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Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of
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Proxy Statement
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Office Center
Street, Suite 104
Terrace, Illinois 60181
24, 2009
To Our
You are cordially invited to attend the
Annual Meeting of Shareholders of WidePoint Corporation, which will be held at
10:00 a.m., EST, on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at the Washington, D.C. offices
of Foley & Lardner LLP, located at 3000 K Street N.W., Sixth Floor,
Washington, D.C. 20007.
The accompanying notice of meeting and
proxy statement describe the matters to be voted on at the meeting.
invite you to attend the meeting in person. If attending the meeting is not
feasible, we encourage you to read the proxy statement and vote your shares as
soon as possible. A return envelope for your proxy card is enclosed
for convenience. Most shareholders will also have the option of
voting via the Internet or by telephone. Specific instructions on how
to vote via the Internet or by telephone are included on the proxy
L. Komar
of the Board, President and
Executive Officer
Office Center
Street, Suite 104
Terrace, Illinois 60181
The Annual meeting of Shareholders of
WidePoint Corporation will be held on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.
Eastern Standard Time at the Washington D.C. offices of Foley & Lardner LLP,
located at 3000 K Street, N.W., Sixth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20007
to consider and vote on the following matters described in the accompanying
proxy statement:
elect three persons as Class III directors to serve for a three-year
period until the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in the year
consider and vote upon a proposal to approve an amendment to the Company’s
2008 Stock Incentive Plan;
ratify the selection of Moss Adams LLP as the Company’s independent
accountants; and
transact such other business as may properly come before the
Shareholders of record at the close of
business on November 10, 2009 are entitled to receive notice of, and to vote in
person or by proxy at, the Annual Meeting.
order of the Board of Directors,
T. McCubbin
24, 2009
date, sign and promptly return the enclosed proxy so that your shares may be
voted in accordance with your wishes. Mail the proxy to us in the
enclosed envelope, which requires no postage if mailed in the United States. The
giving of the proxy does not affect your right to vote in person should you
attend the meeting.
Office Center
Street, Suite 104
Terrace, Illinois 60181
This Proxy Statement is furnished in
connection with the solicitation by the Board of Directors of WidePoint
Corporation, a Delaware corporation (referred to herein as "WidePoint," the
"Company," “we” or “our”), of proxies of shareholders to be voted at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders to be held at the Washington, D.C. offices of Foley
& Lardner LLP, located at 3000 K Street, N.W., Sixth Floor, Washington,
D.C. 20007 at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, on Tuesday, December
15, 2009, and any and all adjournments thereof.
Any shareholder executing a proxy
retains the right to revoke it at any time prior to its being exercised by
giving written notice to the Secretary of the Company.
This Proxy Statement and the
accompanying proxy are being mailed or given to shareholders of the Company on
or about November 24, 2009.
Vote is Very Important
Whether or not you plan to attend the
meeting, please take the time to vote your shares as soon as
possible. Your prompt voting via the Internet, telephone or mail may
save us the expense of a second mailing.
Required, Abstentions and Broker Non-Votes
Shares of WidePoint common stock
represented by proxy will be voted according to the instructions, if any, given
in the proxy. Unless otherwise instructed, the person or persons
named in the proxy will vote (1) FOR the election of the nominees for director
listed herein (or their substitutes in the event any of the nominees is
unavailable for election); (2) FOR the amendment to the Company’s 2008 Stock
Incentive Plan; (3) FOR the ratification of the selection of Moss Adams LLP as
the independent accountants for the Company for the current fiscal year; and (4)
in their discretion, with respect to such other business as may properly come
before the meeting.
Votes cast by proxy or in person at the
Annual Meeting will be tabulated by the inspectors of election appointed by the
Company for the meeting. A quorum of shareholders is necessary to
hold a valid meeting. A quorum will be present if at least a majority
of the outstanding shares of common stock of the Company entitled to vote are
present at the Annual Meeting in person or by proxy. The inspectors
of election will treat abstentions as shares that are present and entitled to
vote for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum but as unvoted for
purposes of determining the approval of any matter submitted to the shareholders
for a vote. If a broker indicates on the proxy that it does not have
discretionary authority as to certain shares to vote on a particular matter,
those shares will not be considered as present and entitled to vote by the
inspectors of election with respect to that matter.
The cost of soliciting proxies will be
borne by the Company. Proxies may be solicited by directors,
officers, regular employees or other agents of the Company in person or by
telephone. We have retained American Stock Transfer & Trust
Company to assist in the solicitation of proxies. American Stock
Transfer & Trust Company will charge approximately $2,000, plus
out-of-pocket expenses for this service.
As of November 10, 2009, the record
date for determining shareholders entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, a
total of 60,684,823
shares of common stock
of the Company, par value $.001 per share (the "Common Stock"), which is the
only class of voting securities of the Company, were issued and
outstanding. All holders of record of the Common Stock as of the
close of business on November 10, 2009, are entitled to one vote for each share
held when voting at the Annual Meeting, or any adjournment thereof, upon the
matters listed in the Notice of Annual Meeting. Cumulative voting is
not permitted.
The Board knows of no other matters to
be presented for shareholder action at the meeting. If other matters
are properly brought before the meeting, the persons named as proxies in the
accompanying proxy card intend to vote the shares represented by them in
accordance with their best judgment.
The Board of Directors held four
meetings during 2008. During this period, all of the directors
attended or participated in more than 75% of the aggregate of the total number
of meetings of the Board of Directors and the total number of meetings held by
all Committees of the Board of Directors on which each such director
The Board currently has the following
Committees: Audit; Corporate Governance and Nominating; and
Compensation. Each Committee consists entirely of independent,
non-employee directors (see “Director Independence” in this proxy
statement). Membership and principal responsibilities of the Board
Committees are described below. Each Committee of the Board of
Directors has adopted a charter and each such charter is available free of
charge on our website, www.widepoint.com, or by writing to WidePoint
Corporation, Midwest Office Center, 18W100 22
Suite 104, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181, c/o Corporate
udit Committee
The members of the Audit Committee
S. Taubman (Chair)
The Audit
Committee met four times in 2008. The Audit Committee has been
established in accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Securities and
Exchange Act of 1934. The primary functions of this Committee are to:
appoint (subject to shareholder approval), and be directly responsible for the
compensation, retention and oversight of, the firm that will serve as the
Company’s independent accountants to audit our financial statements and to
perform services related to the audit (including the resolution of disagreements
between management and the independent accountants regarding financial
reporting); review the scope and results of the audit with the independent
accountants; review with management and the independent accountants, prior to
the filing thereof, the annual and interim financial results (including
Management’s Discussion and Analysis) to be included in Forms 10-K and 10-Q,
respectively; consider the adequacy and effectiveness of our internal accounting
controls and auditing procedures; review, approve and thereby establish
procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by
WidePoint regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters
and for the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of concerns
regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters; review and approve
related person transactions in accordance with the policies and procedures of
the Company; and consider the accountants’ independence and establish policies
and procedures for pre-approval of all audit and non-audit services provided to
WidePoint by the independent accountants who audit its financial
statements. At each meeting, Committee members may meet privately
with representatives of Moss Adams LLP, our independent accountants, and with
WidePoint’s Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. The
Board has determined that Mr. Taubman, an independent director, satisfies the
“financially sophisticated” requirements set forth in the NYSE Amex Company
Guide, and has designated Mr. Taubman as the “audit committee financial expert,”
as such term is defined by the SEC.
Governance and Nominating Committee
members of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee are:
M. Ritter (Chair)
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee held two meetings during 2008. The
primary functions of this Committee are to: identify individuals qualified to
become Board members and recommend to the Board the nominees for election to the
Board at the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders; review and make a
recommendation to the Board regarding whether to accept a resignation tendered
by a Board nominee who does not receive a majority of votes cast for his or her
election in an uncontested election of directors; review annually and recommend
changes to the Corporate Governance Guidelines; lead the Board in its annual
review of the performance of the Board and its Committees; review policies and
make recommendations to the Board concerning the size and composition of the
Board, the qualifications and criteria for election to the Board, retirement
from the Board, compensation and benefits of non-employee directors, the conduct
of business between WidePoint and any person or entity affiliated with a
director, and the structure and composition of Board Committees; and review
WidePoint’s policies and programs relating to compliance with its
Code of Business Conduct and such other matters as may be brought to the
attention of the Committee regarding WidePoint’s role as a responsible corporate
citizen. See “Identification and Evaluation of Director Candidates” and
“Director Compensation” in this proxy statement.
members of the Compensation Committee are:
M. Ritter (Chair)
Compensation Committee held two meetings during 2008. Each member of
the Committee qualifies as an outside director within the meaning of Section
162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Internal Revenue
Code”), and a non-employee director within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The primary functions of this Committee are to:
evaluate and approve executive compensation plans, policies and programs,
including review of relevant corporate and individual goals and objectives, as
submitted by the CEO; evaluate the CEO’s performance relative to established
goals and objectives and, together with the other independent directors,
determine and approve the CEO’s compensation level based on this evaluation;
review and approve the annual salary and other remuneration of all other
officers; review the management development program, including executive
succession plans; review with management, prior to the filing thereof, the
executive compensation disclosure included in this proxy statement; recommend
individuals for election as officers; and review or take such other action as
may be required in connection with the bonus, stock and other benefit plans of
WidePoint and its subsidiaries.
Under the
Company’s corporate governance principles (the “Corporate Governance
Principles”), a majority of the Board will consist of independent
directors. An “independent” director is a director who meets the NYSE
Amex definition of independence and other applicable independence standards
under SEC guidelines, as determined by the Board. The Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee conducts an annual review of the
independence of the members of the Board and its Committees and reports its
findings to the full Board. Based on the report and recommendation of the
Corporate Governance Committee, the Board has determined that each of the
non-employee directors—Messrs. Taubman, Ritter, Guenther, and Norwood —satisfies
the independence criteria (including the enhanced criteria with respect to
members of the Audit Committee) set forth in the applicable NYSE Amex listing
standards and SEC rules. Each Board Committee consists entirely of independent,
non-employee directors.
For a
director to be considered independent, the Board must determine that the
director does not have any direct or indirect material relationships (including
vendor, supplier, consulting, legal, banking, accounting, charitable and family
relationships) with WidePoint, other than as a director and shareholder. NYSE
Amex listing standards also impose certain per se bars to independence, which
are based upon a director’s relationships with WidePoint currently and during
the three years preceding the Board’s determination of
The Board
considered all relevant facts and circumstances in making its determinations,
including the following:
non-employee director receives any direct compensation from WidePoint
other than under the director compensation program described in this proxy
immediate family member (within the meaning of the NYSE Amex listing
standards) of any non-employee director is an employee of WidePoint or
otherwise receives direct compensation from
non-employee director (or any of their respective immediate family
members) is affiliated with or employed in a professional capacity by
WidePoint’s independent
non-employee director is a member, partner, or principal of any law firm,
accounting firm or investment banking firm that receives any consulting,
advisory or other fees from
WidePoint executive officer is on the compensation committee of the board
of directors of a company that employs any of our non-employee directors
(or any of their respective immediate family members) as an executive
non-employee director (or any of their respective immediate family
members) is indebted to WidePoint, nor is WidePoint indebted to any
non-employee director (or any of their respective immediate family
non-employee director serves as an executive officer of a charitable or
other tax-exempt organization that received contributions from
members of the Board of Directors conduct at least two regularly-scheduled
meetings per year without members of management being present. Mr.
Ritter serves as the presiding director of such meetings. Following
an executive session of non-employee directors, the presiding director may act
as a liaison between the non-employee directors and the Chairman, provide the
Chairman with input regarding agenda items for Board and Committee meetings, and
coordinate with the Chairman regarding information to be provided to the
non-employee directors in performing their duties.
The Board
has determined that its Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee shall,
among other responsibilities, serve as the nominating committee. The Committee
consists entirely of independent directors under applicable SEC rules and NYSE
Amex listing standards. The Committee operates under a written charter adopted
by the Board of Directors. A copy of the charter is available at the Company’s
website, www.widepoint.com, or by writing to WidePoint Corporation, Midwest
Office Center, 18W100 22
Suite 104, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181 c/o Corporate
Secretary. The Committee is charged with seeking individuals
qualified to become directors and recommending candidates for all directorships
to the full Board of Directors. The Committee considers director candidates in
anticipation of upcoming director elections and other potential or expected
Board vacancies.
Committee considers director candidates suggested by members of the Committee,
other directors, senior management and shareholders.
interviews of director candidates may be conducted by the Chairman of the
Committee or, at his request, any other member of the Committee and/or the
Chairman of the Board. Background material pertaining to director
candidates is distributed to the members of the Committee for their review.
Director candidates who the Committee determines merit further consideration are
interviewed by the Chairman of the Committee and such other Committee members,
directors and key senior management personnel as determined by the Chairman of
the Committee. The results of these interviews are considered by the Committee
in its deliberations.
candidates are reviewed by the Committee based on the needs of the Board and the
Company’s various constituencies, their relative skills, characteristics and
age, and against the following qualities and skills that are considered
desirable for Board membership: their exemplification of the highest standards
of personal and professional integrity; their independence from management under
applicable securities laws, listing standards, and the Company’s Corporate
Governance Principles; their experience and industry and educational background;
their potential contribution to the composition, diversity and culture of the
Board; and their ability and willingness to constructively challenge management
through active participation in Board and Committee meetings and to otherwise
devote sufficient time to Board duties.
evaluating the needs of the Board, the Committee considers the qualifications of
sitting directors and consults with other members of the Board, the CEO and
other members of senior management. At a minimum, all recommended candidates
must possess the requisite personal and professional integrity, meet any
required independence standards, and be willing and able to constructively
participate in, and contribute to, Board and Committee meetings. Additionally,
the Committee conducts regular reviews of current directors whose terms are
nearing expiration, but who may be proposed for re-election, in light of the
considerations described above and their past contributions to the
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee has adopted a policy pursuant to
which a shareholder who has owned at least 5% of the Company’s outstanding
shares of Common Stock for at least two years may recommend a director candidate
that the Committee will consider when there is a vacancy on the Board either as
a result of a director resignation or an increase in the size of the
Board. Such recommendation must be made in writing addressed to the
Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee at the Company’s
principal executive offices and must be received by the Chairman at least 120
days prior to the anniversary date of the release of the prior year’s proxy
statement. Although the Committee has not formulated any specific
minimum qualifications that the Committee believes must be met by a nominee that
the Committee recommends to the Board, the factors it will take into account
will include strength of character, mature judgment, career specialization,
relevant technical skills or financial acumen, diversity of viewpoint and
industry knowledge. There will be no differences between the manner
in which the Committee evaluates a nominee recommended by a shareholder and the
manner in which the Committee evaluates nominees recommended by other
Company did not receive in a timely manner, in accordance with SEC requirements,
any recommendation of a director candidate from a shareholder, or group of
shareholders that beneficially owned more than 5% of the Company’s Common Stock
for at least two years as of the date of recommendation.
parties may communicate directly with the presiding director for an upcoming
meeting or the non-employee directors as a group by writing to WidePoint
Corporation, Midwest Office Center, 18W100 22
Suite 104, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181, c/o Corporate
Secretary. Communications may also be sent to individual directors at
the above address.
Company has adopted a policy that each director should attempt to attend each
annual meeting of shareholders. All members of the Board of Directors
attended last year’s annual meeting.
The Company’s Board of Directors is
classified into three classes of directors, with approximately one-third of the
directors serving in each such class of directors and with one class of
directors being elected at each annual meeting of shareholders of the Company to
serve for a term of three years or until the earlier expiration of the term of
their class of directors or until their successors are elected and take office
as provided below. To maintain the staggered terms of election of directors,
shareholders of the Company are voting upon the election of three Class III
directors to serve for a three-year period until the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders in the year 2010. As a result, shareholders will only
vote on the election of the Class III director nominees at the Annual
Morton S. Taubman – presently
Ronald S. Oxley – presently
Steve L. Komar – presently
James T. McCubbin – presently
James M. Ritter – presently
Otto J. Guenther – presently
George W. Norwood – presently
The Bylaws of the Company provide that
the Board of Directors will determine the number of directors to serve on the
Board. The Company’s Board of Directors presently consists of seven
members. The seven members of the Company’s Board of Directors are
identified above.
Proxies will be voted at the Annual
Meeting, unless authority is withheld, FOR the election of the persons named
below. The Company does not contemplate that the persons named below
will be unable or will decline to serve; however, if any such nominee is unable
or declines to serve, the persons named in the accompanying proxy will vote for
a substitute, or substitutes, in their discretion. The following
table sets forth information regarding the nominees:
M. Ritter
Otto J.
W. Norwood
James M.
Ritter has served as a director since December 1999 and served as Assistant
Secretary of the Company from December 2002 until 2008. Mr.
Ritter is the Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee and
the Compensation Committee and is also a member of the Audit
Committee. Mr. Ritter is the retired Corporate Headquarters
Chief Information Officer of Lockheed Martin Corporation. Prior to
his retirement in February 2001, Mr. Ritter was employed at Lockheed Martin
Corporation for over 32 years in various positions involving high level IT
strategic planning and implementation, e-commerce development, integrated
financial systems, and large-scale distributed systems.
General (Ret.) Otto J. Guenther, has served as a director since his appointment
on August 15, 2007. General Guenther serves as a member of the
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee. He joins the board
after a distinguished 34-year military career, including serving as the Army’s
first chief information officer, followed by nearly a decade of exceptional
leadership within the federal information technology industry. His key
assignments included the following: commanding general for Fort Monmouth, NJ,
and the Communications Electronics Command; program executive officer for the
Army’s tactical communications equipment; project manager for the Tactical
Automated Data Distribution System; and commander for the Defense Federal
Acquisition Regulatory Council. General Guenther recently retired
from Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, where he served as the Sector Vice
President and General Manager of Tactical Systems Division. While there, he
oversaw battlefield digitization, command and control, and system engineering
activities for the U.S. Army. Under his leadership, the division grew to
approximately 1,650 employees across several locations and completed over $700
million in acquisitions. Previously General Guenther was general manager of
Computer Associates International’s Federal Systems Group, a $300 million
operation providing IT products and services to the federal market
area. General Guenther was awarded several honors by the U.S. Army,
including the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit (Oak Leaf Cluster),
Defense Superior Service Medal (Oak Leaf Cluster), Joint Service Medal, and Army
Commendation Medal. Recognized for his work within the industry, he also
received several Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association awards
and was inducted into the Government Computer News Hall of
Fame. General Guenther received a Bachelor of Science Degree in
Economics from Western Maryland College, now called McDaniel College, and a
Masters Degree in Procurement and Contracting from the Florida Institute of
General (Ret.) George W. Norwood has served as a director since his
appointment on August 15, 2007. General Norwood serves as a member of
the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee. General Norwood
is currently President and Chief Executive Officer of Norwood & Associates,
Inc. of Tampa, Fla., which maintains extensive international and U.S. networks
of government, military and private sector contacts while providing technical
and strategic planning expertise to corporations pursuing defense-related
opportunities. General Norwood previously served as Deputy Chief of Staff for
the United Nations Command and United States Forces in Korea from 1995 to 1997.
He also served as the U.S. member of the United Nations Command’s Military
Armistice Commission responsible for crucial general officer level negotiations
with North Korea. General Norwood served as Commander of the 35th
Fighter Wing at Misawa Air Base in Japan in the early/mid-1990’s, and earlier as
Deputy Inspector General and Director of Inspections for the U.S. Air Force in
Washington, D. C. Other key assignments included the following: senior
leadership positions in F-16 fighter wings in Europe; War Reserve Material and
Munitions Planning, Programming, and Budgeting expert at the Pentagon; and F-16
fighter squadron Commander and Operations Officer at Nellis Air Force Base in
Nevada. General Norwood also served two combat tours in Southeast Asia in A-1
and F-4 aircraft. General Norwood currently serves on the boards of
directors of Airborne Tactical Advantage Company and Scalable Network
Technologies. He is also on the board of strategic advisors of AtHoc, Inc.
General Norwood received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics from San
Diego State University and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from
Golden Gate University. He is also a graduate of the National War College and
Defense Language Institute.
The following directors are presently
serving on the Board of Directors for terms expiring at either the 2010 or 2011
Annual Meeting of Shareholders, as set forth above:
L. Komar
Chief Executive
and Chairman of
T. McCubbin
Executive Vice
Chief Financial
and Secretary
S. Taubman
and Chairman of the
S. Oxley
and Executive Vice
– Sales and Marketing
Steve L. Komar has served as a director
since December 1997 and became Chairman of the Board of Directors in October
2001. Mr. Komar has also served as Chief Executive Officer since
December 2001. From June 2000 until December 2001, Mr. Komar served
as a founding partner in C-III Holdings, a development stage financial services
company. From 1991 to June 2000, Mr. Komar served as Group Executive
Vice President of Fiserv, Inc., a company that provides advanced data processing
services and related products to the financial industry. From 1980 to
1991, Mr. Komar served in a number of financial management positions with
CitiGroup, including the role of Chief Financial Officer of Diners Club
International and Citicorp Information Resources, respectively. Mr.
Komar is a graduate of the City University of New York with a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Accounting and holds a Masters Degree in Finance from Pace
University. Mr. Komar serves on the Board of Directors for a term
expiring at the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
James T. McCubbin has served as a
director and as our Secretary since November 1998. Since August 1998,
Mr. McCubbin has also served as our Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer. Prior to that time, from December 1997 to August 1998, Mr.
McCubbin served as Vice President, Controller, Assistant Secretary and
Treasurer. Prior to the commencement of his employment with WidePoint
in November 1997, Mr. McCubbin held various financial management positions with
several companies in the financial and government sectors. Mr.
McCubbin also presently serves on the Board of Directors of Tianjin
Pharmaceutical Company and is Chairman of its Audit Committee, Nominating
Committee, and Compensation Committee. Mr. McCubbin also serves on
the Board of Directors of The Quigley Corporation and serves on their Audit
Committee. Mr. McCubbin was also on the Board of Directors of Redmile
Entertainment until his resignation on March 1, 2008. Mr. McCubbin
provides financial consulting services and has served on various Boards of
Directors over the past seven years. Mr. McCubbin is a graduate of
the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance and a
Masters Degree in International Management. Mr. McCubbin serves on
the Board of Directors for a term expiring at the 2011 Annual Meeting of
Morton S.
Taubman has served as a director since his appointment on March 10, 2006 to
serve out the remaining term of G.W. Norman Wareham who resigned his position on
March 7, 2006. Mr. Taubman is also the Chairman of the Audit
Committee and is a member of the Compensation Committee and the Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee. Mr. Taubman is an attorney and
certified public accountant with an expertise in corporate law, government
contracting and international relations. Prior to forming his own law
firm, Mr. Taubman was the senior vice president and general counsel to DIGICON
Corporation, an IT and telecommunications company. Before joining DIGICON, he
was a senior and executive partner at Ginsburg, Feldman and Bress, LLP, an
established Washington, D.C. firm that provided expertise in tax,
telecommunications, litigation, federal regulatory issues, capital reformation,
government contracting and international issues. Before that, he was a founding
partner at a number of law firms, was the partner-in-charge of the Washington
D.C. office of Laventhol & Harworth, a partner at Coopers & Lybrand and
a special agent with the U.S. Treasury Department. Mr. Taubman has
been an adjunct law professor for more than 15 years at Georgetown University
and George Washington University. He presently also serves as special
corporate counsel to Global Options Group, Inc. and Global Options, Inc., a
company focusing on U.S. federal security services and as general counsel to
Interior Systems, Inc. d/b/a ISI Professional Services, a United States federal
contractor. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from
the University of Baltimore, a Juris Doctor Degree from the University of
Baltimore Law School, and a Masters of Law Degree from Georgetown University.
Mr. Taubman serves on the Board of Directors for a term expiring at the 2010
Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
Ronald S.
Oxley has served as a director since his appointment on August 15,
2006. Mr. Oxley became the Executive Vice President – Sales and
Marketing for the Company in May 2008 and as a result, resigned from his
position as Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee, and
member of the Audit Committee and Compensation Committee. Mr. Oxley
has had a distinguished career within the U.S. federal government and industry.
His U.S. federal government career spanned almost 28 years with the Office of
the Secretary of Defense and with the Departments of the Navy, Army and Air
Force where he held various senior level executive positions. The last nine
years of his federal career were at the Office of the Secretary of Defense where
he monitored the development of the office's defense-wide strategic vision and
implementation plan for command, control, communications, intelligence,
surveillance and reconnaissance. Subsequent to his U.S. federal government
career he also successfully honed his business skills as a senior level
executive with several prominent U.S. federal government contractors that
included Litton/PRC, Emergent Information Technologies, and L-3
Communications. Mr. Oxley currently serves as an executive vice
president of ARC International Corporation. ARC specializes in providing
domestic and international middle-market and emerging growth companies with a
broad range of strategic advisory services. Prior to joining ARC in
2004, Mr. Oxley was president and general manager of L-3 Communications
Analytics Corporation based in Vienna, Virginia. L-3 Communications is a
provider of information technology solutions to both industry and government,
primarily in the aerospace and defense arena. Mr. Oxley served in the
same capacity at Emergent Information Technologies, Inc. prior to being acquired
by L-3 Communications in November 2001. He came to Emergent in April 2000 from
Litton/PRC Inc, where he was senior vice president of business development and
marketing. Before joining Litton/PRC in 1996, Mr. Oxley spent more
than 28 years in the U.S. federal government, during which he was awarded a
series of Meritorious Service Awards and was nominated for a Presidential
Executive Career Award in 1996. Mr. Oxley holds a top secret SCI
clearance with life style polygraph. He holds a Masters of Science Degree in
Systems Management from the University of Southern California and a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Business Administration from the California State University.
He served in the U.S. Army from 1966 to 1968, including a tour of duty in
Vietnam. Mr. Oxley serves on the Board of Directors for a term
expiring at the 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
Our Board
of Directors adopted the 2008 Stock Incentive Plan (the “2008 Plan”) on December
18, 2007 and our shareholders ratified the 2008 Plan on December 18,
2008. Upon the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, the
Board of Directors, effective November 9, 2009, adopted an amendment to the 2008
Plan (the “Amended 2008 Plan”) which is summarized below and which is subject to
the approval by the shareholders of the Company.
of Amendment to the 2008 Plan
The only
change between the original 2008 Plan and the Amended 2008 Plan is that the
Amended 2008 Plan authorizes the grant or award of restricted stock and
restricted stock units in addition to the other items that may be granted or
awarded under the terms of the original 2008 Plan. The Board of
Directors and its Compensation Committee believe that it is necessary to amend
the 2008 Plan to permit the Company to make the awards in order for the Company
to remain competitive in its ability to incentivize directors, officers, key
employees and consultants of the Company and its subsidiaries. The
equity-based awards authorized by the Amended 2008 Plan are intended to continue
to align the interests of participants with those of the Company’s shareholders
by providing participants with a proprietary interest in pursuing the long-term
growth and financial success of the Company.
Compensation Committee may grant restricted stock awards under the Amended 2008
Plan either in the form of a restricted stock purchase right, which gives the
recipient the right to purchase restricted shares of the Company’s common stock,
or in the form of a restricted stock bonus, which gives the recipient restricted
shares of the Company’s common stock in consideration for the recipient’s
services to the Company. The Compensation Committee determines the
purchase price payable under a restricted stock purchase award, which may be
less than the then current fair market value of the Company’s common stock since
the shares to be acquired will be restricted stock which will be subject to
vesting conditions based on such service or performance goals as the
Compensation Committee specifies, and the shares acquired may not be transferred
by the participant until vested.
The Compensation Committee may also
grant restricted stock units under the Amended 2008 Plan. Restricted
stock units represent a right to receive restricted shares of the Company’s
common stock at a future date. The Compensation Committee, in its
discretion, may provide for settlement of any restricted stock unit by payment
to the participant in shares of the Company’s common stock, or in cash in
an amount equal to the fair market value on the payment date of the shares of
stock issuable to the participant. No monetary payment is required
for receipt of restricted stock units or the shares issued in settlement of the
award, the consideration for which is the recipient’s services to the
Company. The Compensation Committee may grant restricted stock unit
awards subject to the attainment of performance goals or may make the awards
subject to vesting conditions based on service.
The 2008
Plan contained a reference to a defined term, “Change in Control”, which was
previously undefined in the 2008 Plan. The Amended 2008 Plan has been
corrected to include the definition of “Change in Control.” The
changes described in this paragraph have been made for clarification purposes
only in the Amended 2008 Plan.
The above
summary of these few changes between the 2008 Plan and the Amended 2008 Plan is
qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the Amended 2008
Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix 1 and which reflects the
proposed changes in the form of underlined text.
rules require that we also provide a summary of all material provisions of the
entire Amended 2008 Plan, even though all other provisions of the Amended 2008
Plan are exactly the same as the original 2008 Plan, except only as described
above for the addition of (a) restricted stock and restricted stock units under
the Amended 2008 Plan and (b) a definition of “Change in Control” previously
absent from the 2008 Plan. In compliance with the SEC rules, the
following is a summary of all material terms of the Amended 2008 Plan, which
summary is the same summary which was provided last year by the Company to its
shareholders when our shareholders approved the 2008 Plan.
of Material Terms of the Amended 2008 Plan
following is a summary of the terms of the Amended 2008 Plan, which terms are
materially the same as the terms of the 2008 Plan
other than with respect to the addition to the 2008 Amended Plan of (i)
restricted stock and restricted stock units un
der the 2008 Amended Plan; and (ii) a definition of
Change in Control”
previously absent from the 2008
. This summary is qualified in its entirety by reference
to the full text of the Amended 2008 Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as
Appendix 1. All capitalized terms which are not defined in this
summary are defined in the Amended 2008 Plan attached
Amended 2008 Plan authorizes the grant or award of the following (collectively,
the “2008 Awards”): Incentive Stock Options, Non-Qualified Stock
Options, Stock Appreciation Rights (“SARS”), Dividend Equivalent Rights,
Performance Unit Awards, Phantom Shares, Restricted Stock Awards and Restricted
Stock Units.
The Amended 2008 Plan is intended to
(a) provide incentive to officers and key employees of the Company and its
Affiliates to stimulate their efforts toward the continued success of the
Company and to operate and manage the business in a manner that will provide for
the long-term growth and profitability of the Company; (b) encourage stock
ownership by directors, officers and key employees by providing them with a
means to acquire a proprietary interest in the Company, acquire shares of Stock,
or to receive compensation which is based upon appreciation in the value of
Stock; and (c) provide a means of obtaining, rewarding and retaining key
personnel and consultants.
Effective Date and
Expiration of the
The Amended 2008 Plan was adopted by
the Board of Directors effective November 9, 2009, subject to approval by
shareholders of the Company. Unless earlier terminated by the Board of
Directors, the Amended 2008 Plan will terminate on the earlier of December 17,
2017, or the date on which all shares of the Company’s stock available for
issuance under the Amended 2008 Plan have been issued pursuant to the exercise
or settlement, as applicable, of 2008 Awards granted under the Amended 2008
Plan. No 2008 Awards may be granted under the Amended 2008 Plan after its
termination date, but 2008 Awards granted prior to the termination date may
extend beyond that date.
Administration of the
The Amended 2008 Plan is administered
by the Compensation Committee (the “Committee”) of the Board of Directors of the
Company consisting of directors appointed by the Board. The Committee has
the authority to determine the individuals to whom 2008 Awards are granted and,
subject to the provisions of the Amended 2008 Plan, the terms of the 2008 Awards
granted and, in the case of Stock Options, whether such Stock Options are
incentive stock options under Section 422A of the Code (“ISOs”) or non-qualified
stock options (“NQSOs”). (ISOs and NQSOs granted under the Plan are collectively
referred to hereinafter as “Options.”).
The Amended 2008 Plan provides for the
granting of 2008 Awards to directors, officers, key employees and consultants of
the Company that are selected by the Committee. However, ISOs may be
granted only to executive officers and key employees of the Company and its
subsidiaries that are selected by the Committee. The Company has not
determined the specific amounts of options or persons to whom additional options
will be granted in the future.
Number of Authorized
Subject to possible adjustment in the
event of a recapitalization, stock split or similar transaction, a total of
6,015,438 shares of Common Stock currently are authorized for possible issuance
under the Amended 2008 Plan. As of November 10, 2009, Options to
purchase a total of 1,505,000 shares of Common Stock under the Plan, at prices
ranging from $0.54 to $1.22 per share, were outstanding. Therefore,
4,501,438 shares are available for the granting of additional options in the
future. Shares of Common Stock subject to Options that lapse or are canceled in
the future will become available for issuance pursuant to other Options to be
granted under the Amended 2008 Plan.
Option Exercise and
The aggregate fair market value of the
shares of Common Stock with respect to which ISOs granted under the Amended 2008
Plan are exercisable for the first time by an optionee during any calendar year
may not exceed $100,000. Furthermore, no ISO may be granted under the
Amended 2008 Plan to any person who, as the time of the grant, owns capital
stock of the Company possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power
of the Company, unless the exercise price of the ISO is at least 110% of the
fair market value on the date of grant of the shares of Common Stock subject to
the ISO, and the term of the ISO does not exceed five years from the date of
The exercise price of ISOs as well as
NQSOs under the Amended 2008 Plan may not be less than the fair market value of
the Common Stock on the date of the Option grant. In some cases, as discussed
above, the exercise price of ISOs may not be less than 110% of the fair market
value of the Common Stock on the date of grant. “Fair Market Value” means per
share of Stock on a particular date, the last sales price on such date on the
national securities exchange on which the Stock is then traded, as reported in
The Wall Street Journal, or if no sales of Stock occur on the date in question,
on the last preceding date on which there was a sale on such exchange. If the
shares of Stock are not listed on a national securities exchange, but are traded
in an over-the-counter market, the last sales price (or, if there is no last
sales price reported, the average of the closing bid and asked prices) for the
Stock on that market, will be used. If the Stock is neither listed on a
national securities exchange nor traded in an over-the-counter market, the price
determined by the Committee, in its discretion, will be used.
The Amended 2008 Plan currently
requires that the exercise price of an ISO granted thereunder be paid for (i) in
cash, (ii) in shares of Common Stock already owned by the optionee and valued at
their fair market value on the date of exercise of the Option, (iii) by
requesting the Company to withhold from the number of shares of Common Stock
otherwise issuable upon exercise of the Option that number of shares of Common
Stock having an aggregate fair market value on the date of exercise equal to the
Option price for all the shares of Common Stock subject to such exercise or (iv)
by a combination of (i), (ii) and/or (iii) above, in the manner provided in the
Option agreement entered into in connection with each Option.
No Option granted under the Amended
2008 Plan may be exercised after the expiration of 10 years from the date it was
granted. No Option granted under the Amended 2008 Plan will become exercisable
until at least six months following its date of grant.
Subject to the above limitations,
provisions relating to the time or times at which an Option may be exercisable
will be included in the Option agreement entered into by the Company and an
optionee upon the granting of an Option. Options granted under the Amended 2008
Plan are non-transferable by the optionee otherwise than by will or the laws of
descent and distribution and are exercisable during the optionee’s lifetime only
by him or her.
Upon Changes in
In the event a change in the Company’s
capitalization results from a stock split or payment of a stock dividend or any
other increase or decrease in the number of shares of Common Stock effected
without the receipt of consideration, appropriate adjustments will be made in
the exercise price of and number of shares subject to all outstanding Options.
In the event of a proposed dissolution or liquidation of the Company, each
Option will terminate unless otherwise provided by the Board of Directors. In
the event of a proposed sale of substantially all of the assets of the Company,
or the merger of the Company with or into another corporation, outstanding
Options will be assumed or equivalent options will be substituted unless the
Board of Directors makes the Options fully exercisable prior to the merger. If
the Board makes an Option terminate upon a merger or sale of assets, the Board
will notify the optionee that the Option will be fully exercisable for a period
of 30 days from the date of such notice and the Option will terminate upon the
expiration of such period.
Amendment and Termination of
the Plan
The Board of Directors at any time may
amend or terminate the Amended 2008 Plan without shareholder approval; provided,
however, the Board of Directors may condition any amendment of the approval of
shareholders of the Company if such approval is necessary or advisable with
respect to tax, securities or other applicable laws. No termination or amendment
without the consent of the holder of any Awards may adversely affect the rights
of the Participant under such Awards.
Federal Income Tax
The grant or exercise of an ISO
generally will not result in taxable income to the optionee. However, the amount
by which the fair market value of the shares of Common Stock at the time of the
exercise of an ISO exceeds the exercise price will be included in determining
the optionee’s alternative minimum tax under the Code. Generally, if shares
acquired upon the exercise of an ISO are sold more than two years from the date
of grant of the ISO and more than one year from the date of exercise, the
amount, if any, by which the sale price of such shares exceeds the exercise
price will qualify as a long-term capital gain and will not be subject to
ordinary income tax rates. If those holding periods are satisfied, no deduction
will be available to the Company upon the sale of shares acquired through the
exercise of an ISO. If the optionee disposes of the shares before expiration of
those holding periods, the optionee will realize at the time of such disposition
taxable ordinary income equal to the lesser of (i) the excess of the shares’
fair market value on the date of exercise over the exercise price or (ii) the
optionee’s actual gain, if any, on the purchase and sale.
The grant of a NQSO generally will not
result in taxable income to the optionee. However, upon exercise of a NQSO, the
excess of the fair market value of the shares of Common Stock on the exercise
date over the exercise price generally will constitute ordinary taxable income
to the optionee. In the event of a subsequent sale of shares acquired upon
exercise of a NQSO, the amount, if any, by which the sale price of such shares
after the date of exercise of the NQSO exceeds the exercise price of the NQSO
will generally qualify as a capital gain. The Company will be entitled to a
deduction for federal income tax purposes at the same time and in the same
amount as the ordinary income recognized by the optionee, provided any federal
income tax withholding requirements are satisfied.
Section 409A of the Code, which became
effective January 1, 2005, imposes certain restrictions on amounts deferred
under non-qualified deferred compensation plans and a 20% excise tax on amounts
that are subject to, but do not comply with, Section 409A of the Code. Section
409A of the Code includes a broad definition of non-qualified deferred
compensation plans, which includes certain types of equity incentive
compensation. It is intended that the 2008 Awards granted under the
Amended 2008 Plan will comply with or be exempt from the requirements of Section
409A of the Code and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder (and any
subsequent notices or guidance issued by the Internal Revenue
Amended 2008 Plan
Restricted Stock Awards or Restricted Stock Units
under the Amended 2008 Plan will be
granted at the discretion of the Committee, and are not yet
determinable. Benefits attributable to any Restricted Stock Awards or
Restricted Stock Units granted under the Plan will depend on a number of
factors, includ
ng the fair market value of our common stock on future
dates, and actual Company performance compared with performance goals
established with respect to such Restricted Stock Awards or Restricted Stock
Units, if any.
The Audit
Committee, which consists entirely of independent directors, is recommending
approval of its appointment of Moss Adams LLP as independent accountants for
WidePoint to audit its consolidated financial statements for the year ending
December 31, 2009 and to perform audit-related services, including review of our
quarterly interim financial information and periodic reports and registration
statements filed with the SEC and consultation in connection with various
accounting and financial reporting matters. If the shareholders do
not approve the appointment of Moss Adams LLP, the Audit Committee will
reconsider the appointment.
Moss Adams LLP provided audit and other
services in 2009 for the Company’s audit of its consolidated financial
statements for the year ended December 31, 2008. Moss Adams LLP also
provided audit and other services in 2008 for the Company’s audit of its
consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007 and in
2007 for the Company’s audit of its consolidated financial statements for the
year ended December 31, 2006, as a result of its acquisition of Epstein Weber
& Conover PLC in January 2007.
January 1, 2007, Epstein, Weber & Conover, PLC (“EWC”) combined its practice
with Moss Adams LLP (“Moss Adams”) and therefore EWC resigned as the independent
registered public accounting firm of the Company, as a result of which Moss
Adams became the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company.
The Company was notified of such resignation on January 22, 2007. According to
information provided to the Company, all of the partners of EWC became partners
of Moss Adams. Previously, on February 24, 2006, the Company had
engaged EWC as its independent registered public accounting firm. From the date
of engagement through January 22, 2007, there were no disagreements (within the
meaning of Item 304 of Regulation S-K) between the Company and EWC on any
matters of accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure or
auditing scope or procedure, which, if not resolved to the satisfaction of EWC,
would have been referred to in its report. EWC’s report on the Company’s
financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2005 did not contain an
adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion and was not qualified or modified as
to uncertainty, audit scope, or accounting principles. On January 22, 2007, the
Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company engaged Moss Adams to
serve as its new independent accounting firm effective January 22,
2007. During the fiscal years ended December 31, 2005 and December
31, 2006 and during the subsequent period prior to the engagement of Moss Adams
as its new independent accounting firm, the Company did not consult with Moss
Adams regarding either (i) the application of accounting principles to a
specified transaction or the type of audit opinion that might be rendered on the
Company’s financial statements or (ii) any matter that was either the subject of
a disagreement or a reportable event (as defined in Item 304 of Regulation
resolution will be presented at the Annual Meeting to ratify the appointment by
the Company’s Board of Directors of Moss Adams LLP to serve as the Company’s
independent public accountants for the fiscal year ending December 31,
2009. A majority vote of the Company's outstanding shares of Common
Stock present or represented at the Annual Meeting is required for
ratification. A representative of Moss Adams LLP will be available
either via phone or in person at the Annual Meeting to answer appropriate
questions concerning the Company’s financial statements and to make a statement
if he desires to do so.
The Board of Directors has an Audit
Committee, which conducted four meetings during 2008 and presently consists of
Morton Taubman, James Ritter, and George Norwood. Under the corporate
governance listing standards of the NYSE Amex, Messrs. Taubman, Ritter, and
Norwood are “independent” directors. The Audit Committee is
responsible for meeting with the Company’s independent accountants to review the
proposed scope of the annual audit of the Company’s books and records, reviewing
the findings of the independent accountants upon completion of the annual audit,
and reporting to the Board of Directors with respect thereto. All of the members
of the Audit Committee are considered by the Board to be financially literate
and the Board has determined that Mr. Taubman is deemed to be an “audit
committee financial expert” as defined by the rules of the SEC.
Statement Review
The Audit Committee has: (a) reviewed
and discussed the audited financial statements with the management of the
Company; (b) discussed with the Company's independent auditors, Moss Adams LLP,
the matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61;
(c) received from the Company's independent auditors the written disclosures and
the letter required by Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1, and has
discussed with the Company's independent auditors their independence; and (d)
based on the review and discussions referred to in clauses (a), (b) and (c)
above, recommended to the Board that the audited financial statements be
included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for fiscal year 2008 for
filing with the SEC.
Committee Policies and Procedures For Pre-Approval of Independent Auditor
The following describes the Audit
Committee’s policies and procedures regarding pre-approval of the engagement of
the Company’s independent auditor to perform audit as well as permissible
non-audit services for the Company.
For audit
services, the independent auditor will provide the Committee with an engagement
letter during the March-May quarter of each year outlining the scope of the
audit services proposed to be performed in connection with the audit of the
current fiscal year. If agreed to by the Committee, the engagement
letter will be formally accepted by the Committee at an Audit Committee meeting
held as soon as practicable following receipt of the engagement
letter. The independent auditor will submit to the Committee for
approval an audit services fee proposal after acceptance of the engagement
For non-audit services, Company
management may submit to the Committee for approval (during May through
September of each fiscal year) the list of non-audit services that it recommends
the Committee engage the independent auditor to provide for the fiscal
year. The list of services must be detailed as to the particular
service and may not call for broad categorical approvals. Company
management and the independent auditor will each confirm to the Audit Committee
that each non-audit service on the list is permissible under all applicable
legal requirements. In addition to the list of planned non-audit
services, a budget estimating non-audit service spending for the fiscal year may
be provided. The Committee will consider for approval both the list
of permissible non-audit services and the budget for such
services. The Committee will be informed routinely as to the
non-audit services actually provided by the independent auditor pursuant to this
pre-approval process.
To ensure prompt handling of unexpected
matters, the Audit Committee delegates to its Chairman the authority to amend or
modify the list of approved permissible non-audit services and
fees. The Chairman will report any action taken pursuant to this
delegation to the Committee at its next meeting.
All audit and non-audit services
provided to the Company are required to be pre-approved by the
Committee. The Chief Financial Officer of the Company will be
responsible for tracking all independent auditor fees against the budget for
such services and report at least annually to the Audit Committee.
The foregoing report is submitted by
the members of the Audit Committee.
Committee of the Board of Directors
S. Taubman (Chairman)
M. Ritter
W. Norwood
Audit and Non-Audit
Company paid Moss Adams LLP approximately $134,507 in audit and review fees for
fiscal year 2008. The Company paid Moss Adams approximately $122,867 in audit
and review fees for fiscal year 2007.
Company did not pay Moss Adams LLP any audit-related fees for fiscal year 2008
or 2007.
Company did not pay Moss Adams LLP any tax fees for fiscal year 2008 or
Other Fees
Company did not pay Moss Adams LLP any nonaudit fees for fiscal year 2008
or 2007.
Ownership Information
following table sets forth information as to those holders (other than officers
and directors) known to WidePoint to be the beneficial owners of more than 5% of
the outstanding shares of Common Stock as of November 10, 2009. The
calculation of the percentage of outstanding shares is based on 60,684,823
shares outstanding as of November 10, 2009, the record date for determining
shareholders entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.
Names and Complete Mailing Address
of Shares
Percent of
Common Stock
Inc., Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.,
Financial Products Inc,
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc.
Greenwich Street
York, NY 10013
& Partners, Timothy G. Ewing.,
Asset Management, LLC, and
General Partners, LP
Cole Avenue, Suite 808
TX 75205
A. Donaldson,
DeSales St.
DC 20036
(1) Citigroup
Inc, Citigroup Global Markets, Citigroup Financial Products Inc., and Citigroup
Global Markets Holdings Inc. have no sole voting power in respect to the shares
listed above; shared voting power in respect to all shares listed above; no sole
dispositive power in respect to the shares listed above; and shared dispositive
power in respect of all the shares listed above. Information based
solely on a Schedule 13G/A filed with the SEC on January 28, 2009.
(2) Ewing
& Partners is deemed a beneficial owner of the shares listed above and each
of the other listed persons or entities is deemed a beneficial owner of the
shares listed above, which includes 2,312,260 shares owned by Endurance Partners
(Q.P.), L.P. and 928,240 shares owned by Endurance Partners,
L.P. Information based solely on a Schedule 13G/A filed with the SEC
on February 13, 2009.
(3) Samuel
A. Donaldson has sole voting power and sole dispositive power with respect to
all shares listed above.
following table sets forth the number of shares of our Common Stock beneficially
owned as of November 10, 2009 by each director, director nominee, and each
executive officer named in the Summary Compensation Table herein. In
general, “beneficial ownership” includes those shares a director or executive
officer has the power to vote or transfer, except as otherwise noted, and
underlying warrants and stock options that are exercisable currently or within
60 days. The calculation of the percentage of outstanding shares is
based on 60,684,823 shares outstanding as of November 10, 2009, the record date
for determining shareholders entitled to vote at the Annual
Security Ownership of Directors and
Executive Officer
Number of
Percent of
Directors, Nominees
Shares of
and Executive Officers
Common Stock (1)
Common Stock (1)
Komar (2)
Taubman (3)
McCubbin (4)
Ritter (5)
Turissini (6)
Oxley (7)
Kang (8)
Guenther (9)
Norwood (10)
directors and
as a group
persons) (11)
(1) Assumes
in the case of each shareholder listed above that all warrants or options held
by such shareholder that are exercisable currently or within 60 days were fully
exercised by such shareholder, without the exercise of any warrants or options
held by any other shareholders.
(2) Includes
(i) 800,000 shares of Common Stock purchased by Mr. Komar on July 8, 2002 in a
private transaction without registration under the Securities Act of 1933,
pursuant to the private offering exemption under Section 4(2) thereof, (ii)
425,000 shares of Common Stock that may be purchased by Mr. Komar at a price of
$0.07 per share until July 7, 2012, pursuant to a stock option grant to him on
January 7, 2002, (iii) 50,000 shares of Common Stock that may be purchased by
Mr. Komar at an exercise price of $0.09 per share through April 24, 2013
pursuant to a stock option granted to him on April 24, 2003, (iv) 50,000 shares
of Common Stock that may be purchased by Mr. Komar at an exercise price of $0.13
per share through December 31, 2013 pursuant to a stock option granted to him on
December 31, 2003, and (v) 793,103 shares of Common Stock acquired by him
pursuant to his exercise on July 8, 2009 of a warrant granted to him on July 14,
2004, which shares were subsequently transferred to SLK Diversified L.P., a
limited partnership controlled by Mr. Komar, as a result of which such
shares are now held by him indirectly.
(3) Includes
(i) 12,000 shares of Common Stock that may be purchased by Mr. Taubman at a
price of $2.70 per share until March 10, 2016, pursuant to a stock option
granted to him on March 10, 2006 under the Directors Plan, and (ii) 50,000
shares of Common Stock that may be purchased by him at a price of $0.54 per
share through March 10, 2016, under an option granted on May 11,
(4) Includes
(i) 815,000 shares of Common Stock purchased by Mr. McCubbin on July 8, 2002 in
a private transaction without registration under the Securities Act of 1933,
pursuant to the private offering exemption under Section 4(2) thereof, (ii)
42,100 shares of Common Stock owned directly by Mr. McCubbin, (iii)
450,000 shares of Common Stock that may be purchased by Mr. McCubbin at a price
of $0.17 per share until January 2, 2011, pursuant to a stock option grant to
him on January 2, 2001, (iv) 1,000 shares of Common stock that may be
purchased by Mr. McCubbin at a price of $1.35 per share until July 3, 2010,
pursuant to a stock option granted to him on July 3, 2000, and (v) 793,103
shares of Common Stock acquired by him pursuant to his exercise on July 8, 2009
of a warrant granted to him on July 14, 2004.
(5) Includes
(i) 65,500 shares of Common Stock owned directly by Mr. Ritter, and (ii) 50,000
shares of Common Stock that may be purchased by him at a price of $0.13 per
share through December 31, 2013, under an option granted on December 31,
2003. Does not include 25,000 shares of Common Stock that may be
purchased by him at a price of $0.54 per share through May 11, 2019, under an
option granted on May 11, 2009.
(6) Includes
(i) 825,000 shares of Common Stock issued to Mr. Turissini in connection with
the Company’s acquisition in October 2004 of Operational Research Consultants,
Inc. (“ORC”), (ii) 470,000 shares of Common Stock that may be purchased by Mr.
Turissini at a price of $0.76 per share until September 14, 2015, pursuant to a
stock option grant to him on September 14, 2005, and (iii) 4,611 shares of
restricted Common Stock privately issued to Mr. Turissini by the Company as a
result of a stock award earned in 2005 and paid to him in 2006.
Includes (i) 12,000 shares of Common Stock that may be purchased by Mr. Oxley at
a price of $2.80 per share until August 16, 2016, pursuant to a stock option
granted to him on August 16, 2006, (ii) 50,000 shares of Common Stock that may
be purchased by him at a price of $0.54 per share through August 15, 2016, under
an option granted to him on May 11, 2009, and (iii) 71,000 shares owned directly
by Mr. Oxley. Does not include 250,000 shares that may be purchased
by Mr. Oxley at a price of $0.83 per share until July 25, 2018, pursuant to a
stock option granted to him on May 11, 2009.
Includes (i) 1,586,336 shares of Common Stock issued to Mr. Kang in January 2008
in connection with our acquisition of iSYS LLC and (ii) 315,000 shares of Common
Stock that may be purchased by him at a price of $0.54 per share through January
4, 2013, under an option granted to him on May 11, 2009.
Includes (i) 12,000 shares of Common Stock that may be purchased by Mr. Guenther
at a price of $0.93 per share until May 15, 2017, pursuant to a stock option
granted to him on August 15, 2007, and (ii) 50,000 shares of Common Stock that
may be purchased by him at a price of $0.54 per share through August 15, 2017,
under an option granted to him on May 11, 2009.
Includes (i) 12,000 shares of Common Stock that may be purchased by Mr. Norwood
at a price of $0.93 per share until August 15, 2017, pursuant to a stock option
granted to him on August 15, 2007, and (ii) 50,000 shares of Common Stock that
may be purchased by him at a price of $0.54 per share through August 15, 2017,
under an option granted to him on May 11 2009.
(11) Includes
the shares referred to as included in notes (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8),
(9), and (10), above.
16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, requires the Company's
officers and directors, and persons who own more than 10% of a registered class
of the Company's equity securities, to file reports of securities ownership and
changes in such ownership with the SEC. Statements of Changes in
Beneficial Ownership of Securities on Form 4 are required to be filed before the
end of the second business day following the day on which the change in
beneficial ownership occurred. Based on a review of Forms 3 and 4
filed during 2008, all of the Company’s officers and directors timely filed such
Compensation Table
following table contains information about the Chief Executive Officer and
the other two most highly paid executive officers whose total compensation
earned during 2008 exceeded $100,000.
All Other
Name and
Principal Position
( $)
($) (1)
Chief Executive
Secretary and
and Chief
Kang (5)
of iSYS
Reference is made to Note 2 to the
consolidated financial statements contained in our Annual Report on Form 10-K,
as filed on March 31, 2009, with respect to the calculation of such
(2) For
Mr. Komar, represents a monthly home office and phone allowance of
$600. For Mr. McCubbin, represents a monthly home office allowance of
For Mr. Oxley,
Directors fees of $5,000 were paid prior to his employment with the Company,
which employment commenced in May of 2008, and 250,000 options were granted to
Mr. Oxley as a result of his employment with the Company in May of 2008, with
such options being granted on July 25, 2008 at a price per common share of $0.81
with an intrinsic value of $202,500. Such options become fully exercisable on
July 25, 2015, subject to acceleration upon the achievement of certain
performance measures. In 2007, Mr. Oxley received a Directors fee of
A bonus was paid to Mr. Turissini in 2007 for the extension of his employment
agreement for an additional two years.
Options were granted
to Mr. Kang as a result of his employment with the Company commencing in January
2008, as part of our acquisition of iSYS, LLC. Options representing 315,000
common shares were issued on January 4, 2008 at a price per common share of
$0.85 per common share with an intrinsic value of $267,750. Such options became
fully exercisable on April 5, 2008. Mr. Kang was not employed by the Company
during 2007.
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
The following table sets forth
information on outstanding warrants, options and stock awards held by the named
executive officers at December 31, 2008, including the number of shares
underlying both exercisable and unexercisable portions of each stock option and
warrant, as well as the exercise price and expiration date of each outstanding
option and warrant.
Option Awards
Number of
Unexercised Options
(#) Exercisable
Number of Securities
Equity Incentive Plan
Awards: Number of
Securities Underlying
Unexercised Unearned
Options (#)
L. Komar, Chairman,
& Chief Executive
T. McCubbin,
Vice President,
Financial Officer,
and Treasurer
S. Oxley,
Vice President –
and Marketing
Technology Officer and Chief Executive Officer of ORC
On January 4, 2008, Jin
Kang, President of iSYS, LLC, was granted an option to purchase 315,000 shares
of Common Stock of the Company at an exercise price of $0.85 per share through
January 4, 2013.
On May
11, 2009, the Company’s Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors voted
to cancel 950,000 options held by management and other employees (the “Cancelled
Options”) and issue replacement options to such individuals (the “Replacement
Options”). The optionees all concurred with such action by the Compensation
Committee. The Cancelled Options had varying exercise prices ranging from $0.85
to $2.80 with a weighted average exercise price of $1.06 per share. The exercise
price of the Replacement Options was set at $0.54 per share. Other than the
exercise price per share, there are no differences in the terms between the
Cancelled Options and the Replacement Options. The incremental additional fair
value of the Replacement Options was calculated to be approximately $64,000,
which was determined by calculating the fair value of the Cancelled Options as
they existed on May 11, 2009 immediately prior to cancellation as compared to
the fair value on the same date of the exercise price of the Replacement
Options. This amount of additional fair value of the Replacement Options will be
recognized over the vesting period of the Replacement Options. Since some of the
Replacement Options were fully vested at May 11, 2009, there was an expense of
approximately $45,000 recognized in the three months ended June 30, 2009 as a
result of the cancellation of the Cancelled Options and the issuance of the
Replacement Options.
Agreements and Compensation Arrangements; Termination and Change in Control
The following describes the terms of
employment agreements between the Company and the named executive officers and
sets forth information regarding potential payments upon termination of
employment or a change in control of the Company.
On July 1, 2002, we entered into an employment
agreement with Steve Komar, our Chief Executive Officer and
President. The employment agreement had an initial term expiring on
July 1, 2003 with five renewable one-year option periods. On July 25, 2008, the
Company entered into an addendum to the employment agreement that provided that
Mr. Komar’s employment agreement shall be extended by one year and provided for
an additional one year option period. The agreement provides for (1)
a base salary of $40,000 per year, (2) a home office/automobile expense
allowance of $500 per month to cover such expenses incurred in the pursuit of
our business; (3)
phone allowance of $100 per month to cover such expenses incurred in the pursuit
of our business; (4)
reimbursement for
additional actual business expenses consistent with our existing policies that
have been incurred for our benefit; (5) paid medical and other benefits
consistent with our existing policies with respect to our key executives, as
such policies may be amended from time to time in the future; and (6)
performance incentive bonuses as may be granted annually at the discretion of
the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.
The employment agreement also contains
termination and change of control provisions as a result of (a) Mr. Komar’s
death or permanent disability which renders him unable to perform his duties
hereunder (as determined by the Company in its good faith judgment), (b) by Mr.
Komar’s resignation upon the expiration of the Employment Period (as defined in
Mr. Komar’s employment agreement), provided that Mr. Komar gives at least 90
days prior written notice to the Company, (c) the termination of his employment
at the convenience of the Board of Directors of the Company by unanimous consent
(excluding the consent of Mr. Komar if Mr. Komar is also a director of the
Company at that time) with at least 90 days notice to be provided by the Company
to Mr. Komar prior to the expiration of the Employment Period, (d) a change in
control of more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Company, (e) a sale or
other disposition of a majority of the Company's base IT Staff Augmentation
business, (f) the insolvency of the Company, or (g) a termination by the Company
for Cause (as defined in Mr. Komar’s employment agreement). In the
event Mr. Komar is not in breach of the employment agreement and the Employment
Period is terminated prior to the expiration of the then current term, then in
certain events, termination payments may become payable by the Company as set
forth in more detail below. In the event of the death or permanent
disability of Mr. Komar, $50,000 shall be paid to Mr. Komar or his estate and
all granted but unvested stock options shall be immediately vested and the
period of exercise extended for an additional 2 years.
In the
event of Mr. Komar’s resignation, no termination payments or accelerated vesting
of stock options shall occur. In the event of termination at the election of the
Company, then $250,000 will be due and payable by the Company to Mr. Komar as a
severance payment, which payment will be paid in 12 equal installment payments
of $20,833.33 each over the immediately subsequent 12 months following such date
of termination and all awarded but unvested stock options shall be immediately
vested and the period of exercise extended for the then remaining term of the
option as provided under the option agreement. In the event of a termination
occurring as a result of a change in control of more than 50% of the outstanding
shares of the Company, then $250,000 will be payable by the Company to Mr. Komar
as a severance payment, which payment will be paid in one lump-sum payment
within 30 days of the date of such termination and all awarded but unvested
stock options shall be immediately vested and the period of exercise extended
for the then remaining term of the option as provided under the option
agreement. In the event of termination as a result of a sale or other
disposition of a majority of the Company's base IT Staff Augmentation business,
then $250,000 will be payable by the Company to Mr. Komar as a severance
payment, which payment will be paid in one lump-sum payment within 30 days of
the date of such termination and all awarded but unvested stock options shall be
immediately vested and the period of exercise extended for the then remaining
term of the option as provided under the option agreement. In the event of a
change of control of more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Company that
allows for the continuance of employment under his agreement, then a $100,000
lump sum payment is immediately due to Mr. Komar, and any future payments under
Mr. Komar’s employment agreement for termination as a result of a change of
control greater than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Company or in the
event of termination as a result of a sale or other disposition of a majority of
the Company's base IT Staff Augmentation business shall result in a $150,000
payment to Mr. Komar. In the event of the insolvency of the Company
while Mr. Komar is employed by Company as Chief Executive Officer or a similar
position of control, then all obligations under Mr. Komar’s employment agreement
will immediately terminate except that the Company shall pay to Mr. Komar a
termination payment of $50,000 on such date of termination of employment and no
further compensation or other payments beyond the insolvency date will be due or
payable to Mr. Komar by the Company. In the event of a termination for Cause, no
payments will be due or payable by the Company to Mr. Komar. Mr.
Komar’s employment agreement defines “Cause” as (i) the repeated failure or
refusal of Mr. Komar to follow the lawful directives of the Company or its
designee (except due to sickness, injury or disabilities), (ii) gross
inattention to duty or any other willful, reckless or grossly negligent act (or
omission to act) by Mr. Komar, which, in the good faith judgment of the Company,
materially injures the Company, including the repeated failure to follow the
policies and procedures of the Company, (iii) a material breach of the
employment agreement by Mr. Komar which is not cured within a 60 day period
following formal notification by the Company, or (iv) the commission by Mr.
Komar of an act of financial dishonesty against the Company that results in the
conviction of a felony.
On July 1, 2002, we entered into an employment
agreement with James McCubbin, our Chief Financial Officer. The
employment agreement had an initial term expiring on July 1, 2003 with five
renewable one-year option periods. On July 25, 2008, the Company entered into an
addendum to the employment agreement that provided that Mr. McCubbin’s
employment agreement shall be extended by one year and provided for an
additional one year option period. The agreement provides for (1) a
base salary of $119,000 per year, (2) a home office/automobile expense allowance
of $500 per month to cover such expenses incurred in the pursuit of our
business; (3)
reimbursement for
additional actual business expenses consistent with our existing policies that
have been incurred for our benefit; (4) paid medical and other benefits
consistent with our existing policies with respect to our key executives, as
such policies may be amended from time to time in the future; and (5)
performance incentive bonuses as may be granted annually at the discretion of
the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.
employment agreement also contains termination and change of control provisions
as a result of (a) Mr. McCubbin’s death or permanent disability which renders
Mr. McCubbin unable to perform his duties hereunder (as determined by the
Company in its good faith judgment), (b) Mr. McCubbin’s resignation upon the
expiration of the Employment Period (as defined in Mr. McCubbin’s employment
agreement), provided that Mr. McCubbin gives at least 90 days prior written
notice to the Company, (c) the termination of his employment at the convenience
of the Board of Directors of the Company by unanimous consent (excluding the
consent of Mr. McCubbin if he is also a director of the Company at that time)
with at least 90 days notice to be provided by the Company to Mr. McCubbin prior
to the expiration of the Employment Period, (d) a change in control of more than
50% of the outstanding shares of the Company, (e) a sale or other disposition of
a majority of the Company's base IT Staff Augmentation business, (f) the
insolvency of the Company, or (g) a termination by the Company for Cause (as
defined in Mr. McCubbin’s employment agreement).
In the
event Mr. McCubbin is not in breach of the employment agreement and the
Employment Period is terminated prior to the expiration of the then current
term, then in certain events as described below, termination payments may become
payable by the Company. In the event of the death or permanent disability of Mr.
McCubbin, $50,000 shall be paid to Mr. McCubbin or his estate and all granted
but unvested stock options shall be immediately vested and the period of
exercise extended for an additional 2 years. In the event of Mr.
McCubbin’s resignation, no termination payments or accelerated vesting of stock
options shall occur. In the event of termination at the election of the Company,
then $125,000 will be due and payable by the Company to Mr. McCubbin as a
severance payment, which payment will be paid in 12 equal installment payments
of $10,416.66 each over the immediately subsequent 12 months following such date
of termination and all awarded but unvested stock options shall be immediately
vested and the period of exercise extended for the then remaining term of the
option as provided under the option agreement. In the event of a
termination occurring as a result of a change in control of more than 50% of the
outstanding shares of the Company, then $250,000 will be payable by the Company
to Mr. McCubbin as a severance payment, which payment will be paid in one
lump-sum payment within 30 days of the date of such termination and all awarded
but unvested stock options shall be immediately vested and the period of
exercise extended for the then remaining term of the option as provided under
the option agreement. In the event of termination as a result of a sale or other
disposition of a majority of the Company's base IT Staff Augmentation business,
then $250,000 will be payable by the Company to Mr. McCubbin as a severance
payment, which payment will be paid in one lump-sum payment within 30 days of
the date of such termination and all awarded but unvested stock options shall be
immediately vested and the period of exercise extended for the then remaining
term of the option as provided under the option agreement. In the event of a
change of control of more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Company that
allows for the continuance of employment under Mr. McCubbin’s employment
agreement, then a $100,000 lump sum payment is immediately due to Mr. McCubbin,
and any future payments under the employment agreement for termination as a
result of a change of control greater than 50% of the outstanding shares of the
Company or in the event of termination as a result of a sale or other
disposition of a majority of the Company's base IT Staff Augmentation business
shall result in a $150,000 payment to Mr. McCubbin. In the event of
the insolvency of the Company while Mr. McCubbin is employed by Company as Chief
Financial Officer or a similar position of control, then all obligations under
the employment agreement will immediately terminate except that the Company
shall pay to Mr. McCubbin a termination payment of $50,000 on such date of
termination of employment and no further compensation or other payments beyond
the insolvency date will be due or payable to Mr. McCubbin by the Company. In
the event of a termination for Cause, no payments will be due or payable by the
Company to Mr. McCubbin. Mr. Komar’s employment agreement defines
“Cause” as (i) the repeated failure or refusal of Mr. McCubbin to follow the
lawful directives of the Company or its designee (except due to sickness, injury
or disabilities), (ii) gross inattention to duty or any other willful, reckless
or grossly negligent act (or omission to act) of Mr. McCubbin, which, in the
good faith judgment of the Company, materially injures the Company, including
the repeated failure to follow the policies and procedures of the Company, (iii)
a material breach of the employment agreement by Mr. McCubbin which is not cured
by Mr. McCubbin within a 60 day period following formal notification by the
Company, or (iv) the commission by Mr. McCubbin of an act of financial
dishonesty against the Company that results in the conviction of a
May 2008, the Company entered into an employment agreement with Ronald Oxley,
our Executive Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Business Strategy. The
agreement provides for (1) a base salary of $180,000 per year, (2) reimbursement
for pre-approved business expenses consistent with our existing policies that
have been incurred for our benefit; (3) paid medical and other benefits
consistent with our existing policies with respect to our key executives, as
such policies may be amended from time to time in the future; and (4)
performance incentive bonuses as may be granted at the discretion of the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.
agreement also contains a termination provision. His employment period will
continue from the date of his agreement unless terminated earlier by (a) Mr.
Oxley’s death or permanent disability which renders him unable to perform his
duties hereunder (as determined by WidePoint in its good faith judgment), (b)
Mr. Oxley’s resignation, commencing from and after the second anniversary date
of his agreement, upon prior written notice to WidePoint of 90 days before the
annual anniversary date of this Agreement, or (c) WidePoint for Cause. Cause
shall mean (i) the repeated failure or refusal of Mr. Oxley to follow the lawful
directives of WidePoint or its designee (except due to sickness, injury or
disabilities), after prior notice to Mr. Oxley and a reasonable opportunity to
cure by Mr. Oxley of up to 30 days, (ii) gross inattention to duty or any other
willful, reckless or grossly negligent act (or omission to act) by Mr. Oxley,
which, in the good faith judgment of WidePoint, materially injures WidePoint,
including the repeated failure to follow the policies and procedures of
WidePoint, after prior notice to Mr. Oxley and a reasonable opportunity to cure
by Mr. Oxley of up to 30 days, (iii) a material breach of the employment
agreement by Mr. Oxley, after prior notice to Mr. Oxley and a reasonable
opportunity to cure by Mr. Oxley of up to 30 days, (iv) the commission by Mr.
Oxley of a felony or other crime involving moral turpitude or the commission by
Mr. Oxley of an act of financial dishonesty against WidePoint or (v) a proper
business purpose of WidePoint, which shall be limited only to a decrease in the
staffing of the corporate headquarters staff or the elimination of the position
filled by Mr. Oxley as a result of a material decrease in revenues and/or
profits of WidePoint, but with other cost cutting measures and the termination
of other employees at such office being first considered and instituted as
determined in the sole judgment of WidePoint prior to the termination of Mr.
Oxley; provided, however, that in the event WidePoint terminates Mr. Oxley for a
“proper business purpose,” then (I) the scope of the non-compete set forth in
the employment agreement shall be limited to the products and services offered
by WidePoint as of the termination of Mr. Oxley and (II) WidePoint shall pay to
Mr. Oxley the lesser of (A) Mr. Oxley’s salary and benefits each month for the 6
month period immediately following such termination or (B) in the event less
than 6 months remains in the then current term of Mr. Oxley’s employment with
WidePoint, then Mr. Oxley shall receive his salary and benefits each month for
such lesser remaining period of time.
Mr. Oxley’s employment agreement
further provides that during the employment period and for one year following
the termination of Mr. Oxley’s agreement as a result of his resignation or a
termination by WidePoint for Cause, Mr. Oxley will not own, manage, control,
participate in, consult with, advertise on behalf of, render services for or in
any manner engage in any competitive business of soliciting or providing any
computer, technology, information technology, consulting or any other services
and/or products of any type whatsoever to any federal, state and/or local
governments and/or to any existing or targeted customers or clients of
WidePoint; nor shall Mr. Oxley attempt to influence any then existing or
targeted customers, clients or suppliers of WidePoint to curtail any business
they are currently, or in the last 24 months have been, transacting with
WidePoint. Furthermore, during such period, Mr. Oxley shall not, without
WidePoint’s prior written consent, knowingly solicit or encourage any existing
employee or recruit to leave or discourage their employment with
On October 24, 2004, the Company entered into an
employment agreement with Daniel Turissini, our Chief Technology Officer and the
Chief Executive Officer of our wholly owned subsidiary, Operational Research
Consultants, Inc. (“ORC”). The employment agreement had an initial
term expiring on October 25, 2006. On July 25, 2007, the Company
entered into an addendum to the employment agreement that provided that Mr.
Turissini’s employment agreement shall be annually renewable through October 24,
2009. On July 15, 2009, the Company entered into an addendum to the
employment agreement that provided that the term of Mr. Turissini’s employment
agreement shall extend through October 31, 2011. The agreement, as amended
pursuant to the July 15, 2009 addendum, provides for (1) a base salary of
$250,000 per year, (2) reimbursement for additional actual business expenses
consistent with our existing policies that have been incurred for our benefit;
(3) paid medical and other benefits consistent with our existing policies with
respect to our key executives, as such policies may be amended from time to time
in the future; and (4) performance incentive bonuses as may be granted annually
at the discretion of the Compensation Committee of the Board of
employment agreement also contains a termination provision. Mr.
Turissini’s employment period will continue from the date of his agreement on
October 24, 2004 until October 31, 2011 unless terminated earlier by (a) Mr.
Turissini’s death or permanent disability which renders him unable to perform
his duties hereunder (as determined by ORC and WidePoint in their good faith
judgment), (b) Mr. Turissini’s resignation, commencing from and after the third
anniversary date of his employment agreement, upon prior written notice to ORC
and WidePoint of 90 days before the annual anniversary date of his employment
agreement, or (c) ORC and/or WidePoint for Cause. Mr. Turissini’s
employment agreement defines “Cause” as (i) the repeated failure or refusal of
Mr. Turissini to follow the lawful directives of ORC, WidePoint or their
designee (except due to sickness, injury or disabilities), after prior notice to
Mr. Turissini and a reasonable opportunity to cure by Mr. Turissini of up to 30
days, (ii) gross inattention to duty or any other willful, reckless or grossly
negligent act (or omission to act) by Mr. Turissini, which, in the good faith
judgment of ORC and WidePoint, materially injures ORC or WidePoint, including
the repeated failure to follow the policies and procedures of ORC or WidePoint,
after prior notice to Mr. Turissini and a reasonable opportunity to cure by Mr.
Turissini of up to 30 days, (iii) a material breach of the employment agreement
by Mr. Turissini, after prior notice to Mr. Turissini and a reasonable
opportunity to cure by Mr. Turissini of up to 30 days, (iv) the commission by
Mr. Turissini of a felony or other crime involving moral turpitude or the
commission by Mr. Turissini of an act of financial dishonesty against ORC or
WidePoint or (v) a proper business purpose of ORC or WidePoint, which shall be
limited only to a decrease in the staffing of the office in which Mr. Turissini
is working or the elimination of the position filled by Mr. Turissini as a
result of a material decrease in revenues and/or profits at the office in which
Mr. Turissini is working, but with other cost cutting measures and the
termination of other employees at such office being first considered and
instituted as determined in the sole judgment of ORC and WidePoint prior to the
termination of Mr. Turissini; provided, however, that in the event ORC
terminates Mr. Turissini under subparagraph (v), then (I) the scope of the
non-compete under Paragraph 5 of the employment agreement shall be limited to
the products and services offered by ORC as of the termination of Mr. Turissini
under subparagraph (v), and (II) ORC shall pay to Mr. Turissini his salary and
benefits each month for the six month period immediately following such
Turissini’s employment agreement further provides that for one year following
the termination of Mr. Turissini’s employment agreement as a result of his
resignation or a termination by ORC or WidePoint for Cause, Mr. Turissini will
not own, manage, control, participate in, consult with, advertise on behalf of,
render services for or in any manner engage in any competitive business of
soliciting or providing any computer, technology, information technology,
consulting or any other services and/or products of any type whatsoever to any
federal, state and/or local governments and/or to any existing or targeted
customers or clients of ORC and/or WidePoint; nor shall Mr. Turissini attempt to
influence any then existing or targeted customers, clients or suppliers of ORC
or WidePoint to curtail any business they are currently, or in the last 36
months have been, transacting with ORC or WidePoint. Furthermore, during such
period, Mr. Turissini shall not, without ORC’s or WidePoint’s prior written
consent, knowingly solicit or encourage any existing employee or recruit to
leave or discourage their employment with ORC or WidePoint.
In January 2008, Jin Kang entered into an Employment and
Non-Compete Agreement with iSYS, LLC and WidePoint, pursuant to which Mr. Kang
serves as the President of iSYS. The agreement provides for (1) a base salary of
$225,000 per year, (2) reimbursement for business expenses consistent with our
existing policies that have been incurred for our benefit, (3) paid medical and
other benefits consistent with our existing policies with respect to our key
executives, as such policies may be amended from time to time in the future, and
(4) performance incentive bonuses as may be granted at the discretion of the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.
agreement also contains a termination provision. His employment period will
continue from the date of his agreement unless terminated earlier by (a) Mr.
Kang’s death or permanent disability, (b) Mr. Kang’s resignation (other than for
Good Reason), upon prior written notice to WidePoint and iSYS of 90 days, or (c)
iSYS or WidePoint for Cause. Cause shall mean (i) the repeated failure or
refusal of Mr. Kang to follow the lawful directives of iSYS, WidePoint or their
designee (except due to sickness, injury or disabilities), after prior notice to
Mr. Kang and a reasonable opportunity to cure by Mr. Kang of up to 30 days, (ii)
gross inattention to duty or any other willful, reckless or grossly negligent
act (or omission to act) by Mr. Kang, which, in the good faith judgment of
WidePoint or iSYS, materially injures WidePoint or iSYS, including the repeated
failure to follow the policies and procedures of WidePoint or iSYS, after prior
notice to Mr. Kang and a reasonable opportunity to cure by Mr. Kang of up to 30
days, (iii) a material breach of his employment agreement by Mr. Kang, after
prior notice to Mr. Kang and a reasonable opportunity to cure by Mr. Kang of up
to 30 days or (iv) the conviction by Mr. Kang of a felony or other crime
involving moral turpitude or the commission by Mr. Kang of an act of financial
dishonesty against WidePoint or iSYS. Good Reason shall mean (i) a material
breach of the employment agreement by WidePoint or iSYS, subject to written
notice and an opportunity to cure of up to 30 days, (ii) any material adverse
alteration or diminution of Mr. Kang’s duties, subject to written notice and an
opportunity to cure of up to 30 days, and (iii) the relocation of iSYS’
principal executive offices to a location more than 50 miles from its present
Upon termination of Mr. Kang’s
employment without Cause or by Mr. Kang for Good Reason, iSYS shall pay to Mr.
Kang (i) any unpaid base salary as of the date of termination, (ii) in the event
that the termination occurs prior to the third anniversary of WidePoint’s
acquisition of iSYS, base salary from the date of termination until the third
anniversary of WidePoint’s acquisition of iSYS, (iii) a pro rata portion of any
bonus payable to Mr. Kang in respect of the year in which the termination occurs
and (iv) reimbursement of outstanding business expenses.
Kang’s employment agreement further provides that during the employment period
and for two years following the termination of Mr. Kang’s employment as a result
of his resignation other than for Good Reason or a termination by WidePoint or
iSYS for Cause, Mr. Kang will not own, manage, control, participate in, consult
with, advertise on behalf of, render services for or in any manner engage in any
competitive business of soliciting or providing any computer, technology,
information technology, consulting or any other services and/or products of any
type whatsoever to any federal, state and/or local governments and/or to any
existing or targeted customers or clients of WidePoint and iSYS; nor shall Mr.
Kang attempt to influence any then existing or targeted customers, clients,
consultants or suppliers of WidePoint or iSYS to curtail any business they are
currently, or in the last 36 months have been, transacting with WidePoint or
iSYS. Furthermore, during such period, Mr. Kang shall not, without the prior
written consent of WidePoint and iSYS, knowingly solicit or encourage any
existing employee, consultant or recruit to leave or discourage their employment
with WidePoint or iSYS.
2008 Stock Incentive
. Effective December 18, 2007, the Board of Directors
adopted, and in December 2008 our shareholders approved, our 2008 Stock
Incentive Plan (the “2008 Plan”), which provides for the award of a variety of
equity-based incentives, including stock awards, stock options, stock
appreciation rights, phantom shares, performance unit appreciation rights and
dividend equivalents (collectively, “Stock Incentives”). The 2008
Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee. The vesting and
exercisability of any Stock Incentives granted under the 2008 Plan is subject to
the determination of and criteria set by the Compensation
Committee. Subject to ratification by the Company’s shareholders of
the 2008 Plan, options were granted on January 2, 2008 by the Company’s Board of
Directors under the 2008 Plan to Mr. Kang in connection with the Company’s
acquisition of iSYS, LLC, with such options being for the purchase of a total of
315,000 shares of Common Stock at a price of $0.85 per share through January 4,
2013, and with such options being fully exercisable as of April 5,
2008. Also subject to ratification by the Company’s shareholders of
the 2008 Plan, options were granted on July 25, 2008 by the Company’s Board of
Directors under the 2008 Plan to Mr. Oxley upon his appointment as Executive
Vice President of the Company, with such options being for the purchase of a
total of 250,000 shares of Common Stock at a price of $0.81 per share through
July 15, 2018, and with such options being fully exercisable on July 25, 2015,
provided that the vesting of such option may be accelerated based on the
achievement of certain performance objectives.
who are not also officers or employees receive an annual fee of
$12,000. The following table sets forth director compensation for
fees paid and stock option compensation expense recognized by the Company in
Fees Earned
or Paid in Cash
(1) The
amounts set forth in this column represent compensation expense as determined by
the Black-Scholes calculation recognized by the Company in 2007 with respect to
options grants, if any, in 2008. Reference is made to Note 2 to our
financial statements contained in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2008 with respect to the calculation of such
expense. The aggregate number of shares subject to outstanding
options held by each director as of December 31, 2008 is as follows: Mr. Ritter,
50,000; Mr. Taubman, 62,000; General Norwood, 62,000; and General Guenther,
Director Compensation Plan includes both cash consideration and non-cash
consideration consisting of quarterly fees and stock option
grants. It is designed to enable continued attraction and retention
of qualified directors. It currently includes options granted under
the Company’s 2008 Plan (described above) and formerly included options granted
under the Company’s 1997 Directors Formula Stock Option Plan prior to the
expiration of such plan (as described in more detail below).
1997 Directors Formula Stock Option
In May 1997, the Board of Directors adopted, and in
December 1997 our shareholders approved, our 1997 Directors Formula Stock Option
Plan (the “Director Plan”). In April 2007, the Director Plan expired
and was subsequently replaced by the 2008 Plan. Certain options
issued under the Director Plan prior to the expiration of such plan remain
outstanding and unexercised as of November 10, 2009. Such outstanding
and unexercised options are for the purchase of an aggregate of 48,000 shares of
Common Stock at exercise prices ranging from $0.93 to $2.80. Such
options continue to vest, become exercisable when vested and expire ten years
after the date of grant, subject to such shorter period as may have been
provided in the option agreements.
1997 Plan
. In May
1997, the Board of Directors adopted, and in December 1997 our shareholders
approved, the Company’s 1997 Stock Incentive Plan (the “1997
Plan”). In April 2007, the 1997 Plan expired and was subsequently
replaced by the 2008 Plan. Certain options issued under the
1997 Plan prior to the expiration of such plan remain outstanding and
unexercised as of November 10, 2009. Such outstanding and unexercised
options under the 1997 Plan are for the purchase of an aggregate of 2,964,411
shares of Common Stock at exercise prices ranging from $0.07 to $2.80.
options continue to vest, become exercisable when vested and expire ten years
after the date of grant, subject to such shorter period as may have been
provided in the option agreements.
Related Person Transactions
A related person transaction is a
consummated or currently proposed transaction in which we were or are to be a
participant and the amount involved exceeds $120,000, and in which a related
person (i.e., any director or executive officer or nominee for director, or any
member of the immediate family of such person) has or will have a direct or
indirect material interest. The Company was not a participant in any related
person transactions since the beginning of the Company’s last fiscal year and no
such transactions are currently proposed, with the exception that on July 8,
2009, each of Steve L. Komar and James T. McCubbin, each of whom are presently
an officer and director of the Company, exercised, in the form of a cashless
exercise, his respective warrant to purchase 1,333,333 shares of common stock of
the Company, which warrant was previously issued to such individual pursuant to
a Warrant Purchase Agreement, dated July 14, 2004, by and between the Company
and each such individual. As a result of his respective cashless exercise of
such warrant, each of Steve L. Komar and James T. McCubbin, as applicable, was
issued 793,103 shares of common stock of the Company, with 540,230 shares of
common stock of the Company being withheld by the Company from each such warrant
as payment of the respective exercise price of each such warrant.
As permitted by the federal securities
laws, we are also making this Proxy Statement available to our stockholders via
the Internet. A copy of this Proxy Statement is available to you free of charge
at http://www.widepoint.com.
Corporate Governance Documents
maintain an internet website at http://www.widepoint.com. Our Annual
Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form
8-K, and any amendment to those reports, are available free of charge on our
website immediately after they are filed with or furnished to the
SEC. WidePoint’s Code of Business Conduct, Corporate Governance
Principles and Charters of the Committees of the Board of Directors are also
available free of charge on our website or by writing to WidePoint Corporation,
Midwest Office Center, 18W100 22
Suite 104, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181, c/o Corporate
Secretary. WidePoint’s Code of Business Conduct applies to all
directors, officers (including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer) and employees. Amendments to or waivers of the Code of Conduct granted
to any of the Company’s directors or executive officers will be published on our
website within five business days of such amendment or waiver.
Proposals for 2010 Annual Meeting
Proposals of shareholders intended to
be presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting, which presently is expected to be held
in mid-June 2010, must be received by the Secretary of the Company, Midwest
Office Center, 18W100 22nd Street, Suite 104, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181,
no later than January 14, 2010 in order for them to be considered for inclusion
in the 2010 Proxy Statement. A shareholder desiring to submit a
proposal to be voted on at next year’s Annual Meeting, but not desiring to have
such proposal included in next year’s proxy statement relating to that meeting,
should submit such proposal to the Company by March 15, 2010 (i.e., at least 45
days prior to the expected date of the mailing of the proxy
statement). Failure to comply with that advance notice requirement
will permit management to use its discretionary voting authority if and when the
proposal is raised at the Annual Meeting without having had a discussion of the
proposal in the proxy statement.
Management is not aware of any other
matters to be considered at the Annual Meeting. If any other matters
properly come before the Annual Meeting, the persons named in the enclosed Proxy
will vote said Proxy in accordance with their discretion.
By Order of the Board of
James T. McCubbin
24, 2009
1.1 Definition.
Whenever used
herein, the masculine pronoun will be deemed to include the feminine, and the
singular to include the plural, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise,
and the following capitalized words and phrases are used herein with the meaning
thereafter ascribed:
“Affiliate” means: (i) an entity that directly or through one or more
intermediaries is controlled by the Company, and (ii) any entity in which the
Company has a significant equity interest, as determined by the
“Board of Directors” means the board of directors of the Company.
(c) “Change in Control”
shall be deemed to have occurred as of the first day that any one or more of the
following conditions is satisfied, including, but not limited to, the signing of
documents by all parties and approval by all regulatory agencies, if
the stockholders
approve a plan of complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company;
the consummation of
(A) an agreement for the sale or disposition of all or substantially all
of the Company’s assets (other than to an Excluded Person (as defined
below)), or (B) a merger, consolidation or reorganization of the Company
with or involving any other corporation, other than a merger,
consolidation or reorganization that would result in the holders of voting
securities of the Company outstanding immediately prior thereto continuing
to hold (either by remaining outstanding or by being converted into voting
securities of the surviving entity), at least fifty percent (50%) of the
combined voting power of the voting securities of the Company (or such
other surviving entity) outstanding immediately after such merger,
consolidation or
An Excluded Person means:
(i) the Company or any of its Affiliates, (ii) a trustee or other fiduciary
holding securities under any employee benefit plan of the Company or any of its
Affiliates, (iii) an underwriter temporarily holding securities pursuant to an
offering of such securities or (iv) a corporation owned, directly or indirectly,
by the stockholders of the Company in substantially the same proportions as
their ownership of stock in the Company.
Notwithstanding the
foregoing, with respect to an award that is considered deferred compensation
subject to Code Section 409A, if the definition of “Change of Control” results
in the payment of such award, then this definition of “Change in Control” shall
be amended to the minimum extent necessary, if at all, so that the definition
satisfies the requirements of a change of control under Code Section
“Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
“Committee” means the committee appointed by the Board of Directors to
administer the Plan (as hereinafter defined). The Board of Directors shall
consider the advisability of whether the members of the Committee shall consist
solely of at least two members of the Board of Directors who are both “outside
directors” as defined in Treas. Reg. sec. 1. 162-27(e) as promulgated by the
Internal Revenue Service and “non-employee directors” as defined in Rule
16b-3(b)(3) as promulgated under the Exchange Act.
“Company” means WidePoint Corporation, a Delaware corporation.
“Disability” has the same meaning as provided in the long-term disability plan
or policy maintained or, if applicable, most recently maintained, by the Company
or, if applicable, any Affiliate of the Company for the Participant. If no
long-term disability plan or policy was ever maintained on behalf of the
Participant or, if the determination of Disability relates to an Incentive Stock
Option, Disability means that condition described in Code Section 22(e)(3), as
amended from time to time. In the event of a dispute, the determination of
Disability will be made by the Committee and will be supported by advice of a
physician competent in the area to which such Disability relates.
“Dividend Equivalent Rights” means certain rights to receive cash payments as
described in Section 3.5.
“Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time
to time.
(j) “Fair
Market Value” means per share of Stock on a particular date, the last sales
price on such date on the national securities exchange on which the Stock is
then traded, as reported in The Wall Street Journal, or if no sales of Stock
occur on the date in question, on the last preceding date on which there was a
sale on such exchange. If the shares of Stock are not listed on a
national securities exchange, but are traded in an over-the-counter market, the
last sales price (or, if there is no last sales price reported, the average of
the closing bid and asked prices) for the Stock on that market, will be
used. If the Stock is neither listed on a national securities
exchange nor traded in an over-the-counter market, the price determined by the
Committee, in its discretion, will be used.
“Option” means a non-qualified stock option or an incentive stock
(l) “Over
10% Own” means an individual who at the time an Incentive Stock Option is
granted owns Stock possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power
of the Company or one of its Subsidiaries, determined by applying the
attribution rules of Code Section 424(d).
“Participant” means an individual who receives a Stock Incentive
“Performance Unit Award” refers to a performance unit award as described in
Section 3.6.
“Phantom Shares” refers to the rights described in Section 3.7.
“Plan” means the WidePoint Corporation 2008 Stock Incentive Plan.
(q) “Restricted Stock” means
shares of Stock that are subject to a risk of forfeiture and/or restrictions on
transfer, which may lapse upon the achievement or partial achievement of
performance goals during a specified period and/or upon the completion of a
period of service or upon the occurrence of other events, as determined by the
(r) “Restricted Stock Unit”
means the right to receive a share of Stock, or a cash payment, the amount of
which is equal to the Fair Market Value of a share of Stock, which is subject to
a risk of forfeiture which may lapse upon the achievement or partial achievement
of performance goals during a specified period and/or upon the completion of a
period of service or upon the occurrence of other events, as determined by the
“Stock” means the Company’s common stock.
“Stock Appreciation Right” means a stock appreciation right described in Section
“Stock Award” means a stock award described in Section 3.4.
“Stock Incentive Agreement” means an agreement between the Company and a
Participant or other documentation evidencing an award of a Stock
Incentive. Any Stock Incentive granted under this Plan shall be
provided or made in such manner and at such time as complies with the applicable
requirements of Section 409A of the Code to avoid a plan failure described in
Code Section 409A(a)(1), including without limitation, deferring payment to a
specified employee or until a specified distribution event, as provided in Code
Section 409A(a)(2).
“Stock Incentive Program” means a written program established by the Committee,
pursuant to which Stock Incentives are awarded under the Plan under uniform
terms, conditions and restrictions set forth in such written
“Stock Incentives” means, collectively, Dividend Equivalent Rights, Incentive
Stock Options, Non-Qualified Stock Options, Phantom Shares, Stock Appreciation
Rights, Stock Awards
Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units
“Subsidiary” means any corporation (other than the Company) in an unbroken chain
of corporations beginning with the Company if, with respect to Incentive Stock
Options, at the time of the granting of the Option, each of the corporations
other than the last corporation in the unbroken chain owns stock possessing 50%
or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock in one of the
other corporations in the chain.
“Termination of Employment” means the termination of the employee/employer
relationship between a Participant and the Company and its Affiliates,
regardless of whether severance or similar payments are made to the Participant
for any reason, including, but not by way of limitation, a termination by
resignation, discharge, death, Disability or retirement. The Committee will, in
its absolute discretion, determine the effect of all matters and questions
relating to a Termination of Employment, including, but not by way of
limitation, the question of whether a leave of absence constitutes a Termination
of Employment.
2.1 Purpose of the Plan.
The Plan is intended to (a) provide incentive to officers and key
employees of the Company and its Affiliates to stimulate their efforts toward
the continued success of the Company and to operate and manage the business in a
manner that will provide for the long-term growth and profitability of the
Company; (b) encourage stock ownership by directors, officers and key employees
by providing them with a means to acquire a proprietary interest in the Company,
acquire shares of Stock, or to receive compensation which is based upon
appreciation in the value of Stock; and (c) provide a means of obtaining,
rewarding and retaining key personnel and consultants.
2.2 Stock Subject to the Plan.
Subject to adjustment in accordance with Section 5.2, 6,015,438 shares of
Stock (the “Maximum Plan Shares”) are hereby reserved exclusively for issuance
pursuant to Stock Incentives. At no time may the Company have outstanding under
the Plan, Stock Incentives subject to Section 16 of the Exchange Act and shares
of Stock issued in respect of Stock Incentives under the Plan in excess of the
Maximum Plan Shares. The shares of Stock attributable to the nonvested, unpaid,
unexercised, unconverted or otherwise unsettled portion of any Stock Incentive
that is forfeited or cancelled or expires or terminates for any reason without
becoming vested, paid, exercised, converted or otherwise settled in full will
again be available for purposes of the Plan, but such shares may not be issued
pursuant to incentive Stock options.
2.3 Administration of the Plan.
The Plan is administered by the Committee. The Committee has full
authority in its discretion to determine the directors, officers, key employees
and consultants of the Company or its Affiliates to whom Stock Incentives will
be granted and the terms and provisions of Stock Incentives, subject to the
Plan. Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee has full and
conclusive authority to interpret the Plan; to prescribe, amend and rescind
rules and regulations relating to the Plan; to determine the terms and
provisions of the respective Stock Incentive Agreements and to make all other
determinations necessary or advisable for the proper administration of the Plan.
The Committee’s determinations under the Plan need not be uniform and may be
made by it selectively among persons who receive, or are eligible to receive,
awards under the Plan (whether or not such persons are similarly situated). The
Committee’s decisions are final and binding on all Participants.
2.4 Eligibility and Limits.
Stock Incentives may be granted only to directors, officers, key
employees and consultants of the Company, or any Affiliate of the Company;
provided, however, that an incentive stock option may only be granted to an
employee of the Company or any Subsidiary. In the case of incentive stock
options, the aggregate Fair Market Value (determined as at the date an incentive
stock option is granted) of stock with respect to which stock options intended
to meet the requirements of Code Section 422 become exercisable for the first
time by an individual during any calendar year under all plans of the Company
and its Subsidiaries may not exceed $100,000; provided further, that if the
limitation is exceeded, the incentive stock option(s) which cause the limitation
to be exceeded will be treated as nonqualified stock option(s).
Terms and Conditions of All Stock Incentives.
(a) The
number of shares of Stock as to which a Stock Incentive may be granted will be
determined by the Committee in its sole discretion, subject to the provisions of
Section 2.2 as to the total number of shares available for grants under the Plan
and subject to the limits on Options and Stock Appreciation Rights in the
following sentence. To the extent required under Section 162(m) of the Code and
the regulations thereunder for compensation to be treated as qualified
performance based compensation, the maximum number of shares of Stock with
respect to which Options or Stock Appreciation Rights may be granted during any
one year period to any employee may not exceed 3,000,000.
(b) Each
Stock Incentive will either be evidenced by a Stock Incentive Agreement in such
form and containing such terms, conditions and restrictions as the Committee may
determine to be appropriate, or be made subject to the terms of a Stock
Incentive Program, containing such terms, conditions and restrictions as the
Committee may determine to be appropriate. Each Stock Incentive Agreement or
Stock Incentive Program is subject to the terms of the Plan.
(c) The
date a Stock Incentive is granted will be the date on which the Committee has
approved the terms and conditions of the Stock Incentive and has determined the
recipient of the Stock Incentive and the number of shares covered by the Stock
Incentive, and has taken all such other actions necessary to complete the grant
of the Stock Incentive.
(d) Any
Stock Incentive may be granted in connection with all or any portion of a
previously or contemporaneously granted Stock Incentive. Exercise or vesting of
a Stock Incentive granted in connection with another Stock Incentive may result
in a pro rata surrender or cancellation of any related Stock Incentive, as
specified in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive
3.2 Terms and Conditions of Options.
Each Option granted under the Plan must be evidenced by a Stock Incentive
Agreement. At the time any Option is granted, the Committee will determine
whether the Option is to be an incentive stock option described in Code Section
422 or a non-qualified stock option, and the Option must be clearly identified
as to its status as an incentive stock option or a non-qualified stock option.
Incentive stock options may only be granted to employees of the Company or any
Subsidiary. At the time any incentive stock option granted under the Plan is
exercised, the Company will be entitled to legend the certificates representing
the shares of Stock purchased pursuant to the Option to clearly identify them as
representing the shares purchased upon the exercise of an incentive stock
option. An incentive stock option may only be granted within ten (10) years from
the earlier of the date the Plan is adopted or approved by the Company’s
Option Price. Subject to adjustment in accordance with Section 5.2 and the other
provisions of this Section 3.2, the exercise price (the “Exercise Price”) per
share of Stock purchasable under any Option must be as set forth in the
applicable Stock Incentive Agreement, but in no event may it be less than the
Fair Market Value on the date the Option is granted. With respect to each grant
of an incentive stock option to a Participant who is an Over 10% Owner, the
Exercise Price may not be less than 110% of the Fair Market Value on the date
the Option is granted. The Exercise Price of an Option may be amended or
modified after the grant of the Option, and an Option may be surrendered in
consideration of or exchanged for a grant of a new Option having an Exercise
Price below that of the Option which was surrendered or exchanged; provided,
however, that such modification shall not cause the Option to be treated as
having a deferral feature from the original date of grant within the meaning of
Code Section 409A.
Option Term. Any incentive stock option granted to a Participant who is not an
Over 10% Owner is not exercisable after the expiration of ten (10) years after
the date the Option is granted. Any incentive stock option granted to an Over
10% Owner is not exercisable after the expiration of five (5) years after the
date the Option is granted. The term of any Non-Qualified Stock Option must be
as specified in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement.
Payment. Payment for all shares of Stock purchased pursuant to exercise of an
Option will be made in any form or manner authorized by the Committee in the
Stock Incentive Agreement or by amendment thereto, including, but not limited
to, cash or, if the Stock Incentive Agreement provides: (i) by delivery to the
Company of a number of shares of Stock which have been owned by the holder for
at least six (6) months prior to the date of exercise having an aggregate Fair
Market Value of not less than the product of the Exercise Price multiplied by
the number of shares the Participant intends to purchase upon exercise of the
Option on the date of delivery; (ii) in a cashless exercise through a broker; or
(iii) by having a number of shares of Stock withheld, the Fair Market Value of
which as of the date of exercise is sufficient to satisfy the Exercise
Conditions to the Exercise of an Option. Each Option granted under the Plan is
exercisable by whom, at such time or times, or upon the occurrence of such event
or events, and in such amounts, as the Committee specifies in the Stock
Incentive Agreement; provided, however, that subsequent to the grant of an
Option, the Committee, at any time before complete termination of such Option,
may accelerate the time or times at which such Option may be exercised in whole
or in part, including, without limitation, upon a Change in Control and may
permit the Participant or any other designated person to exercise the Option, or
any portion thereof, for all or part of the remaining Option term,
notwithstanding any provision of the Stock Incentive Agreement to the
Termination of Incentive Stock Option. With respect to an incentive stock
option, in the event of termination of employment of a Participant, the Option
or portion thereof held by the Participant which is unexercised will expire,
terminate, and become unexercisable no later than the expiration of three (3)
months after the date of termination of employment; provided, however, that in
the case of a holder whose termination of employment is due to death or
Disability, one (1) year will be substituted for such three (3) month period;
provided, further that such time limits may be exceeded by the Committee under
the terms of the grant, in which case, the incentive stock option will be a
nonqualified option if it is exercised after the time limits that would
otherwise apply. For purposes of this Subsection (e), termination of employment
of the Participant will not be deemed to have occurred if the Participant is
employed by another corporation (or a parent or subsidiary corporation of such
other corporation) which has assumed the incentive stock option of the
Participant in a transaction to which Code Section 424(a) is
Serial Provisions for Certain Substitute Options. Notwithstanding anything to
the contrary in this Section 3.2, any Option issued in substitution for an
option previously issued by another entity, which substitution occurs in
connection with a transaction to which Code Section 424(a) is applicable, may
provide for an exercise price computed in accordance with such Code Section and
the regulations thereunder and may contain such other terms and conditions as
the Committee may prescribe to cause such substitute Option to contain as nearly
as possible the same terms and conditions (including the applicable vesting and
termination provisions) as those contained in the previously issued option being
replaced thereby.
3.3 Terms and Conditions of Stock
Appreciation Rights.
Each Stock Appreciation Right granted under the Plan
must be evidenced by a Stock Incentive Agreement. A Stock Appreciation Right
entitles the Participant to receive the excess of (1) the Fair Market Value of a
specified or determinable number of shares of the Stock at the time of payment
or exercise over (2) a specified or determinable price which may never be less
than the Fair Market Value of a share of Stock on the date of grant and in the
case of a Stock Appreciation Right granted in connection with an Option, may not
be less than the Exercise Price for that number of shares subject to that
Option. A Stock Appreciation Right granted in connection with a Stock Incentive
may only be exercised to the extent that the related Stock Incentive has not
been exercised, paid or otherwise settled.
Settlement. Upon settlement of a Stock Appreciation Right, the Company must pay
to the Participant the appreciation in cash or shares of Stock (valued at the
aggregate Fair Market Value on the date of payment or exercise) as provided in
the Stock Incentive Agreement or, in the absence of such provision, as the
Committee may determine.
Conditions to Exercise. Each Stock Appreciation Right granted under the Plan is
exercisable or payable at such time or times, or upon the occurrence of such
event or events, and in such amounts, as the Committee specifies in the Stock
Incentive Agreement; provided, however, that subsequent to the grant of a Stock
Appreciation Right, the Committee, at any time before complete termination of
such Stock Appreciation Right, may accelerate the time or times at which such
Stock Appreciation Right may be exercised or paid in whole or in
3.4 Terms and Conditions of Stock
. The number of shares of Stock subject to a Stock Award and
restrictions or conditions on such shares, if any, will be as the Committee
determines, and the certificate for such shares will bear evidence of any
restrictions or conditions. Subsequent to the date of the grant of the Stock
Award, the Committee has the power to permit, in its discretion, an acceleration
of the expiration of an applicable restriction period with respect to any part
or all of the shares awarded to a Participant. The Committee may require a cash
payment from the Participant in an amount no greater than the aggregate Fair
Market Value of the shares of Stock awarded determined at the date of grant in
exchange for the grant of a Stock Award or may grant a Stock Award without the
requirement of a cash payment.
3.5 Terms and Conditions of Dividend
Equivalent Right.
A Dividend Equivalent Right entitles the Participant to
receive payments from the Company in an amount determined by reference to any
cash dividends paid on a specified number of shares of Stock to Company
stockholders of record during the period such rights are effective. The
Committee may impose such restrictions and conditions on any Dividend Equivalent
Right as the Committee in its discretion shall determine, including the date any
such right shall terminate and may reserve the right to terminate, amend or
suspend any such right at any time.
Payment. Payment in respect of a Dividend Equivalent Right may be made by the
Company in cash or shares of Stock (valued at Fair Market Value on the date of
payment) as provided in the Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive
Program, or, in the absence of such provision, as the Committee may
Conditions to Payment. Each Dividend Equivalent Right granted under the Plan is
payable at such time or times, or upon the occurrence of such event or events,
and in such amounts, as the Committee specifies in the applicable Stock
Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program; provided, however, that
subsequent to the grant of a Dividend Equivalent Right, the Committee, at any
time before complete termination of such Dividend Equivalent Right, may
accelerate the time or times at which such Dividend Equivalent Right may be paid
in whole or in part.
3.6 Terms and Conditions of
Performance Unit Awards.
A Performance Unit Award shall entitle the
Participant to receive, at a specified future date, payment of an amount equal
to all or a portion of the value of a specified or determinable number of units
(stated in terms of a designated or determinable dollar amount per unit) granted
by the Committee. At the time of the grant, the Committee must determine the
base value of each unit, the number of units subject to a Performance Unit
Award, the performance factors applicable to the determination of the ultimate
payment value of the Performance Unit Award and the period over which Company
performance shall be measured. The Committee may provide for an alternate base
value for each unit under certain specified conditions.
Payment. Payment in respect of Performance Unit Awards may be made by the
Company in cash or shares of Stock (valued at Fair Market Value on the date of
payment) as provided in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock
Incentive Program or, in the absence of such provision, as the Committee may
Conditions to Payment. Each Performance Unit Award granted under the Plan shall
be payable at such time or times, or upon the occurrence of such event or
events, and in such amounts, as the Committee shall specify in the applicable
Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program; provided, however, that
subsequent to the grant of a Performance Unit Award, the Committee, at any time
before complete termination of such Performance Unit Award, may accelerate the
time or times at which such Performance Unit Award may be paid in whole or in
3.7 Terms and Conditions of Phantom
Phantom Shares shall entitle the Participant to receive, at a
specified future date, payment of an amount equal to all or a portion of the
Fair Market Value of a specified number of shares of Stock at the end of a
specified period. At the time of the grant, the Committee will determine the
factors which will govern the portion of the rights so payable, including, at
the discretion of the Committee, any performance criteria that must be satisfied
as a condition to payment. Phantom Share awards containing performance criteria
may be designated as Performance Share Awards.
Payment. Payment in respect of Phantom Shares may be made by the Company in cash
or shares of Stock (valued at Fair Market Value on the date of payment) as
provided in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program,
or, in the absence of such provision, as the Committee may
Conditions to Payment. Each Phantom Share granted under the Plan is payable at
such time or times, or upon the occurrence of such event or events, and in such
amounts, as the Committee may specify in the applicable Stock Incentive
Agreement or Stock Incentive Program; provided, however, that subsequent to the
grant of a Phantom Share, the Committee, at any time before complete termination
of such Phantom Share, may accelerate the time or times at which such Phantom
Share may be paid in whole or in part.
3.8 Terms
and Conditions of Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Unit Awards
. Subject to the
terms of this Plan, the Committee will determine all terms and conditions of
each award of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units, including but not
limited to:
(a) The number of shares of
Stock or Restricted Stock Units to which such award relates;
(b) The period of time over
which, and/or the criteria or conditions that must be satisfied so that, the
risk of forfeiture and/or restrictions on transfer imposed on the Restricted
Stock or Restricted Stock Units will lapse;
(c) Whether all or a portion
of the Restricted Shares or Restricted Stock Units will be released from a right
of repurchase and/or be paid to the Participant in the event of the
Participant’s death, disability, retirement or other
(d) With respect to awards
of Restricted Stock, the manner of registration of certificates for such shares
of Stock, and whether to hold such shares of Stock in escrow pending lapse of
the risk of forfeiture, right of repurchase and/or restrictions on transfer or
to issue such shares of Stock with an appropriate legend referring to such
(e) With respect to awards
of Restricted Stock, whether dividends paid with respect to such shares of Stock
will be immediately paid or held in escrow or otherwise deferred and whether
such dividends shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as the award to
which they relate; and
(f) With respect to awards
of Restricted Stock Units, whether to credit dividend equivalent units equal to
the amount of dividends paid on a share of Stock and whether such dividend
equivalent units shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as the award
to which they relate.
3.9 Treatment of Awards Upon
Termination of Employment.
Except as otherwise provided by Plan Section
3.2(e), any award under this Plan to a Participant who has experienced a
Termination of Employment may be cancelled, accelerated, paid or continued, as
provided in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program,
or, in the absence of such provision, as the Committee may determine. The
portion of any award exercisable in the event of continuation or the amount of
any payment due under a continued award may be adjusted by the Committee to
reflect the Participant’s period of service from the date of grant through the
date of the Participant’s Termination of Employment or such other factors as the
Committee determines are relevant to its decision to continue the
4.1 Escrow of Shares.
certificates representing the shares of Stock issued under the Plan will be
issued in the Participant’s name, but, if the applicable Stock Incentive
Agreement or Stock Incentive Program so provides, the shares of Stock will be
held by a custodian designated by the Committee (the “Custodian”). Each
applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program providing for
transfer of shares of Stock to the Custodian must appoint the Custodian as the
attorney-in-fact for the Participant for the term specified in the applicable
Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program, with full power and
authority in the Participant’s name, place and stead to transfer, assign and
convey to the Company any shares of Stock held by the Custodian for such
Participant, if the Participant forfeits the shares under the terms of the
applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program. During the
period that the Custodian holds the shares subject to this Section, the
Participant is entitled to all rights, except as provided in the applicable
Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program, applicable to shares of
Stock not so held. Any dividends declared on shares of Stock held by the
Custodian must provide in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock
Incentive Program that such dividends shall be paid directly to the Participant
or, in the alternative, be retained by the Custodian or by the Company until the
expiration of the term specified in the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or
Stock Incentive Program and shall then be delivered, together with any proceeds,
with the shares of Stock to the Participant or to the Company, as
4.2 Restrictions on Transfer.
The Participant does not have the right to make or permit to exist any
disposition of the shares of Stock issued pursuant to the Plan except as
provided in the Plan or the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock
Incentive Program. Any disposition of the shares of Stock issued under the Plan
by the Participant not made in accordance with the Plan of the applicable Stock
Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive Program will be void. The Company will
not recognize, or have the duty to recognize, any disposition not made in
accordance with the Plan and the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock
Incentive Program, and the shares so transferred will continue to be bound by
the Plan and the applicable Stock Incentive Agreement or Stock Incentive
5.1 Withholding.
The Company
must deduct from all cash distributions under the Plan any taxes required to be
withheld by federal, state or local government. Whenever the Company proposes or
is required to issue or transfer shares of Stock under the Plan or upon the
vesting of any Stock Award, the Company has the right to require the recipient
to remit to the Company an amount sufficient to satisfy any federal, state and
local withholding tax requirements prior to the delivery of any certificate or
certificates for such shares or the vesting of such Stock Award. A Participant
may pay the withholding tax in cash, or, if the applicable Stock Incentive
Agreement or Stock Incentive Program provides, a Participant may elect to have
the number of shares of Stock he is to receive reduced by, or with respect to a
Stock Award, tender back to the Company, the smallest number of whole shares of
Stock which, when multiplied by the Fair Market Value of the shares of Stock
determined as of the Tax Date (defined below), is sufficient to satisfy federal,
state and local, if any, withholding taxes arising from exercise or payment of a
Stock Incentive (a “Withholding Election”). A Participant may make a Withholding
Election only if both of the following conditions are met:
(a) The
Withholding Election must be made on or prior to the date on which the amount of
tax required to be withheld is determined (the “Tax Date”) by executing and
delivering to the Company a properly completed notice of Withholding Election as
prescribed by the Committee; and
(b) Any
Withholding Election made will be irrevocable except on six months advance
written notice delivered to the Company; however, the Committee may in its sole
discretion disapprove and give no effect to the Withholding
Changes in Capitalization; Merger; Liquidation.
(a) The
number of shares of Stock reserved for the grant of Options, Dividend Equivalent
Rights, Performance Unit Awards, Phantom Shares, Stock Appreciation Rights and
Stock Awards; the number of shares of Stock reserved for issuance upon the
exercise or payment, as applicable, of each outstanding Option, Dividend
Equivalent Right, Phantom Share and Stock Appreciation Right and upon vesting or
grant, as applicable, of each Stock Award; the Exercise Price of each
outstanding Option and the specified number of shares of Stock to which each
outstanding Dividend Equivalent Right, Phantom Share and Stock Appreciation
Right pertains must be proportionately adjusted for any increase or decrease in
the number of issued shares of Stock resulting from a subdivision or combination
of shares or the payment of a stock dividend in shares of Stock to holders of
outstanding shares of Stock or any other increase or decrease in the number of
shares of Stock outstanding effected without receipt of consideration by the
(b) In
the event of a merger, consolidation or other reorganization of the Company or
tender offer for shares of Stock, the Committee may make such adjustments with
respect to awards and take such other action as it deems necessary or
appropriate to reflect such merger, consolidation, reorganization or tender
offer, including, without limitation, the substitution of new awards, or the
adjustment of outstanding awards, the acceleration of awards, the removal of
restrictions on outstanding awards, or the termination of outstanding awards in
exchange for the cash value determined in good faith by the Committee of the
vested portion of the award. Any adjustment pursuant to this Section 5.2 may
provide, in the Committee’s discretion, for the elimination without payment
therefor of any fractional shares that might otherwise become subject to any
Stock Incentive, but except as set forth in this Section may not otherwise
diminish the then value of the Stock Incentive.
(c) The
existence of the Plan and the Stock Incentives granted pursuant to the Plan must
not affect in any way the right or power of the Company to make or authorize any
adjustment, reclassification, reorganization or other change in its capital or
business structure, any merger or consolidation of the Company, any issue of
debt or equity securities having preferences or priorities as to the Stock or
the rights thereof, the dissolution or liquidation of the Company, any sale or
transfer of all or any part of its business or assets, or any other corporate
act or proceeding.
5.3 Cash Awards.
The Committee
may, at any time and in its discretion, grant to any holder of a Stock Incentive
the right to receive, at such times and in such amounts as determined by the
Committee in its discretion, a cash amount which is intended to reimburse such
person for all or a portion of the federal, state and local income taxes imposed
upon such person as a consequence of the receipt of the Stock Incentive or the
exercise of rights thereunder.
5.4 Compliance with Code.
incentive stock options to be granted hereunder are intended to comply with Code
Section 422, and all provisions of the Plan and all incentive stock options
granted hereunder must be construed in such manner as to effectuate that
intent. Notwithstanding any provision of this Plan or any document
pertaining to Stock Incentives granted hereunder, this Plan and such documents
shall be construed, interpreted, an administered to meet the applicable
requirements of Code Section 409A to avoid a plan failure described in Code
Section 409A(a)(1).
5.5 Right to Terminate
. Nothing in the Plan or in any Stock Incentive confers upon
any Participant the right to continue as an employee or officer of the Company
or any of its Affiliates or affect the right of the Company or any of its
Affiliates to terminate the Participant’s employment at any time.
5.6 Non-alienation of Benefits.
Other than as specifically provided with regard to the death of a
Participant, no benefit under the Plan may be subject in any manner to
anticipation, alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, encumbrance or
charge; and any attempt to do so shall be void. No such benefit may, prior to
receipt by the Participant, be in any manner liable for or subject to the debts,
contracts, liabilities, engagements or torts of the Participant.
5.7 Restrictions on Delivery and Sale
of Shares; Legends.
Each Stock Incentive is subject to the condition that
if at any time the Committee, in its discretion, shall determine that the
listing, registration or qualification of the shares covered by such Stock
Incentive upon any securities exchange or under any state or federal law is
necessary or desirable as a condition of or in connection with the granting of
such Stock Incentive or the purchase or delivery of shares thereunder, the
delivery of any or all shares pursuant to such Stock Incentive may be withheld
unless and until such listing, registration or qualification shall have been
effected. If a registration statement is not in effect under the Securities Act
of 1933 or any applicable state securities laws with respect to the shares of
Stock purchasable or otherwise deliverable under Stock Incentives then
outstanding, the Committee may require, as a condition of exercise of any Option
or as a condition to any other delivery of Stock pursuant to a Stock Incentive,
that the Participant or other recipient of a Stock Incentive represent, in
writing, that the shares received pursuant to the Stock Incentive are being
acquired for investment and not with a view to distribution and agree that the
shares will not be disposed of except pursuant to an effective registration
statement, unless the Company shall have received an opinion of counsel that
such disposition is exempt from such requirement under the Securities Act of
1933 and any applicable state securities laws. The Company may include on
certificates representing shares delivered pursuant to a Stock Incentive such
legends referring to the foregoing representations or restrictions or any other
applicable restrictions on resale as the Company, in its discretion, shall deem
5.8 Listing and Legal Compliance.
The Committee may suspend the exercise or payment of any Stock Incentive
so long as it determines that securities exchange listing or registration or
qualification under any securities laws is required in connection therewith and
has not been completed on terms acceptable to the Committee.
5.9 Termination and Amendment of the
The Board of Directors at any time may amend or terminate the Plan
without stockholder approval; provided, however, that the Board of Directors may
condition any amendment on the approval of stockholders of the Company if such
approval is necessary or advisable with respect to tax, securities or other
applicable laws. No such termination or amendment without the consent of the
holder of a Stock Incentive may adversely affect the rights of the Participant
under such Stock Incentive.
5.10 Stockholder Approval.
Plan must be submitted to the stockholders of the Company for their approval
within twelve (12) months before or after the adoption of the Plan by the Board
of Directors of the Company. If such approval is not obtained, any Stock
Incentive granted hereunder will be void.
5.11 Choice of Law.
The laws
of the State of Maryland govern the Plan, to the extent not preempted by federal
law, without reference to the principles of conflict of laws.
5.12 Effective Date of Plan.
The Plan shall become effective December 18, 2007, subject, however, to
the approval of the Plan by the Company’s shareholders. Stock Incentives granted
hereunder prior to such approval shall be conditioned upon such approval. Unless
such approval is obtained within one year after the effective date of this Plan,
any Stock Incentives awarded hereunder shall become void
5.13 Section 409A of the
It is intended that Stock Incentives granted under the
Plan comply with or be exempt from the requirements of Section 409A of the Code
and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder (and any subsequent notices
or guidance issued by the Internal Revenue Service), and the Plan will be
interpreted, administered and operated accordingly. Nothing herein
shall be construed as an entitlement to or guarantee of any particular tax
treatment to a Participant.
Steve Komar
Office Center
Street, Suite 104
Terrace, Illinois 60181
This proxy is solicited by the Board of
Directors for the ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS of WidePoint Corporation, a
Delaware corporation (the “Company”), on December 15, 2009, 10:00 a.m., local
The undersigned appoints James Ritter
and Morton S. Taubman, and each of them, a proxy of the undersigned, with full
power of substitution, to vote all shares of Common Stock, par value $.001 per
share, of the Company which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders to be held on December 15, 2009, or at any and all
adjournment(s) thereof, with all powers the undersigned would have if personally
Board of Directors recommends voting FOR the following
mark your votes as indicated in this example
1. To
Elect Directors
the nominees
to the right
as marked to the
vote for the nominees
to the right
withhold authority for a nominee, write that nominee’s name on the
provided below). ___________________________________
Proposal to approve the amendment to the WidePoint 2008 Stock Incentive
In their discretion the Proxies are authorized to vote upon such other
business as properly may come before the
Proposal to ratify the selection of Moss Adams LLP as the independent
accountants for the Company for the current fiscal year.
exactly as your name appears hereon. When signing in a
representative or fiduciary capacity, indicate title. If shares
are held jointly, each holder should sign.
__________________________, 2009
of Shareholder(s)