Washington, D.C. 20549




F O R M 6-K




For the month of
November 2022


Commission File Number 1-32135



(Name of Registrant)


106 Front Street East, Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 1E1

(Address of Principal Executive Office)


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.


Form 20-F       Form 40-F 


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): ☐


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): ☐


Indicate by check mark whether by furnishing the information contained in this Form, the registrant is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.


Yes ☐      No 


If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82- ____________








(the “Company”)


See the Exhibit Index hereto for a list of the documents filed herewith and forming a part of this Form 6-K.


Exhibits 99.1 and 99.2 hereto are incorporated by reference (as exhibits) to the Company’s registration statements on Form S-8 (File No. 333-211331) and Form F-10 (File No. 333-251081), as may be amended and supplemented.







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


  Seabridge Gold Inc.
  By: /s/ Chris Reynolds
  Name:   Chris Reynolds
  Title: VP Finance and CFO  


Date: November 16, 2022







  Document Description
99.1   Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements as at September 30, 2022.
99.2   Management’s Discussion and Analysis for the Third Quarter ended September 30, 2022.
99.3   Report to Shareholders Quarter Ended September 30, 2022.








Exhibit 99.1






















Consolidated Statements of Financial Position  

(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars)



      September 30,   December 31, 
   Note  2022   2021 
Current assets           
Cash and cash equivalents     $66,164   $11,523 
Short-term deposits      136,838    29,243 
Amounts receivable and prepaid expenses  5   10,920    10,026 
Investment in marketable securities  6   3,295    3,367 
       217,217    54,159 
Non-current assets             
Investment in associate  6   1,453    2,429 
Convertible notes receivable  7   647    606 
Long-term receivables and other assets  8   51,620    13,038 
Mineral interests, property and equipment  9   806,183    662,279 
Reclamation deposits  11   20,643    15,231 
       880,546    693,583 
Total assets     $1,097,763   $747,742 
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity             
Current liabilities             
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities  10  $59,092   $12,165 
Flow-through share premium  13   400    1,366 
Lease obligations      513    90 
Provision for reclamation liabilities  11   2,880    3,680 
       62,885    17,301 
Non-current liabilities             
Secured note  12   220,660    
Deferred income tax liabilities  18   43,762    23,164 
Lease obligations      1,143    182 
Provision for reclamation liabilities  11   2,722    4,762 
       268,287    28,108 
Total liabilities      331,172    45,409 
Shareholders’ equity  13   766,591    702,333 
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity     $1,097,763   $747,742 


Subsequent events (Note 13), commitments and contingencies (Note 19)


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


Page 2




Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss)

(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars except common share and per common share amounts)



      Three months ended
September 30,
   Nine months ended
September 30,
   Note  2022   2021   2022   2021 
Remeasurement of secured note  12  $24,897   $
   $56,463   $
Gain on disposition of mineral interests  13   
Corporate and administrative expenses  16   (2,986)   (1,838)   (10,455)   (8,626)
Impairment of investment in associate  6   
Equity loss of associate  6   (53)   (47)   (143)   (179)
Other income - flow-through shares  13   786    713    966    1,047 
Environmental rehabilitation (expense) gain  11   (141)   
    (99)   43 
Unrealized gain (loss) on convertible notes receivable  7   10    (4)   (9)   118 
Foreign exchange gain (loss)      (11,096)   489    (12,055)   95 
Finance costs, interest expense and other income      (28)   48    (3,447)   (102)
Interest income      1,235    35    1,311    135 
Earnings (loss) before income taxes      12,624    (604)   31,659    14,474 
Income tax expense  18   (7,579)   (218)   (13,806)   (5,033)
Net earnings (loss) for the period     $5,045   $(822)  $17,853   $9,441 
Other comprehensive income (loss)                   
Items that will not be reclassified to net income or loss               
Remeasurement of secured note     $ 2,329   $
   $ 25,873   $
Change in fair value of marketable securities      (25)   167    (72)   (469)
Tax impact      (625)   (23)   (6,976)   61 
Total other comprehensive income (loss)      1,679    144    18,825    (408)
Comprehensive income (loss) for the period     $6,724   $(678)  $36,678   $9,033 
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding               
Basic  13   80,282,633    77,113,125    79,897,513    75,759,358 
Diluted  13   81,044,960    77,113,125    80,659,840    77,573,522 
Earnings per common share                       
Basic  13  $0.06   $(0.01)  $0.22   $0.12 
Diluted  13  $0.06   $(0.01)  $0.22   $0.12 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


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Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars except number of shares)



   Number of
   Warrants   Stock-based
   Deficit   Accumulated Other
Income (Loss)
As at December 31, 2021   78,975,349   $809,269   $
   $8,697   $36,126   $(149,983)  $(1,776)  $702,333 
Share issuance - At-The-Market offering   997,508    22,773    
Share issuance - options exercised   186,007    4,106    
Share issuance - RSUs vested   148,800    3,172    
Share issuance costs   -    (690)   
Deferred tax on share issuance costs   -    184    
Stock-based compensation   -    
Other comprehensive income (loss)   -    
    18,825    18,825 
Net income for the period -    
As at September 30, 2022   80,307,664   $838,814   $
   $6,732   $36,126   $(132,130)  $17,049   $766,591 
As at December 31, 2020   74,162,286   $704,599   $3,275   $23,011   $36,089   $(150,878)  $(1,378)  $614,718 
Share issuance - Private placement   350,000    8,358    
Share issuance - At-The-Market offering   1,516,873    34,446    
Share issuance - options exercised   794,668    17,428    
Share issuance - Warrants exercised   500,000    11,100    (3,275)   
Share issuance - RSUs vested   135,450    3,413    
Share issuance costs   -    (1,239)   
Deferred tax on share issuance costs   -    328    
Stock-based compensation   -    
Expired options   -    
    (37)   37    
Other comprehensive income (loss)   -    
    (408)   (408)
Net income for the period   -    
As at September 30, 2021   77,459,277   $778,433   $-   $13,908   $36,126   $(141,437)  $(1,786)  $685,244 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


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Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars)



   Three months ended
September 30,
    Nine months ended
September 30,
   2022   2021   2022   2021 
Operating Activities                
Net earnings  $5,045   $(822)  $17,853   $9,441 
Adjustment for non-cash items:                    
Remeasurement gain on secured note   (24,897)   
Gain on disposition of mineral interests   
Stock-based compensation   139    
    2,654    2,934 
Other income - flow-through shares   (786)   (713)   (966)   (1,047)
Income tax expense   7,579    218    13,806    5,033 
Unrealized foreign exchange loss   13,571    
Other non-cash items   (1,813)   (113)   (2,147)   305 
Adjustment for cash items:                    
Environmental rehabilitation disbursements   (2,323)   (1,471)   (2,992)   (1,952)
Changes in working capital items:                    
Amounts receivable and prepaid expenses   (2,513)   (1,518)   (894)   (870)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   16,741    4,566    14,050    5,691 
Net cash from (used in) operating activities   10,743    147    5,635    (2,408)
Investing Activities                    
Investment in short-term deposits   (189,599)   (24,302)   (308,238)   (24,325)
Redemption of short-term deposits   171,382    
Mineral interests, property and equipment   (75,585)   (25,550)   (107,867)   (45,335)
Interest paid   (4,762)   -    (9,775)   - 
Long-term receivables   (82)   (5,573)   (30,463)   (8,012)
Investment in reclamation deposits   (714)   (828)   (5,411)   (8,278)
Cash proceeds from disposition of mineral interests   
Net cash used in investing activities   (99,360)   (56,253)   (261,111)   (64,007)
Financing Activities                    
Secured note   
Share issuance net of costs   (58)   11,801    22,081    43,028 
Exercise of options   -    1,537    2,659    8,841 
Exercise of warrants   
Payment of lease liabilities   (153)   (20)   (217)   (57)
Net cash from (used in) financing activities   (211)   13,318    306,786    59,637 
Effects of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash equivalents   1,957    158    3,331    (161)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents during the period   (86,871)   (42,630)   54,641    (6,939)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period   153,035    53,219    11,523    17,528 
Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period  $66,164   $10,589   $66,164   $10,589 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


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Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements

For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022 and 2021

(Amounts in notes and in tables are in millions of Canadian dollars, except where otherwise indicated) (Unaudited)


1.Reporting entity


Seabridge Gold Inc. is comprised of Seabridge Gold Inc. (“Seabridge” or the “Company”) and its subsidiaries, KSM Mining ULC, Seabridge Gold (NWT) Inc., Seabridge Gold (Yukon) Inc., Seabridge Gold Corp., SnipGold Corp. and Snowstorm Exploration (LLC), and is a company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of gold properties located in North America. The Company was incorporated under the laws of British Columbia, Canada on September 4, 1979 and continued under the laws of Canada on October 31, 2002. Its common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange trading under the symbol “SEA” and on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “SA”. The Company is domiciled in Canada, the address of its registered office is 10th Floor, 595 Howe Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6C 2T5 and the address of its corporate office is 106 Front Street East, 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 1E1.


2.Basis of accounting


These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (“consolidated interim financial statements”) were prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, using accounting policies consistent with those used by the Company in preparing the annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2021 and should be read in conjunction with the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2021. They do not include all of the information required for a complete set of financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). However, selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in the Company’s financial position and performance since the last annual financial statements. These interim financial statements were authorized for issue by the Company’s board of directors on November 14, 2022.


3.Significant accounting judgments, estimates and assumptions


The preparation of consolidated interim financial statements requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities as at the date of the consolidated interim financial statements and reported amounts of expenses during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022 and 2021. Estimates and assumptions used in the preparation of these consolidated interim financial statements are consistent with those used by the Company in preparing the annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2021 (except for those related to valuation of secured note described below in Note 4). Estimates and assumptions are continuously evaluated and are based on management’s experience and other factors, including expectations of future events which are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results may differ from these estimates.


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4.Significant accounting policies


Except as described below, the accounting policies applied in these interim financial statements are the same as the those applied in the Company’s consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2021. Changes in accounting policies will also be reflected in the Company’s consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ending December 31, 2022.


Financial instruments


All financial liabilities (including liabilities designated at fair value through profit and loss “FVTPL”) are recognized initially at fair value on the date at which the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. The Company derecognizes a financial liability when its contractual obligations are discharged or cancelled or expire.


Transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of financial assets and financial liabilities (other than financial assets and financial liabilities at FVTPL) are added to or deducted from the fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities, as appropriate, on initial recognition. Transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition of financial assets or financial liabilities at FVTPL are recognized immediately in profit or loss.


The Company has elected to account for its secured note liability and all embedded derivatives as a single financial liability. The change in fair value of the secured note liability is recognized in profit or loss. The change in the fair value related to the Company’s own credit risk is recorded through other comprehensive income (loss).


Significant estimates


The Company measures the fair value of its secured note liability using a Monte Carlo simulation model. Significant inputs and assumptions into this model include future silver prices, discount rates, forecasted silver production, and probabilities of Environmental Assessment Certificate (“EAC”) expiry, achieving commercial production and securing project financing. Changes to these inputs and assumptions could have a significant impact on the measurement of the secured note liability. Refer to Note 12 for further information.


Capitalization of borrowing costs


Borrowing costs are capitalized and allocated specifically to qualifying assets when funds have been borrowed, either to specifically finance a project or for general borrowings during the period of construction. Qualifying assets are defined as assets that require more than nine months to be brought to the location and condition intended by management. Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when such assets are ready for their intended use.


5.Amounts receivable and prepaid expenses


($000s)  September 30,
   December 31,
HST   3,758    1,698 
Trade and other receivables due from related parties   19    281 
Prepaid expenses and other receivables   7,143    8,047 
    10,920    10,026 


Page 7





($000s)  January 1, 2022   Fair value through other comprehensive income (loss)   Loss of associate   Impairment   Additions   September 30, 2022 
Current assets:                        
Investments in marketable securities   3,367    (72)   
Non-current assets:                              
Investment in associate   2,429    
    (142)   (873)(a)   39(b)   1,453 


($000s)  January 1,
   Fair value
through other
income (loss)
   Loss of
   Impairment   Additions   December 31,
Current assets:                        
Investments in marketable securities   3,826    (459)   
Non-current assets:                              
Investment in associate   2,611    
    (221)        39(c)   2,429 


(a)The Company accounts for its investment in Paramount, a publicly listed company, using the equity method. During the second quarter of 2022, the Company concluded that the fair value of its investment in Paramount, determined based on the closing share price on June 30, 2022, had declined significantly and recorded an impairment of $0.9 million (December 31, 2021- nil) in the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss).
(b)In 2022, the Company received 55,322 common shares of Paramount for payment of interest on the secured convertible notes accrued between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.
(c)During the year ended December 31, 2021, the Company received 30,086 common shares of Paramount for payment of interest on the secured convertible notes accrued between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. Refer to note 7 for details on convertible notes receivable.


The Company holds common shares of several mining companies that were received as consideration for optioned mineral properties and other short-term investments, including one gold exchange traded receipt. These financial assets are recorded at fair value of $3.3 million (December 31, 2021 - $3.4 million) in the consolidated statements of financial position. At September 30, 2022, the Company revalued its holdings in its investments and recorded a fair value decrease of $0.07 million in the statement of operations and comprehensive income (loss).


Investment in associate relates to Paramount Gold Nevada Corp (“Paramount”). As at September 30, 2022, the Company holds a 5.65% (December 31, 2021 – 6.4%) interest in Paramount for which it accounts using the equity method on the basis that the Company has the ability to exert significant influence through its representation on Paramount’s board of directors. During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company recorded its proportionate share of Paramount’s net loss of $0.1 million (nine months ended September 30, 2021 – $0.2 million) within equity loss of associate on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss). As at September 30, 2022, the carrying value of the Company’s investment in Paramount was $1.5 million (December 31, 2021 - $2.4 million).


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7.Convertible notes receivable


In September 2019, the Company participated in a private placement to purchase US$410,000, at face value, of secured convertible notes issued by Paramount. Each convertible note had an issue price of US$975 per US$1,000 face value with a four-year maturity. The Company purchased 410 convertible notes for a total of $0.5 million (US$399,750). The convertible notes bear interest at a rate of 7.5% per annum, payable semi-annually. Paramount has the option to settle the interest in whole or in part in either cash or common shares. At any time after the issuance of the convertible notes, the Company can convert all or any portion of the outstanding amount into common shares of Paramount at a price of US$1.00 per common share. The convertible notes receivable is recorded at fair value through profit or loss.


As at September 30, 2022 the fair value of the convertible notes receivable was $0.6 million (December 31, 2021 - $0.6 million). The fair value was determined using the binomial option pricing model using the following assumptions: risk-free rate of 3.04%, 1 year expected remaining life of the convertible note, volatility of 52% based on Paramount stock price volatility, forfeiture rate of nil, and dividend yield of nil.


8.Long-term receivables and other assets


($000s)  September 30,
   December 31,
BC Hydro 1   38,500    
Canadian Exploration Expenses (Note 18)   9,254    9,172 
British Columbia Mineral Exploration Tax Credit 2   3,866    3,866 
    51,620    13,038 


1)The Company has paid $38.5 million to British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (“BC Hydro”) as advance payments made pursuant to the Company signing a facilities agreement with BC Hydro covering the design and construction of facilities to supply construction phase hydro-sourced electricity to the KSM project.


2)During 2016, upon the completion of an audit of the application by tax authorities of the British Columbia Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (“BCMETC”) program, the Company was reassessed $3.6 million, including accrued interest, for expenditures that the tax authority has categorized as not qualifying for the BCMETC program. The Company recorded a $3.6 million provision within non-trade payables and accrued expenses on the consolidated statements of financial position as at December 31, 2016 with a corresponding increase in mineral interests. In 2017 the Company filed an objection to the reassessment with the appeals division of the tax authorities and paid one-half of the accrued balance to the Receiver General and reduced the provision by $1.8 million. In 2019, the Company received a decision from the appeals division that the Company’s objection was denied, and the Company filed a Notice of Appeal with the British Columbia Supreme Court. The Attorney General of Canada replied to the facts and arguments in the Company’s Notice of Appeal and stated its position that the Company’s expenditures did not qualify for the BCMETC program. During the first quarter 2022, the Company completed discoveries with the Department of Justice and will continue to move the appeal process forward as expeditiously as possible. The Company intends to continue to fully defend its position. As at September 30, 2022, the Company has paid $1.6 million to the Receiver General, and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has withheld $2.3 million of HST credits due to the Company that would fully cover the residual balance, including interest, should the Company be unsuccessful in its challenge. In 2021, based on further study of the facts and circumstances of the Company’s objection, the Company concluded that it was more likely than not that it will be successful in its objection and reclassified the $3.9 million as long-term receivables on the consolidated statements of financial position.


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9.Mineral interests, property and equipment


($000s)  Mineral interests   Construction in progress   Property & equipment 1   Right-of-use assets 2   Total 
As at January 1, 2021   591,446    
    307    591,753 
Additions   40,559    27,061    3,080    100    70,800 
As at December 31, 2021   632,005    27,061    3,080    407    662,553 
Additions   27,230    110,817    4,459    1,936    144,442 
As at September 30, 2022   659,235    137,878    7,539    2,343    806,995 
Accumulated Depreciation                         
As at January 1, 2021   
    72    72 
Depreciation expense   
    117    85    202 
As at December 31, 2021   
    117    157    274 
Depreciation expense 1, 2   
    302    236    538 
As at September 30, 2022   
    419    393    812 
Net Book Value                         
As at December 31, 2021   632,005    27,061    2,963    250    662,279 
As at September 30, 2022   659,235    137,878    7,120    1,950    806,183 


1)Depreciation expense related to equipment is capitalized to construction in progress.


2)Depreciation expense related to right-of-use assets associated with the KSM construction is capitalized to construction in progress.


Page 10



Mineral interests, property and equipment additions by project are as follows.


       Nine months ended September 30, 2022     
($000s)  January 1,
in progress
   Property &
   September 30,
KSM 1, 2   502,015    16,452    110,817    4,459    1,612    133,340    635,355 
Courageous Lake   77,176    522    
    522    77,698 
Iskut   41,779    6,387    
    6,387    48,166 
Snowstorm   31,471    2,632    
    2,632    34,103 
3 Aces   9,034    1,237    
    1,237    10,271 
Grassy Mountain   771    
Corporate   307    
    324    324    631 
    662,553    27,230    110,817    4,459    1,936    144,442    806,995 


       Year ended December 31, 2021     
($000s)  January 1,
in progress
   Property &
   December 31,
KSM 3   444,167    27,607    27,061    3,080    100    57,848    502,015 
Courageous Lake   76,522    654    
    654    77,176 
Iskut   37,949    3,830    
    3,830    41,779 
Snowstorm   24,924    6,547    
    6,547    31,471 
3 Aces   7,113    1,921    
    1,921    9,034 
Grassy Mountain   771    
Corporate   307    
    591,753    40,559    27,061    3,080    100    70,800    662,553 


1)Construction in progress additions at KSM includes $9.8 million of capitalized borrowing costs.


2)$6.8 million of costs related to the BC Hydro project (refer to Note 8) were reclassified from mineral interests to long-term receivables and other assets.


3)$3.9 million of costs related to the BCMETC audit (refer to Note 8) were reclassified from mineral interests to amounts receivable.


Continued exploration of the Company’s mineral properties is subject to certain lease payments, project holding costs, rental fees and filing fees.




In 2001, the Company purchased a 100% interest in contiguous claim blocks in the Skeena Mining Division, British Columbia. The vendor maintains a 1% net smelter royalty interest on the project, subject to maximum aggregate royalty payments of $4.5 million. The Company is obligated to purchase the net smelter royalty interest for the price of $4.5 million in the event that a positive feasibility study demonstrates a 10% or higher internal rate of return after tax and financing costs.


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In 2011 and 2012, the Company completed agreements granting a third party an option to acquire a 2% net smelter royalty on all gold and silver production sales from KSM for a payment equal to the lesser of $160 million or US$200 million. The option is exercisable for a period of 60 days following the announcement of receipt of all material approvals and permits, full project financing and certain other conditions for the KSM Project.


In December 2020, the Company purchased the Snowfield (renamed East Mitchell) property from Pretium Resources Inc. The East Mitchell property, located in the same valley that hosts KSM’s Mitchell deposit, was purchased for US$100 million ($127.5 million) in cash, a 1.5% net smelter royalty on East Mitchell property production, and a conditional payment of US$20 million, payable following the earlier of (i) commencement of commercial production from East Mitchell property, and (ii) announcement by the Company of a bankable feasibility study which includes production of reserves from the East Mitchell property. US$15 million of the conditional payment can be credited against future royalty payments.


b)Courageous Lake


In 2002, the Company purchased a 100% interest in the Courageous Lake gold project from Newmont Canada Limited and Total Resources (Canada) Limited. The Courageous Lake gold project consists of mining leases located in Northwest Territories of Canada.




On June 21, 2016, the Company purchased 100% of the common shares of SnipGold Corp. which owns the Iskut Project, located in northwestern British Columbia.




In 2017, the Company purchased 100% of the common shares of Snowstorm Exploration LLC which owns the Snowstorm Project, located in northern Nevada. In connection with the acquisition, the Company has agreed to make a conditional cash payment of US$2.5 million if exploration activities at the Snowstorm Project result in defining a minimum of five million ounces of gold resources compliant with National Instrument 43-101 and a further cash payment of US$5.0 million on the delineation of an additional five million ounces of gold resources.


e)3 Aces


In 2020, the Company acquired a 100% interest in the 3 Aces gold project in the Yukon, Canada from Golden Predator Mining Corp. through the issuance of 300,000 common shares valued at $6.6 million. Should the project attain certain milestones, including the confirmation of a National Instrument 43-101 compliant mineral resource of 2.5 million ounces of gold, the Company will pay an additional $1 million, and upon confirmation of an aggregate mineral resource of 5 million ounces of gold, the Company will pay an additional $1.25 million.


f)Grassy Mountain


In 2013, the Company sold 100% of its interest in the Grassy Mountain Project with a net book value of $0.8 million retained within mineral properties, related to the option to either receive, at the discretion of the Company, a 10% net profits interest royalty or a $10 million cash payment. Settlement is due four months after the later of: the day that the Company receives a feasibility study on the project; and the day that the Company is notified that permitting and bonding for the mine is in place. The current owner of the Grassy Mountain Project is Paramount who completed a feasibility study in 2020 but they have not notified the Company that permitting and bonding for the mine is in place.


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10.Accounts payable and accrued liabilities



($000s)  September 30,
   December 31,
Trade payables   24,071    10,190 
Trade and other payables due to related parties   112    136 
Non-trade payables and accrued expenses 1   34,909    1,839 
    59,092    12,165 


1)Non-trade payables and accrued expenses include $30.0 million of accrued expenses related to construction at KSM.


11.Provision for reclamation liabilities


($000s)  September 30,
   December 31,
Beginning of the period   8,442    6,164 
Disbursements   (2,992)   (3,320)
Environmental rehabilitation (recovery) expense   99    5,515 
Accretion   53    83 
End of the period   5,602    8,442 
Provision for reclamation liabilities - current   2,880    3,680 
Provision for reclamation liabilities - long-term   2,722    4,762 
    5,602    8,442 


The estimate of the provision for reclamation obligations, as at September 30, 2022, was calculated using the estimated discounted cash flows of future reclamation costs of $5.6 million (December 31, 2021 - $8.4 million) and the expected timing of cash flow payments required to settle the obligations between 2022 and 2026. As at September 30, 2022, the undiscounted future cash outflows are estimated at $6.0 million (December 31, 2021 - $8.2 million) primarily over the next three years. The nominal discount rate used to calculate the present value of the reclamation obligations was 3.76% at September 30, 2022 (0.9% - December 31, 2021). During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, reclamation disbursements amounted to $3.0 million (nine months ended September 30, 2021 - $2.0 million).


In 2021, the Company updated the closure plan for the Johnny Mountain mine site and charged an additional $5.4 million of rehabilitation expenses to the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss). Expenditures include the estimated costs for the closure of all adits and vent raises, removal of the mill and buildings, treatment of landfills and surface water management as well as ongoing logistics, freight and fuel costs.


In 2022, the Company placed $5.4 million on deposit as security for the reclamation obligations at KSM. As at September 30, 2022, the Company has placed a total of $20.6 million (December 31, 2021 - $15.2 million) on deposit with financial institutions or with government regulators that are pledged as security against reclamation liabilities. The deposits are recorded on the consolidated statements of financial position as reclamation deposit. As at September 30, 2022, the Company had $7.9 million (December 31, 2021, $3.0 million) of uncollateralized surety bond, issued pursuant to arrangements with an insurance company, in support of environmental closure costs obligations related to the KSM project.


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12.Secured note liability


On February 25, 2022, the Company, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, KSM Mining ULC (“KSMCo”) signed a definitive agreement to sell a secured note (“secured note”) that is to be exchanged at maturity for a silver royalty on its 100% owned KSM Project (“KSM”) to institutional investors (“Investors”) for US$225 million. The transaction closed on March 24, 2022. The key terms of the secured note include:


When the secured note matures, the Investors will use all of the principal amount repaid on maturity to purchase a 60% gross silver royalty (the “Silver Royalty”) maturity occurs upon the first to occur of:


a)Commercial production being achieved at KSM; and


b)Either the 10-year anniversary, or if the Environmental Assessment Certificate (“EAC”) expires and the Investors do not exercise their right to put the secured note to the Company, the 13-year anniversary of the issue date of the secured note.


Prior to its maturity, the secured note bears interest at 6.5% per annum, payable quarterly in arrears. The Company can elect to satisfy interest payments in cash or by delivering common shares.


The Company has the option to buyback 50% of the Silver Royalty, once exchanged on or before 3 years after commercial production has been achieved, for an amount that provides the Investors a minimum guaranteed annualized return.


If project financing to develop, construct and place KSM into commercial production is not in place by the fifth anniversary from closing, the Investors can put the secured note back to the Company for US$232.5 million, with the Company able to satisfy such amount in cash or by delivering common shares at its option. This right expires once such project financing is in place. If the Investors exercise this put right, the Investors’ right to purchase the Silver Royalty terminates.


If KSM’s EAC expires at anytime while the secured note is outstanding, the Investors can put the secured note back to the Company for US$247.5 million at any time over the following nine months, with the Company able to satisfy such amount in cash or by delivering common shares at its option. If the Investors exercise this put right, the Investors’ right to purchase the Silver Royalty terminates.


If commercial production is not achieved at KSM prior to the tenth anniversary from closing, the Silver Royalty payable to the Investors will increase to a 75% gross silver royalty (if the EAC expires during the term of the secured note and the corresponding put right is not exercised by the Investors, this uplift will occur at the thirteenth anniversary from closing).


No amount payable shall be paid in common shares if, after the payment, any of the Investors would own more than 9.9% of the Company’s outstanding shares.


The Company’s obligations under the secured note are secured by a charge over all of the assets of KSMCo and a limited recourse guarantee from the Company secured by a pledge of the shares of KSMCo.


A number of the above noted options within the agreement represent embedded derivatives. Management has elected to not separate these embedded derivatives from the underlying host secured note, and instead account for the entire secured note as a financial liability at fair value through profit or loss.


The Company entered into the loan commitment within the scope of IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’ on February 25, 2022 related to the secured note, as at that date, the Company and the Investors were committed under pre-specified terms and conditions to complete the transaction. The loan commitment was initially recognized at a fair value of US $225 million. Upon funding of the secured note on March 24, 2022, the loan commitment was settled with no gain or loss recognized.


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The secured note was recognized at its estimated fair value at initial recognition of $282.3 million (US $225 million) using a Monte Carlo simulation model. This incorporated several scenarios and probabilities of the EAC expiring, achieving commercial production and securing project financing, forecasted silver prices and the discount rates. At September 30, 2022, the fair value of the secured note decreased, and the Company recorded an $82.3 million gain on the remeasurement. The decrease in fair value was primarily due to the increase in discount rates and updated forecast production schedule. The fair value of the secured note was estimated using Level 3 inputs and is most sensitive to changes in discount rates, future silver prices, and forecasted silver production.


Significant inputs and assumptions into this model are summarized in the following table.


Inputs and Assumption   March 24,
    September 30,
Weighted Average Life 1   23.5 years    44.7 years 
Risk-free rate   2.5%   3.2%
Credit spread   5.2%   6.4%
Volatility   60%   60%
Silver royalty discount factor   7.1%   8.6%


1)Weighted average life reflects the revised silver forecast production schedule contained in the recently filed KSM updated Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS) and Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the KSM project.


The carrying amount for the secured note is as follows:


($000s)  Secured Note 
Fair value at inception   282,263 
Add (deduct):     
Unrealized change in fair value   (82,337)
Foreign currency translation loss   20,734 
Carrying value and fair value on September 30, 2022   220,660 


Sensitivity Analysis:


For the fair value of the secured note, reasonably possible changes at the reporting date to one of the significant inputs, holding other inputs constant, would have the following effects:


Key Inputs  Inter-relationship between significant inputs and fair value measurement 

Increase (decrease)


Key observable inputs  The estimated fair value would increase (decrease) if:     
    Silver price forward curve  ●    Future silver prices were 10% higher  $15.0 
  ●    Future silver prices were 10% lower  $(8.8)
    Discount rates (7.9% - 9.2%)  ●    Discount rates were 1% higher  $(17.0)
  ●    Discount rates were 1% lower  $19.6 
Key unobservable inputs        
    Forecasted silver production  ●    Silver production indicated silver ounces were 10% higher  $7.9 
   ●    Silver production indicated silver ounces were 10% lower  $(7.4)


The fair value of the secured note has been calculated using a Monte Carlo simulation model.


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13.Shareholders’ equity



The Company is authorized to issue an unlimited number of preferred shares and common shares with no par value. No preferred shares have been issued or were outstanding at September 30, 2022 or December 31, 2021.


The Company manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it, based on the funds available to the Company, in order to support the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties. The Board of Directors does not establish quantitative return on capital criteria for management, but rather relies on the expertise of the Company’s management to sustain future development of the business.


The properties in which the Company currently has an interest are in the exploration stage, as such the Company is dependent on external financing to fund its activities. In order to carry out the planned exploration and pay for administrative costs, the Company will spend its existing working capital and raise additional amounts as needed.


Management reviews its capital management approach on an ongoing basis and believes that this approach, given the relative size of the Company, is reasonable. There were no changes in the Company’s approach to capital management during 2022. The Company considers its capital to be share capital, stock-based compensation, warrants, contributed surplus and deficit. The Company is not subject to externally imposed capital requirements.


a)Equity financing


In 2019, the Company entered into an agreement with two securities dealers, for an At-The-Market offering program, entitling the Company, at its discretion, and from time to time, to sell up to US$40 million in value of common shares of the Company. In 2020, the Company issued 1,327,046 shares, at an average selling price of $21.94 per share, for net proceeds of $28.5 million under the Company’s At-The-Market offering.


During the first quarter of 2021, the Company entered into a new agreement with two securities dealers, for an At-The-Market offering program, entitling the Company, at its discretion, and from time to time, to sell up to US$75 million in value of common shares of the Company. This program can be in effect until the Company’s current US$775 million Shelf Registration Statement expires in January 2023. In 2021, the Company issued 2,242,112 shares, at an average selling price of $22.71 per share, for net proceeds of $49.9 million under the Company’s At-The-Market offering. During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company issued 997,508 shares, at an average selling price of $22.83 per share, for net proceeds of $22.3 million under the Company’s At-The-Market offering.


In June 2021, the Company issued 350,000 flow-through common shares at $28.06 per common share for aggregate gross proceeds of $9.8 million. The Company committed to renounce its ability to deduct qualifying exploration expenditures for the equivalent value of the gross proceeds of the flow-through financing and transfer the deductibility to the purchasers of the flow-through shares. The effective date of the renouncement was December 31, 2021. At the time of issuance of the flow-through shares, $1.5 million premium was recognized as a liability on the consolidated statements of financial position. During 2021, the Company incurred $1.1 million of qualifying exploration expenditures and $0.2 million of the premium was recognized through other income on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss). During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company incurred $6.1 million of qualifying exploration expenditures and $0.9 million of the premium was recognized through other income on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss).


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In June 2020, the Company issued 345,000 flow-through common shares at $32.94 per common share for aggregate gross proceeds of $11.4 million. The Company committed to renounce its ability to deduct qualifying exploration expenditures for the equivalent value of the gross proceeds of the flow-through financing and transfer the deductibility to the purchasers of the flow-through shares. The effective date of the renouncement was December 31, 2020. In accordance with draft legislation released on December 16, 2020 in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, a 12-month extension was provided to the normal timelines in which the qualifying exploration expenditures should be incurred. At the time of issuance of the flow-through shares, $3.9 million premium was recognized as a liability on the consolidated statements of financial position. During 2020, the Company incurred $4.7 million of qualifying exploration expenditures and $1.6 million of the premium was recognized through other income on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss). During 2021, the Company incurred $6.5 million of qualifying exploration expenditures and $2.2 million of the premium was recognized through other income on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss). During the first quarter of 2022, the Company incurred $0.2 million of qualifying exploration expenditures and the remaining $0.1 million of the premium was recognized through other income on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss).


b)Stock options and Restricted share units


The Company provides compensation to directors and employees in the form of stock options and Restricted Share Units (“RSU”s).


Pursuant to the Share Option Plan, the Board of Directors has the authority to grant options, and to establish the exercise price and life of the option at the time each option is granted, at a price not less than the closing price of the common shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange on the date of the grant of such option and for a period not exceeding five years. All exercised options are settled in equity. Pursuant to the Company’s RSU Plan, the Board of Directors has the authority to grant RSUs, and to establish terms of the RSUs including the vesting criteria and the life of the RSU. The life of the RSU is not to exceed two years.


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Stock options and RSU transactions were as follows: 


   Options   RSUs   Total 
   Number of Options   Weighted
Price ($)
Value of
   Number of RSUs   Amortized
Value of
Outstanding January 1, 2022  1,023,334   14.61   8,125   173,800   572   8,697 
Exercised option or vested RSU   (186,007)   14.29    (1,447)   (148,800)   (3,172)   (4,619)
Amortized value of stock-based compensation   
    2,654    2,654 
Outstanding at September 30, 2022   837,327    14.69    6,678    25,000    54    6,732 
Exercisable at September 30, 2022   837,327                          


   Options   RSUs   Total 
   Number of Options   Weighted
Price ($)
Value of
   Number of RSUs   Amortized
Value of
Outstanding at January 1, 2021  2,611,691   12.51   22,524   135,450   487   23,011 
    173,800    573    573 
Exercised option or vested RSU   (1,585,501)   11.17    (14,370)   (135,450)   (3,413)   (17,783)
Expired   (2,856)   6.30    (37)   
Amortized value of stock-based compensation   
    2,925    2,933 
Outstanding at December 31, 2021   1,023,334    14.61    8,125    173,800    572    8,697 
Exercisable at December 31, 2021   1,023,334                          


The outstanding share options at September 30, 2022 expire on various dates between December 2022 and June 2024. A summary of options outstanding, their remaining life and exercise prices as at September 30, 2022 is as follows:


    Options Outstanding      Options Exercisable 
    Number   Remaining  Number 
Exercise price   outstanding   contractual life  Exercisable 
$13.14    359,827   3 months   359,827 
$16.94    50,000   1 year 1 months   50,000 
$15.46    377,500   1 year 3 months   377,500 
$17.72    50,000   1 year 9 months   50,000 
      837,327       837,327 


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During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, 186,007 options were exercised for proceeds of $2.7 million and 186,007 common shares were issued. The weighted average share price at the date of exercise of options exercised during the period was $23.47. Subsequent to the quarter end, 100,000 options were exercised.


In December 2021, 123,800 RSUs were granted. Of these, 28,000 RSUs were granted to Board members, 75,200 RSUs were granted to members of senior management, and the remaining 20,600 RSUs were granted to other employees of the Company. The fair value of the grants, of $2.6 million, was estimated as at the grant date to be amortized over the expected service period of the grants. The expected service period of approximately four months from the date of the grant was dependent on certain corporate objectives being met. Of the $2.6 million fair value of the grants, $0.4 million was amortized during the fourth quarter 2021, and the remaining $2.2 million was amortized during the first quarter of 2022. During the second quarter of 2022, 128,800 RSUs were vested and 119,800 RSUs were exchanged for common shares of the Company.


During the second quarter of 2021, 10,000 RSUs were granted to a Board member. Half of the RSUs vested on the first anniversary of the appointment and the remaining half on the second anniversary. The fair value of the grants, of $0.2 million, was estimated as at the grant date to be amortized over the expected service period of the grants. During the second quarter of 2022, 5,000 RSUs were vested, and as at September 30, 2022, $0.1 million of the fair value of the grants was amortized.


During the third and fourth quarter of 2021, 40,000 RSUs were granted to three new members of senior management. Half of the RSUs will vest on the first anniversary of employment and the remaining half on the second anniversary. The fair value of the grants, of $0.9 million, was estimated at the grant date to be amortized over the expected service period of the grants. During the current quarter, 20,000 RSUs were vested, and as at September 30, 2022, $0.5 million of the fair value of the grants was amortized.


c)Basic and diluted net loss per common share


Basic and diluted net income attributable to common shareholders of the Company for the nine months period ended September 30, 2022 was $25.4 million (nine months ended September 30, 2021 - $9.4 million net income).


Earnings per share has been calculated using the weighted average number of common shares and common share equivalents issued and outstanding during the period. Stock options are reflected in diluted earnings per share by application of the treasury method. The following table details the weighted average number of outstanding common shares for the purpose of computing basic and diluted earnings per common share for the following periods:


   Three months ended
September 30,
   Nine months ended
September 30,
   2022   2021   2022   2021 
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding   80,282,633    77,113,125    79,897,513    75,759,358 
Dilutive effect of options 1   737,327    1,814,164    737,327    1,814,164 
Dilutive effect of RSUs 1   25,000    -    25,000    - 
    81,044,960    78,927,289    80,659,840    77,573,522 


1)As at September 30, 2022, there was a total of 737,327 dilutive stock options and 25,000 dilutive RSUs outstanding (September 30, 2021 – 1,814,167 dilutive stock options and nil RSUs).


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14.Cash flow items


Adjustment for other non-cash items within operating activities:


      Three months ended
September 30,
   Nine months ended
September 30,
($000s)  Notes  2022   2021   2022   2021 
Impairment of investment in associate  6   -    -    873    - 
Equity loss of associate  6   53    47    143    179 
Environmental rehabilitation expense  11   141    -    99    (43)
Unrealized gain on convertible notes receivable  7   (49)   (11)   (40)   (93)
Accrued interest income on convertible notes receivable  7   (20)   (19)   (39)   (39)
Depreciation  9   -    21    95    64 
Finance costs, net      19    7    53    76 
Effects of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash equivalents      (1,957)   (158)   (3,331)   161 
       (1,813)   (113)   (2,147)   305 


15.Fair value of financial assets and liabilities


The Company’s fair values of financial assets and liabilities were as follows:


   September 30, 2022 
($000s)  Carrying Amount   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total Fair Value 
Cash and cash equivalents   66,164    66,164    
Amounts receivable   9,513    9,513    
Investment in marketable securities   3,295    3,295    
Convertible notes receivable   647    
    647    647 
Long-term receivables   51,620    51,620    
    131,239    130,592    
    647    131,239 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   59,092    59,092    
Secured note   220,660    
    220,660    220,660 
    279,752    59,092    
    220,660    279,752 


   December 31, 2021 
($000s)  Carrying Amount   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total Fair Value 
Cash and cash equivalents   11,523    11,523    
Short-term deposits   29,243    29,243    
Amounts receivable and prepaid expenses   5,229    5,229    
Investment in marketable securities   3,367    3,367    
Convertible notes receivable   606    
    606    606 
Long-term receivables   13,038    13,038    
    63,006    62,400    
    606    63,006 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   12,165    12,165    
    12,165    12,165    


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The Company’s financial risk exposures and the impact on the Company’s financial instruments are summarized below:


Credit Risk


The Company’s credit risk is primarily attributable to short-term deposits, convertible notes receivable, and receivables included in amounts receivable and prepaid expenses. The Company has no significant concentration of credit risk arising from operations. The short-term deposits consist of Canadian Schedule I bank guaranteed notes, with terms up to one year but are cashable in whole or in part with interest at any time to maturity, for which management believes the risk of loss to be remote. Management believes that the risk of loss with respect to financial instruments included in amounts receivable and prepaid expenses to be remote.


Liquidity Risk


The Company’s approach to managing liquidity risk is to ensure that it will have sufficient liquidity to meet liabilities when due. As at September 30, 2022, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $66.2 million and short-term deposits of $136.8 million (December 31, 2021 - $11.5 million and $29.2 million, respectively) for settlement of current financial liabilities of $59.1 million (December 31, 2021 - $12.2 million). Except for the secured note liability and the reclamation obligations, the Company’s financial liabilities primarily have contractual maturities of 30 days and are subject to normal trade terms. The Company’s ability to fund its operations and capital expenditures and other obligations as they become due is dependent upon market conditions.


As the Company does not generate cash inflows from operations, the Company is dependent upon external sources of financing to fund its exploration projects and on-going activities. If required, the Company will seek additional sources of cash to cover its proposed exploration and development programs at its key projects, in the form of equity financing and from the sale of non-core assets. Refer to note 13 for details on equity financing.


Market Risk


(a) Interest Rate Risk


Interest rate risk is the risk that the future cash flows of a financial instrument or its fair value will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The secured note liability (Note 12) bears interest at a fixed rate of 6.5% per annum. The Company’s current policy is to invest excess cash in Canadian bank guaranteed notes (short-term deposits). The short-term deposits can be cashed in at any time and can be reinvested if interest rates rise.


(b) Foreign Currency Risk


The Company’s functional currency is the Canadian dollar and major purchases are transacted in Canadian and US dollars. The secure note liability and the related interest payments are denominated in US dollars. The Company has the option to pay the interest either in cash or in shares. The Company also funds certain operations, exploration and administrative expenses in the United States on a cash call basis using US dollar cash on hand or converted from its Canadian dollar cash. Management believes the foreign exchange risk derived from currency conversions is not significant to its operations and has not entered into any foreign exchange hedges. As at September 30, 2022, the Company had cash and cash equivalents, short-term deposits, investment in associate, convertible notes receivable, reclamation deposits, accounts payable, accrued liabilities and secured note that are in US dollars.


(c) Investment Risk


The Company has investments in other publicly listed exploration companies which are included in investments. These shares were received as option payments on certain exploration properties the Company owns or has sold. In addition, the Company holds $3.2 million in a gold exchange traded receipt that is recorded on the consolidated statements of financial position in investments. The risk on these investments is significant due to the nature of the investment but the amounts are not significant to the Company.


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16.Corporate and administrative expenses


   Three months ended
September 30,
   Nine months ended
September 30,
($000s)  2022   2021   2022   2021 
Employee compensation   1,404    1,001    3,944    3,035 
Stock-based compensation   139    -    2,654    2,934 
Professional fees   689    454    1,544    1,013 
Other general and administrative   754    383    2,313    1,644 
    2,986    1,838    10,455    8,626 


17.Related party disclosures


During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company received 55,322 common shares of Paramount for payment of interest on the secured convertible notes (nine months ended September 30, 2021 – 30,086 common shares). There were no other transactions with related parties other than compensation paid to key management personnel.


18.Income taxes


As reported in the Company’s prior year financial statements, in 2019 the Company received a notice from the CRA that it proposed to reduce the amount of expenditures reported, as Canadian Exploration Expenses (CEE) for the three-year period ended December 31, 2016. The Company has funded certain of its exploration expenditures, from time-to-time, with the proceeds from the issuance of flow-through shares and renounced, to subscribers, the expenditures which it determined to be CEE. The notice disputes the eligibility of certain types of expenditures previously audited and approved as CEE by the CRA. The Company strongly disagrees with the notice and responded to the CRA auditors with additional information for their consideration. In 2020, the CRA auditors responded to the Company’s submission and, although accepting additional expenditures as CEE, reiterated that their position remains largely unchanged and subsequently issued reassessments to the Company reflecting the additional CEE expenditures accepted and $2.3 million of Part Xll.6 tax owing. The Company has been made aware that the CRA has reassessed certain investors who subscribed for flow-through shares in 2013 and will reassess other investors with reduced CEE deductions. The Company’s and investors’ reassessments will be appealed to the courts. The Company has indemnified the investors that subscribed for the flow-through shares. The potential tax indemnification to the investors is estimated to be $11.0 million, plus $2.2 million potential interest. No provision has been recorded related to the tax, potential interest, nor the potential indemnity as the Company and its advisors do not consider it probable that there will ultimately be an amount payable.


During the year ended December 31, 2021, the Company deposited $9.2 million into the accounts of certain investors with the Receiver General, in return for their agreement to object to their respective assessments and agreement to repay the Company the full amount deposited on their behalf upon resolution of the Company’s appeal. The deposits made were recorded as long-term receivables on the statement of financial position. During the current quarter, the Company was made aware that the CRA reassessed one investor who subscribed for flow-through shares in 2015, and deposited $0.1 million into the investor’s account with the Receiver General.


Page 22



19.Commitments and contingencies


   Payments due by years 
($000s)  Total   2022   2023-24   2025-26   2027-28 
Capital expenditure obligations   70,424    16,204    54,220    
Mineral interests   7,308    6    2,506    2,620    2,176 
Flow-through share expenditures   2,683    2,683    
Lease obligation   1,634    178    1,043    314    99 
    82,049    19,071    57,769    2,934    2,275 


During the first quarter of 2022, the Company entered into a Facilities Agreement with British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (“BC Hydro”) covering the design and construction of facilities by BC Hydro to supply construction phase hydro-sourced electricity to the KSM project.


The cost to complete the construction is estimated to be $28.9 million of which the Company paid $7.7 million to BC Hydro in 2022, and $21.2 million is due in 2023. In addition, the Facilities Agreement requires $54.2 million in security or cash from the Company for BC Hydro system reinforcement, which is required to make the power available of which the Company paid $21.2 million to BC Hydro in 2022, and $33.0 million is due in 2023. The $54.2 million system reinforcement security will be forgiven annually, typically over a period of less than 8 years, based on project power consumption.


Prior to its maturity, the secured note bears interest at 6.5%, or US$14.6 million per annum, payable quarterly in arrears. The Company can elect to satisfy interest payments in cash or by delivering common shares. During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the interest was paid in cash.




Page 23



As at September 30, 2022, there was a total of 737,327 dilutive stock options and 25,000 dilutive RSUs outstanding (September 30, 2021 – 1,814,167 dilutive stock options and nil RSUs). false --12-31 Q3 2022-09-30 0001231346 0001231346 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 2022-09-30 0001231346 2021-12-31 0001231346 2022-07-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 2021-07-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:ClassesOfShareCapitalMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:WarrantsMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:StockbasedCompensationMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:ContributedSurplusMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveGainLossMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:ClassesOfShareCapitalMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:WarrantsMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:StockbasedCompensationMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ContributedSurplusMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveGainLossMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:ClassesOfShareCapitalMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:WarrantsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:StockbasedCompensationMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ContributedSurplusMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveGainLossMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:ClassesOfShareCapitalMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:WarrantsMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:StockbasedCompensationMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:ContributedSurplusMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveGainLossMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 2020-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:ClassesOfShareCapitalMember 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:WarrantsMember 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:StockbasedCompensationMember 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:ContributedSurplusMember 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveGainLossMember 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:ClassesOfShareCapitalMember 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:StockbasedCompensationMember 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:ContributedSurplusMember 2021-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:RetainedEarningsMember 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveGainLossMember 2021-09-30 0001231346 2021-09-30 0001231346 2022-06-30 0001231346 2021-06-30 0001231346 2022-01-01 2022-06-30 0001231346 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:ParamountGoldNevadaCorpMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:ParamountGoldNevadaCorpMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ParamountGoldNevadaCorpMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ParamountGoldNevadaCorpMember 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:InvestmentInMarketableSecuritiesMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:InvestmentInMarketableSecuritiesMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:InvestmentInMarketableSecuritiesMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:InvestmentInAssociateMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:InvestmentInAssociateMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:InvestmentInAssociateMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:InvestmentInMarketableSecuritiesMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:InvestmentInMarketableSecuritiesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:InvestmentInAssociateMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:InvestmentInAssociateMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 2019-09-30 0001231346 2019-09-01 2019-09-30 0001231346 sa:BritishColumbiaHydroAndPowerAuthorityMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 2021-04-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:BCHydroProjectMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:BCMETCAuditMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:KsmMember 2001-12-01 2001-12-31 0001231346 sa:KsmMember 2011-12-01 2011-12-31 0001231346 sa:KsmMember 2012-12-01 2012-12-31 0001231346 2020-01-01 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:CourageousLakeGoldProjectMember 2002-12-01 2002-12-31 0001231346 sa:SnipGoldCorpMember sa:IskutMember 2016-06-01 2016-06-21 0001231346 sa:SnowstormMember 2017-12-01 2017-12-31 0001231346 sa:ThreeAcesMember 2020-01-01 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:GrassyMountainMember 2013-12-01 2013-12-31 0001231346 sa:MineralInterestsMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:ConstructionInProgressMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:PropertyEquipmentMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:MineralInterestsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:ConstructionInProgressMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:PropertyEquipmentMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:MineralInterestsMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:ConstructionInProgressMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:PropertyEquipmentMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:MineralInterestsMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:ConstructionInProgressMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:PropertyEquipmentMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:MineralInterestsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:ConstructionInProgressMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:PropertyEquipmentMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:RightofuseAssetsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:KsmMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:KsmMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:KsmMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:CourageousLakeMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:CourageousLakeMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:CourageousLakeMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:IskutMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:IskutMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:IskutMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:SnowstormMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:SnowstormMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:SnowstormMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ThreeAcesMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:ThreeAcesMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ThreeAcesMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:GrassyMountainMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:GrassyMountainMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:GrassyMountainMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:CorporateAndOthersMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:CorporateAndOthersMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:CorporateAndOthersMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TotalMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:TotalMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TotalMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:KsmMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:KsmMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:CourageousLakeMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:CourageousLakeMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:IskutMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:IskutMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:SnowstormMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:SnowstormMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:ThreeAcesMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:ThreeAcesMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:GrassyMountainMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:GrassyMountainMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:CorporateAndOthersMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:CorporateAndOthersMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:TotalMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:TotalMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:KsmMember sa:NonAdjustingEventsMember 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 0001231346 sa:ReclamationLiabilitiesMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ReclamationLiabilitiesMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 2021-03-31 0001231346 2022-02-25 0001231346 2022-03-01 2022-03-24 0001231346 sa:SilverPriceForwardCurveMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:SilverPriceForwardCurveOneMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:DiscountRates7992Member 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:DiscountRates7992OneMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ForecastedSilverProductionMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ForecastedSilverProductionOneMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 2021-01-01 2021-03-31 0001231346 sa:EquityFinancingsMember 2019-01-01 2019-12-31 0001231346 sa:EquityFinancingsMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:EquityFinancingsMember 2020-01-01 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:EquityFinancingsMember 2021-06-30 0001231346 sa:EquityFinancingsMember 2021-01-01 2021-06-30 0001231346 sa:EquityFinancingsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:EquityFinancingsMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:EquityFinancingsMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:EquityFinancingsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:EquityFinancingsMember 2020-06-30 0001231346 sa:EquityFinancingsMember 2020-01-01 2020-06-30 0001231346 2022-01-01 2022-03-31 0001231346 2022-03-31 0001231346 sa:StockOptionsAndRestrictedShareUnitsMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:NonAdjustingEventsMember 2022-10-01 2022-12-31 0001231346 sa:RSUMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 2021-10-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:RSUMember 2022-01-01 2022-03-31 0001231346 sa:RSUMember 2022-01-01 2022-06-30 0001231346 sa:BoardMembersMember sa:RSUMember 2021-04-01 2021-06-30 0001231346 sa:BoardMembersMember 2022-04-01 2022-06-30 0001231346 sa:RSUMember 2021-07-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:BoardMember sa:RSUMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:BoardMember sa:RSUMember 2022-07-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:RSUMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:RSUMember 2021-10-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:OptionsMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:RestrictedStockUnitMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:OptionsMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:RestrictedStockUnitMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:OptionsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:RestrictedStockUnitMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:OptionsMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:RestrictedStockUnitMember 2020-12-31 0001231346 sa:OptionsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:RestrictedStockUnitMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:ExercisePrice1314Member 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ExercisePrice1314Member 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ExercisePrice1694Member 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ExercisePrice1694Member 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ExercisePrice1546Member 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ExercisePrice1546Member 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ExercisePrice1772Member 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ExercisePrice1772Member 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:LiquidityRiskOneMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:LiquidityRiskOneMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:LiquidityRiskOneMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ForeignCurrencyRiskMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:InvestmentRiskMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:CarryingAmountsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level1OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level2OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level3OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:CarryingAmountsMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level1OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level2OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level3OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:CarryingAmountsMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level1OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level2OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level3OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:CarryingAmountsMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level1OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level2OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 ifrs-full:Level3OfFairValueHierarchyMember 2021-01-01 2021-12-31 0001231346 sa:EmployeeCompensationMember 2022-07-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:EmployeeCompensationMember 2021-07-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:EmployeeCompensationMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:EmployeeCompensationMember 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:StockbasedCompensationMember 2022-07-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:StockbasedCompensationMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:StockbasedCompensationMember 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:ProfessionalFeesMember 2022-07-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ProfessionalFeesMember 2021-07-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:ProfessionalFeesMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:ProfessionalFeesMember 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:OtherGeneralAndAdministrativeMember 2022-07-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:OtherGeneralAndAdministrativeMember 2021-07-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 sa:OtherGeneralAndAdministrativeMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:OtherGeneralAndAdministrativeMember 2021-01-01 2021-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:BottomOfRangeMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 ifrs-full:TopOfRangeMember 2022-01-01 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:CapitalExpenditureObligationsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyTwoMember sa:CapitalExpenditureObligationsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyThreeToTwentyFourMember sa:CapitalExpenditureObligationsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyFiveToTwentySixMember sa:CapitalExpenditureObligationsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentySevenToTwentyEightMember sa:CapitalExpenditureObligationsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:MineralInterestsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyTwoMember sa:MineralInterestsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyThreeToTwentyFourMember sa:MineralInterestsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyFiveToTwentySixMember sa:MineralInterestsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentySevenToTwentyEightMember sa:MineralInterestsMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:FlowthroughShareExpendituresMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyTwoMember sa:FlowthroughShareExpendituresMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyThreeToTwentyFourMember sa:FlowthroughShareExpendituresMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyFiveToTwentySixMember sa:FlowthroughShareExpendituresMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentySevenToTwentyEightMember sa:FlowthroughShareExpendituresMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:LeaseObligationMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyTwoMember sa:LeaseObligationMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyThreeToTwentyFourMember sa:LeaseObligationMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyFiveToTwentySixMember sa:LeaseObligationMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentySevenToTwentyEightMember sa:LeaseObligationMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyTwoMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyThreeToTwentyFourMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentyFiveToTwentySixMember 2022-09-30 0001231346 sa:TwoThousandTwentySevenToTwentyEightMember 2022-09-30 iso4217:CAD xbrli:shares iso4217:CAD xbrli:shares iso4217:USD xbrli:pure iso4217:USD xbrli:shares

Exhibit 99.2


















SEPTEMBER 30, 2022

















Management’s Discussion and Analysis


This management’s discussion and analysis (“MD&A”) of Seabridge Gold Inc. (“Seabridge” or the “Company”) and its subsidiary companies, dated November 14, 2022, is intended to supplement and complement the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements and related notes (“consolidated interim financial statements”) as at and for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022. It should be read in conjunction with the Company’s audited annual consolidated financial statements and annual management’s discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2021, and the 2021 Annual Information Form filed on SEDAR at Other corporate documents are also available on SEDAR and EDGAR as well as the Company’s website As the Company has no operating projects at this time, its ability to carry out its business plan rests with its ability to sell projects or to secure equity and other financings. All amounts contained in this document are stated in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.


The consolidated interim financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022 and the comparative period 2021 have been prepared by the Company in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting.


Company Overview


Seabridge Gold Inc. is a company engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties, with an emphasis on gold resources, located in North America. The Company’s objective is to provide its shareholders with exceptional leverage to a rising gold price and the returns from significant copper resources it has acquired. The Company’s business plan is to increase its mineral resources in the ground, through exploration, but not to go into production on its own. The Company intends to sell projects or participate in joint ventures towards production with major mining companies. Since inception in 1999, Seabridge has acquired interests in numerous advanced-stage gold projects situated in North America and its principal projects include the KSM property located in British Columbia and the Courageous Lake property located in the Northwest Territories. The Company also holds a 100% interest in the Iskut Project in British Columbia and the Snowstorm Project in Nevada. In 2020, the Company purchased its 100% interest in the 3 Aces gold project in Yukon and acquired the East Mitchell property, adjacent to the KSM project, in British Columbia. Although focused on gold exploration, the Company has made significant copper discoveries, in particular, at KSM. Seabridge’s common shares trade in Canada on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol “SEA” and in the United States on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “SA”.


During the current quarter ended September 30, 2022, the Company announced Jay Layman retired as President and COO. Mr. Layman, however, will continue to serve as a Director of the Company and will assist in the transitioning and mentoring of two new officer appointments: Ryan Hoel, P.E., as Senior VP, Chief Operating Officer and Melanie Miller as VP, Chief Sustainability Officer. Mr. Hoel joined the Company in September 2021 as VP, Projects and since that time has led the Substantially Started activities at KSM. Ms. Miller joined the Company, as a Director, in June 2020, and has served as the Chairperson of the Company’s Sustainability Committee since its inception. With her new management role, Ms. Miller will step down as Chairperson of the Sustainability Committee, with Mr. Layman taking on the responsibility. Ms. Miller will remain a director of the Company.


Page 1



Results of Operations


During the current quarter, the Company recorded net earnings of $5.0 million, or $0.06 per share, on both a basic and diluted basis. During the comparative period in 2021 the Company recorded net loss of $0.8 million, or $0.01 per share, on both a basic and diluted basis.


During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company recorded net earnings of $17.9 million, or $0.22 per share, on both basic and diluted basis. During the comparative period in 2021, the Company recorded net earnings of $9.4 million, or $0.12 per share, on both a basic and diluted basis.


During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022, unrealized change in fair value of the Company’s secured note liability was the most significant item contributing to net earnings, partially offset by corporate and administrative expenses, finance costs, stock-based compensation, and income taxes. These items are discussed further below.


During the current quarter, the fair value of the secured note liability, issued on March 24, 2022, decreased by $27.2 million, and the Company recorded a $24.9 million gain, primarily related to the increase in risk-free interest rates and changes in future silver prices. Also, the Company recorded $2.3 million of the gain within other comprehensive income (loss) related to changes in credit spreads. In the current quarter, risk free interest rates and credit spreads increased by 0.3% and reduced the net present value of the interest commitment and the silver royalty embedded in the secured note.


Since the issuance on March 24, 2022, the fair value of the secured note liability decreased by $82.3 million of which the Company recorded $56.5 million gain through profit or loss, and $25.9 million through other comprehensive income (loss).


The Company measures the fair value of its secured note liability using a Monte Carlo simulation model. Significant inputs and assumptions into this model are summarized in the following table.


Inputs and Assumption  March 24,
   September 30,
Weighted Average Life1   23.5 years    44.7 years 
Risk-free rate   2.5%   3.2%
Credit spread   5.2%   6.4%
Volatility   60%   60%
Silver royalty discount factor   7.1%   8.6%


1)Weighted average life reflects the revised silver forecast production schedule contained in the recently filed KSM updated Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS) and Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the KSM project, discussed below.


The fair value of the secured note was estimated using Level 3 inputs and is most sensitive to changes in silver prices and forecasted silver production.


Page 2



During the second quarter of 2021, the Company disposed of its residual interests in its previously owned Red Mountain project located in northwestern British Columbia, for cash proceeds of US$18 million and recorded a gain of $21.9 million through the statement of operations and comprehensive earnings (loss) in that period. The capitalized costs incurred and accumulated while the Company held the project had previously been recovered through option and acquisition payments and the residual interest in the project had no carrying value.


During the current quarter, corporate and administrative expenses increased by $1.2 million, from $1.8 million in the third quarter in 2021 to $3.0 million. The increase was mainly due to higher cash compensation, and professional fees and other general and administrative expenses incurred during the current quarter, further discussed below.


Cash compensation increased by $0.4 million, from $1.0 million in the third quarter of 2021 to $1.4 million in the current quarter. Higher cash compensation mainly related to a recent and continuing increase in non-project personnel. Professional fees and other general and administrative expenses increased by $0.6 million, from $0.8 million in the third quarter in 2021 to $1.4 million in the current quarter. The increase was mainly related to an increase in external consulting costs and travel costs as pandemic related restrictions have eased over the course of the year.


During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, corporate and administrative expenses increased by $1.9 million, from $8.6 million in 2021 to $10.5 million in 2022. The increase was mainly due to higher cash compensation, and higher professional fees and other general and administrative expenses, partially offset by lower stock-based compensation (discussed below).


Cash compensation increased by $0.9 million, from $3.0 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2021, to $3.9 million during the comparative period in 2022. The increased cash compensation mainly related to an increase in non-project headcount. Professional fees increased by $0.5 million, from $1.0 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2021, to $1.5 million during the comparative period in 2022. The increase mainly related to the costs associated with the implementation of a new ERP system, the Company wide risk assessment review, and sustainability reporting. Other general and administrative expenses increased by $0.7 million, from $1.6 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2021, to $2.3 million during the comparative period in 2022. The increase was mainly related to increased external consulting costs and travel. The Company anticipates that personnel numbers and related remuneration will continue to increase slightly for the remainder of 2022 but not as significantly as has been the case for the first nine months of the year.


The Company has, since 2019, refocused the compensation practices away from issuing a combination of stock options and RSUs to only issuing restricted share units (RSUs). During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, stock-based compensation expense, related to RSUs, decreased by $0.2 million, from $2.9 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2021, to $2.7 million during the comparative period in 2022. The decrease was mainly due to the fact that the RSUs granted in December 2020 and expensed in 2021, had a higher grant date fair value when compared to the RSUs granted during 2021 and expensed in 2022.


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To the year ended December 31, 2021, the Company had expensed all accumulated fair value associated with stock options as the service period related to the remaining outstanding options ended in that year. The Company’s stock-based compensation expense related to stock options and restricted share units are illustrated on the following tables:


RSUs granted  Number of
date fair
in 2020
in 2021
in 2022
   Balance to
December 16, 2020   135,450    3,413    487    2,926    -    - 
June 24, 2021   10,000    222    -    -    141    81 
September 01, 2021   20,000    454    -    75    170    209 
September 07, 2021   10,000    229    -    36    86    107 
October 01, 2021   10,000    195    -    24    73    98 
December 13, 2021   123,800    2,622    -    437    2,185    - 
              487    3,498    2,655    495 


Options granted  Exercise
price ($)
date fair
prior to
prior to
in 2020
in 2021
   Balance to
June 24, 2015
   9.00    475,000    5,774    149    1,266    4,359             -            - 
December 14, 2017
   13.14    605,000    4,303    -    4,085    218    -    - 
October 11, 2018
   16.94    50,000    421    -    334    87    -    - 
December 12, 2018
   15.46    568,000    4,719    -    3,383    1,328    8    - 
June 26, 2019
   17.72    50,000    416    -    168    248    -    - 
                149    9,236    6,240    8    - 


During the second quarter of 2022, all of the 123,800 RSUs, granted in mid-December 2021, vested upon the Company completing the 2021 exploration program, at Snowstorm, and have been exchanged for common shares of the Company. In December 2021, $0.4 million of the full fair value of $2.6 million, associated with those RSUs, was charged to the statement of operations and comprehensive loss and the remaining fair value of the grant of $2.2 million was charged to the statement of operations and comprehensive loss in the first and current quarter of 2022.


During the second quarter of 2021, 10,000 RSUs were granted to a Board member upon their appointment to the Board. Half of those RSUs vested in the second quarter of 2022, and the remaining half will vest on the second anniversary of their appointment. During the third quarter of 2021, a total of 40,000 RSUs were granted to three members of senior management. Half of those RSUs vested during the current quarter, and the remaining half will vest on the second anniversary of their appointment.


In the first six months of 2021, 135,450 RSUs, granted in 2020, fully vested to the holders upon the Company attaining pre-established vesting conditions and $2.9 million of fair value was expensed through the statement of operations and comprehensive loss.


The Company holds common shares of several mining companies that were received as consideration for optioned mineral properties and other short-term investments, including one gold exchange traded receipt. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company recognized a decrease in fair value of investments of $0.02 million and $0.1 million, net of income taxes, respectively. During the three months ended September 30, 2021, the Company recognized an increase in the fair value of investments, net of income taxes, of $0.1 million. During the nine months ended September 30, 2021, the Company recognized a decrease in the fair value of investments, net of income taxes, of $0.4 million.


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The Company holds one investment in an associate that is accounted for on the equity basis. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company recognized $0.05 million and $0.1 million loss in investment in associate, respectively. During the comparative three and nine months ended September 30, 2021, the Company recognized $0.05 million and $0.14 million loss in investment in associate, respectively. Also, during the second quarter of 2022, the Company reviewed the recoverability of the investment in the associate and recorded an impairment of $0.9 million in the consolidated statement of operations and comprehensive loss.


During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022, the finance costs amounted to $0.03 million and $3.4 million, respectively. The finance costs incurred during 2022 were primarily related to the secured note financing. During the comparative three and nine months ended September 30, 2021, the finance costs amounted to $0.05 million and $0.1 million, respectively.


During the three months ended September 30, 2022, the Company recognized $13.6 million of unrealized foreign exchange loss associated with the secured note, partially offset by $2.5 million on realized foreign exchange gain recognized mainly on US dollar denominated cash and short-term investments converted to Canadian dollars during the period. During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company recognized $20.7 million of unrealized foreign exchange loss associated with the secured note, partially offset by $8.7 million realized foreign exchange gains recognized mainly on US dollar denominated cash and short-term investments converted to Canadian dollars during the period. During the comparative three and nine months ended September 30, 2021, the Company recognized a foreign exchange gain of $0.5 million and $0.1 million, respectively.


During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company recognized income tax expense of $7.6 million and $13.8 million, respectively, primarily due to the deferred tax liability arising from the gain recognized on remeasurement of the fair value of the secured note liability, and from the renouncement of expenditures related to the June 2021 flow-through shares issued which are capitalized for accounting purposes. The income tax expense was partially offset by income tax recovery arising from the losses in the period. The income tax impact of the revaluation of the secured note liability that was recorded through other comprehensive income (loss) during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022, of $0.6 million and $7.0 million respectively, was also recorded through other comprehensive income (loss).


During the comparative three and nine months ended September 30, 2021, the Company recognized income tax expense of $0.2 million and $5.0 million, respectively, primarily due to the deferred tax liability arising from the gain recognized on disposition of the Company’s residual interests in its previously owned Red Mountain project, and from the renouncement of expenditures related to the June 2020 flow-through shares issued which are capitalized for accounting purposes. The income tax expense was partially offset by income tax recovery arising from the losses in the period.


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Quarterly Information


Selected financial information for the last eight quarters ending September 30, 2022 is as follows:


   2022   2021   2020 
(in thousands of Canadian dollars, except per share amounts)  Q3   Q2   Q1   Q4   Q3   Q2   Q1   Q4 
Revenue   -         -    -    -    -    -    - 
Earnings (loss) for the period   5,045    19,088    (6,281)   (8,546)   (822)   14,548    (4,285)   (12,653)
Basic earnings (loss) per share   0.06    0.24    (0.08)   (0.11)   (0.01)   0.19    (0.06)   (0.18)
Diluted earnings (loss) per share   0.06    0.24    (0.08)   (0.11)   (0.01)   0.19    (0.06)   (0.18)


During the second and third quarter of 2022, the unrealized gain related to the change in the fair value of the secured note was $31.6 million and $24.9 million, respectively. In the first quarter 2022, the loss for the period included $2.3 million of stock-based compensation expense related to amortization of RSUs granted in December 2021 that were vested during the second quarter 2022. In the fourth quarter 2021, the loss included $5.4 million of rehabilitation expenses related to the Johnny Mountain Mine. In the second quarter 2021, net income included $21.9 million gain on disposition of interest in the Red Mountain project. In the first quarter 2021, the loss for the period included $2.9 million of stock-based compensation expense related to amortization of RSUs granted in December 2020 that were vested during the second quarter 2021.


In the fourth quarter 2020, the vesting period of certain stock options was re-estimated to reflect the purchase of the Snowfield property from Pretium Resources Inc. for $127.5 million. The purchase added 25.9 million ounces of gold and 3.0 billion pounds of copper in the measured and indicated categories of resources and alone increased the measured and indicated gold ounces at KSM by 51% and by 28% for copper. The estimated service period for those stock options was reset to the Snowfield property acquisition date, and $8.6 million stock-based compensation expense was recognized through the statement of operations and comprehensive income (loss) in the fourth quarter 2020.


Mineral Interests and Site Capture Activities


During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company added an aggregate of $34 million of expenditures that were attributed to mineral interests. The breakdown of the mineral interests expenditures by project is illustrated on the following table:


($000s)   Amount    Percentage 
KSM   23,281    68%
Iskut   6,388    19%
Snowstorm   2,632    8%
+3 Aces   1,237    4%
Courageous Lake   522    1%
Total expenditures   34,060    100%


During the current quarter, the Company’s main efforts and most significant spending were focused on its 2022 site capture and early infrastructure development activities that are designed to ensure that KSM’s Environmental Assessment Certificate (“EAC”) remains in good standing. During the current quarter, the Company also filed a full updated pre-feasibility study (“PFS”) for KSM. The full study included a preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”) for mineral resources at KSM, not included in the PFS resources. Results of the PFS and PEA are discussed below.


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On site capture activities, under the B.C. Environmental Assessment Act, a project’s EAC is subject to expiry if the project has not been substantially started (“Substantial Start”) by the deadline specified in the EAC. The expiry date for KSM’s EAC is July 29, 2026. However, if the B.C. Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy determines that a project has been Substantially Started on or before the before the deadline, the EAC remains in effect for the life of the project. The 2022 full year plan for site capture is approximately $150 million and is being funded by the proceeds of the US$225 million secured note issued in March 2022. Significant activities include road, bridge and camp construction, hydro installations, fish habitat offsetting programs and the acquisition and transport of construction equipment and vehicles.


The site capture expenditures during the nine months ended September 30, 2022 are illustrated below:


($000s)  Balance
January 1,






September 30,
Capital expenditure   30,024    106,927    (1,735)   105,192    135,216 
Capitalized borrowing costs   -    9,775    -    9,775    9,775 
    30,024    116,702    (1,735)   114,967    144,991 


1)Cost recoveries related to the Coulter Creek Access Road joint venture.


The results of the PFS show a considerably more sustainable and profitable mining operation than its 2016 predecessor. It envisages an all open pit mine plan that includes the Mitchell, East Mitchell and Sulphurets deposits only with a 33 year operating life. Mill production is increased from an initial 130,000 metric tonnes per day (tpd) to 195,000 tpd in the third year of production. The primary reasons for the improvements in the plan arise from the acquisition of the East Mitchell resource in December 2020 and an expansion to planned mill throughput. The many design improvements over earlier studies include a smaller environmental footprint, reduced waste rock production, reduced greenhouse gas emissions by electrification of the mine haul fleet, a 50% increase in mill throughput, and the elimination of capital-intensive block cave mining.


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Projected economic results of the study compared to the 2016 study and against alternate scenarios are illustrated below.


   2016 PFS
Base Case
   2022 PFS
Base Case
   2022 PFS
Recent Spot
   2022 PFS
Metal Prices:                
Gold ($/ounce)   1,230    1,742    1,850    1,500 
Copper ($/pound)   2.75    3.53    4.25    3.00 
Silver ($/ounce)   17.75    21.90    22.00    20.00 
Molybdenum ($/lb)   8.49    18.00    18.00    18.00 
US$/Cdn$ Exchange Rate:   0.80    0.77    0.77    0.77 
Cost Summary:                    
Operating Costs Per Ounce of Gold Produced (years 1 to 7)  $119   $35   $-83   $118 
Operating Costs Per Ounce of Gold Produced (life of mine)  $277   $275   $164   $351 
Total Cost Per Ounce of Gold Produced (inclusive of all capital and closure)  $673   $601   $490   $677 
Initial Capital (billions)  $5.0   $6.4   $6.4   $6.4 
Sustaining Capital (billions)  $5.5   $3.2   $3.2   $3.2 
Unit Operating Cost (US$/tonne)  $12.36   $11.36   $11.36   $11.36 
Pre-Tax Results:                    
Net Cash Flow (billions)  $15.9   $38.6   $46.1   $27.9 
NPV @ 5% Discount Rate (billions)  $3.3   $13.5   $16.4   $9.2 
Internal Rate of Return   10.4%   20.1%   22.4%   16.5%
Payback Period (years)   6.0    3.4    3.1    4.1 
Post-Tax Results:                    
Net Cash Flow (billions)  $10.0   $23.9   $28.6   $17.1 
NPV @ 5% Discount Rate (billions)  $1.5   $7.9   $9.8   $5.2 
Internal Rate of Return   8.0%   16.1%   18.0%   13.1%
Payback Period (years)   6.8    3.7    3.4    4.3 


The results of the PEA announced in the current quarter is a stand-alone mine plan that was undertaken to evaluate a potential future expansion of the KSM mine to the copper rich Iron Cap and Kerr deposits after the PFS mine plan has been completed. The PEA is primarily an underground block cave mining operation supplemented with a small open pit and is planned to operate for 39 years with a peak mill feed production of 170,000 t/d. The PEA demonstrates that KSM is a potential multigenerational mining project with flexibility to vary metal output.


Work also continued on various, significant, components of the eventual design of KSM including connection to BC Hydro’s transmission line. Work was conducted on planned infrastructure projects, including the continuation of the construction of the access road to site as well as new temporary and permanent camp installations.


In the current quarter, the Company continued the 2022 exploration and drilling program at Iskut based on the analysis of the 2021 drilling and geophysical surveying programs. The 2022 program is designed to test the porphyry gold-copper potential at depth on the Bronson Slope deposit as well as below the Quartz Rise Lithocap. Work is also planned to consider forming a drill testing program at an additional site on the SnipGold claim block.


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In addition to exploration work at Iskut, the Company continued its planned 2022 reclamation and closure activities at the Johnny Mountain mine site. Plans for 2022 included, among other items, the dismantling and removal of the historic mill and mill buildings.


At Snowstorm, during the current quarter, the Company evaluated the results of the drilling program completed in the second quarter of 2022. The program entailed re-entering existing drill holes and used directional drilling tools to continue drilling from known gold-bearing intersections, toward prospective higher-grade structures. Approximately 2,500 meters of drilling was completed.


At the 3 Aces gold project in Yukon, the Company successfully secured a five-year, Class 4 permit during the current quarter and work immediately commenced on camp repairs, securing water sources and the drilling program. Due to the delay in the granting of the permit, the Company has altered its original 2022 program to accommodate the shortened drilling season. The 2022 program was designed to test the exploration model developed for a central core area that would confirm the potential for resource expansion and evaluate the applicability of the model to establish drill targets within the 3 Aces claims.


As reported in prior periods, the Company continues to evaluate the best path forward at its Courageous Lake project in NWT. Options include securing a joint venture partner, the sale of all or a portion of the project, updating the 2012 PFS with a smaller initial project, or conducting additional exploration outside the area of known reserves and resources.


In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Company implemented measures to safeguard the health and well-being of its employees, contractors, consultants, and community members. Many of the Company’s employees worked remotely prior to the pandemic, and from March 2020 through to most of 2021 and into 2022, employees have been working remotely during ongoing periods of lockdowns in various jurisdictions. The Company is conducting its 2022 programs around social distancing protocols that include safety and preventative actions at its camps. The Company will execute its 2022 exploration and development work at KSM, Iskut, Snowstorm and 3 Aces projects under the same successful protocols it implemented in 2020 and continued through 2021. The Company’s engagement with potential joint venture partners, or potential acquirors of KSM or Courageous Lake diminished in both 2020 and 2021 as major mining companies focused on addressing the needs of their existing operations as a result of the pandemic.


The Company continues to have full access to its properties in Canada and the United States and has managed to adequately staff its camps for conducting its programs. The Company has not experienced problems obtaining the supplies and services needed for its work programs. The Company will follow the advice of local governments and health authorities where it operates. The Company plans work programs on an annual basis and adjusts its plans to the conditions it faces. Now with many of the travel and other restrictions reduced, the Company fully expects to be able to continue operating its planned programs. One factor that the Company must plan for is the recent resurgence of inflation above past multi-decade levels. Budgets prepared for 2022 have incorporated inflation factors, including labour costs, fuel and energy costs and camp operations and supplies. These increases have not materially impacted planned operations or the Company’s ability to fund and execute its plans. The Company will consider these same factors as it develops its 2023 plans.


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Liquidity and Capital Resources


The Company’s working capital position at September 30, 2022, was $154.3 million compared to $36.9 million on December 31, 2021. Increased cash resources resulted from the cash raised through financings (discussed below), and exercise of stock options, partially offset by cash used in early infrastructure development and corresponding equipment, environmental, reclamation and exploration projects, corporate and administrative costs, and reclamation bonding deposits for KSM. Included in current liabilities at September 30, 2022, is $0.4 million of flow-through premium liability which is a non-cash item (December 31, 2021 - $1.4 million) and will be reduced as flow-through expenditures are incurred.


On March 24, 2022, the Company entered into an agreement selling a secured note (“Note”) that is to be exchanged at maturity for a 60% gross silver royalty (the “Silver Royalty”) on the KSM project to Sprott Resource Streaming and Royalty Corp. and Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (jointly, the “Investors”) for US$225 million. The proceeds of the financing are to be used to continue ongoing physical works at KSM and advance the project towards a designation of Substantially Started. The Substantially Started designation ensures the continuity of the KSM project’s approved EAC for the life of the project.


The Note bears interest at 6.5% per annum, payable quarterly in arrears. The Company can elect to satisfy interest payments in cash or by delivering common shares. During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the interest was paid in cash. The Company’s obligations under the Note are secured by a charge over all of the assets of its wholly owned subsidiary, KSM Mining ULC, and a limited recourse guarantee from the Company secured by a pledge of the shares of KSM Mining ULC.


If project financing to develop, construct and place KSM into commercial production is not in place by March 24, 2027, the Investors can put the Note back to the Company for US$232.5 million in cash or common shares at the Company’s option. This right expires once such project financing is in place. If the Investors exercise this put right, the Investors’ right to purchase the Silver Royalty terminates.


If the EAC expires at any time while the Note is outstanding, the Investors can put the Note back to the Company for US$247.5 million at any time over the following nine months, in cash or common shares at the Company’s option. If the Investors exercise this put right, the Investors’ right to purchase the Silver Royalty would terminate.


When the Note matures, the Investors will use all of the principal amount repaid on maturity to purchase the Silver Royalty. The Note matures upon the first of either commercial production being achieved at KSM and either the 10-year anniversary, or if the EAC expires and the Investors do not exercise their right to put the Note to the Company, the 13-year anniversary of the issue date of the Note.


If commercial production is not achieved at KSM prior to the tenth anniversary from closing, the Silver Royalty payable to the Investors will increase to a 75% gross silver royalty. If the EAC expires during the term of the Note and the corresponding put right is not exercised, the increase will occur at the thirteenth anniversary from closing. The Company has the option to buy back 50% of the Silver Royalty, once exchanged on or before 3 years after commercial production has been achieved, for an amount that provides the Investors a minimum guaranteed annualized return.


No amount payable may be paid in common shares of Seabridge if, after the payment, any of the Investors would own more than 9.9% of the Company’s outstanding shares.


The financing provides most of the capital necessary to attain Substantial Start and reduces the time from the construction schedule once a construction decision has been made.


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During the first quarter of 2021, the Company entered into a revised agreement with two securities dealers, for an At-The-Market offering program, entitling the Company, at its discretion, and from time to time, to sell up to US$75 million in value of common shares of the Company. This program can be in effect until the Company’s current US$775 million Shelf Registration Statement expires in January 2023. During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company issued 997,508 shares, at an average selling price of $22.83 per share, for net proceeds of $22.3 million under Company’s At-The-Market offering.


During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company received $2.7 million upon the exercise of 186,007 stock options. Subsequent to the quarter end, 100,000 stock options were exercised.


In June 2021, the Company issued 350,000 flow-through common shares at $28.06 per common share for aggregate gross proceeds of $9.8 million. The Company committed to renounce its ability to deduct qualifying exploration expenditures for the equivalent value of the gross proceeds of the flow-through financing and transfer the deductibility to the purchasers of the flow-through shares. The effective date of the renouncement was December 31, 2021. At the time of issuance of the flow-through shares, $1.5 million premium was recognized as a liability on the consolidated statements of financial position. During 2021, the Company incurred $1.1 million of qualifying exploration expenditures and $0.2 million of the premium was recognized through other income on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss). During the nine months ended September 30, 2022, the Company incurred $6.1 million of qualifying exploration expenditures and $0.9 million of the premium was recognized through other income on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income (loss).


During the second quarter of 2021, the Company disposed of its residual interests in its previously owned Red Mountain project located in northwestern British Columbia, for net cash proceeds of $21.9 million.


As part of the acquisition agreement of Snowstorm Exploration LLC in June 2017, the Company issued 500,000 common share purchase warrants exercisable for four years at $15.65 per share. During 2021, all the warrants were exercised for net proceeds of $7.8 million and 500,000 common shares were issued.


During the current quarter, operating activities, including working capital adjustments, generated $10.7 million cash compared to $0.1 million cash generated by operating activities in comparative quarter in 2021. The increase in cash generated from operating activities, was mainly related to the foreign exchange gain, interest income, and working capital movement that was partially offset by increase in cash compensation, general and administrative expenses and financing costs. Operating activities in the near-term are expected to remain stable or increase marginally given the growth in project and corporate activity in the Company.


As previously disclosed in the Company’s prior years financial statements, in 2019 the Company received a notice from the CRA that it proposed to reduce the amount of expenditures reported as Canadian Exploration Expenses (CEE) for the three-year period ended December 31, 2016. The Company has funded certain of its exploration expenditures, from time-to-time, with the proceeds from the issuance of flow-through shares and renounced, to subscribers, the expenditures which it determined to be CEE. The notice disputes the eligibility of certain types of expenditures previously audited and approved as CEE by the CRA. The Company strongly disagrees with the notice and responded to the CRA auditors with additional information for their consideration. In 2020, the CRA auditors responded to the Company’s submission and, although accepting additional expenditures as CEE, reiterated that their position remains largely unchanged and subsequently issued reassessments to the Company reflecting the additional CEE expenditures accepted and $2.3 million of Part Xll.6 tax owing. The Company has been made aware that the CRA has reassessed certain investors who subscribed for flow-through shares in 2013 and will reassess other investors with reduced CEE deductions. Notice of objections to the Company’s and investors’ reassessments have and will be filed as received and will be appealed to the courts, should the notice of objections be denied. The Company has indemnified the investors that subscribed for the flow-through shares. The potential tax indemnification to the investors is estimated to be $11.0 million, plus $2.2 million potential interest. No provision has been recorded related to the tax, potential interest, nor the potential indemnity as the Company and its advisors do not consider it probable that there will ultimately be an amount payable.


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During 2016, upon the completion of an audit of the application by tax authorities of the British Columbia Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (“BCMETC”) program, the Company was reassessed $3.6 million, including accrued interest, for expenditures that the tax authority has categorized as not qualifying for the BCMETC program. The Company recorded a $3.6 million provision within non-trade payables and accrued expenses on the consolidated statements of financial position as at December 31, 2016 with a corresponding increase in mineral interests. In 2017 the Company filed an objection to the reassessment with the appeals division of the tax authorities and paid one-half of the accrued balance to the Receiver General and reduced the provision by $1.8 million. In 2019, the Company received a decision from the appeals division that the Company’s objection was denied, and the Company filed a Notice of Appeal with the British Columbia Supreme Court. The Attorney General of Canada replied to the facts and arguments in the Company’s Notice of Appeal and stated its position that the Company’s expenditures did not qualify for the BCMETC program. Subsequent to the year end, the Company completed discoveries with the Department of Justice and will continue to move the appeal process forward as expeditiously as possible. The Company intends to continue to fully defend its position. As at September 30, 2022, the Company has recognized $3.9 million of long-term receivable from the CRA, including $2.3 million of HST credit due to the Company.


The Company will continue its objective of advancing its major gold projects, KSM and Courageous Lake, and to further explore the Iskut, Snowstorm and 3 Aces projects to either sell or enter into joint venture arrangements with major mining companies. The market for metals streams and royalty interests seems to be growing and the Company will determine the merits of disposing of options it holds on non-core net profits interests and net smelter returns. Financing future exploration and development may include the selling or entering into new streaming and royalty arrangements.


Contractual Obligations


The Company has the following commitments as at September 30, 2022:


   Payments due by years 
($000s)  Total   2022   2023-24   2025-26   2027-28 
Capital expenditure obligations   70,424    16,204    54,220    -    - 
Mineral interests   7,308    6    2,506    2,620    2,176 
Flow-through share expenditures   2,683    2,683    -    -    - 
Lease obligation   1,634    178    1,043    314    99 
    82,049    19,071    57,769    2,934    2,275 


During the first quarter of 2022, the Company entered into a Facilities Agreement with British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (“BC Hydro”) covering the design and construction of facilities by BC Hydro to supply construction phase hydro-sourced electricity to the KSM project.


The cost to complete the construction is estimated to be $28.9 million of which the Company paid $7.7 million to BC Hydro in 2022, and $21.2 million is due in 2023. In addition, the Facilities Agreement requires $54.2 million in security or cash from the Company for BC Hydro system reinforcement, which is required to make the power available of which the Company paid $21.2 million to BC Hydro in 2022, and $33.0 million is due in 2023. The $54.2 million system reinforcement security will be forgiven annually, typically over a period of less than 8 years, based on project power consumption.


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Prior to its maturity, the secured note bears interest at 6.5%, or US$14.6 million per annum, payable quarterly in arrears. The Company can elect to satisfy interest payments in cash or by delivering common shares.




As mentioned above, the COVID-19 pandemic has not materially impacted the Company’s operations, financial condition or financial performance in the current or previous quarters of 2022, but in 2020 and 2021 it caused it to reduce the scale of certain programs as it hindered the pace of advancement at the affected projects in those years. The Company has been able to execute its 2022 exploration, and monitoring programs at its projects as well as the site capture and early infrastructure development activities at KSM, safely and within the constraints and safety measures implemented. Depending on potential outbreaks and additional restrictions, the pandemic may hinder progress in the future but to date it has had no material impact to the results of operations. Although the capital markets have been relatively volatile, the Company has not experienced limitations nor does it foresee limitations to accessing capital on acceptable terms. No disruptions to supply chains have been experienced nor have there been delays in project activity.


In 2022, the Company has enjoyed favorable capital markets, closing the US$225 million secured financing in the first fiscal quarter and has successfully raised funds under its ATM offering of common shares and other financings mentioned above and its financial condition has not been adversely impacted by the pandemic. As a company without revenue from operations, its financial performance has not been impacted by the pandemic. The Company will continue to monitor developments of the pandemic and continuously assess the pandemic’s potential impact on the Company’s operations and business.


In addition to the extensive Substantial Start work that the Company is carrying out in 2022, it also continues its pursuit of a joint venture agreement on the KSM project with a suitable partner on terms advantageous to the Company, since it does not intend to build or operate the project alone. The KSM project includes multiple deposits and provides a joint venture partner, or purchaser, flexibility in the design of the project. In accordance with its priorities and risk tolerance, the Company believes that it does not make sense for it to start preparing a feasibility study on the KSM project on its own. The 2022 KSM PFS includes recommendations on additional work that could be completed to advance the project, including budget estimates. The work that a joint venture partner might choose to complete might include some or all of this recommended work and might include significantly more work, and so the timing and cost for a joint venture partner to conclude the recommended work or a feasibility study is difficult to predict. The Company plans its work to advance the KSM project on an annual basis, when the results of one year’s work have been received and analyzed, planning for the next year begins. Currently, the Company is focused on Substantial Start activities and while planning its programs, the Company will consider the recommended work in the PFS, but the Company will decide work based on its priorities, the results of its advancement work and the items it believes are best left for a joint venture partner to decide. Plans for each year are typically announced in the second quarter of the year and budgets are established at the beginning of that year.


At Iskut, the Company will finalize its 2022 exploration program that is focused on a potential porphyry deposit below the Quartz Rise lithocap and on the Bronson Slope deposit. Once completed, results will be evaluated and plans for follow-up, if warranted, will be designed for 2023. Environmental work will also continue on the reclamation and closure plan for the Johnny Mountain mine.


At Snowstorm, the Company will continue to evaluate the results of the drilling program, completed in the second quarter and determine the most suitable follow-up program for 2023.


At the Company’s 3 Aces project, the Company will conclude its modified 2022 drilling program and will evaluate the results along with the knowledge garnered with the study of historical data to establish determine the most suitable follow-up program for 2023. The overall program is focused on the discovery of a high grade mineralized deposit.


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Environment, Social and Governance


Management and the Board of Directors have formalized several key policies that entrench the Company’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals, priorities and strategies to operate safely, sustainably and with the highest governance standards. The Board of Directors has established a Sustainability Committee and granted that committee the authority to investigate any activity of the Corporation and its affiliates relating to sustainability and ESG. As the Company operates in the natural resource extraction industry, the Company strives to achieve the highest operating standards, assessing and mitigating the impacts on the physical environment and the communities in which the Company operates. The Company is committed to sustainability and the integration of sustainability principles into all of our activities and has adopted its Sustainability Policy. In the current quarter, the Company published its supplemental Sustainability Report providing insight to the Company’s commitment to local communities, environment and sustainability. The report captures the last quarter of 2021 to highlight the Company’s progress towards integrating sustainability into its operations. The Company’s Sustainability Reports are prepared with select disclosures and guidance from the Sustainability Standards Accounting Board Metals and Mining Industry Standards and the Global Reporting Initiative Standards, as well as metrics designed for specifically for the Company. The Company also published its ESG Performance Tables for its first reporting year, 2020. The sustainability report highlights the Company’s accomplishments and approach to three critical pillars: the economy, society, and the environment. These pillars are seen as interdependent, each necessary and supportive to the other. The Company recognizes that sustainability involves protecting environmental values in the area of our projects, contributing to the health and the economic and social well-being of our employees and the local communities, and taking action on national and global priorities. A sustainable human environment requires the Company to consider issues such as cultural respect, inclusiveness, diversity, and broad participation in the opportunities and benefits which derive from our efforts.


In addition to the Sustainability Policy, the Company has also implemented its Environmental Policy; Health and Safety Policy including a separate policy on discrimination, bullying, harassment, and violence; a Workplace Employment Policy; and its Policy Statement on Diversity. The Inaugural Sustainability Report and all of the Company’s policies related to ESG can be found on the Company’s website


Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting


The Company’s management under the supervision of the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer are responsible for designing adequate internal controls over financial reporting or causing them to be designed under their supervision in order to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with IFRS. Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal controls over financial reporting. The control framework used is Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).


Changes to Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting


There was no change in the Company’s internal controls over financial reporting that occurred during the period beginning on June 30, 2022 and ended on September 30, 2022, that has materially affected or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal controls over financial reporting.


Disclosure Controls and Procedures


Disclosure controls and procedures have been designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company is accumulated and communicated to management as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. The Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have concluded, based on their evaluation of the design of the disclosure controls and procedures as of September 30, 2022, that they are appropriately designed and effective and that since the December 31, 2021 evaluation, there have been no material changes to the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures.


Limitations of Controls and Procedures


The Company’s management, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, believe that any internal controls over financial reporting and disclosure controls and procedures, no matter how well designed, can have inherent limitations. Therefore, even those systems determined to be effective can provide only reasonable assurance that the objectives of the control system are met.


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The Company’s management is responsible for cybersecurity risks that face the Company, and the Board of Directors has granted the Audit Committee the authority to oversee management’s assessment of those risks and their prevention and mitigation approaches and to investigate any material breaches. To date, there have been no material breaches of security measures.


An independent review of access to information and other security protocols around the Company’s IT systems was undertaken in 2020 and another review is planned for early 2023. The review, among other items, verifies all employees’ ability to recognize potentially malicious emails or other communications that could enable an intruder to download malware onto the Company’s systems leading to the potential circumventing of the Company’s security protocols and to potentially steal or hold ransom Company data.


Shares Issued and Outstanding


At November 14, 2022, the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company totaled 80,398,664. In addition, there were 737,327 stock options, and 34,000 RSUs. Assuming the conversion of all of these instruments outstanding, there would be 81,169,991 common shares issued and outstanding.


Related Party Transactions


During the current quarter and the comparative quarter in 2021, there were no payments to related parties other than compensation paid to key management personnel. These transactions were in the normal course of operations and were measured at the exchange amount, which is the amount of consideration established and agreed to by the related parties.


Critical Accounting Estimates


The Company’s management makes judgments in its process of applying the Company’s accounting policies in the preparation of its consolidated financial statements. In addition, the preparation of financial data requires that the Company’s management make assumptions and estimates of effects of uncertain future events on the carrying amounts of the Company’s assets and liabilities at the end of the reporting period and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates as the estimation process is inherently uncertain. Estimates are reviewed on an ongoing basis based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant under the circumstances. Revisions to estimates and the resulting effects on the carrying amounts of the Company’s assets and liabilities are accounted for prospectively.


The critical judgments, estimates and assumptions applied in the preparation of the Company’s consolidated financial statements are reflected in note 3 (N) of the Company’s audited annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021.


The Company has elected to account for its secured note liability and all embedded derivatives as a single financial liability. The change in fair value of the secured note liability is recognized in profit or loss. The change in the fair value related to the Company’s own credit risk is recorded through other comprehensive income (loss).


The Company measures the fair value of its secured note liability using a Monte Carlo simulation model. Significant inputs and assumptions into this model include future silver prices, discount rates, forecasted silver production, and probabilities of Environmental Assessment Certificate (“EAC”) expiry, achieving commercial production and securing project financing. Changes to these inputs and assumptions could have a significant impact on the measurement of the secured note liability. Refer to Note 12 for further information.


Borrowing costs are capitalized and allocated specifically to qualifying assets when funds have been borrowed, either to specifically finance a project or for general borrowings during the period of construction. Qualifying assets are defined as assets that require more than nine months to be brought to the location and condition intended by management. Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when such assets are ready for their intended use.


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Risks and Uncertainties


The risks and uncertainties are discussed within the Company’s most recent Annual Information Form filed on SEDAR at, and the Annual Report on Form 40-F filed on EDGAR at


Forward Looking Statements


The consolidated financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis and any other materials included with them, contain certain forward-looking statements relating but not limited to the Company’s expectations, intentions, plans and beliefs. Forward-looking information can often be identified by forward-looking words such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “goal”, “plan”, “intend”, “estimate”, “may” and “will” or similar words suggesting future outcomes, or other expectations, beliefs, estimates, plans, objectives, assumptions, intentions or statements about future events or performance. Forward-looking information may include reserve and resource estimates and expected changes to them, estimates of future production and related financial analysis, unit costs, costs of capital projects and timing of commencement of operations, and is based on current expectations that involve a number of business risks and uncertainties. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from any forward-looking statement include, but are not limited to, failure to establish estimated resources and reserves, the grade and recovery of ore which is mined varying from estimates, capital and operating costs varying significantly from estimates, delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other project approvals, inflation, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in the development of projects and other factors. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results.


Potential shareholders and prospective investors should be aware that these statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those suggested by the forward-looking statements. Shareholders are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. By its nature, forward-looking information involves numerous assumptions, inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and various future events will not occur. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or other such factors which affect this information, except as required by law.



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Exhibit 99.3




Report to Shareholders

Quarter Ended September 30, 2022


Recent Highlights


Awarded the 2022 Jake McDonald Mine Reclamation Award for our work at Johnny Mountain
Continued progress of Substantially Started activities at KSM
Received Class 4 Exploration Permit for 3 Aces
Immediate commencement of drill program at 3 Aces
2022 exploration program at Iskut completed … assays awaited
Published Q4 2021 Sustainability Report


Reclamation Activities Recognized at Historic Johnny Mountain Mine


Seabridge was awarded the 2022 Jake McDonald Annual Mine Reclamation Award presented by the British Columbia Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation (TRCR) to recognize outstanding achievement in mine reclamation in British Columbia.


The award recognizes the multi-year $12 million environmental and reclamation program Seabridge Gold is voluntarily undertaking with the Tahltan Nation at the 100%-owned Iskut Project, located in the transboundary region of northwest British Columbia, bordering southeast Alaska. The comprehensive program is reclaiming the former Johnny Mountain Mine (JMM) which was operated by previous owners in the late 1980s, by bringing the site back to its pre-mining conditions. The award validates Seabridge’s reputation as a ‘responsible operator’ and our commitment to protect the environment.


In 2016, Seabridge Gold purchased SnipGold Corp and its mineral tenures, including the former Johnny Mountain Mine, which was in a complete state of disrepair, with significant existing and historic reclamation liabilities, including several outstanding BC Ministry of the Environment environmental orders. For the past six years, the Seabridge team has been actively working to reclaim the historic JMM Site.


Seabridge plans to complete the full reclamation and closure of the JMM Site in 2025. Work completed to date has included a detailed regional aquatic characterization study, a site investigation study and a detailed project execution plan in line with an approved Closure Management Plan developed in cooperation with the Tahltan Nation. On the ground, we have designed, constructed and permitted a non-hazardous solid waste landfill and removed the contents from five unauthorized landfills across the site for final disposal at the approved landfill. We have dismantled and cleaned an old fuel tank farm and completed in-situ hydrocarbon remediation of contaminated soils. Potential acid-generating waste rock from the portal pads was moved to the tailings management facility to be stored underwater. The Company also closed five vent raises which posed safety risks to both humans and the local wildlife. We also undertook multiple Dam Safety Reviews and annual Dam Safety Inspections, and maintenance of the tailings impoundment. Hazardous materials from the mill building were removed and sent offsite to a licensed hazardous waste disposal facility. The mill building was also demolished, drastically changing the landscape of the old JMM site.


To learn more about the reclamation work underway at the JMM, watch here.


Substantially Started activities advance at KSM with bridges, access roads, camps, power and fish compensation facilities


Seabridge continued its early construction activities at KSM. Installation of the Bell-Irving River Bridge was completed and placed into service. The bridge will provide permanent access to KSM’s process plant and tailings facility areas. As of early November, construction of the Treaty Creek Access Road reached the planned milestone of 17 kilometers for the 2022 season. The remaining 13 kilometers are planned for completion in the 2023 season.


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Permanent housing at Camp 11 was commissioned with 99 beds to support construction and eventual operations on the Treaty side of the property just off Highway 37. Earthworks for the Camp 11 area were accelerated to help de-risk construction and operation activities, which include support facilities, laydown areas and centralized infrastructure. Earthworks at Camp 9 in the Mitchell Valley were completed following a successful heavy lift program. Higher than average snowpack resulted in a compressed construction season on the Coulter Creek Access Road, which translated into less than planned progress. Site development by BC Hydro on the multi-year Treaty Creek Terminal continued as planned with the station pad nearing completion. Bulk earthworks at the Glacier Creek Fish Habitat Offsetting Pond were substantially completed by the end of the construction season, with planned revegetation scheduled for 2023.


Successful execution of the 2022 data collection program concluded with 6,200 meters of drilling in the mine area focused on geotechnical and geohydrological characterization of the Water Storage Dam (WSD) and the Mitchell Diversion Tunnel (MDT).


Seabridge has partnered with Fluor Corporation, a globally recognized EPCM firm, to develop an integrated KSM project team and leverage industry best project management processes and systems. Engineering efforts progressed on early infrastructure in support of the master schedule. Seabridge continued to focus on Health, Safety, Community and Environment with the implementation of a shuttle service, site-wide safety programs and emphasis on environmental compliance and stewardship.


Seabridge continued to prioritize the awarding of work to Indigenous partners and/or companies that have formed joint ventures with Indigenous groups. The ongoing site capture activities are intended to move KSM towards accomplishing four main objectives:


1.Achieve a ’substantially started’ designation which ensures the continuity of the KSM project’s approved Environmental Assessment Certificate (“EAC”) for the life of the project;
2.Complete key tasks which support construction readiness and will shorten the construction period once a construction decision has been made;
3.Enhance the KSM proposition in our joint venture negotiations by securing the EAC, further de-risking the project, and accelerating the construction timetable; and
4.Continue to build on the relationships with our Indigenous stakeholders.


3 Aces Class 4 permit opens the door for exploration at 3 Aces


On September 9, Seabridge received its Class 4 Quartz Exploration Permit from the Yukon Government Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources for its 100% owned 3 Aces project. This permit allows Seabridge to conduct a gold focused exploration program with the following activities:


Camp operations to support exploration personnel
Field activities, consisting of line cutting, trenching, geological mapping, and the completion of geophysical surveys


Seabridge thanks the Yukon Government, the Liard First Nation (LFN), and Ross River Dena Council (RRDC) for working together to issue this permit. We look forward to establishing in the Yukon the same reputation for operating excellence that we have established with the Indigenous peoples of northwest British Columbia and provincial regulators.


Seabridge’s inaugural drill program now underway at 3 Aces


3 Aces was acquired by Seabridge in March 2020 as a district scale, orogenic-gold project consisting of 1,734 claims covering 357 km² (35,700 ha) located in a readily accessible part of southeastern Yukon. The target concept for this project is consistent with some of the biggest and richest gold deposits in the world, including the California Mother Lode Belt, Juneau Gold Belt, Murentau in Uzbekistan and Obuasi in Ghana. Historical work has identified a broad area of gold-in-soil occurrences extending more than 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) along strike.


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Field programs completed by Seabridge in 2021 identified four separate target areas for drill testing. To fit the limited season still available in 2022 after the permit was granted, drilling tested our 3-dimensional model on four targets at the Hearts zone to confirm our theory that gold-bearing veins are hosted on the axis of secondary aniticlinal folds intersected by specific thrust faults. The current program will generate approximately 1,500 meters of core to improve 3-dimensional controls on these structures and institute sampling protocols to confirm the reliability and repeatablity of gold assays.


The following table summarizes selected intervals from drilling by previous owners at the Hearts zone:


Hole ID  DH Type  From


   Gold Grade
3A16-048  RC   96.01    104.39    8.38    6.39 
3A16-054  RC   38.86    58.67    19.81    4.76 
3A16-055  RC   51.05    60.20    9.15    9.37 
3A16-082  DD   42.67    60.96    18.29    16.75 
3A16-084  DD   103.98    115.82    11.84    1.72 
3A16-085  RC   86.87    96.01    9.14    8.65 
3A17-203  RC   10.67    30.48    19.81    3.32 


NOTE: RC – reverse circulation drilling; DD = diamond core drilling


Environmental monitoring activities focusing on wildlife management, water sampling and understanding environmental baseline conditions are being conducted to support the exploration activities. Additionally, Seabridge will continue its previously initiated reclamation activities at the site, focusing on unused exploration roads.


2022 drill program at Iskut discovers large, mineralized breccia pipe


The 2022 core drilling program at its 100%-owned Iskut project in northwestern British Columbia’s Golden Triangle has discovered a significant breccia pipe beneath the historical Bronson Slope skarn deposit. Visual inspections of the core plus preliminary assay results demonstrate the pipe is mineralized with gold associated with copper mineralization on its margins. Represented in the breccia pipe are multiple hydrothermal eruptive events believed to have originated from a mineralized intrusive source. While assays are still in process, we believe this discovery could have important implication for the future of our Company.


The complexly brecciated pipe-like body, with an indicated diameter of about 320 meters, contains varying size clasts of wall rock, chiefly porphyritic monzonite, and Triassic sedimentary rocks in a matrix of quartz-magnetite. Irregular clast size in the breccia displays intense textural destruction and hydrothermal alteration. Matrix to the breccia consists of massive magnetite, massive quartz, and ribbon-banded quartz-magnetite veins. Veins of quartz-magnetite, quartz-sulfide and magnetite are observed cutting the breccia clasts and matrix. The scale and intensity of this breccia pipe are unusual and a trait of many large, productive oceanic-arc porphyry mineral systems including Grasberg (Indonesia), Cadia Ridgeway (Australia) and Ok Tedi (Papua New Guinea).


The 2022 program consisted of 10 core drill holes totaling 10,600 meters. Assay results are pending and are expected to be released over the next month.


Q4 2021 Sustainability Report Filed


In September, Seabridge filed its supplemental Sustainability Report providing insight into the Company’s commitment to local communities, environment and sustainability. The report captures the last quarter of 2021 to highlight progress towards integrating sustainability into all aspects of our business. To review the report and supporting data tables please go to


The report was prepared with select disclosures and guidance from the Sustainability Standards Accounting Board (SASB) Metals and Mining Industry Standards and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, as well as metrics designed for Seabridge. Going forward, Seabridge expects to file its annual sustainability reports by June 30th of each year.


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The Gold Market


On Wednesday, November 2 the Federal Reserve raised its Fed Funds Rate another 75 basis points into the range of 3.75% to 4% from effectively zero at the start of the year. This is the fastest the Fed has ever raised rates in its history, and we did not expect them to get this far without fomenting a financial accident significant enough to cause a pivot.


The $6T flood of additional liquidity engineered by the Treasury in the last two years to offset pandemic shutdowns and fund green programs, $4T of it financed by Fed balance sheet expansion, has been sufficient to delay the inevitable. The dollar has hit 20-year highs as rates have risen and as Quantitative Tightening (QT) has reduced liquidity by shrinking the Fed balance sheet by about 3% in the past 4 months. The historic run in the dollar has generated downward pressure on the price of gold in U.S. dollars.


In 2018, a similar attempt by the Fed to raise rates and reduce its balance sheet was hastily withdrawn when failing liquidity froze the high yield debt market and sent financial players scrambling for liquidity. Within weeks, the Fed was forced to cut rates, stop QT and inject trillions in additional dollar liquidity into overnight markets to bring credit markets back into some measure of stability. Fed tightening always ends this way and it will again. And we think credit markets will again be the deciding factor. The extreme rapidity of the current QT into the face of a recession is a guarantee that this pivot will not be gentle.


Illiquidity in the Treasury market was recently singled out by Treasury Secretary Yellen herself. Treasury markets this year have had the worst performance in their history. Why? More sellers than buyers. The largest sovereign holders (and previous buyers) such as Japan, China and the EU are now regular sellers. Commercial banks are reducing their holdings as interest rates rise. The Treasury is raising issuance to pay for bigger deficits thanks to expensive new programs such as the $739B Inflation Reduction Act. The Fed is now a seller at $95B per month. And as rates rise, Treasury interest expense is climbing fast while recessionary tax revenues are falling --- a doom loop of bigger deficits and more issuance.


The repercussions of rapid tightening aren’t yet obvious; the data lags as Chair Powell has noted. But we are almost there, and gold will be the primary beneficiary.


Financial Results


During the three-month period ended September 30, 2022 Seabridge posted a net profit of $5.0 million ($0.06 per share) compared to a net loss of $0.8 million ($0.01 per share) for the same period last year. During the 3rd quarter, Seabridge invested $75.6 million in mineral interests, compared to $25.6 million during the same period last year. At September 30, 2022, net working capital was $154.3 million compared to $36.9 million at December 31, 2021.


Included in the net profit reported for the current quarter was a non-cash gain associated with the Secured Note issued to Sprott Resource Streaming and Royalty Corp. and Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan in February 2022. The Company is treating the Secured Note as a financial liability and under IFRS Accounting Standards, Seabridge will be revaluing the liability on a quarterly basis. The change in value reported as of September 30, 2022 was primarily due to increases in interest rates during the quarter. For details on the accounting treatment of the Secured Note, please refer to Note 12 to Seabridge’s September 30, 2022 financial statements.


On Behalf of the Board of Directors,  
/s/ Rudi P. Fronk  
Rudi P. Fronk  
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer  
November 14, 2022  


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