Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number: 811-21348


Name of Fund:   BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)


Fund Address:   100 Bellevue Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19809

Name and address of agent for service: John M. Perlowski, Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc., 55 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10055

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (800) 882-0052, Option 4

Date of fiscal year end: 04/30/2021

Date of reporting period: 04/30/2021

Item 1 – Report to Stockholders

(a) The Report to Shareholders is attached herewith.



  APRIL 30, 2021


   2021 Annual Report


BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)

BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)

BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)




Not FDIC Insured • May Lose Value • No Bank Guarantee

Supplemental Information  (unaudited)


Section 19(a) Notices

BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc.’s (MUA) (the “Fund”) amounts and sources of distributions reported are estimates and are being provided pursuant to regulatory requirements and are not being provided for tax reporting purposes. The actual amounts and sources for tax reporting purposes will depend upon the Fund’s investment experience during the year and may be subject to changes based on tax regulations. Shareholders will receive a Form 1099-DIV each calendar year that will inform them how to report these distributions for federal income tax purposes.

April 30, 2021


     Total Cumulative Distributions
for the Fiscal Period
    % Breakdown of the Total Cumulative
Distributions for the Fiscal Period
Fund Name   Net
    Net Realized
Capital Gains
    Net Realized
Capital Gains
    Return of    
Capital (a)
    Total Per
    Net Realized
Capital Gains
    Net Realized
Capital Gains
    Return of
    Total Per


  $  0.605743     $     $     $  0.032977         $  0.638720       95             5     100



The Fund estimates that it has distributed more than its net income and net realized capital gains; therefore, a portion of the distribution may be a return of capital. A return of capital may occur, for example, when some or all of the shareholder’s investment in the Fund is returned to the shareholder. A return of capital does not necessarily reflect the Fund’s investment performance and should not be confused with “yield” or “income.” When distributions exceed total return performance, the difference will reduce the Fund’s net asset value per share.


Section 19(a) notices for the Fund, as applicable, are available on the BlackRock website at blackrock.com.




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The Markets in Review

Dear Shareholder,

The 12-month reporting period as of April 30, 2021 reflected a remarkable period of adaptation and recovery, as the global economy dealt with the implications of the coronavirus (or “COVID-19”) pandemic. As the period began, the response to the virus’s spread was well underway, and countries around the world felt the effect of economically disruptive countermeasures. Stay-at-home orders and closures of non-essential businesses were imposed in many parts of the world, workers were laid off, and unemployment claims spiked, causing a global recession.

As May 2020 began, stocks had just begun to recover from the lowest point following the onset of the pandemic. This recovery continued throughout the reporting period, as businesses continued re-opening and governments learned to adapt to life with the virus. Equity prices rose through the summer, fed by strong fiscal and monetary support and improving economic indicators. The implementation of mass vaccination campaigns and passage of an additional $1.9 trillion of fiscal stimulus further boosted stocks, and many equity indices neared or surpassed all-time highs late in the reporting period. In the United States, both large- and small-capitalization stocks posted a significant advance. International equities also gained, as both developed countries and emerging markets rebounded substantially.

The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield (which is inversely related to bond prices) had fallen sharply prior to the beginning of the reporting period, which meant bonds were priced for extreme risk avoidance and economic disruption. Despite expectations of doom and gloom, the economy expanded rapidly, stoking inflation concerns late in the reporting period, which led to higher yields and a negative overall return for most U.S. Treasuries. In the corporate bond market, support from the U.S. Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) assuaged credit concerns and led to substantial returns for high-yield corporate bonds, although investment-grade corporates declined slightly.

The Fed remained committed to accommodative monetary policy by maintaining near zero interest rates and by announcing that inflation could exceed its 2% target for a sustained period without triggering a rate increase. To stabilize credit markets, the Fed also continued purchasing significant quantities of bonds, as did other influential central banks around the world, including the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan.

Looking ahead, while coronavirus-related disruptions have clearly hindered worldwide economic growth, we believe that the global expansion will continue to accelerate as vaccination efforts ramp up and pent-up consumer demand leads to higher spending. While we expect inflation to increase somewhat as the expansion continues, we believe the recent uptick owes more to temporary supply disruptions than a lasting change in fundamentals. The change in Fed policy also means that moderate inflation is less likely to be followed by interest rate hikes that could threaten the economic expansion.

Overall, we favor a positive stance toward risk, with an overweight in equities. We see U.S. and Asian equities outside of Japan benefiting from structural growth trends in technology, while emerging markets should be particularly helped by a vaccine-led economic expansion. While we are underweight overall on credit, global high-yield and Asian bonds present attractive opportunities. We believe that international diversification and a focus on sustainability can help provide portfolio resilience, and the disruption created by the coronavirus appears to be accelerating the shift toward sustainable investments.

In this environment, our view is that investors need to think globally, extend their scope across a broad array of asset classes, and be nimble as market conditions change. We encourage you to talk with your financial advisor and visit blackrock.com for further insight about investing in today’s markets.




Rob Kapito

President, BlackRock Advisors, LLC


Rob Kapito

President, BlackRock Advisors, LLC


Total Returns as of April 30, 2021
     6-Month     12-Month

U.S. large cap equities
(S&P 500® Index)

  28.85%   45.98%

U.S. small cap equities
(Russell 2000® Index)

  48.06      74.91   

International equities
(MSCI Europe, Australasia, Far East Index)

  28.84      39.88   

Emerging market equities
(MSCI Emerging Markets Index)

  22.95      48.71   

3-month Treasury bills
(ICE BofA 3-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index)

  0.05    0.11 

U.S. Treasury securities
(ICE BofA 10-Year U.S. Treasury Index)

  (6.26)     (7.79) 

U.S. investment grade bonds
(Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index)

  (1.52)     (0.27) 

Tax-exempt municipal bonds
(S&P Municipal Bond Index)

  2.42    7.40 

U.S. high yield bonds
(Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate High Yield 2% Issuer Capped Index)

  7.98    19.57   
Past performance is not an indication of future results. Index performance is shown for illustrative purposes only. You cannot invest directly in an index.



H I S  A G E   I S   N O T  A R T   O F  O U R  U N D  E P O R T


Table of Contents



Supplemental Information


The Markets in Review


Annual Report:


Municipal Market Overview


The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging


Derivative Financial Instruments


Fund Summary


Financial Statements:


Schedules of Investments


Statements of Assets and Liabilities


Statements of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Statements of Cash Flows


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Important Tax Information


Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks


Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan


Director and Officer Information


Additional Information


Glossary of Terms Used in this Report





Municipal Market Overview  For the Reporting Period Ended April 30, 2021


Municipal Market Conditions

Municipal bonds posted strong total returns during the period despite a considerable rise in interest rates as the economy normalized from the pandemic-induced economic shutdown. The asset class benefited from favorable supply and demand dynamics and improved credit fundamentals amid considerable fiscal stimulus and a quicker-than-expected rebound in state and local government revenues. As a result, municipal bonds generated substantial excess returns versus duration-matched U.S. Treasuries and longer duration and lower credit quality strategies outperformed. Despite broad strength, the market contended with brief periods of volatility surrounding U.S. election uncertainty as well as a temporary valuation-based market correction in late February.


Technical support was strong throughout the period as robust demand outpaced supply. During the 12 months ended April 30, 2021, municipal bond funds experienced net inflows totaling $99 billion, with January producing the largest monthly net inflow on record (based on data from the Investment Company Institute). For the same period, the market absorbed $477 billion in issuance, materially elevated compared to the $417 billion issued during the prior 12-month period. However, taxable municipal issuance, which typically draws a different and unique buyer base, was proportionally elevated, making supply less onerous on the traditional tax-exempt market.



  S&P Municipal Bond Index
      Total Returns as of April 30, 2021    
        6 months: 2.42%
      12 months: 7.40%

A Closer Look at Yields



From April 30, 2020 to April 30, 2021, yields on AAA-rated 30-year municipal bonds decreased by 69 basis points (“bps”) from 2.28% to 1.59%, while 10-year rates decreased by 47 bps from 1.46% to 0.99% and five-year rates decreased by 66 bps from 1.09% to 0.43% (as measured by Thomson Municipal Market Data). As a result, the municipal yield curve bull steepened over the 12-month period with the spread between two- and 30-year maturities steepening by 12 bps, led by 34 bps of steepening between two- and 10-year maturities.



Consistent municipal outperformance has resulted in stretched valuations. After dislocating at the height of the pandemic, municipal-to-Treasury ratios posted all-time lows in February and remain well below historical averages.

Financial Conditions of Municipal Issuers

The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented shock to the system impacting nearly every sector in the municipal market. Fortunately, most states and municipalities were in excellent fiscal health before the crisis, and the federal government is delivering another $350 billion injection. Direct state and local government aid will provide additional support to own-source government tax receipts, which have outperformed the dire predictions made in early 2020. Essential public services such as power, water, and sewer remain protected segments. State housing authority bonds, flagship universities, and strong national and regional health systems have absorbed the impact of the economic shock. While some segments still confront financial pressures, the combination of new federal stimulus and vaccine distribution is boosting economic activity and, consequently, increasing revenue receipts in these sectors as well. Critical providers (safety net hospitals, mass transit systems, airports) with limited resources may still experience fiscal strain, but the additional aid and the re-opening of the economy should support operating results in the second half of 2021. BlackRock anticipates that a small subset of the market, mainly non-rated stand-alone projects, will remain susceptible to credit deterioration. Again, however, ongoing vaccine distribution and consequent rebound in economic activity could reduce the number of potential defaults in riskier non-rated credits. While credit fundamentals have improved noticeably across the municipal space, BlackRock advocates careful credit selection as the market must still navigate near-term uncertainty.

The opinions expressed are those of BlackRock as of April 30, 2021 and are subject to change at any time due to changes in market or economic conditions. The comments should not be construed as a recommendation of any individual holdings or market sectors. Investing involves risk including loss of principal. Bond values fluctuate in price so the value of your investment can go down depending on market conditions. Fixed income risks include interest-rate and credit risk. Typically, when interest rates rise, there is a corresponding decline in bond values. Credit risk refers to the possibility that the bond issuer will not be able to make principal and interest payments. There may be less information on the financial condition of municipal issuers than for public corporations. The market for municipal bonds may be less liquid than for taxable bonds. Some investors may be subject to Alternative Minimum Tax (“AMT”). Capital gains distributions, if any, are taxable.

The S&P Municipal Bond Index, a broad, market value-weighted index, seeks to measure the performance of the U.S. municipal bond market. All bonds in the index are exempt from U.S. federal income taxes or subject to the AMT. Past performance is not an indication of future results. Index performance is shown for illustrative purposes only. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.



U N I C I P A L  A R K E T  V E R V I E W


The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging


The Funds may utilize leverage to seek to enhance the distribution rate on, and net asset value (“NAV”) of, their common shares (“Common Shares”). However, there is no guarantee that these objectives can be achieved in all interest rate environments.

In general, the concept of leveraging is based on the premise that the financing cost of leverage, which is based on short-term interest rates, is normally lower than the income earned by a Fund on its longer-term portfolio investments purchased with the proceeds from leverage. To the extent that the total assets of each Fund (including the assets obtained from leverage) are invested in higher-yielding portfolio investments, each Fund’s shareholders benefit from the incremental net income. The interest earned on securities purchased with the proceeds from leverage (after paying the leverage costs) is paid to shareholders in the form of dividends, and the value of these portfolio holdings (less the leverage liability) is reflected in the per share NAV.

To illustrate these concepts, assume a Fund’s Common Shares capitalization is $100 million and it utilizes leverage for an additional $30 million, creating a total value of $130 million available for investment in longer-term income securities. If prevailing short-term interest rates are 3% and longer-term interest rates are 6%, the yield curve has a strongly positive slope. In this case, a Fund’s financing costs on the $30 million of proceeds obtained from leverage are based on the lower short-term interest rates. At the same time, the securities purchased by a Fund with the proceeds from leverage earn income based on longer-term interest rates. In this case, a Fund’s financing cost of leverage is significantly lower than the income earned on a Fund’s longer-term investments acquired from such leverage proceeds, and therefore the holders of Common Shares (“Common Shareholders”) are the beneficiaries of the incremental net income.

However, in order to benefit Common Shareholders, the return on assets purchased with leverage proceeds must exceed the ongoing costs associated with the leverage. If interest and other costs of leverage exceed a Fund’s return on assets purchased with leverage proceeds, income to shareholders is lower than if a Fund had not used leverage. Furthermore, the value of the Funds’ portfolio investments generally varies inversely with the direction of long-term interest rates, although other factors can influence the value of portfolio investments. In contrast, the amount of each Fund’s obligations under its respective leverage arrangement generally does not fluctuate in relation to interest rates. As a result, changes in interest rates can influence the Funds’ NAVs positively or negatively. Changes in the future direction of interest rates are very difficult to predict accurately, and there is no assurance that a Fund’s intended leveraging strategy will be successful.

The use of leverage also generally causes greater changes in each Fund’s NAV, market price and dividend rates than comparable portfolios without leverage. In a declining market, leverage is likely to cause a greater decline in the NAV and market price of a Fund’s Common Shares than if the Fund were not leveraged. In addition, each Fund may be required to sell portfolio securities at inopportune times or at distressed values in order to comply with regulatory requirements applicable to the use of leverage or as required by the terms of leverage instruments, which may cause the Fund to incur losses. The use of leverage may limit a Fund’s ability to invest in certain types of securities or use certain types of hedging strategies. Each Fund incurs expenses in connection with the use of leverage, all of which are borne by Common Shareholders and may reduce income to the Common Shares. Moreover, to the extent the calculation of each Fund’s investment advisory fees includes assets purchased with the proceeds of leverage, the investment advisory fees payable to the Funds’ investment adviser will be higher than if the Funds did not use leverage.

To obtain leverage, each Fund has issued Variable Rate Muni Term Preferred Shares (“VMTP Shares” or “Preferred Shares”) and/or leveraged its assets through the use of tender option bond trusts (“TOB Trusts”) as described in the Notes to Financial Statements.

Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), each Fund is permitted to issue debt up to 33 1/3% of its total managed assets or equity securities (e.g., Preferred Shares) up to 50% of its total managed assets. A Fund may voluntarily elect to limit its leverage to less than the maximum amount permitted under the 1940 Act. In addition, a Fund may also be subject to certain asset coverage, leverage or portfolio composition requirements imposed by the Preferred Shares’ governing instruments or by agencies rating the Preferred Shares, which may be more stringent than those imposed by the 1940 Act.

If a Fund segregates or designates on its books and records cash or liquid assets having a value not less than the value of a Fund’s obligations under the TOB Trust (including accrued interest), then the TOB Trust is not considered a senior security and is not subject to the foregoing limitations and requirements imposed by the 1940 Act.

Derivative Financial Instruments

The Funds may invest in various derivative financial instruments. These instruments are used to obtain exposure to a security, commodity, index, market, and/or other assets without owning or taking physical custody of securities, commodities and/or other referenced assets or to manage market, equity, credit, interest rate, foreign currency exchange rate, commodity and/or other risks. Derivative financial instruments may give rise to a form of economic leverage and involve risks, including the imperfect correlation between the value of a derivative financial instrument and the underlying asset, possible default of the counterparty to the transaction or illiquidity of the instrument. The Funds’ successful use of a derivative financial instrument depends on the investment adviser’s ability to predict pertinent market movements accurately, which cannot be assured. The use of these instruments may result in losses greater than if they had not been used, may limit the amount of appreciation a Fund can realize on an investment and/or may result in lower distributions paid to shareholders. The Funds’ investments in these instruments, if any, are discussed in detail in the Notes to Financial Statements.




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Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021    BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)


Investment Objective

BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc.’s (MUA) (the “Fund”) investment objective is to provide high current income exempt from U.S. federal income taxes by investing primarily in a portfolio of medium- to lower-grade or unrated municipal obligations, the interest on which, in the opinion of bond counsel to the issuer, is exempt from U.S. federal income taxes. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, under normal market conditions, at least 80% of its assets in municipal bonds exempt from U.S. federal income taxes (except that the interest may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax). The Fund invests at least 65% of its assets in municipal bonds that are rated in the medium to lower rating categories by nationally recognized rating services (for example, Baa or lower by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or BBB or lower by S&P Global Ratings, or securities that are unrated but are deemed by the investment adviser to be of comparable quality at the time of investment. The Fund may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved.

Fund Information


Symbol on New York Stock Exchange


Initial Offering Date

      June 25, 1993    

Yield on Closing Market Price as of April 30, 2021 ($15.26)(a)


Tax Equivalent Yield(b)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(c)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(c)


Leverage as of April 30, 2021(d)




Yield on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. Past performance is not an indication of future results.


Tax equivalent yield assumes the maximum marginal U.S. federal tax rate of 40.8%, which includes the 3.8% Medicare tax. Actual tax rates will vary based on income, exemptions and deductions. Lower taxes will result in lower tax equivalent yields.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Represents TOB Trusts as a percentage of total managed assets, which is the total assets of the Fund, including any assets attributable to TOB Trusts, minus the sum of its accrued liabilities. Does not reflect derivatives or other instruments that may give rise to economic leverage. For a discussion of leveraging techniques utilized by the Fund, please see The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging and Derivative Financial Instruments.


Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     04/30/21      04/30/20      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 15.26      $ 12.48        22.28    $  15.96      $  12.47  

Net Asset Value

    14.77        12.83        15.12        14.84        12.83  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History for the Past Five Years





U N D   S U M M A R Y


Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021 (continued)    BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)



Returns for the twelve months ended April 30, 2021 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      NAV  


    27.89      20.41

Lipper High Yield Municipal Debt Funds(c)

    26.37        18.81  



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices. Performance results reflect the Fund’s use of leverage.


The Fund moved from a discount to NAV to a premium during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


Average return. Returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at NAV on the ex-dividend date as calculated by Lipper.


Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not an indication of future results.

More information about the Fund’s historical performance can be found in the “Closed End Funds” section of blackrock.com.

The following discussion relates to the Fund’s absolute performance based on NAV:

Despite rising U.S. Treasury yields, municipal bonds delivered strong returns in the 12-month period. (Prices and yields move in opposite directions.) When the period began in April 2020, the market was still suffering the dislocations caused by COVID-19. Tax-exempt bonds subsequently recovered off their pandemic-driven lows due to the release of multiple coronavirus vaccines, better-than-expected growth, improving municipal finances and robust investor demand. The prospect of substantial fiscal stimulus was an additional tailwind for the market. These factors fueled a decline in yield spreads versus U.S. Treasuries, leading to impressive gains for municipal debt.

The Fund’s positions in long-dated below investment-grade bonds made the largest contribution to performance. At the sector level, holdings in tax-backed, education, tobacco and development district issues were key contributors. An allocation to Puerto Rico, which strongly outperformed the broader market, also aided results.

The Fund’s use of leverage, which enhanced portfolio income and amplified the impact of rising prices, was an additional contributor. The Fund sought to manage interest rate risk using U.S. Treasury futures, which was a modest detractor from performance late in the period.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.




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Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021 (continued)    BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)


Overview of the Fund’s Total Investments




Sector(a)(b)   04/30/21     04/30/20  

County/City/Special District/School District

    16     19


    14       10  


    13       17  


    13       6  


    12       15  


    11       14  


    9       11  


    8       5  


    4       3  



Calendar Year Ended December 31,(a)(c)   Percentage  













Credit Rating(a)(d)   04/30/21     04/30/20  


    17     20


    8       8  


    12       15  


    9       11  


    7       7  






    44       36  



Excludes short-term securities.


For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund’s sector classifications refer to one or more of the sector sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such sector sub-classifications for reporting ease.


Scheduled maturity dates and/or bonds that are subject to potential calls by issuers over the next five years.


For financial reporting purposes, credit quality ratings shown above reflect the highest rating assigned by either S&P Global Ratings or Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. if ratings differ. These rating agencies are independent, nationally recognized statistical rating organizations and are widely used. Investment grade ratings are credit ratings of BBB/Baa or higher. Below investment grade ratings are credit ratings of BB/Ba or lower. Investments designated N/R are not rated by either rating agency. Unrated investments do not necessarily indicate low credit quality. Credit quality ratings are subject to change.


The investment adviser evaluates the credit quality of unrated investments based upon certain factors including, but not limited to, credit ratings for similar investments and financial analysis of sectors and individual investments. Using this approach, the investment adviser has deemed certain of these unrated securities as investment grade quality. As of April 30, 2021 and April 30, 2020, the market value of unrated securities deemed by the investment adviser to be investment grade represents 2% and 2%, respectively, of the Fund’s total investments.




U N D   S U M M A R Y


Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021    BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)


Investment Objective

BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc.’s (MHD) (the “Fund”) investment objective is to provide shareholders with current income exempt from U.S. federal income taxes. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing at least 80% of its assets in municipal bonds exempt from U.S. federal income taxes (except that the interest may be subject to the U.S. federal alternative minimum tax). The Fund invests, under normal market conditions, at least 75% of its assets in municipal bonds rated investment grade or, if unrated, are deemed to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser at the time of investment and invests primarily in long-term municipal bonds with a maturity of more than ten years at the time of investment. The Fund may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives.

On June 16, 2020, the Board of Directors or the Board of Trustees, as applicable, of BlackRock Municipal Income Investment Quality Trust (BAF), BlackRock Municipal Bond Trust (BBK), BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund II, Inc. (MUH), BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund, Inc. (MUS) and the Fund each approved the reorganizations of BAF, BBK, MUH and MUS into MHD. At a special shareholder meeting on December 15, 2020 for the Fund and BBK, and on January 21, 2021 for BAF, MUH and MUS, the requisite shareholders approved the reorganization, which was effective March 8, 2021.

No assurance can be given that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved.

Fund Information


Symbol on New York Stock Exchange


Initial Offering Date

      May 2, 1997    

Yield on Closing Market Price as of April 30, 2021 ($16.33)(a)


Tax Equivalent Yield(b)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(c)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(c)


Leverage as of April 30, 2021(d)




Yield on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. Past performance is not an indication of future results.


Tax equivalent yield assumes the maximum marginal U.S. federal tax rate of 40.8%, which includes the 3.8% Medicare tax. Actual tax rates will vary based on income, exemptions and deductions. Lower taxes will result in lower tax equivalent yields.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change.


Represents VMTP Shares and TOB Trusts as a percentage of total managed assets, which is the total assets of the Fund, including any assets attributable to VMTP Shares and TOB Trusts, minus the sum of its accrued liabilities. Does not reflect derivatives or other instruments that may give rise to economic leverage. For a discussion of leveraging techniques utilized by the Fund, please see The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging and Derivative Financial Instruments.


Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     04/30/21      04/30/20      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 16.33      $ 13.91        17.40    $  17.25      $  13.80  

Net Asset Value

    17.30        15.18        13.97        17.73        15.18  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History for the Past Five Years






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Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021 (continued)    BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)



Returns for the twelve months ended April 30, 2021 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      NAV  


    22.90      19.31

Lipper General & Insured Municipal Debt Funds (Leveraged)(c)

    24.58        17.88  



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices. Performance results reflect the Fund’s use of leverage.


The Fund’s discount to NAV narrowed during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


Average return. Returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at NAV on the ex-dividend date as calculated by Lipper.


Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not an indication of future results.

More information about the Fund’s historical performance can be found in the “Closed End Funds” section of blackrock.com.

The following discussion relates to the Fund’s absolute performance based on NAV:

Despite rising U.S. Treasury yields, municipal bonds delivered strong returns in the 12-month period. (Prices and yields move in opposite directions.) When the period began in April 2020, the market was still suffering the dislocations caused by COVID-19. Tax-exempt bonds subsequently recovered off their pandemic-driven lows due to the release of multiple coronavirus vaccines, better-than-expected growth, improving municipal finances and robust investor demand. The prospect of substantial fiscal stimulus was an additional tailwind for the market. These factors fueled a decline in yield spreads versus U.S. Treasuries, leading to impressive gains for municipal debt.

The Fund’s holdings in long-dated investment grade bonds performed well due to persistent investor demand, diminished supply, and waning credit concerns brought about by expectations for robust federal support for state and local municipalities. Positions in high yield securities (those rated below investment grade) also benefited from significant yield spread compression at a time of robust investor demand for yield.

At the sector level, holdings in tax-backed, transportation, health care and tobacco issues were strong performers. The Fund’s use of leverage, which enhanced portfolio income and amplified the impact of rising prices, was an additional contributor. The Fund sought to manage interest rate risk using U.S. Treasury futures, which was a modest detractor from performance late in the period.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.



U N D   S U M M A R Y


Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021 (continued)    BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)


Overview of the Fund’s Total Investments




Sector(a)(b)   04/30/21     04/30/20  


    21     26

County/City/Special District/School District

    16       13  


    15       10  


    15       15  


    10       17  


    8       7  


    6       7  


    4       1  


    4       4  






Calendar Year Ended December 31,(a)(c)   Percentage  















Credit Rating(a)(d)   04/30/21     04/30/20  


    3     5


    41       34  


    26       26  


    14       16  


    4       6  


    1       3  




    11       10  



Excludes short-term securities.


For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund’s sector classifications refer to one or more of the sector sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such sector sub-classifications for reporting ease.


Scheduled maturity dates and/or bonds that are subject to potential calls by issuers over the next five years.


For financial reporting purposes, credit quality ratings shown above reflect the highest rating assigned by either S&P Global Ratings or Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. if ratings differ. These rating agencies are independent, nationally recognized statistical rating organizations and are widely used. Investment grade ratings are credit ratings of BBB/Baa or higher. Below investment grade ratings are credit ratings of BB/Ba or lower. Investments designated N/R are not rated by either rating agency. Unrated investments do not necessarily indicate low credit quality. Credit quality ratings are subject to change.


Rounds to less than 1% of total investments.


The investment adviser evaluates the credit quality of unrated investments based upon certain factors including, but not limited to, credit ratings for similar investments and financial analysis of sectors and individual investments. Using this approach, the investment adviser has deemed certain of these unrated securities as investment grade quality. As of April 30, 2021 and April 30, 2020, the market value of unrated securities deemed by the investment adviser to be investment grade represents 2% and 2%, respectively, of the Fund’s total investments.





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Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021    BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.’s (MUI) (the “Fund”) investment objective is to provide common shareholders with high current income exempt from U.S. federal income taxes. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing at least 80% of its assets in municipal bonds exempt from U.S. federal income taxes (except that the interest may be subject to the U.S. federal alternative minimum tax). Under normal market conditions, the Fund invests at least 75% of its assets in municipal bonds rated investment grade or, if unrated, are deemed to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser, at the time of investment. The Fund expects to maintain a dollar-weighted average portfolio duration, as calculated by the investment adviser, of three to ten years. The Fund may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved.

Fund Information


Symbol on New York Stock Exchange


Initial Offering Date

      August 1, 2003    

Yield on Closing Market Price as of April 30, 2021 ($15.09)(a)


Tax Equivalent Yield(b)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(c)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(c)


Leverage as of April 30, 2021(d)




Yield on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. Past performance is not an indication of future results.


Tax equivalent yield assumes the maximum marginal U.S. federal tax rate of 40.8%, which includes the 3.8% Medicare tax. Actual tax rates will vary based on income, exemptions and deductions. Lower taxes will result in lower tax equivalent yields.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change.


Represents VMTP Shares and TOB Trusts as a percentage of total managed assets, which is the total assets of the Fund, including any assets attributable to VMTP Shares and TOB Trusts, minus the sum of its accrued liabilities. Does not reflect derivatives or other instruments that may give rise to economic leverage. For a discussion of leveraging techniques utilized by the Fund, please see The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging and Derivative Financial Instruments.


Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     04/30/21      04/30/20      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $  15.09      $  13.13        14.93    $  15.34      $  12.80  

Net Asset Value

    16.11        14.62        10.19        16.35        14.62  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History for the Past Five Years





U N D   S U M M A R Y


Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021 (continued)    BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)



Returns for the twelve months ended April 30, 2021 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      NAV  


    20.02      15.08

Lipper Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds(c)

    18.96        13.59  



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices. Performance results reflect the Fund’s use of leverage.


The Fund’s discount to NAV narrowed during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


Average return. Returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at NAV on the ex-dividend date as calculated by Lipper.


Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not an indication of future results.

More information about the Fund’s historical performance can be found in the “Closed End Funds” section of blackrock.com.

The following discussion relates to the Fund’s absolute performance based on NAV:

Despite rising U.S. Treasury yields, municipal bonds delivered strong returns in the 12-month period. (Prices and yields move in opposite directions.) When the period began in April 2020, the market was still suffering the dislocations caused by COVID-19. Tax-exempt bonds subsequently recovered off their pandemic-driven lows due to the release of multiple coronavirus vaccines, better-than-expected growth, improving municipal finances and robust investor demand. The prospect of substantial fiscal stimulus was an additional tailwind for the market. These factors fueled a decline in yield spreads versus U.S. Treasuries, leading to impressive gains for municipal debt.

The Fund benefited from its positions in bonds with maturities in the 10- to 15-year range. Holdings in lower-rated investment-grade bonds, including those rated A and BBB, performed particularly well as spreads tightened. At the sector level, positions in state tax-backed and transportation issues generated robust returns. In the former category, lower-rated issuers such as Illinois, New Jersey and Puerto Rico were especially strong performers. The Fund’s use of leverage, which enhanced portfolio income and amplified the impact of rising prices, was an additional contributor. The Fund sought to manage interest rate risk using U.S. Treasury futures, which further contributed to results given that U.S. Treasury yields rose.

Conversely, the Fund’s positions in shorter duration debt, including pre-refunded securities, underperformed. (Duration is a measure of interest rate sensitivity.) Reinvestment risk remained a headwind since the proceeds from bonds that matured or were called needed to be reinvested at lower yields compared to those that were issued when yields were higher.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.




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Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021 (continued)    BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)


Overview of the Fund’s Total Investments




Sector(a)(b)   04/30/21     04/30/20  


    24     29


    21       14  

County/City/Special District/School District

    13       14  


    12       13  


    12       10  


    7       11  


    4       2  


    4       5  


    2       2  





Calendar Year Ended December 31,(a)(c)   Percentage  













Credit Rating(a)(d)   04/30/21     04/30/20  


    3     4


    33       31  


    33       36  


    17       15  


    5       5  


    1       (e) 


    8       9  



Excludes short-term securities.


For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund’s sector classifications refer to one or more of the sector sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such sector sub-classifications for reporting ease.


Scheduled maturity dates and/or bonds that are subject to potential calls by issuers over the next five years.


For financial reporting purposes, credit quality ratings shown above reflect the highest rating assigned by either S&P Global Ratings or Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. if ratings differ. These rating agencies are independent, nationally recognized statistical rating organizations and are widely used. Investment grade ratings are credit ratings of BBB/Baa or higher. Below investment grade ratings are credit ratings of BB/Ba or lower. Investments designated N/R are not rated by either rating agency. Unrated investments do not necessarily indicate low credit quality. Credit quality ratings are subject to change.


Rounds to less than 1% of total investments.


The investment adviser evaluates the credit quality of unrated investments based upon certain factors including, but not limited to, credit ratings for similar investments and financial analysis of sectors and individual investments. Using this approach, the investment adviser has deemed certain of these unrated securities as investment grade quality. As of April 30, 2021 and April 30, 2020, the market value of unrated securities deemed by the investment adviser to be investment grade each represents less than 1% of the Fund’s total investments.




U N D   S U M M A R Y


Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021    BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)


Investment Objective

BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc.’s (MVT) (the “Fund”) investment objective is to provide shareholders with as high a level of current income exempt from U.S. federal income taxes as is consistent with its investment policies and prudent investment management. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing at least 80% of its assets in municipal bonds exempt from U.S. federal income taxes (except that the interest may be subject to the U.S. federal alternative minimum tax). The Fund invests, under normal market conditions, at least 75% of its assets in municipal bonds rated investment grade or, if unrated, are deemed to be of comparable quality by the investment adviser at the time of investment and invests primarily in long-term municipal bonds with a maturity of more than ten years at the time of investment. The Fund may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved.

Fund Information


Symbol on New York Stock Exchange


Initial Offering Date

      March 29, 1993    

Yield on Closing Market Price as of April 30, 2021 ($15.15)(a)


Tax Equivalent Yield(b)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(c)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(c)


Leverage as of April 30, 2021(d)




Yield on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. Past performance is not an indication of future results.


Tax equivalent yield assumes the maximum marginal U.S. federal tax rate of 40.8%, which includes the 3.8% Medicare tax. Actual tax rates will vary based on income, exemptions and deductions. Lower taxes will result in lower tax equivalent yields.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change.


Represents VMTP Shares and TOB Trusts as a percentage of total managed assets, which is the total assets of the Fund, including any assets attributable to VMTP Shares and TOB Trusts, minus the sum of its accrued liabilities. Does not reflect derivatives or other instruments that may give rise to economic leverage. For a discussion of leveraging techniques utilized by the Fund, please see The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging and Derivative Financial Instruments.


Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     04/30/21      04/30/20      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 15.15      $ 12.55        20.72    $  15.93      $  12.48  

Net Asset Value

    15.60        13.60        14.71        15.93        13.60  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History for the Past Five Years







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Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021 (continued)    BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)



Returns for the twelve months ended April 30, 2021 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      NAV  


    26.52      20.22

Lipper General & Insured Municipal Debt Funds (Leveraged)(c)

    24.58        17.88  



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices. Performance results reflect the Fund’s use of leverage.


The Fund’s discount to NAV narrowed during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


Average return. Returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at NAV on the ex-dividend date as calculated by Lipper.


Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not an indication of future results.

More information about the Fund’s historical performance can be found in the “Closed End Funds” section of blackrock.com.

The following discussion relates to the Fund’s absolute performance based on NAV:

Despite rising U.S. Treasury yields, municipal bonds delivered strong returns in the 12-month period. (Prices and yields move in opposite directions.) When the period began in April 2020, the market was still suffering the dislocations caused by COVID-19. Tax-exempt bonds subsequently recovered off their pandemic-driven lows due to the release of multiple coronavirus vaccines, better-than-expected growth, improving municipal finances and robust investor demand. The prospect of substantial fiscal stimulus was an additional tailwind for the market. These factors fueled a decline in yield spreads versus U.S. Treasuries, leading to impressive gains for municipal debt.

The Fund’s holdings in long-dated investment grade bonds performed well due to persistent investor demand, diminished supply, and waning credit concerns brought about by expectations for robust federal support for state and local municipalities. Positions in high yield securities (those rated below investment grade) also benefited from significant yield spread compression at a time of robust investor demand for yield.

At the sector level, holdings in tax-backed, transportation, tobacco and health care issues were strong performers. The Fund’s use of leverage, which enhanced portfolio income and amplified the impact of rising prices, was an additional contributor. The Fund sought to manage interest rate risk using U.S. Treasury futures, which was a modest detractor from performance late in the period.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.



U N D   S U M M A R Y


Fund Summary  as of April 30, 2021 (continued)    BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)


Overview of the Fund’s Total Investments




Sector(a)(b)   04/30/21     04/30/20  


    21     23


    18       9  


    18       16  


    11       16  

County/City/Special District/School District

    11       14  


    8       9  


    8       7  


    4       5  


    1       1  



Calendar Year Ended December 31,(a)(c)   Percentage  













Credit Rating(a)(d)   04/30/21     04/30/20  


    5     4


    32       32  


    27       24  


    16       18  


    7       7  


    2       2  


    1       1  


    10       12  



Excludes short-term securities.


For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund’s sector classifications refer to one or more of the sector sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such sector sub-classifications for reporting ease.


Scheduled maturity dates and/or bonds that are subject to potential calls by issuers over the next five years.


For financial reporting purposes, credit quality ratings shown above reflect the highest rating assigned by either S&P Global Ratings or Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. if ratings differ. These rating agencies are independent, nationally recognized statistical rating organizations and are widely used. Investment grade ratings are credit ratings of BBB/Baa or higher. Below investment grade ratings are credit ratings of BB/Ba or lower. Investments designated N/R are not rated by either rating agency. Unrated investments do not necessarily indicate low credit quality. Credit quality ratings are subject to change.


The investment adviser evaluates the credit quality of unrated investments based upon certain factors including, but not limited to, credit ratings for similar investments and financial analysis of sectors and individual investments. Using this approach, the investment adviser has deemed certain of these unrated securities as investment grade quality. As of April 30, 2021 and April 30, 2020, the market value of unrated securities deemed by the investment adviser to be investment grade represents 2% and less than 1%, respectively, of the Fund’s total investments.





2 0 2 1   B L A C K O C K  N N U A L  E P O R T   T O  H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)



Municipal Bonds


Alabama — 1.6%


County of Jefferson Alabama Sewer Revenue, Refunding RB, Series D, Sub Lien, 6.00%, 10/01/42

  $   3,745     $ 4,314,427  

Hoover Industrial Development Board, RB, AMT, 6.38%, 11/01/50(a)

    2,725       3,438,514  

Tuscaloosa County Industrial Development Authority, Refunding RB(b)


Series A, 4.50%, 05/01/32

    380       428,454  

Series A, 5.25%, 05/01/44

    485       561,261  



Alaska — 0.5%  

Northern Tobacco Securitization Corp., Refunding RB


Series A, 4.63%, 06/01/23

    70       70,108  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/46

    2,790       2,825,126  



Arizona — 3.1%  

Arizona Industrial Development Authority, RB(b)


7.10%, 01/01/55

    1,790       1,801,205  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/15/39

    250       283,247  

Series B, 5.13%, 07/01/47

    665       746,050  

Arizona Industrial Development Authority, Refunding RB(b)


Series A, 5.13%, 07/01/37

    960       1,074,413  

Series A, 5.25%, 07/01/47

    1,765       1,952,602  

Series A, 5.50%, 07/01/52

    1,775       1,919,272  

Glendale Industrial Development Authority, RB


5.00%, 05/15/41

    100       112,936  

5.00%, 05/15/56

    405       450,247  

Industrial Development Authority of the City of Phoenix, RB(b)


Series A, 6.50%, 07/01/34

    570       655,147  

Series A, 6.75%, 07/01/44

    1,000       1,168,010  

Industrial Development Authority of the City of Phoenix, Refunding RB(b)


5.00%, 07/01/35

    625       683,693  

5.00%, 07/01/45

    1,425       1,538,255  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/35

    260       284,981  

Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 07/01/56(b)

    480       495,139  

La Paz County Industrial Development Authority, RB, 5.88%, 06/15/48(b)

    875       925,155  

Maricopa County Industrial Development Authority, RB(b)


5.25%, 10/01/40

    465       487,557  

5.50%, 10/01/51

    465       486,288  

Salt Verde Financial Corp., RB, 5.00%, 12/01/37

    1,650       2,292,493  



Arkansas(b) — 1.8%  

Arkansas Development Finance Authority, RB


AMT, 4.50%, 09/01/49

    2,815       3,091,799  

AMT, 4.75%, 09/01/49

    6,090       6,844,673  



California — 4.5%  

California Community Housing Agency, RB, M/F Housing, Series A-2, 4.00%, 08/01/47(b)

    1,790       1,898,188  

California Municipal Finance Authority, RB(b)


Series A, 5.50%, 08/01/34

    315       337,847  

Series A, 6.00%, 08/01/44

    665       715,128  

Series A, 6.13%, 08/01/49

    580       622,850  
California (continued)  

California Public Finance Authority, RB, Series A, 6.25%, 07/01/54(b)

  $   1,780     $ 2,037,050  

California School Finance Authority, RB


6.65%, 07/01/33

    435       469,752  

6.90%, 07/01/43

    975       1,050,757  

Series A, 6.40%, 07/01/48

    1,570       1,733,845  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, RB, 5.25%, 12/01/38(b)

    580       703,923  

California Statewide Financing Authority, RB, Series B, 6.00%, 05/01/43

    1,650       1,654,125  

City of San Jose California Hotel Tax Revenue, RB


6.50%, 05/01/36

    900       903,825  

6.50%, 05/01/42

    2,220       2,229,235  

CMFA Special Finance Agency I, RB, M/F Housing, Series A, 4.00%, 04/01/56(b)

    3,300       3,488,529  

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Refunding RB


Series A-1, 5.25%, 06/01/47

    610       632,198  

Series A-2, 5.00%, 06/01/47

    790       816,623  

Hastings Campus Housing Finance Authority, RB, CAB, Sub-Series A, 6.75%, 07/01/61(b)(c)

    1,705       936,130  

Riverside County Transportation Commission, RB, Series A, Senior Lien, 5.75%, 06/01/48

    2,885       3,171,221  

San Francisco City & County Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency, TA, CAB(b)(d)


Series D, 0.00%, 08/01/26

    1,250       981,538  

Series D, 0.00%, 08/01/43

    1,500       500,100  



Colorado — 1.8%  

9th Avenue Metropolitan District No.2, GO, 5.00%, 12/01/48

    910       965,310  

Arista Metropolitan District, Refunding GO, Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/38

    1,240       1,328,846  

Centerra Metropolitan District No.1, TA, 5.00%, 12/01/47(b)

    575       602,962  

Green Valley Ranch East Metropolitan District No.6, GO, Series A, 5.88%, 12/01/50

    935       1,007,126  

Karl’s Farm Metropolitan District No.2, GO, Series A, 5.63%, 12/01/50(b)

    545       587,287  

North Holly Metropolitan District, GO, Series A, 5.50%, 12/01/48

    500       538,145  

Palisade Metropolitan District No.2, GO, Subordinate, 7.25%, 12/15/49

    1,211       1,301,740  

Prairie Farm Metropolitan District, GO, Series A, 5.25%, 12/01/48

    760       814,545  

Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority, TA, 4.75%, 12/01/45(b)

    1,365       1,518,467  

Rocky Mountain Rail Park Metropolitan District, GO(b)


Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/41

    500       543,960  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/51

    500       536,370  

Southlands Metropolitan District No.1, Refunding GO, Series A-1, 5.00%, 12/01/47

    410       447,958  



Connecticut(b) — 0.9%  

Connecticut State Health & Educational Facilities Authority, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/45

    325       356,038  

Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/55

    435       472,088  

Mohegan Tribal Finance Authority, RB, 7.00%, 02/01/45

    1,390       1,428,350  



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Connecticut (continued)  

Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut, RB, Series A, 6.75%, 02/01/45

  $ 963     $ 975,461  

Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut, Refunding RB, Series C, 6.25%, 02/01/30

    1,835       1,889,536  



District of Columbia — 0.6%            

District of Columbia Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., RB, CAB, Series A, 0.00%, 06/15/46(d)

    15,400           3,309,460  



Florida — 10.2%            

Boggy Creek Improvement District, Refunding SAB, Series 2013, 5.13%, 05/01/43

    1,335       1,391,457  

Capital Region Community Development District, Refunding SAB, Series A-1, 5.13%, 05/01/39

    1,495       1,660,631  

Capital Trust Agency, Inc., RB


0.00%, 07/01/61(b)(d)

    53,225       3,554,898  

Series A, 8.25%, 01/01/44

    515       10,300  

Series A, 8.25%, 01/01/49

    1,105       22,100  

Series A, 5.75%, 06/01/54(b)

    940       997,312  

Charlotte County Industrial Development Authority, RB(b)


AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/34

    245       276,835  

AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/49

    1,170       1,267,285  

Collier County Industrial Development Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 8.13%, 05/15/44(b)(e)(f)

    630       485,578  

County of Osceola Florida Transportation Revenue, Refunding RB, CAB(d)


Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/50

    730       274,049  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/51

    875       314,851  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/52

    875       302,593  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/53

    2,325       772,690  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/54

    875       279,108  

Florida Development Finance Corp., RB


Series A, 5.75%, 06/15/29

    690       745,552  

Series A, 6.00%, 06/15/34

    835       902,785  

Series A, 6.13%, 06/15/44

    3,180       3,416,656  

Series A, 5.13%, 06/15/55(b)

    3,645       3,732,699  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 08/01/29(a)(b)

    1,550       1,602,669  

Series B, AMT, 7.38%, 01/01/49(b)

    2,475       2,569,817  

Greeneway Improvement District, SAB, 5.13%, 05/01/43

    1,675       1,726,724  

Lakewood Ranch Stewardship District, SAB


4.00%, 05/01/21

    54       53,750  

4.25%, 05/01/26

    135       141,476  

4.95%, 05/01/29(b)

    395       447,365  

5.50%, 05/01/39(b)

    400       463,576  

5.13%, 05/01/46

    810       865,388  

5.65%, 05/01/48(b)

    665       764,896  

Series 1B, 4.75%, 05/01/29

    565       633,602  

Series 1B, 5.30%, 05/01/39

    645       738,493  

Series 1B, 5.45%, 05/01/48

    1,150       1,306,825  

Miami-Dade County Industrial Development Authority, RB, 5.00%, 01/15/48

    915       1,032,889  

Mid-Bay Bridge Authority, RB, Series A, 7.25%, 10/01/21(g)

    4,550       4,682,951  

Midtown Miami Community Development District, Refunding SAB


Series A, 5.00%, 05/01/37

    845       873,358  

Series B, 5.00%, 05/01/37

    495       511,612  

North River Ranch Community Development District, SAB


Series A-1, 4.00%, 05/01/40

    310       322,880  

Series A-1, 4.25%, 05/01/51

    530       552,223  

Series A-2, 4.20%, 05/01/35

    450       468,810  

Series A-3, 4.75%, 05/01/40

    600       600,204  
Florida (continued)            

Palm Beach County Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 7.25%, 06/01/34

  $ 500     $ 539,040  

Santa Rosa Bay Bridge Authority, RB, 6.25%, 07/01/28(e)(f)

      3,404       2,931,689  

Seminole County Industrial Development Authority, Refunding RB


5.50%, 11/15/49

    1,235       1,239,372  

5.75%, 11/15/54

    985       995,520  

Tolomato Community Development District, Refunding SAB, Series 2015-2, 6.61%, 05/01/40(c)

    805       579,568  

Tolomato Community Development District, Refunding SAB, CAB, Series A-4, 6.61%, 05/01/40(c)

    305       291,635  

Tolomato Community Development District,


3rd Series, 6.65%, 05/01/40

    710       7  

Series 2015-1, 6.61%, 05/01/40(c)

    1,305       1,192,705  

Series 2015-3, 6.61%, 05/01/40

    875       9  

Trout Creek Community Development District, SAB


5.38%, 05/01/38

    430       484,154  

5.50%, 05/01/49

    1,105       1,232,506  

Village Community Development District No.9, SAB


6.75%, 05/01/31

    1,345       1,345,000  

7.00%, 05/01/41

    2,210       2,210,000  

5.50%, 05/01/42

    1,065       1,086,279  

West Villages Improvement District, SAB


4.75%, 05/01/39

    455       498,357  

5.00%, 05/01/50

    940       1,028,736  



Georgia — 0.9%            

George L Smith II Congress Center Authority, RB, 4.00%, 01/01/54

    410       463,579  

Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., RB


Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/35

    560       767,822  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/36

    560       774,267  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/37

    615       858,294  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/38

    340       480,100  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/49

    1,130       1,675,191  



Guam — 0.2%            

Territory of Guam, Refunding RB


Series a, 5.00%, 11/01/40

    540       669,395  

Series A, 5.00%, 11/01/35

    385       485,797  



Idaho — 0.1%            

Idaho Housing & Finance Association, RB, Series A, 6.95%, 06/15/55(b)

    580       611,198  



Illinois — 5.6%            

Chicago Board of Education, GO


Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/42

    1,020       1,060,117  

Series C, 5.25%, 12/01/35

    1,655       1,840,178  

Series D, 5.00%, 12/01/46

    2,155       2,348,839  

Series H, 5.00%, 12/01/46

    720       826,668  

Chicago Board of Education, Refunding GO


Series B, 4.00%, 12/01/35

    745       768,780  

Series C, 5.00%, 12/01/25

    725       845,886  

Series D, 5.00%, 12/01/31

    1,000       1,190,880  

Series G, 5.00%, 12/01/44

    2,150       2,476,585  

City of Chicago Illinois, Refunding GO, Series A, 6.00%, 01/01/38

    1,260       1,530,409  

Illinois Finance Authority, Refunding RB


6.60%, 07/01/24

    560       564,099  

6.00%, 02/01/34

    365       383,454  

6.13%, 02/01/45

    860       894,641  




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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Illinois (continued)  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, RB


Series A, 5.50%, 06/15/53

  $ 2,370     $ 2,745,218  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/57

    1,020       1,191,799  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, RB, CAB, Series A, 0.00%, 12/15/52(d)

    3,430       1,224,064  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Refunding RB, CAB, Series B, 0.00%, 12/15/54(d)

    20,700       6,734,952  

State of Illinois, GO


5.50%, 05/01/30

    530       684,543  

5.50%, 05/01/39

    1,055       1,342,878  

Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/33

    740       760,550  

Village of Lincolnshire Illinois, ST, 6.25%, 03/01/34

    1,448       1,449,593  



Indiana — 1.9%  

City of Anderson Indiana, RB, 5.38%, 01/01/40

    580       597,354  

City of Valparaiso Indiana, RB


AMT, 6.75%, 01/01/34

    825       912,466  

AMT, 7.00%, 01/01/44

    2,000       2,233,880  

City of Vincennes Indiana, Refunding RB, 6.25%, 01/01/29(b)

    1,885       1,885,679  

Indiana Finance Authority, RB


Series A, AMT, 6.75%, 05/01/39

    1,060       1,323,633  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/44

    470       502,820  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/48

    1,555       1,676,974  

Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority, RB, 5.38%, 10/01/40(b)

    1,230       1,273,013  



Iowa — 1.5%  

Iowa Finance Authority, Refunding RB


5.25%, 12/01/25

    150       162,391  

Series B, 5.25%, 12/01/50(a)

    2,085       2,275,798  

Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority, Refunding RB


0.00%, 06/01/65(d)

    1,275       222,934  

Series C, 5.38%, 06/01/38

    4,900       4,901,029  

Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority, Refunding RB, CAB, Series B, 5.60%, 06/01/34

    795       795,183  



Kentucky — 0.8%  

Kentucky Public Transportation Infrastructure Authority, RB, Series A, 5.75%, 07/01/49

    4,000       4,401,120  



Louisiana — 2.0%            

Juban Crossing Economic Development District, Refunding RB, Series C, 7.00%, 09/15/44(b)

    2,380       2,295,653  

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities & Community Development Authority, RB, 5.00%, 07/01/54(b)

    930       958,448  

Parish of St. James Louisiana, RB, 2nd Series, 6.35%, 07/01/40(b)

    1,580       1,996,899  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, 5.25%, 05/15/35

    5,570       6,034,204  



Maine — 0.5%  

Maine Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority, RB, 6.75%, 07/01/21(g)

    2,955       2,985,880  



Maryland — 1.1%  

County of Frederick Maryland, Refunding TA, 4.63%, 07/01/43(b)

    1,970       2,261,324  
Maryland (continued)  

Maryland Economic Development Corp., RB, 5.00%, 07/01/56

  $ 360     $ 427,910  

Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority, RB, Series A, 7.00%, 03/01/55(b)

    3,010       3,455,992  



Michigan — 1.2%  

Advanced Technology Academy, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 11/01/44

    415       458,550  

City of Detroit Michigan Sewage Disposal System Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, Senior Lien, 5.25%, 07/01/22(g)

    2,785       2,947,616  

City of Detroit Michigan, GO


5.00%, 04/01/34

    285       336,380  

5.00%, 04/01/35

    285       335,388  

5.00%, 04/01/36

    200       234,750  

5.00%, 04/01/37

    320       374,522  

5.00%, 04/01/38

    145       169,242  

Michigan Finance Authority, RB, Series C-2, AMT, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/22(g)

    415       437,161  

Michigan Strategic Fund, RB, AMT, 5.00%, 06/30/48

    1,200       1,441,632  



Minnesota — 0.4%  

City of Minneapolis Minnesota, RB, Series A, 5.75%, 07/01/55

    1,480       1,653,145  

Housing & Redevelopment Authority of The City of St. Paul Minnesota, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.75%, 09/01/46

    195       222,684  

Series A, 6.00%, 09/01/51

    290       332,491  



Missouri — 0.3%  

Industrial Development Authority of the City of St. Louis Missouri, Refunding RB


Series A, 4.38%, 11/15/35

    685       690,610  

Series A, 4.75%, 11/15/47

    760       768,254  



Nevada — 0.2%  

Tahoe-Douglas Visitors Authority, RB


5.00%, 07/01/40

    315       367,715  

5.00%, 07/01/45

    395       455,171  

5.00%, 07/01/51

    420       479,346  



New Hampshire — 0.7%  

New Hampshire Business Finance Authority, RB


Series A, 4.13%, 08/15/40

    530       538,141  

Series A, 4.25%, 08/15/46

    595       600,414  

Series A, 4.50%, 08/15/55

    1,235       1,247,017  

New Hampshire Business Finance Authority, Refunding RB(b)


Series B, 4.63%, 11/01/42

    1,015       1,055,539  

Series C, AMT, 4.88%, 11/01/42

    485       506,888  



New Jersey — 4.5%  

Casino Reinvestment Development Authority, Inc., Refunding RB


5.25%, 11/01/39

    1,065       1,140,359  

5.25%, 11/01/44

    770       819,388  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, RB


6.00%, 10/01/43

    1,530       1,688,737  



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


New Jersey (continued)  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, RB (continued)


Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/32

  $ 165     $ 178,185  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/37

    260       277,360  

Series A, 5.25%, 11/01/54(b)

    1,675       1,704,999  

Series B, 5.00%, 06/15/43

    2,245       2,697,637  

AMT, 5.38%, 01/01/43

    2,155       2,413,622  

Series B, AMT, 6.50%, 04/01/31

    1,940       2,085,345  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 6.00%, 08/01/49(b)

    500       526,090  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, RB


Series AA, 5.25%, 06/15/41

    1,140       1,327,496  

Series S, 5.25%, 06/15/43

    2,345       2,905,361  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Refunding RB, Sub-Series B, 5.00%, 06/01/46

    5,970       6,997,079  



New Mexico — 0.6%  

New Mexico Hospital Equipment Loan Council, Refunding RB, 5.50%, 07/01/42

    2,970       3,135,162  



New York — 6.5%  

Erie Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/45

    2,890       2,914,883  

Huntington Local Development Corp., RB, Series A, 5.25%, 07/01/56

    185       194,890  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Refunding RB


Series C-1, 4.75%, 11/15/45

    1,740       2,092,959  

Series C-1, 5.00%, 11/15/50

    565       688,842  

Series C-1, 5.25%, 11/15/55

    840       1,040,777  

New York City Industrial Development Agency, Refunding RB


Class A, (AGM), 3.00%, 01/01/37

    250       269,972  

Class A, (AGM), 3.00%, 01/01/39

    250       267,883  

Class A, (AGM), 3.00%, 01/01/40

    175       187,378  

New York Counties Tobacco Trust IV, Refunding RB


Series A, 6.25%, 06/01/41(b)

    5,200       5,278,156  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/42

    3,155       3,186,676  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/45

    1,185       1,196,850  

New York Counties Tobacco Trust VI, Refunding RB


Series A-2-B, 5.00%, 06/01/45

    2,655       2,847,992  

Series A-2-B, 5.00%, 06/01/51

    1,900       2,006,438  

New York Liberty Development Corp., Refunding RB(b)


Series 1, Class 1, 5.00%, 11/15/44

    6,205       6,755,880  

Series 2, Class 2, 5.15%, 11/15/34

    455       508,617  

Series 2, Class 2, 5.38%, 11/15/40

    1,080       1,215,238  

New York Transportation Development Corp., RB


AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/35

    395       499,545  

AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/40

    1,120       1,393,146  

New York Transportation Development Corp., Refunding ARB, AMT, 5.38%, 08/01/36

    1,490       1,844,843  

Westchester County Healthcare Corp., RB, Series A, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 11/01/44

    1,234       1,372,575  



Ohio — 2.3%  

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Refunding RB, Series B-2, Class 2, 5.00%, 06/01/55

    5,000       5,616,150  

Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority, RB


4.00%, 07/01/46

    65       75,619  

4.00%, 07/01/51

    95       110,209  
Ohio (continued)            

County of Hamilton Ohio, Refunding RB, Series C, 5.00%, 01/01/46

  $ 875     $ 931,945  

County of Hardin Ohio, Refunding RB


5.00%, 05/01/30

    240       260,374  

5.25%, 05/01/40

    480       512,616  

5.50%, 05/01/50

    1,130       1,206,478  

Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, RB, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/49(b)

    840       930,182  

Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority, RB, 4.25%, 12/01/50(b)

    385       387,749  

Southern Ohio Port Authority, RB, Series A, AMT, 7.00%, 12/01/42(b)

    2,315       2,613,820  



Oklahoma — 2.3%  

Oklahoma Development Finance Authority, RB


7.25%, 09/01/51(b)

    4,615       4,722,437  

Series B, 5.00%, 08/15/38

    2,990       3,637,873  

Series B, 5.25%, 08/15/43

    2,690       3,290,812  

Tulsa County Industrial Authority, Refunding RB, 5.25%, 11/15/37

    750       801,510  



Oregon — 0.5%  

Hospital Facilities Authority of Multnomah County Oregon, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.50%, 10/01/49

    1,765       1,873,318  

Oregon State Facilities Authority, RB(b)


Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/29

    115       119,901  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/39

    565       571,605  



Pennsylvania — 1.5%  

Allentown Neighborhood Improvement Zone Development Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 05/01/42

    2,140       2,223,995  

Bucks County Industrial Development Authority, RB


4.00%, 07/01/46

    100       109,526  

4.00%, 07/01/51

    100       109,072  

Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority, Refunding RB, 5.38%, 01/01/50

    1,135       1,151,934  

Northampton County Industrial Development Authority, TA, 7.00%, 07/01/32

    1,765       1,873,230  

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Refunding RB, AMT, 5.50%, 11/01/44

    2,710       2,866,042  



Puerto Rico — 12.9%  

Children’s Trust Fund, RB(d)


Series A, 0.00%, 05/15/57

    23,995       1,513,845  

Series B, 0.00%, 05/15/57

    11,915       636,857  

Children’s Trust Fund, Refunding RB, 5.63%, 05/15/43

    850       859,656  

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, GO(e)(f)


Series A, 5.25%, 07/01/22

    145       128,023  

Series A, 5.25%, 07/01/26

    50       44,146  

Series A, 5.13%, 07/01/31

    515       454,702  

Series A, 5.38%, 07/01/33

    500       441,458  

Series A, 6.00%, 07/01/38

    750       671,923  

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Refunding GO(e)(f)


5.00%, 07/01/18

    90       75,975  

Series A, 8.00%, 07/01/35

    9,295       7,432,970  

Series A, 5.50%, 07/01/39

    1,265       1,061,384  

Series A, 6.50%, 07/01/40

    1,110       949,513  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/41

    2,230       1,788,112  




2 0 2 1   B L A C K O C K  N N U A L  E P O R T   T O  H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Puerto Rico (continued)  

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Refunding
GO(e)(f) (continued)


Series B, 6.00%, 07/01/39

  $ 110     $ 98,549  

Series D, 5.75%, 07/01/41

    165       142,376  

Puerto Rico Commonwealth Aqueduct & Sewer Authority, RB


Series A, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/33

    170       177,213  

Series A, Senior Lien, 5.13%, 07/01/37

    200       208,676  

Series A, Senior Lien, 5.75%, 07/01/37

    1,290       1,355,235  

Puerto Rico Commonwealth Aqueduct & Sewer Authority, Refunding RB(b)


Series A, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/35

    1,780       2,111,988  

Series A, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/47

    3,135       3,664,627  

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, RB


3rd Series, 5.40%, 01/01/22(a)(e)(f)

    90       83,030  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/29(e)(f)

    660       610,781  

Series A, 7.00%, 07/01/33(e)(f)

    3,295       3,123,386  

Series A, 6.75%, 07/01/36(e)(f)

    1,140       1,080,625  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/42(e)(f)

    1,315       1,216,935  

Series A, 7.00%, 07/01/43(e)(f)

    375       355,469  

Series A-3, 10.00%, 07/01/19(e)(f)

    323       298,988  

Series B-3, 10.00%, 07/01/19(e)(f)

    323       298,988  

Series C-1, 5.40%, 01/01/18(e)(f)

    887       821,272  

Series C-2, 5.40%, 07/01/18(e)(f)

    888       821,405  

Series C-4, 5.40%, 07/01/20(e)(f)

    90       83,030  

Series CCC, 5.25%, 07/01/26(e)(f)

    260       240,611  

Series CCC, 5.25%, 07/01/28(e)(f)

    145       134,187  

Series TT, 5.00%, 07/01/25(e)(f)

    100       92,543  

Series TT, 5.00%, 07/01/26(e)(f)

    225       208,221  

Series WW, 5.50%, 07/01/19(e)(f)

    1,375       1,272,461  

Series WW, 5.50%, 07/01/20

    1,595       1,196,250  

Series WW, 5.25%, 07/01/33(e)(f)

    120       111,051  

Series WW, 5.50%, 07/01/38(e)(f)

    205       189,712  

Series WW, 5.50%, 07/01/49(e)(f)

    145       134,187  

Series XX, 5.25%, 07/01/27(e)(f)

    110       101,797  

Series XX, 5.25%, 07/01/35

    585       513,337  

Series XX, 5.25%, 07/01/35(e)(f)

    60       55,526  

Series XX, 5.75%, 07/01/36(e)(f)

    85       78,661  

Series XX, 5.25%, 07/01/40(e)(f)

    1,020       943,935  

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, Refunding RB(e)(f)


Series AAA, 5.25%, 07/01/22

    2,545           2,355,209  

Series AAA, 5.25%, 07/01/29

    95       87,915  

Series UU, 1.00%, 07/01/19(a)

    55       44,825  

Series UU, 1.16%, 07/01/19(a)

    60       48,900  

Series UU, 1.00%, 07/01/20(a)

    495       413,429  

Series UU, 0.84%, 07/01/31(a)

    580       484,422  

Series ZZ, 5.25%, 07/01/19

    455       421,069  

Series ZZ, 5.25%, 07/01/21

    50       46,271  

Series ZZ, 5.25%, 07/01/24

    345       319,272  

Series ZZ, 5.25%, 07/01/26

    40       37,017  

Series ZZ, 5.00%, 07/01/49

    145       134,187  

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, Refunding RB, BAB, 6.13%, 07/01/40

    1,085       981,925  

Puerto Rico Public Buildings Authority, Refunding RB(e)(f)


Series F, (GTD), 5.25%, 07/01/24

    235       232,326  

Series M-2, (GTD), 10.00%, 07/01/34

    155       163,525  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue, RB


Series A-1, Restructured, 4.75%, 07/01/53

    2,453       2,723,247  

Series A-1, Restructured, 5.00%, 07/01/58

    5,234       5,879,928  

Series A-2, Restructured, 4.33%, 07/01/40

    6,129       6,699,120  

Series A-2, Restructured, 4.54%, 07/01/53

    21       22,963  
Puerto Rico (continued)  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue, RB (continued)


Series A-2, Restructured, 4.78%, 07/01/58

  $ 2,080     $ 2,315,560  

Series B-1, Restructured, 4.55%, 07/01/40

    2,402       2,660,023  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue, RB, CAB(d)


Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/24

    1,570       1,476,742  

Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/29

    1,079       913,373  

Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/31

    686       531,437  

Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/33

    337       242,401  

Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/46

    10,261       3,235,396  

Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/51

    3,047       695,082  

Series B-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/46

    883       278,613  



Rhode Island — 2.0%  

Central Falls Detention Facility Corp., Refunding RB, 7.25%, 07/15/35(e)(f)

    4,190       628,500  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/40

    980       1,095,630  

Series B, 4.50%, 06/01/45

    5,055       5,474,515  

Series B, 5.00%, 06/01/50

    3,330       3,722,041  



South Carolina — 0.1%  

South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/54

    345       375,867  



Tennessee — 0.4%  

Memphis-Shelby County Industrial Development Board, Refunding TA


Series A, 5.50%, 07/01/37

    925       945,840  

Series A, 5.63%, 01/01/46

    1,085       1,091,423  



Texas — 6.4%  

Arlington Higher Education Finance Corp., RB, 5.00%, 01/15/51

    715       751,129  

Arlington Higher Education Finance Corp., Refunding RB, 5.00%, 08/15/41

    370       402,031  

Brazoria County Industrial Development Corp., RB, AMT, 7.00%, 03/01/39

    675       723,060  

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Refunding RB, CAB(d)


0.00%, 01/01/28

    1,000       904,150  

0.00%, 01/01/29

    2,000       1,758,440  

0.00%, 01/01/30

    1,170       997,109  

0.00%, 01/01/33

    3,690       2,872,148  

0.00%, 01/01/34

    4,000       3,015,440  

City of Houston Texas Airport System Revenue, Refunding ARB, AMT, 5.00%, 07/15/27

    250       291,788  

City of Houston Texas Airport System Revenue, Refunding RB


AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/29

    730       800,460  

Series A, AMT, 6.63%, 07/15/38

    2,890       2,923,235  

Series C, AMT, 5.00%, 07/15/27

    1,615       1,883,930  

Harris County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., RB, Series B,
7.00%, 01/01/23(g)

    475       528,675  

Mission Economic Development Corp., Refunding RB, AMT, Senior Lien, 4.63%, 10/01/31(b)

    785       832,610  

New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., RB


Series A, 5.88%, 04/01/23(g)

    1,210       1,341,152  

Series A, 6.00%, 04/01/23(g)

    1,845       2,049,371  

Series A, 10.00%, 12/01/25(b)

    1,140       1,138,199  



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)



Texas (continued)


New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 08/15/36(b)

  $   1,085     $ 1,091,792  

Newark Higher Education Finance Corp., RB(b)


Series A, 5.50%, 08/15/35

    290       334,834  

Series A, 5.75%, 08/15/45

    580       662,824  

Port Beaumont Navigation District, Refunding


Series A, AMT, 3.63%, 01/01/35

    650       666,731  

Series A, AMT, 4.00%, 01/01/50

    1,400       1,445,528  

Red River Health Facilities Development Corp., RB


5.13%, 01/01/41

    900       907,407  

7.25%, 12/15/42(e)(f)

    2,895       1,915,234  

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., Refunding RB, 5.00%, 10/01/49

    865       937,245  

Texas Transportation Commission, RB, CAB(d)


0.00%, 08/01/46

    1,420       479,960  

0.00%, 08/01/47

    2,120       681,813  

0.00%, 08/01/48

    2,235       682,345  

0.00%, 08/01/49

    2,100       607,299  

0.00%, 08/01/50

    3,015       823,999  

0.00%, 08/01/51

    1,770       456,324  

0.00%, 08/01/52

    1,770       430,924  

0.00%, 08/01/53

    160       36,838  



Utah(b) — 0.3%  

Mida Mountain Village Public Infrastructure District, SAB, 4.00%, 08/01/50

    905       927,851  

Utah Charter School Finance Authority, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/41

    205       228,405  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/52

    265       288,723  



Virginia — 1.8%  

Lower Magnolia Green Community Development Authority, SAB(b)


5.00%, 03/01/35

    495       536,758  

5.00%, 03/01/45

    505       542,011  

Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority, RB


Series A, 4.00%, 01/01/29

    300       314,814  

Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/34

    485       522,869  

Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/49

    955       1,014,582  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Refunding RB, Series B-1, 5.00%, 06/01/47

    2,370       2,394,364  

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, RB, AMT, Senior Lien, 6.00%, 01/01/37

    4,440       4,710,263  



Washington — 1.0%  

Greater Wenatchee Regional Events Center Public Facilities District, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.50%, 09/01/42

    1,495       1,519,742  

Washington State Convention Center Public Facilities District RB


4.00%, 07/01/31

    1,315       1,500,704  

4.00%, 07/01/58

    795       861,931  

Washington State Housing Finance Commission, RB(b)


Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/50

    225       253,060  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/56

    255       282,275  
Washington (continued)            

Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Refunding RB(b)


5.75%, 01/01/35

  $ 315     $ 340,115  

6.00%, 01/01/45

    850       913,682  



Wisconsin — 5.1%  

Public Finance Authority, RB


5.00%, 06/15/39

    175       205,072  

5.00%, 06/15/41(b)

    345       362,188  

5.00%, 01/01/42(b)

    605       632,164  

6.85%, 11/01/46(b)

    900       946,539  

7.00%, 11/01/46(b)

    570       603,453  

5.00%, 06/15/49

    530       606,760  

5.63%, 06/15/49(b)

    2,500       2,515,375  

5.00%, 04/01/50(b)

    115       132,778  

5.00%, 06/15/53

    355       404,991  

5.00%, 06/15/55(b)

    4,925       5,001,362  

5.00%, 01/01/56(b)

    1,470       1,509,469  

Series A, 6.25%, 10/01/31(b)

    605       635,970  

Series A, 5.38%, 06/01/44(b)

    555       563,419  

Series A, 7.00%, 10/01/47(b)

    605       634,125  

Series A, 5.63%, 06/15/49(b)

    2,950       3,111,689  

Series A, 5.50%, 06/01/54(b)

    680       681,544  

Series A-1, 4.50%, 01/01/35(b)

    1,225       1,357,141  

Series A-1, 5.50%, 12/01/48(b)(e)(f)

    20       6,578  

Series A-1, 5.00%, 01/01/55(b)

    2,640       2,945,184  

Series B, 0.00%, 01/01/35(b)(d)

    1,780       822,378  

Series B, 0.00%, 01/01/60(b)(d)

    35,940       3,008,178  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 11/01/46

    470       505,302  

5.00%, 11/01/54

    785       833,018  







Total Municipal Bonds — 90.6%
(Cost: $454,372,429)






Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts(h)


Illinois — 2.7%


Illinois Finance Authority, RB, Series A, (AGM), 6.00%, 08/15/41

    7,180       7,292,941  

Illinois Finance Authority, Refunding RB


Series C, 4.00%, 02/15/27(g)

    4       4,201  

Series C, 4.00%, 02/15/41

    1,495       1,674,796  

Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/40

    5,056       5,854,998  



Massachusetts — 0.5%  

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Transportation Fund Revenue, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 06/01/45

    2,268       2,542,881  



New York — 14.3%  

City of New York Water & Sewer System, RB, Series CC, 5.00%, 06/15/47

    14,181       15,544,265  

Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., RB(i)


5.75%, 02/15/47(g)

    1,047       1,052,216  

5.75%, 02/15/47

    644       647,292  




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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


New York (continued)  

New York City Housing Development Corp., RB, M/F Housing


Series C-1A, 4.15%, 11/01/39

  $ 1,893     $ 1,981,170  

Series C-1A, 4.20%, 11/01/44

    3,470       3,631,415  

Series C-1A, 4.30%, 11/01/47

    2,840       2,971,712  

Series D-1B, 4.25%, 11/01/45

    8,996       9,587,763  

New York City Water & Sewer System, Refunding RB, Series HH, 5.00%, 06/15/31(i)

    8,610       8,658,647  

New York Liberty Development Corp., ARB, 5.25%, 12/15/43

    18,104       18,646,177  

New York Liberty Development Corp., Refunding RB, 5.75%, 11/15/51(i)

    6,600       6,787,282  

New York Power Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 11/15/60

    1,444       1,668,921  

New York State Dormitory Authority, Refunding RB, Series D, 4.00%, 02/15/47

    6,956       8,037,772  



Pennsylvania — 0.6%            

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, RB, Sub-Series A, 5.50%, 12/01/42

    2,505       3,051,766  



Rhode Island — 0.3%            

Narragansett Bay Commission, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 09/01/22(g)

    1,710       1,797,107  



Texas — 0.4%            

Lower Colorado River Authority, Refunding, RB, 4.00%, 05/15/43

    2,271       2,343,827  



Washington — 1.5%            

City of Bellingham Washington Water & Sewer Revenue, RB, 5.00%, 08/01/40

    7,966       8,057,182  



Wisconsin — 0.2%            

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 12/01/46

    1,142       1,272,598  




Total Municipal Bonds Transferred to
Tender Option Bond Trusts — 20.5%
(Cost: $108,490,930)






Total Investments — 111.1%
(Cost: $562,863,359)



Other Assets Less Liabilities — 1.4%



Liability for TOB Trust Certificates, Including Interest Expense and Fees Payable — (12.5)%






Net Assets Applicable to Common Shares — 100.0%


  $ 552,372,587  






Variable rate security. Interest rate resets periodically. The rate shown is the effective interest rate as of period end. Security description also includes the reference rate and spread if published and available.


Security exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified institutional investors.


Step-up bond that pays an initial coupon rate for the first period and then a higher coupon rate for the following periods. Rate as of period end.


Zero-coupon bond.


Issuer filed for bankruptcy and/or is in default.


Non-income producing security.


U.S. Government securities held in escrow, are used to pay interest on this security as well as to retire the bond in full at the date indicated, typically at a premium to par.


Represent bonds transferred to a TOB Trust in exchange of cash and residual certificates received by the Fund. These bonds serve as collateral in a secured borrowing. See Note 4 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.


All or a portion of the security is subject to a recourse agreement. The aggregate maximum potential amount the Fund could ultimately be required to pay under the agreements, which expire between May 15, 2021 to February 15, 2047, is $10,356,969. See Note 4 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.



Investments in issuers considered to be affiliate(s) of the Fund during the year ended April 30, 2021 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Value at
at Cost
from Sales
Gain (Loss)
     Change in
     Value at
Held at
     Income      Capital Gain

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, MuniCash, Institutional Class(a)

   $ 2,764,208      $      $  (2,763,928) (b)     $ (280    $      $             $ 696      $  


















As of period end, the entity is no longer held.


Represents net amount purchased (sold).



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)


Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Futures Contracts


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Short Contracts


10-Year U.S. Treasury Note

     69          06/21/21        $ 9,117        $ (48,152

U.S. Long Treasury Bond

     38          06/21/21          5,978          (39,981



                  $ (88,133




Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instruments                


Futures contracts


Unrealized depreciation on futures contracts(a)

   $      $      $      $      $ 88,133      $      $ 88,133  
























Net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts and centrally cleared swaps, if any, are reported in the Schedule of Investments. In the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, only current day’s variation margin is reported in receivables or payables and the net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is included in accumulated earnings (loss).


For the year ended April 30, 2021, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on


Futures contracts

   $      $      $      $      $ (88,133    $      $ (88,133






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments


Futures contracts


Average notional value of contracts — short


For more information about the Fund’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.




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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of financial instruments. For a description of the input levels and information about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Fund’s financial instruments categorized in the fair value hierarchy. The breakdown of the Fund’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Long-Term Investments


Municipal Bonds

   $        $ 500,611,261        $        $ 500,611,261  

Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts

              113,106,929                   113,106,929  












   $                 —        $  613,718,190        $                 —        $  613,718,190  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)




Interest Rate Contracts

   $ (88,133      $        $        $ (88,133















Derivative financial instruments are futures contracts. Futures contracts are valued at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instrument.


The Fund may hold assets and/or liabilities in which the fair value approximates the carrying amount for financial statement purposes. As of period end, TOB Trust Certificates of $68,781,335 are categorized as Level 2 within the fair value hierarchy.

See notes to financial statements.



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)



Municipal Bonds


Alabama — 1.1%  

County of Jefferson Alabama Sewer Revenue,
Refunding RB


Series A, Senior Lien, (AGM), 5.00%, 10/01/44

  $ 570     $ 633,572  

Series A, Senior Lien, (AGM), 5.25%, 10/01/48

    1,090       1,215,938  

Series D, Sub Lien, 6.00%, 10/01/42

    2,875       3,312,144  

Series D, Sub Lien, 7.00%, 10/01/51

    1,545       1,827,488  

Health Care Authority of the City of Huntsville, RB


Series B1, 4.00%, 06/01/45

    315       364,354  

Series B1, (AGM), 3.00%, 06/01/50

    865       899,479  

Opelika Utilities Board, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 06/01/41

    960       1,087,584  

Selma Industrial Development Board, RB, Series A, 5.38%, 12/01/35

    900       924,831  



Arizona — 3.6%            

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 02/01/42

    2,200       2,273,524  

Arizona Industrial Development Authority, RB


4.38%, 07/01/39(a)

    575       617,952  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/39(a)

    480       508,488  

Series A, (BAM), 4.00%, 06/01/44

    425       477,135  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/49(a)

    550       576,323  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/54(a)

    425       443,275  

Arizona Industrial Development Authority, Refunding RB(a)


Series A, 5.50%, 07/01/52

    130       140,566  

Series G, 5.00%, 07/01/47

    435       483,337  

City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., ARB,
Series B, AMT, Junior Lien, 3.25%, 07/01/49

    670       728,625  

Glendale Industrial Development Authority, RB


5.00%, 05/15/41

    65       73,408  

5.00%, 05/15/56

    575       639,239  

Industrial Development Authority of the City of Phoenix, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/46(a)

    2,120       2,326,276  

Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima, RB(a)


5.00%, 07/01/34

    400       426,848  

5.00%, 06/15/47

    840       858,976  

Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 06/15/52(a)

    260       272,782  

Maricopa County Industrial Development Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 07/01/39(a)

    215       250,193  

5.00%, 07/01/54(a)

    490       554,641  

Series A, 4.13%, 09/01/38

    775       892,963  

Maricopa County Pollution Control Corp., Refunding RB, Series B, 3.60%, 04/01/40

    1,400       1,543,570  

Pinal County Electric District No.3, Refunding RB


4.75%, 07/01/21(b)

    680       684,998  

4.75%, 07/01/31

    3,070       3,091,981  

Salt Verde Financial Corp., RB


5.00%, 12/01/32

    3,500       4,637,115  

5.00%, 12/01/37

    6,845       9,510,375  

University Medical Center Corp., Refunding RB, 6.00%, 07/01/21(b)

    900       908,370  



Arkansas — 1.1%            

Arkansas Development Finance Authority, RB


5.00%, 12/01/47

  $ 385     $ 456,980  

AMT, 4.50%, 09/01/49(a)

    4,925       5,409,275  

City of Benton Arkansas, RB, (AGM), 4.00%, 06/01/39

    505       556,333  

City of Fort Smith Arkansas Water & Sewer Revenue, Refunding RB, Subordinate, 4.00%, 10/01/40

    840       936,491  

City of Little Rock Arkansas, RB, 4.00%, 07/01/41

    1,835       1,955,486  

Pulaski County Public Facilities Board, RB, 5.00%, 12/01/42

    465       513,416  



California — 9.3%            

California Educational Facilities Authority, RB,
Series V-1, 5.00%, 05/01/49

    1,545       2,403,587  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/33

    1,320       1,445,888  

Series A, 4.00%, 04/01/45

    1,030       1,186,251  

California Municipal Finance Authority, ARB, AMT, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 12/31/43

    800       954,960  

California Municipal Finance Authority, RB, S/F Housing


Series A, 5.25%, 08/15/39

    185       203,450  

Series A, 5.25%, 08/15/49

    460       501,474  

California Municipal Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 02/01/42

    285       336,425  

California Pollution Control Financing Authority, RB, Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 11/21/45(a)

    1,755       1,834,449  

California State Public Works Board, RB


Series F, 5.25%, 09/01/33

    1,230       1,369,052  

Series I, 5.50%, 11/01/30

    2,500       2,821,500  

Series I, 5.50%, 11/01/31

    3,965       4,472,322  

Series I, 5.00%, 11/01/38

    955       1,061,607  

California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Refunding RB


4.00%, 03/01/42

    1,000       1,122,440  

4.00%, 03/01/48

    1,345       1,491,080  

Carlsbad Unified School District, GO, CAB, Series B, 6.00%, 05/01/34

    1,000       1,163,580  

City of Los Angeles Department of Airports, Refunding ARB


Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/31

    245       327,320  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/32

    295       393,055  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/33

    290       382,893  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/34

    305       400,730  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/35

    480       627,710  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/38

    210       272,011  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/39

    225       290,572  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/40

    465       598,855  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/41

    505       648,885  

Department of Veterans Affairs Veteran’s Farm & Home Purchase Program, RB, S/F Housing, Series A, 2.45%, 12/01/45

    850       851,573  

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Refunding RB


Series A-1, 5.00%, 06/01/47

    2,335       2,413,689  

Series A-2, 5.00%, 06/01/47

    4,350       4,496,595  

Hartnell Community College District, GO, CAB, Series D, 7.00%, 08/01/34(c)

    1,650       2,107,677  

Kern Community College District, GO, Series C, 5.50%, 11/01/23(b)

    2,445       2,766,615  




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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)





California (continued)  

Montebello Unified School District, GO, CAB,
(NPFGC), 0.00%, 08/01/22(d)

  $   2,405     $ 2,387,155  

Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District, Refunding GO, CAB, Series E, (AGC), 0.00%, 08/01/38(d)

    8,000       5,025,920  

Palomar Community College District, GO, CAB


Series B, 0.00%, 08/01/30(d)

    1,500       1,345,755  

Series B, 6.20%, 08/01/39(c)

    2,605       3,331,013  

Redondo Beach Unified School District, GO, Series E, 5.50%, 08/01/21(b)

    1,335       1,352,328  

Regents of the University of California Medical Center Pooled Revenue, Refunding RB


Series J, 5.25%, 05/15/23(b)

    5,005       5,520,615  

Series J, 5.25%, 05/15/38

    1,420       1,557,428  

Riverside County Public Financing Authority, RB, 5.25%, 11/01/40

    2,500       3,001,725  

Riverside County Redevelopment Successor Agency, Refunding, TA, Series A, (BAM), 4.00%, 10/01/39

    1,550       1,783,321  

San Diego Community College District, GO, CAB, 6.00%, 08/01/33

    2,800       3,675,532  

San Diego County Regional Airport Authority, ARB, Series B, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/47

    1,405       1,656,917  

San Diego Unified School District, GO, CAB(d)


Series A, 0.00%, 07/01/29

    5,315       4,788,868  

Series A, 0.00%, 07/01/29(e)

    685       614,760  

San Francisco City & County Airport Comm-San Francisco International Airport, Refunding ARB


Series A, AMT, 5.50%, 05/01/28

    1,085       1,192,437  

Series A, AMT, 5.25%, 05/01/33

    850       927,622  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/01/44

    1,090       1,228,441  

State of California, Refunding GO


5.00%, 02/01/38

    3,000       3,242,100  

3.00%, 12/01/46

    1,395       1,507,981  

Stockton Public Financing Authority, RB, Series A, 6.25%, 10/01/23(b)

    440       504,346  

Visalia Unified School District, COP, (AGM), 4.00%, 05/01/48

    1,225       1,227,536  

Washington Township Health Care District, GO, Series B, 5.50%, 08/01/40

    920       1,042,516  



Colorado — 1.9%            

Arapahoe County School District No.6 Littleton, GO, Series A, (SAW), 5.50%, 12/01/43

    1,260       1,652,969  

City & County of Denver Colorado Airport System Revenue, ARB


Series B, 5.25%, 11/15/32

    3,250       3,636,847  

Series A, AMT, 5.50%, 11/15/28

    1,000       1,122,700  

Series A, AMT, 5.50%, 11/15/30

    340       381,205  

Series A, AMT, 5.50%, 11/15/31

    405       453,770  

City & County of Denver Colorado, RB, CAB(d)


Series A-2, 0.00%, 08/01/37

    1,490       891,527  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 08/01/38

    915       519,025  

Colorado Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority, RB


5.50%, 07/01/40

    2,510       2,518,935  

5.00%, 03/01/50(a)

    360       365,803  

Colorado Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, Class A, 5.00%, 10/01/59(a)

    1,690       1,813,387  

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 4.00%, 08/01/44

    1,285       1,461,469  



Colorado (continued)            

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB (continued)


Series A, 3.25%, 08/01/49

  $ 1,415     $ 1,468,048  

Denver International Business Center Metropolitan District No.1, GO, Series A, 4.00%, 12/01/48

    555       569,874  

State of Colorado, COP, Series O, 4.00%, 03/15/44

    930       1,074,299  



Connecticut — 0.7%            

Connecticut State Health & Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB


Series F, 5.00%, 07/01/21(b)

    550       554,240  

Series I-1, 5.00%, 07/01/42

    590       693,569  

State of Connecticut Special Tax Revenue, RB


Series A, 4.00%, 05/01/36

    240       287,602  

Series A, 4.00%, 05/01/39

    150       177,639  

State of Connecticut, GO


Series A, 4.00%, 01/15/38

    2,260       2,669,760  

Series A, 5.00%, 04/15/38

    985       1,213,609  

State of Connecticut, Refunding GO, Series E, 5.00%, 09/15/37

    970       1,205,050  



Delaware — 0.7%            

County of Kent Delaware, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/40

    330       367,095  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/48

    900       987,156  

Delaware State Health Facilities Authority, RB


5.00%, 06/01/43

    820       988,215  

5.00%, 06/01/48

    1,395       1,657,609  

Delaware Transportation Authority, RB, 5.00%, 06/01/55

    1,790       2,051,752  



District of Columbia — 2.6%            

District of Columbia, Refunding RB


5.00%, 04/01/35

    315       377,105  

5.00%, 10/01/48

    1,695       1,989,439  

District of Columbia, TA, 5.13%, 06/01/41

    1,520       1,525,578  

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Dulles Toll Road Revenue, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/53

    1,475       1,528,115  

Series B, Subordinate, 4.00%, 10/01/49

    1,255       1,422,543  

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Dulles Toll Road Revenue, Refunding RB,


Series B, 2nd Senior Lien, (AGC), 0.00%, 10/01/34

    10,170       7,689,435  

Series B, 2nd Senior Lien, (AGC), 0.00%, 10/01/35

    13,485       9,854,973  



Florida — 7.4%            

Capital Projects Finance Authority, Refunding RB


Series A-1, 5.00%, 10/01/32

    140       170,590  

Series A-1, 5.00%, 10/01/33

    155       187,786  

Series A-1, 5.00%, 10/01/34

    155       186,739  

Series A-1, 5.00%, 10/01/35

    50       59,998  

Capital Trust Agency, Inc., RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/45(a)

    480       504,062  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/15/49

    160       176,050  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/15/54

    140       153,661  

Central Florida Expressway Authority, Refunding RB,


Senior Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/48

    2,760       3,371,230  



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)





Florida (continued)  

City of Jacksonville Florida, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.25%, 10/01/21(b)

  $   4,525     $ 4,619,799  

City of Pompano Beach Florida, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 09/01/50

    420       449,581  

City of Tampa Florida, RB, CAB(d)


Series A, 0.00%, 09/01/49

    285       102,158  

Series A, 0.00%, 09/01/53

    300       89,397  

Collier County Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 05/01/45

    1,755       1,980,026  

County of Broward Florida Airport System Revenue, ARB, Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/45

    2,845       3,265,975  

County of Broward Florida Port Facilities Revenue, ARB, Series B, AMT, 4.00%, 09/01/49

    1,070       1,193,339  

County of Lee Florida Airport Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, AMT, 5.38%, 10/01/32

    1,500       1,521,195  

County of Miami-Dade Florida Aviation Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, AMT,
5.00%, 10/01/22(b)

    2,900       3,090,443  

County of Miami-Dade Seaport Department, ARB


Series A, 5.38%, 10/01/33

    1,015       1,131,197  

Series A, 6.00%, 10/01/38

    5,215       5,876,106  

Series B, AMT, 6.25%, 10/01/38

    460       518,379  

Series B, AMT, 6.00%, 10/01/42

    615       691,734  

County of Miami-Dade Seaport Department, RB, Series B, AMT, 6.00%, 10/01/31

    4,135           4,653,736  

County of Osceola Florida Transportation Revenue, Refunding RB, CAB(d)


Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/41

    275       146,630  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/42

    370       189,466  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/43

    335       164,833  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/44

    345       163,395  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/45

    285       129,912  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/46

    625       273,931  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/47

    605       255,346  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/48

    430       174,782  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/49

    355       138,908  

Cypress Bluff Community Development District, SAB, Series A, 3.80%, 05/01/50(a)

    430       435,611  

Escambia County Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 08/15/45

    1,725       1,977,298  

Esplanade Lake Club Community Development District, SAB, Series A-1, 4.13%, 11/01/50

    615       639,440  

Florida Development Finance Corp., RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/40

    155       176,206  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/50

    520       579,764  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/55

    310       344,562  

AMT, 5.00%, 05/01/29(a)

    270       291,638  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 08/01/29(a)(f)

    105       108,568  

Florida Development Finance Corp., Refunding RB, Series C, 5.00%, 09/15/50(a)

    270       290,039  

Florida Housing Finance Corp., RB, S/F Housing, 1st Series, (FHLMC, FNMA, GNMA), 3.75%, 07/01/42

    315       338,496  

Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, Refunding RB, Sub-Series A, AMT, 5.50%, 10/01/29

    1,735       1,940,164  

Lee County Housing Finance Authority, RB, S/F Housing, Series A-2, AMT, (FHLMC, FNMA, GNMA), 6.00%, 09/01/40

    60       60,802  

Miami-Dade County Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 04/01/40

    3,465       3,956,649  



Florida (continued)            

Miami-Dade County Florida Aviation Revenue, Refunding RB


Series A, 4.00%, 10/01/37

  $ 235     $ 280,256  

Series A, 4.00%, 10/01/38

    235       279,375  

Series A, 4.00%, 10/01/39

    175       207,177  

Mid-Bay Bridge Authority, RB, Series A, 7.25%, 10/01/21(b)

    3,620       3,725,776  

Orange County Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 08/01/41

    1,305       1,450,194  

Palm Beach County Health Facilities Authority, RB, Series B, 5.00%, 11/15/42

    210       252,216  

Palm Beach County Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 08/15/49

    1,185       1,358,792  

Reedy Creek Improvement District, GO, Series A, 5.25%, 06/01/23(b)

    1,785       1,973,300  

Sarasota County Florida Utility System Revenue, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/45

    310       399,243  

Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/50

    465       594,656  

Southern Groves Community Development District No.5, Refunding SAB, 4.00%, 05/01/43

    220       230,364  

Stevens Plantation Community Development District, SAB, Series A, 7.10%, 05/01/35(g)(h)

    800       506,893  

Tohopekaliga Water Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.25%, 10/01/21(b)

    3,995       4,079,135  

Trout Creek Community Development District, SAB


4.00%, 05/01/40

    635       663,689  

4.00%, 05/01/51

    1,055       1,083,306  

Village Community Development District No.10, SAB, 5.13%, 05/01/43

    2,360       2,451,474  

Volusia County Educational Facility Authority, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 10/15/49

    1,265       1,551,358  

Westside Community Development District, SAB, 4.00%, 05/01/50

    815       845,399  



Georgia — 2.7%            

Development Authority for Fulton County, RB, 4.00%, 06/15/49

    470       541,299  

Gainesville & Hall County Hospital Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, (GTD), 5.50%, 08/15/54

    640       741,645  

George L Smith II Congress Center Authority, RB, 4.00%, 01/01/54

    990       1,119,373  

Georgia Housing & Finance Authority, RB, S/F Housing


Series A, 3.95%, 12/01/43

    120       125,070  

Series A, 4.00%, 12/01/48

    170       178,007  

Series B, 2.50%, 06/01/50

    520       521,331  

Griffin-Spalding County Hospital Authority, RB, 4.00%, 04/01/42

    2,310       2,610,924  

Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., RB


Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/35

    360       493,600  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/36

    1,860       2,571,673  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/37

    400       558,240  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/38

    1,265       1,786,256  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/43

    330       396,742  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/49

    4,575       6,782,300  

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, RB


5.00%, 01/01/48

    835       994,861  

4.00%, 01/01/49

    2,105       2,360,149  

5.00%, 01/01/56

    350       417,669  




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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Georgia (continued)  

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, RB (continued)
4.00%, 01/01/59

  $ 1,335     $ 1,486,109  

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, Refunding RB, Sub-Series A, 4.00%, 01/01/49

    700       788,578  



Hawaii — 0.3%  

State of Hawaii Airports System Revenue, ARB, Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/45

    1,500       1,701,375  

State of Hawaii Airports System Revenue, COP


AMT, 5.25%, 08/01/25

    425       467,262  

AMT, 5.25%, 08/01/26

    460       505,581  

State of Hawaii Department of Budget & Finance, Refunding RB, 5.25%, 11/15/37

    400       425,440  



Idaho — 0.4%  

Idaho Health Facilities Authority, RB


4.00%, 12/01/43

    670       767,163  

Series 2017, 5.00%, 12/01/46

    540       648,972  

Series A, 5.00%, 03/01/39

    500       558,685  

Power County Industrial Development Corp., RB, AMT, 6.45%, 08/01/32

    2,000       2,008,580  



Illinois — 11.4%  

Chicago Board of Education, GO


Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/36

    985       1,218,258  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/38

    610       749,245  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/40

    730       885,278  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/41

    480       579,701  

Series C, 5.25%, 12/01/35

    2,655       2,952,068  

Series D, 5.00%, 12/01/46

    3,480       3,793,134  

Series H, 5.00%, 12/01/36

    585       686,416  

Series H, 5.00%, 12/01/46

    240       275,556  

Chicago Board of Education, Refunding GO


Series C, 5.00%, 12/01/25

    1,120       1,306,744  

Series C, 5.00%, 12/01/27

    500       605,725  

Series C, 5.00%, 12/01/30

    605       720,289  

Series C, 5.00%, 12/01/34

    475       560,970  

Series D, 5.00%, 12/01/25

    435       507,532  

Series F, 5.00%, 12/01/22

    455       486,199  

Series F, 5.00%, 12/01/23

    310       343,173  

Series F, 5.00%, 12/01/24

    340       387,365  

Series G, 5.00%, 12/01/34

    315       372,740  

Chicago Midway International Airport, Refunding ARB, Series A, 2nd Lien, AMT, 5.00%, 01/01/41

    1,870       2,065,995  

Chicago O’Hare International Airport, ARB, Series D, AMT, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 01/01/42

    430       504,025  

Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Refunding RB


Series B, AMT, 4.00%, 01/01/29

    1,600       1,637,440  

Series A, Senior Lien, 4.00%, 01/01/37

    675       792,592  

Chicago Transit Authority Sales Tax Receipts Fund, RB, 5.25%, 12/01/21(b)

    10,900           11,219,588  

Chicago Transit Authority, Refunding RB, (AGM-CR), 5.00%, 06/01/28

    3,000       3,006,750  

City of Chicago Illinois Special Assessment Revenue, SAB, 6.75%, 12/01/32

    1,437       1,440,837  

City of Chicago Illinois Wastewater Transmission Revenue, RB, 2nd Lien, 5.00%, 01/01/42

    3,530       3,632,582  
Illinois (continued)            

City of Chicago Illinois Waterworks Revenue, Refunding RB, 2nd Lien, 5.00%, 11/01/42

  $ 1,000     $ 1,059,270  

Cook County Community College District No.508, GO


5.50%, 12/01/38

    3,075       3,363,281  

5.25%, 12/01/43

    2,935       3,157,209  

County of Will Illinois, GO, 5.00%, 11/15/25(b)

    600       722,484  

Illinois Finance Authority, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/37

    820       910,364  

Series A, 6.00%, 08/15/41

    1,885       1,915,047  

Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/47

    240       262,498  

Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/50

    130       141,782  

Illinois Finance Authority, Refunding RB


4.00%, 03/01/35

    1,290       1,462,924  

Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/45

    1,205       1,390,474  

Series C, 5.00%, 02/15/41

    555       662,581  

Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/40

    2,980       3,451,049  

Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/45

    930       1,182,328  

Series C, 5.00%, 01/01/37

    2,000       2,307,560  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/57

    2,370       2,769,179  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 06/15/50

    2,550       2,841,133  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Refunding RB, CAB(d)


Series B, (AGM), 0.00%, 06/15/43

    3,765       2,023,725  

Series B, (AGM), 0.00%, 06/15/47

    22,775       10,539,359  

Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, RB(b)


5.50%, 06/01/21

    2,050       2,058,220  

6.00%, 06/01/21

    3,110       3,123,591  

State of Illinois, GO


5.25%, 02/01/31

    1,485       1,633,351  

5.25%, 02/01/32

    2,365       2,595,919  

5.50%, 07/01/33

    3,000       3,238,740  

5.50%, 07/01/38

    695       747,236  

5.00%, 02/01/39

    1,910       2,064,996  

5.50%, 05/01/39

    795       1,011,932  

Series A, 5.00%, 04/01/38

    4,545       4,809,746  

Series D, 5.00%, 11/01/28

    900       1,077,183  

State of Illinois, Refunding GO, Series B, 5.00%, 10/01/27

    90       109,864  

University of Illinois, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 04/01/44

    1,225       1,367,492  

Upper Illinois River Valley Development Authority, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 01/01/55(a)

    390       411,407  



Indiana — 1.7%  

City of Valparaiso Indiana, RB


AMT, 6.75%, 01/01/34

    975       1,078,369  

AMT, 7.00%, 01/01/44

    2,355       2,630,394  

Indiana Finance Authority, RB


Series A, 1st Lien, 5.25%, 10/01/38

    3,935       4,014,920  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/40

    565       606,866  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/44

    535       572,359  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/48

    1,770       1,908,839  

Series A, AMT, 5.25%, 01/01/51

    500       545,645  

Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 01/15/40

    1,520       1,637,922  

Series F, 5.25%, 02/01/36

    3,055       3,066,426  






C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Iowa — 1.0%  

Iowa Finance Authority, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/48

  $   1,900     $ 2,159,065  

Iowa Finance Authority, Refunding RB


5.25%, 12/01/25

    1,260       1,364,089  

Series B, 5.25%, 12/01/50(f)

    2,445       2,668,742  

Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp., Refunding RB, Series B, AMT, 3.00%, 12/01/39

    1,715       1,738,101  

Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority, Refunding RB, Series C, 5.63%, 06/01/46

    980       980,225  



Kansas — 0.2%  

Kansas City Industrial Development Authority, ARB, AMT, (AGM), 4.00%, 03/01/57

    615       705,454  

Seward County Unified School District No.480 Liberal, Refunding GO, 5.00%, 09/01/39

    720       765,915  



Kentucky — 1.1%  

County of Boyle, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 06/01/37

    2,500       2,980,400  

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, RB(b)


Series A, 5.25%, 01/01/23

    1,230       1,334,009  

Series A, 5.38%, 01/01/23

    1,830       1,988,533  

Kentucky Public Transportation Infrastructure Authority, RB, CAB(c)


Series C, 6.45%, 07/01/34

    500       598,165  

Series C, 6.60%, 07/01/39

    830       985,185  

Series C, 6.75%, 07/01/43

    1,770       2,104,689  



Louisiana — 1.2%  

City of Alexandria Louisiana Utilities Revenue, RB, 5.00%, 05/01/24(b)

    860       982,739  

Lake Charles Harbor & Terminal District, ARB, Series B, AMT, (AGM), 5.50%, 01/01/29

    1,500       1,697,040  

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, RB, 6.50%, 05/01/21(b)

    400       400,000  

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 05/15/47

    1,635       1,911,511  

Parish of St. John the Baptist Louisiana, Refunding RB, Sub-Series B-1, 2.38%, 06/01/37(f)

    650       677,632  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Refunding RB


Series A, 5.50%, 05/15/30

    960       961,565  

Series A, 5.25%, 05/15/31

    990       992,059  

Series A, 5.25%, 05/15/32

    1,320       1,378,819  

Series A, 5.25%, 05/15/33

    1,430       1,493,392  

Series A, 5.25%, 05/15/35

    605       655,421  



Maine — 0.0%  

Maine State Housing Authority, RB, S/F Housing, Series C, 3.95%, 11/15/43

    335       373,816  



Maryland — 1.5%  

Anne Arundel County Consolidated Special Taxing District, ST


5.13%, 07/01/36

    170       175,624  

5.25%, 07/01/44

    170       174,507  

Howard County Housing Commission, RB, M/F Housing, 5.00%, 12/01/42

    1,430       1,730,872  

Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority, RB


Series 2017, 5.00%, 12/01/46

    305       366,625  
Security   Par
Maryland (continued)  

Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority, RB (continued)


Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/42

  $   1,760     $ 2,115,256  

Series B, 4.00%, 04/15/45

    795       920,292  

Maryland Stadium Authority, RB, 5.00%, 05/01/34

    2,700       3,392,469  

Maryland State Transportation Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 2.50%, 07/01/47

    4,915       4,932,202  



Massachusetts — 2.6%  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, RB


5.00%, 01/01/48

    1,115       1,306,602  

5.00%, 10/01/48

    830       874,862  

Series A, 5.25%, 01/01/42

    1,110       1,309,334  

Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/47

    1,570       1,809,943  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Refunding RB


4.00%, 07/01/39

    1,140       1,280,950  

5.00%, 04/15/40

    400       431,396  

5.00%, 09/01/43

    750       890,167  

Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/35

    500       585,915  

Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/40

    435       515,057  

Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/43

    750       865,290  

Series A, 4.00%, 06/01/49

    225       252,941  

Series P, 5.45%, 05/15/59

    2,010       2,638,366  

Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, RB


Series B, AMT, 2.63%, 07/01/36

    475       487,350  

AMT, Subordinate, 3.75%, 07/01/47

    1,865       1,926,414  

Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, AMT, 3.63%, 07/01/32

    1,250       1,303,000  

Series B, AMT, 3.63%, 07/01/34

    815       850,444  

Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, RB, M/F Housing


Series A, 3.80%, 12/01/43

    160       173,019  

Series A, 3.85%, 06/01/46

    205       223,249  

Series C-1, 3.15%, 12/01/49

    400       418,736  

Series C-1, 3.25%, 12/01/54

    1,475       1,550,830  

Series D-1, 2.55%, 12/01/50

    420       422,843  

Massachusetts Port Authority, RB, Series E, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/51

    3,100       3,922,926  



Michigan — 2.8%  

City of Detroit Michigan Sewage Disposal System Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, Senior Lien, 5.25%, 07/01/22(b)

    5,320       5,630,635  

City of Detroit Michigan Water Supply System Revenue, RB, Series B, 2nd Lien, (AGM), 6.25%, 07/01/36

    5       5,022  

Eastern Michigan University, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 03/01/47

    1,170       1,305,837  

Michigan Finance Authority, RB


5.00%, 11/01/44

    1,555       1,807,205  

Series C-2, AMT, Senior Lien,
5.00%, 07/01/22(b)

    240       252,816  

Series C-1, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/22(b)

    455       480,248  

Michigan Finance Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 11/15/41

    5,560       6,619,680  

4.00%, 11/15/46

    570       629,029  

Series A, 4.00%, 12/01/49

    590       678,305  




2 0 2 1   B L A C K O C K  N N U A L  E P O R T   T O  H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Michigan (continued)  

Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 11/15/47

  $   215     $ 271,878  

Series C, 4.00%, 06/01/22(b)

    2,100       2,185,680  

Michigan State Housing Development Authority, RB, M/F Housing


Series A, 3.80%, 10/01/38

    1,690       1,897,093  

Series A, 4.15%, 10/01/53

    940       1,038,174  

Michigan State Housing Development Authority, RB, S/F Housing, Series A, 4.00%, 06/01/49

    230       243,605  

Michigan State University, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.00%, 02/15/48

    730       913,296  

Michigan Strategic Fund, RB, AMT, 5.00%, 06/30/48

    1,795       2,156,441  



Minnesota — 1.2%  

City of Maple Grove Minnesota, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 05/01/37

    880       991,188  

City of Minneapolis Minnesota, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/49

    560       677,040  

City of Otsego, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 09/01/44

    425       444,546  

City of Spring Lake Park Minnesota, RB, 5.00%, 06/15/39

    1,080       1,196,078  

Duluth Economic Development Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 4.25%, 02/15/48

    3,800       4,294,760  

Series A, 5.25%, 02/15/53

    1,500       1,826,670  

Series A, 5.25%, 02/15/58

    520       633,251  

Housing & Redevelopment Authority of The City of St. Paul Minnesota, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 11/15/43

    575       642,758  

Minneapolis-St Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, Refunding RB, Sub Series D, AMT, 5.00%, 01/01/41

    290       341,452  

Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority, RB, Series 8-K, 4.00%, 03/01/43

    385       411,280  



Mississippi — 1.0%  

County of Warren Mississippi, RB, Series A, 5.38%, 12/01/35

    400       411,072  

Mississippi Development Bank, RB, (AGM), 6.88%, 12/01/40

    3,595       4,123,213  

Mississippi State University Educational Building Corp., Refunding RB, 5.25%, 08/01/23(b)

    2,000       2,226,020  

State of Mississippi, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 10/15/37

    330       403,719  

Series A, 4.00%, 10/15/38

    1,650       1,879,862  



Missouri — 1.2%  

Health & Educational Facilities Authority of the State of Missouri, RB


5.25%, 10/01/21(b)

    500       509,960  

4.13%, 02/15/43

    300       307,224  

4.00%, 06/01/53

    2,075       2,389,383  

Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/23(b)

    500       555,225  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/42

    540       649,680  

Series C-2, 5.00%, 10/01/34

    1,000       1,104,900  

Health & Educational Facilities Authority of the State of Missouri, Refunding RB


5.50%, 05/01/43

    305       327,710  
Security   Par
Missouri (continued)  

Health & Educational Facilities Authority of the State of Missouri, Refunding RB (continued)


Series A, 4.00%, 07/01/46

  $   1,670     $ 1,960,747  

Missouri Development Finance Board, RB, Series B, 5.00%, 11/01/41

    900       917,946  

Missouri Housing Development Commission, RB, S/F Housing


2.35%, 11/01/46

    1,180       1,188,555  

2.40%, 11/01/51

    1,230       1,238,524  



Montana — 0.0%  

Montana Board of Housing, RB, S/F Housing


Series B-2, 3.50%, 12/01/42

    95       101,674  

Series B-2, 3.60%, 12/01/47

    150       159,727  



Nebraska — 0.3%  

Central Plains Energy Project, RB


5.25%, 09/01/37

    575       612,444  

5.00%, 09/01/42

    600       636,750  

Douglas County Hospital Authority No.3, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 11/01/45

    400       464,440  

Nebraska Public Power District, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/32

    250       257,948  

Series A, 4.00%, 01/01/44

    400       407,564  



Nevada — 1.3%  

City of Carson City Nevada, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 09/01/42

    650       779,643  

City of Las Vegas Nevada Special Improvement District No.809, SAB, 5.65%, 06/01/23

    230       230,869  

City of Reno Nevada, Refunding RB


Series A-1, (AGM), 4.00%, 06/01/43

    1,570       1,739,230  

Series A-1, (AGM), 4.00%, 06/01/46

    1,250       1,374,175  

County of Clark Department of Aviation, Refunding RB, Series A-2, Sub Lien, 4.25%, 07/01/36

    1,000       1,109,680  

County of Clark Nevada, GO


Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/36

    1,205       1,505,153  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/37

    3,000       3,736,110  

Tahoe-Douglas Visitors Authority, RB


5.00%, 07/01/40

    285       332,695  

5.00%, 07/01/45

    350       403,316  

5.00%, 07/01/51

    380       433,694  



New Hampshire — 0.6%  

New Hampshire Business Finance Authority, Refunding RB(a)


Series A, 3.63%, 07/01/43(f)

    430       444,384  

Series B, 4.63%, 11/01/42

    2,095       2,178,674  

Series B, AMT, 3.75%, 07/01/45(f)

    395       407,225  

Series C, AMT, 4.88%, 11/01/42

    1,140       1,191,448  

New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority, RB, M/F Housing, (FHA 542(C)), 4.00%, 07/01/52

    800       863,584  



New Jersey — 11.4%  

Casino Reinvestment Development Authority, Inc., Refunding RB


5.25%, 11/01/39

    1,265       1,354,511  



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
New Jersey (continued)  

Casino Reinvestment Development Authority, Inc., Refunding RB (continued)


5.25%, 11/01/44

  $   1,885     $     2,005,904  

Hudson County Improvement Authority, RB, 4.00%, 10/01/46

    1,195       1,403,910  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, RB


5.00%, 06/15/36

    460       573,257  

4.00%, 11/01/38

    370       419,288  

4.00%, 11/01/39

    295       333,347  

5.00%, 06/15/49

    1,670       2,011,198  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/47

    2,500       2,939,425  

Series B, 4.50%, 06/15/40

    1,270       1,487,995  

Series EEE, 5.00%, 06/15/43

    160       192,525  

Series EEE, 5.00%, 06/15/48

    2,705       3,203,261  

Series LLL, 5.00%, 06/15/34

    365       456,141  

Series WW, 5.00%, 06/15/36

    210       243,753  

AMT, 5.13%, 09/15/23

    1,895       2,017,758  

AMT, (AGM), 5.00%, 01/01/31

    790       874,672  

AMT, (AGM), 5.13%, 07/01/42

    200       220,500  

AMT, 5.38%, 01/01/43

    3,000       3,360,030  

Series B, AMT, 5.63%, 11/15/30

    660       744,817  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Refunding ARB, AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/47

    1,060       1,214,251  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Refunding RB


Series UU, 5.00%, 06/15/24(b)

    80       91,808  

Series UU, 5.00%, 06/15/40

    345       381,877  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Refunding SAB


6.50%, 04/01/28

    5,000       5,498,300  

5.75%, 04/01/31

    2,675       2,814,688  

New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/42

    1,450       1,698,283  

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, RB, 4.00%, 07/01/47

    300       332,316  

New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 10/01/37

    685       807,855  

Series A, 4.63%, 07/01/21(b)

    510       513,631  

Series A, 5.63%, 07/01/21(b)

    1,700       1,714,807  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/25

    500       527,945  

New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, RB, Series B, AMT, 3.50%, 12/01/39

    680       721,235  

New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance Agency, Refunding RB, Series A, AMT, 3.80%, 10/01/32

    1,255       1,342,223  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, RB


5.00%, 06/15/46

    2,070       2,470,276  

Series A, 5.50%, 06/15/21(b)

    2,600       2,615,886  

Series AA, 4.13%, 06/15/39

    1,040       1,189,874  

Series AA, 5.50%, 06/15/39

    3,510       3,857,174  

Series AA, 5.00%, 06/15/44

    1,835       2,002,017  

Series AA, 5.00%, 06/15/45

    1,325       1,541,979  

Series AA, 5.00%, 06/15/46

    400       450,832  

Series AA, 3.00%, 06/15/50

    130       133,615  

Series B, 5.25%, 06/15/36

    3,940       3,961,788  

Series BB, 4.00%, 06/15/50

    1,980       2,186,395  

Series BB, 5.00%, 06/15/50

    3,720       4,397,710  

Series S, 5.25%, 06/15/43

    2,810       3,481,478  
Security   Par
New Jersey (continued)  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, RB, CAB, Series A, 0.00%, 12/15/35(d)

  $ 1,000     $ 700,660  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Refunding RB


4.00%, 12/15/39

    510       583,848  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/15/32

    1,600       1,967,152  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/15/36

    720       878,983  

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/22(b)

    715       755,090  

Series A, 4.00%, 01/01/42

    845       1,001,764  

Series A, 4.00%, 01/01/48

    270       307,492  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/22

    1,120       1,182,821  

Series E, 5.00%, 01/01/45

    4,450       5,106,820  

South Jersey Port Corp., ARB, Series B, AMT, 5.00%, 01/01/35

    625       730,269  

South Jersey Transportation Authority, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 11/01/50

    275       315,147  

State of New Jersey, GO


Series A, 4.00%, 06/01/31

    925       1,149,562  

Series A, 3.00%, 06/01/32

    935       1,070,594  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/35

    1,340       1,653,118  

Series A, 4.00%, 06/01/37

    500       575,205  

Series A, 5.25%, 06/01/46

    4,955       5,957,694  

Sub-Series B, 5.00%, 06/01/46

    10,110       11,849,324  



New Mexico — 0.1%  

City of Santa Fe New Mexico, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/44

    200       216,042  

New Mexico Hospital Equipment Loan Council, Refunding RB, Series VIC, 5.00%, 08/01/44

    450       519,417  



New York — 7.9%  

City of New York, GO, Series C, 5.00%, 08/01/42

    805       1,025,361  

Erie Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/45

    3,585       3,615,867  

Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., RB, 5.75%, 02/15/47

    940       944,380  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, RB


Series A, 5.25%, 11/15/21(b)

    1,565       1,607,474  

Series A-1, 5.25%, 11/15/39

    1,000       1,099,910  

Series B, 5.25%, 11/15/38

    2,970       3,356,219  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Refunding RB


Series C-1, 4.75%, 11/15/45

    1,950       2,345,557  

Series C-1, 5.00%, 11/15/50

    370       451,100  

Series C-1, 5.25%, 11/15/55

    1,040       1,288,581  

Series C-1, 5.00%, 11/15/56

    2,670       3,080,299  

Series C-1, 5.25%, 11/15/56

    10       11,895  

Monroe County Industrial Development Corp., Refunding RB


4.00%, 12/01/46

    1,000       1,148,050  

Series A, 4.00%, 07/01/50

    770       893,215  

New York City Housing Development Corp., RB, M/F Housing


Series A, 3.00%, 11/01/55

    1,505       1,542,369  

Series I-1, 2.55%, 11/01/45

    1,200       1,202,724  

Series I-1, (FHA 542 (C)), 2.65%, 11/01/50

    3,205       3,215,865  

Series I-1, (FHA 542 (C)), 2.70%, 11/01/55

    950       953,259  




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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
New York (continued)  

New York City Industrial Development Agency, Refunding RB


(AGM), 3.00%, 03/01/49

  $ 775     $ 805,543  

3.00%, 03/01/49

    605       620,639  

Class A, (AGM), 3.00%, 01/01/37

    155       167,383  

Class A, (AGM), 3.00%, 01/01/39

    155       166,087  

Class A, (AGM), 3.00%, 01/01/40

    110       117,780  

New York City Transitional Finance Authority Future Tax Secured Revenue, RB


Sub-Series E-1, 5.00%, 02/01/42

    1,050       1,086,120  

Series C, Subordinate, 4.00%, 05/01/45

    1,615       1,884,915  

Sub-Series C-1, Subordinate, 4.00%, 05/01/40

    310       369,371  

New York City Water & Sewer System, Refunding RB, Series CC, 5.00%, 06/15/47

    1,000       1,092,140  

New York Counties Tobacco Trust IV, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/38

    1,415       1,416,358  

Series A, 6.25%, 06/01/41(a)

    3,200       3,248,096  

New York Counties Tobacco Trust VI, Refunding RB, Series A-2-B, 5.00%, 06/01/45

    500       536,345  

New York Liberty Development Corp., Refunding RB(a)


Series 1, Class 1, 5.00%, 11/15/44

    6,005       6,538,124  

Series 2, Class 2, 5.15%, 11/15/34

    420       469,493  

Series 2, Class 2, 5.38%, 11/15/40

    1,450       1,631,569  

New York Power Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 11/15/60

    670       774,580  

New York State Environmental Facilities Corp., RB, Series B, Subordinate, 5.00%, 06/15/48

    1,305       1,630,885  

New York State Housing Finance Agency, RB, M/F Housing


Series L-1, (SONYMA), 2.50%, 11/01/45

    1,605       1,622,190  

Series L-1, (SONYMA), 2.60%, 11/01/50

    810       822,725  

New York State Thruway Authority, Refunding RB, Series B, Subordinate, 3.00%, 01/01/46

    900       949,266  

New York State Urban Development Corp., RB


Series A, 4.00%, 03/15/49

    5,700       6,637,536  

Series A, 3.00%, 03/15/50

    930       977,765  

New York Transportation Development Corp., RB


AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/35

    640       809,389  

AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/40

    1,825       2,270,081  

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, Refunding ARB, Series 223, AMT, 4.00%, 07/15/41

    1,075       1,265,189  

State of New York Mortgage Agency, Refunding RB, S/F Housing, Series 211, 3.75%, 10/01/43

    1,190       1,280,107  

Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority, RB


Series A, 4.00%, 11/15/54

    710       823,302  

Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/54

    610       767,398  

Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/56

    2,480       3,152,526  

TSASC, Inc., Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/41

    535       622,612  

Westchester County Healthcare Corp., RB,
Series A, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 11/01/44

    467       519,083  

Westchester Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp., Refunding RB, Sub-Series C, 4.00%, 06/01/42

    400       434,804  



North Carolina — 0.9%  

County of Union NC Enterprise System Revenue, RB, 3.00%, 06/01/51

    5,740       6,205,686  
Security   Par
North Carolina (continued)            

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, RB


4.00%, 11/01/52

  $ 400     $ 459,408  

Series A, 4.00%, 10/01/50

    115       126,319  

Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/50

    305       358,778  

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, RB, 5.00%, 02/01/49

    550       846,318  



North Dakota — 0.1%  

County of Burleigh North Dakota, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/21(b)

    480       483,711  

County of Cass North Dakota, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.25%, 02/15/58

    695       843,980  



Ohio — 3.6%  

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Refunding RB


Series A-2, Class 1, 4.00%, 06/01/37

    210       246,569  

Series A-2, Class 1, 4.00%, 06/01/38

    210       245,971  

Series A-2, Class 1, 4.00%, 06/01/39

    210       245,255  

Series A-2, Class 1, 3.00%, 06/01/48

    1,505       1,547,592  

Series A-2, Class 1, 4.00%, 06/01/48

    550       618,948  

Series B-2, Class 2, 5.00%, 06/01/55

    10,765       12,091,571  

City of Dayton Ohio Airport Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, AMT, (AGM), 4.00%, 12/01/32

    2,000       2,067,780  

County of Franklin Ohio, RB


Series 2017, 5.00%, 12/01/46

    290       349,676  

Series A, 6.13%, 07/01/22(b)

    50       53,459  

Series A, 6.13%, 07/01/40

    770       809,285  

Series A, 4.00%, 12/01/49

    365       422,290  

County of Hamilton Ohio, Refunding RB


4.00%, 08/15/50

    1,085       1,258,947  

Series A, 3.75%, 08/15/50

    755       847,925  

County of Montgomery Ohio, Refunding RB


4.00%, 11/15/42

    655       738,663  

4.00%, 08/01/51

    810       933,890  

Northwest Local School District/Hamilton & Butler Counties, GO, 4.00%, 12/01/50

    1,135       1,204,939  

Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, RB, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/49(a)

    1,335       1,478,326  

Ohio Housing Finance Agency, RB, S/F Housing, Series A, (FHLMC, FNMA, GNMA), 4.00%, 09/01/48

    100       108,955  

Ohio Turnpike & Infrastructure Commission, RB, Series A-1, Junior Lien, 5.25%, 02/15/31

    2,470       2,697,265  

State of Ohio, RB, AMT, 5.00%, 06/30/53

    1,000       1,118,650  

State of Ohio, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 01/15/41

    1,500       1,546,725  

Series A, 4.00%, 01/15/50

    2,250       2,580,097  



Oklahoma — 0.8%  

Oklahoma City Public Property Authority, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 10/01/39

    720       822,463  

Oklahoma Development Finance Authority, RB


Series B, 5.25%, 08/15/48

    1,460       1,767,943  

Series B, 5.50%, 08/15/57

    625       762,369  

Oklahoma State University RB, Series A, 4.00%, 09/01/46(i)

    500       604,835  



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Oklahoma (continued)  

Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, RB


Series A, 4.00%, 01/01/48

  $   1,780     $ 1,997,480  

Series C, 4.00%, 01/01/42

    1,420       1,617,778  



Oregon — 1.0%  

Clackamas County School District No.12 North Clackamas, GO, CAB, Series A, (GTD), 0.00%, 06/15/38(d)

    510       287,844  

Medford Hospital Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 08/15/50

    1,210       1,415,434  

Multnomah & Clackamas Counties School District No.10JT Gresham-Barlow, GO, CAB, Series A, (GTD), 0.00%, 06/15/38(d)

    530       330,561  

Oregon Health & Science University, RB


Series A, 4.00%, 07/01/37

    675       773,509  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/42

    600       725,196  

Oregon State Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 04/01/45

    1,475       1,690,320  

Port of Portland Oregon Airport Revenue, Refunding ARB, Series 27-A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/45

    1,290       1,592,195  

Salem-Keizer School District No.24J, GO, CAB, Series A, (GTD), 0.00%, 06/15/40(d)

    1,980       1,246,608  

State of Oregon Housing & Community Services Department, RB, S/F Housing, Series C, 3.95%, 07/01/43

    170       178,917  

Warm Springs Reservation Confederated Tribe, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.00%, 11/01/39(a)

    650       766,825  



Pennsylvania — 4.9%  

Altoona Area School District, GO, (BAM SAW), 5.00%, 12/01/36

    110       130,205  

Bristol Township School District, GO, (SAW), 5.25%, 06/01/37

    2,500       2,739,050  

Bucks County Industrial Development Authority, RB, 4.00%, 08/15/50

    1,305       1,445,679  

Commonwealth Financing Authority, RB


5.00%, 06/01/33

    335       412,831  

5.00%, 06/01/34

    750       922,057  

(AGM), 4.00%, 06/01/39

    1,365       1,557,656  

County of Lehigh Pennsylvania, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 07/01/49

    420       483,932  

Delaware River Port Authority, RB, 4.50%, 01/01/32

    1,500       1,658,445  

Hospitals & Higher Education Facilities Authority of Philadelphia, RB, Series A, 5.63%, 07/01/42

    795       837,111  

Lancaster Industrial Development Authority, RB, 5.00%, 12/01/49

    950       1,088,918  

Montgomery County Higher Education and Health Authority, Refunding RB


4.00%, 09/01/49

    715       811,067  

Series A, 5.00%, 09/01/43

    905       1,100,507  

Series A, 5.00%, 09/01/48

    980       1,179,293  

Series A, 4.00%, 09/01/49

    1,380       1,536,382  

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, RB


Series A-1, 4.00%, 04/15/50

    470       541,553  

AMT, 5.00%, 12/31/38

    390       453,473  

AMT, 5.00%, 06/30/42

    2,455       2,818,978  

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Refunding RB, AMT, 5.50%, 11/01/44

    1,905       2,014,690  
Pennsylvania (continued)            

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, RB, Series B, AMT, Subordinate, 3.00%, 06/01/47

  $ 100     $ 95,384  

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, RB, 4.00%, 08/15/49

    1,680       1,951,774  

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, RB, S/F Housing


Series 125B, 3.65%, 10/01/42

    1,000       1,084,780  

Series 128B, 3.85%, 04/01/38

    965       1,070,600  

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, Refunding RB, S/F Housing, Series 119, 3.50%, 10/01/36

    1,150       1,214,055  

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/44

    1,380       1,583,978  

Sub-Series B-1, 5.25%, 06/01/47

    1,170       1,416,507  

Series A, Subordinate, 5.00%, 12/01/44

    2,080       2,571,171  

Series A, Subordinate, 4.00%, 12/01/49

    1,075       1,228,284  

Series A, Subordinate, 4.00%, 12/01/50

    610       704,800  

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Refunding RB


2nd Series, 5.00%, 12/01/41

    1,250       1,521,700  

Series C, 5.00%, 12/01/23(b)

    1,305       1,463,858  

Series C, 5.00%, 12/01/43

    415       461,003  

Pottsville Hospital Authority, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.00%, 07/01/45

    1,250       1,489,050  

Springfield School District/Delaware County, GO


(SAW), 5.00%, 03/01/40

    865       1,064,962  

(SAW), 5.00%, 03/01/43

    590       724,166  

Swarthmore Borough Authority, RB, 5.00%, 09/15/48

    1,900       2,386,837  

Westmoreland County Municipal Authority, Refunding RB, (BAM), 5.00%, 08/15/36

    1,290       1,567,518  



Puerto Rico — 5.4%  

Children’s Trust Fund, Refunding RB


5.50%, 05/15/39

    1,115       1,142,240  

5.63%, 05/15/43

    1,200       1,213,632  

Puerto Rico Commonwealth Aqueduct & Sewer Authority, RB


Series A, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/33

    4,505       4,696,147  

Series A, Senior Lien, 5.13%, 07/01/37

    1,270       1,325,093  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue, RB


Series A-1, Restructured, 4.75%, 07/01/53

    9,061       10,059,250  

Series A-1, Restructured, 5.00%, 07/01/58

    17,440       19,592,271  

Series A-2, Restructured, 4.33%, 07/01/40

    2,508       2,741,294  

Series A-2, Restructured, 4.78%, 07/01/58

    2,097       2,334,485  

Series B-1, Restructured, 4.75%, 07/01/53

    425       470,624  

Series B-2, Restructured, 4.78%, 07/01/58

    412       457,205  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue, RB, CAB(d)


Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/46

    18,474       5,825,037  

Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/51

    1,442       328,949  



Rhode Island — 1.9%  

Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, (AGM, GTD), 3.75%, 05/15/32

    1,155       1,319,241  

Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corp., RB, M/F Housing, Series 3-B, (FHA INS), 4.13%, 10/01/49

    480       500,885  

Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, RB, Series A, AMT, 3.63%, 12/01/37

    945       1,005,745  




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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Rhode Island (continued)  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/35

  $   1,000     $ 1,149,810  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/40

    2,050       2,291,879  

Series B, 4.50%, 06/01/45

    6,005       6,503,355  

Series B, 5.00%, 06/01/50

    4,500       5,029,785  



South Carolina — 4.4%  

Charleston County Airport District, ARB


Series A, AMT, 5.50%, 07/01/38

    1,000       1,102,850  

Series A, AMT, 6.00%, 07/01/38

    1,695       1,887,450  

Series A, AMT, 5.50%, 07/01/41

    1,000       1,101,190  

County of Berkeley South Carolina, SAB


4.25%, 11/01/40

    315       347,124  

4.38%, 11/01/49

    470       516,727  

County of Charleston South Carolina, ARB, 5.25%, 12/01/38

    3,705       4,152,231  

South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority, RB


5.00%, 01/01/40(a)

    485       506,830  

5.00%, 04/01/44

    200       219,148  

4.00%, 04/01/49

    200       204,950  

5.00%, 04/01/49

    270       294,610  

4.00%, 04/01/54

    210       214,589  

5.00%, 04/01/54

    490       533,688  

5.00%, 01/01/55(a)

    845       859,889  

South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 02/01/38

    2,875       3,413,401  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/01/43

    1,680       2,011,548  

Series A, 4.25%, 05/01/48

    1,445       1,621,767  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/01/48

    3,030       3,578,006  

South Carolina Ports Authority, ARB


AMT, 5.25%, 07/01/25(b)

    1,650       1,963,918  

AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/55

    710       844,360  

South Carolina Public Service Authority, RB


Series A, 5.50%, 12/01/54

    4,450       5,065,435  

Series E, 5.00%, 12/01/48

    440       487,027  

Series E, 5.50%, 12/01/53

    2,500       2,793,425  

South Carolina Public Service Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/36

    175       208,653  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/50

    1,035       1,181,173  

Series E, 5.25%, 12/01/55

    4,685       5,481,778  



South Dakota — 0.2%  

City of Rapid City South Dakota Sales Tax Revenue, RB, 4.00%, 12/01/48

    740       811,861  

South Dakota Health & Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 09/01/50

    705       812,146  



Tennessee — 1.6%  

Chattanooga Health Educational & Housing Facility Board, RB, Series A,
5.25%, 01/01/23(b)

    3,650       3,956,563  

Chattanooga Health Educational & Housing Facility Board, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 08/01/44

    115       129,976  

Chattanooga-Hamilton County Hospital Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/44

    875       955,990  

Greeneville Health & Educational Facilities Board, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 07/01/40

    375       418,474  
Tennessee (continued)            

Johnson City Health & Educational Facilities Board, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 08/15/42

  $ 800     $ 841,336  

Metropolitan Government Nashville & Davidson County Health & Educational Facilities Board, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/40

    1,530       1,824,663  

Metropolitan Government Nashville & Davidson County Health & Educational Facilities Board, Refunding RB


Series A, 4.00%, 10/01/49

    230       242,202  

Series A, 5.25%, 10/01/58

    2,860       3,304,101  

Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority, ARB, Series B, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/40

    2,500       2,902,625  



Texas — 6.2%  

Brazos Higher Education Authority, Inc., RB, Series 1B, AMT, Subordinate, 3.00%, 04/01/40

    65       61,885  

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, RB, Series E, Senior Lien, 4.00%, 01/01/50

    1,555       1,774,131  

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Refunding RB, Sub Lien, 5.00%, 01/01/23(b)

    430       464,314  

City of Austin Texas Airport System Revenue, ARB, AMT, 5.00%, 11/15/39

    440       499,145  

City of Austin Texas Electric Utility Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/37

    1,500       1,605,150  

City of Beaumont Texas, GO, 5.25%, 03/01/23(b)

    2,340       2,556,076  

City of Houston Texas Airport System Revenue, Refunding ARB, AMT, 5.00%, 07/15/27

    130       151,730  

City of Houston Texas Airport System Revenue, Refunding RB


Sub-Series D, 5.00%, 07/01/37

    1,175       1,463,227  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/27

    125       145,781  

Series A, AMT, 6.63%, 07/15/38

    225       227,588  

Sub-Series A, AMT, 4.00%, 07/01/47

    690       782,729  

City of San Antonio Texas Electric & Gas Systems Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 02/01/48

    850       1,048,721  

Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, ARB, Series H, AMT, 5.00%, 11/01/21(b)

    2,200       2,251,568  

El Paso Independent School District, GO, (PSF), 4.00%, 08/15/43

    890       1,036,610  

Harris County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., RB, Series B,
7.00%, 01/01/23(b)

    565       628,845  

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority, Refunding RB, Series G, Senior Lien, (NPFGC), 0.00%, 11/15/41(d)

    11,690       4,603,405  

Leander Independent School District, Refunding GO, CAB(d)


Series D, (PSF), 0.00%, 08/15/24(b)

    370       218,137  

Series D, (PSF), 0.00%, 08/15/35

    3,630       2,124,675  

Lower Colorado River Authority, Refunding RB, 5.50%, 05/15/33

    2,240       2,465,210  

Midland County Fresh Water Supply District No.1, RB, CAB(d)


Series A, 0.00%, 09/15/38

    10,760       5,559,369  

Series A, 0.00%, 09/15/40

    2,525       1,159,328  

Series A, 0.00%, 09/15/41

    1,395       607,495  

New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., RB


Series A, 5.00%, 04/01/25(b)

    145       170,967  

Series A, 5.00%, 08/15/50(a)

    455       475,384  

North Texas Tollway Authority, RB, Series A, 5.50%, 09/01/21(b)

    3,150       3,204,904  



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Texas (continued)  

North Texas Tollway Authority, RB, CAB, Series B, 0.00%, 09/01/31(b)(d)

  $   2,415     $ 1,299,536  

North Texas Tollway Authority, Refunding RB


4.25%, 01/01/49

    3,165       3,642,535  

Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/48

    1,060       1,276,240  

Red River Education Finance Corp., RB, 5.25%, 03/15/23(b)

    1,820       1,991,553  

San Antonio Public Facilities Corp., Refunding RB, 4.00%, 09/15/42

    1,355       1,406,273  

San Antonio Water System, Refunding RB, Series A, Junior Lien, 5.00%, 05/15/48

    945       1,173,454  

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., RB


Series B, 5.00%, 07/01/35

    1,500       1,877,265  

Series B, 5.00%, 07/01/48

    3,330       4,056,007  

Texas City Industrial Development Corp., RB, Series 2012, 4.13%, 12/01/45

    255       276,547  

Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs, RB, S/F Housing, Series A, (GNMA), 4.25%, 09/01/43

    195       216,668  

Texas Private Activity Bond Surface Transportation Corp., RB, AMT, 5.00%, 06/30/58

    1,095       1,312,949  

Texas Transportation Commission, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 08/01/57

    1,085       1,255,562  

Texas Transportation Commission, RB, CAB(d)


0.00%, 08/01/35

    270       163,420  

0.00%, 08/01/36

    145       83,416  

0.00%, 08/01/37

    195       106,347  

0.00%, 08/01/38

    200       103,586  

0.00%, 08/01/39

    1,000       491,850  

0.00%, 08/01/43

    795       317,674  

0.00%, 08/01/44

    870       328,347  

0.00%, 08/01/45

    1,135       403,617  



Utah — 0.5%  

County of Utah, RB


Series A, 4.00%, 05/15/43

    155       184,114  

Series A, 3.00%, 05/15/50

    710       748,631  

Salt Lake City Corp. Airport Revenue, ARB


Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/43

    530       634,288  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/47

    665       776,042  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/48

    640       757,888  

Utah Charter School Finance Authority, RB


(UT CSCE), 5.00%, 10/15/48

    360       415,933  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/39(a)

    200       215,292  

Utah Charter School Finance Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 06/15/40(a)

    150       173,136  

4.00%, 04/15/42

    400       426,512  

5.00%, 06/15/55(a)

    385       432,736  



Vermont — 0.3%  

University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Refunding RB


4.00%, 10/01/37

    500       555,245  
Vermont (continued)  

University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Refunding RB (continued)


5.00%, 10/01/43

  $   1,470     $ 1,802,749  

Vermont Student Assistance Corp., RB, Series A, AMT, 4.13%, 06/15/30

    330       351,114  



Virginia — 1.6%  

Ballston Quarter Community Development Authority, TA, Series A, 5.38%, 03/01/36

    490       495,826  

Hanover County Economic Development Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/47

    970       992,339  

Henrico County Economic Development Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 10/01/45

    160       173,277  

Lexington Industrial Development Authority, RB, 5.00%, 01/01/22(b)

    940       970,174  

Virginia Beach Development Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 09/01/44

    585       653,936  

4.00%, 09/01/48

    375       396,758  

Virginia Housing Development Authority, RB, M/F Housing


Series 1, (FHLMC, FNMA, GNMA), 2.55%, 11/01/50

    840       845,561  

Series B, 4.00%, 06/01/53

    385       418,191  

Series D, 3.90%, 10/01/48

    1,430       1,557,985  

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, RB


AMT, 5.00%, 01/01/48(a)(f)

    470       474,272  

AMT, 5.00%, 12/31/52

    2,330       2,720,135  

AMT, Senior Lien, 5.25%, 01/01/32

    950       1,001,167  

AMT, Senior Lien, 6.00%, 01/01/37

    3,900       4,137,393  



Washington — 2.3%  

Grant County Public Utility District No.2 Priest Rapids Hydroelectric Project, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/26(b)

    1,555       1,870,105  

King County Housing Authority, Refunding RB, 3.00%, 06/01/40

    440       468,644  

Port of Seattle Washington, ARB


Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/01/43

    1,470       1,728,882  

Series C, AMT, 5.00%, 04/01/40

    930       1,054,880  

Series C, AMT, Intermediate Lien, 5.00%, 05/01/37

    1,450       1,733,954  

State of Washington, COP


Series B, 5.00%, 07/01/36

    1,000       1,250,810  

Series B, 5.00%, 07/01/37

    3,910       4,890,315  

Series B, 5.00%, 07/01/38

    650       812,773  

State of Washington, GO, Series C, 5.00%, 02/01/36

    1,300       1,624,207  

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, RB, Series A, 5.75%, 01/01/23(b)

    2,820       3,074,392  

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 09/01/55

    285       355,352  

Series A, 4.00%, 08/01/44

    250       280,860  

Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Refunding RB(a)


5.00%, 01/01/38

    600       692,508  

5.00%, 01/01/43

    900       1,031,112  







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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
West Virginia — 0.4%            

West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 06/01/51

  $ 2,910     $ 3,232,253  



Wisconsin — 1.3%            

Public Finance Authority, RB


Series A, 4.00%, 11/15/37

    100       113,632  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/15/39(a)

    100       112,411  

Series A, 5.00%, 10/15/40(a)

    425       464,742  

Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/41

    270       324,270  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/15/49(a)

    245       270,774  

Series A, 5.00%, 10/15/50(a)

    540       582,244  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/15/54(a)

    115       126,119  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/55(a)

    300       311,322  

Series A, 5.00%, 10/15/55(a)

    560       600,214  

Series A-1, 4.50%, 01/01/35(a)

    230       254,810  

Series A-1, 5.00%, 01/01/55(a)

    305       340,258  

Series B, 5.00%, 06/01/49

    320       366,864  

Public Finance Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 09/01/49(a)

    165       168,311  

5.00%, 11/15/49

    335       374,235  

5.00%, 09/01/54(a)

    130       132,388  

Series A, 4.00%, 10/01/49

    2,000       2,267,700  

AMT, 4.00%, 08/01/35

    280       281,294  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 04/01/44

    2,005       2,505,929  

Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority, RB, M/F Housing


Series A, 3.15%, 11/01/44

    480       505,762  

Series A, 4.45%, 05/01/57

    575       630,407  

WPPI Energy, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/37

    665       757,395  



Wyoming — 0.0%            

Wyoming Municipal Power Agency, Inc., Refunding RB, Series A, (BAM), 5.00%, 01/01/27(b)

    330       411,566  




Total Municipal Bonds — 117.7%
(Cost: $971,785,191)





Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts(j)


Arizona — 0.1%            

Maricopa County Industrial Development Authority, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 01/01/41

    915       1,041,801  



California — 3.3%            

Bay Area Toll Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 04/01/42(k)

    3,896       4,475,669  

Los Angeles Unified School District, GO, Series B-1, 5.25%, 07/01/42(k)

    1,451       1,806,602  

Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency, Refunding SAB


5.00%, 10/01/47

    8,384       9,957,702  

Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/43

    2,775       3,306,940  

San Marcos Unified School District, GO, Series A, 5.25%, 08/01/31(b)

    10,680       10,812,325  



Colorado — 1.6%            

City & County of Denver Colorado Airport System Revenue, Refunding ARB(k)


Series A, AMT, 5.25%, 12/01/43

    1,901       2,337,709  
Security   Par
Colorado (continued)            

City & County of Denver Colorado Airport System Revenue, Refunding ARB(k) (continued)


Series A, AMT, 5.25%, 12/01/48

  $   1,664     $ 2,033,326  

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB(k)


Series A, 5.00%, 08/01/44

    1,950       2,400,801  

Series A, 4.00%, 08/01/49

    2,490       2,807,201  

County of Adams Colorado, Refunding COP, 4.00%, 12/01/45

    4,650       5,153,500  



Connecticut — 0.7%            

Connecticut State Health & Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 12/01/45

    5,687       6,789,427  



District of Columbia — 0.7%            

District of Columbia Housing Finance Agency, RB, M/F Housing, Series B-2, (FHA), 4.10%, 09/01/39

    1,300       1,475,617  

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Dulles Toll Road Revenue, Refunding RB, Series B, Subordinate, (AGM), 4.00%, 10/01/53

    1,299       1,477,684  

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, RB, Series B, 5.00%, 07/01/42

    2,992       3,612,105  



Florida — 1.3%            

City Of South Miami Health Facilities Authority, Inc., Refunding RB, 5.00%, 08/15/47

    1,290       1,552,799  

City of Tampa Florida, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 11/15/46

    1,932       2,151,943  

County of Broward Florida Port Facilities Revenue, ARB, Series B, AMT, 4.00%, 09/01/49

    2,350       2,620,885  

Escambia County Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 08/15/45(k)

    1,771       2,029,671  

Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, ARB, Series A, AMT, 4.00%, 10/01/49(k)

    3,543       4,037,280  



Georgia — 0.7%  

Dalton Whitfield County Joint Development Authority, RB, 4.00%, 08/15/48

    3,647       4,099,864  

Georgia Housing & Finance Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 3.60%, 12/01/44

    1,042       1,129,342  

Series A, 3.70%, 06/01/49

    1,057       1,173,171  



Idaho — 0.2%  

Idaho State Building Authority, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 09/01/48

    1,700       1,915,475  



Illinois — 1.1%            

City of Chicago IIllinois Waterworks Revenue, Refunding RB, 2nd Lien, (AGM), 5.25%, 11/01/33

    480       481,805  

Illinois Finance Authority, Refunding RB


Series C, 4.00%, 02/15/27(b)

    5       5,713  

Series C, 4.00%, 02/15/41

    2,033       2,277,722  

Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/40

    825       955,563  

Series B, 5.00%, 01/01/40

    3,329       3,939,545  

Series C, 5.00%, 01/01/38

    2,252       2,596,718  



Iowa — 0.2%  

Iowa Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series E, 4.00%, 08/15/46

    1,455       1,593,982  






C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Louisiana — 0.9%  

City of Shreveport Louisiana Water & Sewer Revenue, RB


Series B, Junior Lien, (AGM), 4.00%, 12/01/44

  $   2,043     $ 2,304,122  

Series B, Junior Lien, (AGM), 4.00%, 12/01/49

    4,105       4,628,894  

State of Louisiana Gasoline & Fuels Tax Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, 1st Lien, 4.00%, 05/01/41

    1,245       1,383,618  



Maryland — 1.7%            

City of Baltimore Maryland, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/46

    3,014       3,570,724  

Series A, 4.00%, 07/01/49

    3,122       3,659,704  

Maryland Stadium Authority, RB


5.00%, 05/01/42

    1,740       2,162,977  

5.00%, 05/01/47

    4,894       6,068,596  



Massachusetts — 1.9%            

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Transportation Fund Revenue, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 06/01/45

    1,502       1,684,027  

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, GO, Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/46

    1,982       2,454,189  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 07/01/47

    3,359       3,970,987  

Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, RB, Series A-1, (FHA), 3.10%, 06/01/60

    1,111       1,155,045  

Massachusetts School Building Authority, RB, Series B, 5.00%, 10/15/21(b)

    7,713       7,880,535  



Michigan — 2.6%            

Michigan Finance Authority, RB(k)


4.00%, 02/15/47

    5,486       6,290,825  

Series A, 4.00%, 02/15/44

    1,912       2,195,418  

Michigan State Building Authority, Refunding RB, Series I, 5.00%, 10/15/45

    5,670       6,641,555  

Michigan State Housing Development Authority, RB, M/F Housing, Series A, 4.05%, 10/01/48

    2,337       2,599,353  

Michigan State Housing Development Authority, RB, S/F Housing, Series C, 3.90%, 12/01/33

    5,385       6,001,098  



Nebraska — 0.0%  

Nebraska Investment Finance Authority, RB, S/F Housing, Series A, (FHLMC, FNMA, GNMA), 3.70%, 03/01/47

    102       101,716  



Nevada — 0.7%  

County of Clark Nevada, GO, Series A, 5.00%, 05/01/48

    2,260       2,772,341  

Las Vegas Valley Water District, Refunding GO, Series C, 5.00%, 06/01/28

    4,100       4,115,088  



New Jersey — 0.3%  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, RB, Series B, 5.25%, 06/15/36(k)

    2,401       2,423,347  



New York — 9.7%  

City of New York Water & Sewer System, RB, Series CC, 5.00%, 06/15/47

    6,001       6,577,263  

City of New York, GO, Sub-Series-D1, Series D, 5.00%, 12/01/43(k)

    2,620       3,247,935  
Security   Par
New York (continued)  

City of New York, Refunding GO, Series B, 4.00%, 08/01/32

  $ 3,990     $ 4,402,087  

Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., RB(k)


5.75%, 02/15/47(b)

    1,256       1,261,727  

5.75%, 02/15/47

    773       776,176  

New York City Housing Development Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, 4.15%, 11/01/38

    2,970       3,321,648  

New York City Transitional Finance Authority Building Aid Revenue, RB, Series S-1, (SAW), 4.00%, 07/15/42(k)

    1,395       1,453,897  

New York City Water & Sewer System, Refunding RB


Series BB, 5.25%, 06/15/44(b)

    4,993       5,149,665  

Series BB, 4.00%, 06/15/47

    3,660       3,862,764  

Series FF, 5.00%, 06/15/45

    3,019       3,171,657  

New York Liberty Development Corp., ARB, 5.25%, 12/15/43

    22,829       23,512,412  

New York Liberty Development Corp., Refunding RB, 5.75%, 11/15/51(k)

    12,111       12,453,633  

New York Power Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 11/15/60

    947       1,095,229  

New York State Dormitory Authority, Refunding RB, Series D, 4.00%, 02/15/47

    4,317       4,988,962  

New York State Thruway Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 03/15/31

    1,560       1,587,425  

Series B, Subordinate, 4.00%, 01/01/50

    2,083       2,377,764  

New York State Urban Development Corp., RB, Series A, 4.00%, 03/15/46

    4,846       5,529,091  

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, ARB, Series 221, AMT, 4.00%, 07/15/60

    854       969,006  

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, Refunding ARB, 194th Series, 5.25%, 10/15/55

    3,210       3,817,075  



North Carolina — 0.8%  

North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.00%, 10/01/25(b)

    5,550       6,660,666  

North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, RB, S/F Housing, Series 39-B, (FHLMC, FNMA, GNMA), 4.00%, 01/01/48

    819       910,226  



Pennsylvania — 2.4%  

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, GO(k)


1st Series, 4.00%, 03/01/36

    1,559       1,824,740  

1st Series, 4.00%, 03/01/38

    3,650       4,265,463  

County of Lehigh Pennsylvania, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 07/01/49(k)

    2,996       3,451,729  

Northampton County General Purpose Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 11/01/38(k)

    2,596       3,003,527  

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, RB, Sub-Series A, 5.50%, 12/01/42

    4,018       4,895,759  

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Refunding RB, Sub-Series B-2, (AGM), 5.00%, 06/01/35

    1,640       1,994,142  

Westmoreland County Municipal Authority, Refunding RB, (BAM), 5.00%, 08/15/38

    2,533       2,936,044  







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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Rhode Island — 0.4%  

Narragansett Bay Commission, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 09/01/22(b)

  $   1,140     $ 1,198,072  

Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corp., RB, Series A, 4.00%, 09/15/47

    1,982       2,201,308  



South Carolina — 0.2%  

South Carolina Ports Authority, ARB, Series B, AMT, 4.00%, 07/01/49(k)

    1,665       1,880,418  



Texas — 5.7%  

Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.00%, 08/15/43

    3,842       4,063,932  

City of San Antonio Texas Electric & Gas Systems Revenue, RB, Junior Lien, 5.00%, 02/01/23(b)

    4,560       4,941,991  

County of Hidalgo Texas, GO, Series A, 4.00%, 08/15/43

    2,297       2,634,839  

El Paso Independent School District, GO, (PSF-GTD), 4.00%, 08/15/48

    2,999       3,525,876  

Harris County Toll Road Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 08/15/43

    1,858       2,299,156  

Houston Community College System, GO, 4.00%, 02/15/23(b)

    4,393       4,691,642  

Howe Independent School District, GO, (PSF-GTD), 4.00%, 08/15/43

    1,095       1,244,314  

Lower Colorado River Authority, Refunding, RB, 4.00%, 05/15/43

    1,504       1,552,204  

Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County Sales & Use Tax Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 11/01/21(b)

    4,060       4,155,126  

North Texas Tollway Authority, RB, Series A, 5.50%, 09/01/41(b)

    2,310       2,350,263  

San Antonio Public Facilities Corp., Refunding RB, 4.00%, 09/15/42

    3,794       3,937,738  

San Antonio Water System, Refunding RB, Series C, Junior Lien, 5.00%, 05/15/46

    1,515       1,832,423  

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., RB, Series A,
5.00%, 05/15/23(b)

    4,456       4,890,868  

Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs, RB, S/F Housing


Series A, (GNMA), 3.63%, 09/01/44

    1,389       1,516,759  

Series A, (GNMA), 3.00%, 09/01/45

    905       943,785  

Series A, (GNMA), 3.75%, 09/01/49

    1,191       1,301,304  

Series A, (GNMA), 3.00%, 03/01/50

    905       943,785  

Texas Water Development Board, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 10/15/49

    5,020       5,939,011  



Virginia — 1.7%  

Fairfax County Economic Development Authority, RB, 5.00%, 04/01/47(k)

    2,320       2,808,453  

Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission, RB


Series A, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/48

    1,996       2,430,017  

Series A, Senior Lien, 5.50%, 07/01/57(k)

    1,338       1,671,987  
Security   Par
Virginia (continued)  

Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission, RB (continued)


Series A, Senior Lien, 4.00%, 07/01/60(k)

  $ 2,175     $ 2,520,586  

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 12/01/49

    5,320       6,147,632  



Washington — 0.6%  

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series B, 4.13%, 08/15/43

    1,445       1,601,809  

Washington State Convention Center Public Facilities District, RB, 5.00%, 07/01/58

    2,999       3,506,326  



West Virginia — 0.2%  

Morgantown Utility Board, Inc., RB, Series B, 4.00%, 12/01/48(k)

    1,511       1,698,411  



Wisconsin — 1.0%  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB


4.00%, 12/01/46

    2,059       2,294,025  

4.00%, 12/15/49(k)

    2,140       2,435,020  

Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority, RB, M/F Housing


Series A, 4.10%, 11/01/43

    1,342       1,481,759  

Series A, 4.30%, 11/01/53

    1,395       1,526,130  

Series A, 4.45%, 05/01/57

    1,678       1,852,200  







Total Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts — 40.7%
(Cost: $350,343,832)






Total Long-Term Investments — 158.4%
(Cost: $1,322,129,023)





Short-Term Securities  
Money Market Funds — 0.9%  

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, MuniCash, Institutional Class,

    7,842,333       7,843,901  




Total Short-Term Securities — 0.9%
(Cost: $7,843,901)






Total Investments — 159.3%
(Cost: $1,329,972,924)



Other Assets Less Liabilities — 1.5%



Liability for TOB Trust Certificates, Including Interest Expense and Fees Payable — (23.1)%



VMTP Shares at Liquidation Value — (37.7)%






Net Assets Applicable to Common Shares — 100.0%


  $ 923,078,616  






Security exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified institutional investors.


U.S. Government securities held in escrow, are used to pay interest on this security as well as to retire the bond in full at the date indicated, typically at a premium to par.




C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)



Step-up bond that pays an initial coupon rate for the first period and then a higher coupon rate for the following periods. Rate as of period end.


Zero-coupon bond.


Security is collateralized by municipal bonds or U.S. Treasury obligations.


Variable rate security. Interest rate resets periodically. The rate shown is the effective interest rate as of period end. Security description also includes the reference rate and spread if published and available.


Issuer filed for bankruptcy and/or is in default.


Non-income producing security.


When-issued security.


Represent bonds transferred to a TOB Trust in exchange of cash and residual certificates received by the Fund. These bonds serve as collateral in a secured borrowing. See Note 4 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.


All or a portion of the security is subject to a recourse agreement. The aggregate maximum potential amount the Fund could ultimately be required to pay under the agreements, which expire between May 15, 2021 to February 15, 2047, is $39,471,889. See Note 4 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.


Affiliate of the Fund.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.



Investments in issuers considered to be affiliate(s) of the Fund during the year ended April 30, 2021 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Value at
at Cost
from Sales
Gain (Loss)
     Change in
     Value at
Held at
     Income      Capital Gain

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, MuniCash, Institutional Class

   $ 5,685,668      $ 2,157,616 (a)     $      $ 2,361      $ (1,744    $ 7,843,901        7,842,333      $ 702      $  


















Represents net amount purchased (sold).


Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Futures Contracts


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Short Contracts


10-Year U.S. Treasury Note

     187        06/21/21      $ 24,707      $ (130,530

U.S. Long Treasury Bond

     104        06/21/21        16,361        (109,351



            $ (239,881




Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instruments


Futures contracts


Unrealized depreciation on futures contracts(a)

   $      $      $      $      $ 239,881      $      $ 239,881  
























Net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts and centrally cleared swaps, if any, are reported in the Schedule of Investments. In the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, only current day’s variation margin is reported in receivables or payables and the net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is included in accumulated earnings (loss).


For the year ended April 30, 2021, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on


Futures contracts

   $      $      $      $      $ (239,881    $      $ (239,881

























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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)


Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments


Futures contracts


Average notional value of contracts — short

   $ 10,266,969  

For more information about the Fund’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of financial instruments. For a description of the input levels and information about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Fund’s financial instruments categorized in the fair value hierarchy. The breakdown of the Fund’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Long-Term Investments


Municipal Bonds

   $        $ 1,086,605,200        $        $ 1,086,605,200  

Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts

              375,630,927                   375,630,927  

Short-Term Securities


Money Market Funds

     7,843,901                            7,843,901  












   $     7,843,901        $   1,462,236,127        $                 —        $   1,470,080,028  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)




Interest Rate Contracts

   $ (239,881      $        $        $ (239,881















Derivative financial instruments are futures contracts. Futures contracts are valued at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instrument.


The Fund may hold assets and/or liabilities in which the fair value approximates the carrying amount for financial statement purposes. As of period end, such assets and/or liabilities are categorized within the fair value hierarchy as follows:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  



TOB Trust Certificates

   $        $ (213,103,519      $        $ (213,103,519

VMTP Shares at Liquidation Value

              (347,800,000                 (347,800,000












   $                 —        $ (560,903,519      $                 —        $ (560,903,519













See notes to financial statements.



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2021


BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par

Municipal Bonds

Arizona — 4.0%  

Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 02/01/30

  $ 2,685     $ 2,780,586  

Arizona Industrial Development Authority, RB(a)


4.00%, 07/01/29

    500       546,515  

Series A, 3.55%, 07/15/29

    1,360       1,452,222  

Series B, 4.25%, 07/01/27

    440       471,526  

City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp., ARB, Series B, AMT, Junior Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/35

    4,000       5,071,040  

Glendale Union High School District No.205, GO


Series C, (BAM), 5.00%, 07/01/24

    1,945       2,140,278  

Series C, (BAM), 5.00%, 07/01/27

    500       549,790  

Industrial Development Authority of the City of Phoenix, RB, Series A, 5.75%, 07/01/24(a)

    620       661,025  

Industrial Development Authority of the City of Phoenix, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/25

    300       340,323  

Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima, RB(a)


4.13%, 06/15/29

    350       354,956  

5.00%, 07/01/29

    300       322,467  

Maricopa County Industrial Development Authority, Refunding RB


4.00%, 07/01/29(a)

    295       324,659  

Series A, 5.00%, 09/01/32

    1,000       1,257,330  

Series A, 5.00%, 09/01/33

    800       1,002,696  

Series A, 5.00%, 09/01/34

    1,000       1,250,620  

Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority, ARB


AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/27

    700       738,276  

AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/32

    1,925       2,028,296  

Pinal County Electric District No.3, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/21(b)

    1,600       1,612,400  

University of Arizona, RB, 5.00%, 08/01/28

    2,000       2,023,640  



Arkansas — 0.6%            

City of Benton Arkansas, RB, (AGM), 5.00%, 06/01/29

    1,055       1,204,188  

University of Arkansas, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 03/01/31

    2,315       2,708,156  



California — 6.6%            

California Municipal Finance Authority, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 10/01/29(a)

    420       458,262  

City of Los Angeles Department of Airports, Refunding ARB, Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/36

    3,670       4,790,891  

County of Santa Barbara California, COP, Series B, AMT, 5.25%, 12/01/33

    10,330       12,965,390  

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Refunding RB


Series A-1, 5.00%, 06/01/33

    6,715       8,203,850  

Series A-1, 5.00%, 06/01/35

    5,785       7,043,989  

San Diego County Regional Airport Authority, Refunding RB


AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/32

    1,000       1,288,750  

AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/33

    1,030       1,320,553  

AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/34

    1,000       1,275,270  

State of California, GO, 5.50%, 04/01/28

    15       15,061  

Transbay Joint Powers Authority, TA Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/35

    700       880,033  
Security   Par
California (continued)            

Transbay Joint Powers Authority, TA (continued)


Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/36

  $ 800     $ 1,002,352  

Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/37

    1,000       1,249,060  



Colorado — 1.9%            

City & County of Denver Colorado Airport System Revenue, Refunding ARB, Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 12/01/32

    5,000       6,250,550  

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 11/09/22(b)

    270       289,780  

Series A, 5.00%, 08/01/34

    1,500       1,916,625  

Park Creek Metropolitan District, Refunding RB, Series A, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 12/01/34

    500       584,265  

Thompson Crossing Metropolitan District No.4, Refunding GO, 3.50%, 12/01/29

    515       539,329  

University of Northern Colorado, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/31

    2,000       2,279,720  



Connecticut — 3.5%            

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority, Refunding RB, S/F Housing, Series C-2, AMT, 2.20%, 11/15/34

    1,250       1,248,825  

Connecticut State Health & Educational Facilities Authority, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/30(a)

    130       145,322  

Connecticut State Health & Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB


Series F, 5.00%, 07/01/21(b)

    4,330       4,363,384  

Series G-1, 5.00%, 07/01/27(a)

    100       116,015  

Series G-1, 5.00%, 07/01/28(a)

    100       117,868  

Series G-1, 5.00%, 07/01/29(a)

    100       119,604  

Series G-1, 5.00%, 07/01/30(a)

    100       119,107  

Series G-1, 5.00%, 07/01/32(a)

    150       177,397  

Series G-1, 5.00%, 07/01/34(a)

    125       146,879  

State of Connecticut Special Tax Revenue, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 05/01/35

    1,750       2,269,155  

State of Connecticut, GO


Series A, 5.00%, 04/15/30

    5,000       6,288,600  

Series A, 5.00%, 04/15/31

    4,000       5,002,800  

Series A, 5.00%, 04/15/34

    1,185       1,499,677  



Delaware — 0.8%            

County of Kent Delaware, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/29

    880       1,012,088  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/30

    1,030       1,180,370  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/31

    750       856,860  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/32

    375       427,001  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/33

    1,190       1,350,852  



Florida — 8.0%            

Capital Projects Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series A-1, 5.00%, 10/01/31

    1,500       1,843,440  

Capital Region Community Development District, Refunding SAB


Series A-1, 4.13%, 05/01/23

    200       205,266  

Series A-1, 4.63%, 05/01/28

    500       547,475  

Capital Trust Agency, Inc., RB


Series A, 4.00%, 06/15/29(a)

    625       661,637  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/15/29

    400       464,236  




2 0 2 1   B L A C K O C K  N N U A L  E P O R T   T O  H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Florida (continued)  

Charlotte County Industrial Development Authority, RB, AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/29(a)

  $   1,000     $ 1,136,110  

County of Lee Florida Airport Revenue, Refunding RB


Series A, AMT, 5.50%, 10/01/23

    1,000       1,014,680  

Series A, AMT, (AGM), 5.00%, 10/01/27

    1,635       1,655,634  

County of Miami-Dade Florida Transit System, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 07/01/22(b)

    1,500       1,584,375  

County of Miami-Dade Seaport Department, ARB


Series B, AMT, 6.00%, 10/01/28

    3,470       3,913,084  

Series B, AMT, 6.00%, 10/01/29

    3,480       3,921,856  

County of Osceola Florida Transportation Revenue, Refunding RB, CAB(c)


Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/28

    500       442,195  

Series A-2, 0.00%, 10/01/29

    800       685,720  

Escambia County Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 08/15/35

    3,100       3,931,079  

Series A, 5.00%, 08/15/31

    1,000       1,289,980  

Esplanade Lake Club Community Development District, SAB


Series A-1, 3.63%, 11/01/30

    370       390,472  

Series A-2, 3.63%, 11/01/30

    225       237,449  

Florida Development Finance Corp., RB, AMT, 5.00%, 05/01/29(a)

    2,255       2,435,716  

Florida Gulf Coast University Financing Corp., Refunding RB


5.00%, 02/01/34

    800       991,416  

5.00%, 02/01/35

    850       1,048,738  

Harbor Bay Community Development District, Refunding SAB, Series A-2, 3.30%, 05/01/29

    960       996,195  

Harbor Bay Community Development District, SAB, Series A-1, 3.30%, 05/01/29

    600       622,620  

Hills Minneola Community Development District, SAB, 3.50%, 05/01/31(a)

    1,100       1,143,846  

Lakewood Ranch Stewardship District, SAB


3.65%, 05/01/22(a)

    145       147,103  

4.00%, 05/01/22

    350       356,272  

3.60%, 05/01/24

    375       384,943  

4.30%, 05/01/27(a)

    520       557,679  

3.80%, 05/01/29

    720       769,046  

Miami-Dade County Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 04/01/32

    5,020       5,819,736  

Midtown Miami Community Development District, Refunding SAB, Series A, 4.25%, 05/01/24

    695       719,144  

Osceola Chain Lakes Community Development District, SAB, 3.50%, 05/01/30

    350       369,827  

Pinellas County Industrial Development Authority, RB, 5.00%, 07/01/29

    2,200           2,535,566  

Sarasota County Health Facilities Authority, RB, 5.00%, 05/15/33

    610       702,628  

School District of Broward County, Refunding COP, Series A, (AGM), 5.00%, 07/01/21(b)

    4,000       4,030,920  

Southern Groves Community Development District No.5, Refunding SAB, 3.25%, 05/01/29

    300       316,926  

Sterling Hill Community Development District, Refunding SAB, Series B, 5.50%, 11/01/10(d)(e)

    143       90,783  
Security   Par
Florida (continued)  

Talavera Community Development District, SAB


3.50%, 05/01/25

  $ 365     $ 374,716  

3.85%, 05/01/30

    540       577,028  

Tolomato Community Development District, Refunding SAB, Sub-Series A-2, 3.85%, 05/01/29

    180       191,556  



Georgia — 6.5%  

City of Atlanta Georgia Water & Wastewater Revenue, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 11/01/32

    8,315       9,786,256  

Cobb County Kennestone Hospital Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 04/01/32

    1,250       1,535,625  

4.00%, 04/01/33

    200       242,384  

4.00%, 04/01/34

    275       331,290  

4.00%, 04/01/35

    275       329,948  

4.00%, 04/01/36

    300       358,275  

George L Smith II Congress Center Authority, RB, 4.00%, 01/01/36

    1,750       2,045,680  

Georgia Housing & Finance Authority, Refunding RB, S/F Housing, Series A, 2.75%, 12/01/35

    3,000       3,171,330  

Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., RB


Series A, 5.50%, 09/15/28

    2,500       3,242,500  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/33

    5,000       6,208,700  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/34

    5,250       6,497,242  

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, RB


5.00%, 01/01/34

    700       858,235  

5.00%, 01/01/35

    1,225       1,499,155  

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, Refunding RB


Sub-Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/34

    2,295       2,860,993  

Sub-Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/35

    925       1,150,644  



Illinois — 14.8%            

Chicago Board of Education, Refunding GO


Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/28

    385       472,892  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/29

    470       584,163  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/30

    1,580       1,958,442  

Series C, 5.00%, 12/01/26

    4,730       5,633,146  

Series D, 5.00%, 12/01/26

    4,185       4,983,916  

Chicago Board of Education, Refunding GO, CAB, Series A, 0.00%, 12/01/25(c)

    420       392,225  

Chicago Midway International Airport, Refunding ARB


Series A, 2nd Lien, AMT, 5.00%, 01/01/32

    5,000       5,551,450  

Series A, 2nd Lien, AMT, 5.50%, 01/01/32

    1,500       1,619,910  

Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Refunding ARB


Series C, AMT, Senior Lien, 5.25%, 01/01/28

    1,350       1,455,867  

Series C, AMT, Senior Lien, 5.25%, 01/01/29

    3,020       3,255,862  

Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Refunding RB


Series B, 5.00%, 01/01/32

    3,745       4,334,538  

Series A, AMT, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 01/01/23

    13,000           13,982,410  

Chicago Transit Authority Sales Tax Receipts Fund, RB, 5.25%, 12/01/21(b)

    3,700       3,808,484  

Cook County Community College District No.508, GO, 5.13%, 12/01/38

    1,000       1,084,350  

Illinois Finance Authority, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/28

    810       917,390  

Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/29

    400       451,704  

Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/30

    500       563,125  



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Illinois (continued)  

Illinois Finance Authority, RB (continued)


Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/31

  $ 500      $ 561,950  

Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/32

    500        560,685  

Illinois Finance Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 03/01/30

    550        673,216  

5.00%, 03/01/32

    920        1,118,803  

Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/34

    9,140        9,830,984  

Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/31

    4,220        5,041,845  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 12/15/28

    1,200        1,452,408  

State of Illinois, GO


5.25%, 07/01/29

    5,000        5,413,300  

5.00%, 04/01/31

    1,000        1,098,360  

5.00%, 05/01/31

    5,010        5,515,509  

5.00%, 11/01/34

    5,000        5,833,100  

Series A, 5.00%, 03/01/35

    2,000        2,520,480  

Series D, 5.00%, 11/01/28

    350        418,905  

State of Illinois, Refunding GO, Series B, 5.00%, 10/01/27

    120        146,485  



Indiana — 1.9%  

Indiana Finance Authority, RB, Series A, 1st Lien, 5.25%, 10/01/31

    10,000        10,208,200  

Indiana Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.13%, 12/01/26

    1,270        1,366,698  



Iowa — 0.1%  

Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 12/01/26

    775        920,770  



Kansas — 1.3%  

Kansas City Industrial Development Authority, ARB, AMT, 4.00%, 03/01/35

    1,480        1,736,173  

Seward County Unified School District No.480 Liberal, Refunding GO


5.00%, 09/01/22(b)

    3,990        4,248,193  

5.00%, 09/01/33

    2,010        2,138,178  



Kentucky(b) — 0.5%  

Louisville/Jefferson County Metropolitan Government, Refunding RB


5.00%, 06/01/22

    120        126,280  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/22

    2,750        2,893,907  



Louisiana — 2.9%  

City of Bossier City Louisiana Utilities Revenue, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 10/01/24(b)

    2,000        2,289,920  

Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities & Community Development Auth, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 12/01/21(b)

    7,160        7,360,551  

New Orleans Aviation Board, ARB, Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/33

    1,000        1,156,750  
Security   Par
Louisiana (continued)  

State of Louisiana Gasoline & Fuels Tax Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A-1, 4.00%, 05/01/34

  $   3,000      $ 3,112,080  

Terrebonne Levee & Conservation District, RB, 5.00%, 07/01/23(b)

    3,660        4,041,299  



Maine — 0.6%  

Finance Authority of Maine, Refunding RB


Series A-1, AMT, (AGM), 5.00%, 12/01/28

    1,000        1,198,700  

Series A-1, AMT, (AGM), 3.00%, 12/01/29

    2,300        2,383,260  



Maryland — 1.3%  

City of Baltimore Maryland, Refunding


Series A, Senior Lien, 2.95%, 06/01/27

    175        179,365  

Series A, Senior Lien, 3.05%, 06/01/28

    190        195,713  

Series A, Senior Lien, 3.15%, 06/01/29

    200        207,232  

City of Baltimore Maryland, TA, Series B, 3.38%, 06/01/29(a)

    285        289,144  

Maryland Economic Development Corp., Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/29

    1,835        2,179,007  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/30

    1,015        1,200,654  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/31

    1,000        1,173,650  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/32

    1,000        1,168,210  

Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority, RB, Series B, 5.00%, 07/01/22(b)

    1,140        1,202,928  



Massachusetts — 1.6%  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Refunding RB


5.00%, 07/01/29

    2,700        3,338,793  

5.00%, 07/01/30

    3,125        3,849,844  

Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/31

    1,730        1,984,967  

Series G, 5.00%, 07/01/35

    400        517,452  



Michigan — 2.6%  

City of Detroit Michigan, GO


5.00%, 04/01/26

    265        307,032  

5.00%, 04/01/27

    210        248,669  

5.00%, 04/01/28

    235        283,744  

5.00%, 04/01/29

    235        282,501  

5.00%, 04/01/30

    180        219,107  

5.00%, 04/01/31

    265        316,108  

5.00%, 04/01/32

    225        267,372  

5.00%, 04/01/33

    295        349,365  

Michigan Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series C-3, Senior Lien, (AGM), 5.00%, 07/01/31

    4,000        4,558,640  

Michigan State Building Authority, Refunding RB, Series II-A, 5.00%, 10/15/21(b)

    2,500        2,553,900  

Michigan Strategic Fund, RB


AMT, 5.00%, 06/30/33

    2,415        2,997,498  

AMT, 5.00%, 12/31/33

    2,000        2,480,060  

Michigan Strategic Fund, Refunding RB


5.00%, 11/15/29

    440        513,374  

5.00%, 11/15/34

    490        557,066  



Minnesota — 2.0%  

City of Minneapolis Minnesota, RB


4.00%, 06/01/30

    150        161,729  




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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Minnesota (continued)  

City of Minneapolis Minnesota, RB (continued)


4.00%, 06/01/31

  $ 50     $ 53,433  

City of Minneapolis Minnesota, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/33

    2,370       2,960,888  

Duluth Economic Development Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/33

    1,000       1,234,190  

Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/34

    1,185       1,458,652  

Housing & Redevelopment Authority of The City of St. Paul Minnesota, RB, Series A, 4.75%, 07/01/29(a)

    250       274,727  

University of Minnesota, RB


Series B, 5.00%, 08/01/36

    1,000       1,010,900  

Series C, 5.00%, 08/01/27

    1,390       1,537,507  

Series C, 5.00%, 08/01/28

    740       818,181  

Series C, 5.00%, 08/01/29

    1,555       1,718,244  

Series C, 5.00%, 08/01/30

    835       922,149  



Missouri — 0.3%            

Industrial Development Authority of the City of St. Louis Missouri, Refunding RB, Series A, 3.88%, 11/15/29

    350       347,725  

St Louis County Industrial Development Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 09/01/27

    360       418,863  

5.00%, 09/01/32

    1,015       1,175,350  



Montana — 0.1%            

Yellowstone County School District No.2 Billings, GO, 5.00%, 06/15/24(b)

    500       573,830  



Nebraska — 0.7%            

Douglas County Hospital Authority No.3, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 11/01/30

    800       950,696  

Nebraska Public Power District, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/30

    1,000       1,032,000  

Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/32

    2,000       2,063,960  



Nevada — 1.2%            

City of Las Vegas Nevada Special Improvement District No.814, SAB


3.50%, 06/01/28

    160       172,264  

3.25%, 06/01/30

    350       361,753  

City of Reno Nevada, Refunding RB, Series A-1, (AGM), 5.00%, 06/01/31

    1,000       1,217,380  

County of Clark Department of Aviation, Refunding RB, Series A-2, Sub Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/33

    5,000       5,677,800  



New Hampshire(a) — 0.3%            

New Hampshire Business Finance Authority, RB, AMT, 2.95%, 04/01/29

    1,000       1,013,650  

New Hampshire Business Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, AMT, 4.00%, 11/01/27

    795       824,614  



New Jersey — 22.4%            

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, RB


AMT, 5.13%, 09/15/23

    4,670       4,972,523  

AMT, 5.50%, 01/01/26

    1,500       1,696,095  

AMT, 5.50%, 01/01/27

    1,000       1,130,000  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Refunding ARB AMT,


5.00%, 10/01/26

    2,135       2,558,093  
Security   Par
New Jersey (continued)            

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Refunding ARB (continued)


AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/27

  $ 1,680     $ 2,057,614  

New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority, RB, 5.00%, 06/15/28

    10,000       11,359,100  

New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 07/01/25(b)

    1,966       2,339,933  

5.00%, 07/01/30

    3,034       3,555,181  

New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, RB, Series B, AMT, 3.50%, 12/01/39

    2,130       2,259,163  

New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, Refunding RB


1st Series, AMT, 5.50%, 12/01/26

    590       603,505  

Series B, AMT, 5.00%, 12/01/27

    1,000       1,223,800  

Series B, AMT, 5.00%, 12/01/28

    1,000       1,212,450  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, RB


Series A, 5.25%, 06/15/21(b)

    2,785       2,801,237  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/30

    2,000       2,373,240  

Series AA, 5.25%, 06/15/31

    12,000       13,190,880  

Series AA, 5.25%, 06/15/32

    2,250       2,646,180  

Series AA, 5.00%, 06/15/35

    3,000       3,672,150  

Series B, 5.25%, 06/15/26

    3,500       3,519,775  

Series B, 5.50%, 06/15/31

    11,780       11,850,091  

Series C, 5.25%, 06/15/32

    10,000       11,582,000  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/30

    1,695       2,011,456  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/15/33

    2,285       2,803,581  

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, RB, Series E, 5.00%, 01/01/32

    12,000       13,893,600  

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.00%, 01/01/23(b)

    6,000       6,480,780  

Newark Housing Authority Scholarship Foundation A New Jersey Non, RB, M/F Housing


Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/23

    1,230       1,334,980  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/25

    1,345       1,483,010  

South Jersey Port Corp., ARB


Series B, AMT, 5.00%, 01/01/29

    250       299,098  

Series B, AMT, 5.00%, 01/01/30

    200       238,226  

Series B, AMT, 5.00%, 01/01/31

    350       414,375  

Series B, AMT, 5.00%, 01/01/32

    425       500,552  

State of New Jersey, GO, 5.00%, 06/01/28

    5,000       5,870,400  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/30

    850       1,059,933  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/32

    11,980       14,880,358  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/33

    220       272,545  



New Mexico — 1.2%            

Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 07/01/33

    2,510       2,862,203  

Albuquerque Municipal School District No.12, GO, Series 2017, (SAW), 5.00%, 08/01/30

    1,250       1,525,488  

City of Santa Fe New Mexico, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/34

    170       188,142  

New Mexico Hospital Equipment Loan Council, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 08/01/31

    2,500       2,955,950  






C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
New York — 10.9%  

Buffalo & Erie County Industrial Land Development Corp., Refunding RB


Series A, 4.00%, 06/01/22

  $ 410     $ 416,839  

Series A, 4.50%, 06/01/27

    1,710       1,920,245  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/35

    415       469,884  

Build NYC Resource Corp., RB, Series A, 4.88%, 05/01/31(a)

    450       504,005  

Build NYC Resource Corp., Refunding RB, 5.00%, 08/01/35

    665       807,230  

Huntington Local Development Corp., RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/36

    940       969,563  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, RB


Series B, 5.25%, 11/15/38

    3,145       3,553,976  

Sub-Series A-1, 5.00%, 11/15/40

    2,355       2,703,681  

Sub-Series B-1, 5.00%, 11/15/21(b)

    2,300       2,359,386  

Sub-Series B-4, 5.00%, 11/15/21(b)

    1,500       1,538,730  

Monroe County Industrial Development Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/23(b)

    5,695       6,289,843  

New York City Industrial Development Agency, Refunding RB


(AGM), 4.00%, 03/01/32

    1,030       1,251,399  

Class A, (AGM), 3.00%, 01/01/35

    500       548,080  

Class A, (AGM), 3.00%, 01/01/36

    1,000       1,085,370  

New York State Dormitory Authority, RB, Series A, 5.25%, 07/01/21(b)

    900       907,236  

New York State Dormitory Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 12/01/27(a)

    900       1,085,553  

5.00%, 12/01/28(a)

    1,800       2,169,180  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/01/32

    3,060       3,549,753  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/32

    9,000       10,573,830  

New York Transportation Development Corp., RB, AMT, 4.00%, 10/01/30

    2,775       3,279,550  

Niagara Area Development Corp., Refunding RB, Series B, 3.50%, 11/01/24(a)

    1,000       1,039,530  

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, ARB, Consolidated, 221st Series, AMT, 4.00%, 07/15/36

    2,650       3,133,121  

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, Refunding ARB


Series 223, AMT, 4.00%, 07/15/36

    1,625       1,949,382  

Series 223, AMT, 4.00%, 07/15/37

    3,250       3,882,222  

Troy Capital Resource Corp., Refunding RB


5.00%, 09/01/32

    3,000       3,908,430  

Series A, 5.00%, 09/01/33

    860       1,116,246  

Westchester County Healthcare Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 11/01/21(b)

    6,125       6,271,735  



North Carolina — 0.3%            

North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/31

    1,500       1,597,470  



Ohio — 2.1%            

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Refunding RB


Series A-2, Class 1, 4.00%, 06/01/37

    1,000       1,174,140  

Series A-2, Class 1, 4.00%, 06/01/38

    1,000       1,171,290  

Series A-2, Class 1, 4.00%, 06/01/39

    1,000       1,167,880  
Security   Par
Ohio (continued)            

County of Allen Ohio Hospital Facilities Revenue, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 12/01/35

  $ 850     $ 1,090,278  

Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, Refunding RB, 3.25%, 09/01/29

    1,550       1,681,471  

Ohio Turnpike & Infrastructure Commission, RB, Series A-1, Junior Lien, 5.25%, 02/15/31

    6,000       6,552,060  



Oklahoma — 1.2%            

Oklahoma City Public Property Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 10/01/27

    1,190       1,388,730  

5.00%, 10/01/28

    1,265       1,475,155  

5.00%, 10/01/29

    1,400       1,631,364  

Oklahoma Development Finance Authority, RB


Series B, 5.00%, 08/15/29

    1,200       1,510,752  

Series B, 5.00%, 08/15/33

    1,305       1,607,290  



Oregon — 1.1%            

Klamath County School District, GO


(GTD), 5.00%, 06/15/30

    1,000       1,100,370  

(GTD), 5.00%, 06/15/31

    1,000       1,099,790  

State of Oregon, GO, Series H, 5.00%, 05/01/22(b)

    2,000       2,096,640  

Umatilla County School District No.16R Pendleton, GO, Series A, (GTD), 5.00%, 06/15/24(b)

    2,000       2,296,900  



Pennsylvania — 7.2%            

Allentown Neighborhood Improvement Zone Development Authority, RB(a)


5.00%, 05/01/22

    550       570,598  

5.00%, 05/01/23

    335       353,706  

5.00%, 05/01/28

    835       976,641  

Bucks County Industrial Development Authority, RB


5.00%, 07/01/35

    1,100       1,339,536  

5.00%, 07/01/36

    1,250       1,519,113  

Commonwealth Financing Authority, RB


5.00%, 06/01/33

    2,000       2,464,660  

5.00%, 06/01/34

    3,750       4,610,287  

County of Allegheny Pennsylvania, GO, Series C-67, 5.00%, 11/01/21(b)

    5,075       5,195,227  

County of Allegheny Pennsylvania, Refunding GO, Series C-68, 5.00%, 11/01/21(b)

    2,515       2,574,580  

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, RB


Series A-1, 5.00%, 04/15/35

    1,450       1,864,134  

Series A-1, 4.00%, 04/15/36

    1,545       1,834,688  

AMT, 5.00%, 12/31/28

    115       137,221  

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, RB


Sub-Series B, 5.25%, 12/01/21(b)

    4,000       4,116,480  

Subordinate, 4.00%, 12/01/43

    3,000       3,485,010  

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Refunding RB


2nd Series, 5.00%, 12/01/30

    2,620       3,254,276  

Sub-Series B, 5.00%, 06/01/32

    5,000       6,124,950  

School District of Philadelphia, GO


Series A, (SAW), 5.00%, 09/01/30

    1,200       1,521,432  




2 0 2 1   B L A C K O C K  N N U A L  E P O R T   T O  H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Pennsylvania (continued)  

School District of Philadelphia, GO (continued)


Series A, (SAW), 5.00%, 09/01/31

  $ 1,000     $ 1,261,110  

Series A, (SAW), 5.00%, 09/01/32

    1,200       1,506,984  



Puerto Rico — 4.5%  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue, RB


Series A-1, Restructured, 4.50%, 07/01/34

    4,365       4,780,548  

Series A-1, Restructured, 4.75%, 07/01/53

    350       388,559  

Series A-1, Restructured, 5.00%, 07/01/58

    2,209       2,481,613  

Series A-2, Restructured, 4.33%, 07/01/40

    1,919       2,098,100  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue, RB, CAB(c)


Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/27

    11,890       10,580,792  

Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/29

    446       377,539  

Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/31

    1,464       1,134,146  

Series B-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/27

    2,521       2,237,665  

Series B-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/29

    4,466       3,784,801  



Rhode Island — 1.6%  

Providence Redevelopment Agency, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 04/01/29

    1,000       1,097,290  

Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corp., RB, Series C, 5.00%, 05/15/30

    2,305       2,418,775  

Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corp., Refunding RB, 5.00%, 09/01/32

    2,000       2,213,300  

Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, RB


Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 12/01/27

    1,000       1,208,540  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 12/01/28

    1,000       1,221,130  

Rhode Island Student Loan Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 12/01/24

    750       858,180  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 12/01/25

    850       994,891  



South Carolina — 2.9%  

South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 11/15/27

    730       774,844  

South Carolina Public Service Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/30

    5,500       6,658,685  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/31

    5,660       6,846,166  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/32

    200       241,686  

Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/33

    800       963,296  

Series A, 4.00%, 12/01/34

    2,100       2,537,094  



Tennessee — 1.0%  

Memphis-Shelby County Industrial Development Board, Refunding TA, Series A, 4.75%, 07/01/27

    190       190,228  

Metropolitan Government Nashville & Davidson County Health & Educational Facilities Board, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/35

    4,000       4,822,760  

Metropolitan Government Nashville & Davidson County Health & Educational Facilities Board, Refunding RB


5.00%, 10/01/29

    350       401,513  

5.00%, 10/01/34

    450       513,436  



Texas — 8.1%  

City of Grapevine Texas, GO, 5.00%, 02/15/33

    5,685       6,162,028  
Security   Par
Texas (continued)  

City of Houston Texas Airport System Revenue, Refunding ARB


Sub-Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/31

  $   1,430     $ 1,770,269  

Sub-Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/32

    1,515       1,872,070  

City of Houston Texas Airport System Revenue, Refunding RB(b)


Series A, AMT, Sub Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/21

    1,500       1,511,115  

Series A, AMT, Subordinate Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/22

    1,010       1,064,348  

Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, ARB, Series D, AMT, 5.00%, 11/01/21(b)

    8,290       8,482,411  

Love Field Airport Modernization Corp., RB, AMT, 5.00%, 11/01/28

    1,000       1,066,580  

Mission Economic Development Corp., Refunding RB, AMT, Senior Lien, 4.63%, 10/01/31(a)

    1,360       1,442,484  

New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., RB(a)


Series A, 3.63%, 08/15/22

    70       70,356  

Series A, 4.25%, 08/15/27

    160       160,848  

Red River Education Finance Corp., RB, 5.00%, 03/15/23(b)

    1,340       1,460,077  

San Jacinto River Authority, RB, (AGM), 5.25%, 10/01/25

    2,910       2,919,952  

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., RB, Series B, 5.00%, 07/01/33

    8,485       10,672,772  

Texas Municipal Gas Acquisition & Supply Corp. III, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 12/15/32

    3,450       4,640,699  

Via Metropolitan Transit, Refunding RB, 5.25%, 08/01/23(b)

    6,305       7,016,835  



U.S. Virgin Islands — 0.6%  

Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, (AGM), 5.25%, 10/01/24

    3,600       3,865,716  



Utah — 1.0%            

Salt Lake City Corp. Airport Revenue, ARB, Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/33

    3,500       4,320,260  

Utah Charter School Finance Authority, RB, Series A, 3.63%, 06/15/29(a)

    480       495,437  

Utah Charter School Finance Authority, Refunding RB, 4.50%, 06/15/27(a)

    1,500       1,587,510  



Vermont — 1.0%  

University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 10/01/30

    5,565       6,232,021  



Virginia — 0.1%            

Henrico County Economic Development Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 10/01/33

    495       552,435  



Washington — 0.8%            

Washington State Convention Center Public Facilities District RB, 4.00%, 07/01/31

    1,730       1,974,311  

Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Refunding RB(a)


5.00%, 01/01/27

    1,560       1,850,597  

5.00%, 01/01/28

    750       888,787  



West Virginia — 0.2%  

West Virginia University, RB, Series B, 5.00%, 10/01/21(b)

    1,500       1,529,835  






C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Wisconsin — 1.4%  

Public Finance Authority, RB


5.00%, 04/01/30(a)

  $ 500     $ 588,310  

5.00%, 06/15/34

    430       512,719  

Series A, 4.00%, 03/01/30(a)

    445       463,089  

Public Finance Authority, Refunding RB


4.00%, 09/01/29(a)

    150       150,147  

Series B, AMT, 5.25%, 07/01/28

    4,765       5,013,924  

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB


(AGM), 4.00%, 02/15/35

    750       898,920  

(AGM), 4.00%, 02/15/36

    800       954,392  







Total Municipal Bonds — 133.7%
(Cost: $760,565,768)




Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts(f)  
California — 6.1%            

Bay Area Toll Authority, Refunding RB, 3.07%, 04/01/31(g)

    8,080       9,609,948  

State of California, Refunding GO


5.00%, 10/01/35

    12,500       15,068,249  

4.00%, 03/01/37(g)

    10,775       13,026,110  



Iowa — 1.3%            

Iowa Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series C, 4.13%, 02/15/35

    7,500       8,223,600  



Massachusetts — 3.2%            

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Refunding RB


5.00%, 07/01/32

    7,500       9,361,800  

Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/21(b)

    4,950       4,988,162  

Series L, 5.00%, 07/01/21(b)

    5,225       5,265,282  



New Jersey — 1.4%            

New Jersey Housing & Mortgage Finance Agency, Refunding RB


Series BB, AMT, 3.70%, 04/01/28

    4,367       4,804,153  

Series BB, AMT, 3.70%, 10/01/28

    3,384       3,722,920  



New York — 9.7%            

City of New York, GO, Sub-Series 1-I, 3.61%, 03/01/32

    7,009       7,892,702  

New York City Transitional Finance Authority Future Tax Secured Revenue, RB, Sub-Series B-1, 5.00%, 08/01/36

    9,444       11,343,036  

New York State Dormitory Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 03/15/36(g)

    5,505       6,652,627  

New York State Urban Development Corp., RB, Series A-1, 3.79%, 03/15/32

    5,501       5,976,417  

New York State Urban Development Corp., Refunding RB, 4.00%, 03/15/42

    10,000       11,764,699  
Security   Par
New York (continued)            

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, Refunding ARB 178th Series, AMT, 4.24%, 12/01/32

  $ 4,009     $ 4,463,390  

Consolidated, 169th Series, AMT, 5.00%, 10/15/26

    5,530       5,646,683  

Sales Tax Asset Receivable Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 10/15/31

    5,010       5,774,827  



Texas — 1.4%            

Pflugerville Independent School District, GO, (PSF-GTD), 2.85%, 02/15/24(b)

    7,500       8,490,300  



Washington — 2.9%            

Port of Seattle Washington, ARB, Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/01/34

    15,000       18,052,500  




Total Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts — 26.0%
(Cost: $148,383,950)






Total Long-Term Investments — 159.7%
(Cost: $908,949,718)





Short-Term Securities  
Money Market Funds — 0.0%  

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, MuniCash, Institutional Class,

    126,493       126,519  




Total Short-Term Securities — 0.0%
(Cost: $126,519)






Total Investments — 159.7%
(Cost: $909,076,237)



Other Assets Less Liabilities — 1.9%



Liability for TOB Trust Certificates, Including Interest Expense and Fees Payable — (15.1)%



VMTP Shares at Liquidation Value — (46.5)%






Net Assets Applicable to Common Shares — 100.0%


  $     617,031,656  






Security exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified institutional investors.


U.S. Government securities held in escrow, are used to pay interest on this security as well as to retire the bond in full at the date indicated, typically at a premium to par.


Zero-coupon bond.


Issuer filed for bankruptcy and/or is in default.


Non-income producing security.


Represent bonds transferred to a TOB Trust in exchange of cash and residual certificates received by the Fund. These bonds serve as collateral in a secured borrowing. See Note 4 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.


All or a portion of the security is subject to a recourse agreement. The aggregate maximum potential amount the Fund could ultimately be required to pay under the agreements, which expire between September 15, 2024 to March 1, 2028, is $17,439,023. See Note 4 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.


Affiliate of the Fund.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.





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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)



Investments in issuers considered to be affiliate(s) of the Fund during the year ended April 30, 2021 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Value at
at Cost
from Sales
Gain (Loss)
     Change in
     Value at
Held at
     Income      Capital Gain

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, MuniCash, Institutional Class

   $      $ 127,048 (a)     $      $ (529    $      $ 126,519        126,493      $ 381      $  


















Represents net amount purchased (sold).


Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Futures Contracts


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Short Contracts


10-Year U.S. Treasury Note

     262        06/21/21      $ 34,617      $ 482,424  

U.S. Long Treasury Bond

     26        06/21/21        4,090        85,537  



            $ 567,961  




Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Assets — Derivative Financial Instruments


Futures contracts


Unrealized appreciation on futures contracts(a)

   $      $      $      $      $ 567,961      $      $ 567,961  
























Net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts and centrally cleared swaps, if any, are reported in the Schedule of Investments. In the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, only current day’s variation margin is reported in receivables or payables and the net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is included in accumulated earnings (loss).


For the year ended April 30, 2021, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from


Futures contracts

   $      $      $      $      $ 1,004,936      $      $ 1,004,936  






















Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on


Futures contracts

   $      $      $      $      $ 567,961      $      $ 567,961  






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments


Futures contracts


Average notional value of contracts — short

   $ 27,460,273  

For more information about the Fund’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021

   BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of financial instruments. For a description of the input levels and information about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Fund’s financial instruments categorized in the fair value hierarchy. The breakdown of the Fund’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Long-Term Investments


Municipal Bonds

   $        $ 825,011,345        $        $ 825,011,345  

Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts

              160,127,405                   160,127,405  

Short-Term Securities


Money Market Funds

     126,519                            126,519  












   $ 126,519        $ 985,138,750        $        $ 985,265,269  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)




Interest Rate Contracts

   $ 567,961        $        $             —        $ 567,961  















Derivative financial instruments are futures contracts. Futures contracts are valued at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instrument.


The Fund may hold assets and/or liabilities in which the fair value approximates the carrying amount for financial statement purposes. As of period end, such assets and/or liabilities are categorized within the fair value hierarchy as follows:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  



TOB Trust Certificates

   $        $ (93,068,875      $        $ (93,068,875

VMTP Shares at Liquidation Value

              (287,100,000                 (287,100,000












   $             —        $ (380,168,875      $             —        $ (380,168,875













See notes to financial statements.




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Schedule of Investments

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par

Municipal Bonds


Alabama — 1.5%


County of Jefferson Alabama Sewer Revenue, Refunding RB


Series A, Senior Lien, (AGM), 5.00%, 10/01/44

  $ 805     $ 894,781  

Series D, Sub Lien, 6.00%, 10/01/42

    3,575       4,118,579  



Alaska — 0.0%            

Northern Tobacco Securitization Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, 4.63%, 06/01/23

    70       70,108  



Arizona — 0.7%            

Glendale Industrial Development Authority, RB


5.00%, 05/15/41

    90       101,642  

5.00%, 05/15/56

    360       400,219  

Industrial Development Authority of the City of Phoenix, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/46(a)

    1,685       1,848,951  



Arkansas — 0.8%            

Arkansas Development Finance Authority, RB, AMT, 4.50%, 09/01/49(a)

    2,455       2,696,400  



California — 6.0%            

California Educational Facilities Authority, RB, Series V-1, 5.00%, 05/01/49

    2,095       3,259,234  

California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/33

    890       974,879  

Series A, 4.00%, 04/01/45

    390       449,163  

California Municipal Finance Authority, ARB, AMT, Senior Lien, 4.00%, 12/31/47

    1,475       1,626,158  

California Municipal Finance Authority, RB, S/F Housing


Series A, 5.25%, 08/15/39

    145       159,461  

Series A, 5.25%, 08/15/49

    370       403,359  

California Municipal Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 02/01/42

    225       265,599  

California Pollution Control Financing Authority, RB, Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 11/21/45(a)

    1,495       1,562,679  

California State Public Works Board, RB, Series I, 5.00%, 11/01/38

    775       861,513  

City of Los Angeles Department of Airports, Refunding ARB


Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/31

    345       460,920  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/32

    410       546,280  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/33

    405       534,730  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/34

    420       551,825  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/35

    665       869,641  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/38

    290       375,634  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/39

    310       400,343  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/40

    650       837,109  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/15/41

    695       893,019  

Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Refunding RB, Series A-2, 5.00%, 06/01/47

    2,745       2,837,507  

San Marcos Unified School District, GO, CAB, Series B, 0.00%, 08/01/42(b)

    2,000       1,221,660  

State of California, Refunding GO, 3.00%, 12/01/46

    500       540,495  

Stockton Public Financing Authority, RB, Series A, 6.25%, 10/01/23(c)

    360       412,646  



Security   Par
Colorado — 1.7%            

Arapahoe County School District No.6 Littleton, GO, Series A, (SAW), 5.50%, 12/01/43

  $   1,705     $ 2,236,755  

Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 08/01/44

    1,765       2,007,388  

State of Colorado, COP, Series O, 4.00%, 03/15/44

    1,275       1,472,829  



Connecticut — 0.2%            

State of Connecticut Special Tax Revenue, RB


Series A, 4.00%, 05/01/36

    330       395,452  

Series A, 4.00%, 05/01/39

    210       248,695  



Delaware — 0.4%            

Delaware Transportation Authority, RB, 5.00%, 06/01/55

    1,165       1,335,358  



District of Columbia — 6.0%            

District of Columbia, Refunding RB


5.00%, 04/01/35

    435       520,765  

5.00%, 10/01/48

    2,315       2,717,139  

Series A, 6.00%, 07/01/23(c)

    240       270,151  

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Dulles Toll Road Revenue, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/53

    2,010       2,082,380  

Series B, Subordinate, 4.00%, 10/01/49

    765       867,127  

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Dulles Toll Road Revenue, Refunding RB,


Series B, 2nd Senior Lien, (AGC), 0.00%, 10/01/33

    6,590       5,150,480  

Series B, 2nd Senior Lien, (AGC), 0.00%, 10/01/34

    4,830       3,651,915  

Series B, 2nd Senior Lien, (AGC), 0.00%, 10/01/35

    6,515       4,761,227  



Florida — 6.2%            

Capital Projects Finance Authority, Refunding RB


Series A-1, 5.00%, 10/01/32

    195       237,608  

Series A-1, 5.00%, 10/01/33

    215       260,477  

Series A-1, 5.00%, 10/01/34

    215       259,026  

Series A-1, 5.00%, 10/01/35

    75       89,998  

Celebration Pointe Community Development District, SAB(a)


5.00%, 05/01/32

    450       498,847  

5.00%, 05/01/48

    1,120       1,207,326  

Collier County Health Facilities Authority, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 05/01/48

    1,190       1,399,761  

Collier County Health Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 05/01/45

    1,340       1,511,815  

Florida Development Finance Corp., RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/40

    215       244,414  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/50

    720       802,750  

Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/55

    435       483,498  

Miami-Dade County Florida Aviation Revenue, Refunding RB


Series A, 4.00%, 10/01/37

    325       387,589  

Series A, 4.00%, 10/01/38

    325       386,370  

Series A, 4.00%, 10/01/39

    240       284,129  

Mid-Bay Bridge Authority, RB, Series A, 7.25%, 10/01/21(c)

    3,015       3,103,098  

Palm Beach County Health Facilities Authority, RB, 5.00%, 11/15/45

    3,150       3,647,700  

Sarasota County Florida Utility System Revenue, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/45

    435       560,228  

Series A, 5.00%, 10/01/50

    650       831,239  



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Florida (continued)  

Village Community Development District No.10, SAB, 5.13%, 05/01/43

  $   2,065     $ 2,145,039  

Volusia County Educational Facility Authority, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 10/15/49

    1,750       2,146,147  



Georgia — 4.9%  

Development Authority for Fulton County, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 03/15/44

    5,000       5,365,600  

Gainesville & Hall County Hospital Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, (GTD), 5.50%, 08/15/54

    515       596,792  

George L Smith II Congress Center Authority, RB, 4.00%, 01/01/54

    350       395,738  

Georgia Housing & Finance Authority, RB, S/F Housing, Series B, 2.50%, 06/01/50

    720       721,843  

Glynn-Brunswick Memorial Hospital Authority, RB, 5.00%, 08/01/47

    2,500       2,906,050  

Main Street Natural Gas, Inc., RB


Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/35

    490       671,844  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/36

    490       677,484  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/37

    540       753,624  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/38

    295       416,558  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/15/49

    985       1,460,233  

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, RB, 4.00%, 01/01/49

    1,560       1,741,771  

Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, Refunding RB, Sub-Series A, 4.00%, 01/01/49

    610       687,189  



Idaho — 0.3%  

Idaho Health Facilities Authority, RB, Series 2017, 5.00%, 12/01/46

    745       895,341  



Illinois — 10.8%            

Chicago Board of Education, GO


Series C, 5.25%, 12/01/35

    1,465       1,628,919  

Series D, 5.00%, 12/01/46

    1,915       2,087,440  

Series H, 5.00%, 12/01/36

    450       528,012  

Chicago Board of Education, Refunding GO


Series C, 5.00%, 12/01/25

    1,460       1,703,432  

Series F, 5.00%, 12/01/24

    615       700,676  

Series G, 5.00%, 12/01/34

    450       532,485  

Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Refunding RB, Series A, Senior Lien, 4.00%, 01/01/37

    935       1,097,886  

Chicago Transit Authority Sales Tax Receipts Fund, RB, 5.25%, 12/01/21(c)

    1,050       1,080,786  

City of Chicago Illinois Special Assessment Revenue, SAB, 6.75%, 12/01/32

    766       768,045  

City of Chicago Illinois Waterworks Revenue, Refunding RB


2nd Lien, (AGM), 5.25%, 11/01/33

    260       260,978  

2nd Lien, 5.00%, 11/01/42

    915       969,232  

Cook County Community College District No.508, GO, 5.50%, 12/01/38

    805       880,469  

Illinois Finance Authority, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/47

    235       257,029  

Series A, 5.00%, 02/15/50

    130       141,782  

Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/45

    1,290       1,640,003  

Series C, 5.00%, 01/01/37

    2,800           3,230,584  
Security   Par
Illinois (continued)            

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 06/15/57

  $ 870     $ 1,016,534  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 06/15/50

    1,340       1,492,988  

Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, Refunding RB, CAB, Series B, (AGM), 0.00%, 06/15/43(b)

    5,175       2,781,614  

Railsplitter Tobacco Settlement Authority, RB, 6.00%, 06/01/21(c)

    1,140       1,144,982  

Regional Transportation Authority, RB, Series A, (NPFGC), 6.70%, 11/01/21

    910       938,674  

State of Illinois, GO


5.00%, 02/01/39

    1,540       1,664,971  

Series A, 5.00%, 04/01/35

    3,000       3,182,370  

Series A, 5.00%, 04/01/38

    3,490       3,693,292  

University of Illinois, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 04/01/44

    985       1,099,575  

Village of Hodgkins Illinois, RB, AMT, 6.00%, 11/01/23

    1,525       1,531,451  



Indiana — 3.1%  

City of Valparaiso Indiana, RB


AMT, 6.75%, 01/01/34

    790       873,756  

AMT, 7.00%, 01/01/44

    1,905       2,127,771  

Indiana Finance Authority, RB


Series A, 1st Lien, 5.25%, 10/01/38

    3,280       3,346,617  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/44

    450       481,423  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/48

    1,430       1,542,169  

Series A, AMT, 5.25%, 01/01/51

    405       441,972  

Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 01/15/40

    1,270       1,368,527  



Iowa — 0.9%  

Iowa Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.25%, 12/01/50(d)

    2,810       3,067,143  



Kentucky — 1.2%            

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, RB, Series A, 5.25%, 01/01/23(c)

    995       1,079,137  

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, (AGM), 5.00%, 12/01/45

    1,235       1,501,810  

Kentucky Public Transportation Infrastructure Authority, RB, CAB, Series C, 6.75%, 07/01/43(e)

    1,200       1,426,908  



Louisiana — 2.1%  

Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 12/15/50

    2,000       2,215,640  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Refunding RB


Series A, 5.50%, 05/15/30

    810       811,320  

Series A, 5.25%, 05/15/31

    830       831,726  

Series A, 5.25%, 05/15/32

    1,110       1,159,462  

Series A, 5.25%, 05/15/33

    1,205       1,258,418  

Series A, 5.25%, 05/15/35

    505       547,087  



Maryland — 0.8%  

Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority, RB


Series 2017, 5.00%, 12/01/46

    420       504,861  




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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Maryland (continued)  

Maryland Health & Higher Educational Facilities Authority, RB (continued)


Series B, (NPFGC),
7.00%, 07/01/22(f)

  $ 450      $ 479,894  

Maryland State Transportation Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 2.50%, 07/01/47

    1,755        1,761,142  



Massachusetts — 1.5%  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Refunding RB(a)


4.00%, 10/01/32

    215        232,794  

4.13%, 10/01/42

    470        506,420  

Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, RB, M/F Housing


Series C-1, 3.15%, 12/01/49

    550        575,762  

Series C-1, 3.25%, 12/01/54

    2,030        2,134,362  

Massachusetts Port Authority, RB, Series E, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/51

    1,110        1,404,661  



Michigan — 3.2%  

City of Detroit Michigan Sewage Disposal System Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, Senior Lien, 5.25%, 07/01/22(c)

    4,425        4,683,376  

Michigan Finance Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 12/01/48

    2,000        2,442,360  

Series A, 4.00%, 12/01/49

    810        931,233  

Michigan State University, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.00%, 02/15/48

    990        1,238,579  

Michigan Strategic Fund, RB, AMT, 5.00%, 06/30/48

    1,070        1,285,455  



Minnesota — 1.4%  

Duluth Economic Development Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 4.25%, 02/15/48

    2,020        2,283,004  

Series A, 5.25%, 02/15/53

    2,045        2,490,360  



Mississippi — 3.0%  

County of Lowndes Mississippi, Refunding RB, Series A, 6.80%, 04/01/22

    3,000        3,172,140  

State of Mississippi, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 10/15/37

    1,000        1,223,390  

Series A, 4.00%, 10/15/38

    5,000        5,696,550  



Missouri — 3.1%  

Health & Educational Facilities Authority of the State of Missouri, RB, 4.00%, 06/01/53

    2,885        3,322,106  

Health & Educational Facilities Authority of the State of Missouri, Refunding RB


5.50%, 05/01/43

    245        263,243  

5.00%, 09/01/48

    2,610        3,079,226  

Series A, 4.00%, 07/01/46

    595        698,589  

Series C, 5.00%, 11/15/47

    2,570        3,076,496  



Security   Par
Nebraska — 0.7%  

Central Plains Energy Project, RB


5.25%, 09/01/37

  $ 825      $ 878,724  

5.00%, 09/01/42

    1,445        1,533,506  



New Hampshire(a) — 0.7%  

New Hampshire Business Finance Authority, Refunding RB


Series B, 4.63%, 11/01/42

    1,545        1,606,707  

Series C, AMT, 4.88%, 11/01/42

    805        841,330  



New Jersey — 15.8%  

Casino Reinvestment Development Authority, Inc., Refunding RB


5.25%, 11/01/39

    1,675        1,793,523  

5.25%, 11/01/44

    1,525        1,622,813  

Hudson County Improvement Authority, RB, 4.00%, 10/01/46

    1,655        1,944,327  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, RB


4.00%, 11/01/38

    510        577,937  

4.00%, 11/01/39

    405        457,646  

5.00%, 06/15/49

    2,295        2,763,891  

Series EEE, 5.00%, 06/15/48

    3,690        4,369,698  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Refunding ARB, AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/47

    1,425        1,632,366  

New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Refunding SAB, 5.75%, 04/01/31

    2,240        2,356,973  

New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, RB


Series A, 5.50%, 06/15/21(c)

    1,635        1,644,990  

Series AA, 5.00%, 06/15/44

    1,270        1,385,568  

Series B, 5.25%, 06/15/36

    2,460        2,473,604  

Series BB, 4.00%, 06/15/50

    1,490        1,645,318  

Series BB, 5.00%, 06/15/50

    4,120        4,870,581  

New Jersey Turnpike Authority, RB


Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/22(c)

    740        781,492  

Series A, 4.00%, 01/01/42

    730        865,430  

Series E, 5.00%, 01/01/45

    2,615        3,000,974  

State of New Jersey, GO


Series A, 4.00%, 06/01/31

    560        695,951  

Series A, 3.00%, 06/01/32

    1,300        1,488,526  

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Refunding RB


Series A, 5.25%, 06/01/46

    525        631,239  

Sub-Series B, 5.00%, 06/01/46

    13,345        15,640,874  



New York — 15.4%  

City of New York, GO, Series C, 5.00%, 08/01/42

    1,115        1,420,220  

Erie Tobacco Asset Securitization Corp., Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/45

    1,960        1,976,876  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Refunding RB


Series C-1, 4.75%, 11/15/45

    1,585        1,906,517  

Series C-1, 5.00%, 11/15/50

    515        627,883  

Series C-1, 5.25%, 11/15/55

    760        941,655  

Monroe County Industrial Development Corp., Refunding RB


4.00%, 12/01/46

    520        596,986  

Series A, 4.00%, 07/01/50

    1,065        1,235,421  

New York City Housing Development Corp., RB, M/F Housing, Series A, 3.00%, 11/01/55

    1,055        1,081,196  



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
New York (continued)  

New York City Industrial Development Agency, Refunding RB


Class A, (AGM), 3.00%, 01/01/37

  $ 215     $ 232,176  

Class A, (AGM), 3.00%, 01/01/39

    215       230,379  

Class A, (AGM), 3.00%, 01/01/40

    150       160,609  

New York City Transitional Finance Authority Future Tax Secured Revenue, RB


Sub-Series E-1, 5.00%, 02/01/42

    1,960       2,027,424  

Series C, Subordinate, 4.00%, 05/01/45

    1,080       1,260,500  

Sub-Series C-1, Subordinate, 4.00%, 05/01/40

    430       512,354  

New York Counties Tobacco Trust IV, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/38

    1,910       1,911,834  

Series A, 6.25%, 06/01/41(a)

    1,800       1,827,054  

New York Liberty Development Corp., ARB, 5.25%, 12/15/43

    10,735       11,056,191  

New York Liberty Development Corp., Refunding RB(a)


Series 1, Class 1, 5.00%, 11/15/44

    2,860       3,113,911  

Series 2, Class 2, 5.15%, 11/15/34

    340       380,066  

Series 2, Class 2, 5.38%, 11/15/40

    850       956,437  

New York State Environmental Facilities Corp., RB, Series B, Subordinate, 5.00%, 06/15/48

    1,780       2,224,502  

New York State Urban Development Corp., RB


Series A, 4.00%, 03/15/49

    7,895       9,193,570  

Series A, 3.00%, 03/15/50

    1,285       1,350,998  

New York Transportation Development Corp., RB


AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/35

    350       442,634  

AMT, 5.00%, 10/01/40

    1,000       1,243,880  

Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority, RB


Series A, 4.00%, 11/15/54

    985       1,142,186  

Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/54

    840       1,056,745  

Series A, 5.00%, 11/15/56

    885       1,124,994  



North Carolina — 0.9%  

County of Union NC Enterprise System Revenue, RB, 3.00%, 06/01/51

    2,055       2,221,722  

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, RB, 5.00%, 02/01/49

    530       815,543  



North Dakota — 0.4%  

County of Cass North Dakota, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.25%, 02/15/58

    950       1,153,642  



Ohio — 2.9%            

Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Refunding RB


Series A-2, Class 1, 4.00%, 06/01/37

    285       334,630  

Series A-2, Class 1, 4.00%, 06/01/38

    285       333,817  

Series A-2, Class 1, 4.00%, 06/01/39

    285       332,846  

Series A-2, Class 1, 4.00%, 06/01/48

    755       849,647  

Series B-2, Class 2, 5.00%, 06/01/55

    2,735       3,072,034  

County of Franklin Ohio, RB


Series 2017, 5.00%, 12/01/46

    400       482,312  

Series A, 6.13%, 07/01/22(c)

    40       42,767  

Series A, 6.13%, 07/01/40

    620       651,632  

Series A, 4.00%, 12/01/49

    505       584,265  
Security   Par
Ohio (continued)            

County of Hamilton Ohio, Refunding RB


4.00%, 08/15/50

  $ 590     $ 684,589  

Series A, 3.75%, 08/15/50

    1,040       1,168,003  

Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, RB, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/49(a)

    730       808,373  

State of Ohio, RB, AMT, 5.00%, 06/30/53

    275       307,629  



Oklahoma — 1.8%  

Oklahoma Development Finance Authority, RB, Series B, 5.50%, 08/15/57

    1,155       1,408,857  

Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, RB


Series A, 4.00%, 01/01/48

    2,050       2,300,469  

Series C, 4.00%, 01/01/42

    1,950       2,221,596  



Oregon — 1.3%  

Medford Hospital Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 08/15/50

    1,680       1,965,230  

Port of Portland Oregon Airport Revenue, Refunding ARB, Series 27-A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/45

    1,795       2,215,497  



Pennsylvania — 3.4%  

Allentown Neighborhood Improvement Zone Development Authority, RB(a)


Subordinate, 5.00%, 05/01/28

    185       211,573  

Subordinate, 5.13%, 05/01/32

    230       270,549  

Subordinate, 5.38%, 05/01/42

    435       505,709  

Hospitals & Higher Education Facilities Authority of Philadelphia, RB, Series A, 5.63%, 07/01/42

    635       668,636  

Lancaster Industrial Development Authority, RB, 5.00%, 12/01/49

    1,300       1,490,099  

Montgomery County Higher Education and Health Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 09/01/43

    1,220       1,483,557  

Series A, 4.00%, 09/01/49

    555       617,893  

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, RB, AMT, 5.00%, 06/30/42

    850       976,021  

Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Refunding RB, AMT, 5.50%, 11/01/44

    1,035       1,094,595  

Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities Authority, RB, 4.00%, 08/15/49

    2,305       2,677,880  

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/44

    1,105       1,268,330  



Puerto Rico — 5.8%  

Children’s Trust Fund, Refunding RB


5.50%, 05/15/39

    675       691,490  

5.63%, 05/15/43

    690       697,838  

Puerto Rico Commonwealth Aqueduct & Sewer Authority, RB


Series A, Senior Lien, 5.00%, 07/01/33

    2,430       2,533,105  

Series A, Senior Lien, 5.13%, 07/01/37

    695       725,149  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue, RB


Series A-1, Restructured, 4.75%, 07/01/53

    1,843       2,046,043  

Series A-1, Restructured, 5.00%, 07/01/58

    6,807       7,647,052  




2 0 2 1   B L A C K O C K  N N U A L  E P O R T   T O  H A R E H O L D E R S

Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Puerto Rico (continued)            

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue, RB (continued)


Series A-2, Restructured, 4.33%, 07/01/40

  $ 85     $ 92,907  

Series A-2, Restructured, 4.78%, 07/01/58

      2,941       3,274,068  

Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corp. Sales Tax Revenue, RB, CAB(b)


Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/46

    3,564       1,123,765  

Series A-1, Restructured, 0.00%, 07/01/51

    1,971       449,625  



Rhode Island — 2.1%            

Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp., Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 06/01/35

    820       942,844  

Series B, 4.50%, 06/01/45

    2,645       2,864,509  

Series B, 5.00%, 06/01/50

    2,945       3,291,715  



South Carolina — 5.7%            

South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority, Refunding RB


5.00%, 02/01/36

    2,505       2,980,850  

5.00%, 11/15/47

    1,350       1,558,197  

Series A, 5.00%, 05/01/48

    3,060       3,613,432  

South Carolina Public Service Authority, RB, Series A, 5.50%, 12/01/54

    6,180       7,034,694  

South Carolina Public Service Authority, Refunding RB


Series A, 5.00%, 12/01/50

    1,430       1,631,959  

Series E, 5.25%, 12/01/55

    1,735       2,030,071  



Tennessee — 1.0%            

Chattanooga Health Educational & Housing Facility Board, RB, Series A,
5.25%, 01/01/23(c)

    995       1,078,570  

Chattanooga Health Educational & Housing Facility Board, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 08/01/44

    160       180,837  

Metropolitan Government Nashville & Davidson County Health & Educational Facilities Board, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 07/01/40

    690       822,887  

Metropolitan Government Nashville & Davidson County Health & Educational Facilities Board, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.25%, 10/01/58

    955       1,103,292  



Texas — 5.8%            

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, RB, Series E, Senior Lien, 4.00%, 01/01/50

    2,160       2,464,387  

City of Houston Texas Airport System Revenue, Refunding RB, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/29

    775       849,803  

City of San Antonio Texas Electric & Gas Systems Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 02/01/48

    1,155       1,425,027  

Clifton Higher Education Finance Corp., RB, 6.00%, 08/15/43

    745       821,936  

Fort Bend County Industrial Development Corp., RB, Series B, 4.75%, 11/01/42

    670       710,522  

Harris County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., RB, Series B,
7.00%, 01/01/23(c)

    455       506,415  

New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., Refunding RB, Series A,
5.00%, 08/15/46(a)

    1,980       1,990,593  

North Texas Tollway Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/38

    925       1,065,480  

San Antonio Water System, Refunding RB, Series A, Junior Lien, 5.00%, 05/15/48

    1,245       1,545,979  
Security   Par
Texas (continued)            

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., RB, Series B, 5.00%, 07/01/48

  $   4,545     $ 5,535,901  

Tarrant County Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corp., Refunding RB, 5.00%, 10/01/49

    1,000       1,083,520  

Texas Transportation Commission, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 08/01/57

    1,140       1,319,208  



Utah — 1.0%            

County of Utah, RB


Series A, 4.00%, 05/15/43

    215       255,383  

Series A, 3.00%, 05/15/50

    985       1,038,594  

Salt Lake City Corp. Airport Revenue, ARB


Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/47

    915       1,067,787  

Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 07/01/48

    875       1,036,175  



Virginia — 1.8%            

Front Royal & Warren County Industrial Development Authority, RB, 4.00%, 01/01/50

    1,160       1,268,703  

Lexington Industrial Development Authority, RB, Series A, 5.00%, 01/01/48

    820       865,863  

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, RB


AMT, Senior Lien, 5.25%, 01/01/32

    1,615       1,701,984  

AMT, Senior Lien, 6.00%, 01/01/37

    1,940       2,058,088  



Washington — 1.6%            

Port of Seattle Washington, ARB


Series A, AMT, 5.00%, 05/01/43

    1,465       1,723,001  

Series C, AMT, 5.00%, 04/01/40

    755       856,381  

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, RB, Series A, 5.75%, 01/01/23(c)

    2,290       2,496,581  

Washington Health Care Facilities Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 08/01/44

    340       381,970  







Total Municipal Bonds — 127.9%
(Cost: $385,349,158)





Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts(g)


California — 2.1%


Bay Area Toll Authority, Refunding RB, 4.00%, 04/01/42(h)

    3,056       3,511,679  

Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency, Refunding SAB, 5.00%, 10/01/47

    3,075       3,651,751  



Colorado — 0.8%            

City & County of Denver Colorado Airport System Revenue, Refunding ARB, Series A, AMT, 5.25%, 12/01/48(h)

    2,253       2,751,938  



District of Columbia — 0.6%            

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Dulles Toll Road Revenue, Refunding RB, Series B, Subordinate, (AGM), 4.00%, 10/01/53

    1,798       2,046,024  






C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Par
Georgia — 1.1%  

Dalton Whitfield County Joint Development Authority, RB, 4.00%, 08/15/48

  $   1,821     $ 2,047,620  

Georgia Housing & Finance Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 3.60%, 12/01/44

    1,442       1,563,704  



Illinois — 1.1%            

Illinois Finance Authority, Refunding RB


Series C, 4.00%, 02/15/27(c)

    6       6,974  

Series C, 4.00%, 02/15/41

    3,219       3,605,744  



Massachusetts — 3.0%            

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Transportation Fund Revenue, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 06/01/45

    2,042       2,290,277  

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Refunding RB, 5.00%, 07/01/47

    4,574       5,406,924  

Massachusetts School Building Authority, RB, Series B, 5.00%, 10/15/21(c)

    2,266       2,315,099  



New York — 8.9%            

Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corp., RB, 5.75%, 02/15/47(h)

    603       605,355  

New York Liberty Development Corp., Refunding RB, 5.75%, 11/15/51(h)

    6,440       6,622,741  

New York Power Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 11/15/60

    1,308       1,512,460  

New York State Dormitory Authority, Refunding RB, Series D, 4.00%, 02/15/47

    5,956       6,882,919  

New York State Thruway Authority, Refunding RB, Series B, Subordinate, 4.00%, 01/01/50

    2,884       3,292,289  

New York State Urban Development Corp., RB, Series A, 4.00%, 03/15/46

    6,617       7,549,007  

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, Refunding ARB, 194th Series, 5.25%, 10/15/55

    2,595       3,085,766  



North Carolina — 0.9%            

North Carolina Capital Facilities Finance Agency, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.00%, 10/01/25(c)

    2,550       3,060,306  



Pennsylvania — 0.9%            

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, RB, Sub-Series A, 5.50%, 12/01/42

    2,340       2,850,752  



Rhode Island — 0.5%            

Narragansett Bay Commission, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 09/01/22(c)

    1,530       1,607,938  



Texas — 5.5%            

Board of Regents of the University of Texas System, Refunding RB, Series B, 5.00%, 08/15/43

    1,831       1,936,718  

City of San Antonio Texas Electric & Gas Systems Revenue, RB, Junior Lien, 5.00%, 02/01/23(c)

    2,520       2,731,100  

Lower Colorado River Authority, Refunding, RB, 4.00%, 05/15/43

    2,030       2,095,475  

Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County Sales & Use Tax Revenue, Refunding RB, Series A, 5.00%, 11/01/21(c)

    3,400       3,479,662  

Texas Water Development Board, RB, Series A, 4.00%, 10/15/49

    6,900       8,163,183  



Security   Par
Virginia — 2.4%            

Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission, RB, Series A, Senior Lien, 4.00%, 07/01/60(h)

  $ 2,145     $ 2,485,819  

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, Refunding RB, Series A, 4.00%, 12/01/49

    4,780       5,523,625  



Wisconsin — 2.0%            

Wisconsin Health & Educational Facilities Authority, Refunding RB


4.00%, 12/01/46

    2,833       3,155,673  

4.00%, 12/15/49(h)

    2,940       3,345,308  







Total Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts — 29.8%
(Cost: $92,040,287)





Total Long-Term Investments — 157.7%
(Cost: $477,389,445)




Short-Term Securities      
Money Market Funds — 0.2%            

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, MuniCash, Institutional Class,

    655,023       655,154  




Total Short-Term Securities — 0.2%
(Cost: $655,068)





Total Investments — 157.9%
(Cost: $478,044,513)


Other Assets Less Liabilities — 1.6%



Liability for TOB Trust Certificates, Including Interest Expense and Fees Payable — (17.4)%



VMTP Shares at Liquidation Value — (42.1)%






Net Assets Applicable to Common Shares — 100.0%


  $     332,904,906  






Security exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified institutional investors.


Zero-coupon bond.


U.S. Government securities held in escrow, are used to pay interest on this security as well as to retire the bond in full at the date indicated, typically at a premium to par.


Variable rate security. Interest rate resets periodically. The rate shown is the effective interest rate as of period end. Security description also includes the reference rate and spread if published and available.


Step-up bond that pays an initial coupon rate for the first period and then a higher coupon rate for the following periods. Rate as of period end.


Security is collateralized by municipal bonds or U.S. Treasury obligations.


Represent bonds transferred to a TOB Trust in exchange of cash and residual certificates received by the Fund. These bonds serve as collateral in a secured borrowing. See Note 4 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.


All or a portion of the security is subject to a recourse agreement. The aggregate maximum potential amount the Fund could ultimately be required to pay under the agreements, which expire between May 15, 2021 to February 15, 2047, is $10,662,473. See Note 4 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.


Affiliate of the Fund.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.





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Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)



Investments in issuers considered to be affiliate(s) of the Fund during the year ended April 30, 2021 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Value at
at Cost
from Sales
Gain (Loss)
     Change in
     Value at
Held at
     Income      Capital Gain

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, MuniCash, Institutional Class

   $ 5,634,448      $      $ (4,980,448 )(a)     $ 2,908      $ (1,754    $ 655,154        655,023      $ 642      $  


















Represents net amount purchased (sold).


Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Futures Contracts


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Short Contracts


10-Year U.S. Treasury Note

     68        06/21/21      $ 8,985      $ (47,423

U.S. Long Treasury Bond

     42        06/21/21        6,607        (44,179



            $ (91,602




Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instruments


Futures contracts


Unrealized depreciation on futures contracts(a)

   $      $      $      $      $ 91,602      $      $ 91,602  
























Net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on futures contracts and centrally cleared swaps, if any, are reported in the Schedule of Investments. In the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, only current day’s variation margin is reported in receivables or payables and the net cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) is included in accumulated earnings (loss).


For the year ended April 30, 2021, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on


Futures contracts

   $      $      $      $      $ (91,602    $      $ (91,602






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments


Futures contracts


Average notional value of contracts — short

   $ 3,897,906  

For more information about the Fund’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.



C H E D U L E   O F   I N V E S  T M E N T S


Schedule of Investments  (continued)

April 30, 2021


BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of financial instruments. For a description of the input levels and information about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Fund’s financial instruments categorized in the fair value hierarchy. The breakdown of the Fund’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Long-Term Investments


Municipal Bonds

   $        $ 425,733,727        $        $ 425,733,727  

Municipal Bonds Transferred to Tender Option Bond Trusts

              99,183,830                   99,183,830  

Short-Term Securities


Money Market Funds

     655,154                            655,154  












   $     655,154        $  524,917,557        $                 —        $  525,572,711  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)




Interest Rate Contracts

   $ (91,602      $        $        $ (91,602















Derivative financial instruments are futures contracts. Futures contracts are valued at the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on the instrument.


The Fund may hold assets and/or liabilities in which the fair value approximates the carrying amount for financial statement purposes. As of period end, such assets and/or liabilities are categorized within the fair value hierarchy as follows:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  



TOB Trust Certificates

   $        $ (57,997,363      $        $ (57,997,363

VMTP Shares at Liquidation Value

              (140,000,000                 (140,000,000












   $              —        $ (197,997,363      $                 —        $ (197,997,363













See notes to financial statements.




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Statements of Assets and Liabilities

April 30, 2021


    MUA        MHD        MUI        MVT  





Investments at value — unaffiliated(a)

  $ 613,718,190      $ 1,462,236,127      $ 985,138,750      $ 524,917,557  

Investments at value — affiliated(b)

           7,843,901        126,519        655,154  


    49,562        52,693        36,780        20,562  

Cash pledged for futures contracts

    249,000        677,000        501,000        262,000  



Investments sold

    175,000        238,684        2,015,000        155,000  

Capital shares sold


Dividends — affiliated

    21        85        5        14  

Interest — unaffiliated

    8,739,261        18,170,798        12,569,029        6,526,500  

Deferred offering costs


Prepaid expenses

           253,623        18,650        18,849  













Total assets

    623,689,568        1,489,472,911        1,000,405,733        532,555,636  

















Investments purchased


Income dividend distributions — Common Shares

    1,957,205        3,228,086        2,067,998        1,248,383  

Interest expense and fees

    26,449        62,945        22,468        18,213  

Investment advisory fees

    279,166        657,699        450,478        217,715  

Offering costs


Directors’ and Officer’s fees

    1,131        62,305        388,408        944  

Other accrued expenses

    190,569        420,124        235,783        153,302  

Reorganization costs


Variation margin on futures contracts

    14,451        39,302        40,067        14,810  













Total accrued liabilities

    2,535,646        5,490,776        3,205,202        1,653,367  















TOB Trust Certificates

    68,781,335        213,103,519        93,068,875        57,997,363  

VMTP Shares, at liquidation value of $100,000 per share(c)(d)(e)

           347,800,000        287,100,000        140,000,000  













Total other liabilities

    68,781,335        560,903,519        380,168,875        197,997,363  













Total liabilities

    71,316,981        566,394,295        383,374,077        199,650,730  














  $ 552,372,587      $ 923,078,616      $ 617,031,656      $ 332,904,906  















Paid-in capital(f)(g)(h)

  $ 498,830,470      $ 808,007,673      $ 543,452,912      $ 289,962,077  

Accumulated earnings

    53,542,117        115,070,943        73,578,744        42,942,829  














  $ 552,372,587      $ 923,078,616      $ 617,031,656      $ 332,904,906  













Net asset value per Common Share

  $ 14.77      $ 17.30      $ 16.11      $ 15.60  













(a) Investments at cost — unaffiliated

  $ 562,863,359      $ 1,322,129,023      $ 908,949,718      $ 477,389,445  

(b) Investments at cost — affiliated

  $      $ 7,843,901      $ 126,519      $ 655,068  

(c) Preferred Shares outstanding

           3,478        2,871        1,400  

(d) Preferred Shares authorized

           8,478        15,671        8,400  

(e) Par value per Preferred Share

         $ 0.10      $ 0.10      $ 0.10  

(f)  Common Shares outstanding

    37,399,972        53,356,788        38,296,266        21,339,875  

(g) Common Shares authorized

    200,000,000        199,991,522        199,984,329        199,991,600  

(h) Par value per Common Share

  $ 0.10      $ 0.10      $ 0.10      $ 0.10  

See notes to financial statements.



I N A N C I A L  T A T E M E N T S



Statements of Operations

Year Ended April 30, 2021


    MUA       MHD       MUI       MVT  





Dividends — affiliated

  $ 696     $ 702     $ 381     $ 642  

Interest — unaffiliated

    26,887,529       20,678,731       34,045,459       20,100,793  













Total investment income

    26,888,225       20,679,433       34,045,840       20,101,435  















Investment advisory

    3,231,629       2,958,025       5,412,067       2,604,040  


    158,349       67,425       94,159       72,365  

Accounting services

    88,899       71,840       129,543       82,633  

Transfer agent

    58,382       32,274       50,833       37,075  



Directors and Officer

    27,446       18,148       131,252       17,956  


    12,272       8,346       13,026       8,454  

Printing and postage

    8,082       5,056       7,752       5,441  


    7,266       6,627       31,700       7,581  

Rating agency

          51,672       56,805       56,805  




    26,315       12,894       18,777       12,338  













Total expenses excluding interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs

    3,665,140       3,485,728       5,945,914       2,904,688  

Interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs(a)

    504,278       1,788,282       3,592,634       1,840,854  













Total expenses

    4,169,418       5,274,010       9,538,548       4,745,542  



Fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager

    (2,700     (149,863     (2,799     (3,949













Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    4,166,718       5,124,147       9,535,749       4,741,593  













Net investment income

    22,721,507       15,555,286       24,510,091       15,359,842  















Net realized gain (loss) from:


Investments — unaffiliated

    2,825,784       524,890       (1,049,558     524,475  

Investments — affiliated

    (280     2,361       (529     2,908  

Futures contracts













    2,825,504       527,251       (45,151     527,383  













Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:


Investments — unaffiliated

    68,133,833       38,957,909       56,287,354       41,548,536  

Investments — affiliated

          (1,744           (1,754

Futures contracts

    (88,133     (239,881     567,961       (91,602












    68,045,700       38,716,284       56,855,315       41,455,180  













Net realized and unrealized gain

    70,871,204       39,243,535       56,810,164       41,982,563  














  $ 93,592,711     $ 54,798,821     $ 81,320,255     $ 57,342,405  















Related to TOB Trusts and VMTP Shares.

See notes to financial statements.




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Statements of Changes in Net Assets


    MUA            MHD  
    Year Ended April 30,            Year Ended April 30,  
    2021     2020            2021     2020  







Net investment income

  $ 22,721,507     $ 22,749,403        $ 15,555,286     $ 10,486,733  

Net realized gain (loss)

    2,825,504       334,198          527,251       (3,960,047

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

    68,045,700       (46,796,601        38,716,284       (15,384,545













Net increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to Common Shareholders resulting from operations

    93,592,711       (23,713,000        54,798,821       (8,857,859















Decrease in net assets resulting from distributions to Common Shareholders

    (23,399,374     (23,653,518        (12,698,865     (10,721,474















Net proceeds from the issuance of common shares


Net proceeds from the issuance of common shares due to reorganization


Reinvestment of common distributions

    889,656       1,152,444                314,453  

Redemption of common shares














Net increase in net assets derived from capital share transactions

    18,748,699       1,152,444          665,214,730       314,453  















Total increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to Common Shareholders

    88,942,036       (46,214,074        707,314,686       (19,264,880

Beginning of year

    463,430,551       509,644,625          215,763,930       235,028,810  













End of year

  $ 552,372,587     $ 463,430,551        $ 923,078,616     $ 215,763,930  















Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.

See notes to financial statements.



I N A N C I A L  T A T E M E N T S



Statements of Changes in Net Assets (continued)


    MUI            MVT  
    Year Ended April 30,            Year Ended April 30,  
    2021     2020            2021     2020  







Net investment income

  $ 24,510,091     $ 21,633,592        $ 15,359,842     $ 14,543,622  

Net realized gain (loss)

    (45,151     (4,458,934        527,383       (5,150,968

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

    56,855,315       (26,677,346        41,455,180       (22,171,548













Net increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to Common Shareholders resulting from operations

    81,320,255       (9,502,688        57,342,405       (12,778,894















Decrease in net assets resulting from distributions to Common Shareholders

    (24,222,388     (20,450,206        (14,660,494     (14,408,274















Reinvestment of common distributions
















Total increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to Common Shareholders

    57,097,867       (29,952,894        42,681,911       (26,951,564

Beginning of year

    559,933,789       589,886,683          290,222,995       317,174,559  













End of year

  $ 617,031,656     $ 559,933,789        $ 332,904,906     $ 290,222,995  















Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.

See notes to financial statements.




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Statements of Cash Flows

Year Ended April 30, 2021


    MUA       MHD       MUI       MVT  





Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

  $ 93,592,711     $ 54,798,821     $ 81,320,255     $ 57,342,405  

Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets resulting from operations to net cash provided by operating activities


Proceeds from sales of long-term investments

    110,666,811       68,791,351       121,740,472       71,331,904  

Purchases of long-term investments

    (128,481,381     (77,197,589     (131,357,874     (80,215,045

Net proceeds from sales (purchases) of short-term securities.

    2,763,928       (2,157,616     (127,048     4,980,448  

Amortization of premium and accretion of discount on investments and other fees

    (921,615     1,008,086       7,326,199       1,713,722  

Net realized (gain) loss on investments

    (2,825,504     (527,251     1,050,087       (527,383

Net unrealized appreciation on investments

    (68,133,833     (38,956,165     (56,287,354     (41,546,782

(Increase) Decrease in Assets




Dividends — affiliated

    451       2,639       657       2,463  

Interest — unaffiliated

    (120,919     (2,663,381     274,620       333,322  

Prepaid expenses

          (221,171     4,434       4,958  

Deferred offering costs


Increase (Decrease) in Liabilities




Interest expense and fees

    (351,385     (135,249     (262,616     (164,595

Investment advisory fees

    (228,012     (263,333     (424,400     (197,461

Directors’ and Officer’s fees

    (3,125     (6,702     91,898       (1,696

Other accrued expenses

    57,340       (63,123     26,141       8,301  

Reorganization costs


Variation margin on futures contracts

    14,451       39,302       40,067       14,810  













Net cash provided by operating activities

    5,916,080       2,336,478       23,415,538       13,079,371  















Cash dividends paid to Common Shareholders

    (22,448,329     (15,527,112     (23,858,574     (14,596,474

Payments for offering costs


Repayments of TOB Trust Certificates

    (3,918,802     (5,224,239     (5,609,706     (2,843,589

Repayments of Loan for TOB Trust Certificates

    (2,505,000     (1,695,000           (2,340,000

Payments on Common Shares redeemed


Proceeds from TOB Trust Certificates

    3,468,591       3,357,356       6,665,001       4,643,254  

Proceeds from Loan for TOB Trust Certificates

    2,505,000       1,695,000             2,340,000  

Decrease in bank overdraft


Proceeds from issuance of Common Shares














Net cash used for financing activities

    (5,617,518     (17,394,419     (22,877,758     (12,796,809















Net increase (decrease) in restricted and unrestricted cash

    298,562       (15,057,941     537,780       282,562  

Restricted and unrestricted cash at beginning of year















Restricted and unrestricted cash at end of year.












































Cash paid during the year for interest expense

  $ 855,663     $ 1,923,531     $ 3,855,250     $ 2,005,449  















Capital shares issued in reinvestment of distributions paid to Common Shareholders

  $ 889,656     $     $     $  













Fair value of investments and derivatives acquired through reorganization














Common Shares issued in reorganization














Preferred Shares issued in reorganization
















I N A N C I A L  T A T E M E N T S



Statements of Cash Flows (continued)

Year Ended April 30, 2021


    MUA        MHD        MUI        MVT  






  $ 49,562      $ 52,693      $ 36,780      $ 20,562  

Cash pledged


Futures contracts

    249,000        677,000        501,000        262,000  












  $         298,562      $         729,693      $         537,780      $         282,562  













See notes to financial statements.




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Financial Highlights  

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)




Year Ended April 30,




     2020      2019      2018      2017  


Net asset value, beginning of year

  $ 12.83      $ 14.14      $ 14.01      $ 14.07      $ 14.45  
















Net investment income(a)

    0.62        0.63        0.67        0.68        0.70  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    1.96        (1.29      0.12        (0.06      (0.38
















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    2.58        (0.66      0.79        0.62        0.32  
















Distributions to Common Shareholders(b)


From net investment income

    (0.64      (0.63      (0.66      (0.68      (0.70

From net realized gain

















Total distributions to Common Shareholders

    (0.64      (0.65      (0.66      (0.68      (0.70
















Net asset value, end of year

  $ 14.77      $ 12.83      $ 14.14      $ 14.01      $ 14.07  
















Market price, end of year

  $ 15.26      $ 12.48      $ 14.98      $ 13.21      $ 14.82  
















Total Return Applicable to Common Shareholders(c)


Based on net asset value

    20.41      (5.03 )%       5.97      4.47      2.23
















Based on market price

    27.89      (12.80 )%       19.07      (6.48 )%       5.56
















Ratios to Average Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders


Total expenses

    0.81      0.98      1.01      0.93      0.87
















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    0.80      0.98      1.01      0.93      0.87
















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed and excluding interest expense, fees, and amortization of offering costs(d)

    0.71      0.69      0.70      0.69      0.69
















Net investment income

    4.39      4.43      4.77      4.83      4.93
















Supplemental Data


Net assets applicable to Common Shareholders, end of year (000)

  $  552,373      $  463,431      $  509,645      $  504,470      $  505,306  
















Borrowings outstanding, end of year (000)

  $ 68,781      $ 69,232      $ 71,659      $ 71,925      $ 67,507  
















Portfolio turnover rate

    19      21      19      15      11


















Based on average Common Shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Interest expense and fees relate to TOB Trusts. See Note 4 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.

See notes to financial statements.



I N A N C I A L  I G H L I G H T S


Financial Highlights (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)




Year Ended April 30,




    2020     2019      2018      2017  


Net asset value, beginning of year

  $ 15.18     $ 16.56     $ 16.41      $ 16.85      $ 17.95  
















Net investment income(a)

    0.78       0.74       0.81        0.88        0.95  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    2.07       (1.36     0.22        (0.39      (1.07
















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    2.85       (0.62     1.03        0.49        (0.12
















Distributions to Common Shareholders(b)


From net investment income

    (0.73     (0.76     (0.83      (0.92      (0.98

From net realized gain

                (0.05      (0.01       
















Total distributions to Common Shareholders

    (0.73     (0.76     (0.88      (0.93      (0.98
















Net asset value, end of year

  $ 17.30     $ 15.18     $ 16.56      $ 16.41      $ 16.85  
















Market price, end of year

  $ 16.33     $ 13.91     $ 15.92      $ 14.98      $ 16.65  
















Total Return Applicable to Common Shareholders(c)


Based on net asset value

    19.31     (4.02 )%      6.84      3.07      (0.67 )% 
















Based on market price

    22.90     (8.52 )%      12.51      (4.79 )%       (2.87 )% 
















Ratios to Average Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders


Total expenses

    1.56 %(d)      2.16 %(e)      2.47      2.16      1.87

















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed








    2.15 %(e)      2.47      2.16      1.87

















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed and excluding interest expense, fees, and amortization of offering costs(f)

    0.98 %(d)      0.97 %(e)      1.00      1.01      0.99
















Net investment income to Common Shareholders

    4.59     4.40 %(e)      4.98      5.19      5.42
















Supplemental Data


Net assets applicable to Common Shareholders, end of year (000)

  $  923,079     $  215,764     $  235,029      $  232,921      $  238,684  
















VMTP Shares outstanding at $100,000 liquidation value, end of year (000)

  $ 347,800     $ 83,700     $ 83,700      $ 83,700      $ 83,700  
















Asset coverage per VMTP Shares at $100,000 liquidation value, end of year

  $ 365,405     $ 357,782     $ 380,799      $ 378,281      $ 385,166  
















Borrowings outstanding, end of year (000)

  $ 213,104     $ 53,130     $ 52,674      $ 63,166      $ 62,233  
















Portfolio turnover rate

    13     21     17      12      9


















Based on average Common Shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Includes reorganization costs associated with the Fund’s reorganization. Without these costs, total expenses, total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed and total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed and excluding interest expense, fees, and amortization of offering costs, would have been 1.49%, 1.47% and 0.95%, respectively, for the year ended April 30, 2021.


Excludes 0.01% of expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds.


Interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs related to TOB Trusts and/or VMTP Shares. See Note 4 and Note 10 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.

See notes to financial statements.




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Financial Highlights (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)




Year Ended April 30,




     2020      2019      2018      2017  


Net asset value, beginning of year

  $ 14.62      $ 15.40      $ 14.93      $ 15.17      $ 16.16  
















Net investment income(a)

    0.64        0.56        0.56        0.59        0.65  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    1.48        (0.81      0.47        (0.23      (0.83

















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    2.12        (0.25      1.03        0.36        (0.18

















Distributions to Common Shareholders(b)


From net investment income

    (0.63      (0.53      (0.53      (0.60      (0.67

From net realized gain

                  (0.03      (0.00 )(c)       (0.14

















Total distributions to Common Shareholders

    (0.63      (0.53      (0.56      (0.60      (0.81

















Net asset value, end of year

  $ 16.11      $ 14.62      $ 15.40      $ 14.93      $ 15.17  

















Market price, end of year

  $ 15.09      $ 13.13      $ 13.85      $ 13.01      $ 13.96  
















Total Return Applicable to Common Shareholders(d)


Based on net asset value

    15.08      (1.41 )%       7.68      2.76      (0.69 )% 

















Based on market price

    20.02      (1.56 )%       11.13      (2.69 )%       (2.77 )% 
















Ratios to Average Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders


Total expenses

    1.58      2.31      2.63      2.17      1.90

















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.58      2.31      2.63      2.17      1.89

















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed and excluding interest expense, fees, and amortization of offering costs(e)

    0.98      0.97      1.01      0.97      0.96

















Net investment income to Common Shareholders

    4.05      3.59      3.73      3.87      4.12

















Supplemental Data


Net assets applicable to Common Shareholders, end of year (000)

  $  617,032      $  559,934      $  589,887      $  571,769      $  580,945  

















VMTP Shares outstanding at $100,000 liquidation value, end of year (000)

  $ 287,100      $ 287,100      $ 287,100      $ 287,100      $ 287,100  

















Asset coverage per VMTP Shares at $100,000 liquidation value, end of year

  $ 314,919      $ 295,031      $ 305,464      $ 299,153      $ 302,349  

















Borrowings outstanding, end of year (000)

  $ 93,069      $ 92,014      $ 93,421      $ 79,136      $ 58,337  

















Portfolio turnover rate

    13      20      24      34      12


















Based on average Common Shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Amount is greater than $(0.005) per share.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs related to TOB Trusts and/or VMTP Shares. See Note 4 and Note 10 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.

See notes to financial statements.



I N A N C I A L  I G H L I G H T S


Financial Highlights (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)




Year Ended April 30,




     2020     2019      2018      2017  


Net asset value, beginning of year

  $ 13.60      $ 14.87     $ 14.75      $ 15.19      $ 16.17  

















Net investment income(a)

    0.72        0.68       0.74        0.83        0.91  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    1.97        (1.27     0.20        (0.41      (0.95

















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    2.69        (0.59     0.94        0.42        (0.04

















Distributions to Common Shareholders(b)


From net investment income

    (0.69      (0.68     (0.76      (0.86      (0.94

From net realized gain


















Total distributions to Common Shareholders

    (0.69      (0.68     (0.82      (0.86      (0.94

















Net asset value, end of year

  $ 15.60      $ 13.60     $ 14.87      $ 14.75      $ 15.19  

















Market price, end of year

  $ 15.15      $ 12.55     $ 14.29      $ 14.05      $ 15.45  
















Total Return Applicable to Common Shareholders(c)


Based on net asset value

    20.22      (4.21 )%      6.83      2.79      (0.34 )% 

















Based on market price

    26.52      (8.02 )%      7.78      (3.74 )%       (5.68 )% 
















Ratios to Average Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders


Total expenses

    1.47      2.14 %(d)      2.45      2.11      1.88

















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.47      2.13 %(d)      2.45      2.11      1.87

















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed and excluding interest expense, fees, and amortization of offering costs(e)

    0.90      0.89 %(d)      0.91      0.91      0.92

















Net investment income to Common Shareholders

    4.75      4.51 %(d)      5.09      5.44      5.78
















Supplemental Data


Net assets applicable to Common Shareholders, end of year (000)

  $  332,905      $  290,223     $  317,175      $  314,261      $  321,939  

















VMTP Shares outstanding at $100,000 liquidation value, end of year (000)

  $ 140,000      $ 140,000     $ 140,000      $ 140,000      $ 140,000  

















Asset coverage per VMTP Shares at $100,000 liquidation value, end of year

  $ 337,789      $ 307,302     $ 326,553      $ 324,472      $ 329,956  

















Borrowings outstanding, end of year (000)

  $ 57,997      $ 56,198     $ 47,982      $ 61,343      $ 60,575  

















Portfolio turnover rate

    13      18     25      11      9


















Based on average Common Shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Excludes 0.01% of expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds.


Interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs related to TOB Trusts and/or VMTP Shares. See Note 4 and Note 10 of the Notes to Financial Statements for details.

See notes to financial statements.




2 0 2 1   B L A C K O C K  N N U A L  E P O R T   T O  H A R E H O L D E R S

Notes to Financial Statements





The following are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as closed-end management investment companies and are referred to herein collectively as the “Funds”, or individually as a “Fund”:



Fund Name



Herein Referred To As

     Organized      Diversification

BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc.

  MUA      Maryland      Diversified

BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc.

  MHD      Maryland      Diversified

BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.

  MUI      Maryland      Diversified

BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc.

  MVT      Maryland      Diversified

The Boards of Directors of the Funds are collectively referred to throughout this report as the “Board,” and the directors thereof are collectively referred to throughout this report as “Directors”. The Funds determine and make available for publication the net asset values (“NAVs”) of their Common Shares on a daily basis.

The Funds, together with certain other registered investment companies advised by BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Manager”) or its affiliates, are included in a complex of non-index fixed-income mutual funds and all BlackRock-advised closed-end funds referred to as the BlackRock Fixed-Income Complex.

Reorganizations: The Board and shareholders of MHD (the “Acquiring Fund”) and the Board and shareholders of each of BlackRock Municipal Income Investment Quality Trust (“BAF”), BlackRock Municipal Bond Trust (“BBK”), BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund II, Inc. (“MUH”) and BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund, Inc. (“MUS”) (individually, a “Target Fund” and collectively the “Target Funds”) approved the reorganization of each Target Fund into the Acquiring Fund. As a result, the Acquiring Fund acquired substantially all of the assets and assumed substantially all of the liabilities of each Target Fund in exchange for an equal aggregate value of newly-issued Common Shares and Preferred Shares of the Acquiring Fund.

Each Common Shareholder of a Target Fund received Common Shares of the Acquiring Fund in an amount equal to the aggregate NAV of such Common Shareholder’s Target Fund Common Shares, as determined at the close of business on March 5, 2021. Cash was distributed for any fractional shares.

Each Preferred Shareholder of a Target Fund received Preferred Shares of the Acquiring Fund in an amount equal to the aggregate liquidation preference of the Target Fund’s Preferred Shares held by such Preferred Shareholder prior to the Target Fund’s reorganization.

The reorganizations were accomplished by a tax-free exchange of Common Shares and Preferred Shares of the Acquiring Fund in the following amounts and at the following conversion ratios:



Target Funds



Shares Prior to









Shares of



     Common        8,749,418        0.89746185        Common        7,852,259 (a) 


     Common        10,522,957        0.96696817        Common        10,175,357 (a) 


     Common        11,336,282        0.92578578        Common        10,494,965 (a) 


     Common        13,018,276        0.81612104        Common        10,624,485 (a) 


     VMTP        422        1        VMTP        422  


     VMTP        799        1        VMTP        799  


     VMTP        550        1        VMTP        550  


     VMTP        870        1        VMTP        870  



Net of fractional shares redeemed.


Each Target Fund’s net assets and composition of net assets on March 5, 2021, the valuation date of the reorganization were as follows:


     BAF      BBK      MUH      MUS  

Net assets applicable to Common Shareholders

  $  133,431,549      $  172,906,686      $  178,338,366      $  180,538,553  


    123,568,480        148,932,221        155,728,501        167,933,515  

Accumulated earnings

    9,863,069        23,974,465        22,609,865        12,605,038  

For financial reporting purposes, assets received and shares issued by the Acquiring Fund were recorded at fair value. However, the cost basis of the investments received from the Target Funds was carried forward to align ongoing reporting of the Acquiring Fund’s realized and unrealized gains and losses with amounts distributable to shareholders for tax purposes.

The net assets applicable to Common Shareholders of the Acquiring Fund before the reorganizations were $241,462,174. The aggregate net assets applicable to Common Shareholders of the Acquiring Fund immediately after the reorganizations amounted to $906,677,328. Each Target Fund’s fair value and cost of financial instruments prior to the reorganization were as follows:



Target Funds

  Fair Value of
     Cost of
     TOB Trust
Shares Value


  $  223,936,158      $  207,836,363      $  49,618,622      $ 42,200,000  


    277,541,340        250,542,078        33,649,476        79,900,000  




O T E S   T O  I N A N C I A L  T A T E M E N T S


Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)



Target Funds

  Fair Value of
     Cost of
     TOB Trust
Shares Value


    278,307,330        252,425,263        49,204,091        55,000,000  


    291,481,501        268,355,737        29,367,864        87,000,000  

The purpose of these transactions was to combine five funds managed by the Manager with the same or substantially similar (but not identical) investment objectives, investment policies, strategies, risks and restrictions. Each reorganization was a tax-free event and was effective on March 8, 2021.

Assuming the reorganization had been completed on May 1, 2020, the beginning of the fiscal reporting period of MHD, the pro forma results of operations for the year ended April 30, 2021, are as follows:



Net investment income (loss): $41,679,250



Net realized and change in unrealized gain/loss on investments: $101,416,927



Net increase in net assets resulting from operations: $143,096,177

Because the combined investment portfolios have been managed as a single integrated portfolio since the reorganization was completed, it is not practicable to separate the amounts of revenue and earnings of each Target Fund that have been included in MHD’s Statement of Operations since March 8, 2021.

Reorganization costs incurred by MHD in connection with the reorganization were expensed by MHD. The Manager reimbursed the Fund $123,963, which is included in fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager in the Statements of Operations.




The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”), which may require management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Each Fund is considered an investment company under U.S. GAAP and follows the accounting and reporting guidance applicable to investment companies. Below is a summary of significant accounting policies:

Investment Transactions and Income Recognition: For financial reporting purposes, investment transactions are recorded on the dates the transactions are executed. Realized gains and losses on investment transactions are determined using the specific identification method. Dividend income and capital gain distributions, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend dates. Non-cash dividends, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend dates at fair value. Interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts on debt securities, is recognized daily on an accrual basis.

Segregation and Collateralization: In cases where a Fund enters into certain investments (e.g., futures contracts) or certain borrowings (e.g., TOB Trust transactions) that would be treated as “senior securities” for 1940 Act purposes, a Fund may segregate or designate on its books and records cash or liquid assets having a market value at least equal to the amount of its future obligations under such investments or borrowings. Doing so allows the investment or borrowings to be excluded from treatment as a “senior security.” Furthermore, if required by an exchange or counterparty agreement, the Funds may be required to deliver/deposit cash and/or securities to/with an exchange, or broker-dealer or custodian as collateral for certain investments or obligations.

Distributions: Distributions from net investment income are declared and paid monthly. Distributions of capital gains are recorded on the ex-dividend dates and made at least annually. The character and timing of distributions are determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. GAAP.

Distributions to Preferred Shareholders are accrued and determined as described in Note 10.

Deferred Compensation Plan: Under the Deferred Compensation Plan (the “Plan”) approved by each Fund’s Board, the directors who are not “interested persons” of the Funds, as defined in the 1940 Act (“Independent Directors”), may defer a portion of their annual complex-wide compensation. Deferred amounts earn an approximate return as though equivalent dollar amounts had been invested in common shares of certain funds in the BlackRock Fixed-Income Complex selected by the Independent Directors. This has the same economic effect for the Independent Directors as if the Independent Directors had invested the deferred amounts directly in certain funds in the BlackRock Fixed-Income Complex.

The Plan is not funded and obligations thereunder represent general unsecured claims against the general assets of each Fund, as applicable. Deferred compensation liabilities, if any, are included in the Directors’ and Officer’s fees payable in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities and will remain as a liability of the Funds until such amounts are distributed in accordance with the Plan.

Indemnifications: In the normal course of business, a Fund enters into contracts that contain a variety of representations that provide general indemnification. A Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown because it involves future potential claims against a Fund, which cannot be predicted with any certainty.

Other: Expenses directly related to a Fund are charged to that Fund. Other operating expenses shared by several funds, including other funds managed by the Manager, are prorated among those funds on the basis of relative net assets or other appropriate methods.




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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)




Investment Valuation Policies: Each Fund’s investments are valued at fair value (also referred to as “market value” within the financial statements) each day that the Fund is open for business and, for financial reporting purposes, as of the report date. U.S. GAAP defines fair value as the price a fund would receive to sell an asset or pay to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Each Fund determines the fair values of its financial instruments using various independent dealers or pricing services under policies approved by the Board. If a security’s market price is not readily available or does not otherwise accurately represent the fair value of the security, the security will be valued in accordance with a policy approved by the Board as reflecting fair value. The BlackRock Global Valuation Methodologies Committee (the “Global Valuation Committee”) is the committee formed by management to develop global pricing policies and procedures and to oversee the pricing function for all financial instruments.

Fair Value Inputs and Methodologies: The following methods and inputs are used to establish the fair value of each Fund’s assets and liabilities:



Fixed-income investments for which market quotations are readily available are generally valued using the last available bid price or current market quotations provided by independent dealers or third party pricing services. Pricing services generally value fixed-income securities assuming orderly transactions of an institutional round lot size, but a fund may hold or transact in such securities in smaller, odd lot sizes. Odd lots may trade at lower prices than institutional round lots. The pricing services may use matrix pricing or valuation models that utilize certain inputs and assumptions to derive values, including transaction data (e.g., recent representative bids and offers), market data, credit quality information, perceived market movements, news, and other relevant information. Certain fixed-income securities, including asset-backed and mortgage related securities may be valued based on valuation models that consider the estimated cash flows of each tranche of the entity, establish a benchmark yield and develop an estimated tranche specific spread to the benchmark yield based on the unique attributes of the tranche. The amortized cost method of valuation may be used with respect to debt obligations with sixty days or less remaining to maturity unless the Manager determines such method does not represent fair value.



Investments in open-end U.S. mutual funds (including money market funds) are valued at that day’s published NAV.



Futures contracts are valued based on that day’s last reported settlement or trade price on the exchange where the contract is traded.

If events (e.g., a market closure, market volatility, company announcement or a natural disaster) occur that are expected to materially affect the value of such investment, or in the event that application of these methods of valuation results in a price for an investment that is deemed not to be representative of the market value of such investment, or if a price is not available, the investment will be valued by the Global Valuation Committee, or its delegate, in accordance with a policy approved by the Board as reflecting fair value (“Fair Valued Investments”). The fair valuation approaches that may be used by the Global Valuation Committee include market approach, income approach and cost approach. Valuation techniques such as discounted cash flow, use of market comparables and matrix pricing are types of valuation approaches and are typically used in determining fair value. When determining the price for Fair Valued Investments, the Global Valuation Committee, or its delegate, seeks to determine the price that each Fund might reasonably expect to receive or pay from the current sale or purchase of that asset or liability in an arm’s-length transaction. Fair value determinations shall be based upon all available factors that the Global Valuation Committee, or its delegate, deems relevant and consistent with the principles of fair value measurement. The pricing of all Fair Valued Investments is subsequently reported to the Board or a committee thereof on a quarterly basis.

Fair Value Hierarchy: Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of financial instruments. These inputs to valuation techniques are categorized into a fair value hierarchy consisting of three broad levels for financial reporting purposes as follows:



Level 1 – Unadjusted price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical assets or liabilities that each Fund has the ability to access;



Level 2 – Other observable inputs (including, but not limited to, quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks and default rates) or other market–corroborated inputs); and



Level 3 – Unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the Global Valuation Committee’s assumptions used in determining the fair value of financial instruments).

The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements). Accordingly, the degree of judgment exercised in determining fair value is greatest for instruments categorized in Level 3. The inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, for disclosure purposes, the fair value hierarchy classification is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. Investments classified within Level 3 have significant unobservable inputs used by the Global Valuation Committee in determining the price for Fair Valued Investments. Level 3 investments include equity or debt issued by privately held companies or funds that may not have a secondary market and/or may have a limited number of investors. The categorization of a value determined for financial instruments is based on the pricing transparency of the financial instruments and is not necessarily an indication of the risks associated with investing in those securities.




Zero-Coupon Bonds: Zero-coupon bonds are normally issued at a significant discount from face value and do not provide for periodic interest payments. These bonds may experience greater volatility in market value than other debt obligations of similar maturity which provide for regular interest payments.

Forward Commitments, When-Issued and Delayed Delivery Securities: The Funds may purchase securities on a when-issued basis and may purchase or sell securities on a forward commitment basis. Settlement of such transactions normally occurs within a month or more after the purchase or sale commitment is made. A Fund may purchase securities under such conditions with the intention of actually acquiring them, but may enter into a separate agreement to sell the securities before the settlement date. Since



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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


the value of securities purchased may fluctuate prior to settlement, a Fund may be required to pay more at settlement than the security is worth. In addition, a Fund is not entitled to any of the interest earned prior to settlement. When purchasing a security on a delayed delivery basis, a Fund assumes the rights and risks of ownership of the security, including the risk of price and yield fluctuations. In the event of default by the counterparty, a Fund’s maximum amount of loss is the unrealized appreciation of unsettled when-issued transactions.

Municipal Bonds Transferred to TOB Trusts: Certain Funds leverage their assets through the use of “TOB Trust” transactions. The funds transfer municipal bonds into a special purpose trust (a “TOB Trust”). A TOB Trust issues two classes of beneficial interests: short-term floating rate interests (“TOB Trust Certificates”), which are sold to third party investors, and residual inverse floating rate interests (“TOB Residuals”), which are issued to the participating funds that contributed the municipal bonds to the TOB Trust. The TOB Trust Certificates have interest rates that reset weekly and their holders have the option to tender such certificates to the TOB Trust for redemption at par and any accrued interest at each reset date. The TOB Residuals held by a fund provide the fund with the right to cause the holders of a proportional share of the TOB Trust Certificates to tender their certificates to the TOB Trust at par plus accrued interest. The funds may withdraw a corresponding share of the municipal bonds from the TOB Trust. Other funds managed by the investment adviser may also contribute municipal bonds to a TOB Trust into which a fund has contributed bonds. If multiple BlackRock-advised funds participate in the same TOB Trust, the economic rights and obligations under the TOB Residuals will be shared among the funds ratably in proportion to their participation in the TOB Trust.

TOB Trusts are supported by a liquidity facility provided by a third party bank or other financial institution (the “Liquidity Provider”) that allows the holders of the TOB Trust Certificates to tender their certificates in exchange for payment of par plus accrued interest on any business day. The tendered TOB Trust Certificates are remarketed by a Remarketing Agent. In the event of a failed remarketing, the TOB Trust may draw upon a loan from the Liquidity Provider to purchase the tendered TOB Trust Certificates. Any loans made by the Liquidity Provider will be secured by the purchased TOB Trust Certificates held by the TOB Trust and will be subject to an increased interest rate based on number of days the loan is outstanding.

The TOB Trust may be collapsed without the consent of a fund, upon the occurrence of a termination event as defined in the TOB Trust agreement. Upon the occurrence of a termination event, a TOB Trust would be liquidated with the proceeds applied first to any accrued fees owed to the trustee of the TOB Trust, the Remarketing Agent and the Liquidity Provider. Upon certain termination events, TOB Trust Certificates holders will be paid before the TOB Residuals holders (i.e., the Funds) whereas in other termination events, TOB Trust Certificates holders and TOB Residuals holders will be paid pro rata.

While a fund’s investment policies and restrictions expressly permit investments in inverse floating rate securities, such as TOB Residuals, they restrict the ability of a fund to borrow money for purposes of making investments. MUA and MVT management believes that a Fund’s restrictions on borrowings do not apply to the Funds’ TOB Trust transactions. Each fund’s transfer of the municipal bonds to a TOB Trust is considered a secured borrowing for financial reporting purposes. The cash received by the TOB Trust from the sale of the TOB Trust Certificates, less certain transaction expenses, is paid to a fund. A fund typically invests the cash received in additional municipal bonds.

Accounting for TOB Trusts: The municipal bonds deposited into a TOB Trust are presented in a fund’s Schedule of Investments and the TOB Trust Certificates are shown in Other Liabilities in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Any loans drawn by the TOB Trust pursuant to the liquidity facility to purchase tendered TOB Trust Certificates are shown as Loan for TOB Trust Certificates. The carrying amount of a fund’s payable to the holder of the TOB Trust Certificates, as reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as TOB Trust Certificates, approximates its fair value.

Interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts, from the underlying municipal bonds is recorded by a fund on an accrual basis. Interest expense incurred on the TOB Trust transaction and other expenses related to remarketing, administration, trustee, liquidity and other services to a TOB Trust are shown as interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs in the Statements of Operations. Fees paid upon creation of the TOB Trust are recorded as debt issuance costs and are amortized to interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs in the Statements of Operations to the expected maturity of the TOB Trust. In connection with the restructurings of the TOB Trusts to non-bank sponsored TOB Trusts, a fund incurred non-recurring, legal and restructuring fees, which are recorded as interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs in the Statements of Operations. Amounts recorded within interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs in the Statements of Operations are:


Fund Name   Interest Expense      Liquidity Fees      Other Expenses      Total  


  $ 107,926      $ 294,278      $ 102,074      $  504,278  


    107,779        309,290        106,515        523,584  


    132,973        398,601        109,319        640,893  


    91,668        231,021        78,793        401,482  

For the year ended April 30, 2021, the following table is a summary of each Fund’s TOB Trusts:



Fund Name


Municipal Bonds
Transferred to
TOB Trusts





Liability for
TOB Trust




Range of
Interest Rates
on TOB Trust
Certificates at
Period End


TOB Trust


Daily Weighted
Average Rate
of Interest and
Other Expenses
on TOB Trusts



  $ 113,106,929      $ 68,781,335        0.07% — 0.24    $ 69,680,223        0.72


    375,630,927        213,103,519        0.07    — 0.36        76,462,485        0.68  


    160,127,405        93,068,875        0.06    — 0.21        91,658,976        0.70  




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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)



Fund Name





Municipal Bonds
Transferred to
TOB Trusts








Liability for
TOB Trust




Range of
Interest Rates
on TOB Trust
Certificates at
Period End


TOB Trust


Daily Weighted
Average Rate
of Interest and
Other Expenses
on TOB Trusts



  $ 99,183,830      $  57,997,363        0.07% — 0.32%      $  57,587,209        0.69



The municipal bonds transferred to a TOB Trust are generally high grade municipal bonds. In certain cases, when municipal bonds transferred are lower grade municipal bonds, the TOB Trust transaction may include a credit enhancement feature that provides for the timely payment of principal and interest on the bonds to the TOB Trust by a credit enhancement provider in the event of default of the municipal bond. The TOB Trust would be responsible for the payment of the credit enhancement fee and the funds, as TOB Residuals holders, would be responsible for reimbursement of any payments of principal and interest made by the credit enhancement provider. The maximum potential amounts owed by the funds, for such reimbursements, as applicable, are included in the maximum potential amounts disclosed for recourse TOB Trusts in the Schedules of Investments.


TOB Trusts may be structured on a non-recourse or recourse basis. When a Fund invests in TOB Trusts on a non-recourse basis, the Liquidity Provider may be required to make a payment under the liquidity facility to allow the TOB Trust to repurchase TOB Trust Certificates. The Liquidity Provider will be reimbursed from the liquidation of bonds held in the TOB Trust. If a fund invests in a TOB Trust on a recourse basis, a fund enters into a reimbursement agreement with the Liquidity Provider where a fund is required to reimburse the Liquidity Provider for any shortfall between the amount paid by the Liquidity Provider and proceeds received from liquidation of municipal bonds held in the TOB Trust (the “Liquidation Shortfall”). As a result, if a fund invests in a recourse TOB Trust, a fund will bear the risk of loss with respect to any Liquidation Shortfall. If multiple funds participate in any such TOB Trust, these losses will be shared ratably, including the maximum potential amounts owed by a fund at April 30, 2021, in proportion to their participation in the TOB Trust. The recourse TOB Trusts are identified in the Schedules of Investments including the maximum potential amounts owed by a fund at April 30, 2021.


For the year ended April 30, 2021, the following table is a summary of each Fund’s Loan for TOB Trust Certificates:


Fund Name  


at Period End



Range of
Interest Rates
on Loans at
Period End




    Daily Weighted
Average Rate
of Interest and
Other Expenses
on Loans


  $         $ 125,822       0.71


                85,137       0.71  


                117,534       0.71  




The Funds engage in various portfolio investment strategies using derivative contracts both to increase the returns of the Funds and/or to manage their exposure to certain risks such as credit risk, equity risk, interest rate risk, foreign currency exchange rate risk, commodity price risk or other risks (e.g., inflation risk). Derivative financial instruments categorized by risk exposure are included in the Schedules of Investments. These contracts may be transacted on an exchange or over-the-counter (“OTC”).

Futures Contracts: Futures contracts are purchased or sold to gain exposure to, or manage exposure to, changes in interest rates (interest rate risk) and changes in the value of equity securities (equity risk) or foreign currencies (foreign currency exchange rate risk).

Futures contracts are exchange-traded agreements between the Funds and a counterparty to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying instrument at a specified price and on a specified date. Depending on the terms of a contract, it is settled either through physical delivery of the underlying instrument on the settlement date or by payment of a cash amount on the settlement date. Upon entering into a futures contract, the Funds are required to deposit initial margin with the broker in the form of cash or securities in an amount that varies depending on a contract’s size and risk profile. The initial margin deposit must then be maintained at an established level over the life of the contract. Amounts pledged, which are considered restricted, are included in cash pledged for futures contracts in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.

Securities deposited as initial margin are designated in the Schedules of Investments and cash deposited, if any, are shown as cash pledged for futures contracts in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Pursuant to the contract, the Funds agree to receive from or pay to the broker an amount of cash equal to the daily fluctuation in market value of the contract (“variation margin”). Variation margin is recorded as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and, if any, shown as variation margin receivable (or payable) on futures contracts in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. When the contract is closed, a realized gain or loss is recorded in the Statements of Operations equal to the difference between the notional amount of the contract at the time it was opened and the notional amount at the time it was closed. The use of futures contracts involves the risk of an imperfect correlation in the movements in the price of futures contracts and interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates or underlying assets.




Investment Advisory: Each Fund entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement with the Manager, the Funds’ investment adviser and an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of BlackRock, Inc. (“BlackRock”), to provide investment advisory and administrative services. The Manager is responsible for the management of each Fund’s portfolio and provides the personnel, facilities, equipment and certain other services necessary to the operations of each Fund.

For such services, each Fund, except MUI, pays the Manager a monthly fee at an annual rate equal to the following percentages of the average daily value of each Fund’s net assets:



Fund Name

Advisory Fees







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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


Fund Name   Investment
Advisory Fees



For such services, MUI pays the Manager a monthly fee of 0.55% of (i) the average daily value of MUI’s net assets and (ii) the proceeds of any outstanding debt securities and borrowings used for leverage.

For purposes of calculating these fees, “net assets” mean the total assets of the Fund minus the sum of its accrued liabilities (which does not include liabilities represented by TOB Trusts and the liquidation preference of any outstanding preferred shares). It is understood that the liquidation preference of any outstanding preferred stock (other than accumulated dividends) and TOB Trusts is not considered a liability in determining a Fund’s NAV.

Distribution Fees: MUA has entered into a Distribution Agreement with BlackRock Investments, LLC (“BRIL”), an affiliate of the Manager, to provide for distribution of MUA common shares on a reasonable best efforts basis through an equity shelf offering (a “Shelf Offering”) (the “Distribution Agreement”). Pursuant to the Distribution Agreement, BRIL will receive commissions with respect to sales of common shares at a commission rate of 1.00% of the gross proceeds of the sale of MUA’s common shares and a portion of such commission is re-allowed to broker-dealers engaged by BRIL. The commissions retained by BRIL during the period ended April 30, 2021 amounted to $36,124.

Waivers: With respect to each Fund, the Manager contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fees by the amount of investment advisory fees each Fund pays to the Manager indirectly through its investment in affiliated money market funds (the “affiliated money market fund waiver”) through June 30, 2022. The contractual agreement may be terminated upon 90 days’ notice by a majority of the Independent Directors, or by a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of a Fund. These amounts are included in fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager in the Statements of Operations. For the year ended April 30, 2021, the amounts waived were as follows:


Fund Name   Amounts Waived  


  $ 2,700  







The Manager contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fee with respect to any portion of each Fund’s assets invested in affiliated equity and fixed-income mutual funds and affiliated exchange-traded funds that have a contractual management fee through June 30, 2022. The agreement can be renewed for annual periods thereafter, and may be terminated on 90 days’ notice, each subject to approval by a majority of the Funds’ Independent Directors. For the year ended April 30, 2021, there were no fees waived by the Manager pursuant to this arrangement.

With respect to MHD, effective March 8, 2021, the Manager contractually agreed to waive a portion of its investment advisory fees equal to the annual rate of 0.01% of the average daily value of net assets through June 30, 2022. The contractual agreement may be terminated upon 90 days’ notice by a majority of the Independent Directors, or by a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund. This amount is included in fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager in the Statements of Operations. For the year ended April 30, 2021, the amounts waived was $21,865.

Directors and Officers: Certain directors and/or officers of the Funds are directors and/or officers of BlackRock or its affiliates. The Funds reimburse the Manager for a portion of the compensation paid to the Funds’ Chief Compliance Officer, which is included in Directors and Officer in the Statements of Operations.




For the year ended April 30, 2021, purchases and sales of investments, excluding short-term investments, were as follows:


Fund Name   Purchases      Sales  


  $  126,968,877      $  108,921,418  


    76,794,609        67,973,044  


    124,296,363        122,295,472  


    78,834,292        66,256,079  




It is each Fund’s policy to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, applicable to regulated investment companies, and to distribute substantially all of its taxable income to its shareholders. Therefore, no U.S. federal income tax provision is required.

Each Fund files U.S. federal and various state and local tax returns. No income tax returns are currently under examination. The statute of limitations on each Fund’s U.S. federal tax returns generally remains open for a period of three fiscal years after they are filed. The statutes of limitations on each Fund’s state and local tax returns may remain open for an additional year depending upon the jurisdiction.

Management has analyzed tax laws and regulations and their application to the Funds as of April 30, 2021, inclusive of the open tax return years, and does not believe that there are any uncertain tax positions that require recognition of a tax liability in the Funds’ financial statements.




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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


U.S. GAAP requires that certain components of net assets be adjusted to reflect permanent differences between financial and tax reporting. These reclassifications have no effect on net assets or NAVs per share. As of period end, the following permanent differences attributable to non-deductible expenses were reclassified to the following accounts:


Fund Name   Paid-in Capital     Accumulated
Earnings (Loss)


  $ (46,500   $ 46,500  


    (129,458     129,458  

The tax character of distributions paid was as follows:


Fund Name   Year Ended
     Year Ended



Tax-exempt income(a)

  $ 23,078,942      $ 22,874,474  

Ordinary income(b)

    320,432        11,097  

Long-term capital gains(c)







  $ 23,399,374      $ 23,653,518  









Tax-exempt income(a)

  $ 13,947,656      $ 12,535,210  

Ordinary income(b)

    15,907        8,171  






  $ 13,963,563      $ 12,543,381  









Tax-exempt income(a)

  $ 27,173,482      $ 26,692,456  

Ordinary income(b)

    647        7,088  






  $ 27,174,129      $ 26,699,544  









Tax-exempt income(a)

  $ 16,096,972      $ 17,424,641  

Ordinary income(b)

    2,894        33,500  






  $   16,099,866      $   17,458,141  









The Funds designate these amounts paid during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2021, as exempt-interest dividends.


Ordinary income consists primarily of taxable income recognized from market discount. Additionally, all ordinary income distributions are comprised of interest related dividends for non-U.S. residents and are eligible for exemption from U.S. withholding tax for nonresident aliens and foreign corporations.


The Fund designate this amount paid during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2021 as 20% rate long-term capital gain dividends.


As of period end, the tax components of accumulated earnings (loss) were as follows:



Fund Name

Tax-Exempt Income
Ordinary Income

Capital Gains

Capital Loss
Net Unrealized
Gains (Losses)


  $      $ 27,052      $ 2,427,831      $     $ 51,087,234     $ 53,542,117  


    2,510,679               47,830        (27,296,188     139,808,622        115,070,943  


    3,267,289                      (5,533,868     75,845,323       73,578,744  


    786,989        2,870               (5,269,494     47,422,464       42,942,829  



Subject to limitation, amounts available to offset future realized capital gains.


The differences between book-basis and tax-basis net unrealized gains were attributable primarily to the tax deferral of losses on wash sales and straddles, amortization and accretion methods of premiums and discounts on fixed income securities, the accrual of income on securities in default, the treatment of residual interests in tender option bond trusts and the deferral of compensation to Directors.


During the year ended April 30, 2021, the Funds listed below utilized the following amounts of their respective capital loss carryforward:


Fund Name   Amounts  


  $  285,008  





As of April 30, 2021, gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation based on cost of investments (including short positions and derivatives, if any) for U.S. federal income tax purposes were as follows:


Fund Name  


Tax Cost

     Gross Unrealized
     Gross Unrealized
    Net Unrealized


  $ 493,436,736      $ 58,421,369      $ (6,921,250   $ 51,500,119  


    1,117,033,931        140,518,271        (647,376     139,870,895  



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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)



Fund Name



Tax Cost

     Gross Unrealized


Gross Unrealized

    Net Unrealized


  $  815,963,407      $ 76,969,089      $ (736,102   $ 76,232,987  


    420,126,773        47,731,157        (282,582     47,448,575  




In the normal course of business, the Funds invest in securities or other instruments and may enter into certain transactions, and such activities subject each Fund to various risks, including among others, fluctuations in the market (market risk) or failure of an issuer to meet all of its obligations. The value of securities or other instruments may also be affected by various factors, including, without limitation: (i) the general economy; (ii) the overall market as well as local, regional or global political and/or social instability; (iii) regulation, taxation or international tax treaties between various countries; or (iv) currency, interest rate and price fluctuations. Local, regional or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, the spread of infectious illness or other public health issues, recessions, or other events could have a significant impact on the Funds and their investments. MUA’s prospectus provides details of the risks to which the Fund is subject.

The Funds may hold a significant amount of bonds subject to calls by the issuers at defined dates and prices. When bonds are called by issuers and the Funds reinvest the proceeds received, such investments may be in securities with lower yields than the bonds originally held, and correspondingly, could adversely impact the yield and total return performance of a Fund.

A Fund structures and “sponsors” the TOB Trusts in which it holds TOB Residuals and has certain duties and responsibilities, which may give rise to certain additional risks including, but not limited to, compliance, securities law and operational risks.

Should short-term interest rates rise, the Funds’ investments in the TOB Trusts may adversely affect the Funds’ net investment income and dividends to Common Shareholders. Also, fluctuations in the market value of municipal bonds deposited into the TOB Trust may adversely affect the Funds’ NAVs per share.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and various federal banking and housing agencies have adopted credit risk retention rules for securitizations (the “Risk Retention Rules”). The Risk Retention Rules would require the sponsor of a TOB Trust to retain at least 5% of the credit risk of the underlying assets supporting the TOB Trust’s municipal bonds. The Risk Retention Rules may adversely affect the Funds’ ability to engage in TOB Trust transactions or increase the costs of such transactions in certain circumstances.

TOB Trusts constitute an important component of the municipal bond market. Any modifications or changes to rules governing TOB Trusts may adversely impact the municipal market and the Funds, including through reduced demand for and liquidity of municipal bonds and increased financing costs for municipal issuers. The ultimate impact of any potential modifications on the TOB Trust market and the overall municipal market is not yet certain.

Each Fund may invest without limitation in illiquid or less liquid investments or investments in which no secondary market is readily available or which are otherwise illiquid, including private placement securities. A Fund may not be able to readily dispose of such investments at prices that approximate those at which a Fund could sell such investments if they were more widely traded and, as a result of such illiquidity, a Fund may have to sell other investments or engage in borrowing transactions if necessary to raise funds to meet its obligations. Limited liquidity can also affect the market price of investments, thereby adversely affecting a Fund’s net asset value and ability to make dividend distributions. Privately issued debt securities are often of below investment grade quality, frequently are unrated and present many of the same risks as investing in below investment grade public debt securities.

Market Risk: Each Fund may be exposed to prepayment risk, which is the risk that borrowers may exercise their option to prepay principal earlier than scheduled during periods of declining interest rates, which would force each Fund to reinvest in lower yielding securities. Each Fund may also be exposed to reinvestment risk, which is the risk that income from each Fund’s portfolio will decline if each Fund invests the proceeds from matured, traded or called fixed-income securities at market interest rates that are below each Fund portfolio’s current earnings rate.

Municipal securities are subject to the risk that litigation, legislation or other political events, local business or economic conditions, credit rating downgrades, or the bankruptcy of the issuer could have a significant effect on an issuer’s ability to make payments of principal and/or interest or otherwise affect the value of such securities. Municipal securities can be significantly affected by political or economic changes, including changes made in the law after issuance of the securities, as well as uncertainties in the municipal market related to, taxation, legislative changes or the rights of municipal security holders, including in connection with an issuer insolvency. Municipal securities backed by current or anticipated revenues from a specific project or specific assets can be negatively affected by the discontinuance of the tax benefits supporting the project or assets or the inability to collect revenues for the project or from the assets. Municipal securities may be less liquid than taxable bonds, and there may be less publicly available information on the financial condition of municipal security issuers than for issuers of other securities.

An outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus has developed into a global pandemic and has resulted in closing borders, quarantines, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, as well as general concern and uncertainty. The impact of this pandemic, and other global health crises that may arise in the future, could affect the economies of many nations, individual companies and the market in general in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen at the present time. This pandemic may result in substantial market volatility and may adversely impact the prices and liquidity of a fund’s investments. The duration of this pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty.

Counterparty Credit Risk: The Funds may be exposed to counterparty credit risk, or the risk that an entity may fail to or be unable to perform on its commitments related to unsettled or open transactions, including making timely interest and/or principal payments or otherwise honoring its obligations. The Funds manage counterparty credit risk by entering into transactions only with counterparties that the Manager believes have the financial resources to honor their obligations and by monitoring the financial stability of those counterparties. Financial assets, which potentially expose the Funds to market, issuer and counterparty credit risks, consist principally of financial instruments and




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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


receivables due from counterparties. The extent of the Funds’ exposure to market, issuer and counterparty credit risks with respect to these financial assets is approximately their value recorded in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, less any collateral held by the Funds.

A derivative contract may suffer a mark-to-market loss if the value of the contract decreases due to an unfavorable change in the market rates or values of the underlying instrument. Losses can also occur if the counterparty does not perform under the contract.

With exchange-traded futures, there is less counterparty credit risk to the Funds since the exchange or clearinghouse, as counterparty to such instruments, guarantees against a possible default. The clearinghouse stands between the buyer and the seller of the contract; therefore, credit risk is limited to failure of the clearinghouse. While offset rights may exist under applicable law, a Fund does not have a contractual right of offset against a clearing broker or clearinghouse in the event of a default (including the bankruptcy or insolvency). Additionally, credit risk exists in exchange-traded futures with respect to initial and variation margin that is held in a clearing broker’s customer accounts. While clearing brokers are required to segregate customer margin from their own assets, in the event that a clearing broker becomes insolvent or goes into bankruptcy and at that time there is a shortfall in the aggregate amount of margin held by the clearing broker for all its clients, typically the shortfall would be allocated on a pro rata basis across all the clearing broker’s customers, potentially resulting in losses to the Funds.

Concentration Risk: A diversified portfolio, where this is appropriate and consistent with a fund’s objectives, minimizes the risk that a price change of a particular investment will have a material impact on the NAV of a fund. The investment concentrations within each Fund’s portfolio are disclosed in its Schedule of Investments.

Certain Funds invest a significant portion of their assets in securities within a single or limited number of market sectors. When a Fund concentrates its investments in this manner, it assumes the risk that economic, regulatory, political and social conditions affecting such sectors may have a significant impact on the Fund and could affect the income from, or the value or liquidity of, the Fund’s portfolio. Investment percentages in specific sectors are presented in the Schedules of Investments.

Certain Funds invest a significant portion of their assets in high yield securities. High yield securities that are rated below investment-grade (commonly referred to as “junk bonds”) or are unrated may be deemed speculative, involve greater levels of risk than higher-rated securities of similar maturity and are more likely to default. High yield securities may be issued by less creditworthy issuers, and issuers of high yield securities may be unable to meet their interest or principal payment obligations. High yield securities are subject to extreme price fluctuations, may be less liquid than higher rated fixed-income securities, even under normal economic conditions, and frequently have redemption features.

Certain Funds invest a significant portion of their assets in fixed-income securities and/or use derivatives tied to the fixed-income markets. Changes in market interest rates or economic conditions may affect the value and/or liquidity of such investments. Interest rate risk is the risk that prices of bonds and other fixed-income securities will increase as interest rates fall and decrease as interest rates rise. The Funds may be subject to a greater risk of rising interest rates due to the current period of historically low rates.

LIBOR Transition Risk: The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority announced a phase out of the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). Although many LIBOR rates will be phased out by the end of 2021, a selection of widely used USD LIBOR rates will continue to be published through June 2023 in order to assist with the transition. The Funds may be exposed to financial instruments tied to LIBOR to determine payment obligations, financing terms, hedging strategies or investment value. The transition process away from LIBOR might lead to increased volatility and illiquidity in markets for, and reduce the effectiveness of new hedges placed against, instruments whose terms currently include LIBOR. The ultimate effect of the LIBOR transition process on the Funds is uncertain.




Each Fund is authorized to issue 200 million shares, all of which were initially classified as Common Shares. The par value for each Fund’s Common Shares is $0.10. The par value for each of MHD’s, MUI’s and MVT’s Preferred Shares outstanding is $0.10. The Board is authorized, however, to reclassify any unissued Common Shares to Preferred Shares without the approval of Common Shareholders.

Common Shares

For the periods shown, shares issued and outstanding increased by the following amounts as a result of dividend reinvestment:


    Year Ended  
Fund Name   04/30/21      04/30/20  


    62,648        78,450  





For the year ended April 30, 2021 and the year ended April 30, 2020, shares issued and outstanding remained constant for MUI.

For the year ended April 30, 2021, Common Shares issued and outstanding increased by 39,147,091 as a result of the reorganization of MHD.

For the year ended April 30, 2021, Common Shares issued and outstanding decreased by 25 as a result of a redemption of fractional shares from the reorganization of MHD.

The Funds participate in an open market share repurchase program (the “Repurchase Program”). From December 1, 2019 through November 30, 2020, each Fund may repurchase up to 5% of its outstanding common shares under the Repurchase Program, based on common shares outstanding as of the close of business on November 30, 2019, subject to certain conditions. From December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021, each Fund may repurchase up to 5% of its outstanding common shares under the Repurchase Program, based on common shares outstanding as of the close of business on November 30, 2020, subject to certain conditions. There is no assurance that the Funds will purchase shares in any particular amounts. For the year ended April 30, 2021, the Funds did not repurchase any shares.



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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


MUA has filed a prospectus with the SEC allowing it to issue an additional 5,500,000 Common Shares through an equity shelf program (a “Shelf Offering”). Under the Shelf Offering, MUA, subject to market conditions, may raise additional equity capital from time to time in varying amounts and utilizing various offering methods at a net price at or above the Fund’s NAV per Common Share (calculated within 48 hours of pricing). As of period end, 4,273,464 Common Shares remain available for issuance under the Shelf Offering. During the period ended, MUA issued 1,226,536 shares under the Shelf Offering. See Additional Information - Shelf Offering Program for additional information about the Shelf Offering.

Initial costs incurred by MUA in connection with its shelf offering are recorded as “Deferred offering cost” in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. As shares are sold, a portion of the costs attributable to the shares sold will be charged against paid-in-capital. Any remaining deferred charges at the end of the shelf offering period will be charged to expense. Any subsequent costs incurred to keep the filing active will be charged to expense as incurred.

Preferred Shares

A Fund’s Preferred Shares rank prior to its Common Shares as to the payment of dividends by the Fund and distribution of assets upon dissolution or liquidation of the Fund. The 1940 Act prohibits the declaration of any dividend on Common Shares or the repurchase of Common Shares if the Fund fails to maintain asset coverage of at least 200% of the liquidation preference of the Fund’s outstanding Preferred Shares. In addition, pursuant to the Preferred Shares’ governing instruments, a Fund is restricted from declaring and paying dividends on classes of shares ranking junior to or on parity with its Preferred Shares or repurchasing such shares if the Fund fails to declare and pay dividends on the Preferred Shares, redeem any Preferred Shares required to be redeemed under the Preferred Shares’ governing instruments or comply with the basic maintenance amount requirement of the ratings agencies rating the Preferred Shares.

Holders of Preferred Shares have voting rights equal to the voting rights of holders of Common Shares (one vote per share) and vote together with holders of Common Shares (one vote per share) as a single class on certain matters. Holders of Preferred Shares, voting as a separate class, are also entitled to (i) elect two members of the Board, (ii) elect the full Board if dividends on the Preferred Shares are not paid for a period of two years and (iii) a separate class vote to amend the Preferred Share governing documents. In addition, the 1940 Act requires the approval of the holders of a majority of any outstanding Preferred Shares, voting as a separate class, to (a) adopt any plan of reorganization that would adversely affect the Preferred Shares, (b) change a Fund’s sub-classification as a closed-end investment company or change its fundamental investment restrictions or (c) change its business so as to cease to be an investment company.

VMTP Shares

MHD, MUI and MVT (for purposes of this section, each a “VMTP Fund”), have issued Series W-7 VMTP Shares, $100,000 liquidation preference per share, in one or more privately negotiated offerings to qualified institutional buyers as defined pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act. The VMTP Shares are subject to certain restrictions on transfer, and a VMTP Fund may also be required to register its VMTP Shares for sale under the Securities Act under certain circumstances. As of period end, the VMTP Shares outstanding and assigned long-term ratings were as follows:


Fund Name   Issue


    12/16/11        837      $ 83,700,000        07/02/23        Aa1        AA  
    03/08/21        2,641        264,100,000        07/02/23        Aa1        AA  


    12/07/12        2,871        287,100,000        07/02/23        Aa2        AA  


    12/16/11        1,400        140,000,000        07/02/23        Aa1        AA  

Redemption Terms: Each VMTP Fund is required to redeem its VMTP Shares on the term redemption date, unless earlier redeemed or repurchased or unless extended. There is no assurance that a term will be extended further or that any VMTP Shares will be replaced with any other preferred shares or other form of leverage upon the redemption or repurchase of the VMTP Shares. Six months prior to the term redemption date, a VMTP Fund is required to begin to segregate liquid assets with its custodian to fund the redemption. In addition, a VMTP Fund is required to redeem certain of its outstanding VMTP Shares if it fails to comply with certain asset coverage, basic maintenance amount or leverage requirements.

Subject to certain conditions, VMTP Shares may be redeemed, in whole or in part, at any time at the option of the VMTP Fund. With respect to MHD, MUI and MVT, the redemption price per VMTP Share is equal to the liquidation preference per share plus any outstanding unpaid dividends and applicable redemption premium. If MHD, MUI and MVT redeems the VMTP Shares prior to the term redemption date and the VMTP Shares have long-term ratings above A1/A+ or its equivalent by the ratings agencies then rating the VMTP Shares, then such redemption may be subject to a prescribed redemption premium (up to 2% of the liquidation preference) payable to the holder of the VMTP Shares based on the time remaining until the term redemption date, subject to certain exceptions for redemptions that are required to comply with minimum asset coverage requirements.

Dividends: Dividends on the VMTP Shares are declared daily and payable monthly at a variable rate set weekly at a fixed rate spread to the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (“SIFMA”) Municipal Swap Index or to a percentage of the one-month LIBOR rate, as set forth in the VMTP Shares governing instrument. The fixed spread is determined based on the long-term preferred share rating assigned to the VMTP Shares by the ratings agencies then rating the VMTP Shares.

The dividend rate on VMTP Shares is subject to a step-up spread if the VMTP Fund fails to comply with certain provisions, including, among other things, the timely payment of dividends, redemptions or gross-up payments, and complying with certain asset coverage and leverage requirements.

For the year ended April 30, 2021, the average annualized dividend rates for the VMTP Shares were as follows:


     MHD      MUI      MVT  

Dividend rates

    1.03      1.03      1.03




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Notes to Financial Statements  (continued)


For the year ended April 30, 2021, VMTP Shares issued and outstanding remained constant for MUI and MVT.

For the year ended April 30, 2021, VMTP Shares issued and outstanding for MHD increased by 2,641 due to the reorganizations of BAF, BBK, MUH and MUS with and into MHD.

Offering Costs: The Funds incurred costs in connection with the issuance of VMTP Shares, which were recorded as a direct deduction from the carrying value of the related debt liability and will be amortized over the life of the VMTP Shares. Amortization of these costs is included in interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs in the Statements of Operations.

Financial Reporting: The VMTP Shares are considered debt of the issuer; therefore, the liquidation preference, which approximates fair value of the VMTP Shares, is recorded as a liability in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities net of deferred offering costs. Unpaid dividends are included in interest expense and fees payable in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, and the dividends accrued and paid on the VMTP Shares are included as a component of interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs in the Statements of Operations. The VMTP Shares are treated as equity for tax purposes. Dividends paid to holders of the VMTP Shares are generally classified as tax-exempt income for tax-reporting purposes. Dividends and amortization of deferred offering costs on VMTP Shares are included in interest expense, fees and amortization of offering costs in the Statements of Operations:


Fund Name   Dividends Accrued     Deferred Offering
Costs Amortization


  $ 1,264,698     $  








Management’s evaluation of the impact of all subsequent events on the Funds’ financial statements was completed through the date the financial statements were issued and the following items were noted:

The Funds declared and paid or will pay distributions to Common Shareholders as follows:



Fund Name

Paid Date
     Dividend Per
Common Share


    05/03/21        05/14/21        06/01/21      $ 0.052500  
    06/01/21        06/15/21        07/01/21        0.052500  


    05/03/21        05/14/21        06/01/21        0.060500  
    06/01/21        06/15/21        07/01/21        0.060500  


    05/03/21        05/14/21        06/01/21        0.054000  
    06/01/21        06/15/21        07/01/21        0.054000  


    05/03/21        05/14/21        06/01/21        0.058500  
      06/01/21        06/15/21        07/01/21        0.058500  

The Funds declared and paid or will pay distributions to Preferred Shareholders as follows:


     Preferred Shares(a)  
Fund Name   Shares      Series      Declared  


    VMTP        W-7      $ 302,855  


    VMTP        W-7        249,999  


    VMTP        W-7        121,908  



Dividends declared for period May 1, 2021 to May 31, 2021.




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Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc., BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc., BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc., and BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc.:

Opinion on the Financial Statements and Financial Highlights

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities of BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc., BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc., BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc., and BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (the “Funds”), including the schedules of investments, as of April 30, 2021, the related statements of operations and cash flows for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, and the related notes. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Funds as of April 30, 2021, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Funds’ financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Funds in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Funds are not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of their internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Funds’ internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.

Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and financial highlights, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements and financial highlights. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of April 30, 2021, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; when replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Boston, Massachusetts

June 22, 2021

We have served as the auditor of one or more BlackRock investment companies since 1992.




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Important Tax Information  (unaudited)


For the fiscal period ended March 8, 2021, the Funds designate the following amounts paid as exempt-interest dividends:



Fund Name



















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Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks


Recent Changes

The following information is a summary of certain changes since April 30, 2020. This information may not reflect all of the changes that have occurred since you purchased the relevant Fund.

During each Fund’s most recent fiscal year, there were no material changes in the Fund’s investment objectives or policies that have not been approved by shareholders or in the principal risk factors associated with investment in the Fund.

Investment Objectives and Policies

BlackRock MuniAssets Fund, Inc. (MUA)

The Fund’s investment objective is to provide high current income exempt from Federal income taxes by investing primarily in a portfolio of medium to lower grade or unrated municipal obligations the interest on which, in the opinion of bond counsel to the issuer, is exempt from Federal income taxes. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing at least 80% of its assets, except during temporary defensive periods, in a portfolio of obligations issued by or on behalf of states, territories and possessions of the United States and their political subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities paying interest which, in the opinion of bond counsel to the issuer, is exempt from Federal income taxes (“Municipal Bonds”). The Fund at all times, except during temporary defensive periods, will maintain at least 65% of its assets in Municipal Bonds which are rated in any one of the medium and lower rating categories of a nationally recognized statistical rating organization or are unrated. These ratings are currently Baa (Moody’s Investor Service Inc. (“Moody’s”)) or BBB (S&P Global Ratings (“S&P”) and Fitch Ratings, Inc. (“Fitch”)) or lower. These are fundamental policies of the Fund and, therefore, may not be changed without the approval of a majority of the Fund’s outstanding voting shares as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”). The Fund may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives. The Fund is not intended as, and you should not construe it to be, a complete investment program. There can be no assurance that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved or that the Fund’s investment program will be successful.

The Fund has the authority to invest as much as 35% of its total assets in Municipal Bonds in the higher rating categories of nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (ratings of A or higher by Moody’s, S&P or Fitch or comparable unrated securities). In addition, the Fund reserves the right to temporarily invest more than 20% of its total assets in short-term municipal securities, or short-term taxable money market securities (including commercial paper, certificates of deposit and repurchase agreements) for defensive purposes when, in the opinion of BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Manager”), prevailing market or financial conditions warrant. The Fund does not invest more than 25% of its total assets (taken at market value) in Municipal Bonds whose issuers are located in the same state. “Total assets” of the Fund means the Fund’s net assets plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes.

Ordinarily, the Fund does not intend to realize significant interest income that is subject to Federal income taxes. However, the Fund may invest all or a portion of its assets in certain tax-exempt securities classified as “private activity bonds” (“PABs”) (in general, bonds that benefit non-governmental entities) that may subject certain investors in the Fund to a Federal alternative minimum tax.

The Fund may invest in securities not issued by or on behalf of a state or territory or by an agency or instrumentality thereof, if the Fund receives an opinion of counsel to the issuer that such securities pay interest that is excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes (“Non-Municipal Tax-Exempt Securities”), which could include trust certificates, partnership interests or other instruments evidencing interest in one or more long-term Municipal Bonds. Non-Municipal Tax-Exempt Securities also may include securities issued by other investment companies that invest in Municipal Bonds, to the extent such investments are permitted by the Fund’s investment restrictions and applicable law.

The Fund ordinarily does not intend to realize significant investment income not exempt from federal income taxes. From time to time, the Fund may realize taxable capital gains.

Investments in lower rated Municipal Bonds generally provide a higher yield and are less affected by interest rate fluctuations than higher rated tax-exempt securities of similar maturity but are subject to greater overall market risk and are also subject to a greater degree of risk with respect to the ability of the issuer to meet its principal and interest obligations.

The Fund seeks to reduce risk through investing in multiple issuers, credit analysis and monitoring of current developments regarding the obligor and trends in both the economy and financial markets. The Manager will use various means to research the stability and/or potential for improvement of various municipal issuers in connection with the proposed purchase of their securities by the Fund. Evaluation of each Municipal Bond may include the analysis of financial performance, debt structure, economic factors and the administrative structure of the issuer. Additionally, the priority of liens and the overall structure of the particular issue may be factors that will determine suitability for purchase. Further investigation may be performed and may include, among other things, discussions with project management, corporate officers and industry experts as well as site inspections, area analysis, and project and financial projection analysis. All purchases and sales also may be subject to the review of market data, economic projections and the performance of the financial markets. Certain economic indicators also may be monitored. Additionally, the Advisor will vary the average maturity of the Fund’s portfolio securities based upon its assessment of economic and market conditions

Leverage: The Fund currently does not intend to borrow money or issue debt securities or preferred shares. The Fund is, however, permitted to borrow money or issue debt securities in an amount up to 33 1/3% of its Managed Assets (50% of its net assets), and issue preferred shares in an amount up to 50% of its Managed Assets (100% of its net assets). “Managed Assets” means the total assets of the Fund (including any assets attributable to money borrowed for investment purposes) minus the sum of the Fund’s accrued liabilities (other than money borrowed for investment purposes). The Fund reserves the right to borrow money from banks or other financial institutions, or issue debt securities or preferred shares, in the future if it believes that market conditions would be conducive to the successful implementation of a leveraging strategy through borrowing money or issuing debt securities or preferred shares. Any such leveraging will not be fully achieved until the proceeds resulting from the use of leverage have been invested in accordance with the Fund’s investment objective and policies.




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Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks  (continued)


The Fund’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) has authorized the Fund to use economic leverage up to 25% of its total assets. The Fund currently intends to use economic leverage approximately equal to 15% of its total assets at the time the leverage is implemented, but may use economic leverage up to 25% of its total assets under the leverage policy set by the Board without further Board or shareholder approval. The Board could in the future authorize the Fund to use additional leverage up to the maximum amount permitted under the 1940 Act or change the 25% threshold at which Board approval is required to increase leverage, in each case without further shareholder approval.

The Fund currently leverages its assets through the use of TOB Residuals, which are derivative interests in municipal bonds.

The Fund may enter into derivative transactions that have economic leverage embedded in them.

The Fund may also borrow money as a temporary measure for extraordinary or emergency purposes, including the payment of dividends and the settlement of securities transactions which otherwise might require untimely dispositions of Fund securities.

BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (MHD)

The Fund’s investment objective is to provide stockholders with current income exempt from federal income taxes. There can be no assurance that the Fund’s investment objective will be realized. The Fund’s investment policies provide that it seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, as a fundamental policy at least 80% of an aggregate of the Fund’s net assets (including proceeds from the issuance of any preferred stock) and the proceeds of any borrowings for investment purposes, in a portfolio of municipal obligations issued by or on behalf of states, territories and possessions of the United States and their political subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities, each of which pays interest that, in the opinion of bond counsel to the issuer, is excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes (except that the interest may be includable in taxable income for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax).

The Fund’s investment objective and its policy of investing at least 80% of an aggregate of the Fund’s net assets (including proceeds from the issuance of any preferred stock) and the proceeds of any borrowings for investment purposes, in municipal bonds are fundamental policies that may not be changed without the approval of the holders of a majority of the outstanding common stock and the outstanding preferred stock, including the Fund’s outstanding Series W-7 Variable Rate Muni Term Preferred Shares (“VMTP Shares”), voting together as a single class, and of the holders of a majority of the outstanding preferred stock, including the VMTP Shares, voting as a separate class. A majority of the outstanding means (1) 67% or more of the shares present at a meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding shares are present or represented by proxy, or (2) more than 50% of the outstanding shares, whichever is less.

The Fund’s investment policies provide that it will invest at least 75% of its total assets in a portfolio of municipal bonds that are commonly referred to as “investment grade” securities, which are obligations rated at the time of purchase within the four highest quality ratings as determined by either Moody’s Investor Service Inc. (“Moody’s”) (currently Aaa, Aa, A and Baa), S&P Global Ratings (“S&P”) (currently AAA, AA, A and BBB) or Fitch Ratings (“Fitch”) (currently AAA, AA, A and BBB). In the case of short-term notes, the investment grade rating categories are SP-1+ through SP-2 for S&P, MIG-1 through MIG-3 for Moody’s and F-1+ through F-3 for Fitch. In the case of tax exempt commercial paper, the investment grade rating categories are A-1+ through A-3 for S&P, Prime-1 through Prime-3 for Moody’s and F-1+ through F-3 for Fitch. Obligations ranked in the lowest investment grade rating category (BBB, SP-2 and A-3 for S&P; Baa, MIG-3 and Prime-3 for Moody’s and BBB and F-3 for Fitch), while considered “investment grade,” may have certain speculative characteristics. There may be sub-categories or gradations indicating relative standing within the rating categories set forth above. In assessing the quality of municipal bonds with respect to the foregoing requirements, BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Manager”) takes into account the nature of any letters of credit or similar credit enhancement to which particular municipal bonds are entitled and the creditworthiness of the financial institution that provided such credit enhancement. If unrated, such securities will possess creditworthiness comparable, in the opinion of the Manager, to other obligations in which the Fund may invest.

The Fund may invest up to 25% of its total assets in municipal bonds that are rated below Baa by Moody’s or below BBB by S&P or Fitch or, if unrated, are considered by the Manager to possess similar credit characteristics. Bonds of below investment grade quality are regarded as having predominantly speculative characteristics with respect to the issuer’s capacity to pay interest and repay principal. Such securities, sometimes referred to as “high yield” or “junk” bonds, are predominantly speculative with respect to the capacity to pay interest and repay principal in accordance with the terms of the security and generally involve a greater volatility of price than securities in higher rating categories. Below investment grade securities and comparable unrated securities involve substantial risk of loss, are considered speculative with respect to the issuer’s ability to pay interest and any required redemption or principal payments and are susceptible to default or decline in market value due to adverse economic and business developments.

The foregoing credit quality policies apply only at the time a security is purchased, and the Fund is not required to dispose of a security if a rating agency downgrades its assessment of the credit characteristics of a particular issue. In determining whether to retain or sell a security that a rating agency has downgraded, the Manager may consider such factors as the Manager’s assessment of the credit quality of the issuer of the security, the price at which the security could be sold and the rating, if any, assigned to the security by other rating agencies. In the event that the Fund disposes of a portfolio security subsequent to its being downgraded, the Fund may experience a greater risk of loss than if such security had been sold prior to such downgrade.

The Fund may also purchase municipal bonds that are additionally secured by insurance, bank credit agreements or escrow accounts. The credit quality of companies which provide these credit enhancements will affect the value of those securities. Although the insurance feature reduces certain financial risks, the premiums for insurance and the higher market price paid for insured obligations may reduce the Fund’s income. The insurance feature does not guarantee the market value of the insured obligations or the net asset value of the common stock. The Fund may purchase insured bonds and may purchase insurance for bonds in its portfolio.

The Fund may invest in certain tax exempt securities classified as “private activity bonds” (or industrial development bonds, under pre-1986 law) (in general, bonds that benefit non-governmental entities) that may subject certain investors in the Fund to an alternative minimum tax. The percentage of the Fund’s total assets invested in private activity bonds will vary from time to time. The Fund has not established any limit on the percentage of its portfolio that may be invested in municipal bonds subject to the federal alternative minimum tax provisions of federal tax law, and the Fund expects that a portion of the income it produces will be includable in alternative minimum taxable income.

The Fund also may not invest more than 25% of its total assets (taken at market value at the time of each investment) in municipal bonds whose issuers are located in the same state.



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Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks  (continued)


The average maturity of the Fund’s portfolio securities varies from time to time based upon an assessment of economic and market conditions by the Manager. The Fund’s portfolio at any given time may include both long-term, intermediate-term and short-term municipal bonds.

The Fund’s stated expectation is that it will invest in municipal bonds that, in the Manager’s opinion, are underrated or undervalued. Underrated municipal bonds are those whose ratings do not, in the opinion of the Manager, reflect their true higher creditworthiness. Undervalued municipal bonds are bonds that, in the opinion of the Manager, are worth more than the value assigned to them in the marketplace. The Manager may at times believe that bonds associated with a particular municipal market sector (for example, but not limited to electric utilities), or issued by a particular municipal issuer, are undervalued. The Manager may purchase those bonds for the Fund’s portfolio because they represent a market sector or issuer that the Manager considers undervalued, even if the value of those particular bonds appears to be consistent with the value of similar bonds. Municipal bonds of particular types (for example, but not limited to hospital bonds, industrial revenue bonds or bonds issued by a particular municipal issuer) may be undervalued because there is a temporary excess of supply in that market sector, or because of a general decline in the market price of municipal bonds of the market sector for reasons that do not apply to the particular municipal bonds that are considered undervalued. The Fund’s investment in underrated or undervalued municipal bonds will be based on the Manager’s belief that their yield is higher than that available on bonds bearing equivalent levels of interest rate risk, credit risk and other forms of risk, and that their prices will ultimately rise, relative to the market, to reflect their true value. Any capital appreciation realized by the Fund will generally result in capital gain distributions subject to federal capital gains taxation.

The Fund ordinarily does not intend to realize significant investment income not exempt from federal income tax. From time to time, the Fund may realize taxable capital gains.

Federal tax legislation has limited the types and volume of bonds the interest on which qualifies for a federal income tax exemption. As a result, this legislation and legislation that may be enacted in the future may affect the availability of municipal bonds for investment by the Fund.

Leverage: The Fund may utilize leverage to seek to enhance the yield and net asset value of its common shares. However, this objective cannot be achieved in all interest rate environments. The Fund currently leverages its assets through the use of VMTP Shares and residual interest municipal tender option bonds (“TOB Residuals”), which are derivative interests in municipal bonds. The TOB Residuals in which the Fund will invest pay interest or income that, in the opinion of counsel to the issuer of such TOB Residuals, is exempt from regular U.S. federal income tax.

The Fund currently does not intend to borrow money or issue debt securities. Although it has no present intention to do so, the Fund reserves the right to borrow money from banks or other financial institutions, or issue debt securities, in the future if it believes that market conditions would be conducive to the successful implementation of a leveraging strategy through borrowing money or issuing debt securities or preferred stock.

The Fund may enter into derivative transactions that have economic leverage embedded in them.

The Fund may also borrow money as a temporary measure for extraordinary or emergency purposes, including the payment of dividends and the settlement of securities transactions which otherwise might require untimely dispositions of Fund securities.

BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (MUI)

The Fund’s investment objective is to provide common stockholders with high current income exempt from federal income taxes. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing at least 80% of its net assets (including assets acquired from the sale of preferred stock) plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in a portfolio of municipal obligations issued by or on behalf of states, territories and possessions of the United States and their political subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities, each of which pays interest that, in the opinion of bond counsel to the issuer, is excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes (except that the interest may be includable in taxable income for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax) (“Municipal Bonds”). The Fund’s investment objective and its policy of investing at least 80% of its net assets (including assets acquired from the sale of preferred stock) plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in Municipal Bonds are fundamental policies that may not be changed without the approval of a majority of the outstanding common stock and the outstanding preferred stock, including the Fund’s outstanding Series W-7 Variable Rate Muni Term Preferred Shares (“VMTP Shares”), voting together as a single class, and of the holders of a majority of the outstanding preferred stock, including the VMTP Shares, voting as a separate class. A majority of the outstanding means (1) 67% or more of the stock present at a meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding stock are present or represented by proxy, or (2) more than 50% of the outstanding stock, whichever is less.

There can be no assurance that the Fund’s investment objective will be realized.

The Fund may invest in certain tax exempt securities classified as “private activity bonds” (or industrial development bonds, under pre-1986 law) (“PABs”) (in general, bonds that benefit non-governmental entities) that may subject certain investors in the Fund to an alternative minimum tax. The percentage of the Fund’s total assets invested in PABs will vary from time to time. The Fund has not established any limit on the percentage of its portfolio that may be invested in PABs. The Fund expects that a portion of the interest or income it produces will be includable in alternative minimum taxable income.

Under normal market conditions, the Fund invests at least 75% of its total assets in a portfolio of Municipal Bonds that are commonly referred to as “investment grade” securities, which are obligations rated at the time of purchase within the four highest quality ratings as determined by either Moody’s Investor Service Inc. (“Moody’s”) (currently Aaa, Aa, A and Baa), S&P Global Ratings (“S&P”) (currently AAA, AA, A and BBB) or Fitch Ratings (“Fitch”) (currently AAA, AA, A and BBB). In the case of short-term notes, the investment grade rating categories are SP-1+ through SP-2 for S&P, MIG-1 through MIG-3 for Moody’s and F- 1+ through F-3 for Fitch. In the case of tax exempt commercial paper, the investment grade rating categories are A- 1+ through A-3 for S&P, Prime-1 through Prime-3 for Moody’s and F-1+ through F-3 for Fitch. Obligations ranked in the lowest investment grade rating category (BBB, SP-2 and A-3 for S&P; Baa, MIG-3 and Prime-3 for Moody’s and BBB and F-3 for Fitch), while considered “investment grade,” may have certain speculative characteristics. There may be sub-categories or gradations indicating relative standing within the rating categories set forth above. In assessing the quality of Municipal Bonds with respect to the foregoing requirements, the Manager takes into account the nature of any letters of credit or similar credit enhancement to which particular Municipal Bonds are entitled and the creditworthiness of the financial institution that provided such credit enhancement. If unrated, such securities will possess creditworthiness comparable, in the opinion of the Manager, to other obligations in which the Fund may invest.




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Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks  (continued)


The Fund may invest up to 25% of its total assets in Municipal Bonds that are rated below Baa by Moody’s or below BBB by S&P or Fitch or, if unrated, are considered by the Manager to possess similar credit characteristics. Such securities, sometimes referred to as “high yield” or “junk” bonds, are predominantly speculative with respect to the capacity to pay interest and repay principal in accordance with the terms of the security and generally involve a greater volatility of price than securities in higher rating categories. The Fund does not intend to purchase Municipal Bonds that are in default or which the Manager believes will soon be in default. Below investment grade securities and comparable unrated securities involve substantial risk of loss, are considered speculative with respect to the issuer’s ability to pay interest and any required redemption or principal payments and are susceptible to default or decline in market value due to adverse economic and business developments.

The Fund may invest 25% or more of its total assets in tax exempt securities of issuers in the industries comprising the same economic sector, such as hospitals or life care facilities and transportation-related issuers. However, the Fund will not invest 25% or more of its total assets in any one of the industries comprising an economic sector. In addition, a substantial part of the Fund’s portfolio may be comprised of securities credit enhanced by banks, insurance companies or companies with similar characteristics. Emphasis on these sectors may subject the Fund to certain risks.

If a percentage restriction on investment policies is adhered to at the time a transaction is effected, later changes in percentage resulting from changing values will not be considered a violation.

The value of bonds and other fixed income obligations may fall when interest rates rise and rise when interest rates fall. In general, bonds and other fixed income obligations with longer maturities will be subject to greater volatility resulting from interest rate fluctuations than will similar obligations with shorter maturities. [Under normal market conditions, the Fund maintains a dollar-weighted average portfolio duration of three to ten years.] “Duration” measures the sensitivity of a security’s price to changes in interest rates. Unlike final maturity, duration takes account of all payments made over the life of the security. Typically, with a 1% change in interest rates, an investment’s value may be expected to move in the opposite direction approximately 1% for each year of its duration. The greater a portfolio’s duration, the greater the change in the portfolio’s value in response to changes in interest rates. The Manager increases or reduces the Fund’s portfolio duration based on its interest rate outlook. When the Manager expects interest rates to fall, it attempts to maintain a longer portfolio duration. When the Manager expects interest rates to increase, it attempts to shorten the portfolio’s duration. Generally, as is the case with any investment grade fixed income obligations, Municipal Bonds with longer maturities tend to produce higher yields. Under normal market conditions, however, such yield-to-maturity increases tend to decline in the longer maturities (i.e., the slope of the yield curve flattens). At the same time, due to their longer exposure to interest rate risk, prices of longer term obligations are subject to greater market fluctuations as a result of changes in interest rates. Based on the foregoing premises, the Manager believes that the yield and price volatility characteristics of an intermediate duration portfolio generally offer an attractive trade-off between return and risk. There may be market conditions, however, where an intermediate duration portfolio may be less attractive due to the fact that the Municipal Bond yield curve changes from time to time depending on supply and demand forces, monetary and tax policies and investor expectations. As a result, there may be situations where investments in individual Municipal Bonds with longer durations may be more attractive than individual intermediate duration Municipal Bonds.

For temporary periods or to provide liquidity, the Fund has the authority to invest as much as 20% of its total assets in tax exempt and taxable money market obligations with a maturity of one year or less (such short-term obligations being referred to herein as “Temporary Investments”). In addition, the Fund reserves the right as a defensive measure to invest temporarily a greater portion of its assets in Temporary Investments, when, in the opinion of the Manager, prevailing market or financial conditions warrant. Taxable money market obligations will yield taxable income.

The Fund also may invest in variable rate demand obligations (“VRDOs”) and VRDOs in the form of participation interests (“Participating VRDOs”) in variable rate tax exempt obligations held by a financial institution. The Fund’s hedging strategies are not fundamental policies and may be modified by the Fund’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) without the approval of the Fund’s stockholders. The Fund is also authorized to invest in indexed and inverse floating obligations for hedging purposes and to seek to enhance return.

Certain Municipal Bonds may be entitled to the benefits of letters of credit or similar credit enhancements issued by financial institutions. In such instances, the Board of Directors of the Fund and the Manager will take into account, in assessing the quality of such bonds, both the creditworthiness of the issuer of such bonds and the creditworthiness of the financial institution that provides the credit enhancement.

The Fund may invest in securities not issued by or on behalf of a state or territory or by an agency or instrumentality thereof, if the Fund receives an opinion of counsel to the issuer that such securities pay interest that is excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes (“Non-Municipal Tax Exempt Securities”). Non- Municipal Tax Exempt Securities could include trust certificates, partnership interests or other instruments evidencing interest in one or more long-term Municipal Bonds. Non-Municipal Tax Exempt Securities also may include securities issued by other investment companies that invest in Municipal Bonds, to the extent such investments are permitted by the Fund’s investment restrictions and applicable law. Non-Municipal Tax Exempt Securities are subject to the same risks associated with an investment in Municipal Bonds as well as many of the risks associated with investments in derivatives. While the Fund receives opinions of legal counsel to the effect that the income from the Non-Municipal Tax Exempt Securities in which the Fund invests is excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes to the same extent as the underlying Municipal Bonds, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) has not issued a ruling on this subject. Were the IRS to issue an adverse ruling or take an adverse position with respect to the taxation of these types of securities, there is a risk that the interest paid on such securities would be deemed taxable at the federal level.

The Fund ordinarily does not intend to realize significant investment income not exempt from federal income tax. From time to time, the Fund may realize taxable capital gains. Interest received on certain otherwise tax exempt securities that are classified as “private activity bonds” (in general, bonds that benefit non-governmental entities) may be subject to a federal alternative minimum tax. The percentage of the Fund’s total assets invested in “private activity bonds” will vary from time to time. Federal tax legislation has limited the types and volume of bonds the interest on which qualifies for a federal income tax exemption. As a result, this legislation and legislation that may be enacted in the future may affect the availability of Municipal Bonds for investment by the Fund.

Leverage: The Fund may utilize leverage to seek to enhance the yield and net asset value of its common shares. However, this objective cannot be achieved in all interest rate environments. The Fund currently leverages its assets through the use of VMTP Shares and residual interest municipal tender option bonds (“TOB Residuals”), which are derivative interests in municipal bonds. The TOB Residuals in which the Fund will invest pay interest or income that, in the opinion of counsel to the issuer of such TOB Residuals, is exempt from regular U.S. federal income tax.



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Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks  (continued)


BlackRock MuniVest Fund II, Inc. (MVT)

The Fund’s investment objective is to provide stockholders with as high a level of current income exempt from federal income taxes as is consistent with its investment policies and prudent investment management. There can be no assurance that the Fund’s investment objective will be realized. The Fund’s investment policies provide that it seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, as a fundamental policy at least 80% of an aggregate of the Fund’s net assets (including proceeds from the issuance of any preferred stock) and the proceeds of any borrowings for investment purposes, in a portfolio of municipal obligations issued by or on behalf of states, territories and possessions of the United States and their political subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities, each of which pays interest that, in the opinion of bond counsel to the issuer, is excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes (except that the interest may be includable in taxable income for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax) (“Municipal Bonds”).

The Fund’s investment objective and its policy of investing at least 80% of an aggregate of the Fund’s net assets (including proceeds from the issuance of any preferred stock) and the proceeds of any borrowings for investment purposes, in Municipal Bonds are fundamental policies that may not be changed without the approval of the holders of a majority of the outstanding common shares and the outstanding preferred shares, including the Fund’s outstanding Series W-7 Variable Rate Muni Term Preferred Shares (the “VMTP Shares”), voting together as a single class, and of the holders of a majority of the outstanding preferred shares, including the VMTP Shares, voting as a separate class. A majority of the outstanding means (1) 67% or more of the shares present at a meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding shares are present or represented by proxy, or (2) more than 50% of the outstanding shares, whichever is less.

The Fund’s investment policies provide that under normal market conditions, the Fund expects to invest at least 75% of its total assets in a portfolio of Municipal Bonds that are commonly referred to as “investment grade” securities, which are obligations rated at the time of purchase within the four highest quality ratings as determined by either Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) (currently Aaa, Aa, A and Baa), Standard & Poor’s (“S&P”) (currently AAA, AA, A and BBB) or Fitch Ratings (“Fitch”) (currently AAA, AA, A and BBB). In the case of short term notes, the investment grade rating categories are SP-1+ through SP-2 for S&P, MIG-1 through MIG-3 for Moody’s and F-1+ through F-3 for Fitch. In the case of tax exempt commercial paper, the investment grade rating categories are A-1+ through A-3 for S&P, Prime-1 through Prime-3 for Moody’s and F-1+ through F-3 for Fitch.

Obligations ranked in the lowest investment grade rating category (BBB, SP-2 and A-3 for S&P; Baa, MIG-3 and Prime-3 for Moody’s and BBB and F-3 for Fitch), while considered “investment grade,” may have certain speculative characteristics. There may be sub-categories or gradations indicating relative standing within the rating categories set forth above. In assessing the quality of Municipal Bonds with respect to the foregoing requirements, BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Manager”) takes into account the nature of any letters of credit or similar credit enhancement to which particular Municipal Bonds are entitled and the creditworthiness of the financial institution that provided such credit enhancement. If unrated, such securities will possess creditworthiness comparable, in the opinion of the Manager, to other obligations in which the Fund may invest.

The Fund may invest up to 25% of its total assets in Municipal Bonds that are rated below Baa by Moody’s or below BBB by S&P or Fitch or, if unrated, are considered by the Manager to possess similar credit characteristics. Bonds of below investment grade quality are regarded as having predominantly speculative characteristics with respect to the issuer’s capacity to pay interest and repay principal. Such securities, sometimes referred to as “high yield” or “junk” bonds, are predominantly speculative with respect to the capacity to pay interest and repay principal in accordance with the terms of the security and generally involve a greater volatility of price than securities in higher rating categories. Below investment grade securities and comparable unrated securities involve substantial risk of loss, are considered speculative with respect to the issuer’s ability to pay interest and any required redemption or principal payments and are susceptible to default or decline in market value due to adverse economic and business developments.

The foregoing credit quality policies apply only at the time a security is purchased, and the Fund is not required to dispose of a security if a rating agency downgrades its assessment of the credit characteristics of a particular issue. In determining whether to retain or sell a security that a rating agency has downgraded, the Advisor may consider such factors as the Advisor’s assessment of the credit quality of the issuer of the security, the price at which the security could be sold and the rating, if any, assigned to the security by other rating agencies. In the event that the Fund disposes of a portfolio security subsequent to its being downgraded, the Fund may experience a greater risk of loss than if such security had been sold prior to such downgrade.

The Fund may also purchase Municipal Bonds that are additionally secured by insurance, bank credit agreements or escrow accounts. The credit quality of companies which provide these credit enhancements will affect the value of those securities. Although the insurance feature reduces certain financial risks, the premiums for insurance and the higher market price paid for insured obligations may reduce the Fund’s income. The insurance feature does not guarantee the market value of the insured obligations or the net asset value of the common shares. The Fund may purchase insured bonds and may purchase insurance for bonds in its portfolio.

The Fund may invest in certain tax exempt securities classified as “private activity bonds” (or industrial development bonds, under pre-1986 law) (“PABs”) (in general, bonds that benefit non-governmental entities) that may subject certain investors in the Fund to an alternative minimum tax. The percentage of the Fund’s total assets invested in PABs will vary from time to time. The Fund has not established any limit on the percentage of its portfolio that may be invested in Municipal Bonds subject to the federal alternative minimum tax provisions of federal tax law, and the Fund expects that a portion of the income it produces will be includable in alternative minimum taxable income.

The Fund also may not invest more than 25% of its total assets (taken at market value at the time of each investment) in Municipal Bonds whose issuers are located in the same state.

The average maturity of the Fund’s portfolio securities varies from time to time based upon an assessment of economic and market conditions by the Manager. The Fund’s portfolio at any given time may include both long-term, intermediate-term and short-term Municipal Bonds.

The Fund’s stated expectation is that it will invest in Municipal Bonds that, in the Advisors’ opinion, are underrated or undervalued. Underrated Municipal Bonds are those whose ratings do not, in the opinion of the Advisors, reflect their true higher creditworthiness. Undervalued Municipal Bonds are bonds that, in the opinion of the Advisors, are worth more than the value assigned to them in the marketplace. The Advisors may at times believe that bonds associated with a particular municipal market sector (for example, but not limited to electric utilities), or issued by a particular municipal issuer, are undervalued. The Advisors may purchase those bonds for the Fund’s portfolio




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Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks  (continued)


because they represent a market sector or issuer that the Advisors considers undervalued, even if the value of those particular bonds appears to be consistent with the value of similar bonds. Municipal Bonds of particular types (for example, but not limited to hospital bonds, industrial revenue bonds or bonds issued by a particular municipal issuer) may be undervalued because there is a temporary excess of supply in that market sector, or because of a general decline in the market price of Municipal Bonds of the market sector for reasons that do not apply to the particular Municipal Bonds that are considered undervalued. The Fund’s investment in underrated or undervalued Municipal Bonds will be based on the Advisors’ belief that their yield is higher than that available on bonds bearing equivalent levels of interest rate risk, credit risk and other forms of risk, and that their prices will ultimately rise, relative to the market, to reflect their true value. Any capital appreciation realized by the Fund will generally result in capital gain distributions subject to federal capital gains taxation.

The Fund ordinarily does not intend to realize significant investment income not exempt from federal income tax. From time to time, the Fund may realize taxable capital gains.

Federal tax legislation has limited the types and volume of bonds the interest on which qualifies for a federal income tax exemption. As a result, this legislation and legislation that may be enacted in the future may affect the availability of Municipal Bonds for investment by the Fund.

Leverage: The Fund may utilize leverage to seek to enhance the yield and net asset value of its common shares. However, this objective cannot be achieved in all interest rate environments. The Fund currently leverages its assets through the use of VMTP Shares and residual interest municipal tender option bonds (“TOB Residuals”), which are derivative interests in municipal bonds. The TOB Residuals in which the Fund will invest pay interest or income that, in the opinion of counsel to the issuer of such TOB Residuals, is exempt from regular U.S. federal income tax.

Risk Factors

This section contains a discussion of the general risks of investing in each Fund. The net asset value and market price of, and dividends paid on, the common shares will fluctuate with and be affected by, among other things, the risks more fully described below. As with any fund, there can be no guarantee that a Fund will meet its investment objective or that the Fund’s performance will be positive for any period of time. Each risk noted below is applicable to each Fund unless the specific Fund or Funds are noted in a parenthetical.

Investment and Market Discount Risk: An investment in the Fund’s common shares is subject to investment risk, including the possible loss of the entire amount that you invest. As with any stock, the price of the Fund’s common shares will fluctuate with market conditions and other factors. If shares are sold, the price received may be more or less than the original investment. Common shares are designed for long-term investors and the Fund should not be treated as a trading vehicle. Shares of closed-end management investment companies frequently trade at a discount from their net asset value. This risk is separate and distinct from the risk that the Fund’s net asset value could decrease as a result of its investment activities. At any point in time an investment in the Fund’s common shares may be worth less than the original amount invested, even after taking into account distributions paid by the Fund. During periods in which the Fund may use leverage, the Fund’s investment, market discount and certain other risks will be magnified.

Debt Securities Risk: Debt securities, such as bonds, involve interest rate risk, credit risk, extension risk, and prepayment risk, among other things.



Interest Rate Risk — The market value of bonds and other fixed-income securities changes in response to interest rate changes and other factors. Interest rate risk is the risk that prices of bonds and other fixed-income securities will increase as interest rates fall and decrease as interest rates rise.



The Fund may be subject to a greater risk of rising interest rates due to the current period of historically low rates. For example, if interest rates increase by 1%, assuming a current portfolio duration of ten years, and all other factors being equal, the value of the Fund’s investments would be expected to decrease by 10%. The magnitude of these fluctuations in the market price of bonds and other fixed-income securities is generally greater for those securities with longer maturities. Fluctuations in the market price of the Fund’s investments will not affect interest income derived from instruments already owned by the Fund, but will be reflected in the Fund’s net asset value. The Fund may lose money if short-term or long-term interest rates rise sharply in a manner not anticipated by Fund management.



Rates on certain floating rate debt securities typically reset only periodically, changes in prevailing interest rates (and particularly sudden and significant changes) can be expected to cause some fluctuations in the net asset value of the Fund to the extent that it invests in floating rate debt securities.



These basic principles of bond prices also apply to U.S. Government securities. A security backed by the “full faith and credit” of the U.S. Government is guaranteed only as to its stated interest rate and face value at maturity, not its current market price. Just like other fixed-income securities, government-guaranteed securities will fluctuate in value when interest rates change.



A general rise in interest rates has the potential to cause investors to move out of fixed-income securities on a large scale, which may increase redemptions from funds that hold large amounts of fixed-income securities. Heavy redemptions could cause the Fund to sell assets at inopportune times or at a loss or depressed value and could hurt the Fund’s performance.



Credit Risk — Credit risk refers to the possibility that the issuer of a debt security (i.e., the borrower) will not be able to make payments of interest and principal when due. Changes in an issuer’s credit rating or the market’s perception of an issuer’s creditworthiness may also affect the value of the Fund’s investment in that issuer. The degree of credit risk depends on both the financial condition of the issuer and the terms of the obligation.



Extension Risk — When interest rates rise, certain obligations will be paid off by the obligor more slowly than anticipated, causing the value of these obligations to fall.



Prepayment Risk — When interest rates fall, certain obligations will be paid off by the obligor more quickly than originally anticipated, and the Fund may have to invest the proceeds in securities with lower yields.



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Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks  (continued)


Municipal Securities Risks: Municipal securities risks include the ability of the issuer to repay the obligation, the relative lack of information about certain issuers of municipal securities, and the possibility of future legislative changes which could affect the market for and value of municipal securities. These risks include:



General Obligation Bonds Risks — Timely payments depend on the issuer’s credit quality, ability to raise tax revenues and ability to maintain an adequate tax base.



Revenue Bonds Risks — These payments depend on the money earned by the particular facility or class of facilities, or the amount of revenues derived from another source.



Private Activity Bonds Risks — Municipalities and other public authorities issue private activity bonds to finance development of industrial facilities for use by a private enterprise. The private enterprise pays the principal and interest on the bond, and the issuer does not pledge its faith, credit and taxing power for repayment.



Moral Obligation Bonds Risks — Moral obligation bonds are generally issued by special purpose public authorities of a state or municipality. If the issuer is unable to meet its obligations, repayment of these bonds becomes a moral commitment, but not a legal obligation, of the state or municipality.



Municipal Notes Risks — Municipal notes are shorter term municipal debt obligations. If there is a shortfall in the anticipated proceeds, the notes may not be fully repaid and the Fund may lose money.



Municipal Lease Obligations Risks — In a municipal lease obligation, the issuer agrees to make payments when due on the lease obligation. Although the issuer does not pledge its unlimited taxing power for payment of the lease obligation, the lease obligation is secured by the leased property.



Tax-exempt Status Risk — The Fund and its investment manager will rely on the opinion of issuers’ bond counsel and, in the case of certain derivative securities, sponsors’ counsel, on the tax-exempt status of interest on municipal bonds and payments under derivative securities. Neither the Fund nor its investment manager will independently review the bases for those tax opinions, which may ultimately be determined to be incorrect and subject the Fund and its shareholders to substantial tax liabilities.

Taxability Risk: The Fund intends to minimize the payment of taxable income to shareholders by investing in tax-exempt or municipal securities in reliance at the time of purchase on an opinion of bond counsel to the issuer that the interest paid on those securities will be excludable from gross income for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Such securities, however, may be determined to pay, or have paid, taxable income subsequent to the Fund’s acquisition of the securities. In that event, the Internal Revenue Service may demand that the Fund pay U.S. federal income taxes on the affected interest income, and, if the Fund agrees to do so, the Fund’s yield could be adversely affected. In addition, the treatment of dividends previously paid or to be paid by the Fund as “exempt interest dividends” could be adversely affected, subjecting the Fund’s shareholders to increased U.S. federal income tax liabilities. Federal tax legislation may limit the types and volume of bonds the interest on which qualifies for a federal income tax-exemption. As a result, current legislation and legislation that may be enacted in the future may affect the availability of municipal bonds for investment by the Fund. In addition, future laws, regulations, rulings or court decisions may cause interest on municipal securities to be subject, directly or indirectly, to U.S. federal income taxation or interest on state municipal securities to be subject to state or local income taxation, or the value of state municipal securities to be subject to state or local intangible personal property tax, or may otherwise prevent the Fund from realizing the full current benefit of the tax-exempt status of such securities. Any such change could also affect the market price of such securities, and thus the value of an investment in the Fund.

Insurance Risk: Insurance guarantees that interest payments on a municipal security will be made on time and that the principal will be repaid when the security matures. However, insurance does not protect against losses caused by declines in a municipal security’s value. The Fund cannot be certain that any insurance company will make the payments it guarantees. If a municipal security’s insurer fails to fulfill its obligations or loses its credit rating, the value of the security could drop.

Junk Bonds Risk: Although junk bonds generally pay higher rates of interest than investment grade bonds, junk bonds are high risk investments that are considered speculative and may cause income and principal losses for the Fund.

Variable Rate Demand Obligations Risk (MUI): Variable rate demand obligations are floating rate securities that combine an interest in a long term municipal bond with a right to demand payment before maturity from a bank or other financial institution. If the bank or financial institution is unable to pay, the Fund may lose money.

Repurchase Agreements and Purchase and Sale Contracts Risk (MUA): If the other party to a repurchase agreement or purchase and sale contract defaults on its obligation under the agreement, the Fund may suffer delays and incur costs or lose money in exercising its rights under the agreement. If the seller fails to repurchase the security in either situation and the market value of the security declines, the Fund may lose money.

Sector Risk (MUI): Sector risk is the risk that the Fund’s concentration in the securities of companies in a specific market sector or industry will cause the Fund to be more exposed to the price movements of companies in and developments affecting that sector than a more broadly diversified fund. To the extent that the Fund concentrates its investments in a particular sector, there is the risk that the Fund will perform poorly during a downturn in that sector.

Leverage Risk: The Fund also utilizes leverage for investment purposes by entering into derivative instruments with leverage embedded in them, such as TOB Residuals. With respect to MHD, MUI and MVT, the Fund uses leverage for investment purposes through the issuance of VMTP Shares. The Fund’s use of leverage may increase or decrease from time to time in its discretion and the Fund may, in the future, determine not to use leverage.

The use of leverage creates an opportunity for increased common share net investment income dividends, but also creates risks for the holders of common shares. The Fund cannot assure you that the use of leverage will result in a higher yield on the common shares. Any leveraging strategy the Fund employs may not be successful.

Leverage involves risks and special considerations for common shareholders, including:



the likelihood of greater volatility of net asset value, market price and dividend rate of the common shares than a comparable portfolio without leverage;




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Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks  (continued)



the risk that fluctuations in interest rates or dividend rates on any leverage that the Fund must pay will reduce the return to the common shareholders;



the effect of leverage in a declining market, which is likely to cause a greater decline in the net asset value of the common shares than if the Fund were not leveraged, which may result in a greater decline in the market price of the common shares;



leverage may increase operating costs, which may reduce total return.

Any decline in the net asset value of the Fund’s investments will be borne entirely by the holders of common shares. Therefore, if the market value of the Fund’s portfolio declines, leverage will result in a greater decrease in net asset value to the holders of common shares than if the Fund were not leveraged. This greater net asset value decrease will also tend to cause a greater decline in the market price for the common shares.

Derivatives Risk: The Fund’s use of derivatives may increase its costs, reduce the Fund’s returns and/or increase volatility. Derivatives involve significant risks, including:



Volatility Risk — Volatility is defined as the characteristic of a security, an index or a market to fluctuate significantly in price within a short time period. A risk of the Fund’s use of derivatives is that the fluctuations in their values may not correlate with the overall securities markets.



Counterparty Risk — Derivatives are also subject to counterparty risk, which is the risk that the other party in the transaction will not fulfill its contractual obligation.



Market and Illiquidity Risk — The possible lack of a liquid secondary market for derivatives and the resulting inability of the Fund to sell or otherwise close a derivatives position could expose the Fund to losses and could make derivatives more difficult for the Fund to value accurately.



Valuation Risk — Valuation may be more difficult in times of market turmoil since many investors and market makers may be reluctant to purchase complex instruments or quote prices for them.



Hedging Risk — Hedges are sometimes subject to imperfect matching between the derivative and the underlying security, and there can be no assurance that the Fund’s hedging transactions will be effective. The use of hedging may result in certain adverse tax consequences.



Tax Risk — Certain aspects of the tax treatment of derivative instruments, including swap agreements and commodity-linked derivative instruments, are currently unclear and may be affected by changes in legislation, regulations or other legally binding authority. Such treatment may be less favorable than that given to a direct investment in an underlying asset and may adversely affect the timing, character and amount of income the Fund realizes from its investments.



Regulatory Risk — Derivative contracts, including, without limitation, swaps, currency forwards and non-deliverable forwards, are subject to regulation under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”) in the United States and under comparable regimes in Europe, Asia and other non-U.S. jurisdictions. Under the Dodd-Frank Act, certain derivatives are subject to margin requirements and swap dealers are required to collect margin from the Fund with respect to such derivatives. Specifically, regulations are now in effect that require swap dealers to post and collect variation margin (comprised of specified liquid instruments and subject to a required haircut) in connection with trading of over-the-counter (“OTC”) swaps with the Fund. Shares of investment companies (other than certain money market funds) may not be posted as collateral under these regulations. Requirements for posting of initial margin in connection with OTC swaps will be phased-in through at least 2021. In addition, regulations adopted by global prudential regulators that are now in effect require certain bank-regulated counterparties and certain of their affiliates to include in certain financial contracts, including many derivatives contracts, terms that delay or restrict the rights of counterparties, such as the Fund, to terminate such contracts, foreclose upon collateral, exercise other default rights or restrict transfers of credit support in the event that the counterparty and/or its affiliates are subject to certain types of resolution or insolvency proceedings. The implementation of these requirements with respect to derivatives, as well as regulations under the Dodd-Frank Act regarding clearing, mandatory trading and margining of other derivatives, may increase the costs and risks to the Fund of trading in these instruments and, as a result, may affect returns to investors in the Fund.



On October 28, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted new regulations governing the use of derivatives by registered investment companies (“Rule 18f-4”). The Fund will be required to implement and comply with Rule 18f-4 by August 19, 2022. Once implemented, Rule 18f-4 will impose limits on the amount of derivatives a fund can enter into, eliminate the asset segregation framework currently used by funds to comply with Section 18 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, treat derivatives as senior securities and require funds whose use of derivatives is more than a limited specified exposure amount to establish and maintain a comprehensive derivatives risk management program and appoint a derivatives risk manager.



Tender Option Bonds Risk: The Fund’s participation in tender option bond transactions may reduce the Fund’s returns and/or increase volatility. Investments in tender option bond transactions expose the Fund to counterparty risk and leverage risk. An investment in a tender option bond transaction typically will involve greater risk than an investment in a municipal fixed rate security, including the risk of loss of principal. Distributions on TOB Residuals will bear an inverse relationship to short-term municipal security interest rates. Distributions on TOB Residuals paid to the Fund will be reduced or, in the extreme, eliminated as short-term municipal interest rates rise and will increase when short-term municipal interest rates fall. TOB Residuals generally will underperform the market for fixed rate municipal securities in a rising interest rate environment. The Fund may invest in TOB Trusts on either a non-recourse or recourse basis. If the Fund invests in a TOB Trust on a recourse basis, it could suffer losses in excess of the value of its TOB Residuals.



Illiquid Investments Risk: The Fund may invest without limitation in illiquid or less liquid investments or investments in which no secondary market is readily available or which are otherwise illiquid, including private placement securities. The Fund may not be able to readily dispose of such investments at prices that approximate those at which the Fund could sell such investments if they were more widely traded and, as a result of such illiquidity, the Fund may have to sell other investments or engage in borrowing transactions if necessary to raise cash to meet its obligations. Limited liquidity can also affect the market price of investments, thereby adversely affecting the Fund’s net asset value and ability to make dividend distributions. The financial markets in general, and certain segments of the mortgage-related securities markets in particular, have in recent years experienced periods of extreme secondary market supply and demand imbalance, resulting in a loss of liquidity during which market



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Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks  (continued)



prices were suddenly and substantially below traditional measures of intrinsic value. During such periods, some investments could be sold only at arbitrary prices and with substantial losses. Periods of such market dislocation may occur again at any time. Privately issued debt securities are often of below investment grade quality, frequently are unrated and present many of the same risks as investing in below investment grade public debt securities.

Market Risk and Selection Risk: Market risk is the risk that one or more markets in which the Fund invests will go down in value, including the possibility that the markets will go down sharply and unpredictably. The value of a security or other asset may decline due to changes in general market conditions, economic trends or events that are not specifically related to the issuer of the security or other asset, or factors that affect a particular issuer or issuers, exchange, country, group of countries, region, market, industry, group of industries, sector or asset class. Local, regional or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, the spread of infectious illness or other public health issues like pandemics or epidemics, recessions, or other events could have a significant impact on the Fund and its investments. Selection risk is the risk that the securities selected by Fund management will underperform the markets, the relevant indices or the securities selected by other funds with similar investment objectives and investment strategies. This means you may lose money.

A recent outbreak of an infectious coronavirus has developed into a global pandemic that has resulted in numerous disruptions in the market and has had significant economic impact leaving general concern and uncertainty. The impact of this coronavirus, and other epidemics and pandemics that may arise in the future, could affect the economies of many nations, individual companies and the market in general ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen at the present time.




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Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan


Pursuant to MUA, MHD, MUI and MVT’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan (the “Reinvestment Plan”), Common Shareholders are automatically enrolled to have all distributions of dividends and capital gains and other distributions reinvested by Computershare Trust Company, N.A. (the “Reinvestment Plan Agent”) in the respective Fund’s Common Shares pursuant to the Reinvestment Plan. Shareholders who do not participate in the Reinvestment Plan will receive all distributions in cash paid by check and mailed directly to the shareholders of record (or if the shares are held in street name or other nominee name, then to the nominee) by the Reinvestment Plan Agent, which serves as agent for the shareholders in administering the Reinvestment Plan.

After MUA, MHD, MUI and MVT declare a dividend or determine to make a capital gain or other distribution, the Reinvestment Plan Agent will acquire shares for the participants’ accounts, depending upon the following circumstances, either (i) through receipt of unissued but authorized shares from the Funds (“newly issued shares”) or (ii) by purchase of outstanding shares on the open market or on the Fund’s primary exchange (“open-market purchases”). If, on the dividend payment date, the net asset value per share (“NAV”) is equal to or less than the market price per share plus estimated brokerage commissions (such condition often referred to as a “market premium”), the Reinvestment Plan Agent will invest the dividend amount in newly issued shares acquired on behalf of the participants. The number of newly issued shares to be credited to each participant’s account will be determined by dividing the dollar amount of the dividend by the NAV on the date the shares are issued. However, if the NAV is less than 95% of the market price on the dividend payment date, the dollar amount of the dividend will be divided by 95% of the market price on the dividend payment date. If, on the dividend payment date, the NAV is greater than the market price per share plus estimated brokerage commissions (such condition often referred to as a “market discount”), the Reinvestment Plan Agent will invest the dividend amount in shares acquired on behalf of the participants in open-market purchases. If the Reinvestment Plan Agent is unable to invest the full dividend amount in open-market purchases, or if the market discount shifts to a market premium during the purchase period, the Reinvestment Plan Agent will invest any un-invested portion in newly issued shares. Investments in newly issued shares made in this manner would be made pursuant to the same process described above and the date of issue for such newly issued shares will substitute for the dividend payment date.

You may elect not to participate in the Reinvestment Plan and to receive all dividends in cash by contacting the Reinvestment Plan Agent, at the address set forth below.

Participation in the Reinvestment Plan is completely voluntary and may be terminated or resumed at any time without penalty by notice if received and processed by the Reinvestment Plan Agent prior to the dividend record date. Additionally, the Reinvestment Plan Agent seeks to process notices received after the record date but prior to the payable date and such notices often will become effective by the payable date. Where late notices are not processed by the applicable payable date, such termination or resumption will be effective with respect to any subsequently declared dividend or other distribution.

The Reinvestment Plan Agent’s fees for the handling of the reinvestment of distributions will be paid by each Fund. However, each participant will pay a pro rata share of brokerage commissions incurred with respect to the Reinvestment Plan Agent’s open-market purchases in connection with the reinvestment of all distributions. The automatic reinvestment of all distributions will not relieve participants of any U.S. federal, state or local income tax that may be payable on such dividends or distributions.

Each Fund reserves the right to amend or terminate the Reinvestment Plan. There is no direct service charge to participants in the Reinvestment Plan; however, each Fund reserves the right to amend the Reinvestment Plan to include a service charge payable by the participants. Participants in MUI that request a sale of shares are subject to a $2.50 sales fee and a $0.15 per share sold brokerage commission fee. Participants in MUA, MHD and MVT that request a sale of shares are subject to a $0.02 per share sold brokerage commission. All correspondence concerning the Reinvestment Plan should be directed to Computershare Trust Company, N.A. through the internet at computershare.com/blackrock, or in writing to Computershare, P.O. Box 505000, Louisville, KY 40233, Telephone: (800) 699-1236. Overnight correspondence should be directed to the Reinvestment Plan Agent at Computershare, 462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600, Louisville, KY 40202.



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Director and Officer Information


Independent Directors(a)


Year of Birth(b)

   Position(s) Held
(Length of Service)(c)
   Principal Occupation(s)
During Past Five Years

Number of BlackRock-Advised

Registered Investment Companies
(“RICs”) Consisting of
Investment Portfolios
(“Portfolios”) Overseen

   Public Company
and Other
Directorships Held
Past Five Years

Richard E. Cavanagh



Co-Chair of the Board and Director

(Since 2007)

   Director, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America since 1998; Board Chair, Volunteers of America (a not-for-profit organization) from 2015 to 2018 (board member since 2009); Director, Arch Chemicals (chemical and allied products) from 1999 to 2011; Trustee, Educational Testing Service from 1997 to 2009 and Chairman thereof from 2005 to 2009; Senior Advisor, The Fremont Group since 2008 and Director thereof since 1996; Faculty Member/Adjunct Lecturer, Harvard University since 2007 and Executive Dean from 1987 to 1995; President and Chief Executive Officer, The Conference Board, Inc. (global business research organization) from 1995 to 2007.    73 RICs consisting of 98 Portfolios    None

Karen P. Robards


   Co-Chair of the Board and Director
(Since 2007)
   Principal of Robards & Company, LLC (consulting and private investing) since 1987; Co-founder and Director of the Cooke Center for Learning and Development (a not-for-profit organization) since 1987; Director of Enable Injections, LLC (medical devices) since 2019; Investment Banker at Morgan Stanley from 1976 to 1987.    73 RICs consisting of 98 Portfolios    Greenhill & Co., Inc.; AtriCure, Inc. (medical devices) from 2000 until 2017

Michael J. Castellano


(Since 2011)
   Chief Financial Officer of Lazard Group LLC from 2001 to 2011; Chief Financial Officer of Lazard Ltd from 2004 to 2011; Director, Support Our Aging Religious (non-profit) from 2009 to June 2015 and from 2017 to September 2020; Director, National Advisory Board of Church Management at Villanova University since 2010; Trustee, Domestic Church Media Foundation since 2012; Director, CircleBlack Inc. (financial technology company) from 2015 to July 2020.    73 RICs consisting of 98 Portfolios    None

Cynthia L. Egan


(Since 2016)
   Advisor, U.S. Department of the Treasury from 2014 to 2015; President, Retirement Plan Services, for T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. from 2007 to 2012; executive positions within Fidelity Investments from 1989 to 2007.    73 RICs consisting of 98 Portfolios    Unum (insurance); The Hanover Insurance Group (Board Chair) (insurance); Huntsman Corporation (chemical products); Envestnet (investment platform) from 2013 until 2016

Frank J. Fabozzi(d)


(Since 2007)
   Editor of The Journal of Portfolio Management since 1986; Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School (France) since 2011; Visiting Professor, Princeton University for the 2013 to 2014 academic year and Spring 2017 semester; Professor in the Practice of Finance, Yale University School of Management from 1994 to 2011 and currently a Teaching Fellow in Yale’s Executive Programs; Board Member, BlackRock Equity-Liquidity Funds from 2014 to 2016; affiliated professor Karlsruhe Institute of Technology from 2008 to 2011; Visiting Professor, Rutgers University for the Spring 2019 semester; Visiting Professor, New York University for the 2019 academic year. Adjunct Professor of Finance, Carnegie Mellon University in fall 2020 semester.    75 RICs consisting of 100 Portfolios    None




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Director and Officer Information  (continued)


Independent Directors(a) (continued)


Year of Birth(b)

   Position(s) Held
(Length of Service)(c)
   Principal Occupation(s)
During Past Five Years

Number of BlackRock-Advised

Registered Investment Companies
(“RICs”) Consisting of
Investment Portfolios
(“Portfolios”) Overseen

   Public Company
and Other
Directorships Held
Past Five Years

R. Glenn Hubbard


(Since 2007)
   Dean, Columbia Business School from 2004 to 2019; Faculty member, Columbia Business School since 1988.    73 RICs consisting of 98 Portfolios    ADP (data and information services) 2004-2020; Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (insurance); KKR Financial Corporation (finance) from 2004 until 2014

W. Carl Kester(d)


(Since 2007)
   George Fisher Baker Jr. Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School since 2008; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs from 2006 to 2010; Chairman of the Finance Unit, from 2005 to 2006; Senior Associate Dean and Chairman of the MBA Program from 1999 to 2005; Member of the faculty of Harvard Business School since 1981.    75 RICs consisting of 100 Portfolios    None

Catherine A. Lynch(d)


(Since 2016)
   Chief Executive Officer, Chief Investment Officer and various other positions, National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust from 2003 to 2016; Associate Vice President for Treasury Management, The George Washington University from 1999 to 2003; Assistant Treasurer, Episcopal Church of America from 1995 to 1999.    75 RICs consisting of 100 Portfolios    None
Interested Directors(a)(e)


Year of Birth(b)

   Position(s) Held
(Length of Service)
   Principal Occupation(s)
During Past Five Years
   Number of BlackRock-Advised
Registered Investment Companies
(“RICs”) Consisting of
Investment Portfolios
(“Portfolios”) Overseen
   Public Company
and Other
Held During
Past Five Years

Robert Fairbairn


(Since 2018)
   Vice Chairman of BlackRock, Inc. since 2019; Member of BlackRock’s Global Executive and Global Operating Committees; Co-Chair of BlackRock’s Human Capital Committee; Senior Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. from 2010 to 2019; oversaw BlackRock’s Strategic Partner Program and Strategic Product Management Group from 2012 to 2019; Member of the Board of Managers of BlackRock Investments, LLC from 2011 to 2018; Global Head of BlackRock’s Retail and iShares® businesses from 2012 to 2016.    103 RICs consisting of 250 Portfolios    None

John M. Perlowski(d)


(Since 2015)
President and Chief Executive Officer (Since 2010)
   Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2009; Head of BlackRock Global Accounting and Product Services since 2009; Advisory Director of Family Resource Network (charitable foundation) since 2009.    105 RICs consisting of 252 Portfolios    None

(a) The address of each Director is c/o BlackRock, Inc., 55 East 52nd Street, New York, New York 10055.

(b) Each Independent Director holds office until his or her successor is duly elected and qualifies or until his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement or removal as provided by the Fund’s by-laws or charter or statute, or until December 31 of the year in which he or she turns 75. Directors who are “interested persons,” as defined in the Investment Company Act serve until their successor is duly elected and qualifies or until their earlier death, resignation, retirement or removal as provided by the Fund’s by-laws or statute, or until December 31 of the year in which they turn 72. The Board may determine to extend the terms of Independent Directors on a case-by-case basis, as appropriate.



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Director and Officer Information  (continued)


(c) Following the combination of Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, L.P. (“MLIM”) and BlackRock, Inc. in September 2006, the various legacy MLIM and legacy BlackRock fund boards were realigned and consolidated into three new fund boards in 2007. Certain Independent Directors first became members of the boards of other legacy MLIM or legacy BlackRock funds as follows: Richard E. Cavanagh, 1994; Frank J. Fabozzi, 1988; R. Glenn Hubbard, 2004; W. Carl Kester, 1995; and Karen P. Robards, 1998.

(d) Dr. Fabozzi, Dr. Kester, Ms. Lynch and Mr. Perlowski are also trustees of the BlackRock Credit Strategies Fund and BlackRock Private Investments Fund.

(e) Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Perlowski are both “interested persons,” as defined in the 1940 Act, of the Fund based on their positions with BlackRock, Inc. and its affiliates. Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Perlowski are also board members of the BlackRock Multi-Asset Complex.


Officers Who Are Not Directors(a)


Year of Birth(b)

   Position(s) Held
(Length of Service)
   Principal Occupation(s) During Past Five Years


Jonathan Diorio




Vice President
(Since 2015)



Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2015; Director of BlackRock, Inc. from 2011 to 2015.


Trent Walker




Chief Financial Officer
(Since 2021)



Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since September 2019; Executive Vice President of PIMCO from 2016 to 2019; Senior Vice President of PIMCO from 2008 to 2015; Treasurer from 2013 to 2019 and Assistant Treasurer from 2007 to 2017 of PIMCO Funds, PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust, PIMCO ETF Trust, PIMCO Equity Series, PIMCO Equity Series VIT, PIMCO Managed Accounts Trust, 2 PIMCO-sponsored interval funds and 21 PIMCO-sponsored closed-end funds.


Jay M. Fife





(Since 2007)



Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2007.


Charles Park




Chief Compliance Officer
(Since 2014)



Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer for certain BlackRock-advised Funds from 2014 to 2015; Chief Compliance Officer of BlackRock Advisors, LLC and the BlackRock-advised Funds in the BlackRock Multi-Asset Complex and the BlackRock Fixed-Income Complex since 2014; Principal of and Chief Compliance Officer for iShares® Delaware Trust Sponsor LLC since 2012 and BlackRock Fund Advisors (“BFA”) since 2006; Chief Compliance Officer for the BFA-advised iShares® exchange traded funds since 2006; Chief Compliance Officer for BlackRock Asset Management International Inc. since 2012.


Janey Ahn




(Since 2012)



Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2018; Director of BlackRock, Inc. from 2009 to 2017.

(a) The address of each Officer is c/o BlackRock, Inc., 55 East 52nd Street, New York, New York 10055.

(b) Officers of the Fund serve at the pleasure of the Board.


Neal J. Andrews retired as the Chief Financial Officer effective December 31, 2020, and Trent Walker was elected as the Chief Financial Officer effective January 1, 2021.

Effective June 10, 2021, Stayce D. Harris and J. Phillip Holloman were each appointed to serve as a Director of the Funds.




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Additional Information


Proxy Results

At a Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders of BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. held on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, Fund shareholders were asked to vote on the following proposals:

Preferred Shareholders

Proposal 1(I). The holders of Variable Rate Muni Term Preferred Shares (“VMTP Shares” and the holders thereof, “VMTP Holders”) of BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (the “Acquiring Fund”) were asked to vote as a separate class on a proposal to approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between BlackRock Municipal Income Investment Quality Trust and the Acquiring Fund (the “BAF Reorganization Agreement”) and the transactions contemplated therein, including amendments to the Articles Supplementary Establishing and Fixing the Rights and Preferences of Variable Rate Muni Term Preferred Shares of the Acquiring Fund (the “MHD Articles Supplementary”) in connection with the issuance of additional Acquiring Fund VMTP Shares.

With respect to the Proposal 1(I), the shares of the Fund were voted as follows:




           Fund Name      For        Against        Abstain  







Proposal 1(J). The VMTP Holders of the Acquiring Fund were asked to vote as a separate class on a proposal to approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between BlackRock Municipal Bond Trust and the Acquiring Fund (the “BBK Reorganization Agreement”) and the transactions contemplated therein, including amendments to the MHD Articles Supplementary in connection with the issuance of additional Acquiring Fund VMTP Shares.

With respect to Proposal 1(J), the shares of the Fund were voted as follows:




           Fund Name      For        Against        Abstain  







Proposal 1(K). The VMTP Holders of the Acquiring Fund were asked to vote as a separate class on a proposal to approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund II, Inc. and the Acquiring Fund (the “MUH Reorganization Agreement”) and the transactions contemplated therein, including amendments to the MHD Articles Supplementary in connection with the issuance of additional Acquiring Fund VMTP Shares.

With respect to Proposal 1(K), the shares of the Fund were voted as follows:




           Fund Name      For        Against        Abstain  







Proposal 1(L). The VMTP Holders of the Acquiring Fund were asked to vote as a separate class on a proposal to approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund, Inc. and the Acquiring Fund (the “MUS Reorganization Agreement”) and the transactions contemplated therein, including amendments to the MHD Articles Supplementary in connection with the issuance of additional Acquiring Fund VMTP Shares.

With respect to Proposal 1(L), the shares of the Fund were voted as follows:




           Fund Name      For        Against        Abstain  







Common and Preferred Shareholders

Proposal 2(A). The common shareholders and holders of Variable Rate Muni Term Preferred Shares (“VMTP Shares” and the holders thereof, “VMTP Holders”) of BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund, Inc. (the “Acquiring Fund”) were asked to vote as a single class on a proposal to approve the issuance of additional common shares of the Acquiring Fund in connection with an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between BlackRock Municipal Income Investment Quality Trust and the Acquiring Fund.

With respect to Proposal 2(A), the shares of the Fund were voted as follows:




           Fund Name      For        Against        Abstain  




       6,072,410          361,998          205,800  



Proposal 2(B). The common shareholders and VMTP Holders of the Acquiring Fund were asked to vote as a single class on a proposal to approve the issuance of additional common shares of the Acquiring Fund in connection with an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between BlackRock Municipal Bond Trust and the Acquiring Fund.

With respect to Proposal 2(B), the shares of the Fund were voted as follows:




           Fund Name      For        Against        Abstain  




       6,058,613          359,115          222,479  





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Additional Information  (continued)


Proposal 2(C). The common shareholders and VMTP Holders of the Acquiring Fund were asked to vote as a single class on a proposal to approve the issuance of additional common shares of the Acquiring Fund in connection with an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between BlackRock MuniHoldings Fund II, Inc. and the Acquiring Fund.

With respect to Proposal 2(C), the shares of the Fund were voted as follows:




           Fund Name      For        Against        Abstain  




       6,057,489          360,241          222,479  



Proposal 2(D). The common shareholders and VMTP Holders of the Acquiring Fund were being asked to vote as a single class on a proposal to approve the issuance of additional common shares of the Acquiring Fund in connection with an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund, Inc. and the Acquiring Fund.

With respect to Proposal 2(D), the shares of the Fund were voted as follows:




           Fund Name      For        Against        Abstain  




       6,054,307          360,585          225,317  



Fund Certification

The Funds are listed for trading on the NYSE and have filed with the NYSE their annual chief executive officer certification regarding compliance with the NYSE’s listing standards. The Funds filed with the SEC the certification of its chief executive officer and chief financial officer required by Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Regulation Regarding Derivatives

On October 28, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) adopted new regulations governing the use of derivatives by registered investment companies (“Rule 18f-4”). The Funds will be required to implement and comply with Rule 18f-4 by August 19, 2022. Once implemented, Rule 18f-4 will impose limits on the amount of derivatives a fund can enter into, eliminate the asset segregation framework currently used by funds to comply with Section 18 of the 1940 Act, treat derivatives as senior securities and require funds whose use of derivatives is more than a limited specified exposure amount to establish and maintain a comprehensive derivatives risk management program and appoint a derivatives risk manager.

Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Integration

Although a Fund does not seek to implement a specific ESG, impact or sustainability strategy unless otherwise disclosed, Fund management will consider ESG characteristics as part of the investment process for actively managed Funds. These considerations will vary depending on a Fund’s particular investment strategies and may include consideration of third-party research as well as consideration of proprietary BlackRock research across the ESG risks and opportunities regarding an issuer. Fund management will consider those ESG characteristics it deems relevant or additive when making investment decisions for a Fund. The ESG characteristics utilized in a Fund’s investment process are anticipated to evolve over time and one or more characteristics may not be relevant with respect to all issuers that are eligible for investment. ESG characteristics are not the sole considerations when making investment decisions for a Fund. Further, investors can differ in their views of what constitutes positive or negative ESG characteristics. As a result, a Fund may invest in issuers that do not reflect the beliefs and values with respect to ESG of any particular investor. ESG considerations may affect a Fund’s exposure to certain companies or industries and a Fund may forego certain investment opportunities. While Fund management views ESG considerations as having the potential to contribute to a Fund’s long-term performance, there is no guarantee that such results will be achieved.

Dividend Policy

Each Fund’s dividend policy is to distribute all or a portion of its net investment income to its shareholders on a monthly basis. In order to provide shareholders with a more stable level of distributions, the Funds may at times pay out less than the entire amount of net investment income earned in any particular month and may at times in any particular month pay out such accumulated but undistributed income in addition to net investment income earned in that month. As a result, the distributions paid by the Funds for any particular month may be more or less than the amount of net investment income earned by the Funds during such month. The Funds’ current accumulated but undistributed net investment income, if any, is disclosed as accumulated earnings (loss) in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, which comprises part of the financial information included in this report.

General Information

The Funds (other than MUA) do not make available copies of their Statements of Additional Information because the Funds’ (other than MUA’s) shares are not continuously offered, which means that the Statement of Additional Information of each Fund (other than MUA) has not been updated after completion of the respective Fund’s offerings and the information contained in each Fund’s (other than MUA’s) Statement of Additional Information may have become outdated.

MUA’s Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about its Board and is available, without charge upon request by calling (800)-882-0052.

The following information is a summary of certain changes since April 30, 2020. This information may not reflect all of the changes that have occurred since you purchased the relevant Fund.

Effective October 19, 2020, each of MUA, MUI and MVT has elected to be subject to the Maryland Control Share Acquisition Act (the “MCSAA”). In general, the MCSAA limits the ability of holders of “control shares” to vote those shares above various threshold levels that start at 10% unless the other stockholders of MUA, MUI and MVT, as applicable, reinstate those voting rights at a meeting of stockholders as provided in the MCSAA. “Control shares” are generally defined in the MCSAA as shares of stock that,




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Additional Information  (continued)


General Information (continued)

if aggregated with all other shares of stock that are either (i) owned by a person or (ii) as to which that person is entitled to exercise or direct the exercise of voting power, except solely by virtue of a revocable proxy, would entitle that person to exercise voting power in electing directors above various thresholds of voting power starting at 10%. MUA’s, MUI’s and MVT’s Bylaws also provide that the provisions of the MCSAA shall not apply to the voting rights of the holders of any shares of preferred stock of MUA, MUI and MVT, but the MCSAA would apply to any common stock held by the same holder.

Except if noted otherwise herein, there were no changes to the Funds’ charters or by-laws that would delay or prevent a change of control of the Funds that were not approved by the shareholders. Except if noted otherwise herein, there have been no changes in the persons who are primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the Funds’ portfolios.

In accordance with Section 23(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, each Fund may from time to time purchase shares of its common stock in the open market or in private transactions.

Quarterly performance, semi-annual and annual reports, current net asset value and other information regarding the Funds may be found on BlackRock’s website, which can be accessed at blackrock.com. Any reference to BlackRock’s website in this report is intended to allow investors public access to information regarding the Funds and does not, and is not intended to, incorporate BlackRock’s website in this report.

Electronic Delivery

Shareholders can sign up for e-mail notifications of quarterly statements, annual and semi-annual shareholder reports and, for MUA only, prospectuses, by enrolling in the electronic delivery program. Electronic copies of shareholder reports and, for MUA only, prospectuses, are available on BlackRock’s website.

To enroll in electronic delivery:

Shareholders Who Hold Accounts with Investment Advisers, Banks or Brokerages:

Please contact your financial adviser. Please note that not all investment advisers, banks or brokerages may offer this service.


The Funds will mail only one copy of shareholder documents, annual and semi-annual reports, Rule 30e-3 notices and proxy statements, to shareholders with multiple accounts at the same address. This practice is commonly called “householding” and is intended to reduce expenses and eliminate duplicate mailings of shareholder documents. Mailings of your shareholder documents may be householded indefinitely unless you instruct us otherwise. If you do not want the mailing of these documents to be combined with those for other members of your household, please call the Funds at (800) 882-0052.

Availability of Quarterly Schedule of Investments

The Funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year as an exhibit to their reports on Form N-PORT. The Funds’ Forms N-PORT are available on the SEC’s website at sec.gov. Additionally, each Fund makes its portfolio holdings for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year available at blackrock.com/fundreports.

Availability of Proxy Voting Policies, Procedures and Voting Records

A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities and information about how the Funds voted proxies relating to securities held in the Funds’ portfolios during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge, upon request (1) by calling (800) 882-0052; (2) on the BlackRock website at blackrock.com; and (3) on the SEC’s website at sec.gov.

Availability of Fund Updates

BlackRock will update performance and certain other data for the Funds on a monthly basis on its website in the “Closed-end Funds” section of blackrock.com as well as certain other material information as necessary from time to time. Investors and others are advised to check the website for updated performance information and the release of other material information about the Funds. This reference to BlackRock’s website is intended to allow investors public access to information regarding the Funds and does not, and is not intended to, incorporate BlackRock’s website in this report.

Shelf Offering Program

From time-to-time, MUA may seek to raise additional equity capital through an equity shelf program (a “Shelf Offering”). In a Shelf Offering, MUA may, subject to market conditions, raise additional equity capital by issuing new Common Shares from time to time in varying amounts at a net price at or above MUA’s net asset value (“NAV”) per Common Share (calculated within 48 hours of pricing). While any such Shelf Offering may allow MUA to pursue additional investment opportunities without the need to sell existing portfolio investments, it could also entail risks – including that the issuance of additional Common Shares may limit the extent to which the Common Shares are able to trade at a premium to NAV in the secondary market.

On August 27, 2020, MUA filed a final prospectus with the SEC in connection with its Shelf Offering. This report and the prospectus of MUA are not offers to sell MUA Common Shares or solicitations of an offer to buy MUA Common Shares in any jurisdiction where such offers or sales are not permitted. The prospectus of MUA contains important



D D I T I O N A L  N F O R M A T I O N


Additional Information  (continued)


information about the Fund, including its investment objective, risks, charges and expenses. Investors are urged to read the prospectus of MUA carefully and in its entirety before investing. Copies of the final prospectus for MUA can be obtained from BlackRock at blackrock.com.

BlackRock Privacy Principles

BlackRock is committed to maintaining the privacy of its current and former fund investors and individual clients (collectively, “Clients”) and to safeguarding their non-public personal information. The following information is provided to help you understand what personal information BlackRock collects, how we protect that information and why in certain cases we share such information with select parties.

If you are located in a jurisdiction where specific laws, rules or regulations require BlackRock to provide you with additional or different privacy-related rights beyond what is set forth below, then BlackRock will comply with those specific laws, rules or regulations.

BlackRock obtains or verifies personal non-public information from and about you from different sources, including the following: (i) information we receive from you or, if applicable, your financial intermediary, on applications, forms or other documents; (ii) information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others; (iii) information we receive from a consumer reporting agency; and (iv) from visits to our websites.

BlackRock does not sell or disclose to non-affiliated third parties any non-public personal information about its Clients, except as permitted by law or as is necessary to respond to regulatory requests or to service Client accounts. These non-affiliated third parties are required to protect the confidentiality and security of this information and to use it only for its intended purpose.

We may share information with our affiliates to service your account or to provide you with information about other BlackRock products or services that may be of interest to you. In addition, BlackRock restricts access to non-public personal information about its Clients to those BlackRock employees with a legitimate business need for the information. BlackRock maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that are designed to protect the non-public personal information of its Clients, including procedures relating to the proper storage and disposal of such information.

Fund and Service Providers


Investment Adviser

BlackRock Advisors, LLC

Wilmington, DE 19809

Accounting Agent and Custodian

State Street Bank and Trust Company

Boston, MA 02111

Transfer Agent

Computershare Trust Company, N.A.

Canton, MA 02021

VMTP Redemption and Paying Agent

The Bank of New York Mellon(a)

New York, NY 10286

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Boston, MA 02116

Legal Counsel

Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

New York, NY 10019

Address of the Funds

100 Bellevue Parkway

Wilmington, DE 19809


For MHD, MUI and MVT.




2 0 2 1   B L A C K O C K  N N U A L  E P O R T   T O  H A R E H O L D E R S

Glossary of Terms Used in this Report


Portfolio Abbreviation
AGC   Assured Guaranty Corp.
AGM   Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp.
AGM-CR   AGM Insured Custodial Receipt
AMT   Alternative Minimum Tax
ARB   Airport Revenue Bonds
BAB   Build America Bond
BAM   Build America Mutual Assurance Co.
CAB   Capital Appreciation Bonds
COP   Certificates of Participation
FHA   Federal Housing Administration
FHLMC   Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
FNMA   Federal National Mortgage Association
GNMA   Government National Mortgage Association
GO   General Obligation Bonds
GTD   GTD Guaranteed
INS   Insured
M/F   Multi-Family
NPFGC   National Public Finance Guarantee Corp.
PSF   Permanent School Fund
PSF-GTD   Permanent School Fund Guaranteed
RB   Revenue Bond
S/F   Single-Family
SAB   Special Assessment Bonds
SAW   State Aid Withholding
SONYMA   State of New York Mortgage Agency
ST   Special Tax
TA   Tax Allocation




L O S S A R Y   O F  E R M S  S E D   I N   T H I S  E P O R T



Want to know more?

blackrock.com    |    800-882-0052

This report is intended for current holders. It is not a prospectus. Past performance results shown in this report should not be considered a representation of future performance. The Funds have leveraged their Common Shares, which creates risks for Common Shareholders, including the likelihood of greater volatility of net asset value and market price of the Common Shares, and the risk that fluctuations in short-term interest rates may reduce the Common Shares’ yield. Statements and other information herein are as dated and are subject to change.






(b) Not Applicable

Item 2 –

Code of Ethics – The registrant (or the “Fund”) has adopted a code of ethics, as of the end of the period covered by this report, applicable to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions. During the period covered by this report, the code of ethics was amended to update certain information and to make other non-material changes. During the period covered by this report, there have been no waivers granted under the code of ethics. The registrant undertakes to provide a copy of the code of ethics to any person upon request, without charge, who calls 1-800-882-0052, option 4.


Item 3 –

Audit Committee Financial Expert – The registrant’s board of directors (the “board of directors”), has determined that (i) the registrant has the following audit committee financial experts serving on its audit committee and (ii) each audit committee financial expert is independent:

Michael Castellano

Frank J. Fabozzi

Catherine A. Lynch

Karen P. Robards

The registrant’s board of directors has determined that Karen P. Robards qualifies as an audit committee financial expert pursuant to Item 3(c)(4) of Form N-CSR.

Ms. Robards has a thorough understanding of generally accepted accounting principles, financial statements and internal control over financial reporting as well as audit committee functions. Ms. Robards has been President of Robards & Company, a financial advisory firm, since 1987. Ms. Robards was formerly an investment banker for more than 10 years where she was responsible for evaluating and assessing the performance of companies based on their financial results. Ms. Robards has over 30 years of experience analyzing financial statements. She also is a member of the audit committee of one publicly held company and a non-profit organization.

Under applicable securities laws, a person determined to be an audit committee financial expert will not be deemed an “expert” for any purpose, including without limitation for the purposes of Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933, as a result of being designated or identified as an audit committee financial expert. The designation or identification as an audit committee financial expert does not impose on such person any duties, obligations, or liabilities greater than the duties, obligations, and liabilities imposed on such person as a member of the audit committee and board of directors in the absence of such designation or identification. The designation or identification of a person as an audit committee financial expert does not affect the duties, obligations, or liability of any other member of the audit committee or board of directors.


Item 4 –

Principal Accountant Fees and Services

The following table presents fees billed by Deloitte & Touche LLP (“D&T”) in each of the last two fiscal years for the services rendered to the Fund:


     (a) Audit Fees   (b) Audit-Related Fees1   (c) Tax Fees2   (d) All Other Fees
Entity Name   Current
 Fiscal Year 
 Fiscal Year 
 Fiscal Year 
 Fiscal Year 
 Fiscal Year 
 Fiscal Year 
 Fiscal Year 
 Fiscal Year 

BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.

  $35,653   $36,720   $0   $0   $19,900   $19,900   $0   $0



The following table presents fees billed by D&T that were required to be approved by the registrant’s audit committee (the “Committee”) for services that relate directly to the operations or financial reporting of the Fund and that are rendered on behalf of BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Investment Adviser” or “BlackRock”) and entities controlling, controlled by, or under common control with BlackRock (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser) that provide ongoing services to the Fund (“Affiliated Service Providers”):


     Current Fiscal Year End   Previous Fiscal Year End

(b) Audit-Related Fees1

  $0   $0

(c) Tax Fees2

  $0   $0

(d) All Other Fees3

  $2,032,000   $1,984,000



The nature of the services includes assurance and related services reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of financial statements not included in Audit Fees, including accounting consultations, agreed-upon procedure reports, attestation reports, comfort letters, out-of-pocket expenses and internal control reviews not required by regulators.


The nature of the services includes tax compliance and/or tax preparation, including services relating to the filing or amendment of federal, state or local income tax returns, regulated investment company qualification reviews, taxable income and tax distribution calculations.


Non-audit fees of $2,032,000 and $1,984,000 for the current fiscal year and previous fiscal year, respectively, were paid to the Fund’s principal accountant in their entirety by BlackRock, in connection with services provided to the Affiliated Service Providers of the Fund and of certain other funds sponsored and advised by BlackRock or its affiliates for a service organization review and an accounting research tool subscription. These amounts represent aggregate fees paid by BlackRock and were not allocated on a per fund basis.

(e)(1) Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures:

The Committee has adopted policies and procedures with regard to the pre-approval of services. Audit, audit-related and tax compliance services provided to the registrant on an annual basis require specific pre-approval by the Committee. The Committee also must approve other non-audit services provided to the registrant and those non-audit services provided to the Investment Adviser and Affiliated Service Providers that relate directly to the operations and the financial reporting of the registrant. Certain of these non-audit services that the Committee believes are (a) consistent with the SEC’s auditor independence rules and (b) routine and recurring services that will not impair the independence of the independent accountants may be approved by the Committee without consideration on a specific case-by-case basis (“general pre-approval”). The term of any general pre-approval is 12 months from the date of the pre-approval, unless the Committee provides for a different period. Tax or other non-audit services provided to the registrant which have a direct impact on the operations or financial reporting of the registrant will only be deemed pre-approved provided that any individual project does not exceed $10,000 attributable to the registrant or $50,000 per project. For this purpose, multiple projects will be aggregated to determine if they exceed the previously mentioned cost levels.

Any proposed services exceeding the pre-approved cost levels will require specific pre-approval by the Committee, as will any other services not subject to general pre-approval (e.g., unanticipated but permissible services). The Committee is informed of each service approved subject to general pre-approval at the next regularly scheduled in-person board meeting. At this meeting, an analysis of such services is presented to the Committee for ratification. The Committee may delegate to the Committee Chairman the authority to approve the provision of and fees for any specific engagement of permitted non-audit services, including services exceeding pre-approved cost levels.



(e)(2) None of the services described in each of Items 4(b) through (d) were approved by the Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception in paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X. (f) Not Applicable (g) The aggregate non-audit fees, defined as the sum of the fees shown under “Audit-Related Fees,” “Tax Fees” and “All Other Fees,” paid to the accountant for services rendered by the accountant to the registrant, the Investment Adviser and the Affiliated Service Providers were:


Entity Name  

Current Fiscal

Year End


Previous Fiscal

Year End

BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.

  $19,900   $19,900

Additionally, the amounts billed by D&T in connection with services provided to the Affiliated Service Providers of the Fund and of other funds sponsored or advised by BlackRock or its affiliates during the current and previous fiscal years for a service organization review and an accounting research tool subscription were:


Current Fiscal
Year End
  Previous Fiscal
Year End



These amounts represent aggregate fees paid by BlackRock and were not allocated on a per fund basis.

(h) The Committee has considered and determined that the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the Investment Adviser, and the Affiliated Service Providers that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant’s independence.


Item 5 –

Audit Committee of Listed Registrant

(a) The following individuals are members of the registrant’s separately designated standing audit committee established in accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(58)(A)):

Michael Castellano

Frank J. Fabozzi

Catherine A. Lynch

Karen P. Robards

(b) Not Applicable



Item 6 –


(a) The registrant’s Schedule of Investments is included as part of the Report to Stockholders filed under Item 1 of this Form.

(b) Not Applicable due to no such divestments during the semi-annual period covered since the previous Form N-CSR filing.


Item 7 –

Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies – The board of directors has delegated the voting of proxies for the Fund’s portfolio securities to the Investment Adviser pursuant to the Investment Adviser’s proxy voting guidelines. Under these guidelines, the Investment Adviser will vote proxies related to Fund securities in the best interests of the Fund and its stockholders. From time to time, a vote may present a conflict between the interests of the Fund’s stockholders, on the one hand, and those of the Investment Adviser, or any affiliated person of the Fund or the Investment Adviser, on the other. In such event, provided that the Investment Adviser’s Equity Investment Policy Oversight Committee, or a sub-committee thereof (the “Oversight Committee”) is aware of the real or potential conflict or material non-routine matter and if the Oversight Committee does not reasonably believe it is able to follow its general voting guidelines (or if the particular proxy matter is not addressed in the guidelines) and vote impartially, the Oversight Committee may retain an independent fiduciary to advise the Oversight Committee on how to vote or to cast votes on behalf of the Investment Adviser’s clients. If the Investment Adviser determines not to retain an independent fiduciary, or does not desire to follow the advice of such independent fiduciary, the Oversight Committee shall determine how to vote the proxy after consulting with the Investment Adviser’s Portfolio Management Group and/or the Investment Adviser’s Legal and Compliance Department and concluding that the vote cast is in its client’s best interest notwithstanding the conflict. A copy of the Fund’s Proxy Voting Policy and Procedures are attached as Exhibit 99.PROXYPOL, a copy of the Fund’s Global Corporate Governance & Engagement Principles are attached as Exhibit 99.GLOBAL.CORP.GOV and a copy of the Fund’s Corporate Governance and Proxy Voting Guidelines for U.S. Securities are attached as Exhibit 99.US.CORP.GOV. Information on how the Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge, (i) at www.blackrock.com and (ii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.


Item 8 –

Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

(a)(1) As of the date of filing this Report:

The registrant is managed by a team of investment professionals comprised of Michael Kalinoski, Director at BlackRock, and Michael Perilli, Director at BlackRock. Each is a member of BlackRock’s municipal tax-exempt management group. Each is jointly responsible for the day-to-day management of the registrant’s portfolio, which includes setting the registrant’s overall investment strategy, overseeing the management of the registrant and selection of its investments. Messrs. Kalinoski and Perilli have both been members of the registrant’s portfolio management team since 2017.


Portfolio Manager                   Biography

Michael Kalinoski

  Director of BlackRock since 2006; Director of Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, L.P. (“MLIM”) from 1999 to 2006.

Michael Perilli

  Director of BlackRock since 2021; Vice President of BlackRock from 2017 to 2020; Associate of BlackRock from 2008 to 2016.



(a)(2) As of April 30, 2021:



(ii) Number of Other Accounts Managed

and Assets by Account Type


(iii) Number of Other Accounts and

Assets for Which Advisory Fee is


(i) Name of

Portfolio Manager1







Other Pooled    












Other Pooled        






Michael Kalinoski

  13    0        0        0       0           0        
    $35.39 Billion    $0        $0        $0       $0           $0        

Michael Perilli

  14    0        0        0       0           0        
    $7.00 Billion    $0        $0        $0       $0           $0        

(iv) Potential Material Conflicts of Interest

BlackRock has built a professional working environment, firm-wide compliance culture and compliance procedures and systems designed to protect against potential incentives that may favor one account over another. BlackRock has adopted policies and procedures that address the allocation of investment opportunities, execution of portfolio transactions, personal trading by employees and other potential conflicts of interest that are designed to ensure that all client accounts are treated equitably over time. Nevertheless, BlackRock furnishes investment management and advisory services to numerous clients in addition to the Fund, and BlackRock may, consistent with applicable law, make investment recommendations to other clients or accounts (including accounts which are hedge funds or have performance or higher fees paid to BlackRock, or in which portfolio managers have a personal interest in the receipt of such fees), which may be the same as or different from those made to the Fund. In addition, BlackRock, Inc., its affiliates and significant shareholders and any officer, director, shareholder or employee may or may not have an interest in the securities whose purchase and sale BlackRock recommends to the Fund. BlackRock, Inc. or any of its affiliates or significant shareholders, or any officer, director, shareholder, employee or any member of their families may take different actions than those recommended to the Fund by BlackRock with respect to the same securities. Moreover, BlackRock may refrain from rendering any advice or services concerning securities of companies of which any of BlackRock, Inc.’s (or its affiliates’ or significant shareholders’) officers, directors or employees are directors or officers, or companies as to which BlackRock, Inc. or any of its affiliates or significant shareholders or the officers, directors and employees of any of them has any substantial economic interest or possesses material non-public information. Certain portfolio managers also may manage accounts whose investment strategies may at times be opposed to the strategy utilized for a fund. It should also be noted that a portfolio manager may be managing certain hedge fund and/or long only accounts, or may be part of a team managing certain hedge fund and/or long only accounts, subject to incentive fees. Such portfolio managers may therefore be entitled to receive a portion of any incentive fees earned on such accounts. Currently, the portfolio managers of this fund are not entitled to receive a portion of incentive fees of other accounts.



As a fiduciary, BlackRock owes a duty of loyalty to its clients and must treat each client fairly. When BlackRock purchases or sells securities for more than one account, the trades must be allocated in a manner consistent with its fiduciary duties. BlackRock attempts to allocate investments in a fair and equitable manner among client accounts, with no account receiving preferential treatment. To this end, BlackRock, Inc. has adopted policies that are intended to ensure reasonable efficiency in client transactions and provide BlackRock with sufficient flexibility to allocate investments in a manner that is consistent with the particular investment discipline and client base, as appropriate.

(a)(3) As of April 30, 2021:

Portfolio Manager Compensation Overview

The discussion below describes the portfolio managers’ compensation as of April 30, 2021.

BlackRock’s financial arrangements with its portfolio managers, its competitive compensation and its career path emphasis at all levels reflect the value senior management places on key resources. Compensation may include a variety of components and may vary from year to year based on a number of factors. The principal components of compensation include a base salary, a performance-based discretionary bonus, participation in various benefits programs and one or more of the incentive compensation programs established by BlackRock.

Base Compensation. Generally, portfolio managers receive base compensation based on their position with the firm.

Discretionary Incentive Compensation

Discretionary incentive compensation is a function of several components: the performance of BlackRock, Inc., the performance of the portfolio manager’s group within BlackRock, the investment performance, including risk-adjusted returns, of the firm’s assets under management or supervision by that portfolio manager relative to predetermined benchmarks, and the individual’s performance and contribution to the overall performance of these portfolios and BlackRock. In most cases, these benchmarks are the same as the benchmark or benchmarks against which the performance of the Fund or other accounts managed by the portfolio managers are measured. Among other things, BlackRock’s Chief Investment Officers make a subjective determination with respect to each portfolio manager’s compensation based on the performance of the Fund and other accounts managed by each portfolio manager relative to the various benchmarks. Performance of fixed income funds is measured on a pre-tax and/or after-tax basis over various time periods including 1-, 3- and 5- year periods, as applicable. With respect to these portfolio managers, such benchmarks for the Fund and other accounts are: a combination of market-based indices (e.g., Standard & Poor’s Municipal Bond Index), certain customized indices and certain fund industry peer groups.

Distribution of Discretionary Incentive Compensation. Discretionary incentive compensation is distributed to portfolio managers in a combination of cash, deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock awards, and/or deferred cash awards that notionally track the return of certain BlackRock investment products.



Portfolio managers receive their annual discretionary incentive compensation in the form of cash. Portfolio managers whose total compensation is above a specified threshold also receive deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock awards annually as part of their discretionary incentive compensation. Paying a portion of discretionary incentive compensation in the form of deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock puts compensation earned by a portfolio manager for a given year “at risk” based on BlackRock’s ability to sustain and improve its performance over future periods. In some cases, additional deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock may be granted to certain key employees as part of a long-term incentive award to aid in retention, align interests with long-term shareholders and motivate performance. Deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock awards are generally granted in the form of BlackRock, Inc. restricted stock units that vest pursuant to the terms of the applicable plan and, once vested, settle in BlackRock, Inc. common stock. The portfolio managers of this Fund have deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock awards.

For certain portfolio managers, a portion of the discretionary incentive compensation is also distributed in the form of deferred cash awards that notionally track the returns of select BlackRock investment products they manage, which provides direct alignment of portfolio manager discretionary incentive compensation with investment product results. Deferred cash awards vest ratably over a number of years and, once vested, settle in the form of cash. Only portfolio managers who manage specified products and whose total compensation is above a specified threshold are eligible to participate in the deferred cash award program.

Other Compensation Benefits. In addition to base salary and discretionary incentive compensation, portfolio managers may be eligible to receive or participate in one or more of the following:

Incentive Savings Plans — BlackRock, Inc. has created a variety of incentive savings plans in which BlackRock, Inc. employees are eligible to participate, including a 401(k) plan, the BlackRock Retirement Savings Plan (RSP), and the BlackRock Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP). The employer contribution components of the RSP include a company match equal to 50% of the first 8% of eligible pay contributed to the plan capped at $5,000 per year, and a company retirement contribution equal to 3-5% of eligible compensation up to the Internal Revenue Service limit ($290,000 for 2021). The RSP offers a range of investment options, including registered investment companies and collective investment funds managed by the firm. BlackRock, Inc. contributions follow the investment direction set by participants for their own contributions or, absent participant investment direction, are invested into a target date fund that corresponds to, or is closest to, the year in which the participant attains age 65. The ESPP allows for investment in BlackRock, Inc. common stock at a 5% discount on the fair market value of the stock on the purchase date. Annual participation in the ESPP is limited to the purchase of 1,000 shares of common stock or a dollar value of $25,000 based on its fair market value on the purchase date. All of the eligible portfolio managers are eligible to participate in these plans.

(a)(4) Beneficial Ownership of Securities – As of April 30, 2021:


Portfolio Manager       Dollar Range of Equity Securities
of the Fund Beneficially Owned

Michael Kalinoski

  $1 - $10,000  

Michael Perilli

  $10,001 - $50,000  



(b) Not Applicable


Item 9 –

Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers – Not Applicable due to no such purchases during the period covered by this report.


Item 10 –

Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders – There have been no material changes to these procedures.


Item 11 –

Controls and Procedures

(a) The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”)) are effective as of a date within 90 days of the filing of this report based on the evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act and Rule 13a-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

(b) There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act) that occurred during the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12 –

Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies –Not Applicable


Item 13 –

Exhibits attached hereto

(a)(1) Code of Ethics – See Item 2

(a)(2) Section 302 Certifications are attached

(a)(3) Not Applicable

(a)(4) Not Applicable

(b) Section 906 Certifications are attached



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.





/s/ John M. Perlowski                            


John M. Perlowski


Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of


BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.

Date: July 6, 2021

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.





/s/ John M. Perlowski                            


John M. Perlowski


Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of


BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.

Date: July 6, 2021





/s/ Trent Walker                            


Trent Walker


Chief Financial Officer (principal financial officer) of


BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.

Date: July 6, 2021








I, John M. Perlowski, Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc., certify that:

1.            I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.;

2.            Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3.            Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4.            The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:

a)            designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

b)            designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

c)            evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and

d)            disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5.            The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

a)            all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and

b)            any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: July 6, 2021

/s/ John M. Perlowski        

John M. Perlowski

Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of

BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.






I, Trent Walker, Chief Financial Officer (principal financial officer) of BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc., certify that:

1.            I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.;

2.            Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3.            Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4.            The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:

a)            designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

b)            designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

c)            evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and

d)            disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5.            The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

a)            all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and

b)            any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: July 6, 2021

/s/ Trent Walker        

Trent Walker

Chief Financial Officer (principal financial officer) of

BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.

Exhibit 99.906CERT

Certification Pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the 1940 Act and

Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, the undersigned officer of BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (the “Registrant”), hereby certifies, to the best of his knowledge, that the Registrant’s Report on Form N-CSR for the period ended April 30, 2021 (the “Report”) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and that the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Registrant.

Date: July 6, 2021

/s/ John M. Perlowski        

John M. Perlowski

Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of

BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.

Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, the undersigned officer of BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc. (the “Registrant”), hereby certifies, to the best of his knowledge, that the Registrant’s Report on Form N-CSR for the period ended April 30, 2021 (the “Report”) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and that the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Registrant.

Date: July 6, 2021

/s/ Trent Walker        

Trent Walker

Chief Financial Officer (principal financial officer) of

BlackRock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund, Inc.

This certification is being furnished pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and 18 U.S.C. § 1350 and is not being filed as part of the Form N-CSR with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Closed-End Fund Proxy Voting Policy

October 1, 2020




  Closed-End Fund Proxy Voting Policy
  Procedures Governing Delegation of Proxy Voting to Fund Adviser



Effective Date: October 1, 2020





Applies to the following types of Funds registered under the 1940 Act:

Open-End Mutual Funds (including money market funds)

Money Market Funds Only

iShares and BlackRock ETFs

Closed-End Funds




The Boards of Trustees/Directors (the “Directors”) of the closed-end funds advised by BlackRock Advisors, LLC (“BlackRock”) (the “Funds”) have the responsibility for the oversight of voting proxies relating to portfolio securities of the Funds, and have determined that it is in the best interests of the Funds and their shareholders to delegate that responsibility to BlackRock as part of BlackRock’s authority to manage, acquire and dispose of account assets, all as contemplated by the Funds’ respective investment management agreements.

BlackRock has adopted guidelines and procedures (together and as from time to time amended, the “BlackRock Proxy Voting Guidelines”) governing proxy voting by accounts managed by BlackRock. BlackRock will cast votes on behalf of each of the Funds on specific proxy issues in respect of securities held by each such Fund in accordance with the BlackRock Proxy Voting Guidelines; provided, however, that in the case of underlying closed-end funds (including business development companies and other similarly-situated asset pools) held by the Funds that have, or are proposing to adopt, a classified board structure, BlackRock will typically (a) vote in favor of proposals to adopt classification and against proposals to eliminate classification, and (b) not vote against directors as a result of their adoption of a classified board structure.

BlackRock will report on an annual basis to the Directors on (1) a summary of all proxy votes that BlackRock has made on behalf of the Funds in the preceding year together with a representation that all votes were in accordance with the BlackRock Proxy Voting Guidelines (as modified pursuant to the immediately preceding paragraph), and (2) any changes to the BlackRock Proxy Voting Guidelines that have not previously been reported.






   Page 1 of 1




Introduction to BlackRock


Philosophy on investment stewardship


Key themes


Boards and directors


Auditors and audit-related issues


Capital structure, mergers, asset sales and other special transactions


Compensation and benefits


Environmental and social issues


General corporate governance matters and shareholder protections


Shareholder proposals


BlackRock’s oversight of our investment stewardship activities


Vote execution


Conflicts management policies and procedures


Voting guidelines


Reporting and vote transparency


The purpose of this document is to provide an overarching explanation of BlackRock’s approach globally to our responsibilities as a shareholder on behalf of our clients, our expectations of companies, and our commitments to clients in terms of our own governance and transparency.

If you would like additional information, please contact:





Introduction to BlackRock

BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. We manage assets on behalf of institutional and individual clients, across a full spectrum of investment strategies, asset classes, and regions. Our client base includes pension plans, endowments, foundations, charities, official institutions, insurers, and other financial institutions, as well as individuals around the world. As part of our fiduciary duty to our clients, we have determined that it is generally in the best long-term interest of our clients to promote sound corporate governance through voting as an informed, engaged shareholder. This is the responsibility of the Investment Stewardship Team.

Philosophy on investment stewardship

Companies are responsible for ensuring they have appropriate governance structures to serve the interests of shareholders and other key stakeholders. We believe that there are certain fundamental rights attached to shareholding. Companies and their boards should be accountable to shareholders and structured with appropriate checks and balances to ensure that they operate in shareholders’ best interests to create sustainable value. Shareholders should have the right to vote to elect, remove, and nominate directors, approve the appointment of the auditor, and amend the corporate charter or by-laws. Shareholders should be able to vote on matters that are material to the protection of their investment, including but not limited to, changes to the purpose of the business, dilution levels and pre-emptive rights, and the distribution of income and capital structure. In order to make informed decisions, we believe that shareholders have the right to sufficient and timely information. In addition, shareholder voting rights should be proportionate to their economic ownership—the principle of “one share, one vote” helps achieve this balance.

Consistent with these shareholder rights, we believe BlackRock has a responsibility to monitor and provide feedback to companies, in our role as stewards of our clients’ investments. BlackRock Investment Stewardship (“BIS”) does this through engagement with management teams and/or board members on material business issues including environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) matters and, for those clients who have given us authority, through voting proxies in the best long-term economic interests of our clients. We also participate in the public debate to shape global norms and industry standards with the goal of a policy framework consistent with our clients’ interests as long-term shareholders.

BlackRock looks to companies to provide timely, accurate, and comprehensive reporting on all material governance and business matters, including ESG issues. This allows shareholders to appropriately understand and assess how relevant risks and opportunities are being effectively identified and managed. Where company reporting and disclosure is inadequate or the approach taken is inconsistent with our view of what supports sustainable long-term value creation, we will engage with a company and/or use our vote to encourage a change in practice.

BlackRock views engagement as an important activity; engagement provides us with the opportunity to improve our understanding of the business and ESG risks and opportunities that are material to the companies in which our clients invest. As long-term investors on behalf of clients, we seek to have regular and continuing dialogue with executives and board directors to advance sound governance and sustainable business practices, as well as to understand the effectiveness of the company’s management and oversight of material issues. Engagement is an important mechanism for providing feedback on company practices and disclosures, particularly where we believe they could be enhanced. We primarily engage through direct dialogue but may use other tools such as written correspondence to share our perspectives. Engagement also informs our voting decisions.

We vote in support of management and boards where and to the extent they demonstrate an approach consistent with creating sustainable long-term value. If we have concerns about a company’s approach, we may choose to engage to explain our expectations. Where we consider that a company has failed to address one or more material issues within an appropriate timeframe, we may hold directors accountable or take other voting actions to signal our concerns. We apply our voting guidelines to achieve the outcome we believe is most aligned with our clients’ long-term economic interests.


LOGO    3

Key themes

We recognize that accepted standards and norms of corporate governance differ between markets; however, there are sufficient common threads globally to identify this overarching set of principles (the “Principles”) which are anchored in transparency and accountability. At a minimum, we expect companies to observe the accepted corporate governance standards in their domestic market or to explain why not doing so supports sustainable long-term value creation.

Our regional and market-specific voting guidelines explain how these Principles inform our voting decisions in relation to specific ballot items for shareholder meetings.

These Principles cover seven key themes:



Boards and directors



Auditors and audit-related issues



Capital structure, mergers, asset sales, and other special transactions



Compensation and benefits



Environmental and social issues



General corporate governance matters and shareholder protections



Shareholder proposals


LOGO    4

Boards and directors

The performance of the board is critical to the economic success of the company and the protection of shareholders’ interests. As part of their responsibilities, board members owe fiduciary duties to shareholders in overseeing the strategic direction and operation of the company. For this reason, BlackRock focuses on directors in many of our engagements and sees the election of directors as one of our most important responsibilities in the proxy voting context.

We support boards whose approach is consistent with creating sustainable long-term value. This includes the effective management of strategic, operational, and material ESG factors and the consideration of key stakeholder interests. Our primary focus is on the performance of the board of directors. The board should establish and maintain a framework of robust and effective governance mechanisms to support its oversight of the company’s strategic aims. We look to the board to articulate the effectiveness of these mechanisms in overseeing the management of business risks and opportunities and the fulfillment of the company’s purpose. Disclosure of material issues that affect the company’s long-term strategy and value creation, including material ESG factors, is essential for shareholders to be able to appropriately understand and assess how the board is effectively identifying, managing, and mitigating risks.

Where a company has not adequately disclosed and demonstrated these responsibilities, we will consider withholding our support for the re-election of directors whom we hold accountable. We assess director performance on a case-by-case basis and in light of each company’s particular circumstances, taking into consideration our assessment of their governance, sustainable business practices, and performance. In serving the interests of shareholders, the responsibility of the board of directors includes, but is not limited to, the following:



Establishing an appropriate corporate governance structure



Supporting and overseeing management in setting long-term strategic goals, applicable measures of value-creation and milestones that will demonstrate progress, and steps taken if any obstacles are anticipated or incurred



Providing oversight on the identification and management of material, business operational and sustainability-related risks



Overseeing the financial resilience of the company, the integrity of financial statements, and the robustness of a company’s Enterprise Risk Management1 frameworks



Making decisions on matters that require independent evaluation which may include mergers, acquisitions and disposals, activist situations or other similar cases



Establishing appropriate executive compensation structures



Addressing business issues, including environmental and social issues, when they have the potential to materially impact the company’s long-term value

There should be clear definitions of the role of the board, the committees of the board and senior management. We set out below ways in which boards and directors can demonstrate a commitment to acting in the best interests of long-term shareholders. We will seek to engage with the appropriate directors where we have concerns about the performance of the company, board, or individual directors. As noted above, we believe that when a company is not effectively addressing a material issue, its directors should be held accountable.



1 Enterprise risk management is a process, effected by the entity’s board of directors, management, and other personnel, applied in strategy setting and across the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may affect the entity, and manage risk to be within the risk appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives. (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), Enterprise Risk Management — Integrated Framework, September 2004, New York, NY).


LOGO    5

Regular accountability

BlackRock believes that directors should stand for re-election on a regular basis, ideally annually. In our experience, annual re-elections allow shareholders to reaffirm their support for board members or hold them accountable for their decisions in a timely manner. When board members are not re-elected annually, we believe it is good practice for boards to have a rotation policy to ensure that, through a board cycle, all directors have had their appointment re-confirmed, with a proportion of directors being put forward for re-election at each annual general meeting.

Effective board composition

Regular director elections also give boards the opportunity to adjust their composition in an orderly way to reflect the evolution of the company’s strategy and the market environment. BlackRock believes it is beneficial for new directors to be brought onto the board periodically to refresh the group’s thinking and in a manner that supports both continuity and appropriate succession planning. We expect companies to keep under regular review the effectiveness of its board (including its size), and assess directors nominated for election or re-election in the context of the composition of the board as a whole. This assessment should consider a number of factors, including the potential need to address gaps in skills or experience, the diversity of the board, and the balance of independent and non-independent directors. We also consider the average tenure of the overall board, where we are seeking a balance between the knowledge and experience of longer-serving members and the fresh perspectives of newer members.

When nominating new directors to the board, there should be detailed information on the individual candidates in order for shareholders to assess the suitability of an individual nominee and the overall board composition. These disclosures should give a clear sense of how the collective experience and expertise of the board aligns with the company’s long-term strategy and business model. We also expect disclosures to demonstrate how diversity is accounted for within the proposed board composition, including demographic factors such as gender, ethnicity, and age; as well as professional characteristics, such as a director’s industry experience, specialist areas of expertise, and geographic location.

We expect there to be a sufficient number of independent directors, free from conflicts of interest or undue influence from connected parties, to ensure objectivity in the decision-making of the board and its ability to oversee management. Common impediments to independence may include but are not limited to:



Current or recent employment at the company or a subsidiary



Being, or representing, a shareholder with a substantial shareholding in the company



Interlocking directorships



Having any other interest, business, or other relationship which could, or could reasonably be perceived to, materially interfere with a director’s ability to act in the best interests of the company

BlackRock believes that the board is able to fulfill its fiduciary duty when there is a clearly independent, senior non-executive director to chair it or, where the chairman is also the CEO (or is otherwise not independent), a lead independent director. The role of this director is to enhance the effectiveness of the independent members of the board through shaping the agenda, ensuring adequate information is provided to the board and encouraging independent participation in board deliberations. The lead independent director or another appropriate director should be available to shareholders in those situations where an independent director is best placed to explain and justify a company’s approach.

There are matters for which the board has responsibility that may involve a conflict of interest for executives or for affiliated directors. BlackRock believes that objective oversight of such matters is best achieved when the board forms committees comprised entirely of independent directors. In many markets, these committees of the board specialize in audit, director nominations and compensation matters. An ad hoc committee might also be formed to decide on a special transaction, particularly one involving a related party, or to investigate a significant adverse event.

Sufficient capacity

As the role of a director is demanding, directors must be able to commit an appropriate amount of time to board and committee matters. It is important that every director has the capacity to meet all of his/her responsibilities - including when there are unforeseen events – and therefore, he/she should not take on an excessive number of roles that would impair his/her ability to fulfill his/her duties.


LOGO    6

Auditors and audit-related issues

BlackRock recognizes the critical importance of financial statements, which should provide a true and fair picture of a company’s financial condition. Accordingly, the assumptions made by management and reviewed by the auditor in preparing the financial statements should be reasonable and justified.

The accuracy of financial statements, inclusive of financial and non-financial information, is clearly of paramount importance to BlackRock. Investors’ views on financial materiality are developing to encompass a broader range of risks. Over time, we expect increased scrutiny of the assumptions underlying financial reports.

In this context, audit committees, or equivalent, play a vital role in a company’s financial reporting system by providing independent oversight of the accounts, material financial and non-financial information, internal control frameworks, and Enterprise Risk Management systems. BlackRock believes that effective audit and risk committee oversight strengthens the quality and reliability of a company’s financial statements and provides an important level of reassurance to shareholders.

We hold the members of the audit committee or equivalent responsible for overseeing the management of the audit function. Audit committees or equivalent should have clearly articulated charters that set out the committee’s responsibilities and have a rotation plan in place that allows for a periodic refreshment of the committee memberships.

We take particular note of critical accounting matters, cases involving significant financial restatements or ad hoc notifications of material financial weakness. In this respect, audit committees should provide timely disclosure on the remediation of Key and Critical Audit Matters identified either by the external auditor or Internal Audit function.

The integrity of financial statements depends on the auditor being free of any impediments to being an effective check on management. To that end, we believe it is important that auditors are, and are seen to be, independent. Where the audit firm provides services to the company in addition to the audit, the fees earned should be disclosed and explained. Audit committees should have in place a procedure for assessing annually the independence of the auditor and the quality of the external audit process.

Comprehensive disclosure provides investors with a sense of the company’s long-term operational risk management practices and, more broadly, the quality of the board’s oversight. The audit committee or equivalent should periodically review the company’s risk assessment and risk management policies and significant risks and exposures identified by management, the internal auditors or the independent accountants, and management’s steps to address them. In the absence of robust disclosures, we may reasonably conclude that companies are not adequately managing risk.

Capital structure, mergers, asset sales, and other special transactions

The capital structure of a company is critical to shareholders as it impacts the value of their investment and the priority of their interest in the company relative to that of other equity or debt investors. Pre-emptive rights are a key protection for shareholders against the dilution of their interests.

Effective voting rights are basic rights of share ownership and we believe strongly in one vote for one share as a guiding principle that supports effective corporate governance. Shareholders, as the residual claimants, have the strongest interest in protecting company value, and voting power should match economic exposure.

In principle, we disagree with the creation of a share class with equivalent economic exposure and preferential, differentiated voting rights as it violates the fundamental corporate governance principle of proportionality, and results in a concentration of power in the hands of a few shareholders, thus disenfranchising other shareholders and amplifying any potential conflicts of interest. However, we recognize that in certain markets, at least for a period of time, companies may have a valid argument for dual-class listings. We believe that such companies should review these share class structures on a regular basis or as company circumstances change. Additionally, they should receive shareholder approval of their capital structure on a periodic basis via a management proposal at the company’s shareholder meeting. The proposal should give unaffiliated shareholders the opportunity to affirm the current structure or establish mechanisms to end or phase out controlling structures at the appropriate time, while minimizing costs to shareholders.


LOGO    7

In assessing mergers, asset sales, or other special transactions, BlackRock’s primary consideration is the long-term economic interests of our clients as shareholders. Boards proposing a transaction need to clearly explain the economic and strategic rationale behind it. We will review a proposed transaction to determine the degree to which it enhances long-term shareholder value. We would prefer that proposed transactions have the unanimous support of the board and have been negotiated at arm’s length. We may seek reassurance from the board that executives’ and/or board members’ financial interests in a given transaction have not adversely affected their ability to place shareholders’ interests before their own. Where the transaction involves related parties, we would expect the recommendation to support it to come from the independent directors, and ideally, the terms have been assessed through an independent appraisal process. In addition, it is good practice that it be approved by a separate vote of the non-conflicted shareholders.

BlackRock believes that shareholders have a right to dispose of company shares in the open market without unnecessary restriction. In our view, corporate mechanisms designed to limit shareholders’ ability to sell their shares are contrary to basic property rights. Such mechanisms can serve to protect and entrench interests other than those of the shareholders. We believe that shareholders are broadly capable of making decisions in their own best interests. We expect any so-called ‘shareholder rights plans’ proposed by a board to be subject to shareholder approval upon introduction and periodically thereafter for continuation.

Compensation and benefits

BlackRock expects a company’s board of directors to put in place a compensation structure that incentivizes and rewards executives appropriately and is linked with performance that aligns with shareholder interests, particularly the generation of sustainable long-term value. We would expect the compensation committee to carefully consider the specific circumstances of the company and the key individuals the board is trying to incentivize. We encourage companies to ensure that their compensation plans incorporate appropriate and rigorous performance metrics consistent with corporate strategy and market practice. We use third party research, in addition to our own analysis, to evaluate existing and proposed compensation structures. We hold members of the compensation committee or equivalent board members accountable for poor compensation practices or structures.

BlackRock believes that there should be a clear link between variable pay and company performance that drives value creation. We are not supportive of one-off or special bonuses unrelated to company or individual performance. Where discretion has been used by the compensation committee, we expect disclosure relating to how and why the discretion was used, and further, how the adjusted outcome is aligned with the interests of shareholders. We acknowledge that the use of peer group evaluation by compensation committees can help ensure competitive pay; however, we are concerned when the rationale for increases in total compensation at a company is solely based on peer benchmarking rather than a rigorous measure of outperformance.

We support incentive plans that foster the sustainable achievement of results consistent with the company’s long-term strategic initiatives. The vesting timeframes associated with incentive plans should facilitate a focus on long-term value creation. We believe consideration should be given to building claw back provisions into incentive plans such that executives would be required to forgo rewards when they are not justified by actual performance and/or when compensation was based on faulty financial reporting or deceptive business practices. We also favor recoupment from any senior executive whose behavior caused material financial harm to shareholders, material reputational risk to the company, or resulted in a criminal investigation, even if such actions did not ultimately result in a material restatement of past results. Compensation committees should guard against contractual arrangements that would entitle executives to material compensation for early termination of their contract. Finally, pension contributions and other deferred compensation arrangements should be reasonable in light of market practice.

Non-executive directors should be compensated in a manner that is commensurate with the time and effort expended in fulfilling their professional responsibilities. Additionally, these compensation arrangements should not risk compromising their independence or aligning their interests too closely with those of the management, whom they are charged with overseeing.


LOGO    8

Environmental and social issues

We believe that well-managed companies will deal effectively with material ESG factors relevant to their businesses. As stated throughout this document, governance is the core structure by which boards can oversee the creation of sustainable long-term value – appropriate risk oversight of environmental and social (“E&S”) considerations stems from this construct.

Robust disclosure is essential for investors to effectively gauge companies’ business practices and strategic planning related to E&S risks and opportunities. When a company’s reporting is inadequate, investors, including BlackRock, will increasingly conclude that companies are not adequately managing risk. Given the increased understanding of material sustainability risks and opportunities, and the need for better information to assess them, BlackRock will advocate for continued improvement in companies’ reporting and will hold management and/or directors accountable where disclosures or the business practices underlying them are inadequate.

BlackRock views the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the standards put forward by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) as appropriate and complementary frameworks for companies to adopt for the disclosure of financially material sustainability information. While the TCFD framework was crafted with the aim of climate-related risk disclosure, the four pillars of the TCFD Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics and Targets are a useful way for companies to disclose how they identify, assess, manage, and oversee a variety of sustainability-related risks and opportunities. SASB’s industry-specific guidance (as identified in its materiality map) is beneficial in helping companies identify key performance indicators (KPIs) across various dimensions of sustainability that are considered to be financially material and decision-useful within their industry,

Accordingly, we ask companies to:



Disclose the identification, assessment, management, and oversight of sustainability-related risks in accordance with the four pillars of TCFD; and



Publish SASB-aligned reporting with industry-specific, material metrics and rigorous targets2.

Companies may also adopt or refer to guidance on sustainable and responsible business conduct issued by supranational organizations such as the United Nations or the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Further, industry specific initiatives on managing specific operational risks may be useful. Companies should disclose any global standards adopted, the industry initiatives in which they participate, any peer group benchmarking undertaken, and any assurance processes to help investors understand their approach to sustainable and responsible business practices.

Climate risk

BlackRock believes that climate change has become a defining factor in companies’ long-term prospects. We expect every company to help their investors understand how the company may be impacted by climate-related risk and opportunities, and how they are considered within strategy. Specifically, we expect companies to articulate how they are aligned to a scenario in which global warming is limited to well below 2°C and is consistent with a global aspiration to reach net zero GHG emissions by 20503.

The public and private sectors have roles to play in aligning greenhouse gas reduction efforts with targets based on science, where available, to curb the worst effects of climate change and reach the global goal of carbon neutrality by the mid-century. Companies have an opportunity to utilize and contribute to the development of current and future low-carbon transition technologies, which are an important consideration for the rate at which emissions can be reduced. We expect companies to disclose how they are considering these challenges, alongside opportunities for innovation, within their strategy and emissions reduction efforts.



2 See our commentary on our approach to engagement on TCFD and SASB aligned reporting for greater detail of our expectations.

3 The global aspiration is reflective of aggregated efforts; companies in developed and emerging markets are not equally equipped to transition their business and reduce emissions at the same rate—those in developed markets with the largest market capitalization are better positioned to adapt their business models at an accelerated pace. Government policy and regional targets may be reflective of these realities.


LOGO    9

Key stakeholder interests

Given our expectation that companies operate in long-term shareholders’ interests to create sustainable value and fulfill their purpose, BlackRock believes that companies should take due account of their key stakeholders’ interests. It is for each company to determine its key stakeholders based on what is material to its business, but they are likely to include employees, business partners (such as suppliers and distributors), clients and consumers, government and regulators, and the communities in which they operate, as well as investors.

Having regard to the interests of key stakeholders recognizes the collective nature of long-term value creation, and the extent to which each company’s prospects for growth are tied to its ability to foster strong sustainable relationships with those stakeholders. Companies should articulate how they address adverse impacts that could arise from their business practices and affect critical business relationships with their stakeholders. We expect companies to implement, to the extent appropriate, monitoring processes (often referred to as due diligence) to identify and mitigate potential adverse impacts, and grievance mechanisms to remediate any actual adverse impacts. The maintenance of trust within these relationships is often equated with a company’s social license to operate.

To ensure transparency and accountability, companies should report on how they have identified their key stakeholders and considered their interests in business decision-making, demonstrating the applicable governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets. This approach should be overseen by the board, whose job it is to ensure that the approach taken is informed by and aligns with the company’s purpose.

General corporate governance matters and shareholder protections

BlackRock believes that shareholders have a right to material and timely information on the financial performance and viability of the companies in which they invest. In addition, companies should also publish information on the governance structures in place and the rights of shareholders to influence these structures. The reporting and disclosure provided by companies help shareholders assess whether their economic interests have been protected and the quality of the board’s oversight of management. We believe shareholders should have the right to vote on key corporate governance matters, including changes to governance mechanisms, to submit proposals to the shareholders’ meeting, and to call special meetings of shareholders.

Shareholder proposals

In most markets in which BlackRock invests on behalf of clients, shareholders have the right to submit proposals to be voted on by shareholders at a company’s annual or extraordinary meeting, as long as eligibility and procedural requirements are met. The matters that we see put forward by shareholders address a wide range of topics, including governance reforms, capital management, and improvements in the management or disclosure of environmental and social risks.

When assessing shareholder proposals, we evaluate each proposal on its merit, with a singular focus on its implications for long-term value creation. We consider the business and economic relevance of the issue raised, as well as its materiality and the urgency with which we believe it should be addressed. We take into consideration the legal effect of the proposal, as shareholder proposals may be advisory or legally binding depending on the jurisdiction. We would not support proposals that we believe would result in over-reaching into the basic business decisions of the issuer.

Where a proposal is focused on an issue that we agree needs to be addressed and the intended outcome is consistent with long-term value creation, we will look to the board and management to demonstrate that the company has met the intent of the request made in the shareholder proposal. Where our analysis and / or engagement indicate a need for improvement in the company’s approach to the issue, we will support shareholder proposals that are reasonable and not unduly constraining on management. Alternatively, or in addition, we may vote against the re-election of one of more directors if, in our assessment, the board has not responded sufficiently or with an appropriate sense of urgency.


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BlackRock’s oversight of its investment

stewardship activities


We hold ourselves to a very high standard in our investment stewardship activities, including proxy voting. To meet this standard, BIS is comprised of BlackRock employees who do not have other responsibilities other than their roles in BIS. BIS is considered an investment function.

BlackRock maintains three regional advisory committees (“Stewardship Advisory Committees”) for (a) the Americas; (b) Europe, the Middle East and Africa (“EMEA”); and (c) Asia-Pacific, generally consisting of senior BlackRock investment professionals and/or senior employees with practical boardroom experience. The regional Stewardship Advisory Committees review and advise on amendments to BIS proxy voting guidelines covering markets within each respective region (“Guidelines”).

In addition to the regional Stewardship Advisory Committees, the Investment Stewardship Global Oversight Committee (“Global Committee”) is a risk-focused committee, comprised of senior representatives from various BlackRock investment teams, a senior legal representative, the Global Head of Investment Stewardship (“Global Head”), and other senior executives with relevant experience and team oversight.

The Global Head has primary oversight of the activities of BIS, including voting in accordance with the Guidelines, which require the application of professional judgment and consideration of each company’s unique circumstances. The Global Committee reviews and approves amendments to these Principles. The Global Committee also reviews and approves amendments to the regional Guidelines, as proposed by the regional Stewardship Advisory Committees.

In addition, the Global Committee receives and reviews periodic reports regarding the votes cast by BIS, as well as updates on material process issues, procedural changes, and other risk oversight considerations. The Global Committee reviews these reports in an oversight capacity as informed by the BIS corporate governance engagement program and the Guidelines.

BIS carries out engagement with companies, monitors and executes proxy votes, and conducts vote operations (including maintaining records of votes cast) in a manner consistent with the relevant Guidelines. BIS also conducts research on corporate governance issues and participates in industry discussions to contribute to and keep abreast of important developments in the corporate governance field. BIS may utilize third parties for certain of the foregoing activities and performs oversight of those third parties. BIS may raise complicated or particularly controversial matters for internal discussion with the relevant investment teams and/or refer such matters to the appropriate regional Stewardship Advisory Committees for review, discussion and guidance prior to making a voting decision.

Vote execution

We carefully consider proxies submitted to funds and other fiduciary account(s) (“Fund” or “Funds”) for which we have voting authority. BlackRock votes (or refrains from voting) proxies for each Fund for which we have voting authority based on our evaluation of the best long-term economic interests of our clients as shareholders, in the exercise of our independent business judgment, and without regard to the relationship of the issuer of the proxy (or any shareholder proponent or dissident shareholder) to the Fund, the Fund’s affiliates (if any), BlackRock or BlackRock’s affiliates, or BlackRock employees (see “Conflicts management policies and procedures”, below).

When exercising voting rights, BlackRock will normally vote on specific proxy issues in accordance with the Guidelines for the relevant market. The Guidelines are reviewed regularly and are amended consistent with changes in the local market practice, as developments in corporate governance occur, or as otherwise deemed advisable by the applicable Stewardship Advisory Committees. BIS analysts may, in the exercise of their professional judgment, conclude that the Guidelines do not cover the specific matter upon which a proxy vote is required or that an exception to the Guidelines would be in the best long-term economic interests of BlackRock’s clients.


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In the uncommon circumstance of there being a vote with respect to fixed income securities or the securities of privately held issuers, the decision generally will be made by a Fund’s portfolio managers and/or BIS based on their assessment of the particular transactions or other matters at issue.

In certain markets, proxy voting involves logistical issues which can affect BlackRock’s ability to vote such proxies, as well as the desirability of voting such proxies. These issues include, but are not limited to: (i) untimely notice of shareholder meetings; (ii) restrictions on a foreigner’s ability to exercise votes; (iii) requirements to vote proxies in person; (iv) “share-blocking” (requirements that investors who exercise their voting rights surrender the right to dispose of their holdings for some specified period in proximity to the shareholder meeting); (v) potential difficulties in translating the proxy; (vi) regulatory constraints; and (vii) requirements to provide local agents with unrestricted powers of attorney to facilitate voting instructions. We are not supportive of impediments to the exercise of voting rights such as share-blocking or overly burdensome administrative requirements.

As a consequence, BlackRock votes proxies on a “best-efforts” basis. In addition, BIS may determine that it is generally in the best interests of BlackRock’s clients not to vote proxies if the costs (including but not limited to opportunity costs associated with share-blocking constraints) associated with exercising a vote are expected to outweigh the benefit the client would derive by voting on the proposal.

Portfolio managers have full discretion to vote the shares in the Funds they manage based on their analysis of the economic impact of a particular ballot item. Portfolio managers may from time to time reach differing views on how best to maximize economic value with respect to a particular investment. Therefore, portfolio managers may, and sometimes do, vote shares in the Funds under their management differently from one another. However, because BlackRock’s clients are mostly long-term investors with long-term economic goals, ballots are frequently cast in a uniform manner.

Conflicts management policies and procedures

BIS maintains policies and procedures that seek to prevent undue influence on BlackRock’s proxy voting activity. Such influence might stem from any relationship between the investee company (or any shareholder proponent or dissident shareholder) and BlackRock, BlackRock’s affiliates, a Fund or a Fund’s affiliates, or BlackRock employees. The following are examples of sources of perceived or potential conflicts of interest:



BlackRock clients who may be issuers of securities or proponents of shareholder resolutions



BlackRock business partners or third parties who may be issuers of securities or proponents of shareholder resolutions



BlackRock employees who may sit on the boards of public companies held in Funds managed by BlackRock



Significant BlackRock, Inc. investors who may be issuers of securities held in Funds managed by BlackRock



Securities of BlackRock, Inc. or BlackRock investment funds held in Funds managed by BlackRock



BlackRock, Inc. board members who serve as senior executives of public companies held in Funds managed by BlackRock

BlackRock has taken certain steps to mitigate perceived or potential conflicts including, but not limited to, the following:



Adopted the Guidelines which are designed to advance our clients’ interests in the companies in which BlackRock invests on behalf of clients.



Established a reporting structure that separates BIS from employees with sales, vendor management, or business partnership roles. In addition, BlackRock seeks to ensure that all engagements with corporate issuers, dissident shareholders or shareholder proponents are managed consistently and without regard to BlackRock’s relationship with such parties. Clients or business partners are not given special treatment or differentiated access to BIS. BIS prioritizes engagements based on factors including, but not limited to, our need for additional information to make a voting decision or our view on the likelihood that an engagement could lead to positive outcome(s) over time for the economic value of the company. Within the normal course of business, BIS may engage directly with BlackRock clients, business partners and/or third parties, and/or with employees with sales, vendor management, or business partnership roles, in discussions regarding our approach to stewardship, general corporate governance matters, client reporting needs, and/or to otherwise ensure that proxy-related client service levels are met.


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Determined to engage, in certain instances, an independent fiduciary to vote proxies as a further safeguard to avoid potential conflicts of interest, to satisfy regulatory compliance requirements, or as may be otherwise required by applicable law. In such circumstances, the independent fiduciary provides BlackRock’s proxy voting agent with instructions, in accordance with the Guidelines, as to how to vote such proxies, and BlackRock’s proxy voting agent votes the proxy in accordance with the independent fiduciary’s determination. BlackRock uses an independent fiduciary to vote proxies of BlackRock, Inc. and companies affiliated with BlackRock, Inc. BlackRock may also use an independent fiduciary to vote proxies of:


i.    public companies that include BlackRock employees on their boards of directors,
ii.    public companies of which a BlackRock, Inc. board member serves as a senior executive,
iii.    public companies that are the subject of certain transactions involving BlackRock Funds,
iv.    public companies that are joint venture partners with BlackRock, and
v.    public companies when legal or regulatory requirements compel BlackRock to use an independent fiduciary.

In selecting an independent fiduciary, we assess several characteristics, including but not limited to: independence, an ability to analyze proxy issues and vote in the best economic interest of our clients, reputation for reliability and integrity, and operational capacity to accurately deliver the assigned votes in a timely manner. We may engage more than one independent fiduciary, in part in order to mitigate potential or perceived conflicts of interest at an independent fiduciary. The Global Committee appoints and reviews the performance of the independent fiduciaries, generally on an annual basis.

When so authorized, BlackRock acts as a securities lending agent on behalf of Funds. With regard to the relationship between securities lending and proxy voting, BlackRock’s approach is driven by our clients’ economic interests. The decision whether to recall securities on loan to vote is based on a formal analysis of the revenue producing value to clients of loans, against the assessed economic value of casting votes. Generally, we expect that the likely economic value to clients of casting votes would be less than the securities lending income, either because, in our assessment, the resolutions being voted on will not have significant economic consequences or because the outcome would not be affected by BlackRock voting the loaned securities that were recalled in order to vote. BlackRock also may, in our discretion, determine that the value of voting outweighs the cost of recalling shares, and thus recall shares to vote in that instance.

Periodically, BlackRock reviews our process for determining whether to recall securities on loan in order to vote and may modify it as necessary.

Voting guidelines

The issue-specific Guidelines published for each region/country in which we vote are intended to summarize BlackRock’s general philosophy and approach to issues that may commonly arise in the proxy voting context in each market where we invest. The Guidelines are not intended to be exhaustive. BIS applies the Guidelines on a case-by-case basis, in the context of the individual circumstances of each company and the specific issue under review. As such, the Guidelines do not indicate how BIS will vote in every instance. Rather, they reflect our view about corporate governance issues generally, and provide insight into how we typically approach issues that commonly arise on corporate ballots.

Reporting and vote transparency

Investment stewardship is how we use our voice as an investor to promote sound corporate governance and business practices to help maximize long-term shareholder value for our clients, the vast majority of whom are investing for long-term goals such as retirement. We are committed to transparency in the stewardship work we do on behalf of clients. We inform clients about our engagement and voting policies and activities through direct communication and through disclosure on our website. Each year we publish an annual report as well as quarterly stewardship reports which provide a global overview of our investment stewardship engagement and voting activities during the quarter, including market


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developments, speaking engagements, and engagement, and voting statistics. Additionally, we make public our market-specific voting guidelines for the benefit of clients and companies with whom we engage. We also publish commentaries to share our perspective on market developments and emerging key themes.

At a more granular level, we publish quarterly our vote record for each company that held a shareholder meeting during the period, showing how we voted on each proposal and explaining any votes against management proposals or on shareholder proposals. For shareholder meetings where a vote might be high profile or of significant interest to clients, we publish a voting bulletin shortly after the meeting, disclosing and explaining our vote on key proposals. We also publish a quarterly list of all companies we engaged and the key topics addressed in the engagement meeting.

In this way, we help inform our clients about the work we do on their behalf in promoting the governance and business practices that support long-term sustainable value creation.

This document is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change. Reliance upon this information is at the sole discretion of the reader.

Prepared by BlackRock, Inc.

©2020 BlackRock, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Voting guidelines


Boards and directors


Auditors and audit-related issues


Capital structure proposals


Mergers, acquisitions, asset sales, and other special transactions


Executive compensation


Environmental and social issues


General corporate governance matters


Shareholder protections


If you would like additional information, please contact:





These guidelines should be read in conjunction with the BlackRock Investment Stewardship Global Principles.


We believe BlackRock has a responsibility to monitor and provide feedback to companies, in our role as stewards of our clients’ investments. BlackRock Investment Stewardship (“BIS”) does this through engagement with management teams and/or board members on material business issues, including environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) matters and, for those clients who have given us authority, through voting proxies in the best long-term economic interests of our clients.

The following issue-specific proxy voting guidelines (the “Guidelines”) are intended to summarize BIS’ general philosophy and approach to ESG factors, as well as our expectations of directors, that most commonly arise in proxy voting for U.S. securities. These Guidelines are not intended to limit the analysis of individual issues at specific companies or provide a guide to how BlackRock will vote in every instance. They are applied with discretion, taking into consideration the range of issues and facts specific to the company, as well as individual ballot items.

Voting guidelines

These guidelines are divided into eight key themes, which group together the issues that frequently appear on the agenda of annual and extraordinary meetings of shareholders:



Boards and directors



Auditors and audit-related issues



Capital structure



Mergers, acquisitions, asset sales, and other special transactions



Executive compensation



Environmental and social issues



General corporate governance matters



Shareholder protections

Boards and directors

The effective performance of the board is critical to the economic success of the company and the protection of shareholders’ interests. As part of their responsibilities, board members owe fiduciary duties to shareholders in overseeing the strategic direction and operation of the company. For this reason, BlackRock focuses on directors in many of our engagements and sees the election of directors as one of our most critical responsibilities.

Disclosure of material issues that affect the company’s long-term strategy and value creation, including material ESG factors, is essential for shareholders to be able to appropriately understand and assess how effectively the board is identifying, managing, and mitigating risks.

Where we conclude that a board has failed to address or disclose one or more material issues within a specified timeframe, we may hold directors accountable or take other appropriate action in the context of our voting decisions.

Director elections

Where a board has not adequately demonstrated, through company disclosures and actions, how material issues are appropriately identified, managed, and overseen, we will consider withholding our support for the re-election of directors whom we hold accountable.


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In addition, we may withhold votes from directors or members of particular board committees in certain situations, as indicated below.


We expect a majority of the directors on the board to be independent. In addition, all members of key committees, including audit, compensation, and nominating/ governance committees, should be independent. Our view of independence may vary from listing standards.

Common impediments to independence may include:



Employment as a senior executive by the company or a subsidiary within the past five years



An equity ownership in the company in excess of 20%



Having any other interest, business, or relationship (professional or personal) which could, or could reasonably be perceived to, materially interfere with the director’s ability to act in the best interests of the company



When evaluating controlled companies, as defined by the U.S. stock exchanges, we may vote against insiders or affiliates who sit on the audit committee, but not other key committees

We may vote against directors serving on key committees who we do not consider to be independent.


We expect the board to exercise appropriate oversight over management and business activities of the company. We will consider voting against committee members and/or individual directors in the following circumstances:



Where the board has failed to exercise sufficient oversight with regard to material ESG risk factors, or the company has failed to provide shareholders with adequate disclosure to conclude appropriate strategic consideration is given to these factors by the board



Where the board has failed to exercise oversight with regard to accounting practices or audit oversight, we will consider voting against the current audit committee, and any other members of the board who may be responsible. For example, we may vote against members of the audit committee during a period when the board failed to facilitate quality, independent auditing if substantial accounting irregularities suggest insufficient oversight by that committee



Members of the compensation committee during a period in which executive compensation appears excessive relative to performance and peers, and where we believe the compensation committee has not already substantially addressed this issue



The chair of the nominating/ governance committee, or where no chair exists, the nominating/governance committee member with the longest tenure, where the board is not comprised of a majority of independent directors. This may not apply in the case of a controlled company



Where it appears the director has acted (at the company or at other companies) in a manner that compromises his/ her ability to represent the best long-term economic interests of shareholders



Where a director has a multi-year pattern of poor attendance at combined board and applicable committee meetings, or a director has poor attendance in a single year with no disclosed rationale. Excluding exigent circumstances, BlackRock generally considers attendance at less than 75% of the combined board and applicable committee meetings to be poor attendance



Where a director serves on an excessive number of boards, which may limit his/ her capacity to focus on each board’s requirements. The following identifies the maximum number of boards on which a director may serve, before he/ she is considered to be over-committed:


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     Public Company
Executive or Fund
   # Outside Public Boards2    Total # of Public Boards

Director A

      1    2

Director B

        3    4

Responsiveness to shareholders

We expect a board to be engaged and responsive to its shareholders, including acknowledging voting outcomes for shareholder proposals, director elections, compensation, and other ballot items. Where we believe a board has not substantially addressed shareholder concerns, we may vote against the responsible committees and/or individual directors. The following illustrates common circumstances:



The independent chair or lead independent director, members of the nominating/governance committee, and/or the longest tenured director(s), where we observe a lack of board responsiveness to shareholders, evidence of board entrenchment, and/or failure to plan for adequate board member succession



The chair of the nominating/governance committee, or where no chair exists, the nominating/governance committee member with the longest tenure, where board member(s) at the most recent election of directors have received against votes from more than 25% of shares voted, and the board has not taken appropriate action to respond to shareholder concerns. This may not apply in cases where BlackRock did not support the initial against vote



The independent chair or lead independent director and/ or members of the nominating/governance committee, where a board fails to consider shareholder proposals that receive substantial support, and the proposals, in our view, have a material impact on the business, shareholder rights, or the potential for long-term value creation

Shareholder rights

We expect a board to act with integrity and to uphold governance best practices. Where we believe a board has not acted in the best interests of its shareholders, we may vote against the appropriate committees and/or individual directors. The following illustrates common circumstances:



The independent chair or lead independent director and members of the nominating/governance committee, where a board implements or renews a poison pill without shareholder approval



The independent chair or lead independent director and members of the nominating/governance committee, where a board amends the charter/articles/bylaws such that the effect may be to entrench directors or to significantly reduce shareholder rights



Members of the compensation committee where the company has repriced options without shareholder approval



If a board maintains a classified structure, it is possible that the director(s) with whom we have a particular concern may not be subject to election in the year that the concern arises. In such situations, if we have a concern regarding the actions of a committee and the responsible member(s) or committee chair are not up for re-election, we will generally register our concern by voting against all available members of the relevant committee



1 In this instance, “fund manager” refers to individuals whose full-time employment involves responsibility for the investment and oversight of fund vehicles, and those who have employment as professional investors and provide oversight for those holdings.

2 In addition to the company under review


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Board composition and effectiveness

We encourage boards to periodically renew their membership to ensure relevant skills and experience within the boardroom. To this end, regular performance reviews and skills assessments should be conducted by the nominating/ governance committee or the lead independent director.

Furthermore, we expect boards to be comprised of a diverse selection of individuals who bring their personal and professional experiences to bear in order to create a constructive debate of a variety of views and opinions in the boardroom. We recognize that diversity has multiple dimensions. In identifying potential candidates, boards should take into consideration the full breadth of diversity, including personal factors, such as gender, ethnicity, race, and age, as well as professional characteristics, such as a director’s industry, area of expertise, and geographic location. In addition to other elements of diversity, we encourage companies to have at least two women directors on their board. Our publicly available commentary explains our approach to engaging on board diversity.

We encourage boards to disclose:



The mix of competencies, experience, and other qualities required to effectively oversee and guide management in light of the stated long-term strategy of the company



The process by which candidates are identified and selected, including whether professional firms or other sources outside of incumbent directors’ networks have been engaged to identify and/or assess candidates



The process by which boards evaluate themselves and any significant outcomes of the evaluation process, without divulging inappropriate and/ or sensitive details



Demographics related to board diversity, including, but not limited to, gender, ethnicity, race, age, and geographic location, in addition to measurable milestones to achieve a boardroom reflective of multi-faceted racial, ethnic, and gender representation

Our primary concern is that board members are able to contribute effectively as corporate strategy evolves and business conditions change. We acknowledge that no single person can be expected to bring all relevant skill sets to a board; at the same time, we generally do not believe it is necessary or appropriate to have any particular director on the board solely by virtue of a singular background or specific area of expertise.

Where boards find that age limits or term limits are the most efficient and objective mechanism for ensuring periodic board refreshment, we generally defer to the board’s determination in setting such limits. BlackRock will also consider the average board tenure to evaluate processes for board renewal. We may oppose boards that appear to have an insufficient mix of short-, medium-, and long-tenured directors.

To the extent that a company has not adequately accounted for diversity in its board composition within a reasonable timeframe, based on our assessment, we may vote against members of the nominating/governance committee for an apparent lack of commitment to board effectiveness.

Board size

We typically defer to the board in setting the appropriate size and believe directors are generally in the best position to assess the optimal board size to ensure effectiveness. However, we may oppose boards that appear too small to allow for the necessary range of skills and experience or too large to function efficiently.

CEO and management succession planning

There should be a robust CEO and senior management succession plan in place at the board level that is reviewed and updated on a regular basis. We expect succession planning to cover both long-term planning consistent with the strategic direction of the company and identified leadership needs over time, as well as short-term planning in the event of an unanticipated executive departure. We encourage the company to explain its executive succession planning process, including where accountability lies within the boardroom for this task, without prematurely divulging sensitive information commonly associated with this exercise.


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Classified board of directors/staggered terms

We believe that directors should be re-elected annually; classification of the board generally limits shareholders’ rights to regularly evaluate a board’s performance and select directors. While we will typically support proposals requesting board de-classification, we may make exceptions, should the board articulate an appropriate strategic rationale for a classified board structure, such as when a company needs consistency and stability during a time of transition, e.g. newly public companies or companies undergoing a strategic restructuring. A classified board structure may also be justified at non-operating companies, e.g. closed-end funds or business development companies (BDC),3 in certain circumstances. We would, however, expect boards with a classified structure to periodically review the rationale for such structure and consider when annual elections might be more appropriate.

Without a voting mechanism to immediately address concerns about a specific director, we may choose to vote against the available slate of directors (see “Shareholder rights” for additional detail).

Contested director elections

The details of contested elections, or proxy contests, are assessed on a case-by-case basis. We evaluate a number of factors, which may include: the qualifications of the dissident and management candidates; the validity of the concerns identified by the dissident; the viability of both the dissident’s and management’s plans; the ownership stake and holding period of the dissident; the likelihood that the dissident’s solutions will produce the desired change; and whether the dissident represents the best option for enhancing long-term shareholder value.

Cumulative voting

We believe that a majority vote standard is in the best long-term interests of shareholders. It ensures director accountability through the requirement to be elected by more than half of the votes cast. As such, we will generally oppose proposals requesting the adoption of cumulative voting, which may disproportionately aggregate votes on certain issues or director candidates.

Director compensation and equity programs

We believe that compensation for directors should be structured to attract and retain directors, while also aligning their interests with those of shareholders. We believe director compensation packages that are based on the company’s long-term value creation and include some form of long-term equity compensation are more likely to meet this goal. In addition, we expect directors to build meaningful share ownership over time.

Majority vote requirements

BlackRock believes that directors should generally be elected by a majority of the shares voted and will normally support proposals seeking to introduce bylaws requiring a majority vote standard for director elections. Majority vote standards assist in ensuring that directors who are not broadly supported by shareholders are not elected to serve as their representatives. Some companies with a plurality voting standard have adopted a resignation policy for directors who do not receive support from at least a majority of votes cast. Where we believe that the company already has a sufficiently robust majority voting process in place, we may not support a shareholder proposal seeking an alternative mechanism.

We note that majority voting may not be appropriate in all circumstances, for example, in the context of a contested election, or for majority-controlled companies.



3A BDC is a special investment vehicle under the Investment Company Act of 1940 that is designed to facilitate capital formation for small and middle-market companies.


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Risk oversight

Companies should have an established process for identifying, monitoring, and managing business and material ESG risks. Independent directors should have access to relevant management information and outside advice, as appropriate, to ensure they can properly oversee risk. We encourage companies to provide transparency around risk management, mitigation, and reporting to the board. We are particularly interested in understanding how risk oversight processes evolve in response to changes in corporate strategy and/or shifts in the business and related risk environment. Comprehensive disclosure provides investors with a sense of the company’s long-term operational risk management practices and, more broadly, the quality of the board’s oversight. In the absence of robust disclosures, we may reasonably conclude that companies are not adequately managing risk.

Separation of chairman and CEO

We believe that independent leadership is important in the boardroom. There are two commonly accepted structures for independent board leadership: 1) an independent chairman; or 2) a lead independent director when the roles of chairman and CEO are combined.

In the absence of a significant governance concern, we defer to boards to designate the most appropriate leadership structure to ensure adequate balance and independence.

In the event that the board chooses a combined chair/CEO model, we generally support the designation of a lead independent director if they have the power to: 1) provide formal input into board meeting agendas; 2) call meetings of the independent directors; and 3) preside at meetings of independent directors. Furthermore, while we anticipate that most directors will be elected annually, we believe an element of continuity is important for this role to provide appropriate leadership balance to the chair/CEO.

The following table illustrates examples of responsibilities under each board leadership model:


     Combined Chair/ CEO Model    Separate Chair Model
     Chair/ CEO    Lead Independent Director    Chair
Board Meetings    Authority to call full meetings of the board of directors   

Attends full meetings of the board of directors


Authority to call meetings of independent directors


Briefs CEO on issues arising from executive sessions


   Authority to call full meetings of the board of directors

Primary responsibility for shaping board agendas, consulting with the lead independent director



Collaborates with chair/ CEO to set board agenda and board information



Primary responsibility for shaping board agendas, in conjunction with CEO


   Communicates with all directors on key issues and concerns outside of full board meetings    Facilitates discussion among independent directors on key issues and concerns outside of full board meetings, including contributing to the oversight of CEO and management succession planning    Facilitates discussion among independent directors on key issues and concerns outside of full board meetings, including contributing to the oversight of CEO and management succession planning


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Auditors and audit-related issues

BlackRock recognizes the critical importance of financial statements to provide a complete and accurate portrayal of a company’s financial condition. Consistent with our approach to voting on boards of directors, we seek to hold the audit committee of the board responsible for overseeing the management of the audit function at a company, and may vote against the audit committee members where the board has failed to facilitate quality, independent auditing. We look to the audit committee report for insight into the scope of the audit committee responsibilities, including an overview of audit committee processes, issues on the audit committee agenda, and key decisions taken by the audit committee. We take particular note of cases involving significant financial restatements or material weakness disclosures, and we expect timely disclosure and remediation of accounting irregularities.

The integrity of financial statements depends on the auditor effectively fulfilling its role. To that end, we favor an independent auditor. In addition, to the extent that an auditor fails to reasonably identify and address issues that eventually lead to a significant financial restatement, or the audit firm has violated standards of practice that protect the interests of shareholders, we may also vote against ratification.

From time to time, shareholder proposals may be presented to promote auditor independence or the rotation of audit firms. We may support these proposals when they are consistent with our views as described above.

Capital structure proposals

Equal voting rights

BlackRock believes that shareholders should be entitled to voting rights in proportion to their economic interests. We believe that companies that look to add or already have dual or multiple class share structures should review these structures on a regular basis, or as company circumstances change. Companies with multiple share classes should receive shareholder approval of their capital structure on a periodic basis via a management proposal on the company’s proxy. The proposal should give unaffiliated shareholders the opportunity to affirm the current structure or establish mechanisms to end or phase out controlling structures at the appropriate time, while minimizing costs to shareholders.

Blank check preferred stock

We frequently oppose proposals requesting authorization of a class of preferred stock with unspecified voting, conversion, dividend distribution, and other rights (“blank check” preferred stock) because they may serve as a transfer of authority from shareholders to the board and as a possible entrenchment device. We generally view the board’s discretion to establish voting rights on a when-issued basis as a potential anti-takeover device, as it affords the board the ability to place a block of stock with an investor sympathetic to management, thereby foiling a takeover bid without a shareholder vote.

Nonetheless, we may support the proposal where the company:



Appears to have a legitimate financing motive for requesting blank check authority



Has committed publicly that blank check preferred shares will not be used for anti-takeover purposes



Has a history of using blank check preferred stock for financings



Has blank check preferred stock previously outstanding such that an increase would not necessarily provide further anti-takeover protection but may provide greater financing flexibility

Increase in authorized common shares

BlackRock will evaluate requests to increase authorized shares on a case-by-case basis, in conjunction with industry-specific norms and potential dilution, as well as a company’s history with respect to the use of its common shares.


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Increase or issuance of preferred stock

We generally support proposals to increase or issue preferred stock in cases where the company specifies the voting, dividend, conversion, and other rights of such stock and where the terms of the preferred stock appear reasonable.

Stock splits

We generally support stock splits that are not likely to negatively affect the ability to trade shares or the economic value of a share. We generally support reverse stock splits that are designed to avoid delisting or to facilitate trading in the stock, where the reverse split will not have a negative impact on share value (e.g. one class is reduced while others remain at pre-split levels). In the event of a proposal for a reverse split that would not proportionately reduce the company’s authorized stock, we apply the same analysis we would use for a proposal to increase authorized stock.

Mergers, acquisitions, asset sales, and other special transactions

In assessing mergers, acquisitions, asset sales, or other special transactions, BlackRock’s primary consideration is the long-term economic interests of our clients as shareholders. Boards proposing a transaction need to clearly explain the economic and strategic rationale behind it. We will review a proposed transaction to determine the degree to which it enhances long-term shareholder value. While mergers, acquisitions, asset sales, and other special transaction proposals vary widely in scope and substance, we closely examine certain salient features in our analyses, such as:



The degree to which the proposed transaction represents a premium to the company’s trading price. We consider the share price over multiple time periods prior to the date of the merger announcement. We may consider comparable transaction analyses provided by the parties’ financial advisors and our own valuation assessments. For companies facing insolvency or bankruptcy, a premium may not apply



There should be clear strategic, operational, and/ or financial rationale for the combination



Unanimous board approval and arm’s-length negotiations are preferred. We will consider whether the transaction involves a dissenting board or does not appear to be the result of an arm’s-length bidding process. We may also consider whether executive and/ or board members’ financial interests appear likely to affect their ability to place shareholders’ interests before their own



We prefer transaction proposals that include the fairness opinion of a reputable financial advisor assessing the value of the transaction to shareholders in comparison to recent similar transactions

Poison pill plans

Where a poison pill is put to a shareholder vote by management, our policy is to examine these plans individually. Although we oppose most plans, we may support plans that include a reasonable “qualifying offer clause.” Such clauses typically require shareholder ratification of the pill and stipulate a sunset provision whereby the pill expires unless it is renewed. These clauses also tend to specify that an all-cash bid for all shares that includes a fairness opinion and evidence of financing does not trigger the pill, but forces either a special meeting at which the offer is put to a shareholder vote, or requires the board to seek the written consent of shareholders, where shareholders could rescind the pill at their discretion. We may also support a pill where it is the only effective method for protecting tax or other economic benefits that may be associated with limiting the ownership changes of individual shareholders.

We generally vote in favor of shareholder proposals to rescind poison pills.

Reimbursement of expenses for successful shareholder campaigns

We generally do not support shareholder proposals seeking the reimbursement of proxy contest expenses, even in situations where we support the shareholder campaign. We believe that introducing the possibility of such reimbursement may incentivize disruptive and unnecessary shareholder campaigns.


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Executive compensation

BlackRock expects a company’s board of directors to put in place a compensation structure that incentivizes and rewards executives appropriately and is aligned with shareholder interests, particularly the generation of sustainable long-term value.

We expect the compensation committee to carefully consider the specific circumstances of the company and the key individuals the board is focused on incentivizing. We encourage companies to ensure that their compensation plans incorporate appropriate and rigorous performance metrics consistent with corporate strategy and market practice. We use third party research, in addition to our own analysis, to evaluate existing and proposed compensation structures. We hold members of the compensation committee, or equivalent board members, accountable for poor compensation practices or structures.

BlackRock believes that there should be a clear link between variable pay and company performance that drives value creation. We are generally not supportive of one-off or special bonuses unrelated to company or individual performance. Where discretion has been used by the compensation committee, we expect disclosure relating to how and why the discretion was used and further, how the adjusted outcome is aligned with the interests of shareholders.

We acknowledge that the use of peer group evaluation by compensation committees can help calibrate competitive pay; however, we are concerned when the rationale for increases in total compensation is solely based on peer benchmarking, rather than absolute outperformance.

We support incentive plans that foster the sustainable achievement of results consistent with the company’s long-term strategic initiatives. The vesting timeframes associated with incentive plans should facilitate a focus on long-term value creation. Compensation committees should guard against contractual arrangements that would entitle executives to material compensation for early termination of their contract. Finally, pension contributions and other deferred compensation arrangements should be reasonable in light of market practice.

“Say on Pay” advisory resolutions

In cases where there is a “Say on Pay” vote, BlackRock will respond to the proposal as informed by our evaluation of compensation practices at that particular company and in a manner that appropriately addresses the specific question posed to shareholders. In a commentary on our website, entitled “BlackRock Investment Stewardship’s approach to executive compensation,” we explain our expectations related to executive compensation practices, our “Say on Pay” analysis framework, and our typical approach to engagement and voting on “Say on Pay.”

Where we conclude that a company has failed to align pay with performance, we will vote against the management compensation proposal and consider voting against the compensation committee members.

Frequency of “Say on Pay” advisory resolutions

BlackRock will generally support annual advisory votes on executive compensation, and will consider biennial and triennial timeframes, absent compensation concerns. In evaluating pay, we believe that the compensation committee is responsible for constructing a plan that appropriately incentivizes executives for long-term value creation, utilizing relevant metrics and structure to promote overall pay and performance alignment.

Clawback proposals

We generally favor recoupment from any senior executive whose compensation was based on faulty financial reporting or deceptive business practices. We also favor recoupment from any senior executive whose behavior caused material financial harm to shareholders, material reputational risk to the company, or resulted in a criminal proceeding, even if such actions did not ultimately result in a material restatement of past results. This includes, but is not limited to, settlement agreements arising from such behavior and paid for directly by the company. We typically support shareholder proposals on these matters unless the company already has a robust claw back policy that sufficiently addresses our concerns.


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Employee stock purchase plans

We believe employee stock purchase plans (“ESPP”) are an important part of a company’s overall human capital management strategy and can provide performance incentives to help align employees’ interests with those of shareholders. The most common form of ESPP qualifies for favorable tax treatment under Section 423 of the Internal Revenue Code. We will typically support qualified ESPP proposals.

Equity compensation plans

BlackRock supports equity plans that align the economic interests of directors, managers, and other employees with those of shareholders. We believe that boards should establish policies prohibiting the use of equity awards in a manner that could disrupt the intended alignment with shareholder interests (e.g. the use of stock as collateral for a loan; the use of stock in a margin account; the use of stock in hedging or derivative transactions). We may support shareholder proposals requesting the establishment of such policies.

Our evaluation of equity compensation plans is based on a company’s executive pay and performance relative to peers and whether the plan plays a significant role in a pay-for-performance disconnect. We generally oppose plans that contain “evergreen” provisions, which allow for the unlimited increase of shares reserved without requiring further shareholder approval after a reasonable time period. We also generally oppose plans that allow for repricing without shareholder approval. We may also oppose plans that provide for the acceleration of vesting of equity awards even in situations where an actual change of control may not occur. We encourage companies to structure their change of control provisions to require the termination of the covered employee before acceleration or special payments are triggered (commonly referred to as “double trigger” change of control provisions).

Golden parachutes

We generally view golden parachutes as encouragement to management to consider transactions that might be beneficial to shareholders. However, a large potential pay-out under a golden parachute arrangement also presents the risk of motivating a management team to support a sub-optimal sale price for a company.

When determining whether to support or oppose an advisory vote on a golden parachute plan, BlackRock may consider several factors, including:



Whether we believe that the triggering event is in the best interests of shareholders



Whether management attempted to maximize shareholder value in the triggering event



The percentage of total premium or transaction value that will be transferred to the management team, rather than shareholders, as a result of the golden parachute payment



Whether excessively large excise tax gross-up payments are part of the pay-out



Whether the pay package that serves as the basis for calculating the golden parachute payment was reasonable in light of performance and peers



Whether the golden parachute payment will have the effect of rewarding a management team that has failed to effectively manage the company

It may be difficult to anticipate the results of a plan until after it has been triggered; as a result, BlackRock may vote against a golden parachute proposal even if the golden parachute plan under review was approved by shareholders when it was implemented.

We may support shareholder proposals requesting that implementation of such arrangements require shareholder approval. We generally support proposals requiring shareholder approval of plans that exceed 2.99 times an executive’s current salary and bonus, including equity compensation.


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Option exchanges

We believe that there may be legitimate instances where underwater options create an overhang on a company’s capital structure and a repricing or option exchange may be warranted. We will evaluate these instances on a case-by-case basis. BlackRock may support a request to reprice or exchange underwater options under the following circumstances:



The company has experienced significant stock price decline as a result of macroeconomic trends, not individual company performance



Directors and executive officers are excluded; the exchange is value neutral or value creative to shareholders; tax, accounting, and other technical considerations have been fully contemplated



There is clear evidence that absent repricing, the company will suffer serious employee incentive or retention and recruiting problems

BlackRock may also support a request to exchange underwater options in other circumstances, if we determine that the exchange is in the best interests of shareholders.

Supplemental executive retirement plans

BlackRock may support shareholder proposals requesting to put extraordinary benefits contained in supplemental executive retirement plans (“SERP”) to a shareholder vote unless the company’s executive pension plans do not contain excessive benefits beyond what is offered under employee-wide plans.

Environmental and social issues

We believe that well-managed companies deal effectively with material ESG factors relevant to their businesses. As stated throughout this document, governance is the core structure by which boards can oversee the creation of sustainable long-term value—appropriate risk oversight of environmental and social (“E&S”) considerations stems from this construct.

Robust disclosure is essential for investors to effectively gauge companies’ business practices and strategic planning related to E&S risks and opportunities. When a company’s reporting is inadequate, investors, including BlackRock, will increasingly conclude that the company is not adequately managing risk. Given the increased understanding of material sustainability risks and opportunities, and the need for better information to assess them, BlackRock will advocate for continued improvement in companies’ reporting and will hold management and/ or directors accountable where disclosures or the business practices underlying them are inadequate.

BlackRock views the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the standards put forth by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) as appropriate and complementary frameworks for companies to disclose financially material sustainability information. While the TCFD framework was crafted with the aim of climate-related risk disclosure, the four pillars of the TCFD—Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics and Targets—are a useful way for companies to disclose how they identify, assess, manage, and oversee a variety of sustainability-related risks and opportunities. SASB’s industry-specific guidance (as identified in its materiality map) is beneficial in helping companies identify key performance indicators (KPIs) across various dimensions of sustainability that are considered to be financially material and decision-useful within their industry.

Accordingly, we ask companies to:



Disclose the identification, assessment, management, and oversight of sustainability-related risks in accordance with the four pillars of TCFD



Publish SASB-aligned reporting with industry-specific, material metrics and rigorous targets

See our commentary on our approach to engagement on TCFD- and SASB-aligned reporting for greater detail of our expectations.


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Climate risk

BlackRock believes that climate change has become a defining factor in companies’ long-term prospects. We expect every company to help their investors understand how the company may be impacted by climate-related risks and opportunities, and how they are considered within the company’s strategy.

Specifically, we expect companies to articulate how they are aligned to a scenario in which global warming is limited to well below 2° C and is consistent with a global aspiration to reach net zero GHG emissions by 2050.4 In order to assess companies’ progress, BIS expects carbon-intensive companies to disclose explicit GHG emissions reduction targets.

The public and private sectors have roles to play in aligning greenhouse gas reduction efforts with targets based on science, where available to curb the worst effects of climate change and reach the global goal of carbon neutrality by mid-century. Companies have an opportunity to utilize and contribute to the development of current and future low-carbon transition technologies, which are an important consideration for the rate at which emissions can be reduced. We expect companies to disclose how they are considering these challenges, alongside opportunities for innovation, within their strategy and emissions reduction efforts.

We may support shareholder proposals that ask companies to disclose climate plans aligned with our expectations.

Key stakeholder interests

As a long-term investor, we believe that in order to deliver value for shareholders, companies should also consider their stakeholders. While stakeholder groups may vary across industries, they are likely to include employees; business partners (such as suppliers and distributors); clients and consumers; government and regulators; and the communities in which companies operate. Companies that build strong relationships with their stakeholders are more likely to meet their own strategic objectives, while poor relationships may create adverse impacts that expose a company to legal, regulatory, operational, and reputational risks and jeopardize their social license to operate. We expect companies to effectively oversee and mitigate these risks with appropriate due diligence processes and board oversight.

Human capital management

A company’s approach to human capital management is a critical factor in fostering an inclusive, diverse, and engaged workforce, which contributes to business continuity, innovation, and long-term value creation. As an important component of strategy, we expect boards to oversee human capital management.

We believe that clear and consistent reporting on these matters is critical for investors to understand the composition of a company’s workforce. We expect companies to disclose workforce demographics, such as gender, race, and ethnicity in line with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s EEO-1 Survey, alongside the steps they are taking to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. Where we believe a company’s disclosures or practices fall short relative to the market or peers, or we are unable to ascertain the board and management’s effectiveness in overseeing related risks and opportunities, we may vote against members of the appropriate committee or support relevant shareholder proposals. Our commentary on human capital management provides more information on our expectations.

Corporate political activities

Companies may engage in certain political activities, within legal and regulatory limits, in order to influence public policy consistent with the companies’ values and strategies. These activities can also create risks, including: the potential for allegations of corruption; reputational risk associated with a candidate, party, or issue; and risks that arise from the complex legal, regulatory, and compliance considerations associated with corporate political spending and lobbying activity. Companies that engage in political activities should develop and maintain robust processes to guide these activities and mitigate risks, including board oversight.



4 The global aspiration is reflective of aggregated efforts; companies in developed and emerging markets are not equally equipped to transition their business and reduce emissions at the same rate—those in developed markets with the largest market capitalization are better positioned to adapt their business models at an accelerated pace. Government policy and regional targets may be reflective of these realities.


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When presented with shareholder proposals requesting increased disclosure on corporate political activities, BlackRock will evaluate publicly available information to consider how a company’s lobbying may impact the company. We will also evaluate whether there is alignment between a company’s stated positions on policy matters material to its strategy and the positions taken by industry groups of which it is a member. We may decide to support a shareholder proposal requesting additional disclosure if we identify a material misalignment. Additional detail can be found in our commentary on political contributions and lobbying disclosures.

General corporate governance matters

Adjourn meeting to solicit additional votes

We generally support such proposals unless the agenda contains items that we judge to be detrimental to shareholders’ best long-term economic interests.

Bundled proposals

We believe that shareholders should have the opportunity to review substantial governance changes individually without having to accept bundled proposals. Where several measures are grouped into one proposal, BlackRock may reject certain positive changes when linked with proposals that generally contradict or impede the rights and economic interests of shareholders.

Exclusive forum provisions

BlackRock generally supports proposals to seek exclusive forum for certain shareholder litigation. In cases where a board unilaterally adopts exclusive forum provisions that we consider unfavorable to the interests of shareholders, we will vote against the independent chair or lead independent director and members of the nominating/governance committee.

Multi-jurisdictional companies

Where a company is listed on multiple exchanges or incorporated in a country different from its primary listing, we will seek to apply the most relevant market guideline(s) to our analysis of the company’s governance structure and specific proposals on the shareholder meeting agenda. In doing so, we typically consider the governance standards of the company’s primary listing, the market standards by which the company governs itself, and the market context of each specific proposal on the agenda. If the relevant standards are silent on the issue under consideration, we will use our professional judgment as to what voting outcome would best protect the long-term economic interests of investors. We expect companies to disclose the rationale for their selection of primary listing, country of incorporation, and choice of governance structures, particularly where there is conflict between relevant market governance practices.

Other business

We oppose giving companies our proxy to vote on matters where we are not given the opportunity to review and understand those measures and carry out an appropriate level of shareholder oversight.


Proposals to reincorporate from one state or country to another are most frequently motivated by considerations of anti-takeover protections, legal advantages, and/or cost savings. We will evaluate, on a case-by-case basis, the economic and strategic rationale behind the company’s proposal to reincorporate. In all instances, we will evaluate the changes to shareholder protections under the new charter/articles/bylaws to assess whether the move increases or decreases shareholder protections. Where we find that shareholder protections are diminished, we may support reincorporation if we determine that the overall benefits outweigh the diminished rights.


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IPO governance

We expect boards to consider and disclose how the corporate governance structures adopted upon initial public offering (“IPO”) are in shareholders’ best long-term interests. We also expect boards to conduct a regular review of corporate governance and control structures, such that boards might evolve foundational corporate governance structures as company circumstances change, without undue costs and disruption to shareholders. In our letter on unequal voting structures, we articulate our view that “one vote for one share” is the preferred structure for publicly-traded companies. We also recognize the potential benefits of dual class shares to newly public companies as they establish themselves; however, we believe that these structures should have a specific and limited duration. We will generally engage new companies on topics such as classified boards and supermajority vote provisions to amend bylaws, as we believe that such arrangements may not be in the best interest of shareholders in the long-term.

We will typically apply a one-year grace period for the application of certain director-related guidelines (including, but not limited to, responsibilities on other public company boards and board composition concerns), during which we expect boards to take steps to bring corporate governance standards in line with our expectations.

Further, if a company qualifies as an emerging growth company (an “EGC”) under the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012 (the “JOBS Act”), we will give consideration to the NYSE and NASDAQ governance exemptions granted under the JOBS Act for the duration such a company is categorized as an EGC. We expect an EGC to have a totally independent audit committee by the first anniversary of its IPO, with our standard approach to voting on auditors and audit-related issues applicable in full for an EGC on the first anniversary of its IPO.

Shareholder protections

Amendment to charter/articles/bylaws

We believe that shareholders should have the right to vote on key corporate governance matters, including changes to governance mechanisms and amendments to the charter/articles/bylaws. We may vote against certain directors where changes to governing documents are not put to a shareholder vote within a reasonable period of time, particularly if those changes have the potential to impact shareholder rights (see “Director elections”). In cases where a board’s unilateral adoption of changes to the charter/articles/bylaws promotes cost and operational efficiency benefits for the company and its shareholders, we may support such action if it does not have a negative effect on shareholder rights or the company’s corporate governance structure.

When voting on a management or shareholder proposal to make changes to the charter/articles/bylaws, we will consider in part the company’s and/or proponent’s publicly stated rationale for the changes; the company’s governance profile and history; relevant jurisdictional laws; and situational or contextual circumstances which may have motivated the proposed changes, among other factors. We will typically support amendments to the charter/articles/bylaws where the benefits to shareholders outweigh the costs of failing to make such changes.

Proxy access

We believe that long-term shareholders should have the opportunity, when necessary and under reasonable conditions, to nominate directors on the company’s proxy card.

In our view, securing the right of shareholders to nominate directors without engaging in a control contest can enhance shareholders’ ability to meaningfully participate in the director election process, encourage board attention to shareholder interests, and provide shareholders an effective means of directing that attention where it is lacking. Proxy access mechanisms should provide shareholders with a reasonable opportunity to use this right without stipulating overly restrictive or onerous parameters for use, and also provide assurances that the mechanism will not be subject to abuse by short-term investors, investors without a substantial investment in the company, or investors seeking to take control of the board.

In general, we support market-standardized proxy access proposals, which allow a shareholder (or group of up to 20 shareholders) holding three percent of a company’s outstanding shares for at least three years the right to nominate the greater of up to two directors or 20% of the board. Where a standardized proxy access provision exists, we will generally oppose shareholder proposals requesting outlier thresholds.


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Right to act by written consent

In exceptional circumstances and with sufficiently broad support, shareholders should have the opportunity to raise issues of substantial importance without having to wait for management to schedule a meeting. We therefore believe that shareholders should have the right to solicit votes by written consent provided that: 1) there are reasonable requirements to initiate the consent solicitation process (in order to avoid the waste of corporate resources in addressing narrowly supported interests); and 2) shareholders receive a minimum of 50% of outstanding shares to effectuate the action by written consent. We may oppose shareholder proposals requesting the right to act by written consent in cases where the proposal is structured for the benefit of a dominant shareholder to the exclusion of others, or if the proposal is written to discourage the board from incorporating appropriate mechanisms to avoid the waste of corporate resources when establishing a right to act by written consent. Additionally, we may oppose shareholder proposals requesting the right to act by written consent if the company already provides a shareholder right to call a special meeting that we believe offers shareholders a reasonable opportunity to raise issues of substantial importance without having to wait for management to schedule a meeting.

Right to call a special meeting

In exceptional circumstances and with sufficiently broad support, shareholders should have the opportunity to raise issues of substantial importance without having to wait for management to schedule a meeting. Accordingly, shareholders should have the right to call a special meeting in cases where a reasonably high proportion of shareholders (typically a minimum of 15% but no higher than 25%) are required to agree to such a meeting before it is called. However, we may oppose this right in cases where the proposal is structured for the benefit of a dominant shareholder, or where a lower threshold may lead to an ineffective use of corporate resources. We generally believe that a right to act via written consent is not a sufficient alternative to the right to call a special meeting.

Simple majority voting

We generally favor a simple majority voting requirement to pass proposals. Therefore, we will support the reduction or the elimination of supermajority voting requirements to the extent that we determine shareholders’ ability to protect their economic interests is improved. Nonetheless, in situations where there is a substantial or dominant shareholder, supermajority voting may be protective of minority shareholder interests and we may support supermajority voting requirements in those situations.

Virtual meetings

Shareholders should have the opportunity to participate in the annual and special meetings for the companies in which they are invested, as these meetings facilitate an opportunity for shareholders to provide feedback and hear from the board and management. While these meetings have traditionally been conducted in-person, virtual meetings are an increasingly viable way for companies to utilize technology to facilitate shareholder accessibility, inclusiveness, and cost efficiencies. We expect shareholders to have a meaningful opportunity to participate in the meeting and interact with the board and management in these virtual settings; companies should facilitate open dialogue and allow shareholders to voice concerns and provide feedback without undue censorship.


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This document is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change. Reliance upon this information is at the sole discretion of the reader.

Prepared by BlackRock, Inc.

©2020 BlackRock, Inc. All rights reserved.


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