Washington, D.C. 20549  

FORM 8-K /A  

Amendment No. 1

Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934  

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): January 19 , 201 7  


(Exact name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)










(State or other jurisdiction of


(Commission File Number)


(IRS Employer Identification No.)

14000 Carlson Parkway, Plymouth , Minnesota 55441
(Address of principal executive offices , including ZIP code )  

(763) 852-2950
( Registrant’s telephone number, including area code )  

Not Applicable
(Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report)

Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the following provisions:




Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17 CFR 230.425)




Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14a-12)




Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))




Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))



Explanatory Note

This Amendment to the Current Report on Form 8-K (the “Form 8-K”) filed by Tile Shop Holdings, Inc. on January 20, 2017 is being filed solely to include Exhibit 10.1, which was inadvertently omitted from the Form 8-K. No additional amendments to the Form 8-K are made by this Amendment.

Item  9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits.

(d) Exhibits

10.1 Stipulation of Settlement, among Tile Shop Holdings, Inc., Beaver County Employees’ Retirement Fund and the other parties thereto, dated January 13, 2017.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.










By: /s/ Kirk Geadelmann


Date: January 20 , 2017

Name:  Kirk Geadelmann



Title:  Chief Financial Officer




BEAVER   COUNTY EMPLOYEES'           )   Case   No.   0:14-cv-00786-ADM-TNL



and   LUC   DE   WULF,   Individually   and   on     )  

Behalf   of   All   Others   Similarly   Situated, )


Plaintiffs, )


vs. )



A.   RUCKER;   THE   TILE   SHOP,   INC.;      )  

TIMOTHY   C.   CLAYTON;   PETER   J.   )  

JACULLO   III;   JWTS,   INC.;   PETER   H.      )  

KAMIN;   TODD   KRASNOW;   ADAM   L.   )  


ROBERT   W.   BAIRD   &   CO.                       )  


GLOBAL   MARKETS   INC.;   CJS                )


CAPITAL,   INC.;   PIPER   JAFFRAY   &          )  

CO.;   SIDOTI   &   COMPANY,   LLC;              )

TELSEY   ADVISORY GROUP   LLC;   and      )  



Defendants.   )








I.   DESCRIPTION   OF   THE   ACTION   ...........................................................................   1


SETTLEMENT   TO   THE   CLASS   ..............................................................................   3


SETTLEMENT...........................................................................................................   4

IV.   TERMS   OF   THE   STIPULATION   .............................................................................   5

A.   Definitions   .......................................................................................................   5

B.   The   Court's   Order   Preliminarily   Approving   The   Settlement   And

Providing   For   Notice   And   Settlement   Hearing   ...............................................   12

C.   Releases   ...........................................................................................................   16

D.   Judgment   To   Be   Entered   By   The   Court   Approving   The   Settlement   ..............   17

E.   The   Settlement   Fun d ........................................................................................   19

F.   Administration   And   Calculation   Of   Claims,   Final   Awards,   And   Supervision

And   Distribution   Of   The   Settlement   Fund   ......................................................   22

G.   The   Fee   And   Expense   Petition   ........................................................................   26

H.   Conditions   Of   Settlement;   Effect   Of   Disapproval,   Cancellation   And

Termination   .....................................................................................................   27

I.   No   Admissions   ................................................................................................   30

J.   Miscellaneous   Provisions   ................................................................................   31


Exhibit A:

Order Preliminarily Approving Settlement and Providing for Notice and Settlement Hearing

Exhibit A-1:

Notice of Class Action Determination, Proposed Settlement, and Hearing on Settlement

Exhibit A-2:

Summary Notice of Class Action Determination, Proposed Settlement, and Hearing on Settlement

Exhibit A-3:

Proof of Claim and Release Form

Exhibit B:

Order for Final Judgment

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This   Stipulation   of   Settlement   ("Stipulation") is   made   as   of   January   13,

2017,   by   and   among   the   following   parties:   (1)   Beaver   County   Employees'   Retirement Fund,   Erie   County   Employees'   Retirement   System,   and   Luc   DeWulf   (collectively,   the "Lead   Plaintiffs"),   on   behalf   of   themselves   and   the   Court-certified   Class,   by   and   through Class   Counsel   in   this   Action;   and   (2)   Tile   Shop   Holdings,   Inc.   ("Tile   Shop"),   Robert   A. Rucker,   The   Tile   Shop,   Inc.,   Timothy   C.   Clayton,   Peter   J.   Jacullo   III,   JWTS,   Inc.,   Peter H.   Kamin,   Todd   Krasnow,   Adam   L.   Suttin,   William   E.   Watts,   Robert   W.   Baird   &   Co. Incorporated,   Citigroup   Global   Markets   Inc.,   CJS   Securities,   Inc.,   Houlihan   Lokey Capital,   Inc.,   Piper   Jaffray   &   Co.,   Sidoti   &   Company,   LLC,   Telsey   Advisory   Group

LLC,   and   Wedbush   Securities,   Inc.   (collectively,   the   "Defendants"),   by   and   through   their attorneys   in   this   Action.   1


In   November   2013,   two   class   action   lawsuits   were   commenced   against   Tile Shop   and   certain   of   the   Defendants   in   the   United   States   District   Court   for   the   Southern District   of   New York.   By   Order   entered   on   March   13,   2014,   the   two   lawsuits   were transferred   to   the   United   States   District   Court   for   the   District   of   Minnesota   (the   "Court" ). The   two   lawsuits   subsequently   were   consolidated   as   Case   No.   0:14-cv-00786-ADM-TNL under   the   caption   Beaver   County   Employees' Retirement   Fund,   et   a l .   v.   Tile   Shop

1     All   terms   with   initial   capitalization    not   otherwise   defined   herein   shall   have   the meanings   ascribed   to   them   in ¶    IV(A)   herein.   All   claims   against   Piper   Jaffray  & Co.   and CJS   Securities, Inc.   have   been   dismissed.    Nevertheless, for   purposes   of   the   settlement, they   have   been   included   among   the   Defendants.



Holdings,   Inc.,   et   al.   (the   "Action"), and   Lead   Plaintiffs   and   Co-Lead   Counsel   were appointed.

On   May   23,   2014,   Lead   Plaintiffs   served   and   filed   a   Consolidated Amended   Complaint   for   Violations   of   the   Federal   Securities   Laws   ( "Consolidated Complaint"), which   asserted   claims   against   all   Defendants.   Specifically,   the Consolidated   Complaint   alleged   violations   of:   (i)   Sections   11   and   12(a)(2)   of   the Securities   Act   of   1933   against   all   of   the   Defendants,   and   (ii)   Sections   1 0 (b)   and   20(a)   of

the   Securities   Exchange   Act   of   1934   against   certain   of   the   Defendants.   On   July   25,   2014, Defendants   moved   to   dismiss   the   Consolidated   Complaint.   By   Memorandum   Opinion

and   Order   entered   on   March   4,   2015,   the   Court   granted   Defendants'   motions   to   dismiss   in part,   and   denied   them   in   part.

Thereafter   the   Parties   engaged   in   substantial   discovery,   including   document production,   depositions,   and   subpoenas   to   non-parties.   The   Parties   also   exchanged

reports   of   their   experts,   and   took   expert   depositions.

On   December   1,   2015,   Lead   Plaintiffs   moved   for   class   certification,   which Defendants   opposed.   By   Order   entered   on   July   28,   2016,   the   Court   granted   Lead Plaintiffs' motion   for   class   certification,   certifying   the   Class   and   appointing   Lead Plaintiffs   as   Class   Representatives   and   Co-Lead   Counsel   as   Class   Counsel.    Lead Plaintiffs   have   not   yet   sent   class   notice.

On   October   14,   2016,   Defendants   filed   motions   for   summary   judgment   and also   filed   motions   to   exclude   the   opinions   of   Lead   Plaintiffs' experts.    Also   on   October

14,   2016,   Lead   Plaintiffs   filed   a   motion   for   partial   summary   judgment   and   a   motion   to





exclude   the   opinions   of   Defendants'   experts.    Those   motions   have   not   been   decided. Trial   is   set   for   March   13,   2017.

Over   the   course   of   the   Action,   the   Parties   have   participated   in   three mediations   and   have   exchanged   multiple   mediation   statements.   Following   the completio n   of   fact   and   expert   discovery,   and   with   trial   approaching,   the   Parties   agreed   to participate   in   their   third   mediation,   conducted   by   JAMS   Endispute   mediator,   the Honorable   Daniel   H.   Weinstein   (ret.),   on   December   6,   2016.   During   this   mediation,   the Parties   were   able   to   reach   agreement   to   settle   this   Action.   At   the   request   of   the   Parties, the   Court   suspended   certain   deadlines   so   that   the   Court   can   consider   the   settlement described   in   this   Stipulation.


Lead   Plaintiffs   and   Class   Counsel   have   carefully   weighed   the   benefit   to   the Class   of   a   settlement   of   the   Action   at this   stage   of   the   litigation   on   the   term s   set   forth herein,   against   the   significant   cost,   risk   and   delay   that   continued   prosecution   of   the

Action   would   involve.   Although   Lead   Plaintiffs   and   Class   Counsel   believe   that   the claims   pursued   in   the   Action   are   meritorious,   they   recognize   the   considerable   risk   that they   may   lose   at   summary   judgment,   at trial,   on   post-trial   motions,   or   on   appeal.   Lead Plaintiffs   and   Class   Counsel   have   also   taken   into   account   the   expense   and   delay   in attempting   to   prosecute   the   Action   through   trial,   likely   post-trial   motions,   and   appeals. Additionally,   Lead   Plaintiffs   and   Class   Counsel   have   taken   into   account   the   difficulty   in

proving   damages.   In   light   of   the   foregoing,   Lead   Plaintiffs   and   Class   Counsel   believe


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that   the   settlement   set   forth   in   this   Stipulation   confers   substantial   and   immediate   benefits on   the   Class   and   is   therefore   in   the   best   interest   of   the   Class.   This   Stipulation   shall   not   be construed   or   deemed   to   be   a   concession   by   Lead   Plaintiffs   of   any   infirmity   in   the   claims asserted   in   the   Action.


Defendants   have   denied   and   continue   to   deny   each   and   all   of   the   claims   and contentions   alleged   in   the   Action.   Defendants   repeatedly   have   asserted,   and   continue   to assert,   many   defenses   thereto,   and   have   expre ssly   denied   and   continue   to   deny   any wrongdoing   or   legal   liability   arising   out   of   any   of   the   conduct   alleged   in   the   Action. Neither   this   Stipulation,   nor   any   document   referred   to   herein,   nor   any   action   taken   to

carry   out   this   Stipulation,   is,   may   be   construed   as,   or   may   be   used   as   an   admission   by   or against   Defendants   of   any   fault,   wrongdoing   or   liability   whatsoever.

Defendants   nevertheless   have   concluded   that   the   further   conduct   of   the Action   against   them   would   be   protracted   and   expensive.   Substantial   amounts   of   time, energy   and   resources   have   been   and,   unless   this   settlement   is   made,   will   continue   to   be devoted   to   the   defense   of   the   claims   asserted   in   the   Action.   Defendants   also   recognize that   there   are   risks   attendant   in   any   litigation.   Defendants   have,   therefore,   determined that   it   is   desirable   and   beneficial   to   them   that   the   Action   be   settled   in   the   manner   and upon   the   terms   and   conditions   set   forth   in   this   Stipulation   to   eliminate   the   burden   and expense   of   further   protracted   litigation.


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NOW,   THEREFORE,   it   is   hereby   stipulated   and   agreed,   by   and   among Lead   Plaintiffs   (individually   and   on   behalf   of   all   members   of   the   Class)   and   Defendants, by   and   through   their   respective   counsel   of   record,   that   the   Action   shall   be   settled,   subject to   the   approval   of   the   Court   pursuant   to   Fed.   R.   Civ.   P .   23(e),   upon   and   subject   to   the following   terms   and   conditions:

A.   Definitions

1.   "Action"   means   the   Beaver   County   Employees' Retirement   Fund,   et al.   v.   Tile   Shop   Holdings,   Inc.,   et   al.,   Case   No.   0:14-cv-00786-ADM - TNL,   now   pending in   the   United   States   District   Court   for   the   District   of   Minnesota,   and   the   underlying individual   actions   that   were   consolidated   into   it.

2.   "Administrative   Expenses"   means:   (a)   the   fees   and   expenses   that   are incurred   by   the   Claims   Administrator   in   connection   with   providing   notices   to   the   Class, and   administering   the   settlement,   including   but   not   limited   to   the   claims   process,   as addressed   in       IV(E)(5)   of   this   Stipulation;   (b)   the   fees   and   expenses   incurred   in connection   with   the   Escrow   Account;   (c)   Taxes;   and   (d)   the   out-of-pocket   expenses incurred   by   the   Escrow   Agents   in   connection   with   determining   the   amount   of   and   paying any   Taxes   (including,   without   limitation,   expenses   of   tax   attorneys   and   accountants ).

3.   "Authorized   Claimant"   means   a   Claimant   who   submits   a   timely   and adequate   Claim   Form   who   is   entitled   to   share   in   the   Net   Settlement   Fund   in   accordance with   the   Plan   of   Distribution   approved   by   the   Court,   and   whose   claim   has   been   approved for   payment   by   the   Claims   Administrator.


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4.   "Claim   Form"   means   the   Proof   of   Claim   and   Release   Form, substantially   in   the   form   attached   hereto   as   Exhibit   A-3,that   a   Class   Member   must complete   and   submit   should   that   Class   Member   seek   to   share   in   the   distribution   of   the Net   Settlement   Fund.

5.   "Claimant"   means   any   Class   Member   who   submits   a   Claim   Form   in such   form,   in   such   manner,   and   within   such   times   as   the   Court   shall   prescribe.

6.   "Claims   Administrator"   means   Gilardi  &   Co.   LLC.

7.   "Class"   means   the   class   certified   by   the   Court   by   Memorandum Opinion   and   Order   dated   July   28,   2016   and   consists   of   all   Persons   who   purchased   or otherwise   acquired   Tile   Shop   common   stock   between   August   22,   2012   and   January   28,

2014,   inclusive,   but   excluding   (a)   Defendants,   their   spouses,   and   anyone   (other   than   a   tenant   or   employee)   sharing   the   household   of   any   Defendant,   (b)   Fumitake   Nishi,   and (c)   any   Persons   who   submit   a   valid   and   timely   request   for   exclusion   pursuant   to   the Notice.

8.   "Class   Counsel"   or   "Co-Lead   Counsel"   means   the   law   firms   of

Kessler   Topaz   Meltzer  &   Check,   LLP   and   Robbins   Geller   Rudma  &   Dowd   LLP.

9.   "Class   Member(s)"   means   a   member   of   the   Class.

10.   "Class   Period"   means   the   period   beginning   August   22,   2012   through

January   28,   2014,   inclusive.

11.   "Court"   means   the   United   States   District   Court   for   the   District   of



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12.   "Defendants"   means   Tile   Shop   Holdings,   Inc.,   Robert   A.   Rucker, The   Tile   Shop,   Inc.,   Timothy   C.   Clayton,   Peter   J.   Jacullo   III,   JWTS,   Inc.,   Peter   H. Kamin,   Todd   Krasnow,   Adam   L.   Suttin,   William   E.   Watts,   Robert   W.   Baird   &   Co. Incorporated,   Citigroup   Global   Markets   Inc.,   CJS   Securities,   Inc.,   Houlihan   Lokey Capital,   Inc.,   Piper   Jaffray   &   Co.,   Sidoti   &   Company,   LLC,   Telsey   Advisory   Group LLC,   and   W edbush   Securities,   Inc.

13.   "Defendants'   Counsel"   means   Faegre   Baker   Daniels   LLP,   Winthrop

&   Weinstine,   P.A.,   Briggs   and   Morgan,   P.A.   and   Milbank,   Tweed,   Hadley   &   McCloy


14.   "Defendants'   Released   Parties"   means   each   of   the   Defendants,   and all   and   each   of   their   respective   past   and   present   parent,   subsidiary,   and   affiliated corporations   and   entities,   the   predecessors   and   successors   in   interest   of   any   of   them,   and all   of   their   respective   past   and   present   officers,   directors,   employees,   members,   agents, partners,   representatives,   spouses,   heirs,   executors,   administrators,   and   insurers (including   the   Insurers ).

15.   "Effective   Date"   means   the   first   date   by   which   all   events   and conditions   specified   in   ¶     IV(H)(l)   of   this   Stipulation   have   been   met   and   have   occurred   or have   been   waived.

16.   "Escrow   Account"   means   the   account   wherein   the   Settlement

Amount   shall   be   deposited   and   held   in   escrow   under   the   control   of   the   Escrow   Agents.


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17.   "Escrow   Agents"   means   the   law   firms   of   Kessler   Topaz   Meltze r &   Check,   LLP   and   Robbins   Geller   Rudman   &   Dowd   LLP,   or   their   successors,   acting   on behalf   of   the   Parties   in   accordance   with   the   term s   of   this   Stipulation.

18.   "Final"   means   the   date   upon   which   any   judgment   or   order,   including the   Final   Judgment   Order,   in   the   Action   becomes   no   longer   subject   to   further   appeal   or review,   including,   without   limitation:   (a) if no appeal   is   filed,   the   date   of   expiration   of   the time   provided   for   the   filing   or   noticing   of   any   appeal   under   the   Federal   Rules   of

Appellate   Procedure;   or   (b)   if   an   appeal   is   filed   in   the   Action,   (i)   the   date   of   final dismissal   of   all   such   appeals,   or   the   final   dismissal   of   any   proceeding   on   certiorari   or otherwise,   or   (ii)   the   date   upon   which   the   judgment   in   the   Action   is   finally   affirmed   on appeal,   the   expiration   of   the   time   to   file   a   petition   for   a   writ   of   certiorari   or   other   form   of review,   or   the   denial   of   a   writ   of   certiorari   or   other   form   of   review,   and,   if   certiorari   or other   form   of   review   is   granted,   the   date   of   final   affirmance   following   review   pursuant   to that   grant.   However,   any   appeal   proceeding   seeking   subsequent   judicial   review pertainin g solely   to   an   order   issued   with   respect   to:   (a)   the   Fee   and   Expense   Petition   ( as defined   in   ¶  IV(G)(l),   or   (b)   the   Plan   of   Distribution   of   the   Net   Settlement   Fund   ( as submitted   or   subsequently   modified),   shall   not   in   any   way   delay   or   preclude   a   judgment from   becoming   Final.

19.   "Final   Judgment   Order"   means   the   Order   for   Final   Judgment approving   the   settlement   that   is   in   substance   materially   the   same   as   Exhibit   B   to   this


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20.   "Insurers"   means   the   insurers   for   Defendants,   including   but   not limited   to   National   Union   Fire   Insurance   Company   of   Pittsburgh,   Pa.,   Allied   World Assurance   Company,   XL   Specialty   Insurance   Company,   ACE   American   Insurance Company,   and   their   successors.

21.   "Lead   Plaintiffs"   means   Beaver   County   Employees' Retirement

Fund,   Erie   County   Employees' Retirement   System,   and   Luc   DeWulf.

22.   "Net   Settlement   Fund"   means   the   Settlement   Fund   less:   (a)   any

Administrative   Expenses;   and   (b)   amounts   awarded   on   the   Fee   and   Expense   Petition.

23.   "Notice"   means   the   Notice   of   Class   Action   Determination,   Proposed Settlement,   and   Hearing   on   Settlement,   substantially   in   the   form   attached   hereto   as Exhibit   A-1,   which   is   to   be   mailed   to   Class   Members.

24.   "Parties"   means,   collectively,   Lead   Plaintiffs   and   Defendants.

25.   "Person"   means   any   individual,   corporation,   partnership,

association,   joint   stock   company,   trust,   unincorporated   organization,   government   and   any political   subdivision   thereof,   or   any   other   type   of   entity.

26.   "Plaintiffs' Counsel"   means   Class   Counsel,   Court-appointed   Liaison

Counsel,   Chestnut  &   Cambronne   PC,   and   additional   counsel   Johnson  &   Weaver,   LLP.

27.   "Preliminary Approval   Order"   means   the   Order   Preliminarily Approving   Settlement   and   Providing   for   Notice   and   Settlement   Hearing   or   an   order   that is   in   substance   materially   the   same   as   Exhibit   A   to   this   Stipulation.

28.   "Released   Defendants' Claims"   means   any   and   all   claims,   actions,

causes   of   action,   rights   or   liabilities,   whether   arising   out   of   state,   federal,   foreign,   or


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common   law,   including   Unknown   Claims,   of   any   Defendant   against   Lead   Plaintiffs   or Plaintiffs'   Counsel   that   solely   arise   out   of   or   relate   in   any   way   to   the   institution, prosecution,   or   settlement   of   the   claim s asserted   in   the   Action.   Released   Defendants' Claims   do   not   include   any   claims   relating   to   the   enforcement   of   the   settlement.

29.   "Released   Plaintiffs'   Claims"   means   any   and   all   claims,   actions, causes   of   action,   rights   or   liabilities,   whether   arising   out   of   state,   federal,   foreign,   or common   law,   including   Unknown   Claims,   of   any   Lead   Plaintiff   or   Class   Member,   which exist   or   may   exist   against   any   of   the   Defendants'   Released   Parties,   by   reason   of   any matter,   event,   cause   or   thing   whatsoever   arising   out   of,   relating   to,   or   in   any   way connecte d   with:   (a)   the   purchase,   acquisition,   sale,   or   disposition   of   Tile   Shop   common stock   during   the   Class   Period;   and   (b)   any   facts,   circumstances,   transactions,   events, occurrences,   acts,   omissions   or   failures   to   act   that   were   or   could   have   been   alleged   in   the Action.   Released   Plaintiffs'   Claims   do   not   include   any   claims   relating   to   the   enforcement of   the   settlement.

30.   "Settlement Amount"   means   $9,500,000   in   cash.

31.   "Settlement   Fund"   means   the   sum   of   $9,500,000,   to   be   paid   by   Tile Shop   and/or   the   Insurers   on   behalf   of   Defendants   as   specifie d in ¶  IV( E )( l )   of   this Stipulation,   including   any   interest   accrued   thereon   after   payment.

32.   "Settlement  Hearing"   means   the   hearing   or   hearings   before   the   Court to   determine   whether   the   settlement   is   fair,   reasonable   and   adequate,   the   Final   Judgment Order   should   be   entered,   the   Plan   of   Distribution   is   fair,   reasonable   and   adequate,   and   the

Fee   and   Expense   Petition   should   be   approved.





33.   "Summary   Notice"   means   the   Summary   Notice   of   Class   Action Determination,   Proposed   Settlement,   and   Hearing   on   Settlement,   substantially   in   the   form attached   hereto   as   Exhibit   A-2.

34.   "Taxes"   means:   (a)   all   federal,   state   and/or   local   taxes   of   any   kind (including   any   interest   and   penalties   thereon)   on   any   income   earned   by   the   Settlement Fund;   and   (b)   all   taxes   imposed   on   payments   by   the   Settlement   Fund,   including withholding   taxes.

35.   "Tile   Shop"   means   Tile   Shop   Holdings,   Inc.,   a   Delaware corporation,   and   its   past   and   present   parent,   subsidiary,   and   affiliated   corporations   and entities,   and   the   predecessors   and   successors   in   interest   of   any   of   them.

36.   "Unknown   Claims,"   as   used   in the   definition s in ¶¶  IV(A)(28)   and IV(A)(29),   respectively,   and   in   the   Final   Judgment   Order,   means   any   Released   Plaintiffs' Claims   which   Lead   Plaintiffs   or   any   other   Class   Member   does   not   know   or   suspect   to exist   in   his,   her   or   its   favor   at   the   time   of   the   grant   of   such   release,   and   any   Released Defendants'   Claims   which   any   Defendant   does   not   know   or   suspect   to   exist   in   his   or   its favor   at   the   time   of   the   grant   of   such   release,   which   if   known   by   him,   her   or   it   might   have affected   their   decision(s)   with   respect   to   the   settlement   of   the   Action. It is   the   intention   of   the   Parties   hereto   that,   upon   the   Effective   Date,   Lead   Plaintiffs   and   Defendants   shall expressly   waive,   and   each   of   the   Class   Members   shall   be   deemed   to   have   waived,   and   by operation   of   the   Final   Judgment   Order   shall   have,   expressly   waived   and   relinquished,   to the   fullest   extent   permitted   by   law,   the   provisions,   rights   and   benefits   of   any   statute   or   law,   which   is   similar,   comparable,   or   equivalent   to   California   Civil   Code   § 1542,   which  





provides:   A   general   release   does   not   extend   to   claims   which   the   creditor   does   not   know or   suspect   to   exist   in   his   or   her   favor   at   the   time   of   executing   the   release,   which   if   known by   him   or   her   must   have   materially   affected   his   or   her   settlement   with   the   debtor.   Lead Plaintiffs   and   Defendants   acknowledge,   and   each   of   the   Class   Members   shall   be   deemed by   operation   of   the   Final   Judgment   Order   to   have   acknowledged,   that   he,   she   or   it   is aware   that   they   may   hereafter   discover   facts   in   addition   to   or   different   from   those   which he,   she   or   it   now   knows   or   believes   to   be   true   with   respect   to   the   subject   matters   of   the Released   Plaintiffs'   Claims   and   Released   Defendants'   Claims,   respectively,   but that   it   is his,   her,   or   its   intention   upon   the   Effective   Date,   to   have,   fully,   finally,   and   forever   settled and   released   any   and   all   claims   within   the   scope   of   the   Released   Plaintiffs'   Claims   and Released   Defendants'   Claims,   respectively,   whether   known   or   unknown,   suspected   or unsuspected,   contingent   or   noncontingent,   whether   or   not   concealed   or   hidden,   which

now   exist,   may   hereafter   exist   or   may   heretofore   have   existed,   without   regard   to   the subsequent   discovery   or   existence   of   such   different   or   additional   facts.   All   of   the foregoing   is   the   definition   of   "Unknown Claims."

B.     The   Court's   Order   Preliminarily   Approving   The   Settlement   And   Providing   For   Notice   And   Settlement   Hearing

As   soon   as   practicable   after   the   execution   of   this   Stipulation,   Class   Counsel shall   move   the   Court   for   an   order   that   is   in   substance   materially   the   same   as   the   proposed Order   attached   hereto   as   Exhibit   A   ("Preliminary   Approval   Order"),   which   shall

specifically   include   provisions   which:

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1.   Preliminarily   approve   the   settlement   as   embodied   in   this   Stipulation as   being   fair,   reasonable,   and   adequate   to   the   Class;

2.         Provide   that   Class   Counsel   are   authorized   to   enter   into   the Stipulation   on   behalf   of   the   Class,   and   to   bind   Class   Members   to   the   duties   and obligations   contained   herein,   subject   to   final   approval   by   the   Court;

3.   Appoint   the   firm   of   Gilardi  &   Co.   LLC   to   administer   the   notice procedure   and   the   processing   of   claims   ("Claims   Administrator"),   under   the   supervision of   Class   Counsel;

4.   Approve   a   Notice   of   Class   Action   Determination,   Proposed Settlement,   and   Hearing   on   Settlement   ("Notice")   that   is   in   substance   materially   the   same as   Exhibit   A-1   attached   hereto,   and   a   Claim   Form   that   is   in   substance   materially   the   same as   Exhibit   A-3   attached   hereto,   for   transmission   to   Class   Members   in   order   to   provide notice   of   the   hearing   for   approval   of   the   settlement;

5.   Direct   that   the   Claims   Administrator   mail   such   Notice   to   those   Class Members   who   can   be   identified   through   reasonable   effort,   such   mailing   to   be accomplished   by   first-class   United   States   mail,   postage   prepaid,   within   fourteen   (14) calendar   days   of   entry   of   the   Preliminary   Approval   Order;

6.   Order   that   nominees   who   purchased   or   otherwise   acquired   Tile   Shop common   stock   for   the   beneficial   ownership   of   Class   Members   during   the   Class   Period   be required,   within   ten   (10)   days   of   their   receipt   of   the   Notice,   to   either   (a)   forward   the Notice and   Claim   Form   to   all   such   beneficial   owners,   or   (b)   provide   the   Claims

Administrator   with   the   names   and   addresses   of   such   beneficial   owners,   in   which   event


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the   Claims   Administrator   shall   promptly   mail   the   Notice   and   Claim   Form   to   such beneficial   owners;

7.   Approve   a   Summary   Notice   that   is   in   substance   materially   the   same as   Exhibit   A-2   attached   hereto,   to   be   published   in   order   to   provide   notice   of   the   hearing for   approval   of   the   settlement,   and   direct   that   the   Claims   Administrator   cause   such Summary   Notice   to   be   published   once   in   The   Wall   Street   Journal   and   once   over   a   national   newswire   service,   all   no   later   than   fourteen   (14)   calendar   days   following   the mailing   of   the   Notice;

8.   Find   that   mailing   and   distribution   of   the   Notice   and   Claim   Form, including   forwarding   by   nominees,   and   publication   of   the   Summary   Notice   pursuant to   ¶   V(B)(4),(5),(6),   and   (7)   above   constitute   the   best   notice   practicable   under   the circumstances,   constitute   due   and   sufficient   notice   of   the   matters   set   forth   in   the   notices

to   all   Persons   entitled   to   receive   notice,   and   fully   satisfy   the   requirements   of   due   process,

15   U.S.C.   §78u-4(a)(7),   Fed.   R.   Civ.   P.   23,   and   all   other   applicable   law   and   rules;

9.   Require   any   Class   Member   who   desires   to   request   exclusion   from the Class   to   so   notify   the   Claims   Administrator   in   the   manner   set   forth   in   the   Notice,   and to   provide   the   information   required   therein;

10.   Schedule   a   hearing   to   be   held   by   the   Court   ("Settlement   Hearing" )   on   a   date   at   least   100   days   after   entry   of   the   Preliminary   Approval   Order   in   order   to determine:   (a)   whether   the   settlement   should   be   approved   as   fair,   reasonable,   and adequate to   the   Class;   (b)   whether   a   final   judgment   should   be   entered   that   is   in   substance

materially   the   same   as   Exhibit   B   attached   hereto   ("Final   Judgment   Order");   (c)   whether


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Lead   Plaintiffs'   proposed   Plan   of   Distribution   of   the   settlement   proceeds   that   is   described in   the   Notice   ("Plan   of   Distribution")   should   be   approved   as   fair,   reasonable,   and adequate   to   the   Class;   and   (d)   whether   to   approve   the   application   of   Class   Counsel   for   an award   of   attorneys'   fees   and   expenses,   and   for   awards   to   the   Lead   Plaintiffs   ("Fee   and Expense   Petition" ) ;

11.   Provide   that   any   objections   to   the   settlement,   the   Plan   of Distribution,   or   the   Fee   and   Expense   Petition   shall   be   heard,   and   any   papers   submitted   in support   of   said   objections   shall   be   received   and   considered   by   the   Court,   at   the Settlement   Hearing   (unless,   in   its   discretion,   the   Court   shall   direct   otherwise),   only   if,   on or   before   a   date   to   be   specified   in   the   Notice,   Persons   making   objections   give   notice   of their   intention   to   appear   and   file   with   the   Court   and   submit   copies   of   such   papers   as   they propose   to   submit   to   Class   Counsel   and   counsel   for   Defendants,   in   the   manner   described in   the   Notice;

12.       Provide   that,   in   order   to   share   in   the   Net   Settlement   Fund,   a   Class Member   must   execute   and   submit   a   Claim   Form   in   the   manner   provided   therein   within such   time   as   is   allowed   by   the   Court;

13.   Provide   that,   upon   entry   of   the   Final   Judgment   Order,   all   Class

Members,   whether   or   not   they   submit   a   Claim   Form   within   the   time   provided   for,   shall   be permanently   enjoined   and   barred   from   asserting   any   Released   Plaintiffs'   Claims   ( except through   the   proof   of   claim   procedures)   against   any   of   the   Defendants'   Released   Parties, and   that   all   Class   Members   conclusively   shall   be   deemed   to   have   released   any   and   all

such   Released   Plaintiffs'   Claims,   except   for   proceedings   to   enforce   this   Stipulation;






14.   Provide   that,   upon   the   Effective   Date,   only   Persons   who   are

Authorized   Claimants   shall   have   rights   in   the   distribution   of   the   Net   Settlement   Fund;

15.   Provide   that   a   Claim   Form   filed   by   mail   shall   be   deemed   to   have been   submitted   when   legibly   postmarked   by   the   U.S.   Postal   Service,   if   mailed   by   first­ class   mail,   registered   mail,   or   certified   mail,   postage   prepaid,   addressed   in   accordance with   the   instructions   given   in   the   Claim   Form,   and   that   all   other   Claim   Forms   shall   be deemed   to   have   been   submitted   at   the   time   they   are   actually   receive d   by   the   Claims Administrator;   and

16.   Provide   that   the   Settlement   Hearing   may,   from   time   to   time   and without   further   notice   to   Class   Members,   be   continued   or   adjourned   by   order   of   the Court.

C. Releases

1.   Upon   the   entry   of   the   Order   for   Final   Judgment,   Lead   Plaintiffs shall,   and   each   of   the   Class   Members   shall   be   deemed   to   have,   and   by   operation   of   such order   shall   have,   fully,   finally,   and   forever   compromised,   settled,   released,   resolved, relinquished,   waived,   and   discharged   all   Released   Plaintiffs' Claims   against   Defendants' Released   Parties,   regardless   of   whether   such   Class   Member   executes   and   delivers   the Claim   Form.   Claims   relating   to   the   enforcement   of   the   settlement   shall   not   be   released.

2.   Upon   the   entry   of   the   Order   for   Final   Judgment,   Lead   Plaintiffs   and each   of   the   Class   Members   are   forever   barred   and   enjoined   from   commencing, instituting ,   prosecuting,   or   continuing   to   prosecute   any   action   or   proceeding   in   any   court of   law   or   equity,   arbitration   tribunal,   administrative   forum,   or   other   forum   of   any   kind,






asserting   any   of   the   Released   Plaintiffs'   Claims   against   any   of   the   Defendants'   Released


3.   Upon   the   entry   of   the Order   for   Final   Judgment,   each   of   Defendants' Released   Parties   shall   be   deemed   to   have,   and   by   operation   of   such   order   shall   have,

fully,   finally,   and   forever   compromised,   settled,   released,   resolved,   relinquished,   waived, and   discharged   Lead   Plaintiffs,   all   Class   Members,   and   Plaintiffs'   Counsel   from   all Released   Defendants'   Claims,   and   shall   be   forever   enjoined   from   prosecuting   such claims .     Claims   relating   to   the   enforcement   of   the   settlement   shall   not   be   released.

4.   Nothing   in   this   Stipulation   or   the   releases   described   in   this ¶  IV(C)   is intended   to,   or   should   be   construed   as,   limiting   or   restricting   the   rights   or   claims   any   of the   Defendants   have   against   the   Insurers,   if   any,   under   any   policy   of   insurance   or otherwise.

D.   Judgment   To   Be   Entered   By   The   Court   Approving   The   Settlement

Upon   approval   by   the   Court   of   the   settlement   set   forth   in   this   Stipulation,   a   final   judgment   shall   be   entered   by   the   Court,   pursuant   to   an   Order   for   Final   Judgment ("Final   Judgment   Order")   that   is   in   substance   materially   the   same   as   Exhibit   B   attached hereto,   which   shall   specifically   include   provisions   which:

1.   Approve   the   settlement   set   forth   in   this   Stipulation   as   fair, reasonable,   and   adequate   to   the   Class,   and   direct   consummation   of   the   settlement   in accordance   with   the   terms   and   provisions   of   this   Stipulation;

2.   Fully   and   finally   dismiss   the   Action   with   prejudice,   and   without costs   (except   as   may   be   provided   herein)   to   any   Party   as   against   any   other;


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3.   Adjudge   that,   upon   entry   of   the   Final   Judgment   Order,   Lead Plaintiffs   and   all   Class   Members   shall   conclusively   be   deemed   to   have   released   all Released   Plaintiffs'   Claims   against   all   Defendants' Released   Parties;

4.   Bar   and   permanently   enjoin   Lead   Plaintiffs   and   all   Class   Members, upon   entry   of   the   Final   Judgment   Order,   from   commencing,   instituting,   asserting, prosecuting,   or   continuing   to   prosecute   any   action   or   proceeding   in   any   court   of   law   or equity,   arbitration   tribunal,   administrative   forum,   or   other   forum   of   any   kind,   asserting any   of   the   Released   Plaintiffs'   Claims   against   any   or   all   of   the   Defendants'   Released Parties;

5.         Adjudge   that,   upon   entry   of   the   Final   Judgment   Order,   Defendants shall   conclusively   be   deemed   to   have   released   all   Defendants' Released   Claims   against Lead   Plaintiffs,   all   Class   Members,   and   Plaintiffs' Counsel;

6.   Bar   and   permanently   enjoin   Defendants,   upon   entry   of   the   Final Judgment   Order,   from   commencing,   instituting,   asserting,   prosecuting,   or   continuing   to prosecute   any   action   or   proceeding   in   any   court   of   law   or   equity,   arbitration   tribunal, administrative   forum,   or   other   forum   of   any   kind,   asserting   any   of   the   Released Defendants'   Claims   against   Lead   Plaintiffs,   all   Class   Members   or   Plaintiffs'   Counsel;

7.   Determine,   pursuant   to   15   U.S.C.   §78u-4(c)(l),   that   all   counsel appearing   in   this   Action   have   complied   with   the   requirements   of   Rule   1 1 (b)   of   the Federal   Rules   of   Civil   Procedure;

8.   Determine   that   Defendants   have   complied   with   the   requirements   of

28   U.S.C.   §1715(b) ;






9.   Reserve   jurisdiction   over:   (a)   implementation   of   this   settlement   and any   distribution   of   the   Settlement   Fund;   (b)   disposition   of   the   Settlement   Fund;   ( c )   hearing   and   determining   applications   for   attorneys'   fees,   interest,   and   expenses   in   the Action;   (d)   the   Action,   until   the   Effective   Date,   and   until   each   and   every   act   agreed   to   be performed   by   the   Parties   shall   have   been   performed   pursuant   to   this   Stipulation;   and   ( e )   all   Parties,   for   the   purpose   of   enforcing   and   administering   this   Stipulation.

E.   The   Settlement   Fund

1.   Within   ten   ( 1 0)   business   days   after   the   Court   enters   the   Preliminary Approval   Order,   Tile   Shop   shall   deposit   or   cause   the   Insurers   to   deposit   into   the   Escrow Account   established   at   The   Huntington   National   Bank   the   sum   of   $9,500,000.   This amount,   together   with   any   interest   accrued   thereon,   shall   constitute   the   Settlement   Fund. The   payment   described   in   this ¶  IV(E)   is   the   only   payment   to   be   made   by   or   on   behalf   of Defendants   in   connection   with   this   settlement.

2.   The   Settlement   Fund   shall   be   deemed   to   be   in   the   custody   of   the Court,   and   shall   remain   subject   to   the   jurisdiction   of   the   Court   until   such   time   as   the entirety   of   the   Settlement   Fund   is   distributed   as   provide d in ¶  IV(F)(4)   of   this   Stipulation, or   returned   to   Defendants   and/or   their   Insurers   as   provide in ¶  IV( E )(6)   of   this Stipulation.

3.   The   Escrow   Agents   shall   cause   the   Settlement   Fund   to   be   invested   in instruments   or   accounts   backed   by   the   full   faith   and   credit   of   the   United   States Government   or   fully   insured   by   the   United   States   Government   or   an   agency   thereof, including   a   United   States   Treasury   Fund   or   a   bank   account   that   is   either   (a)   fully   insured






by   the   Federal   Deposit   Insurance   Corporation   ("FDIC"),   or   (b)   secured   by   instruments backed   by   the   full   faith   and   credit   of   the   United   States   Government.   The   Escrow   Agents shall   reinvest   the   proceeds   of   these   instruments   as   they   mature   in   similar   instruments   or their   then-current   market   rates.   All   risks   related   to   the   investment   of   the   Settlement   Fund in   accordance   with   the   guidelines   set   forth   in   this ¶    IV(E)(3)   shall   be   borne   by   the Settlement   Fund.

4.   Before   the   Effective   Date,   no   disbursements   shall   be   made   out   of   the

Settlement   Fund   except:   (a)   upon   order   of   the   Court;   (b)   as   provided   in   this   Stipulation;

or   (c)   with   the   written   agreement   of   Class   Counsel   and   Defendants'   Counsel.

5.   Prior   to   the   Effective   Date,   the   Escrow   Agents   may   pay   from   the Settlement   Fund   Administrative   Expenses   up   to   the   maximum   total   amount   of   $150,000. If,   prior   to   the   Effective   Date,   Administrative   Expenses   exceed   $150,000,   such   additional amounts   shall   be   paid   only   after   approval   by   Defendants' Counsel,   which   shall   not   be unreasonably   withheld.   After   the   Effective   Date   the   Escrow   Agents   may   pay   from   the Settlement   Fund   any   additional,   unpaid   Administrative   Expenses   without   further

approval   from   Defendants   or   order   of   the   Court.   Defendants' Released   Parties   are   not responsible   for,   and   shall   not   be   liable   for,   any   Administrative   Expenses.

6.   If   the   Effective   Date   does   not   occur,   or   if   this   Stipulation   is   voided, terminated   or   cancelled   for   any   reason,   Lead   Plaintiffs   and   Class   Counsel   shall   have   no obligation   to   repay   any   of   the   Administrative   Expenses   that   have   been   disbursed   or incurred   in   accordance   with ¶  IV(E)(5).   Any   amounts   remaining   in   the   Settlement   Fund

after   payment   of   all   Administrative   Expenses   disbursed   or   incurred   in   accordance   with  






  ¶   IV(E)(5),   including   all   interest   earned   on   the   Settlement   Fund   net   of   any   tax   liability, shall   be   returned   to   Defendants   and/or   their   Insurers,   and   no   other   Person   shall   have   any further   claim   whatsoever   to   such   amounts.

7.   This   is   not   a   claims-made   settlement.   As   of   the   Effective   Date, Defendants,   the   Insurers,   and/or   any   other   Person(s)   funding   the   Settlement   on Defendants'   behalf,   shall   not   have   any   right   to   the   return   of   the   Settlement   Fund   or   any portion   thereof   for   any   reason.   As   of   the   Effective   Date,   all   rights   of   Defendants and   the Insurers   in   or   to   the   Settlement   Fund   shall   be   extinguished.

8.   The   Settlement   Fund   shall   be   applied,   subject   to   the   approval   of   the   Court,   as   follows:

(a)   To   pay   to   Class   Counsel   such   attorneys'   fees   and   litigation   expenses as   the   Court   may   award   on   the   Fee   and   Expense   Petition;

(b)   To   pay   such   amounts   to   Lead   Plaintiffs   as   the   Court   may   award   on the   Fee   and   Expense   Petition;

(c)   To   pay   Administrative   Expenses   in   accordance   wit h     IV(E)(5);   and

(d)   To   pay,   after   the   Effective   Date,   the   claims   of   all   Authorized Claimants   as   allowed   by   the   Plan   of   Distribution   approved   by   the Court.

9.   The   Settlement   Fund   is   intended   to   be   a   Qualified   Settlement   Fund

within   the   meaning   of   Treasury   Regulation   § 1.468B-l.   For   the   purposes   of § 1.468B,   and the   regulations   promulgated   thereunder,   the   "administrator"   shall   be   the   Escrow   Agents. Defendants,   Defendants'   Counsel,   and   the   Insurers   shall   have   no   liability   or


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responsibility   for   the   payment   of   any   Administrative   Expenses.   The   Escrow   Agents   shall be   responsible   for   filing   tax   returns   for   the   Settlement   Fund   and   paying   from   the Settlement   Fund   any   Taxes   owed   with   respect   to   the   Settlement   Fund.   The   Escrow Agent s shall   indemnify   and   hold   harm less   Defendants,   Defendants' Counsel,   and   the Insurers   for   any   liability   for   Administrative   Expenses.   To   the   extent   necessary, Defendants   shall   provide   timely   to   the   Escrow   Agents   the   statement   described   in

Treasury   Regulations   § 1.468B-3(e).   All   costs   incurred   in   connection   with   the   taxation   of the   Settlement   Fund,   including   Taxes,   are   considered   "Administrative   Expenses"   and

shall   be   paid   out   of   the   Settlement   Fund   by   the   Escrow   Agents.

10.   The   Escrow   Agents   are   authorized   to   execute   such   transactions   as are   provided   for   in   this   Stipulation.   The   Escrow   Agents   shall   not   be   responsible   for   the payment   of   any   amounts   due   except   to   the   extent   of   maintaining   account   of   and appropriately   paying   amounts   as   required   by   this   Stipulation,   but   only   to   the   extent   such amounts   are   delivered   into   the   Escrow   Account.   The   Escrow   Agents   shall   not   be responsible   for   the   performance   of   any   obligations   made   herein   by   any   Party   to   this Stipulation.

F.   Administration   And   Calculation   Of   Claims,   Final   Awards,   And   Supervision   And   Distribution   Of   The   Settlement   Fund

1.   The   Claims   Administrator,   subject   to   supervision   and   direction   of

Class   Counsel   and   the   Court,   shall   provide   notice   of   the   Action   and   settlement   to   the

Class   as   set   forth   in   the   Preliminary   Approval   Order,   shall   administer   and   calculate   the

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Claim   Forms   submitted   by   Class   Members,   and   shall   oversee   distribution   of   the   Net

Settlement   Fund   to   Authorized   Claimants.

2.   Tile   Shop   shall   make   good   faith   efforts   to   provide   within   ten   ( 1 0) business   days   following   the   execution   of   this   Stipulation,   and   without   an y   charge   to   Lead Plaintiffs   or   the   Class,   the   transfer   records/shareholder lists   of   Tile   Shop   for   the   relevant time   period.

3.   Concurrently   with   submission   of   this   Stipulation   to   the   Court,   Class Counsel   are   submitting   a   proposed   Plan   of   Distribution   of   the   Net   Settlement   Fund, whic h   is   set   forth   in   the   Notice.   At   the   Settlement   Hearing,   Class   Counsel   will   ask   the Court   to   approve   the   Plan   of   Distribution.  It is   agreed   by   the   undersigned   Parties   that Court   approval   of   the   proposed   Plan   of   Distribution   is   not   a   condition   of   this   Stipulation,

and   the   proposed   Plan   of   Distribution   is   to   be   considered   by   the   Court   separately   from   the Court's   consideration   of   the   fairness,   reasonableness   and   adequacy   of   the   settlement   set forth   in   this   Stipulation.   Any   order   or   proceedings   relating   to   the   proposed   Plan   of Distribution   shall   not   operate   to   terminate   or   cancel   this   Stipulation   or   to   affect   its

finality.   Lead   Plaintiffs,   Class   Members,   and   Defendants   shall   be   bound   by   the   terms   of this   Stipulation,   irrespective   of   whether   the   Court   disapproves   or   modifies   the   Plan   of Distribution.

4.   Upon   the   Effective   Date   and   thereafter,   and   in   accordance   with   the terms   of   the   Stipulation,   the   Plan   of   Distribution,   or   such   further   approval   and   further order(s)   of   the   Court   as   may   be   necessary   or   as   circumstances   may   require,   the   Net






Settlement   Fund   shall   be   distributed   to   Authorized   Claimants,   subject   to   and   in accordance   with   the   following   provisions.

a. Each   Person   claiming   to   be   an   Authorized   Claimant   shall   be required   to   submit   to   the   Claims   Administrator   a   completed   Claim   Form,   substantially   in the   form   of   Exhibit   A-3   attached   hereto,   postmarked   or   submitted   electronically   by   a   date set   by   the   Court   that   is   no   later   than   ninety   (90)   calendar   days   after   the   mailing   of   the Notice   (the   "Bar   Date"),   signed   under   penalty   of   perjury   and   supported   by   such document s   as   are   specified   in   the   Claim   Form   and   as   are   reasonably   available   to   such Person.

b.         Except   as   otherwise   ordered   by   the   Court,   all   Class   Members who   fail   to   submit   a   Claim   Form   by   the   Bar   Date,   or   such   other   period   as   may   be   ordered by   the   Court,   or   who   submit   a   Claim   Form   that   is   rejected   as   deficient   and   not   cured,

shall   be   forever   barred   from   receiving   any   payments   pursuant   to   the   Stipulation   and   the settlement   set   forth   herein,   but   will   in   all   other   respects   be   subject   to   and   bound   by   the provisions   of   the   Stipulation,   the   releases   contained   herein,   and   the   Final   Judgment Order.   Upon   the   entry   of   the   Final   Judgment   Order,   Lead   Plaintiffs,   all   Class   Members, and   anyone   claiming   through   or   on   behalf   of   any   of   them,   will   be   forever   barred   and

enjoined   from   commencing,   instituting,   asserting,   prosecuting,   or   continuing   to   prosecute any   action   or   proceeding   in   any   court   of   law   or   equity,   arbitration   tribunal,   administrative forum,   or   other   forum   of   any   kind,   that   tries   to   assert   the   Released   Plaintiffs'   Claims against   any   of   the   Defendants'   Released   Parties.   Notwithstanding   the   foregoing,   Class

Counsel   shall   have   the   discretion,   but   not   the   obligation,   to   accept   for   processing   late-






submitted   claims   so   long   as   the   distribution   (or   redistribution)   of   the   Net   Settlement   Fund to   Authorized   Claimants   is   not   materially   delayed   as   a   result.   No   Person   shall   have   any claim   against   Class   Counsel,   Lead   Plaintiffs,   the   Claims   Administrator,   or   Defendants' Released   Parties   by   reason   of   the   decision   to   exercise   such   discretion   whether   to   accept late   claims.

c.   The   Claims   Administrator   shall   calculate   the   claims   of Authorized   Claimants   in   accordance   with   the   Plan   of   Distribution.   Following   the Effective Date,   the   Claims   Administrator   shall   send   to   each   Authorized   Claimant   his,   her, or   its   share   of   the   Net   Settlement   Fund   in   accordance   with   the   Plan   of   Distribution.   No distributions   will   be   made   to   Authorized   Claimants   whose   distribution   would   be   less   than


d.   If   there   is   any   balance   remaining   in   the   Net   Settlement   Fund after   a   reasonable   period   of   time   after   the   initial   date   of   distribution   of   the   Net   Settlement Fund,   then   after   the   Claims   Administrator   has   made   reasonable   efforts   to   have

Authorized   Claimants   cash   their   distributions,   the   Claims   Administrator   shall,   if   feasible, distribute   such   balance   among   Authorized   Claimants   in   an   equitable   and   economical fashion.   These   redistributions   shall   be   repeated   until   the   balance   remaining   in   the   Net Settlement   Fund   is   a   de   minimis   amount   that   can   no   longer   be   distributed   to   Authorized Claimants   in   an   equitable   and   economical   fashion.   Such   remaining   balance   shall   then   be donated   to   the   following   non-profit   organization:   Mid-Minnesota   Legal   Aid.

e.   Defendants   and   Defendants' Released   Parties   shall   have   no

responsibility   for,   interest   in,   or   liability   whatsoever   with   respect   to   the   distribution   of   the


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Net   Settlement   Fund,   the   Plan   of   Distribution,   the   determination,   administration,   or calculation   of   claims,   the   payment   or   withholding   of   Taxes,   the   Escrow   Account,   the Escrow   Agents,   Administrative   Expenses,   or   any   losses   incurred   in   connection   with   the foregoing.   No   Person,   including   Lead   Plaintiffs,   Class   Members,   and   Plaintiffs' Counsel, shall   have   any   claim   of   any   kind   against   Defendants   or   Defendants' Released   Parties   with respect   to   the   matters   set   forth   in   this   paragraph.

f.   No   Person   shall   have   any   claim   against   Lead   Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs' Counsel,   or   the   Claims   Administrator   based   on   distributions   made

substantially   in   accordance   with   the   Stipulation   and   the   Plan   of   Distribution,   or   otherwise as   further   ordered   by   the   Court.

G.   The   Fee   And   Expense   Petition

1.   No   later   than   fourteen   (14)   calendar   days   prior   to   the   deadline   for submitting   objections/requesting   exclusion   from   the   Class   set   forth   in   the   Notice,   Class Counsel   will   file   the   Fee   and   Expense   Petition   for   (a)   an   award   of   attorneys'   fees,   (b)   the reasonable   expenses   incurred   by   Plaintiffs'   Counsel   in   connection   with   prosecuting   the Action,   and   (c)   any   interest   on   such   fees   and   expenses   at   the   same   rate   and   for   the   same time   periods   as   earned   by   the   Settlement   Fund   (until   paid).   The   Fee   and   Expense   Petition may   also   include   a   request   for   reimbursement   pursuant   to   15   U.S.C.   §78u-4(a)(4)   for

Lead   Plaintiffs' expenses   and   time   related   to   their   representation   of   the   Class.   Any amounts   awarded   on   the   Fee   and   Expense   Petition   shall   be   paid   only   from   the   Settlement Fund   and   shall   not   otherwise   be   paid   by   Defendants   or   the   Insurers.   Class   Counsel   may allocate   the   amounts   awarded   on   the   Fee   and   Expense   Petition   among   Plaintiffs' Counsel


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in   a   manner   in   which   they   in   good   faith   believe   reflects   the   contributions   of   such   counsel to   the   institution,   prosecution,   and   resolution   of   the   Action.

2.   It is   agreed   that   the   allowance   or   disallowance   by   the   Court   of   the Fee   and   Expense   Petition   is   not   a   te rm   or   condition   of   the   settlement   set   forth   in   this Stipulation,   and   any   order   or   proceeding   relating   thereto,   or   any   appeal   from   any   such order,   shall   not   operate   to   terminate   or   cancel   this   Stipulation.

3.   The   amount   awarded   by   the   Court   on   the   Fee   and   Expense   Petition shall   be   paid   to   Class   Counsel   from   the   Settlement   Fund   within   five   (5)   business   days upon   entry   of   an   order   awarding   such   attorneys'   fees   and   expenses,   notwithstanding timely   objections   to,   potential   for   appeal   from,   or   collateral   attack   on,   the   settlement   or the   award   of   fees   and   expenses.   In   the   event   that   the   Final   Judgment   Order   or   the   order awarding   such   fees   and   expenses   is   reversed   or   modified   by   final   non-appealable   order, or   if   the   settlement   is   cancelled   or   terminated   by   a   final   non-appealable   order   for   any reason,   then   Class   Counsel   shall,   in   an   amount   consistent   with   such   reversal   or modification,   refund   such   fees   or   expenses   to   the   Settlement   Fund,   plus   interest   earned thereon   at   the   same   rate   as   earned   on   the   Settlement   Fund,   within   ten   ( 1 0)   business   days from   receiving   notice   from   Defendants'   Counsel   or   from   a   court   of   competent jurisdiction.

H.   Conditions   Of   Settlement;   Effect   Of   Disapproval,   Cancellation   And


1.   The   Effective   Date   of   this   Stipulation   shall   be   conditioned   on   the occurrence   of   all   of   the   following   events:


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(a)   The   Settlement   Amount   has   been   deposited   into   the   Escrow   Account in   conformity   with ¶  I V (E) ( 1)   hereof;

(b)   The   Court   has   entered   an   order   preliminarily   approving   the settlement   and   directing   notice   of   the   Action   and   settlement   to   the Class,   in   substance   materially   the   sam e as ¶  IV( B )( l )   and   Exhibit   A;

(c)   Defendants   have   not   exercised   their   option   to   terminate   the settlement   pursuant   to   the   provisions   of   this   Stipulation;

(d)   Lead   Plaintiffs   have   not   exercised   their   option   to   terminate   the settlement   pursuant   to   the   provisions   of   this   Stipulation;

(e)   The   Court   has   entered   the   Final   Judgment   Order   as   provided   in

¶  IV(D)   and   Exhibit   B   hereto;   and

(f)   The   Final   Judgment   Order   has   become   Final.

2.   If   all   of   the   conditions   specified   abov e ¶  IV(H)( l )   are   not   met,   the n   this   Stipulation   shall   be   canceled   and   terminated   subjec t ¶  IV(H)(5)   hereof   unless   Lea d   Plaintiffs   and   Defendants   mutually   agree   in   writing   to   proceed   with   this   Stipulation.

3.   Defendants,   collectively,   shall   have   the   right   to   terminate   and   cancel this   Stipulation   in   the   event   that   members   of   the   Class   who   request   exclusion   from   the Class   collectively   have   purchased   or   acquired   more   than   a   certain   number   of   shares   of Tile   Shop   common   stock   during   the   Class   Period   (the "Opt-Out   Threshold"),   as   set   forth in   a   separate   agreement   (the   "Supplemental Agreement")   executed   between   Lead Plaintiffs   and   Defendants,   which   is   incorporated   by   reference   into   this   Stipulation.   The

Supplemental   Agreement   will   not   be   filed   with   the   Court   unless   and   until   a   dispute


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among   the   Parties   concerning   its   interpretation   or   application   arises.   If   required   by   the Court,   the   Supplemental   Agreement   and/or   any   of   its   terms   may   be   disclosed   in   camera to   the   Court   for   purposes   of   approval   of   the   settlement,   but   such   disclosure   shall   be carried   out   to   the   fullest   extent   possible   in   accordance   with   the   practices   of   the   Court   so as   to   preserve   the   confidentiality   of   the   Supplemental   Agreement.   Copies   of   all   requests for   exclusion   shall   be   simultaneously   sent   to   Class   Counsel   and   Defendants'   Counsel within   a   reasonable   time   of   receipt   by   the   Claims   Administrator.

4.   Lead   Plaintiffs   shall   have   the   right,   but   not   the   obligation,   to terminate   the   settlement   ten   (10)   calendar   days   after   the   failure   of   Defendants   to   deposit or   cause   to   be   deposited   the   Settlement   Amount   into   the   Escrow   Account   in   accordance with ¶    IV(E)(l)   hereof.

5.   In   the   event   that   this   Stipulation   is   voided,   terminated   or   cancelled,

or   fails   to   become   effective   for   any   reason   whatsoever,   then   within   seven   (7)   business days   after   written   notice   is   sent   by   any   Party   to   the   Escrow   Agents   and   all   other   Parties, the   Escrow   Agents   shall   cause   the   Settlement   Amount   and   all   interest   earned   thereon   to be   refunded   to   Tile   Shop   and   Insurer(s)   who   paid   into   the   Escrow   Fund,   less   any Administrative   Expenses   disbursed,   billed,   or   incurred   in   accordance   with   the   terms   of this   Stipulation,   in   the   same   proportions   that   they   contributed   to   the   Settlement   Amount. In   such   event,   the   Parties   shall   be   deemed   to   have   reverted   to   their   respective   statuses   as of   the   date   and   time   immediately   prior   to   the   execution   of   this   Stipulation,   and   they   shall proceed   in   all   respects   as   if   this   Stipulation,   its   exhibits,   and   any   related   agreements   or






orders,   had   never   been   executed.    In   such   event,   the   Parties   jointly   will   seek   vacation   of any   order   entered   or   actions   taken   in   connection   with   this   Stipulation.

I.   No   Admissions

1.   Except   as   otherwise   expressly   provided   herein,   this   Stipulation, whether   or   not   consummated,   and   any   proceedings   taken   pursuant   to   it:

a.   shall   not   be   offered   or   received   against   Defendants   for   any purpose,   including   without   limitation   as   evidence   of,   or   construed   as   or   deemed   to   be evidence   of,   any   presumption,   concession   or   admission   by   any   of   Defendants   with respect   to   the   truth   of   any   fact   alleged   by Lead   Plaintiffs   or   the   validity   of   any   claim   that had   been   or   could   have   been   asserted   against   Defendants   in   the   Action   or   in   any proceeding,   or   of   any   liability,   negligence,   fault   or   wrongdoing   of   Defendants;

b.   shall   not   be   offered   or   received   against   Defendants   for   any purpose,   including   without   limitation   as   evidence   of   a   presumption,   concession   or admission   of   any   fault,   misrepresentation   or   omission   with   respect   to   any   statement   or written   document   approved   or   made   by   any   Defendant;

c.   shall   not   be   offered   or   received   against   Defendants   or   against Lead   Plaintiffs   or   any   other   Class   Members   for   any   purpose,   including   without   limitation as   evidence   of   a   presumption,   concession   or   admission   with   respect   to   any   liability, negligence,   fault   or   wrongdoing,   or   in   any   way   referred   to   for   any   other   reason   as   against any   of   the   Parties   to   this   Stipulation,   in   any   other   civil,   criminal   or   administrative   action or   proceeding,   other   than   such   proceedings   as   may   be   necessary   to   effectuate   the provisions   of   this   Stipulation;   provided,   however,   that   if   this   Stipulation   is   approved   by






the   Court,   Defendants   may   refer   to   them   to   effectuate   the   liability   protection   granted them   hereunder;

d.   shall   not   be   construed   against   Defendants,   Lead   Plaintiffs   or any   other   Class   Members   for   any   purpose,   including   without   limitation   as   an   admission or   concession   that   the   consideration   to   be   given   hereunder   represents   the   amount   that could   be   or   would   have   been   recovered   after   trial;   and/or

e.   shall   not   be   construed   as   or   received   in   evidence   as   an admission,   concession   or   presumption   against   Lead   Plaintiffs   or   other   Class   Members   or any   of   them   as   evidence   of   any   infirmity   in   their   claims   or   that   any   of   their   claims   are without   merit   or   that   damages   recoverable   under   the   Consolidated   Complaint   would   not have   exceeded   the   Settlement   Amount.

J.   Miscellaneous   Provisions

1.   All   of   the   exhibits   attached   hereto   are   hereby   incorporated   by   this reference   as   though   fully   set   forth   herein.

2. If   a   case   is   commenced   in   respect   to   any   Defendant   under   Title   11   of the   United   States   Code   (Bankruptcy),   or   a   trustee,   receiver,   or   conservator   is   appointed under   any   similar   law,   and   in   the   event   of   the   entry   of   a   final   order   of   a   court   of

competent   jurisdiction   determining   the   transfer   of   the   Settlement   Amount,   or   any   portion thereof,   by   or   on   behalf   of   such   Defendant   to   be   a   preference,   voidable   transfer, fraudulent   transfer,   or   similar   transaction,   then,   at   Lead   Plaintiffs'   option,   and   only   as   to such   Defendant,   the   releases   given   and   Final   Judgment   Order   entered   in   favor   of   such

Defendant   pursuant   to   this   Stipulation   shall   be   null   and   void.


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3.   This   Stipulation   may   be   amended   or   modified   only   by   a   written instrument   signed   by   all   of   the   Parties   to   this   Stipulation   or   their   successors-in-interest, except   to   the   extent   that   any   modification   would   be   inconsistent   with   any   order   by   the Court.

4.   The   waiver   by   one   Party   of   any   breach   of   this   Stipulation   by   any other   Party   shall   not   be   deemed   a   waiver,   by   that   Party   or   by   any   other   Party   to   this Stipulation,   of   any   other   prior   or   subsequent   breach   of   this   Stipulation.

5.   This   Stipulation   and   its   exhibits   and   the   Supplemental   Agreement constitute   the   entire   agreement   among   the   Parties   hereto,   and   no   representations, warranties   or   inducements   have   been   made   to   any   Party   concerning   this   Stipulation   and it s   exhibits   or   the   Supplemental   Agreement   other   than   the   representations,   warranties   and covenants   contained   and   memorialized   in   such   documents.

6.   Class   Counsel,   on   behalf   of   the   Class,   are   authorized   to   take   all appropriate   action   required   or   permitted   to   be   taken   by   the   Class   pursuant   to   this Stipulation   to   effectuate   its   terms.   Class   Counsel   also   are   authorized   to   enter   into   any modifications   or   amendments   to   this   Stipulation   on   behalf   of   the   Class   which   such counsel   deem   appropriate.

7.   This   Stipulation   will   be   executed   on   behalf   of   the   Parties   hereto   by their   respective   counsel   of   record.   All   counsel   executing   this   Stipulation   represent   and warrant   that   they   are   authorized   and   empowered   to   execute   this   Stipulation   on   behalf   of

their   stated   client(s),   and   that   the   signature   of   such   counsel   is   intended   to   and   does   legally

bind   stated   client ( s)   of   such   counsel.


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8.   This   Stipulation   may   be   executed   in   one   or   more   counterparts.   All executed   counterparts   and   each   of   them   shall   be   deemed   to   be   one   and   the   same instrument.   Counsel   for   the   Parties   hereto   shall   exchange   among   themselves   signed counterparts.   Signatures   may   be   originals,   or   facsimile   or   pdf.   copies.

9.   This   Stipulation   shall   be   binding   upon,   and   inure   to   the   benefit   of, the   successors   and   assigns   of   the   Parties   to   this   Stipulation.

10.   All   terms   of   this   Stipulation   and   the   exhibits   hereto   shall   be

governed   by   and   interpreted   according   to   the   laws   of   the   State   of   Minnesota,   except   to   the extent   that   federal   law   applies.

11.   The   Parties   to   this   Stipulation   and   their   counsel   agree   to   use   their

best   efforts,   and   to   take   all   reasonable   steps   necessary,   to   obtain   the   entry   of   the   Final

Judgment   Order   and   to   effectuate   the   settlement   set   forth   in   this   Stipulation.

12.   The   Parties   and   their   counsel   agree   that   they   will   refrain   from disparaging   the   Settlement   or   each   other   with   respect   to   the   Action   in   any   press   releases or   statements   to   the   media,   or   in   any   other   communication.

IN   WITNESS   WHEREOF,   the   Parties   hereto   have   caused   this   Stipulation

to   be   executed,   by   their   duly   authorized   attorneys,   as   of   the   date   stated   above.

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Dated:   January   13,   2017  



Kimberly   A.   Justice Michelle   M.   Newcomer Nathan   A.   Hasuik

280   King   of   Prussia   Road

Radnor,   PA   19087

Telephone:   (610)   667-7706

Facsimile:   (610)   667-7056 and

Stacey   M.   Kaplan

Paul   A.   Breucop

One   Sansome   Street,   Suite   1850

San   Francisco,   CA   94104

Telephone:   415-400-3000

Facsimile:   415-400-3001



Joseph   Russello

William   J.   Geddish

58   South   Service   Road,   Suite   200

Melville,   NY   11747

Telephone:   (631)   367-7100

Facsimile:   (631)   367-1173 and

Jeffrey   D.   Light

655   West   Broadway

Suite   1900

San   Diego,   CA   92101

Telephone:   (619)   231-1058

Facsimile:   (619)   231-7423

 j light@rgrdla w .com

Counsel   for   Lead   Plaintiffs   and   the   Class








We ndy J. Wildung (#117055)

Justin P. Krypel    ( #389385 )   Staci   L.   Perdue    (#395216)

2200   Wells   Fargo   Center

90   South   Seventh   Street

Minneapolis,   MN   55402-3901

Telephone:   (612)   766-7000

Facsimile:   (612)   766-1600

Counsel for Defendants   Tile   Shop    Holdings, Inc.,   Robert   A.   Rucker,   The   Tile Shop,   Inc. and   Timothy C.   Clayton


David P. Pearson

Matthew   C.   Robinson

225   South   Sixth   Street,   Suite   3500

Minneapolis,   MN   55402

Telephone:   (612)   604-6400

Facsimile:   (612)604-6912

Counsel   for   Defendants   Peter   J.   Jacullo   III, JWTS,   Inc.,   Peter   H.   Kamin,   Todd   Krasnow, Adam   L.   Suttin   and   William   E.   Watts



Scott A. Edelman

Jed   M.   Schwartz

28   Liberty   Street

New   York,   NY   10005

Telephone:   (212)   530-5000

Facsimile:   (212)  822-5149

Counsel   for   Robert   W.   Ba ird   &   Co. Incorporated,   Citigroup   Global   Markets   Inc.,


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CJSSecurities,   Inc.,   Houlihan   Lokey   Capital,

Inc.,   Piper   Jaffra y & Co.,   Sidoti   &   Company, LLC,   Telsey   Advisory   Group   LLC,   and

Wedbush   Securities,   Inc.

