Form 1-A Issuer Information UNITED STATES
Washington, D.C. 20549



OMB Number: 3235-0286

Estimated average burden hours per response: 608.0

1-A: Filer Information

Issuer CIK
Issuer CCC
DOS File Number
Offering File Number
Is this a LIVE or TEST Filing? LIVE TEST
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Since Last Filing?

Submission Contact Information

E-Mail Address

1-A: Item 1. Issuer Information

Issuer Infomation

Exact name of issuer as specified in the issuer's charter
DatChat, Inc.
Jurisdiction of Incorporation / Organization
Year of Incorporation
Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code
I.R.S. Employer Identification Number
Total number of full-time employees
Total number of part-time employees

Contact Infomation

Address of Principal Executive Offices

Address 1
65 Church Street, 2nd Floor
Address 2
New Brunswick
Mailing Zip/ Postal Code

Provide the following information for the person the Securities and Exchange Commission's staff should call in connection with any pre-qualification review of the offering statement.

Darin Myman
Address 1
Address 2
Mailing Zip/ Postal Code

Provide up to two e-mail addresses to which the Securities and Exchange Commission's staff may send any comment letters relating to the offering statement. After qualification of the offering statement, such e-mail addresses are not required to remain active.

Financial Statements

Industry Group (select one) Banking Insurance Other

Use the financial statements for the most recent period contained in this offering statement to provide the following information about the issuer. The following table does not include all of the line items from the financial statements. Long Term Debt would include notes payable, bonds, mortgages, and similar obligations. To determine "Total Revenues" for all companies selecting "Other" for their industry group, refer to Article 5-03(b)(1) of Regulation S-X. For companies selecting "Insurance", refer to Article 7-04 of Regulation S-X for calculation of "Total Revenues" and paragraphs 5 and 7 of Article 7-04 for "Costs and Expenses Applicable to Revenues".

Balance Sheet Information

Cash and Cash Equivalents
$ 126591.00
Investment Securities
$ 0.00
Total Investments
Accounts and Notes Receivable
$ 0.00
Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E):
$ 0.00
Property and Equipment
Total Assets
$ 609702.00
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities
$ 12836.00
Policy Liabilities and Accruals
Long Term Debt
$ 0.00
Total Liabilities
$ 87487.00
Total Stockholders' Equity
$ 522215.00
Total Liabilities and Equity
$ 609702.00

Statement of Comprehensive Income Information

Total Revenues
$ 0.00
Total Interest Income
Costs and Expenses Applicable to Revenues
$ 0.00
Total Interest Expenses
Depreciation and Amortization
$ 26882.00
Net Income
$ -571114.00
Earnings Per Share - Basic
$ -0.04
Earnings Per Share - Diluted
$ -0.04
Name of Auditor (if any)
D. Brooks and Associates CPA's, P.A.

Outstanding Securities

Common Equity

Name of Class (if any) Common Equity
Common Stock
Common Equity Units Outstanding
Common Equity CUSIP (if any):
Common Equity Units Name of Trading Center or Quotation Medium (if any)

Preferred Equity

Preferred Equity Name of Class (if any)
Series A
Preferred Equity Units Outstanding
Preferred Equity CUSIP (if any)
Preferred Equity Name of Trading Center or Quotation Medium (if any)

Debt Securities

Debt Securities Name of Class (if any)
Debt Securities Units Outstanding
Debt Securities CUSIP (if any):
Debt Securities Name of Trading Center or Quotation Medium (if any)

1-A: Item 2. Issuer Eligibility

Issuer Eligibility

Check this box to certify that all of the following statements are true for the issuer(s)

1-A: Item 3. Application of Rule 262

Application Rule 262

Check this box to certify that, as of the time of this filing, each person described in Rule 262 of Regulation A is either not disqualified under that rule or is disqualified but has received a waiver of such disqualification.

Check this box if "bad actor" disclosure under Rule 262(d) is provided in Part II of the offering statement.

1-A: Item 4. Summary Information Regarding the Offering and Other Current or Proposed Offerings

Summary Infomation

Check the appropriate box to indicate whether you are conducting a Tier 1 or Tier 2 offering Tier1 Tier2
Check the appropriate box to indicate whether the financial statements have been audited Unaudited Audited
Types of Securities Offered in this Offering Statement (select all that apply)
Equity (common or preferred stock)
Does the issuer intend to offer the securities on a delayed or continuous basis pursuant to Rule 251(d)(3)? Yes No
Does the issuer intend this offering to last more than one year? Yes No
Does the issuer intend to price this offering after qualification pursuant to Rule 253(b)? Yes No
Will the issuer be conducting a best efforts offering? Yes No
Has the issuer used solicitation of interest communications in connection with the proposed offering? Yes No
Does the proposed offering involve the resale of securities by affiliates of the issuer? Yes No
Number of securities offered
Number of securities of that class outstanding

The information called for by this item below may be omitted if undetermined at the time of filing or submission, except that if a price range has been included in the offering statement, the midpoint of that range must be used to respond. Please refer to Rule 251(a) for the definition of "aggregate offering price" or "aggregate sales" as used in this item. Please leave the field blank if undetermined at this time and include a zero if a particular item is not applicable to the offering.

Price per security
$ 2.00
The portion of the aggregate offering price attributable to securities being offered on behalf of the issuer
$ 41760500.00
The portion of the aggregate offering price attributable to securities being offered on behalf of selling securityholders
$ 8239500.00
The portion of the aggregate offering price attributable to all the securities of the issuer sold pursuant to a qualified offering statement within the 12 months before the qualification of this offering statement
$ 0.00
The estimated portion of aggregate sales attributable to securities that may be sold pursuant to any other qualified offering statement concurrently with securities being sold under this offering statement
$ 0.00
Total (the sum of the aggregate offering price and aggregate sales in the four preceding paragraphs)
$ 50000000.00

Anticipated fees in connection with this offering and names of service providers

Underwriters - Name of Service Provider
Underwriters - Fees
Sales Commissions - Name of Service Provider
Sales Commissions - Fee
Finders' Fees - Name of Service Provider
Finders' Fees - Fees
Audit - Name of Service Provider
D. Brooks and Associates, CPA's, P.A.
Audit - Fees
$ 11700.00
Legal - Name of Service Provider
Lucosky Brookman LLP
Legal - Fees
$ 35000.00
Promoters - Name of Service Provider
Promoters - Fees
Blue Sky Compliance - Name of Service Provider
Blue Sky Compliance - Fees
CRD Number of any broker or dealer listed:
Estimated net proceeds to the issuer
$ 41760500.00
Clarification of responses (if necessary)

1-A: Item 5. Jurisdictions in Which Securities are to be Offered

Jurisdictions in Which Securities are to be Offered

Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities

Selected States and Jurisdictions

Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the securities are to be offered by underwriters, dealers or sales persons or check the appropriate box

Same as the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities
Selected States and Jurisdictions

1-A: Item 6. Unregistered Securities Issued or Sold Within One Year

Unregistered Securities Issued or Sold Within One Year


Unregistered Securities Issued

As to any unregistered securities issued by the issuer of any of its predecessors or affiliated issuers within one year before the filing of this Form 1-A, state:

(a)Name of such issuer
DatChat, Inc.
(b)(1) Title of securities issued
Common Stock
(2) Total Amount of such securities issued
(3) Amount of such securities sold by or for the account of any person who at the time was a director, officer, promoter or principal securityholder of the issuer of such securities, or was an underwriter of any securities of such issuer.
(c)(1) Aggregate consideration for which the securities were issued and basis for computing the amount thereof.
No cash consideration was paid. Shares issued in consideration of consulting services rendered. Based on $.20 per share.
(2) Aggregate consideration for which the securities listed in (b)(3) of this item (if any) were issued and the basis for computing the amount thereof (if different from the basis described in (c)(1)).

Unregistered Securities Issued

As to any unregistered securities issued by the issuer of any of its predecessors or affiliated issuers within one year before the filing of this Form 1-A, state:

(a)Name of such issuer
DatChat, Inc.
(b)(1) Title of securities issued
Common Stock
(2) Total Amount of such securities issued
(3) Amount of such securities sold by or for the account of any person who at the time was a director, officer, promoter or principal securityholder of the issuer of such securities, or was an underwriter of any securities of such issuer.
(c)(1) Aggregate consideration for which the securities were issued and basis for computing the amount thereof.
No cash consideration was paid. Shares issued in consideration of advisory board services rendered. Based on $.20 per share.
(2) Aggregate consideration for which the securities listed in (b)(3) of this item (if any) were issued and the basis for computing the amount thereof (if different from the basis described in (c)(1)).

Unregistered Securities Issued

As to any unregistered securities issued by the issuer of any of its predecessors or affiliated issuers within one year before the filing of this Form 1-A, state:

(a)Name of such issuer
DatChat, Inc.
(b)(1) Title of securities issued
Common Stock
(2) Total Amount of such securities issued
(3) Amount of such securities sold by or for the account of any person who at the time was a director, officer, promoter or principal securityholder of the issuer of such securities, or was an underwriter of any securities of such issuer.
(c)(1) Aggregate consideration for which the securities were issued and basis for computing the amount thereof.
No cash consideration was paid. Shares issued in consideration of legal services rendered. Based on $.20 per share.
(2) Aggregate consideration for which the securities listed in (b)(3) of this item (if any) were issued and the basis for computing the amount thereof (if different from the basis described in (c)(1)).

Unregistered Securities Issued

As to any unregistered securities issued by the issuer of any of its predecessors or affiliated issuers within one year before the filing of this Form 1-A, state:

(a)Name of such issuer
DatChat, Inc.
(b)(1) Title of securities issued
Common Stock
(2) Total Amount of such securities issued
(3) Amount of such securities sold by or for the account of any person who at the time was a director, officer, promoter or principal securityholder of the issuer of such securities, or was an underwriter of any securities of such issuer.
(c)(1) Aggregate consideration for which the securities were issued and basis for computing the amount thereof.
Cash consideration of $513,950. Based on $.20 per share.
(2) Aggregate consideration for which the securities listed in (b)(3) of this item (if any) were issued and the basis for computing the amount thereof (if different from the basis described in (c)(1)).

Unregistered Securities Issued

As to any unregistered securities issued by the issuer of any of its predecessors or affiliated issuers within one year before the filing of this Form 1-A, state:

(a)Name of such issuer
DatChat, Inc.
(b)(1) Title of securities issued
Common Stock
(2) Total Amount of such securities issued
(3) Amount of such securities sold by or for the account of any person who at the time was a director, officer, promoter or principal securityholder of the issuer of such securities, or was an underwriter of any securities of such issuer.
(c)(1) Aggregate consideration for which the securities were issued and basis for computing the amount thereof.
Cash consideration of $100,005. Based on $.06667 per share.
(2) Aggregate consideration for which the securities listed in (b)(3) of this item (if any) were issued and the basis for computing the amount thereof (if different from the basis described in (c)(1)).

Unregistered Securities Act

(e) Indicate the section of the Securities Act or Commission rule or regulation relied upon for exemption from the registration requirements of such Act and state briefly the facts relied upon for such exemption
Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 506 of Regulation D.

Preliminary Offering Circular

January 25, 2017

Subject to Completion


An offering statement pursuant to Regulation A relating to these securities has been filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Information contained in this Preliminary Offering Circular is subject to completion or amendment. These securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted before the offering statement filed with the SEC is qualified. This Preliminary Offering Circular shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor may there be any sales of these securities in any state in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful before registration or qualification under the laws of any such state. We may elect to satisfy our obligation to deliver a Final Offering Circular by sending you a notice within two business days after the completion of our sale to you that contains the URL where the Offering Circular was filed may be obtained.




DatChat, Inc.

65 Church Street, 2nd Floor 

New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Telephone: (732) 354-4766


$50,000 Minimum Offering Amount (25,000 Shares of Common Stock)

$50,000,000 Maximum Offering Amount (25,000,000 Shares of Common Stock)


We are offering a minimum of $50,000 and a maximum of $50,000,000 of our Common Stock (“Common Stock”). The offering will consist of a minimum of 25,000 and a maximum of 25,000,000 shares of Common Stock at an offering price of $2.00 per share (the “Offered Shares”). If we have not received and accepted subscriptions for the minimum number of Offered Shares at the end of the one hundred fiftieth (150) day following qualification of the offering statement of which this offering circular is a part, subject to the Company’s ability to extend the offering for an additional thirty (30) days (the “Extension Period”), this offering will terminate. If we have received and accepted subscriptions for the minimum number of Offered Shares on or before the end of the one hundred fiftieth (150) day following qualification, or the end of the Extension Period, if exercised, then the Company will close on the minimum offering amount (the “Initial Closing”) and this offering will continue and terminate on (i) the date which is one hundred fifty (150) days after the Initial Closing or (ii) the date on which the maximum offering amount is sold.


If on the date of the Initial Closing we have sold less than the maximum Offered Shares, then we will hold one or more additional closings for additional sales (each, an “Additional Closing”), up to the maximum number of Offered Shares until such time as the offering is terminated. The Company will consider various factors in determining the timing of any Additional Closings, including amount of proceeds received at the Initial Closing, the level of additional valid subscriptions received after the Initial Closing, and the eligibility of additional investors under applicable laws. For the Initial Closing and each subsequent Additional Closing, proceeds for such closing will be kept in a separate bank account, as agent or trustee for the persons who have the beneficial interests therein, pursuant to Section 15c2-4. Upon each closing, the proceeds collected for such closing will be disbursed to the Company and the associated Offered Shares will be issued to the investors in such Offered Shares. If the offering does not close for any reason, the proceeds for the offering will be promptly returned to investors, without deduction and generally without interest. The agent for the separate bank account will retain 0.25% of funds reconciled and processed in such account as partial compensation for serving as agent. The minimum purchase requirement per investor is 250 Offered Shares ($500); however, we can waive the minimum purchase requirement on a case-by-case basis in our sole discretion. 





    Number of Shares     Price to Public     Underwriting Discounts and Commissions (1)     Proceeds to Issuer (2)  
Per Share:     1     $ 2.00     $ 0.00     $ 2.00  
Total Minimum:     25,000     $ 50,000     $ 0.00     $ 50,000  
Total Maximum:     25,000,000     $ 50,000,000     $ 0.00     $ 41,760,500 (3)


(1) We do not intend to use commissioned sales agents or underwriters.
(2) Does not include expenses of the offering, including, but not limited to, legal, accounting, printing, marketing, blue sky compliance, transfer agent, and escrow fees.
(3) Assumes all shares sold by selling shareholders hereunder for which the Company will not receive proceeds.



The date of this Offering Circular is January 25, 2017


Generally, no sale may be made to you in this offering if the aggregate purchase price you pay is more than 10% of the greater of your annual income or net worth. Different rules apply to accredited investors and non-natural persons. Before making any representation that your investment does not exceed applicable thresholds, we encourage you to review Rule 251(d)(2)(i)(C) of Regulation A. For general information on investing, we encourage you to refer to


An investment in the Offered Shares is subject to certain risks and should be made only by persons or entities able to bear the risk of and to withstand the total loss of their investment. Prospective investors should carefully consider and review the RISK FACTORS beginning on page 3.








This Offering Circular is following the offering circular format described in Part II of Form 1-A.



Table of Contents 




Offering Summary 1
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements 2
Risk Factors 3
Dilution 7
Use of Proceeds 8
Description of our Business 9
Description of Property 11
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 12
Directors, Executive Officers and Significant Employees 17
Summary Compensation Table 18
Security Ownership of Management and Certain Security Holders 18
Interest of Management and Others in Certain Transactions 19
Securities Being Offered 20
Plan of Distribution 20
Selling Security Holders 22
Financial Statements F-1
Index to Exhibits III-1







The following summary highlights selected information contained in this Offering Circular.  This summary does not contain all the information that may be important to you.  You should read the more detailed information contained in this Offering Circular, including, but not limited to, the risk factors beginning on page 3. References to “we,” “us,” “our,” or the “company” means DatChat, Inc.


Our Company


DatChat, Inc., a Nevada Corporation (“DatChat” or the “Company”), is a designer and developer of a mobile-based messaging application (the “DatChat Messenger”). Utilizing patent pending technology, DatChat Messenger provides fast, safe, and easy messaging for its users with an emphasis on their privacy and security.


This Offering


Securities offered   Minimum of 25,000 shares of Common Stock ($50,000)
Maximum of 25,000,000 shares of Common Stock ($50,000,000)
Common Stock outstanding before the offering   19,794,750 shares
Common Stock outstanding after the offering   Minimum of 19,819,750 shares of Common Stock (1)
Maximum of 40,675,000 shares of Common Stock (2)
Use of proceeds   The net proceeds of this offering will be used primarily for further development of DatChat Messenger, development of new technology and marketing.
Risk factors   Investing in our shares involves a high degree of risk.  As an investor you should be able to bear a complete loss of your investment.  You should carefully consider the information set forth in the “Risk Factors” section of this Offering Circular.


(1) Assumes the sale of 25,000 shares.

(2) Assumes the sale of 25,000,000 shares, including the sale of shares by existing shareholders as more fully described herein.



Table of Contents 




This Offering Circular contains certain forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements are generally identifiable by use of forward-looking terminology such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “potential,” “intend,” “expect,” “outlook,” “seek,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “approximately,” “believe,” “could,” “project,” “predict,” or other similar words or expressions. Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions, discuss future expectations, describe future plans and strategies, contain financial and operating projections or state other forward-looking information. Our ability to predict results or the actual effect of future events, actions, plans or strategies is inherently uncertain. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, our actual results and performance could differ materially from those set forth or anticipated in our forward-looking statements. Factors that could have a material adverse effect on our forward-looking statements and upon our business, results of operations, financial condition, funds derived from operations, cash available for dividends, cash flows, liquidity and prospects include, but are not limited to, the factors referenced in this Offering Circular, including those set forth below.


When considering forward-looking statements, you should keep in mind the risk factors and other cautionary statements in this Offering Circular. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking statements, which reflect our views as of the date of this Offering Circular. The matters summarized below and elsewhere in this Offering Circular could cause our actual results and performance to differ materially from those set forth or anticipated in forward-looking statements. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee future results or performance. Furthermore, except as required by law, we are under no duty to, and we do not intend to, update any of our forward-looking statements after the date of this Offering Circular, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.



Table of Contents 




An investment in our shares involves a high degree of risk and many uncertainties.  You should carefully consider the specific factors listed below, together with the cautionary statement that follows this section and the other information included in this offering circular, before purchasing our shares in this offering.  If one or more of the possibilities described as risks below actually occur, our operating results and financial condition would likely suffer and the trading price, if any, of our shares could fall, causing you to lose some or all of your investment.  The following is a description of what we consider the key challenges and material risks to our business and an investment in our securities.


Risks Related to our Business and Industry


We have a limited operating history and have not yet generated any revenues.


Our limited operating history makes evaluating the business and future prospects difficult, and may increase the risk of your investment.  DatChat was formed in 2014 and there has been a limited amount of downloads of DatChat Messenger. To date, we have no revenues. Since inception through June 30, 2016 we have recorded net accumulated losses totaling $834,090. We intend, in the long term, to derive revenues from advertisement sales, technology licensing, and other forms of revenue. DatChat Messenger is available for download on certain mobile platforms and we are developing compatibility on with other platforms. We also continue to develop and refine functions of DatChat Messenger.


We may fail to develop new products, or may incur unexpected expenses or delays.


Although we currently have a fully developed application available for download, DatChat Messenger, we may need to develop various new technologies, products and product features and to remain competitive. Due to the risks inherent in developing new products and technologies — limited financing, loss of key personnel, and other factors — we may fail to develop these technologies and products, or may experience lengthy and costly delays in doing so. Although we are able to license some of our technologies in their current stage of development, we cannot assure that we will be able to develop new products or enhancements to our existing products in order to remain competitive.


Terms of subsequent financings may adversely impact your investment.


We may have to engage in common equity, debt, or preferred stock financing in the future.  Your rights and the value of your investment in the Common Stock could be reduced.  Interest on debt securities could increase costs and negatively impacts operating results.  Preferred stock could be issued in series from time to time with such designation, rights, preferences, and limitations as needed to raise capital.  The terms of preferred stock could be more advantageous to those investors than to the holders of Common Stock.  In addition, if we need to raise more equity capital from the sale of Common Stock, institutional or other investors may negotiate terms at least as, and possibly more, favorable than the terms of your investment.  Shares of Common Stock that we sell could be sold into any market which develops, which could adversely affect the market price.


We are dependent on our management to achieve our objectives, and our loss of, or inability to obtain, key personnel could delay or hinder implementation of our business and growth strategies, which could adversely affect the value of your investment.


Our success depends on the diligence, experience and skill of our Board of Directors (the “Board”) and officers, especially Mr. Darin Myman, our Chief Executive Officer and Chairman. The loss of Mr. Myman, any future director, or any other key person could harm our business, financial condition, cash flow, and results of operations. Any such event would likely result in a material adverse effect on your investment.


We may face intense competition and expect competition to increase in the future, which could prohibit us from developing a customer base and generating revenue.


We are entering into the mobile application industry, specifically the mobile messaging market, which is already saturated with established companies. Many of these companies, including Apple Inc. (“Apple”), Google (Alphabet Inc.), and Facebook, Inc., already have an established market in our industry. Most of these companies have significantly greater financial and other resources than us and have been developing their products and services longer than we have been developing ours.


We do not offer any services other than DatChat Messenger, and we must establish our customer base. If we are unable to convince users to switch to DatChat Messenger for mobile messaging, or use DatChat Messenger in addition to other mobile messaging applications, our operations may be materially affected or cease altogether.



Table of Contents 


DatChat Messenger is based on new and unproved technologies and is subject to the risks of failure inherent in the development of new products and services.


Because DatChat Messenger is based on certain new technologies, it is subject to risks of failure that are particular to new technologies, including the possibility that:


- DatChat Messenger will not gain market acceptance;
- proprietary rights of third parties may preclude us from marketing a new product or service;
- DatChat Messenger may not receive the exposure required to obtain new users; or
- third parties may market superior products or services.


Major network failures could have an adverse effect on our business.


Our technology infrastructure is critical to the performance of DatChat Messenger and customer satisfaction. DatChat Messenger runs on a complex distributed system, or what is commonly known as cloud computing. Some elements of this system are operated by third-parties that we do not control and which would require significant time to replace. We expect this dependence on third parties to continue. Major equipment failures, natural disasters, including severe weather, terrorist acts, acts of war, cyber-attacks or other breaches of network or information technology security that affect third-party networks, communications switches, routers, microwave links, cell sites or other third-party equipment on which we rely, could cause major network failures and/or unusually high network traffic demands that could have a material adverse effect on our operations or our ability to provide service to our customers. These events could disrupt our operations, require significant resources to resolve, result in a loss of customers or impair our ability to attract new customers, which in turn could have a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, results of operations and financial condition. If we experience significant service interruptions, which could require significant resources to resolve, it could result in a loss of customers or impair our ability to attract new customers, which in turn could have a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, results of operations and financial condition. In addition, with the growth of wireless data services, enterprise data interfaces and Internet-based or Internet Protocol enabled applications, wireless networks and devices are exposed to a greater degree to third-party data or applications over which we have less direct control. As a result, the network infrastructure and information systems on which we rely, as well as our customers’ wireless devices, may be subject to a wider array of potential security risks, including viruses and other types of computer-based attacks, which could cause lapses in our service or adversely affect the ability of our customers to access our service. Such lapses could have a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, results of operations and financial condition.


If we are unable to maintain a good relationship with the markets where DatChat Messenger is distributed, our business will suffer.


Apple’s “App Store” is the primary distribution, marketing, promotion and payment platform for DatChat Messenger. Any deterioration in our relationship with Apple or any application market place we utilize in the future would harm our business and adversely affect the value of our stock.


We are subject to Apple’s standard terms and conditions for application developers, which govern the promotion, distribution and operation of mobile applications on its platform. Our business would be harmed if:


- Apple discontinues or limits access to its platform by us and other application developers;
- Apple modifies its terms of service or other policies, including fees charged to, or other restrictions on, us or other application developers, or Apple changes how the personal information of its users is made available to application developers on their respective platforms or shared by users;
- Apple establishes more favorable relationships with one or more of our competitors;
- Apple limits our access to its application market place because DatChat Messenger provides mobile messaging services similar to Apple; or
- Apple makes changes in its operating system or development platform that are incompatible with our technology.



Table of Contents 


We have benefited from Apple’s strong brand recognition and large user base. If Apple loses its market position or otherwise falls out of favor with mobile users, we would need to identify alternative channels for marketing, promoting and distributing DatChat Messenger, which would consume substantial resources and may not be effective. In addition, Apple has broad discretion to change their terms of service and other policies with respect to us and other developers, and those changes may be unfavorable to us. Any such changes in the future could significantly alter how DatChat Messenger users experience or interact within it, which may harm our business.


If third parties claim that we infringe their intellectual property, it may result in costly litigation.


We cannot assure you that third parties will not claim our current or future products or services infringe their intellectual property rights. Any such claims, with or without merit, could cause costly litigation that could consume significant management time. As the number of product and services offerings in the mobile application market increases and functionalities increasingly overlap, companies such as ours may become increasingly subject to infringement claims. Such claims also might require us to enter into royalty or license agreements. If required, we may not be able to obtain such royalty or license agreements, or obtain them on terms acceptable to us.


We may not be able to adequately protect our proprietary technology, and our competitors may be able to offer similar products and services which would harm our competitive position.


Our success depends upon our proprietary technology. We plan to rely primarily on copyright, service mark and trade secret laws, confidentiality procedures and contractual provisions to establish and protect our proprietary rights. Despite these precautions, third parties could copy or otherwise obtain and use our technology without authorization, or develop similar technology independently. We also pursue the registration of our domain names, trademarks, and service marks in the United States. We have also filed an application to register a patent. However, we cannot provide any assurance that this application or any future application will ultimately result in an issued patent or, if issued, that it will provide sufficient protections for our technology against competitors. We cannot assure you that the protection of our proprietary rights will be adequate or that our competitors will not independently develop similar technology, duplicate our products and services or design around any intellectual property rights we hold.


We may become subject to government regulation and legal uncertainties that could reduce demand for our products and services or increase the cost of doing business, thereby adversely affecting our financial results.


We are not currently subject to direct regulation by any domestic or foreign governmental agency, other than regulations applicable to businesses generally and laws or regulations directly applicable to Internet commerce. However, due to the increasing popularity and use of mobile applications, it is possible that a number of laws and regulations may become applicable to us or may be adopted in the future with respect to mobile applications covering issues such as:


- user privacy;
- taxation;
- right to access personal data;
- copyrights;
- distribution; and
- characteristics and quality of services


The applicability of existing laws governing issues such as property ownership, copyrights and other intellectual property issues, encryption, taxation, libel, export or import matters and personal privacy to mobile applications is uncertain. For example, laws relating to the liability of providers of online services for activities of their users and other third parties are currently being tested by a number of claims, including actions based on invasion of privacy and other torts, unfair competition, copyright and trademark infringement, and other theories based on the nature and content of the materials searched, the ads posted or the content provided by users. It is difficult to predict how existing laws will be applied to our business and the new laws to which we may become subject.


If we are not able to comply with these laws or regulations or if we become liable under these laws or regulations, we could be directly harmed, and we may be forced to implement new measures to reduce our exposure to this liability. This may require us to expend substantial resources or to modify our applications, which would harm our business, financial condition and results of operations. In addition, the increased attention focused upon liability issues as a result of lawsuits and legislative proposals could harm our reputation or otherwise impact the growth of our business. Any costs incurred as a result of this potential liability could harm our business and operating results.


It is possible that a number of laws and regulations may be adopted or construed to apply to us in the United States and elsewhere that could restrict the mobile industry, including user privacy, advertising, taxation, content suitability, copyright, distribution and antitrust. Furthermore, the growth and development of electronic commerce and virtual goods may prompt calls for more stringent consumer protection laws that may impose additional burdens on companies such as ours conducting business through mobile devices. We anticipate that scrutiny and regulation of our industry will increase and we will be required to devote legal and other resources to addressing such regulation. Changes to these laws intended to address these issues, including some recently proposed changes, could create uncertainty in the marketplace. Such uncertainty could reduce demand for our services or increase the cost of doing business due to increased costs of litigation or increased service delivery costs.



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The mobile application industry is subject to rapid technological change and, to compete, we must continually enhance DatChat Messenger.


We must continue to enhance and improve the performance, functionality and reliability of DatChat Messenger. The mobile application industry is characterized by rapid technological change, changes in user requirements and preferences, frequent new product and services introductions embodying new technologies and the emergence of new industry standards and practices that could render our product and services obsolete. We have discovered that some of our customers’ desire additional performance and functionality not currently offered by DatChat Messenger or by the underlying technology. Our success will depend, in part, on our ability to both internally develop leading technologies to enhance our application, develop new mobile applications and services that address the increasingly sophisticated and varied needs of our customers, and respond to technological advances and emerging industry standards and practices on a cost-effective and timely basis. The development of our technology and other proprietary technology involves significant technical and business risks. We may fail to use new technologies effectively or to adapt our proprietary technology and systems to customer requirements or emerging industry standards. If we are unable to adapt to changing market conditions, customer requirements or emerging industry standards, we may not be able to create revenue and expand our business.


Defects in DatChat Messenger and the technology powering it may adversely affect our business.


Tools, code, subroutines and processes contained within DatChat Messenger may contain defects not yet discovered or contained in updates and new versions. Our introduction of new mobile applications or updates and new versions with defects or quality problems may result in adverse publicity, reduced downloads and use, product redevelopment costs, loss of or delay in market acceptance of our products or claims by customers or others against us. Such problems or claims may have a material and adverse effect on our business, prospects, financial condition and results of operations.


Risks Related to the Investment in our Common Stock


Our Chief Executive Officer has sufficient voting power to control the vote on substantially all corporate matters.


On September 22, 2016, DatChat issued Darin Myman, DatChat’s Chief Executive Officer, one (1) share of Series A Preferred Stock, par value $0.0001 per share (“Series A Preferred”). Each share of the Series A Preferred has voting rights equal to (x) the total issued and outstanding Common Stock and preferred stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote divided by (y) forty nine one-hundredths (0.49) minus (z) the total issued and outstanding Common Stock and preferred stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote.  For the avoidance of doubt, if the total issued and outstanding Common Stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote is 5,000,000, the voting rights of the Series A Preferred shall be equal to 5,204,082 (e.g. (5,000,000 / 0.49) – 5,000,000 = 5,204,082). There is no restriction on the repurchase or redemption of the Series A Preferred by DatChat while there is any arrearage in the payment of dividends or sinking fund installments.  At December 27, 2016, voting rights of 20,602,699 shares were associated with Series A Preferred and are included as part of the beneficial ownership calculation.


This concentration of voting equity, which is not subject to any voting restrictions, could limit the price that investors might be willing to pay for our Common Stock.  In addition, Mr. Myman is in a position to impede transactions that may be desirable for other stockholders.  Mr. Myman’s majority voting equity, for example, could make it more difficult for anyone to take control of us. Mr. Myman may be able to influence all matters requiring stockholder approval, including the election of directors and approval of significant corporate transactions. 


There currently is no public trading market for our securities and an active market may not develop or, if developed, be sustained.  If a public trading market does not develop, you may not be able to sell any of your securities.


There is currently no public trading market for our Common Stock, and an active market may not develop or be sustained.  If an active public trading market for our securities does not develop or is not sustained, it may be difficult or impossible for you to resell your shares at any price.  Even if a public market does develop, the market price could decline below the amount you paid for your shares.


This is a fixed price offering and the fixed offering price may not accurately represent the current value of us or our assets at any particular time. Therefore, the purchase price you pay for Offered Shares may not be supported by the value of our assets at the time of your purchase.


This is a fixed price offering, which means that the offering price for our Offered Shares is fixed and will not vary based on the underlying value of our assets at any time. Our Board has determined the offering price in its sole discretion. The fixed offering price for our Offered Shares has not been based on appraisals of any assets we own or may own, or of our Company as a whole, nor do we intend to obtain such appraisals. Therefore, the fixed offering price established for our Offered Shares may not be supported by the current value of our Company or our assets at any particular time.


The ability of a stockholder to recover all or any portion of such stockholder’s investment in the event of a dissolution or termination may be limited.


In the event of a dissolution or termination of the Company, the proceeds realized from the liquidation of the assets of the Company or such subsidiaries will be distributed among the stockholders, but only after the satisfaction of the claims of third-party creditors of the Company. The ability of a stockholder to recover all or any portion of such stockholder’s investment under such circumstances will, accordingly, depend on the amount of net proceeds realized from such liquidation and the amount of claims to be satisfied therefrom. There can be no assurance that the Company will recognize gains on such liquidation, nor is there any assurance that Common Stock holders will receive a distribution in such a case.



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If you invest in our shares, your interest will be diluted to the extent of the difference between the public offering price per share of our Common Stock and the as adjusted net tangible book value per share of our capital stock after this offering.  Our net tangible book value as of June 30, 2016 was $142,591, or $0.007592 per share of outstanding common stock.  Without giving effect to any changes in the net tangible book value after June 30, 2016 other than the sale of 25,000,000 shares in this offering at the initial public offering price of $2.00 per share, our pro forma net tangible book value as of December 31, 2015 was $41,903,090 or $1.05 per share of outstanding capital stock.  Dilution in net tangible book value per share represents the difference between the amount per share paid by the purchasers of our shares in this offering and the net tangible book value per share of our capital stock immediately afterwards.  This represents an immediate increase of $1.0424 per share of capital stock to existing shareholders and an immediate dilution of $.86 per share of common stock to the new investors, or approximately 43% of the assumed initial public offering price of $2.00 per share.  The following table illustrates this per share dilution:


    Minimum Offer     Maximum Offering  
Initial Price to Public   $ 50,000     $ 41,760,500  
Proforma Net Tangible book value as of December 31, 2015   $ 192,591     $ 41,903,090  
Increase in net tangible book value per share attributable to new investors   $ .0024     $ 1.0424  
As adjusted net tangible book value per share after this offering   $ .01     $ 1.05  
Dilution in net tangible book value per share to new investors   $ 1.99     $ 0.95  


The following table summarizes the differences between the existing shareholders and the new investors with respect to the number of shares of common stock purchased, the total consideration paid, and the average price per share paid, on both a minimum and maximum offering basis:


Minimum Offering:


    Shares Purchased     Total Consideration     Average Price  
    Number     Percentage     Amount     Percentage     Per Share  
Founders     14,700,000       74.2 %   $ 1,467       0.17 %   $ 0.0001  
Existing Shareholders     5,094,750       25.7 %   $ 818,955       94.74 %   $ 0.16  
New investors     25,000       0.1 %     44,000       5.09 %   $ 2.00  
Total     19,819,750       100 %   $ 864,422       100 %   $ .04  


Maximum Offering:


    Shares Purchased     Total Consideration     Average Price  
    Number     Percentage     Amount     Percentage     Per Share  
Founders     14,700,000       36.2 %   $ 1,467       0.01 %   $ 0.0001  
Existing Shareholders     5,094,750       12.5 %   $ 818,955       1.92 %   $ 0.16  
New investors     20,880,250       51.3 %     41,760,500       98.07 %   $ 2.00  
Total     40,675,000       100 %   $ 42,580,922       100 %   $ 1.05  



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We estimate that, at a per share price of $2.00, the net proceeds from the sale of the 25,000,000 shares in this offering will be approximately $35,396,500, after deducting the estimated offering expenses (including, but not limited to, legal, accounting, printing, marketing, blue sky compliance, transfer agent, and escrow fees) of approximately $6,364,000.  If only the minimum number of 25,000 shares is sold, the net proceeds will be approximately $44,000 after deducting estimated offering expenses of $6,000.


The net proceeds of this offering will be used primarily to fund the effort for product development, advertising and marketing, and working capital. 


Accordingly, we expect to use the net proceeds as follows:


    Minimum Offering     Maximum Offering  
    Amount     Percentage     Amount     Percentage  
 Product Development   $ 5,000       11 %   $ 3,000,000       8.5 %
Advertising and Marketing   39,000       43 %   9,000,000       25.4 %
Working Capital (1)   0       46 %   23,396,500       66.1 %
Total   $ 44,000       100 %   $ 35,396,500       100 %


(1) A portion of working capital will be used for officers’ salaries.


To the extent that we sell more than 100,000 shares, a portion of the additional net proceeds will be used for working capital.


The foregoing information is an estimate based on our current business plan.  We may find it necessary or advisable to re-allocate portions of the net proceeds reserved for one category to another, and we will have broad discretion in doing so.  Pending these uses, we intend to invest the net proceeds of this offering in short-term, interest-bearing securities.



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Corporate Background and General Overview


DatChat, Inc. was formed under the name YssUp, Inc., a Nevada corporation. On March 4, 2015, an amendment was filed with the Nevada Secretary of State changing YssUp, Inc.’s name to “Dat Chat, Inc”. On September 22, 2016, amended and restated articles of incorporation were filed with the Nevada Secretary of State to, among other things, change the Company’s name to “DatChat, Inc.” and authorize preferred stock. The Company created its flagship application, DatChat Messenger, to address the consumer need for a mobile messaging application offering a familiar, traditional messaging experience, combined with increased levels of privacy and control over messages, even after they are sent.


Observing that mobile messaging users are drawn to several different messaging platforms by specific capabilities, DatChat set out to create DatChat Messenger to consolidate popular messaging features, offer unique features, and deliver increased levels of privacy and security. As public concerns over privacy in an ever-expanding digital society grow, DatChat Messenger offers comfort to its users with extensive control over their messages, even after they are sent. DatChat Messenger allows users to not only control how long or how many times a message may be viewed by the recipient, the sender may also erase the message, or entire conversation, after it is sent. DatChat looks to make DatChat Messenger a leader in the mobile and secure messaging markets with its proprietary technology and enhanced privacy and security features. Planned features include video messages, video chat, attachments, group chats and additional features to enhance the messaging experience.


DatChat Messenger


DatChat Messenger, with advanced privacy controls for users engaged in both individual and group messaging, provides its users enhanced control over their messages before and after they are sent. Users can select how long or how many times a message may be viewed by a recipient. After a message is sent, the sender may adjust the extent to which the recipients may view the message. Additionally, senders may delete individual messages or entire conversation from the recipient’s device.


Key Features


Extensive User Ability to Limit Message Availability to Recipients: Users can control the amount of views or time a message they send is available to the recipient or recipients in a group message.


  User Control Over Sent Messages: Users may unilaterally delete messages off a recipient’s device. Users may also unilaterally delete or “Nuke” entire conversations off a recipient’s device.


  Anti-Screenshot Protection: DatChat Messenger utilizes patent pending technology to give users who send messages the option to limit the recipient’s ability to screenshot and save the contents of the message. If a recipient is able to take a screenshot, the sender is notified.


Message Encryption: Messages sent via DatChat Messenger are encrypted with AES256, and RSA is utilized for sending the key to open the message. The Advanced Encryption Standard (“AES”), also known as Rijndael, is a specification for the encryption of electronic data established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) in 2001. For messages encrypted with AES, we use a key size of 256 bits. RSA is the algorithm used by modern computers to encrypt and decrypt messages. It is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm, meaning there are two different keys. This is also called public key cryptography, because one of them can be given to everyone. The other key must be kept private. DatChat Messenger sends messages that are encrypted with AES 256 and sends the key to that message separately via RSA encryption. Each message has its own key. This helps to provide protections so that messages may only be seen by them and the intended recipients. Each message is individually encrypted for the recipient and cannot be forwarded or saved. Additionally, all messages are sent and received via a Secure Sockets Layer (“SSL”) connection and can never be viewed by DatChat under any circumstance. SSL is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.


User Anonymity: Users can create multiple accounts for DatChat Messenger. Accounts do not need to be linked to email accounts or other identifying information. Separate accounts may be utilized by users for communications with different groups.



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The Market


In an eMarketer’s worldwide forecast for mobile phone messaging dated November, 2015, eMarketer estimated that mobile phone messaging applications were going to be used by more than 1.4 billion consumers in 2015, up 31.6% on the previous year. eMarketer forecast that, worldwide, 75% of smartphone users were going to use an over-the-top (OTT) mobile messaging applications at least once a month in 2015. eMarketer defined mobile phone messaging apps as services that provide private one-to-one or one-to-many communication between registered users, where messages and calls are then transmitted via data connections and the mobile web. Mobile phone messaging application users are individuals who make use of such services on at least a monthly basis. The growth in popularity of messaging applications is projected to continue, and eMarketer predicts that by 2018, the number of chat application users worldwide will reach 2 billion and represent 80% of smartphone users.


Absent DatChat Messenger, users of mobile messaging applications must decide between sending either a regular or self-destructing (ephemeral) message before sending. Other ephemeral applications such as Snapchat send one message at a time and don’t provide a conversational experience. Traditional messengers such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and iMessage provide the message sender no way to destruct messages or control them after being sent. DatChat seeks to appeal to the market of users who want the control of an ephemeral application, with the practicality of a traditional regular messaging application.


Intellectual Property




On June 6, 2016, a utility patent application was filed with the USPTO, the serial number is 15/174,204.


On June 4, 2015, a non-provisional patent application was filed, the serial number is 62/170,90.


Trademark and Trade Name


We have not filed a trademark as of yet. We operate under the domains, and




The current market for mobile messenger applications is highly competitive and we expect it to remain competitive. There are currently several large companies who provide mobile messenger applications and we expect several more competitors to enter into this market in the next few years. Well established competitors include Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and iMessage.


Software and Development


Our ability to compete depends in large part on our continuous commitment to research and development, our ability to rapidly introduce new features and functionality, and our ability to improve proven applications for established markets in which we have competitive advantages. We work closely with our customers to continuously enhance the performance, functionality, usability, reliability and flexibility of DatChat Messenger.


Our software and development team is responsible for the design enhancements, development, testing and certification of our applications. In addition, we may utilize third parties for our automated testing, managed upgrades, software development and other technology services. Our software and development expenses were approximately $52,000 in fiscal year 2015 and approximately $94,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2016. We currently have an Android version under development. Also under development are video messages and video messages containing hidden messages embedded in the video stream. The video messaging currently under development will allow for the user to change the number of views allowed or destruct the message after being sent, in addition to setting the message to auto-self-destruct


Operational Strengths


Experienced Leadership & Employees


We have assembled a senior management and development team with significant experience in the area of mobile messaging and application based technologies. Our founders have a long track record in technology fields and as leaders of public companies. Our developers have worked at established companies such as


Unique Features


Mobile messaging applications face a challenge with respect to offering users the ability to control messages after they are sent. More specifically, mobile messaging applications are challenged by an inability to allow users to adjust the viewing restrictions of a message after it is sent, rather than selecting viewing privileges prior to sending. DatChat Messenger is unique in its ability to protect users’ privacy and security by allowing users to adjust a message recipient’s viewing privileges after the message is sent. The sender may allow a message to last indefinitely, or disappear after a set amount of views. Senders may also delete messages from the recipient’s device.


DatChat Messenger also offers screenshot protection mode, which makes it difficult for message recipients to screenshot and store a message. The screenshot protection mode requires the user to hold three buttons on the screen and tap a fourth button in order to view a message. As a result, the recipient’s ability to take a screenshot is greatly reduced. Additionally, senders are notified if a recipient successfully takes a screenshot of a message.



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Ability to innovate


Our founders have a history of developing innovative products including new technologies that enhance services already accepted by a large customer base. For example, in 2004 our CEO founded BigString, an email service providing users expanded capability over traditional email services. Additionally, our founders have experience in mobile video editing having developed reShoot, a mobile application that allows users to shoot video, take photos, and edit content. Our founders encourage an innovative environment among our internal development team, which we hope will allow us to create new technologies and continue to find further applications for our existing technologies.


Marketing and Monetization


DatChat Messenger is currently offered for free at Initial marketing will consist of public relations, cost per install campaigns, social media marketing using the Facebook’s ad platform and other readily available advertising platforms.


Upon completion of this offering we anticipate utilizing social influencers and additional public relations strategies to promote DatChat on a global basis, which will include making DatChat Messenger available for use in other languages.


We anticipate adding in-app purchases such as user customization features, unique emoticons, stickers and long form video messages to monetize DatChat Messenger. We plan to sell advertising within DatChat Messenger as a further source of revenue as well.


We also anticipate monetizing DatChat with a subscription based service for small and medium size businesses.


In the future, we anticipate developing other mobile applications and services for consumers once our user base reaches a level at which we deem it to be economically feasible. Future applications may increase DatChat’s revenue.


Growth Strategy


We plan to grow both organically and through strategic acquisitions. Our growth strategy includes enhancing our products and services to grow our customer base and enter the global market. We plan to further increase our brand awareness and build trust with our users through increased public relations, social media, and advertising.


Our growth begins with improved products and new services. Improved products and new services will assist us in appealing to a large and diverse customer base. For example, our recently introduced “Nuke” feature in DatChat Messenger provides critical functionality for users allowing them to erase an entire conversation on the message recipient’s phone, including messages the recipient had sent. We plan to create services tailored to corporate clients, which we believe will create a new market with businesses. We also plan to offer DatChat Messenger in versions compatible with languages other than English allowing us to expand into the non-English speaking market.


We believe there is significant opportunity to expand our relationship with existing customers by selling additional products and services such as mobility applications, secure business communication services, and secure social networking.


In addition to continuing to develop our solutions organically, we regularly evaluate strategic opportunities and anticipate that we will selectively pursue acquisitions of, and strategic investments, in businesses and technologies that will strengthen and expand the features and functionality of our solutions or provide access to new customers.


We are beginning to leverage data and insights to personalize the product and customer care experiences of our customers as well as tailor our solutions and marketing efforts to each of our customer groups. We are constantly seeking to improve our website, marketing programs, and customer care to intelligently reflect where customers are in their lifecycle and identify their specific product needs. We intend to continue investing in our technology and data platforms to further enable our personalization efforts.


Additionally, we have also identified long-term opportunities in services other than mobile messaging where we believe we can utilize our technology and resources. We intend to continue to introduce new applications, as well develop additional features and capabilities for DatChat Messenger.




DatChat currently employs three full time employees. None of DatChat’s employees are members of a union. In addition, DatChat utilizes two independent contractors for marketing.


Legal Proceedings


We are not currently involved in any litigation that we believe could have a materially adverse effect on our financial condition or results of operations. There is no action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation before or by any court, public board, government agency, self-regulatory organization or body pending or, to the knowledge of the executive officers of our Company, threatened against or affecting our Company, our Common Stock, or our officers or directors in their capacities as such, in which an adverse decision could have a material adverse effect.




We rent 1,400 square feet of office space located at 65 Church Street, 2nd Floor, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 for $2,275 per month on a monthly basis. We believe that this office space is adequate for our current operations.



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The following discussion and analysis of the financial condition and results of our operations should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and the notes to those statements appearing elsewhere in this prospectus. This discussion and analysis contains forward-looking statements reflecting our management’s current expectations that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Our actual results and the timing of events may differ materially from those described in or implied by these forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including those discussed below and elsewhere in this offering circular, particularly on page 3 entitled “Risk Factors”.


Business Overview


DatChat, Inc. was incorporated in the State of Nevada on December 4, 2014 under the name of “YssUp, Inc.” On March 4, 2015, the Company’s corporate name was changed to “Dat Chat, Inc”. On September 22, 2016, amended and restated articles of incorporation were filed with the Nevada Secretary of State to, among other things, change the Company’s name to “DatChat, Inc.” and to create a class of preferred stock. Our principal business is focused on our mobile messaging application, DatChat Messenger, which offers a traditional messaging platform, while providing users with complete privacy and control features for their sent messages. Once we have expanded our user base, we will offer new features and will charge fees and generate revenues from the added features.


DatChat Messenger, with advanced privacy controls for users engaged in both individual and group messaging, provides users enhanced control over their messages before and after they are sent. Users can select how long or how many times a message may be viewed by a recipient. After a message is sent, the sender may adjust the recipient’s viewing restrictions. Additionally, senders may delete individual messages or entire conversations from the recipient’s device.  


Plan of Operations


We have commenced limited operations and DatChat Messenger has been available through the iTunes Store since July 2016.


We intend to focus our efforts on establishing a large user base for DatChat Messenger, creating new features for DatChat Messenger, and implementing new ways to monetize DatChat Messenger, including the sale of special features, the sale of advertising, and the licensing of our proprietary technology.


Results of Operations


Summary of Statements of Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2015 and the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) through 2014:


    Year Ended December 31, 2015     Period from December 4, 2014 (inception) through December 31, 2014  
Revenue   $ -     $ -  
Operating expenses   $ 257,416     $ 2,414  
Loss from operations   $ 257,416     $ 2,414  
Other income (expense)   $ (3,416 )   $ -  
Net loss   $ 260,562     $ 2,414  
Loss per common share – basic and diluted   $ 0.02     $ -  




For the year ended December 31, 2015 and for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) to December 31, 2014, we generated no revenue.


Operating Expenses 


Operating expenses were $257,146 and $2,414 for the year ended December 31, 2015 and for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) to December 31, 2014, respectively. The overall increase of approximately $255,000 in operating costs is primarily attributable to an increase in compensation expenses of approximately $108,000, increase in professional and consulting expenses of $37,000 primarily related to legal services and software programming expenses and increase of approximately $109,000 in general and administrative expenses primarily for rent and office expenses during the year ended December 31, 2015.



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The overall increase in operating expenses is primarily due to having minimal operating expenses during the prior period from December 4, 2014 (Inception) to December 31, 2014 as we were in our early stages of our operations as compared to the year ended December 31, 2015.


Other Income (Expenses)


Other income (expense) consisted of interest income and interest expense. Other expense increased by approximately $3,400 during the year ended December 31, 2015 as compared to the prior period from December 4, 2014 (Inception) to December 31, 2014. The increase is primarily related to interest expense in connection with the issuance of promissory notes.


Net Loss 


As a result of the factors described above, we incurred a net loss for the year ended December 31, 2015 of $260,562.  Basic and diluted loss per share was $0.02 for the year ended December 31, 2015.   


Summary of Statements of Operations for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2016:


    For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2016     For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2015  
Revenue   $ -     $ -  
Operating expenses   $ 562,066     $ 77,571  
Loss from operations   $ 562,066     $ 77,571  
Other income (expense)   $ (9,048 )   $ 4  
Net loss   $ 571,114     $ 77,567  
Loss per common share – basic and diluted   $ 0.04     $ 0.01  




For the six months ended June 30, 2016 and 2015, we generated no revenue.


Operating Expenses 


Operating expenses were $562,066 and $77,571 for the six months ended June 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively. The overall increase of approximately $484,000 in operating costs is primarily attributable to an increase in compensation expenses of approximately $99,000, increase in professional and consulting expenses of $336,000 primarily related to legal services, software programming expenses and stock-based consulting fees and increase of approximately $49,000 in general and administrative expenses primarily for health insurance expense, amortization of software development cost and office expenses during the six months ended June 30, 2016.


The overall increase in operating expenses is primarily due to an increase in operations as we continue to grow our business.


Other Income (Expenses)


Other income (expense) consisted of interest income and interest expense. Other expense increased by approximately $9,000 during the six months ended June 30, 2016 as compared to the prior period. The increase is primarily related to interest expense in connection with the issuance of promissory notes.


Net Loss 


As a result of the factors described above, we incurred a net loss for the six months ended June 30, 2016 of $571,114.  Basic and diluted loss per share was $0.04 for the six months ended June 30, 2016.



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Liquidity and Capital Resources


The following table summarizes total current assets, liabilities and working capital at December 31, 2015, compared to December 31, 2014:


    December 31,

December 31,





Current Assets   $ 33,096     $ -     $ 33,096  
Current Liabilities   $ 74,382     $ 1,314     $ 73,068  
Working Capital Deficit   $ 41,286     $ 1,314     $ 39,972  


At December 31, 2015, we had a working capital deficit of $41,286 as compared to working capital of $1,314 at December 31, 2014, an increase of $39,972. The increase in working capital deficit is primarily attributable to the Company’s continued operating losses for the year ended December 31, 2015 and an increase in short term debt obligations.


The following table summarizes total current assets, liabilities and working capital at June 30, 2016 compared to December 31, 2015:


    June 30,

December 31,





Current Assets   $


    $ 33,096     $ 469,078  
Current Liabilities   $ 87,487     $ 74,382     $ 13,105  
Working Capital Surplus (Deficit)   $ 414,687     $ (41,286 )   $ 455,973  


At June 30, 2016, we had a working capital surplus (deficit) of $414,687 as compared to working capital deficit of $(41,286) at December 31, 2015, a decrease of $455,973. The decrease in working capital deficit is primarily attributable to the increase in cash from sale of our common stock and prepaid expenses related to unamortized prepaid stock-based consulting services.


Summary Cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2015 and 2014:


    Year Ended  
    December 31, 
    December 31, 
Net cash used in operating activities   $ 222,757     $ 282  
Net cash used in investing activities   $ 61,292     $ -  
Net cash provided by financing activities   $ 285,478     $ 282  


Summary Cash flows for the six months ended June 30, 2016 and 2015:


    Six Months Ended  
    June 30,
    June 30,
Net cash used in operating activities   $ 273,934     $ 77,300  
Net cash used in investing activities   $ -     $ 61,292  
Net cash provided by financing activities   $ 399,096     $ 151,181  


Liquidity is the ability of a company to generate funds to support its current and future operations, satisfy its obligations, and otherwise operate on an ongoing basis. We have been funding our operations through the sale of our common stock.



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Our primary uses of cash have been for salaries and fees paid to third parties for the development of our products. All funds received have been expended in the furtherance of growing the business and establishing brand portfolios. The following trends are reasonably likely to result in a material decrease in our liquidity over the near to long term:


  An increase in working capital requirements to finance additional product development;
  Addition of administrative and sales personnel as the business grows; 

Increases in advertising, public relations and sales promotions for existing and new brands as the Company expands within existing markets or enters new markets; and


  Capital expenditures for software development cost.


During the six months ended June 30, 2015, we capitalized software development cost of $61,292 as part of our investing activities as compared to $0 during the six months ended June 30, 2016.


During the six months ended June 30, 2016, we received proceeds from the sale of our common stock of $399,000, proceeds from issuance of notes of $5,000 and advances from a related party of $9,774. We repaid $5,000 of the notes and $10,883 of related party advances during the six months ended June 30, 2016. During the six months ended June 30, 2015, we received proceeds from the sale of our common stock of $100,000, proceeds from issuance of notes of $45,000 and advances from a related party of $6,181.


We are not aware of any known trends or any known demands, commitments or events that will result in our liquidity increasing or decreasing in any material way. We are not aware of any matters that would have an impact on future operations. 


Going Concern


We do not have revenues to fund our operating expenses.   As reflected in the accompanying consolidated financial statements, as of December 31, 2015 the Company had cash balance of $1,429 and a working capital deficit of $41,286. Furthermore, the Company had a net loss and net cash used in operations of $260,562 and $222,757, respectively, for the year ended December 31, 2015. As reflected in the accompanying unaudited financial statements, as of June 30, 2016 the Company had cash balance of $126,591 and an accumulated deficit of $834,090. Furthermore, the Company had a net loss and net cash used in operations of $571,114 and $273,934, respectively, for the six months ended June 30, 2016.These factors raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. Therefore, our auditors have raised substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. 


The ability of the Company to continue its operations as a going concern is dependent on Management's plans, which include the raising of capital through debt and/or equity markets with some additional funding from other traditional financing sources, including term notes, until such time that funds provided by operations are sufficient to fund working capital requirements. 


During the year ended December 31, 2015, we raised approximately $67,500 from the issuance of notes and $215,000 from the sale of our common stock to fund our operating expenses, pay our obligations, and grow our company. During the six months ended June 30, 2016, we raised approximately $5,000 from the issuance of notes and $400,000 from the sale of our common stock to fund our operating expenses, pay our obligations, and grow our company.


The Company will require additional funding to finance the growth of its current and expected future operations as well as to achieve its strategic objectives. The Company believes its current available cash along with anticipated revenues may be insufficient to meet its cash needs for the near future.


We will need to raise at least $500,000 to repay debt and provide twelve months working capital and funds required to increase our sales and also to provide funding for marketing and sales, IT infrastructure and to fund costs associated with public company reporting obligations. We presently have no other alternative source of working capital. We may not have sufficient working capital to fund the expansion of our operations and to provide working capital necessary for our ongoing operations and obligations.


There can be no assurance that financing will be available in amounts or terms acceptable to the Company, if at all.


If we are unable to obtain additional financing, we will likely be required to curtail our marketing and development plans and possibly cease our operations.  


The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. These financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recovery of the recorded assets or the classification of the liabilities that might be necessary should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern.


Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates 


While our significant accounting policies are more fully described in Note 1 to our financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015, we believe that the following accounting policies are the most critical tool to aid you in fully understanding and evaluating this management discussion and analysis. 



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Use of Estimates


Our consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The preparation of these consolidated financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and related disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. We continually evaluate our estimates, including those related to recovery of long-lived assets, income taxes, and the valuation of equity transactions. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Any future changes to these estimates and assumptions could cause a material change to our reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. We believe the following critical accounting policies affect our more significant judgments and estimates used in the preparation of the financial statements.


Software development costs 


Costs incurred to develop internal-use software, including website development costs, during the preliminary project stage are expensed as incurred.   Internal-use software development costs are capitalized during the application development stage, which is after: (i) the preliminary project stage is completed; and (ii) management authorizes and commits to funding the project and it is probable the project will be completed and used to perform the function intended.   Capitalization ceases at the point the software project is substantially complete and ready for its intended use, and after all substantial testing is completed.   Upgrades and enhancements are capitalized if it is probable that those expenditures will result in additional functionality.   Amortization is provided for on a straight-line basis over the expected useful life of three years of the internal-use software development costs and related upgrades and enhancements.   When existing software is replaced with new software, the unamortized costs of the old software are expensed when the new software is ready for its intended use. 


Stock-based compensation 


Stock-based compensation is accounted for based on the requirements of the Share-Based Payment Topic of ASC 718, “Compensation — Stock Compensation” (“ASC 718”), which requires recognition in the consolidated financial statements of the cost of employee and director services received in exchange for an award of equity instruments over the period the employee or director is required to perform the services in exchange for the award (presumptively, the vesting period). ASC 718 also requires measurement of the cost of employee and director services received in exchange for an award based on the grant-date fair value of the award.


Pursuant to ASC Topic 505-50, “Equity Based Payments to Non-employees”, for share-based payments to consultants and other third-parties, compensation expense is determined at the measurement date. The expense is recognized over the vesting period of the award. Until the measurement date is reached, the total amount of compensation expense remains uncertain. The Company initially records compensation expense based on the fair value of the award at the reporting date.


Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements


As of June 30, 2016 and December 31, 2015, the Company had no off-balance sheet arrangements.



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The following table sets forth information concerning our director, executive officer, and certain of our significant employees as of September 22, 2016. Our Board currently consists of one individual who serves terms of one year and holds office until death, resignation or until removed from office in accordance with our Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Our officers are appointed by our Board and hold office until their successors are chosen and qualified or removed by our Board.


Name   Position   Age   Term of Office
Executive Officer            
Darin Myman   Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Director   51   1 year
Significant Employees            
Peter Shelus   Chief Technology Officer   33   1 year
Jeffrey Albeck   Vice President of Development   32   1 year


Darin Myman, Age 51, Chief Executive Officer


Mr. Myman is a co-cofounder of DatChat and has served as DatChat’s Chief Executive Officer since January 1, 2016. Prior to DatChat Mr. Myman was a co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Wally World Media, Inc. a public company. He also has served as the Chief Executive Officer and a member of PeopleString’s Board of Directors since PeopleString’s inception. Mr. Myman developed extensive Internet skills through a variety of positions. He has executive management and founder experience having served as a co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of BigString Corporation, a publicly traded company, since October 2005. He also has corporate governance and board experience having served as a member of BigString’s Board of Directors since BigString’s inception. Prior to BigString, Mr. Myman was a co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of, the first online insurance broker that pioneered the electronic storefront for large national insurance agencies. Prior to co-founding, he served as a Vice President of the online brokerage services unit of Westminster Securities Corporation. Mr. Myman’s aforementioned experience and skills make him a valued advisor and highly qualified to serve as our Chief Executive Officer and Director.


Peter Shelus, Age 33, Chief Technology Officer


Mr. Shelus is a co-founder of DatChat and has served as the Company’s Chief Technology Officer since January 1, 2016. Mr. Shelus has over 10 years of ephemeral messaging and mobile video development experience. As a lead engineer for one of the first ephemeral messaging platforms "BigString", Mr. Shelus has been a pioneer and thought leader ahead of his time in secure messaging having developed patented technology that became a cornerstone of self-destructing messaging. Mr. Shelus graduated from Rutgers University with honors and a degree in Computer Science.


Jeffrey Albeck, Age 32, Vice President of Development


Mr. Albeck is a co-founder of DatChat and has served as Vice President of Development since January 1, 2016. Mr. Albeck holds high expertise in website UI development, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and PHP. Additionally, he has extensive facebook and mobile UI development experience, having worked on such high profile projects such as Mr. Albeck graduated DeVry University with a degree in Computer Science and Graphic Design.



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The following table sets forth information about the annual compensation of each of our officers for our 2015 and 2016 fiscal years.


Name and Principal Position   Year   Salary
Incentive Plan
    All Other
Darin Myman   2016   $ 90,450     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 90,450  
Chief Executive Officer   2015   $


    $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $


Peter Shelus   2016   $ 117,648.37     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 117,648.37  
Chief Technology Officer   2015   $ 63,764     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 63,764  


Director Compensation Our director does not receive compensations for serving on the Board. 


Our authorized capital stock consists of 200,000,000 shares, of which 180,000,000 are shares of Common Stock, par value $0.0001 per share, and 20,000,000 are shares of preferred stock, par value $0.0001 per share, of which one (1) share has been designated Series A Preferred. Each one (1) share of the Series A Preferred shall have voting rights equal to (x) the total issued and outstanding Common Stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote divided by (y) forty nine one-hundredths (0.49) minus (z) the total issued and outstanding Common Stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote.  As of January 24, 2017, there were 19,794,750 shares of our Common Stock issued and outstanding, all of which were fully paid, non-assessable and entitled to vote, and one share of Series A Preferred issued and outstanding. Each share of our Common Stock entitles its holder to one vote on each matter submitted to the stockholders.  


The following table sets forth information as of January 24, 2017, with respect to the beneficial ownership of our Common Stock by (i) each of our officers and directors, (ii) our officers and directors as a group and (iii) each person known by us to beneficially own five percent (5%) or more of our outstanding Common Stock.


For purposes of this table, a person or group of persons is deemed to have “beneficial ownership” of any shares of Common Stock that such person has the right to acquire within 60 days of January 24, 2017. For purposes of computing the percentage of outstanding shares of our Common Stock held by each person or group of persons named below, any shares that such person or persons has the right to acquire within 60 days of January 24, 2017 is deemed to be outstanding, but is not deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any other person. The inclusion herein of any shares listed as beneficially owned does not constitute an admission of beneficial ownership. Unless otherwise specified, the address of each of the persons set forth below is in care of DatChat, Inc., 65 Church Street, 2nd Floor, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901.


    Percentage of
Ownership of
Stock (1)
    Series A Preferred Stock (3)     Percentage Ownership of Series A Preferred Stock (3)  
5% Beneficial Shareholders                        
Robb Knie     3,500,000       17.7 %                
Point Capital, Inc.     2,000,000       10.1 %                
Peter Shelus     2,000,000       10.1 %                
Alpha Capital Anstalt     1,500,000       7.6 %                     
Carl Mattone(2)     1,500,000       7.6 %                
Jeffrey Albeck     1,000,000       5.05 %                
Patrick Vertucci     1,000,000       5.05 %                
Ray Thomas     1,000,000       5.05 %                
Officers and Directors                                
Darin Myman     3,500,000       17.7 %     1       100 %
Peter Shelus     2,000,000       10.1 %                
Officers and Directors as a Group (2 persons)             27.8 %             100 %


(1) As of November 11, 2016 there were 19,794,750 share of Common Stock issued and outstanding.


(2) Carl Mattone is the trustee of the CFM 2015 Trust, which holds 500,000 shares, and he has sole and dispositive voting power over such shares.


(3) As of the filing of the Certificate of Designation on September 22, 2016, the Company has designated and issued one share of Series A Preferred Stock, currently held by its Chief Executive Office, Darin Myman. Each one (1) shares of Series A Preferred Stock has voting rights equal to (x) the total issued and outstanding Common Stock and preferred stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote divided by (y) forty nine one-hundredths (0.49) minus (z) the total issued and outstanding Common Stock and preferred stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote. The Series A Preferred does not convert into equity of the Company. Based on the 19,794,750 share of Common Stock issued and outstanding as of January 24, 2017, Mr. Myman’s one (1) share of Series A Preferred Stock has voting rights equal to 20,602,699 votes.



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From inception through the date of this Offering Circular, the Company was a participant in the following transactions with a member of our Board, our executive officer, or a holder of more than 10% of our voting securities, in which the amount involved exceeded $331 (one percent of the Company’s total assets at December 31, 2015):


The Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Director, Mr. Darin Myman, from time to time, provided advances to the Company for working capital purposes. At December 31, 2015 and 2014, the Company had a payable to the Mr. Myman of $8,260 and $282, respectively. These advances were short-term in nature and non-interest bearing. Between December 4, 2014 (inception) and December 31, 2015, Mr. Myman provided advances to the Company for working capital purposes for a total of $11,348 and the Company repaid $3,088 of these advances. Between January 2016 and June 2016, Mr. Myman provided advances to the Company for working capital purposes for a total of $9,774 and the Company repaid $10,883 of these advances.


On January 5, 2015, the Company issued 500,000 vested shares of its common stock to Jeffrey Albeck, a programmer for services provided.


On May 29, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $30,000 to Point Capital, Inc., a principal stockholder of the Company. The note was due on July 29, 2015. The annual interest rate for the loan is 10%. The Company defaulted to repay the note when it was due. On February 25, 2016, the Company entered into an extension agreement with the lender to extend the maturity date of the note to December 31, 2016. In accordance to the extension agreement, the Company and the lender agree to increase the amount of the principal amount of the note by $5,000 as penalty for the Company’s failure to repay the note on July 29, 2015. In connection with the increase in principal amount of $5,000, the Company recorded interest expense of $5,000 on February 25, 2016.


On June 26, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement with Robb Knie, providing for the issuance of a promissory note in the principal amount of $15,000 to Robb Knie, a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the loan is 10%. In July 2016, the Company paid back $4,000 of the principal amount of this note to such related party.


On September 1, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $7,500 to Robb Knie, a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%.


On September 29, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $5,000 to Lifeline Industries, a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%. The Company repaid the note in full on October 15, 2015. Robb Knie is the Chief Executive Officer of Lifeline Industries and a principal stockholder of the Company.


On January 1, 2015, the Company entered into a sublease agreement with Wally World Media, Inc. The term of the sublease agreement started on January 1, 2015 and ends on December 31, 2016. During fiscal 2015, the Company paid a monthly base rent ranging from $2,158 to $2,217 plus a pro rata share of operating expenses. The base rent was subject to a monthly increase from $2,217 to $2,275 beginning on June 1, 2016. The Chief Executive Officer of the Company, Darin Myman, is an officer of the affiliated company.


On January 17, 2016, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $5,000 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%. The Company repaid the note in full on March 7, 2016. The CEO of the Company is an officer of the affiliated company.


In October 2016, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $10,000 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%.


In October 2016, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $2,500. The note is due on December 16, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%. The lender is the brother of the CEO of the Company.



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Common Stock


We are authorized to issue 180,000,000 shares of Common Stock, par value of $0.0001 per share. As of January 24, 2017, 19,794,750 shares of the Company’s Common Stock are issued and outstanding. 


Each share of Common Stock shall have one (1) vote per share for all purposes. Our Common Stock does not provide a preemptive or conversion right and there are no redemption or sinking fund provisions or rights. Our Common Stock holders are not entitled to cumulative voting for election of the Company’s board of directors.


Each outstanding share of Common Stock entitles the holder thereof to one vote per share on all matters. Shareholders do not have preemptive rights to purchase shares in any future issuance of our Common Stock.


The holders of shares of our Common Stock are entitled to dividends out of funds legally available when and as declared by our board of directors. Our Board has never declared a dividend and does not anticipate declaring a dividend in the foreseeable future.




We are authorized to issue 20,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value of $0.0001 per share.


The Company has designated and issued (1) share of Series A Preferred Stock. Each one (1) share of the Series A Preferred Stock shall have voting rights equal to (x) the total issued and outstanding Common Stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote divided by (y) forty-nine one-hundredths (0.49) minus (z) the total issued and outstanding Common Stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote.  For the avoidance of doubt, if the total issued and outstanding Common Stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote is 5,000,000, the voting rights of the Series A Preferred Stock shall be equal to 5,204,082 (e.g. (5,000,000 / 0.49) – 5,000,000 = 5,204,082).


Transfer Agent and Registrar


VStock Transfer, LLC, 18 Lafayette Place, Woodmere, New York 11598 is the transfer agent and registrant for our Common Stock.




We are not selling the shares through commissioned sales agents or underwriters. We will use our existing website, Persons who desire information will be directed to This Offering Circular will be furnished to prospective investors via download 24 hours per day, 7 days per week on the website.


The website will be the exclusive means by which prospective investors may subscribe in this offering. Upon qualification by the SEC, potential investors will be able to go on the website and a button will appear that simply states “Invest” in DatChat, Inc.


Once the “Invest” button is clicked, potential investors will again be given a comprehensive overview of the process and procedures, which will require an e-signature. Potential investors will then begin a user friendly process of establishing their personal and financial identity, selecting the number of shares to be purchased and how payment will be made, and executing subscription agreements. Once complete all purchasers will be emailed a confirmation.


If the minimum contingency for this offering is not satisfied or the offering is otherwise terminated, investor funds will be promptly refunded in accordance with Securities Exchange Act Rule 10b-9.


In order to subscribe to purchase the shares, a prospective investor must complete a subscription agreement and send payment by wire transfer, check, or ACH. Investors must answer certain questions to determine compliance with the investment limitation set forth in Regulation A Rule 251(d)(2)(i)(C) under the Securities Act of 1933, which states that in offerings such as this one, where the securities will not be listed on a registered national securities exchange upon qualification, the aggregate purchase price to be paid by the investor for the securities cannot exceed 10% of the greater of the investor’s annual income or net worth. In the case of an investor who is not a natural person, revenues or net assets for the investor’s most recently completed fiscal year are used instead.



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The investment limitation does not apply to accredited investors, as that term is defined in Regulation D Rule 501 under the Securities Act of 1933. An individual is an accredited investor if he/she meets one of the following criteria:


a natural person whose individual net worth, or joint net worth with the undersigned’s spouse, excluding the “net value” of his or her primary residence, at the time of this purchase exceeds $1,000,000 and having no reason to believe that net worth will not remain in excess of $1,000,000 for the foreseeable future, with “net value” for such purposes being the fair value of the residence less any mortgage indebtedness or other obligation secured by the residence, but subtracting such indebtedness or obligation only if it is a liability already considered in calculating net worth; or


a natural person who has individual annual income in excess of $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint annual income with that person’s spouse in excess of $300,000 in each of those years and who reasonably expects an income in excess of those levels in the current year.


An entity other than a natural person is an accredited investor if it falls within any one of the following categories:


an employee benefit plan within the meaning of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, (i) if the decision to invest is made by a plan fiduciary which is either a bank, savings and loan association, insurance company, or registered investment adviser; (ii) if such employee benefit plan has total assets in excess of $5,000,000; or (iii) if it is a self-directed plan whose investment decisions are made solely by accredited investors;


a tax-exempt organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, a corporation, a Massachusetts or similar business trust or a partnership, which was not formed for the specific purpose of acquiring the securities offered and which has total assets in excess of $5,000,000;


a trust, with total assets in excess of $5,000,000, which was not formed for the specific purpose of acquiring the securities offered, whose decision to purchase such securities is directed by a “sophisticated person” as described in Rule 506(b)(2)(ii) under Regulation D; or


certain financial institutions such as banks and savings and loan associations, registered broker-dealers, insurance companies, and registered investment companies.


The Company has engaged a FundAmerica, LLC and its wholly owned subsidiary FundAmerica Stock Transfer (FundAmerica, LLC and FundAmerica Stock Transfer, collectively “FundAmerica”), which is a registered transfer agent with the Securities and Exchange Commission, to provide certain technology services for the offering. In order to engage FundAmerica, the Company paid a one-time account initiation fee of $1,500. FundAmerica’s services will include, but are not limited to, the confirmations of investor accreditation and payment processing (and tax/payment data).


As compensation for the services to be provided by FundAmerica, the Company has agreed to pay FundAmerica, LLC, among other fees:


$500 per month for service set up and API license;


$2 per domestic investor for an anti-money laundering (“AML") check;


$5 per AML check for international investors from the United Kingdom and Canada;


$60 per AML check for other international investors;


$45 per bad actor check;


$7.50 per transaction for a system license; and


$35 per transaction for each subscription agreement over $500 executed via FundAmerica, LLC’s Invest Now Button.


The Company has engaged Provident Trust Group, LLC as escrow agent for the offering. As compensation for the services to be provided by Provident Trust Group, LLC, the Company has agreed to pay Provident Trust Group, LLC, among other fees:


$500 for escrow account set up;


$15 per investor for subscription payments by ACH or domestic wire transfer;


$35 per investor for subscription payments by international wire transfer; and


$25 per month for fan administration fee.


DatChat, Inc. employees are working on developing the programming to be used for the actual investment process. They may have direct telephone, email exchanges or other contact with persons interested in purchasing the Offered Shares.



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Up to 4,119,750 shares may be sold by existing shareholders. However, in accordance with Securities Act Rule 215(a)(3), the aggregate number of shares sold by existing shareholders will not exceed 30% of the total shares sold in the offering.


Selling Shareholders Name   Amount
Prior to the Offering
    Amount to be Owned After the Offering  
Alpha Capital Anstalt     1,500,000       400,000       1,100,000  
Carl Mattone     1,000,000       250,000       750,000  
CFM 2015 Trust     500,000       250,000       250,000  
Point Capital, Inc.     2,000,000       400,000       1,600,000  
Darin Myman     3,500,000       200,000       3,300,000  
Robb Knie     3,500,000       200,000       3,300,000  
Robert S. Colman Trust U/A 3/13/85     500,000       500,000       0  
Steve Schmidt     250,000       250,000       0  
Centaurian Fund     200,000       200,000       0  
Robert B. Prag     125,000       125,000       0  
James Ahern     125,000       125,000       0  
Katie Eitner     125,000       125,000       0  
Anthony Hayes     325,000       125,000       200,000  
Peter Shelus     2,000,000       50,000       1,950,000  
Marc Dutton     200,000       100,000       100,000  
Patrick Vertucci     1,000,000       25,000       975,000  
Ray Thomas     1,000,000       75,000       925,000  
Pacific Alliance Limited, LLC     275,000       75,000       200,000  
Jeffrey Albeck     1,000,000       50,000       950,000  
Stanley Katz     125000       50,000       75,000  
Daniel B O'Connell     50,000       50,000       0  
Sharlene P Bleier     50,000       50,000       0  
Scott Guzzone     50,000       50,000       0  
Randy Malka     37,500       37,500       0  
Andrew Berg     25,000       25,000       0  
Marc Desatnick     37,500       37,500       0  
Howard Schrier     25,000       25,000       0  
Hubert J Bianco     25,000       25,000       0  
Joseph Lucosky     25,000       25,000       0  
Susanne Correll     25,000       25,000       0  
Erik & Sabrina Coleman     22,500       22,500       0  
Arthur J Vertucci & Patricia Fox Jtwros     16,000       16,000       0  
Arnold Spalter     15,000       15,000       0  
Ran Dan Pan     12,500       12,500       0  
Lin Han     12,500       12,500       0  
Robert Manfredo     12,500       12,500       0  
Nafissem Soroudi     12,500       12,500       0  
Starling T Faraon     12,500       12,500       0  
Patricia Gavigan     12,500       12,500       0  
Suzanne Hecker     12,500       12,500       0  
Sharon M. de Escobar     12,500       12,500       0  
Monique M. de Escobar     12,500       12,500       0  
Landon & Joyce Hutchison     12,500       12,500       0  
Lindell Correll     10,000       10,000       0  
Joseph Karpowicz     6,250       6250       0  
Total     19,794,750       4,119,750       15,675,000  



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The projected capitalization of the Company assuming the sale of all of the shares of common stock in the Offering is as follows:


  A) If existing shareholders will not sell their shares


Shareholder   No. of Shares     Percentage  
Executive Officer and Directors     3,500,000       7.81 %
Existing Shareholders     16,294,750       36.38 %
Investors in Current Offering     25,000,000       55.81 %
TOTAL     44,794,750       100.00 %


  B) If existing shareholders will sell their shares


Shareholder   No. of Shares     Percentage  
Executive Officers, Directors & Existing Shareholders     15,675,000       38.5 %
Investors in Current Offering     25,000,000       61.5 %
TOTAL     40,675,000       100.00 %



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June 30, 2016














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June 30, 2016




Financial Statements:  
Condensed Balance Sheets - As of June 30, 2016 (Unaudited) and December 31, 2015 F-2
Condensed Statements of Operations - For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 (Unaudited) F-3
Condensed Statements of Cash Flows - For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 (Unaudited) F-4
Notes to Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements F-5



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    June 30,     December 31,  
    2016     2015  
CURRENT ASSETS:                
Cash   $ 126,591     $ 1,429  
Prepaid expenses     375,583       31,667  
Total Current Assets    


OTHER ASSETS:                
Software development cost, net     107,528       134,410  
Total Assets   $ 609,702     $ 167,506  
CURRENT LIABILITIES:                
Accounts payable and accrued expenses   $ 12,836     $ 3,622  
Notes payable     10,000       10,000  
Notes payable - related parties     57,500       52,500  
Due to related party     7,151       8,260  
Total Current Liabilities     87,487       74,382  
Commitments and Contingencies - (Note 6)                
STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY:                
Preferred stock ($0.0001 par value; 20,000,000 shares authorized;                
No shares issued and outstanding at June 30, 2016 and December 31, 2015)     -       -  
Common stock ($0.0001 par value; 180,000,000 shares authorized;                
18,782,250 and 12,775,000 shares issued and outstanding at June 30, 2016 and December 31, 2015, respectively)     1,878       1,278  
Additional paid-in capital     1,354,427       354,822  
Accumulated deficit     (834,090 )     (262,976 )
Total Stockholders' Equity     522,215       93,124  
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity   $ 609,702     $ 167,506  


See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed financial statements



Table of Contents 






    For the Six Months     For the Six Months  
    Ended     Ended  
    June 30, 2016     June 30, 2015  
NET REVENUES   $ -     $ -  
OPERATING EXPENSES:                
Compensation     131,811       33,010  
Professional and consulting     342,454       6,219  
General and administrative     87,801       38,342  
Total operating expenses     562,066       77,571  
OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE)                
Interest expense     (9,060 )     (267 )
Interest income     12       4  
Total other income (expense)     (9,048 )     4  
NET LOSS   $ (571,114 )   $ (77,567 )
NET LOSS PER COMMON SHARE:                
Basic and diluted   $ (0.04 )   $ (0.01 )
Basic and diluted     16,258,921       11,883,978  


See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed financial statements.



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    For the Six Months     For the Six Months  
    Ended     Ended  
    June 30, 2016     June 30, 2015  
Net loss   $ (571,114 )   $ (77,567 )
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities:                
Amortization expense     26,882       -  
Non-cash interest expense included in principal amount of notes     5,000       -  
Stock-based compensation and fees     272,084       -  
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:                
Prepaid expenses     (16,000 )     -  
Accounts payable and accrued expenses     9,214       267  
NET CASH USED IN OPERATING ACTIVITIES     (273,934 )     (77,300 )
Capitalized software development cost     -       (61,292 )
Advances from a related party     9,774       6,181  
Payments on related party advances     (10,883 )     -  
Proceeds from notes payable     5,000       45,000  
Repayment of notes payable     (5,000 )     -  
Proceeds from sale of common stock     400,205       100,000  
NET INCREASE IN CASH     125,162       12,589  
CASH - beginning of period     1,429       -  
CASH - end of period   $ 126,591     $ 12,589  
Cash paid for:                
Interest   $ -     $ -  
Income taxes   $ -     $ -  
Issuance of common stock for future services   $ 359,583     $ -  
Issuance of common stock for software development cost   $ -     $ 100,000  


See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed financial statements.



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JUNE 30, 2016






DatChat, Inc. (the “Company”) was incorporated in the State of Nevada on December 4, 2014 under the name of YssUp, Inc. On March 4, 2015, the Company’s corporate name was changed to Dat Chat, Inc. In August 2016, the Board of Directors of the Company approved to change the name of the Company from Dat Chat, Inc. to DatChat, Inc. The Company established a fiscal year end of December 31.  The Company’s principal business is focused on its mobile messaging application that provides a traditional messaging platform, while providing users with complete privacy and control features for their sent messages. The Company’s mobile messaging application is called DatChat Messenger which is currently a free messaging application. Once the Company achieves critical mass of users, the Company will offer new features and will charge fees and generate revenues from the added features.


Basis of presentation and going concern


As reflected in the accompanying condensed financial statements, the Company has a net loss and net cash used in operations of $571,114 and $273,934, respectively, for the six months ended June 30, 2016.  Additionally the Company has an accumulated deficit of $834,090 at June 30, 2016 and has no revenues. These circumstances cause substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The ability of the Company to continue as a going concern is dependent on the Company’s ability to further implement its business plan, raise capital, and generate revenues. Currently, management is seeking capital to implement its business plan.   Management believes that the actions presently being taken provide the opportunity for the Company to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might be necessary if the Company is unable to continue as a going concern.  


Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in the unaudited financial statements that have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles have been condensed or omitted pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, although management of the Company believes that the disclosures contained in these unaudited condensed financial statements are adequate to make the information presented therein not misleading. Operating results for interim periods are not necessarily indicative of results that may be expected for the fiscal year as a whole.


Use of estimates


The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and the related disclosures at the date of the financial statements and during the reporting period. Actual results could materially differ from these estimates. Significant estimates include the valuation of deferred tax assets, and the value of stock-based compensation and fees.


Cash and cash equivalents


The Company considers all highly liquid debt instruments and other short-term investments with maturity of three months or less, when purchased, to be cash equivalents.  The Company maintains cash and cash equivalent balances at one financial institution that is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The Company’s account at this institution is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") up to $250,000. As of June 30, 2016, the Company has not reached bank balances exceeding the FDIC insurance limit. To reduce its risk associated with the failure of such financial institution, the Company evaluates at least annually the rating of the financial institution in which it holds deposits.


Fair value measurements and fair value of financial instruments


The estimated fair value of certain financial instruments, including cash and accounts payable are carried at historical cost basis, which approximates their fair values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.


Revenue recognition


The Company will recognize revenue when persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists, delivery has occurred or services have been rendered, the purchase price is fixed or determinable and collectability is reasonably assured. The Company has not recognized any revenues since its inception.



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JUNE 30, 2016




Income taxes


The Company accounts for income taxes pursuant to the provision of ASC 740-10, “Accounting for Income Taxes” (“ASC 740-10”), which requires, among other things, an asset and liability approach to calculating deferred income taxes. The asset and liability approach requires the recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the carrying amounts and the tax bases of assets and liabilities. A valuation allowance is provided to offset any net deferred tax assets for which management believes it is more likely than not that the net deferred asset will not be realized.


The Company follows the provision of ASC 740-10 related to Accounting for Uncertain Income Tax Positions. When tax returns are filed, there may be uncertainty about the merits of positions taken or the amount of the position that would be ultimately sustained. In accordance with the guidance of ASC 740-10, the benefit of a tax position is recognized in the financial statements in the period during which, based on all available evidence, management believes it is more likely than not that the position will be sustained upon examination, including the resolution of appeals or litigation processes, if any. Tax positions taken are not offset or aggregated with other positions.


Tax positions that meet the more likely than not recognition threshold are measured at the largest amount of tax benefit that is more than 50 percent likely of being realized upon settlement with the applicable taxing authority. The portion of the benefit associated with tax positions taken that exceed the amount measured as described above should be reflected as a liability for uncertain tax benefits in the accompanying balance sheet along with any associated interest and penalties that would be payable to the taxing authorities upon examination. The Company believes its tax positions are all more likely than not to be upheld upon examination. As such, the Company has not recorded a liability for uncertain tax benefits.


The Company has adopted ASC 740-10-25, “Definition of Settlement”, which provides guidance on how an entity should determine whether a tax position is effectively settled for the purpose of recognizing previously unrecognized tax benefits and provides that a tax position can be effectively settled upon the completion and examination by a taxing authority without being legally extinguished. For tax positions considered effectively settled, an entity would recognize the full amount of tax benefit, even if the tax position is not considered more likely than not to be sustained based solely on the basis of its technical merits and the statute of limitations remains open.  The federal and state income tax returns of the Company are subject to examination by the IRS and state taxing authorities, generally for three years after they are filed.


Stock-based compensation


Stock-based compensation is accounted for based on the requirements of the Share-Based Payment Topic of ASC 718, “Compensation — Stock Compensation” (“ASC 718”), which requires recognition in the consolidated financial statements of the cost of employee and director services received in exchange for an award of equity instruments over the period the employee or director is required to perform the services in exchange for the award (presumptively, the vesting period). ASC 718 also requires measurement of the cost of employee and director services received in exchange for an award based on the grant-date fair value of the award.


Pursuant to ASC Topic 505-50, “Equity Based Payments to Non-employees”, for share-based payments to consultants and other third-parties, compensation expense is determined at the measurement date. The expense is recognized over the vesting period of the award. Until the measurement date is reached, the total amount of compensation expense remains uncertain. The Company initially records compensation expense based on the fair value of the award at the reporting date.


Software development costs


The Company develops software and applications which are being provided to customers for free in order to deliver revenue producing products. Costs incurred to develop internal-use software, including website development costs, during the preliminary project stage are expensed as incurred.   Internal-use software development costs are capitalized during the application development stage, which is after:   (i) the preliminary project stage is completed; and (ii) management authorizes and commits to funding the project and it is probable the project will be completed and used to perform the function intended.   Capitalization ceases at the point the software project is substantially complete and ready for its intended use, and after all substantial testing is completed.   Upgrades and enhancements are capitalized if it is probable that those expenditures will result in additional functionality.   Amortization is provided for on a straight-line basis over the expected useful life of three years of the internal-use software development costs and related upgrades and enhancements.   When existing software is replaced with new software, the unamortized costs of the old software are expensed when the new software is ready for its intended use. During the fiscal year 2015, the Company capitalized software development cost of $161,292 during the application development stage.



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JUNE 30, 2016




The Company released its application on July 8, 2016 and consequently, the Company incurred software developments expenses which consisted primarily of consulting fees and salaries for software programming services in the amount of $94,474 and $0 during the six months ended June 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively.


Impairment of long-lived assets


The Company reviews long-lived assets for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of the assets may not be fully recoverable, or at least annually. The Company recognizes an impairment loss when the sum of expected undiscounted future cash flows is less than the carrying amount of the asset. The amount of impairment is measured as the difference between the asset’s estimated fair value and its book value. The Company did not record any impairment losses during the six months ended June 30, 2016 and 2015.


Net loss per share of common stock


Basic net loss per share is computed by dividing the net loss by the weighted average number of common shares during the period. Diluted net loss per share is computed using the weighted average number of common shares and potentially dilutive securities outstanding during the period. At June 30, 2016 and 2015, the Company did not have any potentially dilutive securities outstanding that may dilute any future earnings per share.


Recent accounting pronouncements


In March 2016, the FASB issues ASU No. 2016-09, “Compensation - Stock Compensation (Topic 718)”, or ASU No. 2016-09. The amendments of ASU No. 2016-09 were issues as part of the FASB's simplification initiative focused on improving areas of GAAP for which cost and complexity may be reduced while maintaining or improving the usefulness of information disclosed within the financial statements. The amendments focused on simplification specifically with regard to share-based payment transactions, including income tax consequences, classification of awards as equity or liabilities and classification on the statement of cash flows. The guidance in ASU No. 2016-09 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2016, and interim periods within those annual periods. Early adoption is permitted. The Company will evaluate the effect of ASU 2016-09 for future periods as applicable.


Other accounting standards that have been issued or proposed by FASB that do not require adoption until a future date are not expected to have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements upon adoption. The Company does not discuss recent pronouncements that are not anticipated to have an impact on or are unrelated to its financial condition, results of operations, cash flows or disclosures.




Software development cost, net consisted of the following:


  June 30,
    December 31,
Software development cost (see Note 1)   3 years   $ 161,292     $ 161,292  
Less: Accumulated amortization         (53,764 )     (26,882 )
        $ 107,528     $ 134,410  


Amortization expense was $26,882 and $0 for the six months ended June 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively.



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JUNE 30, 2016




The Company’s officer, Mr. Darin Myman, from time to time, provided advances to the Company for working capital purposes. At June 30, 2016 and December 31, 2015, the Company had a payable to the officer of $7,151 and $8,260, respectively. These advances were short-term in nature and non-interest bearing. Between January 2016 and June 2016, Mr. Myman provided advances to the Company for working capital purposes for a total of $9,774 and the Company repaid $10,883 of these advances.


On May 29, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $30,000 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note was due on July 29, 2015. The annual interest rate for the loan is 10%. The Company defaulted to repay the note when it was due. On February 25, 2016, the Company entered into an extension agreement with the lender to extend the maturity date of the note to December 31, 2016. In accordance to the extension agreement, the Company and the lender agree to increase the amount of the principal amount of the note by $5,000 as penalty for the Company’s failure to repay the note on July 29, 2015. In connection with the increase in principal amount of $5,000, the Company recorded non-cash interest expense of $5,000 on February 25, 2016. As of June 30, 2016, the principal balance of this note was $35,000.


On June 26, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a promissory note in the principal amount of $15,000 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the loan is 10%.


On September 1, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $7,500 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%.


On September 29, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $5,000 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%. The Company repaid the note in full on October 15, 2015. The CEO of the Company is an officer of the affiliated company.


On January 17, 2016, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $5,000 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%. The Company repaid the note in full on March 7, 2016. The CEO of the Company is an officer of the affiliated company.


The Company entered into a sublease agreement with an affiliated company on January 1, 2015. The term of the sublease agreement started on January 1, 2015 and ends on December 31, 2016. During fiscal 2016, the Company paid a monthly base rent of $2,217 plus a pro rata share of operating expenses. The base rent was subject to a monthly increase from $2,217 to $2,275 beginning on June 1, 2016. The CEO of the Company is an officer of the affiliated company.




Notes payable consisted of the following:


    June 30,
    December 31,
Notes payable – unrelated party   $ 10,000     $ 10,000  
Notes payable – related party (see Note 3)     57,500       52,500  
Total notes payable   $ 67,500     $ 62,500  


On September 29, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $10,000 to an unrelated party. The note was due on December 26, 2015. The annual interest rate for the note is 24%. The Company defaulted to repay the note when it was due. On June 16, 2016, the Company entered into an extension agreement with the lender to extend the maturity date of the note to December 26, 2016. All other provision of the original note shall prevail.


As of June 30, 2016 and December 31, 2015, accrued interest related to this notes amounted to $7,480 and $3,420, respectively.



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JUNE 30, 2016



Shares Authorized


In August 2016, the Board of Directors of the Company approved to authorized shares to issue 20,000,000 shares of preferred stock. Consequently, the authorized capital stock consists of 200,000,000 shares, of which 180,000,000 are shares of common stock and 20,000,000 are shares of preferred stock.


Common stock


On October 15, 2015, the Company entered into a twelve-month consulting agreement with a consultant for providing strategic consulting and business advisory services. Pursuant to the consulting agreement, the Company issued 200,000 shares of the Company’s common stock to the consultant. The Company valued these common shares at the fair value of $40,000 or $0.20 per common share based on the sale of common stock in the recent private placement. In connection with the issuance of these common shares, the Company recorded stock-based compensation of $20,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2016 and prepaid expense of $11,667 as of June 30, 2016. The prepaid expense will be amortized over the 12-month term of the consulting agreement.


On January 5, 2016, the Company entered into a one-year consulting agreement with a consultant who has agreed to provide general business consulting services to the Company. The agreement expires on January 5, 2017. In accordance to this consulting agreement, the Company shall pay the consultant (i) 1,000,000 shares of the Company’s common stock; and (ii) cash compensation rate of $50 per hour on hours pre-authorized by the Company. On January 5, 2016, the Company issued 1,000,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant. The Company valued these common shares at the fair value of $200,000 or $0.20 per common share based on the sale of common stock in the recent private placement. In connection with the issuance of these common shares, the Company recorded stock-based compensation of $100,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2016 and prepaid expense of $100,000 as of June 30, 2016. The prepaid expense will be amortized over the 12-month term of the consulting agreement.


On January 12, 2016, the Company entered into a six-month consulting agreement with a consultant who has agreed to provide general business consulting services to the Company. The agreement expires on July 12, 2016. In accordance to this consulting agreement, the Company shall pay the consultant 75,000 shares of the Company’s common stock. On January 12, 2016, the Company issued 75,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant. The Company valued these common shares at the fair value of $15,000 or $0.20 per common share based on the sale of common stock in the recent private placement. In connection with the issuance of these common shares, the Company recorded stock-based compensation of $13,750 for the six months ended June 30, 2016 and prepaid expense of $1,250 as of June 30, 2016. The prepaid expense will be amortized over the 6-month term of the consulting agreement.


On April 5, 2016, the Company entered into a one-year consulting agreement with a consultant who has agreed to provide general business consulting services to the Company. The agreement expires on April 5, 2017. In accordance to this consulting agreement, the Company pays the consultant (i) 1,000,000 shares of the Company’s common stock; (ii) cash compensation rate of $50 per hour on hours pre-authorized by the Company. On April 8, 2016, the Company issued 1,000,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant. The Company valued these common shares at the fair value of $200,000 or $0.20 per common share based on the sale of common stock in the recent private placement. In connection with the issuance of these common shares, the Company recorded stock-based compensation of $33,333 for the six months ended June 30, 2016 and prepaid expense of $166,667 as of June 30, 2016. The prepaid expense will be amortized over the 12-month term of the consulting agreement.


On April 28, 2016, the Company entered into a legal consulting agreement with a firm who has agreed to provide legal services to the Company. In accordance to this legal consulting agreement, the Company shall pay the consultant (i) fees for the Regulation A Offering services at a flat fee of $35,000 with a $10,000 retainer due upon execution of this agreement. The remainder of the flat fee shall be paid on the earlier of (a) the abandonment of the Regulation A Offering or (b) with 45 days of the effectiveness of the Offering Statement. (ii) 25,000 shares of restricted common stock upon the execution of the agreement. (iii) $2,500 per month for SEC Services. On April 28, 2016, the Company issued 25,000 shares of its common stock to the legal firm. The Company valued these common shares at the fair value of $5,000 or $0.20 per common share based on the sale of common stock in the recent private placement. In connection with the issuance of these common shares, the Company prepaid expense of $5,000 as of June 30, 2016. The prepaid expense will be amortized over term of the legal consulting agreement.


On April 1, 2016, the Company entered into an advisory board agreement with an advisor who has agreed to act as a member of the Company’s Advisory Board. In accordance to this advisory board agreement, the Company shall pay the advisor 500,000 shares of the Company’s common stock. On April 1, 2016, the Company issued 500,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant. The Company valued these common shares at the fair value of $100,000 or $0.20 per common share based on the sale of common stock in the recent private placement. In connection with the issuance of these common shares, the Company recorded stock-based compensation of $100,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2016.



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JUNE 30, 2016




On May 18, 2016, the Company entered into a one-year advisory board agreement with an advisor who has agreed to act as a member of the Company’s Advisory Board. The agreement expires on May 18, 2017. In accordance to this advisory board agreement, the Company shall pay the advisor 200,000 shares of the Company’s common stock. On May 18, 2016, the Company issued 200,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant. The Company valued these common shares at the fair value of $40,000 or $0.20 per common share based on the sale of common stock in the recent private placement. In connection with the issuance of these common shares, the Company recorded stock-based compensation of $3,333 for the six months ended June 30, 2016 and prepaid expense of $36,667 as of June 30, 2016. The prepaid expense will be amortized over the 12-month term of the consulting agreement.


In February 2016, the Company sold 1,500,000 shares of its common stock at $0.06667 per common share for proceeds of $100,005 to an unrelated party. Between January 2016 and June 2016, the Company sold 1,507,250 shares of its common stock at $0.20 per common share for gross proceeds of $301,450 and net proceeds of $300,200 after legal fees related to the private placement sale.


On June 14, 2016, the Company entered into a one-year advisory board agreement with an advisor who has agreed to act as a member of the Company’s Advisory Board. In accordance to this advisory board agreement, the Company shall pay the advisor 200,000 shares of the Company’s common stock. On June 14, 2016, the Company issued 200,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant. The Company valued these common shares at the fair value of $40,000 or $0.20 per common share based on the sale of common stock in the recent private placement. In connection with the issuance of these common shares, the Company recorded stock-based compensation of $1,667 for the six months ended June 30, 2016 and prepaid expense of $38,333 as of June 30, 2016. The prepaid expense will be amortized over the 12-month term of the consulting agreement.




The Company entered into a sublease agreement with an affiliated company on January 1, 2015. The term of the sublease agreement started on January 1, 2015 and ends on December 31, 2016. During fiscal 2016, the Company paid a monthly base rent of $2,217 plus a pro rata share of operating expenses. The base rent was subject to a monthly increase from $2,217 to $2,275 beginning on June 1, 2016. The CEO of the Company is an officer of the affiliated company.


Future minimum rental payments required under this operating lease are as follows:


    Total     1 year     Thereafter  
Operating lease   $ 13,650     $ 13,650     $          -  
Total   $ 13,650     $ 13,650     $ -  


Rent expense was $16,423 and $15,434 for the six months ended June 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively.




In July 2016, the Company sold 62,500 shares of its common stock at $0.20 per common share for gross proceeds of $12,500.


In July 2016, the Company paid back the principal amount of the note to a related party for $4,000.


In August 2016, the Board of Directors of the Company approved to change the name of the Company from Dat Chat, Inc. to DatChat, Inc.


In August 2016, the Board of Directors of the Company approved to authorize shares to issue 20,000,000 shares of preferred stock. Consequently, the authorized capital stock consists of 200,000,000 shares, of which 180,000,000 are shares of common stock and 20,000,000 are shares of preferred stock.


In August 2016, the Company designated 1 share of Series A Preferred Stock, par value $0.0001 per share (the “Series A Preferred Stock”) and has a stated value equal to $1.00 as may be adjusted for any stock dividends, combinations or splits. Each one (1) share of the Series A Preferred Stock shall have voting rights equal to (x) the total issued and outstanding Common Stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote divided by (y) forty-nine onehundredths (0.49) minus (z) the total issued and outstanding Common Stock eligible to vote at the time of the respective vote. The Series A Preferred Stock does not convert into equity of the Company. The Series A Preferred Stock does not contain any redemption provision.


In October 2016, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $10,000 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%.


In October 2016, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $2,500. The note is due on December 16, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%. The lender is the brother of the CEO of the Company.


In November 2016, the Company sold 650,000 shares of its common stock at $0.20 per common share for gross proceeds of $130,000.



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For the Year Ended December 31, 2015 and

For the Period from December 4, 2014 (Inception) to December 31, 2014

Financial Statements:    
Balance Sheets - As of December 31, 2015 and 2014   F-13
Statements of Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2015 and for the Period from December 4, 2014 (Inception) to December 31, 2014   F-14
Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Deficit for the Year Ended December 31, 2015 and for the Period from December 4, 2014 (Inception) to December 31, 2014     F-15
Statements of Cash Flows for the Year Ended December 31, 2015 and for the Period from December 4, 2014 (Inception) to December 31, 2014     F-16
Notes to the financial statements   F-17



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To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of Dat Chat, Inc.


We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of Dat Chat, Inc. as of December 31, 2014 and 2015, and the related statements of operations, stockholders’ deficit, and cash flows for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) through December 31, 2014 and the year ended December 31, 2015. Dat Chat, Inc.’s management is responsible for the financial statements. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements based on our audits.


We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. The company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


We were not engaged to examine management’s assertion about the effectiveness of Dat Chat, Inc.’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2015 and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion thereon.


In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Dat Chat, Inc. as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) through December 31, 2014 and the year ended December 31, 2015, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 1 to the financial statements, the Company has incurred operating losses, has incurred negative cash flows from operations and has a working capital deficit. These and other factors raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. Management’s plan regarding these matters is also described in Note 1 to the financial statements. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.



D. Brooks and Associates CPA’s, P.A
West Palm Beach, FL
August 3, 2016  



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    December 31,     December 31,  
    2015     2014  
CURRENT ASSETS:            
Cash   $ 1,429     $ -  
Prepaid expense     31,667     $ -  
Total Current Assets     33,096       -  
OTHER ASSETS:                
Software development cost, net     134,410       -  
Total Assets   $ 167,506     $ -  
CURRENT LIABILITIES:                
Accounts payable and accrued expenses   $ 3,622     $ 1,032  
Notes payable     10,000       -  
Notes payable - related parties     52,500       -  
Due to related party     8,260       282  
Total Current Liabilities     74,382       1,314  
Commitments and Contingencies - (Note 7)                
Preferred stock ($0.0001 par value; 1,000,000 shares authorized; No shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2015 and 2014)     -       -  
Common stock ($0.0001 par value; 199,000,000 shares authorized; 12,775,000 and 11,000,000 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively)     1,278       1,100  
Additional paid-in capital     354,822       -  
Accumulated deficit     (262,976 )     (2,414 )
Total Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)     93,124       (1,314 )
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)   $ 167,506     $ -  


See accompanying notes to financial statements.



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        For the Period from  
    For the Year Ended     December 4, 2014 (Inception) to  
    December 31, 2015     December 31, 2014  
NET REVENUES   $ -     $ -  
OPERATING EXPENSES:                
Compensation     108,655       600  
Professional and consulting     37,912       500  
General and administrative     110,579       1,314  
Total operating expenses     257,146       2,414  
OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE)                
Interest expense     (3,420 )     -  
Interest income     4       -  
Total other income (expense)     (3,416 )     -  
NET LOSS   $ (260,562 )   $ (2,414 )
NET LOSS PER COMMON SHARE:                
Basic and diluted   $ (0.02 )   $ -  
Basic and diluted     12,145,207       9,035,713  


See accompanying notes to financial statements.



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For the Year Ended December 31, 2015 and For the Period from December 4, 2014 (Inception) to December 31, 2014


    Preferred Stock     Common Stock     Additional Paid-in     Accumulated     Total Stockholders'  
    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount     Capital     Deficit     (Deficit) Equity  
Balance, December 4, 2014 (Inception)     -     $ -       -     $ -     $ -     $ -     $ -  
Issuance of common stock to founders     -       -       11,000,000       1,100       -       -       1,100  
Net loss for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) to December 31, 2014     -       -       -       -       -       (2,414 )     (2,414 )
Balance, December 31, 2014     -       -       11,000,000       1,100       -       (2,414 )     (1,314 )
Sale of common stock     -       -       1,075,000       108       214,892       -       215,000  
Issuance of common stock for services     -       -       200,000       20       39,980       -       40,000  
Issuance of common stock for software development cost     -       -       500,000       50       99,950       -       100,000  
Net loss  for the year ended December 31, 2015     -       -       -       -       -       (260,562 )     (260,562 )
Balance, December 31, 2015     -     $ -       12,775,000     $ 1,278     $ 354,822     $ (262,976 )   $ 93,124  


See accompanying notes to financial statements.



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        For the Period from  
    For the Year Ended     December 4, 2014 (Inception) to  
    December 31, 2015     December 31, 2014  
Net loss   $ (260,562 )   $ (2,414 )
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities:                
Amortization expense     26,882       -  
Stock-based compensation and fees     8,333       1,100  
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:                
Accounts payable and accrued expenses     2,590       1,032  
Capitalized software development cost     (61,292 )     -  
Advances from a related party     11,066       282  
Payments on related party advances     (3,088 )     -  
Proceeds from notes payable     67,500       -  
Repayment of notes payable     (5,000 )     -  
Proceeds from sale of common stock     215,000       -  
NET INCREASE IN CASH     1,429       -  
CASH - beginning of period     -       -  
CASH - end of period   $ 1,429     $ -  
Cash paid for:                
Interest   $ -     $ -  
Income taxes   $ -     $ -  
Issuance of common stock for future services   $ 31,667     $ -  
Issuance of common stock for software development cost   $ 100,000     $ -  


See accompanying notes to financial statements.



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Dat Chat, Inc. (the “Company”) was incorporated in the State of Nevada on December 4, 2014 under the name of YssUp, Inc. On March 4, 2015, the Company’s corporate name was changed to Dat Chat, Inc. The Company established a fiscal year end of December 31.  The Company’s principal business is focused on its mobile messaging application that provides a traditional messaging platform, while providing users with complete privacy and control features for their sent messages. The Company’s mobile messaging application is called DatChat Messenger which is currently a free messaging application. Once the Company achieves critical mass of users, the Company will offer new features and will charge fees and generate revenues from the added features.


Basis of presentation and going concern


As reflected in the accompanying financial statements, the Company has a net loss and net cash used in operations of $260,562 and $222,757, respectively, for the year ended December 31, 2015.  Additionally the Company has a working capital deficit and accumulated deficit of $41,286 and $262,976, respectively, at December 31, 2015 and has no revenues. These circumstances cause substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The ability of the Company to continue as a going concern is dependent on the Company’s ability to further implement its business plan, raise capital, and generate revenues. Currently, management is seeking capital to implement its business plan.   Management believes that the actions presently being taken provide the opportunity for the Company to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might be necessary if the Company is unable to continue as a going concern.  


Use of estimates


The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and the related disclosures at the date of the financial statements and during the reporting period. Actual results could materially differ from these estimates. Significant estimates include the valuation of deferred tax assets, and the value of stock-based compensation and fees.


Cash and cash equivalents


The Company considers all highly liquid debt instruments and other short-term investments with maturity of three months or less, when purchased, to be cash equivalents.  The Company maintains cash and cash equivalent balances at one financial institution that is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The Company’s account at this institution is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") up to $250,000. As of December 31, 2015, the Company has not reached bank balances exceeding the FDIC insurance limit. To reduce its risk associated with the failure of such financial institution, the Company evaluates at least annually the rating of the financial institution in which it holds deposits.


Fair value measurements and fair value of financial instruments


The estimated fair value of certain financial instruments, including cash and accounts payable are carried at historical cost basis, which approximates their fair values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.


Revenue recognition


The Company will recognize revenue when persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists, delivery has occurred or services have been rendered, the purchase price is fixed or determinable and collectability is reasonably assured. The Company has not recognized any revenues since its inception.


Income taxes


The Company accounts for income taxes pursuant to the provision of ASC 740-10, “Accounting for Income Taxes” (“ASC 740-10”), which requires, among other things, an asset and liability approach to calculating deferred income taxes. The asset and liability approach requires the recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the carrying amounts and the tax bases of assets and liabilities. A valuation allowance is provided to offset any net deferred tax assets for which management believes it is more likely than not that the net deferred asset will not be realized.



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The Company follows the provision of ASC 740-10 related to Accounting for Uncertain Income Tax Positions. When tax returns are filed, there may be uncertainty about the merits of positions taken or the amount of the position that would be ultimately sustained. In accordance with the guidance of ASC 740-10, the benefit of a tax position is recognized in the financial statements in the period during which, based on all available evidence, management believes it is more likely than not that the position will be sustained upon examination, including the resolution of appeals or litigation processes, if any. Tax positions taken are not offset or aggregated with other positions.


Tax positions that meet the more likely than not recognition threshold are measured at the largest amount of tax benefit that is more than 50 percent likely of being realized upon settlement with the applicable taxing authority. The portion of the benefit associated with tax positions taken that exceed the amount measured as described above should be reflected as a liability for uncertain tax benefits in the accompanying balance sheet along with any associated interest and penalties that would be payable to the taxing authorities upon examination. The Company believes its tax positions are all more likely than not to be upheld upon examination. As such, the Company has not recorded a liability for uncertain tax benefits.


The Company has adopted ASC 740-10-25, “Definition of Settlement”, which provides guidance on how an entity should determine whether a tax position is effectively settled for the purpose of recognizing previously unrecognized tax benefits and provides that a tax position can be effectively settled upon the completion and examination by a taxing authority without being legally extinguished. For tax positions considered effectively settled, an entity would recognize the full amount of tax benefit, even if the tax position is not considered more likely than not to be sustained based solely on the basis of its technical merits and the statute of limitations remains open.  The federal and state income tax returns of the Company are subject to examination by the IRS and state taxing authorities, generally for three years after they are filed.


Stock-based compensation


Stock-based compensation is accounted for based on the requirements of the Share-Based Payment Topic of ASC 718, “Compensation — Stock Compensation” (“ASC 718”), which requires recognition in the consolidated financial statements of the cost of employee and director services received in exchange for an award of equity instruments over the period the employee or director is required to perform the services in exchange for the award (presumptively, the vesting period). ASC 718 also requires measurement of the cost of employee and director services received in exchange for an award based on the grant-date fair value of the award.


Pursuant to ASC Topic 505-50, “Equity Based Payments to Non-employees”, for share-based payments to consultants and other third-parties, compensation expense is determined at the measurement date. The expense is recognized over the vesting period of the award. Until the measurement date is reached, the total amount of compensation expense remains uncertain. The Company initially records compensation expense based on the fair value of the award at the reporting date.


Software development costs 


The Company develops software and applications which are being provided to customers for free in order to deliver revenue producing products. Costs incurred to develop internal-use software, including website development costs, during the preliminary project stage are expensed as incurred.   Internal-use software development costs are capitalized during the application development stage, which is after:   (i) the preliminary project stage is completed; and (ii) management authorizes and commits to funding the project and it is probable the project will be completed and used to perform the function intended.   Capitalization ceases at the point the software project is substantially complete and ready for its intended use, and after all substantial testing is completed.   Upgrades and enhancements are capitalized if it is probable that those expenditures will result in additional functionality.   Amortization is provided for on a straight-line basis over the expected useful life of three years of the internal-use software development costs and related upgrades and enhancements.   When existing software is replaced with new software, the unamortized costs of the old software are expensed when the new software is ready for its intended use. During the fiscal year 2015 and 2014, the Company capitalized software development cost of $161,292 and $0 during the application development stage. The Company released its application on July 8, 2016 and consequently, the Company incurred software developments cost which consisted primarily of consulting fees and salaries for software programming services in the amount of $51,525 and $50 during the year ended December 31, 2015 and for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) to December 31, 2014, respectively.



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Impairment of long-lived assets


The Company reviews long-lived assets for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of the assets may not be fully recoverable, or at least annually. The Company recognizes an impairment loss when the sum of expected undiscounted future cash flows is less than the carrying amount of the asset. The amount of impairment is measured as the difference between the asset’s estimated fair value and its book value. The Company did not record any impairment losses during the year ended December 31, 2015 and for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) to December 31, 2014.


Net loss per share of common stock


Basic net loss per share is computed by dividing the net loss by the weighted average number of common shares during the period. Diluted net loss per share is computed using the weighted average number of common shares and potentially dilutive securities outstanding during the period. At December 31, 2015 and 2014, the Company did not have any potentially dilutive securities outstanding that may dilute any future earnings per share.


Recent accounting pronouncements


In June 2014, the FASB issued ASU 2014-10, “Development Stage Entities (Topic 915): Elimination of Certain Financial Reporting Requirements”. ASU 2014-10 eliminates the distinction of a development stage entity and certain related disclosure requirements, including the elimination of inception-to-date information on the statements of operations, cash flows and stockholders’ equity. The amendments in ASU 2014-10 will be effective prospectively for annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2014, and interim periods within those annual periods, however early adoption is permitted. The Company evaluated and adopted ASU 2014-10 for the annual reporting period ended December 31, 2015 and for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) to December 31, 2014.


Accounting standards which were not effective until after December 31, 2015 are not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s financial position or results of operations.




Software development cost, net consisted of the following:


    Estimated life   December 31, 2015     December 31,
Software development cost (see Note 1)   3 years   $ 161,292     $                -  
Less: Accumulated amortization         (26,882 )     -  
        $ 134,410     $ -  


Amortization expense was $26,882 and $0 for the year ended December 31, 2015 and for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) to December 31, 2014, respectively.




The Company’s officer, Mr. Darin Myman, from time to time, provided advances to the Company for working capital purposes. At December 31, 2015 and 2014, the Company had a payable to the officer of $8,260 and $282, respectively. These advances were short-term in nature and non-interest bearing. Between December 4, 2014 (inception) and December 31, 2015, Mr. Myman provided advances to the Company for working capital purposes for a total of $11,348 and the Company repaid $3,088 of these advances.


On May 29, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $30,000 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note was due on July 29, 2015. The annual interest rate for the loan is 10%. The Company defaulted to repay the note when it was due. On February 25, 2016, the Company entered into an extension agreement with the lender to extend the maturity date of the note to December 31, 2016. In accordance to the extension agreement, the Company and the lender agree to increase the amount of the principal amount of the note by $5,000 as penalty for the Company’s failure to repay the note on July 29, 2015. In connection with the increase in principal amount of $5,000, the Company recorded interest expense of $5,000 on February 25, 2016.



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On June 26, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a promissory note in the principal amount of $15,000 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the loan is 10%.


On September 1, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $7,500 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%.


On September 29, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $5,000 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%. The Company repaid the note in full on October 15, 2015. The CEO of the Company is an officer of the affiliated company.


The Company entered into a sublease agreement with an affiliated company on January 1, 2015. The term of the sublease agreement started on January 1, 2015 and ends on December 31, 2016. During fiscal 2015, the Company paid a monthly base rent ranging from $2,158 to $2,217 plus a pro rata share of operating expenses. The base rent was subject to a monthly increase from $2,217 to $2,275 beginning on June 1, 2016. The CEO of the Company is an officer of the affiliated company.




Notes payable consisted of the following:


    December 31, 2015     December 31, 2014  
Notes payable – unrelated party   $ 10,000     $                     -  
Notes payable – related party (see Note 3)     52,500       -  
Total notes payable   $ 62,500     $ -  


On September 29, 2015, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $10,000 to an unrelated party. The note was due on December 26, 2015. The annual interest rate for the note is 24%. The Company defaulted to repay the note when it was due. On June 16, 2016, the Company entered into an extension agreement with the lender to extend the maturity date of the note to December 26, 2016. All other provision of the original note shall prevail.


As of December 31, 2015 and 2014, accrued interest related to these notes amounted to $3,420 and $0, respectively.




Shares Authorized 


The authorized capital of the Company consists of 199,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $0.0001 per share and 1,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $0.0001 per share.


Common stock


Between December 4, 2014 (inception) and December 31, 2014, the Company issued 11,000,000 shares of its common stock to its founders for services rendered. The Company valued these common shares issued to the founders at par value of $0.0001 per common share. In connection with issuance of these common shares, the Company recorded stock-based compensation of $1,100.


During the year ended December 31, 2015, the Company sold 1,075,000 shares of its common stock at $0.20 per common share for proceeds of $215,000.


On January 5, 2015, the Company issued 500,000 vested shares of its common stock to a programmer for services provided. The Company valued these common shares at the fair value of $0.20 per common share or $100,000 based on the sale of common stock in the recent private placement at $0.20 per common share. In connection with the issuance of these common shares, the Company recorded software development cost of $100,000 for the year ended December 31, 2015.



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On October 15, 2015, the Company entered into a twelve-month consulting agreement with a consultant for providing strategic consulting and business advisory services. Pursuant to the consulting agreement, the Company issued 200,000 shares of the Company’s common stock to the consultant. The Company valued these common shares at the fair value of $40,000 or $0.20 per common share based on the sale of common stock in the recent private placement. In connection with the issuance of these common shares, the Company recorded stock-based compensation of $8,333 for the year ended December 31, 2015 and prepaid expense of $31,667 as of December 31, 2015. The prepaid expense will be amortized over the 12-month term of the consulting agreement.




The Company has incurred aggregate net operating losses of approximately $253,543 for income tax purposes as of December 31, 2015. The net operating loss carries forward for United States income taxes, which may be available to reduce future years’ taxable income. These carry forwards will expire, if not utilized, through 2035. Management believes that the realization of the benefits from these losses appears not more than likely due to the Company’s limited operating history and continuing losses for United States income tax purposes. Accordingly, the Company has provided a 100% valuation allowance on the deferred tax asset to reduce the asset to zero. Management will review this valuation allowance periodically and make adjustments as necessary.


The items accounting for the difference between income taxes at the effective statutory rate and the provision for income taxes for the year ended December 31, 2015 and for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) to December 31, 2014 were as follows: 


    Year Ended
December 31, 2015
    Period from December 4, 2014 (Inception) to December 31, 2014  
Income tax benefit at U.S. statutory rate of 34%   $ (88,591 )   $ (821 )
Income tax benefit  - State     (13,028 )     (121 )
Non-deductible expenses     3,250       429  
Change in valuation allowance     98,369       513  
Total provision for income tax   $ -     $ -  


The Company’s approximate net deferred tax asset at December 31, 2015 and 2014 was as follows:


Deferred Tax Asset:   December 31, 2015     December 31, 2014  
Net operating loss carryforward   $ 98,882     $ 513  
Valuation allowance     (98,882 )     (513 )
Net deferred tax asset   $ -     $ -  


The net operating loss carryforward was $253,543 and $1,314 at December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The Company provided a valuation allowance equal to the deferred income tax asset for the year ended December 31, 2015 and for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) to December 31, 2014 because it was not known whether future taxable income will be sufficient to utilize the loss carryforward. The increase in the allowance was $98,369 in fiscal 2015. The potential tax benefit arising from the loss carryforward will expire in 2035.  


Additionally, the future utilization of the net operating loss carryforward to offset future taxable income may be subject to an annual limitation as a result of ownership changes that could occur in the future. If necessary, the deferred tax assets will be reduced by any carryforward that expires prior to utilization as a result of such limitations, with a corresponding reduction of the valuation allowance.  


The Company does not have any uncertain tax positions or events leading to uncertainty in a tax position. The Company’s 2014 and 2015 Corporate Income Tax Returns are subject to Internal Revenue Service examination.




On October 15, 2015, the Company entered into a one-year consulting agreement with a consultant who has agreed to provide general business consulting services to the Company. The agreement expires on October 15, 2016. In consideration of this agreement, on October 15, 2015, the Company issued 200,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant. The Company valued these common shares at the fair value of $0.20 per common share based on the sale of common stock in a private placement at $0.20 per common share (see Note 5).



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The Company entered into a sublease agreement with an affiliated company on January 1, 2015. The term of the sublease agreement started on January 1, 2015 and ends on December 31, 2016. During fiscal 2015, the Company paid a monthly base rent ranging from $2,158 to $2,217 plus a pro rata share of operating expenses. The base rent was subject to a monthly increase from $2,217 to $2,275 beginning on June 1, 2016. The CEO of the Company is an officer of the affiliated company.


Future minimum rental payments required under this operating lease are as follows:


    Total     1 year     Thereafter  
Operating lease   $ 27,010     $ 27,010     $               -  
Total   $ 27,010     $ 27,010     $ -  


Rent expense was $29,874 and $0 for the year ended December 31, 2015 and for the period from December 4, 2014 (inception) to December 31, 2014, respectively.




On January 5, 2016, the Company entered into a one-year consulting agreement with a consultant who has agreed to provide general business consulting services to the Company. The agreement expires on January 5, 2017. In accordance to this consulting agreement, the Company shall pay the consultant (i) 1,000,000 shares of the Company’s common stock; and (ii) cash compensation rate of $50 per hour on hours pre-authorized by the Company. On January 5, 2016, the Company issued 1,000,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant.


On January 12, 2016, the Company entered into a six-month consulting agreement with a consultant who has agreed to provide general business consulting services to the Company. The agreement expires on July 12, 2016. In accordance to this consulting agreement, the Company shall pay the consultant 75,000 shares of the Company’s common stock. On January 12, 2016, the Company issued 75,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant.


On January 17, 2016, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement, providing for the issuance of a note in the principal amount of $5,000 to a principal stockholder of the Company. The note is due on December 26, 2016. The annual interest rate for the note is 10%. The Company repaid the note in full on March 7, 2016. The CEO of the Company is an officer of the affiliated company.


On April 5, 2016, the Company entered into a one-year consulting agreement with a consultant who has agreed to provide general business consulting services to the Company. The agreement expires on April 5, 2017. In accordance to this consulting agreement, the Company pays the consultant (i) 1,000,000 shares of the Company’s common stock; (ii) cash compensation rate of $50 per hour on hours pre-authorized by the Company. On April 8, 2016, the Company issued 1,000,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant.


On April 28, 2016, the Company entered into a legal consulting agreement with a firm who has agreed to provide legal services to the Company. In accordance to this legal consulting agreement, the Company shall pay the consultant (i) fees for the Regulation A Offering services at a flat fee of $35,000 with a $10,000 retainer due upon execution of this agreement. The remainder of the flat fee shall be paid on the earlier of (a) the abandonment of the Regulation A Offering or (b) with 45 days of the effectiveness of the Offering Statement. (ii) 25,000 shares of restricted common stock upon the execution of the agreement. (iii) $2,500 per month for SEC Services. On April 28, 2016, the Company issued 25,000 shares of its common stock to the legal firm.


On April 1, 2016, the Company entered into an advisory board agreement with an advisor who has agreed to act as a member of the Company’s Advisory Board. In accordance to this advisory board agreement, the Company shall pay the advisor 500,000 shares of the Company’s common stock. On April 1, 2016, the Company issued 500,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant.



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On May 18, 2016, the Company entered into a one-year advisory board agreement with an advisor who has agreed to act as a member of the Company’s Advisory Board. The agreement expires on May 18, 2017. In accordance to this advisory board agreement, the Company shall pay the advisor 200,000 shares of the Company’s common stock. On May 18, 2016, the Company issued 200,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant.


In February 2016, the Company sold 1,500,000 shares of its common stock at $0.06667 per common share for proceeds of $100,000 to an unrelated party. The Company accounted for such transaction under ASC 505-50-30 “Equity-based payments to Non-employees” and accordingly recorded stock based compensation of $200,000 which is equal to the fair value of shares issued in excess of the purchase price of $100,000. ASB 505-50-30 establishes that share-based payment transactions with nonemployees shall be measured at the fair value of the consideration received or the fair value of the equity instruments issued, whichever is more reliably measurable. The Company has determined that the fair value of the common stock is $0.20 per share which is based on the sale of common stock in the recent private placement.


Between January 2016 and June 2016, the Company sold 1,569,750 shares of its common stock at $0.20 per common share for proceeds of $313,950.


On June 14, 2016, the Company entered into a one-year advisory board agreement with an advisor who has agreed to act as a member of the Company’s Advisory Board. In accordance to this advisory board agreement, the Company shall pay the advisor 200,000 shares of the Company’s common stock. On June 14, 2016, the Company issued 200,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant.



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Item Number   Exhibit
2.1   Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation **
2.2   Amended and Restated Bylaws **
2.3   Certificate of Designation of Series A Preferred Stock **
3.1   Form of Stock Certificate**
4.1   Form of Subscription Agreement**
6.1   Form of Master Services Agreement with FundAmerica, LLC and FundAmerica Stock Transfer*
6.2   Form of Technology Agreement with FundAmerica, LLC*
8.1   Form of Escrow Agreement*
11.1   Consent of D. Brooks and Associates CPA's, P.A.*
11.2   Consent of Lucosky Brookman LLP* (Included with the legal opinion provided pursuant to Item (12.1))
12.1   Opinion of Lucosky Brookman LLP*


* Filed herewith
**   Previously Filed



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Pursuant to the requirements of Regulation A, the issuer certifies that it has reasonable grounds to believe that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 1-A and has duly caused this offering statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the City of New Brunswick, State of New Jersey, on this 25th day of January, 2017.



/s/ Darin Myman

    Chief Executive Officer


This offering statement has been signed by the following persons in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


Signature   Title   Date

/s/ Darin Myman

  Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Director   January 25, 2017
    (Principal Executive Officer, Principal Financial Officer, and
Principal Accounting Officer)







Exhibit 6.1





This MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT ACCOUNT FORM, which consists of this account form (the “Account Form”) and the associated Terms and Conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”), attached hereto as Exhibit A, is made and entered into as of (the “Effective Date”) between Dat Chat, Inc. (“Funding Platform”, “you”, “your”) and FundAmerica, LLC (“FA”, “FinTech Provider”) and its wholly-owned subsidiary FundAmerica Stock Transfer (“FAST”, “Transfer Agent”) (FA and FAST will be collectively referred to as “Service Provider”, “we”, “our”, or “us”).




WHEREAS, FA is a technology firm providing engineering and technology solution services; and,


WHEREASFAST is An SEC Registered Transfer Agent and provides associated transfer agent and investor relationship management tools and services; and,


WHEREAS FA has created, owns and maintains proprietary tools and technology, negotiated third-party integrations, and, along with FAST has developed operational processes to provide certain back-end tools, technology and limited compliance services to Funding Platforms and others who assist businesses in raising capital and/or managing their pre, current and post offering activities (the “Service” or “Services”); and,


WHEREAS, Funding Platform has a business that, among other things, operates a website that enables the use of technology to advertise equity and/or debt offerings and enable investors to participate in them (the “platform”), whether for its own offerings (thus acting as the issuer of securities) and/or for other businesses pursuant to the Securities Act and its rules and regulations, as well as those of any state in which it does business.


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties have agreed to execute this Master Services Agreement (this “Agreement” or “MSA”) in order to memorialize the terms and conditions on which FA and FAST will provide Services to Funding Platform. Our Services are conditioned upon Funding Platform’s acceptance and compliance with the terms of this Agreement.


The parties hereby agree as follows:


1.       Financial Technology and Services


FA and FAST will provide the Services to Funding Platform, subject to the Terms and Conditions contained in the attached Exhibit A. Such Services may include, but are not limited to transaction engines, compliance dashboards, AML and other background checks of issuers and investors, payment processing, transfer agency and other Services related to capital formation and markets pursuant to US securities laws and regulations.


2.       Fees


Funding Platform shall pay a one-time account initiation fee of $1,500. There will be no other fees charged to Funding Platform.


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Agreed as of the date first written above, by and between:


Platform:_____________________________, Date:
Name: Title:


Firm CRD #, if any (not required):


FundAmerica, LLC:___________________________, Date:


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1 DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement:


1.1 “Agreement” means this Master Services Agreement, which consists of the Account Form and this Exhibit A Terms and Conditions.


1.2 “Funding Platform” means the company and any related party, subsidiary, agent, representative, successor in interest, or other person or entity acting on behalf of or in place of the person or entity who is using (or enabling the use of) technology to raise capital and is identified on the Account Form as the Funding Platform.


1.3 “Funding Platform Materials” means all data, information, works of authorship, inventions, drawings, logos, software code or other materials provided by Funding Platform to FA and FAST.


1.4 “Account Form” means the Master Services Agreement Account Form executed by all parties. 1.5 “Securities Act” means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


1.5 “Securities Act” means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


1.6 “SEC” means the “Securities and Exchange Commission”.


1.7 “Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.


1.8 “AML” means anti-money laundering, PATRIOT Act, and other checks are required by regulators on all persons sending and receiving money.


1.9 “Investor” or “Subscriber” means a Person that commits to purchase equity or debt securities of an Issuer in an Offering.


1.10 “Issuer” means a company who is raising capital by offering its securities for sale via the Funding Platform and which uses the Services.


1.11 “Offering” means an offering by an Issuer of its debt or equity securities.


1.12 “Person” means any individual, company (whether general or limited), limited liability company, corporation trust, estate, association, nominee or other entity.


1.13 “Services” has the meaning set forth in the Account Form.


1.14 “Term” has the meaning set forth in Section 8.


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1.15 “User” means Funding Platform, its customers and any other person using the Services in any way.


1.16 “Information” means any data or information, including personally identifiable information, provided by or relating to Users in connection with any Offering, whether provided directly by User or Funding Platform in connection with the Services.




2.1 API. The FA Application Programming Interface (the “API”) and “Invest Now” buttons will provide access to various Services, which may be selectively used at Funding Platform’s option pursuant to FA and FAST policies in effect at the time of each desired use. Services may also be selectively enabled or disabled by FinTech Provider, in its sole discretion, limiting which Services, features and tools Funding Platform has access to use.


2.2 Hosting & Management. At all times, the Services shall be hosted, managed and maintained by FA and our appointed third-party service providers. Our Services are accessible via our API and/or our plug and-play widgets and/or our online dashboards, and not by any separate and distinct software installation. FA and FAST provide Services to numerous other customers, including other funding platforms. The Services that FA and FAST provide are always evolving and the form and nature of the Services that we provide may change from time to time without prior notice to you. FA and/or FAST may update, modify, change or otherwise alter the hosting location(s) and/or methodology, as well as any or all features, functionality, user interface(s) located in Funding Platforms account on apps. (the “Control Panel”), business logic, policies, procedures, and/or the API, widgets or dashboards from time to time at its sole discretion and without notice. In addition, FA and FAST may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing the Services (or any specific component(s) or feature(s) of the Services) to you or to users generally and may not provide you with prior notice.


3.       SERVICES


3.1 Access. FA and FAST will make the Services available to Funding Platform and Funding Platform’s customers and other users (“Users”) in accordance with this Agreement and FA and FAST’ rules, policies, and Terms of Use then in effect. Funding Platform acknowledges that its use of the Services are subject to this Agreement, including all applicable terms of service, privacy policies and any guidelines or policies that are then in effect by FA and FAST and posted to the website (as modified from time to time in FA’s sole discretion and with no prior notice required), all of which are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement. Funding Platform acknowledges that some of the Services, even though a la carte in the system, may be interdependent and not available except and unless combined with other Services.


3.2 API Restrictions. Funding Platform will not directly itself, and will not permit or authorize third parties, including Funding Platform’s Users, employees, agents, or officers to: (a) rent, lease, sublet, resell, convert, license, exploit, use, modify, or otherwise permit unauthorized third parties to access or use any aspect of the API; (b) reverse en ineer, reverse assemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code for the API; (c) circumvent or disable any security or other technological features or measures of the API; (d) alter, modify, convert or attempt to, modify, convert or otherwise manipulate the API, software or code; or (e) clone or otherwise copy, replicate or duplicate in any fashion any part of the API design, workflow, features or methodology, all of which Funding Platform acknowledges are proprietary intellectual property wholly
owned by FA.


3.3 Reporting. FA and FAST will provide Funding Platform with access to regular updates via both browser-based control panel(s) and the WebHooks functionality of the API, which enables Funding Platform to get on-demand updates both for its own purposes and so it can create reports and alert systems for its customers and other users.


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When the Services are used via the API, then in no event shall FA or FAST be obligated or expected to push or send any reports or alerts to Funding Platform or any other person, although FAST will send confirmations and alerts for transfer agent activities post-offering.


3.4 FA Duties. FA will at all times manage the API and all related engineering functions, including application maintenance, upgrades, hosting and modifications. FA will provide the API and the Services availability on an ongoing basis, for the Compensation, defined below, which the parties agree is fair and equitable consideration; including technology, upgrades, operating systems, databases and backups, SSL certificates, third-party service integrations, and related technology licenses.


3.5 FAST Duties. FAST will receive all offering, issuer and investor information provided via the Service and maintain ledgers and databases, generally using FA’s systems. FAST will provide issuers and investors with reports, and will provide issuers, funding platforms, and registered entities such as broker-dealers and securities exchanges, as well as research firms and data aggregators the ability to selectively (at FAST’s option) access data and use tools to manage securities offerings, investors records, and capitalization tables. FAST will provide other tools and services to the market as it, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems reasonable to assist management of securities and investors, as well as making markets and overall industry health and promotion.


3.6 Intentionally Left Blank.


3.7 Funding Platform Obligations. Funding Platform warrants that it will operate its business in compliance with all federal and state laws, rules and regulations, including the rules and regulations of any self-regulatory organization of which it is a member (if any).


3.8 Ethics, Reputation. Funding Platform will use the Services in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and refrain from any unethical conduct or any other conduct, use or misuse that may damage the reputation of FA or FAS.


3.9 No Warranties. Funding Platform will not make or publish any representations, warranties, or guarantees on behalf of FA or FAS concerning the Service.


3.10 Content, Use and Protection Unauthorized Use. FA and FAST each reserve the right to suspend or terminate any User from using the Service for any violation of the terms or intent of this Agreement, as determined by FAST or FA in their discretion. For example, Funding Platform is prohibited from using the Invest Now buttons or API in any unlawful or unethical manner, or in any manner that interferes with, disrupts, or disables the API or the networks or Services on which the API operates, or that is in any way a violation of the site Terms of Use of any federal or state laws, rules or regulations. Funding Platform is solely responsible for the content of its postings, data and transmissions using the API, and any other use of the API, including Invest Now buttons (which are built on top of the API) by Funding Platform. Funding Platform will use its best efforts to prevent any unauthorized use of the API and immediately notify FinTech Provider in writing of any unauthorized use that comes to Funding Platform’s attention. Funding Platform will take all steps reasonably necessary to terminate the unauthorized use. Funding Platform hereby indemnifies and holds FA and FAST harmless for any and all violations or breaches of this Section 3.10 or any unauthorized use or any misuse as discussed above.


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3.11 Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Service Level Agreement. Except as set forth in this Agreement, the Services shall be subject to the most current, then in effect, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, as available via links at the bottom of the website. Furthermore, the Services shall be available to Funding Platform in accordance with the Service Level Agreement (the “SLA”) of as available via a link at the bottom of the website. In the event of any conflict between any terms or provisions of the website Terms of Use and the terms and provisions of this Agreement, the applicable terms and provisions of this Agreement shall control.


3.12 Regulatory Compliance. Each Party will cooperate with and provide reasonable assistance to the other party in connection satisfying or complying with any applicable regulatory requirements or requests, including, without limitation, providing any documentation or information reasonably available to such Party as necessary for the other Party to comply with any audit or investigation by a governmental or self-regulatory organization. Furthermore, FA and FAST may at any time and without advance notice modify, add, or discontinue any portion or all features, access to and/or use of the Services to comply with legal or regulatory laws, rules, interpretations and/or directives.


3.13 Ownership. Except for the rights expressly granted in this Agreement, nothing shall be construed or shall grant, convey, transfer, assign, or imply the conveyance of rights, claims, ownership or other claim to any right or title to the technology, software, business processes or intellectual property of Funding Platform. Funding Platform will not acquire any right, title, or interest in or to the API, software, technology, business processes, copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property of FA or FAST by reason of:


(a) the execution and delivery of this Agreement, (b) the disclosure of any information with respect to the Invest Now buttons or the API by FA or FAST to Funding Platform either pursuant to this Agreement or prior or subsequent to execution hereof, (c) Funding Platform’s discovery of confidential information in the course of the commercial relationship contemplated by this Agreement, or (d) any licensed or unlicensed use of FA or FAST’s proprietary information, software, the API, brand, or intellectual property and/or the creation or evolution of any derivative or new intellectual property, software, information, arising from the use or misuse of the Services. Rather, FA retains the sole and exclusive ownership of all intellectual property and proprietary rights with respect to the API and software, as well as business processes, including the sole and exclusive ownership to any improvements and derivative works of the API developed by Funding Platform or any other person. Funding Platform hereby grants to FA and FAST a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty free right and license to its copyrights, intellectual property and proprietary rights strictly in connection with FA and FAST’ development, integration, implementation, hosting, marketing, advertising and operation of the Services.


4.      FEES


4.1 Fees, Compensation. In consideration of entering into this Agreement, Funding Platform will pay to FA and FAST a one-time account initiation fee of $1,500.


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4.2 Taxes. Each party to this Agreement shall be solely responsible for their own federal and state taxes, and will pay their own taxes, duties, withholding taxes, and other governmental and/or regulatory association charges (collectively, the “Taxes”) resulting from or pursuant to its performance under this Agreement and as they apply to is respective business.


4.3 Late Charges. Any amount not paid by Funding Platform when due will be subject to finance charges equal to one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the highest rate permitted by applicable law, whichever is greater, determined and compounded daily from the date due until the date paid. Funding Platform will also reimburse all costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred by FA and FAST to collect any amounts not paid when due. FA and FAST may, at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion, suspend availability of the Services on any account which is late in payment.




5.1 Mutual Warranties. Each party to this Agreement represents and warrants to the other that it has the right and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform all of its respective obligations and undertakings. Each party further represents and warrants that: (a) this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered and constitutes a valid and binding agreement enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms; (b) no authorization or approval from any other person is required in connection with such party’s execution, delivery, or performance of this Agreement; and (c) the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement does not violate the terms or conditions of any other agreement to which it is a party or by which it is otherwise bound.


5.2 Warranties by Funding Platform


(a)       Funding Platform Materials. Funding Platform hereby represents and warrants that the Funding Platform Materials comply with all applicable laws, and will not infringe the copyright, trade secret, privacy, publicity, or other rights of any third party. Funding Platform hereby indemnifies and holds FA and FAST harmless for any and all violations or breaches of this Section 5.2. Funding Platform acknowledges that it is sharing its Funding Platform Materials with both FA and FAST in order for us to provide the Services and perform under this Agreement.


(b)       Breach of Warranties. In the event of any breach of any of Funding Platform’s responsibilities or warranties herein, in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity, FA and FAST will have the right to immediately, in FA sole and reasonable discretion, suspend any related API features and/or Services if deemed necessary by FA to prevent or eliminate difficulties in the operation of Services or harm to FA or reputation, or to prevent potential litigation or other controversies.




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6.3 General Indemnification. Funding Platform hereby agrees to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless FA and FAST and its officers, directors, members, shareholders, employees, agents, partners, vendors, successors and assigns from and against any and all third party claims, demands, obligations, losses, liabilities, damages, regulatory investigations, recoveries and deficiencies (including interest, penalties and reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses), which FA and/or FAST may suffer as a result of: (a) any breach of or material inaccuracy in the representations and warranties, or breach, non-fulfillment or default in the performance of any of the conditions, covenants and agreements, of Funding Platform contained in this Agreement or in any certificate or document delivered by Funding Platform or its agents pursuant to any of the provisions of this Agreement, or (b) any obligation which is expressly the responsibility of Funding Platform under this Agreement, or (c) any other cost, claim or liability arising out of or relating to operation or use of the license granted hereunder, or, (d) any breach, action or regulatory investigation arising from Funding Platform’s failure to comply with any state blue sky laws, where Funding Platform markets its offering and/or arising out of any alleged misrepresentations, misstatements or omissions of material fact in the issuers’ offering memoranda, general solicitation, advertisements and/or other offering documents. Funding Platform is required to immediately defend FA and FAST, including the immediate payment of all attorney fees, costs and expenses, upon commencement of any regulatory investigation arising or relating to Funding Platform’s offering and/or items 6.3(a) through (d) above. Any amount due under the aforesaid indemnity will be due and payable by Funding Platform within thirty (30) days after demand thereof. Furthermore, Funding Platform shall protect, hold harmless and indemnify FA and FAST and its officers, directors, members, shareholders, employees, agents, partners, vendors, successors and assigns from and against any and all liability related to Funding Platform’s business and business related operations and affairs, and use of the API, license, the Services API or any breach of the terms of this Agreement.




7.1 Definition of Confidential Information. As used herein, the “Confidential Information” means all confidential and proprietary information of a party disclosed (“Disclosing Party”) to the other party (“Receiving Party”), whether orally or in writing, that is designated as confidential or that reasonably should be understood to be confidential given the nature of the information and the circumstances of disclosure, including the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including pricing and other terms reflected in all Account forms hereunder), data, business and marketing plans, technology and technical information, product designs, designs, and business processes. Confidential Information shall not include any information that: (i) is or becomes generally known to the public without breach of any obligation owed to Disclosing Party; (ii) was known to Receiving Party prior to its disclosure by Disclosing Party without breach of any obligation owed toe Disclosing Party; (iii) was independently developed by Receiving Party without breach of any obligation owed to Disclosing Party; or (iv) is received from a third party without breach of any obligation owed to Disclosing Party. All intellectual property, work product, software, code, and other proprietary information or work product of both parties to this Agreement is expressly agreed to be Confidential Information.


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7.2 Protection. Each party agrees to protect the confidentiality of the Confidential Information of the other party in the same manner that it protects the confidentiality of its own proprietary and confidential information of like kind, but in no event using less than reasonable care.


7.3 Remedies. If Receiving Party discloses or uses or threatens to disclose or use any of the Confidential Information of Disclosing Party in breach of the terms hereunder, Disclosing Party shall have the right, in addition to any other remedies available in law and equity, to seek injunctive relief to enjoin such act, it being specifically acknowledged by the parties that any other available remedies are inadequate.




8.1 Term. Subject to prior termination pursuant to Section 8.2, this Agreement shall become effective on the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of two (2) years (the “Initial Term”). As used herein, “Term” shall mean the Initial Term plus any applicable Renewal Term. Upon expiration of the Term the Agreement shall renew automatically (“Evergreen”) for an additional term of equal length (the “Renewal Term”), unless ninety (90) days’ notice of non-renewal is given prior to the expiration of the Term.


8.2 Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice of a material breach to the other party of such breach. Such breaches include, but are not limited to: 1) failure to pay all amounts due when due; or (2) the filing by a party to this Agreement of any petition in bankruptcy or initiation of any other proceeding relating to insolvency, receivership, liquidation or assignment for the benefit of creditors.


8.3 Effect of Termination. Upon expiration or termination as provided in Section 8.2 of this Agreement, (a) Funding Platform will cease using the API and all associated Services and FA and FAST will be relieved from any further obligation to provide the Services; (b) each party will retain all rights and claims arising here under prior to the effective date of any expiration or termination; (c) the rights and obligations of the parties under Sections 3.2, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.12, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 will survive an expiration or termination, and (d) FA and FAST will continue to hold data and maintain records as required by securities regulations and/or good business practices.




9.1 Notices. All notices permitted or required by this Agreement will be via email, and will be deemed to have been delivered and received upon sending via any nationally recognized and trusted SMTP delivery service. Notices shall be delivered to the addresses on record which, if to FA shall be to, and if to Funding Platform shall be to the email address on file in their account on


9.2 No Implied License. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, this Agreement is not intended and will not be construed to confer upon either party any license rights to any patent, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property rights of either party hereto or any other rights of any kind not specifically conferred in this Agreement. All right, title, and interest in and to the Services are and will remain the exclusive property of FA.


9.3 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is for any reason found to be ineffective, unenforceable, or illegal by any court having jurisdiction, such condition will not affect the validity or enforceability of any of the remaining portions hereof.


9.4 Independent Contractors. Performance by the parties under this Agreement will be as independent contractors. This Agreement is not intended and shall not be construed as creating a joint venture or partnership, or as causing either party to be treated as the agent of the other party for any purpose or in any sense whatsoever or to create any fiduciary duty or relationship or any other obligations other than
those expressly imposed by this Agreement.


9.5 Limited License of Trademarks. During the term of this Agreement, Funding Platform has the option to generally use FA and/or FAST name, logo and trademarks on its website and other marketing materials so long as such use is not construed in any way to imply that any securities offering or transaction is endorsed, recommended, or vetted by FA or FAST.. Furthermore, it is agreed that FA and FAST each has the option to use the name and logo of Funding Platform in publicly disclosing the existence of this business relationship.


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9.6 No Underwriting. Funding Platform agrees without reservation that neither FAST nor FA are participating in or acting as an underwriter of any offering.


9.7 No Legal, Tax or Accounting Advice. Funding Platform agrees without reservation that FA and FAST are NOT providing any legal, tax or accounting advice in any way, nor on any matter, regardless of the tone or content of any communication (oral, written or otherwise). Funding Platform unconditionally agrees to rely solely on its legal, tax and accounting professionals for any such advice and on all matters.


9.8 No Investment Advice or Recommendations. Funding Platform agrees that FA and FAST do NOT ever provide any investment advice, nor do we make any recommendations to any issuer of, or investor in, any securities. FA and FAST do not provide any brokerage or other advice in the structuring of any offering. Funding Platform agrees that any communications from FA and FAST, whether written, oral or otherwise, regardless of content, will never be interpreted or relied upon as investment advice or securities recommendations; Funding Platform agrees that it will only rely on the advice of its attorneys, accountants and other professional advisors, including any registered broker-dealers acting as an underwriter of an offering.


9.9 Electronic Signature and Communications Notice and Consent. Digital (“electronic”) signatures, often referred to as an “e-signature”, enable paperless contracts and help speed up business transactions. The 2001 E-Sign Act was meant to ease the adoption of electronic signatures. The mechanics of this Agreements’ electronic signature include your signing this Agreement below by typing in your name, with the underlying software recording your IP address, your browser identification, the timestamp, and a securities hash within an SSL encrypted environment. This electronically signed Agreement will be emailed to Funding Platform, FA and FAST and will be stored on the Service and accessible in the Control Panel. Each of Funding Platform, FA and FAST hereby consents and agrees that electronically signing this Agreement constitutes each party’s signature, acceptance and agreement as if actually signed by that party in writing. Further, all parties agree that no certification authority or other third party verification is necessary to validate any electronic signature; and that the lack of such certification or third party verification will not in any way affect the enforceability of your signature or resulting contract between Funding Platform, FA and FAST. Each party understands and agrees that their e-signature executed in conjunction with the electronic submission of this Agreement shall be legally binding. Each party agrees that their electronic signature is the legal equivalent of their manual signature on this Agreement consents to be legally bound by this Agreement’s terms and conditions. Furthermore, each of Funding Platform, FA and FAST hereby agree that all current and future notices, confirmations and other communications regarding this Agreement specifically, and future communications in general between the parties, may be made by email, sent to the email address of record as set forth in the Notices section above or as otherwise from time to time changed or updated and disclosed to the other party, without necessity of confirmation of receipt, delivery or reading, and such form of electronic communication is sufficient for all matters regarding the relationship between the parties. If any such electronically-sent communication fails to be received for any reason, including but not limited to such communications being diverted to the recipients’ spam filters by the recipients email service provider, or due to a recipients’ change of address, or due to technology issues by the recipients’ service provider, the parties agree that the burden of such failure to receive is on the recipient and not the sender, and that the sender is under no obligation to resend communications via any other means, including but not limited to postal service or overnight courier, and that such communications shall for all purposes, including legal and regulatory, be deemed to have been delivered and received. No physical, paper documents will be sent to Funding Platform, and if you desire physical documents then you agree to be satisfied by directly and personally printing, at your own expense, the electronically-sent communication(s) and maintaining such physical records in any manner or form that you desire. Your Consent is Hereby Given: By signing this Agreement electronically, you explicitly agree to this Agreement and to receive documents electronically, including your copy of this signed Agreement as well as ongoing disclosures, communications and notices.


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9.10 Assignment. No party may transfer or assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, without the consent of the other parties, any party may transfer or assign its rights and obligations hereunder in whole or in part (a) pursuant to any merger, consolidation or otherwise by operation of law, and (b) to the successors and assigns of all or substantially all of the assets of such assigning party, provided such entity shall be bound by the terms hereof. This Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the proper
successors and assigns.


9.11 Non-Absolute Standards. All of the Services are provided under a “reasonability” standard. This means that no service may be held to an absolute or perfect standard. AML reports, confirmations of investor accreditation, payment processing (and tax/payment data), and other Services are provided in such a manner that they are reasonable, and not perfect or flawless. Funding Platform acknowledges this and agrees that the Services are good enough for its requirements and for the fees charged, and that all applicable sections of this Agreement apply to this concept, including, but not limited to, Sections 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and Sections 5 and 6.


9.12 Binding Arbitration, Applicable Law and Venue, Attorneys Fees. This Agreement is governed by, and will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without regard to principles of conflict of laws. Any claim or dispute arising under this Agreement may only be brought in arbitration, with venue in New York, New York. If with FA or FAST then such action will be pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Funding Platform, FA and FAST each consent to this method of dispute resolution, as well as jurisdiction, and consent to this being a convenient forum for any such claim or dispute and waives any right it may have to object to either the method or jurisdiction for such claim or dispute. In the event of any dispute among the parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover damages plus reasonable costs and attorney’s fees and the decision of the arbitrator shall be final, binding and enforceable in any court.


9.13 Counterparts; Facsimile; Email; Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original and all of which, taken together, will constitute one and the same instrument, binding on each signatory thereto. This Agreement may be executed by signatures, electronically or otherwise, delivered by facsimile or email, and a copy hereof that is properly executed and delivered by a party will be binding upon that party to the same extent as an original executed version


9.14 Force ajeure. No party will be liable for any default or delay in performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement if such default or delay is caused, directly or indirectly, by fire, flood, earthquake or other acts of God; labor disputes, strikes or lockouts; wars, rebellions or revolutions; riots or civil disorder; accidents or unavoidable casualties; interruptions in transportation or communications facilities or delays in transit or communication; supply shortages or the failure of any person to perform any commitment to such party related to this Agreement; or any other cause, whether similar or dissimilar to those expressly enumerated in this Section 9.14, beyond such party’s reasonable control.


9.15 Interpretation. Each party to this Agreement has been represented by or had adequate time to obtain the advice and input of independent legal counsel with respect to this Agreement and has contributed equally to the drafting of this Agreement. Therefore, this Agreement shall not be construed against either party as the drafting party. All pronouns and any variation thereof will be deemed to refer to the masculine and feminine, and to the singular or plural as the identity of the person or persons may require for proper interpretation of this Agreement. And it is the express will of all parties that this Agreement is written in English and uses the font styles and sizes contained herein.


9.16 Captions. The section headings in this Agreement are intended solely for convenience of reference and shall be given no effect in the construction or interpretation of this Agreement.


9.17 Beneficiaries. There are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.


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9.18 Entire Agreement; Amendments. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties concerning the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, representations or agree ends between the parties, whether oral or written, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement, and may not be modified or amended, except by a written instrument executed after the effective date of this Agreement by the party sought to be charged by the amendment or modification.




Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code requires us to provide you with our Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN).


Company Name: FundAmerica, LLC (and FundAmerica Stock Transfer, LLC as a wholly owned “disregarded” entity)


Contact:                           Address:
Tax ID Number (EIN):


[  ] We are exempt from backup withholding.


Under penalties of perjury, Fund America hereby certifies that the number shown above is our correct taxpayer identification number, that we are not subject to backup withholding, and that we are a U.S. person.



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Exhibit 6.2







This TECHNOLOGY AGREEMENT, which consists of this account form (the “Account Form”) and the associated Terms and Conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) attached hereto as Exhibit A, is made and entered into as of January 23, 2017 (the “Effective Date”) between DatChat Inc. (collectively referred to as “Issuer,” “you,” “your”) for its offering of securities entitled DatChat, Inc. Reg A+ (“Offering”), and FundAmerica, LLC (“FundAmerica”, “Technology Provider,” “we,” “our,” or “us”).




WHEREAS, FundAmerica is a technology firm providing engineering and technology services;


WHEREAS, FundAmerica has created, owns and maintains proprietary tools and technology, negotiated third-party integrations, and has operational processes to provide certain back-end tools, and technology, to persons conducting, managing and/or enabling technology-driven capital raises via offerings of debt and/or equity securities (the “Technology”); and,


WHEREAS, Issuer intends to use technology to engage in and manage one or more equity and/or debt securities offerings;


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties have agreed to execute this Technology Agreement (the “Agreement”) to memorialize the terms and conditions for which FundAmerica will provide Technology to Issuer.


The parties hereby agree as follows:


Financial Technology


FundAmerica will provide the Technology to Issuer, subject to the Terms and Conditions contained in the attached Exhibit A. Such Technology include and are accessible via our Application Programming Interface (the “API”) and our Invest Now technology (“Invest Now”).







Issuer shall pay fees as indicated in Exhibit B below.


Agreed as of the date first written above, by and between:



















DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement:


“Agreement” means this Technology Agreement, which consists of the Account Form and this Exhibit A Terms and Conditions.


“Issuer” means the company and any related party, subsidiary, agent, representative, administrator, successor in interest, or other person or entity acting on behalf of or in place of the person or entity who is using (or enabling the use of) FundAmerica Technology to aid in managing a raise or capital and who is identified on the Account Form as the Issuer.


“Materials” means all Issuer data, information, disclosures, advertising, works of authorship, inventions, drawings, logos, software code or other communications related to the Offering.


“Account Form” means the Technology Agreement Account Form.


“Investor” or “Subscriber” means a person that commits to purchase equity or debt securities of an Issuer in an Offering.


“Offering” means Issuer’s offering of debt or equity securities as it raises capital pursuant to SEC and/or state regulations.


“Person” means any individual, company, limited liability company, corporation, trust, estate, association, nominee or other entity.


“Technology” has the meaning set forth in the Account Form.


“Term” has the meaning set forth in Section 8.


“User” means Issuer, its customers and any other person using the Technology in any way.


“Information” means any data or information, including personally identifiable information, provided by or relating to Users in connection with any Offering, whether provided directly by User or Funding Platform in connection with the Technology.


“Invest Now” means FundAmerica’s proprietary transaction engine to simplify engaging with the Technology, generally with “plug & play” access, both for posting data associated with an offering into our system (the “Wizard”) and for investors to commit to an offering (the “Button”).





“API” means FundAmerica’s Application Programming Interface, which is a set of code and programming rules which enable people to connect their software to our systems. The API is secured with a “key” which triggers access, for that specific account, to services and data access.




API, Invest Now.


API and Invest Now provide access to various Technology, which may be selectively used at Issuer’s option pursuant to FundAmerica policies in effect at the time of each desired use. Technology may also be selectively enabled or disabled by FundAmerica, in our sole discretion, limiting which Technology, features and tools Issuer has access to use, and at what fees.


Hosting & Management.


At all times, the Technology shall be hosted, managed and maintained by FundAmerica and our appointed third-party service providers. Our Technology are accessible via our API, and not by any separate software installation. FundAmerica provides Technology to numerous other customers, including other issuers and funding platforms. The Technology that FundAmerica provides are evolving and the Technology that we provide may change from time to time without prior notice to you. FundAmerica may update, modify, change or otherwise alter the hosting location(s) and/or methodology, as well as any or all features, functionality, user interface(s) located in Issuer’s account on (the “Control Panel”), business logic, policies, procedures, and/or the API and/or Invest Now from time to time at its sole discretion and without notice. In addition, FundAmerica may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing the Technology (or any specific component(s) or feature(s) of the Technology) to you or to users generally and may not provide you with prior notice. It is Issuer’s express will and consent that all data shall be stored in the United States of America.






FundAmerica will make the Technology available to Issuer and Issuer’s investors and other users (“Users”) in accordance with this Agreement and FundAmerica’s rules, policies, and Terms of Use then in effect. Issuer acknowledges that its use of the Technology are subject to this Agreement, including all applicable terms of service, privacy policies and other policies that are then in effect. Issuer acknowledges that some of the Technology, even though a la carte in the system, may be interdependent and not available except and unless combined with other Technology, as determined in the sole and arbitrary discretion of FundAmerica, and that your terms, access to specific Technology, and/or fees may be different than those of other FundAmerica customers, and even different than those of other offerings you have conducted using our Technology, if any.





Technology Restrictions.


Issuer will not directly itself, and will not permit or authorize third parties, including Issuer’s Users, employees or agents to: (a) rent, lease, sublet, resell, convert, license, exploit, use, modify, or otherwise permit unauthorized third parties to access or use any aspect of the API or Invest Now; (b) reverse engineer, reverse assemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code for the API or Invest Now; (c) circumvent or disable any security or other technological features or measures of the API or Invest Now; (d) alter, modify, convert or attempt to, modify, convert or otherwise manipulate the API or Invest Now, software or code; or (e) clone or otherwise copy, replicate or duplicate in any fashion any part of the API or Invest Now design, workflow, features or methodology, all of which Issuer acknowledges are proprietary intellectual property wholly owned by FundAmerica.




FundAmerica will provide Issuer with access to regular updates via various web-accessible dashboards, various plug & play web widgets, and/or via WebHooks functionality of the API, which enables Issuer to pull data from our system directly into its servers and to get on-demand updates both for its own purposes and so it can create reports and alert systems for its customers and other users with respect to all receipts of funds, deposits, disbursements and other transactions for each open Escrow Account. When the Technology are used via the API, then FundAmerica shall not be obligated to push or send reports or alerts to Issuer or any other person. When the Technology are engaged via Invest Now or via manual dashboard tools then FundAmerica will send confirmations and alerts, generally on Issuer’s behalf (meaning “from” you, which you hereby unequivocally and unconditionally instruct, direct and authorize us to do in the form and format standard in our system or as customized for you).


Data Privacy.


Investor data received by FundAmerica in conjunction with the Technology shall only be used for the purposes of providing said Technology and as required by securities regulations and, provided issuer has engaged FundAmerica Stock Transfer (FASTransfer) as its registered transfer agent (the services for which are integrated into our Technology as an option), for providing FASTransfer with all data so issuers have the ability to manage their capitalization schedules and investor relations needs and obligations, as well as in conjunction with secondary market transactions where participants need to qualify and validate ownership, as well as transfer restrictions, and effect transfers of ownership.


FundAmerica Duties.


FundAmerica will at all times manage the API, Invest Now, and all related engineering functions, including application maintenance, upgrades, hosting and modifications. FundAmerica will provide the API, Invest Now, and the Technology availability on an ongoing basis in exchange for Fees, (defined below) including technology, upgrades, operating systems, databases and backups, SSL certificates, third-party service integrations, and related technology licenses.





Issuer’s Obligations.


Issuer warrants that it will operate its offering(s) in compliance with all federal and state laws.


Ethics, Reputation.


Issuer will use the Technology in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and refrain from any conduct, use or misuse that may damage the reputation of FundAmerica or its subsidiaries or affiliated entities.


No Warranties.


Issuer will not make or publish any representations, warranties, or guarantees on behalf of FundAmerica concerning FundAmerica’s Technology.


Content, Use, and Protection Against Unauthorized Use.


FundAmerica reserves the right to suspend or terminate any User from using the API or Invest Now for any violation of the terms or intent of this Agreement, as determined by FundAmerica in its sole discretion. Issuer is prohibited from using FundAmerica’s API or Invest Now in any unlawful or unethical manner, or in any manner that interferes with, disrupts, or disables the API or Invest Now or the networks or Technology on which the API or Invest Now operates, or that is in any way a violation of the site Terms of Use of any federal or state laws, rules or regulations. Issuer is solely responsible for the content of its postings, data and transmissions using the API or Invest Now, and any other use of the API and Invest Now. Issuer will use its best efforts to prevent any unauthorized use of the API and Invest Now and immediately notify FundAmerica in writing of any unauthorized use that comes to Issuer’s attention. Issuer will take all steps reasonably necessary to terminate the unauthorized use. Issuer hereby indemnifies and holds FundAmerica harmless for any and all violations or breaches of this Section 3.8 or any unauthorized use or any misuse as discussed above.


Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Technology Level Agreement.


Except as set forth in this Agreement, the Technology shall be subject to the most current, then in effect, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, as available via links at the bottom of the website. Furthermore, the Technology shall be available to Issuer in accordance with the Services Level Agreement (the “SLA”) as available via a link at the bottom of the website. In the event of any conflict between any terms or provisions of the website Terms of Use and the terms and provisions of this Agreement, the applicable terms and provisions of this Agreement shall control.







Except for the rights expressly granted in this Agreement, nothing shall be construed or shall grant, convey, transfer, assign, or imply the conveyance of rights, claims, ownership or other claim to any right or title to the technology, software, business processes or intellectual property of Issuer. Issuer will not acquire any right, title, or interest in or to the API, Invest Now , or other software, technology, business processes, copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property of FundAmerica or its subsidiaries and affiliated entities by any reason, including:


(a) the execution and delivery of this Agreement, (b) the disclosure of any information with respect to Invest Now or the API by FundAmerica either pursuant to this Agreement or prior or subsequent to execution hereof, (c) Issuer’s discovery of confidential information in the course of the commercial relationship contemplated by this Agreement, or (d) any licensed or unlicensed use of FundAmerica’s proprietary information, software, the API, Invest Now , brand, or intellectual property and/or the creation or evolution of any derivative or new intellectual property, software, information, arising from the use or misuse of the Technology. Rather, FundAmerica retains the sole and exclusive ownership of all intellectual property and proprietary rights with respect to the API and software, Invest Now as well as business and technological processes, including the sole and exclusive ownership to any improvements and derivative works of the API developed by Issuer or any other person. Issuer hereby grants to FundAmerica a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty free right and license to its copyrights, intellectual property and proprietary rights strictly in connection with FundAmerica’s development, integration, implementation, hosting, marketing, advertising and operation of the Technology.




Fees, Compensation.


Fees for the Technology provided under this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit B.


All Fees are incurred immediately at the time Technology are ordered. Fees are generally payable via ACH debit to Issuer’s bank account, in which case the parties agree that the definition of “investments” in the “ACH Debit Authorization Form” is hereby expanded to include fees due hereunder. Fees may at times also be payable out of escrow proceeds (paid to FundAmerica by the escrow agent before escrow agent sends funds to Issuer), by credit card, or by company check or wire. No fee for any of our Technology is contingent upon the success or amount of any investment in particular or the offering in general. No Fees are to be prorated for any partial periods, nor are they refundable in whole or in part unless agreed to in writing by FundAmerica for the specific Technology for which any Fees were charged. Issuer acknowledges and agrees that FundAmerica is no way is performing any duties of an underwriter, and is not in any way to be considered a statutory underwriter as defined in the Securities Act of 1933.







Each party to this Agreement shall be solely responsible for their own federal and state taxes, and will pay their own taxes, duties, withholding taxes, and other governmental and/or regulatory charges (collectively, the “Taxes”) resulting from or pursuant to its performance under this Agreement and as they apply to its respective business.


Late Charges.


Any amount not paid by Issuer when due will be subject to finance charges equal to one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the highest rate permitted by applicable law, whichever is greater, determined and compounded daily from the date due until the date paid. Issuer will also reimburse all costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred by FundAmerica or its subsidiaries and affiliated entities to collect any amounts not paid when due. FundAmerica, may, at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion, suspend availability of the Technology on any account which is late in payment.




Mutual Warranties.


Each party to this Agreement represents and warrants to the other that it has the right and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform all of its respective obligations and undertakings. Each party further represents and warrants that: (a) this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered and constitutes a valid and binding agreement enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms; (b) no authorization or approval from any other person is required in connection with such party’s execution, delivery, or performance of this Agreement; and (c) the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement does not violate the terms or conditions of any other agreement to which it is a party or by which it is otherwise bound.


Warranties by Issuer.


Issuer Materials.


Issuer hereby represents and warrants that the Issuer’s Offering and its Materials comply with all applicable laws, and will not infringe the copyright, trade secret, privacy, publicity, or other rights of any third party. Issuer hereby indemnifies and holds FundAmerica harmless for any and all violations or breaches of this Section 5.b.2. Issuer acknowledges that it is sharing its Issuer Materials with FundAmerica in order for us to provide the Technology and perform under this Agreement.





Breach of Warranties.


In the event of any breach of any of Issuer’s responsibilities or warranties herein, in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity, FundAmerica has the right to immediately, in FundAmerica’s sole discretion, suspend any related API features and/or Technology if deemed necessary by FundAmerica to prevent or eliminate difficulties in the operation of Technology or harm to FundAmerica’s reputation, or to prevent potential litigation or other controversies.








Disclaimer of Consequential Damages.







Cap on Liability.




General Indemnification.


Issuer hereby agrees to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless FUNDAMERICA and its officers, directors, members, shareholders, employees, agents, partners, vendors, successors and assigns from and against any and all third party claims, demands, obligations, losses, liabilities, damages, regulatory investigations, recoveries and deficiencies (including interest, penalties and reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses), which FUNDAMERICA may suffer as a result of: (a) any breach of or material inaccuracy in the representations and warranties, or breach, non-fulfillment or default in the performance of any of the conditions, covenants and agreements, of Issuer contained in this Agreement or in any certificate or document delivered by Issuer or its agents pursuant to any of the provisions of this Agreement, or (b) any obligation which is expressly the responsibility of Issuer under this Agreement, or (c) any other cost, claim or liability arising out of or relating to operation or use of the license granted hereunder, or, (d) any breach, action or regulatory investigation arising from Issuer’s failure to comply with any state blue sky laws or other securities laws, and/or arising out of any alleged misrepresentations, misstatements or omissions of material fact in the issuers’ offering memoranda, general solicitation, advertisements and/or other offering documents. Issuer is required to immediately defend FundAmerica including the immediate payment of all attorney fees, costs and expenses, upon commencement of any regulatory investigation arising or relating to Issuer’s offering and/or items in this Section 6.3(a) through (d) above. Any amount due under the aforesaid indemnity will be due and payable by Issuer within thirty (30) days after demand thereof. Furthermore, Issuer shall protect, hold harmless and indemnify FundAmerica and our officers, directors, members, shareholders, employees, agents, partners, vendors, successors and assigns from and against any and all liability related to Issuer’s business and business related operations and affairs, and use of the API, Invest Now, the Technology or any breach of the terms of this Agreement.




Definition of Confidential Information.


As used herein, the “Confidential Information” means all confidential and proprietary information of a party disclosed (“Disclosing Party”) to the other party (“Receiving Party”), whether orally or in writing, that is designated as confidential or that reasonably should be understood to be confidential given the nature of the information and the circumstances of disclosure, including the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including pricing and other terms reflected in all Account forms hereunder), data, business and marketing plans, technology and technical information, product designs, API designs, Invest Now , and business processes. Confidential Information shall not include any information that: (i) is or becomes generally known to the public without breach of any obligation owed to Disclosing Party; (ii) was known to Receiving Party prior to its disclosure by Disclosing Party without breach of any obligation owed toe Disclosing Party; (iii) was independently developed by Receiving Party without breach of any obligation owed to Disclosing Party; or (iv) is received from a third party without breach of any obligation owed to Disclosing Party. All intellectual property, work product, software, code, and other proprietary information or work product of both parties to this Agreement is expressly agreed to be Confidential Information.







Each party agrees to protect the confidentiality of the Confidential Information of the other party in the same manner that it protects the confidentiality of its own proprietary and confidential information of like kind, but in no event using less than reasonable care.




If Receiving Party discloses or uses or threatens to disclose or use any of the Confidential Information of Disclosing Party in breach of the terms hereunder, Disclosing Party shall have the right, in addition to any other remedies available in law and equity, to seek injunctive relief to enjoin such act, it being specifically acknowledged by the parties that any other available remedies are inadequate.






This Agreement shall become effective on the Effective Date and shall continue for the duration of the Offering (the “Initial Term”) unless terminated earlier as provided for herein.




Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice of a material breach to the other party of such breach. Such breaches include, but are not limited to: 1) failure to pay all amounts due when due; or (2) the filing by a party to this Agreement of any petition in bankruptcy or initiation of any other proceeding relating to insolvency, receivership, liquidation or assignment for the benefit of creditors.





Effect of Termination.


Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, (a) Issuer will cease using the API, Invest Now and all associated Technology and FundAmerica will be relieved from any further obligation to provide the Technology; (b) each party will retain all rights and claims arising hereunder prior to the effective date of any expiration or termination; (c) the rights and obligations of the parties under Sections 3.2, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.12, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 will survive an expiration or termination, and (d) FundAmerica will continue to hold data and maintain records as required by securities regulations and/or good business practices.






All notices permitted or required by this Agreement will be via electronic mail (“email”), and will be deemed to have been delivered and received upon sending via any nationally recognized and trusted SMTP delivery service. Notices shall be delivered to the addresses on record which, if to FundAmerica shall be to and if to Issuer shall be to the email address on file in their account on


No Implied License.


Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, this Agreement is not intended and will not be construed to confer upon either party any license rights to any patent, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property rights of either party hereto or any other rights of any kind not specifically conferred in this Agreement. All right, title, and interest in and to the Technology are and will remain the exclusive property of FundAmerica.




If any provision of this Agreement is for any reason found to be ineffective, unenforceable, or illegal by any court having jurisdiction, such condition will not affect the validity or enforceability of any of the remaining portions hereof.


Independent Contractors.


Performance by the parties under this Agreement will be as independent contractors. This Agreement is not intended and shall not be construed as creating a joint venture or partnership, or as causing either party to be treated as the agent of the other party for any purpose or in any sense whatsoever or to create any fiduciary duty or relationship or any other obligations other than those expressly imposed by this Agreement.





Limited License of Trademarks.


During the term of this Agreement, Issuer has the option to generally use FundAmerica’s name, logo and trademarks on its website and other marketing materials so long as such use is not construed in any way to imply that any securities offering or transaction is endorsed, recommended, or vetted by FundAmerica or its subsidiaries or affiliated entities, or that Issuer is authorized to act as a securities agent or a representative of FundAmerica or its subsidiaries or affiliated entities. Furthermore, it is agreed that FundAmerica, has the option to use the name and logo of Issuer in publicly disclosing the existence of this business relationship.


No Legal, Tax or Accounting Advice.


Issuer agrees without reservation that FundAmerica is NOT providing any legal, tax or accounting advice in any way, nor on any matter, regardless of the tone or content of any communication (oral, written or otherwise). Issuer unconditionally agrees to rely solely on its own legal, tax and accounting professionals for any such advice and on all matters.


No Investment Advice or Recommendations.


Issuer agrees that FundAmerica are not providing any investment advice, nor do we make any recommendations to any issuer of, or investor in, any securities. Issuer agrees that it will only rely on the advice of its attorneys, accountants and other professional advisors, including any registered broker-dealers acting as an underwriter of the offering.


Electronic Signature and Communications Notice and Consent.


Digital (“electronic”) signatures, often referred to as an “e-signature”, enable paperless contracts and help speed up business transactions. The 2001 E-Sign Act was meant to ease the adoption of electronic signatures. The mechanics of this Agreements’ electronic signature include your signing this Agreement below by typing in your name, with the underlying software recording your IP address, your browser identification, the timestamp, and a securities hash within an SSL encrypted environment. This electronically signed Agreement will be emailed to Issuer and FundAmerica and will be stored on the Technology and accessible in the Control Panel. Each of Issuer and FundAmerica hereby consent and agree that electronically signing this Agreement constitutes each party’s signature, acceptance and agreement as if actually signed by that party in writing. Further, all parties agree that no certification authority or other third party verification is necessary to validate any electronic signature; and that the lack of such certification or third party verification will not in any way affect the enforceability of your signature or resulting contract between Issuer and FundAmerica. Each party understands and agrees that their e-signature executed in conjunction with the electronic submission of this Agreement shall be legally binding. Each party agrees that their electronic signature is the legal equivalent of their manual signature on this Agreement consents to be legally bound by this Agreement's terms and conditions. Furthermore, each of Issuer and FundAmerica hereby agree that all current and future notices, confirmations and other communications regarding this Agreement specifically, and future communications in general between the parties, may be made by email, sent to the email address of record as set forth in the Notices section above or as otherwise from time to time changed or updated and disclosed to the other party, without necessity of confirmation of receipt, delivery or reading, and such form of electronic communication is sufficient for all matters regarding the relationship between the parties. If any such electronically-sent communication fails to be received for any reason, including but not limited to such communications being diverted to the recipients’ spam filters by the recipients email service provider, or due to a recipients’ change of address, or due to technology issues by the recipients’ service provider, the parties agree that the burden of such failure to receive is on the recipient and not the sender, and that the sender is under no obligation to resend communications via any other means, including but not limited to postal service or overnight courier, and that such communications shall for all purposes, including legal and regulatory, be deemed to have been delivered and received. No physical, paper documents will be sent to Issuer, and if you desire physical documents then you agree to be satisfied by directly and personally printing, at your own expense, the electronically-sent communication(s) and maintaining such physical records in any manner or form that you desire. Your Consent is Hereby Given: By signing this Agreement electronically, you explicitly agree to this Agreement and to receive documents electronically, including your copy of this signed Agreement as well as ongoing disclosures, communications and notices.







No party may transfer or assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, without the consent of the other parties, any party may transfer or assign its rights and obligations hereunder in whole or in part (a) pursuant to any merger, consolidation or otherwise by operation of law, and (b) to the successors and assigns of all or substantially all of the assets of such assigning party, provided such entity shall be bound by the terms hereof. This Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the proper successors and assigns.


Non-Absolute Standards.


All of the Technology are provided under a “reasonability” standard. This means that no service may be held to an absolute or perfect standard. All services are provided "as is" and in such a manner that they are reasonable, and not perfect or flawless. Issuer acknowledges this and agrees that this is fair and acceptable Technology, and that all applicable sections of this Agreement apply to this concept, including, but not limited to, Sections 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and Sections 5 and 6.


Binding Arbitration, Applicable Law and Venue, Attorneys Fees.


This Agreement is governed by, and will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without regard to principles of conflict of laws. Any claim or dispute arising under this Agreement may only be brought in arbitration, with venue in New York, New York pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Issuer and FundAmerica each consent to this method of dispute resolution, as well as jurisdiction, and consent to this being a convenient forum for any such claim or dispute and waives any right it may have to object to either the method or jurisdiction for such claim or dispute. In the event of any dispute among the parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover damages plus reasonable costs and attorney’s fees and the decision of the arbitrator shall be final, binding and enforceable in any court.





Counterparts; Facsimile; Email; Signatures.


This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original and all of which, taken together, will constitute one and the same instrument, binding on each signatory thereto. This Agreement may be executed by signatures, electronically or otherwise, delivered by facsimile or email, and a copy hereof that is properly executed and delivered by a party will be binding upon that party to the same extent as an original executed version hereof.


Force Majeure.


No party will be liable for any default or delay in performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement if such default or delay is caused, directly or indirectly, by fire, flood, earthquake or other acts of God; labor disputes, strikes or lockouts; wars, rebellions or revolutions; riots or civil disorder; accidents or unavoidable casualties; interruptions in transportation or communications facilities or delays in transit or communication; supply shortages or the failure of any person to perform any commitment to such party related to this Agreement; or any other cause, whether similar or dissimilar to those expressly enumerated in this Section, beyond such party’s reasonable control.




Each party to this Agreement has been represented by or had adequate time to obtain the advice and input of independent legal counsel with respect to this Agreement and has contributed equally to the drafting of this Agreement. Therefore, this Agreement shall not be construed against either party as the drafting party. All pronouns and any variation thereof will be deemed to refer to the masculine and feminine, and to the singular or plural as the identity of the person or persons may require for proper interpretation of this Agreement. And it is the express will of all parties that this Agreement is written in English and uses the font styles and sizes contained herein.




The section headings in this Agreement are intended solely for convenience of reference and shall be given no effect in the construction or interpretation of this Agreement.







There are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.


Entire Agreement; Amendments.


This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties concerning the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, representations or agreements between the parties, whether oral or written, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement, and may not be modified or amended, except by a written instrument executed after the effective date of this Agreement by the party sought to be charged by the amendment or modification.




Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code requires us to provide you with our Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN).


Company Name: FundAmerica, LLC






Tax ID Number (EIN):


☐  We are exempt from backup withholding.


Under penalties of perjury, FundAmerica, LLC hereby certifies that the number shown above is our correct taxpayer identification number, that we are not subject to backup withholding, and that we are a U.S. person.









The fees that Issuer agrees to be charged for this offering include:


Reserve Shares” Test-the-Waters Button — $0.00


AML Check — $2.00


AML Check - International (Other) — $60.00


AML Check - International (Canada) — $5.00


AML Check - International (United Kingdom) — $5.00


AML Exception — $5.00


API Key License — $0.00


Accredited Investor Confirmation — $0.00


Bad Actor Check — $45.00


Electronic Signature — $0.00


Invest Now Button —


≤$499.99: $0.00


>$499.99: $35.00


Issuer Dashboard — $0.00


Issuer/Platform Dashboard Account Reporting & Tools — $0.00


Offering Setup Wizard — $0.00


Portal Service Setup & API License — $0.00


Service Setup & API License — $500.00/month


Syndication Management — $0.00


System License — $7.50






Exhibit 8.1




This Escrow Services Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of January 23, 2017 by and between Provident Trust Group, LLC (“Provident” or “Escrow Agent”) and DatChat Inc. (“Issuer”) for its offering known as “DatChat, Inc. Reg A+”.




WHEREAS, Issuer proposes to offer for sale to investors as disclosed in its offering materials, securities pursuant to either a) Rule 506 promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”); b) Regulation A+ promulgated by the SEC as modified by final rules adopted per Title IV of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBs) Act; or c) another federal or state exemption from registration, either directly (“issuer-direct”) and/or through one or more registered broker-dealers as a selling group (“Syndicate”), the equity and/or debt securities of Issuer (the “Securities”) in the amount of at least $50,000.00 (the “Minimum Amount of the Offering”) up to $50,000,000.00 (the “Maximum Amount of the Offering”).


WHEREAS, Issuer desires to establish an Escrow Account in which funds received from prospective investors (“Subscribers”) will be held during the Offering, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Provident agrees to serve as Escrow Agent ( “Escrow Agent”) for the Subscribers with respect to such Escrow Account in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. This includes, without limitation, that the Escrow Account will be held at an FDIC member bank in a separately named (as defined below) account. For purposes of communications and directives, Escrow Agent shall be the sole administrator of the Escrow Account.




NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, it is hereby agreed as follows:


Establishment of Escrow Account. Prior to Issuer initiating the Offering, and prior to the receipt of the first investor funds, Escrow Agent shall establish an account at an FDIC insured US bank (the “Bank”) entitled “Provident Trust Group, LLC as Escrow Agent for 170119449” (the “Escrow Account”). The Escrow Account shall be a segregated, deposit account of Escrow Agent at the Bank. All parties agree to maintain the Escrow Account and escrowed funds in a manner that is compliant with banking and securities regulations.





Escrow Period. The Escrow Period shall begin with the commencement of the Offering and shall terminate in whole or in part upon the earlier to occur of the following:


The date upon which the minimum number of securities required to be sold are sold (the “Minimum”) in bona fide transactions that are fully paid for, which is defined to occur when Escrow Agent has received gross proceeds of at least Minimum Amount of the Offering that have cleared in the Escrow Account and the issuer has triggered a partial or full closing on those funds. Even after a partial close, of for continuous offerings, Escrow shall remain open in order to perform investor AML, to clear investor funds, and to perform other tasks prior to the issuer selling securities to any investor; or


June 30, 2017 if the Minimum has not been reached; or


The date upon which a determination is made by Issuer and/or their authorized representatives, including any lead broker or placement agent, to terminate the Offering prior to closing.


During the Escrow Period, the parties agree that (i) the Escrow Account and escrowed funds will be held for the benefit of the Subscribers, and that (ii) Issuer is not entitled to any funds received into escrow, and that no amounts deposited into the Escrow Account shall become the property of Issuer or any other entity, or be subject to any debts, liens or encumbrances of any kind of Issuer or any other entity, until the contingency has been satisfied by the sale of the Minimum of such Securities to such investors in bona fide transactions that are fully paid for, in accordance with Regulation D and as specified in the offering documents. Even after a sale of securities to investors, the Issuer may elect to continue to leave funds in the Escrow Account in order to protect investors as needed.


In addition, Issuer and Escrow Agent acknowledge that the total funds raised cannot exceed the Maximum Amount of the Offering permitted by the Offering Memorandum. Issuer represents that no funds have yet been raised for DatChat, Inc. Reg A+ and that all funds to be raised for DatChat, Inc. Reg A+ will be deposited in the Escrow Account established by Escrow Agent.


Deposits into the Escrow Account. All Subscribers will be directed by the Issuer to transmit their data and funds, via Escrow Agent’s technology systems, directly to the Escrow Agent as the “qualified third party” that has agreed to hold the funds for the benefit of investors and Issuer. All Subscribers will transfer funds directly to Escrow Agent (with checks, if any, made payable to “Provident Trust Group, LLC as Escrow Agent for Investors in DatChat, Inc. Reg A+”) for deposit into the Escrow Account. Escrow Agent shall process all Escrow Amounts for collection through the banking system and shall maintain an accounting of each deposit posted to its ledger, which also sets forth, among other things, each Subscriber’s name and address, the quantity of Securities purchased, and the amount paid. All monies so deposited in the Escrow Account and which have cleared the banking system are hereinafter referred to as the "Escrow Amount." Issuer shall promptly, concurrent with any new or modified subscription, provide Escrow Agent with a copy of the Subscriber’s subscription and other information as may be reasonably requested by Escrow Agent in the performance of their duties under this Agreement. Escrow Agent is under no duty or responsibility to enforce collection of any funds delivered to it hereunder. Issuer shall assist Escrow Agent with clearing any and all AML and ACH exceptions.





Funds Hold — clearing, settlement and risk management policy: All parties agree that funds are considered “cleared” as follows:


Wires — 24 hours after receipt of funds


Checks — 10 days after deposit


ACH — As transaction must clear in a manner similar to checks, and as Federal regulations provide investors with 60 days to recall funds, for risk reduction and protection the Escrow Agent will agree to release, starting 10 calendar days after receipt and so long as the offering is closed, the greater of 94% of funds or gross funds less ACH deposits still at risk of recall. Of course, regardless of this operating policy, Issuer remains liable to immediately and without protestation or delay return to us any funds recalled pursuant to Federal regulations.


Escrow Agent reserves the right to deny, suspend or terminate participation in the Escrow Account of any Subscriber to the extent Escrow Agent deems it advisable or necessary to comply with applicable laws or to eliminate practices that are not consistent with laws, rules, regulations or best practices. Escrow Agent may at any time reject or return funds to any Subscriber (i) that do not clear background checks (anti-money laundering, USA PATRIOT Act, social security number issues, etc.) to the satisfaction of Escrow Agent, in its sole and absolute discretion, or, (ii) for which Escrow Agent determines, in its sole discretion, that it would be improper or unlawful for Escrow Agent to accept or hold the applicable Subscriber’s funds, as Escrow Agent, due to, among other possible issues, issues with the Subscriber or the source of the Subscriber’s funds. Escrow Agent shall inform Issuer of any such return or rejection via notifications on the Issuer online control panel or via Webhooks in the API.


Disbursements from the Escrow Account. In the event Escrow Agent does not receive the Minimum prior to the termination of the Escrow Period, Escrow Agent shall terminate Escrow and make a full and prompt return of funds so that refunds are made to each Subscriber in the exact amount received from said Subscriber, without deduction, penalty, or expense to the Subscriber.





In the event Escrow Agent receives cleared funds for at least the Minimum prior to the termination of the Escrow Period and Escrow Agent receives a written instruction from Issuer (generally via notification in the API), Escrow Agent shall, pursuant to those instructions, pay such Escrow Amount for all accepted subscriptions pursuant to the instructions of Issuer, but subject to Escrow Agent’s rights concerning Return Period funds (defined as the time period the Subscriber has to seek a return of funds, or to seek to avoid liability for the funds by claiming the transaction was unauthorized) (First Closing). After the First Closing, with respect to any additional collected funds received from Subscribers and held by Escrow Agent prior to the termination date, Escrow Agent shall, upon receipt of written instructions from Issuer, including identifying additional participating Subscribers and the corresponding Escrow Amount, pay such Escrow Amount specified in the written instructions, but subject to Escrow Agent‘s rights concerning Return Period funds (discussed above). Issuer acknowledges that there is a 24 hour (one business day) processing time once a request has been received to break Escrow or otherwise move funds. This is to accommodate the time needed to compare the request to the offering documents, to ensure AML has been completed, and to prepare funds for disbursement.


Issuer hereby irrevocably authorizes Escrow Agent to deduct broker fees and other funds for management and offering and selling expenses from the gross proceeds of the Escrow Account prior to remitting such funds, if and when due, to Issuer. Escrow Agent is hereby directed to remit such funds directly to the broker(s) and other parties, if any, to which they are due. Net proceeds (meaning gross proceeds less amounts remitted to brokers and other parties, and interest earned or accumulated in the Escrow Account) will then be remitted to Issuer as described above. Furthermore, Issuer directs Escrow Agent to accept instructions regarding fees from any registered securities broker in the syndicate, if any.


Collection Procedure. Escrow Agent is hereby authorized, upon receipt of Subscriber funds, to promptly deposit them in the Escrow Account. Any Subscriber funds which fail to clear or are subsequently reversed, including but not limited to ACH chargebacks and wire recalls, shall be debited to the Escrow Account, with such debits reflected on the Escrow ledger accessible via Escrow Agents API or dashboard technology. Any and all fees paid by Issuer for funds receipt and processing are non-refundable, regardless of whether ultimately cleared, failed, rescinded, returned or recalled. In the event of any Subscriber refunds, returns or recalls after funds have already been remitted to Issuer, then Issuer hereby irrevocably agrees to immediately and without delay or dispute send equivalent funds to Escrow Agent to cover the refund, return or recall. If Issuer has any dispute or disagreement with its Subscriber then that is separate and apart from this Agreement and Issuer will address such situation directly with said Subscriber, including taking whatever actions Issuer determines appropriate, but Issuer shall regardless remit funds to Escrow Agent and not involve Escrow Agent in any such disputes.


Investment of Escrow Amount. Escrow Agent may, at its’ discretion, invest any or all of the Escrow Account balance as permitted by banking regulations. No interest shall be paid to Issuer or Subscribers on the Escrow Account balance.





Escrow Administration Fees, Compensation of Escrow Agent. Escrow Agent is entitled to escrow administration fees from Issuer as set forth in Exhibit A.


Issuer agrees without exception that it is liable to Escrow Agent to pay and agrees to pay Escrow Agent, even under circumstances where Issuer has entered an agreement that said fees are to be paid by another party. All fees are charged immediately upon receipt of this Agreement, and are not contingent in any way on the success or failure of the Offering. Furthermore, Escrow Agent is exclusively entitled to retain as part of its compensation any and all investment interest, gains and other income earned pursuant to item 6 above. No fees, charges or expense reimbursements of Escrow Agent are reimbursable, and are not subject to pro-rata analysis. All fees and charges, if not paid by a representative of Issuer (e.g. funding platform, lead syndicate broker, etc.), may be made via either Issuers credit card or ACH information on file with Escrow Agent. Escrow Agent may also collect its fee(s), at its option, from any escrowed funds due to Issuer. It is acknowledged and agreed that no fees, reimbursement for costs and expenses, indemnification for any damages incurred by Issuer or Escrow Agent shall be paid out of or chargeable to the investor funds on deposit in the Escrow Account.


Representations and Warranties. The Issuer covenants and makes the following representations and warranties to Escrow Agent:


It is duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the state of its incorporation or organization, and has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder.


This Agreement has been duly approved by all necessary actions, including any necessary shareholder or membership approval, has been executed by its duly authorized officers, and constitutes its valid and binding agreement enforceable in accordance with its terms.


The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement is in accordance with the agreements related to the Offering and will not violate, conflict with, or cause a default under its articles of incorporation, bylaws, management agreement or other organizational document, as applicable, any applicable law, rule or regulation, any court order or administrative ruling or decree to which it is a party or any of its property is subject, or any agreement, contract, indenture, or other binding arrangement, including the agreements related to the Offering, to which it is a party or any of its property is subject.


The Offering shall contain a statement that Escrow Agent has not investigated the desirability or advisability of investment in the Securities nor approved, endorsed or passed upon the merits of purchasing the Securities; and the name of Escrow Agent has not and shall not be used in any manner in connection with the Offering of the Securities other than to state that Escrow Agent has agreed to serve as escrow agent for the limited purposes set forth in this Agreement.





No party other than the parties hereto has, or shall have, any lien, claim or security interest in the Escrow Funds or any part thereof. No financing statement under the Uniform Commercial Code is on file in any jurisdiction claiming a security interest in or describing (whether specifically or generally) the Escrow Funds or any part thereof.


It possesses such valid and current licenses, certificates, authorizations or permits issued by the appropriate state, federal or foreign regulatory agencies or bodies necessary to conduct its respective businesses, and it has not received any notice of proceedings relating to the revocation or modification of, or non-compliance with, any such license, certificate, authorization or permit.


The Offering complies in all material respects with the Act and all applicable laws, rules and regulations.


All of its representations and warranties contained herein are true and complete as of the date hereof and will be true and complete at the time of any disbursement of Escrow Funds.


Term and Termination. This Agreement will remain in full force during the Escrow Period and shall terminate upon the following:


As set forth in Section 2.


Termination for Convenience. Any party may terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason by giving at least thirty (30) days’ written notice.


Escrow Agent’s Resignation. Escrow Agent may unilaterally resign by giving written notice to Issuer, whereupon Issuer will immediately appoint a successor escrow agent. Until a successor escrow agent accepts appointment or until another disposition of the subject matter has been agreed upon by the parties, following such resignation notice, Escrow Agent shall be discharged of all of its duties hereunder save to keep the subject matter whole.





Even after this Agreement is terminated, certain provisions will remain in effect, including but not limited to items 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15 of this Agreement. Escrow Agent shall be compensated for the services rendered as of the date of the termination or removal.


Binding Arbitration, Applicable Law, Venue, and Attorney’s Fees. This Agreement is governed by, and will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Nevada, as applicable, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. Any claim or dispute arising under this Agreement may only be brought in arbitration, pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association, with venue in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. The parties consent to this method of dispute resolution, as well as jurisdiction, and consent to this being a convenient forum for any such claim or dispute and waives any right it may have to object to either the method or jurisdiction for such claim or dispute. Furthermore, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover damages plus reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.


Limited Capacity of Escrow Agent. This Agreement expressly and exclusively sets forth the duties of Escrow Agent with respect to any and all matters pertinent hereto, and no implied duties or obligations shall be read into this Agreement against Escrow Agent. Escrow Agent acts hereunder as an escrow agent only and is not associated, affiliated, or involved in the business decisions of Issuer, Portal, or Subscriber. Escrow Agent is not responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever for the sufficiency, correctness, genuineness, or validity of the subject matter of this Agreement or any part thereof, or for the form of execution thereof, or for the identity or authority of any person executing or depositing such subject matter. Escrow Agent shall be under no duty to investigate or inquire as to the validity or accuracy of any document, agreement, instruction, or request furnished to it hereunder, including, without limitation, the authority or the identity of any signer thereof, believed by it to be genuine, and Escrow Agent may rely and act upon, and shall not be liable for acting or not acting upon, any such document, agreement, instruction, or request. Escrow Agent shall in no way be responsible for notifying, nor shall it be responsible to notify, any party thereto or any other party interested in this Agreement of any payment required or maturity occurring under this Agreement or under the terms of any instrument deposited herewith. Escrow Agent’s entire liability and exclusive remedy in any cause of action based on contract, tort, or otherwise in connection with any services furnished pursuant to this Agreement shall be limited to the total fees paid to Escrow Agent by Issuer.


Indemnity. Issuer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Escrow Agent and its respective related entities, directors, employees, service providers, advertisers, affiliates, officers, agents, and partners and third-party service providers harmless from any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including reasonable attorney’s fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of this Agreement and/or arising from a breach of any provision in this Agreement. This indemnity shall also include, but is not limited to, all expenses incurred in conjunction with any interpleader that Escrow Agent may enter into regarding this Agreement and/or third-party subpoena or discovery process that may be directed to Escrow Agent. This defense and indemnification obligation will survive termination of this Agreement.





Escrow Agent reserves the right to control the defense of any such claim or action and all negotiations for settlement or compromise, and to select or approve defense counsel, and Issuer agrees to fully cooperate with Escrow Agent in the defense of any such claim, action, settlement, or compromise negotiations.


Entire Agreement, Severability and Force Majeure. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between Issuer and Escrow Agent regarding the Escrow Account. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Furthermore, no party shall be responsible for any failure to perform due to acts beyond its reasonable control, including acts of God, terrorism, shortage of supply, labor difficulties (including strikes), war, civil unrest, fire, floods, electrical outages, equipment or transmission failures, internet interruptions, vendor failures (including information technology providers), or other similar causes.


Changes. Escrow Agent may, at its sole discretion, comply with any new, changed, or reinterpreted regulatory or legal rules, laws or regulations, and any interpretations thereof, and without necessity of notice, to modify either this Agreement and/or the Escrow Account to comply or conform to such changes or interpretations. Escrow Agent will notify Issuer of material changes as soon as practicable. Furthermore, all parties agree that this Agreement shall continue in full force and be valid, unchanged and binding upon any successors of Escrow Agent. Changes to this Agreement will be sent to Issuer via email.


Waivers. No waiver by any party to this Agreement of any condition or breach of any provision of this Agreement will be effective unless in writing. No waiver by any party of any such condition or breach, in any one instance, will be deemed to be a further or continuing waiver of any such condition or breach or a waiver of any other condition or breach of any other provision contained in this Agreement.


Notices. Any notice to Escrow Agent is to be sent to Any notices to Issuer will be to


Language. It is expressly agreed that it is the will of all parties, including Escrow Agent and Issuer that this Agreement and all related pages, forms, emails, alerts and other communications have been drawn up and/or presented in English.





Electronic Signature and Communications Notice and Consent. Digital (“electronic”) signatures, often referred to as an “e-signature”, enable paperless contracts and help speed up business transactions. The 2001 E-Sign Act was meant to ease the adoption of electronic signatures. The mechanics of this Agreement’s electronic signature include the parties signing this Agreement below by typing in the party’s name, with the underlying software recording its IP address, browser identification, the timestamp, and a securities hash within an SSL encrypted environment. This electronically signed Agreement will be available to both Issuer and Escrow Agent, as well as any associated bankers, brokers and platforms so they can access and copy it at any time. Issuer and Escrow Agent hereby consent and agree that electronically signing this Agreement constitutes each party’s signature, acceptance and agreement as if actually signed by each party in writing. Further, all parties agree that no certification authority or other third party verification is necessary to validate any electronic signature; and that the lack of such certification or third party verification will not in any way affect the enforceability of your signature or resulting contract between Issuer and Escrow Agent. The parties understand and agree that the e-signature executed in conjunction with the electronic submission of this Agreement shall be legally binding and such transaction shall be considered authorized by each party. The parties agree that their electronic signatures are the legal equivalent of their manual signatures on this Agreement consenting to be legally bound by this Agreement’s terms and conditions. Furthermore, Issuer and Escrow Agent hereby agree that all current and future notices, confirmations and other communications regarding this Escrow Services Agreement specifically, and future communications in general between the parties, may be made by email, sent to the email address of record as set forth in Section 16 above, or as otherwise from time to time is changed or updated and disclosed to the other party, without necessity of confirmation of receipt, delivery or reading, and such form of electronic communication is sufficient for all matters regarding the relationship between the parties. If any such electronically sent communication fails to be received for any reason, including but not limited to such communications being diverted to the recipients spam filters by the recipients email service provider, or due to a recipients change of address, or due to technology issues by the recipient’s service provider, the parties agree that the burden of such failure to receive is on the recipient and not the sender, and that the sender is under no obligation to resend communications via any other means, including but not limited to postal service or overnight courier, and that such communications shall for all purposes, including legal and regulatory, be deemed to have been delivered and received. No physical, paper documents will be sent to Issuer, and if Issuer desires physical documents, then Issuer agrees to be satisfied by directly and personally printing, at its own expense, the electronically sent communication(s) and maintaining such physical records in any manner or form that Issuer desires.


Substitute Form W–9: Taxpayer Identification Number certification and backup withholding statement.


PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code requires you (Issuer) to provide us with your correct Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).


Name of Business:          DatChat Inc.


Tax Identification Number:     


Under penalty of perjury, by signing this Agreement below I certify that: 1) the number shown above is our correct business taxpayer identification number; 2) our business is not subject to backup withholding unless we have informed FundAmerica in writing to the contrary; and 3) our Company is a U.S. domiciled business.





Consent is Hereby Given: By signing this Agreement electronically, Issuer explicitly agrees to receive documents electronically including its copy of this signed Agreement as well as ongoing disclosures, communications, and notices.


Agreed as of the date set forth above by and between:


DatChat Inc., as Issuer


Provident Trust Group, LLC  









Escrow Agent’s Administrative Fees shall be calculated on the following schedule:


ACH - Per Transaction - Incoming — $0.50


ACH - Per Transaction - Outgoing — $0.50


ACH Exception — $5.00


Cash Management Fee — 0.25% of issuer funds reconciled and processed


Check - Stop Payment — $35.00


Check Processing - Incoming — $10.00


Check Processing - Outgoing — $10.00


Escrow Account — $25.00/month


Escrow Accounting Fee — $5.00


Escrow Investor — $0.00/investor/month


Escrow Setup — $500.00


Wire Processing - Incoming (domestic) — $15.00


Wire Processing - Incoming (international) — $35.00


Wire Processing - Outgoing (domestic) — $15.00


Wire Processing - Outgoing (international) — $35.00


Misc. Administrative Services (not under contract, but which Escrow Agent agrees to perform), $100 per hour.






Exhibit 11.1


D. Brooks and Associates CPA’s, P.A.
Certified Public Accountants   Certified Valuation Analysts



We have issued our report dated August 3, 2016, with respect to the financial statements of Dat Chat, Inc. contained in the Regulation Offering Statement of Dat Chat, Inc. on Form 1-A.

We hereby consent to the use of the aforementioned report, dated August 3, 2016, on our audit of the financial statements of Dat Chat, Inc., which is contained in the Regulation Offering Statement.


D. Brooks and Associates CPA’s, P.A.


West Palm Beach, FL

January 25, 2017













D. Brooks and Associates CPA’s, P.A. 319 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 – (561) 429-6225


Exhibit 12.1




January 25, 2017


DatChat, Inc.

65 Church Street, Second Floor

New Brunswick, NJ 08901


RE: DatChat, Inc. Offering Statement on Form 1-A (File No. 024-10613)


Ladies and Gentlemen:


We have acted as counsel to DatChat, Inc., a Nevada corporation (the “Company”), in connection with the filing of the referenced Offering Statement (as amended from time to time, the “Offering Statement”) under Regulation A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Act”), with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). The Offering Statement relates to the proposed offering and sale of up to 25,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $0.0001 per share, of the Company (the “Shares”).


In connection with this opinion letter, we have examined: (i) the Offering Statement; and originals, or copies certified or otherwise identified to our satisfaction; and the (ii) the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Company, as amended, and such other documents, records and other instruments as we have deemed appropriate for purposes of the opinion set forth herein. In our examination, we have assumed the genuineness of all signatures, the authenticity of all documents submitted to us as originals, and the conformity to authentic original documents of all documents submitted to us as copies.


Based upon the foregoing, we are of the opinion that: (i) the Shares have been duly authorized by the Company; and, (ii) the Shares, when issued and sold by the Company and delivered by the Company against receipt of the purchase price therefor, in the manner contemplated by the Offering Statement, will be validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable.


The opinions expressed herein are limited to the laws of the States of New York and New Jersey.


We hereby consent to the use of this opinion as Exhibit 12.1 to the Offering Statement and to the reference to us under the caption “Legal Matters” in the Offering Circular included in the Offering Statement. In giving such consent, we do not hereby admit that we are acting within the category of persons whose consent is required under Section 7 of the Act or the rules or regulations of the SEC thereunder. 


  Very truly yours,
  /s/ Lucosky Brookman LLP
  Lucosky Brookman LLP