Washington, D.C. 20549
PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16
Date of Report: April, 2014
Commission File Number: 001 - 36130
voxeljet AG
(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
Paul-Lenz-Straße 1b
86316 Friedberg
(Address of principal executive offices)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
Form 20-F x Form 40-F o
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): o
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): o
Amendments to Articles of Association
On March 28, 2014, the management board of voxeljet AG (the Company), with the approval of the supervisory board of the Company, decided to increase the share capital of the Company from EUR 3,120,000 by up to EUR 1,560,000 to up to EUR 4,680,000 by using the authorized capital of the Company. On April 4, 2014, the management board of the Company, with the approval of the supervisory board of the Company, decided that such capital increase shall be executed in the amount of EUR 600,000, i.e., the share capital of the Company was increased from EUR 3,120,000 by EUR 600,000 to EUR 3,720,000 by issuing 600,000 new no-par value registered shares. Such capital increase was registered with the commercial register of the local court ( Amtsgericht ) of Augsburg, Germany on April 10, 2014. The articles of association were amended accordingly. The amended articles of association as of April 7, 2014 show the respective changes to the share capital of the Company and the reduced authorized capital of the Company.
Other Events
On April 7, 2014, the Company issued a press release announcing the launch of a public offering of its ADSs (the Offering). A copy of the press release is included herewith as Exhibit 99.1.
On April 11, 2014, the Company issued a press release announcing the pricing of the Offering. A copy of the press release is included herewith as Exhibit 99.2.
On April 11, 2014, the Company also filed a notice to its shareholders in the German Federal Legal Gazette ( Bundesanzeiger ) regarding the subscription price under a subscription offer which was announced in the German Federal Legal Gazette on March 28, 2014. An English translation of the notice filed by the Company is included herewith as Exhibit 99.3.
Included herewith as Exhibit 99.4 is the Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Companys shareholders to be held on May 27, 2014, which was mailed to the Companys shareholders and posted to the Companys website on April 11, 2014.
3.1 Amended Articles of Association of voxeljet AG.
99.1 Press release dated April 7, 2014.
99.2 Press release dated April 11, 2014.
99.3 Notice from voxeljet AG to its shareholders regarding subscription price, dated April 11, 2014 (English translation).
99.4 Invitation to the voxeljet AG Annual General Meeting.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
voxeljet AG |
By: |
/s/ Rudolf Franz |
Name: |
Rudolf Franz |
Title: |
Chief Financial Officer |
Date: April 11, 2014 |
3.1 Amended Articles of Association of voxeljet AG.
99.1 Press release dated April 7, 2014.
99.2 Press release dated April 11, 2014.
99.3 Notice from voxeljet AG to its shareholders regarding subscription price, dated April 11, 2014 (English translation).
99.4 Invitation to the voxeljet AG Annual General Meeting.
Exhibit 3.1
§ 1.
§ 1
(1) Die Firma der Gesellschaft lautet voxeljet AG. |
(1) The name of the company is voxeljet AG. |
(2) Die Gesellschaft hat ihren Sitz in Augsburg. |
(2) The registered office of the company is in Augsburg. |
(3) Die Gesellschaft ist auf unbestimmte Zeit errichtet. |
(3) The company is established for an indefinite period. |
§ 2.
§ 2
(1) Gegenstand der Gesellschaft ist die Entwicklung, Produktion und der Vertrieb von 3-D-Druckern, 3-D-Drucksystemen, dreidimensionalen Formen, Modellen und sonstigen 3-D-Drucklösungen und Druckprodukten aus Materialien alter Art sowie die Erbringung sämtlicher hiermit im Zusammenhang stehender Dienstleistungen einschließlich des Vertriebes über das Internet. |
(1) The object of the company is the development, production and distribution of 3D printers, 3D printing systems, three dimensional moulds, models and other 3D printing solutions and 3D products of materials of all kinds as well as supply of related services in that field including web-based sales. |
(2) Die Gesellschaft ist zur Durchführung alter Geschäftsaktivitaten berechtigt, die dem Geschäftsgegenstand mittelbar oder unmittelbar dienen oder nützlich sind. Der Gesellschaft ist es insbesondere gestattet, sich an anderen Gesellschaften zu beteiligen, andere Gesellschaften zu erwerben, zu veräußern und Tochtergeselischaften oder Zweigniederlassungen im In- und Ausland zu errichten. Die Gesellschaft kann ferner im Zusammenhang mit der Ausübung der Tätigkeit einer Führungsoder Funktionsholding im Wage der direkten oder indirekten unternehmerischen Steuerung, Geschäftsführung und Verwaltung ihrer Beteiligungsgesellschaften mit diesen Gesellschaften oder Dritten entgeltliche Vertrage jeder Art abschließen. |
(2) The company may engage in all business activities which serve, directly or indirectly, the object of the company. The company is in particular allowed to invest in, acquire interests in and dispose of other companies, and to establish domestic and foreign branch offices and subsidiaries. The company may furthermore enter into agreements with its affiliates and third parties against consideration in the context of Acting as management holding company or operational holding company by way of direct or indirect corporate governance, management and administration of its affiliates. |
§ 3.
§ 3
Die Bekanntmachungen der Gesellschaft erfolgen im Bundesanzeiger. |
Announcements of the company shall be published in the German Federal Gazette ( Bundesanzeiger ). |
§ 4.
§ 4
(1) Das Grundkapital der Gesellschaft betragt EUR 3.720.000,00 (in Worten: drei Millionen siebenhundertzwanzigtausend Euro). |
(1) The companys share capital amounts to EUR 3,720,000.00 (in words: three million seven hundred twenty thousand Euro). |
(2) Es ist eingeteilt in 3.720.000 (in Worten: drei Millionen siebenhundertzwanzigtausend) auf den Namen lautende nennwertlose Stüickaktien |
(2) It is divided into 3,720,000 (in words: three million sevenhundredtwentythousand) no par value registered shares. |
§ 5.
§ 5
(1) Der Vorstand ist ermächtigt, mit Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats das Grundkapital der Gesellschaft in der Zeit bis zum 10. Oktober 2018 einmalig oder mehrmals um insgesamt bis zu EUR 960.000,00 (in Worten: neunhundertsechzigtausend Euro) durch Ausgabe von bis zu 960.000 (in Worten: neunhundertsechzigtausend) neuen auf den Namen lautenden Stammaktien gegen Bareinlagen oder Sacheinlagen zu erhöhen ( Genehmigtes Kapital ). |
(1) In the period ending on 10 October 2018 the management board is authorized, subject to the consent of the supervisory board, to increase the companys registered share capital in one or more trenches by up to EUR 960,000.00 (in words: ninehundredsixtythousand Euro) in aggregate by issuing up to 960,000 (in words: ninehundredsixtythousand) new no par value registered shares against cash contribution or contributions in kind ( Authorised Capital ). |
(2) Den Aktionären ist grundsätzlich ein Bezugsrecht einzuräumen. Das gesetzliche Bezugsrecht kann auch in der Weise gewahrt werden, indem die neuen Aktien von einem Kreditinstitut oder einem nach § 53 Abs. 1 Satz 1 oder nach § 53b Abs. 1 Satz 1 oder Abs. 7 des Gesetzes Ober das Kreditwesen tätigen Unternehmen mit der Verpflichtung Obernommen werden, sie den Aktionären mittelbar im Sinne von § 186 Abs. 5 AktG zum Bezug anzubleten. |
(2) In principle, shareholders are to be granted a subscription right for new shares. The statutory subscription right may also be offered in such a way that the new shares are taken over by a bank or by a financial institution acting pursuant to Section 53 para. 1 sentence 1 or Section 53b para. 1 sentence 1 or para. 7 of the German Banking Code ( Gesetz über das Kreditwesen ) with the obligation to offer them indirectly to the shareholders for subscription within the meaning of Section 186 para. 5 of the German Stock Corporation Code ( Aktiengesetz; AktG ). |
Der Vorstand ist jedoch ermächtigt, des gesetzliche Bezugsrecht der Aktionäre mit Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats für eine oder mehrere Kapitalerhöhungen im Rahmen des Genehmigten Kapitals auszuschließen. |
However, the management board is authorised, subject the consent of the supervisory board, to exclude the statutory subscription right in relation to one or more increases of the share capital within the scope of the Authorised Capital, |
(i) um Spitzenbetrage, die sich aufgrund des Bezugsverhältnisses ergeben, vom Bezugsrecht der Aktionäre auszunehmen; |
(i) to exclude fractional amounts resulting from the subscription ratio from the statutory subscription right of the shareholders; |
(ii) bei Sachkapitalerhöhungen, insbesondere aber ohne Beschränkung hierauf zum Erwerb von Unternehmen, Unternehmensteilen oder Beteiligungen an Unternehmen; oder |
(ii) in the case of increases of the share capital against contributions in kind in particular but without limitation to acquire companies, divisions of companies or interests in companies; or |
(iii) wenn die Kapitalerhöhung gegen Bareinlagen erfolgt und der Ausgabepreis der neuen Aktien den Börsenkurs der bereits an der Boise gehandelten Aktien gleicher Gattung und Ausstattung im Zeitpunkt der endgültigen Festlegung des Ausgabebetrages nicht wesentlich im Sinne der §§ 203 Abs. 1 und 2, 186 Abs. 3 Satz 4 AktG unterschreitet und der auf die nach dieser Ziffer (iii) unter Ausschluss des Bezugsrechts gemäß § 186 Abs. 3 Satz 4 AktG ausgegebenen neuen Aktien entfallende anteilige Betrag des Grundkapitals insgesamt 10 % des Grundkapitals nicht Oberschreitet, und zwar weder des im Zeitpunkt des Wirksamwerdens noch im Zeitpunkt der Ausübung dieser Ermächtigung vorhandenen Grundkapitals. Als Börsenpreis gilt auch der Preis eines an der New Yorker Boise (New York Stock Exchange, NYSE ) notierten American Depository Receipt ( ADR ), multipliziert mit der Anzahl der ADRs, die eine Aktie repräsentieren. Auf die Höchstgrenze von 10 % des Grundkapitals sind ferner diejenigen neuen oder eigenen Aktien der Gesellschaft oder ADRs anzurechnen, die wahrend der Laufzeit diesel genehmigten Kapitals auf anderer Grundlage unter Ausschluss des Bezugsrechts der Aktionäre gemäß § 71 Abs. 1 Nr. 8 S. 5 AktG oder § 186 Abs. 3 Satz 4 AktG ausgegeben oder veräußert werden. |
(iii) in the case that the increase of the share capital is against contribution in cash and provided that the issue price of the new shares is not substantially lower (within the meaning of Sections 203 para. 1 and 2, 186 para. 3 sentence 4 AktG) than the stock exchange price for shares in the Company of the same class and having the same conditions already listed at the time of the final determination of the issue price and provided that the amount of the share capital represented by the shares issued pursuant to this lit (iii) under the exclusion of the statutory subscription right as set forth in Section 186 para. 3 sentence 4 AktG does not exceed 10% of the share capital at the time of this authorisation coming into effect or being exercised. The stock market price may also be determined by the market price of an American Depository Receipt ( ADR ) listed on the New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE ), multiplied by the number of ADRs which represent a share. The said threshold of 10% shall also include new or treasury shares of the Company and ADRs, which are issued or transferred during the term of this authorized share capital on another legal basis while excluding the subscription right pursuant to Section 71 paragraph 1 number 8 sentence 5 AktG or Section 186 para. 3 sentence 4 AktG. |
(3) Über den weiteren Inhalt der Aktienrechte und die Bedingungen der Aktienausgabe entscheidet der Vorstand mit Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrates. |
(3) The management board determines, subject to the consent of the supervisory board, the further details regarding the rights attached to the shares and the conditions of the share issue. |
(4) Der Aufsichtsrat ist ermächtigt, die Fassung der Satzung der Gesellschaft nach Durchführung der Kapitalerhöhungen oder nach Ablauf der Ermächtigungsfrist ohne Ausnutzung des Genehmigten Kapitals zu andern. |
(4) The supervisory board is authorised to amend the wording of the articles of association of the company following the increase of the share capital or following the expiry of the period, for which the authorisation has been granted and in which the authorisation has not been employed. |
§ 6.
§ 6
§ 7.
§ 7
(1) Die Aktien werden als Namensaktien ausgegeben. |
(1) Shares are issued as registered shares. |
(2) Die Form und den Inhalt von Aktienurkunden, etwaigen Gewinnanteils-und Erneuerungsscheinen setzt der Vorstand mit Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats fest. Die Aktienurkunden werden durch den Vorstand allein unterzeichnet. Das Gleiche gilt für Schuldverschreibungen oder Zins scheine. |
(2) The management board shall determine the form and content of share certificates and any dividend warrants and renewal coupons with the consent of the supervisory board. The share certificates shall solely be signed by the management board. The same applies to bonds and interest coupons. |
(3) Ein Anspruch der Aktionäre auf Verbriefung ihrer Anteile ist ausgeschlossen, soweit dies gesetzlich zulässig und nicht eine Verbriefung nach den Regeln einer Börse erforderlich ist, an der die Aktie zum Handel zugelassen ist. Die Gesellschaft ist berechtigt, Aktienurkunden auszustellen, die einzelne Aktien (Einzelaktien) oder mehrere Aktien (Sammelaktien) verkörpern. |
(3) Any rights of the shareholders to the securitization of their shares is excluded to the extent permitted by law and that the securitization is not required under the rules of any stock exchange on which the shares are admitted to trading. The company is entitled to issue share certificates representing individual shares (single shares) or several shares (global shares). |
§ 8.
§ 8
(1) Der Vorstand besteht aus einem oder mehreren Mitgliedern. Der Aufsichtsrat bestimmt die konkrete Zahl der Mitglieder des Vorstands. Er kann einen Vorsitzenden des Vorstands sowie einen stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden oder einen Vorstandssprecher sowie einen stellvertretenden Vorstandssprecher ernennen. |
(1) The management board consists of one or more persons. The supervisory board shall determine the specific number of members of the management board. It may appoint a chairman and a deputy chairman of the management board or a spokesman and a deputy spokesman of the management board. |
(2) Die Beschlusse des Vorstands werden, soweit die Satzung oder die Geschäftsordnung des Vorstands nicht etwas anderes vorsehen, mit einfacher Stimmenmehrheit gefasst. Bei Stimmengleichheit entscheidet die Stimme des Vorsitzenden des Vorstands. Falls kein Vorsitzender ernannt ist oder der Vorsitzende sich nicht an der Abstimmung beteiligt, gilt bei Stimmengleichheit ein Antrag als abgelehnt. |
(2) Unless otherwise provided for by the articles of association or the rules of procedure of the management board, the management board shall pass resolutions by a simple majority of votes cast. In the event of a tie of votes, the chairman of the management board shall have a casting vote. If no chairman is appointed or the chairman does not participate in the vote, a proposal for a resolution is deemed to be rejected in case of a tie of votes. |
(3) Der Aufsichtsrat erlasst für den Vorstand eine Geschäftsordnung und legt hierin insbesondere such Geschäfte fest, zu deren Vornahme die Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats erforderlich ist. |
(3) The supervisory board shall pass rules of procedure for the management board and shall, in particular, set forth the transactions which require the consent of the supervisory board. |
§ 9.
§ 9
(1) Die Gesellschaft wird gemeinsam durch zwei Vorstandsmitglieder oder durch ein Vorstandsmitglied zusammen mit einem Prokuristen vertreten, Hat die Gesellschaft nur einen Vorstand, so ist dieser alleinvertretungsberechtigt. § 112 AktG bleibt unberührt. |
(1) The company is jointly represented by two members of the management board or by one member of the management board together with an authorised signatory ( Prokurist ). In case the management board consists of only one person, this person represents the company alone. Section 112 AktG shall remain unaffected. |
(2) Der Aufsichtsrat kann bestimmen, dass einzelne oder alle Vorstandsmitglieder einzelvertretungsbefugt sind. Der Aufsichtsrat kann einzelne oder alle Vorstandsmitglieder und zur gesetzlichen Vertretung gemeinsam mit einem Vorstandsmitglied berechtigte Prokuristen generell oder für den Einzelfall Befreiung von der Beschränkung des § 181 Alt. 2 BGB erteilen. |
(2) The supervisory board may determine that certain or all members of the management board have sole power of attorney. The supervisory board may generally or in individual cases exempt certain or all members of the management board as well as authorized signatories who are authorised in conjunction with one member of the management board, from the restriction of Section 181, 2 nd Case of the German Civil Code ( Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch; BGB ). |
§ 10.
§ 10
(1) Der Aufsichtsrat besteht aus drei Mitgliedern. |
(1) The supervisory board consists of three members. |
(2) Die Wahl der Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrats erfolgt für die Zeit bis zur Beendigung der Hauptversammlung, die über die Entlastung für das vierte Geschäftsjahr nach dem Beginn der Amtszeit beschließt. Hierbei wird das Geschäftsjahr, in welchem die Amtszeit beginnt, nicht mitgerechnet. Die Hauptversammlung kann eine kürzere Amtszeit bestimmen. Eine Wiederwahl ist möglich. |
(2) The election of the supervisory board members is made for the period until the end of the general shareholders meeting, which decides on the approval of the managements business actions for the fourth financial year after the commencement of the term of office. The financial year in which the term of office commences is not included in this calculation. A shorter term of office can be specified in the general shareholders meeting. Members may be re-elected. |
(3) Die Hauptversammlung kann für die von ihr zu wahlenden Aufsichtsratsmitglieder Ersatzmitglieder bestellen, die nach näherer Bestimmung durch die Hauptversammlung Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrats werden, wenn Aufsichtsratsmitglieder vorzeitig aus dem Aufsichtsrat ausscheiden. Das Aufsichtsratsamt des Ersatzmitglieds erlischt in diesem Fall mit Beendigung der nächsten Hauptversammlung, die nach seinem Amtsantritt stattfindet, sofern auf dieser Hauptversammlung eine Ersatzwahl vorgenommen wird. Wird auf der Hauptversammlung keine Ersatzwahl vorgenommen, so verlängert sich die Amtszeit des Ersatzmitglieds bis zum Ende der Amtszeit des vorzeitig ausgeschiedenen Aufsichtsratsmitglieds. Ersatzwahlen erfolgen für den Rest der Amtszeit des ausgeschiedenen Mitglieds. |
(3) The general shareholders meeting may appoint replacement members for the supervisory board members to be elected, who become members of the supervisory board pursuant to further provisions made by the general shareholders meeting, if members of the supervisory board leave office prematurely. If a replacement member replaces a member who has left, then his term of office shall expire at the end of the next general shareholders meeting taking place after his appointment to office if a replacement election takes place during this general shareholders meeting. If no replacement member is appointed during the general shareholders meeting, the office of the replacement member shall extend until the end of the full term of office of the supervisory board member who left office prematurely. The election of replacement members shall take place for the remainder of the term of office of the member who has left. |
(4) Jedes Aufsichtsratsmitglied oder Ersatzmitglied kann sein Amt auch ohne wichtigen Grund durch Erklärung in Textform gegenuber der Gesellschaft, vertreten durch den Vorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrats oder im FaIle einer Amtsniederlegung durch den Vorsitzenden, vertreten durch seinen Stellvertreter unter Einhaltung einer Frist von einem Monet niederlegen. Der nach Satz 1 Empfangsberechtigte kann einer Verkürzung der Frist oder einem Verzicht auf die Wahrung der Frist zustimmen. Das Recht zur Amtsniederlegung aus wichtigem Grund bleibt hiervon unberührt. |
(4) Supervisory board members or replacement members may resign from the supervisory board even without good cause, by giving written notification to the Company, represented by the chairman of the supervisory board or, in case the chairman resigns, his deputy, with a notice period of one month. The person entitled to receive the notice pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence may approve to a shorter notice period or waive the adherence of the notice period. The right to resign from office for good cause shall remain unaffected. |
§ 11.
§ 11
(1) Der Aufsichtsrat wählt im Anschluss an die ordentliche Hauptversammlung, mit deren Beendigung die Amtszeit der von der Hauptversammlung gewählten Mitglieder beginnt, in einer Sitzung, zu der es einer besonderen Einladung nicht bedarf, aus seiner Mitte für die Dauer ihrer jeweiligen Amtszeit einen Vorsitzenden und einen steIivertretenden Vorsitzenden. |
(1) Subsequent to the general shareholders meeting at which the office of the members elected during the general shareholders meeting expires, a supervisory board meeting shall take place which does not have to be specially convened, in which the supervisory board elects a chairman and a deputy chairman from its midst for the duration of the relevant period of office. |
(2) Scheidet der Vorsitzende oder sein Stellvertreter vorzeitig aus dem Amt aus, so hat der Aufsichtsrat unverzüglich eine Neuwahl für die restliche Amtszeit des Ausgeschiedenen vorzunehmen. |
(2) In the event that the chairman or the deputy chairman leaves office prematurely, the supervisory board shall re-elect a new chairman or deputy chairman without delay for the remaining period of office of the chairman or deputy chairman who has left office. |
(3) Sind der Vorsitzende und sein Stellvertreter an der Wahrnehmung ihrer Aufgaben verhindert, so hat diese Aufgaben für die Dauer der Verhinderung das an Lebensjahren älteste Aufsichtsratsmitglied zu überdehnen. |
(3) In the event that the chairman or the deputy chairman are unable to carry out their responsibilities, the oldest member of the supervisory board shall take on these responsibilities for the duration that they are prevented from doing so. |
§ 12.
§ 12
(1) Der Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats oder, im Falle seiner Verhinderung, sein Stellvertreter berufen die Sitzungen des Aufsichtsrats ein und bestimmen den Tagungsort. Die Einladung erfolgt in Textform (z.B, per Brief, Telefax oder E Mail) an die dem Vorstand zuletzt bekannt gegebene Anschrift. In dringenden Fallen kann der Vorsitzende auch fernmündlich einladen. |
(1) The chairman of the supervisory board or, in the event that he is unavailable, his deputy, shall convene the meetings of the supervisory board and shall determine the venue of such meeting. The invitation to the meeting shall be made in writing (e.g. by letter, fax or email) to the last address given to the management board. In urgent cases, the Chairman may convene the meeting by telephone. |
(2) Die Einladung soll unter Einhaltung einer Frist von 14 Tagen erfolgen and die einzelnen Punkte der Tagesordnung angeben. In dringenden Fallen kann die Einberufungsfrist abgekürzt werden. Die Arbeitsunterlagen sollen den Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern rechtzeitig, nach Möglichkeit zusammen mit der Einladung zur Sitzung, zugesandt werden. Für die Berechnung der vorstehend angegebenen Frist ist jeweils die Absendung der Einladung maßgebend. |
(2) The invitation should be made with a notice period of 14 days and should stipulate the items of the agenda. In urgent cases the notice period can be reduced. The working documents should be sent to the members of the supervisory board in due time, if possible together with the invitation to the meeting. The date on the invitation is authoritative for the calculation of the aforesaid notice period. |
(3) Der Aufsichtsrat ist beschlussfähig, wenn mindestens drei Mitglieder an der Beschlussfassung teilnehmen. Ein Mitglied nimmt auch dann an der Beschlussfassung teil, wenn es sich in der Abstimmung der Stimme enthalt. |
(3) The supervisory board has a quorum if at least three members participate in the passing of resolutions. A member also participates in the passing of resolutions if he withholds his vote. |
(4) Beschlüsse des Aufsichtsrats werden, soweit das Gesetz nicht zwingend etwas anderes bestimmt, mit einfacher Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen gefasst. Bei Stimmengleichheit entscheidet die Stimme des Vorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrats (Stichentscheid); das gilt auch bei Wahlen. Falls kein Vorsitzender ernannt ist oder der Vorsitzende sich nicht an der Abstimmung beteiligt, gilt bei Stimmengleichheit ein Antrag als Abgelehnt. |
(4) Resolutions of the supervisory board are passed with a simple majority of the votes cast unless there is a contrary mandatory provision by statute. In case of a tie vote, the chairman of the supervisory board shall have the decisive vote (casting vote); this also applies during elections. In the event that no chairman is appointed or the chairman does not participate in the voting, an application is considered rejected in the event of a tie vote. |
(5) Die Beschlüsse des Aufsichtsrats werden regelmäßig in Sitzungen gefasst. Beschlussfassungen außerhalb von Sitzungen können such mündlich, fernmündlich, schriftlich, per Telefax, per E-Mail oder mittels sonstiger gebräuchlicher Kommunikationsmittel, insbesondere per Videokonferenz, erfolgen, wenn alle Aufsichtsratsmitglieder an der Beschlussfassung teilnehmen oder wenn der Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats diese Art der Abstimmung anordnet und kein Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats dieser Art der Abstimmung innerhalb einer vom Vorsitzenden zu bestimmenden, angemessenen Frist widerspricht. |
(5) The resolutions of the supervisory board are made regularly during meetings. Resolutions outside of meetings can also be made orally, by telephone, in writing, by fax, by e-mail or by other usual means of communication, in particular via video conferencing, if all members of the supervisory board participate in the resolution or if the chairman of the supervisory board decides upon this type of voting and no member of the supervisory board objects to this type of voting within the reasonable notice period determined by the chairman. |
(6) Abwesende Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrats können an Beschlussfassungen des Aufsichtsrats dadurch teilnehmen, dass sie durch andere Aufsichtsratsmitglieder schriftliche Stimmabgaben überreichen lassen. Darüber hinaus können sie ihre Stimme wahrend der Sitzung oder nachträglich innerhalb einer vom Vorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrats zu bestimmenden angemessenen Frist fernmündlich, per Telefax, per E-Mail oder mittels sonstiger gebräuchlicher Telekommunikationsmittel, insbesondere per Videozuschaltung, abgeben, sofern kein anwesendes Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats dieser Art der Abstimmung widerspricht. |
(6) Absent members of the supervisory board can participate in resolutions of the supervisory board by another member of the supervisory board handing in their written vote. They may additionally submit their vote during the meeting or in retrospect within a reasonable notice period determined by the chairman of the supervisory board by telephone, fax, email or by other usual means of communication, in particular via video conferencing, as long as no member of the supervisory board present objects to this type of voting. |
(7) Der Vorsitzende ist ermächtigt, im Namen des Aufsichtsrats die zur Durchführung der Beschlusse des Aufsichtsrats erforderlichen Willenserklärungen abzugeben. Der Vorsitzende ist ermächtigt, Erklärungen für den Aufsichtsrat entgegenzunehmen. ist er verhindert, hat sein Stellvertreter diese Befugnisse. |
(7) The chairman is authorized to submit any declarations of intent on behalf of the supervisory board, which are necessary to execute the resolutions of the supervisory board. The chairman is authorized to accept declarations on behalf of the supervisory board. If the chairman is prevented, his deputy shall have such authorization. |
(8) Über jede Sitzung des Aufsichtsrats ist eine Niederschrift anzufertigen, die vom Vorsitzenden zu unterzeichnen ist. In der Niederschrift sind Ort und Tag der Sitzung, die Teilnehmer, die Gegenstande der Tagesordnung, der wesentliche Inhalt der Verhandlung und Die Beschlusse des Aufsichtsrats wiederzugeben. Beschlusse außerhalb von Sitzungen werden vom Vorsitzenden schriftlich festgehalten, und diese Niederschrift ist allen Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern unverzüglich zuzuleiten. |
(8) Minutes must be prepared for each meeting of the supervisory board and these must be signed by the chairman. The minutes must include the location and date of the meeting, the participants, the items on the agenda, the main contents of the meeting and the resolutions passed by the supervisory board. Resolutions passed outside of meetings will be recorded in writing by the chairman and these minutes must be distributed to all members of the supervisory board without undue delay. |
§ 13. Geschäftsordnung des Aufsichtsrats; Satzungsaderungen |
§ 13 Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board; Amendments to the Articles of Association |
(1) Der Aufsichtsrat gibt sich eine Geschäftsordnung im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorschriften und der Bestimmungen dieser Satzung. |
(1) The supervisory board shall adopt its rules of procedure in accordance with the applicable law and these articles of association. |
(2) Der Aufsichtsrat ist befugt, Änderungen der Satzung zu beschließen, die nur deren Fassung betreffen. |
(2) The supervisory board is authorized to resolve amendments to the articles of association that relate solely to their wording. |
§ 14. Vergütung |
§ 14 Remuneration |
Die Vergütung der Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrats wird von der Hauptversammlung bewilligt. |
The remuneration of the members of the supervisory board is determined by the general shareholders meeting. |
§ 15. Ort und Einberufung |
§ 15 Venue and Convening of Meeting |
(1) Die Hauptversammlung wird durch den Vorstand oder, in den gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Fallen, durch den Aufsichtsrat einberufen. Sie findet nach Wahl des einberufenden Organs am Sitz der Gesellschaft, am Sitz einer deutschen Wertpapierbörse oder in einer-deutschen Stadt mit mehr als 100.000 Einwohnern statt. |
(1) The general shareholders meeting is convened (i.e. notice must be given) by the management board or, in the cases provided for by law, by the supervisory board. It takes place, following the election of the convening body, at the registered office of the Company, at the registered office of a German stock exchange or in a German city with more than 100,000 residents. |
(2) Die Hauptversammlung ist mindestens 36 Tage vor dem Tage der Hauptversammlung einzuberufen. Der Tag der Hauptversammlung und der Tag der Einberufung sind dabei nicht mitzurechnen. |
(2) The general shareholders meeting must be convened (i.e. notice must be given) at least 36 days prior to the day of the general shareholders meeting. The time limit does not include the day of the convocation of the meeting and the date by which the shareholders must register prior to the general shareholders meeting. |
§ 16. Teilnahme an / Übertragung der Hauptversammlung |
§ 16 Participation in / Transmission of General Shareholders Meeting |
(1) Zur Teilnahme an der Hauptversammlung und zur Ausübung des Stimmrechts werden diejenigen Aktionäre zugelassen, die im Aktienregister der Gesellschaft eingetragen sind und deren Anmeldung zur Teilnahme bel der Gesellschaft oder einer anderen in der Einberufung bezeichneten Stelle mindestens sechs Tage vor der Hauptversammlung in Textform (§ 126b BGB) in deutscher oder englischer Sprache zugegangen ist. Der Tag der Hauptversammlung und der Tag des Zugangs sind nicht mitzurechnen. |
(1) The shareholders who are registered with the share register of the company and whose application for participation is received by the company or any other body designated in the notice of the respective general shareholders meeting at least six days before the general shareholders meeting in text form (Section 126b BGB) in German or English are entitled to participate in the general shareholders meeting and exercise the voting rights. The day of the general shareholders meeting and the day of receipt are to be disregarded when calculating such period. |
(2) Der Vorsitzende der Hauptversammlung ist berechtigt, die Bild- und Tonübertragung der Hauptversammlung Ober elektronische Medien in einer von ihm naher zu bestimmenden Weise zuzulassen, sofern dies in der Einberufung zu der Hauptversammlung angekündigt wurde. |
(2) The chairman of the general shareholders meeting is authorised to allow the audiovisual transmission of the general shareholders meeting via electronic media in a manner to be further specified by him, provided that this has been stated in the notice of the general shareholders meeting. |
§ 17. Stimmrecht |
§ 17 Voting Right |
(1) Jede Aktie gewahrt in der Hauptversammlung eine Stimme. |
(1) Each share grants one vote in the general shareholders meeting. |
(2) Das Stimmrecht kann durch Bevollmächtigte ausgeübt werden. Der Bevollmächtigte kann auch ein von der Gesellschaft benannter Stimmrechtsvertreter sein. Soweit nicht gesetzliche Vorschriften oder die Gesellschaft in der Einberufung Erleichterungen vorsehen, ist die Vollmacht in Textform (§ 126b BGB) zu erteilen. |
(2) Voting rights may be exercised by authorized proxies. The authorized proxy may also be a proxy appointed by the Company. As far as statutory regulations or the Company in the convocation do not provide for relief, the authorization must be made in writing (Section 126b BGB). |
(3) Der Vorstand kann in der Einberufung der Hauptversammlung vorsehen, dass Aktionäre ihre Stimmen auch ohne an der Versammlung teilzunehmen, schriftlich oder im Wege elektronischer Kommunikation abgeben dürfen (Briefwahl). |
(3) The management board may also stipulate in the convocation to the general shareholders meeting that shareholders may submit their votes in writing or by means of electronic communication without attending the general shareholders meeting (vote by mail). |
§ 18. Vorsitz in der Hauptversammlung |
§ 18 Chair of General Shareholders Meeting |
(1) Den Vorsitz in der Hauptversammlung fuhrt der Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats oder ein anderes vom ihm bestimmtes Aufsichtsratsmitglied. Ist der Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats bzw. das von ihm zum Vorsitzenden der Hauptversammlung bestimmte Aufsichtsratsmitglied verhindert, so wählen die in der Hauptversammlung anwesenden Aufsichtsratsmitglieder den Vorsitzenden der Hauptversammlung. |
(1) The chairman of the supervisory board or another member of the supervisory board appointed by him shall chair the general shareholders meeting. In the event that the chairman of the supervisory board or the supervisory board member appointed by him as chairman of the general shareholders meeting is unavailable, the chairman of the general shareholders meeting shall be appointed by the members of the supervisory board attending the general shareholders meeting. |
(2) Der Vorsitzende leitet die Verhandlungen und bestimmt die Reihenfolge der Verhandlungsgegenstände sowie die Art und Form der Abstimmung. |
(2) The chairman shall chair the proceedings and determine the order of the items to be dealt with as well as the type and form of the voting. |
(3) Der Vorsitzende ist ermächtigt, des Frage- und Rederecht des Aktionärs zeitlich angemessen zu beschranken und Näheres dazu zu bestimmen. |
(3) With regard to the right of the shareholders to speak and submit questions, the chairman may limit the time shareholders have to do so and to stipulate further rules in this regard. |
§ 19. Beschlussfassung |
§ 19 Adoption of Resolutions |
Die Beschlusse der Hauptversammlung werden, soweit nicht zwingende Vorschriften des Aktiengesetzes oder diese Satzung etwas Abweichendes bestimmen, mit einfacher Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen gefasst. Soweit das Aktiengesetz außerdem zur Beschlussfassung eine Mehrheit des bei der Beschlussfassung vertretenen Grundkapitals vorschreibt, genügt, sofern dies gesetzlich zulässig ist, die einfache Mehrheit des vertretenen Kapitals. |
The resolutions of the general shareholders meeting will be passed by a simple majority vote, unless mandatory regulations of the German Stock Corporation Act or other statutory regulations or these articles of association provide for deviating provisions. As far as the German Stock Corporation Act additionally prescribes for passing the resolution a majority of the share capital to be represented during the passing of the resolution, the simple majority of the represented capital will be sufficient as far as this is legally admissible. |
§ 20. Geschäftsjahr, Rechnungslegung |
§ 20 Financial Year, Accounting |
(1) Geschäftsjahr ist das Kalenderjahr. |
(1) The financial year is the calendar year. |
(2) Der Vorstand hat in den ersten drei Monaten des Geschäftsjahres den Jahresabschluss für das vergangene Geschäftsjahr (Bilanz nebst Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung sowie Anhang) und den Lagebericht sowie soweit rechtlich erforderlich - den Konzernabschluss und Konzernlagebericht aufzustellen und unverzüglich eich der Aufstellung dem Aufsichtsrat und dem vom Aufsichtsrat beauftragten Abschlussprüfer vorzulegen. Zugleich hat der Vorstand dem Aufsichtsrat den Vorschlag vorzulegen, den er der Hauptversammlung für die Verwendung des Bilanzgewinns machen will. |
(2) The management board shall prepare within the first three months of a financial year the annual financial statement for the past financial year (balance sheet in addition to income statement with notes) and the management report as well as if legally necessary - the group financial statement and the group management report, and must submit these to the supervisory board and the auditor appointed by the supervisory board without undue delay. At the same time, the management board must submit to the supervisory board the proposal for the appropriation of profits which the management board wishes to present to the general shareholders meeting. |
(3) Der Aufsichtsrat hat den Jahresabschluss, den Lagebericht und den Vorschlag für die Verwendung des Bilanzgewinns sowie den Konzernabschluss und Konzernlagebericht zu prüfen und über das Ergebnis schriftlich an die Hauptversammlung zu berichten. Er hat seinen Bericht innerhalb eines Monats, nachdem ihm die Vorlagen zugegangen sind, dem Vorstand zuzuleiten. Am Schluss des Berichts hat der Aufsichtsrat zu erklären, ob er den vom Vorstand aufgestellten Jahresabschluss und soweit vorhanden - Konzernabschluss billigt. Billigt der Aufsichtsrat nach Prüfung den Jahresabschluss, ist dieser festgestellt. |
(3) The supervisory board is to review the annual financial statement, the management report and the proposal for appropriation of the net distributable profit as well as if applicable - the group financial statement and group management report and is to report of its review in writing to the general shareholders meetings on the results. The supervisory board must submit its report to the management board within one month after it has received the presented documents. At the end of the report, the supervisory board must declare whether it approves the annual financial statement and if applicable - the group financial statement prepared by the management board. Once the supervisory board has approved the annual financial statement following the examination, the annual financial statement is confirmed. |
§ 21. Verwendung des Jahresüberschusses |
§ 21 Appropriation of Annual Profit |
(1) Steilen Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat den Jahresabschluss fest, so können sie Betrage bis zur Hälfte des Jahresüberschusses in andere Gewinnrücklagen einstellen. Sie sind darüber hinaus ermächtigt, weitere Betrage bis zu 100% des Jahresüberschusses in andere Gewinnrücklagen einzustellen, solange und soweit die anderen Gewinnrucklagen die Hälfte des Grundkapitals nicht übersteigen und such nach der Einstellung nicht übersteigen würden. |
(1) Once the management board and the supervisory board have approved the annual financial statement, they may transfer up to half of the annual profit into other retained earnings. They are additionally authorized to transfer further amounts up to 100% of the annual profit into other retained earnings as long as and as far as the other retained earnings do not exceed half of the share capital and will not exceed these after the payment. |
(2) Bei der Errechnung des gemäß Absatz in andere Gewinnrucklagen einzustellenden Teils des Jahres Oberschusses sind vorweg Zuweisungen zur gesetzlichen Rücklage und Verlustvortrage abzuziehen. |
(2) In relation to the calculation of the portion of the annual profit that may be transferred into other retained earnings in accordance with paragraph (1), the allocations to the statutory provisions and losses carried forward must be deducted in advance. |
§ 22. Gewinnverwendung und Maßstab für die Gewinnbeteiligung der Aktion |
§ 22 Appropriation of Profits and Basis for Shareholders Profit Participation |
(1) Die Hauptversammlung beschließt Ober die Verwendung des sich aus dem festgestellten Jahresabschluss ergeben den Bilanzgewinns. |
(1) The general shareholders meeting shall resolve the appropriation of the balance sheet profit established in the annual financial statement. |
(2) Die Hauptversammlung kann neben oder anstelle einer Barausschüttung auch eine Ausschüttung von Sachwerten beschließen, wenn es sich bei den auszuschüttenden Sachwerten um solche handelt, die auf einem Markt im Sinne von § 3 Abs. 2 AktG gehandelt werden. |
(2) The General Meeting may decide that the distribution may be a dividend in kind instead of or in addition to a cash dividend if the dividends in kind are traded in the market in the sense of Section 3 para. 2 AktG. |
(3) Die Gewinnanteile der Aktionäre bestimmen sich nach ihren Anteilen am Grundkapital. |
(3) The shareholders profit sharing is determined by their proportion of the share capital. |
(4) Bei einer Kapitalerhöhung kann die Gewinnbeteiligung abweichend von § 60 Abs. 2 AktG bestimmt werden. |
(4) In the event of an increase in capital, the profit sharing can be determined in deviation of Section 60 para 2 AktG. |
(5) Nach Ablauf eines Geschäftsjahres kann der Vorstand mit Zustimm Ling des Aufsichtsrates im Rahmen des § 59 AktG eine Abschlagsdividende an die Aktionäre ausschütten. |
(5) After the expiry of a financial year, the management board may, with the consent of the supervisory board, within the framework of Section 59 AktG, distribute an interim dividend to the shareholders. |
§ 23. Gründungsaufwand |
§ 23 Incorporation Costs |
Die Gesellschaft tragt die Kosten ihrer Gründung (Gerichtsgebühren, Veröffentlichungskosten, Notargebühren) bis zu einem geschätzten Betrag von EUR 3.000. |
The company shall bear the costs of its incorporation (court fees, costs for publication, notary fees) up to an estimated amount of EUR 3,000. |
§ 24. Mallgebliche Sprache |
§ 24 Prevailing Language |
Allein die deutsche Fassung dieser Satzung ist maSgeblich. Die englische Fassung ist lediglich eine Ubersetzung. |
Only the German version of these articles of association shall prevail. The English version is for convenience purposes only. |
Exhibit 99.1
voxeljet AG Announces Proposed Public
Offering of ADSs
Release Date:
Monday, April 7, 2014 4:34 PM EDT
Financial News
Dateline City:
FRIEDBERG, Germany(BUSINESS WIRE)voxeljet AG (the Company or voxeljet), a leading provider of high-speed, large-format 3D printers and on-demand parts services to industrial and commercial customers, today announced it has commenced an underwritten public offering of its American Depositary Shares (ADSs). Both the Company and certain of its shareholders (the Selling Shareholders) will offer ADSs as part of the public offering. The Company will not receive any proceeds from the sale of ADSs by the Selling Shareholders.
Piper Jaffray and Citigroup are acting as joint book-running managers. Cowen and Company and Stephens Inc. are acting as co-managers. The Selling Shareholders expect to grant the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional 15% of the ADSs offered in the public offering. The offering is subject to market conditions, and there can be no assurance as to whether or when the offering may be completed, or as to the final size or terms of the offering.
The offering of these securities is being made only by means of a prospectus, copies of which can be obtained from:
A registration statement relating to these securities has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission but has not yet become effective. These securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted prior to the time the registration statement becomes effective. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any of the offered securities, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction.
The Company also announced today that Piper Jaffray and Citigroup, the joint book-running managers in the Companys recent initial public offering, are releasing a lock-up restriction with
respect to 963,625 ordinary shares, 1.00 nominal value per share (the Ordinary Shares), of the Company held by management board members and supervisory board members of the Company. The release will take effect on April 7, 2014 and the Ordinary Shares may be sold in this offering. In addition, in connection with this offering, the members of the Companys management board and supervisory board and the Selling Shareholders have agreed to certain restrictions on their ability to sell additional ADSs or Ordinary Shares for a period of 90 days after the date of the prospectus.
About voxeljet
voxeljet is a leading provider of high-speed, large-format 3D printers and on-demand parts services to industrial and commercial customers. The Companys 3D printers employ a powder binding, additive manufacturing technology to produce parts using various material sets, which consist of particulate materials and proprietary chemical binding agents. The Company provides its 3D printers and on-demand parts services to industrial and commercial customers serving the automotive, aerospace, film and entertainment, art and architecture, engineering and consumer product end markets.
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements. Any statements that are not of historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. You can identify these forward-looking statements by words such as believes, estimates, anticipates, expects, plans, intends, may, could, might, will, should, aims, or other similar expressions that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our intentions, beliefs, assumptions, projections, outlook, analyses or current expectations concerning, among other things, our results of operations, financial condition, business outlook, the industry in which we operate and the trends that may affect the industry or us. Although we believe that we have a reasonable basis for each forward-looking statement contained in this press release, we caution you that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. All of our forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that are in some cases beyond our control and that may cause our actual results to differ materially from our expectations, including those risks identified under the caption Risk Factors in the Companys Registration Statement on Form F-1 and in other reports the Company files with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements for any reason after the date of this press release whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Language: English
Investor Relations
Rudolf Franz, CFO, +49 821 7483 100
Anthony Gerstein, 646-277-1251
Phil Denning, 203-682-8246
Cory Ziskind, 646-277-1232
Exhibit 99.2
voxeljet AG Announces Pricing of Public
Offering of ADSs
Release Date:
Friday, April 11, 2014 9:00 AM EDT
Financial News
Dateline City:
FRIEDBERG, Germany(BUSINESS WIRE)voxeljet AG (the Company or voxeljet), a leading provider of high-speed, large-format 3D printers and on-demand parts services to industrial and commercial customers, today announced the pricing of its public offering of 3,000,000 American Depositary Shares (ADSs) at a public offering price of $15.00 per ADS. The offering is expected to close on April 16, 2014, subject to the satisfaction of customary closing conditions. Certain of the Companys shareholders have granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional 450,000 ADSs at the public offering price, less the underwriting discount, to cover over-allotments, if any.
The net proceeds of the offering to the Company are estimated to be approximately $41.4 million after deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses. The Company intends to use the net proceeds of the offering for research and development initiatives, sales and marketing initiatives, potential further expansion of its on-demand parts service center, the establishment of new on-demand parts service centers in North America and Asia and for general corporate purposes including, without limitation, potential acquisitions.
Piper Jaffray and Citigroup are acting as joint book-running managers. Cowen and Company and Stephens Inc. are acting as co-managers. The offering of these securities is being made only by means of a prospectus, copies of which can be obtained from:
A registration statement relating to these securities was declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 10, 2014. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any of the offered securities, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction.
About voxeljet
voxeljet is a leading provider of high-speed, large-format 3D printers and on-demand parts services to industrial and commercial customers. The Companys 3D printers employ a powder binding, additive manufacturing technology to produce parts using various material sets, which consist of particulate materials and proprietary chemical binding agents. The Company provides its 3D printers and on-demand parts services to industrial and commercial customers serving the automotive, aerospace, film and entertainment, art and architecture, engineering and consumer product end markets.
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements. Any statements that are not of historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. You can identify these forward-looking statements by words such as believes, estimates, anticipates, expects, plans, intends, may, could, might, will, should, aims, or other similar expressions that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our intentions, beliefs, assumptions, projections, outlook, analyses or current expectations concerning, among other things, our results of operations, financial condition, business outlook, the industry in which we operate and the trends that may affect the industry or us. Although we believe that we have a reasonable basis for each forward-looking statement contained in this press release, we caution you that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. All of our forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that are in some cases beyond our control and that may cause our actual results to differ materially from our expectations, including those risks identified under the caption Risk Factors in the Companys Registration Statement on Form F-1 and in other reports the Company files with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements for any reason after the date of this press release whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Language: English
Investor Relations
Rudolf Franz, CFO, +49 821 7483 100
Anthony Gerstein, 646-277-1251
Phil Denning, 203-682-8246
Cory Ziskind, 646-277-1232
Exhibit 99.3
voxeljet AG
(regarding new shares of voxeljet AG issued in April 2014),
ISIN US92912L1070 / WKN A1W556
(regarding American Depositary Receipts representing shares of voxeljet AG)
This notification is not a public offer. It is addressed exclusively to the existing shareholders of voxeljet AG.
Publication according to sec. 186 para. 2 phrase 2 AktG
On March 28, 2014, the management board resolved with approval of the supervisory board of March 28, 2014 to increase the Companys share capital using the authorized capital according to § 5 of the articles of association of voxeljet AG by issuance of up to 1,560,000 new registered shares with no par value against cash contribution.
On April 4, 2014, the management board resolved with approval by the supervisory board to complete the capital increase in the amount of EUR 600,000.00. Accordingly, the Companys share capital in the amount of EUR 3,120,000.00 was increased by EUR 600,000.00 to EUR 3,720,000.00 by issuance of 600,000 new registered shares with no par value with a stake in the share capital of EUR 1.00 each and with unlimited profit participation right as of January 1, 2014 (the New Shares ). All New Shares were subscribed by Citigroup Global Markets Limited with the obligation to offer these to the shareholders for subscription pro rata to their current stake in the share capital. The respective capital increase was registered in the commercial register of the Company on April 10, 2014.
On the basis of the results of the bookbuilding procedure which was made according to the subscription offer published on March 28, 2014, the subscription price for subscription of the New Shares by the shareholders during the subscription period was fixed at a price of
EUR 54.0895.
The subscription ratio is 52:10. The subscription right is excluded with regard to fractional amounts. The subscription price and the subscription ratio will be published on the Companys website.
The subscription period terminates at the end of April 14, 2014 (24:00).
Please note the further details published in the subscription offer of March 28, 2014.
Friedberg, April 11, 2014
voxeljet AG
The Management Board
Exhibit 99.4
voxeljet AG | Paul-Lenz-Straße 1b | 86316 Friedberg | Germany
voxeljet AG
Augsburg, Germany
(regarding new shares of voxeljet AG issued in April 2014),
ISIN US92912L1070 / WKN A1W556
(regarding American Depositary Receipts representing shares of voxeljet AG)
We herewith invite our shareholders to attend the
annual general meeting
taking place
in the offices of the law firm Dechert LLP,
Erika-Mann-Str. 5, 80636 Munich, Germany,
on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. CET.
Item 1: Presentation of the approved Annual Accounts of the Financial Year 2013, as well as of the Management Report and the Supervisory Boards Report for the Financial Year 2013
The above-mentioned documents are available at our website at http://investor.voxeljet.com/. They will also be sent to our shareholders upon request. The documents will be available at the annual general meeting, as well, and explained in detail. In accordance with statutory provisions there will not be a resolution on item 1 as the supervisory board has already approved the annual financial statements.
voxeljet AG
Paul-Lenz-Straße 1b
Tel. +49 821 7483-100
Fax +49 821 7483-111
info@voxeljet.de | www.voxeljet.com |
Vorstand | Management Board: Dr. Ingo Ederer, Rudolf Franz
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates | Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Peter Nietzer
Sitz | Registered office: Augsburg
Amtsgericht | Local court Augsburg: HRB 27999
Ust-IdNr. | VAT ID: DE 290474018 |
Bankhaus Hafner
IBAN DE63 7203 0227 0041 5340 09
Swift Code: ANHODE77XXX
IBAN DE09 7202 0070 0335 936272
Swift Code HYVEDEMM408 |
Item 2: Resolution on the Discharge of the Management Board
The management board and the supervisory board propose to discharge the management board members in office in the financial year 2013 for this period.
Item 3: Resolution on the Discharge of the Supervisory Board
The management board and the supervisory board propose to discharge the supervisory board members in office in the financial year 2013 for this period.
Item 4: Resolution on the Appointment of the Auditor of the Annual Accounts, and the Auditor of the consolidated Financial Statements of the Financial Year 2014
Based on the recommendations of the audit committee, the supervisory board proposes to appoint the auditing firm KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Ganghoferstr. 29, 80339 Munich, as auditor of the annual accounts, and as auditor of the consolidated financial statements of the financial year 2014.
Item 5: Resolution on the Election of the Supervisory Board Members
At the end of the annual general meeting on May 27, 2014, the term of office of all supervisory board members expires as stipulated by the Companys founders at the Companys incorporation on July 2, 2013 so that the supervisory board must newly be elected.
Pursuant to Sections 95, 1 st sentence, 96(1) and 101(1) German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) , the supervisory board consists of three members to be elected by the annual general meeting.
The supervisory board proposes to elect with effect from the end of this annual general meeting
· Peter G. Nietzer, born on October 11, 1960, resident in Munich, Germany, profession: businessman having a degree in business studies (Diplom-Kaufmann) ,
· Dr. Stefan Söhn, born on June 18, 1954, resident in Augsburg, Germany, profession: lawyer, and
· Prof. Dr. Joachim Heinzl, born on September 6, 1940, resident in Munich, Germany, profession: graduate engineer (Diplom-Ingenieur) , Prof. em.
as members of the supervisory board for the period until the end of the annual general meeting resolving on the discharge for the financial year 2018.
The annual general meeting is not bound by the election proposals. The shareholders may freely decide whether or not they follow the supervisory boards proposals.
Our intention is that the annual general meeting resolves on the election of the supervisory board by way of individual vote.
Item 6: Resolution on the Remuneration of the Supervisory Board
The management board and the supervisory board propose to resolve the following:
Each ordinary supervisory board member is granted a remuneration in the amount of EUR 20,000.00 p.a. for his activities in the financial year 2013. The chairman of the supervisory board is granted a fixed remuneration in the amount of EUR 40,000.00 p.a. for his activities in the financial year 2013, and the deputy chairman of the supervisory board is granted a fixed remuneration in the amount of EUR 30,000.00 p.a. for his activities in the financial year 2013. With regard to the fact that the supervisory board members were elected
only on 2 July 2013, the remuneration will be paid pro rata temporis . The remuneration for supervisory board activities in the financial year 2013 is due and payable by May 31, 2014.
Each newly elected ordinary supervisory board member is granted a fixed annual remuneration in the amount of EUR 30,000.00 for his term of office. The chairman of the supervisory board is granted a fixed annual remuneration in the amount of EUR 60,000.00 for his term of office, and the deputy chairman of the supervisory board is granted a fixed annual remuneration in the amount of EUR 45,000.00 for his term of office.
The remuneration for supervisory board activities is granted for the financial year 2014 for the first time, and is due and payable at the end of the annual general meeting in which the annual accounts for the previous financial year are submitted or which is resolving on their approval. The remuneration is granted until otherwise resolved by the annual general meeting. If a supervisory board member resigns from office during any fiscal year, he/she will receive the above-mentioned remuneration on a pro rata basis.
Item 7: Resolution on Cancellation of Authorized Capital, Creation of new Authorized Capital, and corresponding Amendments to the Articles of Association
Section 5 of the currently applicable articles of association provides for an authorized capital in the amount of EUR 960,000.00 limited in time until October 10, 2018, whereby the management board is, with the supervisory boards consent, authorized to exclude the shareholders statutory subscription rights in certain cases specified in detail in the authorization. In the course of the follow-on offering in April 2014, 600,000 new shares were issued from the authorized capital so that the Company currently has a reduced authorized capital in the amount of EUR 960,000.00.
To allow the Company to be fully flexible as regards its corporate financing, the authorized capital available to the Company shall be increased again to 50% of the currently existing
share capital, and the term shall be extended, too, so that the statutory maximum amount of authorized capital is fully utilized.
The management and the supervisory board propose to resolve the following:
a) Cancellation of existing Authorization to increase the Share Capital by an Amount of up to EUR 960,000.00
The authorization of the management board to increase the Companys share capital with the supervisory boards consent in the period until October 10, 2018 once or several times by an amount of up to EUR 960,000.00 on the terms stipulated in section 5 of the articles of association against contribution in cash or kind as resolved by the Companys annual general meeting on October 10, 2013 in accordance with the managements proposal and amended by supervisory board resolution dated April 4, 2014 is cancelled.
b) Creation of new Authorized Capital
The management board shall be authorized to increase the Companys share capital with the supervisory boards consent in the period until May 26, 2019 once or several times by an amount of up to EUR 1,860,000.00 (in words: one million eighthundredsixtythousand Euro) in the aggregate by issuing up to 1,860,000 (in words: one million eighthundredsixtythousand) new registered ordinary shares against contribution in cash and/or kind ( Authorized Capital ).
In principle, shareholders shall be to be granted a subscription right for new shares. The statutory subscription right may also be offered in such a way that the new shares are taken over by a bank or by a financial institution acting pursuant to Section 53 para. 1 sentence 1 or Section 53b para. 1 sentence 1 or para. 7 of the German Banking Code ( Gesetz über das Kreditwesen ) with the obligation to offer them indirectly to the shareholders for subscription within the meaning of Section 186 para. 5 of the German Stock Corporation Code ( Aktiengesetz ; AktG ).
However, the management board shall be authorized, subject to the consent of the supervisory board, to exclude the statutory subscription rights of the shareholders in relation to one or more increases of the share capital within the scope of the Authorized Capital,
(i) to exclude fractional amounts resulting from the subscription ratio from the statutory subscription right of the shareholders;
(ii) in the case of increases of the share capital against contributions in kind in particular but without limitation to acquire companies, divisions of companies or interests in companies; or
(iii) in the case that the increase of the share capital is against contribution in cash and provided that the issue price of the new shares is not substantially lower (within the meaning of Sections 203 para. 1 and 2, 186 para. 3 sentence 4 AktG) than the stock exchange price for shares in the Company of the same class and having the same conditions already listed at the time of the final determination of the issue price and provided that the amount of the share capital represented by the shares issued pursuant to this lit (iii) under the exclusion of the statutory subscription right as set forth in Section 186 para. 3 sentence 4 AktG does not exceed 10% of the share capital at the time of this authorisation coming into effect or being exercised.
The stock market price may also be determined by the market price of an American Depository Receipt ( ADR ) listed on the New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE ), multiplied by the number of ADRs which represent a share. The said threshold of 10% shall also include new or treasury shares of the Company and ADRs, which are issued or transferred during the term of this authorized share capital on another legal basis while excluding the subscription right pursuant to Section 71 paragraph 1 number 8 sentence 5 AktG or Section 186 para. 3 sentence 4 AktG.
The management board shall be authorized to determine, subject to the consent of the supervisory board, the further details regarding the rights attached to the shares and the conditions of the share issue.
The supervisory board shall be authorized to amend the wording of the articles of association of the Company following the increase of the share capital or following the expiry of the period, for which the authorization has been granted and in which the authorization has not been employed.
c) Amendment to the articles of association
Section 5 of the articles of association is revised as follows:
Section 5
Authorized Capital
(1) In the period ending on May 26, 2019 the management board is authorized, subject to the consent of the supervisory board, to incr ease the Companys registered share capital in one or more tranches by up to EUR 1,860,000.00 (in words: one million eighthundredsixtythousand Euro) in the aggregate by issuing up to 1,860,000 (in words: one million eighthundredsixtythousand) new no par value registered shares against cash contribution or contributions in kind ( Authorized Capital ).
(2) In principle, shareholders are to be granted a subscription right for new shares. The statutory subscription right may also be offered in such a way that the new shares are taken over by a bank or by a financial institution acting pursuant to Section 53 para. 1 sentence 1 or Section 53b para. 1 sentence 1 or para. 7 of the German Banking Code ( Gesetz über das Kreditwesen ) with the obligation to offer them indirectly to the shareholders for subscription within the meaning of Section 186 para. 5 of the German Stock Corporation Code ( Aktiengesetz; AktG ).
However, the management board is authorized, subject to the consent of the supervisory board, to exclude the statutory subscription rights of the shareholders in relation to one or more increases of the share capital within the scope of the Authorized Capital,
(i) to exclude fractional amounts resulting from the subscription ratio from the statutory subscription right of the shareholders;
(ii) in the case of increases of the share capital against contributions in kind in particular but without limitation to acquire companies, divisions of companies or interests in companies; or
(iii) in the case that the increase of the share capital is against contribution in cash and provided that the issue price of the new shares is not substantially lower (within the meaning of Sections 203 para. 1 and 2, 186 para. 3 sentence 4 AktG) than the stock exchange price for shares in the Company of the same class and having the same conditions already listed at the time of the final determination of the issue price and provided that the amount of the share capital represented by the shares issued pursuant to this lit (iii) under the exclusion of the statutory subscription right as set forth in Section 186 para. 3 sentence 4 AktG does not exceed 10% of the share capital at the time of this authorization coming into effect or being exercised. The stock market price may also be determined by the market price of an American Depository Receipt ( ADR ) listed on the New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE ), multiplied by the number of ADRs which represent a share. The said threshold of 10% shall also include new or treasury shares of the Company and ADRs, which are issued or transferred during the term of this authorized share capital on another legal basis while excluding the subscription right pursuant to Section 71 paragraph 1 number 8 sentence 5 AktG or Section 186 para. 3 sentence 4 AktG.
(3) The management board determines, subject to the consent of the supervisory board, the further details regarding the rights attached to the shares and the conditions of the share issue.
(4) The supervisory board is authorized to amend the wording of the articles of association of the Company following the increase of the share capital or following the
expiry of the period, for which the authorization has been granted and in which the authorization has not been employed.
Information about the candidates for the supervisory board proposed under item 5
Peter Nietzer, Munich, Germany
· Particulars:
date of birth: October 11, 1960
place of birth: Heilbronn, Germany
· Education:
studies and degree in business studies ( Diplom-Kaufmann ) in the subject business administration at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg.
· Professional Background:
since Sept. 2013 non-executive director of Cognis Credit Opportunities Fund Ltd., Cognis Credit Opportunities Master Fund Ltd., and Cognis Credit Opportunities Manager (Cayman) Ltd.;
since Feb. 2013 sole shareholder and managing director of KITES Industriebeteiligungen GmbH, a private investment holding company;
since 2009 managing director of RES LuxCo, an intermediate holding company;
since 2005 shareholder and managing director of GermanCapital GmbH, a private equity company;
since 2000 shareholder and managing director of Felicitas GmbH, a fund management company, as well as GI Erste Beteiligungs GmbH, and managing director of GI Vermögensverwaltungs GbR
· Member of statutory supervisory boards of German companies:
chairman of the supervisory board of voxeljet AG, Augsburg (since July 2013)
Dr. Stefan Söhn, Augsburg, Germany
· Particulars:
date of birth: June 18, 1954
place of birth: Düsseldorf, Germany
· Education:
academic studies, first and second state examination in law and doctor of law at the Augsburg University;
studies and master of science in management at the London Business School.
· Professional Background:
since 2010 shareholder and managing director of MBL China Consulting GmbH, owner and manager of Söhn Industrial Consulting, as well as off counsel lawyer and head of China practice of Sonntag & Partner, a firm of auditors, tax advisers and lawyers in Augsburg and Munich, Germany;
2000 2006: CFO of Kuka Systems GmbH;
2006 2009: CEO of Kuka Systems GmbH.
· Member of statutory supervisory boards of German companies:
chairman of the supervisory board of PW Automation AG;
deputy chairman of the supervisory board of voxeljet AG, Augsburg, Germany (since July 2013).
· Membership in similar supervisory bodies of German and foreign business enterprises:
deputy chairman of the supervisory board of MOCOPINUS GmbH & Co. KG;
Member of the supervisory board of Stadtsparkasse Augsburg and member of the personnel committee.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Heinzl, Munich, Germany
· Particulars:
date of birth: September 6, 1940
place of birth: Aussig, Czech Republic
· Education:
studies at Technische Universität München (TUM) in Munich, Germany, and graduate engineer in the subject mechanical engineering, as well as doctorate in electro acoustics
· Professional Background:
since 2005 emeritus professor at TUM;
1978 - 2005 holder of a chair in precision engineering and microtechnology at TUM;
1995 - 2002 first vice president of TUM;
1988 - 1992 dean and deputy dean of the faculty of mechanical engineering at TUM
· Member of statutory supervisory boards of German companies:
member of the supervisory board of voxeljet AG, Augsburg, Germany (since July 2013)
By reference to Section 5.4.1 German Corporate Governance Code we declare that, according to the supervisory boards opinion, there is no material personal or business relationship between Mr. Nietzer, Dr. Söhn or Prof. Dr. Heinzl on the one hand, and voxeljet AG, its group companies, its bodies, or a shareholder holding a material stake in voxeljet AG on the other hand that must be disclosed in accordance with this provision.
Pursuant to Section 5.4.3, 3 rd sentence German Corporate Governance Code the following is suggested: If Peter G. Nietzer is elected to the supervisory board, he shall be proposed as its chairman.
Management Boards Report to the Annual General Meeting regarding Item 7 pursuant to Sections 203(2) and 186(4), 2 nd sentence German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
By reference to item 7 of the agenda of the annual general meeting on May 27, 2014, the management board and the supervisory board propose to cancel the current Authorized Capital, and to authorize the management board by virtue of a new authorization to increase the Companys share capital with the supervisory boards consent in the period until May 26, 2019 once or several times by an amount of up to EUR 1,860,000.00 (in words: one million eighthundredsixtythousand Euro) in the aggregate by issuing up to 1,860,000 (in words: one million eighthundredsixtythousand) new registered ordinary shares against contribution in cash and/or kind.
The management board submits the following written report on the reasons for the exclusion of subscription rights to the Companys annual general meeting taking place on May 27, 2014 pursuant to Sections 203(2) in conjunction with 186(4), 2 nd sentence German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) :
Section 5 of the Companys currently applicable articles of association provide for an Authorized Capital authorizing the management board to increase the Companys share capital with the supervisory boards consent in the period until October 10, 2018 once or several times by an amount of up to EUR 960,000.00 by issuing new registered ordinary shares against contribution in cash and/or kind. As a result of the capital increase executed within the scope of the follow-on offering, an amount of EUR 600,000.00 of the originally authorized capital amounting to EUR 1,560,000 was used, thus reducing the available authorized capital accordingly.
The management board is, with the supervisory boards consent, authorized to exclude the shareholders statutory subscription rights in certain cases specified in detail in the authorizations.
Due to the increase of the Companys capital executed within the scope of the follow-on offering to now EUR 3,720,000.00, the statutory maximum amount of authorized capital rose to a total volume of up to EUR 1,860,000.00 (equaling 50% of the share capital).
Because of its business model to develop its business operations not only by means of organic growth but also by way of acquisitions, the Company particularly depends on flexible funding opportunities. Using shares to pay for acquisitions, in particular, enables the Company to avoid an excessive burdening of the Companys liquidity and/or a deterioration of its equity ratio in case of acquisitions due to an otherwise required borrowing on a larger scale. Against this background the management board notably considers it its duty to ensure that the Company always disposes of the required instruments to raise capital - irrespective of specific utilization plans. As decisions on funding needs or exercising a strategic option have generally to be taken on short notice, it is fundamentally important that the Company does not depend on the interval of the annual general meeting in this regard. The legislator allowed for this need with the instrument of Authorized Capital which can have a volume of up to 50% of the share capital.
The existing Authorized Capital shall, accordingly, be cancelled and a new Authorized Capital amounting to EUR 1,860,000.00 be created instead thereof in order to enable the Company to dispose again of Authorized Capital in the statutorily permissible maximum amount.
If the Authorized Capital is utilized, the shareholders generally have a subscription right. The new shares issued within the scope of a cash capital increase may also be subscribed for by financial institutions or enterprises as defined by Section 186 para. 5, 1 st sentence German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) with the undertaking to offer them to the shareholders for subscription (so-called indirect subscription right).
The management board shall, however, be authorized to exclude the shareholders subscription rights with the supervisory boards consent in the following cases:
· For fractional amounts
The authorization to exclude subscription rights for fractional amounts is intended to create a practicable subscription ratio with regard to the amount of the
respective capital increase. Without excluding subscription rights for fractional amounts, the technical execution of a capital increase would be more complicated particularly when the capital is increased by round sums.
The residual new shares excluded from the shareholders subscription rights as a result of fractional amounts will either be sold on a stock exchange or otherwise disposed of to the Companys benefit. The management board and the supervisory board thus consider this authorization to exclude subscription rights as appropriate.
· In case of capital increases by way of contribution in kind
The management board shall also be authorized to exclude the shareholders subscription rights with the supervisory boards consent in case of certain capital increases by way of contribution in kind to the extent the contribution in kind is made for the purpose of - including indirect - acquisitions of enterprises, business divisions, or participations in other enterprises, or other assets in exchange for the Companys shares.
As already explained above, the development of the Companys business operations by way of acquisitions is a material component of its business strategy. The Company competes with other enterprises and must therefore be able to quickly and flexibly act in the markets in its shareholders interest. This also includes the possibility to improve its competitive position by acquiring other enterprises, parts of enterprises, such as business divisions, or individual assets or legal positions that are particularly material for the relevant enterprise, participations in other enterprises, as well as other assets. Using the Companys shares to pay for acquisitions is commonly in the Companys and its shareholders interest in this context. In light of the increasing consolidation also of those markets in which the Company operates, the management board considers it specifically material to be able to react in a flexible way. Common practice and the Companys previous experiences made in its markets shows that the owners of attractive acquisition targets usually demand voting shares
in the acquiring company as consideration for the sale of the acquisition target to have an influence and to participate in the value to be added by the acquisition. It is often also in the Companys interest to involve the previous owners of the acquired enterprises as shareholders also in future, and thus to benefit from their knowledge, experiences and contacts even after the acquisition.
The proposed authorization is thus intended to enable the Company to capture any opportunities to acquire enterprises and business divisions, and/or to participate in other enterprises, or to acquire other assets, as capital increases in case of such acquisitions have generally to be executed on short notice, and the Company cannot normally wait until the next annual general meeting which takes place only once a year. At the time the authorization is exercised, the management will carefully consider whether or not the value of the new shares is adequately proportionate to the value of the consideration, i.e. the value of the enterprise or business division, and/or participation in the other enterprise, or the value of the other assets to be acquired. The decrease in the shareholders relative share quotas and their relative voting rights resulting from the exclusion of the subscription rights is set aside in case of capital increases by way of contributions in kind as the Companys expansion by way of a strengthened equity base is financed by third parties, and the existing shareholders participate - although with a reduced quota - in the Companys growth which they would have to finance with own funds if subscription rights were granted. Due to the Companys listing on the New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE ) in the USA, each shareholder is furthermore generally able to increase his/her share quota again by acquiring American Depositary Receipts ( ADRs ).
Currently, there are no specific acquisition projects with regard to which the option to increase the capital by way of a contribution in kind by excluding the subscription right as provided for by the proposed authorization is to be exercised.
If the opportunity to acquire enterprises, business divisions, participations in other enterprises, or other assets firms up, the management board will carefully consider whether or not it will exercise the option to issue new shares for a contribution in kind by excluding the shareholders subscription rights. The management board, however, will only exercise this option after diligent consideration if it deems it in the Companys and its shareholders best interest, and the
management board will take into account in this regard that the value of the enterprise, the business division, the participation in the other enterprise, or the other assets to be acquired adequately reflects the value of the shares to be issued by the Company as consideration.
· If shares are issued against contribution in cash at an issue price that is not significantly lower than the stock exchange price
The shareholders subscription rights pursuant to Sections 203 para. 2 in conjunction with 186 para. 3, 4 th sentence German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) shall, furthermore, be excluded in case of capital increases for cash contribution with regard to any increase which does not exceed 10 % of the Companys share capital neither at the time when the authorization takes effect nor when this authorization is exercised if the new ADRs or shares are issued at an issue price that is not significantly lower than the stock exchange price of the already listed ADRs or shares of the same class and with the same features at the time of the final determination of the issue price which shall promptly occur when the ADRs or shares are placed. Stock exchange price also means the price of the ADRs listed on the NYSE multiplied by the number of ADRs that represent one share. This possibility to exclude subscription rights shall enable the management to promptly and flexibly meet the Companys equity needs and to benefit from favorable situations on the stock exchange on short notice. By avoiding the subscription rights procedure, which is both cost-intensive and time-consuming, the management board is able to flexibly respond to favorable market situations. Experience shows that such capital increases lead to higher inflows of funds than comparable capital increases granting subscription rights to shareholders due to the possibilities to act faster, and that they also allow the Company to attract new groups of shareholders nationally and abroad. When exercising the authorization, the management board will calculate the discount as low as possible in accordance with the market conditions prevailing at the time of placement.
The volume of a capital increase for cash contribution by excluding the shareholders subscription rights pursuant to Sections 203 para. 2 in conjunction with 186 para. 3, 4 th sentence German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) is also limited to 10 % of the Companys share capital registered with the German commercial register at the time when the authorization takes effect or, if lower, when the authorization to exclude the subscription right is exercised.
In this connection the proposed resolution provides for this 10 % limit to include ADRs or shares issued during the term of this authorization by excluding the shareholders subscription rights by direct or respective application of Section 186 para. 3, 4 th sentence German Stock Corporation Act (AktG ). The maximum limit of 10 % of the share capital also includes the Companys new or treasury shares or ADRs otherwise issued or sold during the term of the Authorized Capital by excluding the shareholders subscription rights pursuant to Sections 71 para. 1 no. 8 5 th sentence, or 186 para. 3 4 th sentence German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) . This mechanism takes the shareholders need for protection against dilution of the property rights of their old ADRs or shares and a loss of influence into account in accordance with the provision of Sections 203 para. 2 in conjunction with 186 para. 3 4 th sentence German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) as their share quotas are maintained as far as possible also in case of a combination of capital measures and the sale of treasury ADRs or shares. As the issue price for the new ADRs or shares issued with simplified exclusion of subscription rights has to be oriented towards the stock exchange price, and as the authorization is only of limited scope, the shareholders are also able to maintain their relative share quotas and their relative voting rights by acquiring ADRs or shares on the stock exchange. It is therefore ensured that both the property and the voting rights are adequately protected in accordance with the legal purpose of Section 186 para. 3 4 th sentence German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) when the authorized capital is utilized by excluding the subscription right while the Company is provided with additional scope for action in the interests of all shareholders.
In each individual case specified in this authorization to exclude the subscription right, the management board will carefully consider whether or not the exclusion of the shareholders subscription rights is in the Companys and thus in the shareholders interests.
The management board will report to the next annual general meeting on the utilization of the Authorized Capital.
Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights
At the time of this invitation to attend the annual general meeting, the Companys share capital amounts to EUR 3,720,000.00 divided into 3,720,000 registered no-par value shares. One share grants one vote in the annual general meeting so that the total number of voting rights is 3,720,000. The Company does not hold treasury shares.
Provisions for attending the Annual General Meeting and exercising Voting Rights
Pursuant to Section 16 para. 1 of the articles of association, any shareholder who is listed in the Companys share register and who registered for the annual general meeting is entitled to attend the annual general meeting and to exercise his/her voting rights. The registration for the annual general meeting must be served to the Company by
Tuesday, May 20, 2014, 24:00 (Record Date)
in text form (Section 126b German Civil Code (BGB) ) either in the German or the English language to the following address:
voxeljet AG
Management Board
Paul-Lenz-Strasse 1b
86316 Friedberg, Germany
Email: HV2014@voxeljet.de
The share register as at the Record Date, i.e. Tuesday, May 20, 2014, 24:00 , is decisive for the right to attend the annual general meeting.
Vis-à-vis the Company only those shareholders who are listed in the share register at the Record Date are entitled to attend the annual general meeting and to exercise their voting
rights. This means that shareholders who acquire their shares after the Record Date are not entitled to attend the annual general meeting.
Shareholders who register for the annual general meeting in due time but who sell their shares after the Record Date are vis-à-vis the Company - nevertheless entitled to attend the annual general meeting and to exercise their voting rights. The Record Date does not affect the shareholders right to sell their shares.
Holders of American Depositary Receipts may obtain further information from the Custodian Citibank N.A. ADR Shareholder Services under the telephone number +1-887-248-4237. Please note that this number is in operation from 8:30AM to 6:00PM EST (Eastern Standard Time).
Procedure for being represented by a Representative and voting by Proxy
Shareholders who have duly registered for the annual general meeting can exercise their rights to attend and to vote in the annual general meeting by a representative, such as the custodian bank, an association of shareholders, or another person of their choice. The power of attorney, its revocation and the proof of authorization vis-à-vis the Company must generally be made in text form (Section 126b German Civil Code (BGB) ). In derogation thereof, the authorization of financial institutions, shareholders associations or other persons on par with the persons pursuant to Section 135 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) is subject to the specific provisions of Section 135 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) ; we ask you to agree upon the details of the authorization of financial institutions or professional agents directly with them.
Proxy forms which may be used for granting a power of attorney can be obtained from the Company at the following address:
voxeljet AG
Management board
Paul-Lenz-Strasse 1b
86316 Friedberg, Germany
Fax: +49 821 7483 111
Email: HV2014@voxeljet.de
Proxy forms may also be downloaded from our website at the following link:
You can particularly use any forms provided by financial institutions, shareholders associations and other persons on par with the persons pursuant to Section 135(8) and (10) in conjunction with Section 125 para. 5 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) for their own authorization.
The attorney-in-fact may prove his/her authorization by showing the power of attorney at the entry control on the day of the annual general meeting. The proof of authorization may also be sent by mail, telefax, or electronically by email to the aforementioned address of the Company. Any power of attorney already granted may, furthermore, be revoked by declaration directly sent to the Company in the aforementioned manner.
If you wish to send powers of attorney, proofs of authorization, and revocations of powers of attorney by mail, telefax, or e-mail, please send them to the aforementioned address by the end of Monday, May 26, 2014 (24:00h) at the latest.
Motions to supplement the Agenda pursuant to Section 122(2) German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
Shareholders whose shares have, together or individually, a proportionate amount of EUR 186,000.00 (representing 186,000 shares in the Company) may request that items are included and announced in the agenda (request for supplements). Reasons must be given for each new item, and each new item must be accompanied by a draft resolution. The shareholders filing the motion, furthermore, have to prove that they have been holding the shares for at least three months, and that they will continue to hold the shares until the decision about the request for supplements has been made. In this regard it is unclear
whether the period of three months is to be calculated until the time the request for supplements is received by the Company or the day the annual general meeting takes place.
In the first case, the shareholders filing the motion have to prove that they have been holding the shares for at least three months prior to the receipt of the request for supplements. In the latter case, the shareholders filing the motion have to prove that they have been holding the shares at least since February 26, 2014, 24:00h. The Company will apply the period which is most favorable for the shareholders filing the motion, and announce the request for supplements if the shareholders have proved that they have been holding the required number of shares since February 26, 2014, 24:00h.
The request for supplements has to be made in writing to the Companys management board and served within 30 days prior to the annual general meeting (whereby the day of the annual general meeting and the day of receipt are not counted), i.e. not later than by April 26, 2014, 24:00h.
Please send your request for supplements to the following address:
voxeljet AG
Management board
Paul-Lenz-Strasse 1b
86316 Friedberg, Germany
Email: HV2014@voxeljet.de
Duly made requests for supplements will be announced by the Company without undue delay after receipt of the request for supplements in the same way as the invitation, unless the request has already been announced together with the invitation.
Counter-Motions and Nominations by Shareholders pursuant to Sections 126 para. 1, 127 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
Shareholders may send to the Company counter-motions to proposals from the management board and the supervisory board with regard to certain items of the agenda (counter-
motions), as well as proposals for the election of supervisory board members or auditors (nominations).
Any counter-motion and nomination by the Companys shareholders including the shareholders name, the reasons and the managements comments, if any, will be made available on the Companys website at
if the counter-motion including the statutorily required reasons and/or the nomination including the reasons, if any, which are not statutorily required, are served to the Company in text form (Section 126b German Civil Code (BGB) ) by May 12, 2014, 24:00 CET at the latest at the following address:
voxeljet AG
Management board
Paul-Lenz-Strasse 1b
86316 Friedberg, Germany
Email: HV2014@voxeljet.de
Counter-motions and nominations by shareholders that do not meet the aforementioned requirements, as well as the respective reasons, will not be made available. Furthermore, counter-motions have not to be made available under the prerequisites set forth in Section 126 para. 2 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG ) if, for example, the counter-motion results in an illegitimate or immoral resolution by the annual general meeting.
If several shareholders file counter-motions or nominations with regard to the same item, the Companys management board may summarize the counter-motions or nominations including the respective reasons (Section 126 para. 3 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) ).
Right to demand Information pursuant to Section 131 para.1 AktG
Each shareholder or representative of a shareholder may request information in the annual general meeting from the management board with regard to the Companys affairs, as well as the Companys legal and business relations to affiliated companies, to the extent the information is required to properly assess an item of the agenda, and to the extent there does not exist a statutory right to withhold information (Section 131 para. 3 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) ).
Further Explanations and Information on the Companys Website, Availability of Documents
Any and all information and documents pursuant to Section 124 a German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) including further explanations regarding the shareholders rights pursuant to Sections 122 para. 2, 126 para. 1, 127, 131 para. 1 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) will be made available on the Companys website at
as from the date hereof. Any and all documents to be made available by operation of law will also be available for inspection at the annual general meeting.
Friedberg, Germany, April 2014
The Management Board