, with the objective of upgrading part of the currently inferred resources to an indicated category. The drilling is planned on four, 50-metre sections and will comprise about 6,000 metres of diamond drill coring. To date, six holes of a proposed 21 hole program have been completed.
In preparation for Procon’s winter underground exploration program, a diesel airlift was completed utilizing the DHC-5 Buffalo aircraft to bring in approximately 200,000 litres of diesel fuel to support operations. A subsequent airlift of mining equipment and supplies using the same aircraft was also completed.

During dewatering of the decline hydrological monitors were installed in the 870m level bedrock walls to measure groundwater aquifer flows. Data from this monitoring program will provide necessary information to predict future underground water pumping requirements and plan water management.
At the same time as the underground program is proceeding, upgrades and repairs of existing surface facilities will continue. This surface program includes completing further site testing and engineering design work for the proposed water storage pond and the waste rock pile, including conducting penetrometer tests on the pond substrate, and additional test pitting in the base area of the proposed waste rock pile facility.
Additional rehabilitation work is already underway on the existing camp to upgrade the trailers to more efficient standards for winter accommodations. Continued demolition of the old mill powerhouse generators and switchgear to prepare the powerhouse for the proposed new power generating equipment is also being carried out. Further upgrades of workshops and assessment of the sewage treatment plant has been completed.
Technical Report on Principal Property – Prairie Creek, Northwest Territories
The information relating to the Prairie Creek Property in the following sections has been extracted from the AMC Technical Report effective June 15, 2012, revised and SEDAR filed on July 23, 2014, prepared by QPs, as defined by NI 43-101, J. Morton Shannon, P.Geo., Dinara Nussipakynova, P.Geo. of AMC Mining Consultants Ltd., JB Hancock, P.Eng. of Barrie Hancock & Associates Inc. and F. Sveinson, P.Eng. of SNC-Lavalin Inc.
This Technical Report discloses the results of a Preliminary Feasibility Study which has been carried out to assess the viability of starting up the Prairie Creek Mine. The Report incorporates the Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves as at 31 May 2012, which are similar to those resources disclosed in an earlier Technical Report entitled Technical Report, Prairie Creek Mine, Northwest Territories, Canada, by A B Taylor P.Geo. of Canadian Zinc, dated 28 December 2011 (“2011 Technical Report”). The 2011 Technical Report was in turn based on a 2007 Technical Report entitled Technical Report on the Prairie Creek Mine, Northwest Territories, Canada, prepared by David M.R. Stone, P.Eng. and Stephen J. Godden, FIMMM., C.Eng. of MineFill Services, Inc (“2007 Technical Report”).

As disclosed above a new Mineral Resource estimate was prepared by AMC in March 2015 and the following discussion, extracted from the AMC Technical Report, does not incorporate the new Mineral Resource estimate. The Company does not consider the changes in the resource estimates to be a material change in the affairs of the Company.
The Company is in the process of updating the estimate of capital costs to bring the Prairie Creek Mine into production and a revised estimate will be included in the updated preliminary feasibility study to be completed later in the year. The 2012 Preliminary Feasibility Study included an estimate of $12.8 million in respect of security deposits or financial assurance required to secure reclamation obligations arising under various surface leases, permits and licences. The new water licences and land use permits issued in 2013 together provide for the posting, in stages, of a total of approximately $20.4 million in respect of security deposits or financial assurance required to secure reclamation obligations. The Company is currently finalizing the design and cost estimates of a potential all season road for inclusion into the capital cost schedule of the Prairie Creek Project. Incorporation of an all season road for future operations would require significant additional capital costs which were not considered in the 2012 Preliminary Feasibility Study.
History, Location and Ownership
The Prairie Creek Property contains a high-grade, silver-lead-zinc-copper vein that was explored since the early 1900s and then extensively explored and developed by Cadillac Explorations Limited (Cadillac) from 1966 to 1983. A mine was developed and the processing plant and surface infrastructure were built in the early 1980s, at a cost of C$64 million (1982 money). The operations were engineered and fully permitted to produce and process mineralized vein material at a rate of 1,000 tons per day. The 1982/83 fall in metal prices necessitated closure of the mine prior to production. This closure led to a change of ownership and eventually to the Company’s involvement in 1992. Through a series of agreements between 1992 and 2004 the Company established an increasing interest in the property, plant and equipment resulting in a 100% interest in the Property by 2004.
The Property consists of two surface leases, twelve mining leases and one mineral claim totaling 8,218 hectares. Its assets include the Mine, a processing plant, various mine- and plant-related surface infrastructure, various earth moving and mining equipment and numerous mineralized occurrences that are at various stages of exploration and development.
Since acquiring the property in the 1990s, CZN has invested over $60 million, quadrupling the known mineral resource and moving the project through six environmental assessments of various development stages, including, most recently, the proposed operation of the Mine, and obtaining numerous exploration and development permits and licences.
The Property is situated approximately 500 km west of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, in the Mackenzie mountain range that has an average relief of approximately 300 m and comprises low mountains with moderate to steep sides and intervening narrow valleys, at an elevation of 850 m above mean sea level. The Property is surrounded by, but is not included in, the Nahanni National Park Reserve.
Year round access to the Property is provided by aircraft to a 3,000-foot gravel airstrip immediately adjacent to the camp. The Property is also accessible by an access road which extends from the Property to the Liard Highway, a distance of 170 km and which was originally permitted for use in the winter months throughout its full length and for year round use for the first 40 km out from the mine site. The Company has been granted a Land Use Permit by Parks Canada for the use of the portion of the road within Nahanni National Park Reserve and has been granted a Land Use Permit by the Mackenzie Valley land and Water Board for the remainder of the road. The road needs to be re-established, and the Company successfully rehabilitated approximately 30 km out from the mine site in the summers of 2008 and 2009. The Liard Highway #7 is the major north-south transportation route, which connects Fort Simpson, Northwest Territories to Fort Nelson, British Columbia.

Geology and Mineralization
The Property geology is dominated by Siluro-Devonian stratigraphy that formed in a paleo-basin adjacent to the ancient North American Platformal sediments. The east-dipping and west-dipping thrusts, define the present margins of the Prairie Creek paleo-basin in which sediments accumulated.
Units within the Prairie Creek paleo-basin underwent structural deformation in the form of folds and faults during regional Laramide deformation. The prevalent regional structural trend is approximately north-south; the Prairie Creek paleo-basin is broken into a series of north-south trending, five to 20 kilometre fault blocks. Canadian Zinc’s mineral claims and leases overlie two major fault blocks of sediments: the Prairie Creek Block and western Gate Block.
The Prairie Creek block is located on the southern part of the Property. It is outlined by a one to two kilometre wide, doubly plunging antiform with a north-south trending fold axis. It is underlain by a conformable sedimentary sequence ranging from Lower Ordovician to Silurian in age. The antiform plunges at about 15 degrees to the north, so the geological units young in age to the north.
The mine site is situated on the western flank of the Prairie Creek antiform, referred to as the Main Zone. It is Main Zone mineralization that was and is the focus for mine development and exploitation. The Ordovician, Upper Whittaker Formation is the oldest geological formation in this area. It is composed of interbedded cherts and dolomites that form the core of the Prairie Creek antiform. The Whittaker Formation is in turn overlain by a large exposure of the carbon-rich graphitic-shales/dolomites of the Road River Formation. The iron-bearing Cadillac Formation shales overly the Road River Formation and are located immediately adjacent to the mine site. The bluff-forming rocks immediately to the west of the mine site are formed by the cherty Arnica Formation which overlies the Cadillac Formation and forms the more resistant hilltops in the immediate vicinity of the Mine site.
The Gate Block is located to the west of the main mining leases and overlies similar type rock assemblages to those found on the Prairie Creek Block. Grassroots exploration was completed on this ground to test for mineralization similar to that found in the Prairie Creek Block.
Four main styles of base metal mineralization have been identified on the Property: vein mineralization, stratabound massive sulphide (SMS), stockwork (STK) and Mississippi Valley type (MVT) mineralization. Base metal mineral showings occur along the entire 16 kilometre north to south length of the Property.
The most significant mineralization on the Property is the vein-type mineralization. Vein mineralization comprises massive to disseminated galena and sphalerite with lesser pyrite and tennantite-tetrahedrite in a quartz-carbonate-dolomite matrix. Secondary oxidation is locally developed to variable levels of severity, yielding mainly cerussite (lead oxide) and smithsonite (zinc oxide). Silver is present in solid solution with tennantite-tetrahedrite and to a lesser extent with galena. Vein widths vary between less than 0.1 metre and more than 5 m. Overall averages indicate a horizontal thickness, but not a true thickness, of approximately 2.7 m.
The most extensively developed vein is the Main Quartz Vein (MQV). Underground development has exposed 940 m of strike length and diamond drilling to date has indicated its continuance for a further 1.2 km. The MQV trends approximately north-south and dips between the vertical and 40 degrees east with an average dip of 65 degrees east. It remains open to the north and evidence from a surface showing suggests it continues for a further four km to the south. Diamond drilling to depth has indicated its continuance, but little information is currently available below an elevation of 600 m amsl (i.e. about 250 m below the Mine Site elevation).
Stockwork (STK) mineralization occurs as a series of narrow massive sphalerite-tennantite veins trending at about 40 degrees difference in strike to the average trend of the MQV. This mineralization has developed in sub-vertical tensional openings formed by primary movement along the main vein structure. The sulphide mineral assemblages are similar to those outlined for MQV material. To date, the STK mineralization has only been located in around the exposure on the 930mL underground workings.

Stratabound (SMS) mineralization occurs at depth beneath the trend of the Prairie Creek Vein System over a strike length of more than 3 km. SMS mineralization occurs close to both the vein system and the axis of the Prairie Creek anticline. An apparent thickness of 28 m of SMS mineralization has been intersected in Main Zone drillholes where it occurs approximately 200 m below 870 metre Level. The vein structure cuts through the SMS indicating the vein mineralization to be younger.
SMS mineralization is generally fine-grained, banded to semi-massive and comprises massive fine-grained sphalerite, coarse-grained galena and disseminated to massive pyrite and very little copper. SMS contains only half as much galena, but substantially more iron sulphide/pyrite than typical vein material. Silver is contained in solid solution within galena.
The MVT mineralization found on the Property is comprised of colliform rims of sphalerite, brassy pyrite-marcasite and minor galena, with or without later dolomite infilling. The mineralization appears to occur discontinuously within coarse biohermal reefs of the Root River Formation, and always at approximately the same stratigraphic horizon. It appears to be classic MVT mineralization, insofar as it occurs in open cavity-type settings.
Exploration and Data Management
The Company has been involved with semi-continuous exploration activity across the Property since 1992. Limited exploration drilling had been undertaken prior to the Company’s initial involvement in 1992. Up to November 2011, the Company had completed a total of 261 surface and underground exploration diamond drillholes totalling 68,744 m of coring, 251 channel samples over 322 m were also completed.
The main focus of exploration and underground development work has been on Main Zone mineralization. A deep drilling exploration program was carried out during 2010/11 seasons to test for the northerly extension of the defined resource. This program successfully intercepted what appears to be the same mineralized structure one and a half km north along plunge of the resource bearing geology.
Since 1992, surface diamond drilling has been carried out using skid-mounted, Longyear Super 38 drills owned by CZN to recover NQ diameter (47.6 mm) core. This is reduced to BQ size (36.5 mm) if difficult downhole conditions are experienced. In 2010 a new higher capacity HTM-2500 diamond drill rig was airlifted to the property for use in the deep drilling program. Average core recoveries are variable and in 2007 ranged between 97% recovery in the SMS mineralization to 80% for the MQV mineralization. Core recoveries have been consistently recorded since 2006. Bulk density measurements have been obtained through direct measurement and calculations. While acceptable for the purposes of this report, AMC recommends that this area be reviewed prior to the next block model.
Drill samples and underground channel samples are air-freighted, in charter aircraft, from the Mine Site airstrip to Fort Nelson, B.C., from where they are transported by Greyhound bus to the assay laboratory (Acme Labs, ISO 9001-2000 accredited) in Vancouver, B.C. Acme Labs (ISO 9001-2000 accredited) has carried out the majority of the sample assays since the Company’s first involvement in 1992. It is currently the only laboratory used by the Company for purposes of sample assaying. The grades of silver, copper, lead and zinc, as well as 30 additional elements, are determined for all samples by aqua regia digestion followed by an Inductively Coupled Plasma (“ICP”) finish.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (“QA/QC”) samples are submitted by CZN with the regular samples for analysis, including blanks, duplicates and blind standards. Blank and duplicate samples are taken every ten drillcore samples; standards are sent, at the supervising geologist's discretion, after a mineralized zone is sampled. AMC believes that the data collection and handling followed normal industry practice and the data is fit for purpose. However, while QA/QC samples were inserted and the results have been observed in the historical assay certificates, it is not clear if any analysis of the historical data was carried out. This has been remedied in the recent programs but these do not influence the current Mineral Resource.

Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
The existing Mineral Resource discussed in the 2011 Technical Report, which was based on the 2007 Technical Report, was reviewed and restated by AMC. This estimate is based on the same data as that of 2007. Minimal work has been carried out within the Main Zone resource area since 2007. A reclassification from the Indicated to Inferred category of a multiple high-grade drill intercept at the northern end of the resource model has resulted in a slight overall reduction in the tonnes and grade of the Indicated category and a slight increase in the Inferred category.
The database comprises both underground and surface drill holes in addition to channel samples collected by the Company since 1992. Channel samples are treated as drillholes. A total of 224 drillholes and 943 channel samples were used in the resource estimate.
Two block models were created: 1) encompassing the MQV and STK solids and 2) for the SMS solid. Block values were computed by the inverse distance to the second power (ID2) in all cases. Three passes were performed for zinc, lead and silver for SMS, and included copper in the case of MQV and STK. Specific gravity was interpolated from collected data for the MQV and SMS, while the STK was assigned a value of 3.31.The summary results of the estimate for the three zones combined, at a cut off of 8% Zn equivalent (Zn Eq) are shown in Table 1 below.
Table 1 Mineral Resources at 31 May 2012
Tonnes (M)
Zn (%)
Pb (%)
Ag g/t
Cu (%)
    1.700       12.1       9.7       155       0.28  
    3.731       10.2       10.5       162       0.32  
Measured + Indicated
    5.431       10.8       10.2       160       0.31  
    6.239       14.5       11.5       229       0.57  
1. Mineral Resources are stated as of 31 May 2012.
2. Mineral Resources include Mineral Reserves.
3. Stated at a cut-off grade of 8% Zn-Eq based prices of $1.30/lb for both zinc and lead, and $35/oz for silver.
4. Average processing recovery factors of 78% for Zn, 89% for Pb and 93% for Ag.
5. Average payables of 85% for Zn, 95% for Pb and 81% for Ag.
6. $ Exchange rate = 1 CD/USD.

A portion of the Mineral Resources was converted to Mineral Reserves through application of suitable dilution factors in stoping blocks (averaging 22% for MQV and 10% for SMS) utilizing the cut-and-fill mining method for MQV and room and pillar for SMS. A Mineral Reserve of 5.2 million tonnes, grading 9.4% Zn and 9.5% Pb, with 151 g/t Ag has been estimated.
Due to the high grade nature of the deposit, the majority of the vein resource will be mined, allowing for 97% of all of the Measured and Indicated vein resources to be converted to Mineral Reserves and 57% of all Measured and Indicated Resources within the SMS mineralization to be converted to Reserves.
Table 2 Mineral Reserve Estimate for Prairie Creek Mine
Tonnes (M)
Zn (%)
Pb (%)
Ag g/t
Main Quartz Vein
    1.278       10.8       9.4       172  
    3.140       8.7       10.5       165  
Proven and Probable
    4.418       9.4       10.2       167  
    0.803       9.5       5.7       62  
Total Mineral Reserves
    5.222       9.4       9.5       151  
1. Mineral Reserves are stated as of May 31, 2012.
2. Mining cut-off grade of 10% Zn-Eq based upon total variable operating cost of $162/t including mining, processing and transportation.
3. Metal prices assumed are Zn = $1.10/lb, Pb = $1.10/lb and Ag = $28/oz.
4. Average processing recovery factors of 75% for Zn, 88% for Pb and 92% for Ag.
5. Average payables of 85% for Zn, 95% for Pb and 81% for Ag.
6. $ Exchange rate = 1 CD/USD.
The Mine will be an underground operation primarily based on the MQV. Three levels of underground adits (970 mL, 930 mL, 870 mL, collectively known as the upper mine) have already been established and these are targeted to be mined early in the life of the proposed operation. As mining progresses to depth, mining feed generated from the MQV will be supplemented by the deeper SMS deposit, both deposits being also accessed by a single ramp development.

Mining will be conducted primarily using mechanized cut-and-fill on the narrow vein structure, with potential use of the room-and-pillar mining method on the SMS material. The previously developed shrinkage stopes will be converted to the cut-and-fill method. Paste backfill will be used and the aim is to use 100% of flotation tailings in the backfill. An average mining rate of 1,350 tonnes per day of ore is targeted. During full production, approximately 500,000 tonnes of ore per year will be mined over an 11 year life of mine.
Access to the mine will be primarily through the existing 870 mL portal. Underground development, existing from the 1980s will be fully utilized to help minimize the amount of pre-development required to achieve mine operation. Limited geotechnical work within the mine has been conducted to date. Ground conditions in existing development underground are good and the existing workings have stood unsupported for close to 30 years with minimal bolting. A geotechnical program has been planned for the summer of 2012 to confirm the geotechnical characteristics of the lower mine.
The MQV structure constitutes the main conduit for water to access the mine, and significant quantities of water pass through the vein. The Mine will be wet and managing groundwater will be a significant aspect of the operation. Presently natural groundwater drains out of the 870 mL portal during the summer season at an average of 20 litres per second (L/s). When in full production, the Mine is estimated to produce up to 100 L/s of water. All water discharged from the mine will either be sent to the mill as feed water or be pumped into the currently existing tailings pond facility which will be revised and converted into a Water Storage Pond and then sent to the proposed new water treatment plant.
Underground development prior to production will comprise of tunnel enlargement and extension at various points of the existing levels. Stope access development and installation of service utilities will also be conducted during pre-production. The pre-production phase is expected to take approximately 12 months and be performed by a contractor. All remaining major development within the mine will be finished by the end of year 5 (after four years of production) and will be conducted by the owner.
In order to achieve 100% disposal of tailings underground, no development rock will be left underground. Only dense media separation float material waste rock will be placed back in the mine, as aggregate for paste backfill running surfaces. There will be a need to temporarily store tailings during times when there are limited stopes available for backfill. Although the waste rock is considered Non-Acid Generating (NAG) due to its high content of carbonate material, appropriate precautions will be taken to prevent and mitigate any leaching that occurs from surface runoff through the waste rock pile.
Currently on site there exists close to 50,000 tonnes of oxidized mineralized material stockpiled at surface. Further assessment of this stockpile is warranted before any revenue can be allocated towards it since it has been broken and exposed on surface for over 30 years.
Metallurgy and Processing
Metallurgical tests conducted to date proved positive and generated satisfactory simulated results of anticipated actual operations in the production of mineral concentrates at the Mine. Good metal recoveries can be achieved in both sulphide and oxide material, with a reagent suite that does not include cyanide products. The test results showed marketable concentrates can be produced although penalty elements, including antimony, arsenic and mercury, would unavoidably report to the final concentrates.
The test results indicate that the anticipated overall grade of the blended lead sulphide/oxide concentrate assayed 67% lead, with an 88% recovery of total lead in the plant feed, and the zinc sulphide graded 58% Zn with a 75% recovery of the total zinc in the plant feed. An average of 92% of the total silver values in the plant feed was recovered within the lead and zinc concentrates.
As the Mine was fully permitted, though never achieved production, existing infrastructure is substantial. It includes a processing plant that was 90% complete at mine closure in 1982, and a 1.5 million tonne capacity tailings impoundment, power plant, and water treatment plant. There are plans to rehabilitate and upgrade the processing plant, power plant, and water treatment plant.
The current mill facilities have a 1,500 tonnes per day (“tpd”) crushing capacity, with an installed jaw crusher, short head cone crusher, double-decked screen and a 2,000 t ore bin.

A new dense media separation (“DMS”) circuit, at 85 tonnes per hour (“tph”) capacity, will be installed into the crushing circuit to process -1/2” sized material. Indications from metallurgical testing are that the DMS plant will reject an average of 27% of the waste at minimal metal losses, hence mining input at production rates will be 1,350 tpd and, after passing through DMS plant, will produce approximately 1,000 tpd of material to be processed in the grinding/flotation circuit of the mill.
Five new 1.5 MW diesel powered generator units will provide power and heat for the site. These self-contained, pre-commissioned power generator units will be located adjacent to the mill. Maximum power load for the site is estimated at 4,674 kW and diesel fuel will be the primary energy source required to operate the generators. These generators will be outfitted with heat recovery systems in order to maximize energy efficiency. The waste heat from the generators will be used to heat the surface facilities.
100% of the tailings from the mill will be placed permanently underground in a form of paste backfill mix generated from the new paste backfill plant. The remainder of the DMS reject and mine development waste will report to a Waste Rock Pile Facility, located 700 m behind the mill off the Prairie Creek floodplain.
A detailed transportation plan and schedule has been developed incorporating use of winter road access and transfer facilities. New storage facilities will be built at site to temporarily store concentrate when the winter road opens. The Tetcela Transfer Facility will be established at a mid-point along the access road as a temporary storage area for concentrate prior to the ice bridge being established each winter over the Liard River. The Liard Transfer Facility located on the NWT highway system will act as an inbound/outbound storage area for both supplies and concentrate and for all season access to railhead in Fort Nelson, B.C., where a rail siding facility is planned. All building costs have been incorporated into the PFS.
The 184 km long winter road with two transfer facilities will provide temporary surface access to the site for a minimum of 60 days of the year.
Formal smelter arrangements have not been agreed to at the present time; however, normal course treatment charges and penalties for deleterious elements have been applied.
Project Metrics
Table 3 Key Project Metrics
Mine type
Total mined
Average grade milled
Mining rate
Milling rate
Project life
Estimated recoveries
Average annual metal production
Production of zinc concentrate
Production of lead concentrate
M lbs
M lbs
M oz

Capital and Operating Costs
The PFS is based upon capital pricing as of the second quarter of 2012. The level of accuracy of the capital cost estimates is +/-20% for the PFS. The general capital cost breakdown for Prairie Creek is indicated in Table 4.

Table 4 Capital Cost Estimates

Total ($M)
Pre-Production Capital
Working Capital
Sustaining Capital
Total Capital Cost

Operating costs are summarized in Table 5.

Table 5 Operating Cost Estimates

Total Operating Cost
Year 1
Year 5
Year 1
Year 5
  $ 37.25     $ 37.17     $ 7.93     $ 18.57  
  $ 81.22     $ 72.10     $ 17.29     $ 36.03  
  $ 10.59     $ 10.83     $ 2.26     $ 5.41  
Site Surface
  $ 30.72     $ 23.67     $ 6.54     $ 11.83  
  $ 51.31     $ 60.30     $ 10.92     $ 30.13  
  $ 211.10     $ 204.07     $ 44.94     $ 101.97  

Economic Analysis
An economic analysis with a +/- 10% sensitivity factor centering on the Base Case outlines the average annual EBITDA, NPV, IRR payback period and are shown on a pre-tax and pre-finance basis in Table 6. The base case shows a Pre-tax Net Present Value, using an 8% discount, of $253 M, with an internal rate of return of 40.4% and payback period of three years. Post-tax calculations resulted in an NPV of $155 million; an IRR of 31.7% and a payback period of three years. Metals prices used were US$1.20 /lb in the short term and US$1.00 /lb in the long term for both lead and zinc, and US$28.0 /oz in the short term and US$26.0 /oz in the long term for silver.
Table 6 Economic Analysis
Low Case
Base Case
High Case
Metal Price Scenario
Average Annual EBITDA* $M
Pre-Tax NPV (undiscounted) $M
Pre-Tax NPV @ 8% discount $M
Pre-Tax IRR
Pre-Tax Payback Period (years)
Post-Tax NPV (undiscounted) $M
Post-Tax NPV @ 8% discount $M
Post-Tax IRR
Post-Tax Payback Period
3.5 yrs
3.0 yrs
2.8 yrs
* Annual average EBITDA does not include year 1 of production

Within the cash flow model, revenue is recognized as the concentrate is generated and does not account for any time delay between shipment and payment for concentrate.
The IRR is sensitive to zinc, lead and silver prices as well as to capital and operating costs on a percentage basis.
Risks and Opportunities
Major Risks:
Significant reduction in metal prices.
Increase in fuel cost significantly in excess of offsetting increases in metal prices.
A shortened winter road hauling season that could affect the ability to complete the annual concentrate removal and mine re-supply.

Periods of abnormally cold weather over extended periods of time creating surface-related operating problems.
Paste delivery sequencing problems creating surface storage issues inconsistent with operating permits.
Water treatment plant disruption which may cause effluent quality outside compliance limits necessitating the temporary suspension of operations.

Major Opportunities:
Continued road upgrades and bridge installations that would reduce winter road installation and maintenance costs and also decrease transport costs.
Cycloning of the DMS feed screen undersize to upgrade feed to the grinding circuit.
Copper / lead separation to produce a Cu/Ag concentrate that could be air-shipped all year around from the site.
Use of a form of longhole / sublevel stoping rather than cut and fill in zones of wider mineralization which could reduce operating costs, increase mine productivity and allow for more tailings to be stored underground (less cement required during backfill).
Use of higher capacity underground equipment to increase efficiency and productivity Reduction in mine dilution in the next stage of design.
Recommendations (with estimated cost where relevant)
Project optimization
There are a number of recommendations listed in the PFS including:
Examine opportunities to improve efficiencies in transport, scheduling and logistics on the winter road.
Consider financial alternatives to purchasing of significant equipment and other procurement.
Review opportunities for early completion of construction, engineering and mine development programs to reduce start-up times required.
Consider financial arrangements targeted to further reduce Working Capital needs.
Undertake additional drilling programs, particularly towards the north end of the deposit, to increase the confidence level in the estimated resources and reserves and to identify additional resources. $2 million
Modify the mine plan to include increased resources and identify areas of the mine amenable to lower cost bulk mining methods. Optimization of mine schedule and equipment utilization should follow.
Undertake further studies aimed at upgrading the zinc oxide concentrate to a commercial grade and producing a copper / silver concentrate to maximize potential future revenues. $100,000

Data management and resource modelling
Review bulk density measurement methods.
Resolve slight discrepancies between drillhole data and wireframes and lack of extrapolation of the MQV wireframe beyond the southernmost drilled section.
Restrict rotation of the block model to no more than orientation or use an unrotated model.
Estimate antimony, arsenic and mercury in the next resource update, as these metals report to the final concentrates.
Model and estimate the percentage oxide component in the MQV mineralization.
Review the high grade capping policy.
Composite chip samples to equal lengths and decluster the data.
The inclusive cost for all modelling is estimated at $50,000.

Undertake currently planned geotechnical drilling program in the summer of 2012 to confirm ground support requirements and stability control during operations. $50,000
Incorporate more detail into the dump pocket design for run-of-mine ore. $10,000
Prepare a mine dewatering plan to ensure safety at the face during operations. $10,000
Review and refine equipment selection to identify if there is any merit in allowing for variations in the size of the drills and scoops (smaller and larger) or if standardization of the equipment size (as is currently planned) optimizes efficiencies.


Environment and social issues:
Continue consultation activities with aboriginal groups, government agencies (e.g., Parks Canada) and other interested stakeholders to maintain positive working relationship.
Implement environmental studies as required to address information requests from the MVLWB as per its Directive and Work Plan received on 11 May 2012.

The information relating to the Prairie Creek Property in the preceding sections has been extracted from the AMC Technical Report dated June 15, 2012, revised July 23, 2014.
Environmental Assessment and Permitting
Water Licence and Land Use Permit – Underground Development
The Company applied to the Water Board on March 5, 2001 for Type ‘B’ Water Licence and a Land Use Permit (MV2001L2-0003) for underground decline development and metallurgical pilot plant operation planned for the Prairie Creek Mine. The application was distributed to government agencies, First Nations communities and other organizations in order for the Water Board to conduct a preliminary screening as required by Part 5 of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act.
However in April 2001, both the Parks Canada Agency and Pehdzeh Ki First Nation referred the proposal to the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board for Environmental Assessment (“EA”) pursuant to section 126(2) of the MVRMA. The referral to EA occurred prior to the Water Board’s completion of its preliminary screening of the proposed development.
The Environmental Assessment was conducted throughout 2001 and into 2002. The Review Board submitted its Report of Environmental Assessment (“EA Report”) on February 5, 2002 to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. On September 3, 2002, the Minister requested that, as per section 130(1)(b)(i) of the MVRMA, the Review Board was to give further consideration to unresolved issues in the EA Report relating to the tailings containment area and water treatment in general.
Following further assessment the Review Board submitted its Reasons for Decision on April 4, 2003, outlining recommended revisions and additions to the recommendations in its February 5, 2002 EA Report. On June 16, 2003, the Minister approved the Reasons for Decision and directed the Water Board to proceed with the licensing process.
On September 10, 2003 the Water Board approved the issue of Water Licence MV2001L2-0003, and the Land Use Permit MV2001C0023 subject to the conditions set out therein. The Type B Water Licence contains the terms and conditions that the Board felt necessary to protect the environment, conserve the water resources of the Prairie Creek watershed and provide appropriate safeguards in respect of the Company’s use of waters and deposit of wastes.
On October 10, 2003, an appeal to the Federal Court was filed by the Nahanni Butte Dene Band, Pehdzeh Ki First Nation and the Dehcho First Nations against the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board and the Company seeking Judicial Review of the decision of the Water Board to issue the Water Licence to the Company. The Applicants’ grounds were that the Water Board issued the Water Licence without including certain conditions included in the recommendations of the Review Board and in the Minister’s approval, and that the Water Board failed to provide the Applicants with adequate consultation throughout the Licence process. Subsequently both the Attorney General of Canada, representing the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, represented by the Sierra Legal Defence Fund (known as Ecojustice), applied to the Federal Court to be joined as Intervenors in this Appeal.
The Judicial Review hearing was heard by the Court in August 2005. The Lawyers representing the First Nations had argued that the Water Board had exceeded its jurisdiction in issuing the Water Licence without including certain conditions on water treatment which had been recommended by the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board and approved by the Minister, and that the Water Board had failed to observe the principles of natural justice.

In December 2005, the Court issued its Judgment directing the Water Board to reissue the Water Licence with the inclusion of additional language which had been agreed between the Company and the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. On February 6, 2006 the Water Board reissued the Water Licence incorporating the wording as per the Order of the Federal Court of Canada. The Type B Water Licence was valid for a period of five years expiring September 10, 2008.
In September 2008, the Water Board granted a two-year extension to the Company’s Land Use Permit to September 9, 2010 and the Type B Water Licence was renewed for a period of five years to September 9, 2013.
As contemplated in the Water Licence, the following plans were prepared and have been approved by the Water Board: Minewater Treatment Contingency Plan; Effluent Treatment Options Plan; Abandonment and Reclamation Plan. An existing Fuel Spill Contingency Plan was revised and approved. A Probable Maximum Flood calculation was updated and approved, and flood protection structures and the tank farm facility and associated containment structures were inspected and approved.
In January 2013, the Water Board approved an amendment and extension to the Company’s Type “B” Water Licence, MV2001L2-0003, for the management, treatment and discharge of mine water from the mine site. The Water Licence was amended to cover the underground development of the new decline from the existing 870m level, including pumping, treatment and discharge of water inflows using the existing water treatment infrastructure, and placement of waste rock on an existing waste rock pile. The term of the Type B Water Licence was extended to September 9, 2019.
An application to revise the compliance levels to be comparable to the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations was approved by the Water Board on January 23, 2013 for a period of one year. The Company is in the process of making another application to continue the period of the revised compliance levels.
New Mine Decline Land Use Permit Issued (Exploration)
In May 2012, the Water Board issued a Class “A” Land Use Permit, MV2012C0008, for the activity of underground decline development, valid for a period of five years commencing May 10, 2012 and expiring on May 9, 2017. The Land Use Permit entitles CZN to conduct mining exploration and associated activities, including underground decline development, at the Prairie Creek Mine.
Water Licence and Land Use Permit – Winter Road
In May 2003, the Company applied to the Water Board for a Land Use Permit for use of the existing Winter Road from the Liard Highway to the Prairie Creek Mine. The Company argued that this application is exempt from the Environmental Assessment process by virtue of Section 157.1 of the Act. The Company’s argument was rejected by the Water Board on June 1, 2004. The Company filed an Appeal to the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories seeking judicial review of the decision of the Water Board. The Appeal was heard by the Supreme Court in December 2004.
In a written decision dated May 6, 2005 in the case Canadian Zinc Corporation v Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (SCNWT S-0001-CV2004) the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories ruled in favour of the Company that its Winter Road permit application is “grandfathered” and is therefore exempt from the Environmental Assessment process under the MVRMA.
In its decision the Supreme Court said that the permit sought by Canadian Zinc is related to the operation of the Winter Access Road, a permit in respect of that same undertaking had been issued before 1984, and therefore the exemption provided in Section 157.1 of the MVRMA governs and a Part 5 assessment does not apply.
This application for a Land Use Permit for the road was referred back to the Water Board. In June 2005 the Nahanni Butte Dene Band wrote to the Water Board asserting infringement of Aboriginal rights and inadequate consultation under Section 35 of the Constitution of Canada. The issue was referred to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development which conducted a preliminary assessment and submitted its report to the Water Board in February 2007.

On April 11, 2007 the Water Board approved the issue of Land Use Permit MV2003F0028 for a period of five years to April 10, 2012, which was subsequently extended for a further period of two years and expired in April 2014.
In June 2007, Canadian Zinc applied to the Water Board for a Class “B” Water Licence (MV2007L8-0026) to rehabilitate a portion of the road in the proximity of the mine site and sought authorization from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (“DFO”) to carry out the work.
In June 2007, the Dehcho First Nations claimed that the rehabilitation work constituted a significant alteration to the Winter Road project and requested that the application for the water licence for the proposed rehabilitation work be referred for Environmental Assessment. In December 2007, the Water Board ruled that the proposed rehabilitation work did not constitute a significant alteration.
The issuance of these permits was delayed as they were referred to consultation between the Crown and the Nahanni Band. The Company received the quarry permit on February 29, 2008 and the Water Licence on March 20, 2008. The Water Licence was valid for a period of five years expiring March 19, 2013. The authorization from DFO was received on July 15, 2008.
On June 18, 2009, Parks Canada issued Land Use Permit 2009 L02 for a period of three years to April 10, 2012 for the use of that portion of the road within Nahanni National Park Reserve. In July 2012, Parks Canada extended the LUP for that portion of the road that passes through the expanded Nahanni National Park Reserve for an additional term of two years to April 2014.
MVLWB Land Use Permit MV2003F0028 and Parks Canada Land Use Permit 2009 L02 permitted CZN to undertake road rehabilitation work and use of the winter road along its original route for the re-supply and maintenance of the mine, but did not permit for the use of the winter road for mining operations. These two permits expired in April 2014.
In January 2013, the Water Board issued the Company LUP MV2012F007 for the establishment and operation of the winter road that will service an operating Prairie Creek Mine. The Land Use Permit was issued for a period of five years ending in January 2018, and permits the construction, maintenance, operation and use of a portion of the winter road connecting the Prairie Creek Mine to the Liard Highway, situated outside the expanded Nahanni National Park Reserve. This permit allows the outbound transportation of the zinc and lead concentrates to be produced at the mine and the inbound transportation of fuel and other supplies during the actual operation of the Prairie Creek Mine. The road permit also incorporates realignment of the original route which will improve access and further reduce potential environmental impact. Associated with this LUP the MVLWB also issued a Type “B” Water Licence MV2012L1-0005, valid for a period of seven years, to allow the limited use of local water resources and disposal of waste during road construction and operations.
In September 2013, the Company received from Parks Canada permits Parks2012_W001 WL and Parks2012-L001 LUP, both valid for a period of five years valid until August 2018. The permits authorize road access through the NNPR to connect sections of road outside the Park permitted by the MVLWB. In order to ensure a harmonized regulatory process, the conditions in the Parks Canada permits largely mirror those in the Land Use permits previously issued to the Company by the MVLWB, in respect of that portion of the road that runs outside the NNPR.
Canadian Zinc now holds all land use permits and water licences required for the construction and operation of the entire 184 kilometre winter access road along a realignment route which connects the Prairie Creek Mine to the Liard Highway and for the construction of two transfer and staging facilities along the road, one near the Liard River crossing and the second inside the Park at about the half way mark. The winter access road, part of which passes over Crown land and part through the expanded Nahanni National Park Reserve is multi-jurisdictional and the Company has received from both the Water Board and Parks Canada all necessary road related land use permits and licences related to their respective jurisdictions.
All Season Road Permit
On April 16, 2014 CZN made applications to the MVLWB and Parks Canada for permits to construct, maintain and operate an all season road from the Mine to the Liard Highway, and to build and operate an airstrip connected to the road. CZN has proposed to develop the project in two phases. Phase 1 would include all season road construction from the Mine to the already permitted Tetcela Transfer Station, approximately half way to the Highway. This will enable the haul of concentrates over the mountainous section year-round, and greatly reduce haul requirements over the winter period. An airstrip would also be built in Phase 1. Phase 2 would include completion of the all season road to the Nahanni Butte access road which connects to the Highway, and with operation of a barge on the Liard River, would allow concentrates to be transported to the market year-round. The all season road would use the same alignment as the already permitted winter road, although some minor realignments might also be considered.

The MVLWB referred the applications to the MVRB on May 22, 2014 for environmental assessment EA1415-001. CZN produced a draft Terms of Reference (“ToR”) for a Developer's Assessment Report on June 4, 2014. Community meetings to consider the scope of the EA were subsequently held in Nahanni Butte, Fort Liard and Fort Simpson over the period June 9-11, 2014 and a technical scoping meeting was held in Yellowknife on July 8, 2014. The MVRB collated scoping meeting comments, and issued their version of the draft ToR for comment on July 31, 2014. The MVRB produced a final ToR on September 12, 2014.
A helicopter supported field program was completed along the road corridor in July 2014 to initially assess and gather additional data in support of the permit application for an all season road. In September 2014, Canadian Zinc completed a larger phase helicopter-supported engineering and environmental field studies. Engineering studies were focused on confirming the optimum alignment, determining the location and nature of stream crossings, and investigating and sampling areas of potential permafrost occurrence or instability, as well as borrow sources. Environmental studies consisted of a caribou occupancy wildlife survey, habitat data collection at fish-bearing stream crossings, and surface water and stream sediment sample collection.
The Company submitted its Developer’s Assessment Report to the MVRB in April of 2015. The Company anticipates the environmental assessment and permitting process for this all season road application will take approximately one year to complete.
Land Use Permit – Exploration
In April 2004, Canadian Zinc applied to the Water Board for an amendment to its previously approved Land Use Permit MV2001C0022A allowing a 60 hole mineral exploration program within 1,000 metres of the Prairie Creek Mine site facility. The amendment was submitted in order to obtain permission to drill anywhere on the extensive mineral leases and claims held by Canadian Zinc at the Prairie Creek Property. Following a Preliminary Screening in June 2004, the Water Board referred the proposed development for Environmental Assessment to the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board citing “public concern about the cumulative effects of this project on the South Nahanni Watershed”.
A detailed Environmental Assessment was carried out throughout 2005. Five government agencies, two first nations and one non-governmental organization (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society) participated in the Environmental Assessment, which continued over a period of about eighteen months. Canadian Zinc submitted a Detailed Development Description dated December 2004. The Review Board issued its Terms of Reference in April 2005 and held scoping sessions (public meetings) during March and April 2005 in the NWT communities of Fort Liard, Fort Simpson and Wrigley, NT. Canadian Zinc submitted its Developer’s Assessment Report in May 2005 and Technical Reports were submitted by the end of August 2005. A Public Hearing was held in Fort Simpson NT, on October 6, 2005.
The Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board completed its Report of Environmental Assessment and submitted the Report to the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada on December 23, 2005.
The Review Board has concluded that, with the implementation of the commitments made by Canadian Zinc and three mitigation measures recommended in the Report, the proposed development is not likely to have a significant adverse impact on the environment or be cause for significant public concern. The Review Board recommended to the Minister that this development proceed to the regulatory phase of approvals.
The Review Board examined the Public Record for evidence of possible significant adverse impact on the environment, for evidence of cumulative effects from the development in combination with other past, present and reasonably foreseeable future developments, and for evidence of public concern.

The Review Board found that significant adverse cumulative impacts on the environment can be prevented with adequate environmental management. The Review Board also found that the proposed development is not likely to be cause for significant public concern as long as all of the Company’s commitments and all of the measures recommended by the Review Board are implemented.
The Review Board concluded that some public concern over cumulative effects on the Nahanni watershed exists but that this concern would be greatly diminished if the public had assurance that the Company’s commitments, and the additional mitigation measures recommended by the Review Board, would be effectively implemented. The Review Board found that there would not be a concern if the public is kept up-to-date about the environmental protection measures Canadian Zinc will be using. “The best way for the public to receive this assurance is through an independent community environmental monitor who reports back to the effected communities.”
“The Review Board is of the view that the full responsibility for monitoring, evaluation and management should not necessarily rest on the Company alone. Expert agencies of government, such as Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Environment Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and Government of the Northwest Territories, should be involved co-operatively in the design of this comprehensive monitoring program.”
The Review Board noted that incremental development in the Prairie Creek area is likely to continue and is likely to increase rather than decrease in the foreseeable future. There has already been considerable development in the Prairie Creek watershed and development is likely to increase. On the other hand, all present and reasonable foreseeable future developments are by the same developer, are in close proximity, and are operated, if not as one development, in a coordinated and overlapping fashion. This provides Canadian Zinc with an opportunity to effectively manage cumulative effects through responsible environmental management of its activities in each of the developments in the area.
The Review Board recommended approval of the proposed development subject to three mitigation measures. The measures are the actions necessary, in the opinion of the Review Board, to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts on the environment. The three measures recommended by the Review Board are:
Government and regulatory authorities are to ensure that all drill waste is disposed of in a manner that does not allow any harmful substance to enter surface waters.
Canadian Zinc shall take every reasonable effort to employ a local person, selected in consultation with the Dehcho First Nations, as community environmental monitor, who will independently report back to the Dehcho First Nations.
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada shall ensure that a comprehensive program to monitor cumulative impacts on fish, wildlife, vegetation and water quality is implemented.
In February 2006, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and on behalf of the Responsible Ministers with jurisdiction (Environment and Natural Resources, Government of the Northwest Territories, Fisheries and Oceans, and the Minister of the Environment on behalf of Environment Canada and Parks Canada), approved the report of the Review Board.
In May 2006, the Water Board issued Land Use Permit MV2004C0030 for the Phase 3 exploration drill program, which was valid for five years commencing May 11, 2006. In May 2011 the Company received a two year extension to this Land Use Permit and it expired May 10, 2013.
In April 2013, the Water Board issued Land Use Permit MV2013C0002 for the Phase 4 exploration drill program, and essentially replaced LUP MV2004C0030 which expired in May 2013. The replacement land use permit is valid for five years from April 24, 2013 to April 24, 2018 and permits exploration drilling anywhere on the extensive Prairie Creek Property.

Applications for Operating Licence/Permit
The Company has secured a Type "A" Water Licence and all necessary associated Land Use Permits, through the regulatory process established under the MVRMA, that now permits development and subsequent mine operation and production at Prairie Creek.
Environmental Assessment
In June 2008, the Company applied to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board for a Water Licence and associated Land Use Permits to support a mining operation at Prairie Creek. In August 2008, the application was referred to EA under the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (the "Review Board"), the primary authority responsible for all environmental assessment and review throughout the Mackenzie Valley in the Northwest Territories, and has since been working through the various stages within the EA. These stages included a Written Hearing on the terms of reference, scoping sessions, submittal of a Developer’s Assessment Report, two formal Information Requests and two Technical Sessions, a Community Hearing and a two-day Public Hearing, followed by Closing Submissions.
On December 8, 2011, the Review Board issued its Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision for the Company’s proposed Prairie Creek Mine (the "EA Report") and submitted the EA Report and Decision to the Federal Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. The Review Board concluded that the proposed development of the Prairie Creek Mine, including the list of commitments made by the Company during the proceedings, is not likely to have any significant adverse impacts on the environment or to be a cause for significant public concern. The Review Board therefore concluded that an environmental impact review of this proposed development is not necessary and that the Prairie Creek Mine project should proceed to the regulatory phase for approvals.
The Review Board found that there is broad support among Aboriginal organizations and communities in the Dehcho Region for the benefits that the Prairie Creek Mine could bring to the Dehcho Region of the Northwest Territories. The Review Board acknowledged the commitments that the Company has made toward mitigating potentially adverse social impacts of the project on First Nations and communities in the region.
The Socio-Economic Agreement between the Company and the GNWT is a key document in the Review Board’s findings on impacts of the project on the human environment. In the Review Board’s view, the Prairie Creek Mine is not likely to have significant adverse impacts on the human environment of the Dehcho Region or the Northwest Territories provided the developer’s commitments are followed and enforced and the Socio-Economic Agreement is implemented.
To achieve its proposed water quality objectives, the Company made commitments to enhance its water treatment plant, increase water storage capacity and construct an improved mine effluent outfall for discharge into Prairie Creek. The Company and the Department of Aboriginal Affairs Canada and Northern Development proposed differing approaches to site specific water quality objectives for Prairie Creek. The Review Board is of the view that the implementation of either approach to site specific water quality objectives is not likely to significantly impact water quality in Prairie Creek in the area of the mine site, in Prairie Creek at the Nahanni National Park Reserve boundary, or in Prairie Creek at its confluence with the South Nahanni River. The Review Board noted that the Water Board will decide in the regulatory phase the limits to protect water quality that are appropriate for this Project and setting.
The Review Board provided three suggestions that would improve the monitoring and management of potential impacts from the development of the Prairie Creek Mine:
The Review Board noted that construction of a second water storage pond may address a broader range of risks and result in better water management on site and improved water quality in Prairie Creek. The Review Board suggested that the Water Board consider this during the licensing phase.
In the Review Board’s opinion, the Company’s approach to tailings management by placing all tailings underground as tailings paste backfill by the end of mine operations can be achieved and will reduce impacts on water quality so that they are not likely to be significant. The Review Board suggested that the Company prepare a Tailings Management Plan for both the permanent storage of tailings underground and the temporary storage of tailings on surface at the mine site. The Review Board suggests that this Plan should be part of the water licences.

The Review Board suggested that the Company use secondary containment of concentrate during transport along the winter road to reduce the risk of contaminant dispersal.
Throughout the EA process, Canadian Zinc proposed certain design modifications to the mine site and access road to improve the project and minimize potentially adverse impacts to the environment. Key design modifications included commitments to increase water storage capacity at the mine site, an improved mine effluent design, an enhanced water treatment plant and realignments of the access road.
The EA Report stated that the Review Board based its decision on the assumption that Canadian Zinc would fulfill its commitments made during the proceedings and that these commitments were important for the Review Board's decision on the significance of adverse impacts. The Review Board stated that, in its opinion, it is therefore important that the Company, appropriate regulatory authorities and government agencies ensure that Canadian Zinc fulfills its commitments. The full list of commitments made by Canadian Zinc is set out in Appendix B to the EA Report. Investors are urged to read and consider closely the full text of the Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision, including the list of commitments in Appendix A thereof.
The full text of the Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision, together with all proceedings, transcripts, technical reports and detailed information on the EA (EA0809-002) of the Prairie Creek Mine and letters commenting on the EA Report are available on the website registry of the Review Board under the file of Canadian Zinc Corporation, and is included as a schedule to the amended material change report of the Company dated December 22, 2011 and filed on SEDAR on December 22, 2011 in respect of the announcement that the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board has approved the proposed operation of the Company's Prairie Creek Mine.
The Review Board concluded that the proposed development of the Prairie Creek Mine is not likely to have any significant adverse impacts on the environment or to be a cause for significant public concern.
The Review Board concluded that the development (including the commitments made by Canadian Zinc) is not likely to have significant adverse impacts on the environment, and that the commitments were already a part of the development, and concluded that no mitigation measures were necessary to ensure that there would be no adverse effects on the environment. Section 128(1) (b) of the Act allows for the imposition of mitigation measures did not apply, because of the conclusion that the development is not likely to have adverse impacts.
The Review Board therefore concluded that an environmental impact review of this proposed development is not necessary and that the Prairie Creek Mine project should proceed to the regulatory phase for approval. The MVRMA provides that the Minister may order an environmental impact review of the proposal, notwithstanding the Review Board’s determination.
In a decision dated June 8, 2012, the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, on behalf of the responsible Ministers with jurisdiction, including the Minister of the Environment, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, the Minister of Transport Canada and the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Government of the Northwest Territories, advised the Review Board of the Decision that the Ministers will not order an environmental impact review of the proposed development of the Prairie Creek Mine, nor will they refer the proposal to the Minister of the Environment for a Canadian Environmental Assessment Act joint panel review.
Regulatory Process
In January 2012, following the completion of the Environmental Assessment in December 2011, the Water Board commenced the regulatory process for the issue of a Class “A” Water Licence and Land Use Permits for the operation of the Prairie Creek Mine. In February 2012, the Company submitted a CPD, highlighting the changes that resulted from commitments made by Canadian Zinc during the environmental assessment process.

The Water Board completed its review of the information contained in the application, Environmental Assessment and the CPD and in May 2012, issued a Directive on additional information required by the Water Board at this stage of the Regulatory Process.
In November 2012, a series of technical sessions were held in Yellowknife to review the Company’s submissions to the Water Board. The sessions resulted in triggering 24 additional Information Requests which the Company responded to in December 2012. Follow-up meetings to further discuss the Information Requests were held in Yellowknife and Fort Simpson during the week of December 20, 2012.
Formal written interventions to the MVLWB were submitted by the Intervening Parties on January 11, 2013 and CZN submitted a response to the Interventions on January 18, 2013. Beginning on January 29, 2013, the Company and Intervenors attended Public Hearings held in Fort Simpson. The three day session was adjudicated by the Water Board. A Public Hearing scheduled to be held in Nahanni Butte February 1, 2013 was postponed due to weather and held as a Teleconference on February 8, 2013.
In June 2013, the MVLWB issued LUP “MV2008D0014” which permits Canadian Zinc to extract ore and waste rock from the Prairie Creek Mine, operate a flotation mill concentrator to produce zinc and lead concentrates, create a waste rock facility, and refurbish and develop site facilities in support of the mining operation, along with the eventual closure and reclamation of the mine site.
Also in June 2013, the MVLWB issued LUP “MV2008T0012” which permits Canadian Zinc to construct and operate the Liard Transfer Facility to be situated near the junction of the existing Prairie Creek Mine access road and the Liard Highway. The Liard Transfer Facility is a staging area at the south end of the winter access road designed to temporarily store outbound concentrate and inbound supplies.
Both new LUP permits issued in June 2013 are valid for a term of five years and with an optional two year extension.
In July 2013, the Water Board completed its regulatory process and finalized the Type “A” Water Licence, MV2008L2-002, for the Prairie Creek Mine and forwarded the Licence to the Federal Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada with the recommendation that the Minister approve and sign the Licence.
In September 2013, the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, approved and signed the Type “A” Water Licence for the Prairie Creek Mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
The Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada gave his approval for the Water Licence as recommended by the MVLWB in accordance with Section 81 of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act. In transmitting the signed licence to the Water Board, the Minister noted his understanding “that this was a particularly challenging licence for all involved in the licencing process. This licence is in relation to a project that is subject to a series of very unique circumstances which have given rise to the need for innovative solutions.” The Minister noted “the need for a novel approach to water treatment was identified early on in the regulatory process due to the unique environmental conditions of the mine site.”
In its recommendation to the Minister, the Water Board provided some comments on the issues faced and the decisions made in respect of this Licence. The Board accepted the site-specific water quality objectives derived by Canadian Zinc. These are almost all more stringent than the country-wide guideline values adopted by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. The Board also determined, after many months of review and study, that effluent quality criteria (“EQC”) using a variable load-based discharge approach, as proposed by Canadian Zinc, will be a more protective and practical way of controlling effluent discharge from the mine to Prairie Creek. The Board recognized that this is a new approach compared to the standard fixed EQC, but believes that practical and effective mechanisms can be put in place to ensure compliance.
On December 22, 2013, the Company filed a request with the Water Board to amend certain terms of the Type “A” Water Licence and the Land Use Permit, specifically to extend the term of the permits and to change the timing schedule for the required security deposits to coincide with commencement of construction and commercial operation. The Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has confirmed to the MVLWB that the Board’s assessment of the Company’s liability for the cost of closure and reclamation is not applicable until a new lease for production replaces the existing care and maintenance surface lease. The Company has provided responses to Information Requests and the MVLWB has circulated the application to interested parties for comment.

In August 2014, Canadian Zinc submitted an amended development schedule for the Prairie Creek Mine to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board and this was followed up by an application to the MVLWB in October 2014 requesting that its Type “A” Water Licence be held in abeyance until more certainty develops around the actual commencement of construction and the mine development schedule. This action would defer the schedule and dates in the licence for the submission of various plans until the activation of licence and the commencement of operations. The MVLWB is considering the Company’s request and has circulated this application to interested parties for comment.
Documentation related to this regulatory process is posted on the Water Board website (Year 2008, Canadian Zinc MV2008L2-0002).
Environmental Matters
Impact Assessment
The Developer’s Assessment Report submitted to the Review Board in March 2010 outlines the Company’s assessment of any potential environmental impact that operating the Prairie Creek mine may have on the region.
Human Environment : The Prairie Creek Mine is a relatively modest project that is proposed for a region of the Northwest Territories that has limited other confirmed economic prospects. The real economic and social impact of this project will be generated through the participation of local labour and business in the area, including the communities of Nahanni Butte, Fort Simpson and Fort Liard. Participation will come in the form of direct employment, direct supply of goods and services, and spin-off activities. There will be a period of adjustment as people and communities integrate into the wage economy. The rise in financial wealth and all that it affords will more than offset this initial adjustment period. For those living in the project area, an operating Prairie Creek Mine offers an opportunity for a generation of employment, and will result in a population that is better educated, better trained and better able to cope with, adapt to and capture new opportunities in the future.
Access road operations are expected to increase traditional land use in the area since a re-aligned access road will afford easier access to hunting areas and trap lines. However, a cooperative effort is required to control road access because unauthorized use poses risks to safety and to wildlife from hunting pressures.
Water Quality : Recent studies show that the historical discharge of untreated mine drainage has had no significant impact on downstream water and stream sediment quality, or aquatic life. This suggests Prairie Creek is not particularly sensitive to discharges from the Mine. Nevertheless, Canadian Zinc’s water management strategy for operations will minimize the potential for impacts.
Predictions show that the planned discharge from the Mine during operations will not cause metal concentrations in Prairie Creek to exceed the targets when creek flows are in the normal range year round. Canadian Zinc will monitor flows in the creek, and if flows are found to be lower than normal, the discharge will be temporarily adjusted so that the targets are not exceeded. This will mean no impacts on Prairie Creek water at the Mine, or 7 kilometres downstream at the new Nahanni National Park Reserve boundary.
After mine closure, there will be no drainage from mine portals because the Mine and access tunnels will be completely filled. However, bedrock surrounding the Mine workings is expected to allow the passage of groundwater. This water will contain metals, mostly from mineralization considered uneconomic and not mined, and to a lesser extent from the backfilled waste mixture. A small quantity of seepage from the covered Waste Rock Pile is also possible.
It is believed that the natural zinc concentrations that existed in Prairie Creek before any mine development potentially exceeded the water quality target during winter months when creek flows were lower than normal.
Predictions for Prairie Creek after mine closure suggest all metal concentrations will remain within the water quality targets when creek flows are in the normal range year round, but if creek flows are lower than monthly in winter, zinc concentrations could be similar to those predicted to have potentially occurred before mine development. Post-mine predictions also indicate higher cadmium concentrations in winter if creek flows are unusually low. However, cadmium is not stable in the natural environment and disappears quickly because of various natural reactions. Therefore, the target for this metal is unlikely to be exceeded. As such, it is likely that no additional impacts on water quality will occur after mine closure compared to pre-mine conditions.

Following Technical Sessions held during October 2010 related to the Prairie Creek Environmental Assessment the Mackenzie Valley Review Board issued a Second Round of Information Requests and the Company received 54 Information Requests from seven agencies. The majority of requests related to further details of the proposed operating mine water quality and management.
In order to adequately address the Information Requests the Company needed to generate water products that would be representative of the proposed Prairie Creek operations. This required the collection of local Prairie Creek Mine site source water products and included the collection of a 285 kg bulk mineralization composite rock sample from various underground headings, over 200 litres of minewater and water directly from Prairie Creek itself. SGS Canada Inc., of Vancouver completed a Locked Cycle Test utilizing the collected rock and water samples in a laboratory bench scale study. The mill process flow sheet used in the Locked Cycle Test had been previously determined through numerous metallurgical studies. Both concentrates and waste products, including tailings and water, were generated from this laboratory scale milling process.
SGS-CEMI labs completed further primary treatment tests on both the process water and minewater. Further analysis related to effluent discharge of the proposed Prairie Creek Mine was completed by Hatfield Consultants of Vancouver. These included development of proposed site-specific water quality objectives, definition of an internal dilution zone and development of proposed Effluent Quality Criteria. Additional toxicity studies were completed, on the product effluent using both fish and organic growth to determine discharge toxicity levels and impact assessment related to aquatic sensitivities. These studies resulted in developing a more detailed water treatment scheme and water management system for the proposed Prairie Creek site.
The original proposal to use an end of pipe-type design to disperse mine effluent did not produce satisfactory mixing condition within the Prairie Creek dilution zone. Additional investigation of outfall effluent discharge design by Northwest Hydraulic Consultants was completed and a new exfiltration trench has been proposed and at the outfall location into Prairie Creek. In addition a downstream mixing analysis of the outfall water with Prairie Creek flows was also completed with the use of proprietary HEC-RAS hydraulic modeling software.
Canadian Zinc and the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development proposed differing approaches to site specific water quality objectives for Prairie Creek.
The “Reference Condition Approach” (“RCA”), recommend by AANDC, is a method of determining site specific water quality objectives (“SSWQO”) for the environment, which are in turn used to create effluent quality criteria that are meant to regulate end-of-pipe water discharge into the environment.
Canadian Zinc believed that technical solutions acceptable to all parties had been identified for most issues raised in the EA. However, there remained a difference in approach between the Company and AANDC regarding the methodology used to select site specific water quality objectives relating to the treated water discharge from the Prairie Creek Mine. CZN and AANDC agreed to collaborate to move forward in a timely manner to further discuss the issues and seek to reach a mutually acceptable solution and approach. In a letter issued July 15, 2011, the Review Board encouraged the parties to complete the meetings and report preparation prior to the deadline established for final submissions.
During August and September the Company met numerous times with interested parties to further collaborate on water quality objectives. A number of additional components, including enhanced water storage and treatment, were suggested to further add to site contingency factors. Progress was made in resolving certain issues in order to move forward with the broad development of a framework for selecting Site-Specific Water Quality Objectives prior to the filing of Final Submissions by the parties and by the Company on September 16, 2011.

To achieve its proposed water quality objectives, Canadian Zinc made commitments to enhance its water treatment plant, increase water storage capacity and construct an improved mine effluent outfall for discharge into Prairie Creek.
The Review Board addressed the issue of the Reference Condition Approach in its EA Report under a section entitled “3.1.3 Site specific water quality objectives”. The Review Board reviewed the submissions from all parties regarding the differing approaches to establishing SSWQOs.
The Review Board is of the view that the implementation of either approach to site specific water quality objectives is not likely to significantly impact water quality in Prairie Creek in the area of the mine site, in Prairie Creek at the Nahanni National Park Reserve boundary or in Prairie Creek at its confluence with the South Nahanni River.
The Review Board concluded that either approach to SSWQOs would produce a result that was not likely to have any significant adverse impacts on the environment. The Review Board specifically left the issue of what SSWQOs would be used to establish EQCs to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board, stating at page 30, “The Review Board will not provide a recommendation on effluent quality criteria because it is the responsibility of the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board.” The Review Board recognizes that the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board will decide the limits to protect water quality that are appropriate for this project and setting.
The Review Board provided a suggestion to improve the monitoring and management of potential impacts from the development of the Prairie Creek Mine. It noted that construction of a second water storage pond may address a broader range of risks and result in better water management on site and improved water quality in Prairie Creek. The Review Board suggested that the Water Board consider this during the licensing phase.
The main purpose of a Water Licence is to regulate the discharge of water to the environment via the application of licence terms and conditions and the establishment of effluent quality criteria. CZN proposed a water management plan that includes real-time flow monitoring of the Prairie Creek stream, and discharge of treated mine water and treated process water according to a ‘load-based’ approach. In this approach, the volume and the blend of discharge (comprised of treated mine water and treated process water) are varied according to the actual flow volumes in the receiving stream. In so doing, site-specific water quality objectives can be met, and there is no significant negative impact on the receiving environment.
The Water Board accepted the site-specific water quality objectives derived by Canadian Zinc. These are almost all more stringent than the country-wide guideline values adopted by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. The Board also determined, after many months of review and study, that effluent quality criteria using a variable load-based discharge approach, as proposed by Canadian Zinc, will be a more protective and practical way of controlling effluent discharge from the mine to Prairie Creek. The Board recognized that this is a new approach compared to the standard fixed EQC, but believes that practical and effective mechanisms can be put in place to ensure compliance.
In 2012 Environment Canada initiated a 10 Year Review process of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (“MMER”). The review is focused on proposed amendments to MMER that would include more stringent effluent limits and, among other proposals, make changes to the Environmental Effects Monitoring program. The Company understands that as part of its review Environment Canada proposes to establish BATEA based (best available technology economically achievable) effluent limits as a means to promote continuous improvement in the sector. The proposed revisions to the MMER have not yet been adopted.
Fish : Bull trout and mountain whitefish are found in Prairie Creek near the Mine, however numbers are low. Spawning trout have been found in Funeral Creek, a tributary of Prairie Creek upstream of the Mine. No evidence of spawning has been found downstream of the Mine. Based on the water quality predictions, mine operations should have no impact on fish. Water quality after Mine closure may cause limited impacts in the immediate vicinity of the Mine site when Prairie Creek flows are less than normal winter levels. These impacts may have occurred naturally before the Mine existed.
Air : New power generators and an incinerator will limit the release of exhaust gases. Humid conditions will naturally control dust. Any impacts will be limited to the Mine area.

Wildlife and Vegetation : Impacts to wildlife from Mine operations are expected to be limited and largely avoidable. Dall’s sheep lamb on high ground in the area in the spring and could be disturbed by air traffic. Flight path management will be adopted. There is a potential for mortality of Dall’s sheep, woodland caribou and wood bison associated with access road use. A wildlife sighting and notification system will be adopted, in addition to the posting of speed limits. Grizzly bear-human encounters are possible at the Mine site and programs to limit any attraction of bears will be implemented, along with training to respond appropriately to bear encounters. No significant impacts on vegetation are expected because of the relatively small areas of disturbance relative to the large areas of vegetation types.
Terrain and Stability : No large-scale landslide features are evident near the Mine and access road, and the risk of major slope failure appears to be small. Small-scale slope failures and mudflows are possible along the access road east of the Mackenzie Mountains, particularly where permafrost might exist in lowland areas. Impacts can be minimized by good drainage and avoiding removal of the vegetation layer during annual road construction. Engineered structures (the Water Storage Pond and Waste Rock Pile) have been designed to be stable during earthquakes. Dykes protecting the site during major floods were designed and built properly. Maintenance repairs have been made to the armour rock on the dykes.
Accidents and Malfunctions : The majority of Mine activities, and all those associated with chemicals, fuel and hazardous material, will take place within a dyke-protected area, isolated from Prairie Creek. Any spills or contamination can be contained on site, and discharge of site water to the environment can be stopped temporarily. The potential for spills or leaks along the access road will be minimized by controlling road use and using industry-standard containers for transport and storage. Winter conditions will assist in the containment of any spills until a response team can complete a clean-up. The bags of concentrate being transported will be frozen, but road bed tests will be made along the route to make sure material is not being lost.
Cumulative Effects : Very little other activity is or will likely be occurring in the area during Mine operations that could cause cumulative effects. If the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline construction occurs during the life of the Mine, there will be significant regional disruption, but this is unlikely to significantly affect the Mine because the pipeline will require short-term skilled labour. Unauthorized use of the access road would raise safety and wildlife concerns. Canadian Zinc is hoping to control access, and will closely monitor road activity.
Monitoring and Reporting : Significant monitoring of operations and the environment will occur during and after the Mine’s life. Canadian Zinc expects individuals from local communities to be involved in this, preferably as employees. Canadian Zinc undertakes to share the monitoring results. Canadian Zinc’s desire is for the current Canadian Zinc-Parks Canada-Dehcho Technical Committee to evolve into a more public, inclusive committee that meets frequently in the region, and is used as a forum to review Mine performance and to discuss and address concerns.
In December 2011, the Review Board concluded, pursuant to paragraph 128 (1) (a) of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act , that the proposed development of the Prairie Creek Mine as described in the Report of Environmental Assessment, including the list of commitments made by Canadian Zinc during the proceedings, is not likely to have any significant adverse impacts on the environment or to be a cause for significant public concern.
Acid Rock Drainage
The mineral resources at the Prairie Creek Mine are hosted in carbonate rocks. The low sulphide values and high excess neutralization potential of the host rocks (and tailings products) indicate that these materials will pose no long term hazard to the environment through sulphide oxidation processes.
Rescan Environmental of Vancouver, B.C. undertook a detailed analysis of the acid generating characteristics of all dominant rock types at the Prairie Creek Mine in 1994. The results indicated an overwhelming dominance of acid neutralizing minerals, with acid neutralizing carbonate minerals exceeding the total capacity to generate acidity by an average factor of almost 200. Initial analysis of flotation tailings generated from metallurgical testwork has indicated a similar excess of neutralization potential. The Company does not anticipate the potential for any acid rock drainage impacts.

Mesh Environmental Inc. (“Mesh”) undertook a follow-up study during 2005/06, with the objectives of significantly expanding Rescan’s 1994 rock sample dataset and incorporating analyses on mineralized rock samples, tailings and concentrates. Sample collection was completed by Mesh at the Mine Site during September 2005. A total 66 samples were included in Mesh’s characterization program.
A total of ten process waste samples, including mill rock, flotation feed, tailings and concentrate samples from tests performed in 2005 were provided by SGS Lakefield Research Limited in Lakefield, Ontario (“SGS Lakefield”, ISO 9001-2000 accredited). So-called mill rock is wall rock dilution that will be separated from mineralized material in the processing plant.
Static laboratory geochemical characterizations were carried out by Mesh, including acid-base accounting (“ABA”), along with: total inorganic carbon and multi-element ICP analyses on all samples; and mineralogy, expanded ABA (pyritic sulphur, siderite correction, acid-buffering characterization curves) and grain size analyses on a sub-set of samples. The following conclusions were made:
All the host rock units are non-potentially acid generating (“non-PAG”), due to generally low amounts of contained sulphur (less than one percent of total sulphur) and the substantial effective buffering capacity provided by reactive carbonates, the latter reflecting the carbonate-rich nature of the host rock material (which conclusion is supported by the behavior of mixed waste rock that has been exposed on surface at the Mine Site for 25 years, which waste rock does not demonstrate acidic pH values and remains classified as non-PAG as a result);
Main Zone vein- and stratabound-mineralization are classified as potentially acid generating due to an abundance of sulphide mineralization (although Mesh’s kinetic test data to December 2006 suggests that it may take a substantial amount of time for acidity to be generated, due to the significant amount of buffering capacity available from the carbonate host rocks);
the two mill rock samples produced as by-products from Main Zone vein mineralization and overbreak are non-PAG and contain relatively low sulphur values (approximately 0.3 percent, or less);
the final composite tailings samples are classified as non-PAG and contain sufficient buffering capacity to maintain neutral conditions under laboratory conditions;
tailings supernatant is alkaline (pH 10.7 to 10.9), with total solids in solution of five to 500 milligrams and relatively high sulphate concentrations of 170 to 230 milligrams per litre, respectively, over the two hour test period;
sulphide concentrates are classified as potentially acid generating due to slightly elevated pyritic sulphur content and very little neutralization capacity;
as a result of substantially higher neutralization potential, oxide concentrates are classified as non-PAG (oxide zinc concentrate) and as having uncertain acid generation potential (oxide lead concentrate).
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous and toxic waste materials have been stored at the Prairie Creek Mine site, including sodium cyanide and PCB’s that remained from Cadillac’s operations in the early 1980s. Diesel fuel is also stored on site. All such substances were stored in a secured manner and are regularly inspected by government agencies.
A disposal project for the cyanide and PCB’s commenced in 2007 and in July 2008, following receipt of the necessary regulatory approvals, the repacked sodium cyanide drums were transported to Cyanide Destruct Systems in Barrie, Ontario and the repackaging waste was removed to Earth Tech’s Swan Hills Treatment Centre in Alberta for destruction and disposal.
In 2010, a program was undertaken to remove, by airlift, all PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) contaminated material that has been stored in a dedicated safe facility on site since 1982. The Company contracted Hazco Environmental Services to repackage, remove and transport the PCB material off-site to be disposed of, by incineration, at the certified Earth Tech Swan Hills disposal facilities in Northern Alberta.
Endangered Species
The federal, provincial, and territorial government signatories under the Accord for the Protection of Species at Risk (1996) agreed to establish complementary legislation and programs that provide for effective protection of species at risk throughout Canada. Under the Species at Risk Act (S.C. 2002, c.29) (SARA), the federal competent ministers are responsible for the preparation of recovery strategies for listed Extirpated, Endangered, and Threatened species.

The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (“COSEWIC”) lists only two species in the area of the Prairie Creek Mine: the Grizzly Bear ( Ursus arctos ) and the Wolverine ( Gulo gulo ), both of which are listed in the Special Concern category. In areas removed from the minesite, COSEWIC lists the Peregrine Falcon ( Falco peregrinus anatum ), the Woodland Caribou, Boreal population ( Rangifer tarandus caribou ) and the Wood Bison ( Bison bison athabascae ), each of which are considered threatened. No rare or highly valued species of vegetation or plant communities have been identified in the area. COSEWIC does not list any plant species as endangered, threatened or of special concern in the area of the Prairie Creek Mine.
Detailed field studies of wildlife populations and wildlife habitat in the area of the Prairie Creek Mine and the access road were conducted by Beak Consultants Inc. in 1980-81 and again by Rescan in 1994. None of the listed species and no critical habitats, such as denning or nesting areas, were identified in the area of the Mine. Grizzly bears and wolverines have been observed or encountered only very infrequently in the area surrounding the mine over the past 20 years.
Specific surveys of potential Peregrine falcon nesting habitat have identified no nesting sites in the area of the minesite.
Wood bison were re-introduced into the Nahanni Butte area, 90 kilometres to the southeast of the Prairie Creek Mine, in 1980 with additions to the herd made in 1989 and again in 1998. Potential impacts to these populations are primarily transportation related, in this case primarily in the area of the Liard Highway, and can be mitigated through standard road safety practices.
In 2011, Environment Canada published a proposed recovery strategy on the Boreal population of Woodland Caribou ( Rangifer tarandus caribou ), referred to as boreal caribou, which were assessed in May 2002 as ‘Threatened’ by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). [Environment Canada. 2011. Recovery Strategy for the Woodland Caribou, Boreal population ( Rangifer tarandus caribou ) in Canada [Proposed]. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series.] The long-term recovery goal for boreal caribou is to achieve self-sustaining local populations throughout their distribution in Canada to the extent possible.
Boreal caribou are primarily threatened by a reduction in the availability and suitability of habitat necessary to carry out the life processes necessary for their survival and reproduction. They require large range areas comprised of continuous tracts of undisturbed habitat rich in mature to old-growth coniferous forest, lichens, muskegs, peatlands, and upland or hilly areas. Large range areas with suitable quality habitat allow boreal caribou to disperse across the landscape when conditions are unfavourable (e.g. natural wildfire disturbance, anthropogenic disturbance) and to maintain low population densities throughout the range to reduce the risk of predation. Threats, primarily habitat alteration (i.e. habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation) from both anthropogenic and natural stressors, and predation have resulted in local population declines throughout their distribution.
Boreal caribou are distributed broadly throughout the boreal forest region, including in the Mackenzie Mountains of the Northwest Territories. In 2010, the Company completed two wildlife surveys with Golder & Associates and Parks Canada, by fixed wing airplane, along the proposed winter road route to the Prairie Creek Mine in order to further assess the wildlife population, with an emphasis on caribou. Caribou populations and potential caribou habitat have been identified in areas removed from the Prairie Creek Mine to the north and east in the Mackenzie Mountains. Potential impacts to these populations are primarily transportation related and can be mitigated through standard road safety practices.
In September 2014, Canadian Zinc completed helicopter-supported environmental field studies along the proposed route of an all season road. Environmental studies included a caribou occupancy wildlife survey, habitat data collection at fish-bearing stream crossings.

Nahanni National Park Reserve / Parks Canada Memorandum of Understanding
The South Nahanni River is highly valued as a wilderness recreation river and is used for canoeing trips during the summer months. These wilderness adventure tours are supported by a number of outfitting companies from as far away as Ontario.
The Nahanni National Park Reserve was created in 1972, following a canoe trip down the river by then Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, specifically for the purpose of setting aside the South Nahanni River for wilderness recreational purposes. Exploration activity at Prairie Creek had been ongoing for many years prior to 1972 and underground development was well advanced at that point in time.
Parliament formally established Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada in 1972, legally protecting it as Canada’s 26 th National Park under the Canada National Parks Act. It was established as a National Park Reserve in view of the fact that there were outstanding land claims in the area. It will only become a fully-fledged National Park once an agreement has been reached with the Dehcho First Nations.
The NNPR is considered to be of global significance. In 1978, it was the first area added by UNESCO to its list of World Heritage Sites. There are only 13 sites in Canada designated as World Heritage Sites, eight of them being National Parks. Nahanni received this designation because of the geological processes and natural phenomena in the area. In UNESCO’s view, NNPR is special because it is an unexploited natural area. The presence in this area of three river canyons cutting at right angles to the mountain ranges, with walls of up to 1,000 metres high, Virginia Falls which falls over 90 metres, hot springs, sink holes and karst topography are considered a special combination.
In considering and approving the nomination of NNPR for World Heritage Status, the World Heritage Committee stated that “it would be desirable to incorporate the entire upstream watershed in the World Heritage Site.” In 1977, the Minister responsible for Parks Canada directed Parks Canada to examine the possibility of expanding NNPR to include more of the head waters of the South Nahanni and the karst terrain. Several studies were conducted to assess this potential.
In June 2009, new legislation was enacted by the Canadian Parliament entitled “An Act to amend the Canada National Parks Act to enlarge Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada” to provide for the expansion of Nahanni National Park Reserve. Nahanni National Park Reserve was expanded by 30,000 km 2 , making it the third largest National Park in Canada. The enlarged Park covers most of the South Nahanni River watershed and completely encircles the Prairie Creek Mine. However, the Mine itself and a large surrounding area of approximately 300 km 2 are specifically excluded from the Park and are not part of the expanded Park.
The exclusion of the Prairie Creek Mine from the NNPR expansion area has brought clarity to the land use policy objectives for the region and will facilitate various aspects of the environmental assessment process. The Government’s decision on the expansion of NNPR reflects a balanced approach to development and to conservation which allows for mineral resource and energy development in the Northwest Territories and at the same time protects the environment.
Section 7(1) of the new Act amended the Canada National Parks Act to enable the Minister of the Environment to enter into leases or licences of occupation of, and easements over, public lands situated in the expansion area for the purposes of a mining access road leading to the Prairie Creek Area, including the sites of storage and other facilities connected with that road. Heretofore, an access road to a mine through a National Park was not permitted under the Canada National Parks Act , and the Act was amended solely for Nahanni National Park Reserve and specifically for the purpose of providing access to the Prairie Creek Area.
On July 29, 2008, Parks Canada Agency (“Parks Canada”) and Canadian Zinc entered into a MOU with regard to the expansion of the NNPR and the development of the Prairie Creek Mine, whereby:
Parks Canada and Canadian Zinc agreed to work collaboratively, within their respective areas of responsibility, authority and jurisdiction, to achieve their respective goals of an expanded Nahanni National Park Reserve and an operating Prairie Creek Mine.

Parks Canada recognized and respects the right of Canadian Zinc to develop the Prairie Creek Mine and was to manage the expansion of Nahanni National Park Reserve so that the expansion did not in its own right negatively affect development of, or reasonable access to and from, the Prairie Creek Mine.
Canadian Zinc accepted and supported the proposed expansion of the Nahanni National Park Reserve and will manage the development of the Prairie Creek Mine so the mine does not, in its own right, negatively affect the expansion of the Nahanni National Park Reserve.
The 2008 MOU was intended to cover the period up to the development of the Prairie Creek Mine (Phase I).
In February 2012, Canadian Zinc and Parks Canada signed a renewed Memorandum of Understanding regarding the operation and development of the Prairie Creek Mine and the management of Nahanni National Park Reserve. The MOU, which was valid for three years, replaced the previous MOU signed between the Parties in 2008. Canadian Zinc expects to again renew the MOU for a further period. In the renewed MOU:
Parks Canada and Canadian Zinc agree to work collaboratively, within their respective areas of responsibility, authority and jurisdiction, to achieve their respective goals of managing Nahanni National Park Reserve and an operating Prairie Creek Mine.
Parks Canada recognizes and respects the right of Canadian Zinc to develop the Prairie Creek Mine and has granted Land Use Permit 2009 – L02 to provide road access through the Park to the Mine area.
Canadian Zinc acknowledges the cooperative management relationship Parks Canada shares with the Dehcho First Nations in the management of Nahanni National Park Reserve. This includes recognition of the 2003 Parks Canada - Dehcho First Nation Interim Park Management Arrangement and the role of the cooperative management mechanism –Nah?a Dehé Consensus Team.
In the MOU Parks Canada and Canadian Zinc agreed to make every reasonable effort to address issues of common interest and build a strong working relationship, including convening a Technical Team, including representatives of the Dehcho First Nations, which will better identify, define and consider issues of common interest, including, among other things, development of the access to and from the Prairie Creek Mine through Nahanni National Park Reserve and operation of the Prairie Creek Mine.
The Parties also agreed to share with one another and the Technical Team any existing technical and scientific information relevant to a discussion and analysis of issues of common interest to the Parties. The parties have agreed to make reasonable efforts to be timely in regards to permit requests being submitted, with ample time for review and consultation, such review and consultation will occur without unreasonable delay.
The MOU is an expression of the mutual intentions of the parties and is not legally binding on them or enforceable against them. The MOU does not create any new powers or duties or alter or affect any rights, powers and duties established by law, including by the Parks Canada Agency Act and the Canada National Parks Act, or result in the Parties relinquishing any right, jurisdiction, power, privilege, prerogative or immunity.
To the extent that the Prairie Creek Mine is subject to regulatory or government processes, including hearings, Parks Canada reserves the right, while recognizing the intent of the MOU, to participate in any such process and take such positions as it sees fit and the MOU does not, and is not intended to constrain Parks Canada from doing so, subject only to the understanding that in doing so Parks Canada will not object to or oppose, in principle, the development of the Prairie Creek Mine.
Environmental Obligations
The Company recognizes liabilities for statutory, contractual, constructive or legal obligations, including those associated with the reclamation of exploration and evaluation assets, when those obligations result from the acquisition, construction, development or normal operation of the assets. Initially, a provision for a decommissioning liability is recognized at its present value in the period in which it is incurred, which is generally when an environmental disturbance occurs or a constructive obligation is determined. Upon initial recognition of the liability, a corresponding amount is added to the carrying amount of the related asset and the cost is amortized as an expense over the economic life of the asset using the unit of production method. Following the initial recognition of a decommissioning liability, the carrying amount of the liability is increased for the passage of time and adjusted for changes to the current market-based discount rate and the amount or timing of the underlying cash flows needed to settle the obligation. Changes to estimated future costs are recognized in the statement of financial position by either increasing or decreasing the decommissioning liability and the decommissioning asset.

Reclamation and closure costs for the Prairie Creek Property have been estimated based on the Company’s understanding of its current obligations under its existing surface leases, land use permits and class “B” Water Licence for reclamation and closure of the Prairie Creek Mine site as it now exists with the current infrastructure and assuming a mine life of 11 years. These reclamation and closure costs have been measured based on the net present value of the best estimate of future cash expenditures.
The Company’s undiscounted decommissioning liability of the Prairie Creek site, as it currently exists, is $3,142,000 (December 31, 2013 - $2,961,000), being the estimated future net cash outflows of the reclamation and closure costs, including a 30% contingency and inflation of 2%, required to satisfy the obligations, settlement of which will occur subsequent to closure of the mine through to 2031. The discounted decommissioning liability is calculated using a risk free rate of 2.22% per annum (December 31, 2013 – 3.13%).
Various assumptions are used in determining the liability including current mine plans, future retirement costs and estimates of resources. The estimates used require extensive judgment as to the nature, cost and timing of the work to be completed and may change with future changes to cost structures, environmental laws and requirements and remediation practices employed. Management evaluates the decommissioning liability estimates at the end of each reporting period to determine whether the estimates continue to be appropriate. Other than specific environmental matters discussed in this Annual Report, the Company is not aware of any material environmental matter requiring significant capital outlays in the immediate future.
The Company currently holds a surface lease, issued by the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, which limits the use of the land for mine site care and maintenance purposes only and establishes the Company's current responsibility for abandonment and restoration in accordance with an abandonment and restoration plan attached as a schedule to the surface lease. The Company has applied to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada for a new lease for production to replace the existing care and maintenance surface lease.
In September 2013, the Company was issued with the Type “A” Water Licence MV2008L2-002 by the Mackenzie Valley Water Board. The Licence is subject to numerous conditions, including the requirement to post and maintain security, in stages, with the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada totaling $13.07 million, on a schedule of $3 million within ninety days of the effective date of the licence, $5 million prior to extracting waste rock from the underground mine and $5.07 million prior to commencing milling.
In June 2013, the MVLWB issued Land Use Permit MV2008D0014 which permits Canadian Zinc to extract ore and waste rock from the Prairie Creek Mine, operate a flotation mill concentrator to produce zinc and lead concentrates, create a waste rock facility, and refurbish and develop site facilities in support of the mining operation, along with the eventual closure and reclamation of the mine site. This permit is subject to numerous conditions including the requirement to deposit, in stages, with the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada security of $3 million within ninety days of the issue of the permit and additional $1 million prior to the commencement of construction upgrades to the mill.
In June and December 2013, the Company filed requests with the MVLWB for amendments to the timing schedules of the various security deposits to be provided to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada under the Type “A” Water Licence and the Land Use Permit. The Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has confirmed to the MVLWB that the Board’s assessment of the Company’s liability for the site and cost of closure and reclamation is not applicable until a new lease for production replaces the existing care and maintenance surface lease.   The Company has provided responses to Information Requests and the MVLWB has circulated the application to interested parties for comment.
In August 2014, CZN submitted an amended development schedule for the Prairie Creek Mine to the MVLWB and this was followed up by an application to the MVLWB in October 2014 requesting that the Water Licence be held in abeyance until more certainty develops around the actual commencement of construction and the mine development schedule. This action would defer the schedule and dates in the licence for the submission of various plans until the activation of licence and the commencement of operations. The MVLWB is considering the Company’s request and has circulated this application to interested parties for comment.

The Company also holds various land use permits, water licences and construction permits from the MVLWB and Parks Canada with the requirement to post security for future reclamation in the total amount of $3.33 million, to be posted prior to construction of infrastructure or commencement of operations. The Company has previously posted reclamation security deposits in support of current reclamation obligations in the amount of $525,000.
First Nations
The Prairie Creek Mine is located on land claimed by the Nahanni Butte Dene Band of the Dehcho First Nations (“Dehcho” or “DCFN”) as their traditional territory. The Nahanni Butte (Nahaahdee) First Nation is a “band” pursuant to the Indian Act RSC 1985. The members of the Dehcho First Nations are Aboriginal people within the meaning of Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
The Dehcho are a distinct group of Aboriginal people, whose ancestors were among the South Slavey people of the Dene Nation of what is now the Northwest Territories, and the Metis people within the DCFN territory. The Dehcho have had their own system of laws, religion, economy, customs, traditions and language since time immemorial. Many Dehcho people continue to rely heavily on the land, water and resources within DCFN territory for sustenance, social and ceremonial purposes.
The DCFN is an organization representing all of the Dene and Metis peoples in the Dehcho territory of the Northwest Territories which comprise thirteen separate communities. The DCFN have incorporated a society under the laws of the Northwest Territories in order to provide leadership, governance, administration and program delivery to their member communities. The DCFN is a governing body of the Dehcho people lands, administers oversees a number of programs and services for its member communities including those relating to health, employment, education, and land and resource management.
The DCFN and their member Aboriginal communities hold collective Aboriginal title and rights and treaty rights to Dehcho territory and hold other Aboriginal rights as a collective in relation to their land and governance over the land and the Dehcho people.
In the Mackenzie Valley, land is owned, or managed, controlled and administered by different governments or landowners. Land can be either Crown or Commissioner’s land administered by land managers, or privately owned.
In the Northwest Territories, private lands are owned largely by First Nations with settled land claims. There are currently three major landowners in the Mackenzie Valley - the Gwich’in, Sahtu and Tlicho. It is anticipated that as claims are settled in the Dehcho region, more private lands will be created and Aboriginal groups will become recognized landowners in their respective regions.
The Federal Government has recognized that the inherent right of self-government is an existing Aboriginal right recognized and affirmed by Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. The Dehcho are engaged in ongoing land settlement negotiations with the Government of Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories in what is referred to as the “Dehcho Process.” The Federal Government first attempted to negotiate land claim settlements in the Northwest Territories, with the Dene/Metis in the late 1980s without success. Subsequently settlement agreements were reached first with the Gwich’in and Sahtu Dene/Metis people and later with the Tlicho in 2005. The Dehcho have not settled their land claim with the Federal Government. The Dehcho and the Federal Government of Canada both claim legal title to this territory, the Dehcho by virtue of historical occupation and the Federal Government under Treaty 8, signed in 1900, and Treaty 11 signed in 1921 and 1922. The Federal Government and the Dehcho First Nations disagree on the interpretation of Treaties 8 and 11 and legal title to the land remains in dispute. Canada maintains that under the Treaties the Dehcho extinguished ownership of their traditional lands. The Dehcho have threatened to take the Federal Government to court, or to the United Nations, over the key issue of sovereignty. The Dehcho territory has an area of approximately 210,000 km 2 and has a native population of approximately 6,000.
On April 1, 2014 Bill C-15 - The Northwest Territories Devolution Act came into law providing for the devolution of lands and resource management in the NWT from the Government of Canada to the GNWT. Devolution in the NWT represents the transfer of decision-making and administration for land and resource management from the Government of Canada to the Government of the Northwest Territories. The territorial government is now responsible for the management of onshore lands and the issuance of rights and interests with respect to onshore minerals and oil and gas.

Since the mid-1990s the Dehcho and the Federal Government have been engaged in the Dehcho Process whereby the Federal Government and the Government of the Northwest Territories have agreed to negotiate with the Dehcho First Nations on a government to government basis in order to set out land, resources and governance rights to apply in the Dehcho territory. The objective of negotiations is to complete a Dehcho Final Agreement which clarifies and builds upon existing Treaties by implementing a Dehcho government which will make laws and deliver programs and services; be a public government based upon Dehcho First Nations laws and customs and other Canadian laws and customs; and be the primary government for the delivery of programs and services to residents of the Dehcho territory. The Final Agreement will also describe intergovernmental relationships and jurisdictions, provide for certainty and clarity of rights respecting land, resources and governance and provide for the use, management and conservation of land, water and other resources, including wildlife, fish and their habitat in the Dehcho territory.
Early negotiations proved very slow in part because the Dehcho initially rejected the land selection process by which other land claim disputes have been typically settled in the North. Under the typical system, the Federal Government and First Nations select by negotiation particular areas of land in the area under dispute. Once selected the Government makes a financial payment and the claim is settled. However, the Dehcho have been holding out for full constitutional, legal and governmental control over their entire region, where effectively the laws of Canada would no longer apply, and this has led to lengthy and difficult negotiations.
The DCFN’s position is that the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act cannot and should not apply within Dehcho territory; that the legislation was enacted without the participation of, or any consultation with, the DCFN; and was imposed on the Dehcho territory against DCFN wishes. The DCFN have stated that the Final Agreement must, among other things, include a new resource management regime in Dehcho territory other than the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act.
In 2001, the Federal Government and the Dehcho First Nations entered into a Framework Agreement dated May 23, 2001. The Framework Agreement contemplates providing a structure for the negotiation of the Final Agreement . However, all negotiations are without prejudice to the legal position of the parties and nothing in the Framework Agreement is to be interpreted as creating, recognizing or denying rights or obligations of any of the parties. The Federal Government and the Dehcho agreed that it is desirable that the negotiations proceed at a pace which allows for the people of the Dehcho territory, and particularly the Elders, to remain fully informed and involved in the process.
As contemplated in the Framework Agreement, an Interim Measures Agreement , also dated May 23, 2001, was executed between the parties to provide for interim arrangements pending the negotiation and signing of the Dehcho Final Agreement.
Under the Interim Measures Agreement, the Governments and the Dehcho agreed to develop a land use plan for the Dehcho lands outside Nahanni National Park Reserve and for that purpose to establish a Land Use Planning Committee. The purpose of the Land Use Plan is to provide for the conservation, development and utilization of the land, waters and other resources in the Dehcho territory, taking into consideration the principles of respect for the land, as understood and explained by the Dehcho Elders, and sustainable development.
Under the Interim Measures Agreement, Canada and the Dehcho agreed to negotiate for the purpose of identifying lands to be withdrawn from disposal and mineral staking and Canada agreed to withdraw from disposal, by Order in Council under the Territorial Lands Act , the lands identified in this process.
The Interim Measures Agreement specifically provides at sections 19 and 23 that land withdrawn from disposal under the Agreement shall be subject to the continuing exercise of existing rights, titles, interests, entitlements, licences and permits and that the provisions of the Agreement shall not effect access to or across withdrawn lands.
The Agreement also provides that no new water licences or land use permits will be issued under the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act within the Dehcho territory except after written notice to the Dehcho First Nations and after a reasonable period of time for the Dehcho to make representations with respect to the application for such licence or permit. Canada also agreed not to issue any new prospecting permits under the Canada Mining Regulations in the Dehcho territory without the support of the affected Dehcho First Nation.

The parties also agreed to enter into negotiations for the purpose of concluding an Interim Resource Development Agreement with the objective of fostering resource development in the Dehcho Territory and to accrue benefits from Canada to the Dehcho First Nations. An Interim Resource Development Agreement was signed on April 17, 2003 under which Canada agreed to provide to the Dehcho First Nations a percentage of Federal resource royalties collected from the Dehcho area of the Mackenzie Valley.
Canada also agreed that the Final Agreement will ensure that a major mining project that requires any authorization from Canada, and that will impact on the Dehcho, shall be subject to negotiation with the Dehcho of an agreement relating to that project. A major mining project is defined as a project related to the development or production of minerals that will employ an average of 50 persons annually for the first five years in the Dehcho territory and for which more than $50 million will be expended in capital costs. The Company believes that the Prairie Creek Project is currently the only such major mining project in the Dehcho territory.
The Interim Measures Agreement also provided that the Dehcho may propose protected areas for land withdrawal or permanent protection under the Northwest Territories Protected Areas Strategy. The parties also agreed to negotiate an interim management arrangement respecting the management of Nahanni National Park Reserve.
The Interim Measures Agreement was made without prejudice to the legal position of the parties and nothing in the Agreement is to be interpreted as creating, recognizing or denying rights or obligations on the part of the parties.
In 2003, Canada and the Dehcho agreed to an interim withdrawal of lands covering an area of approximately 80,000 km 2 for a period of five years. The withdrawal was confirmed by Order in Council dated August 13, 2003. The areas of the withdrawn lands do not include the Prairie Creek Mine but include all of the Company’s Mining Lease 2854 and part of Mining Leases 2931, 3314 and 3313. The withdrawn land also includes an area over which part of the Company’s road to the Prairie Creek Property passes. However in accordance with Sections 19 and 23 of the Interim Measures Agreement such withdrawal is subject to the continuing exercise of existing rights, titles, interests, entitlements, licences, permits, reservations, benefits and privileges and does not affect access to or across withdrawn land.
In August 2003, a Memorandum of Understanding respecting the expansion of Nahanni National Park Reserve dated 24 June 2003 was signed between the Dehcho and the Parks Canada Agency, whereby as part of the Dehcho Process, Parks Canada and the Dehcho agreed to work co-operatively towards completion of a feasibility study towards the addition of the identified lands to the Nahanni National Park Reserve and to recommend an amendment to the Canada National Parks Act for a new boundary for the expansion of the Nahanni National Park Reserve and, as part of the Dehcho Final Agreement, moving the Nahanni National Park Reserve to full National Park status under the Canada National Parks Act.
At the same time in August 2003, an Interim Park Management Arrangement for the Nahanni National Park Reserve was signed between the Dehcho and Parks Canada Agency designed to give the Dehcho a greater role in the Park management process. A Consensus Team was established, comprising three appointees of Parks Canada and four from the Dehcho First Nations (two from Nahanni Butte) to address, amongst other things, making recommendations in respect of impacts of land and resource uses in areas outside Nahanni National Park Reserve.
Under the Arrangement the Dehcho and Parks Canada agreed that while the current jurisdiction of Parks Canada is restricted to Nahanni National Park Reserve, the ecological integrity of the Park Reserve depends on the ecological integrity of the South Nahanni River watershed as a whole. The Prairie Creek Mine is located within the watershed of the South Nahanni River.
The Interim Park Management Arrangement is a statement of interests only and is not legally binding. Nothing in the Arrangement obliges Canada to act in a manner inconsistent with federal or territorial legislative or regulatory jurisdictions or authorities and the Nahanni National Park Reserve shall be administered and managed in accordance with the Canada National Parks Act .

During 2005, negotiations on the Dehcho Process broke down because of issues surrounding the proposed Mackenzie Valley gas pipeline. In June 2005 the Dehcho First Nations entered into a Settlement Agreement with Canada [represented by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development] to settle Court actions which had been commenced by the Dehcho in the Northwest Territories Supreme Court and in the Federal Court against Canada and the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board arising out of disputes concerning the Mackenzie Gas Project. In the Settlement Agreement Canada and the Dehcho agreed to resolve issues related to the participation of the Dehcho in the environmental and regulatory review of the Mackenzie Gas Project and which they agreed to facilitate.
The Settlement Agreement recites that Canada and the Dehcho have differing views as to the existence and scope of the rights of the Dehcho First Nation(s) recognized by Section 35 of the Constitution Act 1982, and the nature and extent of Canada’s requirements to consult with the Dehcho First Nations. In the Settlement Agreement the parties agreed to take all reasonable steps to negotiate the terms of the Dehcho Final Agreement which would include agreement to establish a Dehcho Resource Management Authority (“DCRMA”) which will be a body of public government. The Final Agreement will describe the legal capacity, structure, accountability, rights, powers, privileges and responsibilities of the DCRMA; source(s) of the DCRMA’s powers, privileges and responsibilities; relationship of the DCRMA to the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act, and rules regarding conflict of laws and the priorities of laws. For greater certainty, the Final Agreement may provide for a standalone DCRMA harmonized with the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act. The Settlement Agreement provides that the Final Agreement will provide for the circumstances in which laws within the jurisdiction of the Dehcho First Nations, any successor organization, or any government established pursuant to a Final Agreement, will take priority over the laws of Canada in the event of a conflict. The parties agreed to negotiate a Final Agreement in accordance with the Dehcho First Nations Framework Agreement.
In the Settlement Agreement, the parties agreed to implement a Land Use Plan that is approved by the Dehcho First Nations, approved the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of the Northwest Territories, and favourably considered by the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs, Canada, as soon as possible after the Plan’s completion.
In the 2005 Settlement Agreement the parties affirmed the Interim Resource Development Agreement dated April 17, 2003 and agreed to take immediate steps to establish a working group comprised of the parties to the Dehcho First Nations Interim Measures Agreement for the purposes of ensuring that the issues arising from the implementation of the Resource Development Agreement are addressed in a timely manner. The parties also agreed that once an Agreement in Principle is ratified, the resource royalty sharing formula set out in the Interim Resource Development Agreement will be replaced with any Resource Revenue Sharing Formula agreed to in the Agreement in Principle.
The Settlement Agreement further provides that, except for certain specified articles of the Agreement, the Settlement Agreement is not legally binding and is intended as an expression of goodwill and as a political commitment.
Negotiations under the Dehcho Process continued during 2006 with Canada presenting a formal comprehensive offer of land selection, local governance provisions and financial compensation but this offer was rejected by the Dehcho First Nations. The Dehcho First Nations are insisting on the approval of a Land Use Plan (see below). Negotiations continued intermittently since 2006 with no apparent progress reported. Around 2012 the DCFN and the Government of the Northwest Territories agreed to establish a bi-lateral process to explore new and innovative solutions to break the log-jams at the main negotiations.
On April 1, 2014 Bill C-15 - The Northwest Territories Devolution Act came into law providing for the devolution of lands and resource management from the Government of Canada to the Government of the Northwest Territories. Devolution in the NWT represents the transfer of decision-making and administration for land and resource management from the Government of Canada to the Government of the Northwest Territories.
A draft bi-lateral agreement was tabled and discussed in May and June 2014. The draft agreement provided for land selection, the completion of a Dehcho Land Use Plan and the structure and responsibilities of a Dehcho Resource Management Authority. It was reported in January 2015 that the GNWT offered the Dehcho First Nations land selection of 37,500 square kilometres of their traditional territory, with only surface rights, as well as a generalized interest in the subsurface equivalent of approximately 18% per cent of the Dehcho Settlement Area. The GNWT stated that the offer to the Dehcho First Nations is consistent with previously settled claims in the Mackenzie Valley. It has been reported in local media that the GNWT offer is not acceptable to the Dehcho and the DCFN have called for a mediator to work through the dissensions and come to an agreement. It has been reported that the DCFN are reportedly seeking 50,000 square kilometres of land, with surface and subsurface rights.

The Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee , was formally established in February 2002 under the authority of the Dehcho Interim Measures Agreement with the responsibility to prepare a land use plan for the Dehcho territory. The land use planning process is a community driven process where the goals and values of the residents of the Dehcho guide the development of the Plan. The Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee works closely with other planning partners such as governments, public agencies, non-government organizations and businesses to fulfill its mandate.
Land use planning boards are responsible for preparing comprehensive land use plans for their respective settlement areas. These plans guide the use of Crown, settlement, and other private lands and provide direction for the conservation, development and use of land, waters and other resources. Essentially, the land use planning boards create plans which lay out the permitted and prohibited uses of all land within a settlement area. They develop land use plans for their regions and recommend approvals, exceptions and amendments to related plans.
A Land Use Plan is a public document that sets aside different areas for different uses, and describes what activities are permitted or not permitted in specified areas. The land use plan applies to both Crown and settlement lands. It does not apply to lands within municipal boundaries or lands within national parks or historic sites.
Once the land use planning board has adopted a Land Use Plan, it must submit the plan to the First Nation of the settlement area, the Territorial Minister and the Federal Minister for approval.
The mission statement of the Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee is to develop a land use plan as a management tool to determine what type of land use activities should occur and where they should take place. The plan will balance economic, social, environmental and cultural needs and interests. The plan will be guided by the principals of sustainable development and respect for the land as understood and explained by the Dehcho Elders. The planning area excludes municipal areas and Nahanni National Park Reserve.
The purpose of the Land Use Plan is to promote the social, environmental, cultural and economic well-being of residents and communities in the Dehcho territory, having regard to the interests of all Canadians. The Plan shall provide for the conservation, development and utilization of the land, waters and other resources in the Dehcho territory.
The Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee includes representatives of the Dehcho First Nations, the Government of the Northwest Territories and Government of Canada. As outlined under the Dehcho Interim Measures Agreement the DCFN appointed two members while the two Governments each appointed one member. Upon the recommendation of the Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee , the parties to the Interim Measures Agreement appoint a fifth member as Chairperson.
Once approved, the Land Use Plan will provide legally binding direction to regulatory agencies and decision-makers in their assessment of development projects, protected areas proposals and other land uses.
The Land Use planning process considered the traditional use and occupancy information that was gathered to determine the Interim Land Withdrawals, along with other information on the natural resources and the economic and social needs of the communities. In turn, the Plan will guide the revision of the Interim Land Withdrawals based on the new information that has been gathered. Representatives of the Planning Committee visited the Prairie Creek Mine site in September 2004.
The Company made a detailed submission to the Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee and participated in the planning process. The Company commented on each draft of the Plan as such draft was produced and participated in various Public Forums. The Company had concerns about the latest draft of the Land Use Plan (November 2005 – Revised February 2006) and recommended that the draft in its current form not be approved. The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development has also expressed concern to the Committee (January 2006).

The draft Land Use Plan was approved by the General Assembly of the Dehcho First Nations in May 2006 and submitted to the Minister for consideration. The Minister did not accept the Plan arguing that it incorporated too much land to be preserved from development. In April 2007 the Federal Government and the Dehcho First Nations entered into an agreement to form a new Committee with representatives from all sides to negotiate a new revised plan. The Company understands that negotiations on a draft Land Use Plan are continuing intermittently.
The outcome of the Dehcho Process negotiations is expected to be a Final Agreement that will provide, amongst other things, for the implementation of a Dehcho government within the Dehcho territory. It is expected that the negotiations towards a Dehcho Final Agreement will take many years to complete.
The Company cannot predict the impact, if any, that the Dehcho Final Agreement if eventually approved and signed may have on the Prairie Creek Mine or the permitting thereof.
Nahanni Butte Dene Band
The Prairie Creek Mine is located 90 kilometres from the nearest settled community of Nahanni Butte, located at the confluence of the South Nahanni and Liard Rivers, 146 kilometres downstream of the minesite. The population of Nahanni Butte is approximately 90 people and water for domestic purposes is supplied by well. There is no permanent road access into the Prairie Creek Property, other than the existing Winter Road which was established in 1981. Regular access is by air only to a private airstrip controlled by the Company. There is no other existing land occupation, nor commercial land or water based activities in the vicinity of the mine. Similarly, no traditional use or trapping activity has been observed in the minesite area in recent history.
In October 2008, Canadian Zinc and the Nahanni Butte Dene Band entered into a MOU, to establish a mutually beneficial, co-operative and productive relationship. In the MOU, the Band agreed to maintain close communication links with Canadian Zinc, participate in good faith in current and pending environmental assessment and regulatory processes, and not to oppose, “in principle,” mining operations at Prairie Creek. Canadian Zinc has agreed to apply best efforts to employ Band members and to assist the Band and its community to benefit from business opportunities associated with the exploration and development of the Prairie Creek Project. The MOU also provides for the subsequent negotiation of an Impact Benefits Agreement regarding mining operations. Nothing within the MOU is intended to define, create or extinguish any rights of the Band or Canadian Zinc and the MOU is not legally binding on the parties.
The Company continued discussions and engagement with the Band throughout 2009 and 2010, specifically regarding their Traditional Knowledge and alternate routes for the access road to Prairie Creek, taking into consideration the expressed preferences of the community of Nahanni Butte. The Band outlined their concerns with the project and the Company’s responses to date include investigation of road realignment options and surveys of specific locations along the access road for heritage resources.
In January 2011, the Company signed the NAH?A DEHE DENE PRAIRIE CREEK AGREEMENT (the “Nahanni Agreement”) which provides for an ongoing working relationship between Canadian Zinc Corporation and the Nah?a Dehe Dene Band (Nahanni Butte Dene Band) that respects the goals and aspirations of each party and will enable the Nahanni community members to participate in the opportunities and benefits offered by the Prairie Creek Project and confirms their support for the Prairie Creek Mine.
The Nahanni Agreement provides a framework such that training, employment and business contracts are made available to Nahanni to ensure maximization of benefits from opportunities arising from the Prairie Creek Project in a manner that will be to the mutual benefit of both parties.
The Company believes that the separate goals of the Dehcho First Nations in achieving political sovereignty and economic self-sufficiency whilst protecting the environment are compatible. The Nah?a Dehe Dene Prairie Creek Agreement provides for a positive and cooperative working relationship between the Company and Nahanni Butte in respect of developing and operating an environmentally sound mining undertaking at Prairie Creek, which will not have significant adverse environmental effects on the ecological integrity of the South Nahanni River or the Nahanni National Park Reserve.

Liidlii Kue First Nation
In June 2011, the Company signed an Impact Benefits Agreement (“LKFN Agreement”) with the Liidlii Kue First Nation (“LKFN”) of Fort Simpson. The LKFN Agreement is similar in many respects to the above mentioned Nahanni Agreement entered into with the Nahanni Butte Dene Band. The LKFN has agreed to support CZN in obtaining all necessary permits and other regulatory approvals required for the Prairie Creek Mine Project. The Agreement is intended to ensure that CZN undertakes operations in an environmentally sound manner. LKFN will appoint a qualified Monitor to monitor environmental compliance and to monitor impacts of the Mine on the environment or wildlife and to work with CZN to prevent or mitigate such impacts.
The LKFN Agreement provides a framework such that training, employment and business contracts, and some financial provisions are made available to the LKFN to ensure maximization of benefits from opportunities arising from the Prairie Creek Project in a manner that will be to the mutual benefit of all parties. The Liidlii Kue First Nation is a member of the Dehcho First Nations. LKFN is the largest member of the Dehcho First Nations.
Socio-Economic Agreements
In August 2011, the Company signed a Socio-Economic Agreement with the Government of the Northwest Territories related to the planned development of the Prairie Creek Mine. The Socio-Economic Agreement establishes the methods and procedures by which the Company and the GNWT have agreed to work together to maximize the beneficial opportunities and minimize the negative socio–economic impacts arising from an operating Prairie Creek Mine. The Socio-Economic Agreement defines hiring priorities and employment commitments and practices during the construction, operation and closure of the Prairie Creek Mine and across the entire spectrum of project-based employment. The Company has targeted employment levels of at least 60% Northwest Territories residents and 25% Aboriginals. The Company has agreed to implement policies to maximize business and value-added opportunities for businesses in the Northwest Territories. Canadian Zinc will use its best efforts to ensure that purchases of goods and services through or from Northwest Territories businesses will be at least 30% during construction and at least 60% during operations.
In August 2011, Human Resource and Skills Development Canada, a federal department of the Government of Canada, approved a commitment of $3 million over a three-year period to fund " More Than a Silver Lining ", a program to provide Aboriginal participants with training-to-employment opportunities in a variety of mining-related occupations at the Prairie Creek Mine. In addition to the funding from the Government of Canada, the program received an additional $1 million from Canadian Zinc, the GNWT and the communities of Nahanni Butte, Fort Simpson, Fort Liard, Trout Lake and Jean Marie River.
The “ More Than a Silver Lining ” program delivered 19 training projects in the Dehcho Region over the three year period ending in 2013. Of the 19 training projects, six were facilitated by Canadian Zinc at the Prairie Creek Mine. Over the course of three years approximately 300 local individuals were assessed for participation in the training programs with 250 people actually participating, of which approximately 70 are reported to have returned to employment and others have moved on to higher education.
In August 2012, Canadian Zinc and the GNWT Department of Transportation signed a Collaboration Agreement to ensure effective co-operation related to the public transportation infrastructure that will support the Prairie Creek Mine project and will help ensure that both public needs and mine activities are supported.
Canadian Zinc plans to use the existing Northwest Territories public transportation system to bring goods, fuel and equipment by road to the Mine and to transport its mineral products from the Mine to world markets. As part of this Collaborative Agreement, to assist in priority setting, CZN will provide reports to the Department of Transportation on its anticipated road transportation requirements for the construction and operation of the Prairie Creek Mine which will help the Department of Transport to plan future work on these roads to maintain and enhance these roads effectively and the Department agreed to work closely with Canadian Zinc to ensure public safety by identifying areas of Highway 7 and the Nahanni Butte access road that require enhancement or upgrading.

From 2012 to 2014, Canadian Zinc, the Mine Training Society, Government of the Northwest Territories and the Prairie Creek Mine’s neighbouring aboriginal communities successfully completed a three year, federally funded training program entitled “ More Than a Silver Lining” (“MTSL”) under the Skills Partnership Fund with the Government of Canada. The MTSL training program’s total cost was $4.3 million, with the majority of the funding being provided by the federal department of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. The program was solely focused on the workforce needs of the Prairie Creek Mine.
The MTSL program delivered 19 training projects in the Dehcho Region over the three year period ending in 2014. Of the 19 training projects, six were facilitated by Canadian Zinc at the Prairie Creek Mine. Over the course of three years approximately 300 local individuals were assessed for participation in the training programs with 250 people actually participating, of which approximately 70 are reported to have returned to employment and others have moved on to higher education.
Newfoundland Properties
Canadian Zinc owns an extensive land package in central Newfoundland that includes three VMS projects, each with defined deposits, which are being explored by Canadian Zinc. Key deposits on each project are listed below:
South Tally Pond project - Lemarchant deposit; Indicated Mineral Resource of 1.24 million tonnes grading 5.38% zinc, 0.58% copper, 1.19% lead, 1.01 g/t gold and 59.17 g/t silver plus an additional Inferred Mineral Resource of 1.34 million tonnes grading 3.70% zinc, 0.41% copper, 0.86% lead, 1.00 g/t gold and 50.41 g/t silver (Giroux Consultants 2012);
Tulks South project - Boomerang-Domino deposit: Indicated Mineral Resource of 1.36 million tonnes grading 7.1% zinc, 3.0% lead, 0.5% copper, 110 g/t silver and 1.7 g/t gold plus an additional Inferred Mineral Resource of 0.69 million tonnes grading 6.5% zinc, 2.8% lead, 0.4% copper, 95 g/t silver and 1.0 g/t gold (Snowden 2007); and the Hurricane and Tulks East prospects; and
Long Lake project - Long Lake deposit: Indicated Mineral Resource of 0.48 million tonnes grading 7.8% zinc, 1.6% lead, 0.97% copper, 49 g/t silver and 0.57 g/t gold plus an additional Inferred Mineral Resource of 78,000 tonnes grading 5.7% zinc, 1.2% lead, 0.7% copper, 34 g/t silver and 0.48 g/t gold (SRK, 2012).
The Company’s exploration strategy in Newfoundland is to continue to build on its existing polymetallic resource base with the aim of developing either a stand-alone mine, similar to the past-producing mine at Buchans or the Duck Pond mine, or a number of smaller deposits that could be developed simultaneously and processed in a central milling facility.
Acquisition of Messina Minerals Inc.
On December 20, 2013, the Company completed its previously announced acquisition of Messina Minerals Inc. Under the terms of the Agreement, Canadian Zinc acquired all of the outstanding common shares of Messina in exchange for 2,132,714 common shares of Canadian Zinc by way of a statutory plan of arrangement on the basis of one share of Canadian Zinc for 5.9 shares of Messina.
Total consideration transferred was $1,372,000, which was comprised of the issuance of 2,132,714 common shares valued at $896,000 based on the closing market price of the Company’s shares on December 20, 2013 of $0.42 per share, conversion of options and warrants with a fair value of $19,000; Messina shares amounting to 3,000,000 which were previously acquired and valued at $180,000 based on the closing market price of Messina shares on December 20, 2013 of $0.06 per share and transaction costs of $277,000. The purchase price was allocated to the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed based upon their estimated fair value at the date of acquisition.
Canadian Zinc acquired 100% interest in several base metal properties in central Newfoundland including in the Tulks South Property, which includes the Boomerang, Domino and Long Lake base and precious metal-rich VMS deposits situated near the Company’s South Tally Pond project in central Newfoundland.

NI 43-101 mineral resource estimates include:
Boomerang deposit: Indicated mineral resource of 1.36 million tonnes grading 7.1% Zn, 3.0% Pb, 0.5% Cu, 110 g/t Ag and 1.7 g/t Au; and Inferred mineral resource of 0.28 million tonnes grading 6.7% Zn, 2.9% Pb, 0.4% Cu, 96.5 g/t Ag and 1.3 g/t Au;
Domino deposit (adjacent to Boomerang): Inferred resource estimate: 0.41 million tonnes grading 6.3% Zn, 2.8% Pb, 0.4% Cu, 94 g/t Ag and 0.6 g/t Au.
 (See Messina Minerals Inc. Technical Report, dated August 1, 2007, Tulks South Property, Central Newfoundland, Canada filed on SEDAR.)
The Boomerang deposit has some of the highest grade characteristics in the region. Exploration upside and resource expansion potential is believed to exist from numerous identified targets at surface and along strike to the northeast of the Boomerang deposit.
Tulks South Property
The Tulks South Property is located in the Buchans-Victoria Lake area in the Central Mobile Belt of the Dunnage tectonostratigraphic zone of the Appalachian Belt. The Dunnage tectonostratigraphic zone comprises ophiolitic island arc and back arc rocks. The Buchans-Victoria Lake area is host to numerous polymetallic (Zn-Pb-Cu-Au-Ag) volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits; including the historic Buchans area polymetallic deposits and the recently producing Duck Pond copper-zinc mine.
The Tulks South Property was the subject of a previous Technical Report by Dearin (2006). This current Technical Report dated August 2007, is intended to disclose recently updated Mineral Resources at the Boomerang and Domino deposits, and exploration results at the Tulks East B Zone and the Hurricane Zone. The Property also includes historic zinc resources at the Tulks East A Zone, Tulks East B Zone, Skidder, and Long Lake Main Zones. Since the previous Technical Report, Messina has undertaken additional Mineral Resource delineation drilling, Mineral Resource estimations, exploration drilling, metallurgical test work, and environmental base line studies on the Property.
At a 1% Zn cut-off grade, Indicated Mineral Resources at Boomerang are reported as 1.4 Mt at 7.1% Zn, 3.0% Pb, 0.5% Cu, 110.4 g/t Ag, and 1.7 g/t Au. Inferred Mineral Resources at Boomerang are reported as 278 kt at 6.7% Zn, 2.9% Pb, 0.4% Cu, 96.5 g/t Ag, and 1.3 g/t Au at the same cut-off grade.
At Domino, adjacent to the Boomerang deposit, Inferred Mineral Resources at a 1% Zn cut-off grade are reported as 411 kt at 6.3% Zn, 2.8% Pb, 0.4% Cu, 94 g/t Ag, and 0.6 g/t Au.
Tulks South Project 2014 Drill Program
In July 2014, the Company undertook a diamond drill program on its Tulks South property, focused on expanding the the mineral resource at the Boomerang-Domino deposit, extending the nearby Hurricane prospect mineralization and testing for extensions to the mineralization at the Tulks East prospect (2,000 metres).
Six drillholes (1,743 metres) tested for up and down-dip extensions of the Hurricane prospect mineralization and three drillholes (1,287 metres) tested for extensions to the defined Boomerang-Domino deposit. Highlights include:
Drillhole GA14-278 intersected 13.23% zinc, 8.24% lead, 0.70% copper, 135.8 g/t silver and 0.67 g/t gold over 2.37 metres in the down-dip extension of the Hurricane Prospect, and;
Drillhole GA14-281 intersected 4.45% zinc, 1.82% lead, 0.18% copper, 52.15 g/t silver and 0.82 g/t gold over 2.49 metres in a previously untested area between the Boomerang and Domino massive sulphide lenses.
Eight of the drillholes intersected the strongly altered, mineralized rhyolite stratigraphy (footwall), located directly below the mineralized horizon which hosts the Boomerang-Domino deposit and Hurricane mineralization. The two highlighted massive sulphide intersections are located along this horizon at the top of the footwall stratigraphy.

Subsequent to the end of the third quarter four holes (1,377 metres) were completed on the Tulks East prospect. Tulks East is comprised of two zones, A Zone and B Zone, with earlier historical resources estimates. Two holes successfully extended the A Zone mineralization a further 50 metres down-dip, which remains open to the northwest and northeast.
The results from drilling programs conducted in 2014 on the Tulks South Property are not considered material to the previous resource estimates.
Long Lake Project 2014 Drill Program
Following completion of the drill program at Tulks South, the drill was mobilized to the Long Lake project where a 2,712 metre wide spaced drill program was successful in extending the copper-lead-zinc massive sulphide mineralization. both up- and down-dip and along strike and showed a marked increase in the copper, lead, zinc, silver and gold grades to the west of the defined Main Zone deposit. Highlights include:
Drillhole LL14-50 intersected 25.50% zinc, 5.90% lead, 1.29% copper, 189.7 g/t silver and 1.87 g/t gold over 1.20 metres (core length) from 42.2 to 43.4 metres downhole.
Drillhole LL14-51 intersected 10.81% zinc, 1.99% lead, 1.59% copper, 86.95 g/t silver and 1.39 g/t gold over 2.25 metres (core length) at 175 metres below surface.
Drillhole LL14-52 intersected 19.56% zinc, 6.59% lead, 1.29% copper, 131.42 g/t silver and 1.85 g/t gold over 1.10 metres (core length) 75 metres down-dip of LL14-51.
A total of 11 drillholes (2,712 metres) was completed at the Long Lake Main Zone VMS deposit. Ten of the eleven drill holes intersected the mineralized horizon between approximately 50 and 350 metres vertical depth.
The results from drilling programs conducted in 2014 on the Long Lake Project are not considered material to the previous resource estimates.
Acquisition of Paragon Minerals Corporation
On September 24, 2012, Canadian Zinc acquired all of the outstanding common shares of Paragon in exchange for common shares of Canadian Zinc on the basis of 0.136 of a share of Canadian Zinc for each share of Paragon.
Total consideration transferred was $4,080,000, which was comprised of the issuance of 7,299,019 common shares valued at $3,394,000 based on the closing market price of the Company’s shares on September 24, 2012 of $0.465 per share, conversion of options and warrants with a fair value of $53,000, Paragon shares amounting to 7,000,000 which were previously acquired and valued at $420,000 based on the closing market price of Paragon shares on September 24, 2012 of $0.06 per share and transaction costs of $213,000. The purchase price was allocated to the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed based upon their estimated fair value at the date of acquisition.
Paragon’s primary project is its 100% interest in the South Tally Pond Property, which includes the Lemarchant deposit, and is located in a proven mining district near Buchans, Newfoundland. The South Tally Pond Property covers 261 km 2 and is immediately adjacent to Teck Resources Limited’s Duck Pond Cu-Zn mine and mill complex. The Lemarchant deposit is a significant precious metal-rich copper-lead-zinc Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (“VMS”) discovery with a potential opportunity to develop into a viable economic resource. An initial NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate that was completed in March 2012 for Paragon on the Lemarchant deposit includes the following defined mineral resources:
Indicated resource estimate: 1.24 million tonnes at an average grade of 5.38% Zn, 0.58% Cu, 1.19% Pb, 1.10 g/t Au and 59.17 g/t Ag; and
Inferred resource estimate: 1.34 million tonnes at an average grade of 3.70% Zn, 0.41% Cu, 0.86% Pb, 1.0 g/t Au and 50.41 g/t Ag.
(See report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate on the Lemarchant Deposit, South Tally Pond VMS Project, Central Newfoundland, Canada” dated March 2, 2012 and filed on SEDAR under Paragon’s profile on March 9, 2012. (the “South Tally Pond Technical Report”))

The Lemarchant deposit has been defined to a 210 m depth and remains open along strike and at depth. The exploration potential outside of the Lemarchant area of the South Tally Pond Property is still relatively untapped with numerous priority VMS targets that have seen limited or no drilling.
South Tally Pond Property
The South Tally Pond VMS Project is located 110 kilometres southwest of the town of Grand Falls-Windsor, NL and 35 kilometres south of the community of Millertown, NL. The Property consists of five, contiguous 100% controlled properties or blocks including the Harpoon Block, Gills Pond Block, Higher Levels Block, South Tally Pond Block and the South Tally Pond Extension Block. The aggregate land position comprises 8 map-staked mineral licences (856 claims) covering 21,400 hectares immediately southwest of the Duck Pond Mine. The South Tally Pond Block is under option from Altius Resources Inc., whereby Paragon can earn a 100% interest in this property by making one remaining share payment to the vendors. The Harpoon Block is subject to a 2% net smelter return royalty to the property vendors of which 50% is purchasable by Paragon.
The South Tally Pond project area has been explored intermittently since the late 1960’s for precious metal-rich polymetallic volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. The bulk of the historic exploration work in the area was completed by Noranda and its various partners between 1973 and 1998. This exploration work resulted in the discovery of the Duck Pond and Boundary deposits. In addition, Noranda discovered numerous other prospects including the Lemarchant, Rogerson Lake, Bindon’s Pond, Higher Levels, Spencer’s Pond and Beaver Lake Prospects through geochemical and geophysical surveys. Each of these areas has seen limited to no drilling.
The South Tally Pond Project is underlain by rocks of the Victoria Lake supergroup which consists of a structurally complex, composite collage of bimodal Neoproterozoic to Ordovician arc-related magmatic and sedimentary rocks. The Victoria Lake supergroup hosts numerous base metal-bearing VMS deposits, showings and extensive alteration zones, and several gold deposits and showings. This mineralization is distributed throughout all of the lithotectonic assemblages, including the Tally Pond Volcanic Belt, that comprise the supergroup. The Tally Pond Volcanic Belt consists of Cambrian-aged volcanic, volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks that extend from Victoria Lake northeast to Burnt Pond. The South Tally Pond Project is situated in the same volcanic belt and to the immediate southwest of Teck Resources Limited’s Duck Pond Copper Zinc Mine (5.1 million tonnes averaging 3.6% Cu, 6.3% Zn, 1.0% Pb, 64 g/t Ag and 0.9 g/t Au for both the Duck Pond and Boundary deposits).
The Lemarchant Deposit area is underlain by a north-striking sequence of bimodal submarine volcanic rocks (rhyolites and basalts) of the Tally Pond Volcanic Belt. The mineralization is hosted within a 4,000 metre long and 700 metre wide sequence of highly altered felsic volcanic rocks. Polymetallic sulphide mineralization is hosted in moderate to intensely altered rhyolite breccias, massive flows and lesser tuffaceous horizons. The footwall to the semi-massive to massive sulphide mineralization is characterized by a well-developed, barium-enriched base metal stringer system, with moderate to intense quartz-sericite-chlorite to quartz-chlorite alteration. On several sections the footwall alteration zone is cut-off by a frequently recognizable, east-verging thrust fault (Lemarchant Fault) that potentially repeats the mineralized horizon at depth in the minimally tested Lower Felsic Block. The Lower Felsic Block represents an area of high exploration potential that warrants aggressive follow-up drilling.
South Tally Pond 2013 Drill Program
A winter diamond drill program on the South Tally Pond property was completed in March 2013. A total of 11 drillholes (3,370 metres), including two drillhole extensions, were completed at the Lemarchant deposit. Highlights of the drill program include:
New massive sulphide mineralization discovered 250 metres to the northwest of the Lemarchant deposit in drillholes LM13-73 and LM13-74 (see news release dated February 27, 2013);
Significant massive sulphide mineralization intersected in drillhole LM13-79 which extends the Lemarchant deposit mineralization 35 metres up-dip; and
Three drillholes testing the south extension to the Lemarchant deposit intersected favourable felsic volcanic stratigraphy with locally anomalous base metal mineralization.

Beginning in September 2013 and ending in December 2013, fifteen drillholes totaling 4,928 metres of coring, nine of which intersected significant sulphide mineralization, were completed during the fall drill program on the Lemarchant deposit at the South Tally Pond project. Highlights include:
Additional massive sulphide mineralization intersected at the Northwest zone discovered in early 2013. The new Northwest zone, located 250 metres northwest of the Lemarchant deposit, now extends over a 100 metre strike length and remains open for expansion.
Significant precious metal values accompany the Northwest zone base metal mineralization, including samples assaying 463.0 g/t silver over 1.0 metre and 17.5 g/t gold over 0.8 metre.
Drilling at the North target intersected strongly altered felsic volcanic rocks directly below the overlying basalts, which is similar to the stratigraphy associated with the massive sulphide mineralization of the Lemarchant deposit to the immediate south.
South Tally Pond 2014 Drill Program
Two drill programs were completed at the South Tally Pond VMS project in 2014 wherein a total of 5,104 metres was completed to further evaluate the Northwest zone at the Lemarchant deposit.
A winter diamond drill program on the South Tally Pond copper-lead-zinc-silver-gold project was completed in March 2014. Six drillholes, totaling 2,350 metres were completed at the Northwest mineralized zone located 250 metres northwest of the drill-defined Lemarchant Deposit. The 2014 winter drilling program successfully extended the Northwest zone mineralization which remains open for further expansion.
A fall diamond drill program was completed in December 2014. Six drillholes and two drillhole extensions totaling 2,754 metres were completed at the Northwest zone, located 250 metres northwest of the drill-defined Lemarchant Deposit.
The drilling programs conducted in 2013 and 2014 on the South Tally Pond Property were mostly outside the resource area and the drilling results are not considered material to the previous resource estimates.
Vatukoula Gold Mines plc
In 2009, the Company acquired an interest in Vatukoula Gold Mines plc (“VGM”). Canadian Zinc currently holds 12,573,380 shares of VGM which represents approximately 3.6% of the issued share capital. VGM is a UK company which owns and operates the Vatukoula Gold Mine in Fiji. Following a general meeting held on June 23, 2014, VGM announced that effective July 1, 2014, VGM shares would no longer trade on AIM (part of the London Stock Exchange). An arrangement has been made with W. H. Ireland Group PLC to provide a Matched Bargain Service for existing shareholders wanting to dispose of existing shares, increase their current holding or invest in VGM. VGM shares are no longer traded on a regulated market.
The VGM shares held by Canadian Zinc continue to be classified as marketable securities at their fair market value. The carrying value of the securities is adjusted at each reporting period to the then fair value with the resulting unrealized gains or losses included in comprehensive income or loss for the period.
At December 31, 2014, the Company’s investment in VGM was estimated to have a fair value of $450,000. The Company considers there has been no change in fair value as of the date of this Annual Report. The outlook for this investment is dependent on the ongoing performance of VGM.
The shares of VGM were acquired for investment purposes. Depending on the performance of the Vatukoula mine and on market and other conditions, Canadian Zinc may from time to time in the future increase or decrease its ownership, control or direction over the shares of VGM, through market transactions, private agreements or otherwise.
Not applicable.

A. Operating Results
Financial Results for the Year Ended December 31, 2014 Compared to the Year Ended December 31, 2013
This review of the results of operations should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 and other public disclosure documents of the Company.
For the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company reported a net loss and comprehensive loss of $12,434,000 compared to a net loss and comprehensive loss of $6,911,000 for the year ended December 31, 2013. Included in the loss for the year ended December 31, 2014, were exploration and evaluations costs of $9,996,000, compared to $6,089,000 for the previous year.
The net loss in the year ended December 31, 2014 included a loss of $878,000 on the Company’s marketable securities compared to a loss of $3,626,000 for the comparative year of 2013. The net loss in the previous year was reduced by a gain on the sale of a net smelter royalty in the amount of $5,439,000 with no comparable in the current year. Excluding the loss on marketable securities and the gain on the sale of a net smelter royalty, the Company recorded a loss of $11,556,000 for the year ended December 31, 2014 compared to a loss of $8,724,000 the previous year.
Exploration and Evaluation Costs
For the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company expensed $7,982,000 on its exploration and evaluation programs at Prairie Creek compared to $4,928,000 for the year ended December 31, 2013. The overall increase in expenditures for the Prairie Creek Project was due to the increased mine planning and feasibility studies costs of $3,301,000 in 2014 compared to $1,611,000 for the comparative year along with increased exploration costs of $1,163,000 in 2014 compared to $331,000 as the Company initiated an underground exploration program in the last quarter of 2014.
For the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company also expensed $2,014,000 on its exploration and evaluation properties in central Newfoundland compared to $1,161,000 for the comparative year as the Company completed a yearlong exploration program on its properties in central Newfoundland.
Details of the exploration and evaluation costs are shown in Note 13 to the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014.
Revenue and Investment Income
The Company does not generate any cash flows from operations. To date the Company has not earned any significant revenues other than interest and related investment income. Investment income for the year ended December 31, 2014 was $169,000 versus $106,000 for the comparative year. The increase is attributable to the overall increase in amounts available for investment during 2014.
Administrative Expenses
The Company recorded administrative expenses (excluding share-based compensation and depreciation) of $2,226,000 for the year ended December 31, 2014 which were lower than the $2,741,000 for the previous year as incentive bonuses were awarded in 2013 to certain employees and consultants based upon successful receipt of all necessary permits for the Prairie Creek Project.
Share-Based Compensation
Share-based compensation was $23,000 for the year ended December 31, 2014 versus $120,000 for the comparative year due to a lower amount of stock options vesting throughout the current year. The share-based compensation expense value was calculated using the Black-Scholes valuation method with assumptions as described in the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company.

Other Income (Expenses)
The Company reported a loss on marketable securities of $878,000 for the year ended December 31, 2014 versus a loss of $3,626,000 for the year ended December 31, 2013. All the Company’s marketable securities have been designated as fair value through profit or loss by the Company.
The Company recorded a gain on the sale of a 1.2% net smelter royalty on the Prairie Creek Mine to Sandstorm Metals & Energy Ltd. for net proceeds of $10,271,000 in the second quarter of 2013. The Company’s policy is to recognize, in income, costs recovered on exploration and evaluation assets when amounts received or receivable are in excess of the carrying amount of the corresponding exploration and evaluation asset. Accordingly, the Company reduced the carrying value of the Prairie Creek Mine to $nil in the second quarter of 2013 and recognized a gain on the sale of mineral property interests of $5,439,000 on the consolidated statement of income (loss) with no comparable amount in 2014.
Excluding the loss on marketable securities and the gain on the sale of a net smelter returns royalty, the Company recorded a net loss of $11,556,000 during the year ended December 31, 2014 compared to a net loss of $8,724,000 during the comparative year.
Financial Results for the Year Ended December 31, 2013 Compared to the Year Ended December 31, 2012
This review of the results of operations should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company for the years ended December 31, 2013 and 2012 and other public disclosure documents of the Company.
For the year ended December 31, 2013, the Company reported a net loss and comprehensive loss of $6,911,000 compared to a net loss and comprehensive loss of $19,870,000 for the year ended December 31, 2012. The net loss in the year ended December 31, 2013 included a loss of $3,626,000 on the Company’s marketable securities compared to loss of $8,804,000 for the comparative year of 2012. The net loss in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013 was reduced as the Company recorded a gain on the sale of a net smelter royalty in the amount of $5,439,000 with no comparable in the previous year. Excluding the loss on the marketable securities and the gain on the sale of a net smelter royalty, the Company recorded a loss of $8,724,000 for the year ended December 31, 2013 compared to a similar loss of $11,066,000 the previous year.
Exploration and Evaluation Costs
For the year ended December 31, 2013, the Company expensed $4,928,000 on its exploration and evaluation programs at Prairie Creek compared to $9,037,000 for the year ended December 31, 2012. For the year ended December 31, 2013, the Company also expensed $1,161,000 on its exploration and evaluation programs at South Tally Pond compared to $88,000 for the comparative period. Details of the exploration and evaluation costs are shown in Note 13 to the audited consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2013 and 2012.
The overall decrease in expenditures at the Prairie Creek Mine site was due to two factors. Firstly, diamond drilling costs of $331,000 compared to $3,107,000 for the comparative year as the scope of the drill program was reduced in 2013. Secondly, feasibility studies and mine planning costs of $2,860,000 were incurred in 2012 as the Company completed a pre-feasibility study and were significantly higher than similar costs of $1,611,000 in 2013. During 2013, the Company continued engineering work, associated with the Prairie Creek Mine Site, with Tetra Tech, AMC and JDS and expects to continue this work in 2014. Also, costs associated with permitting activities decreased somewhat in the year ended December 31, 2013 to $1,342,000 (year ended December 31, 2012 - $1,522,000).

Revenue and Investment Income
The Company does not generate any cash flows from operations. To date the Company has not earned any significant revenues other than interest and related investment income. Investment income for the year ended December 31, 2013 was $106,000 versus $164,000 for the comparative period. The decrease is attributable to the overall decrease in amounts available for investment during the year ended December 31, 2013 versus the comparative year.
Administrative Expenses
The Company recorded administrative expenses (excluding share-based compensation and depreciation) of $2,741,000 for the year ended December 31, 2013 compared to $2,231,000 for the previous year as incentive bonuses were awarded to certain employees and consultants based upon receipt of all necessary permits for the Prairie Creek Project in 2013.
Share-Based Compensation
Share-based compensation was $120,000 for the year ended December 31, 2013 versus $107,000 for the previous year due to a higher amount of stock options vesting throughout the year ended December 31, 2013. The share-based compensation expense value was calculated using the Black-Scholes valuation method with assumptions as described in the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company.
Other Income (Expenses)
The Company recorded a gain on the sale of a 1.2% net smelter royalty on the Prairie Creek Mine to Sandstorm Metals & Energy Ltd. for net proceeds of $10,271,000 in 2013. The Company’s policy is to recognize, in income, costs recovered on exploration and evaluation assets when amounts received or receivable are in excess of the carrying amount of the corresponding exploration and evaluation asset. Accordingly, the Company reduced the carrying value of the Prairie Creek Mine to $nil in 2013 and recognized a gain on the sale of mineral property interests of $5,439,000 on the consolidated statement of income (loss).
The Company reported a loss on marketable securities of $3,626,000 for the year ended December 31, 2013 versus a loss of $8,804,000 for the previous year. All the Company’s marketable securities have been designated as fair value through profit or loss by the Company. The total gain or loss recorded on marketable securities for the year ended December 31, 2013 is based upon the closing market bid price of the shares at December 31, 2013.
B. Liquidity and Capital Resources
At December 31, 2014, the Company had a positive working capital balance of $12,353,000 including cash and cash equivalents of $8,792,000, short term investments of $5,023,000 and marketable securities of $450,000 (for a total of $14,265,000). At December 31, 2013, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $8,376,000, short term investments of $2,005,000, marketable securities of $1,328,000, and a positive working capital balance of $10,617,000.
Cash inflows from financing activities totaled $14,474,000 for year ended December 31, 2014 versus $3,701,000 for the comparative year, due to the Company’s financing activities in the third quarters of 2014 and 2013. The Company also received $357,000 for the issue of 1,513,134 common shares upon the exercise of stock options at exercise prices of $0.23 and $0.30 per common share during year ended December 31, 2014. During the comparable year, 200,000 common shares were issued upon the exercise of stock options at an exercise price of $0.23 per common share for total proceeds of $46,000.
The Company’s accounts payable and accrued and other liabilities at December 31, 2014 were $2,140,000 compared to $1,624,000 as at December 31, 2013.
Canadian Zinc does not generate any cash flows from operations and has no income other than investment income. The Company relies on financings to fund its working capital requirements and planned exploration, development and permitting activities. The Company expects its current working capital will be able to meet current commitments and allow 2015 programs to proceed as planned.

Additional capital will be required in order to bring the Prairie Creek Mine into production in the future. The ability to raise additional financing may be impacted by conditions beyond the control of the Company, such as continued uncertainty in the capital markets and depressed commodity prices, or such financing may not be available on favourable terms. This is discussed in more detail in the “Risk Factors” section in this Annual Report.
The Preliminary Feasibility Study completed in June 2012 estimated that, depending on final design and operating permit conditions, the additional capital required to install the planned new facilities and to bring the Prairie Creek Mine into production will aggregate $160 million plus a contingency of $33 million for a total of $193 million. Working capital upon commencement of production was estimated in the PFS to be $34 million plus a contingency of $7 million for a total of $41 million.
The Company is in the process of updating the estimate of capital costs to bring the Prairie Creek Mine into production and a revised estimate will be included in the updated preliminary feasibility study to be completed later in the year. The 2012 Preliminary Feasibility Study included an estimate of $12.8 million in respect of security deposits or financial assurance required to secure reclamation obligations arising under various surface leases, permits and licences. The new water licences and land use permits issued in 2013 together provide for the posting, in stages, of a total of approximately $20.4 million in respect of security deposits or financial assurance required to secure reclamation obligations. The Company is currently finalizing the design and cost estimates of a potential all season road for inclusion into the capital cost schedule of the Prairie Creek Project. Incorporation of an all season road for future operations would require significant additional capital costs which were not considered in the 2012 Preliminary Feasibility Study.
Financing - Use of Proceeds
During 2014, the Company completed an equity financing, which closed July 31, 2014, by way of a short form Prospectus in Canada dated July 23, 2014, raising gross proceeds of $15.8 million. The following table details how the net proceeds of the financing have been used up to December 31, 2014 compared to the anticipated use of the net proceeds set out in the Prospectus, including additional net proceeds derived from the sale of additional flow-through shares upon the exercise, in part, by the Underwriters of their over-allotment option.
Net Use of Proceeds
Prairie Creek Mine Development Programs
  $ 8,000     $ 1,671  
Exploration Programs
    5,751       3,190  
General and Administrative
    722       722  
  $ 14,473     $ 5,583  
(Unaudited, thousands of Canadian dollars)
The allocation of the net proceeds of the financing may be adjusted within the stated categories of expenditures above depending on, among other things, timing of receipt of required government approvals, availability of equipment and services, and general political and market conditions. Further, while the Company intends to use the net proceeds as stated above, there may be circumstances that are not known at this time where a reallocation of the net proceeds may be advisable for business reasons that management believes are in the Company's best interest.
C. Research and Development, Patents and Licences, Etc.
The Company is a mineral exploration company and does not carry on any research and development activities.

D. Trend Information
As the Company is an exploration company with no producing mining properties, information regarding trends in production, sales and inventory are not meaningful.
E. Off-balance Sheet Arrangements
The Company has no off-balance sheet arrangements that have or are reasonably likely to have a current or future effect on its financial condition, changes in financial condition, revenues or expenses, results of operations, liquidity, capital expenditures or capital resources that are material to investors.
F. Tabular Disclosure of Contractual Obligations
The following table reflects the Company’s aggregate contractual commitments as of December 31, 2014:
(thousands of Canadian dollars)
Payment due by period
Contractual Obligations
Less than 1 year
1-3 years
3-5 years
More than 5 years
Operating Lease Obligation (1)
    410       161       249       -       -  
Decommissioning Liability (2)
    3,142       -       -       -       3,142  
Total Contractual Obligations
    3,552       161       249       -       3,142  
(1) Represents obligations under operating leases for office space and equipment.
(2) The decommissioning liability represents reclamation and closure costs for the Prairie Creek Property and have been estimated based on the Company’s understanding of its current obligations under its existing surface leases, land use permits and class “B” Water Licence for reclamation and closure of the Prairie Creek Mine site as it now exists with the current infrastructure and assuming a mine life of 11 years whereby such undiscounted costs are anticipated to be predominantly incurred at the end of the life of the Prairie Creek Mine.
The table above does not include the annual fees related to the Company’s mining leases, surface leases and mineral claims which total approximately $45,000 per annum and property taxes of approximately $30,000 per annum.

A. Directors and Senior Management
Name, Province or State and
Country of Ordinary Residence
and Position Held with the
Principal Occupation During Preceding
Five Years
Date First Became Director of the Company (5)
Brian A. Atkins (2) (3)
British Columbia, Canada Director
Chartered Accountant; Partner at KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants, from 1978 to 2005; Director of BlueShore Financial; Member of Independent Review Committee of Inhance Investment Management Inc. until December 2009; Member of the Institute of Corporate Directors.
June 2008
John F. Kearney
Ontario, Canada
Chairman, President, Chief
Executive Officer and Director
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Zinc Corporation since 2003; Chairman of Labrador Iron Mines Limited since May 2007; Chairman of Conquest Resources Limited since 2001; Chairman of Anglesey Mining plc since 1994; Director of Vatukoula Gold Mines plc July 2009 to August 2013.
November 2001
John A. MacPherson (2) (3)
British Columbia, Canada
Private Businessman; Director of Vatukoula Gold Mines plc July 2009 to February 2014.
May 1999
Dave Nickerson (2) (3) (4)
Northwest Territories, Canada
Professional Engineer, Mining consultant, Director, Tyhee Development Corp.; previously Chairman of Northwest Territories Water Board; Member of Parliament, Member of NWT Legislative Assembly; Government Minister.
March 2004
Alan B. Taylor (4)
British Columbia, Canada
Vice President, Exploration, Chief
Operating Officer and Director
Vice President, Exploration of Canadian Zinc Corporation since 1999 and Chief Operating Officer of Canadian Zinc Corporation since March 2004.
March 2004
Trevor L. Cunningham
British Columbia, Canada
Chief Financial Officer, Vice
President Finance and Corporate
Chief Financial Officer and Vice President Finance of Canadian Zinc Corporation since January 2011; Chartered Professional Accountant, Certified Management Accountant.
The information as to common shares beneficially owned, controlled or directed by the above-named directors as at the date hereof, not being within the knowledge of the Company, has been furnished by the respective directors individually.
Member of the Audit Committee.
Member of the Compensation Committee.
Member of Health and Safety Committee.
All Directors are elected annually to hold office until the Company’s next Annual Meeting of shareholders.
B. Compensation
Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Objectives of Executive Compensation
The Board has appointed a Compensation Committee which has responsibility for determining compensation for the directors and senior management. The Company does not have a formal compensation plan in place for its Named Executive Officers (defined below under the heading “Summary Compensation Table”). The general compensation philosophy of the Company for executive officers, including for the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”), is to provide a level of compensation that is competitive within the North American marketplace and that will attract and retain individuals with the experience and qualifications necessary for the Company to be successful, and to provide longer-term incentive compensation, such as the grant of stock options, which aligns the interest of executives with those of shareholders and encourages senior management to have a direct and identifiable impact on the performance of the Company and to develop and implement a long-range strategy.
The Company is primarily engaged in the exploration, development and re-permitting of its Prairie Creek property located in the Northwest Territories, Canada. The Company is considered to be in the exploration and development stage, given that its Prairie Creek property is not in production and, to date, has not earned any significant revenues and does not generate revenues from operations. Accordingly, the Company is reliant upon funding from capital raising activities. Therefore, the use of traditional performance standards, such as corporate profitability, is not considered to be appropriate in the evaluation of corporate or executive performance, and the Board of Directors (the “Board”) has to consider the financial situation of the Company in a wider context and involving the ongoing status of the Prairie Creek project, when setting its executive compensation levels.

Historically, the compensation of executive officers of the Company has been comprised primarily of cash compensation and the allocation of incentive stock options. In establishing levels of remuneration and in granting stock options, the Compensation Committee takes into consideration the executive's performance, level of expertise, responsibilities and length of service to the Company, as well as comparable levels of remuneration paid to executives of other companies of comparable size and development within the industry. Interested executives do not participate in reviews, discussions or decisions of the Compensation Committee or the Board regarding this remuneration. The Compensation Committee’s responsibilities and composition are described below under the heading “Corporate Governance Disclosure – Compensation Committee”.
Goals and objectives for the Company are typically set through discussions at Board meetings, and senior management will then work to achieve these goals and objectives. Follow-up on progress would typically take place at subsequent Board meetings. The Company did not set formal, person-specific, performance goals for the Named Executive Officers for 2014. Awarding additional compensation upon successful completion of corporate objectives is entirely at the discretion of the Compensation Committee. Given the size of the Company, this is considered appropriate to effectively manage the business and allow the Named Executive Officers to move the business forward.
While the Company does not actively benchmark its compensation programs for executive officers, and the individual components thereof, it does review compensation levels within the industry primarily through the use of third-party “Compensation Reports”, which are available through certain consulting firms. These reports typically include information for larger mining companies but do assist the Compensation Committee in determining approximately the salary levels and other benefits in place across the industry.
The Compensation Committee relies on the general knowledge and experience of its members, and recommendations from senior management, in reviewing appropriate levels of compensation for executive officers and the implementation of, or amendment to, any other aspects of compensation that the Compensation Committee may review from time to time. All Compensation Committee members have relevant general, but not direct, experience in executive compensation and compensation policies and practices in the junior mineral resources business gained through current and prior experience in business, the minerals industry and government. Neither the Company nor the Compensation Committee currently has nor at any time during 2013 had any contractual arrangement with any compensation consultant.
The Compensation Committee is responsible for considering the risks associated with the Company’s compensation policies and practices and has not identified any specific risks associated with the Company’s compensation policies and practices that are reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect.
Because of the current scale and scope of the Company’s operations, and the limited number of senior management and employees, and the oversight by the Board of all significant activities, including risk management, the Compensation Committee does not believe that the Company’s compensation policies and practices would encourage any executive officer to take inappropriate or excessive risk.
Base Salary
The Company provides executive officers with base salaries which represent their minimum compensation for services rendered during the fiscal year. Salary levels are based upon the executive’s experience, responsibilities, performance and time commitment. Base salaries are reviewed annually by the Compensation Committee, which reviewed the base salaries of the CEO and COO for 2014 and did not recommend any adjustments. The base salaries were considered to be appropriate for the level of experience and skills of each Named Executive Officer. The Compensation Committee reviewed the base salary of the CFO for 2014 and approved an increase based on expanded responsibility and comparable compensation levels in the mining industry.

Stock Options
The grant of stock options to purchase common shares of the Company, pursuant to the Company’s stock option plan is an integral component of executive officer compensation packages. The Company's stock option plan is administered by the Board of Directors, with option grants being recommended by the Compensation Committee to the Board. The stock option plan is designed to give each option holder an interest in preserving and maximizing shareholder value in the longer term, to enable the Company to attract and retain individuals with experience and ability, and to reward individuals for current performance and expected future performance. Previous stock option grants are considered when reviewing executive officer compensation packages as a whole. No stock options were granted to officers or directors in 2014. A total of 1,100,000 stock options were exercised by officers and directors during 2014.
Restricted Share Units
In 2014, the Company adopted a Restricted Share Unit Plan (the “RSU Plan”) for the benefit of the Company’s employees, directors and consultants. The RSU Plan is intended to assist the Company in the recruitment and retention of highly qualified employees, directors and eligible consultants by providing a means to reward performance, to motivate participants under the RSU Plan to achieve important corporate and personal objectives and, through the proposed issuance by the Company of Common Shares under the RSU Plan, to better align the interests of participants with the long-term interests of Shareholders.
The Board uses Restricted Share Units (‘‘RSUs’’) issued under the RSU Plan as part of the Company’s overall executive compensation plan. Since the value of RSUs increase or decrease with the price of the Common Shares, RSUs reflect a philosophy of aligning the interests of executives with those of the Shareholders by tying executive compensation to share price performance. In addition, RSUs assist in the retention of qualified and experienced executives by rewarding those individuals who make a long term commitment.
The RSU Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee of the Board or such other Committee of the Board as may be designated by the Board (the “Committee”). Each RSU awarded conditionally entitles the participant to receive one Common Share (or the cash equivalent) upon attainment of the RSU vesting criteria. The maximum number of Common Shares which may be reserved, set aside and made available for issuance under the RSU Plan is a variable number equal to 3% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares of the Company as of the date of the grant on a non-diluted basis.
No award of RSUs was made in 2014.
Other Incentives
The Company does not have a formal annual incentive bonus plan in place. Any award of a bonus to executive officers is entirely at the discretion of the Board of Directors based upon recommendation by the Compensation Committee. In considering the payment of a discretionary bonus to executive officers, the Compensation Committee takes into account the individual performance and efforts of the executive during the year, the progress made by the Company in furthering its business plan and the overall economic climate. As discussed above, there are no specific individual performance targets set ahead of time when determining additional payments such as bonuses.
In 2013, the Compensation Committee considered that the progress with regard to the on-going development of the Prairie Creek Project, including the achievement of a major milestone in obtaining all necessary permits and licences to complete construction and development of the Prairie Creek Mine, were such that the payments of year-end bonuses to each of the CEO, COO and CFO were appropriate. Payment of such bonuses was split into two equal halves with the first half paid in 2013 and the second half in 2014.
No additional incentive bonuses were awarded in 2014.
The Company's health benefit plan is available to all full-time employees. The benefit plan is designed to protect the health of all employees and their dependents, and to provide coverage in the event of disability or death.

Perquisites and personal benefits provided to executive officers reflect competitive practices and particular business needs. They are not considered a material component of the executive compensation program.
Summary Compensation Table
The following table sets out all annual and long term compensation for services in all capacities to the Company for the three most recently completed financial years ended on December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012 in respect of each of the individuals comprised of each CEO and the CFO (who acted in such capacity for all or any portion of the most recently completed financial year), and each of the three most highly compensated executive officers, or the three most highly compensated individuals acting in a similar capacity, (other than the CEO and the CFO), as at December 31, 2014 whose total compensation was, individually, more than $150,000 for the financial year and any individual who would have satisfied these criteria but for the fact that individual was neither an executive officer of the Company, nor acting in a similar capacity, at the end of the most recently completed financial year (collectively, the "Named Executive Officer" or "NEOs").
Share-based awards
awards (1)
Non-equity incentive
plan compensation
All other
compensation (3)
plans (2)
plans (2)
John F. Kearney
Chairman, President,
CEO and Director (4)
Alan B. Taylor
COO, Vice President,
Exploration, Director (4)
268,981 (5)
Trevor L. Cunningham
CFO, Vice President,
Michael Vande Guchte
Vice President
(Paragon) (6)
The value of option-based awards represents the grant date fair value of the stock options awarded. For fiscal 2012, the Company granted stock options on October 4, 2012, which were valued using the Black-Scholes valuation model with the following assumptions: (i) Dividend yield – 0%, (ii) Risk free interest rate – 1.2%, (iii) Expected option life – 2.6 years to 3.5 years and (iv) Expected volatility – 71.4% to 735.1%.
The Company does not have a formal bonus plan tied to set targets. Any bonus payments are entirely discretionary and are reviewed by the Compensation Committee as part of an overall review of performance for the year.
Perquisites have not been included, as they do not exceed 10% of total salary for the financial years presented.
John Kearney and Alan Taylor are directors of the Company but were not compensated for services in this capacity.
Includes $75,398 in vacation pay in respect of unused vacation days accrued in previous years.
Michael Vande Guchte joined the Company on September 24, 2012.

Incentive plan awards
The following table shows all awards outstanding to each Named Executive Officer as at December 31, 2014.
Option-based Awards
Share-based Awards
Number of
Option expiration
Value of
options (1)
Number of
shares or
units of
shares that
have not
Market or
value of
awards that
have not
Market or
payout value
of vested
awards not
paid out or
John F. Kearney
May 12, 2015
Alan B. Taylor
May 12, 2015
Trevor L. Cunningham
January 27, 2016
October 3, 2017
Michael Vande Guchte
July 4, 2016
October 3, 2017
Calculated based on the difference between the market value of the shares underlying the options at the end of the most recently completed financial year, which was $0.21, and the exercise or base price of the option.
Incentive plan awards – value vested or earned during the year ended December 31, 2014
Option-based awards –
Value vested during the
year (1)
Share-based awards –
Value vested during the year
Non-equity incentive plan
compensation – Value earned during
the year (2)
John F. Kearney
Alan B. Taylor
Trevor L. Cunningham
Michael Vande Guchte
The value of vested options represents the aggregate dollar value that would have been realized if any of the options granted had been exercised on the vesting dates. The dollar value is the difference between the market price of the underlying securities at exercise and the exercise price of the options on the vesting date.
The Company does not have a formal bonus plan tied to set targets. Any bonus payments are entirely discretionary and are reviewed by the Compensation Committee as part of an overall review of performance for the year.
Stock Option Plan
Under the 2012 Plan (described below), options to purchase common shares of the Company may be granted to employees, officers and directors of the Company or subsidiaries of the Company and other persons or companies engaged to provide ongoing management or consulting services for the Company or any entity controlled by the Company. In determining the number of common shares of the Company subject to each option granted under the 2012 Plan, consideration is given to the present and potential contribution by such person or company to the success of the Company and the appropriate number and percentage of options that should be awarded and held by each party granted options relative to the total number of shares issued and stock options granted.
At December 31, 2014, there were 5,693,800 stock options outstanding, representing approximately 2.61% of the Company's issued and outstanding common shares as of May 6, 2015, of which 4,460,000 were granted under the Company's 2004 stock option plan (the “2004 Plan”). At the Company's Annual General Meeting held on June 13, 2012, shareholders approved the adoption of a new stock option plan (the “2012 Plan“). The 2012 Plan is a fixed stock option plan pursuant to which options on up to 7,500,000 common shares may be issued to directors, officers, employees and service providers of the Company. No new stock options will be granted under the 2004 Plan, which is a 10% rolling stock option plan, but the 4,460,000 stock options currently outstanding under the 2004 Plan will remain outstanding and subject to the 2004 Plan. Stock options will only be granted under the 2012 Plan to the extent that the aggregate number of stock options outstanding, under the 2012 Plan and the 2004 Plan together, does not exceed 7,500,000.

The purpose of the Company’s equity compensation plans is to attract and motivate directors, officers and employees of and service providers to the Company (collectively, the “Optionees”) and thereby advance the Company’s interests by affording such persons with an opportunity to acquire an equity interest in the Company through the stock options. The 2012 Plan authorizes the Board (or compensation committee) to grant stock options to the Optionees on the following terms:

Options may be granted to directors, officers and employees of the Company as well as persons or corporations engaged to provide services to the Company (or any entity controlled by the Company) and any individuals employed by such persons or corporations.
The maximum number of shares that may be reserved for issue under the 2012 Plan is 7,500,000 common shares, representing approximately 3.44% of the Company's issued and outstanding shares as of May 6, 2015. In addition, options shall only be granted under the 2012 Plan to the extent that the aggregate number of shares reserved for issue under the 2012 Plan and the 2004 Plan does not exceed 7,500,000 common shares.
The total number of shares issuable to all insiders of the Company at any time, under all security based compensation arrangements of the Company, cannot exceed 10% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares.
The number of shares issued to insiders of the Company as a group, within any one year period, under all security based compensation arrangements of the Company, cannot exceed 10% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares as at the end of such one year period.
The exercise price for stock options granted under the 2012 Plan must be not less than the closing market price on the day preceding the date of grant of the stock options.
Vesting of stock options will be at the discretion of the Board, or any committee authorized by the Board to administer the 2012 Plan.
The maximum term of stock options granted under the 2012 Plan will be ten years from the date of grant, subject to extension in the event of a management imposed black-out period.
Any outstanding stock options with an expiry date occurring during a management imposed black-out period or within five days thereafter will be automatically extended to a date that is ten trading days following the end of the black-out period.
If an Optionee ceases to be eligible to receive options under the 2012 Plan as a result of termination for cause, any outstanding options held by such Optionee on the date of such termination shall be cancelled as of that date.
If an Optionee ceases to be eligible to receive options under the 2012 Plan for reasons other than termination for cause (or death), any outstanding options held by such Optionee at such time shall remain exercisable for a period ending on the earlier of the expiry time of such stock option or three months after the Optionee ceases to be eligible to receive stock options. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board may, on a case by case basis, allow such stock options to remain in full force and effect until any time up to the original expiry time of such stock options, irrespective of whether such expiry time is more than three months after the Optionee ceases to be eligible to receive stock options.
Any outstanding stock options held by an Optionee at the time of his or her death shall remain exercisable by the person or persons to whom the rights of the Optionee's stock options are passed by the will of the Optionee or the laws of descent and distribution for a period ending on the earlier of the expiry date of such stock options or one year after the Optionee's death.

The Board may from time to time, without shareholder approval and subject to applicable law and to the prior approval, if required, of the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) or any other regulatory body having authority over the Company or the 2012 Plan, suspend, terminate or discontinue the 2012 Plan at any time, or amend or revise the terms of the 2012 Plan or of any option granted under the 2012 Plan to:
make amendments of a clerical or typographical nature and to include clarifying provisions in the 2012 Plan;
implement features or requirements that are necessary or desirable under applicable tax and securities laws;
change vesting provisions;
change termination provisions for an insider provided that the expiry time does not extend beyond the original expiry time under the 2012 Plan;
change termination provisions for an Optionee who is not an insider beyond the original expiry time;
reduce the exercise price of a stock option for an Optionee who is not an insider; and
implement a cashless exercise feature, payable in cash or securities;
provided that no such amendment, revision, suspension, termination or discontinuance shall in any manner adversely affect any stock option previously granted to an Optionee under the 2012 Plan without the consent of that Optionee. Any other amendments to the 2012 Plan or stock options granted there under will be subject to the approval of the shareholders.
The 2012 Plan does not contain any provisions relating to the provision of financial assistance by the Company to Optionees to facilitate the purchase of common shares upon the exercise of stock options.
Stock options granted under the 2012 Plan are not assignable, but may be exercised by the personal representative of a deceased Optionee.
The 2012 Plan requires adjustments to the numbers of shares which may be acquired and the exercise price of stock options in the event the Company proceeds with certain changes or transactions in which the Company’s share capital is altered, some form of corporate reorganization or special distribution is completed, a merger, amalgamation, spinout transaction, plan of arrangement, takeover bid, compulsory acquisition or going private transaction is completed. In such case the provisions typically entitle the Optionee to acquire, at the same aggregate price, the shares, cash, securities or other property to which the Optionee would have been entitled had the Optionee held the shares issuable under the stock option before such transaction, with certain exceptions.
Restricted Share Unit Plan
The Board uses RSUs issued under the RSU Plan, as well as options issued under the Stock Option Plan, as part of the Company’s overall executive compensation plan. Since the value of RSUs increase or decrease with the price of the Common Shares, RSUs reflect a philosophy of aligning the interests of executives with those of the Shareholders by tying executive compensation to share price performance. In addition, RSUs assist in the retention of qualified and experienced executives by rewarding those individuals who make a long term commitment. The RSU Plan is a treasury based plan and Common Shares are reserved from treasury for issuance under the RSU Plan.
Employees, directors and eligible consultants of the Company and its designated subsidiaries are eligible to participate in the RSU Plan. RSUs awarded to participants are credited to them by means of an entry in a notional account in their favour on the books of the Company. Each RSU awarded conditionally entitles the participant to receive one Common Share (or the cash equivalent) upon attainment of the RSU vesting criteria. Additional conditions may be imposed to any particular RSU award. The maximum number of Common Shares which may be reserved, set aside and made available for issuance under the RSU Plan is a variable number equal to 3% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares of the Company as of the date of the grant on a non-diluted basis.

The RSU Plan provides that the maximum number of Common Shares issuable to insiders (as that term is defined by the TSX) pursuant to the RSU Plan, together with any Common Shares issuable pursuant to any other security-based compensation arrangement of the Company, will not exceed 10% of the total number of outstanding Common Shares. In addition, the maximum number of Common Shares issued to insiders under the RSU Plan, together with any Common Shares issued to insiders pursuant to any other security-based compensation arrangement of the Company within any one year period, will not exceed 10% of the total number of outstanding Common Shares.
Deferred Share Unit Plan
The Deferred Share Unit Plan (the “DSU Plan”) is used for the benefit of the Company’s non-executive directors. The DSU Plan is intended to assist the Company in the recruitment and retention of qualified persons to serve on the Board and, through the proposed issuance by the Company of Common Shares under the DSU Plan, to promote better alignment of the interests of directors and the long-term interests of Shareholders.
The Board uses the Deferred Share Units (‘‘DSUs’’) issued under the DSU Plan, as well as options issued under the Stock Option Plan and RSUs issued under the RSU Plan, if any, as part of the Company’s overall director compensation plan. Since the value of DSUs increase or decrease with the price of the Common Shares, DSUs reflect a philosophy of aligning the interests of directors with those of the Shareholders by tying compensation to share price performance. The DSU Plan is a treasury-based plan and Common Shares are reserved from treasury for issuance under the DSU Plan.
The Board may award such number of DSUs to a non-executive director as the Board deems advisable to provide the director with appropriate equity-based compensation for the services he or she renders to the Company. A DSU is a unit credited to a Participant by way of a bookkeeping entry in the books of the Company, the value of which is equivalent to a Common Share. All DSUs paid with respect to such awards will be credited to the director by means of an entry in a notional account in their favour on the books of the Company (a “DSU Account”). The Board shall determine the date on which such DSUs may be granted and the date as of which such DSUs shall be credited to the director’s DSU Account. The Company and a director who receives such an award of DSUs shall enter into a DSU award agreement to evidence the award and the terms applicable thereto.
Additionally, the DSU Plan provides that non-executive directors may elect to receive up to 50% of their annual compensation amount (the “Annual Base Compensation”) in DSUs. All DSUs paid with respect to Annual Base Compensation will be credited to the director’s DSU Account when such Annual Base Compensation is payable. The director’s DSU Account will be credited with the number of DSUs calculated to the nearest thousandth of a DSU, determined by dividing the dollar amount of compensation payable in DSUs on the payment date by the Share Price of a Common Share at the time. Share Price is defined in the DSU Plan and means (if the Common Shares are listed and posted for trading on the TSX) the volume-weighted average price of a Common Share on the TSX over the five (5) consecutive trading days immediately preceding the date of grant or the redemption date, as the case may be. Fractional Common Shares will not be issued and any fractional entitlements will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Generally, a participant in the DSU Plan shall be entitled to redeem his or her DSUs during the period commencing on the business day immediately following the date upon which the non-executive director ceases to hold any position as a director of the Company and its subsidiaries and is no longer otherwise employed by the Company or its subsidiaries, including in the event of death of the participant (the “Termination Date”) and ending on the 90th day following the Termination Date. Redemptions under the DSU Plan may be in Common Shares issued from treasury subject to the Shareholder approval being sought at this Meeting, may be purchased by the Company on the open market for delivery to the director, may be settled in cash or any combination of the foregoing, at the discretion of the Company. The Committee may impose additional conditions to any particular DSU award.
DSUs may be granted in accordance with the DSU Plan, provided the aggregate number of DSUs outstanding pursuant to the DSU Plan from time to time does not exceed 2% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares from time to time. It is proposed that the maximum number of Common Shares which may be reserved, set aside and made available for issuance under the DSU Plan is a variable number equal to 2% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares of the Company as of the date of grant on a non-diluted basis.

The DSU Plan provides that the maximum number of Common Shares issuable to insiders (as that term is defined by the TSX) pursuant to the DSU Plan, together with any Common Shares issuable pursuant to any other security- based compensation arrangement of the Company, will not exceed 10% of the total number of outstanding Common Shares. In addition, the maximum number of Common Shares issued to insiders under the DSU Plan, together with any Common Shares issued to insiders pursuant to any other security-based compensation arrangement of the Company within any one year period, will not exceed 10% of the total number of outstanding Common Shares.
Equity Compensation Plan Information
The following table sets out certain details as at December 31, 2014 with respect to compensation plans pursuant to which equity securities of the Company are authorized for issuance:
Plan Category
Number of securities to be
issued upon exercise of
outstanding options,
warrants and rights
Weighted-average exercise
price of outstanding options,
warrants and rights
Number of securities remaining
available for future issuance under
equity compensation plans (excluding
securities reflected in column (a))
Equity compensation
plans approved by
security holders
2,130,000 (1)
Equity compensation
plans not approved by
security holders   (2)
Subject to the restriction that stock options will only be granted under the 2012 Plan to the extent that the aggregate number of stocks options outstanding under the 2012 Plan and the 2004 Plan does not exceed 7,500,000.
Incentive stock options in the amount of 300,000 were granted outside of the Company’s stock option plan and in accordance with the policies of the TSX. Upon the Company’s acquisition of Paragon Minerals Corporation, incentive stock options were converted from options previously granted and 23,800 remain outstanding at December 31, 2014.
Pension Plan Benefits
The Company does not provide any form of group pension plan benefits to employees, officers or directors.
Termination and Change of Control Benefits
Except as otherwise disclosed herein, the Company has no compensatory plan or arrangement in respect of compensation received, or that may be received, by a Named Executive Officer in the Company's most recently completed or current financial year to compensate such NEO in the event of the termination of employment (whether voluntary, involuntary or constructive), resignation, retirement, a change of control of the Company or a change in responsibilities of the NEO following a change in control.
The Company entered into an Employment Agreement dated effective January 1, 2010 with Mr. Alan Taylor, Chief Operating Officer, for his continuing services as an officer of the Company (the “ Taylor Agreement ”). Certain provisions in the Taylor Agreement deal with events around termination of employment or resignation following a change of control of the Company, which is defined as the acquisition by any entity, directly or indirectly, of not less than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding voting securities of the Company or the votes attached to those securities that are sufficient, if exercised, to elect a majority of the Board (a " Change of Control "). Should Mr. Taylor’s employment with the Company be terminated without cause, Mr. Taylor is entitled to receive an amount equal to his then current annual salary upon termination, and a further amount equal to 50% of the initial termination pay amount on the first anniversary of his termination. In the event of a Change of Control and subsequent termination by the Company without cause, or resignation of Mr. Taylor, within 12 months of the Change of Control, Mr. Taylor is entitled to receive, in addition to termination pay, a further amount equal to twenty-four months of his then current annual salary.
A summary of the potential payments to Mr. Taylor, assuming the applicable resignation or termination had occurred on December 31, 2014, is termination without cause - $290,374; termination without cause or resignation following a change of control - $677,540.

The Company entered into an Employment Agreement effective January 17, 2011 with Mr. Trevor Cunningham, CFO, for his continuing services as an officer of the Company (the “ Cunningham Agreement ”). Certain provisions in the Cunningham Agreement deal with events around termination of employment and change in responsibilities amounting to constructive dismissal following a Change of Control. If Mr. Cunningham’s employment is terminated without cause on or after January 17, 2012 and prior to January 17, 2015, Mr. Cunningham is entitled to receive six months' termination pay at his then current annual salary. If his employment is terminated without cause on or after January 17, 2015, Mr. Cunningham is entitled to receive twelve months' termination pay at his then current annual salary. In the event of a Change of Control and subsequent termination or constructive dismissal within 12 months of the Change of Control, Mr. Cunningham is entitled to receive, in addition to termination pay, a further amount equal to six months' termination pay at his then current annual salary.
A summary of the potential payments to Mr. Cunningham, assuming the termination had occurred on December 31, 2014, is termination without cause - $87,500; termination without cause following a change of control - $175,000.
Director Compensation
The following table shows director compensation for each director, other than directors that are also Named Executive Officers, for the year ended December 31, 2014.
awards (1)
incentive plan
All other
Brian A. Atkins
John A. MacPherson
Dave Nickerson
The value of option-based awards represents the grant date fair value of the stock options awarded.
The Company pays each director, other than directors that are also Named Executive Officers, an annual fee of $20,000, (payable quarterly and pro-rated for partial months served) plus $500 for each meeting or committee meeting attended. The Chair of the Audit Committee and Compensation Committee (providing the Chair is not also an executive officer of the Company) receives an additional $500 per meeting attended. An aggregate of $86,500 was paid to directors for their services as directors during 2014.
From time to time, directors may be retained to provide specific services to the Company, or sit on additional sub-committees of the Board, and will be compensated on a basis to be determined at the time.

Share-based awards, option-based awards and non-equity incentive plan compensation
The following table shows all option-based and share-based awards outstanding to each director, other than those that are also Named Executive Officers, as at December 31, 2014.
Option-based Awards
Share-based Awards
Number of
Value of
options (1)
of shares
or units
of shares
that have
Market or
value of
awards that
have not
Market or
value of
awards not
 paid out or
Brian A. Atkins
May 12, 2015
John A. MacPherson
May 12, 2015
Dave Nickerson
May 12, 2015
Calculated based on the difference between the market value of the shares underlying the options at the end of the most recently completed financial year, which was $0.21, and the exercise or base price of the option.
Incentive plan awards – value vested or earned during the year
The following table shows all incentive plan awards values vested or earned for each director, other than those that are Named Executive Officers, during the year ended December 31, 2014.
Option-based awards – Value
vested during the year (1)
Share-based awards – Value
vested during the year
Non-equity incentive plan
compensation – Value earned
during the year
Brian A. Atkins
John A. MacPherson
Dave Nickerson
The value of vested options represents the aggregate dollar value that would have been realized if any of the options granted had been exercised on the vesting dates. The dollar value is the difference between the market price of the underlying securities at exercise and the exercise price of the options on the vesting date.
The Company has no plans pursuant to which cash or non-cash compensation was paid or distributed to directors during the most recently completed financial year or is proposed to be paid or distributed in a subsequent year.
In 2014, the Company adopted a Deferred Share Unit Plan for the benefit of the Company’s, directors. The DSU Plan is intended to assist the Company in the recruitment and retention of qualified, directors by providing a means to compensate directors and through the proposed issuance by the Company of Common Shares under the DSU Plan, to better align the interests of directors with the long-term interests of Shareholders.
Directors are eligible to participate in the 2012 Plan and the DSU Plan. During the financial year ended December 31, 2014, no stock options or DSUs were granted to the directors of the Company.
C. Board Practices
Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance
Section 21 of the Articles of the Company provides for mandatory indemnification of directors and former directors against all costs, charges and expenses in respect of any proceeding to which they are made a party by reason of being a director or officer of the Company, subject any limitations contained in the Articles and in the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia).

The Company maintains insurance for the benefit of the Company’s directors and officers against liability incurred by them in their capacity as directors and officers. The policy provides coverage in respect of a maximum total liability of $5 million, subject to a deductible of $25,000 per event. The premium for 2014 was $22,000 and in 2015 is $22,000. The policy contains standard industry exclusions and no claims have been made to date.
Independence of Members of Board
The Board currently consists of five directors. Three of the directors, Brian Atkins, Dave Nickerson and John MacPherson, being a majority, are considered independent of management and of any significant shareholder and are considered competent to exercise independent judgment in carrying out their responsibilities as directors. None of these directors have any direct or indirect material relationship with the Company or have any relationship pursuant to which they may accept, directly or indirectly, any consulting, advisory or other compensatory fees, other than as remuneration for acting in his capacity as a member of the Board or a committee of the Board.
The Chairman of the Board, John F. Kearney, is not independent in that he is also President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Alan B. Taylor is not independent as he is the Vice-President Exploration and Chief Operating Officer of the Company.
The Chairman of each of the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee is an independent director, who provides leadership to those committees, and the Chairman of the Board does not sit on either committee. Three of the five Board members of the Company are independent and this is considered sufficient at the current time to enable the Board to carry out its duties and responsibilities. The Company does not have an appointed lead director.
Management Supervision by the Board
The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer report upon the operations of the Company directly to the Board on a regular basis. The independent directors are able to meet at any time they consider necessary without any members of management, including non-independent directors, being present. The Audit Committee is composed of independent directors who meet with the Company’s auditors, and without management in attendance if considered necessary or desirable. The independent directors have regular and full access to management and are able to meet at any time without the non-independent directors being present if considered necessary or desirable. The independent directors hold in camera discussions at every quarterly Audit Committee meeting to facilitate open and candid discussion amongst themselves.
Participation of Directors in Other Reporting Issuers
The participation of the Directors in other reporting issuers is described in the following table:
Name of Director
Name of Other Reporting Issuer
John F. Kearney
Anglesey Mining Plc
Avnel Gold Mining Limited
Conquest Resources Limited
Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited
Minco Plc.
Xtierra Inc.
Dave Nickerson
Tyhee Gold Corp.


Participation of Directors in Board Meetings
In the year ended December 31, 2014, nine Board meetings were held. In addition, there were four meetings of the Audit Committee, two of the Compensation Committee and one of the Health & Safety Committee. The attendance record of each director for the Board and applicable committee meetings held is as follows:
Name of Director
Board Meetings Attended
Committee Meetings Attended
Brian A. Atkins
9 of 9
6 of 6
John F. Kearney
9 of 9
John A. MacPherson
9 of 9
6 of 6
Dave Nickerson
9 of 9
7 of 7
Alan B. Taylor
9 of 9
1 of 1

Board Mandate
The Board does not have a written mandate. The mandate of the Board is to supervise the management of the business and affairs of the Company. As part of its overall stewardship, the Board assumes responsibility for strategic planning, identification of the principal risks associated with the Company’s business and ensuring appropriate management of these risks and making all senior officer appointments, including responsibility for evaluating performance, management development and succession planning.
Position Descriptions
The Board has not developed written position descriptions for the Chairman of the Board or the chairs of each of the Board Committees. The Board is of the view that the role and responsibilities of the Chairman of the Board and of the Chairs of the respective Committees are sufficiently specific that no separate written position descriptions are necessary or advisable.
The Company does not have a written employment contract, or a written position description, in place with its President and Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the day to day operations of the Company and reports directly to the Board on a regular basis. The Board responds to, and if it considers appropriate, approves with such revisions as it may require, recommendations which have been brought forward by the Chief Executive Officer. In addition to those matters which by law must be approved by the Board, all significant activities and actions proposed to be taken by the Company including in particular capital budgets, financing, property acquisitions or dispositions, senior appointments and compensation are subject to approval by the Board.
Orientation and Continuing Education
The Company does not have a formal orientation or education program for directors. New Board members are provided with information respecting the functioning of the Board and its Committees. In addition, directors receive copies of Board materials, corporate policies and procedures, and other information regarding the business and operations of the Company. Board members are expected to keep themselves current with industry trends and developments and are encouraged to communicate with management and, where applicable, auditors and technical consultants of the Company, and visit the Company’s offices on a regular basis. Board members have access to legal counsel to the Company in the event of any questions or matters relating to the Board members’ corporate and director responsibilities and to keep themselves current with changes in legislation. Board members have full access to the Company’s records and general industry information and material of interest is circulated to directors on a regular basis.
Ethical Business Conduct
The Board assumes responsibility for the Company’s approach to corporate governance matters. The Board views good corporate governance and ethical business conduct as an integral and essential component to the supervision and management of the Company and to meet responsibilities to shareholders, employees and other stakeholders.

The Board has adopted a written Code of Ethics for directors, officers and employees – a copy of this Code can be found on the Company’s website at www.canadianzinc.com. The Code is intended to define the ethical and regulatory standards applicable to all directors, officers and employees (including contractors) of the Company, and their family members, and provides guidance as to the following matters (being a summary and not an exhaustive list): honest and ethical conduct; avoidance of conflicts of interest, whether actual or potential; full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosures; compliance with legislation and regulations; prompt internal disclosure of any violation of the Code; and accountability for any failure to respect the Code.
The Code is not considered a comprehensive guide to all the Company’s policies or to individuals’ responsibilities under applicable laws and regulations. The Code is intended to provide general parameters and expectations of the Company and is provided to all directors, officers, employees and key contractors when they commence their services with the Company.
The Board conducts periodic reviews of the Company’s corporate governance practices and procedures in the light of applicable rules and guidelines and the current status and stage of development of the Company.
Directors are expected to adhere to all corporate law requirements in respect of any transaction or agreement in which they may have a material interest. It is a requirement of applicable corporate law that directors who have an interest in a transaction or agreement with the Company promptly disclose that interest at any meeting of the Board at which the transaction or agreement will be discussed and abstain from discussions and voting in respect to same if the interest is material. Where appropriate, any director having a material conflict of interest will be expected to withdraw from the meeting and not participate in the meeting where such matter is being considered, so that the remaining directors may properly exercise independent judgment.
Nomination of Directors
The Board has not appointed an independent Nominating Committee. Nominations, if and when they arise, are generally the result of formal or informal discussions with members of the Board or recommendations by members of the Board. Nominations to the Board are determined, after appropriate review and investigation, by the Board of Directors as a whole.
Compensation Committee
The Board has appointed a Compensation Committee which has responsibility for determining compensation for the directors and senior management. In 2014, the Compensation Committee of the Board consisted of Brian Atkins, John MacPherson and Dave Nickerson (all considered independent directors). The Compensation Committee relies on the general knowledge and experience of its members, and recommendations from senior management, in reviewing appropriate levels of compensation for executive officers and the implementation of, or amendment to, any other aspects of compensation that the Compensation Committee may review from time to time. All Compensation Committee members have relevant general, but not direct, experience in executive compensation and compensation policies and practices in the junior mineral resources business gained through current and prior experience in business, the minerals industry and government.
Pursuant to its Charter, the Compensation Committee has, among others, the following responsibilities:
Review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the Company’s compensation plans, including with respect to incentive-compensation plans and equity-based plans, policies and programs.
Review the level and form of the directors’ compensation and recommend changes to the Board for consideration and approval.
Review and monitor the Company’s employee and management compensation and benefit plans and policies, provide oversight of any employee benefit plan, and review and approve the compensation of the Company’s executive officers.

Annually review and approve corporate goals and objectives relevant to CEO compensation, evaluate the CEO’s performance in light of those goals and objectives and establish the individual elements of the CEO’s total compensation based on this evaluation.
Review and make recommendations to the Board with regard to grants and/or awards of restricted stock, stock options and other forms of equity-based compensation under the Company’s stock option, incentive-compensation and equity-based plans (as applicable).
Review and make recommendations for the Board, when and if appropriate, of employment agreements, severance agreements and change in control provisions / agreements for the CEO and other executive officers.
The Compensation Committee makes recommendations to the Board with respect to the compensation of the President and CEO. The Compensation Committee meets as requested by the Board or the CEO, or as considered desirable by the Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee has the authority to retain independent advisors as it may deem necessary or appropriate to allow it to discharge its responsibilities.
Other Committees
In addition to the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee, the Board also has a Health & Safety Committee comprised of Board members Alan Taylor and Dave Nickerson and also the Prairie Creek Site Managers. The function of the Health & Safety Committee is to review the Company’s Health & Safety Policies, practices and programs, to oversee and regularly evaluate the Company’s health and safety performance and to monitor and advise the Board on current and anticipated future best practices and regulatory issues relating to health and safety.
The Board of Directors continuously reviews on an ongoing informal basis the effectiveness of the Board as a whole and the effectiveness, contribution and performance of the Board, its committees and individual directors. Each year, when it determines the number of directors to be elected at the annual meeting of shareholders, the Board considers its appropriate size and composition to properly administer the affairs of the Company and to effectively carry out the duties of the Board, given the Company’s current status and stage of development.
Audit Committee Charter
The Audit Committee has adopted a Charter, the text of which is set out below:

“Charter of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors”

I.           MANDATE
The Audit Committee (the “ Committee ”) is appointed by the Board of Directors (the “ Board ”) of Canadian Zinc Corporation (the “ Corporation ”) to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities relating to financial accounting and reporting process and internal controls for the Corporation. The Committee’s mandate and responsibilities are to:

recommend to the Board the external auditors to be nominated and the compensation of such auditor;
oversee and monitor the work and performance of the Corporation's external auditors, including meeting with the external auditors and reviewing and recommending all renewals or replacements of the external auditors and their remuneration;
pre-approve all non-audit services to be provided to the Corporation by the external auditors;
review the financial statements and management's discussion and analysis (MD&A) and annual and interim financial results press releases of the Corporation;
oversees the integrity of internal controls and financial reporting procedures of the Corporation and ensure implementation of such controls and procedures;
provide oversight to any related party transactions entered into by the Corporation.

The Committee shall have the authority to:
engage independent counsel and other advisors as it determines necessary to carry out its duties;
set and pay the compensation for advisors employed by the Audit Committee; and
communicate directly with the external auditors.
The Committee and its membership shall meet all applicable legal, regulatory and listing requirements, including those of all applicable securities regulatory authorities.
The Committee shall be composed of three directors as shall be designated by the Board from time to time. The members of the Committee shall appoint from among themselves a member who shall serve as Chair. A minimum of two members of the Committee present either in person or by telephone shall constitute a quorum.
The Committee members will be elected annually at the first meeting of the Board following the annual general meeting of shareholders.
Each member of the Committee shall be “independent” and shall be “financially literate” (as each such term is defined in Multilateral Instrument 52-110)
The Committee shall meet at least quarterly, as circumstances dictate or as may be required by applicable legal or listing requirements.
Any member of the Committee may participate in the meeting of the Committee by means of conference telephone or other communication equipment, and the member participating in a meeting pursuant to this paragraph shall be deemed, for purposes hereof, to be present in person at the meeting.
The Committee shall review the annual audited financial statements to satisfy itself that they are presented in accordance with applicable International Financial Reporting Standards and report thereon to the Board and recommend to the Board whether or not same should be approved, prior to their being filed with the appropriate regulatory authorities. The Committee shall also review the interim financial statements.
The Committee shall review any internal control reports prepared by management and the evaluation of such report by the external auditors, together with management’s response.
The Committee shall be satisfied that adequate procedures are in place for the review of the Corporation’s public disclosure of financial information extracted or derived from the Corporation’s financial statements, management’s discussion and analysis and annual and interim earnings press releases before the Corporation publicly discloses this information.
The Committee shall review management’s discussion and analysis relating to annual and interim financial statements and any other public disclosure documents, including interim earnings press releases, before the Corporation publicly discloses this information.
The Committee shall meet no less frequently than annually with the external auditors to review accounting practices, internal controls and such other matters as the Committee deems appropriate.
The Committee shall establish procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by the Corporation regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters; and the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of the Corporation of concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters.
The Committee shall provide oversight to any related party transactions entered into by the Corporation.
In the event that the Corporation wishes to retain the services of the Corporation’s external auditors for tax compliance or tax advice or any non-audit services the Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation shall consult with the Audit Committee, who shall have the authority to approve or disapprove such non-audit services. The Audit Committee shall maintain a record of non-audit services approved by the Audit Committee for each fiscal year and provide a report to the Board on an annual basis.
The Committee shall review and approve the Corporation's hiring policies regarding partners, employees and former partners and employees of the present and former auditors of the Corporation.

The Committee shall perform any other activities consistent with this Charter and governing law, as the Committee or the Board deems necessary or appropriate.
Composition of Audit Committee
The Audit Committee, as of the date of this Annual Report, is composed of Brian Atkins, Dave Nickerson and John MacPherson. The Company considers each member of the Audit Committee to be financially literate and independent for the purposes of National Instrument 52-110 (“NI 52-110”).
Relevant Education and Experience
The education and experience of each Audit Committee member that is relevant to the performance of his responsibilities as a member of the Audit Committee is set out below:
Brian A. Atkins, CA graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Commerce and obtained his Chartered Accountant designation from the British Columbia Institute of Chartered Accountants. Mr. Atkins joined KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants, in 1969 and was admitted as a partner in 1978. As a KPMG partner, Mr. Atkins provided audit, accounting and advisory services to a number of public and private companies continually throughout the period until his retirement from KPMG in September 2005. Mr. Atkins is currently a director of BlueShore Financial, currently a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors and was until December 2009 a Member of the Independent Review Committee of Inhance Investment Management Inc. He has a thorough understanding of accounting standards used by the Company in preparing its annual and quarterly financial statements. He has a thorough understanding of internal controls over financial reporting.
Dave Nickerson B.Sc., M.Sc., Mr. Nickerson holds a Bachelors degree in Mining Engineering from the University of Birmingham and a Masters degree in Mineral Exploration from Laurentian University and has taken Post-Graduate Courses in Mineral Development and in Legislation Strategy at McGill University, Montreal. He is a Professional Engineer and a member of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of the Northwest Territories. He was elected as Member of Parliament for three terms 1979 to 1988, during part of which time he served as a member of the House Standing Committee on Public Accounts, and as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories 1975 to 1979. He served as the Chairman of the Northwest Territories Water Board from 1988 to 1994. He has served as a director of public companies for a period in excess of five years. He has an understanding of the accounting principles used by the Company to prepare its financial statements and has the ability to assess the general application of such accounting principles in connection with the accounting for estimates, accruals and reserves. He has experience evaluating financial statements with accounting issues comparable to the financial statements and issues that can reasonably be expected to be raised by the Company’s financial statements. He has an understanding of internal controls and procedures for financial reporting.
John MacPherson has served on the Boards of many public companies as chairman, president or director for over 40 years. Having worked in the investment industry he was licenced to sell securities which required him to understand and evaluate complex financial reports. He has an understanding of the accounting principles used by the Company to prepare its financial statements and has the ability to assess the general application of such accounting principles in connection with the accounting for estimates, accruals and reserves.
Audit Committee Oversight
Since the commencement of the Company’s most recently completed financial year (January 1, 2014) there has not been a recommendation of the Audit Committee to nominate or compensate an external auditor which was not adopted by the Board of Directors.
Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures
The Audit Committee has adopted procedures requiring Audit Committee review and approval in advance of all particular engagement for services provided by the Auditors. Consistent with applicable laws, the procedures permit limited amounts of services, other than audit services, to be approved by the Audit Committee provided the Audit Committee is informed of each particular service. All of the engagements and fees for fiscal 2014 and 2013 were approved by the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee reviews with the auditors whether non-audit services to be provided, if any, are compatible with maintaining the auditor’s independence.

D. Employees
As of December 31, 2014, the Company had 23 employees. Ten employees are based in the Company’s corporate offices, two in Ontario, Canada and eight in British Columbia, Canada. Thirteen employees are based in Northwest Territories, Canada on field assignments. In addition, the Company utilizes the services of contractors to assist in certain tasks and projects. There has been no significant change in the number of employees over the last three years and the Company’s employees are not members of a labour union.
E. Share Ownership
The following table sets forth the shareholdings, to the best of Management’s knowledge, owned beneficially, directly or indirectly, by the Company’s directors and officers as of April 30, 2015. There were 218,047,709 common shares issued and outstanding as of April 30, 2015.
Common Shares beneficially owned, controlled or directed, directly or indirectly
Percentage of Outstanding Common Shares (%)
Brian A. Atkins
John F. Kearney
John A. MacPherson
Dave Nickerson
Alan B. Taylor
Trevor L. Cunningham
See “Item 6.B. – Compensation” for table setting out the stock options currently outstanding to our directors and officers and for information regarding equity compensation plans .
A. Major Shareholders
To the best of the Company’s knowledge the following table sets forth information regarding the share ownership of the Company as of April 30, 2015 of shareholders that are beneficial owners of 5% or more of the Company’s outstanding common shares.
Name of Owner
Number of Common Shares
Zhongrun International Mining Co. Ltd.

To the best of the Company’s knowledge and other than as disclosed in this Annual Report, the Company is not directly or indirectly controlled or owned by any other corporation, foreign government or any other natural or legal person and it is not subject to any arrangements the operation of which may at a subsequent date result in a change in control of the Company.
The Company’s major shareholders as listed above do not have any different voting rights than those held by any other shareholder of the Company.
Outstanding Share Data
As at March 31, 2015, the Company has 218,047,709 common shares issued and outstanding. In addition, there are outstanding stock options and warrants for a further 5,693,800 and 16,908,360 common shares respectively.
As of March 31, 2015, there were 89 shareholders of record of the Company’s common shares in the United States, holding 1.14% of the outstanding common shares of the Company.

B. Related Party Transactions
For the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company incurred rent expense in the amount of $24,000 with a corporation in which the Chairman of the Company is also a director, versus $24,000 for the comparative year. These transactions were within the normal course of business and have been recorded at amounts agreed to by the transacting parties. At December 31, 2014, $2,000 relating to amounts owing to related parties was included in accounts payable and accrued and other liabilities (December 31, 2013 - $2,000).
Other than as noted above, there were no material transactions in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014, or proposed material transactions between the Company or any of its subsidiaries and:
(a)            enterprises that directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, control or are controlled by, or are under common control with, the Company;
(b)           associates;
(c)           individuals owning, directly or indirectly, an interest in the voting power of the Company that gives them significant influence over the Company, and close members of any such individual's family;
(d)           key management personnel, that is, those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Company, including directors and senior management of companies and close members of such individuals' families;
(e)           enterprises in which a substantial interest in the voting power is owned, directly or indirectly, by any person described in (c) or (d) or over which such a person is able to exercise significant influence including enterprises owned by directors or major shareholders of the Company and enterprises that have a member of key management in common with the Company, other than rent expense as set out in Note 18 to the Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2014.
C. Interests of Experts and Counsel
Not applicable.
A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information
Consolidated Financial Statements
The consolidated financial statements of the Company and audit report of the Company’s independent auditor are filed as part of this Form 20-F under Item 18.
Legal or Arbitration Proceedings
The Company currently is not a party to any material legal or arbitration proceeding.
The Company is not aware of any material proceeding in which any director, member of senior management or affiliate of the Company is either a party adverse to the Company or any of its subsidiaries or has a material interest adverse to the Company or any of its subsidiaries.
Dividend Policy
The Company has not paid any dividend or made any other distribution in respect of its outstanding common shares and management does not anticipate that the Company will pay dividends or make any other distribution in respect on its common shares in the foreseeable future.

B. Significant Changes
There have been no significant changes in the affairs of the Company since the date of the audited annual consolidated financial statements of the Company as at and for the year ended December 31, 2014, other than as discussed in this Annual Report.
A. Offer and Listing Details
Nature of Trading Market.
The common shares of the Company trade on the TSX under the symbol “CZN”. The Company’s common shares also trade on the OTCQB in the United States under the symbol “CZICF”.
Trading on the TSX
The following table sets forth the high and low sale prices on the TSX for the common shares for the last five fiscal years ended December 31, 2014.
Year Ended
High CDN$
Low CDN$
December 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
December 31, 2012
December 31, 2011
December 31, 2010

The following table sets forth the high and low sale prices on the TSX for the common shares for each quarterly period in the two most recent fiscal years ended December 31, 2014 and the quarter ended March 31, 2015.
Quarter Ended
High CDN$
Low CDN$
March 31, 2015
December 31, 2014
September 30, 2014
June 30, 2014
March 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
September 30, 2013
June 30, 2013
March 31, 2013

The following table sets forth the high and low sales prices on the TSX for the common shares for each monthly period in the last six months.
Month Ended
High CDN$
Low CDN$
March 31, 2015
February 28, 2015
January 31, 2015
December 31, 2014
November 30, 2014
October 31, 2014


Trading on the OTCQB
The following table sets forth the high and low sale prices on the OTCBB or OTCQB, as applicable, for the common shares of the Company for the last five fiscal years ended December 31, 2014.
Year Ended
High U.S.$
Low U.S.$
December 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
December 31, 2012
December 31, 2011
December 31, 2010

The following table sets forth the high and low sale prices on the OTCBB or OTCQB, as applicable, for the common shares of the Company for each quarterly period in the two most recent fiscal years ended December 31, 2014 and the quarter ended March 31, 2015.
Quarter Ended
High U.S.$
Low U.S.$
March 31, 2015
December 31, 2014
September 30, 2014
June 30, 2014
March 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
September 30, 2013
June 30, 2013
March 31, 2013

The following table sets forth the high and low sales prices on the OTCQB for the common shares of the Company for each monthly period in the last six months.
Month Ended
High U.S.$
Low U.S.$
March 31, 2015
February 28, 2015
January 31, 2015
December 31, 2014
November 30, 2014
October 31, 2014

B. Plan of Distribution
Not applicable.
C. Markets
The Company's common shares trade on the TSX, under the trading symbol "CZN".
The Company's common shares are quoted in the United States on the OTCQB under the symbol “CZICF”.
D. Selling Shareholders
Not applicable.
E. Dilution
Not applicable.

F. Expenses of the Issue
Not applicable.
A. Share Capital
Not applicable.
B. Memorandum and Articles of Association
The Company was incorporated in British Columbia, Canada, on December 16, 1965, under the name “Pizza Patio Management Ltd.” The Company changed its name to “San Andreas Resources Corporation” on August 29, 1991 and to “Canadian Zinc Corporation” on May 25, 1999. On June 16, 2004, the Company’s shareholders adopted new Articles to bring its Charter documents up to date and into conformity with the new Business Corporations Act (British Columbia).
With respect to directors and officers, the Articles of the Company provide that a Director or officer who is a party to a material contract or proposed material contract with the Company shall disclose the nature and extent of his interest in accordance with the provisions of the Act and shall abstain from voting in respect thereof.
The Articles also provide that the Directors may from time to time borrow money on the credit of the Company; issue, reissue, sell or pledge debt obligations of the Company, whether secured or unsecured; give a guarantee on behalf of the Company; mortgage, hypothecate, pledge or otherwise create an interest in or charge on all or any property of the Company to secure payment of a debt or performance of any other obligation of the Company. Variation of these borrowing powers would require an amendment to the Articles of the Company which would, in turn, require the approval of the shareholders of the Company by way of a Special Resolution. A Special Resolution means a resolution cast by a majority of not less than three quarters of the votes cast by shareholders of the Company who, being entitled to do so, vote in person or by proxy at a general meeting of the Company of which notice as the Articles provide shall not be less than 21 days notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution, has been duly given (or, if every shareholder entitled to attend and vote at the meeting agrees, at a meeting of which less than 21 days notice has been given), or a resolution consented to in writing by every shareholder of the Company who would have been entitled to vote in person or by proxy at a general meeting of the Company, and a resolution so consented to is deemed to be a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the Company.
There is no requirement under the Articles of the Company or in the Act requiring retirement or non-retirement of directors under an age limit requirement, nor is there any minimum shareholding required for a director’s qualification. Holders of common shares of the Company are entitled to vote at meetings of shareholders, and a Special Resolution, as described above, is required to effect a change in the rights of shareholders. Holders of common shares are not entitled to pre-emptive rights. Holders of common shares are entitled, ratably, to the remaining property of the Company upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, and such holders receive dividends if, as, and when, declared by the directors of the Company. There are no restrictions on the purchase or redemption of common shares by the Company while there is an arrearage in the payment of dividends or sinking fund installments. There is no liability on the part of any shareholder to further capital calls by the Company nor any provision discriminating against any existing or prospective holder of securities of the Company as a result of such shareholder owning a substantial number of shares. There are no limitations on the rights to own securities, including the rights of non-resident or foreign shareholders to hold or exercise voting rights on the securities imposed by the Act or by the constating document of the Company.
The Company is required to give its registered shareholders not less than 21 days notice of any general meeting of the Company unless all such shareholders consent to reduce or waive the period. In addition, the Company is obliged to give notice to companies and intermediaries who hold shares on behalf of the ultimate beneficial owners no fewer than 35 or more than 60 days prior to the date of the meeting. The Company then delivers, in bulk, proxy-related materials in amounts specified by the intermediaries. No shares of the Company owned by companies or intermediaries may be voted at a general meeting of the Company unless all proxy-related materials are delivered to the ultimate beneficial owners of such shares. Such ultimate beneficial owner must then deliver a proxy to the Company within the time limited by the Company for the deposit of proxies in order to vote the shares in respect of which such person is the beneficial owner.

There is no provision in the Company's Articles that would have an effect of delaying, deferring or preventing a change in control of the Company and that would operate only with respect to a merger, acquisition or corporate restructuring involving the Company (or any of its subsidiaries).
Securities legislation in the Company’s home jurisdiction of British Columbia requires that shareholder ownership must be disclosed once a person owns beneficially or has control or direction over greater than 10% of the issued shares of the Company. This threshold is higher than the 5% threshold under U.S. Securities legislation at which shareholders must report their share ownership.
C. Material Contracts
Other than contracts entered into in the ordinary course of business and those disclosed elsewhere in this Annual Report, the Company has not entered into any material contracts within the past two years.
D. Exchange Controls
There are no governmental laws, decrees or regulations in Canada relating restrictions on the export or import of capital, or affecting the remittance of interest, dividends or other payments to non-resident holders of the Company’s common shares other than withholding tax requirements. (E.g., Remittances of dividends to United States residents are subject to a 15% withholding tax (10% if the shareholder is a corporation owning at least 10% of the common shares of the Company) pursuant to Article X of the reciprocal treaty between Canada and the United States.)
Except as provided in the Investment Canada Act (“Investment Act”), there are no provisions under the laws of Canada, the Province of British Columbia or in the Articles of the Company restricting the right of foreigners to hold or vote the common shares of the Company. The Investment Act provides for a review in the case of an acquisition of control of a Canadian business by a non-Canadian (other than a “NAFTA investor” as defined in the Investment Act), as described below. The Investment Act generally prohibits implementation of a reviewable investment by an individual, government, corporation, partnership, trust or joint venture that is non-Canadian unless the minister responsible for the Investment Act is satisfied that the investment is likely to be of net benefit to Canada.
In the case of the direct acquisition of control of a Canadian business, the threshold for review is $600 million in enterprise value for investments by:  (1) WTO investors that are not state-owned enterprises; and (2) non-WTO investors that are not state-owned enterprises where the Canadian business that is the subject of the investment is, immediately prior to the implementation of the investment, "controlled by a WTO investor".  A WTO investor is a member of the World Trade Organization, current members of which include the European Union, Australia, Japan, Mexico, and the United States.  The review threshold of $600 million applies starting in 2015 and increases in subsequent years in accordance with the provisions of the Investment Act.
In the case of an acquisition of control of a Canadian business by a non-Canadian, other than a WTO investor, where: (i) in the case of acquisition (for example, through a share purchase or asset purchase), the assets of the business are $5 million or more in value; or (ii) in the case of an indirect acquisition (for example, the acquisition of the foreign parent of the Canadian business) where the Canadian business has assets of $50 million or more in value or if the Canadian business represents more than 50% of the assets of the original group and the Canadian business has assets of $5 million or more in value. Review and approval are also required for the acquisition or establishment of a new business in areas concerning “Canada's cultural heritage or national identity” such as book publishing, film production and distribution, television and radio, production and distribution of music, and the oil and natural gas industry, regardless of the size of the investment.
The Investment Act would not apply to certain transactions in relation to common shares of the Company, including: an acquisition of common shares of the Company by any person made in the ordinary course of that person's business as a trader or dealer in securities; or an acquisition of control of the Company by an amalgamation, merger, consolidation or corporate reorganization following which the control of the Company, remains unchanged.

In the context of the Company, in essence, three methods of acquiring control of a Canadian business are regulated by the Investment Act: (i) the acquisition of all or substantially all of the assets used in carrying on the Canadian business; (ii) the acquisition, directly or indirectly, of voting shares of a Canadian corporation carrying on the Canadian business; (iii) the acquisition of voting of an entity which controls, directly or indirectly, another entity carrying on a Canadian business. An acquisition of a majority of the voting interests of an entity, including a corporation, is deemed to be an acquisition of control under the Investment Act. An acquisition of less than one-third of the voting shares of a corporation is deemed not to be an acquisition of control. An acquisition of less than a majority, but one-third or more, of the voting shares of a corporation is presumed to be an acquisition of control unless it can be established that on the acquisition the corporation is not, in fact, controlled by the acquirer through the ownership of voting shares. For partnerships, trusts, joint ventures or other unincorporated entities, an acquisition of less than a majority of the voting interests is deemed not to be an acquisition of control.
In addition to the foregoing, the Investment Act requires that all other acquisitions of control of Canadian businesses by non-Canadians are subject to formal notification to the Canadian government. These provisions require a foreign investor to give notice in the required form, which notices are for information, as opposed to review, purposes.
E. Taxation
Certain Canadian Federal Income Tax Consequences
The following summarizes the principal Canadian federal income tax consequences applicable to the holding and disposition of common shares in the capital of the Company by a holder who, for purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “Tax Act”) and the Canada United States Income Tax Convention, 1980, as amended (the “Canada-U.S. Tax Convention”), is resident in the United States, beneficially holds the common shares as capital property and does not use or hold the common shares in the course of carrying on a business in Canada (a “U.S. Holder”). The common shares will generally be considered to be capital property unless the U.S. Holder holds the common shares in the course of carrying on a business, or acquires the common shares in a transaction or transactions considered to be an adventure in the nature of trade.
This summary is based on the current provisions of the Tax Act, the regulations thereunder, all amendments thereto publicly proposed by the government of Canada, the published administrative practices of the Canada Revenue Agency and the current provisions of the Canada-U.S. Tax Convention. This summary does not otherwise take into account or anticipate any changes in law, whether by way of legislative, judicial or administrative action or interpretation, nor does it address any provincial, territorial or foreign (including without limitation, any United States) tax considerations.
This summary is of a general nature only and it is not intended to be, nor should it be construed to be, legal or tax advice to any particular U.S. Holder. Accordingly, U.S. Holders are urged to consult with their own tax advisors about the specific tax consequences of acquiring, holding and disposing of common shares.
A U.S. Holder will be liable to pay a Canadian withholding tax on every dividend that is or is deemed to be paid or credited to the U.S. Holder on the U.S. Holder’s common shares. The rate of withholding tax under the Tax Act is 25% of the gross amount of the dividend paid. However, the Canada-U.S. Tax Convention will reduce that withholding tax rate, provided the U.S. Holder is eligible for benefits under the Canada-U.S. Tax Convention. Where applicable, the general rate of withholding tax under the Canada-U.S. Tax Convention will be 15% of the gross amount of the dividend, but if the U.S. Holder is a company that owns at least 10% of the voting stock of the Company, the rate of withholding tax will be reduced to 5%. The Company will be required to withhold the applicable tax from the dividend payable to the U.S. Holder, and to remit that tax to the Receiver General for Canada on account of the U. S. Holder. Not all persons who are residents of the United States will qualify for benefits under the Canada-U.S. Tax Convention. U.S. Holders are advised to consult their own tax advisors in this regard.


Where a holder disposes of common shares to the Company (unless the Company acquired the common shares in the open market in the manner in which shares would normally be purchased by any member of the public), this will result in a deemed dividend to the U.S. holder equal to the amount by which the consideration paid by the Company exceeds the paid-up capital of such stock. The amount of such dividend will be subject to withholding tax as described above.
Disposition of Common Shares and Capital Gains:
A U.S. Holder will generally not be subject to tax under the Tax Act in respect of a capital gain realized on the disposition or deemed disposition of a common share, unless the common share constitutes “taxable Canadian property” to the U.S. Holder for purposes of the Tax Act. Provided that the common shares are listed on a “designated stock exchange” for purposes of the Tax Act (which includes the TSX) at the time of disposition, the common shares will generally not constitute “taxable Canadian property” to a U.S. Holder unless, at any time during the 60-month period immediately preceding the disposition (i) the U.S. Holder, together with persons with whom the U.S. Holder does not deal at “arm’s length” for the purposes of the Tax Act, owned 25% or more of the issued shares of any class of shares of the Company and (ii) more than 50% of the fair market value of the common shares was derived directly or indirectly from one or a combination of real or immovable property situated in Canada, “Canadian resource properties” or “timber resource properties” (as such terms are defined in the Tax Act), or options or interests in respect of any such properties.
Provided the common shares are listed at the time of disposition on the TSX or other “recognized stock exchange” (which includes the TSX) for purposes of the Tax Act, a U.S. Holder who disposes of common shares will not be required to satisfy the obligations imposed under Section 116 of the Tax Act and, as such, the purchaser of such shares will not be required to withhold any amount on the purchase price paid and the US Holder will not have to apply to obtain a certificate of compliance related to the disposition of the common shares.
U.S. Holders whose common shares may constitute “taxable Canadian property” should consult their own tax advisors.
Certain United States Federal Income Tax Consequences:
The following is a general summary of certain material U.S. federal income tax considerations applicable to a U.S. Holder (as defined below) arising from and relating to the acquisition, ownership and disposition of common shares.
This summary is for general information purposes only and does not purport to be a complete analysis or listing of all potential U.S. federal income tax considerations that may apply to a U.S. Holder arising from and relating to the acquisition, ownership, and disposition of common shares. In addition, this summary does not take into account the individual facts and circumstances of any particular U.S. Holder that may affect the U.S. federal income tax consequences to such U.S. Holder, including, without limitation, specific tax consequences to a U.S. Holder under an applicable income tax treaty. Accordingly, this summary is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, legal or U.S. federal income tax advice with respect to any U.S. Holder. This summary does not address the U.S. federal alternative minimum, U.S. federal estate and gift, U.S. state and local, and non-U.S. tax consequences to U.S. Holders of the acquisition, ownership, and disposition of common shares. In addition, except as specifically set forth below, this summary does not discuss applicable tax reporting requirements. Each prospective U.S. Holder should consult its own tax advisors regarding the U.S. federal, U.S. federal alternative minimum, U.S. federal estate and gift, U.S. state and local, and non-U.S. tax consequences relating to the acquisition, ownership and disposition of common shares.
No legal opinion from U.S. legal counsel or ruling from the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) has been requested, or will be obtained, regarding the U.S. federal income tax consequences of the acquisition, ownership, and disposition of common shares. This summary is not binding on the IRS, and the IRS is not precluded from taking a position that is different from, and contrary to, the positions taken in this summary. In addition, because the authorities on which this summary is based are subject to various interpretations, the IRS and the U.S. courts could disagree with one or more of the conclusions described in this summary.

Scope of this Summary
This summary is based on the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), Treasury Regulations (whether final, temporary, or proposed), published rulings of the IRS, published administrative positions of the IRS, the Canada United States Income Tax Convention, 1980, as amended (the “Canada-U.S. Tax Convention”), and U.S. court decisions that are applicable, and, in each case, as in effect and available, as of the date of this document. Any of the authorities on which this summary is based could be changed in a material and adverse manner at any time, and any such change could be applied retroactively. This summary does not discuss the potential effects, whether adverse or beneficial, of any proposed legislation.
U.S. Holders
For purposes of this summary, the term "U.S. Holder" means a beneficial owner of common shares that is for U.S. federal income tax purposes:
an individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States;
a corporation (or other entity treated as a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes) organized under the laws of the United States, any state thereof or the District of Columbia;
an estate whose income is subject to U.S. federal income taxation regardless of its source; or
a trust that (1) is subject to the primary supervision of a court within the U.S. and the control of one or more U.S. persons for all substantial decisions or (2) has a valid election in effect under applicable Treasury Regulations to be treated as a U.S. person.
U.S. Holders Subject to Special U.S. Federal Income Tax Rules Not Addressed
This summary does not address the U.S. federal income tax considerations applicable to U.S. Holders that are subject to special provisions under the Code, including, but not limited to, U.S. Holders that: (a) are tax-exempt organizations, qualified retirement plans, individual retirement accounts, or other tax-deferred accounts; (b) are financial institutions, underwriters, insurance companies, real estate investment trusts, or regulated investment companies; (c) are broker-dealers, dealers, or traders in securities or currencies that elect to apply a mark-to-market accounting method; (d) have a “functional currency” other than the U.S. dollar; (e) own common shares as part of a straddle, hedging transaction, conversion transaction, constructive sale, or other arrangement involving more than one position; (f) acquire common shares in connection with the exercise of employee stock options or otherwise as compensation for services; (g) hold common shares other than as a capital asset within the meaning of Section 1221 of the Code (generally, property held for investment purposes); or (h) own, have owned or will own (directly, indirectly, or by attribution) 10% or more of the total combined voting power of the outstanding shares of the Company. This summary also does not address the U.S. federal income tax considerations applicable to U.S. Holders who are: (a) U.S. expatriates or former long-term residents of the U.S.; (b) persons that have been, are, or will be a resident or deemed to be a resident in Canada for purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “Tax Act”); (c) persons that use or hold, will use or hold, or that are or will be deemed to use or hold common shares in connection with carrying on a business in Canada; (d) persons whose common shares constitute “taxable Canadian property” under the Tax Act; or (e) persons that have a permanent establishment in Canada for the purposes of the Canada-U.S. Tax Convention. U.S. Holders that are subject to special provisions under the Code, including, but not limited to, U.S. Holders described immediately above, should consult their own tax advisors regarding the U.S. federal, U.S. federal alternative minimum, U.S. federal estate and gift, U.S. state and local, and non-U.S. tax consequences relating to the acquisition, ownership and disposition of common shares.
If an entity or arrangement that is classified as a partnership (or other “pass-through” entity) for U.S. federal income tax purposes holds common shares, the U.S. federal income tax consequences to such entity or arrangement and the partners (or other owners or participants) of such entity or arrangement generally will depend on the activities of the entity or arrangement and the status of such partners (or owners or participants). This summary does not address the tax consequences to any such partner (or owner or participants). Partners (or other owners or participants) of entities or arrangements that are classified as partnerships or as “pass-through” entities for U.S. federal income tax purposes should consult their own tax advisors regarding the U.S. federal income tax consequences arising from and relating to the acquisition, ownership and disposition of common shares.

Passive Foreign Investment Company Rules
PFIC Status of the Company
If the Company were to constitute a “passive foreign investment company” under the meaning of Section 1297 of the Code (a “PFIC”, as defined below) for any year during a U.S. Holder’s holding period, then certain potentially adverse rules may affect the U.S. federal income tax consequences to a U.S. Holder as a result of the acquisition, ownership and disposition of common shares. The Company believes that it was classified as a PFIC for the tax year ended December 31, 2014, and based on current business plans and financial expectations, the Company anticipates that it may be a PFIC for its current tax year and subsequent tax years. The determination of whether any corporation was, or will be, a PFIC for a tax year depends, in part, on the application of complex U.S. federal income tax rules, which are subject to differing interpretations. In addition, whether any corporation will be a PFIC for any tax year depends on the assets and income of such corporation over the course of each such tax year and, as a result, cannot be predicted with certainty as of the date of this document. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the IRS will not challenge any determination made by the Company (or any subsidiary of the Company) concerning its PFIC status. Each U.S. Holder should consult its own tax advisors regarding the PFIC status of the Company and each subsidiary of the Company.
In any year in which the Company is classified as a PFIC, a U.S. Holder will be required to file an annual report with the IRS containing such information as Treasury Regulations and/or other IRS guidance may require. In addition to penalties, a failure to satisfy such reporting requirements may result in an extension of the time period during which the IRS can assess a tax. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the requirements of filing such information returns under these rules, including the requirement to file an IRS Form 8621.
The Company generally will be a PFIC if, for a tax year, (a) 75% or more of the gross income of the Company is passive income (the “PFIC income test”) or (b) 50% or more of the value of the Company’s assets either produce passive income or are held for the production of passive income, based on the quarterly average of the fair market value of such assets (the “PFIC asset test”). “Gross income” generally includes all sales revenues less the cost of goods sold, plus income from investments and from incidental or outside operations or sources, and “passive income” generally includes, for example, dividends, interest, certain rents and royalties, certain gains from the sale of stock and securities, and certain gains from commodities transactions.
For purposes of the PFIC income test and PFIC asset test described above, if the Company owns, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the total value of the outstanding shares of another corporation, the Company will be treated as if it (a) held a proportionate share of the assets of such other corporation and (b) received directly a proportionate share of the income of such other corporation. In addition, for purposes of the PFIC income test and PFIC asset test described above, and assuming certain other requirements are met, “passive income” does not include certain interest, dividends, rents, or royalties that are received or accrued by the Company from certain “related persons” (as defined in Section 954(d)(3) of the Code) also organized in Canada, to the extent such items are properly allocable to the income of such related person that is not passive income.
Under certain attribution rules, if the Company is a PFIC, U.S. Holders will generally be deemed to own their proportionate share of the Company’s direct or indirect equity interest in any company that is also a PFIC (a ‘‘Subsidiary PFIC’’), and will generally be subject to U.S. federal income tax on their proportionate share of (a) any “excess distributions,” as described below, on the stock of a Subsidiary PFIC and (b) a disposition or deemed disposition of the stock of a Subsidiary PFIC by the Company or another Subsidiary PFIC, both as if such U.S. Holders directly held the shares of such Subsidiary PFIC. In addition, U.S. Holders may be subject to U.S. federal income tax on any indirect gain realized on the stock of a Subsidiary PFIC on the sale or disposition of common shares. Accordingly, U.S. Holders should be aware that they could be subject to tax under the PFIC rules even if no distributions are received and no redemptions or other dispositions of common shares are made.

Default PFIC Rules Under Section 1291 of the Code
If the Company is a PFIC for any tax year during which a U.S. Holder owns common shares, the U.S. federal income tax consequences to such U.S. Holder of the acquisition, ownership, and disposition of common shares will depend on whether and when such U.S. Holder makes an election to treat the Company and each Subsidiary PFIC, if any, as a “qualified electing fund” or “QEF” under Section 1295 of the Code (a “QEF Election”) or makes a mark-to-market election under Section 1296 of the Code (a “Mark-to-Market Election”). A U.S. Holder that does not make either a QEF Election or a Mark-to-Market Election will be referred to in this summary as a “Non-Electing U.S. Holder.”
A Non-Electing U.S. Holder will be subject to the rules of Section 1291 of the Code (described below) with respect to (a) any gain recognized on the sale or other taxable disposition of common shares and (b) any “excess distribution” received on the common shares. A distribution generally will be an “excess distribution” to the extent that such distribution (together with all other distributions received in the current tax year) exceeds 125% of the average distributions received during the three preceding tax years (or during a U.S. Holder’s holding period for the common shares, if shorter).
Under Section 1291 of the Code, any gain recognized on the sale or other taxable disposition of common shares (including an indirect disposition of the stock of any Subsidiary PFIC), and any “excess distribution” received on common shares or with respect to the stock of a Subsidiary PFIC, must be ratably allocated to each day in a Non-Electing U.S. Holder’s holding period for the respective common shares. The amount of any such gain or excess distribution allocated to the tax year of disposition or distribution of the excess distribution and to years before the entity became a PFIC, if any, would be taxed as ordinary income (and not eligible for certain preferred rates). The amounts allocated to any other tax year would be subject to U.S. federal income tax at the highest tax rate applicable to ordinary income in each such year, and an interest charge would be imposed on the tax liability for each such year, calculated as if such tax liability had been due in each such year. A Non-Electing U.S. Holder that is not a corporation must treat any such interest paid as “personal interest,” which is not deductible.
If the Company is a PFIC for any tax year during which a Non-Electing U.S. Holder holds common shares, the Company will continue to be treated as a PFIC with respect to such Non-Electing U.S. Holder, regardless of whether the Company ceases to be a PFIC in one or more subsequent tax years. A Non-Electing U.S. Holder may terminate this deemed PFIC status by electing to recognize gain (which will be taxed under the rules of Section 1291 of the Code discussed above), but not loss, as if such common shares were sold on the last day of the last tax year for which the Company was a PFIC.
QEF Election
A U.S. Holder that makes a timely and effective QEF Election for the first tax year in which the holding period of its common shares begins generally will not be subject to the rules of Section 1291 of the Code discussed above with respect to its common shares. A U.S. Holder that makes a timely and effective QEF Election will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on such U.S. Holder’s pro rata share of (a) the net capital gain of the Company, which will be taxed as long-term capital gain to such U.S. Holder, and (b) the ordinary earnings of the Company, which will be taxed as ordinary income to such U.S. Holder. Generally, “net capital gain” is the excess of (a) net long-term capital gain over (b) net short-term capital loss, and “ordinary earnings” are the excess of (a) “earnings and profits” over (b) net capital gain. A U.S. Holder that makes a QEF Election will be subject to U.S. federal income tax on such amounts for each tax year in which the Company is a PFIC, regardless of whether such amounts are actually distributed to such U.S. Holder by the Company. However, for any tax year in which the Company is a PFIC and has no net income or gain, U.S. Holders that have made a QEF Election would not have any income inclusions as a result of the QEF Election. If a U.S. Holder that made a QEF Election has an income inclusion, such a U.S. Holder may, subject to certain limitations, elect to defer payment of current U.S. federal income tax on such amounts, subject to an interest charge. If such U.S. Holder is not a corporation, any such interest paid will be treated as “personal interest,” which is not deductible.
A U.S. Holder that makes a timely and effective QEF Election with respect to the Company generally (a) may receive a tax-free distribution from the Company to the extent that such distribution represents “earnings and profits” of the Company that were previously included in income by the U.S. Holder because of such QEF Election and (b) will adjust such U.S. Holder’s tax basis in the common shares to reflect the amount included in income or allowed as a tax-free distribution because of such QEF Election. In addition, a U.S. Holder that makes a QEF Election generally will recognize capital gain or loss on the sale or other taxable disposition of common shares.

The procedure for making a QEF Election, and the U.S. federal income tax consequences of making a QEF Election, will depend on whether such QEF Election is timely. A QEF Election will be treated as “timely” if such QEF Election is made for the first year in the U.S. Holder’s holding period for the common shares in which the Company was a PFIC. A U.S. Holder may make a timely QEF Election by filing the appropriate QEF Election documents at the time such U.S. Holder files a U.S. federal income tax return for such year. If a U.S. Holder does not make a timely and effective QEF Election for the first year in the U.S. Holder’s holding period for the common shares, the U.S. Holder may still be able to make a timely and effective QEF Election in a subsequent year if such U.S. Holder meets certain requirements and makes a “purging” election to recognize gain (which will be taxed under the rules of Section 1291 of the Code discussed above) as if such common shares were sold for their fair market value on the day the QEF Election is effective. If a U.S. Holder makes a QEF Election but does not make a “purging” election to recognize gain as discussed in the preceding sentence, then such U.S. Holder shall be subject to the QEF Election rules and shall continue to be subject to tax under the rules of Section 1291 discussed above with respect to its common shares. If a U.S. Holder owns PFIC stock indirectly through another PFIC, separate QEF Elections must be made for the PFIC in which the U.S. Holder is a direct shareholder and the Subsidiary PFIC for the QEF rules to apply to both PFICs.
A QEF Election will apply to the tax year for which such QEF Election is timely made and to all subsequent tax years, unless such QEF Election is invalidated or terminated or the IRS consents to revocation of such QEF Election. If a U.S. Holder makes a QEF Election and, in a subsequent tax year, the Company ceases to be a PFIC, the QEF Election will remain in effect (although it will not be applicable) during those tax years in which the Company is not a PFIC. Accordingly, if the Company becomes a PFIC in another subsequent tax year, the QEF Election will be effective and the U.S. Holder will be subject to the QEF rules described above during any subsequent tax year in which the Company qualifies as a PFIC.
U.S. Holders should be aware that there can be no assurances that the Company will satisfy the record keeping requirements that apply to a QEF, or that the Company will supply U.S. Holders with information that such U.S. Holders are required to report under the QEF rules, in the event that the Company is a PFIC. Thus, U.S. Holders may not be able to make a QEF Election with respect to their common shares. Each U.S. Holder should consult its own tax advisors regarding the availability of, and procedure for making, a QEF Election.
A U.S. Holder makes a QEF Election by attaching a completed IRS Form 8621, including a PFIC Annual Information Statement, to a timely filed United States federal income tax return. However, if the Company does not provide the required information with regard to the Company or any of its Subsidiary PFICs, U.S. Holders will not be able to make a QEF Election for such entity and will continue to be subject to the rules of Section 1291 of the Code discussed above that apply to Non-Electing U.S. Holders with respect to the taxation of gains and excess distributions.
Mark-to-Market Election
A U.S. Holder may make a Mark-to-Market Election only if the common shares are marketable stock. The common shares generally will be “marketable stock” if the common shares are regularly traded on (a) a national securities exchange that is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, (b) the national market system established pursuant to section 11A of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, or (c) a foreign securities exchange that is regulated or supervised by a governmental authority of the country in which the market is located, provided that (i) such foreign exchange has trading volume, listing, financial disclosure, and surveillance requirements, and meets other requirements and the laws of the country in which such foreign exchange is located, together with the rules of such foreign exchange, ensure that such requirements are actually enforced and (ii) the rules of such foreign exchange effectively promote active trading of listed stocks. If such stock is traded on such a qualified exchange or other market, such stock generally will be “regularly traded” for any calendar year during which such stock is traded, other than in de minimis quantities, on at least 15 days during each calendar quarter. Provided that the common shares are “regularly traded” as described in the preceding sentence, the common shares are expected to be marketable stock. However, each U.S. Holder should consult its own tax advisor in this regard.

A U.S. Holder that makes a Mark-to-Market Election with respect to its common shares generally will not be subject to the rules of Section 1291 of the Code discussed above with respect to such common shares. However, if a U.S. Holder does not make a Mark-to-Market Election beginning in the first tax year of such U.S. Holder’s holding period for the common shares for which the Company is a PFIC and such U.S. Holder has not made a timely QEF Election, the rules of Section 1291 of the Code discussed above will apply to certain dispositions of, and distributions on, the common shares.
A U.S. Holder that makes a Mark-to-Market Election will include in ordinary income, for each tax year in which the Company is a PFIC, an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (a) the fair market value of the common shares, as of the close of such tax year over (b) such U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in such common shares. A U.S. Holder that makes a Mark-to-Market Election will be allowed a deduction in an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (a) such U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in the common shares, over (b) the fair market value of such common shares (but only to the extent of the net amount of previously included income as a result of the Mark-to-Market Election for prior tax years).
A U.S. Holder that makes a Mark-to-Market Election generally also will adjust such U.S. Holder’s tax basis in the common shares to reflect the amount included in gross income or allowed as a deduction because of such Mark-to-Market Election. In addition, upon a sale or other taxable disposition of common shares, a U.S. Holder that makes a Mark-to-Market Election will recognize ordinary income or ordinary loss (not to exceed the excess, if any, of (a) the amount included in ordinary income because of such Mark-to-Market Election for prior tax years over (b) the amount allowed as a deduction because of such Mark-to-Market Election for prior tax years). Losses that exceed this limitation are subject to the rules generally applicable to losses provided in the Code and Treasury Regulations.
A U.S. Holder makes a Mark-to-Market Election by attaching a completed IRS Form 8621 to a timely filed United States federal income tax return. A Mark-to-Market Election applies to the tax year in which such Mark-to-Market Election is made and to each subsequent tax year, unless the common shares cease to be “marketable stock” or the IRS consents to revocation of such election. Each U.S. Holder should consult its own tax advisors regarding the availability of, and procedure for making, a Mark-to-Market Election.
Although a U.S. Holder may be eligible to make a Mark-to-Market Election with respect to the common shares, no such election may be made with respect to the stock of any Subsidiary PFIC that a U.S. Holder is treated as owning, because such stock is not marketable. Hence, the Mark-to-Market Election will not be effective to avoid the application of the default rules of Section 1291 of the Code described above with respect to deemed dispositions of Subsidiary PFIC stock or excess distributions from a Subsidiary PFIC to its shareholder.
Other PFIC Rules
Under Section 1291(f) of the Code, the IRS has issued proposed Treasury Regulations that, subject to certain exceptions, would cause a U.S. Holder that had not made a timely QEF Election to recognize gain (but not loss) upon certain transfers of common shares that would otherwise be tax-deferred (e.g., gifts and exchanges pursuant to corporate reorganizations). However, the specific U.S. federal income tax consequences to a U.S. Holder may vary based on the manner in which common shares are transferred.
Certain additional adverse rules may apply with respect to a U.S. Holder if the Company is a PFIC, regardless of whether such U.S. Holder makes a QEF Election. For example, under Section 1298(b)(6) of the Code, a U.S. Holder that uses common shares as security for a loan will, except as may be provided in Treasury Regulations, be treated as having made a taxable disposition of such common shares.
Special rules also apply to the amount of foreign tax credit that a U.S. Holder may claim on a distribution from a PFIC. Subject to such special rules, foreign taxes paid with respect to any distribution in respect of stock in a PFIC are generally eligible for the foreign tax credit. The rules relating to distributions by a PFIC and their eligibility for the foreign tax credit are complicated, and a U.S. Holder should consult with its own tax advisors regarding the availability of the foreign tax credit with respect to distributions by a PFIC.
The PFIC rules are complex, and each U.S. Holder should consult its own tax advisors regarding the PFIC rules and how the PFIC rules may affect the U.S. federal income tax consequences of the acquisition, ownership, and disposition of common shares.

General Rules Applicable to the Ownership and Disposition of Common Shares
The following discussion describes the general rules applicable to the ownership and disposition of the common shares but is subject in its entirety to the special rules described above under the heading “Passive Foreign Investment Company Rules.”
Distributions on Common Shares
A U.S. Holder that receives a distribution, including a constructive distribution, with respect to a common share will be required to include the amount of such distribution in gross income as a dividend (without reduction for any Canadian income tax withheld from such distribution) to the extent of the current and accumulated “earnings and profits” of the Company, as computed for U.S. federal income tax purposes. A dividend generally will be taxed to a U.S. Holder at ordinary income tax rates if the Company is a PFIC for the tax year of such distribution or the preceding tax year. To the extent that a distribution exceeds the current and accumulated “earnings and profits” of the Company, such distribution will be treated first as a tax-free return of capital to the extent of a U.S. Holder's tax basis in the common shares and thereafter as gain from the sale or exchange of such common shares. (See “Sale or Other Taxable Disposition of Common Shares” below). However, the Company may not maintain the calculations of its earnings and profits in accordance with U.S. federal income tax principles, and each U.S. Holder may have to assume that any distribution by the Company with respect to the common shares will constitute ordinary dividend income. Dividends received on common shares by corporate U.S. Holders generally will not be eligible for the “dividends received deduction.” Subject to applicable limitations and provided the Company is eligible for the benefits of the Canada-U.S. Tax Convention, dividends paid by the Company to non-corporate U.S. Holders, including individuals, generally will be eligible for the preferential tax rates applicable to long-term capital gains for dividends, provided certain holding period and other conditions are satisfied, including that the Company not be classified as a PFIC in the tax year of distribution or in the preceding tax year. The dividend rules are complex, and each U.S. Holder should consult its own tax advisors regarding the application of such rules.
Sale or Other Taxable Disposition of Common Shares
Upon the sale or other taxable disposition of common shares, a U.S. Holder generally will recognize capital gain or loss in an amount equal to the difference between the U.S. dollar value of cash received plus the fair market value of any property received and such U.S. Holder's tax basis in such common shares sold or otherwise disposed of. A U.S. Holder’s tax basis in common shares generally will be such holder’s U.S. dollar cost for such common shares. Gain or loss recognized on such sale or other disposition generally will be long-term capital gain or loss if, at the time of the sale or other disposition, the common shares have been held for more than one year.
Preferential tax rates currently apply to long-term capital gain of a U.S. Holder that is an individual, estate, or trust. There are currently no preferential tax rates for long-term capital gain of a U.S. Holder that is a corporation. Deductions for capital losses are subject to significant limitations under the Code.
Additional Considerations
Additional Tax on Passive Income
Certain U.S. Holders that are individuals, estates or trusts (other than trusts that are exempt from tax) will be subject to a 3.8% tax on all or a portion of their “net investment income,” which includes dividends on the common shares and net gains from the disposition of the common shares. Further, excess distributions treated as dividends, gains treated as excess distributions under the PFIC rules discussed above, and mark-to-market inclusions and deductions are all included in the calculation of net investment income.
Treasury Regulations provide, subject to the election described in the following paragraph, that solely for purposes of this additional tax, that distributions of previously taxed income will be treated as dividends and included in net investment income subject to the additional 3.8% tax. Additionally, to determine the amount of any capital gain from the sale or other taxable disposition of common shares that will be subject to the additional tax on net investment income, a U.S. Holder who has made a QEF Election will be required to recalculate its basis in the common shares excluding QEF basis adjustments.

 Alternatively, a U.S. Holder may make an election which will be effective with respect to all interests in controlled foreign corporations and QEFs held in that year or acquired in future years. Under this election, a U.S. Holder pays the additional 3.8% tax on QEF income inclusions and on gains calculated after giving effect to related tax basis adjustments. U.S. Holders that are individuals, estates or trusts should consult their own tax advisors regarding the applicability of this tax to any of their income or gains in respect of the common shares.
Receipt of Foreign Currency
The amount of any distribution paid to a U.S. Holder in foreign currency, or on the sale, exchange or other taxable disposition of common shares, generally will be equal to the U.S. dollar value of such foreign currency based on the exchange rate applicable on the date of receipt (regardless of whether such foreign currency is converted into U.S. dollars at that time). A U.S. Holder will have a basis in the foreign currency equal to its U.S. dollar value on the date of receipt. Any U.S. Holder who converts or otherwise disposes of the foreign currency after the date of receipt may have a foreign currency exchange gain or loss that would be treated as ordinary income or loss, and generally will be U.S. source income or loss for foreign tax credit purposes. Different rules apply to U.S. Holders who use the accrual method. Each U.S. Holder should consult its own U.S. tax advisors regarding the U.S. federal income tax consequences of receiving, owning, and disposing of foreign currency.
Foreign Tax Credit
Subject to the PFIC rules discussed above, a U.S. Holder that pays (whether directly or through withholding) Canadian income tax with respect to dividends paid on the common shares generally will be entitled, at the election of such U.S. Holder, to receive either a deduction or a credit for such Canadian income tax. Generally, a credit will reduce a U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability on a dollar-for-dollar basis, whereas a deduction will reduce a U.S. Holder’s income that is subject to U.S. federal income tax. This election is made on a year-by-year basis and applies to all foreign taxes paid (whether directly or through withholding) by a U.S. Holder during a year.
Complex limitations apply to the foreign tax credit, including the general limitation that the credit cannot exceed the proportionate share of a U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability that such U.S. Holder’s “foreign source” taxable income bears to such U.S. Holder’s worldwide taxable income. In applying this limitation, a U.S. Holder’s various items of income and deduction must be classified, under complex rules, as either “foreign source” or “U.S. source.” Generally, dividends paid by a foreign corporation should be treated as foreign source for this purpose, and gains recognized on the sale of stock of a foreign corporation by a U.S. Holder should be treated as U.S. source for this purpose, except as otherwise provided in an applicable income tax treaty, and if an election is properly made under the Code. However, the amount of a distribution with respect to the common shares that is treated as a “dividend” may be lower for U.S. federal income tax purposes than it is for Canadian federal income tax purposes, resulting in a reduced foreign tax credit allowance to a U.S. Holder. In addition, this limitation is calculated separately with respect to specific categories of income. The foreign tax credit rules are complex, and each U.S. Holder should consult its own U.S. tax advisors regarding the foreign tax credit rules.
Backup Withholding and Information Reporting
Under U.S. federal income tax law, certain categories of U.S. Holders must file information returns with respect to their investment in, or involvement in, a foreign corporation. For example, U.S. return disclosure obligations (and related penalties) are imposed on individuals who are U.S. Holders that hold certain specified foreign financial assets in excess of certain thresholds. The definition of specified foreign financial assets includes not only financial accounts maintained in foreign financial institutions, but also, unless held in accounts maintained by a financial institution, any stock or security issued by a non-U.S. person, any financial instrument or contract held for investment that has an issuer or counterparty other than a U.S. person and any interest in a foreign entity. U.S. Holders may be subject to these reporting requirements unless their common shares are held in an account at certain financial institutions. Penalties for failure to file certain of these information returns are substantial. U.S. Holders should consult with their own tax advisors regarding the requirements of filing information returns, including the requirement to file an IRS Form 8938.
Payments made within the U.S., or by a U.S. payor or U.S. middleman, of dividends on, and proceeds arising from the sale or other taxable disposition of, common shares will generally be subject to information reporting and backup withholding tax, at the rate of 28%, if a U.S. Holder (a) fails to furnish such U.S. Holder’s correct U.S. taxpayer identification number (generally on Form W-9), (b) furnishes an incorrect U.S. taxpayer identification number, (c) is notified by the IRS that such U.S. Holder has previously failed to properly report items subject to backup withholding tax, or (d) fails to certify, under penalty of perjury, that such U.S. Holder has furnished its correct U.S. taxpayer identification number and that the IRS has not notified such U.S. Holder that it is subject to backup withholding tax. However, certain exempt persons generally are excluded from these information reporting and backup withholding rules. Backup withholding is not an additional tax. Any amounts withheld under the U.S. backup withholding tax rules will be allowed as a credit against a U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability, if any, or will be refunded, if such U.S. Holder furnishes required information to the IRS in a timely manner.

The discussion of reporting requirements set forth above is not intended to constitute a complete description of all reporting requirements that may apply to a U.S. Holder. A failure to satisfy certain reporting requirements may result in an extension of the time period during which the IRS can assess a tax and, under certain circumstances, such an extension may apply to assessments of amounts unrelated to any unsatisfied reporting requirement. Each U.S. Holder should consult its own tax advisors regarding the information reporting and backup withholding rules.
F. Dividends and Paying Agents
Not applicable.
G. Statements by Experts
Not applicable.
H. Documents on Display
For further information with respect to the Company, you are referred to the filings the Company has made with the SEC. Statements contained in this Annual Report concerning the contents of any contract, or any other document, are not necessarily complete. If a contract or document has been filed as an exhibit to any filing the Company has made with the SEC, you are referred to the copy of the contract or document that has been filed. Each statement in this Annual Report relating to a contract or document filed as an exhibit is qualified in all respects by the filed exhibit. The Company is subject to certain of the informational requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and, in accordance with the Exchange Act, files reports and other information with the SEC. The Company’s registration statements, including the exhibits and schedules thereto, and such reports and other information, can be inspected and copied at the following public reference facility maintained by the SEC:
100 F Street, N.W. Room 1580
Washington, DC  20549
Copies of these materials can also be obtained by mail at prescribed rates. You may also call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. The SEC maintains a website that contains registration statements, reports and other information regarding registrants that file electronically with the SEC at http://www.sec.gov.
I. Subsidiary Information
See Item 4.C for information regarding the Company’s subsidiaries.

Financial Instruments
Financial assets are initially recorded at fair value and designated upon inception into one of the following four categories: held-to-maturity, available-for-sale, loans and receivables or at fair value through profit or loss (“FVTPL”).
Financial assets classified as loans and receivables are measured at amortized cost less impairment. The Company has classified its other receivables as loans and receivables.
Financial assets classified as FVTPL are measured at fair value with unrealized gains and losses recognized through earnings. The Company has classified its cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, marketable securities and other long-term assets as FVTPL. The Company designated its marketable securities as FVTPL upon initial recognition in accordance with an investment strategy that management uses to evaluate performance on a fair value basis.
Financial assets classified as held-to-maturity are measured at amortized cost. The Company has no financial assets classified as held-to-maturity.
Financial assets classified as available-for-sale are measured at fair value with unrealized gains and losses recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) except for losses in value that are considered other than temporary. The Company has no financial assets classified as available-for-sale.
Transaction costs associated with FVTPL financial assets are expensed as incurred, while transaction costs associated with all other financial assets are included in the initial carrying amount of the asset.
Financial liabilities are initially recorded at fair value and designated upon inception as FVTPL or classified as other financial liabilities.
Financial liabilities classified as other financial liabilities are initially recognized at fair value less directly attributable transaction costs. Subsequently, they are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. The Company has classified its accounts payable and accrued liabilities as other financial liabilities.
Financial liabilities classified as FVTPL include financial liabilities held-for-trading and financial liabilities designated upon initial recognition as FVTPL. Fair value changes on financial liabilities classified as FVTPL are recognized through the consolidated statement of comprehensive income or loss. The Company has no financial liabilities classified as FVTPL.
Categories of financial instruments

December 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
Cash and cash equivalents
  $ 8,792     $ 8,376  
Short-term investments
    5,023       2,005  
Marketable securities
    450       1,328  
Other receivables
Loans and receivables
    368       324  
Other long-term assets
    525       739  
Accounts payable
Other financial liabilities
    (1,303 )     (917 )
Accrued and other liabilities
Other financial liabilities
    (837 )     (707 )

All financial instruments above, except marketable securities which is classified under the Level 3 fair value hierarchy; other financial liabilities; and loans and receivables, are classified under the Level 1 fair value hierarchy.

Level 3 Fair Value: Marketable Securities
As set out in note 6 of the Company’s Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the years ending December 31, 2014 and 2013, the Company holds 12,573,380 shares in VGM. As of June 30, 2014, VGM de-listed from the AIM. The investment is classified as at December 31, 2014 at a level 3 hierarchy (2013 - level 1 hierarchy) as a result of de-listing.
The valuation is based on comparable companies’ share price performance. A decrease or increase in the average share price of 5% would result in a decrease or increase in the value of VGM of $22,500.
Interest rate risk
Included in the loss for the year ended December 31, 2014, is investment income on the Company’s cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments. If interest rates had been 100 basis points (1%) lower or higher than net income or loss would have been approximately $112,000 higher or lower. The Company does not have any debt obligations which expose it to interest rate risk.
Foreign currency risk
The Company holds marketable securities denominated in U.K. pounds sterling. Based upon the marketable securities held at December 31, 2014, and assuming no changes in number of shares or stock price, for every $0.01 fluctuation in exchange rate between the Canadian dollar and U.K. pound sterling, the Company’s net income or loss would be $2,000 higher or lower.
Credit risk
The Company considers that the following financial assets are exposed to credit risk: cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, marketable securities and other long-term assets. The total value of these items at December 31, 2014 is $14,790,000 (December 31, 2013 - $12,448,000). Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will fail to discharge an obligation and cause the other party to incur a financial loss. The Company does not currently generate any revenues from sales to customers nor does it hold derivative type instruments that would require a counterparty to fulfil a contractual obligation resulting in a credit risk. The Company has never held any asset-backed paper instruments. The Company seeks to place its cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and restricted cash with reputable financial institutions. At December 31, 2014, the Company’s cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and restricted cash were invested with three financial institutions.
Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk encompasses the risk that the Company cannot meet its financial obligations as they fall due. As at December 31, 2014, the Company had positive working capital of $12,353,000 (December 31, 2013 - $10,617,000). Given positive working capital, the Company believes it will be able to meet its current obligations. However, the Company will require significant additional funding in the future in order to complete the development of the Prairie Creek Mine site and bring the mine into production. Accordingly, there is a risk that the Company may not be able to secure adequate funding on reasonable terms, or at all, at that future date.
Not applicable.

There has not been a material default in the payment of principal, interest, a sinking or purchase fund installment, or any other material default not cured within thirty days, relating to indebtedness of the Company or any of its significant subsidiaries. There are no payments of dividends by the Company in arrears, nor has there been any other material delinquency relating to any class of preference shares of the Company.
A to D.
E. Use of Proceeds
Not applicable.
A. Disclosure Controls and Procedures
The Company’s disclosure controls and procedures are designed to provide reasonable assurance that material items requiring disclosure by the Company in its annual filings, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted by it under securities legislations is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the securities legislation and include controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in its annual filing, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted under securities legislation is accumulated and communicated to the Company’s management, including its CEO and CFO, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
Based on current securities legislation in Canada and the United States, the CEO and the CFO of the Company have evaluated the design and effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) of the Exchange Act) as of December 31, 2014, and have concluded that such disclosure controls and procedures were operating effectively at that date.
It should be noted that, while the Company’s CEO and CFO believe that the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures provide a reasonable level of assurance and that they are effective, they do not expect that the disclosure controls and procedures can prevent all errors or mistakes. A control system, no matter how well conceived or operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the objectives of the control system are met.
B. Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
Management is responsible for designing, establishing and maintaining a system of internal controls over financial reporting to provide reasonable assurance that the financial information prepared by the Company for external purposes is reliable and has been recorded, processed and reported in an accurate and timely manner in accordance with IFRS.
The Board is responsible for ensuring that management fulfills its responsibilities. The Audit Committee fulfills its role of ensuring the integrity of the reported information through its review of the interim and annual consolidated financial statements.

There are inherent limitations in the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting, including the possibility that misstatements may not be prevented or detected. Accordingly, even effective internal controls over financial reporting can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to consolidated financial statement preparation. Furthermore, the effectiveness of internal controls can change with circumstances. The Company has paid particular attention to segregation of duties matters surrounding its internal controls over financial reporting as the Company has only limited staff resources at the present time such that “ideal” segregation of duties is not feasible. This risk is dealt with by management identified compensating controls such as Board oversight or senior management review where appropriate. At the present time, the Company does not anticipate hiring additional accounting or administrative staff as this is not considered necessary or practical and accordingly, will continue to rely on review procedures to detect potential misstatements in reporting of material to the public.
The CEO and the CFO have evaluated the design and effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting based on the framework in Internal Control – Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission 2013 Framework). Based on this evaluation, as at December 31, 2014, the Company believes that its internal controls over financial reporting were designed and operating effectively to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that the objectives of the control system are met.
The Company’s management, including the CEO and CFO, believe that any internal controls over financial reporting, including those systems determined to be effective and no matter how well conceived and operated, have inherent limitations and can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the objectives of the control system are met with respect to consolidated financial statement preparation and presentation. Because of the inherent limitations in all control systems, they cannot provide absolute assurance that all control issues and instances of fraud, if any, within the Company have been prevented or detected. These inherent limitations include the realities that judgments in decision-making can be faulty, and that breakdowns can occur because of simple error or mistake. Additionally, controls can be circumvented by the individual acts of some persons, by collusion of two or more people, or by unauthorized override of the control. The design of any system of controls is also based in part upon certain assumptions about the likelihood of future events, and there can be no assurance that any design will succeed in achieving its stated goals under all potential future conditions. Accordingly, because of the inherent limitations in a cost effective control system, misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not be detected.
The registered public accounting firm that audited the financial statements included in this Annual Report has issued an attestation report on management’s assessment of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.
C. Attestation Report of Registered Public Accounting Firm
The effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2014, has been audited by the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm, Ernst & Young LLP. Ernst & Young LLP has expressed an unqualified opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2014, and their report is included with the Company’s consolidated financial statements. Ernst & Young LLP has also audited the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014, and has expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.
D. Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
Based upon their evaluation of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting, the Company’s CEO and CFO have concluded that, there were no significant changes in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting or in other factors during the company’s last fiscal year that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.

The Board has determined that at least one member of the Company’s Audit Committee, Brian Atkins, an independent director of the Company pursuant to the criteria set out in the NYSE MKT Company Guide, possesses the educational and professional qualifications as well as the experience to qualify as an “Audit Committee Financial Expert” as defined in Item 16A of Form 20-F. In addition, the Company believes that the other members of the Audit Committee are capable of analyzing and evaluating the financial statements and understanding internal controls and procedures for financial reporting.
The Company has adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics that applies to all directors, senior officers and employees of the Company.
Shareholders may request a copy of the Code of Ethics by written request directed to Canadian Zinc Corporation, Suite 1710, 650 West Georgia Street, PO Box 11644, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6B 4N9 or by reference to the Company’s website – www.canadianzinc.com .
There have been no waivers or amendments to the Code of Ethics during the year ended December 31, 2014.
The aggregate amounts billed by auditors for the two fiscal years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 for audit fees, audit related fees, tax fees and all other fees are set forth below:
Year Ended
December 31, 2014 (4)
Year Ended
December 31, 2013
Audit Fees (1)
  $ 140,000     $ 130,000  
Audit-Related Fees (2)
    50,000       30,000  
Tax Fees (3)
    -       30,000  
All Other Fees
    -       58,000  
  $ 190,000     $ 248,000  
(1) “Audit Fees” represent fees for the audit of the annual consolidated financial statements, and review in connection with the statutory and regulatory filings.
(2) “Audit Related Fees” represent fees for assurance and related services that are related to the performance of the audit.
(3) “Tax Fees” represent fees for tax compliance, tax advice and planning.
(4) Fees for the year ended December 31, 2014, are based, in part, upon estimates received by Canadian Zinc as final invoices are yet to be rendered as of the date of this Annual Report.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.

Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
See Financial Statements and Exhibits listed in Item 19 hereof and filed as part of this Annual Report.
Financial Statements
F-1           [Audit Report]
F-2           [Financial Statements]


Exhibit Number
Description of Document
Notice of Articles (of Incorporation) (1)
Articles (Bylaws) (2)
Form of Option Commitment (Senior Officers) dated October 15, 2007 to acquire common shares under the Company’s Stock Option Plan. (3)
Form of Option Commitment (Directors and Senior Officers) dated March 27, 2009 to acquire common shares under the Company’s Stock Option Plan. (4)
Employment Agreement between the Company and Alan Taylor dated January 1, 2010. (5)
Employment Agreement between the Company and Trevor Cunningham dated January 17, 2011. (6)
2012 Fixed Stock Option Plan.
Deferred Share Unit Plan.
Restricted Share Unit Plan.
Warrant Indenture dated as July 31, 2014.
Base Metal and Precious Metal Net Smelter Returns Royalties Agreement dated May 31, 2013.
Arrangement Agreement among the Company, Messina Minerals Inc. and 0980829 B.C. Ltd. Dated as of October 21, 2013.
Underwriting Agreement dated July 15, 2014.
Certification of President pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Certification of Chief Financial Officer Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Certification of President Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Certification of Chief Financial Officer Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Previously filed as exhibit 1.A to the Company’s 20-F annual report filed on July 26, 2005.
Previously filed as exhibit 1.B to the Company’s 20-F annual report filed on July 26, 2005.
Previously filed as exhibit 4.5 to the Company’s 20-F annual report filed on April 11, 2008.
Previously filed as exhibit 4.6 to the Company’s 20-F annual report filed on May 27, 2009.
Previously filed as exhibit 4.7 to the Company’s 20-F annual report filed on May 13, 2010.
Previously filed as exhibit 4.8 to the Company’s 20-F annual report filed on May 2, 2011.





Annual Consolidated Financial Statements

For the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013

(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated)




To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Canadian Zinc Corporation
We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Canadian Zinc Corporation, which comprise the consolidated statements of financial position as at December 31, 2014 and 2013, and the consolidated statements of comprehensive loss, cash flows and changes in shareholders’ equity for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Management's responsibility for the consolidated financial statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditors’ responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards and the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditors consider internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements, evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained in our audits is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Canadian Zinc Corporation as at December 31, 2014 and 2013, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012 in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.
Other matter
We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), Canadian Zinc Corporation's internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2014, based on the criteria established in Internal Control — Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework) and our report dated March 31, 2015 expressed an unqualified opinion on Canadian Zinc Corporation’s internal control over financial reporting.
Vancouver, Canada /s/ Ernst & Young LLP
March 31, 2015 Chartered Accountants


Independent Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Canadian Zinc Corporation

We have audited Canadian Zinc Corporation’s [the “Company”] internal control over financial reporting as at December 31, 2014, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework) [the “COSO criteria”]. The Company’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

In our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2014, based on the COSO criteria .

We also have audited, in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards and the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the consolidated statements of financial position as at December 31, 2014 and 2013, and the consolidated statements of comprehensive loss, cash flows and changes in shareholders’ equity for the years ended December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012 of the Company and our report dated March 31, 2015 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.
Vancouver, Canada /s/ Ernst & Young LLP
March 31, 2015 Chartered Accountants


Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated)

Balance Sheet
December 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
Cash and cash equivalents (Note 4)
  $ 8,792     $ 8,376  
Short-term investments (Note 5)
    5,023       2,005  
Marketable securities (Note 6)
    450       1,328  
Other receivables and prepaid expenses
    699       532  
Total Current Assets
    14,964       12,241  
Other long-term assets (Note 7)
    525       739  
Property, plant and equipment (Note 8)
    782       860  
Exploration and evaluation assets (Note 9)
    5,628       5,432  
Total Assets
  $ 21,899     $ 19,272  
Accounts payable
  $ 1,303     $ 917  
Accrued and other liabilities
    837       707  
Flow-through share premium (Note 11 and 14)
    471       -  
Total Current Liabilities
    2,611       1,624  
Decommissioning liability (Note 10)
    2,243       1,963  
Total Liabilities
    4,854       3,587  
Share capital (Note 11)
    104,028       91,823  
Reserves (Note 12)
    14,270       12,681  
    (101,253 )     (88,819 )
Total Shareholders’ Equity
    17,045       15,685  
Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity
  $ 21,899     $ 19,272  
Commitments (Note 20)

Approved by the Board of Directors:
“John F. Kearney”
“Brian A. Atkins, CPA, CA”

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Loss
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for share information)

Income Statement
Year ended December 31,
Investment income
  $ 169     $ 106     $ 164  
    8       8       16  
Exploration and evaluation (Note 13)
    9,996       6,089       9,125  
Listing and regulatory
    58       65       67  
Management and directors
    850       1,278       673  
Office and general
    604       569       586  
    298       374       329  
Project evaluation
    -       15       34  
Shareholder and investor communications
    416       440       542  
Share-based compensation (Note 12 (a))
    23       120       107  
      12,253       8,958       11,479  
Other income (expenses)
Loss on marketable securities (Note 6)
    (878 )     (3,626 )     (8,804 )
Gain on sale of NSR (Note 9)
    -       5,439       -  
Finance costs (Note 10)
    (60 )     (49 )     (46 )
Gain on changes to decommissioning liability (Note 10)
    -       177       -  
Tax deduction recovery (Note 14)
    588       -       295  
      (350 )     1,941       (8,555 )
Net loss for the year
    (12,434 )     (6,911 )     (19,870 )
Other comprehensive income (loss)
    -       -       -  
Comprehensive loss for the year
  $ (12,434 )   $ (6,911 )   $ (19,870 )
Net loss per share - basic and diluted
  $ (0.06 )   $ (0.04 )   $ (0.13 )
Weighted average number of shares outstanding
Basic and diluted
    192,465,968       166,539,368       157,936,692  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated)

Cash Flows
Year ended December 31,
Operating Activities
Net loss for the year
  $ (12,434 )   $ (6,911 )   $ (19,870 )
Adjustment for items not involving cash:
Accretion and depreciation
    154       173       216  
Loss on marketable securities (Note 6)
    878       3,626       8,804  
Share-based compensation
    23       120       107  
Gain on sale of NSR (Note 9)
    -       (5,439 )     -  
Gain on changes to decommissioning liability (Note 10)
    -       (177 )     -  
Tax deduction recovery (Note 14)
    (588 )     -       (295 )
Change in non-cash working capital items:
Other receivables and prepaid expenses
    24       (154 )     (233 )
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
    540       (128 )     743  
      (11,403 )     (8,890 )     (10,528 )
Financing Activities
Capital stock issued
    15,751       4,005       9,119  
Issuance costs
    (1,278 )     (304 )     (883 )
Proceeds on exercise of options or warrants
    357       46       2  
      14,830       3,747       8,238  
Investing Activities
Short-term investments (Note 5)
    (2,995 )     3,453       (51 )
Marketable securities (Note 6)
    -       -       14  
Property, plant and equipment (Note 8)
    (16 )     (13 )     (183 )
Sale of NSR (Note 9)
    -       10,271       -  
Exploration and evaluation assets (Note 9)
    -       (416 )     (411 )
Government grants (Note 15)
    -       -       170  
      (3,011 )     13,295       (461 )
Net change in cash and cash equivalents
  $ 416     $ 8,152     $ (2,751 )
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year
  $ 8,376     $ 224     $ 2,975  
Net change in cash and cash equivalents
    416       8,152       (2,751 )
Cash and cash equivalents , end of year
  $ 8,792     $ 8,376     $ 224  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for share information)

Shareholders’ Equity
          Common shares                    
Balance, December 31, 2011
    143,109,112     $ 77,052     $ 10,750     $ (62,038 )   $ 25,764  
Issue of shares at $0.67 per share
    13,610,000       9,119       -       -       9,119  
Share issuance costs
    -       (761 )     -       -       (761 )
Share purchase warrants
    -       (1,560 )     1,560       -       -  
Paragon Minerals Acquisition
    7,299,019       3,394       -       -       3,394  
Options and warrants converted upon Paragon acquisition     -       -       53       -       53  
Exploration and evaluation asset acquisition (Note 11)
    9,520       4       -       -       4  
Exercise of warrants at $0.40 per share
    4,130       2       -       -       2  
Share-based compensation
    -       -       107       -       107  
Net loss for the year
    -       -       -       (19,870 )     (19,870 )
Balance, December 31, 2012
    164,031,781     $ 87,250     $ 12,470     $ (81,908 )   $ 17,812  
Issue of shares at $0.62 per share
    6,460,000       4,005       -       -       4,005  
Share issuance costs
    -       (304 )     -       -       (304 )
Share purchase warrants
    -       (92 )     92       -       -  
Exercise of options at $0.23 per share
    200,000       66       (20 )     -       46  
Messina Minerals Acquisition (Note 3)
    2,132,714       896       -       -       896  
Options and warrants converted upon Messina acquisition     -       -       19       -       19  
Exploration and evaluation asset acquisition (Note 11)
    4,080       2       -       -       2  
Share-based compensation
    -       -       120       -       120  
Net loss for the year
    -       -       -       (6,911 )     (6,911 )
Balance, December 31, 2013
    172,828,575       91,823       12,681       (88,819 )     15,685  
Issue of shares at $0.35 per share
    28,572,000       10,000       -       -       10,000  
Issue of shares at $0.38 per share
    15,134,000       4,692       -       -       4,692  
Share issuance costs
    -       (1,278 )     -       -       (1,278 )
Share purchase warrants
    -       (1,723 )     1,723       -       -  
Exercise of options between $0.23 and $0.30 per share
    1,513,134       514       (157 )     -       357  
Share-based compensation
    -       -       23       -       23  
Net loss for the year
    -       -       -       (12,434 )     (12,434 )
Balance, December 31, 2014
    218,047,709     $ 104,028     $ 14,270     $ (101,253 )   $ 17,045  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

1. Nature of Operations and Going Concern

Canadian Zinc Corporation (the “Company” or “Canadian Zinc”) is incorporated under the laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada, and its principal business activity is the exploration and development of natural resource properties. The address of the Company’s registered office is Suite 1710, 650 West Georgia Street, PO Box 11644, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6B 4N9. The Company currently exists under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) and its common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) under the symbol “CZN” and on the OTCQB under the symbol “CZICF”.

The Company is primarily engaged in the exploration, development and permitting of its mineral properties. The Company is considered to be in the exploration and development stage given that its mineral properties are not yet in production and, to date, have not earned any significant revenues. The recoverability of amounts shown for exploration and evaluation assets is dependent on the existence of economically recoverable reserves, obtaining and maintaining the necessary permits to operate a mine, obtaining the financing to complete development and future profitable production.

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the basis of accounting principles applicable to a going concern which assumes that the Company will realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. Management has carried out an assessment of the going concern assumption and has concluded that the Company has sufficient cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and marketable securities (as well as no debt obligations outside of normal course accounts payable and accrued liabilities) to continue operating for the ensuing twelve months. These consolidated financial statements do not give effect to any adjustment which would be necessary should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern and, therefore, be required to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in other than the normal course of business and at amounts different than those reflected in the consolidated financial statements.

2. Significant Accounting Policies

Statement of Compliance

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and were approved and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on March 30, 2015.

Basis of Preparation and Consolidation

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for financial instruments classified as fair value through profit and loss which are stated at their fair value. These audited consolidated financial statements are presented in Canadian dollars and have been prepared on the basis of IFRS standards that are effective on December 31, 2014. The accounting policies chosen by the Company have been applied consistently to all periods presented.

These consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Canadian Zinc Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiaries Paragon Minerals Corporation (“Paragon”) and Messina Minerals Inc. (“Messina”), collectively the group. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date of acquisition, being the date on which the Company obtains control, and continue to be consolidated until the date when such control ceases. The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting period as the parent company, using consistent accounting policies. All intra-group balances, transactions, unrealized gains and losses resulting from intra-group transactions and dividends are eliminated in full.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

2. Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Significant Accounting Judgments, Estimates and Assumptions

The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

Company acquisitions: Identifying a purchase transaction as being a business combination or an asset purchase requires judgment regarding whether the set of assets acquired and liabilities assumed constitutes a business based on the particular circumstances.

Exploration and evaluation: Significant judgment is required when determining whether facts and circumstances suggest that the carrying amount of exploration and evaluation assets may exceed its recoverable amount. Significant judgment must be exercised in determining when a project of the Company moves from the exploration and evaluation phase and into the development phase. The existence and extent of proven or probable mineral reserves; retention of regulatory permits and licences; the availability of development financing; current and future metal prices; and market sentiment are all factors considered by the Company. Accordingly, the Company having not secured development financing has deemed all projects to be in the exploration and evaluation phase.

The valuation of the gain of $5,439,000 on the sale of net smelter returns royalty is subject to several judgments and estimates, in particular the valuation of the option to repurchase the net smelter returns royalty. Taking into consideration current market conditions the Company has recorded a value of $nil to this repurchase option (see Note 9).

Decommissioning liability: Decommissioning liabilities are recognized in the period in which they arise and are stated at the best estimate of the present value of estimated future costs. These estimates require extensive judgment about the nature, cost and timing of the work to be completed, and may change with future changes to costs, environmental laws and regulations and remediation practices. Recording a provision for security deposits is subject to significant judgment as to the amount and timing of the required posting of security (see Note 10).

Marketable securities: The Company measures the fair value of marketable securities not listed on a public stock exchange as a level 3 input under the fair value hierarchy using unobservable inputs for the asset including, but not limited to, risk and the performance of gold commodities and similar gold producing companies. The fair value measurement objective is to value an exit price at the measurement date from the perspective of a market participant that holds the asset and involves significant judgment. There is no assurance that the fair value assigned will be realized at any future date.

Share-based compensation: The Company measures the cost of equity-settled transactions with employees by reference to the fair value of the equity instruments at the date at which they are granted. Estimating fair value for share-based payment transactions requires determination of the most appropriate valuation model, which is dependent on the terms and conditions of the grant. This estimate also requires determination of the most appropriate inputs to the valuation model including the expected life of the share option, volatility and dividend yield and making assumptions about them. The assumptions and models used for estimating fair value for share-based payment transactions are disclosed in Note 12.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

2. Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Financial Assets

Financial assets are initially recorded at fair value and designated upon inception into one of the following four categories: held-to-maturity, available-for-sale, loans and receivables or at fair value through profit or loss (“FVTPL”).

Financial assets classified as loans and receivables are measured at amortized cost less impairment. The Company has classified its other receivables as loans and receivables.

Financial assets classified as FVTPL are measured at fair value with unrealized gains and losses recognized through earnings. The Company has classified its cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, marketable securities, and other long-term assets as FVTPL. The Company designated its marketable securities as FVTPL upon initial recognition in accordance with an investment strategy that management uses to evaluate performance on a fair value basis.

Financial assets classified as held-to-maturity are measured at amortized cost. The Company has no financial assets classified as held-to-maturity.

Financial assets classified as available-for-sale are measured at fair value with unrealized gains and losses recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) except for losses in value that are considered other than temporary. The Company has no financial assets classified as available-for-sale.

Transaction costs associated with FVTPL financial assets are expensed as incurred, while transaction costs associated with all other financial assets are included in the initial carrying amount of the asset.

Impairment of Non-Financial Assets

The Company assesses at each date of the consolidated statement of financial position the carrying amounts of non-financial assets to determine whether there is an indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If such an indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the assets belong.

Recoverable amount is the greater of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments for the time value of money and risks specific to the asset. In determining fair value less costs to sell, recent market transactions are taken into account, if available. If no such transactions can be identified, an appropriate valuation model is used.

If the recoverable amount of an asset (or cash-generating unit) is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (or cash-generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable amount. An impairment loss is recognized immediately in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income or loss, unless the relevant asset is carried at a revalued amount, in which case the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation decrease.

Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset (or cash-generating unit) is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, but so that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset (or cash-generating unit) in prior years. A previously recognized impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the assumptions used to determine the asset’s recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognized.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

2. Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and liquid investments which are readily convertible into cash with maturities of three months or less when purchased.

Short-term Investments

Short-term investments, which consist primarily of investments in Bankers Acceptances and Guaranteed Investment Certificates, are investments with maturities of more than three months and less than one year when purchased.

Marketable Securities

Marketable securities are recorded at their fair market value on the date of acquisition and are classified as FVTPL. The carrying value of the securities is adjusted at each subsequent reporting period to the then fair value (based upon the market bid price and the Bank of Canada quoted exchange rate if applicable) with the resulting unrealized gains or losses included in comprehensive income or loss for the period. Transaction costs relating to the purchase of marketable securities are expensed directly to comprehensive income or loss.

Foreign Currency Transactions

The Company’s reporting currency and the functional currency of all of its operations is the Canadian dollar as this is the principal currency of the economic environment in which the Company operates. Foreign currency transactions are translated at the rate in effect when the transactions occur. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in a foreign currency (if any) are translated at the rate in effect at the reporting period date.

Property, Plant and Equipment (“PPE”)

PPE is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. Depreciation is provided on a declining-balance basis, less the estimated residual value, at the following annual rates:

Mining equipment
Office equipment

Buildings and leasehold improvements are recorded at cost, net of accumulated depreciation. Depreciation on buildings and leasehold improvements are provided on a straight-line basis over the life of the asset.

Amortization of the Prairie Creek plant and mill will be based on the unit-of-production method based upon estimated proven and probable reserves.

Exploration and Evaluation Assets

Exploration and evaluation assets include acquired mineral use rights for mineral property held by the Company. The amount of consideration paid (in cash or share value) for mineral use rights is capitalized. The amounts shown for exploration and evaluation assets represent costs of acquisition incurred to date, less recoveries, and do not necessarily reflect present or future values. These costs will be amortized against revenue from future production or written off if the exploration and evaluation assets are abandoned or sold. Included in the cost of exploration and evaluation assets is the cost of the estimated decommissioning liability. The Company has classified exploration and evaluation assets as intangible in nature. Depletion of costs capitalized on projects put into commercial production will be recorded using the unit-of-production method based upon estimated proven and probable reserves. The Company recognizes, in income, costs recovered on exploration and evaluation assets when amounts received or receivable are in excess of the carrying amount of the corresponding asset.

Ownership in exploration and evaluation assets involves certain inherent risks, including geological, metal prices, operating costs, and permitting risks. Many of these risks are outside the Company’s control. The ultimate recoverability of the amounts capitalized for the exploration and evaluation assets is dependent upon the delineation of economically recoverable ore reserves, obtaining the necessary financing to complete their development, obtaining the necessary permits to operate a mine, and realizing profitable production or proceeds from the disposition thereof. Management’s estimates of recoverability of the Company’s investment in exploration and evaluation assets have been based on current and expected conditions. However, it is possible that changes could occur which could adversely affect management’s estimates and may result in future write downs of exploration and evaluation assets carrying values.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

2. Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Financial Liabilities

Financial liabilities are initially recorded at fair value and designated upon inception as FVTPL or classified as other financial liabilities.

Financial liabilities classified as other financial liabilities are initially recognized at fair value less directly attributable transaction costs. Subsequently, they are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. The Company has classified its accounts payable and accrued liabilities as other financial liabilities.

Financial liabilities classified as FVTPL include financial liabilities held-for-trading and financial liabilities designated upon initial recognition as FVTPL. Fair value changes on financial liabilities classified as FVTPL are recognized through the consolidated statement of comprehensive income or loss. The Company has no financial liabilities classified as FVTPL.

Decommissioning, Restoration and Similar Liabilities

The Company recognizes liabilities for statutory, contractual, constructive or legal obligations, including those associated with the reclamation of exploration and evaluation assets and PPE, when those obligations result from the acquisition, construction, development or normal operation of the assets. Initially, a provision for a decommissioning liability is recognized at its present value in the period in which it is incurred, which is generally when an environmental disturbance occurs or a constructive obligation is determined. Upon initial recognition of the liability, a corresponding amount is added to the carrying amount of the related asset and the cost is amortized as an expense over the economic life of the asset using the unit-of-production method. Following the initial recognition of a decommissioning liability, the carrying amount of the liability is increased for the passage of time and adjusted for changes to the current market-based discount rate and the amount or timing of the underlying cash flows needed to settle the obligation. Changes to estimated future costs are recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position by either increasing or decreasing the decommissioning liability and the decommissioning asset.

Flow-Through Shares

Current Canadian tax legislation permits mining entities to issue flow-through shares to investors. Flow-through shares are securities issued to investors whereby the deductions for tax purposes related to exploration and evaluation expenditures may be claimed by investors instead of the entity. The issue of flow-through shares is in substance an issue of ordinary shares and the sale of tax deductions. At the time the Company issues flow-through shares, the sale of tax deductions is deferred and presented as other liabilities in the consolidated statement of financial position to recognize the obligation to incur and renounce eligible resource exploration and evaluation expenditures. The tax deduction is measured as the difference between the current market price of the Company’s common shares and the issue price of the flow-through share. Upon incurring and renouncing eligible resource exploration and evaluation expenditures, the Company recognizes the sale of tax deductions as a tax deduction recovery on the consolidated statement of comprehensive income or loss and reduces the liability for flow-through shares premium.

Investment Income

Investment income on cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments is recognized as it is earned.

Exploration and Evaluation Costs

Exploration and evaluation costs, other than those described in Note 2(k), are expensed as incurred until such time as mineral reserves are proven or probable; permits to operate the mineral resource property are received; and financing to complete development has been obtained. Following these three events and approval of the Board of Directors to commence mining development and operations, exploration and evaluation expenditures are capitalized as deferred development expenditures included within exploration and evaluation assets.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)


2. Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Share-based Compensation

The Company follows the fair value method of accounting for the stock option awards granted to employees, directors and consultants. The fair value of stock options is determined by the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model with assumptions for risk-free interest rates, dividend yields, volatility of the expected market price of the Company’s common shares and an expected life of the options. The number of stock option awards expected to vest are estimated using a forfeiture rate based on historical experience and future expectations. The fair value of direct awards of stock is determined by the quoted market price of the Company’s stock. Share-based compensation is amortized to earnings over the vesting period of the related option.

The Company uses graded or accelerated amortization which specifies that each vesting tranche must be accounted for as a separate arrangement with a unique fair value measurement. Each vesting tranche is subsequently amortized separately and in parallel from the grant date.

Option-pricing models require the use of highly subjective estimates and assumptions including the expected stock price volatility. Changes in the underlying assumptions can materially affect the fair value estimates and, therefore, existing models do not necessarily provide reliable measurement of the fair value of the Company’s stock options.

Income Taxes

The Company follows the asset and liability method of accounting for income taxes. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are recognized in the period for temporary differences between the tax and accounting bases of assets and liabilities as well as for the potential benefit of income tax losses and other deductions carried forward to future years.

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured using substantively enacted tax rates and laws expected to apply in the years in which temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect of a change in tax rates on deferred income tax assets and liabilities is recognized in the year that includes the substantive enactment date. The value of deferred income tax assets is reviewed annually and adjusted, if necessary, to reflect the amount probable of being realized.

Earnings (Loss) Per Common Share

Earnings (loss) per share calculations are based on the net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders for the year divided by the weighted average number of common shares issued and outstanding during the year.

Diluted earnings per share calculations are based on the net income attributable to common shareholders for the year divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the year plus the effects of dilutive common share equivalents. This method requires that the dilutive effect of outstanding options and warrants issued be calculated using the treasury stock method. This method assumes that all common share equivalents have been exercised at the beginning of the year (or at the time of issuance, if later), and that the funds obtained thereby were used to purchase common shares of the Company at the average trading price of common shares during the year. The incremental number of common shares that would be issued is included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share.

Diluted loss per share calculations are based on the net loss attributable to common shareholders for the year divided by the weighted average number of common shares issued and outstanding during the year. Stock options and share purchase warrants are not included in the computation of loss per share for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 as such inclusion would be anti-dilutive.

Government Grants

Grants from the government are recognized at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the Company has complied with all conditions necessary to receive the grants and collectability is reasonably assured. Government grants relating to costs are accrued as receivable and recognized in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income or loss as a reduction of the related expense. Government grants relating to property, plant and equipment are accrued as receivable and recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position as a reduction of the carrying value of the related asset.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

2. Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

IFRS Standards Adopted

IFRS 1 (Amendment)
First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards
IFRS 10 (Amendment)
Consolidated Financial Statements
IFRS 12 (Amendment)
Disclosure of Interest in Other Entities
IFRS 13 (Amendment)
Fair Value Measurement
IAS 27 (Amendment)
Separate Financial Statements
IAS 32 (Amendment)
Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
IAS 36 (Amendment)
Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets
IAS 39 (Amendment)
Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting

The adoption of these standards, adopted effective January 1, 2014, did not have a material impact on the consolidated results and financial position of the Company.

IFRS Standards Issued But Not Yet Effective

Financial Instruments (4)
Regulatory Deferral Accounts (2)
Revenue from Contracts with Customers (3)
IFRS 2 (Amendment)
Share-based Payment (1)
IFRS 3 (Amendment)
Business Combinations (1)
IFRS 5 (Amendment)
Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations (2)
IFRS 7 (Amendment)
Financial Instruments: Disclosures (2)
IFRS 8 (Amendment)
Operating Segments (1)
IFRS 10 (Amendment)
Consolidated Financial Statements (2)
IFRS 11 (Amendment)
Joint Arrangements (2)
IFRS 12 (Amendment)
Disclosure of Interest in Other Entities (2)
IFRS 13 (Amendment)
Fair Value Measurement (1)
IAS 1 (Amendment)
Presentation of Financial Statements (2)
IAS 16 (Amendment)
Property, Plant and Equipment (1, 2)
IAS 19 (Amendment)
Employee Benefits (1, 2)
IAS 24 (Amendment)
Related Party Disclosures (1)
IAS 27 (Amendment)
Separate Financial Statements (2)
IAS 28 (Amendment)
Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (2)
IAS 34 (Amendment)
Interim Financial Reporting (2)
IAS 38 (Amendment)
Intangible Assets (1, 2)
IAS 40 (Amendment)
Investment Property (1)
IAS 41 (Amendment)
Agriculture (2)
For annual periods beginning on or after July 1, 2014.
For annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2016.
For annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2017.
For annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018.

The Company anticipates that the application of these standards and amendments on their effective dates will not have a material impact on the consolidated results and financial position of the Company.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

3. Messina Minerals Inc. Acquisition

The Company undertook no significant acquisitions in the year ended December 31, 2014.

On December 20, 2013, the Company acquired the outstanding shares of Messina Minerals Inc. (“Messina”), a company which holds mineral interests in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The acquisition has been accounted for as a purchase of assets and the assumption of liabilities by the Company. The transaction does not qualify as a business combination under IFRS 3, Business Combinations , as significant inputs and processes that constitute a business were not identified. Total consideration transferred was $1,372,000, which was comprised of the issuance of 2,132,714 common shares valued at $896,000 based on the closing market price of the Company’s shares on December 20, 2013 of $0.42 per share, conversion of options and warrants with a fair value of $19,000 (See Note 12), 3,000,000 Messina shares previously acquired and valued at $180,000 based on the closing market price of Messina shares on December 20, 2013 of $0.06 per share and transaction costs of $277,000. A value of $1,324,000 was allocated to exploration and evaluation assets for the mineral interests. (See Notes 8, 9, 11, and 12).

The purchase price for Messina was allocated to the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed based upon their relative fair value at the date of acquisition as follows:
Purchase price
Issued 2,132,714 Canadian Zinc common shares at $0.42 per share
  $ 896  
Acquired 3,000,000 Messina shares at $0.06 per share
Options and warrants converted upon acquisition
Transaction costs
    $ 1,372  
Fair value of net assets acquired
Cash and cash equivalents
  $ 14  
Other assets
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
    (36 )
Exploration and evaluation assets
    $ 1,372  

4. Cash and Cash Equivalents

The Company’s cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2014 consisted of cash of $446,000 and cash equivalents of $8,346,000 (December 31, 2013 - cash of $334,000 and cash equivalents of $8,042,000).

5. Short-term Investments

Short-term investments, which consist primarily of investments in Bankers Acceptances and Guaranteed Investment Certificates, are investments with maturities of more than three months and less than one year when purchased. At December 31, 2014, short-term investments were valued at $5,023,000, earning income at a rate of 1.75% (December 31, 2013 - $2,005,000, earning income at a rate of 1.71%). The market value of these assets is based upon quoted market values and the recorded amounts at December 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013 equal the fair value for these investments.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

6. Marketable Securities

December 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
# of Shares
# of Shares
Vatukoula Gold Mines plc
    12,573,380     $ 10,142     $ 450       12,573,380     $ 10,142     $ 1,328  
10,142     $ 450             $ 10,142     $ 1,328  

7. Other Long-term Assets

As at December 31, 2014, other long-term assets consist of non-interest bearing reclamation security deposits of $525,000 (December 31, 2013 - $525,000) and restricted cash equivalents of $nil (December 31, 2013 - $214,000). The non-interest bearing reclamation security deposits are lodged with government agencies as security in support of certain reclamation obligations. The restricted cash equivalents was security for a letter of guarantee issued by a financial institution, to secure performance by the Company of certain obligations pursuant to an authorization to carry out road repairs adjacent to the Prairie Creek Mine Property granted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

8. Property, Plant and Equipment

Prairie Creek
Plant & Mill
Buildings and
Acquisition Cost
December 31, 2012
  $ -     $ 500     $ 1,660     $ 164     $ 60     $ 2,384  
    40       -       13       -       20       73  
December 31, 2013
    40       500       1,673       164       80       2,457  
    -       -       16       -       -       16  
December 31, 2014
    40     $ 500     $ 1,689     $ 164     $ 80     $ 2,473  
Accumulated Depreciation
December 31, 2012
  $ -     $ -     $ 1,280     $ 133     $ 60     $ 1,473  
Depreciation charge
    -       -       116       8       -       124  
December 31, 2013
    -       -       1,396       141       60       1,597  
Depreciation charge
    -       -       86       6       2       94  
December 31, 2014
  $ -     $ -     $ 1,482     $ 147     $ 62     $ 1,691  
Net Book Value
December 31, 2012
  $ -     $ 500     $ 380     $ 31     $ -     $ 911  
December 31, 2013
    40       500       277       23       20       860  
December 31, 2014
    40       500       207       17       18       782  


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)


9. Exploration and Evaluation Assets

The Company holds a 100% interest in the Prairie Creek Mine property located in the Northwest Territories, Canada. It also holds, through the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiaries Paragon and Messina, a 100% interest in the South Tally Pond, Tulks South and Long Lake properties in Newfoundland and Labrador.

In May 2013, the Company sold a 1.2% net smelter returns royalty (“NSR”) on the Prairie Creek Mine for net proceeds of $10,271,000 to Sandstorm Metals & Energy Ltd. The Company’s policy is to recognize, in income, costs recovered on exploration and evaluation assets when amounts received or receivable are in excess of the carrying amount of the corresponding exploration and evaluation asset. Accordingly, the Company reduced the carrying value of the Prairie Creek Mine exploration and evaluation asset to $nil during the second quarter of 2013 and recognized a gain of $5,439,000 on the consolidated statement of income or loss. In addition, as part of the agreement, Sandstorm has granted Canadian Zinc the option, for a period of 30 months, to repurchase 100% of the NSR without premium or penalty for US$10 million, if Canadian Zinc enters into a metal stream agreement with Sandstorm under which Sandstorm will provide Canadian Zinc with an upfront deposit of not less than US$90 million to be used to finance part of the capital cost to develop the Prairie Creek Mine.

December 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
Prairie Creek Mine
  $ 220     $ -  
Messina properties
    1,299       1,324  
Paragon properties
    4,109       4,108  
  $ 5,628     $ 5,432  

The Company has incurred historical exploration and evaluation costs of $69,334,000 on the Prairie Creek Mine asset and $3,263,000 on exploration properties in central Newfoundland (see Note 13) and has expensed these costs pursuant to its accounting policy.
10. Decommissioning Liability

Reclamation and closure costs for the Prairie Creek Property have been estimated based on the Company’s understanding of its current obligations under its existing surface leases, land use permits and class “B” Water Licence for reclamation and closure of the Prairie Creek Mine site as it now exists with the current infrastructure and assuming a mine life of 11 years. These reclamation and closure costs have been measured based on the net present value of the best estimate of future cash expenditures. These reclamation and closure costs are capitalized into exploration and evaluation assets and amortized over the life of the related asset (see Note 9). The accretion expense is included in finance costs in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income or loss.

The Company’s undiscounted decommissioning liability of the Prairie Creek site, as it currently exists, is $3,142,000 (December 31, 2013 - $2,961,000), being the estimated future net cash outflows of the reclamation and closure costs, including a 30% contingency and inflation of 2%, required to satisfy the obligations, settlement of which will occur subsequent to closure of the mine through to 2031. The discounted decommissioning liability is calculated using a risk free rate of 2.22% per annum (December 31, 2013 – 3.13%).

December 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
Balance – beginning of year
  $ 1,963     $ 2,148  
Accretion expense
    60       49  
Change in estimates (1)
    220       (234 )
Balance – end of year
  $ 2,243     $ 1,963  
(1) The change in estimates represents the increase (decrease) in net present value of the decommissioning liability and results in an offsetting addition (deduction) to the carrying value of the corresponding exploration and evaluation asset (see note 9) until the corresponding asset is reduced to nil, after which a decrease in the net present value is recognised as a gain in the income statement.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)


10. Decommissioning Liability (continued)

The Company currently holds a surface lease, issued by the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, which limits the use of the land for mine site care and maintenance purposes only and establishes the Company's current responsibility for abandonment and restoration in accordance with an abandonment and restoration plan attached as a schedule to the surface lease. The Company has applied to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada for a new lease for production to replace the existing care and maintenance surface lease.

In September 2013, the Company was issued with the Type “A” Water Licence MV2008L2-002 by the Mackenzie Valley Water Board (“MVLWB”). The Type “A” Water Licence is valid for a term of seven years and entitles Canadian Zinc to use water, dewater the underground mine for the purposes of mining and to dispose of waste for mining and milling. The Licence is subject to numerous conditions, including the requirement to post and maintain security, in stages, with the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada totalling $13.07 million on a schedule of $3 million within ninety days of the effective date of the licence, $5 million prior to extracting waste rock from the underground mine and $5.07 million prior to commencing milling.

In June 2013, the MVLWB issued Land Use Permit MV2008D0014 which permits Canadian Zinc to extract ore and waste rock from the Prairie Creek Mine, operate a flotation mill concentrator to produce zinc and lead concentrates, create a waste rock facility, and refurbish and develop site facilities in support of the mining operation, along with the eventual closure and reclamation of the mine site. This permit which is valid for a term of five years, with an optional two year extension, is subject to numerous conditions including the requirement to deposit, in stages, with the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada a total of $4 million on a schedule of $3 million within ninety days of the issue of the permit and $1 million prior to construction upgrades to the mill commencing.

In June and December 2013, the Company filed requests with the MVLWB for amendments to the timing schedules of the various security deposits to be provided to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada under the Type “A” Water Licence and the Land Use Permit. The Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has confirmed to the MVLWB that the Board’s assessment of the Company’s liability for the site and cost of closure and reclamation is not applicable until a new lease for production replaces the existing care and maintenance surface lease. The Company has provided responses to Information Requests and the MVLWB has circulated the application to interested parties for comment.
In August 2014, CZN submitted an amended development schedule for the Prairie Creek Mine to the MVLWB and this was followed up by an application to the MVLWB in October 2014 requesting that the Water Licence be held in abeyance until more certainty develops around the actual commencement of construction and the mine development schedule. This action would defer the schedule and dates in the licence for the submission of various plans until the activation of licence and the commencement of operations. The MVLWB is considering the Company’s request and has circulated this application to interested parties for comment.
The Company also holds various land use permits, water licences and construction permits from the MVLWB and Parks Canada with the requirement to post security for future reclamation in the total amount of $3.33 million, to be posted prior to construction of infrastructure or commencement of operations. The Company has previously posted reclamation security deposits in support of current reclamation obligations in the amount of $525,000 (see Note 7).


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

11. Share Capital

Authorized: Unlimited common shares with no par value (2013 – unlimited).

Issued and outstanding: 218,047,709 common shares (December 31, 2013 – 172,828,575).

During the year ended December 31, 2014

On July 31, 2014, the Company completed a bought deal public offering of units and flow-through shares (the “Offering”) through a syndicate of underwriters led by Dundee Securities Ltd. and included Canaccord Genuity Corp. and Paradigm Capital Inc. (together, the ("Underwriters"). The Company issued 28,572,000 units (“Units”) at a price of $0.35 per Unit for gross proceeds of $10,000,000, and 15,134,000 common shares, which qualify as “flow-through” shares (the "FT Shares”) at a price of $0.38 per FT Share for gross proceeds of $5,751,000. Each Unit is comprised of one common share and one half of one common share purchase warrant (each full warrant, a “Warrant”). Each Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one common share at an exercise price of $0.50 on or before July 31, 2017.

In total, the gross proceeds of the Offering amount to $15,751,000. The Underwriters were paid a commission of 6% of the gross proceeds from the offering and received compensation warrants to acquire 2,622,360 non-flow-through shares at any time until July 31, 2016 at a price of $0.35 per share. Net proceeds from the issuance were $14,473,000 after issuance costs comprised of the agent’s commission of $945,000 and other issuance costs of $333,000. The Company also recognized non-cash costs for the fair value of the warrants granted of $1,723,000. The sale of tax deductions of $1,059,000, measured as the difference between the market price of the Company’s shares at the date of issue and the issue price of the flow-through shares, was deferred and was recorded as a current liability in the consolidated statement of financial position.

1,513,134 stock options were exercised at prices between $0.23 and $0.30 per common share for proceeds of $357,000.

During the year ended December 31, 2013

On August 20, 2013, the Company issued by way of a bought deal private placement 6,460,000 flow-through shares on a brokered basis at $0.62 per share, for aggregate gross proceeds of $4,005,000. The agent to the private placement was paid a commission of 5% of the gross proceeds from the offering and received broker’s warrants to acquire 387,600 non-flow-through shares at any time until February 20, 2015 at a price of $0.63 per share. Net proceeds from the issuance were $3,701,000 after issuance costs comprised of the agent’s commission of $200,000 and other issuance costs of $104,000. The Company also recognized non-cash costs for the fair value of the broker’s warrants granted of $92,000.

200,000 stock options were exercised at a price of $0.23 per common share for proceeds of $46,000.

On September 16, 2013, the Company issued 4,080 common shares valued at $2,000 and $13,000 in cash pursuant to an agreement by Paragon Minerals Corporation to acquire an exploration property.

On December 20, 2013, the Company acquired Messina Minerals Inc. and issued 2,132,714 common shares valued at $896,000 based on the Company’s closing market price on December 31, 2013 of $0.42 per share in exchange for all outstanding Messina shares that the Company did not already own.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)


12. Reserves

Stock Options

At December 31, 2014, there were 5,693,800 incentive stock options outstanding. Each stock option is exercisable for one ordinary share of the Company. No amounts are paid or payable by the recipient on receipt of the option. The options carry neither rights to dividends nor voting rights. Options may be exercised at any time from the date of vesting to the date of their expiry.

At the Annual General Meeting held on June 13, 2012, shareholders approved the adoption of a new incentive stock option plan (the “2012 Plan“). The 2012 Plan is a fixed share stock option plan pursuant to which options on up to 7,500,000 common shares may be issued to directors, officers, employees and service providers of the Company. No new stock options will be granted under the 2004 Rolling Stock Option Plan (the “2004 Plan”), which is a 10% rolling stock option plan, but the 4,460,000 stock options currently outstanding under the 2004 Plan will remain outstanding and subject to that plan. Stock options will only be granted under the 2012 Stock Option Plan to the extent that the aggregate number of options outstanding under the 2012 Plan and the 2004 Plan does not exceed 7,500,000. Under the 2012 Plan, each option granted shall be for a term not exceeding five years from the date of grant and the vesting period is determined at the discretion of the Board. The option exercise price is set at the date of grant and cannot be less than the closing market price of the Company’s common shares on the TSX on the day of grant.

At the Annual General Meeting held on June 19, 2014, shareholders approved the adoption of a Restricted Share Unit Plan (the “RSU Plan”) and a Deferred Share Unit Plan (the “DSU Plan”). The RSU Plan and the DSU Plan provide for the issuance of shares to eligible employees, directors and consultants, subject to certain vesting and deferral provisions, to a maximum number, equal to 3% and 2% respectively, of the issued and outstanding Common Shares of the Company. As of December 31, 2014, the Company has not made any grants of Restricted Share Units or any grants of Deferred Share Units.

December 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
December 31, 2012
Number of
Number of
Number of
Outstanding, beginning of year
    7,247,734     $ 0.42       7,605,533     $ 0.46       6,410,000     $ 0.41  
    -       -       -       -       960,000       0.46  
    (1,513,134 )     0.24       (200,000 )     0.23       -       -  
    -       -       138,134       0.30       310,533       1.54  
    (40,800 )     1.14       (258,433 )     1.62       (75,000 )     0.94  
    -       -       (37,500 )     0.46       -       -  
Outstanding, end of year
    5,693,800     $ 0.47       7,247,734     $ 0.42       7,605,533     $ 0.46  

As at December 31, 2014, the Company has outstanding and exercisable stock options, with a weighted average remaining contractual life of 0.79 years, to purchase an aggregate 5,693,800 common shares as follows:

Options Outstanding and Exercisable
Expiry Date
Number of
May 12, 2015
    4,460,000     $ 0.45  
January 27, 2016
    300,000       0.71  
July 4, 2016
    23,800       0.81  
October 3, 2017
    910,000       0.46  
    $ 0.47  

For the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company recorded share-based compensation charges for stock options granted to directors, officers and employees of $23,000 (2013 - $120,000 and 2012 - $107,000).


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

12. Reserves (continued)


As at December 31, 2014, the Company has outstanding exercisable warrants, with a weighted average remaining contractual life of 2.38 years, to purchase an aggregate 17,295,960 common shares, as follows:

December 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
December 31, 2012
Number of
Number of
Number of
Outstanding, beginning of year
    8,490,200     $ 1.00       13,419,693     $ 0.95       5,054,148     $ 0.88  
    16,908,360       0.48       387,600       0.63       7,299,650       0.88  
    -       -       84,745       3.54       1,407,168       1.51  
    -       -       -       -       (4,130 )     0.40  
    (8,102,600 )     1.01       (5,401,838 )     0.90       (337,143 )     0.70  
Outstanding, end of year
    17,295,960     $ 0.48       8,490,200     $ 1.00       13,419,693     $ 0.95  

Warrants Outstanding and Exercisable
Expiry Date
Number of
February 20, 2015
    387,600     $ 0.63  
July 31, 2016
    2,622,360       0.35  
July 31, 2017
    14,286,000       0.50  
    $ 0.48  

The fair value of the warrants issued was determined using the Black-Scholes option pricing model, based on the following terms and assumptions:

Year of Grant
Year ended December 31, 2014
Year ended December 31, 2013 (2)
Dividend Yield
Risk free interest rate
1.08% to 1.41%
Expected life
2.0 to 3.0 years
1.46 years
Expected volatility (1)
66.23% to 68.46%
Weighted average grant date fair value
$ 0.24
(1) Determined based on historical volatility of the Company’s share price.
(2) Excludes warrants converted upon Messina acquisition.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

12. Reserves (continued)


Options and
Issuer Bid
Balance , December 31, 2012
  $ 1,326     $ 2,594     $ 7,946     $ 604     $ 12,470  
Share-based compensation
    120       -       -       -       120  
Stock options exercised
    (20 )     -       -       -       (20 )
Stock options expired
    (25 )     -       25       -       -  
Broker warrants issued
    -       92       -       -       92  
Warrants expired
    -       (1,104 )     1,104       -       -  
Messina acquisition
    19       -       -       -       19  
Balance , December 31, 2013
    1,420       1,582       9,075       604       12,681  
Share-based compensation
    23       -       -       -       23  
Stock options exercised
    (157 )     -       -       -       (157 )
Unit warrants issued
    -       1,456       -       -       1,456  
Broker warrants issued
    -       267       -       -       267  
Warrants expired
    -       (1,491 )     1,491       -       -  
Balance , December 31, 2014
  $ 1,286     $ 1,814     $ 10,566     $ 604     $ 14,270  


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

13. Exploration and Evaluation Expenses

Year ended December 31,
Prairie Creek Mine
Camp operation and project development
  $ 1,881     $ 1,528     $ 1,394  
Diamond drilling
    1,163       331       3,107  
Mine planning and feasibility studies
    3,301       1,611       2,860  
Permitting and environmental
    1,551       1,342       1,522  
      4,812       8,883  
Depreciation – mining plant and equipment
    86       116       154  
Total exploration and evaluation expenses
  $ 7,982     $ 4,928     $ 9,037  
Exploration and evaluation expenses (inception to date), beginning of year
  $ 61,352     $ 56,424     $ 47,387  
Total exploration and evaluation expenses
    7,982       4,928       9,037  
Exploration and evaluation expenses (inception to date), end of year
  $ 69,334     $ 61,352     $ 56,424  

Year ended December 31,
Messina & Paragon Properties
Camp operation and project development
  $ 802     $ 163     $ 54  
Diamond drilling
    1,195       984       34  
Permitting and environmental
    17       14       -  
Total exploration and evaluation expenses
  $ 2,014     $ 1,161     $ 88  
Exploration and evaluation expenses (inception to date), beginning of year
  $ 1,249     $ 88     $ -  
Total exploration and evaluation expenses
    2,014       1,161       88  
Exploration and evaluation expenses (inception to date), end of year
  $ 3,263     $ 1,249     $ 88  

For the year ended December 31, 2014, employee wages and benefits of $1,339,000 were included in exploration and evaluation expenses (2013 - $1,344,000 and 2012 - $1,594,000).


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

14. Tax Deduction Recovery

During the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company recognized a tax deduction recovery of $588,000 (2013 - $nil and 2012 - $295,000) in respect of flow-through shares previously issued (see Note 11).

15. Government Grants

For the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company received government grants in the amount of $170,000 (2013 - $547,000 and 2012 - $451,000) and recorded a reduction to the related expense or as a reduction of the carrying value of the related asset. At December 31, 2014, $170,000 related to amounts owed was included in other receivables and prepaid expenses (December 31, 2013 - $106,000 and December 31, 2012 - $3,000).

16. Income Taxes

The Company’s current and deferred income tax expense for the year ended December 31, 2014, is $nil and $nil (2013 - $nil and $nil and 2012 - $nil and $nil). A reconciliation of the statutory tax rate to the effective rate for the Company is as follows:

Statutory tax rate
    26.56 %     26.51 %     25.94 %
Income taxes/(recovery) computed at statutory rates
  $ (3,303 )   $ (1,832 )   $ (5,152 )
Permanent differences
    249       (34 )     42  
Expired losses
    236       60       -  
Renunciation of resource expenditures
    1,899       -       637  
Flow-through share premium recovery
    (156 )     -       -  
    7       (14 )     (110 )
Loss on marketable securities subject to capital gains tax rate
    (118 )     465       1,126  
Income tax rate changes
    20       (518 )     131  
Tax benefits not yet recognized
    1,166       1,873       3,326  
      -       -  

The approximate tax effect of each type of temporary difference that gives rise to the Company’s deferred income tax assets and liabilities are as follows:

Non-capital loss carry forwards
  $ 9,868     $ 8,467     $ 5,986  
Plant and equipment
    409       386       315  
Resource interests
    9,329       9,515       7,904  
    994       843       920  
Marketable securities
    1,314       1,198       695  
Net unrecognized deferred income tax asset
  $ 21,914     $ 20,409     $ 15,820  


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

16. Income Taxes (continued)

At December 31, 2014, the Company has approximately $37,300,000 (2013 - $31,998,000 and 2012 - $23,202,000) of non-capital losses for tax purposes available to be carried forward at various dates until 2034 and applied against future income for tax purposes and approximately $35,422,000 (2013 - $40,425,000 and 2012 - $38,983,000) of unused cumulative Canadian exploration and development expenses for tax purposes available to be carried forward indefinitely and applied against future income for tax purposes. The non-capital losses expire as follows:

$ 895
$ 37,300

17. Capital Management

The Company manages its cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, marketable securities, common shares, stock options and share purchase warrants as capital. As the Company is in the exploration and evaluation stage, its principal source of funds for its operations is from the issuance of common shares. The issuance of common shares requires approval of the Board of Directors. It is the Company’s objective to safeguard its ability to continue as a going concern, so that it can continue to explore its Canadian properties and develop its Prairie Creek project for the benefit of its shareholders.

18. Related Party Transactions

For the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company incurred rent expense in the amount of $24,000 (2013 - $24,000 and 2012 - $24,000) with a corporation in which the Chairman of the Company is also a director. These transactions were within the normal course of business and have been recorded at amounts agreed to by the transacting parties. At December 31, 2014, $2,000 relating to amounts owing to related parties was included in accounts payable and accrued and other liabilities (December 31, 2013 - $2,000 and December 31, 2012 - $4,000).

For the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company incurred short-term employee remuneration and benefits to officers and directors in the amount of $850,000 (2013 - $1,278,000 and 2012 - $673,000). For the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company incurred share-based compensation with officers and directors in the amount of $2,000 (2013 - $13,000 and 2012 - $41,000).


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

19. Financial Instruments

Categories of financial instruments

December 31, 2014
December 31, 2013
Cash and cash equivalents
  $ 8,792     $ 8,376  
Short-term investments
    5,023       2,005  
Marketable securities
    450       1,328  
Other receivables
Loans and receivables
    368       324  
Other long-term assets
    525       739  
Accounts payable
Other financial liabilities
    (1,303 )     (917 )
Accrued and other liabilities
Other financial liabilities
    (837 )     (707 )

All financial instruments above, except marketable securities which is classified under the Level 3 fair value hierarchy; other financial liabilities; and loans and receivables, are classified under the Level 1 fair value hierarchy.

Level 3 Fair Value: Marketable Securities

As set out in note 6, the Company holds 12,573,380 shares in Vatukoula Gold Mines plc. (“VGM”). As of June 30, 2014, VGM de-listed from the Alternative Investment Market (“AIM”). The investment is classified as at December 31, 2014 at a level 3 hierarchy (2013 - level 1 hierarchy) as a result of de-listing.

The valuation is based on comparable companies’ share price performance. A decrease or increase in the average share price of 5% would result in a decrease or increase in the value of VGM of $22,500.

Interest rate risk

Included in the loss for the year ended December 31, 2014, is investment income on the Company’s cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments. If interest rates had been 100 basis points (1%) lower or higher than net income or loss would have been approximately $112,000 higher or lower. The Company does not have any debt obligations which expose it to interest rate risk.

Foreign currency risk

The Company holds marketable securities denominated in U.K. pounds sterling. Based upon the marketable securities held at December 31, 2014, and assuming no changes in number of shares or stock price, for every $0.01 fluctuation in exchange rate between the Canadian dollar and U.K. pound sterling, the Company’s net income or loss would be $2,000 higher or lower.

Credit risk

The Company considers that the following financial assets are exposed to credit risk: cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, marketable securities and other long-term assets. The total value of these items at December 31, 2014 is $14,790,000 (December 31, 2013 - $12,448,000). Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will fail to discharge an obligation and cause the other party to incur a financial loss. The Company does not currently generate any revenues from sales to customers nor does it hold derivative type instruments that would require a counterparty to fulfil a contractual obligation resulting in a credit risk. The Company has never held any asset-backed paper instruments. The Company seeks to place its cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and restricted cash with reputable financial institutions. At December 31, 2014, the Company’s cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and restricted cash were invested with three financial institutions.

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk encompasses the risk that the Company cannot meet its financial obligations as they fall due. As at December 31, 2014, the Company had positive working capital of $12,353,000 (December 31, 2013 - $10,617,000). Given positive working capital, the Company believes it will be able to meet its current obligations. However, the Company will require significant additional funding in the future in order to complete the development of the Prairie Creek Mine site and bring the mine into production. Accordingly, there is a risk that the Company may not be able to secure adequate funding on reasonable terms, or at all, at that future date.


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
December 31, 2014
(Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for shares, price per share and per share amounts)

20. Commitments

The Company has entered into certain operating lease agreements for office space and equipment. These agreements require the Company to make the following lease payments:

Year ending December 31,
$ 161
$ 410

During the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company recognized lease expenses of $207,000 (2013 - $209,000 and 2012 - $181,000).


The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing this Annual Report on Form 20-F and it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this Annual Report on Form 20-F on its behalf.

Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, this 30 th day of April, 2015.


“John F. Kearney”                                                                  
Per: (signed) John F. Kearney
Title: President, Chief Executive Officer & Director


Section 1.01                       Definitions :  For purposes of the Plan, unless such word or term is otherwise defined herein or the context in which such word or term is used herein otherwise requires, the following words and terms with the initial letter or letters thereof capitalized shall have the following meanings:
" Change of Control " means the acquisition by any person or by any person and all Joint Actors, whether directly or indirectly, of voting securities (as defined in the Securities Act) of the Corporation, which, when added to all other voting securities of the Corporation at the time held by such person or by such person and all Joint Actors, totals for the first time not less than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding voting securities of the Corporation or the votes attached to those securities are sufficient, if exercised, to elect a majority of the Board of Directors of the Corporation;
" Committee " shall mean the Directors or, if the Directors so determine in accordance with section 2.03 of the Plan, the committee of the Directors authorized to administer the Plan;
" Common Shares " shall mean the common shares of the Corporation, as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of Article Six of the Plan;
" Corporation " shall mean Canadian Zinc Corporation, a corporation existing pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia);
" Directors " shall mean the directors of the Corporation from time to time;
" Eligible Insiders " shall mean the Insiders of the Corporation or of any subsidiary of the Corporation from time to time who, by the nature of their positions are, in the opinion of the Committee, in a position to contribute to the success of the Corporation;
" Eligible Employees " shall mean employees, including officers, whether Directors or not, and including both full-time and part-time employees, of the Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation who, by the nature of their positions or jobs are, in the opinion of the Committee, in a position to contribute to the success of the Corporation;
" Expiry Date " means the later of: (i) the date specified by the Committee at the time of the grant of the Option as the date on which it expires; and (ii) if the date referred to in the foregoing subpart (i) occurs during, or within five (5) trading days after the end of, a trading black-out period imposed by the Corporation (a " black out period "), the Expiry Date shall be the date that is ten (10) trading days following the date on which such black out period ends or, if an additional black-out period is subsequently imposed by the Corporation during the such ten trading day period, then the Expiry Date shall be the date thereafter that is the tenth consecutive trading day during which no management imposed black out is in place;
" Expiry Time " has the meaning given to that term in Section 4.04;

" Insider " means an insider as defined in the policies of the TSX;
" Joint Actor " means a person acting "jointly or in concert with" another person as that phrase is interpreted in Multilateral Instrument 62-104 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids ;
" Option " shall mean an option to purchase Common Shares granted pursuant to, or governed by, the Plan;
" Option Agreement" means an agreement, substantially in the form attached hereto as Schedule "A", with such additions there to or modifications thereof as may be approved by the Corporation prior to or at the time an Option is granted, whereby the Corporation grants to an Optionee an Option;
" Optionee " means a Participant to whom an Option has been granted pursuant to the Plan;
" Option Period " for a particular Option shall mean the period of time commencing on the date of grant of such Option and ending at the Expiry Time;
" Option Shares " means the aggregate number of Common Shares which an Optionee may purchase under an Option;
" Participant " means a person eligible to be issued Options under the Plan by virtue of being either an Eligible Insider, Eligible Employee or Service Provider;
" Plan " shall mean this stock option plan;
" Securities Act " means the Securities Act (British Columbia), as may be amended from time to time;
" Service Provider " shall mean any person or corporation, other than an Eligible Employee or Eligible Insider, engaged to provide services for the Corporation or for any entity controlled by the Corporation for an initial, renewable or extended period of twelve months or more (or such lesser period of time as may be approved by the Committee and acceptable to TSX on a case by case basis), and shall also include any individuals employed by such person or corporation;
" TSX " shall mean The Toronto Stock Exchange;
" Unissued Option Shares " means the number of Common Shares, at a particular time, which have been reserved for issuance upon the exercise of an Option but which have not been issued, as adjusted from time to time in accordance with the provisions of Article 6, such adjustments to be cumulative; and
" Vested " means that an Option has become exercisable in respect of Options held by an Optionee.
Section 1.02                       Securities Definitions :  In the Plan, the terms "associate", "subsidiary" and "insider" shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Securities Act.
Section 1.03                       Headings :  The headings of all articles, sections, and paragraphs in the Plan are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of the Plan.

Section 1.04                       Context, Construction :  Whenever the singular or masculine are used in the Plan, the same shall be construed as being the plural or feminine or neuter or vice versa where the context so requires.
Section 1.05                       References to the Plan :  The words "herein", "hereby", "hereunder", "hereof" and similar expressions mean or refer to the Plan as a whole and not to any particular article, section, paragraph or other part hereof.
Section 1.06                       Canadian Funds :  Unless otherwise specifically provided, all references to dollar amounts in the Plan are references to lawful money of Canada.
Section 2.01                       Purpose of the Plan :  The Plan provides for the grant of Options to Participants for the purpose of advancing the interests of the Corporation through the motivation, attraction and retention of directors, officers, employees and service providers of the Corporation and subsidiaries of the Corporation and to secure for the Corporation and the shareholders of the Corporation the benefits inherent in the ownership of Common Shares by directors, officers, employees and service providers of the Corporation and subsidiaries of the Corporation, it being generally recognized that stock option plans aid in attracting, retaining and encouraging directors, officers, employees and service providers due to the opportunity offered to them to acquire a proprietary interest in the Corporation.
The Plan is designed to comply with the policies set forth in the TSX Company Manual and, subject to Section 8.01, is to be implemented and effective upon approval of the Plan by the shareholders of the Corporation.
Section 2.02                       Administration of the Plan :  The Plan shall be administered by the Committee and the Committee shall have full authority to administer the Plan including the authority to interpret and construe any provision of the Plan and to adopt, amend and rescind such rules and regulations for administering the Plan as the Committee may deem necessary in order to comply with the requirements of the Plan.  All actions taken and all interpretations and determinations made by the Committee in good faith shall be final and conclusive and shall be binding on the Participants and the Corporation.  No member of the Committee shall be personally liable for any action taken or determination or interpretation made in good faith in connection with the Plan and all members of the Committee shall, in addition to their rights as Directors, be fully protected, indemnified and held harmless by the Corporation with respect to any such action taken or determination or interpretation made.  The appropriate officers of the Corporation are hereby authorized and empowered to do all things and execute and deliver all instruments, undertakings and applications and writings as they, in their absolute discretion, consider necessary for the implementation of the Plan and of the rules and regulations established for administering the Plan.  All costs incurred in connection with the Plan shall be for the account of the Corporation.
Section 2.03                       Delegation to Committee :  All of the powers exercisable hereunder by the Directors may, to the extent permitted by applicable law and as determined by resolution of the Directors, be exercised by a committee of the Directors comprised of not less than three Directors.
Section 2.04                       Record Keeping :  The Corporation shall maintain a register in which shall be recorded:
the name and address of each Optionee;

the number of Common Shares subject to Options granted to each Optionee; and
the aggregate number of Common Shares subject to Options.
Section 2.05                       Previously Granted Options :  As set forth in Sections 2.01 and 8.01, the Plan is to be implemented and effective upon approval of the Plan by the shareholders of the Corporation (with the date of such approval to be hereinafter referred to as the " Effective Date ").  In the event that on the Effective Date there are outstanding stock options (the " Pre-Existing Options ") that were previously granted by the Corporation pursuant to any stock option plan (a " Pre-Existing Plan ") in place prior to the Effective Date, all such Pre-Existing Options shall continue to be governed by and subject to the terms of the Pre-Existing Plan.
Section 2.06                       Amendments Apply to Granted Options :  Any amendments made to the terms of the Plan after the date hereof that are of general application shall apply to all Options governed by the Plan, whether granted before or after the date of the amendment or made subject to the Plan by operation of Section 2.05 above.
Section 3.01                       Eligibility :  Options shall only be granted to Participants.
Section 3.02                       Determination of Option Recipients and Option Terms :  The Committee shall from time to time determine the Participants to whom Options shall be granted, the number of Common Shares to be made subject to and the date of expiry of each Option granted to each Participant and the other terms of each Option granted to each Participant including any vesting provisions that may be applicable, all such determinations to be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan, and the Committee may take into consideration the present and potential contributions of and the services rendered by the particular Participant to the success of the Corporation and any other factors which the Committee deems appropriate and relevant.  Each Option granted to a Participant shall be evidenced by an Option Agreement containing terms and conditions consistent with the provisions of the Plan, which terms and conditions need not be the same in each case.
Section 4.01                       Number of Shares :  As of the Effective Date, the aggregate number of Common Shares reserved for issuance under the Plan and which may be issued upon exercise of Options shall not exceed 7,500,000 Common Shares, as constituted on the Effective Date.  In addition, as of the Effective Date, Options shall only be granted to the extent that the aggregate number of Common Shares which may be issued upon the exercise of Options, including those issuable upon the exercise of Pre-Existing Options, does not exceed 7,500,000 Common Shares, as constituted on the Effective Date.  Any Common Shares subject to an Option governed by the Plan and which has been subsequently cancelled or terminated in accordance with the terms of the Plan, without having been exercised, will again be available for issuance pursuant to the exercise of Options granted under the Plan.
Section 4.02                       Limits on Grants to Insiders :  With respect to Options granted to Insiders:

the number of Common Shares issuable to Insiders at any time under all security based compensation arrangements shall not exceed 10% of the total number of issued and outstanding Common Shares on a non-diluted basis at such time; and
the number of Common Shares issued to Insiders as a group within a one year period under all security based compensation arrangements shall not exceed 10% of the total number of issued and outstanding Shares as at the end of such one year period.
Section 4.03                       Exercise Price :  The price per share at which any Common Share which is the subject of an Option may be purchased (the " Exercise Price ") shall be determined by the Committee at the time the Option is granted, provided that such price shall be not less than the closing market price of the Common Shares on the TSX on the day preceding the date of grant or, if the Common Shares are not then listed on the TSX, on the most senior of any other exchange on which the Common Shares are then traded, on the last trading day immediately preceding the date of grant of such Option.
Section 4.04                       Term of Options :  The Option Period for each Option shall be such period of time as shall be determined by the Committee, provided that no Option Period shall exceed 10 years except in the event that of an extension of the Expiry Time due to a black out period.  An Option Period shall expire at 4:00PM (Vancouver time) on the Expiry Date (the " Expiry Time ").  The Committee may determine the number or percentage of Common Shares which may be purchased by an Optionee pursuant to the exercise of Options during any particular time period within the Option Period.
Section 4.05                       Vesting :  The Committee may, at its discretion, determine and impose terms upon which each Option shall become Vested.  In the event that the Committee imposes a vesting schedule in respect of any Options granted to an Optionee, at any point in time the Optionee will only be entitled to exercise those Options which are Vested at such point in time.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that a Pre-Existing Plan imposed vesting requirements on a Pre-Existing Option, such vesting requirements must be satisfied before any such Pre-Existing Options shall become Vested.
Section 5.01                       Exercise of Option :  Subject to: (i) any restriction on the number or percentage of Common Shares which may be purchased by the Optionee during any particular time period within the Option Period as determined by the Committee; (ii) the vesting provisions applicable to the Option, if any; and (iii) termination of the Option in accordance with the terms of the Plan, an Option may be exercised by the Optionee in whole at any time, or in part from time to time, during the Option Period.  An Option shall be exercisable by delivering to the Corporation written notice specifying the number of Common Shares in respect of which the Option is exercised together with payment in full of the Exercise Price for each Option exercised by way of certified cheque, bank draft, money order or cash.  Upon receipt of such notice and payment by the Corporation, there will be a binding contract for the issue of the Common Shares in respect of which the Option is exercised, upon and subject to the provisions of the Plan.  Upon an Optionee exercising an Option and paying the Corporation the aggregate purchase price for the Common Shares in respect of which the Option has been exercised, the Corporation shall as soon as practicable issue and deliver a certificate representing the Common Shares so purchased.
Section 5.02                       Effect of Death :  If a Participant shall die while an Optionee, any Option held by such Optionee at the date of death shall be exercisable in whole or in part only by the person or persons to whom the rights of the Optionee under the Option shall pass by the will of the Optionee or the laws of descent and distribution for a period of one year after the date of death of the Optionee or prior to the Expiry Time in respect of the Option, whichever is sooner, and then only to the extent that such Optionee was entitled to exercise the Option at the date of death of such Optionee.

Section 5.03                       Effect of Ceasing to be a Participant – For Cause :  If an Optionee shall cease to meet the criteria necessary to be a Participant as a result of being terminated for cause, as that term is interpreted by the courts of the jurisdiction in which the Optionee is employed or engaged, any outstanding Options held by such Optionee on the date of such termination, whether Vested or not, shall be cancelled as of that date.
Section 5.04                       Effect of Ceasing to be a Participant – For Reasons Other than For Cause :  If an Optionee shall cease to meet the criteria necessary to be a Participant for reasons other than termination for cause or by virtue of death, any Option held by such Optionee at such time shall remain exercisable in full at any time, and in part from time to time, for a period ending on the earlier of the Expiry Time and three (3) months after the date on which the Optionee ceases to be a Participant, and then only to the extent that such Optionee was entitled to exercise the Option on the date on which the Optionee ceased to be a Participant.  Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 5.04, the Committee may, on a case by case basis, allow Options held by an Optionee that ceases to meet the criteria necessary to be a Participant for reasons other than termination for cause or by virtue of death, to remain exercisable in full at any time, and in part from time to time, for such period as the Committee determines but not after the Expiry Time (without any additional Common Shares vesting) where such Expiry Time is more than three (3) months after the date on which the Optionee ceases to be a Participant.
Section 5.05                       Withholding Taxes :  The Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation may take such steps as are considered necessary or appropriate for the withholding of any taxes which the Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation is required by any law or regulation of any governmental authority whatsoever to withhold in connection with any Option including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the withholding of all or any portion of any payment or the withholding of the issue of Common Shares to be issued upon the exercise of any Option until such time as the Optionee has paid the Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation for any amount which the Corporation or subsidiary of the Corporation is required to withhold with respect to such taxes.
Section 6.01                       Share Reorganization :  Whenever the Corporation issues Common Shares to all or substantially all holders of Common Shares by way of a stock dividend or other distribution, or subdivides all outstanding Common Shares into a greater number of Common Shares, or combines or consolidates all outstanding Common Shares into a lesser number of Common Shares (each of such events being herein called a " Share Reorganization ") then effective immediately after the record date for such dividend or other distribution or the effective date of such subdivision, combination or consolidation:
for each Option the Exercise Price will be adjusted to a price per Common Share which is the product of:
the Exercise Price in effect immediately before that effective date or record date; and
a fraction, the numerator of which is the total number of Common Shares outstanding on that effective date or record date before giving effect to the Share Reorganization, and the denominator of which is the total number of Common Shares that are or would be outstanding immediately after such effective date or record date after giving effect to the Share Reorganization; and

the number of Unissued Option Shares will be adjusted by multiplying (i) the number of Unissued Option Shares immediately before such effective date or record date by (ii) a fraction which is the reciprocal of the fraction described in subsection (a)(ii).
6.02            Special Distribution :  Subject to the prior approval of the TSX, whenever the Corporation issues by way of a dividend or otherwise distributes to all or substantially all holders of Common Shares;
shares of the Corporation, other than the Common Shares;
evidences of indebtedness;
any cash or other assets, excluding cash dividends (other than cash dividends which the Directors have determined to be outside the normal course); or
rights, options or warrants;
then to the extent that such dividend or distribution does not constitute a Share Reorganization (any of such non-excluded events being herein called a " Special Distribution "), and effective immediately after the record date at which holders of Common Shares are determined for purposes of the Special Distribution, for each Option the Exercise Price will be reduced, and the number of Unissued Option Shares will be correspondingly increased, by such amount, if any, as is determined by the Directors in their sole and unfettered discretion to be appropriate in order to properly reflect any diminution in value of the Option Shares as a result of such Special Distribution.
6.03            Corporate Reorganization :  Whenever there is:
a reclassification of outstanding Common Shares, a change of Common Shares into other shares or securities, or any other capital reorganization of the Corporation, other than as described in Sections 6.01 or 6.02;
a consolidation, merger or amalgamation of the Corporation with or into another corporation resulting in a reclassification of outstanding Common Shares into other shares or securities or an exchange of Common Shares into other shares or securities; or
an arrangement or other transaction under which, among other things, the business or assets of the Corporation become, collectively, the business and assets of two or more companies with the same shareholder group upon the distribution to the Corporation's shareholders, or the exchange with the Corporation's shareholders, of securities of the Corporation, or securities of another company, or both; or
a transaction whereby all or substantially all of the Corporation’s undertaking and assets become the property of another corporation;
(any such event being herein called a " Corporate Reorganization ") the Optionee will have an option to purchase (at the times, for the consideration, and subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Plan) and will accept on the exercise of such option, in lieu of the Unissued Option Shares which he would otherwise have been entitled to purchase, the kind and amount of shares or other securities or property that he would have been entitled to receive as a result of the Corporate Reorganization if, on the effective date thereof, he had been the holder of all Unissued Option Shares or if appropriate, as otherwise determined by the Directors.

6.04            Spin-Out Transaction :  If pursuant to the operation of section 6.03(c) an Optionee receives options (the " New Options ") to purchase securities of another company (the " New Company ") in respect of the Optionee's Options (the " Subject Options "), the New Options shall expire on the earlier of: (i) the Expiry Date of the Subject Options; (ii) if the Optionee does not become a Participant in respect of the New Company, the date that the Subject Options expire pursuant to Sections 5.02, 5.03 or 5.04, as applicable; (iii) if the Optionee becomes a Participant in respect of the New Company, the date that the New Options expire pursuant to the terms of the New Company's stock option plan that correspond to Sections 5.02, 5.03 or 5.04 hereof; and (iv) the date that is two (2) years after the Optionee ceases to be a Participant in respect of the New Company or such shorter period as determined by the Board.
6.05            Determination of Exercise Price and Number of Unissued Option Shares :  If any questions arise at any time with respect to the Exercise Price or number of Unissued Option Shares deliverable upon exercise of an Option following a Share Reorganization, Special Distribution or Corporate Reorganization, such questions shall be conclusively determined by the Corporation’s auditor, or, if they decline to so act, any other firm of Chartered Accountants in Vancouver, British Columbia, that the Directors may designate and who will have access to all appropriate records and such determination will be binding upon the Corporation and all Optionees.
6.06            Regulatory Approval :  Any adjustment to the Exercise Price or the number of Unissued Option Shares purchasable under the Plan pursuant to the operation of any provision of this Article Six is subject to the approval of the TSX and any other governmental authority having jurisdiction.
7.01                       Effect of a Take-Over Bid :  If a bona fide offer (an " Offer ") for Common Shares is made to an Optionee or to shareholders of the Corporation generally or to a class of shareholders which includes the Optionee, which Offer, if accepted in whole or in part, would result in the offeror becoming a control person of the Corporation, within the meaning of subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, the Corporation shall, immediately upon receipt of notice of the Offer, notify each Optionee of full particulars of the Offer, whereupon all Common Shares subject to such Option will become Vested and the Option may be exercised in whole or in part by the Optionee so as to permit the Optionee to tender the Common Shares received upon such exercise, pursuant to the Offer.  However, if:
(a)           the Offer is not completed within the time specified therein; or
all of the Common Shares tendered by the Optionee pursuant to the Offer are not taken up or paid for by the offeror in respect thereof,
then the Common Shares received upon such exercise, or in the case of clause (b) above, the Common Shares that are not taken up and paid for, may be returned by the Optionee to the Corporation and reinstated as authorized but unissued Common Shares and with respect to such returned Common Shares, the Option shall be reinstated as if it had not been exercised and the terms upon which such Common Shares were to become Vested pursuant to this section shall be reinstated.  If any Common Shares are returned to the Corporation under this Section 7.01, the Corporation shall immediately refund the Exercise Price to the Optionee for such Common Shares.
7.02                       Acceleration of Expiry Time :  If, at any time when an Option granted under the Plan remains unexercised, an Offer is made by an offeror, the Directors may, upon notifying each Optionee of the full particulars of the Offer, declare all Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of Options granted under the Plan, Vested, and declare that the Expiry Time for the exercise of all unexercised Options granted under the Plan is accelerated so that all Options will either be exercised or will expire prior to the date upon which Common Shares must be tendered pursuant to the Offer, provided such Offer is completed.

7.03                       Compulsory Acquisition or Going Private Transaction : If and whenever, following a take-over bid or issuer bid, there shall be a compulsory acquisition of the Shares of the Company pursuant to Section 300 of the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) or any successor or similar legislation, or any amalgamation, merger or arrangement in which securities acquired in a formal take-over bid may be voted under the conditions described in Section 8.2 of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions , then following the date upon which such compulsory acquisition, amalgamation, merger or arrangement is effective, an Optionee shall be entitled to receive, and shall accept, for the same exercise price, in lieu of the number of Shares to which such Optionee was theretofore entitled upon the exercise of his or her Options, the aggregate amount of cash, shares, other securities or other property which such Optionee would have been entitled to receive as a result of such bid if he or she had tendered such number of Shares to the take-over bid.
7.04                       Effect of a Change of Control :  If a Change of Control occurs, all Common Shares subject to each outstanding Option will become Vested, whereupon such Option may be exercised in whole or in part by the respective Optionee.
Section 8.01                       Effective Date of Plan :  The Plan is to be implemented and effective upon the approval of the Plan by the shareholders of the Corporation.  Such shareholder approval must be given by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Common Shares represented at the meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation at which a motion to approve the Plan is presented.
Section 8.02                       Amendment of Plan :                                           The Directors may from time to time, without shareholder approval and subject to applicable law and to the prior approval, if required, of TSX or any other regulatory body having authority over the Corporation or the Plan, suspend, terminate or discontinue the Plan at any time, or amend or revise the terms of the Plan or of any Option granted under the Plan to:
make amendments of a clerical or typographical nature and to include clarifying provisions in the Plan;
implement features or requirements that are necessary or desirable under applicable tax and securities laws;
change vesting provisions;
change termination provisions for an Insider provided that the Expiry Time does not extend beyond the original Expiry Time under the Plan;
change termination provisions for an Optionee who is not an Insider beyond the original Expiry Time;
reduce the Exercise Price of an Option for an Optionee who is not an Insider; and
implement a cashless exercise feature, payable in cash or securities;
provided that no such amendment, revision, suspension, termination or discontinuance shall in any manner adversely affect any Option previously granted to an Optionee under the Plan without the consent of that Optionee.

Section 8.03                       Amendments Requiring Shareholder Approval:   Any amendments to the Plan or Options granted thereunder, other than those described in Section 8.02 above, will be subject to the approval of the shareholders.  For greater certainty, the Directors may not, without shareholder approval and the prior approval, if required, of TSX, amend or revise the terms of the Plan or of any Option granted under the Plan to:
increase the Plan maximum or number of shares reserved for issuance under the Plan;
grant additional powers to the board of directors to amend the Plan or individual Options without shareholder approval;
reduce the exercise price of Options or other entitlements held by insiders;
extend to the term of Options held by insiders; and
change the insider participation limits to those that would have triggered the requirement for disinterested shareholder approval of the Plan under requirements of the TSX.
Section 8.04                       Termination of the Plan :  The Plan may be terminated at any time by the Directors.  Notwithstanding the termination of the Plan, any Option outstanding under the Plan at the time of termination shall remain in effect until such Option has been exercised, has expired, has been surrendered to the Corporation or has been terminated.
Section 9.01                       Non-Assignable :  No rights under the Plan and no Option awarded pursuant to the provisions of the Plan are assignable or transferable by any Participant other than pursuant to a will or by the laws of descent and distribution.
Section 9.02                       Rights as a Shareholder :  No Optionee shall have any rights as a shareholder of the Corporation with respect to any Common Shares which are the subject of an Option.  No Optionee shall be entitled to receive, and no adjustment shall be made for, any dividends, distributions or other rights declared for shareholders of the Corporation for which the record date is prior to the date of exercise of any Option.
Section 9.03                       No Contract of Employment :  Nothing contained in the Plan shall confer or be deemed to confer upon any Participant the right to continue in the employment of the Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation nor interfere or be deemed to interfere in any way with any right of the Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation to discharge any Participant at any time for any reason whatsoever, with or without cause.
Section 9.04                       Exclusion From Severance Allowance, Retirement Allowance or Termination Settlement :   If an Optionee retires, resigns or is terminated from employment or engagement with the Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation, the loss or limitation, if any, pursuant to the Option Agreement with respect to the right to purchase Option Shares which were not Vested at that time or which, if Vested, were cancelled, shall not give rise to any right to damages and shall not be included in the calculation of nor form any part of any severance allowance, retiring allowance or termination settlement of any kind whatsoever in respect of such Optionee.
Section 9.05                       Necessary Approvals :  The obligation of the Corporation to grant any Option pursuant to the Plan and to issue, sell and deliver any Common Shares on the exercise of an Option is subject to the approval of any governmental authority or regulatory body required in connection with the grant of such Option or the issue, sale and delivery of such Common Shares by the Corporation.  Any Options granted prior to the Corporation’s receipt of such required approvals shall be conditional upon such approval being given and no Options may be exercised unless such approval has been given.

In the event that any Common Shares cannot be issued to any Optionee pursuant to the exercise of an Option for any reason whatsoever including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the failure to obtain any required approval, then the obligation of the Corporation to issue such Common Shares shall terminate and any money paid to the Corporation in connection with the exercise of such Option shall be returned to the Optionee without interest or deduction.
Section 9.06                       Form of Notice :  A notice given to the Corporation shall be in writing, signed by the Optionee and delivered to the head business office of the Corporation.
Section 9.07                       Conflict :  In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Plan and an Option Agreement, the provisions of this Plan shall govern.
Section 9.08                       Time of Essence :   Time is of the essence of this Plan and of each Option Agreement.  No extension of time will be deemed to be or to operate as a waiver of the essentiality of time.
Section 9.09                       Entire Agreement :  This Plan and the applicable Option Agreement set out the entire agreement between the Corporation and the applicable Optionee relative to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, undertakings and understandings, whether oral or written.
Section 9.10                       No Representation or Warranty :  The Corporation makes no representation or warranty as to the value of any Option granted pursuant to the Plan or as the future value of any Common Shares issued pursuant to the exercise of any Option.
Section 9.11                       Compliance with Applicable Law :  If any provision of the Plan or any Option contravenes any law or any order, policy, by-law or regulation of any regulatory body having jurisdiction, then such provision shall be deemed to be amended to the extent necessary to bring such provision into compliance therewith.
Section 9.12                       Applicable Law :  The Plan and all of the rights and obligations arising herefrom shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia.
Plan approved by the Board of Directors effective May 9, 2012.
Plan approved by the shareholders of the Corporation effective June 13, 2012
Effective date of Plan: June 13, 2012

”Trevor L. Cunningham”
Trevor L. Cunningham
Chief Financial Officer and VP Finance



This Plan has been established by the Company to promote the interests of the Company by attracting and retaining qualified persons to serve on the Board and to promote a greater alignment of long term interests between such Participants and the shareholders of the Company.
In this Plan, the following terms have the following meanings:
Account ” means an account maintained for each Participant on the books of the Company which will be credited with Deferred Share Units, in accordance with the terms of the Plan.
Applicable Law ” means any applicable provision of law, domestic or foreign, including, without limitation, applicable securities legislation, together with all regulations, rules, policy statements, rulings, notices, orders or other instruments promulgated thereunder and Stock Exchange Rules.
Board ” means the Board of Directors of the Company.
Change of Control ” means the acquisition by any person or by any person and a Joint Actor, whether directly or indirectly, of voting securities (as defined in the Securities Act (British Columbia)) of the Company, which, when added to all other voting securities of the Company at the time held by such person or by such person and a Joint Actor, totals for the first time not less than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding voting securities of the Company or the votes attached to those securities are sufficient, if exercised, to elect a majority of the Board.
Committee ” means the Compensation Committee of the Board.
Common Shares ” means common shares of the Company and includes any securities of the Company into which such Common Shares may be converted, reclassified, redesignated, subdivided, consolidated, exchanged or otherwise changed, pursuant to a Reorganization or otherwise.
Company ” means Canadian Zinc Corporation and its respective successors and assigns, and any reference in the Plan to action by the Company means action by or under the authority of the Board or any person or committee that has been designated for the purpose by the Board including, without limitation, the Committee.
DSU ” or “ Deferred Share Unit ” means a unit credited to a Participant by way of a bookkeeping entry in the books of the Company pursuant to this Plan, the value of which is equivalent in value to a Common Share.
" DSU Limit " has the meaning given such term in section 6.1
Grant ” means any Deferred Share Unit credited to the Account of a Participant.

Insider ” has the meaning provided for purposes of the TSX relating to Security Based Compensation Arrangements.
" Insider Limit " has the meaning given such term in section 6.2 .
Notice of Redemption ” means written notice, on a prescribed form, by the Participant, or the administrator or liquidator of the estate of the Participant, to the Company of the Participant’s wish to redeem his or her Deferred Share Units.
Participant ” means a director of the Company who is designated by the Committee as eligible to participate in the Plan.
Plan ” means this 2014 Non-Employee Directors Deferred Share Unit Plan.
Redemption Date ” means the date that a Notice of Redemption is received by the Company; provided in the case of a U.S. Eligible Participant, however, the Redemption Date will be made the earlier of (i) “separation from service” within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code, or (ii) within 90 days of the U.S. Eligible Participant’s death.
Reorganization ” means any (i) capital reorganization, (ii) merger, (iii) amalgamation, or (iv) arrangement or other scheme of reorganization.
Section 409A ” means Section 409A of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder as in effect from time to time.
Security Based Compensation Arrangement ” has the meaning defined in the provisions of the TSX Company Manual relating to security based compensation arrangements.
Share Price ” means the volume-weighted average price of a Common Share on the TSX over the five (5) consecutive trading days immediately preceding (a) in the case of a Grant, the last day of the fiscal quarter preceding the date of Grant in respect of a director, or (b) in the case of a redemption, the Redemption Date, as applicable, or in the event such shares are not traded on the TSX, the fair market value of such shares as determined by the Committee acting in good faith.
Stock Exchange Rules ” means the applicable rules of any stock exchange upon which the Common Shares are listed.
Termination Date ” means the date of a Participant’s death, or retirement from, or loss of office or employment with the Company, within the meaning of paragraph 6801(d) of the regulations under the Income Tax Act (Canada), including the Participant’s resignation, retirement, removal from the Board, death or otherwise.
TSX ” means the Toronto Stock Exchange.
U.S. Eligible Participant ” refers to a Participant who, at any time during the period from the date Deferred Share Units are granted to the Participant to the date such Deferred Share Units are redeemed by the Participant, is subject to income taxation in the United States on the income received for his or her services as a director of the Company and who is not otherwise exempt from U.S. income taxation under the relevant provisions of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the Canada-U.S. Income Tax Convention, as amended from time to time.

Establishment of Annual Base Compensation
An annual compensation amount (the " Annu a l   B a s e   C o m p e n s at i o n ") payable to non-employee Directors (hereafter " Di r ec t o r s ") of the Company shall be established from time-to-time by the Board. The amount of Annual Base Compensation will be reported annually in the Company’s management information circular.
Payment of Annual Base Compensation
The Annual Base Compensation shall be payable in quarterly installments, with each installment payable as promptly as practicable following the last business day of the fiscal quarter to which it applies. Quarterly payments shall be pro rated if Board service commences or terminates during a fiscal quarter. The number of DSUs to be paid and the terms of the DSUs shall be determined as provided in the following sections of this Plan.
Each Director may elect to receive in DSUs up to 50% of his or her Annual Base Compensation by completing and delivering a written election to the Company on or before November 15th of the calendar year ending immediately before the calendar year with respect to which the election is made. Such election will be effective with respect to compensation payable for fiscal quarters beginning during the calendar year following the date of such election. Further, where an individual becomes a Director for the first time during a fiscal year and such individual has not previously participated in a plan that is required to be aggregated with this Plan for purposes of Section 409A, such individual may elect to participate in the Plan with respect to fiscal quarters of the Company commencing after the Company receives such individual’s written election, which election must be received by the Company no later than 30 days after such individual’s appointment as a Director. For greater certainty, new Directors will not be entitled to receive DSUs pursuant to an election for the quarter in which they submit their first election to the Company or any previous quarter. Elections hereunder shall be irrevocable with respect to compensation earned during the period to which such election relates.
All DSUs granted with respect to Annual Base Compensation will be credited to the Director's Account when such Annual Base Compensation is payable (the " Grant Date ").
The Director's Account will be credited with the number of DSUs calculated to the nearest thousandths of a DSU, determined by dividing the dollar amount of compensation payable in DSUs on the Grant Date by the Share Price. Fractional Common Shares will not be issued and any fractional entitlements will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Additional Deferred Share Units
In addition to DSUs granted pursuant to Section 3.2, the Board may award such number of DSUs to a Participant as the Board deems advisable to provide the Participant with appropriate equity-based compensation for the services he or she renders to the Company. The Board shall determine the date on which such DSUs may be granted and the date as of which such DSUs shall be credited to a Participant’s Account. The Company and a Participant who receives an award of DSUs pursuant to this Section 3.3 shall enter into a DSU award agreement to evidence the award and the terms applicable thereto.

Administration of Plan
The Committee shall have the power, where consistent with the general purpose and intent of the Plan and subject to the specific provisions of the Plan:
to establish policies and to adopt rules and regulations for carrying out the purposes, provisions and administration of the Plan and to amend and rescind such rules and regulations from time to time;
to interpret and construe the Plan and to determine all questions arising out of the Plan and any such interpretation, construction or determination made by the Committee shall be final, binding and conclusive for all purposes;
to prescribe the form of the instruments used in conjunction with the Plan; and
to determine which members of the Board are eligible to participate in the Plan.
Redemption of Deferred Share Units
Each Participant shall be entitled to redeem his or her Deferred Share Units during the period commencing on the business day immediately following the Termination Date and ending on the 90th day following the Termination Date by providing a written Notice of Redemption to the Company. In the event of death of a Participant, the Notice of Redemption shall be filed by the legal representative of the Participant. In the case of a U.S. Eligible Participant, however, the redemption will be deemed to be made on the earlier of (i) “separation from service” within the meaning of Section 409A, or (ii) within 90 days of the U.S. Eligible Participant’s death.
Upon redemption, the Participant shall be entitled to receive, and the Company shall issue or provide:
subject to shareholder approval of this Plan and the limitations set forth in Section 6.2 below, a number of Common Shares issued from treasury equal to the number of DSUs in the Participant’s Account, subject to any applicable deductions and withholdings;
subject to and in accordance with any Applicable Law, a number of Common Shares purchased by an independent administrator of the Plan in the open market for the purposes of providing Common Shares to Participants under the Plan equal in number to the DSUs in the Participant’s Account, subject to any applicable deductions and withholdings;
the payment of a cash amount to a Participant equal to the number of DSUs multiplied by the Share Price, subject to any applicable deductions and withholdings; or
any combination of the foregoing,
as determined by the Company, in its sole discretion.

Payment Notwithstanding
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, all amounts payable to, or in respect of, a Participant hereunder shall be paid on or before December 31 of the calendar year commencing immediately after the Participant’s Termination Date.
Subdivisions or Consolidations
In the event that the Common Shares shall be subdivided or consolidated into a different number of Common Shares or a distribution shall be declared upon the Common Shares payable in Common Shares, the number of DSUs then recorded in the Director’s Account shall be adjusted by replacing such number by a number equal to the number of Common Shares which would be held by the Director immediately after the distribution, subdivision or consolidation, should the Director have held a number of Common Shares equal to the number of DSUs recorded in the Director’s Account on the record date fixed for such distribution, subdivision or consolidation.
In the event there shall be any change, other than as specified in Section 5.1, in the number or kind of outstanding Common Shares or of any shares or other securities into which such Common Shares shall have been changed or for which they shall have been exchanged, pursuant to a Reorganization or otherwise, then there shall be substituted for each Common Share referred to in the Plan or for each share into which such Common Share shall have been so changed or exchanged, the kind of securities into which each outstanding Common Share shall be so changed or exchanged and an equitable adjustment shall be made, if required, in the number of DSUs then recorded in the Director’s Account, such adjustment, if any, to be reasonably determined by the Committee and to be effective and binding for all purposes.
In the case of any such substitution, change or adjustment as provided for in this Section 5, the variation shall generally require that the number of DSUs then recorded in the Director’s Account prior to such substitution, change or adjustment will be proportionately and appropriately varied.
Maximum Number of DSUs
DSUs may be granted by the Company in accordance with this Plan provided the aggregate number of Common Shares issuable pursuant to DSUs from time to time shall not exceed 2% of the number of issued and outstanding Common Shares from time to time (the "DSU Limit").
Insider Participation Limits
The maximum number of Common Shares issuable to Insiders pursuant to Section 4.2(b)(i) of the Plan, together with any Common Shares issuable pursuant to any other Security Based Compensation Arrangement, at any time, shall not exceed 10% of the total number of outstanding Common Shares. The maximum number of Common Shares issued to Insiders pursuant to Section 4.2(b)(i) of the Plan, together with any Common Shares issued pursuant to any other Security Based Compensation Arrangement, within any one year period, shall not exceed 10% of the total number of outstanding Common Shares (the "Insider Limit").

Amendment to the Plan
Until such time as the Company receives shareholder approval of the issuances from treasury contemplated in Section 4.2(b)(i), the Plan may be amended, suspended or terminated at any time by the Board in whole or in part. No amendment of the Plan shall, without the consent of the Participants affected by the amendment, or unless required by Applicable Law, adversely affect the rights accrued to such Participants with respect to DSUs granted prior to the date of the amendment.
Following shareholder approval of any issuances from treasury as contemplated in Section 4.2(b)(i), the Board may at any time, and from time to time, and without shareholder approval, amend any provision of the Plan, subject to any regulatory or stock exchange requirement at the time of such amendment, including, without limitation:
for the purposes of making formal minor or technical modifications to any of the provisions of the Plan including amendments of a “clerical” or “housekeeping” nature;
to correct any ambiguity, defective provision, error or omission in the provisions of the Plan;
amendments to the termination provisions of Section 7.2;
amendments necessary or advisable because of any change in Applicable Laws;
amendments to the transferability of Deferred Share Units provided for in Section 8.10;
amendments to Section 4.1 relating to the administration of the Plan; and
any other amendment, fundamental or otherwise, not requiring shareholder approval under Applicable Laws;
provided, however, that:
no such amendment of the Plan may be made without the consent of each affected Participant in the Plan if such amendment would adversely affect the rights of such affected Participant(s) under the Plan; and
shareholder approval shall be obtained in accordance with the requirements of the TSX for any amendment:
to increase the DSU Limit;
to Section 7.1;
to the definition of “Participant”;
to remove or exceed the Insider Limit; or
to the definition of Share Price benefitting an Insider.

Plan Termination
The Committee may decide to discontinue granting awards under the Plan at any time in which case no further Deferred Share Units shall be awarded or credited under the Plan. Any Deferred Share Units which remain outstanding in a Participant’s Account at that time shall continue to be dealt with according to the terms of the Plan. The Plan shall terminate when all payments owing pursuant to Section 4.2 of the Plan have been made and all Deferred Share Units have been cancelled in all Participants’ Accounts
The Company may withhold from any amount payable to a Participant, either under this Plan, or otherwise, such amount as may be necessary so as to ensure that the Company will be able to comply with the applicable provisions of any federal, provincial, state or local law relating to the withholding of tax or other required deductions, including on the amount, if any, includable in the income of a Participant. The Company shall also have the right in its discretion to satisfy any such withholding tax liability by retaining, acquiring or selling on behalf of a Participant any Common Shares which would otherwise be issued or provided to a Participant hereunder.
No right to receive payment of DSUs and other benefits under the Plan shall be transferable or assignable by a Participant except by will or laws of descent and distribution.
Unfunded Plan
Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, the Plan shall be unfunded. To the extent any Participant or his or her estate holds any rights by virtue of a grant of Deferred Share Units under the Plan, such rights (unless otherwise determined by the Committee) shall be no greater than the rights of an unsecured creditor of the Company.
Final Determination
Any determination or decision by or opinion of the Committee made or held pursuant to the terms of the Plan shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties concerned. All rights, entitlements and obligations of Participants under the Plan are set forth in the terms of the Plan and cannot be modified by any other documents, statements or communications, except by Plan amendments referred to in Section 7.1 of the Plan.
No Right to Employment
Participation in the Plan shall not be construed to give any Participant a right to be retained as a Director.
No Other Benefit
No amount will be paid to, or in respect of, a Participant under the Plan to compensate for a downward fluctuation in the price of Common Shares nor will any other form of benefit be conferred upon, or in respect of, a Participant for such purpose.

No Shareholder Rights
Under no circumstances shall Deferred Share Units be considered Common Shares nor shall they entitle any Participant to exercise voting rights or any other rights attaching to the ownership of Common Shares nor shall any Participant be considered the owner of Common Shares by virtue of the award of Deferred Share Units.
Reorganization of the Company
The existence of any Deferred Share Units shall not affect in any way the right or power of the Company or its shareholders to make or authorize any adjustment, recapitalization, reorganization or other change in the Company’s capital structure or its business, or any amalgamation, combination, merger or consolidation involving the Company or to create or issue any bonds, debentures, shares or other securities of the Company or the rights and conditions attaching thereto or to affect the dissolution or liquidation of the Company or any sale or transfer of all or any part of its assets or business, or any other corporate act or proceeding, whether of a similar nature or otherwise.
Successors and Assigns
The Plan shall be binding on all successors and assigns of the Company.
General Restrictions and Assignment
Except as required by law, the rights of a Participant under the Plan are not capable of being assigned, transferred, alienated, sold, encumbered, pledged, mortgaged or charged and are not capable of being subject to attachment or legal process for the payment of any debts or obligations of the Participant.
Section 409A
It is intended that the provisions of this Plan comply with Section 409A, and all provisions of this Plan shall be construed and interpreted in a manner consistent with the requirements for avoiding taxes or penalties under Section 409A. Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary, the following will apply with respect to the rights and benefits of U.S. Eligible Participants under the Plan:
Except as permitted under Section 409A, any deferred compensation (within the meaning of Section 409A) payable to or for the benefit of a U.S. Eligible Participant may not be reduced by, or offset against, any amount owing by the U.S. Eligible Participant to the Company or any of its affiliates.
If a U.S. Eligible Participant becomes entitled to receive payment in respect of any Deferred Share Units as a result of his or her “separation from service” (within the meaning of Section 409A), and the U.S Eligible Participant is a “specified employee” (within the meaning of Section 409A) at the time of his or her separation from service, and the Committee makes a good faith determination that (i) all or a portion of the Deferred Share Units constitute “deferred compensation” (within the meaning of Section 409A) and (ii) any such deferred compensation that would otherwise be payable during the six-month period following such separation from service is required to be delayed pursuant to the six-month delay rule set forth in Section 409A in order to avoid taxes or penalties under Section 409A, then payment of such “deferred compensation” shall not be made to the U.S Eligible Participant before the date which is six months after the date of his or her separation from service (and shall be paid in a single lump sum on the first day of the seventh month following the date of such separation from service) or, if earlier, the U.S Eligible Participant’s date of death.

A U.S. Eligible Participant’s status as a specified employee shall be determined by the Company as required by Section 409A on a basis consistent with the regulations under Section 409A and such basis for determination will be consistently applied to all plans, programs, contracts, agreements, etc. maintained by the Company that are subject to Section 409A.
Each U.S Eligible Participant, any beneficiary or the U.S Eligible Participant’s estate, as the case may be, is solely responsible and liable for the satisfaction of all taxes and penalties that may be imposed on or for the account of such U.S Eligible Participant in connection with this Plan (including any taxes and penalties under Section 409A), and neither the Company nor any affiliate shall have any obligation to indemnify or otherwise hold such U.S Eligible Participant or beneficiary or the U.S Eligible Participant’s estate harmless from any or all of such taxes or penalties.
In the event that the Committee determines that any amounts payable hereunder will be taxable to a Participant under Section 409A prior to payment to such Participant of such amount, the Company may (i) adopt such amendments to the Plan and Deferred Share Units and appropriate policies and procedures, including amendments and policies with retroactive effect, that the Committee determines necessary or appropriate to preserve the intended tax treatment of the benefits provided by the Plan and Deferred Share Units hereunder and/or (ii) take such other actions as the Committee determines necessary or appropriate to avoid or limit the imposition of an additional tax under Section 409A.
In the event the Company terminates the Plan in accordance with Section 7, the time and manner of payment of amounts that are subject to 409A will be made in accordance with the rules under 409A. The Plan will not be terminated except as permitted under 409A.
Forfeiture Provision
If a Participant is subject to tax under the Income Tax Act (Canada) and also is a U.S. Eligible Participant with respect to DSUs, the following special rules regarding forfeiture of such Deferred Share Units will apply if the Participant’s DSUs are subject to Section 409A. For greater clarity, these forfeiture provisions are intended to avoid adverse tax consequences under Section 409A and/or under paragraph 6801(d) of the regulations under the Income Tax Act (Canada), that may result because of the different requirements as to the time of settlement of Deferred Share Units with respect to a Participant’s “separation from service” (within the meaning of Section 409A) (“Separation From Service”) and his retirement or loss of office (under tax laws of Canada). If a Participant otherwise would be entitled to payment of DSUs in any of the following circumstances, such DSUs shall instead be immediately and irrevocably forfeited (for greater certainty, without any compensation therefore):
a Participant experiences a Separation From Service as a result of a permanent decrease in the level of services provided to less than 20% of his past service in circumstances that do not constitute a retirement from, or loss of office or employment with, the Company or an affiliate thereof, within the meaning of paragraph 6801(d) of the regulations under the Income Tax Act (Canada); or
a Participant experiences a Separation From Service upon ceasing to be a director while continuing to provide services as an employee in circumstances that do not constitute a retirement from, or loss of office or employment with, the Company or an affiliate thereof, within the meaning of paragraph 6801(d) of the regulations under the Income Tax Act (Canada); or

a Participant experiences a serious disability that continues for more than 29 months in circumstances that constitute a Separation from Service and do not constitute a retirement from, or loss of office or employment with, the Company or an affiliate thereof, within the meaning of paragraph 6801(d) of the regulations under the Income Tax Act (Canada); or
a Participant experiences a retirement from, or loss of office or employment with, the Company or an affiliate thereof, within the meaning of paragraph 6801(d) of the regulations under the Income Tax Act (Canada) by virtue of ceasing employment as both an employee and as a director, but he continues to provide services as an independent contractor such that he has not experienced a Separation From Service.
In this text, words importing the singular meaning shall include the plural and vice versa, and words importing the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter genders.
Governing Law
The validity, construction and effect of the Plan and any actions taken or relating to the Plan shall be governed by the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein.
The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of the Plan shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision and any invalid or unenforceable provision shall be severed from the Plan.
Effective Date
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 20, 2014.



This Plan has been established by the Company to assist the Company in the recruitment and retention of highly qualified employees and consultants by providing a means to reward superior performance, to motivate Participants under the Plan to achieve important corporate and personal objectives and, through the issuance of Share Units in the Company to Participants under the Plan, to better align the interests of Participants with the long-term interests of Shareholders.
In this Plan, the following terms have the following meanings:
Account ” means the bookkeeping account established and maintained by the Company for each Participant in which the number of Share Units of the Participant are recorded;
Applicable Law ” means any applicable provision of law, domestic or foreign, including, without limitation, applicable securities legislation, together with all regulations, rules, policy statements, rulings, notices, orders or other instruments promulgated thereunder and Stock Exchange Rules;
Beneficiary ” means any person designated by the Participant as his or her beneficiary under the Plan in accordance with Section 14.1 or, failing any such effective designation, the Participant’s legal representative;
Board ” means the Board of Directors of the Company;
C h a n g e   o f   C o n tro l ” means:
the acquisition whether directly or indirectly, by a person or company, or any persons or companies acting jointly or in concert (as determined in accordance with the Securities Act (British Columbia) and the rules and regulations thereunder) of voting securities of the Company which, together with any other voting securities of the Company held by such person or company or persons or companies, constitute, in the aggregate, more than 50% of all outstanding voting securities of the Company;
an amalgamation, arrangement or other form of business combination of the Company with another company which results in the holders of voting securities of that other company holding, in the aggregate, 50% or more of all outstanding voting securities of the Company (including a merged or successor company) resulting from the business combination; or
the sale, lease or exchange of all or substantially all of the property of the Company to another person, other than a subsidiary of the Company or other than in the ordinary course of business of the Company;
Committee ” means the Compensation Committee of the Board or any other committee or person designated by the Board to administer the Plan, provided, however, if the Company ceases to qualify as a “foreign private issuer” (as defined in Rule 3b-4 under the Exchange Act), the Committee shall be a committee of the Board comprised of not less than two directors, and each member of the Committee shall be a “non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3;

Company ” means Canadian Zinc Corporation and its respective successors and assigns, and any reference in the Plan to action by the Company means action by or under the authority of the Board or any person or committee that has been designated for the purpose by the Board including, without limitation, the Committee;
Designated Subsidiary ” means an entity (including a partnership) in which the Company holds, directly or indirectly, a majority voting interest and which has been designated by the Company for purposes of the Plan from time to time;
Director ” means a director of the Company;
Eligible Consultant ” means an individual, other than an Employee, that (i) is engaged to provide on a bona fide basis consulting, technical, management or other services to the Company or any Designated Subsidiary under a written contract between the Company or the Designated Subsidiary and the individual or a company of which the individual consultant is an employee, (ii) in the reasonable opinion of the Company, spends or will spend a significant amount of time and attention on the affairs and business of the Company or a Designated Subsidiary, and (iii) does not provide services in connection with the offer or sale of securities in a capital-raising transaction and do not directly or indirectly promote or maintain a market for the registrant's securities;
Employee ” means an employee of the Company or any of its Designated Subsidiaries or any combination or partnership of such Companies;
Employer ” means the Company, the Designated Subsidiary or the combination or partnership of such Companies that employs the Participant or that employed the Participant immediately prior to the Participant’s Termination Date;
Exchange Act ” means the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended;
Expiry Date ” means, with respect to Share Units granted to a Participant, the date determined by the Company for such purpose for such grant, which date shall be no later than the date which is two years after the Participant’s Termination Date and shall, in all cases, be in compliance with the requirements pertaining to the exception to the application of the salary deferral arrangement rules in paragraph 248(1)(k) of the Income Tax Act (Canada), as such section may be amended or re- enacted from time to time;
Fiscal Year ” means a fiscal year of the Company;
Grant Agreement ” means an agreement between the Company and a Participant under which Share Units are granted, together with such amendments, deletions or changes thereto as are permitted under the Plan;
Grant Date ” of a Share Unit means the date a Share Unit is granted to a Participant under the Plan;
Insider ” has the meaning provided for purposes of the TSX relating to Security Based Compensation Arrangements;

" Insider Limit " has the meaning given such term in section 11.2 ;
Joint Actor ” means a person acting “jointly or in concert with” another person within the meaning of Section 96 of the Securities Act (British Columbia) or as such section may be amended or re-enacted from time to time;
Market Value ” with respect to a Share as at any date means the volume-weighted average price of the Shares traded on the TSX for the five (5) trading days on which a board lot was traded immediately preceding such date (or, if the Shares are not then listed and posted for trading on the TSX, on such stock exchange on which the Shares are then listed and posted for trading as may be selected for such purpose by the Company). In the event that the Shares are not listed and posted for trading on any stock exchange, the Market Value shall be the Market Value of the Shares as determined by the Board in its discretion, acting reasonably and in good faith;
Participant ” means a bona fide full-time or part-time Employee, an Eligible Consultant or a director who, in any such case, has been designated by the Company for participation in the Plan;
Payout Date ” means a date selected by the Company, in accordance with and as contemplated by Sections 3.2, 6.1 and 7.1;
Plan ” means this 2014 Restricted Share Unit Plan;
Reorganization ” means any (i) capital reorganization, (ii) merger, (iii) amalgamation, or (iv) arrangement or other scheme of reorganization;
Rule 16b-3 ” means Rule 16b-3 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Exchange Act or any successor rule or regulation;
Section 409A ” means Section 409A of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder as in effect from time to time;
Securities Act ” means the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended;
Security Based Compensation Arrangement ” has the meaning defined in the provisions of the TSX Company Manual relating to security based compensation arrangements;
Shareholders ” means the holders of Shares;
Shares ” mean common shares of the Company and includes any securities of the Company into which such common shares may be converted, reclassified, redesignated, subdivided, consolidated, exchanged or otherwise changed, pursuant to a Reorganization or otherwise;
Share Unit ” means a unit credited by means of an entry on the books of the Company to a Participant pursuant to the Plan, representing the right to receive, subject to and in accordance with the Plan, for each Vested Share Unit one Share or cash equal to the Market Value of one Share, at the time, in the manner, and subject to the terms, set forth in the Plan and the applicable Grant Agreement;
" Share Unit Limit " has the meaning given such term in section 11.1 ;

Stock Exchange Rules ” means the applicable rules of any stock exchange upon which Shares are listed;
Termination Date ” means the date on which a Participant ceases, for any reason including resignation, termination, death or disability, to be an active Employee, an Eligible Consultant, or a director, as the case may be, and, in the case of a Participant who is an Employee, where the employment is terminated by the Employer, whether wrongful or for cause or otherwise, such date shall be the date notice of termination is provided and, in the case of a Participant who is an Eligible Consultant, the date the written contract between the Eligible Consultant and the Company or any Designated Subsidiary is terminated or expires and the Eligible Consultant no longer provides services thereunder;
TSX ” means the Toronto Stock Exchange; and
Vested Share Units ” shall mean Share Units in respect of which all vesting terms and conditions set forth in the Plan and the applicable Grant Agreement have been either satisfied or waived in accordance with the Plan.
In this Plan, unless the context requires otherwise, words importing the singular number may be construed to extend to and include the plural number, and words importing the plural number may be construed to extend to and include the singular number.
The Company may grant Share Units to such Participant or Participants in such number and at such times as the Company may, in its sole discretion, determine, as a bonus or similar payment in respect of services rendered by the Participant for a Fiscal Year or otherwise as compensation, including as an incentive for future performance by the Participant.
In granting any Share Units pursuant to Section 3.1, the Company shall designate:
the number of Share Units which are being granted to the Participant;
any time based conditions as to vesting of the Share Units to become Vested Share Units;
the Payout Date, which shall in no event be later than the Expiry Date and, unless otherwise determined on the Grant Date, shall be the third anniversary of the Grant Date; and
the Expiry Date;
which shall be set out in the Grant Agreement.
The conditions may relate to all or any portion of the Share Units in a grant and may be graduated such that different percentages of the Share Units in a grant will become Vested Share Units depending on the extent of satisfaction of one or more such conditions. The Company may, in its discretion and having regard to the best interests of the Company, subsequent to the Grant Date of a Share Unit, waive any resulting conditions, provided that the waiver of such conditions will not accelerate the time of payment with respect to such Share Units, and the payout will occur on the Payout Date as set forth in the Grant Agreement or pursuant to Sections 7.1 or 8.3 of the Plan, if applicable.

Each grant of a Share Unit will be set forth in a Grant Agreement containing terms and conditions required under the Plan and such other terms and conditions not inconsistent herewith as the Company may, in its sole discretion, deem appropriate.
An Account shall be maintained by the Company for each Participant. On the Grant Date, the Account will be credited with the Share Units granted to a Participant on that date.
On each Payout Date, the Participant shall be entitled to receive, and the Company shall issue or provide, a payout with respect to those Vested Share Units in the Participant’s Account to which the Payout Date relates, in one of the following forms:
subject to shareholder approval of this Plan and the limitations set forth in Section 11.2 below, Shares issued from treasury equal in number to the Vested Share Units in the Participant’s Account to which the Payout Date relates, subject to any applicable deductions and withholdings;
subject to and in accordance with any Applicable Law, Shares purchased by an independent administrator of the Plan in the open market for the purposes of providing Shares to Participants under the Plan equal in number to the Vested Share Units in the Participant’s Account to which the Payout Date relates, subject to any applicable deductions and withholdings;
the payment of a cash amount to a Participant on the Payout Date equal to the number of Vested Share Units in respect of which the Company makes such a determination, multiplied by the Market Value on the Payout Date, subject to any applicable deductions and withholdings; or
any combination of the foregoing,
as determined by the Company, in its sole discretion.
No fractional Shares shall be issued and any fractional entitlements will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Shares issued by the Company from treasury under Section 6.1(a) of this Plan shall be considered fully paid in consideration of past service that is no less in value than the fair equivalent of the money the Company would have received if the Shares had been issued for money.
The Company or a Designated Subsidiary may withhold from any amount payable to a Participant, either under this Plan, or otherwise, such amount as may be necessary so as to ensure that the Company or the Designated Subsidiary will be able to comply with the applicable provisions of any federal, provincial, state or local law relating to the withholding of tax or other required deductions, including on the amount, if any, includable in the income of a Participant. Each of the Company or a Designated Subsidiary shall also have the right in its discretion to satisfy any such withholding tax liability by retaining, acquiring or selling on behalf of a Participant any Shares which would otherwise be issued or provided to a Participant hereunder.

Notwithstanding the conditions as to vesting of Share Units contained in any individual Grant Agreement, all outstanding Share Units shall become Vested Share Units on any Change of Control and, except as otherwise provided in Section 16 hereof, the Payout Date in connection with such Vested Share Units shall, notwithstanding any provisions in the Grant Agreement, be accelerated to the date of such Change of Control and the Company shall, as soon as practicable following such Change of Control, issue or provide Shares or make payments to such Participants with respect to such Vested Share Units in accordance with Section 6.
Unless otherwise determined by the Company pursuant to Section 8.2, on a Participant’s Termination Date, any Share Units in a Participant’s Account which are not Vested Share Units shall terminate and be forfeited.
Notwithstanding Section 8.1, where a Participant ceases to be an Employee as a result of the termination of his or her employment without cause, then in respect of each grant of Share Units made to such Participant, at the Company’s discretion, all or a portion of such Participant’s Share Units may be permitted to continue to vest, in accordance with their terms, during any statutory or common law severance period or any period of reasonable notice required by law or as otherwise may be determined by the Company in its sole discretion.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 16, in the event a Participant’s Termination Date is prior to the Payout Date with respect to any Vested Share Units in such Participant’s Account, the Payout Date with respect to such Vested Share Units shall, notwithstanding any provision in the Grant Agreement, be accelerated to the Participant’s Termination Date and the Company shall, as soon as practicable following such Termination Date, issue or provide Shares or make payment to such Participant, or Beneficiary thereof, as applicable, with respect to such Vested Share Units in accordance with Section 6.
Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan or a Grant Agreement, Share Units granted hereunder shall terminate on, if not redeemed or previously terminated and forfeited in accordance with the Plan, and be of no further force and effect after, the Expiry Date.
In the event that the Shares shall be subdivided or consolidated into a different number of Shares or a distribution shall be declared upon the Shares payable in Shares, the number of Share Units then recorded in the Participant’s Account shall be adjusted by replacing such number by a number equal to the number of Shares which would be held by the Participant immediately after the distribution, subdivision or consolidation, should the Participant have held a number of Shares equal to the number of Share Units recorded in the Participant’s Account on the record date fixed for such distribution, subdivision or consolidation.
In the event there shall be any change, other than as specified in Section 10.1, in the number or kind of outstanding Shares or of any shares or other securities into which such Shares shall have been changed or for which they shall have been exchanged, pursuant to a Reorganization or otherwise, then there shall be substituted for each Share referred to in the Plan or for each share into which such Share shall have been so changed or exchanged, the kind of securities into which each outstanding Share shall be so changed or exchanged and an equitable adjustment shall be made, if required, in the number of Share Units then recorded in the Participant’s Account, such adjustment, if any, to be reasonably determined by the Committee and to be effective and binding for all purposes.

In the case of any such substitution, change or adjustment as provided for in this Section10, the variation shall generally require that the aggregate Market Value of the Share Units then recorded in the Participant’s Account prior to such substitution, change or adjustment will be proportionately and appropriately varied so that it be equal to such aggregate Market Value after the variation.
Share Units may be granted by the Company in accordance with this Plan provided the aggregate number of Shares issuable pursuant to Share Units from time to time shall not exceed 3% of the number of issued and outstanding Shares from time to time (the "Share Unit Limit").
The maximum number of Shares issuable to Insiders pursuant to Section 6.1(a) of the Plan, together with any Shares issuable pursuant to any other Security Based Compensation Arrangement, at any time, shall not exceed 10% of the total number of outstanding Shares. The maximum number of Shares issued to Insiders pursuant to Section 6.1(a) of the Plan, together with any Shares issued pursuant to any other Security Based Compensation Arrangement, within any one year period, shall not exceed 10% of the total number of outstanding Shares (the "Insider Limit").
Until such time as the Company receives shareholder approval of the issuances from treasury contemplated in Section 6.1(a), the Plan may be amended, suspended or terminated at any time by the Board in whole or in part. No amendment of the Plan shall, without the consent of the Participants affected by the amendment, or unless required by Applicable Law, adversely affect the rights accrued to such Participants with respect to Share Units granted prior to the date of the amendment.
Following shareholder approval of any issuances from treasury as contemplated by Section 6.1(a), the Company may, without notice, at any time and from time to time, and without shareholder approval, amend the Plan or any provisions thereof in such manner as the Company, in its sole discretion, determines appropriate, including, without limitation:
for the purposes of making formal minor or technical modifications to any of the provisions of the Plan;
to correct any ambiguity, defective provision, error or omission in the provisions of the Plan;
to change the vesting provisions of Share Units;
to change the termination provisions of Share Units or the Plan which does not entail an extension beyond the original Expiry Date of the Share Units;
to make the amendments contemplated by Section 16.1(f); or
to make any amendments necessary or advisable because of any change in Applicable Law;

provided, however, that:
no such amendment of the Plan may be made without the consent of each affected Participant in the Plan if such amendment would adversely affect the rights of such affected Participant(s) under the Plan; and
shareholder approval shall be obtained in accordance with the requirements of the TSX for any amendment that results in:
an increase Share Unit Limit;
an extension of the Expiry Date for Share Units granted to Insiders under the Plan;
other types of compensation through Share issuance;
an expansion of the rights of a Participant to assign Share Units other than as set forth in Section 15.2;
the addition of additional categories of Participants (other than as contemplated by Section 10);
an amendment to the definition of Market Value benefitting an Insider;
a change to sections 12.1 or 12.2 hereof; or
an amendment to remove or exceed the Insider Limit.
If the Company terminates the Plan, Share Units previously credited shall, at the discretion of the Company, either (a) be settled immediately in accordance with the terms of the Plan in effect at such time, or (b) remain outstanding and in effect and settled in due course in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions, in either case without shareholder approval.
Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the Plan shall be administered by the Committee subject to Applicable Laws. The Committee shall have full and complete authority to interpret the Plan, to prescribe such rules and regulations and to make such other determinations as it deems necessary or desirable for the administration of the Plan. All actions taken and decisions made by the Committee shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties concerned, including, but not limited to, the Participants and their beneficiaries and legal representatives, each Designated Subsidiary and the Company. All expenses of administration of the Plan shall be borne by the Company.
The Company shall keep or cause to be kept such records and accounts as may be necessary or appropriate in connection with the administration of the Plan and the discharge of its duties. At such times as the Company shall determine, the Company shall furnish the Participant with a statement setting forth the details of his or her Share Units including the Grant Date and the Vested Share Units and unvested Share Units held by each Participant. Such statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Participant as correct unless written notice to the contrary is given to the Company within 30 days after such statement is given to the Participant.

The Company may, at its discretion, appoint one or more persons or companies to provide services in connection with the Plan including without limitation, administrative and record-keeping services.
Subject to the requirements of Applicable Law, a Participant may designate in writing a Beneficiary to receive any benefits that are payable under the Plan upon the death of such Participant. The Participant may, subject to Applicable Law, change such designation from time to time. Such designation or change shall be in such form and executed and filed in such manner as the Company may from time to time determine.
The transfer of an Employee from the Company to a Designated Subsidiary, from a Designated Subsidiary to the Company or from a Designated Subsidiary to another Designated Subsidiary, shall not be considered a termination of employment for the purposes of the Plan, nor shall it be considered a termination of employment if a Participant is placed on such other leave of absence which is considered by the Company as continuing intact the employment relationship.
The Plan shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Company, its successors and assigns. The interest of any Participant under the Plan or in any Share Unit shall not be transferable or assignable other than by operation of law, except, if and on such terms as the Company may permit, to a spouse or minor children or grandchildren or a personal holding company or family trust controlled by a Participant, the sole shareholders or beneficiaries of which, as the case may be, are any combination of the Participant, the Participant’s spouse, the Participant’s minor children or the Participant’s minor grandchildren, and after his or her lifetime shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Participant’s Beneficiary, on such terms and conditions as are appropriate for such transferees to be included in the class of transferees who may rely on a Form S-8 registration statement under the Securities Act to sell shares received pursuant to the Share Unit.
The Company’s grant of any Share Units or issuance of any Shares hereunder is subject to compliance with Applicable Law applicable thereto. As a condition of participating in the Plan, each Participant agrees to comply with all Applicable Law and agrees to furnish to the Company or a Designated Subsidiary all information and undertakings as may be required to permit compliance with Applicable Law.
A Participant shall not have the right or be entitled to exercise any voting rights, receive any distribution or have or be entitled to any other rights as a Shareholder in respect of any Share Units.
Neither designation of an Employee as a Participant nor the grant of any Share Units to any Participant entitles any Participant to the grant, or any additional grant, as the case may be, of any Share Units under the Plan. Neither the Plan nor any action taken thereunder shall interfere with the right of the Company or a Designated Subsidiary to terminate a Participant’s employment, or service under contract, at any time. Neither any period of notice, if any, nor any payment in lieu thereof, upon termination of employment, wrongful or otherwise, shall be considered as extending the period of employment for the purposes of the Plan.
Participation in the Plan shall be entirely voluntary and any decision not to participate shall not affect any Employee’s employment or any consultant’s contractual relationship with the Company or a Designated Subsidiary.

The Plan shall be an unfunded obligation of the Company. Neither the establishment of the Plan nor the grant of any Share Units or the setting aside of assets by the Company (if, in its sole discretion, it chooses to do so) shall be deemed to create a trust. The right of the Participant or Beneficiary to receive payment pursuant to the Plan shall be no greater than the right of other unsecured creditors of the Company.
This Plan is established under the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the rights of all parties and the construction of each and every provision of the Plan and any Share Units granted hereunder shall be construed according to the laws of the Province of British Columbia.
It is intended that the provisions of this Plan comply with Section 409A, and all provisions of this Plan shall be construed and interpreted in a manner consistent with the requirements for avoiding taxes or penalties under Section 409A. Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary, the Company may provide in the applicable Grant Agreement with respect to Share Units granted to Participants whose benefits under the Plan are or may become subject to Section 409A, such terms and conditions as may be required for compliance with Section 409A. In addition, the following will apply to the extent that a Participant’s Share Units are subject to Section 409A.
Except as permitted under Section 409A, any Share Units, or payment with respect to Share Units, may not be reduced by, or offset against, any amount owing by the Participant to the Company or any Designated Subsidiary.
If a Participant otherwise would become entitled to receive payment in respect of any Share Units as a result of his or her ceasing to be an Employee, an Eligible Consultant or director upon a Termination Date, any payment made on account of such person ceasing to be an Employee or Eligible Consultant shall be made at that time only if the Participant has experienced a “separation from service” (within the meaning of Section 409A).
If a Participant is a “specified employee” (within the meaning of Section 409A) at the time he or she otherwise would be entitled to payment as a result of his or her separation from service, any payment that otherwise would be payable during the six-month period following such separation from service will be delayed and shall be paid on the first day of the seventh month following the date of such separation from service or, if earlier, the Participant’s date of death.
A Participant’s status as a specified employee shall be determined by the Company as required by Section 409A on a basis consistent with the regulations under Section 409A and such basis for determination will be consistently applied to all plans, programs, contracts, agreements, etc. maintained by the Company that are subject to Section 409A.
Each Participant, any beneficiary or the Participant’s estate, as the case may be, is solely responsible and liable for the satisfaction of all taxes and penalties that may be imposed on or for the account of such Participant in connection with this Plan (including any taxes and penalties under Section 409A), and neither the Company nor any Designated Subsidiary or affiliate shall have any obligation to indemnify or otherwise hold such Participant or beneficiary or the Participant’s estate harmless from any or all of such taxes or penalties.

If and to the extent that Share Units would otherwise become payable upon a Change of Control as defined in the Plan, such payment will occur at that time only if such change of control also constitutes a “change in ownership”, a “change in effective control” or a “change in the ownership of a substantial portion of the assets of the Company” as defined under Section 409A and applicable regulations (a “409A Change in Control”). If a Change of Control as defined in the Plan is not also a 409A Change in Control, unless otherwise permitted under Section 409A the time for the payment of Share Units will not be accelerated and will be payable pursuant to the terms of the Plan and applicable Grant Agreement as if such Change of Control had not occurred.
In the event that the Committee determines that any amounts payable under the Plan will be taxable to a Participant under Section 409A prior to payment to such Participant of such amount, the Company may (i) adopt such amendments to the Plan and Share Units and appropriate policies and procedures, including amendments and policies with retroactive effect, that the Committee determines necessary or appropriate to preserve the intended tax treatment of the benefits provided by the Plan and Grant Agreement and/or (ii) take such other actions as the Company determines necessary or appropriate to avoid or limit the imposition of an additional tax under Section 409A.
In the event the Company terminates the Plan in accordance with Section 12.3, the time and manner of payment of amounts that are subject to 409A will be made in accordance with the rules under Section 409A. The Plan will not be terminated except as permitted under Section 409A. No change to the termination provisions of Share Units or the Plan pursuant to Section 12.2(d) will be made except as permitted under Section 409A.
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 20, 2014


Exhibit 4.8

as the Corporation
as the Warrant Agent

Providing for the Issue of Warrants Dated as of July 31, 2014




Article 1.          INTERPRETATION
Gender and Number
Headings, Etc.
Day not a Business Day
Time of the Essence
Monetary References
Applicable Law
Article 2.          Issue of Warrants
Creation and Issue of Warrants
Terms of Warrants
Warrantholder not a Shareholder
Warrants to Rank Pari Passu
Form of Warrants and Certificated Warrants
Book Entry Warrants
Warrant Certificate
Register of Warrants
Issue in Substitution for Warrant Certificates Lost, etc
Exchange of Warrant Certificates
Transfer and Ownership of Warrants
Cancellation of Surrendered Warrants
Article 3.           EXERCISE OF WARRANTS
Right of Exercise
Warrant Exercise
Prohibition on Exercise by U.S. Persons; Legended Certificates
Transfer Fees and Taxes
Warrant Agency
Effect of Exercise of Warrant Certificates
Partial Exercise of Warrants; Fractions
Expiration of Warrants
Accounting and Recording
Securities Restrictions

Adjustment of Number of Common Shares and Exercise Price
Entitlement to Common Shares on Exercise of Warrant
No Adjustment for Certain Transactions
Determination by Auditors
Proceedings Prior to any Action Requiring Adjustment
Certificate of Adjustment
Notice of Special Matters
No Action after Notice
Other Action
Protection of Warrant Agent
Participation by Warrantholder
Optional Purchases by the Corporation
General Covenants
Warrant Agent's Remuneration and Expenses
Performance of Covenants by Warrant Agent
Enforceability of Warrants
U.S. Securities Matters
Article 6.          ENFORCEMENT
Suits by Registered Warrantholders
Suits by the Corporation
Immunity of Shareholders, etc
Waiver of Default
Right to Convene Meetings
Power to Adjourn
Show of Hands
Poll and Voting
Corporation and Warrant Agent May be Represented
Powers Exercisable by Extraordinary Resolution
Meaning of Extraordinary Resolution
Powers Cumulative
Instruments in Writing
Binding Effect of Resolutions
Holdings by Corporation Disregarded

Provision for Supplemental Indentures for Certain Purposes
Successor Entities
Trust Indenture Legislation
Rights and Duties of Warrant Agent
Evidence, Experts and Advisers
Documents, Monies, etc. Held by Warrant Agent
Actions by Warrant Agent to Protect Interest
Warrant Agent Not Required to Give Security
Protection of Warrant Agent
Replacement of Warrant Agent; Successor by Merger
Conflict of Interest
Acceptance of Agency
Warrant Agent Not to be Appointed Receiver
Warrant Agent Not Required to Give Notice of Default
Anti-Money Laundering
Compliance with Privacy Code
Article 10.          GENERAL
Notice to the Corporation and the Warrant Agent
Notice to Registered Warrantholders
Ownership of Warrants
Satisfaction and Discharge of Indenture
Provisions of Indenture and Warrants for the Sole Benefit of Parties and Registered Warrantholders
Common Shares or Warrants Owned by the Corporation or its Subsidiaries - Certificate to be Provided
Force Majeure
Assignment, Successors and Assigns

Schedule "A" – Warrant Certificate
Schedule "B" – Form of Declaration for Removal of Legend


THIS WARRANT INDENTURE is dated as of July 31, 2014

Canadian Zinc Corporation , a British Columbia company with a head office at Suite 1710, 650 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 4N9, Fax: 604-688-2043
(the " Corporation ")


Computershare Trust Company of Canada , a trust company existing under the laws of Canada and with an office at 3 rd Floor, 510 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3B9, E-mail: Corporatetrust.vancouver@computershare.com
(the " Warrant Agent ")

WHEREAS the Corporation is proposing to issue up to 16,428,900 Warrants pursuant to the Offering and this Indenture;

AND WHEREAS pursuant to this Indenture, each Warrant shall, subject to adjustment, entitle the holder thereof to acquire one Common Share upon payment of the Exercise Price upon the terms and conditions herein set forth;

AND WHEREAS all acts and deeds necessary have been done and performed to make the Warrants, when created and issued as provided in this Indenture, legal, valid and binding upon the Corporation with the benefits and subject to the terms of this Indenture;

AND WHEREAS the foregoing recitals are made as representations and statements of fact by the Corporation and not by the Warrant Agent;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants hereinafter contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Corporation hereby appoints the Warrant Agent as warrant agent to hold the rights, interests and benefits contained herein for and on behalf of those persons who from time to time become the holders of Warrants issued pursuant to this Indenture and the parties hereto agree as follows:
ARTICLE 1.    
In this Indenture, including the recitals and schedules hereto, and in all indentures supplemental hereto:

" Adjustment Period " means the period from the Effective Date up to and including the Expiry Time;
" Applicable Legislation " means any statute of Canada or a province thereof, and the regulations under any such named or other statute, relating to warrant indentures or to the rights, duties and obligations of warrant agents under warrant indentures, to the extent that such provisions are at the time in force and applicable to this Indenture;
" Applicable Procedures " means (a) with respect to any transfer or exchange of beneficial ownership interests in, or the exercise of Warrants represented by, a CDS Global Warrant, the applicable rules, procedures or practices of CDS and the Warrant Agent in effect at the time being, and (b) with respect to any issuance, deposit or withdrawal of Warrants from or to an electronic position evidencing a beneficial ownership interest in Warrants represented by a CDS Global Warrant, the rules, procedures or practices followed by CDS and the Warrant Agent at the time being with respect to the issuance, deposit or withdrawal of such positions;
" Auditors " means a firm of chartered accountants duly appointed as auditors of the Corporation;
" Authenticated " means (a) with respect to the issuance of a Warrant Certificate, one which has been duly signed by the Corporation and authenticated by manual signature of an authorized officer of the Warrant Agent, (b) with respect to the issuance of an Uncertificated Warrant, one in respect of which the Warrant Agent has completed all Internal Procedures such that the particulars of such Uncertificated Warrant  as required by Section 2.7 are entered in the register of holders of Warrants; " Authenticate ", " Authenticating " and " Authentication " have the appropriate correlative meanings;

" Book Entry Participants " means institutions that participate directly or indirectly in the Depository's book entry registration system for the Warrants;
" Book Entry Warrants " means Warrants that are to be held electronically or physically by or on behalf of the Depository;
" Business Day " means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or a statutory or civic holiday, or any other day on which the banks are open for business in the Province of British Columbia;
" CDS Global Warrants " means Warrants representing all or a portion of the aggregate number of Warrants issued in the name of the Depository represented by an Uncertificated Warrant, or if requested by the Depository or the Corporation, by a Warrant Certificate;
" Certificated Warrant " means a Warrant evidenced by a writing or writings substantially in the form of Schedule "A", attached hereto;
" Common Shares " means fully paid and non-assessable common shares of the Corporation as presently constituted;
" Counsel " means a barrister or solicitor or a firm of barristers and solicitors retained by the Warrant Agent or retained by the Corporation and acceptable to the Warrant Agent, which may or may not be counsel for the Corporation;
" Current Market Price " of the Common Shares at any date means the weighted average trading price per Common Share for such Common Shares for each day there was a closing price for the 10 consecutive Trading Days ending three Trading Days prior to such date on the Toronto Stock Exchange or such other stock exchange or over-the-counter market on which the Common Shares are trading on such date;
" Depository " means CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc. or such other person as is designated in writing by the Corporation to act as depository in respect of the Warrants;
" Dividends " means any dividends paid by the Corporation;
" Effective Date " means the date of this Indenture;
" Exchange Rate " means the number of Common Shares subject to the right of purchase under each Warrant;
" Exercise Date " means, in relation to a Warrant, the Business Day on which such Warrant is validly exercised or deemed to be validly exercised in accordance with Article 3 hereof;
" Exercise Form " has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2(1);
" Exercise Price " at any time means the price at which a whole Common Share may be purchased by the exercise of a whole Warrant, which is initially $0.50 per Common Share, payable in Canadian funds, subject to adjustment in accordance with the provisions of Article 4;
" Expiry Date " means July 31, 2017;
" Expiry Time " means 4:30 p.m. (Vancouver time) on the Expiry Date;
" Extraordinary Resolution " has the meaning set forth in Section 7.11;
" Issue Date " means July 31, 2014;
" Internal Procedures " means in respect of the making of any one or more entries to, changes in or deletions of any one or more entries in the register at any time (including without limitation, original issuance or registration of transfer of ownership) the minimum number of the Warrant Agent's internal procedures customary at such time for the entry, change or deletion made to be completed under the operating procedures followed at the time by the Warrant Agent, it being understood that neither preparation and issuance, nor delivery to nor receipt by holders of Transaction Statements or Statements of Account shall constitute part of such procedures for any purpose of this definition;
" Offering " means the offering of 13,160,000 flow-through common shares and 28,572,000 units of the Corporation at a price of $0.38 per flow-through common share and $0.35 per unit, which flow-through common shares and units were originally qualified for distribution pursuant to a (final) short form prospectus of the Corporation dated July 23, 2014;

" Permitted Investments " means treasury bills guaranteed by the Government of Canada having a term to maturity not to exceed ninety (90) days, or term deposits or bankers' acceptances of a Canadian chartered bank having a term to maturity not to exceed ninety (90) days, or such other investments that is in accordance with the Warrant Agent's standard type of investments.
" Person " means an individual, body corporate, partnership, trust, warrant agent, executor, administrator, legal representative or any unincorporated organization;
" Qualified Institutional Buyer " means a "qualified institutional buyer" within the meaning of Rule 144A under the U.S. Securities Act;
" Qualified Institutional Buyer Letter " means the Qualified Institutional Buyer Letter in the form attached as Exhibit I to the U.S. Placement Memorandum;
" Register " means the one set of records and accounts maintained by the Warrant Agent pursuant to Section 2.9:
" Registered Warrantholders " means the persons who are registered owners of Warrants as such names appear on the register, and for greater certainty, shall include the Depository as well as the holders of Uncertificated Warrants appearing on the register of the Warrant Agent;
" Shareholders " means holders of Common Shares;
" Transaction Instruction " means a written order signed by the holder or the Depository, entitled to request that one or more actions be taken, or such other form as may be reasonably acceptable to the Warrant Agent, requesting one or more such actions to be taken in respect of an Uncertificated Warrant;
" this Warrant Indenture ", " this Indenture ", " this Agreement ", " hereto " " herein ", " hereby ", " hereof " and similar expressions mean and refer to this indenture and any indenture, deed or instrument supplemental hereto; and the expressions " Article ", " Section ", " subsection " and " paragraph " followed by a number, letter or both mean and refer to the specified article, section, subsection or paragraph of this indenture;
" Trading Day " means, with respect to a stock exchange, a day on which such exchange is open for the transaction of business and with respect to the over-the-counter market means a day on which the Toronto Stock Exchange is open for the transaction of business;
" Uncertificated Warrant " means any Warrant which is not a Certificated Warrant;
" United States " means the United States of America, its territories and possessions, any state of the United States, and the District of Columbia;
" U.S. Person " has the meaning set forth in Rule 902 of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act;
" U.S. Securities Act " means the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended;
" U.S. Warrantholder " means any Warrantholder that (a) is a U.S. Person or, (b) acquired Warrants in the United States or for the account or benefit of any U.S. Person or Person in the United States;
" Warrants " means the Common Share purchase warrants created by and authorized by and issuable under this Indenture, to be issued and countersigned hereunder in certificated form and/or held through the book entry registration system on a no-certificate issued basis, entitling the holders thereof to purchase up to 16,428,900 Common Shares (subject to adjustment as herein provided) at the Exercise Price prior to the Expiry Time or means the Common Share purchase warrants issued and Authenticated hereunder, whether by way of Warrant Certificate or Uncertificated Warrant;
" Warrant Agency " means the principal office of the Warrant Agent in the City of Vancouver or such other place as may be designated in accordance with Section 3.5;
" Warrant Agent " means Computershare Trust Company of Canada, in its capacity as warrant agent of the Warrants, or its successors from time to time;
" Warrant Certificate " means a certificate, substantially in the form set forth in Schedule "A" hereto, to evidence those Warrants that will be evidenced by a certificate;
" Warrantholders ", or " holders " without reference to Warrants, means the warrantholders in respect of Warrants registered in the name of the Depository, and includes owners of Warrants who beneficially hold securities entitlements in respect of the Warrants through a Book Entry Participant, or means, at a particular time, the persons entered in the register hereinafter mentioned as holders of Warrants outstanding at such time;

" Warrantholders' Request " means an instrument signed in one or more counterparts by Registered Warrantholders holding in the aggregate not less than 50% of the Warrants then unexercised and outstanding, requesting the Warrant Agent to take some action or proceeding specified therein; and " written order of the Corporation ", " written request of the Corporation ", " written consent of the Corporation " and " certificate of the Corporation " mean, respectively, a written order, request, consent and certificate signed in the name of the Corporation by its Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, or a person acting in any such capacity for the Corporation, and may consist of one or more instruments so executed.
Gender and Number
Words importing the singular number or masculine gender shall include the plural number or the feminine or neuter genders, and vice versa .
Headings, Etc.
The division of this Indenture into Articles and Sections, the provision of a Table of Contents and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this Indenture or of the Warrants.
Day not a Business Day
If any day on or before which any action or notice is required to be taken or given hereunder is not a Business Day, then such action or notice shall be required to be taken or given on or before the requisite time on the next succeeding day that is a Business Day.
Time of the Essence
Time shall be of the essence of this Indenture.
Monetary References
Whenever any amounts of money are referred to herein, such amounts shall be deemed to be in lawful money of Canada unless otherwise expressed.
The parties hereto confirm their express wish that this Indenture and all documents and agreements directly or indirectly relating hereto be drawn up in the English language. Les parties reconnaissent leur volonté expresse que la présente convention de souscription ainsi que tous les documents et contrats s'y rattachant directement ou indirectement soient rédigés en anglais.
Applicable Law
This Indenture, the Warrants, the Warrant Certificates (including all documents relating thereto) shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia. and the federal laws applicable therein and shall be treated in all respects as contracts. Each of the parties hereto, which shall include the Warrantholders, irrevocably attorns to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of British Columbia with respect to all matters arising out of this Indenture and the transactions contemplated herein.
ARTICLE 2.    
Creation and Issue of Warrants
A maximum of 16,428,900 Warrants are hereby created and authorized to be issued in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof. By written order of the Corporation, the Warrant Agent shall deliver Warrant Certificates to Registered Warrantholders and record the name of the Registered Warrantholders on the Warrant register. Registration of interests in Warrants held by the Depository may be evidenced by a position appearing on the register for Warrants of the Warrant Agent for an amount representing the aggregate number of such Warrants outstanding from time to time.

Terms of Warrants
Subject to the applicable conditions for exercise set out in Article 3 having been satisfied and subject to adjustment in accordance with Article 4, each Warrant shall entitle each Warrantholder thereof, upon exercise at any time after the Issue Date and before the Expiry Time, to acquire one Common Share upon payment of the Exercise Price.
No fractional Warrants shall be issued or otherwise provided for hereunder and Warrants may only be exercised in a sufficient number to acquire whole numbers of Common Shares.
Each Warrant shall entitle the holder thereof to such other rights and privileges as are set forth in this Indenture.
The number of Common Shares which may be purchased upon exercise of the Warrants may be adjusted upon the events and in the manner specified in Article 4.
Warrantholder not a Shareholder
Except as may be specifically provided herein, nothing in this Indenture or in the holding of a Warrant Certificate, entitlement to a Warrant or otherwise, shall, in itself, confer or be construed as conferring upon a Warrantholder any right or interest whatsoever as a Shareholder of the Corporation, including, but not limited to, the right to vote at, to receive notice of, or to attend, meetings of Shareholders or any other proceedings of the Corporation, or the right to Dividends and other allocations.
Warrants to Rank Pari Passu
All Warrants shall rank equally and without preference over each other, whatever may be the actual date of issue thereof.
Form of Warrants and Certificated Warrants
The Warrants may be issued in both certificated and uncertificated form. All Warrants issued in certificated form shall be evidenced by the Warrant Certificates (including all replacements issued in accordance with this Indenture), substantially in the form set out in Schedule "A" hereto, which shall be dated as of the Issue Date, shall bear such distinguishing letters and numbers as the Corporation may, with the approval of the Warrant Agent, prescribe, and shall be issuable in any denomination excluding fractions. Each Warrant originally issued to a U.S. Warrantholder will be evidenced in certificated form only and bear the applicable legends as set forth in Schedule "A" hereto. All Warrants issued to the Depository may be in either a  certificated or uncertificated form, such uncertificated form being evidenced by a book position on the register of Warrantholders to be maintained by the Warrant Agent in accordance with Section 2.6.
Book Entry Warrants
Re-registration of beneficial interests in and transfers of Warrants held by the Depository shall be made only through the book entry registration system and no Warrant Certificates shall be issued in respect of such Warrants except where physical certificates evidencing ownership in such securities are required or as set out herein or as may be requested by a Depository, as determined by the Corporation, from time to time. Except as provided in this Section 2.6 and during the legend period in Section 2.8(1), owners of beneficial interests in any CDS Global Warrants shall not be entitled to have Warrants registered in their names and shall not receive or be entitled to receive Warrants in definitive form or to have their names appear in the register referred to in Section 2.9 herein while they are held as book entry only securities with the Depository. Notwithstanding any terms set out herein, Warrants having any legend set forth in Section 2.8 herein and held in the name of the Depository may only be held in the form of Uncertificated Warrants with the prior consent of the Warrant Agent.
Notwithstanding any other provision in this Indenture, no CDS Global Warrants may be exchanged in whole or in part for Warrants registered, and no transfer of a CDS Global Warrants in whole or in part may be registered, in the name of any Person other than the Depository for such CDS Global Warrants or a nominee thereof unless:
the Depository notifies the Corporation that it is unwilling or unable to continue to act as depository in connection with the Book Entry Warrants  and the Corporation is unable to locate a qualified successor;

the Corporation determines that the Depository is no longer willing, able or qualified to discharge properly its responsibilities as holder of the CDS Global Warrants and the Corporation is unable to locate a qualified successor;
the Depository ceases to be a clearing agency or otherwise ceases to be eligible to be a depository and the Corporation is unable to locate a qualified successor;
the Corporation determines that the Warrants shall no longer be held as Book Entry Warrants through the Depository;
such right is required by Applicable Law, as determined by the Corporation and the Corporation's  Counsel;
the Warrant is to be Authenticated to or for the account or benefit of a person in the United States; or
the Corporation so instructs the Warrant Agent in writing,
following which Warrants for those holders requesting such shall be issued to the beneficial owners of such Warrants or their nominees as directed by the holder. The Corporation shall provide an Officer's Certificate giving notice to the Warrant Agent of the occurrence of any event outlined in this Section 2.6(2), except in the case of Section 2.6(2)(g).
Subject to the provisions of this Section 2.6, any exchange of CDS Global Warrants for Warrants which are not CDS Global Warrants may be made in whole or in part in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.11, mutatis mutandis .  All such Warrants issued in exchange for CDS Global Warrants or any portion thereof shall be registered in such names as the Depository for such CDS Global Warrants shall direct and shall be entitled to the same benefits and subject to the same terms and conditions (except insofar as they relate specifically to CDS Global Warrants) as the CDS Global Warrants or portion thereof surrendered upon such exchange.
Every Warrant Authenticated upon registration of transfer of a CDS Global Warrant, or in exchange for or in lieu of a CDS Global Warrant or any portion thereof, whether pursuant to this Section 2.6, or otherwise, shall be Authenticated in the form of, and shall be, a CDS Global Warrant, unless such Warrant is registered in the name of a person other than the Depository for such CDS Global Warrant or a nominee thereof.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Indenture, subject to Applicable Law, the CDS Global Warrant will be issued as an Uncertificated Warrant, unless otherwise requested in writing by the Depositary or the Corporation.
The rights of beneficial owners of Warrants who hold securities entitlements in respect of the Warrants through the book entry registration system shall be limited to those established by applicable law and agreements between the Depository and the Book Entry Participants and between such Book Entry Participants and the beneficial owners of Warrants who hold securities entitlements in respect of the Warrants through the book entry registration system, and such rights must be exercised through a Book Entry Participant in accordance with the rules and Applicable Procedures of the Depository.
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, neither the Corporation nor the Warrant Agent nor any agent thereof shall have any responsibility or liability for:
the electronic records maintained by the Depository relating to any ownership interests or any other interests in the Warrants or the depository system maintained by the Depository, or payments made on account of any ownership interest or any other interest of any person in any Warrant represented by an electronic position in the book entry registration system (other than the Depository or its nominee);
for maintaining, supervising or reviewing any records of the Depository or any Book Entry Participant relating to any such interest; or
any advice or representation made or given by the Depository or those contained herein that relate to the rules and regulations of the Depository or any action to be taken by the Depository on its own direction or at the direction of any Book Entry Participant.
The Corporation may terminate the application of this 2.6 in its sole discretion in which case all Warrants shall be evidenced by Warrant Certificates registered in the name of a person other than the Depository.

Warrant Certificate
Until it has been Authenticated by the Warrant Agent, no Warrant, whether it is a Certificated Warrant or an Uncertificated Warrant, shall be considered issued, valid or obligatory nor entitle its holder to the benefits of this Indenture. Authentication by the Warrant Agent shall be conclusive evidence as against the Corporation that the Warrants so Authenticated are valid and binding obligations of the Corporation, have been duly issued hereunder and that the holder thereof is entitled to the benefits of this Indenture. Authentication by the Warrant Agent shall not be construed as a representation or warranty by the Warrant Agent as to the validity of this Indenture or of such Warrants (except the due Authentication thereof) or as to the performance by the Corporation of its obligations under this Indenture and the Warrant Agent shall in no respect be liable or answerable for the use made of the Warrants or any of them or of the consideration thereof.
For Warrants issued in certificated form, the form of certificate representing Warrants shall be substantially as set out in Schedule "A" hereto or such other form as is authorized from time to time by the Warrant Agent. Each Warrant Certificate shall be Authenticated manually on behalf of the Warrant Agent. Each Warrant Certificate shall be signed by the Chief Operating Officer or the Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation, whose signature shall appear on the Warrant Certificate and may be printed, lithographed or otherwise mechanically reproduced thereon and, in such event, certificates so signed are as valid and binding upon the Corporation as if they had been signed manually. Any Warrant Certificate which has either of the two signatures as hereinbefore provided shall be valid notwithstanding that one or more of the persons whose signature is printed, lithographed or mechanically reproduced no longer holds office at the date of issuance of such certificate. The Warrant Certificates may be engraved, printed or lithographed, or partly in one form and partly in another, as the Warrant Agent may determine.
The Warrant Agent shall Authenticate Uncertificated Warrants (whether upon original issuance, exchange, registration of transfer, partial payment, or otherwise) by completing its Internal Procedures and the Corporation shall, and hereby acknowledges that it shall, thereupon be deemed to have duly and validly issued such Uncertificated Warrants under this Indenture.  Such Authentication shall be conclusive evidence that such Uncertificated Warrants have been duly issued hereunder and that the holder or holders are entitled to the benefits of this Indenture.  The register shall be final and conclusive evidence as to all matters relating to Uncertificated Warrants with respect to which this Indenture requires the Warrant Agent to maintain records or accounts.  In case of differences between the register at any time and any other time, the register at the later time shall be controlling, absent manifest error, and any Uncertificated Warrants recorded therein shall be binding on the Corporation.
Any Warrant Certificate validly issued in accordance with the terms of this Indenture in effect at the time of issue of such Warrant Certificate shall, subject to the terms of this Indenture and applicable law, validly entitle the holder to acquire Common Shares, notwithstanding that the form of such Warrant Certificate may not be in the form then required by this Indenture.
No Warrant shall (a) be considered issued, valid, or obligatory; nor (b) entitle the holder thereof to the benefits of this Indenture, until it has been Authenticated by the Warrant Agent. Authentication by the Warrant Agent, including by way of entry on the register,  shall not be construed as a representation or warranty by the Warrant Agent as to the validity of this Indenture or of such Warrant Certificates or Uncertificated Warrants (except the due Authentication thereof) or as to the performance by the Corporation of its obligations under this Indenture and the Warrant Agent shall in no respect be liable or answerable for the use made of the Warrants or any of them or of the consideration thereof. Authentication by the Warrant Agent shall be conclusive evidence as against the Corporation that the Warrants so Authenticated have been duly issued hereunder and that the holder thereof is entitled to the benefits of this Indenture.
No Certificated Warrant (a) shall be considered issued and Authenticated nor (b) if Authenticated, shall be obligatory nor entitle the holder thereof to the benefits of this Indenture, until it has been Authenticated by manual signature by or on behalf of the Warrant Agent substantially in the form of the Warrant set out in Schedule “A” hereto. Such Authentication on any such Certificated Warrant shall be conclusive evidence that such Certificated Warrant is duly Authenticated and is valid and a binding obligation of the Corporation and that the holder is entitled to the benefits of this Indenture.
No Uncertificated Warrant shall (a) be considered issued or obligatory; nor (b) entitle the holder thereof to the benefits of this Indenture, until it has been Authenticated by entry on the register of the particulars of the Uncertificated Warrant. Such entry on the register of the particulars of an Uncertificated Warrant shall be conclusive evidence that such Uncertificated Warrant is a valid and binding obligation of the Corporation and that the holder is entitled to the benefits of this Indenture.

The Authentication by the Warrant Agent of any Warrants whether by way of entry on the register or otherwise shall not be construed as a representation or warranty by the Warrant Agent as to the validity of the Indenture or such Warrants (except the due Authentication thereof) or as to the performance by the Corporation of its obligations under this Indenture and the Warrant Agent shall in no respect be liable or answerable for the use made of the Warrants or any of them or the proceeds thereof.
Any Warrant Certificate representing CDS Global Warrants shall bear the following legend:
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Indenture, in processing and registering transfers of Warrants, no duty or responsibility whatsoever shall rest upon the Warrant Agent to determine the compliance by any transferor or transferee with the terms of the legend on the Warrant Certificate, or with the relevant securities laws or regulations, including, without limitation, Regulation S of the U.S. Securities Act, and the Warrant Agent shall be entitled to assume that all transfers are legal and proper.
The Warrant Agent acknowledges that, upon the original issuance thereof, and until such time as the same is no longer required under applicable requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and state securities laws, the certificates representing the Warrants originally issued to U.S. Warrantholders, and in each case, all certificates issued in exchange therefor or in substitution thereof shall bear on the face of such certificates the following legend (in addition to any other legend that may be required under applicable securities laws):

Register of Warrants
The Warrant Agent shall maintain records and accounts concerning the Warrants, whether certificated or uncertificated, which shall contain the information called for below with respect to each Warrant, together with such other information as may be required by law or as the Warrant Agent may elect to record. All such information shall be kept in one set of accounts and records which the Warrant Agent shall designate (in such manner as shall permit it to be so identified as such by an unaffiliated party) as the register of the holders of Warrants.  The information to be entered for each account in the register of Warrants at any time shall include (without limitation):
the name and address of the holder of the Warrants, the date of Authentication thereof and the number of Warrants held by the subject holder;
whether such Warrant is a Certificated Warrant or an Uncertificated Warrant and, if a Certificated Warrant, the unique number or code assigned to and imprinted thereupon and, if an Uncertificated Warrant, the unique number or code assigned thereto if any;
whether such Warrant has been cancelled; and
a register of transfers in which all transfers of Warrants and the date and other particulars of each transfer shall be entered.
The register shall be available for inspection by the Corporation and/or any Warrantholder during the Warrant Agent's regular business hours on a Business Day and upon payment to the Warrant Agent of its reasonable fees.  Any Warrantholder exercising such right of inspection shall first provide an affidavit in form satisfactory to the Corporation and the Warrant Agent stating the name and address of the Warrantholder and agreeing not to use the information therein except in connection with an effort to call a meeting of Warrantholders or to influence the voting of Warrantholders at any meeting of Warrantholders.
Once an Uncertificated Warrant has been Authenticated, the information set forth in the register with respect thereto at the time of Authentication may be altered, modified, amended, supplemented or otherwise changed only to reflect exercise or proper instructions to the Warrant Agent from the holder as provided herein, except that the Warrant Agent may act unilaterally to make purely administrative changes internal to the Warrant Agent and changes to correct errors. Each person who becomes a holder of an Uncertificated Warrant, by his, her or its acquisition thereof shall be deemed to have irrevocably (a) consented to the foregoing authority of the Warrant Agent to make such error corrections and (b) agreed to pay to the Warrant Agent, promptly upon written demand, the full amount of all loss and expense (including without limitation reasonable legal fees of the Corporation and the Warrant Agent  plus interest, at an appropriate then prevailing rate of interest to the Warrant Agent, sustained by the Corporation or the Warrant Agent as a proximate result of such error if but only if and only to the extent that such present or former holder realized any benefit as a result of such error and could reasonably have prevented, forestalled or minimized such loss and expense by prompt reporting of the error or avoidance of accepting benefits thereof whether or not such error is or should have been timely detected and corrected by the Warrant Agent; provided, that no person who is a bona fide purchaser shall have any such obligation to the Corporation or to the Warrant Agent.
Issue in Substitution for Warrant Certificates Lost, etc
If any Warrant Certificate becomes mutilated or is lost, destroyed or stolen, the Corporation, subject to applicable law, shall issue and thereupon the Warrant Agent shall certify and deliver, a new Warrant Certificate of like tenor, and bearing the same legends, if applicable, as the one mutilated, lost, destroyed or stolen in exchange for and in place of and upon cancellation of such mutilated Warrant Certificate, or in lieu of and in substitution for such lost, destroyed or stolen Warrant Certificate, and the substituted Warrant Certificate shall be in a form approved by the Warrant Agent and the Warrants evidenced thereby shall be entitled to the benefits hereof and shall rank equally in accordance with its terms with all other Warrants issued or to be issued hereunder.
The applicant for the issue of a new Warrant Certificate pursuant to this Section 2.10 shall bear the cost of the issue thereof and in case of loss, destruction or theft shall, as a condition precedent to the issuance thereof, furnish to the Corporation and to the Warrant Agent such evidence of ownership and of the loss, destruction or theft of the Warrant Certificate so lost, destroyed or stolen as shall be satisfactory to the Corporation and to the Warrant Agent, in their sole discretion, and such applicant shall also be required to furnish an indemnity and surety bond in amount and form satisfactory to the Corporation and the Warrant Agent, acting reasonably, and shall pay the reasonable charges of the Corporation and the Warrant Agent in connection therewith.

Exchange of Warrant Certificates
Any one or more Warrant Certificates representing any number of Warrants may, upon compliance with the reasonable requirements of the Warrant Agent (including compliance with applicable securities legislation), be exchanged for one or more other Warrant Certificates representing the same aggregate number of Warrants, and bearing the same legends, if applicable, as represented by the Warrant Certificate or Warrant Certificates so exchanged.
Warrant Certificates may be exchanged only at the Warrant Agency or at any other place that is designated by the Corporation with the approval of the Warrant Agent. Any Warrant Certificate or duly executed Transaction Instruction from the holder (or such other instructions, in form reasonably satisfactory to the Warrant Agent), tendered for exchange shall be cancelled and surrendered by the Warrant Agency to the Warrant Agent.
Transfer and Ownership of Warrants
The Warrants may only be transferred on the register kept by the Warrant Agent at the Warrant Agency by the holder or its legal representatives or its attorney duly appointed by an instrument in writing in form and execution reasonably satisfactory to the Warrant Agent only upon: (a) in the case of a Warrant Certificate, surrendering to the Warrant Agent at the Warrant Agency the Warrant Certificates representing the Warrants to be transferred together with a duly executed transfer form in the form attached to the Warrant Certificate as set out in Schedule "A"; (b) in the case of Book Entry Warrants, in accordance with Applicable Procedures prescribed by the Depository under the book entry registration system; (c) in the case of Uncertificated Warrants, surrendering to the Warrant Agent at the Warrant Agency, a duly executed Transaction Instruction from the holder (or such other instructions, in form reasonably satisfactory to the Warrant Agent);  and (d) upon compliance with:
the conditions herein;
such reasonable requirements as the Warrant Agent may prescribe; and
all applicable securities legislation and requirements of regulatory authorities;
and such transfer shall be duly noted in such register by the Warrant Agent. Upon compliance with such requirements, the Warrant Agent shall issue to the transferee of a Certificated Warrant, a Warrant Certificate, and to the transferee of an Uncertificated Warrant, an Uncertificated Warrant (or it shall Authenticate and deliver a Certificated Warrant instead, upon request), representing the Warrants transferred and the transferee of a Book Entry Warrant shall be recorded through the relevant Book Entry Participant in accordance with the book entry registration system as the entitlement holder in respect of such Warrants.  Transfers within the systems of the Depository are not the responsibility of the Warrant Agent and will not be noted on the register maintained by the Warrant Agent.
Unless a transfer is permitted in accordance with the legend set forth in Section 2.8(3) without the requirement for the delivery of an opinion of counsel, if a Warrant Certificate tendered for transfer is to be transferred to a U.S. Person or a person located in the United States, the Warrant Agent shall not register such transfer unless the transferor has provided the Warrant Agent with the Warrant Certificate and the transferor provides an opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Corporation in form and substance satisfactory to the Corporation that the transfer is being completed pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and in compliance with applicable state laws and the U.S. Securities Act of 1933.  The Corporation or the Warrant Agent may place a U.S. legend on the certificate(s) representing the Warrant Certificate transferred. The Warrant Agent shall be entitled to request any other documents that it may reasonably require in accordance with its internal policies for the removal of the legend for the purpose of complying with U.S. securities laws set forth in Section 2.8(3).
Subject to the provisions of this Indenture and applicable law, the Warrantholder shall be entitled to the rights and privileges attaching to the Warrants, and the issue of Common Shares by the Corporation upon the exercise of Warrants in accordance with the terms and conditions herein contained shall discharge all responsibilities of the Corporation and the Warrant Agent with respect to such Warrants and neither the Corporation nor the Warrant Agent shall be bound to inquire into the title of any such holder.

Cancellation of Surrendered Warrants
All Warrant Certificates surrendered pursuant to this Indenture shall be cancelled by the Warrant Agent and all Uncertificated Warrants surrendered pursuant to this Indenture shall be deemed cancelled and so noted on the register by the Warrant Agent. Upon request by the Corporation, the Warrant Agent shall furnish to the Corporation a cancellation certificate identifying the Warrant Certificates or Uncertificated Warrants so cancelled, the number of Warrants evidenced thereby, the number of Common Shares, if any, issued pursuant to such Warrants and, in the case of surrendered Warrant Certificates, the details of any Warrant Certificates issued in substitution or exchange for such Warrant Certificates cancelled.
ARTICLE 3.    
Right of Exercise
Subject to the provisions hereof, each Registered Warrantholder may exercise the right conferred on such holder to subscribe for and purchase one Common Share for each Warrant after the Issue Date and prior to the Expiry Time and in accordance with the conditions herein.
Warrant Exercise
Registered Warrantholders of Certificated or Uncertificated Warrants who wish to exercise the Warrants held by them in order to acquire Common Shares must complete the exercise form (the " Exercise Form ") attached to the Warrant Certificate attached hereto as Schedule "A" (which may be amended by the Corporation with the consent of the Warrant Agent from time to time), and deliver such certificate(s) (or be deemed to have delivered in respect of an Uncertificated Warrant), the executed Exercise Form and a certified cheque, bank draft or money order payable to or to the order of the Corporation for the Exercise Price to the Warrant Agent at the Warrant Agency. The Warrants represented by a Warrant Certificate or the Warrants represented by an Uncertificated Warrant shall be deemed to be surrendered upon personal delivery of such certificate, Exercise Form and Exercise Price or, if such documents are sent by mail or other means of transmission, upon actual receipt thereof by the Warrant Agent at the office referred to above.
A beneficial holder of Uncertificated Warrants evidenced by a security entitlement in respect of Warrants in the book entry registration system who desires to exercise his or her Warrants must do so by causing a Book Entry Participant to deliver to the Depository on behalf of the entitlement holder, notice of the owner's intention to exercise Warrants in a manner acceptable to the Depository. Forthwith upon receipt by the Depository of such notice, as well as payment for the Exercise Price, the Depository shall deliver to the Warrant Agent confirmation of its intention to exercise Warrants (" Confirmation ") in a manner acceptable to the Warrant Agent, including by electronic means through the book entry registration system, including CDSX .  An electronic exercise of the Warrants initiated by the Book Entry Participant through a book based registration system, including CDSX, shall constitute a representation to both the Corporation and the Warrant Agent that the beneficial owner at the time of exercise of such Warrants (a) is not in the United States; (b) is not a U.S. Person and is not exercising such Warrants on behalf of a U.S. Person or a Person in the United States; and (c) did not execute or deliver the notice of the owner’s intention to exercise such Warrants in the United States.  If the Book Entry Participant is not able to make or deliver the foregoing representation by initiating the electronic exercise of the Warrants, then such Warrants shall be withdrawn from the book based registration system, including CDSX, by the Book Entry Participant and an individually registered Warrant Certificate shall be issued by the Warrant Agent to such beneficial owner or Book Entry Participant and the exercise procedures set forth in Section 3.2(1) shall be followed.
Payment representing the Exercise Price must be provided to the appropriate office of the Book Entry Participant in a manner acceptable to it. A notice in form acceptable to the Book Entry Participant and payment from such beneficial holder should be provided to the Book Entry Participant sufficiently in advance so as to permit the Book Entry Participant to deliver notice and payment to the Depository and for the Depository in turn to deliver notice and payment to the Warrant Agent prior to the Expiry Time. The Depository will initiate the exercise by way of the Confirmation and forward the Exercise Price electronically to the Warrant Agent and the Warrant Agent will execute the exercise by issuing to the Depository through the book entry registration system the Common Shares to which the exercising Warrantholder is entitled pursuant to the exercise.   Any expense associated with the exercise process will be for the account of the entitlement holder exercising the Warrants and/or the Book Entry Participant exercising the Warrants on its behalf.
By causing a Book Entry Participant to deliver notice to the Depository, a Warrantholder shall be deemed to have irrevocably surrendered his or her Warrants so exercised and appointed such Book Entry Participant to act as his or her exclusive settlement agent with respect to the exercise and the receipt of Common Shares in connection with the obligations arising from such exercise.

Any notice which the Depository determines to be incomplete, not in proper form or not duly executed shall for all purposes be void and of no effect and the exercise to which it relates shall be considered for all purposes not to have been exercised thereby. A failure by a Book Entry Participant to exercise or to give effect to the settlement thereof in accordance with the Warrantholder's instructions will not give rise to any obligations or liability on the part of the Corporation or Warrant Agent to the Book Entry Participant or the Warrantholder.
Any exercise form or Exercise Form referred to in this Section 3.2 shall be signed by the Registered Warrantholder, or its executors or administrators or other legal representatives or an attorney of the Registered Warrantholder, duly appointed by an instrument in writing satisfactory to the Warrant Agent but such exercise form need not be executed by the Depository.
Any exercise referred to in this Section 3.2 shall require that the entire Exercise Price for Common Shares subscribed for must be paid at the time of subscription and such Exercise Price and original Exercise Form executed by the Registered Warrantholder or the Confirmation from the Depository must be received by the Warrant Agent prior to the Expiry Time.
Notwithstanding the foregoing in this Section 3.2, Warrants may only be exercised pursuant to this Section 3.2 by or on behalf of a Registered Warrantholder, except the Depository or Warrantholder, as applicable, who makes the certifications set forth on the Exercise Form attached to the form of Warrant Certificate in Schedule "A".
If the form of Exercise Form set forth in the Warrant Certificate shall have been amended, the Corporation shall cause the amended Exercise Form to be forwarded to all Registered Warrantholders.
Exercise Forms and Confirmations must be delivered to the Warrant Agent at any time during the Warrant Agent's actual business hours on any Business Day prior to the Expiry Time. Any Exercise Form or Confirmations received by the Warrant Agent after business hours on any Business Day other than the Expiry Date will be deemed to have been received by the Warrant Agent on the next following Business Day.
Any Warrant with respect to which a Confirmation is not received by the Warrant Agent before the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date shall be deemed to have expired and become void and all rights with respect to such Warrants shall terminate and be cancelled.
Prohibition on Exercise by U.S. Persons; Legended Certificates
Subject to Section 3.3(2) below: (a) Warrants may not be exercised within the United States or by or on behalf of any U.S. Person; and (b) no Common Shares issued upon exercise of Warrants may be delivered to any address in the United States.
Notwithstanding Section 3.3(1), Common Shares issued upon exercise of any such Warrants may be delivered to an address in the United States, provided that the person exercising the Warrants provides in form and substance satisfactory to the Corporation a legal opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Corporation which confirms that issuance of  shares is in compliance with the applicable state laws and the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and further provided the Corporation or the Warrant Agent may place a U.S. legend on the certificate(s) representing the Common Shares issued on exercise of the Warrants provided however that in the case of a U.S. Warrantholder that is the original purchaser of Warrants and who delivered the Qualified Institutional Buyer Letter, in connection with its purchase of Units pursuant to the placement under which the Warrants were issued, such U.S. Warrantholder will not be required to deliver an opinion of counsel in connection with the due exercise of the Warrant at a time when the representations, warranties and covenants made by the U.S. Warrantholder in the Qualified Institutional Buyer Letter, as applicable, remain true and correct and the U.S. Warrantholder  represents to the Corporation as such. The Corporation shall be entitled to rely upon the registered address of the Warrantholder set forth in such Warrantholder's Qualified Institutional Buyer Letter under the Offering for the purchase of Units in determining whether the address is in the United States or the Warrantholder is a U.S. Person.
Any holder which exercises any Warrants shall provide/certify to the Corporation either:
the holder: (a) at the time of exercise of the Warrants is not in the United States; (b) is not a U.S. Person and is not exercising the Warrants on behalf of a U.S. Person; and (c) has in all other aspects complied with the terms of an "offshore transaction" within the meaning of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act;

the holder: (a) acquired the Warrants as the original purchaser of Warrants and who delivered the Qualified Institutional Buyer Letter, in connection with its purchase of Units pursuant to the placement under which the Warrants were issued; (b) is exercising the Warrants solely for its own account or for the benefit of a U.S. Person or a person in the United States for whose account such holder acquired the Warrants and for whose account such holder exercises sole investment discretion; (c) was, and any beneficial purchaser for whose account such holder acquired the Warrants and is exercising the Warrants was, a Qualified Institutional Buyer, both on the date the Warrants were purchased and on the date of exercise of the Warrants and (d) the representations and warranties made by the holder in the Qualified Institutional Buyer Letter remain true and correct and the Corporation is entitled to rely upon such representations and warranties as if made as of the date hereof; or
a written opinion of counsel of recognized standing in form and substance satisfactory to the Corporation to the effect that an exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws is available for the issuance of the Common Shares issuable on exercise of the Warrants.
Certificates representing Common Shares issued upon the exercise of Warrants which bear the legend set forth in 2.8(3) and which are issued and delivered pursuant to Section 3.3(3)(b), if applicable, and Sections 3.3(3)(c) shall bear the following legend:
Transfer Fees and Taxes
If any of the Common Shares subscribed for are to be issued to a person or persons other than the Registered Warrantholder, the Registered Warrantholder shall execute the form of transfer and will comply with such reasonable requirements as the Warrant Agent may stipulate and will pay to the Corporation or the Warrant Agent on behalf of the Corporation, all applicable transfer or similar taxes and the Corporation will not be required to issue or deliver certificates evidencing Common Shares unless or until such Warrantholder shall have paid to the Corporation or the Warrant Agent on behalf of the Corporation, the amount of such tax or shall have established to the satisfaction of the Corporation and the Warrant Agent that such tax has been paid or that no tax is due.
Warrant Agency
To facilitate the exchange, transfer or exercise of Warrants and compliance with such other terms and conditions hereof as may be required, the Corporation has appointed the Warrant Agency, as the agency at which Warrants may be surrendered for exchange or transfer or at which Warrants may be exercised and the Warrant Agent has accepted such appointment. The Corporation may from time to time designate alternate or additional places as the Warrant Agency (subject to the Warrant Agent's prior approval) and will give notice to the Warrant Agent of any proposed change of the Warrant Agency.  Branch registers shall also be kept at such other place or places, if any, as the Corporation, with the approval of the Warrant Agent, may designate. The Warrant Agent will from time to time when requested to do so by the Corporation or any Registered Warrantholder, upon payment of the Warrant Agent's reasonable charges, furnish a list of the names and addresses of Registered Warrantholders showing the number of Warrants held by each such Registered Warrantholder.

Effect of Exercise of Warrant Certificates
Upon the exercise of Warrants Certificates pursuant to and in compliance with Section 3.2 and subject to Sections 3.3 and 3.4, the Common Shares to be issued pursuant to the Warrants exercised shall be deemed to have been issued and the person or persons to whom such Common Shares are to be issued shall be deemed to have become the holder or holders of such Common Shares within five Business Days and, in respect of Warrants, they will be deemed to become the holders of record on the Exercise Date, unless the transfer registers of the Corporation shall be closed on such date, in which case the Common Shares subscribed for shall be deemed to have been issued and such person or persons deemed to have become the holder or holders of record of such Common Shares, on the date on which such transfer registers are reopened. It is hereby understood that in order for holders to be holders of Warrants on record on an Exercise Date,  beneficial holders must commence the exercise process sufficiently in advance so that the Warrant Agent is in receipt of all items of exercise at least one Business Day prior to such Exercise Date.
Within five Business Days after the Exercise Date, the Warrant Agent shall cause to be delivered or mailed to the person or persons in whose name or names the Warrant is registered or, if so specified in writing by the holder, cause to be delivered to such person or persons at the Warrant Agency where the Warrant Certificate was surrendered, a certificate or certificates for the appropriate number of Common Shares subscribed for, or any other appropriate evidence of the issuance of Common Shares to such person or persons in respect of Common Shares issued under the book-entry registration system.
Partial Exercise of Warrants; Fractions
The holder of any Warrants may exercise his right to acquire a number of whole Common Shares less than the aggregate number which the holder is entitled to acquire. In the event of any exercise of a number of Warrants less than the number which the holder is entitled to exercise, the holder of Warrants upon such exercise shall, in addition, be entitled to receive, without charge therefor, a new Warrant Certificate(s), bearing the same legend, if applicable, or other appropriate evidence of Warrants, in respect of the balance of the Warrants held by such holder after such partial exercise.
Notwithstanding anything herein contained including any adjustment provided for in Article 4, the Corporation shall not be required, upon the exercise of any Warrants, to issue fractions of Common Shares nor to  pay cash in lieu of the issuance of factions of Common Shares. Warrants may only be exercised in a sufficient number to acquire whole numbers of Common Shares.
Expiration of Warrants
Immediately after the Expiry Time, all rights under any Warrant in respect of which the right of acquisition provided for herein shall not have been exercised shall cease and terminate and each Warrant shall be void and of no further force or effect.
Accounting and Recording
The Warrant Agent shall promptly account to the Corporation with respect to Warrants exercised. Any securities or other instruments, from time to time received by the Warrant Agent, shall be received in trust for the Warrantholders and the Corporation as their interests may appear, and shall accordingly be segregated and kept apart by the Warrant Agent.
The Warrant Agent shall record the particulars of Warrants exercised, which particulars shall include the names and addresses of the persons who become holders of Common Shares on exercise and the Exercise Date, in respect thereof. The Warrant Agent shall provide such particulars in writing to the Corporation within 5 Business Days of any request by the Corporation therefore.
Securities Restrictions
Notwithstanding anything herein contained, Common Shares will be issued upon exercise of a Warrant only in compliance with the securities laws of any applicable jurisdiction.

ARTICLE 4.    
Adjustment of Number of Common Shares and Exercise Price
The number of Common Shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrants shall be subject to adjustment from time to time as follows:

if, at any time during the Adjustment Period, the Corporation shall:
subdivide, re-divide or change its outstanding Common Shares into a greater number of Common Shares;
reduce, combine or consolidate its outstanding Common Shares into a lesser number of Common Shares;
issue Common Shares or securities exchangeable for, or convertible into, Common Shares to all or substantially all of the holders of Common Shares by way of stock dividend, distribution or otherwise (other than a distribution of Common Shares upon the exercise of Warrants or other convertible securities);
the Exercise Price in effect on the effective date of such subdivision, re-division, change, reduction, combination, consolidation or on the record date of such stock dividend, distribution, as the case may be, shall in the case of the events referred to in (i) or (iii) above be decreased in proportion to the number of outstanding Common Shares resulting from such subdivision, re-division, change or distribution, or shall, in the case of the events referred to in (ii) above, be increased in proportion to the number of outstanding Common Shares resulting from such reduction, combination or consolidation. Such adjustment shall be made successively whenever any event referred to in this Section 4.1(a) shall occur. Upon any adjustment of the Exercise Price pursuant to this Section 4.1(a), the Exchange Rate shall be contemporaneously adjusted by multiplying the number of Common Shares theretofore obtainable on the exercise thereof by a fraction of which the numerator shall be the Exercise Price in effect immediately prior to such adjustment and the denominator shall be the Exercise Price resulting from such adjustment;
if and whenever at any time during the Adjustment Period, the Corporation shall fix a record date for the issuance of rights, options or warrants to all or substantially all the holders of its outstanding Common Shares entitling them, for a period expiring not more than 45 days after such record date, to subscribe for or purchase Common Shares (or securities convertible or exchangeable into Common Shares) at a price per Common Share (or having a conversion or exchange price per Common Share) less than 95% of the Current Market Price on such record date (a " Rights Offering "), the Exercise Price shall be adjusted immediately after such record date so that it shall equal the amount determined by multiplying the Exercise Price in effect on such record date by a fraction, of which the numerator shall be the total number of Common Shares outstanding on such record date plus a number of Common Shares equal to the number arrived at by dividing the aggregate price of the total number of additional Common Shares offered for subscription or purchase (or the aggregate conversion or exchange price of the convertible or exchangeable securities so offered) by such Current Market Price, and of which the denominator shall be the total number of Common Shares outstanding on such record date plus the total number of additional Common Shares offered for subscription or purchase or into which the convertible or exchangeable securities so offered are convertible or exchangeable; any Common Shares owned by or held for the account of the Corporation shall be deemed not to be outstanding for the purpose of any such computation; such adjustment shall be made successively whenever such a record date is fixed; to the extent that no such rights or warrants are exercised prior to the expiration thereof, the Exercise Price shall be readjusted to the Exercise Price which would then be in effect if such record date had not been fixed or, if any such rights or warrants are exercised, to the Exercise Price which would then be in effect based upon the number of Common Shares (or securities convertible or exchangeable into Common Shares) actually issued upon the exercise of such rights or warrants, as the case may be.  Upon any adjustment of the Exercise Price pursuant to this Section 4.1(b), the Exchange Rate will, subject to approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange, be adjusted immediately prior to such record date so that it will equal the rate determined by multiplying the Exchange Rate in effect on such record date by a fraction, of which the numerator shall be the Exercise Price in effect immediately prior to such adjustment and the denominator shall be the Exercise Price resulting from such adjustment.  Such adjustment will be made successively whenever such a record date is fixed, provided that if two or more such record dates or record dates referred to in this Section 4.1(b) are fixed within a period of 25 Trading Days, such adjustment will be made successively as if each of such record dates occurred on the earliest of such record dates;

if and whenever at any time during the Adjustment Period the Corporation shall fix a record date for the making of a distribution to all or substantially all the holders of its outstanding Common Shares of (a) securities of any class, whether of the Corporation or any other trust (other than Common Shares); (b) rights, options or warrants to subscribe for or purchase Common Shares (or other securities convertible into or exchangeable for Common Shares), other than pursuant to a Rights Offering; (c) evidences of its indebtedness; or (d) any property or other assets then, in each such case, the Exercise Price shall be adjusted immediately after such record date so that it shall equal the price determined by multiplying the Exercise Price in effect on such record date by a fraction, of which the numerator shall be the total number of Common Shares outstanding on such record date multiplied by the Current Market Price on such record date, less the excess, if any, of the fair market value on such record date, as determined by the Corporation (subject to the prior approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange or any stock exchange on which the Common Shares or Warrants may be listed for trading), of such securities or other assets so issued or distributed over the fair market value of any consideration received therefor by the Corporation from the holders of the Common Shares, and of which the denominator shall be the total number of Common Shares outstanding on such record date multiplied by such Current Market Price; and Common Shares owned by or held for the account of the Corporation shall be deemed not to be outstanding for the purpose of any such computation; such adjustment shall be made successively whenever such a record date is fixed; to the extent that such distribution is not so made, the Exercise Price shall be readjusted to the Exercise Price which would then be in effect if such record date had not been fixed. Upon any adjustment of the Exercise Price pursuant to this Section 4.1(c), the Exchange Rate will be adjusted immediately after such record date so that it will equal the rate determined by multiplying the Exchange Rate in effect on such record date by a fraction, of which the numerator shall be the Exercise Price in effect immediately prior to such adjustment and the denominator shall be the Exercise Price resulting from such adjustment;
if and whenever at any time during the Adjustment Period, there is a reclassification of the Common Shares or a capital reorganization of the Corporation other than as described in Section 4.1(a) or a consolidation, amalgamation, arrangement or merger of the Corporation with or into any other body corporate, trust, partnership or other entity, or a sale or conveyance of the property and assets of the Corporation as an entirety or substantially as an entirety to any other body corporate, trust, partnership or other entity, any Registered Warrantholder who has not exercised its right of acquisition prior to the effective date of such reclassification, capital reorganization, consolidation, amalgamation, arrangement or merger, sale or conveyance, upon the exercise of such right thereafter, shall be entitled to receive upon payment of the Exercise Price and shall accept, in lieu of the number of Common Shares that prior to such effective date the Registered Warrantholder would have been entitled to receive, the number of shares or other securities or property of the Corporation or of the body corporate, trust, partnership or other entity resulting from such merger, amalgamation or consolidation, or to which such sale or conveyance may be made, as the case may be, that such Registered Warrantholder would have been entitled to receive on such reclassification, capital reorganization, consolidation, amalgamation, arrangement or merger, sale or conveyance, if, on the effective date thereof, as the case may be, the Registered Warrantholder had been the registered holder of the number of Common Shares to which prior to such effective date it was entitled to acquire upon the exercise of the Warrants. If determined appropriate by the Warrant Agent, relying on advice of Counsel,  to give effect to or to evidence the provisions of this Section 4.1(d), the Corporation, its successor, or such purchasing body corporate, partnership, trust or other entity, as the case may be, shall, prior to or contemporaneously with any such reclassification, capital reorganization, consolidation, amalgamation, arrangement, merger, sale or conveyance, enter into an indenture which shall provide, to the extent possible, for the application of the provisions set forth in this Indenture with respect to the rights and interests thereafter of the Registered Warrantholders to the end that the provisions set forth in this Indenture shall thereafter correspondingly be made applicable, as nearly as may reasonably be, with respect to any shares, other securities or property to which a Registered Warrantholder is entitled on the exercise of its acquisition rights thereafter. Any indenture entered into between the Corporation and the Warrant Agent pursuant to the provisions of this Section 4.1(d) shall be a supplemental indenture entered into pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 hereof. Any indenture entered into between the Corporation, any successor to the Corporation or such purchasing body corporate, partnership, trust or other entity and the Warrant Agent shall provide for adjustments which shall be as nearly equivalent as may be practicable to the adjustments provided in this Section 4.1 and which shall apply to successive reclassifications, capital reorganizations, amalgamations, consolidations, mergers, sales or conveyances;
in any case in which this Section 4.1 shall require that an adjustment shall become effective immediately after a record date for an event referred to herein, the Corporation may defer, until the occurrence of such event, issuing to the Registered Warrantholder of any Warrant exercised after such event the additional Common Shares issuable upon such conversion by reason of the adjustment required by such event before giving effect to such adjustment; provided, however, that the Corporation shall deliver to such Registered Warrantholder an appropriate instrument evidencing such Registered Warrantholder's right to receive such additional Common Shares upon the occurrence of the event requiring such adjustment and the right to receive any distributions made on such additional Common Shares declared in favour of holders of record of Common Shares on and after the relevant date of exercise or such later date as such Registered Warrantholder would, but for the provisions of this Section 4.1(e), have become the holder of record of such additional Common Shares pursuant to Section 4.1;

in any case in which Section 4.1(a)(iii), 4.1(b) or 4.1(c) require that an adjustment be made to the Exercise Price, no such adjustment shall be made if the Registered Warrantholders of the outstanding Warrants receive, subject to the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange if required, the rights or warrants referred to in Section 4.1(a)(iii), 4.1(b) or the shares, rights, options, warrants, evidences of indebtedness or assets referred to in Section 4.1(c), as the case may be, in such kind and number as they would have received if they had been holders of Common Shares on the applicable record date or effective date, as the case may be, by virtue of their outstanding Warrant having then been exercised into Common Shares at the Exercise Price in effect on the applicable record date or effective date, as the case may be;
the adjustments provided for in this Section 4.1 are cumulative, and shall, in the case of adjustments to the Exercise Price be computed to the nearest whole cent and shall apply to successive subdivisions, re-divisions, reductions, combinations, consolidations, distributions, issues or other events resulting in any adjustment under the provisions of this Section 4.1, provided that, notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, no adjustment of the Exercise Price shall be required unless such adjustment would require an increase or decrease of at least 1% in the Exercise Price then in effect; provided, however, that any adjustments which by reason of this Section 4.1(g) are not required to be made shall be carried forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment; and
after any adjustment pursuant to this Section 4.1, the term " Common Shares " where used in this Indenture shall be interpreted to mean securities of any class or classes which, as a result of such adjustment and all prior adjustments pursuant to this Section 4.1, the Registered Warrantholder is entitled to receive upon the exercise of their Warrant, and the number of Common Shares indicated by any exercise made pursuant to a Warrant shall be interpreted to mean the number of Common Shares or other property or securities a Registered Warrantholder is entitled to receive, as a result of such adjustment and all prior adjustments pursuant to this Section 4.1, upon the full exercise of a Warrant.
Entitlement to Common Shares on Exercise of Warrant
All Common Shares or shares of any class or other securities, which a Registered Warrantholder is at the time in question entitled to receive on the exercise of their Warrant, whether or not as a result of adjustments made pursuant to this Article 4, shall, for the purposes of the interpretation of this Indenture, be deemed to be Common Shares which such Registered Warrantholder is entitled to acquire pursuant to such Warrant.
No Adjustment for Certain Transactions
Notwithstanding anything in this Article 4, no adjustment shall be made in the acquisition rights attached to the Warrants if the issue of Common Shares is being made pursuant to this Indenture or in connection with (a) any share incentive plan or restricted share plan or share purchase plan in force from time to time for directors, officers, employees, consultants or other service providers of the Corporation; or (b) the satisfaction of existing instruments issued at the date hereof.
Determination by Auditors
In the event of any question arising with respect to the adjustments provided for in this Article 4 such question shall be conclusively determined by an independent firm of recognized chartered accountants selected by the Warrant Agent acting reasonably (other than the Auditors), who shall have access to all necessary records of the Corporation, and such determination shall be binding upon the Corporation, the Warrant Agent, all holders and all other persons interested therein.
Proceedings Prior to any Action Requiring Adjustment
As a condition precedent to the taking of any action which would require an adjustment in any of the acquisition rights pursuant to any of the Warrants, including the number of Common Shares which are to be received upon the exercise thereof, the Corporation shall take any action which may, in the opinion of Counsel, be necessary in order that the Corporation has unissued and reserved in its authorized capital and may validly and legally issue as fully paid and non-assessable all the Common Shares which the holders of such Warrants are entitled to receive on the full exercise thereof in accordance with the provisions hereof.

Certificate of Adjustment
The Corporation shall from time to time immediately after the occurrence of any event which requires an adjustment or readjustment as provided in this Article 4, deliver a certificate of the Corporation to the Warrant Agent specifying the nature of the event requiring the same and the amount of the adjustment or readjustment necessitated thereby and setting forth in reasonable detail the method of calculation and the facts upon which such calculation is based, which certificate shall be supported by a certificate of the Corporation's Auditors verifying such calculation. The Warrant Agent shall rely, and shall be protected in so doing, upon the certificate of the Corporation or of the Corporation's Auditor and any other document filed by the Corporation pursuant to this Article 4 for all purposes.
Notice of Special Matters
The Corporation covenants with the Warrant Agent that, so long as any Warrant remains outstanding, it will give notice to the Warrant Agent and to the Registered Warrantholders of its intention to fix a record date that is prior to the Expiry Date for any matter for which an adjustment may be required pursuant to Section 4.1. Such notice shall specify the particulars of such event and the record date for such event, provided that the Corporation shall only be required to specify in the notice such particulars of the event as shall have been fixed and determined on the date on which the notice is given. The notice shall be given in each case not less than 14 days prior to such applicable record date. If notice has been given and the adjustment is not then determinable, the Corporation shall promptly, after the adjustment is determinable, file with the Warrant Agent a computation of the adjustment and give notice to the Registered Warrantholders of such adjustment computation.
No Action after Notice
The Corporation covenants with the Warrant Agent that it will not close its transfer books or take any other corporate action which might deprive the Registered Warrantholder of the opportunity to exercise its right of acquisition pursuant thereto during the period of 14 days after the giving of the certificate or notices set forth in Sections 4.6 and 4.7.
Other Action
If the Corporation, after the date hereof, shall take any action affecting the Common Shares other than actions described in this Article 4, which in the reasonable opinion of the directors of the Corporation would materially affect the rights of Registered Warrantholders, the Exercise Price and/or the Exchange Rate, there shall be an adjustment in such manner, if any, and at such time, by action of the directors, acting reasonably and in good faith, as they may reasonably determine to be equitable to the Registered Warrantholders in such circumstances, provided that no such adjustment will be made unless prior approval of any stock exchange on which the Common Shares or Warrants may be listed for trading has been obtained.
Protection of Warrant Agent
The Warrant Agent shall not:

at any time be under any duty or responsibility to any Registered Warrantholder to determine whether any facts exist which may require any adjustment contemplated by Section 4.1, or with respect to the nature or extent of any such adjustment when made, or with respect to the method employed in making the same;
be accountable with respect to the validity or value (or the kind or amount) of any Common Shares or of any other securities or property which may at any time be issued or delivered upon the exercise of the rights attaching to any Warrant;
be responsible for any failure of the Corporation to issue, transfer or deliver Common Shares or certificates for the same upon the surrender of any Warrants for the purpose of the exercise of such rights or to comply with any of the covenants contained in this Article; and
incur any liability or be in any way responsible for the consequences of any breach on the part of the Corporation of any of the representations, warranties or covenants herein contained or of any acts of the directors, officers, employees, agents or servants of the Corporation.

Participation by Warrantholder
No adjustments shall be made pursuant to this Article 4 if the Registered Warrantholders are entitled to participate in any event described in this Article 4 on the same terms, mutatis mutandis, as if the Registered Warrantholders had exercised their Warrants prior to, or on the effective date or record date of, such event.
ARTICLE 5.    
Optional Purchases by the Corporation
Subject to compliance with applicable securities legislation and approval of applicable regulatory authorities, the Corporation may from time to time purchase , by invitation for tender, in the open market, by private contract or otherwise any of the Warrants then outstanding. Any such purchase may be made in such manner, from such persons and on such other terms as the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may determine. In the case of Certificated Warrants, Warrant Certificates representing the Warrants purchased pursuant to this Section 5.1 shall forthwith be delivered to and cancelled by the Warrant Agent. In the case of Uncertificated Warrants, the Warrants purchased pursuant to this Section 5.1 shall be cancelled and reflected accordingly in accordance with Applicable Procedures prescribed by the Depository under the book entry registration system. No Warrants shall be issued in replacement thereof.
General Covenants
The Corporation covenants with the Warrant Agent that so long as any Warrants remain outstanding:
it will reserve and keep available a sufficient number of Common Shares for the purpose of enabling it to satisfy its obligations to issue Common Shares upon the exercise of the Warrants;
it will cause the Common Shares from time to time acquired pursuant to the exercise of the Warrants to be duly issued and delivered in accordance with the Warrants and the terms hereof;
all Common Shares which shall be issued upon exercise of the right to acquire provided for herein shall be fully paid and non-assessable;
it will use reasonable commercial efforts to ensure that the Common Shares issuable on the exercise of the Warrants continue to be or are listed and posted for trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange (or such other Canadian stock exchange acceptable to the Corporation), provided that this clause shall not be construed as limiting or restricting the Corporation to agree to a consolidation, amalgamation, arrangement, takeover bid or merger even if the consideration being offered are not securities that are so listed and posted for trading;
it will use reasonable commercial efforts to make all requisite filings under applicable Canadian and US securities legislation including those necessary to remain a reporting issuer not in default in each of the provinces and other jurisdictions where it is or becomes a reporting issuer; and
generally, it will well and truly perform and carry out all of the acts or things to be done by it as provided in this Indenture.
Warrant Agent's Remuneration and Expenses
The Corporation covenants that it will pay to the Warrant Agent from time to time reasonable remuneration for its services hereunder and will pay or reimburse the Warrant Agent upon its request for all reasonable expenses, disbursements and advances incurred or made by the Warrant Agent in the administration or execution of the trusts hereby created (including the reasonable compensation and the disbursements of its Counsel and all other advisers and assistants not regularly in its employ) both before any default hereunder and thereafter until all duties of the Warrant Agent hereunder shall be finally and fully performed, except for any expense, disbursement or advance that arises out of or results from the Warrant Agent's gross negligence, willful misconduct or bad faith. Any amount owing hereunder and remaining unpaid after 30 days from the invoice date will bear interest at the then current rate charged by the Warrant Agent against unpaid invoices and shall be payable upon demand. This Section shall survive the resignation of the Warrant Agent and/or the termination of this Indenture.
Performance of Covenants by Warrant Agent
If the Corporation shall fail to perform any of its covenants contained in this Indenture, the Warrant Agent may notify the Registered Warrantholders of such failure on the part of the Corporation or may itself perform any of the covenants capable of being performed by it but, subject to Section 9.2, shall be under no obligation to perform said covenants or to notify the Registered Warrantholders of such performance by it. All sums expended or advanced by the Warrant Agent in so doing shall be repayable as provided in Section 5.3. No such performance, expenditure or advance by the Warrant Agent shall relieve the Corporation of any default hereunder or of its continuing obligations under the covenants herein contained.

Enforceability of Warrants
The Corporation covenants and agrees that it is duly authorized to create and issue the Warrants to be issued hereunder and that the Warrants, when issued and Authenticated as herein provided, will be valid and enforceable against the Corporation in accordance with the provisions hereof and the terms hereof and that, subject to the provisions of this Indenture, the Corporation will cause the Common Shares from time to time acquired upon exercise of Warrants issued under this Indenture to be duly issued and delivered in accordance with the terms of this Indenture.
U.S. Securities Matters
The Corporation represents and warrants that it is filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") as a Foreign Private Issuer (as such term is defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) and has delivered to the Warrant Agent an Officers' Certificate certifying such "reporting issuer" status and other information as the Warrant Agent has requested, including, but not limited to, the Central Index Key that has been assigned for filing purposes.  Should the Corporation cease to file as a Foreign Private Issuer, the Corporation covenants to deliver to the Warrant Agent an Officers' Certificate (in a form provided by the Warrant Agent) certifying a change in "reporting issuer" status and such other information as the Warrant Agent may require at such given time.  The Corporation understands that the Warrant Agent is relying upon the foregoing representation, warranty and covenants in order to meet certain SEC obligations with respect to those clients who are filing with the SEC.
ARTICLE 6.    
Suits by Registered Warrantholders
All or any of the rights conferred upon any Registered Warrantholder by any of the terms of this Indenture may be enforced by the Registered Warrantholder by appropriate proceedings but without prejudice to the right which is hereby conferred upon the Warrant Agent to proceed in its own name to enforce each and all of the provisions herein contained for the benefit of the Registered Warrantholders.
Suits by the Corporation
The Corporation shall have the right to enforce full payment of the Exercise Price of all Common Shares issued by the Warrant Agent to a Registered Warrantholder hereunder and shall be entitled to demand such payment from the Registered Warrantholder or alternatively to instruct the Warrant Agent to cancel the share certificates and amend the securities register accordingly.
Immunity of Shareholders, etc
The Warrant Agent and the Warrantholders hereby waive and release any right, cause of action or remedy now or hereafter existing in any jurisdiction against any incorporator or any past, present or future shareholder, trustee, employee or agent of the Corporation or any successor Corporation on any covenant, agreement, representation or warranty by the Corporation herein.
Waiver of Default
Upon the happening of any default hereunder:
the Registered Warrantholders of not less than 51% of the Warrants then outstanding shall have power (in addition to the powers exercisable by Extraordinary Resolution) by requisition in writing to instruct the Warrant Agent to waive any default hereunder and the Warrant Agent shall thereupon waive the default upon such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed in such requisition; or
subject to Subsection 6.4 (a) the Warrant Agent shall have power to waive any default hereunder upon such terms and conditions as the Warrant Agent may deem advisable, on the advice of Counsel, if, in the Warrant Agent's opinion, based on the advice of Counsel, the same shall have been cured or adequate provision made therefor;

provided that no delay or omission of the Warrant Agent or of the Registered Warrantholders to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such default or acquiescence therein and provided further that no act or omission either of the Warrant Agent or of the Registered Warrantholders in the premises shall extend to or be taken in any manner whatsoever to affect any subsequent default hereunder of the rights resulting therefrom.
ARTICLE 7.    
Right to Convene Meetings
The Warrant Agent may at any time and from time to time, and shall on receipt of a written request of the Corporation or of a Warrantholders' Request and upon being indemnified and funded to its reasonable satisfaction by the Corporation or by the Registered Warrantholders signing such Warrantholders' Request against the costs which may be incurred in connection with the calling and holding of such meeting, convene a meeting of the Registered Warrantholders. If the Warrant Agent fails to so call a meeting within seven days after receipt of such written request of the Corporation or such Warrantholders' Request and the indemnity and funding given as aforesaid, the Corporation or such Registered Warrantholders, as the case may be, may convene such meeting. Every such meeting shall be held in the City of Vancouver or at such other place as may be approved or determined by the Warrant Agent.
At least 21 days' prior written notice of any meeting of Registered Warrantholders shall be given to the Registered Warrantholders in the manner provided for in Section 10.2 and a copy of such notice shall be sent by mail to the Warrant Agent (unless the meeting has been called by the Warrant Agent) and to the Corporation (unless the meeting has been called by the Corporation). Such notice shall state the time when and the place where the meeting is to be held, shall state briefly the general nature of the business to be transacted thereat and shall contain such information as is reasonably necessary to enable the Registered Warrantholders to make a reasoned decision on the matter, but it shall not be necessary for any such notice to set out the terms of any resolution to be proposed or any of the provisions of this Section 7.2.
An individual (who need not be a Registered Warrantholder) designated in writing by the Warrant Agent shall be chairman of the meeting and if no individual is so designated, or if the individual so designated is not present within fifteen minutes from the time fixed for the holding of the meeting, the Registered Warrantholders present in person or by proxy shall choose an individual present to be chairman.
Subject to the provisions of Section 7.11, at any meeting of the Registered Warrantholders a quorum shall consist of Registered Warrantholder(s) present in person or by proxy and holding at least 25% of the aggregate number of the then outstanding Warrants. If a quorum of the Registered Warrantholders shall not be present within thirty minutes from the time fixed for holding any meeting, the meeting, if summoned by Registered Warrantholders or on a Warrantholders' Request, shall be dissolved; but in any other case the meeting shall be adjourned to the same day in the next week (unless such day is not a Business Day, in which case it shall be adjourned to the next following Business Day) at the same time and place and no notice of the adjournment need be given. Any business may be brought before or dealt with at an adjourned meeting which might have been dealt with at the original meeting in accordance with the notice calling the same. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum be present at the commencement of business. At the adjourned meeting the Registered Warrantholders present in person or by proxy shall form a quorum and may transact the business for which the meeting was originally convened, notwithstanding that they may not be entitled to acquire at least 50% of the aggregate number of Common Shares which may be acquired pursuant to all then outstanding Warrants.
Power to Adjourn
The chairman of any meeting at which a quorum of the Registered Warrantholders is present may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn any such meeting, and no notice of such adjournment need be given except such notice, if any, as the meeting may prescribe.

Show of Hands
Every question submitted to a meeting shall be decided in the first place by a majority of the votes given on a show of hands except that votes on an Extraordinary Resolution shall be given in the manner hereinafter provided. At any such meeting, unless a poll is duly demanded as herein provided, a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has been carried or carried unanimously or by a particular majority or lost or not carried by a particular majority shall be conclusive evidence of the fact.
Poll and Voting
On every Extraordinary Resolution, and on any other question submitted to a meeting and after a vote by show of hands when demanded by the chairman or by one or more of the Registered Warrantholders acting in person or by proxy and holding in the aggregate at least 5% of the Warrants then outstanding, a poll shall be taken in such manner as the chairman shall direct. Questions other than those required to be determined by Extraordinary Resolution shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast on the poll.
On a show of hands, every person who is present and entitled to vote, whether as a Registered Warrantholder or as proxy for one or more absent Registered Warrantholders, or both, shall have one vote. On a poll, each Registered Warrantholder present in person or represented by a proxy duly appointed by instrument in writing shall be entitled to one vote in respect of each Warrant then held or represented by it. A proxy need not be a Registered Warrantholder. The chairman of any meeting shall be entitled, both on a show of hands and on a poll, to vote in respect of the Warrants, if any, held or represented by him.
The Warrant Agent, or the Corporation with the approval of the Warrant Agent, may from time to time make and from time to time vary such regulations as it shall think fit for:
the setting of the record date for a meeting for the purpose of determining Registered Warrantholders entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the meeting;
the form of the instrument of proxy; and
generally for the calling of meetings of Registered Warrantholders and the conduct of business thereat.
Any regulations so made shall be binding and effective and the votes given in accordance therewith shall be valid and shall be counted. Save as such regulations may provide, the only persons who shall be recognized at any meeting as a Registered Warrantholder, or be entitled to vote or be present at the meeting in respect thereof (subject to Section 7.9), shall be Registered Warrantholders or proxies of Registered Warrantholders.
Corporation and Warrant Agent May be Represented
The Corporation and the Warrant Agent, by their respective directors, officers agents, and employees and Counsel for the Corporation and for the Warrant Agent may attend any meeting of the Registered Warrantholders.
Powers Exercisable by Extraordinary Resolution
In addition to all other powers conferred upon them by any other provisions of this Indenture or by law, the Registered Warrantholders at a meeting shall, subject to the provisions of Section 7.11, have the power exercisable from time to time by Extraordinary Resolution:

to agree to any modification, abrogation, alteration, compromise or arrangement of the rights of Registered Warrantholders or the Warrant Agent in its capacity as warrant agent hereunder (subject to the Warrant Agent's prior consent, acting reasonably) or on behalf of the Registered Warrantholders against the Corporation whether such rights arise under this Indenture or otherwise;
to amend, alter or repeal any Extraordinary Resolution previously passed or sanctioned by the Registered Warrantholders;
to direct or to authorize the Warrant Agent, subject to Section 9.2(2) hereof, to enforce any of the covenants on the part of the Corporation contained in this Indenture or to enforce any of the rights of the Registered Warrantholders in any manner specified in such Extraordinary Resolution or to refrain from enforcing any such covenant or right;

to waive, and to direct the Warrant Agent to waive, any default on the part of the Corporation in complying with any provisions of this Indenture either unconditionally or upon any conditions specified in such Extraordinary Resolution;
to restrain any Registered Warrantholder from taking or instituting any suit, action or proceeding against the Corporation for the enforcement of any of the covenants on the part of the Corporation in this Indenture or to enforce any of the rights of the Registered Warrantholders;
to direct any Registered Warrantholder who, as such, has brought any suit, action or proceeding to stay or to discontinue or otherwise to deal with the same upon payment of the costs, charges and expenses reasonably and properly incurred by such Registered Warrantholder in connection therewith;
to assent to any change in or omission from the provisions contained in this Indenture or any ancillary or supplemental instrument which may be agreed to by the Corporation, and to authorize the Warrant Agent to concur in and execute any ancillary or supplemental indenture embodying the change or omission;
with the consent of the Corporation, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, to remove the Warrant Agent or its successor in office and to appoint a new warrant agent or warrant agents to take the place of the Warrant Agent so removed; and
to assent to any compromise or arrangement with any creditor or creditors or any class or classes of creditors, whether secured or otherwise, and with holders of any shares or other securities of the Corporation.
Meaning of Extraordinary Resolution
The expression " Extraordinary Resolution " when used in this Indenture means, subject as hereinafter provided in this Section 7.11 and in Section 7.14, a resolution proposed at a meeting of Registered Warrantholders duly convened for that purpose and held in accordance with the provisions of this Article 7 at which there are present in person or by proxy Registered Warrantholders holding at least 25% of the aggregate number of Warrants then outstanding and passed by the affirmative votes of Registered Warrantholders holding not less than two-thirds of  the  Warrants then outstanding at the meeting and voted on the poll upon such resolution.
If, at the meeting at which an Extraordinary Resolution is to be considered, Registered Warrantholders holding at least 25% of the aggregate number of Warrants then outstanding are not present in person or by proxy within 30 minutes after the time appointed for the meeting, then the meeting, if convened by Registered Warrantholders or on a Warrantholders' Request, shall be dissolved; but in any other case it shall stand adjourned to such day, being not less than 15 or more than 60 days later, and to such place and time as may be appointed by the chairman. Not less than 14 days' prior notice shall be given of the time and place of such adjourned meeting in the manner provided for in Section 10.2. Such notice shall state that at the adjourned meeting the Registered Warrantholders present in person or by proxy shall form a quorum but it shall not be necessary to set forth the purposes for which the meeting was originally called or any other particulars. At the adjourned meeting the Registered Warrantholders present in person or by proxy shall form a quorum and may transact the business for which the meeting was originally convened and a resolution proposed at such adjourned meeting and passed by the requisite vote as provided in Section 7.11(1) shall be an Extraordinary Resolution within the meaning of this Indenture notwithstanding that Registered Warrantholders entitled to acquire at least 25% of the aggregate number of Common Shares which may be acquired pursuant to all the then outstanding Warrants are not present in person or by proxy at such adjourned meeting.
Subject to Section 7.14, votes on an Extraordinary Resolution shall always be given on a poll and no demand for a poll on an Extraordinary Resolution shall be necessary.
Powers Cumulative
Any one or more of the powers or any combination of the powers in this Indenture stated to be exercisable by the Registered Warrantholders by Extraordinary Resolution or otherwise may be exercised from time to time and the exercise of any one or more of such powers or any combination of powers from time to time shall not be deemed to exhaust the right of the Registered Warrantholders to exercise such power or powers or combination of powers then or thereafter from time to time.
Minutes of all resolutions and proceedings at every meeting of Registered Warrantholders shall be made and duly entered in books to be provided from time to time for that purpose by the Warrant Agent at the expense of the Corporation, and any such minutes as aforesaid, if signed by the chairman or the secretary of the meeting at which such resolutions were passed or proceedings had shall be prima facie evidence of the matters therein stated and, until the contrary is proved, every such meeting in respect of the proceedings of which minutes shall have been made shall be deemed to have been duly convened and held, and all resolutions passed thereat or proceedings taken shall be deemed to have been duly passed and taken.

Instruments in Writing
All actions which may be taken and all powers that may be exercised by the Registered Warrantholders at a meeting held as provided in this Article may also be taken and exercised by Registered Warrantholders holding at least two-thirds of the aggregate number of Warrants then outstanding by an instrument in writing signed in one or more counterparts by such Registered Warrantholders in person or by attorney duly appointed in writing, and the expression "Extraordinary Resolution" when used in this Indenture shall include an instrument so signed.
Binding Effect of Resolutions
Every resolution and every Extraordinary Resolution passed in accordance with the provisions of this Indenture at a meeting of Registered Warrantholders shall be binding upon all the Warrantholders, whether present at or absent from such meeting, and every instrument in writing signed by Registered Warrantholders in accordance with Section 7.14 shall be binding upon all the Warrantholders, whether signatories thereto or not, and each and every Warrantholder and the Warrant Agent (subject to the provisions for indemnity herein contained) shall be bound to give effect accordingly to every such resolution and instrument in writing.
Holdings by Corporation Disregarded
In determining whether Registered Warrantholders holding Warrants evidencing the entitlement to acquire the required number of Common Shares are present at a meeting of Registered Warrantholders for the purpose of determining a quorum or have concurred in any consent, waiver, Extraordinary Resolution, Warrantholders' Request or other action under this Indenture, Warrants owned legally or beneficially by the Corporation shall be disregarded in accordance with the provisions of Section 10.6.
ARTICLE 8.    
Provision for Supplemental Indentures for Certain Purposes
From time to time, the Corporation (when authorized by action of the directors) and the Warrant Agent may, subject to the provisions hereof and they shall, when so directed in accordance with the provisions hereof, execute and deliver by their proper officers, indentures or instruments supplemental hereto, which thereafter shall form part hereof, for any one or more or all of the following purposes:

setting forth any adjustments resulting from the application of the provisions of Article 4;
adding to the provisions hereof such additional covenants and enforcement provisions as, in the opinion of Counsel, are necessary or advisable in the premises, provided that the same are not in the opinion of the Warrant Agent, relying on the advice of Counsel, prejudicial to the interests of the Registered Warrantholders;
giving effect to any Extraordinary Resolution passed as provided in Section 7.11 or Section 7.14;
making such provisions not inconsistent with this Indenture as may be necessary or desirable with respect to matters or questions arising hereunder or for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining a listing or quotation of the Warrants on any stock exchange, provided that such provisions are not, in the opinion of the Warrant Agent, relying on the advice of Counsel, prejudicial to the interests of the Registered Warrantholders;
adding to or altering the provisions hereof in respect of the transfer of Warrants, making provision for the exchange of Warrants, and making any modification in the form of the Warrant Certificates which does not affect the substance thereof;
modifying any of the provisions of this Indenture, including relieving the Corporation from any of the obligations, conditions or restrictions herein contained, provided that such modification or relief shall be or become operative or effective only if, in the opinion of the Warrant Agent, relying on the advice of Counsel, such modification or relief in no way prejudices any of the rights of the Registered Warrantholders or of the Warrant Agent, and provided further that the Warrant Agent may in its sole discretion decline to enter into any such supplemental indenture which in its opinion may not afford adequate protection to the Warrant Agent when the same shall become operative; and
for any other purpose not inconsistent with the terms of this Indenture, including the correction or rectification of any ambiguities, defective or inconsistent provisions, errors, mistakes or omissions herein, provided that in the opinion of the Warrant Agent, relying on the advice of Counsel, the rights of the Warrant Agent and of the Registered Warrantholders are in no way prejudiced thereby.

Successor Entities
In the case of the consolidation, amalgamation, arrangement, merger or transfer of the undertaking or assets of the Corporation as an entirety or substantially as an entirety to or with another entity (" successor entity "), the successor entity resulting from such consolidation, amalgamation, arrangement, merger or transfer (if not the Corporation) shall expressly assume, by supplemental indenture satisfactory in form to the Warrant Agent and executed and delivered to the Warrant Agent, the due and punctual performance and observance of each and every covenant and condition of this Indenture to be performed and observed by the Corporation.
ARTICLE 9.    
Trust Indenture Legislation
If and to the extent that any provision of this Indenture limits, qualifies or conflicts with a mandatory requirement of Applicable Legislation, such mandatory requirement shall prevail.
The Corporation and the Warrant Agent agree that each will, at all times in relation to this Indenture and any action to be taken hereunder, observe and comply with and be entitled to the benefits of Applicable Legislation.
Rights and Duties of Warrant Agent
In the exercise of the rights and duties prescribed or conferred by the terms of this Indenture, the Warrant Agent shall act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Warrantholders and shall exercise that degree of care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent warrant agent would exercise in comparable circumstances. No provision of this Indenture shall be construed to relieve the Warrant Agent from liability for its own gross negligent action, willful misconduct, bad faith or fraud under this Indenture.
The obligation of the Warrant Agent to commence or continue any act, action or proceeding for the purpose of enforcing any rights of the Warrant Agent or the Registered Warrantholders hereunder shall be conditional upon the Registered Warrantholders furnishing, when required by notice by the Warrant Agent, sufficient funds to commence or to continue such act, action or proceeding and an indemnity reasonably satisfactory to the Warrant Agent to protect and to hold harmless the Warrant Agent and its officers, directors, employees and agents, against the costs, charges and expenses and liabilities to be incurred thereby and any loss and damage it may suffer by reason thereof. None of the provisions contained in this Indenture shall require the Warrant Agent to expend or to risk its own funds or otherwise to incur financial liability in the performance of any of its duties or in the exercise of any of its rights or powers unless indemnified and funded as aforesaid.
The Warrant Agent may, before commencing or at any time during the continuance of any such act, action or proceeding, require the Registered Warrantholders at whose instance it is acting to deposit with the Warrant Agent the Warrant Certificates held by them, for which the Warrant Agent shall issue receipts.
Every provision of this Indenture that by its terms relieves the Warrant Agent of liability or entitles it to rely upon any evidence submitted to it is subject to the provisions of Applicable Legislation.
Evidence, Experts and Advisers
In addition to the reports, certificates, opinions and other evidence required by this Indenture, the Corporation shall furnish to the Warrant Agent such additional evidence of compliance with any provision hereof, and in such form, as may be prescribed by Applicable Legislation or as the Warrant Agent may reasonably require by written notice to the Corporation.
In the exercise of its rights and duties hereunder, the Warrant Agent may, if it is acting in good faith, rely as to the truth of the statements and the accuracy of the opinions expressed in statutory declarations, opinions, reports, written requests, consents, or orders of the Corporation, certificates of the Corporation or other evidence furnished to the Warrant Agent pursuant to a request of the Warrant Agent, provided that such evidence complies with Applicable Legislation, the Warrant Agent complies with Applicable Legislation and that the Warrant Agent examines the same and determines that such evidence complies with the applicable requirements of this Indenture.

Whenever it is provided in this Indenture or under Applicable Legislation that the Corporation shall deposit with the Warrant Agent resolutions, certificates, reports, opinions, requests, orders or other documents, it is intended that the truth, accuracy and good faith on the effective date thereof and the facts and opinions stated in all such documents so deposited shall, in each and every such case, be conditions precedent to the right of the Corporation to have the Warrant Agent take the action to be based thereon.
The Warrant Agent may employ or retain such Counsel, accountants, appraisers or other experts or advisers as it may reasonably require for the purpose of discharging its duties hereunder and may pay reasonable remuneration for all services so performed by any of them, without taxation of costs of any Counsel, and shall not be responsible for any misconduct or negligence on the part of any such experts or advisers who have been appointed with due care by the Warrant Agent.
The Warrant Agent may act and rely and shall be protected in acting and relying in good faith on the opinion or advice of or information obtained from any Counsel, accountant, appraiser, engineer or other expert or adviser, whether retained or employed by the Corporation or by the Warrant Agent, in relation to any matter arising in the administration of the agency hereof.
Documents, Monies, etc. Held by Warrant Agent
Any monies, securities, documents of title or other instruments that may at any time be held by the Warrant Agent may be placed in the deposit vaults of the Warrant Agent or of any Canadian chartered bank listed in Schedule I of the Bank Act (Canada), or deposited for safekeeping with any such bank. Any monies held pending the application or withdrawal thereof under any provisions of this Indenture, shall be held, invested and reinvested amount in Permitted Investments as directed in writing by the Corporation.   Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, all interest or other income received by the Warrant Agent in respect of such deposits and investments shall belong to the Corporation.
Any written direction for the investment or release of funds received shall be received by the Warrant Agent by 9:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on the Business Day on which such investment or release is to be made, failing which such direction will be handled on a commercially reasonable efforts basis and may result in funds being invested or released on the next Business Day.
The Warrant Agent shall have no responsibility or liability for any diminution of any funds resulting from any investment made in accordance with this Indenture, including any losses on any investment liquidated prior to maturity in order to make a payment required hereunder.
In the event that the Warrant Agent does not receive a direction or only a partial direction, the Warrant Agent  may hold cash balances constituting part or all of such monies and may, but need not, invest same in its deposit department, the deposit department of one of its affiliates, or the deposit department of a Canadian chartered bank; but the Warrant Agent, its affiliates or a Canadian chartered bank shall not be liable to account for any profit to any parties to this Indenture or to any other person or entity.
Actions by Warrant Agent to Protect Interest
The Warrant Agent shall have power to institute and to maintain such actions and proceedings as it may consider necessary or expedient to preserve, protect or enforce its interests and the interests of the Registered Warrantholders.
Warrant Agent Not Required to Give Security
The Warrant Agent shall not be required to give any bond or security in respect of the execution of the agency and powers of this Indenture or otherwise in respect of the premises.
Protection of Warrant Agent
By way of supplement to the provisions of any law for the time being relating to warrant agents it is expressly declared and agreed as follows:

the Warrant Agent shall not be liable for or by reason of any statements of fact or recitals in this Indenture or in the Warrant Certificates (except the representation contained in Section 9.9 or in the certificate of the Warrant Agent on the Warrant Certificates) or be required to verify the same, but all such statements or recitals are and shall be deemed to be made by the Corporation;

nothing herein contained shall impose any obligation on the Warrant Agent to see to or to require evidence of the registration or filing (or renewal thereof) of this Indenture or any instrument ancillary or supplemental hereto;
the Warrant Agent shall not be bound to give notice to any person or persons of the execution hereof;
the Warrant Agent shall not incur any liability or responsibility whatever or be in any way responsible for the consequence of any breach on the part of the Corporation of any of its covenants herein contained or of any acts of any directors, officers, employees, agents or servants of the Corporation; and
the Corporation hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold harmless the Warrant Agent, its affiliates, their current and former officers, directors, employees, agents, successors and assigns from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, penalties, claims, actions, suits, costs, expenses and disbursements, including legal fees and disbursements of whatever kind and nature which may at any time be imposed on or incurred by or asserted against the Warrant Agent, whether groundless or otherwise, arising from or out of any act, omission or error of the Warrant Agent, provided that the Corporation shall not be required to indemnify the Warrant Agent in the event of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Warrant Agent, and this provision shall survive the resignation or removal of the Warrant Agent or the termination or discharge of this Indenture.
Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this Indenture, any liability of the Warrant Agent shall be limited, in the aggregate, to the amount of annual retainer fees paid by the Corporation to the Warrant Agent under this Indenture in the twelve (12) months immediately prior to the Warrant Agent receiving the first notice of the claim. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Indenture, and whether such losses or damages are foreseeable or unforeseeable, the Warrant Agent shall not be liable under any circumstances whatsoever for any (a) breach by any other party of securities law or other rule of any securities regulatory authority, (b) lost profits or (c) special, indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary, aggravated or punitive losses or damages.
Replacement of Warrant Agent; Successor by Merger
The Warrant Agent may resign its agency and be discharged from all further duties and liabilities hereunder, subject to this Section 9.8, by giving to the Corporation not less than 60 days' prior notice in writing or such shorter prior notice as the Corporation may accept as sufficient. The Registered Warrantholders by Extraordinary Resolution shall have the power at any time to remove the existing Warrant Agent and to appoint a new warrant agent. In the event of the Warrant Agent resigning or being removed as aforesaid or being dissolved, becoming bankrupt, going into liquidation or otherwise becoming incapable of acting hereunder, the Corporation shall forthwith appoint a new warrant agent unless a new warrant agent has already been appointed by the Registered Warrantholders; failing such appointment by the Corporation, the retiring Warrant Agent or any Registered Warrantholder may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction in the Province of British Columbia for the appointment of a new warrant agent; but any new warrant agent so appointed by the Corporation or by the Court shall be subject to removal as aforesaid by the Registered Warrantholders. Any new warrant agent appointed under any provision of this Section 9.8 shall be an entity authorized to carry on the business of a trust company in the Province of British Columbia and, if required by the Applicable Legislation for any other provinces, in such other provinces. On any such appointment the new warrant agent shall be vested with the same powers, rights, duties and responsibilities as if it had been originally named herein as Warrant Agent hereunder.
Upon the appointment of a successor warrant agent, the Corporation shall promptly notify the Registered Warrantholders thereof in the manner provided for in Section 10.2.
Any Warrant Certificates Authenticated but not delivered by a predecessor Warrant Agent may be Authenticated by the successor Warrant Agent in the name of the predecessor or successor Warrant Agent.
Any corporation into or with which the Warrant Agent may be merged or consolidated or amalgamated, or any corporation resulting therefrom to which the Warrant Agent shall be a party, or any corporation succeeding to substantially the corporate trust business of the Warrant Agent shall be the successor to the Warrant Agent hereunder without any further act on its part or any of the parties hereto, provided that such corporation would be eligible for appointment as successor Warrant Agent under Section 9.8(1).

Conflict of Interest
The Warrant Agent represents to the Corporation that at the time of execution and delivery hereof no material conflict of interest exists between its role as a Warrant Agent hereunder and its role in any other capacity and agrees that in the event of a material conflict of interest arising hereafter it will, within 90 days after ascertaining that it has such material conflict of interest, either eliminate the same or assign its agency hereunder to a successor Warrant Agent approved by the Corporation and meeting the requirements set forth in Section 9.8(1). Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 9.9(1),  if any such material conflict of interest exists or hereafter shall exist, the validity and enforceability of this Indenture and the Warrant Certificate shall not be affected in any manner whatsoever by reason thereof.
Subject to Section 9.9(1), the Warrant Agent, in its personal or any other capacity, may buy, lend upon and deal in securities of the Corporation and generally may contract and enter into financial transactions with the Corporation without being liable to account for any profit made thereby.
Acceptance of Agency
The Warrant Agent hereby accepts the agency in this Indenture declared and provided for and agrees to perform the same upon the terms and conditions herein set forth.
Warrant Agent Not to be Appointed Receiver
The Warrant Agent and any person related to the Warrant Agent shall not be appointed a receiver, a receiver and manager or liquidator of all or any part of the assets or undertaking of the Corporation.
Warrant Agent Not Required to Give Notice of Default
The Warrant Agent shall not be bound to give any notice or do or take any act, action or proceeding by virtue of the powers conferred on it hereby unless and until it shall have been required so to do under the terms hereof; nor shall the Warrant Agent be required to take notice of any default hereunder, unless and until notified in writing of such default, which notice shall distinctly specify the default desired to be brought to the attention of the Warrant Agent and in the absence of any such notice the Warrant Agent may for all purposes of this Indenture conclusively assume that no default has been made in the observance or performance of any of the representations, warranties, covenants, agreements or conditions contained herein. Any such notice shall in no way limit any discretion herein given to the Warrant Agent to determine whether or not the Warrant Agent shall take action with respect to any default.
Anti-Money Laundering
Each party to this Agreement other than the Warrant Agent hereby represents to the Warrant Agent that any account to be opened by, or interest to be held by the Warrant Agent in connection with this Agreement, for or to the credit of such party, either (a) is not intended to be used by or on behalf of any third party; or (b) is intended to be used by or on behalf of a third party, in which case such party hereto agrees to complete and execute forthwith a declaration in the Warrant Agent's prescribed form as to the particulars of such third party.
The Warrant Agent shall retain the right not to act and shall not be liable for refusing to act if, due to a lack of information or for any other reason whatsoever, the Warrant Agent, in its sole judgment, determines that such act might cause it to be in non-compliance with any applicable anti-money laundering,  anti-terrorist legislation or economic sanctions legislation, regulation or guideline. Further, should the Warrant Agent, in its sole judgment, determine at any time that its acting under this Indenture has resulted in its being in non-compliance with any applicable anti-money laundering,  anti-terrorist legislation   or economic sanctions legislation, regulation or guideline, then it shall have the right to resign on 10 days written notice to the other parties to this Indenture, provided (a) that the Warrant Agent's written notice shall describe the circumstances of such non-compliance; and (b) that if such circumstances are rectified to the Warrant Agent's satisfaction within such 10 day period, then such resignation shall not be effective.
Compliance with Privacy Code
The Corporation acknowledges that the Warrant Agent may, in the course of providing services hereunder, collect or receive financial and other personal information about such parties and/or their representatives, as individuals, or about other individuals related to the subject matter hereof, and use such information for the following purposes:


to provide the services required under this Indenture and other services that may be requested from time to time;
to help the Warrant Agent manage its servicing relationships with such individuals;
to meet the Warrant Agent's legal and regulatory requirements; and
if Social Insurance Numbers are collected by the Warrant Agent, to perform tax reporting and to assist in verification of an individual's identity for security purposes.
The Corporation acknowledges and agrees that the Warrant Agent may receive, collect, use and disclose personal information provided to it or acquired by it in the course of its acting as agent hereunder for the purposes described above and, generally, in the manner and on the terms described in its Privacy Code, which the Warrant Agent shall make available on its website or upon request, including revisions thereto.  Some of this personal information may be transferred to service providers in the United States for data processing and/or storage. Further, the Corporation agrees that it shall not provide or cause to be provided to the Warrant Agent any personal information relating to an individual who is not a party to this Indenture unless the Corporation has assured itself that such individual understands and has consented to the aforementioned uses and disclosures.
ARTICLE 10.    
Notice to the Corporation and the Warrant Agent
Unless herein otherwise expressly provided, any notice to be given hereunder to the Corporation or the Warrant Agent shall be deemed to be validly given if delivered, sent by registered letter, postage prepaid or telecopied to the addresses of the parties as noted above, and any such notice delivered in accordance with the foregoing shall be deemed to have been received and given on the date of delivery or, if mailed, on the fifth Business Day following the date of mailing such notice or, if sent by facsimile, on the next Business Day following the date of transmission.
The Corporation or the Warrant Agent, as the case may be, may from time to time notify the other in the manner provided in Section 10.1(1) of a change of address which, from the effective date of such notice and until changed by like notice, shall be the address of the Corporation or the Warrant Agent, as the case may be, for all purposes of this Indenture.
If, by reason of a strike, lockout or other work stoppage, actual or threatened, involving postal employees, any notice to be given to the Warrant Agent or to the Corporation hereunder could reasonably be considered unlikely to reach its destination, such notice shall be valid and effective only if it is delivered to the named officer of the party to which it is addressed, as provided in Section 10.1(1), or given by facisimile or other means of prepaid, transmitted and recorded communication.
Notice to Registered Warrantholders
Unless otherwise provided herein, notice to the Registered Warrantholders under the provisions of this Indenture shall be valid and effective if delivered or sent by ordinary post addressed to such holders at their post office addresses appearing on the register hereinbefore mentioned and shall be deemed to have been effectively received and given on the date of delivery or, if mailed, on the third Business Day following the date of postmark for such notice.  In the event that Warrants are held in the name of the Depository, a copy of such notice shall also be sent by electronic communication to the Depository and shall be deemed received and given on the day it is so sent.
If, by reason of a strike, lockout or other work stoppage, actual or threatened, involving postal employees, any notice to be given to the Registered Warrantholders hereunder could reasonably be considered unlikely to reach its destination, such notice shall be valid and effective only if it is delivered to such Registered Warrantholders to the address for such Registered Warrantholders contained in the register maintained by the Warrant Agent  or such notice may  be given, at the Corporation's expense, by means of publication in the Globe and Mail, National Edition, or any other English language daily newspaper or newspapers of general circulation in Canada, in each two successive weeks, and any so notice published shall be deemed to have been received and given on the latest date the publication takes place.
Ownership of Warrants
The Corporation and the Warrant Agent may deem and treat the Registered Warrantholders as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes, and the Corporation and the Warrant Agent shall not be affected by any notice or knowledge to the contrary except where the Corporation or the Warrant Agent is required to take notice by statute or by order of a court of competent jurisdiction. The receipt of any such Registered Warrantholder of the Common Shares which may be acquired pursuant thereto shall be a good discharge to the Corporation and the Warrant Agent for the same and neither the Corporation nor the Warrant Agent shall be bound to inquire into the title of any such holder except where the Corporation or the Warrant Agent is required to take notice by statute or by order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

Satisfaction and Discharge of Indenture
Upon the earlier of:
the date by which there shall have been delivered to the Warrant Agent for exercise or cancellation all Warrants theretofore Authenticated hereunder, in the case of Certificated Warrants, or by way of a Transaction Instruction (or such other instructions, in a form satisfactory to the Warrant Agent), in the case of Uncertificated Warrants, or by way of standard processing through the book entry system in the case of a CDS Global Warrant; or
the Expiry Time;
and if all certificates or other entry on the register representing Common Shares required to be issued in compliance with the provisions hereof have been issued and delivered hereunder or to the Warrant Agent in accordance with such provisions, this Indenture shall cease to be of further effect and the Warrant Agent, on demand of and at the cost and expense of the Corporation and upon delivery to the Warrant Agent of a certificate of the Corporation stating that all conditions precedent to the satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture have been complied with, shall execute proper instruments acknowledging satisfaction of and discharging this Indenture. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the indemnities provided to the Warrant Agent by the Corporation hereunder shall remain in full force and effect and survive the termination of this Indenture.
Provisions of Indenture and Warrants for the Sole Benefit of Parties and Registered Warrantholders
Nothing in this Indenture or in the Warrants, express or implied, shall give or be construed to give to any person other than the parties hereto and the Registered Warrantholders, as the case may be, any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under this Indenture, or under any covenant or provision herein or therein contained, all such covenants and provisions being for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and the Registered Warrantholders.
Common Shares or Warrants Owned by the Corporation or its Subsidiaries - Certificate to be Provided
For the purpose of disregarding any Warrants owned legally or beneficially by the Corporation in Section 7.16, the Corporation shall provide to the Warrant Agent, from time to time, a certificate of the Corporation setting forth as at the date of such certificate:
the names (other than the name of the Corporation) of the Registered Warrantholders which, to the knowledge of the Corporation, are owned by or held for the account of the Corporation; and
the number of Warrants owned legally or beneficially by the Corporation;
and the Warrant Agent, in making the computations in Section 7.16, shall be entitled to rely on such certificate without any additional evidence.
If, in any jurisdiction, any provision of this Indenture or its application to any party or circumstance is restricted, prohibited or unenforceable, such provision will, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective only to the extent of such restriction, prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions of this Indenture and without affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction or without affecting its application to other parties or circumstances.
Force Majeure
No party shall be liable to the other, or held in breach of this Indenture, if prevented, hindered, or delayed in the performance or observance of any provision contained herein by reason of act of God, riots, terrorism, acts of war, epidemics, governmental action or judicial order, earthquakes, or any other similar causes (including, but not limited to, mechanical, electronic or communication interruptions, disruptions or failures). Performance times under this Indenture shall be extended for a period of time equivalent to the time lost because of any delay that is excusable under this Section 10.8.

Assignment, Successors and Assigns
Neither of the parties hereto may assign its rights or interest under this Indenture, except as provided in Section 9.8 in the case of the Warrant Agent, or as provided in Section 8.2 in the case of the Corporation. Subject thereto, this Indenture shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.
This Indenture may be executed in several counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument and notwithstanding their date of execution they shall be deemed to be dated as of the date hereof.
Rights of Rescission and Withdrawal for Holders
Should a holder of Warrants exercise any legal, statutory, contractual or other right of withdrawal or rescission that may be available to it, and the holder’s funds which were paid on exercise have already been released to the Corporation by the Warrant Agent, the Warrant Agent shall not be responsible for ensuring the exercise is cancelled and a refund is paid back to the holder. In such cases, the holder shall seek a refund directly from the Corporation and subsequently, the Corporation, upon surrender to the Corporation or the Warrant Agent of any underlying shares that may have been issued, or such other procedure as agreed to by the parties hereto, shall instruct the Warrant Agent in writing, to cancel the exercise transaction and any such underlying shares on the register, which may have already been issued upon the Warrant exercise.  In the event that any payment is received from the Corporation by virtue of the holder being a shareholder for such Warrants that were subsequently rescinded, such payment must be returned to the Corporation by such holder.  The Warrant Agent shall not be under any duty or obligation to take any steps to ensure or enforce that the funds are returned pursuant to this section, nor shall the Warrant Agent be in any other way responsible in the event that any payment is not delivered or received pursuant to this section.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the Corporation provides the refund to the Warrant Agent for distribution to the holder, the Warrant Agent shall return such funds to the holder as soon as reasonably practicable, and in so doing, the Warrant Agent shall incur no liability with respect to the delivery or non-delivery of any such funds.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Indenture under the hands of their proper officers in that behalf as of the date first written above.
Canadian Zinc Corporation
"Trevor L. Cunningham"  
  Per: Trevor L. Cunningham, Chief Financial Officer

Computershare Trust Company of Canada
  "Jennifer Wong"
Per: Jennifer Wong                            
  Title: Corporate Trust Officer
  "Yasmin Ali"
Per: Yamin Ali
  Title: Associate Trust Officer


Schedule "A"
Form of Warrant
The Warrants evidenced hereby are exercisable on or before 4:30 p.m. (Vancouver time) on July 31, 2017, after which time the warrants evidenced hereby shall be deemed to be void and of no further force or effect.
[If Warrant Certificate issued to CDS, include the following legend.]
[If Warrant Certificate issued to U.S. Warrantholder, include the following legend.]

(Incorporated under the laws of British Columbia)
WARRANTS entitling the Holder (as defined below) to acquire, subject to adjustment, one Common Share (as defined below) of Canadian Zinc Corporation (the " Corporation ") for each Warrant  (as defined below) represented hereby.

(herein referred to as the " Holder ")
is the registered holder of the number of common share purchase warrants of the Corporation (the " Warrants ") stated above and, subject to adjustment as set forth in the Warrant Indenture (as defined below), is entitled for each Warrant represented hereby to purchase one fully-paid and non-assessable common share of the Corporation (a " Common Share ") at a price of $0.50 (the " Exercise Price ") at any time prior to 4:30 p.m. (Vancouver time) on July 31, 2017 (the " Expiry Time "), all in the manner and subject to the restrictions and adjustments set forth in the Warrant Indenture.
Any capitalized term in this Warrant Certificate that is not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Warrant Indenture.
The Warrants represented by this Warrant Certificate are issued under the provisions of the warrant indenture (which warrant indenture together with all other instruments ancillary thereto is referred to herein as the " Warrant Indenture ") dated as of July 31, 2014 between the Corporation and Computershare Trust Company of Canada (the " Warrant Agent ").  Reference is hereby made to the Warrant Indenture for a full description of the rights of the holders of the Warrants, the Corporation and the Warrant Agent in respect thereof, and the terms and conditions upon which the Warrants evidenced hereby are, or are to be, issued, held, exchanged and surrendered all to the same effect as if the provisions of the Warrant Indenture were herein set forth. By acceptance of this Warrant Certificate, the Holder assents to all provisions of the Warrant Indenture. To the extent that the terms and conditions set forth in this Warrant Certificate conflict with the terms and conditions of the Warrant Indenture, the Warrant Indenture shall prevail. The Corporation will furnish to the Holder, upon request and without charge, a copy of the Warrant Indenture.
Upon exercise, the Warrants so exercised shall be void and of no value or effect.
The right to acquire the Common Shares may only be exercised by the Holder until the Expiry Time by:
duly completing and executing the Exercise Form attached hereto; and
surrendering this Warrant Certificate to the Warrant Agent at the principal transfer offices of the Warrant Agent in Vancouver, British Columbia, together with a certified cheque, bank draft or money order in lawful money of Canada, payable to the order of the Corporation equal to the Exercise Price multiplied by the number of Common Shares subscribed for.

The Warrants represented by this Warrant Certificate shall be deemed to be surrendered only upon personal delivery hereof or, if sent by mail or other means of transmission, upon actual receipt thereof by the Warrant Agent at the offices referred to above.
Upon surrender of these Warrants, the person or persons in whose name or names the Common Shares are to be issued shall be deemed for all purposes (except as provided in the Warrant Indenture) to be the holder or holders of record of such Common Shares and the Corporation has covenanted that it will (subject to the provisions of the Warrant Indenture) cause a certificate or certificates representing the Common Shares to be delivered or mailed to the person or persons at the address or addresses specified in the Exercise Form within five Business Days.
The Warrant Indenture provides for adjustments to certain rights of holders, including the Exercise Price and/or the number of Common Shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrants, upon subdivision, consolidation or reclassification of the Common Shares or any reclassification, capital reorganization, amalgamation or merger of the Corporation and certain distributions of securities, including rights, options or warrants to purchase Common Shares or securities convertible or exchangeable into Common Shares or assets of the Corporation. The Holder should refer to the Warrant Indenture which provides for adjustments in certain other events.
The terms and conditions relating to the Warrants and this Warrant Certificate may be modified, changed or added to in accordance with the provisions of the Warrant Indenture. The Warrant Indenture contains provisions making binding upon all holders of Warrants outstanding thereunder resolutions passed at meetings of such holders held in accordance with such provisions and instruments in writing signed by the holders holding a specific percentage of the then outstanding Warrants.
The holding of the Warrants evidenced by this Warrant Certificate shall not constitute, or be construed as conferring upon the Holder, any right or interest whatsoever as a shareholder of the Corporation except such rights as may be provided in the Warrant Indenture or in this Warrant Certificate.
The Holder may, upon compliance with the reasonable requirements of the Warrant Agent and upon surrender of this Warrant Certificate, exchange this Warrant Certificate for another warrant certificate or warrant certificates entitling the Holder thereof to receive, in the aggregate, the same number of Common Shares as are issuable under this Warrant Certificate.
The Warrants evidenced by this Warrant Certificate may only be transferred in accordance with applicable securities laws and upon due execution and delivery to the Warrant Agent of a Transfer Form in the form attached hereto and in compliance with all the conditions prescribed in the Warrant Indenture and compliance with such other reasonable requirements as the Warrant Agent may prescribe.
The Warrants and the Common Shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrants have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act or any applicable state securities laws. Subject to the conditions set forth in the immediately succeeding sentence, these Warrants may not be exercised in the United States or by or on behalf of a "U.S. person" (a " U.S. Person "), as such term is defined in Rule 902(k) of Regulation S under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the " U.S. Securities Act "), unless an exemption from registration is available under the U.S. Securities Act and any applicable state securities laws and the Corporation and Warrant Agent have received an opinion of counsel of recognized standing to such effect in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation, or such other documentation as permitted by the Warrant Indenture. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, no opinion of counsel shall be required in connection with the exercise of the Warrants by the original purchaser of Warrants,  who delivered a Qualified Institutional Buyer Letter in connection with its purchase of Units pursuant to the placement under which the Warrants were issued; (b) who is exercising the Warrants solely for its own account or for the benefit of a U.S. Person or a person in the United States for whose account such holder acquired the Warrants and for whose account such holder exercises sole investment discretion; (c) was, and any beneficial purchaser for whose account such holder acquired the Warrants and is exercising the Warrants was, a Qualified Institutional Buyer, both on the date the Warrants were purchased and on the date of exercise of the Warrants and (d) the representations and warranties made by the holder in the Qualified Institutional Buyer Letter remain true and correct and the Corporation is entitled to rely upon such representations and warranties as if made as of the date hereof.

This Warrant Certificate shall not be valid unless and until it has been countersigned by or on behalf of the Warrant Agent.
The Holder expressly acknowledges and consents to, the drawing in the English language only of this Warrant Certificate evidencing the Warrants registered in the Holder's name and all documents relating to such Warrants.
Time shall be of the essence hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation has caused this Warrant Certificate to be signed by its duly authorized officer as of the _____ day of ______ July, 2014.
Authorized Signing Officer
This Warrant Certificate represents Warrants referred to in the Warrant Indenture within mentioned.
Countersigned by:
Authorized Signing Officer



TO:        Canadian Zinc Corporation
c/o Computershare Trust Company of Canada
3 rd Floor, 510 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC, V6C 3B9

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto:

_____________________ of the Warrants registered in the name of the undersigned represented by this Warrant Certificate and hereby appoints   _________________  (leave space blank) as its attorney with full power of substitution to transfer the said Warrants on the appropriate register of the Warrant Agent.
In the case of a warrant certificate that contains a U.S. restrictive legend, the undersigned hereby represents, warrants and certifies that (one (only) of the following must be checked):
the transfer is being made only to the Corporation;
the transfer is being made outside the United States in accordance with Rule 904 of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act, and in compliance with any applicable local securities laws and regulations and the holder has provided herewith the Declaration for Removal of Legend attached as Schedule "B" to the Indenture or has furnished to the Corporation and the Warrant Agent an opinion of counsel of recognized standing in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation that the transfer does not require registration under the U.S. Securities Act or any applicable state securities laws,
the transfer is being made within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. Persons, in accordance with a transaction that does not require registration under the U.S. Securities Act or any applicable state securities laws in circumstances described in the legend set forth in Section 2.8(3) of the Warrant Indenture that do not require the delivery of an opinion of counsel, or
the transfer is being made within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. Persons, in accordance with a transaction that does not require registration under the U.S. Securities Act or any applicable state securities laws and the undersigned has furnished to the Corporation and the Warrant Agent an opinion of counsel of recognized standing in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation to such effect.
In the case of a warrant certificate that does not contain a U.S. restrictive legend, if the proposed transfer is to, or for the account or benefit of a U.S. Person or to a person in the United States, the undersigned hereby represents, warrants and certifies that the transfer of the Warrants is being completed pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and any applicable state securities laws, in which case the undersigned has furnished to the Corporation and the Warrant Agent an opinion of counsel of recognized standing in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation to such effect.

REASON FOR TRANSFER – For US Residents only (where the individual(s) or corporation receiving the securities is a US resident).  Please select only one (see instructions below).
o  Gift                      o Estate               o Private Sale              o Other (or no change in ownership)
Date of Event (Date of gift, death or sale):     Value per Warrant on the date of event: o o
IMAGE   IMAGE CAD       OR       USD
o     If transfer is to a U.S. Person or a person located in the United States, check this box.
DATED this ______ day of ____________, 20______
Signature Guaranteed
Name of Warrantholder
Name of Authorized Representative
Signature of Warrantholder or Authorized Representative
Title or Capacity of Authorized Representative
Daytime Phone Number of Warrantholder or Authorized Representative


The signature(s) of the transferor(s) must correspond with the name(s) as written upon the face of this certificate(s), in every particular, without alteration or enlargement, or any change whatsoever.  All securityholders or a legally authorized representative must sign this form.  The signature(s) on this form must be guaranteed in accordance with the warrant agent’s then current guidelines and requirements at the time of transfer.  Notarized or witnessed signatures are not acceptable as guaranteed signatures.  As at the time of closing, you may choose one of the following methods (although subject to change in accordance with industry practice and standards):

•            Canada and the USA:   A Medallion Signature Guarantee obtained from a member of an acceptable Medallion Signature Guarantee Program (STAMP, SEMP, NYSE, MSP).  Many commercial banks, savings banks, credit unions, and all broker dealers participate in a Medallion Signature Guarantee Program.  The Guarantor must affix a stamp bearing the actual words “Medallion Guaranteed”, with the correct prefix covering the face value of the certificate.

•            Canada:   A Signature Guarantee obtained from an authorized officer of the Royal Bank of Canada, Scotia Bank or TD Canada Trust.  The Guarantor must affix a stamp bearing the actual words “Signature Guaranteed”, sign and print their full name and alpha numeric signing number.  Signature Guarantees are not accepted from Treasury Branches, Credit Unions or Caisse Populaires unless they are members of a Medallion Signature Guarantee Program. For corporate holders, corporate signing resolutions, including certificate of incumbency, are also required to accompany the transfer, unless there is a “Signature & Authority to Sign Guarantee” Stamp affixed to the transfer (as opposed to a “Signature Guaranteed” Stamp) obtained from an authorized officer of the Royal Bank of Canada, Scotia Bank or TD Canada Trust or a Medallion Signature Guarantee with the correct prefix covering the face value of the certificate.

•            Outside North America:   For holders located outside North America, present the certificates(s) and/or document(s) that require a guarantee to a local financial institution that has a corresponding Canadian or American affiliate which is a member of an acceptable Medallion Signature Guarantee Program.  The corresponding affiliate will arrange for the signature to be over-guaranteed.



The signature(s) of the transferor(s) must correspond with the name(s) as written upon the face of this certificate(s), in every particular, without alteration or enlargement, or any change whatsoever.  The signature(s) on this form must be guaranteed by an authorized officer of Royal Bank of Canada, Scotia Bank or TD Canada Trust whose sample signature(s) are on file with the transfer agent, or by a member of an acceptable Medallion Signature Guarantee Program (STAMP, SEMP, NYSE, MSP).  Notarized or witnessed signatures are not acceptable as guaranteed signatures.  The Guarantor must affix a stamp bearing the actual words:  “SIGNATURE GUARANTEED”, “MEDALLION GUARANTEED” OR “SIGNATURE & AUTHORITY TO SIGN GUARANTEE”, all in accordance with the transfer agent’s then current guidelines and requirements at the time of transfer.  For corporate holders, corporate signing resolutions, including certificate of incumbency, will also be required to accompany the transfer unless there is a “SIGNATURE & AUTHORITY TO SIGN GUARANTEE” Stamp affixed to the Form of Transfer obtained from an authorized officer of the Royal Bank of Canada, Scotia Bank or TD Canada Trust or a “MEDALLION GUARANTEED” Stamp affixed to the Form of Transfer, with the correct prefix covering the face value of the certificate.

Consistent with US IRS regulations, Computershare is required to request cost basis information from US securityholders.  Please indicate the reason for requesting the transfer as well as the date of event relating to the reason.  The event date is not the day in which the transfer is finalized, but rather the date of the event which led to the transfer request (i.e. date of gift, date of death of the securityholder, or the date the private sale took place).

TO:        Canadian Zinc Corporation
c/o Computershare Trust Company of Canada
3 rd Floor, 510 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC, V6C 3B9

The undersigned holder of the within Warrants hereby irrevocably subscribes for Common Shares of Canadian Zinc Corporation (the " Corporation ") on the terms and conditions set forth in the attached Warrant Certificate and the Warrant Indenture.

Any capitalized term in this Warrant Certificate that is not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Warrant Indenture.

The undersigned represents, warrants and certifies as follows (one (only) of the following must be checked):

the undersigned holder at the time of exercise of the Warrants is not in the United States, is not a "U.S. person" as defined in Regulation S under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the " U.S. Securities Act "), and is not exercising the Warrants on behalf of, or for the account or benefit of, a U.S. person or a person in the United States, and did not execute or deliver this exercise form in the United States; OR
the undersigned holder: (a) was the original purchaser of Warrants, who delivered a Qualified Institutional Buyer Letter, in connection with its purchase of Units pursuant to the placement under which the Warrants were issued; (b) is exercising the Warrants solely for its own account or for the benefit of a U.S. Person or a person in the United States for whose account such holder acquired the Warrants and for whose account such holder exercises sole investment discretion; (c) was, and any beneficial purchaser for whose account such holder acquired the Warrants and is exercising the Warrants was, a Qualified Institutional Buyer, both on the date the Warrants were purchased and on the date of exercise of the Warrants and (d) the representations and warranties made by the holder in the Qualified Institutional Buyer Letter remain true and correct and the Corporation is entitled to rely upon such representations and warranties as if made as of the date hereof; or
a written opinion of counsel of recognized standing in form and substance satisfactory to the Corporation to the effect that an exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws is available for the issuance of the Common Shares issuable on exercise of the Warrants.
Certificates will not be registered or delivered to an address in the United States unless Box B or C above is checked.
If Box C above is checked, holders are encouraged to consult with the Corporation and the Warrant Agent in advance to determine that the legal opinion tendered in connection with the exercise will be satisfactory in form and substance to the Corporation.
A Qualified Institutional Buyer who checks off Box B above, may enter their Common Shares issued upon exercise of their Warrants into CDS.
" United States " and " U.S. person " are as defined in Rule 902 of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act.

The undersigned hereby directs that the said Common Shares be issued as follows:
(Please print .)
DATED this _____ day of ____________, 20______
Signature Guaranteed*
Name of Warrantholder
Name of Authorized Representative
Signature of Warrantholder or Authorized Representative
Title or Capacity of Authorized Representative
Daytime Phone Number of Warrantholder or Authorized Representative
Please check this box if the securities are to be picked up at the office where the Warrant Certificate is surrendered, failing which the securities will be mailed to the address shown on the register.
The signature of the Holder must be the signature of the registered holder appearing on the face of the Warrant Certificate without alteration or enlargement or any change whatsoever.
If this Exercise Form is signed by a trustee, executor, administrator, curator, guardian, attorney, officer of a corporation or any person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity, the Warrant Certificate must be accompanied by evidence of authority to sign satisfactory to the Warrant Agent and the Corporation, acting reasonably.
*If the Common Shares are to be issued to a person other than to the registered Holder, then the signature on this Exercise Form must be guaranteed by a Schedule 1 Canadian chartered bank, medallion guaranteed by a recognized medallion signature guarantee program or in any other manner satisfactory to the Warrant Agent.  The guarantor must affix a stamp bearing the actual words "Signature Guaranteed".  Signature guarantees are not accepted from Treasury Branches or credit unions unless they are members of the Stamp Medallion Program.  In the United States, signature guarantees must be done by members of the "Medallion Signature Guarantee Program" only.
If securities are to be issued to a person other than the registered Holder, the Transfer Form must be completed and the Holder must pay or cause to be paid to the Corporation or the Warrant Agent all applicable transfer or similar taxes, if any, and the Corporation shall not be required to issue or deliver certificates evidencing the Common Shares and Warrants unless and until such Holder shall have paid to the Corporation or the Warrant Agent the amount of such tax or shall have established to the satisfaction of the Corporation that such tax has been paid or that no tax is due.




TO:           Computershare Trust Company of Canada, as registrar and transfer agent for the Warrants and Common Shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrants of Canadian Zinc Corporation.

The undersigned (A) acknowledges that the sale of _______________________ of the Corporation represented by certificate number _____________ to which this declaration relates is being made in reliance on Rule 904 of Regulation S under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the " U.S. Securities Act "), and (B) certifies that (1) the undersigned is not (a) an "affiliate" of the Corporation (as that term is defined in Rule 405 under the U.S. Securities Act), (b) a "distributor" as defined in Regulation S or (c) an affiliate of a distributor; (2) the offer of such securities was not made to a person in the United States and either (a) at the time the buy order was originated, the buyer was outside the United States, or the seller and any person acting on its behalf reasonably believed that the buyer was outside the United States, or (b) the transaction was executed on or through the facilities of a designated offshore securities market (such as the TSX Venture Exchange or the Toronto Stock Exchange) and neither the seller nor any person acting on its behalf knows that the transaction has been prearranged with a buyer in the United States or a U.S. person; (3) neither the seller nor any affiliate of the seller nor any person acting on their behalf has engaged or will engage in any directed selling efforts in the United States in connection with the offer and sale of such securities; (4) the sale is bona fide and not for the purpose of "washing off" the resale restrictions imposed because the securities are "restricted securities" (as that term is defined in Rule 144(a)(3) under the U.S. Securities Act); (5) the seller does not intend to replace securities sold in reliance on Rule 904 of Regulation S with fungible unrestricted securities; and (6) the contemplated sale is not a transaction, or part of a series of transactions, which, although in technical compliance with Regulation S, is part of a plan or scheme to evade the registration provisions of the U.S. Securities Act. Terms used herein have the meanings given to them by Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act.
      Authorized signatory
      Name of Seller ( please print )
      Name of authorized signatory ( please print )
      Title of authorized signatory ( please print )


Affirmation By Seller's Broker-Dealer (required for sales in accordance with Section (B)(2)(b) above)
We have read the foregoing representations of our customer, _________________________ (the "Seller") dated _______________________, with regard to our sale, for such Seller's account, of the securities of the Corporation described therein, and on behalf of ourselves we certify and affirm that (A) we have no knowledge that the transaction had been prearranged with a buyer in the United States, (B) the transaction was executed on or through the facilities of designated offshore securities market, (C) neither we, nor any person acting on our behalf, engaged in any directed selling efforts in connection with the offer and sale of such securities, and (D) no selling concession, fee or other remuneration is being paid to us in connection with this offer and sale other than the usual and customary broker's commission that would be received by a person executing such transaction as agent.  Terms used herein have the meanings given to them by Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act.
Name of Firm  
  Authorized officer  


Exhibit 4.9
EXECUTION VERSION (Redacted for filing)
B E T W E E N :
CANADIAN ZINC CORPORATION ,   a corporation incorporated and existing under the laws of the Province of British Columbia
(the “ Owner ”)
- and -
SANDSTORM METALS & ENERGY LTD. , a corporation incorporated and existing under the laws of the Province of British Columbia
(the “ Royalty Holder ”)
WHEREAS the Owner owns 100% of the Prairie Creek property, comprising mining leases, surface leases and staked mineral claims, covering 8,218 hectares of land and located in the Northwest Territories, Canada, all as more particularly described and shown on a map in Schedule “A” attached hereto and forming a part hereof (the “ Property ”). For clarity, for the purposes of this Agreement, the Property shall include any and all renewals, extensions and replacements of the said mining leases, surface leases and staked mineral claims and shall also include any and all new mineral and real property tenures of the Owner within the map area shown on Schedule “A”, including without limitation, mining leases, surface leases, mineral claims, or similar claims and any and all renewals, extensions and replacements thereof;
AND WHEREAS the Owner is planning to develop, construct and operate a zinc, silver and lead project at the Property;
AND WHEREAS the Property is free and clear of any and all liens, charges, security interests, claims, mortgages and other encumbrances, save and except for the permitted encumbrances which are set forth in Schedule “B” attached hereto and forming a part hereof;
AND WHEREAS the Owner seeks to grant to the Royalty Holder a certain base metal net smelter returns royalty and a certain precious metal net smelter returns royalty, all on and subject to the terms and conditions herein contained;
AND WHEREAS the Parties are therefore desirous of executing and delivering this Agreement, all on and subject to the terms and conditions contained herein;

AND WHEREAS capitalized terms when used in these preambles shall have the respective meanings set forth in Article 1;
NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by each of the Parties, the Parties mutually agree as follows:
In this Agreement, unless otherwise provided:
Affiliate ” means with respect to a Person, any other Person that directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, Controls, is Controlled by or is under common Control with, the subject Person;
Ag ” means silver;
Agreement ” means this Base Metal and Precious Metal Net Smelter Returns Royalties Agreement;
Allowable Deductions ” means, all costs, charges, deductions and expenses paid or incurred by the Owner for or with respect to Products comprising:
charges for treatment in the smelting, refining or other beneficiation processes (including handling, tertiary treatment, provisional settlement fees, weighing, sampling, concentrate leaching, assaying  umpire and representation fees and costs, treatment penalties, including without limitation, metal losses, and other processor deductions), but excluding costs of mining, mine site processing, handling, tertiary treatment and other beneficiation, and mine site smelting, refining and concentrating;
costs of transporting (including loading, freight, insurance, security, surveyor fees, non-refundable transaction taxes, handling, port fees, demurrage, delay, and forwarding expenses incurred by reason of or in the course of transportation), securing and insuring Products to a smelter, refinery or other purchaser of Products, including without limitation, in the case of Ag, Pb or Zn or other metal concentrates, offsite security costs;
costs or charges for or in connection with insurance, storage, or representation at a smelter or refinery for Products;
any deductible required to be paid in connection with insurance proceeds paid to the Owner in respect of a Loss; and
non-refundable sales, use, severance, excise, government royalties, and ad valorem taxes and any tax on or measured by mineral production, but not including income taxes of the Owner or the Royalty Holder;

provided that where Products are processed on or off the Property in a facility wholly or partially owned by the Owner, a shareholder of the Owner or an Affiliate of the Owner or an Affiliate of a shareholder of the Owner, Allowable Deductions will not include any costs that are in excess of those which would be incurred on an arm’s length basis or which would not be Allowable Deductions if those Products were processed by an independent third party. There will be no Allowable Deductions from Gross Proceeds received as a result of a Loss;
Annual Report ” means a written report, in relation to any calendar year, detailing:
the number of ounces or pounds, as the case may be, of Minerals produced from the Property, on a Month by Month basis, in the applicable calendar year;
if applicable, the names and addresses of each Offtaker to which the Minerals referred to in subsection (i) were delivered;
the Gross Proceeds, the Allowable Deductions which were applied against the Gross Proceeds and the Net Smelter Returns for each Product which have resulted or which are estimated to result from the Minerals referred to in subsection (i), on a Month by Month basis;
the amount of the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty which have been paid to the Royalty Holder with respect to the Minerals referred to in subsection (i) on a Month by Month basis, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;
an updated mine operating and development plan and budget which includes updated reserves and resources, forecasted production during the upcoming annual period and any planned drilling and exploration activities within the Property during the upcoming annual period; and
until the mine at the Property achieves commercial production, a summary of the status of any and all material permit and permit applications with respect to the Property and mining operations to be conducted thereon during the upcoming annual period;
Audit Dispute Notice ” has the meaning set forth in section 3.11;
BCICAC ” has the meaning set forth in section 8.1;
Base Metals ” means Refined Pb and Refined Zn and any other minerals generally considered to be a base metal;

Base Metal Royalty ” means 1.2% of the Net Smelter Returns from Base Metals;
Base Metal Royalty Purchase Agreement ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.1;
Business Day ” means a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or any other day which is a statutory holiday or a bank holiday in the place where an act is to be performed or a payment is to be made;
Cash Equivalent ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.3;
Charge ” means a general mortgage and charge, in respect of the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty, in a standard form that could reasonably be expected by a financial party to secure obligations, over the Mining Leases, which shall be in form and substance satisfactory to the Royalty Holder, acting reasonably;

Confidential Information ” has the meaning set forth in section 10.2;

Control ” or “ Controlled   means, when used as a verb:
with respect to an entity, the ability, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of the entity through the legal or beneficial ownership of voting securities or the right to appoint managers, directors or corporate management or by contract, operating agreement, voting trust or otherwise;
with respect to a natural person, the actual or legal ability to control the actions of another, through family relationship, agency, contract or otherwise; and
when used as a noun, an interest that gives the holder the ability to exercise any of the powers described in subsections (i) and (ii) of this definition;
Effective Date ” means the date of the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Parties.
Gross Proceeds ” means, proceeds received or deemed to be received by the Owner from the Sale of Products from the Property, whether processed on or off of the Property, determined as follows, subject to the provisions of section 3.5:

if Products are sold by the Owner in the form of ore, doré, concentrates or metals, then the Gross Proceeds in respect of such ore, doré concentrates or metals will be equal to the amount of the proceeds actually received by the Owner from the sale of such ore, doré, concentrates or metals;
if Products are sold by the Owner in the form of Refined Ag, then such Ag will be deemed to have been sold at the Monthly Average Silver Price for the Month in which such Ag was refined and the Gross Proceeds in respect of Ag will be determined by multiplying Silver Production for the Month by the Monthly Average Silver Price for the Month;
if Products are sold by the Owner in the form of Refined Pb, then such Pb will be deemed to have been sold at the Monthly Average Lead Price for the Month in which such Pb was refined and the Gross Proceeds in respect of Pb will be determined by multiplying Lead Production for the Month by the Monthly Average Lead Price for the Month;
if Products are sold by the Owner in the form of Refined Zn, then such Zn will be deemed to have been sold at the Monthly Average Zinc Price for the Month in which such Zn was refined and the Gross Proceeds in respect of Zn will be determined by multiplying Zinc Production for the Month by the Monthly Average Zinc Price for the Month; and
if there is a Loss of Products then the Gross Proceeds will be equal to the sum of the insurance proceeds actually received in respect of such Loss;
Intercreditor Agreement ” means an agreement to be entered into by the Royalty Holder, the Owner and the Senior Lenders, in each case on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Royalty Holder, acting reasonably, containing, among other things, the Intercreditor Principles and whereby the Royalty Holder agrees to subordinate the Charge created hereunder in favour of any change granted to the Senior Lenders;
Intercreditor Principles ” means the following terms: 1
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1 Deleted specific details deemed confidential by both parties for competitive and commercial reasons.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;
  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;and
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; 2
Lead Production ” means either: (i) the quantity of Refined Pb measured in pounds that is outturned to the Owner’s account by a refinery; or (ii) the recoverable and saleable quantity of Pb contained in Pb bearing ores, metals (metals shall include bullion, concentrates or other forms) derived from operating the Property as a mine to which has been applied the least number of treatments or processes necessary to render the minerals into a substance or state for which there is a commercially significant market of arm’s length sales or purchases between unrelated parties;
2 Deleted specific details deemed confidential by both parties for competitive and commercial reasons.

Loss ” means a loss of, theft of or damage to Products, whether or not occurring on or off the Property and whether the Products are in the possession of the Owner or otherwise;

Losses ” means all damages, claims, losses, liabilities, fines, penalties and expenses;
Materials ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.5;
Metals ” means Refined Ag, Refined Pb and Refined Zn;

Minerals ” means any and all economic, marketable metal bearing material, in whatever form or state, produced from the Property ;

Mining Leases ” has the meaning set forth in Schedule “A” attached hereto;

Month ” means a calendar month;

Monthly Average Lead Price ” means the average London Metal Exchange – “First Session second ring” for Pb in United States dollars (or, should that quotation cease, another similar quotation acceptable to the Parties or, if they cannot agree, determined by arbitration hereunder), calculated by dividing the sum of all such prices reported for the Month by the number of days for which such prices were reported;
Monthly Average Silver Price ” means the average London Bullion Market Association “P.M. Silver Fix” in United States dollars (or, should that quotation cease, another similar quotation acceptable to the Parties or, if they cannot agree, determined by arbitration hereunder), calculated by dividing the sum of all such prices reported for the Month by the number of days for which such prices were reported;
Monthly Average Zinc Price ” means the average London Metal Exchange – First Session second ring” for Zn in United States dollars (or, should that quotation cease, another similar quotation acceptable to the Parties or, if they cannot agree, determined by arbitration hereunder), calculated by dividing the sum of all such prices reported for the Month by the number of days for which such prices were reported;

Net Smelter Returns ” means for any Product for which there has been a Sale, the Gross Proceeds from the Sale of such Product less Allowable Deductions related to such Product;

Notice ” has the meaning set forth in section 10.8;

Offer ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.3;

Offtaker ” means the counterparty to an Offtake Agreement;

Offtake Agreement ” means any refining, smelting, brokering, sale, marketing and/or processing agreement entered into by the Owner or its Affiliates with respect to Minerals produced from the Property ;
Owned Claims ” has the meaning set forth in Schedule “A” attached hereto;

Owner ” has the meaning set forth in the preambles to this Agreement;

Owner Indemnified Parties ” has the meaning set forth in section 6.2;
Party ” or “ Parties ” means one or more of the parties to this Agreement;
Pb ” means lead;

Permitted Encumbrance ” means an encumbrance described in Schedule “B”;

Person ” means and includes any individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, firm, joint venture, syndicate, association, trust, governmental agency or board or commission or authority and any other form of entity or organization;

Precious Metals ” means Refined Ag and any other minerals generally considered to be a precious metal;

Precious Metal Royalty ” means 1.2% of the Net Smelter Returns from Precious Metals;

Precious Metal Royalty Purchase Price ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.1;

Products ” means all metal bearing ores mined from the Property and all concentrates and other mineral products, metals or minerals which are derived therefrom, whether so derived on or off the Property, and includes for greater certainty and without limitation, Silver Production, Lead Production and Zinc Production;

Property ” has the meaning ascribed thereto in the preambles to this Agreement;

Proposed Metal Stream ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.3, but for greater certainty and without limitation, a Proposed Metal Stream does not include a Ag, Pb or Zn loan, forward sale or similar arrangement where the Owner is obligated to make physical delivery of Products from the Property and where that delivery obligation does not last for more than five years;
Refined Ag ” means the Ag portion of marketable metal bearing material in the form of Ag that meets the specifications for Good Delivery Silver Bars under the Good Delivery Rules as published by the London Bullion Market Association from time to time being in any case of a purity of at least 99.9%;

Refined Pb ” means the Pb portion of marketable metal bearing material in the form of Pb that is refined to standards meeting or exceeding commercial standards for the sale of refined Pb, being in any case of a purity of at least 99.9%;

Refined Zn ” means the Zn portion of marketable metal bearing material in the form of Zn that is refined to standards meeting or exceeding commercial standards for the sale of refined Zn, being in any case of a purity of at least 98.5%;
Released Property ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.7;
Relinquishment Event ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.7;
Responding Party ” has the meaning set forth in section 8.1;
Royalty Holder Indemnified Parties ” has the meaning set forth in section 6.1;
Royalty Notice Documents ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.4;
Royalty Statement ” has the meaning set forth in section 3.4;
Sale ” means a sale or transfer of title of a Product by or on behalf of the Owner or any Affiliate of the Owner to a Person, whether or not an Affiliate of the Owner and is deemed to include a deemed transfer of title to Products transported off the Property that the Owner elects to have credited to or held for its account by an Offtaker and is also deemed to include any Loss prior to any transfer or deemed transfer of title to Products;
Selling Party ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.3;

Senior Lenders ” means lenders arranged by the Owner or its Affiliates who provide senior secured project financing to the Owner or its Affiliates;
Senior Security ” means any encumbrance granted in favour of a Senior Lender;

Silver Production ” means either: (i) the quantity of Refined Ag measured in ounces that is outturned to the Owner’s account by a refinery; or (ii) the recoverable and saleable quantity of Ag contained in Ag bearing ores, metals (metals shall include bullion, concentrates or other forms) derived from operating the Property as a mine to which has been applied the least number of treatments or processes necessary to render the minerals into a substance or state for which there is a commercially significant market of arm’s length sales or purchases between unrelated parties;

Surface Leases ” has the meaning set forth in Schedule “A” attached hereto;

Third Party ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.3;

Third-Party Offer ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.3;

Third Party Share Consideration ” has the meaning set forth in section 2.3;
trading activities ” has the meaning set forth in section 3.9;
Transfer ” when used as a verb, means to sell, grant, assign, encumber, hypothecate, pledge or otherwise dispose of or commit to dispose of, directly or indirectly, including through mergers, arrangements, amalgamations, consolidations, asset sales or spin-out transactions.  When used as a noun, “ Transfer ” means a sale, grant, assignment, pledge or disposal or the commitment to do any of the foregoing, directly or indirectly, including through mergers, arrangements, amalgamations, consolidations, asset sale or spin-out transaction;
Zn ” means zinc; and

Zinc Production ” means either: (i) the quantity of Refined Zn measured in pounds that is outturned to the Owner’s account by a refinery; or (ii) the recoverable and saleable quantity of Zn contained in Zn bearing ores, metals (metals shall include bullion, concentrates or other forms) derived from operating the Property as a mine to which has been applied the least number of treatments or processes necessary to render the minerals into a substance or state for which there is a commercially significant market of arm’s length sales or purchases between unrelated parties.
 Governing Law
Except for matters of title to the Property or the assignment or transfer of the Property, which will be governed by the law of the situs of the Property, this Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with, and the respective obligations of the Parties shall be governed by, the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein and each Party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of such province and all courts competent to hear appeals therefrom.
If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under the laws of any jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of such provision will not in any way be affected or impaired thereby under the laws of any other jurisdiction and the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein will not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.
Calculation of Time
If any time period set forth in this Agreement ends on a day of the week which is not a Business Day, then notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, such period will be extended until the end of the next following day which is a Business Day.

The headings to the articles and sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and will not affect the construction hereof.
Other Matters of Interpretation
In this Agreement:
the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
the masculine includes the feminine and vice versa;
references to “article,” “section” and “subsection” are to articles, sections and subsections of this Agreement, respectively;
all provisions requiring a Party to do or refrain from doing something will be interpreted as the covenant of that Party with respect to that matter notwithstanding the absence of the words “covenants” or “agrees” or “promises”;
all provisions requiring a Party to do something will be interpreted as including the covenant of that Party to cause that thing to be done when the Party cannot directly perform the covenant but can indirectly cause that covenant to be performed, whether by an Affiliate under its control or otherwise; and
the words “hereto,” “herein,” “hereby,” “hereunder,” “hereof” and similar expressions when used in this Agreement refer to the whole of this Agreement and not to any particular article, part, section, exhibit or portion thereof.
Net Smelter Returns Royalties
In consideration of the payment of the sum of US$6.8 million (the “ Base Metal Royalty Purchase Price ”):   (i) the Owner does hereby grant the Base Metal Royalty to the Royalty Holder; and (ii) commencing on the Effective Date the Owner agrees to pay to the Royalty Holder the Base Metal Royalty; all on the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement.
In consideration of the payment of the sum of US$3.2 million (the “ Precious Metal Royalty Purchase Price ”): (i) the Owner does hereby grant the Precious Metal Royalty to the Royalty Holder; and (ii) commencing on the Effective Date the Owner agrees to pay to the Royalty Holder the Precious Metal Royalty; all on terms and conditions specified in this Agreement.

The Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty shall rank pari passu .
In the event a court of competent jurisdiction determines that any provision of this Agreement violates the statutory or common law Rule Against Perpetuities, then such provision shall automatically be revised and reformed as necessary to comply with the Rule Against Perpetuities and this Agreement shall not be terminated solely as a result of a violation of the Rule Against Perpetuities.
Sale of Products Other Than to a Smelter or Refinery
If the Owner sells or causes the Sale of Products other than to a smelter or refinery, the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty, as the case may be, shall be, without duplication, 1.2% of the gross value of recoverable Minerals contained in such Products without deductions except for such costs, charges, deductions and expenses that would have been applicable had the Owner processed the Minerals at a third party smelter or refinery.  The amount of recoverable Minerals contained in Products removed from the Property shall be calculated and determined based upon assays, metallurgical tests and such other analyses as are customary in the industry which are conducted in a manner satisfactory to the Owner and the Royalty Holder, acting reasonably.  If the Parties are unable to agree on the manner of conducting such assays, tests and analyses or the amount of the applicable costs, charges, deductions and expenses that would have been applicable, for a period of 30 days, either Party may refer the question to arbitration hereunder and the decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the Parties.  The gross value of such Minerals shall be determined by multiplying the amount of such recoverable Minerals by the Monthly Average Silver Price, the Monthly Average Lead Price or the Monthly Average Zinc Price or the monthly average price for the applicable other Products (that are not Ag, Pb or Zn) as the case may be for the Month of such sale.
Right of First Refusal 3
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
3 Deleted specific details deemed confidential by both parties for competitive and commercial reasons.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .





Interest in Land
The Parties agree that, subject to the provisions of sections 2.7 and 2.8, the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty on the Property will each be a covenant running with the Property, will be enforceable as an in rem interest in land which shall run with the Property and will be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and assigns, provided that for the Property that comprise Mining Leases;
the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty thereon will be a covenant running with the Owner's leasehold interest in the Mining Leases for the entire term of the applicable lease and any and all renewals and extensions thereof; and
any assignment or sublease of the Mining Leases shall include a provision requiring the assignee or sublessee to pay the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty on the Mining Leases;
and further provided that for the Property that are the Owned Claims any conveyance by the Owner of the Property shall include a provision requiring the transferee to pay the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty on the Owned Claims. 
It is the intention of the Parties that to the extent permissible at law, both the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty on the Owned Claims and the Mining Leases shall be registerable or otherwise recordable in all public places where interests in a royalty are recordable and the Owner shall execute and deliver such further documents as may be necessary for the timely and effective recording or registration of a caution, notice or caveat in respect of the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty on the Owned Claims and the Mining Leases created by this Agreement, in such public places (the “ Royalty Notice Documents ”).
Tailings and Residue
All tailing, residues, waste rock, spoiled leach materials, and other materials (collectively the “ Materials ”) resulting from the Owner’s operations and activities on the Property shall be the sole property of the Owner, but shall remain subject to the obligation to pay the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty should the same be processed or reprocessed, as the case may be, in the future and result in Products.  The Owner shall have the right to dispose of Materials from the Property, whether on or off of the Property, and to commingle the same with Materials from other properties.  In the event Materials are processed or reprocessed, as the case may be, the Royalty applicable thereto shall be determined on a pro rata basis as determined by using such reasonable and customary engineering and technical practices as are then available.

  Ore Processing
All determinations with respect to: (a) whether ore from the Property will be beneficiated, processed or milled by the Owner or sold in a raw state; (b) the methods of beneficiating, processing or milling any such ore; (c) the constituents to be recovered therefrom; and (d) the purchasers to whom any ore, minerals or mineral substances derived from the Property may be sold, shall be made by the Owner in its sole and absolute discretion.
  2. 7
Abandonment, Relinquishment or Non-Renewal
If the Owner or an affiliate of the Owner or any person related thereto wishes to abandon, relinquish or terminate or not renew (the “ Relinquishment Event ”): (a) all or any portion of the Owned Claims; or (b) all or any portion of the Mining Leases or the Surface Leases (the property in (a) and (b), being the “ Released Property ”), then the Owner shall provide the Royalty Holder with a minimum of 30 days prior written notice of such intended Relinquishment Event.
Upon receipt of the said notice, the Royalty Holder shall have a period of 10 days within which to advise the Owner in writing that it desires: (a) to take an assignment of the Mining Leases or the Surface Leases comprising Released Property; or (b) to acquire the Owned Claims comprising Released Property, by quitclaim deed, for consideration equal to US$10.
If the Royalty Holder shall forward such written notice to the Owner within the said 10 day period, the Owner shall thereafter do all such acts and things or shall cause all such acts and things to be done, at the  Royalty Holder’s own sole cost and expense, to assign or convey, as appropriate, the Released Property to the Royalty Holder for the said US$10 and to have the Released Property recorded or registered into the name of the Royalty Holder.  The Parties acknowledge and agree that any assignment of the Mining Leases or the Surface Leases to the Royalty Holder under this section 2.7 may require the consent of the lessor thereunder.
If the Royalty Holder does not forward the said written notice to the Owner within the said 10 day period, then the Owner or the affiliate of the Owner or the person related thereto shall have the right to complete the Relinquishment Event with respect to the applicable Released Property.
If a Relinquishment Event is completed and thereafter, the Owner or any Affiliate of the Owner or any person related to the Owner subsequently reacquires a direct or indirect beneficial interest in the Released Property then such Released Property will once again be subject to the obligation to pay the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty with respect thereto.

Purchase of Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty
At any time between the Effective Date and the 30 month anniversary thereof, if and only if the Owner shall have entered into one or more metal stream agreements with respect to the Property with the Royalty Holder or any Affiliate of the Royalty Holder that have an aggregate upfront deposit of at least US$90.0 million (or such other smaller amount, in the Royalty Holder's sole discretion), the Owner shall have the exclusive and irrevocable right and option to purchase the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty, without the exclusion of the other, by making a payment in cash by wire transfer to the Royalty Holder in the amount of US$6.8 million in respect of the Base Metal Royalty and US$3.2 million in respect of the Precious Metal Royalty.
If the Owner elects to purchase the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty pursuant to section 2.8(a), payment by the Owner to the Royalty Holder shall be made with a minimum of 30 days prior written notice to the Royalty Holder.  Upon receipt of such payment set forth in section 2.8(a), without set off, deduction or defalcation, the Royalty Holder shall convey and /or cancel and surrender the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty to the Owner by way of a mutually agreeable deed in recordable form, and such conveyance shall be made free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances arising by, through or under the Royalty Holder.  If the Royalty Holder fails to timely deliver such a deed within a further period of 30 days after receipt of the said aggregate US$10.0 million in cash by wire transfer (provided that the condition set forth in section 2.8(a) has been satisfied), the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty shall be deemed to be cancelled without any further or other act by any Party hereto.
Payment Obligation
The obligation to pay the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty will accrue when there has been a Sale (provided that any Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty due in respect of a Loss will accrue when the insurance proceeds are received by the Owner) and on the following bases:
there will be deemed to have been a Sale of treated metals upon the outturn of metals from such Products by the treatment facility to the account of the Owner;
the obligation to pay the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty will accrue upon any Sale by the Owner to an unrelated third party that is not captured by section 3.1(a) and for which the Owner receives Gross Proceeds; and
any Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty due in respect of a Loss will accrue when the insurance proceeds are received by the Owner.
For greater certainty and without limitation, the Parties anticipate that 90% or more of the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty shall be payable out of, or from the proceeds of, the production from the Property.

Provisional Settlements
Where the outturn of treated metals or a Sale (including an insurance settlement in respect of a Loss) is made on a provisional basis, the amount of the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty payable will be based upon the amount of metal or other Products (or the value of the Loss) credited by such provisional settlement, but will be adjusted in the next quarterly payment due thereafter to account for the amount of metal or other Products (or the value of the Loss) established by final settlement with the treatment facility or with the purchaser or insurer of other Products, as the case may be. If production has ceased, settlement will be made between the Parties by cash payment.
Due Date
Base Metal Royalty payments and Precious Metal Royalty payments will be due and payable quarterly on the last day of the first Month after the end of the calendar quarter in which the same accrued.
Royalty Statements
Base Metal Royalty payments and Precious Metal Royalty payments will be accompanied by a statement (the “ Royalty Statement ”) showing in reasonable detail on a Product by Product basis, as applicable, for the relevant quarter:
the quantities and grades of Products produced and for which there was a Sale in the quarter;
the Gross Proceeds of Sale received in the quarter (including without limitation by reason of a Loss);
the Allowable Deductions in the quarter;
any adjustments to provisional settlements; and
other pertinent information in sufficient detail to explain the calculation of the Royalty payment.
Subject to section 3.2, all Base Metal Royalty payments and Precious Metal Royalty payments will be considered final and in full satisfaction of all obligations of the Owner with respect thereto, unless the Royalty Holder gives the Owner written notice describing and setting forth a specific objection to the determination thereof within 12 months after the receipt by the Royalty Holder of the quarterly Royalty Statement.  Such notice will specify the basis for the objection in reasonable detail.  In addition to the provisions of section 3.10 and 3.11, if the Royalty Holder objects to a particular quarterly Royalty Statement as herein provided, then:

the Royalty Holder will have the right, for a period of 90 days after the Owner receives notice of such objection, upon reasonable notice and at a reasonable time, and for a reasonable period of duration, to have the Owner's accounts and records relating to the calculation of the Base Metal Royalty and/or the Precious Metal Royalty, as the case may be, in question audited by a chartered accountant selected by the Royalty Holder and who enters into a confidentiality undertaking in favour of the Owner;
if such audit determines that there has been a deficiency or an excess in the payment made to the Royalty Holder, such deficiency or excess will be resolved by adjusting the next quarterly Base Metal Royalty payment and/or Precious Metal Royalty payment, as the case may be, due hereunder.  If production has ceased, settlement will be made between the Parties by cash payment; and
the Royalty Holder will pay all costs of such audit unless a deficiency of two percent or more of the amount due to the Royalty Holder is determined to exist.  The Owner will pay the costs of such audit if a deficiency of two percent or more of the amount due is determined to exist.
Failure on the part of the Royalty Holder to make a claim on the Owner for adjustment in such 12 month period will establish the correctness of the payment and preclude the filing of exception thereto or the making of claims for adjustment thereon.
Conversion of Currency
All payments in respect of the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty will be made in U.S. dollars.
Wire Transfer
Payments made under or pursuant to this Agreement will be made by wire transfer in good, immediately available funds, to such account or accounts as the Royalty Holder may designate pursuant to wire instructions provided by the Royalty Holder to the Owner not less than three Business Days prior to the dates upon which such payments are to be made.  The date the wire transfer process is initiated shall be the date of such payment, provided that the Royalty Holder receives such payment, and the Owner shall have no duty to otherwise apportion any payment to the Royalty Holder or its successors or assigns.
Payments in Kind
In the event that the Royalty Holder determines that it wishes to receive Base Metal Royalty payments and Precious Metal Royalty payments in the physical product in kind, the Royalty Holder shall provide written notice of such election including details of the Royalty Holder’s account at the final refiner or other processor of the applicable Minerals.  Upon timely receipt of such notice, the Owner shall direct any Offtaker that is the final refiner or other processor of the applicable Minerals to pay the Base Metal Royalty and/or the Precious Metal Royalty directly to the account of the Royalty Holder at the Offtaker.

All costs incurred by the Owner with respect to arranging for such payment in kind shall be for the account of the Royalty Holder and may be deducted from any subsequent payment of the Base Metal Royalty and/or the Precious Metal Royalty, as the case may be. The Royalty Holder shall be responsible for all costs associated with the transportation of and insurance relating to Base Metal Royalty payments and/or Precious Metal Royalty payments delivered in kind to the Royalty Holder and if such transportation costs are paid for by the Royalty Holder the same shall not be included as one of the Allowable Deductions pursuant to section (ii) of the definition of Allowable Deductions.
For greater certainty and without limitation, the Owner shall not be obligated to deliver Base Metal Royalty payments and/or Precious Metal Royalty payments in physical product in kind if the Owner shall suffer an adverse tax consequence thereby.  Title to Product delivered to the Royalty Holder set forth in this section 3.8 shall pass to the Royalty Holder at the time the Product is credited to the Royalty Holder at the Offtaker.
If the Royalty Holder has provided written notice that it wishes to receive Base Metal Royalty payments and/or Precious Metal Royalty payments in the physical product in kind, the Owner shall notify the Royalty Holder in writing at least three weeks prior to any change of Offtaker.
Trading Activities of Owner
The Owner will have the right to market and sell refined Products in any manner it may elect, and will have the right to engage in forward sales, futures trading or commodity options trading and other price hedging, price protection, and speculative arrangements (the “ trading activities ”) which may involve the possible physical delivery of Products. The Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty will not apply to, and the Royalty Holder will not be entitled to participate in, the proceeds generated by the Owner, a shareholder of the Owner or an Affiliate of either in trading activities.  In determining the net proceeds from any Products subject to the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty, the Owner will not be entitled to deduct from Gross Proceeds any Losses suffered by the Owner, a shareholder or an Affiliate in trading activities.

If the Owner engages in trading activities, the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty will be determined on the basis of the value of the Products produced and without regard to the price or proceeds actually received by the Owner, for or in connection with the sale, or the manner in which a sale to a third party is made by the Owner. The aforementioned value will be determined through reference to the Monthly Average Silver Price, the Monthly Average Lead Price or the Monthly Average Zinc Price, or the monthly average price for the applicable other Products (that are not Ag, Pb or Zn), as the case may be, for the Month during which Products are credited to the Owner’s account with a smelter or refiner, or, if the Owner engages in trading activities in respect of Products other than refined metals, the Gross Proceeds will be determined on basis of the value of such Products at the time such Products or ores are actually delivered to third parties.
The Parties agree that the Royalty Holder is not a participant in the trading activities of the Owner, and therefore the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty will not be diminished or improved by losses or gains of the Owner in any such trading activities.
Books and Records
The Owner shall keep true, complete and accurate books and records of all of its operations and activities with respect to the Property, including the mining of Minerals therefrom and the mining, stockpiling, treatment, processing, refining and transportation of Minerals, prepared in accordance with good mining industry practice, consistently applied.  The Royalty Holder and/or its authorized representatives shall be entitled, upon delivery of three Business Days advance notice, during the normal business hours of the Owner, in a manner that does not unreasonably interfere with the Owner’s business, to perform audits or other reviews and examinations of the Owner’s books and records relevant to the calculation and payment of the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty pursuant to this Agreement to confirm compliance with the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation, calculations of Net Smelter Returns.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Royalty Holder shall have the right to audit all invoices and other records relating to the transportation of Minerals from the Property to any mill, refinery or other processor at which Minerals from the Property may be milled, smelted, concentrated, refined or otherwise treated or processed and relating to the transportation of Minerals in the form of concentrates, doré, slag or other waste products from any mill at which Minerals from the Property may be milled, to a processor.  The Royalty Holder shall diligently complete any audit or other examination permitted hereunder.  All expenses of any audit or other examination permitted hereunder shall be paid by the Royalty Holder, unless the results of such audit or other examination permitted hereunder disclose a deficiency in respect of any Base Metal Royalty payments and/or the Precious Metal Royalty payments paid to the Royalty Holder hereunder in respect of the period being audited or examined in an amount greater than two percent of the amount of the Royalty properly payable with respect to such period, in which event all expenses of such audit or other examination shall be paid by the Owner.

In performing such audit the Royalty Holder and/or its agents shall have reasonable access to all sampling, assay, weighing, and production records, including all mining, stockpile and milling records of the Owner relating to the Property and any Minerals derived from the Property (and the Royalty Holder shall be allowed to make notes or a photocopy thereof, subject to the provisions of section 10.2), all of which such records shall be kept and retained by the Owner in accordance with good mining industry practice.
Annual Report
The Owner shall deliver to the Royalty Holder an Annual Report on or before 60 days after the last day of each fiscal year of the Owner.  With respect to the information referenced as item (v) in the definition of and included in any Annual Report, the Owner does not make or will not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the same, and the Royalty Holder shall rely on the same at its sole risk.  The Parties agree that the Owner shall have no obligation to comply with or abide by any of the forecasts or schedules included in the information referenced as items (vi) and (vii) in the definition of and included in any Annual Report, and the Owner shall not have any liability to the Royalty Holder or any third party with respect to a failure to do so.
With respect to any Annual Report, the Royalty Holder shall have the right to dispute any information of the kind referenced as items (i) and (v) in the definition of Annual Report in accordance with the provisions of this section.  If the Royalty Holder disputes any of that information in an Annual Report:
the Royalty Holder shall notify the Owner in writing within 90 days from the date of delivery of the applicable Annual Report that it disputes the accuracy of that Annual Report (or any part thereof) (the "Audit Dispute Notice");
the Royalty Holder on the one hand and the Owner on the other hand shall have 90 days from the date the Audit Dispute Notice is delivered by the Royalty Holder to resolve the dispute.  If the Royalty Holder and the Owner have not resolved the dispute within the said 90 day period, a mutually agreed independent third-party expert will be appointed to prepare a report with respect to the dispute in question (the "Expert's Report").  If the Royalty Holder and the Owner have not agreed upon such expert within a further 10 days after the said 90 day period, then the dispute as to the expert shall be resolved by the dispute mechanism procedures set forth in Article 8;
if the Expert's Report concludes that the amount of the Base Metal Royalty and/or the Precious Metal Royalty which was to have been paid to the Royalty Holder was deficient by two percent or less from the Base Metal Royalty and/or the Precious Metal Royalty set out in the Annual Report, then the cost of the Expert's Report shall be borne by the Royalty Holder;
if the Expert's Report concludes that the amount of the Base Metal Royalty and/or the Precious Metal Royalty which was to have been paid to the Royalty Holder was deficient by more than two percent from the Base Metal Royalty and/or the Precious Metal Royalty set out in the Annual Report, then the cost of the Expert's Report shall be borne by the Owner; and
if the Royalty Holder or the Owner disputes the Expert's Report and such dispute is not resolved between the Parties within ten days after the date of delivery of the Expert's Report, then such dispute shall be resolved by the dispute mechanism procedures set forth in Article 8.

If the Owner does not deliver an Annual Report as required pursuant to this Article, the Royalty Holder shall have the right to perform or to cause its representatives or agents to perform, at the cost and expense of the Owner, an audit of the books and records of the Owner relevant to the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty in conjunction with the provisions of section 3.10.  The Owner shall grant the Royalty Holder and its agents access to all such books and records on a timely basis during normal business hours. In order to exercise this right, the Royalty Holder must provide not less than three Business Days’ written notice to the Owner of its intention to conduct the said audit.  If within seven days of receipt of such notice, the Owner delivers the applicable Annual Report, then the Royalty Holder shall have no right to perform the said audit. If the Owner delivers the Annual Report before the delivery of the report prepared in connection with the said audit, the applicable Annual Report shall be taken as final and conclusive, subject to the rights of the Royalty Holder as set forth in Article 8.  Otherwise, absent any manifest or gross error in the Royalty Holder’s audit report, the Royalty Holder’s report shall be final and conclusive, subject to the provisions of Article 8.
Rights to Monitor Processing of Minerals
Subject at all times to the workplace rules and supervision of the Owner, the Royalty Holder shall at all reasonable times and upon reasonable notice and at its sole risk and expense, have:
a right of access by its representatives to the Property and to any mill used by the Owner to process Minerals derived from the Property (provided that in the event such mill is not owned or controlled by the Owner, such right of access shall only be the same as any such right of access of the Owner); and
the right:
to monitor the Owner's stockpiling and milling of ore or minerals derived from the Property and to take samples from the Property or from any mill or processor for the purposes of assay verifications; and
to weigh or to cause the Owner to weigh or otherwise calculate the weight of all trucks transporting minerals from the Property to any mill processing Minerals from the Property prior to dumping of such ore and immediately following such dumping.

The Royalty Holder shall defend, indemnify and hold the Owner harmless from and against any Losses for damage to property or injury to or death of persons arising from any such inspection, or any inspection conducted pursuant to the provisions of section 9.2, except to the extent the same are caused by the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the Owner.
Covenant Regarding Approvals
The Owner does hereby covenant and agree that it shall do all such acts and things and they shall not omit to do any acts or things as shall be necessary in order to obtain all necessary approvals as shall be required in order each of them to be able to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this Agreement. This covenant shall not merge on the execution and delivery of this Agreement. A breach of this covenant shall be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement.
4.2 Covenant Regarding Senior Security
The Owner does hereby covenant and agree that if any of the Owner or its Affiliates shall seek to provide security to the Senior Lenders, then a minimum of 10 Business Days prior thereto, the Owner and the Senior Lenders shall execute and deliver to and in favour of the Royalty Holder, an Intercreditor Agreement.
  4.3 Covenant Regarding Charge
The Owner does hereby covenant and agree that within 45 days of the Effective Date the Owner shall execute and deliver to and in favour of the Royalty Holder the Charge and shall provide the Royalty Holder with proof, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Royalty Holder, of submission of the Charge for registration or recordation in the Office of the Mining Recorder of the Northwest Territories and shall provide the Royalty Holder with proof, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Royalty Holder, of due registration or recordation of the Charge as soon as same can be obtained from the Mining Recorder. In addition, the Owner’s counsel will provide a written legal opinion to the Royalty Holder, which shall be satisfactory in form and substance to the Royalty Holder, acting reasonably, opining that, subject to reasonable qualifications and based on reasonable assumptions, that no charge or security is registered on the Mining Leases ranking in priority to the Charge, other than one which would constitute a Permitted Encumbrance.

The Owner does hereby additionally covenant and agree that it shall forthwith provide written notice to the Royalty Holder of the Owner’s receipt of amendments, revisions and/or expansions with respect to the Property. The Owner additionally covenants that it shall not, amend, supplement, waive, restate, supersede, terminate, cancel or release or otherwise consent to a breach of the provisions of the Charge without the prior written consent of the Royalty Holder, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

The Royalty Holder will agree to subordinate the Charge to security granted by the Owner or its Affiliates to any Senior Lenders but only if the Senior Lenders execute and deliver to and in favour of the Royalty Holder an Intercreditor Agreement.

4.4 Covenant Regarding Registration or Recordation of Royalties
The Owner does hereby covenant and agree that within 60 days after the Effective Date (or such other later date as the Royalty Holder may agree), the Owner shall provide the Royalty Holder with proof, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Royalty Holder, of the due registration or recordation of the Royalty Notice Documents in the Office of the Mining Recorder of the Northwest Territories.  If the Royalty Holder does not receive such proof within the said 60 days after the Effective Date (or such other later date as the Royalty Holder may agree), then the Royalty Purchase Price shall be due and owing by the Owner to the Royalty Holder and the Owner shall immediately forward to the Royalty Holder, in cash by wire transfer, the Base Metal Royalty Purchase Price and the Precious Metal Royalty Purchase Price, without setoff, deduction or defalcation.
5.1 Representations and Warranties of the Owner
The Owner hereby represents and warrants to and in favour of the Royalty Holder and acknowledges and agrees that the Royalty Holder is entering into this Agreement on the basis of such representations and warranties, namely, that the Owner has the corporate power, capacity and authority to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement and the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by the Owner have been duly authorized by all required corporate or limited liability company action of the Owner and this Agreement represents a valid and binding obligation of the Owner duly enforceable against the Owner in accordance with its terms, except as such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws or by equitable principles generally.
  5.2 Representations and Warranties of Royalty Holder
The Royalty Holder represents and warrants to and in favour of the Owner and acknowledges and agrees that the Owner is entering into this Agreement on the basis of such representations and warranties, namely, that it has the corporate power, capacity and authority to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement and the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by it has been duly authorized by all required corporate action and this Agreement represents a valid and binding obligation of the Royalty Holder duly enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except as such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws or by equitable principles generally.

6.1   Indemnity by the Owner
The Owner does hereby agree to defend, indemnify, reimburse and hold harmless the Royalty Holder, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees and its successors and assigns (collectively, the “ Royalty Holder Indemnified Parties ”), and each of them, from and against any and all Losses that the Royalty Holder Indemnified Parties may sustain, suffer or incur as a result of:
a breach of this Agreement by the Owner; and
operations conducted on or in respect of the Property by or on behalf of the Owner that result from or relate to the mining, handling, transportation, smelting or refining of the Products, including without limitation, Losses, in any way arising from or connected with any non-compliance with environmental laws or any contaminants or hazardous substances on, in or under the Property or the soil, sediment, water or groundwater forming part thereof, whether in the past, present or future, or any contaminants or hazardous substances on any other lands or areas having originated or migrated from the Property or the soil, sediment, water or groundwater forming part thereof.
6.2 Indemnity by the Royalty Holder
The Royalty Holder does hereby agree to defend, indemnify, reimburse and hold harmless the Owner, its officers, directors, members, managers, shareholders, employees and their successors and assigns (collectively, the “ Owner Indemnified Parties ”), and each of them, from and against any and all Losses that the Owner Indemnified Parties may sustain, suffer or incur as a result of a breach of this Agreement by the Royalty Holder or arising from any  inspection conducted pursuant to the provisions of sections 3.12 or 9.2, except to the extent the same are caused by the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the Owner.
7.1 Restricted Transfer Rights of the Owner
The Owner may Transfer, in whole or in part: (i) the Property; or (ii) its rights and obligations under this Agreement, the Charge and any Intercreditor Agreement; in either case so long as the following conditions are satisfied:
the Owner provides the Royalty Holder with at least 20 day's prior written notice of the intent to Transfer of the Owner;
any purchaser, merged company, transferee or assignee, as a condition to completion of the Transfer, agrees in writing in favour of the Royalty Holder to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation, this section and the Royalty Holder does not suffer a material adverse effect in relation to the transactions set forth in this Agreement; and
any transferee of the Owner that is a mortgagee, chargeholder or encumbrancer obtains an agreement in writing in favour of the Royalty Holder from any subsequent purchaser or transferee of such mortgagee, chargeholder or encumbrancer that such subsequent mortgagee, chargeholder or encumbrancer will be bound by the terms of this Agreement, the Charge and the Intercreditor Agreement (with respect to the latter, if applicable).

7.2 Transfer Rights of the Royalty Holder
The Royalty Holder shall have the right to Transfer or encumber, in whole or in part, its rights and obligations under this Agreement to another Person upon the delivery to the Owner of ten Business Days prior written notice .  In such a case, provided that such other Person has agreed in writing with the Owner to be bound by such transferred or encumbered obligations under this Agreement, the Royalty Holder shall be released from such transferred obligations under this Agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Royalty Holder shall have the right to Transfer by way of encumbrance, in whole or in part, its rights and obligations under this Agreement to one or more lenders providing financing to the Royalty Holder without notice to, or the consent of, the Owner.   Provided such transferee has agreed in writing with the Owner that if it enforces such encumbrance it will provide notice to the Owner and upon delivery of such notice, (which notice shall confirm that such transferee agrees to be bound by such transferred obligations under this Agreement,) such transferee shall become a party to this Agreement with all of the rights and obligations of the Royalty Holder. In the case of a Transfer by way of encumbrance which is subsequently enforced by such transferee, the Royalty Holder shall not be released from its obligations under this Agreement
7.3 Project Financing of the Owner
The Owner covenants to and in favour of the Royalty Holder that the terms of any project financing arranged with respect to the Property shall not allow for the lenders to prohibit or interfere with any Base Metal Royalty payments or Precious Metal Royalty payments due to the Royalty Holder hereunder or allow for cash sweeps or payments of excess cash flow to the lenders in priority to any Base Metal Royalty payments or Precious Metal Royalty payments due to the Royalty Holder hereunder.
In connection with any such project financing the Owner shall obtain at the closing of such project financing a certificate executed by an authorized officer of each lending institution or any other third party to the project financing, acknowledging the validity and existence of this Agreement and the Base Metal Royalty obligations and the Precious Metal Royalty obligations under this Agreement and agreeing that it will not object to or attempt to prohibit payment of any of the payments of the Base Metal Royalty and/or Precious Metal Royalty hereunder.

8.1 Arbitration
In the event of a dispute in relation to this Agreement, including without limitation, the existence, validity, performance, breach or termination hereof or any matter arising hereunder, including whether any matter is subject to arbitration, the Parties agree to negotiate diligently and in good faith in an attempt to resolve such dispute. Failing resolution satisfactory to either Party, within ten days of the time frame specified herein or if no time frame is specified within ten days of the delivery of notice by either Party of the said dispute, which shall be after the dispute remains open for a period of 90 days, either Party may request that the dispute be resolved by binding arbitration, conducted in English, in Vancouver, British Columbia, pursuant to the domestic commercial arbitration rules of the British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Centre (the “ BCICAC ”).  The appointing authority shall be the BCICAC and the case shall be administered by the BCICAC in accordance with its Domestic Commercial Arbitration Rules of Procedure, subject to the following:
To demand arbitration, either Party (the "Demanding Party") shall give written notice (the "Dispute Notice") to the other Party (the "Responding Party"), which Dispute Notice shall toll the running of any applicable limitations of actions by law or under this Agreement.  The Dispute Notice shall specify the nature of the allegation and the issues in dispute, the amount or value involved (if applicable) and the remedy requested.  Within 15 Business Days of receipt of the Dispute Notice, the Responding Party shall answer the demand in writing, responding to the allegations and issues that are disputed.
The Demanding Party and the Responding Party shall mutually agree upon one single qualified arbitrator within seven Business Days of the Responding Party's answer, failing which either the Demanding Party or the Responding Party may request the BCICAC to appoint one qualified arbitrator within five Business Days of the Responding Party's answer.  The arbitrator shall be a disinterested person qualified by experience to hear and determine the issues to be arbitrated.
No later than 15 Business Days after hearing the representations and evidence of the Parties, the arbitrator shall make its determination in writing in English and shall deliver one copy to each of the Parties. The written decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the Parties in respect of all matters relating to the arbitration, the procedure, the conduct of the Parties during the proceedings and the final determination of the issues in the arbitration. There shall be no appeal from the determination of the arbitrator to any court. The decision rendered by the arbitrator may be entered into any court for enforcement purposes.

The arbitrator may determine all questions of law and jurisdiction (including questions as to whether or not a dispute is arbitratable) and all matters of procedure relating to the arbitration.
The arbitrator shall have the right to grant legal and equitable relief and to award costs (including reasonable legal fees and the costs of arbitration) and interest. The costs of any arbitration shall be borne by the Parties in the manner specified by the arbitrator in its determination, if applicable. The arbitrator may make an interim order, including injunctive relief and other provisional, protective or conservatory measures, as well as orders seeking assistance from a court in taking or compelling evidence or preserving and producing documents regarding the subject matter of the dispute.
All papers, notices or process pertaining to an arbitration hereunder may be served on a Party as provided in this Agreement.
The Parties agree to treat as Confidential Information, in accordance with the provisions of section 10.2, the following: the existence of the arbitral proceedings; written notices, pleadings and correspondence in relation to the arbitration; reports, summaries, witness statements and other documents prepared in respect of the arbitration; documents exchanged for the purposes of the arbitration; and the contents of any award or ruling made in respect of the arbitration. Notwithstanding the foregoing part of this section, a Party may disclose such Confidential Information in judicial proceedings to enforce, nullify, modify or correct an award or ruling and as permitted under section 10.2 or where that disclosure is necessary to comply with its disclosure obligations and requirements under any securities law, rules or regulations or stock exchange listing agreements,
9.1 Owner to Determine Operations
The Owner will have complete discretion concerning the nature, timing and extent of all exploration, development, mining and other operations conducted on or for the benefit of the Property and may suspend operations and production on the Property at any time it considers prudent or appropriate to do so.
The Owner may, but will not be obligated to treat, mill, heap leach, sort, concentrate, refine, smelt, or otherwise process, beneficiate or upgrade the ores, concentrates, and other Product at sites located on or off the Property, prior to sale, transfer, or conveyance to a purchaser, user, or consumer. The Owner will not be liable for mineral values lost in processing under sound practices and procedures, and no Base Metal Royalty or Precious Metal Royalty will be due on any such lost mineral values.

The Owner shall be entitled to temporarily stockpile, store or place ores, concentrates or other Product produced from the Property in any locations owned, leased, rented or otherwise controlled by the Owner or its Affiliates, provided the same are appropriately identified as to ownership and origin and secured from loss, theft, tampering and contamination.
The Owner will owe the Royalty Holder no duty to explore, develop or mine the Property, or to do so at any rate or in any manner other than that which the Owner may determine in its sole and unfettered discretion.
9.2 Commingling
Commingling of Products from the Property with other ores, doré, concentrates, metals, minerals or mineral by-products produced elsewhere is permitted, provided that reasonable and customary procedures are established for the weighing, sampling, assaying and other measuring or testing necessary to fairly allocate valuable metals contained in such Products and in the other ores, doré, concentrates, metals, minerals and mineral by-products.  The Royalty Holder will have the right, during reasonable business hours and upon prior notice to the Owner, to enter upon the Property and to inspect the plant and procedures followed by the Owner with respect to allocations made under this section, provided that such entry will be at the sole risk and cost of the Royalty Holder, and in compliance with applicable safety rules and regulations.
9.3 Nature of Royalty Holder’s Interest
The Base Metal Royalty payable and Precious Metal Royalty payable to the Royalty Holder shall be payable only on production of Products from the Property, and not production from any other properties adjacent to or in the vicinity of the Property.  The Royalty Holder shall not have any possessory or working interest in the Property, nor any of the incidents of such interest.
10.1 Other Activities and Interests
This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder are strictly limited to the Property.  Save and except as herein specifically provided, each Party will have the free and unrestricted right to enter into, conduct and benefit from any and all business ventures of any kind whatsoever, whether or not competitive with the activities undertaken pursuant hereto, without disclosing such activities to the other Party or inviting or allowing the other to participate therein including activities involving mineral claims or mineral leases adjoining the Property.
10.2 Confidentiality
All information, data, reports, records, analyses, economic and technical studies and test results relating to the Property and the activities of the Owner or any other party thereon and the terms and conditions of this Agreement, all of which will hereinafter be referred to as “ Confidential Information ,” will be treated by the Royalty Holder as confidential and will not be disclosed to any person not a party to this Agreement, except in the following circumstances:

the Royalty Holder may disclose Confidential Information to its auditors, legal counsel, tax and financial advisors, institutional lenders, brokers, underwriters and investment bankers, provided that such non-party users are advised of the confidential nature of the Confidential Information, undertake to maintain the confidentiality thereof and are strictly limited in their use of the Confidential Information to those purposes necessary for such non-party users to perform the services for which they were retained by the Royalty Holder;
the Royalty Holder may disclose Confidential Information to prospective purchasers of the Royalty Holder's right to receive the Base Metal Royalty and/or Precious Metal Royalty, provided that each such prospective purchaser first agrees in writing to hold such information confidential in accordance with this section and to use it exclusively for the purpose of evaluating its interest in purchasing such right;
the Royalty Holder and the Owner may disclose Confidential Information where that disclosure is necessary to comply with its disclosure obligations and requirements under any securities law, rules or regulations or stock exchange listing agreements, policies or requirements or in relation to proposed credit arrangements, and the Owner agrees to provide to the Royalty Holder all such information as the Royalty Holder, acting reasonably, determines is necessary or desirable to fulfill the Royalty Holder's disclosure obligations and requirements under applicable securities laws, provided that prior to making any such disclosure the Royalty Holder shall give the Owner three Business Days' prior written notice and the opportunity to comment on such disclosure. Additionally, the Owner agrees to use its reasonable efforts to ensure that the "qualified person" of the Owner (for the purposes of National Instrument 43 101) reviews and comments upon all requisite securities documents of the Royalty Holder that contain and disclose scientific and technical information with respect to the Base Metal Royalty and Precious Metal Royalty, including without limitation, annual information forms and press releases and to ensure that the Royalty Holder may quote and rely upon such "qualified person" in any such document, all as required by requisite securities laws, provided that any additional cost incurred by the Owner or such "qualified person" in any such review will be for the account of the Royalty Holder; or
with the prior written approval of the Owner.
Any Confidential Information that becomes a part of the public domain by no act or omission in breach of this section will cease to be confidential information for the purposes of this section.  The Royalty Holder agrees that any Confidential Information it discloses under section 10.2(c) shall be accompanied by public-company standard disclaimers regarding reliance on forward-looking statements.

10.3 No Partnership
This Agreement is not intended to, and will not be deemed to, create any partnership relation between the Parties including without limitation, a joint venture, mining partnership or commercial partnership. The obligations and liabilities of the Parties will be several and not joint and neither of the Parties will have or purport to have any authority to act for or to assume any obligations or responsibility on behalf of an other Party.  Nothing herein contained will be deemed to constitute a Party the partner, agent, joint venturer or legal representative of another Party.
10.4 No Waivers
No waiver of or with respect to any term or condition of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the waiving Party, and then such waiver shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose for which given.  No course of dealing between the Parties, nor any failure to exercise, nor any delay in exercising, on the part of a Party hereunder, any right, power, or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any specific waiver of any right, power or privilege hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof of the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.
10.5 Time of the Essence
Time shall be of the essence in the performance of any and all of the obligations of the Parties hereunder, including without limitation, the payment of monies.
10.6 Further Assurances
Each Party will, at the request of another Party and at the requesting Party’s expense, execute all such documents and take all such actions as may be reasonably required to effect the purposes and intent of this Agreement.
  10.7 Entire Agreement
This Agreement, including the Schedules hereto, constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, all previous agreements and promises in respect thereto being hereby expressly rescinded and replaced hereby. No modification or alteration of this Agreement will be effective unless in writing executed subsequent to the date hereof by both Parties.  No prior written or contemporaneous oral promises, representations or agreements are binding upon the Parties.  There are no implied covenants contained herein.

10.8 Notice
Any notice, demand, consent or other communication (“ Notice ”) given or made under the Agreement:
must be in writing and signed by a person duly authorised by the sender;
must be delivered to the intended recipient by hand, by overnight courier, or fax or email to the address or fax number below or the address, email address or fax number last notified by the intended recipient to the sender:
If to the Owner:
650 West Georgia Street
Suite 1710, P. O. Box 11644
Vancouver, BC  V6B 4N9

President and Chief Executive
Fax No.:
(604) 688-2043
If to the Royalty Holder, to:
Suite 1400, 400 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3A6
President and Chief Executive Officer
Fax No.:
(604) 689-7317
with a copy to:
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
Suite 2200, HSBC Building
885 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC  V6C 3E8
Jennifer Traub
Fax No.:
(604) 691-6120
will be deemed to be duly given or made when delivered;
but if the result is that a Notice would be deemed to be given or made on a day which is not a Business Day in the place to which the Notice is sent or is later than 4:00 pm (local time) it will be deemed to have been duly given or made at the commencement of business on the next Business Day in that place.

10.9 Counterparts
This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, by original, pdf or telefacsimile signature, each of which will constitute an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument.
10.10 Parties in Interest
This Agreement will enure to the benefit of and be binding on the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.
10.11 Tax Laws
Following the execution and delivery of this Agreement, each of the Parties will co-operate reasonably with the other Party in implementing any reasonable proposed adjustments to the structure of this Agreement to facilitate tax planning, provided that such adjustments have no material adverse impact on the non-proposing Party and that such adjustments shall not or would not be reasonably likely to result in the non-proposing Party incurring any significant costs or liabilities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written.
Authorized Signing Officer
Authorized Signing Officer

The Prairie Creek Property is located in the Northwest Territories, 500 kilometres west of Yellowknife and comprises 8,218 hectares of land. The Prairie Creek Property consists of a 100 percent interest in the mining leases, surface leases and staked mineral claims described below and shown on a map on the following page, which map forms a part of this Schedule “A”.
Mining Leases Numbers 2854, 2931, 2932, 2933, 3313, 3314, 3315 and 3338; (8,749.4 acres), expiring from July 17, 2019 to August 5, 2020; and Gate mining leases Numbers 5113, 5114, 5115 and 5116 (9,245.4 acres) expiring September 9, 2030 (the “ Mining Leases ”)
Surface Leases Numbers 95 F/10-5-5 and 95 F/10-7-4; (325.81 acres) (the “ Surface Leases ”)
Mineral Claims: Way 5 claim (1,807.75 hectares) is in good standing until November 1, 2013 (the “ Owned Claims ”)

SCHEDULE “A” Continued


The following encumbrances are deemed to be Permitted Encumbrances:
any security interest, bond or deposit under workers' compensation, social security, environmental, development, mining or similar legislation or in connection with permitting, tenders, leases, contracts or expropriation proceedings or to secure public or statutory obligations, surety and appeal bonds or costs of litigation, all where required by law;
any security interest, or privilege imposed by law, such as builders', mechanics', material men's, carriers', warehousemen's and landlords' liens and privileges; or any security interest or privilege arising out of judgments or awards with respect to the Property which the Owner at the time is prosecuting an appeal or proceedings for review and with respect to which it has secured a stay of execution pending such appeal or proceedings for review; or any security interest for taxes, assessments or governmental charges or levies against the Property not at the time due and delinquent or the validity of which is being contested at the time by the Owner in good faith; or any undetermined or inchoate security interest or privilege incidental to current operations that has not been filed pursuant to law against the Owner or that relates to obligations not due or delinquent; or the deposit of cash or securities in connection with any security interest or privilege referred to in this paragraph;
any right reserved to or vested in any municipality or governmental or other public authority by the terms of any lease, license, franchise, grant or permit held or acquired by the Owner in respect of the Property or by any statutory provision, to terminate the lease, license, franchise, grant or permit or to purchase assets used in connection therewith or to require annual or other periodic payments as a condition of the continuance thereof;
any security interest created or assumed by the Owner in favour of a public utility or any municipality or governmental or other public authority when required by the utility, municipality or other authority in connection with the operations of the Property;
any reservations, limitations, provisos and conditions expressed in original grants of the mining leases, surface leases and staked mineral claims from the Crown, the Territorial or federal government or agencies thereof and any reservations and exceptions contained in, or implied by statute;

any easements, rights-of-way, servitudes or other similar rights in land granted to or reserved by other Persons, rights-of-way for sewers, electric lines, telegraph and telephone lines, oil and natural gas pipelines and other similar purposes, or zoning or other restrictions applicable to the property's use of real property within the Property that do not in the aggregate materially detract from the value of such property or materially impair its use in the operation of the Property;
Encumbrances in favour of governmental authorities securing reclamation obligations of the Property;
any municipal by-laws or regulations affecting the Property or its respective use and any other municipal land use instruments including, without limitation, official plans and zoning and building by-laws, as well as decisions of the Committee of Adjustment or any other competent authority permitting variances therefrom, and all applicable building codes;
any security interest granted to or in favour of a vendor of an asset or assets purchased or to be purchased by the Owner as security for the whole or any part of the purchase consideration, or any royalty or other interest retained by such vendor, secured only on such purchased assets;
all rights to royalties arising pursuant to applicable laws;
all other Encumbrances that have been accepted in writing by the Royalty Holder;  and
the Base Metal Royalty and the Precious Metal Royalty.


Exhibit 4.10

0980829 B.C. LTD.


OCTOBER 21, 2013

Table of Contents



THIS ARRANGEMENT AGREEMENT dated as of October 21, 2013, is entered into by and among Canadian Zinc Corporation, a corporation existing under the laws of the Province of British Columbia (" Canadian Zinc "), 0980829 B.C. Ltd., a corporation existing under the laws of the Province of British Columbia and wholly-owned by Canadian Zinc (" CZN Sub "), and Messina Minerals Inc., a corporation existing under the laws of the Province of British Columbia (" Messina ").
The parties have agreed to effect a business combination whereby Canadian Zinc would acquire all of the outstanding shares of Messina (the " Acquisition ").
Canadian Zinc and Messina intend to complete the Acquisition by way of a plan of arrangement under the provisions of the BCBCA under which, among other things, CZN Sub and Messina will merge and the Messina Shareholders will receive common shares of Canadian Zinc (" Canadian Zinc Shares ") in exchange for their Messina Shares in accordance with the terms of the plan of arrangement.
Canadian Zinc will apply to have the Canadian Zinc Shares issued and issuable pursuant to the Arrangement listed for trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree each with the other as follows:
In this Agreement:
all capitalized terms which are not otherwise defined in this Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Plan of Arrangement;
" Arrangement " means an arrangement under the provisions of Section 288 of the BCBCA on the terms and conditions set forth in the Plan of Arrangement, subject to any amendment or supplement thereto made in accordance therewith, herewith or made at the direction of the Court in the Final Order;
" BCBCA " means the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia);
" Break Fee " has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 8.7;
" business day " means a day that is not a civic or statutory holiday in Vancouver, British Columbia;
" Canadian Zinc Public Record " has the meaning ascribed thereto in Subsection 3.1(l);
" Closing " has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 6.3;
" Closing Date " has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 6.3;
" Court " means the Supreme Court of British Columbia;

" Effective Date " has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Plan of Arrangement;
" Effective Time " means the Effective Time as defined in the Plan of Arrangement;
" Final Order" means the order of the Court pursuant to section 291 of the BCBCA approving the Arrangement, as such order may be amended at any time prior to the Effective Date or, if appealed, then unless such appeal is withdrawn or denied, as affirmed or as amended on appeal;
" Indemnified Party " has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.1;
" Indemnifying Party " has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 7.1;
" Information Circular " means the information circular to be sent to Messina Shareholders in connection with the Messina Meeting (as such term is defined in the Plan of Arrangement);
" Interim Order " means the interim order of the Court pursuant to  section 291 of the BCBCA, made in connection with the Arrangement, as such order may be amended, supplemented or varied by the Court with the consent of the parties hereto, each acting reasonably;
" Material Adverse Change " means any one or more change, event or occurrence and any fact or state of facts, circumstance, change, effect, occurrence or event which, in either case, either individually is, or in the aggregate are, material and adverse to the business of Messina or Canadian Zinc (as applicable), taken as a whole, other than any change, event or occurrence that is temporary in nature or that is attributable or relating to:
changes in general economic, financial or political conditions or the securities markets;
changes affecting generally the mining sector in which Messina or Canadian Zinc (as applicable) conducts business;
changes or developments resulting from any natural disaster, any act of terrorism or any outbreak of hostilities or war, or any escalation of any such natural disaster or acts of terrorism or hostilities or war;
changes in generally accepted accounting principles or applicable laws or interpretations thereof;
the announcement of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, or any actions by Messina or Canadian Zinc (as applicable), taken pursuant to this Agreement; and
a change in the market price or trading volume of the Messina Shares or Canadian Zinc Shares (as applicable);
provided, however, that such effect (in (i) or (ii) above) does not primarily relate only to (or have the effect of primarily relating only to) Messina or Canadian Zinc, or disproportionately adversely affect Messina or Canadian Zinc, compared to other companies operating in the same industry;

" Material Adverse Effect " means a material adverse effect (or a series of adverse effects, none of which is material in and of itself but which, cumulatively, result in a Material Adverse Effect) on the business, operations, results of operations, prospects, assets, liabilities or financial condition of the party, other than any change, effect, event or occurrence: (a) relating to the global economy or securities markets in general; (b) affecting the worldwide mining industry in general and which does not have a materially disproportionate effect on the party; (c) resulting from changes in the price of precious or base metals; or (d) which is a change in the trading price of the publicly traded securities of the party immediately following and reasonably attributable to the disclosure of this Agreement and the matters contemplated hereby;
" material fact", " material change " and " misrepresentation " have the meanings ascribed to them by the Securities Act (British Columbia);
" Messina Public Record " has the meaning ascribed thereto in Subsection 3.2(k);
" Plan of Arrangement " means a plan of arrangement substantially in the form and content of Schedule A attached hereto and any amendment or variation thereto made in accordance with section 6.01 of the Plan of Arrangement or section 6.1 hereof;
" Registrar " means the registrar appointed Section 400 of the BCBCA;
" Section 3(a)(10) Exemption " has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.2;
" Superior Proposal " has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 8.4;
" Tax Act " means the Income Tax Act (Canada), and the regulations promulgated thereunder, as now in effect and as it may be amended from time to time prior to the Effective Date;
" Taxes " includes any taxes, duties, fees, premiums, assessments, imposts, levies and other charges of any kind whatsoever imposed by any governmental entity, including all interest, penalties, fines, additions to tax or other additional amounts imposed by any governmental entity in respect thereof, and including those levied on, or measured by, or referred to as, income, gross receipts, profits, capital, transfer, land transfer, sales, goods and services, harmonized sales, use, value-added, excise, stamp, withholding, business, franchising, property, development, occupancy, employer health, payroll, employment, health, social services, education and social security taxes, all surtaxes, all customs duties and import and export taxes, countervail and anti-dumping duties, all license, franchise and registration fees and all employment insurance, health insurance and Canada, Quebec and other government pension plan premiums or contributions;
" Tax Returns " includes all returns, reports, declarations, elections, notices, filings, forms, statements and other documents (whether in tangible, electronic or other form) and including any amendments, schedules, attachments, supplements, appendices and exhibits thereto, made, prepared, filed or required to be made, prepared or filed by law in respect of Taxes;
" Third Party " has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 8.1;
" to the best of its knowledge " or " to the best knowledge " of a party, means, with respect to such party, to the best knowledge of the senior officers of such party, after reasonable inquiry;

" TSX " means the Toronto Stock Exchange;
" TSXV " means the TSX Venture Exchange;
" U.S. Exchange Act " means the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934 , as amended; and
" U.S. Securities Act " has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.2.
The parties agree to carry out the Arrangement substantially on the terms as set out in the Plan of Arrangement, subject to such changes as may be mutually agreed to by the parties on the advice of their respective legal, tax and financial advisors.
The parties agree that the Arrangement will be structured and carried out with the intention that all Canadian Zinc Shares issued on completion of the Arrangement to the Messina Shareholders   will be issued by Canadian Zinc in reliance on the exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 , as amended, of the United States (the " U.S. Securities Act ") provided by Section 3(a)(10) of the U.S. Securities Act (the " Section 3(a)(10) Exemption ").  In order to ensure the availability of the Section 3(a)(10) Exemption, the parties hereto agree that the Arrangement will be carried out on the following basis:
the Arrangement will be subject to the approval of the Court;
the Court will be advised as to Canadian Zinc’s intention to rely upon the Section 3(a)(10) Exemption prior to the hearing required to approve the Arrangement;
the Court will be required to satisfy itself as to the fairness of the Arrangement to the Messina Shareholders to be issued Canadian Zinc Shares pursuant to the Arrangement and the Final Order approving the Arrangement that is obtained from the Court will expressly state that the Arrangement is approved by the Court as being fair to such Messina Shareholders;
the Messina Shareholders will be given adequate and timely notice advising them of their right to attend the hearing of the Court for the Final Order to approve the Arrangement and providing them with sufficient information necessary for them to exercise that right, and the Interim Order will specify that each Messina Shareholder will have the right to appear before the Court and make submissions at the hearing of the Court for the Final Order to approve the Arrangement so long as they enter an appearance within a reasonable time;
the Messina Shareholders will be advised that the Canadian Zinc Shares issued in the Arrangement have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act and will be issued by Canadian Zinc in reliance on the Section 3(a)(10) Exemption and that certain restrictions on resale under Rule 144 under the U.S. Securities Act will be applicable with respect to Canadian Zinc Shares issued to persons who are affiliates of Canadian Zinc after the Effective Date or within 90 days prior to the Effective Date; and
the Final Order shall include a statement to substantially the following effect:
“This Order will serve as a basis of a claim to an exemption, pursuant to section 3(a)(10) of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, from the registration requirements otherwise imposed by that act, regarding the distribution of securities of Canadian Zinc, pursuant to the Plan of Arrangement.”

Messina and CZN Sub shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, but in any event not later than November 13, 2013, apply to the Court for the Interim Order providing for, among other things, the calling and holding of the Messina Meeting for the purpose of considering and, if deemed advisable, approving the Arrangement, and for the form of approval by the sole shareholder of CZN Sub of the Arrangement.  If the approval of the Arrangement as set forth in the Interim Order is obtained, Messina and CZN Sub shall take the necessary steps to submit the Arrangement to the Court and apply for the Final Order in such fashion as the Court may direct and, as soon as practicable thereafter, and subject to satisfaction or waiver of any other conditions provided for in this Agreement, Messina and CZN Sub shall file the Final Order and such other documents as may be required in order to give effect to the Arrangement.
The parties intend to adopt this Agreement and the Plan of Arrangement as a plan of reorganization for purposes of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the " Code ") and applicable Treasury regulations thereunder and to treat the transactions contemplated by the Agreement and this Plan of Arrangement as a reorganization in accordance with the provisions of Section 368(a) of the Code for United States federal income tax purposes.  Except as provided in this Agreement, none of the parties will take any action that would cause the reorganization not to qualify as a reorganization in accordance with Section 368(a) of the Code.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of Canadian Zinc, CZN Sub or Messina makes any representation or warranty to any other party or to any Messina Shareholder, holder of Canadian Zinc Shares or holder of other securities of Messina or Canadian Zinc (including, without limitation, stock options, warrants or other similar rights) regarding the United States tax treatment of such transactions, including but not limited to whether such transactions will qualify as a tax deferred plan of reorganization for purposes of United States federal, state or local income tax.  Messina, Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub acknowledge that Canadian Zinc, CZN Sub, Messina and the Messina Shareholders are relying solely on their own tax advisors in connection with this Agreement and the Plan of Arrangement and related transactions and agreements.
Representations and Warranties of Canadian Zinc
As at the date of this Agreement and as at the Closing Date, Canadian Zinc represents and warrants to Messina, and acknowledges that Messina is relying thereon, as follows:
each of Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation, continuance or amalgamation and has the corporate power to own or lease its property and assets and to carry on its business as now conducted by it, is duly licensed or qualified as a foreign corporation in each jurisdiction in which the character of the property and assets now owned by it or the nature of its business as now conducted by it requires it to be so licensed or qualified (save where failure to have such licence or qualification is not in the aggregate material);
each of Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub has the corporate power to enter into this Agreement and, subject to obtaining the requisite approvals contemplated hereby, to carry out its respective obligations hereunder;

as of the date hereof, the authorized capital of Canadian Zinc consists of an unlimited number of common shares;
as of September 30, 2013, a total of 170,695,861 Canadian Zinc Shares were issued and outstanding; and
Canadian Zinc has no options, warrants or other convertible securities issued or outstanding which entitle the holder to purchase shares or any other securities of Canadian Zinc up to the Effective Date of the Arrangement, except as follows as of September 30, 2013:
options exercisable to acquire up to 7,109,600 Canadian Zinc Shares; and

warrants exercisable to acquire up to 12,905,455 Canadian Zinc Shares;

the Canadian Zinc Shares issuable pursuant to the Arrangement will, upon their issuance, be validly issued and outstanding, fully paid and non-assessable common shares of Canadian Zinc and will form part of a class of shares that is listed and posted for trading on the TSX;
the execution and delivery by Canadian Zinc of this Agreement and the performance by Canadian Zinc of its obligations hereunder and the completion of the transactions contemplated hereby, do not and will not:
result in a violation, contravention or breach of or constitute a default under, or entitle any party to terminate, accelerate, modify or call any obligations or rights under, require any consent to be obtained under or give rise to any termination rights under any provision of:
(A)           the constating documents of   Canadian Zinc,
(B)           any applicable law or the rules or policies of the TSX, or
any credit agreement, note, bond, mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, lease, franchise, concession, easement, contract, agreement, licence, permit or other instrument to which Canadian Zinc is bound or is subject to or of which Canadian Zinc is the beneficiary;
cause any indebtedness owing by Canadian Zinc to come due before its stated maturity or cause any available credit to cease to be available which would, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Canadian Zinc;
result in the imposition of any encumbrance upon any of the property or assets of Canadian Zinc or give any person the right to acquire any of Canadian Zinc's assets, or restrict, hinder, impair or limit the ability of Canadian Zinc to conduct the business of Canadian Zinc as and where it is now being conducted which would, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Canadian Zinc; or
result in or accelerate the time for payment or vesting of, or increase the amount of any severance, unemployment compensation, "golden parachute", bonus, termination payments or otherwise, becoming due to any director or officer of Canadian Zinc or increase any benefits otherwise payable under any pension or benefits plan of Canadian Zinc or result in the acceleration of the time of payment or vesting of any such benefits.

there are no actions, suits or proceedings, pending or, to the best knowledge of Canadian Zinc, threatened against or affecting Canadian Zinc or CZN Sub, or any of their principals, at law or in equity, or before or by any federal, provincial, state, municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau or agency, domestic or foreign, which, if successful, would reasonably be expected to cause a Material Adverse Effect on Canadian Zinc, and Canadian Zinc is not aware of any existing grounds on which any such action, suit or proceeding might be commenced with any reasonable likelihood of success against Canadian Zinc or CZN Sub;
this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation, enforceable against Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub in accordance with its terms subject to bankruptcy, insolvency and other applicable laws affecting creditors' rights generally and to general principles of equity;
Canadian Zinc is a "reporting issuer" within the meaning of the securities laws of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, has no securities law reporting requirements under any other jurisdiction and is not on a list of defaulting issuers maintained by the securities commissions in these jurisdictions and no regulatory authority having jurisdiction has issued any order preventing or suspending trading of any securities of Canadian Zinc which is currently outstanding;
the latest audited financial statements of Canadian Zinc for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 to be disclosed in the Information Circular are true and correct in every material respect, and have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, including International Financial Reporting Standards, and fairly reflect the financial position of Canadian Zinc as at the date of such financial statements and the results of its operations for the period then ended and have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada;
the unaudited financial statements of Canadian Zinc for the interim period ended September 30, 2013 to be disclosed in the Information Circular are true and correct in every material respect, and have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, including International Financial Reporting Standards, and fairly reflect the financial position of Canadian Zinc as at the date of such financial statements and the results of its operations for the period then ended and have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada;
since September 30, 2013, except as disclosed by Canadian Zinc in the Canadian Zinc Public Record:
Canadian Zinc has conducted its business only in the ordinary and regular course of business consistent with past practice;
Canadian Zinc has not incurred or suffered a Material Adverse Change;
there has not been any acquisition or sale by Canadian Zinc of any material property or assets thereof;

other than in the ordinary and regular course of business consistent with past practice, there has not been any incurrence, assumption or guarantee by Canadian Zinc of any debt for borrowed money, any creation or assumption by Canadian Zinc of any encumbrance, any making by Canadian Zinc of any loan, advance or capital contribution to or investment in any other person or any entering into, amendment of, relinquishment, termination or non-renewal by Canadian Zinc of any contract, agreement, licence, lease transaction, commitment or other right or obligation which would, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Canadian Zinc;
Canadian Zinc has not declared or paid any dividends or made any other distribution on any of the Canadian Zinc Shares;
Canadian Zinc has not effected or passed any resolution to approve a split, consolidation or reclassification of any of the outstanding Canadian Zinc Shares;
Canadian Zinc has not changed or amended its constating documents;
other than in the ordinary and regular course of business consistent with past practice, there has not been any material increase in or modification of the compensation payable to or to become payable by Canadian Zinc to any of its directors, officers, employees or consultants or any grant to any such director, officer, employee or consultant of any increase in severance or termination pay or any increase or modification of any bonus, pension, insurance or benefit arrangement made to, for or with any of such directors or officers;
Canadian Zinc has not effected any material change in its tax election or accounting methods, principles or practices; and
Canadian Zinc has not adopted any, or materially amended any, collective bargaining agreement, bonus, pension, profit sharing, stock purchase, stock option or other benefit plan or shareholder rights plan;
Canadian Zinc has filed with all applicable securities and regulatory authorities (including exchanges and markets) all information and documents required to be filed with such authorities under the securities legislation in the jurisdictions in which it is a reporting issuer (the " Canadian Zinc Public Record ") and the statements set forth in the Canadian Zinc Public Record are true, correct and complete and do not contain any misrepresentation as of the dates on which they were made, except where the failure to comply strictly with certain form requirements would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Canadian Zinc, and Canadian Zinc has not filed any confidential material change reports which currently remain confidential or similar reports;
the Canadian Zinc Shares trade on the TSX and Canadian Zinc is in compliance with all rules, regulations and policies of the TSX in all material respects;
Canadian Zinc is not in default in any material respect of any requirement of any applicable securities laws or regulatory authority having jurisdiction over any securities of Canadian Zinc;
Canadian Zinc is not subject to any cease trade or other order of any applicable stock exchange or securities authority and, to the best knowledge of Canadian Zinc, no investigation or other proceedings involving Canadian Zinc that may operate to prevent or restrict trading of any securities of Canadian Zinc are currently in progress, pending or threatened before any applicable stock exchange or securities authority;

the description of the business of Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub, its financial condition, assets and properties as provided to Messina for inclusion in the Information Circular will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make such description not misleading and will contain all information required by all applicable securities laws and the rules of the TSX;
Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub have not incurred any liability for brokerage fees, finder's fees, agent's commissions or other similar forms of compensation in connection with this Agreement or the Arrangement except as disclosed in the Information Circular;
there are no known or anticipated material liabilities of Canadian Zinc or CZN Sub of any kind whatsoever (including absolute, accrued or contingent liabilities) nor any commitments whether or not determined or determinable, in respect of which Canadian Zinc or CZN Sub is or may become liable other than the liabilities disclosed on, reflected in or provided for in the financial statements referred to in paragraph (j) and (k) of this Section 3.1 or to be reflected in the Information Circular or incurred in the ordinary course of business;
the corporate records and minute books of Canadian Zinc as required to be maintained by it under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation or continuation contain complete and accurate minutes of all meetings of its directors, any committees of the board of directors and shareholders held and all resolutions consented to in writing;
Canadian Zinc owns good and marketable title to its properties and assets free and clear of any and all mortgages, liens, pledges, charges, security interests, encumbrances, actions, claims or demands of any nature whatsoever or howsoever arising which would have a materially adverse effect on the properties or assets of Canadian Zinc, except the security interests registered in the Personal Property Registry of British Columbia;
Canadian Zinc maintains, with financially sound and reputable insurers, insurance with respect to its business and assets, in such amounts and against such liabilities, casualties, risks and contingencies existing from time to time as is customary for prudent owners and operators of similar businesses and similar property.  The policies for such insurance are in full force and effect and the premiums for all such policies of insurance have been duly paid and accordingly such policies are in good standing;
Canadian Zinc has duly filed all Tax Returns required to be filed by it and has paid or withheld all Taxes which are due and payable or required to be withheld, and has paid all assessments and reassessments, and all other Taxes due and payable on or before the date hereof; adequate provision has been made for Taxes payable for the current period for which Tax Returns are not yet required to be filed; there are no agreements, waivers or other arrangements providing for an extension of time with respect to the filing of any Tax Return by, or payment of any Tax against Canadian Zinc; there are no actions, suits, proceedings, investigations or claims commenced or, to the best knowledge of Canadian Zinc, threatened or contemplated against Canadian Zinc in respect of Taxes, or any matters under discussion with any governmental authority relating to Taxes, asserted by any such authority;

Canadian Zinc is not in default under and, to the best knowledge of Canadian Zinc, there exists no event, condition or occurrence which, after notice or lapse of time or both, would constitute a default by Canadian Zinc under any contract, agreement or licence that is material to the conduct of the business of Canadian Zinc to which it is a party or by which it is bound;
Canadian Zinc is in compliance in all material respects with each material license and permit held by it and is not in any material respect in violation of, or default under, the applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders or decrees (including, without limitation, Environmental Laws (as defined below)) of any governmental entities, regulatory agencies or bodies having, asserting or claiming jurisdiction over it or over any part of its operations or assets;
Canadian Zinc, to the best of its knowledge: (i) is in material compliance with any and all applicable foreign, federal, provincial, state and local laws and regulations relating to the protection of human health and safety, the environment or hazardous or toxic substances or wastes, pollutants or contaminants (" Environmental Laws "); (ii) has received all permits, licenses or other approvals required of it under applicable Environmental Laws to conduct its business as currently conducted; (iii) is in material compliance with all terms and conditions of each such permit, license or approval; (iv) confirms that there have been no past, and to the best knowledge of Canadian Zinc, there are no pending or threatened claims, complaints, notices or requests for information received by Canadian Zinc with respect to any alleged material violation of any Environmental Law which would reasonably be expected to cause a Material Adverse Effect on Canadian Zinc; and (v) confirms that, to the best knowledge of Canadian Zinc, no conditions exist at, on or under any property now or previously owned, leased or occupied by Canadian Zinc which, with the passage of time, or the giving of notice or both, would give rise to liability under any Environmental Law that would reasonably be expected to cause a Material Adverse Effect on Canadian Zinc, except for compliance investigations conducted in the normal course by any Governmental Authority;
neither Canadian Zinc, nor to the best of its knowledge, any other person, has ever caused or permitted hazardous or toxic waste to be placed, held, located or disposed of on, under or at any lands or premises owned, leased or occupied by Canadian Zinc otherwise than in compliance with applicable Environmental Laws and no notice has been received by Canadian Zinc of any action or potential liability in respect thereof and, to the best knowledge of Canadian Zinc, no civil, criminal or enforcement actions or complaints in respect thereof are threatened, pending or have been commenced against Canadian Zinc which, if successful, would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Canadian Zinc;
in the ordinary course of the permitting and environmental assessment process regarding its Prairie Creek property, Canadian Zinc has commissioned various ongoing environmental studies;
Canadian Zinc has filed with the securities commission or securities regulatory authority in each of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec all of the technical reports required to be filed under National Instrument 43-101 in respect of each property material to Canadian Zinc and all public disclosure made by Canadian Zinc regarding its properties complies with the requirements of National Instrument 43-101;

Canadian Zinc has not withheld from Messina any material information or documents concerning Canadian Zinc or its assets or liabilities during the course of Messina's review of Canadian Zinc and its properties;
the Canadian Zinc Shares are registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the U.S. Exchange Act, and Canadian Zinc has timely filed or furnished, as applicable, all reports required to be filed or furnished, as applicable, by Canadian Zinc under Section 13 of the U.S. Exchange Act;
Canadian Zinc is not registered or required to be registered as an "investment company" pursuant to the provisions of the United States Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended; and
none of the representations, warranties or statements of fact made in this Section contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state any material fact necessary to make any such warranty or representation not misleading.
Representations and Warranties of Messina
As at the date of this Agreement and as at the Closing Date, Messina represents and warrants to the other parties, and acknowledges that the other parties are relying thereon, as follows:
Messina is a company duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation, continuance or amalgamation and has the corporate power to own or lease its property and assets and to carry on its business as now conducted by it, is duly licensed or qualified as a foreign corporation in each jurisdiction in which the character of the property and assets now owned by it or the nature of its business as now conducted by it requires it to be so licensed or qualified (save where failure to have such licence or qualification is not in the aggregate material);
Messina has the corporate power to enter into this Agreement and, subject to obtaining the requisite approvals contemplated hereby, to carry out its obligations hereunder;
the execution and delivery by Messina of this Agreement and the performance by Messina of its obligations hereunder and the completion of the transactions contemplated hereby, do not and will not:
result in a violation, contravention or breach of or constitute a default under, or entitle any party to terminate, accelerate, modify or call any obligations or rights under, require any consent to be obtained under or give rise to any termination rights under any provision of:
(A)           the constating documents of Messina,
(B)           any applicable law or the rules or policies of the TSXV, or
any credit agreement, note, bond, mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, lease, franchise, concession, easement, contract, agreement, licence, permit or other instrument to which Messina is bound or is subject to or of which Messina is the beneficiary;

cause any indebtedness owing by Messina to come due before its stated maturity or cause any available credit to cease to be available which would, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Messina;
result in the imposition of any encumbrance upon any of the property or assets of Messina or give any person the right to acquire any of Messina's assets, or restrict, hinder, impair or limit the ability of Messina to conduct the business of Messina as and where it is now being conducted which would, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Messina; or
result in or accelerate the time for payment or vesting of, or increase the amount of any severance, unemployment compensation, "golden parachute", bonus, termination payments or otherwise, becoming due to any director or officer of Messina or increase any benefits otherwise payable under any pension or benefits plan of Messina or result in the acceleration of the time of payment or vesting of any such benefits.
as of the date hereof:
the authorized capital of Messina consists of an unlimited number of common shares and a total of 15,583,112   Messina Shares are issued and outstanding; and
except for:
the outstanding Messina Options exercisable to acquire up to 815,000 Messina Shares; and
Messina Warrants exercisable to acquire up to 780,000   Messina Shares, of which warrants exercisable to acquire 280,000 Messina Shares will have been cancelled prior to the Effective Date,
Messina has no obligation, and is not party to any agreement requiring it, to issue any securities to any person, and Messina has no options, warrants or other convertible securities issued or outstanding which entitle the holder to purchase Messina Shares or any other securities of Messina up to the Effective Date of the Arrangement;
there are no actions, suits or proceedings, pending or, to the best knowledge of Messina, threatened against or affecting Messina, or any of its principals, at law or in equity, or before or by any federal, provincial, state, municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau or agency, domestic or foreign, and is not aware of any existing grounds on which any such action, suit or proceeding might be commenced with any reasonable likelihood of success against Messina;
this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by Messina and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms subject to bankruptcy, insolvency and other applicable laws affecting creditors' rights generally and to general principles of equity;
Messina is a "reporting issuer" within the meaning of the securities laws of British Columbia and Alberta, has no securities law reporting requirements under any other jurisdiction , is not on a list of defaulting issuers maintained by the securities commissions in these jurisdictions and no regulatory authority having jurisdiction has issued any order preventing or suspending trading of any securities of Messina which is currently outstanding;

the latest audited financial statements of Messina for the year ended September 30, 2012 are true and correct in every material respect, and have been prepared on a consolidated basis in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, including International Financial Reporting Standards, and fairly reflect the consolidated financial position of Messina as at the date of such financial statements and the results of its operations for the period then ended and have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada;
the unaudited financial statements of Messina for the interim period ended June 30, 2013 to be disclosed in the Information Circular are true and correct in every material respect, and have been prepared on a consolidated basis in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, including International Financial Reporting Standards, and fairly reflect the financial position of Messina as at the date of such financial statements and the results of its operations for the period then ended and have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada;
since June 30, 2013, except as disclosed by Messina in the Messina Public Record:
Messina has conducted its business only in the ordinary and regular course of business consistent with past practice;
Messina has not incurred or suffered a Material Adverse Change;
there has not been any acquisition or sale by Messina of any material property or assets thereof;
other than in the ordinary and regular course of business consistent with past practice, there has not been any incurrence, assumption or guarantee by Messina of any debt for borrowed money, any creation or assumption by Messina of any encumbrance, any making by Messina of any loan, advance or capital contribution to or investment in any other person or any entering into, amendment of, relinquishment, termination or non-renewal by Messina of any contract, agreement, licence, lease transaction, commitment or other right or obligation which would, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Messina;
Messina has not declared or paid any dividends or made any other distribution on any of the Messina Shares;
Messina has not effected or passed any resolution to approve a split, consolidation or reclassification of any of the outstanding Messina Shares;
Messina has not changed or amended its constating documents;
other than in the ordinary and regular course of business consistent with past practice, there has not been any material increase in or modification of the compensation payable to or to become payable by Messina to any of its directors, officers, employees or consultants or any grant to any such director, officer, employee or consultant of any increase in severance or termination pay or any increase or modification of any bonus, pension, insurance or benefit arrangement (including, without limitation, the granting of Messina Options) made to, for or with any of such directors or officers;

Messina has not effected any material change in its tax election or accounting methods, principles or practices; and
Messina has not adopted any, or materially amended any, collective bargaining agreement, bonus, pension, profit sharing, stock purchase, stock option or other benefit plan or shareholder rights plan;
the statements set forth in the documents filed with securities and regulatory authorities (including exchanges and markets) under the securities legislation in the jurisdictions in which it is a reporting issuer (the " Messina Public Record ")  are true, correct and complete and do not contain any misrepresentation as of the dates on which they were made, except where the failure to comply strictly with certain form requirements would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Messina, and Messina has not filed any confidential material change reports which currently remain confidential or similar reports and, to the best of its knowledge, Messina has filed with all applicable securities and regulatory authorities (including exchanges and markets) all information and documents required to be filed with such authorities;
the Messina Shares trade on the TSXV and, to the best of its knowledge, Messina is in compliance with all rules, regulations and policies of the TSXV in all material respects;
to the best of its knowledge, Messina is not in default in any material respect of any requirement of any applicable securities laws or regulatory authority having jurisdiction over any securities of Messina;
Messina is not subject to any cease trade or other order of any applicable stock exchange or securities regulatory authority and, to the best knowledge of Messina, no investigation or other proceedings involving Messina that may operate to prevent or restrict trading of any securities of Messina are currently in progress, pending or threatened before any applicable stock exchange or securities regulatory authority;
the description of the business of Messina, its financial condition, assets and properties in the Information Circular will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make such description not misleading and will contain all information required by all applicable securities laws and the rules of the TSXV;
Messina has not incurred any liability for brokerage fees, finder's fees, agent's commissions or other similar forms of compensation in connection with this Agreement or the Arrangement except as disclosed in the Information Circular;
there are no known or anticipated material liabilities of Messina of any kind whatsoever (including absolute, accrued or contingent liabilities) nor any commitments whether or not determined or determinable, in respect of which Messina is or may become liable other than the liabilities disclosed on, reflected in or provided for in the financial statements referred to in paragraph (h) and (i) of this Section 3.2 or to be reflected in the Information Circular or incurred in the ordinary course of business;

Messina does not at present own shares in and is not a party to any agreement of any nature to acquire any shares in any other corporation or entity and is not a party to any agreement to acquire or lease any other business operations;
the corporate records and minute books of Messina as required to be maintained by it under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation or continuation are up to date and contain complete and accurate minutes of all meetings of its directors, any committees of the board of directors and shareholders held and all resolutions consented to in writing;
Messina owns good and marketable title to its properties and assets free and clear of any and all mortgages, liens, pledges, charges, security interests, encumbrances, actions, claims or demands of any nature whatsoever or howsoever arising which would have a materially adverse effect on the properties or assets of Messina except as disclosed in the Information Circular;
as of the date hereof, Messina has no employees and two consultants. Messina:
is not a party to any written or oral policy, agreement, obligation or understanding providing for severance or termination payments to, or any employment or consulting agreement with, any director or officer of Messina that would be triggered by Messina entering into this Agreement or the completion of the Arrangement;
does not have any employee or consultant whose employment or contract with Messina cannot be terminated by Messina following completion of the Arrangement; and
(A) is not a party to any collective bargaining agreement, (B) is not, to the best knowledge of Messina, subject to any application for certification or threatened or apparent union-organizing campaigns for employees not covered under a collective bargaining agreement, or (C) is not subject to any current, or to the best knowledge of Messina, pending or threatened strike or lockout;
Messina has complied, in all material respects, with all of the terms of the employee compensation and benefit obligations of Messina, including the provisions of any collective agreements, funding and investment contracts or obligations applicable thereto, arising under or relating to each of the employee compensation or benefit plans, agreements, policies, programs, arrangements or practices, whether written or oral, which are maintained by or binding upon Messina, other than such non-compliance that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Messina. Messina does not have any employee compensation or benefit plans, agreement, policies, programs, arrangements or practices, whether written or oral other than Messina Option Plan, pursuant to which the Messina Options have been granted.  Messina has not sponsored or participated in any pension or retirement income plan;
Messina has duly filed all Tax Returns required to be filed by it and has paid or withheld all Taxes which are due and payable or required to be withheld, and has paid all assessments and reassessments, and all other Taxes due and payable on or before the date hereof; adequate provision has been made for Taxes payable for the current period for which Tax Returns are not yet required to be filed; there are no agreements, waivers or other arrangements providing for an extension of time with respect to the filing of any Tax Return by, or payment of any Tax against Messina; there are no actions, suits, proceedings, investigations or claims commenced or to the best knowledge of Messina, threatened or contemplated against Messina in respect of Taxes or any matters under discussion with any governmental authority relating to Taxes asserted by any such authority;

Messina is not in default under and, to the best knowledge of Messina, there exists no event, condition or occurrence which, after notice or lapse of time or both, would constitute a default by Messina under any contract, agreement or licence that is material to the conduct of the business of Messina to which it is a party or by which it is bound;
Messina is in compliance in all material respects with each material license and permit held by it and is not in any material respect in violation of, or default under, the applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders or decrees (including, without limitation, Environmental Laws) of any governmental entities, regulatory agencies or bodies having, asserting or claiming jurisdiction over it or over any part of its operations or assets;
Messina, to the best of its knowledge: (i) is in material compliance with any and all applicable Environmental Laws; (ii) has received all permits, licenses or other approvals required of it under applicable Environmental Laws to conduct its business as currently conducted; (iii) is in material compliance with all terms and conditions of each such permit, license or approval; (iv) confirms that there have been no past, and, to the best knowledge of Messina, there are no pending or threatened claims, complaints, notices or requests for information received by Messina with respect to any alleged material violation of any Environmental Law which would reasonably be expected to cause a Material Adverse Effect on Messina; and (v) confirms that no conditions exist at, on or under any property now or previously owned, leased or occupied by Messina which, with the passage of time, or the giving of notice or both, would give rise to liability under any Environmental Law that would reasonably be expected to cause a Material Adverse Effect on Messina, except for compliance investigations conducted in the normal course by any Governmental Authority;
neither Messina, nor to the best of its knowledge, any other person, has ever caused or permitted hazardous or toxic waste to be placed, held, located or disposed of on, under or at any lands or premises owned, leased or occupied by Messina otherwise than in compliance with applicable Environmental Laws and no notice has been received by Messina of any action or potential liability in respect thereof and, to the best knowledge of Messina, no civil, criminal or enforcement actions or complaints in respect thereof are threatened, pending or have been commenced against Messina which, if successful, would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Messina;
there are no environmental audits, evaluations, assessments, studies or tests that were commissioned by Messina respecting the business, operations, properties or facilities of Messina;
Messina has filed with the securities commission in each of British Columbia and Alberta all of the technical reports required to be filed under National Instrument 43-101 in respect of each property material to Messina and all public disclosure made by Messina regarding its properties complies in all material respects with the requirements of National Instrument 43-101;

as at the date hereof, there has not been a material change to Messina's working capital since June 30, 2013 and Messina has not entered into any agreements, and is not otherwise committed, to expend more than $50,000 in each calendar month commencing with September, 2013 and each calendar month thereafter up to and including December, 2013, other than the commitments to incur expenditures on Messina's current activities or transaction costs in respect of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;
the only votes of the holders of any class or series of the Messina Shares, Messina Options, Messina Warrants or other securities of Messina necessary to approve this Agreement and the Arrangement and the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby is, subject to the Interim Order, the approval of the Arrangement by 66⅔ of the votes cast by Messina Shareholders in person or by proxy at the Messina Meeting (which may include, as a separate tabulation, the "minority approval" required by Multilateral Instrument 61-101, Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions , excluding the votes of Canadian Zinc);
to Messina’s knowledge, Messina (i) is a Foreign Private Issuer (as defined in the U.S. Exchange Act) (ii) has no class of securities outstanding that is or is required to be registered under Section 12 of the U.S. Exchange Act or that is subject to the reporting requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the U.S. Exchange Act, and (iii) is not registered or required to register as an “investment company” pursuant to the provisions of the United States Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended;
Messina has not withheld from Canadian Zinc any material information or documents concerning Messina or its assets or liabilities during the course of Canadian Zinc's review of Messina and its properties; and
none of the representations, warranties or statements of fact made in this Section 3.2 contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state any material fact necessary to make any such warranty or representation not misleading.
Covenants of Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub
Each of Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub hereby covenants and agrees that it shall take such steps and do all such other acts and things, as may be necessary or desirable in order to give effect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (including making all necessary filings under corporate and securities laws), subject to regulatory and, if necessary, shareholder approval, and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall:
use its commercially reasonable best efforts to, prior to the completion of the Arrangement, obtain conditional listing on the TSX of the Canadian Zinc Shares to be issued pursuant to the Arrangement;
use its best efforts to ensure that the Information Circular shall contain, to the extent required by applicable securities laws, prospectus-level disclosure respecting Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub and the information and consolidated financial statements related to Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub and the pro forma financial statements to be contained in the Information Circular, if any, shall be true, correct and complete in all material respects and shall not contain any untrue statement of any material fact or omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein not misleading in light of the circumstances in which they are made and shall comply with applicable securities laws and the rules of the TSX;

obtain all required certifications and consent of the auditors of Canadian Zinc in respect of the Canadian Zinc financial statements to be provided in the Information Circular;
make arrangements for the prompt delivery of certificates representing Canadian Zinc Shares to the registered Messina Shareholders, as provided in the Plan of Arrangement; and
promptly notify Messina if at any time it becomes aware that the Information Circular contains any material misrepresentation or otherwise requires an amendment or supplement to the Information Circular or any related application and promptly deliver written notice to Messina setting out full particulars thereof.  In any such event, Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub shall cooperate with Messina in the preparation of any required supplement or amendment to the Information Circular or such other document, as the case may be.
Covenants of Messina
Messina shall take such steps and to do all such other acts and things, as may be necessary or desirable in order to give effect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall:
use its commercially reasonable best efforts to apply for and obtain such consents, orders or approvals as counsel for Canadian Zinc may advise are necessary or desirable for the implementation of the Arrangement and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to:
apply for and obtain the Interim Order and the Final Order as provided in Section 2.3 hereof; and
obtain written consents, in a form acceptable to Canadian Zinc, acting reasonably, from any persons who are parties to agreements with Messina where consents to the transactions contemplated by the Arrangement are required under those contracts or agreements;
as soon as reasonably practicable, prepare and file the Information Circular in all jurisdictions where the same is required in accordance with applicable law and provide the same to the  Messina Shareholders in accordance with the requirements of applicable securities regulatory authorities;
use its best efforts to ensure that the Information Circular shall contain, to the extent required by applicable securities laws, prospectus-level disclosure respecting Messina and the information and consolidated financial statements related to Messina contained in the Information Circular and any related documentation regarding Messina to be distributed in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the management of Messina in connection with the Messina Meeting shall be true, correct and complete in all material respects and shall not contain any untrue statement of any material fact or omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein not misleading in light of the circumstances in which they are made and shall comply with applicable securities laws and the rules of the TSXV;

obtain all required certifications and consents of the auditors of Messina in respect of the Messina financial statements to be provided in the Information Circular;
convene and use commercially reasonable best efforts to hold the Messina Meeting in accordance with the Interim Order for the purpose of considering the special resolutions to approve the Arrangement;
subject to the terms of this Agreement:
use commercially reasonable efforts to solicit proxies in favour of the Arrangement;
recommend to the Messina Shareholders that they vote in favour of the Arrangement; and
not withdraw, modify, qualify or change in a manner adverse to Canadian Zinc, or publicly state that it intends to withdraw, modify, qualify or change in a manner adverse to Canadian  Zinc such recommendation except, in each case, as expressly permitted by this Agreement;
not dispose of an interest in any of its material properties or otherwise enter into any material transaction with, or incur any material liability to, any other corporation or person or agree to do any of the foregoing or perform any act or enter into any transaction or negotiation which interferes or is inconsistent with the completion of the transactions contemplated hereby, other than as contemplated in this Agreement, without the written consent of Canadian Zinc thereto;
at Closing, have:
an authorized capital of an unlimited number of common shares without par value of which 15,583,112 Messina Shares will be duly issued and outstanding as fully paid and non-assessable; and
1,315,000 Messina Shares issuable on exercise of all outstanding Messina Options and Messina Warrants and no Messina Shares otherwise issuable;
save as may be altered by the exercise of outstanding Messina Options or Messina Warrants;
not, between the date of this Agreement and the Closing Date:
incur any significant expenses or liabilities otherwise than in the ordinary course of its business or in connection with its obligations under this Agreement;
alter its authorized capital nor issue (other than on exercise of presently outstanding convertible securities), nor reach any agreement or understanding with any other party to issue, any securities; or
appoint any directors or officers or adopt, establish, enter into or implement any new employee benefit plan, policy, severance or termination agreement providing for any form of benefits or other compensation to any former, present or future director, officer or employee of Messina or amend any employee benefit plan, policy, severance or termination agreement;

except as otherwise provided herein or with the prior written consent of Canadian Zinc, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld; and
concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, deliver to Canadian Zinc a lock-up agreement in support of the Plan of Arrangement in form and substance acceptable to Canadian Zinc executed by each director of Messina, namely, Peter Tallman, Gary McDonald, Steven Brunelle and John Pallot.
Mutual Conditions Precedent

The parties' obligations to complete the transactions contemplated in this Agreement are subject to satisfaction of the following conditions on or before the Closing Date:
all necessary approvals of Messina Shareholders by the requisite majorities will have been obtained in respect of the Arrangement;
all necessary orders of the Court with respect to the Arrangement will have been obtained;
all other consents, orders, regulations and approvals, including regulatory and judicial approvals and orders, necessary for the completion of the transactions provided for in this Agreement and the Plan of Arrangement shall have been obtained or received from the persons, authorities or bodies having jurisdiction in the circumstances;
there shall not be in force any order or decree restraining or enjoining the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the Arrangement;
Messina and Canadian Zinc shall each be satisfied, acting reasonably, that the issuance of the Canadian Zinc Shares pursuant to the Arrangement will not require registration under the U.S. Securities Act, pursuant to the Section 3(a)(10) Exemption, and will not require registration pursuant to applicable state securities law exemptions; and
the issue of Canadian Zinc Shares pursuant to the Arrangement, and the issue of Canadian Zinc Shares following the Effective Date on exercise of Messina Options or Messina Warrants, will be exempt from the registration and prospectus requirements of applicable securities laws in each of the provinces and territories of Canada in which holders of securities of Messina are resident.
Conditions solely for the benefit of Canadian Zinc

The obligations of Canadian Zinc to complete the transactions contemplated in this Agreement are subject to satisfaction of the following conditions on or before the Closing Date:
no Material Adverse Change will have occurred in the business, affairs, financial condition or operations of Messina;
Dissent Rights to the Arrangement shall not have been exercised prior to the Effective Date by registered Messina Shareholders representing in the aggregate 5% or more of the total number of Messina Shares outstanding at such time;

Messina shall not have disposed of an interest in any of its properties or otherwise have entered into any material transaction with, or have incurred any material liability to, any other corporation or person or have agreed to do any of the foregoing or have performed any act or have entered into any transaction or negotiation which interferes or is inconsistent with the completion of the transactions contemplated hereby, other than as contemplated in this Agreement, without the consent of Canadian Zinc thereto, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld;
Canadian Zinc shall have received a certificate of a senior officer of Messina confirming that the representations and warranties of Messina set out in Section 3.2 are true and correct in all material respects on and as of Closing; and
Canadian Zinc shall have received a certificate of a senior officer of Messina confirming that the covenants of Messina set out in Section 4.2 have been completed and complied with as at the Closing Date.
The foregoing conditions in this Section 5.2 are inserted for the exclusive benefit of Canadian Zinc and may be waived by it in whole or in part at any time.

Conditions solely for the benefit of Messina

The obligations of Messina to complete the transactions contemplated in this Agreement are subject to satisfaction of the following conditions on or before the Closing Date:
no Material Adverse Change will have occurred in the business, affairs, financial condition or operations of Canadian Zinc or CZN Sub;
the shares of Canadian Zinc to be issued pursuant to the Arrangement will be listed or conditionally listed subject to standard conditions on the TSX and Canadian Zinc will be in compliance with all rules, regulations and policies of the TSX in all material respects;
Messina shall have received a certificate of a senior officer of Canadian Zinc confirming that the representations and warranties of Canadian Zinc set out in Section 3.1 are true and correct in all material respects on and as of Closing;
Messina shall have received a certificate of a senior officer of Canadian Zinc confirming that the covenants of Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub set out in Section 4.1 have been completed and complied with as at the Closing Date;
the TSX shall have accepted the Arrangement and shall have conditionally approved the listing thereon of the shares of Canadian Zinc to be issued and issuable pursuant to the Arrangement which shares shall not be subject to statutory hold periods, subject to usual terms and conditions of the TSX;
each director and officer of Messina shall have received an executed release from Canadian Zinc and CZN Sub, in form and substance satisfactory to Canadian Zinc, CZN Sub and Messina, each acting reasonably; and
the issue of Canadian Zinc Shares pursuant to the Arrangement will have been approved by all necessary corporate action to permit such shares to be issued as fully paid and non-assessable.

The foregoing conditions in this Section 5.3 are inserted for the exclusive benefit of Messina and may be waived by it in whole or in part at any time.

This Agreement and the Plan of Arrangement may, at any time and from time to time before the Effective Date, be amended by written agreement of the parties hereto without, subject to applicable law, further notice to or authorization on the part of their respective shareholders.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any such amendment may:
change the time for performance of any of the obligations or acts of the parties hereto;
waive any inaccuracies or modify any representation contained herein or any document to be delivered pursuant hereto;
waive compliance with or modify any of the covenants herein contained or waive or modify performance of any of the obligations of the parties hereto; or
amend the terms of Section 3.02 of the Plan of Arrangement and Subsections 5.1(a), (b), (c) and (d) of this Agreement and the sequence of transactions described in the Plan of Arrangement subject to any required approval of the Messina Shareholders, given in the same manner as required for the approval of the Arrangement or as may be ordered by the Court.
This Agreement and the Plan of Arrangement hereto may be amended in accordance with the Final Order, but if the terms of the Final Order require any such amendment, the rights of the parties hereto under Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.4 shall remain unaffected.

The completion of the Arrangement (the " Closing ") will be at the offices of DuMoulin Black LLP, 595 Howe Street, 10 th Floor, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 2T5, on or about December 19, 2013 (the " Closing Date "), or such other place or date as may be mutually agreed by the parties, provided it is not later than January 31, 2014.  At the Closing, the parties will exchange documents to effect the Closing including documents to confirm the matters set out in the Plan of Arrangement and to complete the Arrangement and related matters as contemplated hereby.

This Agreement shall terminate:
if the Arrangement has not been completed on or before January 31, 2014, at the election of any of the parties, provided the electing party has used commercially reasonable efforts to complete the Arrangement by such date;
in the event that the conditions are not satisfied or waived by the parties to whom they are of benefit prior to the Closing Date, or any earlier date contemplated herein, this Agreement will terminate and be of no further force or effect on January 31, 2014, or such earlier date;

by unanimous agreement of the parties hereto without any further action on the part of their respective shareholders;
upon the earlier of (i) the Messina Shareholders failing to approve the Arrangement at the Messina Meeting; and (ii) a final determination from the Court or an appeal court which denies the granting of the Final Order;
in the event of receipt by Messina of a Superior Proposal; or
if any applicable laws make the consummation of the Arrangement illegal or prohibited,
in each such case upon payment by Messina to Canadian Zinc of the Break Fee, if applicable, in accordance with Article 8 hereof (and if the Break Fee is not payable on the occurrence of such termination event, then this Agreement shall terminate on the occurrence of such termination event).
The provisions of Article 7 will survive any termination under Section 6.4.
Each party (the " Indemnifying Party ") hereto undertakes with the other parties hereto (the " Indemnified Party ") to hold the Indemnified Party fully and effectually indemnified from and against all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, actions or demands (including amounts paid in any settlement approved by the Indemnifying Party of any action, suit, proceeding or claim but excluding lost profits and consequential damages), to which such Indemnified Party may become subject insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities, actions or demands arise out of or are based upon any breach of a representation, warranty, covenant or obligation of the Indemnifying Party contained in this Agreement or any certificate or notice delivered by it in connection herewith, and will reimburse such Indemnified Party for any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by such Indemnified Party in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability, action or demand.

Promptly after receipt by an Indemnified Party of notice of a possible action, suit, proceeding or claim referred to in Section 7.1 hereof, such Indemnified Party, if a claim in respect thereof is to be made against the Indemnifying Party under such Section, shall provide the Indemnifying Party with written particulars thereof; provided that failure to provide the Indemnifying Party with such particulars shall not relieve such Indemnifying Party from any liability which it might have on account of the indemnity provided for in this Article 7 except insofar as such failure shall prejudice such Indemnifying Party.  The Indemnified Party shall also provide to the Indemnifying Party copies of all relevant documentation and, unless the Indemnifying Party assumes the defence thereof, shall keep such Indemnifying Party advised of the progress thereof and will discuss with the Indemnifying Party all significant actions proposed.
An Indemnifying Party shall be entitled, at its own expense, to participate in (and, to the extent that it may wish, to assume) the defence of any such action, suit, proceeding or claim but such defence shall be conducted by counsel of good standing approved by the Indemnified Party, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld.  Upon the Indemnifying Party notifying the Indemnified Party of its election so to assume the defence and retaining such counsel, the Indemnifying Party shall not be liable to the Indemnified Party for any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by it in connection with such defence other than for reasonable costs of investigation.  If such defence is assumed by the Indemnifying Party, it shall, through the course thereof, provide copies of all relevant documentation to the Indemnified Party, keep such Indemnified Party advised of the progress thereof and shall discuss with the Indemnified Party all significant actions proposed.  No Indemnifying Party shall enter into any settlement without the consent of the Indemnified Party, but such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.  If such defence is not assumed by the Indemnifying Party, the Indemnifying Party shall not be liable for any settlement made without its consent, but such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Indemnified Party shall have the right, at the Indemnifying Party's expense, to employ counsel of its own choice in respect of the defence of any such action, suit, proceeding or claim if (i) the employment of such counsel has been authorized by the Indemnifying Party in connection with such defence; or (ii) counsel retained by the Indemnifying Party or the Indemnified Party shall have advised the Indemnified Party that there may be legal defences available to it which are different from or in addition to those available to the Indemnifying Party (in which event and to that extent, the Indemnifying Party shall not have the right to assume or direct the defence on behalf of the Indemnified Party) or that there may be a conflict of interest between the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party; or (iii) the Indemnifying Party shall not have assumed such defence and employed counsel therefor within a reasonable time after receiving notice of such action, suit, proceeding or claim.
The obligations of each party hereto under this Article 7 shall terminate one year after the Arrangement is consummated, save with respect to all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, actions or demands notice of which is given to the Indemnifying Party by the Indemnified Party on or before one year from the date hereof in compliance with Section 7.2.
Until the date of termination of this Agreement, Messina will not, directly or indirectly, through any officer, director, employee, shareholder, representative, counsel, advisor or agent, as the case may be, take or continue any action to solicit, initiate, assist, encourage or otherwise facilitate (including by way of furnishing information or entering into any form of agreement, arrangement or understanding or providing any other form of assistance) the initiation of any inquiries, submissions, proposals or offers from any person or entity other than Canadian Zinc (a " Third Party ") relating to, and will not initiate, continue or otherwise participate in any discussions or negotiations with a Third Party regarding, or furnish to any Third Party any information with respect to, enter into any form of agreement, arrangement or understanding with any Third Party with respect to, or otherwise co-operate in any way with or assist or participate in, or facilitate or encourage any effort or attempt by, any Third Party with respect to:
the direct or indirect acquisition or disposition of all or, except in the ordinary course of business, any of Messina's securities, or

any amalgamation, merger, sale of all of Messina's assets or, except in the ordinary course of business, any part of Messina's assets, take-over bid, tender offer, plan of arrangement, issuer bid, reorganization, dividend or distribution, recapitalization, liquidation or winding-up of, or other business combination or similar transaction involving such Third Party, all of Messina's assets or, except in the ordinary course of business, any part of Messina's assets;
provided however that Messina shall not be prohibited from considering, discussing, negotiating or providing any information (including access to its management) to a Third Party in respect of a bona fide unsolicited proposal to Messina or its shareholders that the board of directors of Messina (after consultation with its financial advisors and having received advice of outside counsel that Messina's board of directors is required to consider the proposal in order to discharge its fiduciary duties) in good faith reasonably expects to be a Superior Proposal (as hereinafter defined), in which event Messina shall promptly notify Canadian Zinc of any inquiry or proposal that it receives that constitutes, or may reasonably be expected to lead to, such a proposal and shall promptly provide to Canadian Zinc a copy of any such written proposal received by it.  For a period of ten business days following receipt by Canadian Zinc of a copy of such proposal, Canadian Zinc shall be entitled to deliver to Messina a counter-proposal to such proposal.  In the event a Superior Proposal is accepted and recommended by its board of directors, Messina may terminate its obligations under this Agreement upon payment to Canadian Zinc of the Break Fee.

Subject to Sections 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5, the parties agree and acknowledge that each of them will bear responsibility for their own expenses and costs incurred and to be incurred by each of them in connection with the Arrangement including, without limitation, amounts paid or payable to financial advisors, auditors, legal counsel, printers, transfer agents, and other arm's length third parties that perform services on their behalf in connection with the negotiation of the Agreement, the Arrangement, the due diligence review conducted in connection with the Arrangement, the preparation and distribution of all necessary disclosure documents and other steps to implement the Arrangement.
Each of Messina and Canadian Zinc agrees and acknowledges that the Break Fee represents liquidated damages and a reasonable estimate of the expenses and costs incurred and to be incurred by Canadian Zinc in connection with the Arrangement including, without limitation, amounts paid or payable to financial advisors, auditors, legal counsel, printers, transfer agents, and other arm's length third parties that perform services on behalf of Canadian Zinc in connection with the negotiation of this Agreement and the Arrangement, the due diligence review conducted by Canadian Zinc in connection with the Arrangement, the preparation of this Agreement and related documents, and other steps to implement the Arrangement.
For the purposes of this Agreement, " Superior Proposal " means an unsolicited bona fide offer regarding the direct or indirect acquisition or disposition of all or any of Messina's securities, or any amalgamation, merger, sale of all of Messina's assets or, except in the ordinary course of business, any part of Messina's assets, take-over bid, tender offer, plan of arrangement, issuer bid, reorganization, dividend or distribution, recapitalization, liquidation or winding-up of, or other business combination or similar transaction involving Messina, all of Messina's assets or, except in the ordinary course of business, any part of Messina's assets or similar fundamental transaction involving Messina which the board of directors of Messina considers, in good faith, to be superior to the terms of the Arrangement and must be recommended to Messina's shareholders in order that the board of directors may discharge its fiduciary obligations.  Any good faith determination by the board of directors of Messina of a Superior Proposal shall only be made after consultation with its financial advisors and receipt by the board of directors of Messina of an opinion of outside counsel or advice of outside counsel that is reflected in the minutes of the board of directors of Messina to the effect that the failure to entertain and negotiate such a Superior Proposal or to furnish information concerning Messina to a third party in connection therewith could, in the particular circumstances, result in a finding that the directors had breached their fiduciary duties under applicable law.

Until the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, Messina shall not change, release or modify any confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement executed by a Third Party. In addition, Messina shall immediately cease and cause to be terminated any existing solicitation, discussion, negotiations, encouragement or activity with any person (other than Canadian Zinc) with respect to any proposal of the nature described in Subsection 8.1(a) or (b), immediately close any data rooms made available to any Third Party and immediately request the return or destruction and certification of destruction of information previously provided to any Third Party in accordance with the terms of any such confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement executed by any Third Party.
Nothing contained in this Agreement shall prohibit or prevent Messina or its board of directors or officers from:  (a) making any disclosure of or in relation to an unsolicited proposal from a Third Party prior to the Effective Time if, in the good faith judgment of the board of directors, after consultation with outside legal counsel, such disclosure is necessary for the directors or officers of Messina to act in a manner consistent with their fiduciary duties or is otherwise required under applicable laws; (b) responding, within the time and in the manner required by applicable laws, to any unsolicited take-over bid or tender or exchange offer made for Messina Shares or any other securities of Messina; or (c) taking any other action in relation to an unsolicited proposal from a Third Party to the extent required under applicable securities laws or orders or otherwise mandated by any governmental entity.
In the event that:
this Agreement is terminated by Messina pursuant to Subsection 6.4(e) in respect of a Superior Proposal;
this Agreement is not approved by the Messina Shareholders or by the Court pursuant to Subsection 6.4(d); or
for any other reason, the Arrangement is not completed (other than through the failure of Canadian Zinc or CZN Sub to satisfy any conditions or perform any covenants provided for in this Agreement, or in the event of a termination pursuant to Subsection 6.4(c) or 6.4(f) or a termination by Canadian Zinc pursuant to Subsection 6.4(a) or 6.4(b),
Messina shall pay to Canadian Zinc, within one business day following such event, a fee equal to $150,000 (the " Break Fee ") in immediately available funds.
Until the earlier of the Closing and the termination of this Agreement without completion of the Arrangement, Messina will not, without the prior written consent of Canadian Zinc, enter into any contract in respect of its business or assets, other than in the ordinary course of business, and Messina will continue to carry on its business and maintain its assets in the ordinary course of business, with the exception of reasonable costs incurred in connection with the Arrangement, and, without limitation, but subject to the above exceptions, will maintain payables and other liabilities at levels consistent with past practice and will not engage in any extraordinary material transactions or agree to do any of the foregoing or perform any act or enter into any transaction or negotiation which interferes or is inconsistent with the completion of the transactions contemplated hereby without the prior written consent of Canadian Zinc.

No disclosure or announcement, public or otherwise, in respect of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated herein will be made by any party without the prior written agreement of the other parties as to timing, content and method, provided that the obligations herein will not prevent any party from making, after consultation with the other parties, such disclosure as its counsel advises is required by applicable laws or the rules and policies of the reporting jurisdictions of the party or of the TSX or the TSXV, as applicable.
Unless and until the transactions contemplated in this Agreement have been completed, except with the prior written consent of the other parties, each party and their respective employees, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, advisors and other representatives will hold all information received from the other parties in confidence, except such information and documents which (i) are or subsequently may become generally available to the public; (ii) are required to be disclosed by applicable law or the rules and policies of an applicable stock exchange; (iii) are available on a non-confidential basis prior to their disclosure to the other parties; (iv) become available to one party on a non-confidential basis from a source other than the other parties provided that such other source is, to the knowledge of such party, not bound by a confidentiality agreement with the other parties; (v) are independently developed; or (vi) were available to each party as a result of the relationship of the parties prior to the date hereof.
All such information in written form and documents will be returned to the party originally delivering them in the event that the transactions provided for in this Agreement are not completed.
No party may assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement.
Any waiver or release of any conditions of this Agreement, to be effective, must be in writing executed by the party for whom such condition is expressed by this Agreement to benefit.
The covenants, representations and warranties contained herein will survive the Closing.
Time is of the essence herein.
Each party hereto will, from time to time, at the request of the other parties, do such further acts and execute and deliver all such further documents, agreements and instruments as will be reasonably required in order to fully perform and carry out the terms, conditions and intent of this Agreement.
All references to currency are references to Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated.
The parties intend that this Agreement will be binding upon them until terminated.

Any notice to be given hereunder to the parties will be deemed to be validly given if delivered, or if sent by facsimile:
  if to Canadian Zinc or CZN Sub, to:
Suite 1710 – 650 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC  V6B 4N9
Attention:  John F. Kearney
Facsimile No.: 604-688-2043
  with a copy to:
  DuMoulin Black LLP
10 th Floor, 595 Howe Street
Vancouver, BC  V6C 2T6
Attention:  J. Douglas Seppala
Facsimile No.: 604-687-8772
  if to Messina, to:
  300 – 1055 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC  V6E 2E9
Attention:  Peter Tallman, President
Facsimile No.: 604-233-7971
  with a copy to:
  Jeffrey T.K. Fraser Law Corporation
1710 – 1177 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC  V6E 2L3
Attention:  Jeffrey T.K. Fraser
Facsimile No.: 604-681-0139
and any such notice delivered on a business day in accordance with the foregoing will be deemed to have been received on the date of delivery or facsimile transmission.

This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder will be governed by and construed according to the laws of the Province of British Columbia.
This Agreement will enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors.
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts with the same effect as if all parties had signed the same document.  All of these counterparts will for all purposes constitute one agreement, binding on the parties, notwithstanding that all parties are not signatories to the same counterpart.  A fax transcribed copy or photocopy of this Agreement executed by a party in counterpart or otherwise will constitute a properly executed, delivered and binding agreement or counterpart of the executing party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the year and day set out on page 1 hereof.
Per:  (Signed) " John F. Kearney "            
Name:   John F. Kearney     
Title:  President and Chief Executive Officer     
Per:  (Signed) "Peter Tallman"            
Name:  Peter Tallman                     
Title: President and Chief Executive Officer            
0980829 B.C. LTD.    
Per:   (Signed) " John F. Kearney "               
Name:  John F. Kearney    
Title: Director            


Exhibit 4.11
July 15, 2014
Canadian Zinc Corporation
650 West Georgia Street, Suite 1710
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6B 4N9
Attention: John F. Kearney, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Dear Sir:
Dundee Securities Ltd. (“ Dundee ”), Canaccord Genuity Corp. and Paradigm Capital Inc. (collectively, the " Underwriters ") understand that Canadian Zinc Corporation (the " Company ") proposes to issue and hereby offers to sell to the Underwriters (i) 28,572,000 units (" Units ") of the Company (the " Offered Units ") at a price of $0.35 per Unit (the “ Unit Price ”) for distribution to the public in accordance with the terms of this Agreement (as hereinafter defined), with each Unit consisting of one common share (a " Unit Share ") of the Company and one half of one common share purchase warrant (each whole common share purchase warrant, a " Warrant ") and with each Warrant entitling the holder to purchase one common share of the Company (a " Warrant Share ") at a price of $0.50 per Warrant Share at any time on or before that date which is 36 months after the Closing Date (as defined below), and (ii) 13,160,000 common shares of the Company that each constitutes a “flow-through share” (the “ Flow­Through Shares ”) as defined in subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act (as hereinafter defined) at a price of $0.38 per Flow-Through Share (the “ Flow-Through Share Price ”) and that the Company will incur and thereafter renounce Qualifying Expenditures (as hereinafter defined) to the original purchasers of such Flow-Through Shares. The Warrants shall be issued under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Warrant Indenture (as hereinafter defined). The Offered Units and the Flow-Through Shares are hereby collectively referred to as the “ Offered Securities ”.
Based on the foregoing and upon and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Underwriters hereby severally, and not jointly, nor jointly and severally, in their respective percentages set out in Section 8.1 of this Agreement, agree to purchase from the Company, or, in the case of the Flow-Through Shares, alternatively to arrange, as agent for the Company, for substituted eligible purchasers to purchase from the Company on the Closing Date (as hereinafter defined), and the Company hereby agrees to sell to the Underwriters or, in the case of the Flow­Through Shares, to such eligible substituted purchasers on the Closing Date, (i) 28,572,000 Offered Units at the Unit Price, and (ii) 13,160,000 Flow-Through Shares at the Flow-Through Share Price, for total aggregate gross proceeds of $15,001,000.
- 1 -

The Company hereby grants to the Underwriters (in accordance with the respective percentages set forth in Section 8.1 of this Agreement) an option (the “ Over-Allotment Option ”), entitling the Underwriters to purchase severally and not jointly, nor jointly and severally, or, in the case of the Additional Flow-Through Shares (as hereinafter defined), alternatively to arrange, as agent for the Company, for substituted eligible purchasers to purchase from the Company, up to 4,285,800 additional Units (each an “ Additional Unit ”) at the Unit Price and up to 1,974,000 additional Flow-Through Shares (each an “ Additional Flow-Through Share ”) at the Flow­Through Share Price for the purpose of covering the Underwriters’ over-allocation position (as defined in National Instrument 41-101 General Prospectus Requirements (" NI 41-101 ")). The Over-Allotment Option in respect of the Additional Units may be exercisable by the Underwriters: (i) to acquire Additional Units at the Unit Price; (ii) to acquire additional Unit Shares (“ Additional Unit Shares ”) at a price of $0.325 per Additional Unit Share, (iii) to acquire additional Warrants (the “ Additional Warrants ”) at a price of $0.05 per Additional Warrant; or (iv) to acquire any combination of Additional Units, Additional Unit Shares and/or Additional Warrants, so long as the aggregate number of Additional Unit Shares and Additional Warrants that may be issued under such Over-Allotment Option does not exceed 4,285,800 Additional Unit Shares and 2,142,900 Additional Warrants. For greater certainty, the number of Additional Unit Shares and Additional Warrants issued in connection with the exercise of the Over-Allotment Option shall not exceed 15% of the number of Unit Shares and Warrants issued pursuant to the base offering (as defined in NI 41-101). The Additional Units, the Additional Unit Shares, the Additional Warrants and the Additional Flow-Through Shares are collectively referred to herein as the “ Additional Securities ”. The Over-Allotment Option shall be non- assignable and shall be exercisable, in whole, at any time, or in parts and from time to time for up to 30 days after the Closing Time (as hereinafter defined). The offering of the Offered Securities and any Additional Securities and Additional Flow-Through Shares by the Company described in this Agreement is hereinafter referred to as the “ Offering ”.
The net proceeds of the Offering shall be used as set forth in the Final Prospectus (as hereinafter defined) under the heading “Use of Proceeds”. In consideration of the Underwriters’ services hereunder, the Company shall on the Closing Date or the Over-Allotment Closing Date (as hereinafter defined), as applicable, (i) pay to Dundee, for and on behalf of all of the Underwriters, a cash fee (the “ Underwriting Fee ”) in an amount equal to 6.0% of the gross proceeds received by the Company from the issue and sale of the Offered Securities and any Additional Securities, and (ii) issue to the Underwriters that number of compensation warrants (the “ Compensation Warrants ”) equal to 6.0% of the number of Offered Securities and Additional Securities sold pursuant to the Offering. Each Compensation Warrant shall entitle the holder thereof to acquire, at any time prior to the 24 month anniversary of the Closing Date, one common share of the Company (each a “ Compensation Share ”) at an exercise price of $0.35 per Compensation Share, subject to TSX approval.
The Offering shall take place in the Qualifying Jurisdictions (as hereinafter defined) and in the United States, provided, however, that offers and sales of Offered Securities and any Additional Securities in the United States shall be made only to Qualified Institutional Buyers (as hereinafter defined) on a private placement basis pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act (as hereinafter defined) provided by Rule 144A (as hereinafter defined) and exemptions from the securities laws of the states of the United States, as applicable, in accordance with United States securities laws and the provisions of Schedule “A” to this Agreement. No Flow-Through Shares will be offered or sold within the United States. The Underwriters, on their own behalf and on behalf of their U.S. Affiliates (as hereinafter defined), and the Company acknowledge that Schedule “A” forms part of this Agreement.
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The Underwriters acknowledge that the Compensation Warrants and the Compensation Shares (collectively, the “ Compensation Securities ”) have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act, and the Compensation Warrants may not be exercised in the United States or by, or for the account or benefit of, any U.S. Person or person in the United States, except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act. In connection with the issuance of the Compensation Securities, as the case may be, each of the Underwriters represents and warrants that (i) it is not a U.S. Person and it is not acquiring the Compensation Securities in the United States, or on behalf of a U.S. Person or a person located in the United States, (ii) this Agreement was executed and delivered outside the United States and (iii) it is acquiring the Compensation Securities, as principal for its own account and not for the benefit of any other person. The Underwriters agree that they will not engage in any Directed Selling Efforts (as defined in Schedule “A”) with respect to any Compensation Securities.
The additional terms and conditions of this underwriting agreement (the “ Agreement ”) are set forth below.
1.1   In this Agreement, including any schedules forming a part of this Agreement:
Acts ” means the Securities Acts or equivalent securities regulatory legislation of the Qualifying Jurisdictions and “ Act ” means the Securities Act or equivalent securities regulatory legislation of a specified Qualifying Jurisdiction;
Additional Flow-Through Shares ” has the meaning given to that term in the third paragraph of this Agreement;
Additional Securities ” has the meaning given to that term in the third paragraph of this Agreement;
Additional Units ” has the meaning given to that term in the third paragraph of this Agreement;
Additional Unit Shares ” has the meaning given to that term in the third paragraph of this Agreement;
Additional Warrants ” has the meaning given to that term in the third paragraph of this Agreement;
Agreement ” means this Underwriting Agreement;
Ancillary Documents ” means all agreements, certificates (including any
certificates representing the Offered Securities and Additional Securities, officer’s certificates, notices and other documents executed and delivered, or to be
executed and delivered, by the Company in connection with the Offering   and/or pursuant to this Agreement;
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(i)    Applicable Securities Laws ” means, collectively, and, as the context may
require, the Acts and Regulations and the rules, policies, instruments, notices and orders issued by the applicable Regulatory Authorities including, for greater certainty, the application and interpretation of such rules, policies, instruments, notices and orders by the applicable Regulatory Authorities;
(j)          “ BCA “ means the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia);
(k)          “ Canadian Exploration Expense(s) ” or “ CEE ” means an expense described in
paragraph (f) of the definition of “Canadian exploration expense” in subsection 66.1(6) of the Tax Act or that would be described in paragraph (h) of such definition if the reference therein to “paragraphs (a) to (d) and (f) to (g.4)” were a reference to “paragraph (f)”, excluding any amounts which are prescribed to constitute “Canadian exploration and development overhead expense” under the Tax Act, the amount of any assistance received by the Company described in paragraph 66(12.6)(a) of the Tax Act and any expense described in paragraph 66(12.6)(b.1) of the Tax Act or any amount paid or payable for prepaid services or rent that do not qualify as outlays or expenses for the period as described in the definition of “expense” in subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act;
(l)    Claim ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 12.1;
(m)          “ Closing ” and “ Closing Date ” have the meanings given to those terms in Section
(n)          “ Closing Materials ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 6.1(k)(x)
(o)          “ Closing Time ” means 8:00 a.m. (Toronto time) or such other time as may be
agreed to by the Company and the Underwriters;
(p)          “ Comfort Letter ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 6.1(k)(i) hereto;
(q)          “ Commissions ” means the securities regulatory authorities (other than stock
exchanges) of the Qualifying Jurisdictions and “ Commission ” means the securities regulatory authority of a specified Qualifying Jurisdiction;
(r)          “ Common Shares ” means common shares in the capital of the Company;
(s)          " Compensation Securities " has the meaning given to that term in the sixth
paragraph of this Agreement;
(t)          " Compensation Share " has the meaning given to that term in the fourth
paragraph of this Agreement;
(u)          " Compensation Warrant " has the meaning given to that term in the fourth
paragraph of this Agreement;
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(v)          “ Continuing Underwriters ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 8.2
(w)          “ CRA “ means the Canada Revenue Agency;
(x)          “ Debt Instrument ” means any loan, bond, debenture, promissory note or other
instrument evidencing indebtedness (demand or otherwise) for borrowed money or other liability;
(y)          “ Defaulting Underwriters ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 8.2
(z)          “ Distribution ” (or “ distribute ” as derived therefrom) has the meaning given to
that term in the Securities Act (Ontario);
(aa)          " Dundee " has the meaning given to that term in the first paragraph of this
(bb)          " Enforceability Qualifications " means the qualifications that enforcement may
be limited by limitations contained in the Limitation Act, (British Columbia), by bankruptcy, insolvency and other similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights generally, that equitable remedies may be granted in the discretion of a court of competent jurisdiction, that rights of indemnity, contribution and waiver of contribution may be limited under applicable law, and that the enforceability of provisions in an agreement which purport to sever from such agreement any provision which is prohibited or unenforceable under applicable law without affecting the enforceability or validity of the remainder of such agreement would be determined only in the discretion of a court;
(cc)          “ Exchange ” means the TSX;
(dd)          “ Expenditure Period ” means the period commencing on thedate of acceptance
of the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement and ending on the earlier of:
 the date on which the Commitment Amount (within the meaning of such Flow-Through Subscription Agreement) has been fully expended in accordance with the terms of the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement; and
           (ii)    December 31, 2015;
(ee)         “ Final Prospectus ” means the final short form prospectus of the Company to be
dated on or about July 23, 2014 and filed with the Commissions for the purpose of qualifying the distribution in Canada of the Offered Securities and the Additional
Securities and the grant of the Over-Allotment Option, including all documents incorporated therein by reference and any Supplementary Material;
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Final Receipt ” means the receipt for the Final Prospectus issued in accordance
with the Passport System;
Final U.S. Placement Memorandum ” means the U.S. placement memorandum,
in a form satisfactory to the Underwriters and the Company, to which will be attached the Final Prospectus, to be delivered to any offerees and purchasers of the Offered Securities and Additional Securities, if any, in the United States in accordance with Schedule “A” hereto;
" Flow-Through Shares " has the meaning given to that term in the first paragraph
of this Agreement;
" Flow-Through Share Price " has the meaning given to that term in the first
paragraph of this Agreement;
 “ Flow-Through Subscription Agreement ” means, collectively, the agreements to be entered into between the Company and one or more of the Underwriters or any participants in the Selling Dealer Group for and on behalf of and as agents for purchasers of Flow-Through Shares on or prior to the Closing Date or the Over­Allotment Closing Date, as applicable, setting out the contractual relationship between the Company and the purchasers of Flow-Through Shares, in form and substance satisfactory to the Company and the Underwriters and substantially as set out as Schedule “C” to this Agreement or such other form agreed to by the Company and the Underwriters;
Indemnified Parties ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 12.1 hereto;
Legal Opinions ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 6.1(k)(ii) hereto;
(mm)        Lock-Up Agreements ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 6.1(n)
material adverse effect ” means (i) the effect resulting from any event or change
which is materially adverse to the business, affairs, capital, operations, property rights or assets, liabilities (contingent or otherwise) of the Company, or which event or change would reasonably be expected to have a significant negative effect on the market price or value of the common shares of the Company or (ii) any fact, event or change that would result in any Offering Document containing a misrepresentation;
material change ” has the meaning given to that term in the Securities Act
material fact ” has the meaning given to that term in the Securities Act (Ontario);
" Mineral Properties " means the Company’s Prairie Creek property, South Tally
Pond project, Tulks South project and Long Lake project;
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misrepresentation ” has the meaning given to that term in the Securities Act
(British Columbia);
Money Laundering Laws ” has the meaning given to that term in Section
    5.1(ccc) hereto;
 “ Named Executive Officers ” means as of July 15, 2014, the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and each of the three most highly compensated executive officers, other than the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer who were serving as executive officers at the end of the most recently completed financial year and whose total salary and bonus exceeds $150,000 as well as any additional individuals for whom disclosure would have been provided except that the individual was not serving as an officer of the Company at the end of the Company’s most recently completed financial year end;
NI 43-101 ” means National Instrument 43-101 — Standards of Disclosure for
Mineral Projects ;
NI 44-101 ” means National Instrument 44-101 — Short Form Prospectus
Distributions ;
 “ NP 11-202 ” means National Policy 11-202 - Process for Prospectus Reviews in Multiple Jurisdictions ;
OFAC ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 5.1(ddd) hereto;
" Offered Units " has the meaning given to that term in the first paragraph of this
" Offered Securities " has the meaning given to that term in the first paragraph of
this Agreement;
 “ Offering ” has the meaning given to that term in the third paragraph of this Agreement;
 “ Offering Documents ” means, collectively, the Prospectuses, any Supplementary Material and the U.S. Memorandum;
Officers’ Certificate ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 6.1(k)(iv) hereto;
 “ Option Closing ” means the purchase of Additional Securities contemplated upon the exercise of the Over-Allotment Option;
 “ Over-Allotment Closing Date ” means, in respect of any exercise of the Over­Allotment Option, the closing date for such exercise of the Over-Allotment Option which shall be not more than three business days after the notice of exercise of such option has been delivered in accordance with the terms of the Over-Allotment Option;
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 “ Passport System ” means the system for review and procedures for the filing of prospectuses and related materials in one or more Canadian jurisdictions pursuant to Multilateral Instrument 11-102 - Passport System and NP 11-202;
 “ Preliminary Prospectus ” means the preliminary short form prospectus of the Company dated July 15, 2014 and filed with the Commissions for the purpose of allowing the Underwriters to solicit expressions of interest for the Offering, including all documents incorporated therein by reference and any Supplemental Material;
 “ Preliminary Receipt ” means the receipt for the Preliminary Prospectus issued in accordance with the Passport System;
Preliminary U.S. Placement Memorandum ” means the U.S. placement
memorandum, in a form satisfactory to the Underwriters and the Company, to which will be attached a copy of any Preliminary Prospectus, to be delivered to offerees and purchasers of the Offered Securities and Additional Securities, if any, in the United States in accordance with Schedule “A” hereto;
 “ Prospectuses ” means collectively the Preliminary Prospectus and the Final Prospectus, including any documents incorporated by reference therein;
" Public Record " means all information contained in any news release, material change report (excluding any confidential material change report), financial statements, technical reports, continuous disclosure documents or other document of the Company which has been publicly filed by or on behalf of the Company pursuant to Applicable Securities Laws, including any information which appears on the Company’s website;
Qualified Institutional Buyer ” means a qualified institutional buyer as that term is defined in Rule 144A;
 “ Qualifying Expenditures ” means expenses that are CEE;
 “ Qualifying Jurisdictions ” means all of the provinces of Canada, other than Quebec, and such other jurisdictions to which the Underwriters and the Company may agree and “Qualifying Jurisdiction” means any one of them;
Regulations ” means the securities rules or regulations proclaimed under the Acts and “Regulation” means the securities rules or regulations proclaimed under a specified Act;
 “ Regulation S ” means Regulation S adopted by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission under the U.S. Securities Act;
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Regulatory Authorities ” means collectively the Commissions and the Exchange;
 “ Rule 144A ” means Rule 144A under the U.S. Securities Act ;
 “ Selling Dealer Group ” means the dealers and brokers other than the Underwriters who participate in the offer and sale of the Offered Securities pursuant to this Agreement;
Standard Listing Conditions ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 6.1(o) hereto;
 “ subsidiary ” has the meaning given to that term in the BCA and “ subsidiaries ” means more than one of them;
 “ Supplementary Material ” means any documents supplemental to the Prospectuses including any amending or supplementary prospectus or other supplemental documents (including documents incorporated by reference after the date of the Prospectuses) or similar documents;
(www) “ Tax Act ” means the Income Tax Act (Canada) and the regulations thereunder as amended from time to time;
Title Opinions ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 6.1(k)(v);
 “ TMX Group ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 14.9;
 “ trade ” has the meaning given to that term in the Securities Act (Ontario);
 “ TSX ” means the Toronto Stock Exchange;
 " Underwriting Fee " has the meaning given to that term in the fourth paragraph of this Agreement;
 " Unit " has the meaning given to that term in the first paragraph of this Agreement;
 " Unit Price " has the meaning given to that term in the first paragraph of this Agreement;
 " Unit Shares " has the meaning given to that term in the first paragraph of this Agreement;
 “ United States ” or “ U.S. ” means the United States of America, its territories and possessions, any state of the United States and the District of Columbia;
U.S. Affiliates ” means the U.S. registered broker-dealer affiliates of the Underwriters;
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 “ U.S. Legal Opinion ” has the meaning given to that term in Section 6.1(k)(iii);
 “ U.S. Memorandum ” means, together, the Preliminary U.S. Placement Memorandum and Final U.S. Placement Memorandum;
 “ U.S. Person ” has the meaning given to it under Regulation S;
 “ U.S. Securities Act ” means the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and regulations made thereunder;
" Warrant " or “ Warrants ” has the meaning given to that term in the first
paragraph of this Agreement;
 “ Warrant Agent ” means Computershare Trust Company of Canada, in its capacity as warrant agent under the Warrant Indenture;
 “ Warrant Indenture ” means the indenture to be dated the Closing Date between the Company and the Warrant Agent governing the Warrants; and
" Warrant Share " has the meaning given to that term in the first paragraph of this Agreement. For greater certainty, “ Warrant Share ” refers to any Common Shares issuable or issued under any Warrants or Additional Warrants.
All references to dollar figures inthis Agreement are to Canadian dollars.
Certain terms applicable solely toSchedule“A” aredefined inSchedule“A”.
 Where any representation or warranty contained in this Agreement is expressly qualified by reference to the “ knowledge ” of the Company, or where any other reference is made herein to the “ knowledge ” of the Company, it shall be deemed to refer to the actual knowledge of the Named Executive Officers, after having made due enquiry of appropriate and relevant persons and after reviewing relevant documentation.
The Company shall:
not later than 5:00 p.m. (Vancouver time) on July 15, 2014, have obtained the Preliminary Receipt with respect to the Preliminary Prospectus; and
forthwith after any comments with respect to the Preliminary Prospectus have  been received from, and have been resolved with, the Commissions, but no later than 5:00 p.m. (Vancouver time) on July 23, 2014 or such later date as may be agreed to in writing by Dundee, use its reasonable commercial efforts to obtain a Final Receipt with respect to the Final Prospectus or otherwise fulfill all legal requirements to enable the Offered Securities and AdditionalSecurities to be offered and sold to the public through the Underwriters or anyother investment dealer or broker registered to transact such business in the applicable Qualifying Jurisdictions.
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Prior to the delivery or filing of the Offering Documents and thereafter, during the period of distribution of the Offered Securities and any Additional Securities, the Company shall have allowed the Underwriters to participate fully in the preparation of, and to approve the form and content of, such Offering Documents and shall have allowed the Underwriters to conduct all due diligence investigations which they may reasonably require in order to fulfill their obligations as underwriters and in order to enable them to execute the certificate in the Prospectus required to be executed by them.
The Company hereby grants to the Underwriters the Over-Allotment Option to purchase severally and not jointly, nor jointly and severally, and to offer for sale to the public pursuant hereto the Additional Securities upon the terms and conditions set forth herein.
The Over-Allotment Option shall be non-assignable and shall be exercisable, in whole, at any time, or in parts, from time to time, up to 30 days after the Closing Date by Dundee, on behalf of the Underwriters giving written notice to the Company by such date, specifying the number of Additional Securities to be purchased (the “ Over-Allotment Closing Date ”), which date shall be not more than three business days after the date of such notice.
Following receipt of notice delivered in accordance with Section 3.2, the Company agrees to issue and sell to the Underwriters and the Underwriters agree to purchase that number of Additional Securities requested in the notice of exercise of the Over-Allotment Option and the Company shall proceed to hold the Option Closing in accordance with Section 11.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Underwriters offer to purchase  the Offered Securities, and by acceptance of this Agreement the Company agreesto sell  to the Underwriters, and the Underwriters agree to purchase at the Closing Timeon the  Closing Date, all, but not less than all, of the Offered Securities as describedin the  second paragraph of this Agreement.
The distribution of the Offered Securities, the Over-Allotment Option, and any Additional Securities shall be qualified by the Prospectuses under Applicable Securities Laws. Offered Securities and/or Additional Securities may also be offered and sold:
in the United States in accordance with the terms, conditions, representations, warranties and covenants of the parties contained in Schedule “A” hereto, the provisions of which are agreed to by the Company, the Underwriters and the U.S. Affiliates, and which Schedule “A” forms part of this Agreement; and
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in such other jurisdictions as the Company and the Underwriters may agree, provided the distribution of Offered Securities and/or Additional Securities in such other jurisdictions are completed in accordance with the applicable laws of such other jurisdictions.
 Until the date on which the distribution of the Offered Securities and Additional Securities is completed or this Agreement is terminated, the Company shall promptly take, or cause to be taken, all additional steps and proceedings that may from time to time be required under Applicable Securities Laws to continue to qualify the distribution of the Offered Securities and the Additional Securities, or in the event that the Offered Securities and the Additional Securities have, for any reason ceased to so qualify, to so qualify again the Offered Securities and the Additional Securities for distribution in the Qualifying Jurisdictions.
The Company agrees that the Underwriters will be permitted to appoint other registered dealers (or other dealers duly licensed in their respective jurisdictions) as their agents to assist in the Offering and that the Underwriters may determine the remuneration payable to such other dealers appointed by them. Such remuneration shall be payable by the Underwriters. The Underwriters shall use their best efforts to ensure that such other dealers, if any, comply with the terms of this Agreement as applicable to the Underwriters.
Each Underwriter covenants, represents and warrants to the Company that it will comply, to the extent applicable to the Underwriters, with the rules and policies of the Exchange and with all applicable securities legislation of each Qualifying Jurisdiction in which it acts as Underwriter of the Company in connection with the Offering.
The Company represents and warrants to the Underwriters, and acknowledges that the Underwriters are relying upon such representations and warranties in entering into this Agreement, that:
(a) Incorporation and Organization : The Company has been duly organized, is a valid and subsisting corporation under the laws of the Province of British Columbia and has all requisite corporate power and authority to carry on its business as now conducted or proposed to be conducted and to own or lease and operate the property and assets thereof and the Company has all requisite corporate power and authority to enter into, execute and deliver this Agreement, the Warrant Indenture, the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement and any certificates representing the Warrants and the Compensation Warrants and to carry out its obligations thereunder. To the Company’s knowledge, other than the constating documents of the Company (to the extent that they would constitute an agreement), no agreement exists among the shareholders of the Company in respect of the Company and no such agreement will exist on the Closing Date.
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  Extra-Provincial Registration : The Company and its subsidiaries together hold all licences, registrations and qualifications in all jurisdictions where the character of the property or assets thereof owned or leased or the nature of the activities conducted make licensing, registration or qualification necessary and is carrying on the business thereof in compliance in all material respects with all applicable laws, rules and regulations of each such jurisdiction.
Authorized Capital : The Company is authorized to issue, among other things, an unlimited number of Common Shares, of which, as of the close of business on July 14, 2014, 174,341,709 Common Shares were issued and outstanding as fully paid and non-assessable shares.
Listing : The Common Shares are, and at the time of issue of the Offered Securities will be, listed on the TSX and the Unit Shares, Flow-Through Shares, Compensation Shares, Warrant Shares, Additional Unit Shares and Additional Flow-Through Shares will, at the time of issue thereof, be conditionally approved for listing on the TSX or such other stock exchange or quotation system on which the Common Shares may trade or be quoted at the applicable time.
  Certain Security Law Matters : The Common Shares are listed only on the TSX and the Company is a reporting issuer or the equivalent only in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec and is not in default of any material requirement of the securities legislation of any of such provinces.
NI 44-101 . The Company is eligible under NI 44-101 to file the Preliminary Prospectus and the Final Prospectus;
Transfer Agent : Computershare Trust Company of Canada, at its principal office in the City of Vancouver, is the duly appointed registrar and transfer agent for the Common Shares.
Rights to Acquire Securities : Other than pursuant hereto, no Person has any agreement, option, right or privilege (whether pre-emptive, contractual or otherwise) capable of becoming an agreement for the purchase, acquisition, subscription for or issue of any of the unissued shares or other securities of the Company, except for 6,122,200 common shares issuable on the due exercise of 5.734.600 outstanding options under the Company's stock option plan and 387.600 outstanding common share purchase warrants as of July 14, 2014.
No Pre-emptive Rights : The issue of the Offered Securities will not be subject to any pre-emptive right or other contractual right to purchase securities granted by the Company or to which the Company is subject.
Subsidiaries : The Company has no subsidiaries other than Messina Minerals Inc.
and Paragon Minerals Corporation.
Issue of Unit Shares and Flow-Through Shares : All necessary corporate action has been taken to authorize the issue, sale and delivery of the Unit Shares and Flow-Through Shares and, upon payment of the requisite consideration therefor, the Unit Shares and Flow-Through Shares will be validly issued as fully paid and non-assessable shares.
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Issuance of Warrants . All necessary corporate action has been taken to authorize the issuance of, and the delivery of any certificates representing the Warrants and upon issuance and delivery, will be valid obligations of the Company enforceable in accordance with their terms, except as may be qualified by the Enforceability Qualifications. The Warrant Shares issuable upon the due exercise of the Warrants (and Additional Warrants), in accordance with the terms thereof, will, when issued, be validly issued and outstanding as fully paid and non-assessable Common Shares.
Grant of Compensation Warrants : All necessary corporate action has been taken to authorize the grant of, and the delivery of the certificates representing, the Compensation Warrants and upon issuance and delivery, will be valid obligations of the Company enforceable in accordance with their terms, except as may be qualified by the Enforceability Qualifications. The Compensation Shares issuable upon the due exercise of the Compensation Warrants in accordance with the terms thereof, will, when issued, be validly issued and outstanding as fully paid and non-assessable Common Shares.
Consents, Approvals and Conflicts : None of the offering and sale of the Offered Securities or the issue of the Compensation Warrants, the issue of the Warrant Shares on the exercise of the Warrants, the issuance of the Compensation Shares on the exercise of the Compensation Warrants, the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the Warrant Indenture, the compliance by the Company with the provisions of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated herein and therein, all in accordance with the terms of this agreement, do or will (i) require the consent, approval, or authorization, order or agreement of, or registration or qualification with, any governmental agency, body or authority, court, stock exchange, securities regulatory authority or other person, except (A) such as have been obtained, or (B) such as may be required under Applicable Securities Laws and will be obtained by the Closing Date, or (ii) to the best of the knowledge of the Company, conflict with or result in any breach or violation of any of the provisions of, or constitute a default under, any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, lease or other agreement or instrument to which the Company is a party or by which it or any of the properties or assets thereof is bound, or (iii) conflict with or result in any breach or violation of any of the provisions of, or constitute a default under, the notice of articles or articles of the Company or any resolution passed by the directors (or any committee thereof) or shareholders of the Company, or any statute or any judgment, decree, order, rule, policy or regulation of any court, governmental authority, any arbitrator, stock exchange or securities regulatory authority applicable to the Company or any of the properties or assets thereof which could have a material adverse effect on the condition (financial or otherwise), business, properties or results of operations, taken as a whole, of the Company.
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Authority and Authorization : The Company has full corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement, the Warrant Indenture, the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement and any certificates representing the Warrants and the Compensation Warrants and to do all acts and things and execute and deliver all documents as are required hereunder or thereunder to be done, observed, performed or executed and delivered by it in accordance with the terms hereof or thereof and the Company has taken all necessary corporate action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, the Warrant Indenture, the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement and any certificates representing the Warrants and the Compensation Warrants and to observe and perform the provisions thereof in accordance with the provisions hereof.
Validity and Enforceability : This Agreement, the Warrant Indenture,the Flow­Through Subscription Agreement and any certificates representing the Warrants and the Compensation Warrants have been authorized and have been or will be executed and delivered by the Company and constitute or will constitute valid and legally binding obligations of the Company enforceable against the Company in accordance with their terms, except as may be qualified by the Enforceability Qualifications.
Public Disclosure : Each of the documents which contains any of  the Public Record is, as of the date thereof, in compliance in all material respects with Applicable Securities Laws and did not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. There is no material fact known to the Company which the Company has not publicly disclosed which materially adversely affects, or so far as the Company can now reasonably foresee, will materially adverselyaffect, the assets, liabilities (contingent or otherwise), affairs, business, prospects,operations or condition (financial or otherwise), taken as a whole, of the Company or the ability of the Company to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
Timely Disclosure : The Company is in compliance with all timely disclosure obligations under Applicable Securities Laws and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, there has not occurred any material adverse change, financial or otherwise, in the assets, liabilities (contingent or otherwise), business, condition (financial or otherwise), capital or prospects, taken as a whole, of the Company which has not been publicly disclosed and none of the documents filed by or on behalf of the Company pursuant to Applicable Securities Laws contain a misrepresentation (as such term is defined in the Securities Act (British Columbia)) at the date of the filing thereof.
No Cease Trade Order : No order preventing, ceasing or suspending trading in any securities of the Company or prohibiting the issue and sale of securities by the Company is outstanding and no proceedings for either of such purposes have been instituted or, to the best of the knowledge of the Company, are pending, contemplated or threatened.
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Financial Statements : The audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2013 together with the auditors' report thereon and the notes thereto and the unaudited financial statements of the Company for the period ended March 31, 2014 together with the notes thereto have been prepared in accordance with international financial reporting standards applied on a basis consistent with prior periods, are substantially correct in every particular and present fairly the financial condition and position of the Company as at the dates thereof and such financial statements contain no direct or implied statement of a material fact which is untrue on the date of such financial statements and do not omit to state any material fact which is required by international financial reporting standards or by applicable law to be stated or reflected therein or which is necessary to make the statements contained therein not misleading. The certifications of the Company's annual filing for 2013 and interim filing for the period ended March 31, 2014 are materially correct and fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Company as of the date and for the periods presented in the financial statements.
Changes in Financial Position : Since December 31, 2013:
 the Company has not paid or declared any dividend or incurred any material capital expenditure or made any commitment therefor;
 the Company has not incurred any obligation or liability, direct or indirect, contingent or otherwise, except in the ordinary course of business and which is not, and which in the aggregate are not, material; and
 the Company has not entered into any material transaction; except in each case as disclosed in the Public Record.
Independence : To the knowledge of the Company, the Auditor is an independent
public accountant as required by the Applicable Securities Laws.
Reportable Events : There has not been any "reportable event" (within the meaning
of National Instrument 51-102 — Continuous Disclosure Obligations) with the Auditor.
No Contemplated Changes : Except as disclosed in the Public Record, the
Company has not, other than in the ordinary course of business, approved or entered into any agreement in respect of:
(i)   the purchase of any property or assets or any interest therein or the sale, transfer or other disposition of   any property  or assets or any interest
therein currently owned, directly  or indirectly, by the Company whether by asset sale, transfer of shares or otherwise;
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the change of control (by sale or transfer of shares or sale of all or  substantially all of theproperty and assets of the Company or otherwise) of the Company; or
a proposed or planned disposition of shares by any shareholder who owns, directly or indirectly, 10% or more of the outstanding shares of the Company.
(y) Material Changes . Since March 31, 2014, the Company has carried on business in the ordinary course and except as disclosed in the Preliminary Prospectus there has not been:
 any material change in the assets, liabilities or obligations (absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise), business, business prospects, condition (financial or otherwise) or results of operations of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, other than: (A) the growth and expansion of the business of the Company and (B) those changes occurring in the ordinary course of business, none of which is (either singly or taken together) materially adverse to the Company on a consolidated basis;
 except as contemplated in this Agreement or as disclosed in the Preliminary Prospectus, any material change in the share capital or long­term debt of the Company or any of its subsidiaries;
 any adverse material change to the Company on a consolidated basis;
 any declaration, setting aside or payment of any dividend or other distribution with respect to any shares in the capital of the Company or any direct or indirect redemption, purchase or other acquisition of any shares; or
 any change in accounting or tax practices followed by the Company or any of its subsidiaries.
Taxes and Tax Returns : The Company has prepared and filed all material tax returns required to be filed by applicable law, has reported all income and other amounts required by applicable law to be reported on such tax returns and each such tax return is true, correct and complete in all material respects. The Company has timely paid all applicable taxes and instalments of taxes which are required to be paid pursuant to applicable law and the Company is not aware of any tax deficiencies or interest or penalties accrued or accruing, or alleged to be accrued or accruing, thereon and there are no agreements, waivers or other arrangements providing for an extension of time with respect to the filing of any tax return by the Company or the payment of any material tax, governmental charge, penalty, interest or fine against the Company. There are no material actions, suits, proceedings, investigations or claims now threatened or, to the best of the knowledge of the Company, pending against the Company which could result in a material liability in respect of taxes, charges or levies of any governmental authority, penalties, interest, fines, assessments or reassessments or any matters under discussion with any governmental authority relating to taxes, governmental charges, penalties, interest, fines, assessments or reassessments asserted by any such authority. The Company has duly and timely withheld and collected all taxes required by applicable law to be withheld or collected by it and has duly and timely remitted to the appropriate taxing authority as such taxes as and when required by applicable law.
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Compliance with Laws, Licenses and Permits : The Company has conducted and is conducting the business thereof in compliance in all material respects with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, tariffs, orders and directives of each jurisdiction in which it carries on business and possesses all material approvals, consents, certificates, registrations, authorizations, permits and licenses issued by the appropriate provincial, state, municipal, federal or other regulatory agency or body necessary to carry on the business currently carried on by it, is in compliance in all material respects with the terms and conditions of all such approvals, consents, certificates, authorizations,, permits and licenses and with all laws, regulations, tariffs, rules, orders and directives material to the operations, and the Company has not received any notice of the modification, revocation or cancellation of, any intention to modify, revoke or cancel or any proceeding relating to the modification, revocation or cancellation of any such approval, consent, certificate, authorization, permit or license which, singly or in the aggregate, if the subject of an unfavourable decision, order, ruling or finding, would materially and adversely affect the conduct of the business or operations of or the assets, liabilities (contingent or otherwise), condition (financial or otherwise) or prospects of, the Company, taken as a whole. For greater certainty, in 2013, the Company filed requests with the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board for amendments to the timing schedules of the various security deposits to be provided to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada under the Company’s Type “A” Water Licence and the Land Use Permit for the Prairie Creek Mine.
  Minute Books : The minute books and records of the Company contain copies of all constating documents and all approved material resolutions of its directors and securityholders.
Agreements and Actions : The Company is not in violation of any term of its notice of articles or articles or any constating document thereof. The Company is not in violation of any term or provision of any agreement, indenture or other instrument applicable to it which violation would, or could, result in any material adverse effect on the business, condition (financial or otherwise), affairs or operations, taken as a whole, of the Company. The Company is not in default in the payment of any obligation owed which is now due and there is no action, suit, proceeding or investigation commenced or, to the knowledge of the Company after due inquiry, pending or, to the best of the knowledge of the Company, threatened which, either in any case or in the aggregate, might result in any material adverse effect on the business, condition (financial or otherwise), affairs, prospects or operations, taken as a whole, of the Company or in any of the material properties or assets thereof or in any material liability on the part of the Company or which places, or could place, in question the validity or enforceability of this Agreement or any document or instrument delivered, or to be delivered, by the Company pursuant hereto or thereto.
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  Owner of Property : Except as disclosed in the Public Record, no property rights are necessary for the conduct of the business of the Company as currently conducted, the Company is not aware of any claim or the basis for any claim that might or could adversely affect the right thereof to use, transfer or otherwise exploit such property rights once acquired and the Company does not have any responsibility or obligation to pay any commission, royalty, licence fee or similar payment to any Person with respect to the property rights thereof.
  Mineral Rights : Except as disclosed in the Public Record, the Company holds the options to acquire or owns mining leases, mining claims or other conventional property or proprietary interests or rights described in the Public Record, recognized in the jurisdiction in which each property is located, in respect of the ore bodies and minerals located in properties in which the Company conducts business under valid, subsisting and enforceable title documents or other recognized and enforceable agreements or instruments, sufficient to permit the Company to explore the minerals relating thereto (the " Mining Rights "). Except as disclosed in the Public Record, the Company has all necessary surface rights, access rights and other necessary rights and interests relating to the properties on which the Company conducts business granting the Company the right and ability to explore for minerals, ore and metals for development purposes as are appropriate in view of the rights and interest therein of the Company with only such exceptions as do not materially interfere with the use made by the Company of the rights or interests so held and each of the proprietary interests or rights and each of the documents, agreements and instruments and obligations relating thereto referred to above is currently in good standing in the name of the Company.
Property Agreements : Any and all of the agreements and other documents and instruments pursuant to which the Company holds the Mineral Properties are valid and subsisting agreements, documents or instruments in full force and effect, enforceable in accordance with the terms thereof (except as may be qualified by the Enforceability Qualifications), the Company is not in default of any of the material provisions of any such agreements, documents or instruments nor to the Company's knowledge, has any such default been alleged, and such properties and assets are in good standing under the applicable statutes and regulations of the jurisdictions in which they are situated, all leases, licences and claims pursuant to which the Company derives the interests thereof in such property and assets are in good standing and there has been no material default under any such lease, licence or claim and all taxes required to be paid with respect to such properties and assets to the date hereof have been paid.
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Operations : Any and all operations of the Company, and to the best of the Company's knowledge, information and belief, any and all operations by predecessors, on or in respect of the assets and properties of the Company have been conducted substantially in accordance with good industry practices in the jurisdiction of operation and in material compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, orders and directions of governmental and other competent authorities.
  Non-Arm's Length Interests : No officer, director, employee or other person not dealing at arm's length with the Company, or to the knowledge of the Company, any associate or affiliate of any such person owns, has or is entitled to any royalty, interest or any other encumbrances or claims of any nature whatsoever which are based on production from the Company's properties or assets or any revenue or rights attributable thereto.
No Defaults : The Company is not in default of any material term, covenant or condition under or in respect of any judgment, order, agreement or instrument to which it is a party or to which it or any of the property or assets thereof are or may be subject, and no event has occurred and is continuing, and, to the Company's knowledge, no circumstance exists which has not been waived, which constitutes a default in respect of any commitment, agreement, document or other instrument to which the Company is a party or by which it is otherwise bound entitling any other party thereto to accelerate the maturity of any amount owing thereunder which could have a material adverse effect upon the condition (financial or otherwise), property, assets, operations or business, taken as a whole, of the Company.
Compliance with Employment Laws : The Company is in compliance with all laws and regulations respecting employment and employment practices, terms and conditions of employment, pay equity and wages, except where such non­compliance would not constitute an adverse material fact concerning the Company or result in an adverse material change to the Company and has not and is not engaged in any unfair labour practice, there is no labour strike, dispute, slowdown, stoppage, complaint or grievance pending or, to the best of the knowledge of the Company after due inquiry, threatened against the Company, no union representation question exists respecting the employees of the Company and no collective bargaining agreement is in place or currently being negotiated by the Company, the Company has not received any notice of any unresolved matter and there are no outstanding orders under the Employment Standards Act (Ontario), the Human Rights Code (Ontario), the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Ontario) or the Workers' Compensation Act (Ontario) or any other similar legislation in any jurisdiction in which the Company carries on business, no employee has any agreement as to the length of notice required to terminate his or her employment with the Company in excess of twelve months or equivalent compensation other than as disclosed in the information circular in respect of its 2014 annual general meeting, and all benefit or pension plans of the Company are funded in accordance with applicable laws and no past service funding liability exist thereunder.
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  Use of Proceeds : The Company confirms that the proceeds of the Offering will be used as set forth in the Offering Documents.
Offered Securities : The attributes of the Offered Securities will conform in all material respects with the description thereof in the Offering Documents.
Environmental Compliance : Except as disclosed in the Public Record, the Company:
and the property, assets and operations thereof comply, to the best of the Company's knowledge, in all material respects with all applicable Environmental Laws (which term means and includes, without limitation, any and all applicable international, federal, provincial, state, municipal or local laws, statutes, regulations, treaties, orders, judgments, decrees, ordinances, official directives and all authorizations relating to the environment, occupational health and safety, or any Environmental Activity (which term means and includes, without limitation, any past, present or future activity, event or circumstance by or in respect of a Contaminant (which term means and includes, without limitation, any pollutants, hazardous wastes, hazardous materials, hazardous substances or contaminants or any other matter (including any of the foregoing), which is defined or described as such pursuant to any such applicable Environmental Law), including, without limitation, the storage, use, holding, collection, purchase, accumulation, assessment, generation, manufacture, construction, processing, treatment, stabilization, disposition, handling or transportation thereof, or the release, escape, leaching, dispersal or migration thereof into the natural environment, including the movement through or in the air, soil, surface water or groundwater));
does not have any knowledge of, and has not received any notice of, any material claim, judicial or administrative proceeding, pending or threatened against, or which may materially adversely affect, the Company or any of the property, assets or operations thereof, relating to, or alleging any violation of any Environmental Laws, the Company is not aware of any facts which could give rise to any such claim or judicial or administrative proceeding and, to the best of the Company's knowledge, neither the Company nor any of the property, assets or operations thereof is the subject of any investigation, evaluation, audit or review by any Governmental Authority (which term means and includes, without limitation, any national, federal government, province, state, municipality or other political subdivision of any of the foregoing, any entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or administrative functions of or pertaining to government and any corporation or other entity owned or controlled (through stock or capital ownership or otherwise) by any of the foregoing) to determine whether any violation of any Environmental Laws has occurred or is occurring or whether any remedial action is needed in connection with a release of any Contaminant into the environment, except for compliance investigations conducted in the normal course by any Governmental Authority. For greater certainty, the Company was issued an environmental protection compliance order by Environment Canada on December 1, 2010 in connection with an alleged contravention of the Storage Tank Systems for Petroleum Products and Allied Petroleum Products Regulations and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act with respect to the containment area. The Company complied with the terms of the order and the file has been closed by Environment Canada. For greater certainty, on July 4, 2012 an inspector from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada visited the Prairie Creek site, including a location of diamond drilling. A sump adjacent to the drill intended to allow collection of drill cuttings and the percolation of drill water was found to be overflowing to an adjacent creek. The inspector ordered that drilling cease immediately, a spill report be completed, and drilling not commence until a suitable plan is provided to manage the drill water. A drill water management plan was presented to the inspector the next day, and was approved by the inspector on July 6, 2012 allowing drilling to resume
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 has not given or filed any notice under any federal, state, provincial or local law with respect to any Environmental Activity, the Company does not, to the best of the Company's knowledge, have any liability (whether contingent or otherwise) in connection with any Environmental Activity and the Company is not aware of any notice being given under any federal, state, provincial or local law or of any liability (whether contingent or otherwise) with respect to any Environmental Activity relating to or affecting the Company or the property, assets, business or operations thereof;
 subject to the next following sentence, the Company has not stored any hazardous or toxic waste or toxic substance on the property thereof and has not disposed of any hazardous or toxic waste, in each case in a manner contrary to any Environmental Laws, and, to the best of the Company's knowledge, there are no Contaminants on any of the premises at which the Company carries on business, in each case other than in compliance with Environmental Laws. For greater certainty, the Company is storing waste on the Mineral Properties and has surface impoundment containing petroleum products, cleaning and degreasing solutions as well as mill reagents as described in the Public Record; and
 is not, to the best of the Company's knowledge, subject to any contingent or other liability relating to the restoration or rehabilitation of land, water or any other part of the environment or non-compliance with Environmental Laws. For greater certainty, the Company currently holds a surface lease for the Prairie Creek minesite, issued by the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, which limits the use of the land for mine site care and maintenance purposes only and establishes the Company's current responsibility for abandonment and restoration in accordance with an abandonment and restoration plan attached as a schedule to the surface lease. The Company has applied to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada for a new lease for production to replace the existing care and maintenance surface lease. The Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada has confirmed to the Mackenzie Land and Water Board that the Board’s assessment of the Company’s liability for the site and cost of closure and reclamation is not applicable until a new lease for production replaces the existing care and maintenance surface lease.
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  No Litigation : There are no actions, suits, proceedings, inquiries or investigations existing, or to the best of the Company's knowledge, pending or threatened against or adversely affecting the Company or to which any of the property or assets thereof is subject, at law or equity, or before or by any court, federal, provincial, state, municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality, domestic or foreign, which may in any way materially adversely affect the condition (financial or otherwise), property, assets, operations or business, taken as a whole, of the Company or the ability of it to perform its obligations and the Company is not subject to any judgment, order, writ, injunction, decree, award, rule, policy or regulation of any Governmental Authority, which, either separately or in the aggregate, may result in a material adverse effect on the condition (financial or otherwise), property, assets, operations or business, taken as a whole, of the Company or the ability of the Company to perform its obligations pursuant hereto.
Legislation and Proposed Legislation : The Company is not aware of any legislation, or proposed legislation published by a legislative body, which it anticipates will have a material adverse effect on the condition (financial or otherwise), business, properties or results of operations, taken as a whole, of the Company.
  Brokerage Fees : No brokerage, agency or other fiscal advisory or similar fee is payable in connection with the transactions contemplated herein except as provided by this Agreement.
Indebtedness : The Company does not have any material loans or other indebtedness outstanding which has been made to any of its shareholders, officers, directors or employees, past or present, or any person not dealing at arm's length with them.
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  Debt . Except as disclosed in the Public record, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries is party to any Debt Instrument or any agreement, contract or commitment to create, assume or issue any Debt Instrument.
  Insurance : The assets of the Company and its business and operations are insured against loss or damage with responsible insurers on a basis consistent with insurance obtained by reasonably prudent participants in comparable businesses, and such coverage is in full force and effect, and the Company has not failed to promptly give any notice or present any material claim thereunder.
  Good Practices : To the Company's knowledge, all mining operations on the properties of the Company have been conducted in all material respects in accordance with good mining and engineering practices and all applicable material workers' compensation and health and safety and workplace laws, regulations and policies have been complied with in all material respects;
  Registration of Mining Rights : Except as disclosed in the Offering Documents, all material Mining Rights in which the Company holds an interest or right have been validly registered and recorded in accordance in all material respects with all applicable laws and are valid and subsisting; the Company has all necessary surface rights, access rights and other necessary rights and interests relating to the Mineral Properties granting the Company the right and ability to explore for mineral deposits as are appropriate in view of the rights and interests therein of the Company, with only such exceptions as do not unreasonably interfere with the use made by the Company of the rights or interest so held; and each of the Mining Rights and each of the documents, agreements and instruments and obligations relating thereto referred to above is currently in good standing in the name of the Company.
Description of Property and Rights : The Mineral Properties and Mining Rights of the Company as disclosed in the Offering Documents, constitute an accurate description of the Mineral Properties and all material Mining Rights held by the Company, and no other property or assets are necessary for the conduct of the business of the Company as currently conducted, the Company does not know of any claim or the basis for any claim that might or could have a material adverse effect on the right thereof to use, transfer or otherwise explore for mineral deposits on such Mineral Properties.
  Native Rights . Except as disclosed in the Public Record, there are no claims with respect to native rights currently or, to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Company, after due inquiry, pending or threatened with respect to any of the Mineral Properties.
43-101 Compliance : The Company is in compliance with the provisions of NI 43­101 and has filed all technical reports required thereby and there have been no developments of which the Company is aware that would require the filing of a new technical report under NI 43-101.
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  Internal Controls : The Company maintains a system of internal accounting controls sufficient to provide reasonable assurances that (A) transactions are executed in accordance with management's general or specific authorization, and (B) transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards and to maintain accountability for assets.
Disclosure of Information : All information which has been prepared by the Company relating to the Company and the business, property and liabilities thereof and either publicly disclosed, provided or made available to the Underwriters, including the Offering Documents and all financial, marketing, sales and operational information provided to the Underwriters is, as of the date of such information, true and correct in all material respects, taken as whole, and no fact or facts have been omitted therefrom which would make such information materially misleading.
Significant Acquisitions . The Company has not completed any "significant acquisition" nor is it proposing any "significant acquisitions" that would require the inclusion of any additional financial statements or pro forma financial statements in the Offering Documents pursuant to Canadian Securities Laws.
Brokers . There is no person acting at the request of the Company, other than the Underwriters, who is entitled to any brokerage, agency or similar fee in connection with the transactions contemplated herein.
  Money Laundering . The operations of the Company are and have been conducted at all times in all material respects in compliance with applicable financial recordkeeping and reporting requirements of the money laundering statutes of all jurisdictions, the rules and regulations thereunder and any related or similar rules, regulations or guidelines, issued, administered or enforced by any governmental authority (collectively, the “ Money Laundering Laws ”) and no action, suit or proceeding by or before any court of governmental authority or any arbitrator non-governmental authority involving the Company with respect to the Money Laundering Laws is to the best knowledge of the Company pending or threatened.
OFAC . Neither the Company nor, to the best of the Company’s knowledge, any director, officer, agent, employee, affiliate or person acting on behalf of the Company or any of its subsidiaries is currently subject to any United States sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Treasury Department (“ OFAC ”); and the Company will not knowingly, directly or indirectly, use the proceeds of the Offering, or knowingly lend, contribute or otherwise make available such proceeds to any subsidiary, joint venture partner or other person or entity, for the purpose of financing the activities of any person currently subject to any United States sanctions administered by OFAC.
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  Regulation M . None of the Company, any of its affiliates or any person acting on its or their behalf (other than the Underwriters or any person acting on their behalf, as to which no representation, warranty or covenant is made) has violated or will violate Regulation M under the U.S. Exchange Act in connection with offers and sales of the Offered Securities.
U.S. Representations and Warranties . The Company makes the representations, warranties and covenants applicable to it in Schedule “A” hereto and acknowledges that the terms and conditions of the representations, warranties and covenants of the parties contained in Schedule “A” form part of this Agreement.
  Principal Business Corporation . The Company is, and at all relevant times will be, a “principal business corporation” within the meaning of subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act.
  Flow-Through Shares . Except as the result of any agreement or arrangement to which the Company is not a party and of which it has no knowledge, upon issuance pursuant to the provisions of the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement, the Flow-Through Shares will be “flow-through shares” as defined in subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act and such Flow-Through Shares will not constitute “prescribed shares” for the purpose of section 6202.1 of the regulations to the Tax Act.
Renunciation . Except for the $4,000,000 in flow-through funds raised by the Company in 2013, the Company has not entered into any agreements or made any covenants with any parties with respect to the renunciation of CEE, which amounts have not been fully expended and renounced as required thereunder.
  Flow-Through Subscription Agreement . The representations and warranties of the Company in the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement are, or will on the Closing Date be, true and correct; and
  Other Agreements . Subject to paragraph (iii) above, the Company has not entered into any agreements or made any covenants with any parties that would restrict the company from entering into the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement and agreeing to incur and renounce Qualifying Expenditures during the Expenditure Period in accordance with the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement, nor that would require the prior renunciation to any other person of Qualifying Expenditures prior to the renunciation of the aggregate Commitment Amount (as defined in the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement) in favour of the eligible substituted purchasers of the Underwriter and the Company has no outstanding obligations to incur and renounce Qualifying Expenditures to any persons.
5.2 The representations and warranties of the Company contained in this Agreement shall be true at the Closing Time as though they were made at the Closing Time and they shall  survive the completion of the Offering in accordance with Section 14.6.
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5.3 Each Underwriter hereby severally, and not jointly, nor jointly and severally, represents and warrants to the Company that:
it is, and will remain so, until the completion of the Offering, appropriately registered under Applicable Securities Laws so as to permit it to lawfully fulfill its obligations hereunder; and
it has good and sufficient right and authority to enter into this Agreement and complete the Offering on the terms and conditions set forth herein.
5.4   The Underwriters hereby covenant and agree with the Company the following:
during the period of distribution of the Offered Securities by or through the Underwriters, the Underwriters will offer and sell Offered Securities to the public only in the Qualifying Jurisdictions or where they may lawfully be offered for sale upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Prospectus and this Agreement either directly or through other registered investment dealers and brokers. The Underwriters shall be entitled to assume that the Offered Securities are qualified for distribution in any Qualifying Jurisdiction where the Final Receipt shall have been obtained following the filing of the Prospectus;
theUnderwriters will comply with Applicable Securities Laws in connection with the offer and sale and distribution of the Offered Securities;
theUnderwriters will use their commercially reasonable efforts to complete the
distribution of the Offered Securities as promptly as possible after the Closing Date, but in any event no later than seven business days following the date of exercise of the entire Over-Allotment Option, if exercised. The Underwriters will notify the Company when, in the Underwriters’ opinion, the Underwritershave ceased the distribution of the Offered Securities, and, within thirty daysafter completion of the distribution, will provide the Company, in writing, with a breakdown of the number of Offered Securities distributed in each of the Qualifying Jurisdictions where that breakdown in required by a Commission for the purpose of calculating fees payable to, or making filings with, that Commission; and
theUnderwriters will use their commercially reasonable efforts to advise the Company, prior to July 23, 2014, of any Qualifying Jurisdiction in which it will not sell any of the Offered Securities.
5.5   Therepresentations and warranties of the Underwriters contained in this Agreement shall be true at the Closing Time as though they were made at the Closing.
6.1   TheCompany covenants and agrees with the Underwriters that it shall:
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 file with the Exchange all required documents and pay all required filing fees, and do all things required by the rules and policies of the Exchange, in order to obtain prior to the Closing Date the requisite acceptance or approval of the Exchange for:
         (i)   the Offering; and
the conditional listing of the Unit Shares, Flow-Through Shares, Warrant Shares, Compensation Shares and any Additional Unit Shares and Additional Flow-Through Shares, subject only to Standard Listing Conditions, which the Company agrees to fully satisfy in a timely manner forthwith after the Closing;
with respect to the filing of the Prospectuses as contemplated herein, fulfill all legal requirements required to be fulfilled by the Company in connection therewith, in each case in form and substance satisfactory to the Underwriters as evidenced by the Underwriters’ execution of the certificates attached thereto;
prior to the completion of the Offering, allow the Underwriters to review the Offering Documents and conduct all due diligence which the Underwriters may reasonably require in order to fulfill their statutory obligations as underwriters and in order to enable them to execute, acting prudently and responsibly, the certificates required to be executed by the Underwriters in such documents, including, without limitation, all corporate and operating records, documentation with respect to property rights, technical information, financial information (including budgets), copies of the financial statements to be incorporated by reference in the Prospectuses and access to key officers of the Company;
during the period prior to the completion of the Offering, promptly notify the Underwriters in writing of:
any material change (actual, contemplated or threatened) in the business, affairs, operations, assets or liabilities (contingent or otherwise), financial position or capital or ownership of the Company or proposed ownership of the Company (other than a change disclosed in the Prospectuses); and
any change which is of such a nature as to result in a misrepresentation in either of the Prospectuses or any amendment thereto; and any material fact that has arisen or been discovered and that would be required to have been disclosed in the Prospectuses or in Supplementary Material had that fact arisen or been discovered on or prior to the date of the Prospectuses or any Supplementary Material,
which change or fact is, or may be, of such a nature as to render the Prospectuses or any Supplementary Material misleading or untrue in any material respect or would result in any of such documents containing a misrepresentation, as defined under Applicable Securities Laws, or which would result in any of such documents not complying in any material respect with any of the Applicable Securities Laws or which change would reasonably be expected to have a significant effect on the market price or value of the Offered Securities or Additional Securities. The Company shall in good faith discuss with the Underwriters any change in circumstances (actual or proposed within the knowledge of the Company) which is of such a nature that there is reasonable doubt whether notice need be given to the Underwriters pursuant to this subsection and, in any event, prior to making any filing;
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deliver to the Underwriters duly executed copies of any Supplementary Material required to be filed by the Company in accordance with subsection (d) above and, if any financial or accounting information is contained in any of the Supplementary Material, an additional Comfort Letter to that required by subsection (k) below;
cause commercial copies of the Prospectuses, the U.S. Memorandum and Supplementary Material to be delivered to the Underwriters without charge, in such quantities and in such cities as the Underwriters may reasonably request, as soon as possible after the filing of the Preliminary Prospectus, Final Prospectus or Supplementary Material, as the case may be, but in any event on or before noon (in the time zone of such delivery) on the day after obtaining the receipt therefor, as applicable, and such delivery will constitute the Company’s consent to the Underwriters’ use of such documents in connection with the Offering;
by the act of having delivered each of the Prospectuses and any Supplementary Material to the Underwriters, have represented and warranted to the Underwriters that all material information and statements (except information and statements relating to the Underwriters and provided by the Underwriters to the Company in writing expressly for inclusion in Prospectuses) contained in such documents, at the respective dates of initial delivery thereof, comply with the Applicable Securities Laws of the Qualifying Jurisdictions and are true and correct in all material respects, and that such documents, at such dates, contain no misrepresentation and together constitute full, true and plain disclosure of all material facts relating to the Company, the Offered Securities, the Over-Allotment Option and the Additional Securities as required by the Applicable Securities Laws of the Qualifying Jurisdictions;
prior to the Closing Time, fulfill to the satisfaction of the Underwriters all legal requirements (including, without limitation, compliance with Applicable Securities Laws) to be fulfilled by the Company to enable the Offered Securities and the Additional Securities to be distributed free of trade restrictions in the Qualifying Jurisdictions, subject only to the requirements of Applicable Securities Laws;
use its best efforts to maintain its status as a “reporting issuer” or the equivalent not in default in each of the Qualifying Jurisdictions for a period of three years from the Closing Date, other than:
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(i)   in connection with a merger, amalgamation, arrangement, take-over bid,
going private transaction or other similar transaction involving the purchase or sale of all of the outstanding common shares of the Company; and
 in any jurisdiction where the Underwriters do not sell any of the Offered Securities and in which the Final Prospectus is not filed;
(j) use its commercially reasonable best efforts to maintain the listing of its common shares on the Exchange for a period of three years from the Closing Date, other than in connection with a merger, amalgamation, arrangement, take-over bid, going private transaction or other similar transaction involving the purchase or sale of all of the outstanding common shares of theCompany;
       (k) deliver to the Underwriters and their legal counsel, as applicable:
at the time of execution of the Final Prospectus by the Underwriters, a long form Comfort Letter (the “ Comfort Letter ”) from the Company’s auditors addressed to the Underwriters and to the directors of the Company and dated as of the date of the Final Prospectus and based on procedures performed within two business days of the Final Prospectus, in form and content acceptable to the Underwriters, acting reasonably, relating to the verification of the financial information and accounting data contained in the Final Prospectus and to such other matters as the Underwriters may reasonably require;
at the Closing Time, such legal opinions (the “ Legal Opinions ”) of the Company’s legal counsel (excluding U.S. legal counsel), addressed to the Underwriters and their legal counsel and dated as of the Closing Date, in form and content acceptable to the Underwriters, acting reasonably, relating to the matters set forth in Schedule “B” and to such other matters as the Underwriters may reasonably require (and such counsel may rely upon or arrange for separate deliveries of opinions of local counsel where such counsel deems such reliance or delivery proper as to the laws of any jurisdiction other than British Columbia and may rely, as to matters of fact, on certificates of auditors, public officials and officers of the Company) relating to the Final Prospectus, the trade and distribution of the Offered Securities and the Additional Securities without restriction, and to such other matters as the Underwriters may reasonably require;
at the Closing Time, if any Offered Securities and/or Additional Securities are being sold in the United States in accordance with Schedule “A” hereto, a legal opinion of Dorsey Whitney LLP, addressed to the Underwriters and dated as of the Closing Date and/or the Over-Allotment Closing Date, as applicable, in form and content acceptable to the Underwriters, acting reasonably, to the effect that no registrations will be required under the U.S. Securities Act in respect of: (i) the offer and sale of Offered Securities and/or any Additional Securities that are offered or sold in the United States or to U.S. Persons, and (ii) the issuance of the Warrant Shares upon exercise of the Warrants by purchasers of Offered Securities and/or Additional Securities that are in the United States or U.S. Persons (“ U.S. Legal Opinion ”);
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 at the Closing Time, a certificate (the “ Officers’ Certificate ”) of the Company signed by its Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, addressed to the Underwriters and their legal counsel and dated as of the Closing Date, in form and content acceptable to the Underwriters, acting reasonably, certifying for and on behalf of the Company and not in their personal capacities that, to the actual knowledge of the persons signing such certificate, after having made due and relevant inquiry:
the Company has complied in all material respects with all covenants and satisfied all terms and conditions of this Agreement on its part to be complied with and satisfied at or prior to the Closing Time on the Closing Date;
no order, ruling or determination having the effect of ceasing or suspending trading in any securities of the Company or prohibiting the sale of the Offered Securities or Additional Securities or any of the Company’s issued securities has been issued and no proceeding for such purpose is pending or, to the knowledge of such officers, threatened;
the Company is a “reporting issuer” or its equivalent under the securities laws of each of the Qualifying Jurisdictions and eligible to use the Short Form Prospectus System established under NI 44­101, and no material change relating to the Company has occurred since the date of this Agreement with respect to which the requisite material change report has not been filed and no such disclosure has been made on a confidential basis that remains subject to confidentiality; and
all of the representations and warranties made by the Company in this Agreement are true and correct as of the Closing Time with the same force and effect as if made at and as of the Closing Time after giving effect to the transactions contemplated hereby;
 at the Closing Time, such legal opinions (the “ Title Opinions ”) of the Company’s legal counsel, addressed to the Underwriters and their legal counsel, dated as of the Closing Date, in the form and content acceptable to the Underwriters acting reasonably, with respect to the Company’s title and ownership interests in the Prairie Creek Property;
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 the Underwriters having received certificates dated the Closing Date (or, in the case of the Option Closing, dated the Over-Allotment Closing Date) signed by the Corporate Secretary of the Company or another officer acceptable to the Underwriters, acting reasonably, in form and content satisfactory to the Underwriters, acting reasonably, with respect to the constating documents of the Company; the resolutions of the directors of the Company relevant to the Offering, including the allotment, issue (or reservation for issue) and sale of the Offered Securities and Additional Securities, the grant of the Over-Allotment Option, the authorization of this Agreement, the listing of the Offered Securities on the Exchange and transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and the incumbency and signatures of signing officers of the Company;
at the Closing Time, a certificate of status (or equivalent) for the Company dated within one (1) business day (or such earlier or later date as the Underwriters may accept) of the Closing Date;
at the Closing Time, a certificate of the registrar and transfer agent of the common shares of the Company, which certifies the number of common shares of the Company issued and outstanding on the date prior to the Closing Date;
at the Closing Time, a Comfort Letter, dated the Closing Date, in form and substance satisfactory to the Underwriters, acting reasonably, bringing forward to the date which is two (2) business days prior to the Closing Date, the information contained in the Comfort Letter;
         (x)   executed copies of any Flow-Through Subscription Agreement; and
at the Closing Time, such other materials (the “ Closing Materials ”) as the Underwriters may reasonably require and as are customary in an offering of this nature, and the Closing Materials will be addressed to the Underwriters and to such parties as may be reasonably directed by the Underwriters and will be dated as of the Closing Date or such other date as the Underwriters may reasonably require;
(l)   from and including the date of this Agreement through to and including the Closing Time, do all such acts and things necessary to ensure that all of the representations and warranties of the Company contained in this Agreement or any certificates or documents delivered by it pursuant to this Agreement remain materially true and correct and not do any such act or thing that would render any representation or warranty of the Company contained in this Agreement or any certificates or documents delivered by it pursuant to this Agreement materially untrue or incorrect;
(m)          during the period commencing on the Closing Date and ending on the date which is 90 days after the Closing Date, not, without the prior written consent of Dundee, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, directly or indirectly issue any common shares or securities or other financial instruments convertible into or having the right to acquire common shares (other than pursuant to rights or obligations under securities outstanding or existing commitments to issue securities) or enter into any agreement or arrangement under which you acquire or transfer to another, in whole or in part, any of the economic consequences of ownership of common shares, whether that agreement or arrangement may be settled by the delivery of common shares or other securities or cash, or agree to become bound to do so, or disclose to the public any intention to do so;
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 cause each of its directors and officers to enter into lock-up agreements (the “ Lock-Up Agreements ”) in form and substance satisfactory to Dundee evidencing their agreement to not, without the prior written consent of Dundee (which consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed), offer, sell or resell any common shares of the Company or financial instruments or securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for common shares of the Company held by them or agree to or announce any such offer or sale for a period of 90 days following the Closing Date;
prior to the filing of the Final Prospectus, provide evidence satisfactory to the
Underwriters of the conditional approval of the Exchange of the listing and posting for trading on the Exchange of the Unit Shares, Flow-Through Shares, Warrant Shares, Compensation Shares and any Additional Unit Shares and Additional Flow-Through Shares, subject only to satisfaction by the Company of customary post-closing conditions imposed by the Exchange in similar circumstances (the “ Standard Listing Conditions ”);
advise the Underwriters, promptly after receiving notice or obtaining knowledge
thereof, of: (i) the issuance by any Commission of any order suspending or preventing the use of the Preliminary Prospectus, the Final Prospectus or any Supplementary Material; (ii) the suspension of the qualification of the Offered Securities, Over-Allotment Option or Additional Securities for offering or sale in any of the Qualifying Jurisdictions; (iii) the institution, threatening or contemplation of any proceeding for any such purposes; or (iv) any requests made by any Commission for amending or supplementing the Preliminary Prospectus or the Final Prospectus or any Supplementary Material or for additional information, and will use its commercially reasonable efforts to prevent the issuance of any order referred to in (i) or (ii) above and, if any such order is issued, to obtain the withdrawal thereof as promptly as possible;
not reproduce, disseminate, quote from or refer to any written or oral opinions,
advice, analysis and materials provided by the Underwriters to the Company in connection with the Offering in whole or in part at any time, in any manner or for any purpose, without the Underwriters’ prior written consent in each specific instance, and the Company shall and shall cause its affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, agents and advisors (including those shareholders who have an advisory relationship with the Company and the directors, officers, and employee of such shareholders) to keep confidential the opinions, advice, analysis and materials furnished to the Company by the Underwriters and their counsel in connection with the Offering;
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(r)          promptly do, make, execute, deliver or cause to be done, made, executed or
delivered, all such acts, documents and things as the Underwriters may reasonably require from time to time for the purpose of giving effect to this Agreement;
(s)          during the period commencing on the date hereof and until completion of the
distribution of any Additional Securities, promptly provide to the Underwriters drafts of any press releases of the Company for review by the Underwriters and the Underwriters’ counsel prior to issuance, provided that any such review will be completed in a timely manner;
(t)          forthwith notify the Underwriters of any breach of any covenant of this
Agreement or any Ancillary Documents by any party thereto, or upon it becoming aware that any representation or warranty of the Company contained in this Agreement or any Ancillary Document is or has become untrue or inaccurate in any material respect; and
(u)          use the net proceeds of the Offering substantially in the manner set out in the
Final Prospectus under the heading “Use of Proceeds”.
In consideration of the services to be rendered by the Underwriters to the Company under this Agreement, the Company agrees to pay to the Underwriters, at the time and in the manner specified in this Agreement, the Underwriting Fee and to issue to the Underwriters the Compensation Warrants.
 Whether or not the purchase and sale of the Offered Securities shall be completed, all costs and expenses of or incidental to the sale and delivery of the Offered Securities and of or incidental to all matters in connection with the Offering shall be borne by the Company, and the Company shall reimburse the Underwriters for any and all expenses reasonably incurred by the Underwriters, including, without limitation and for greater certainty, the “out-of-pocket” expenses of the Underwriters, and the fees and disbursements of Underwriters’ legal counsel up to a maximum of $90,000, excluding taxes and disbursements. However, in the event the Offering is terminated due to the failure of the Company to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, then the Company shall reimburse the Underwriters for any and all expenses reasonably incurred by the Underwriters, including, without limitation and for greater certainty, the “out-of-pocket” expenses of the Underwriters and the reasonable fees and disbursements of the Underwriters’ legal counsel.
 All fees, expenses and other payments under this Agreement shall be paid free and clear of any withholding or deduction of any tax except as required by law. If the Company is required by law to deduct or withhold any amounts with respect to any tax (other than tax on net income) or if any such tax is required to be paid by the Underwriters or any of their affiliates as a result or arising out of this Agreement, the Company shall pay the Underwriters such additional amounts as are necessary to ensure that the net amount received by the Underwriters from the Company after such deduction, withholding or payment (including any deduction, withholding or payment required on additional amounts payable under this Section 7.3) shall equal the amounts otherwise payable to the Underwriters under this Agreement. If any goods and services tax, harmonized sales tax or provincial sales taxes or other similar tax is payable with respect to the fees paid or payable to the Underwriters under this Agreement, the Underwriters will add the amount of such tax to its invoice and the Company shall pay such tax directly to the Underwriters.
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The obligations of the Underwriters hereunder, including the obligation to purchase
Offered Securities and if the Over-Allotment Option is exercised, any obligation to purchase Additional Securities at the Closing Time shall be several, and not joint, and shall be limited to the percentages of the aggregate percentage of the Offered Securities and Additional Securities set out opposite the name of each Underwriter below:
Dundee Securities Ltd.              55%
Canaccord Genuity Corp.         35%
Paradigm Capital Inc.                10%
Subject to Section 8.3, if one or more of the Underwriters (the “ Defaulting Underwriters ”) fails to purchase their percentage of the Offered Securities or Additional Securities at the Closing Time, then the other Underwriters (the “ Continuing Underwriters ”) shall have the right, but shall not be obligated, to purchase such Offered Securities or Additional Securities on a pro rata basis (or on such other basis as they may agree). If the Continuing Underwriters do not purchase all the Offered Securities or Additional Securities of the Defaulting Underwriters, the Company shall be entitled to terminate its obligations under this Agreement without further liability of the Company to the Continuing Underwriters, on the one hand, or on the part of the Continuing Underwriters to the Company, on the other hand, except in respect of any liability which may have arisen or may arise under Sections 7, 12 and 13. Nothing in this Section 8.2 shall relieve any Defaulting Underwriter from liability to the Company.
If one or more but not all of the Underwriters shall exercise their right of termination under Section 13, then the other Underwriters shall have the right, but shall not be obligated, to purchase all of the percentage of the Offered Securities or Additional Securities which would otherwise have been purchased by such Underwriters which have so exercised their right of termination. If the amount of such Offered Securities or Additional Securities which the remaining Underwriters wish, but are not obliged, to purchase exceeds the amount of such Offered Securities or Additional Securities which remain available for purchase, such Offered Securities or Additional Securities shall be divided pro rata among the Underwriters desiring to purchase such Offered Securities or Additional Securities in proportion to the percentage of Offered Securities or Additional Securities which such Underwriters have agreed to purchase as set forth in Section 8.1. If the other Underwriters do not purchase all the Offered Securities or Additional Securities of the Underwriters who exercise their right of termination under Section 13, the Company shall be entitled to terminate its obligations under this Agreement without further liability of the Company, except in respectof any liability which may have arisen or may arise under Sections 7, 12 and 13.
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9.1   The following are conditions to the obligationsof the Underwriters to complete the
Offering as contemplated in this Agreement, which conditions may be waived in writing in whole or in part by the Underwriters in their sole discretion:
all actions required to be taken by or on behalf of the Company, including without limitation the passing of all requisite resolutions of directors of the Company approving the transaction contemplated hereunder, will have been taken so as to approve the Prospectuses and the U.S. Memorandum, to obtain the requisite approval of the Exchange to the Offering and to validly offer, sell and distribute the Offered Securities, grant the Over-Allotment Option, distribute the Additional Securities;
there shall be no requirement under applicable law and no requirement imposed on the Company by the Regulatory Authorities to obtain, nor shall the Company voluntarily seek, shareholder approval of the Offering or of the issuance of the Offered Securities or Additional Securities;
the Company will have made all necessary filings with and obtained all necessary approvals, consents and acceptances of the Regulatory Authorities for the Offering and the Prospectuses, including without limitation a receipt from the Commissions pursuant to NP 11-202 in respect of the Prospectuses, to permit the Company to complete its obligations hereunder;
the Company will have, within the required time set out hereunder, delivered or
caused the delivery of the required Comfort Letter, Legal Opinions, U.S. Legal Opinion, Officer’s Certificate, Title Opinions, Lock-Up Agreements and other Closing Materials as the Underwriters may reasonably require in form and substance satisfactory to the Underwriters and their counsel, acting reasonably;
no order ceasing or suspending trading in any securities of the Company,or
ceasing or suspending trading by the directors or officers of the Company, or any one of them, or prohibiting the trade or distribution of any of the securities referred to herein will have been issued and no proceedings for such purpose, to the knowledge of the Company, will be pending or threatened;
as of the Closing Time, there shall be: (i) no reports or information that in accordance with the requirements of Regulatory Authorities in Canada must be made publicly available in connection with the sale of the Offered Securities and the Additional Securities that have not been made publicly available as required; (ii) no contracts, documents or other materials required to be filed with Regulatory Authorities in connection with the Prospectuses that have not been filed as required and delivered to the Underwriters; and (iii) no contracts, documents or other materials required to be described or referred to in the Prospectuses or the U.S. Memorandum that are not described or referred to as required and delivered to the Underwriters;
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theUnderwriters shall have received at the Closing Time a letter from the transfer agent of the Company dated the date of Closing and signed by an authorized officer of such transfer agent confirming the issued and outstanding capital of the Company;
theUnderwriters not having exercised any rights of termination set forth in this Agreement;
theUnderwriters having received at the Closing Time such further certificates, opinions of counsel and other documentation from the Company as the Underwriters or their counsel may reasonably require and as are customary in an offering of this nature;
there shall not have occurred since March 31, 2014 and the Closing Time, any adverse material change (actual, anticipated, contemplated or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened, whether financial or otherwise) in the business, affairs, operations, assets, liabilities (contingent or otherwise), prospects, financial position or capital of the Company;
due diligence conducted by the Underwriters shall not have revealed any adverse material change or material fact in respect of the Company not generally known to the public which should have been previously disclosed pursuant to Applicable Securities Laws;
the Company will have, as of the Closing Time, complied with all of its covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, including without limitation all requirements for approval of the Offering and the listing and posting for trading of the Offered Securities and the Additional Securities on the Exchange as required to be provided prior to the Closing Time; and
the representations and warranties of the Company contained in this Agreement will be true and correct as of the Closing Time in all material respects (except for those representations and warranties which are qualified by materiality which must be true and correct in all respects) as if such representations and warranties had been made as of the Closing Time.
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The Company and the Underwriters shall cause the Closing to occur on July 31, 2014 or such other date not later than 42 days following the date of the Final Receipt, as may be agreed by the Company and the Underwriters in writing (the “ Closing Date ”). The closing of the Offering under this Agreement (the “ Closing ”) shall be completed in Vancouver at the offices of DuMoulin Black LLP, counsel to the Company, or such other location as may be agreed between the Company and the Underwriters.
On the Closing, the Company shall issue and deliver to the Underwriters:
 one or more global certificates (in physical, electronic or such other form as Dundee may advise) representing the Offered Securities in the names and denominations reasonably requested by the Underwriter; provided that separate certificates in such form determined by Dundee shall be issued to or in respect of each Qualified Institutional Buyer in the United States, if any, that is purchasing Offered Securities at the Closing or Additional Securities at the Option Closing, registered in the name of such Qualified Institutional Buyer or its nominee or as otherwise directed by Dundee; and
 the Company shall deliver to the Underwriters such documents set forth in Section 6.1(k) as the Underwriters may request.
 If the Company has satisfied all of its obligations under this Agreement that are required to be satisfied before or at the Closing Time, on the Closing the Underwriters shall pay to the Company by certified cheque or by wire transfer the aggregate gross proceeds, less (i) the Underwriting Fee and (ii) any costs and expenses owing to the Underwriter pursuant to Section 7.2.
 In the event the Over-Allotment Option is exercised, at the Option Closing, subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, the Company shall issue and deliver to the Underwriters in such locations that Dundee may advise the Company the certificates (in physical, electronic or such other form as Dundee may advise) representing the Additional Securities to be issued at the Option Closing in the names and denominations reasonably requested by the Underwriters.
The Option Closing shalloccur not morethanthree businessdays afterthe date that the   notice of exercise of theOver-Allotment   Optionhasbeen  given inaccordance  with the  terms of the Over-Allotment Option.
 At the Option Closing, the Company shall deliver to the Underwriters such documents set forth in Section 6.1(k) as the Underwriters may request.
 If the Company has satisfied all of its obligations under this Agreement, on the Over­Allotment Closing Date the Underwriters shall pay to the Company by certified cheque or by wire transfer the gross proceeds of the sale of the Additional Securities, less (i) the Underwriting Fee and (ii) any costs and expenses owing to the Underwriters pursuant to Section 7.2.
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The Company and Underwriters agree that the Over-Allotment Option Closing Date may occur on the same date as the Closing Date, subject to the Company’s prior receipt of the notice in accordance with the Over-Allotment Option.
The Company shall protect, hold harmless and indemnify each of the Underwriters and their respective affiliates and their respective directors, officers, partners, employees, advisors and agents (as applicable) (collectively, the “ Indemnified Parties ” and individually an “ Indemnified Party ”) from and against all losses (other than loss of profit in connection with the distribution of the Offered Securities), claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, all amounts paid to settle actions or satisfy judgments or awards and all reasonable legal fees and expenses incurred by any Indemnified Party in connection with investigating or defending any of the foregoing on a solicitor and own client basis (collectively, a “ Claim ”) caused by or arising directly or indirectly by reason of:
any information or statement (except any information or statement relating to the Underwriters, or any of them, provided by the Underwriters to the Company in writing expressly for inclusion in the Prospectuses or the U.S. Memorandum) contained in any of the Offering Documents being or being alleged to be a misrepresentation or untrue, or any omission or alleged omission to state therein any information;
any breach by the Company of, or default under, any representation, covenant or agreement of the Company in this Agreement or any other document delivered pursuant to this Agreement or under Applicable Securities Laws or the failure by the Company to comply with its obligation under the Underwriting Agreement or Applicable Securities Laws;
the Company not complying prior to the completion of the distribution of the Offered Securities or the Additional Securities with any requirement of any Applicable Securities Laws or other applicable securities legislation of any jurisdiction;
any order made or any inquiry, investigation or proceeding instituted, threatened or announced by any court, securities regulatory authority or stock exchange (including the Exchange) or by any other competent authority, based upon any untrue statement, omission or misrepresentation or alleged untrue statement, omission or misrepresentation (except a statement, omission or misrepresentation relating to the Underwriters, or any of them, provided by the Underwriters to the Company in writing expressly for inclusion in the Prospectuses or the U.S. Memorandum) contained in any of the Prospectuses or the U.S. Memorandum, which operates to prevent or restrict the trading in or the sale or distribution of the Offered Securities or the Additional Securities;
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and shall reimburse the Indemnified Parties for all reasonable costs, charges and expenses, as incurred, which any of them may pay or incur in connection with investigating or disputing any Claim or action related thereto including the fees and expenses of legal counsel on a solicitor and own client basis and including reimbursement paid to the Underwriters for the time spent by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any Claim payable at the normal per diem rates of such Indemnified Parties.
This indemnity shall be in addition to any liability that the Company may otherwise have.
The Company agrees that, in any event, no Indemnified Party shall have any liability (either direct or indirect, in contract or tort or otherwise) to the Company, or any person asserting claims on their behalf or in connection with this Agreement, except to the extent that, if and to the extent that a court of competent jurisdiction in a final judgment from which no appeal can be made determines that a Claim resulted from the negligence, fraud or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Party claiming the indemnity, such Indemnified Party shall promptly reimburse to the Company any funds advanced to the Indemnified Party in respect of such Claim and the indemnity provided for in this Section 12 shall cease to apply to such Indemnified Party in respect of such Claim. For greater certainty, the Company and the Underwriters agree that they do not intend that any failure of the Underwriters to conduct such reasonable investigation as necessary to provide the Underwriters with reasonable grounds for believing the Offering Documents contained no misrepresentation shall constitute “negligence”, “fraud” or “willful misconduct” for the purposes of this Section 12 or otherwise disentitle the Underwriters from indemnification hereunder.
If any Claim contemplated by this Section 12 is asserted against any of the Indemnified Parties, or if any potential Claim contemplated by this Section 12 comes to the knowledge of any of the Indemnified Parties, the Indemnified Party concerned shall notify in writing the Company as soon as reasonably practicable, of the nature of the Claim (provided that any failure or delay to so notify in respect of any potential Claim shall not affect the liability of the Company under this Section 12, except to the extent that such failure or delay significantly prejudices the defense of the proceedings or significantly increases the liability which the Company would otherwise have hereunder). The Company shall, subject to the following, be entitled (but not required) to assume the defence on behalf of the Indemnified Party of any suit brought to enforce the Claim; provided that the defence shall be through legal counsel selected by the Company and acceptable to the Indemnified Party, acting reasonably, and no admission of liability or settlement of the Claim shall be made by the Company without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party. An Indemnified Party shall have the right to employ separate counsel in any such suit and participate in its defence but the fees and expenses of that counsel shall be at the expense of the Indemnified Parties unless:
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the  Company fails to assume the defence of the suit on behalf of the Indemnified Party within ten days of receiving notice of the suit;
the employment of that counsel has been authorized in writing by the Company;
the named parties to the suit (including any added or third parties) including the
Company and the Indemnified Party have been advised in writing by outside counsel that representation of the Indemnified Party by counsel for the Company is inappropriate as a result of the potential or actual conflicting interests of those represented.
In each of the cases set out in Sections 12.2(a), (b) or (c), the Company shall not have the right to assume the defence of the suit on behalf of the Indemnified Party, but the Company shall be liable to pay the reasonable fees and expenses of separate counsel for all Indemnified Parties; provided that no Indemnified Party shall be entitled to have more than one law firm in any jurisdiction on a solicitor and own client basis.
 The Company shall not be liable under this Section 12 for any settlement of any claim or action effected without its prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
 The Company hereby acknowledges and agrees that, with respect to this Section 12, the Underwriters are contracting on their own behalf and as agents for their affiliates, directors, officers, employees and agents and their respective affiliates’ directors, officers, employees, partners, shareholders, advisers and agents (collectively, the “ Beneficiaries ”). In this regard, each of the Underwriters shall act as trustee for the Beneficiaries of the covenants of the Company under this Section 12 with respect to the Beneficiaries and accepts these trusts and will hold and enforce those covenants on behalf of the Beneficiaries.
 In order to provide for just and equitable contribution in circumstances in which the indemnity provided in this Section 12 would otherwise be available in accordance with its terms but is, for any reason not attributable to any one or more of the Indemnified Parties, held to be unavailable to or unenforceable by an Indemnified Party or is insufficient to hold the Indemnified Party harmless, the Company shall contribute to the amount paid or payable (or, if such indemnity is unavailable only in respect of a portion of the amount so paid or payable, such portion of the amount so paid or payable) by such Indemnified Party as a result of such liabilities, claims, demands, losses (other than loss of profits in connection with the distribution of the Offered Securities), costs, damages and expenses:
in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative benefits received by the Company on the one hand (being the proceeds of the Offering net of the Underwriting Fee but before deducting expenses) and the Underwriters (being the Underwriting Fee) on the other from the offering of the Offered Securities and the Additional Securities, if any; or
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if the allocation provided by clause (a) above is not permitted by applicable law, in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect not only the relative benefits referred to in clause (a) above but also the relative fault of the Company on the one hand and the Underwriters on the other hand in connection with the matters or things referred to in which resulted in such liabilities, claims, demands, losses, costs, damages or expenses, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations,
provided that the Underwriters shall not in any event be liable to contribute, in the aggregate, any amount in excess of the Underwriting Fee or any portion thereof actually received.
The relative fault of the Company on the one hand and of the Underwriters on the other shall be determined by reference to, among other things, whether the matters or things referred to in this Section 12 which resulted in such liabilities, claims, demands, losses, costs, damages and expenses relate to information supplied by or steps or actions taken or done or not taken or done by or on behalf of the Company or to information supplied by or steps or actions taken or done or not taken or done by or on behalf of the Underwriters and the relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent such statement, omission or misrepresentation, or other matter or thing referred to this Section 12. The amount paid or payable by an Indemnified Party as a result of the liabilities, claims, demands, losses, costs, damages and expenses referred to above shall be deemed to include any legal orother expensesreasonably incurred by such  Indemnified Party in connection withinvestigating ordefending any such liabilities, claims, demands, losses, costs, damages and expenses, whether or not resulting in an action, suit, proceeding or claim.
The parties agree that it would not be just and equitable if contribution pursuant to this section were determined by any method of allocation which does not take into account the equitable considerations referred to in this section.
11.1   In addition to any other remedies which  may be available to the Underwriters, each of the Underwriters shall have the right to terminate its obligations under this Agreement including its obligation to purchase Offered Securities and any Additional Securities upon delivery of written notice to the Company at any time up to the Closing of the Offering:
if in the sole opinion of the Underwriters (or any of them), acting reasonably, there shall have occurred any material change or change in material fact in relation to the Company or there shall be discovered any previously undisclosed material fact required to be disclosed in the Prospectus, in each case which would be expected to result, in the sole opinion of the Underwriters (or any of them) in a material adverse change in relation to the Company or have a material adverse effect on the market price or value of the Common Shares; or
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if any enquiry, action, suit, investigation or other proceeding, whether formal or informal, is commenced, announced or threatened or any order is made by any regulatory authority, stock exchange or any other federal, provincial or other governmental body having jurisdiction or authority over the Company or any of its material assets or operations, which, in the opinion of the Underwriters (or any of them), acting reasonably, operates to prevent or restrict materially the distribution or trading of the Offered Securities or which, in the opinion of the Underwriters (or any of them), might reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect; or
if there should develop, occur or come into effect or existence any event, action, state, condition, or major occurrence of national or international consequence (including any natural catastrophe, act of war, terrorism or similar event) or any governmental action, or change of any applicable law or regulation (or any judicial interpretation thereof) which, in the opinion of the Underwriters (or any of them), acting reasonably, materially adversely affects or involves, or will materially adversely affect or involve, the financial markets (including the commodity markets) or the business, operations or affairs of the Company; or
the Underwriters (or any of them) become aware of, as a result of their due diligence review or otherwise, of (in the sole opinion of Underwriters (or any of them), acting reasonably) any material adverse change, or a change in any material fact or any material fact with respect to the Company which has not been disclosed to the Underwriters prior to the Closing Date; or
if the Company is in breach of any material term, conditionor covenant of this Agreement or any representation or warranty given by the Company in this Agreement is or becomes false.
The Underwriters shall make reasonable best effortsto give notice to the Company (in writing or by other means) of the occurrence of any of the events referred to in Section 13.1 provided that neither the giving nor the failure to give such notice shall in any way affect the entitlement of the Underwriters to exercise their rights under Section 13.1 at any time prior to or at the Closing Time on the Closing Date or the Over-Allotment Closing Date (as the case may be).
 The rights of termination contained in this Section 13 may be exercised by any Underwriters giving written notice thereof to the Company and Dundee at any time prior to the Closing Time and are in addition to any other rights or remedies the Underwriters may have in respect of any default, act or failure to act or non-compliance by the Company in respect of any of the matters contemplated by this Agreement or otherwise.
If the obligations of an Underwriter are terminatedunder this Agreement pursuant to these termination rights, the Company’s liabilities to the Underwriter shall be limited to the Company’s obligations under Sections 7, 12 and 13.
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 Any notice to be given hereunder shall be in writing and may be given by facsimile or by hand delivery and shall, in the case of notice to the Company, be addressed and faxed or delivered to:
Canadian Zinc Corporation
650 West Georgia Street, Suite 1710
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 4N9
Attention:                     John F. Kearney
Fax No.:                     (604) 688-2043
with a copy to:
DuMoulin Black LLP
10th Floor, 595 Howe Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 2T5
Attention:                     J. Douglas Seppala
Facsimile:                     (604) 687-3635
and on behalf of the Underwriters, be addressed and faxed or delivered to:
Dundee Securities Ltd.
Dynamic Funds Tower 1 Adelaide St. E., Suite 2100
Toronto, Ontario M5C 2V9
Attention:                     Brad Ralph
Fax No.:                     (416) 350-3312
with a copy to:
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower, Suite 3800
200 Bay Street, P.O. Box 84
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Z4
Attention:                     Robert Mason
Fax No.:                     (416) 216-3930
The Company and the Underwriters may change their respective addresses for notice by notice given in the manner referred to above.
 Time and each of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be of the essence of this Agreement.
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 The forbearance or failure of one of the parties hereto to insist upon strict compliance by the other with any provision of this Agreement, whether continuing or not, shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights or privileges hereunder. No waiver of any right or privilege of a party arising from any default or failure hereunder of performance by the other shall affect such party’s rights or privileges in the event of a further default or failure of performance.
 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto in respect of the matters referred to herein and there are no representations, warranties, covenants or agreements, expressed or implied, collateral hereto other than as expressly set forth or referred to herein and this Agreement supersedes any previous agreements, arrangements or understandings among the parties, including the “bought deal” offering letter dated July 9, 2014 between the Company and Dundee.
 The headings in this Agreement are for reference only and do not constitute terms of the Agreement.
 Except as expressly provided for in this Agreement, all warranties, representations, covenants and agreements of the Company herein contained, or contained in, documents submitted or required to be submitted pursuant to this Agreement, shall survive the purchase by the Underwriters of the Offered Securities and any Additional Securities and shall continue in full force and effect, regardless of the closing of the sale of the Offered Securities and any Additional Securities and regardless of any investigation which may be carried on by the Underwriters, or on their behalf, subject only to the applicable limitation period prescribed by law. For greater certainty, the provisions contained in this Agreement in any way related to the indemnification or the contribution obligations, including those provided for in Section 12, shall survive and continue in full force and effect, subject only to the applicable limitation period prescribed by law.
 The Company hereby acknowledges that the Underwriters are acting solely as underwriters in connection with the purchase and sale of the Offered Securities contemplated hereby. The Company further acknowledges that the Underwriters are acting pursuant to a contractual relationship created solely by this Agreement entered into on an arm’s length basis, and in no event do the parties intend that the Underwriters act or be responsible as a fiduciary to the Company, its management, shareholders or creditors or any other person in connection with any activity that the Underwriters may undertake or have undertaken in furtherance of such purchase and sale of the Offered Securities, either before or after the date hereof. The Underwriters hereby expressly disclaim any fiduciary or similar obligations to the Company, either in connection with the Offering or any matters leading up to the Offering, and the Company hereby confirms its understanding and agreement to that effect. The Company and the Underwriters agree that they are each responsible for making their own independent judgments with respect to the Offering and that any opinions or views expressed by the Underwriters to the Company regarding the Offering, including, but not limited to, any opinions or views with respect to the price or market for the Offered Securities, do not constitute advice or recommendations to the Company. The Company and the Underwriters agree that the Underwriters are acting as principal and not the agent or fiduciary of the Company and no Underwriter has assumed, and no Underwriter will assume, any advisory responsibility in favour of the Company with respect to the Offering or the process leading thereto (irrespective of whether any Underwriter has advised or is currently advising the Company on other matters). The Company hereby waives and releases, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any claims that the Company may have against the Underwriters with respect to any breach or alleged breach of any fiduciary, advisory or similar duty to the Company in connection with Offering or any matters leading up to the Offering.
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 Dundee is hereby authorized by each of the other Underwriters to act on its behalf and the Company shall be entitled to and shall act on any notice, waiver or extension given hereunder by Dundee or agreement entered into by or on behalf of the Underwriters by Dundee, which represents and warrants that it has irrevocable authority to bind the Underwriters with respect to all matters contained herein, except in respect of any waiver of a condition of closing contained in Section 9, which waiver must be signed by all the Underwriters; any extension of any time requirement contained herein, which extension must be signed by all the Underwriters; any consent to a settlement pursuant to Section 12, which consent shall be given by the Indemnified Party or a notice of termination pursuant to Section 13, which notice may be given by any of the Underwriters exercising such right. Dundee shall, where practicable, consult with the other Underwriters concerning any matter in respect of which they act as representatives of the Underwriters.
 Certain of the Underwriters, or affiliates thereof, own or control an equity interest in TMX Group Limited (“ TMX Group ”). In addition, certain of the Underwriters, or affiliates thereof, have nominee directors serving on the TMX Group’s board of directors. As such, each such investment dealer may be considered to have an economic interest in the listing of securities on any exchange owned or operated by TMX Group, including the TSX, the TSX Venture Exchange and the Alpha Exchange. No person or company is required to obtain products or services from TMX Group or its affiliates as a condition of any such dealer supplying or continuing to supply a product or service.
 No alteration, amendment, modification or interpretation of this Agreement or any provision of this Agreement shall be valid and binding upon the parties hereto unless such alteration, amendment, modification or interpretation is in written form executed by the parties directly affected by such alteration, amendment, modification or interpretation.
 The parties hereto shall execute and deliver all such further documents and instruments and do all such acts and things as any party may, either before or after the Closing Date, reasonably require in order to carry out the full intent and meaning of this Agreement.
 This Agreement may not be assigned by any party hereto without the prior written consent of all of the parties hereto.
 This Agreement shall be subject to, governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the Canadian federal laws applicable therein.
- 46 -

 The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this Agreement shall not affect or limit the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.
 The parties may sign this Agreement as many counterparts as may be deemed necessary and may be delivered by facsimile, portable document format (“pdf”) or other electronic means all of which so signed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original and together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
 The Underwriters hereby acknowledge that they have consented that this Agreement and all documents evidencing or relating in any way to the purchase be drawn up in the English language only. Nous reconnaissons par les presentes avoir consenti que tous les documents faisant foi ou se rapportant de quelque maniere a notre achat soient rediges en anglais seulement.
- 47 -

If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding and agreed to by you, please signify your acceptance on the accompanying counterparts of this letter and return same to the Underwriters whereupon this letter as so accepted shall constitute an agreement between the Company and the Underwriters enforceable in accordance with its terms.
Yours truly,
Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
The foregoing is accepted and agreed to on July 15, 2014, effective as of the date appearing on the first page of this Agreement.
              Authorized Signatory
- 48 -

If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding and agreed to by you, please signify your acceptance on the accompanying counterparts of this letter and return same to the Underwriters whereupon this letter as so accepted shall constitute an agreement between the Company and the Underwriters enforceable in accordance with its terms.
Yours truly,
Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
                  Authorized Signatory
The foregoing is accepted and agreed to on July 15, 2014, effective as of the date appearing on the first page of this Agreement.
              Authorized Signatory
- 49 -

If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding and agreed to by you, please signify your acceptance on the accompanying counterparts of this letter and return same to the Underwriters whereupon this letter as so accepted shall constitute an agreement between the Company and the Underwriters enforceable in accordance with its terms.
Yours truly,
By :                                                                          
Authorized Signatory
By :                                                   
Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
The foregoing is accepted and agreed to on July 15, 2014, effective as of the date appearing on the first page of this Agreement.
           Authorized Signatory
- 50 -

If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding and agreed to by you, please signify your acceptance on the accompanying counterparts of this letter and return same to the Underwriters whereupon this letter as so accepted shall constitute an agreement between the Company and the Underwriters enforceable in accordance with its terms.
Yours truly,
Authorized Signatory
By :                                                      
Authorized Signatory
Authorized Signatory
The foregoing is accepted and agreed to on July 15,2014, effective as of the date appearing on the first page of this Agreement.
           Authorized Signatory
- 51 -

As used in this Schedule “A”, capitalized terms used herein and not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the underwriting agreement to which this Schedule is annexed and the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Directed Selling Efforts ” means directed selling efforts as that term is defined in Rule 902(c) of Regulation S. Without limiting the foregoing, but for greater clarity in this Schedule, it means, subject to the exclusions from the definition of directed selling efforts contained in Regulation S, any activity undertaken for the purpose of, or that could reasonably be expected to have the effect of, conditioning the market in the United States for any of the Offered Securities or Additional Securities and includes the placement of any advertisement in a publication with a general circulation in the United States that refers to the offering of the Offered Securities or Additional Securities;
Regulation D ” means Regulation D adopted by the SEC under the U.S. Securities Act;
Regulation S ” means Regulation S adopted by the SEC under the U.S. Securities Act;
SEC ” means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission;
Securities ” means, together, the Offered Securities and the Additional Securities, if any;
Shares ” means common shares in the capital of the Company;
Substantial U.S. Market Interest ” means substantial U.S. market interest as that term is defined in Regulation S; and
U.S. Exchange Act ” means the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the Underwriters
Each Underwriter acknowledges that the Offered Securities and the Additional Securities have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act and may be offered and sold only in transactions exempt from or not subject to the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act.
Each Underwriter represents, warrants and covenants to the Company that:
1.   Neither it nor any of its affiliates, nor any person acting on its or their behalf, has offered or sold, nor will not offer or sell, any Offered Securities or Additional Securities forming part of its allotment except (a) in an offshore transaction in accordance with Rule 903 of Regulation S or (b) in the case of Shares only, in the United States in accordance with Rule 144A as provided in paragraphs 4 through 8 below.

It has not entered and will not enter into any contractual arrangement with respect to the distribution of the Offered Securities or Additional Securities, except with its affiliates, any selling group members or with the prior written consent of the Company. It shall require each selling group member to agree, for the benefit of the Company, to comply with, and shall use its best efforts to ensure that each selling group member complies with, the same provisions of this Schedule as apply to such Underwriter as if such provisions applied to such selling group member.
Neither it nor any of its affiliates, nor any person acting on its or their behalf, has made or will make any Directed Selling Efforts in the United States with respect to the Offered Securities or Additional Securities.
All offers and sales of Offered Securities in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, any U.S. Person or a person in the United States, by it shall be made (i) through its U.S. Affiliate in compliance with all applicable U.S. federal and state broker- dealer requirements, or (ii) directly by it in accordance with Rule 15a-6 under the Exchange Act. It and its U.S. Affiliate, as applicable, are Qualified Institutional Buyers. Its U.S. Affiliate is and will be, on the date of each offer and sale of Offered Securities in the United States, duly registered as a broker-dealer pursuant to the Section 15(b) of the U.S. Exchange Act and the securities laws of each state in which such offer or sale is made (unless exempted from the respective state’s broker-dealer registration requirements) and a member of and in good standing with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. No Flow-Through Shares have been or will be offered or sold by it or its U.S. Affiliates in the United States.
Offers and sales of Offered Securities in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, any U.S. Person or a person in the United States, by it shall not be made (i) by any form of general solicitation or general advertising (as those terms are used in Regulation D), including without limitation advertisements, articles, notices or other communications published in any newspaper, magazine, the internet or similar media or broadcast over radio, television or the internet, or any seminar or meeting whose attendees had been invited by general solicitation or general advertising or (ii) in any manner involving a public offering within the meaning of Section 4(a)(2) of the U.S. Securities Act.
Offers to sell and solicitations of offers to buy the Offered Securities in the United States or to or for the account or benefit of a U.S. Person or a person in the United States shall be made by it in accordance with Rule 144A only to persons reasonably believed to be Qualified Institutional Buyers.
All purchasers of the Offered Securities in the United States shall be informed that the Offered Securities have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act and are being offered and sold to such purchasers in reliance on the exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act provided by Rule 144A thereunder.
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Each offeree in the United States shall be provided with a U.S. Memorandum, and each purchaser in the United States will have received at or prior to the time of purchase of any Offered Securities the U.S. Memorandum including the Final Prospectus.
Any offer, sale or solicitation of an offer to buy Offered Securities that has been made or will be made in the United States or to or for the account or benefit of a U.S. Person or a person in the United States, was or will be made only to Qualified Institutional Buyers that are exempt, or in transactions that are exempt, from registration under applicable state securities laws.
At least one business day prior to the Closing Time or the time of the Option Closing, if applicable, it will provide the transfer agent with a list of all purchasers of the Units in the United States or who are U.S. Persons.
Each U.S. Affiliate of the Underwriters that is purchasing the Units in the United States is a Qualified Institutional Buyer.
At the Closing Time or the time of the Option Closing, if applicable, it, together with its U.S. Affiliate selling Offered Securities in the United States, will provide a certificate, substantially in the form of Exhibit A to this Schedule, relating to the manner of the offer and sale of the Offered Securities in the United States, or will be deemed to have represented and warranted for the benefit of the Company that neither it nor any of its U.S. Affiliates offered or sold Offered Securities within the United States.
None of the Underwriter, its affiliates or any person acting on behalf of any of them has violated or will violate Regulation M under the U.S. Exchange Act in connection with offers and sales of the Offered Securities.
Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the Company
The Company represents, warrants and covenants to the Underwriters that:
The Company is a “foreign issuer” within the meaning of Rule 902(e) of Regulation S and reasonably believes that there is no Substantial U.S. Market Interest in the common shares in the capital of the Company.
The Company is not now, and as a result of the sale of Offered Securities or the Additional Securities contemplated hereby will not be, an “investment company” as defined in the United States Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
None of the Company, anyof its affiliates or any person acting on its or their behalf (other than the Underwriters or any person acting on their behalf, as to which no representation, warranty or covenant is made) has made or will make any Directed Selling Efforts in the United States, or has engaged or will engage in any form of general solicitation or general advertising (as those terms are used in Rule 502(c) of Regulation D), including, without limitation, advertisements, articles, notices or other communications published in any newspaper, magazine, the internet or similar media or broadcast over radio, television or the internet, or any seminar or meeting whose attendees had been invited by general solicitation or general advertising, in connection with the offer or sale of the Offered Securities in the United States.
- 3 -

The Shares and the Warrants are not, and as of the Closing Time will not be, and no securities of the same class as the Shares or the Warrants are or will be, (i) listed on a national securities exchange in the United States registered under Section 6 of the U.S. Exchange Act, (ii) quoted in an “automated inter-dealer quotation system”, as such term is used in the U.S. Exchange Act, or (iii) convertible or exchangeable at an effective conversion premium (calculated as specified in paragraph (a)(6) of Rule 144A) of less than ten percent for securities so listed or quoted.
For so long as any of the Shares are outstanding and are “restricted securities” within the meaning of Rule 144(a)(3) under the U.S. Securities Act, and if the Company is not subject to and in compliance with the reporting requirements of Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the U.S. Exchange Act or exempt from such reporting requirements pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) thereunder, the Company will provide to any holder of such Shares, or to any prospective purchaser of such Shares designated by such holder, upon the request of such holder or prospective purchaser, at or prior to the time of resale, the information required to be provided by Rule 144A(d)(4).
Except with respect to the offer and sale of the Offered Securities, the Company has not, for a period of six months prior to the date hereof, sold, offered for sale or solicited any offer to buy any of its securities in the United States.
- 4 -

In connection with the private placement in the United States of units (the “ Securities ”) of  Canadian Zinc Corporation (the “ Company ”) pursuant to the Underwriting Agreement dated  July 15, 2014 between the Company and the Underwriters named therein (the “Underwriting  Agreement”), each of the undersigned does hereby certify as follows:
[Name of U.S. broker-dealer affiliate] is, and was on the date of each offer and sale of Securities in the United States, or to or for the account or benefit of a U.S. Person or a person in the United States, a duly registered broker or dealer with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and under the securities laws of each state in which such offers or sales were made (unless exempted from such registration) and a member of and in good standing with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.;
all offers and sales of Securities that we made in the United States or to or for the account or benefit of a U.S. Person or a person in the United States were made by the [Name of U.S. broker-dealer affiliate] in compliance with all applicable U.S. federal and state broker-dealer requirements;
 each offeree in the United States was provided with a copy of the U.S. Memorandum for the offering of the Securities in the United States, and we provided each purchaser of Securities in the United States, prior to the sale of Securities to such purchaser, with a copy of the U.S. Memorandum including the Final Prospectus;
 immediately prior to our transmitting such U.S. Memorandum to such offerees, we had reasonable grounds to believe and did believe that each offeree was a Qualified Institutional Buyer (as defined in Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “ U.S. Securities Act ”)) and, on the date hereof, we continue to believe that each U.S. person purchasing Securities from us is a Qualified Institutional Buyer;
 no form of general solicitation or general advertising (as those terms are used in Rule 502(c) of Regulation D under the U.S. Securities Act) was used by us, including, without limitation, advertisements, articles, notices or other communications published in any newspaper, magazine, the internet or similar media or broadcast over radio, television or the internet, or any seminar or meeting whose attendees had been invited by general solicitation or general advertising, in connection with the offer or sale of the Securities in the United States; and
 the offering of the Securities has been conducted by us in accordance with the terms of the Underwriting Agreement.
Terms used in this certificate have the meanings given to them in the Underwriting Agreement
unless otherwise defined herein.

Dated this___ day of ______________ ,2014.
[UNDERWRITER]                                                                          [U.S. BROKER-DEALER AFFILIATE]
By:                                                                           By: _______________________________________
Name:                                                                       Name:
Title:                                                                          Title:
  - 2 -

the Company is a “reporting issuer”, or its equivalent, in each of the Qualifying Jurisdictions and it is not listed as in default of any requirement of the Applicable Securities Laws in any of the Qualifying Jurisdictions;
the Company is a corporation duly incorporatedand validly existing and is in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was incorporated;
the Company has all requisite corporate powerand capacity to carry on its business as now conducted as described in the Final Prospectus and to own, lease and operate its property and assets and the Company has the requisite corporate power and capacity to execute and deliver this Agreement, the Warrant Indenture, the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement and any certificates representing the Warrants and Compensation Warrants and to perform its obligations thereunder;
the authorized and issued capital of the Company;
the rights, privileges, restrictions, conditions, attributes and characteristics attaching to the Offered Securities and Additional Securities are accurately summarized in all material respects in the Prospectuses;
all necessary corporate action having been takenby Company to authorize the
execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Warrant Indenture, the Flow­Through Subscription Agreement and the performance by the Company of its obligations hereunder and thereunder and to authorize the issuance, sale and delivery of the Offered Securities and Additional Securities and the grant of the Over-Allotment Option;
 the Unit Shares and Flow-Through Shares have been validly issued as fully-paid and non-assessable common shares in the capital of the Company and upon full payment therefor and the issue thereof, the Warrant Shares, Additional Unit Shares, Additional Flow-Through Shares and Compensation Shares will have been validly issued as fully paid and non-assessable common shares in the capital of the Company;
the Warrant Shares, Additional Unit Shares, Additional Flow-Through Shares and Compensation Shares have been duly allotted and reserved for issuance by the Company;
the form and terms of the definitive certificate representing the Common Shares, the Warrants and the Compensation Warrants have been approved by the directors of the Company and comply in all material respects with the BCA, the notice of articles and articles of the Company and the rules, policies and by-laws of the TSX;

the Company has all necessary corporate power deliver this Agreement, the Warrant Indenture,  the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement and any certificates representing the Warrants and Compensation Warrants and to perform its obligations thereunder; and (ii) to issue and sell the Offered Securities and the Additional Securities and to grant the Over-Allotment Option;
all necessary corporate action has been taken by the Company to authorize the execution and delivery of each of the Preliminary Prospectus, the Final Prospectus and any Supplementary Material and the filing thereof with the Commissions;
each of this Agreement, the Warrant Indenture, the Flow-Through Subscription Agreement and any certificates representing the Warrants and Compensation Warrants has been duly executed and delivered by the Company and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Company enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency and other laws affecting the rights of creditors generally and subject to the qualification that equitable remedies may be granted in the discretion of a court of competent jurisdiction and that enforcement of rights to indemnity, contribution and waiver of contribution set out in this Agreement may be limited by applicable law;
the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Warrant Indenture, the Flow­ Through Subscription Agreement and any certificates representing the Warrants and Compensation Warrants, the fulfillment of the terms thereof by the Company and the offering, issuance, sale and delivery of the Offered Securities, Additional Securities and the grant of the Over-Allotment Option do not and will not result in a breach of or default under, and do not and will not create a state of facts which, after notice or lapse of time or both, will result in a breach of or default under, and do not and will not conflict with any of: (i) the terms, conditions or provisions of the articles or notice of articles of the Company; or (ii) any resolutions of the shareholders or directors (or any committee thereof) of the Company; (iii) any applicable laws of the Province of British Columbia or federal laws of Canada applicable therein;
Computershare Investor Services Inc. is the duly appointed registrar and transfer agent for the common shares of the Company;
Computershare Trust Company of Canada is the duly appointed warrant agent for the Warrants under the Warrant Indenture;
all necessary documents have been filed, all requisite proceedings have been taken and all approvals, permits and consents of the appropriate regulatory authority in each Qualifying Jurisdiction to qualify the distribution of the Offered Securities, the Over-Allotment Option, the Compensation Option and the Additional Securities in each of the Qualifying Jurisdictions through persons who are registered under Applicable Securities Laws and who have complied with the relevant provisions of such applicable laws;
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(q)          subject only to the Standard Listing Conditions, the Unit Shares, Flow-Through Shares, Warrant Shares, Additional Unit Shares, Additional Flow-Through Shares and Compensation Shares have been conditionally listed or approved for listing on the TSX;
(r)          the Flow-Through Shares are “flow-through shares” as defined in subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act and are not “prescribed shares” for purposes of section 6202.1   of the regulations to the Tax Act;
(s)          the Company qualifies as a “principal business corporation” within the meaning of subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act; and
(t)          as to the accuracy of the statements under the headings “Eligibility For Investment” and “Certain Canadian Federal Income Tax Considerations” in the Prospectuses.
- 3 -

THIS AGREEMENT is dated for reference____________________________________
, 2014
(each, a “ Purchaser ”);
CANADIAN ZINC CORPORATION, having an office at 650 West Georgia
Street, Suite 1710, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 4N9
(the “Issuer”).
WHEREAS pursuant to the preliminary short form prospectus of the Issuer dated July 15, 2014 (the “Prospectus”) the Issuer proposed to sell Flow-Through Shares (as that term is defined in the Prospectus) at a price of $0.38 per share (the “ Flow-Through Offering Price ”) on the terms and conditions set out in the Prospectus and this Agreement.
NOW THEREFORE , the Issuer and each Purchaser agree as follows:
Dundee Securities Ltd. (“ Dundee ”), on behalf of the Underwriters (as hereinafter defined), is executing this Agreement for and on behalf of and as agent for each Purchaser with the intent that this Agreement is entered into between the Issuer and each Purchaser, respectively.
Each Purchaser hereby irrevocably subscribes for and agrees to purchase from the Issuer, on and subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Prospectus and this Agreement (including Appendix II attached hereto), the number of Flow-Through Shares of the Issuer set forth across from such Purchaser’s name on Appendix I to this Agreement at a total issue price equal to the Flow-Through Offering Price payable in cash, of which such Purchaser agrees to pay such Purchaser’s full Commitment Amount (as hereinafter defined).
The Issuer hereby agrees to issue and sell to each Purchaser, on and subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Prospectus and this Agreement (including Appendix II attached hereto), the number of Flow-Through Shares of the Issuer set forth across from such Purchaser’s name on Appendix I to this Agreement at the Flow-Through Offering Price payable in cash.
For greater certainty, Flow-Through Shares will only be issued to a Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement when such Purchaser has paid such Purchaser’s full Commitment Amount and when the Issuer has received the full Flow-Through Offering Price therefor in cash to or to the order of the Issuer and the Issuer and such Purchaser hereby irrevocably agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in Appendix II to this Agreement with respect to such Flow-Through Shares.

EXECUTED by Dundee, in its capacity as agent for each of the Purchasers this _________________ day of __________________________ , 2014.
DUNDEE SECURITIES LTD ., in its capacity as agent for each of the Purchasers
Authorized Signatory
EXECUTED by the Issuer this                                                            day       of                              , 2014.
Authorized Signatory
- 2 -

Name of Purchaser
Address and Telephone Number of Purchaser
Number of Flow­Through Shares Purchased
Commitment Amount Paid by Purchaser per Flow-Through Share
Social Insurance Number (If Purchaser is an Individual)


1.1   Dundee, on behalf of the Underwriters, represents, warrants, covenants, certifies,  acknowledges and declares to the Issuer (and acknowledges that the Issuer is relying  thereon) that:
Dundee is the duly authorized agent for each Purchaser;
Dundee has been authorized by each Purchaser to executethe Agreement for and
on behalf of and as agent for such Purchaser and to agree for and on behalf of and in the name of each Purchaser to the covenants, agreements, representations, warranties, statements and acknowledgements of the Purchasers contained in the Agreement;
 all covenants, agreements, representations, warranties, statements and acknowledgements set out in the Agreement of the Purchasers are made by each Purchaser; and
 each Purchaser has received a copy of the Prospectus and has tendered payment to Dundee of such Purchaser’s full Commitment Amount for the Flow-Through Shares which such Purchaser has subscribed for pursuant to this Agreement in order that Dundee may deliver a certified cheque or bank draft payable to the Issuer in full payment of the Flow-Through Offering Price for such Flow-Through Shares for and on behalf of such Purchaser.
2.1   In this Appendix, the following words have the following meanings:
Agreement ” means the Flow-Through Share Subscription Agreement between the Issuer and each Purchaser dated for reference July 31, 2014 which, for greater certainty, includes Appendix I and this Appendix II;
Appendix ” means thisAppendix II to the Agreement;
Business Day ” meansa day on which Canadian chartered banks are open for the
transaction of regular business in the cities of Toronto, Ontario or Vancouver, British Columbia;
Canadian Exploration Expens e” or “ CEE ” means an expense described in paragraph (f) of the definition of Canadian exploration expense in subsection 66.1(6) of the Tax Act, or that would be described in paragraph (h) of that definition if the reference therein to paragraphs (a) to (d) and (f) to (g.4) was a reference to paragraph (f), other than amounts which are prescribed to constitute “Canadian exploration and development overhead expenses” for the purposes of paragraph 66(12.6)(b) of the Tax Act, Canadian exploration expenses to the extent of the amount of any assistance described in paragraph 66(12.6)(a) of the Tax Act, any specified expenses described in paragraph 66(12.6)(b.1) of the Tax Act in respect of seismic data, or any amount paid or payable for prepaid services or rent that do not qualify as outlays or expenses for the period as described in the definition of “expense” in subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act;

Closing Date ” means July 31, 2014 or such other date as the Issuer and Dundee may agree;
Commitment Amount ” in respect of any Purchaser means the amount paid by such Purchaser for the Purchased Securities of such Purchaser, being the amount per Flow-Through Share set forth across from such Purchaser’s name on Appendix I; provided, for greater certainty, that the Commitment Amount will not be greater than the Flow-Through Offering Price;
Common Shares ” means the common shares without par value of the Issuer as constituted on the date hereof;
CRA ” means the Canada Revenue Agency;
Exploration Program ” has the meaning set forth in Section 8.11;
Flow-Through Offering Price ” means the issue price of $0.38 per Flow­ Through Share;
Flow-Through Shares ” means the previously unissued Common Shares of the Issuer that are “flow-through shares” as defined in subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act;
Issuer ” means Canadian Zinc Corporation;
Dundee ” means Dundee Securities Ltd.;
Offered Securities ” means the Flow-Through Shares offered for sale by the Issuer, through the Underwriters as agent for the Issuer, pursuant to the Prospectus;
Person ” means an individual, a firm, a corporation, a syndicate, a partnership, a trust, an association, an unincorporated organization, a joint venture, an investment club, a government or an agency or political subdivision thereof and every other form of legal or business entity of whatsoever nature or kind;
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(p)          “ Prescribed Forms ” means the forms prescribed from time to time under
subsection 66(12.7) of the Tax Act filed or to be filed by the Issuer within the prescribed times renouncing to each Purchaser the Qualifying Expenditures incurred pursuant to the Agreement and all parts or copies of such forms required by the CRA to be delivered to such Purchaser;
(q)          “ Prescribed Relationship ” in respect of any Purchaser means a relationship
between the Issuer and such Purchaser where such Purchaser and the Issuer are related or otherwise do not deal at arm’s length for purposes of the Tax Act;
(r)          “ Purchased Securities ” in respect of any Purchaser means the Offered Securities
purchased by such Purchaser pursuant to the Prospectus;
(s)          “ Purchaser ” means each person listed as a purchaser in Appendix I to the
(t)          “ Prospectus ” means the preliminary short form prospectus of the Issuer dated
July 15, 2014;
(u)          “ Qualifying Expenditures ” means expenses that (a) are CEE on the date they are
incurred, (b) are incurred on or after the Closing Date and on or before the Termination Date, (c) may be renounced by the Issuer pursuant to subsection 66(12.6) in conjunction with subsection 66(12.66) of the Tax Act with an effective date not later than December 31, 2014 , and (d) but for the renunciation, the Issuer would be entitled to deduct in computing its income for income tax purposes;
(v)   Tax Act ” means the Income Tax Act (Canada) and the regulations thereunder, as
amended, reenacted or replaced from time to time, including where applicable any specific proposals to amend the Tax Act that are publicly announced by the Minister of Finance (Canada) to have effect prior to the date hereof;
(w)          “ Termination Date ” means December 31, 2015;
(x)          “ Underwriters ” means collectively, Dundee, Canaccord Genuity Corp. and
Paradigm Capital Inc.; and
(y)          “ Underwriting Agreement ” means the underwriting agreement dated July 15,
2014 among the Underwriters and the Issuer.
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On Closing, and upon receipt by the Issuer from each Purchaser of such Purchaser’s full Commitment Amount, the Issuer will issue to such Purchaser such Offered Securities.
Each Purchaser acknowledges that the Issuer may have entered into, and may continue entering into, agreements similar to the Agreement with other persons in respect of Flow-Through Shares. Such agreements will be made and be dated for reference the same date as the Agreement. The Issuer will expend the funds from each issuance of Flow-Through Shares in the order of:
 the reference date of any private placement “flow-through” subscription agreements entered into for such private placements; and
           (b)    the date of closing of any public offerings;
such that the subscription funds from the oldest “flow-through” financing will always be spent first and renunciation made in respect of such expenditures before any renunciations are made in respect of any Qualifying Expenditures that are financed from subsequent “flow-through” financings.
Each Purchaser acknowledges that any interest accruing on the Commitment Amount paid to the Issuer by such Purchaser belongs solely to the Issuer and will accrue to the sole benefit of the Issuer and may be applied by the Issuer for general corporate purposes.
The Issuer hereby represents and warrants to each Purchaser as follows and acknowledges and confirms that each Purchaser is relying upon each of such representations and warranties in entering into the Agreement and completing the transactions contemplated herein:
Flow-Through Shares : Upon issue, the Purchased Securities of eachPurchaser will be “flow-through shares” as defined in subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act andare not  and will not be “prescribed shares” within the meaning of section 6202.1 of the regulations to the Tax Act. The Issuer does not have and will not have prior to the Termination Date a Prescribed Relationship with any Purchaser or, if a Purchaser is a partnership, any partner or limited partner of such partnership.
  Principal-Business Corporation : The Issuer is a “principal-business corporation” as defined in subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act and will continue to be a “principal-business corporation” until such time as all of the Qualifying Expenditures required to be renounced under the Agreement have been incurred and validly renounced pursuant to the Tax Act.
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Commitment Amount : The Issuer has no reason to believe that it will be unable to incur, on or after the Closing Date and on or before the Termination Date or that it will be unable to renounce to each Purchaser effective on or before December 31, 2014, Qualifying Expenditures in an aggregate amount equal to the Commitment Amount of such Purchaser, and the Issuer has no reason to expect any reduction of such amount by virtue of subsection 66(12.73) of the Tax Act.
Each Purchaser hereby represents and warrants for and on behalf of itself to the Issuer as follows  and acknowledges and confirms that the Issuer is relying upon such representations and  warranties in entering into the Agreement and completing the transactions contemplated herein:
Prescribed Relationship : Each Purchaser represents that it, and if such Purchaser is a partnership, any partner or limited partner of such partnership, does not have and will not have prior to the Termination Date a Prescribed Relationship with the Issuer.
  Not in the United States and a Non-U.S. Person : Each Purchaser represents that it did not receive the offer to purchase the Purchased Securities in the United States, as defined in Regulations under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended; was not in the United States at the time the Agreement was executed by it or on its behalf; and is not, and is not purchasing the Purchased Securities for the account or benefit of, a “U.S. person”, as defined in Regulations under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
Purchasing as Principal : Each Purchaser represents that it is purchasing the Purchased Securities as principal for its own account.
The Issuer hereby covenants and agrees with each Purchaser as follows:
Filing Selling Instruments : The Issuer shall file with the CRA within the time prescribed by subsection 66(12.68) of the Tax Act the forms prescribed for the purposes of such subsection together with a copy of this Agreement and any “selling instrument” contemplated by such subsection.
Principal-Business Corporation : The Issuer shallmaintainitsstatus as a “principal-business corporation” as defined in subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act until such time as all of the Qualifying Expenditures required to be renounced under this Agreement have been incurred and validly renounced pursuant to the Tax Act.
Performance of Acts : The Issuer shall perform andcarry outallof the acts and things to be completed by it as provided in this Agreement.
  Incurring and Renouncing of CEE : The Issuer shall incur Qualifying Expenditures in an amount equal to the Flow-Through Offering Price for the Purchased Securities of each Purchaser on or before the Termination Date in accordance with the Agreement and agrees to renounce to each Purchaser Qualifying Expenditures in an amount equal to the Commitment Amount of such Purchaser with an effective date no later than December 31, 2014.
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  Renunciation : The Issuer shall deliver to each Purchaser, by March 1, 2015, the relevant Prescribed Forms, fully completed and executed, renouncing to such Purchaser Qualifying Expenditures in an amount equal to the Commitment Amount of such Purchaser with an effective date of no later than December 31, 2014, and shall timely file such Prescribed Forms with the relevant taxation authorities.
  Priority : The Issuer shall incur and renounce Qualifying Expenditures to all Purchasers pursuant to the Agreement and all other agreements with other Persons providing for the issue of Offered Securities entered into by the Issuer on the Closing Date (collectively the “ Other Agreements ”) pro rata by the number of Offered Securities issued or to be issued pursuant thereto before incurring and renouncing Qualifying Expenditures pursuant to any other agreement which the Issuer has entered into or shall enter into with any Person with respect to the issue of Flow-Through Shares. The Issuer shall not, without the prior written consent of Dundee (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld) enter into any other agreement which would prevent or restrict its ability to renounce Qualifying Expenditures to any Purchaser in the amount of such Purchaser’s Commitment Amount. If the Issuer is required under the Tax Act to reduce Qualifying Expenditures previously renounced to any Purchaser, the reduction shall be made pro rata by the number of Offered Securities issued or to be issued pursuant to this Agreement and pro rata to the reduction made under the Other Agreements but the Issuer shall not reduce Qualifying Expenditures renounced to any Purchaser under this Agreement until it has first reduced to the extent possible all CEE renounced to Persons other than the Purchasers and Persons under the Other Agreements.
  Qualifying Expenditures : The expenses to be renounced by the Issuer to each Purchaser:
(a)   willconstitute Qualifying Expenditures on the effective date of the renunciation;
(b)   willnot include expenses that are (1) “Canadian exploration and development overhead expenses” (as defined in the regulations to the Tax Act for purposes of paragraph 66(12.6)(b) of the Tax Act) of the Issuer,
 (2) amounts which constitute specified expenses for seismic data described in paragraph 66(12.6)(b.1) of the Tax Act, (3) any expenses for prepaid services or rent that do not qualify as                                                                 
outlays and expenses for the period as described in the definition of “expense” in subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act, or (4) any assistance received by the Issuer of the type described in paragraph 66(12.6)(a) of the Tax Act;
(c)   willnot include any amount that has previously been renounced by the Issuer to such Purchasers or  to any other Person;
(d)   would be deductible by the Issuer in computingits income for the purposesof Part I of the Tax Act but for the renunciation to such Purchaser; and
(e)   will not be subject to any reduction under subsection 66(12.73) of the Tax Act.
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Avoidance of Transactions Requiring a Reduction in Qualifying Expenditures : The Issuer shall refrain from entering into transactions or taking deductions which would be likely to reduce its cumulative CEE to an extent that would preclude a renunciation of Qualifying Expenditures under this Agreement in an amount equal to the total of the Commitment Amount for all Purchasers.
Valid Renunciation : The Issuer shall not be subject to the provisions of subsection 66(12.67) of the Tax Act in a manner which impairs its ability to renounce Qualifying Expenditures to any Purchaser in an amount equal to the Commitment Amount of such Purchaser.
Applications for Prescribed Grants : If the Issuer receives, or becomes entitled to receive, any government assistance which is described in paragraph (a) of the definition of “excluded obligation” in subsection 6202.1(5) of the regulations to the Tax Act and the receipt or entitlement to receive such government assistance has or will have the effect of reducing the amount of CEE validly renounced to any Purchaser to less than the Commitment Amount of such Purchaser, the Issuer shall incur additional CEE so that it may renounce to such Purchaser Qualifying Expenditures in an amount not less than the Commitment Amount of such Purchaser.
Use of Commitment Amount : The Issuer shall use the Commitment Amount of each Purchaser for an exploration program on certain interests in mineral resource properties situated in Canada for the purpose of determining the existence, location, extent and quality of the mineral resources located thereon, as more particularly described in the Prospectus (the “ Exploration Program ”).
Records . The Issuer will maintain proper, complete and accurate accounting books and records relating to the Qualifying Expenditures. The Issuer will retain all such books and records as may be required to support the renunciation of Qualifying Expenditures contemplated by the Agreement and shall make such books and records available for inspection and audit by or on behalf of the Purchaser, the CRA or any governmental authority upon reasonable request.
Information . The Issuer shall provide, forthwith upon the request of the Purchaser, such publicly available information as the Purchaser requires concerning the mineral exploration program pursuant to which the Issuer has incurred or will incur Qualifying Expenditures and the business affairs of the Issuer.
Filing . The Issuer will file with the CRA, before March 31 of the year following a particular year, any return required to be filed under Part XII.6 of the Tax Act in respect of the particular year, and will pay any tax or other amount owing in respect of that return on a timely basis.
Amalgamation . If the Issuer amalgamates with any one or more companies, any shares issued to or held by the Purchaser as a replacement for the Flow-Through Shares as a result of such amalgamation will qualify, by virtue of subsection 87(4.4) of the Tax Act, as “flow-through” shares and in particular will not be “prescribed shares” as defined in section 6202.1 of the regulations to the Tax Act.
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  Acts . The Issuer shall perform and carry out all acts and things to be completed by it as provided in this Subscription Agreement.
  Representations . The representations, warranties, acknowledgments and covenants of the Issuer made in or pursuant to the Agreement shall be true as at the Closing Date with the same force and effect as if they had been made by the Issuer at the Closing Date.
  Benefit . The Purchaser shall have the benefit of the representations, warranties and covenants made by the Issuer to the Underwriters and set forth in the Underwriting Agreement. Such representations, warranties and covenants shall form an integral part of this Subscription Agreement and shall survive the closing of the purchase and sale of the Flow-Through Shares and shall continue in full force and effect for the benefit of the Purchaser in accordance with the Underwriting Agreement.
  Other Agreements . The Issuer has not entered into any agreements or made any covenants with any parties that would restrict the Issuer from entering into the Agreement and agreeing to incur and renounce Qualifying Expenditures in accordance with the Agreement, nor that would require the prior renunciation to any other person of Qualifying Expenditures prior to the renunciation of the Commitment Amount in favour of the Purchasers and the Issuer has no outstanding obligations to incur and renounce Qualifying Expenditures to any persons.
Each Purchaser hereby covenants and agrees with the Issuer that such Purchaser will not enter into any agreement or arrangement with any person or partnership which will cause such Purchaser’s Purchased Securities to be “prescribed shares” for the purposes of section 6202.1 of the regulations to the Tax Act, and the Purchaser acknowledges that if the Purchaser enters into an agreement or arrangement which would cause the Purchased Securities to be “prescribed shares” for the purposes of section 6202.1 of the regulations to the Tax Act, then the Purchaser will not be entitled to any tax benefits in relation to any Qualifying Expenditures and the Issuer will have no obligations to the Purchaser in respect of the Purchaser’s inability to receive any benefits from renounced Qualifying Expenditures or any compensation, indemnification or damages in respect thereof, notwithstanding the other provisions of this Agreement.
The Issuer will be entitled to hold confidential all exploration information relating to any program on which any portion of the Commitment Amount of any Purchaser is expended pursuant to the Agreement and it will not be obligated to make such information available to any Purchaser except in the manner and at such time as it makes any such information available to its shareholders or to the public pursuant to the rules and policies of any stock exchange or laws, regulations or policies of any province.
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While it is the present intention of the Issuer to undertake the Exploration Program, it is the nature of mining exploration that data and information acquired during the conduct of an exploration program may alter the initially proposed Exploration Program and the Issuer expressly reserves the right to alter the Exploration Program on the advice of its technical staff or consultants and further reserves the right to substitute other exploration programs on which to expend part of the Commitment Amount, provided such programs entail the incurrence of Qualifying Expenditures and are otherwise capable of renunciation by the Issuer to each Purchaser pursuant to the Agreement.
  Failure to Renounce : If the Issuer does not incur by the Termination Date, and renounce to any Purchaser, effective on or before December 31, 2014 Qualifying Expenditures equal to the Commitment Amount of such Purchaser, the Issuer shall indemnify and hold harmless such Purchaser and each of the partners thereof if such Purchaser is a partnership or a limited partnership (for the purposes of this paragraph each an “Indemnified Person”) as to, and pay in settlement thereof to the Indemnified Person on or before the twentieth Business Day following the Termination Date an amount equal to the amount of any tax payable within the meaning of paragraph (c) of the definition of “excluded obligation” in subsection 6202.1(5) of the regulations to the Tax Act) under the Tax Act (and under the laws of a province) by any Indemnified Person as a consequence of such failure. In the event that the amount renounced by the Issuer to a Purchaser is reduced pursuant to subsection 66(12.73) of the Tax Act (or the corresponding laws of a province), the Issuer shall indemnify and hold harmless each Indemnified Person as to, and pay in settlement thereof to the Indemnified Person an amount equal to the amount of any tax payable (within the meaning of paragraph (c) of the definition of “excluded obligation” in subsection 6202.1(5) of the regulations to the Tax Act) under the Tax Act (and under the laws of a province ) by the Indemnified Person as a consequence of such reduction; provided that nothing in this paragraph shall derogate from any rights or remedies that any of the Purchasers may have at common law with respect to liabilities other than those payable under the Tax Act.
Indemnities Held in Trust : To the extent that any Person entitled to be indemnified hereunder is not a party to the Agreement, Dundee shall obtain and hold the rights and benefits of the Agreement in trust for, and on behalf of, such Person and such Person shall be entitled to enforce the provisions of this section notwithstanding that such Person is not a party to the Agreement.
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Each Purchaser acknowledges that there may be other sales of Flow-Through Shares, some or all of which may occur after the acquisition of Flow-Through Shares by such Purchaser. Each Purchaser further acknowledges that there is a risk that insufficient funds may be raised from the sale of Flow-Through Shares to fund the Issuer’s objectives described in the Prospectus, if any, and that it is possible that no Flow-Through Shares may be purchased after such Purchaser has done so.
The Agreement, when executed by or on behalf of any Purchaser and delivered to the Issuer, will constitute a subscription for Flow-Through Shares by such Purchaser which will not be binding on the Issuer until accepted by the Issuer by executing the Agreement in the space provided on the Agreement and, notwithstanding the reference date on the Agreement, if the Issuer accepts the subscription by such Purchaser, the Agreement will be entered into on the date of such execution by the Issuer.
 Each Purchaser has irrevocably authorized Dundee, in its sole discretion:
to act as such Purchaser’s representative to receive certificates for Flow-Through Shares subscribed for and to execute in his, her or its name and on his, her or its behalf all closing receipts and documents required;
to have the certificates for Flow-Through Shares registered in such name or names as Dundee may direct the Issuer; and
to waive, in whole or in part, any representations, warranties, covenants or conditions for the benefit of such Purchaser contained herein or in any agreement or document ancillary or related thereto.
 The Agreement is not assignable or transferable by any Purchaser or the Issuer without the express written consent of the other party.
 Time is of the essence of this Appendix and the Agreement and will be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Interpretation Act (Ontario).
 Except as expressly provided in this Appendix, the Agreement and the Prospectus, and all agreements, instruments and other documents contemplated or provided for herein, the Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to Flow­Through Shares and there are no other terms, conditions, representations or warranties whether expressed, implied, oral or written, by statute, by common law, by the Issuer, by Dundee, or by anyone else.
 The Agreement may only be amended by agreement in writing by the parties hereto.
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 The Agreement enures to the benefit of and is binding upon the Purchasers and the Issuer and their successors and permitted assigns.
 Any party to the Agreement must give all notices to or other written communications concerning the Agreement to any other party to the Agreement by hand or by registered mail addressed to such party, in the case of the Issuer to the address given on the Prospectus and in the case of the Purchaser, to Dundee on behalf of the Purchasers at the address given on the Prospectus.
 This Appendix is to be read with all changes in gender or number as required by the context.
 The Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of British Columbia, and the parties hereto irrevocably attorn and submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of British Columbia with respect to any dispute related to the Agreement.
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  EXHIBIT 12.1
I, John Kearney, certify that:

1.           I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of Canadian Zinc Corporation;

2.           Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3.           Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4.           The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the company and have:

(a)           Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

(b)           Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

(c)           Evaluated the effectiveness of the company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

(d)           Disclosed in this report any change in the company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the company’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5.           The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the company’s auditors and the audit committee of the company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

(a)           All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

(b)           Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the company’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date:           April 30, 2015

By: /s/  John F. Kearney                                                                            
John F. Kearney
President and Chief Executive Officer

I, Trevor Cunningham, certify that:

1.           I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of Canadian Zinc Corporation;

2.           Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3.           Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4.           The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the company and have:

(a)           Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

(b)           Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

(c)           Evaluated the effectiveness of the company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

(d)           Disclosed in this report any change in the company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the company’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5.           The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the company’s auditors and the audit committee of the company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

(a)           All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

(b)           Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the company’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date:           April 30, 2015

By: /s/  Trevor L. Cunningham                                                                            
Trevor L. Cunningham
Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer


18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350,

In connection with this Annual Report of Canadian Zinc Corporation (the “Company”) on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2014, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the “Report”), I, John Kearney, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:
(1) the Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
(2) the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.
Date: April 30, 2015
/s/  John F. Kearney
John F. Kearney
President and Chief Executive Officer

The foregoing certification is being furnished solely pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United States Code) and is not being filed as part of the Report or as a separate disclosure document.


18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350,

In connection with this Annual Report of Canadian Zinc Corporation (the “Company”) on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2014, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the “Report”), I, Trevor Cunningham, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:
(1) The Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
(2) The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.
Date: April 30, 2015
/s/  Trevor L. Cunningham
Trevor L. Cunningham
Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer

The foregoing certification is being furnished solely pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United States Code) and is not being filed as part of the Report or as a separate disclosure document.