Washington, D.C. 20549
For the month of September 2018.
Commission File Number: 000-53805
Intellipharmaceutics International Inc.
(Translation of registrant's name into English)
(Address of principal executive office)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F. Form 20-F [ x ]    Form 40-F [   ]
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): ___
Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted solely to provide an attached annual report to security holders.
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): ___
Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted to furnish a report or other document that the registrant foreign private issuer must furnish and make public under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the registrant is incorporated, domiciled or legally organized (the registrant's “home country”), or under the rules of the home country exchange on which the registrant's securities are traded, as long as the report or other document is not a press release, is not required to be and has not been distributed to the registrant's security holders, and, if discussing a material event, has already been the subject of a Form 6-K submission or other Commission filing on EDGAR.
Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. (the “Company”) has (i) instructed American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC to send a notice to holders of the warrants issued by the Company on or after June 2, 2016 in connection with that certain Underwriting Agreement between the Company and Dawson James Securities, Inc., dated May 27, 2016, and (ii) sent a notice to holders of other outstanding warrants to acquire common shares of the Company, informing them of certain adjustments resulting from the recent one-for-10 reverse split of common shares of the Company previously reported on the Company’s Form 6-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 13, 2018. A copy of each such notice is attached at Exhibits 99.1 through 99.7 to this report and incorporated herein by reference.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Intellipharmaceutics International Inc.
/s/ Andrew Patient
Date: September 21, 2018
Andrew Patient
Chief Financial Officer
Form of Notice to Warrant Holders pursuant to that certain Underwriting Agreement by and between the Company and Dawson James Securities, Inc., dated May 27, 2016
Form of Notice to Warrant Holders pursuant to that certain Engagement Agreement by and between the Company and H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC, dated October 10, 2017
Form of Notice to Warrant Holders pursuant to that certain Securities Purchase Agreement by and among the Company and the purchasers named therein, dated October 11, 2017
Form of Notice to Warrant Holders pursuant to that certain Engagement Letter by and between the Company and H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC, dated March 12, 2018
Form of Notice to Warrant Holders pursuant to that certain Securities Purchase Agreement by and among the Company and the purchasers named therein, dated March 13, 2018
Form of Notice to Warrant Holders pursuant to that certain Engagement Letter by and between the Company and H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC, dated March 18, 2018
Form of Notice to Warrant Holders pursuant to that certain Securities Purchase Agreement by and among the Company and the purchasers named therein, dated March 19, 2018
  EXHIBIT 99.1
 September 19, 2018
Notice to Warrant Holders
Dear Warrant Holder:
Reference is made to that certain Common Stock Purchase Warrant issued to you (the “Holder”) on or after June 2, 2016 in connection with the execution of that certain Underwriting Agreement between Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. (the “Company”) and Dawson James Securities, Inc., dated May 27, 2016 (the “Warrant” and collectively with the other warrants issued under such Underwriting Agreement, the “Warrants”). This letter constitutes a notice pursuant to Section 3(g) of the Warrant and in accordance with the notice provisions contained in Section 5(h) thereof. All capitalized terms not separately defined in this Notice shall have the same meanings as defined in the Warrants.
We are writing to inform you, as a registered holder of one or more Warrants, that the Company has effected a consolidation, or reverse stock split, of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company (the “reverse split”). The Board of Directors of the Company has selected a share consolidation ratio of ten (10) pre-consolidation shares for one (1) post-consolidation common share. On September 12, 2018, the Company filed articles of amendment which implemented the reverse split and the Company’s common shares began trading on each of The NASDAQ Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) on a post-split basis under the Company’s existing trade symbol “IPCI” at the market open on September 14, 2018.
Pursuant to the terms of the Warrants, each then-outstanding Warrant will be adjusted such that (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms):
the initial Exercise Price per common share of US$1.93 shall hereafter be multiplied by 10 ( i.e ., the quotient resulting from the fraction in which (i) the numerator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately before the reverse split and (ii) the denominator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately after the reverse split), resulting in an adjusted Exercise Price of US$19.30 (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms); and
the number of shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrant shall be proportionately adjusted such that the aggregate Exercise Price of the Warrant shall remain unchanged.
The reverse split was previously approved by the shareholders of the Company at a special meeting held on August 15, 2018.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Patient, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, at 416.798.3001 ext. 106.
* * * * *
  EXHIBIT 99.2
 September 19, 2018
Notice to Warrant Holders
Dear Warrant Holder:
Reference is made to that certain Common Stock Purchase Warrant issued to you (the “Holder”) on or after October 13, 2017 in connection with the execution of that certain Engagement Agreement between Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. (the “Company”) and H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC., dated October 10, 2017 (the “Warrant” and collectively with the other warrants issued under such Engagement Agreement, the “Warrants”). This letter constitutes a notice pursuant to Section 3(f) of the Warrant and in accordance with the notice provisions contained in Section 5(h) thereof. All capitalized terms not separately defined in this Notice shall have the same meanings as defined in the Warrants.
We are writing to inform you, as a registered holder of one or more Warrants, that the Company has effected a consolidation, or reverse stock split, of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company (the “reverse split”). The Board of Directors of the Company has selected a share consolidation ratio of ten (10) pre-consolidation shares for one (1) post-consolidation common share. On September 12, 2018, the Company filed articles of amendment which implemented the reverse split and the Company’s common shares began trading on each of The NASDAQ Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) on a post-split basis under the Company’s existing trade symbol “IPCI” at the market open on September 14, 2018.
Pursuant to the terms of the Warrants, each then-outstanding Warrant will be adjusted such that (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms):
the initial Exercise Price per common share of US$1.375 shall hereafter be multiplied by 10 ( i.e ., the quotient resulting from the fraction in which (i) the numerator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately before the reverse split and (ii) the denominator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately after the reverse split), resulting in an adjusted Exercise Price of US$13.75 (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms); and
the number of shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrant shall be proportionately adjusted such that the aggregate Exercise Price of the Warrant shall remain unchanged.
The reverse split was previously approved by the shareholders of the Company at a special meeting held on August 15, 2018.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Patient, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, at 416.798.3001 ext. 106.
* * * * *
  EXHIBIT 99.3
 September 19, 2018
Notice to Warrant Holders
Dear Warrant Holder:
Reference is made to that certain Common Stock Purchase Warrant issued to you (the “Holder”) on or after October 13, 2017 in connection with the execution of that certain Securities Purchase Agreement between you and Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. (the “Company”), dated October 11, 2017 (the “Warrant” and collectively with the other warrants issued under such Securities Purchase Agreement, the “Warrants”). This letter constitutes a notice pursuant to Section 3(f) of the Warrant and in accordance with the notice provisions contained in Section 5(h) thereof. All capitalized terms not separately defined in this Notice shall have the same meanings as defined in the Warrants.
We are writing to inform you, as a registered holder of one or more Warrants, that the Company has effected a consolidation, or reverse stock split, of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company (the “reverse split”). The Board of Directors of the Company has selected a share consolidation ratio of ten (10) pre-consolidation shares for one (1) post-consolidation common share. On September 12, 2018, the Company filed articles of amendment which implemented the reverse split and the Company’s common shares began trading on each of The NASDAQ Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) on a post-split basis under the Company’s existing trade symbol “IPCI” at the market open on September 14, 2018.
Pursuant to the terms of the Warrants, each then-outstanding Warrant will be adjusted such that (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms):
the initial Exercise Price per common share of US$1.25 shall hereafter be multiplied by 10 ( i.e ., the quotient resulting from the fraction in which (i) the numerator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately before the reverse split and (ii) the denominator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately after the reverse split), resulting in an adjusted Exercise Price of US$12.50 (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms); and
the number of shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrant shall be proportionately adjusted such that the aggregate Exercise Price of the Warrant shall remain unchanged.
The reverse split was previously approved by the shareholders of the Company at a special meeting held on August 15, 2018.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Patient, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, at 416.798.3001 ext. 106.
* * * * *
  EXHIBIT 99.4
 September 19, 2018
Notice to Warrant Holders
Dear Warrant Holder:
Reference is made to that certain Common Stock Purchase Warrant issued to you (the “Holder”) on or after March 16, 2018 in connection with the execution of that certain Engagement Letter between Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. (the “Company”) and H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC., dated March 12, 2018 (the “Warrant” and collectively with the other warrants issued under such Engagement Letter, the “Warrants”). This letter constitutes a notice pursuant to Section 3(f) of the Warrant and in accordance with the notice provisions contained in Section 5(h) thereof. All capitalized terms not separately defined in this Notice shall have the same meanings as defined in the Warrants.
We are writing to inform you, as a registered holder of one or more Warrants, that the Company has effected a consolidation, or reverse stock split, of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company (the “reverse split”). The Board of Directors of the Company has selected a share consolidation ratio of ten (10) pre-consolidation shares for one (1) post-consolidation common share. On September 12, 2018, the Company filed articles of amendment which implemented the reverse split and the Company’s common shares began trading on each of The NASDAQ Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) on a post-split basis under the Company’s existing trade symbol “IPCI” at the market open on September 14, 2018.
Pursuant to the terms of the Warrants, each then-outstanding Warrant will be adjusted such that (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms):
 the initial Exercise Price per common share of US$0.75 shall hereafter be multiplied by 10 ( i.e ., the quotient resulting from the fraction in which (i) the numerator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately before the reverse split and (ii) the denominator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately after the reverse split), resulting in an adjusted Exercise Price of US$7.50 (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms); and
the number of shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrant shall be proportionately adjusted such that the aggregate Exercise Price of the Warrant shall remain unchanged.
The reverse split was previously approved by the shareholders of the Company at a special meeting held on August 15, 2018.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Patient, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, at 416.798.3001 ext. 106.
* * * * *
  EXHIBIT 99.5
 September 19, 2018
Notice to Warrant Holders
Dear Warrant Holder:
Reference is made to that certain Common Stock Purchase Warrant issued to you (the “Holder”) on or after March 16, 2018 in connection with the execution of that certain Securities Purchase Agreement between you and Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. (the “Company”), dated March 13, 2018 (the “Warrant” and collectively with the other warrants issued under such Securities Purchase Agreement, the “Warrants”). This letter constitutes a notice pursuant to Section 3(f) of the Warrant and in accordance with the notice provisions contained in Section 5(h) thereof. All capitalized terms not separately defined in this Notice shall have the same meanings as defined in the Warrants.
We are writing to inform you, as a registered holder of one or more Warrants, that the Company has effected a consolidation, or reverse stock split, of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company (the “reverse split”). The Board of Directors of the Company has selected a share consolidation ratio of ten (10) pre-consolidation shares for one (1) post-consolidation common share. On September 12, 2018, the Company filed articles of amendment which implemented the reverse split and the Company’s common shares began trading on each of The NASDAQ Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) on a post-split basis under the Company’s existing trade symbol “IPCI” at the market open on September 14, 2018.
Pursuant to the terms of the Warrants, each then-outstanding Warrant will be adjusted such that (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms):
the initial Exercise Price per common share of US$0.60 shall hereafter be multiplied by 10 ( i.e ., the quotient resulting from the fraction in which (i) the numerator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately before the reverse split and (ii) the denominator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately after the reverse split), resulting in an adjusted Exercise Price of US$6.00 (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms); and
the number of shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrant shall be proportionately adjusted such that the aggregate Exercise Price of the Warrant shall remain unchanged.
The reverse split was previously approved by the shareholders of the Company at a special meeting held on August 15, 2018.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Patient, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, at 416.798.3001 ext. 106.
* * * * *
  EXHIBIT 99.6
 September 19, 2018
Notice to Warrant Holders
Dear Warrant Holder:
Reference is made to that certain Common Stock Purchase Warrant issued to you (the “Holder”) on or after March 21, 2018 in connection with the execution of that certain Engagement Letter between Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. (the “Company”) and H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC., dated March 18, 2018 (the “Warrant” and collectively with the other warrants issued under such Engagement Letter, the “Warrants”). This letter constitutes a notice pursuant to Section 3(f) of the Warrant and in accordance with the notice provisions contained in Section 5(h) thereof. All capitalized terms not separately defined in this Notice shall have the same meanings as defined in the Warrants.
We are writing to inform you, as a registered holder of one or more Warrants, that the Company has effected a consolidation, or reverse stock split, of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company (the “reverse split”). The Board of Directors of the Company has selected a share consolidation ratio of ten (10) pre-consolidation shares for one (1) post-consolidation common share. On September 12, 2018, the Company filed articles of amendment which implemented the reverse split and the Company’s common shares began trading on each of The NASDAQ Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) on a post-split basis under the Company’s existing trade symbol “IPCI” at the market open on September 14, 2018.
Pursuant to the terms of the Warrants, each then-outstanding Warrant will be adjusted such that (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms):
the initial Exercise Price per common share of US$0.75 shall hereafter be multiplied by 10 ( i.e ., the quotient resulting from the fraction in which (i) the numerator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately before the reverse split and (ii) the denominator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately after the reverse split), resulting in an adjusted Exercise Price of US$7.50 (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms); and
the number of shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrant shall be proportionately adjusted such that the aggregate Exercise Price of the Warrant shall remain unchanged.
The reverse split was previously approved by the shareholders of the Company at a special meeting held on August 15, 2018.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Patient, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, at 416.798.3001 ext. 106.
* * * * *
  EXHIBIT 99.7
 September 19, 2018
Notice to Warrant Holders
Dear Warrant Holder:
Reference is made to that certain Common Stock Purchase Warrant issued to you (the “Holder”) on or after March 21, 2018 in connection with the execution of that certain Securities Purchase Agreement between you and Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. (the “Company”), dated March 19, 2018 (the “Warrant” and collectively with the other warrants issued under such Securities Purchase Agreement, the “Warrants”). This letter constitutes a notice pursuant to Section 3(f) of the Warrant and in accordance with the notice provisions contained in Section 5(h) thereof. All capitalized terms not separately defined in this Notice shall have the same meanings as defined in the Warrants.
We are writing to inform you, as a registered holder of one or more Warrants, that the Company has effected a consolidation, or reverse stock split, of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company (the “reverse split”). The Board of Directors of the Company has selected a share consolidation ratio of ten (10) pre-consolidation shares for one (1) post-consolidation common share. On September 12, 2018, the Company filed articles of amendment which implemented the reverse split and the Company’s common shares began trading on each of The NASDAQ Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) on a post-split basis under the Company’s existing trade symbol “IPCI” at the market open on September 14, 2018.
Pursuant to the terms of the Warrants, each then-outstanding Warrant will be adjusted such that (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms):
the initial Exercise Price per common share of US$0.60 shall hereafter be multiplied by 10 ( i.e ., the quotient resulting from the fraction in which (i) the numerator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately before the reverse split and (ii) the denominator is the number of common shares outstanding immediately after the reverse split), resulting in an adjusted Exercise Price of US$6.00 (subject to any future adjustment pursuant to the Warrant’s terms); and
the number of shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrant shall be proportionately adjusted such that the aggregate Exercise Price of the Warrant shall remain unchanged.
The reverse split was previously approved by the shareholders of the Company at a special meeting held on August 15, 2018.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Patient, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, at 416.798.3001 ext. 106.
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