Form 1-A Issuer Information UNITED STATES
Washington, D.C. 20549



OMB Number: 3235-0286

Estimated average burden hours per response: 608.0

1-A: Filer Information

Issuer CIK
Issuer CCC
DOS File Number
Offering File Number
Is this a LIVE or TEST Filing? LIVE TEST
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Since Last Filing?

Submission Contact Information

E-Mail Address

1-A: Item 1. Issuer Information

Issuer Infomation

Exact name of issuer as specified in the issuer's charter
Jurisdiction of Incorporation / Organization
Year of Incorporation
Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code
I.R.S. Employer Identification Number
Total number of full-time employees
Total number of part-time employees

Contact Infomation

Address of Principal Executive Offices

Address 1
6445 South Tenaya Way
Address 2
Suite B110
Las Vegas
Mailing Zip/ Postal Code

Provide the following information for the person the Securities and Exchange Commission's staff should call in connection with any pre-qualification review of the offering statement.

Brian A. Lebrecht
Address 1
Address 2
Mailing Zip/ Postal Code

Provide up to two e-mail addresses to which the Securities and Exchange Commission's staff may send any comment letters relating to the offering statement. After qualification of the offering statement, such e-mail addresses are not required to remain active.

Financial Statements

Industry Group (select one) Banking Insurance Other

Use the financial statements for the most recent period contained in this offering statement to provide the following information about the issuer. The following table does not include all of the line items from the financial statements. Long Term Debt would include notes payable, bonds, mortgages, and similar obligations. To determine "Total Revenues" for all companies selecting "Other" for their industry group, refer to Article 5-03(b)(1) of Regulation S-X. For companies selecting "Insurance", refer to Article 7-04 of Regulation S-X for calculation of "Total Revenues" and paragraphs 5 and 7 of Article 7-04 for "Costs and Expenses Applicable to Revenues".

Balance Sheet Information

Cash and Cash Equivalents
$ 59201.00
Investment Securities
$ 0.00
Total Investments
Accounts and Notes Receivable
$ 13274.00
Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E):
$ 0.00
Property and Equipment
Total Assets
$ 3115430.00
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities
$ 73890.00
Policy Liabilities and Accruals
Long Term Debt
$ 0.00
Total Liabilities
$ 261604.00
Total Stockholders' Equity
$ 2853826.00
Total Liabilities and Equity
$ 3115430.00

Statement of Comprehensive Income Information

Total Revenues
$ 1276559.00
Total Interest Income
Costs and Expenses Applicable to Revenues
$ 1855001.00
Total Interest Expenses
Depreciation and Amortization
$ 0.00
Net Income
$ -2576375.00
Earnings Per Share - Basic
$ -0.01
Earnings Per Share - Diluted
$ -0.01
Name of Auditor (if any)

Outstanding Securities

Common Equity

Name of Class (if any) Common Equity
Common Equity Units Outstanding
Common Equity CUSIP (if any):
Common Equity Units Name of Trading Center or Quotation Medium (if any)

Preferred Equity

Preferred Equity Name of Class (if any)
Preferred Stock
Preferred Equity Units Outstanding
Preferred Equity CUSIP (if any)
Preferred Equity Name of Trading Center or Quotation Medium (if any)

Debt Securities

Debt Securities Name of Class (if any)
Convertible Note
Debt Securities Units Outstanding
Debt Securities CUSIP (if any):
Debt Securities Name of Trading Center or Quotation Medium (if any)

1-A: Item 2. Issuer Eligibility

Issuer Eligibility

Check this box to certify that all of the following statements are true for the issuer(s)

1-A: Item 3. Application of Rule 262

Application Rule 262

Check this box to certify that, as of the time of this filing, each person described in Rule 262 of Regulation A is either not disqualified under that rule or is disqualified but has received a waiver of such disqualification.

Check this box if "bad actor" disclosure under Rule 262(d) is provided in Part II of the offering statement.

1-A: Item 4. Summary Information Regarding the Offering and Other Current or Proposed Offerings

Summary Infomation

Check the appropriate box to indicate whether you are conducting a Tier 1 or Tier 2 offering Tier1 Tier2
Check the appropriate box to indicate whether the financial statements have been audited Unaudited Audited
Types of Securities Offered in this Offering Statement (select all that apply)
Equity (common or preferred stock)
Does the issuer intend to offer the securities on a delayed or continuous basis pursuant to Rule 251(d)(3)? Yes No
Does the issuer intend this offering to last more than one year? Yes No
Does the issuer intend to price this offering after qualification pursuant to Rule 253(b)? Yes No
Will the issuer be conducting a best efforts offering? Yes No
Has the issuer used solicitation of interest communications in connection with the proposed offering? Yes No
Does the proposed offering involve the resale of securities by affiliates of the issuer? Yes No
Number of securities offered
Number of securities of that class outstanding

The information called for by this item below may be omitted if undetermined at the time of filing or submission, except that if a price range has been included in the offering statement, the midpoint of that range must be used to respond. Please refer to Rule 251(a) for the definition of "aggregate offering price" or "aggregate sales" as used in this item. Please leave the field blank if undetermined at this time and include a zero if a particular item is not applicable to the offering.

Price per security
$ 0.0000
The portion of the aggregate offering price attributable to securities being offered on behalf of the issuer
$ 0.00
The portion of the aggregate offering price attributable to securities being offered on behalf of selling securityholders
$ 0.00
The portion of the aggregate offering price attributable to all the securities of the issuer sold pursuant to a qualified offering statement within the 12 months before the qualification of this offering statement
$ 0.00
The estimated portion of aggregate sales attributable to securities that may be sold pursuant to any other qualified offering statement concurrently with securities being sold under this offering statement
$ 0.00
Total (the sum of the aggregate offering price and aggregate sales in the four preceding paragraphs)
$ 0.00

Anticipated fees in connection with this offering and names of service providers

Underwriters - Name of Service Provider
Underwriters - Fees
Sales Commissions - Name of Service Provider
Sales Commissions - Fee
Finders' Fees - Name of Service Provider
Finders' Fees - Fees
Audit - Name of Service Provider
Audit - Fees
$ 10000.00
Legal - Name of Service Provider
Legal - Fees
$ 30000.00
Promoters - Name of Service Provider
Promoters - Fees
Blue Sky Compliance - Name of Service Provider
Blue Sky Compliance - Fees
CRD Number of any broker or dealer listed:
Estimated net proceeds to the issuer
$ 0.00
Clarification of responses (if necessary)

1-A: Item 5. Jurisdictions in Which Securities are to be Offered

Jurisdictions in Which Securities are to be Offered

Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities

Selected States and Jurisdictions

Using the list below, select the jurisdictions in which the securities are to be offered by underwriters, dealers or sales persons or check the appropriate box

Same as the jurisdictions in which the issuer intends to offer the securities
Selected States and Jurisdictions


1-A: Item 6. Unregistered Securities Issued or Sold Within One Year

Unregistered Securities Issued or Sold Within One Year


Unregistered Securities Issued

As to any unregistered securities issued by the issuer of any of its predecessors or affiliated issuers within one year before the filing of this Form 1-A, state:

(a)Name of such issuer
Healthy Extracts, Inc.
(b)(1) Title of securities issued
Common Stock
(2) Total Amount of such securities issued
(3) Amount of such securities sold by or for the account of any person who at the time was a director, officer, promoter or principal securityholder of the issuer of such securities, or was an underwriter of any securities of such issuer.
(c)(1) Aggregate consideration for which the securities were issued and basis for computing the amount thereof.
(2) Aggregate consideration for which the securities listed in (b)(3) of this item (if any) were issued and the basis for computing the amount thereof (if different from the basis described in (c)(1)).

Unregistered Securities Issued

As to any unregistered securities issued by the issuer of any of its predecessors or affiliated issuers within one year before the filing of this Form 1-A, state:

(a)Name of such issuer
Healthy Extracts, Inc.
(b)(1) Title of securities issued
(2) Total Amount of such securities issued
(3) Amount of such securities sold by or for the account of any person who at the time was a director, officer, promoter or principal securityholder of the issuer of such securities, or was an underwriter of any securities of such issuer.
(c)(1) Aggregate consideration for which the securities were issued and basis for computing the amount thereof.
(2) Aggregate consideration for which the securities listed in (b)(3) of this item (if any) were issued and the basis for computing the amount thereof (if different from the basis described in (c)(1)).

Unregistered Securities Issued

As to any unregistered securities issued by the issuer of any of its predecessors or affiliated issuers within one year before the filing of this Form 1-A, state:

(a)Name of such issuer
Healthy Extracts, Inc.
(b)(1) Title of securities issued
Convertible Note
(2) Total Amount of such securities issued
(3) Amount of such securities sold by or for the account of any person who at the time was a director, officer, promoter or principal securityholder of the issuer of such securities, or was an underwriter of any securities of such issuer.
(c)(1) Aggregate consideration for which the securities were issued and basis for computing the amount thereof.
(2) Aggregate consideration for which the securities listed in (b)(3) of this item (if any) were issued and the basis for computing the amount thereof (if different from the basis described in (c)(1)).

Unregistered Securities Act

(e) Indicate the section of the Securities Act or Commission rule or regulation relied upon for exemption from the registration requirements of such Act and state briefly the facts relied upon for such exemption
4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933





An offering statement pursuant to Regulation A relating to these shares has been filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”). Information contained in this preliminary offering circular is subject to completion or amendment. These shares may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted before the offering statement filed with the Commission is qualified. This preliminary offering circular shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any of these shares in any state in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful before registration or qualification under the laws of any such state. We may elect to satisfy our obligation to deliver a final offering circular by sending you a notice within two business days after the completion of our sale to you that contains the URL where the final offering circular or the offering statement in which such final offering circular was filed may be obtained.


Generally, no sale may be made to you in this offering if the aggregate purchase price you pay is more than 10% of the greater of your annual income or net worth. Different rules apply to accredited investors and non-natural persons. Before making any representation that your investment does not exceed applicable thresholds, we encourage you to review Rule 251(d)(2)(i)(C) of Regulation A. For general information on investing, we encourage you to refer to


Preliminary Offering Circular dated May [Ÿ], 2020.




100,000,000 shares of common stock


This is a public offering of our common stock. The offering price is $[Ÿ] per share.


The offering consists of 100,000,000 shares of common stock (the “Offering Shares”). None of our existing shareholders, nor any of our officers, directors or affiliates is selling any securities in this offering.


Our common stock is currently quoted and traded on the OTCQB marketplace maintained by OTC Markets Group, Inc. under the trading symbol "HYEX". As of April 26, 2021, the last reported sales price of our common stock was $0.0655. There are currently 318,302,410 shares of our common stock issued and outstanding.


There is no minimum number of Offering Shares that we must sell in order to conduct a closing in this offering. The offering will commence within two calendar days after this offering circular has been qualified by the Commission. See “Plan of Distribution” on page 15. This offering will terminate upon the earlier of when all shares qualified hereunder are sold or [one (1) year] after this offering circular has been qualified by the Commission.


See “Risk Factors” beginning on page 4 of this offering circular for a discussion of information that should be considered in connection with an investment in such securities.


The Commission does not pass upon the merits of or give its approval to any securities offered or the terms of the offering, nor does it pass upon the accuracy or completeness of any offering circular or other solicitation materials. These securities are being offered pursuant to an exemption from registration with the Commission; however, the Commission has not made an independent determination that the securities offered are exempt from registration.


    Price Per Share   Selling Agents’ Discounts and Commissions(1)(2)   Proceeds to Our Company(2)
Offering Shares   $ [Ÿ]   $ [Ÿ]   $ [Ÿ]


(1)       We do  not have any agreement in place with a selling agent. These expenses are estimated at 10% of the Offering Price based on our observation of standard market prices.


(2)       Assumes that all of the Offering Shares are sold.


We plan to market this offering to potential investors through our officers or we may engage broker-dealers and selling agents. This offering will terminate on [Ÿ], 2022 (the “Offering Period”). We may hold an initial closing on any number of Offering Shares at any time during the Offering Period and thereafter may hold one or more additional closings during the Offering Period. We will close on proceeds based upon the order in which they are received. See “Plan of Distribution” on page 15.


We may decide to extend the offering, close the offering early, or cancel it, in our sole discretion. If we extend the offering, we will provide that information in an amendment to this offering circular. If we close the offering early or cancel it, we may do so without notice to you, although if we cancel the offering all funds that may have been provided by any investors will be promptly returned without interest or deduction. See “Plan of Distribution” on page 15.


This is a Regulation A+ Tier 2 offering.


We are an “emerging growth company” as defined in the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012 and have elected to comply with certain reduced public company reporting requirements. As a smaller reporting company within the meaning of Rule 405, we are following the Form S-1 disclosure requirements for smaller reporting companies. This offering circular is intended to provide the information required by Part I of Form S-1.

SUMMARY     1  
DILUTION     17  
BUSINESS     25  


You should rely only on the information contained in this offering circular. We have not authorized anyone to provide you with different information.


The information in this offering circular assumes that all of the Shares offered are sold.


Unless otherwise stated in this offering circular, “we,” “us,” “our,” “our company” or “Healthy Extracts” refers to Healthy Extracts Inc. and our predecessor operations.





This summary highlights certain information appearing elsewhere in this offering circular. For a more complete understanding of this offering, you should read the entire offering circular carefully, including the risk factors and the financial statements.


Forward-Looking Statements


This document contains forward-looking statements. All statements pertaining to our future financial and/or operating results, future events, or future developments may constitute forward-looking statements. The statements may be identified by words such as “expect,” “look forward to,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “seek,” “estimate,” “will,” “project,” or words of similar meaning. Such statements are based on the current expectations and certain assumptions of our management, of which many are beyond control. These are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and factors, including but not limited to those described in disclosures. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying expectations not occur or assumptions prove incorrect, actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company may (negatively or positively) vary materially from those described explicitly or implicitly in the relevant forward-looking statement. We neither intend, nor assume any obligation, to update or revise these forward-looking statements in light of developments which differ from those anticipated.


Corporate History


We were incorporated on December 19, 2014 in the State of Nevada. Historically, we provided cloud-based software to detect advertising fraud on the internet. We abandoned this business in early 2018.


On October 17, 2017, we acquired Eqova Life Sciences, a Nevada corporation (“Eqova”). Eqova was a wholly-owned subsidiary through which we conduct our hemp oil product business. We closed this business in the second quarter of 2019.


In November 2017, we formed Healthy Extracts, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary through which we conduct some of our CBD business.


On February 4, 2019, we acquired BergaMet NA, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“BergaMet”). BergaMet is a wholly-owned subsidiary through which we conduct our nutraceuticals business.


On April 3, 2020, we acquired Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“UBN”). UBN is a wholly-owned subsidiary through which we conduct our plant-based neuro-products business.


On October 23, 2020, we changed our name from Grey Cloak Tech Inc. to Healthy Extracts Inc. to more accurately reflect our business. Our stock symbol was changed to HYEX on March 1, 2021.



Table of Contents 



Beginning with the acquisition of Eqova in 2017, we began to transition away from our software services business and shifted our focus to new lines of business. Eqova was focused on the production and sale of hemp oil products through the medical practitioner market. The addition of BergaMet, an established company that was already generating revenues when we acquired it, added unique products that fit nicely with our existing business. We plan on expanding our product line to other nutraceuticals.


BergaMet NA, LLC


On February 4, 2019, we issued and exchanged shares of our common stock for all of the outstanding equity securities of BergaMet.


Through the exchange, we were able to secure funds in BergaMet to pay off debt and provide capital for operations. We paid an aggregate of over $500,000 to retire convertible debt. Prior to the exchange, we also entered into agreements with other holders of convertible debt to convert their notes for an aggregate of 806,015 shares of common stock. We also entered into conversion agreements with the holders of our Series A Convertible Preferred Stock whereby all of the outstanding preferred stock was converted for an aggregate of 15,592,986 shares of common stock. The conversion and repayment of the preferred stock and convertible debt have greatly improved our capitalization structure.


The acquisition of BergaMet has been extremely beneficial to us. In addition to paying off our convertible debt, we are now able to better position ourselves in the market. BergaMet is an established company that was already generating revenues when we acquired it. BergaMet also has unique products that will fit nicely with our existing business. We now plan on expanding our product line to other nutraceuticals.


Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC


On April 3, 2020, we entered into a Share Exchange Agreement with Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“UBN”), and the members of UBN, whereby we issued and exchanged 90,000,960 shares of our common stock for all of the outstanding equity securities of UBN. UBN is now our wholly-owned subsidiary. The shares of common stock issued in the Exchange were equal to approximately 42.5% of our outstanding common stock immediately following the exchange. Because six of the seven members of UBN, including our majority shareholder Jay Decker, were also member of BergaMet, this was an affiliated transaction.


UBN is a science-based company that develops unique, plant-based superior health technology neuro-products that provide natural brain solutions. UBN has numerous proprietary products, with four unique patent-pending formulations and one patent issued.



Table of Contents 

The Offering


Securities offered and price per share:   Up to 100,000,000 shares of common stock, at $[Ÿ] per share (the “Offering Shares”).
Best efforts offering:   There is no minimum number of Offering Shares that we must sell in order to conduct a closing in this offering. Our directors and officers shall be entitled to purchase Shares in the offering.
Securities outstanding prior to this offering:   318,302,410 shares of common stock.
No shares of preferred stock.
Securities outstanding after this offering:   418,302,410 shares of common stock.
No shares of preferred stock.
Use of proceeds:   See “Use of Proceeds” beginning on page 15.
Risk factors:   Investing in our common stock involves a high degree of risk. See “Risk Factors” beginning at page 4.


Corporate Information


Our principal executive offices are located at 6445 S. Tenaya Way, Suite B110, Las Vegas, NV 89113, telephone (720) 463-1004. Our principal website is Our common stock is quoted on the OTC Markets and trades under the symbol “HYEX.”


Our common stock is registered under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”), and thus we file annual, quarterly and special reports and other information with the Securities and Exchange Commission and OTC Markets. Copies of documents we file with the Commission, including this prospectus and the related exhibits, may be read and copies at the Commission’s Public Reference Room at 100 F Street, NE, Washington, DC 20549. Please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for further information on the public reference room. Our filings with the Commission are also available through the Commission’s website at the following address: Our filings with the OTC Markets site are available to the public on Those filings are also available to the public on, or accessible through, our website for free via the “Investor Info” section at


We intend to satisfy our Regulation A reporting obligations through the filing of our reports under the Exchange Act.



Table of Contents 



Any investment in our common stock involves a high degree of risk. You should consider carefully the following information, together with the other information contained in this Offering Circular, before you decide to buy our common stock. If one or more of the following events actually occurs, our business will suffer, and as a result our financial condition or results of operations will be adversely affected. In this case, the market price, if any, of our common stock could decline, and you could lose all or part of your investment in our common stock.


We are providing services to an industry that is heavily regulated and, in some respects, illegal under federal law and the laws of most states. We face risks in developing our product candidates and services and eventually bringing them to market. We also face risks that our business model may become obsolete. The following risks are material risks that we face. If any of these risks occur, our business, our ability to achieve revenues, our operating results and our financial condition could be seriously harmed.


Risk Factors Related to the Business of the Company


Our operations rely on professionals all over the United States, which is impacted by the global pandemic, causing our resources to be affected. Our business operations have been and may continue to be materially and adversely affected by the coronavirus disease COVID-19.


An outbreak of respiratory illness caused by COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan city, Hubei province, PRC, in late 2019 and has been expanding globally. COVID-19 is considered to be highly contagious and poses a serious public health threat.


Restrictive measures have been imposed in major cities in the USA, including Los Angeles, New York, and Las Vegas, and throughout the world in an effort to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. The World Health Organization (the “WHO”) is closely monitoring and evaluating the situation. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a pandemic, expanding its assessment of the threat beyond the global health emergency it had announced in January. Any outbreak of such epidemic illness or other adverse public health developments in the USA or elsewhere in the world may materially and adversely affect the global economy, our markets and our business.


Throughout 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak has caused disruptions in our operations, which have resulted in delays on existing projects. A prolonged disruption or any further unforeseen delay in our operations could continue to result in increased costs and reduced revenue.


We cannot foresee whether the outbreak of COVID-19 will be effectively contained, nor can we predict the severity and duration of its impact. If the outbreak of COVID-19 is not effectively and timely controlled, our business operations and financial condition may be materially and adversely affected as a result of the deteriorating market outlook for sales, the slowdown in regional and national economic growth, weakened liquidity and financial condition of our customers and vendors or other factors that we cannot foresee. Any of these factors and other factors beyond our control could have an adverse effect on the overall business environment, cause uncertainties, cause our business to suffer in ways that we cannot predict and materially and adversely impact our business, financial condition and results of operations.



Table of Contents 

The outbreak of the coronavirus (“COVID-19”) has negatively impacted and could continue to negatively impact the global economy. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic could disrupt or otherwise negatively impact global credit markets, our operations and our efforts to identify, review and explore alternatives for the Company, including a merger, acquisition, or a business combination.


The significant outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in a widespread health crisis, which has negatively impacted and could continue to negatively impact the global economy. In addition, the global and regional impact of the outbreak, including official or unofficial quarantines and governmental restrictions on activities taken in response to such event, could have a negative impact on our operations and our ability to identify, review and explore alternatives for the Company. More broadly, the outbreak could potentially lead to an economic downturn that could limit the potential opportunities available to us via merger, acquisition or business combination.


The COVID-19 outbreak could disrupt or otherwise negatively impact credit and equity markets, which could adversely affect the availability and cost of capital. Such impacts could limit our ability to obtain additional funding through various financing transactions or arrangements, including joint venturing of projects, equity or debt financing or other means.


A pandemic typically results in social distancing, travel bans and quarantines, and this may limit access to our management, support staff, professional advisors and our independent auditors. These factors, in turn, may not only impact our operations, financial condition and our overall ability to react timely to mitigate the impact of this event. Also, it may hamper our efforts to comply with our filing obligations with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


The extent and potential short- and long-term impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on our business will depend on future developments, including the duration, severity and spread of the virus, actions that may be taken by governmental authorities and the impact on the financial markets, all of which are highly uncertain and cannot be predicted. These and other potential impacts of an epidemic, pandemic or other health crisis, such as COVID-19, could therefore materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.


We have a limited operating history, we are not profitable, and we do not expect to be profitable in the near future. There is no assurance our future operations will result in revenues sufficient to obtain or sustain profitability. If we cannot generate sufficient revenues to operate profitably, we may suspend or cease operations.


We were incorporated on December 19, 2014, but we have changed our business focus with the acquisition of BergaMet and UBN and we have not fully developed our current business operations and have not yet experienced significant revenue. Our ability to continue as a going concern is dependent upon our ability to obtain adequate financing and to reach profitable levels of operations. In that regard we have no proven history of performance, earnings or success.



Table of Contents 

Our net loss from inception to December 31, 2020, was ($12,956,498). Based on our cash position of $59,201 as of December 31, 2020, we will need to raise additional capital from the sale of our stock or debt. Such funding may not be available, or may be available only on terms which are not beneficial and/or acceptable to us. 


Our ability to maintain profitability and positive cash flow is dependent upon our ability to attract new customers who will buy our nutritional supplement products and services, and our ability to generate sufficient revenue through the sale of those products and services.


Based upon current plans, we expect to incur operating losses in future periods because we will be incurring expenses that may exceed revenues. We cannot guarantee that we will be successful in generating sufficient revenues in the future. In the event we cannot generate sufficient revenues and/or secure additional financing, we may be forced to cease operations.


 Our competitors may develop nutritional supplement products that are less expensive, safer or otherwise more appealing, which may diminish or eliminate the commercial success of any potential product that we may commercialize.


If our competitors market nutritional supplement products that are less expensive, safer or otherwise more appealing than our current and potential products, or that reach the market before our current and potential products, we may not achieve commercial success. The market may choose to continue utilizing existing products for any number of reasons, including familiarity with or pricing of these existing products. The failure of any of our products to compete with products marketed by our competitors would impair our ability to generate revenue, which would have a material adverse effect on our future business, financial condition, results of operations, and cash flows. Our competitors may:


Our auditors have substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern.


Our financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. Our auditor’s report reflects that our ability to continue as a going concern is dependent upon our ability to raise additional capital from the sale of common stock and, ultimately, the achievement of significant operating revenues. If we are unable to continue as a going concern, our stockholders will lose their investment. We will be required to seek additional capital to fund future growth and expansion. No assurance can be given that such financing will be available or, if available, that it will be on commercially favorable terms. Moreover, favorable financing may be dilutive to our stockholders.



Table of Contents 

Our controlling stockholders have significant influence over the Company.


Our officers and directors own stock representing less than 4% of shareholder votes; however, if you add in our controlling shareholder, Jay Decker, they hold approximately 58% of shareholder votes. As a result they will possess a significant influence over our affairs and may have the effect of delaying or preventing a future change in control, impeding a merger, consolidation, takeover or other business combination or discouraging a potential acquirer from making a tender offer or otherwise attempting to obtain control of the company, which in turn could materially and adversely affect the market price of our common stock. Our minority shareholders will be unable to affect the outcome of stockholder voting as long as our officers and directors retain a controlling interest.


Our current officers and directors may set salaries and perquisites in the future which we are unable to support with our current assets.


Although our officers and directors have written employment or services agreements, our officers and directors may decide to award themselves higher salaries and other benefits but all changes to these agreements will need to be approved by the Board of Directors. We do not have significant revenues, and there is no guarantee that we will have significant revenue in the near future. If we do not increase our revenues, we will be unable to support any higher salaries or other benefits for management, which may cause us to cease operations.


We may engage in strategic transactions that fail to enhance stockholder value.


From time to time, we may consider possible strategic transactions, including the potential acquisitions or licensing of products or technologies or acquisition of companies, and other alternatives with the goal of maximizing stockholder value. We may never complete a strategic transaction, and in the event that we do complete a strategic transaction, implementation of such transactions may impair stockholder value or otherwise adversely affect our business. Any such transaction may require us to incur non-recurring or other charges and may pose significant integration challenges and/or management and business disruptions, any of which could harm our results of operation and business prospects.


We may not be able to gain or sustain market acceptance for our products and services.


Failure to establish a brand and presence in the marketplace on a timely basis could adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations. Moreover, there can be no assurance that we will successfully complete our development and introduction of new products and services or that any such products and services will achieve acceptance in the marketplace. We may also fail to develop and deploy new products and services on a timely basis.


We have a significant amount of unsold inventory, which could affect our assets and our profitability.


As of December 31, 2020, we had over $2.4 million in inventory, after writing off over $1.3 million in inventory for the year. The amount of our inventory is nearly double our revenues for the year ended December 31, 2020. Our inventory could spoil or be damaged, or we could never sell it, affecting the assets on our balance sheet as well as our future profitability.


We are subject to and affected by extensive governmental regulations.


We are subject to and affected by extensive governmental regulations, including, among other things, regulations pertaining to (i) the formulation, manufacturing, packaging, labeling, distribution, importation, sale and storage of our products, and (ii) product claims and advertising (including direct claims and advertising by us, as well as claims and advertising by distributors for which we may be held responsible)


We could be found not to be in compliance with existing regulations as a result, among other things, of the ambiguous nature of certain of the regulations, the considerable interpretive and enforcement discretion given to regulators or misconduct by distributors, who are generally independent contractors over whom we have limited control. Enforcement actions that could be undertaken by state and federal regulators include product seizures, injunctions against further product distribution, requests for product recall, and possible criminal prosecution. Any assertion or determination that we or our distributors are not in compliance with existing regulations could have a material adverse effect on our revenues. 



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In addition, the adoption of new regulations, or changes in the interpretation of existing regulations, could have a material adverse effect on us. For example, in September 1997 the United States Food and Drug Administration (the “FDA”) issued regulations governing the labeling and marketing of dietary supplement products.


In addition, claims made with respect to weight management, dietary supplement, personal care or other products of ours may change the regulatory status of the products. For example, it is possible that the FDA could take the position that claims made in connection with certain of our products place those products within the scope of an FDA “over-the counter” (OTC) drug monograph. OTC monographs prescribe permissible ingredients and appropriate labeling language, and require the marketer or supplier of the products to register and file annual drug listing information with the FDA.


The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), which exercises jurisdiction over the advertising of all our products, has in the past instituted enforcement actions against dietary supplement companies for false and misleading advertising of certain products. These enforcement actions have resulted in consent decrees and monetary payments by the companies involved. In addition, the FTC has increased its scrutiny of the use of testimonials.


We have incurred costs in completing the transactions with BergaMet and UBN, and failure to successfully integrate those businesses into each other and with our own will have an adverse impact on our financial position and prevent us from obtaining the benefits that the transaction would have given us.


We have recently completed our acquisitions of BergaMet and UBN. Our executives have spent considerable time and incurred legal and accounting costs in the acquisitions. If we are unable to fully integrate those businesses into our business or maintain their existing customer base, we will not be able to acquire the technologies, partnerships and potential customers that the transaction was intended given us. The increase in acquisition and integration costs without the corresponding benefit will have an adverse impact on our financial statements and foreclose potential revenue-producing opportunities in the near future.


Economic uncertainties or downturns could materially adversely affect our business.


Current or future economic uncertainties or downturns could adversely affect our business and results of operations. Negative conditions in the general economy including conditions resulting from changes in gross domestic product growth, the continued sovereign debt crisis, financial and credit market fluctuations, political deadlock, natural catastrophes, warfare and terrorist attacks on the United States, Europe, the Asia Pacific region or elsewhere, could cause a decrease in business investments.


General worldwide economic conditions have experienced a significant downturn and continue to remain unstable. These conditions make it extremely difficult for us to forecast and plan future business activities accurately, and they could cause our potential customers to reevaluate their decisions to purchase our product, which could delay and lengthen our sales cycles or result in cancellations of planned purchases. Furthermore, during challenging economic times our potential customers may tighten their advertising budgets which may impact their spend on local inventory based digital marketing products. To the extent purchases of our products are perceived by potential customers to be discretionary, sales of our products may never occur. Also, customers may choose to seek other methods to achieve the benefits our products provide.


We cannot predict the timing, strength or duration of any economic slowdown, instability or recovery, generally or within any particular industry. If the economic conditions of the general economy or industries in which we operate do not improve, or worsen from present levels, our business, results of operations, financial condition and cash flows could be adversely affected.


We are dependent on the services of key personnel and failure to attract qualified management could limit our growth and negatively impact our results of operations.


We are highly dependent on the principal members of our management team, including our President, Kevin “Duke” Pitts, and our Chief Financial Officer, William Bossung. At this time, we do not know of the availability of such experienced management personnel or how much it may cost to attract and retain such personnel. The loss of the services of any member of senior management or the inability to hire experienced technical or programing personnel could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.



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Other companies may claim that we have infringed upon their intellectual property or proprietary rights.


We do not believe that our products and services violate third-party intellectual property rights; however, we have not had an independent party conduct a study of possible patent infringements. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that claims relating to violation of such rights will not be asserted by third parties. If any of our products or services are found to violate third-party intellectual property rights, we may be required to expend significant funds to re-engineer or cause to be re-engineered one or more of those products or services to avoid infringement, or seek to obtain licenses from third parties to continue offering our products and services without substantial re-engineering, and such efforts may not be successful.


In addition, future patents may be issued to third parties upon which our products and services may infringe. We may incur substantial costs in defending against claims under any such patents. Furthermore, parties making such claims may be able to obtain injunctive or other equitable relief, which effectively could block our ability to further develop or commercialize some or all of our products or services in the United States or abroad, and could result in the award of substantial damages against us. In the event of a claim of infringement, we may be required to obtain one or more licenses from third parties. There can be no assurance that we will be able to obtain such licenses at a reasonable cost, if at all. Defense of any lawsuit or failure to obtain any such license could be costly and have a material adverse effect on our business.


Our success depends on our ability to protect our proprietary technology.


Our success depends, to a significant degree, upon the protection of our proprietary technology, and that of any licensors. Legal fees and other expenses necessary to obtain and maintain appropriate patent protection could be material. Currently, no material aspect of our business is protected by registered patents, copyrights or trademarks. Insufficient funding may inhibit our ability to obtain and maintain such protection. Additionally, if we must resort to legal proceedings to enforce our intellectual property rights, the proceedings could be burdensome and expensive, and could involve a high degree of risk to our proprietary rights if we are unsuccessful in, or cannot afford to pursue, such proceedings.


We may also rely on trademarks, trade secrets and contract law to protect certain of our proprietary technology. There can be no assurance that any trademarks will be approved, that such contract will not be breached, or that if breached, we will have adequate remedies. Furthermore, there can be no assurance that any of our trade secrets will not become known or independently discovered by third parties.


Our future growth may be inhibited by the failure to implement new technologies.


Our future growth is partially tied to our ability to improve our knowledge and implementation of mobile, AI, machine learning, and other advanced technologies in a retail environment, which is a rapidly changing market. The inability to successfully implement commercially technologies in response to market conditions in a manner that is responsive to our customers’ requirements could have a material adverse effect on our business.



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Risks Related To Our Common Stock


The market price of our common stock may be volatile and may be affected by market conditions beyond our control.


The market price of our common stock is subject to significant fluctuations in response to, among other factors:


· variations in our operating results and market conditions specific to technology companies;
· changes in financial estimates or recommendations by securities analysts;
· announcements of innovations or new products or services by us or our competitors;
· the emergence of new competitors;
· operating and market price performance of other companies that investors deem comparable;
· changes in our board or management;
· sales or purchases of our common stock by insiders;
· commencement of, or involvement in, litigation;
· changes in governmental regulations; and
· general economic conditions and slow or negative growth of related markets.


In addition, if the market for stocks in our industry or the stock market in general, experiences a loss of investor confidence, the market price of our common stock could decline for reasons unrelated to our business, financial condition or results of operations. If any of the foregoing occurs, it could cause the price of our common stock to fall and may expose us to lawsuits that, even if unsuccessful, could be costly to defend and a distraction to the board of directors and management.


If we are unable to pay the costs associated with being a public, reporting company, we may be forced to discontinue operations.


Our common stock is quoted on the OTC Pink tier of the marketplace maintained by OTC Markets Group, Inc. We expect to have significant costs associated with being a public, reporting company, which may raise substantial doubt about our ability to sell our equity securities and/or continue as a going concern. Our ability to continue as a going concern will depend on positive cash flow, if any, from future operations and on our ability to raise additional funds through equity or debt financing. If we are unable to achieve the necessary product sales or raise or obtain needed funding to cover the costs of operating as a public, reporting company, we may be forced to discontinue operations.


Our common stock is listed for quotation on the OTCQB tier of the marketplace maintained by OTC Markets Group, Inc., which may make it more difficult for investors to resell their shares due to suitability requirements.


Our common stock is currently quoted on the OTCQB tier of the marketplace maintained by OTC Markets Group, Inc. Broker-dealers often decline to trade in over-the-counter stocks given the market for such securities are often limited, the stocks are more volatile, and the risk to investors is greater. These factors may reduce the potential market for our common stock by reducing the number of potential investors. This may make it more difficult for investors in our common stock to sell shares to third parties or to otherwise dispose of their shares. This could cause our stock price to decline.



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Our principal stockholders have the ability to exert significant control in matters requiring stockholder approval and could delay, deter, or prevent a change in control of our company.


Jay Decker has beneficial ownership of our common stock with over 56% of the shareholder votes. As a result, he has the ability to influence matters affecting our shareholders, including the election of our directors, the acquisition or disposition of our assets, and the future issuance of our shares. Because he controls such shares, investors may find it difficult to replace our management if they disagree with the way our business is being operated. Because the influence by these shareholders could result in management making decisions that are in the best interest of those shareholders and not in the best interest of the investors, you may lose some or all of the value of your investment in our common stock. Investors who purchase our common stock should be willing to entrust all aspects of operational control to our current management team.


We do not intend to pay dividends in the foreseeable future.


We do not intend to pay any dividends in the foreseeable future. We do not plan on making any cash distributions in the manner of a dividend or otherwise. Our Board presently intends to follow a policy of retaining earnings, if any.


Future sales and issuances of our capital stock or rights to purchase capital stock could result in additional dilution of the percentage ownership of our stockholders and could cause our stock price to decline.


Future sales and issuances of our capital stock or rights to purchase our capital stock could result in substantial dilution to our existing stockholders. We may sell common stock, convertible securities and other equity securities in one or more transactions at prices and in a manner as we may determine from time to time. If we sell any such securities in subsequent transactions, investors may be materially diluted. New investors in such subsequent transactions could gain rights, preferences and privileges senior to those of holders of our common stock.


In addition, changing laws, regulations and standards relating to corporate governance and public disclosure are creating uncertainty for public companies, increasing legal and financial compliance costs and making some activities more time consuming. These laws, regulations and standards are subject to varying interpretations, in many cases due to their lack of specificity, and, as a result, their application in practice may evolve over time as new guidance is provided by regulatory and governing bodies. This could result in continuing uncertainty regarding compliance matters and higher costs necessitated by ongoing revisions to disclosure and governance practices. We intend to invest resources to comply with evolving laws, regulations and standards, and this investment may result in increased general and administrative expenses and a diversion of management’s time and attention from revenue-generating activities to compliance activities. If our efforts to comply with new laws, regulations and standards differ from the activities intended by regulatory or governing bodies due to ambiguities related to their application and practice, regulatory authorities may initiate legal proceedings against us and our business may be adversely affected.



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We also expect that being a public company and these new rules and regulations will make it more expensive for us to obtain director and officer liability insurance, and we may be required to accept reduced coverage or incur substantially higher costs to obtain coverage. These factors could also make it more difficult for us to attract and retain qualified members of our board of directors, particularly to serve on our audit committee and compensation committee, and qualified executive officers.


As a result of disclosure of information in this Offering Circular and in filings required of a public company, our business and financial condition will become more visible, which we believe may result in threatened or actual litigation, including by competitors and other third parties. If such claims are successful, our business and results of operations could be adversely affected, and even if the claims do not result in litigation or are resolved in our favor, these claims, and the time and resources necessary to resolve them, could divert the resources of our management and adversely affect our business and results of operations.


The market for penny stocks has suffered in recent years from patterns of fraud and abuse


Stockholders should be aware that, according to SEC Release No. 34-29093, the market for penny stocks has suffered in recent years from patterns of fraud and abuse. Such patterns include:


· control of the market for the security by one or a few broker-dealers that are often related to the promoter or issuer;
· manipulation of prices through prearranged matching of purchases and sales and false and misleading press releases;
· boiler room practices involving high-pressure sales tactics and unrealistic price projections by inexperienced salespersons;
· excessive and undisclosed bid-ask differential and markups by selling broker-dealers; and,
· the wholesale dumping of the same securities by promoters and broker-dealers after prices have been manipulated to a desired level, along with the resulting inevitable collapse of those prices and with consequential investor losses.


Our management is aware of the abuses that have occurred historically in the penny stock market. Although we do not expect to be in a position to dictate the behavior of the market or of broker-dealers who participate in the market, management will strive within the confines of practical limitations to prevent the described patterns from being established with respect to our securities. The occurrence of these patterns or practices could increase the volatility of our share price.


Due to the lack of a developed trading market for our securities, you may have difficulty selling your shares.


Our stock currently trades on the OTCQB tier maintained by OTC Markets Group, Inc. There currently is a very limited public trading market for our common stock. The lack of a developed public trading market for our shares may have a negative effect on your ability to sell your shares in the future and it also may have a negative effect on the price, if any, for which you may be able to sell your shares. As a result an investment in the shares may be illiquid in nature and investors could lose some or all of their investment.



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Our status as an “emerging growth company” under the JOBS Act OF 2012 may make it more difficult to raise capital when we need to do it.


Because of the exemptions from various reporting requirements provided to us as an “emerging growth company” and because we will have an extended transition period for complying with new or revised financial accounting standards, we may be less attractive to investors and it may be difficult for us to raise additional capital as and when we need it. Investors may be unable to compare our business with other companies in our industry if they believe that our financial accounting is not as transparent as other companies in our industry. If we are unable to raise additional capital as and when we need it, our financial condition and results of operations may be materially and adversely affected.


Our internal controls may be inadequate, which could cause our financial reporting to be unreliable and lead to misinformation being disseminated to the public.


Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting. As defined in Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(f), internal control over financial reporting is a process designed by, or under the supervision of, the principal executive and principal financial officer and effected by the board of directors, management and other personnel, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and includes those policies and procedures that: (i) pertain to the maintenance of records that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements. Our internal controls may be inadequate or ineffective, which could cause our financial reporting to be unreliable and lead to misinformation being disseminated to the public.


Our common stock is governed under The Securities Enforcement and Penny Stock Reform Act of 1990.


The Securities Enforcement and Penny Stock Reform Act of 1990 requires additional disclosure relating to the market for penny stocks in connection with trades in any stock defined as a penny stock. The Commission has adopted regulations that generally define a penny stock to be any equity security that has a market price of less than $5.00 per share, subject to certain exceptions. Such exceptions include any equity security listed on NASDAQ and any equity security issued by an issuer that has (i) net tangible assets of at least $2,000,000, if such issuer has been in continuous operation for three years, (ii) net tangible assets of at least $5,000,000, if such issuer has been in continuous operation for less than three years, or (iii) average annual revenue of at least $6,000,000, if such issuer has been in continuous operation for less than three years. Unless an exception is available, the regulations require the delivery, prior to any transaction involving a penny stock, of a disclosure schedule explaining the penny stock market and the risks associated therewith.



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The forward looking statements contained in this Offering Circular may prove incorrect.


This Offering Circular contains certain forward-looking statements, including among others: (i) anticipated trends in our financial condition and results of operations; (ii) our business strategy for expanding distribution; and (iii) our ability to distinguish ourselves from our current and future competitors. These forward-looking statements are based largely on our current expectations and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements. In addition to the other risks described elsewhere in this “Risk Factors” discussion, important factors to consider in evaluating such forward-looking statements include: (i) changes to external competitive market factors or in our internal budgeting process which might impact trends in our results of operations; (ii) anticipated working capital or other cash requirements; (iii) changes in our business strategy or an inability to execute our strategy due to unanticipated changes in the biotechnology industry; and (iv) various competitive factors that may prevent us from competing successfully in the marketplace. In light of these risks and uncertainties, many of which are described in greater detail elsewhere in this “Risk Factors” discussion, there can be no assurance that the events predicted in forward-looking statements contained in this Offering Circular will, in fact, transpire.


General Risk Factors


We will incur ongoing costs and expenses for SEC reporting and compliance, without increased revenue we may not be able to remain in compliance, making it difficult for investors to sell their shares, if at all.


Going forward, we will have ongoing SEC compliance and reporting obligations. Such ongoing obligations will require us to expend additional amounts on compliance, legal and auditing costs. In order for us to remain in compliance, we will require increased revenues to cover the cost of these filings, which could comprise a substantial portion of our available cash resources. If we are unable to generate sufficient revenues to remain in compliance, it may be difficult for you to resell any shares you may purchase, if at all.


We have the right to issue additional common stock without consent of stockholders. This would have the effect of diluting investors’ ownership and could decrease the value of their investment.


We are authorized to issue 2,500,000,000 shares of common stock. Of these authorized shares, 318,302,410 shares are issued and outstanding as of April 26, 2021. Therefore, we are authorized to issue up to an additional 2,181,697,590 unissued shares of our common stock that may be issued by us for any purpose without the further consent or vote of our stockholders that would dilute stockholders' percentage ownership of our company.


Our officers and directors can sell some of their stock, which may have a negative effect on our stock price and ability to raise additional capital, and may make it difficult for investors to sell their stock at any price.


Our officers and directors, as a group, are the beneficial owners of 11,370,139 shares of our common stock, representing less than 4% of our total issued shares; however, with the addition of our largest shareholder, they own a combined 201,547,112 shares. Each individual officer, director, and control party may be able to sell up to 1% of our outstanding stock (currently approximately 3,000,000 shares) every 90 days in the open market pursuant to Rule 144, which may have a negative effect on our stock price and may prevent us from obtaining additional capital. In addition, if our officers and directors are selling their stock into the open market, it may make it difficult or impossible for investors to sell their stock at any price.



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We have made forward-looking statements in this offering circular, including the sections entitled “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and “Business,” that are based on our management’s beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to our management. Forward-looking statements include the information concerning our possible or assumed future results of operations, business strategies, financing plans, competitive position, industry environment, potential growth opportunities, the effects of future regulation, and the effects of competition. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not historical facts and can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as the words “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan,” “estimate” or similar expressions. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including the risks outlined under “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in this offering circular.


Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, events, levels of activity, performance or achievement. We are not under any duty to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this offering circular to conform these statements to actual results, unless required by law.




The net proceeds to use from the sale of the Shares will be $[Ÿ] if the entire offering is sold. The following table sets forth a breakdown of our estimated use of our net proceeds as we currently expect to use them, assuming the sale of, respectively, 25%, 50%, and 100% of the Shares.


    Assumed Percentage of Shares Sold
      25 %     50 %     100 %
Price to Public     $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]  
Selling agent commissions     $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]  
Other Offering expenses     $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]  
Net proceeds     $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]  
[Ÿ]     $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]  
Working capital     $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]  
Total use of proceeds     $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]       $[Ÿ]  




The Shares are being sold through our executive officers. We may also engage broker-dealers or selling agents to sell the Shares. We have not yet engaged anyone else to sell Shares in this offering.


This is an offering of 100,000,000 shares of our common stock issued by the Company. None of our officers, directors, or affiliates is selling any securities in this offering. There is no minimum number of Offering Shares that we must sell in order to conduct a closing in this offering.


If we do engage a broker-dealer or selling agent, we will arrange for the sale of securities to investors on a “best efforts” basis, meaning that they need only use their best efforts to sell the securities. Any third party we engage may sell some of the Offering Shares through selected dealers.


The offering price of the Offering Shares was determined by us. This determination was done without reference to our book value or asset values or by the application of any customary, established models for valuing companies or securities. Accordingly, the offering price may not be indicative of any amounts you might receive should you seek to sell your shares or should there be a liquidation of our company. In addition, such prices are not necessarily indicative of any prices at which our securities may trade, or any value that might be ascribed to our company after the completion of the offering. See “Dilution” on page 17.


Our officers and directors shall be entitled to purchase Offering Shares in the offering. Any such purchases shall be conducted in compliance with the applicable provisions of Regulation M.



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Procedures for Subscribing


We will hold an initial closing on any number of Offering Shares at any time during the Offering Period when we determine and thereafter may hold one or more additional closings until we determine to cease having any additional closings during the Offering Period. We will close on proceeds based upon the order in which they are received. We will consider various factors in determining the timing of any additional closings following the initial closing, including the amount of proceeds received at the initial closing and any prior additional closings.


We may decide to close the offering early or cancel it, in our sole discretion. If we extend the offering, we will provide that information in an amendment to this offering circular. If we close the offering early or cancel it, we may do so without notice to you, although if we cancel the offering all funds that may have been provided by any investors will be promptly returned without interest or deduction.


Prior to this offering, there has been a limited public market for our common stock. Our common stock is quoted on the OTC Markets under the symbol “HYEX.” As of April 26, 2021, the last reported sales price of our common stock was $0.0655.


Discounts, Commissions and Expenses


We shall be responsible for and pay all expenses relating to the offering, including, without limitation, (a) all filing fees and expenses relating to the registration of the Shares to be sold in the offering with the SEC and the filing of the offering materials with the OTC Markets, as applicable; (b) all fees and expenses relating to the registration or qualification of the Offering Shares; as required under the “blue sky” laws, including the fees of counsel selected by us; (c) the costs of all mailing and printing of the offering documents; (d) fees and expenses of the transfer agent for such shares; (e) our road show expenses; (f) the fees and expenses of our accountants and the fees and expenses of our legal counsel and other agents and representatives; and (g) any fees or commissions we may incur if we engage a broker-dealer or selling agent to market the offering.


Offer Restrictions Outside the United States


Other than in the United States, no action has been taken by us or the lead selling agent that would permit a public offering of the securities offered by this offering circular in any jurisdiction where action for that purpose is required. The securities offered by this offering circular may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, nor may this offering circular or any other offering material or advertisements in connection with the offer and sale of any such securities be distributed or published in any jurisdiction outside of the U.S., except under circumstances that will result in compliance with the applicable rules and regulations of that jurisdiction. Persons into whose possession this offering circular comes are advised to inform themselves about and to observe any restrictions relating to the offering and the distribution of this offering circular. This offering circular does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities offered by this offering circular in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or a solicitation is unlawful.




The offering price of the Offering Shares was determined by us. This determination was done without reference to our book value or asset values or by the application of any customary, established models for valuing companies or securities. Accordingly, the offering price may not be indicative of any amounts you might receive should you seek to sell your shares or should there be a liquidation of our company. In addition, such prices are not necessarily indicative of any prices at which our securities may trade, or any value that might be ascribed to our company after the completion of the offering.



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The difference between the offering price per share of our common stock in this offering and the Pro Forma As Adjusted net tangible book value per share after this offering constitutes the dilution to investors in this offering. Net tangible book value per share is determined by dividing our net tangible book value, which is our total tangible assets less total liabilities, by the total number of outstanding shares of common stock.


As of December 31, 2020, on an Actual basis and a Pro Forma basis, our net tangible book value is as follows:


      Actual       Pro Forma  
Net Book value      $           [Ÿ]        $             [Ÿ]  
Less: (intangibles assets)                   [Ÿ]                       [Ÿ]  
Net tangible book value      $           [Ÿ]        $             [Ÿ]  
Total common shares outstanding - Pro Forma                             [Ÿ]  
Net tangible book value per common share - Pro Forma              $             [Ÿ]  



After giving effect to the sale of the Shares in this offering, on a Pro Forma As Adjusted basis, our net tangible book value would be $[Ÿ], or $[Ÿ] per common share, after deducting selling agents’ discounts, commissions, a non-accountable expense allowance and expenses of this offering totaling approximately $[Ÿ]. This represents an immediate [increase] in Pro Forma As Adjusted net tangible book value of $[Ÿ] per share to our existing stockholders and an immediate dilution of $[Ÿ] per share to investors purchasing shares in this offering.


The following table illustrates the dilution to new investors on a per-share basis: 


Offering price per share           $           [Ÿ]  
Pro Forma net tangible book value per share before this offering   $           [Ÿ]          
Increase in Pro Forma As Adjusted net tangible book value per share attributable to investors purchasing shares in this offering               [Ÿ]          
Pro Forma As Adjusted net tangible book value per share after this offering                       [Ÿ]  
Dilution in Pro Forma As Adjusted net tangible book value per share to investors in this offering           $           [Ÿ]  



The following table sets forth information with respect to our existing stockholders and the new investors as follows:


                    Average Price Per Share
     Shares Purchased   Total Consideration  
    Number   Percent   Amount   Percent   $
Existing stockholders                    318,302,410   76.1% $               [Ÿ]   [Ÿ]%       $      [Ÿ]
New investors    100,000,000   23.94%                 [Ÿ]   [Ÿ]%       $      [Ÿ]
Total   418,302,410   100.0% $               [Ÿ]   [Ÿ]%    



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Our common stock is quoted on the OTCQB tier of the marketplace maintained by OTC Markets Group, Inc. under the symbol “HYEX.” Our common stock trades on a limited or sporadic basis and should not be deemed to constitute an established public trading market. There is no assurance that there will be liquidity in the common stock.


The following table sets forth the high and low closing price for each quarter within the fiscal years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, as provided by Nasdaq. The information reflects prices between dealers, and does not include retail markup, markdown, or commission, and may not represent actual transactions. 


Fiscal Year


December 31,

      Transaction Prices
  Period   High   Low
2020   Fourth Quarter   $0.11   $0.04
    Third Quarter   $0.08   $0.041
    Second Quarter   $0.089   $0.021
    First Quarter   $0.05   $0.02
2019   Fourth Quarter   $0.105   $0.0313
    Third Quarter   $0.06   $0.0165
    Second Quarter   $0.074   $0.03
    First Quarter   $0.095   $0.0056


The Securities Enforcement and Penny Stock Reform Act of 1990 requires additional disclosure relating to the market for penny stocks in connection with trades in any stock defined as a penny stock. The Commission has adopted regulations that generally define a penny stock to be any equity security that has a market price of less than $5.00 per share, subject to a few exceptions which we do not meet. Unless an exception is available, the regulations require the delivery, prior to any transaction involving a penny stock, of a disclosure schedule explaining the penny stock market and the risks associated therewith.




As of April 26, 2021, there were 318,302,410 shares of our common stock issued and outstanding and held by 72 holders of record, not including shares held in “street name” in brokerage accounts which is unknown.


Dividend Policy


We have not paid any dividends on our common stock and do not expect to do so in the foreseeable future. We intend to apply our earnings, if any, in expanding our operations and related activities. The payment of cash dividends in the future will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors and will depend upon such factors as earnings levels, capital requirements, our financial condition and other factors deemed relevant by the Board of Directors.


Securities Authorized for Issuance under Equity Compensation Plans


On June 10, 2020, our Board of Directors approved the Grey Cloak Tech, Inc. 2020 Omnibus Stock Grant and Option Plan and set aside 25,000,000 shares of our common stock for issuance thereunder. Pursuant to the plan, officers, directors, key employees and certain consultants may be granted stock options (including incentive stock options and non-qualified stock options), restricted stock awards, unrestricted stock awards, or performance stock awards. As of April 26, 2021 , we have awarded an aggregate of twelve million (12,000,000) options to nineteen (19) individuals at an exercise price of $0.05 per share.



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Summary Overview


We were formed in December 2014. We had revenues of $1,276,559 in the year ended December 31, 2020 and $748,377 in the year ended December 31, 2019.


Eqova Life Sciences


On October 17, 2017, we acquired Eqova Life Sciences, a Nevada corporation, through an exchange of shares of our Series A Convertible Preferred Stock for all of the outstanding equity interest of Eqova. As part of the Exchange, we brought on Eqova’s President and Director, Patrick Stiles, to serve as our President and Chief Executive Officer and as a Director on our Board of Directors. Mr. Stiles resigned in September 2018.


Eqova is a medically-focused CBD company that develops clinical grade full spectrum hemp oil products, sold exclusively via partnerships with licensed medical practitioners to use with their patients. We believed that Eqova provided us with a prime growth opportunity with an established business. Revenues of our hemp oil products from the acquisition of Eqova for the year ended December 31, 2018 were $64,384, but were $0 in 2019. We closed this business in the second quarter of 2019.



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BergaMet NA, LLC


On February 4, 2019, we issued and exchanged shares of our common stock for all of the outstanding equity securities of BergaMet. The shares of common stock issued in the Exchange were equal to approximately 80.1% of our outstanding common stock immediately following the exchange.


Through the exchange, we were able to secure funds in BergaMet to pay off some debt and provide capital for operations. We paid an aggregate of $353,908 and were obligated to pay another $164,578 approximately one (1) year later to retire convertible debt. In the third quarter of 2020, we facilitated the sale of the then-outstanding debt to a third-party who converted it into an aggregate of 3,400,000 shares of our common stock. Prior to the exchange, we also entered into agreements with other holders of convertible debt to convert their notes for an aggregate of 806,015 shares of common stock. We also entered into conversion agreements with the holders of our Series A Convertible Preferred Stock whereby all of the outstanding preferred stock was converted for an aggregate of 15,592,986 shares of common stock. The conversion and repayment of the preferred stock and convertible debt have greatly improved our capitalization structure, as we now have no outstanding variable-price convertible debt.


The acquisition of BergaMet has been extremely beneficial to us. In addition to paying off our convertible debt, we are now able to better position ourselves in the market. BergaMet is an established company that was already generating revenues when we acquired it. BergaMet also has unique products that will fit nicely with our existing business. We now plan on expanding our product line to other nutraceuticals.


BergaMet generated all of our revenue in 2020.


Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC


On April 3, 2020, we entered into a Share Exchange Agreement with Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“UBN”), and the members of UBN, whereby we issued and exchanged 90,000,960 shares of our common stock for all of the outstanding equity securities of UBN. UBN is now our wholly-owned subsidiary. The shares of common stock issued in the Exchange were equal to approximately 42.5% of our outstanding common stock immediately following the exchange.


UBN is a science-based company that develops unique, plant-based superior health technology neuro-products that provide natural brain solutions. UBN has numerous proprietary products, with four unique patent-pending formulations and one patent issued.


Financial results for UBN are included in this Management’s Discussion and Analysis.


Going Concern


As a result of our financial condition, we have received a report from our independent registered public accounting firm for our financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 that includes an explanatory paragraph describing the uncertainty as to our ability to continue as a going concern. From inception (December 19, 2014) through the end of December 31, 2020, we have incurred accumulated net losses of $12,956,498. In order to continue as a going concern we must effectively balance many factors and generate more revenue so that we can fund our operations from our sales and revenues.


If we are not able to do this we may not be able to continue as an operating company. At our current revenue and burn rate, we have an immediate cash need, and thus we must raise capital by issuing debt or through the sale of our stock. However, there is no assurance that our existing cash flow will be adequate to satisfy our existing operating expenses and capital requirements.



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Results of Operations for the Years Ended December 31, 2020 and 2019




We had revenues of $1,276,559 for the year ended December 31, 2020, as compared to $748,377 for the year ended December 31, 2019, an increase of $528,182, or 71%. Our cost of revenue was $1,855,001 for the year ended December 31, 2020, as compared to $524,494 for the year ended December 31, 2019, an increase of $1,330,506, or 254%. Our cost of revenue exceeded revenue for the year ended December 31, 2020 because we built up our inventory of bergamot product.


Revenues and Net Operating Loss


Our revenues, operating expenses, and net operating loss for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 were as follows:


    Year Ended December 31, 2020   Year Ended December 31, 2019   Increase/
Revenue   $ 1,276,559     $ 748,377     $ 528,182  
Cost of Revenue     1,855,001       524,494       1,330,506  
Operating expenses:                        
General and administrative     1,474,891       1,163,745       311,146  
Impairment of Assets     1,579,883               1,579,883  
Total operating expenses     3,054,774       1,163,745       1,891,029  
Net operating loss                        
Other income/(expense)     1,056,841     1,572,639       (515,798 )
Net gain/(loss)   $ (2,576,375 )   $ 632,776     $ (3,209,151 )




We had revenues of $1,276,559 and $748,377 for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively, an increase of 71%. BergaMet generated all of our revenue in 2020.


Cost of Revenue


Cost of revenue was $1,855,001 and $524,494 and $28,590 for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively, an increase of 254%, and consisted of wholesale product costs and packaging. Our cost of revenue exceeded revenue for the year ended December 31, 2020 because we wrote off $1,382,364 in raw bergamot product.



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General and Administrative


General and administrative expense was $1,474,891 and $1,163,745 for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, an increase of $311,146, or 27%. The increase was related to our acquisition of UBN, and increased administrative costs associated with being a public company. In the year ended December 31, 2020, general and administrative expenses consisted main of consulting of $607,197, selling expenses of $239,296, accounting and legal fees of $192,198, salary and wages of $156,250, and transfer agent and filing fees of $41,431. In the year ended December 31, 2019, general and administrative expense consisted mainly of consulting $435,357, selling expenses of $114,680, salary and wages of $158,950, transfer agent and filing fees of $8,002, and accounting and legal fees of $216,546.


Impairment of Assets


For the year ended December 31, 2020, we recorded an impairment of the goodwill in the UBN acquisition of $1,579,883.


Net Operating Gain/Loss


As a result of the items discussed above, our net operating loss was $2,053,333 and $939,863 for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively, a gain of $1,113,470.


Other Income and Expense


Other income (expense) was $1,056,841 and $1,572,639 for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively, a decrease of $515,798.


Net Gain/(Loss)


Our net gain (loss) for the year ended December 31, 2020 was $(2,576,375), or $(0.01) per share, and our net gain (loss) for the year ended December 31, 2019 was $632,776, or $0.01 per share.


Liquidity and Capital Resources




During the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, we had negative operating cash flows. Our cash on hand as of December 31, 2020 was $59,201. Our monthly cash flow burn rate in 2020 (not including inventory purchases) was approximately $192,000. Although we have strong short term cash needs, as our operating expenses increase we will face strong medium to long term cash needs. We anticipate that these needs will be satisfied through the issuance of debt or the sale of our securities until such time as our cash flows from operations will satisfy our cash flow needs. With the acquisitions of BergaMet and UBN, we expect to see an increase in revenues over the next few years that will help us maintain the cash we need to operate our business. However, we have incurred additional expenses in these acquisitions and the additional costs to be incurred through this expansion of our operations will increase our need for additional cash flow.



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Our cash, current assets, total assets, current liabilities, and total liabilities as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 are as follows:


    December 31, 2020   December 31, 2019   Change
Cash   $ 59,201     $ 133,451     $ (74,250 )
Total Current Assets     2,490,158       3,241,083       (750,925 )
Total Assets     3,115,430       3,449,526       (334,096 )
Total Current Liabilities     261,604       4,315,136       (4,053,532 )
Total Liabilities   $ 261,604     $ 4,315,136     $ (4,053,532 )


Our cash decreased by $74,250 as of December 31, 2020 as compared to December 31, 2019. Our total current assets decreased by $750,925, as a result of our decrease in inventory. Our total assets decreased by $334,096 despite our increase in patents/trademarks of $425,877 from the UBN acquisition.


Our current and total liabilities decreased by $4,053,532, from $4,315,136 as of December 31, 2019 to $261,604 as of December 31, 2020. Our total liabilities as of the year ended December 31, 2020 consisted primarily of notes payable – related party of $170,866 and accounts payable of $64,836.


In order to repay our obligations in full or in part when due, we will be required to raise significant capital from other sources. There is no assurance, however, that we will be successful in these efforts.


Cash Requirements


Our cash on hand as of December 31, 2020 was $59,201. Our monthly cash flow burn rate in 2020 (not including inventory purchases) was approximately $192,000. Although we have strong short term cash needs, as our operating expenses increase we will face strong medium to long term cash needs. We anticipate that these needs will be satisfied through the sale of our securities until such time as our cash flows from operations will satisfy our cash flow needs.


Sources and Uses of Cash




Our net cash used in operating activities for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 was $3,482,641 and $3,488,099, respectively, a decrease of $5,458. Our net cash used in operating activities for the year ended December 31, 2020 consisted primarily of a net loss of $2,576,375, plus a change in fair value on derivative liability of $1,053,186 and accrued interest to related party of $490,703. Our net cash used in operating activities for December 31, 2019 consisted primary of net income of $632,776, offset by inventory expense of $(3,080,658) and a change in fair value on derivative liability of $(1,652,931).




Our cash flow provided by (used in) investing activities for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 was $(425,877) and $1,813,621, respectively, a decrease of $2,239,498. The decrease in 2020 was primarily from the purchase of UBN.



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Our net cash provided by financing activities for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 was $3,834,268 and $1,807,444, respectively, an increase of $2,026,824. The increase in 2020 was primarily due to proceeds from the issuance of common stock of $6,295,811, offset by proceeds from the issuance of convertible debt of $(1,501,876) and proceeds from issuance of notes payable – related party of $(880,000).


Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts in our consolidated financial statements and related notes. Our significant accounting policies are described in Note 2 to our consolidated financial statements included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018. Management bases its estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions it believes to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities. Actual results may differ from these estimates and such differences may be material.


Management considers the following policies critical because they are both important to the portrayal of our financial condition and operating results, and they require management to make judgments and estimates about inherently uncertain matters.


Use of Estimates


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements. The estimates and judgments will also affect the reported amounts for certain revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from these good faith estimates and judgments.


Recent Accounting Pronouncements


Our management has considered all recent accounting pronouncements issued since the last audit of our financial statements. Our management believes that these recent pronouncements will not have a material effect on our financial statements.



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Corporate History


We were incorporated on December 19, 2014 in the State of Nevada. Historically, we provided cloud-based software to detect advertising fraud on the internet. We abandoned this business in early 2018.


On October 17, 2017, we acquired Eqova Life Sciences, a Nevada corporation (“Eqova”). Eqova was a wholly-owned subsidiary through which we conduct our hemp oil product business. We closed this business in the second quarter of 2019.


In November 2017, we formed Healthy Extracts, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary through which we conduct some of our CBD business.


On February 4, 2019, we acquired BergaMet NA, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“BergaMet”). BergaMet is a wholly-owned subsidiary through which we conduct our nutraceuticals business.


On April 3, 2020, we acquired Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“UBN”). UBN is a wholly-owned subsidiary through which we conduct our plant-based neuro-products business.


On October 23, 2020, we changed our name from Grey Cloak Tech Inc. to Healthy Extracts Inc. to more accurately reflect our business. Our stock symbol was changed to HYEX on March 1, 2021.




Beginning with the acquisition of Eqova in 2017, we began to transition away from our software services business and shifted our focus to new lines of business. Eqova was focused on the production and sale of hemp oil products through the medical practitioner market. The addition of BergaMet, an established company that was already generating revenues when we acquired it, added unique products that fit nicely with our existing business. We plan on expanding our product line to other nutraceuticals.


BergaMet NA, LLC


On February 4, 2019, we issued and exchanged shares of our common stock for all of the outstanding equity securities of BergaMet.


Through the exchange, we were able to secure funds in BergaMet to pay off debt and provide capital for operations. We paid an aggregate of over $500,000 to retire convertible debt. Prior to the exchange, we also entered into agreements with other holders of convertible debt to convert their notes for an aggregate of 806,015 shares of common stock. We also entered into conversion agreements with the holders of our Series A Convertible Preferred Stock whereby all of the outstanding preferred stock was converted for an aggregate of 15,592,986 shares of common stock. The conversion and repayment of the preferred stock and convertible debt have greatly improved our capitalization structure.



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The acquisition of BergaMet has been extremely beneficial to us. In addition to paying off our convertible debt, we are now able to better position ourselves in the market. BergaMet is an established company that was already generating revenues when we acquired it. BergaMet also has unique products that will fit nicely with our existing business. We now plan on expanding our product line to other nutraceuticals.


Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC


On April 3, 2020, we entered into a Share Exchange Agreement with Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“UBN”), and the members of UBN, whereby we issued and exchanged 90,000,960 shares of our common stock for all of the outstanding equity securities of UBN. UBN is now our wholly-owned subsidiary. The shares of common stock issued in the Exchange were equal to approximately 42.5% of our outstanding common stock immediately following the exchange.


UBN is a science-based company that develops unique, plant-based superior health technology neuro-products that provide natural brain solutions. UBN has numerous proprietary products, with four unique patent-pending formulations and one patent issued.


The Market




BergaMet, LLC holds the rights to distribute BergaMet products in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and South Korea pursuant to a Supply Agreement with H&AD S.r.L., an Italian limited company. The Supply Agreement was entered into on January 1, 2019, has a term of five (5) years, and is renewable for up to four (4) additional and successive three (3) year terms.


Bergamot, or citrus bergamia, is a rare citrus fruit native to the Calabrian region of Southern Italy. Due to sensitivity to the weather and soil conditions, this region accounts for 80 percent of the worldwide production of bergamot. This superfruit has been used for decades in the Calabrian regions for its beneficial effects in promoting overall health - particularly, in support of cholesterol, cardiovascular, and metabolic health[1]. Citrus bergamot contains five unique antioxidant polyphenols in unusually concentrated amounts, which help protect your body’s trillions of cells from free radical damage. The juice and albedo of bergamot has a unique profile of flavanoid and glycosides, such as neoeriocitrin, neohesperidin, naringin, rutin, neodesmin, rhoifolin, and poncirin. Naringin has been shown to be beneficial in animal models of atherosclerosis, while neoeriocitrin and rutin have been found to exhibit a strong capacity to prevent LDL from oxidation. Importantly, bergamot juice is rich in brutieridine and melitidine with an ability to inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, which inhibits the liver’s ability to produce LDL, resulting in reduced cholesterol levels in liver cells.


BergaMet sells its bergamot products in capsule form on its website and on distribution sites such as Amazon.


[1] These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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Bergamot Products


Our bergamot products are sold in capsule form under the following product labels:


Ultimate Brain Nutrients


Our UBN subsidiary is a science-based company that develops unique, plant-based superior health technology neuro-products that improve brain health, including memory, cognition, focus and neuro-energy.


UBN’s KETONOMICS® proprietary formulations – targeting brain activity, focus, headache and cognitive behavior — provide multiple intellectual property license opportunities for monetizing the company’s portfolio. Sales and licensing opportunities include multiple beverage formats, individual products, proprietary mixtures and other food platforms.


UBN has five unique formulation patents – one issued and four pending – targeting brain activity, focus, headache and cognitive behavior.


UBN's ( mission is to naturally ‘Create Better Lifestyles with Superior Health Technology through our science-based products.” UBN’s all-natural, sugar-free and caffeine-free proprietary formulations are the result of 20 years of scientific research and are positioned to provide consumer neuro-products that are natural brain solutions. UBN’s KETONOMICS® supplementation has also been studied in sports physiology, with specific regard to its potential benefits for competitive performance and endurance


UBN Products


Over 50 million Americans consume unhealthy energy shots and drinks each day, while the neuro/energy market generates over $16 billion per year in revenue[2]. Within this growing market, UBN is advancing its position to meet rising consumer demand for healthy, science-based options with clinical studies. The company’s KETONOMICS® proprietary formulations have been proven to naturally elevate brain energy and function, including memory, cognition and focus.


UBN’s KETONOMICS® supplementation has also been studied in sports physiology, with specific regard to its potential benefits for competitive performance and endurance.





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Patents and Intellectual Property Rights


Our subsidiary, UBN, has four unique patent-pending formulations and two patents issued. We have not otherwise filed for any intellectual property protection. However, we rely on intellectual property law that may include a combination of copyright, trade secret and confidentiality agreements to protect our intellectual property. Our employees and independent contractors will be required to sign agreements acknowledging that all inventions, trade secrets, works of authorship, developments and other processes generated by them on our behalf are our property, and assigning to us any ownership that they may claim in those works. Despite our precautions, it may be possible for third parties to obtain and use without consent intellectual property that we own. Unauthorized use of our intellectual property by third parties, and the expenses incurred in protecting our intellectual property rights, may adversely affect our business.


Status Serial No. Date Filed Title


(Patent No. 10,500,182)



From time to time, we may encounter disputes over rights and obligations concerning intellectual property. While we believe that our product and service offerings do not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party, we cannot assure you that we will prevail in any intellectual property dispute. If we do not prevail in such disputes, we may lose some or all of our intellectual property protection, be enjoined from further sales of the applications determined to infringe the rights of others, and/or be forced to pay substantial royalties to a third party.



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Governmental Controls, Approval and Licensing Requirements


Federal laws related to the advertising, distribution and sale of health supplements.


We expect that the formulation, manufacturing, packaging, labeling, advertising, distribution and sale (hereafter, “sale” or “sold” may be used to signify all of these activities) of our vitamin and nutritional supplement products will be subject to regulation by one or more federal agencies, primarily the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) and the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), and to a lesser extent the Consumer Product Safety Commission (“CPSC”), the United States Department of Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Our activities are also regulated by various governmental agencies for the states and localities in which our products are sold, as well as by governmental agencies in certain countries outside the United States in which our products are sold. Among other matters, regulation by the FDA and the FTC is concerned with product safety and claims made with respect to a product’s ability to provide health-related benefits. Specifically, the FDA, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”), regulates the formulation, manufacturing, packaging, labeling, distribution, and sale of food, including dietary supplements and over-the-counter (“OTC”) drugs. The FTC regulates the advertising of these products. The National Advertising Division (“NAD”) of the Council of Better Business Bureaus oversees an industry-sponsored, self-regulatory system that permits competitors to resolve disputes over advertising claims. The NAD has no enforcement authority of its own, but may refer matters that appear to violate the FTC Act or the FDCA to the FTC or the FDA for further action, as appropriate.


Most of the nutritional supplement products that we plan to sell are classified as dietary supplements. The FDA’s revision of nutrition labeling requirements also affects the nutrition labeling of certain dietary supplements.  Our affected manufacturers may have to revise labels on some of their dietary supplements in the next two years. Moreover, these manufacturers may need to reformulate their products to maintain eligibility for certain marketing claims.


The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (“DSHEA”) was enacted in 1994, amending the FDCA. Among other things, DSHEA prevents the FDA from regulating dietary ingredients in dietary supplements as “food additives” and allows the use of statements of nutritional support on product labels and in labeling. DSHEA establishes a statutory class of “dietary supplements,” which includes vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids and other dietary ingredients for human use to supplement the diet. Dietary ingredients marketed in the United States before October 15, 1994 may be marketed without the submission of a “new dietary ingredient” (“NDI”) premarket notification to the FDA. Dietary ingredients not marketed in the United States before October 15, 1994 may require the submission, at least 75 days before marketing, of an NDI notification containing information establishing that the ingredient is reasonably expected to be safe for its intended use. The FDA has issued final regulations under DSHEA.


As required by Section 113(b) of the Food Safety Modernization Act, the FDA published in July 2011 a draft guidance document clarifying when the FDA believes a dietary ingredient is an NDI, when a manufacturer or distributor must submit an NDI premarket notification to the FDA, the evidence necessary to document the safety of an NDI and the methods for establishing the identity of an NDI. Industry strongly objected to several aspects of the draft guidance. In 2016, the FDA issued revised draft guidance on what constitutes an NDI and NDI notification requirements. Regardless of whether the FDA finalizes this draft guidance, the FDA has recently acted more aggressively to remove ingredients from the market that the FDA views as unlawful dietary ingredients. This trend, if it continues, may limit the dietary supplement market. Several bills to amend DSHEA in ways that would make this law less favorable to consumers and industry have been proposed in Congress.



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The FDA issued a Final Rule on GMPs for dietary supplements on June 22, 2007. The GMPs cover manufacturers and holders of finished dietary supplement products, including dietary supplement products manufactured outside the United States that are imported for sale into the United States. Among other things, the new GMPs: (a) require identity testing on all incoming dietary ingredients, (b) call for a “scientifically valid system” for ensuring finished products meet all specifications, (c) include requirements related to process controls, including statistical sampling of finished batches for testing and requirements for written procedures and (d) require extensive recordkeeping. We have reviewed the GMPs and have taken steps to ensure compliance. While we believe we are in compliance, there can be no assurance that our operations or those of our suppliers will be in compliance in all respects at all times. Additionally, there is a potential risk of increased audits as the FDA and other regulators seek to ensure compliance with the GMPs.


On December 22, 2006, Congress passed the Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Protection Act, which went into effect on December 22, 2007. The law requires, among other things, that companies that manufacture or distribute nonprescription drugs or dietary supplements report serious adverse events allegedly associated with their products to the FDA and institute recordkeeping requirements for all adverse events (serious and non-serious). There is a risk that consumers, the press and government regulators could misinterpret reported serious adverse events as evidence of causation by the ingredient or product complained of, which could lead to additional regulations, banned ingredients or products, increased insurance costs and a potential increase in product liability litigation, among other things.


All states regulate foods and drugs under laws that generally parallel federal statutes. We are also subject to state consumer health and safety regulations, such as the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (“Proposition 65”). Violation of Proposition 65 may result in substantial monetary penalties and compliance with Proposition 65 is a major focus. Contemplated changes in the Proposition 65 labeling requirements could potentially lead to substantial costs. Current legislation in Massachusetts regarding restrictions on weight loss and sports nutrition products could also impact the marketing of dietary supplements generally. Further, state attorneys general have pressured industry to adopt DNA testing for herbal-based products to assure plant identity, and have taken other actions relating to dietary ingredient status. It is uncertain whether these efforts will have a material impact on the dietary supplement market.




Nutritional Supplements


We compete with other manufacturers, distributors and marketers of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutritional supplements both within and outside the U.S. The nutritional supplement industry is highly fragmented and competition for the sale of nutritional supplements comes from many sources. These products are sold primarily through retailers (drug store chains, supermarkets, and mass market discount retailers), health and natural food stores, and direct sales channels (network marketing and internet sales).


The nutritional supplement industry is highly competitive and we expect the level of competition to remain high over the near term. We do not believe it is possible to accurately estimate the total number or size of our competitors. The nutritional supplement industry has undergone consolidation in the recent past and we expect that trend may continue in the near term.




As of the date hereof, we do not have any employees other than our officers and directors. BergaMet has 2 employees, and UBN does not have any employees but uses outside contract help on an as-needed basis. Our officers and directors will continue to work for us for the foreseeable future. We anticipate hiring appropriate personnel on an as-needed basis, and utilizing the services of independent contractors as needed.



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Directors and Executive Officers


The following table sets forth the names, ages, and biographical information of each of our current directors and executive officers, and the positions with the Company held by each person, and the date such person became a director or executive officer of the Company. Our executive officers are elected annually by the Board of Directors. The directors serve one-year terms until their successors are elected. The executive officers serve terms of one year or until their death, resignation or removal by the Board of Directors. Family relationships among any of the directors and officers are described below.


Name   Age   Position(s)
Kevin “Duke” Pitts     61     President, Director (2018)
William Bossung     62     Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Director (2014)
Bill Croyle     69     Director (2019)


Kevin “Duke” Pitts, age 61, was appointed to our Board of Directors on September 28, 2018, and as our President on September 24, 2019. Mr. Pitts is a proven leader who has 30 years of senior management experience within a technology-driven industry. Mr. Pitts has been the President and Owner of Envision Enterprises, a consumer electronic integration business, where he has worked since 2007. Earlier in his career, Mr. Pitts served as the Director of Direct Marketing at Dish Network, the well-known satellite television provider. His deep experience in senior management and marketing will be of great value to us.


William Bossung, age 62, has served as our Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, and member of the Board of Directors since our inception Mr. Bossung has a diverse background in Corporate Finance, Insurance and accounting. From 2003 to August 2006 Mr. Bossung was co-founder of BCF Technology, an insurance software company that was ultimately sold to Vertafore in August of 2006. During January 2012 Mr. Bossung co-founded Splash Beverage Group, (SBEV) a beverage distribution company that distributes both alcohol and non-alcohol products. The company’s products are sold in over 25,000 retail locations Mr. Bossung is the managing partner of Bishop Equity Partners LLC, a small boutique private equity firm that invests in both private and public companies. From 1997 to 2002 Mr. Bossung was the Director of Corporate Finance of Chadmoore Wireless Group, the company was engaged in the business of wireless communications utilizing 800 MHZ frequencies. Chadmoore aggregated over 5500 Specialized Mobile Radio licenses from the Federal Communications Commission, the licenses were acquired by Nextel, then merged into the Sprint PCS wireless network. Mr. Bossung currently holds an Insurance License and earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance from Bloomsburg State University.


Bill Croyle, age 69, was appointed to our Board of Directors on September 24, 2019. Mr. Croyle is a private investor and an accomplished Senior Executive with more than 40 years of success across the IT, energy, manufacturing, telecommunications, venture capital, and finance industries. His broad areas of expertise include M&A, negotiations, service contracts and delivery, executive development and mentoring, and managing complexities. Since 2009 Bill is has been a founder, owner or executive of EnTX Group, Impact Legacy Partners, FB Oilfield Special Tools and Western Energy Advisors. He is Chairman of the Colorado Chapter of the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, and he has served on the boards of Hill City Silica LLC, the University of Colorado Advocates program, the Association for Corporate Growth/Denver, and the Denver Consulting Alliance. Bill served in the Marine Corps 1972-1974. Mr. Croyle holds Certificates in Energy Finance and Management from the University of Denver and International Trade from World Trade Center Denver. He graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, with a BA in History and minor in French.



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Family Relationships


There are no family relationships between any of our officers or directors.


Other Directorships; Director Independence


Other than as set forth above, none of our officers and directors is a director of any company with a class of securities registered pursuant to section 12 of the Exchange Act or subject to the requirements of section 15(d) of such Act or any company registered as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940.


For purposes of determining director independence, we have applied the definitions set out in NASDAQ Rule 5605(a)(2). The OTCQB on which shares of common stock are quoted does not have any director independence requirements. The NASDAQ definition of “Independent Officer” means a person other than an Executive Officer or employee of the company or any other individual having a relationship which, in the opinion of the company’s Board of Directors, would interfere with the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of a director. According to the NASDAQ definition, none of our directors are independent.


Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance


Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires our directors and executive officers and persons who own more than ten percent of a registered class of our equity securities to file with the SEC initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of common stock and other equity securities of the Company. Officers, directors and greater than ten percent shareholders are required by SEC regulations to furnish us with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.


Except as set forth below, to our knowledge, none of our officers, directors, or beneficial owners of more than ten percent of our common stock failed to file on a timely basis reports required by section 16(a) of the Exchange Act during the most recent fiscal year or prior fiscal years.


Board Committees


Our Board of Directors does not maintain a separate audit, nominating or compensation committee. Functions customarily performed by such committees are performed by its Board of Directors as a whole. We are not required to maintain such committees under the applicable rules of the OTCQB. We do not currently have an “audit committee financial expert” since we currently do not have an audit committee in place. We intend to create board committees, including an independent audit committee, in the near future.


We do not currently have a process for security holders to send communications to the Board.


During the fiscal years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, the Board of Directors met as necessary.


Involvement in Certain Legal Proceedings


None of our officers or directors has, in the past ten years, filed bankruptcy, been convicted in a criminal proceeding or named in a pending criminal proceeding, been the subject of any order, judgment, or decree of any court permanently or temporarily enjoining him or her from any securities activities, or any other disclosable event required by Item 401(f) of Regulation S-K.


Code of Ethics


We have not adopted a written code of ethics, primarily because we believe and understand that our officers and directors adhere to and follow ethical standards without the necessity of a written policy.



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Narrative Disclosure of Executive Compensation


Bossung Employment Agreement


On October 17, 2017, we entered into an Employment Agreement with William Bossung, our Chief Financial Officer. Pursuant to Mr. Bossung’s Employment Agreement, we have agreed to pay Mr. Bossung an annual base salary of $140,000, and he may receive employee stock options as determined by the Board of Directors. Mr. Bossung’s employment is “at will” and either party may terminate the agreement at any time.

If terminated without Cause or as a result of Constructive Termination, Mr. Bossung will receive severance equal to three months’ pay at his most recent Base Salary. If Mr. Bossung is terminated for Cause, Disability or death, or voluntarily resigns, he will not receive any severance, only unpaid salary as of the date of termination and vested benefits. The Employment Agreement includes non-compete and non-solicitation provisions that apply during the term of the Employment Agreement and for a period of one year after Mr. Bossung’s termination. Capitalized terms in this section not defined herein have the meaning given to such term in the Employment Agreement.


Mr. Bossung’s Employment Agreement also requires that certain proprietary information of ours be kept confidential. We will be the owner of certain intellectual property conceived or made by Mr. Bossung prior to termination of the Employment Agreement. Mr. Bossung’s Employment Agreement also contains other certain terms and conditions which are common in such agreements, and reference is made herein to the text of the Employment Agreement which is filed herewith as Exhibit 10.1.


Pitts Independent Contractor Agreement


On October 1, 2019, we entered into an Independent Contractor Agreement with Kevin “Duke” Pitts. Pursuant to this agreement, Mr. Pitts has agreed to serve as our President and Chief Executive Officer in exchange for $120,000 per year.



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Summary Compensation Table


The following table sets forth information with respect to compensation earned by our Chief Executive Officer, President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Technology Officer for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019.


Name and

Principal Position












Option Awards


  Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation ($)   Nonqualified Deferred Compensation ($)  

All Other







Kevin “Duke” Pitts     2020       110,000       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       110,000  
President     2019       78,000       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       78,000  
William Bossung     2020       66,000       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       66,000  
Secretary and CFO     2019       54,000       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       -0-       54,000  


Director Compensation


For the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, none of the members of our Board of Directors received compensation for his or her service as a director.


Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End


On June 10, 2020, our Board of Directors approved the Grey Cloak Tech, Inc. 2020 Omnibus Stock Grant and Option Plan and set aside 25,000,000 shares of our common stock for issuance thereunder. Pursuant to the plan, officers, directors, key employees and certain consultants may be granted stock options (including incentive stock options and non-qualified stock options), restricted stock awards, unrestricted stock awards, or performance stock awards. As of April 26 , 2021, we have awarded an aggregate of twelve million (12,000,000) options to nineteen (19) individuals at an exercise price of $0.05 per share.



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The following table sets forth, as of April 26 , 2021, certain information with respect to our equity securities owned of record or beneficially by (i) each of our Officers and Directors; (ii) each person who owns beneficially more than 10% of each class of our outstanding equity securities; and (iii) all Directors and Executive Officers as a group.




Name and Address (1)



Common Stock Beneficial Ownership

  Percentage of Common Stock Beneficial Ownership (2)
Kevin “Duke” Pitts (3)(5)     4,230,112       1.36 %
William Bossung (3)(6)     6,276,357       2.02 %
Bill Croyle (3)(4)(7)     863,670       <1%  
Jay Decker (8)     178,806,834       56.78 %
All Officers and Directors as a Group (3 Persons)     11,370,139       3.55 %


  (1) Unless otherwise indicated, the address of the shareholder is c/o Healthy Extracts Inc.
  (2) Unless otherwise indicated, based on 318,302,410 shares of common stock issued and outstanding. Shares of common stock subject to convertible preferred stock and options or warrants currently exercisable, or exercisable or convertible within 60 days, are deemed outstanding for purposes of computing the percentage of the person holding such options or warrants, but are not deemed outstanding for purposes of computing the percentage of any other person.
  (3) Indicates one of our officers or directors.
  (4) Includes 663,670 shares of common stock held by BMJ Estate Matters, LLC, of which Mr. Croyle is the controlling party.
  (5) Includes options to acquire 2,000,000 shares of common stock at $0.05 per share.
  (6) Includes options to acquire 2,000,000 shares of common stock at $0.05 per share.
  (7) Includes options to acquire 200,000 shares of common stock at $0.05 per share.
  (8) Includes warrants to acquire 6,000,000 shares of common stock at $0.05 per share.



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The issuer is not aware of any person who owns of record, or is known to own beneficially, five percent or more of the outstanding securities of any class of the issuer, other than as set forth above. There are no classes of stock other than common stock issued or outstanding.


There are no current arrangements which will result in a change in control.


On June 10, 2020, our Board of Directors approved the Grey Cloak Tech, Inc. 2020 Omnibus Stock Grant and Option Plan and set aside 25,000,000 shares of our common stock for issuance thereunder. Pursuant to the plan, officers, directors, key employees and certain consultants may be granted stock options (including incentive stock options and non-qualified stock options), restricted stock awards, unrestricted stock awards, or performance stock awards. As of April 26 , 2021, we have awarded an aggregate of twelve million (12,000,000) options to nineteen (19) individuals at an exercise price of $0.05 per share.





Bossung Employment Agreement


On October 17, 2017, we entered into an Employment Agreement with William Bossung, our Chief Financial Officer. Pursuant to Mr. Bossung’s Employment Agreement, we have agreed to pay Mr. Bossung an annual base salary of $140,000, and he may receive employee stock options as determined by the Board of Directors. Mr. Bossung’s employment is “at will” and either party may terminate the agreement at any time.

If terminated without Cause or as a result of Constructive Termination, Mr. Bossung will receive severance equal to three months’ pay at his most recent Base Salary. If Mr. Bossung is terminated for Cause, Disability or death, or voluntarily resigns, he will not receive any severance, only unpaid salary as of the date of termination and vested benefits. The Employment Agreement includes non-compete and non-solicitation provisions that apply during the term of the Employment Agreement and for a period of one year after Mr. Bossung’s termination. Capitalized terms in this section not defined herein have the meaning given to such term in the Employment Agreement.


Mr. Bossung’s Employment Agreement also requires that certain proprietary information of ours be kept confidential. We will be the owner of certain intellectual property conceived or made by Mr. Bossung prior to termination of the Employment Agreement. Mr. Bossung’s Employment Agreement also contains other certain terms and conditions which are common in such agreements, and reference is made herein to the text of the Employment Agreement which is filed herewith as Exhibit 10.1.


Pitts Independent Contractor Agreement


On October 1, 2019, we entered into an Independent Contractor Agreement with Kevin “Duke” Pitts. Pursuant to this agreement, Mr. Pitts has agreed to serve as our President and Chief Executive Officer in exchange for $120,000 per year.

BergaMet NA, LLC


On February 4, 2019, we issued and exchanged shares of our common stock for all of the outstanding equity securities of BergaMet.


Through the exchange, we were able to secure funds in BergaMet to pay off debt and provide capital for operations. We paid an aggregate of over $500,000 to retire convertible debt. Prior to the exchange, we also entered into agreements with other holders of convertible debt to convert their notes for an aggregate of 806,015 shares of common stock. We also entered into conversion agreements with the holders of our Series A Convertible Preferred Stock whereby all of the outstanding preferred stock was converted for an aggregate of 15,592,986 shares of common stock. The conversion and repayment of the preferred stock and convertible debt have greatly improved our capitalization structure.


The acquisition of BergaMet has been extremely beneficial to us. In addition to paying off our convertible debt, we are now able to better position ourselves in the market. BergaMet is an established company that was already generating revenues when we acquired it. BergaMet also has unique products that will fit nicely with our existing business. We now plan on expanding our product line to other nutraceuticals.



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Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC


On April 3, 2020, we entered into a Share Exchange Agreement with Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“UBN”), and the members of UBN, whereby we issued and exchanged 90,000,960 shares of our common stock for all of the outstanding equity securities of UBN. UBN is now our wholly-owned subsidiary. The shares of common stock issued in the Exchange were equal to approximately 42.5% of our outstanding common stock immediately following the exchange. Because six of the seven members of UBN, including our majority shareholder Jay Decker, were also member of BergaMet, this was an affiliated transaction.


UBN is a science-based company that develops unique, plant-based superior health technology neuro-products that provide natural brain solutions. UBN has numerous proprietary products, with four unique patent-pending formulations and one patent issued.


Jay Decker Transactions


We have entered into numerous transactions with Jay Decker, our majority shareholder, as follows:


Convertible Notes


On July 31, 2019, we received the last of four (4) signed convertible notes issued to various related parties with an effective date of April 19, 2019. The table below shows the effective date of each note, the amount of the note, the interest rate, the maturity date and the purchaser of the note:


Date Amount Interest Rate Maturity Date Purchaser
4/19/2019 $150,000 8% 4/19/2020 Jay W. Decker
4/19/2019 $15,000 8% 4/19/2020 First Capital Properties LLC
4/19/2019 $7,500 8% 4/19/2020 Logan Bryce Decker
4/19/2019 $7,500 8% 4/19/2020 Shelton Sterling Decker
Total $180,000      


Each note bears interest at the rate indicated and is due on the maturity date given above. The notes are convertible into shares of our common stock from the date which is 12 months after the date of the note through the later of (i) the maturity date and (ii) the date of payment of the default amount due upon certain change of control transactions or a default of the note. Conversion of the notes is not allowed to the extent the conversion would result in beneficial ownership by the holder and its affiliates of more than 9.99% of our outstanding shares of common stock. The conversion price of the notes is $0.03 per share.



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Convertible Notes


On October 3, 2019, we received the last of three (3) signed convertible notes issued to Jay W. Decker, a related party, each with a different effective date. The table below shows the effective date of each note, the amount of the note, the interest rate, the maturity date and the purchaser of the note:


Date Amount Interest Rate Maturity Date Purchaser
6/27/2019 $105,000 8% 6/27/2020 Jay W. Decker
8/27/2019 $225,000 8% 8/27/2020 Jay W. Decker
9/20/2019 $45,000 8% 9/20/2020 Jay W. Decker
Total $375,000      


Each note bears interest at the rate indicated and is due on the maturity date given above. Conversion of the notes is not allowed to the extent the conversion would result in beneficial ownership by the holder and its affiliates of more than 9.99% of our outstanding shares of common stock. The conversion price of the notes is $0.03 per share.


Note Conversion Agreements and Advance Conversion Agreements


Effective April 13, 2020, we entered into a total of eighteen (18) agreements (16 Note Conversion Agreements and 2 Advance Conversion Agreements) whereby an aggregate of $1,508,407.84 in outstanding principal and accrued interest was converted into an aggregate of 39,248,714 shares of our common stock. The conversion price was either $0.03 per share or $0.05 per share, depending on the individual agreement. The conversions included notes and advances held by our officers and directors and our largest shareholder, as follows:




Aggregate Principal and Interest


Aggregate Shares

Jay W. Decker $1,282,231.11 33,418,004
William Bossung $65,677.84 2,189,262
First Capital Properties LLC $16,180.00 539,334
Shelton S. Decker $33,717.78 782,223
Logan B. Decker $33,717.78 782,223
Kevin Pitts $51,255.56 1,025,112
Innovation Group Holdings, LLC $25,627.78 512,556


Securities Purchase Agreements


Effective October 15, 2020, we entered into four (4) Securities Purchase Agreements whereby we sold and issued 5,900,000 shares of our common stock at $0.05 per share for aggregate consideration of $295,000. The purchasers included our officers and directors and our largest shareholder, as follows:




Aggregate Principal and Interest


Aggregate Shares

Jay W. Decker $100,000 2,000,000
Shelton S. Decker $50,000 1,000,000
Logan B. Decker $50,000 1,000,000
Dr. Gerald Haase $95,000 1,900,000
    Total $295,000 5,900,000



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Securities Purchase Agreements


On February 10, 2021, and effective December 29, 2020, the Company entered into Securities Purchase Agreements with Shelton Decker and Logan Decker for the purchase and sale of an aggregate of 2,000,000 shares of Company common stock at $0.05 per share, as follows:


Name: No. of Shares
Logan Decker 1,000,000
Jay Decker 1,000,000
Total 2,000,000


Promissory Notes


On February 10, 2021, the Company issued promissory notes to Jay Decker dated December 14, 2020 and December 21, 2020 in the principal amount of $100,000 and $70,000 respectively.




On February 10, 2021, but effective December 21, 2020, the Company issued warrants to purchase an aggregate of 7,500,000 shares of the Company’s common stock, at an exercise price of $0.05 per share, as follows (the “Warrants”), for consulting services rendered to the Company:


Name: No. of Warrants
Jay Decker 4,500,000
Logan Decker 1,500,000
Shelton Decker 1,500,000
Total 7,500,000


Director Independence


For purposes of determining director independence, we have applied the definitions set out in NASDAQ Rule 5605(a)(2). The OTCQB on which shares of common stock are quoted does not have any director independence requirements. The NASDAQ definition of “Independent Officer” means a person other than an Executive Officer or employee of the Company or any other individual having a relationship which, in the opinion of the Company’s Board of Directors, would interfere with the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of a director. According to the NASDAQ definition, none of our directors are independent.



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Our authorized capital stock consists of 2,500,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $0.001, and 75,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $0.001. As of April 26 , 2021, there were 318,302,410 shares of our common stock issued and outstanding, and no shares of preferred stock issued and outstanding.


Common Stock. Each shareholder of our common stock is entitled to a pro rata share of cash distributions made to shareholders, including dividend payments. The holders of our common stock are entitled to one vote for each share of record on all matters to be voted on by shareholders. There is no cumulative voting with respect to the election of our directors or any other matter. Therefore, the holders of more than 50% of the shares voted for the election of those directors can elect all of the directors. The holders of our common stock are entitled to receive dividends when and if declared by our Board of Directors from funds legally available therefore. Cash dividends are at the sole discretion of our Board of Directors. In the event of our liquidation, dissolution or winding up, the holders of common stock are entitled to share ratably in all assets remaining available for distribution to them after payment of our liabilities and after provision has been made for each class of stock, if any, having any preference in relation to our common shareholders of shares of our common stock have no conversion, preemptive or other subscription rights, and there are no redemption provisions applicable to our common stock.


Preferred Stock. No series of preferred stock has been created.


Dividend Policy. We have not declared or paid a cash dividend on our capital stock in our last two fiscal years and we do not expect to pay cash dividends on our common stock in the foreseeable future. We currently intend to retain our earnings, if any, for use in our business. Any dividends declared in the future will be at the discretion of our Board of Directors and subject to any restrictions that may be imposed by our lenders.


Options and Warrants.


On June 10, 2020, our Board of Directors approved the Grey Cloak Tech, Inc. 2020 Omnibus Stock Grant and Option Plan and set aside 25,000,000 shares of our common stock for issuance thereunder. Pursuant to the plan, officers, directors, key employees and certain consultants may be granted stock options (including incentive stock options and non-qualified stock options), restricted stock awards, unrestricted stock awards, or performance stock awards. As of April 26 , 2021, we have awarded an aggregate of twelve million (12,000,000) options to nineteen (19) individuals at an exercise price of $0.05 per share.


We have outstanding 7,516,800 warrants to acquire our common stock, 7,500,000 of which are exercisable at $0.05, and 16,800 of which are exercisable at $62.50.



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BF Borgers CPA PC was our independent registered public accounting firm for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019.


Clyde Snow & Sessions, PC serves as our legal counsel in connection with this offering. Brian A. Lebrecht, a shareholder at Clyde Snow & Sessions, holds options to acquire 250,000 shares of our common stock at $0.05.




We do not currently maintain office space.



We are not a party to or otherwise involved in any legal proceedings.


In the ordinary course of business, we are from time to time involved in various pending or threatened legal actions. The litigation process is inherently uncertain and it is possible that the resolution of such matters might have a material adverse effect upon our financial condition and/or results of operations. However, in the opinion of our management, other than as set forth herein, matters currently pending or threatened against us are not expected to have a material adverse effect on our financial position or results of operations.



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Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm     F-1  
Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2020 and 2019     F-2  
Consolidated Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 2020 and 2019     F-3  
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended December 31, 2020 and 2019     F-4  
Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Deficit for the year ended December 31, 2020 and 2019     F-5  
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements     F-6 to F-18  



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Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the shareholders and the board of directors of Healthy Extracts Inc. (Formerly Grey Cloak Tech, Inc.)


Opinion on the Financial Statements


We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Healthy Extracts Inc. (the "Company") as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the related statements of operations, stockholders' equity (deficit), and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the "financial statements"). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.


Basis for Opinion


These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's financial statements based on our audit. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) ("PCAOB") and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.

Our audit included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audit also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.


Substantial Doubt about the Company’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern


The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 3 to the financial statements, the Company’s minimal activities raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.


/s/ BF Borgers CPA PC

BF Borgers CPA PC


We have served as the Company's auditor since 2020

Lakewood, CO

February 19, 2021



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    2020   2019
CURRENT ASSETS                
   Cash   $ 59,201     $ 133,451  
   Accounts receivable     13,274       26,473  
   Inventory     2,417,683       3,081,158  
Total current assets     2,490,158       3,241,083  
   Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation of $45,944 and $36,895, respectively     6,135       15,183  
   Patents/Trademarks     425,877       —    
   Goodwill     193,260       193,260  
Total other assets     625,272       208,443  
TOTAL ASSETS   $ 3,115,430     $ 3,449,526  
 Accounts payable   $ 64,836     $ 21,125  
 Accrued liabilities     9,054       53,341  
 Notes payable     —         79,667  
 Notes payable - related party     170,866       1,050,866  
 Convertible debt, net of discount of $0.00 and $0.00, respectively     6,750       166,750  
 Convertible debt - related party, net of discount of $0.00 and $0.00, respectively     —         1,341,876  
 Accrued interest payable     2,379       49,902  
 Accrued interest payable - related party     518       491,221  
 Derivative liabilities     7,202       1,060,388  
Total current and total liabilities     261,604       4,315,136  
   Preferred stock, $0.001 par value, 75,000,000 shares authorized,                
     none and none shares issued and outstanding, respectively     —         —    
   Common stock, $0.001 par value, 2,500,000,000 shares authorized,                
     308,887,410 and 121,610,085 shares issued and outstanding, respectively     308,887       121,610  
   Additional paid-in capital     15,501,436       9,392,903  
   Accumulated deficit     (12,956,498 )     (10,380,123 )
Total stockholders' equity (deficit)     2,853,826       (865,610 )


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited consolidated financial statements.



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    DECEMBER 31,
    2020   2019
REVENUE   $ 1,276,559     $ 748,377  
COST OF REVENUE     1,855,001       524,494  
GROSS PROFIT     (578,442 )     223,882  
OPERATING EXPENSES                
    General and administrative     1,474,891       1,163,745  
Total operating expenses     1,474,891       1,163,745  
OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE)                
    Interest expense, net of interest income     (72,882 )     (87,482 )
    Change in fair value on derivative     1,053,186       1,607,083  
    Loss on extinguishment of debt     46,836       53,038  
    SBA Loan Forgiveness     29,700       —    
    Impairment of Assets     (1,579,883 )     —    
    Gain on sale of asset     —         —    
Total other income (expense)     (523,042 )     1,572,639  
NET GAIN/(LOSS)   $ (2,576,375 )   $ 632,776  
Loss per share - basic and diluted   $ (0.01 )   $ 0.01  
Weighted average number of shares outstanding - basic and diluted     237,300,091       110,612,376  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited consolidated financial statements.



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    DECEMBER 31,
    2020   2019
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:                
Net Gain/(Loss)   $ (2,576,375 )   $ 632,776  
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash                
used in operating activities:                
Depreciation and amortization     9,048       8,527  
Warrants issued for services     —         7,000  
Non-cash compensation     —         110,636  
Change in fair value on derivative liability     (1,053,186 )     (1,652,931 )
Loss on extinguishment of debt     —         53,038  
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:                
Accounts receivable     13,199       (26,473 )
Inventory     663,476       (3,080,658 )
Accrued interest receivable     —         4,762  
Accounts payable     43,711       (36,215 )
Accounts payable - related party     —         (15,000 )
Accrued liabilities     (44,287 )     53,341  
Accrued interest payable     (47,524 )     (33,997 )
Accrued interest payable - related party     (490,703 )     489,471  
Net Cash used in Operating Activities     (3,482,641 )     (3,485,723 )
Cash Flows from Investing Activities:                
Purchase of fixed assets     —         (22,985 )
Purchase of BergaMet     —         1,754,934  
Purchase of UBN     (417,839 )     —    
Trademarks     (8,038 )        
Payments of note receivable     —         79,295  
Cash flows provided by (used in) Investing Activities:     (425,877 )     1,811,245  
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:                
Proceeds from issuance of common stock     6,295,811       —    
Proceeds from issuance of convertible debt,     (1,501,876 )     1,104,241  
Payments for repayment of convertible debt     —         (349,330 )
Proceeds from issuance of noted payable     (79,667 )     16,667  
Proceeds from issuance of noted payable - related party     (880,000 )     1,050,866  
Payments for repayment of notes payable - related party     —         (15,000 )
Net Cash provided by Financing Activities     3,834,268       1,807,444  
Increase (decrease) in cash     (74,250 )     132,966  
Cash at beginning of period     133,451       485  
Cash  at end of period   $ 59,201     $ 133,451  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited consolidated financial statements.



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    Preferred Stock   Common Stock   Paid-In   Accumulated    
    Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Capital   Deficit   Total
Balance - December 31, 2018     1,333,334       1,333       6,455,354       6,455       7,440,895     $ (11,012,899 )   $ (3,564,216 )
Cashless exercise of warrants     —         —         996,052       996       1,921       —         2,917  
Issuance of shares acquisition of BergaMet     —         —         97,409,678       97,410       1,850,784               1,948,194  
Issuance of common stock for preferred stock conversion     (1,333,334 )     (1,333 )     15,592,986       15,593       (14,260 )     —         —    
Issuance of common stock for debt conversion     —         —         806,015       806       106,912       —         107,718  
Issuance of common stock for consulting fees     —         —         350,000       350       6,650       —         7,000  
Debt Forgiveness     —         —         —         —         —         —         —    
Net (loss) gain for the period     —         —         —         —         —         632,776       632,776  
Balance - December 31, 2019     —       $ —         121,610,085     $ 121,610       9,392,903     $ (10,380,123 )   $ (865,610 )
Issuance of shares acquisition of UBN     —         —         90,000,960       90,001       1,800,019       —         1,890,020  
Issuance of common stock for debt conversion     —         —         39,248,714       39,249       1,465,159       —         1,504,408  
Issuance of common stock for debt conversion     —         —         13,200,000       13,200       646,800       —         660,000  
Issuance of common stock for debt conversion     —         —         35,827,651       35,828       1,755,555       —         1,791,383  
Issuance of common stock for cash     —         —         5,900,000       5,900       289,100       —         295,000  
Issuance of common stock for cash     —         —         800,000       800       39,200       —         40,000  
Issuance of common stock for cash     —         —         300,000       300       14,700       —         15,000  
Issuance of common stock for cash     —         —         2,000,000       2,000       98,000       —         100,000  
Net (loss) gain for the period     —         —         —         —         —         (2,576,375 )     (2,576,375 )
Balance - December 31, 2020     —       $ —         308,887,410     $ 308,887       15,501,436     $ (12,956,498 )   $ 2,853,826  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited consolidated financial statements.


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Healthy Extracts Inc. (the “Company”) was incorporated in the State of Nevada on December 19, 2014. The Company has additionally acquired BergaMet NA, LLC and Ultimate Brian Nutrients, LLC which markets and sells heath supplemental products. On October 23, 2020, we changed our name from Grey Cloak Tech Inc. to Healthy Extracts Inc. to more accurately reflect our business. We are currently waiting for The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to issue our Company a new ticker symbol before we file our 8-K for this change.




Basis of Presentation


The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America for interim financial statements and with the instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 8 of Regulation S-X of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Accordingly, they do not contain all information and footnotes required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America for annual financial statements. In the opinion of the Company’s management, the accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements contain all the adjustments necessary (consisting only of normal recurring accruals) to present the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2020 and the results of operations and cash flows for the periods presented. The results of operations for the year ended December 31, 2020 are not necessarily indicative of the operating results for the full fiscal year or any future period. These unaudited consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the financial statements and related notes thereto included in the Company’s form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019 filed with the SEC on August 10, 2020.


Use of Estimates


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.



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Cash includes cash in banks, money market funds, and certificates of term deposits with maturities of less than three months from inception, which are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which, in the opinion of management, are subject to an insignificant risk of loss in value.


Accounts Receivables


Accounts receivables are recorded at the invoice amount and do not bear interest.




Inventories consist of health supplements held for sale in the ordinary course of business. The Company uses the weighted average cost method to value its inventories at the lower of cost or market. An allowance for inventory was established in 2018 and is evaluated each quarter to determine if all items are still sellable due to expiration dates. As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the total of inventory which was written off as an inventory allowance was $1,892,008 and $748,972.


Property and Equipment


The Company’s property and equipment are recorded at cost and depreciated using the straight-line method over the useful lives of the assets, generally from three to seven years. Upon sale or disposal of property and equipment, the related asset cost and accumulated depreciation or amortization are removed from the respective accounts and any gain or loss is reflected in current operations.




In accordance with Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets, goodwill is defined as the excess of the purchase price over the fair value assigned to individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed and is tested for impairment at the reporting unit level on an annual basis in the Company's fourth fiscal quarter or more frequently if indicators of impairment exist. The performance of the test involves a two-step process. The first step of the impairment test involves comparing the fair value of the Company's reporting units with each respective reporting unit's carrying amount, including goodwill. The fair value of reporting units is generally determined using the income approach. If the carrying amount of a reporting unit exceeds the reporting unit's fair value, the second step of the goodwill impairment test is performed to determine the amount of any impairment loss. The second step of the goodwill impairment test involves comparing the implied fair value of the reporting unit's goodwill with the carrying amount of that goodwill. The Company sees the goodwill to have a ten-year useful life. No goodwill impairment indicators were present, for the goodwill listed on the books as of December 31, 2020, after working through our analysis of goodwill during the year ending December 31, 2020.



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The Company has determined that the method applied represents the fair value of the asset group principally because the valuation of the intangibles with the asset group is based on the anticipated cash flows related to the revenue stream from its customers. The asset group excludes goodwill, long term non-operational assets and liabilities and cash. As such, the principal value from the asset group relates to the cash inflows from its customers and the cash outflows required to service these customers. The fair value for the asset group consists of the following:


· Fair value of net revenues: computed using the income approach. The key input to these computations is the anticipated cash inflows from customers. These valuations include 100% of the cash inflows related to the customer base, and taking cash outflows into consideration.
· Fair value of working capital (including accounts receivable, inventory, accrued expenses, and accounts payables). Due to the short-term nature of the working capital, book value has been determined to be fair value. These accounts represent either avoided future outflows (inventory, prepaids) or future cash flows (accrued expense, AP and AR) related to customer sales.
· Fair value of five years of revenue (2020 to 2024): we discounted our cash flows to the anticipated cash projected to be received. We also projected the anticipated cash outflows required to service these customers. If the asset group was to be valued as a whole, we would expect an income approach based on the revenues being generated from the customers and expenses required to service those customers, appropriately adjusted for the working capital position. The sum of these values reasonably approximates this approach.


The Company’s revenue streams align directly with the intangibles, which were recorded as a result of the BergaMet acquisition in fiscal 2019. For purposes of the Step 2 recoverability test under ASC 360 subsection 2.3., the net revenues from BergaMet customers base were used. The revenue stream fairly reflects anticipated future cash flows; accordingly, the intangibles associated with these revenue streams have been tested with the expected cash flows.


Due to the purchase of Ultimate Brian Nutrients, LLC being a related party transaction and the new division recording no revenue as of June 30, 2020, the Company found the goodwill to be impaired. Due to the impairment the Company expensed the goodwill related to the purchase as of June 30, 2020.



Revenue Recognition


Beginning January 1, 2019, the Company implemented ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers.  Although the new revenue standard is expected to have an immaterial impact, if any, on our ongoing net income, we did implement changes to our processes related to revenue recognition and the control activities within them.  These included the development of new policies based on the five-step model provided in the new revenue standard, ongoing contract review requirements, and gathering of information provided for disclosures


The Company recognizes revenue and cost of goods sold from product sales or services rendered when control of the promised goods are transferred to our clients in an amount that reflects the consideration to which we expect to be entitled in exchange for those goods and services.  To achieve this core principle, we apply the following five steps:  identify the contract with the client, identify the performance obligations in the contract, determine the



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transaction price, allocate the transaction price to performance obligations in the contract and recognize revenues when or as the Company satisfies a performance obligation.


The Company records revenue upon shipment of the products to the customers.




There is no concentration of revenue for the year ended December 31, 2019 and the year ended December 31, 2020 because the revenue was earned from multiple customers.


Income Taxes


The Company accounts for income taxes using the asset and liability method in accordance with ASC 740, “Accounting for Income Taxes”. The asset and liability method provides that deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities and for operating loss and tax credit carry forwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using the currently enacted tax rates and laws that will be in effect when the differences are expected to reverse. The Company records a valuation allowance to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount that is believed more likely than not to be realized. For the period ending December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2020, the Company did not have any amounts recorded pertaining to uncertain tax positions.


Fair Value Measurements


The Company adopted the provisions of ASC Topic 820, “Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures”, which defines fair value as used in numerous accounting pronouncements, establishes a framework for measuring fair value and expands disclosure of fair value measurements.


The estimated fair value of certain financial instruments, including cash and cash equivalents are carried at historical cost basis, which approximates their fair values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.


ASC 820 defines fair value as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. ASC 820 also establishes a fair value hierarchy, which requires an entity to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs when measuring fair value. ASC 820 describes three levels of inputs that may be used to measure fair value:


Level 1 — quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities


Level 2 — quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets or inputs that are observable


Level 3 — inputs that are unobservable (for example cash flow modeling inputs based on assumptions)


The derivative liability in connection with the conversion feature of the convertible debt, classified as a Level 3 liability, is the only financial liability measure at fair value on a recurring basis.


The change in Level 3 financial instrument is as follows:


Balance, January 1, 2020   $ 1,060,388  
Issued during the year ended December 31, 2020     1,668,799  
Change in fair value recognized in operations     (835,325 )
Converted during the year ended December 31, 2020     (1,886,660 )
Balance, December 31, 2020   $ 7,202  



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Recent Accounting Pronouncements


In May 2014, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued ASU No. 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606). ASU 2014-09 amends the guidance for revenue recognition to replace numerous, industry specific requirements and converges areas under this topic with those of the International Financial Reporting Standards. The ASU implements of five–step process for customer contract revenue recognition that focuses on transfer of control, as opposed to transfer of risk and rewards. The amendment also requires enhanced disclosures regarding the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenues and cash flows from contracts with customers. Other major provisions include the capitalization and amortization of certain contract cost, ensuring the time value of money is considered in the transaction price, and allowing estimates of variable consideration to be recognized before contingencies are resolved in certain circumstances. The amendments in this ASU are effective for reporting period beginning after December 15, 2016, and early adoption is prohibited. Entities can transition to the standard either retrospectively or as a cumulative-effect adjustment as of the date of adoption.


The Company’s revenues are recognized when control of the promised goods or services is transferred to our clients (upon shipment of goods) in an amount that reflects the consideration to which we expect to be entitled in exchange for those goods and services. To achieve this core principle, we apply the following five steps: (1) Identify the contract with a client; (2) Identify the performance obligations in the contract; (3) Determine the transaction price; (4) Allocate the transaction price to performance obligations in the contract; and (5) Recognize revenues when or as the Company satisfies a performance obligation.


We adopted ASC 2014-09 on January 1, 2019. Although the new revenue standard is expected to have an immaterial impact, if any, on our ongoing net income, we did implement changes to our processes related to revenue recognition and the control activities with them.


Convertible Instruments


The Company evaluates and account for conversion options embedded in convertible instruments in accordance with ASC 815 “Derivatives and Hedging Activities”.

Applicable GAAP requires companies to bifurcate conversion options from their host instruments and account for them as free-standing derivative financial instruments according to certain criteria. The criteria include circumstances in which (a) the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative instrument are not clearly and closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the host contract, (b) the hybrid instrument that embodies both the embedded derivative instrument and the host contract is not re-measured at fair value under other GAAP with changes in fair value reported in earnings as they occur and (c) a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative instrument would be considered a derivative instrument.

The Company accounts for convertible instruments (when it has been determined that the embedded conversion options should not be bifurcated from their host instruments) as follows: The Company records when necessary, discounts to convertible notes for the intrinsic value of conversion options embedded in debt instruments based upon the differences between the fair value of the underlying common stock at the commitment date of the note transaction and the effective conversion price embedded in the note. Debt discounts under these arrangements are amortized over the term of the related debt to their stated date of redemption.


The Company accounts for the conversion of convertible debt when a conversion option has been bifurcated using the general extinguishment standards. The debt and equity linked derivatives are removed at their carrying amounts and the shares issued are measured at their then-current fair value, with any difference recorded as a gain or loss on extinguishment of the two separate accounting liabilities. During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company did not have any conversions of convertible debt with a bifurcated conversion option.



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Common Stock Purchase Warrants


The Company classifies as equity any contracts that require physical settlement or net-share settlement or provide a choice of net-cash settlement or settlement in the Company’s own shares (physical settlement or net-share settlement) provided that such contracts are indexed to our own stock as defined in ASC 815-40 ("Contracts in Entity's Own Equity"). The Company classifies as assets or liabilities any contracts that require net-cash settlement (including a requirement to net cash settle the contract if an event occurs and if that event is outside our control) or give the counterparty a choice of net-cash settlement or settlement in shares (physical settlement or net-share settlement). The Company assesses classification of common stock purchase warrants and other free-standing derivatives at each reporting date to determine whether a change in classification is required.


Gain on Extinguishment of debt


Note Satisfaction Agreements


Prior to the Exchange, the Company entered into a Note Satisfaction Agreement with each of Auctus Fund, Crown Bridge Partners, LLC, Power Up Lending Group Ltd., GS Capital Partners LLC, Oakmore Opportunity Fund I LP, and Adar Bays, LLC. All of these entities were holders of the Company’s convertible debt, and these Note Satisfaction Agreements terminate their convertible notes unless the Company fails to perform its payment obligations. The Company agreed to pay these note holders an aggregate of $520,658 plus interest. The Company paid an aggregate of $353,908 on or before February 15, 2019. The balance owed and outstanding of $160,000 plus interest was agreed to be purchased by some third-party individuals. During the third quarter 2020, these third-party individuals decided to convert the outstanding notes into 2,400,000 shares of the Company’s common stock.


Various other holders of Convertible Promissory Notes agreed to convert their notes for an aggregate of 806,015 shares of common stock prior to the Exchange. As a result of these transactions, no convertible promissory notes remain outstanding, except for those convertible notes subject to revival if the Company fails to make payments pursuant to the Note Satisfaction Agreements. 





The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. The Company has generated minimal revenues from operations. Since its inception, the Company has been engaged substantially in financing activities and developing its business plan and incurring startup costs and expenses. As a result, the Company incurred accumulated net losses from Inception (December 19, 2014) through the period ended December 31, 2020 of $12,956,498. In addition, the Company’s development activities since inception have been financially sustained through equity financing. Management plans to seek funding through debt and equity financing and has recently acquired two new companies as a wholly owned subsidiary.



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For the year ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, the Company had expenses totaling $66,000 and $31,000 respectively, to an officer and director for salaries, which is included in general and administrative expenses on the accompanying statement of operations As of December 31, 2020, there was a total of convertible debt of $0.00 and accrued interest payable of $0.00 due to an officer and director, employees, and shareholders.





As of December 31, 2020, the Company converted the outstanding convertible debt which was due to a related party.





As of December 31, 2020, the Company had the following:

Unsecured debt with shareholders of the Company, no due date, 0% interest,     866  
Unsecured debt with shareholders of the Company, no due date, 8% interest,     170,000  
TOTAL   $ 170,866  


As of December 31, 2020, the Company has an outstanding total of $517.78 in interest accrued for the above note.





As of December 31, 2020, the Company had the following:

Unsecured convertible debt, due 01/19/17, 8% interest, default interest at 18%, converts at a 54% discount to market price based on the lowest trading prices in the last 20 days trading price     6,750  
SUBTOTAL     6,750  
Less: Discount     —    
TOTAL   $ 6,750  



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Below represent the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model calculations for the above convertible note payables:

Payee   Number of options valued   Value of Convertible Option
Unsecured Convertible debt #1     271,684     $ 7,202  


As of December 31, 2020, the Company has an outstanding total of $2,379 in accrued interest for the above convertible notes.


The convertible promissory notes is in default but management has not been able to make contact with this party, due to them living out of the country. We have calculated the derivative liability as if it is in default (but the note’s default interest rate stays the same at 8%) and will still accrue appropriate interest until the note is fully satisfied or converted into the Company’s common stock.


The Company has determined that the conversion feature embedded in the notes referred to above that contain a potential variable conversion amount constitutes a derivative which has been bifurcated from the note and recorded as a derivative liability, with a corresponding discount recorded to the associated debt.




Authorized Stock 


The Company has authorized 75,000,000 common shares with a par value of $0.001 per share.  Each common share entitles the holder to one vote on any matter on which action of the stockholders of the corporation is sought. During February 2017, the Company increased the authorized number of shares to 500,000,000. Also, the Company increased the authorized preferred stock to 75,000,000 shares and designated 25,000,000 shares of preferred stock to Series A Convertible Preferred Stock. During January 2018, the Company increased its authorized number of common shares to 1,000,000,000. During April 2018, the Company increased its authorized number of common shares to 2,500,000,000. The Board of Directors, in the future, has the authority to increase the authorized capital up to 4,000,000,000 shares based on shareholder approval.


The shareholders of the Company approved a reverse stock split at a ratio of between 1-for-100 and 1-for 250. The Company received approval from FINRA for a reverse stock split of 1-for-250, which was effective as of July 23, 2018.


On October 16, 2017, the Company filed an Amended and Restated Certificate of Designation of the Rights, Preferences, Privileges and Restrictions of the Series A Convertible Preferred Stock (the “Amended Certificate”) with the Secretary of State of the State of Nevada. The Amended Certificate reduces the number of preferred shares designated as Series A Preferred Stock from 25,000,000 shares to 1,333,334 shares. The Amended Certificate also changes the conversion and voting rights of the Series A Preferred Stock. The Series A Preferred Stock is now convertible into the number of shares of our common stock equal to 0.00006% of our outstanding common stock upon conversion. The voting rights of the Series A Preferred Stock are now equal to the number of shares of common stock into which the Series A Preferred Stock may convert.



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As of December 31, 2020, there are no outstanding shares of preferred stock. All the preferred stock was converted in common stock on February 4, 2019. See recent developments for details.


Common Share Issuances


During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company issued 41,727,651 shares of common stock. On several dates in September 2020, the Company raised $295,000 in direct security purchase agreement which equal to 5,900,000 shares of the Company’s common stock. During the fourth quarter of 2020, the Company raised $155,000 in direct security purchase agreement which equal to 3,100,000 shares of the Company’s common stock.


Warrant Issuances


In December 2020, the Company issued 7,500,000 warrants to three individuals at $0.05 per share. These warrants will need to be exercised between the date of issue and three years thereafter. As of December 31, 2020, there were 7,512,000 warrants outstanding, of which 4,000 warrants are fully vested.


Stock Issued for Services


On January 28, 2019, the Company entered into a marketing and sales consulting agreement with an individual for a period of six months. The Company issued 350,000 shares of common stock as the compensation for this agreement.


Share Conversion Agreements


All of the holders of the Company’s Series A Convertible Preferred Stock (the “Preferred Holders”) entered into a Preferred Stock Conversion Agreement. Pursuant to the Conversion Agreements, the Preferred Holders converted their shares of preferred stock into common stock, effective as of the Exchange. As a result, no shares of the Company’s Series A Convertible Preferred Stock are outstanding. An aggregate of 15,592,986 shares of common stock were issued to the Preferred Holders. The Preferred Holders agreed to convert each share of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock into eighteen (18) shares of common stock and agreed to retire a total of 467,057 shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock. The Company cancelled the retired shares.


Omnibus Stock Grant and Option Plan


On May 30, 2020, the Company proposed a stock options agreement in the amount of 10,550,000 shares with a strike price of $0.05 to sixteen individuals. This plan was approved by the Company by the end of the third quarter 2020. Purchase price under the plan is defined as: unless otherwise permitted by applicable law, the purchase price of Shares to be offered under the Plan shall not be less than eighty-five percent (85%) of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of grant (100% for 10% shareholders).



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December 31, 2020 and 2019




Acquisition of Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC


On April 3, 2020, the Company entered into a Share Exchange Agreement by and among Grey Cloak Tech Inc., Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“UBN”), and the members of UBN, whereby we issued and exchanged 90,000,960 shares of our common stock for all of the outstanding equity securities of UBN. UBN is now our wholly-owned subsidiary. The shares of common stock issued in the Exchange are equal to approximately 42.5% of our outstanding common stock immediately following the exchange.


The assets acquired and liabilities assumed as part of our acquisition were recognized at their fair values as of the effective acquisition date, April 3, 2020. The following table summarizes the fair values assigned to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed.


Cash   $ (5,466 )
Current assets     315,604  
Current liabilities     0  
Net assets acquired   $ 310,137  


The purchase price method was used when calculating the fair market value of the UBN purchase. On April 3, 2020 the closing stock price for GRCK was $0.021. The total number of shares exchanged multiplied by the closing stock price equaled a purchase value of $1,890,020. The difference between the net assets acquired and the purchase value was recorded as $1,579,883 of goodwill for the purchase. Due to the goodwill impairment, the Company fully expensed the goodwill recorded in this transaction. The Company viewed UBN’s balance sheet as being fairly valued as of April 3, 2020 so no adjustment was needed under the purchase price method of valuation.


Acquisition of BergaMet and the Share Exchange Agreement


On February 4, 2019, the Company entered into a Share Exchange Agreement with BergaMet NA, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“BergaMet”), and the members of BergaMet, whereby the Company issued and exchanged 97,409,678 shares of its common stock for all of the outstanding equity securities of BergaMet (the “Exchange”). Through the Exchange, BergaMet became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. The shares of common stock issued in the Exchange were equal to 80.1% of the Company’s outstanding common stock (post-exchange).



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December 31, 2020 and 2019


NOTE 9 – ACQUISITIONS (continued)


The assets acquired and liabilities assumed as part of our acquisition were recognized at their fair values as of the effective acquisition date, February 4, 2019. The following table summarizes the fair values assigned to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed.


Cash   $ 437,826  
Current assets     2,801,317  
Current liabilities     (1,484,210 )
Net assets acquired   $ 1,754,934  


The purchase price method was used when calculating the fair market value of the BergaMet purchase. On February 4, 2019 the closing stock price for GRCK was $0.02. The total number of shares exchanged multiplied by the closing stock price equaled a purchase value of $1,948,194. The difference between the net assets acquired and the purchase value was recorded as $193,260 of goodwill for the purchase. The Company viewed BergaMet’s balance sheet as being fairly valued as of February 4, 2019 so no adjustment was needed under the purchase price method of valuation.



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Healthy Extracts


On January 1, 2019, the Company decided to discontinue operating the Healthy Extracts division and did not operate in 2019. At the time of the closure, the Company incurred a loss for the year of $714 which eliminated all carrying values of assets and liabilities for the division.


Eqova Life Science


On June 1, 2019, the Company decided to discontinue operating the Eqova Life Science division which ceased all activities in May 2019. Due to the closure, the Company incurred a loss for the year of $92,609 which eliminated all carrying values of assets and liabilities for the division.




As of December 31, 2020, the Company operated in two reportable segments (Corporate and Health Supplements) supported by a corporate group which conducts activities that are non-segment specific. The following table presents selected financial information about the Company’s reportable segments for the year ended December 31, 2020.


        BergaMet   UBN    
Revenue     1,276,559       1,276,559       —         —    
Cost of Revenue     1,855,001       1,855,001       —         —    
Long-lived Assets     619,137       8,038       417,839       193,260  
Gain (Loss) Before Income Tax     (2,576,375 )     (1,723,252 )     (151,551 )     (701,572 )
Identifiable Assets     2,417,683       2,417,683       —         —    
Depreciation and Amortization     9,048       8,850       —         198  


The following table presents selected financial information about the Company’s reportable segments for the three months ended December 3, 2020.

        BergaMet   UBN    
Revenue     135,902       135,902       —         —    
Cost of Revenue     1,411,823       1,411,823       —         —    
Long-lived Assets     619,137       8,038       417,839       193,260  
Gain (Loss) Before Income Tax     (1,629,500 )     (1,516,381 )     (39,614 )     (73,505 )
Identifiable Assets     2,417,683       2,417,683       —         —    
Depreciation and Amortization     2,213       2,213       —         —    



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Stock Purchase Agreements


During the beginning of January 2021, the Company received a total of $225,000 in exchange for 4,500,000 of common stock restricted shares through subscription agreements at $0.05 cents per share.




The COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020 has adversely affected, and may continue to adversely affect economic activity globally, nationally and locally. These economic and market conditions and other effects of the COVID-19 outbreak may adversely affect the Company. At this point, the extent to which COVID-19 may impact the Company's business is uncertain.



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Exhibit No.   Exhibit Description
3.1 (1)   Articles of Incorporation of Grey Cloak Tech Inc.
3.2 (5)   Certificate of Amendment of Articles of Incorporation
3.3 (1)   Bylaws of Grey Cloak Tech Inc.
4.1   Form of Subscription Agreement
10.1 (2)   Employment Agreement by and between the Company and William Bossung, dated October 17, 2017
10.2   Independent Contractor Agreement by and between the Company and Kevin “Duke” Pitts, dated October 1, 2019
10.3 (4)   Share Exchange Agreement dated February 4, 2019 by and among Grey Cloak Tech Inc., BergaMet NA, LLC, and the Members of BergaMet
10.4 (3)   Share Exchange Agreement with Ultimate Brain Nutrients, LLC and its members
10.5 (4)   Form of Note Satisfaction Agreement
10.6 (4)   Form of Preferred Stock Conversion Agreement
10.7   Supply Agreement with H & AD S.r.L.
11.1   Consent of BF Borgers CPA PC
11.2   Consent of Clyde Snow & Sessions, PC
12.1   Opinion of Clyde Snow & Sessions, PC


  (1) Incorporated by reference from our Registration Statement on Form S-1 dated and filed with the Commission on March 6, 2015.
  (2) Incorporated by reference from our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Commission on June 8, 2018.
  (3) Incorporated by reference from our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the Commission on April 8, 2020
  (4) Incorporated by reference from our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q dated and filed with the Commission on May 28, 2020.
  (5) Incorporated by reference from our Annual Report on Form 10-K dated and filed with the Commission on February 19, 2021.
  (*) To be filed by amendment.



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Pursuant to the requirements of Regulation A, the issuer certifies that it has reasonably grounds to believe that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 1-A and has duly caused this offering statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the City of Las Vegas, State of Nevada, on May [Ÿ], 2021.


  Health Extracts Inc.,
  a Nevada corporation
  /s/ Kevin Pitts
  By: Kevin “Duke” Pitts
  Its: President
This offering statement has been signed by the following persons in the capacities and on
the dates indicated.
  /s/ Kevin Pitts
  Kevin “Duke” Pitts, President and Director
  /s/ William Bossung
  William Bossung, Secretary, Chief
  Financial Officer, and Director
  /s/ Bill Croyle
  Bill Croyle, Director





Form of


Subscription Agreement to subscribe for Common Stock







Healthy Extracts, Inc.

6445 South Tenaya Way, Suite B110

Las Vegas, NV 89113


Ladies and Gentlemen:


1.                   Subscription. The person named on the signature page of this subscription agreement (the “Purchaser”) (this “Subscription Agreement”), intending to be legally bound, hereby irrevocably agrees to purchase from Healthy Extracts, Inc., a Nevada corporation (the “Company”), the number of shares of Common Stock (the “Shares”) set forth on the signature page of this Subscription Agreement at a purchase price of $[Ÿ] (USD) per Share and on the terms and conditions of the Company’s Form 1-A and offering circular dated [Ÿ] (the “Offering Circular”), a copy of which the Purchaser has received.  


This subscription is submitted by the Purchaser in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions described in this Subscription Agreement, relating to the offering by the Company of up to 100,000,000 Shares for maximum aggregate gross proceeds of $[Ÿ](the “Offering”).  


Upon the basis of the representations and warranties, and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the Company agrees to issue and sell the Shares to the Purchaser on the date the Offering is closed (the “Closing”) for the aggregate purchase price set forth on the front page hereto (the “Subscription Price”).


2.                   Payment. Concurrent with the execution hereof, the Purchaser will pay the Subscription Price by check, wire or ACH transfer. Purchaser acknowledges that (i) the Offering is conducted on a best-efforts basis; (ii) there is no minimum amount that the Company must raise; and (iii) the Subscription Price will not be refunded after Closing.     


3.                   Termination of Offering or Rejection of Subscription. The Purchaser understands and agrees that the Company, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to accept or reject this or any other subscription for Shares, in whole or in part, and for any reason or no reason, notwithstanding prior receipt by the Purchaser of notice of acceptance of this subscription.  If the Company rejects a subscription, either in whole or in part (which decision is in its sole discretion), the Company shall cause its payment services provider to return promptly the rejected Subscription Price or the rejected portion thereof to the Purchaser without deduction, offset or interest accrued thereon. If this subscription is rejected in whole this Subscription Agreement shall thereafter be of no further force or effect.  If this subscription is rejected in part, this Subscription Agreement will continue in full force and effect to the extent this subscription was accepted.


4.                   Acceptance of Subscription. At the Closing, if the Company accepts this subscription in whole or in part, the Company shall execute and deliver to the Purchaser a counterpart executed copy of this Subscription Agreement.  The Company shall have no obligation hereunder until the Company shall execute and deliver to the Purchaser an executed copy of this Subscription Agreement, and until the Purchaser shall have executed and delivered to the Company this Subscription Agreement and a substitute Form W-9 (if applicable) and shall have deposited the Subscription Price in accordance with this Agreement.     




5.                   Representations and Warranties, Acknowledgments, and Agreements.  The Purchaser hereby acknowledges, represents, warrants and agrees to and with the Company as follows: 


a.                    The Purchaser is aware that an investment in the Shares involves a significant degree of risk, and has received the Company’s Offering Circular and, in particular, the “Risk Factors” section therein.  The Purchaser understands that the Company is subject to all the risks applicable to early-stage companies, whether or not set forth in such “Risk Factors”. 


b.                   The offering and sale of the Shares has not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or any state securities laws.  The Purchaser understands that the offering and sale of the Shares is intended to be exempt from registration under the Securities Act, by virtue of Tier 2 of Regulation A thereof, based, in part, upon the representations, warranties and agreements of the Purchaser contained in this Subscription Agreement, including, without limitation, the investor qualification (“Investor Qualification and Attestation”) immediately following the signature page of this Subscription Agreement.  The Purchaser is purchasing the Shares for its own account for investment purposes only and not with a view to or intent of resale or distribution thereof in violation of any applicable securities laws, in whole or in part. 


c.                    The Purchaser, as set forth in the Investor Certification attached hereto, as of the date hereof is a “qualified purchaser” as that term is defined in Regulation A (a “Qualified Purchaser”).  The Purchaser agrees to promptly provide the Company and its respective agents with such other information as may be reasonably necessary for them to confirm the Qualified Purchaser status of the Purchaser. 


d.                   The Purchaser acknowledges that the Purchaser’s responses to the Investor Qualification and Attestation, are complete and accurate as of the date hereof. 


e.                    The Purchaser acknowledges that neither the SEC nor any state securities commission or other regulatory authority has passed upon or endorsed the merits of the offering of the Shares.  


f.                    In evaluating the suitability of an investment in the Shares, the Purchaser has not relied upon any representation or information (oral or written) other than as set forth in the Offering Circular and this Subscription Agreement. 


g.                   Except as previously disclosed in writing to the Company, the Purchaser has taken no action that would give rise to any claim by any person for brokerage commissions, finders’ fees or the like relating to this Subscription Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby and, in turn, to be paid to its selected dealers, and in all instances the Purchaser shall be solely liable for any such fees and shall indemnify the Company with respect thereto pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Subscription Agreement. 


h.                   The Purchaser, together with its advisors, if any, has such knowledge and experience in financial, tax, and business matters, and, in particular, investments in securities, so as to enable it to utilize the Offering Circular to evaluate the merits and risks of an investment in the Shares and the Company and to make an informed investment decision with respect thereto. 


i.                     The Purchaser is not relying on the Company or any of its respective employees or agents with respect to the legal, tax, economic and related considerations of an investment in the Shares, other than with respect to the opinion of legality of legal counsel provided at Exhibit 12.1 to the Offering Circular, and the Purchaser has relied on the advice of, or has consulted with, only its own advisors, if any, whom the Purchaser has deemed necessary or appropriate in connection with its purchase of the Shares. 




j.                     No consent, approval, authorization or order of any court, governmental agency or body or arbitrator having jurisdiction over the Purchaser or any of the Purchaser's affiliates is required for the execution of this Subscription Agreement or the performance of the Purchaser's obligations hereunder, including, without limitation, the purchase of the Shares by the Purchaser. 


k.                   The Purchaser has adequate means of providing for such Purchaser’s current financial needs and foreseeable contingencies and has no need for liquidity of its investment in the Shares for an indefinite period of time. 


l.                     The Purchaser (i) if a natural person, represents that the Purchaser has reached the age of 21 (or 18 in states with such applicable age limit) and has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Subscription Agreement and all other related agreements or certificates and to carry out the provisions hereof and thereof; or (ii) if a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, represents that such entity was not formed for the specific purpose of acquiring the Shares, such entity is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the state of its organization, the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby is authorized by, and will not result in a violation of state law or its charter or other organizational documents, such entity has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Subscription Agreement and all other related agreements or certificates and to carry out the provisions hereof and thereof and to purchase and hold the Shares, the execution and delivery of this Subscription Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary action, this Subscription entity and is a legal, valid and binding obligation of such entity; or (iii) if executing this Subscription Agreement in a representative or fiduciary capacity, represents that it has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Subscription Agreement in such capacity and on behalf of the subscribing individual, ward, partnership, trust, estate, corporation, or limited liability company or partnership, or other entity for whom the Purchaser is executing this Subscription Agreement, and such individual, partnership, ward, trust, estate, corporation, or limited liability company or partnership, or other entity has full right and power to perform pursuant to this Subscription Agreement and make an investment in the Company, and represents that this Subscription Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of such entity.  The execution and delivery of this Subscription Agreement will not violate or be in conflict with any order, judgment, injunction, agreement or controlling document to which the Purchaser is a party or by which it is bound.


m.                 Any power of attorney of the Purchaser granted in favor of the Company contained in the Offering Circular has been executed by the Purchaser in compliance with the laws of the state, province or jurisdiction in which such agreements were executed. 


n.                   If an entity, the Purchaser has its principal place of business or, if a natural person, the Purchaser has its primary residence, in the jurisdiction (state and/or country) set forth in the “Investor Qualification and Attestation” section of this Subscription Agreement.  The Purchaser first learned of the offer and sale of the Shares in the state listed in the “Investor Qualification and Attestation” section of this Subscription Agreement, and the Purchaser intends that the securities laws of that state shall govern the purchase of the Purchaser’s Shares.  




o.                   The Purchaser is either (i) a natural person resident in the United States, (ii) a partnership, corporation or limited liability company organized under the laws of the United States, (iii) an estate of which any executor or administrator is a U.S. person, (iv) a trust of which any trustee is a U.S. person, (v) an agency or branch of a foreign entity located in the United States, (vi) a non-discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held by a dealer or other fiduciary for the benefit or account of a U.S. person, or (vii) a partnership or corporation organized or incorporated under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction that was formed by a U.S. person principally for the purpose of investing in securities not registered under the Securities Act, unless it is organized or incorporated, and owned, by accredited investors who are not natural persons, estates or trusts.  The Purchaser is not (A) a discretionary account or similar account (other than an estate or trust) held for the benefit or account of a non-U.S. person by a dealer or other professional fiduciary organized, incorporated, or (if an individual) resident in the United States, (B) an estate of which any professional fiduciary acting as executor or administrator is a U.S. person if an executor or administrator of the estate who is not a U.S. person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect to the assets of the estate and the estate is governed by foreign law, (C) a trust of which any professional fiduciary acting as trustee is a U.S. person, if a trustee who is not a U.S. person has sole or shared investment discretion with respect to the trust assets and no beneficiary of the trust (and no settlor if the trust is revocable) is a U.S. person, (D) an employee benefit plan established and administered in accordance with the law of a country other than the United States and customary practices and documentation of such country, or (E) an agency or branch of a U.S. person located outside the United States that operates for valid business reasons engaged in the business of insurance or banking that is subject to substantive insurance or banking regulation, respectively, in the jurisdiction where located. 


p.                   Any information which the Purchaser has heretofore furnished or is furnishing herewith to the Company is true, complete and accurate and may be relied upon by the Company in particular, in determining the availability of an exemption from registration under federal and state securities laws in connection with the Offering.  The Purchaser further represents and warrants that it will notify and supply corrective information to the Company immediately upon the occurrence of any change therein occurring prior to the Company’s issuance of the Shares.


q.                   The Purchaser is not, nor is it acting on behalf of, a “benefit plan investor” within the meaning of 29 C.F.R. § 2510.3-101(f)(2), as modified by Section 3(42) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (such regulation, the “Plan Asset Regulation”, and a benefit plan investor described in the Plan Asset Regulation, a “Benefit Plan Investor”).  For the avoidance of doubt, the term Benefit Plan Investor includes all employee benefit plans subject to Part 4, Subtitle B, Title I of ERISA, any plan to which Section 4975 of the Code applies and any entity, including any insurance company general account, whose underlying assets constitute “plan assets”, as defined under the Plan Asset Regulation, by reason of a Benefit Plan Investor’s investment in such entity.  


r.                    The Purchaser is satisfied that the Purchaser has received adequate information with respect to all matters which it or its advisors, if any, consider material to its decision to make this investment. 


s.                    Within five (5) days after receipt of a written request from the Company, the Purchaser will provide such information and deliver such documents as may reasonably be necessary to comply with any and all laws and ordinances to which the Company is subject. 






u.                   The Purchaser should check the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) website at before making the following representations. The Purchaser represents that the amounts invested by it in the Company in the Offering were not and are not directly or indirectly derived from activities that contravene federal, state or international laws and regulations, including anti-money laundering laws and regulations. Federal regulations and Executive Orders administered by OFAC prohibit, among other things, the engagement in transactions with, and the provision of services to, certain foreign countries, territories, entities and individuals.  The lists of OFAC prohibited countries, territories, persons and entities can be found on the OFAC website at In addition, the programs administered by OFAC (the “OFAC Programs”) prohibit dealing with individuals, including specially designated nationals, specially designated narcotics traffickers and other parties subject to OFAC sanctions and embargo programs, or entities in certain countries regardless of whether such individuals or entities appear on the OFAC lists. Furthermore, to the best of the Purchaser’s knowledge, none of: (1) the Purchaser; (2) any person controlling or controlled by the Purchaser; (3) if the Purchaser is a privately-held entity, any person having a beneficial interest in the Purchaser; or (4) any person for whom the Purchaser is acting as agent or nominee in connection with this investment is a country, territory, individual or entity named on an OFAC list, or a person or entity prohibited under the OFAC Programs.  Please be advised that the Company may not accept any amounts from a prospective investor if such prospective investor cannot make the representation set forth in the preceding paragraph.  The Purchaser agrees to promptly notify the Company should the Purchaser become aware of any change in the information set forth in these representations.  The Purchaser understands and acknowledges that, by law, the Company may be obligated to “freeze the account” of the Purchaser, either by prohibiting additional subscriptions from the Purchaser, declining any redemption requests and/or segregating the assets in the account in compliance with governmental regulations, and the Company may also be required to report such action and to disclose the Purchaser’s identity to OFAC.  The Purchaser further acknowledges that the Company may, by written notice to the Purchaser, suspend the redemption rights, if any, of the Purchaser if the Company reasonably deems it necessary to do so to comply with anti-money laundering regulations applicable to the Company or any of the Company’s other service providers.  These individuals include specially designated nationals, specially designated narcotics traffickers and other parties subject to OFAC sanctions and embargo programs.


v.                   To the best of the Purchaser’s knowledge, none of: (1) the Purchaser; (2) any person controlling or controlled by the Purchaser; (3) if the Purchaser is a privately-held entity, any person having a beneficial interest in the Purchaser; or (4) any person for whom the Purchaser is acting as agent or nominee in connection with this investment is a senior foreign political figure, or an immediate family member or close associate of a senior foreign political figure. A “senior foreign political figure” is a senior official in the executive, legislative, administrative, military or judicial branches of a foreign government (whether elected or not), a senior official of a major foreign political party, or a senior executive of a foreign government-owned corporation. In addition, a “senior foreign political figure” includes any corporation, business or other entity that has been formed by, or for the benefit of, a senior foreign political figure.  “Immediate family” of a senior foreign political figure typically includes the figure’s parents, siblings, spouse, children and in-laws. A “close associate” of a senior foreign political figure is a person who is widely and publicly known to maintain an unusually close relationship with the senior foreign political figure, and includes a person who is in a position to conduct substantial domestic and international financial transactions on behalf of the senior foreign political figure. 


w.                  If the Purchaser is affiliated with a non-U.S. banking institution (a “Foreign Bank”), or if the Purchaser receives deposits from, makes payments on behalf of, or handles other financial transactions related to a Foreign Bank, the Purchaser represents and warrants to the Company that: (1) the Foreign Bank has a fixed address, other than solely an electronic address, in a country in which the Foreign Bank is authorized to conduct banking activities; (2) the Foreign Bank maintains operating records related to its banking activities; (3) the Foreign Bank is subject to inspection by the banking authority that licensed the Foreign Bank to conduct banking activities; and (4) the Foreign Bank does not provide banking services to any other Foreign Bank that does not have a physical presence in any country and that is not a regulated affiliate. 


x.                   Each of the representations and warranties of the parties hereto set forth in this Section 5 and made as of the date hereof shall be true and accurate as of the Closing applicable to the subscription made hereby as if made on and as of the date of such Closing. 




6.                   Indemnification.  The Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and its respective officers, directors, employees, agents, members, partners, control persons and affiliates (each of which shall be deemed third party beneficiaries hereof) from and against all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, costs, fees and expenses whatsoever (including, but not limited to, any and all expenses incurred in investigating, preparing or defending against any litigation commenced or threatened) based upon or arising out of any actual or alleged false acknowledgment, representation or warranty, or misrepresentation or omission to state a material fact, or breach by the Purchaser of any covenant or agreement made by the Purchaser herein or in any other document delivered in connection with this Subscription Agreement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no representation, warranty, covenant or acknowledgment made herein by the Purchaser shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of any rights granted to it under the Securities Act or state securities laws. 


7.                   Irrevocability; Binding Effect.  The Purchaser hereby acknowledges and agrees that the subscription hereunder is irrevocable by the Purchaser, except as required by applicable law, and that this Subscription Agreement shall survive the death or disability of the Purchaser and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, legal representatives, and permitted assigns.  If the Purchaser is more than one person, the obligations of the Purchaser hereunder shall be joint and several and the agreements, representations, warranties, and acknowledgments herein shall be deemed to be made by and be binding upon each such person and such person’s heirs, executors, administrators, successors, legal representatives, and permitted assigns.


8.                   Modification.  This Subscription Agreement shall not be modified or waived except by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom any such modification or waiver is sought.  


9.                   Assignability.  This Subscription Agreement and the rights, interests and obligations hereunder are not transferable or assignable by the Purchaser and the transfer or assignment of the Shares shall be made only in accordance with all applicable laws and the Offering Circular.  Any assignment contrary to the terms hereof shall be null and void and of no force or effect.  


10.                Applicable Law and Jurisdiction.  This Subscription Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Purchaser arising out of or in connection with this Subscription Agreement, the Offering Circular and the Offering Circular shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the internal laws of the State of Nevada without regard to principles of conflict of laws. The Purchaser (i) irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts of the State of Nevada in any action arising out of this Subscription Agreement and the Offering Circular and (ii) consents to the service of process by mail.  


11.                Use of Pronouns.  All pronouns and any variations thereof used herein shall be deemed to refer to the masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural as the identity of the person or persons referred to may require. 


12.                Miscellaneous


a.                    This Subscription Agreement, together with the Offering Circular, constitutes the entire agreement between the Purchaser and the Company with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements and understandings, if any, relating to the subject matter hereof.  The terms and provisions of this Subscription Agreement may be waived, or consent for the departure therefrom granted, only by a written document executed by the party entitled to the benefits of such terms or provisions.


b.                   The covenants, agreements, representations and warranties of the Company and the Purchaser made, and the indemnification rights provided for, in this Subscription Agreement shall survive the execution and delivery hereof and delivery of the Shares, regardless of any investigation made by or on behalf of any party, and shall survive delivery of any payment for the Subscription Price.




c.                    Except to the extent otherwise described in the Offering Circular, each of the parties hereto shall pay its own fees and expenses (including the fees of any attorneys, accountants or others engaged by such party) in connection with this Subscription Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby whether or not the transactions contemplated hereby are consummated.


d.                   This Subscription Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts each of which shall be deemed an original (including signatures sent by facsimile transmission or by email transmission of a PDF scanned document or other electronic signature), but all of which shall together constitute one and the same instrument.


e.                    Each provision of this Subscription Agreement shall be considered separable and, if for any reason any provision or provisions hereof are determined to be invalid or contrary to applicable law, such invalidity or illegality shall not impair the operation of or affect the remaining portions of this Subscription Agreement.


f.                    Paragraph titles are for descriptive purposes only and shall not control or alter the meaning of this Subscription Agreement as set forth in the text.


g.                   Words and expressions which are used but not defined in this Subscription Agreement shall have the meanings given to them in the Offering Circular.


[Signature Page Follows]







The Purchaser hereby elects to subscribe under the Subscription Agreement for the number and price of the Shares stated on the front page of this Subscription Agreement and executes the Subscription Agreement. The undersigned Purchaser acknowledges that the Company will be relying upon the information provided by the Purchaser in this Questionnaire. If such representations shall cease to be true and accurate in any respect, the undersigned shall give immediate notice of such fact to the Company. The undersigned understands that an investment in private securities is very risky, that I may lose all of my invested capital that it is an illiquid investment with no short term exit, and for which an ownership transfer is restricted. I understand that an investment in private securities is very risky, that I may lose all of my invested capital that it is an illiquid investment with no short term exit, and for which an ownership transfer is restricted.


Name: No. of Shares:
Address: Purchase Price:


If the Purchaser is an INDIVIDUAL, and if purchased as JOINT TENANTS, as TENANTS IN COMMON, or as COMMUNITY PROPERTY:


Print Name(s)




Signature(s) of Purchaser(s)









Name of Entity















By: Healthy Extracts, Inc.


Name of Authorized Officer




Signature of Authorized Officer



















































We hereby consent to the incorporation in this Regulation A Offering Statement on Form 1-A of our report dated February 19, 2021, relating to the financial statements of Healthy Extracts, Inc., as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 and to all references to our firm included therein.




Certified Public Accountants

Lakewood, CO

April 30, 2021




[Ÿ], 2021



Healthy Extracts, Inc.

6445 South Tenaya Way, Suite B110

Las Vegas, NV 89113


Re: Healthy Extracts, Inc. Registration Statement on Form 1-A for an offering by the Company of up to 100,000,000 shares of Common Stock


Ladies and Gentlemen:


We have acted as counsel to Healthy Extracts, Inc., a Nevada corporation (the “Company”), in connection with the proposed offering by the Company of up to 100,000,000 shares of the Company’s Common Stock (the “Securities”) pursuant to the Company's Offering Statement on Form 1-A (the “Offering Statement”) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Act”).


We have reviewed the Company's charter documents, the Offering Statement and the corporate proceedings taken by the Company in connection with the offer, issuance and sale of the Securities. In our examination, we have assumed the legal capacity of all natural persons, the genuineness of all signatures, the authenticity of all documents submitted to us as originals, the conformity to original documents of all documents submitted to us as copies and the authenticity of the original of such copies.


Based on such review, we are of the opinion that the Securities and the common stock into which the Securities may convert have been duly authorized and will be, when issued in the manner described in the Offering Statement, legally issued, fully paid and nonassessable. No opinion is being rendered hereby with respect to the truthfulness, accuracy or completeness of the Offering Statement or any portion thereof.


       We consent to the filing of this opinion letter as an exhibit to the Offering Statement.


This opinion letter is rendered as of the date first written above and we disclaim any obligation to advise you of facts, circumstances, events or developments which hereafter may be brought to our attention and which may alter, affect or modify the opinion expressed herein. Our opinion is expressly limited to the matters set forth above and we render no opinion, whether by implication or otherwise, as to any other matters relating to the Company or the Securities.


Very truly yours,


Clyde Snow & Sessions




Brian A. Lebrecht