Washington, D.C. 20549
PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16
For the month of November, 2018
Commission File Number: 001 - 36130
voxeljet AG
(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
Paul-Lenz-Straße 1a
86316 Friedberg
(Address of principal executive offices)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
Form 20-F ☒ Form 40-F ☐
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): ☐
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): ☐
Other Events
On November 27, 2018, voxeljet AG (the “Company”) issued a press release announcing its financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2018.
The English translation of the amended articles of association of the Company as of November 1, 2018 reflecting the authorized capital increase approved by the Company’s supervisory board is attached hereto as Exhibit 3.1.
The information contained in this Form 6-K in Exhibits 3.1 and 99.1 is incorporated by reference into any offering circular or registration statement (or into any prospectus that forms a part thereof) filed by voxeljet AG with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
voxeljet AG |
By: |
/s/ Rudolf Franz |
Name: |
Rudolf Franz |
Title: |
Chief Financial Officer |
Date: November 27, 2018
Exhibit 3.1
Die Bekanntmachungen der Gesellschaft erfolgen im Bundesanzeiger. |
Announcements of the company shall be published in the German Federal Gazzette (Bundesanzeiger) . |
§ 4 Höhe und Einteilung des Grundkapitals |
§ 4 Amount and Division of registered Share Capital |
(1) |
Das Grundkapital der Gesellschaft beträgt EUR 4.836.000,00 (in Worten: vier Millionen achthundertsechsunddreißigtausend Euro). |
(1) |
The company’s share capital amounts to EUR 4,836,000.00 (in words: four million eight hundred thirty-six thousand Euro).
(2) |
Es ist eingeteilt in 4.836.000 (in Worten: vier Millionen achthundertsechsunddreißigtausend) auf den Namen lautende nennwertlose Stückaktien. |
(2) |
It is divided into 4,836,000 (in words: four million eight hundred thirty-six thousand) no par value registered shares. |
§ 5 Genehmigtes Kapital |
§ 5 Authorised Share Capital |
(1) |
Der Vorstand ist ermächtigt, mit Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats das Grundkapital der Gesellschaft bis zum 29. Mai 2023 einmalig oder mehrmals um bis zu EUR 744.000,00 (in Worten: siebenhundertvierundvierzigtausend Euro) durch Ausgabe von bis zu 744.000 (in Worten: siebenhundertvierundvierzigtausend) neuen auf den Namen lautenden Stammaktien (Stückaktien) gegen Bareinlagen und/oder Sacheinlagen zu erhöhen (Genehmigtes Kapital 2018). Die Ermächtigung kann in Teilbeträgen ausgenutzt werden.
(1) |
In the period ending on May 29, 2023 the management board is authorized, subject to the consent of the supervisory board, to increase the company’s registered share capital in one or more tranches by up to EUR 744,000.00 (in words: seven hundred forty-four thousand Euro) in aggregate by issuing up to 744,000 (in words: seven hundred forty-four thousand) new no par value registered shares against cash contribution or contributions in kind (Authorised Capital). This authorization may be implemented in tranches. |
(2) |
Den Aktionären ist grundsätzlich ein Bezugsrecht einzuräumen. Das gesetzliche Bezugsrecht kann auch in der Weise gewährt werden, indem die neuen Aktien von einem Kreditinstitut oder einem nach § 53 Abs. 1 Satz 1 oder nach § 53b Abs. 1 Satz 1 oder Abs. 7 des Gesetztes über das Kreditwesen tätigen Unternehmen mit der Verpflichtung übernommen werden, sie den Aktionären mittelbar im Sinne von § 186 Abs. 5 AktG zum Bezug anzubieten. |
(2) |
In principle, shareholders are to be granted a subscription right for new shares. The statutory subscription right may also be offered in such a way that the new shares are taken over by a bank or by a financial institution acting pursuant to Section 53 para. 1 sentence 1 or Section 53b para. 1 sentence 1 or para. 7 of the German Banking Code (Gesetz über das Kreditwesen) with the obligation to offer them indirectly to the shareholders for subscription within the meaning of Section 186 para. 5 of the German Stock Corporation Code (Aktiengesetz; AktG) . |
Der Vorstand ist jedoch ermächtigt, mit Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats das Bezugsrecht der Aktionäre bei Kapitalerhöhungen gegen Bareinlagen auszuschließen, wenn dies zum Zwecke der Ausgabe von Aktien erfolgt, die mittels American Depositary Receipts („ADRs" oder „ADSs“) am US-Kapitalmarkt bzw. bei institutionellen Investoren aus jeglichen Jurisdiktionen platziert werden sollen, und in diesem Zusammenhang auch zur Deckung einer den Emissionsbanken eingeräumten Mehrzuteilungsoption, soweit die nach der vorstehenden Ermächtigung zum Bezugsrechtsausschluss ausgegebenen Aktien insgesamt 30% des Grundkapitals nicht überschreiten und der Ausgabepreis der neuen Aktien den Börsenpreis der bereits an der Börse gehandelten Aktien gleicher Gattung und Ausstattung im Zeitpunkt der endgültigen Festlegung des Ausgabebetrags nicht wesentlich im Sinne der §§ 203 Abs. 1 und 2, 186 Abs. 3 Satz 4 AktG unterschreitet. Als Börsenpreis gilt auch der Preis einer an der New Yorker Börse (New York Stock Exchange, NYSE) notierten ADS, multipliziert mit der Anzahl der ADSs, die eine Aktie repräsentieren.
However, with the Supervisory Board’s approval the Executive Board shall be authorized to exclude the shareholders’ subscription rights in the case of capital increases against contributions in cash, if this is done for the purpose of issuing shares that are to be placed on the US capital market or with institutional investors from any jurisdiction by means of American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”) or American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”), and in this same context also to cover an over-allotment option granted to the issuing banks, provided the shares which are issued in accordance with the above authorization and in respect of which the exclusion of subscription rights applies do not in total exceed 30% of the nominal capital, and insofar as the issue price of the new shares is not substantially lower than the trading price of the shares of the same class and carrying the same rights already listed at the time when the Executive Board finally determines the issue price, in compliance with Stock Corporation Act § 203(1) and (2) and Stock Corporation Act § 186(3) sentence 4. The trading price shall also be understood to mean the price of an ADR listed at New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) multiplied by the number of ADRs representing one share.
Der Vorstand ist darüber hinaus ermächtigt, das gesetzliche Bezugsrecht der Aktionäre mit Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats für eine oder mehrere Kapitalerhöhungen im Rahmen des Genehmigten Kapitals auszuschließen, (i) um Spitzenbeiträge, die sich aufgrund des Bezugsverhältnisses ergeben, vom Bezugsrecht der Aktionäre auszunehmen, (ii) bei Sachkapitalerhöhungen, insbesondere – aber ohne Beschränkung hierauf – zum Erwerb von Unternehmen, Unternehmensteilen oder Beteiligung von Unternehmen, oder |
Furthermore, the management board is authorised, subject the consent of the supervisory board, to exclude the statutory subscription right in relation to one or more increases of the share capital within the scope of the Authorised Capital, (i) to exclude fractional amounts resulting from the subscription ratio from the statutory subscription right of the shareholders; (ii) in the case of increases of the share capital against contributions in kind in particular – but without limitation – to acquire companies, divisions of companies or interests in companies; or |
§ 8 Zusammensetzung und Geschäftsordnung |
§ 8 Composition and Rules of Procedure |
(1) |
Der Vorstand besteht aus einem oder mehreren Mitgliedern. Der Aufsichtsrat bestimmt die konkrete Zahl der Mitglieder des Vorstands. Er kann einen Vorsitzenden des Vorstands sowie einen stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden oder einen Vorstandssprecher sowie einen stellvertretenden Vorstandssprecher ernennen.
(1) |
The management board consists of one or more persons. The supervisory board shall determine the specific number of members of the management board. lt may appoint a chairman and a deputy chairman of the management board or a spokesman and a deputy spokesman of the management board.
(2) |
Die Beschlüsse des Vorstands werden, soweit die Satzung oder die Geschäftsordnung des Vorstands nicht etwas anderes vorsehen, mit einfacher Stimmenmehrheit gefasst. Bei Stimmengleichheit entscheidet die Stimme des Vorsitzenden des Vorstands. Falls kein Vorsitzender ernannt ist oder der Vorsitzende sich nicht an der Abstimmung beteiligt, gilt bei Stimmengleichheit ein Antrag als abgelehnt.
(2) |
Unless otherwise provided for by the articles of association or the rules of procedure of the management board, the management board shall pass resolutions by a simple majority of votes cast. In the event of a tie of votes, the chairman of the management board shall have a casting vote. lf no chairman is appointed or the chairman does not participate in the vote, a proposal for a resolution is deemed to be rejected in case of a tie of votes.
(3) |
Der Aufsichtsrat erlässt für den Vorstand eine Geschäftsordnung und legt hierin insbesondere auch Geschäfte fest, zu deren Vornahme die Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats erforderlich ist. |
(3) |
The supervisory board shall pass rules of procedure for the management board and shall, in particular, set forth the transactions which require the consent of the supervisory board. |
§ 9 Vertretung der Gesellschaft |
§ 9 Representation of the Company |
(1) |
Die Gesellschaft wird gemeinsam durch zwei Vorstandsmitglieder oder durch ein Vorstandsmitglied zusammen mit einem Prokuristen vertreten. Hat die Gesellschaft nur einen Vorstand, so ist dieser alleinvertretungsberechtigt. § 112 AktG bleibt unberührt.
(1) |
The company is jointly represented by two members of the management board or by one member of the management board together with an authorised signatory (Prokurist). In case the management board consists of only one person, this person represents the company alone. Section 112 AktG shall remain unaffected.
(2) |
Der Aufsichtsrat kann bestimmen, dass einzelne oder alle Vorstandsmitglieder einzelvertretungsbefugt sind. Der Aufsichtsrat kann einzelne oder alle Vorstandsmitglieder und zur gesetzlichen Vertretung gemeinsam mit einem Vorstandsmitglied berechtigte Prokuristen generell oder für den Einzelfall Befreiung von der Beschränkung des § 181 Alt. 2 BGB erteilen. |
(2) |
The supervisory board may determine that certain or all members of the management board have sole power of attorney. The supervisory board may generally or in individual cases exempt certain or all members of the management board as well as authorized signatories who are authorised in conjunction with one member of the management board, from the restriction of Section 181, 2 nd Case of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch; BGB). |
§ 10 Zusammensetzung, Amtsdauer und Amtsniederlegung |
§ 10 Composition, Term of Office, Resignation from Office |
(1) |
Der Aufsichtsrat besteht aus drei Mitgliedern.
(1) |
The supervisory board consists of three members. |
(2) |
Die Wahl der Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrats erfolgt für die Zeit bis zur Beendigung der Hauptversammlung, die über die Entlastung für das vierte Geschäftsjahr nach dem Beginn der Amtszeit beschließt. Hierbei wird das Geschäftsjahr, in welchem die Amtszeit beginnt, nicht mitgerechnet. Die Hauptversammlung kann eine kürzere Amtszeit bestimmen. Eine Wiederwahl ist möglich.
(2) |
The election of the supervisory board members is made for the period until the end of the general shareholders’ meeting, which decides on the approval of the management’s business actions for the fourth financial year after the commencement of the term of office. The financial year in which the term of office commences is not included in this calculation. A shorter term of office can be specified in the general shareholders’ meeting. Members may be re-elected. |
(3) |
Die Hauptversammlung kann für die von ihr zu wählenden Aufsichtsratsmitglieder Ersatzmitglieder bestellen, die nach näherer Bestimmung durch die Hauptversammlung Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrats werden, wenn Aufsichtsratsmitglieder vorzeitig aus dem Aufsichtsrat ausscheiden. Das Aufsichtsratsamt des Ersatzmitglieds erlischt in diesem Fall mit Beendigung der nächsten Hauptversammlung, die nach seinem Amtsantritt stattfindet, sofern auf dieser Hauptversammlung eine Ersatzwahl vorgenommen wird. Wird auf der Hauptversammlung keine Ersatzwahl vorgenommen, so verlängert sich die Amtszeit des Ersatzmitglieds bis zum Ende der Amtszeit des vorzeitig ausgeschiedenen Aufsichtsratsmitglieds. Ersatzwahlen erfolgen für den Rest der Amtszeit des ausgeschiedenen Mitglieds.
(3) |
The general shareholders’ meeting may appoint replacement members for the supervisory board members to be elected, who become members of the supervisory board pursuant to further provisions made by the general shareholders’ meeting, if members of the supervisory board leave office prematurely. lf a replacement member replaces a member who has left, then his term of office shall expire at the end of the next general shareholders’ meeting taking place after his appointment to office if a replacement election takes place during this general shareholders’ meeting. lf no replacement member is appointed during the general shareholders’ meeting, the office of the replacement member shall extend until the end of the full term of office of the supervisory board member who left office prematurely. The election of replacement members shall take place for the remainder of the term of office of the member who has left. |
(4) |
Jedes Aufsichtsratsmitglied oder Ersatzmitglied kann sein Amt auch ohne wichtigen Grund durch Erklärung in Textform gegenüber der Gesellschaft, vertreten durch den Vorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrats - oder im Falle einer Amtsniederlegung durch den Vorsitzenden, vertreten durch seinen Stellvertreter - unter Einhaltung einer Frist von einem Monat niederlegen. Der nach Satz 1 Empfangsberechtigte kann einer Verkürzung der Frist oder einem Verzicht auf die Wahrung der Frist zustimmen. Das Recht zur Amtsniederlegung aus wichtigem Grund bleibt hiervon unberührt. |
(4) |
Supervisory board members or replacement members may resign from the supervisory board even without good cause, by giving written notification to the Company, represented by the chairman of the supervisory board or, in case the chairman resigns, his deputy, with a notice period of one month. The person entitled to receive the notice pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence may approve to a shorter notice period or waive the adherence of the notice period. The right to resign from office for good cause shall remain unaffected. |
(2) |
Die Einladung soll unter Einhaltung einer Frist von 14 Tagen erfolgen und die einzelnen Punkte der Tagesordnung angeben. In dringenden Fällen kann die Einberufungsfrist abgekürzt werden. Die Arbeitsunterlagen sollen den Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern rechtzeitig, nach Möglichkeit zusammen mit der Einladung zur Sitzung, zugesandt werden. Für die Berechnung der vorstehend angegebenen Frist ist jeweils die Absendung der Einladung maßgebend.
(2) |
The invitation should be made with a notice period of 14 days and should stipulate the items of the agenda. In urgent cases the notice period can be reduced. The working documents should be sent to the members of the supervisory board in due time, if possible together with the invitation to the meeting. The date on the invitation is authoritative for the calculation of the aforesaid notice period.
(3) |
Der Aufsichtsrat ist beschlussfähig, wenn mindestens drei Mitglieder an der Beschlussfassung teilnehmen. Ein Mitglied nimmt auch dann an der Beschlussfassung teil, wenn es sich in der Abstimmung der Stimme enthält.
(3) |
The supervisory board has a quorum if at least three members participate in the passing of resolutions. A member also participates in the passing of resolutions if he withholds his vote.
(4) |
Beschlüsse des Aufsichtsrats werden, soweit das Gesetz nicht zwingend etwas anderes bestimmt, mit einfacher Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen gefasst. Bei Stimmengleichheit entscheidet die Stimme des Vorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrats (Stichentscheid); das gilt auch bei Wahlen. Falls kein Vorsitzender ernannt ist oder der Vorsitzende sich nicht an der Abstimmung beteiligt, gilt bei Stimmengleichheit ein Antrag als abgelehnt.
(4) |
Resolutions of the supervisory board are passed with a simple majority of the votes cast unless there is a contrary mandatory provision by statute. In case of a tie vote, the chairman of the supervisory board shall have the decisive vote (casting vote); this also applies during elections. In the event that no chairman is appointed or the chairman does not participate in the voting, an application is considered rejected in the event of a tie vote.
(5) |
Die Beschlüsse des Aufsichtsrats werden regelmäßig in Sitzungen gefasst. Beschlussfassungen außerhalb von Sitzungen können auch mündlich, fernmündlich, schriftlich, per Telefax, per E-Mail oder mittels sonstiger gebräuchlicher Kommunikationsmittel, insbesondere per Videokonferenz, erfolgen, wenn alle Aufsichtsratsmitglieder an der Beschlussfassung teilnehmen oder wenn der Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats diese Art der Abstimmung anordnet und kein Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats dieser Art der Abstimmung innerhalb einer vom Vorsitzenden zu bestimmenden, angemessenen Frist widerspricht. |
(5) |
The resolutions of the supervisory board are made regularly during meetings. Resolutions outside of meetings can also be made orally, by telephone, in writing, by fax, by e-mail or by other usual means of communication, in particular via video conferencing, if all members of the supervisory board participate in the resolution or if the chairman of the supervisory board decides upon this type of voting and no member of the supervisory board objects to this type of voting within the reasonable notice period determined by the chairman.
(6) |
Abwesende Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrats können an Beschlussfassungen des Aufsichtsrats dadurch teilnehmen, dass sie durch andere Aufsichtsratsmitglieder schriftliche Stimmabgaben überreichen lassen. Darüber hinaus können sie ihre Stimme während der Sitzung oder nachträglich innerhalb einer vom Vorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrats zu bestimmenden angemessenen Frist fernmündlich, per Telefax, per E-Mail oder mittels sonstiger gebräuchlicher Telekommunikationsmittel, insbesondere per Videozuschaltung, abgeben, sofern kein anwesendes Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats dieser Art der Abstimmung widerspricht. |
(6) |
Absent members of the supervisory board can participate in resolutions of the supervisory board by another member of the supervisory board handing in their written vote. They may additionally submit their vote during the meeting or in retrospect within a reasonable notice period determined by the chairman of the supervisory board by telephone, fax, e mail or by other usual means of communication, in particular via video conferencing, as long as no member of the supervisory board present objects to this type of voting.
(7) |
Der Vorsitzende ist ermächtigt, im Namen des Aufsichtsrats die zur Durchführung der Beschlüsse des Aufsichtsrats erforderlichen Willenserklärungen abzugeben. Der Vorsitzende ist ermächtigt, Erklärungen für den Aufsichtsrat entgegenzunehmen. Ist er verhindert, hat sein Stellvertreter diese Befugnisse.
(7) |
The chairman is authorized to submit any declarations of intent on behalf of the supervisory board, which are necessary to execute the resolutions of the supervisory board. The chairman is authorized to accept declarations on behalf of the supervisory board. lf the chairman is prevented, his deputy shall have such authorization. |
(8) |
Über jede Sitzung des Aufsichtsrats ist eine Niederschrift anzufertigen, die vom Vorsitzenden zu unterzeichnen ist. In der Niederschrift sind Ort und Tag der Sitzung, die Teilnehmer, die Gegenstände der Tagesordnung, der wesentliche Inhalt der Verhandlung und die Beschlüsse des Aufsichtsrats wiederzugeben. Beschlüsse außerhalb von Sitzungen werden vom Vorsitzenden schriftlich festgehalten, und diese Niederschrift ist allen Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern unverzüglich zuzuleiten. |
(8) |
Minutes must be prepared for each meeting of the supervisory board and these must be signed by the chairman. The minutes must include the location and date of the meeting, the participants, the items on the agenda, the main contents of the meeting and the resolutions passed by the supervisory board. Resolutions passed outside of meetings will be recorded in writing by the chairman and these minutes must be distributed to all members of the supervisory board without undue delay. |
§ 13 Geschäftsordnung des Aufsichtsrats; Satzungsänderungen |
§ 13 Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board; Amendments to the Articles of Association |
(1) |
Der Aufsichtsrat gibt sich eine Geschäftsordnung im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorschriften und der Bestimmungen dieser Satzung.
(1) |
The supervisory board shall adopt its rules of procedure in accordance with the applicable law and these articles of association.
(2) |
Der Aufsichtsrat ist befugt, Änderungen der Satzung zu beschließen, die nur deren Fassung betreffen. |
(2) |
The supervisory board is authorized to resolve amendments to the articles of association that relate solely to their wording. |
§ 14 Vergütung |
§ 14 Remuneration |
Die Vergütung der Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrats wird von der Hauptversammlung bewilligt. |
The remuneration of the members of the supervisory board is determined by the general shareholders’ meeting. |
§ 15 Ort und Einberufung |
§ 15 Venue and Convening of Meeting |
(1) |
Die Hauptversammlung wird durch den Vorstand oder, in den gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Fällen, durch den Aufsichtsrat einberufen. Sie findet nach Wahl des einberufenden Organs am Sitz der Gesellschaft, am Sitz einer deutschen Wertpapierbörse oder in einer deutschen Stadt mit mehr als 100.000 Einwohnern statt.
(1) |
The general shareholders’ meeting is convened (i.e. notice must be given) by the management board or, in the cases provided for by law, by the supervisory board. It takes place, following the election of the convening body, at the registered office of the Company, at the registered office of a German stock exchange or in a German city with more than 100,000 residents.
(2) |
Die Hauptversammlung ist mindestens 36 Tage vor dem Tage der Hauptversammlung einzuberufen. Der Tag der Hauptversammlung und der Tag der Einberufung sind dabei nicht mitzurechnen. |
(2) |
The general shareholders’ meeting must be convened (i.e. notice must be given) at least 36 days prior to the day of the general shareholders’ meeting. The time limit does not include the day of the convocation of the meeting and the date by which the shareholders must register prior to the general shareholders’ meeting. |
§ 16 Teilnahme an/Übertragung der Hauptversammlung |
§ 16 Participation in/Transmission of General Shareholders’ Meeting |
(1) |
Zur Teilnahme an der Hauptversammlung und zur Ausübung des Stimmrechts werden diejenigen Aktionäre zugelassen, die im Aktienregister der Gesellschaft eingetragen sind und deren Anmeldung zur Teilnahme bei der Gesellschaft oder einer anderen in der Einberufung bezeichneten Stelle mindestens sechs Tage vor der Hauptversammlung in Textform (§ 126b BGB) in deutscher oder englischer Sprache zugegangen ist. Der Tag der Hauptversammlung und der Tag des Zugangs sind nicht mitzurechnen.
(1) |
The shareholders who are registered with the share register of the company and whose application for participation is received by the company or any other body designated in the notice of the respective general shareholders’ meeting at least six days before the general shareholders’ meeting in text form (Section 126b BGB) in German or English are entitled to participate in the general shareholders’ meeting and exercise the voting rights. The day of the general shareholders’ meeting and the day of receipt are to be disregarded when calculating such period.
(2) |
Der Vorsitzende der Hauptversammlung ist berechtigt, die Bild- und Tonübertragung der Hauptversammlung über elektronische Medien in einer von ihm näher zu bestimmenden Weise zuzulassen, sofern dies in der Einberufung zu der Hauptversammlung angekündigt wurde. |
(2) |
The chairman of the general shareholders’ meeting is authorised to allow the audiovisual transmission of the general shareholders’ meeting via electronic media in a manner to be further specified by him, provided that this has been stated in the notice of the general shareholders’ meeting. |
§ 17 Stimmrecht |
§ 17 Voting Right |
(1) |
Jede Aktie gewährt in der Hauptversammlung eine Stimme.
(1) |
Each share grants one vote in the general shareholders’ meeting.
(2) |
Das Stimmrecht kann durch Bevollmächtigte ausgeübt werden. Der Bevollmächtigte kann auch ein von der Gesellschaft benannter Stimmrechtsvertreter sein. Soweit nicht gesetzliche Vorschriften oder die Gesellschaft in der Einberufung Erleichterungen vorsehen, ist die Vollmacht in Textform (§ 126b BGB) zu erteilen.
(2) |
Voting rights may be exercised by authorized proxies. The authorized proxy may also be a proxy appointed by the Company. As far as statutory regulations or the Company in the convocation do not provide for relief, the authorization must be made in writing (Section 126b BGB).
(3) |
Der Vorstand kann in der Einberufung der Hauptversammlung vorsehen, dass Aktionäre ihre Stimmen auch ohne an der Versammlung teilzunehmen, schriftlich oder im Wege elektronischer Kommunikation abgeben dürfen (Briefwahl). |
(3) |
The management board may also stipulate in the convocation to the general shareholders’ meeting that shareholders may submit their votes in writing or by means of electronic communication without attending the general shareholders’ meeting (vote by mail). |
§ 18 Vorsitz in der Hauptversammlung |
§ 18 Chair of General Shareholder’s Meeting |
(1) |
Den Vorsitz in der Hauptversammlung führt der Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats oder ein anderes vom ihm bestimmtes Aufsichtsratsmitglied. Ist der Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats bzw. das von ihm zum Vorsitzenden der Hauptversammlung bestimmte Aufsichtsratsmitglied verhindert, so wählen die in der Hauptversammlung anwesenden Aufsichtsratsmitglieder den Vorsitzenden der Hauptversammlung.
(1) |
The chairman of the supervisory board or another member of the supervisory board appointed by him shall chair the general shareholders’ meeting. In the event that the chairman of the supervisory board or the supervisory board member appointed by him as chairman of the general shareholders’ meeting is unavailable, the chairman of the general shareholders’ meeting shall be appointed by the members of the supervisory board attending the general shareholders’ meeting.
(2) |
Der Vorsitzende leitet die Verhandlungen und bestimmt die Reihenfolge der Verhandlungsgegenstände sowie die Art und Form der Abstimmung.
(2) |
The chairman shall chair the proceedings and determine the order of the items to be dealt with as well as the type and form of the voting.
(3) |
Der Vorsitzende ist ermächtigt, das Frage- und Rederecht des Aktionärs zeitlich angemessen zu beschränken und Näheres dazu zu bestimmen. |
(3) |
With regard to the right of the shareholders to speak and submit questions, the chairman may limit the time shareholders have to do so and to stipulate further rules in this regard. |
§ 19 Beschlussfassung |
§ 19 Adoption of Resolutions |
Die Beschlüsse der Hauptversammlung werden, soweit nicht zwingende Vorschriften des Aktiengesetzes oder diese Satzung etwas Abweichendes bestimmen, mit einfacher Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen gefasst. Soweit das Aktiengesetz außerdem zur Beschlussfassung eine Mehrheit des bei der Beschlussfassung vertretenen Grundkapitals vorschreibt, genügt, sofern dies gesetzlich zulässig ist, die einfache Mehrheit des vertretenen Kapitals |
The resolutions of the general shareholders’ meeting will be passed by a simple majority vote, unless mandatory regulations of the German Stock Corporation Act or other statutory regulations or these articles of association provide for deviating provisions. As far as the German Stock Corporation Act additionally prescribes for passing the resolution a majority of the share capital to be represented during the passing of the resolution, the simple majority of the represented capital will be sufficient as far as this is legally admissible. |
§ 20 Geschäftsjahr, Rechnungslegung |
§ 20 Financial Year, Accounting |
(1) |
Geschäftsjahr ist das Kalenderjahr.
(1) |
The financial year is the calendar year.
(2) |
Der Vorstand hat in den ersten drei Monaten des Geschäftsjahres den Jahresabschluss für das vergangene Geschäftsjahr (Bilanz nebst Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung sowie Anhang) und den Lagebericht sowie - soweit rechtlich erforderlich - den Konzernabschluss und Konzernlagebericht aufzustellen und unverzüglich nach der Aufstellung dem Aufsichtsrat und dem vom Aufsichtsrat beauftragten Abschlussprüfer vorzulegen. Zugleich hat der Vorstand dem Aufsichtsrat den Vorschlag vorzulegen, den er der Hauptversammlung für die Verwendung des Bilanzgewinns machen will.
(2) |
The management board shall prepare within the first three months of a financial year the annual financial statement for the past financial year (balance sheet in addition to income statement with notes) and the management report as well as – if legally necessary the group financial statement and the group management report, and must submit these to the supervisory board and the auditor appointed by the supervisory board without undue delay. At the same time, the management board must submit to the supervisory board the proposal for the appropriation of profit which the management board wishes to present to the general shareholders’ meeting.
(3) |
Der Aufsichtsrat hat den Jahresabschluss, den Lagebericht und den Vorschlag für die Verwendung des Bilanzgewinns sowie den Konzernabschluss und Konzernlagebericht zu prüfen und über das Ergebnis schriftlich an die Hauptversammlung zu berichten. Er hat seinen Bericht innerhalb eines Monats, nachdem ihm die Vorlagen zugegangen sind, dem Vorstand zuzuleiten. Am Schluss des Berichts hat der Aufsichtsrat zu erklären, ob er den vom Vorstand aufgestellten Jahresabschluss und - soweit vorhanden - Konzernabschluss billigt. Billigt der Aufsichtsrat nach Prüfung den Jahresabschluss, ist dieser festgestellt. |
(3) |
The supervisory board is to review the annual financial statement, the management report and the proposal for appropriation of the net distributable profit as well as - if applicable - the group financial statement and group management report and is to report of its review in writing to the general shareholders’ meetings on the results. The supervisory board must submit its report to the management board within one month after it has received the presented documents. At the end of the report, the supervisory board must declare whether it approves the annual financial statement and - if applicable - the group financial statement prepared by the management board. Once the supervisory board has approved the annual financial statement following the examination, the annual financial statement is confirmed. |
§ 21 Verwendung des Jahresüberschusses |
§ 21 Appropriation of Annual Profit |
(1) |
Stellen Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat den Jahresabschluss fest, so können sie Beträge bis zur Hälfte des Jahresüberschusses in andere Gewinnrücklagen einstellen. Sie sind darüber hinaus ermächtigt, weitere Beträge bis zu 100% des Jahresüberschusses in andere Gewinnrücklagen einzustellen, solange und soweit die anderen Gewinnrücklagen die Hälfte des Grundkapitals nicht übersteigen und auch nach der Einstellung nicht übersteigen würden.
(1) |
Once the management board and the supervisory board have approved the annual financial statement, they may transfer up to half of the annual profit into other retained earnings. They are additionally authorized to transfer further amounts up to 100% of the annual profit into other retained earnings as long as and as far as the other retained earnings do not exceed half of the share capital and will not exceed these after the payment.
(2) |
Bei der Errechnung des gemäß Absatz (1) in andere Gewinnrücklagen einzustellenden Teils des Jahresüberschusses sind vorweg Zuweisungen zur gesetzlichen Rücklage und Verlustvorträge abzuziehen. |
(2) |
In relation to the calculation of the portion of the annual profit that may be transferred into other retained earnings in accordance with paragraph (1), the allocations to the statutory provisions and losses carried forward must be deducted in advance. |
§ 22 Gewinnverwendung und Maßstab für die Gewinnbeteiligung der Aktionäre |
§ 22 Appropriation of Profits and Basis for Shareholder’s Profit Participation |
(1) |
Die Hauptversammlung beschließt über die Verwendung des sich aus dem festgestellten Jahresabschluss ergeben den Bilanzgewinns.
(1) |
The general shareholders’ meeting shall resolve the appropriation of the balance sheet profit established in the annual financial statement.
(2) |
Die Hauptversammlung kann neben oder anstelle einer Barausschüttung auch eine Ausschüttung von Sachwerten beschließen, wenn es sich bei den auszuschüttenden Sachwerten um solche handelt, die auf einem Markt im Sinne von § 3 Abs. 2 AktG gehandelt werden.
(2) |
The General Meeting may decide that the distribution may be a dividend in kind instead of or in addition to a cash dividend if the dividends in kind are traded in the market in the sense of Section 3 para. 2 AktG.
(3) |
Die Gewinnanteile der Aktionäre bestimmen sich nach ihren Anteilen am Grundkapital.
(3) |
The shareholders’ profit sharing is determined by their proportion of the share capital.
(4) |
Bei einer Kapitalerhöhung kann die Gewinnbeteiligung abweichend von § 60 Abs. 2 AktG bestimmt werden.
(4) |
In the event of an increase in capital, the profit sharing can be determined in deviation of Section 60 para 2 AktG.
(5) |
Nach Ablauf eines Geschäftsjahres kann der Vorstand mit Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrates im Rahmen des § 59 AktG eine Abschlagsdividende an die Aktionäre ausschütten. |
(5) |
After the expiry of a financial year, the management board may, with the consent of the supervisory board, within the framework of Section 59 AktG, distribute an interim dividend to the shareholders. |
§ 23 Gründungsaufwand |
§ 23 Incorporation Costs |
Die Gesellschaft trägt die Kosten ihrer Gründung (Gerichtsgebühren, Veröffentlichungskosten, Notargebühren) bis zu einem geschätzten Betrag von EUR 3.000. |
The company shall bear the costs of its incorporation (court fees, costs for publication, notary fees) up to an estimated amount of EUR 3,000. |
§ 24 Maßgebliche Sprache |
§ 24 Prevailing Language |
Allein die deutsche Fassung dieser Satzung ist maßgeblich. Die englische Fassung ist lediglich eine Übersetzung. |
Only the German version of these articles of association shall prevail. The English version is for convenience purposes only. |
Exhibit 99.1
voxeljet AG Reports Financial Results for the Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2018
Friedberg, Germany, November 27, 2018 — voxeljet AG (NYSE: VJET) (the “Company”, or “voxeljet”), a leading provider of high-speed, large-format 3D printers and on-demand parts services to industrial and commercial customers, today announced consolidated financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2018.
Highlights - Third Quarter 2018 (1)
· |
Total revenues for the third quarter decreased 3.6% to kEUR 7,121 from kEUR 7,387 |
· |
Gross profit margin decreased to 32.5% from 42.7% |
· |
Systems revenues decreased 9.8% to kEUR 3,744 from kEUR 4,153 |
· |
Services revenues increased 4.4% to kEUR 3,377 from kEUR 3,234 |
· |
Reaffirm full year 2018 guidance, except for full year adjusted EBITDA; adjusted EBITDA for the fourth quarter of 2018 is expected to be neutral to positive |
(1) Certain comparative figures for the 3-month and 9-month periods ended September 30, 2017 were restated for immaterial errors. For further information, see Notes 1 and 9 of the interim consolidated financial statements.
Dr. Ingo Ederer, Chief Executive Officer of voxeljet, commented, “We believe that the opportunities are vast both in our direct and our indirect parts portfolio and I am extremely excited about how our new products expand our total addressable market: with indirect metal parts from our OEM solution VJET X, the most productive additive manufacturing platform to date, we believe to be on the forefront of a significant shift from conventional production to serial additive manufacturing. With advanced material combinations for direct parts from High Speed Sintering and a large production platform being launched in 2019, we see us in a position to unlock new customer groups. To develop and commercialize such innovations is precisely the reason why I have started this company 20 years ago.”
Third Quarter 2018 Results
Revenues for the third quarter of 2018 slightly decreased by 3.6% to kEUR 7,121 compared to kEUR 7,387 in the third quarter of 2017.
Revenues from our Systems segment, which focuses on the development, production and sale of 3D printers, decreased 9.8% to kEUR 3,744 in the third quarter of 2018 from kEUR 4,153 in last year’s third quarter. This was mainly due to a lower number of printer sales during the quarter. The Company delivered three new 3D printers in the third quarter of 2018, thereof one of our largest scale printers, compared to six printers (three new and three used and refurbished printers) in last year’s third quarter. Systems revenues also include all revenues from consumables, spare parts and maintenance, which slightly increased compared to the last year’s same period. Systems revenues represented 52.6% of total revenues in the third quarter of 2018 compared to 56.2% in last year’s third quarter.
Revenues from our Services segment, which focuses on the printing of on-demand parts for our customers, slightly increased 4.4% to kEUR 3,377 in the third quarter of 2018 from kEUR 3,234 in the comparative period of 2017. This was due to higher revenue contributions mainly from our subsidiary voxeljet America Inc. (“voxeljet America”). The increase in revenue at our American service center resulted from a growing market penetration in the North American sales region which is accompanied by a larger customer base. The revenue from voxeljet UK Ltd. (“voxeljet UK”) moderately increased while revenues from our German operation as well as our subsidiary voxeljet China Co. Ltd. (“voxeljet China”) slightly decreased.
Cost of sales was kEUR 4,810 for the third quarter of 2018 compared to kEUR 4,236 for the third quarter of 2017.
Gross profit and gross profit margin were kEUR 2,311 and 32.5%, respectively, in the third quarter of 2018 compared to kEUR 3,151 and 42.7% in the third quarter of 2017.
Gross profit for our Systems segment decreased significantly to kEUR 1,197 in the third quarter of 2018 from kEUR 1,617 in the third quarter of 2017. This was mainly related to the lower number of printer sales compared to the last year’s same period. Gross profit margin for this segment decreased to 32.0% in the third quarter of 2018 compared to 38.9% in the third quarter of 2017. The gross profit margin contribution related to the sale of 3D printers was almost unchanged. In contrast, the gross profit margin contribution from consumables, spare parts and maintenance decreased in the third quarter of 2018 compared to last year’s same period. This was mainly due to additional costs for training activities for our workforce within the third quarter of 2018.
Gross profit for our Services segment decreased to kEUR 1,114 in the third quarter of 2018 compared to kEUR 1,534 in the third quarter of 2017. This was mainly due to lower gross profit contributions from the German operation within the third quarter of 2018 compared to last year’s same period due to a larger portion of sales with longer lead times, which generally have lower margins as well as increased personnel expenses related to higher headcount. The gross profit margin for this segment decreased to 33.0% in the third quarter of 2018 from 47.4% in the third quarter of 2017. Gross profit margin contributions from our subsidiaries voxeljet America and voxeljet UK significantly improved while voxeljet UK, still provided a negative contributions. The improvement regarding voxeljet America and voxeljet UK resulted from a higher utilization of these service centers. The higher utilization regarding our American subsidiary was mainly related to a volume contract which started in July 2018 with a revenue contribution of kEUR 315 for this quarter.
Selling expenses were kEUR 1,990 for the third quarter of 2018 compared to kEUR 1,615 in the third quarter of 2017. The increase was mainly due to higher personnel expenses resulting from the build-up of our sales force especially within the German operation compared to the last year’s third quarter. In addition, delivery costs increased, due to the release of shipping expenses related to the sale of one of our largest 3D printers to a client in Indonesia amounting to kEUR 92 which was expensed in the third quarter of 2018.
Administrative expenses were kEUR 1,494 for the third quarter of 2018 compared to kEUR 1,354 in the third quarter of 2017. The increase mainly related to higher personnel expenses resulting from higher headcount especially regarding the German operation compared to the last year’s third quarter. Furthermore the expenses for external consulting increased related to the on-going improvements of our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system amounting to kEUR 52.
Research and development (“R&D”) expenses increased to kEUR 1,660 in the third quarter of 2018 from kEUR 1,142 in the third quarter of 2017. The increase of kEUR 518 was mainly due to higher personnel expenses related to an increase in headcount in order to support further research and development projects. In addition expenses related to material and external services for ongoing research and development projects increased compared to the last year’s same period. Those expenses are usually driven by individual projects and might differ on a quarter to quarter comparison.
Other operating expenses in the third quarter of 2018 were kEUR 195 compared to kEUR 414 in the prior year period. This was mainly due to lower losses from foreign currency transaction of kEUR 105 for the third quarter of 2018 compared to kEUR 305 for the third quarter of 2017.
Other operating income was kEUR 267 for the third quarter of 2018 compared to kEUR 384 in the third quarter of 2017.
The changes in foreign currency gains were primarily driven by the valuation of the intercompany loans granted by the parent company to our UK and US subsidiaries.
Operating loss was kEUR 2,761 in the third quarter of 2018, compared to an operating loss of kEUR 990 in the comparative period in 2017. This was primarily related to the significant decrease in gross profit accompanied by higher operating expenses, compared to the third quarter of 2017.
Financial result was negative kEUR 1,042 in the third quarter of 2018, compared to a financial result of negative kEUR 36 in the comparative period in 2017. The significant decrease was mainly related to the revaluation of derivative financial instruments of the EIB loan, which did not exist in the last year’s same period resulting in a finance expense of kEUR 805. In addition interest expense for long-term debt amounted to kEUR 238.
Net loss for the third quarter of 2018 was kEUR 3,797 or EUR 1.02 per share, as compared to net loss of kEUR 1,026, or EUR 0.27 per share, in the third quarter of 2017.
Based on a conversion rate of five American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”) per ordinary share, net loss was at EUR 0.20 per ADS for the third quarter of 2018, compared to a net loss of EUR 0.06 per ADS for the third quarter of 2017. Earnings per share is computed by dividing net income attributable to stockholders of the parent by the weighted-average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the periods. Earnings per ADS is calculated by dividing the above earnings per share by five as each ordinary share represents five ADSs.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2018 Results
Revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 increased by 2.1% to kEUR 17,435 compared to kEUR 17,070 in the prior year period.
Systems revenues were kEUR 7,002 for the first nine months of 2018 compared to kEUR 8,388 for the same period last year. This was mainly due to a lower number of printer sales during the period. The Company sold four new and three used and refurbished 3D printers during the first nine months of 2018 compared to eight new and three used and refurbished 3D printers in the prior year’s period. Systems revenues represented 40.2% of total revenue for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 compared to 49.1% for the same period a year ago. Systems revenues also include all revenues from consumables, spare parts and maintenance, where we recorded a significant increase compared to the last year’s same period, which partially set off the declined revenues related to printer sales.
Services revenues were kEUR 10,433 for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 compared to kEUR 8,682 for the same period last year. This increase of 20.2% was mainly due to a higher revenue contribution from our subsidiary voxeljet America. This was partially offset by lower revenues from our subsidiary voxeljet China. Revenues from voxeljet UK as well as the German operation during this period slightly increased.
Cost of sales for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 was kEUR 11,141, an increase of kEUR 792, over cost of sales of kEUR 10,349 for the same period in 2017.
Gross profit and gross profit margin for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 were kEUR 6,294 and 36.1%, respectively, compared to kEUR 6,721 and 39.4% in the prior year period.
Gross profit for our Systems segment decreased to kEUR 2,051 for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 from kEUR 2,929 in the same period in 2017. This decrease was mainly due to the lower number of printer sales. The gross profit margin for this segment decreased to 29.3% compared to 34.9% for the prior period. The decrease was mainly related to lower gross profit margin contribution from consumables, spare parts and maintenance in the nine months ended September 30, 2018 compared to the last year’s same period, while gross profit margin contribution from the sale of 3D printers remained almost unchanged. The decline related to the gross profit margin contribution from consumables, spare parts and maintenance was mainly related to additional costs for training activities for our workforce within the third quarter of 2018.
Gross profit for our Services segment increased to kEUR 4,243 for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 from kEUR 3,792 in the same period of 2017. This was mainly due to the increase in revenues which resulted in higher gross profit. The gross profit margin for this segment slightly decreased to 40.7% for the first nine months of 2018 from 43.7% in the same period in 2017, mainly related to decreased gross profit margin in our German service center due a larger portion of sales with longer lead times, which generally have lower margins as well as increased personnel expenses related to higher headcount in the third quarter of 2018. Gross profit margin contributions from voxeljet America as well as voxeljet UK significantly improved, while voxeljet UK still generated negative contributions.
Selling expenses were kEUR 5,384 for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 compared to kEUR 4,400 in the same period in 2017, an increase of kEUR 984, or 22.4%. This was mainly due to higher shipping costs related to the increase of Services revenues as well as higher personnel expenses related to an increase in headcount resulting from the build-up of our sales force within the German operation.
Administrative expenses increased by kEUR 416 to kEUR 4,118 for the first nine months of 2018 from kEUR 3,702 in the prior year’s period. The increase was mainly due to higher personnel expenses related to additional headcount.
R&D expenses increased to kEUR 4,771 for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 from kEUR 3,954 in the same period in 2017, an increase of kEUR 817, or 20.7%. The increase was mainly due to increased expenditures for personnel and materials to support existing and future research and development projects.
Other operating expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 were kEUR 612 compared to kEUR 1,605 in the prior year period. This improvement was mainly due to lower losses from foreign currency transactions amounting to kEUR 437 compared to kEUR 1,383 in the prior year’s period.
Other operating income was kEUR 1,036 for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 compared to kEUR 766 in the prior year period. The increase was mainly due to higher gains from foreign exchange transactions amounting to kEUR 690 compared to kEUR 78 in comparative period in 2017.
The changes in foreign currency losses and gains were primarily driven by the valuation of the intercompany loans granted by the parent company to our UK and US subsidiaries.
Operating loss was kEUR 7,555 in the nine months ended September 30, 2018, compared to an operating loss of kEUR 6,174 in the comparative period in 2017. The decline was primarily related to a weaker gross profit accompanied by higher operating expenses, partially offset by lower other operating expenses as well as higher other operating income, compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2017 . The impact from the employee share option plan amounted to kEUR 477 in the nine months ended September 30, 2018 compared to kEUR 254 in the last year’s same period.
Financial result was negative kEUR 902 for the nine months ended September 30, 2018, compared to a financial result of negative kEUR 78 in the comparative period in 2017. The decrease was mainly related to interest expense for long-term debt of kEUR 705 compared to kEUR 40 in the comparative period in 2017 as well as the revaluation of derivative financial instruments of the EIB loan, which did not exist in the last year’s same period, resulting in a finance expense of kEUR 89.
Net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 was kEUR 8,464, or EUR 2.27 per share, as compared to net loss of kEUR 6,252, or EUR 1.68 per share in the prior year period. This is based on a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding of 3.720 million for the first nine months ended September 30, 2018. Compared to the last year’s same period, the number of ordinary shares outstanding was unchanged.
Based on a conversion rate of five ADSs per ordinary share, net loss was EUR 0.45 per ADS for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 compared to net loss of EUR 0.34 per ADS in the prior year period.
Business Outlook
Our revenue guidance for the fourth quarter of 2018 is in the range of kEUR 9,500 to kEUR 10,500.
We reaffirm our guidance for the full year ended December 31, 2018, except for full year adjusted EBITDA.
- |
Full year revenue is expected to be in the range of kEUR 28,000 and kEUR 30,000 |
- |
Gross margin is expected to be above 40% |
- |
Operating expenses for the full year are expected as follows: SG&A expenses expected to be in the range of kEUR 11,000 and kEUR 12,000 and R&D expenses projected to be approximately kEUR 5,000 to kEUR 6,000. Depreciation and amortization expense is expected to be between kEUR 3,750 and kEUR 4,000. |
- |
Adjusted EBITDA in the fourth quarter of 2018 is expected to be neutral-to-positive. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as net income (loss), as calculated under IFRS accounting principles before interest (income) expense, provision (benefit) for income taxes, depreciation and amortization, and excluding other (income) expense resulting from foreign exchange gains or losses on the intercompany loans granted to the subsidiaries. |
- |
Capital expenditures are projected to be in the range of kEUR 5,500 to kEUR 6,500, which primarily includes ongoing investments in our global subsidiaries. |
Our total backlog of 3D printer orders at September 30, 2018 was kEUR 5,311, which represents twelve 3D printers. This compares to a backlog of kEUR 2,770 representing four 3D printers, at December 31, 2017. As production and delivery of our printers is generally characterized by lead times ranging between three to nine months, the conversion rate of order backlog into revenue is dependent on the equipping process for the respective 3D printer as well as the timing of customers’ requested deliveries.
At September 30, 2018, we had cash and cash equivalents of kEUR 3,101 and held kEUR 9,934 of investments in bond funds, which are included in current financial assets on our consolidated statements of financial position.
Webcast and Conference Call Details
The Company will host a conference call and webcast to review the results for the third quarter on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Participants from voxeljet will include its Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Ingo Ederer, and its Chief Financial Officer, Rudolf Franz, who will provide a general business update and respond to investor questions.
Interested parties may access the live audio broadcast by dialing 1-877-705-6003 in the United States/Canada, or 1-201-493-6725 for international, Conference Title “voxeljet AG Third Quarter 2018 Financial Results Conference Call”. Investors are requested to access the call at least five minutes before the scheduled start time in order to complete a brief registration. An audio replay will be available approximately two hours after the completion of the call at 1-844-512-2921 or 1-412-317-6671, Replay Conference ID number 13684710. The recording will be available for replay through December 5, 2018.
A live webcast of the call will also be available on the investor relations section of the Company’s website. Please go to the website https://event.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1218655&tp_key=d79857879b at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of the call to register, download and install any necessary audio software. A replay will be available as a webcast on the investor relations section of the Company’s website.
Non-IFRS Measure
The Company uses Adjusted EBITDA as a supplemental financial measure of its financial performance. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as net income (loss), as calculated under IFRS accounting principles, interest (income) expense, provision (benefit) for income taxes, depreciation and amortization, and excluding other (income) expense resulting from foreign exchange gains or losses on the intercompany loans granted to the subsidiaries. Management believes Adjusted EBITDA to be an important financial measure because it excludes the effects of fluctuating foreign exchange gains or losses on the intercompany loans granted to its subsidiaries which are difficult to forecast for future periods.
Management regularly uses both IFRS and non-IFRS results and expectations internally to assess its overall performance of the business, making operating decisions, and forecasting and planning for future periods. Management believes that Adjusted EBITDA is a useful financial measure to the Company’s investors as it helps investors better understand and evaluate the projections our management board provides. The Company’s calculation of Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to similarly titled financial measures reported by other peer companies. Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered as a substitute to financial measures prepared in accordance with IFRS.
While the Company provides guidance for Adjusted EBITDA on a forward-looking basis, a reconciliation of the differences between the non-IFRS expectation and the corresponding IFRS measure (expected net income (loss)) is not available without unreasonable effort due to potentially high variability, complexity and low visibility as to the items that would be excluded from the IFRS measure in the relevant future period, such as unusual gains and losses, fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates, the impact and timing of potential acquisitions and divestitures, and other structural changes or their probable significance. The variability of the excluded items may have a significant, and potentially unpredictable, impact on our future IFRS results.
Exchange rate
This press release contains translations of certain U.S. dollar amounts into euros at specified rates solely for the convenience of readers. Unless otherwise noted, all translations from U.S. dollars to euros in this press release were made at a rate of USD 1.1576 to EUR 1.00, the noon buying rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the euro on September 30, 2018.
About voxeljet
voxeljet is a leading provider of high-speed, large-format 3D printers and on-demand parts services to industrial and commercial customers. The Company’s 3D printers employ a powder binding, additive manufacturing technology to produce parts using various material sets, which consist of particulate materials and proprietary chemical binding agents. The Company provides its 3D printers and on-demand parts services to industrial and commercial customers serving the automotive, aerospace, film and entertainment, art and architecture, engineering and consumer product end markets. For more information, visit http://www.voxeljet.de/en/.
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning our business, operations and financial performance. Any statements that are not of historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. You can identify these forward-looking statements by words such as ‘‘believes,’’ ‘‘estimates,’’ ‘‘anticipates,’’ ‘‘expects,’’ ‘‘plans,’’ ‘‘intends,’’ ‘‘may,’’ ‘‘could,’’ ‘‘might,’’ ‘‘will,’’ ‘‘should,’’ ‘‘aims,’’ or other similar expressions that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our intentions, beliefs, assumptions, projections, outlook, analyses or current expectations concerning, among other things, our results of operations, financial condition, business outlook, the industry in which we operate and the trends that may affect the industry or us. Although we believe that we have a reasonable basis for each forward-looking statement contained in this press release, we caution you that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. All of our forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that are in some cases beyond our control and that may cause our actual results to differ materially from our expectations, including those risks identified under the caption “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F and in other reports the Company files with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as the risk that our revenues may fall short of the guidance we have provided in this press release. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements for any reason after the date of this press release whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Investors and Media
Johannes Pesch
Director Investor Relations and Business Development
Office: +49 821 7483172
Mobile: +49 176 45398316
voxeljet AG
Notes |
9/30/2018 |
12/31/2017 (1) |
(€ in thousands) |
unaudited |
Current assets |
30,086 |
37,494 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
2, 7 |
3,101 |
Financial assets |
2, 7 |
9,934 |
Trade receivables |
2 |
4,727 |
Inventories |
4 |
10,686 |
Income tax receivables |
16 |
Other assets |
1,622 |
Non-current assets |
29,683 |
29,508 |
Financial assets |
2, 7 |
268 |
357 |
Intangible assets |
1,410 |
1,111 |
Property, plant and equipment |
5 |
27,914 |
27,949 |
Investments in joint venture |
30 |
39 |
Other assets |
61 |
52 |
Total assets |
59,769 |
67,002 |
Notes |
9/30/2018 |
12/31/2017 (1) |
Current liabilities |
7,557 |
6,576 |
Deferred income |
2 |
21 |
271 |
Trade payables |
2 |
3,250 |
3,059 |
Contract liabilities |
2 |
1,366 |
-- |
Financial liabilities |
2, 7 |
940 |
1,162 |
Other liabilities and provisions |
6 |
1,980 |
2,084 |
Non-current liabilities |
16,582 |
16,537 |
Deferred income |
2 |
-- |
18 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
72 |
66 |
Financial liabilities |
2, 7 |
16,334 |
16,413 |
Other liabilities and provisions |
6 |
176 |
40 |
Equity |
35,630 |
43,889 |
Subscribed capital |
3,720 |
3,720 |
Capital reserves |
76,704 |
76,227 |
Accumulated deficit |
2 |
(46,111) |
(37,509) |
Accumulated other comprehensive income |
1,271 |
1,380 |
Equity attributable to the owners of the company |
35,584 |
43,818 |
Non controlling interest |
46 |
71 |
Total equity and liabilities |
59,769 |
67,002 |
See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated interim financial statements.
(1) Comparative figures for the year ended December 31, 2017 were restated for immaterial errors. For further information, see Notes 1 and 9 of the interim consolidated financial statements.
voxeljet AG
Three months ended September 30, |
Nine months ended September 30, |
Notes |
2017 (1) |
2018 |
2017 (1) |
(€ in thousands except share and share data) |
Revenues |
2, 10, 11 |
7,121 |
7,387 |
17,435 |
17,070 |
Cost of sales |
(4,810) |
(4,236) |
(11,141) |
(10,349) |
Gross profit |
2, 10 |
2,311 |
3,151 |
6,294 |
6,721 |
Selling expenses |
(1,990) |
(1,615) |
(5,384) |
(4,400) |
Administrative expenses |
(1,494) |
(1,354) |
(4,118) |
(3,702) |
Research and development expenses |
(1,660) |
(1,142) |
(4,771) |
(3,954) |
Other operating expenses |
(195) |
(414) |
(612) |
(1,605) |
Other operating income |
267 |
384 |
1,036 |
766 |
Operating loss |
(2,761) |
(990) |
(7,555) |
(6,174) |
Finance expense |
(1,086) |
(41) |
(962) |
(90) |
Finance income |
44 |
5 |
60 |
12 |
Financial result |
(1,042) |
(36) |
(902) |
(78) |
Loss before income taxes |
(3,803) |
(1,026) |
(8,457) |
(6,252) |
Income taxes |
6 |
-- |
(7) |
— |
Net loss |
(3,797) |
(1,026) |
(8,464) |
(6,252) |
Other comprehensive income |
(18) |
67 |
(109) |
397 |
Total comprehensive loss |
(3,815) |
(959) |
(8,573) |
(5,855) |
Loss attributable to: |
Owners of the Company |
(3,787) |
(1,021) |
(8,439) |
(6,238) |
Non-controlling interests |
(10) |
(5) |
(25) |
(14) |
(3,797) |
(1,026) |
(8,464) |
(6,252) |
Total comprehensive loss attributable to: |
Owners of the Company |
(3,805) |
(954) |
(8,548) |
(5,841) |
Non-controlling interests |
(10) |
(5) |
(25) |
(14) |
(3,815) |
(959) |
(8,573) |
(5,855) |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding |
3,720,000 |
3,720,000 |
3,720,000 |
3,720,000 |
Loss per share - basic/ diluted (EUR) |
(1.02) |
(0.27) |
(2.27) |
(1.68) |
See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated interim financial statements.
(1) Comparative figures for the 3-month and 9-month periods ended September 30, 2017 were restated for immaterial errors. For further information, see Notes 1 and 9 of the interim consolidated financial statements.
voxeljet AG
Attributable to the owners of the company |
Accumulated |
other |
Subscribed |
Capital |
Accumulated |
comprehensive |
Non-controlling |
(€ in thousands) |
capital |
reserves |
deficit |
gain (loss) |
Total |
interests |
Total equity |
Balance at January 1, 2017 |
3,720 |
75,827 |
(28,971) |
873 |
51,449 |
87 |
51,536 |
Loss for the period |
-- |
-- |
(6,238) |
-- |
(6,238) |
(14) |
(6,252) |
Net changes in fair value of available for sale financial assets |
-- |
-- |
-- |
1 |
-- |
1 |
Foreign currency translations |
-- |
-- |
-- |
396 |
396 |
-- |
396 |
Equity-settled share-based payment |
-- |
254 |
-- |
-- |
254 |
-- |
254 |
Balance at September 30, 2017 (1) |
3,720 |
76,081 |
(35,209) |
1,270 |
45,862 |
73 |
45,935 |
Attributable to the owners of the company |
Accumulated |
other |
Subscribed |
Capital |
Accumulated |
comprehensive |
Non-controlling |
(€ in thousands) |
capital |
reserves |
deficit |
gain (loss) |
Total |
interests |
Total equity |
Balance at December 31, 2017 (1) |
(37,509) |
43,818 |
Adjustment on initial application of IFRS 15 |
-- |
-- |
(100) |
-- |
(100) |
-- |
(100) |
Adjustment on initial application of IFRS 9 |
-- |
-- |
(63) |
-- |
(63) |
-- |
(63) |
Adjusted balance at January 1, 2018 |
43,655 |
Loss for the period |
-- |
-- |
(8,439) |
-- |
(8,439) |
(25) |
(8,464) |
Net changes in fair value of available for sale financial assets |
-- |
-- |
-- |
(1) |
(1) |
-- |
(1) |
Foreign currency translations |
-- |
-- |
-- |
(108) |
(108) |
-- |
(108) |
Equity-settled share-based payment |
-- |
477 |
-- |
-- |
477 |
-- |
477 |
Balance at September 30, 2018 |
See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated interim financial statements.
(1) Comparative figures for the 9-month period ended September 30, 2017 and for the year ended December 31, 2017 were restated for immaterial errors. For further information, see Notes 1 and 9 of the interim consolidated financial statements.
voxeljet AG
Nine months ended September 30, |
2018 |
2017 (1) |
(€ in thousands) |
Cash Flow from operating activities |
Loss for the period |
(8,464) |
(6,252) |
Depreciation and amortization |
2,605 |
2,272 |
Foreign currency exchange differences on loans to subsidiaries |
203 |
213 |
Equity-settled share-based payment transaction |
477 |
254 |
Impairment losses on trade receivables |
158 |
214 |
Change in investment in joint venture |
9 |
-- |
Non-cash interest expense on long-term debt |
581 |
-- |
Change in fair value of derivative equity forward |
89 |
-- |
Change in inventory allowance |
(361) |
(404) |
Deferred income taxes |
6 |
-- |
Change in working capital |
(1,567) |
(2,869) |
Trade and other receivables, inventories and current assets |
(2,875) |
(2,824) |
Trade payables |
191 |
455 |
Other liabilities, contract liabilities, provisions and deferred income |
1,130 |
(505) |
Income tax receivable and payable |
(13) |
Total |
(6,264) |
(6,572) |
Cash Flow from investing activities |
Payments to acquire property, plant and equipment and intangible assets |
(1,446) |
(2,118) |
Proceeds from disposal of financial assets |
10,288 |
1,835 |
Payments to acquire financial assets |
(6,178) |
-- |
Investment in joint venture |
-- |
(50) |
Total |
2,664 |
(333) |
Cash Flow from financing activities |
Repayment of bank overdrafts and lines of credit |
(58) |
(94) |
Repayment of sale and leaseback obligation |
(235) |
(292) |
Repayment of finance lease obligation |
(35) |
(33) |
Repayment of long-term debt |
(594) |
(533) |
Proceeds from long-term debt issuance |
40 |
2,611 |
Total |
(882) |
1,659 |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
(4,482) |
(5,246) |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period |
7,569 |
7,849 |
Changes to cash and cash equivalents due to foreign exchanges rates |
14 |
184 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
3,101 |
2,787 |
Supplemental Cash Flow Information |
Interest paid |
171 |
159 |
Interest received |
39 |
14 |
See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated interim financial statements.
(1) Comparative figures for the 9-month period ended September 30, 2017 were restated for immaterial errors. For further information, see Notes 1 and 9 of the interim consolidated financial statements.
voxeljet AG
1. Preparation of financial statements
Our consolidated interim financial statements include the accounts of voxeljet AG , which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and its wholly-owned subsidiaries voxeljet America Inc., voxeljet UK Ltd. and voxeljet India Pvt. Ltd., as well as voxeljet China Co. Ltd., which are collectively referred to herein as the ‘Group’ or the ‘Company.’
Our consolidated interim financial statements were prepared in compliance with all applicable measurement and presentation rules contained in International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) as set forth by the International Accounting Standards Board (‘IASB’) and Interpretations of the IFRS Interpretations Committee (‘IFRIC’). The designation IFRS also includes all valid International Accounting Standards (‘IAS’); and the designation IFRIC also includes all valid interpretations of the Standing Interpretations Committee (‘SIC’). Specifically, these financial statements were prepared in accordance with the disclosure requirements and the measurement principles for interim financial reporting purposes specified by IAS 34.
Correction of errors
Certain comparative amounts in the consolidated statements of financial position, consolidated statements of comprehensive loss, consolidated statements of changes in equity, consolidated statements of cashflows have been restated to correct for immaterial errors with respect to the elimination of margin on certain intra-group transactions. The impact of this restatement is disclosed in Note 9. “Correction of errors”. Throughout the consolidated financial statements, columns including comparative figures that have been restated, are indicated with ‘(1)’ .
The IASB issued a number of new IFRS standards which are required to be adopted in annual periods beginning after January 1, 2018.
Standard |
Effective date |
Descriptions |
IFRS 9 |
01/2019 |
Amendments Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation |
IFRS 16 |
01/2019 |
Leases |
IAS 19 |
01/2019 |
Amendments Plan Amendment, Curtailment or Settlement |
IAS 28 |
01/2019 |
Amendments Long-term Interests in Associates and Joint Ventures |
IFRIC 23 |
01/2019 |
Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments |
Improvements to IFRS (2015-2017) |
01/2019 |
IFRS 3, IFRS 11, IAS 12, IAS 23 |
Others |
01/2020 |
Amendments References to the Conceptual Framework in IFRS Standards |
IFRS 17 |
01/2021 |
Insurance Contracts |
IFRS 10, IAS 28 |
indefinite |
Amendment Sale or Contribution of Assets between Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture |
IFRS 16 leases is the IASB’s replacement of IAS 17 leases and specifies how an IFRS reporter will recognize, measure, present and disclose leases. The standard provides a single lessee accounting model, requiring lessees to recognise assets and liabilities for all leases unless the lease term is 12 months or less or the underlying asset has a low value. Lessors continue to classify leases as operating or finance, with IFRS 16’s approach to lessor accounting substantially unchanged from its predecessor, IAS 17. The Company has developed a project plan to analyze the potential impact IFRS 16 will have on its consolidated financial statements and related disclosures as well as its business processes, systems and controls. The introduction of IFRS 16 will lead to an increase in leased assets (right of use assets) and corresponding financial liabilities on the balance sheet as well as higher interest expenses.
The interim financial statements as of and for the nine months ended September 30, 2018 and 2017 were authorized for issue by the Management Board on November 27, 2018.
2. Summary of significant accounting policies
Except as described below, the accounting policies applied in these consolidated interim financial statements are the same as those applied in the Company’s consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2017, which can be found in its Annual Report on Form 20-F that was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The changes in accounting policies are also expected to be reflected in the Company’s consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ending December 31, 2018.
The Group has initially adopted IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers , and IFRS 9, Financial Instruments , on January 1, 2018. A number of other new standards are effective from January 1, 2018 but these do not have a material effect on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.
- |
The adoption of IFRS 15 resulted in minor impacts related to the revenue recognition regarding the revenue streams from maintenance as well as extended warranty contracts. Those impacts include immaterial timing differences for revenue recognition related to these types of contracts with customers. The new guidance is not expected to have a material impact to net income (loss) on an ongoing basis. |
- |
The adoption of IFRS 9 resulted in a minor increase in impairment losses recognized on trade receivables. |
IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
IFRS 15 establishes a comprehensive framework for determining whether, how much and when revenue is recognized. It replaced IAS 18, Revenue, IAS 11, Construction Contracts , and related interpretations. The Group has adopted IFRS 15 using the cumulative effect method, with the effect of initially applying this standard recognized at the date of initial application (i.e. January 1, 2018). Accordingly, the information presented for 2017 has not been restated – i.e. it is presented, as previously reported, under IAS 18, IAS 11 and related interpretations.
The following table summarizes the impact, net of tax, of transition to IFRS 15 on retained earnings as of January 1, 2018.
Impact at January 1, 2018 |
Impact on adopting IFRS 15 at January 1, 2018 |
(€ in thousands) |
Retained earnings |
Recognition of revenues from maintenance and extended warranty contracts |
The following table summarizes the impacts of adopting IFRS 15 on the Company’s consolidated interim consolidated statement of financial position as of September 30, 2018 and its consolidated interim statement of comprehensive loss for the nine months then ended for each of the line items affected.
Amounts without |
09/30/2018 |
As reported |
Adjustments |
adoption of IFRS 15 |
(€ in thousands) |
Total assets |
59,769 |
(327) |
59,442 |
Current assets |
30,086 |
(327) |
29,759 |
Trade receivables |
4,727 |
(327) |
4,400 |
Total equity and liabilities |
59,769 |
(327) |
59,442 |
Current liabilities |
7,557 |
(554) |
7,003 |
Deferred income |
21 |
256 |
277 |
Contract liabilities |
1,366 |
(1,366) |
-- |
Other liabilities and provisions |
1,980 |
556 |
2,536 |
Equity |
35,630 |
227 |
35,857 |
Accumulated deficit |
(46,111) |
227 |
(45,884) |
Amounts without |
09/30/2018 |
As reported |
Adjustments |
adoption of IFRS 15 |
(€ in thousands) |
Revenue |
17,435 |
127 |
17,562 |
Impairment loss on trade receivables under IFRS 15 |
(10) |
10 |
-- |
Operating loss |
(7,555) |
137 |
(7,418) |
Loss before income taxes |
(8,457) |
137 |
(8,320) |
Net loss |
(8,464) |
137 |
(8,327) |
Total comprehensive loss |
(8,573) |
137 |
(8,436) |
The details of the new accounting policies and the nature of the changes to previous accounting policies in relation to the Group’s revenue streams in relation to the Maintenance and extended warranty contracts are set out below.
After the initial one year of statutory warranty period, the Company offers its customers extended warranty and optional maintenance contracts. Extended warranty and maintenance contracts are generally provided for a period of twelve months and automatically extended for another twelve months if not cancelled on a timely basis. Before the adoption of IFRS 15 extended warranty and maintenance service revenue has been recognized on a straight-line basis over the contractual term.
Under IFRS 15, the Company recognizes revenue based on input factors like the number of service visits or the provision of certain goods, in particular printheads under the maintenance and warranty contracts. Therefore the expected number of service visits and goods to be provided under a contract have been estimated by the Company’s service department based on historical experience. This leads to minor timing differences for revenue recognition related to these types of contracts with customers throughout the contract term.
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments
IFRS 9 sets out requirements for recognizing and measuring financial assets, financial liabilities and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial items. This standard replaces IAS 39, Financial Instruments .
The Company has applied the exemption not to restate comparative information for prior periods with respect to classification and measurement (including impairment) requirements. Differences in the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities resulting from the adoption of IFRS 9 are recognized in retained earnings and reserves as of January 1, 2018. Accordingly, the information presented for 2017 does not reflect the requirements of IFRS 9 but rather those of IAS 39.
The details of new significant accounting policies and the nature and effect of the changes to previous accounting policies are set out below.
Classification and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities
IFRS 9 largely retains the existing requirements in IAS 39 for the classification and measurement of financial liabilities. However, it eliminates the previous IAS 39 categories for financial assets of held to maturity, loans and receivables and available for sale.
Under IFRS 9, on initial recognition, a financial asset is classified as measured at: amortized cost, fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI), or fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL). The classification of financial assets under IFRS 9 is generally based on the business model in which a financial asset is managed and its contractual cash flow characteristics.
A financial asset is measured at amortized cost if it meets both of the following conditions and is not designated as at FVTPL:
- |
it is held within a business model whose objective is to hold assets to collect contractual cash flows; and |
- |
its contractual terms give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. |
On initial recognition of an equity investment that is not held for trading, the Company may irrevocably elect to record subsequent changes in the investment’s fair value in OCI. This election is made on an investment-by-investment basis.
All financial assets not classified as measured at amortized cost or FVOCI as described above are measured at FVTPL. This includes all derivative financial assets. On initial recognition, the Company may irrevocably designate a financial asset that otherwise meets the requirements to be measured at amortized cost or at FVOCI as at FVTPL if doing so eliminates or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch that would otherwise arise.
A financial asset (unless it is a trade receivable without a significant financing component that is initially measured at the transaction price) is initially measured at fair value plus, for an item not at FVTPL, transaction costs that are directly attributable to its acquisition.
Under IFRS 9, our investments in bond funds will be classified as fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI). As permitted by IFRS 9, the Company has designated these investments at the date of initial application as measured at FVOCI. Unlike IAS 39, the accumulated fair value reserve related to these investments will never be reclassified to profit or loss.
Under IAS 39 as well as upon adoption of IFRS 9, our derivative financial instruments have been designated as at FVTPL.
Impairment of financial assets
IFRS 9 replaces the ‘incurred loss’ model in IAS 39 with an ‘expected credit loss’ (ECL) model. The new impairment model applies to financial assets measured at amortized cost, FVOCI and contract assets. Under IFRS 9, credit losses are recognized earlier than under IAS 39.
The Company’s financial assets at amortized cost consist of trade receivables and cash and cash equivalents. For cash and cash equivalents the adoption of IFRS 9 did not have any impact regarding impairment.
Under IFRS 9, loss allowances are measured on either of the following bases:
- |
12-months ECLs: these are ECLs that result from possible default events within the 12 months after the reporting date; or |
- |
lifetime ECLs: these are ECLs that result from all possible default events over the expected life of a financial instrument. |
When determining whether the credit risk of a financial asset has increased significantly since initial recognition and when estimating ECLs, the Company considers reasonable and supportable information that is relevant and available
without undue cost or effort. This includes both quantitative and qualitative information and analysis, based on the Group’s historical experience and informed credit assessment and including forward-looking information.
The Company considers a financial asset to be in default when:
- |
the borrower is unlikely to pay its credit obligations to the Company in full, without recourse by the Company to actions such as realizing security (if any is held); or |
- |
the financial asset is more than 90 days past due. |
The Company considers an investment to have low credit risk when its credit risk rating is equivalent to the globally understood definition of ‘investment grade’. The Company limits its exposure to credit risk by investing only in bond funds which are fully guaranteed by the financial institutions and therefore represents short term credit rating of A‑3 based on Standard & Poor’s or P‑2 based on Moody’s.
Trade receivables
The Company measures loss allowances for trade receivables at an amount equal to lifetime ECLs. ECLs are a probability-weighted estimate of credit losses. The Company calculates the ECL based on the risk scoring its customers’ according to an external rating agency. Following the risk score of each customer, the trade receivables are clustered into different grades. For each grade, the ECL is calculated after deducting from trade receivables a loss allowance based on actual credit loss experience. In addition the Company uses qualitative assessment of the trade receivables, where default has incurred.
The Group considers an equity security to have low credit risk when its credit risk rating is equivalent to the globally understood definition of ‘investment grade’. The Group limits its exposure to credit risk by investing only in bond funds which are fully guaranteed by the financial institutions and therefore represents short term credit rating of A‑3 based on Standard & Poor’s or P‑2 based on Moody’s.
Presentation of impairment
Loss allowances for financial assets measured at amortized cost are deducted from the gross carrying amount of the assets and presented within other operating expenses.
Impairment losses on financial assets classified as FVTPL and FCOCI are presented within the finance expense and other comprehensive income, respectively.
The following table presents the original measurement categories under IAS 39 and the new measurement categories under IFRS 9 for each class of the Company’s financial assets and financial liabilities as of January 1, 2018.
Original |
New |
Original classification |
New classification |
carrying amount |
carrying amount |
01/01/2018 |
under IAS 39 |
under IFRS 9 |
under IAS 39 |
under IFRS 9 |
(€ in thousands) |
Financial assets |
Non-current assets |
Equity securities |
Available‑for‑sale financial assets |
Derivative financial instruments |
A financial asset or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss |
Mandatorily at FVTPL |
Current assets |
Bond funds |
Available‑for‑sale financial assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
Loans and receivables |
Amortized cost |
Trade receivables |
Loans and receivables |
Amortized cost |
Financial liabilities |
Non-current liabilities |
Long-term debt |
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost |
Amortized cost |
Finance lease obligation |
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost |
Amortized cost |
Current liabilities |
Bank overdraft |
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost |
Amortized cost |
Long-term debt |
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost |
Amortized cost |
Finance lease obligation |
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost |
Amortized cost |
Trade payables |
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost |
Amortized cost |
Impact of the new impairment model
For assets in the scope of the IFRS 9 impairment model, impairment losses are generally expected to increase and become more volatile. The Company has determined that the application of IFRS 9’s impairment requirements at January 1, 2018 results in an additional impairment allowance as follows.
(€ in thousands) |
Loss allowance at December 31, 2017 under IAS 39 |
Additional impairment recognized at January 1, 2018 on: |
Trade and other receivables as at December 31, 2017 |
Additional trade receivables recognized on adoption of IFRS 15 |
1 |
Loss allowance at January 1, 2018 under IFRS 9 |
The following tables provides information about the exposure to credit risk and ECLs for trade receivables as of January 1, 2018 and September 30, 2018. This was calculated after a specific assessment of the trade receivables and after recording a specific debt allowance.
January 1, 2018 |
Equivalent to external |
credit rating |
Probability of |
Gross carrying |
Impairment loss |
Net carrying |
Grades |
(Standard & Poor’s) |
default |
amount |
allowance |
amount |
(€ in thousands) |
Grades 1-4: |
Low risk |
BBB+ to AAA |
Grades 5-7: |
Fair risk |
B+ to BBB |
Grades 8-9: |
Substandard |
CCC- to B |
Grade 10: |
Doubtful |
C to CC |
Grade 11: |
Loss |
D |
-- |
September 30, 2018 |
Equivalent to external |
credit rating |
Probability of |
Gross carrying |
Impairment loss |
Net carrying |
Grades |
(Standard & Poor’s) |
default |
amount |
allowance |
amount |
(€ in thousands) |
Grades 1-4: |
Low risk |
BBB+ to AAA |
2,029 |
3 |
2,026 |
Grades 5-7: |
Fair risk |
B+ to BBB |
1,913 |
26 |
1,887 |
Grades 8-9: |
Substandard |
CCC- to B |
792 |
55 |
737 |
Grade 10: |
Doubtful |
C to CC |
103 |
26 |
77 |
Grade 11: |
Loss |
D |
11 |
11 |
-- |
4,848 |
121 |
4,727 |
3. Share based payment arrangements
On April 7, 2017, voxeljet AG established a share option plan that entitles key management personnel and senior employees of voxeljet AG and its subsidiaries to purchase shares of the parent company.
Total options available under the share option plan are 372,000. 279,000 options (75%, Tranche 1) were granted on April 7, 2017. 93,000 options (25%, Tranche 2) were granted on April 12, 2018.
The vesting conditions include a service condition (the options vest after a period of four years of continued service from the respective grant date) and a market condition (the options may only be exercised if the share price exceeds the exercise price over a period of 90 consecutive days by at least 20% in the period between the grant date and the respective exercise time frame) of which both conditions must be met.
The fair value of the employee share option plan has been measured for Tranches 1 and 2 using a Monte Carlo simulation. The market condition has been incorporated into the fair value at grant date.
The inputs used in the measurement of the fair value at grant date are as follows:
Tranche 1 |
Tranche 2 |
Parameter |
Share price at grant date |
USD 13.80 |
USD 16.15 |
Exercise price |
USD 13.90 |
USD 16.15 |
Expected volatility |
55.00% |
58.40% |
Expected dividends |
-- |
-- |
Risk-free interest rate |
2.49% |
2.85% |
Fair value at grant date |
USD 8.00 |
USD 9.74 |
The respective expected volatility has been based on an evaluation of the historical volatility of the Company’s share price as at the grant date. As at September 30, 2018 no options are exercisable and 372,000 options are outstanding. The
weighted-average contractual life of the options at September 30, 2018 amounts to 8.8 years (September 30, 2017: 9.5 years).
The expenses recognized in the profit and loss statement in relation to the share-based payment arrangements amounted to kEUR 178 in the three months and kEUR 477 in the nine months ended September 30, 2018. (three months and nine months ended September 30, 2017: kEUR 132 and kEUR 254, respectively).
4. Inventories
9/30/2018 |
12/31/2017 (1) |
(€ in thousands) |
Raw materials and merchandise |
4,185 |
2,737 |
Work in progress |
6,501 |
6,522 |
Total |
10,686 |
9,259 |
(1) Comparative figures for the year ended December 31, 2017 were restated for immaterial errors. For further information, see Notes 1 and 9 of the interim consolidated financial statements.
5. Property, plant and equipment, net
9/30/2018 |
12/31/2017 (1) |
(€ in thousands) |
Land, buildings and leasehold improvements |
17,206 |
17,415 |
Plant and machinery (includes assets under finance lease) |
9,104 |
8,901 |
Other facilities, factory and office equipment |
1,496 |
1,625 |
Assets under construction and prepayments made |
108 |
8 |
Total |
27,914 |
27,949 |
Thereof pledged assets of Property, Plant and Equipment |
6,790 |
7,046 |
Leased assets included in Property, Plant and Equipment: |
259 |
881 |
Printers |
106 |
613 |
Printers leased to customers under operating lease |
-- |
97 |
Other factory equipment |
153 |
171 |
(1) Comparative figures for the year ended December 31, 2017 were restated for immaterial errors. For further information, see Notes 1 and 9 of the interim consolidated financial statements.
6. Other liabilities and provisions
9/30/2018 |
12/31/2017 |
(€ in thousands) |
Customer deposits |
— |
373 |
Liabilities from VAT |
18 |
12 |
Employee bonus |
285 |
303 |
Accruals for vacation and overtime |
293 |
222 |
Accruals for licenses |
134 |
140 |
Liabilities from payroll |
274 |
236 |
Accruals for commissions |
80 |
50 |
Accruals for compensation of Supervisory board |
175 |
180 |
Accrual for warranty |
388 |
286 |
Others |
509 |
322 |
Total |
2,156 |
2,124 |
After the adoption of IFRS 15 customer deposits amounting to kEUR 556 are presented within contract liabilities.
7. Financial instruments
The following table shows the carrying amounts and fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities, including their levels in the fair value hierarchy.
Carrying amount |
Fair Value |
Assets at |
Liabilities |
Total |
amortized |
at amortized |
carrying |
9/30/2018 |
cost |
cost |
amount |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Total |
Financial assets measured at fair value |
Non-current assets |
Derivative financial instruments |
263 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
263 |
-- |
263 |
-- |
263 |
Equity securities |
-- |
5 |
-- |
-- |
5 |
-- |
-- |
5 |
5 |
Current assets |
Bond funds |
-- |
9,934 |
-- |
-- |
9,934 |
9,934 |
-- |
-- |
9,934 |
Financial assets not measured at fair value |
Current assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
-- |
-- |
3,101 |
-- |
3,101 |
3,101 |
-- |
-- |
3,101 |
Trade and other receivables |
-- |
-- |
4,727 |
-- |
4,727 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Financial liabilities not measured at fair value |
Non-current liabilities |
Long-term debt |
-- |
-- |
-- |
16,255 |
16,255 |
-- |
15,082 |
-- |
15,082 |
Finance lease obligation |
-- |
-- |
-- |
79 |
79 |
-- |
76 |
-- |
76 |
Current liabilities |
Bank overdraft |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Long-term debt |
-- |
-- |
-- |
810 |
810 |
-- |
803 |
-- |
803 |
Finance lease obligation |
-- |
-- |
-- |
130 |
130 |
-- |
128 |
-- |
128 |
Trade payables |
-- |
-- |
-- |
3,250 |
3,250 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
A financial |
asset or |
financial |
liability |
at fair value |
Financial |
through |
Held-to- |
Available- |
liabilities |
profit |
maturity |
for‑sale |
Loans and |
measured at |
12/31/2017 |
or loss |
investments |
investments |
receivables |
amortized cost |
Fair Value |
Level |
Assets |
Non-current assets |
Equity securities |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Level 3 |
Derivative financial instruments |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Level 2 |
Current assets |
Bond funds |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Level 1 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Level 1 |
Liabilities |
Non-current liabilities |
Long-term debt |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Level 2 |
Finance lease obligation |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Level 2 |
Current liabilities |
Bank overdraft |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Long-term debt |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Level 2 |
Finance lease obligation |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Level 2 |
The fair value of the Company’s investments in the bond funds was determined based on the unit prices quoted by the fund management company.
The fair value of long-term debt was determined using discounted cash flow models based on the relevant forward interest rate yield curves. The fair value of finance lease obligations was determined using discounted cash flow models on market interest rates available to the Company for similar transactions at the relevant date.
Due to their short maturity and the current low level of interest rates, the carrying amounts of credit lines and bank overdrafts approximate fair value.
8. Financial result
Three months ended September 30, |
2018 |
2017 |
(€ in thousands) |
Interest expense |
(1,086) |
(41) |
Finance lease obligations |
(20) |
(22) |
Long-term debt |
(238) |
(11) |
Expense from revaluation of derivative financial instruments |
(805) |
-- |
Other |
(23) |
(8) |
Interest income |
44 |
5 |
Income from bond funds |
34 |
2 |
Other |
10 |
3 |
Financial result |
(1,042) |
(36) |
Nine months ended September 30, |
2018 |
2017 |
(€ in thousands) |
Interest expense |
(962) |
(90) |
Finance lease obligations |
(79) |
(39) |
Long-term debt |
(705) |
(40) |
Expense from revaluation of derivative financial instruments |
(89) |
-- |
Other |
(89) |
(11) |
Interest income |
60 |
12 |
Income from bond funds |
48 |
9 |
Other |
12 |
3 |
Financial result |
(902) |
(78) |
9. Correction of errors
During the preparation of the consolidated interim financial statements for the three-month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2018, the Company became aware that the margin within certain intra-group transactions has not been properly eliminated in the consolidation process, resulting in misstatement of cost of sales in its consolidated financial statements since the first quarter in fiscal year 2017. These errors have been corrected by restating each of the affected financial statement line items for prior periods. The Company has evaluated the effect of these errors, both qualitatively and quantitatively, and concluded that the corrections did not have a material impact on, nor require amendment of, any previously filed financial statements. The following tables summarize the impacts on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated statement of financial position
March 31, 2017 |
Impact of correction of error |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands) |
Current assets |
33,601 |
(65) |
33,536 |
Inventories |
9,475 |
(65) |
9,410 |
Non-current assets |
28,003 |
— |
28,003 |
Property, plant and equipment |
26,872 |
— |
26,872 |
Total assets |
61,604 |
(65) |
61,539 |
Equity |
49,120 |
(65) |
49,055 |
Accumulated deficit |
(31,400) |
(65) |
(31,465) |
Total equity and liabilities |
61,604 |
(65) |
61,539 |
June 30, 2017 |
Impact of correction of error |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands) |
Current assets |
30,937 |
(121) |
30,816 |
Inventories |
9,507 |
(121) |
9,386 |
Non-current assets |
28,300 |
— |
28,300 |
Property, plant and equipment |
27,010 |
— |
27,010 |
Total assets |
59,237 |
(121) |
59,116 |
Equity |
46,883 |
(121) |
46,762 |
Accumulated deficit |
(34,067) |
(121) |
(34,188) |
Total equity and liabilities |
59,237 |
(121) |
59,116 |
September 30, 2017 |
Impact of correction of error |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands) |
Current assets |
29,840 |
(187) |
29,653 |
Inventories |
9,391 |
(187) |
9,204 |
Non-current assets |
28,990 |
— |
28,990 |
Property, plant and equipment |
27,617 |
— |
27,617 |
Total assets |
58,830 |
(187) |
58,643 |
Equity |
46,122 |
(187) |
45,935 |
Accumulated deficit |
(35,022) |
(187) |
(35,209) |
Total equity and liabilities |
58,830 |
(187) |
58,643 |
December 31, 2017 |
Impact of correction of error |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands) |
Current assets |
37,774 |
(280) |
37,494 |
Inventories |
9,539 |
(280) |
9,259 |
Non-current assets |
29,257 |
251 |
29,508 |
Property, plant and equipment |
27,698 |
251 |
27,949 |
Total assets |
67,031 |
(29) |
67,002 |
Equity |
43,918 |
(29) |
43,889 |
Accumulated deficit |
(37,480) |
(29) |
(37,509) |
Total equity and liabilities |
67,031 |
(29) |
67,002 |
March 31, 2018 |
Impact of correction of error |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands) |
Current assets |
38,347 |
(417) |
37,930 |
Inventories |
11,309 |
(417) |
10,892 |
Non-current assets |
29,360 |
254 |
29,614 |
Property, plant and equipment |
26,792 |
254 |
27,046 |
Total assets |
67,707 |
(163) |
67,544 |
Equity |
42,223 |
(163) |
42,060 |
Accumulated deficit |
(39,219) |
(163) |
(39,382) |
Total equity and liabilities |
67,707 |
(163) |
67,544 |
June 30, 2018 |
Impact of correction of error |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands) |
Current assets |
35,781 |
(623) |
35,158 |
Inventories |
13,116 |
(623) |
12,493 |
Non-current assets |
29,056 |
257 |
29,313 |
Property, plant and equipment |
26,550 |
257 |
26,807 |
Total assets |
64,837 |
(366) |
64,471 |
Equity |
39,633 |
(366) |
39,267 |
Accumulated deficit |
(41,958) |
(366) |
(42,324) |
Total equity and liabilities |
64,837 |
(366) |
64,471 |
Consolidated statement of comprehensive loss
Impact of correction of error |
three months ended March 31, 2017 |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands except share and share data) |
Cost of sales |
(2,949) |
(65) |
(3,014) |
Gross profit |
1,581 |
(65) |
1,516 |
Operating loss |
(2,388) |
(65) |
(2,453) |
Net loss |
(2,431) |
(65) |
(2,496) |
Total comprehensive loss |
(2,416) |
(65) |
(2,481) |
Loss attributable to owners of the company |
(2,429) |
(65) |
(2,494) |
Total comprehensive loss attributable to owners of the company |
(2,414) |
(65) |
(2,479) |
Loss per share - basic/ diluted (EUR) |
(0.65) |
(0.02) |
(0.67) |
Impact of correction of error |
Impact of correction of error |
three months ended June 30, 2017 |
six months ended June 30, 2017 |
As previously |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands except
(€ in thousands except
Cost of sales |
(3,043) |
(56) |
(3,099) |
(5,992) |
(121) |
(6,113) |
Gross profit |
2,110 |
(56) |
2,054 |
3,691 |
(121) |
3,570 |
Operating loss |
(2,675) |
(56) |
(2,731) |
(5,063) |
(121) |
(5,184) |
Net loss |
(2,674) |
(56) |
(2,730) |
(5,105) |
(121) |
(5,226) |
Total comprehensive loss |
(2,359) |
(56) |
(2,415) |
(4,775) |
(121) |
(4,896) |
Loss attributable to owners of the company |
(2,667) |
(56) |
(2,723) |
(5,096) |
(121) |
(5,217) |
Total comprehensive loss attributable to owners of the company |
(2,352) |
(56) |
(2,408) |
(4,766) |
(121) |
(4,887) |
Loss per share - basic/ diluted (EUR) |
(0.72) |
(0.01) |
(0.73) |
(1.37) |
(0.03) |
(1.40) |
Impact of correction of error |
Impact of correction of error |
three months ended September 30, 2017 |
nine months ended September 30, 2017 |
As previously |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands except
(€ in thousands except
Cost of sales |
(4,170) |
(66) |
(4,236) |
(10,162) |
(187) |
(10,349) |
Gross profit |
3,217 |
(66) |
3,151 |
6,908 |
(187) |
6,721 |
Operating loss |
(924) |
(66) |
(990) |
(5,987) |
(187) |
(6,174) |
Net loss |
(960) |
(66) |
(1,026) |
(6,065) |
(187) |
(6,252) |
Total comprehensive loss |
(893) |
(66) |
(959) |
(5,668) |
(187) |
(5,855) |
Loss attributable to: |
Loss attributable to owners of the company |
(955) |
(66) |
(1,021) |
(6,051) |
(187) |
(6,238) |
Total comprehensive loss attributable to owners of the company |
(888) |
(66) |
(954) |
(5,654) |
(187) |
(5,841) |
Loss per share - basic/ diluted (EUR) |
(0.26) |
(0.01) |
(0.27) |
(1.63) |
(0.05) |
(1.68) |
Impact of correction of error |
Impact of correction of error |
three months ended December 31, 2017 |
year ended December 31, 2017 |
As previously |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands except
(€ in thousands except
Cost of sales |
(3,662) |
158 |
(3,504) |
(13,824) |
(29) |
(13,853) |
Gross profit |
2,446 |
158 |
2,604 |
9,354 |
(29) |
9,325 |
Operating loss |
(2,633) |
158 |
(2,475) |
(8,620) |
(29) |
(8,649) |
Net loss |
(2,460) |
158 |
(2,302) |
(8,525) |
(29) |
(8,554) |
Total comprehensive loss |
(2,352) |
158 |
(2,194) |
(8,020) |
(29) |
(8,049) |
Loss attributable to owners of the company |
(2,458) |
158 |
(2,300) |
(8,509) |
(29) |
(8,538) |
Total comprehensive loss attributable to owners of the company |
(2,350) |
158 |
(2,192) |
(8,004) |
(29) |
(8,033) |
Loss per share - basic/ diluted (EUR) |
(0.66) |
0.04 |
(0.62) |
(2.29) |
(0.01) |
(2.30) |
Impact of correction of error |
three months ended March 31, 2018 |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands except share and share data) |
Cost of sales |
(2,785) |
(134) |
(2,919) |
Gross profit |
2,267 |
(134) |
2,133 |
Operating loss |
(2,254) |
(134) |
(2,388) |
Net loss |
(1,582) |
(134) |
(1,716) |
Total comprehensive loss |
(1,661) |
(134) |
(1,795) |
Loss attributable to owners of the company |
(1,576) |
(134) |
(1,710) |
Total comprehensive loss attributable to owners of the company |
(1,655) |
(134) |
(1,789) |
Loss per share - basic/ diluted (EUR) |
(0.42) |
(0.04) |
(0.46) |
Impact of correction of error |
Impact of correction of error |
three months ended June 30, 2018 |
six months ended June 30, 2018 |
As previously |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands except
(€ in thousands except
Cost of sales |
(3,209) |
(201) |
(3,410) |
(5,994) |
(337) |
(6,331) |
Gross profit |
2,053 |
(201) |
1,852 |
4,320 |
(337) |
3,983 |
Operating loss |
(2,203) |
(201) |
(2,404) |
(4,457) |
(337) |
(4,794) |
Net loss |
(2,748) |
(201) |
(2,949) |
(4,330) |
(337) |
(4,667) |
Total comprehensive loss |
(2,760) |
(201) |
(2,961) |
(4,421) |
(337) |
(4,758) |
Loss attributable to owners of the company |
(2,739) |
(201) |
(2,940) |
(4,315) |
(337) |
(4,652) |
Total comprehensive loss attributable to owners of the company |
(2,751) |
(201) |
(2,952) |
(4,406) |
(337) |
(4,743) |
Loss per share - basic/ diluted (EUR) |
(0.74) |
(0.05) |
(0.79) |
(1.16) |
(0.09) |
(1.25) |
Segment reporting
Impact of correction of error three months ended March 31, 2017 |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands) |
Revenues |
1,693 |
2,837 |
— |
— |
1,693 |
2,837 |
Gross profit |
353 |
1,228 |
12 |
(77) |
365 |
1,151 |
Gross profit in % |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Impact of correction of error three months ended June 30, 2017 |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands) |
Revenues |
2,542 |
2,611 |
— |
— |
2,542 |
2,611 |
Gross profit |
925 |
1,185 |
22 |
(78) |
947 |
1,107 |
Gross profit in % |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Impact of correction of error six months ended June 30, 2017 |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands) |
Revenues |
4,235 |
5,448 |
— |
— |
4,235 |
5,448 |
Gross profit |
1,278 |
2,413 |
34 |
(155) |
1,312 |
2,258 |
Gross profit in % |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Impact of correction of error year ended December 31, 2017 |
As previously |
reported |
Adjustments |
As corrected |
(€ in thousands) |
Revenues |
11,534 |
11,644 |
— |
— |
11,534 |
11,644 |
Gross profit |
3,921 |
5,433 |
337 |
(366) |
4,258 |
5,067 |
Gross profit in % |
% |
% |
% |
% |
There is no impact on the Company’s operating, investing or financing cash flows for the 9-months period ended September 30, 2017.
10. Segment reporting
The following table summarizes segment reporting. The sum of the amounts of the two segments equals the total for the Group in each of the periods.
Three months ended September 30, |
2018 |
2017 (1) |
(€ in thousands) |
Revenues |
3,744 |
3,377 |
4,153 |
3,234 |
Gross profit |
1,197 |
1,114 |
1,617 |
1,534 |
Gross profit in % |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Nine months ended September 30, |
2018 |
2017 (1) |
(€ in thousands) |
Revenues |
7,002 |
10,433 |
8,388 |
8,682 |
Gross profit |
2,051 |
4,243 |
2,929 |
3,792 |
Gross profit in % |
% |
% |
% |
% |
(1) Comparative figures for the 3-month and 9-month periods ended September 30, 2017 were restated for immaterial errors. For further information, see Notes 1 and 9 of the interim consolidated financial statements.
11. Revenues
Three months ended September 30, |
Nine months ended September 30, |
2017 |
2018 |
2017 |
(€ in thousands) |
(€ in thousands) |
2,935 |
5,660 |
9,757 |
12,053 |
Germany |
1,546 |
1,202 |
4,284 |
4,656 |
France |
397 |
1,077 |
2,146 |
2,105 |
Sweden |
46 |
1,167 |
209 |
1,367 |
Others |
946 |
2,214 |
3,118 |
3,925 |
Asia Pacific |
2,269 |
653 |
3,486 |
1,933 |
Indonesia |
1,758 |
32 |
1,784 |
91 |
China |
132 |
204 |
460 |
1,137 |
South Korea |
361 |
400 |
667 |
656 |
Others |
18 |
17 |
575 |
49 |
Americas |
1,917 |
1,074 |
4,192 |
3,084 |
United States |
1,871 |
911 |
4,125 |
2,742 |
Others |
46 |
163 |
67 |
342 |
Total |
7,121 |
7,387 |
17,435 |
17,070 |
12. Commitments, contingent assets and liabilities
In March 2018, ExOne GmbH, a subsidiary of The ExOne Company, notified voxeljet of its intent not to pay its annual license fees under an existing intellectual property-related agreement and asserted its rights to claim damages pursuant to an alleged material breach of the agreement. At this time, the Company cannot reasonably estimate a contingency, if any, related to this matter.
13. Subsequent events
On October 17, 2018, voxeljet issued 972,000 ordinary shares, equivalent to 4,860,000 American Depository Shares (“ADS”), at an offering price of USD 2.57 per ADS (the “Public Offering Price”). The Company received net proceeds of approximately EUR 9.2 million. Members of our management board, who are also significant shareholders, purchased an aggregate number of 233,462 ADSs in this offering at the Public Offering Price.
On November 8, 2018, voxeljet closed the over-allotment transaction in which it issued additional 144,000 ordinary shares, equivalent to 720,000 ADSs, upon the exercise of the over-allotment option exercised by the underwriter on November 1, 2018. The Company received net proceeds of approximately EUR 1.4 million.