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Table of Contents

Washington, D.C. 20549


Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant Filed by a party other than the Registrant      

  Preliminary Proxy Statement
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
Definitive Proxy Statement
  Definitive Additional Materials
Soliciting Material under §240.14a-12

The Allstate Corporation

(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

  No fee required
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Table of Contents

Allstate exists to serve
customers, create
opportunity for our team,
generate attractive returns
for investors, improve
communities, and make a
difference in the world.

Notice of 2023 Annual Meeting
and Proxy Statement
2022 Annual Report

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Shareholder Letter

Adapting to the Present While Building for the Future

Allstate rapidly responded to a difficult operating environment in 2022 to mitigate negative financial results while staying on course to build a low-cost digital protection company. Financial results were below expectations with a net loss of $1.4 billion that resulted from auto insurance underwriting losses and a decline in the value of public equity investments. A comprehensive plan to increase auto insurance margins is well underway and margins are expected to increase. Despite these challenges, the strategies to increase market share in personal property-liability and expand protection offerings are on track. Allstate is creating a better future for customers, shareholders, team members and communities.

2022 Operating Performance

The decline in financial performance did not reflect the agility and precision of operating results.

The underwriting loss was generated from auto insurance as costs to repair and replace cars and settle third-party liability claims increased by over 15% from the prior year. Increases in the estimates for auto losses from pre-2022 claims also negatively impacted 2022 results. The comprehensive program to improve auto insurance margins includes Allstate brand rate increases of 16.9%, expense reductions, tighter underwriting standards and adapting claims practices to a high inflation environment.
Homeowners insurance continued its industry leading performance generating $681 million of underwriting income, while growing policies in force by 1.4%.
Investment results were strong in a difficult year. A proactive approach to investing reduced exposure to higher interest rates, which avoided $2 billion of declines in the portfolio’s market value. While the overall portfolio had a negative 4% return for the year, this was better than the Bloomberg Intermediate Bond and the S&P 500 equity indices which declined by 9% and 18%, respectively.
The Protection Services businesses served more customers with broader protection and had strong operating results. Protection Plans’ written premiums increased by 5% to $1.9 billion and had $150 million of Adjusted Net Income (ANI). Health and Benefits generated $222 million of ANI.
Shareholders received cash of $3.4 billion of which $926 million was dividends, which were increased by 5% per share. Relative ownership per share increased by 6.1% in 2022 reflecting share repurchases.

A Purpose-Driven Company Powered by Purpose-Driven People

People are the key to success. The pandemic has changed the ways and places that people work. Allstate is adapting to these changes by approaching employees as customers who are team members.

Employees are “purchasing” a career opportunity that includes professional growth, compensation, flexibility, inclusivity, and an opportunity to make a difference. They “pay” for this with their expertise, engagement, and commitment.
Flexibility to work remotely or hybrid is an increasingly important part of the employee value proposition. Commuting is overrated and no one wants to drive to an office for a Zoom call. As a result, Allstate has embraced the concept of flexibility with over 80% of U.S. employees choosing remote work. This significantly reduces real estate costs but does impact collaboration and belonging.
New ways of collaborating and creating a sense of belonging are being developed given the extent of remote work. Allstate’s culture is a foundation for success so this legacy must be protected while adapting to a new work environment.
Inclusive diversity and equity also drive belonging and commitment and improve business outcomes. Allstate’s leadership position was advanced with improvements in representation, business practices and community engagement.
These results were delivered by a team that successfully dealt with business challenges, innovated, and managed leadership transitions. The Board of Directors provides invaluable wisdom and perspective to help an outstanding team. Don Civgin retired as Vice Chair in May after 13 years. Rhonda Ferguson’s passing in May stunned all of us and the team rallied to fulfill the Chief Legal Officer’s responsibilities. Glenn Shapiro also retired, staying until September to support these transitions.
Once again, Allstate was included in DiversityInc’s Top 50 Companies for Diversity.


Table of Contents

AllstateShareholder Letter


Allstate was named the 21st best managed company out of over 900 companies by the Wall Street Journal/Drucker Institute and ranked 4th overall for innovation.

Climate Strategy

Increased severe weather, the transition to a lower carbon economy and higher societal expectations of business require us to incorporate climate change into strategy and operating plans. Climate change affects all four stakeholders covered by Our Shared Purpose.

Customers need affordable protection from severe weather and greater resiliency and disaster response capacity. Electrification of the auto fleet also needs to be reflected in auto insurance coverages.
Shareholders require a sustainable business that adapts to external changes while delivering growth and attractive returns. New investment opportunities will be realized with the transition to a lower carbon economy.
Allstaters value the opportunity to help customers, seize new business opportunities and improve society since these lead to professional growth and stable employment.
Communities want businesses to utilize their capabilities to create a better future and they reward them by buying their products.

Allstate has successfully adapted to increased severe weather change for over a quarter of a century. As a result, the homeowners business provides coverage to more than 7 million homes, and paid out over $11.4 billion in catastrophe losses while averaging $644 million of underwriting income annually over the last five years. Allstate also helped create public risk sharing pools in Florida, Texas, and California to provide customers with affordable protection for uninsurable risks.

Expertise and relationships are being expanded to find attractive investment opportunities from the transition to a lower carbon economy. In 2022, a commitment was made to achieve net zero emissions for Scope 1 and 2 measures by 2030. Scope 3 measures that cover the investment portfolio currently lack consistency and therefore these targets will not be established until 2025.

Creating the Future

Allstate seeks to create the future, not just react to trends. Transformative Growth in the property-liability business will improve the customer value proposition with affordable, simple, and connected protection. Becoming the lowest cost auto and home insurer will increase market share but requires significant operational changes, which are well underway.

Transformative Growth has five components and Allstate made significant progress in 2022.

Improve Customer Value Proposition – Affordability was improved by lowering operating expenses. A new, digital auto insurance product was launched in two states and is expected to become available to about one-third of the U.S. through direct distribution in 2023.
Expand and Enhance Distribution – Allstate brand products are available through Allstate agents, call centers and online with pricing that reflects the cost and value of each channel. National General continues to expand its relationship with independent agents.
Lower Customer Acquisition Costs – Strides were made in improving marketing effectiveness, which will be critical when marketing increases as auto insurance profitability improves.
Build New Technology Ecosystems – A new product management system was deployed with the new auto insurance product, increasing agility and enabling the eventual retirement of legacy technology systems.
Enhance Organizational Capabilities - Digital, analytical and technology capabilities were expanded to accelerate transformation. Focus on improving decision clarity enhanced execution.

The Protection Services businesses also focused on creating the future. Protection Plans expanded into the furniture category and new international markets, building on its success in consumer electronics with U.S. retailers. Health and Benefits is implementing a new operating platform and expanding from worksite offerings to direct sales to individuals. Identity Protection upgraded its technology platform and expanded protection offerings.

Corporate Stewardship

Allstate is one of the largest “main street” protection companies in the U.S., serving over 189 million policyholders. We have grown into this responsibility since the first policy insured a 1930 Studebaker 92 years ago by focusing on customers and broadly defining our role in society. Our Shared Purpose and the Societal Engagement Framework provide clarity and structure to assess trade-offs between conflicting objectives. Allstate’s legacy is built on the fortitude to lead when needed, while limiting our role to the requirements of Our Shared Purpose.

The Allstate Foundation is also embedded in our history with 70 years of improving communities. Last year thousands of nonprofits were supported to disrupt the cycle of relationship abuse, empower youth through service and advance economic mobility for people of color.

Your support makes it possible for Allstate to build on this legacy, be forward-looking and live Our Shared Purpose. Together we are making a difference in the world!


Tom Wilson

Chair, President
and CEO



Table of Contents


Letter from

Independent Directors

April 10, 2023

Fellow Shareholders,

2022 was a year of adaptations and persistence for Allstate. The external environment presented challenges with high inflation and declining investment values that negatively impacted earnings and economic value. Allstate has a long history of successfully navigating challenging environments and last year was no different with rapid adaptation of the annual plan while maintaining long-term value creation. This past year the Board was focused on short- and long-term priorities, risk and return, human capital and environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) issues. As we approach the 2023 annual meeting, this letter highlights the Board’s independent oversight of Allstate’s Shared Purpose.

Operating Performance

Maintaining Allstate’s operational excellence and performance is necessary for long-term growth and value creation. In 2022, operating results deteriorated with net loss of $1.4 billion and adjusted net loss* of $262 million, reflecting an underwriting loss in auto insurance and a valuation decline of equity investments. Consequently, increased Board time was spent overseeing management’s actions to improve profitability. Management is successfully implementing a comprehensive profit improvement plan with Allstate brand auto insurance rate increases of 16.9%. Strong operating performance in most other businesses, coupled with the capital freed up from the divestiture of the life and annuity businesses, supported the return of $3.4 billion to shareholders in 2022 through dividends and share repurchases.

Driving Long-Term Growth

Management and the Board also focused on long-term growth while adapting to dramatic cost increases and a volatile market. Transformative Growth, a multi-year initiative to increase personal property-liability market share and expand protection offered to customers, remains at the forefront of Allstate’s strategy. The Board continued its oversight of this important strategic initiative, which made substantial progress in 2022. A new automobile insurance product using state-of-the-art technology was introduced in two states with an improved customer experience and reduced costs.

Providing Effective Risk Oversight

Board oversight of risk and return practices are also critical to long-term value creation. We regularly review the company’s risks related to strategic direction, financial markets, environmental sustainability, human capital, culture and investment risks.

The Board assessed risks presented by Transformative Growth, compensation programs and financial controls and also focused on the impacts of inflation, reinsurance utilization, geopolitical risk, policyholder retention and climate change. Additionally, the Board oversaw Allstate’s security and data privacy programs. We supplemented our oversight with external independent resources in several important areas – compensation, cybersecurity, Board composition, and pay equity. We enhanced oversight of the independent auditors by reviewing their internal control process to ensure independence and public company oversight and completed a request for information from alternative auditors.

The Board also ensures we have the capabilities, experience and processes to provide appropriate oversight and guidance with respect to Allstate’s strategy, business results, diversity, culture and societal engagement. Board and individual director performance is evaluated throughout the year. Monica Turner joined the Board, bringing extensive strategic expertise with consumer-focused brands and outstanding operational leadership capabilities, which will enhance the value added by our Board.

The Board continued its practice of utilizing external independent resources to supplement its oversight in several key areas - compensation, pay equity, cybersecurity and Board composition.

* For additional information, please see Appendix A – Definitions of Non-GAAP Measures.

Table of Contents

Letter from Independent Directors


Sustainable Performance and ESG

Allstate’s purpose is to empower customers with protection, provide opportunities to team members, create attractive returns for shareholders, and improve communities. Achieving all of these is critical to sustainable success but requires focus and clarity to balance between objectives. Allstate’s focus on climate, data privacy and equity are based on a Societal Engagement Framework, which is used to evaluate, prepare and communicate Allstate’s participation in societal issues. This framework evaluates issues on five criteria: importance to our ability to serve customers, level of Allstate’s expertise, ability to effect change, impact on stakeholders, and risk adjusted returns.

Allstate has actively addressed the impacts of climate change on its customers for over 25 years by advocating for strong catastrophe disaster preparation and response, effective building standards and adequate risk sharing mechanisms. This year we established greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for Allstate’s operations with the goal to achieve net zero emissions for direct, indirect and value-chain greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Investment capabilities have also been expanded to improve risk adjusted returns by participating in the transition to a low-carbon economy. The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) reports highlight this progress.

Allstate’s shareholder engagement program is integral to the Board’s oversight and decision-making process and informs important practices and policies in our strategy and compensation and ESG programs. In 2022, Allstate engaged with shareholders holding approximately 36% of outstanding shares.

Prioritizing Human Capital

Allstate’s employees and agents are essential to driving future success. Several important human capital initiatives were reviewed with the Board and advanced during the year:

Inclusive Diversity and Equity (IDE) – Progress was made in all three components of the multi-year IDE strategy: Representation, Business Practices and Community Engagement. Racial and gender representation increased across the company. Diverse supplier relationships were expanded. Allstate continues to be an active participant in OneTen, a cross-industry effort to create one million family sustaining jobs in America. We also completed our annual independent external pay equity analysis and publicly disclosed our EEO-1 report.
Succession Planning – Allstate’s breadth and depth of talent is critical to achieving Our Shared Purpose. The Board reviews senior leadership and CEO succession from both an enterprise and individual perspective in multiple sessions throughout the year.
Compensation – Compensation plans are tightly linked to a broad set of performance measures. Incentive compensation plans include performance on IDE and Transformative Growth implementation. Senior leadership’s annual incentives were substantially reduced given the net loss in 2022.

Your view is important to us, and we value your continued investment and support. We believe Allstate is positioned for success in the coming year and remain confident in the company’s ability to accelerate sustainable growth and profitability and focus on ensuring Allstate fulfills its obligations to you, the customers and the broader community. Thank you for trusting us to oversee the long-term sustainability of Allstate.


 Donald E. Brown

Siddharth N.
(Bobby) Mehta

Judith A. Sprieser


Kermit R. Crawford

Jacques P. Perold

Perry M. Traquina


 Richard T. Hume

Andrea Redmond

Monica Turner


Margaret M. Keane

Gregg M. Sherrill


Table of Contents


Notice of 2023
Annual Meeting of

Items of Business Board
  Election of 12 directors

FOR each nominee

See pages 18-25   

advisory vote on the
compensation of the named executives


See pages 61-86   

advisory vote on the
frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation of the named executives


See page 107   

  Ratification of appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as Allstate’s independent registered public accountant for 2023


See pages 108-111   


In addition, any other business properly presented may be acted upon at the meeting.

By Order of the Board,

Christine DeBiase


April 10, 2023

Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Shareholder Meeting to Be Held on May 23, 2023

The Notice of 2023 Annual Meeting, Proxy Statement, and 2022 Annual Report and the means to vote by Internet are available at proxyvote.com.

      Date and Time
  Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. Central time. Admittance to the webcast begins at 10:30 a.m.
  Virtual (Online Only)
  www.virtualshareholder meeting.com/ALL2023
  Record Date
  Holders of Allstate common stock at the close of business on March 24, 2023. Each share of common stock is entitled to one vote for each director candidate and one vote for each of the other proposals.
Shareholders who wish to participate in the meeting should review pages 114-117.
  Date of Mailing
  On or about April 10, 2023, these proxy materials and annual report are being mailed or made available to shareholders and to participants in the Allstate 401(k) Savings Plan.

How to Vote in Advance

Your vote is important. Please vote as soon as possible by one of the methods shown below. Make sure to have your proxy card, voting instruction form, or notice of Internet availability in hand and follow the instructions. You may also vote during the annual meeting by visiting www.virtualshareholdermeeting. com/ALL2023, entering your control number, and following the instructions.

      By Telephone
  In the U.S. or Canada, you can vote your shares toll-free by calling 1-800-690-6903.
    By Mail
  You can vote by mail by marking, dating, and signing your proxy card or voting instruction form and returning it in the postage-paid envelope.
    By Internet
  You can vote your shares online at proxyvote.com.
    By Tablet or Smartphone
  You can vote your shares with your tablet or smartphone by scanning the QR code.


Table of Contents


Participating in our
Annual Meeting

The 2023 annual meeting will be held in a virtual meeting format since it provides greater access and participation opportunities for shareholders.

Virtual Meetings
Increase Participation




      Who can participate in the Virtual Annual Meeting? If you plan to participate in the annual meeting, you must be a holder of Allstate shares as of the record date of March 24, 2023, or hold a legal proxy for the meeting provided by your bank, broker, or nominee. To be admitted to the annual meeting webcast at www. virtualshareholdermeeting.com/ ALL2023, you must enter the 16-digit control number found on your proxy card, voting instruction form or notice of Internet availability. You may log into the meeting platform beginning at 10:30 a.m. Central time on May 23, 2023. The meeting will begin promptly at 11 a.m. Central time on May 23, 2023. The virtual meeting platform is fully supported across browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari) and devices (desktops, laptops, tablets and cell phones) running the most updated version of applicable software. Participants should ensure that they have a strong WiFi connection wherever they intend to participate in the meeting. Participants should also give themselves plenty of time to log in and ensure that they can hear streaming audio prior to the start of the meeting.

How can I vote at the meeting? You may vote during the annual meeting by following the instructions available on the meeting website during the meeting. Whether or not you participate in the annual meeting, we encourage you to vote and submit your proxy in advance of the meeting by one of the methods described in these proxy materials.

How can I ask a question at the meeting? This year’s shareholders’ question and answer session will include questions submitted in advance of, and questions submitted live during, the annual meeting. You may submit a question in advance of the meeting beginning at 8:30 a.m. Central time on May 19, 2023, and until 11:59 p.m. Central time on May 22, 2023, at www.proxyvote.com after logging in with your 16-digit control number. Once past the login screen, click on “Question for Management,” typing your question and clicking “Submit.” Alternatively, questions may be submitted during the annual meeting through www. virtualshareholdermeeting.com/ALL2023, by typing your question into the “Ask a Question” field and clicking “Submit.” We will try to answer as many questions as time permits. We reserve the right to edit profanity or other inappropriate language and to exclude questions regarding topics that are not pertinent to meeting matters or company business. If we receive substantially similar questions, we may group such questions together and provide a single response to avoid repetition. Any questions pertinent to meeting matters that cannot be answered during the meeting due to time constraints will be posted online at www.allstateinvestors.com.

Who do I contact about technical difficulties? If you encounter any difficulties accessing the meeting during the meeting time, please call the technical support number at (844) 986-0822. The technical support number will also be posted on the meeting website.

Will a replay of the meeting be available? Following completion of the meeting, a webcast replay will be posted online to our Investor Relations website at www.allstateinvestors.com for one year.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

2 Letter from Chair, President and CEO
4 Letter from Independent Directors
6 Notice of 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
7 Participating in Our Annual Meeting
9 Proxy Summary

Corporate Governance


Proposal 1. Election of 12 Directors  
19 The Director Nominees at a Glance
20 Director Nominees
26 Board and Nominee Independence Determinations
27 Effective Board Governance at Allstate
28 Board Composition
30 Board Effectiveness
33 Board Oversight
41 Board Accountability
43 Stakeholder Input and Responsiveness
45 Board Structure
50 Director Compensation

Sustainability at Allstate


52 Our ESG Strategy
54 Our Key ESG Priorities
59 Responsible Investing – Aligning with ESG Priorities
60 Governance of ESG

Executive Compensation


Proposal 2. Say-on-Pay: Advisory Vote on the Compensation of the Named Executives  
62 Compensation Discussion and Analysis
86 Compensation Committee Report
87 Summary Compensation Table
89   Grants of Plan-Based Awards at Fiscal Year-end 2022
91   Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-end 2022
92   Option Exercises and Stock Vested During 2022
93   Retirement Benefits  
96   Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation at Fiscal Year-end 2022
97    Potential Payments as a Result of Termination or Change in Control (“CIC”)
99   Estimate of Potential Payments Upon Termination
101 Performance Measures for 2022
104 CEO Pay Ratio
105 Pay Versus Performance Table



Proposal 3. Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes on the Compensation of the Named Executives  

Audit Committee Matters


Proposal 4. Ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Independent Registered Public Accountant for 2023  
111 Audit Committee Report

Stock Ownership Information


112   Security Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers
113 Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners

Other Information


114 Proxy and Voting Information
118   Appendix A – Definitions of Non-GAAP Measures
121 Appendix B – Categorical Standards of Independence
122 Appendix C – Executive Officers

Helpful Links and Resources


123 About Allstate
123 Governance
123 Sustainability
      New and Frequently Requested Information
      52 Sustainability at Allstate  
  45 Board Leadership  
  10 Strategic Priorities  
  11 Financial Highlights  
  110 Auditor Fees  
  30 Board Evaluation Process  
  26 Board Independence  
  33 Board Oversight of Key Risks  
  38 Succession Planning  
  104 CEO Pay Ratio  
  86 Clawback Policy  
  40 Risk Areas Overseen by Board Committees  
  47 Director Attendance  
  50 Director Compensation  
  19 Director Skills and Experience Matrix  
  20 Director Nominee Biographies  
  85 Equity Ownership Requirements  
  43 Societal Engagement Framework  
  29 Board Nomination Process  
  69 Peer Group  
  105 Pay Versus Performance  
  41 Shareholder Engagement  

Explore Allstate

Get a quote in the blink of an eye https://www.allstate.com



Table of Contents


Proxy Summary

About Allstate

Allstate is one of the nation’s largest insurers with 189.1 million policies in force, protecting cars, homes, motorcycles, health, disability, lives, personal devices and identities. Its products are sold through Allstate agents, independent agents, call centers, online, major retailers and voluntary benefits brokers. The company harnesses the talent of approximately 54,500 employees, 10,100 exclusive Allstate agents and agent support staff, and 51,900 independent agents.

What We Do

Allstate empowers customers with protection to help them achieve their hopes and dreams. We do this by leveraging innovative, industry-leading technology to provide customers with affordable, simple and connected solutions. We offer a wide range of protection products and services for customers automobiles, homes, personal property, health, income and identities.


Allstate was ranked #21 on the Drucker Institute list of the nation’s 250 best managed companies.



Allstate’s Strategy to Increase Shareholder Value

Allstate’s strategy has two components: increase personal property-liability market share and expand protection offerings by leveraging the Allstate brand, customer base and capabilities. We are accomplishing this through the use of differentiated products, analytical expertise, telematics and an integrated digital enterprise that leverages data and technology to execute processes with a focus on greater effectiveness and efficiency.


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2023 Proxy Statement
Proxy Summary

Our Strategic Priorities

Executing comprehensive plan to improve profitability

Auto insurance margins need to be returned to pre-pandemic levels, amongst the best in the industry. Allstate brand auto insurance rate increases of 16.9% were implemented in 2022 and meaningful rate increases will likely continue through 2023. Allstate also implemented stricter auto new business underwriting requirements. We achieved half of our targeted ~6.0 point reduction in adjusted expense ratio* from 2018 to 2024 and reduced advertising spend. Claims practices were modified to manage loss costs and innovation and analytics were leveraged to drive accuracy and operational efficiency.

Generating profitable growth in Protection Services

Revenue from Allstate Protection Services was 5% higher than the prior year, generating approximately 5% of total Allstate revenues in 2022. Growth strategies for Health and Benefits, Protection Plans and Identity Protection also advanced.

Reducing investment portfolio exposure to higher interest rates and economic recession

Higher investment yields benefitted Net Investment Income. The portfolio was positioned defensively to higher rates driven by inflation and recession sensitive assets. This mitigated the negative impact of falling valuations in fixed income and equity markets.

Transformative Growth

Our Transformative Growth strategy is a multi-year initiative to increase personal property-liability market share by building a low-cost digital insurer with broad distribution of affordable, simple and connected protection. This strategy will be driven by a new business model, capabilities and culture that continually transform to better serve customers. We are making significant progress across all five components of this strategy:

01    Improve Customer Value


Improving the competitive prices of products through lower costs, increased price sophistication and telematics


Increasing engagement with the Allstate Mobile app and new business penetration of telematics products, including pay-per-mile insurance


Providing additional consumer-focused protection solutions

02   Expand Customer Access


Transforming the Allstate agent sales system to enable more growth at a lower cost by incentivizing agents to focus on sales, while expanding our distribution capacity through new agent models


Increasing direct channel distribution effectiveness and efficiency


Growing National General by broadening the Allstate brand capabilities and data to expand product offerings using independent agency relationships

03   Increase Customer Acquisition Sophistication


Improving the effectiveness of customer acquisition by expanding lead management, building data capabilities and utilizing household insights

04    Modernize Technology Ecosystems


Deploying a new technology ecosystem to deliver affordable, simple, and connected experiences and products at a lower cost, which will also lead to the retirement of legacy systems

05   Drive Organizational Transformation


Enhancing and expanding organizational capabilities by increasing digital expertise, process redesign, decision clarity, and employee empowerment and diversity

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Proxy Summary


Allstate’s 2022 Operating Priorities

Better Serve Customers

Enterprise Net Promoter Score, which measures how likely customers are to recommend Allstate, finished below the prior year, reflecting substantial price increases necessary to offset higher loss costs.

Grow Customer Base

Consolidated policies in force reached 189.1 million, a 1.0% decrease from prior year. Property-Liability policies in force increased by 0.7% compared to the prior year, as continued growth at National General was offset by the Allstate brand. Protection Services policies in force declined 1.4%, primarily due to expiring low average premium policies from a major retail account that ended in 2019.

Achieve Target Economic Returns On Capital

Return on average Allstate common shareholders’ equity was (7.3)% in 2022. The Property-Liability combined ratio of 106.6 for the full year increased compared to the prior year primarily driven by higher auto losses. A comprehensive profitability plan is being executed.


Proactively Manage Investments

Net investment income of $2.4 billion in 2022 was $890 million below prior year as higher market-based investment income was more than offset by lower performance-based results. Total return on the $61.8 billion (as of 12/31/22) investment portfolio was (4.0)% in 2022 and compares favorably to full year 2022 performance of the S&P 500 of (18.1)% and the Bloomberg Intermediate Bond return of (9.4)%. Proactive portfolio actions to reduce inflation and economic risk by shortening fixed income duration mitigated portfolio losses by approximately $2 billion this year.

Build Long-Term Growth Platforms

Allstate made substantial progress in advancing Transformative Growth initiatives in 2022, including continued cost reductions, deploying a new property-liability technology platform and a new Affordable, Simple, Connected auto insurance offering in two states. National General is meeting or exceeding acquisition performance targets with the objective of building a strong competitive position in independent agent distribution. Protection Services has increased revenues, particularly Allstate Protection Plans. Arity continued to expand its data acquisition platform and launched Arity IQ, a product to improve new business profitability for auto insurers.


Link to Executive Compensation Component

Allstate’s executive compensation program is designed to ensure that the interests of our executives are aligned with those of our shareholders. We establish a strong nexus between performance measures and strategic objectives, which are also linked to operating priorities designed to create long-term shareholder value.


Financial Highlights

  * For definitions of these terms, please see the definitions of non-GAAP measures on pages 118-120 of our 2023 Proxy Statement.
  (1)  The peers are listed on page 69.
  (2)  Market Cap Weighted Average

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2023 Proxy Statement
Proxy Summary


Sustainability Highlights

See pages 52-59 for further information.

See page 60 for information about the Board’s role in overseeing ESG.

Environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) matters are fundamentally connected to Allstate’s business strategies. Ensuring products and services are accessible, competitively priced, and mindful of environmental and social impacts is essential. ESG is managed through the lens of People, Planet and Prosperity and ESG issues are prioritized on their alignment to Our Shared Purpose, the Societal Engagement Framework, and long-term enterprise value creation.

Pillars of ESG Value Creation


Allstate is a purpose-driven company powered by purpose-driven people

Allstate’s employees and agents are essential to achieving Our Shared Purpose. As Transformative Growth is accelerated, the focus is on how we recruit, retain, develop and engage employees while also focusing on the creation of an inclusive, diverse and equitable culture. Allstate strives to motivate employees and harness their diverse perspectives through leading employment practices. Employability is enhanced with training, mentoring and investing in professional growth.



Allstate is developing products and services that address climate change and aligning our investment practices to support our sustainability goals

Ensuring Allstate’s products are accessible, competitively priced and mindful of environmental and social impacts is an essential component of the Transformative Growth strategy. Another way to provide security and protection for customers is through our activities as an institutional investor, recognizing that climate-related issues can influence investment performance. Allstate’s investment analysis and decision-making processes consider these issues along with our values.



Allstate is protecting customers’ information and empowering them with more control over their personal data

Because of the products and services provided, customers entrust Allstate with their data and have an expectation of privacy and security around that data. This creates both business opportunities and constraints as Allstate works to safeguard consumer data while using that data to better serve customers.

Primary focus on three ESG issues:

Climate, Data Privacy, and Inclusive Diversity and Equity

Climate change impacts customers and shareholders. Customer homes are subject to increasingly severe weather catastrophes. In 2022, Allstate incurred 124 natural-catastrophe events, totaling $3.1 billion. Catastrophic losses create volatility in shareholder returns.


Data privacy protects customers and is a growth opportunity. Protecting data and sensitive information is important to maintain trust in the Allstate brand. Allstate provides identity protection products to over 3 million individuals, empowering them with more control over their personal data.


Inclusive diversity and equity (IDE) creates a culture and team to drive success. An inclusive culture that supports the attraction, retention and development of diverse talent is necessary to meet diverse customer needs. IDE is integrated into business via policies, processes, and decision-making. IDE performance is reviewed by the Board twice a year and is a component of executive compensation.

Our Sustainability website includes further details on Allstate’s initiatives.



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Proxy Summary



Climate change is one of the most critical challenges threatening customers, businesses and communities. Today, a natural catastrophe that exceeds $1 billion occurred every 18 days, a 400% increase from 1980. This creates additional risks for customers and shareholders, but also offers opportunities to leverage Allstate’s capabilities and support proactive public policy initiatives.


2022 Accomplishments

●  Publicly committed to be net zero for direct, indirect and value- chain GHG emissions by 2030

●  Cut energy use beyond our original targets and significantly reduced our GHG emissions

●  Committed $469 million to climate-related opportunities between 2021 and 2022, exceeding our goal of $375 million

●  Achieved green or healthy building certification for 100% of newly acquired buildings

●  Discouraged excess waste and encouraged recycling through centralized waste collection

Data Privacy

Business practices are designed to protect data and keep sensitive information safe. We empower people with control over their personal data through transparency, offering solutions and leading others to do the same through four key avenues: policy and legislation, governance, products and services, and partnerships.


2022 Accomplishments

●  Implemented a digital ethics framework to provide actionable guidance to identify and address ethical concerns in the use of innovative technologies, like artificial intelligence

●  Introduced an innovative personal information anonymization framework that respects privacy while still allowing the company to use data insights to drive new service and product developments

●  Continued to grow Allstate Identity Protection (AIP), with over 3 million individuals protected as of year-end 2022

Inclusive Diversity and Equity

IDE is one of three core values in Our Shared Purpose. Allstate’s IDE strategy is focused on the four pillars of Business Practices, Culture, People and Community to leverage diverse talent, perspectives and experiences and foster an inclusive and equitable workplace. Allstate tracks workforce composition data over time to determine if it is making appropriate progress in advancing gender and racial/ethnic representation in the employee population and discloses its progress. As part of Allstate’s commitment to fair and equitable compensation practices, a pay equity analysis is completed on an annual basis. Allstate continuously strives to build awareness and drive action to be a differentiated leader in IDE.


2022 Accomplishments

●  Continued to drive skills-based hiring without degree requirements on job postings for Black talent. In 2022, in partnership with OneTen, Allstate hired over 340 Black individuals into family sustaining jobs without a four-year degree, exceeding our annual goal by over 159%.

●  Implemented a monthly IDE Talent Scorecard to drive leadership accountability for developing a diverse team

●  In 2022, Allstate launched the IDE A.C.T. (Accountability, Clarity, Transparency) Framework, integrating IDE strategy, goals, and collaboration across Allstate. This model ensures joint accountability, drives lower cost execution, and reduces complexity by clarifying roles and creating an IDE ecosystem of sharing and business area partnership with IDE leadership.

●  Named among DiversityInc’s Top 50 Companies for Diversity for the 19th consecutive year

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14 2023 Proxy Statement
Proxy Summary

1 Election of 12 Directors

    The Board recommends a vote FOR each nominee  

Donald E. Brown
Jacques P. Perold
Monica Turner
Kermit R. Crawford
Andrea Redmond
Thomas J. Wilson
Richard T. Hume
Gregg M. Sherrill
Margaret M. Keane
Judith A. Sprieser
Siddharth N. (Bobby) Mehta
Perry M. Traquina

See pages 18-51 for further information. ►

  All candidates are highly successful executives with relevant skills and expertise
  Average independent director tenure of 7.6 years, with 11 of 12 director candidates independent of management
  Diverse slate of directors with broad leadership experience; 58% of the nominees bring gender or ethnic diversity, including three of the four committee chairs
  Industry-leading shareholder engagement program and highly-rated corporate governance practices

  (1) Consistent with past practice, Ms. Turner’s committee assignments will be established during her first year of service.

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Proxy Summary

Nominees’ Skills and Experiences Advance Our Strategy

Allstate has a well-rounded and diverse Board that is independent with the institutional knowledge of longer-tenured directors and fresh perspectives brought by newer directors. Directors have a variety of skills and experiences developed across a broad range of industries and other public company boards. This enables effective oversight of the business and incorporates best practices from other companies.

  Key Skill or Qualification Link to Strategy % of Directors
  Core Competencies    
Strategic and Operational Oversight A practical understanding of developing, implementing and assessing business strategies, key initiatives and annual business plans.
Shareholder Advocacy Brings perspective in understanding shareholder expectations and driving change based on engagement feedback.
Corporate Governance Supports Allstate’s goals of strong Board and management accountability, transparency, responsiveness and protection of shareholder interests.
Leadership Strong leadership qualities encourage robust and thoughtful dialogue and decision-making and provides succession planning opportunities for Board and committee leadership roles.
  Additional Capabilities    
Financial Services Assists with understanding the business and strategy of our company.
Risk Management Aids in the Board’s role in overseeing the risks facing our company and provides effective oversight of our enterprise risk and return management (“ERRM”) program.
Accounting and Finance Financial reporting, audit knowledge, and experience in capital markets are elements of Allstate’s success.
Technology and/or Cybersecurity Relevant to how Allstate approaches improving its internal operations and the customer experience and protects customer information.
Global Perspective Provides valuable insights on how Allstate should continue to grow and manage its businesses outside the United States.
Complex, Highly
Regulated Business
Our business is regulated in all 50 states and is subject to government regulations by the U.S. federal government, Canada and other countries.
Sustainability Sustainability drives long-term value creation, and as a public company and good corporate citizen, shareholders expect effective oversight and transparency.
Succession Planning and Human Capital Management Ensures that Allstate has sufficient talent, robust development and retention practices and supporting our commitment to further inclusive diversity and equity.
Innovation and Customer Focus Helps Allstate grow its brand, enhance its reputation, generate disruptive innovation, and extend or create new business models.
Government, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs Assists in identifying and understanding compliance issues and the effect of governmental actions on our business.

See page 29 for a presentation of our nominating process, including an ongoing review of board skills and experiences to align with Allstate’s strategy.

Relevant Skills and Experience

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16 2023 Proxy Statement
Proxy Summary

2 Say-on-Pay: Advisory Vote on the Compensation of the Named Executives

    The Board recommends a vote FOR this proposal.  

See pages 61-86 for further information. ►

  Independent oversight by compensation and human capital committee with the assistance of an independent consultant
  Executive compensation targeted at 50th percentile of peers and aligned with short- and long-term business goals and strategy
  Compensation programs are working effectively. Annual incentive compensation funding for our named executives in 2022 was 57.5% of target, as formulaic result was reduced by 50% due to negative Net Income. Annual performance was above maximum performance on Total Premiums and Net Investment Income, below threshold performance on Performance Net Income, and above target performance on the Strategic Initiatives Scorecard.

2022 Compensation Program Components

Allstate’s executive compensation program reflects our pay-for-performance culture and supports shareholder alignment while also incentivizing our executives:

    Cash       Long-Term Equity-Based Incentive
COMPONENT     Salary   Annual Cash
Stock Awards
  Stock Options
  Targeted at 50th percentile of peers to support Allstate’s goal of attracting and retaining top executive talent which ensures strong leadership over Allstate’s businesses.   Motivates and rewards executives for performance on key strategic, operational and financial measures during the year.
Targets established based on company performance against four measures: Total Premiums, Performance Net Income, Net Investment Income and the Strategic Initiatives Scorecard.
  Motivates and rewards executives for performance on key long-term measures and aligns the interests of executives with long-term shareholder value. Performance stock awards (“PSAs”) vest based on results for Average Performance Net Income Return on Equity (“ROE”), Relative Total Shareholder Return and Items in Force Growth.   Stock options comprise 40% of equity incentives granted and further align the interests of executives with long-term shareholder value.
    Fixed   Performance-Based/At-Risk    

Target Compensation Mix

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Proxy Summary

3 Say-on-Frequency: Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes on the Compensation of the Named Executives

  The Board recommends that you vote to conduct future advisory votes on executive compensation EVERY YEAR.

See page 107 for further information. ►

  Allstate’s shareholders have expressed interest in annual say-on-pay proposals
  The Board values the opportunity to receive annual feedback to respond to changing market conditions
  It is market practice to conduct a say-on-pay vote on an annual basis
  The next say-on-frequency vote will be held at the 2029 annual meeting

4 Ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Independent Registered Public Accountant for 2023

  The Board recommends a vote FOR this proposal.  

See pages 108-111 for further information. ►

  Independent firm with few ancillary services and reasonable fees
  Significant industry and financial reporting expertise
  The audit committee annually evaluates Deloitte & Touche LLP and determined that its retention continues to be in the best interests of Allstate and its shareholders

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  1 Election of
12 Directors

What am I
voting on?

The Board recommends 12 nominees for election to the Allstate Board for one-year terms beginning in May 2023 and until a successor is duly elected and qualified or his or her earlier resignation or removal.


All candidates are highly successful executives with relevant skills and expertise
Average independent director tenure of 7.6 years, with 11 of 12 director candidates independent of management
Diverse slate of directors with broad leadership experience; 58% of the nominees bring gender or ethnic diversity, including three of the four committee chairs
Industry-leading shareholder engagement program and highly-rated corporate governance practices


Voting recommendation

The Board recommends a vote
FOR each director nominee.

Each nominee was previously elected at Allstate’s annual meeting of shareholders on May 24, 2022, for a one-year term, with the exception of Ms. Turner who joined the Board in 2023. The Board expects all nominees named in this proxy statement to be available for election. If any nominee is not available, then the proxies may vote for a substitute. On the following pages, we list the reasons for nominating each individual.

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Corporate Governance

The Director Nominees at a Glance

  Skills and Experiences
Name and Principal
Thomas J. Wilson
Chair, President, and CEO of The Allstate Corporation
    M 65 16 0
Donald E. Brown
Executive Vice President and   Chief Innovation Officer of NiSource, Inc.
    M 51 3 0    
Kermit R. Crawford
Former President and Chief Operating Officer of Rite Aid Corporation
    M 63 10 2    
Richard T. Hume
  M 63 3 1      
Margaret M. Keane
Former Chair, CEO and President of Synchrony Financial
    F 63 5 0  
Siddharth N. (Bobby) Mehta
Former President and CEO of TransUnion
    M 64 9 2
Jacques P. Perold
Former President of Fidelity   Management & Research Company
    M 64 7 1    
Andrea Redmond
Former Managing Director of Russell Reynolds Associates Inc.
    F 67 13 0    
Gregg M. Sherrill
Former Chair and CEO of Tenneco Inc.
    M 70 5 1    
Judith A. Sprieser
Former CEO of Transora Inc. and senior executive at Sara Lee Corporation
    F 69 23 2    
Perry M. Traquina
Former Chairman, CEO, and Managing Partner of Wellington Management Company LLP
    M 66 6 2
Monica Turner
President, North America at Procter & Gamble
    F 57 <1   0  

  Compensation and Human
Capital Committee
  Executive Committee   Nominating, Governance and
Social Responsibility Committee
  Risk and Return

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20 2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance

Director Nominees


Donald E.


Age 51

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Risk Management: Overall responsibility for identifying and evaluating financial risk exposures and determining steps to mitigate those risks.


Accounting and Finance: Significant financial and accounting experience leading the financial operations of one of the largest utility companies in the country.


Technology and/or Cybersecurity: In-depth understanding of technological advancements and operational transformation to enhance the customer experience.


Complex, Highly Regulated Businesses: Regulatory expertise within the heavily regulated utilities industry.


Sustainability: Experience developing and leading transition to a less carbon-intensive business model.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: Responsibilities as senior leader at NiSource include oversight of employee recruitment, development and retention, as well as leadership of large teams.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Experience overseeing business focused on delivering safe, reliable and efficient services to customers and communities.


Government, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs: Deep understanding of compliance and governmental requirements as a senior leader of one of the largest fully regulated utility companies in the United States.


Director since 2020
3 years of tenure


Professional Experience

Current Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer of NiSource, Inc., a highly regulated natural gas and electric utilities company serving customers across multiple states.

Former EVP and CFO of NiSource, Inc.


Other Public Board Service




Committee Assignments and Rationale

Audit Committee   Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee

Multiple leadership positions with financial oversight responsibility, including as former CFO at NiSource.


Management and leadership experience as senior leader of NiSource, including oversight of employee talent and retention programs.

Experience leading climate strategies for large gas and electric company.


Kermit R.


Age 63

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Risk Management: Deep understanding of consumer experiences and insights, as well as extensive experience in business strategy and risk management.


Accounting and Finance: Responsible for all operational aspects of large drugstore chains throughout country, including financial results.


Technology and/or Cybersecurity: Effectively led operational change, including through the use of technology.


Complex, Highly Regulated Businesses: Expertise assessing the strategies and performance of a geographically distributed and consumer-focused service business in a highly competitive industry.


Sustainability: Over 30 years of operational experience with consumer and retail companies that included driving sustainability initiatives.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: Responsibilities as senior leader at leading retail drugstore chain included leadership of large divisions and human capital priorities and culture.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Effectively oversaw transition of pharmacy experience from a model focused primarily on drug delivery to a pharmacist-patient centric model.


Government, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs: Understanding of legal and regulatory requirements relevant for large, public companies to ensure compliance.


Director since 2013
10 years of tenure


Professional Experience

Former President and Chief Operating Officer of Rite Aid Corporation, which operates one of the leading retail drugstore chains in the United States.

Former Executive Vice President and President, Pharmacy, Health and Wellness for Walgreens Co., which operates one of the largest drugstore chains in the United States.

Former Director of TransUnion and LifePoint Health.


Other Public Board Service

C.H. Robinson (2020–present)

Visa (2022-present)




Committee Assignments and Rationale

Audit Committee (Chair)   Risk and Return Committee

Responsibility for all aspects of strategic, operational, and profit and loss management of two of the largest drugstore chains in the United States.

Board leadership and nine years tenure on Allstate Board.

Former member of the audit committee at TransUnion and the audit and compliance committee at LifePoint Health.


Operational experience at large, geographically dispersed service organizations.

Chair of Allstate audit committee.

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Corporate Governance

Richard T.


Age 63

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Risk Management: Deep understanding of risk evaluation and management throughout business transformation.


Accounting and Finance: Strong operational experience through various roles, including overseeing financial and accounting operations.


Technology and/or Cybersecurity: Extensive technology background as a senior leader at IBM and CEO of an IT distribution and solutions company.


Global Perspective: Experience overseeing all aspects of global operations of TD SYNNEX.


Sustainability: Experience developing and driving sustainability initiatives in role as CEO of public company.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: Significant management and succession planning experience through various senior leadership roles.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Experience overseeing innovative strategy, technological advancement and transformative growth in global business services.



Director since 2020
3 years of tenure


Professional Experience

Current CEO and director of TD SYNNEX, a global IT distribution and solutions company.

Former COO of Tech Data Corporation.

Former General Manager and COO, Global Technology Services at IBM.


Other Public Board Service

TD SYNNEX (2021–present)




Committee Assignments and Rationale

Compensation and Human Capital Committee   Risk and Return Committee

Significant management experience leading large companies as CEO and COO.

Comprehensive market knowledge of executive compensation, recruitment and succession practices as CEO of TD SYNNEX.


In-depth understanding of technology, innovation and transformative growth.

Responsibility for strategic direction of large technology company.


Margaret M.


Age 63

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Financial Services: Extensive operational and strategic experience in the consumer financial services industry as CEO of Synchrony Financial.


Risk Management: In-depth understanding and experience in risk and return management as CEO of financial services company.


Accounting and Finance: Responsible for overall operations of large financial services company.


Technology and/or Cybersecurity: Valuable insights into innovation and technology transformation strategies for large financial services company.


Complex, Highly Regulated Businesses: Successful leadership experience across roles spanning consumer finance, vendor financial services, operations and quality.


Sustainability: Drove various sustainability priorities and programs throughout tenure as CEO, including diversity and inclusion initiatives.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: Significant experience in developing succession planning and performance goals as CEO of Synchrony.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Led strategic and technology transformation in rapidly changing consumer payments industry.


Government, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs: Experience working with Business Roundtable to promote a thriving U.S. economy and expanded opportunity for all Americans through sound public policy.


Director since 2018
5 years of tenure


Professional Experience

Former Chair, CEO and President of Synchrony Financial, a consumer financial services company.

Former President and CEO of GE Capital Retail Finance.


Other Public Board Service

Synchrony Financial (2014–2023)




Committee Assignments and Rationale

Compensation and Human Capital Committee   Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee

Substantial experience in establishing management performance objectives and specific goals.

Significant market knowledge of executive compensation as the former CEO of Synchrony Financial.


Board leadership as former Chair of Synchrony Financial.

Thought leader and driver of inclusion and diversity initiatives.

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22 2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance

Siddharth N.


Age 64

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Financial Services: Extensive operational and strategic experience in the industry as CEO of TransUnion and HSBC.


Risk Management: Deep understanding of identifying and managing risk within global risk and information solutions provider.


Accounting and Finance: Multiple leadership positions with financial and accounting oversight responsibility throughout career.


Technology and/or Cybersecurity: Experience overseeing cybersecurity risk initiatives and programs as director at other public companies.


Global Perspective: Demonstrated leadership that increased revenues and global reach through the use of technology.


Complex, Highly Regulated Businesses: Valuable insights into the highly regulated insurance industry and investment activities throughout career in financial services industry.


Sustainability: Investor in climate analytics company and thorough understanding of climate risk at financial services company.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: Led human capital and diversity and inclusion initiatives and oversaw succession planning during tenure as CEO.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Significant experience within customer-centric banking and credit markets including the use of advanced analytics.


Government, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs: Understanding of compliance issues within highly regulated financial services industry and effect of governmental actions.


Director since 2014
(9 years of tenure)


Professional Experience

Former President and CEO of TransUnion, a global provider of credit information and risk management solutions.

Former Chairman and CEO, HSBC North America Holdings Inc.


Former CEO, HSBC Finance Corporation.


Former Director of TransUnion and Piramal Enterprises Ltd.


Other Public Board Service

JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated)

Northern Trust Corp. (2019–present)



Committee Assignments and Rationale

Risk and Return Committee (Chair)   Audit Committee

Significant experience in financial markets and utilization of data and analytics.

In-depth understanding and experience in risk and return management as a director and former CEO.


Multiple leadership positions with financial oversight responsibility, including President and CEO of TransUnion, CEO of HSBC Finance Corporation, and Chairman and CEO of HSBC North America Holdings Inc.

Chair of Allstate risk and return committee.


Jacques P.


Age 64

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Financial Services: Led investments and operations for large mutual fund as well as founded investment advisory firm.


Risk Management: Deep understanding of risks relevant to financial services industry, specifically related to investment activities.


Accounting and Finance: Held multiple leadership positions throughout career requiring financial and accounting oversight responsibilities.


Technology and/or Cybersecurity: Experience using data-driven tools and solutions to help clients build more effective portfolios.


Complex, Highly Regulated Businesses: In-depth understanding of SEC and FINRA rules that regulate financial services industry.


Sustainability: Served as chair of corporate responsibility committee at another public company which includes oversight of sustainability initiatives.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: As senior business leader, established executive compensation program management objectives and goals.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Leader of one of the world’s largest asset management funds representing customers with nearly $2 trillion assets under management.


Director since 2015
(7 years of tenure)


Professional Experience

Chair and founder of CapShift, an investment advisory firm.

Former President of Fidelity Management & Research Company, a privately-held investment and asset management company serving clients worldwide.

Founder, former President and Chief Investment Officer of Geode Capital Management LLC, a global asset manager and independent institutional investment firm and sub-advisor to Fidelity.

Current trustee of New York Life Insurance Company’s MainStay Funds.


Other Public Board Service

MSCI Inc. (2017–present)




Committee Assignments and Rationale

Audit Committee   Risk and Return Committee

Multiple leadership positions with financial and operational oversight responsibilities, including as President of Fidelity Management & Research Company.


Significant experience in management and oversight of risk for three large asset management firms.

Current trustee of several mutual funds.

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Corporate Governance



Age 67

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Financial Services: Substantial experience in financial services leadership selection and executive development.


Risk Management: Extensive experience in assessing necessary board capabilities and evaluating director candidates to ensure adequate risk oversight on boards.


Complex, Highly Regulated Businesses: Operational and strategic knowledge of highly regulated financial service companies gained through experience in recruiting senior leaders.


Sustainability: Leads ESG and sustainability oversight responsibilities as chair of nominating, governance and social responsibility committee.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: Expert in public company succession planning, human capital management and executive compensation across wide range of industries.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Valuable insights and judgment gained through supporting high-performance organizations and clients in executing on corporate strategies.


Government, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs: Experience overseeing public policy issues and reporting as part of director responsibilities at Allstate.



Global Perspective: Significant experience providing executive recruiting and succession planning services for large global search firm.


Director since 2010
(13 years of tenure


Professional Experience

Former Managing Director, co-head of the CEO/board services practice, founder and leader of global insurance practice, and member of financial services practice at Russell Reynolds Associates Inc., a global executive search firm.

Independent consultant providing executive recruiting, succession planning, and human capital management services.


Other Public Board Service





Committee Assignments and Rationale

Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee (Chair)   Compensation and Human Capital Committee

Significant expertise recruiting and evaluating directors for a variety of public companies.

A senior partner at a highly regarded global executive search firm, Russell Reynolds Associates, from 1986 to 2007, including significant tenure as co-head of the CEO/board services practice.


Experience in executive recruiting, succession planning, and human capital management.

Extensive experience working with numerous publicly traded companies to recruit and place senior executives.


Gregg M.


Lead Director
Age 70

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Risk Management: In-depth understanding of risk and return management as CEO and director.


Accounting and Finance: Created financial strategies and implemented operating plans to increase revenues and profitability during tenure at Tenneco.


Technology and/or Cybersecurity: Technology expertise gained during tenure as a senior operating executive.


Global Perspective: Successfully managed international operations as CEO of a global public company with employees in 23 countries.


Complex, Highly Regulated Businesses: Brings valuable insights and extensive operational and strategic experience within regulated automotive industry.


Sustainability: Oversight of sustainability priorities gained throughout tenure as leader of a large public company, specifically related to emissions control.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: Significant management experience, including executive recruitment and compensation programs.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Valuable insights into transformation and innovation within customer-centric automotive industry.


Government, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs: Understanding of public policy and regulatory issues.


Director since 2017
(5 years of tenure)


Professional Experience

Former Executive Chair, CEO and director of Tenneco Inc., a producer of automotive emission control and ride control products and systems.

Former Corporate Vice President and President of Power Solutions at Johnson Controls Inc., a global diversified technology and industrial company.


Other Public Board Service

Snap-on Inc. (2010–present)




Committee Assignments and Rationale
Lead Director
  Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee

Extensive board leadership experience as former Chair of Tenneco and former chair of organization and executive compensation committee at Snap-On.

Successfully led large, global manufacturing company through strategic growth and operational change.

Possesses strong integrity and professional credibility with the other directors and has excellent knowledge of Allstate’s strategy and business.


Significant leadership experience as the former Chair and CEO of Tenneco, including oversight over sustainability and governance matters.

Experience on corporate boards.

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24 2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance

Judith A.


Age 69

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Financial Services: Tenure as Allstate director has provided deep knowledge and understanding of financial services industry.


Risk Management: Risk and return management expertise gained through service on boards of multiple publicly traded companies.


Accounting and Finance: Extensive evaluation of financial statements and supervision of financial executives during tenure as CFO.


Global Perspective: Experience gained through service on boards of international companies.


Complex, Highly Regulated Businesses: Understanding of government regulations relevant to insurance industry acquired through tenure as Allstate director.


Sustainability: Tenure as CEO and director at other public companies, including as former Lead Director at Allstate, has included oversight of sustainability initiatives and programs.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: Significant executive management and succession planning experience gained through service on other boards and as former CEO.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Wide-ranging operational experience at consumer goods company.


Director since 1999
(23 years of tenure)


Professional Experience

Former CEO of Transora Inc., a technology software and services company.

Former CFO and other senior operating executive positions at Sara Lee Corporation, a global manufacturer and marketer of brand-name consumer goods.


Former director at Royal Ahold NV, Experian, Reckitt Benckiser Group plc and Jimmy Choo plc.


Other Public Board Service

Newell Brands Inc. (2018–present)

Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (2004–present)



Committee Assignments and Rationale

Compensation and Human Capital Committee   Risk and Return Committee

Extensive experience leading other large companies as CEO and CFO.

Experience serving on boards of other publicly traded and international companies.


Insight from service as prior chair of Allstate’s audit committee and current audit committee chair at Intercontinental Exchange Inc.

Tenure as an Allstate director has provided experience through multiple operating environments.


Perry M.


Age 66

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Financial Services: Strong financial services and investment management expertise as CEO of large investment management firm.


Risk Management: Deep understanding of risk and return management within financial services industry and brings outside perspective as chair of risk committee at another public company.


Accounting and Finance: Expertise in evaluating financial statements and reports gained through service on audit company at another public company as well as financial education background.


Technology and/or Cybersecurity: Experience on another public company audit committee includes oversight of cybersecurity programs.


Global Perspective: Led one of the world’s largest global investment management firms including the globalization of Wellington’s investment platform.


Complex, Highly Regulated Businesses: In-depth understanding of SEC and FINRA rules that regulate financial services industry.


Sustainability: Oversaw sustainability initiatives during tenure as CEO and chairman of Wellington and provides insights gained from service on other public company boards.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: Deep understanding of executive compensation practices.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Built a world-class investment organization by more than doubling assets under management during tenure.


Government, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs: Brings valuable market-oriented investor perspective.


Director since 2016
(6 years of tenure)


Professional Experience

Former Chairman, CEO and Managing Partner of Wellington Management Company LLP, one of the world’s largest global investment management firms with over $1 trillion of assets under management.

Held a series of positions of increasing responsibility at Wellington, including Partner and President.


Other Public Board Service

Morgan Stanley (2015–present)


eBay Inc. (2015–present)




Committee Assignments and Rationale

Compensation and Human Capital Committee (Chair)   Risk and Return Committee

Significant management experience as former Chairman and CEO of Wellington Management Company LLP from 2004 through June 2014.

Shareholder perspective on compensation and human capital as a significant investor and director of other public companies.


In-depth understanding of financial markets, asset allocation strategies, and investment performance management.

Current chair of the risk committee at Morgan Stanley.

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Corporate Governance



Age 57

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Financial Services: Overall responsibility for all financial, sales and operational aspects of the largest and most profitable region of a global consumer goods company.


Risk Management: Significant experience in management and oversight of risk and return for a large consumer goods company.


Accounting and Finance: Multiple leadership positions with financial oversight responsibility in many business units within Procter & Gamble.


Technology and/or Cybersecurity: Experience delivering transformational results through technology in role as head of largest region of Procter & Gamble.


Global Perspective: Extensive experience gained during tenure with one of the world’s largest consumer goods company, including membership on Procter & Gamble’s Global Leadership Council.


Sustainability: Responsibility for sustainability initiatives and programs for North America region of Procter & Gamble.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: Recognized leader of equality and inclusion within Procter & Gamble and the broader community.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Wide-ranging operational and leadership experience at consumer goods company, serving 370 million consumers in the region.


Government, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs: Responsible for operations, spanning sales offices, technical centers, manufacturing plants and mixing centers, and partners with multiple government agencies.


Director since 2023
(<1 years of tenure


Professional Experience

Current President, North America of Procter & Gamble.

Former President, North America Sales of Procter & Gamble.

Former EVP and Head of Sales, North America of Procter & Gamble.

Former SVP, Sales of Beauty, Health and Grooming Sector of Procter & Gamble.


Other Public Board Service





Committee Assignments and Rationale


Consistent with past practice, committee assignments will be established during first year of service.



Thomas J.


Board Chair, President, and Chief Executive Officer
Age 65

  Key Experience and Qualifications


Financial Services: Extensive experience gained within financial services industry throughout entire career, including 28 years with Allstate, and holds other active leadership positions in the industry.


Risk Management: Created and implemented Allstate’s risk and return optimization program, allowing Allstate to withstand the financial market crisis while also continuing to adapt to increased severe weather.


Accounting and Finance: Experience with strategic, financial and operational planning and analysis gained over tenure with Allstate, including as CEO and COO.


Technology and/or Cybersecurity: Led investments in innovative products and services at Allstate including telematics, digital protection solutions and customer-centric innovations.


Global Perspective: Leads Fortune 100 company with operations and over 20% of employees outside of the U.S.


Complex, Highly Regulated Businesses: Valuable insights into the highly regulated insurance industry and investment activities throughout career at Allstate.


Sustainability: Enhanced sustainability initiatives at Allstate and is noted public advocate for business playing a broad role in society.


Succession Planning and Human Capital Management: Extensive experience leading large teams and provides valuable insights in executive recruitment and succession planning.


Innovation and Customer Focus: Shaped and executed initiatives to fulfill Allstate’s role with, and responsibilities to, its customers and other key stakeholders. Created and led Transformative Growth strategy to build a digital insurance business model.


Government, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs: Understanding of legal and regulatory requirements relevant for large, public companies to ensure compliance.


Director since 2006
(16 years of tenure)


Professional Experience

CEO since January 2007 and Chair of Board since May 2008.

President from June 2005 to January 2015, and from February 23, 2018, to present.

Held senior executive roles other than CEO, having led all major operating units.

Former director at State Street Corporation.


Other Public Board Service





Committee Assignments and Rationale

Executive Committee (Chair)      

Comprehensive knowledge of Allstate’s business and industry, with 28 years of leadership experience at the company.

Significant governance experience through active dialogue with shareholders and corporate governance experts.


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2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance

Board and Nominee Independence Determinations

The Board has determined that all nominated directors, other than Mr. Wilson, are independent according to applicable law, the NYSE listing standards, and the Board’s Director Independence Standards. The Board’s Director Independence Standards are included on www.allstateinvestors.com. In accordance with the Director Independence Standards, the Board has determined that the nature of the relationships with the corporation that are set forth in Appendix B do not create a conflict of interest that would impair a director’s independence. The Board also determined that the members of the audit, compensation and human capital, nominating, governance and social responsibility, and risk and return committees are independent according to applicable laws, the NYSE listing standards, and the Board’s Director Independence Standards.

Additional independence considerations

When evaluating the independence of director nominees, the Board weighs numerous factors, including tenure and service on other public company boards.

Directors with more than 12 years of service are subject to specific considerations to ensure an undiminished level of independence. In particular, the Board weighed the potential impact of tenure on the independence of our longest-serving directors, Mses. Redmond and Sprieser. Ms. Redmond provides valuable perspectives and expertise on matters of significance to Allstate and is a respected leader in the Board room. The Board concluded that Ms. Redmond is a valued director who fulfills her responsibilities with independent-minded oversight. Ms. Sprieser has significant experience serving at Allstate under different operating environments, management teams and financial market cycles, and served on the Board under two CEOs and prior to Mr. Wilson’s appointment. The Board concluded that Ms. Sprieser is an effective director who fulfills her responsibilities with integrity and independence of thought. Mses. Redmond and Sprieser appropriately challenge management and the status quo, and are reasoned, balanced, and thoughtful in Board deliberations and in communications with management. The Board determined that each of Ms. Redmond and Ms. Sprieser’s independence from management has not been diminished by their years of service.

Related Person Transactions

The nominating, governance and social responsibility committee has adopted a written policy on the review, approval, or ratification of transactions with related persons, which is posted on the Corporate Governance section of www.allstateinvestors.com.

Since the beginning of 2022, there were no related person transactions identified.

The committee or committee chair reviews transactions with Allstate in which the amount involved exceeds $120,000 and in which any related person had, has, or will have a direct or indirect material interest. In general, related persons are directors, executive officers, their immediate family members, and shareholders beneficially owning more than 5% of our outstanding stock. The committee or committee chair approves or ratifies only those transactions that are in, or not inconsistent with, the best interests of Allstate and its shareholders. Transactions are reviewed and approved or ratified by the committee chair when it is not practicable or desirable to delay review of a transaction until a committee meeting. The committee chair reports any approved transactions to the committee. Any ongoing, previously approved, or ratified related person transactions are reviewed annually.

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Corporate Governance


Effective Board Governance at Allstate

Allstate has a history of strong corporate governance guided by three primary principles: dialogue, transparency and responsiveness. The Board has enhanced governance policies over time to align with best practices, drive sustained shareholder value and serve the interests of shareholders.




See pages 28-29>


●  Regularly consider candidates in light of current skill sets and needs, as well as in anticipation of retirements, resignations or changing business dynamics

●  All candidates evaluated and considered for their expertise, professional experiences and leadership

●  Diversity, including race, gender, ethnicity and culture, are also important factors in consideration of Board composition

●  Added five new directors within the last five years, including three that brought gender and/or ethnic/racial diversity to the Board


Board Effectiveness

See pages 30-32>


●  Board evaluation process includes multiple assessments and reviews of the Board, committees and individual directors

●  Robust director orientation and continuing director education program

●  High standards of corporate governance



See pages 33-40>


●  Frequent reviews of Allstate’s significant risks, including strategic, climate, human capital practices, culture, financial, investment markets and cybersecurity

●  Ongoing reviews of overall ESG strategy, including climate change, human capital management and organizational health

●  Reviews progress against three-year Inclusive, Diversity and Equity strategy twice a year



See pages 41-44>


●  Comprehensive and continuous shareholder engagement program based on dialogue, transparency, and responsiveness

●  Interactive investor dialogue provides perspective on investor concerns

●  Feedback is provided to the Board and actions are taken to reflect shareholder sentiment and ensure continued best practice



See pages 45-49>


●  Clearly defined roles for Board leadership

●  Strong Board independence with 11 out of 12 members independent of management, including all standing committee members

●  Instituted written policy to rotate Lead Director every three to five years and appointed new Lead Director in 2021

●  Independent Board Committees with frequent executive sessions

●  Appropriate director compensation structured in a manner that is aligned with shareholder interests

Allstate believes that strong and effective governance practices are critical to long-term value creation. To achieve that goal, Allstate follows the six corporate governance principles set out by the Investor Stewardship Group for U.S. listed companies.

1. Boards are accountable to shareholders
2. Shareholders should be entitled to voting rights in proportion to their economic interest
3. Boards should be responsive to shareholders and be proactive in order to understand their perspectives
4. Boards should have a strong, independent leadership structure
5. Boards should adopt structures and practices that enhance their effectiveness
6. Boards should develop management incentive structures that are aligned with the long-term strategy of the company


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2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance

Board Composition

Essential Characteristics of Effective Directors

The Board considers multiple characteristics essential for each nominee to ensure Board excellence and effectiveness. These characteristics are considered for proposed and standing directors consistent with the criteria described in the Corporate Governance Guidelines (available at www.allstateinvestors.com).

  Core Competencies   Additional Capabilities   Independence  
  Certain core competencies are required of all director nominees to ensure effective oversight of the affairs of the company for the benefit of its shareholders. These include strategic oversight, shareholder advocacy, corporate governance and leadership.   Other skills, expertise and experience are needed on the Board to further facilitate effective oversight of Allstate’s business strategies and priorities. These are described on page 15.   Directors should be free of interests or affiliations that could give rise to a biased approach to directorship responsibilities or a conflict of interest and to be free of any significant relationship with Allstate that would interfere with the director’s exercise of independent judgment.  
  Commitment   Other Directorships      
  Board members should have the ability to devote the time and effort necessary to serve as an effective director and act in a manner consistent with a director’s fiduciary duties of loyalty and care. Allstate executive officers may not serve on boards of other corporations whose executive officers serve on Allstate’s Board.   The Board has limits on the number of other public boards on which our directors may sit. Directors who are active executives may serve on the board of no more than two other public companies, and other directors may serve on the board of no more than four other public companies (in addition to Allstate’s Board in each case).      
  Diversity in its broadest sense is a key consideration in identifying and evaluating directors for nomination. Our nominating, governance and social responsibility committee considers a number of demographics and other factors, including race, gender and ethnicity, to ensure the Board reflects diverse viewpoints, backgrounds, skills, experiences and expertise.  
  Our Nominees            
  3 Black/African
  1 Asian/Other
Pacific Islander
  4 Female

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Corporate Governance


Board Nomination Process

The Board continually considers potential director candidates in anticipation of retirements, resignations, or the need for additional capabilities. Below is a description of the ongoing process to identify highly qualified candidates for Board service.

Board nominees are identified through a retained search firm, suggestions from current directors and shareholders, and through other methods, including self-nominations. Our newest director, Ms. Turner, was identified by a search firm.

The nominating, governance and social responsibility committee will consider director candidates recommended by a shareholder in the same manner as all other candidates recommended by other sources. A shareholder may recommend a candidate at any time of the year by writing to the Office of the Secretary, The Allstate Corporation, 3100 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL 60062, or by email submission to invrel@allstate.com.

A shareholder or group of up to 20 shareholders owning 3% or more of Allstate’s outstanding common stock continuously for at least three years can nominate director candidates constituting up to 20% of the Board in the company’s annual meeting proxy materials.


Evaluate Board Composition

Ensure Board is strong in core competencies of strategic oversight, corporate governance, shareholder advocacy and leadership and has diversity of skills, expertise and perspectives to meet existing and future business needs


Consider Diversity

The Board considers a number of demographic factors to develop a Board that, as a whole, reflects diverse representation, viewpoints and backgrounds


Assess Potential Candidates

To ensure appropriate personal qualities, such as independence of mind, tenacity, and skill set to meet existing or future business needs


Check Conflicts of Interest and References

All candidates are screened for conflicts of interest and independence


Meet with Qualified Candidates

To ensure appropriate personal qualities, such as independence of mind, tenacity, and skill set to meet existing or future business needs and strategic priorities


Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Dialogue

To consider shortlisted candidates, and after deliberations, recommend candidates for election to the Board


Board Dialogue and Decision

Added five highly qualified directors in the past five years

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2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance

Board Effectiveness

Board Evaluation Process

Allstate’s Board evaluation process includes multiple assessments and reviews performed throughout the year. This process ensures that the Board’s governance and oversight responsibilities are updated to reflect best practices and are well executed. These evaluations include discussions after every meeting, an annual Board assessment, annual committee assessments and individual director evaluations.

Steps to Achieve Board Effectiveness

        Board                             Individual Directors      
Frequency   Evaluation at every regular meeting   Annual evaluation   Biennial review of responsibilities and time allocation     Annual evaluation       Change in circumstances
Performed By   Independent Directors   Board, Committee Chairs and Lead Director   Board and Committees     Lead Director, nominating, governance and social responsibility committee chair, and Board Chair   Board

Measures effectiveness of Board oversight

Ensures meeting objectives were satisfied, all agenda items sufficiently considered and information presented was complete, understandable and organized

Identifies issues that need additional dialogue


Ensures Board and committees are functioning effectively

Results reviewed by nominating, governance and social responsibility committee and summarized for full Board; recommendations for improvement are reviewed and implemented


Ensures all necessary issues were considered to fulfill Board and committee responsibilities

Adjustments made to future agendas and timelines


Review contributions and performance in light of Allstate’s business and strategies and confirm continued independence

Feedback provided to each director by the Lead Director, nominating, governance and social responsibility committee chair, or Board Chair

Discuss each director’s future plans for continued Board service


Determine appropriateness of director’s continued membership on the Board after a change in primary employment

Review potential conflicts and whether change impacts director’s ability to devote the necessary time and effort to Board service

2022 Outcome

Based on the Board’s annual evaluation process, the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee reviewed feedback and established action items for the upcoming year. Results of individual director evaluations were used by the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee in connection with the annual nomination process. Specific action plans were discussed with each director.

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Corporate Governance


2022 Annual Evaluation Feedback and Action Items

Strategy and
Operational Oversight


Board Structure
and Culture


Information and


Directors find the three-day strategy session to be highly effective.

Directors value the frequent updates on Transformative Growth, succession planning, ESG priorities and the Societal Engagement Framework.


Directors appreciate the transparency in the Board room and believe the dialogue appropriately challenges management and leads to effective oversight.

Directors are pleased with steps taken to increase diversity at the Board level and believe the current mix of skills and experience are appropriate.


Directors appreciate the executive sessions at every meeting and value the candid dialogue.

Directors value the use of outside speakers on key strategic matters.






Action Items

Management will provide additional updates in between Board meetings related to changes to key strategical matters.

CEO succession planning and senior leadership development will remain focus areas.


Action Items

Diversity will continue to be prioritized with a facilitated Board discussion.


Action Items

Time limits will be used for meeting presentations to ensure adequate time for robust dialogue and executive sessions.

External speakers will continue to be utilized, including an additional speaker at the three- day strategy session.

Director Onboarding and Continuing Education

Orientation           All new directors participate in a robust director orientation and onboarding process to ensure a working knowledge of Allstate’s business, strategies, operating performance and culture and a successful integration into boardroom discussions as soon as possible. To assist with their development, all new directors are invited to attend all committee meetings prior to their appointment to a particular committee.
Director Commitment Beyond the Boardroom    

The commitment of our directors extends well beyond preparation for, and participation at, regularly scheduled Board meetings. Engagement beyond the boardroom provides our directors with additional insights into Allstate’s businesses and industry.

Directors regularly meet with senior leaders and employees below the senior leadership level. These interactions are offered in various forums, including one-on-one meetings and larger group sessions.

Directors also participate in informal meetings with other directors and senior leaders to share ideas, build stronger working relationships, gain broader perspectives, and strengthen their working knowledge of Allstate’s business, strategy, operating performance and culture.

Allstate also encourages and facilitates director participation in continuing education programs, and each director is given the opportunity to become a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors.

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2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance

Board Re-Nomination Process

The Board recognizes the importance of evaluating individual directors and their contributions to the Board in connection with re-nomination decisions. In considering whether to recommend re-nomination of a director for election, the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee conducts a detailed review, considering several factors.

Evaluation of Board Composition              

●  Essential characteristics

●  Shareholder feedback

●  Retirements


●  Evolving strategy and risk and return profile

●  Time commitment

●  Board and director evaluations


●  Attendance and participation

●  Diversity

How the Board Considers Each Factor       For more
Essential characteristics       Whether the director continues to possess the core competencies and additional capabilities necessary to ensure continued success of the Board   page 28
Evolving strategy and risk and return profile   The extent to which the director’s skills, perspectives and experience (including that gained due to service on the Board) continue to contribute to the effective oversight of Allstate’s business and strategic priorities   page 33
Board and director evaluations   Feedback received during the annual Board evaluation and discussions between each individual director and the Lead Director, nominating, governance and social responsibility committee chair, and Board Chair   pages 30-31
Attendance and participation   Attendance at, and participation during, Board and committee meetings   page 47
Diversity   The extent to which the director contributes to the diversity of the Board   page 29
Time commitment   Outside board and other affiliations, including overboarding considerations, time commitment and potential conflicts of interest or independence concerns   page 26
Retirement policy   Whether the director has reached the retirement age specified in Allstate’s director retirement policy   N/A
Shareholder Feedback   Feedback received from shareholders, including support received during the most recent annual shareholder meeting   page 42

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Corporate Governance


Board Oversight

Key Areas of Risk Oversight


The Board has primary responsibility for risk oversight. This includes oversight of Allstate’s Enterprise Risk and Return Management (“ERRM”), which applies risk-return principles, modeling and analytics, governance, and transparent management dialogue for the company’s significant risk and return priorities. Risks are regularly identified, measured, managed, and reported and risk and return perspectives are shared with the Board across six risk types: financial, insurance, investment, operational, strategic execution, and culture. The chief risk officer’s assessment of Allstate’s current risk position and alignment with risk and return principles is reviewed throughout the year, including risks associated with culture, climate, strategy, succession planning, political process, human capital, compensation and cybersecurity.

See page 60 for additional detailed information about governance and oversight of ESG.


What’s New

Allstate’s Societal Engagement Framework helps the Board evaluate, prepare for and act on societal issues important to the company.



The Board provides oversight on the development and implementation of Allstate’s strategic plans and associated risks. The full Board oversees strategy and enterprise risk and Board committees have additional oversight of various aspects of Allstate’s strategy.

Strategy is discussed at each regular Board meeting and presentations are provided by management on specific strategic initiatives and topics such as short- and long-term strategic and operational plans, capital utilization, investment returns, acquisitions and divestitures, capital market transactions and strategic ESG priorities. Management reviews with the Board Allstate’s overall corporate strategy and key strategic risks and returns, which are assessed by the chief risk officer annually.

Throughout 2022, the Board engaged on an ongoing basis with management on the execution of the Transformative Growth strategy and progress towards achieving each of the various components of the strategic and annual operating plans.

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2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance

Political Engagement 


Allstate engages in public policy advocacy at the state and federal levels to foster market innovation, protect consumers, promote safety and security, ensure a healthy regulatory system, and promote fiscal responsibility.

Allstate is regulated in all 50 states, Canada and at the federal level on many aspects of its business, including insurance pricing, claims practices, customer communications, privacy, sales practices, underwriting standards, investments and capital. As a result, it must participate in public policy issues to achieve Our Shared Purpose, including serving customers and generating attractive returns for shareholders. The scope of issues includes innovative products and services through the use of telematics auto insurance pricing, Arity, Allstate Protection Plans, Allstate Identity Protection and Avail (car sharing).

Allstate participates in political activities through direct and indirect advocacy, corporate political contributions and Allstate’s political action committee. Allstate contributes less than $1,000,000 annually in corporate funds to political organizations, including federal, state and local candidates and committees, in comparison to total revenues of $51.4 billion (less than 0.002% of total revenue). The types of expenditures are consistent from year to year.

The chief risk officer conducts an annual risk and return assessment of Allstate’s political activities for the Board to ensure there is appropriate oversight and management of corporate political engagement. In addition, the Board’s nominating, governance and social responsibility committee provides oversight of Allstate’s political contributions and activities, including in a joint session with the Board.


Chief Risk Officer’s Assessment

The chief risk officer’s assessment approach is based on Principles and Guidance for Responsible Corporate Political Engagement published by Transparency International UK. The political activities and associated risks identified by Transparency International UK were expanded to address Allstate’s specific activities and risk profile. These political activities were grouped for assessment as follows: i) political expenditures, ii) lobbying, iii) trade associations, social welfare groups and research organizations, iv) state-based regulatory and legislation management, v) political activities in the workplace and vi) disclosure.

The chief risk officer’s assessment concluded the following:

1.  Strong governance is in place to provide transparency and promote dialogue around advocacy priorities and initiatives

2.  Allstate’s political engagement risk profile and control framework remain stable versus prior year

3.  Reputation risk remains moderate and while numerous controls exist to limit exposure, a single candidate or organization could create negative publicity and market perception

4.  Lack of engagement would increase the likelihood of unfavorable legislation and policies, resulting in adverse business outcomes.


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Corporate Governance





The Board focuses on Allstate’s security and data privacy programs, recognizing that the quality and functionality of these programs affects reputation and customer trust. Allstate’s strategy revolves around protecting customers, and customers must feel that their personal data is safe.

Accordingly, the Board prioritizes its responsibility to oversee data protection efforts, including policies and systems designed to prevent and, if necessary, respond to cyber threats. The Board also oversees the company’s information security program, which is designed to protect and preserve the confidentiality, integrity and continued availability of all information owned by, or in the care of, the company. This program includes a cyber incident response plan that provides controls and procedures for timely and accurate reporting of any material cybersecurity incident. Allstate is continually enhancing information security capabilities in order to protect against emerging threats, detect system compromise and recover should a cyber-attack or unauthorized access occur.

The cybersecurity program is regularly reviewed and tested by Allstate’s internal audit function with quarterly status reports provided to the audit committee and the full Board. The audit committee receives semi-annual reports from its independent cybersecurity advisor.

  Cybersecurity Governance Best Practices
  Utilizes an independent cybersecurity advisor reporting to the audit committee to provide objective assessments of Allstate’s capabilities and to conduct advanced attack simulations
  Crisis simulations to prepare senior leaders to respond to a cyber attack
  Audit committee charter directs the Board’s data privacy oversight efforts
  Cross-functional approach to overseeing and addressing cybersecurity risk, with input from technology, risk, legal, and audit functions




Climate change is one of the most critical challenges today as it threatens customers, businesses and communities. In addition to developing products and services that address climate change and the transition to a lower-carbon future, senior management works with the Board to identify, measure, manage and monitor climate risks, including those presented by severe weather, increased natural catastrophes, related policy shifts and the development of new technology.

Allstate’s business viability depends on effectively modeling, pricing and managing climate-related risks, as well as meeting the needs that result from a changing climate and a changing society. Climate risks are managed within our ERRM framework and evaluated across six key categories: strategic, insurance, financial, investment, operational and cultural risk. The Board regularly hears from Allstate’s chief risk officer about climate change risks and reviewed climate risk at two meetings in 2022.

Climate Risk Management

Climate risks are managed within Allstate’s integrated ERRM framework, which applies risk-return principles, modeling and analytics, governance and transparent dialogue to understand the company’s highest-priority risks.


Risk Identification

●  Insurance risk: An increase in severe weather events has increased customers’ potential homeowners losses, requiring risk management actions such as changes in pricing, product coverages, geography, underwriting practices and reinsurance utilization.

●  Investment risk: Allstate’s investment process reflects some of the same climate risk considerations as the company’s insurance underwriting process. Potential environmental and severe weather risks are considered when making investments and limiting exposure to sectors with higher climate risk. ESG considerations and climate-specific metrics are included in asset management decisions.

●  Reputational risk: Climate change is important to customers and other key stakeholders, and we collaborate through external partnerships and public engagements.

Risk Mitigation

●  The Actuaries Climate Index (ACI) measures extreme weather and sea level increases through quarterly updates. The Catastrophe Modeling and Analytics team monitors state-specific risks and competitors’ actions and partners with the Investments team to model mortgage and real estate portfolios. The outcome of the assessment are incorporated into decision-making to balance risk and return.

Risk Assessments

●  Allstate’s Catastrophe Modeling and Analytics team and pricing groups assess climate change information and establish pricing, underwriting, concentration and coverage standards. The team uses information from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and the ACI, all of which conduct robust reviews and provide objective measures to provide decision makers with balanced information. The Responsible Investing Committee and the Investments Risk Committee assess investments for potential short- and long- term exposures to climate change.

Risk Monitoring and Reporting

●  Through Sustainability, TCFD and Climate Disclosure Project reports, Allstate reports on progress in mitigating climate change. We also continue to apply emerging data science to risk assessment, including exploring partnerships with startups that specialize in forward-looking climate modeling. In 2022, Allstate publicly disclosed science-aligned targets to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions and Scope 3 financed emissions.


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36 2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance



Compensation policies and practices are structured to reward employees for successfully executing the company’s strategies and annual operating plans while adhering to risk and return principles.

The compensation and human capital committee concluded the compensation plans are structured to ensure management does not take unnecessary or excessive risk based on assessments from the committee’s independent advisor and chief risk officer. Allstate’s compensation policies ensure balance of risk and return, while minimizing risks that could have a material adverse effect on Allstate.

Compensation plans balance annual and long-term incentives that align with short- and long-term business goals. No one, regardless of eligibility, is guaranteed an award under the annual cash incentive program.
Multiple performance measures are utilized that correlate with shareholder value creation and diversify the risk associated with any single performance indicator. In addition, the annual incentive program contains a funding adjustment for senior executives in the event of a net loss, which reduces the corporate pool funding for those officers by 50% of actual performance. Likewise, for the performance stock award program, the compensation and human capital committee requires positive net income in order for executives to earn PSAs for Average Performance Net Income ROE above target.
Equity awards and annual cash incentive awards are subject to a clawback policy, which provides for the recovery of certain equity awards and annual cash incentive awards to executive officers and other executive vice presidents. If performance results are later subject to a downward adjustment as a result of a material financial restatement, irrespective of cause, then the paid awards are recalculated with revised results with the compensation overpayment subject to clawback. The clawback policy also provides for recovery of equity and annual cash incentive awards in certain circumstances if an executive is terminated for improper conduct that leads to a material adverse impact on the reputation of, or a material adverse economic consequence for, the company.

Board Role in Setting Compensation

The compensation and human capital committee makes recommendations to the Board on compensation for the CEO and executive officers and the structure of plans used for executive officers. The compensation and human capital committee reviews the executive compensation program throughout the year with the assistance of an independent compensation consultant, Pay Governance. Pay Governance’s responsibilities include:

benchmarking Allstate’s plans and compensation relative to the market,
evaluating changes to the executive compensation program, and
assessing Allstate’s executive compensation design, peer group selection, relative pay for performance, and total direct compensation for individual senior executive positions.

The compensation and human capital committee annually evaluates the compensation consultant’s performance and independence.

The compensation and human capital committee grants all equity awards to individuals designated as executive officers for purposes of Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or covered employees as defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m). The compensation and human capital committee has authority to grant equity awards to eligible employees in accordance with the terms of our 2019 Equity Incentive Plan. The Board has delegated limited authority to the CEO and the CHRO to grant equity awards to non-executive officers. All awards granted between compensation and human capital committee meetings are reported at the next meeting. The compensation consultant also provides the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee with competitive information on director compensation.

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Corporate Governance


Human Capital Management



The Board engages in an ongoing review of human capital management practices since they are vital to Allstate’s continued success. This includes overall organizational health and practices, such as recruitment, development, and retention as well as progress against the company’s inclusive diversity and equity (IDE) strategy and goals.

Inclusive Diversity and Equity

IDE is a core value in Allstate’s Shared Purpose. In furtherance of the goal to be a differentiated IDE leader, Allstate launched a multi-year IDE strategy that is overseen by the Board. The Board reviewed IDE topics at multiple meetings in 2022, including a presentation by an outside speaker on IDE priorities and opportunities, leading to effective oversight of this important initiative.

  Pay Equity Analysis
  As part of Allstate’s commitment to fair and equitable compensation practices, an internal pay equity analysis is completed on an annual basis.
  For the fourth year in a row, Allstate engaged an outside firm to provide a detailed pay equity analysis to identify potential pay gaps across substantially similar employee groups and identify policies, practices or systematic issues that may contribute to pay gaps now or over time.
  The external analysis found that Allstate’s results compare well to benchmarks for companies of similar size and scope. In the few employee groups where pay gaps were identified, these gaps were remediated and policies were established to ensure pay equity continues in the future.

Board Role in Reviewing Culture

At Allstate, we believe that a purpose driven company must be powered by purpose driven people.

Culture is defined as a self-sustaining system of shared values, priorities and principles that shape beliefs, drive behaviors and influence decision making within an organization.

At Allstate, we are focusing on how we recruit, retain, develop and engage employees. Organizational culture is included as a key risk category and is monitored and measured by management’s ERRM framework and overseen by the Board. This “tone at the top” message ensures that management is held accountable for its implementation and maintenance of high ethical standards and protecting Allstate’s reputation, assets and business. By including culture as a key risk category, the Board is able to review culture at a granular level. The Board reviewed organizational culture at two meetings in 2022.

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Corporate Governance

Board Role in Succession Planning

The Board’s involvement in leadership development and succession planning is systematic and ongoing. Management succession is discussed four times annually in compensation and human capital committee meetings, Board meetings, and executive sessions. Discussions cover the CEO and other senior executive roles. The Board also has regular and direct exposure to senior leadership and high-potential officers in meetings held throughout the year.

Board Reviews Management Leadership Succession Planning Continuously throughout the Year

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Corporate Governance


Risk Management Program and Board Oversight

The Board oversees Enterprise Risk and Return Management (“ERRM”), including management’s design and implementation of ERRM practices. ERRM applies risk-return principles, modeling and analytics, governance, and transparent management dialogue to understand the company’s highest-priority risks. The chief risk officer’s assessment of Allstate’s current risk position and alignment with risk and return principles is reviewed throughout the year, including reviews of compensation programs and political engagement. Significant risks, including those affected by climate change, financial markets, cybersecurity and privacy threats, are regularly identified, measured, managed, and reported.

Comprehensive Risk Management Oversight

ERRM governance includes Board oversight, an executive management committee, and chief risk officers that oversee various areas of Allstate.


The Board has overall responsibility for oversight of Allstate’s ERRM program, including management’s design and implementation of the ERRM framework. Oversight is supported by the audit and risk and return committees. The audit committee oversees the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting, disclosure controls, and procedures, as well as management’s risk control framework and cybersecurity program. The risk and return committee oversees the effectiveness of the ERRM program, governance structure and risk-related decision-making, while focusing on the company’s aggregate risk profile.

For further information on the risk oversight responsibilities of each committee, see page 40.


The Enterprise Risk and Return Council (“ERRC”) directs ERRM activities by establishing risk and return targets, determining economic capital levels, and monitoring integrated strategies and actions from an enterprise risk and return perspective. The ERRC consists of Allstate’s Chief Executive Officer, CRO, CFO, Market-Facing Business leaders, and other senior leaders.


Business unit chief risk officers report into the ERRM team, fostering a culture of collaboration, efficiency, and cross-functional dialogue regarding risks and opportunities.


Various management committees work with the ERRC to direct ERRM activities, including the Operating Committee, the Operational Risk and Return Council, the Information Security Council, the ESG Steering Committee, liability governance committees, and investment committees.


Risk and return perspectives are shared with the Board across six risk types
Financial Insurance Investment Operational Strategic

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40 2023 Proxy Statement
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The key risk areas overseen by each Board committee are included below.

Board of Directors Overall accountability of Allstate’s enterprise risk and return management;
reviews at least twice a year
Risk and Return Committee Audit Committee Compensation and Human Capital Committee Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee
Reviews risk and return at least five times annually Reviews risk at least four times annually Reviews risk and return at least once annually Reviews risk as needed

●  Oversees the effectiveness of Allstate’s ERRM framework, governance structure and decision making

–  Reviewed through a quarterly risk summary report that identifies key risks, measurement of the risk profile, and alignment with risk and return principles

–  Includes a review of the chief risk officer’s assessment of strategic and operating plans

●  Reviews regulatory Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (“ORSA”) report

●  Reviews Allstate’s culture

●  The audit committee chair is a risk and return committee member to enhance cross- committee communication

●  The chief risk officer attends all meetings and has regular executive sessions with the committee

●  The chief audit executive attends all meetings

●  Reviews risk factors included in the Form 10-K, including risks related to climate change and severe weather

●  Assessed risks associated with special topics, including economic capital, inflation, and climate change

●  Oversees Allstate’s internal controls related to key risks and the major financial risk exposures

–  Reported through a semi-annual risk control dashboard

●  Reviews risk factors included in the Form 10-K

●  Reviewed the risk framework and internal audit approach related to Transformative Growth

●  The chief risk officer attends all meetings

●  Reviews the independence and performance of the company’s registered public accounting firm on an annual basis

●  The chief audit executive attends all meetings and has regular executive sessions with the committee

●  The risk and return committee chair is an audit committee member to enhance cross-committee communication

●  Conducts quarterly reviews to oversee the efficacy of cybersecurity risk initiatives and related policies and procedures

–  Utilizes an external, independent cybersecurity advisor

●  Oversees executive compensation programs (including the design, performance measures and ranges in incentive plans)

–  Includes a review of the chief risk officer’s assessment of incentive compensation programs

●  Reviewed progress on Transformative Growth and the IDE strategy and determined impact on the annual incentive program

●  Oversees talent development and senior executive succession planning to ensure they appropriately align with Allstate’s risk and return principles

●  Oversight responsibilities related to human capital management, including IDE, recruitment, leadership and development, turnover, retention, organizational health and pay equity

●  Reviewed organizational transformation strategy

●  Oversees director elections and corporate governance practices to ensure they appropriately align with Allstate’s risk and return principles

●  Considers Board composition on an ongoing basis to ensure the Board is composed of directors with skills and experiences that fit the company’s business and strategies

●  Oversees the company’s significant ESG topics and its political contributions and activities

–  Reviewed the priorities and reporting related to Allstate’s ESG strategy and progress

–  Includes a review of the chief risk officer’s assessment of political activities and a periodic review of a report on ESG

●  Recommended election of new director who brings specific skills and experience



●  Chief risk officer

●  Chief financial officer

●  Chief audit executive

●  Other internal subject matter experts


●  Chief risk officer

●  Chief financial officer

●  Chief audit executive

●  Chief information security officer

●  External, independent cybersecurity advisor

●  Other outside experts


●  Independent compensation consultant

●  Chief human resources officer

●  Chief inclusive diversity and equity officer

●  Chief risk officer


●  External governance advisor

●  Chairs of ESG Steering Committee

●  Chief risk officer

●  Other internal subject matter experts


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Corporate Governance


Board Accountability 4
Shareholder Engagement

Allstate proactively engages with significant shareholders throughout the year. Dialogue, transparency and responsiveness are the cornerstones of our shareholder engagement program.

How We Engage

Direct engagement involves reaching out to Allstate’s largest shareholders multiple times throughout the year. We also engage with proxy and other investor advisory firms that represent the interests of various shareholders.

Discussions with shareholders may include Allstate’s Lead Director, Chair/CEO, chair of the compensation and human capital committee and other committee chairs or directors as necessary.

In 2022, Allstate engaged with shareholders representing approximately 36% of outstanding shares and provided opportunity for more robust dialogue and greater feedback, which was discussed at subsequent Board and committee meetings.

Four-Phase Engagement Cycle


This input is reported to the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee, which in turn allocates specific issues to relevant Board committees for further consideration. Each Board committee reviews relevant feedback and determines if additional discussion or actions are necessary by the respective committee or full Board.

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Shareholder Feedback Is Integrated Into Board Discussions and Decisions



Investors want to understand how inflation has affected strategy and results.

Investors believe that company boards and management should be focused on strategies that most lead to sustained value creation.


Allstate is successfully implementing a comprehensive auto insurance profit improvement plan as loss cost inflation has reduced margins. Increased Board time was spent overseeing management’s actions to improve profitability.

The company’s progress on Transformative Growth was discussed at every Board meeting.

A Societal Engagement Framework is used to evaluate, prepare and communicate Allstate’s participation on issues that drive sustainable value creation, including goals that are directly tied to our business strategy and Our Shared Purpose.


Investors want expanded disclosures on climate risk exposure and opportunities to mitigate risk.

Investors increasingly expect companies to develop net zero commitments.


Climate-related disclosures in the proxy statement were expanded. Allstate’s TCFD report was enhanced to incorporate the goal-setting work that is underway. An Environmental, Social and Governance Summary Report was published which further describes climate goals.

Allstate announced its commitment to achieve net zero emissions for direct, indirect and value-chain greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. By the end of 2025, Allstate will establish a goal for financed emissions.

Climate strategy and risk was reviewed with the Board over multiple meetings.


Human Capital.
Investors want to understand how companies are addressing employee turnover and encouraging employee retention and development.

While investors are supportive of diversity and inclusion metrics in compensation programs, they want to ensure the metrics include criteria that can be measured.


The company is using analytics to align skills to highest priority issues, focus talent development and deploy talent efficiently to further enable the Transformative Growth strategy.

Allstate is executing a comprehensive multi-year Inclusive Diversity and Equity strategy to accelerate the pace of change for diversity across the enterprise.

An Inclusive Diversity and Equity component was integrated into the annual incentive plan and includes specific, quantifiable goals that are reviewed by the Board.


Board Composition.
Investors are focused on whether companies have the right skills, experience and diversity on boards to advance and oversee corporate strategy and related risks.

Investors are interested in how oversight ESG-related responsibilities are effectively covered among Board committees.


Three new Board members were added within the last three years, each bringing specific experience and skills sets to help oversee the key components of Allstate’s business strategy.

Director skills and capabilities were reviewed during the annual evaluation process.

Allstate’s Board has overall oversight of ESG and each committee has clear responsibilities over specific areas of ESG. The Board receives updates at each regular meeting.

Strong Governance Practices Enhance Shareholder Rights

Allstate has also enhanced its governance practices over time to serve the best interests of its shareholders. Shareholder rights include annual election of directors with a majority vote standard, proxy access rights, no shareholder rights plan (“poison pill”), no supermajority vote provisions, confidential voting, and right to call a special meeting and request action by written consent.

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Corporate Governance


Stakeholder Input and Responsiveness

Allstate continually seeks stakeholder input to meet its obligation as a corporate citizen. In addition to shareholders, we regularly engage with customers and consumers, employees, Allstate agents, nongovernmental organizations, opinion leaders, policymakers and suppliers. Feedback is collected across these stakeholder groups, key topics are identified, and strategies are developed to address gaps. There are also stakeholder-specific avenues for engagement.

We survey customers, consumers, Allstate agents and employees every quarter    Allstate partners with The RepTrak Co., a global research firm, to study how stakeholders perceive the company    Shareholders, shareholder advisors/agents and opinion leaders are surveyed each year    Non-governmental organizations and policymakers are surveyed every two years
Allstate focuses on serving customers, generating attractive shareholder returns, providing opportunities to employees and agents, and improving communities

Allstate’s Societal Engagement Framework

We use a Societal Engagement Framework to evaluate, prepare and communicate to stakeholders Allstate’s participation in societal issues.

Criteria to Evaluate Potential Societal Issues

Three societal issues are in the Lead category: Climate, Data Privacy and Equity

Allstate’s participation is segmented into three response categories:


Strongly aligns with criteria; unique ability to address through action with manageable risk

  Take strong position across stakeholders that positions Allstate as a leader


Partially aligns with criteria; some ability to impact with manageable to moderate risk

  Communicate to stakeholders as appropriate

Support/Low Engagement

Limited alignment with criteria; moderate to high risk and negligible opportunity benefit

  Do not take public position, but continue to monitor and assess


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Corporate Governance

More Information

You can learn more about Allstate’s corporate governance by visiting www.allstateinvestors.com, where you will find our Corporate Governance Guidelines, each standing committee charter, and Director Independence Standards. Allstate has adopted a comprehensive Global Code of Business Conduct that applies to the CEO, CFO, controller, and other senior financial and executive officers, as well as the Board of Directors and other employees. It is also available at www.allstateinvestors.com. Each of the above documents is available in print upon written request to the Office of the Secretary, The Allstate Corporation, 3100 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL 60062, or by email request to invrel@allstate.com.

Communication with the Board

The Board has established a process to facilitate communication by shareholders and other interested parties with directors as a group. The chief legal officer and general counsel reports regularly to the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee on all correspondence received that, in her opinion, involves functions of the Board or its committees or that merits Board attention. Items that are unrelated to the duties and responsibilities of the Board are not forwarded, such as: business solicitations or advertisements; product related inquiries; junk mail or mass mailings; resumes or other job-related inquiries; or spam and overtly hostile, threatening, potentially illegal or similarly unsuitable communications. Activity on social media is also monitored and reported to the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee.

The Allstate Board welcomes your input on compensation, governance, and other matters.
The Allstate Corporation, Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee, 3100 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL 60062, c/o General Counsel


In addition, the audit committee has established procedures for the receipt, retention, and treatment of any complaints about accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters. To report any issue relating to The Allstate Corporation (including Allstate Insurance Company and its affiliates) accounting, accounting controls, financial reporting or auditing practices, you may contact the company by mail, telephone or email. Telephone contacts may be kept confidential at your request.

By mail:       By phone:       By email:
The Allstate Corporation,
Audit Committee
3100 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL
60062 c/o General Counsel
  Allstate i-Report Line: 1-800-706-9855   auditcommittee2@allstate.com

The communication process and the methods to communicate with directors are posted on the “Governance Overview” section of www.allstateinvestors.com.

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Corporate Governance


Board Structure 5
Board Leadership

Currently, our Board leadership structure consists of an independent Lead Director, a Chair (who is also our CEO) and strong committee chairs. The Board believes that this structure provides independent Board leadership and engagement while providing the benefit of having our CEO, the individual with primary responsibility for managing the company’s day-to-day operations, chair regular Board meetings as key business and strategic issues are discussed.

The independent directors have the ability to separate the roles of Chair and CEO if it is in the best interests of Allstate and its shareholders, and did so during a CEO transition in 2007. When making this determination, the independent directors consider the recommendation of the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee, the current circumstances at Allstate, skills and experience of the individuals involved, and leadership composition of the Board.

The Board regularly reviews its leadership structure and thoroughly evaluated whether to combine or to split the chair and CEO roles. The independent directors have determined Allstate is well served by having Mr. Wilson hold the roles of Chair and CEO. Mr. Wilson has more than 28 years of insurance industry experience, has extensive company knowledge, has demonstrated successful leadership of external boards and provides excellent leadership and direction for both management and the Board. He is highly qualified to lead discussions of the Board and is in the best position to facilitate the flow of business information and communications between the Board and management. The Board has strong independent oversight with Allstate’s independent Lead Director and 11 of 12 directors being independent. The Board evaluates this structure annually.

Independent Lead Director

Allstate’s Board believes that a strong Lead Director role with clearly defined responsibilities provides an effective independent management oversight. A strong Lead Director role has been in place for over twelve years and the roles and responsibilities have been enhanced over time based on shareholder and other feedback. Allstate’s Corporate Governance Guidelines describe the responsibilities of the Lead Director and the selection process, including the characteristics that the Board considers important in a Lead Director.

The Lead Director is elected annually by the independent directors, and it is expected that the Lead Director serve three to five years.


Gregg Sherrill

Current Lead Director


Independent Lead Director Responsibilities

Board Meetings and Executive Sessions

   Has the authority to call meetings of the independent directors

   Approves meeting agendas and schedules and information sent to the Board to ensure there is sufficient time for discussion of all items and that directors have the information necessary to perform their duties

   Chairs executive sessions of independent directors at every Board meeting

   Presides at all Board meetings when the Chair is not present

Duties to the Board

   Has regular communications with the CEO about Allstate’s strategy and performance

   Performs additional duties designated by the independent directors

CEO Performance Evaluation

   Facilitates and communicates the Board’s performance evaluation of the Chair and CEO with the chair of the compensation and human capital committee

Succession Plans

   Facilitates the development of a succession plan for the Chair and CEO

Communication Between Chair
and Independent Directors

   Serves as liaison between the Chair and independent directors

   Consults with the Chair and discusses items raised in executive sessions

Communication with Shareholders

   Communicates with significant shareholders and other stakeholders on matters involving broad corporate policies and practices, when appropriate

Committee Involvement

   Works with the Chair and committee chairs to ensure coordinated coverage of Board responsibilities and ensures effective functioning of all committees

   Ensures the implementation of a committee self-evaluation process and regular committee reports to the Board

Board and Individual Director Evaluations

   Participates in the evaluation of individual director, Board and committee performance with the chair of the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee and the Chair

Mr. Sherrill was named independent Lead Director in May 2021. As a director at Allstate since 2017, Mr. Sherrill has served on the audit and nominating, governance and social responsibility committees. During his tenure on Allstate’s Board, he has cultivated an expansive knowledge of Allstate through transformative growth, strategic advances, operational and organizational changes, and an evolving external environment. His leadership, knowledge and experience balances the perspectives of both the longer-tenured Board members and newer directors.

Considerations in Selecting Current Lead Director

The independent directors consider several factors, including the director’s corporate governance expertise, operational and leadership experience, board service and tenure, integrity, and ability to meet the required time commitment. It is preferable that the Lead Director hold a previous position as chair of a board committee, either at Allstate or another company. In 2021, Mr. Sherrill was chosen by the independent directors as he exemplified these characteristics. He has significant board leadership experience, including as former chairman of Tenneco and former chair of the organization and executive compensation committee of Snap-On. The independent directors believe that Mr. Sherrill is exceptionally well-qualified to serve as Allstate’s independent lead director.


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2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance

Allstate’s Chair and CEO provides excellent leadership and direction for both management and the Board. The Lead Director is empowered with and exercises, robust, well-defined duties. The Board is composed of experienced and committed independent directors that provide objective independent Board leadership and effectively engage and oversee management. The Board committees have objective, experienced chairs and members.

Chair of the Board

Purpose: Serves as the primary voice to articulate Allstate’s long-term strategic priorities, performance and operating results, as well as ensures management is effectively providing the proper information and analysis to the Board to facilitate effective oversight. Significant dialogue with stakeholders on governance, strategy and operating performance facilitates Board effectiveness.


Independent Lead Director

Purpose: Serves as a liaison between the Chair and the independent directors to provide a supplemental channel of communication. Collaborates with Chair/CEO on Board meeting agendas, effectiveness, planning matters, and other related topics of management oversight.


Board of Directors

Purpose: Provide objective oversight of management, review the CEO’s performance and succession planning, and approve CEO compensation. Oversee Allstate’s strategy, operating performance, and sustainable value creation.

Audit Committee   Compensation and
Human Capital
  Nominating, Governance
and Social Responsibility
  Risk and Return
Purpose: Assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities related to the integrity of the company’s financial statements, enterprise risk, ethics and compliance programs, internal audit and internal control functions and independent registered public accountant.   Purpose: Assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities related to the compensation of the CEO and the selection and compensation of the other executive officers, administration of the company’s compensation plans and review of the company’s human capital practices.   Purpose: Assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities related to director elections, committee composition, identification of director candidates, director evaluation processes and results, environmental, social and governance priorities, and other corporate governance matters and policies.   Purpose: Assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities related to the identification, evaluation and mitigation of risks inherent in the company’s business, strategy, capital structure, and operating plans.

Executive Committee

The Board has an Executive Committee made up of the Lead Director, committee chairs and Board Chair. The Executive Committee is chaired by Mr. Wilson and has the powers of the Board in the management of Allstate’s business affairs to the extent permitted under the bylaws, excluding any powers granted by the Board to any other committee of the Board. In addition, the Executive Committee provides Board oversight if outside the scope of established committees or if an accelerated process is necessary. No meetings of the Executive Committee were necessary in 2022.

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Corporate Governance

The Allstate Corporation Board of Directors    

Gregg Sherrill,

Lead Director

Thomas J. Wilson,



Meetings in 2022: 6

  The company’s progress on the Transformative Growth strategy was discussed at every Board meeting, including three days in October to focus on strategy.

  The Board discussed Allstate’s environmental, social and governance strategy and progress at multiple meetings, including climate strategy.

  Succession planning and inclusive diversity and equity were each discussed at multiple meetings.

Robust Role for Independent Committee Chairs

Each of the committee chairs approves meeting agendas and reviews committee materials. Prior to each meeting, each committee chair has a conversation with the Board Chair and CEO and relevant operating executives. The committee chairs discuss meeting materials and agendas in advance of each meeting, which fosters independence and successful execution of each committee’s responsibilities.


Highly Independent Board

Eleven out of twelve directors on the Board are independent. Each director has input into Board and committee meeting schedules, agendas and materials. In addition, directors are provided opportunities throughout the year for independent discussion and reflection. The directors hold executive sessions without management present at every regular Board and committee meeting.

Management Participation in Committee Meetings

Key members of management regularly attend and participate in Board meetings. Regular attendees include the CEO, CFO, chief legal officer and general counsel, presidents of Property-Liability, Protection Services, and Investments and corporate strategy, and chief risk officer. Other senior leaders attend as meeting topics warrant. In addition, senior leadership also participates in committee meetings.

“Over the past year, we discussed Transformative Growth progress and other key strategic priorities at every meeting. We reviewed key senior leadership changes and oversaw the implementation of a comprehensive three-year strategy to accelerate the pace of change for diversity across the enterprise. We also added a new Board member who brings valuable skills and experience to further support oversight of Allstate’s strategic initiatives.”

— Gregg M. Sherrill, Independent Lead Director


Use of Independent Advisors

Each committee operates under a written charter and has the ability to hire third-party advisors. Outside experts such as independent auditors, compensation consultants, governance specialists, cybersecurity experts, board search firm representatives, and financial advisors attend meetings to provide directors with additional information on issues.

In 2022, outside firms were engaged to provide independent assessments of Allstate’s compensation practices, financial results, Board composition, pay equity practices and cybersecurity program.

Board Attendance  


Average attendance of directors as a group at Board and committee meetings during 2022


Board and committee meetings in 2022


Directors are expected to attend Board and committee meetings and the annual meeting of shareholders. During 2022, each director attended at least 75% of the combined Board meetings and meetings of committees of which he or she was a member. Ten of the eleven directors who stood for election at the 2022 annual meeting of shareholders attended the annual meeting. One director was unable to attend due to a prior professional obligation.

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2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance




Report, pg. 111

Meetings in 2022: 9

Chair: Kermit R.

Other Members:

Donald E. Brown
Siddharth N. Mehta
Jacques Perold

“We discussed internal audit advisory engagements on Transformative Growth initiatives and reviewed internal controls and compliance. Data privacy and cybersecurity continued to be areas of focus and we engaged an independent cybersecurity advisor for the seventh year in a row.”

— Kermit R. Crawford, Chair


Key Responsibilities:

  Oversees integrity of financial statements and other financial information and disclosures

  Oversees the system of internal control over accounting and financial reporting and disclosure controls and procedures

  Reviews the enterprise risk control assessment and guidelines, including cybersecurity and data privacy risk and the major financial risk exposures and management’s steps to monitor and control those risks

  Oversees the ethics and compliance program and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

  Appoints, retains, and oversees the independent registered public accountant, and evaluates its qualifications, performance and independence

  Evaluates retaining an independent cybersecurity advisor

  Oversees Allstate’s internal audit function

  Oversees Allstate’s data privacy programs

  Has authority to engage independent counsel and other advisors to carry out its duties

Management Participation in Committee Meetings

The CFO, chief audit executive, chief compliance executive, chief risk officer, CEO, chief legal officer and general counsel, and controller all actively participate in meetings. Senior business unit and technology executives, including the chief information security officer, are present when appropriate. Executive sessions of the committee, in which the committee meets privately with the independent registered public accountant, independent cybersecurity advisor, chief audit executive, and chief compliance executive, are held at all regular meetings.

Independence and Audit Committee Financial Expert

The Board determined that all members of the audit committee are independent under the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) and Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) requirements, and that Messrs. Brown and Mehta are each an audit committee financial expert as defined under SEC rules.



Compensation and
Human Capital

Report, pg. 86

Meetings in 2022: 7

Chair: Perry M.


Other Members:

Richard T. Hume
Margaret M. Keane
Andrea Redmond
Judith A. Sprieser

“We discussed Allstate’s human capital practices and organizational health, including progress against the three-year IDE strategy. We once again received an independent assessment of pay equity.”

— Perry M. Traquina, Chair


Key Responsibilities:

  Oversees Allstate’s executive compensation plans

  Selects and retains the committee’s independent compensation consultant

  Assists the Board in determining all compensation elements of the executive officers, including the CEO

  Reviews the Compensation Discussion and Analysis and prepares the Compensation Committee Report in this proxy statement

  Reviews management succession plans, evaluation processes and organizational strength

  Conducts an annual review of the company’s human capital management practices, organizational health, employee and agent survey data, company culture, diversity and inclusiveness, and pay equity

  Reviews CEO’s performance in light of approved goals and objectives

Management Participation in Committee Meetings

The chief human resources officer, chief legal officer and general counsel, CFO, and CEO participate in meetings. The committee regularly meets in executive sessions with the independent compensation consultant or chief human resources officer.

  The chief human resources officer provides the committee with internal and external analyses of the structure of compensation programs. Throughout the year, the estimated and actual results under our incentive compensation plans are reviewed.

  The CFO discusses financial results relevant to incentive compensation, other financial measures, and accounting rules.

  The CEO advises on the alignment of incentive plan performance measures with strategy and the design of equity incentive awards. He also provides the committee with performance evaluations of senior executives and recommends merit increases and compensation awards.

  The chief legal officer and general counsel provides input on the legal and regulatory environment and corporate governance best practices and ensures the proxy materials accurately reflect the committee’s actions.

  The chief risk officer reports annually on compensation plan alignment with Board-approved risk and return principles, and whether compensation outcomes were achieved within those principles.

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Corporate Governance



Governance and
Social Responsibility

Meetings in 2022: 5

Chair: Andrea Redmond

Other Members:

Donald E. Brown
Margaret M. Keane
Gregg M. Sherrill

“We continued our focus on the company’s ESG initiatives and reporting frameworks and reviewed the Societal Engagement Framework to ensure effective communication of Allstate’s participation on key issues important to our stakeholders.”

— Andrea Redmond, Chair


Key Responsibilities:

  Recommends candidates for Board election and nominees for Board committees

  Recommends candidates for Lead Director and Chair

  Recommends criteria for selecting directors and the Lead Director, and determines director independence

  Reviews the Corporate Governance Guidelines and advises the Board on corporate governance issues

  Determines performance criteria and oversees the performance assessment of the Board, Board committees, and Lead Director

  Reviews Allstate’s non-employee director compensation program

  Has authority to retain a director search firm and director compensation consultant

  Reviews priorities and reporting related to Allstate’s ESG activities, including political contributions and sustainability initiatives

Management Participation in Committee Meetings

The CEO and chief legal officer and general counsel participate in meetings. The committee regularly meets in executive session without management present. The chief risk officer provides risk assessments on political contributions and activities. The chief legal officer and general counsel provides regular updates to the committee on ESG priorities.



Risk and Return

Meetings in 2022: 6

Chair: Siddharth
N. Mehta

Other Members:

Kermit R. Crawford
Richard T. Hume
Jacques Perold
Judith A. Sprieser
Perry M. Traquina

“In 2022, we reviewed significant risk and return assumptions on Allstate’s strategic plans, including risks related to Transformative Growth, climate change, inflationary impacts and pricing regulation. We assessed the company’s information security and data privacy practices to reduce exposure risk to customer information and meet consumer expectations.”

— Siddharth N. Mehta, Chair


Key Responsibilities:

  Assists the Board in risk and return governance and oversight

  Reviews risk and return processes, policies, and guidelines used by management to evaluate, monitor, and manage enterprise risk and return

  Reviews Allstate’s enterprise risk and return management function, including its performance, organization, practices, budgeting, and staffing

  Supports the audit committee in its oversight of risk assessment and management policies

  Has authority to retain outside advisors to assist in its duties

  Reviews extremely low frequency high severity scenarios (“ELFS”) on an annual basis, including a periodic review of ELFS related to climate and weather-related risks

Management Participation in Committee Meetings

The chief risk officer, CFO, CEO, chief legal officer and general counsel, chief audit executive, chief technology officer and chief information security officer participate in meetings. The committee regularly meets in executive session, including sessions with the chief risk officer.

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2023 Proxy Statement
Corporate Governance

Director Compensation

Director Compensation Program

The director compensation program is designed to appropriately compensate non-employee directors for serving on the board of a large, complex, and highly regulated company and to align their interests with shareholders. The nominating, governance and social responsibility committee reviews non-employee director compensation annually. The following charts describe each component of our non-employee director compensation program for 2022.

(1) Paid quarterly in advance on the first business day of January, April, July, and October. The retainer is prorated for a director who joins the Board during a quarter. Beginning in 2023, the additional annual cash retainer paid to the chair of the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee has been increased to $25,000.
(2) Directors are granted restricted stock units on June 1 equal in value to $175,000 divided by the closing price of a share of Allstate common stock on such grant date, rounded up to the nearest whole share.
Director Equity Compensation   Further Director Compensation Highlights

  The Board believes that a meaningful portion of a director’s compensation should be in the form of equity securities to create alignment with corporate performance and shareholder interests.

  Annual restricted stock units are granted under a fixed-value formula and in accordance with the shareholder approved 2017 Equity Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors. The aggregate grant date fair value of any award during a calendar year may not exceed $800,000.


  Director total compensation, Lead Director and committee chair retainers, and equity grant practices are all benchmarked annually against insurance industry peer group and relevant compensation surveys to target total compensation at the median.

  No additional fees are paid for Board or committee meeting attendance.

Director Stock Ownership Guidelines

Each director is expected, within five years of joining the Board or within five years of an increase in annual cash retainer, if applicable, to accumulate an ownership position in Allstate common stock equal to six times the value of the cash retainer. Allstate’s stock ownership requirements specify that Allstate shares owned personally and beneficially, as well as unvested restricted stock units, count toward meeting the requirement.

Each director has met the ownership guideline, except for Messrs. Brown and Hume, who joined the Board in 2020, and Ms. Turner, who joined the Board in 2023.

NEW What’s New
  Based on consultation with the independent compensation consultant and a competitive review of Allstate’s non-employee director compensation program, beginning in 2022, the equity portion of director compensation was increased from $155,000 to $175,000. Additionally, in light of increased focus on ESG matters, beginning in 2023, the additional annual cash retainer paid to the chair of the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee has been increased to $25,000.

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Corporate Governance


2022 Director Compensation

The following table summarizes the compensation for each of our non-employee directors who served as a member of the Board and its committees in 2022.

Name Leadership Roles Held During 2022   Fees Earned or
Paid in Cash
      Stock Awards
Donald E. Brown     125,000   175,110   300,110
Kermit R. Crawford Audit Committee Chair   160,000   175,110   335,110
Michael L. Eskew (retired in May 2022)   62,500   -   62,500
Richard T. Hume     125,000   175,110   300,110
Margaret M. Keane     125,000   175,110   300,110
Siddharth N. Mehta Risk and Return Committee Chair   160,000   175,110   335,110
Jacques P. Perold     125,000   175,110   300,110
Andrea Redmond Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee Chair   145,000   175,110   320,110
Gregg M. Sherrill Lead Director   175,000   175,110   350,110
Judith A. Sprieser     125,000   175,110   300,110
Perry M. Traquina Compensation and Human Capital Committee Chair   155,000   175,110   330,110

(1) Under the 2017 Equity Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors, directors may elect to receive Allstate common stock in lieu of cash compensation. In 2022, Ms. Keane and Messrs. Brown and Traquina each elected to receive 100% of their retainer in stock. Also, under Allstate’s Deferred Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors, directors may elect to defer their retainers to an account that is credited or debited, as applicable, based on (a) the fair market value of, and dividends paid on, Allstate common shares (common share units); (b) an average interest rate calculated on 90-day dealer commercial paper; (c) S&P 500 Index, with dividends reinvested; or (d) a money market fund. No director has voting or investment powers in common share units, which are payable solely in cash. Subject to certain restrictions, amounts deferred under the plan, together with earnings thereon, may be transferred between accounts and are distributed after the director leaves the Board in a lump sum or over a period not in excess of ten years in accordance with the director’s instructions. The accumulated amount of Allstate common share units as of December 30, 2022, for directors previously electing to defer their cash retainer, is reflected in the table below.

  Amounts Deferred under Deferred Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors Allstate Common Share Units
  Mr. Traquina 7,138

(2) Grant date fair value for restricted stock units granted in 2022 is based on the final closing price of Allstate common stock on the actual grant date, which in part also reflects the payment of expected future dividend equivalent rights. (See Note 19 to our audited financial statements for 2022). The final grant date closing price was $134.70. The values were computed in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718. Each restricted stock unit entitles the director to receive one share of Allstate common stock on the conversion date (see footnote 3).
(3) The following table provides outstanding restricted stock units as of December 30, 2022, for each director, except for Ms. Turner, who did not join the Board until January 2023. The value of the restricted stock units is based on the closing price of our common stock of $135.60 on December 30, 2022.

  Name   Restricted
Stock Units
      Value of Restricted
Stock Units as of
      Multiple of Annual
Cash Retainer
  Mr. Brown   3,443   466,871   4.8
  Mr. Crawford   20,330   2,756,748   23.1
  Mr. Eskew (retired in May 2022)   2,225   301,710   2.4
  Mr. Hume   3,909   530,060   4.2
  Ms. Keane   3,989   540,908   14.5
  Mr. Mehta   13,533   1,835,075   18.2
  Mr. Perold   12,454   1,688,762   13.5
  Ms. Redmond   35,802   4,854,751   41.0
  Mr. Sherrill   3,989   540,908   9.1
  Ms. Sprieser   42,177   5,719,201   45.8
  Mr. Traquina   11,013   1,493,363   14.2

Restricted stock unit awards granted before September 15, 2008, convert into common stock one year after termination of Board service. Restricted stock unit awards granted on or after September 15, 2008, and before June 1, 2016, convert into common stock upon termination of Board service. Restricted stock units granted on or after June 1, 2016, convert into common stock on the earlier of the third anniversary of the date of grant or upon termination of Board service. Directors had the option to defer the conversion of the restricted stock units granted on June 1, 2016, for ten years from the date of grant or the later of termination of Board service or June 1, 2024. The conversion of restricted stock units granted after June 1, 2016, may be deferred for ten years or until termination of Board service. In addition to the conversion periods described above, restricted stock units will convert upon death or disability. Each restricted stock unit includes a dividend equivalent right that entitles the director to receive a payment equal to regular cash dividends paid on Allstate common stock.

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Sustainability at Allstate

Sustainability at Allstate means managing environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) risks and opportunities to ensure long-term value creation for our shareholders, customers and employees. Sustainability is not new to Allstate and we have been leading with purpose and driving growth through our ESG ambition for decades. We integrate ESG considerations across the enterprise by embedding these principles into key efforts like the development of products and services, management of the company’s investment portfolio and establishing net zero targets.

Our ESG Strategy

ESG issues are fundamentally connected to Allstate’s business and providing products and services that are accessible, competitively priced, and mindful of environmental and social impacts are important to our strategy. A Societal Engagement Framework is used to focus on the prioritization of ESG issues and to help us evaluate, prepare for and act on issues where we have a unique ability to make meaningful impact. This framework allows us to align our values, business priorities and ESG actions. We further prioritize our efforts on ESG matters that are strongly aligned to our brand, business and risk and return profile. Three ESG focus areas have been identified as most significant to Allstate and its stakeholders: Climate, Data Privacy, and Inclusive Diversity.

Allstate’s ESG ambition is also centered around its strong sustainability performance. The company has a solid track record of corporate sustainability disclosure in alignment with relevant ESG reporting organizations and standards such as the Global Reporting Index (GRI), CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), S&P’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

We have prioritized three ESG issues in particular: Climate, Data Privacy, and Inclusive Diversity and Equity.  

Climate change impacts customers and shareholders. Customers have been increasingly subject to more severe weather catastrophes. As a result, Allstate focuses on stronger building codes, adequate disaster response capabilities, and creating state-based insurance pools for risks not covered by private markets. The company has net zero commitments and is seeking additional return by investing in a transition to a lower-carbon economy.

Data privacy protects customers and is a growth opportunity. Allstate’s ability to serve customers and earn appropriate returns is dependent on access to personal information. An industry-leading data privacy program and commitment to influencing public policy initiatives is critical to value creation.

Inclusive diversity and equity (IDE) practices foster a workplace culture that supports Our Shared Purpose. IDE is one of the three values in Our Shared Purpose. The breadth of differences at Allstate improves execution and agility. A multi-year IDE strategy positions the company to be a differentiated IDE leader.


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Sustainability at Allstate

Our ESG strategy supports long-term value creation

    Focusing on Our
Important Topics…
               …Leads to Value Creation
  We strive to develop and retain a workforce that mirrors the diversity of the customers and communities we serve. To build on this focus, we launched an IDE strategy with the goal to become a differentiated IDE leader among major corporations by striving to eliminate inequities in our business practices, culture and communities for all people.  
Diversity enables business growth. Our collective differences, backgrounds, educations and cultures create an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are encouraged and embraced. We work smarter, meet customer needs more effectively, share learnings better, and identify more innovative ideas when we utilize our individual characteristics, backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. The breadth of those differences makes us a stronger company, which in turn creates greater value for stakeholders.
  Climate change is one of the most critical challenges threatening customers, businesses and communities. Global warming has increased the frequency and severity of severe weather. This creates additional risks for customers and shareholders, but also offers opportunities to leverage Allstate’s capabilities.  

Allstate’s business success depends on effectively modeling, pricing and managing climate-related risks, as well as meeting the needs that result from a changing climate and a changing society. Products and services are being developed that address climate change and the transition to a lower-carbon future and are also growing our suite of environmentally responsible products through the offering of ride-sharing, homeowner reimbursement, pay-per-mile auto insurance and technology that allows customers to more efficiently file claims.

Strategic climate-related investments present potential opportunities to capture attractive returns over the long-term for shareholders. Allstate will look to be a leader in this area and is modifying investment strategies and capabilities to best position to capture additional risk-adjusted return from the transition to a lower carbon-based economy.

  Because of the products and services we provide, customers entrust Allstate with their data. Consumers have an expectation of privacy and security around that data. This creates both business opportunities and constraints as we work to safeguard consumer data while using that data to better serve our customers.  

By carefully and responsibly handling data, Allstate maintains a strong reputation, fosters positive business relationships and creates shared value. Identity protection products are provided to millions of customers and help empower people with more control over their personal data, which in turn builds trust in the Allstate name. Data and analytics are also used in the business to better serve customers.


We believe, in the future, companies will need to adopt a simplified approach to data privacy with consumer-friendly interactions and easy-to-read disclosures that follow a common, standardized framework to enhance choice and control for consumers. Allstate seeks to shape this future via thought leadership, public advocacy, and the launch of new capabilities that easily and automatically enable this for consumers.

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54 2023 Proxy Statement
Sustainability at Allstate

Our Key ESG Priorities


Human Capital

Allstate believes that its people are its greatest assets and enablers of a purpose-driven strategy. The integration of ESG principles in to human capital management is key to success. We have a robust set of plans, which advance an approach to hiring, retention, talent development, training, well-being and culture. Allstate strives to motivate its employees and harness their diverse perspectives through Our Shared Purpose and leading employment practices. We provide employees with training, mentoring and career development, and invest in providing rewarding professional growth and opportunities. At the core of it all is an unwavering commitment to shared Values, Behaviors and Operating Standards.

Our Human Capital Goals and Progress
Goals 2022 Progress
Regularly measure employee sentiment and maintain a highly engaged workforce Achieved 81.6% engagement index score from Inspire Survey in 2022
Create a people first workplace improving employability for all team members 2022 global turnover was 20%, with the November and December months finishing below a 15% annualized number
Drive employee engagement, optimizing spans and layers to support organization health December 2022 was span 7.3 (2023 target is 8.4); December 2022 layers was 11 (2023 is target 10)

Other Initiatives and Accomplishments

At the start of the pandemic, we transitioned 95% of our workforce to remote working in just one weekend and to date, we’ve invested over $9 million to ensure our employees remain supported in a remote environment.
Introduced a Customer Retention and Growth bonus of $2,000 to $4,000 for over 30,000 eligible employees for achieving property-liability unit growth goals
Resources are devoted to occupational health and safety and benefit programs to support employees’ physical health, financial security, personal well-being and work-life integration
To ensure fair and equitable compensation practices, internal and external pay equity analyses are conducted annually
Utilized workforce analytics to dynamically align skills to highest priority issues, focus talent development and acquisition, and deploy talent efficiently
Increased minimum compensation for U.S. employees to $17-20/hour, based on geographic differentials

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Sustainability at Allstate

Inclusive Diversity and Equity

Inclusive diversity and equity (“IDE”) is one of Allstate’s core values and a foundation of Our Shared Purpose. It represents who we are and how we conduct ourselves – not just as employees, but as people, leaders, decision-makers, and members of society. Allstate’s multi-year IDE strategy builds on existing efforts around hiring, talent development, investing and supplier diversity. The strategy is focused on four pillars to leverage diverse perspectives, experiences and engagement for a more inclusive and equitable workforce.

Pillars of IDE Strategy


Allstate will build a diverse staff through thoughtful and intentional recruitment, retention and development activities. We are committed to increasing female and racially and/or ethnically diverse workforce representation and have set multi-year targets to achieve this goal. Allstate will also accelerate development, advancement, and retention of diverse talent through sponsorship, mentorship, and leadership development programs, and strive to improve the skills and capabilities of all team members.

  Business Practices   

Allstate will use IDE to help us win and integrate it into our core policies, processes and decision-making, including choosing and managing our suppliers. Allstate was the first U.S corporate issuer to select diverse financial firms to exclusively lead a large corporate bond issuance.


Allstate will create an inclusive culture and advance equity. Allstate supports and funds nine Employee Impact Groups (EIGs) and two Business Impact Groups (BIGs), that offer specific opportunities for employees to partner and collaborate with each other through professional development workshops, recruiting events, volunteer projects and mentoring. Over 7,700 Allstaters participate in at least one EIG or BIG (as of 12/31/22). Group members are more likely to be rated Better Than Expected, more likely to be promoted, and less likely to turnover.


Allstate will address our positive and negative impacts on inclusive diversity and equity in wider communities and on various stakeholders, taking a leadership position to advance IDE. In September 2022, Allstate was the only U.S. corporate issuer to voluntarily testify before the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Diversity Equity and Inclusion. The congressional hearing focused on Diversity and Inclusion at America’s Largest Insurance Companies.

Our IDE Goals and Progress  
Goals 2022 Progress
Expand IDE-related questions in Inspire Survey to measure culture of employee belonging, equal opportunity regardless of background, senior leadership commitment to addressing inequity, and Allstate’s commitment to IDE as a company Maintained inclusive diversity index scores (Inspire Survey) in mid-80’s, on a scale of 0-100, from 2018-2022
Strive for $180 million in new commitments with diverse investment sponsors and managers in 2022, nearly 3x historical annual average While 2022 was a difficult market environment for commitments in general, Allstate continued to make progress. Including the $65 million closed in January 2023, we have closed roughly $177 million in new commitments.
Increase female and racially and/or ethnically diverse workforce representation Maintained progress towards Allstate’s ongoing commitment to improve female and racially and/or ethnically diverse workforce representation
Achieve $366 million in spend in 2022 with diverse suppliers Allstate exceeded our 2022 goal with $386 million in spend, on track toward our five-year 2025 goal of doubling diverse supplier spend

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56 2023 Proxy Statement
Sustainability at Allstate


Climate change is one of the most critical challenges of our time, as it threatens businesses, communities and customers. Allstate is working to reduce climate impacts across the entire value chain, which includes supply chain, operations, and customer use of our products and services. Allstate announced a target of net zero emissions for relevant direct, indirect and value-chain greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, and by the end of 2025, we will also establish a goal for our financed emissions. This target is aligned with the latest climate science and the 1.5°C reduction pathways called for by the Paris Agreement. Additionally, we will continue to evaluate emerging methodologies associated with GHG emissions from underwriting activities.

Our 2022 Actions to Manage Climate Risk
Goals 2022 Progress
Evaluate setting greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction science-aligned targets, including a new target for operating emissions Committed to achieve net zero emissions for direct, indirect and value-chain greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and by 2025, will establish a goal for financed emissions
Convert 100% of automobile fleet to hybrid vehicles by 2025, and incorporate fully electric vehicles thereafter As of year-end 2022, Allstate’s Legacy Fleet was 85% hybrid and the company’s total fleet, which includes Avail and National General vehicles, was 52% hybrid
Achieve green or healthy building certification for 100% of newly acquired buildings, beginning in 2023 As of year-end 2022, Allstate leased or owned more than 694,000 square feet of LEED-certified space
Discourage excess waste and encourage recycling through centralized waste collection at all locations by 2023 As of 2022, Allstate has a waste removal request for proposals out that stipulates vendors report on landfill, recycling, compost, and diversion quantities

Other Initiatives and Accomplishments

Committed $469 million to climate investments in 2021 and 2022 in our dedicated impact portfolio across climate mitigation and adaptation
Increased the percentage of the portfolio allocated to responsible investments to 12% at year-end 2022
Established management-level committee with goal to evaluate and develop new products or new product features that encourages more sustainable consumer behavior
Identified areas for value creation within risk management processes given a global transition to a less carbon intensive economy

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Sustainability at Allstate

Climate Risk Management

A changing climate means we must identify risks and opportunities, which can be either physical in nature, such as extreme weather patterns, or related to transitions such as policy shifts and the development of new technology. Allstate works to understand how this directly and indirectly affects our products, assets and liabilities. We manage climate risks within our integrated Enterprise Risk and Return Management (ERRM) Program, which applies risk-return principles, modeling and analytics, governance and transparent dialogue to understand the company’s highest-priority risks.

Addressing Climate Risk

  Risk Identification   
An increase in severe weather events has raised loss costs for homeowners insurance, requiring risk management actions such as changes in pricing, product coverages, geography, underwriting practices and reinsurance utilization. We expect that the impacts from climate change will continue to be concentrated in property insurance.
Allstate’s investment process reflects some of the same climate risk considerations as the company’s insurance underwriting process. We consider potential environmental and severe weather risks when making investments and limit our exposure to sectors with higher climate risk. We also monitor exposure to sectors with higher climate risk, including oil, gas and coal production, airlines and airports, and commercial real estate with higher catastrophe risk. Additionally, ESG considerations and climate specific metrics are a factor in asset management decisions.
Climate change is also important to internal and external stakeholders, and we collaborate through external partnerships and public engagements.
  Risk Assessments   
Allstate’s Catastrophe Modeling and Analytics team and pricing groups assess climate change information and establish pricing, underwriting, concentration and coverage standards. The team uses information from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and the Actuaries Climate Index (ACI). The IPCC and USGCRP evaluate research by climate scientists around the world and conduct reviews to provide information to decision-makers. The Responsible Investing Committee and the Investments Risk Committee assess investments for potential short- and long-term exposures to climate change.
  Risk Mitigation   
The ACI measures extreme weather and sea level increases through quarterly updates. The Catastrophe Modeling and Analytics team monitors state-specific risks and competitors’ actions and partners with the Investments team to model mortgage and real estate portfolios. We incorporate the outcome of the assessment into decision-making to balance risk and return.
  Risk Monitoring and Reporting   
Allstate reports on progress in mitigating climate change through our annual sustainability, SASB and TCFD reports, as well as through alignment to key frameworks such as GRI and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, we respond to questionnaires and assessments such as CDP’s Climate Change Questionnaire and S&P’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment.

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58 2023 Proxy Statement
Sustainability at Allstate

Data Privacy

Allstate’s business practices protect data and keep sensitive information safe. We provide identity protection products to millions of customers and will continue to empower people with more control over their personal data. Our goals are to enact change, demonstrate transparency, offer solutions and lead others to do the same through four key avenues: Operational Practices and Products, Governance, Policy and Legislation, and Partnerships.

  Operational Practices and Products   
Allstate’s products and services protect Personally Identifiable Information with strong data management and cybersecurity practices and we have an industry-leading data privacy program
Allstate Identity Protection is reinventing privacy and identity protection by giving consumers the tools to see, control and protect their digital identities
Product offerings include identity protection and privacy management (Allstate Digital FootprintTM on Allstate Mobile), and a third-party cyber product offering with mobile device protection, anti-phishing, Wi-Fi scan, and limited cyber-expense coverage
Allstate strives to be transparent and ethically manage consumer data
Allstate also created an Enterprise Data initiative to reduce the personal information footprint across Allstate, which better protects and secures personal information while still providing services that matter to consumers
The Board and audit committee provide oversight of our cybersecurity and privacy programs; an independent cybersecurity advisor and external benchmarking practices further support continuous improvement
  Policy and Legislation   
Allstate advocates for consumer rights and advocates for federal legislation to establish uniform consumer data protection standards
Allstate advanced our State Privacy Laws program, a framework to strategically approach consumer expectations of privacy and the dynamic regulatory environment
Allstate also worked to identify lawmakers, think tanks, policy institutes, thought leaders, and journalists aligned with the concept of greater consumer control over data
We partner with organizations such as The Atlantic and the Aspen Institute to share perspectives on enhancing data privacy protections
Our security and privacy requirements extend to suppliers who have access to, store, or use Allstate data and we emphasize the importance of consumer privacy and data security with suppliers through our procurement standards, practices and contracts
We also require contingent workers who have access to our network to complete training on Allstate’s security policies and adhere to the privacy expectations described in our Supplier Code of Business Conduct

2022 Goals and Progress  
Goals 2022 Progress
Continue to enhance robust privacy  compliance programs to protect consumer data and enable agile response to dynamic regulatory environment Piloted data ethics framework that helps address ethical considerations throughout the data lifecycle. Implemented digital solution that triggers personal information lifecycle management processes to support compliance with dynamic regulatory requirements and reduce personal information footprint.
Advance more choice, control, and protection for consumers’ data outside of Allstate Allstate’s Chair and CEO presented at the 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival on the cost of privacy in the digital age. The discussion sparked thought leadership about what privacy means today and how consumers can take control of their privacy and know when it has been lost.
Enhance potential and current customer experience with data privacy and related commercial experiences Launched a privacy center on Allstate.com with simplified consumer-friendly messaging on Allstate’s privacy practices and easy to navigate privacy choices

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Sustainability at Allstate

Responsible Investing – Aligning with ESG Priorities

As of December 31, 2022, we managed a $61.8 billion investment portfolio and actively evaluated how ESG issues influence investment performance. We integrate ESG considerations within our investment analysis and decision-making processes and have established climate change and IDE as two pillars important to our investing approach while we continue to meet shareholder need by having a positive financial impact.

  Broad Portfolio   

Build limitations/structure/analytics, as appropriate, into the portfolio that will mitigate allocations that negatively impact our ESG goals

Goals 2022 Progress
Continue to increase the percentage of the portfolio allocated to responsible investments from 11.1% at year-end 2021 The responsible investments in Allstate’s investment portfolio increased to $7.5 billion (12%) as of year-end 2022, including education, sustainability, affordable housing, health care, green bonds, diverse sponsors, and renewable investments
Strive for $180 million in new commitments with diverse investment sponsors and managers in 2022, nearly 3x historical annual average Allstate achieved $177 million in commitments to diverse investment sponsors and managers including January 2023 transaction closings

  Impact Sub-Portfolio

Invest in solving societal problems in a targeted manner while achieving attractive returns

Goals 2022 Progress
Expand climate-related investment capabilities and relationships, striving for at least $375 million in commitments between 2021 and 2022 Committed $469 million in climate-related opportunities between 2021 and 2022, exceeding our goal of $375 million
Strive for at least $300 million in new commitments to low-income housing tax credits during 2022 Committed $255 million in low-income housing tax credits after an above average investment year of $408 million during 2021.

  Other Activities   

Align investment so they support our ESG goals

Goals 2022 Progress
Maintain 2% of trading volumes with minority, women and veteran banking enterprises (MWVBE) in 2022, a 4x increase relative to historical volumes of 0.5%. Allstate exceeded our 2022 goal with 2.3% of trading volumes with diverse brokers
Increase opportunity for women and racially and ethnically diverse individuals in the asset management industry Founding partner of Asset Manager Diversity Accelerator (AMDA) program alongside William Blair and LGIM America, a two-year rotational development program for diverse and under-represented job seekers

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60 2023 Proxy Statement
Sustainability at Allstate

Governance of ESG

Board of Directors
The Board believes sustainability benefits Allstate’s stakeholders and drives long-term value creation. The Board has overall responsibility for ESG oversight with regular updates on ESG matters.
Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee
The nominating, governance and social responsibility committee supplements the Board’s review of ESG matters. The chief legal officer and general counsel provides regular updates on ESG matters.
Additionally, other Board committees focus on specific components of the ESG strategy. The risk and return committee reviews climate change risk, the compensation and human capital committee reviews organizational health and other human capital management practices, and the audit committee reviews data privacy and cybersecurity.
Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel
Our chief legal officer and general counsel works with leadership from across the company to guide Allstate’s corporate responsibility and sustainability efforts and reports regularly to the nominating, governance and social responsibility committee on the company’s ESG progress as well as provides periodic updates to the full Board.
The Allstate ESG Steering Committee
Allstate has had an ESG Steering Committee (formerly, the Sustainability Council) since 2007. This cross-functional management committee supports Allstate’s ongoing commitment to environmental, health and safety, corporate social responsibility, human capital management, corporate governance, sustainability, and other public policy matters.
The committee is comprised of individuals from Strategy, Finance, Financial Products, Enterprise Solutions, Corporate Brand, Enterprise Risk and Return Management, Human Resources, Legal, Investments, Property-Liability, and Protection Products and Services. Allstate’s senior vice president of corporate strategy and senior vice president of corporate law co-chair the committee, which meets monthly, and updates senior executives.

The Responsible Investing Committee The Sustainability Team
The Responsible Investing Committee monitors ESG investing trends, evaluates ESG investing best practices, supports the work of the ESG Steering Committee and periodically reports about its activities to senior leaders within Allstate. In conjunction with Allstate’s Investments Risk Committee, the Responsible Investing Committee also monitors our investment portfolio for potential short- and long-term exposures to climate change. The Sustainability team develops the annual sustainability report, responds to ratings and rankings questionnaires, drives employee awareness and engagement with corporate sustainability initiatives and reports monthly to the ESG Steering Committee.

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  2 Say-on-Pay: Advisory Vote on the Compensation of the Named Executives

What am I
voting on?

We conduct a say-on-pay vote every year at the annual meeting. While the vote is non-binding, the Board and the compensation and human capital committee (the “committee” as referenced throughout the Compensation Discussion and Analysis and Executive Compensation sections) consider the results as part of their annual evaluation of our executive compensation program.


Independent oversight by compensation and human capital committee with the assistance of an independent consultant
Executive compensation targeted at 50th percentile of peers and aligned with short-and long-term business goals and strategy
Compensation programs are working effectively. Annual incentive compensation funding for our named executives in 2022 was 57.5% of target, as formulaic result was reduced by 50% due to negative Net Income. Annual performance was above maximum performance on Total Premiums and Net Investment Income, below threshold performance on Performance Net Income, and above target performance on the Strategic Initiatives Scorecard.
You may vote to approve or not approve the following advisory resolution on the executive compensation of the named executives:
RESOLVED, on an advisory basis, the shareholders of The Allstate Corporation approve the compensation of the named executives, as disclosed pursuant to the compensation disclosure rules of the SEC, including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis and accompanying tables and narrative on pages 62-106 of the Notice of 2023 Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement.


Voting recommendation

The Board recommends a vote FOR
this proposal.

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62 2023 Proxy Statement
Executive Compensation

Compensation Discussion and Analysis

Message from the Compensation and Human Capital Committee

As members of the compensation and human capital committee, we want to thank the many of you that have met with and provided feedback to us over the course of the last year. We were pleased to hear many shareholders favorably acknowledge enhancements we have made to Allstate’s compensation program during the past few years, including the addition of an ESG-oriented metric in the annual incentive plan and a growth metric in the long-term incentive plan. This past year, the committee was focused on ensuring alignment between compensation decisions and progress against key business strategies, including Transformative Growth and inclusive diversity and equity (IDE). We reviewed progress against IDE goals. We also reviewed senior management selections and oversaw succession planning. We received regular updates on key human capital practices and initiatives happening across Allstate. This included everything from employee engagement to key hires to company culture, with a special focus on Allstate’s IDE strategy, which is an area where the committee is fully engaged and committed to driving improvements.

Perry M. Traquina (Chair) Margaret M. Keane Judith A. Sprieser
Richard T. Hume Andrea Redmond  
63 2022 Executive Compensation At-a-Glance
63 Target Compensation Mix
63 Alignment of Pay with Performance
63 Annual Cash Incentive
63 2020-2022 Performance Stock Awards
64 Compensation Governance Best Practices
65 Business Context
66 Comparison of Total Shareholder Return (%) Against Allstate Peers
66 Compensation Reflects Continued Focus on Sustainable Value Creation
67 Incentive Design and Goal Setting
67 Role of the Compensation and Human Capital Committee
67 Incentive Design, Payout and Goal-Setting Process
68 Shareholder Engagement and 2022 Say-on-Pay Results
69 Peer Benchmarking
69 Timing of Equity Awards and Grant Practices
70 Compensation Elements
70 Overview
70 Salary
71 Annual Cash Incentive Awards
75 Performance Stock Awards and Stock Options
78 2023-2025 Performance Stock Award Range of Performance
79 Compensation Decisions for 2022
84 Other Elements of Compensation
84 Retirement Benefits
84 Change in Control and Post-Termination Benefits
85 Compensation Governance Practices
85 Equity Ownership Requirements
85 Policies on Hedging and Pledging Securities
86 Clawback of Compensation
86 Compensation Risk
86 Compensation Committee Report
86 The Compensation and Human Capital Committee Report

Our Compensation Discussion and Analysis describes Allstate’s executive compensation program, including total 2022 compensation for our named executives listed below(1):

Thomas J. Wilson
Chair, President, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Jesse Merten

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)(2)

Mario Rizzo

President, Property-Liability and Former CFO(3)

John Dugenske

President, Investments and Corporate Strategy

Suren Gupta

President, Enterprise Solutions

Robert Toohey

Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)

Former Executive Officers

Don Civgin

Former Vice Chair and CEO, Protection Products and Services(4)

Glenn Shapiro
Former President,

(1) See Appendix C for a full list of Allstate’s executive officers and titles.
(2) Mr. Merten became Executive Vice President and CFO effective September 1, 2022.
(3) Mr. Rizzo became President, Property-Liability effective September 1, 2022. Prior to September 1, 2022, Mr. Rizzo served as Executive Vice President and CFO.
(4) Mr. Civgin retired from Allstate effective May 1, 2022. (5) Mr. Shapiro retired from Allstate effective September 30, 2022.


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Executive Compensation

2022 Executive Compensation At-a-Glance

Allstate’s executive compensation program is designed to ensure that the interests of our executives are aligned with our shareholders:

Alignment of Pay with Performance

Allstate’s executive compensation program is aligned with long-term shareholder value through equity-based programs, combined with shareholder value-based performance measures and financial performance measures that are closely correlated with shareholder value over time. A significant portion of the named executives’ compensation is at-risk and aligned with achievement of our financial and long-term strategic goals. Incentive compensation plans incorporate relevant metrics and targets to drive the behaviors necessary to accomplish our short- and long-term goals.

(1) For a description of how these measures are determined, see pages 71-78.

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64 2023 Proxy Statement
Executive Compensation

Compensation Governance Best Practices

Our compensation program adheres to high standards of compensation governance.

What We Do     What We Do Not Do

   Benchmark to Peers of Similar Industry, Size and Business Complexity

   Target Pay at 50th Percentile of Peers

   Independent Compensation Consultant

   Double Trigger in the Event of a Change in Control

   Maximum Payout Caps for Annual Cash Incentive Compensation and Performance Stock Awards (“PSAs”)

   Robust Equity Ownership Requirements

   Clawback or Cancellation of Certain Compensation

   One-Year Minimum Equity Vesting Provision in the Equity Plan

   Provide clear rationale for the metrics used to fund the annual and long-term incentive plans


   No Employment Agreements for Executive Officers

   No Guaranteed Annual Salary Increases or Bonuses

   No Special Tax Gross Ups

   No Repricing or Exchange of Underwater Stock Options

   No Plans that Encourage Excessive Risk-Taking

   No Hedging or Pledging of Allstate Securities

   No Inclusion of Equity Awards in Pension Calculations

   No Excessive Perks


What’s New

Beginning in 2023, in light of the prominence that IDE and Transformative Growth have within Allstate’s long-term strategic priorities, these two components will be integrated into the long-term incentive plan, with a weighting of 10% for each.

Our Executive Compensation Program is Tied to Our Business Strategies

Allstate’s business relies on the expertise and capabilities of colleagues to lead the company and various businesses in ways that meet customers’ needs and, in turn, promote the long-term interests of shareholders. We have designed our executive compensation program to achieve business objectives and attract, motivate and retain highly talented individuals.

Allstate’s executive compensation program is designed not only to closely align the compensation and interests of the named executives with the long-term interests of shareholders, but also to reflect the economic realities of the operating environment. In addition to salary, Allstate’s executive compensation program emphasizes performance-based compensation in the form of cash incentive awards and equity incentive awards that focus respectively on the achievement of short- and long-term financial and strategic targets. Allstate believes that this target-based incentive structure fosters a culture of high performance and accountability and promotes shareholder interests by closely aligning executive compensation with objectively measured company performance and achievement of key strategic priorities.

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Executive Compensation

Business Context

In 2022, Allstate adapted to unprecedented increases in loss costs, generated investment returns in excess of benchmarks and advanced our Operating Priorities and the Transformative Growth Strategy:

$3.4 billion

Distributed to shareholders in cash through stock repurchases and common stock dividends


Progress on our Operating Priorities      
Better serve customers      

Enterprise Net Promoter Score, which measures how likely customers are to recommend us, finished below the prior year, reflecting substantial price increases necessary to offset higher loss costs.

Grow customer base  

Consolidated policies in force was 189.1 million, a 1.0% decrease from prior year. Property-Liability policies in force increased by 0.7% compared to the prior year, as continued growth at National General was substantially offset by the Allstate brand as new business was limited in many states.

Protection Services policies in force declined 1.4%, primarily due to expiring low average premium policies from a major retail account that ended in 2019.

Achieve target economic returns on capital  

Return on Allstate common shareholders’ equity was (7.3)% in 2022.

The Property-Liability combined ratio of 106.6 for the full year increased compared to the prior year primarily driven by higher auto losses.

Executing on comprehensive profit improvement plan to restore auto margins through rate increases, expense reductions and underwriting actions.

Proactively manage investments  

Net investment income of $2.4 billion in 2022 was $890 million below prior year as higher market-based investment income was more than offset by lower performance-based results.

Total return on the $61.8 billion investment portfolio (as of 12/31/22) was (4.0)% in 2022 and compares favorably to full year 2022 performance of the S&P 500 of (18.1)% and the Bloomberg Intermediate Bond return of (9.4)%.

Proactive portfolio actions to reduce inflation and economic risk by shortening fixed income duration mitigated portfolio losses by approximately $2 billion this year.

Build long-term growth platforms  

Allstate made substantial progress in advancing Transformative Growth initiatives in 2022, including launching an Affordable, Simple, Connected auto insurance offering in two states, continued cost reductions, and deploying a new property-liability technology platform.

National General is meeting or exceeding acquisition performance targets with the objective of building a strong competitive position in independent agent distribution.

Protection Services increased revenues, particularly Allstate Protection Plans.

Arity continued to expand its data acquisition platform with more than one trillion miles of traffic data and launched Arity IQ, a product to improve new business profitability for auto insurers.

Progress on our Transformative Growth Strategy
Improve customer value  

Improved the competitive prices of products through lower costs, increased price sophistication and telematics.

Increased engagement with the Allstate Mobile app and new business penetration of telematics products, including pay-per-mile insurance. Provided additional consumer-focused protection solutions.

Expand customer access  

Increased direct channel distribution through improved online experience and data-driven insights to enhance call center sales.

Grew National General by leveraging the Allstate brand capabilities and data to expand product offerings and fully utilize our independent agency relationships.

Increase sophistication and investment in customer acquisition  

Improved the effectiveness of customer acquisition by expanding lead management, building data capabilities and utilizing household insights.

Modernize technology ecosystem  

Launched a new technology ecosystem to deliver affordable, simple, and connected experiences and products at a lower cost. This effort will enable retirement of legacy systems.

Drive organizational transformation  

Enhanced and expanded organizational capabilities by increasing digital expertise, process redesign, decision clarity and employee empowerment, agility and diversity.


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66 2023 Proxy Statement
Executive Compensation

Comparison of Total Shareholder Return (%) Against Allstate Peers

Compensation Reflects Continued Focus on Sustainable Value Creation

The committee evaluates the executive compensation structure on an annual basis to ensure alignment with Allstate’s compensation philosophy, business strategies and shareholder priorities. The compensation philosophy centers around maintaining a compensation program for the named executives that is designed to promote the achievement of short-term and long-term financial and strategic goals and create sustainable value for shareholders. Noteworthy accomplishments in 2022 that created shareholder value include:
Customer value for auto and homeowners insurance was increased through cost reductions and sophisticated pricing
Innovative growth platforms (such as telematics and identity protection) and broadened distribution of Allstate Protection Plans further enhance customer value proposition
Expanded customer access was achieved with growth through independent agents
Enhanced direct-to-consumer experience that also leverages our expertise in data and analytics through launch of Affordable, Simple, Connected auto insurance product
Allstate’s capital position remained strong, allowing us to provide cash returns to shareholders of $3.4 billion in 2022 through dividends and share repurchases

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Executive Compensation

Incentive Design and Goal Setting

Role of the Compensation and Human Capital Committee

The compensation and human capital committee oversees and provides strategic direction to management regarding Allstate’s executive compensation program. The committee sets the CEO’s compensation, reviews and approves compensation for the rest of the leadership team, reviews senior management selections and oversees succession planning. The committee also oversees human capital priorities for the company, including review of Allstate’s IDE strategy and initiatives.

The committee evaluates the executive compensation structure on an annual basis to ensure alignment with Allstate’s compensation philosophy, business strategy, and shareholder priorities. The compensation philosophy centers around maintaining a compensation program for the named executives that is designed to promote the achievement of short-term and long-term financial and strategic goals. For additional information on strategic and operating priorities, see pages 10-11.

Incentive Design, Payout, and Goal-Setting Process

For the annual and long-term incentive programs, the committee oversees a rigorous and comprehensive goal-setting process. The committee uses performance measures in the annual and long-term programs that (1) align with the company’s strategy, operating principles and priorities, and shareholder interests, (2) support the achievement of corporate goals, and (3) reflect the company’s overall performance. The following timeline of key events reflects the committee’s process:

What’s New

In 2022, the committee engaged a new independent compensation consultant, who provided fresh perspective to the committee on plan design, industry and market trends, and actual compensation in comparison to operating results and peers.

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68 2023 Proxy Statement
Executive Compensation

Shareholder Engagement and 2022 Say-on-Pay Results

Allstate engages with its largest shareholders multiple times throughout the year to ensure continued alignment with shareholder expectations and market trends.

The committee actively solicits the views of significant shareholders on executive compensation matters. In determining the structure and amount of executive pay, the committee carefully considered this feedback. Investors generally commented that Allstate utilizes best practices and remains focused on pay for performance in its plan design. The committee considered the vote results, investor input and current market practices and made changes to respond to that feedback, as described below.



At our last annual shareholder meeting, approximately 87% of votes cast supported our executive compensation program.

What We Heard     What We Did  
Prefer to see an ESG-oriented goal, or other non-financial metric, in the executive compensation program     In 2021, we added a qualitative measure to the annual incentive plan. The Strategic Initiatives Scorecard, weighted at 20%, measures progress made against Transformative Growth and IDE strategies throughout the year. Beginning in 2023, these two components will shift to the PSAs to align with sustainable long-term objectives.  
When ESG-related metrics are used in compensation programs, prefer to see clear disclosure for how they are evaluated     We include robust disclosure on the criteria considered by the committee when determining funding results under the Strategic Initiatives Scorecard, including a summary of prior year achievements.     

The committee has previously made changes to the compensation program based on shareholder feedback. For example, in response to shareholder feedback, beginning in 2020, relative TSR was added as a metric for our performance stock awards, weighted at 30%. This change to the long-term incentive program improves alignment between stock performance and pay outcomes in 2022 and beyond.

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Executive Compensation

Peer Benchmarking

The committee monitors performance toward goals throughout the year and reviews the executive compensation program design and executive pay levels annually. As part of that evaluation, Pay Governance, the committee’s independent compensation consultant, provided executive compensation data, information on current market practices, and benchmarking on target pay opportunities. The committee benchmarks executive compensation program design, executive pay, and performance against a group of peer companies that are publicly traded. Product mix, market segment, annual revenues, premiums, assets, and market value were considered when identifying peer companies. The committee believes Allstate competes against these companies for executive talent, business and shareholder investment. The committee reviews the composition of the peer group annually with the assistance of its compensation consultant.

The compensation consultant’s recommendation has been to use a peer group that reflects Allstate’s business and operations. Currently, eight out of eleven of Allstate’s peer companies also include Allstate in their respective peer company lists. The following table reflects the peer group used for 2022 compensation benchmarking.

                   Total Shareholder Return (%)
Company Name
($ in billions)
       Market Cap
($ in billions)
($ in billions)
($ in billions)
AFLAC Inc.   19.5    44.3    131.0    15.3    26.4    46.9    85.0 
American International Group Inc.   56.5    46.6    526.6    34.8    13.7    34.4    21.9 
Chubb Limited   43.1    91.5    199.1    40.4    16.0    50.4    67.1 
The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc.   22.4    23.9    73.0    19.7    12.3    34.6    51.9 
Humana Inc.   92.9    64.0    43.1    87.7    11.2    42.5    113.7 
Manulife Financial Corporation   11.8    37.0    627.3    29.1    (1.1)   3.0    8.6 
Marsh & McLennan   20.8    81.9    33.5    12.6    (3.4)   55.6    121.2 
MetLife Inc.   69.9    56.4    666.6    55.0    19.2    58.0    71.4 
The Progressive Corporation   49.6    75.9    75.5    49.2    26.8    98.9