0.330.330.330.33P10DS-1/Afalse0001816708Includes 750,000 shares of Class B common stock that were subject to forfeiture if the over-allotment option was not exercised in full or in part by the underwriters. The over-allotment option was exercised in full. 0001816708 2020-12-31 0001816708 2021-06-30 0001816708 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 2020-06-23 2020-06-30 0001816708 2020-09-14 2020-09-14 0001816708 2020-01-01 2020-12-31 0001816708 2021-01-01 2021-03-31 0001816708 2020-09-17 2020-09-17 0001816708 2020-09-14 0001816708 2020-09-17 0001816708 2020-09-30 0001816708 2020-06-23 2020-09-30 0001816708 2020-07-01 2020-09-30 0001816708 2020-06-22 0001816708 2020-06-30 0001816708 2021-03-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CashMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:MaximumMember owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:AdditionalOfferingMember srt:MaximumMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTwoMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:MinimumMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionOneMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:MinimumMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:ClosingPriceOfCommonStockOneMember owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:InvestorMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:ClosingPriceOfCommonStockTwoMember owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:InvestorMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:ClosingPriceOfCommonStockOneMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:ClosingPriceOfCommonStockTwoMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:AdditionalOfferingMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionOneMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTwoMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 srt:MinimumMember owlt:ClosingPriceOfCommonStockOneMember owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember owlt:ClosingPriceOfCommonStockTwoMember srt:MinimumMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CashMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:USTreasuryBillSecuritiesMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicSharesMember us-gaap:OverAllotmentOptionMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicSharesMember us-gaap:IPOMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 srt:MaximumMember owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:AdditionalOfferingMember srt:MaximumMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionOneMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:MinimumMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTwoMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:MinimumMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTwoMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:AdditionalOfferingMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionOneMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTwoMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:MinimumMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:SponsorOrAffiliateOfSponsorOrCertainOfOfficersAndDirectorsMember owlt:WorkingCapitalLoansThatMayBeConvertibleIntoWarrantsMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember us-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:RedeemableClassACommonStockMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 srt:MaximumMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:MonthlyFeeForOfficeSpaceUtilitiesAndSecretarialAndAdministrativeSupportMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:NonRedeemableClassBCommonStockMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonStockMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonStockMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 srt:MinimumMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:AdditionalOfferingMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:MinimumMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:AdditionalOfferingMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:RedeemableClassACommonStockMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:MonthlyFeeForOfficeSpaceUtilitiesAndSecretarialAndAdministrativeSupportMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:NonRedeemableClassBCommonStockMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:InvestorMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionOneMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTwoMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember owlt:ClosingPriceOfCommonStockOneMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember owlt:ClosingPriceOfCommonStockTwoMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:ClosingPriceOfCommonStockOneMember srt:MinimumMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:ClosingPriceOfCommonStockTwoMember srt:MinimumMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:IPOMember owlt:PublicSharesMember 2020-09-17 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:OverAllotmentOptionMember owlt:PublicSharesMember 2020-09-17 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:IPOMember owlt:PimcoMember 2020-09-17 2020-09-17 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember 2020-09-17 2020-09-17 0001816708 srt:MinimumMember 2020-09-17 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:PromissoryNoteToCoverExpensesRelatedToInitialPublicOfferingMember 2020-09-17 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:IPOMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:IPOMember owlt:PublicSharesMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:OverAllotmentOptionMember owlt:PublicSharesMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:IPOMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:IPOMember owlt:PublicWarrantMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 srt:MaximumMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:WarrantMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputSharePriceMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:WarrantMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputExercisePriceMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:WarrantMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputPriceVolatilityMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:WarrantMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputRiskFreeInterestRateMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:WarrantMember us-gaap:MeasurementInputExpectedDividendRateMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:WarrantMember 2020-09-17 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:RedeemableClassACommonStockMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicSharesMember us-gaap:OverAllotmentOptionMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicSharesMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:SponsorOrAffiliateOfSponsorOrCertainOfOfficersAndDirectorsMember owlt:WorkingCapitalLoansThatMayBeConvertibleIntoWarrantsMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 srt:MaximumMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:MonthlyFeeForOfficeSpaceUtilitiesAndSecretarialAndAdministrativeSupportMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:NonRedeemableClassBCommonStockMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 srt:MinimumMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionOneMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTwoMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:WarrantsAndRightsSubjectToMandatoryRedemptionTwoMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:MinimumMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 srt:MinimumMember owlt:AdditionalOfferingMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:AdditionalOfferingMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember 2020-06-23 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember 2020-06-23 2020-09-30 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember 2020-06-23 2020-09-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-06-23 2020-09-30 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-06-23 2020-09-30 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-06-23 2020-09-30 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember 2020-09-30 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember 2020-09-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-09-30 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember 2020-09-30 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-09-30 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:InvestorMember 2020-07-03 2020-07-03 0001816708 us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:PromissoryNoteToCoverExpensesRelatedToInitialPublicOfferingMember srt:MaximumMember 2020-07-03 2020-07-03 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember owlt:IndependentDirectorThreeMember 2020-08-01 2020-08-31 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember owlt:IndependentDirectorTwoMember 2020-08-01 2020-08-31 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember owlt:IndependentDirectorOneMember 2020-08-01 2020-08-31 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:InvestorMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember srt:MaximumMember 2020-08-31 0001816708 us-gaap:InvestorMember owlt:MonthlyFeeForOfficeSpaceUtilitiesAndSecretarialAndAdministrativeSupportMember srt:MaximumMember 2020-09-14 2020-09-14 0001816708 srt:MinimumMember 2020-09-14 0001816708 srt:MaximumMember 2020-09-14 0001816708 us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember srt:MaximumMember 2021-02-15 0001816708 owlt:FounderSharesMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember owlt:IndependentDirectorFourMember 2020-10-01 2020-10-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonStockMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-06-23 2020-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonStockMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-06-23 2020-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2020-06-23 2020-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2020-06-23 2020-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-06-23 2020-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-06-23 2020-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonStockMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-01-01 2021-03-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2021-01-01 2021-03-31 0001816708 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2021-01-01 2021-03-31 0001816708 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2021-01-01 2021-03-31 0001816708 us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember 2021-02-15 2021-02-15 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember owlt:AdditionalOfferingMember us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember 2021-07-15 2021-07-15 0001816708 us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember 2021-07-15 2021-07-15 0001816708 us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember owlt:OwletIncMember owlt:PipeInvestorsMember 2021-07-15 2021-07-15 0001816708 us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember 2021-07-15 0001816708 us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-07-15 0001816708 us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember srt:MaximumMember owlt:AdditionalOfferingMember 2021-07-15 0001816708 us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember owlt:OwletIncMember owlt:PipeInvestorsMember 2021-07-15 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember 2020-07-01 2020-09-30 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember 2020-07-01 2020-09-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-07-01 2020-09-30 0001816708 owlt:AccountingForWarrantsMember srt:RevisionOfPriorPeriodChangeInAccountingPrincipleAdjustmentMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-07-01 2020-09-30 0001816708 srt:ScenarioPreviouslyReportedMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-07-01 2020-09-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonStockMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonStockMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2021-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2020-06-22 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2020-06-22 0001816708 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2020-06-22 0001816708 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2020-06-22 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember 2020-06-22 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember 2020-06-22 0001816708 us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember 2020-06-22 0001816708 owlt:PrivatePlacementWarrantMember us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 owlt:PublicWarrantMember us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:DerivativeFinancialInstrumentsLiabilitiesMember 2020-12-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonStockMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2020-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonStockMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2020-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2020-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2020-06-30 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonStockMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-03-31 0001816708 us-gaap:CommonStockMember us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2021-03-31 0001816708 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2021-03-31 0001816708 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2021-03-31 iso4217:USD xbrli:shares xbrli:pure utr:Year utr:Month utr:Day iso4217:USD xbrli:shares owlt:Demand owlt:Individual owlt:Business
Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements
As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 19, 2021
No. 333-258506
Owlet, Inc.
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
(State or other jurisdiction of
incorporation or organization)
(Primary Standard Industrial
Classification Code Number)
(I.R.S. Employer
Identification No.)
2500 Executive Parkway, Ste. 500
Lehi, Utah 84043
(Address, including zip code, and telephone number, including area code, of registrant’s principal executive offices)
Kurt Workman, Chief Executive Officer
2500 Executive Parkway, Ste. 500
Lehi, Utah 84043
(Name, address, including zip code, and telephone number, including area code, of agent for service)
Copies to:
Benjamin Potter
Ryan Maierson
Drew Capurro
Latham & Watkins LLP
140 Scott Drive
Menlo Park, California 94025
Approximate date of commencement of proposed sale to the public:
As soon as practicable after the effective date of this Registration Statement.
If any of the securities being registered on this Form are to be offered on a delayed or continuous basis pursuant to Rule 415 under the Securities Act of 1933, check the following box.  ☒
If this Form is filed to register additional securities for an offering pursuant to Rule 462(b) under the Securities Act, check the following box and list the Securities Act registration statement number of the earlier effective registration statement for the same offering.  ☐
If this Form is a post-effective amendment filed pursuant to Rule 462(c) under the Securities Act, check the following box and list the Securities Act registration statement number of the earlier effective registration statement for the same offering.  ☐
If this Form is a post-effective amendment filed pursuant to Rule 462(d) under the Securities Act, check the following box and list the Securities Act registration statement number of the earlier effective registration statement for the same offering.  ☐
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a
filer, a smaller reporting company or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company” and “emerging growth company” in
Rule 12b-2
of the Exchange Act.
Large accelerated filer      Accelerated filer  
Non-accelerated filer      Smaller reporting company  
         Emerging growth company  
If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 7(a)(2)(B) of the Securities Act.
Title of Each Class of
Securities to be Registered
to be Registered(1)
Offering Price
Per Share
Maximum Aggregate
Offering Price
Amount of
Registration Fee
Common Stock, par value $0.0001 per share
Common Stock, par value $0.0001 per share
Common Stock, par value $0.0001 per share
Warrants to purchase Common Stock
Pursuant to Rule 416 under the Securities Act (as defined below), this registration statement also covers any additional number of shares of Common Stock (as defined below) issuable upon stock splits, stock dividends or other distribution, recapitalization or similar events with respect to the shares of Common Stock being registered pursuant to this registration statement.
Consists of (a) 6,600,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of 6,600,000 Private Placement Warrants (as defined below) by the holders thereof and (b) 11,500,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of 11,500,000 Public Warrants (as defined below) by the holders thereof.
The price per share is based upon the exercise price per Warrant (as defined below) of $11.50 per share.
Represents the sum of (a) 58,883,010 shares of Common Stock issued in connection with the Merger described herein and (b) 12,968,000 shares of Common Stock issued to certain qualified institutional buyers and accredited investors in private placements consummated in connection with the Business Combination.
Pursuant to Rule 457(c) under the Securities Act, and solely for the purpose of calculating the registration fee, the proposed maximum offering price per share is $9.01, which is the average of the high ($9.28) and low ($8.74) prices of the Common Stock on NYSE (as defined below) on August 17, 2021.
Consists of 5,512,592 shares of common stock reserved for issuance upon the exercise of options to purchase Common Stock.
Pursuant to Rule 457(h) under the Securities Act, and solely for the purpose of calculating the registration fee, the proposed maximum offering price per share is $1.45, which is the weighted average exercise price at which the options covered by this registration statement may be exercised.
In accordance with Rule 457(g), the entire registration fee for the Warrants is allocated to the shares of Common Stock underlying the Warrants, and no separate fee is payable for the Warrants.
Previously paid.
The Registrant hereby amends this Registration Statement on such date or dates as may be necessary to delay its effective date until the Registrant shall file a further amendment which specifically states that this Registration Statement shall thereafter become effective in accordance with Section 8(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or until the Registration Statement shall become effective on such date as the Commission, acting pursuant to said Section 8(a), may determine.

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The information in this prospectus is not complete and may be changed. We may not sell these securities until the registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission is effective. This prospectus is not an offer to sell these securities and it is not soliciting an offer to buy these securities in any state where the offer or sale is not permitted.
Subject to Completion
Preliminary Prospectus dated August 19, 2021.
Owlet, Inc.
Up to 77,363,602 Shares of Common Stock
Up to 6,600,000 Warrants
Up to 18,100,000 Shares of Common Stock Issuable Upon Exercise of Warrants
This prospectus relates to (i) the resale of 58,883,010 shares of common stock, par value $0.0001 per share (the “Common Stock”) issued in connection with the Merger (as defined below) by certain of the selling securityholders named in this prospectus (each a “Selling Securityholder” and, collectively, the “Selling Securityholders”), (ii) the resale of 12,968,000 shares of Common Stock issued in the PIPE Investment (as defined below) by certain of the Selling Securityholders, (iii) the issuance by us and resale of 5,512,592 shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance upon the exercise of options to purchase common stock, and (iv) the issuance by us of up to 18,100,000 shares of common stock upon the exercise of outstanding warrants to purchase our common stock (the “Warrants”). This prospectus also relates to the resale of up to 6,600,000 of our outstanding Warrants (the “Private Placement Warrants”) originally issued in a private placement in connection with the initial public offering of Sandbridge Acquisition Corporation, a Delaware corporation (“SBG” or “Sandbridge”), by the holders thereof. We will receive the proceeds from any exercise of any Warrants for cash.
We are registering the securities for resale pursuant to the Selling Securityholders’ registration rights under certain agreements between us and the Selling Securityholders. Our registration of the securities covered by this prospectus does not mean that the Selling Securityholders will offer or sell any of the shares of Common Stock or Warrants. The Selling Securityholders may offer, sell or distribute all or a portion of their shares of Common Stock or Warrants publicly or through private transactions at prevailing market prices or at negotiated prices. We provide more information about how the Selling Securityholders may sell the shares of Common Stock or Warrants in the section entitled “
Plan of Distribution
We are an “emerging growth company” as defined in Section 2(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and are subject to reduced public company reporting requirements. This prospectus complies with the requirements that apply to an issuer that is an emerging growth company.
Our Common Stock and Warrants are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) under the symbols “OWLT” and “OWLT WS,” respectively. On August 18, 2021, the closing price of our Common Stock was $9.64 and the closing price for our Warrants was $1.07.
We will bear all costs, expenses and fees in connection with the registration of the shares of Common Stock and Private Placement Warrants. The Selling Securityholders will bear all commissions and discounts, if any, attributable to their sales of the shares of Common Stock or Private Placement Warrants.
Our business and investment in our Common Stock and Warrants involve significant risks. These risks are described in the section titled “
” beginning on page 6 of this prospectus.
Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved of these securities or passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of this prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
The date of this prospectus is                .

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This prospectus is part of a registration statement that we filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or the SEC, using a “shelf” registration process. We will not receive any proceeds from the sale by the Selling Securityholders of the securities offered by them described in this prospectus. This prospectus also relates to the issuance by us of the shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of the Warrants. We will not receive any proceeds from the sale of shares of Common Stock underlying the Warrants pursuant to this prospectus, except with respect to amounts received by us upon the exercise of the Warrants for cash.
We may also file a prospectus supplement or post-effective amendment to the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part that may contain material information relating to these offerings. The prospectus supplement or post-effective amendment may also add, update or change information contained in this prospectus with respect to that offering. If there is any inconsistency between the information in this prospectus and the applicable prospectus supplement or post-effective amendment, you should rely on the prospectus supplement or post-effective amendment, as applicable. Before purchasing any securities, you should carefully read this prospectus, any post-effective amendment, and any applicable prospectus supplement, together with the additional information described under the heading “
Where You Can Find More Information
Neither we nor the Selling Securityholders have authorized anyone to provide you with any information or to make any representations other than those contained in this prospectus, any post-effective amendment, or any applicable prospectus supplement prepared by or on behalf of us or to which we have referred you. We and the Selling Securityholders take no responsibility for and can provide no assurance as to the reliability of any other information that others may give you. We and the Selling Securityholders will not make an offer to sell these securities in any jurisdiction where the offer or sale is not permitted. You should assume that the information appearing in this prospectus, any post-effective amendment and any applicable prospectus supplement to this prospectus is accurate only as of the date on its respective cover. Our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects may have changed since those dates. This prospectus contains, and any post-effective amendment or any prospectus supplement may contain, market data and industry statistics and forecasts that are based on independent industry publications and other publicly available information. We believe this information is reliable as of the applicable date of its publication, however, we have not independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information included in or assumptions relied on in these third-party publications. In addition, the market and industry data and forecasts that may be included in this prospectus, any post-effective amendment or any prospectus supplement may involve estimates, assumptions and other risks and uncertainties and are subject to change based on various factors, including those discussed under the heading “
Risk Factors
” contained in this prospectus, any post-effective amendment and the applicable prospectus supplement. Accordingly, investors should not place undue reliance on this information.
We own or have rights to trademarks, trade names and service marks that we use in connection with the operation of our business. In addition, our name, logos and website name and address are our trademarks or service marks. Solely for convenience, in some cases, the trademarks, trade names and service marks referred to in this prospectus are listed without the applicable
and SM symbols, but we will assert, to the fullest extent under applicable law, our rights to these trademarks, trade names and service marks. Other trademarks, trade names and service marks appearing in this prospectus are the property of their respective owners.
On July 15, 2021 (the “Closing Date”), we consummated the previously announced merger pursuant to that certain Business Combination Agreement, dated as of February 15, 2021 (the “Business Combination Agreement”), by and among the Company (formerly known as Sandbridge Acquisition Corporation), Owlet Baby Care, Inc. (formerly known as Owlet Baby Care Inc.) (“Old Owlet”), and Project Olympus Merger Sub, Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Merger Sub”), pursuant to which Merger Sub merged with and into Old Owlet, with Old Owlet becoming our wholly owned subsidiary (the “Business Combination” and, collectively with the other transactions described in the Business Combination Agreement, the “Transactions”). On the Closing Date, and in connection with the closing of the Transactions (the “Closing”), we changed our name to Owlet, Inc.

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This prospectus contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this prospectus, including statements concerning possible or assumed future actions, business strategies, events or results of operations, and any statements that refer to projections, forecasts or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, including any underlying assumptions, are forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.
In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “may,” “should,” “expect,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “could,” “intend,” “target,” “project,” “contemplate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential” or “continue” or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions. The forward-looking statements in this prospectus are only predictions. We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this prospectus and are subject to a number of important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements, including the risks, uncertainties and assumptions described under the section in this prospectus titled “
Risk Factors
.” These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks, including, without limitation, the following:
the impact of the
pandemic on our business, financial condition and results of operations;
our ability to realize the benefits of the Business Combination, which may be affected by, among other things, competition and our ability to grow and manage growth profitably;
legal proceedings, regulatory disputes, and governmental inquiries;
privacy and data protection laws, privacy or data breaches, or the loss of data;
the impact of changes in consumer spending patterns, consumer preferences, local, regional and national economic conditions, crime, weather, demographic trends and employee availability;
any defects in new products or enhancements to existing products;
our ability to continue to develop new products and innovations to meet constantly evolving customer demands;
our ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval for our products, and any related restrictions and limitations of any approved product;
our ability to hire, retain, manage and motivate employees, including key personnel;
our ability to enhance future operating and financial results;
changes in and our compliance with laws and regulations applicable to our business;
our ability to upgrade and maintain our information technology systems;
our ability to acquire and protect intellectual property;
our ability to successfully deploy the proceeds from the Business Combination; and
our ability to raise financing in the future.
Because forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, some of which cannot be predicted or quantified and some of which are beyond our control, you should not rely on these forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. The events and circumstances reflected in our forward-looking statements may not be achieved or occur, and actual results could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Moreover, we operate in an evolving environment. Some of these risks and uncertainties may in the future be amplified by the
pandemic. Additionally, new risk factors and uncertainties may emerge from

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time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all risk factors and uncertainties. As a result of these factors, we cannot assure you that the forward-looking statements in this prospectus will prove to be accurate. Except as required by applicable law, we do not plan to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements contained herein, whether as a result of any new information, future events, changed circumstances, or otherwise.
You should read this prospectus completely and with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from what we expect. We qualify all of our forward-looking statements by these cautionary statements.

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This summary highlights, and is qualified in its entirety by, the more detailed information and financial statements included elsewhere in this prospectus. This summary does not contain all of the information that may be important to you in making your investment decision. You should read this entire prospectus carefully, especially the “Risk Factors” section beginning on page 6 and our consolidated financial statements and the related notes appearing at the end of this prospectus, before deciding to invest in our Common Stock or Warrants.
Owlet’s mission is to empower parents with the right information at the right time, to give them more peace of mind and help them find more joy in the journey of parenting. Our digital parenting platform aims to give parents real-time data and insights to help parents feel calmer and more confident. We believe that every parent deserves peace of mind and the opportunity to feel their well-rested best. We also believe that every child deserves to live a long, happy, and healthy life, and are working to develop products to help further those beliefs.
Our ecosystem of digital parenting solutions, including our connected anchor product, the Owlet Smart Sock, is helping to transform modern parenting by providing parents data-driven insights into their children’s well-being in the comfort of their own home. We believe that by developing
pediatric monitoring and analytics technologies, we can not only provide parents with peace of mind about their children, but also create future applications that have the potential to decrease infant death due to Sudden Unexplained Infant Death (SUID) and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and opportunistically detect infant ailments such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).
With Owlet, parents can better navigate the journey of parenthood, rest easier and have greater peace of mind. Based on the United Nations global population estimates of children aged zero to five and prices of our current products and our estimates for prices of products in development, we estimate the total addressable market for our existing products to be $21 billion, and that the total addressable market for our existing and pipeline products will reach an estimated $81 billion by 2025. We believe the opportunity ahead of us is significant, and that increased parental engagement in childcare, the consumerization of pulse oximetry, and telehealth adoption are key trends accelerating growth in our target markets.
We were incorporated as Sandbridge Acquisition Corporation on June 23, 2020. On July 15, 2021, we closed the Business Combination with Old Owlet, as a result of which Old Owlet became a wholly-owned subsidiary of ours, and we changed our name to Owlet, Inc. While we are the legal acquirer of Old Owlet in the Business Combination, Old Owlet is deemed to be the accounting acquirer, and the historical consolidated financial statements of Old Owlet became the predecessor of the Company upon the Closing of the Transactions.
At the effective time of the Business Combination (the “Effective Time”), each share of Old Owlet preferred stock and common stock issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time converted into the right to receive approximately 2.053 shares of our Common Stock. In addition, each share of our Class B common stock, par value $0.0001 per share, issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time converted into one share of Common Stock (of which 2,807,500 shares are subject to certain vesting conditions).
On February 15, 2021, in connection with the execution of the Business Combination Agreement, SBG entered into subscription agreements (collectively, the “Subscription Agreements”) with certain parties subscribing for shares of SBG’s Class A common stock, par value $0.0001 per share (“SBG Class A Common Stock,” and such parties, the “Subscribers”), pursuant to which the Subscribers agreed to purchase, and SBG agreed to sell to the Subscribers, an aggregate of 12,968,000 shares of SBG Class A Common Stock, for a purchase price of $10.00 per share and at an aggregate purchase price of $129,680,000. Immediately prior to the closing of the Business Combination, we issued and sold 12,968,000 shares of our Common Stock to the Subscribers for aggregate gross proceeds to us of $129,680,000 (the “PIPE Investment”).

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The rights of holders of our Common Stock and Warrants are governed by our second amended and restated certificate of incorporation (the “certificate of incorporation”), our amended and restated bylaws (the “bylaws”), and the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”), and, in the case of the Warrants, the Warrant Agreement, dated as of September 14, 2020, between the Company and Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company (the “Warrant Agreement”). See the section titled “
Description of Our Securities
Risk Factors
Our business is subject to a number of risks of which you should be aware before making an investment decision. These risks are discussed more fully in the “Risk Factors” section of this prospectus immediately following this prospectus summary. These risks include the following:
We have a limited operating history and have grown significantly in a short period of time. We need to continue to increase the size of our organization and, if unable to manage our growth effectively, our business could be materially and adversely affected.
We have a history of net losses and may not achieve or maintain profitability in the future.
If the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“
”) or any other governmental authority were to require marketing authorization or similar certification for the Owlet Smart Sock, or for any other product that we sell and which Owlet does not believe requires such marketing authorization or certification, we could be subject to regulatory enforcement action and/or required to cease selling or recall the product pending receipt of marketing authorization from the FDA or marketing authorization or similar certification from such other governmental authority, which can be a lengthy and time-consuming process, harm financial results and have long-term negative effects on our operations.
We are required to obtain and maintain marketing authorizations from the FDA for any products intended to be and/or classified as medical device products in the United States, which can be a lengthy and time-consuming process, and a failure to do so on a timely basis, or at all, could severely harm our business.
We currently rely on sales of our Owlet Smart Sock technologies and related products for the majority of our revenue and expect to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
A substantial portion of our sales comes through a limited number of channel partners and resellers.
We currently rely on a single manufacturer for the assembly of the Owlet Smart Sock and a single manufacturer for the assembly of the Owlet Cam and expect to rely on limited manufacturers for future products. If we encounter manufacturing problems or delays, we may be unable to promptly transition to alternative manufacturers and our ability to generate revenue will be limited.
If we are unable to obtain key materials and components from sole or limited source suppliers, we will not be able to deliver our products to customers.
If we are unable to adequately protect our intellectual property rights, or if we are accused of infringing on the intellectual property rights of others, our competitive position could be harmed or we could be required to incur significant expenses to enforce or defend our rights or to pay damages.
We rely significantly on information technology (“IT”) and any failure, inadequacy, interruption or security lapse of that technology, including any cybersecurity incidents, could lead to misappropriation of confidential or otherwise protected information and harm our business and our ability to operate our business effectively.
We face the risk of product liability claims and the amount of insurance coverage held now or in the future may not be adequate to cover all liabilities we might incur.
Increased expansion into international markets will expose us to additional business, political, regulatory, operational, financial and economic risks.
We may be required to obtain and maintain regulatory authorizations in order to commercialize our products in international markets, and failure to obtain regulatory authorizations in relevant foreign jurisdictions may prevent us from marketing medical device products abroad.
Customer or third-party complaints or negative reviews or publicity about us or our products and services could harm our reputation and brand.

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Some of our products and services are in development or have been recently introduced into the market and may not achieve market acceptance, which could limit our growth and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We may acquire other businesses or form other joint ventures or make investments in other companies or technologies but have no experience in doing so. These types of transactions could negatively affect our operating results, dilute our stockholders’ ownership, increase debt, lead to significant expense or cause us to lose focus on core operations.
We have identified material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting and we may identify additional material weaknesses in the future or otherwise fail to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting, which may result in material misstatements of our consolidated financial statements, cause us to fail to meet our periodic reporting obligations or cause our access to the capital markets to be impaired.
We may need to raise additional capital in the future in order to execute our strategic plan, which may not be available on terms acceptable to us, or at all.
Our business, financial condition, results of operations and growth may be impacted by the effects of the
Corporate Information
We were incorporated under the laws of the state of Delaware on June 23, 2020 under the name Sandbridge Acquisition Corporation. Upon the closing of the Business Combination, we changed our name to Owlet, Inc. Our Common Stock and Warrants are listed on NYSE under the symbols “OWLT” and “OWLT WS,” respectively. Our principal executive offices are located at 2500 Executive Parkway, Ste. 500, Lehi, Utah 84043, and our telephone number is (844)
Our website address is
. The information contained in, or accessible through, our website does not constitute a part of this prospectus. We have included our website address in this prospectus solely as an inactive textual reference.
Emerging Growth Company
As a company with less than $1.07 billion in revenue during our last fiscal year, we qualify as an “emerging growth company” as defined in the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012, as amended (the “JOBS Act”). An “emerging growth company” may take advantage of reduced reporting requirements that are otherwise applicable to public companies. These provisions include, but are not limited to:
the option to present only two years of audited financial statements and only two years of related “
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
” in this prospectus;
not being required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended (the “Sarbanes-Oxley Act”);
not being required to comply with any requirement that may be adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding mandatory audit firm rotation or a supplement to the auditor’s report providing additional information about the audit and the financial statements (i.e., an auditor discussion and analysis);
reduced disclosure obligations regarding executive compensation in our periodic reports, proxy statements and registration statements; and
exemptions from the requirements of holding a nonbinding advisory vote of stockholders on executive compensation, stockholder approval of any golden parachute payments not previously approved and having to disclose the ratio of the compensation of our chief executive officer to the median compensation of our employees.
We may take advantage of these provisions until the last day of our fiscal year following the fifth anniversary of the completion of Sandbridge’s initial public offering. However, if (i) our annual gross revenue

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exceeds $1.07 billion, (ii) we issue more than $1.0 billion of
debt in any three-year period or (iii) we become a “large accelerated filer” (as defined in
Rule 12b-2
under the Exchange Act) prior to the end of such five-year period, we will cease to be an emerging growth company. We will be deemed to be a “large accelerated filer” at such time that we (a) have an aggregate worldwide market value of common equity securities held by
of $700.0 million or more as of the last business day of our most recently completed second fiscal quarter, (b) have been required to file annual and quarterly reports under the Exchange Act, for a period of at least 12 months and (c) have filed at least one annual report pursuant to the Exchange Act.
We have elected to take advantage of certain of the reduced disclosure obligations in the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part and may elect to take advantage of other reduced reporting requirements in future filings. As a result, the information that we provide to our stockholders may be different than you might receive from other public reporting companies in which you hold equity interests.
In addition, the JOBS Act provides that an emerging growth company can take advantage of an extended transition period for complying with new or revised accounting standards. We have elected to use the extended transition period for complying with new or revised accounting standards. As a result of this election, our financial statements may not be comparable to companies that comply with public company effective dates.
Smaller Reporting Company
Additionally, we are a “smaller reporting company” as defined in Item 10(f)(1) of Regulation
Smaller reporting companies may take advantage of certain reduced disclosure obligations, including, among other things, providing only two years of audited financial statements. We will remain a smaller reporting company until the last day of the fiscal year in which (i) the market value of our Common Stock held by
exceeds $250 million as of the prior June 30, or (ii) our annual revenues exceeded $100 million during such completed fiscal year and the market value of our Common Stock held by
exceeds $700 million as of the prior June 30.

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Shares of Common Stock offered by us
23,612,592 shares issuable upon exercise of Warrants and options.
Shares of Common Stock offered by the Selling Securityholders
Shares of Common Stock outstanding prior to the exercise of all Warrants and options referenced above
112,750,800 shares (as of August 16, 2021).
Shares of Common Stock outstanding assuming the exercise of all Warrants and options referenced above
136,363,392 shares (as of August 16, 2021).
Warrants offered by the Selling Securityholders
6,600,000 Warrants.
Warrants outstanding
18,100,000 Warrants (as of August 16, 2021).
Exercise price per share pursuant to the Warrants
Use of proceeds
We will not receive any proceeds from the sale of shares by the Selling Securityholders. We will receive the proceeds from any exercise of the Warrants for cash, which we intend to use for general corporate and working capital purposes. See “
Use of Proceeds
” on page 51 for additional information.
Risk factors
You should carefully read the “Risk Factors” beginning on page 6 and the other information included in this prospectus for a discussion of factors you should consider carefully before deciding to invest in our Common Stock or Warrants.
NYSE symbol for our Common Stock
NYSE symbol for our Warrants


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You should carefully consider the risks and uncertainties described below and the other information in this prospectus before making an investment in our Common Stock or Warrants. Our business, financial condition, results of operations, or prospects could be materially and adversely affected if any of these risks occurs, and as a result, the market price of our Common Stock and Warrants could decline and you could lose all or part of your investment. This prospectus also contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. See “Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements.” Our actual results could differ materially and adversely from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of certain factors, including those set forth below.
Risks Related to Our Business and Operations
We have a limited operating history and have grown significantly in a short period of time. We will need to continue to increase the size of our organization and, if we fail to manage our growth effectively, our business could be materially and adversely affected.
We were organized in 2014 and began selling our Owlet Smart Sock in 2015 and our Owlet Cam in 2018. Accordingly, we have a limited operating history, which makes an evaluation of our future prospects difficult. Our operating results have fluctuated in the past, and we expect our future quarterly and annual operating results to fluctuate as we focus on increasing the demand for our products and services. We may need to make business decisions that could adversely affect our operating results, such as modifications to our pricing strategy, business structure or operations.
In addition, we have experienced recent rapid growth and anticipate further growth. For example, our revenue increased from $49.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2019 to $75.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2020, and from $33.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2020 to $46.8 million for the six months ended June 30, 2021. The number of our full-time employees increased from 99 as of December 31, 2019 to 111 as of December 31, 2020 and to 167 as of June 30, 2021.
This growth has placed significant demands on our management, financial, operational, technological and at the time of other resources, and we expect that our growth will continue to place significant demands on our management and other resources and will require us to continue developing and improving our operational, financial and other internal controls. Our need to effectively execute our growth strategy requires that we:
manage our commercial operations effectively;
identify, recruit, retain, incentivize and integrate additional employees;
provide adequate training and supervision to maintain our high-quality standards and preserve our culture and values;
manage our internal development and operational efforts effectively while carrying out our contractual obligations to third parties; and
continue to improve our operational, financial and management controls, reports systems and procedures.
Continued growth increases the challenges involved in addressing these goals in a cost-effective or timely manner, or at all. If we do not effectively manage our growth, we may not be able to execute on our business plan, respond to competitive pressures, take advantage of market opportunities, satisfy customer requirements or maintain high-quality product offerings, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We are highly dependent on our senior management, other key officers, our engineers and field sales team, and may be increasingly dependent on sales representatives and clinical specialists for the sale of any medical devices we may market, if approved. We face significant competition for talent from other healthcare, technology and high-growth companies, which include both large enterprises and privately-held companies. To attract top talent, we have

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had to offer, and believe we will need to continue to offer, highly competitive compensation packages before we can validate the productivity of those employees. In addition, we may not be able to hire new employees quickly enough to meet our needs and fluctuations in the price of our common stock may make it more difficult or costly to use equity compensation to motivate, incentivize and retain our employees.
We have a history of net losses, and we may not achieve or maintain profitability in the future.
We have incurred net losses since inception. For the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2020, we incurred net losses of $17.9 million and $10.5 million, respectively, and in the six months ended June 30, 2020 and 2021, we incurred net losses of $3.2 million and $13.2 million, respectively. As a result of our ongoing losses, as of June 30, 2021, we had an accumulated deficit of $84.9 million. Since inception, we have spent significant funds on organizational and
activities, to recruit key managers and employees, to develop our products, services and connected nursery ecosystem, to develop our manufacturing
and customer support resources and for research and development. The net losses we incur may fluctuate significantly from quarter to quarter and may increase as a result of the
pandemic, such as its impact on logistics and other supply chain costs.
We have encountered and will continue to encounter risks and difficulties frequently experienced by growing companies in rapidly changing industries, including increasing expenses as we continue to grow our business. We expect our operating expenses to increase significantly over the next several years as we continue to hire additional personnel, expand our operations and infrastructure, and continue to develop and expand our products and services. In addition to the expected costs to grow our business, we also expect to incur additional legal, accounting, and other expenses as a newly public company. These investments may be more costly than we expect, and if we do not achieve the benefits anticipated from these investments, or if the realization of these benefits is delayed, they may not result in increased revenue or growth in our business. If our growth rate were to decline significantly or become negative, it could adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations. If we are not able to achieve or maintain positive cash flow in the long term, we may require additional financing, which may not be available on favorable terms or at all or which would be dilutive to our stockholders. If we are unable to successfully address these risks and challenges as we encounter them, our business, results of operations, and financial condition would be adversely affected. Our failure to achieve or maintain profitability could negatively impact the value of our Common Stock and Warrants.
We currently rely on sales of our Owlet Smart Sock technologies and related products for the majority of our revenue and expect to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
We are highly dependent upon the continued success and market acceptance of the Owlet Smart Sock and related technologies that serve as the basis of our primary product offerings. Continued market acceptance will depend upon our continuing to provide evidence that our products and services add value in care-giving activities. If caregivers do not prefer our Owlet Smart Sock over competing products and services, they may not buy our products and services in sufficient quantities to enable us to generate revenue growth from the sale of these products and services.
If the FDA or any other governmental authority were to require marketing authorization or similar certification for the Owlet Smart Sock, or for any other product that we sell and which Owlet does not believe requires such marketing authorization or certification, we could be subject to regulatory enforcement action and/or required to cease selling or recall the product pending receipt of marketing authorization from the FDA or marketing authorization or similar certification from such other governmental authority, which can be a lengthy and time-consuming process, harm financial results and have long-term negative effects on our operations.
We currently sell the Owlet Smart Sock, which we market for use by parents of healthy babies to provide peace of mind, and for which we have not sought or obtained any marketing authorization from the FDA or similar authorization, approval, or certification from any other governmental authority. In response to inquiries from the FDA and regulatory authorities in other jurisdictions regarding the marketing of the Owlet Smart Sock, we have communicated our belief that the Owlet Smart Sock is not a medical device and does not require marketing authorization from the FDA or similar marketing authorization or certification from such other regulatory authorities. However, the FDA and certain regulatory authorities have expressed they do not agree with that conclusion and could require us to obtain marketing authorization, such as a clearance or approval, or other

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certification to continue to sell the product. For example, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, the regulatory authority responsible for the UK medical device market, has asserted that the Owlet Smart Sock requires certification and subsequent registration as a medical device in the UK, but has indicated they it allow us to continue to market the Owlet Smart Sock until May 2022 without such certification or registration. Obtaining authorization to sell the Owlet Smart Sock as a medical device is a time-consuming and costly process and we may be precluded from selling the Owlet Smart Sock if we are required to obtain marketing authorization, such as a clearance or approval, or other certification. If granted, a marketing authorization could require conditions to sale, for example, a prescription requirement. If the FDA or other regulatory authorities require such marketing authorization, including clearance or approval, or other certification for the Owlet Smart Sock, or for any other product that we sell and which we do not believe requires such marketing authorization or certification, we could be subject to regulatory enforcement action and/or required to cease selling or recall the product in the corresponding jurisdiction pending receipt of such marketing authorization or certification, which can be a lengthy and time-consuming process. In addition, we may be required to modify the product’s functionality or limit our marketing claims for the product, whether or not we obtain such marketing authorization or other required certification. In any such event, our business could be substantially harmed.
We currently rely on a single manufacturer for the assembly of our Owlet Smart Sock and a single manufacturer for the assembly of our Owlet Cam. We will likely rely on single manufacturers for future products we may develop. If we encounter manufacturing problems or delays, we may be unable to promptly transition to alternative manufacturers and our ability to generate revenue will be limited.
We have no manufacturing capabilities of our own. We currently rely on a single manufacturer located in Thailand, Benchmark, for the manufacture of our Owlet Smart Sock. Additionally, we currently rely on a separate single manufacturer located in China, Shenzhen Aoni Electronic, for the manufacture of our Owlet Cam. We expect to rely on limited manufacturers for future products we may develop. For example, we have relied upon and expect to continue to rely upon a single manufacturer for the supply of the Owlet Band, a product that we are developing and may commercially launch in the future. For us to be successful, our contract manufacturers must be able to provide us with products in substantial quantities, in compliance with regulatory requirements, in accordance with agreed upon specifications, at acceptable costs and on a timely basis. While our existing manufacturers have generally met our demand requirements on a timely basis in the past, their ability and willingness to continue to do so going forward may be limited for several reasons, including our relative importance as a customer of each manufacturer or their respective ability to provide assembly services to manufacture our products, which may be affected by the
pandemic or other natural or
disasters. Earthquakes are of particular significance since our headquarters are located in an earthquake-prone area. We are also vulnerable to damage from other types of disasters, including power loss, attacks from extremist or terrorist organizations, epidemics, communication failures, fire, floods and similar events. Furthermore, our manufacturing agreements can be terminated by our contract manufacturers without cause by giving us prior notice of six months or less. The facilities and the manufacturing equipment used to produce our products would be difficult to replace and could require substantial time to repair if significant damage were to result from any of these occurrences. An interruption in our commercial operations could occur if we encounter delays or difficulties in securing these manufactured products for any reason and we cannot obtain an acceptable substitute.
Any transition to a new contract manufacturer, or any transition of products between existing manufacturers, could be time-consuming and expensive, may result in interruptions in our operations and product delivery, could affect the performance specifications of our products, could require that we modify the design of our products, or could require clearance or approval by the FDA depending on the nature of the product and the changes associated with the transition to the new manufacturer. If we are required to change a contract manufacturer, we will be required to verify that the new manufacturer maintains facilities, procedures and operations that comply with our quality standards and applicable regulatory requirements, which could further impede our ability to manufacture our products in a timely manner. We may not be able to identify and engage alternative contract manufacturers on similar terms or without delay. Furthermore, our contract manufacturers could require us to move to a different production facility. The occurrence of any of these events could harm our ability to meet the demand for our products in a timely and cost-effective manner, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

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The manufacture of our products is complex and requires the integration of a number of components from several sources of supply. Our contract manufacturers must manufacture and assemble these complex products in commercial quantities in compliance with regulatory requirements and at an acceptable cost. Our products, in particular the Owlet Smart Sock, require significant expertise to manufacture, and our contract manufacturers may encounter difficulties in scaling up production of our products, including problems with quality control and assurance, component supply shortages, increased costs, shortages of qualified personnel, the long lead time required to develop additional facilities for purposes of testing our products or difficulties associated with compliance with local, state, federal and foreign regulatory requirements. Manufacturing or quality control problems may arise in connection with the
of the manufacture of our products. If we are unable to obtain a sufficient supply of product, maintain control over product quality and cost or otherwise adapt to anticipated growth, or if we underestimate growth, we may not have the capability to satisfy market demand, and our business and reputation in the marketplace will suffer. Conversely, if demand for our products decreases, we may have excess inventory, which could result in inventory write-offs that would have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. We may also encounter defects in materials or workmanship, which could lead to a failure to adhere to regulatory requirements. Any defects could delay operations at our contract manufacturers’ facilities, lead to regulatory fines or halt or discontinue manufacturing indefinitely. Any of these outcomes could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
If we are unable to obtain key materials and components from sole or limited source suppliers, we will not be able to deliver our products to customers.
We are currently devoting substantial resources to the development of new or advanced products, such as the Owlet BabySat, the Owlet
(“OTC”) Smart Sock and Owlet Band, and services, such as the development of our software platform, and intend to continue to do so. However, we may not be able to complete development on a timely basis, or at all. In addition, some of our products in development, such as the Owlet BabySat, Owlet OTC Smart Sock and Owlet Band, may be regulated by the FDA or foreign regulatory agencies as medical devices, which may require marketing authorization or similar certification from applicable regulatory authorities, including marketing authorization from the FDA, prior to commercialization. Our products and services, particularly those needing to meet FDA or other regulatory standards, may have higher manufacturing costs than legacy products and services, which could negatively impact our gross margins and operating results during these stages, without guarantees we will be able to successfully commercialize any such products.
If we successfully develop such products and services, we must still successfully manage their introductions to the market. Products and services that are not well-received by the market may lead to excess inventory and discounting of our existing products and services. Inventory levels in excess of consumer demand may result in inventory write-downs or write-offs and the sale of inventory at discounted prices may affect our gross margin and could impair the strength of our brand. Reserves and write-downs for rebates, promotions and excess inventory are recorded based on our forecast of future demand. Actual future demand could be less than our forecast, which may result in additional reserves and write-downs in the future, or actual demand could be stronger than our forecast, which may result in increased shipping costs and a reduction to previously recorded reserves and write-downs in the future and increase the volatility of our operating results.
Introductions of new or advanced products and services could also adversely impact the sales of our existing products and services to consumers. For instance, the introduction or announcement of new or advanced products and services may shorten the life cycle of our existing products or reduce demand, thereby reducing any benefits of successful product or service introductions and potentially leading to challenges in managing write-downs or write-offs of inventory of existing products and services.
We have in the past experienced challenges managing the inventory of our products, which has led and may in the future lead to increased shipping costs for air freight in order to fulfill customer orders in a timely manner, which has affected our gross margin and could impair the strength of our brand.

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Adapting our production capacities to evolving patterns of demand is expensive, time-consuming and subject to significant uncertainties. We may not be able to adequately predict consumer trends and may be unable to adjust our production in a timely manner.
We market our products directly to consumers in the United States and a select number of international countries. If demand increases, we will be required to increase production proportionally. Adapting to changes in demand inherently lags behind the actual changes because it takes time to identify the change the market is undergoing and to implement any measures taken as a result. Finally, capacity adjustments are inherently risky because there is imperfect information, and market trends may rapidly intensify, ebb or even reverse. We have in the past not always been, and may in the future not be, able to accurately or timely predict trends in demand and consumer behavior or to take appropriate measures to mitigate risks and exploit opportunities resulting from such trends. Any inability in the future to identify or to adequately and effectively react to changes in demand could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Some of our products and services are in development or have been recently introduced into the market and may not achieve market acceptance, which could limit our growth and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Our portfolio of products and services continues to expand, and we are investing significant resources to enter into, and in some cases create, new markets for these products and services. We are continuing to invest in sales and marketing resources to achieve market acceptance of these products and services, but our technologies may not achieve general market acceptance.
The degree of market acceptance of these products and services will depend on a number of factors, including:
perceived benefits from our products and services;
perceived cost effectiveness of our products and services;
perceived safety and effectiveness of our products and services;
our ability to obtain any required marketing authorizations for our products and services and the label requirements of any approvals we may obtain;
reimbursement available through government and private healthcare programs for using some of our products and services; and
introduction and acceptance of competing products and services or technologies.
If our products and services do not gain market acceptance or if our customers prefer our competitors’ products and services, our potential revenue growth would be limited, which would adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
If we are unable to successfully develop and effectively manage the introduction of new products and services, our business may be adversely affected.
We must successfully manage introductions of new or advanced products, such as the Owlet BabySat, Owlet OTC Smart Sock and Owlet Band, and services, such as the development of our software platform. Development of new products and services requires the expenditure of considerable time and resources, but we may not be able to successfully develop and introduce such products on a timely basis, or at all. Products and services that are not well-received by the market may lead to excess inventory and discounting of our existing products and services. Inventory levels in excess of consumer demand may result in inventory write-downs or write-offs and the sale of inventory at discounted prices, may affect our gross margin and could impair the strength of our brand. Reserves and write-downs for rebates, promotions and excess inventory are recorded based on our forecast of future demand.

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Actual future demand could be less than our forecast, which may result in additional reserves and write-downs in the future, or actual demand could be stronger than our forecast, which may result in increased shipping costs and a reduction to previously recorded reserves and write-downs in the future and increase the volatility of our operating results.
Introductions of new or advanced products and services could also adversely impact the sales of our existing products and services to consumers. For instance, the introduction or announcement of new or advanced products and services may shorten the life cycle of our existing products or reduce demand, thereby reducing any benefits of successful product or service introductions and potentially leading to challenges in managing write-downs or write-offs of inventory of existing products and services. In addition, some of our products may be regulated by the FDA or foreign regulatory agencies as medical devices, which may require marketing authorization from the FDA or similar marketing authorization or certification from other applicable regulatory authorities prior to commercialization. New products and services, particularly those needing to meet FDA or other regulatory standards, may have higher manufacturing costs than legacy products and services, which could negatively impact our gross margins and operating results. Accordingly, if we fail to effectively manage introductions of new or advanced products and services, our business may be adversely affected.
We have in the past experienced challenges managing the inventory of our products, which has led and may in the future lead to increased shipping costs for air freight in order to fulfill customer orders in a timely manner, which has affected our gross margin and could impair the strength of our brand.
A substantial portion of our sales comes through a limited number of retailers.
Historically, we have relied on a limited number of retailers for a substantial portion of our total sales. For example, sales through our top five retail customers represented 60.1% of our revenue for the year ended December 31, 2020 and 70.5% for the six months ended June 30, 2021. These retailers work with us on a
basis. If we are unable to establish, maintain or grow these relationships over time, or if these relationships grow more slowly than we anticipate, we are likely to fail to recover these costs and our operating results will suffer. The loss of any significant retail customer, whether or not related to our business or our products or services, could have an impact on the growth rate of our revenue as we work to obtain new retail customers or replacement relationships. Contracts with retailers may typically be terminated or renegotiated before their term expires for various reasons, subject to certain conditions. For example, after a specified period, certain of our contracts are terminable for convenience by such retailers, subject to a notice period. Additionally, certain contracts may be terminated immediately by the retailer if we go bankrupt or if we fail to comply with certain specified laws. Any renegotiation of the commercial agreements may result in less favorable economic terms for us. Retailers may also consolidate their operations, reducing the overall number of locations in which they sell our products and services. Historically, we have had retail customers declare bankruptcy and stop operations, negatively affecting our sales and business.
In order to grow our business, we anticipate that we will continue to depend on our relationships with third parties, including our retailers. Identifying retailers, and negotiating and documenting relationships with them, requires significant time and resources. Our competitors may be effective in providing incentives to third parties to favor their products or services. If we are unsuccessful in establishing, or maintaining or strengthening our relationships with third parties, our ability to compete in the marketplace or to grow our revenue could be impaired and our results of operations may suffer. Even if we are successful, these relationships may not result in increased customer use of our services or increased revenue.
The size and expected growth of our addressable market has not been established with precision and may be smaller than we estimate.
Our estimates of the addressable market for our current products and services and future products and services are based on a number of internal and third-party estimates and assumptions, including birth rate, income levels and demographic profiles. While we believe our assumptions and the data underlying our estimates are reasonable, these assumptions and estimates may not be correct. In addition, the statements in this prospectus relating to, among other things, the expected growth in the market for baby products and services are based on a number of internal and third-party estimates and assumptions and may prove to be inaccurate. For example, although we expect that the

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number of births will continue to increase, those trends could shift and the number of births could decrease. Furthermore, even if the birth rate increases as we expect, technological or medical advances could provide alternatives to our products and services and reduce demand. As a result, our estimates of the addressable market for our current or future products and services may prove to be incorrect. If the actual number of consumers who would benefit from our products and services, the price at which we can sell future products and services or the addressable market for our products and services is smaller than we estimate, it could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We spend significant amounts on advertising and other marketing campaigns to acquire new customers, which may not be successful or cost effective.
We market our products and services through a mix of digital and traditional marketing channels. These include paid search, digital display advertising, email marketing, affiliate marketing, and select print advertising. We also leverage our database of prospects and customers to further drive customer acquisition and referrals. We spend significant amounts on advertising and other marketing campaigns to acquire new customers, and we expect our marketing expenses to increase in the future as we continue to spend significant amounts to acquire new customers and increase awareness of our products and services. While we seek to structure our marketing campaigns in the manner that we believe is most likely to encourage consumers to use our products and services, we may fail to identify marketing opportunities that satisfy our anticipated return on marketing spend as we scale our investments in marketing, accurately predict customer acquisition, or fully understand or estimate the conditions and behaviors that drive consumer behavior. Further, state, federal and foreign laws and regulations governing the privacy and security of personal information are evolving rapidly and could impact our ability to identify and market to potential and existing customers. If federal, state, or local laws governing our marketing activities become more restrictive or are interpreted by governmental authorities to prohibit or limit these activities, our ability to attract new customers and retain customers would be affected and our business could be materially harmed. In addition, any failure, or perceived failure, by us, to comply with any federal, state, or foreign laws or regulations governing our marketing activities could adversely affect our reputation, brand, and business, and may result in claims, proceedings, or actions against us by governmental entities, consumers, suppliers or others or other liabilities or may require us to change our operations and/or cease using certain marketing strategies. If any of our marketing campaigns prove less successful than anticipated in attracting new customers, we may not be able to adequately recover our marketing spend, and our rate of customer acquisition may fail to meet market expectations, either of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Our marketing efforts may not result in increased sales of our products and services.
Further, web and mobile browser developers, such as Apple, Microsoft or Google, have implemented and may continue to implement changes, including requiring additional user permissions, in their browser or device operating system that impair our ability to measure and improve the effectiveness of advertising of our products and services. Such changes include limiting the use of first-party and third-party cookies and related tracking technologies, such as mobile advertising identifiers, and other changes that limit our ability to collect information that allows us to attribute consumer actions on advertisers’ websites to the effectiveness of advertising campaigns run by us. For example, Apple launched its Intelligent Tracking Prevention (“ITP”) feature in its Safari browser. ITP blocks some or all third-party cookies by default on mobile and desktop and ITP has become increasingly restrictive over time. Apple’s related Privacy-Preserving Ad Click attribution, intended to preserve some of the functionality lost with ITP, would limit cross-site and cross-device attribution, prevent measurement outside a narrowly-defined attribution window, and prevent ad
and optimization. Similarly, Google recently announced that it plans to stop supporting third-party cookies in its Google Chrome browser. Further, Apple announced certain changes, including introducing an AppTrackingTransparency framework that will limit the ability of mobile applications to request an iOS device’s advertising identifier and may also affect our ability to track consumer actions.
In addition, we believe that building a strong brand and developing and achieving broad awareness of our brand is critical to achieving market success. If any of our brand-building activities prove less successful than anticipated in attracting new customers, we may not be able to recover our brand-building spend, and our rate of customer acquisition may fail to meet market expectations, either of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. There can be no assurance that our brand-building efforts will result in increased sales of our products and services.

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If we are unable to continue to drive consumers to our website, it could adversely affect our revenue.
Many consumers find our website by searching for baby products and services through internet search engines or from
and personal recommendations. A critical factor in attracting visitors to our website is how prominently we are displayed in response to search queries. Accordingly, we use search engine marketing as a means to provide a significant portion of our customer acquisition. Search engine marketing includes both paid website visitor acquisition on a
basis and visitor acquisition on an unpaid basis, often referred to as organic or algorithmic search.
One method we employ to acquire visitors via organic search is commonly known as search engine optimization (“SEO”). SEO involves developing our website in a way that enables the website to rank high for search queries for which our website’s content may be relevant. We also rely heavily on favorable recommendations from our existing customers to help drive traffic to our website. If our website is listed less prominently or fails to appear in search result listings for any reason, it is likely that we will attract fewer visitors to our website, which could adversely affect our revenue.
Our success depends substantially on our reputation and brand, which could be harmed by customer or third-party complaints or negative reviews or publicity about our company or our products and services.
Our success is dependent in large part upon our ability to maintain and enhance our reputation and brand. Brand value can be severely damaged even by isolated incidents, particularly if the incidents receive considerable negative publicity or result in litigation. Some of these incidents may relate to actions taken (or not taken) with respect to social, environmental, and community outreach initiatives, the personal conduct of individuals actually, or perceived to be associated, with our brand, and our growth or rebranding strategies. We are heavily dependent on customers who use our products and services, in particular our Owlet Smart Sock, to provide good reviews and
recommendations to contribute to the growth of our brand and reputation. Customers who are dissatisfied with their experiences with our products and services or services may post negative reviews. We may also be the subject of blog, forum or other media postings that include statements that create negative publicity. If the FDA or other regulatory body makes public its determination that any of our products is a medical device that is not in compliance with applicable requirements, or takes some other public action such as issuing a public enforcement action or recommending or mandating a recall, customers may react negatively and stop purchasing or recommending our products or services. Any negative reviews or publicity, whether real or perceived, disseminated by
by the general media, by electronic or social networking means or by other methods, could harm our reputation and brand and could severely diminish consumer confidence in our products and services.
Operations in international markets will expose us to additional business, political, regulatory, operational, financial and economic risks.
Further expanding our business to attract customers in countries other than the United States is a key element of our long-term business strategy. International operations expose us and our representatives, agents and distributors to risks inherent in operating in foreign jurisdictions, and such exposure will increase as our international presence and activities increase. These risks include:
the imposition of additional U.S. and foreign governmental controls or regulations;
the imposition of costly and lengthy new export licensing requirements;
the imposition of requirements to maintain data and the processing of that data on servers located within the United States or in foreign countries;
a shortage of high-quality employees, sales people and distributors;

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the loss of any key personnel that possess proprietary knowledge, or who are otherwise important to our success in certain international markets;
changes in duties and tariffs, license obligations and other
barriers to trade;
the imposition of new trade restrictions;
the imposition of restrictions on the activities of foreign agents, representatives and distributors;
compliance with or changes in foreign tax laws, regulations and requirements and economic and trade sanctions programs;
evolution in regulatory landscapes, such as on account of the United Kingdom (“UK”) leaving the European Union (“EU”), and uncertainties that arise from such evolution;
pricing pressure;
changes in foreign currency exchange rates;
laws and business practices favoring local companies;
political instability and actual or anticipated military or political conflicts;
financial and civil unrest worldwide;
outbreaks of illnesses, pandemics or other local or global health issues;
natural or
the inability to collect amounts paid by foreign government customers to our appointed foreign agents;
longer payment cycles, increased credit risk and different collection remedies with respect to receivables; and
difficulties in enforcing or defending intellectual property rights.
In addition, we purchase a portion of our raw materials and components from international sources. The sale and shipment of our products and services across international borders, as well as the purchase of materials and

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components from international sources, subject us to extensive U.S. and foreign governmental trade regulations, including those related to conflict minerals. Compliance with such regulations is costly and we could be exposed to potentially significant penalties if we are found not to be in compliance with such regulations. Any failure to comply with applicable legal and regulatory obligations could impact us in a variety of ways that include, but are not limited to, significant criminal, civil and administrative penalties, including imprisonment of individuals, fines and penalties, denial of export privileges, seizure of shipments, restrictions on certain business activities, and exclusion or debarment from government contracting. Also, the failure to comply with applicable legal and regulatory obligations could result in the disruption of our shipping, manufacturing and sales activities. Any material decrease in our international sales would adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
In June 2016, the UK held a referendum pursuant to which voters elected to leave the EU, commonly referred to as Brexit. The UK formally withdrew from the EU and ratified a trade and cooperation agreement governing its future relationship with the EU. The agreement, which is being applied provisionally from January 1, 2021 until it is ratified by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, addresses trade, economic arrangements, law enforcement, judicial cooperation and a governance framework including procedures for dispute resolution, among other things. Because the agreement merely sets forth a framework in many respects and will require complex additional bilateral negotiations between the UK and the EU as both parties continue to work on the rules for implementation, significant political and economic uncertainty remains about how the precise terms of the relationship between the parties will differ from the terms before withdrawal. Brexit has created additional uncertainties that may ultimately result in new regulatory costs and challenges for medical device companies and increased restrictions on imports and exports throughout Europe, which could adversely affect our ability to conduct and expand our operations in Europe and which may have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Additionally, Brexit may increase the possibility that other countries may decide to leave the EU in the future.
We face and expect to face increasing competition from other companies, many of which have substantially greater resources than we do. If we do not successfully develop and commercialize enhanced or new products and services that remain competitive with products and services or alternative technologies developed by others, we could lose revenue opportunities and customers, and our ability to grow our business would be impaired, adversely affecting our financial condition and results of operations.
We expect the industry in which we operate will continue to evolve and may be significantly affected by new product introductions and other market activities of industry participants. Certain potential competitors have substantially greater capital resources, larger product portfolios, larger user bases, larger sales forces and greater geographic presence, and have built relationships with retailers and distributors that may be more effective than ours. Our products and services face additional competition from companies developing products and services for use with third-party monitoring systems, as well as from companies that currently market similar products and services of their own, and may face further pressure from technology companies that have not historically operated in our industry.
Continuing technological advances and new product introductions within the
childcare electronics and service industry place our products and services at risk of obsolescence. Our long-term success depends upon the development and successful commercialization of new products and services, new or improved technologies and additional applications for our existing technologies, including products or applications that may be subject to the oversight of the FDA or comparable foreign regulatory authorities and could require marketing authorization by the FDA or similar marketing authorization or certification from comparable foreign regulatory authorities. The research and development process is time-consuming and costly and may not result in products and services or applications that we can successfully commercialize.
If we do not successfully adapt our products and services and applications, we could lose revenue opportunities and customers. Furthermore, in the event any of our products is regulated as a medical device and obtains marketing authorization from the FDA or similar marketing authorization or certification from comparable foreign regulatory authorities, one or more of our competitors may develop products that compete. For example, in the U.S., if any of our products is regulated as a medical device that is subject to and that obtains 510(k) clearance, competitors may develop products that the FDA determines are substantially equivalent to our products and may use our products as predicate devices to obtain regulatory clearances for their competing products.

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Our business, financial condition, results of operations and growth may be impacted by the effects of the
pandemic may negatively impact our operations and revenues and overall financial condition by harming the ability or willingness of customers to pay for our products and services due to macro-economic conditions resulting from the pandemic or the operations of manufacturers, suppliers and other third parties with which we do business. These challenges will likely continue for the duration of the pandemic, which is uncertain, and the macro-economic effects of the pandemic will likely continue far beyond the duration of the pandemic.
Numerous state and local jurisdictions have imposed, and others in the future may impose,
orders, quarantines, executive orders and similar government orders and restrictions for their residents to control the spread of
Although the governor of Utah, where our headquarters are located, has not issued any
or “stay at home” orders, such orders could be instituted as the
pandemic continues or worsens. We have taken a number of precautionary measures to manage our resources and mitigate the adverse impact of the pandemic, which is intended to help minimize the risk to our employees, customers, and the communities in which we operate. Employees at our headquarters and certain other employees have been asked to work from home where possible, with only limited access given to employees to work in the office when necessary. For roles that require employees to be
we are providing protective equipment, practicing social distancing and increasing sanitizing standards. As the
pandemic continues, other potential disruptions may include delays by applicable state or federal regulatory bodies in processing potential submissions to that regulatory body, delays in product development efforts and additional government requirements or other incremental mitigation efforts that may further impact our capacity to manufacture, sell and support the use of our Owlet technologies. In addition, even after
orders, quarantines, executive orders and similar government orders and restrictions for their residents to control the spread of
are lifted, we may continue to experience disruptions to our business.
While the potential economic impact brought by and the duration of
may be difficult to assess or predict, the widespread pandemic has resulted in, and may continue to result in, significant disruption of global financial markets, affecting our ability to access capital, which could in the future negatively affect our liquidity. In addition, a recession or market correction resulting from the spread of
could materially affect our business and the value of our common stock. The
pandemic has also resulted in a significant increase in unemployment in the United States which may continue even after the pandemic subsides. The occurrence of any such events may lead to reduced disposable income which could adversely affect the number of our products and services sold after the pandemic has subsided. Further, although we have experienced growth in our sales volume during the
pandemic, this and any other favorable impacts we have experienced in connection with the pandemic may subside, and the ultimate effect of
on our sales volume and other results of operations could differ substantially from our expectations and our experience to date.
We are involved, and may become involved in the future, in disputes and other legal or regulatory proceedings that, if adversely decided or settled, could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We are, and may in the future become, party to litigation, regulatory proceedings or other disputes. In general, claims made by or against us in disputes and other legal or regulatory proceedings can be expensive and time-consuming to bring or defend against, requiring us to expend significant resources and divert the efforts and attention of our management and other personnel from our business operations. These potential claims may include but are not limited to personal injury and class action lawsuits, intellectual property claims and regulatory investigations relating to the advertising and promotional claims about our products and services and employee claims against us based on, among other things, discrimination, harassment or wrongful termination. Any one of these claims, even those without merit, may divert our financial and management resources that would otherwise be used to benefit the future performance of our operations. Any adverse determination against us in these proceedings, or even the allegations contained in the claims, regardless of whether they are ultimately found to be without merit, may also result in settlements, injunctions or damages that could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

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We rely significantly on IT and any failure, inadequacy, interruption or security lapse of that technology, including any cybersecurity incidents, could harm our business and our ability to operate our business effectively.
Increased global cybersecurity vulnerabilities, cybersecurity threats, and sophisticated and targeted cybersecurity attacks pose a risk to the security of our systems and networks, including the confidentiality, availability and integrity of any underlying information and data, and those of our users, customers, partners, suppliers and third-party service providers. Attacks upon IT systems are increasing in their frequency, levels of persistence, sophistication and intensity, and are being conducted by sophisticated and organized groups and individuals with a wide range of motives and expertise. For example, we have been and in the future may be the target of phishing and other scams and attacks. We have not always been successful in detecting these attacks, and while we have not experienced any material loss or material expense relating to these cybersecurity attacks or other information security breaches, there can be no assurance that we will not suffer additional attacks or incur material financial consequences or expense in the future. Depending on the nature of the attack, a successful attack may also bring into question our internal control over financial reporting. As a result of the
pandemic, we may also face increased cybersecurity risks due to our reliance on internet technology and the number of our employees who are working remotely, which may create additional opportunities for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities.
Cybersecurity attacks in particular are evolving and because the techniques used to obtain unauthorized access to, or to sabotage, systems change frequently and often are not recognized until launched against a target, we may be unable to anticipate these techniques or implement adequate preventative measures. We may also experience security breaches that may remain undetected for an extended period. If such an event were to occur and cause interruptions in our operations, it could result in a material disruption of our development programs and our business operations due to a loss of our trade secrets and confidential information, negative publicity and damage to our reputation, loss of customers, loss of or delay in market acceptance of our products and services, loss of competitive position, loss of revenue or liability for damages or other similar disruptions. As a result, there can be no assurance that our protective measures will prevent or detect security breaches that could have a significant impact on our business, reputation, financial condition and results of operations.
Our ability to effectively manage and maintain our internal business information, and to ship products and provide services to customers and invoice them on a timely basis, depends significantly on our enterprise resource planning system and other information systems. Portions of our IT systems may experience interruptions, delays or cessations of service or produce errors in connection with ongoing systems implementation work. In addition, interfaces between our products and services and our customers’ computer networks could provide additional opportunities for cybersecurity attacks on us and our customers. The failure of these systems to operate or integrate effectively with other internal, customer, supplier or third-party service provider systems and to protect the underlying IT system and data integrity, including from cyberattacks, intrusions or other breaches or unauthorized access of these systems, or any failure by us to remediate any such attacks or breaches, may also result in damage to our reputation or competitiveness, delays in product fulfillment and reduced efficiency of our operations, and could require significant capital investments to remediate any such failure, problem or breach, all of which could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Any disruption of service at our third-party data and call centers or other cloud infrastructure services could interrupt or delay our ability to deliver our services to our customers.
Because our products and services are used by caregivers to monitor infants, it is critical that our products and services be accessible without interruption or degradation of performance. Customers may become dissatisfied by any system failure that interrupts our ability to provide our services to them. Sustained or repeated system failures would reduce the attractiveness of our products or services to customers. Moreover, negative publicity arising from these types of disruptions could damage our reputation and may adversely impact use of our products and services.
We currently host our products and services, serve our customers and support our operations in the United States primarily from third-party data and call centers and other cloud-based services. For example, we rely on cloud services and bespoke software services provided by Ayla Networks for our Owlet Smart Sock product to support the transfer of data to the cloud and back to us and the user. Additionally, we rely on the data transfer services of ThroughTek to enable video viewing access for the Owlet Cam. We do not have control over the operations of the

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services or the facilities of any of those providers. These facilities are vulnerable to damage or interruption from earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, fires, cyber security attacks, terrorist attacks, power losses, telecommunications failures and similar events. The occurrence of a natural disaster or an act of terrorism, a decision to close the facilities without adequate notice, or other unanticipated problems could result in lengthy interruptions in our services. The facilities also could be subject to
computer viruses, sabotage, intentional acts of vandalism and other misconduct. We may not be able to easily switch our cloud operations to another cloud provider if there are disruptions or interference with such providers.
None of our third-party cloud-based providers has an obligation to renew their agreements with us on commercially reasonable terms, or at all. If we are unable to renew our agreements with these providers on commercially reasonable terms, if our agreements with our providers are prematurely terminated, or if in the future we add additional cloud-based providers, we may experience costs or downtime in connection with the transfer to, or the addition of, new providers. If these providers were to increase the cost of their services, we may have to increase the price of our products and services, and our operating results may be materially adversely affected.
We are subject to a number of risks related to the credit extended by our manufacturing providers.
Our manufacturers extend credit to us and may revoke that credit. We use that credit to scale operations and increase production of our products. If our manufacturers revoke our credit, it could adversely affect our ability to meet demand for our products and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We are subject to a number of risks related to the credit card and debit card payments we accept.
We accept payments through credit and debit card transactions. For credit and debit card payments, we pay interchange and other fees, which may increase over time. An increase in those fees may require us to increase the prices we charge and would increase our operating expenses, either of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
If we or our processing vendors fail to maintain adequate systems for the authorization and processing of credit and debit card transactions, it could cause one or more of the major credit card companies to disallow our continued use of their payment products. In addition, if these systems fail to work properly and, as a result, we do not charge our customers’ credit or debit cards on a timely basis, or at all, it could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
The payment methods that we offer also subject us to potential fraud and theft by criminals, who are becoming increasingly more sophisticated in exploiting weaknesses that may exist in the payment systems. If we fail to comply with applicable rules or requirements for the payment methods we accept, or if payment-related data is compromised due to a breach, we may be liable for significant costs incurred by payment card issuing banks and other third parties or subject to fines and higher transaction fees, or our ability to accept or facilitate certain types of payments may be impaired. In addition, our customers could lose confidence in certain payment types, which may result in a shift to other payment types or potential changes to our payment systems that may result in higher costs. If we fail to adequately control fraudulent credit card transactions, we may face civil liability, diminished public perception of our security measures and significantly higher card-related costs, each of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We are also subject to payment card association operating rules, certification requirements and rules governing electronic funds transfers, which could change or be reinterpreted to make it more difficult for us to comply. We are subject to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (“PCI DSS”) issued by the PCI Council, which includes guidelines with regard to the security policies and practices we should adopt regarding the physical and electronic storage, processing and transmission of cardholder data. Compliance with the PCI DSS and implementing related procedures, technology and information security measures requires significant resources and ongoing attention, and any security incident involving cardholder data could subject us to significant penalties and liability. Failure to comply with this standard may violate payment card association operating rules, federal and state laws and regulations and the terms of our contracts with payment processors. Any failure to comply fully also may subject us to fines, penalties, damages and civil liability, and may result in the loss of our ability to accept credit and debit card payments. Further, there is no guarantee that such compliance will prevent illegal or improper use of our payment systems or the theft, loss or misuse of data pertaining to credit and debit cards, cardholders and transactions.

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If we are unable to maintain our chargeback rate or refund rates at acceptable levels, our processing vendor may increase our transaction fees or terminate its relationship with us. Any increases in our credit and debit card fees could harm our results of operations, particularly if we elect not to raise our rates for our products and services to offset the increase. The termination of our ability to process payments on any major credit or debit card would significantly impair our ability to operate our business.
We may need to raise additional capital in the future in order to execute our strategic plan, which may not be available on terms acceptable to us, or at all.
We have experienced recurring losses from operations and negative cash flows from operations, and we expect to continue operating at a loss for the foreseeable future. As of June 30, 2021, we had an accumulated deficit of $84.9 million and cash and cash equivalents of $12.2 million. On July 15, 2021, we completed the Business Combination and received approximately $135.0 million in combined net proceeds from the Business Combination and PIPE Investment. We estimate the available cash as of June 30, 2021, together with the proceeds received from the Business Combination and PIPE Investment, will be sufficient to meet our projected operating requirements for at least the next twelve months from the date the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements were available for issuance.
Even after the Business Combination, we may need additional funding to fund our operations, but additional funds may not be available to us on acceptable terms on a timely basis, if at all. We may seek funds through borrowings or through additional rounds of financing, including private or public equity or debt offerings, or by other means. Our future capital requirements will depend on many factors, including:
the timing, receipt and amount of sales from our current and future products and services;
the cost of manufacturing, either ourselves or through third party manufacturers, our products and services;
the cost and timing of expanding our sales, marketing and distribution capabilities;
the terms and timing of any other partnership, licensing and other arrangements that we may establish;
the costs and timing of securing regulatory approvals;
any product liability or other lawsuits related to our current or future products and services;
the expenses needed to attract, hire and retain skilled personnel;
the costs associated with being a public company;
the duration and severity of the
pandemic and its impact on our business and financial markets generally;
the costs involved in preparing, filing, prosecuting, maintaining, defending and enforcing our intellectual property portfolio; and

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the extent to which we acquire or invest in businesses, products or technologies.
If we raise additional funds through further issuances of equity or convertible debt securities, our existing stockholders could suffer significant dilution, and any new equity securities we issue could have rights, preferences, and privileges superior to those of holders of our common stock. If we are unable to obtain adequate financing or financing on terms satisfactory to us, when we require it, our ability to continue to pursue our business objectives and to respond to business opportunities, challenges, or unforeseen circumstances could be significantly limited, and our business, financial condition and results of operations could be materially adversely affected. We also could be required to seek funds through arrangements with partners or others that may require us to relinquish rights or jointly own some aspects of our technologies, products or services that we would otherwise pursue on our own.
Our loan and security agreement contains certain covenants and restrictions that may limit our flexibility in operating our business and any failure to satisfy those covenants and restrictions could adversely affect our business and financial condition.
Our loan and security agreement with Silicon Valley Bank (“SVB”) contains various affirmative and negative covenants and restrictions that limit our ability to engage in specific types of transactions, including:
conveying, selling, leasing, transferring, or otherwise disposing of certain assets;
consolidating, merging, selling or otherwise disposing of all or substantially all of our assets or acquiring all or substantially all of the capital stock or property of another person;
incurring specified types of additional indebtedness (including guarantees or other contingent obligations); and
paying dividends on, repurchasing or making distributions in respect of any capital stock or making other restricted payments, subject to specified exceptions.
In addition, under the loan and security agreement, we are required to satisfy and maintain certain financial ratios, including financial maintenance covenants. We obtained a waiver from SVB for a failure to maintain compliance with a financial covenant as of December 31, 2020, but cannot make assurances we will be able to satisfy these requirements in the future or, if we fail to satisfy these requirements, that will be able to negotiate a waiver or amendment with SVB as we have in the past. A breach of any of these ratios or covenants, including as a result of events beyond our control, would result in a default under the loan and security agreement. Upon the occurrence of an event of default, SVB could elect to declare all amounts outstanding under the loan and security agreement immediately due and payable, terminate all commitments to extend further credit and pursue legal remedies for recovery, all of which could adversely affect our business and financial condition. As of June 30, 2021, $15.0 million in aggregate principal amount was outstanding under the loan. See Note 4 to our accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2021 included in this prospectus.
Discontinuation, reform or replacement of the “Prime Rate,” as calculated and published by The Wall Street Journal, and other benchmark rates, or uncertainty related to the potential for any of the foregoing, may adversely affect our business.
Regulators have suggested reforming or replacing certain benchmark rates, and the discontinuation, reform or replacement of the Prime Rate or any other benchmark rates may have an unpredictable impact on contractual mechanics in the credit markets or cause disruption to the broader financial markets. Uncertainty as to the nature of

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such potential discontinuation, reform or replacement may also negatively impact interest expense related to borrowings under our loan and security agreement. Borrowings under our loan and security agreement bear interest either at the Prime Rate, or, if unavailable, at the rate announced by SVB as its prime rate in effect at its principal office in the State of California. We may in the future pursue amendments to our loan and security agreement to provide for a transition mechanism or other reference rate if the Prime Rate were discontinued, but we may not be able to reach agreement with our Lender on any such amendments. As a result, additional financing to replace any then-outstanding Prime Rate-based debt may be unavailable, more expensive or restricted by the terms of such outstanding indebtedness.
Changes in tax laws, including as a result of the 2020 United States presidential and congressional elections, may impact our future financial position and results of operations.
New income, sales, use or other tax laws, statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances could be enacted at any time, or interpreted, changed, modified or applied adversely to us, any of which could adversely affect our business operations and financial performance. In particular, the recent presidential and congressional elections in the United States could result in significant changes in, and uncertainty with respect to, tax legislation, regulation and government policy directly affecting our business or indirectly affecting us because of impacts on our customers and suppliers. For example, the United States government may enact significant changes to the taxation of business entities including, among others, an increase in the corporate income tax rate, an increase in the tax rate applicable to the global intangible
income and elimination of certain exemptions, and the imposition of minimum taxes or surtaxes on certain types of income. No specific United States tax legislation has been proposed at this time and the likelihood of these changes being enacted or implemented is unclear. We are currently unable to predict whether such changes will occur and, if so, the ultimate impact on our business. To the extent that such changes have a negative impact on us, our suppliers or our customers, including as a result of related uncertainty, these changes may materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows.
In addition, as we expand our business internationally, the application and implementation of existing, new or future international laws regarding indirect taxes (such as a Value Added Tax) could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
The applicability of sales, use and other tax laws or regulations on our business is uncertain. Adverse tax laws or regulations could be enacted or existing laws could be applied to us or our customers, which could subject us to additional tax liabilities and related interest and penalties, increase the costs of our products and adversely impact our business.
State, local and foreign tax jurisdictions have differing rules and regulations governing sales, use, value-added and other taxes, and these rules and regulations can be complex and are subject to varying interpretations that may change over time. Existing tax laws, statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances could be interpreted, changed, modified, or applied adversely to us (possibly with retroactive effect).
One or more states, countries or other jurisdictions may seek to impose sales, use, value added or other tax collection obligations on us, including for past sales. A successful assertion by a state, country or other jurisdiction that we should have been or should be collecting additional sales, use, value added or other taxes on our products could, among other things, result in substantial tax liabilities for past sales, create significant administrative burdens for us, or otherwise harm our business, results of operations, and financial condition.
Our ability to use our net operating loss carryforwards and certain other tax attributes may be limited.
We have incurred substantial net operating losses (“NOLs”) since inception, and we may not achieve profitability in the future. U.S. federal and certain state NOLs generated in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017 are not subject to expiration. U.S. federal NOLs generally may not be carried back to prior taxable years except that, under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, U.S. federal NOLs generated in 2018, 2019 and 2020 may be carried back to each of the five taxable years preceding the taxable year in which the loss arises. Additionally, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2020, the deductibility of U.S. federal NOLs is limited to 80% of our taxable income in such taxable year. NOLs generated in tax years before 2018 may still be used to offset future taxable income without regard to the 80% limitation, although they have the

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potential to expire without being utilized if we do not achieve profitability in the future. However, under the rules of Sections 382 and 383 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), if a corporation undergoes an “ownership change,” generally defined as a greater than 50 percentage point change (by value) in its equity ownership over a rolling three-year period, the corporation’s ability to use its
NOLs and other
tax attributes to offset its post-change taxable income or taxes may be limited. The applicable rules generally operate by focusing on changes in ownership among stockholders considered by the rules as owning, directly or indirectly, 5% or more of the stock of a corporation, as well as changes in ownership arising from new issuances of stock by the corporation. If finalized, Treasury Regulations currently proposed under Section 382 of the Code may further limit our ability to utilize our
NOLs or other
tax attributes if we undergo a future ownership change. We could experience one or more ownership changes in the future, including in connection with this Business Combination and as a result of future changes in our stock ownership, some of which may be outside our control. As a result, if we earn net taxable income, our ability to use our
NOL carryforwards to offset post-change taxable income may be subject to limitations. For these reasons, we may not be able to utilize a material portion of our NOLs and other tax attributes, which could adversely affect our future cash flows.
We have identified material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting and we may identify additional material weaknesses in the future or otherwise fail to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting, which may result in material misstatements of our consolidated financial statements or cause us to fail to meet our periodic reporting obligations or cause our access to the capital markets to be impaired.
In connection with the reissuance of our consolidated financial statements as of and for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, we identified material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting. The identified material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting continued to exist as of December 31, 2020 and June 30, 2021.
We did not design and maintain an effective control environment commensurate with our financial reporting requirements. Specifically, we did not maintain a sufficient complement of personnel with an appropriate degree of internal controls and accounting knowledge, experience, and training commensurate with our accounting and financial reporting requirements. This material weakness contributed to the following additional material weaknesses:
We did not design and maintain effective controls over the segregation of duties related to journal entries. Specifically, certain personnel have the ability to both create and post journal entries within the Company’s general ledger system. This material weakness did not result in any adjustments to the consolidated financial statements.
We did not design and maintain effective controls over the accounting for convertible preferred stock and warrant arrangements. Further, we did not design and maintain effective controls to verify the completeness and accuracy of sales returns and accrued sales tax. Each of these material weaknesses resulted in material adjustments to several account balances and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2019.
We did not design and maintain effective controls over IT general controls for information systems that are relevant to the preparation of our consolidated financial statements. Specifically, we did not design and maintain (i) program change management controls to ensure that IT program and data changes affecting financial IT applications and underlying accounting records are identified, tested, authorized and implemented appropriately, (ii) user access controls to ensure appropriate segregation of duties and that adequately restrict user and privileged access to financial applications, programs, and data to appropriate Company personnel, (iii) computer operations controls to ensure that critical batch jobs are monitored, and data backups are authorized and monitored, and (iv) testing and approval controls for program development to ensure that new software development is aligned with business and IT requirements. This material weakness did not result in any adjustments to the consolidated financial statements.

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Additionally, each of the material weaknesses described above could result in a misstatement of one or more account balances or disclosures that would result in a material misstatement to the annual or interim consolidated financial statements that would not be prevented or detected.
We have not begun an implementation plan to remediate these material weaknesses. Once we begin an implementation plan, the remediation measures will be ongoing, and although not all inclusive, we expect the remediation measures to include hiring additional accounting and financial reporting personnel and implementing additional policies, procedures and controls, all of which will result in future costs for the Company.
To address these material weaknesses, we plan to take actions to improve our IT general controls, segregation of duties controls,
financial reporting controls, and journal entry controls. However, the material weaknesses will not be considered remediated until our remediation plan has been fully implemented, the applicable controls operate for a sufficient period of time, and we have concluded, through testing, that the newly implemented and enhanced controls are operating effectively. At this time, we cannot predict the success of such efforts or the outcome of our assessment of the remediation efforts. Our efforts may not remediate these material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting, or that additional material weaknesses will not be identified in the future. Our failure to implement and maintain effective internal control over financial reporting could result in errors in our consolidated financial statements that could result in a restatement of our consolidated financial statements, and could cause us to fail to meet our reporting obligations, any of which could diminish investor confidence in us and cause a decline in the price of our common stock. Additionally, ineffective internal controls could expose us to an increased risk of financial reporting fraud and the misappropriation of assets and subject us to potential delisting from the stock exchange on which we list or to other regulatory investigations and civil or criminal sanctions.
Additionally, on April 12, 2021, the staff of the SEC issued a statement regarding the accounting and reporting considerations for Warrants issued by special purpose acquisition companies entitled “Staff Statement on Accounting and Reporting Considerations for Warrants Issued by Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (“SPACs”)” (the “SEC Statement”). Following the issuance of the SEC Statement, SBG concluded that it was appropriate to restate its previously issued audited financial statements as of and for the period ended December 31, 2020, and as part of such process, SBG identified a material weakness in its internal control over financial reporting. SBG’s management implemented changes in internal control over financial reporting during second quarter of 2021 designed to remediate a material weakness solely related to the presentation of the Company’s warrants as equity instead of liability. We will continue to expend a substantial amount of effort and resources, to identify and appropriately apply applicable accounting requirements to better evaluate and understand the nuances of the complex accounting standards that apply to our financial statements. Our plans also include increasing communication among our personnel and third-party professionals with whom we consult regarding complex accounting applications. The elements of our remediation plan can only be accomplished over time, and we can offer no assurance that these initiatives will ultimately have the intended effects.
As a public company, we will be required pursuant to Section 404(a) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to furnish a report by management on, among other things, the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting for each annual report on Form
to be filed with the SEC. This assessment will need to include disclosure of any material weaknesses identified by our management in internal control over financial reporting. Once we cease to be an emerging growth company, our independent registered public accounting firm will also be required, pursuant to Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, to attest to the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting in each annual report on Form
to be filed with the SEC. We will be required to disclose material changes made in our internal control over financial reporting on a quarterly basis. Failure to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act could potentially subject us to sanctions or investigations by the SEC, the stock exchange on which our securities are listed or other regulatory authorities, which would require additional financial and management resources. We have begun the costly and challenging process of compiling the system and processing documentation necessary to perform the evaluation needed to comply with Section 404, but we may not be able to complete our evaluation, testing and any required remediation in a timely fashion.
Risks Related to Regulation of Our Industry and Products
We are required to obtain and maintain marketing authorizations from the FDA for medical device products in the U.S., which can be a lengthy and time-consuming process, and a failure to do so on a timely basis, or at all, could severely harm our business.
We are developing certain products, including the Owlet BabySat and Owlet OTC Smart Sock, that we believe are regulated as medical devices. Certain other products we are developing, such as the Owlet Band, may also be regulated as medical devices depending on their intended use. We currently sell the Owlet Smart Sock, which we

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market for use by parents of healthy babies to provide peace of mind, and for which we have not sought or obtained any marketing authorization from the FDA or similar marketing authorizations or certifications from any other governmental authority. In response to inquiries from the FDA and regulatory authorities in other jurisdictions regarding the marketing of the Owlet Smart Sock, we have communicated our belief that the Owlet Smart Sock is not a medical device and does not require marketing authorization from the FDA or similar clearance, approval, certification, or other authorization from such other regulatory authorities. However, the FDA and other regulatory authorities have expressed they do not agree with that conclusion and could require us to obtain such marketing authorization, clearance, approval, and/or certification to continue to sell the product.
Medical devices are subject to extensive regulation in the United States by local government, state government and the federal government, including by the FDA. The FDA regulates virtually all aspects of a medical device’s design, development, testing, manufacturing, labeling, storage, record keeping, reporting, sale, promotion, distribution and shipping. In the United States, unless an exemption applies, any medical device that we seek to market in the U.S. must first undergo the FDA’s premarket review pursuant to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”), and must receive the FDA’s marketing authorization either via clearance of a 510(k) premarket notification,
de novo
classification, or approval of a premarket approval (“
”) application, depending on the type of device. In the 510(k) clearance process, before a device may be marketed, the FDA must determine that a proposed device is “substantially equivalent” to a legally-marketed “predicate” device. To be “substantially equivalent,” the proposed device must have the same intended use as the predicate device, and either have the same technological characteristics as the predicate device or have different technological characteristics and not raise different questions of safety or effectiveness than the predicate device. Clinical data are sometimes required to support substantial equivalence.
In the PMA process, the FDA must determine that a proposed device is safe and effective for its intended use based, in part, on extensive data, including, but not limited to, technical,
clinical trial, manufacturing and labeling data. The PMA process is typically required for devices that are deemed to pose the greatest risk, such as life-sustaining, life-supporting or implantable devices. However, some devices are automatically subject to the PMA pathway regardless of the level of risk they pose because they have not previously been classified into a lower risk class by the FDA. Manufacturers of these devices may request that the FDA review such devices in accordance with the
de novo
classification procedure, which allows a manufacturer whose novel device would otherwise require the submission and approval of a PMA prior to marketing to request down-classification of the device on the basis that the device presents low or moderate risk. If the FDA agrees with the down classification, the applicant will then receive authorization to market the device. This device can then be used as a predicate device for future 510(k) submissions.
Modifications to products that are approved through a PMA application may require FDA approval. Similarly, certain modifications made to products cleared through a 510(k) premarket notification or de novo classification may require a new 510(k) clearance. The PMA approval, de novo classification, and the 510(k) clearance process can be expensive, lengthy and uncertain. The FDA’s 510(k) clearance process usually takes from three to 12 months, but can last longer. The process of obtaining a PMA is much more costly and uncertain than the 510(k) clearance process and generally takes from one to three years, or even longer, from the time the application is filed with the FDA. In addition, a PMA and
de novo
classification generally require the performance of one or more clinical trials, and a 510(k) clearance sometimes requires clinical data to support clearance. Despite the time, effort and cost, any particular device may not be authorized for marketing by the FDA. Any delay or failure to obtain necessary marketing authorizations could harm our business.
Even if marketing authorization is granted, such marketing authorization may be limited to only certain indications for use. Medical devices may be marketed only for the indications of use for which they are authorized. Additionally, the FDA might not grant marketing authorizations on a timely basis, if at all, for products or new uses of existing products that are regulated as medical devices and that are determined to require such marketing authorization. In addition, even if FDA marketing authorization is obtained, if safety or effectiveness problems are later identified with any medical device products, we may need to initiate a product recall.
To support any submissions to the FDA seeking marketing authorizations, we may be required to conduct clinical testing of our product candidates. Such clinical testing must be conducted in compliance with FDA requirements pertaining to research with human subjects. Among other requirements, we must obtain informed

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consent from study subjects and approval by institutional review boards (“IRB”) before such studies may begin. We must also comply with other FDA requirements such as monitoring, record-keeping, reporting and the submission of information regarding certain clinical trials to a public database maintained by the National Institutes of Health. In addition, if the study involves a significant risk device, we are required to obtain the FDA’s approval of the study under an Investigational Device Exemption (“IDE”). Compliance with these requirements can require significant time and resources. If the FDA determines that we have not complied with such requirements, the FDA may refuse to consider the data to support our submissions seeking marketing authorization or may initiate enforcement actions.
Moreover, clinical testing is expensive and can take many years to complete, and its outcome is inherently uncertain. Failure can occur at any time during the clinical trial process. The results of preclinical studies and early clinical trials may not be predictive of the results of later-stage clinical trials. Product candidates in later stages of clinical trials may fail to show the desired safety and efficacy traits despite having progressed through preclinical studies and initial clinical trials. A number of companies have suffered significant setbacks in advanced clinical trials due to lack of efficacy or adverse safety profiles, notwithstanding promising results in earlier trials. Our future clinical trial results may not be successful. We may also be delayed in our clinical trials, including as related to, among other things: obtaining authorization to initiate clinical trials; reaching agreement on acceptable terms with vendors, clinical trial sites, and contract research organizations; obtaining IRB approvals, recruiting subjects and having them complete the study; experiencing deviations from clinical trial protocols; and adding new clinical sites. We could encounter delays if a clinical trial is suspended or terminated due to a number of factors, including failure to conduct the clinical trial in accordance with regulatory requirements or our clinical protocols, inspection of the clinical trial operations or trial site by the FDA or other regulatory authorities resulting in the imposition of a clinical hold, unforeseen safety issues or adverse side effects, failure to demonstrate a benefit from using a drug, changes in governmental regulations or administrative actions or lack of adequate funding to continue the clinical trial. If we experience delays in the completion of, or termination of, any clinical trial of our medical device products we seek to develop, the commercial prospects of our proposed products will be harmed, and our ability to generate product revenues from any of these products will be delayed. In addition, any delays in completing our clinical trials will increase our costs, slow down our product development and jeopardize our ability to generate product sales and revenues.
The FDA’s interpretations of its laws and regulations are subject to change. If the FDA changes its policy or concludes that the marketing of any of our products is not in accordance with current policies, regulations or statutory requirements, or if the FDA changes its applicable policies or if changes are introduced to applicable laws or regulations, we may be required to seek clearance or approval for these products through the 510(k),
de novo
classification or PMA processes, may not be permitted to continue marketing these products until marketing authorization is obtained, or may be the subject of regulatory enforcement actions.
We have relied and expect to continue to rely on third parties to conduct our nonclinical and clinical studies and perform other tasks for us. If these third parties do not successfully carry out their contractual duties, meet expected deadlines, or comply with regulatory requirements, we may not be able to obtain marketing authorization or other required certifications to commercialize our medical device products and our business could be substantially harmed.
We have relied upon and plan to continue to rely upon third parties for execution of our nonclinical and clinical studies, and we control only certain aspects of their activities. Nevertheless, we are responsible for ensuring that each of our studies is conducted in accordance with the applicable protocol, legal, regulatory, and scientific standards and our reliance on third parties does not relieve us of our regulatory responsibilities. We and our third party contractors may be required to comply with Good Clinical Practice requirements, or GCPs, and Good Laboratory Practice requirements, or GLPs, which are regulations and guidelines enforced by the FDA and other regulatory authorities for the conduct of certain clinical and nonclinical studies, respectively. Regulatory authorities enforce these regulations through periodic inspections of study sponsors, principal investigators, study sites, and other contractors. If we or any of our third party contractors fail to comply with applicable regulations, the data generated in our studies may be deemed unreliable and the FDA and other regulatory authorities may require us to perform additional nonclinical and clinical studies before issuing any marketing authorizations or other certifications for any medical device products we seek to market. Upon inspection by a given regulatory authority, such regulatory authority may determine that our clinical studies do not comply with GCP regulations. Our or our third party contractors’ failure to comply with these regulations may require us to repeat clinical studies, which would delay or prevent any required marketing authorization or similar certification from being granted.

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If any of our relationships with these third parties terminate, we may not be able to enter into arrangements with alternative third parties or do so on commercially reasonable terms. In addition, our contractors are not our employees, and except for remedies available to us under our agreements with them, we cannot control whether or not they devote sufficient time and resources to our development programs. If these third parties do not successfully carry out their contractual duties or obligations or meet expected deadlines, if they need to be replaced or if the quality or accuracy of the data they obtain is compromised due to the failure to adhere to our protocols, regulatory requirements, or for other reasons, our studies may be extended, delayed, or terminated and we may not be able to obtain marketing authorizations or other required certifications to successfully commercialize our proposed medical device products. Third parties may also generate higher costs than anticipated. As a result, our results of operations and the commercial prospects for our proposed products would be harmed, our costs could increase, and our ability to generate revenue could be delayed.
We rely on third parties to manufacture our products. Failure of those third parties to provide us with sufficient quantities of our products, in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements, or to do so at acceptable quality levels or prices could adversely impact our business.
We do not currently have nor do we plan to acquire the infrastructure or capability internally to completely manufacture our commercial products or our development-stage products, and we lack the resources and the capability to manufacture any of our current or future products in the future. We do not control the manufacturing process of, and are completely dependent on, our contract manufacturing partners for compliance with applicable regulatory requirements for any medical device products we seek to market. For example, the FDA requires adherence to current good manufacturing practice requirements for medical devices, known as the Quality System Regulation, or QSR. If our contract manufacturers cannot successfully manufacture material that conforms to our specifications and the strict regulatory requirements of the FDA or others, our products may not be able to be lawfully marketed. In addition, we have no control over the ability of our contract manufacturers to maintain adequate quality control, quality assurance and qualified personnel. If the FDA or a comparable foreign regulatory authority does not consider these facilities adequate for the manufacture of our products, we may need to find alternative manufacturing facilities, which would significantly impact our ability to develop, obtain marketing authorization or similar certification for or to market any medical device products we may seek to develop and commercialize.
We rely on third-party manufacturers to purchase from third-party suppliers the materials necessary to produce our products. There are a limited number of suppliers for raw materials that are used in the manufacture of our products and that we anticipate will be able to supply materials for the production of our future products, and there may be a need to assess alternate suppliers to prevent a possible disruption of the manufacture of the materials. We do not have any control over the process or timing of the acquisition of these raw materials by our manufacturers. If our manufacturers or we are unable to purchase these raw materials, the commercial launch of any medical device products we may seek to develop would be delayed or there would be a shortage in supply, which would impair our ability to generate revenues from the sale of such products, if authorized for marketing.
We expect to continue to depend on third-party contract manufacturers for the foreseeable future. We have not entered into long-term agreements with our current contract manufacturers or with any alternate suppliers, and we may be unable to enter into such an agreement or do so on commercially reasonable terms.
Regulatory reforms may impact our ability to develop and commercialize our products and services and technologies.
From time to time, legislation is drafted and introduced that could significantly change the regulatory frameworks governing our products and services.
In addition, regulations and guidance are often revised or reinterpreted by the government agency in ways that may significantly affect our business or products and services. We cannot predict the impact on our business of any legislation, regulations, or reinterpretations thereof that may be enacted or adopted in the future. However, future regulatory changes could make it more difficult for us to obtain or maintain any necessary marketing authorization for our products and services, or to develop and commercialize future medical devices and technologies.

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We may be required to obtain and maintain regulatory authorizations, including clearances or approvals, or other certifications in order to commercialize our products in international markets. Failure to obtain such regulatory authorizations or certifications in relevant foreign jurisdictions may prevent us from marketing medical device products abroad.
We currently market and intend to continue to market our products and services internationally. We expect certain of our pipeline products to be regulated as medical devices, and we have received communications from certain regulatory authorities inquiring as to the regulatory status of our Owlet Smart Sock, and whether such product is regulated as a medical device in such jurisdictions. Outside of the U.S., we can generally market a medical device only if we receive a certification by an independent regulatory body (in the European Economic Area (“EEA”)) or a marketing authorization from other foreign regulatory authorities (and meet certain
requirements) and, in some cases, pricing approval, from the appropriate regulatory authorities. The path to market varies among international jurisdictions and may require additional or different product testing than required to obtain FDA marketing authorization. We may be unable to obtain foreign certifications or marketing authorizations on a timely basis, if at all, and we may also incur significant costs in attempting to obtain foreign certifications or marketing authorizations.
In addition, marketing authorization by the FDA does not ensure marketing authorization, including clearance or approval, or other certification by foreign regulatory authorities. However, a failure to obtain such marketing authorization by the FDA may have a negative impact on our ability to obtain any necessary marketing authorizations, including clearances or approvals, or similar certifications in foreign jurisdictions. Moreover, certifications or marketing authorizations from one foreign regulatory authority does not ensure certification or marketing authorization by any other foreign regulatory authority or by the FDA. If we fail to receive necessary certifications or marketing authorizations to commercialize our products in foreign jurisdictions on a timely basis, or at all, or if we later lose such certifications or marketing authorizations, our business, financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected. Furthermore, foreign regulatory requirements may change from time to time, which could adversely affect our ability to market new products and services, or continue to market existing products and services, internationally.
Promotion of any medical devices using claims that are
unsubstantiated, false or misleading could subject us to substantial penalties.
Obtaining FDA marketing authorization would permit us to promote the subject medical device only for the specific use(s) cleared or approved by the FDA. Use of a medical device outside its cleared or approved indications is known as
use. Although physicians may use any medical devices we market
because the FDA does not restrict or regulate a physician’s choice of treatment within the practice of medicine, we are prohibited from marketing or promoting any medical devices for
use. While we may pursue FDA marketing authorizations for certain indications for any medical devices we seek to market, the FDA may deny those requests, require additional expensive clinical data to support any additional indications or impose limitations on the intended use of any authorized product as a condition of marketing authorization. If the FDA determines that our products were promoted for
use, or that false, misleading or inadequately substantiated promotional claims have been made by us or our commercial partners, it could request that we or our commercial partners modify those promotional materials or take regulatory or enforcement actions, including the issuance of an untitled letter or warning letter, injunction, seizure, civil fine and criminal penalties. While certain U.S. courts have held that truthful,
information is protected under the First Amendment under certain circumstances, the FDA continues to take the position that
promotion is subject to enforcement action.
It is also possible that other federal, state or foreign enforcement authorities may take action if they consider our communications, including promotional or training materials, to constitute promotion of an uncleared, uncertified or unapproved use of a medical device. If not successfully defended, enforcement actions related to
promotion could result in significant fines or penalties under other statutory authorities, such as laws prohibiting false claims for reimbursement. In any such event, our reputation could be damaged, adoption of our products could be impaired and we could be subject to extensive fines and penalties.

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Additionally, we must have adequate substantiation for the claims we make for our products and services. If any of our claims are determined to be false, misleading or deceptive, our products and services could be considered misbranded under the FDCA or in violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act. We could also face lawsuits from our competitors under the Lanham Act alleging that our marketing materials are false or misleading.
Foreign jurisdictions have their own laws and regulations concerning medical device marketing authorizations and certifications, including communications, claims and promotional or training materials surrounding those medical devices. Failure to comply with those laws and regulations could result in actions against us, including fines, penalties and exclusion from the market. Any such actions could adversely affect our ability to market new products and services or continue to market existing products and services in those jurisdictions.
If we or our suppliers fail to comply with ongoing regulatory requirements, or if we experience unanticipated problems with our products and services, these products and services could be subject to restrictions or withdrawal from the market. Our actual or perceived failure to comply with such obligations could harm our business, and changes in such regulations or laws could require us to modify our products and services or marketing or advertising efforts.
Our products and services, along with the manufacturing processes, labeling and promotional activities for our products and services, may be subject to continual review by the FDA, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (“CPSC”) or other regulatory bodies, including their counterparts in international jurisdictions, depending on the product and whether such product is a medical device.
Failure by us or one of our suppliers to comply with statutes and regulations administered by any of these regulatory bodies that are applicable to any medical devices we market, or with any applicable statutes and regulations administered by other regulatory bodies, could result in, among other things, any of the following:
warning letters or untitled letters issued by the FDA or FTC and their counterparts in international jurisdictions;
litigation, fines, civil penalties, in rem forfeiture proceedings, injunctions, consent decrees and criminal prosecution;
import alerts and holds;
unanticipated expenditures to address or defend such actions;
delays in clearing or approving, or refusal to clear or approve, our products, where applicable;
withdrawals or suspensions of clearance or approval of our products or those of our third-party suppliers by the FDA or other regulatory bodies, where applicable;
product recalls or seizures;
adverse publicity;
orders for device repair, replacement or refund;

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interruptions of production or inability to export to certain foreign countries; and
operating restrictions.
If any of these items were to occur, it would harm our reputation and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Changes in and failures to comply with U.S. and foreign privacy and data protection laws, regulations and standards may adversely affect our business, operations and financial performance.
The global data protection landscape is rapidly evolving, and we are or may become subject to numerous state, federal and foreign laws, requirements and regulations governing the collection, use, disclosure, retention, and security of health-related and other personal information, including information we collect about children and infants, their parents and other consumers who purchase our products and services, as well as information that we may now or in the future collect in connection with clinical trials in the U.S. and abroad. Implementation standards and enforcement practices are likely to remain uncertain for the foreseeable future, and we cannot yet determine the impact future laws, regulations, standards, or perception of their requirements may have on our business. This evolution may create uncertainty in our business, affect our ability to operate in certain jurisdictions or to collect, store, transfer, use and share personal information, necessitate the acceptance of more onerous obligations in our contracts, result in liability or impose additional costs on us. The cost of compliance with these laws, regulations and standards is high and is likely to increase in the future. Any failure or perceived failure by us to comply with federal, state or foreign laws or regulations, our internal policies and procedures, or our contracts governing our processing of personal information could result in negative publicity, government investigations and enforcement actions, claims by third parties and damage to our reputation, any of which could have a material adverse effect on our operations, financial performance and business.
As our operations and business grow, we may become subject to or affected by new or additional data protection laws and regulations and face increased scrutiny or attention from regulatory authorities. In the U.S., the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) imposes, among other things, certain standards relating to the privacy, security, transmission and breach reporting of individually identifiable health information.
Certain states have also adopted comparable privacy and security laws and regulations, some of which may be more stringent than HIPAA. Such laws and regulations will be subject to interpretation by various courts and other governmental authorities, thus creating potentially complex compliance issues for us and our future customers and strategic partners.
In addition, California enacted the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) on June 28, 2018, which took effect on January 1, 2020. The CCPA creates individual privacy rights for California consumers and increases the privacy and security obligations of entities handling certain personal data. The CCPA provides for civil penalties for violations, as well as a private right of action for data breaches that is expected to increase data breach litigation. The CCPA may increase our compliance costs and potential liability, and many similar laws have been proposed at the federal level and in other states. Further, the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”) recently passed in California. The CPRA will impose additional data protection obligations on covered businesses, including additional consumer rights processes, limitations on data uses, new audit requirements for higher risk data, and opt outs for certain uses of sensitive data. It will also create a new California data protection agency authorized to issue substantive regulations and could result in increased privacy and information security enforcement. The majority of the provisions will go into effect on January 1, 2023, and additional compliance investment and potential business process changes may be required. In the event that we are subject to or affected by HIPAA, the CCPA, the CPRA or other domestic privacy and data protection laws, any liability from failure to comply with the requirements of these laws could adversely affect our financial condition.
We are also or may become subject to rapidly evolving data protection laws, rules and regulations in foreign jurisdictions. For example, the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) went into effect in May 2018 and imposes strict requirements for processing the personal data of individuals within the EEA. The

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GDPR imposes strict obligations on the ability to process health-related and other personal data of individuals within the EEA, including in relation to use, collection, analysis, and transfer (including cross-border transfer) of such personal data. The law is also developing rapidly and, in July 2020, the Court of Justice of the EU (“CJEU”) limited how organizations could lawfully transfer personal data from the EEA to the U.S. While the CJEU upheld the adequacy of the standard contractual clauses (a standard form of contract approved by the European Commission as an adequate personal data transfer mechanism), it made clear that reliance on them alone may not necessarily be sufficient in all circumstances. Use of the standard contractual clauses must now be assessed on a
basis taking into account the legal regime applicable in the destination country, in particular applicable surveillance laws and rights of individuals and additional measures and/or contractual provisions may need to be put in place, however, the nature of these additional measures is currently uncertain. The CJEU went on to state that if a competent supervisory authority believes that the standard contractual clauses cannot be complied with in the destination country and the required level of protection cannot be secured by other means, such supervisory authority is under an obligation to suspend or prohibit that transfer. The European Commission has published revised standard contractual clauses for data transfers from the EEA: the revised clauses must be used for relevant new data transfers from September 27, 2021; existing standard contractual clauses arrangements must be migrated to the revised clauses by December 27, 2022. We will be required to implement the revised standard contractual clauses, in relation to relevant existing contracts and certain additional contracts and arrangements, within the relevant time frames. There is some uncertainty around whether the revised clauses can be used for all types of data transfers, particularly whether they can be relied on for data transfers to
entities subject to the GDPR.
In addition, EU and EEA Member States may impose further obligations relating to the processing of genetic, biometric or health data, which could further add to our compliance costs and limit how we process this information. Companies that must comply with the GDPR face increased compliance obligations and risk, including more robust regulatory enforcement of data protection requirements and potential fines for noncompliance of up to €20 million or 4% of the annual global revenues of the noncompliant company, whichever is greater. Further, from January 1, 2021, we have to comply with the GDPR and also the UK GDPR (“UK GDPR”), which, together with the amended United Kingdom Data Protection Act 2018, retains the GDPR in UK national law. The UK GDPR mirrors the fines under the GDPR, e.g. fines up to the greater of €20 million (£17.5 million) or 4% of global turnover. The European Commission has adopted an adequacy decision in favor of the UK, enabling data transfers from EU member states to the UK without additional safeguards. However, the UK adequacy decision will automatically expire in June 2025 unless the European Commission
and renews/extends that decision, and remains under review by the Commission during this period. The relationship between the UK and the EU in relation to certain aspects of data protection law remains unclear, and it is unclear how UK data protection laws and regulations will develop in the medium to longer term, and how data transfers to and from the UK will be regulated in the long term. Furthermore, other international jurisdictions, including Singapore, South Korea, China, Brazil, Mexico and Australia, have also implemented laws relating to data privacy and protection.
Although we work to comply with applicable laws, regulations and standards, our contractual obligations and other legal obligations, these requirements are evolving and may be modified, interpreted and applied in an inconsistent manner from one jurisdiction to another, and may conflict with one another or other legal obligations with which we must comply. Any failure or perceived failure by us or our employees, representatives, contractors, consultants, collaborators, or other third parties to comply with such requirements or adequately address privacy and security concerns, even if unfounded, could result in additional cost and liability to us, damage our reputation, and adversely affect our business and results of operations.
To the extent we market any medical devices or other healthcare products and services, our relationships with customers, physicians and third-party payors may be subject, directly or indirectly, to federal and state healthcare fraud and abuse laws, false claims laws, and other healthcare laws and regulations. If we or our employees, independent contractors, consultants, commercial partners, or vendors violate these laws, we could face substantial penalties.
To the extent we market any medical devices or other healthcare products and services, our relationships with customers, physicians, and third-party payors may be subject, directly or indirectly, to federal and state healthcare fraud and abuse laws, false claims laws, and other healthcare laws and regulations. These laws may impact, among other things, our proposed and future sales, marketing, and education programs. In particular, the promotion, sales and marketing of healthcare items and services is subject to extensive laws and regulations designed to prevent

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fraud, kickbacks, self-dealing, and other abusive practices. These laws and regulations may restrict or prohibit a wide range of pricing, discounting, marketing and promotion, sales commission, customer incentive, and other business arrangements. We may also be subject to federal, state and foreign laws governing the privacy and security of identifiable patient information. The U.S. healthcare laws and regulations that may affect our ability to operate include, but are not limited to:
the federal Anti-Kickback Statute, which prohibits, among other things, any person or entity from knowingly and willfully offering, paying, soliciting or receiving any remuneration, directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly, in cash or in kind, to induce, or in return for, the purchasing, leasing, ordering or arranging for the purchase, lease, or order of any item or service reimbursable under Medicare, Medicaid or other federal healthcare programs. The term “remuneration” has been broadly interpreted to include anything of value. A person or entity does not have to have actual knowledge of this statute or specific intent to violate it to have committed a violation;
federal civil and criminal false claims laws, including the federal civil False Claims Act, and civil monetary penalty laws, which prohibit, among other things, individuals or entities from knowingly presenting, or causing to be presented, claims for payment or approval from Medicare, Medicaid, or other federal government programs that are false or fraudulent or knowingly making a false statement to improperly avoid, decrease or conceal an obligation to pay money to the federal government, including federal healthcare programs. In addition, the government may assert that claim includes items or services resulting from a violation of the federal Anti-Kickback Statute constitutes a false or fraudulent claim for purposes of the false claims statute;
HIPAA, which created new federal civil and criminal statutes that prohibit knowingly and willfully executing, or attempting to execute, a scheme to defraud any healthcare benefit program or obtain, by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, any of the money or property owned by, or under the custody or control of, any healthcare benefit program, including private third-party payors and knowingly and willfully falsifying, concealing or covering up by any trick, scheme or device, a material fact or making any materially false, fictitious or fraudulent statements in connection with the delivery of, or payment for, healthcare benefits, items or services. Similar to the federal Anti-Kickback Statute, a person or entity does not have to have actual knowledge of this statute or specific intent to violate it to have committed a violation;
the federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which requires certain manufacturers of drugs, devices, biologicals and medical supplies for which payment is available under Medicare, Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (with certain exceptions) to report annually to CMS information related to payments or other transfers of value made to physicians, as defined by such law, certain other healthcare providers beginning in 2022 and teaching hospitals, as well as ownership and investment interests held by physicians and their immediate family members;
federal consumer protection and unfair competition laws, which broadly regulate marketplace activities and activities that potentially harm consumers; and
state and foreign equivalents of each of the healthcare laws described above, some of which may be broader in scope.
Because of the breadth of these laws and the narrowness of the statutory exceptions and regulatory safe harbors available, it is possible that some of our business activities, or any arrangements with physicians, could be subject to challenge under one or more of such laws. It is not always possible to identify and deter employee misconduct or business noncompliance, and the precautions we take to detect and prevent inappropriate conduct may not be effective in controlling unknown or unmanaged risks or losses or in protecting us from governmental investigations

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or other actions or lawsuits stemming from a failure to be in compliance with such laws or regulations. Efforts to ensure that our business arrangements will comply with applicable healthcare laws may involve substantial costs. It is possible that governmental and enforcement authorities will conclude that our business practices may not comply with current or future statutes, regulations or case law interpreting applicable fraud and abuse or other healthcare laws and regulations. If we or our employees, independent contractors, consultants, commercial partners and vendors violate these laws, we may be subject to investigations, enforcement actions or significant penalties, including the imposition of significant civil, criminal and administrative penalties, damages, disgorgement, monetary fines, imprisonment, possible exclusion from participation in Medicare, Medicaid and other federal healthcare programs, contractual damages, reputational harm, diminished profits and future earnings, additional reporting requirements or oversight if we become subject to a corporate integrity agreement or similar agreement to resolve allegations of
with these laws, and curtailment of our operations, any of which could adversely affect our ability to operate our business and our results of operations. In addition, any regulatory approvals (as applicable) and commercialization of our products outside the United States will also likely subject us to foreign equivalents of the healthcare laws mentioned above, among other foreign laws. Any action against us for violation of these laws, even if we successfully defend against such action, could cause us to incur significant legal expenses and divert our management’s attention from the operation of our business.
Expanding our commercial strategy based on third-party payor coverage and reimbursement may not be successful and will subject us to new risks, including, without limitation, changes in third-party payor coding, coverage and reimbursement rates for our products that obtain FDA authorization which could affect the adoption of such products and negatively impact our future revenue.
With respect to our current products, including the Owlet Smart Sock, Owlet Cam and Owlet Dream Lab, we utilize a
model where consumers purchase our products directly from us or one of our retailers. Currently, these products are not covered or reimbursed by any third-party payor. We are actively developing a strategy to enable healthcare providers to obtain reimbursement for products for which we successfully obtain FDA authorization, including the Owlet BabySat, or the services associated with such products. However, this new strategy may not be successful as payors may refuse to provide coverage and reimbursement for these products even if we obtain FDA authorization.
In the United States, healthcare providers who may purchase these products generally rely on third-party payors, including Medicare, Medicaid and private health insurance plans, to pay for all or a portion of the cost of our products. To contain costs of new technologies, governmental healthcare programs and third-party payors are increasingly scrutinizing new and existing medical devices by requiring extensive evidence of favorable clinical outcomes. To the extent we market any medical devices, are successful in obtaining FDA marketing authorization to the extent applicable, and third-party payors determine that our products are medically necessary and clinically effective, the resulting reimbursement payment rates might not be adequate or may require
that patients find unacceptably high. Third-party payors regularly update reimbursement amounts and may also revise the methodologies from time to time used to determine reimbursement amounts. This includes routine updates to payments to physicians for services provided. These updates could directly impact the demand for our products. Although we believe that healthcare providers may be able to bill third-party payors using existing Current Procedural Terminology (“CPT”) codes for the remote monitoring of patients using products for which we obtain FDA authorization, including the initial
and patient education on the use of such products, their inability to obtain adequate reimbursement from third-party payors may adversely affect our business.
In addition, foreign jurisdictions have their own unique healthcare systems and regulation regimes that differ substantially from the U.S. and other international markets. Successfully navigating those regimes will require significant resources and may ultimately be unsuccessful. As a result, our financial performance could be harmed, our costs could increase, and our ability to generate revenue could be delayed.
Given the evolving nature of the healthcare industry and
healthcare cost reforms, the likelihood of success of our new commercial strategy is, and will continue to be, subject to changes in the level of third-party payor coverage and reimbursement for these products and services.

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Legislative and regulatory changes in the healthcare industry could have a negative impact on our financial performance. Furthermore, our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows could be significantly and adversely affected by healthcare reform legislation in the U.S. or in potential key international markets.
Changes in the healthcare industry in the U.S. and abroad could adversely affect the demand for our potential medical devices and the way in which we conduct our business. For example, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (collectively, the “
”), enacted in 2010, required most individuals to have health insurance, established new regulations on health plans, created insurance-pooling mechanisms and reduced Medicare spending on services provided by hospitals and other providers. Since its enactment, there have been legislative, executive and judicial challenges to certain aspects of the ACA. On June 17, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed the most recent judicial challenge to the ACA brought by several states without specifically ruling on the constitutionality of the ACA. Prior to the Supreme Court’s decision, President Biden issued an executive order initiating a special enrollment period from February 15, 2021 through August 15, 2021 for purposes of obtaining health insurance coverage through the ACA marketplace. The executive order also instructed certain governmental agencies to review and reconsider their existing policies and rules that limit access to healthcare. It is unclear how healthcare reform measures enacted by Congress or implemented by the Biden administration or other challenges to the ACA, if any, will impact the ACA or our business.
Any medical devices we market and related business activities would be subject to rigorous regulation by the FDA and other federal, state and international governmental authorities. These authorities and members of Congress have been increasing their scrutiny over the medical device industry. In recent years, Congress, the Department of Justice, the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Defense have issued subpoenas and other requests for information to medical device manufacturers, primarily related to financial arrangements with healthcare providers, regulatory compliance and marketing and product promotional practices. Furthermore, certain state governments have enacted legislation to limit or increase transparency of interactions with healthcare providers, pursuant to which we are required by law to disclose payments and other transfers of value to healthcare providers licensed by certain states.
We anticipate that the government will continue to scrutinize the medical device industry closely, and any new regulations or statutory provisions could result in delays or increased costs during the periods of product development, clinical trials and regulatory review and marketing authorization, as applicable, as well as increased costs to assure compliance.
In Europe, the Medical Devices Regulation (2017/745 or “
”), which is directly applicable in all EEA Member States without the need for adoption of EEA Member State laws implementing them has established a uniform, transparent, predictable and sustainable regulatory framework across the EEA for medical devices and seeks to ensure a high level of safety and health while supporting innovation, among other things. The MDR became applicable on May 26, 2021. However, devices lawfully placed on the market pursuant to the existing EU Medical Devices Directive prior to May 26, 2021 may generally continue to be made available on the market or put into service until May 26, 2025. The new regulations among other things:
strengthen the rules on placing devices on the market and reinforce surveillance once they are available;
establish explicit provisions on manufacturers’ responsibilities for the
of the quality, performance and safety of devices placed on the market;
improve the traceability of medical devices throughout the supply chain to the
or patient through a unique identification number;
set up a central database to provide patients, healthcare professionals and the public with comprehensive information on products available in the EU; and

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strengthen the rules for the assessment of certain high-risk devices, such as implants, which may have to undergo an additional check by experts before they are placed on the market.
These modifications are likely to have an effect on the way we conduct our business in the EEA. For example, as a result of the transition towards the new regime, notified body review times have lengthened, and product future introductions or modifications could be delayed or canceled, which could adversely affect our ability to grow our business and our future products.
Our employees, consultants, sales agents, distributors and other commercial partners may engage in misconduct or other improper activities, including
with regulatory standards and requirements.
We are exposed to the risk that our employees, consultants, sales agents, distributors and other commercial partners may engage in fraudulent or illegal activity. Misconduct by these parties could include intentional, reckless or negligent conduct or other unauthorized activities that violate the regulations of the FDA and other U.S. healthcare regulators, as well as
regulators, including those laws requiring the reporting of true, complete and accurate information to such regulators, manufacturing standards, healthcare fraud and abuse laws and regulations in the United States and abroad or laws that require the true, complete and accurate reporting of financial information or data. In particular, sales, marketing and business arrangements in the healthcare industry, including the sale of medical devices, are subject to extensive laws and regulations intended to prevent fraud, misconduct, kickbacks, self-dealing and other abusive practices. These laws and regulations may restrict or prohibit a wide range of pricing, discounting, marketing and promotion, sales commission, customer incentive programs and other business arrangements. It is not always possible to identify and deter misconduct by our employees, sales agencies, distributors and other third parties, and the precautions we take to detect and prevent this activity may not be effective in controlling unknown or unmanaged risks or losses or in protecting us from governmental investigations or other actions or lawsuits stemming from a failure to comply with these laws or regulations. If any such actions are instituted against us and we are not successful in defending ourselves or asserting our rights, those actions could result in the imposition of significant fines or other sanctions, including the imposition of civil, criminal and administrative penalties, damages, monetary fines, possible exclusion from participation in government healthcare programs, contractual damages, reputational harm, diminished profits and future earnings and curtailment of operations. Whether or not we are successful in defending against such actions or investigations, we could incur substantial costs, including legal fees, and divert the attention of management in defending ourselves against any of these claims or investigations.
We may be subject to regulatory reporting requirements if our products and services cause or contribute to a death or serious injury or malfunction in a way that would likely cause or contribute to a death or serious injury, or in certain other scenarios, and we may need to initiate voluntary corrective actions such as the recall of our products.
Regulatory agencies in many countries require us to report potential safety issues with our products and services under a variety of circumstances. For example, the FDA’s Medical Device Reporting regulations require that for any medical device we market, we report when we become aware of information that reasonably suggests that the product may have caused or contributed to a death or serious injury, or has malfunctioned in a way that, if the malfunction were to recur, would likely cause or contribute to a death or serious injury. We may fail to report adverse events of which we become aware within the prescribed timeframe. We may also fail to recognize that we have become aware of a reportable adverse event, especially if it is not reported to us as an adverse event or if it is an adverse event that is unexpected or removed in time from the use of the implant system. If we fail to comply with our reporting obligations, the FDA could take action, including warning letters, untitled letters, administrative actions, criminal prosecution, imposition of civil monetary penalties, revocation of our device clearance, seizure of our products or delay in clearance of future products. Similarly, under the CPSC consumer product reporting requirements, we are required to report to the CPSC any incident in which a CPSC-regulated product of ours creates an unreasonable risk of serious injury or death, contains a defect which could create a substantial product hazard, fails to comply with an applicable consumer product safety rule, or fails to comply with any other rule, regulation, standard or ban enforced by the CPSC. In addition, all manufacturers placing medical devices on the market in the EEA are legally required to immediately report any serious or potentially serious incidents involving products produced or sold by the manufacturer to the relevant authority in those jurisdictions where any such incident

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occurred. As to general consumer products, where manufacturers and distributors know or ought to know that a product that they have placed on the market poses risks to the consumer that are incompatible with the general safety requirements, they shall immediately inform the relevant authority in the relevant jurisdictions. The FDA, CPSC and similar foreign regulatory authorities have the authority to require the recall of our commercialized products under certain circumstances and depending on the type of product. For example, the FDA must find that there is a reasonable probability that a medical device would cause serious adverse health consequences or death in order to require a recall. The standard for ordering a mandatory recall may be different for each regulatory agency and in foreign jurisdictions. In addition, manufacturers may, under their own initiative, correct or remove a marketed product for any reason and under any circumstance, which may constitute a recall if the product violates applicable laws. A government-mandated or voluntary recall by us or by one of our distributors could occur as a result of component failures, manufacturing errors, design or labeling defects or other deficiencies and issues.
We may initiate certain field actions, such as a correction or removal of our products in the future. Any correction or removal initiated by us to reduce a health risk posed by a medical device, or to remedy a regulatory violation caused by the device that may present a risk to health, must be reported to the FDA. Other regulatory authorities may have similar reporting requirements. If the regulatory agency subsequently determines that a report was required for a correction or removal of our products that we did not believe required a report, we could be subject to enforcement actions.
Any recalls of our products or enforcement actions would divert managerial and financial resources and could have an adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations. In addition, given our dependence upon consumer perceptions, any negative publicity associated with any recalls could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and growth prospects.
We face the risk of product liability claims and the amount of insurance coverage we hold now or in the future may not be adequate to cover all liabilities we might incur.
Our products are predominantly used in the home and expose us to product liability claims and product recalls, including, but not limited to, those that may arise from
use, malfunctions, design flaws or manufacturing defects related to our products or the use of our products with incompatible components or systems. In addition, as we continue to expand our product portfolio, we may enter or create new markets, including consumer markets, which may expose us to additional product liability risks. Any such product liability claims may include allegations of defects in manufacturing, defects in design, a failure to warn of dangers inherent in the product, negligence, strict liability and a breach of warranty. Claims could also be asserted under state consumer protection acts. If we cannot successfully defend ourselves against product liability claims, we may incur substantial liabilities or be required to limit commercialization of our products. Even successful defense would require significant financial and management resources. Regardless of the merits or eventual outcome, liability claims may result in decreased demand for our current or future products, injury to our reputation, costs to defend the related litigation, a diversion of management’s time and our resources, substantial monetary awards to customers, regulatory investigations, product recalls, withdrawals or labeling, marketing or promotional restrictions, loss of revenue, and the inability to sell our current or any future products.
Our product liability insurance may not be sufficient to cover any or all damages for product liability claims that may be brought against us in the future. Furthermore, we may not be able to obtain or maintain insurance in the future at satisfactory rates or in adequate amounts to protect us against any product liability claims. Additionally, the laws and regulations regarding product liability are constantly evolving, both through the passage of new legislation at the state and federal levels and through new interpretations of existing legislation. As the legal and regulatory landscape surrounding product liability change, we may become exposed to greater liability than currently anticipated.
We may incur environmental and personal injury liabilities related to certain hazardous materials used in our operations.
Certain manufacturing processes for our products may involve the storage, use, generation and disposal of certain hazardous materials and wastes, including lead, silicone adhesives, solder and solder paste, sealants, epoxies and various solvents such as methyl ethyl ketone, acetone and isopropyl alcohol. As a result, we are subject to

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certain environmental laws, as well as certain other laws and regulations, which restrict the materials that can be used in our products or in our manufacturing processes. For example, products that we sell in Europe are subject to regulation in the EU markets under the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances Directive (“RoHS”). RoHS prohibits companies from selling products that contain certain hazardous materials in EU Member States. In addition, the EU’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation also restricts substances of very high concern in products. Compliance with such regulations may be costly and, therefore, we may incur significant costs to comply with these laws and regulations.
In addition, new environmental laws may further affect how we manufacture our products, how we use, generate or dispose of hazardous materials and waste, or further affect what materials can be used in our products. Any required changes to our operations may increase our manufacturing costs, detrimentally impact the performance of our products, add greater testing lead-times for product introductions or have other similar effects.
In connection with our research and manufacturing activities, we use, and our employees may be exposed to, materials that are hazardous to human health, safety or the environment. The risk of accidental injury to our employees or contamination from these materials cannot be eliminated, and we could be held liable for any resulting damages, the related liability for which could exceed our reserves. We do not specifically insure against environmental liabilities. If an enforcement action were to occur, our reputation and our business and financial condition may be harmed, even if we were to prevail or settle the action on terms favorable to us.
Changes to government immigration regulations may materially affect our workforce and limit our supply of qualified professionals, or increase our cost of securing workers.
We recruit professionals on a global basis and must comply with the immigration laws in the countries in which we operate, including the U.S. Some of our employees are working under Owlet-sponsored temporary work visas, including
visas. Statutory law limits the number of new
temporary work permit petitions that may be approved in a fiscal year. Furthermore, there is a possibility that the current U.S. immigration visa program may be significantly overhauled, and the number of
visas available, as well as the process to obtain them, may be subject to significant change. Any resulting changes to this visa program could impact our ability to recruit, hire and retain qualified skilled personnel. If we are unable to obtain work visas in sufficient quantities or at a sufficient rate for a significant period of time, our business, operating results and financial condition could be adversely affected.
Changing laws and increasingly complex corporate governance and public disclosure requirements could have an adverse effect on our business and operating results.
Changing laws, regulations and standards relating to corporate governance and public disclosure and new regulations issued by the SEC and the NYSE have and will create additional compliance requirements for us. For example, the Dodd-Frank Act includes provisions regarding, among other things, advisory votes on named executive officer compensation and “conflict minerals” reporting. Complying with these rules and regulations has increased and will increase our legal and financial compliance costs, make some activities more difficult, time-consuming or costly and increase demand on our systems and resources. As a result, management’s attention may be diverted from other business concerns, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. We may also need to hire additional employees or engage outside consultants to comply with these requirements, which will increase our costs and expenses. To maintain high standards of corporate governance and public disclosure, we have invested in, and intend to continue to invest in, reasonably necessary resources to comply with evolving standards.
In addition, stockholder litigation surrounding executive compensation and disclosure of executive compensation has increased with the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act. Furthermore, our stockholders may not continue to approve our advisory vote on named executive officer compensation that is required to be voted on by our stockholders annually pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Act. If we are involved in a lawsuit related to compensation matters or any other matters not covered by our directors’ and officers’ liability insurance, we may incur significant expenses in defending against such lawsuits, or be subject to significant fines or required to take significant remedial actions, each of which could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.

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Changes in the regulation of the internet could adversely affect our business.
Laws, rules and regulations governing internet communications, advertising and
are dynamic, and the extent of future government regulation is uncertain. Federal and state regulations govern various aspects of our online business, including intellectual property ownership and infringement, trade secrets, the distribution of electronic communications, marketing and advertising, user privacy and data security, search engines and internet tracking technologies. Governmental authorities continue to evaluate the privacy implications inherent in the use of third-party “cookies” and other methods of online tracking for behavioral advertising and other purposes. In the U.S., federal and state governments have enacted, and may in the future enact, legislation or regulations impacting the ability of companies and individuals to engage in these activities, such as by regulating the level of consumer notice and consent required before a company can employ cookies or other electronic tracking tools or the use of data gathered with such tools. Additionally, some providers of consumer devices and web browsers have implemented, or announced plans to implement, limits on behavioral or targeted advertising and/or means to make it easier for internet users to prevent the placement of cookies or to block other tracking technologies, which could, if widely adopted, result in the decreased effectiveness or use of third-party cookies and other methods of online tracking, targeting or
The regulation of the use of these cookies and other current online tracking and advertising practices or a loss in our ability to make effective use of services that employ such technologies could increase our costs of operations and limit our ability to acquire new consumers on cost-effective terms and consequently, materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. Further, in the EU and the UK, regulators are increasingly focusing on compliance with requirements in the online behavioral advertising ecosystem, and current national laws that implement the ePrivacy Directive are highly likely to be replaced by an EU regulation known as the ePrivacy Regulation, which will significantly increase fines for
In the EU and the UK, informed consent is required for the placement of a cookie or similar technologies on a user’s device and for direct electronic marketing. The GDPR also imposes conditions on obtaining valid consent, such as a prohibition on
consents and a requirement to ensure separate consents are sought for each type of cookie or similar technology. While the text of the ePrivacy Regulation is still under development, a recent European court decision and regulators’ recent guidance are driving increased attention to cookies and tracking technologies. If regulators start to enforce the strict approach in recent guidance, this could lead to substantial costs, require significant systems changes, limit the effectiveness of our marketing activities, divert the attention of our technology personnel, adversely affect our margins, increase costs and subject us to additional liabilities.
Future taxation on the use of the internet or
transactions could also be imposed. Existing or future regulation or taxation could increase our operating expenses and expose us to significant liabilities. To the extent any such regulations require us to take actions that negatively impact us, they could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Risks Related to Our Intellectual Property
Our success depends in part on our proprietary technology, and if we are unable to obtain, maintain or successfully enforce our intellectual property rights, the commercial value of our products and services will be adversely affected, our competitive position may be harmed and we may be unable to operate our business profitably.
Our intellectual property includes the content of our website, our software code, our unregistered copyrights, our registered and unregistered trademarks, and our patents and patent applications. Our success and ability to compete depend in part on our ability to maintain and enforce existing intellectual property and to obtain, maintain and enforce further intellectual property protection for our products and services, both in the United States and in other countries. We attempt to protect our intellectual property rights through a combination of patent, trademark, copyright and trade secret laws, as well as licensing agreements and third-party and employee confidentiality and assignment agreements. Our intellectual property rights could also be challenged, invalidated, infringed or circumvented, or may not be sufficient to permit us to take advantage of current market trends or to otherwise provide competitive advantages. If we are unable to adequately protect our intellectual property rights or if they are challenged or otherwise prove ineffective, we may be required to undertake costly product redesign efforts or discontinue certain products, or our competitive position may be harmed.
We rely on our portfolio of issued and pending patent applications in the United States and other countries to protect our intellectual property and our competitive position. However, the patent positions of technology-based

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companies may involve complex legal and factual questions, and, therefore, the scope, validity and enforceability of any patent claims that we may obtain cannot be predicted with certainty. Accordingly, we cannot provide any assurances that any of our issued patents have, or that any of our currently pending or future patent applications that mature into issued patents will include, claims with a scope sufficient to protect our products and services. Our pending and future patent applications may not result in the issuance of patents or, if issued, may not issue in a form that will be advantageous to us. While we generally apply for patents in those countries where we intend to make, have made, use or sell patented products and services, we may not accurately predict all of the countries where patent protection will ultimately be desirable. If we fail to timely file for a patent, we may be precluded from doing so at a later date. Additionally, any patents issued to us may be challenged, narrowed, invalidated, held unenforceable or circumvented, or may not be sufficiently broad to prevent third parties from producing competing products and services similar in design to our products and services.
In recent years, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on several patent cases and several laws have been enacted that, in certain situations, potentially narrow the scope of patent protection available and weaken the rights of patent owners. We may not be successful in securing additional patents on commercially desirable improvements, that such additional patents will adequately protect our innovations or offset the effect of expiring patents, or that competitors will not be able to design around our patents. In addition, third parties may challenge our issued patents through procedures such as Inter-Partes Review (“IPR”). In many IPR challenges, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”) cancels or significantly narrows issued patent claims. IPR challenges could increase the uncertainties and costs associated with the maintenance, enforcement and defense of our issued and future patents and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We also utilize unpatented proprietary technology and
and often rely on confidentiality agreements and intellectual property assignment agreements with our employees, independent distributors and consultants to protect and transfer to us such unpatented proprietary technology and
However, such agreements may not be enforceable or may not provide meaningful protection for our proprietary information in the event of unauthorized use or disclosure or other breaches of the agreements, or in the event that our competitors discover or independently develop similar or identical designs or other proprietary information.
We rely on the use of common law copyrights with respect to the code, algorithms and trade secrets in our business and our products and services. Common law copyrights provide less protection than registered copyrights. Copyrights, common law or registered, do not generally prevent others from independently developing the same or similar code, algorithms or trade secrets, so our copyrights would not offer protection against our competitors to the extent they are able to independently generate similar code, algorithms or trade secrets as our own. Loss of rights in our copyrights could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We rely on the use of registered and common law trademarks with respect to the brand names of some of our products and services. Common law trademarks provide less protection than registered trademarks. If a third party were to register trademarks similar to our unregistered trademarks in a given jurisdiction, particularly outside the United States, our ability to continue using our unregistered trademarks in the applicable jurisdiction could be substantially restricted and we may be subject to potentially costly and burdensome claims for trademark infringement. Loss of rights in our trademarks could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
If our trademarks and trade names are not adequately protected, we may not be able to build name recognition in our markets of interest and our competitive position may be harmed.
We rely on our trademarks, logos, and trade names to distinguish our products and services from the products and services of our competitors, and have registered or applied to register many of these trademarks. There can be no assurance that our trademark applications will be approved. While we generally apply for trademarks in those countries where we intend to sell our products and services, we may not accurately predict all of the countries where registered trademarks will be desirable. We may also fail to register appropriate localized versions of our trademarks. If we fail to timely file for a trademark application in a country, we may be precluded from doing so at a later date and our ability to sell products and services using our existing brands in such countries could ultimately be restricted. Third parties may also oppose our trademark applications or otherwise challenge our use of the trademarks. In the event that our trademarks are successfully challenged, we could be forced to rebrand our products

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and services, which could result in loss of brand recognition, and could require us to devote resources to advertising and marketing new brands. Further, there can be no assurance that competitors will not infringe our trademarks or that we will have adequate resources to enforce our trademarks or will be successful in enforcing our trademarks. If competitors or other third parties use similar trademarks for similar products and services, the value and recognition of our brand and trademarks may be diluted or diminished.
We also license third parties to use our trademarks. In an effort to preserve our trademark rights, we enter into license agreements with these third parties, which govern the use of our trademarks and require our licensees to abide by quality control standards with respect to the goods and services that they provide under our trademarks.
Although we make efforts to monitor the use of our trademarks by our licensees, there can be no assurance that these efforts will be sufficient to ensure that our licensees abide by the terms of their licenses. In the event that our licensees fail to do so, our trademark rights could be diluted. Any of the foregoing could have a material adverse effect on our competitive position, business, financial condition, results of operations, and prospects.
We rely on third-party technology solutions, including software and software services, to support our IT infrastructure and in our products and services.
Both our IT infrastructure and our products and services leverage third-party technology solutions, software and software services. While much of this third-party technology is commercially available,
technology procured on standard terms and conditions, we cannot be assured that the applicable vendors will continue to make this third-party technology available on the same terms and conditions. Because this technology has been integrated into our operations and may have been configured for our specific needs, replacement of such technology could result in substantial delay, additional costs, and possible business interruptions. In addition, if third-party vendors, including any cloud service providers, were to experience unplanned downtime, delays or other similar issues, our products, services and internal operations could be significantly and adversely impacted.
Increased use of social media could create or amplify the effects of negative publicity and adversely affect sales and operating results.
As part of our marketing efforts, we rely on search engine marketing and social media platforms to attract and retain customers. These efforts may not be successful, and pose a variety of other risks, including the improper disclosure of proprietary information, the posting of negative comments about our brand, the exposure of personally identifiable information, fraud, use of
information or failure to comply with regulations regarding such practices. Negative or false commentary about us or our products or services may be posted on social media platforms and may harm our reputation or business and social media has also given users the ability to more effectively organize collective actions, such as boycotts, which could be taken against us or our products or services. Customers value readily available information and often act on such information without affording us an opportunity for redress or correction. The inappropriate use of social media vehicles, including a failure to abide by applicable laws and regulations, in the use of social media by us or our influencers, employees, contractors, suppliers, customers or other third parties associated or perceived to be associated with us could increase our costs, lead to litigation, fines or regulatory action or result in negative publicity that could damage our reputation. The occurrence of any such developments could have an adverse effect on our business results.
In addition, events reported in the media, including social media, whether or not accurate or involving us or our products or services, could create or amplify negative publicity for us or for the industry or market segments in which we operate. These and other types of social media risks could reduce demand for products and services offered by us and/or shift consumer preferences to competitors and could result in a decrease in customer demand for our products and services.

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If we fail to execute enforceable invention assignment and confidentiality agreements with our employees and contractors involved in the development of intellectual property or are unable to protect the confidentiality of our trade secrets, the value of our products and services and our business and competitive position could be harmed.
In addition to patent protection, we also rely on protection of copyrights, trade secrets,
and confidential and proprietary information. We generally enter into confidentiality and invention assignment agreements with our employees, consultants and third parties upon their commencement of a relationship with us. However, we may not enter into such agreements with all employees, consultants and third parties who have been involved in the development of our intellectual property and such agreements may not be enforceable in accordance with the terms in every jurisdiction where such employees, consultants or third parties reside or are employed. In addition, these agreements may not provide meaningful protection against the unauthorized use or disclosure of our trade secrets or other confidential information, and adequate remedies may not exist if unauthorized use or disclosure were to occur. The exposure of our trade secrets and other proprietary information would impair our competitive advantages and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. In particular, a failure to protect our proprietary rights may allow competitors to copy our technology, which could adversely affect our pricing and market share. Further, other parties may independently develop substantially equivalent
and technology.
In addition to contractual measures, we try to protect the confidential nature of our proprietary information using commonly accepted physical and technological security measures. Such measures may not, for example, in the case of misappropriation of a trade secret by an employee or third party with authorized access, provide adequate protection for our proprietary information. Our security measures may not prevent an employee or consultant from misappropriating our trade secrets and providing them to a competitor, and recourse we take against such misconduct may not provide an adequate remedy to protect our interests fully. Unauthorized parties may also attempt to copy or reverse engineer certain aspects of our products and services that we consider proprietary and a trade secret. Enforcing a claim that a party illegally disclosed or misappropriated a trade secret can be difficult, expensive and time-consuming, and the outcome is unpredictable. Even though we use commonly accepted security measures, trade secret violations are often a matter of state law, and the criteria for protection of trade secrets can vary among different jurisdictions. In addition, trade secrets may be independently developed by others in a manner that could prevent legal recourse by us. We also have agreements with our employees, consultants and third parties that obligate them to assign their inventions to us, however these agreements may not be self-executing, not all employees or consultants may enter into such agreements, or employees or consultants may breach or violate the terms of these agreements, and we may not have adequate remedies for any such breach or violation. If any of our intellectual property or confidential or proprietary information, such as our trade secrets, were to be disclosed or misappropriated, or if any such information was independently developed by a competitor, it could have a material adverse effect on our competitive position, business, financial condition, results of operations, and prospects.
The laws of foreign countries may not adequately protect our intellectual property rights.
Intellectual property protection laws in foreign jurisdictions differ substantially from those in the U.S. If we fail to apply for intellectual property protection in foreign jurisdictions, or if we cannot adequately protect our intellectual property rights in these foreign jurisdictions, our competitors may be able to compete more effectively against us, which could adversely affect our competitive position, as well as our business, financial condition and results of operations.
If third parties claim that we infringe their intellectual property rights, we may incur liabilities and costs and may have to redesign or discontinue selling certain products and services.
Searching for existing third-party intellectual property rights and evaluating its applicability to our products and services can be a costly and time-consuming process. Such searches and evaluation may not reveal important intellectual property and our competitors may also have filed for patent protection, which may not be publicly available information, or claimed trademark rights that have not been revealed through our searches. We may not undertake such searches and evaluation of third-party intellectual property rights and, as a result, may not be aware of intellectual property rights that could be asserted against our products or services. In addition, some of our employees were previously employed at other consumer product, medical device and Internet of Things/smart device companies. We may be subject to claims that our employees have disclosed, or that we have used, trade secrets or other proprietary information of our employees’ former employers. Our efforts to identify and avoid infringing on third parties’ intellectual property rights may not always be successful. Any claims of patent or other intellectual property infringement against us, even those without merit, could:
be expensive and time-consuming to defend and result in payment of significant damages to third parties;

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force us to stop making or selling products and services that incorporate the intellectual property;
require us to redesign, reengineer or rebrand our products and services, product candidates and technologies;
require us to enter into royalty agreements that would increase the costs of our products and services;
require us to indemnify third parties pursuant to contracts in which we have agreed to provide indemnification for intellectual property infringement claims;
divert the attention of our management and other key employees; and
result in our customers or potential customers deferring or limiting their purchase or use of the affected products and services impacted by the claims until the claims are resolved;
any of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. In addition, new patents obtained by our competitors could threaten the continued commercialization of our products and services in the market even after they have already been introduced.
We may become involved in lawsuits to protect or enforce our intellectual property, which could be expensive, time consuming and unsuccessful.
Third parties, including our competitors, could be infringing, misappropriating or otherwise violating our intellectual property rights. We do not regularly conduct monitoring for unauthorized use at this time. From time to time, we seek to analyze our competitors’ products and services, or seek to enforce our rights against potential infringement, misappropriation or violation of our intellectual property. However, the steps we have taken, or take in the future, to protect our proprietary rights may not be adequate to enforce our rights as against such infringement, misappropriation or violation of our intellectual property. We may not be able to detect unauthorized use of, or take appropriate steps to enforce, our intellectual property rights. Any inability to meaningfully enforce our intellectual property rights could harm our ability to compete and reduce demand for our products and services.
We believe some of the new market entrants in our industry, including some of the world’s largest technology companies, may in the future infringe our intellectual property, and we may be required to engage in litigation to protect or enforce our intellectual property rights. An adverse result in any litigation proceeding could harm our business. In any lawsuit we bring to enforce our intellectual property rights, a court may refuse to stop the other party from using the technology at issue on grounds that our intellectual property rights do not cover the technology or actions in question. If we initiate legal proceedings against a third party to enforce a patent covering a product, the defendant could counterclaim that such patent is invalid or unenforceable. In patent litigation in the United States, defendant counterclaims alleging invalidity or unenforceability are commonplace.
Grounds for a validity challenge could be an alleged failure to meet any of several statutory requirements, including lack of novelty, obviousness, or
Grounds for an unenforceability assertion could be an allegation that someone connected with prosecution of the patent withheld relevant information from the PTO, or made a misleading statement, during prosecution. Mechanisms for such challenges include
post-grant review, IPR, interference proceedings, derivation proceedings, and equivalent proceedings in foreign jurisdictions (e.g., opposition proceedings). Such proceedings could result in the revocation of, cancellation of, or amendment to our patents in such a way that they no longer cover our products and services, or any future products and services that we may develop.

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The outcome following legal assertions of invalidity and unenforceability is unpredictable. With respect to the validity question, for example, we cannot be certain that there is no invalidating prior art, of which we and the patent examiner were unaware during prosecution. If a third party were to prevail on a legal assertion of invalidity or unenforceability, we would lose at least part, and perhaps all, of the patent protection on our products and services. Such a loss of patent protection would have a material adverse impact on our business, financial condition, results of operations, and prospects.
Because of the substantial amount of discovery required in connection with intellectual property litigation, there is a risk that some of our confidential information could be compromised by disclosure during litigation. There could also be public announcements of the results of hearing, motions, or other interim developments. If securities analysts or investors perceive these results to be negative, it could have a material adverse effect on the price of shares of our common stock. Even if we ultimately prevail, a court may decide not to grant an injunction against further infringing activity and instead award only monetary damages, which may not be an adequate remedy. Furthermore, the monetary cost of such litigation and the diversion of the attention of our management could outweigh any benefit we receive as a result of the proceedings. Uncertainties resulting from the initiation and continuation of patent litigation or other proceedings could have a material adverse effect on our business.
We may be subject to claims that we or our employees have misappropriated the intellectual property of a third party, including trade secrets or
or are in breach of
agreements with our competitors and third parties may claim an ownership interest in intellectual property we regard as our own.
Many of our employees and consultants were previously employed at or engaged by other companies, including our competitors or potential competitors. Some of these employees, consultants and contractors may have executed proprietary rights,
agreements in connection with such previous employment. Although we try to ensure that our employees and consultants do not use the intellectual property, proprietary information,
or trade secrets of others in their work for us, we may be subject to claims that we or these individuals have, inadvertently or otherwise, misappropriated the intellectual property or disclosed the alleged trade secrets or other proprietary information, of these former employers, competitors or other third parties. Additionally, we may be subject to claims from third parties challenging our ownership interest in or inventorship of intellectual property we regard as our own, based on claims that our agreements with employees or consultants obligating them to assign intellectual property to us are ineffective or in conflict with prior or competing contractual obligations to assign inventions to another employer, to a former employer, or to another person or entity. Litigation may be necessary to defend against claims, and it may be necessary or we may desire to enter into a license to settle any such claim; however, there can be no assurance that we would be able to obtain a license on commercially reasonable terms, if at all. If our defense to those claims fails, in addition to paying monetary damages or a settlement payment, a court could prohibit us from using technologies, features or other intellectual property that are essential to our products and services, if such technologies or features are found to incorporate or be derived from the trade secrets or other proprietary information of the former employers. An inability to incorporate technologies, features or other intellectual property that are important or essential to our products and services could have a material adverse effect on our business and competitive position, and may prevent us from selling our products and services. In addition, we may lose valuable intellectual property rights or personnel. Even if we are successful in defending against these claims, litigation could result in substantial costs and could be a distraction to management. Any litigation or the threat thereof may adversely affect our ability to hire employees or contract with independent sales representatives. A loss of key personnel or their work product could hamper or prevent our ability to commercialize our products and services, which could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, operating results, cash flows and prospects.

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Our proprietary software may not operate properly, which could damage our reputation, give rise to claims against us, or divert application of our resources from other purposes, any of which could harm our business and operating results.
Proprietary software and hardware development is time-consuming, expensive and complex, and may involve unforeseen difficulties. We may encounter technical obstacles, and it is possible that we discover additional problems or design defects that prevent our proprietary software from operating properly. We have experienced product design issues in the past and continue to work to address those and anticipate additional concerns. If our services do not function reliably, malfunction, or fail to achieve customer expectations in terms of performance, customers could assert liability claims against us or attempt to cancel their contracts with us. This could damage our reputation and impair our ability to attract or maintain customers.
The software underlying our products and services is highly complex and may contain undetected errors or vulnerabilities, some of which may only be discovered after our products and services have been used by our customers. Any real or perceived errors, failures, bugs or other vulnerabilities discovered in our products or services could result in negative publicity and damage to our reputation, loss of customers, loss of or delay in market acceptance of our products and services, loss of competitive position, loss of revenue or liability for damages, fines or regulatory actions, overpayments or underpayments, any of which could harm our enrollment rates. Similarly, any real or perceived errors, failures, design flaws or defects in our devices could have similar negative results. In such an event, we may be required or may choose to expend additional resources in order to help correct the problem. Such efforts could be costly, or ultimately unsuccessful. Even if we are successful at remediating issues, we may experience damage to our reputation and brand. There can be no assurance that provisions typically included in our agreements with partners that attempt to limit our exposure to claims would be enforceable or adequate or would otherwise protect us from liabilities or damages with respect to any particular claim. Even if unsuccessful, a claim brought against us by any customers or partners would likely be time-consuming and costly to defend and could seriously damage our reputation and brand.
Risks Related to Our Common Stock and Warrants
The price of our Common Stock and Warrants may be volatile.
The price of our Common Stock and Warrants may fluctuate due to a variety of factors, including:
actual or anticipated fluctuations in our operating results or future prospects;
our announcements or our competitors’ announcements of new products and services;
the public’s reaction to our press releases, our other public announcements and our filings with the SEC;
strategic actions by us or our competitors, such as acquisitions or restructurings;
new laws or regulations or new interpretations of existing laws or regulations applicable to our business;
changes in accounting standards, policies, guidance, interpretations or principles;
changes in our growth rates or our competitors’ growth rates;
developments regarding our patents or proprietary rights or those of our competitors;
ongoing legal proceedings;

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commencement of, or involvement in, litigation involving the combined company;
our ability to raise additional capital as needed;
changes in our capital structure, such as future issuances of securities or the incurrence of new or additional debt;
the volume of shares of Common Stock available for public sale and the size of our public float;
additions and departures of key personnel;
concerns or allegations as to the safety or efficacy of our products and services;
sales of stock by us or members of our management team, our board of directors (the “Board”) or certain significant stockholders;
changes in stock market analyst recommendations or earnings estimates regarding our stock, other comparable companies or our industry generally; and
changes in financial markets or general economic conditions, including the effects of recession or slow economic growth in the U.S. and abroad, interest rates, fuel prices, international currency fluctuations, corruption, political instability, acts of war or terrorism, and the
pandemic or other public health crises.
These market and industry factors may materially reduce the market price of our Common Stock and Warrants regardless of our operating performance.
If securities or industry analysts do not publish research or reports about our business, or if they issue an adverse or misleading opinion regarding our Common Stock or Warrants, the price and trading volume of our Common Stock and Warrants could decline.
The trading market for our Common Stock and Warrants will be influenced by the research and reports that industry or securities analysts publish about us or our business. We do not currently have and may never obtain research coverage by securities and industry analysts. If no or few securities or industry analysts commence coverage of us, the trading price for our Common Stock and Warrants would be negatively impacted. In the event we obtain securities or industry analyst coverage, if any of the analysts who cover us issue an adverse or misleading opinion regarding us, our business model, our intellectual property or the performance of our Common Stock or Warrants, or if our operating results fail to meet the expectations of analysts, the price of our Common Stock and Warrants would likely decline. If one or more of these analysts cease coverage of us or fail to publish reports on us regularly, we could lose visibility in the financial markets, which in turn could cause the price and trading volume of our Common Stock and Warrants to decline.

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Concentration of ownership among our existing directors, executive officers and principal stockholders may prevent new investors from influencing significant corporate decisions.
Our directors and executive officers and their affiliates beneficially own a significant amount of our Common Stock. Subject to any fiduciary duties owed to our other stockholders under Delaware law, these stockholders may be able to exercise significant influence over matters requiring stockholder approval, including the election of directors and approval of significant corporate transactions, and will have some control over our management and policies. Some of these persons or entities may have interests that are different from yours. For example, these stockholders may support proposals and actions with which you may disagree or which are not in your best interests. The concentration of ownership could delay or prevent a change in control of us, or otherwise discourage a potential acquirer from attempting to obtain control of us, which in turn could reduce the price of our stock.
In addition, these stockholders could use their voting influence to maintain our existing management and directors in office or support or reject other management and Board proposals that are subject to stockholder approval, such as amendments to our employee stock plans and approvals of significant financing transactions.
We may acquire other businesses or form other joint ventures or make investments in other companies or technologies that could negatively affect our operating results, dilute our stockholders’ ownership, increase our debt or cause us to incur significant expense.
We may pursue acquisitions of businesses and assets. We also may pursue strategic alliances and additional joint ventures that leverage our technology and industry experience to expand our offerings or distribution. We have no experience with acquiring other companies and limited experience with forming strategic partnerships. We may not be able to find suitable partners or acquisition candidates, and we may not be able to complete such transactions on favorable terms, if at all. If we make any acquisitions, we may not be able to integrate these acquisitions successfully into our existing business, and we could assume unknown or contingent liabilities. Any future acquisitions also could result in the incurrence of debt, contingent liabilities or future write-offs of intangible assets or goodwill, any of which could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. Integration of an acquired company also may disrupt ongoing operations and require management resources that we would otherwise focus on developing our existing business. We may experience losses related to investments in other companies, which could have a material negative effect on our results of operations and financial condition. We may not realize the anticipated benefits of any acquisition, technology license, strategic alliance or joint venture. To finance any acquisitions or joint ventures, we may choose to issue shares of our common stock as consideration, which would dilute the ownership of our stockholders. Additional funds may not be available on terms that are favorable to us, or at all. If the price of our common stock is low or volatile, we may not be able to acquire other companies or fund a joint venture project using our stock as consideration.
We also expect to continue to carry out internal strategic initiatives that we believe are necessary to grow our revenues and expand our business, both in the U.S. and abroad. For example, we have continued to invest in international expansion programs designed to increase our worldwide presence and take advantage of market expansion opportunities around the world. Although we believe our investments in these initiatives continue to be in the long-term best interests of Owlet and our stockholders, there are no assurances that such initiatives will yield favorable results for us. Accordingly, if these initiatives are not successful, our business, financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected.
If these risks materialize, our stock price could be materially adversely affected. Any difficulties in the integration of acquired businesses or unexpected penalties, liabilities or asset impairments in connection with such acquisitions or investments could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
The obligations associated with being a public company involve significant expenses and require significant resources and management attention, which may divert from our business operations.
We are subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The Exchange Act requires that we file annual, quarterly and current reports with respect to our business and financial condition. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires, among other things, that we establish and maintain effective internal control over financial reporting. As a result, we will incur increased legal, accounting and other expenses that Old Owlet did not previously incur. Our entire management team and many of our other employees will need to devote substantial time to compliance and may not effectively or efficiently manage our transition into a public company.

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In addition, the need to establish the corporate infrastructure demanded of a public company may also divert management’s attention from implementing our business strategy, which could prevent us from improving our business, results of operations and financial condition. We have made, and will continue to make, changes to our internal control over financial reporting, including IT controls, and procedures for financial reporting and accounting systems to meet our reporting obligations as a public company. However, the measures we take may not be sufficient to satisfy our obligations as a public company. If we do not continue to develop and implement the right processes and tools to manage our changing enterprise and maintain our culture, our ability to compete successfully and achieve our business objectives could be impaired, which could negatively impact our business, financial condition and results of operations. In addition, we cannot predict or estimate the amount of additional costs we may incur to comply with these requirements. We anticipate that these costs will materially increase our general and administrative expenses.
These rules and regulations result in our incurring legal and financial compliance costs and will make some activities more time-consuming and costly. For example, we expect these rules and regulations to make it more difficult and more expensive for us to obtain director and officer liability insurance, and we may be required to accept reduced policy limits and coverage or incur substantially higher costs to obtain the same or similar coverage. As a result, it may be more difficult for us to attract and retain qualified people to serve on our Board, on our Board committees or as executive officers.
As a public reporting company, we are subject to rules and regulations established from time to time by the SEC regarding our internal control over financial reporting. If we fail to establish and maintain effective internal control over financial reporting and disclosure controls and procedures, we may not be able to accurately report our financial results or report them in a timely manner.
We are subject to the rules and regulations established from time to time by the SEC and NYSE. These rules and regulations require, among other things that we establish and periodically evaluate procedures with respect to our internal control over financial reporting. Reporting obligations as a public company are likely to place a considerable strain on our financial and management systems, processes and controls, as well as on our personnel.
In addition, as a public company, we are required to document and test our internal control over financial reporting pursuant to Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act so that our management can certify as to the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting.
Because we do not anticipate paying any cash dividends on our capital stock in the foreseeable future, capital appreciation, if any, will be your sole source of gain.
We have never declared or paid cash dividends on our capital stock. We currently intend to retain all of our future earnings, if any, to finance the growth and development of our business. In addition, under certain circumstances, our loan and security agreement and any future debt or preferred securities or future debt agreements we may enter may preclude us from paying dividends. As a result, capital appreciation, if any, of our common stock will be your sole source of gain for the foreseeable future.
Our corporate documents and Delaware law contain provisions that could discourage, delay or prevent a change in control of our company, prevent attempts to replace or remove current management and reduce the market price of our Common Stock and Warrants.
Provisions in our certificate of incorporation and bylaws may discourage, delay or prevent a merger or acquisition involving us that our stockholders may consider favorable. For example, our certificate of incorporation and bylaws authorize our Board to issue up to 100 million shares of preferred stock. As a result, without further stockholder approval, our Board will have the authority to attach special rights, including voting and dividend rights, to this preferred stock, including pursuant to a stockholder rights plan. With these rights, preferred stockholders could make it more difficult for a third-party to acquire us. In addition, our certificate of incorporation and bylaws provide for a staggered Board, whereby directors serve for three-year terms, with
of the directors coming up for reelection each year. A staggered Board will make it more difficult for a third-party to obtain control of our Board through a proxy contest, which may be a necessary step in an acquisition of us that is not favored by our Board.

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We are also subject to anti-takeover provisions under the DGCL. Under these provisions, if anyone becomes an “interested stockholder,” we may not enter into a “business combination” with that person for three years without special approval, which could discourage a third-party from making a takeover offer and could delay or prevent a change in control of us. For purposes of these provisions, an “interested stockholder” generally means someone owning 15% or more of our outstanding voting stock or an affiliate of ours that owned 15% or more of our outstanding voting stock during the past three years, subject to certain exceptions as described in the DGCL.
We are an “emerging growth company” and the reduced disclosure requirements applicable to emerging growth companies may make our Common Stock and Warrants less attractive to investors.
We are an “emerging growth company,” as defined in the JOBS Act. As an emerging growth company, we may follow reduced disclosure requirements and do not have to make all of the disclosures that public companies that are not emerging growth companies do. We will remain an emerging growth company until the earlier of (a) the last day of the fiscal year in which we have total annual gross revenues of $1.07 billion or more; (b) the last day of the fiscal year following the fifth anniversary of the date of the completion of the initial public offering of SBG; (c) the date on which we have issued more than $1.0 billion in nonconvertible debt during the previous three years; or (d) the date on which we are deemed to be a large accelerated filer under the rules of the SEC, which means the market value of our Common Stock that is held by
exceeds $700.0 million as of the prior June 30th. For so long as we remain an emerging growth company, we are permitted and intend to rely on exemptions from certain disclosure requirements that are applicable to other public companies that are not emerging growth companies. These exemptions include:
not being required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act;
not being required to comply with any requirement that may be adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding mandatory audit firm rotation or a supplement to the auditor’s report providing additional information about the audit and the financial statements (i.e., an auditor discussion and analysis);
reduced disclosure obligations regarding executive compensation in our periodic reports, proxy statements and registration statements; and
exemptions from the requirements of holding a nonbinding advisory vote of stockholders on executive compensation, stockholder approval of any golden parachute payments not previously approved and having to disclose the ratio of the compensation of our chief executive officer to the median compensation of our employees.
In addition, the JOBS Act provides that an emerging growth company can take advantage of an extended transition period for complying with new or revised accounting standards. This allows an emerging growth company to delay the adoption of certain accounting standards until those standards would otherwise apply to private companies. We have elected to use the extended transition period for complying with new or revised accounting standards; and as a result of this election, our financial statements may not be comparable to companies that comply with public company effective dates.

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We may choose to take advantage of some, but not all, of the available exemptions for emerging growth companies. We cannot predict whether investors will find our Common Stock or Warrants less attractive if we rely on these exemptions. If some investors find our Common Stock or Warrants less attractive as a result, there may be a less active trading market for our Common Stock and Warrants and our share and Warrant price may be more volatile.
Our bylaws provide that the state or federal courts located within the State of Delaware are the exclusive forum for substantially all disputes between us and our stockholders, which could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers or employees.
Our bylaws provide that the state or federal courts located within the State of Delaware are the sole and exclusive forum for: (i) any derivative action, suit or proceeding brought on our behalf, (ii) any action, suit or proceeding asserting a claim of breach of fiduciary duty owed by any of our directors, officers or stockholders to our stockholders, (iii) any action, suit or proceeding asserting a claim against us arising pursuant to any provision of the DGCL, our bylaws, or (iv) any action, suit or proceeding asserting a claim governed by the internal affairs doctrine. However, this choice of forum provision does not apply to (a) actions in which the Court of Chancery in the State of Delaware concludes that an indispensable party is not subject to the jurisdiction of Delaware courts, or (b) actions in which a federal court has assumed exclusive jurisdiction to a proceeding. This choice of forum provision is not intended to apply to any actions brought under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). Section 27 of the Exchange Act creates exclusive federal jurisdiction over all suits brought to enforce any duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or the rules and regulations thereunder. As a result, the exclusive forum provision will not apply to suits brought to enforce any duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or any other claim for which the federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction. Our bylaws also provide that the federal district courts of the United States of America will be the exclusive forum for the resolution of any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Securities Act). This choice of forum provision may limit a stockholder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us or our directors, officers or other employees or stockholders, which may discourage such lawsuits against us and our directors, officers and other employees or stockholders.
Furthermore, the enforceability of similar choice of forum provisions in other companies’ certificates of incorporation has been challenged in legal proceedings, and it is possible that a court could find these types of provisions to be inapplicable or unenforceable. If a court were to find the choice of forum provision in our bylaws to be inapplicable or unenforceable in an action, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such action in other jurisdictions, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
You may only be able to exercise the Public Warrants on a “cashless basis” under certain circumstances, and if you do so, you will receive fewer shares of Common Stock from such exercise than if you were to exercise such Warrants for cash.
The Warrant Agreement provides that in the following circumstances holders of Warrants who seek to exercise their Warrants will not be permitted to do so for cash and will, instead, be required to do so on a cashless basis in accordance with Section 3(a)(9) of the Securities Act: (i) if the shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants are not registered under the Securities Act in accordance with the terms of the Warrant Agreement; (ii) if we have so elected and the shares of Common Stock are at the time of any exercise of a Warrant not listed on a national securities exchange such that they satisfy the definition of “covered securities” under Section 18(b)(1) of the Securities Act; and (iii) if we have so elected and we call the Public Warrants for redemption. If you exercise your Public Warrants on a cashless basis, you would pay the Warrant exercise price by surrendering the Warrants for that number of shares of Common Stock equal to (A) the quotient obtained by dividing (x) the product of the number of shares of Common Stock underlying the Warrants, multiplied by the excess of the “Fair Market Value” (as defined in the next sentence) over the exercise price of the Warrants by (y) the Fair Market Value and (B) 0.361 per whole Warrant. The “Fair Market Value” is the average reported last sale price of the Common Stock as reported for the 10 trading day period ending on the trading day prior to the date on which the notice of exercise is received by the Warrant agent or on which the notice of redemption is sent to the holders of Warrants, as applicable. As a result, you would receive fewer shares of Common Stock from such exercise than if you were to exercise such Warrants for cash.

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We may amend the terms of the Warrants in a manner that may have an adverse effect on holders of Public Warrants with the approval by the holders of at least 50% of the then outstanding Public Warrants. As a result, the exercise price of your Warrants could be increased, the exercise period could be shortened and the number of shares of Common Stock purchasable upon exercise of a Warrant could be decreased, all without your approval.
Our Warrants were issued in registered form under a Warrant Agreement between Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company, as Warrant agent, and us. The Warrant Agreement provides that the terms of the Warrants may be amended without the consent of any holder for the purpose of (i) curing any ambiguity or curing, correcting or supplementing any defective provision or (ii) adding or changing any provisions with respect to matters or questions arising under the Warrant Agreement as the parties to the Warrant Agreement may deem necessary or desirable and that the parties deem to not adversely affect the interests of the registered holders of the Warrants, provided that the approval by the holders of at least 50% of the then-outstanding Public Warrants is required to make any change that adversely affects the rights of the registered holders of Public Warrants. Accordingly, we may amend the terms of the Public Warrants in a manner adverse to a holder of Public Warrants if holders of at least 50% of the then outstanding Public Warrants approve of such amendment. Although our ability to amend the terms of the Public Warrants with the consent of at least 50% of the then outstanding Public Warrants is unlimited, examples of such amendments could be amendments to, among other things, increase the exercise price of the Warrants, convert the Warrants into cash or shares, shorten the exercise period or decrease the number of shares of Common Stock purchasable upon exercise of a Warrant.
Our Warrant Agreement designates the courts of the State of New York or the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York as the sole and exclusive forum for certain types of actions and proceedings that may be initiated by holders of the Warrants, which could limit the ability of Warrant holders to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us.
Our Warrant Agreement provides that, subject to applicable law, (i) any action, proceeding or claim against us arising out of or relating in any way to the Warrant Agreement, including under the Securities Act, will be brought and enforced in the courts of the State of New York or the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, and (ii) that we irrevocably submit to such jurisdiction, which jurisdiction shall be the exclusive forum for any such action, proceeding or claim. We will waive any objection to such exclusive jurisdiction and that such courts represent an inconvenient forum. Notwithstanding the foregoing, these provisions of the Warrant Agreement will not apply to suits brought to enforce any liability or duty created by the Exchange Act or any other claim for which the federal district courts of the United States are the sole and exclusive forum.
provision may limit a Warrant holder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us, which may discourage such lawsuits. Alternatively, if a court were to find this provision of our Warrant Agreement inapplicable or unenforceable with respect to one or more of the specified types of actions or proceedings, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such matters in other jurisdictions, which could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations and result in a diversion of the time and resources of our management and Board.
We may redeem your unexpired Warrants prior to their exercise at a time that is disadvantageous to you, thereby making your Warrants worthless.
We have the ability to redeem outstanding Warrants at any time after they become exercisable and prior to their expiration, (a) at a price of $0.01 per Warrant, provided that the closing price of our Common Stock equals or exceeds $18.00 per share (as adjusted for share splits, share capitalizations, reorganizations, recapitalizations and the like) for any 20 trading days within a 30
period ending on the third trading day prior to the date on which we give proper notice of such redemption to the Warrant holders and provided certain other conditions are met, or (b) at a price of $0.10 per Warrant, provided that the closing price of our Common Stock equals or exceeds $10.00 per share (as adjusted for share splits, share capitalizations, reorganizations, recapitalizations and the like) for any 20 trading days within a 30
period ending on the third trading day prior to the date on which we give proper notice of such redemption to the Warrant holders and provided certain other conditions are met. If and when the Warrants become redeemable by us, we may exercise our redemption right even if we are unable to register or qualify the underlying securities for sale under all applicable state securities laws. Redemption of the

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outstanding Warrants could force you to (i) exercise your Warrants and pay the exercise price therefor at a time when it may be disadvantageous for you to do so, (ii) sell your Warrants at the then-current market price when you might otherwise wish to hold your Warrants or (iii) accept the nominal redemption price which, at the time the outstanding Warrants are called for redemption, is likely to be substantially less than the market value of your Warrants. None of the Private Placement Warrants will be redeemable by us so long as they are held by Sandbridge Acquisition Holdings LLC (the “Sponsor”) or its permitted transferees.

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We will not receive any proceeds from the sale of shares of Common Stock or Warrants by the Selling Securityholders.
The Selling Securityholders will pay all incremental selling expenses relating to the sale of their shares of Common Stock and Warrants, including underwriters’ or agents’ commissions and discounts, brokerage fees, underwriter marketing costs and all reasonable fees and expenses of any legal counsel representing the Selling Securityholders, except that we will pay the reasonable fees and expenses of one legal counsel for the Selling Securityholders, in the event of an underwritten offering of their securities. We will bear all other costs, fees and expenses incurred in effecting the registration of the securities covered by this prospectus, including, without limitation, all registration and filing fees, printing and delivery fees, NYSE listing fees and fees and expenses of our counsel and our accountants.
We will receive the proceeds from any exercise of Warrants or options for cash. We intend to use the proceeds from any exercise of Warrants or options for cash for general corporate and working capital purposes.

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We have never declared or paid any cash dividends on our capital stock. We currently intend to retain all available funds and future earnings, if any, to fund the development and growth of the business, and therefore, do not anticipate declaring or paying any cash dividends on our Common Stock in the foreseeable future. Any future determination related to our dividend policy will be made at the discretion of our Board after considering our business prospects, results of operations, financial condition, cash requirements and availability, debt repayment obligations, capital expenditure needs, contractual restrictions, covenants in the agreements governing current and future indebtedness, industry trends, the provisions of Delaware law affecting the payment of dividends and distributions to stockholders and any other factors or considerations the Board deems relevant.

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The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information presents the combination of the financial information of Sandbridge and Old Owlet adjusted to give effect to the Business Combination and related transactions. The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information has been prepared in accordance with Article 11 of
Regulation S-X,
as amended by the final rule, Release
No. 33-10786
‘Amendments to Financial Disclosure about Acquired and Disposed Businesses.’
The historical financial information of Sandbridge was derived from the restated audited historical financial statements of Sandbridge for the period from June 23, 2020 (inception) to December 31, 2020, and from the unaudited historical condensed financial statements as of and for the six months ended June 30, 2021, respectively. The historical consolidated financial information of Old Owlet was derived from the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements of Old Owlet as of and for the six months ended June 30, 2021 and from the audited consolidated financial statements for the full year ended December 31, 2020. This information should be read together with Sandbridge’s and Old Owlet’s financial statements and related notes, the section titled “
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
” and other financial information included elsewhere in this prospectus.
The Business Combination is accounted for as a reverse recapitalization, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (‘‘U.S. GAAP’’). Under the guidance in ASC 805, Sandbridge is treated as the “acquired” company for financial reporting purposes. Accordingly, the Business Combination is treated as the equivalent of Old Owlet issuing stock for the net assets of Sandbridge, accompanied by a recapitalization whereby no goodwill or other intangible assets are recorded. Operations following the Business Combination will be those of Old Owlet.
Old Owlet is the accounting acquirer based on evaluation of the following facts and circumstances:
Old Owlet stockholders have the largest voting interest in the post-combination company;
the board of directors of the post-combination company has up to nine members, and Old Owlet has the ability to nominate the majority of the members of the board of directors;
Old Owlet management will continue to hold executive management roles for the post-combination company and be responsible for the
the post-combination company has assumed the Old Owlet name;
the post-combination company will maintain Old Owlet’s headquarters; and
the intended strategy of the post-combination entity will continue Old Owlet’s strategy of product development and market penetration.
The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet as of June 30, 2021 combines the unaudited historical condensed balance sheet of Sandbridge and the historical consolidated unaudited balance sheet of Owlet on a pro forma basis as if the Business Combination and related transactions, summarized below, had been consummated on June 30, 2021. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 2020 combines the historical audited statement of operations of Sandbridge for the period from its inception on June 23, 2020 to December 31, 2020 and the historical consolidated audited statement of operations of Owlet for the year ended December 31, 2020 on a pro forma basis as if the Business Combination and related transactions, summarized below, had been consummated on January 1, 2020, the beginning of the earliest period presented. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of operations for the six months ended June 30, 2021 combines the unaudited statement of operations of Sandbridge for the six months ended June 30, 2021 and the unaudited condensed consolidated statement of operations of Owlet for the six months ended June 30, 2021 on a pro forma basis as if the Business Combination and related transactions, summarized below, had been consummated on January 1, 2020, the beginning of the earliest period presented.

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The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information is for informational purposes only. It does not purport to indicate the results that would have been obtained had the Business Combination and related transactions actually been completed on the assumed date or for the periods presented, or which may be realized in the future. The transaction accounting adjustments are based on the information currently available and the assumptions and estimates underlying the transaction accounting adjustments are described in the accompanying notes. Actual results may differ materially from the assumptions within the accompanying unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information. Old Owlet will incur additional costs after the Business Combination in order to satisfy its obligations as an SEC reporting public company.
Description of the Business Combination
On February 15, 2021, Old Owlet entered into the Business Combination Agreement with Sandbridge and Merger Sub. Pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, Merger Sub merged into Old Owlet, with Old Owlet surviving the Merger. Old Owlet became a wholly owned subsidiary of Sandbridge and Sandbridge was immediately renamed ‘‘Owlet, Inc.’’ Upon the consummation of the Business Combination, Old Owlet’s equityholders received or have the right to receive shares of Owlet common stock at a deemed value of $10.00 per share after giving effect to the exchange ratio based on the terms of the Business Combination Agreement (“the Exchange Ratio”). Accordingly, 90,791,573 shares of Owlet common stock immediately issued and outstanding at the Closing and 9,789,024 shares were reserved for the potential future issuance of Owlet common stock upon the exercise of Old Owlet stock options based on the following transactions contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement:
the cancellation of each issued and outstanding share of Old Owlet common stock (including shares of Old Owlet common stock resulting from the deemed conversion of Old Owlet redeemable convertible preferred stock and outstanding unvested restricted shares of Old Owlet common stock) and the conversion into the right to receive a number of shares of Owlet common stock shares equal to the Exchange Ratio;
the net share settlement of all outstanding Old Owlet warrants in accordance with their respective terms into the right to receive a number of shares of Owlet common stock equal to the Exchange Ratio; and
the conversion of all outstanding Old Owlet options into options exercisable for shares of Owlet common stock with the same terms except for the number of shares exercisable and the exercise price, each of which were adjusted using the Exchange Ratio.
Other Related Events in Connection with the Business Combination
Other related events in connection with the Business Combination are summarized below:
The issuance and sale of 12,968,000 shares of Sandbridge common stock at a purchase price of $10.00 per share for an aggregate purchase price of $129.7 million pursuant to the PIPE Investment.
Of the shares of Owlet common stock beneficially owned by the Sponsor as of the Closing, 1,403,750 shares will vest at such time as a $12.50 stock price level is achieved and 1,403,750 will vest at such time as a $15.00 stock price level is achieved, in each case, on or before the fifth anniversary of the Closing of the Business Combination. The ‘‘stock price level’’ will be considered achieved only (a) when the closing price of a share of Owlet common stock on the NYSE is greater than or equal to the applicable price for any 20 trading days within a 30 trading day period or (b) the price per share of Owlet common stock paid in certain change of control transactions following the Closing is greater than or equal to the applicable price. Founder shares subject to vesting pursuant to the above terms that do not vest in accordance with such terms shall be forfeited. As the vesting event has not yet been achieved, these shares of Owlet common stock, which are issued and outstanding, are treated as contingently recallable in the pro forma financial information.
The accounting treatment of the shares of Owlet common stock beneficially owned by the Sponsor but subject to vesting have been classified as equity. The private placement warrants and the public warrants have been accounted for as liabilities and will be remeasured to fair value at each balance sheet date in future reporting periods with changes in fair value recorded in the Owlet consolidated statement of operations.
The 2,807,500 shares of Owlet common stock represent shares of Owlet Common stock that the Sponsor received upon conversion of the Sandbridge Class B common stock outstanding prior to the Closing. These shares were previously included in Sandbridge’s equity as they are included in the 5,750,000 shares given to the Sponsor and related parties.
The 9,789,024 shares of Owlet common stock represent underlying outstanding Owlet option awards. These shares were previously included in Owlet’s equity and a portion of them were subject to cash settlement contingent on the

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successful completion of the Business Combination. The remaining amounts are vested and unvested options. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information present that holders of options to purchase Old Owlet common stock elected to have 496,717 options cashed out in accordance with the Business Combination Agreement, rather than assumed by Owlet. These shares were settled with cash, and the underlying option awards have been recognized as liabilities at fair value with changes in fair value recorded in the Owlet consolidated statement of operations in the pro forma financials.
The following summarizes the pro forma shares of New Owlet common stock issued and outstanding immediately after the Business Combination:
Owlet equityholders
     90,791,573        80.5
Sandbridge’s public stockholders
     3,241,227        2.9
Sponsor & related parties
     5,750,000        5.1
PIPE investors
     12,968,000        11.5
Pro Forma Owlet Common Stock at Closing
     112,750,800        100.0
Excludes 9,789,024 shares of Owlet common stock underlying outstanding Owlet option awards.
Represents the shares of Owlet common stock the Sponsor and the independent directors and an advisor of Sandbridge hold upon conversion of the Sandbridge Class B common stock at Closing. Of such shares, 2,807,500 shares of Owlet common stock are outstanding following the Closing but remain subject to price-based performance vesting terms as described above under “
Other Related Events in Connection with the Business Combination

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Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet
As of June 30, 2021
(In thousands)
Owlet Baby
Care Inc.
Pro Forma
Pro Forma
Current assets:
   $ 470      $ 12,218      $ 230,096      
     —          17,394        —                 17,394  
     —          11,051        —                 11,051  
Capitalized transaction costs
     —          4,019        (4,019  
Prepaids and other current assets
     233        1,327        —                 1,560  
Total current assets
Cash and marketable securities held in trust account
   $ 230,096      $ —        $ (230,096  
  $ —    
Property and equipment, net
     —          1,823        —                 1,823  
Intangibles, net
     —          609        —                 609  
Internally developed software
     —          204        —                 204  
Other noncurrent assets
     —          183        —                 183  
Total assets
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable
   $ —        $ 19,434      $ —               $ 19,434  
Accrued expenses
     4,768        12,449        —                 17,217  
Deferred revenue, current
     —          1,663        —                 1,663  
Line of credit, net
     —          16,287        —                 16,287  
Current portion of related party convertible notes payable
     —          7,104        (7,104  
Current portion of long-term debt
     —          4,000        —                 4,000  
Total current liabilities
Deferred rent, net of current portion
   $ —        $ 280      $ —               $ 280  
Long-term deferred revenue
     —          168        —                 168  
Long-term debt, net
     —          10,991        —                 10,991  
Preferred stock warrant liability
     —          8,571        (8,571  
Warrant liability
     25,340        —          —                 25,340  
Other long-term liabilities
     —          13        —                 13  
Deferred underwriting fee payable
     8,050        —          (8,050  
Total liabilities
Commitments and contingencies
Redeemable convertible series A and series A-1 preferred stock
   $ —        $ 23,652      $ (23,652  
  $ —    
Redeemable convertible series B and series B-1 preferred stock
   $ —        $ 23,536      $ (23,536  
  $ —    
Class A common stock subject to redemption
   $ 187,641      $ —        $ (187,641  
  $ —    

Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements
Stockholders’ equity (deficit)
Class A common stock
     —         1       1    
Class B common stock
     1       —         (1  
     20,324       5,589       129,679    
Accumulated deficit
     (15,325     (84,910     15,325    
Total stockholders’ equity (deficit)
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity (deficit)

Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements
Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statement of Operations
For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2021
(In thousands, except per share amounts)
For the Six


Ended June 30,

For the Six


Ended June 30,

For the Six Months Ended

June 30, 2021
Owlet Baby

Care Inc.



Pro Forma
           $ 46,849                     $ 46,849  
Cost of revenues
             20,648                       20,648  
Gross profit
             26,201                       26,201  
Operating expenses:
General and administrative
     5,313       13,266                       18,579  
Sales and marketing
             13,687                       13,687  
Research and development
             7,949                       7,949  
Total operating expenses
     5,313       34,902                       40,215  
Other income (expense):
Gain on loan forgiveness
     —         2,098                       2,098  
Interest expense, net
     —         (901     604       (2A)       (297
Preferred stock warrant liability mark to market
     —         (5,578     5,578       (3A)       —    
Warrant liability mark to market
     (1,810                             (1,810
Loss on extinguishment of debt
     —         (182                     (182
Other income (expenses), net
     45       79       (45     (1A)       79  
Stock option cash out liability mark to market expense
     —         —         (8,841     (5A)       (8,841
Total other income (expense), net
     (1,765     (4,484                     (8,953
Loss before income tax provision
     (7,078     (13,185     (2,704             (22,967
Income tax provision
     —         (7             (4A)       (7
Net loss
   $ (7,078   $ (13,192   $ (2,704           $ (22,974
Net loss per share attributable to common stockholders, Class A redeemable common stock, basic and diluted .
   $ —       $ (1.21   $ —               $ (0.21
Net income per share attributable to common stockholders, Class B
common stock, basic and diluted
   $ (1.23   $ —       $ —               $ —    
Weighted-average number of shares outstanding of Class A redeemable common stock used to compute net loss per share attributable to common stockholders, basic and diluted
     23,000,000       10,901,698       70,291,602       5(A)       109,943,300  

Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements
Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statement of Operations
For the Year Ended December 31, 2020
(In thousands, except per share amounts)
June 23,




December 31,

For the

Year Ended

December 31,

For the Year Ended

December 31, 2020


Owlet Baby

Care Inc.



Pro Forma

           $ 75,403                     $ 75,403  
Cost of revenues
             39,526                       39,526  
Gross profit
             35,877                       35,877  
Operating expenses:
General and administrative
     480       13,140                       13,620  
Sales and marketing
             19,263                       19,263  
Research and development
             10,465                       10,465  
Total operating expenses
     480       42,868                       43,348  
Other income (expense):
Interest expense
             (1,420     434       (2A     (986
Interest income
             38                       38  
Preferred stock warrant liability mark to market
             (1,952     1,952       (3A     —    
Warrant liability mark to market
     (7,240                             (7,240
Other income (expenses), net
     (527     (176     (53     (1A     (756
Total other income (expense), net
     (7,767     (3,510     2,333               (8,944
Loss before income tax provision
     (8,247     (10,501     2,333               (16,415
Income tax provision
             (20             (4A     (20
Net loss
   $ (8,247   $ (10,521   $ 2,333             $ (16,435
Net loss per share attributable to common stockholders, Class A redeemable common stock, basic and diluted .
   $ —       $ (0.98 &#