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As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 11, 2021.
Registration No. 333-

Washington, D.C. 20549
Amendment No. 2
(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)
State or other jurisdiction
(Primary Standard Industrial
(I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization
Classification Code Number)
Identification Number)
125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor
New York, NY 10017
(212) 921-2100
(Address, including zip code, and telephone number, including area code, of Registrant’s principal executive offices)
 Andrew Fox
Chief Executive Officer
125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor
New York, NY 10017
(212) 921-2100
(Name, address, including zip code, and telephone number, including area code, of agent for service)
 Copies to:
Richard A. Friedman, Esq.
Stephen A. Cohen, Esq.
Emily Mastoloni, Esq.
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Tel: (212) 653-8700
Approximate date of commencement of proposed sale to the public:
As soon as practicable after the effective date hereof.
If any securities being registered on this Form are to be offered on a delayed or continuous basis pursuant to Rule 415 under the Securities Act of 1933, check the following box. ☐
If this Form is filed to register additional securities for an offering pursuant to Rule 462(b) under the Securities Act, please check the following box and list the Securities Act registration statement number of the earlier effective registration statement for the same offering. ☐
If this Form is a post-effective amendment filed pursuant to Rule 462(c) under the Securities Act, check the following box and list the Securities Act registration statement number of the earlier effective registration statement for the same offering. ☐
If this Form is a post-effective amendment filed pursuant to Rule 462(d) under the Securities Act, check the following box and list the Securities Act registration statement number of the earlier effective registration statement for the same offering. ☐
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.
Large accelerated filer ☐
Accelerated filer ☐
Non-accelerated filer ☒
Smaller reporting company ☒
Emerging growth company ☒
If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 7(a)(2)(B) of the Securities Act. [  ]
Title of Each Class of Securities To Be Registered
Amount to be Registered(1)
Proposed Maximum Aggregate Offering Price Per Share(2)
Proposed Maximum Aggregate Offering Price(2)
Amount of Registration Fee(3) 
Common stock, par value $0.0001 per share
This Registration Statement includes an indeterminate number of additional shares of common stock issuable for no additional consideration pursuant to any stock dividend, stock split, recapitalization or other similar transaction effected without the receipt of consideration, which results in an increase in the number of outstanding shares of our common stock. In the event of a stock split, stock dividend or similar transaction involving our common stock, in order to prevent dilution, the number of shares registered shall be automatically increased to cover the additional shares in accordance with Rule 416(a) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”).
Estimated in accordance with Rule 457(c) of the Securities Act solely for the purpose of computing the amount of the registration fee.
Previously paid.
The registrant hereby amends this registration statement on such date or dates as may be necessary to delay its effective date until the registrant shall file a further amendment which specifically states that this registration statement shall thereafter become effective in accordance with section 8(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 or until the registration statement shall become effective on such date as the Securities and Exchange Commission acting pursuant to said section 8(a), may determine.


   The information in this prospectus is not complete and may be changed. The selling stockholders may not sell these securities until the registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission is effective. This prospectus is not an offer to sell these securities and it is not soliciting an offer to buy these securities in any state or jurisdiction where the offer or sale is not permitted.
Charge Enterprises, Inc.
Common Stock
This prospectus relates to the disposition from time to time by the selling stockholders named in this prospectus (the “Selling Stockholders”) of Charge Enterprises, Inc. (the “Company”) of up to 42,357,784 shares of our common stock, par value $0.0001 per share (the “Shares”), which includes 27,555,556 shares of our common stock issuable upon the conversion of convertible promissory notes (the “Notes”), 7,600,000 shares of our common stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants (the “Warrants”) and 7,202,228 shares of common stock which are held by the selling stockholders (the “Selling Stockholders”) identified in the prospectus, including their transferees, pledgees or donees or their respective successors. The Shares issued or issuable by us to the Selling Stockholders were sold in two separate private placement transactions that were completed on May 8, 2020 and November 3, 2020. The Notes and Warrants are subject to a blocker provision (the "Blocker"), which restricts the conversion of the Notes and exercise of a Warrant if, as a result of such exercise, the holder, together with its affiliates and any other person whose beneficial ownership of Common Stock would be aggregated with the holder's for purposes of Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), would beneficially own in excess of 9.99% of our then issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock (including the shares of Common Stock issuable upon such conversion and/or exercise).
We are not selling any common stock under this prospectus and will not receive any of the proceeds from the sale of shares by the Selling Stockholders. We will, however, receive the net proceeds of any Warrants exercised for cash. For a description of the transaction pursuant to which this resale registration statement relates, please see “Prospectus Summary – The Offering.”
The Selling Stockholders will sell their shares of common stock at $2.75 per share until our shares are quoted on the OTCQX, OTCQB or listed on a national securities exchange, and thereafter, at fixed prices, at prevailing market prices at the time of the sale, at varying prices determined at the time of sale, or at negotiated prices, including, without limitation, in one or more transactions that may take place by ordinary brokerage transactions, privately-negotiated transactions or through sales to one or more underwriters or broker-dealers for resale.
Our common stock is presently quoted on the OTC Pink tier of the OTC Markets Group, Inc under the symbol “CRGE.” The closing price for our common stock on June 9, 2021, as reported by the OTC Pink was $3.13 per share. We have applied to list of shares on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol “CRGE”. No assurance can be given that our application will be approved or that a trading market will develop.
We are an “emerging growth company” as the term is used in the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012 and, as such, have elected to comply with certain reduced public company reporting requirements for this prospectus and future filings. Prior to our acquisitions of both  PTGi International Carrier Services Inc. and GetCharged, Inc. in October 2020, we were a “shell company” as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.
Investing in our common stock involves a high degree of risk. You should carefully consider the risks and uncertainties described under the heading “Risk Factors” beginning on page 13 of this prospectus before making a decision to purchase our securities.
The date of this prospectus is , 2021

In this prospectus, unless otherwise noted, references to “the Company,” “Charge,” “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to Charge Enterprises, Inc., our its subsidiaries.
Neither we, nor any of our officers, directors, agents or representatives or underwriters, make any representation to you about the legality of an investment in our common stock. You should not interpret the contents of this prospectus or any free writing prospectus to be legal, business, investment or tax advice. You should consult with your own advisors for that type of advice and consult with them about the legal, tax, business, financial and other issues that you should consider before investing in our common stock.
You should rely only on the information contained in this prospectus or in any amended prospectus that we may authorize to be delivered or made available to you. We and the underwriter have not authorized anyone to provide you with different information.
The information in this prospectus is accurate only as of the date hereof, regardless of the time of its delivery or any sale of shares of our common stock.
This prospectus contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements contain information about our expectations, beliefs or intentions regarding our product development and commercialization efforts, business, financial condition, results of operations, strategies or prospects, and other similar matters. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations and assumptions about future events, which are inherently subject to uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict. These statements may be identified by words such as “expects,” “plans,” “projects,” “will,” “may,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “should,” “intends,” “estimates,” and other words of similar meaning.
These statements relate to future events or our future operational or financial performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, among other things, those listed under the section titled “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in this prospectus, in any related prospectus supplement and in any related free writing prospectus.
Any forward-looking statement in this prospectus, in any related prospectus supplement and in any related free writing prospectus reflects our current view with respect to future events and is subject to these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to our business, results of operations, industry and future growth. Given these uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. No forward-looking statement is a guarantee of future performance. You should read this prospectus, any related prospectus supplement and any related free writing prospectus and the documents that we reference herein and therein and have filed as exhibits hereto and thereto completely and with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from any future results expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, even if new information becomes available in the future.
This prospectus, any related prospectus supplement and any related free writing prospectus also contain or may contain estimates, projections and other information concerning our industry, our business and the markets for our products, including data regarding the estimated size of those markets and their projected growth rates. We obtained the industry and market data in this prospectus from our own research as well as from industry and general publications, surveys and studies conducted by third parties. This data involves a number of assumptions and limitations and contains projections and estimates of the future performance of the industries in which we operate that are subject to a high degree of uncertainty, including those discussed in “Risk Factors.” We caution you not to give undue weight to such projections, assumptions and estimates. Further, industry and general publications, studies and surveys generally state that they have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, although they do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information. While we believe that these publications, studies and surveys are reliable, we have not independently verified the data contained in them. In addition, while we believe that the results and estimates from our internal research are reliable, such results and estimates have not been verified by any independent source.
The following summary highlights information contained elsewhere in this prospectus. This summary may not contain all of the information that may be important to you. You should read this entire prospectus carefully, including the sections entitled “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and the Company’s historical financial statements and related notes included elsewhere in this prospectus. In this prospectus, unless otherwise noted, the terms “the Company,” “Charge,” “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to Charge Enterprises, Inc. and its subsidiaries.
Our Company consists of a portfolio of global businesses with the vision of connecting people everywhere with communications and electric-vehicle charging (“EV”) infrastructure. We believe the rise of new developing technologies in both industries offers us a unique growth opportunity. Our strategy focuses on acquiring businesses with operations geared toward such technologies’ development to revolutionize the telecommunications and EV infrastructure industries with our global portfolio.
Our Communications Division
Our Communications division (“Communications”) with a strategy to offer Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS) and Communication as a Platform Service (CPaaS), providing termination of both voice and data to Carriers and Mobile Network Operators (MNO’s) globally for over 2 decades.
Our Communications division offers services through PTGi International Carrier Services Inc. (“PTGi”), our wholly-owned subsidiary. We acquired PTGi pursuant to a stock purchase agreement dated October 2, 2020, entered into with the shareholders of PTGi in which we acquired 100% of the outstanding voting securities of PTGi in consideration for $1,000,000 (the “PTGi Acquisition”). The PTGi Acquisition closed on October 31, 2020.
Our Infrastructure Division
Our Infrastructure division (“Infrastructure”) addresses EV technologies developing a more accessible framework through the division’s installation and maintenance of portable power banks, micro-mobility docking and charging stations.
Our Infrastructure division offers services through GetCharged Inc. (“GetCharged”), our wholly-owned subsidiary. We acquired GetCharged pursuant to a stock acquisition agreement dated September 25, 2020 entered into with the shareholders of GetCharged, in which we acquired 100% of the outstanding voting securities of GetCharged in exchange for 60,000,000 shares of our common stock (the “GetCharged Acquisition”). The GetCharged Acquisition closed on October 12, 2020.
Our Investment Division
Our Investment division (“Investment”) focuses on opportunities related to our global portfolio to expand our vision’s impact. We aim to invest in opportunities that would compliment our two operating divisions in addition to marketable securities, including money markets funds and other listed securities. Our Investment division provides services aimed at offsetting the overall cost of capital.
We offer our Investment services through our wholly-owned subsidiary, Charge Investments (“CI”).
Recent Developments
 We acquired 100% of the outstanding equity interests in Transworld Enterprises, Inc. (“Transworld”) in exchange for 1,000,000 shares of its Series D preferred stock (the “Series D Preferred”), and 1,000,000 shares of its Series F preferred stock (the “Series F Preferred”), pursuant to a stock acquisition agreement dated May 8, 2020. The Series D Preferred is convertible into 80% of our shares of issued and outstanding common stock upon consummation of a reverse stock split. The Series F Preferred is convertible at the holder’s option into 80% of our shares of issued and outstanding common stock, on an as converted basis. In connection with the transaction all prior officers and directors of resigned and we appointed new officers and directors from Transworld.
We entered into a securities purchase agreement dated May 8, 2020 with funds affiliated with Arena Investors LP (“Arena”) pursuant to which we issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $3.0 million for an aggregate purchase price of $2.7 million (the “May 2020 Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the May 2020 Notes, we issued to Arena warrants to purchase an aggregate of 7,600,000 shares of common stock (the “May 2020 Warrants”) and 7.5 shares of Series G preferred stock (the “Series G Preferred”). The Series G Preferred automatically converted into shares of our common stock upon consummation of a reverse stock split effected October 6, 2020.
We entered into a securities purchase agreement with KORR Value LP (“KORR Value”), an entity controlled by Kenneth Orr, our Executive Chairman, in May 2020, pursuant to which we issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $550,000 for an aggregate purchase price of $500,000 (the “KORR Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the KORR Notes, we issued KORR value warrants to purchase an aggregate of 1,266,667 shares of common stock (the “KORR Warrants”). The KORR Notes are subordinated to the May 2020 Notes. In June 2020, KORR Value LP transferred 50% of the KORR Notes to PGD Venture Group, LLC.
We entered into certain securities purchase agreements with other accredited investors (the “Subordinated Creditors”), dated May8, 2020 and September 30, 2020, respectively. Pursuant to which we issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $546,444 for an aggregate purchase price of $495,000 (the “Subordinated Creditor Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the Subordinated Creditor Notes, we issued to the Subordinated Creditors warrants to purchase an aggregate of 2,359,555 shares of common stock (the “Subordinated Creditor Warrants”). The Subordinated Creditor Notes are subordinated to the May 2020 Notes.
On October 1, 2020 we filed a Certificate of Amendment with the Colorado Secretary of State reflecting a 500:1 reverse stock split and our conversion of our state of incorporation from Colorado to Delaware. In connection with such corporate conversion: (i) we changed our name from “GoIP Global, Inc.” to “Transworld Holdings, Inc.”; (ii) we converted all preferred stock, with the exception of the Series F Preferred, that were issued and outstanding prior to the conversion into shares of common stock; and (iii) the Series F Preferred converted in shares of Series A preferred stock (the “Series A Preferred”). The transactions described above were approved by FINRA on October 2, 2020 and became effective on the OTC Pink trading market at the open of trading on October 6, 2020.
We entered into a securities purchase agreement dated November 3, 2020 with Arena, pursuant to which we issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $3.8 million for an aggregate purchase price of $3.5 million (the “November 2020 Notes” and, together with the May 2020 Notes the “ Arena Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the November 2020 Notes, we issued 903,226 shares of common stock to Arena.
We entered into a securities purchase agreement dated December 8, 2020 with certain accredited investors, pursuant to which we issued an aggregate of 8,700,002 shares of common stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2,175,000.
We filed a Certificate of Amendment with the Delaware Secretary of State on January 26, 2021 to reflect we changed our name from Transworld Holdings, Inc. to Charge Enterprises, Inc.
Our wholly-owned subsidiary, Charge Infrastructure, Inc., entered into aa securities purchase agreement, dated May 7, 2021, with the shareholders of Nextridge, Inc., a New York corporation (“Nextridge”) pursuant to which we agreed to purchase all the issued and outstanding shares of Nextridge for an aggregate purchase price of $18,850,000 (the “Nextridge Acquisition”). $6,850,000.00 of the aggregate purchase price payable to the shareholders of Nextridge was paid through the issuance of an aggregate of 2,395,105 shares of our Series B preferred stock (the “Series B Preferred”). The closing of the Nextridge Acquisition occurred on May 21, 2021. Nextridge operates its business through its wholly owned subsidiary, ANS Advanced Network Services LLC, a New York, limited liability company.
Founded in 1991, Nextridge’s predecessor company, Telecommunications Analysis Group, Inc., began with a strategic focus on communications and telephone networks in the enterprise and higher education market, providing high-quality Engineering, Furnishing and Installation (EF&I) services for building and developing infrastructure. Over time, Nextridge has grown from servicing telephone networks to providing high-quality engineer, furnish and install (EF&I) services for wireless carriers, tower owners, enterprise facilities, and government offices. This includes in-building wireless (DAS), cell tower and network infrastructure services, as well as DC and UPS backup power services. Today, Nextridge’s U.S. footprint extends from Chicago to the Northeast and down the East Coast, with as-needed support nationwide.
On May 19, 2021, we entered into a securities purchase agreement with some of the May 2020 Investors pursuant to which we issued (i) an aggregate principal amount of $5,610,000 of original issue discount senior secured convertible promissory notes due May 19, 2024 (the “May 2021 Convertible Notes”), and (ii) an aggregate principal amount of $11,032,609 of original issue discount senior secured non-convertible promissory notes due November 18, 2022 (the “May 2021 Non-Convertible Notes” and together with the May 2021 Convertible Notes, the “May 2021 Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the May 2021 Notes, we issued to the investors two year warrants to purchase 1,870,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $4.00 per share.
The May 2021 Non-Convertible Notes accrue interest at a rate of 7.5% per annum, subject to increase to 20% per annum upon and during the occurrence of an event of default and are to be redeemed at 107.5% of face value on the maturity date. The May 2021 Convertible Notes accrue interest at a rate of 8% per annum, subject to increase to 20% per annum upon and during the occurrence of an event of default. Interest is payable in cash on a monthly basis. The May 2021 Convertible Notes are convertible at any time, at the holder’s option, into shares of our common stock at an initial conversion price of $3.00 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%). The conversion price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, stock splits and in connection with the issuance by the Company of common stock or common stock equivalents at an effective price per share lower than the conversion price then in effect.
The November 2020 Notes rank pari passu with the May 2020 Notes and senior to all current and future indebtedness of the Company and are secured by substantially all of the assets of the Company. In addition, some of the Company’s subsidiaries entered into a subsidiary guaranty agreement and guaranteed the obligations owned to the investors under the May 2021 Notes.
A Registration Rights Agreement was executed in connection with the issuance of the May 2021 Notes. If we fail to maintain the effectiveness of the registration statement until all of such shares of common stock have been sold or are otherwise able to be sold pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, without any volume or manner of sale restrictions, then the Company will be obligated to pay to the investors liquidated damages equal to then, in addition to any other rights the Holders may have hereunder or under applicable law, upon the occurrence of any such event and on each monthly anniversary of thereafter until the event is cured, the Company shall pay to the investors an amount in cash equal to their pro rata portion of $75,000 per month until such events are satisfied.
Implications of Being an Emerging Growth Company
We qualify as an emerging growth company as defined in the Jumpstart our Business Startups Act of 2012 (“JOBS Act”). As an emerging growth company, we expect to take advantage of reduced reporting requirements that are otherwise applicable to public companies. These provisions include, but are not limited to:
being permitted to present only two years of audited financial statements, in addition to any required unaudited interim financial statements, with correspondingly reduced "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" disclosure in this prospectus;
not being required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended (“Sarbanes-Oxley”);
reduced disclosure obligations regarding executive compensation in our periodic reports, proxy statements and registration statements; and
exemptions from the requirements of holding a nonbinding advisory vote on executive compensation and shareholder approval of any golden parachute payments not previously approved.
We may use these provisions until the last day of our fiscal year following the fifth anniversary of the completion of this offering. However, if certain events occur prior to the end of such five-year period, including if we become a “large accelerated filer,” our annual gross revenues exceed $1.07 billion or we issue more than $1.0 billion of non-convertible debt in any three-year period, we will cease to be an emerging growth company prior to the end of such five-year period.
The JOBS Act provides that an emerging growth company can take advantage of an extended transition period for complying with new or revised accounting standards. To the extent that we continue to qualify as a “smaller reporting company,” as such term is defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, after we cease to qualify as an emerging growth company, certain of the exemptions available to us as an emerging growth company may continue to be available to us as a smaller reporting company, including: (i) not being required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes Oxley Act; (ii) scaled executive compensation disclosures; and (iii) the requirement to provide only two years of audited financial statements, instead of three years.
Risk Factors Summary
An investment in our common shares involves a high degree of risk. You should carefully consider the risks summarized below. The risks are more fully discussed in the “Risk Factors” section of this prospectus beginning on page 13.
We may incur losses in the future.
We are an early stage company of EV products and charging piles with a limited operating history. Our limited operating history in the industry may not provide an adequate basis to judge our future prospects and results of operations for this segment, and may increase the risk of your investment.
If we fail to develop and introduce new models of EV and telecommunication products in anticipation of market demand in a timely and cost-effective manner, our competitive position and ability to generate revenues may be materially and adversely affected.
We have experienced operating losses in the past.
We rely on proprietary rights and intellectual property in conducting our business, which may not be adequately protected under current laws, and we may encounter disputes from time to time relating to our use of intellectual property of third parties.
An active trading market for our common stock may not develop, and you may not be able to sell your common stock at or above the initial public offering price.
Because of their significant stock ownership, our executive officers, directors, and principal stockholders will be able to exert control over us and our significant corporate decisions.
Our stock price may be volatile, and you could lose all or part of your investment.
We do not intend to pay cash dividends.
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 could have a materially adverse impact on our business, results of operations, financial condition and/or cash flows. The extent of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will depend on future developments, which are highly uncertain and largely beyond our control.
Corporate Information
We were incorporated in the state of Nevada on May 8, 2003 under the name “E-Education Network, Inc.” On August 10, 2005 we have changed our name to “GoIP Global, Inc.” On December 27, 2017, we redomiciled from Nevada to Colorado. On October 1, 2020, we converted from a Colorado corporation to a Delaware corporation and in connection with such conversion changed our name to “Transworld Holdings, Inc.” As of January 26, 2021, our name has been further changed to “Charge Enterprises, Inc.”
Our principal executive offices are located at 125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10017 and our telephone number is (212) 921-2100. We maintain a website at www.charge.enterprises. Information contained on or accessible through our website is not, and should not be considered, part of, or incorporated by reference into, this prospectus and you should not consider any information contained on, or that can be accessed through, our website as part of this prospectus in deciding whether to purchase our securities.
This prospectus relates to the disposition from time to time of up to 42,357,784 shares of our common stock, par value $0.0001 per share (the “Shares”), which includes 27,555,556 shares of our common stock issuable upon the conversion of senior secured convertible promissory notes (the “Notes”), 7,600,000 shares of our common stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants (the “Warrants”) and 7,202,228 shares of common stock which are held by the Selling. The Shares issued or issuable by us to the Selling Stockholders were sold in two separate private placement transactions that were completed on May 8, 2020 and November 3, 2020.
Common stock offered by the Selling Stockholders
Up to  42,357,784 shares of our common stock that may be issued to certain of the Selling Stockholders, which includes 27,555,556 shares of our common stock issuable upon the conversion of Notes, 7,600,000 shares of our common stock issuable upon the exercise of Warrants and 7,202,228  shares of common stock.
Common stock outstanding before Offering:
Shares of common stock to be outstanding after this offering (assuming all shares of Common Stock are issued upon conversion and/or exercise)
Use of Proceeds
All of the Shares sold pursuant to this prospectus will be offered and sold by the Selling Stockholders. We will not receive any proceeds from such sales. We would, however, receive proceeds upon the exercise of the Warrants held by the Selling Stockholders which, if such warrants are exercised in full, would be approximately $3,800,000. Proceeds, if any, received from the exercise of such Warrants will be used for working capital and general corporate purposes. No assurances can be given that any of such Warrants will be exercised. See “Use of Proceeds.”
Offering Price
The Selling Stockholders may sell the Shares at a fixed price of $2.75 per share until our common stock is listed or quoted on an established public trading market (including the OTCQB), and thereafter, at fixed prices, at prevailing market prices at the time of the sale, at varying prices determined at the time of sale, or at negotiated prices, including, without limitation, in one or more transactions that may take place by ordinary brokerage transactions, privately-negotiated transactions or through sales to one or more underwriters or broker-dealers for resale. See “Plan of Distribution.”
Risk Factors
An investment in our securities involves a high degree of risk and could result in a loss of your entire investment. Prior to making an investment decision, you should carefully consider all of the information in this prospectus and, in particular, you should evaluate the risk factors set forth under the caption “Risk Factors” beginning on page   .
Trading Symbol
“CRGE.”and we have applied to list the Common Stock on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol “CRGE.”
The number of shares of common stock outstanding after this offering is based on 152,279,063 shares of common stock issued and outstanding as of June 10, 2021 and excludes the following:
2,500,000 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of outstanding stock options having a weighted average exercise price of $0.485 per share;
9,959,555 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of outstanding warrants having an exercise price of $0.50 per share, 10,000,000 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of outstanding warrants having an exercise price of $2.00 per share, and 1,870,000 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of outstanding warrants having an exercise price of $4.00 per share:
31,470,833 shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of outstanding convertible notes.
shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of our outstanding shares of Series A and Series B convertible preferred stock.
May 2020 Financing
On May 8, 2020, we entered into a securities purchase agreement with the May 2020 Investors pursuant to which we issued the May 2020 Notes.  In connection with the issuance of the Notes, we issued to the Selling Stockholders warrants to purchase an aggregate of 7,600,000 shares of Common Stock (collectively, the “Warrants”) and 7.5 shares of series G convertible preferred stock (the “Series G Preferred Stock”).
The May 2020 Notes each have a term of twenty-four months and mature on May 8, 2022, unless earlier converted. The May 2020 Notes accrue interest at a rate of 8% per annum, subject to increase to 20% per annum upon and during the occurrence of an event of default. Interest is payable in cash on a quarterly basis beginning on June 30, 2020. The May 2020 Notes are convertible at any time, at the holder’s option, into shares of our common stock at an initial conversion price of $0.25 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%). The conversion price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, stock splits and in connection with the issuance by the Company of common stock or common stock equivalents at an effective price per share lower than the conversion price then in effect. The Notes may be redeemed by the Company, in its sole discretion, in an amount equal to 110% of the principal amount, interest and any other amounts owed under the Notes, subject to certain limitations.
Each Warrant is exercisable for a period of two years from the date of issuance at an initial exercise price of $0.50 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%). The exercise price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, stock splits and in connection with the issuance by the Company of common stock or common stock equivalents at an effective price per share lower than the exercise price then in effect. The investors may exercise the Warrants on a cashless basis if the shares of common stock underlying the Warrants are not then registered pursuant to an effective registration statement. In the event the Selling Shareholders exercise the Warrants on a cashless basis, then we will not receive any proceeds.
The Series G Preferred Stock issued to the May 2020 Investors had no voting rights and converted into shares of our common stock upon consummation of the reverse stock split that was consummated on October 6, 2020.
The May 2020 Notes rank pari passu with the November 2020 Notes and senior to all current and future indebtedness of the Company and are secured by substantially all of the assets of the Company.
A Registration Rights Agreement was executed in connection with the issuance of the May 2020 Notes, the Warrants and the Series G Preferred Stock and the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part is being filed to fulfill our obligations under such agreement. If we fail to have it declared effective by the SEC within 150 days following the date of the financing, or if the Company fails to maintain the effectiveness of the registration statement until all of such shares of common stock have been sold or are otherwise able to be sold pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, without any volume or manner of sale restrictions, then the Company will be obligated to pay to the May 2020 Investors liquidated damages equal to then, in addition to any other rights the Holders may have hereunder or under applicable law, upon the occurrence of any such event and on each monthly anniversary of thereafter until the event is cured, the Company shall pay to the Selling Stockholders an amount in cash equal to their pro rata portion of $50,000, provided such amount shall increase by $25,000 on every thirty (30) day anniversary, until such events are satisfied.
November 2020 Financing
On November 3, 2020, we entered into a securities purchase agreement with the November 2020 Investor pursuant to which we issued the November 2020 Notes. In connection with the issuance of the November 2020 Notes, we issued to the November 2020 Investors 903,226 shares of common stock.
The November 2020 Notes each have a term of thirty-six months and mature on November 23, 2023, unless earlier converted. The November 2020 Notes accrue interest at a rate of 8% per annum, subject to increase to 20% per annum upon and during the occurrence of an event of default. Interest is payable in cash on a quarterly basis beginning on December 31, 2020. The November 2020 Notes are convertible at any time, at the holder’s option, into shares of our common stock at an initial conversion price of $0.25 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%). The conversion price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, stock splits and in connection with the issuance by the Company of common stock or common stock equivalents at an effective price per share lower than the conversion price then in effect.
The Notes may be redeemed by the Company, in its sole discretion, in an amount equal to 110% of the principal amount, interest and any other amounts owed under the Notes, subject to certain limitations.
The November 2020 Notes rank pari passu with the May 2020 Notes and senior to all current and future indebtedness of the Company and are secured by substantially all of the assets of the Company. In addition, some of the Company’s subsidiaries entered into a subsidiary guaranty agreement and guaranteed the obligations owned to the November 2020 Investor under the November 2020 Notes.
A Registration Rights Agreement was executed in connection with the issuance of the November 2020 Notes and the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part is being filed to fulfill our obligations under such agreement. If we fail to maintain the effectiveness of the registration statement until all of such shares of common stock have been sold or are otherwise able to be sold pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, without any volume or manner of sale restrictions, then the Company will be obligated to pay to the November 2020 Investors liquidated damages equal to then, in addition to any other rights the Holders may have hereunder or under applicable law, upon the occurrence of any such event and on each monthly anniversary of thereafter until the event is cured, the Company shall pay to the Selling Stockholders an amount in cash equal to their pro rata portion of $60,000, provided such amount shall increase by $30,000 on every thirty (30) day anniversary, until such events are satisfied.
The Selling Stockholders have no voting rights other than for the shares of common stock which they may hold in the Company.
Summary Financial Data
The following table sets forth our selected financial data as of the dates and for the periods indicated. We have derived the statement of operations data for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 from our audited financial statements included elsewhere in this prospectus. The statements of operations data for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and the balance sheet data as of March 31, 2021 have been derived from our unaudited financial statements included elsewhere in this prospectus.  Our historical results of operations presented below may not be reflective of our financial position, results of operations and cash flows had we operated as a combined company during all periods presented given the change to our business as a result of the acquisition of GetCharged and PTGI on October 12, 2020 and October 31, 2020, respectively. The following summary financial data should be read with "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and our financial statements and related notes and other information included elsewhere in this prospectus. Our historical results are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected in the future and the results for the three months ended March 31, 2021 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the full fiscal year.
Statement of Operations Data:
December 31,
Three Months
Ended March 31,
Operating Income/(Loss)​
Net Income/(Loss)
Pro forma basic and diluted net loss per share
Pro forma weighted average of shares outstanding
Balance Sheet Data:
December 31,
March 31,
Cash and cash equivalents
Working capital (1)
Total assets
Total current liabilities
Total stockholders’ equity (deficit)
(1) Working capital is defined as total current assets minus total current liability
May 2020 Financing
On May 8, 2020, we entered into a securities purchase agreement with the May 2020 Investors pursuant to which we issued the May 2020 Notes.  In connection with the issuance of the Notes, we issued to the Selling Stockholders warrants to purchase an aggregate of 7,600,000 shares of Common Stock (collectively, the “Warrants”) and 7.5 shares of series G convertible preferred stock (the “Series G Preferred Stock”).
The May 2020 Notes each have a term of twenty-four months and mature on May 8, 2022, unless earlier converted. The May 2020 Notes accrue interest at a rate of 8% per annum, subject to increase to 20% per annum upon and during the occurrence of an event of default. Interest is payable in cash on a quarterly basis beginning on June 30, 2020. The May 2020 Notes are convertible at any time, at the holder’s option, into shares of our common stock at an initial conversion price of $0.25 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%). The conversion price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, stock splits and in connection with the issuance by the Company of common stock or common stock equivalents at an effective price per share lower than the conversion price then in effect. The Notes may be redeemed by the Company, in its sole discretion, in an amount equal to 110% of the principal amount, interest and any other amounts owed under the Notes, subject to certain limitations.
Each Warrant is exercisable for a period of two years from the date of issuance at an initial exercise price of $0.50 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%). The exercise price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, stock splits and in connection with the issuance by the Company of common stock or common stock equivalents at an effective price per share lower than the exercise price then in effect. The investors may exercise the Warrants on a cashless basis if the shares of common stock underlying the Warrants are not then registered pursuant to an effective registration statement. In the event the Selling Shareholders exercise the Warrants on a cashless basis, then we will not receive any proceeds.
The Series G Preferred Stock issued to the May 2020 Investors had no voting rights and converted into shares of our common stock upon consummation of the reverse stock split that was consummated on October 6, 2020.
The May 2020 Notes rank pari passu with the November 2020 Notes and senior to all current and future indebtedness of the Company and are secured by substantially all of the assets of the Company.
A Registration Rights Agreement was executed in connection with the issuance of the May 2020 Notes, the Warrants and the Series G Preferred Stock and the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part is being filed to fulfill our obligations under such agreement. If we fail to have it declared effective by the SEC within 150 days following the date of the financing, or if the Company fails to maintain the effectiveness of the registration statement until all of such shares of common stock have been sold or are otherwise able to be sold pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, without any volume or manner of sale restrictions, then the Company will be obligated to pay to the May 2020 Investors liquidated damages equal to then, in addition to any other rights the Holders may have hereunder or under applicable law, upon the occurrence of any such event and on each monthly anniversary of thereafter until the event is cured, the Company shall pay to the Selling Stockholders an amount in cash equal to their pro rata portion of $50,000, provided such amount shall increase by $25,000 on every thirty (30) day anniversary, until such events are satisfied.
November 2020 Financing
On November 3, 2020, we entered into a securities purchase agreement with the November 2020 Investor pursuant to which we issued the November 2020 Notes. In connection with the issuance of the November 2020 Notes, we issued to the November 2020 Investors 903,226 shares of common stock.
The November 2020 Notes each have a term of thirty-six months and mature on November 23, 2023, unless earlier converted. The November 2020 Notes accrue interest at a rate of 8% per annum, subject to increase to 20% per annum upon and during the occurrence of an event of default. Interest is payable in cash on a quarterly basis beginning on December 31, 2020. The November 2020 Notes are convertible at any time, at the holder’s option, into shares of our common stock at an initial conversion price of $0.25 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%). The conversion price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, stock splits and in connection with the issuance by the Company of common stock or common stock equivalents at an effective price per share lower than the conversion price then in effect.
The Notes may be redeemed by the Company, in its sole discretion, in an amount equal to 110% of the principal amount, interest and any other amounts owed under the Notes, subject to certain limitations.
The November 2020 Notes rank pari passu with the May 2020 Notes and senior to all current and future indebtedness of the Company and are secured by substantially all of the assets of the Company. In addition, some of the Company’s subsidiaries entered into a subsidiary guaranty agreement and guaranteed the obligations owned to the November 2020 Investor under the November 2020 Notes.
A Registration Rights Agreement was executed in connection with the issuance of the November 2020 Notes and the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part is being filed to fulfill our obligations under such agreement. If we fail to maintain the effectiveness of the registration statement until all of such shares of common stock have been sold or are otherwise able to be sold pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, without any volume or manner of sale restrictions, then the Company will be obligated to pay to the November 2020 Investors liquidated damages equal to then, in addition to any other rights the Holders may have hereunder or under applicable law, upon the occurrence of any such event and on each monthly anniversary of thereafter until the event is cured, the Company shall pay to the Selling Stockholders an amount in cash equal to their pro rata portion of $60,000, provided such amount shall increase by $30,000 on every thirty (30) day anniversary, until such events are satisfied.
The Selling Stockholders have no voting rights other than for the shares of common stock which they may hold in the Company.
An investment in our securities involves a high degree of risk. This prospectus contains the risks applicable to an investment in our securities. Prior to making a decision about investing in our securities, you should carefully consider the specific factors discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in this prospectus. The risks and uncertainties we have described are not the only ones we face. Additional risks and uncertainties not presently known to us or that we currently deem immaterial may also affect our operations. The occurrence of any of these known or unknown risks might cause you to lose all or part of your investment in the offered securities.
Risks Related to Our Business
Our limited operating history may make it difficult for you to evaluate the success of our business to date and to assess our future viability.
We have the vision of connecting people everywhere through our global business portfolio with limited operating history. The relatively short operating history makes it difficult to assess our future performance with certainty. You should consider our business and prospects in light of the risks and difficulties we may encounter due to our limited operating history. Any predictions about our future success or viability may not be as accurate as they could be if we had a longer operating history.
In addition, as a young business, we may encounter unforeseen expenses, difficulties, complications, delays and other known and unknown factors. Furthermore, some of these factors may be outside our control and leave us with no ability to control or reduce the chances that those risks will adversely impact our business.
Our limited operating experience could make our operations inefficient or ineffective.
We are an early-stage company with only a limited operating history upon which to base an evaluation of our current business and future prospects and how we will respond to competitive, financial or technological challenges. We only recently acquired or commenced each of the businesses that comprise our three lines of business, and have limited experience with these activities and the revenue and income potential of our business is unproven. In addition, because of our limited operating history, we have limited insight into trends that may emerge and affect our business, and limited experience responding to such trends. We may make errors in predicting and reacting to relevant business trends and we will be subject to the risks, uncertainties and difficulties frequently encountered by early-stage companies in evolving markets. We may not be able to successfully address any or all of these risks and uncertainties. Failure to adequately do so could cause our business, results of operations and financial condition to suffer or fail.
Widespread health developments, including the recent global COVID-19 pandemic, could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Our business has been, and may continue to be, impacted by the fear of exposure to or actual effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in countries where we operate or our customers are located, such as recommendations or mandates from governmental authorities to close businesses, limit travel, avoid large gatherings or to self-quarantine, as well as temporary closures or decreased operations of the facilities of our customers, distributors or suppliers. These impacts include, but are not limited to:
Significant reductions in demand or significant volatility in demand for one or more of our products, which may be caused by, among other things: the temporary inability of consumers to purchase our products due to illness, quarantine or other restrictions, store or restaurant closures, or financial hardship, shifts in demand away from one or more of our higher priced products to lower priced products, or stockpiling or similar activity, reduced options for marketing and promotion of products or other restrictions in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic; if prolonged, such impacts can further increase the difficulty of operating our business, including accurately planning and forecasting;
Inability to meet our consumers' and customers' needs and achieve costs targets due to disruptions in our manufacturing and supply arrangements caused by the loss or disruption of essential manufacturing and supply elements such as raw materials or purchased finished goods, logistics, reduction or loss of workforce due to the insufficiency or failure of our safety protocols, or other manufacturing and supply capability;
Failure of third parties on which we rely, including our suppliers, distributors, contract manufacturers, contractors, commercial banks and external business partners, to meet their obligations to us or to timely meet those obligations, or significant disruptions in their ability to do so, which may be caused by their own financial or operational difficulties; or
Significant changes in the conditions in markets in which we manufacture, sell or distribute our products, including quarantines, governmental or regulatory actions, closures or other restrictions that limit or close our operating and manufacturing facilities, restrict our employees' ability to perform necessary business functions, restrict or prevent consumers from having access to our products, or otherwise prevent our distributors, partners, suppliers, or customers from sufficiently staffing operations, including operations necessary for the production, distribution, sale, and support of our products.
All of these impacts could place limitations on our ability to execute on our business plan and materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We are a holding company and our only material assets are its cash in hand, equity interests in its operating subsidiaries and our other investments. As a result, our principal source of revenue and cash flow is distributions from its subsidiaries.
As a holding company, our assets are its cash and cash equivalents, the equity interests in its subsidiaries and other investments. Our principal source of revenue comes from our Communications, Infrastructure and Investment division operations. Thus, our ability to manage our operations and finance future acquisitions, is dependent on the ability of its subsidiaries to generate sufficient net income and cash flows to make upstream cash distributions to us. Our subsidiaries are separate legal entities, and although they may be wholly-owned or controlled by us, they have no obligation to make any funds available to us, whether in the form of loans, dividends, distributions or otherwise. The ability of our subsidiaries to distribute cash to it are and will remain subject to, among other things, availability of sufficient funds and applicable state laws and regulatory restrictions. Claims of creditors of our subsidiaries generally will have priority as to the assets of such subsidiaries over our claims and claims of our creditors and stockholders. To the extent the ability of our subsidiaries to distribute dividends or other payments to us could be limited in any way, our ability to grow, pursue business opportunities or make acquisitions that could be beneficial to our businesses, or otherwise fund and conduct our business could be materially limited.
To service our indebtedness and other obligations, we will require a significant amount of cash.
Our ability to generate cash depends on many factors beyond our control and any failure to service our outstanding indebtedness could harm our business, financial condition and results of operations. Our ability to make payments on and to refinance our indebtedness and to fund working capital needs and planned capital expenditures will depend on our ability to generate cash in the future. This, to a certain extent, is subject to general economic, financial, competitive, business, legislative, regulatory and other factors that are beyond our control. If our business does not generate sufficient cash flow from operations or if future borrowings are not available to us in an amount sufficient to enable us and our subsidiaries to pay our indebtedness or to fund our other liquidity needs, we may need to refinance all or a portion of our indebtedness on or before the maturity thereof, sell assets, reduce or delay capital investments or seek to raise additional capital, any of which could have a material adverse effect on us.
In addition, we may not be able to effect any of these actions, if necessary, on commercially reasonable terms or at all. Our ability to restructure or refinance our indebtedness will depend on the condition of the capital markets and our financial condition at such time. Any refinancing of our debt could be at higher interest rates and may require us to comply with more onerous covenants, which could further restrict our business operations. The terms of existing or future debt instruments or preferred stock may limit or prevent us from taking any of these actions. In addition, any failure to make scheduled payments of interest and principal on our outstanding indebtedness or dividend payments on our outstanding shares of preferred stock would likely result in a reduction of our credit rating, which could harm our ability to incur additional indebtedness or otherwise raise capital on commercially reasonable terms or at all. Our inability to generate sufficient cash flow to satisfy our debt service and other obligations, or to refinance or restructure our obligations on commercially reasonable terms or at all, would have an adverse effect, which could be material, on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We have experienced significant historical, and may experience significant future, operating losses and net losses, which may hinder our ability to meet working capital requirements or service our indebtedness, and we cannot assure you that we will generate sufficient cash flow from operations to meet such requirements or service our indebtedness.
We cannot assure you that we will recognize net income in future periods. If we cannot generate net income or sufficient operating profitability, we may not be able to meet our working capital requirements or service our indebtedness. Our ability to generate sufficient cash for our operations will depend upon, among other things, the future financial and operating performance of our operating business, which will be affected by prevailing economic and related industry conditions and financial, business, regulatory and other factors, many of which are beyond our control.
We cannot assure you that our business will generate cash flow from operations in an amount sufficient to fund our liquidity needs. If our cash flows and capital resources are insufficient, we may be forced to reduce or delay capital expenditures, sell assets and/or seek additional capital or financings. Our ability to obtain future financings will depend on the condition of the capital markets and our financial condition at such time. Any financings could be at high interest rates and may require us to comply with covenants in addition to, or more restrictive than, covenants in our current financing documents, which could further restrict our business operations. In the absence of such operating results and resources, we could face substantial liquidity problems and might be required to dispose of material assets or operations to meet our obligations. We may not be able to consummate those dispositions for fair market value or at all. Furthermore, any proceeds that we could realize from any such disposition may not be adequate to meet our obligations.
If we are not able to deploy capital effectively and on acceptable terms, we may not be able to execute our business strategy.
Our strategy includes effectively deploying capital by acquiring interests in new companies. We may not be able to identify attractive acquisition candidates that fit our strategy. Even if we are able to identify acquisition candidates, we may not be able to acquire interests in those companies due to an inability to reach mutually acceptable financial or other terms with those companies or due to competition from other potential acquirers that may have greater resources, brand name recognition, industry contacts or flexibility of structure than we do. The recent turmoil in the global economy has caused significant declines and fluctuations in the valuations of publicly-traded companies and privately-held companies. Uncertainty regarding the extent to which valuations of companies that fit our acquisition criteria will continue to fluctuate may affect our ability to accurately value potential acquisition candidates. Additionally, ongoing weak economic conditions may make it more difficult for us to obtain capital needed to deploy to new and existing partner companies. If we are unable to effectively deploy capital to partner companies on acceptable terms, we may not be able to execute on our strategy, and our business may be adversely impacted.
We will need additional funding in the near future to continue our current level of operations and growth.
As of the year ended December 31, 2020 we have an accumulated deficit of $52,194,656 and a net loss of $34,692,351. Revenues generated from our current operations are not sufficient to pay our on-going operating expenses. Prior to the acquisition of PTGi and GetCharged, our working capital needs since our acquisition of Transworld Enterprises, Inc., our wholly owned subsidiary, have been primarily funded by securities sold to the Selling Stockholders. We may continue to obtain additional funding from the sale of our securities or from strategic transactions in order to fund our current level of operations. Aside from continuing these loan transactions, we have not identified the sources for additional financing that we may require, and we do not have commitments from third parties to continue to provide this financing. Being a micro-cap stock, certain investors may be unwilling to invest in our securities. There is no assurance that sufficient funding through a financing will be available to us at acceptable terms or at all. Historically, we have raised capital through the issuance of convertible debt securities or straight equity securities. However, given the risks associated with our business, the risks associated with our common stock, the worldwide financial uncertainty that has affected the capital markets, and our status as a small, unknown public company, we expect in the near future, we will have a great deal of difficulty raising capital through traditional financing sources. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to raise capital, or if we are able to raise capital, that such capital will be in the amounts needed. Our failure to raise capital, when needed, and in sufficient amounts, will severely impact our ability to continue to develop our business as planned. In addition, if we are unable to obtain funding as, and when needed, we may have to further reduce and/or cease our future operations. Any additional funding that we obtain in an equity or convertible debt financing is likely to reduce the percentage ownership of the company held by our existing security holders.
We have had operating losses since formation and expect to continue to incur net losses for the near term.
Prior to our acquisitions of PTGi and GetCharged, we had a working capital deficit and our revenues were not sufficient to fund our anticipated operating needs. We have reported net losses of $34,692,351 and $292,416 for the years ended December 31 2020 and 2019, respectively. In order to achieve profitable operations, we need to significantly increase our revenues from the sales of products. We cannot be certain that our business will ever be successful or that we will generate significant revenues and become profitable. As a result, an investment in our company is highly speculative and no assurance can be given that our business model will be successful and, therefore, that our stockholders will realize any return on their investment or that they will not lose their entire investment.
Our current sources of funding are limited, and any additional funding that we may obtain may be on unfavorable terms and may significantly dilute our existing shareholders.
We believe our acquisitions of PTGi and GetCharged will increase our profitability and contribute toward funding operating expenses but we can provide no assurance of this. As a result, if operations are not sufficient to fund our operations going forward, we will have to obtain additional public or private equity financings or debt financings in order to continue our operations. Any additional funding that we obtain in a financing is likely to reduce the percentage ownership of our existing holders. The amount of this dilution may be substantial based on our current stock price, and could increase if the trading price of our common stock declines at the time of any financing from its current levels. To the extent we raise additional capital by issuing equity securities, our stockholders will experience further dilution. If we raise funds through debt financings, we may become subject to restrictive covenants. We may also attempt to raise funds through corporate collaboration and licensing arrangements. To the extent that we raise additional funds through such means, we may be required to relinquish some rights to our technologies or products, or grant licenses on terms that are not favorable to us. There can be no assurance that financing will be available in amounts or on terms acceptable to us, if at all. If we are unable to obtain the needed additional funding, we will have to reduce or even totally discontinue our operations, which would have a significant negative impact on our stockholders and could result in a total loss of their investment in our stock.
Funding, especially on terms acceptable to us, may not be available to meet our future capital needs because of the state of the credit and capital markets. Global market and economic conditions have been, and continue to be, disruptive and volatile. The cost of raising money in the debt and equity capital markets for smaller companies like ours has increased substantially while the availability of funds from those markets has diminished significantly. Also, low valuations and decreased appetite for equity investments, among other factors, may make the equity markets difficult to access on acceptable terms or unavailable altogether.
If adequate funds are not available, we may be required to delay, scale-back or eliminate our product enhancement and new product development programs. There can be no assurance that additional financing will be available on acceptable terms or at all, if and when required.
Our success is dependent on having the experience to operate our business divisions.
Our success depends substantially on the experience of certain key officers and personnel. Although all of them have substantial experience in relevant areas, there can be no assurance that their prior experience will be beneficial to us. Moreover, our future success depends in part on our ability to retain and attract highly skilled and qualified technical and creative consultants. Competition for such individuals is intense and the availability of such skilled persons is limited in some cases. The loss of services of any of our officers or other key consultants could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial condition and prospects. The loss of any of our key personnel or our inability to attract and retain key employees in the future could have a material adverse effect on our operations and business plans.
The nature of our business is speculative and dependent on a number of variables beyond our control that cannot be reliably ascertained in advance.
The revenues and profits of an enterprise like ours are generally dependent upon many variables. Our customer appeal depends upon factors which cannot be reliably ascertained in advance and over which we have no control, such as unpredictable customer and media reviews, industry analyst commentaries, and comparisons to competitive products. As with any relatively new business enterprise operating in a specialized and intensely competitive market, we are subject to many business risks which include, but are not limited to, unforeseen marketing difficulties, excessive research and development expenses, unforeseen negative publicity, competition, product liability issues, manufacturing and logistical difficulties, and lack of operating experience. Many of the risks may be unforeseeable or beyond our control. There can be no assurance that we will successfully implement our business plan in a timely or effective manner, that we will be able to generate sufficient interest in our products, or that we will be able to market and sell enough products and services to generate sufficient revenues to continue as a going concern.
Our markets are highly competitive, and our failure to compete successfully would limit our ability to sell our products, attract and retain customers and grow our business.
Our markets are highly competitive, and we expect that both direct and indirect competition will increase in the future. Within each of our markets, we encounter direct competition from various larger U.S. and non-U.S. competitors. The adoption of new technology likely will intensify the competition for our products. Due to the rapidly evolving markets in which we compete, additional competitors with significant market presence and financial resources may enter those markets, thereby further intensifying competition, adversely affecting our sales, and adversely affecting our business and prospects.
We may not be successful in developing our new products and services.
The market for our products and services is characterized by rapid technological change, changing customer needs, frequent new product introductions and evolving industry standards. These market characteristics are exacerbated by the emerging nature of this market and the fact that many companies are expected to continually introduce new and innovative products and services. Our success will depend partially on our ability to introduce new products, services and technologies continually and on a timely basis and to continue to improve the performance, features and reliability of our products and services in response to both evolving demands of prospective customers and competitive products. There can be no assurance that any of our new or proposed products or services will maintain the limited market acceptance that we have to date established. Our failure to design, develop, test, market and introduce new and enhanced products, technologies and services successfully so as to achieve market acceptance could have a material adverse effect upon our business, operating results and financial condition.
There can be no assurance that we will not experience difficulties that could delay or prevent the successful development, introduction or marketing of new or enhanced products and services, or that our new products and services will adequately satisfy the requirements of prospective customers and achieve significant acceptance by those customers. Because of certain market characteristics, including technological change, changing customer needs, frequent new product and service introductions and evolving industry standards, the continued introduction of new products and services is critical. Delays in the introduction of new products and services may result in customer dissatisfaction and may delay or cause a loss of revenue. There can be no assurance that we will be successful in developing new products or services or improving existing products and services that respond to technological changes or evolving industry standards.
In addition, new or enhanced products and services introduced by us may contain undetected errors that require significant design modifications. This could result in a loss of customer confidence which could adversely affect the use of our products, which in turn, could have a material adverse effect upon our business, results of operations or financial condition.
We cannot accurately predict our future revenues and expenses.
We are currently developing various sources of revenues based on market conditions and the type of products that we are marketing. As such, the amount of revenues we receive from the sale and use of our products will fluctuate and depend upon our customer’s willingness to buy our products. As with any developing enterprise operating in a specialized and intensely competitive market, we are subject to many business risks which include, but are not limited to, unforeseen negative publicity, competition, product liability and lack of operating experience. Many of the risks may be unforeseeable or beyond our control. There can be no assurance that we will successfully implement our business plan in a timely manner, or generate sufficient interest in our products or services, or that we will be able to market and sell enough products and services to generate sufficient revenues to continue as a going concern.
Our expense levels in the future will be based, in large part, on our expectations regarding future revenue, and as a result net income/loss for any quarterly period in which material orders are delayed could vary significantly. In addition, our costs and expenses may vary from period to period because of a variety of factors, including our research and development costs, our introduction of new products and services, cost increases from third-party service providers or product manufacturers, production interruptions, changes in marketing and sales expenditures, and competitive pricing pressures.
There are risks of international sales and operations.
We anticipate that a growing, and potentially substantial portion of our future revenue from the sale of our products and services may be derived from customers located outside the United States. As such, a portion of our sales and operations could be subject to tariffs and other import-export barriers, currency exchange risks and exchange controls, foreign product standards, potentially adverse tax consequences, longer payment cycles, problems in collecting accounts receivable, political instability, and difficulties in staffing and managing foreign operations. Although we intend to monitor our exposure to currency fluctuations and currently the U.S. dollar is very strong giving us a significant buying advantage, there can be no assurance that exchange rate fluctuations will not have an adverse effect on our results of operations or financial condition. In the future, we could be required to sell our products and services in other currencies, which would make the management of currency fluctuations more difficult and expose our business to greater risks in this regard.
Our products may be subject to numerous foreign government standards and regulations that are continually being amended. Although we will endeavor to satisfy foreign technical and regulatory standards, there can be no assurance that we will be able to comply with foreign government standards and regulations, or changes thereto, or that it will be cost effective for us to redesign our products to comply with such standards or regulations. Our inability to design or redesign products to comply with foreign standards could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Any of the foregoing factors could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, and financial condition.
Because we face significant competition for acquisition and business opportunities, including from numerous companies with a business plan similar to ours, it may be difficult for us to fully execute our business strategy. Additionally, our subsidiaries also operate in highly competitive industries, limiting their ability to gain or maintain their positions in their respective industries.
We expect to encounter intense competition for acquisition and business opportunities from both strategic investors and other entities having a business objective similar to ours, such as private investors (which may be individuals or investment partnerships), blank check companies, and other entities, domestic and international, competing for the type of businesses that we may acquire. Many of these competitors possess greater technical, human and other resources, or more local industry knowledge, or greater access to capital, than we do, and our financial resources may be relatively limited when contrasted with those of many of these competitors. These factors may place us at a competitive disadvantage in successfully completing future acquisitions and investments.
In addition, while we believe that there are numerous target businesses that we could potentially acquire or invest in, our ability to compete with respect to the acquisition of certain target businesses that are sizable will be limited by our available financial resources. We may need to obtain additional financing in order to consummate future acquisitions and investment opportunities and cannot assure you that any additional financing will be available to us on acceptable terms, or at all, or that the terms of our existing financing arrangements will not limit our ability to do so. This inherent competitive limitation gives others an advantage in pursuing acquisition and investment opportunities.
Future acquisitions or business opportunities could involve unknown risks that could harm our business and adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.
We are a diversified holding company that owns interests in a number of different businesses. We have in the past, and intend in the future, to acquire businesses or make investments, directly or indirectly through our subsidiaries, that involve unknown risks, some of which will be particular to the industry in which the investment or acquisition targets operate, including risks in industries with which we are not familiar or experienced. There can be no assurance our due diligence investigations will identify every matter that could have a material adverse effect on us or the entities that we may acquire. We may be unable to adequately address the financial, legal and operational risks raised by such investments or acquisitions, especially if we are unfamiliar with the relevant industry, which can lead to significant losses on material investments. The realization of any unknown risks could expose us to unanticipated costs and liabilities and prevent or limit us from realizing the projected benefits of the investments or acquisitions, which could adversely affect our financial condition and liquidity. In addition, our financial condition, results of operations and the ability to service our debt may be adversely impacted depending on the specific risks applicable to any business we invest in or acquire and our ability to address those risks.
If we fail to develop and maintain an effective system of internal controls, we may not be able to accurately report our financial results or prevent fraud. As a result, our current and potential stockholders could lose confidence in our financial reports, which could harm our business and the trading price of our common stock.
Effective internal controls are necessary for us to provide reliable financial reports and effectively prevent fraud. Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires us to evaluate and report on our internal controls over financial reporting and, depending on our future growth, may require our independent registered public accounting firm to annually attest to our evaluation, as well as issue their own opinion on our internal controls over financial reporting. The process of implementing and maintaining proper internal controls and complying with Section 404 is expensive and time consuming. We cannot be certain that the measures we will undertake will ensure that we will maintain adequate controls over our financial processes and reporting in the future. Furthermore, if we are able to rapidly grow our business, the internal controls that we will need will become more complex, and significantly more resources will be required to ensure our internal controls remain effective. Failure to implement required controls, or difficulties encountered in their implementation, could harm our operating results or cause us to fail to meet our reporting obligations. If we or our auditors discover a material weakness in our internal controls, the disclosure of that fact, even if the weakness is quickly remedied, could diminish investors’ confidence in our financial statements and harm our stock price. In addition, non-compliance with Section 404 could subject us to a variety of administrative sanctions, including the suspension of trading, ineligibility for future listing on one of the Nasdaq Stock Markets or national securities exchanges, and the inability of registered broker-dealers to make a market in our common stock, which may reduce our stock price.
Our ability to compete could be jeopardized and our business seriously compromised if we are unable to protect ourselves from third-party challenges or infringement of the proprietary aspects of the wireless location products and technology we develop.
Our products utilize a variety of proprietary rights that are critical to our competitive position. Because the technology and intellectual property associated with our products are evolving and rapidly changing, our current intellectual property rights may not adequately protect us in the future. We rely on a combination of patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret laws and contractual restrictions to protect the intellectual property utilized in our products. Despite our efforts to protect our proprietary rights, unauthorized parties may attempt to copy or otherwise obtain and use our products or technology. In addition, monitoring unauthorized use of our products is difficult and we cannot be certain the steps we have taken will prevent unauthorized use of our technology. Also, it is possible that no additional patents or trademarks will be issued from our currently pending or future patent or trademark applications. Because legal standards relating to the validity, enforceability and scope of protection of patent and intellectual property rights are uncertain and still evolving, the future viability or value of our intellectual property rights is uncertain. Moreover, effective patent, trademark, copyright and trade secret protection may not be available in some countries in which we distribute or anticipate distributing our products. Furthermore, our competitors may independently develop similar technologies that limit the value of our intellectual property, design or patents. In addition, third parties may at some point claim certain aspects of our business infringe their intellectual property rights. While we are not currently subject to nor aware of any such claim, any future claim (with or without merit) could result in one or more of the following:
 significant litigation costs;
 diversion of resources, including the attention of management;
 our agreement to pay certain royalty and/or licensing fees;
 cause us to redesign those products that use such technology; or
 cessation of our rights to use, market, or distribute such technology.
Any of these developments could materially and adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial condition. In the future, we may also need to file lawsuits to enforce our intellectual property rights, to protect our trade secrets, or to determine the validity and scope of the proprietary rights of others. Whether successful or unsuccessful, such litigation could result in substantial costs and diversion of resources. Such costs and diversion could materially and adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial condition.
We depend on our key personnel to manage our business effectively in a rapidly changing market. If we are unable to retain our key employees, our business, financial condition and results of operations could be harmed.
Our future success depends to a significant degree on the skills, efforts and continued services of our executive officers and other key engineering, manufacturing, operations, sales, marketing and support personnel. If we were to lose the services of one or more of our key executive officers or other key engineering, manufacturing, operations, sales, marketing and support personnel, we may not be able to grow our business as we expect, and our ability to compete could be harmed, adversely affecting our business and prospects.
Rapid technological change in our market and/or changes in customer requirements could cause our products to become obsolete or require us to redesign our products, which would have a material adverse effect on our business, operating results and financial condition.
The market for our products is characterized by rapid technological change, frequent new product introductions and enhancements, uncertain product life cycles, changing customer demands and evolving industry standards, any of which can render existing products obsolete. We believe that our future success will depend in large part on our ability to develop new and effective products in a timely manner and on a cost-effective basis. As a result of the complexities inherent in our products, major new products and product enhancements can require long development and testing periods, which may result in significant delays in the general availability of new releases or significant problems in the implementation of new releases. In addition, if we or our competitors announce or introduce new products our current or future customers may defer or cancel purchases of our products, which could materially adversely affect our business, operating results and financial condition. Our failure to develop successfully, on a timely and cost effective basis, new products or new product enhancements that respond to technological change, evolving industry standards or customer requirements would have a material adverse effect on our business, operating results and financial condition.
We may suffer adverse consequences if we are deemed an investment company and we may incur significant costs to avoid investment company status.
We believe we are not an investment company as defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940, and have operated our business in accordance with such view. If the SEC or a court were to disagree with us, we could be required to register as an investment company. This would subject us to disclosure and accounting rules geared toward investment, rather than operating, companies; limit our ability to borrow money, issue options, issue multiple classes of stock and debt, and engage in transactions with affiliates; and require us to undertake significant costs and expenses to meet the disclosure and other regulatory requirements to which we would be subject as a registered investment company.
Future acquisitions or strategic investments may not be successful and may harm our operating results.
Future acquisitions or strategic investments could have a material adverse effect on our business and operating results because of:
The assumption of unknown liabilities, including employee obligations. Although we normally conduct extensive legal and accounting due diligence in connection with our acquisitions, there are many liabilities that cannot be discovered, and which liabilities could be material.
We may become subject to significant expenses related to bringing the financial, accounting and internal control procedures of the acquired business into compliance with U.S. GAAP financial accounting standards and the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002.
Our operating results could be impaired as a result of restructuring or impairment charges related to amortization expenses associated with intangible assets.
We could experience significant difficulties in successfully integrating any acquired operations, technologies, customers’ products and businesses with our existing operations.
Future acquisitions could divert substantial capital and our management’s attention.
We may not be able to hire the key employees necessary to manage or staff the acquired enterprise operations.
Our executive officers and directors have the ability to significantly influence matters submitted to our stockholders for approval.
As of June 1, 2021, our executive officers and directors, in the aggregate, beneficially own shares representing approximately 83.97% of our common stock. In addition, Kenneth Orr, our executive chairman, owns 1,000,000 shares of our Series A Preferred, through his entity KORR Acquisition Group, Inc., which are convertible into 12.5% of our fully-diluted shares of common stock, at Mr. Orr’s option. Beneficial ownership includes shares over which an individual or entity has investment or voting power and includes shares that could be issued upon the exercise of options and warrants within 60 days after the date of determination. On matters submitted to our stockholders for approval, holders of our common stock are entitled to one vote per share. If our executive officers and directors choose to act together, they would have significant influence over all matters submitted to our stockholders for approval, as well as our management and affairs. For example, these individuals, if they chose to act together, would have significant influence on the election of directors and approval of any merger, consolidation or sale of all or substantially all of our assets. This concentration of voting power could delay or prevent an acquisition of our company on terms that other stockholders may desire.
Failure to manage growth effectively could adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial condition.
The success of our future operating activities will depend upon our ability to expand our support system to meet the demands of our growing business. Any failure by our management to effectively anticipate, implement, and manage changes required to sustain our growth would have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and results of operations. We cannot assure you that we will be able to successfully operate acquired businesses, become profitable in the future, or effectively manage any other change.
Subsequent to consummation of any acquisition, we may be required to take write-downs or write-offs, restructuring and impairment or other charges that could have a significant negative effect on our financial condition, results of operations and our stock price, which could cause you to lose some or all of your investment.
Even if we conduct extensive due diligence on a target business with which we acquire, we cannot assure you that this examination will uncover all material risks that may be presented by a particular target business, or that factors outside of the target business and outside of our control will not later arise. Even if our due diligence successfully identifies the principal risks, unexpected risks may arise and previously known risks may materialize in a manner not consistent with our preliminary risk analysis. As a result, from time to time we may be forced to write-down or write-off assets, restructure our operations, or incur impairment or other charges that could result in our reporting losses. Even though these charges may be non-cash items and not have an immediate impact on our liquidity, the fact that we report charges of this nature could contribute to negative market perceptions about us or our securities. In addition, charges of this nature may cause us to violate net worth or other covenants to which we may be subject as a result of assuming pre-existing debt held by a target business or by virtue of our obtaining post-combination debt financing.
Changes in laws or regulations, or a failure to comply with any laws and regulations, may adversely affect our business, investments and results of operations.
We are subject to laws and regulations enacted by national, regional and local governments, including in particular, reporting and other requirements under the Exchange Act. Compliance with, and monitoring of, applicable laws and regulations may be difficult, time consuming and costly. Those laws and regulations and their interpretation and application may also change from time to time and those changes could have a material adverse effect on our business, investments and results of operations. In addition, a failure to comply with applicable laws or regulations, as interpreted and applied, could result in fines, injunctive relief or similar remedies which could be costly to us or limit our ability to complete an initial business combination or operate the post-combination company successfully.
Risks Related to our Communications Division
Our Communications business is substantially smaller than some of our major competitors, whose marketing and pricing decisions, and relative size advantage could adversely affect our ability to attract and to retain customers. These major competitors are likely to continue to cause significant pricing pressures that could adversely affect PTGi’s net revenues, results of operations and financial condition.
The carrier services telecommunications industry is significantly influenced by the marketing and pricing decisions of the larger business participants. The rapid development of new technologies, services and products has eliminated many of the traditional distinctions among wireless, cable, Internet, local and long distance communication services. We face many competitors in this market, including telephone companies, cable companies, wireless service providers, satellite providers, application and device providers. PTGi faces competition for its voice trading services from telecommunication services providers’ traditional processes and new companies. Once telecommunication services providers have established business relationships with competitors to PTGi, it could be extremely difficult to convince them to utilize our services. These competitors may be able to develop services or processes that are superior to PTGi’s services or processes, or that achieve greater industry acceptance.
Many of our competitors are significantly larger than us and have substantially greater financial, technical and marketing resources, larger networks, a broader portfolio of service offerings, greater control over network and transmission lines, stronger name recognition and customer loyalty and long-standing relationships with our target customers. As a result, our ability to attract and retain customers may be adversely affected. Many of our competitors enjoy economies of scale that result in low cost structures for transmission and related costs that could cause significant pricing pressures within the industry.
Our ability to compete effectively will depend on, among other things, our network quality, capacity and coverage, the pricing of our products and services, the quality of our customer service, our development of new and enhanced products and services, the reach and quality of our sales and distribution channels and our capital resources. It will also depend on how successfully we anticipate and respond to various factors affecting our industry, including new technologies and business models, changes in consumer preferences and demand for existing services, demographic trends and economic conditions. While growth through acquisitions is a possible strategy for PTGi, there are no guarantees that any acquisitions will occur, nor are there any assurances that any acquisitions by PTGi would improve the financial results of its business. If we are not able to respond successfully to these competitive challenges, we could experience reduced revenues.
PTGi suppliers may not be able to obtain credit insurance on PTGi, which could have a material adverse effect on PTGi’s business.
PTGi makes purchases from its suppliers, who may rely on the ability to obtain credit insurance on PTGi in determining whether or not to extend short-term credit to PTGi in the form of accounts receivables. To the extent that these suppliers are unable to obtain such insurance they may be unwilling to extend credit.
Any failure of PTGi’s physical infrastructure, including undetected defects in technology, could lead to significant costs and disruptions that could reduce its revenue and harm its business reputation and financial results.
PTGi depends on providing customers with highly reliable service. PTGi must protect its infrastructure and any collocated equipment from numerous factors, including:
human error;      
physical or electronic security breaches;    
fire, earthquake, flood and other natural disasters;
water damage;        
power loss; and          
terrorism, sabotage and vandalism.            
Problems at one or more of PTGi’s exchange delivery points, whether or not within PTGi’s control, could result in service interruptions or significant equipment damage. Any loss of services, equipment damage or inability to terminate voice calls or supply Internet capacity could reduce the confidence of the members and customers and could consequently impair ICS’s ability to obtain and retain customers, which would adversely affect both PTGi’s ability to generate revenues and its operating results.
PTGi’s positioning in the marketplace and intense domestic and international competition in these services places a significant strain on our resources, which if not managed effectively could result in operational inefficiencies and other difficulties.
To manage PTGi’s market positioning effectively, we must continue to implement and improve its operational and financial systems and controls, invest in critical network infrastructure to expand its coverage and capacity, maintain or improve its service quality levels, purchase and utilize other transmission facilities, evolve its support and billing systems and train and manage its employee base. If we inaccurately forecast the movement of traffic onto PTGi’s network, we could have insufficient or excessive transmission facilities and disproportionate fixed expenses. As we proceed with the development of our PTGi business, operational difficulties could arise from additional demand placed on customer provisioning and support, billing and management information systems, product delivery and fulfillment, support, sales and marketing, administrative resources, network infrastructure, maintenance and upgrading. For instance, we may encounter delays or cost-overruns or suffer other adverse consequences in implementing new systems when required.
If PTGi is not able to operate a cost-effective network, we may not be able to operate our PTGi business successfully.
Our business’s success depends on our ability to design, implement, operate, manage, maintain and upgrade a reliable and cost-effective network infrastructure. In addition, we rely on third-party equipment and service vendors manage PTGi’s global network through which it provides its services. If we fail to generate traffic on PTGi’s network, if we experience technical or logistical impediments to the development of necessary aspects of PTGi’s network or the migration of traffic and customers onto PTGi’s network, or if we experience difficulties with third-party providers, we may not achieve desired economies of scale or otherwise be successful in our business.
Our telecommunications network infrastructure has several vulnerabilities and limitations.
Our telecommunications network is the source of most of PTGi’s revenues and any damages to or loss of our equipment or any problem with or limitation of PTGi’s network whether accidental or otherwise, including network, hardware and software failures may result in a reduction in the number of our customers or usage level by our customers, our inability to attract new customers or increased maintenance costs, all of which would have a negative impact on our results of operations. The development and operation of our network is subject to problems and technological risks, including:
physical damage;          
power surges or outages;        
capacity limitations;              
software defects as well as hardware and software obsolescence;      
breaches of security, whether by computer virus, break-in or otherwise;    
denial of access to our sites for failure to obtain required municipal or other regulatory approvals; and
other factors which may cause interruptions in service or reduced capacity for our customers.              
Our operations also rely on a stable supply of utilities service. We cannot assure you that future supply instability will not impair our ability to procure required utility services in the future, which could adversely impact our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Changes in the regulatory framework under which PTGi operates could adversely affect our business prospects or results of operations.
PTGi’s domestic operations are subject to regulation by federal and state agencies, and our international operations are regulated by various foreign governments and international bodies. These regulatory regimes may restrict or impose conditions on our ability to operate in designated areas and to provide specified products or services. We are frequently required to maintain licenses for our operations and conduct our operations in accordance with prescribed standards. We are from time to time involved in regulatory and other governmental proceedings or inquiries related to the application of these requirements. It is impossible to predict with any certainty the outcome of pending federal and state regulatory proceedings relating to our operations, or the reviews by federal or state courts of regulatory rulings. Moreover, new laws or regulations or changes to the existing regulatory framework could affect how we manage our wireline and wireless networks, impose additional costs, impair revenue opportunities, and potentially impede our ability to provide services in a manner that would be attractive to us and our customers.
Service interruptions due to natural disasters or unanticipated problems with our network infrastructure could result in customer loss.
Natural disasters or unanticipated problems with our network infrastructure could cause interruptions in the services we provide. The failure of a switch and our back-up system would result in the interruption of service to the customers served by that switch until necessary repairs are completed or replacement equipment is installed. The successful operation of our network and its components is highly dependent upon our ability to maintain the network and its components in reliable enough working order to provide sufficient quality of service to attract and maintain customers. Any damage or failure that causes interruptions in our operations or lack of adequate maintenance of our network could result in the loss of customers and increased maintenance costs that would adversely impact our results of operations and financial condition.
We have backup data for our key information and data processing systems that could be used in the event of a catastrophe or a failure of our primary systems,and have established alternative communication networks where available. However, we cannot assure you that our business activities would not be materially disrupted if there were a partial or complete failure of any of these primary information technology systems or communication networks. Such failures could be caused by, among other things, software bugs, computer virus attacks or conversion errors due to system upgrading. In addition, any security breach caused by unauthorized access to information or systems, or intentional malfunctions or loss or corruption of data, software, hardware or other computer equipment, could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition.
Our insurance coverage may not adequately cover losses resulting from the risks for which we are insured.
We maintain insurance policies for our network facilities and all of our corporate assets. This insurance coverage protects us in the event we suffer losses resulting from theft, fraud, natural disasters or other similar events or from business interruptions caused by such events. In addition, we maintain insurance policies for our directors and officers. We cannot assure you however, that such insurance will be sufficient or will adequately cover potential losses.
We could be adversely affected if major suppliers fail to provide needed equipment and services on a timely or cost-efficient basis or are unwilling to provide us credit on favorable terms or at all.
We rely on a few strategic suppliers and vendors to provide us with equipment, materials and services that we need in order to expand and to operate our business. There are a limited number of suppliers with the capability of providing the network equipment and platforms that our operations and expansion plans require or the services that we require to maintain our extensive and geographically widespread networks. In addition, because the supply of network equipment and platforms requires detailed supply planning and this equipment is technologically complex, it would be difficult for us to replace the suppliers of this equipment. Suppliers of cables that we need to extend and maintain our networks may suffer capacity constraints or difficulties in obtaining the raw materials required to manufacture these cables.
We also depend on network installation and maintenance services providers, equipment suppliers, call centers, collection agencies and sales agents, for network infrastructure, and services to satisfy our operating needs. Many suppliers rely heavily on labor; therefore, any work stoppage or labor relations problems affecting our suppliers could adversely affect our operations. Suppliers may, among other things, extend delivery times, raise prices and limit supply due to their own shortages and business requirements. Similarly, interruptions in the supply of telecommunications equipment for networks could impede network development and expansion. If these suppliers fail to deliver products and services on a timely and cost-efficient basis that satisfies our demands or are unwilling to sell to us on favorable credit terms or at all, we could experience disruptions, which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Risks related to Our Infrastructure Division
Our success is dependent on the continued popularity of our existing products and services and our continued innovation and successful launches of new products and services, and we may not be able to anticipate or make timely responses to changes in the preferences of consumers.
The success of our operations depends on our ability to introduce new or enhanced EV charging, storage, and service stations for all types of electric vehicles, and other new products. On the automotive front and our strategy to install EV charging stations we will rely on the continued growth of our Infrastructure division. Consumer preferences differ across and within each of the regions in which we operate or plan to operate and may shift over time in response to changes in demographic and social trends, economic circumstances and the marketing efforts of our competitors. There can be no assurance that our existing EV charging, storage, and service stations will continue to be favored by consumers or that we will be able to anticipate or respond to changes in consumer preferences in a timely manner. Our failure to anticipate, identify or react to these particular preferences could adversely affect our sales performance and our profitability.
We rely substantially on external suppliers for the manufacture of our EV charging, storage, and service stations/units.
In regards to our EV charging installation business we rely on external suppliers to continue to manufacture these units for us to install and provide maintenance to. For our micro-mobility charging stations rely on third party suppliers for our manufacturing. We have entered into an exclusive manufacturing agreement with Quebec-based Poitras Industries to produce and manufacture our micro-mobility charging and docking stations. We expect to continue to rely on external suppliers for a substantial percentage of our requirements in the future. We cannot assure you that we will be able to maintain our existing relationships with this supplier and continue to be able to source EV charging, storage, and service stations we use in our operations on a stable basis and at a reasonable price or at all. For example, our supplier may increase the prices for the EV charging, storage, and service stations we purchase and/or experience disruptions in their production of the components or materials.
Our revenue growth depends on consumers’ willingness to adopt all types of EV infrastructure.
Our growth is highly dependent upon the adoption and use by consumers of the EV infrastructure provides we produce. The market for EV and micro-mobility charging, storage and service stations or is relatively new, rapidly evolving, characterized by rapidly changing technologies, price competition, additional competitors, evolving government regulation and industry standards, frequent new announcements, long development cycles for EV original equipment manufacturers, and changing consumer demands and behaviors. Factors that may influence the purchase and use of charging, storage, and service stations, and specifically charging, storage, and service stations for EV products include:
perceptions about quality and safety of charging, storage, and service stations;        
limited range and access to docking and charging stations, standardization of docking and charging systems lead to consumers’ concerns regarding the cost to dock and charge a EV related product;
environmental consciousness of consumers;      
inability or unwillingness to supply the EV products by the manufacturers; and  
availability of eligible tax and other government related incentives with respect EV products.  
The influence of any of the factors described above may negatively impact the widespread consumer adoption of all types of EV products which would materially adversely affect our business, operating results, financial condition and prospects.
Our ability to deploy and install our and other organizations EV docking and charging units is dependent on outside government regulation which can be subject to change at any time.
Our ability to deploy and install EV docking and charging units is dependent on the outside government regulation such as transportation ordinances by municipalities, FTC (Federal Trade Commission) and other relevant government laws and regulations. The laws and regulations concerning the deployment of our EV docking and charging stations may be subject to change and if they do then the deployment of our EV docking and charging stations may no longer be in the best interest of the Company. At such point the Company may no longer want to sell product and therefore your investment in the Company may be affected.
Computer malware, viruses, hacking, phishing attacks and spamming could harm our business and results of operations.
Computer malware, viruses, physical or electronic break-ins and similar disruptions could lead to interruption and delays in our services and operations and loss, misuse or theft of data. Computer malware, viruses, computer hacking and phishing attacks against online networking platforms have become more prevalent and may occur on our systems in the future.
Any attempts by hackers to disrupt our website service or our internal systems, if successful, could harm our business, be expensive to remedy and damage our reputation or brand. Our network security business disruption insurance may not be sufficient to cover significant expenses and losses related to direct attacks on our website or internal systems. Efforts to prevent hackers from entering our computer systems are expensive to implement and may limit the functionality of our services. Though it is difficult to determine what, if any, harm may directly result from any specific interruption or attack, any failure to maintain performance, reliability, security and availability of our products and services and technical infrastructure may harm our reputation, brand and our ability to attract customers. Any significant disruption to our website or internal computer systems could result in a loss of customers and could adversely affect our business and results of operations.
We have previously experienced, and may in the future experience, service disruptions, outages and other performance problems due to a variety of factors, including infrastructure changes, third-party service providers, human or software errors and capacity constraints. If our mobile application is unavailable when customers attempt to access it or it does not load as quickly as they expect, customers may seek other services.
Our platform functions on software that is highly technical and complex and may now or in the future contain undetected errors, bugs, or vulnerabilities. Some errors in our software code may only be discovered after the code has been deployed. Any errors, bugs, or vulnerabilities discovered in our code after deployment, inability to identify the cause or causes of performance problems within an acceptable period of time or difficultly maintaining and improving the performance of our platform, particularly during peak usage times, could result in damage to our reputation or brand, loss of revenues, or liability for damages, any of which could adversely affect our business and financial results.
We expect to continue to make significant investments to maintain and improve the availability of our platform and to enable rapid releases of new features and products. To the extent that we do not effectively address capacity constraints, upgrade our systems as needed and continually develop our technology and network architecture to accommodate actual and anticipated changes in technology, our business and operating results may be harmed.
We have a disaster recovery program to transition our operating platform and data to a failover location in the event of a catastrophe and have tested this capability under controlled circumstances, however, there are several factors ranging from human error to data corruption that could materially lengthen the time our platform is partially or fully unavailable to our user base as a result of the transition. If our platform is unavailable for a significant period of time as a result of such a transition, especially during peak periods, we could suffer damage to our reputation or brand, or loss of revenues any of which could adversely affect our business and financial results.
Growing our customer base depends upon the effective operation of our mobile applications with mobile operating systems, networks and standards that we do not control.
We are dependent on the interoperability of our mobile applications with popular mobile operating systems that we do not control, such as Google’s Android and iOS, and any changes in such systems that degrade our products’ functionality or give preferential treatment to competitive products could adversely affect the usage of our applications on mobile devices. Additionally, in order to deliver high quality mobile products, it is important that our products work well with a range of mobile technologies, systems, networks and standards that we do not control. We may not be successful in developing relationships with key participants in the mobile industry or in developing products that operate effectively with these technologies, systems, networks or standards.
If we are unable to keep up with advances in ev technology, we may suffer a decline in our competitive position.
The EV industry is experiencing rapid technological change. If we are unable to keep up with changes in EV technology, our competitive position may deteriorate which would materially and adversely affect our business, prospects, operating results and financial condition. As technologies change, we plan to upgrade or adapt our EV docking and charging stations and software in order to continue to provide EV docking and charging services with the latest technology. However, due to our limited cash resources, our efforts to do so may be limited. As a result, we may be unable to grow, maintain and enhance the network of docking and charging stations. Any failure of our docking and charging stations to compete effectively with other manufacturers’ charging stations will harm our business, operating results and prospects.
We are in an intensely competitive industry and there can be no assurance that we will be able to compete with our competitors who may have greater resources.
We face strong competition from competitors in the EV charging services industry, including competitors who could duplicate our model. Many of these competitors may have substantially greater financial, marketing and development resources and other capabilities than us. In addition, there are very few barriers to entry into the market for our services. There can be no assurance, therefore, that any of our current and future competitors, many of whom may have far greater resources, will not independently develop services that are substantially equivalent or superior to our services. Therefore, an investment in our business is very risky and speculative due to the competitive environment in which we may operate.
Our competitors may be able to provide customers with different or greater capabilities or benefits than we can provide in areas such as technical qualifications, past contract performance, geographic presence and price. Furthermore, many of our competitors may be able to utilize substantially greater resources and economies of scale to develop competing products and technologies, divert sales away from us by winning broader contracts or hire away our employees by offering more lucrative compensation packages. In the event that the market for EV docking and charging stations expands, we expect that competition will intensify as additional competitors enter the market and current competitors expand their product lines. In order to secure contracts successfully when competing with larger, well-financed companies, we may be forced to agree to contractual terms that provide for lower aggregate payments to us over the life of the contract, which could adversely affect our margins. Our failure to compete effectively with respect to any of these or other factors could have a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, financial condition or operating results.
Changes to federal, state or international laws or regulations applicable to our company could adversely affect our business.
Our business is subject to a variety of federal, state and international laws and regulations, including those with respect government incentives promoting fuel efficiency and alternate forms of energy, electric vehicles and others. These laws and regulations, and the interpretation or application of these laws and regulations, could change. Any reduction, elimination or discriminatory application of government subsidies and economic incentives because of policy changes, fiscal tightening or other reasons may result in diminished revenues from government sources and diminished demand for our products. In addition, new laws or regulations affecting our business could be enacted. These laws and regulations are frequently costly to comply with and may divert a significant portion of management’s attention. If we fail to comply with these applicable laws or regulations, we could be subject to significant liabilities which could adversely affect our business.
There are many federal, state and international laws that may affect our business, including measures to regulate charging systems, electric vehicles, and others. If we fail to comply with these applicable laws or regulations we could be subject to significant liabilities which could adversely affect our business.
There are a number of significant matters under review and discussion with respect to government regulations which may affect the business we intend to enter and/or harm our customers, and thereby adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. 
Risks Related to this Offering and Our Common Stock
There has been a limited public market for our common stock, and we do not know whether one will develop to provide you adequate liquidity. Furthermore, the trading price for our common stock, should an active trading market develop, may be volatile and could be subject to wide fluctuations in per-share price.
Our common stock is quoted on the OTC Pink under the trading symbol “CRGE”; historically, however, there has been a limited public market for our common stock. Although we have applied to list our Common Stock on the Nasdaq Stock Market, we cannot assure you that an active trading market for our common stock will develop or be sustained. The liquidity of any market for the shares of our common stock will depend on a number of factors, including:
the number of stockholders;
our operating performance and financial condition;
the market for similar securities;
the extent of coverage of us by securities or industry analysts; and
the interest of securities dealers in making a market in the shares of our common stock.
Even if an active trading market develops, the market price for our common stock may be highly volatile and could be subject to wide fluctuations. In addition, the price of shares of our common stock could decline significantly if our future operating results fail to meet or exceed the expectations of market analysts and investors and actual or anticipated variations in our quarterly operating results could negatively affect our share price.
The volatility of the price of our common stock may also be impacted by the risks discussed under this “Risk Factors” section, in addition to other factors, including:
developments in the financial markets and worldwide or regional economies;
announcements of innovations or new products or services by us or our competitors;
announcements by the government relating to regulations that govern our industry;
significant sales of our common stock or other securities in the open market;
variations in interest rates;
changes in the market valuations of other comparable companies; and
changes in accounting principles.
Our outstanding warrants and preferred stock may affect the market price and liquidity of the common stock.
As of June 10, 2021, we had approximately 152,279,063 shares of common stock and warrants for the purchase up to approximately an additional 21,829,555 shares of common stock outstanding. All of these warrants are exercisable as of the date of this prospectus (subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations) as follows: 9,959,555 warrants at an exercise price of $0.50 per share, 10,000,000 warrants at an exercise price of $2.00 per share and 1,870,000 warrants at an exercise price of $4.00 per share. We also have outstanding 1,000,000 shares of our series A preferred stock outstanding, which is convertible into 12.5% of our full-diluted shares of common stock, as well as 2,395,105 shares of our series B preferred stock outstanding, which is convertible into 2,395,105 shares of common stock. As described more fully below, holders of our notes and warrants may elect to receive a substantial number of shares of common stock upon conversion of the notes and/or exercise of the warrants. The amount of common stock reserved for issuance may have an adverse impact on our ability to raise capital and may affect the price and liquidity of our common stock in the public market. In addition, the issuance of these shares of common stock will have a dilutive effect on current stockholders’ ownership.
The conversion of outstanding convertible notes into shares of common stock could materially dilute our current stockholders.
As of the date of this prospectus, we had approximately $8.2 million aggregate principal amount of convertible notes outstanding, convertible into shares of our common stock at a fixed price of $0.25 per share, as well as an additional $5.61 million aggregate principal amount of convertible notes outstanding, convertible into shares of our common stock at a fixed price of $3.00 per share. The conversion prices of these notes may be less than the market price of our common stock at the time of conversion, and which may be subject to future adjustment due to certain events, including our issuance of common stock or common stock equivalents at an effective price per share lower than the conversion rate then in effect. If the entire principal amount of all the outstanding convertible notes is converted into shares of common stock, we would be required to issue an aggregate of no less than approximately 30 million shares of common stock. If we issue all of these shares, the ownership of our current stockholders will be diluted.
Because our common stock may be deemed a low-priced “penny” stock, an investment in our common stock should be considered high-risk and subject to marketability restrictions.
Historically, the trading price of our common stock has been $5.00 per share or lower, and deemed a penny stock, as defined in Rule 3a51-1 under the Exchange Act, and subject to the penny stock rules of the Exchange Act specified in rules 15g-1 through 15g-100. Those rules require broker–dealers, before effecting transactions in any penny stock, to:
deliver to the customer, and obtain a written receipt for, a disclosure document;
disclose certain price information about the stock;
disclose the amount of compensation received by the broker-dealer or any associated person of the broker-dealer;
send monthly statements to customers with market and price information about the penny stock; and
in some circumstances, approve the purchaser’s account under certain standards and deliver written statements to the customer with information specified in the rules.
Consequently, the penny stock rules may restrict the ability or willingness of broker-dealers to sell the common stock and may affect the ability of holders to sell their common stock in the secondary market and the price at which such holders can sell any such securities. These additional procedures could also limit our ability to raise additional capital in the future.
There is no guarantee that our common stock will be listed on Nasdaq.
We have applied to list our shares of common stock on The Nasdaq Capital Market.We believe that we will satisfy the listing requirements however such listing, however, is not guaranteed. Even if such listing is approved, there can be no assurance any broker will be interested in trading our common stock. Therefore, it may be difficult to sell any shares of our common stock if you desire or need to sell them.
Even if we meet the initial listing requirements of the Nasdaq Capital Market, there can be no assurance that we will be able to comply with the continued listing standards of the Nasdaq Capital Market. Our failure to meet the continued listing requirements of the Nasdaq Capital Market could result in a de-listing of our Common Stock.
Even if we meet the initial listing requirements of the Nasdaq Capital Market, we cannot assure you that we will be able to comply with the other standards that we are required to meet in order to maintain a listing of our common stock on the Nasdaq Capital Market. If after listing we fail to satisfy the continued listing requirements of the Nasdaq Capital Market, such as the corporate governance requirements or the minimum stockholder’s equity requirement, the Nasdaq Capital Market may take steps to de-list our common stock. Such a de-listing would likely have a negative effect on the price of our Common Stock and would impair our shareholders’ ability to sell or purchase our Common Stock when they wish to do so. In the event of a de-listing, we would take actions to restore our compliance with the Nasdaq Capital Market’s listing requirements, but we can provide no assurance that any action taken by us would result in our common stock becoming listed again, or that any such action would stabilize the market price or improve the liquidity of our Common Stock.
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) sales practice requirements may also limit a stockholder’s ability to buy and sell our common stock, which could depress the price of our common stock.
In addition to the “penny stock” rules described above, FINRA has adopted rules that require a broker-dealer to have reasonable grounds for believing that the investment is suitable for that customer before recommending an investment to a customer. Prior to recommending speculative low-priced securities to their non-institutional customers, broker-dealers must make reasonable efforts to obtain information about the customer’s financial status, tax status, investment objectives and other information. Under interpretations of these rules, FINRA believes that there is a high probability that speculative low-priced securities will not be suitable for at least some customers. Thus, the FINRA requirements make it more difficult for broker-dealers to recommend that their customers buy our common stock, which may limit your ability to buy and sell our shares of common stock, have an adverse effect on the market for our shares of common stock, and thereby depress our price per share of common stock.
If securities or industry analysts do not publish research or reports about our business, or if they issue an adverse or misleading opinion regarding our stock, our stock price and trading volume could decline.
The trading market for our common stock may be influenced by the research and reports that industry or securities analysts publish about us or our business. We do not currently have, and may never obtain, research coverage by securities and industry analysts. If no or few securities or industry analysts commence coverage of us, the trading price for our common stock may be negatively affected. In the event that we receive securities or industry analyst coverage, if any of the analysts who cover us issue an adverse or misleading opinion regarding us, our business model, our intellectual property or our stock performance, or if our operating results fail to meet the expectations of analysts, our stock price would likely decline. If one or more of these analysts cease coverage of us or fail to publish reports on us regularly, we could lose visibility in the financial markets, which in turn could cause our stock price or trading volume to decline.
Certain provisions of our certificate of incorporation and Delaware law make it more difficult for a third party to acquire us and make a takeover more difficult to complete, even if such a transaction were in stockholders’ interest.
Our certificate of incorporation and the Delaware General Corporation Law contain certain provisions that may have the effect of making it more difficult or delaying attempts by others to obtain control of our Company, even when these attempts may be in the best interests of our stockholders. We also are subject to the anti-takeover provisions of the Delaware General Corporation Law, which prohibits us from engaging in a “business combination” with an “interested stockholder” unless the business combination is approved in a prescribed manner and prohibits the voting of shares held by persons acquiring certain numbers of shares without obtaining requisite approval. The statutes and our certificate of incorporation have the effect of making it more difficult to effect a change in control of our Company.
We do not currently or for the foreseeable future intend to pay dividends on our common stock.
We have never declared or paid any cash dividends on our common stock. Except as may be required by our Series B Preferred Stock, we currently anticipate that we will retain future earnings for the development, operation and expansion of our business and do not anticipate declaring or paying any cash dividends for the foreseeable future. As a result, any return on your investment in our common stock will be limited to the appreciation in the price of our common stock, if any.
Our bylaws designate certain courts as the sole and exclusive forum for certain types of actions and proceedings that may be initiated by our stockholders, which could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers, or employees.
Our bylaws provide that, unless we consent in writing to an alternative forum, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware (or, if the Court of Chancery does not have jurisdiction, the federal district court for the District of Delaware) will be the exclusive forum for: (i) any derivative action or proceeding brought on behalf of the Company; (ii) any action asserting a claim for breach of a fiduciary duty owed by any director, officer, employee, or agent of ours to us or our stockholders; (iii) any action asserting a claim arising pursuant to any provision of the Delaware General Corporation Law, the Certificate of Incorporation, or the bylaws; and (iv) any action asserting a claim governed by the internal affairs doctrine (the “Delaware Forum Provision”). Our bylaws further provide that, unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the federal district courts of the United States of America shall be the sole and exclusive forum for resolving any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act (the “Federal Forum Provision”). In addition, our bylaws provide that any person or entity purchasing or otherwise acquiring any interest in shares of our common stock is deemed to have notice of and consented to the Delaware Forum Provision and the Federal Forum Provision.
Section 27 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), creates exclusive federal jurisdiction over all suits brought to enforce any duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or the rules and regulations thereunder. As a result, the Delaware Forum Provision will not apply to suits brought to enforce any duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or any other claim for which the federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction. We note, however, that there is uncertainty as to whether a court would enforce this provision and that investors cannot waive compliance with the federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder.
We recognize that the Delaware Forum Provision and the Federal Forum Provision in our bylaws may impose additional litigation costs on stockholders in pursuing any such claims, particularly if the stockholders do not reside in or near the State of Delaware. Additionally, the Delaware Forum Provision and the Federal Forum Provision may limit our stockholders’ ability to bring a claim in a forum that they find favorable for disputes with us or our directors, officers or employees, which may discourage such lawsuits against us and our directors, officers and employees even though an action, if successful, might benefit our stockholders. In addition, while the Delaware Supreme Court ruled in March 2020 that federal forum selection provisions purporting to require claims under the Securities Act be brought in federal court were “facially valid” under Delaware law, there is uncertainty as to whether other courts will enforce the Federal Forum Provision. If the Federal Forum Provision is found to be unenforceable, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such matters. The Federal Forum Provision may also impose additional litigation costs on stockholders who assert that the provision is not enforceable or invalid. The Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware and the United States District Court may also reach different judgments or results than would other courts, including courts where a stockholder considering an action may be located or would otherwise choose to bring the action, and such judgments may be more or less favorable to us than our stockholders.
Financial reporting obligations of being a public company in the United States are expensive and time-consuming, and our management will be required to devote substantial time to compliance matters.
Upon effectiveness of the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part, we will incur significant additional legal, accounting and other expenses that we did not incur as a private company. The obligations of being a public company in the United States require significant expenditures and will place significant demands on our management and other personnel, including costs resulting from public company reporting obligations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or the Exchange Act, and the rules and regulations regarding corporate governance practices, including those under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, or the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, or the Dodd-Frank Act, and the listing requirements of the stock exchange on which our securities are listed or quoted, if any. These rules require the establishment and maintenance of effective disclosure and financial controls and procedures, internal control over financial reporting and changes in corporate governance practices, among many other complex rules that are often difficult to implement, monitor and maintain compliance with. Moreover, despite recent reforms made possible by the JOBS Act, the reporting requirements, rules, and regulations will make some activities more time-consuming and costly, particularly after we are no longer an "emerging growth company." In addition, we expect these rules and regulations to make it more difficult and more expensive for us to obtain director and officer liability insurance and we may be required to incur substantial costs to maintain the same or similar coverage that we had through Synergy. Our management and other personnel will need to devote a substantial amount of time to ensure that we comply with all of these requirements and to keep pace with new regulations, otherwise we may fall out of compliance and risk becoming subject to litigation or being delisted, among other potential problems.
We are an "emerging growth company" and as a result of our reduced disclosure requirements applicable to emerging growth companies, our common stock may be less attractive to investors.
We are an "emerging growth company," as defined in the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012, or the JOBS Act, and we intend to take advantage of certain exemptions from various reporting requirements that are applicable to other public companies that are not "emerging growth companies" including, but not limited to, not being required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, reduced disclosure obligations regarding executive compensation in our periodic reports and proxy statements, and exemptions from the requirements of holding a nonbinding advisory vote on executive compensation and shareholder approval of any golden parachute payments not previously approved. We could remain an "emerging growth company" until the earliest to occur of earliest of (i) the last day of the fiscal year in which we have total annual gross revenues of $1.07 billion or more; (ii) the last day of our fiscal year following the fifth anniversary of the date of this prospectus; (iii) the date on which we have issued more than $1 billion in nonconvertible debt during the previous three years; or (iv) the date on which we are deemed to be a large accelerated filer under the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission. We cannot predict whether investors will find our common stock less attractive because we will rely on these exemptions. If some investors find our common stock less attractive as a result, there may be a less active trading market for our common stock and our stock price may be more volatile.
We are not subject to any reporting requirements with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Until such time as we will be subject to such reporting requirements, there may not be liquidity in our common stock.
We are not subject to any reporting obligations with the SEC and we were previously a “shell company” as defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act. Pursuant to Rule 144(i), securities issued by a current or former shell company that otherwise meet the holding period and other requirements of Rule 144 nevertheless cannot be sold in reliance on Rule 144 until one year after we (a) are no longer a shell company; and (b) has filed current “Form 10 information“ (as defined in Rule 144(i)) with the SEC reflecting that it is no longer a shell company, and provided that at the time of a proposed sale pursuant to Rule 144, we are subject to the reporting requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act and has filed all reports and other materials required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, as applicable, during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the issuer was required to file such reports and materials), other than Form 8-K reports. As a result, Rule 144 is not currently available to us.
The Selling Shareholders will receive all of the proceeds from the sale of the Shares offered by them pursuant to this prospectus. We will not receive any proceeds from the sale of the Shares by the Selling Stockholders, however, we would receive proceeds upon such Selling Stockholders’ cash exercise of Warrants. If the Selling Stockholders’ fully exercise the Warrants proceeds would be approximately $3.8 million. We can give no assurances that any such Warrant will be exercised, nor can we give any assurances that we will receive any from the Selling Stockholders sale pursuant to this prospectus.
We intend to use any proceeds from the Selling Stockholders’ exercise of the Warrants for working capital and other general corporate purposes. We may use a portion of any proceeds we might receive for acquisitions of complementary businesses, technologies, or other assets. However, we have no commitments to use any proceeds we might receive from this offering for any such acquisitions or investments at this time.
We have never paid any cash dividends on our capital stock and except as required by our Series B Preferred Stock, do not anticipate paying any cash dividends on our common stock in the foreseeable future. We intend to retain future earnings to fund ongoing operations and future capital requirements. Any future determination to pay cash dividends will be at the discretion of our board of directors and will be dependent upon financial condition, results of operations, capital requirements and such other factors as the board of directors deems relevant.
Our common stock has been quoted on the OTC Pink Market since January 27, 2021. Our common stock is currently quoted under the trading symbol “CRGE”.We have applied to list our common stock on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the trading symbol “CRGE”. Trading volume of our common stock has often been very limited. As a result, the trading price of our common stock has been subject to significant fluctuations. There can be no assurance that a liquid market will develop in the foreseeable future.
Transfer of our common stock may also be restricted under securities or “blue sky” laws of certain states and foreign jurisdiction. Consequently, investors may not be able to liquidate their investments and should be prepared to hold the common stock for an indefinite period of time. Over-the-counter market quotations reflect inter-dealer prices, without retail mark-up, mark-down or commission and may not necessarily represent actual transactions.
As of June 1, 2021, there were 1,050 stockholders of record, which total does not include stockholders who hold their shares in “street name.” The transfer agent for our common stock is Manhattan Transfer Registrar Company, whose address is 3B Sheep Pasture Road, Port Jefferson, New York 11777.
We have not paid any dividends on our common stock to date. We do not anticipate that we will pay dividends in the foreseeable future but rather intend to use any future earnings for the development and expansion of our business.
Any future payment of cash dividends on our common stock will be dependent upon (i) the amount of funds legally available, (ii) our earnings, if any, (iii) our financial condition, (iv) anticipated capital requirements, and (v) all other factors as our board of directors may find relevant at the time.
Selected Historical Financial Consolidated Financial Data
The following table sets forth our selected financial data as of the dates and for the periods indicated. We have derived the statement of operations data for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 from our audited financial statements included elsewhere in this prospectus. The statements of operations data for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and the balance sheet data as of March 31, 2021 have been derived from our unaudited financial statements included elsewhere in this prospectus.  Our historical results of operations presented below may not be reflective of our financial position, results of operations and cash flows had we operated as a combined company during all periods presented given the change to our business as a result of the acquisition of GetCharged and PTGI on October 12, 2020 and October 31, 2020, respectively .The following summary financial data should be read with "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and our financial statements and related notes and other information included elsewhere in this prospectus. Our historical results are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected in the future and the results for the three months ended March 31, 2021 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the full fiscal year.
 Consolidated statements of operations data:
For the years ended December 31,
For the three months ended March 31,
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross Margin
Operating expenses
Stock based compensation
General and administrative
Professional fees
Salaries and related benefits
Depreciation expense
Total operating expenses
Net operating loss
Other income (expenses):
Interest expense
Interest expense, related party
Net income for investments 
Amortization of debt discount
Amortization of debt discount, related party
Amortization of debt issue costs
Stock-Issuance Costs
Change in fair value of derivative liabilities
Change in fair value of convertible debt
Foreign exchange adjustments
Loss on modification of debt
Loss on impairment of goodwill
Gain on settlement of liabilities
Net income from investors 
Total other expenses
Net loss before income taxes
Income tax benefit (expense)
Net income (loss)
Basic loss per share
Weighted average number of shares outstanding, basic
Diluted loss per share
Weighted average number of shares outstanding, diluted
Balance Sheet Data:
December 31,
March 31,
Cash and cash equivalents
Working capital (1)
Total assets
Total current liabilities
Total stockholders’ equity (deficit)
(1) Working capital is defined as total current assets minus total current liability

The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet presents the historical balance sheets of Charge Enterprises, Inc. (“Charge Enterprises”), PTGI International Carrier Services Inc. (“PTGI”), and GetCharged, Inc. (“GetCharged”) as of December 31, 2020 and accounts for the merger of Charge Enterprises, PTGI and GetCharged with Charge Enterprises, Inc. as the accounting acquirer giving effect to the transaction as if it had occurred as of December 31, 2020. On October 12, 2020, Charge Enterprises purchased 100% of the outstanding shares of GetCharged in exchange for $17,500,000 in common stock consideration. As a result of the Exchange Agreement, GetCharged became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Charge Enterprises. On October 31, 2020, Charge Enterprises acquired 100% of the outstanding voting securities of PTGI in consideration for $892,000 cash consideration.
The Charge Enterprises, PTGI and GetCharged balance sheet information was derived from its audited balance sheets as of December 31, 2020. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statements of operations are based on the historical statements of Charge Enterprises, GetCharged, and PTGI and combine the results of operations giving effect to the transaction as if it occurred on January 1, 2020, and reflecting the pro forma adjustments expected to have a continuing impact on the combined results.
The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements are for informational purposes only. They do not purport to indicate the results that would have actually been obtained had the acquisitions been completed on the assumed dates or for the periods presented, or that may be realized in the future. Furthermore, while the pro forma financial information reflects transaction costs incurred with the merger on December 31, 2020, the pro forma financial information does not reflect the impact of any reorganization or restructuring expenses or operating efficiencies resulting from the transaction. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements, including the notes thereto, are qualified in their entirety by reference to, and should be read in conjunction with, the historical financial statements referred to above.
Charge Enterprises, Inc.
PTGI International Carrier Services
Get Charged, Inc.
Pro Forma Adjustments
Pro Forma Combined
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable, net
Deposits and prepaids
Other current assets net
Marketable securities
Investment in Oblong (OBLG)
Investment in MPS
Total current assets
Investment in subsidiary
(a) (b)
Property, plant and equipment, net
Non-current assets
Deferred tax asset
                       Total assets
Current liabilities:
           Accounts payable
           Accrued liabilities
           Deferred revenue
           Convertible notes payable, net of discount
           Convertible notes payable, related party, net of discount
           Related party payable
           Derivative liabilities
                       Total current liabilities
Non-current liabilities:
           Convertible notes payable, related party, net of discount
                       Total liabilities
Commitments and contingencies
Stockholder's Equity
Preferred stock, $0.001 par value, 10,000,000 shares authorized;
   Series A: 100,000 authorized; 1,000,000 and 0 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series B: 1,000,000 shares authorized; 0 and 200,000 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series C: 5,000,000 authorized; 0 and 2,000,000 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series D: 1,000,000 authorized; 0 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series E: 1,000,000 authorized; 0 and 418,251 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series F: 1,000,000 authorized; 0 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series G: 100,000 authorized; 0 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
Common stock, $0.001 par value; 6,800,000,000 shares authorized 140,018,383 and 9,516,329 issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
(a) (b)
Common stock to be issued, 13,425,750 and 3,224,949 shares at December 31, 2020
(a) (b)
Additional paid in capital
(a) (b)
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
(a) (b)
Accumulated deficit
(a) (b)
                       Total stockholders' equity
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity
See notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements
Charge Enterprises, Inc.
PTGI International Carrier Services
Get Charged, Inc.
Pro Forma Adjustments
Pro Forma Combined
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross Margin
Operating expenses
Stock based compensation
General and administrative
Professional fees
Salaries and related benefits
Depreciation expense
Total operating expenses
Net operating income (loss)
Other income (expenses)
Interest expense
Interest expense, related party
Amortization of debt discount
Amortization of debt discount, related party
Amortization of debt issue costs
Change in fair value of derivative liabilities
Change in fair value of convertible debt
Foreign exchange adjustments
Loss on modification of debt
Loss on impairment of goodwill
Stock issuance cost 
Other income
Gain on settlement of liabilities
Total other income (expense)
Income tax expense (benefit)
Net income (loss)
See notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements
On October 12, 2020, Charge Enterprises purchased 100% of the outstanding shares of GetCharged in exchange for $17,500,000 in common stock consideration. As a result of the Exchange Agreement, GetCharged became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Charge Enterprises.

On October 31, 2020, Charge Enterprises acquired 100% of the outstanding voting securities of PTGI in consideration for $892,000 cash consideration. 
The pro forma adjustments to the December 31, 2020 combined unaudited financial statements include the following:
To eliminate the Investment in PTGI (See Entry #1) and Investment in GetCharged (See Entry #2) accounts.
To eliminate the common stock of PTGI (See Entry #1) and common stock of GetCharged (See Entry #2).
To eliminate the additional paid-in capital account of PTGI (See Entry #1)
To eliminate the accumulated deficit of PTGI (See Entry #1) and accumulated deficit of GetCharged (See Entry #2).
The fair value of the assets and liabilities of PTGI and GetCharged were equal to their book values. As such there was no purchased differential. The following is the calculation of goodwill (gain on bargain purchase)
Get Charged
Purchase price
Less: net book value of assets
Excess purchase price
Fair value adjustments
Excess purchase price after adjustments
Goodwill (gain on bargain purchase)
The initial goodwill calculated was $27,326,861. Since the consideration given was $10,700,000 in excess of the consideration promised by the agreement, the company immediately recorded a loss on goodwill impairment in the amount of $10,700,000. The remaining goodwill of $16,626,861 is recorded on the reporting unit’s books.
Entry #1 as follows:
Investment in PTGI
Additional paid in capital
Common stock
Entry #2 as follows:
Investment in Get Charged
Additional Paid-In Capital
Accumulated deficit
Common stock
You should read the following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations together with our financial statements and the related notes and other financial information included elsewhere in this prospectus. Some of the information contained in this discussion and analysis or set forth elsewhere in this prospectus, including information with respect to our plans and strategy for our business, includes forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. See “Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements.” You should review the “Risk Factors” section of this prospectus for a discussion of important factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from the results described in or implied by the forward-looking statements contained in the following discussion and analysis.
Our Company consists of a portfolio of global businesses with the vision of connecting people everywhere with communications and electric-vehicle charging (“EV”) infrastructure. We believe the rise of new developing technologies in both industries offers us a unique growth opportunity. Our strategy focuses on acquiring businesses with operations geared toward such technologies’ development to revolutionize the telecommunications and EV infrastructure industries with our global portfolio.
Our Communications Division
 Our Communications division (“Communications”) with a strategy to offer Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS) and Communication as a Platform Service (CPaaS), providing termination of both voice and data to Carriers and Mobile Network Operators (MNO’s) globally for over 2 decades.
Our Communications division offers services through PTGi International Carrier Services, Inc. (“PTGi”), our wholly-owned subsidiary. We acquired PTGi pursuant to a stock purchase agreement dated October 2, 2020, entered into with the shareholders of PTGi in which we acquired 100% of the outstanding voting securities of PTGi in consideration for $892,000 (the “PTGi Acquisition”). The PTGi Acquisition closed on October 31, 2020.
Our Infrastructure Division
Our Infrastructure division (“Infrastructure”) addresses EV technologies developing a more accessible framework through the division’s installation and maintenance of portable power banks, micro-mobility docking and charging stations.
Our Infrastructure division offers services through GetCharged, Inc. (“GetCharged”), our wholly-owned subsidiary. We acquired GetCharged pursuant to a stock acquisition agreement dated September 25, 2020 entered into with the shareholders of GetCharged, in which we acquired 100% of the outstanding voting securities of GetCharged in exchange for 60,000,000 shares of our common stock (the “GetCharged Acquisition”). The GetCharged Acquisition closed on October 12, 2020.
Our Investment Division
Our Investment division (“Investment”) focuses on opportunities related to our global portfolio to expand our vision’s impact. We aim to invest in opportunities that would compliment our two operating divisions in addition to marketable securities, including money markets funds and other listed securities. Our Investment division provides services aimed at offsetting the overall cost of capital.
We offer our Investment services through our wholly-owned subsidiary, Charge Investments (“CI”).
Recent Developments
 We acquired 100% of the outstanding equity interests in Transworld Enterprises, Inc. (“Transworld”) in exchange for 1,000,000 shares of its Series D preferred stock (the “Series D Preferred”), and 1,000,000 shares of its Series F preferred stock (the “Series F Preferred”), pursuant to a stock acquisition agreement dated May 8, 2020. The Series D Preferred is convertible into 80% of our shares of issued and outstanding common stock upon consummation of a reverse stock split. The Series F Preferred is convertible at the holder’s option into 80% of our shares of issued and outstanding common stock, on an as converted basis. In connection with the transaction all prior officers and directors of resigned and we appointed new officers and directors from Transworld.
We entered into a securities purchase agreement dated May 8, 2020 with funds affiliated with Arena Investors LP (“Arena”) pursuant to which we issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $3 million for an aggregate purchase price of $2.7 million (the “May 2020 Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the May 2020 Notes, we issued to Arena warrants to purchase an aggregate of 7,600,000 shares of common stock (the “May 2020 Warrants”) and 7.5 shares of Series G preferred stock (the “Series G Preferred”). The Series G Preferred automatically converted into shares of our common stock upon consummation of a reverse stock split effected October 6, 2020.
We entered into a securities purchase agreement with KORR Value LP (“KORR Value”), an entity controlled by Kenneth Orr, our Executive Chairman, in May 2020, pursuant to which we issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $550,000 for an aggregate purchase price of $500,000 (the “KORR Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the KORR Notes, we issued KORR value warrants to purchase an aggregate of 1,266,667 shares of common stock (the “KORR Warrants”). The KORR Notes are subordinated to the May 2020 Notes. In August 2020, KORR Value LP transferred 50% of the KORR Notes to PGD Venture Group, LLC.
We entered into certain securities purchase agreements with other accredited investors (the “Subordinated Creditors”), dated May8, 2020 and September 30, 2020, respectively. Pursuant to which we issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $546,444 for an aggregate purchase price of $495,000 (the “Subordinated Creditor Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the Subordinated Creditor Notes, we issued to the Subordinated Creditors warrants to purchase an aggregate of 2,359,555 shares of common stock (the “Subordinated Creditor Warrants”). The Subordinated Creditor Notes are subordinated to the May 2020 Notes.
On October 1, 2020 we filed a Certificate of Amendment with the Colorado Secretary of State reflecting a500:1 reverse stock split and our conversion of our state of incorporation from Colorado to Delaware. In connection with such corporate conversion: (i) we changed our name from “GoIP Global, Inc.” to “Transworld Holdings, Inc.”; (ii) we converted all preferred stock, with the exception of the Series F Preferred, that were issued and outstanding prior to the conversion into shares of common stock; and (iii) the Series F Preferred converted in shares of Series A preferred stock (the “Series A Preferred”). The transactions described above were approved by FINRA on October 2, 2020 and became effective on the OTC Pink trading market at the open of trading on October 6, 2020.
We entered into a securities purchase agreement dated November 3, 2020 with Arena, pursuant to which we issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $3.8 million for an aggregate purchase price of $3.5 million (the “November 2020 Notes” and, together with the May 2020 Notes the “ Arena Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the November 2020 Notes, we issued 903,226 shares of common stock to Arena.
We entered into a securities purchase agreement dated December 8, 2020 with certain accredited investors, pursuant to which we issued an aggregate of 8,700,002 shares of common stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2,175,000.
Our wholly-owned subsidiary, Charge Infrastructure, Inc., entered into a securities purchase agreement, dated May 7, 2021, with the shareholders of Nextridge, Inc., a New York corporation (“Nextridge”) pursuant to which we agreed to purchase all the issued and outstanding shares of Nextridge for an aggregate purchase price of $18,850,000 (the “Nextridge Acquisition”). $6,850,000 of the aggregate purchase price payable to the shareholders of Nextridge was paid through the issuance of an aggregate of 2,395,105 shares of our Series B preferred stock (the “Series B Preferred”). The closing of the Nextridge Acquisition occurred on May 21, 2021. Nextridge operates its business through its wholly owned subsidiary, ANS Advanced Network Services LLC, a New York, limited liability company.
Founded in 1991, Nextridge’s predecessor company, Telecommunications Analysis Group, Inc., began with a strategic focus on communications and telephone networks in the enterprise and higher education market, providing high-quality Engineering, Furnishing and Installation (EF&I) services for building and developing infrastructure. Over time, Nextridge has grown from servicing telephone networks to providing high-quality engineer, furnish and install (EF&I) services for wireless carriers, tower owners, enterprise facilities, and government offices. This includes in-building wireless (DAS), cell tower and network infrastructure services, as well as DC and UPS backup power services. Today, Nextridge’s U.S. footprint extends from Chicago to the Northeast and down the East Coast, with as-needed support nationwide.
On May 19, 2021, we entered into a securities purchase agreement with some of the May 2020 Investors pursuant to which we issued (i) an aggregate principal amount of $5,610,000 of original issue discount senior secured convertible promissory notes due May 19, 2024 (the “May 2021 Convertible Notes”), and (ii) an aggregate principal amount of $11,032,609 of original issue discount senior secured non-convertible promissory notes due November 18, 2022 (the “May 2021 Non-Convertible Notes” and together with the May 2021 Convertible Notes, the “May 2021 Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the May 2021 Notes, we issued to the investors two year warrants to purchase 1,870,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $4.00 per share.
The May 2021 Non-Convertible Notes accrue interest at a rate of 7.5% per annum, subject to increase to 20% per annum upon and during the occurrence of an event of default and are to be redeemed at 107.5% of face value on the maturity date. The May 2021 Convertible Notes accrue interest at a rate of 8% per annum, subject to increase to 20% per annum upon and during the occurrence of an event of default. Interest is payable in cash on a monthly basis. The May 2021 Convertible Notes are convertible at any time, at the holder’s option, into shares of our common stock at an initial conversion price of $3.00 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%). The conversion price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, stock splits and in connection with the issuance by the Company of common stock or common stock equivalents at an effective price per share lower than the conversion price then in effect.
The November 2020 Notes rank pari passu with the May 2020 Notes and senior to all current and future indebtedness of the Company and are secured by substantially all of the assets of the Company. In addition, some of the Company’s subsidiaries entered into a subsidiary guaranty agreement and guaranteed the obligations owned to the investors under the May 2021 Notes.
A Registration Rights Agreement was executed in connection with the issuance of the May 2021 Notes. If we fail to maintain the effectiveness of the registration statement until all of such shares of common stock have been sold or are otherwise able to be sold pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, without any volume or manner of sale restrictions, then the Company will be obligated to pay to the investors liquidated damages equal to then, in addition to any other rights the Holders may have hereunder or under applicable law, upon the occurrence of any such event and on each monthly anniversary of thereafter until the event is cured, the Company shall pay to the investors an amount in cash equal to their pro rata portion of $75,000 per month until such events are satisfied.
Impact of COVID-19
On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (“WHO”) announced a global health emergency because of a new strain of coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China (the “COVID-19 outbreak”) and the risks to the international community as the virus spreads globally beyond its point of origin. In March 2020, the WHO classified the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic, based on the rapid increase in exposure globally.
 The full impact of the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve as of the date of this prospectus. As such, it is uncertain as to the full magnitude that the pandemic will have on our financial condition, liquidity, and future results of operations. Management is actively monitoring the global situation and its impact on our financial condition, liquidity, operations, suppliers, industry, and workforce.
The ultimate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is highly uncertain and subject to change and we do not yet know the full extent of potential delays or impacts on our business, financing or clinical trial activities or on healthcare systems or the global economy as a whole. Although we cannot estimate the length or gravity of the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak nor estimate the potential impact to our fiscal year 2020 financial statements at this time, if the pandemic continues, it could have a material adverse effect on our results of future operations, financial position, liquidity, and capital resources, and those of the third parties on which we rely in fiscal year 2020.
Comparability to Past Periods
The consolidated financial information presented throughout this “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 includes our consolidated results, including PTGI and GetCharged after their respective date of acquisition in October 2020. The financial information presented throughout this “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” for the other periods included herein are for PTGI and GetCharged as stand alone companies prior to our acquisition of them. Because substantially all of our business is composed of operations acquired during this period and because of the substantial change in the operations of each acquired business in connection with its acquisition, we believe the financial statements of each of PTGi and GetCharged are more relevant to an investor than our financial statements because the financial statements for each company present the financial position and results of the underlying operations in greater detail.
Results of Operations for Charge Enterprises, Inc.
Comparison of the Three Months Ended March 31, 2021 and 2020
Revenue was $111,127,641 for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $0 for the three months ended March 31, 2020. The increase in revenue was primarily due to revenue generated by PTGi. There were no corresponding revenues during the three months ended March 31, 2020.
Cost of Goods Sold
Costs of Goods Sold was $109,509,320 for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $0 for the three months ended March 31, 2020. The increase in cost of goods sold was primarily due to the PTGi operations.
Gross Margin
Gross Margin was $1,618,321 for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $0 for the three months ended March 31, 2020. The increase in gross margin was primarily due to the PTGi operations.
Stock based Compensation
Stock based compensation was $4,563,196 for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $0 for the three months ended March 31, 2020. The increase was primarily due to the vesting of stock options to executives, employees and consultants during the three months ended March 31, 2021.
General and Administrative Expenses
General and administrative expenses were $1,299,287 for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $2,148 for the three months ended March 31, 2020, an increase of $1,297,139. General and administrative expenses consist primarily of professional fees, office expenses, travel and entertainment, and fees paid for investor relations.
Professional Expenses
Professional Expenses were $247,152 for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $0 for the three months ended March 31, 2020.
Salaries and Related Benefits
Salaries and related benefits was $832,384 for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $1,442 for the three months ended March 31, 2020. The increase of $830,942 was primarily due to GetCharged and PTGi Acquisitions, along with the execution of the business strategy.
Interest Expense
Interest expense was $(181,002) for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $(323) for the three months ended March 31, 2021, an increase of $(180,679). The increase was a result of interest related to convertible debt issued during 2020.
Amortization of Debt Discount
Amortization of debt discount was $(1,113,117) for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $0 for the three months ended March 31, 2020. The increase was a result of amortization of the discounts on the note financings in 2020.
Amortization of Debt Discount, related party
Amortization of debt discount, related party was $(95,127) for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $0 for the three months ended March 31, 2020. The increase was a result of amortization of the discount on convertible debt issued to entities related to an executive and our executive chairman.
Foreign Exchange Adjustment
Foreign Exchange Adjustment was $451,478 for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $0 for the three months ended March 31, 2020. The increase was a result of PTGi’s international operations.
Net income (loss)
As a result of the foregoing, Net loss was $(4,010,449) for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and $6,677 for the three months ended March 31, 2020.
Comparison of the Fiscal Years Ended December 31, 2020 and 2019
Revenue was $84,726,026 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase in revenue was primarily due to revenue generated by PTGi since the time of our acquisition in October 2020. There were no corresponding revenues during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020. We expect the revenues to continue at a similar pace as November and December 2020.
Cost of Goods Sold
Costs of Goods Sold was $83,554,341 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase in cost of goods sold was primarily due to the PTGi acquisition.
Gross Margin
Gross Margin was $1,171,685 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase in gross margin was primarily due to the PTGi acquisition.
Stock based Compensation
Stock based compensation was $2,326,298 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase was primarily due to the issuance of stock options to executives.
General and Administrative Expenses
General and administrative expenses were $2,020,493 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $50,028 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, an increase of $1,970,465. General and administrative expenses consist primarily of professional fees, office expenses, travel and entertainment, and fees paid for investor relations. The increase was primarily a result of the GetCharged and PTGi Acquisitions, along with the execution of the business strategy.
Professional Expenses
Professional Expenses were $804,836 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase was primarily due to GetCharged and PTGi Acquisitions, along with the execution of the business strategy.
Salaries and Related Benefits
Salaries and related benefits was $687,415 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $131,970 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase of $555,445 was primarily due to GetCharged and PTGi Acquisitions, along with the execution of the business strategy.
Depreciation Expenses
Depreciation Expense was $82,662 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase was primarily due to GetCharged and PTGi Acquisitions, along with the execution of the business strategy. The assets acquired in the GetCharged Acquisition had not been placed in service at December 31, 2020. As such there was no depreciation incurred during 2020. Depreciation on the GetCharged assets will commence upon their being placed in service, which we estimate will be in the fourth quarter of 2021.
Interest Expense
Interest expense was $(391,781) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $(28,124) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, an increase of $(363,657). The increase was a result of interest related to convertible debt issued during 2020.
Interest Expense, related party
Interest expense, related party, was $26,709 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase was primarily due to interest on the convertible debt issued to an executive and another entity related to our executive chairman.
Amortization of Debt Discount
Amortization of debt discount was $(2,667,733) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $(138,922) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, an increase of $(2,528,811). The increase was a result of amortization of the discounts on the note financings in 2020.
Amortization of Debt Discount, related party
Amortization of debt discount, related party was $(28,032) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase was a result of amortization of the discount on convertible debt issued to entities related to an executive and our executive chairman.
Amortization of Debt Issue Costs
Amortization of debt issue costs was $19,562 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase was a result of issue costs associated with convertible debt issued in 2020.
Stock Issuance Costs
Stock issuance costs was $13,400,000 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The stock issuance costs were the result of the issuance of warrants in connection with the private placement completed in December 2020.
Change in Fair Value of Derivative Liabilities
Change in fair value of derivative liabilities resulted in an expense of $530,716 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and income of $56,628 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, an increase of $474,088. The increase was a result of new derivative liabilities associated with convertible debt issued in 2020.
Foreign Exchange Adjustment
Foreign Exchange Adjustment was $425,309 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase was a result of PTGi’s international operations.
Loss on Modification of Debt
Loss on modification of debt was $98,825 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase was a result of adding a conversion option to a non-convertible debt instrument.
Loss on Impairment of Goodwill
Loss on impairment of goodwill was $13,757,907 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase was a result of loss on impairment of goodwill was the result of the impairment of goodwill in connection with the merger with TransWorld Holdings, Inc ($3,057,907) and impairment of goodwill related to the acquisition of Get Charged, Inc. (10,700,000). 
Gain on Settlement of Liabilities
Gain on settlement of liabilities was $115,514 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The increase was a result of the Company issuing common stock in satisfaction of liabilities with a value greater than the liability extinguished.
Net Loss
As a result of the foregoing, Net loss was $(34,692,351) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and $(292,416) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
Our current operations have been focused primarily on business planning and raising capital. Since our inception, through the acquisitions of PTGi and GetCharged, we have sustained operating losses. In order to finance the aforementioned acquisitions, we issued approximately $8.2 million aggregate principal amount of convertible promissory notes throughout the second and third quarter of 2020. As a result of our acquisitions of PTGi, and GetCharged and the formation of Investments, we believe we have sufficient capital to fund our operations for the near future. However, we are currently evaluating different strategies to ensure we obtain adequate funding for any future acquisitions we may undertake. We are continuing to consider that strategies may include, but are not limited to: public offerings of equity and/or debt securities.
Our financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 were prepared on a going-concern basis, which contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. As a result, these financial statements do not include any adjustments that might be necessary should we be unable to continue in existence. We have incurred substantial losses and negative cash flows from operations since our inception, as a result of operations prior to Transworld purchasing GoIP and has an accumulated deficit of approximately $17.5 million. We believe our financial position is more secure as a result of our acquisitions of PTGi and GetCharged and the formation CI, all of which occurred in the fourth quarter of 2020.
A s of December 31, 2020, we had cash of $11,629,303 and working capital of $2,948,711. Additionally, management has prepared estimates of operations for fiscal years 2021 and 2022 and believes that cash on hand and funds to be generated from operations are sufficient to service our debt obligations and operations for one year from the date of this prospectus. We may, however, in the future require additional cash resources due to changing business conditions, implementation of our strategy to expand our business, or other investments or acquisitions we may decide to pursue. If our own financial resources are insufficient to satisfy our capital requirements, we may seek to sell additional equity or debt securities. The sale of additional equity securities could result in dilution to our stockholders. The incurrence of indebtedness would result in increased debt service obligations and could require us to agree to operating and financial covenants that would restrict our operations. Financing may not be available in amounts or on terms acceptable to us, if at all. Any failure by us to raise additional funds on terms favorable to us, or at all, could limit our ability to expand our business operations and could harm our overall business prospects.
During the year ended December 31, 2020, we had net cash flow used by operating activities of $6,491,984, The cash flow used by operating activities resulted from the net loss for the year, an increase in outstanding receivables and the payment of accounts payable as offset by non-cash charges for stock-based compensation and stock issuance costs, impairment of goodwill and the amortization of debt discounts as well as a decrease in accrued expenses.
We had net cash flow provided by investing activities of $8,745,737 for the year ended December 31, 2020.  The cash provided by investing activities was the result of the cash acquired in the purchase of the PTGi and GetCharged acquisitions as partially offset by investments made in marketable securities.
We had net cash flow provided by financing activities of $9,375,519 during the year ended December 31, 2020. These cash flows provided were primarily the result of the proceeds for debt and equity financings.
As a result of the foregoing, the Company had a net increase in cash of $11,629,272 during the year ended December 31, 2020.
The impact of COVID-19 on our business has been considered in these assumptions; however, it is too early to know the full impact of COVID-19 or its timing on a return to more normal operations.
Result of Operations for PTGi International Carrier Services, Inc.
Comparison of the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020 and 2019
Net Revenues
Revenue was $430,101,704 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $506,972,842 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, a decrease of $76,871,138. The decrease in net revenue was primarily attributable to changes in our customer mix and fluctuations in wholesale traffic volumes, which can result in period-to-period variability in revenue.
Cost of Goods Sold
Costs of Goods Sold was $424,434,212 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $498,461,018 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, a decrease of $74,026,806. The decrease in cost of goods sold is directly correlated to the fluctuations in wholesale traffic volumes.
Gross Margin
Gross Margin was $5,667,492 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $8,511,824 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, a decrease of $ $2,844,332. The decrease in gross margin was primarily due to traffic volume decreases in the period and the contraction in margins driven by increased industry competition.
Professional Fees
Professional Fees were $327,552 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $744,781 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, a decrease of $417,229. Professional Fees consist primarily of fees paid to Legal, accounting and other professional firms. The decrease was primarily due t the reduction in costs related to merger and acquisitions activities. 
General and Administrative Expenses
General and administrative expenses were $4,527,315 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $5,683,005 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019 ,a decrease of $1,155,690. _. The decrease was primarily a result of the reduction in business travel caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic..
Depreciation Expenses
Depreciation expenses were $251,212 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $259,643 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, a decrease of $8,431. Depreciation expenses consist primarily of switching equipment and other network related fixed assets. The decrease was primarily a result of full depreciation of existing equipment.
Loss on goodwill impairment
Loss on goodwill impairment was $0 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $1,376,718 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, an decrease of $1,376,718. The decrease was a result of full impairment of goodwill in 2019.
Other Income (Expense)
Other income (expense) was $2,072,220 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $(13,079) for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, an increase of 2,085,299. . The increase was a result of a one-time cost concession agreed to with several vendors.
Contingent consideration (gain) loss
Contingent consideration gain or loss was $(30,514) for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $332,586 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, an decrease of $363,100. Contingent consideration gain or loss consists primarily of change in the value of consideration payable for the November 2018 acquisition of Go2Tel.com, Inc. The increase was a result of remeasurement of consideration expected to be paid through the end of the contingency period.
Derivative FX gain (loss)
Derivative FX gain (loss) was $331,271 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $(59,753) for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, a decrease of $391,024. Derivative FX gain (loss) consists primarily of remeasurement of forward contracts. The decrease was a result of fluctuations in the currency markets for the Derivative contracts.
Net Income
As a result of the foregoing, net income was $2,381,382 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $327,055 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019.
Comparison of Fiscal Years Ended December 31, 2019 and 2018
Net Revenues
Revenue was $696,119,986 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $793,466,665 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, a decrease of $97,346,679. The decrease in net revenue was primarily due to changes in our customer mix and fluctuations in wholesale traffic volumes, which can result in period-to-period variability in revenues.
Cost of Goods Sold
Costs of Goods Sold was $684,877,653 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $778,988,522 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, a decrease of $94,110,869. The decrease in cost of goods sold is directly correlated to the fluctuations in wholesale traffic volumes
Gross Margin
Gross Margin was $11,242,333 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $14,478,143 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, a decrease of $3,235,810. The decrease in gross margin was primarily due to traffic volume decreases in the period and the contraction in margins driven by increased industry competition.
Professional Fees
Professional Fees were $1,017,247 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $941,124 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, an increase of $76,123. Professional Fees consist primarily of fees paid to legal, accounting and other professional firms. The increase was primarily due to increased year end public compliance costs.
General and Administrative Expenses
General and administrative expenses were $7,277,222 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $8,520,763 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, a decrease of $1,243,541. General and administrative expenses consist primarily of professional fees, office expenses, travel and entertainment. The decrease was primarily a result of reduction in travel-related costs caused in part by the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Depreciation Expenses
Depreciation expenses were $345,215 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $347,608 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, a decrease of $2,393 . Depreciation expenses consist primarily of switching equipment and network related fixed assets. The decrease was primarily a result of fully depreciating fixed assets.
Loss on goodwill impairment
Loss on goodwill impairment was $(4,463,720) for fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $0 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, an increase of $4,463,720. The increase was a result of full goodwill impairment as of December 2019.
Contingent consideration (gain) loss
Other income (expense) was $377,446 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $0 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, an increase of $377,446. Contingent consideration gain or loss consists primarily of change in the value of consideration payable for the November 2018 acquisition of Go2Tel.com, Inc. The increase was a result of the contingent liability was entered into at the end of 2018, with an adjustment to actual occurring throughout 2019.
Net Income (loss)
As a result of the foregoing, net income was $(1,522,528) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $4,586,524 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
PTGi's primary source of cash is from operating revenues. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, net cash provided by operating activities was $36,020,383. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, PTGI paid dividends of $16,300,000 to its predecessor parent company. PTGI anticipates that cash flow from operations will continue to enable PTGI to meet its cash requirements for the next twelve months. Inflation has not had, nor is it expected to have, a material impact on the operations and financial condition of PTGI.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
As of December 31, 2019, PTGi did not have any off-balance sheet arrangements.
Result of Operations for GetCharged, Inc.
Comparison of the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020 and 2019
Revenue was $60,483 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $35 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, an increase $60,448. The increase in net revenue was primarily the result of the Company introducing charging stations into the market.
Costs of Goods Sold
There was no costs for goods sold for each of the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and 2019.
Gross Profit
Gross profit was $60,483 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $35 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, an increase $60,448. The increase in gross profit was primarily due to the Company introducing charging stations into the market.
Salaries and Related Benefits
Salaries and related benefits were $51,058 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $0 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, an increase of $51,058. Salaries and related benefits consist primarily of employee wages. The increase was primarily a result of the Company hiring additional employees.
Selling, Office and Administration
Selling Office and Administration expenses were $685,901 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $1,009,051 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, a decrease of $325,150. Selling, office and administration expenses consist primarily of professional fees, office expenses, travel and entertainment, and fees paid for investor relations. The decrease was primarily a result of limitations on spending caused by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Interest Expense
Interest expense was $192,054 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $56,560 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, an increase of $135,494. Interest income consists primarily of interest related to issuance of debt. The increase was a result of the Company’s issuance of debt to continue the development of business.
Net Loss
As a result of the foregoing, net loss was $868,530 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and $1,070,577 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019.
Comparison of the Fiscal Years Ended December 31, 2019 and 2018
Revenue was $6,819 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, an increase of $6,819. The increase in revenue was primarily due to the Company commencing operations..
Costs of Goods Sold
There was no costs for goods sold for each of the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019.
Gross Profit
Gross profit was $6,819 for the for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, an increase of $6,819. The increase in gross profit was primarily due to the Company commencing operations in 2019.
Advertising expenses were $5,000 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, an increase of $5,000. The increase was primarily due to the Company commencing operations in 2019.
Selling, Office and Administration
Selling Office and Administration expenses were $1,848,453 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $13,500 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018 ,an increase of $1,834,953. Selling, office and administration expenses consist primarily of expenses consist primarily of professional fees, office expenses, travel and entertainment, and fees paid for investor relations. The increase was primarily a result of the Company commencing operations in 2019.
Income (Loss) From Operations
The Company had income (loss) from operations of $(1,846,634) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, a decrease of 1,846,634. The decrease was primarily due to the Company commencing operations in 2019.
Interest Expense
Interest expense was $117,257 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $0 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, an increase of $117,257. Interest income consists primarily of interest related to issuance of debt. The increase was a result of the Company commencing operations in 2019.
Net Loss
Net loss was $(868,530) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 and $(13,500) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, a decrease of $855,030. The decrease was primarily a result of the Company commencing operations in 2019.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
GetCharged's primary source of cash has been from the issuance of convertible promissory notes. For the year ended December 31, 2019, the Company issued notes payable for $3,105,100, including promissory notes to management in the amount of approximately $600,000. These notes were converted to equity immediately prior to the Company’s acquisition of GetCharged. As of December 31, 2019, GetCharged had $331,066 in cash. Net cash used in operating activities was $(1,847,967) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019.  GetCharged will be required to raise additional capital within the next twelve months to complete the development and commercialization of its current product candidates, to fund the existing working capital deficit and to continue to fund operations.
GetCharged’s financial statements as of December 31, 2019 were prepared under the assumption that they will continue as a going concern. Their independent registered public accounting firm issued a report on their December 31, 2019 financial statements that included an explanatory paragraph expressing substantial doubt in GetCharged’s ability to continue as a going concern without additional capital becoming available. These financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
As of December 31, 2019, GetCharged did not have any off-balance sheet arrangements.
Critical Accounting Policies
We consider the following accounting policies to be critical given they involve estimates and judgments made by management and are important for our investors’ understanding of our operating results and financial condition. For more information see Note 2 to our audited financial statements beginning on page F-1 of this prospectus.
Revenue Recognition
The Company recognizes revenue in accordance with Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2014-09, “Revenue from contracts with customers,” (Topic 606). Revenue is recognized when a customer obtains control of promised goods or services. In addition, the standard requires disclosure of the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. The amount of revenue that is recorded reflects the consideration that the Company expects to receive in exchange for those goods. The Company applies the following five-step model in order to determine this amount: (i) identification of the promised goods in the contract; (ii) determination of whether the promised goods are performance obligations, including whether they are distinct in the context of the contract; (iii) measurement of the transaction price, including the constraint on variable consideration; (iv) allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations; and (v) recognition of revenue when (or as) the Company satisfies each performance obligation. The Company’s main revenue stream is from services. The Company recognizes as revenues the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to the respective performance obligation when the performance obligation is satisfied or as it is satisfied. Generally, the Company's performance obligations are transferred to customers at a point in time, typically upon delivery.
PTGI operates an extensive network of direct routes and offers premium voice communication services for carrying a mix of business, residential and carrier long-distance traffic, data and transit traffic. All accounts have a bilateral relationship with PTGI, meaning they have both a customer and vendor relationship with PTGI. The bilateral contract allows PTGI to sell the customer per minute call termination to the PTGI supplier routes at a specific rate per minute, but also provides PTGi the ability to purchases per minute call termination to the customer’s supplier routes, again at a specific rate per minute. The price that we pay to terminate calls to the customer supply routes and the price we charge back to the same customer are not fixed over time and have no fixed or base fees, just a variable rate per minute fee. The variable rate per minute fee for calls varies based on destination, market conditions and availability at the time calls are sent to or from PTGi. The amount of revenues generated from contracts under these bilateral relationships were $696,119,986 and $793,466,665 for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. In addition, the amount of expenses generated from contracts under these bilateral relationships were $684,877,653 and $778,988,522 for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Net revenue is derived from the long-distance data and transit traffic. Net revenue is earned based on the number of minutes during a call multiplied by the price per minute, and is recorded upon completion of a call. Completed calls are billable activity while incomplete calls are non-billable. Incomplete calls may occur as a result of technical issues or because the customer’s credit limit was exceeded and thus the customer routing of traffic was prevented. Revenue for a period is calculated from information received through PTGI’s billing software, such as minutes and market rates. Customized billing software has been implemented to track the information from the switch and analyze the call detail records against stored detailed information about revenue rates. This software provides PTGI with the ability to perform a timely and accurate analysis of revenue earned in a period. PTGI evaluates gross versus net revenue recognition for each of its contractual arrangements by assessing indicators of control and significant influence to determine whether the PTGI acts as a principal (i.e. gross recognition) or an agent (i.e. net recognition). PTGI has determined that it acts as a principal for all of its performance obligations in connection with all revenue earned. Net revenue represents gross revenue, net of allowance for doubtful accounts receivable, service credits and service adjustments. Cost of revenue includes network costs that consist of access, transport and termination costs. The majority of PTGI’s cost of revenue is variable, primarily based upon minutes of use, with transmission and termination costs being the most significant expense.
Fair Value Measurements and Fair Value of Financial Instruments
Accounting Standard Codification (“ASC”) Topic 820, Fair Value Measurements, clarifies the definition of fair value, prescribes methods for measuring fair value, and establishes a fair value hierarchy to classify the inputs used in measuring fair value as follows:
Level 1: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities available at the measurement date.
Level 2: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable, and inputs derived from or corroborated by observable market data.
Level 3: Inputs are unobservable inputs which reflect the reporting entity's own assumptions on what assumptions the market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on the best available information.
The estimated fair value of certain financial instruments, including all current liabilities are carried at historical cost basis, which approximates their fair values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.
ASC subtopic 825-10, Financial Instruments ("ASC 825-10") requires disclosure of the fair value of certain financial instruments. The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents, accounts payable and accrued liabilities as reflected in the balance sheets, approximate fair value because of the short-term maturity of these instruments. All other significant financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments of the Company are either recognized or disclosed in the financial statements together with other information relevant for making a reasonable assessment of future cash flows, interest rate risk and credit risk. Where practicable the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities have been determined and disclosed; otherwise only available information pertinent to fair value has been disclosed.
The Company follows ASC subtopic 820-10, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures ("ASC 820-10") and ASC 825-10, which permits entities to choose to measure many financial instruments and certain other items at fair value.
Derivative Liability
The Company evaluates convertible instruments, options, warrants or other contracts to determine if those contracts or embedded components of those contracts qualify as derivatives to be separately accounted for under ASC Topic 815, "Derivatives and Hedging”. The result of this accounting treatment is that the fair value of the derivative is marked-to-market each balance sheet date and recorded as a liability. In the event that the fair value is recorded as a liability, the change in fair value is recorded in the statement of operations as other income (expense). Upon conversion or exercise of a derivative instrument, the instrument is marked to fair value at the conversion date and then that fair value is reclassified to equity. Equity instruments that are initially classified as equity that become subject to reclassification under ASC Topic 815 are reclassified to liabilities at the fair value of the instrument on the reclassification date. The Company has embedded features that are classified as derivative liabilities. As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the Company had $749,600 and $0 in derivative liabilities, respectively.
Stock Based Compensation
The Company records stock-based compensation in accordance with the provisions of FASB ASC Topic 718, “Accounting for Stock Compensation,” which establishes accounting standards for transactions in which an entity exchanges its equity instruments for goods or services. In accordance with guidance provided under ASC Topic 718, the Company recognizes an expense for the fair value of its stock awards at the time of grant and the fair value of its outstanding stock options as they vest, whether held by employees or others. During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company issued options indexed to 20,500,000 shares of common stock. As of December 31, 2020, the Company recorded $2,326,298 in stock-based compensation expense related to these options.
Convertible Debentures
If the conversion features of conventional convertible debt provide for a rate of conversion that is below market value at issuance, this feature is characterized as a beneficial conversion feature ("BCF"). A BCF is recorded by the Company as a debt discount pursuant to ASC Topic 470-20 "Debt with Conversion and Other Options". In those circumstances, the convertible debt is recorded net of the discount related to the BCF, and the Company amortizes the discount to interest expense, over the life of the debt. During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company issued convertible notes resulting in a beneficial conversion feature in the amount of $3,439,874.
We believe that inflation has not had a material adverse impact on our business or operating results during the periods presented.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
We have no off-balance sheet arrangements as of the date of this prospectus.
Our Company consists of a portfolio of global businesses with the vision of connecting people everywhere with communications and electric-vehicle charging (“EV”) infrastructure. We believe the rise of new developing technologies in both industries offers us a unique growth opportunity. Our strategy focuses on acquiring businesses with operations geared toward such technologies’ development to revolutionize the telecommunications and EV infrastructure industries with our global portfolio.
Our Communications Division
Our Communications division (“Communications”) with a strategy to offer Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS) and Communication as a Platform Service (CPaaS), providing termination of both voice and data to Carriers and Mobile Network Operators (MNO’s) globally for over 2 decades.
We offer our communications services through PTGi International Carrier Services, Inc. (“PTGi”), our wholly-owned subsidiary. We acquired PTGi pursuant to a stock purchase agreement dated October 2, 2020, entered into with the shareholders of PTGi in which we acquired 100% of the outstanding voting securities of PTGi in consideration for $1,000,000 (the “PTGi Acquisition”). The PTGi Acquisition closed on October 31, 2020.
Operations of PTGi
PTGi is a global wholesale telecommunications provider offering both international and U.S. domestic voice termination. PTGi provides customers with internet-protocol-based and time-division multiplexing ("TDM") access for the transport of long-distance voice and data minutes.
Network of PTGi
PTGi operates a global telecommunications network consisting of domestic switching and related peripheral equipment, carrier-grade routers and switches for internet and circuit-based services. To ensure high-quality communications services, our network employs digital switching and fiber optic technologies, incorporates the use of voice-over-internet protocols, SS7/C7 signaling and is supported by comprehensive network monitoring and technical support services.
Foreign Carrier Agreements
In select countries where competition with traditional post telegraph and telecommunications companies ("PTTs") are limited, we have entered into foreign carrier agreements with other PTTS, or similar service providers to provide traffic into these countries and receive such countries’ traffic in return. We maintain relations with over 200 PTTs, or similar providers through, all of which are at will arrangements.
 Network Management and Control
PTGi owns and operates network management systems in Ashburn, Virginia to monitor and control our switching systems, global data network, and other digital transmission equipment. Additional network monitoring, network management, and traffic management services are supported from our network management centers located in Guatemala City, Guatemala and Bucharest, Romania. The network management control centers provide 24/7 online service.
Sales and Marketing
We market our services offered PTGi, as summarized below:
 Trade Shows
We attend industry trade shows around the globe throughout the year. At each trade show, we market to both existing and potential new customers through prearranged meetings, social gatherings and networking.
Business Development
Our sales team focuses on developing our business potential and communicating the value of our Communications division globally.
Management Information and Billing Systems
We operate management information networks and customer billing systems supporting the functions of network and traffic management and customer service and billing. For financial reporting, we consolidate information from each of our markets reach through PTGi’s services.
We believe that our financial reporting and billing systems with relation to PTGi are generally adequate to meet our business needs. However, in the future, we may determine PTGi’s operation require us to invest additional capital to purchase hardware and software, or license more specialized software to increase our capacity.
Competition of PTGI
Long Distance
We face significant competition as we attempt to expand our business from other telecommunications carriers and resellers. We compete on the basis of price, service quality, financial strength, relationship and presence. Sales of wholesale long-distance voice minutes are generated by connecting one telecommunications operator to another and charging a fee to do so.
Over-the- top(“OTT”) Applications
OTT Applications, such as WhatsApp, Skype, and FaceTime, continue to impact our long distance business model. There can be no assurance that the current declines in the long distance business globally driven by these applications will not increase; or that our business will not be impacted by the increased consumer adoption of such applications globally.
 Government Regulation of PTGi
We are subject to varying degrees of regulation in each of the jurisdictions in which it operates. Local laws and regulations, and the interpretation of such laws and regulations, differ among those jurisdictions. There can be no assurance that (i) future regulatory, judicial and legislative changes or activities will not have a material adverse effect on us; or, (ii) domestic or international regulators or third parties will not raise material issues with regard to our regulatory compliance.
Regulation impacting the telecommunications industry continues to change rapidly in many jurisdictions. Privacy related laws and regulations, such as the EU’s GDPR, as well as privatization, deregulation, changes in regulation, consolidation, and technological change have had, and will continue to have, significant effects on the industry. Although we believe that deregulation with respect to portions of the telecommunications industry will continue and create opportunities for firms such as us, there can be no assurance that deregulation will continue, or if any regulatory changes implemented would benefit us.
As of December 31, 2020, we have implemented the following regulatory framework in our operating our services offered through PTGi:
United States
In the United States, our Communication division services are subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Communications Act"), and other federal laws, rules, and orders of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") regulations, and the applicable laws and regulations of the various states.
International Service Regulation
The FCC has jurisdiction over common carrier services linking points in the U.S. to points in other countries and we provids such services. Providers of such international common carrier services must obtain authority from the FCC under Section 214 of the Communications Act. We have obtained the authorizations required to use, on a facilities-based and resale basis, various transmission media for the provision of international switched services and international private line services on a non-dominant carrier basis. The FCC is considering a number of possible changes to its rules governing international common carriers. We cannot predict how the FCC will resolve those issues or how its decisions will affect our international business. FCC rules permit non-dominant carriers such as ourselves to offer some services on a de-tariffed basis, to complete to provide consumers with lower rates and choices among carriers and services.
Domestic Service Regulation
With respect to our domestic Communications services, PTGi is considered a non-dominant interstate carrier subject to regulation by the FCC. FCC rules provide us significant authority to initiate or expand its domestic interstate operations, but we are required to obtain FCC approval to assume control of another telecommunications carrier or its assets, to transfer control of our operations to another entity, or to discontinue service. We are also required to file various reports and pay various fees and assessments to the FCC and various state commissions. Among other things, interstate common carriers must offer service on a nondiscriminatory basis at just and reasonable rates. The FCC has jurisdiction to hear complaints regarding our compliance or non-compliance with these and other requirements of the Communications Act and the FCC’s rules. Among other regulations, we subject to the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act ("CALEA") and associated FCC regulations which require telecommunications carriers to configure their networks to facilitate law enforcement authorities to perform electronic surveillance.
 In April 2019, FCC rules relating to the completion of calls to rural areas became effective. These rules require certain providers of retail long distance voice service to generate and retain various records regarding completion of calls to rural areas. Specifically, the rules require those providers to collect and retain information on long-distance call attempts such as, but not limited to, the called number, the date and time of the call, and the use of an intermediate provider. The rules also prohibit false audible ringing (the premature triggering of audible ring tones to the caller before the call setup request has reached the terminating service provider). While we are not directly subject to these rules, we may function as an intermediate provider within the meaning of these rules, which may require as to provide information to its customers regarding calls that it carries on their behalf. In addition, under Section 262 to the Communications Act of 1934, intermediate providers, such as ourselves must register with the FCC and meet certain quality standards (now embodied in the FCC’s rules).
 Interstate and international telecommunications carriers are required to contribute to the federal Universal Service Fund ("USF"). Carriers providing wholesale telecommunications services are not required to contribute with respect to services sold to customers that provide a written certification that the customers themselves will make the required contributions. If the FCC or the USF Administrator were to determine that the USF reporting for the Company, including our Communications services, are not accurate or in compliance with FCC rules, er could be subject to additional contributions, as well as to monetary fines and penalties. In addition, the FCC may revise its USF contribution mechanisms and the services considered when calculating the contribution. We cannot predict the outcome of any such revisions or their potential effect on our contribution obligations. Some changes to the USF under consideration by the FCC may affect certain entities more than others, and we may be disadvantaged as compared to its competitors as a result of FCC decisions regarding USF. In addition, the FCC may extend the obligation to contribute to the USF to certain services that PTGi offers but that are not currently assessed USF contributions.
FCC rules require providers that originate interstate or intrastate traffic on or destined for the public switched telephone network ("PSTN") to transmit the telephone number associated with the calling party to the next provider in the call path. Intermediate providers, such as ourselves, must pass calling party number ("CPN") or charge number ("CN") signaling information they receive from other providers unaltered, to subsequent providers in the call path. While we believe that we are in compliance with this rule, to the extent that it passes traffic that does not have appropriate CPN or CN information, we could be subject to fines, cease and desist orders, or other penalties.
 Our Infrastructure Division
Our  Infrastructure division (“Infrastructure”) addresses EV technologies developing a more accessible framework through the division’s installation and maintenance of portable power banks, micro-mobility docking and charging stations.
We offer our Infrastructure services through GetCharged, Inc. (“GetCharged”), our wholly-owned subsidiary. We acquired GetCharged pursuant to a stock acquisition agreement dated September 25, 2020 entered into with the shareholders of GetCharged, in which we acquired 100% of the outstanding voting securities of GetCharged in exchange for 60,000,000 shares of our common stock (the “GetCharged Acquisition”). The GetCharged Acquisition closed on October 12, 2020.
Infrastructure Business
Charge Infrastructure has three areas of focus, the first being on building a network of personal charging powerbanks situated in bars, restaurants, transit hubs and sporting arenas. The second is the micro mobility charging and docking stations which have been deployed in Paris in an effort to cleanup scooter clutter and improve the unit economics for micro mobility operators by charging their vehicles when not in use, ensuring vehicles do not need to be taken off the road for charging or have their batteries changed. The third area of focus is our strategy on installing and maintaining EV chargers. . Our vision is to charge the future by powering phones with portable powerbanks, powering micro-mobility and building, installing and maintaining the infrastructure that electric vehicles require to become the most trusted electric infrastructure company.
We provide infrastructure with charging powerbanks in restaurants, bars, transit hubs and sports arenas, micro mobility charging and docking stations, and the installation and maintenance for Electric Vehicles.
Infrastructure Products
Charge Infrastructure began deploying docks and charging stations in Paris in June 2020 and intends to expand that presence, with the goal of deploying GetCharged's unique docking and charging stations in locations over the next 18 months. Charge plans to roll out its newly evolved stations, which are powered from the existing electrical grid and require no battery swapping.
Charge Infrastructure has entered into a manufacturing and supply agreement with Quebec-based Poitras Industries Inc. to produce and manufacture its micro-mobility charging and docking stations.
GetCharged has a partnership with Reef Technologies and several smaller operators.
Our charging stations and Smart Hub containers keep e-scooters organized, charged, and city sidewalks clear. As the world struggles to harness the potential of micro-mobility while addressing issues of accessibility, safety, and battery life, Charge is dedicated to empowering cities to welcome a more responsible model of micro-mobility.
Charging Stations - Our charging stations keep e-scooters organized and charged, safeguarding pedestrians and other road users.
Smart Hub containers - Strategically located near city centers, juicers utilize smart hub containers to create a quick e-scooter turnover.
Charge Services, LLC - Our own network of juicers are dedicated to creating efficient turnover for operators. They quickly pump out fully charged e-scooters, all the while making sure to send damaged e-scooters back to the respective warehouse for repairs. It is authorized to do business in California, and is now operating in Los Angeles.
Charge Infrastructure Charging and docking stations has a very simple business model – every time an e-scooter is plugged into one of our charging and docking stations we get paid.
Charge Powerbanks
GetCharged made an investment into Naki Power for a minority equity stake and has further executed a term sheet for the exclusive rights to North America.  
We made a strategic investment of $100,000 into British EV charging manufacturer Connected Kerb Limited for a minority equity stake. As part of the strategic investment, subject to certain terms and conditions, we obtained a 3 year exclusive right of first refusal for all of Connected Kerbs future installations in North America. Connected Kerb’s installation footprint currently reaches across the U.K.
Infrastructures’ vision is to launch powerbanks in North America in Q2 under our own brand Charge Powerbanks with plans to expand this service to other countries.
Infrastructure Services
Our team will provide location selection, engineering, installation, testing, and maintenance to equipment in the electric vehicle charging industries plus secure state and federal subsidies, plus when we can own and operate our own locations.
We become the guides and partners through the entire lifecycle of the EV charger project, from project management and site engineering to testing and maintenance for the safety and security of the network of EV chargers.
The Charge Infrastructure Services team plans to effectively manage all facets of the EV installation process from initial site planning to final system turn-up, as well as in-house structural modification crews. Charge Infrastructure will offer scheduled and emergency inspection and comprehensive maintenance services; from assessments to sweep testing to complete system performance upgrades. We will provide detailed reports and action plans to resolve any issues and to ensure compliance with all applicable safety regulations and requirements. With a strategy of building and training the workforce of the future with a plan to build a state of the art training facility to train the next generation of workers and to offer unparalleled customer care and ensure we will be agile, safe, efficient and fast in our installation and maintenance.
Sales and Marketing of Charge Infrastructure
Infrastructure markets its services through a variety of sales channels, as summarized below:
Trade Shows: We attend industry trade shows around the globe throughout the year. At each trade show, Charge Infrastructure markets to both existing and potential new customers through meetings, social gatherings and networking.
Business Development: Charge Infrastructure sales team focuses on developing our business potential around the globe through ongoing communication and digital meetings.
Inbound: Charge Infrastructure receives a large amount of inbound inquiries from cities around the world with requests to deploy charging and docking stations in cities and private property.
Press: Due to the nature of the business and the interest in micro-mobility in the press we market our charging stations and services through press releases and opportunistic interviews in the media.
Physical stations: The charging and docking stations are positioned in prominent locations in cities around the world and therefore receive a large amount of attention.
Digital: We have an SEO and digital advertising strategy to ensure that our products can easily be found .
Partnerships: We plan to partner with automobile OEMs and EV Charging manufactures to become their preferred install and maintainer.
Infrastructure faces competition from other charging and docking suppliers as it attempts to win the business of cities, private landlords and resellers. We compete on the basis of price, service quality, relationship, presence and the quality of our charging and docking stations. In the EV installation and maintenance division we face competition from other installers and the manufactures themselves.
Government Regulation
Charge Infrastructure is subject to varying degrees of regulation in each of the jurisdictions in which it operates. Local laws and regulations, and the interpretation of such laws and regulations, differ among those jurisdictions. There can be no assurance that: (1) future regulatory, judicial and legislative changes will not have a material adverse effect on us; (2) domestic or international regulators or third parties will not raise material issues with regard to its compliance with applicable regulations; or (3) regulatory activities will not have a material adverse effect on it.
Regulation impacting the greater EV industry continues to change rapidly in many jurisdictions which may affect the businesses advantageously or adversely depending on the decisions made.
Our Investment Division
Charge Investment
Charge Investment (“Investment”) focuses on opportunities related to our global portfolio to expand our vision’s impact. We aim to invest in opportunities that would complement our two operating divisions in addition to marketable securities, including money markets funds and other listed securities. Our Investment services are aimed at offsetting the overall cost of capital. Regulation impacting the greater EV industry continues to change rapidly in many jurisdictions which may affect the businesses advantageously or adversely depending on the decisions made.
In addition to investing in marketable securities, under the advisory of KORR Acquisition Group, Inc. (a related party and shareholder), Charge Investments invests in limited private investments in certain businesses that it finds to be opportunistic. In this regard, during the fourth quarter, Charge invested in Oblong, Inc., a provider of patented multi-stream collaboration technologies and managed services for video collaboration and network applications, through a private placement. Our arrangement with KORR is at will, and any compensation that we may determine to pay to KORR for its advisory services will be made based upon the approval of such arrangements by the independent members on our board of directors, subject to approval by the entire board, and not more than industry standards.
We currently intend to keep our investment opportunities to less than 20% of our assets, and of that, less than 5% in illiquid assets.  We continuously monitor and review the value of our investments, including, but not limited to conducting a mark-to-market valuation of our investments on a weekly basis, and, if ever we exceed 20%, we will liquidate marketable securities to stay within our intended maximum investment of 20% of our total assets.
Corporate History and Information
We were incorporated in the state of Nevada on May 8, 2003 under the name “E-Education Network, Inc.” On August 10, 2005 we have changed our name to “GoIP Global, Inc.” On December 27, 2017, we redomiciled from Nevada to Colorado. On October 1, 2020, we converted from a Colorado corporation to a Delaware corporation and in connection with such conversion changed our name to “Transworld Holdings, Inc.” As of January 26, 2021, our name has been further changed to “Charge Enterprises, Inc.”
On April 30, 2020, the Company entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the outstanding equity interests of Transworld Enterprises pursuant to a Share Exchange Agreement, dated April 30, 2020, by and among the Company, Transworld Enterprises and the shareholders of Transworld Enterprises. The transactions contemplated by the Share Exchange Agreement closed on May 8, 2020. In accordance with the Share Exchange Agreement, the Company acquired all of the outstanding shares of Transworld Enterprises in exchange for 1,000,000 shares of each of the Company’s Series D and Series F preferred stock. The series D preferred stock was convertible into 80% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares of common stock upon consummation of a reverse stock split and voted on an as-converted basis. The series F preferred stock is convertible into 80% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares of common stock at any time at the option of the holder and votes on an as-converted basis.
On July 13, 2020, the Board of Directors of the Company approved, subject to shareholder approval, (i) a Plan of Conversion, pursuant to which the Company will convert from a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Colorado to a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, and such approval includes the adoption of the Certificate of Incorporation and the Bylaws for the Company under the laws of the State of Delaware, and a change in the name of the Company from “GoIP Global, Inc.” to “Transworld Holdings, Inc.”, each of which became effective concurrently with the effectiveness of the Reincorporation and (ii) a reverse stock split of our outstanding common stock in a ratio of one-for-five hundred (1:500), which became effective immediately prior to the effectiveness of the Reincorporation. On October 1, 2020, we filed articles of amendment with the Colorado Secretary of State to effectuate the Reverse Stock Split. Immediately thereafter, we completed the Reincorporation by filing our new Certificate of Incorporation with the State of Delaware.
On September 25, 2020, we entered into a stock acquisition agreement with the shareholders of GetCharged pursuant to which we agreed to acquire 100% of the outstanding voting securities of GetCharged in exchange for 60,000,000 shares of our common stock. The closing of the GetCharged acquisition occurred on October 12, 2020.
On October 2, 2020, we entered into a stock purchase agreement with the shareholders of PTGi pursuant to which we agreed to acquire 100% of the outstanding voting securities of PTGi in consideration for $1,000,000. The closing of the PTGi acquisition occurred on October 31, 2020.
Our principal executive offices are located at 125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10017 and our telephone number is (212) 921-2100. We maintain a website at www.charge.enterprises. Information contained on or accessible through our website is not, and should not be considered, part of, or incorporated by reference into, this prospectus and you should not consider any information contained on, or that can be accessed through, our website as part of this prospectus in deciding whether to purchase our securities.
As of June 1, 2021, we had 14 employees. Many of our activities are outsourced to consultants who provide services to us on a project basis. As business activities require and capital resources permit, we will hire additional employees to fulfill our company’s needs.
We do not own real properties. Our principal executive offices are located at 125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10017. We lease our virtual office for approximately $140.00 per month pursuant to a lease which terminates on February 29, 2022, provided if either party does not terminate the agreement within (30) days prior to the end of the initial term, the lease shall automatically renew for successive one (1) month periods on the same terms. We believe that our existing facilities are suitable and adequate to meet our current needs. We intend to add new facilities or expand existing facilities as we add employees, and we believe that suitable additional or substitute space will be available as needed to accommodate any such expansion of our operations.
Legal Proceedings
The Company is subject to claims and legal proceedings that arise in the ordinary course of business. Such matters are inherently uncertain, and there can be no guarantee that the outcome of any such matter will be decided favorably to the Company or that the resolution of any such matter will not have a material adverse effect upon the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements. The Company does not believe that any of such pending claims and legal proceedings will have a material adverse effect on its Consolidated Financial Statements. The Company records a liability in its Consolidated Financial Statements for these matters when a loss is known or considered probable and the amount can be reasonably estimated. The Company reviews these estimates each accounting period as additional information is known and adjusts the loss provision when appropriate. If a matter is both probable to result in a liability and the amounts of loss can be reasonably estimated, the Company estimates and discloses the possible loss or range of loss to the extent necessary for its Consolidated Financial Statements not to be misleading. If the loss is not probable or cannot be reasonably estimated, a liability is not recorded in its Consolidated Financial Statements.
Set forth below is a description of the Company’s Legal Proceedings.
On April 5, 2021, Go2tel.com, Inc. (“Go2tel”), a wholly owned subsidiary of PTGI, was named as one of the defendants in an adversary proceeding brought by the Chapter 7 Trustee in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California, Los Angeles Division (Case No. 2:21-ap-01044-BR) in connection with the Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding (the “Litigation”) for VoIP Guardian Partners I, LLC (the “Debtor”). The Litigation alleges, among other things, that certain fraudulent payments were made to Go2tel in an amount of $11,784,945.64 over a period beginning April 20, 2016 and ending January 25, 2018 in order to defraud creditors of the Debtor. PTGI has sought defense costs and indemnification related to the Litigation under the terms of a Stock Purchase Agreement ("SPA") related to PTGI’s acquisition of Go2tel from the sellers of such business (the “Sellers”) which closed in November 2018. The Company denies these allegations and intends to defend the case vigorously. Consequently, the Company believe that any potential costs and awards which could result from these allegations are the responsibility of the Sellers. There is no guarantee that Sellers will pay any settlement amounts or judgments rendered against Go2tel. In addition, PTGI’s ability to collect any amounts due pursuant to these indemnification obligations will depend upon the liquidity and solvency of the Sellers.
The following table sets forth the names, ages, and biographical information of each of our current directors and executive officers, and the positions with the Company held by each person. Our directors serve a one-year term until their successors are elected and qualified, or until such director’s earlier death, resignation or removal. Our executive officers are elected annually by our board of directors and serve a one year term until their successors are elected and qualified, or until such officer’s earlier death, resignation or removal.

Andrew Fox
Chief Executive Officer and Director
Craig Denson
Interim Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Director
Kenneth Orr
Executive Chairman
Philip Scala
Secretary and Director
Mark LaNeve
Chief Business Officer
Justin Deutsch
James Murphy
Baron Davis
Benjamin Carson, Jr.
Andrew Fox has been the Chief Executive Officer and a Director since October 2020. Mr. Fox has been the founder and Chief Executive Officer of GetCharged, Inc. since its formation in 2018 Mr. Fox is a serial entrepreneur with over two decades of experience in executing disruptive approaches to a wide range of industries including media, transportation, real estate, insurance, and consumer staples.
Craig Denson has been the Chief Operating Officer and a Director since October 2020, and the Interim Chief Financial Officer and Chief Financial Officer since January 2021. Mr. Denson has been the President & CEO of PTGi since May 2012. Mr. Denson joined PTGi in 2009 as Vice President, responsible for the Wholesale and Pre-Paid Telecom divisions in North America. In May 2012 Mr. Denson was promoted to President and CEO of PTGi. Prior to joining the company, Mr. Denson was President and COO of Sigma Software Solutions, an OSS and BSS software company providing billing and CRM software to the telecom industry globally. Prior to Sigma Software, Mr. Denson was Vice President and General Manager of ACS Canada, whereby he led the Telecom ASP software services division. Mr. Denson started his career with PepsiCo in 1986, progressing through the organization and ending as National Sales Manager of two operating divisions before entering the telecom industry in 1999. Mr. Denson holds a business degree from Humber College, is a strategic planner and conceptual thinker, excels at bringing clarity to complex issues by creating practical solutions to organizational challenges.
Kenneth Orr has been Executive Chairman since May 2020. He is the founder and CEO of KORR Acquisitions Group, Inc. a registered investment adviser since 2017, where he has initiated numerous activist investments and have provided Ken with specific skills and knowledge that can only be gained through experience. Mr. Orr acquired Herold Securities in 1994 and renamed the firm First Cambridge Securities. FCS established offices in New York City and Los Angeles. Mr. Orr is a graduate of Tufts University (‘88 – Bachelor of Science), Columbia Business School (Value Investing) and Harvard Business School (Leading with Finance).
Philip P. Scala was our interim Chief Executive Officer from May 2020 until October 2020 and has been our Secretary and Director since May 2020. Prior to forming Pathfinder Consultants International, Philip Scala served the United States both as a Commissioned Officer in the US Army for five years (from 1974 through 1979) followed by his 29 years of service with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). He graduated from the Airborne, Ranger, and Pathfinder Schools (Honor Graduate) at the Fort Benning Infantry School, and served with the First of the Sixth Infantry, First Armored Division, in the Federal Republic of Germany (1974-1977). During his service, he was promoted to the rank of Captain. Upon acceptance in to the FBI academy, Captain Scala resigned his commission, and entered the FBI Academy located on the United States Marine Corps Base at Quantico, Virginia; graduating and being appointed as a Special Agent of the FBI, in April of 1979. Mr. Scala served 15 years in the New York SWAT team, including the leadership of the Brooklyn-Queens team and Senior team leader for the New York Division from 1990-1995. His training included certifications as Rappel-Master, Tactical Instructor, Sniper, and Firearms instructor. He has participated in numerous SWAT operations, arrests, skyjackings and raids, including the Hell’s Angels HQ, the Atlanta Prison uprising, and the rescue of a mutinied oil tanker (Liberian-flagged, “Ypapanti”), in the Atlantic Ocean. In 1993, he led the raid on the Al-Qaeda bomb factory, where five terror operatives were arrested, and seized five explosive drums intended to destroy the United Nations, Federal Plaza, and the city’s tunnels. On May 10, 1998, Mr. Scala was selected as a Supervisory Special Agent for the Gambino La Cosa Nostra Squad (C-16). During his tenure, the squad successfully investigated and prosecuted the Mob infiltration of Wall Street, the New York Waterfront investigation, “Murder Incorporated,” labor racketeering, the NY Construction Industry, dismantlement of the Gambino family in NY and Sicily, the NBA referee case, and the largest consumers’ fraud ($1 billion) in US history, which involved the mob’s infiltration of the internet, telecommunications, and banking industries. From 2003-2008, Mr. Scala developed and implemented the NY Office’s Leadership Development Program, which assisted relief supervisors develop excellence in leadership through mentoring, journalizing, “Best Practice” experiences, and accountability tools. The program was designed to be continuous, progressive, and measurable in assisting the FBI leaders maximize their leadership potential throughout their careers. Mr. Scala received his bachelor’s degree and Master of Business Administration in accounting from St. John’s University; he also earned a Master of Arts degree in Psychology from New York University.
Mark LaNeve has been our Chief Business Officer since June 2021. Mr. LaNeve served as Vice President, Marketing, Sales and Service U.S. & Canada of the Ford Motor Company from January 2015 until January 2021. From August 2012 through January 2014, Mr. LaNeve served as Chief Operating Officer of Global Team Ford, an agency that serves as the marketing and advertising agency for the Ford Motor Company and the Ford and Lincoln brands on a global basis. Global Team Ford is part of the WPP Group, a multinational advertising and public relations company. Mr. LaNeve was previously with Allstate Insurance Corporation where he served as Senior Executive Vice President (January 2011–February 2012) and Chief Marketing Officer (October 2009–February 2012). Prior to joining Allstate, Mr. LaNeve was Vice President of Sales, Service and Marketing at General Motors Corporation (September 2004–January 2009). Mr. LaNeve is involved with various organizations that assist people affected by autism and sits on the board of Eton Academy for different learners in Birmingham, Michigan. He also serves on the board of Angel’s Place, a non-profit organization that provides people-centered services, including homes and professional support for adults with developmental disabilities, as well as the Autism Alliance of Michigan, which provides various services and career placement for people on the autism spectrum. Mr. LaNeve is a director of Entercom Communications Corp. (NYSE: ETM), a multi-platform audio content and entertainment company. Mr. LaNeve has a B.A. in Marketing from the University of Virginia.
Justin Deutsch has been a director of the Company since May 2020. Mr. Deutsch joined Weybosset Research & Management, LLC in October 2014 as a portfolio manager. Prior to joining the firm, he was an equity analyst and trader at Bay Crest Partners for five years, specializing in large cap companies. Justin has been instrumental in helping build portfolios at Weybosset – think, trains, truck engines, beer, industrial gasses, and retailing. Before Bay Crest, Justin worked as head trader and portfolio manager for Horn Capital Management, a hedge fund based in New York City. Justin received his BA from New York University and most recently attended the Harvard Kennedy Schools program, Investment Decisions and Behavioral Finance. He currently splits his time between New York and Providence.
James Murphy has been a director of the Company since June 2020. Mr. Murphy brings more than 40 years of investigative and consulting experience as the Founder and President of Sutton Associates. From 1980 to 1984, Mr. Murphy was an Assistant Special Agent in Charge with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, responsible for a territory encompassing more than seven million people. His investigative specialties included organized crime, white-collar crime, labor racketeering and political corruption. From 1976 to 1980, Mr. Murphy was assigned to the Office of Planning and Evaluation at FBI headquarters, Washington, D.C. In this capacity, he evaluated and recommended changes in the FBI's administrative and investigative programs. Since entering the private sector in 1984, Mr. Murphy has advanced the industry by developing systematic and professional protocols for performing due diligence, as well as other investigative services.
Baron Davis has been a Director of the Company since February 16, 2021. Entrepreneur, investor, and two-time NBA All-Star and record-holder, over a thirteen-year career, Baron Davis played for the Charlotte Hornets, the Golden State Warriors, the Los Angeles Clippers, the Cleveland Cavaliers, and the New York Knicks. Known for his electrifying style on the court, Davis was a powerful point guard, who won national acclaim for executing in crucial, high-pressure moments, when his team needed him the most. As a businessman, Baron was one of the original investors for Vitaminwater and helped launch Thrive Market. Baron is also the founder of several companies, including Sports and Lifestyle in Culture (SLIC), The Black Santa Company, BIG and No Label—each with the objective of combining creative talent with original publication and production to develop and provide educational and heartwarming stories that appeal to global audiences of all ages.
Benjamin Carson, Jr. . has been a Director of the Company since March 4, 2021. Mr. Carson is Co-Founder and Partner at Interprise Partners where he is responsible for the overall guidance of the company and the portfolio. In this role, Mr. Carson focuses on the total financial health of Interprise and its holdings with an emphasis on capital structures, deal origination, and strategic planning. Complementing his prior experiences in investments and operations, he supports portfolio executive teams with capital market insights and growth strategies. Mr. Carson becomes directly involved with portfolio companies to support strategic alliances, business development, and corporate development initiatives.
 Board Committees, Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
Due to the recent expansion of the board, at the present time the duties of an Audit Committee, Nominating and Governance Committee and Compensation Committee (including with respect to setting executive officer compensation) are performed by the Board as a whole. Plans are in place to establish the various committees during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021.
Family Relationships
Arrangements between Officers and Directors
Except as set forth herein, to our knowledge, there is no arrangement or understanding between any of our officers or directors and any other person pursuant to which the officer or director was selected to serve as an officer or director.
 Involvement in Certain Legal Proceedings
Except as set forth herein, we are not aware of any of our directors or officers being involved in any legal proceedings in the past ten years relating to any matters in bankruptcy, insolvency, criminal proceedings (other than traffic and other minor offenses), or being subject to any of the items set forth under Item 401(f) of Regulation S-K.
While the events underlying the actions and/or settlements described below were over 20 years ago, and the final settlements of such matters were over 15 years ago, investors may wish to consider the above information prior to making an investment in the Company. For further details on the above, go to www.sec.gov, or contact the Company.
Kenneth Orr, our Executive Chairman, was a registered principal and president of First Cambridge Securities Corporation (“First Cambridge”) from March 1994 until May 23, 1997. First Cambridge was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) as a broker dealer pursuant to Section 15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, during the period of Mr. Orr’s employment. On May 9, 1997, the Alabama Securities Commission (the “ASC”) issued an order of suspension against Mr. Orr and First Cambridge for failure to respond to a visitation letter from the commission directing the production of documents relevant to an investigation being conducted by the ASC. On December 10, 1999, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) filed a civil action in federal district court against Mr. Orr and sixteen other defendants. In connection therewith, a Final Judgment of Permanent Injunction and Other Relief was entered by the Court, on September 13, 2002, as to Mr. Orr, with respect to which Mr. Orr consented without admitting or denying the allegations in the Commission's Complaint, permanently enjoining him from future violations of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act, and Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 thereunder, ordering him to disgorge $55,000 in ill-gotten gains, approximately $44,000 in prejudgment interest, and post-judgment interest, and ordering Orr to pay a civil penalty of $55,000. Mr. Orr consented to the entry of the final judgment without admitting or denying the allegations in the Commission's Complaint. Regarding the same allegations in the SEC complaint, on January 3, 2002, in a settlement with the US Attorney, Mr. Orr pleaded guilty to one count of indirect conspiracy, and, on May 21, 2002, a judgment was entered against Mr. Orr by the Court pursuant to which Mr. Orr ordered to pay a $3,000 fine. In addition and as part of the above, in December 2004, Mr. Orr consented to the entry of an Order Making Findings and Imposing Remedial Sanctions pursuant to Section 15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In connection therewith, Mr. Orr was barred from association with any broker or dealer. Any reapplication for association by Mr. Orr will be subject to the applicable laws and regulations governing the reentry process. Mr. Orr has determined not to reapply or seek reentry.
Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct
Prior to the effectiveness of the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part, we will adopt a written code of business conduct and ethics that applies to our directors, officers and employees, including our principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions. A copy of the code will be posted on our website. In addition, we intend to post on our website all disclosures that are required by law concerning any amendments to, or waivers from, any provision of the code. The information on our website is deemed not to be incorporated in this prospectus or to be part of this prospectus.
As a “smaller reporting company” under SEC rules, our named executive officers for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 (collectively, the “Named Executive Officers”) were as follows:
Isaac H. Sutton, our former Chief Executive Officer who resigned from the Company on April 30, 2020.
Philip P. Scala, our former Interim Chief Executive Officer who was appointed on May 8, 2020 and resigned on October 12, 2020.
Andrew Fox, our Chief Executive Officer who was appointed on October 12, 2020.
No other executive officers received total annual compensation during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 in excess of $100,000.
As of December 31, 2020, we did not pay any compensation to our Named Executive Officers.
We currently do not have any employment agreements or agreements with any of our executive officers.
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year End
Except as described below, as of December 31, 2020, there were no unexercised options, unvested stock awards or outstanding equity incentive plan awards held by our Named Executive Officers.
Andrew Fox was granted an option to purchase 9,750,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $0.485 per share. The option shall vest in 4 equal installments beginning on the date of grant and on each of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd anniversary of the date of grant.
Long-Term Incentive Plans, Retirement or Similar Benefit Plans
As of December 31, 2020, there were no arrangements or plans in which we provide pension, retirement or similar benefits for directors or executive officers.
Resignation, Retirement, Other Termination, or Change in Control Arrangements
We do not have arrangements in respect of remuneration received or that may be received by our Named Executive Officers set forth above to compensate such officers in the event of termination of employment (as a result of resignation, retirement, change of control) or a change of responsibilities following a change of control.
Director Compensation
As of December 31, 2020, we did not pay any compensation to our directors.
2020 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan
On January 11, 2021, our Board of Directors and a majority of our stockholders adopted the 2020 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan (the “2020 Plan”), as amended and restated as of May 7, 2021.
 Our administrator may grant incentive stock options, non-statutory stock options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, restricted stock units and other stock-based awards to participants to acquire shares of our common stock under the 2020 Plan. It is anticipated that the 2020 Plan will be administered by our Board of Directors, or if our Board of Directors does not administer the 2020 Plan, a committee or subcommittee of our Board of Directors that complies with the applicable requirements of Section 16 of the Exchange Act and any other applicable legal or stock exchange listing requirements. The following table sets forth, as of May 7, 2021, the approximate number of each class of participants eligible to participate in the 2020 Plan and the basis of such participation.
Class and Basis of Participation
 Approximate Number
of Class
Independent Contractors
Two of the seven directors are an employee of the Company.
Description of 2020 Plan
Types of Awards.
The 2020 Plan provides for the issuance of incentive stock options, non-statutory stock options, stock appreciation rights (“SARs”), restricted stock, restricted stock units (“RSUs”), and other stock-based awards. Items described above in the Section called “Shares Available; Certain Limitations” are incorporated herein by reference.
The 2020 Plan will be administered by our Board of Directors, or if our Board of Directors does not administer the 2020 Plan, a committee or subcommittee of our Board of Directors that complies with the applicable requirements of Section 16 of the Exchange Act and any other applicable legal or stock exchange listing requirements (each of our Board of Directors or such committee or subcommittee, the “plan administrator”). The plan administrator may interpret the 2020 Plan and may prescribe, amend and rescind rules and make all other determinations necessary or desirable for the administration of the 2020 Plan, provided that, subject to the equitable adjustment provisions described below, the plan administrator will not have the authority to reprice or cancel and re-grant any award at a lower exercise, base or purchase price or cancel any award with an exercise, base or purchase price in exchange for cash, property or other awards without first obtaining the approval of our stockholders.
The 2020 Plan permits the plan administrator to select the eligible recipients who will receive awards, to determine the terms and conditions of those awards, including, but not limited to, the exercise price or other purchase price of an award, the number of shares of common stock or cash or other property subject to an award, the term of an award and the vesting schedule applicable to an award, and to amend the terms and conditions of outstanding awards.
 Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units.
Restricted stock and RSUs may be granted under the 2020 Plan. The plan administrator will determine the purchase price, vesting schedule and performance goals, if any, and any other conditions that apply to a grant of restricted stock and RSUs. If the restrictions, performance goals or other conditions determined by the plan administrator are not satisfied, the restricted stock and RSUs will be forfeited. Subject to the provisions of the 2020 Plan and the applicable award agreement, the plan administrator has the sole discretion to provide for the lapse of restrictions in installments.
Unless the applicable award agreement provides otherwise, participants with restricted stock will generally have all of the rights of a stockholder; provided that dividends will only be paid if and when the underlying restricted stock vests. RSUs will not be entitled to dividends prior to vesting, but may be entitled to receive dividend equivalents if the award agreement provides for them. The rights of participants granted restricted stock or RSUs upon the termination of employment or service to us will be set forth in the award agreement.
 Incentive stock options and non-statutory stock options may be granted under the 2020 Plan. An “incentive stock option” means an option intended to qualify for tax treatment applicable to incentive stock options under Section 422 of the Code. A “non-statutory stock option” is an option that is not subject to statutory requirements and limitations required for certain tax advantages that are allowed under specific provisions of the Code. A non-statutory stock option under the 2020 Plan is referred to for federal income tax purposes as a “non-qualified” stock option. Each option granted under the 2020 Plan will be designated as a non-qualified stock option or an incentive stock option. At the discretion of the administrator, incentive stock options may be granted only to our employees, employees of our “parent corporation” (as such term is defined in Section 424(e) of the Code) or employees of our subsidiaries.
The exercise period of an option may not exceed ten years from the date of grant and the exercise price may not be less than 100% of the fair market value of a share of common stock on the date the option is granted (110% of fair market value in the case of incentive stock options granted to ten percent stockholders). The exercise price for shares of common stock subject to an option may be paid in cash, or as determined by the plan administrator in its sole discretion, (i) through any cashless exercise procedure approved by the plan administrator (including the withholding of shares of common stock otherwise issuable upon exercise), (ii) by tendering unrestricted shares of common stock owned by the participant, (iii) with any other form of consideration approved by the plan administrator and permitted by applicable law or (iv) by any combination of these methods. The option holder will have no rights to dividends or distributions or other rights of a stockholder with respect to the shares of common stock subject to an option until the option holder has given written notice of exercise and paid the exercise price and applicable withholding taxes.
In the event of an participant’s termination of employment or service, the participant may exercise his or her option (to the extent vested as of such date of termination) for such period of time as specified in his or her option agreement.
 Stock Appreciation Rights.
SARs may be granted either alone (a “free-standing SAR”) or in conjunction with all or part of any option granted under the 2020 Plan (a “tandem SAR”). A free-standing SAR will entitle its holder to receive, at the time of exercise, an amount per share up to the excess of the fair market value (at the date of exercise) of a share of common stock over the base price of the free-standing SAR (which shall be no less than 100% of the fair market value of the related shares of common stock on the date of grant) multiplied by the number of shares in respect of which the SAR is being exercised. A tandem SAR will entitle its holder to receive, at the time of exercise of the SAR and surrender of the applicable portion of the related option, an amount per share up to the excess of the fair market value (at the date of exercise) of a share of common stock over the exercise price of the related option multiplied by the number of shares in respect of which the SAR is being exercised. The exercise period of a free-standing SAR may not exceed ten years from the date of grant. The exercise period of a tandem SAR will also expire upon the expiration of its related option.
The holder of a SAR will have no rights to dividends or any other rights of a stockholder with respect to the shares of common stock subject to the SAR until the holder has given written notice of exercise and paid the exercise price and applicable withholding taxes.
In the event of an participant’s termination of employment or service, the holder of a SAR may exercise his or her SAR (to the extent vested as of such date of termination) for such period of time as specified in his or her SAR agreement.
Other Stock-Based Awards.
The plan administrator may grant other stock-based awards under the 2020 Plan, valued in whole or in part by reference to, or otherwise based on, shares of common stock. The plan administrator will determine the terms and conditions of these awards, including the number of shares of common stock to be granted pursuant to each award, the manner in which the award will be settled, and the conditions to the vesting and payment of the award (including the achievement of performance goals). The rights of participants granted other stock-based awards upon the termination of employment or service to us will be set forth in the applicable award agreement. In the event that a bonus is granted in the form of shares of common stock, the shares of common stock constituting such bonus shall, as determined by the administrator, be evidenced in uncertificated form or by a book entry record or a certificate issued in the name of the participant to whom such grant was made and delivered to such participant as soon as practicable after the date on which such bonus is payable. Any dividend or dividend equivalent award issued hereunder shall be subject to the same restrictions, conditions and risks of forfeiture as apply to the underlying award. 
 Equitable Adjustment and Treatment of Outstanding Awards Upon a Change in Control
Equitable Adjustments.
In the event of a merger, consolidation, reclassification, recapitalization, spin-off, spin-out, repurchase, reorganization, special or extraordinary dividend or other extraordinary distribution (whether in the form of common stock, cash or other property), combination, exchange of shares, or other change in corporate structure affecting our common stock, an equitable substitution or proportionate adjustment shall be made in (i) the aggregate number and kind of securities reserved for issuance under the 2020 Plan, (ii) the kind and number of securities subject to, and the exercise price of, any outstanding options and SARs granted under the 2020 Plan, (iii) the kind, number and purchase price of shares of common stock, or the amount of cash or amount or type of property, subject to outstanding restricted stock, RSUs and other stock-based awards granted under the 2020 Plan and (iv) the terms and conditions of any outstanding awards (including any applicable performance targets). Equitable substitutions or adjustments other than those listed above may also be made as determined by the plan administrator. In addition, the plan administrator may terminate all outstanding awards for the payment of cash or in-kind consideration having an aggregate fair market value equal to the excess of the fair market value of the shares of common stock, cash or other property covered by such awards over the aggregate exercise price, if any, of such awards, but if the exercise price of any outstanding award is equal to or greater than the fair market value of the shares of common stock, cash or other property covered by such award, the plan administrator may cancel the award without the payment of any consideration to the participant. With respect to awards subject to foreign laws, adjustments will be made in compliance with applicable requirements. Except to the extent determined by the plan administrator, adjustments to incentive stock options will be made only to the extent not constituting a “modification” within the meaning of Section 424(h)(3) of the Code.
Change in Control.
The 2020 Plan provides that, unless otherwise determined by the plan administrator and evidenced in an award agreement, if a “change in control” (as defined below) occurs and a participant is employed by us or any of our affiliates immediately prior to the consummation of the change in control, then the plan administrator, in its sole and absolute discretion, may (i) provide that any unvested or unexercisable portion of an award carrying a right to exercise will become fully vested and exercisable; and (ii) cause the restrictions, deferral limitations, payment conditions and forfeiture conditions applicable to any award granted under the 2020 Plan to lapse, and the awards will be deemed fully vested and any performance conditions imposed with respect to such awards will be deemed to be fully achieved at target performance levels. The plan administrator shall have discretion in connection with such change in control to provide that all outstanding and unexercised options and SARs shall expire upon the consummation of such change in control.
For purposes of the 2020 Plan, a “change in control” means, in summary, the first to occur of the following events: (i) a person or entity becomes the beneficial owner of more than 50% of our voting power; (ii) an unapproved change in the majority membership of our Board of Directors; (iii) a merger or consolidation of us or any of our subsidiaries, other than (A) a merger or consolidation that results in our voting securities continuing to represent 50% or more of the combined voting power of the surviving entity or its parent and our Board of Directors immediately prior to the merger or consolidation continuing to represent at least a majority of the Board of Directors of the surviving entity or its parent or (B) a merger or consolidation effected to implement a recapitalization in which no person is or becomes the beneficial owner of our voting securities representing more than 50% of our combined voting power; or (iv) stockholder approval of a plan of our complete liquidation or dissolution or the consummation of an agreement for the sale or disposition of substantially all of our assets, other than (A) a sale or disposition to an entity, more than 50% of the combined voting power of which is owned by our stockholders in substantially the same proportions as their ownership of us immediately prior to such sale or (B) a sale or disposition to an entity controlled by our Board of Directors. However, a change in control will not be deemed to have occurred as a result of any transaction or series of integrated transactions following which our stockholders, immediately prior thereto, hold immediately afterward the same proportionate equity interests in the entity that owns all or substantially all of our assets.
Tax Withholding
Each participant will be required to make arrangements satisfactory to the plan administrator regarding payment of up to the maximum statutory tax rates in the participant’s applicable jurisdiction with respect to any award granted under the 2020 Plan, as determined by us. We have the right, to the extent permitted by applicable law, to deduct any such taxes from any payment of any kind otherwise due to the participant. With the approval of the plan administrator, the participant may satisfy the foregoing requirement by either electing to have us withhold from delivery of shares of common stock, cash or other property, as applicable, or by delivering already owned unrestricted shares of common stock, in each case, having a value not exceeding the applicable taxes to be withheld and applied to the tax obligations. We may also use any other method of obtaining the necessary payment or proceeds, as permitted by applicable law, to satisfy our withholding obligation with respect to any award.
Amendment and Termination of the 2020 Plan
The 2020 Plan provides our Board of Directors with authority to amend, alter or terminate the 2020 Plan, but no such action impair the rights of any participant with respect to outstanding awards without the participant’s consent. The plan administrator may amend an award, prospectively or retroactively, but no such amendment may materially impair the rights of any participant without the participant’s consent. Stockholder approval of any such action will be obtained if required to comply with applicable law. The 2020 Plan will terminate on the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date (although awards granted before that time will remain outstanding in accordance with their terms).
If we are required to prepare a financial restatement due to the material non-compliance with any financial reporting requirement, then the plan administrator may require any Section 16 officer to repay or forfeit to us that part of the cash or equity incentive compensation received by that Section 16 officer during the preceding three years that the plan administrator determines was in excess of the amount that such Section 16 officer would have received had such cash or equity incentive compensation been calculated based on the financial results reported in the restated financial statement. The plan administrator may take into account any factors it deems reasonable in determining whether to seek recoupment of previously paid cash or equity incentive compensation and how much of such compensation to recoup from each Section 16 officer (which need not be the same amount or proportion for each Section 16 officer). The amount and form of the incentive compensation to be recouped shall be determined by the administrator in its sole and absolute discretion.
New Plan Benefits
Future grants under the 2020 Plan will be made at the discretion of the plan administrator and, accordingly, are not yet determinable. In addition, benefits under the 2020 Plan will depend on a number of factors, including the fair market value of our common stock on future dates and the exercise decisions made by participants. Consequently, at this time, it is not possible to determine the future benefits that might be received by participants receiving discretionary grants under the 2020 Plan.
The following table sets forth information as of June 10, 2021, as to each person or group who is known to us to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of our outstanding voting securities and as to the security and percentage ownership of each of our executive officers and directors and of all of our officers and directors as a group.
Beneficial ownership is determined under the rules of the SEC and generally includes voting or investment power over securities. Except in cases where community property laws apply or as indicated in the footnotes to this table, we believe that each stockholder identified in the table possesses sole voting and investment power over all shares of common stock shown as beneficially owned by the stockholder. Shares of common stock that are currently exercisable or convertible within 60 days of June 10, 2021 are deemed to be beneficially owned by the person holding such securities for the purpose of computing the percentage beneficial ownership of that person, but are not treated as outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any other person. Except as otherwise indicated, the address of each stockholder is c/o Charge Enterprises, Inc. at 125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10017.
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner
Shares of
Common Stock
Beneficially Owned
Percentage of
Class Outstanding
Shares of Series A
Preferred Stock
Beneficially Owned
Percentage of
Class Outstanding
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners:
Korr Acquisitions Group, Inc. (3)
KORR Value, LP (4)
Mt. Whitney Securities LLC (5)
Arena Structured Private Investments LLC (6)
Andrew Fox (7)
P&G Gershon LLC (8)
Security Ownership of Management and Directors:
Kenneth Orr (9)
Andrew Fox (7)
Craig Denson
Phil Scala(10)
Justin Deutsch(10)
James Murphy(10)
Executive officers and directors as a group — 7persons
* less than 1%
The number and percentage of shares beneficially owned are determined in accordance with Rule 13d-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), and the information is not necessarily indicative of beneficial ownership for any other purpose. Under such rule, beneficial ownership includes any shares over which the individual or entity has voting power or investment power and any shares of common stock that the individual has the right to acquire within 60 days of June 10, 2021, through the exercise of any stock option or other right.  
Our series A Preferred Stock shall vote together with the common stock on an as converted basis. The series A preferred stock is convertible into 12.5% of our fully-diluted shares of common stock at any time at the option of the Holder.  
Includes (i) 33,549,540 shares of common stock and (ii) approximately 26,075,570 shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the Series A Preferred Stock. Mr. Orr is the principal operating officer of KORR Acquisitions Group, Inc., which is the general partner of KORR Value LP.  This amount also takes into account an aggregate of 8,925,000 shares of common stock that has been agreed to be transferred by KORR Acquisitions Group, Inc. to unaffiliated third parties but has not been formally transferred out of its name. Mr. Orr has sole voting and dispositive power over the shares held by KORR Acquisitions Group, Inc. and KORR Value LP. The address of KORR Acquisition Group, Inc. is 1400 Old Country Road, Westbury, NY 11590. 
Includes warrants to purchase 522,000 shares of common stock. Mr. Orr is the principal operating officer of KORR Acquisitions Group, Inc., which is the general partner of KORR Value LP. Mr. Orr has sole voting and dispositive power over the shares held by KORR Acquisitions Group, Inc. and KORR Value LP. The address of KORR Value, LP is 1400 Old Country Road, Westbury, NY 11590.
Includes (i) 7,231,488 shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of outstanding promissory notes and (ii) warrants to purchase 4,579,943 shares of common stock. Arena Investors, LP is the investment adviser of, and may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by this entity (the “Investment Advisor”). Arena Investors GP, LLC is the general partner of, and may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by the Investment Advisor. By virtue of his position as the chief executive officer of the general partner of the holder and the Investment Manager, Daniel Zwirn may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by this selling shareholder. Each of Mr. Zwirn, the Investment Advisor and the managing member share voting and disposal power over the shares held by the entity described above. Each of the persons set forth above other than applicable entity holding such shares disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares beneficially owned by such entity and this disclosure shall not be construed as an admission that any such person or entity is the beneficial owner of any such securities. The address for the entities set forth above is 405 Lexington Avenue, 59th Floor, New York, New York 10174.  
Includes 15,555,556 shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of outstanding promissory notes. Arena Investors, LP is the investment adviser of, and may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by this entity (the “Investment Advisor”). Arena Investors GP, LLC is the general partner of, and may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by the Investment Advisor. By virtue of his position as the chief executive officer of the general partner of the holder and the Investment Manager, Daniel Zwirn may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by this selling shareholder. Each of Mr. Zwirn, the Investment Advisor and the managing member share voting and disposal power over the shares held by the entity described above. Each of the persons set forth above other than applicable entity holding such shares disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares beneficially owned by such entity and this disclosure shall not be construed as an admission that any such person or entity is the beneficial owner of any such securities. The address for the entities set forth above is 405 Lexington Avenue, 59th Floor, New York, New York 10174.  
Includes (i) 2,350,000 shares of common stock issuable upon outstanding options and (ii) warrants to purchase 220,000 shares of common stock.  
Dan Waldman has sole voting and dispositive power over the shares held by this entity. The address for this entity is 100 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10024.  
Includes (i) 2,123,711 shares of common stock held by Cori Orr, his wife, (ii) 33,549,540 shares of common stock held by KORR Acquisition Group, Inc. (iii) approximately 26,075,570 shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the Series A Preferred Stock, (iv) 11,734,320 shares of common stock held by KORR Value, LP, (v) warrants to purchase 522,000 shares of common stock held by KORR Value, LP (vi) 1,061,887 shares of common stock held Cori Orr, as custodian for Benjamin Orr under the NY UTMA, and (vii) 80,000 shares of common stock purchased by Mr. Orr from an unaffiliated third party which has not be transferred into his name. This amount also takes into account an aggregate of 8,925,000 shares of common stock that has been agreed to be transferred by KORR Acquisitions Group, Inc. to unaffiliated third parties but has not been formally transferred out of its name. Mr. Orr has sole voting and dispositive power over the shares held by KORR Acquisitions Group, Inc. and KORR Value LP.  
Includes 50,000 shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of options  
The common stock being offered by the selling shareholders are those previously issued to the selling shareholders, and those issuable to the selling shareholders, upon conversion of the Notes and/or exercise of the Warrants.
We are registering the shares of common stock in order to permit the selling shareholders to offer the shares for resale from time to time. Except for the ownership of the securities by the selling shareholders that were issued in the May 2020 private placement and the November 2020 private placement, the selling shareholders have not had any material relationship with us within the past three years.
The table below lists the selling shareholders and other information regarding the beneficial ownership of the shares of common stock by each of the selling shareholders. The second column lists the number of shares of common stock beneficially owned by each selling shareholder, based on its ownership of our common stock, the Notes and Warrants, as of May 10, 2021, assuming conversion of the Notes and/or exercise of Warrants held by the selling shareholders on that date, without regard to any limitations on exercises.
The third column lists the shares of common stock being offered by this prospectus by the selling shareholders.
In accordance with the terms of the registration rights agreement with the selling shareholders, this prospectus generally covers the resale of the sum of (i) the number of shares of common stock issued to the selling shareholders upon conversion of the series G preferred stock, (ii) the maximum number of shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the notes, determined as if the outstanding notes were exercised in full as of the trading day immediately preceding the date this registration statement was initially filed with the SEC and (iii) the maximum number of shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of the warrants, determined as if the outstanding warrants were exercised in full as of the trading day immediately preceding the date this registration statement was initially filed with the SEC, each as of the trading day immediately preceding the applicable date of determination and all subject to adjustment as provided in the registration right agreement, without regard to any limitations on the exercise of the warrants or conversion of the notes. The fourth column assumes the sale of all of the shares offered by the selling shareholders pursuant to this prospectus.
Under the terms of the Notes and Warrants, a selling shareholder may not exercise the notes and/or exercise the warrants to the extent such exercise would cause such selling shareholder, together with its affiliates and attribution parties, to beneficially own a number of shares of common stock which would exceed 9.99% of our then outstanding common stock following such conversion and/or exercise. The number of shares in the second column does not reflect this limitation.
The selling shareholders may sell all, some or none of their shares in this offering. See "Plan of Distribution."
Shares of Common Stock Beneficially Owned after the Offering
Name of Selling Shareholder
Number of Shares
of Common Stock
Beneficially Owned
Prior to Offering
Maximum Number of
Shares of Common
Stock to be Sold Pursuant
to this Prospectus
Number of Shares
Owned After
the Offering
Percentage of Class
Mt. Whitney Securities, LLC (1)(2)
Arena Originating Co., LLC (1)(3)
Arena Special Opportunities Fund, LP (1)(4)
Arena Special Opportunities Partners I, LP (1)(5)
Arena Structured Private Investments LLC (1)(6)
* Less than 1%
Consists of shares of common stock, Notes and Warrants held by Arena Origination Co., LLC (“Originating Fund”), Arena Special Opportunities Fund, LP (“Opportunities Fund”), Arena Structured Private Investments LLC (“Investments Fund”) and Arena Special Opportunities Partners I, LP (“Partners Fund” and together with the Originating Fund, Opportunities Fund and Investments Fund, the “Arena Funds”), respectively. In addition, includes common stock, Notes and Warrants held by Mt. Whitney Securities LLC (“Managed Account,” and together with the Arena Funds, the “Arena Entities”). Arena Investors, LP is the investment adviser of, and may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by the Arena Entities (the “Investment Advisor”). Westaim Origination Holdings, Inc is the managing member of, and may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by, Originating Fund. Arena Special Opportunities Fund (Onshore) GP, LLC is the general partner of, and may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by, Opportunities Fund. Arena Special Opportunities Partners (Onshore) GP, LLC is the general partner of, and may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by, Partners Fund. The Managed Account is an account separately managed by the Investment Advisor. Arena Investors GP, LLC is the general partner of, and may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by the Investment Advisor. By virtue of his position as the chief executive officer of the general partner of the holder and the Investment Manager, Daniel Zwirn may be deemed to beneficially own securities owned by this selling shareholder. Each of Mr. Zwirn, the Investment Advisor and the managing member share voting and disposal power over the shares held by the entity described above. Each of the persons set forth above other than applicable entity holding such shares disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares beneficially owned by such entity and this disclosure shall not be construed as an admission that any such person or entity is the beneficial owner of any such securities. The address for the entities set forth above is 405 Lexington Avenue, 59th Floor, New York, New York 10174.
Includes (a) 7,231,488 shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the May 2020 Notes, (b) 4,579,943 shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants.
Includes (a) 664,368 shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the May 2020 Notes and (b) 420,766 shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants.
Includes (a) 2,543,752 shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the May 2020 Notes, (b) 1,611,043 shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants.
Includes (a) 1,560,392 shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the May 2020 Notes and (b) 988,248 shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants.
Includes 15,555,556 shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the November 2020 Notes.
Each Selling Stockholder (the “Selling Stockholders”) of the securities and any of their pledgees, assignees and successors-in-interest may, from time to time, sell any or all of their securities covered hereby on the principal trading market or any other stock exchange, market or trading facility on which the securities are traded or in private transactions. These sales may be at $2.75 per share until our shares are quoted on the OTCQX, OTCQB or listed on a national securities exchange, and thereafter, at fixed or negotiated prices. A Selling Stockholder may use any one or more of the following methods when selling securities:
ordinary brokerage transactions and transactions in which the broker-dealer solicits purchasers;
block trades in which the broker-dealer will attempt to sell the securities as agent but may position and resell a portion of the block as principal to facilitate the transaction;
purchases by a broker-dealer as principal and resale by the broker-dealer for its account;
an exchange distribution in accordance with the rules of the applicable exchange;
privately negotiated transactions;
settlement of short sales;
in transactions through broker-dealers that agree with the Selling Stockholders to sell a specified number of such securities at a stipulated price per security;
through the writing or settlement of options or other hedging transactions, whether through an options exchange or otherwise;
a combination of any such methods of sale; or
any other method permitted pursuant to applicable law.
The Selling Stockholders may also sell securities under Rule 144 or any other exemption from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), if available, rather than under this prospectus.
Broker-dealers engaged by the Selling Stockholders may arrange for other brokers-dealers to participate in sales. Broker-dealers may receive commissions or discounts from the Selling Stockholders (or, if any broker-dealer acts as agent for the purchaser of securities, from the purchaser) in amounts to be negotiated, but, except as set forth in a supplement to this Prospectus, in the case of an agency transaction not in excess of a customary brokerage commission in compliance with FINRA Rule 2440; and in the case of a principal transaction a markup or markdown in compliance with FINRA IM-2440.
In connection with the sale of the securities or interests therein, the Selling Stockholders may enter into hedging transactions with broker-dealers or other financial institutions, which may in turn engage in short sales of the securities in the course of hedging the positions they assume. The Selling Stockholders may also sell securities short and deliver these securities to close out their short positions, or loan or pledge the securities to broker-dealers that in turn may sell these securities. The Selling Stockholders may also enter into option or other transactions with broker-dealers or other financial institutions or create one or more derivative securities which require the delivery to such broker-dealer or other financial institution of securities offered by this prospectus, which securities such broker-dealer or other financial institution may resell pursuant to this prospectus (as supplemented or amended to reflect such transaction).
The Selling Stockholders and any broker-dealers or agents that are involved in selling the securities may be deemed to be “underwriters” within the meaning of the Securities Act in connection with such sales. In such event, any commissions received by such broker-dealers or agents and any profit on the resale of the securities purchased by them may be deemed to be underwriting commissions or discounts under the Securities Act. Each Selling Stockholder has informed the Company that it does not have any written or oral agreement or understanding, directly or indirectly, with any person to distribute the securities.
The Company is required to pay certain fees and expenses incurred by the Company incident to the registration of the securities. The Company has agreed to indemnify the Selling Stockholders against certain losses, claims, damages and liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act.
We agreed to keep this prospectus effective until the earlier of (i) the date on which the securities may be resold by the Selling Stockholders without registration and without regard to any volume or manner-of-sale limitations by reason of Rule 144, without the requirement for the Company to be in compliance with the current public information under Rule 144 under the Securities Act or any other rule of similar effect or (ii) all of the securities have been sold pursuant to this prospectus or Rule 144 under the Securities Act or any other rule of similar effect. The resale securities will be sold only through registered or licensed brokers or dealers if required under applicable state securities laws. In addition, in certain states, the resale securities covered hereby may not be sold unless they have been registered or qualified for sale in the applicable state or an exemption from the registration or qualification requirement is available and is complied with.
Under applicable rules and regulations under the Exchange Act, any person engaged in the distribution of the resale securities may not simultaneously engage in market making activities with respect to the common stock for the applicable restricted period, as defined in Regulation M, prior to the commencement of the distribution. In addition, the Selling Stockholders will be subject to applicable provisions of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, including Regulation M, which may limit the timing of purchases and sales of the common stock by the Selling Stockholders or any other person. We will make copies of this prospectus available to the Selling Stockholders and have informed them of the need to deliver a copy of this prospectus to each purchaser at or prior to the time of the sale (including by compliance with Rule 172 under the Securities Act).
There can be no assurance that any Selling Stockholder will sell any or all of the shares of common stock registered pursuant to the registration statement, of which this prospectus forms a part.
The Selling Stockholders and any other person participating in such distribution will be subject to applicable provisions of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, including, without limitation, Regulation M of the Exchange Act, which may limit the timing of purchases and sales of any of the shares of common stock by the Selling Stockholders and any other participating person. Regulation M may also restrict the ability of any person engaged in the distribution of the shares of common stock to engage in market-making activities with respect to the shares of common stock. All of the foregoing may affect the marketability of the shares of common stock and the ability of any person or entity to engage in market-making activities with respect to the shares of common stock.
We will indemnify the Selling Stockholders against liabilities, including some liabilities under the Securities Act, in accordance with the Registration Rights Agreement, or the Selling Stockholders will be entitled to contribution. We may be indemnified by the Selling Stockholders against civil liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act, that may arise from any written information furnished to us by the Selling Stockholder specifically for use in this prospectus, in accordance with the Registration Rights Agreement, or we may be entitled to contribution.
The following description of our capital stock, together with any additional information we include in any applicable prospectus supplement or any related free writing prospectus, summarizes the material terms and provisions of our capital stock. For the complete terms of our capital stock, please refer to our certificate of incorporation bylaws that are incorporated by reference into the registration statement of which this prospectus is a part or may be incorporated by reference in this prospectus or any applicable prospectus supplement. The terms of these securities may also be affected by the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”). The summary below and that contained in any applicable prospectus supplement or any related free writing prospectus are qualified in their entirety by reference to our certificate of incorporation and bylaws.
As of the date of this prospectus, our authorized capital stock consists of 500,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $0.0001 per share, and 10,000,000shares of preferred stock, par value $0.0001 per share. As of June 10, 2021, there were 152,279,063 shares of our common stock, 1,000,000 shares of SeriesA Preferred Stock and 2,395,105 shares of Series B Preferred Stock issued and outstanding. 
Common Stock
Holders of our common stock are entitled to one vote for each share of common stock held of record for the election of directors and on all matters submitted to a vote of stockholders. Holders of our common stock are entitled to receive dividends ratably, if any, as may be declared by the Board out of legally available funds, subject to any preferential dividend rights of any preferred stock then outstanding. In the event of our dissolution, liquidation or winding up, holders of our common stock are entitled to share ratably in our net assets legally available after the payment of all of our debts and other liabilities, subject to the liquidation preferences of any preferred stock then outstanding. Holders of our common stock have no preemptive, subscription, redemption or conversion rights. The rights, preferences and privileges of holders of common stock are subject to, and may be adversely affected by, the rights of the holders of shares of any series of preferred stock currently outstanding or that we may designate and issue in the future.
Preferred Stock
Our Board is authorized, without action by the stockholders, to designate and issue up to 10.0 million shares of preferred stock in one or more series. Our Board can fix or alter the rights, preferences and privileges of the shares of each series and any of its qualifications, limitations or restrictions, including dividend rights, conversion rights, voting rights, terms of redemption, liquidation preferences and the number of shares constituting a class or series. The issuance of preferred stock could, under certain circumstances, result in one or more of the following adverse effects:
decreasing the market price of our common stock;
restricting dividends on our common stock;
diluting the voting power of our common stock;
impairing the liquidation rights of our common stock; or
delaying or preventing a change in control of us without further action by our stockholders.
Our Board will make any determination to issue such shares based on its judgment as to our best interests and the best interests of our stockholders.
Series A Preferred Stock
Each share of the Series A Preferred Stock shall convert, on one occasion, at the sole option of the Holder into 12.5% of our fully-diluted shares of common stock on the date of conversion. Each Holder shall be entitled to the whole number of votes equal to the number of shares of Common Stock into which such holder’s Series A Preferred Stock would be convertible on the record date for the vote or consent of stockholders, and shall otherwise have voting rights and powers equal to the voting rights and powers of the Common Stock. The Series A Preferred Stock shall rank senior with respect to the preferences as to dividends, distributions and payments upon the liquidation, dissolution and winding up of the Company and all other shares of capital stock of the Company shall be junior in rank to all Series A Preferred Stock with respect to the preferences as to dividends, distributions and payments upon the liquidation, dissolution and winding up of the Company.
Series B Preferred Stock
Each share of the Series B Preferred Stock shall convert, at the sole option of the Holder, at any time or from time to time, into an aggregate of 2,395,105 shares of common stock. Each Holder shall be entitled to the whole number of votes equal to the number of shares of Common Stock into which such holder’s Series B Preferred Stock would be convertible on the record date for the vote or consent of stockholders, and shall otherwise have voting rights and powers equal to the voting rights and powers of the Common Stock. Holders shall be entitled to receive cumulative dividends at the rate per share of 4% per annum, payable quarterly on January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1, beginning on the first such date after the Original Issue Date and on each Conversion Date (with respect only to Preferred Stock being converted) in cash, or at the Company’s option, in duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable shares of Common Stock. The Series B Preferred Stock shall rank senior with respect to the preferences as to dividends, distributions and payments upon the liquidation, dissolution and winding up of the Company and all other shares of capital stock of the Company, except for the Series A Preferred Stock, shall be junior in rank to all Series B Preferred Stock with respect to the preferences as to dividends, distributions and payments upon the liquidation, dissolution and winding up of the Company. At any time on or after the first anniversary of the Original Issue Date and until one hundred and eightieth (180th) day following the date on which all applicable holding periods or other similar restrictions on the transfer of the Preferred Stock by the Holders expire pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act or any other applicable law or regulation, or the Holding Period Expiration Date, any Holder may elect to have all or any portion of such Holder’s shares of Preferred Stock redeemed by the Company, for an amount in cash equal to 100% of the Stated Value then outstanding, (b) accrued but unpaid dividends and (c) other amounts due in respect of the Series B Preferred, or the Redemption Amount. In addition, on the one hundred and eightieth (180th) day following the Holding Period Expiration Date (the “Mandatory Redemption Date”), the Company shall redeem all of the then outstanding shares of Series B Preferred for an amount in cash equal to the Redemption Amount.
Anti-Takeover Effects of Certain Provisions of our Certificate of Incorporation, Bylaws and the DGCL
Certain provisions of our Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws, which are summarized in the following paragraphs, may have the effect of discouraging potential acquisition proposals or making a tender offer or delaying or preventing a change in control, including changes a stockholder might consider favorable. Such provisions may also prevent or frustrate attempts by our stockholders to replace or remove our management. In particular, the Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws and Delaware law, as applicable, among other things:
provide the board of directors with the ability to alter the bylaws without stockholder approval;
place limitations on the removal of directors; and
provide that vacancies on the board of directors may be filled by a majority of directors in office, although less than a quorum.
 These provisions are expected to discourage certain types of coercive takeover practices and inadequate takeover bids and to encourage persons seeking to acquire control of our company to first negotiate with its board. These provisions may delay or prevent someone from acquiring or merging with us, which may cause the market price of our common stock to decline.
Blank Check Preferred.
The Board is authorized to create and issue from time to time, without stockholder approval, up to an aggregate of 10,000,000 shares of preferred stock in one or more series and to establish the number of shares of any series of preferred stock and to fix the designations, powers, preferences and rights of the shares of each series and any qualifications, limitations or restrictions of the shares of each series.
The authority to designate preferred stock may be used to issue series of preferred stock, or rights to acquire preferred stock, that could dilute the interest of, or impair the voting power of, holders of the common stock or could also be used as a method of determining, delaying or preventing a change of control.
 Advance Notice Bylaws.
The Bylaws contain an advance notice procedure for stockholder proposals to be brought before any meeting of stockholders, including proposed nominations of persons for election to the Board. Stockholders at any meeting will only be able to consider proposals or nominations specified in the notice of meeting or brought before the meeting by or at the direction of the Board or by a stockholder who was a stockholder of record on the record date for the meeting, who is entitled to vote at the meeting and who has given the Company’s corporate secretary timely written notice, in proper form, of the stockholder’s intention to bring that business before the meeting. Although the Bylaws do not give the Board the power to approve or disapprove stockholder nominations of candidates or proposals regarding other business to be conducted at a special or annual meeting, the Bylaws may have the effect of precluding the conduct of certain business at a meeting if the proper procedures are not followed or may discourage or deter a potential acquiror from conducting a solicitation of proxies to elect its own slate of directors or otherwise attempting to obtain control of the Company.
 Interested Stockholder Transactions.
We are subject to Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law which, subject to certain exceptions, prohibits “business combinations” between a publicly-held Delaware corporation and an “interested stockholder,” which is generally defined as a stockholder who becomes a beneficial owner of 15% or more of a Delaware corporation’s voting stock for a three-year period following the date that such stockholder became an interested stockholder.
Exclusive Forum
Our bylaws provide that unless the Company consents in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware shall be the sole and exclusive forum for any stockholder (including a beneficial owner) to bring (i) any derivative action or proceeding brought on behalf of the Corporation, (ii) any action asserting a claim of breach of a fiduciary duty owed by any director, officer or other employee of the Corporation to the Corporation or the Corporation’s stockholders, (iii) any action asserting a claim against the Corporation, its directors, officers or employees arising pursuant to any provision of the DGCL or the Bylaws, or (iv) any action asserting a claim against the Corporation, its directors, officers, employees or agents governed by the internal affairs doctrine, except for, as to each of (i) through (iv) above, any claim as to which the Court of Chancery determines that there is an indispensable party not subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery (and the indispensable party does not consent to the personal jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery within ten days following such determination), which is vested in the exclusive jurisdiction of a court or forum other than the Court of Chancery, or for which the Court of Chancery does not have subject matter jurisdiction.
Our bylaws also provide that unless the Company consents in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the federal district courts of the United States of America will be the exclusive forum for the resolution of any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act. Any person or entity purchasing or otherwise acquiring any interest in shares of capital stock of the Company are deemed to have notice of and consented to this provision. The Supreme Court of Delaware has held that this type of exclusive federal forum provision is enforceable. There may be uncertainty, however, as to whether courts of other jurisdictions would enforce such a provision, if applicable.
Section 27 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), creates exclusive federal jurisdiction over all suits brought to enforce any duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or the rules and regulations thereunder. As a result, the Delaware Forum Provision will not apply to suits brought to enforce any duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or any other claim for which the federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction. We note, however, that there is uncertainty as to whether a court would enforce this provision and that investors cannot waive compliance with the federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder.
Transfer Agent and Registrar
Our transfer agent and registrar for our capital stock is Manhattan Transfer Registrar Company, whose address is 38B Sheep Pasture Road, Port Jefferson, New York 11777.
Other than as disclosed below, during the last two fiscal years, there have been no transactions, or proposed transactions, in which our company was or is to be a participant where the amount involved exceeds the lesser of $120,000 or one percent of the average of our company’s total assets at year-end and in which any director, executive officer or beneficial holder of more than 5% of the outstanding common, or any of their respective relatives, spouses, associates or affiliates, has had or will have any direct or material indirect interest. We have no policy regarding entering into transactions with affiliated parties.
As of December 31, 2019, the balance in related party payables amounted to $302,031. The Company had an oral agreement with the Company’s former CEO (Isaac H. Sutton), who provided management services through a private entity that he owns. On April 30, 2020 Isaac H. Sutton stepped down as CEO of the Company and is no longer a related party. The related party payable was converted to a convertible note payable in the amount of $300,000. The balance of that convertible note payable as of December 31, 2020 was $227,525.  
During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company's CEO Andrew Fox advanced $40,000 in cash to the Company. The balance in related party payable at December 31, 2020 was $40,000.
During the year ended December 31, 2019, the Company’s former CEO converted $100,000 of accrued management services into 375,000,000 shares of common stock.
In May and June 2020, the Company entered into a purchase agreement with KORR Value LP, an entity controlled by Kenneth Orr, the Company’s Executive Chairman, pursuant to which the Company issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $550,000 for an aggregate purchase price of $500,000 (collectively, the “KORR Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the KORR Notes, we issued to KORR Value warrants to purchase an aggregate of 1,266,667 shares of Common Stock (collectively, the “KORR Warrants”). The KORR Notes and KORR Warrants are on substantially the same terms as the Notes and Warrants issued to the May 2020 Investors except that the KORR Notes are subordinated to the Notes. In June 2020, KORR Value LP transferred 50% of the KORR Notes to PDG Venture Group LLC.
Between May 8, 2020 and September 30, 2020, the Company entered into securities purchase agreements with other accredited investors (the “Subordinated Creditors”) pursuant to which the Company issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $546,444 for an aggregate purchase price of $495,000 (collectively, the “Subordinated Creditor Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the Subordinated Creditor Notes, we issued to the Subordinated Creditors warrants to purchase an aggregate of 2,359,555 shares of Common Stock (collectively, the “Subordinated Creditor Warrants”). The Subordinated Creditor Notes and Subordinated Creditor Warrants are on substantially the same terms as the Notes and Warrants issued to the May 2020 Investors except that the Subordinated Creditor Notes are subordinated to the Notes. On September 2, 2020, Andrew Fox, our CEO, purchased a Subordinated Creditor Note with an aggregate principal amount of $110,000 and a Subordinated Creditor Warrant to purchase 220,000 shares of common stock for an aggregate purchase price of $100,000.
On September 30, 2020, KORR Value LP, an entity controlled by Kenneth Orr, the Company’s Executive Chairman advanced the Company $75,000. There is no advance due on this advance and it is payable on demand.
The validity of the shares of common stock offered by this prospectus will be passed upon for us by Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP, New York, New York.
The financial statements of Charge Enterprises, Inc. at December 31, 2019 and 2018, and for each of the two years in the period ending December 31, 2019, appearing in this prospectus have been audited by Accell Audit & Compliance, P.A., an independent registered public accounting firm, as set forth in their report thereon appearing elsewhere herein, and are included in reliance upon such report given on the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.
The financial statements for the period ending December 31, 2020, appearing in this prospectus have been audited by Seligson & Giannattasio LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as set forth in their report there on appearing elsewhere herein, and are included in reliance upon such report given on the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

The financial statements of PTGi International Carrier Services, Inc. at December 31, 2019 and 2018, and for each of the two years in the period ending December 31, 2019, appearing in this prospectus have been audited by Seligson & Giannattasio, LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, as set forth in their report thereon appearing elsewhere herein, and are included in reliance upon such report given on the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

The financial statements of GetCharged, Inc. at December 31, 2019 and 2018, and for each of the two years in the period ending December 31, 2019, appearing in this prospectus have been audited by K.K. Mehta CPA Associates, PLLC, an independent registered public accounting firm, as set forth in their report thereon appearing elsewhere herein, and are included in reliance upon such report given on the authority of such firm as experts in accounting and auditing.
We have filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission a registration statement on Form S-1 under the Securities Act with respect to the common stock offered by this prospectus. This prospectus, which is part of the registration statement, omits certain information, exhibits, schedules and undertakings set forth in the registration statement. For further information pertaining to us and our common stock, reference is made to the registration statement and the exhibits and schedules to the registration statement. Statements contained in this prospectus as to the contents or provisions of any documents referred to in this prospectus are not necessarily complete, and in each instance where a copy of the document has been filed as an exhibit to the registration statement, reference is made to the exhibit for a more complete description of the matters involved.
You may read and copy all or any portion of the registration statement without charge at the public reference room of the Securities and Exchange Commission at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. Copies of the registration statement may be obtained from the Securities and Exchange Commission at prescribed rates from the public reference room of the Securities and Exchange Commission at such address. You may obtain information regarding the operation of the public reference room by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. In addition, registration statements and certain other filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission electronically are publicly available through the Securities and Exchange Commission's website at http://www.sec.gov. The registration statement, including all exhibits and amendments to the registration statement, has been filed electronically with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Upon completion of this offering, we will become subject to the information and periodic reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and, accordingly, will be required to file annual reports containing financial statements audited by an independent public accounting firm, quarterly reports containing unaudited financial data, current reports, proxy statements and other information with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You will be able to inspect and copy such periodic reports, proxy statements and other information at the Securities and Exchange Commission's public reference room, and the website of the Securities and Exchange Commission referred to above.
Charge Enterprises Inc.
Report of Independent Public Accounting Firm

PTGi International Carrier Services Inc.
Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements as of September 30, 2020


Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018

GetCharged, Inc.

Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements as of September 30, 2020

Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2019

Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2018

March 31,
December 31,
2021 (Unaudited)
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable, net
Deposits and prepaids
Other current assets, net
Marketable securities
Investment in Oblong (OBLG)
Investment in MPS
Total current assets
Property, plant and equipment, net
Non-current assets
Deferred tax asset
                       Total assets
Current liabilities:
           Accounts payable
           Accrued liabilities
           Deferred revenue
           Convertible notes payable, net of discount
           Convertible notes payable, related party, net of discount
           Related party payable
           Derivative liabilities
                       Total current liabilities
Non-current liabilities:
           Convertible notes payable, net of discount
                       Total liabilities
Commitments and contingencies
Stockholder's Equity
Preferred stock, $0.001 par value, 10,000,000 shares authorized;
   Series A: 1,000,000 authorized; 1,000,000 shares issued and outstanding at March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020
Common stock, $0.001 par value; 6,800,000,000 shares authorized 149,428,974 and 140,018,383 issued and outstanding at March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020
Common stock to be issued, 8,204,545 and 13,425,750 shares at March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020
Additional paid in capital
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Accumulated deficit
                       Total stockholders' equity
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
For the three months ended March 31,  
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross Margin
Operating expenses
Stock based compensation
General and administrative
Professional fees
Salaries and related benefits
Depreciation expense
Total operating expenses
Net operating loss
Other income (expenses):
Interest expense
Amortization of debt discount
Amortization of debt discount, related party
Change in fair value of derivative liabilities
Foreign exchange adjustments
Gain on settlement of liabilities
Net income from investments
Total other income (expenses)
Income tax benefit (expense)
Net income (loss)
Basic loss per share
Weighted average number of shares outstanding, basic
Diluted loss per share
Weighted average number of shares outstanding, basic and diluted
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Three Months Ended March 31,
Net (loss) income
Other comprehensive income
Foreign currency translation adjustment
Reclassification adjustment – gain on sale of stock, net of tax
Unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities
Other comprehensive income
Comprehensive income
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
 Common Stock
 Common Stock to be Issued
Additional Paid-In
Other Comprehensive Income
Balance, January 1, 2021
Shares of common stock from prior year issued
Common stock issued for services
Conversion of debt and accrued interest
Stock-based compensation expense
Net loss
Balance, March 31, 2021
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Preferred Stock 
Series B
 Series A
 Series C
 Series D
 Common Stock
Additional Paid-In
To Be Issued
Balance, January 1, 2020
Sale of common stock
Sale of Series E Preferred Stock
Net income
Balance, March 31, 2020
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
For the Three Months Ended March 31,
Net (loss) income
Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) income to net cash used in operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization
     Stock-based compensation
     Change in fair value of derivative liabilities
     Amortization of debt discount
     Amortization of debt discount, related party
     Net income from investments
Changes in working capital requirements:
     Accounts receivable
     Prepaids and other current assets
     Accounts payable
     Accrued expenses
     Related party advances
                 Net cash used in operating activities
Acquisition of fixed assets
     Net cash used in investing activities
Sale of preferred shares
     Net cash provided by financing activities
Foreign currency adjustment
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information
Cash paid for interest expense
Cash paid for income taxes
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Nature of operations
Charge Enterprises, Inc. (“Charge Enterprises” (formerly known as “Transworld Holdings, Inc.” “GoIP Global, Inc.”, “GoIP”) was incorporated on May 8, 2003 as E Education Network, Inc. (“EEN”) under the laws of the State of Nevada. On August 10, 2005, the Company’s name was changed to GoIP Global, Inc. On December 28, 2017, the Company was redomiciled in Colorado. On October 1, 2020, the Company was redomiciled to Delaware and the name was changed to TransWorld Holdings, Inc.
On April 30, 2020, the Company entered into a Share Exchange Agreement with TransWorld Enterprises Inc. (“TW”), a Delaware Corporation. As part of the exchange the Company has agreed to issue 1,000,000 share of Series D Preferred Stock and 1,000,000 shares of Series F Preferred Stock in exchange for all the equity interest of TW. TW, as a holding company, will focus on acquiring controlling interests in profitable basic businesses.  Initially, TW will focus on acquiring transportation companies and simple manufacturing and or consumer products businesses.
On July 13, 2020, the Board of Directors of the Company approved, subject to shareholder approval, (i) a Plan of Conversion, pursuant to which the Company will convert from a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Colorado to a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware (the “Reincorporation”), and such approval includes the adoption of the Certificate of Incorporation (the “Delaware Certificate”) and the Bylaws (the “Delaware Bylaws”) for the Company under the laws of the State of Delaware, and a change in the name of the Company from “GoIP Global, Inc.” to “Transworld Holdings, Inc.”, each to become effective concurrently with the effectiveness of the Reincorporation and (ii) a reverse stock split of our outstanding common stock in a ratio of one-for-five hundred (1:500), provided that all fractional shares as a result of the split shall be automatically rounded up to the next whole share (the “Reverse Split”), to become effective immediately prior to the effectiveness of the Reincorporation. On August 7, 2020, shareholder approval for these actions was obtained. The Reincorporation was effective October 1, 2020 and the reverse split was effective on October 6, 2020.
On January 26, 2021, following its acquisitions of PTGI and GetCharged, we changed our name from Transworld Holdings, Inc. to Charge Enterprises, Inc.
The Company effected a 500:1 reverse stock split on October 6, 2020. Share amounts are reflected given effect to the reverse stock split on a retroactive basis.
Summary of significant accounting policies
Basis of Presentation
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”).
Principles of Consolidation
Charge Enterprises, Inc. (formerly Transworld Holdings, Inc. and GoIP Global, Inc.) has seven wholly-owned subsidiaries: TransWorld Enterprises, Inc., Get Charged Inc. ,PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc. (“ICS”), Charge Communications, Inc., Charge Infrastructure, Inc., Charge Investments, Inc. and Charge Services, LLC. The unaudited consolidated financial statements, which include the accounts of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, are prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (U.S. GAAP). All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated. The consolidated financial statements, which include the accounts of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, and related disclosures have been prepared pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). The Financial Statements have been prepared using the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) and presented in US dollars. In the opinion of management, all adjustments and disclosures necessary for a fair presentation of these financial statements has been included. The results and trends in these interim consolidated financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and 2020 may not be representative of these for the full fiscal year or any future periods. These consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the company’s latest annual financial statements. The year end is December 31.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. The most significant assumptions and estimates relate to the valuation of equity issued for services, valuation of equity associated with convertible debt, the valuation of derivative liabilities, and the valuation of deferred tax assets. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Revenue Recognition
The Company recognizes revenue in accordance with Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2014-09, “Revenue from contracts with customers,” (Topic 606). Revenue is recognized when a customer obtains control of promised goods or services. In addition, the standard requires disclosure of the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. The amount of revenue that is recorded reflects the consideration that the Company expects to receive in exchange for those goods. The Company applies the following five-step model in order to determine this amount: (i) identification of the promised goods in the contract; (ii) determination of whether the promised goods are performance obligations, including whether they are distinct in the context of the contract; (iii) measurement of the transaction price, including the constraint on variable consideration; (iv) allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations; and (v) recognition of revenue when (or as) the Company satisfies each performance obligation. The Company’s main revenue stream is from services. The Company recognizes as revenues the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to the respective performance obligation when the performance obligation is satisfied or as it is satisfied. Generally, the Company's performance obligations are transferred to customers at a point in time, typically upon delivery.
PTGI operates an extensive network of direct routes and offers premium voice communication services for carrying a mix of business, residential and carrier long-distance traffic, data and transit traffic. All customers have a bilateral relationship with PTGI, meaning they have both a customer and vendor relationship with PTGI. In these cases, PTGI sells the customer access to the PTGI supplier routes but also purchases access to the customer’s supplier routes. Net revenue is derived from the long-distance data and transit traffic. Net revenue is earned based on the number of minutes during a call multiplied by the price per minute, and is recorded upon completion of a call. Completed calls are billable activity while incomplete calls are non-billable. Incomplete calls may occur as a result of technical issues or because the customer’s credit limit was exceeded and thus the customer routing of traffic was prevented. Revenue for a period is calculated from information received through PTGI’s billing software, such as minutes and market rates. Customized billing software has been implemented to track the information from the switch and analyze the call detail records against stored detailed information about revenue rates. This software provides PTGI with the ability to perform a timely and accurate analysis of revenue earned in a period. PTGI evaluates gross versus net revenue recognition for each of its contractual arrangements by assessing indicators of control and significant influence to determine whether the PTGI acts as a principal (i.e. gross recognition) or an agent (i.e. net recognition). PTGI has determined that it acts as a principal for all of its performance obligations in connection with all revenue earned. Net revenue represents gross revenue, net of allowance for doubtful accounts receivable, service credits and service adjustments. Cost of revenue includes network costs that consist of access, transport and termination costs. The majority of PTGI’s cost of revenue is variable, primarily based upon minutes of use, with transmission and termination costs being the most significant expense.
Fair Value Measurements and Fair Value of Financial Instruments
Accounting Standard Codification (“ASC”) Topic 820, Fair Value Measurements, clarifies the definition of fair value, prescribes methods for measuring fair value, and establishes a fair value hierarchy to classify the inputs used in measuring fair value as follows:
Level 1: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities available at the measurement date.
Level 2: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable, and inputs derived from or corroborated by observable market data.
Level 3: Inputs are unobservable inputs which reflect the reporting entity's own assumptions on what assumptions the market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on the best available information.
The estimated fair value of certain financial instruments, including all current liabilities are carried at historical cost basis, which approximates their fair values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.
ASC subtopic 825-10, Financial Instruments ("ASC 825-10") requires disclosure of the fair value of certain financial instruments. The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents, accounts payable and accrued liabilities as reflected in the balance sheets, approximate fair value because of the short-term maturity of these instruments. All other significant financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments of the Company are either recognized or disclosed in the financial statements together with other information relevant for making a reasonable assessment of future cash flows, interest rate risk and credit risk. Where practicable the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities have been determined and disclosed; otherwise only available information pertinent to fair value has been disclosed.
The Company follows ASC subtopic 820-10, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures ("ASC 820-10") and ASC 825-10, which permits entities to choose to measure many financial instruments and certain other items at fair value.
The following table represents the Company’s assets and liabilities by level measured at fair value on a recurring basis at December 31, 2020.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Marketable securities, including investment in Oblong, Inc
Derivative liabilities
Derivative Liability
The Company evaluates convertible instruments, options, warrants or other contracts to determine if those contracts or embedded components of those contracts qualify as derivatives to be separately accounted for under ASC Topic 815, "Derivatives and Hedging”. The result of this accounting treatment is that the fair value of the derivative is marked-to-market each balance sheet date and recorded as a liability. In the event that the fair value is recorded as a liability, the change in fair value is recorded in the statement of operations as other income (expense). Upon conversion or exercise of a derivative instrument, the instrument is marked to fair value at the conversion date and then that fair value is reclassified to equity. Equity instruments that are initially classified as equity that become subject to reclassification under ASC Topic 815 are reclassified to liabilities at the fair value of the instrument on the reclassification date. The Company has embedded features that are classified as derivative liabilities. As of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, the Company had $749,930 and $749,600 in derivative liabilities, respectively.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
The Company considers all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.
Stock Based Compensation
The Company records stock-based compensation in accordance with the provisions of FASB ASC Topic 718, “Accounting for Stock Compensation,” which establishes accounting standards for transactions in which an entity exchanges its equity instruments for goods or services. In accordance with guidance provided under ASC Topic 718, the Company recognizes an expense for the fair value of its stock awards at the time of grant and the fair value of its outstanding stock options as they vest, whether held by employees or others. During the three months ended, the Company recorded $4,563,196 in stock-based compensation expense related to these options.
Convertible Debentures
If the conversion features of conventional convertible debt provide for a rate of conversion that is below market value at issuance, this feature is characterized as a beneficial conversion feature ("BCF"). A BCF is recorded by the Company as a debt discount pursuant to ASC Topic 470-20 "Debt with Conversion and Other Options". In those circumstances, the convertible debt is recorded net of the discount related to the BCF, and the Company amortizes the discount to interest expense, over the life of the debt. During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company issued convertible notes resulting in a beneficial conversion feature in the amount of $3,439,874.
Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
The Company follows the policy of charging the costs of advertising, marketing, and public relations to expense as incurred. Advertising, marketing and public relations expense totaled $39,267 and $0 for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
Income Taxes
Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax basis and operating loss, capital loss and tax credit carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.
The Company recognizes the effect of income tax positions only if those positions are more likely than not of being sustained. Recognized income tax positions are measured at the largest amount that is greater than 50% likely of being realized. Changes in recognition or measurement are reflected in the period in which the change in judgment occurs. The Company records interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits as a component of general and administrative expenses. Our federal tax return and any state tax returns are not currently under examination.
The Company has adopted FASB ASC 740-10, Accounting for Income Taxes, which requires an asset and liability approach to financial accounting and reporting for income taxes. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are computed annually from differences between the financial statement and tax basis of assets and liabilities that will result in taxable or deductible amounts in the future based on enacted tax laws and rates applicable to the periods in which the differences are expected to affect taxable income. Valuation allowances are established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.
Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share
The Company computes loss per common share, in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 260, Earnings Per Share, which requires dual presentation of basic and diluted earnings per share. Basic income or loss per common share is computed by dividing net income or loss by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted income or loss per common share is computed by dividing net income or loss by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding, plus the issuance of common shares, if dilutive, that could result from the exercise of outstanding stock options and warrants. No potential dilutive common shares are included in the computation of any diluted per share amount when a loss is reported.
The Company determined its reporting units in accordance with ASC 280, “Segment Reporting” (“ASC 280”). Management evaluates a reporting unit by first identifying its’ operating segments under ASC 280. The Company then evaluates each operating segment to determine if it includes one or more components that constitute a business. If there are components within an operating segment that meet the definition of a business, the Company evaluates those components to determine if they must be aggregated into one or more reporting units. If applicable, when determining if it is appropriate to aggregate different operating segments, the Company determines if the segments are economically similar and, if so, the operating segments are aggregated.
Management has determined that the Company has three consolidated operating segments, one of which is currently material (ICS). We are reporting all as one segment because the other two are immaterial. The Company’s reporting segment reflects the manner in which its chief operating decision maker reviews results and allocates resources. The Company’s reporting segment meets the definition of an operating segment and does not include the aggregation of multiple operating segments.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
In February 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842), which will require lessees to recognize almost all leases on their balance sheet as a right-of-use asset and a lease liability. For income statement purposes, the FASB retained a dual model, requiring leases to be classified as either operating or finance. Classification will be based on criteria that are largely similar to those applied in current lease accounting, but without explicit bright lines. Lessor accounting is similar to the current model, but updated to align with certain changes to the lessee model and the new revenue recognition standard. This ASU is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years. The Company has adopted this guidance effective January 1, 2019. The Company currently has no leases.
In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU No. 2016-13, Credit Losses - Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments ("ASC 326"). ASU 2016-13 requires entities to use a forward-looking approach based on current expected credit losses (“CECL”) to estimate credit losses on certain types of financial instruments, including trade receivables. This may result in the earlier recognition of allowances for losses. ASU 2016-13 is effective for the Company beginning July 1, 2023, and early adoption is permitted. The Company does not believe the potential impact of the new guidance and related codification improvements will be material to its financial position, results of operations and cash flows.
In August 2020, the FASB issued ASU No. 2020-06, Debt—Debt with Conversion and Other Options (Subtopic 470-20) and Derivatives and Hedging—Contracts in Entity’s Own Equity (Subtopic 815-40): Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity. ASU 2020-06 will simplify the accounting for convertible instruments by reducing the number of accounting models for convertible debt instruments and convertible preferred stock. Limiting the accounting models will result in fewer embedded conversion features being separately recognized from the host contract as compared with current GAAP. Convertible instruments that continue to be subject to separation models are (1) those with embedded conversion features that are not clearly and closely related to the host contract, that meet the definition of a derivative, and that do not qualify for a scope exception from derivative accounting and (2) convertible debt instruments issued with substantial premiums for which the premiums are recorded as paid-in capital. ASU 2020-06 also amends the guidance for the derivatives scope exception for contracts in an entity’s own equity to reduce form-over-substance-based accounting conclusions. ASU 2020-06 will be effective January 1, 2024, for the Company. Early adoption is permitted, but no earlier than January 1, 2021, including interim periods within that year. Management is currently evaluating the effect of the adoption of ASU 2020-06 on the consolidated financial statements, but currently does not believe ASU 2020-06 will have a significant impact on the Company’s accounting for its convertible debt instruments. The effect will largely depend on the composition and terms of the financial instruments at the time of adoption.
Concentration of credit risks
The Company maintains accounts with financial institutions. All cash in checking accounts is non-interest bearing and is fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). At times, cash balances may exceed the maximum coverage provided by the FDIC on insured depositor accounts. The Company believes it mitigates its risk by depositing its cash and cash equivalents with major financial institutions. At March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, the Company had $10,097,380 and $9,715,176 in excess of FDIC insurance, respectively.
Fixed assets
Fixed assets consisted of the following at March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020:
March 31,
December 31,
Computer hardware
Computer software
Furniture and fixtures
Less: Accumulated depreciation
Fixed assets – net
Depreciation expense was $49,947 and $0 for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
Marketable securities and other investments
Available-for-sale securities are stated at fair value in accordance with ASC Topic 320 “Investments- Debt and Equity”. Under this standard, certain investments in debt and equity securities will be reported at fair value. The Company’s marketable securities are being reported as available for sale and any changes in their value are included in comprehensive income and as a separate component of stockholders’ equity. The market value of the securities is determined using prices as reflected on an established market. Realized and unrealized gains and losses are determined on an average cost basis.
The value of these securities at March 31, 2021 is as follows:

Brokerage Account
Oblong (OBLG)
Gross unrealized gain
Gross unrealized loss
Fair value
In December 2020, the Company acquired 2,952 Class C shares of Mobile Power Solutions SRL (“MPS”) in exchange for $149,262. These Class C shares are nonmarketable securities, which does not have a readily determinable value. The Company has elected under ASU 2016-01 to reflect its fair value at cost less impairment, if any, plus or minus any changes resulting from observable price changes in orderly transactions for the identical or similar investment in MPS. There were no observable transactions in similar shares of MPS between the acquisition date and March 31, 2021.
Business acquisitions
TransWorld Enterprises, Inc.
Effective April 30, 2020, the Company entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the outstanding equity interests of TransWorld, pursuant to that certain Share Exchange Agreement (referred to as the “Exchange Agreement”), by and among the Company, TransWorld and the shareholders of TransWorld. The transactions contemplated by the Exchange Agreement closed on May 8, 2020. In accordance with the Exchange Agreement, the Company acquired all of the outstanding shares of TransWorld in exchange for 1,000,000 shares of each of the Company’s series D and series F preferred stock. The series D preferred stock is convertible into 12.5% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares of common stock upon consummation of a reverse stock split and votes on an as converted basis. The series F preferred stock is convertible into 12.5% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares of common stock at any time at the option of the holder and votes on an as converted basis.
TransWorld did not meet the definition of a business under ASC 805, Business Combinations. As such the transaction was treated as an asset purchase. According to ASC 805-50-30-2 if the consideration given is not in the form of cash, measurement is based on either the cost which shall be measured based on the fair value of the consideration given or the fair value of the asset (or net assets) acquired, whichever is more clearly evident and, thus, more reliably measurable. In this case, TransWorld did not have any assets. As such the value of the consideration was valued at $3,057,907, which was the value of the Series D and Series F Preferred stock. The entire value was recoded as goodwill. As of December 31, 2020, we determined that the full amount of goodwill related to this transaction needed to be impaired. As such we recorded a loss on impairment of goodwill in the amount of $3,057,907.
Romolos Corp.
On August 10, 2020, the Company entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement with Romolos Corp. The agreement provided for the purchase of the rights and assets related to the operation of a FedEx Route for a purchase price of $900,000. The route is currently serving no less than an average of 3,000 weekly stops based upon annual 2020 deliveries made to date. The purchase will be all cash. The acquisition is subject to approval by FedEx, an overlap of an additional acquisition, which is expected to sign in the near term, and customary due diligence. During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company paid a $90,000 deposit towards the purchase. As of December 31, 2020, the acquisition did not close by the date set forth in the agreement and the Company decided to no longer pursue this transaction.
APS Transportation Inc.
On August 27, 2020, the Company entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement with APS Transportation, Inc. The agreement provides for the purchase of the rights and assets related to the operation of a FedEx Route for a purchase price of $525,000. The route is currently serving no less than an average of 3,000 weekly stops based upon annual 2020 deliveries made to date. The purchase will be all cash. The acquisition is subject to approval by FedEx, an overlap of an additional acquisition, which is expected to sign in the near term, and customary due diligence. During the years ended December 31, 2020, the Company paid a $52,500 deposit towards the purchase. As of December 31, 2020, the acquisition did not close by the date set forth in the agreement and the Company decided to no longer pursue this transaction.
Of the $142,500 in route deposits, the Company received $132,500 back. During the three months ended March 31, 2021, the Company wrote off the remaining $10,000 as it does not expect to collect it.
GetCharged, Inc.
On August 27, 2020, the Company entered into a stock purchase agreement with GetCharged, Inc. (“GetCharged”). In connection with the agreement, the Company will purchase the outstanding shares of GetCharged in exchange for $17,500,000 to be paid in the Company’s common stock. The Closing on the acquisition occurred on October 12, 2020 with the Company issuing 60,000,000 shares of common stock valued at $28,200,000, or $0.47 per share. In connection with the closing, the Company owed a success fee of 3%, or $525,000, to KORR Value LP, an entity controlled by Kenneth Orr, the Company’s Executive Chairman. As of December 31, 2020, the success fee has been paid in full.
60,000,000 shares of common stock, valued at $0.47 per share, issued to the sellers
Total consideration
Fair values of identifiable net assets and liabilities:
Total assets
Notes payable
Total fair value of identifiable net assets and liabilities
Initial goodwill (consideration given minus fair value of identifiable net assets and liabilities
The initial goodwill calculated was $27,326,861. Since the consideration given was $10,700,000 in excess of the consideration promised by the agreement, the company is immediately recording a loss on goodwill impairment in the amount of $10,700,000. The remaining goodwill of $16,626,861 is recorded on the reporting unit’s books.
PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc.
On October 2, 2020, the Company entered into a stock purchase agreement with the shareholders of PTGI International Carrier Services Inc. (“ICS”) pursuant to which the Company agreed to acquire 100% of the outstanding voting securities of ICS in consideration for $892,000 (the “ICS Acquisition”). The closing of the ICS Acquisition occurred on October 31, 2020. In connection with the closing, the Company owed a success fee of $505,000, to KORR Value LP, an entity controlled by Kenneth Orr, the Company’s Executive Chairman. As of December 31, 2020, the success fee has been paid in full.
Total consideration
Fair values of identifiable net assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable
Other current assets
Fixed assets
Other assets
Total assets
Accounts payable
Accrued liabilities
Other liabilities
Total liabilities
Total fair value of identifiable net assets and liabilities
Goodwill (consideration given minus fair value of identifiable net assets and liabilities)
The Company analyzed the acquisition under applicable guidance and determined that the acquisition should be accounted for as a business combination. The acquisition resulted in $549,129 in goodwill which is recorded on the reporting unit’s books.
Note receivable
On June 9, 2020, the Company issued $405,000 for a promissory note to Root Protocols Corp. The note has an interest rate of 16% and a maturity date of 120 days. In connection with the $525,000 success fee owed to KORR Value, LP, KORR agreed to take over the note receivable balance of $405,000 as a $405,000 payment toward the success fee.
Related party payables
As of December 31, 2019, the balance in related party payables amounted to $302,031. The Company had an oral agreement with the Company’s former CEO (Isaac H. Sutton), who provided management services through a private entity that he owns. On April 30, 2020 Isaac H. Sutton stepped down as CEO of the Company and is no longer a related party. The related party payable was converted to a convertible note payable in the amount of $300,000. The balance of that convertible note payable as of December 31, 2020 was $227,525. See Note 9.
During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company’s CEO Andrew Fox advanced cash and paid bills on behalf of the Company, through its subsidiary, Get Charged, Inc. During the year ended December 31, 2020, $40,000 was advanced in cash and bills in the amount of $149,312 were paid on the Company’s behalf. The balance in related party payable at March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 was $40,050 and $189,312, respectively.
Convertible notes payable
The carrying value of convertible notes payable, net of discount, as of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 was $3,900,699 and $3,384,089, respectively, as summarized below:
March 31,
December 31,
Convertible Notes Payable
Convertible notes payable issued May 8, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued April 30, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued August 25, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued August 27, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued September 14, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued November 30, 2020 (8% interest)
Total face value
Less: unamortized discount and debt issue costs
  Carrying value
May 2020 Financing $3,000,000 Face Value
On May 8, 2020, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with certain institutional investors (collectively, the “May 2020 Investors”) pursuant to which the Company issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $3 million for an aggregate purchase price of $2.7 million (collectively, the “Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the Notes, the Company issued to the May 2020 Investors warrants to purchase an aggregate of 7,600,000 shares of Common Stock (collectively, the “Warrants”) and 7.5 shares of series G convertible preferred stock (the “Series G Preferred Stock”). The Notes as amended mature on May 8, 2022, unless earlier converted. The Notes accrue interest at a rate of 8% per annum, subject to increase to 20% per annum upon and during the occurrence of an event of default. Interest is payable in cash on a quarterly basis beginning on December 31, 2020. The May 2020 Notes are convertible at any time, at the holder’s option, into shares of our common stock at an initial conversion price of $0.25 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%) and subject to a decrease in the conversion price to the greater of (i) $0.01 or (ii) 75% of the average VWAP of the Common Stock for the immediately preceding five (5) Trading Days on the date of conversion. The conversion price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, and stock splits. The Notes may be redeemed by the Company, in its sole discretion, in an amount equal to 110% of the principal amount, interest and any other amounts owed under the Notes, subject to certain limitations.
Each Warrant is exercisable for a period of two years from the date of issuance at an initial exercise price of $0.50 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%). The exercise price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, stock splits and in connection with the issuance by the Company of common stock or common stock equivalents at an effective price per share lower than the exercise price then in effect. The May 2020 Investors may exercise the Warrants on a cashless basis if the shares of common stock underlying the Warrants are not then registered pursuant to an effective registration statement. In the event the May 2020 Investors exercise the Warrants on a cashless basis, then we will not receive any proceeds.
The Series G Preferred Stock have no voting rights and shall convert into 7.5% of our issued and outstanding shares of common stock upon consummation of a reverse stock split of our Common Stock.
The Notes rank senior to all current and future indebtedness of the Company and are secured by substantially all of the assets of the Company.
A Registration Rights Agreement was executed in connection with the issuance of the Notes, the Warrants and the Preferred Stock. If we fail to have it declared effective by the SEC within 150 days following the date of the financing, or if the Company fails to maintain the effectiveness of the registration statement until all of such shares of common stock have been sold or are otherwise able to be sold pursuant to Rue 144 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, without any volume or manner of sale restrictions, then the Company will be obligated to pay to the May 2020 Investors liquidated damages equal to then, in addition to any other rights the May 2020 Investors may under applicable law, upon the occurrence of any such event and on each monthly anniversary of thereafter until the event is cured, the Company shall pay to the May 2020 Investors an amount in cash equal to their pro rata portion of $50,000, provided such amount shall increase by $25,000 on every thirty (30) day anniversary, until such events are satisfied.
The Company has accounted for these Notes as a financing transaction, wherein the net proceeds that were received were allocated to the financial instrument issued. Prior to making the accounting allocation, the Company evaluated the notes under ASC 815 Derivatives and Hedging (“ASC 815”). ASC 815 generally requires the analysis of embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. The material embedded derivative feature was a true up provision. The true up provision bears risks of equity which were not clearly and closely related to the host debt agreement and required bifurcation.
We did analyze the detachable warrants under ASC 480-10 and ASC 815. The warrants did not fall under the guidance of ASC 480-10. After analyzing the warrants under ASC 815, it was determined that the warrants did meet all the requirements for equity classification under guidance of ASC 815-40-25-1 through 6.
April 30, 2020 Sutton Global Note $227,525 Face Value
On April 30, 2020, the former CEO converted his payable into a convertible note with a face value of $300,000. The note has a coupon rate of 6% and a maturity date of December 31, 2021. The note is convertible at a rate of $.0005 per share. Since the note added a conversion option, it resulted in a debt modification requiring the Company to record a loss on modification of debt in the amount of $98,825. The Company recorded interest expense related to this note in the amount of $4,751 for the years ended December 31, 2020. On March 25, 2021, Sutton Global Associates converted $149,000 in principal and $12,125 in accrued interest into 644,499 shares of the company common stock.
Notes issued between August 25, 2020 and September 14, 2020 Aggregate $725,333 Face Value
Between August 25, 2020 and September 14, 2020, the Company issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $436,444 for an aggregate purchase price of $395,000. In connection with the issuance of the Notes, the Company issued warrants to purchase an aggregate of 872,887 shares of Common Stock. The notes have a coupon rate of 8% and a maturity date of one year.
On August 27, 2020, a related party reassigned $288,889 in principal to an unrelated party. On March 24, 2021, this party converted $288,889 in principal and $13,297 in accrued interest into 1,208,743 shares of common stock.
On March 9, 2021, a party converted $166,668 in principal and $7,106 in accrued interest into 695,706 shares of common stock.
The Company has accounted for these Notes as a financing transaction, wherein the net proceeds that were received were allocated to the financial instrument issued. Prior to making the accounting allocation, the Company evaluated the notes under ASC 815 Derivatives and Hedging (“ASC 815”). ASC 815 generally requires the analysis of embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. None of the terms and features embedded in the notes required bifurcation and liability classification.
We did analyze the detachable warrants under ASC 480-10 and ASC 815. The warrants did not fall under the guidance of ASC 480-10. After analyzing the warrants under ASC 815, it was determined that the warrants did meet all the requirements for equity classification under guidance of ASC 815-40-25-1 through 6.
November 2020 Financing $3,888,889 Face Value
On November 3, 2020, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with funds affiliated with Arena Investors LP (the “November 2020 Investors”) pursuant to which it issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $3.8 million for an aggregate purchase price of $3.5 million (collectively, the “November 2020 Notes” and together with the May 2020 Notes, the “Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the November 2020 Notes, we issued to the November 2020 Investors 903,226 shares of common stock. The November 2020 Notes are convertible at any time, at the holder’s option, into shares of our common stock at a conversion price of $0.25 per share.
The Company has accounted for these Notes as a financing transaction, wherein the net proceeds that were received were allocated to the financial instrument issued. Prior to making the accounting allocation, the Company evaluated the notes under ASC 815 Derivatives and Hedging (“ASC 815”). ASC 815 generally requires the analysis of embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. None of the terms and features embedded in the notes required bifurcation and liability classification.
We did analyze the detachable warrants under ASC 480-10 and ASC 815. The warrants did not fall under the guidance of ASC 480-10. After analyzing the warrants under ASC 815, it was determined that the warrants did meet all the requirements for equity classification under guidance of ASC 815-40-25-1 through 6.
Based on the above, the Company allocated the face value as follows:

May 8, 2020
August 25, 2020 - September 14, 2020
November 2020
Original issue discount
Beneficial conversion feature
Series G convertible preferred stock
Warrants (Equity)
Common stock
Day one derivative expense
Derivative liability
Convertible promissory note, carrying value
Face value
For the May 8, 2020 notes, the value assigned to the Series G convertible preferred stock and warrants were based on their relative fair values.
Amortization of debt discount and accrued interest
For the three months ended March 31, 2021, the Company recorded $1,113,117 in amortization of debt discount. The amount of unamortized discount and debt issue costs as of March 31, 2021 was $3,257,967. Through March 31, 2021, the Company recorded $155,668 in accrued interest related to the notes, which is included within accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheet. In connection with the financing, the Company paid $30,000 in debt issue costs. These costs were recorded as a contra-liability and will be amortized over the life of the loan.
Convertible notes payable, related parties
The carrying value of convertible notes payable related party, net of discount, as of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 was $0 and $275,984 as summarized below:
March 31,
December 31,
Convertible Notes Payable, Related Parties
Convertible notes payable issued May 8, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued September 2, 2020 (8% interest)
Total face value
Less: unamortized discount and debt issue costs
  Carrying value
KORR Value Financing
In May and June 2020, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with KORR Value LP, an entity controlled by Kenneth Orr, the Company’s Executive Chairman, pursuant to which the Company issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $550,000 for an aggregate purchase price of $495,000 (collectively, the “KORR Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the KORR Notes, the Company issued to KORR Value warrants to purchase an aggregate of 1,266,667 shares of Common Stock (collectively, the “KORR Warrants”). The KORR Notes and KORR Warrants are on substantially the same terms as the Notes and Warrants issued to the Selling Shareholders except that the KORR Notes are subordinated to the Notes. On August 27, 2020, notes totaling $288,889 were assigned to an unrelated party (Note 10).
9 Madison Inc. Financing
On September 2, 2020, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with 9 Madison, Inc., an entity controlled by Andrew Fox, the Company’s CEO, pursuant to which the Company issued a convertible note in the amount of $110,000 for an aggregate purchase price of $100,000. The notes are convertible at the holders option at a conversion price of $0.25 per share. In connection with the issuance of the Notes, the Company issued to 9 Madison warrants to purchase an aggregate of 440,000 shares of Common Stock
The Company has accounted for these Notes as a financing transaction, wherein the net proceeds that were received were allocated to the financial instrument issued. Prior to making the accounting allocation, the Company evaluated the notes under ASC 815 Derivatives and Hedging (“ASC 815”). ASC 815 generally requires the analysis of embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. None of the terms and features embedded in the notes required bifurcation and liability classification.
We did analyze the detachable warrants under ASC 480-10 and ASC 815. The warrants did not fall under the guidance of ASC 480-10. After analyzing the warrants under ASC 815, it was determined that the warrants did meet all the requirements for equity classification under guidance of ASC 815-40-25-1 through 6.
Based on the previous conclusions, the Company allocated the face value as follows:
KORR Value
9 Madison Inc.
Original issue discount
Beneficial conversion feature
Warrants (Equity)
Convertible promissory note, carrying value
Face value
On August 27, 2020, the Company repaid $13,183 in interest to KORR Value.
For the three months ended March 31, 2021, the Company recorded $95,127 in amortization of debt discount. As of March 31, 2021, the Company recorded $6,019 in accrued interest related to the note.
On March 15, 2021, KORR Value converted $261,111 in principal and $17,798 in accrued interest into 1,115,638 shares of common stock.
On March 15, 2021, 9 Madison converted $110,000 in principal and $4,677 in accrued interest into 458,709 shares of common stock.
Derivative liabilities
The May 2020 notes embodied certain terms and conditions that were not clearly and closely related to the host debt agreement in terms of economic risks and characteristics. These terms and features consist of the true up provision, which provides that in the event that the proceeds received by the Holder from the sale of all the Conversion Shares and up to 50% of the Commitment Shares (“Hurdle Shares”) does not equal at least $750,000 (the “Hurdle Return”) on June 1, 2021 (the “True-Up Payment Date”), the Company must pay the Holders their pro rata portion of an amount in cash (the “True-Up Payment”) equal to the Hurdle Return less the proceeds previously realized by the Holder from the sale of the Hurdle Shares, net of brokerage commissions and any other fees incurred by Holder in connection with the sale of any Hurdle Shares (“Net Proceeds”).
The following table summarizes the Company’s derivative liabilities as of March 31, 2021 that were reflected in income related to derivatives for the period ended:
The financings giving rise to derivative financial instruments
Embedded derivatives (true up provisions)
The following table summarizes the effects on the Company’s gain (loss) associated with changes in the fair values of the derivative financial instruments by type of financing for the year ended December 31, 2020:
The financings giving rise to derivative financial instruments and the gain (loss) effects:
Change in fair value of derivative liabilities
Day-one derivative expense
Current accounting principles that are provided in ASC 815 - Derivatives and Hedging require derivative financial instruments to be classified in liabilities and carried at fair value with changes recorded in income. The Company has selected a present value technique to fair value the true up provision. The maximum amount of cash the Company would have to deliver is $750,000, which is equal to the hurdle return. A present value is applied to the hurdle return to come up with the derivative liability each period.
Significant inputs to the present value technique are as follows for the embedded derivatives that have been bifurcated from the convertible notes and classified in liabilities:
March 31,
December 31,
Future value (hurdle return)
Number of periods (remaining days to June 1, 2021 true-up date)
62 days
152 days
Interest rate (discount rate)*
The discount rate is a level 3 input.
The following table reflects the issuances of compound embedded derivatives and detachable warrants and changes in fair value inputs and assumptions related to the embedded derivatives during the periods ended March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020.
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
December 31,
Balances at beginning of year
Embedded derivatives
Changes in fair value inputs and assumptions reflected in income
Balances at end of year
Preferred Stock
The Company has 10,000,000 Shares of Preferred Stock authorized with a par value of $.001. The Company has allocated 1,000,000 Shares for Series A Preferred, 1,000,000 Shares for Series B Preferred, 5,000,000 Shares for Series C Preferred, 1,000,000 for Series D Preferred, 1,000,000 for Series E Preferred, 1,000,000 for Series F Preferred and 7.5 for Series G Preferred.
Series A —The Series A Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder.
The holders are entitled to receive dividends.
1 Preferred share is convertible to 100 common shares.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall be entitled to elect the majority of the members of the Board of Directors.
On December 7, 2020, 1,000,000 shares of Series F Preferred stock were converted into 1,000,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock. As of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, there is 1,000,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock outstanding.
The following preferred share issuances related to designation and share issuances prior to the reorganization in October 2020 from a Nevada corporation to a Delaware corporation.
Series B —As of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 there were 0 shares issued and outstanding. The Series B Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder.
The holders are entitled to receive dividends.
100,000 preferred shares are convertible to 9.9% common shares.
The Series B holders are entitled to receive liquidation in preference to the common holders or any other class or series of preferred stock.
Voting: The Series B holders are entitled to vote together with the common holders as a single class.
In 2017, 200,000 shares of Series B Preferred Stock were issued to the Company’s CEO in exchange for a conversion of $200,000 of related party advances. On May 8, 2020, the 200,000 shares were cancelled.
Series C — As of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 there were 0 shares issued and outstanding. The Series C Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder.
The holders are entitled to receive dividends.
1 Preferred share is convertible to 10 common shares.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall be entitled to vote 1 Preferred Shares for 5,000 votes.
On May 8, 2020, the 2,000,000 shares were cancelled.
Series D — As of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 there were 0 shares issued and outstanding. The Series D Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible into common upon the Company completing a 500 to 1 reverse stock split upon which the amount converted will equal 80% of the issued and outstanding common per the reverse split.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall be entitled to vote and shall in aggregate represent 80% of the votes.
On May 8, 2020, in connection with the Share Exchange (See Note 6), the Company issued 1,000,000 shares of Series D Preferred Stock. On December 7, 2020, the 1,000,000 shares of Series D Preferred Stock were converted into 63,711,968 shares of common stock.
Series E — As of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 there were 0 shares issued and outstanding. On January 15, 2020, the Company sold 125,000 shares of Series E Preferred for $12,500. On December 31, 2019, the holder of the Series of Preferred converted $38,100 face value plus $3,725 in accrued interest into 418,251 shares of Series E preferred stock. The Series E Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder any time after March 30, 2020; 1 preferred share is convertible into 1,000 common shares
Automatically convertible into common upon the Company completing a 500 to 1 reverse stock split.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall not be entitled to vote.
On December 7, 2020, the 543,251 shares of Series E Preferred Stock were converted into 1,086,502 shares of common stock.
Series F — As of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 there were 0 shares issued and outstanding. On May 8, 2020, in connection with the Share Exchange (See Footnote 5), the Company issued 1,000,000 shares of Series F Preferred Stock.
The Series F Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible into 80% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares of common stock upon consummation of a reverse stock split and votes on an as converted basis.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred are entitled to whole number of votes equal to the number of shares of common stock.
On December 7, 2020, 1,000,000 shares of Series F Preferred stock were converted into 1,000,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock.
Series G — As of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 there were 0 shares issued and outstanding. In connection with the May 8, 2020 financing, the Company issued 8 of Series G Preferred Stock. The Series G Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible into 1% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares of common stock at any time at the option of the holder and votes on an as converted basis.
The shares will automatically convert to common shares once the 500 to 1 reverse split is effective.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall not be entitled to vote.
On December 7, 2020, the 7.5 shares of Series G Preferred Stock were converted into 6,199,135 shares of common stock.
The Company has evaluated each series of the Preferred Stock for proper classification under ASC 480 - Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity and ASC 815 - Derivatives and Hedging.
ASC 480 generally requires liability classification for financial instruments that are certain to be redeemed, represent obligations to purchase shares of stock or represent obligations to issue a variable number of common shares. The Company concluded that each series of Preferred Stock was not within the scope of ASC 480 because none of the three conditions for liability classification was present.
ASC 815 generally requires an analysis embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. However, in order to perform this analysis, the Company was first required to evaluate the economic risks and characteristics of each series of the Preferred Stock in its entirety as being either akin to equity or akin to debt. The Company’s evaluation concluded that each series of Preferred Stock was more akin to an equity-like contract largely due to the fact the financial instrument is not mandatorily redeemable for cash and the holders are not entitled to any dividends. Other features of the Preferred Stock that operate like equity, such as the conversion option and voting feature, afforded more evidence, in the Company’s view, that the instrument is more akin to equity. As a result, the embedded conversion features are clearly and closely related to their equity host instruments. Therefore, the embedded conversion features do not require bifurcation and classification as derivative liabilities.
Private Placement
On December 8, 2020, the Company entered into a Private Placement Agreement for the purchase of up to an aggregate $2,500,000 at $0.25 per share. In connection with the Private Placement, the Company sold 8,700,000 shares for an aggregate $2,175,000. The shares were sold through placement agents to unaffiliated, third party accredited investors at a price that was negotiated with such investors. Such price was at a discount to the closing market price of $1.60 on the OTC market, where the Company's common stock has been quoted since January 27, 2021. The shares were issued on January 15, 2021.
Placement Agent Warrants
In connection with the December 8, 2020 Private Placement Agreement, the placement agents were given warrants to purchase an aggregate of 10,000,000 shares of the Company’s common stock for a seven year period at an exercise price of $2.00 per share. These warrants were valued at $15,500,000 and met equity classification. $2,100,000 of the $15,500,000 was recorded in equity as stock issue costs and the remaining $13,400,000 was recorded in other expenses on the statement of operations.
Stock options
The Company selected the Black-Scholes-Merton (“BSM”) valuation technique to calculate the grant date fair values for the stock options because it believes that this technique is reflective of all the inputs that market participants would likely consider in transactions involving warrants. The inputs include the strike price, underlying price, term to expiration, volatility, and risk-free interest rate.
Stock option activity for the period ended March 31, 2021 is summarized as follows:
Weighted Average exercise price
Options outstanding January 1, 2021
Options granted
Options exercised
Options cancelled
Options outstanding at March 31, 2021
Options exercisable at March 31, 2021
At March 31, 2021, the weighted average remaining life of the stock options is 4.57 years. At March 31, 2021, there was $17,431,538 in unrecognized costs related to the stock options granted.

Commitments and contingencies
During the normal course of business, the Company may be exposed to litigation. When the Company becomes aware of potential litigation, it evaluates the merits of the case in accordance with FASB ASC 450-20-50, Contingencies. The Company evaluates its exposure to the matter, possible legal or settlement strategies and the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome. If the Company determines that an unfavorable outcome is probable and can be reasonably estimated, it establishes the necessary accruals. As of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, the Company is not aware of any contingent liabilities that should be reflected in the consolidated financial statements.
Subsequent events
Acquisition of Nextridge
Our wholly-owned subsidiary, Charge Infrastructure, Inc., entered into a securities purchase agreement, dated May 7, 2021, with the shareholders of Nextridge, Inc., a New York corporation (“Nextridge”) pursuant to which we agreed to purchase all the issued and outstanding shares of Nextridge for an aggregate purchase price of $18,850,000 (the “Nextridge Acquisition”). $6,850,000.00 of the aggregate purchase price payable to the shareholders of Nextridge will be payable through the issuance of 2,395,105 shares of our Series B preferred stock (the “Series B Preferred”). The acquisition closed on May 21, 2021. Nextridge operates its business through its wholly owned subsidiary, ANS Advanced Network Services LLC, a New York, limited liability company.
Arena Investors Note
On May 19, 2021, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with funds affiliated with Arena Investors LP (the “May 2021 Investors”) pursuant to which it issued notes in an aggregate principal amount of $16,642,609 for an aggregate purchase price of $15,260,000 (the “May 2021 Notes” and together with the May 2020 and November 2020 Notes, the “Notes”). The notes were issued in two tranches.
Tranche 1 was issued in the form of a convertible note for an aggregate principal amount of $5,610,000 and an aggregate purchase price of $500,000. The notes have a coupon of 8% and a 3-year term. Tranche 1 is convertible at any time, at the holder’s option, into shares of our common stock at a conversion price of $3.00 per share, or 1,870,000 shares, subject to a 9.99% blocker. In connection with the issuance of Tranche 1, we issued to the May 2021 Investors 100% warrant coverage at face value ($5,610,000) or 1,870,000 shares. The warrants have a strike price of $4.00 per share and a term of 3 years.
Tranche 2 was issued in the form of a non-convertible note in the aggregate face amount of $11,032,609. The notes have a coupon of 8% and an 18-month term.
SEC comment letter
On May 28, 2021, the Company received an SEC comment letter regarding its S-1 registration filing. The Company is in the process of addressing those comments.
To the Board of Directors and Stockholder’s of Charge Enterprises, Inc.
Opinion on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of Charge Enterprises, Inc. and subsidiaries (the "Company") as of December 31, 2020, and the related consolidated statements of operations, comprehensive loss, changes in stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2020 and the results of their operations and their cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2020, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Basis of Opinion
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (“PCAOB”) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audit, we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.
Our audit included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
Our audit also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
  Seligson & Giannattasio, LLP
We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2020.
White Plains, New York
May 7, 2021, except for Note 12, as to which the date is June 8, 2021
To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of GoIP Global, Inc.
Opinion on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of GoIP Global, Inc. (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, and the related statements of operations, changes in stockholders’ deficit, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the financial statements). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Basis for Opinion
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits, we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.
Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Substantial Doubt about the Company’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 4, the Company has incurred net losses and negative cash flow from operations since inception. These factors, and the need for additional financing in order for the Company to meet its business plans raises substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. Our opinion is not modified with respect to that matter.
We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2019.
Tampa, Florida
June 4, 2020
4806 West Gandy Boulevard ● Tampa, Florida 33611 ● 813.440.6380
December 31,
December 31,
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable, net
Deposits and prepaids
Other current assets net
Marketable securities
Investment in Oblong (OBLG)
Investment in MPS
Total current assets
Property, plant and equipment, net
Non-current assets
Deferred tax asset
                       Total assets
Current liabilities:
           Accounts payable
           Accrued liabilities
           Deferred revenue
           Convertible notes payable, net of discount
           Convertible notes payable, related parties, net of discount
           Related party payable
           Derivative liabilities
                       Total current liabilities
Non-current liabilities:
           Convertible notes payable, net of discount
                       Total liabilities
Commitments and contingencies
Stockholder's Equity (Deficit)
Preferred stock, $0.001 par value, 10,000,000 shares authorized;
   Series A: 1,000,000 authorized; 1,000,000 and 0 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series B: 1,000,000 shares authorized; 0 and 200,000 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series C: 5,000,000 authorized; 0 and 2,000,000 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series D: 1,000,000 authorized; 0 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series E: 1,000,000 authorized; 0 and 418,251 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series F: 1,000,000 authorized; 0 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
   Series G: 100,000 authorized; 0 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
Common stock, $0.001 par value; 6,800,000,000 shares authorized 140,018,383 and 9,516,329 issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020 and 2019
Common stock to be issued, 13,425,750 and 3,224,949 shares at December 31, 2020
Additional paid in capital
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Accumulated deficit
                       Total stockholders' equity (deficit)
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity (deficit)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
  For the years ended December 31,
Net Revenues
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross Margin
Operating expenses
Stock based compensation
General and administrative
Professional fees
Salaries and related benefits
Depreciation expense
Total operating expenses
Net operating loss
Other income (expenses):
Interest expense
Interest expense, related party
Amortization of debt discount
Amortization of debt discount, related party
Amortization of debt issue costs
Stock-Issuance Costs
Change in fair value of derivative liabilities
Change in fair value of convertible debt
Foreign exchange adjustments
Loss on modification of debt
Loss on impairment of goodwill
Gain on settlement of liabilities
Total other expenses
Net loss before income taxes
Income tax benefit (expense)
Net income (loss)
Basic loss per share
Weighted average number of shares outstanding, basic
Diluted loss per share
Weighted average number of shares outstanding, basic and diluted
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Years Ended December 31,
Net loss
Other comprehensive income
Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of tax
Unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities, net of tax
Other comprehensive income
Comprehensive loss
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
 Preferred Stock
 Common Stock
 Common Stock to be Issued
  Additional Paid-In
  Accumulated Other
Balance, January 1, 2019
Sale of common stock
Conversion of debt to common stock
Conversion of liabilties to common stock
Conversion of debt into Series D Preferred stock
Conversion of accrued payroll to common stock
Conversion of Series A Preferred stock to common stock
Beneficial conversion feature
Net loss
Balance, December 31, 2019
Shares of common stock from prior year issued
Sale of Series E Preferred Stock
Series D Preferred stock issued in merger with Transworld Enterprises, Inc.
Series F Preferred stock issued in merger with Transworld Enterprises, Inc.
Series G Preferred stock issued in connection with Convertible Notes
Series B Preferred stock cancelled
Series C Preferred stock cancelled
Loss on modification of debt
Sale of common stock
Common stock issued for Get Charged, Inc. acquisition
Common stock to be issued for Get Charged, Inc. acquisition
Series D Preferred stock converted into common
Series E Preferred stock converted into common
Conversion of Series G Preferred stock to common stock
Common stock issued to satisfy liability
Common stock issued with convertible debt
Stock based compensation
Stock issuance costs
Warrants issued to placement agents
Warrants issued with convertible debt
Beneficial conversion feature
Other comprehensive income
Net loss
Balance, December 31, 2020
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements

For the years ended December 31,
Net loss
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization
     Stock-based compensation
     Change in fair value of derivative liabilities
     Amortization of debt discount
     Amortization of debt discount, related party
     Amortization of debt issue costs
     Stock issuance costs
     Loss on modification of debt
     Loss on impairment of goodwill
     Deferred taxes
     Gain on settlement of liabilities
Changes in working capital requirements:
     Accounts receivable
     Prepaids and other current assets
     Accounts payable
     Accrued expenses
     Other comprehensive income
                 Net cash used in operating activities
Acquisition of fixed assets
Acquisition of marketable securities
Purchase of subsidiary
Cash acquired in acquisition
Acquisition of MPS
     Net cash provided by investing activities
Proceeds from sale of common stock
Cash receipts from sale of Series E Preferred Stock
Related party payments
Cash receipts from issuance of convertible notes payable
Cash receipts from issuance of convertible notes payable, related party
     Net cash provided by financing activities
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information
Cash paid for interest expense
Cash paid for income taxes
Non-cash operating and financing activities:
   Goodwill acquired in a business combination through the issuance of stock
   Common stock issued for liquidating damages
   Debt discount associated with convertible notes
   Placement agent warrants
   Series G Preferred Stock issued in connection with convertible notes financing
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Nature of operations
Charge Enterprises, Inc. (“Charge Enterprises” (formerly known as “Transworld Holdings, Inc.” “GoIP Global, Inc.”, “GoIP”) was incorporated on May 8, 2003 as E Education Network, Inc. (“EEN”) under the laws of the State of Nevada. On August 10, 2005, the Company’s name was changed to GoIP Global, Inc. On December 28, 2017, the Company was redomiciled in Colorado. On October 1, 2020, the Company was redomiciled to Delaware and the name was changed to TransWorld Holdings, Inc.
On April 30, 2020, the Company entered into a Share Exchange Agreement with TransWorld Enterprises Inc. (“TW”), a Delaware Corporation. As part of the exchange the Company has agreed to issue 1,000,000 share of Series D Preferred Stock and 1,000,000 shares of Series F Preferred Stock in exchange for all the equity interest of TW. TW, as a holding company, will focus on acquiring controlling interests in profitable basic businesses.  Initially, TW will focus on acquiring transportation companies and simple manufacturing and or consumer products businesses.
On July 13, 2020, the Board of Directors of the Company approved, subject to shareholder approval, (i) a Plan of Conversion, pursuant to which the Company will convert from a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Colorado to a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware (the “Reincorporation”), and such approval includes the adoption of the Certificate of Incorporation (the “Delaware Certificate”) and the Bylaws (the “Delaware Bylaws”) for the Company under the laws of the State of Delaware, and a change in the name of the Company from “GoIP Global, Inc.” to “Transworld Holdings, Inc.”, each to become effective concurrently with the effectiveness of the Reincorporation and (ii) a reverse stock split of our outstanding common stock in a ratio of one-for-five hundred (1:500), provided that all fractional shares as a result of the split shall be automatically rounded up to the next whole share (the “Reverse Split”), to become effective immediately prior to the effectiveness of the Reincorporation. On August 7, 2020, shareholder approval for these actions was obtained. The Reincorporation was effective October 1, 2020 and the reverse split was effective on October 6, 2020.
On January 26, 2021, following its acquisitions of PTGI and GetCharged, we changed our name from Transworld Holdings, Inc. to Charge Enterprises, Inc.
Reverse stock split
The Company effected a 500:1 reverse stock split on October 6, 2020. Share amounts are reflected given effect to the reverse stock split on a retroactive basis.
Summary of significant accounting policies
Basis of Presentation
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”).
Principles of Consolidation
Charge Enterprises, Inc. (formerly Transworld Holdings, Inc. and GoIP Global, Inc.) has three wholly-owned subsidiaries: TransWorld Enterprises, Inc., Get Charged Inc. and PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc. (“ICS”). The consolidated financial statements, which include the accounts of the Company and its three wholly-owned subsidiaries, are prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (U.S. GAAP). All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated. The consolidated financial statements, which include the accounts of the Company and its three wholly-owned subsidiaries, and related disclosures have been prepared pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). The Financial Statements have been prepared using the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) and presented in US dollars. The year end is December 31.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. The most significant assumptions and estimates relate to the valuation of equity issued for services, valuation of equity associated with convertible debt, the valuation of derivative liabilities, and the valuation of deferred tax assets. Actual results could differ from these estimates.
Revenue Recognition
The Company recognizes revenue in accordance with Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2014-09, “Revenue from contracts with customers,” (Topic 606). Revenue is recognized when a customer obtains control of promised goods or services. In addition, the standard requires disclosure of the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. The amount of revenue that is recorded reflects the consideration that the Company expects to receive in exchange for those goods. The Company applies the following five-step model in order to determine this amount: (i) identification of the promised goods in the contract; (ii) determination of whether the promised goods are performance obligations, including whether they are distinct in the context of the contract; (iii) measurement of the transaction price, including the constraint on variable consideration; (iv) allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations; and (v) recognition of revenue when (or as) the Company satisfies each performance obligation. The Company’s main revenue stream is from services. The Company recognizes as revenues the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to the respective performance obligation when the performance obligation is satisfied or as it is satisfied. Generally, the Company's performance obligations are transferred to customers at a point in time, typically upon delivery.
PTGI operates an extensive network of direct routes and offers premium voice communication services for carrying a mix of business, residential and carrier long-distance traffic, data and transit traffic. All accounts have a bilateral relationship with PTGI, meaning they have both a customer and vendor relationship with PTGI. The bilateral contract allows PTGI to sell the customer per minute call termination to the PTGI supplier routes at a specific rate per minute, but also provides PTGi the ability to purchases per minute call termination to the customer’s supplier routes, again at a specific rate per minute. The price that we pay to terminate calls to the customer supply routes and the price we charge back to the same customer are not fixed over time and have no fixed or base fees, just a variable rate per minute fee. The variable rate per minute fee for calls varies based on destination, market conditions and availability at the time calls are sent to or from PTGi. The amount of revenues generated from contracts under these bilateral relationships were $696,119,986 and $793,466,665 for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. In addition, the amount of expenses generated from contracts under these bilateral relationships were $684,877,653 and $778,988,522 for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Net revenue is derived from the long-distance data and transit traffic. Net revenue is earned based on the number of minutes during a call multiplied by the price per minute, and is recorded upon completion of a call. Completed calls are billable activity while incomplete calls are non-billable. Incomplete calls may occur as a result of technical issues or because the customer’s credit limit was exceeded and thus the customer routing of traffic was prevented. Revenue for a period is calculated from information received through PTGI’s billing software, such as minutes and market rates. Customized billing software has been implemented to track the information from the switch and analyze the call detail records against stored detailed information about revenue rates. This software provides PTGI with the ability to perform a timely and accurate analysis of revenue earned in a period. PTGI evaluates gross versus net revenue recognition for each of its contractual arrangements by assessing indicators of control and significant influence to determine whether the PTGI acts as a principal (i.e. gross recognition) or an agent (i.e. net recognition). PTGI has determined that it acts as a principal for all of its performance obligations in connection with all revenue earned. Net revenue represents gross revenue, net of allowance for doubtful accounts receivable, service credits and service adjustments. Cost of revenue includes network costs that consist of access, transport and termination costs. The majority of PTGI’s cost of revenue is variable, primarily based upon minutes of use, with transmission and termination costs being the most significant expense.
Fair Value Measurements and Fair Value of Financial Instruments
Accounting Standard Codification (“ASC”) Topic 820, Fair Value Measurements, clarifies the definition of fair value, prescribes methods for measuring fair value, and establishes a fair value hierarchy to classify the inputs used in measuring fair value as follows:
Level 1: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities available at the measurement date.
Level 2: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable, and inputs derived from or corroborated by observable market data.
Level 3: Inputs are unobservable inputs which reflect the reporting entity's own assumptions on what assumptions the market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on the best available information.
The estimated fair value of certain financial instruments, including all current liabilities are carried at historical cost basis, which approximates their fair values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.
ASC subtopic 825-10, Financial Instruments ("ASC 825-10") requires disclosure of the fair value of certain financial instruments. The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents, accounts payable and accrued liabilities as reflected in the balance sheets, approximate fair value because of the short-term maturity of these instruments. All other significant financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments of the Company are either recognized or disclosed in the financial statements together with other information relevant for making a reasonable assessment of future cash flows, interest rate risk and credit risk. Where practicable the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities have been determined and disclosed; otherwise only available information pertinent to fair value has been disclosed.
The Company follows ASC subtopic 820-10, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures ("ASC 820-10") and ASC 825-10, which permits entities to choose to measure many financial instruments and certain other items at fair value.
The following table represents the Company’s assets and liabilities by level measured at fair value on a recurring basis at December 31, 2020.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
 Marketable securities, including investment in Oblong, Inc
Derivative liabilities
Derivative Liability
The Company evaluates convertible instruments, options, warrants or other contracts to determine if those contracts or embedded components of those contracts qualify as derivatives to be separately accounted for under ASC Topic 815, "Derivatives and Hedging”. The result of this accounting treatment is that the fair value of the derivative is marked-to-market each balance sheet date and recorded as a liability. In the event that the fair value is recorded as a liability, the change in fair value is recorded in the statement of operations as other income (expense). Upon conversion or exercise of a derivative instrument, the instrument is marked to fair value at the conversion date and then that fair value is reclassified to equity. Equity instruments that are initially classified as equity that become subject to reclassification under ASC Topic 815 are reclassified to liabilities at the fair value of the instrument on the reclassification date. The Company has embedded features that are classified as derivative liabilities. As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the Company had $749,600 and $0 in derivative liabilities, respectively.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
The Company considers all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.
Stock Based Compensation
The Company records stock-based compensation in accordance with the provisions of FASB ASC Topic 718, “Accounting for Stock Compensation,” which establishes accounting standards for transactions in which an entity exchanges its equity instruments for goods or services. In accordance with guidance provided under ASC Topic 718, the Company recognizes an expense for the fair value of its stock awards at the time of grant and the fair value of its outstanding stock options as they vest, whether held by employees or others. During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company issued options indexed to 20,500,000 shares of common stock. As of December 31, 2020, the Company recorded $2,326,298 in stock-based compensation expense related to these options.
Convertible Debentures
If the conversion features of conventional convertible debt provide for a rate of conversion that is below market value at issuance, this feature is characterized as a beneficial conversion feature ("BCF"). A BCF is recorded by the Company as a debt discount pursuant to ASC Topic 470-20 "Debt with Conversion and Other Options". In those circumstances, the convertible debt is recorded net of the discount related to the BCF, and the Company amortizes the discount to interest expense, over the life of the debt. During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company issued convertible notes resulting in a beneficial conversion feature in the amount of $3,439,874.
Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
The Company follows the policy of charging the costs of advertising, marketing, and public relations to expense as incurred. Advertising, marketing and public relations expense totaled $76,964 and $0 for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively.
Income Taxes
Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax basis and operating loss, capital loss and tax credit carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.
The Company recognizes the effect of income tax positions only if those positions are more likely than not of being sustained. Recognized income tax positions are measured at the largest amount that is greater than 50% likely of being realized. Changes in recognition or measurement are reflected in the period in which the change in judgment occurs. The Company records interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits as a component of general and administrative expenses. Our federal tax return and any state tax returns are not currently under examination.
The Company has adopted FASB ASC 740-10, Accounting for Income Taxes, which requires an asset and liability approach to financial accounting and reporting for income taxes. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are computed annually from differences between the financial statement and tax basis of assets and liabilities that will result in taxable or deductible amounts in the future based on enacted tax laws and rates applicable to the periods in which the differences are expected to affect taxable income. Valuation allowances are established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.
Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share
The Company computes loss per common share, in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 260, Earnings Per Share, which requires dual presentation of basic and diluted earnings per share. Basic income or loss per common share is computed by dividing net income or loss by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted income or loss per common share is computed by dividing net income or loss by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding, plus the issuance of common shares, if dilutive, that could result from the exercise of outstanding stock options and warrants. No potential dilutive common shares are included in the computation of any diluted per share amount when a loss is reported. Accordingly, we did not include 56,979,065 and 0 of potentially dilutive warrants, convertible notes and convertible preferred stock at December 31, 2020 and 2019 respectively.

For the Years Ended
December 31,
Potentially dilutive warrants
Potentially dilutive convertible notes
Potentially exercisable stock options
Potentially dilutive convertible preferred stock
The Company determined its reporting units in accordance with ASC 280, “Segment Reporting” (“ASC 280”). Management evaluates a reporting unit by first identifying its’ operating segments under ASC 280. The Company then evaluates each operating segment to determine if it includes one or more components that constitute a business. If there are components within an operating segment that meet the definition of a business, the Company evaluates those components to determine if they must be aggregated into one or more reporting units. If applicable, when determining if it is appropriate to aggregate different operating segments, the Company determines if the segments are economically similar and, if so, the operating segments are aggregated.
Management has determined that the Company has three consolidated operating segments, one of which is currently material (ICS). We are reporting all as one segment because the other two are immaterial. The Company’s reporting segment reflects the manner in which its chief operating decision maker reviews results and allocates resources. The Company’s reporting segment meets the definition of an operating segment and does not include the aggregation of multiple operating segments.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
In February 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842), which will require lessees to recognize almost all leases on their balance sheet as a right-of-use asset and a lease liability. For income statement purposes, the FASB retained a dual model, requiring leases to be classified as either operating or finance. Classification will be based on criteria that are largely similar to those applied in current lease accounting, but without explicit bright lines. Lessor accounting is similar to the current model, but updated to align with certain changes to the lessee model and the new revenue recognition standard. This ASU is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years. The Company has adopted this guidance effective January 1, 2019. The Company currently has no leases.
In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU No. 2016-13, Credit Losses - Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments ("ASC 326"). ASU 2016-13 requires entities to use a forward-looking approach based on current expected credit losses (“CECL”) to estimate credit losses on certain types of financial instruments, including trade receivables. This may result in the earlier recognition of allowances for losses. ASU 2016-13 is effective for the Company beginning July 1, 2023, and early adoption is permitted. The Company does not believe the potential impact of the new guidance and related codification improvements will be material to its financial position, results of operations and cash flows.
In August 2020, the FASB issued ASU No. 2020-06, Debt—Debt with Conversion and Other Options (Subtopic 470-20) and Derivatives and Hedging—Contracts in Entity’s Own Equity (Subtopic 815-40): Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity. ASU 2020-06 will simplify the accounting for convertible instruments by reducing the number of accounting models for convertible debt instruments and convertible preferred stock. Limiting the accounting models will result in fewer embedded conversion features being separately recognized from the host contract as compared with current GAAP. Convertible instruments that continue to be subject to separation models are (1) those with embedded conversion features that are not clearly and closely related to the host contract, that meet the definition of a derivative, and that do not qualify for a scope exception from derivative accounting and (2) convertible debt instruments issued with substantial premiums for which the premiums are recorded as paid-in capital. ASU 2020-06 also amends the guidance for the derivatives scope exception for contracts in an entity’s own equity to reduce form-over-substance-based accounting conclusions. ASU 2020-06 will be effective January 1, 2024, for the Company. Early adoption is permitted, but no earlier than January 1, 2021, including interim periods within that year. Management is currently evaluating the effect of the adoption of ASU 2020-06 on the consolidated financial statements, but currently does not believe ASU 2020-06 will have a significant impact on the Company’s accounting for its convertible debt instruments. The effect will largely depend on the composition and terms of the financial instruments at the time of adoption.
Concentration of credit risks
The Company maintains accounts with financial institutions. All cash in checking accounts is non-interest bearing and is fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). At times, cash balances may exceed the maximum coverage provided by the FDIC on insured depositor accounts. The Company believes it mitigates its risk by depositing its cash and cash equivalents with major financial institutions. At December 31, 2020, the Company had $9,715,176 in excess of FDIC insurance.
Fixed assets
Fixed assets consisted of the following at December 31, 2020 and 2019:
December 31,
December 31,
Computer hardware
Computer software
Furniture and fixtures
Less: Accumulated depreciation
Fixed assets – net
Depreciation expense was $82,662 and $0 for the years ended December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively.
Marketable securities and other investments
Available-for-sale securities are stated at fair value in accordance with ASC Topic 320 “Investments- Debt and Equity”. Under this standard, certain investments in debt and equity securities will be reported at fair value. The Company’s marketable securities are being reported as available for sale and any changes in their value are included in comprehensive income and as a separate component of stockholders’ equity. The market value of the securities is determined using prices as reflected on an established market. Realized and unrealized gains and losses are determined on an average cost basis.
The value of these securities at December 31, 2020 is as follows:
Brokerage Account
Oblong (OBLG)
Gross unrealized gain
Gross unrealized loss
Fair value
In December 2020, the Company acquired 2,952 Class C shares of Mobile Power Solutions SRL (“MPS”) in exchange for $149,262. These Class C shares are are nonmarketable securities, which does not have a readily determinable value. The Company has elected under ASU 2016-01 to reflect its fair value at cost less impairment, if any, plus or minus any changes resulting from observable price changes in orderly transactions for the identical or similar investment in MPS. There were no observable transactions in similar shares of MPS between the acquisition date and December 31, 2020.

Business acquisitions
TransWorld Enterprises, Inc.
Effective April 30, 2020, the Company entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the outstanding equity interests of TransWorld, pursuant to that certain Share Exchange Agreement (referred to as the “Exchange Agreement”), by and among the Company, TransWorld and the shareholders of TransWorld. The transactions contemplated by the Exchange Agreement closed on May 8, 2020. In accordance with the Exchange Agreement, the Company acquired all of the outstanding shares of TransWorld in exchange for 1,000,000 shares of each of the Company’s series D and series F preferred stock. The series D preferred stock is convertible into 12.5% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares of common stock upon consummation of a reverse stock split and votes on an as converted basis. The series F preferred stock is convertible into 12.5% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares of common stock at any time at the option of the holder and votes on an as converted basis.
TransWorld did not meet the definition of a business under ASC 805, Business Combinations. As such the transaction was treated as an asset purchase. According to ASC 805-50-30-2 if the consideration given is not in the form of cash, measurement is based on either the cost which shall be measured based on the fair value of the consideration given or the fair value of the asset (or net assets) acquired, whichever is more clearly evident and, thus, more reliably measurable. In this case, TransWorld did not have any assets. As such the value of the consideration was valued at $3,057,907, which was the value of the Series D and Series F Preferred stock. The entire value was recoded as goodwill. As of December 31, 2020, we determined that the full amount of goodwill related to this transaction needed to be impaired. As such we recorded a loss on impairment of goodwill in the amount of $3,057,907.
Romolos Corp.
On August 10, 2020, the Company entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement with Romolos Corp. The agreement provided for the purchase of the rights and assets related to the operation of a FedEx Route for a purchase price of $900,000. The route is currently serving no less than an average of 3,000 weekly stops based upon annual 2020 deliveries made to date. The purchase will be all cash. The acquisition is subject to approval by FedEx, an overlap of an additional acquisition, which is expected to sign in the near term, and customary due diligence. During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company paid a $90,000 deposit towards the purchase. As of December 31, 2020, the acquisition did not close by the date set forth in the agreement and the Company decided to no longer pursue this transaction. The Company has requested the deposit to be returned.
APS Transportation Inc.
On August 27, 2020, the Company entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement with APS Transportation, Inc. The agreement provides for the purchase of the rights and assets related to the operation of a FedEx Route for a purchase price of $525,000. The route is currently serving no less than an average of 3,000 weekly stops based upon annual 2020 deliveries made to date. The purchase will be all cash. The acquisition is subject to approval by FedEx, an overlap of an additional acquisition, which is expected to sign in the near term, and customary due diligence. During the years ended December 31, 2020, the Company paid a $52,500 deposit towards the purchase. As of December 31, 2020, the acquisition did not close by the date set forth in the agreement and the Company decided to no longer pursue this transaction. The Company has requested the deposit to be returned.
GetCharged, Inc.
On August 27, 2020, the Company entered into a stock purchase agreement with GetCharged, Inc. (“GetCharged”). In connection with the agreement, the Company will purchase the outstanding shares of GetCharged in exchange for $17,500,000 to be paid in the Company’s common stock. The Closing on the acquisition occurred on October 12, 2020 with the Company issuing 60,000,000 shares of common stock valued at $28,200,000, or $0.47 per share. In connection with the closing, the Company owed a success fee of 3%, or $525,000, to KORR Value LP, an entity controlled by Kenneth Orr, the Company’s Executive Chairman. As of December 31, 2020, the success fee has been paid in full.
60,000,000 shares of common stock, valued at $0.47 per share, issued to the sellers
Total consideration
Fair values of identifiable net assets and liabilities:
Total assets
Notes payable
Total fair value of identifiable net assets and liabilities
Initial goodwill (consideration given minus fair value of identifiable net assets and liabilities
The initial goodwill calculated was $27,326,861. Since the consideration given was $10,700,000 in excess of the consideration promised by the agreement, the company is immediately recording a loss on goodwill impairment in the amount of $10,700,000. The remaining goodwill of $16,626,861 is recorded on the reporting unit’s books.
PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc.
On October 2, 2020, the Company entered into a stock purchase agreement with the shareholders of PTGI International Carrier Services Inc. (“ICS”) pursuant to which the Company agreed to acquire 100% of the outstanding voting securities of ICS in consideration for $892,000 (the “ICS Acquisition”). The closing of the ICS Acquisition occurred on October 31, 2020. In connection with the closing, the Company owed a success fee of $505,000, to KORR Value LP, an entity controlled by Kenneth Orr, the Company’s Executive Chairman. As of December 31, 2020, the success fee has been paid in full.
Total consideration
Fair values of identifiable net assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable
Other current assets
Fixed assets
Other assets
Total assets
Accounts payable
Accrued liabilities
Other liabilities
Total liabilities
Total fair value of identifiable net assets and liabilities
Goodwill (consideration given minus fair value of identifiable net assets and liabilities)
The Company analyzed the acquisition under applicable guidance and determined that the acquisition should be accounted for as a business combination. The acquisition resulted in $549,129 in goodwill which is recorded on the reporting unit’s books.
Note receivable
On June 9, 2020, the Company issued $405,000 for a promissory note to Root Protocols Corp. The note has an interest rate of 16% and a maturity date of 120 days. In connection with the $525,000 success fee owed to KORR Value, LP, KORR agreed to take over the note receivable balance of $405,000 as a $405,000 payment toward the success fee.
Related party payables
As of December 31, 2019, the balance in related party payables amounted to $302,031. The Company had an oral agreement with the Company’s former CEO (Isaac H. Sutton), who provided management services through a private entity that he owns. On April 30, 2020 Isaac H. Sutton stepped down as CEO of the Company and is no longer a related party. The related party payable was converted to a convertible note payable in the amount of $300,000. The balance of that convertible note payable as of December 31, 2020 was $227,525. See Note 9.
During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company’s CEO Andrew Fox advanced cash and paid bills on behalf of the Company, through its subsidiary, Get Charged, Inc. During the year ended December 31, 2020, $40,000 was advanced in cash and bills in the amount of $149,312 were paid on the Company’s behalf. The balance in related party payable at December 31, 2020 was $189,312.
Convertible notes payable
The carrying value of convertible notes payable, net of discount, as of December 31, 2020 was $3,384,089 as summarized below:
December 31,
Convertible Notes Payable
Convertible notes payable issued May 8, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued April 30, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued August 25, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued August 27, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued September 14, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued November 30, 2020 (8% interest)
Total face value
Less: unamortized discount and debt issue costs
  Carrying value
May 2020 Financing $3,000,000 Face Value
On May 8, 2020, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with certain institutional investors (collectively, the “May 2020 Investors”) pursuant to which the Company issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $3 million for an aggregate purchase price of $2.7 million (collectively, the “Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the Notes, the Company issued to the May 2020 Investors warrants to purchase an aggregate of 7,600,000 shares of Common Stock (collectively, the “Warrants”) and 7.5 shares of series G convertible preferred stock (the “Series G Preferred Stock”). The Notes as amended mature on May 8, 2022, unless earlier converted. The Notes accrue interest at a rate of 8% per annum, subject to increase to 20% per annum upon and during the occurrence of an event of default. Interest is payable in cash on a quarterly basis beginning on December 31, 2020. The May 2020 Notes are convertible at any time, at the holder’s option, into shares of our common stock at an initial conversion price of $0.25 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%) and subject to a decrease in the conversion price to the greater of (i) $0.01 or (ii) 75% of the average VWAP of the Common Stock for the immediately preceding five (5) Trading Days on the date of conversion. The conversion price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, and stock splits. The Notes may be redeemed by the Company, in its sole discretion, in an amount equal to 110% of the principal amount, interest and any other amounts owed under the Notes, subject to certain limitations.
Each Warrant is exercisable for a period of two years from the date of issuance at an initial exercise price of $0.50 per share, subject to certain beneficial ownership limitations (with a maximum ownership limit of 9.99%). The exercise price is also subject to adjustment due to certain events, including stock dividends, stock splits and in connection with the issuance by the Company of common stock or common stock equivalents at an effective price per share lower than the exercise price then in effect. The May 2020 Investors may exercise the Warrants on a cashless basis if the shares of common stock underlying the Warrants are not then registered pursuant to an effective registration statement. In the event the May 2020 Investors exercise the Warrants on a cashless basis, then we will not receive any proceeds.
The Series G Preferred Stock have no voting rights and shall convert into 7.5% of our issued and outstanding shares of common stock upon consummation of a reverse stock split of our Common Stock.
The Notes rank senior to all current and future indebtedness of the Company and are secured by substantially all of the assets of the Company.
A Registration Rights Agreement was executed in connection with the issuance of the Notes, the Warrants and the Preferred Stock. If we fail to have it declared effective by the SEC within 150 days following the date of the financing, or if the Company fails to maintain the effectiveness of the registration statement until all of such shares of common stock have been sold or are otherwise able to be sold pursuant to Rue 144 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, without any volume or manner of sale restrictions, then the Company will be obligated to pay to the May 2020 Investors liquidated damages equal to then, in addition to any other rights the May 2020 Investors may under applicable law, upon the occurrence of any such event and on each monthly anniversary of thereafter until the event is cured, the Company shall pay to the May 2020 Investors an amount in cash equal to their pro rata portion of $50,000, provided such amount shall increase by $25,000 on every thirty (30) day anniversary, until such events are satisfied.
The Company has accounted for these Notes as a financing transaction, wherein the net proceeds that were received were allocated to the financial instrument issued. Prior to making the accounting allocation, the Company evaluated the notes under ASC 815 Derivatives and Hedging (“ASC 815”). ASC 815 generally requires the analysis of embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. The material embedded derivative feature was a true up provision. The true up provision bears risks of equity which were not clearly and closely related to the host debt agreement and required bifurcation.
We did analyze the detachable warrants under ASC 480-10 and ASC 815. The warrants did not fall under the guidance of ASC 480-10. After analyzing the warrants under ASC 815, it was determined that the warrants did meet all the requirements for equity classification under guidance of ASC 815-40-25-1 through 6.
April 30, 2020 Sutton Global Note $227,525 Face Value
On April 30, 2020, the former CEO converted his payable into a convertible note with a face value of $300,000. The note has a coupon rate of 6% and a maturity date of December 31, 2021. The note is convertible at a rate of $.0005 per share. Since the note added a conversion option, it resulted in a debt modification requiring the Company to record a loss on modification of debt in the amount of $98,825. The Company recorded interest expense related to this note in the amount of $4,751 for the years ended December 31, 2020. As of December 31, 2020 the balance of the note was $227,525 and is recorded on the balance sheet as a non-current liability.
Notes issued between August 25, 2020 and September 14, 2020 Aggregate $725,333 Face Value
Between August 25, 2020 and September 14, 2020, the Company issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $436,444 for an aggregate purchase price of $395,000. In connection with the issuance of the Notes, the Company issued warrants to purchase an aggregate of 872,887 shares of Common Stock. The notes have a coupon rate of 8% and a maturity date of one year.
On August 27, 2020, a related party reassigned $288,889 in principal to an unrelated party.
After the reassigned amount, the aggregate face value of these notes is $725,333.
The Company has accounted for these Notes as a financing transaction, wherein the net proceeds that were received were allocated to the financial instrument issued. Prior to making the accounting allocation, the Company evaluated the notes under ASC 815 Derivatives and Hedging (“ASC 815”). ASC 815 generally requires the analysis of embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. None of the terms and features embedded in the notes required bifurcation and liability classification.
We did analyze the detachable warrants under ASC 480-10 and ASC 815. The warrants did not fall under the guidance of ASC 480-10. After analyzing the warrants under ASC 815, it was determined that the warrants did meet all the requirements for equity classification under guidance of ASC 815-40-25-1 through 6.
November 2020 Financing $3,888,889 Face Value
On November 3, 2020, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with funds affiliated with Arena Investors LP (the “November 2020 Investors”) pursuant to which it issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $3.8 million for an aggregate purchase price of $3.5 million (collectively, the “November 2020 Notes” and together with the May 2020 Notes, the “Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the November 2020 Notes, we issued to the November 2020 Investors 903,226 shares of common stock. The November 2020 Notes are convertible at any time, at the holder’s option, into shares of our common stock at a conversion price of $0.25 per share.
The Company has accounted for these Notes as a financing transaction, wherein the net proceeds that were received were allocated to the financial instrument issued. Prior to making the accounting allocation, the Company evaluated the notes under ASC 815 Derivatives and Hedging (“ASC 815”). ASC 815 generally requires the analysis of embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. None of the terms and features embedded in the notes required bifurcation and liability classification.
We did analyze the detachable warrants under ASC 480-10 and ASC 815. The warrants did not fall under the guidance of ASC 480-10. After analyzing the warrants under ASC 815, it was determined that the warrants did meet all the requirements for equity classification under guidance of ASC 815-40-25-1 through 6.
Based on the above, the Company allocated the face value as follows:
May 8, 2020 Notes
Sutton Global
August 25, 2020 -
September 14, 2020 Notes
November 2020 Financing
Original issue discount
Beneficial conversion feature
Series G convertible preferred stock
Warrants (Equity)
Common stock
Day one derivative expense
Derivative liability
Convertible promissory note, carrying value
Face value
For the May 8, 2020 notes, the value assigned to the Series G convertible preferred stock and warrants were based on their relative fair values.
Amortization of debt discount and accrued interest
For the years ended December 31, 2020, the Company recorded $2,667,733 in amortization of debt discount. The amount of unamortized discount and debt issue costs as of December 31, 2020 was $4,457,658. Through December 31, 2020, the Company recorded $225,271 in accrued interest related to the notes, which is included within accrued liabilities on the consolidated balance sheet. Of the $225,271 in accrued interest, $96,000 has been repaid, resulting in a balance of $129,271 at December 31, 2020. In connection with the financing, the Company paid $30,000 in debt issue costs. These costs were recorded as a contra-liability and will be amortized over the life of the loan. For the years ended December 31, 2020 the Company recorded $19,562 in amortization of debt issue costs.
Convertible notes payable, related parties
The carrying value of convertible notes payable related party, net of discount, as of December 31, 2020 was $244,705 as summarized below:
December 31,
Convertible Notes Payable, Related Parties
Convertible notes payable issued May 8, 2020 (8% interest)
Convertible notes payable issued September 2, 2020 (8% interest)
Total face value
Less: unamortized discount and debt issue costs
  Carrying value
KORR Value Financing
In May and June 2020, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with KORR Value LP, an entity controlled by Kenneth Orr, the Company’s Executive Chairman, pursuant to which the Company issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $550,000 for an aggregate purchase price of $495,000 (collectively, the “KORR Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the KORR Notes, the Company issued to KORR Value warrants to purchase an aggregate of 1,266,667 shares of Common Stock (collectively, the “KORR Warrants”). The KORR Notes and KORR Warrants are on substantially the same terms as the Notes and Warrants issued to the Selling Shareholders except that the KORR Notes are subordinated to the Notes. On August 27, 2020, notes totaling $288,889 were assigned to an unrelated party (Note 10).
9 Madison Inc. Financing
On September 2, 2020, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with 9 Madison, Inc., an entity controlled by Andrew Fox, the Company’s CEO, pursuant to which the Company issued a convertible note in the amount of $110,000 for an aggregate purchase price of $100,000. The notes are convertible at the holders option at a conversion price of $0.25 per share. In connection with the issuance of the Notes, the Company issued to 9 Madison warrants to purchase an aggregate of 440,000 shares of Common Stock
The Company has accounted for these Notes as a financing transaction, wherein the net proceeds that were received were allocated to the financial instrument issued. Prior to making the accounting allocation, the Company evaluated the notes under ASC 815 Derivatives and Hedging (“ASC 815”). ASC 815 generally requires the analysis of embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. None of the terms and features embedded in the notes required bifurcation and liability classification.
We did analyze the detachable warrants under ASC 480-10 and ASC 815. The warrants did not fall under the guidance of ASC 480-10. After analyzing the warrants under ASC 815, it was determined that the warrants did meet all the requirements for equity classification under guidance of ASC 815-40-25-1 through 6.
Based on the previous conclusions, the Company allocated the face value as follows:
KORR Value Notes
9 Madison Inc. Notes
Original issue discount
Beneficial conversion feature
Warrants (Equity)
Convertible promissory note, carrying value
Face value
On August 27, 2020, the Company repaid $13,183 in interest to KORR Value.
For the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company recorded $28,032 in amortization of debt discount. The amount of unamortized discount as of December 31, 2020 was $95,127. As of December 31, 2020, the Company recorded $16,456 in accrued interest related to the note.
Derivative liabilities
The May 2020 notes embodied certain terms and conditions that were not clearly and closely related to the host debt agreement in terms of economic risks and characteristics. These terms and features consist of the true up provision, which provides that in the event that the proceeds received by the Holder from the sale of all the Conversion Shares and up to 50% of the Commitment Shares (“Hurdle Shares”) does not equal at least $750,000 (the “Hurdle Return”) on June 1, 2021 (the “True-Up Payment Date”), the Company must pay the Holders their pro rata portion of an amount in cash (the “True-Up Payment”) equal to the Hurdle Return less the proceeds previously realized by the Holder from the sale of the Hurdle Shares, net of brokerage commissions and any other fees incurred by Holder in connection with the sale of any Hurdle Shares (“Net Proceeds”).
The following table summarizes the Company’s derivative liabilities as of December 31, 2020 that were reflected in income related to derivatives for the period ended:
The financings giving rise to derivative financial instruments
Embedded derivatives (true up provisions)
The following table summarizes the effects on the Company’s gain (loss) associated with changes in the fair values of the derivative financial instruments by type of financing for the year ended December 31, 2020:
The financings giving rise to derivative financial instruments and the gain (loss) effects:
Change in fair value of derivative liabilities
Day-one derivative expense
Current accounting principles that are provided in ASC 815 - Derivatives and Hedging require derivative financial instruments to be classified in liabilities and carried at fair value with changes recorded in income. The Company has selected a present value technique to fair value the true up provision. The maximum amount of cash the Company would have to deliver is $750,000, which is equal to the hurdle return. A present value is applied to the hurdle return to come up with the derivative liability each period.
Significant inputs to the present value technique are as follows for the embedded derivatives that have been bifurcated from the convertible notes and classified in liabilities:
May 8, 2020
December 30, 2020
Future value (hurdle return)
Number of periods (remaining days to June 1, 2021 true-up date)
  389 days 
  152 days 
Interest rate (discount rate)*
The discount rate is a level 3 input.
The following table reflects the issuances of compound embedded derivatives and detachable warrants and changes in fair value inputs and assumptions related to the embedded derivatives and detachable warrants during the years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019.
Year ended
December 31, 2020
Balances at beginning of year
Embedded derivatives
Changes in fair value inputs and assumptions reflected in income
Balances at end of year
Preferred Stock
The Company has 10,000,000 Shares of Preferred Stock authorized with a par value of $.001. The Company has allocated 1,000,000 Shares for Series A Preferred, 1,000,000 Shares for Series B Preferred, 5,000,000 Shares for Series C Preferred, 1,000,000 for Series D Preferred, 1,000,000 for Series E Preferred, 1,000,000 for Series F Preferred and 7.5 for Series G Preferred.
Series A —The Series A Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder.
The holders are entitled to receive dividends.
1 Preferred share is convertible to 100 common shares.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall be entitled to elect the majority of the members of the Board of Directors.
On December 7, 2020, 1,000,000 shares of Series F Preferred stock were converted into 1,000,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock. As of December 31, 2020, there is 1,000,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock outstanding.
Series B —As of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019 there were 0 and 200,000 shares issued and outstanding to the Company’s officer and CEO. The Series B Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder.
The holders are entitled to receive dividends.
100,000 preferred shares are convertible to 9.9% common shares.
The Series B holders are entitled to receive liquidation in preference to the common holders or any other class or series of preferred stock.
Voting: The Series B holders are entitled to vote together with the common holders as a single class.
In 2017, 200,000 shares of Series B Preferred Stock were issued to the Company’s CEO in exchange for a conversion of $200,000 of related party advances. On May 8, 2020, the 200,000 shares were cancelled.
Series C — As of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019 there were 0 and 2,000,000 shares issued and outstanding to the Company’s officer and CEO. The Series C Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder.
The holders are entitled to receive dividends.
1 Preferred share is convertible to 10 common shares.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall be entitled to vote 1 Preferred Shares for 5,000 votes.
On May 8, 2020, the 2,000,000 shares were cancelled.
Series D — As of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019 there were 0 shares issued and outstanding. The Series D Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible into common upon the Company completing a 500 to 1 reverse stock split upon which the amount converted will equal 80% of the issued and outstanding common per the reverse split.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall be entitled to vote and shall in aggregate represent 80% of the votes.
On May 8, 2020, in connection with the Share Exchange (See Note 6), the Company issued 1,000,000 shares of Series D Preferred Stock. On December 7, 2020, the 1,000,000 shares of Series D Preferred Stock were converted into 63,711,968 shares of common stock.
Series E — As of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019 there were 0 and 418,251 shares issued and outstanding, respectively. On January 15, 2020, the Company sold 125,000 shares of Series E Preferred for $12,500. On December 31, 2019, the holder of the Series of Preferred converted $38,100 face value plus $3,725 in accrued interest into 418,251 shares of Series E preferred stock. The Series E Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder any time after March 30, 2020; 1 preferred share is convertible into 1,000 common shares
Automatically convertible into common upon the Company completing a 500 to 1 reverse stock split.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall not be entitled to vote.
On December 7, 2020, the 543,251 shares of Series E Preferred Stock were converted into 1,086,502 shares of common stock.
Series F — As of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019 there were 0 and 0 shares issued and outstanding, respectively. On May 8, 2020, in connection with the Share Exchange (See Footnote 5), the Company issued 1,000,000 shares of Series F Preferred Stock.
The Series F Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible into 80% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares of common stock upon consummation of a reverse stock split and votes on an as converted basis.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred are entitled to whole number of votes equal to the number of shares of common stock.
On December 7, 2020, 1,000,000 shares of Series F Preferred stock were converted into 1,000,000 shares of Series A Preferred Stock.
Series G — As of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019 there were 0 and 0 shares issued and outstanding, respectively. In connection with the May 8, 2020 financing, the Company issued 8 of Series G Preferred Stock. The Series G Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible into 1% of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares of common stock at any time at the option of the holder and votes on an as converted basis.
The shares will automatically convert to common shares once the 500 to 1 reverse split is effective.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall not be entitled to vote.
On December 7, 2020, the 7.5 shares of Series G Preferred Stock were converted into 6,199,135 shares of common stock.

The Company has evaluated each series of the Preferred Stock for proper classification under ASC 480 - Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity and ASC 815 - Derivatives and Hedging.
ASC 480 generally requires liability classification for financial instruments that are certain to be redeemed, represent obligations to purchase shares of stock or represent obligations to issue a variable number of common shares. The Company concluded that each series of Preferred Stock was not within the scope of ASC 480 because none of the three conditions for liability classification was present.
ASC 815 generally requires an analysis embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. However, in order to perform this analysis, the Company was first required to evaluate the economic risks and characteristics of each series of the Preferred Stock in its entirety as being either akin to equity or akin to debt. The Company’s evaluation concluded that each series of Preferred Stock was more akin to an equity-like contract largely due to the fact the financial instrument is not mandatorily redeemable for cash and the holders are not entitled to any dividends. Other features of the Preferred Stock that operate like equity, such as the conversion option and voting feature, afforded more evidence, in the Company’s view, that the instrument is more akin to equity. As a result, the embedded conversion features are clearly and closely related to their equity host instruments. Therefore, the embedded conversion features do not require bifurcation and classification as derivative liabilities.
Private Placement
On December 8, 2020, the Company entered into a Private Placement Agreement for the purchase of up to an aggregate $2,500,000 at $0.25 per share. In connection with the Private Placement, the Company sold 8,700,000 shares for an aggregate $2,175,000. The shares were sold through placement agents to un-affiliated, third party accredited investors at a price that was negotiated with such investors. Such price was at a discount to the closing market price of $1.60 on the OTC Pink Market, where the Company’s common stock has been quoted on since January 27, 2021. The shares were issued on January 15, 2021.
Placement Agent Warrants
In connection with the December 8, 2020 Private Placement Agreement, the placement agents were given warrants to purchase an aggregate of 10,000,000 shares of the Company’s common stock for a seven year period at an exercise price of $2.00 per share. These warrants were valued at $15,500,000 and met equity classification. $2,100,000 of the $15,500,000 was recorded in equity as stock issue costs and the remaining $13,400,000 was recorded in other expenses on the statement of operations.
Stock options
During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company granted the following stock options to employees:
On October 12, 2020, the Company granted 10,000,000 shares vesting with 25% vesting immediately and the remaining evenly over three years with an exercise price of $0.485 per share.
On November 1, 2020, the Company granted 10,500,000 shares vesting equally over three years with an exercise price of $0.55 per share.

The Company selected the Black-Scholes-Merton (“BSM”) valuation technique to calculate the grant date fair values for the stock options because it believes that this technique is reflective of all the inputs that market participants would likely consider in transactions involving warrants. The inputs include the strike price, underlying price, term to expiration, volatility, and risk-free interest rate. The grant date fair value of the stock options was $10,231,249. Of that amount, $2,326,298 was recorded in stock-compensation expense during the year ended December 31, 2020.
At December 31, 2020 options outstanding were:




of Options
Contractual Life
Options Outstanding – January 1, 2019
Options Outstanding – December 31, 2019
4.81 years
Options Outstanding – December 31, 2020
4.81 years
Outstanding Exercisable – December 31, 2020
4.77 years
The following table represents warrant activity for years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019:




of Warrants
Contractual Life
Warrants Outstanding – January 1, 2019
Warrants Outstanding – December 31, 2019
6.93 years
Warrants Outstanding – December 31, 2020
6.93 years
Outstanding Exercisable – December 31, 2020
6.93 years
Commitments and contingencies
During the normal course of business, the Company may be exposed to litigation. When the Company becomes aware of potential litigation, it evaluates the merits of the case in accordance with FASB ASC 450-20-50, Contingencies. The Company evaluates its exposure to the matter, possible legal or settlement strategies and the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome. If the Company determines that an unfavorable outcome is probable and can be reasonably estimated, it establishes the necessary accruals. As of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019, the Company is not aware of any contingent liabilities that should be reflected in the consolidated financial statements.
Income taxes
The components of income tax expense (benefit) for years ended December 31 were as follows:
Year Ended December 31,
State and local
Total current
State and local
Total deferred
Total income tax expense (benefit)
The following table reconciles the difference between the statutory federal income tax rate for the Company and the effective income tax rate the years ended December 31:
Year Ended December 31,
Computed expected income tax benefit
Goodwill impairment
Issuance costs
Other permanent items
Change in valuation allowance
Income tax expense (benefit) for the period
Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effect of temporary differences between carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for income taxes.
Significant components of U.S. federal and state deferred tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, are as follows:
Year Ended December 31,
Deferred tax assets
Federal net operating loss carryforwards
Stock Awards
Allowance for Bad Debt
Total gross deferred tax assets
Less valuation allowances
Net deferred tax assets
Deferred tax liabilities
Property, plant and equipment
Foreign Exchange Gains/Losses
Total gross deferred tax liabilities
Net deferred tax (liabilities) assets
Future utilization of NOL’s arising in tax years after December 31, 2017 are limited to eighty percent of taxable income and are allowed to be carried forward indefinitely. NOL’s generated in 2017 and prior may carry forward 20 years. As of December 31, 2020 the Company has $12.6 million of NOL’s generated prior to December 31, 2017 and $5.3 million of NOL’s generated after 2017. During the tax year 2020, the Company underwent an ownership change as defined by Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code and as such the NOLs will be subject to annual limitations. As of December 31, 2020, the Company's valuation allowance of $3.8 million related primarily to Federal NOL carryforwards.
The Company files U.S. federal and certain applicable U.S. state income tax returns. Management has reviewed and evaluated the relevant technical merits of each of its tax positions and determined that there are no uncertain tax positions that would have a material impact on these financial statements.
Subsequent events
Name change
On January 26, 2021, following its acquisitions of PTGI and GetCharged, we changed our name from Transworld Holdings, Inc. to Charge Enterprises, Inc.
2020 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan
On January 11, 2021, our Board of Directors and a majority of our stockholders adopted the 2020 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan (the “2020 Plan”). The 2020 Plan provides for the issuance of incentive stock options, non-statutory stock options, stock appreciation rights (“SARs”), restricted stock, restricted stock units (“RSUs”), and other stock-based awards of up to 25,000,000 shares of common stock.
Stock options
250,000 Director options were granted to 3 board members on January 11, 2021.  The options vest 20% immediately and 20% on each of the next 4 annual anniversaries of the grant.
1,500,000 options were granted to Justin Deutch on January 11, 2021.  The options vest 20% immediately and 20% on each of the next 4 annual anniversaries of the grant.
Options were issued to Baron Davis on 2/16/21.  Mr Davis was made a member of the board and received a non-qualified stock option grant that vests 25% immediately and the remainder over a three-year period.
On March 2, 2021 the board approved the January 15th granting of 2,735,000 options to a number of employees and consultants.  The options have various vesting periods from 1 to 3 years.
SEC Comment Letter
On March 11, 2021, the Company received an SEC comment letter regarding its S-1 registration filing. The Company is in the process of addressing those comments.
Note conversions
On March 25, 2021, Sutton Global Associates converted $149,000 in principal and $12,124.93 in accrued interest not 644,499 shares of the company common stock.
On March 15, 2021, KORR Value converted $261,111 in principal and $17,798 in accrued interest into 1,115,638 shares of common stock.
On March 15, 2021, 9 Madison converted $110,000 in principal and $4,677 in accrued interest into 458,709 shares of common stock.
On March 24, 2021, PGD Ventures converted $288,889 in principal and $13,297 in accrued interest into 1,208,743 shares of common stock.
Shares issued for services
Subsequent to December 31, 2020, 66,000 shares of common stock were issued to two firms for services.
To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of GoIP Global, Inc.
Opinion on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of GoIP Global, Inc. (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, and the related statements of operations, changes in stockholders’ deficit, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the financial statements). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Basis for Opinion
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits, we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.
Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Substantial Doubt about the Company’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 4, the Company has incurred net losses and negative cash flow from operations since inception. These factors, and the need for additional financing in order for the Company to meet its business plans raises substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. Our opinion is not modified with respect to that matter.
We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2019.
Tampa, Florida
June 4, 2020
4806 West Gandy Boulevard ● Tampa, Florida 33611 ● 813.440.6380
December 31,
December 31,
Current assets
Total assets
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Related party payable
Convertible notes payable, net of unamortized discount
Derivative liabilities
Total current liabilities
Commitments and contingencies (Note 9)
Stockholder's deficit
Preferred stock, $0.0001 par value, 10,000,000 shares authorized;
Series B: 1,000,000 shares authorized; 200,000 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively
Series A: 10,000 authorized; 0 and 100,000 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively
Series C: 5,000,000 authorized; 2,000,000 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2019 and 2018 respectively
Series E: 1,000,000 authorized; 418,251 and 0 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively
Common stock, $0.0001 par value; 6,800,000,000 shares authorized 4,758,164,306 and 4,143,164,306 issued and outstanding at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively
Additional paid in capital
Shares to be issued
Accumulated deficit
Total stockholders' deficit
Total liabilities and stockholders' deficit
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements
For the years ended December 31,
Operating expenses
Personnel expenses
General and administrative
Total operating expenses
Net operating loss
Other income (expenses):
Interest expense
Amortization of debt discount
Change in fair value of derivative liabilities
Total other expenses
Net income (loss)
Basic and diluted loss per share
Weighted average number of shares outstanding, basic and diluted
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements
Preferred Stock
Series B
Series A
Series C
Series E
Common Stock
To Be Issued
Balance, December 31, 2017
Subscribed shares to be issued
Shares issued for services
Net loss
Balance, December 31, 2018
Sale of common stock
Conversion of debt to common stock
Conversion of liabilities to common stock
Conversion of debt into Series E
Preferred stock
Conversion of accrued payroll to common stock
Conversion of Series A Preferred stock to common stock
Beneficial conversion feature
Net loss
Balance, December 31, 2019
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements
For the years ended December 31,
Net loss
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities:
Stock-based compensation
Change in fair value of derivative liabilities
Amortization of debt discount
Changes in working capital requirements:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Related party advances
Net cash used in operating activities
Cash receipts from subscribed common stock (to be issued)
Cash receipts from sale of common stock
Cash receipts from issuance of convertible notes payable
Net cash provided by financing activities
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information
Cash paid for interest expense
Cash paid for income taxes
Non-cash operating and financing activities:
Conversion of liabilities to common stock
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements
1.Nature of operations
GoIP Global. Inc. ("GoIP or the "Company”) was incorporated on May 8, 2003 as E Education Network, Inc. (“EEN”) under the laws of the State of Nevada. On August 10, 2005, the Company’s name was changed to GoIP Global, Inc. On December 28, 2017 the company was redomiciled in Colorado and is now a Colorado corporation.
GoIP business operations deals with The Internet of Value (IoV) which enables the instant exchange of value transactions like currencies, stocks, votes, securities, intellectual property, music, scientific discoveries, and more without intermediaries. Similar to how information is exchanged across the internet today. This is powerful because it enables a future for everyone to share in the transfer of value. The Internet of Value is poised to reshape and transform e-Commerce and the global economy. But for it to become reality and adopted, it must ensure trust.
2.Summary of significant accounting policies
Basis of Presentation
The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”).
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. The most significant assumptions and estimates relate to the valuation of equity issued for services, valuation of equity associated with convertible debt, the valuation of derivative liabilities, and the valuation of deferred tax assets. Actual results could differ from these estimates.
Revenue Recognition
The Company recognizes revenue in accordance with Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2014-09, “Revenue from contracts with customers,” (Topic 606). Revenue is recognized when a customer obtains control of promised goods or services. In addition, the standard requires disclosure of the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. The amount of revenue that is recorded reflects the consideration that the Company expects to receive in exchange for those goods. The Company applies the following five-step model in order to determine this amount: (i) identification of the promised goods in the contract; (ii) determination of whether the promised goods are performance obligations, including whether they are distinct in the context of the contract; (iii) measurement of the transaction price, including the constraint on variable consideration; (iv) allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations; and (v) recognition of revenue when (or as) the Company satisfies each performance obligation. The Company’s main revenue stream is from services. The Company recognizes as revenues the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to the respective performance obligation when the performance obligation is satisfied or as it is satisfied. Generally, the Company's performance obligations are transferred to customers at a point in time, typically upon delivery.
The Company only applies the five-step model to contracts when it is probable that the entity will collect the consideration it is entitled to in exchange for the goods or services it transfers to the customer. Once a contract is determined to be within the scope of Financial Accounting Standards Board (“ FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 606 at contract inception, the Company reviews the contract to determine which performance obligations the Company must deliver and which of these performance obligations are distinct. The Company recognizes as revenues the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to the respective performance obligation when the performance obligation is satisfied or as it is satisfied. Generally, the Company's performance obligations are transferred to customers at a point in time, typically upon delivery.
Fair Value Measurements and Fair Value of Financial Instruments
The Company adopted Accounting Standard Codification (“ASC”) Topic 820, Fair Value Measurements. ASC Topic 820 clarifies the definition of fair value, prescribes methods for measuring fair value, and establishes a fair value hierarchy to classify the inputs used in measuring fair value as follows:
Level 1: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities available at the measurement date.
Level 2: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable, and inputs derived from or corroborated by observable market data.
Level 3: Inputs are unobservable inputs which reflect the reporting entity's own assumptions on what assumptions the market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on the best available information.
The estimated fair value of certain financial instruments, including all current liabilities are carried at historical cost basis, which approximates their fair values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.
Fair Value of Financial Instruments
ASC subtopic 825-10, Financial Instruments ("ASC 825-10") requires disclosure of the fair value of certain financial instruments. The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents, accounts payable and accrued liabilities as reflected in the balance sheets, approximate fair value because of the short-term maturity of these instruments. All other significant financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments of the Company are either recognized or disclosed in the financial statements together with other information relevant for making a reasonable assessment of future cash flows, interest rate risk and credit risk. Where practicable the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities have been determined and disclosed; otherwise only available information pertinent to fair value has been disclosed.
The Company follows ASC subtopic 820-10, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures ("ASC 820-10") and ASC 825-10, which permits entities to choose to measure many financial instruments and certain other items at fair value.
Derivative Liability
The Company evaluates convertible instruments, options, warrants or other contracts to determine if those contracts or embedded components of those contracts qualify as derivatives to be separately accounted for under ASC Topic 815, "Derivatives and Hedging”. The result of this accounting treatment is that the fair value of the derivative is marked-to-market each balance sheet date and recorded as a liability. In the event that the fair value is recorded as a liability, the change in fair value is recorded in the statement of operations as other income (expense). Upon conversion or exercise of a derivative instrument, the instrument is marked to fair value at the conversion date and then that fair value is reclassified to equity. Equity instruments that are initially classified as equity that become subject to reclassification under ASC Topic 815 are reclassified to liabilities at the fair value of the instrument on the reclassification date.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
For purposes of the Statements of Cash Flows, the Company considers highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.
Stock Based Compensation Expense
The Company records stock-based compensation in accordance with the provisions of FASB ASC Topic 718, “Accounting for Stock Compensation,” which establishes accounting standards for transactions in which an entity exchanges its equity instruments for goods or services. In accordance with guidance provided under ASC Topic 718, the Company recognizes an expense for the fair value of its stock awards at the time of grant and the fair value of its outstanding stock options as they vest, whether held by employees or others. As of December 31, 2019 and 2018, there were no options outstanding, respectively. For the year ended December 31, 2018, the Company issued 30,000,000 shares to non-employees for services and recorded $24,000 in expense related to the shares.
Convertible Debentures
If the conversion features of conventional convertible debt provide for a rate of conversion that is below market value at issuance, this feature is characterized as a beneficial conversion feature ("BCF"). A BCF is recorded by the Company as a debt discount pursuant to ASC Topic 470-20 "Debt with Conversion and Other Options". In those circumstances, the convertible debt is recorded net of the discount related to the BCF, and the Company amortizes the discount to interest expense, over the life of the debt.
Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
The Company follows the policy of charging the costs of advertising, marketing, and public relations to expense as incurred. The Company recorded advertising expenses in the amount of $3,000 and $0 for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively.
Income Taxes
Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases and operating loss, capital loss and tax credit carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.
The Company recognizes the effect of income tax positions only if those positions are more likely than not of being sustained. Recognized income tax positions are measured at the largest amount that is greater than 50% likely of being realized. Changes in recognition or measurement are reflected in the period in which the change in judgment occurs. The Company records interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits as a component of general and administrative expenses. Our federal tax return and any state tax returns are not currently under examination.
The Company has adopted FASB ASC 740-10, Accounting for Income Taxes, which requires an asset and liability approach to financial accounting and reporting for income taxes. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are computed annually from differences between the financial statement and tax basis of assets and liabilities that will result in taxable or deductible amounts in the future based on enacted tax laws and rates applicable to the periods in which the differences are expected to affect taxable income. Valuation allowances are established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.
Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share
The Company computes loss per common share, in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) ASC Topic 260, Earnings Per Share, which requires dual presentation of basic and diluted earnings per share. Basic income or loss per common share is computed by dividing net income or loss by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted income or loss per common share is computed by dividing net income or loss by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding, plus the issuance of common shares, if dilutive, that could result from the exercise of outstanding stock options and warrants.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
In February 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842), which will require lessees to recognize almost all leases on their balance sheet as a right-of-use asset and a lease liability. For income statement purposes, the FASB retained a dual model, requiring leases to be classified as either operating or finance. Classification will be based on criteria that are largely similar to those applied in current lease accounting, but without explicit bright lines. Lessor accounting is similar to the current model, but updated to align with certain changes to the lessee model and the new revenue recognition standard. This ASU is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years. The Company has adopted this guidance effective January 1, 2019. The Company currently has no leases.
In May 2014, the FASB issued ASU 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, issued as a new Topic, ASC Topic 606. The new revenue recognition standard supersedes all existing revenue recognition guidance. Under this ASU, an entity should recognize revenue when it transfers promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. ASU 2015-14, issued in August 2015, deferred the effective date of ASU 2014-09 to the first quarter of 2018, with early adoption permitted in the first quarter of 2017. The Company has adopted this guidance effective January 1, 2018. The adoption of this standard did not have a material impact on the financial statements.
In August 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) No. 2016-15, Statement of Cash Flows (Topic 230): Classification of Certain Cash Receipts and Cash Payments. This update addresses a diversity in practice in how certain cash receipts and cash payments are presented and classified in the statement of cash flows under Topic 230, Statement of Cash Flows, and other Topics. The amendments in this Update are effective for public business entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2017, and interim periods within those fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted, including adoption in an interim period. The Company has adopted this guidance effective January 1, 2018. The adoption of this standard did not have a material impact on the financial statements.
On June 20, 2018, the FASB issued ASU 2018-07, Compensation—Stock Compensation (Topic 718): Improvements to Nonemployee Share-Based Payment Accounting. ASU 2018-07 is intended to reduce cost and complexity and to improve financial reporting for share-based payments to nonemployees (for example, service providers, external legal counsel, suppliers, etc.). Under the new standard, companies will no longer be required to value non-employee awards differently from employee awards. Meaning that companies will value all equity classified awards at their grant-date under ASC 718 and forgo revaluing the award after this date. The Company adopted ASU 2018-07 on January 1, 2018. The adoption of this standard did not have a material impact on the financial statements.
The Company has implemented all new accounting pronouncements that are in effect. These pronouncements did not have any material impact on the consolidated financial statements unless otherwise disclosed, and the Company does not believe that there are any other new accounting pronouncements that have been issued that might have a material impact on its financial position or results of operations.
3.Concentration of credit risks
The Company maintains accounts with financial institutions. All cash in checking accounts is non-interest bearing and is fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). At times, cash balances may exceed the maximum coverage provided by the FDIC on insured depositor accounts. The Company believes it mitigates its risk by depositing its cash and cash equivalents with major financial institutions. There were no cash deposits in excess of FDIC insurance at December 31, 2019 and 2018.
4.Going Concern
The Company's financial statements are prepared using the GAAP applicable to a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and liquidation of liabilities in the normal course of business. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Company had $31 and $0 in cash and $335,952 and $943,761 in negative working capital, respectively. For the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Company had a net loss of $292,416 and $646,190, respectively. Continued losses may adversely affect the liquidity of the Company in the future. In view of the matters described in the preceding paragraph, recoverability of a major portion of the recorded asset amounts shown in the accompanying balance sheets is dependent upon continued operations of the Company, which in turn is dependent upon the Company's ability to raise additional capital, obtain financing and to succeed in its future operations. The financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts or amounts and classification of liabilities that might be necessary should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern.
The Company has operating costs and expenses at the present time for development of its business activities. The Company, however, will be required to raise additional capital over the next twelve months to meet its current administrative expenses, and it may do so in connection with or in anticipation of possible acquisition transactions. This financing may take the form of additional sales of its equity securities loans from its directors and or convertible notes. There is no assurance that additional financing will be available, if required, or on terms favorable to the Company.
5.Related party transactions
The balance in related party payables amounted to $302,031 and $401,517 for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The Company has an oral agreement with the CEO, who provides management services through a private entity that he owns. The expenses are classified in the statements of operations as general and administrative expenses. For the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Company accrued $90,000 and $120,000 in management service fees to the Company’s CEO, respectively.
During the year ended December 31, 2019, the Company’s CEO converted $100,000 of accrued management services into 375,000,000 shares of common stock.
6.Convertible promissory notes
The Company issued multiple convertible notes. The Company has accounted for these Notes as financing transactions, wherein the net proceeds that were received were allocated to the financial instrument issued. Prior to making the accounting allocation, the Company evaluated the notes under ASC 815 Derivatives and Hedging (“ASC 815”). ASC 815 generally requires the analysis embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. The material embedded derivative features consisted of the embedded conversion option and a buy-in put. The conversion option bears risks of equity which were not clearly and closely related to the host debt agreement and required bifurcation. Current accounting principles that are also provided in ASC 815 do not permit an issuer to account separately for individual derivative terms and features that require bifurcation and liability classification. Rather, such terms and features must be and were bundled together and fair valued as a single, compound embedded derivative.
Seacor Note
On January 30, 2018, the Company entered into a convertible promissory note agreement (the “Seacor Note”) with a lender for a face value of $12,500. The coupon rate is 12% per annum and the maturity date is January 31, 2019. The note is convertible into common stock at the lender’s option at $.0001 per share. The proceeds were received in three tranches: (i) $5,000 on January 30, 2018, (ii) $5,000 on February 23, 2018 and (iii) $2,500 on March 23, 2018.
Based on the previous conclusions, the Company allocated the cash proceeds first to the derivative component at its fair value with the residual allocated to the host debt contract, as follows:
Compound embedded derivative
Day-one derivative loss
The proceeds were allocated to the compound embedded derivative. This resulted in a day-one derivative loss and therefore, there was no value allocated to the note on the inception date. The Note will be accreted up to its face value of $12,500 over the life of the Note based on an effective interest rate. Amortization expense for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 amounted to $3,697 and
$8,803, respectively. On December 31, 2019, the holder converted the $12,500 face value plus $2,795 in accrued interest into 152,945,205 shares of common stock. The carrying value of the Note as of December 31, 2019 and 2018 amounted to $0 and $8,803, respectively.
Oscaleta Notes
On February 12, 2018, the Company entered into a convertible promissory note agreement (the “Oscaleta Note 1”) with a lender for a face value of $5,000. The coupon rate is 12% per annum and the maturity date is February 12, 2019. The note is convertible into common stock at the lender’s option at $.0001 per share. On March 9, 2018, the Company entered into a convertible promissory note agreement (the “Oscaleta Note 2”) with a lender for a face value of $10,000. The coupon rate is 12% per annum and the maturity date is March 9, 2019. The note is convertible into common stock at the lender’s option at $.0001 per share.
Based on the previous conclusions, the Company allocated the cash proceeds first to the derivative component at its fair value with the residual allocated to the host debt contract, as follows:
Compound embedded derivative
Day-one derivative loss
The proceeds were allocated to the compound embedded derivative. This resulted in a day-one derivative loss and therefore, there was no value allocated to the note on the inception date. The Note will be accreted up to its face value of $15,000 over the life of Note based on an effective interest rate. Amortization expense for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 amounted to $8,634 and $6,366, respectively. On December 31, 2019, the holder converted $15,000 face value plus $3,309 in accrued interest into 183,090,500 shares of common stock. The carrying value of the Note as of December 31, 2019 and 2018 amounted to $0 and $6,366, respectively.
Sky Direct Note 1
On January 16, 2018, the Company entered into a convertible promissory note agreement (the “Sky Direct Note 1”) with a lender for a face value of $49,400. The coupon rate is 12% per annum and the maturity date is January 17, 2019. The note is convertible into common stock at the lender’s option at $.0001 per share. The proceeds were received in thirteen tranches: (1) $5,000 on January 16, 2018, (2)
$1,000 on July 17, 2018, (3) $2,500 on October 22, 2018, (4) $5,000 on October 29, 2018, (5) $7,500 on November 7, 2018, (6) $2,500
on November 9, 2018, (7) $5,000 on November 13, 2018, (8) $3,000 on November 20, 2018, (9) $3,000 on November 28, 2018 (10),
$2,000 on November 30, 2018, (11) $6,000 on January 9, 2019, (12) $1,400 on January 17, 2019 and (13) $5,500 on February 8, 2019.
Based on the previous conclusions, the Company allocated the cash proceeds first to the derivative component at its fair value with the residual allocated to the host debt contract, as follows:
Compound embedded derivative
Day-one derivative loss
The proceeds were allocated to the compound embedded derivative. This resulted in a day-one derivative loss and therefore, there was no value allocated to the note on the inception date. The Note will be accreted up to its face value of $49,400 over the life of Note based on an effective interest rate. Amortization expense for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 amounted to $36,992 and $12,408, respectively. On December 31, 2019, the holder converted $49,400 face value plus $6,381 in accrued interest into 557,806,137 shares of common stock. The carrying value of the Note as of December 31, 2019 and 2018 amounted to $0 and $12,408, respectively.
Sky Direct Note 2
On February 15, 2019, the Company entered into a convertible promissory note agreement (the “Sky Direct Note 2”) with a lender for a face value of $38,100. The coupon rate is 12% per annum and the maturity date is February 16, 2020. The note is convertible into common stock at the lender’s option at $.0001 per share. The proceeds were received in seven tranches: (1) $4,000 on February 15, 2019, (2) $7,000 on February 27, 2019, (3) $13,000 on March 1, 2019, (4) $6,600 on March 6, 2019, (5) $2,500 on March 27, 2019, (6) $2,000 on April 11, 2019 and (7) $3,000 on April 30, 2019.
Based on the previous conclusions, the Company allocated the cash proceeds first to the derivative component at its fair value with the residual allocated to the host debt contract, as follows:
Compound embedded derivative
Day-one derivative loss
The proceeds were allocated to the compound embedded derivative. This resulted in a day-one derivative loss and therefore, there was no value allocated to the note on the inception date. The Note will be accreted up to its face value of $38,100 over the life of Note based on an effective interest rate. Amortization expense for the year ended December 31, 2019 amounted to $38,100. On December 31, 2019, the holder converted $38,100 face value plus $3,725 in accrued interest into 4,182,510 shares of Series D preferred stock. The carrying value of the Note as of December 31, 2019 amounted to $0.
Schaeffer Note
On January 24, 2019, the Company entered into a convertible promissory note agreement (the “Schaeffer Note”) with a lender for a face value of $30,000. The coupon rate is 12% per annum and the maturity date is July 15, 2019. The note is convertible into common stock at the lender’s option at $.0001 per share.
Based on the previous conclusions, the Company allocated the cash proceeds first to the derivative component at its fair value with the residual allocated to the host debt contract, as follows:
Compound embedded derivative
Day-one derivative loss
The proceeds were allocated to the compound embedded derivative. This resulted in a day-one derivative loss and therefore, there was no value allocated to the note on the inception date. The Note will be accreted up to its face value of $30,000 over the life of Note based on an effective interest rate. Amortization expense for the year ended December 31, 2019 amounted to $30,000. On December 31, 2019, the holder converted $30,000 face value plus $3,363 in accrued interest into 333,632,877 shares of common stock. The carrying value of the Note as of December 31, 2019 amounted to $0.
7.Derivative financial instruments
As of December 31, 2019, the convertible notes were converted in full and as a result the derivative liabilities at December 31, 2019 amounted to $0. The following tables summarize the components of the Company’s derivative liabilities and linked common shares as of December 31, 2018 and the amounts that were reflected in income related to derivatives for the year then ended:
December 31, 2018
The financings giving rise to derivative financial instruments
Indexed Shares
Fair Values
Compound embedded derivative
The following tables summarizes the effects on the Company’s gain (loss) associated with changes in the fair values of the derivative financial instruments by type of financing for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018:
Year Ended
The financings giving rise to derivative financial instruments and the income effects:
December 31,
Compound embedded derivative
Day-one derivative loss
Total gain (loss)
Year Ended
The financings giving rise to derivative financial instruments and the income effects:
December 31,
Compound embedded derivative
Day-one derivative loss
Total gain (loss)
The Company’s face value $172,500 Convertible Promissory Notes issued between January 16, 2018 and November 30, 2018 gave rise to derivative financial instruments. The Notes embodied certain terms and conditions that were not clearly and closely related to the host debt agreement in terms of economic risks and characteristics. These terms and features consist of the embedded conversion option.
Current accounting principles that are provided in ASC 815 - Derivatives and Hedging require derivative financial instruments to be classified in liabilities and carried at fair value with changes recorded in income. In addition, the standards do not permit an issuer to account separately for individual derivative terms and features embedded in hybrid financial instruments that require bifurcation and liability classification as derivative financial instruments. Rather, such terms and features must be bundled together and fair valued as a single, compound embedded derivative. The Company has selected the Monte Carlo Simulations valuation technique to fair value the compound embedded derivative because it believes that this technique is reflective of all significant assumption types, and ranges of assumption inputs, that market participants would likely consider in transactions involving compound embedded derivatives. Such assumptions include, among other inputs, interest risk assumptions, credit risk assumptions and redemption behaviors in addition to traditional inputs for option models such as market trading volatility and risk-free rates. The Monte Carlo Simulations technique is a level three valuation technique because it requires the development of significant internal assumptions in addition to observable market indicators.
Significant inputs and results arising from the Monte Carlo Simulations process are as follows for the compound embedded derivative that has been bifurcated from the Convertible Notes and classified in liabilities:
December 31, 2018  
  December 31, 2019  
Quoted market price on valuation date
 $0.0003 - 0.0014 
Contractual conversion rate
Range of effective contractual conversion rates
Contractual term to maturity
  0.13 - 1.00 Year 
  0.05 - .18 Years 
  0.13 Years 
Market volatility:
Contractual interest rate
The following table reflects the issuances of compound embedded derivatives and changes in fair value inputs and assumptions related to the compound embedded derivatives during the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018.
December 31,
December 31,
Balances at January 1
Convertible Note Financing
Changes in fair value inputs and assumptions reflected in income
Balances at December 31
The fair value of the compound embedded derivative is significantly influenced by the Company’s trading market price, the price volatility in trading and the interest components of the Monte Carlo Simulation technique.
Preferred Stock
The Company has 10,000,000 Shares of Preferred Stock authorized with a par value of $.001. The Company has allocated 100,000 Shares for Series A Preferred, 1,000,000 Shares for Series B Preferred, 5,000,000 Shares for Series C Preferred, 1,000,000 Series D Preferred and 1,000,000 Series E Preferred.
Series A —As of December 31, 2019 and 2018 there were 0 and 100,000 shares issued and outstanding, respectively. The 100,000 was originally issued to the Company 's officer and CEO. These Series A Shares were converted into 10,000,000 shares of common stock during the year ended December 31, 2019. The Series A Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder.
The holders are entitled to receive dividends.
1 Preferred share is convertible to 100 common shares.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall be entitled to elect the majority of the members of the Board of Directors.
Series B —As of December 31, 2019 and 2018 there were 200,000 shares issued and outstanding to the Company’s officer and CEO. The Series B Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder.
The holders are entitled to receive dividends.
100,000 preferred shares are convertible to 9.9% common shares.
The Series B holders are entitled to receive liquidation in preference to the common holders or any other class or series of preferred stock.
Voting: The Series B holders are entitled to vote together with the common holders as a single class.
In 2017, 200,000 shares of Series B Preferred Stock were issued to the Company’s CEO in exchange for a conversion of $200,000 of related party advances.
Series C — As of December 31, 2019 and 2018 there were 2,000,000 shares issued and outstanding to the Company’s officer and CEO. The Series C Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder.
The holders are entitled to receive dividends.
1 Preferred share is convertible to 10 common shares.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall be entitled to vote 1 Preferred Shares for 5,000 votes.
Series D — As of December 31, 2019 and 2018 there were 0 and 0 shares issued and outstanding, respectively. The Series D Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible into common upon the Company completing a 500 to 1 reverse stock split upon which the amount converted will equal 80% of the issued and outstanding common per the reverse split.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall be entitled to vote and shall in aggregate represent 80% of the votes.
Series E — As of December 31, 2019 and 2018 there were 418,251 and 0 shares issued and outstanding. On December 31, 2019, the holder of the Series of Preferred converted $38,100 face value plus $3,725 in accrued interest into 418,251 shares of Series E preferred stock. The Series E Preferred has the following designations:
Convertible at option of holder any time after March 30, 2020; 1 preferred share is convertible into 1,000 common shares
Automatically convertible into common upon the Company completing a 500 to 1 reverse stock split.
In the event of reorganization this Class of Preferred will not be affected by any such capital reorganization.
Voting: The holder of this Series of Preferred shall not be entitled to vote.
The Company has evaluated each series of the Preferred Stock for proper classification under ASC 480 - Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity and ASC 815 - Derivatives and Hedging.
ASC 480 generally requires liability classification for financial instruments that are certain to be redeemed, represent obligations to purchase shares of stock or represent obligations to issue a variable number of common shares. The Company concluded that each series of Preferred Stock was not within the scope of ASC 480 because none of the three conditions for liability classification was present.
ASC 815 generally requires an analysis embedded terms and features that have characteristics of derivatives to be evaluated for bifurcation and separate accounting in instances where their economic risks and characteristics are not clearly and closely related to the risks of the host contract. However, in order to perform this analysis, the Company was first required to evaluate the economic risks and characteristics of each series of the Preferred Stock in its entirety as being either akin to equity or akin to debt. The Company’s evaluation concluded that each series of Preferred Stock was more akin to an equity-like contract largely due to the fact the financial instrument is not mandatorily redeemable for cash and the holders are not entitled to any dividends. Other features of the Preferred Stock that operate like equity, such as the conversion option and voting feature, afforded more evidence, in the Company’s view, that the instrument is more akin to equity. As a result, the embedded conversion features are clearly and closely related to their equity host instruments. Therefore, the embedded conversion features do not require bifurcation and classification as derivative liabilities.
9. Commitments and contingencies
During the normal course of business, the Company may be exposed to litigation. When the Company becomes aware of potential litigation, it evaluates the merits of the case in accordance with FASB ASC 450-20-50, Contingencies. The Company evaluates its exposure to the matter, possible legal or settlement strategies and the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome. If the Company determines that an unfavorable outcome is probable and can be reasonably estimated, it establishes the necessary accruals. As of December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Company is not aware of any contingent liabilities that should be reflected in the financial statements.
10. Income taxes
The Company adopted the provisions of uncertain tax positions as addressed in ASC 740-10-65-1. As a result of the implementation of ASC 740-10-65-1, the Company recognized no increase in the liability for unrecognized tax benefits. As of December 31, 2019 the Company had net operating loss carry forwards of approximately $17,502,305 that may be available to reduce future years’ taxable income in varying amounts through 2031. Future tax benefits which may arise as a result of these losses have not been recognized in these financial statements, as their realization is determined not likely to occur and accordingly, the Company has recorded a valuation allowance for the deferred tax asset relating to these tax loss carry-forwards.
The valuation allowance at December 31, 2019 was $3,675,484. The net changes in valuation allowance during the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 was $61,407 and $135,700, respectively. In assessing the realizability of deferred tax assets, management considers whether it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred income tax assets will not be realized.
The components of the net deferred tax asset (liability) at December 31, 2019 and, 2018 and the statutory tax rate, the effective tax rate and the elected amount of the valuation allowance are indicated below:
December 31,
December 31,
Net operating loss carry-forward
Effective tax rate
Valuation allowance
Deferred tax asset
Income tax benefit resulting from applying statutory rates in jurisdictions in which we are taxed (Federal and State of New York) differs from the income tax provision (benefit) in our financial statements. The following table reflects the reconciliation for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018:
Year Ended December 31,
Benefit at federal and statutory rate
Change in valuation allowance
Effective tax rate
11. Subsequent events
Share exchange
On April 30, 2020, the Company entered into a Share Exchange Agreement with TransWorld Enterprises Inc. (“TW”), a Delaware Corporation. As part of the exchange the Company has agreed to issue 1,000,000 share of Series D Preferred Stock and 1,000,000 shares of Series F Preferred Stock in exchange for all the equity interest of TW. TW, as a holding company, will focus on acquiring controlling interests in profitable basic businesses. Initially, TW will focus on acquiring transportation companies and simple manufacturing and or consumer products businesses.
Sale of Series E Preferred Stock
On January 15, 2020, the Company sold 125,000 shares of Series E Preferred Stock for $12,500, or $10 per share.
Convertible notes payable
On May 8, 2020, the Company issued an aggregate $3,000,000 in convertible notes payable to an investment group with an original issue discount of $300,000. The notes have a coupon rate of 8% and a maturity date of May 8, 2021. The notes have a conversion price of the lower of (i) $0.25 or (ii) the average VWAP of the Common Stock for the immediately preceding twenty (20) Trading Days on the Trading Market on the date of completion. In connection with the notes, the Company issued warrants to purchase 7,600,000 shares of common stock with an exercise price of $0.50 and expiration date of 2 years. The Holders will also receive 7.5 shares of the Company’s Series G Preferred Stock to be issued to the Purchaser at Closing, which shall be convertible into 7.5% of the Company’s issued and outstanding common stock upon consummation of the Reverse Stock Split.
On May 8, 2020, the Company issued $500,000 in convertible notes payable to an investor with an original issue discount of $45,000. The notes have a coupon rate of 8% and a maturity date of May 8, 2021. The notes have a conversion price of the lower of (i) $0.25 or
(ii) the average VWAP of the Common Stock for the immediately preceding twenty (20) Trading Days on the Trading Market on the date of completion. In connection with the notes, the Company issued warrants to purchase 1,151,515 shares of common stock with an exercise price of $0.50 and expiration date of 2 years.
PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc and Subsidiaries
Periods Ended September 30, 2020 and September 30, 2019
To Management
PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc.
New York, NY
We have reviewed the accompanying financial statements of PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc. and subsidiaries, which comprise the consolidated balance sheets as of September 30, 2020 and 2019, and the related consolidated statements of operations, comprehensive income, changes in stockholder’s equity, and cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and 2019, and the related notes to the consolidated financial statements (the “financial statements”). A review includes primarily applying analytical procedures to management’s financial data and making inquiries of company management. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Accountant’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to conduct the review engagement in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services promulgated by the Accounting and Review Services Committee of the AICPA. Those standards require us to perform procedures to obtain limited assurance as a basis for reporting whether we are aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial statements for them to be in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We believe that the results of our procedures provide a reasonable basis for our conclusion.
Accountant’s Conclusion
Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying financial statements in order for them to be in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Substantial Doubt about the Company’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 4 to the financial statements, the Company had significant net losses for the period ended December 31, 2019 and received subsequent funding from its parent. Management’s evaluation of the events and conditions and management’s plans regarding the matter also are described in Note 4. The realization of a major portion of its assets is dependent upon the success of its future operations. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.
Seligson & Giannattasio, LLP
White Plains, New York
June 3, 2021
As of
September 30,
As of
September 30,
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable, net
Investments in futures contracts
Other current assets net
Total current assets
Property, plant and equipment, net
Non-current assets
Total Assets
Liabilities & Stockholder’s Equity (Deficit)
Current liabilities
Accounts payable
Accrued liabilities
Futures contract liabilities
Notes payable-current maturities
Related party payable
Total current liabilities
Other liabilities
     Notes payable less current maturities
Total Liabilities
Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
Common stock, $1 par value; 100 shares authorized; 100 shares issued and outstanding
Additional paid in capital
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income(loss)
Currency Translation Adjustment
Accumulated deficit
Total Stockholders' Equity
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Periods Ended
September 30,
September 30,
Net Revenues
Cost of goods sold
Gross margin
Operating expenses
Professional fees
General and administrative
Depreciation expense
Total operating expenses
Net operating income
Other income (expense)
Loss on goodwill impairment
Other income (expense)
Interest income
Contingent consideration (gain) loss
Derivative FX gain (loss)
Total other income (expense)
Income before provision for income taxes
Provision for income taxes (Benefit)
Net income
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Periods Ended
September 30,
September 30,
Net Income
Other comprehensive income
Foreign currency translation adjustment, Net of tax
Comprehensive income
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Common Stock
 Paid in
Balance January 1, 2020
Payment of dividends
Equity adjustment-Intercompany payable forgiven
Net income
Contribution by parent (HC2)
Other comprehensive income
Balance September 30, 2020
Balance January 1, 2019
Payment of dividends
Other comprehensive income
Net income
Balance September 30, 2019
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
September 30,
September 30,
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net income
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
cash used by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization
Loss on impairment of goodwill
Provision for doubtful accounts receivable
(Gain) loss on contingent consideration
(Gain) loss on foreign currency exchange
Changes in operating assets & liabilities
Accounts receivable
Intercompany receivable, net
Other assets
Accounts payable and other current liabilities
Other liabilities
Net cash provided by (used by) operating activities
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment
Net investments in Futures Contracts
Net cash used by investing activities
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
        Contribution from HC2 Holdings, Inc
Payment of dividends to HC2 Holdings, Inc
Cash paid for contingent liability
Net cash (used by) provided by financing activities
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
Supplemental Cash Flow Information
Cash paid for interest
Cash paid for income taxes
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.   
PTGI INTERNATIONAL CARRIER SERVICES INC (PTGI) was incorporated on December 13, 2007 as Arbinet Carrier Services, Inc. under the laws of the State of Delaware. On February 25, 2013, the Company’s name was changed to PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc. PTGI is a global wholesale telecommunications provider offering a network of direct routes and provides premium voice communication services for national telecommunications operators, mobile operators, wholesale carriers, prepaid operators, voice over internet protocol service operators and internet service providers. PTGI provides a quality service via direct routes and by forming strong relationships with carefully selected partners.
Basis of Presentation
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”).
Principles of Consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries Go2Tel.com, Inc., a company organized under the laws of the State of Florida, GU2TEL Spain, SLU, a Spanish entity, PTGI International Carrier Services, Ltd, a United Kingdom entity and PTGI-ICS OPSRO S.R.L, a Romanian entity, collectively referred to as the Company. All material intercompany accounts, transactions and profits were eliminated in consolidation. PTGI-ICS OPSRO S.R.L, a company organized under the laws of Romania was deregistered effective September 30, 2020.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from these estimates.
Revenue Recognition
 The Company recognizes revenue in accordance with Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2014-09, “Revenue from contracts with customers,” (Topic 606). Revenue is recognized when a customer obtains control of promised goods or services. In addition, the standard requires disclosure of the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. The amount of revenue that is recorded reflects the consideration that the Company expects to receive in exchange for those services. The Company applies the following five-step model in order to determine this amount: (i) identification of the promised services in the contract; (ii) determination of whether the promised services are performance obligations, including whether they are distinct in the context of the contract; (iii) measurement of the transaction price, including the constraint on variable consideration; (iv) allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations; and (v) recognition of revenue when (or as) the Company satisfies each performance obligation. The Company’s main revenue stream is from the provision of telecommunications services. The Company recognizes as revenues the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to the respective performance obligation when the performance obligation is satisfied or as it is satisfied. Generally, the Company's performance obligations are transferred to customers at a point in time, typically upon delivery.
PTGI operates an extensive network of direct routes and offers premium voice communication services for carrying a mix of business, residential and carrier long-distance traffic, data and transit traffic. All accounts have a bilateral relationship with PTGI, meaning they have both a customer and vendor relationship with PTGI. The bilateral contract allows PTGI to sell the customer per minute call termination to the PTGI supplier routes at a specific rate per minute, but also provides PTGi the ability to purchases per minute call termination to the customer’s supplier routes, again at a specific rate per minute. The price that we pay to terminate calls to the customer supply routes and the price we charge back to the same customer are not fixed over time and have no fixed or base fees, just a variable rate per minute fee. The variable rate per minute fee for calls varies based on destination, market conditions and availability at the time calls are sent to or from PTGi. The amount of revenues generated from contracts under these bilateral relationships were $696,119,986 and $793,466,665 for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. In addition, the amount of expenses generated from contracts under these bilateral relationships were $684,877,653 and $778,988,522 for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Net revenue is derived from the long-distance data and transit traffic. Net revenue is earned based on the number of minutes during a call multiplied by the price per minute, and is recorded upon completion of a call. Completed calls are billable activity while incomplete calls are non-billable. Incomplete calls may occur as a result of technical issues or because the customer’s credit limit was exceeded and thus the customer routing of traffic was prevented. Revenue for a period is calculated from information received through PTGI’s billing software, such as minutes and market rates. Customized billing software has been implemented to track the information from the switch and analyze the call detail records against stored detailed information about revenue rates. This software provides PTGI with the ability to perform a timely and accurate analysis of revenue earned in a period. PTGI evaluates gross versus net revenue recognition for each of its contractual arrangements by assessing indicators of control and significant influence to determine whether the PTGI acts as a principal (i.e. gross recognition) or an agent (i.e. net recognition). PTGI has determined that it acts as a principal for all of its performance obligations in connection with all revenue earned. Net revenue represents gross revenue, net of allowance for doubtful accounts receivable, service credits and service adjustments. Cost of revenue includes network costs that consist of access, transport and termination costs. The majority of PTGI’s cost of revenue is variable, primarily based upon minutes of use, with transmission and termination costs being the most significant expense.
Accounts Receivable
Trade accounts receivable are recorded at the net invoice value and are not interest bearing. The Company considers receivables past due based on the payment terms. The Company reviews its exposure to accounts receivable and reserves specific amounts if collectability is no longer reasonably assured. The Company also reserves a percentage of its trade receivable balance based on collection history and current economic trends that might impact the level of future credit losses. The Company re-evaluates such reserves on a regular basis and adjusts its reserves as needed. The Company also has credit insurance on certain of its receivables to lessen the risk of uncollectible accounts. Based on the Company’s operating history and customer base, bad debts to date have not been material.
Forward contracts
PTGI enters into forward contracts for the purchase and sale of currency futures.  Open positions are recorded at market value, with related unrealized gains and losses, included in income.  Market value has been determined based on published prices.  Unrealized gains and losses are included in investments in futures contracts and futures contract liabilities , respectively, on the accompanying balance sheet.  The contractual amounts of these purchases and sales, amounting to approximately $10,958,540 and $10,957,340 at September 30, 2020.
Fair Value Measurements and Fair Value of Financial Instruments
Accounting Standard Codification (“ASC”) Topic 820, Fair Value Measurements, clarifies the definition of fair value, prescribes methods for measuring fair value, and establishes a fair value hierarchy to classify the inputs used in measuring fair value as follows:
Level 1: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities available at the measurement date.
Level 2: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable, and inputs derived from or corroborated by observable market data.
Level 3: Inputs are unobservable inputs which reflect the reporting entity's own assumptions on what assumptions the market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on the best available information.
The estimated fair value of certain financial instruments, including all current liabilities are carried at historical cost basis, which approximates their fair values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.
Fair Value of Financial Instruments
ASC subtopic 825-10, Financial Instruments ("ASC 825-10") requires disclosure of the fair value of certain financial instruments. The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, accounts payable and accrued liabilities as reflected in the balance sheets, approximate fair value because of the short-term maturity of these instruments. All other significant financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments of the Company are either recognized or disclosed in the financial statements together with other information relevant for making a reasonable assessment of future cash flows, interest rate risk and credit risk. Where practicable the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities have been determined and disclosed; otherwise only available information pertinent to fair value has been disclosed.
The Company follows ASC subtopic 820-10, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures ("ASC 820-10") and ASC 825-10, which permits entities to choose to measure many financial instruments and certain other items at fair value.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
The Company considers all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.
Long-Lived Assets
Our long-lived assets include property, plant and equipment and other indefinite lived intangible assets. We evaluate our long-lived assets for impairment, other than indefinite lived intangible assets, in accordance with ASC 360, whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of such assets may not be recoverable. Estimates of future cash flows and timing of events for evaluating long-lived assets for impairment are based upon management’s judgment. If any of our intangible or long-lived assets are considered to be impaired, the amount of impairment to be recognized is the excess of the carrying amount of the assets over its fair value.
Applicable long-lived assets are amortized or depreciated over the shorter of their estimated useful lives, the estimated period that the assets will generate revenue, or the statutory or contractual term in the case of patents. Estimates of useful lives and periods of expected revenue generation are reviewed periodically for appropriateness and are based upon management’s judgment.
Impairment of Goodwill
The Company evaluates indefinite lived intangible assets for impairment at least annually and whenever impairment indicators are present in accordance with ASC 350. When necessary, the Company records an impairment loss for the amount by which the fair value is less than the carrying value of these assets. The fair value of intangible assets other than goodwill is typically determined using the “relief from royalty method”, specifically the discounted cash flow method utilizing Level 3 fair value inputs. Some of the more significant estimates and assumptions inherent in this approach include: the amount and timing of the projected net cash flows, which includes the expected impact of competitive, legal and/or regulatory forces on the projections, as well as the selection of a long-term growth rate; the discount rate, which seeks to reflect the various risks inherent in the projected cash flows; and the tax rate, which seeks to incorporate the geographic diversity of the projected cash flows.
The Company performs impairment testing for all other long-lived assets whenever impairment indicators are present. When necessary, the Company calculates the undiscounted value of the projected cash flows associated with the asset, or asset group, and compares this estimated amount to the carrying amount. If the carrying amount is found to be greater, we record an impairment loss for the excess of book value over fair value. During the period ended September 30, 2019, the Company determined that the existing goodwill should be impaired and reported an impairment charge totaling $1,376,718.
Depreciation and Amortization
Fixed assets are recorded at cost. Depreciation is generally calculated on a straight-line method and amortization of leasehold improvements is provided for on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the various assets as follows:
Telco equipment
7 years
Computer hardware
3 years
Computer software
3 years
Furniture and fixtures
5 years
Maintenance and repairs are expensed as incurred while renewals and betterments are capitalized.
Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
The Company follows the policy of charging the costs of advertising, marketing, and public relations to expense as incurred. There were no advertising expenses for the reporting periods.
Income Taxes
Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases and operating loss, capital loss and tax credit carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.
For all periods presented, PTGI was included in the consolidated income tax returns of its Parent, HC2 Holdings, Inc. (“HC2”). All losses incurred by PTGI were utilized by PTGI or by HC2 in the consolidated tax filings. Income tax expense for the periods presented represent amounts allocable from its then parent. Permanent tax differences related to the impairment of goodwill are the primary differences resulting in the variation with the expected income tax expense.
The Company recognizes the effect of income tax positions only if those positions are more likely than not of being sustained. Recognized income tax positions are measured at the largest amount that is greater than 50% likely of being realized. Changes in recognition or measurement are reflected in the period in which the change in judgment occurs. The Company records interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits as a component of general and administrative expenses. Our federal tax return and any state tax returns are not currently under examination.
The Company has adopted FASB ASC 740-10, Accounting for Income Taxes, which requires an asset and liability approach to financial accounting and reporting for income taxes. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are computed annually from differences between the financial statement and tax basis of assets and liabilities that will result in taxable or deductible amounts in the future based on enacted tax laws and rates applicable to the periods in which the differences are expected to affect taxable income. Valuation allowances are established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.
In February 2016, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842) (“Topic 842”). Topic 842 requires the entity to recognize the assets and liabilities for the rights and obligations created by leased assets. Leases will be classified as either finance or operating, with classification affecting expense recognition in the income statement.
On January 1, 2019, the Company adopted Topic 842 applying the optional transition method, which allows an entity to apply the new standard at the adoption date with a cumulative effect adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings in the period of adoption. As a result of adopting Topic 842, the Company recognized assets and liabilities for the rights and obligations created by operating leases totaling approximately $3,926.
The Company determines if a contract contains a lease at inception based on whether it conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset. Substantially all of the Company’s leases are classified as operating leases. The Company records operating lease right-of-use assets within “Other assets” and lease liabilities are recorded within “current and noncurrent liabilities” in the consolidated balance sheets. Lease expenses are recorded within “General and administrative expenses” in the consolidated statements of operations. Operating lease payments are presented within “Operating cash flows” in the consolidated statements of cash flows.
Operating lease right-of-use assets and lease liabilities are recognized based on the net present value of future minimum lease payments over the lease term starting on the commencement date. The Company generally is not able to determine the rate implicit in its leases and, as such, applies an incremental borrowing rate based on the Company’s cost of borrowing for the relevant terms of each lease. Lease expense for minimum lease payments is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Lease terms may include an option to extend or terminate a lease if it is reasonably certain that the Company will exercise such options. The Company has elected the practical expedient to not separate lease components from non-lease components, and also has elected not to record a right-of-use asset or lease liability for leases which, at inception, have a term of twelve months or less. Variable lease payments are recognized in the period in which the obligation for those payments is incurred.
The Company's cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities and accounts receivable are monitored for exposure to concentrations of credit risk. The Company maintains substantially all of its cash balances in a limited number of financial institutions. The balances are each insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $250,000. The Company had balances in excess of this limit at September 30, 2020 and 2019 totaling $10,788,565 and $40,612,864, respectively.
PTGI's consolidated financial statements are prepared using the GAAP applicable to a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and liquidation of liabilities in the normal course of business. At September 30, 2020, PTGI had $11,288,565 in cash and $1,236,597 in working capital, respectively. Losses may adversely affect the liquidity of PTGI in the future. During 2020, PTGI received a total of $10,500,000 in capital contributions from HC2. Had these contributions not been received, PTGI would have had negative working capital and stockholder’s equity at September 30,2020. The consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts or amounts and classification of liabilities that might be necessary should PTGI be unable to continue as a going concern.
Property, plant and equipment consisted of the following at September 30, 2020 and 2019:
September 30,
September 30,
Telco equipment
Computer hardware
Computer software
Furniture & fixtures
Less: Accumulated depreciation
Property Plant and Equipment
Depreciation expense was $251,212 and $259,643 for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively.
In the normal course of business PTGI incurs costs that can be billed by the suppler in a subsequent period. To ensure proper presentation the unbilled costs are accrued at each month end. As invoices are received the accrued payable is relieved and the correct payable reflected in the accounts payable account. During 2020, PTGI renegotiated several contracts with vendors. As a result, the Company entered settlements that resulted in a $2 million reduction in the amounts due. This is included in the income statement in other income.
In November 2018, PTGI entered into a purchase agreement to acquire the stock of GO2Tel.com and its subsidiary. Pursuant to the agreement, PTGI paid $200,000 and is required to pay 20% of the gross margin for the following 24 months (Earnout Provision) in exchange for all the outstanding shares of GO2Tel.com common stock. Payment of the earnout provision is made quarterly but no less than $30,000. The company reported the original purchase price based on 20% of the estimated gross margin for the following 24 months plus the initial cash payment. Remeasurement of the expected payout at period end resulted in a gain adjustment to the Contingent Consideration due of $30,514. The original amount of these earnout provision was $797,580. As of September 30, 2020, $109,164 remains on the earnout provision.
PTGI uses shares facilities and corporate services provided by HC2. The facilities include shared IT platforms. Corporate services include IT and tax-related support. For use of the HC2 provided services, cost allocations are transferred and paid monthly.
During the normal course of business, the Company may be exposed to litigation. When the Company becomes aware of potential litigation, it evaluates the merits of the case in accordance with FASB ASC 450-20-50, Contingencies. The Company evaluates its exposure to the matter, possible legal or settlement strategies and the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome. If the Company determines that an unfavorable outcome is probable and can be reasonably estimated, it establishes the necessary accruals. As of December 31, 2019, and 2018, the Company is not aware of any contingent liabilities that should be reflected in the consolidated financial statements.
PTGI Stock Purchase Agreement
On October 2, 2020, the Shareholder of the Company, ICS Group Holdings, Inc., entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement with TransWorld Holdings, Inc (TRW). pursuant to which TRW agreed to acquire 100% of the outstanding voting securities of PTGI in consideration for $1,000,000 (the “PTGI Acquisition”). The closing of the PTGI Acquisition occurred on October 31, 2020.
PTGI International Services, Ltd transfer
On October 10, 2020, the Shares of PTGI International Services, Ltd (PTGI Ltd) were transferred to the Company’s Shareholder, ICS Group Holdings, Inc for nominal consideration. Under the terms of the PTGI Stock Purchase Agreement with TRW, PTGI Ltd would continue to provide sales support services to PTGI through February 28, 2021.
PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc and Subsidiaries
For the Years Ended
December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018
To the Board of Directors and Stockholder’s of
PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc.
Opinion on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc. and subsidiaries (the "Company") as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, and the related consolidated statements of operations, stockholder’s deficit, comprehensive income (loss) and cash flows for each of the years in the two-year period ended December 31, 2019, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2019 and 2018 and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the two-year period ended December 31, 2019, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Basis of Opinion
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (“PCAOB”) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audits we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.
Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Going Concern
The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared assuming the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 4 to the financial statements, the Company has incurred significant recurring losses. The realization of a major portion of its assets is dependent upon its ability to meet its future financing needs and the success of its future operations. These factors raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from this uncertainty.
  Seligson & Giannattasio, LLP
We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2020.
White Plains, New York
February 3, 2021, except for Notes 2 and 10, as to which the date is June 3, 2021
As of
December 31,
As of
December 31,
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable, net
Other current assets net
Total current assets
Property, plant and equipment, net
Non-current assets
Total Assets
Liabilities & Stockholder’s Equity (Deficit)
Current liabilities
Accounts payable
Accrued liabilities
Notes payable-current maturities
Related party payable
Total current liabilities
Other liabilities
Notes payable less current maturities
Total Liabilities
Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
Common stock, $1 par value; 100 shares authorized; 100 shares issued and outstanding
Additional paid in capital
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income(loss)
Currency Translation Adjustment
Accumulated deficit
Total Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Years Ended
December 31,
December 31,
Net Revenues
Cost of goods sold
Gross margin
Operating expenses
Professional fees
General and administrative
Depreciation expense
Total operating expenses
Net operating income
Other income (expense)
Loss on goodwill impairment
Other income (expense)
Interest expense
Interest income
Contingent consideration (gain) loss
Derivative FX gain (loss)
Total other income (expense)
Income (loss) before provision for income taxes
Provision for income taxes (Benefit)
Net income (loss)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Years Ended
Net Income (loss)
Other comprehensive income
Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of tax
Comprehensive income (loss)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Common Stock
 Paid in
Balance January 1, 2018
Payment of dividends
Equity adjustment in reorganization
Net income
Other comprehensive income
Balance December 31, 2018
Payment of dividends
Other comprehensive income
Net loss
Balance December 31, 2019
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
For the years ended
December 31,
December 31,
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net income (loss)
Adjustments to reconcile net income(loss) to net
cash used by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization
Loss on impairment of goodwill
Provision for doubtful accounts receivable
(Gain) loss on contingent consideration
(Gain) loss on foreign currency exchange
Changes in operating assets & liabilities
Accounts receivable
Intercompany receivable, net
Other assets
Accounts payable and other current liabilities
Other liabilities
Net cash provided by operating activities
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment
Acquisition of subsidiary
Net cash (used by) provided by investing activities
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Payment of dividends to HC2 Holdings, Inc
Cash paid for contingent liability
Net cash used by financing activities
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents
Increase in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
Supplemental Cash Flow Information
Cash paid for interest
Cash paid for income taxes
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
PTGI INTERNATIONAL CARRIER SERVICES INC (PTGI) was incorporated on December 13, 2007 as Arbinet Carrier Services, Inc. under the laws of the State of Delaware. On February 25, 2013, the Company’s name was changed to PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc. PTGI is a global wholesale telecommunications provider offering a network of direct routes and provides premium voice communication services for national telecommunications operators, mobile operators, wholesale carriers, prepaid operators, voice over internet protocol service operators and internet service providers. PTGI provides a quality service via direct routes and by forming strong relationships with carefully selected partners.
Basis of Presentation
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”).
Principles of Consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries Go2Tel.com, Inc., a company organized under the laws of the State of Florida, GU2TEL Spain, SLU, a Spanish entity, PTGI International Carrier Services, Ltd, a United Kingdom entity and PTGI-ICS OPSRO S.R.L, a Romanian entity, collectively referred to as the Company. All material intercompany accounts, transactions and profits were eliminated in consolidation.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from these estimates.
Revenue Recognition
The Company recognizes revenue in accordance with Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2014-09, “Revenue from contracts with customers,” (Topic 606). Revenue is recognized when a customer obtains control of promised goods or services. In addition, the standard requires disclosure of the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. The amount of revenue that is recorded reflects the consideration that the Company expects to receive in exchange for those services. The Company applies the following five-step model in order to determine this amount: (i) identification of the promised services in the contract; (ii) determination of whether the promised services are performance obligations, including whether they are distinct in the context of the contract; (iii) measurement of the transaction price, including the constraint on variable consideration; (iv) allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations; and (v) recognition of revenue when (or as) the Company satisfies each performance obligation. The Company’s main revenue stream is from the provision of telecommunications services. The Company recognizes as revenues the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to the respective performance obligation when the performance obligation is satisfied or as it is satisfied. Generally, the Company's performance obligations are transferred to customers at a point in time, typically upon delivery.
Accounts Receivable
Trade accounts receivable are recorded at the net invoice value and are not interest bearing. The Company considers receivables past due based on the payment terms. The Company reviews its exposure to accounts receivable and reserves specific amounts if collectability is no longer reasonably assured. The Company also reserves a percentage of its trade receivable balance based on collection history and current economic trends that might impact the level of future credit losses. The Company re-evaluates such reserves on a regular basis and adjusts its reserves as needed. The Company also has credit insurance on certain of its receivables to lessen the risk of uncollectible accounts. Based on the Company’s operating history and customer base, bad debts to date have not been material.
Fair Value Measurements and Fair Value of Financial Instruments
Accounting Standard Codification (“ASC”) Topic 820, Fair Value Measurements, clarifies the definition of fair value, prescribes methods for measuring fair value, and establishes a fair value hierarchy to classify the inputs used in measuring fair value as follows:
Level 1: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities available at the measurement date.
Level 2: Inputs are unadjusted quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable, and inputs derived from or corroborated by observable market data.
Level 3: Inputs are unobservable inputs which reflect the reporting entity's own assumptions on what assumptions the market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability based on the best available information.
The estimated fair value of certain financial instruments, including all current liabilities are carried at historical cost basis, which approximates their fair values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.
Fair Value of Financial Instruments
ASC subtopic 825-10, Financial Instruments ("ASC 825-10") requires disclosure of the fair value of certain financial instruments. The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, accounts payable and accrued liabilities as reflected in the balance sheets, approximate fair value because of the short-term maturity of these instruments. All other significant financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments of the Company are either recognized or disclosed in the financial statements together with other information relevant for making a reasonable assessment of future cash flows, interest rate risk and credit risk. Where practicable the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities have been determined and disclosed; otherwise only available information pertinent to fair value has been disclosed.
The Company follows ASC subtopic 820-10, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures ("ASC 820-10") and ASC 825-10, which permits entities to choose to measure many financial instruments and certain other items at fair value.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
The Company considers all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.
Long-Lived Assets
Our long-lived assets include property, plant and equipment and other indefinite lived intangible assets. We evaluate our long-lived assets for impairment, other than indefinite lived intangible assets, in accordance with ASC 360, whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of such assets may not be recoverable. Estimates of future cash flows and timing of events for evaluating long-lived assets for impairment are based upon management’s judgment. If any of our intangible or long-lived assets are considered to be impaired, the amount of impairment to be recognized is the excess of the carrying amount of the assets over its fair value.
Applicable long-lived assets are amortized or depreciated over the shorter of their estimated useful lives, the estimated period that the assets will generate revenue, or the statutory or contractual term in the case of patents. Estimates of useful lives and periods of expected revenue generation are reviewed periodically for appropriateness and are based upon management’s judgment.
Impairment of Goodwill
The Company evaluates indefinite lived intangible assets for impairment at least annually and whenever impairment indicators are present in accordance with ASC 350. When necessary, the Company records an impairment loss for the amount by which the fair value is less than the carrying value of these assets. The fair value of intangible assets other than goodwill is typically determined using the “relief from royalty method”, specifically the discounted cash flow method utilizing Level 3 fair value inputs. Some of the more significant estimates and assumptions inherent in this approach include: the amount and timing of the projected net cash flows, which includes the expected impact of competitive, legal and/or regulatory forces on the projections, as well as the selection of a long-term growth rate; the discount rate, which seeks to reflect the various risks inherent in the projected cash flows; and the tax rate, which seeks to incorporate the geographic diversity of the projected cash flows.
The Company performs impairment testing for all other long-lived assets whenever impairment indicators are present. When necessary, the Company calculates the undiscounted value of the projected cash flows associated with the asset, or asset group, and compares this estimated amount to the carrying amount. If the carrying amount is found to be greater, we record an impairment loss for the excess of book value over fair value. During the year ended December 31, 2019, the Company determined that the existing goodwill should be entirely impaired and reported an impairment charge totaling $4,463,720.
Depreciation and Amortization
Fixed assets are recorded at cost. Depreciation is generally calculated on a straight-line method and amortization of leasehold improvements is provided for on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the various assets as follows:
Telco equipment
7 years
Computer hardware
3 years
Computer software
3 years
Furniture and fixtures
5 years
Maintenance and repairs are expensed as incurred while renewals and betterments are capitalized.
Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
The Company follows the policy of charging the costs of advertising, marketing, and public relations to expense as incurred. There were no advertising expenses for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively.
Income Taxes
Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases and operating loss, capital loss and tax credit carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date.
For all periods presented, PTGI was included in the consolidated income tax returns of its Parent, HC2 Holdings, Inc. (“HC2”). All losses incurred by PTGI were utilized by PTGI or by HC2 in the consolidated tax filings. As of December 31, 2019, PTGI does not have any unused net operating losses or other credits available for use against future earnings.
The Company recognizes the effect of income tax positions only if those positions are more likely than not of being sustained. Recognized income tax positions are measured at the largest amount that is greater than 50% likely of being realized. Changes in recognition or measurement are reflected in the period in which the change in judgment occurs. The Company records interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits as a component of general and administrative expenses. Our federal tax return and any state tax returns are not currently under examination.
The Company has adopted FASB ASC 740-10, Accounting for Income Taxes, which requires an asset and liability approach to financial accounting and reporting for income taxes. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are computed annually from differences between the financial statement and tax basis of assets and liabilities that will result in taxable or deductible amounts in the future based on enacted tax laws and rates applicable to the periods in which the differences are expected to affect taxable income. Valuation allowances are established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.
In February 2016, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842) (“Topic 842”). Topic 842 requires the entity to recognize the assets and liabilities for the rights and obligations created by leased assets. Leases will be classified as either finance or operating, with classification affecting expense recognition in the income statement.
On January 1, 2019, the Company adopted Topic 842 applying the optional transition method, which allows an entity to apply the new standard at the adoption date with a cumulative effect adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings in the period of adoption. As a result of adopting Topic 842, the Company recognized assets and liabilities for the rights and obligations created by operating leases totaling approximately $3,926.
The Company determines if a contract contains a lease at inception based on whether it conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset. Substantially all of the Company’s leases are classified as operating leases. The Company records operating lease right-of-use assets within “Other assets” and lease liabilities are recorded within “current and noncurrent liabilities” in the consolidated balance sheets. Lease expenses are recorded within “General and administrative expenses” in the consolidated statements of operations. Operating lease payments are presented within “Operating cash flows” in the consolidated statements of cash flows.
Operating lease right-of-use assets and lease liabilities are recognized based on the net present value of future minimum lease payments over the lease term starting on the commencement date. The Company generally is not able to determine the rate implicit in its leases and, as such, applies an incremental borrowing rate based on the Company’s cost of borrowing for the relevant terms of each lease. Lease expense for minimum lease payments is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Lease terms may include an option to extend or terminate a lease if it is reasonably certain that the Company will exercise such options. The Company has elected the practical expedient to not separate lease components from non-lease components, and also has elected not to record a right-of-use asset or lease liability for leases which, at inception, have a term of twelve months or less. Variable lease payments are recognized in the period in which the obligation for those payments is incurred.
The Company's cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities and accounts receivable are monitored for exposure to concentrations of credit risk. The Company maintains substantially all of its cash balances in a limited number of financial institutions. The balances are each insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $250,000. The Company had balances in excess of this limit at December 31, 2019 and 2018 totaling $34,061,119 and $14,620,689, respectively.
PTGI's consolidated financial statements are prepared using the GAAP applicable to a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and liquidation of liabilities in the normal course of business. At December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, PTGI had $34,561,119 and $15,024,031 in cash and ($6,038,039) and ($7,417,538) in working capital, respectively. Losses may adversely affect the liquidity of PTGI in the future. In view of the matters described, recoverability of a major portion of the recorded asset amounts shown in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets is dependent upon continued operations, which in turn is dependent upon PTGI's ability to obtain financing from its parent, HC2 and to succeed in its future operations and to execute on planned expansion acquisitions. The consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts or amounts and classification of liabilities that might be necessary should PTGI be unable to continue as a going concern.
Property, plant and equipment consisted of the following at December 31, 2019 and 2018:
December 31,
December 31,
Telco equipment
Computer hardware
Computer software
Furniture & fixtures
Less: Accumulated depreciation
Property Plant and Equipment
Depreciation expense was $342,215 and $347,608 for the twelve months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively.
In the normal course of business PTGI incurs costs that can be billed by the suppler in a subsequent period. To ensure proper presentation the unbilled costs are accrued at each month end. As invoices are received the accrued payable is relieved and the correct payable reflected in the accounts payable account.
In November 2018, PTGI entered into a purchase agreement to acquire the stock of GO2Tel.com and its subsidiary. Pursuant to the agreement, PTGI paid $200,000 and is required to pay 20% of the gross margin for the following 24 months (Earnout Provision) in exchange for all the outstanding shares of GO2Tel.com common stock. Payment of the earnout provision is made quarterly but no less than $30,000. The company reported the original purchase price based on 20% of the estimated gross margin for the following 24 months plus the initial cash payment. Remeasurement of the expected payout at year end resulted in a gain adjustment to the Contingent Consideration due of $377,446. The original amount of these earnout provision was $797,580. As of December 31, 2019, $261,226 remains on the earnout provision.
PTGI uses shares facilities and corporate services provided by HC2. The facilities include shared IT platforms. Corporate services include IT and tax-related support. For use of the HC2 provided services, cost allocations are transferred and paid monthly.
During the normal course of business, the Company may be exposed to litigation. When the Company becomes aware of potential litigation, it evaluates the merits of the case in accordance with FASB ASC 450-20-50, Contingencies. The Company evaluates its exposure to the matter, possible legal or settlement strategies and the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome. If the Company determines that an unfavorable outcome is probable and can be reasonably estimated, it establishes the necessary accruals. As of December 31, 2019, and 2018, the Company is not aware of any contingent liabilities that should be reflected in the consolidated financial statements.
During 2018, the then parent of the Company took advances made to the Company totaling $190,393,412 and contributed them as additional capital contributions in the Company.
PTGI Stock Purchase Agreement
On October 2, 2020, the Shareholder of the Company, ICS Group Holdings, Inc., entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement with TransWorld Holdings, Inc (TRW). pursuant to which TRW agreed to acquire 100% of the outstanding voting securities of PTGI in consideration for $1,000,000 (the “PTGI Acquisition”). The closing of the PTGI Acquisition occurred on October 31, 2020.
PTGI International Services, Ltd transfer
On October 10, 2020, the Shares of PTGI International Services, Ltd (PTGI Ltd) were transferred to the Company’s Shareholder, ICS Group Holdings, Inc for nominal consideration. Under the terms of the PTGI Stock Purchase Agreement with TRW, PTGI Ltd would continue to provide sales support services to PTGI through February 28, 2021.
Liquidation of PTGI-ICS OPSRO S.R.L
PTGI-ICS OPSRO S.R.L, a company organized under the laws of Romania was deregistered effective September 30, 2020.
Period Ended September 30, 2020
Reviewed Financial Statements
GetCharged, Inc.
Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements as of September 30, 2020
To the Board of Director(s) of
GetCharged, Inc.
New York, New York
We have reviewed the accompanying financial statements of Get Charged Inc., which comprise the balance sheets as of September 30, 2020, and the related statements of operations, changes in stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. A review includes primarily applying analytical procedures to management’s financial data and making inquiries of company management. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Accountant’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to conduct the review engagement in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services promulgated by the Accounting and Review Services Committee of the AICPA. Those standards require us to perform procedures to obtain limited assurance as a basis for reporting whether we are aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial statements for them to be in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We believe that the results of our procedures provide a reasonable basis for our conclusion.
Accountant’s Conclusion
Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying financial statements in order for them to be in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
K. K. Mehta CPA Associates PLLC
Garden City, New York
January 11, 2021

Period Ended September 30, 2020
As of
September 30,
As of
September 30,
Current Assets:
Total Current Assets
Property, Equipment and Leasehold Improvements, Net
Other Assets
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Total Current Liabilities
Long- Term Notes Payable
Total Liabilities
Stockholders' Equity:
Common Stock , $0.00001 par value:
Authorized shares- 10,000,000
Issued and Outstanding shares- 200
Accumulated Surplus (Deficit)
Total Equity
Period Ended September 30, 2019
As of
Sept 30, 2020
As of
Sept 30, 2019
Salaries and related benefits
Selling, Office and Administration
Interest Income
Interest Expense
Provision for Income Taxes
Period Ended September 30, 2019
Nine Months ended Sept 30, 2020
Common Stock
Balance, January 1, 2020
Issuance of Common Stock
Net Income
Balance September 30, 2020
Nine Months Ended Sept 30, 2019
Common Stock  
Balance, January 1, 2019
Issuance of Common Stock
Prior Period Adjustment
Net Income
Balance Sept 30, 2019
Period Ended September 30, 2019
As of
September 30,
As of
September 30,
Cash flows from Operating Activities
Net Profit/(Loss)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by (used in) Operations:
Change in Operating Assets and Liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Net cash provided from (used in) Operating activities
Cash flows from Investing activities
Acquisition of PP&E
Investment in Subsidiary
Net cash provided from (used in) Investing activities
Cash flows from Financing activities
Issuance of Common Stock
Issuance of Notes Payable
Net cash provided from (used in) Financing activities
Net Change in cash
Net Change in cash classified within current assets held for sale
Cash at beginning of period
Cash at end of period
GetCharged Inc., a Delaware corporation established in November, 2018, is engaged to build a worldwide network of electric charging, storage, and service stations for e-scooters and e-bikes, while protecting the integrity, access, and safety of sidewalks for all pedestrians. The company are creating the electric fueling stations of the future. The company started its operation since January of 2019.
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”), and include the accounts of GetCharged, Inc. The basis used for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements is based on the needs of the financial statement users. Financial presentation under the accrual method (basis of presentation under accounting principle generally accepted in the United States) provides the best approach to present the financial statements with the appropriate revenues since accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful debts, can be recorded against appropriate expenses which are incurred in the same period to generate those revenues.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Revenue Recognition
It is the Company’s policy that revenues from sale of service are recognized in accordance with ASC 605, “Revenue Recognition.” Four basic criteria must be met before revenue can be recognized: (1) persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists; (2) services have been rendered; (3) the selling price is fixed and determinable; and (4) collectability is reasonably assured. Determination of criteria (3) and (4) is based on management’s judgments regarding fixed nature in selling prices of the services rendered and the collectability of those amounts.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand/bank and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into cash. The Company considers securities when purchased with maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents. The carrying amount of these securities approximate fair market value because of the short-term maturity of these instruments.
Fair Values Measurements
The Company’s financial assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis have been categorized based upon a fair value hierarchy. Level 1 inputs utilize quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 inputs are based on other observable market data, such as quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities, and inputs other than quoted prices that are observable, such as interest rates and yield curves. Level 3 inputs are developed from unobservable data reflecting our own assumptions, and include situations where there is little or no market activity for the asset or liability.
Certain non-financial assets and liabilities are measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis, including property, plant, and equipment, goodwill and intangible assets. These assets are not measured at fair value on a recurring basis; however, they are subject to fair value adjustments in certain circumstances, such as when there is evidence of an impairment. A general description of the valuation methodologies used for assets and liabilities measured at fair value, including the general classification of such assets and liabilities pursuant to the valuation hierarchy, is included in each footnote with fair value measurements presented.
The Company’s financial instruments consist principally of cash and cash equivalents, short-term marketable securities, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accounts payable, notes payable and long-term debt. The recorded values of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accounts payable approximate their fair values based upon their short-term nature. The recorded values of notes payable and long-term debt approximate their fair values, as interest approximates market rates.
The fair value of a financial instrument is the amount that would be received in an asset sale or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between unaffiliated market participants. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value are categorized based on whether the inputs are observable in the market and the degree that the inputs are observable. The categorization of financial instruments within the valuation hierarchy is based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. The hierarchy is prioritized into three levels (with Level 3 being the lowest) defined as follows:
Level 1: Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity has the ability to access.
Level 2: Observable inputs other than prices included in Level 1, such as quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active; or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated with observable market data.
Level 3: Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market activity and that are significant to the fair value of the assets and liabilities. This includes certain pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies, and similar techniques that use significant unobservable inputs.
The fair value of the Company’s, short-term marketable securities, were determined based on “Level 1” inputs. The Company does not have any financial instruments in the “Level 2” and “Level 3” category. The Company believes that the recorded values of all the other financial instruments approximate their current fair values because of their nature and relatively short maturity dates or durations.
There have been no changes in Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 and no changes in valuation techniques for these assets or liabilities for the periods ended December 31, 2019.
FASB ASC 825-10 requires disclosure of fair value information about financial instruments, whether or not recognized in the statement of financial condition. In cases where quoted market prices are not available, fair values are based on estimates using present value or other valuation techniques. Those techniques are significantly affected by the assumptions used, including the discount rate and estimates of future cash flows. In that regard, the derived fair value estimates cannot be substantiated by comparison to independent markets and, in many cases, could not be realized in immediate settlement of the instruments. FASB ASC 825-10 excludes certain financial instruments and all nonfinancial instruments from its disclosure requirements. Accordingly, the aggregate fair value amounts presented do not represent the underlying value of the Company.
The following methods and assumptions were used by the Company in estimating its fair value disclosures for financial instruments:
Cash and cash equivalents - The carrying amounts reported in the statements of financial condition for cash and cash equivalents approximate those assets’ fair values. Investment securities which consist of marketable securities - Fair values for investment securities are based on quoted market prices, where available.
Property, Equipment and Depreciation
Property and equipment are stated at cost. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets. The Company has a policy of capitalizing purchases over $5,000. Expenditures for routine maintenance and repairs on property and equipment are charged to expense.
The Company reviews long lived assets for impairment when circumstances indicate the carrying value of an asset may not be recoverable based upon the undiscounted future cash flows of the asset. If the carrying value of the asset is determined not to be recoverable, a write down to fair value is recorded. Fair values are determined based on quoted market values, discounted cash flows or external appraisals as appropriate. We review long lived assets for impairment at the individual asset or asset group level for which the lowest level of independent cash flows can be identified.
Depreciation is provided for financial reporting purposes utilizing both the accelerated and straight-line methods over the estimated useful lives of the assets, which are as follows;
Machinery and Equipment
3-5 years
Furniture and Fixtures
5-7 years
3 years
Other Assets
Other assets comprises of overpayment to the financial institutions and security deposits for rental properties.
Income Taxes
Income Taxes Income taxes are accounted for on an asset and liability approach that requires the recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax consequence of events that have been recognized in the consolidated financial statements or tax returns. In estimating future tax consequences, the Company generally considers all expected future events other than proposed changes in the tax law or rates. Valuation allowances are provided if it is more likely than not that a deferred tax asset will not be realized.
The Company recognizes liabilities for uncertain tax positions based on a two-step process. The first step is to evaluate the tax position for recognition by determining if the weight of available evidence indicates that it is more likely than not that the position will be sustained on audit, including resolution of related appeals or litigation processes, if any. Once it is determined that the position meets the recognition threshold, the second step requires an estimate and measure the largest amount of tax benefit that is more likely than not to be realized upon ultimate settlement. The difference between the amount of recognizable tax benefit and the total amount of tax benefit from positions filed or to be filed with the tax authorities is recorded as a liability for uncertain tax benefits. It is inherently difficult and subjective to estimate such amounts due to the probability of various possible outcomes. The Company reevaluates uncertain tax positions on a quarterly basis. This evaluation is based on factors including, but not limited to, changes in facts or circumstances, changes in tax law, effectively settled issues under audit and new audit activity. Such a change in recognition or measurement could result in the recognition of a tax benefit or an additional charge to the tax provision.
A valuation allowance was taken by the Company as it believes there is no sufficient positive evidence to support its conclusion not to record a valuation allowance. Management believes that there can be no assurance that the Company will generate taxable income or that all of its timing differences between tax and financial reporting will be utilized.
Tax Cuts and Job Act. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was enacted in December 2018. Among other things, the new law (I) establishes a new, flat corporate federal statutory income tax rate of 21%, (ii) eliminates the corporate alternative minimum tax and allows the use of such carryforwards to offset regular tax liability for any taxable year, (iii) limits the deduction for net interest expense incurred by U.S. corporations, (iv) allows businesses to immediately expense, for tax purposes, the cost of new investments in certain qualified depreciable assets, (v) eliminates or reduces certain deductions related to meals and entertainment expenses, (vi) modifies the limitation on excessive employee remuneration to eliminate the exception for performance-based compensation and clarifies the definition of a covered employee and (vii) limits the deductibility of deposit insurance premiums. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act also significantly changes the US tax law related to foreign operations, however, such changes do not currently impact the Company.

The Company expenses all advertising costs as incurred. Advertising expense for the years ended September 30, 2020 was $5,000.
In accordance with ASC 855, the Company evaluated subsequent events through January 11, 2021, the date these financial statements were issued.
Years Ended December 31, 2019

Audited Financial Statements

To the Board of Director(s) of
GetCharged, Inc.
New York, New York
Report on Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of GetCharged, Inc., which comprise the balance sheet as of December 31, 2019 and the related statement of income, change in stockholders’ equity, and cash flow for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United State of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the 2018 financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of GetCharged, Inc. as of December 31, 2019, and the results of its operations and cash flow for the year then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Substantial Doubt about the Company’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 11 to the financial statements, the Company has sustained significant net loss for the year ended December 31, 2019. Management’s evaluation of the events and conditions and management’s plans regarding the matter also are described in Note 11. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty. Our opinion is not modified with respect to that matter.
/s/ K.K. Mehta CPA Associates, PLLC 
Garden City, New York
July 27, 2020, (except as to Note 9, as to which the date is May 11, 2021)
As of December 31,
Current Assets:
Total Current Assets
Property, Equipment and Leasehold Improvements, Net
Other Assets
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Total Current Liabilities
Long-Term Notes Payable
Total Liabilities
Stockholders’ Equity:
Common Stock, $0.0001 par value:
Authorized shares – 18,000,000
Issue and Outstanding shares – 10,000,000
Accumulated Surplus (Deficit)
Total Equity
Year Ended December 31,
Selling, Office and Administration
Interest Income
Interest Expense
Provision for Income Taxes
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Common Stock
Balance, January 2, 2019
Purchase of Treasury Stock
Issuance of Common Stock
Net Income
Balance, December 31, 2019
Year Ended December 31,
Cash flows from Operating Activities
Net Profit/(Loss)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash
provided by (used in) Operations:
Change in Operating Assets and Liabilities:
Other Receivable
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Net cash provided from (used in) Operating activities
Cash flows from Investing activities
Acquisition of PP&E
Net cash provided from (used in) Investing activities
Cash flows from Financing activities
Loan received from related Party
Issuance of Notes Payable
Net cash provided from (used in) Financing activities
Net Change in cash
Net Change in cash classified within current assets held for sale
Cash at beginning of period
Cash at end of period

GetCharged Inc., a Delaware corporation established in November, 2018, is engaged to build a worldwide network of electric charging, storage, and service stations for e-scooters and e-bikes, while protecting the integrity, access, and safety of sidewalks for all pedestrians. The company are creating the electric fueling stations of the future. The company started its operation since January of 2019.
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”), and include the accounts of GetCharged, Inc. The basis used for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements is based on the needs of the financial statement users. Financial presentation under the accrual method (basis of presentation under accounting principle generally accepted in the United States) provides the best approach to present the financial statements with the appropriate revenues since accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful debts, can be recorded against appropriate expenses which are incurred in the same period to generate those revenues.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand/bank and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into cash. The Company considers securities when purchased with maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents. The carrying amount of these securities approximate fair market value because of the short-term maturity of these instruments.
Fair Values Measurements
The Company’s financial assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis have been categorized based upon a fair value hierarchy. Level 1 inputs utilize quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2 inputs are based on other observable market data, such as quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities, and inputs other than quoted prices that are observable, such as interest rates and yield curves. Level 3 inputs are developed from unobservable data reflecting our own assumptions, and include situations where there is little or no market activity for the asset or liability.
Certain non-financial assets and liabilities are measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis, including property, plant, and equipment, goodwill and intangible assets. These assets are not measured at fair value on a recurring basis; however, they are subject to fair value adjustments in certain circumstances, such as when there is evidence of an impairment. A general description of the valuation methodologies used for assets and liabilities measured at fair value, including the general classification of such assets and liabilities pursuant to the valuation hierarchy, is included in each footnote with fair value measurements presented.
The Company’s financial instruments consist principally of cash and cash equivalents, short-term marketable securities, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accounts payable, notes payable and long-term debt. The recorded values of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accounts payable approximate their fair values based upon their short-term nature. The recorded values of notes payable and long-term debt approximate their fair values, as interest approximates market rates.
The fair value of a financial instrument is the amount that would be received in an asset sale or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between unaffiliated market participants. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value are categorized based on whether the inputs are observable in the market and the degree that the inputs are observable. The categorization of financial instruments within the valuation hierarchy is based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. The hierarchy is prioritized into three levels (with Level 3 being the lowest) defined as follows:
Level 1: Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity has the ability to access.
Level 2: Observable inputs other than prices included in Level 1, such as quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active; or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated with observable market data.
Level 3: Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market activity and that are significant to the fair value of the assets and liabilities. This includes certain pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies, and similar techniques that use significant unobservable inputs.
The fair value of the Company’s, short-term marketable securities, were determined based on “Level 1” inputs. The Company does not have any financial instruments in the “Level 2” and “Level 3” category. The Company believes that the recorded values of all the other financial instruments approximate their current fair values because of their nature and relatively short maturity dates or durations.
There have been no changes in Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 and no changes in valuation techniques for these assets or liabilities for the periods ended December 31, 2019.
FASB ASC 825-10 requires disclosure of fair value information about financial instruments, whether or not recognized in the statement of financial condition. In cases where quoted market prices are not available, fair values are based on estimates using present value or other valuation techniques. Those techniques are significantly affected by the assumptions used, including the discount rate and estimates of future cash flows. In that regard, the derived fair value estimates cannot be substantiated by comparison to independent markets and, in many cases, could not be realized in immediate settlement of the instruments. FASB ASC 825-10 excludes certain financial instruments and all nonfinancial instruments from its disclosure requirements. Accordingly, the aggregate fair value amounts presented do not represent the underlying value of the Company.
The following methods and assumptions were used by the Company in estimating its fair value disclosures for financial instruments:
Cash and cash equivalents - The carrying amounts reported in the statements of financial condition for cash and cash equivalents approximate those assets’ fair values. Investment securities which consist of marketable securities – Fair values for investment securities are based on quoted market prices, where available.
Property, Equipment and Depreciation
Property and equipment are stated at cost. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the related assets. The Company has a policy of capitalizing purchases over $5,000. Expenditures for routine maintenance and repairs on property and equipment are charged to expense.
The Company reviews long lived assets for impairment when circumstances indicate the carrying value of an asset may not be recoverable based upon the undiscounted future cash flows of the asset. If the carrying value of the asset is determined not to be recoverable, a write down to fair value is recorded. Fair values are determined based on quoted market values, discounted cash flows or external appraisals as appropriate. We review long lived assets for impairment at the individual asset or asset group level for which the lowest level of independent cash flows can be identified.
Depreciation is provided for financial reporting purposes utilizing both the accelerated and straight-line methods over the estimated useful lives of the assets, which are as follows;
Machinery and Equipment
3-5 years
Furniture and Fixtures
5-7 years
3 years
Other Assets
Other assets comprises of overpayment to the financial institutions and security deposits for rental properties.
Income Taxes
Income Taxes Income taxes are accounted for on an asset and liability approach that requires the recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax consequence of events that have been recognized in the consolidated financial statements or tax returns. In estimating future tax consequences, the Company generally considers all expected future events other than proposed changes in the tax law or rates. Valuation allowances are provided if it is more likely than not that a deferred tax asset will not be realized.
The Company recognizes liabilities for uncertain tax positions based on a two-step process. The first step is to evaluate the tax position for recognition by determining if the weight of available evidence indicates that it is more likely than not that the position will be sustained on audit, including resolution of related appeals or litigation processes, if any. Once it is determined that the position meets the recognition threshold, the second step requires an estimate and measure the largest amount of tax benefit that is more likely than not to be realized upon ultimate settlement. The difference between the amount of recognizable tax benefit and the total amount of tax benefit from positions filed or to be filed with the tax authorities is recorded as a liability for uncertain tax benefits. It is inherently difficult and subjective to estimate such amounts due to the probability of various possible outcomes. The Company reevaluates uncertain tax positions on a quarterly basis. This evaluation is based on factors including, but not limited to, changes in facts or circumstances, changes in tax law, effectively settled issues under audit and new audit activity. Such a change in recognition or measurement could result in the recognition of a tax benefit or an additional charge to the tax provision.
A valuation allowance was taken by the Company as it believes there is no sufficient positive evidence to support its conclusion not to record a valuation allowance. Management believes that there can be no assurance that the Company will generate taxable income or that all of its timing differences between tax and financial reporting will be utilized.
Tax Cuts and Job Act. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was enacted in December 2018. Among other things, the new law (I) establishes a new, flat corporate federal statutory income tax rate of 21%, (ii) eliminates the corporate alternative minimum tax and allows the use of such carryforwards to offset regular tax liability for any taxable year, (iii) limits the deduction for net interest expense incurred by U.S. corporations, (iv) allows businesses to immediately expense, for tax purposes, the cost of new investments in certain qualified depreciable assets, (v) eliminates or reduces certain deductions related to meals and entertainment expenses, (vi) modifies the limitation on excessive employee remuneration to eliminate the exception for performance-based compensation and clarifies the definition of a covered employee and (vii) limits the deductibility of deposit insurance premiums. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act also significantly changes the US tax law related to foreign operations, however, such changes do not currently impact the Company.
The Company expenses all advertising costs as incurred. Advertising expense for the years ended December 31, 2019 was $5,000.
Performance Incentive Plan
On May 2019, the shareholders approved the Company's 2019 Performance Stock Option, (the "Stock Option"). Under the terms of the Incentive Plan, up to 1,000,000 shares of common stock may be granted. The Stock Option is administered by the Compensation Committee which is appointed by the Board of Directors. The Committee determines which key employee, officer or director on the regular payroll of the Company, or outside consultants shall receive stock options. Granted options are exercisable after the date of grant in accordance with the terms of the grant up to five years after the date of the grant. The exercise price of any incentive stock option or nonqualified option granted under the Incentive Plan may not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the shares of common stock of the Company at the time of the grant.
The following options were issued to employees and non-employee Board of Directors and consultants in accordance with the Company's Performance Incentive Plan. However, they may not be outstanding at each year end.
Grant Date
Number of Options
Exercise Price
Expiration Term
5 years
At December 31, 2019, the Company has shares of common stock reserved for issuance of these options and for options granted previously.
Activity in stock options, including those outside the Performance Incentive Plan, for year-end December 31, 2019, is summarized as follows:
Shares Under Options
Average Exercise Price
Balance, December 31, 2018
Options Granted
Options Exercised
Options Cancelled/Expired
Balance, December 31, 2019
All of the options listed in the above table have no intrinsic value, as their exercise prices are all in excess of the market value of the Company's common stock as of December 31, 2019.
Accounts payable and accrued expenses consist of the following:
December 31,
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Interest Payable
The accounts payable and accrued expenses consists of trade payables arising from company’s normal course of business.
Property and equipment consists of the following as of December 31:
December 31,
Furniture and Equipment
Accumulated Depreciation
Net Total
The above fixed assets have not been placed in service at the end of December 31, 2019, thus no depreciation expenses have been booked. Accordingly, depreciation expense for the year ended December 31, 2019 was $0.
Financial instruments that potentially subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk consist of temporary cash investments, which from time to time exceed the federal depository insurance coverage and commercial accounts receivable. The Company has cash investment policies that restrict placement of these investments to financial institutions evaluated as highly creditworthy. Cash and cash equivalents held in a bank exceed federally insured limits at year end and at various points during the year.
The Company's primary business deals with building electric charging service station. While the Company is unable to predict what regulatory changes may occur or the impact on the Company of any particular change, the Company’s operations and financial results could be negatively affected if the federal or state regulator relax the laws on the use of fossils fuel.
The carrying value of the convertible notes, as of December 31, 2019 is $3,105,000. The company accrued interest of $117,257 for year 2019 at the rate of 8% per annum on the outstanding convertible notes.
The convertible notes are issued as series notes. As of December 2019, Series 1, 2 and 3A notes has been issued. At December 31, 2019, a total of $ 450,000, $ 1,550,000 and $ 1,105,000 has been used under series note1, 2 and 3 respectively.
The series 1 note will be converted to common shares at a discount of 20% whenever the company’s capitalization will reach $ 10 M. Similarly, notes 2 & 3 will be converted to common shares at a discount of 20% whenever the company’s capitalization value reaches $ 17.5M.
The maturities of above series notes are as follows:
 Original Maturity Date
 First Amendment
 Second Amendment
 Series 1
 Series 2
 Series 3
Uncertain Tax Position
The Company follows the FASB Accounting Standards Codification, which provides guidance on accounting for uncertainty in income taxes recognized in an enterprise’s financial statements. The guidance prescribes a recognition threshold and measurement attribute for the financial statement recognition and measurement of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return, and also provides guidance on de-recognition, classification, interest and penalties, accounting in interim periods, disclosure and transition. As of December 31, 2019, the Company had no uncertain tax positions that qualify for either recognition or disclosure in the Company’s financial statements. The Company’s policy is to recognize interest and penalties on unrecognized tax benefits in income tax expense in the financial statements. No interest and penalties were recorded during the years ended December 31, 2019.
The Company is involved, from time to time, in disputes and claims incidental to the conduct of its business. The company reviews any such legal proceedings and claims on an ongoing basis and follows appropriate accounting guidance when making accrual and disclosure decisions. Based upon present information, the company determined that there was no matters that required an accrual as of December 31, 2019 nor were there any asserted or unasserted material claims for which material losses are reasonably possible.
The Company sustained net operating losses of $(1,963,876) for the years ended December 31, 2019, indicating an adverse effect in the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
Managements plans to address the going concern is to seek out additional investors, provide additional loans and capital contributions to the Company from current stockholders, and open service charge stations to increase gross profit margins. Management launched service charge stations subsequent to balance sheet date, please see note 14.
The ability to continue as a going concern is dependent upon the success of these actions as well as continued favorable treatment as it relates to federal laws and regulations. There can be no assurance the Company will be successful in accomplishing its objectives. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might be necessary should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern.
During the year 2019 there has been the following issuance of convertible notes payables to the related parties.
Related Parties
Daniel Waldman
Andrew Fox
Further during the year 2019, the company paid $ 129,945.70 as a reimbursement of contracting fees to 9 Madison Inc. owned by related parties. The amount has been charged as an expense to statement of income under consulting fees. Also during 2019 per the consulting agreement reached between company and Daniel Waldman in 2018 the company awarded an stock option which will grant him 420,000 shares of company’s common stock with a vesting period of five years from the date of issuance.
In December 2019, the FASB issued an accounting standard updates that eliminates certain exceptions related to the approach for intra-period tax allocation, the methodology for calculating income taxes in an interim period and the recognition of deferred tax liabilities for outside basis differences. It also clarifies and simplifies other aspects of the accounting for income taxes. ASU 2019-12 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2020, and interim periods within those fiscal years. The Company is currently evaluating the adoption date and impact, if any, adoption will have on its financial position and results of operations.
In June 2016, the FASB issued Accounting Standard Update No. 2016-13, Financial Instruments-Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments (ASU 2016-13), which requires the measurement and recognition of expected credit losses for financial assets held at amortized cost. ASU 2016-13 replaces the existing incurred loss impairment model with a forward-looking expected credit loss model which will result in earlier recognition of credit losses. The standard will be effective for us in the last quarter of 2020, but early adoption is permitted. The Company is currently evaluating this update on its financial position and results of operations.
In accordance with ASC 855, the Company evaluated subsequent events through July 27, 2020, the date these financial statements were issued.
Subsequent to the year-end, in February 2020 the company launched service charge station in Los Angles, California and the second one in Paris, France in July of 2020.
Years Ended December 31, 2018

Audited Financial Statements
To the Board of Director(s) of
GetCharged, Inc.
New York, New York
Report on Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of GetCharged, Inc., which comprise the balance sheet as of December 31, 2018 and the related statement of income, change in stockholders’ equity, and cash flow for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United State of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the 2018 financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of GetCharged, Inc. as of December 31, 2018, and the results of its operations and cash flow for the year then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
/s/ K.K. Mehta CPA Associates, PLLC. 
Garden City, New York
January 11, 2021
As of December 31,
Current Assets:
Total Current Assets
Property, Equipment and Leasehold Improvements, NetOther Assets
Current Liabilities:
Due to related parties, net
Total Current Liabilities
Long-Term Notes Payable
Total Liabilities
Stockholders’ Equity:
Common Stock, $0.0001 par value:
Authorized shares – 10,000,000
Issue and Outstanding shares – 200
Accumulated Surplus (Deficit)
Total Equity
Year Ended December 31,
Selling, Office and Administration
Interest Income
Interest Expense
Provision for Income Taxes
Common Stock
Balance, January 2, 2018
Issuance of Common Stock
Net Income
Balance, December 31, 2018
Year Ended December 31,
Cash flows from Operating Activities
Net Profit/(Loss)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash
provided by (used in) Operations:
Change in Operating Assets and Liabilities:
Other Receivable
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Net cash provided from (used in) Operating activities
Cash flows from Investing activities
Acquisition of PP&E
Net cash provided from (used in) Investing activities
Cash flows from Financing activities
Loan received from related Party
Issuance of Notes Payable
Net cash provided from (used in) Financing activities
Net Change in cash
Net Change in cash classified within current assets held for sale
Cash at beginning of period
Cash at end of period
GetCharged Inc., a Delaware corporation established in November, 2018, is engaged to build a worldwide network of electric charging, storage, and service stations for e-scooters and e-bikes, while protecting the integrity, access, and safety of sidewalks for all pedestrians. The company are creating the electric fueling stations of the future. The company started its operation since January of 2019.
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“GAAP”), and include the accounts of GetCharged, Inc. The basis used for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements is based on the needs of the financial statement users. Financial presentation under the accrual method (basis of presentation under accounting principle generally accepted in the United States) provides the best approach to present the financial statements with the appropriate revenues since accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful debts, can be recorded against appropriate expenses which are incurred in the same period to generate those revenues.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand/bank and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into cash. The Company considers securities when purchased with maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents. The carrying amount of these securities approximate fair market value because of the short-term maturity of these instruments.
In accordance with ASC 855, the Company evaluated subsequent events through January 11, 2021, the date these financial statements were issued.
Since December 31, 2019, the spread of COVID-19 has severely impacted many local economies around the globe. In many countries, businesses are being forced to cease or limit operations for long or indefinite periods of time. Measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, including travel bans, quarantines, social distancing, and closures of non-essential services have triggered significant disruptions to businesses worldwide, resulting in an economic slowdown. Global stock markets have also experienced great volatility and a significant weakening. Governments and central banks have responded with monetary and fiscal interventions to stabilize economic conditions.
Subsequent to the year-end, in February 2020 the company launched service charge station in Los Angles, California and the second one in Paris, France in July of 2020.
On September 25, 2020, GetCharged Inc. (the “Company”) each of the transferor and Andrew Fox, in his capacity as the Transferor’s Representative entered into stock acquisition agreement with Transworld Enterprises Inc. (“Acquiror”), a wholly owned subsidiary of GoIP Global , Inc. whereby the transferors shall exchange, transfer and deliver the shares to Acquiror at the purchase price of $17,500,000, and the company transfers the shares to the acquirer free and clear of encumbrances. The shareholder record of GetCharged Inc. shall receive prorate shares of parents payable in respect of the purchase price. For avoidance of doubt, the Purchase price shall be paid in Parent Shares (and not in cash).
On October 9, 2020 the above mentioned agreement was amendment to reflect the change in manner of payment to the company. As per agreement, parent shall issue to each Transferor a stock certificate evidencing such Transferor’s Pro Rata Share of the number of Parent Shares equal to the Purchase Price minus the Holdback Shares (each, a closing Parent Share Certificate”) and deliver a closing Parent Share Certificate to each Transferor at or as soon as practicable following the Closing. Further, the parties agreed that the aggregate number of Parent Shares equal to the Purchase Price shall be 60,000,000 Parent Shares.
As of December 31, 2020, the company issued total convertible Notes Payable worth $5,965,000 with an interest rate of 8% per annum. The Note shall automatically and without any action on the part of Holder convey into that number of Class A Voting Common Stock of the Company.
The following table sets forth the expenses expected to be incurred in connection with the issuance and distribution of common stock registered hereby, all of which, except for the SEC registration fee, are estimated.
SEC registration fee
Miscellaneous expenses
Accounting fees and expenses
* To be filed by amendment.
We are incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware. Section 145 of the Delaware General Corporation Law (“DGCL”) provides that a Delaware corporation may indemnify any persons who were, are, or are threatened to be made, parties to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other than an action by or in the right of such corporation), by reason of the fact that such person is or was an officer, director, employee or agent of such corporation, or is or was serving at the request of such corporation as an officer, director, employee or agent of another corporation or enterprise. The indemnity may include expenses (including attorneys’ fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection with such action, suit or proceeding, provided that such person acted in good faith and in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the corporation’s best interests and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe that his or her conduct was illegal. A Delaware corporation may indemnify any persons who were, are, or are threatened to be made, a party to any threatened, pending or completed action or suit by or in the right of the corporation by reason of the fact that such person is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of such corporation, or is or was serving at the request of such corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation or enterprise. The indemnity may include expenses (including attorneys’ fees) actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection with the defense or settlement of such action or suit provided such person acted in good faith and in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the corporation’s best interests except that no indemnification is permitted without judicial approval if the officer or director is adjudged to be liable to the corporation. Where an officer or director is successful on the merits or otherwise in the defense of any action referred to above, the corporation must indemnify him or her against the expenses (including attorneys’ fees) actually and reasonably incurred.
Our certificate of incorporation provides that to the fullest extent permitted by the General Corporation Law, a director shall not be personally liable to us or our stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director. Our bylaws provide that we shall indemnify and hold harmless our directors and officers to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, except that we will not be required to indemnify or hold harmless any director or officer in connection with any proceeding initiated by such person unless the proceeding was authorized by our board of directors. Under our bylaws, such rights shall not be exclusive of any other rights acquired by directors and officers, including by agreement.
Our bylaws provide that we will pay expenses to any director or officer prior to the final disposition of the proceeding, provided, however, that such advancements shall be made only upon receipt of an undertaking by such director or officer to repay all amounts advanced if it should be ultimately determined that such director or officer is not entitled to indemnification under the bylaws of or otherwise.
Section 174 of the DGCL provides, among other things, that a director who willfully or negligently approves of an unlawful payment of dividends or an unlawful stock purchase or redemption may be held liable for such actions. A director who was either absent when the unlawful actions were approved, or dissented at the time, may avoid liability by causing his or her dissent to such actions to be entered in the books containing minutes of the meetings of the board of directors at the time such action occurred or immediately after such absent director receives notice of the unlawful acts.
We expect to obtain general liability insurance that covers certain liabilities of our directors and officers arising out of claims based on acts or omissions in their capacities as directors or officers, including liabilities under the Securities Act. Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act may be permitted to directors, officers or persons controlling the registrant pursuant to the foregoing provisions, we have been informed that in the opinion of the SEC such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act and is therefore unenforceable.
The above provisions may discourage stockholders from bringing a lawsuit against our directors for breach of their fiduciary duty. The provisions may also have the effect of reducing the likelihood of derivative litigation against directors and officers, even though such an action, if successful, might otherwise benefit us and our stockholders. Furthermore, a stockholder’s investment may be adversely affected to the extent we pay the costs of settlement and damage awards against directors and officers pursuant to these indemnification provisions. We believe that these certificate of incorporation provisions, bylaw provisions, indemnification agreements and the insurance are necessary to attract and retain qualified persons as directors and officers.
At present, there is no pending litigation or proceeding involving any of our directors or officers where indemnification will be required or permitted. We are not aware of any threatened litigation or proceedings that might result in a claim for such indemnification.
The Company made the following issuances of its unregistered securities pursuant exemptions contained in Section 4(a)(2) or 3(a)(9) of the Securities Act and/or Rule 506 of Regulation D promulgated thereunder:
In February 2018, the Company issued an aggregate of 30,000,000 shares of common stock to 3 consultants for services rendered.
In April 2019, the Company issued 40,000,000 shares of common stock to an accredited investor for aggregate gross proceeds of $10,000.
In May 2019, the Company issued an aggregate of 275,000,000 shares of common stock to 3 accredited investors for aggregate gross proceeds of $55,000.
In June 2019, the Company issued 125,000,000 shares of common stock to an accredited investor for aggregate gross proceeds of $25,000.
In September 2019, the Company issued an aggregate of 50,000,000 shares of common stock to 2 accredited investors for aggregate gross proceeds of $7,500.
In November 2019, the Company issued an aggregate of 125,000,000 shares of common stock to an accredited investor upon conversion of an outstanding promissory note.
In December 2019, the Company issued an aggregate of 41,825 shares of series E preferred stock to an accredited investor upon conversion of an outstanding promissory note.
In January 2020, the Company issued an aggregate of 1,602,474,719 shares of common stock to 3 accredited investors upon conversion of an outstanding promissory notes.
In January 2020, the Company issued an aggregate of 10,000,000 shares of common stock to an accredited investor upon conversion of outstanding convertible preferred stock.
In January 2020, the Company issued an aggregate of 125,000 shares of shares of series E preferred stock to an accredited investor for aggregate gross proceeds of $12,500.
In April 2020, the Company issued a convertible note with an aggregate principal amount of $300,000 to Issac Sutton, the Company’s former chief executive officer and director, for aggregate gross proceeds of $300,000
In May 2020, the Company issued to the shareholders of Transworld Enterprises, Inc. an aggregate of 1,000,000 shares of series D preferred stock and 1,000,000 shares of Series F preferred stock in exchange for all outstanding shares of Transworld Enterprises, Inc.
In May 2020, the Company issued convertible notes with an aggregate principal amount of $3,000,000, warrants to purchase an aggregate of 7,600,000 shares of common stock and 7.5 series G preferred stock for aggregate gross proceeds of $2,700,000.
In May and June 2020, the Company entered into a purchase agreement with KORR Value LP, an entity controlled by Kenneth Orr, the Company’s Executive Chairman, pursuant to which the Company issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $550,000 for an aggregate purchase price of $500,000 (collectively, the “KORR Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the KORR Notes, we issued to KORR Value warrants to purchase an aggregate of 1,266,667 shares of Common Stock (collectively, the “KORR Warrants”). The KORR Notes and KORR Warrants are on substantially the same terms as the Notes and Warrants issued to the May 2020 Investors except that the KORR Notes are subordinated to the Notes. In June 2020, KORR Value LP transferred 50% of the KORR Notes to PDG Venture Group LLC..
Between May 8, 2020 and September 30, 2020, the Company entered into securities purchase agreements with other accredited investors (the “Subordinated Creditors”) pursuant to which the Company issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $546,444 for an aggregate purchase price of $495,000 (collectively, the “Subordinated Creditor Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the Subordinated Creditor Notes, we issued to the Subordinated Creditors warrants to purchase an aggregate of 2,359,555 shares of Common Stock (collectively, the “Subordinated Creditor Warrants”). The Subordinated Creditor Notes and Subordinated Creditor Warrants are on substantially the same terms as the Notes and Warrants issued to the May 2020 Investors except that the Subordinated Creditor Notes are subordinated to the Notes.
On September 25, 2020, the Company entered into a stock acquisition agreement with the shareholders of GetCharged, Inc. (“GetCharged”) pursuant to which the Company agreed to acquire 100% of the outstanding voting securities of GetCharged in exchange for 60,000,000 shares of the Company’s common stock (the “Charge Acquisition”). The closing of the Charge Acquisition occurred on October 12, 2020.
On November 3, 2020, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with funds affiliated with Arena Investors LP (the “November 2020 Investors”) pursuant to which it issued convertible notes in an aggregate principal amount of $3.8 million for an aggregate purchase price of $3.5 million (collectively, the “November 2020 Notes” and together with the May 2020 Notes, the “Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the November 2020 Notes, we issued to the November 2020 Investors 903,226 shares of Common Stock.
On December 8, 2020, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with accredited investors pursuant to which the Company sold 8,700,002 shares of common stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2,175,000.
Our wholly-owned subsidiary, Charge Infrastructure, Inc., entered into aa securities purchase agreement, dated May 7, 2021, with the shareholders of Nextridge, Inc., a New York corporation (“Nextridge”) pursuant to which we agreed to purchase all the issued and outstanding shares of Nextridge for an aggregate purchase price of $18,850,000 (the “Nextridge Acquisition”). $6,850,000.00 of the aggregate purchase price payable to the shareholders of Nextridge was paid through the issuance of an aggregate of 2,395,105 shares of our Series B preferred stock (the “Series B Preferred”). The closing of the Nextridge Acquisition occurred on May 21, 2021.
On May 19, 2021, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with funds affiliated with Arena Investors LP (the “May 2021 Investors”) pursuant to which it issued (i) an aggregate principal amount of $5,610,000 of original issue discount senior secured convertible promissory notes due May 19, 2024 (the “May 2021 Convertible Notes”), and (ii) an aggregate principal amount of $11,032,609 of original issue discount senior secured non-convertible promissory notes due November 18, 2022 (the “May 2021 Non-Convertible Notes” and together with the May 2021 Convertible Notes, the “May 2021 Notes”). In connection with the issuance of the May 2021 Notes, we issued to the investors two year warrants to purchase 1,870,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $4.00 per share.
(a) Exhibits
The following exhibits are filed with this registration statement:
Exhibit Number
Exhibit Description
Share Exchange Agreement, dated May 8, 2020, by and among the Company, Transworld Enterprises, Inc. and the shareholders of Transworld
Stock Acquisition Agreement, dated September 25, 2020 by and among the Company, Transworld Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of Company, GetCharged, Inc., a Delaware corporation, each of the parties set forth on Exhibit A thereto and Andrew Fox, in his capacity as the Transferors’ Representative
First Amendment to the Stock Acquisition Agreement, effective October 9, 2020, by and among the Company, Transworld Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of Company, GetCharged, Inc., a Delaware corporation, each of the parties set forth on Exhibit A and Andrew Fox, in his capacity as the Transferors’ Representative
Stock Purchase Agreement, dated October 2, 2020, by and between the Company, ICS Group Holdings Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Shareholder”), solely for the purpose of Article 8 and Article 10, HC2 Holdings Inc., a Delaware corporation, and PTGI International Carrier Services Inc., a Delaware corporation.
First Amendment to the Stock Acquisition Agreement, effective October 9, 2020, by and among the Company, Transworld Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of Company, GetCharged, Inc., a Delaware corporation, each of the parties set forth on Exhibit A and Andrew Fox, in his capacity as the Transferors’ Representative
Stock Acquisition Agreement, dated May 7, 2021 by and among the Charge Infrastructure, Inc., Patrick Maney, Shaun Mahoney and Nextridge, Inc.
Certificate of Incorporation of GoIP Global, Inc., dated October 1, 2020
Certificate of Designations of the Series A Preferred Stock, dated October 6, 2020
Certificate of Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation, dated December 11, 2020
Certificate of Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation, dated January 26, 2021
Amendment to Certificate of Designations of the Series A Preferred Stock, dated March 29, 2021
Certificate of Designations of the Series B Preferred Stock, dated May 20, 2021
Form of Senior Secured Note, dated May 8, 2020
Form of Subordinated Note issued to KORR Value
Form of Warrant, dated May 8, 2020
Form of Warrant issued to Subordinated Note Holders
Form of Senior Secured Note issued to the November 2020 Investors
Form of Senior Secured Non-Convertible Note issued to the May 2021 Investors
Form of Senior Secured Convertible Note issued to the May 2021 Investors
Form of Warrant issued to the May 2021 Investors
Opinion of Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
Securities Purchase Agreement, dated May 8, 2020, by and between the Company and the investors signatory thereto
Registration Rights Agreement, dated May 8, 2020, by and between the Company and the investors signatory thereto
Security Agreement, dated May 8, 2020, by and between the Company and the investors signatory thereto
Subordination Agreement, dated May 8, 2020 by and between the Company, KORR Value LP and the investors signatory thereto
Securities Purchase Agreement, dated May 8, 2020, by and between the Company and KORR Value LP
Form of Securities Purchase Agreement entered into with the Subordinated Note Holders
Subordination Agreement entered into between the May 2020 Investors and Subordinated Note Holders
Securities Purchase Agreement, dated November 3, 2020, by and between the Company and the investors signatory thereto
Registration Rights Agreement, dated November 3, 2020, by and between the Company and the investors signatory thereto
Amended and Restated Security Agreement, dated November 3, 2020, by and between the Company and the investors signatory thereto
Amended and Restated Subordination Agreement, dated November 3, 2020 by and between the Company, KORR Value LP and the investors signatory thereto
Form of Subsidiary Guaranty Agreement, dated November 3, 2020
First Amendment and Waiver to May 2020 Financing, dated December 8, 2020
Second Amendment and Waiver to May 2020 Financing, dated December 8, 2020
First Amendment and Waiver to November 2020 Financing, dated December 8, 2020
Securities Purchase Agreement, dated December 3, 2020 related to the December 2020 private placement
2020 Omnibus Incentive Equity Plan
Amended and Restated 2020 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan
Securities Purchase Agreement, dated May 19, 2021, by and between the Company and the investors signatory thereto
Registration Rights Agreement, dated May 19, 2021, by and between the Company and the investors signatory thereto
Amended and Restated Security Agreement, dated May 19, 2021, by and between the Company and the investors signatory thereto
Form of Subsidiary Guaranty Agreement, dated May 19, 2021
Consent of Accell Audit & Compliance, P.A
Consent of Seligson & Giannattasio, LLP
Consent of K.K. Mehta CPA Associates, PLLC
Consent of Seligson & Giannattasio, LLC
Consent of Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP (including in Exhibit 5.1)
Power of Attorney (included on the signature page to the Registration Statement)
Previously Filed

(b) Financial Statement Schedules
See the Index to Financial Statements included on page F-1 for a list of the financial statements included in this prospectus.
(included on the signature page to the Registration Statement)
The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes:
1. To file, during any period in which offers or sales are being made, a post-effective amendment to this registration statement:
To include any prospectus required by Section 10(a)(3) of the Securities Act;
To reflect in the prospectus any facts or events arising after the effective date of this registration statement ( or most recent post-effective amendment thereof) which, individually or in the aggregate, represent a fundamental change in the information set forth in the registration statement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any increase or decrease in volume of securities offered (if the total dollar value of securities offered would not exceed that which was registered) and any deviation from the low or high end of the estimated maximum offering range may be reflected in the form of prospectus filed with the Commission pursuant to Rule 424(b) (Section 230.424(b) of this chapter) if, in the aggregate, the changes in volume and price represent no more than 20% change in the maximum aggregate offering price set forth in the “Calculation of Registration Fee ” table in the effective registration statement; and
To include any material information with respect to the plan of distribution not previously disclosed in the registration statement or any material change to such information in the registration statement.
Provided, however, that:
2. That, for the purpose of determining any liability under the Securities Act, each such post-effective amendment shall be deemed to be a new registration statement relating to the securities offered therein, and the offering of such securities at that time shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide offering thereof.
3. To remove from registration by means of a post-effective amendment any of the securities being registered which remain unsold at the termination of the offering.
Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act may be permitted to our directors, officers and controlling persons pursuant to the provisions above, or otherwise, we have been advised that in the opinion of the Securities and Exchange Commission such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act, and is, therefore, unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against such liabilities (other than the payment by the registrant of expenses incurred or paid by a director, officer or controlling person of the registrant in the successful defense of any action, suit or proceeding) is asserted by such director, officer or controlling person in connection with the securities being registered, the registrant will, unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter has been settled by controlling precedent, submit to a court of appropriate jurisdiction the question whether such indemnification by it is against public policy as expressed in the Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, the registrant has duly caused this amendment no. 1 to the registration statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in New York, New York, on June 11, 2021.
/s/ Andrew Fox
Andrew Fox
Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer)
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, this Registration Statement on Form S-1 has been signed by the following persons in the capacities and on the dates indicated below.
/s/ Andrew Fox
Chief Executive Officer and Director
June 11, 2021
Andrew Fox
(Principal Executive Officer)
/s/ Craig Denson
Interim Chief Financial Officer,
June 11, 2021
Craig Denson
Chief Operating Officer and Director
(Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer)
/s/ Kenneth Orr
Executive Chairman
June 11, 2021
Kenneth Orr
/s/ Phil Scala
Secretary and Director
June 11, 2021
Phil Scala
/s/ Justin Deutsch
June 11, 2021
Justin Deutsch
June 11, 2021
James Murphy
/s/ Baron Davis
June 11, 2021
Baron Davis
/s/ Benjamin Carson, Jr.
June 11, 2021
Benjamin Carson, Jr.
/s/ Mark LaNeve
Chief Business Officer
June 11, 2021
Mark LaNeve 
*By:        /s/ Andrew Fox                                    
Andrew Fox
  Execution Version
 Exhibit 2.6
by and between
DATED AS OF May 7, 2021

Purchase and sale
Purchase and Sale
Purchase Price
Shareholders Closing Deliverables
Company Closing Deliverables
Buyer Closing Deliverables
Manner of Payment
Payment Adjustments
Closing Estimates; Net Estimated Adjustment Amount
Post-Closing Adjustment

Representations and warranties of the shareholders
Authority and Enforceability
Title to Shares
No Conflict
Legal Proceedings
United States Person
Representations and warranties of the company
Organization and Qualification of the Company
Authority; Board Approval
No Conflicts; Consents
Subsidiaries; Joint Ventures
Financial Statements
No Undisclosed Liabilities; Indebtedness
Absence of Certain Changes, Events and Conditions
Material Contracts
Real Property
Personal Property; Sufficiency of Assets
Intellectual Property
Accounts Receivable; Accounts Payable
Customers, Suppliers
Legal Proceedings; Governmental Orders
Compliance With Laws; Permits
Environmental Matters
Employee Benefit Matters
Employment Matters
Certain Payments
Warranty Obligations
Data Privacy and Security
Transactions with Related Persons
PPP Loans.

Representations and warranties of buyer
Organization and Authority of Buyer
No Conflicts; Consents
Investment Purpose
Legal Proceedings
Cash Resources
Preferred Stock.
SEC Reports and Financial Statements.

Conduct of Business Prior to the Closing
Access to Information
No Solicitation of Other Bids
Notice of Certain Events
Non-competition; Non-solicitation
Approvals and Consents
Closing Conditions
Publicity; Transaction Disclosure
Benefit Plans
Litigation Support
PPP Forgiveness.
Customer and other Business Relationships
Insurance; Risk of Loss
Internal Control over Financial Reporting
Financial Reporting Cooperation
Further Assurances

Tax matters
Tax Covenants
Termination of Existing Tax Sharing Agreements
Tax Indemnification
Straddle Period
Cooperation and Exchange of Information
Tax Treatment of Indemnification Payments

Conditions to closing
Conditions to Obligations of All Parties
Conditions to Obligations of Buyer
Conditions to Obligations of the Company and the Shareholder

Indemnification by the Shareholder
Indemnification By Buyer
Limitations on Indemnification by Shareholders.
Indemnification Procedures
Manner of Payments
No Circular Recovery
Tax Treatment of Indemnification Payments
Exclusive Remedies
No Contribution
Separate Basis for Claim
Insurance Proceeds; Tax Benefits.
Loss Mitigation.

Effect of Termination

Entire Agreement
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Successors and Assigns
No Third-Party Beneficiaries
Amendment and Modification; Waiver
Governing Law
Forum Selection; Consent to Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury Trial
Specific Performance
Counterparts; Effectiveness
This STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”), dated as of May 7, 2021, is entered into by and between CHARGE INFRASTRUCTURE, INC., a Delaware corporation (“Buyer”), PATRICK MANEY, an individual with an address at 136 Great Isaac Court, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 (“Maney”), SHAUN MAHONEY, an individual with an address for mailing of 12 Elmwood Road, Menands, New York 12204 (“Mahoney,” together with Maney, the “Shareholders”), and NEXTRIDGE, INC., a New York corporation (the “Company”). Annex A hereto contains definitions of certain initially capitalized terms used in this Agreement.
WHEREAS, the Shareholders together own all of the issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of the Company, consisting of one hundred (100) shares of common stock (the “Shares”), with Maney owning ninety (90) shares of common stock and Mahoney owning ten (10) shares of common stock; and
WHEREAS, the Shareholders wish to sell to Buyer, and Buyer wishes to purchase from the Shareholders, the Shares, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
Purchase and sale
1.1 Purchase and Sale
. On the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement, at the Closing, the Shareholders shall sell, transfer and deliver the Shares to Buyer, and Buyer shall purchase the Shares from the Shareholders, free and clear of all Encumbrances.
1.2 Purchase Price
. The purchase price for the Shares and for the covenants and agreements of the Shareholders hereunder shall be Eighteen Million Eight Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($18,850,000.00) (the “Base Purchase Price”), subject to the adjustments as hereinafter provided (as so adjusted, the “Purchase Price”), of which Six Million Eight Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($6,850,000.00) shall be payable in the form of an issuance of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock of Charge Enterprises, Inc., the parent company of the Buyer (“Charge Enterprises”), which shall be subject to the rights and limitations set forth in that certain Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights, and Limitations, a form of which is attached hereto as Annex B (the “Preferred Stock”). The Purchase Price and the Preferred Stock shall be allocated among the Shareholders as set forth on Section 5.4 of the Disclosure Schedule. At Closing, a portion of the Preferred Stock allocated to Maney (the “Holdback Stock”) will be pledged by Maney to the Buyer, to hold as security for the purposes of the indemnification obligations of Maney set forth in this Agreement and pursuant to terms and conditions of that certain Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement between Maney and the Buyer (the “Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement”) as contemplated by Section 2.5(b).
2.1 Closing
. The consummation of the sale of the Shares pursuant to Article 1 (the “Closing”) shall be held virtually (via the exchange of executed documents and other deliverables by PDF or other means of electronic delivery) rather than in-person, as promptly as practicable following, but in no event later than, three (3) Business Days after the date on which the last of the conditions set forth in Article 9 (other than those conditions that by their terms are to be satisfied at the Closing, but subject to the satisfaction or waiver of such conditions at the Closing) to be satisfied or waived is so satisfied or waived, or by such other means and/or at such other place, time and date as Buyer and the Shareholders may agree. All documents delivered and actions taken at the Closing shall be deemed to have been delivered or taken simultaneously, and no such delivery or action shall be considered effective or complete unless or until all other such deliveries or actions are completed or waived in writing by the party against whom such waiver is sought to be enforced. The date on which the Closing is actually held is referred to herein as the “Closing Date.” Subject to the provisions of Article 11, the failure to consummate the Closing on the date and time determined pursuant to this Section 2.1 shall not result in the termination of this Agreement and shall not relieve any party to this Agreement of any obligation under this Agreement. The Closing shall be deemed to be effective at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the Closing Date (the “Effective Time”) for all purposes, except as may otherwise be expressly provided herein.
2.2 Shareholders Closing Deliverables. At or prior to the Closing, the Shareholders shall deliver to Buyer:
(a) the stock certificate(s) evidencing all of the Shares, free and clear of all Encumbrances, duly endorsed in blank or accompanied by stock powers or other instruments of transfer duly executed in blank;
(b) the Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement executed by Maney;
(c) if applicable, the PPP Escrow Agreement executed by the Shareholders and the PPP Lender;
(d) a certificate pursuant to Treasury Regulations Section 1.1445-2(b) certifying that neither Shareholder is a foreign person within the meaning of Section 1445 of the Code; and
(e) such other documents or instruments as Buyer reasonably requests and are reasonably necessary to consummate the Transactions.
2.3 Company Closing Deliverables
. At or prior to the Closing (or by such other date, if any, as indicated in the applicable subsection below), each Group Company shall deliver to Buyer the following:
(a) resignations of the directors and officers of each Group Company, except as Buyer may otherwise specify;
(b) a certificate, dated the Closing Date and signed by a duly authorized officer of the Company, that each of the conditions set forth in Section 9.2(a), Section 9.2(b) and Section 9.2(d) have been satisfied;
(c) a certificate of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary (or equivalent officer) of the Company certifying (i) that attached thereto are true and complete copies of all resolutions adopted by the board of directors of the Company authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Transaction Documents and the consummation of the Transactions, (ii) that all such resolutions are in full force and effect and are all the resolutions adopted in connection with the Transactions, and (iii) the names and signatures of the officers of the Company authorized to sign this Agreement and the Transaction Documents;
(d) the certificate of incorporation (or other equivalent Governing Document) and all amendments thereto of each Group Company, duly certified as of a recent date by the secretary of state or similar Governmental Authority of the jurisdiction under the Laws in which such Group Company is organized;
(e) a good standing certificate (or its equivalent) of each Group Company as of a recent date from the secretary of state or similar Governmental Authority of the jurisdiction under the Laws in which such Group Company is organized;
(f) a certificate, dated the Closing Date and signed by a duly authorized officer of the Group Companies, stating that the Related Party Transactions and Relationships, other than those set forth on Section 2.3(f) of the Disclosure Schedule, have been terminated and no Group Company has any residual Liability with respect thereto;
(g) to the extent there exist any Encumbrances (1) on the equity securities of any Group Company (including the Shares) or (2) on the properties and assets of any Group Company (other than Permitted Encumbrances) as of the Closing (the “Group Company Encumbrances”), fully executed documentation required in connection with the release of any such Group Company Encumbrances, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Buyer providing for the discharge in full of all such Group Company Encumbrances;
(h) at least five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing, a final invoice from each Person to whom Company Transaction Expenses are owed along with instructions from such Person for paying such amounts;
(i) employment agreements with the applicable Group Company in the form reasonably acceptable to the parties thereto, duly executed by each Key Employee (the “Employment Agreements”);
(j) such certificates and documents as may be necessary or appropriate to change the authorized signatories on all bank accounts and safe deposit boxes maintained by or in the name of the Company;
(k) the PPP Escrow Agreement executed by applicable Group Company and the PPP Lender;
(l) evidence reasonably satisfactory to Buyer that all of the Company’s interest (whether by ownership of equity securities, by Contract or otherwise) in any Excluded Entity has been transferred to the Shareholders or an Affiliate thereof or otherwise terminated in full as a result of the dissolution of such Excluded Entity which terminates in full all of the Group Companies’ Liabilities arising out of or relating to any Excluded Entity, in each case, as determined by Buyer in good faith (the “Pre-Closing Reorganization”);
(m) the Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement of ANS Advanced Network Services, LLC, a New York limited liability company, or other evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Buyer that the Company owns all of the outstanding equity interests in and to ANS Advanced Network Services, LLC;
(n) at least five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing, a list of all employees being terminated or resigning from any Group Company along with copies of any severance agreements, release agreements, or other similar agreements related to such terminations or resignations, the form of which shall be reasonably acceptable to Buyer;
(o) the LTI Holder Release & Termination Agreements (as defined in Section 9.2(g));
(p) the Promised Individuals Release & Termination Agreements (as defined in Section 9.2(h));
(q) the minute and stock books of each Group Company, as currently held and maintained by the Group Companies; and
(r) such other documents or instruments as Buyer reasonably requests and are reasonably necessary to consummate the Transactions.
2.4 Buyer Closing Deliverables. At the Closing, Buyer shall deliver to the Shareholders, the following:
(a) each Employment Agreement duly executed by the applicable Group Company;
(b) the Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement executed by Buyer and Maney;
(c) if applicable, the executed PPP Escrow Agreement;
(d) the cash portion of the Closing Purchase Price, allocated as set forth in this Agreement;
(e) the Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights, and Limitations with regard to the Preferred Stock, executed by Charge Enterprises and stamped or otherwise certified by the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware;
(f) the Preferred Stock, less the Holdback Stock (which such Holdback Stock shall be titled in the name of Maney, but held by the Buyer solely in accordance with the Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement); and
(g) such other documents or instruments as the Shareholder reasonably requests and are reasonably necessary to consummate the Transactions.
2.5 Manner of Payment. At Closing, the Closing Purchase Price shall be paid by the Buyer as follows:
(a) Buyer shall issue and deliver to the Shareholders the Preferred Stock, less the Holdback Stock, in accordance with their respective pro rata shares as set forth on Section 5.4 of the Disclosure Schedule.
(b) Buyer shall hold the Holdback Stock, which shall be titled in the name of Maney, solely in accordance with the Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement. The Holdback Stock shall have a value of Nine Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($900,000.00), such value calculated with reference to the Charge Enterprises Trading Price as of the Closing Date. Upon deposit of the Holdback Stock with the Buyer in accordance with the foregoing sentence, Buyer shall be deemed to have withheld from Maney consideration that otherwise would be payable and issuable to him upon the Closing. The Buyer shall hold the Holdback Stock pursuant to the terms and provisions of this Agreement and the Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement which contains terms and conditions which are reasonably satisfactory to the parties thereto. The Holdback Stock shall be held by the Buyer for a period of not more than twenty-one (21) months following the Closing Date, subject to the terms of the Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement, to serve as a holdback of consideration hereunder for the payment, at the election of Maney in accordance with Section 10.6(b) and the Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement, of any Losses for which any Buyer Indemnitee is entitled to indemnification pursuant to Article 8 and Article 10. Until and to the extent there is a forfeiture of the Holdback Stock in connection with any indemnifiable Losses in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Holdback Stock shall be issued and outstanding stock of Charge Enterprises issued to Maney. Maney shall be entitled to exercise the voting rights of the shares constituting the Holdback Stock and to receive dividends (if declared) with respect to such shares (other than non-taxable stock dividends, which shall be included as part of the escrowed amounts of Preferred Stock held by the Buyer).
(c) To the extent that, at the time of Closing, any Group Company has not achieved forgiveness pursuant to the Paycheck Protection Program with respect to such Group Company’s PPP Loan, Buyer shall, as contemplated by United States Small Business Administration Procedural Notice Control No. 5000-20057, dated October 2, 2020 (“Procedural Notice 5000-20057”), deposit with the lender which provided the PPP Loan to such applicable Group Company (the “PPP Lender”) a cash amount equal to the complete balance of such Group Company’s PPP Loan (the “PPP Escrow”). As of the date hereof, the balances of the Group Companies’ PPP Loans are as follows: (i) the Company – Ninety-Two Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars and 00/100 ($92,700.00); and (ii) ANS Advanced Network Services, LLC – Two Million Twenty-Three Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars and 00/100 ($2,023,900.00). The PPP Escrow shall be held by the PPP Lender pursuant to an escrow agreement by and among the applicable Group Company and the PPP Lender that contemplates the release of the PPP Escrow to the Shareholders upon the Group Company’s achievement of forgiveness with respect to the same (the “PPP Escrow Agreement”). The terms of the PPP Escrow Agreement, this Agreement, and the actions taken in furtherance thereof by the parties thereto shall at all times be in compliance with the guidance provided by the United States Small Business Administration pursuant to Procedural Notice 5000-20057 and all other applicable Laws;
(d) To the extent that any Group Company Encumbrances are in existence at the time of Closing, Buyer shall pay any amount necessary to any Person necessary to remove such Group Company Encumbrances pursuant to such documents as may be provided by the Company and Shareholders under Section 2.3(g);
(e) Buyer shall pay to each holder of incentive shares under any Group Company’s non-qualified long term incentive stock program (such holder, an “LTI Holder” and, such program(s), the “Incentive Stock Program(s)”) that are validly issued, unexpired, vested, and outstanding before the Closing (“LTI Unit”) all amounts due to such LTI Holder arising from the consummation of the Transactions pursuant to the applicable Incentive Stock Program (the “LTI Holder Closing Consideration Payment”), which LTI Holder Closing Consideration Payment will be reduced by any applicable payroll, income Tax, or other withholding Taxes. The LTI Holder Closing Consideration Payment shall be calculated with reference to actual cash proceeds received by the Shareholders at Closing, net of transaction and related expenses, Liabilities of the Group Companies discharged at Closing, and indemnification obligations, holdbacks and reserves, all of the foregoing determined in the reasonable, good faith discretion of the Shareholders. All LTI Units that are not vested LTI Units will be cancelled.
(f) Buyer shall pay to each individual identified on Section 2.5(f) of the Disclosure Schedule (a “Promised Individual”) all amounts due to such Promised Individual arising from the consummation of the Transactions pursuant to agreements, whether oral or written, by and between any Group Company and such Promised Individual (such agreements, the “Promised Individual Agreements” and, such consideration, the “Promised Individual Closing Consideration Payments”), which Promised Individual Closing Consideration Payments will be reduced by any applicable payroll, income Tax, or other withholding Taxes. A copy or summary of the Promised Individual Agreements will be provided by the Group Companies to the Buyer prior to the Closing Date.
(g) The remaining balance (as it may be adjusted in accordance with the terms of this Agreement), shall be paid to the Shareholders in accordance with their respective pro rata shares as set forth on Section 5.4 of the Disclosure Schedule in the form of immediately available funds by wire transfer.
2.6 Withholding. Buyer shall be entitled to deduct and withhold from the consideration or other amounts otherwise payable pursuant to this Agreement to any Person such amounts as it is required to deduct and withhold with respect to such payment under the Code, or any other provision of applicable Law. To the extent that amounts are so withheld by Buyer, such withheld amounts shall be (a) paid to the appropriate Tax authority and (b) treated for all purposes of this Agreement as having been paid to the appropriate recipient in respect of which such deduction and withholding was made by Buyer.
Payment Adjustments 
3.1 Definitions. As used herein:
(a) Accounting Principles” means GAAP, using the same accounting methods, practices, principles, policies and procedures, with consistent classifications, judgments and valuation and estimation methodologies that were used in the preparation of the Financial Statements for the most recent fiscal year end as if such accounts were being prepared and audited as of a fiscal year end.
(b) Closing Company Transaction Expenses” means Company Transaction Expenses that remain unpaid as of immediately prior to the Closing (but inclusive of all amounts that will or may become due at or following the Closing by reason of the Transactions).
(c) Closing Working Capital” means (i) the Current Assets of the Group Companies, less (ii) the Current Liabilities of the Group Companies, as determined at close of business on the Closing Date.
(d) Company Transaction Expenses” means the aggregate amount of (i) all fees and expenses incurred by any Group Company in connection with the negotiation, preparation, execution and performance of this Agreement and the Transaction Documents, and the Transactions, including all legal, financial advisory, accounting, consulting and other fees and expenses and any broker’s or finder’s fees, (ii) all amounts payable by the Company under any “change of control,” retention, termination, compensation, severance or other similar arrangements by reason of (either alone or in conjunction with any other event, such as termination or continuation of employment) the consummation of the Transactions, and (iii) any other fees, costs, expenses or payments resulting from the change of control of the Group Companies or otherwise payable in connection with receipt of any consent or approval in connection with the Transactions.
(e) Current Assets” means cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, cost in excess of billings, Inventory, prepaid expenses and other current assets pursuant to the Accounting Principles, but excluding (i) the portion of any prepaid expense of which Buyer will not receive the benefit following the Closing, and (ii) deferred Tax assets, determined in accordance with the Accounting Principles.
(f) Current Liabilities” means accounts payable, accrued Taxes (including but not limited to any Tax liability related to the Pre-Closing Reorganization), billings in excess of cost, accrued expenses and other current liabilities pursuant to the Accounting Principles, but excluding deferred Tax liabilities, current portions of long-term debt, deferred consideration and other Indebtedness that is satisfied at Closing, determined in accordance with the Accounting Principles.
(g) Target NWC Amount” means Four Million Dollars and 00/100 ($4,000,000.00).
3.2 Closing Estimates; Net Estimated Adjustment Amount.
(a) At least five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing Date, the Company shall prepare and deliver to Buyer a written statement (the form of which shall be mutually agreed to by the parties) (the “Estimated Closing Statement”) that includes a good-faith estimated consolidated balance sheet of the Group Companies as of the Effective Time prepared in accordance with the Accounting Principles (the “Estimated Closing Balance Sheet”) and a good-faith estimate of the following and a statement of the Net Estimated Adjustment Amount:
(i) the Closing Company Transaction Expenses (the “Estimated Closing Company Transaction Expenses”); and
(ii) the Closing Working Capital (the “Estimated Closing Working Capital”).
(b) The “Net Estimated Adjustment Amount” shall be equal to zero:
(i) minus the Estimated Closing Company Transaction Expenses;
(ii) minus the amount, if any, by which the Target NWC Amount exceeds the Estimated Closing Working Capital; and
(iii) plus the amount, if any, by which the Estimated Closing Working Capital exceeds the Target NWC Amount.
3.3 Post-Closing Adjustment.
(a) Within ninety (90) days after the Closing Date, Buyer shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, and deliver to the Shareholders a written statement reasonably reflecting the form of the Estimated Closing Statement (the “Closing Statement”) that shall include a consolidated balance sheet of the Group Companies as of the Effective Time prepared in accordance with the Accounting Principles and a calculation of the following and a statement of the Net Adjustment Amount:
(i) the Closing Company Transaction Expenses; and
(ii) the Closing Working Capital.
(b) During the sixty (60) day period following Buyer’s delivery of the Closing Statement to the Shareholders (the “Review Period”), Buyer shall provide the Shareholders and their Representatives reasonable access to the relevant books and records of the Group Companies for the purpose of facilitating the Shareholders’ review of the Closing Statement. The Closing Statement shall become final and binding on the last day of the Review Period, unless prior to the end of the Review Period, the Shareholders deliver to Buyer a written notice of disagreement (a “Notice of Disagreement”), which shall set forth in reasonable detail (i) the items or amounts with which the Shareholders disagree and the basis for such disagreement and (ii) the Shareholders’ proposed adjustments to the Closing Statement. The Shareholders shall be deemed to have agreed with all items and amounts in the Closing Statement not specifically referenced in a Notice of Disagreement provided prior to the end of the Review Period.
(c) During the thirty (30) day period following delivery of a Notice of Disagreement by the Shareholders to Buyer (the “Resolution Period”), such parties in good faith shall seek to resolve in writing any differences that they may have with respect to the computation of the amounts as specified therein. Any disputed items resolved in writing between the Shareholders and Buyer within the Resolution Period shall be final and binding on the parties for all purposes hereunder. If the Shareholders and Buyer have not resolved all such differences by the end of the Resolution Period, the Shareholders and Buyer shall submit, in writing, such differences to the Accounting Expert. The “Accounting Expert” shall be Marcum LLP or, in the event that it is not available or is not a Neutral Accounting Firm, a Neutral Accounting Firm selected by mutual agreement of Buyer and the Shareholder; provided, however, that (i) if, within fifteen (15) days after the end of the Resolution Period, such parties are unable to agree on a Neutral Accounting Firm to act as the Accounting Expert, then each party shall select a Neutral Accounting Firm and such firms together shall select the Neutral Accounting Firm to act as the Accounting Expert, and (ii) if any party does not select a Neutral Accounting Firm within ten (10) days of written demand therefor by the other party, then the Neutral Accounting Firm selected by the other party shall act as the Accounting Expert. A “Neutral Accounting Firm” means an independent accounting firm of nationally recognized standing that is not, at the time it is to be engaged hereunder, rendering services to any party, or any Affiliate of either, and has not done so within the two (2) year period prior thereto.
(d) The parties shall arrange for the Accounting Expert to agree in its engagement letter to act in accordance with this Section 3.3(d). The parties shall make readily available to the Accounting Expert all relevant books and records within such party’s control reasonably requested by the Accounting Expert. Each party shall present a summary to the Accounting Expert (which summary shall also be concurrently provided to the other party) within twenty (20) days of the appointment of the Accounting Expert detailing such party’s views as to the correct nature and amount of each item remaining in dispute from the Notice of Disagreement (and for the avoidance of doubt, no party may introduce a dispute to the Accounting Expert that was not originally set forth on the Notice of Disagreement). Within ten (10) days of receipt of a summary from the other party, the receiving party may present a responsive summary to the Accounting Expert (which responsive summary shall also be concurrently provided to the other party). Each party may make an oral presentation to the Accounting Expert (in which case, such presenting party shall notify the other party of such presentation, and the other party shall have the right to be present (and speak) at such presentation), within thirty (30) days of the appointment of the Accounting Expert. The Accounting Expert shall have the opportunity to present written questions to either party, a copy of which shall be provided to the other party. There shall be no ex parte communications between any party (or its Representatives), on the one hand, and the Accounting Expert, on the other hand, relating to any disputed matter and unless requested by the Accounting Expert in writing and with notice to the other party (with the other party having the right to view and/or attend such communications). Except for the communications contemplated by the foregoing sentence, no party may present any additional information or arguments to the Accounting Expert, either orally or in writing. The Accounting Expert shall consider only those items and amounts in the Shareholders’ and Buyer’s respective calculations that are identified as being items and amounts to which the Shareholders and Buyer have been unable to agree, and shall act as an expert only (and thus not as an arbitrator). In resolving any disputed item, the Accounting Expert may not assign a value to any item greater than the greatest value for such item claimed by either Buyer or the Shareholders, or less than the smallest value for such item claimed by Buyer or the Shareholders. The Accounting Expert shall make a written determination within sixty (60) days of its appointment as to each such disputed item, which determination shall be final and binding on the parties for all purposes hereunder absent manifest mathematical error or manifest disregard for the provisions of this Section 3.3 (and, in the event of such manifest error or disregard, the written determination shall be referred back to the Accounting Expert to correct the same). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Accounting Expert shall have no authority to resolve any dispute regarding the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement or whether a party has breached any covenant contained herein, it being understood and agreed that any such dispute shall be resolved solely as provided in Article 10. All fees and expenses of the Accounting Expert in resolving the dispute shall be allocated between the Shareholders, on the one hand, and Buyer, on the other hand, such that the amount paid by the Shareholders bears the same proportion that the aggregate dollar amount unsuccessfully disputed by the Shareholders bears to the total dollar amount of the disputed items that were submitted for resolution to the Accounting Expert, and Buyer shall pay the balance. For purposes of illustration only, if the Closing Company Transaction Expenses is disputed to be $900 by the Shareholders and $1,000 by Buyer, and the Closing Company Transaction Expenses is determined by the Accounting Expert to be $940, then Maney would bear 40% of the fees and expenses of the Accounting Expert because the amount disputed was $100 and the amount unsuccessfully disputed by the Shareholders was $40.
(e) The “Net Adjustment Amount” shall equal zero:
(i) minus the amount, if any, by which the Closing Company Transaction Expenses exceed the Estimated Closing Company Transaction Expenses;
(ii) plus the amount, if any, by which the Estimated Closing Company Transaction Expenses exceed the Closing Company Transaction Expenses;
(iii) minus the amount, if any, by which the Estimated Closing Working Capital exceeds the Closing Working Capital;
(iv) plus the amount, if any, by which the Closing Working Capital exceeds the Estimated Closing Working Capital.
(f) If the Net Adjustment Amount is positive, Buyer shall promptly (and in no event later than five (5) Business Days following the final determination of the Net Adjustment Amount) pay such Net Adjustment Amount to the Shareholders in accordance with the allocation set forth on Section 5.4 of the Disclosure Schedule, by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account designated in writing by the Shareholders; and
(g) If the Net Adjustment Amount is negative (in which case the “Net Adjustment Amount” shall be deemed to be equal to the absolute value of such amount), the Shareholders shall promptly (and in no event later than five (5) Business Days following the final determination of the Net Adjustment Amount) pay such Net Adjustment Amount to Buyer, by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account designated in writing by Buyer.
(h) For avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Section 3.3 shall limit Buyer’s right to seek indemnification pursuant to Article 10.
Representations and warranties of the shareholders
Each Shareholder hereby represents and warrants to Buyer that the statements contained in this Article 4 are true and correct on the date hereof and shall be true and correct on the Closing Date as if made thereon:
4.1 Authority and Enforceability. Each Shareholder has all requisite power and authority, and has taken all action necessary, to execute and deliver this Agreement and each Transaction Document and to perform his obligations hereunder and thereunder. This Agreement has been, and each Transaction Document will be prior to the Closing, duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Shareholders, and this Agreement constitutes, and each Transaction Document when so executed and delivered (assuming due authorization, execution and delivery by each other party hereto) will constitute, the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Shareholders, enforceable against the Shareholders in accordance with their terms.
4.2 Title to Shares.
(a) Except as set forth on Section 4.2 of the Disclosure Schedule, each Shareholder is the record and beneficial owner of, and has good and valid title to, his respective Shares, free and clear of all Encumbrances. No Shareholder is a party to any option, warrant, right, contract, call, put or other agreement or commitment providing for the disposition or acquisition of any of the Shares (other than this Agreement). Except for the Shares, neither Shareholder has any other debt or ownership interest in any Group Company.
(b) Other than this Agreement, the Shares are not subject to any voting trust agreement or other Contract restricting or otherwise relating to the voting, dividend rights or other disposition of the Shares.
4.3 No Conflict. The execution and delivery by each Shareholder of this Agreement and each Transaction Document, and the performance by him of any actions contemplated hereunder or thereunder, does not and will not, directly or indirectly (with or without notice or lapse of time):
(a) Conflict with or violate any provision of the Governing Documents of any Group Company;
(b) Require notice, consent or approval under, conflict with, violate, result in a breach of, result in the acceleration of obligations, loss of a benefit or increase in Liabilities or fees under, create in any Person the right to terminate, cancel or modify, or cause a default under or give rise to any rights or penalties under (i) any provision of Law relating to either Shareholder, (ii) any provision of any Governmental Order issued with respect to or against any Shareholder, (iii) any provision of any Contract to which any Shareholder is a party, or (iv) any other restriction of any kind or character to which any Shareholder has agreed or entered into; or
(c) Require a registration, filing, application, notice, consent, approval, order, qualification or waiver with, to or from any Governmental Authority.
4.4 Legal Proceedings. There are no Actions pending or, to the Shareholder’s knowledge, threatened against or by the Shareholder or any of his Affiliates or Related Persons that challenge or seek to prevent, enjoin or otherwise delay the Transactions.
4.5 United States Person. Each Shareholder is a United States Person (as defined in Section 7701(a)(3) of the Code) or a disregarded entity of a United States Person within the meaning of Treasury Regulation Section 301.7701-3.
Representations and warranties of the company
The Company hereby represents and warrants to Buyer that the statements contained in this Article 5 are true and correct on the date hereof and shall be true and correct on the Closing Date as if made thereon:
5.1 Organization and Qualification of the Company. The Company is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the State of New York and has full corporate power and authority to own, operate or lease the properties and assets now owned, operated or leased by it and to carry on its business as it has been and is currently conducted. Section 5.1 of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth each jurisdiction in which each Group Company is licensed or qualified to do business, and each Group Company is duly licensed or qualified to do business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which the properties owned or leased by it or the operation of the Business by it makes such licensing or qualification necessary.
5.2 Authority; Board Approval. The Company has full corporate power and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement and the Transaction Documents to which it is a party and to consummate the Transactions. The execution, delivery and performance by the Company of this Agreement and the Transaction Documents and the consummation by the Company of the Transactions have been duly authorized by all requisite corporate action on the part of the Company and no other corporate proceedings on the part of the Company are necessary to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement or to consummate the Transactions. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the Company, and (assuming due authorization, execution and delivery by each other party hereto) this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Company enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms. When each Transaction Document to which the Company is or will be a party has been duly executed and delivered by the Company (assuming due authorization, execution and delivery by each other party thereto), such Transaction Document will constitute a legal and binding obligation of the Company enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.
5.3 No Conflicts; Consents. The execution and delivery by the Company of this Agreement and each Transaction Document, and the performance by it of any actions contemplated hereunder or thereunder, does not and will not, directly or indirectly (with or without notice or lapse of time):
(a) Conflict with or violate any provision of the Governing Documents of any Group Company;
(b) Require notice, consent or approval under, conflict with, violate, result in a breach of, result in the acceleration of material obligations, loss of a material benefit or increase in material Liabilities or fees under, create in any Person the right to terminate, cancel or modify, or cause or give rise to a default under or give rise to any rights or penalties under (i) any provision of Law applicable to any Group Company, (ii)  any Governmental Order issued with respect to or against a Group Company or any of its property or assets, or (iii) except as set forth on Section 5.3(b)(iii) of the Disclosure Schedule, any provision of any Material Contract;
(c) Cause any of the assets of any Group Company to be reassessed or revalued by any Governmental Authority or subject to an Encumbrance; or
(d) except as set forth on Section 5.3(d) of the Disclosure Schedule, require a registration, filing, application, notice, consent, approval, order, qualification or waiver with, to or from any Governmental Authority.
5.4 Capitalization.
(a) The authorized capital stock of the Company consists of two hundred (200) Shares, of which one hundred (100) Shares are issued and outstanding as of the close of business on the date of this Agreement.
(b) Except as set forth on Section 5.4 of the Disclosure Schedule, all of the Shares are owned beneficially and of record by the Shareholders in such amounts set forth on Section 5.4 of the Disclosure Schedule, free, and clear of all Encumbrances. The Shares represent 100% of the outstanding ownership interests in the Company. All of the Shares have been duly authorized, are validly issued, fully paid, and non-assessable and have been offered, issued and transferred without violation of any preemptive right or other right to purchase and were issued and/or transferred in compliance with all applicable Laws and the Governing Documents of the Company and the Contracts to which the Company is a party or otherwise bound. Except as disclosed on Section 5.4 of the Disclosure Schedule and for the Shares, there are no other equity or other ownership interests in the Company or outstanding securities convertible or exchangeable into ownership interests of the Company, including any other options, warrants, purchase rights, preemptive rights, subscription rights, conversion rights, exchange rights, calls, puts, rights of first refusal, right of first offer, anti-dilution protections, obligations, commitments, plans or other Contracts or similar rights that could require the Company to issue, sell or otherwise cause to become outstanding or to acquire, repurchase or redeem (or establish a sinking fund with respect to redemption) ownership interests in the Company or require the Company to make any payments based on the price or value of the Shares or dividends paid thereon. No holder of Indebtedness of the Company has any right to vote or to convert or exchange such Indebtedness for ownership interests of the Company. Except as disclosed on Section 5.4 of the Disclosure Schedule, there are no outstanding or authorized equity appreciation, contingent value, phantom equity, profit participation, or similar rights with respect to the Company. There are no voting trusts, proxies, or other Contracts with respect to the voting of the ownership interests of the Company. Upon consummation of the Transactions, Buyer will be the sole owner, beneficially and of record, of one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and outstanding equity interests of the Company, free and clear of any Encumbrances.
(c) The Company has delivered to Buyer copies of the Governing Documents of each Group Company. The true and complete minute books of each Group Company, as in existence at the time thereof, will be delivered to Buyer at Closing.
5.5 Subsidiaries; Joint Ventures.
(a) Section 5.5(a) of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth for each Subsidiary of the Company, (i) the authorized capital stock or other ownership interests of such Subsidiary, and (ii) the number of issued, allotted and outstanding shares of capital stock or other ownership interests of each class of its capital, the names of the record and beneficial holders thereof and the number of shares or other ownership interests held by each such holder. All of the issued, allotted and outstanding shares of capital stock or other ownership interests of each Subsidiary of the Company have been duly authorized, are validly issued and non-assessable and have been offered, issued and transferred without violation of any preemptive rights or other right to purchase and were issued and/or transferred in compliance with all applicable Laws and the Governing Documents of the Subsidiary. Except as disclosed on Section 5.5(a) of the Disclosure Schedule and for the currently issued and outstanding shares of capital stock or other ownership interests of each Subsidiary, there are no other capital stock or other ownership interests in any of the Company’s Subsidiaries or outstanding securities convertible or exchangeable into capital stock or other ownership interests of such Subsidiaries, including any options, warrants, purchase rights, preemptive rights, subscription rights, conversion rights, exchange rights, calls, puts, rights of first refusal, rights of first offer, anti-dilution protections, obligations, commitments, plans or other Contracts or similar rights that could require the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to issue, sell or otherwise cause to become outstanding or to acquire, repurchase or redeem (or establish a sinking fund with respect to redemption) capital stock or any other ownership interests in any such Subsidiary or require the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to make any payments based on the price or value thereof or dividends paid thereon. No holder of Indebtedness of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries has any right to vote or to convert or exchange such Indebtedness for capital stock or other ownership interests of any of the Company’s Subsidiaries. Except as disclosed on Section 5.5(a) of the Disclosure Schedule, there are no outstanding or authorized equity appreciation, contingent value, phantom equity, profit participation, or similar rights with respect to any of the Company’s Subsidiaries. There are no voting trusts, proxies, or other Contracts with respect to the voting of the capital stock or other ownership interests of the Company’s Subsidiaries. Upon consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, the Company will be the sole owner, beneficially and of record, directly or indirectly, of 100% of the issued and outstanding capital stock or other ownership interests of the Company’s Subsidiaries, free and clear of any Encumbrances. Except as set forth on Section 5.5(a) of the Disclosure Schedule, the Company does not have any direct or indirect Subsidiaries and does not own directly or indirectly any capital stock or other equity interest in any other Person.
(b) Except as set forth on Section 5.5(b) of the Disclosure Schedule neither Shareholder nor any of their respective Affiliates (other than a Group Company) has made a loan to, or borrowed money from, any Group Company, for which such Group Company or Shareholder has outstanding Liabilities to the other in respect of any loan or borrowing.
5.6 Financial Statements.
(a) Complete copies of the Group Companies’ audited financial statements consisting of the consolidated balance sheets of the Group Companies dated as of December 31, 2018, December 31, 2019, and December 31, 2020, and the related consolidated statements of income and retained earnings, shareholders’ equity and cash flow for the years then ended (the “Year-End Financial Statements”), and unaudited financial statements consisting of the consolidated balance sheet of the Group Companies as of February 28, 2021 and the related statements of income and retained earnings, shareholders’ equity and cash flow for the two (2) month period then ended (the “Interim Financial Statements” and together with the Year-End Financial Statements, the “Financial Statements”) have been delivered to Buyer. The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with GAAP applied on a consistent basis throughout the period involved, subject, in the case of the Interim Financial Statements, to normal and recurring adjustments (the effect of which will not be materially adverse) and the absence of notes (that, if presented, would not differ materially from those presented in the Year-End Financial Statements). The Financial Statements fairly and accurately present in all material respects the consolidated financial condition of the Group Companies as of the respective dates they were prepared and the results of the operations of the Group Companies for the periods indicated. The consolidated audited balance sheet of the Group Companies as of December 31, 2020 is referred to herein as the “Year-End Balance Sheet” and the date thereof as the “Year-End Balance Sheet Date” and the consolidated balance sheet of the Group Companies as of February 28, 2021 is referred to herein as the “Interim Balance Sheet” and the date thereof as the “Interim Balance Sheet Date”.
(b) The books of account and financial records of the Group Companies are true and correct in all material respects and have been prepared and are maintained in accordance with GAAP applied on a consistent basis throughout the period involved. No Group Company has made any changes in its accounting practices since the Year-End Balance Sheet Date. The Group Companies maintain a standard system of accounting established and administered in accordance with GAAP.
(c) Each Group Company maintains accurate books and records reflecting its assets and liabilities and maintains proper and adequate internal accounting and record-keeping controls that provide reasonable assurance that (i) it maintains no off-the-book accounts and its assets and properties are used only in accordance with management’s directives, (ii) transactions are executed in accordance with management’s authorizations, (iii) transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements and to maintain asset accountability, (iv) access to assets is permitted only in accordance with management’s authorization, (v) the recorded accounting for assets is compared with the existing assets at regular intervals and appropriate action is taken with respect to any differences, (vi) accounts, notes and other receivables are recorded accurately and proper and adequate procedures are implemented to effect the collection of accounts, notes and other receivables on a current and timely basis, and (vii) it maintains records in accordance with statutory records retention requirements.
(d) Except for the PPP Loan, no Group Company has received any loans, grants, subsidies or other financial assistance from a Governmental Authority.
(e) Each Group Company is Solvent. “Solvent”, when used with respect to a company, means that, as of any date of determination, (i) the Present Fair Salable Value of its assets will, as of such date, exceed all of its liabilities, contingent or otherwise, as of such date, (ii) such Group Company will not have, or have access to, as of such date, an unreasonably small amount of capital for the business in which it is engaged or will be engaged and (iii) such Group Company is reasonably expected to be able to pay its debts as they become due and mature, in the Ordinary Course of Business, taking into account the timing of and amounts of cash to be received by it and the timing of and amounts of cash to be payable on or in respect of its indebtedness, in each case after giving effect to the Transactions. The term “Solvency” shall have a correlative meaning. For purposes of the definition of “Solvent” (A) “debt” means liability on a “claim” which is within the Company’s Knowledge; and (B) “claim” means (x) any right to payment, whether or not such a right is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquidated, fixed, contingent, matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, secured or unsecured or (y) the right to an equitable remedy for a breach in performance if such breach is, to the Company’s Knowledge, likely to give rise to a right to payment, whether or not such equitable remedy is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquidated, fixed, contingent, matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, legal, equitable, secured or unsecured. “Present Fair Salable Value”, when used with respect to the Group Companies, means the amount that may be realized if the aggregate assets of the applicable Group Company (including goodwill) are sold as an entirety with reasonable promptness in an arm’s length transaction under present conditions for the sale of comparable business enterprises.
5.7 No Undisclosed Liabilities; Indebtedness. No Group Company has any Liabilities of a type required to be reflected on a balance sheet prepared in accordance with GAAP, except (a) those which are adequately reflected or reserved against in the Year-End Balance Sheet, and (b) those which have been incurred in the Ordinary Course of Business since the Year-End Balance Sheet Date and which are not, individually or in the aggregate, material in amount. Section 5.7 of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth all of the Indebtedness of the Group Companies as of the date hereof, all of which, except for the PPP Loan, shall be paid off prior to or at the Closing such that there shall not be, except for the PPP Loan, any Indebtedness of the Group Companies as of the Closing.
5.8 Absence of Certain Changes, Events and Conditions. Except as set forth in Section 5.8 of the Disclosure Schedule, since the Year-End Balance Sheet Date, there has not been with respect to any Group Company any:
(a) event, occurrence or development that has had, or could reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect;
(b) amendment of the Governing Documents of any Group Company;
(c) split, combination or reclassification of any shares of its capital stock;
(d) issuance, sale or other disposition of any of its capital stock, or grant of any options, warrants or other rights to purchase or obtain (including upon conversion, exchange or exercise) any of its capital stock;
(e) declaration or payment of any dividends or distributions on or in respect of any of its capital stock or redemption, purchase or acquisition of its capital stock;
(f) change in any method of accounting or accounting practice of any Group Company, except as required by GAAP or as disclosed in the notes to the Financial Statements;
(g) change in any Group Company’s cash management practices or policies, practices and procedures with respect to collection of accounts receivable, establishment of reserves for uncollectible accounts, accrual of accounts receivable, inventory control, prepayment of expenses, payment of trade accounts payable, accrual of other expenses, deferral of revenue and acceptance of customer deposits;
(h) entry into or modification or amendment of any Material Contract;
(i) termination of a Contract that, if in existence on the date hereof, would have been a Material Contract;
(j) incurrence, assumption or guarantee of any indebtedness for borrowed money except unsecured current obligations and Liabilities incurred in the Ordinary Course of Business;
(k) transfer, assignment, sale or other disposition of a material amount of the assets shown or reflected in the Year-End Balance Sheet or cancellation of any debts;
(l) transfer, assignment or grant of any license or sublicense of any material rights under or with respect to any Company Intellectual Property or Company IP Agreements;
(m) material damage, destruction or loss (whether or not covered by insurance) to its property;
(n) any capital investment in, or any loan to, any other Person;
(o) acceleration, termination, material modification to or cancellation of any material Contract to which any Group Company is a party or by which it is bound;
(p) any material capital expenditures in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00);
(q) imposition of any Encumbrance upon any Group Company’s properties, capital stock or assets, tangible or intangible;
(r) except as set forth on Section 5.8(r) of the Disclosure Schedule, (i) grant of any bonuses, whether monetary or otherwise, or increase in any wages, salary, severance, pension or other compensation or benefits in respect of its employees, officers, directors, independent contractors or consultants, other than as provided for in any written agreements or required by applicable Law, (ii) change in the terms of employment for any employee or any termination of any employees, or (iii) action to accelerate the vesting or payment of any compensation or benefit for any current or former employee, officer, director, independent contractor or consultant;
(s) except as set forth on Section 5.8(s) of the Disclosure Schedule, hiring or promoting any person except to fill a vacancy in the Ordinary Course of Business;
(t) except as set forth on Section 5.8(t) of the Disclosure Schedule, adoption, modification or termination of any: (i) employment, severance, retention or other agreement with any current or former employee, officer, director, independent contractor or consultant, (ii) Benefit Plan or (iii) collective bargaining or other agreement with a Union, in each case whether written or oral;
(u) except as set forth on Section 5.8(u) of the Disclosure Schedule, any loan to (or forgiveness of any loan to), or entry into any other transaction with, any of its shareholders, directors, officers and employees;
(v) entry into the settlement or compromise of any Action or any default or consent to entry of any judgment or admission of any liability with respect thereto;
(w) entry into a new line of business or abandonment or discontinuance of existing lines of business;
(x) adoption of any plan of merger, consolidation, reorganization, liquidation or dissolution or filing of a petition in bankruptcy under any provisions of federal or state bankruptcy Law or consent to the filing of any bankruptcy petition against it under any similar Law;
(y) promotional, sales, discount or other activity outside of the Ordinary Course of Business that has had, or would reasonably be expected to have, the effect of accelerating sales prior to the Closing that would otherwise be expected to occur subsequent to the Closing;
(z) purchase, lease or other acquisition of the right to own, use or lease any property or assets for an amount in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), individually (in the case of a lease, per annum) or Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) in the aggregate (in the case of a lease, for the entire term of the lease, not including any option term);
(aa) acquisition by merger or consolidation with, or by purchase of a substantial portion of the assets or stock of, or by any other manner, any business or any Person or any division thereof;
(bb) except as set forth on Section 5.8(bb) of the Disclosure Schedule, action by any Group Company to make, change or rescind any Tax election, amend any Tax Return or take any position on any Tax Return, take any action, omit to take any action or enter into any other transaction that would have the effect of increasing the Tax liability or reducing any Tax asset of Buyer in respect of any Post-Closing Tax Period; or
(cc) any Contract to do any of the foregoing, or any action or omission that, to the Company’s Knowledge, would result in any of the foregoing.
5.9 Material Contracts.
(a) Section 5.9(a) of the Disclosure Schedule lists each of the following Contracts to which a Group Company is a party or by which any Group Company is otherwise bound (each Contract set forth or required to be set forth on Section 5.9(a) of the Disclosure Schedule, a “Material Contract”), identified in such Section of the Disclosure Schedule by reference to the applicable subsection below:
(i) all Contracts involving aggregate payments to or from any Group Company in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) and which, in each case, cannot be cancelled by the applicable Group Company without penalty or without more than thirty (30) days’ notice;
(ii) all Contracts with suppliers pursuant to which any Group Company has paid more than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00)in the last twelve (12) months;
(iii) all Contracts with customers pursuant to which any Group Company has received more than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in the last twelve (12) months;
(iv) all Contracts that require any Group Company to purchase its total requirements of any product or service from a third party;
(v) all Contracts providing for a Group Company to be the exclusive provider of any product or service to any Person, or that otherwise involve the granting by any Person to a Group Company or a Group Company to any Person of exclusive rights of any kind;
(vi) all Contracts that provide for the assumption of any Tax, environmental or other similar Liability of any Person;
(vii) all Contracts that relate to the acquisition or disposition of any business, a material amount of stock or assets of any other Person or any real property (whether by merger, sale of stock, sale of assets or otherwise);
(viii) all broker, dealer, manufacturer’s representative, franchise, agency, sales promotion, market research, marketing consulting and advertising Contracts;
(ix) all Contracts with employees and independent contractors and consultants;
(x) except for Contracts relating to trade receivables, all Contracts relating to Indebtedness;
(xi) all franchise, construction, fidelity, performance and other bonds, guaranties in lieu of bonds and letters of credit posted by or on behalf of the Company;
(xii) all Contracts with any Governmental Authority;
(xiii) all Contracts that limit or purport to limit the ability of any Group Company to compete in any line of business or with any Person or in any geographic area or during any period of time, that impose restrictions on the ability of any Group Company to do business with any Person or hire or solicit any Person, or that restricts the right of any Group Company to sell to or purchase from any Person, or that grants the other party or any third person “most favored nation” status or any type of special discount rights, or grants any rights of first refusal, rights of first negotiation or similar rights to any Person;
(xiv) all Contracts pursuant to which a Group Company is the lessee or lessor of (A) any real property or (B) any tangible personal property and, in the case of clause (B), that involves an aggregate future or potential liability or receivable, as the case may be, in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00);
(xv) all Contracts for the sale or purchase of any real property, or for the sale or purchase of any tangible personal property in an amount in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00);
(xvi) all Contracts providing for indemnification to or from any Person and that was not entered into in the Ordinary Course of Business;
(xvii) all Contracts for any joint venture, partnership or similar arrangement by any Group Company;
(xviii) all collective bargaining agreements or Contracts with any Union;
(xix) all Contracts concerning the occupancy, management or operation of any Leased Real Property (including brokerage contracts);
(xx) all Contracts that provide any other Person with “most favored nation” or similar pricing or contain any special warranty, rebate arrangement, “take or pay” arrangement, mark-down or discount arrangement, agreement to take back or exchange goods, consignment arrangement or similar understanding with a customer or supplier of any Group Company;
(xxi) all powers of attorney granted by a Group Company to any Person for any purpose whatsoever;
(xxii) all Contracts by and between a Group Company, on the one hand, and any Affiliate of a Group Company, on the other hand;
(xxiii) all Contracts granting any rights of first refusal, rights of first negotiation or similar rights to any Person;
(xxiv) all Contracts that involve payments based, in whole or in part, on profits, revenues, fee income or other financial performance measures of any Group Company;
(xxv) any other Contract that is material to the Group Companies and not otherwise disclosed pursuant to this Section 5.9; and
(xxvi) any outstanding bids or quotations offered by a Group Company to a counterparty, which, if accepted, would constitute a Material Contract.
(b) Each Material Contract is valid and binding on the applicable Group Company in accordance with its terms and is in full force and effect. None of the Group Companies or, to the Company’s Knowledge, any other party thereto is in breach of or default under (or is alleged to be in breach of or default under) in any material respect, or has provided or received any notice of any intention to terminate, any Material Contract. No party to a Material Contract has exercised any termination rights with respect thereto or has given notice of any significant dispute with respect thereto. To the Company’s Knowledge, no event or circumstance has occurred that, with notice or lapse of time or both, would constitute an event of default under any Material Contract or result in a termination thereof or would cause or permit the acceleration or other changes of any right or obligation or the loss of any benefit thereunder. Complete and correct copies of each Material Contract (including all modifications, amendments and supplements thereto and waivers thereunder) have been made available to Buyer.
(c) No Group Company is a party to any Contract that will bind Buyer or any of its Affiliates (other than the Group Companies) with respect to Buyer’s or Buyer’s Affiliates’ (other than the Group Companies) own customers, products or services or otherwise.
5.10 Real Property.
(a) No Group Company owns, directly or indirectly, or has ever owned, any real property, nor does any Group Company hold title to any real property.
(b) Section 5.10(b) of the Disclosure Schedule lists: (i) the street address of each parcel of real property leased or subleased by any Group Company, together with all buildings, structures and facilities located thereon (“Leased Real Property”); (ii) the landlord under the lease, the rental amount currently being paid, and the expiration of the term of such lease or sublease for each leased or subleased property; and (iii) the current use of such property. The Company has delivered or made available to Buyer true, complete and correct copies of any leases, subleases, or other occupancy agreements, and any amendments, guaranties or addendums thereto, including all notices exercising renewal, expansion or termination rights thereunder affecting the Leased Real Property. No Group Company is a sublessor or grantor under any sublease or other instrument granting to any other Person any right to the possession, lease, occupancy or enjoyment of any Leased Real Property. The use and operation of the Leased Real Property in the conduct of the Group Companies’ business as previously and currently conducted do not violate in any material respect any Law, covenant, condition, restriction, easement, license, permit or agreement with respect to the Leased Real Property. To the Company’s Knowledge, no material improvements constituting a part of the Leased Real Property encroach on real property owned or leased by a Person other than the Group Companies. There are no Actions pending nor, to the Company’s Knowledge, threatened against or affecting the Leased Real Property or any portion thereof or interest therein in the nature or in lieu of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings.
(c) The Company has made available to Buyer all title reports, surveys, title policies, environmental audits or reports, maintenance reports, permits and appraisals with respect to the Leased Real Property to the extent any of the foregoing are in the possession of the Company or the agents under its control.
(d) No Group Company has leased or sublet, as lessor, sublessor, licensor or the like, any of the Leased Real Property to any Person. The Leased Real Property has access, in all material respects, to public roads and utilities (including electricity, internet, sanitary and storm sewer, potable water and natural gas) sufficient for the conduct of Ordinary Course of Business of the Group Companies at the applicable location.
(e) The Leased Real Property constitutes all of the real property occupied by the Group Companies.
(f) The Leased Real Property is sufficient for the conduct of the Group Companies’ business. All buildings, structures and appurtenances comprising part of the Leased Real Property that are currently being used by the Group Companies are structurally sound and in satisfactory condition and have been reasonably maintained, normal wear and tear excepted. No Group Company has an obligation to restore any material amount of tenant build-out work on premises subject to the Leased Real Property to their condition at the start of the applicable lease or otherwise, whether on the date hereof or at the termination or expiration of the lease.
5.11 Personal Property; Sufficiency of Assets.
(a) Except as set forth on Section 5.11(a) of the Disclosure Schedule, each Group Company has good and marketable title to, or a valid and binding leasehold or license interest in, all of the tangible personal property and assets used by such Group Company (the “Personal Property”), free and clear of all Encumbrances other than Permitted Encumbrances. The Personal Property, together with all other properties and assets of the Group Companies, are sufficient for the continued conduct of the Group Companies’ Ordinary Course of Business after the Closing in substantially the same manner as conducted prior to the Closing and constitute all of the rights, property and assets necessary to conduct the Group Companies’ Ordinary Course of Business in such manner.
(b) The Personal Property is structurally sound, in good operating condition and repair, and adequate for the uses to which it is being put, and none of the Personal Property is in need of maintenance or repairs except for ordinary, routine maintenance and repairs that are not material in nature or cost or in the Ordinary Course of Business.
5.12 Intellectual Property.
(a) As used herein:
(i)  Company Intellectual Property” means all Intellectual Property that is owned or held for use by any Group Company that is material to the business of the Group Companies as presently conducted.
(ii)  Company IP Agreements” means all licenses, sublicenses, consent to use agreements, settlements, coexistence agreements, covenants not to sue, permissions and other Contracts (including any right to receive or obligation to pay royalties or any other consideration), whether written or oral, relating to Company Intellectual Property to which any Group Company is a party, beneficiary or otherwise bound.
(iii)  Company IP Registrations” means all Company Intellectual Property that is subject to any issuance registration, application or other filing by, to or with any Governmental Authority or authorized private registrar in any jurisdiction, including registered trademarks, domain names and copyrights, issued and reissued patents and pending applications for any of the foregoing.
(iv)  Intellectual Property” means all intellectual property and industrial property rights and assets, and all rights, interests and protections that are associated with, similar to, or required for the exercise of, any of the foregoing, however arising, pursuant to the Laws of any jurisdiction throughout the world, whether registered or unregistered, including any and all: (a) trademarks, service marks, trade names, brand names, logos, trade dress, design rights and other similar designations of source, sponsorship, association or origin, together with the goodwill connected with the use of and symbolized by, and all registrations, applications and renewals for, any of the foregoing; (b) internet domain names, whether or not trademarks, registered in any top-level domain by any authorized private registrar or Governmental Authority, web addresses, web pages, websites and related content, accounts with Twitter, Facebook and other social media companies and the content found thereon and related thereto, and URLs; (c) works of authorship, expressions, designs and design registrations, whether or not copyrightable, including copyrights, author, performer, moral and neighboring rights, and all registrations, applications for registration and renewals of such copyrights; (d) inventions, discoveries, trade secrets, business and technical information and know-how, databases, data collections and other confidential and proprietary information and all rights therein; (e) patents (including all reissues, divisionals, provisionals, continuations and continuations-in-part, re-examinations, renewals, substitutions and extensions thereof), patent applications, and other patent rights and any other Governmental Authority-issued indicia of invention ownership (including inventor’s certificates, petty patents and patent utility models); (f) Software; (g) semiconductor chips and mask works; (h) all other intellectual property rights throughout the world relating to the foregoing, including the right, if any, to sue for all past infringements of the Company Intellectual Property, both at common law and under the statutes of the United States or any other country.
(v)  Software” means any and all (a) computer programs, including any and all software implementations of algorithms, heuristics, models and methodologies, whether in source code or object code, (b) testing, validation, verification and quality assurance materials, (c) databases, conversions, interpreters and compilations, including any and all data and collections of data, whether machine readable or otherwise, (d) descriptions, schematics, flow-charts and other work product used to design, plan, organize and develop any of the foregoing, (e) all documentation, including user manuals, web materials and architectural and design specifications and training materials, relating to any of the foregoing, (f) software development processes, practices, methods and policies recorded in permanent form, relating to any of the foregoing, and (g) performance metrics, sightings, bug and feature lists, build, release and change control manifests recorded in permanent form, relating to any of the foregoing.
(b) Section 5.12(b) of the Disclosure Schedule lists all (i) Company IP Registrations and (ii) Company Intellectual Property, including Software, that are not registered but that are material to the Group Companies’ business or operations. All required filings and fees related to the Company IP Registrations have been timely filed with and paid to the relevant Governmental Authorities and authorized registrars, and all Company IP Registrations are otherwise in good standing. The Company has provided Buyer with true and complete copies of file histories, documents, certificates, office actions, correspondence and other materials related to all Company IP Registrations.
(c) Section 5.12(c) of the Disclosure Schedule lists all Company IP Agreements. The Company has provided Buyer with true and complete copies of all such Company IP Agreements, including all modifications, amendments and supplements thereto and waivers thereunder. Each Company IP Agreement is valid and binding on the applicable Group Company in accordance with its terms and is in full force and effect. Neither any Group Company nor any other party thereto is in breach of or default under (or is alleged to be in breach of or default under), or has provided or received any notice of breach or default of or any intention to terminate, any Company IP Agreement.
(d) A Group Company is the sole and exclusive legal and beneficial, and with respect to the Company IP Registrations, record, owner of all right, title and interest in and to the Company Intellectual Property, and has the valid right to use all other Intellectual Property used in or necessary for the conduct of the Group Companies’ current business or operations, in each case, except as set forth on Section 5.12(d) of the Disclosure Schedule, free and clear of Encumbrances other than Permitted Encumbrances.
(e) The consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder will not result in the loss or impairment of or payment of any additional amounts with respect to, nor require the consent of any other Person in respect of, any Group Company’s right to own, use or hold for use any Intellectual Property as owned, used or held for use in the conduct of the Company’s business or operations as currently conducted.
(f) The Group Companies’ rights in the Company Intellectual Property are valid, subsisting and enforceable. Each Group Company has taken all reasonable steps to maintain the Company Intellectual Property and to protect and preserve the confidentiality of all trade secrets included in the Company Intellectual Property.
(g) The conduct of the Group Companies’ business as currently and formerly conducted, and the products, processes and services of the Group Companies, have not infringed, misappropriated, diluted or otherwise violated, and do not and will not infringe, dilute, misappropriate or otherwise violate the Intellectual Property or other rights of any Person. To the Company’s Knowledge, no Person has infringed, misappropriated, diluted or otherwise violated, or is currently infringing, misappropriating, diluting or otherwise violating, any Company Intellectual Property.
(h) There are no Actions (including any oppositions, interferences, office actions, or re-examinations) settled, pending or, to the Company’s Knowledge, threatened (including in the form of offers to obtain a license): (i) alleging any infringement, misappropriation, dilution or violation of the Intellectual Property of any Person by any Group Company; (ii) challenging the validity, enforceability, registrability or ownership of any Company Intellectual Property or any Group Company’s rights with respect to any Company Intellectual Property; or (iii) by any Group Company or any other Person alleging any infringement, misappropriation, dilution or violation by any Person of the Company Intellectual Property. No Group Company is subject to any outstanding or prospective Governmental Order (including any motion or petition therefor) that does or would restrict or impair the use of any Company Intellectual Property.
(i) The computer, information technology and data processing systems, facilities and services used by any Group Company, including all software, hardware, networks, communications facilities, platforms and related systems and services in the custody or control of a Group Company (collectively, “Systems”), are reasonably sufficient for each applicable Group Company’s Ordinary Course of Business. To the Company’s Knowledge, there has been no unauthorized access, use, intrusion, or breach of security, or material failure, breakdown, performance reduction or other adverse event affecting any Systems that would necessitate that the Company notify a third person of such unauthorized access or that has caused or would reasonably be expected to cause any substantial disruption to the use of such Systems or the Group Companies’ business or operations, or any material loss or harm to the Group Companies or the Group Companies’ personnel, property, or other assets. The Group Companies have implemented all critical security patches provided by third party licensors for the Systems. The Group Companies maintain policies and procedures regarding data security and privacy that are commercially reasonable in light of the size of the Group Companies and the industry in which they operate and in material compliance with Law. To the Company’s Knowledge, there has been no material security breach relating to, violation of any security policy regarding, or unauthorized access or unauthorized use of, the Systems.
5.13 Accounts Receivable; Accounts Payable.
(a) The accounts receivable reflected on the Interim Balance Sheet and the accounts receivable arising after the date thereof (a) have arisen from bona fide transactions entered into by the applicable Group Company involving the sale of goods or the rendering of services in the Ordinary Course of Business; (b) constitute only valid, undisputed claims of the applicable Group Company not, subject to claims of set-off or other defenses or counterclaims other than normal cash discounts accrued in the Ordinary Course of Business; and (c) subject to a reserve for bad debts shown on the Interim Balance Sheet or, with respect to accounts receivable arising after the Interim Balance Sheet Date, on the accounting records of the applicable Group Company, are collectible in full within ninety (90) days after billing. The reserve for bad debts shown on the Interim Balance Sheet or, with respect to accounts receivable arising after the Interim Balance Sheet Date, on the accounting records of the applicable Group Company have been determined in accordance with GAAP, consistently applied, subject to normal adjustments and the absence of disclosures normally made in footnotes. To the Knowledge of the Company, no account debtor has refused or threatened to refuse to pay its obligations for any reason, no account debtor is insolvent or bankrupt, and, except as set forth on Section 5.13(a) of the Disclosure Schedule and/or to the extent a Permitted Encumbrance, no account receivable is pledged to any third party.
(b) The accounts payable reflected on the Interim Balance Sheet and arising after the date thereof have arisen from bona fide transactions entered into by the applicable Group Company in the Ordinary Course of Business. No Group Company has written-off or reversed any accounts payable or liability reserves in a manner inconsistent with prior practice. The accrued expenses reflected on the Interim Balance Sheet or accrued after the date thereof have arisen from bona fide transactions entered into by the applicable Group Company in the Ordinary Course of Business
5.14 Customers, Suppliers.
(a) Section 5.14(a) of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth a list of the ten (10) largest customers (“Material Customers”) of the Group Companies, as measured by the dollar amount of revenues recognized by the Company, during the twelve (12) month period ended December 31, 2019 and the twelve (12) month period ended December 31, 2020, showing the amount of revenues recognized by the Group Companies from such customer during each such period. To the Knowledge of the Company, there are no bankruptcies filed by, on behalf of, or against any Material Customer.
(b) Section 5.14(b) of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth a list of all Contracts with Material Customers which are the subject of an ongoing competitive bidding process, or for which the Company has been notified or informed in writing or, to the Knowledge of the Company, orally, that it will be the subject of a competitive bidding process within twelve (12) months after the date of this Agreement.
(c) Section 5.14(c) of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth a list of the ten (10) largest suppliers (“Material Suppliers”) of the Group Companies, as measured by the dollar volume of purchases from such suppliers, during the twelve (12) month period ended December 31, 2019 and the twelve (12) month period ended December 31, 2020, showing the amount of payments made by the Group Companies to each such supplier during each such period. To the Knowledge of the Company, there are no bankruptcies filed by, on behalf of, or against any Material Supplier. There are no suppliers of products or services to the Company that are material to the Group Companies’ business with respect to which practical alternative sources of supply are not available on comparable terms and conditions in the marketplace.
(d) No Group Company has received notice from any Material Customer or Material Supplier that such Material Customer or Material Supplier will, and, to the Company’s Knowledge, no Material Customer or Material Supplier intends to or is considering terminating, cancelling, discontinuing, reducing, materially changing the terms (e.g., related to payment, price, quantity of business) of, or otherwise adversely modifying, in each case in any material respect, its volume or type of business with the Group Companies, whether as a result of any of the transaction described in this Agreement or otherwise. No Group Company is, or has during the past twelve (12) months been, involved in any material claim, dispute or controversy with any Material Customer or any Material Supplier.
5.15 Insurance.
Section 5.15 of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth a true and complete list of all current policies or binders of fire, liability, product liability, umbrella liability, real and personal property, workers’ compensation, vehicular, directors’ and officers’ liability, fiduciary liability and other casualty and property insurance maintained by the Group Companies or any of its Affiliates (including the Shareholders) relating to the assets, business, operations, employees, officers and directors of the Group Companies (collectively, the “Insurance Policies”) and true and complete copies of the Insurance Policies have been made available to Buyer. The Insurance Policies are in full force and effect and shall, except to the extent cancelled, modified or other amended at or following the Closing at the direction of Buyer, remain in full force and effect following the consummation of the Transactions. No Group Company has received any notice of cancellation of, premium increase with respect to, or alteration of coverage under, any of the Insurance Policies. All premiums due on the Insurance Policies have either been paid or, if due and payable prior to Closing, will be paid prior to Closing in accordance with the payment terms of each Insurance Policy. No Group Company has any liability due for any retrospective premium adjustment, audit premium adjustment, experience based liability or loss sharing cost adjustment under any of the Insurance Policies. All the Insurance Policies (a) are valid and binding in accordance with their terms; (b) are provided by carriers who are financially solvent; and (c) have not been subject to any lapse in coverage. There are no claims related to the business of the Group Companies pending under any the Insurance Policies as to which coverage has been questioned, denied or disputed or in respect of which there is an outstanding reservation of rights. No Group Company is in default under, and has not otherwise failed to comply with, in any material respect, any provision contained in any the Insurance Policy. The Insurance Policies are in the amounts customarily carried by Persons conducting a business similar in size and type to the Group Companies and are sufficient for compliance with all applicable Laws and Contracts to which any Group Company is a party or by which it is bound.
5.16 Legal Proceedings; Governmental Orders.
(a) Section 5.16(a) of the Disclosure Schedule identifies and provides a summary of the status and material claims involved in each Action that is currently or the past five (5) years was pending, or, to the Company’s Knowledge, threatened against or by any Group Company (or any of its Representatives with respect to their business activities on behalf of any Group Company) affecting any of its properties or assets. Except as set forth in such Section 5.16(a) of the Disclosure Schedule, the Group Companies have insurance that will cover all Losses that may be incurred by any Group Company in connection with each such pending Action.
(b) There are no Actions pending or, to the Company’s Knowledge, threatened against or by any Group Company that challenges or seeks to prevent, enjoin or otherwise delay the Transactions. To the Company’s Knowledge, no event has occurred or circumstances exist that may give rise to, or serve as a basis for, any such Action.
(c) There are no, nor in the past five (5) years have there been any, outstanding Governmental Orders and no unsatisfied judgments, penalties or awards against any Group Company (or any of its Representatives with respect to their business activities on behalf of the Group Companies) or any of its properties or assets. No event has occurred or circumstances exist that may constitute or result in (with or without notice or lapse of time) a violation of any such Governmental Order.
5.17 Compliance With Laws; Permits.
(a) Each Group Company has been in compliance in all material respects with all applicable Laws. No Group Company has been charged with and, to the Knowledge of the Company, is not now under investigation with respect to, a violation of any Law. No Group Company has received any communication during the past five (5) years from a Governmental Authority that alleges that any Group Company is not in compliance with any Law.
(b) The Group Companies (i) hold, and are in compliance in all material respects with the terms of, all Permits that are required to enable the Group Companies to conduct their business, all of which are listed on Section 5.17(b) of the Disclosure Schedule, (ii) have not received any notice of the institution of any Action to revoke any such Permits or alleging that any Group Company fails to hold such Permits, (iii) have not received any notice that any loss or expiration of any Permit is pending, other than expiration in accordance with the terms thereof, and (iv) have no knowledge of any threatened or reasonably foreseeable loss or expiration of any Permit, other than expiration in accordance with the terms thereof. The Permits are valid and in full force and effect and none of the Permits will be terminated or impaired or become terminable as a result of the Transactions.
5.18 Environmental Matters.
(a) As used herein:
(i)  Environmental Claim” means any Action, Governmental Order, lien, fine, penalty, or, as to each, any settlement or judgment arising therefrom, by or from any Person alleging liability of whatever kind or nature (including liability or responsibility for the costs of enforcement proceedings, investigations, cleanup, governmental response, removal or remediation, natural resources damages, property damages, personal injuries, medical monitoring, penalties, contribution, indemnification and injunctive relief) of any Group Company arising out of, based on or resulting from: (a) the presence, Release of, or exposure to, any Hazardous Materials; or (b) any actual or alleged non-compliance with any Environmental Law or term or condition of any Environmental Permit.
(ii)  Environmental Law” means any applicable Law, and any Governmental Order or binding agreement with any Governmental Authority: (a) relating to pollution (or the cleanup thereof) or the protection of natural resources, endangered or threatened species, human health or safety, or the environment (including ambient air, soil, surface water or groundwater, or subsurface strata); or (b) concerning the presence of, exposure to, or the management, manufacture, use, containment, storage, recycling, reclamation, reuse, treatment, generation, discharge, transportation, processing, production, disposal or remediation of any Hazardous Materials. The term “Environmental Law” includes, without limitation, the following (including their implementing regulations and any state analogs): the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601 et seq.; the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, 42 U.S.C. §§ 6901 et seq.; the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, as amended by the Clean Water Act of 1977, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq.; the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, as amended, 15 U.S.C. §§ 2601 et seq.; the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C. §§ 11001 et seq.; the Clean Air Act of 1966, as amended by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401 et seq.; and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended, 29 U.S.C. §§ 651 et seq.
(iii)  Environmental Notice” means any written directive, notice of violation or infraction, or other notice by or from any Person received by any Group Company alleging or asserting an Environmental Claim relating to actual or alleged non-compliance with any Environmental Law or any term or condition of any Environmental Permit.
(iv)  Environmental Permit” means any Permit, letter, clearance, consent, waiver, closure, exemption, decision or other action required under or issued, granted, given, authorized by or made pursuant to Environmental Law.
(v)  Hazardous Materials” means all pollutants, contaminants, wastes, hazardous or toxic substances or materials, including all substances defined as Hazardous Substances, Oils, Pollutants or Contaminants in the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 C.F.R. § 300.5, toxic mold, asbestos and asbestos-containing materials, ignitable, reactive or corrosive substances, by-products, process intermediate products or wastes, petroleum or petroleum fractions and products, lead-containing paint, urea-formaldehyde insulation, polychlorinated biphenyls, radon, chemical liquids or solids, liquid or gaseous products, or any constituent of any such substance or waste, the use, handling or disposal of which by any Group Company could reasonably be expected to result in liability under any applicable Environmental Law or that is or is defined as hazardous, toxic or injurious by, or regulated as such under, any Law or is in any way governed by or subject to any applicable Environmental Laws.
(vi)  Release” means any release, spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, abandonment, disposing or allowing to escape or migrate into or through the environment (including, without limitation, ambient air (indoor or outdoor), surface water, groundwater, land surface or subsurface strata or within any building, structure, facility or fixture).
(b) Each Group Company is currently and has been in material compliance with all Environmental Laws and no Group Company has received from any Person any: (i) Environmental Notice or Environmental Claim; or (ii) written request for information pursuant to Environmental Law, which, in each case, either remains pending or unresolved, or is the source of ongoing obligations or requirements as of the Closing Date. Each Group Company has all Environmental Permits required for the conduct of the Group Companies’ business in the Ordinary Course of Business under applicable Environmental Laws and is in compliance in all material respects with all terms and conditions of such Environmental Permits and all applicable Environmental Laws.
(c) There has been no Release of Hazardous Materials in contravention of Environmental Law with respect to the business or assets of any Group Company or any real property currently or formerly owned, operated or leased by any Group Company, and no Group Company has received an Environmental Notice that any real property currently or formerly owned, operated or leased in connection with the business of a Group Company (including soils, groundwater, surface water, buildings and other structure located on any such real property) has been contaminated with any Hazardous Material which could reasonably be expected to result in an Environmental Claim against, or a violation of Environmental Law or term of any Environmental Permit by any Group Company.
(d) No Group Company has retained or assumed, by contract or operation of Law, any liabilities or obligations of third parties under Environmental Law.
(e) The Company has provided or otherwise made available to Buyer: (i) any and all environmental reports, studies, audits, records, sampling data, site assessments, risk assessments and other similar documents with respect to the business or assets of any Group Company or any currently or formerly owned, operated or leased real property which are in the possession or control of any Group Company related to compliance with Environmental Laws, Environmental Claims or an Environmental Notice or the Release of Hazardous Materials by the Group Companies; and (ii) any and all material documents concerning planned or anticipated capital expenditures required to reduce, offset, limit or otherwise control Hazardous Materials or otherwise ensure compliance with current or future Environmental Laws by the Group Companies (including, without limitation, costs of remediation, pollution control equipment and operational changes).
5.19 Employee Benefit Matters.
(a) Section 5.19(a) of the Disclosure Schedule contains a true and complete list of each pension, benefit, retirement, compensation, profit-sharing, deferred compensation, incentive, performance award, phantom equity, stock or stock-based, change in control, retention, severance, vacation, paid time off, fringe-benefit and other similar agreement, plan, policy, program or arrangement (and any amendments thereto), in each case whether or not reduced to writing and whether funded or unfunded, including each “employee benefit plan” within the meaning of Section 3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder (“ERISA”), whether or not tax-qualified and whether or not subject to ERISA, which is or has been maintained, sponsored, contributed to, or required to be contributed to by any Group Company or any other Person that, together with any Group Company, would be treated as a single employer within the meaning of Section 414(b), (c), (m) or (o) of the Code (an “ERISA Affiliate”) for the benefit of any current or former employee, officer, director, retiree, independent contractor or consultant of any Group Company or its ERISA Affiliates or any spouse or dependent of such individual, or under which any Group Company or any of its ERISA Affiliates has or may have any Liability, or with respect to which Buyer or any of its Affiliates would reasonably be expected to have any Liability, contingent or otherwise (as listed on Section 5.19(a) of the Disclosure Schedule, each, a “Benefit Plan”).
(b) With respect to each Benefit Plan, the Company has made available to Buyer accurate, current and complete copies of each of the following: (i) where the Benefit Plan has been reduced to writing, the plan document together with all amendments; (ii) where the Benefit Plan has not been reduced to writing, a written summary of all material plan terms; (iii) where applicable, copies of any trust agreements or other funding arrangements, custodial agreements, insurance policies and contracts, administration agreements and similar agreements, and investment management or investment advisory agreements, now in effect or required in the future as a result of the Transactions or otherwise; (iv) copies of any summary plan descriptions, summaries of material modifications, employee handbooks and any other written communications (or a description of any oral communications) relating to any Benefit Plan; (v) in the case of any Benefit Plan that is intended to be qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code, a copy of the most recent favorable determination, opinion or advisory letter from the Internal Revenue Service; (vi) in the case of any Benefit Plan for which a Form 5500 is required to be filed, copies of the three most recently filed Forms 5500, with schedules attached; (vii) the financial statements and/or actuarial valuations and reports related to any Benefit Plans with respect to the two most recently completed plan years, and a current estimate of accrued and anticipated liabilities thereunder; (viii) copies of material notices, letters or other correspondence with respect to the registration, maintenance or qualification requirements applicable to a Benefit Plan from any Governmental Authority, including, without limitation, the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Labor or Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation relating to the Benefit Plan; (ix) copies of material notices, letters or other correspondence with respect to any Benefit Plan which have been issued, delivered or otherwise made available to participants of such Benefit Plan, including, without limitation in connection with the Pre-Closing Reorganization; and (x) the three most recent, annual nondiscrimination tests for each Benefit Plan for which such nondiscrimination tests are required by applicable Law.
(c) Each Benefit Plan has been established, administered and maintained in accordance with its terms and in compliance with all applicable Laws (including ERISA and the Code). Each Benefit Plan that is intended to be qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code (a “Qualified Benefit Plan”) is so qualified and has received a favorable and current determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service, or with respect to a prototype plan, can rely on an opinion letter from the Internal Revenue Service to the prototype plan sponsor, to the effect that such Qualified Benefit Plan is so qualified and that the plan and the trust related thereto are exempt from federal income taxes under Sections 401(a) and 501(a), respectively, of the Code, and nothing has occurred that could reasonably be expected to cause the revocation of such determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service or the unavailability of reliance on such opinion letter from the Internal Revenue Service, as applicable, nor has such revocation or unavailability been threatened. Nothing has occurred with respect to any Benefit Plan that has subjected or could reasonably be expected to subject any Group Company or, with respect to any period on or after the Closing Date, Buyer or any of its Affiliates, to a penalty under Section 502 of ERISA or to tax or penalty under Section 4975 of the Code. All benefits, contributions and premiums relating to each Benefit Plan have been timely paid in accordance with the terms of such Benefit Plan and all applicable Laws and accounting principles, and all benefits accrued under any unfunded Benefit Plan have been paid, accrued or otherwise adequately reserved to the extent required by, and in accordance with, GAAP. Each Group Company has timely filed all requisite governmental reports (which were true, correct and complete as of the date filed), including any required audit reports, and has properly and timely filed, distributed, and delivered or posted all notices, communications and reports to employees required to be filed, distributed, delivered or posted with respect to the Benefit Plans.
(d) Neither any Group Company nor any of its ERISA Affiliates has ever sponsored, maintained, or contributed to any (i) Benefit Plan that is or was subject to Title IV of ERISA or Section 302 of ERISA or Section 412 of the Code; (ii) “multiemployer plan” within the meaning of Section 3(37) of ERISA; (iii) “multiple employer plan” within the meaning of Section 413(c) of the Code; or (iv) “funded welfare plan” within the meaning of Section 419 of the Code.
(e) No provision of any Benefit Plan or collective bargaining agreement could reasonably be expected to result in any limitation on Buyer or any of its Affiliates from amending or terminating any Benefit Plan prior to or after the Closing and without incurring any expenses (including, but not limited to, loads, surrender fees, termination or deferred sales charges imposed with respect to insurance products or other financial products used to fund such Benefit Plans), other than reasonable administrative expenses in connection with such termination. No Group Company has any commitment or obligation and has not made any representations to any employee, officer, director, independent contractor or consultant, whether or not legally binding, to adopt, amend or modify any Benefit Plan or any collective bargaining agreement, in connection with the consummation of the Transactions or otherwise.
(f) No Benefit Plan provides health benefits (whether or not insured) with respect to employees or former employees (or any of their beneficiaries) of any Group Company or any of its ERISA Affiliates after retirement or other termination of service (other than coverage or benefits (i) required to be provided under Part 6 of Subtitle B of Title I of ERISA or any similar state continuation coverage Laws or (ii) the full cost of which is borne by the employee or former employee (or any of their beneficiaries)).
(g) There is no pending or, to Company’s Knowledge, threatened Action relating to a Benefit Plan (other than routine claims for benefits), and no Benefit Plan has within the three years prior to the date hereof been the subject of an examination or audit by a Governmental Authority or the subject of an application or filing under or is a participant in, an amnesty, voluntary compliance, self-correction or similar program sponsored by any Governmental Authority.
(h) Each Benefit Plan that is subject to Section 409A of the Code has been maintained and operated in compliance with such section and all applicable regulatory guidance (including notices, rulings and proposed and final regulations), and no amounts deferred under any such plan is, or upon vesting will be, subject to the interest and additional Tax set forth under Section 409A(a)(1)(B) of the Code. Neither any Group Company nor any of its ERISA Affiliates has any indemnity or gross-up obligation to any service provider for any Taxes or penalties imposed under Sections 4999 or 409A of the Code.
(i) Each individual who is classified by a Group Company as an independent contractor has been properly classified for purposes of participation and benefit accrual under each Benefit Plan.
(j) Except as set forth on Section 5.19(j) of the Disclosure Schedule, neither the execution of this Agreement nor any of the Transactions will (either alone or upon the occurrence of any additional or subsequent events): (i) entitle any current or former director, officer, employee, independent contractor or consultant of any Group Company or any of its ERISA Affiliates to severance pay or any other payment; (ii) accelerate the time of payment, funding or vesting, or increase the amount of compensation due to any such individual; (iii) limit or restrict the right of any Group Company to merge, amend or terminate any Benefit Plan; (iv) increase the amount payable under or result in any other material obligation pursuant to any Benefit Plan; (v) result in the failure of any Benefit Plan to comply with or be administered in accordance with its terms or applicable Law (including, without limitation, ERISA or the Code), or (vii) result in any amount paid or payable by any Group Company (or by any of its Affiliates or by any Person who acquires ownership or effective control of a Group Company or ownership of a substantial portion of the Group Companies’ assets (within the meaning of section 280G of the Code)): (A) constituting an “excess parachute payment” within the meaning of Code Section 280G or Code Section 4999, or (B) being not deductible by any Group Company by reason of Code Section 280G.
5.20 Employment Matters.
(a) Section 5.20(a) of the Disclosure Schedule contains a list of all persons who are employees, independent contractors or consultants of any Group Company as of the date hereof, including any employee who is on a leave of absence of any nature, paid or unpaid, authorized or unauthorized, and sets forth for each such individual the following: (i) name; (ii) title or position (including whether full or part time); (iii) hire date; (iv) current annual base compensation rate; (v) commission, bonus or other incentive-based compensation; and (vi) a description of the fringe benefits provided to each such individual as of the date hereof. Except as set forth in Section 5.20(a) of the Disclosure Schedule, as of the Closing Date, all compensation, including wages, commissions and bonuses, payable and due to employees, independent contractors or consultants of any Group Company for services performed on or prior to the Closing Date have been paid in full and there are no outstanding agreements, understandings or commitments of any Group Company with respect to any compensation, commissions or bonuses.
(b) Except as set forth in Section 5.20(b) of the Disclosure Schedule, no Group Company is, or has been, a party to, bound by, or negotiating any collective bargaining agreement or other Contract with a union, works council or labor organization (collectively, “Union”), and there is not, and has not been, any Union representing or purporting to represent any employee of any Group Company, and, to the Company’s Knowledge, no Union or group of employees is seeking or has sought to organize employees for the purpose of collective bargaining. There has never been any threat of, any strike, slowdown, work stoppage, lockout, concerted refusal to work overtime or other similar labor disruption or dispute affecting any Group Company or any of its employees. No Group Company has any duty to bargain with any Union.
(c) Each Group Company is and has been in compliance in all material respects with all applicable Laws pertaining to employment and employment practices, including all Laws relating to labor relations, equal employment opportunities, fair employment practices, employment discrimination, harassment, retaliation, reasonable accommodation, disability rights or benefits, immigration, wages, hours, overtime compensation, child labor, hiring, promotion and termination of employees, working conditions, meal and break periods, privacy, health and safety, workers’ compensation, leaves of absence and unemployment insurance. All individuals characterized and treated by a Group Company as independent contractors or consultants are properly treated as independent contractors under all applicable Laws. All employees classified as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act and state and local wage and hour laws are properly classified. There are no Actions against any Group Company pending, or to the Company’s Knowledge, threatened to be brought or filed, by or with any Governmental Authority or arbitrator or arbitration association in connection with the employment of any current or former applicant, employee, consultant, or independent contractor of any Group Company, including, without limitation, any claim relating to unfair labor practices, employment discrimination, harassment, retaliation, equal pay, wage and hours or any other employment related matter arising under applicable Laws.
(d) Each Group Company has complied with the federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988, and similar state, local and foreign laws related to plant closings, relocations, mass layoffs and employment losses (the “WARN Act”) and it has no plans to undertake any action in the future that would trigger the WARN Act. To the extent that the WARN Act does apply, each Group Company shall provide the notices required by the WARN Act.
(e) To the Knowledge of the Company, no Key Employee intends to terminate his or her employment.
5.21 Taxes.
(a) All Tax Returns required to be filed on or before the Closing Date by any Group Company have been, or will be, timely filed (subject to all periods of extension granted prior to the date hereof). Such Tax Returns are, or when filed will be, true, complete and correct in all respects. All Taxes due and owing by any Group Company (whether or not shown on any Tax Return) have been, or will be, timely paid by such Group Company prior to the Closing. All estimated Taxes required to be paid by or with respect to any Group Company have been, or will be, timely paid prior to the Closing. Except as set forth on Section 5.21(a) of the Disclosure Schedule, no Group Company is currently the beneficiary of any extension of time within which to file any Tax Return.
(b) Each Group Company has withheld and paid each Tax required to have been withheld and paid in connection with amounts paid or owing to any employee, independent contractor, customer or shareholder, and complied with all information reporting and backup withholding provisions of applicable Law. Each employee and independent contractor of any Group Company has been property classified by such Group Company for purposes of applicable Law.
(c) The Group Companies have not received any notice from any Governmental Authority with regard to any claim being made by any taxing authority in any jurisdiction where any Group Company does not file Tax Returns that it is, or may be, subject to Tax by that jurisdiction. Section 5.21(c) of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth each state, county, local municipal, domestic or foreign jurisdiction or Governmental Authority in or with which any Company (i) files a Tax Return, (ii) is registered for any Tax purpose, (iii) treats itself as liable for any Tax on a “nexus” basis, (iv) is qualified to do business, (v) owns or regularly uses property on anything other than a transient basis, or (vi) has any employee or in which any employee is regularly present.
(d) No extensions or waivers of statutes of limitations have been given or requested with respect to any Taxes of any Group Company.
(e) The amount of the Group Companies’ Liability for unpaid Taxes for all periods ending on or before December 31, 2020 does not, in the aggregate, exceed the amount of accruals for Taxes (excluding reserves for deferred Taxes) reflected on the Financial Statements (and not in any notes thereto). The amount of the Group Companies’ Liability for unpaid Taxes for all periods following the end of the recent period covered by the Financial Statements has occurred in accordance with the past custom and practice of the Group Companies.
(f) Section 5.21(f) of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth:
(i) the taxable years of each Group Company as to which the applicable statutes of limitations on the assessment and collection of Taxes have not expired;
(ii) those years for which examinations by the taxing authorities have been completed; and
(iii) those taxable years for which examinations by taxing authorities are presently being conducted.
(g) All deficiencies asserted, or assessments made, against any Group Company as a result of any examinations by any taxing authority have been fully paid.
(h) No Group Company is a party to any Action by any taxing authority. There are no pending or, to the Knowledge of the Company, threatened Actions by any taxing authority.
(i) The Company has delivered to Buyer copies of all federal, state, local and foreign income, franchise and similar Tax Returns, examination reports, and statements of deficiencies assessed against, or agreed to by, any Group Company for all Tax periods ending after December 31, 2015.
(j) There are no Encumbrances for Taxes (other than for current Taxes not yet due and payable) upon the assets of any Group Company.
(k) No Group Company is a party to, or bound by, any Tax indemnity, Tax-sharing or Tax allocation agreement.
(l) No Group Company is a party to, or bound by, any closing agreement or offer in compromise with any taxing authority.
(m) No private letter rulings, technical advice memoranda or similar agreement or rulings have been requested, entered into or issued by any taxing authority with respect to any Group Company.
(n) The Group Companies are members of an affiliated group within the meaning of Section 1504(a) of the Code, and they join in the filing of consolidated federal income Tax Returns the parent corporation of which is the Company, and no other Person is or, except for the Excluded Entities, was at any time a member of such affiliated group or joins or, except for the Excluded Entities, has joined in the filing of consolidated federal income Tax Returns with the Company. Except as contemplated by the foregoing sentence, no Group Company has been a member of any other affiliated, combined, consolidated or unitary Tax group for Tax purposes. No Group Company has any Liability for Taxes of any Person (other than the Group Companies) under Treasury Regulations Section 1.1502-6 (or any corresponding provision of state, local or foreign Law), as transferee or successor, by contract or otherwise.
(o) No Group Company has agreed to make, nor is it required to make, any adjustment under Sections 481(a) or 263A of the Code or any comparable provision of state, local or foreign Tax Laws by reason of a change in accounting method, as a result of the Transactions or otherwise. No Group Company has taken any action that could defer a Liability for Taxes of any Group Company from any Pre-Closing Tax Period to any Post-Closing Tax Period.
(p) No Group Company has been, nor will it be required hereunder to include any adjustment in taxable income for any Tax period (or portion thereof) pursuant to Section 481 of the Code or any comparable provision under state or foreign Tax laws as a result of accounting methods employed prior to the Closing, nor is any application pending with a Governmental Authority requesting permission for any changes in accounting methods that relate to the Group Companies. No Group Company will be required hereunder to include in income, or exclude any item of deduction from, taxable income for any taxable period (or portion thereof) ending after the Closing Date as a result of any (i) “closing agreement” as described in Code section 7121 (or any corresponding or similar provision of state, local or foreign income Tax law), (ii) open transaction or installment disposition made on or prior to the Closing Date, (iii) intercompany transactions occurring at or prior to the Closing or any excess loss account in existence at Closing described in Treasury Regulations under Code section 1502 (or any corresponding or similar provision of state, local or foreign income Tax law), (iv) cash basis method of accounting or percentage of completion method of accounting, (v) income from the discharge of indebtedness that was deferred pursuant to the provisions of Code section 108(i), or (vi) prepaid amount received on or prior to the Closing Date.
(q) No Group Company is, nor has it been, a “United States real property holding corporation” (as defined in Section 897(c)(2) of the Code) during the applicable period specified in Section 897(c)(1)(a) of the Code.
(r) No Group Company has been a “distributing corporation” or a “controlled corporation” in connection with a distribution described in Section 355 of the Code (including any distribution that could otherwise constitute part of a “plan” or “series of related transactions” within the meaning of section 355(e) of the Code in conjunction with the Transactions). No Group Company has distributed stock of another Person, or has had its stock distributed by another Person, in a transaction that was purported or intended to be governed in whole or in part by Section 361 of the Code
(s) No Group Company has consummated or participated in, nor is it currently participating in, any transaction which was or is a “tax shelter” transaction as defined in Sections 6662 or 6111 of the Code or the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder. No Group Company has participated in, and is not currently participating in, a “Listed Transaction” or a “Reportable Transaction” within the meaning of Section 6707A(c) of the Code or Treasury Regulations Section 1.6011-4(b), or any transaction requiring disclosure under a corresponding or similar provision of state, local, or foreign law.
(t) There is currently no limitation on the utilization of net operating losses, capital losses, built-in losses, tax credits or similar items of any Group Company under Sections 269, 382, 383, 384 or 1502 of the Code and the Treasury Regulations thereunder (and comparable provisions of state, local or foreign Law).
(u) Section 5.23(u) of the Disclosure Schedule sets forth all foreign jurisdictions in which any Group Company is subject to Tax, is engaged in business or has a permanent establishment. No Group Company has entered into a gain recognition agreement pursuant to Treasury Regulations Section 1.367(a)-8. No Group Company has transferred an intangible the transfer of which would be subject to the rules of Section 367(d) of the Code.
(v) None of the assets of a Group Company is property that a Group Company is required to treat as being owned by any other person pursuant to the so-called “safe harbor lease” provisions of former Section 168(f)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended.
(w) Each Group Company is classified, and has at all times since the date of its formation been classified, as an association taxable as a corporation for United States federal, state and local income tax purposes.
5.22 [Reserved]
5.23 Certain Payments
. Each Group Company in material compliance with all applicable foreign, federal, state and local anti-bribery, anticorruption and anti-money laundering Laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, as amended. None of the Group Companies nor any Representative thereof or any other Person authorized to act for or on behalf of any Group Company, has directly or indirectly, in violation of Law (a) made any contribution, gift, bribe, rebate, payoff, influence payment, kickback or other payment to any Person, public or private, regardless of form, whether in money, property or services (i) to obtain favorable treatment in securing business, (ii) to pay for favorable treatment of business secured or (iii) to obtain special concessions or for special concessions already obtained, or (b) established or maintained any fund or asset that has not been recorded in the books and records of the Group Companies.
5.24  Warranty Obligations
. The Company has delivered to Buyer true and correct copies of all written warranties currently in effect covering the products and services of the Group Companies. All such written warranties are set forth in Contracts of the Group Companies and are customary with respect to both size and type for the industry in which the Group Companies operate.
5.25 Data Privacy and Security.
(a) The Group Companies’ Data Handling practices, including with respect to Sensitive Data, comply in all material respects with all Laws and contractual obligations, are, in any event, to the Knowledge of the Company reasonable, and are promulgated by the Group Companies for regular and consistent adherence in the conduct of its business. “Data Handling” means the collection, storage, processing, use, transmission, disclosure and securing of data. “Sensitive Data” means any data of a sensitive nature, including: (a) confidential information regarding the Group Companies’ products, services operations and clients; (b) nonpublic Personal Information, as defined under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act; (c) information required by any applicable law or industry requirement to be encrypted, masked or otherwise protected from disclosure; (d) government identifiers, such as Social Security or other tax identification numbers, driver’s license numbers and other government-issued identification numbers; (e) account, credit or debit card numbers, with or without any required security code, access code, personal identification number or password that would permit access to an individual’s financial account, and account information, including balances and transaction data; (f) user names, email addresses, passwords, or other credentials for accessing accounts; (g) any other sensitive information regarding individuals or their employment, family, health or financial status, such as medical records, salary, benefits, marital status and geolocation data; and (h) “Personal Data” as defined under the General Data Protection Regulation; and “Personal Information” as defined under the California Consumer Privacy Act.
(b) Sensitive Data are stored and transmitted in an encrypted manner, and Sensitive Data are not maintained by any Group Company for longer than is needed to conduct the Business, or as required by Laws or Contractual obligations. Sensitive Data is not transmitted or otherwise provided to a third party except by a secure, encrypted means.
(c) To the Knowledge of the Company, no Sensitive Data handled by any Group Company has been exposed, lost, inappropriately accessed, misappropriated or misused. To the Knowledge of the Company, (i) there have been no breaches of or lapses in the security of any IT systems or facilities of the Group Companies or of any communications means or interface with the Group Companies’ IT systems, and (ii) the Group Companies’ IT systems have not experienced any unpermitted intrusions or been adversely affected by any denial of service attacks. The Group Companies have not received any inquiries from or been subject to any audit or Action by any Governmental Authority regarding their collection, use, processing, storage, or transfer of Sensitive Data. The Group Companies have complied with their respective policies and procedures as to collection, use, processing, storage and transfer of Sensitive Data. No Action alleging a material violation of any individual’s privacy rights or the unauthorized access, use or disclosure of Sensitive Data has been asserted or, to the Company’s Knowledge, threatened to the Group Companies.  To Company’s Knowledge, there has not been a material violation by any Group Company of any individual’s privacy rights or any unauthorized access, use or disclosure by any Group Company of Sensitive Data.
(d) All data, including Sensitive Data, of the Group Companies will be available for Data Handling by the Group Companies following the Closing on substantially the same terms and conditions as existed immediately before the Closing.
5.26 Transactions with Related Persons. Except as set forth in Section 5.26 of the Disclosure Schedule (the items so disclosed, the “Related Party Transactions and Relationships”), neither of the Shareholders nor any Affiliate thereof:
(a) owns any direct or indirect interest of any kind in, or controls or has controlled, or is a manager, officer, director, shareholder, member or partner of, or consultant to, or lender to or borrower from or has the right to participate in the profits of, any Person which is a competitor, supplier, vendor, customer, landlord, tenant, creditor or debtor of a Group Company;
(b) owns or has an interest in, directly or indirectly, any property, asset or right used by any Group Company;
(c) owes any money to or is owed any money by any Group Company (other than accrued compensation in the case of employees of the Group Companies);
(d) provides goods or services to any Group Company (other than the employees and officers of the Group Companies);
(e) is a party to a Contract, or is involved in any business arrangement or other relationship, with any Group Company (whether written or oral)(other than in the capacity of a shareholder, member or equity holder of a Group Company and/or officer or employee of a Group Company);
(f) has pledged any assets, posted any letters of credit or guaranteed any obligations on behalf of any Group Company (nor has any Group Company pledged any assets, posted any letters of credit or guaranteed any obligations on behalf of any such Person); or
(g) has any claim or cause of action against any Group Company.
5.27 Brokers. Except as set forth in Section 5.27 of the Disclosure Schedule, no broker, finder or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder’s or other fee or commission in connection with the Transactions or any other transactions, whether past, present or future, based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of any Group Company or any Shareholder.
5.28 PPP Loans.
  The Group Companies maintain PPP Loans in the following amounts: (i) the Company – Ninety-Two Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars and 00/100 ($92,700.00); and (ii) ANS Advanced Network Services, LLC – Two Million Twenty-Three Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars and 00/100 ($2,023,900.00). The PPP Loans were obtained and proceeds of the PPP Loans were used, and any related contracts and agreements were entered into and performed, in accordance with all applicable Laws and the specific terms of the PPP Loans. All of the proceeds of the PPP Loans were used for the purposes and within the timeframes proscribed by the terms of the PPP Loans and applicable Law to qualify the entire PPP Loans for forgiveness. The Group Companies have completed and submitted the forgiveness application for the PPP Loans to the PPP Lenders.

Representations and warranties of buyer
Buyer hereby represents and warrants to the Company and the Shareholder that the statements contained in this Article 6 are true and correct on the date hereof and shall be true and correct on the Closing Date as if made thereon.
6.1 Organization and Authority of Buyer. Buyer is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the State of Delaware. Buyer has full corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents to which Buyer is a party, to carry out its obligations hereunder and thereunder and to consummate the Transactions. The execution and delivery by Buyer of this Agreement and any other Transaction Document to which Buyer is a party, the performance by Buyer of its obligations hereunder and thereunder and the consummation by Buyer of the Transactions have been duly authorized by all requisite corporate action on the part of Buyer. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Buyer, and (assuming due authorization, execution and delivery by the Shareholder and the Company) this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of Buyer enforceable against Buyer in accordance with its terms. When each other Transaction Document to which Buyer is or will be a party has been duly executed and delivered by Buyer (assuming due authorization, execution and delivery by each other party thereto), such Transaction Document will constitute a legal and binding obligation of Buyer enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.
6.2 No Conflicts; Consents
(a) . The execution and delivery by Buyer of this Agreement and each Transaction Document, and the performance by it of any actions contemplated hereunder or thereunder, does not and will not, directly or indirectly (with or without notice or lapse of time) (a) conflict with or violate any provision of the Governing Documents of Buyer, (b) require notice, consent or approval under, conflict with, violate, result in a breach of, result in the acceleration of material obligations, loss of a material benefit or increase in material Liabilities or fees under, create in any Person the right to terminate, cancel or modify, or cause or give rise to a default under (i) any provision of Law applicable to Buyer or (ii)  any Governmental Order issued with respect to or against Buyer, or (c) require a registration, filing, application, notice, consent, approval, order, qualification or waiver with, to or from any Governmental Authority.
6.3 Investment Purpose. Buyer will acquire the Shares solely for its own account for investment purposes and not with a view to, or for offer or sale in connection with, any distribution thereof. Buyer understands that the Shares have not been registered under the Securities Act and cannot be sold unless subsequently registered under the Securities Act or pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements thereof.
6.4 Legal Proceedings. There are no Actions pending or, to Buyer’s knowledge, threatened against or by Buyer or any Affiliate of Buyer that challenge or seek to prevent, enjoin or otherwise delay the Transactions.
6.5 Brokers. Except for such amounts as Buyer shall pay, no broker, finder or investment banker is entitled to any brokerage, finder’s or other fee or commission in connection with the Transactions or any other Transaction Document based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of Buyer.
6.6 Cash Resources. Buyer has sufficient cash resources or other sources of immediately available funds to pay the cash component of the Base Purchase Price at the Closing as contemplated by this Agreement.
6.7 Preferred Stock.
  The Preferred Stock being issued to the Shareholders in accordance herewith is being offered pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act and applicable state securities laws for nonpublic offerings, and none of Charge Enterprises, Buyer or any authorized agent acting on their behalf will take any action hereafter that would cause the loss of such exemption. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement, the Preferred Stock to be issued by Charge Enterprises to the Shareholders hereunder will be duly and validly authorized at the time of issuance, and, when issued and delivered in accordance with this Agreement, will be duly and validly issued, fully paid, non-assessable and free and clear of any liens or encumbrances, with no restrictions on the voting rights or transfer thereof and other incidents of beneficial ownership pertaining thereto, in each case other than pursuant to the Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights and Limitations with regard to the Preferred Stock and applicable Law. At the time of issuance of the Preferred Stock, the common stock issuable upon conversion of the Preferred Stock will be duly and validly authorized and reserved for issuance and, when such common stock is issued and delivered upon conversion of the Preferred Stock in accordance with the Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights and Limitations with regard to the Preferred Stock, will be duly and validly issued, fully paid, non-assessable and free and clear of any liens or encumbrances, with no restrictions on the voting rights or transfer thereof and other incidents of beneficial ownership pertaining thereto, other than pursuant to applicable Law.
6.8  SEC Reports and Financial Statements.
(a) Charge Enterprises has filed all forms, reports and documents required to be filed by it with the SEC. A true and complete copy of each report, registration statement, and definitive proxy statement filed by Charge Enterprises with the SEC (the “Charge SEC Documents”) is available on the website maintained by the SEC at http://www.sec.gov. As of their respective filing dates, the Charge SEC Documents complied in all material respects with the requirements of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, as the case may be, and the rules and regulations of the SEC promulgated thereunder applicable to such Charge SEC Documents.
(b) The financial statements of Charge Enterprises included in the Charge SEC Documents complied as to form in all material respects with the published rules and regulations of the SEC with respect thereto, were prepared in accordance with GAAP applied on a consistent basis throughout the periods indicated (except as may be indicated in the notes thereto) and fairly presented in all material respects the consolidated financial position of Charge Enterprises and its consolidated subsidiaries as of the respective dates thereof and the consolidated results of Charge Enterprise’s operations and cash flows for the periods indicated (subject to, in the case of unaudited statements, to normal and recurring year-end audit adjustments).
 (c) The Charge SEC Documents do not contain any untrue statement of fact and do not omit any fact necessary to make the Charge SEC Documents not misleading.
7.1 Conduct of Business Prior to the Closing
. From the date hereof until the Closing, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or consented to in writing by Buyer (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed), each Group Company shall (a) conduct the business of the Group Companies in the Ordinary Course of Business; and (b) use all commercially reasonable efforts to maintain and preserve intact the current organization, business and franchise of the Group Companies and to preserve the rights, franchises, goodwill and relationships of its employees, customers, lenders, suppliers, regulators and others having business relationships with the Group Companies. Without limiting the foregoing, from the date hereof until the Closing Date, each Group Company shall:
(a) preserve and maintain all of its Permits, other than expiration in accordance with the terms thereof;
(b) pay its debts, Taxes and other obligations when due;
(c) not accelerate any receivables or delay paying any payables outside of the Ordinary Course of Business;
(d) not cancel or waive rights of substantial value;
(e) maintain the properties and assets owned, operated or used by it in the same condition as they were on the date of this Agreement, subject to reasonable wear and tear and in the Ordinary Course of Business;
(f) continue in full force and effect without modification all Insurance Policies and all Benefit Plans, except as required by applicable Law or as mutually consented to with Buyer in connection with the consummation of the Transactions;
(g) defend and protect its properties and assets from infringement or usurpation;
(h) perform all of its obligations under all Contracts relating to or affecting its properties, assets or business;
(i) maintain its books and records in accordance with past practice;
(j) comply in all material respects with all applicable Laws; and
(k) not take or permit any action that would cause any of the changes, events or conditions described in Section 5.8 to occur, except in the Ordinary Course of Business.
Notwithstanding anything in this Section 7.1 to the contrary, the Group Companies may distribute cash to the Shareholders to the extent that, after giving effect to such distribution, the amount obtained by subtracting the Estimated Closing Company Transaction Expenses from the Current Assets exceeds the Target NWC Amount. Without in any way limiting any party’s rights or obligations under this Agreement, the parties understand and agree that (i) nothing contained in this Agreement shall give Buyer, directly or indirectly, the right to control or direct the business operations of the Group Companies prior to the Closing and (ii) prior to the Closing, the Company shall exercise, consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, complete control and supervision over the operations of the business.
7.2 Access to Information
. Subject to appropriate restrictions on access to information that is subject to any enforceable confidentiality obligations imposed on the Group Companies by third party agreements and any applicable Law that restricts the Group Companies from disclosing information, from the date hereof for a period of no less than sixty (60) days, each Group Company shall (a) afford Buyer and its Representatives full and free access to and the right to, during normal business hours, inspect all of the properties, assets, premises, books and records, Contracts and other documents and data related to any Group Company; (b) furnish Buyer and its Representatives with such financial, operating and other data and information related to any Group Company as Buyer or any of its Representatives may reasonably request (including for Buyer to make a determination as to whether the conditions to Closing have been satisfied); and (c) instruct the Representatives of the Group Companies to reasonably cooperate with Buyer in its investigation of the Company. Any investigation pursuant to this Section 7.2 shall be conducted in such manner as not to interfere unreasonably with the conduct of the Group Companies’ business, which may include the Group Companies limiting the number of consecutive days during which any such investigation shall occur.
7.3 No Solicitation of Other Bids.
(a) From the date of this Agreement until the earlier of (x) termination of this Agreement pursuant to Article 11 and (b) the Closing Date, each Group Company and each Shareholder shall not, and shall not authorize or permit any of its Affiliates or any of its or their Representatives to, directly or indirectly, (i) encourage, solicit, initiate, facilitate or continue inquiries regarding an Acquisition Proposal; (ii) enter into discussions or negotiations with, or provide any information to, any Person concerning a possible Acquisition Proposal; or (iii) enter into any agreements or other instruments (whether or not binding) regarding an Acquisition Proposal. Each Group Company and each Shareholder shall immediately cease and cause to be terminated, and shall cause its Affiliates and all of its and their Representatives to immediately cease and cause to be terminated, all existing discussions or negotiations with any Persons conducted heretofore with respect to, or that could lead to, an Acquisition Proposal. For purposes hereof, “Acquisition Proposal” shall mean any inquiry, proposal or offer from any Person (other than Buyer or any of its Affiliates) concerning (A) a merger, consolidation, liquidation, recapitalization, share exchange or other business combination transaction involving any Group Company; (B) the issuance or acquisition of shares of capital stock or other equity securities of any Group Company; or (C) the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of any significant portion of any Group Company’s properties or assets.
(b) In addition to the other obligations under this Section 7.3, each Group Company and Shareholder shall promptly (and in any event within three (3) Business Days after receipt thereof by a Group Company, its Affiliates, any Shareholder or their Representatives) advise Buyer orally and in writing of any Acquisition Proposal, any request for information with respect to any Acquisition Proposal, or any inquiry with respect to or which could reasonably be expected to result in an Acquisition Proposal, the material terms and conditions of such request, Acquisition Proposal or inquiry, and the identity of the Person making the same.
(c) Each Group Company and each Shareholder agrees that the rights and remedies for noncompliance with this Section 7.3 shall include having such provision specifically enforced by any court having equity jurisdiction, it being acknowledged and agreed that any such breach or threatened breach shall cause irreparable injury to Buyer and that money damages would not provide an adequate remedy to Buyer.
7.4 Notice of Certain Events.
(a) From the date hereof until the Closing, the Company shall promptly notify Buyer in writing of:
(i) any fact, circumstance, event or action the existence, occurrence or taking of which (A) has had, or could reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect, (B) has resulted in, or could reasonably be expected to result in, any representation or warranty made by the Company or the Shareholder hereunder not being true and correct or (C) has resulted in, or could reasonably be expected to result in, the failure of any of the conditions set forth in Section 9.2 to be satisfied;
(ii) any notice or other communication from any Person alleging that the consent of such Person is or may be required in connection with the Transactions;
(iii) any notice or other communication from any Governmental Authority in connection with the Transactions; and
(iv) any Actions commenced or, to Company’s Knowledge, threatened against, relating to or involving or otherwise affecting the Company that, if pending on the date of this Agreement, would have been required to have been disclosed pursuant to Section 5.18 or that relates to the consummation of the Transactions.
(b) Buyer’s receipt of information pursuant to this Section 7.4 shall not operate as a waiver or otherwise affect any representation, warranty or agreement given or made by the Company or the Shareholder in this Agreement (including Section 10.2 and Section 11.1(b)) and shall not be deemed to amend or supplement the Disclosure Schedule.
7.5 Confidentiality.
(a) The Group Companies and Buyer agree that the Non-Disclosure Agreement (as defined in Section 12.6) by and between Buyer and the Company will continue in full force and effect and will be applicable to all “Confidential Information” (as defined in or contemplated by the Non-Disclosure Agreement) exchanged in connection with this Agreement and the Transactions in the manner contemplated by Section 12.6.
(b) From and after the Closing, each Shareholder shall, and shall cause their respective Affiliates to, hold, and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause their respective Representatives to hold, in confidence any and all information, whether written or oral, concerning the Group Companies (“Group Company Confidential Information”), except to the extent that such Shareholder can show that such information (a) is generally available to and known by the public through no fault of the Shareholder, any of his Affiliates or his respective Representatives; (b) is lawfully acquired by such Shareholder, any of his Affiliates or his respective Representatives from and after the Closing from sources which are not prohibited from disclosing such information by a legal, contractual or fiduciary obligation; or (c) was or is independently developed by the Shareholder without reference to or use of, in whole or in part, any of such Group Company Confidential Information. If any Shareholder or any of his Affiliates or their respective Representatives are compelled to disclose any Group Company Confidential Information by judicial or administrative process or by other requirements of Law, such Shareholder shall promptly notify Buyer in writing and shall disclose only that portion of such information which such Shareholder is advised by its counsel in writing is legally required to be disclosed, provided that such Shareholder shall use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain an appropriate protective order or other reasonable assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded such information.
7.6 Non-competition; Non-solicitation.
(a) For a period of three (3) years following the Closing (and in the case of Section 7.6(a)(v) as long as permitted by applicable Law) or one (1) year following the termination of employment with the Company, the Buyer, or any Affiliate thereof, as applicable, whichever occurs later, each Shareholder agrees that he shall not, directly or indirectly through any Person or any Affiliate thereof, entity or contractual arrangement:
(i) engage in the Business or any segment thereof anywhere in the world (the “Restricted Territory”), it being acknowledged by such Shareholder the Group Companies engage in the Business throughout the Restricted Territory;
(ii) except as set forth on Section 7.6(a)(ii) of the Disclosure Schedule, acquire, own, manage, operate, join, control, or participate in the ownership, management, operation or control of, consult with or perform services for, lend money or capital to, invest capital in, or be connected in any manner with, including, without limitation, as a partner or through stock ownership in, any business or Person that engages in the Business or any segment thereof anywhere in the Restricted Territory;
(iii) solicit, offer employment to or hire any individual that is an employee or consultant of a Group Company or otherwise induce or attempt to induce (whether for their own account or for the account of any other Person) any individual that is an employee or consultant of a Group Company to leave the employ of such Group Company; provided, however, that nothing in this Section 7.6(a)(iii) shall prohibit any such party from: (i) using general solicitations (including through search firms) not targeted at employees of the Group Companies, or employing any person who responds to such solicitation; (ii) hiring, employing or discussing employment with any person who contacts such party independently without any solicitations by such party or (iii) soliciting any person who has left the employment of the Group Companies at least twelve (12) months prior to such party soliciting such person;
(iv) induce or attempt to induce any customer, supplier, licensee or other business relation of a Group Company to cease doing business with such Group Company or in any way adversely interfere with the relationship between any such customer, supplier, licensee or business relation and the Group Companies; or
(v) disparage Buyer or any of its Affiliates (including, after the Closing, the Group Companies) in any way that could adversely affect the goodwill, reputation or business relationships of Buyer or any of its Affiliates with the public generally, or with any of their customers, suppliers or employees.
(b) Each Shareholder acknowledges that if it breaches any obligation under this Section 7.6, Buyer will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and damage for which money alone cannot fully compensate, and each Shareholder therefore agrees that upon such breach or threatened breach, Buyer shall be entitled to seek a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction, permanent injunction or other injunctive relief, without posting any bond or other security, barring the other party from violating any such provision. This Section 7.6(b) shall not be construed as an election of any remedy, or as a waiver of any right available to Buyer under this Agreement or the Law, including the right to seek damages for a breach.
(c) If a court of competent jurisdiction determines that the character, duration or geographical scope of the provisions of this Section 7.6 are unreasonable, it is the intention and the agreement of the parties that these provisions shall be construed by the court in such a manner as to impose only those restrictions on any Shareholder’s conduct that are reasonable in light of the circumstances and as are necessary to assure to Buyer the benefits of this Agreement. If, in any judicial proceeding, a court shall refuse to enforce all of the separate covenants of this Section 7.6 because taken together they are more extensive than necessary to assure to Buyer the intended benefits of this Agreement, it is expressly understood and agreed by the parties that the provisions hereof that, if eliminated, would permit the remaining separate provisions to be enforced in such proceeding, shall be deemed eliminated, for the purposes of such proceeding, from this Agreement.
7.7 Approvals and Consents.
(a) From the date hereof until the Closing, the Company and the Shareholders shall (i) use all commercially reasonable efforts to file, make or obtain, as applicable, all registrations, filings, applications, notices, consents, approvals, orders, qualifications and waivers listed on Section 9.2(c) of the Disclosure Schedule and (ii) shall make any payments reasonably required to accomplish the foregoing (and to the extent such payments are not made prior to the Closing, they shall be Company Transaction Expenses).
(b) Each of the parties shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to:
(i) respond to any inquiries by any Governmental Authority regarding antitrust or other matters with respect to the Transactions or any agreement or document contemplated hereby;
(ii) avoid the imposition of any order or the taking of any action that would restrain, alter or enjoin the Transactions or any agreement or document contemplated hereby; and
(iii) in the event any Governmental Order adversely affecting the ability of the parties to consummate the Transactions or any agreement or document contemplated hereby has been issued, to have such Governmental Order vacated or lifted.
(c) If any consent, approval or authorization necessary to preserve any right or benefit under any Contract to which the Company is a party is not obtained prior to the Closing, the Shareholders shall, at their sole expense, subsequent to the Closing, reasonably cooperate with Buyer and the Company in attempting to obtain such consent, approval or authorization as promptly thereafter as practicable. If such consent, approval or authorization cannot be obtained, the Shareholders shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Company with the rights and benefits of the affected Contract for the term thereof, and, if the Shareholders provide such rights and benefits, the Company shall assume all obligations and burdens thereunder.
(d) All analyses, appearances, meetings, discussions, presentations, memoranda, briefs, filings, arguments, and proposals made by or on behalf of a party before any Governmental Authority or the staff or regulators of any Governmental Authority, in connection with the Transactions (but, for the avoidance of doubt, not including any interactions between or the Company with Governmental Authorities in the ordinary course of business, any disclosure which is not permitted by Law or any disclosure containing confidential information) shall be disclosed to the other party in advance of any filing, submission or attendance, it being the intent that the parties will consult and cooperate with one another, and consider in good faith the views of one another, in connection with any such analyses, appearances, meetings, discussions, presentations, memoranda, briefs, filings, arguments, and proposals. Each party shall give notice to the other party with respect to any meeting, discussion, appearance or contact with any Governmental Authority or the staff or regulators of any Governmental Authority, with such notice being sufficient to provide the other party with the opportunity to attend and participate in such meeting, discussion, appearance or contact.
(e) Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Section 7.7 shall require, or be construed to require, any party or their Affiliates to agree to (i) sell, hold, divest, discontinue or limit, before or after the Closing Date, any assets, businesses or interests of such party or any of their respective Affiliates, (ii) any conditions relating to, or changes or restrictions in, the operations of any such assets, businesses or interests which, in either case, could reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect or materially and adversely impact the economic or business benefits to Buyer or Shareholders of the Transactions, (iii) any material modification or waiver of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or (iv) threaten, commence, prosecute or defend any Action.
(f) As of the Closing, the Shareholders hereby waive all rights of first refusal, co-sale rights, drag-along rights, consent rights and other similar rights that the Shareholders may have, as well as any restrictions on the transfer of the Shares, in each case under the Company’s organizational documents or otherwise with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby.
7.8 Release.
(a) Each Shareholder, on behalf of himself and his Affiliates, and their respective successors and assigns (collectively, the “Releasors”), hereby knowingly and voluntarily releases and forever discharges, effective as of the Closing Date, Buyer, each Group Company, and each of their respective past, present and/or future Affiliates and Representatives (collectively, the “Released Parties”), from any and all Actions, claims, suits, controversies, causes of action, cross-claims, counter claims, demands, debts, compensatory damages, liquidated damages, punitive or exemplary damages, other damages, claims for costs and attorneys’ fees, or liabilities of any nature whatsoever in law and in equity, whether known or unknown, liquidated or contingent, which such Shareholder or any other Releasor ever had, now have or may have relating to, arising out of or in any way connected with the dealings of the Group Companies and the other Released Parties, on the one hand, and the Shareholder and the other Releasors, on the other hand, or any circumstance, agreement, action, omission, event or matter occurring or existing between them, in each case, prior to the Closing Date (collectively, the “Released Claims”); provided, however, that the Released Claims shall not include any of the terms, conditions or other provisions or obligations under this Agreement or the Transaction Documents or any acts or omissions with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, including, for the avoidance of doubt any claim of the Shareholders to the PPP Escrow.
(b) The Shareholders acknowledge that the Laws of many states provide substantially the following:  
The Shareholders acknowledge that such provisions are designed to protect a party from waiving claims which he does not know exist or may exist. Nonetheless, the Shareholders agree that, effective as of the Closing Date, the Shareholders and the other Releasors shall be deemed to waive any such provision.
(c) The Shareholders further agree that no party shall, nor permit any Affiliate thereof to: (i) institute a lawsuit or other legal proceeding based upon, arising out of, or relating to any of the Released Claims, (ii) participate, assist, or cooperate in any such proceeding or (iii) encourage, assist and/or solicit any third party to institute any such proceeding.
7.9 Closing Conditions. From the date hereof until the Closing, each party shall, and shall cause their respective Affiliates to, use all commercially reasonable efforts to take such actions as are necessary to expeditiously satisfy the closing conditions set forth in Article 9.
7.10 Publicity; Transaction Disclosure.
(a) Any public announcement, press release or similar publicity with respect to this Agreement or the Transactions will be issued, if at all, at such time and in such manner as approved in writing by the other party (such approval not unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned); provided, that if such announcement is required by Law, a party may make any such announcement, release or similar publicity without the consent of the other party, provided that the disclosing party shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide, to the extent practicable and legally permitted, the other party a reasonable opportunity to review and comment on the content of such announcements in advance (it being understood that the other party shall not have any right to prevent the disclosing party from making such announcements to the extent the form and substance of the same is required by applicable Law).
(b) None of (i) the Group Companies, the Shareholders or any of their respective Affiliates or any of their respective Representatives shall (except with the prior written consent of Buyer or as permitted by this Agreement) and (ii) Buyer or any of its Affiliates or Representatives shall (except with the prior written consent of the Shareholders or as permitted by this Agreement) disclose to any Person: (A) the fact that any confidential information of the Group Companies has been disclosed to Buyer or its Representatives, or that any confidential information of Buyer has been disclosed to the Group Companies or the Shareholders or (B) any information about the transactions contemplated hereby, including the status of such discussions or negotiations, the execution of any documents (including this Agreement) or any of the terms of the transactions contemplated hereby or the related documents (including this Agreement); provided that the foregoing obligation of the Group Companies, the Shareholders or Buyer (or any of their respective Affiliates or Representatives) shall not prohibit disclosure of any such information (1) if required by applicable Law; (2) as required in order to fulfill such party’s obligations under this Agreement; (3) to a financial, legal or accounting advisor for the purpose of advising in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents (provided, that such advisor is made aware of and directed to comply with the provisions of this Section 7.10), (4) to the extent that the information has been made public with the prior consent of Buyer (with respect to disclosures by the Group Companies, the Shareholder or their respective Affiliates or Representatives) or the Shareholders (with respect to disclosures by Buyer or its Affiliates or Representatives) or (5) in connection with any Action with respect to this Agreement or any other Transaction Documents; and provided, further, that in the event any of the Group Companies, the Shareholders or Buyer is required by Law to disclose any such information, such Person shall promptly notify Buyer (with respect to disclosures by the Group Companies or the Shareholder) or the Shareholders (with respect to disclosures by Buyer or its Affiliates or Representatives) in writing to the extent permitted by Law, which notification shall include the nature of the legal requirement and the extent of the required disclosure, and such Person shall reasonably cooperate with Buyer or the Shareholders, as applicable (at such Person’s expense) to preserve the confidentiality of such information consistent with applicable Law.
7.11 Benefit Plans. The Group Companies shall not terminate or modify, or cause to be terminated or modified, each Benefit Plan of the Group Companies designated on Section 7.11 of the Disclosure Schedule, unless termination of such Benefit Plan is required pursuant to applicable Law in connection with the Pre-Closing Reorganization, in which case the Shareholders shall be solely responsible for any costs, expenses, or liabilities in connection with such termination or modification. The Parties intend for such Benefits Plans to be maintained by the Group Companies after the Closing in the same form and type as maintained by the Group Companies as of immediately prior to the Closing. In the event any Group Company is required to make continuation of health coverage payments pursuant to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 to employees of the Group Companies whose employment was terminated prior to the Closing (“Group Company COBRA Payments”), the Shareholders or their Affiliates shall, within thirty (30) days written request of the Buyer therefore, reimburse the Group Companies or the Buyer for such Group Company COBRA Payments, less any payroll tax credit to be received by the Group Companies related to such Group Company COBRA Payments, to the extent made by the Group Companies following the Closing.
7.12 Litigation Support. Following the Closing, in the event and for so long as Buyer or the Group Companies are actively contesting or defending against any Action in connection with any fact, situation, circumstance, action, failure to act, or transaction on or prior to the Closing Date involving any Group Company, the Shareholders will cooperate with it and its counsel in the contest or defense and provide such testimony and access to the Shareholders’ books and records as shall be necessary in connection with the contest or defense, all at the sole cost and expense of Buyer and the Group Companies (unless Buyer is entitled to indemnification therefor hereunder).
7.13 280G. If applicable, promptly following the execution of this Agreement, the Company shall submit to the Shareholders for approval (in a manner reasonably satisfactory to Buyer) as is required by the terms of Section 280G(b)(5)(B) of the Code, any payments and/or benefits that may separately or in the aggregate, constitute “parachute payments” pursuant to Section 280G of the Code (“Section 280G Payments”) (which determination shall be made by the Company and shall be subject to review and approval by Buyer, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed), such that such payments and benefits shall not be deemed to be Section 280G Payments, and prior to the Closing (but in no event later than five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing Date), the Company shall deliver to Buyer notification and documentation reasonably satisfactory to Buyer that (a) a vote of the holders of the capital stock of the Company was solicited in conformance with Section 280G of the Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder and the requisite shareholder approval was obtained with respect to any payments and/or benefits that were subject to the Shareholder vote (the “280G Shareholder Approval”), or (b) that the 280G Shareholder Approval was not obtained and as a consequence, that such payments and/or benefits shall not be made or provided to the extent they would cause any amounts to constitute Section 280G Payments, pursuant to the waivers of those payments and/or benefits which were executed by the affected individuals prior to the vote of the holders of Company’s capital stock pursuant to this Section 7.13. The Company will provide Buyer and its counsel with a reasonable opportunity to review and comment on all documents to be delivered to the shareholders and any person who is or could reasonably be expected to be a “disqualified individual” (as defined in Section 280G(c) of the Code) in connection with the shareholder vote.
7.14  PPP Forgiveness.
  After the Closing, the Buyer will cause the Group Companies to use all commercially reasonable efforts achieve forgiveness pursuant to the Paycheck Protection Program with respect to such Group Company’s PPP Loan and release of the PPP Escrow by the PPP Lender, including, without limitation, corresponding with the PPP Lender, submitting relevant documentation and requests for information to the PPP Lender and the United States Small Business Administration and otherwise taking all customary and reasonable actions required to achieve forgiveness in connection with any of the Group Companies’ outstanding PPP Loans and release of the PPP Escrow by the PPP Lender.
7.15 Customer and other Business Relationships. After the Closing, the Shareholders will, and will cause their Affiliates to, refer to Buyer all inquiries relating to the businesses of the Group Companies to the Group Companies.
7.16 Insurance; Risk of Loss. The Shareholders will, and will cause each of their Affiliates to, keep insurance policies currently maintained in respect of the Business and current or former employees of the Group Companies, as the case may be, or suitable replacements therefor, in full force and effect through the close of business on the Closing Date. For any claim that may be asserted against any Group Company after the Closing Date arising out of events, incidents, conduct or circumstances that occurred and/or existed prior to the Closing Date (such claims, “Post-Closing Claims”), the Shareholders shall ensure that the Group Companies have access to coverage under each of the insurance policies set forth in Section 7.16 of the Disclosure Schedule (the “Specified Policies”) in each case subject to the terms and conditions thereof, provided the Buyer causes the Group Companies to maintain such insurance policies after the Closing. After the Closing Date, the Group Companies may seek coverage for any Post-Closing Claim from the applicable insurer under any Specified Policy or, where applicable, any tail or renewal policy or equivalent of such Specified Policy, and the Shareholders shall cooperate with the Group Companies in connection with the tendering of such claims (including by providing access to employees and third party claims adjustors); provided, however, that (i) the Group Companies shall reimburse the Shareholders for all of its out-of-pocket costs and expenses in connection with such cooperation; and (ii) the Group Companies shall notify the Shareholders of all such coverage claims made. None of the Shareholders, the Group Companies or the Buyer (to the extent post-Closing) shall release, commute, buy-back, or otherwise eliminate the coverage available under any Specified Policy without first providing written notice to the other applicable parties.
7.17 Internal Control over Financial Reporting. Without limiting any other provisions of this Agreement, prior to the Closing, the Company shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to coordinate with Buyer and to provide the internal resources required for Buyer to establish that: (a) a Group Company system of “internal controls over financial reporting” (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Exchange Act) exists sufficient to provide reasonable assurances: (i) that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP; (ii) that transactions are executed only in accordance with the authorization of management; and (iii) regarding prevention or timely detection of the unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the properties or assets of the Group Company, and (b) a system of “disclosure controls and procedures” (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act) exists sufficient to ensure that all material information concerning the Group Companies is made known on a timely basis to the individuals responsible for the preparation of the Company’s financial statements; provided that none of the Shareholders or the Group Companies shall be required to incur any out of pocket expenses (other than nominal expenses) in connection with such efforts. Prior to the Closing, the Company shall reasonably cooperate with Buyer with respect to integration planning in respect of accounting and financial reporting functions.
7.18 Financial Reporting Cooperation. During the period between the signing of this Agreement and the earlier of the Closing or termination of this Agreement, the Group Companies shall provide reasonable and customary cooperation, and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause its and their respective managers, officers, directors, employees, accountants, legal counsel, agents, other advisors and authorized representatives to provide reasonable and customary cooperation, in connection with Buyer’s and its Affiliates’ reporting obligations under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act.
7.19 Further Assurances. Each of the parties shall, and shall cause their respective Affiliates to, execute and deliver such additional documents, instruments, conveyances and assurances and take such further actions as may be reasonably required to carry out the provisions hereof and give effect to the Transactions.
Tax matters
8.1 Tax Covenants.
(a) Without the prior written consent of Buyer, the Shareholders (and, prior to the Closing, the Group Companies, their respective Affiliates and their respective Representatives) shall not, to the extent it may affect, or relate to, any Group Company, make, change or rescind any Tax election, amend any Tax Return or take any position on any Tax Return, take any action, omit to take any action or enter into any other transaction that would have the effect of increasing the Tax liability or reducing any Tax asset of Buyer or any Group Company in respect of any taxable period ending after the Closing Date and, with respect to any taxable period beginning before and ending after the Closing Date, the portion of such taxable period beginning on and including the Closing Date (“Post-Closing Tax Period”). Except to the extent otherwise agreed to between Buyer and the Shareholders, each Shareholder agrees that Buyer is to have no liability for any Tax resulting from any action of such Shareholder, any Group Company, its Affiliates or any of their respective Representatives during the Pre-Closing Tax Period, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Buyer (and, after the Closing Date, the Group Companies) against any such Tax or reduction of any Tax asset.
(b) All transfer, documentary, sales, use, stamp, registration, value added and other such Taxes and fees (including any penalties and interest) incurred in connection with this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents (including any real property transfer Tax and any other similar Tax) shall be borne and paid by the Shareholders when due. The Shareholders shall, at their own expense, timely file any Tax Return or other document with respect to such Taxes or fees (and Buyer shall cooperate with respect thereto as necessary).
(c) The Shareholders shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, all Tax Returns required to be filed by the Group Companies after the Closing Date with respect to a “taxable period” ending on or before the Closing Date and, with respect to any taxable period beginning before and ending after the Closing Date, the portion of such taxable period ending on and including the Closing Date (“Pre-Closing Tax Period”).
(d) Any such Tax Return for a Pre-Closing Tax Period shall be prepared in a manner consistent with past practice (unless otherwise required by Law) and without a change of any election or any accounting method (unless otherwise required by Law) and shall be submitted by the Shareholders to the Buyer (together with schedules, statements and, to the extent requested by the Shareholders, supporting documentation) at least forty-five (45) days prior to the due date (including extensions) of such Tax Return. If Buyer objects to any item on any such Tax Return, it shall, within fifteen (15) days after delivery of such Tax Return, notify the Shareholders in writing that it so objects, specifying with particularity any such item and stating the specific factual or legal basis for any such objection. If a notice of objection shall be duly delivered, Buyer and Shareholders shall negotiate in good faith and use their reasonable best efforts to resolve such items. If Buyer and the Shareholders are unable to reach such agreement within ten (10) days after receipt by the Shareholders of such notice, the disputed items shall be resolved by a nationally recognized accounting firm mutually selected the Buyer and the Shareholders (the “Accounting Referee”) and any determination by the Accounting Referee shall be final. The Accounting Referee shall resolve any disputed items within twenty (20) days of having the item referred to it pursuant to such procedures as it may require. If the Accounting Referee is unable to resolve any disputed items before the due date for such Tax Return, the Tax Return shall be filed as prepared by the Shareholders and then amended to reflect the Accounting Referee’s resolution following the filing of the same (with the costs and expenses of such amended filing allocated pursuant to the sentence that follows). The costs, fees and expenses of the Accounting Referee shall be by Buyer, on the one hand, and the Shareholders, on the other hand, in such amount(s) as shall be determined by the Accounting Referee based on the proportion that the aggregate amount of disputed items submitted to the Accounting Referee that is unsuccessfully disputed by Buyer, on the one hand, or such Shareholder, on the other hand, as determined by the Accounting Referee, bears to the total amount of such disputed items so referred to the Accounting Referee for resolution. The preparation and filing of any Tax Return of the Group Companies that does not relate to a Pre-Closing Tax Period shall be exclusively within the control of Buyer.
8.2 Termination of Existing Tax Sharing Agreements. Any and all existing Tax sharing agreements (whether written or not) binding upon any Group Company shall be terminated as of the Closing Date. After such date neither any Group Company, the Shareholders nor any of the Shareholder’s Affiliates and their respective Representatives shall have any further rights or liabilities thereunder.
8.3 Tax Indemnification. Maney shall indemnify the Group Companies, Buyer, and each Buyer Indemnitee and hold them harmless from and against (a) except to the extent otherwise agreed to between Buyer and the Shareholders, all Taxes of the Group Companies or relating to the business or assets of the Group Companies for all Pre-Closing Tax Periods; (b) all Taxes of any member of an affiliated, consolidated, combined or unitary group of which any Group Company (or any predecessor of any Group Company) is or was a member on or prior to the Closing Date by reason of a liability under Treasury Regulation Section 1.1502-6 or any comparable provisions of foreign, state or local Law; and (c) any and all Taxes of any person imposed on any Group Company arising under the principles of transferee or successor liability or by contract, all to the extent relating to Pre-Closing Tax Periods. In each of the above cases, together with any out-of-pocket fees and expenses (including attorneys’ and accountants’ fees) incurred in connection therewith. Maney shall reimburse Buyer for any Taxes of any Group Company that are the responsibility of Maney pursuant to this Section 8.3 within fifteen (15) Business Days after the determination that Maney is required to pay the same pursuant to this Section 8.3.
8.4 Straddle Period. In the case of Taxes that are payable with respect to a taxable period that begins before and ends after the Closing Date (each such period, a “Straddle Period”), the portion of any such Taxes that are treated as Taxes of the Group Companies for any Pre-Closing Tax Period shall be:
(a) in the case of Taxes based upon, or related to, income or receipts, deemed equal to the amount which would be payable if the taxable year ended with the Closing Date; and
(b) in the case of other Taxes, deemed to be the amount of such Taxes for the entire period multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the number of days in the period ending on the Closing Date and the denominator of which is the number of days in the entire period.
8.5 Contests. Buyer agrees to give written notice to the Shareholders of the receipt of any written notice by any Group Company, Buyer or any of Buyer’s Affiliates which involves the assertion of any claim, or the commencement of any Action, in respect of which an indemnity may be sought by Buyer pursuant to this Article 8 (a “Tax Claim”); provided, that failure to comply with this provision shall not affect Buyer’s right to indemnification hereunder except and only to the extent that Maney forfeits rights or defenses by reason of such failure. Buyer shall control the contest or resolution of any Tax Claim with a single legal and/or tax counsel or advisor reasonably acceptable to Maney; provided, however, that Buyer shall obtain the prior written consent of Maney (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) before entering into any settlement of a claim or ceasing to defend such claim; and, provided further, that Maney shall be entitled to participate in the defense of such claim and to employ counsel of its choice for such purpose, the fees and expenses of which separate counsel shall be borne solely by Maney.
8.6 Cooperation and Exchange of Information. The Shareholders and Buyer shall provide each other with such cooperation and information as either of them reasonably may request of the other in filing any Tax Return pursuant to this Article 8 or in connection with any audit or other proceeding in respect of Taxes of the Group Companies. Such cooperation and information shall include providing copies of relevant Tax Returns or portions thereof, together with accompanying schedules, related work papers and documents relating to rulings or other determinations by tax authorities. The Shareholders agree that all books and records in their possession with respect to Tax matters pertinent to any Group Company are the property of such Group Company. The Shareholders shall deliver all such books and records to the Company prior to or reasonably promptly following the Closing. After the Closing, the Group Companies shall make available to the Shareholders such books and records to the extent reasonably necessary for the Shareholders’ review of Tax Returns prepared pursuant to Section 8.1 or for any other reasonable purpose related to the Shareholders’ ownership of the Company prior to the Closing, provided, however, that in no event will the Shareholders be entitled to information under this Section in connection with any litigation or dispute among the parties.
8.7 Tax Treatment of Indemnification Payments. Any indemnification payments pursuant to this Article 8 shall be treated as an adjustment to the Purchase Price by the parties for Tax purposes, unless otherwise required by Law.
8.8 Survival. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the provisions of Section 5.21 and this Article 8 shall survive for the full period of all applicable statutes of limitations (giving effect to any waiver, mitigation or extension thereof) plus sixty (60) days.
8.9 Overlap. To the extent that any obligation or responsibility pursuant to Article 10 may overlap with an obligation or responsibility pursuant to this Article 8, the provisions of this Article 8 shall govern, provided, however, that any indemnification obligations pursuant to this Article 8 shall be capped at the Fundamental Cap (as defined in Article 10).

Conditions to closing
9.1 Conditions to Obligations of All Parties. The obligations of each party to consummate the Transactions shall be subject to the fulfillment, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions
(a) No Governmental Authority shall have enacted, issued, promulgated, enforced or entered any Governmental Order which is in effect and has the effect of making the Transactions illegal, otherwise restraining or prohibiting consummation of such transactions or causing any of the transactions contemplated hereunder to be rescinded following completion thereof.
(b) No Action shall have been commenced against Buyer, the Shareholders or any Group Company, which would prevent the Closing. No injunction or restraining order shall have been issued by any Governmental Authority, and be in effect, which restrains or prohibits any transaction contemplated hereby.
9.2 Conditions to Obligations of Buyer. The obligations of Buyer to consummate the Transactions shall be subject to the fulfillment or Buyer’s waiver, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions:
(a) Other than the representations and warranties in Sections 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.27, the representations and warranties of Shareholders and Company contained in Article 4 and Article 5 shall be true and correct in all respects (in the case of any representation or warranty qualified by materiality) or in all material respects (in the case of any representation or warranty not qualified by materiality) on and as of the date hereof and on and as of the Closing Date with the same effect as though made at and as of such date (except those representations and warranties that address matters only as of a specified date, the accuracy of which shall be determined as of that specified date in all respects). The representations and warranties of Shareholders and the Company contained in Sections 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.27 shall be true and correct in all respects on and as of the date hereof and on and as of the Closing Date with the same effect as though made at and as of such date (except those representations and warranties that address matters only as of a specified date, the accuracy of which shall be determined as of that specified date in all respects);
(b) The Company and the Shareholders shall have duly performed and complied in all material respects with all agreements, covenants and conditions required by this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents to be performed or complied with by it prior to or on the Closing Date; provided, that, with respect to agreements, covenants and conditions that are qualified by materiality, the Company and the Shareholders shall have performed such agreements, covenants and conditions, as so qualified, in all respects;
(c) All registrations, filings, applications, notices, consents, approvals, orders, qualifications and waivers listed on Section 9.2(c) of the Disclosure Schedule shall have been filed, made or obtained, as applicable;
(d) From the date of this Agreement, there shall not have occurred any Material Adverse Effect, nor shall any event or events have occurred that, individually or in the aggregate, with or without the lapse of time, could reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect;
(e) Buyer shall have received estoppel certificates, in customary form and substance, from the lessor of each Leased Real Property addressed to the Company;
(f) The Company shall have delivered to Buyer an Estimated Closing Statement pursuant to Section 3.2(a);
(g) Each holder of an LTI Unit will have executed and delivered a written consent to the termination of its respective LTI Unit, as applicable, and release, in exchange for the right to receive LTI Holder Closing Consideration Payment(s) as set forth in Section 2.5(e) of this Agreement (the “LTI Holder Release & Termination Agreement”);
(h) Each Promised Individual will have executed and delivered a written consent to the termination of his or her respective rights to receive payments from any Group Company, and release, in connection with the Promised Individual Agreements in exchange for the right to receive Promised Individual Closing Consideration Payment(s) as set forth in Section 2.5(f) of this Agreement (the “Promised Individual Release & Termination Agreement”);
(i) Buyer and TAG Solutions, LLC shall mutually agree to a form of sublease agreement for ANS Advanced Network Services, LLC to utilize the premises located at 12 Elmwood Road, Albany, NY 12204; and
(j) The Company and the Shareholders shall have delivered each of the closing deliverables set forth in Sections 2.2 and 2.3.
9.3 Conditions to Obligations of the Company and the Shareholders. The obligations of the Company and the Shareholders to consummate the Transactions shall be subject to the fulfillment or the Shareholders’ waiver, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions:
(a) Other than the representations and warranties in Sections 6.1, 6.2 and 6.5, the representations and warranties of Buyer contained in Article 6 shall be true and correct in all respects (in the case of any representation or warranty qualified by materiality) or in all material respects (in the case of any representation or warranty not qualified by materiality) on and as of the date hereof and on and as of the Closing Date with the same effect as though made at and as of such date (except those representations and warranties that address matters only as of a specified date, the accuracy of which shall be determined as of that specified date in all respects). The representations and warranties of Buyer contained in Sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.5 shall be true and correct in all respects on and as of the date hereof and on and as of the Closing Date with the same effect as though made at and as of such date (except those representations and warranties that address matters only as of a specified date, the accuracy of which shall be determined as of that specified date in all respects);
(b) Buyer shall have duly performed and complied in all material respects with all agreements, covenants and conditions required by this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents to be performed or complied with by it prior to or on the Closing Date; provided, that, with respect to agreements, covenants and conditions that are qualified by materiality, Buyer shall have performed such agreements, covenants and conditions, as so qualified, in all respects;
(c) Buyer shall have delivered to Shareholders cash in an amount equal to the cash component of the Closing Purchase Price by wire transfer of immediately available funds, to an account or accounts designated at least two (2) Business Days prior to the Closing Date by Shareholders in a written notice to Buyer;
(d) Buyer shall have delivered to Shareholders duly issued and properly executed share certificates, in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Shareholders, evidencing the Preferred Stock component of the Purchase Price, less the Holdback Stock (which such Holdback Stock shall be titled in the name of Maney, but held by the Buyer solely in accordance with the Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement);
(e) Buyer shall have delivered to third parties by wire transfer of immediately available funds that amount of money due and owing from a Group Company to third parties that are mutually designated by the parties to be Transaction Expenses to be paid on the Closing Date out of Closing Purchase Price proceeds;
(f) Buyer shall have delivered to the PPP Lender the PPP Escrow amount in the manner contemplated by Section 2.5(c);
(g) Buyer shall have delivered to holders of outstanding Indebtedness, if any, by wire transfer of immediately available funds that amount of money due and owing from a Group Company to third parties that are mutually designated by the parties to be Indebtedness to be paid on the Closing Date out of Closing Purchase Price proceeds;
(h) Buyer shall have delivered to each holder of an LTI Unit the LTI Holder Closing Consideration Payment(s) as set forth in Section 2.5(e);
(i) Buyer shall have delivered to each Promised Individual the Promised Individual Closing Consideration Payments as set forth in Section 2.5(f); and
(j) Buyer shall have delivered each of the closing deliverables set forth in Sections 2.4.
  ARTICLE 10  
10.1 Survival. Subject to the limitations and other provisions of this Agreement, the representations and warranties contained herein (other than any representations or warranties contained in Section 5.21 which are subject to Article 8) shall survive the Closing and shall remain in full force and effect until eighteen (18) months following the Closing Date (the “General Survival Period”); provided, that the representations and warranties in Section 4.1, Section 4.2, Section 4.5, Section 5.1, Section 5.2, Section 5.3(a), Section 5.5, Section 5.11(a), Section 5.27, Section 5.28, Section 6.1, Section 6.2(a), and Section 6.5, and any representation in the case of fraud, intentional misrepresentation or intentional breach, shall survive indefinitely, and the representations and warranties in Section 5.19 and Section 5.21 shall survive for the full period of all applicable statutes of limitations (giving effect to any waiver, mitigation or extension thereof) plus sixty (60) days (the representations and warranties identified in the foregoing, the “Fundamental Representations”). All covenants and agreements of the parties contained herein (other than any representations or warranties contained in Section 5.21 which are subject to Article 8) and any certificate delivered pursuant hereto shall survive the Closing indefinitely or for the period explicitly specified therein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any claims asserted in good faith with reasonable specificity (to the extent known at such time) and in writing in accordance with Section 10.5 by notice from the non-breaching party to the breaching party prior to the expiration date of the applicable survival period shall not thereafter be barred by the expiration of the relevant representation or warranty and such claims shall survive until finally resolved. For the avoidance of doubt, the references in this Section 10.1 to the “statutes of limitations” shall refer to the statute of limitations applicable to the particular matter that gave rise to a breach of the representation or warranty in question, and not to the statute of limitations applicable to a breach of this Agreement.
10.2 Indemnification by the Shareholders. Subject to the other terms and conditions of this Article 10, Maney shall indemnify and defend each of Buyer and its Affiliates (including after the Closing, the Group Companies) and their respective Representatives (collectively, the “Buyer Indemnitees”) against, and shall hold each of them harmless from and against, and shall pay and reimburse each of them for, any and all Losses that is incurred or sustained by, or imposed upon, the Buyer Indemnitees based upon, arising out of, with respect to, relating to or by reason of:
(a) an inaccuracy in or breach of any representation or warranty of the Shareholders or the Company contained in this Agreement (other than any representations or warranties contained in Section 5.21 which are subject to Article 8) or in any certificate or instrument delivered by or on behalf of any Shareholders or the Company pursuant to this Agreement, as of the date such representation or warranty was made or as if such representation or warranty was made on and as of the Closing Date (except for representations and warranties that expressly relate to a specified date, the inaccuracy in or breach of which will be determined with reference to such specified date);
(b) a breach or non-fulfillment of any covenant, agreement or obligation to be performed by any Shareholder or any Group Company pursuant to this Agreement (other than any representations or warranties contained in Section 5.21 which are subject to Article 8);
(c) Company Transaction Expenses or any Indebtedness outstanding as of Closing that are not otherwise paid on or before the Closing Date, including out of Closing Purchase Price proceeds;
(d) a claim or right asserted or held by any person who is or at any time was an officer, director, employee or agent of any Group Company (against any Group Company or Buyer, against any Affiliate of the Company or Buyer or against any other Person) involving a right or entitlement or an alleged right or entitlement to indemnification, reimbursement of expenses or any other relief or remedy (under the Governing Documents, under any indemnification agreement or similar Contract, under any applicable Laws or otherwise) with respect to any act or omission on the part of such person or any event or other circumstance that arose, occurred or existed at or prior to the Closing; and
(e) any audit, review, or similar action undertaken by the PPP Lender, the United States Small Business Administration or any other Governmental Authority with regard to the PPP Loan.
10.3 Indemnification By Buyer. Subject to the other terms and conditions of this Article  10, Buyer shall indemnify and defend the Shareholders and their Affiliates (including, prior to the Closing, the Group Companies) and their respective Representatives (collectively, the “Shareholder Indemnitees”) against, and shall hold each of them harmless from and against, and shall pay and reimburse each of them for, any and all Losses incurred or sustained by, or imposed upon, the Shareholder Indemnitees based upon, arising out of, with respect to, relating to or by reason of:
(a) an inaccuracy in or breach of any of the representations or warranties of Buyer contained in this Agreement or in any certificate or instrument delivered by or on behalf of Buyer pursuant to this Agreement, as of the date such representation or warranty was made or as if such representation or warranty was made on and as of the Closing Date (except for representations and warranties that expressly relate to a specified date, the inaccuracy in or breach of which will be determined with reference to such specified date); or
(b) a breach or non-fulfillment of any covenant, agreement or obligation to be performed by Buyer pursuant to this Agreement (other than any representations or warranties contained in Section 5.21 which are subject to Article 8).
10.4 Limitations on Indemnification by Shareholders.
  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Article 10:
(a) An Indemnifying Person shall not be obligated to pay any amount for indemnification as a result of any Losses incurred by an Indemnified Person under this Article 10 until the aggregate dollar amount of Losses exceeds One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) (the “Basket”), in which event the Indemnifying Party shall only be required to pay or be liable for Losses in excess of the Basket.
(b) Except as otherwise set forth in Section 10.4(c), the collective obligations of the Shareholders to indemnify under this Article 10 shall be limited to Two Million Two Hundred Sixty Two Thousand Dollars ($2,262,000.00) (the “Cap”).
(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the limitations set forth in Sections 10.4(a) and 10.4(b) shall not apply to Losses based upon, arising out of, with respect to or by reason of any inaccuracy in or breach of any representation or warranty in the Fundamental Representations, which Losses shall be limited to an amount equal to the cash component of the Closing Purchase Price (the “Fundamental Cap”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the limitations set forth in Sections 10.4(a) and 10.4(b) shall not apply to Losses based upon the fraud, intentional misrepresentation, intentional breach of a party, or related in any way to a PPP Loan obtained by any Group Company.
(d) In no event shall an Indemnifying Person be liable to any Indemnified Person for any punitive, incidental, consequential, special or indirect damages, including loss of future revenue or income, loss of business reputation or opportunity relating to the breach or alleged breach of this Agreement, or diminution of value or any damages based on any type of multiple.
10.5 Indemnification Procedures
. The party making a claim under this Article 10 is referred to as the “Indemnified Person”, and the party against whom such claims are asserted under this Article 10 is referred to as the “Indemnifying Person”.
(a) Third Party Claims.
(i) Notice. If any Indemnified Person receives notice of the assertion or commencement of any Action made or brought by any Person who is not a party or an Affiliate of a party or a Representative of the foregoing (a “Third Party Claim”) against such Indemnified Person with respect to which the Indemnifying Person is obligated to provide indemnification under this Agreement, the Indemnified Person shall give the Indemnifying Person reasonably prompt written notice thereof, but in any event not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice of such Third Party Claim. The failure to give such prompt written notice shall not, however, relieve the Indemnifying Person of its indemnification obligations, except and only to the extent that the Indemnifying Person forfeits rights or defenses by reason of such failure. Such notice by the Indemnified Person shall describe the Third Party Claim in reasonable detail, shall include copies of all material written evidence thereof and shall indicate the estimated amount, if reasonably practicable, of the Loss that has been or may be sustained by the Indemnified Person.
(ii) Right to Defend. Upon receipt of the notice, the Indemnifying Person will have the right to defend the Indemnified Person against the Third Party Claim with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Person, provided, that (i) the Indemnifying Person provides the Indemnified Person with evidence reasonably acceptable to the Indemnified Person that the Indemnifying Person will have the financial resources to defend against the Third Party Claim and fulfill its indemnification obligations hereunder, (ii) the Third Party Claim involves only money damages, and does not seek statutory, enhanced or treble damages or an injunction or other equitable relief, (iii) settlement of, or an adverse judgment with respect to, the Third Party Claim is not, in the good faith judgment of the Indemnified Person, likely to establish a precedential custom or practice adverse to the continuing business interests or the reputation of the Indemnified Person, (iv) the Third Party Claim does not involve a then-current supplier, customer, distributor, licensor, licensee, lessor or insurer of the Company or any Affiliate thereof, (v) the Third Party Claim does not involve a class action lawsuit and (vi) the Indemnifying Person conducts the defense of the Third Party Claim actively and diligently. The Indemnifying Person will keep the Indemnified Person apprised of all material developments, including settlement offers, with respect to the Third Party Claim and permit the Indemnified Person to participate in the defense of the Third Party Claim with single counsel selected by it subject to the Indemnifying Person’s right to control the defense thereof. The fees and disbursements of such single counsel shall be at the expense of the Indemnified Person, provided, that if in the reasonable opinion of counsel to the Indemnified Person, (x) there are legal defenses available to an Indemnified Person that are different from or additional to those available to the Indemnifying Person; or (y) there exists a conflict of interest between the Indemnifying Person and the Indemnified Person that cannot be waived, the Indemnifying Person shall be liable for the reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel to the Indemnified Person. If the Indemnifying Person elects not to or is not entitled to defend such Third Party Claim, fails to promptly notify the Indemnified Person in writing of its election to defend as provided in this Agreement, or fails to diligently prosecute the defense of such Third Party Claim, the Indemnified Person may, subject to Section 10.5(c), pay, compromise, defend such Third Party Claim and seek indemnification for any and all Losses based upon, arising from or relating to such Third Party Claim. The Shareholders and Buyer shall cooperate with each other in all reasonable respects in connection with the defense of any Third Party Claim.
(iii) Cooperation. With respect to any Third Party Claim, both the Indemnified Person and the Indemnifying Person, as the case may be, shall keep the other Person fully informed of the status of such Third Party Claim and any related Actions at all stages thereof. The parties agree to provide reasonable access to the other parties to such documents and information as may be reasonably requested in connection with the defense, negotiation or settlement of any such Third Party Claim; provided, that the parties shall cooperate in such a manner as to preserve in full (to the extent possible) the confidentiality of all Confidential Information and the attorney-client and work-product privileges of the other party. In connection therewith, each party agrees that: (i) it will use commercially reasonable efforts, in respect of any Third Party Claim in which it has assumed or participated in the defense, to avoid production of Confidential Information (consistent with applicable Law and rules of procedure); and (ii) all communications between any party and counsel responsible for or participating in the defense of any Third Party Claim shall, to the extent possible, be made so as to preserve any applicable attorney-client or work-product privilege.
(iv) Settlement. The Indemnifying Person shall not enter into settlement or compromise of any Third Party Claim or permit a default or consent to entry of any judgment or admit any liability with respect thereto, if it is not defending such Third Party Claim. If the Indemnifying Person is defending such Third Party Claim, it shall not enter into settlement or compromise of any Third Party Claim or permit a default or consent to entry of any judgment or admit any liability with respect thereto without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Person unless such settlement, compromise or judgment (A) does not involve liability or the creation of a financial or other obligation on the part of the Indemnified Person, does not involve any finding or admission of any violation of Law or any violation of the rights of any Person or the admission of wrongdoing and would not have any adverse effect on other claims that may have been made against the Indemnified Person, (B) does not involve any relief other than monetary damages that are paid in full by the Indemnifying Person, and (C) provides, for the complete, final and unconditional release of each Indemnified Person and its Affiliates from all liabilities and obligations in connection with such Third Party Claim and would not otherwise adversely affect the Indemnified Person.
(b) Direct Claims. Any Action by an Indemnified Person on account of a Loss which does not result from a Third Party Claim (a “Direct Claim”) shall be asserted by the Indemnified Person giving the Indemnifying Person reasonably prompt written notice thereof, but in any event not later than thirty (30) days after the Indemnified Person becomes aware of such Direct Claim. The failure to give such prompt written notice shall not, however, relieve the Indemnifying Person of its indemnification obligations, except and only to the extent that the Indemnifying Person forfeits rights or defenses by reason of such failure. Such notice by the Indemnified Person shall describe the Direct Claim in reasonable detail, shall include copies of all material written evidence thereof and shall indicate the estimated amount, if reasonably practicable, of the Loss that has been or may be sustained by the Indemnified Person. The Indemnifying Person shall have thirty (30) days after its receipt of such notice to respond in writing to such Direct Claim. The Indemnified Person shall allow the Indemnifying Person and its professional advisors to investigate the matter or circumstance alleged to give rise to the Direct Claim, and whether and to what extent any amount is payable in respect of the Direct Claim and the Indemnified Person shall assist the Indemnifying Person’s investigation by giving such information and assistance (including access to the Company’s premises and personnel and the right to examine and copy any accounts, documents or records) as the Indemnifying Person or any of its professional advisors may reasonably request. If the Indemnifying Person does not so respond within such thirty (30) day period, the Indemnifying Person shall be deemed to have rejected such claim, in which case the Indemnified Person shall be free to pursue such remedies as may be available to the Indemnified Person on the terms and subject to the provisions of this Agreement.
(c) Tax Claims. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the control of any claim, assertion, event or proceeding in respect of Taxes of the Company (including, but not limited to, any such claim in respect of a breach of the representations and warranties in Section 5.21 hereof or any breach or violation of or failure to fully perform any covenant, agreement, undertaking or obligation in Article 8) shall be governed exclusively by Article 8 hereof.
10.6 Manner of Payments.
(a) All indemnification payments owing by Buyer to any Shareholder Indemnitee hereunder, as finally determined pursuant to this Article 10, shall be effected, no later than five (5) Business Days after the final determination thereof by wire transfer of immediately available funds from Buyer to an account designated in writing by such Person.
(b) All indemnification payments owing by a Shareholder to any Buyer Indemnitee hereunder, as finally determined pursuant to this Article 10, shall be effected, no later than ten (10) Business Days after the final determination thereof, at the election of Maney by either (x) by a reduction of the principal value of the Holdback Stock on a dollar-for-dollar basis pursuant to the Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement, or (y) by wire transfer of immediately available funds from Maney to an account designated in writing by such Buyer Indemnitee, provided however that if Maney elects option (y) above, such payment must be made within such ten (10) Business Day period or Buyer may utilize its rights pursuant to option (x). For the avoidance of doubt, Buyer may exercise its rights pursuant to this Section 10.6(b) on more than one occasion to the extent applicable Losses are incurred, which are not paid by the Shareholders and which are determined to be owing as provided above.
10.7 No Circular Recovery.
(a) The Shareholders may not seek indemnification under the Governing Documents of any Group Company for any matter for which the Shareholders have an indemnification obligation hereunder.
10.8 Materiality. For purposes of calculating the amount of Losses incurred by a Person seeking indemnification hereunder arising out of or resulting from any breach of a representation, warranty covenant or agreement contained herein, and for purposes of determining whether such a breach has occurred, the representations, warranties, covenants and agreements contained herein shall be deemed to have been made without any qualifications as to “materiality”, “Material Adverse Effect” or other similar qualifications.
10.9 Tax Treatment of Indemnification Payments. All cash indemnification payments made under this Agreement shall be treated for Tax purposes by the parties as an adjustment to the Purchase Price, unless otherwise required by Law.
10.10 [Reserved].
10.11 Exclusive Remedies. Subject to Section 12.12, the parties acknowledge and agree that their sole and exclusive remedy with respect to any and all claims (other than claims arising from fraud, intentional misrepresentation, criminal activity or willful misconduct on the part of a party in connection with the Transactions) for any breach of any representation, warranty, covenant, agreement or obligation set forth herein shall be pursuant to the indemnification provisions set forth in Article 8 and this Article 10. Nothing in this Section 10.11 shall limit any Person’s right to seek and obtain any equitable relief to which any Person shall be entitled or to seek any remedy on account of any party’s fraud, intentional misrepresentation, criminal activity or willful misconduct.
10.12 No Contribution. Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, the Shareholders shall not have any right to seek any indemnification or contribution from or remedy against any Group Company whether arising prior to or after the Closing Date in respect of any breach of any representation or warranty by a Group Company or the failure of a Group Company to comply with any covenant or agreement to be performed by such Group Company on or prior to the Closing Date and the Shareholders hereby waive any such claim they may have against each Group Company with respect thereto whether at law, in equity or otherwise.
10.13 Separate Basis for Claim. If any party hereto has breached any representation, warranty or covenant or agreement contained herein in any respect, the fact that there exists another representation, warranty or covenant relating to the same subject matter (regardless of the relative levels of specificity) which such party has not breached shall not detract from or mitigate the fact that such party is in breach of the first representation, warranty, covenant or agreement.
10.14 Insurance Proceeds; Tax Benefits.
  Payments by an Indemnifying Person pursuant to Article 8 and Sections 10.2 or 10.3 in respect of any Loss shall be limited to the amount of any liability or damage that remains after deducting therefrom any insurance proceeds and any indemnity, contribution or other similar payment received or reasonably expected to be received by the Indemnified Person (or a Group Company) in respect of any such claim. The Indemnified Person shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to recover under insurance policies or indemnity, contribution or other similar agreements for any Losses prior to seeking indemnification under this Agreement. Payments by an Indemnifying Person pursuant to Article 8 and Sections 10.2 or 10.3 in respect of any Loss shall be reduced by an amount equal to any Tax benefit realized or reasonably expected to be realized as a result of such Loss by the Indemnified Person.
10.15 Loss Mitigation.
  Each Indemnified Person shall take, and cause its Affiliates to take, all reasonable steps to mitigate any Loss upon becoming aware of any event or circumstance that would be reasonably expected to, or does, give rise thereto, including incurring costs only to the minimum extent necessary to remedy the breach that gives rise to such Loss.
11.1 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing:
(a) by the mutual written consent of the Shareholders and Buyer;
(b) by Buyer by written notice to the Shareholders if:
(i) Buyer is not then in material breach of any provision of this Agreement and there has been a breach, inaccuracy in or failure to perform any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement made by the Shareholders or the Company in this Agreement that would give rise to the failure of any of the conditions specified in Article 9 and such breach, inaccuracy or failure cannot be cured to the satisfaction of Buyer by the Outside Date; or
(ii) any of the conditions set forth in Section 9.1 or Section 9.2 shall not have been, or if it becomes apparent that any of such conditions will not be, fulfilled by July 30, 2021 (the “Outside Date”), unless such failure shall be due to the failure of Buyer to perform or comply with any of the covenants or agreements hereof to be performed or complied with by it prior to the Closing;
(c) by the Shareholders by written notice to Buyer if:
(i) neither the Shareholders nor any Group Company is then in material breach of any provision of this Agreement and there has been a breach, inaccuracy in or failure to perform any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement made by Buyer in this Agreement that would give rise to the failure of any of the conditions specified in Article 9 and such breach, inaccuracy or failure has not been cured to the satisfaction of the Shareholders by the Outside Date; or
(ii) any of the conditions set forth in Section 9.1 or Section 9.3 shall not have been, or if it becomes apparent that any of such conditions will not be, fulfilled by the Outside Date, unless such failure shall be due to the failure of the Shareholder or any Group Company to perform or comply with any of the covenants or agreements hereof to be performed or complied with by it prior to the Closing; or
(d) by Buyer or the Shareholders in the event that (i) there shall be any Law that makes consummation of the Transactions illegal or otherwise prohibited or (ii) any Governmental Authority shall have issued a Governmental Order restraining or enjoining the Transactions, and such Governmental Order shall have become final and non-appealable.
11.2 Effect of Termination. In the event of the termination of this Agreement in accordance with this Article 11, this Agreement shall forthwith become void and there shall be no liability on the part of any party except:
(a) for this Article 11 and Section 7.10 and Article 12, which provisions shall survive the termination of this Agreement; and
(b) that nothing herein shall relieve any party from liability for any breach of any provision hereof that does not relate to the representations and warranties of the parties set forth in Articles 4, 5 and 6.

12.1 Expenses. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all costs and expenses, including, without limitation, fees and disbursements of counsel, financial advisors and accountants, incurred in connection with this Agreement and the Transactions shall be paid by the party incurring such costs and expenses, whether or not the Closing shall have occurred.
12.2 Notices. All notices, requests, consents, claims, demands, waivers and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given (a) when delivered by hand (with written confirmation of receipt); (b) when received by the addressee if sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier (receipt requested); (c) on the date sent by facsimile (where a facsimile address is indicated below) or e-mail of a PDF document (with confirmation of transmission) if sent during normal business hours of the recipient, and on the next Business Day if sent after normal business hours of the recipient or (d) on the third (3rd) day after the date mailed, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid. Such communications must be sent to the respective parties at the following addresses (or at such other address for a party as shall be specified in a notice given in accordance with this Section 12.2):
If to the Shareholders or the Company (prior to the Closing):
Nextridge, Inc. 12 Elmwood Road
Menands, New York 12204-3025Attention: Patrick ManeyEmail: pmaney@nextridgeinc.com
If to the Shareholders (after the Closing):
Patrick Maney
136 Great Isaac Court
Punta Gorda, Florida 33950
(a copy of physical mailing may be sent to
Shaun Mahoney
12 Elmwood Road
Menands, New York 12204-3025Email: smahoney@mahoneyperformanceinstitute.com
with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Couch White, LLP540 BroadwayP.O. Box 22222
Albany, NY 12201
Attention: Brian P. Murphy, Esq.Email: bmurphy@couchwhite.com
If to Buyer:
Charge Infrastructure, Inc. c/o Charge Enterprises, Inc.
125 Park Ave 25th Floor
New York, New York 10017 
Attention: Kenneth Orr
Facsimile: None
Email: ko@korrag.com
with a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Archer & Greiner, PC
One Centennial Square
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Attention: Brian M, McGovern, Esquire
Facsimile: (856) 795-0574
Email: bmcgovern@archerlaw.com
12.3 Construction.
Unless the express context otherwise requires: (a) the words “hereof”, “herein”, and “hereunder” and words of similar import, when used in this Agreement, shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of this Agreement; (b) the terms defined in the singular have a comparable meaning when used in the plural, and vice versa; (c) the terms “Dollars” and “$” mean United States Dollars; (d) references herein to a specific Article, Section, clause, Schedule or Exhibit shall refer, respectively, to the Articles, Sections and clauses of, and Schedules and Exhibits to, this Agreement; (e) wherever the word “include,” “includes,” or “including” is used in this Agreement, it shall be deemed to be followed by the words “without limitation”; (f) any reference to the masculine, feminine or neuter gender shall include each other gender; (g) when reference is made herein to “the business of” a Person, such reference shall be deemed to include the business of all direct and indirect Subsidiaries of such Person, (h) all accounting and financial terms shall be deemed to have the meanings assigned thereto under GAAP unless expressly stated otherwise, (i) when this Agreement states that a Group Company or the Shareholders have “made available,” “delivered” or “provided” (or terms of similar import) a particular document or other item, it shall mean that the Group Company or the Shareholders, as applicable, have made a true, correct and complete copy of such document or item (together with all amendments, supplements or other modifications thereto or waivers thereof) available for viewing by Buyer and its representatives whether pursuant to hand delivery, email delivery, or uploading to a location within an electronic dataroom (the “Dataroom”) established by the parties or otherwise, and in the Dataroom, as such materials were posted to the Dataroom at least three (3) Business Days prior to the date hereof and not removed on or prior to the date hereof, (j) any reference to any applicable Law in this Agreement refers to such applicable Law as in effect at the date of this Agreement and the Closing Date, (k) in the computation of periods of time from a specified date to a later specified date, the word “from” means “from and including” and the words “to” and “until” each mean “to but excluding” and if the last day of any such period is not a Business Day, such period will end on the next Business Day, (l) when calculating the period of time “within” which or “following” which any act or event is required or permitted to be done, notice given or steps taken, the date which is the reference date in calculating such period is to be excluded from the calculation and if the last day of any such period is not a Business Day, such period will end on the next Business Day, (m) the provision of a table of contents and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect or be utilized in construing or interpreting this Agreement, (n) references to “day” means calendar days unless Business Days are expressly specified, (o) references to any Person includes such Person’s predecessors, successors and assigns to the extent, in the case of successors and assigns, such successors and assigns are permitted by the terms of any applicable agreement, and reference to a Person in a particular capacity excludes such Person in any other capacity or individually, (p) references to a party means a party to this Agreement, (q) references to a document, instrument, or agreement also refers to all addenda, exhibits, or schedules thereto, (r) a reference to a “copy” or “copies” of any document, instrument, or agreement means a copy or copies that are complete and correct; and (s) a reference to a list, or any like compilation (whether in the Schedules to this Agreement or elsewhere), means that the item referred to is complete and correct. All Exhibits and Schedules annexed hereto or referred to herein are incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement as if set forth in full herein. The parties agree that they have been represented by counsel during the negotiation and execution of this Agreement and, therefore, waive the application of any applicable Law or rule of construction providing that ambiguities in an agreement or other document will be construed against the party or parties drafting such agreement or document. Unless expressly provided otherwise, any approval or consent required to be given by a party in this Agreement shall be given or withheld by such party in its sole discretion. The fact that any representation and warranty may be more specific than any other representation and warranty shall not be construed so as to limit or restrict the scope, applicability or meaning of any other representation and warranty contained herein
12.4 Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction. Upon such determination that any term or other provision is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible in a mutually acceptable manner in order that the Transactions be consummated as originally contemplated to the greatest extent possible.
12.5 Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the Transaction Documents contain the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof and supersede all prior and contemporaneous oral or written agreements, negotiations, understandings, statements or proposals with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof. In the event of any inconsistency between the statements in the body of this Agreement and those in the other Transaction Documents and Disclosure Schedule (other than an exception expressly set forth as such in the Disclosure Schedule), the statements in the body of this Agreement will control.
12.6 Non-Disclosure Agreement. The terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement, dated September 29, 2020 by and between Buyer and the Company (the “Non-Disclosure Agreement”) are hereby incorporated herein by reference and shall continue in full force and effect until the Closing, at which time the Non-Disclosure Agreement and the obligations of Buyer and its Affiliates thereunder shall terminate. If this Agreement is, for any reason, terminated prior to the Closing, then the Non-Disclosure Agreement shall continue in full force and effect in accordance with its terms.
12.7 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. No party may assign its rights or delegate any of its obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other parties, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; provided, that Buyer shall be entitled to assign or delegate this Agreement or all or any part of its rights or obligations hereunder (a) to any one or more Affiliates of Buyer, provided further that such assignment shall not relieve Buyer of any of its obligations hereunder, (b) in connection with the sale of all or any substantial portion of the assets of Buyer or one or more Affiliates of Buyer or (c) for collateral security purposes to any lender providing financing to Buyer. No assignment or delegation shall relieve the assigning party of any of its obligations hereunder.
12.8 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Except as provided in Section 8.3 and Article 10, this Agreement is for the sole benefit of the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns and nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any other Person or entity any legal or equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement.
12.9 Amendment and Modification; Waiver. This Agreement may only be amended, modified or supplemented by an agreement in writing signed by each party. No waiver by any party of any of the provisions hereof shall be effective unless explicitly set forth in writing and signed by the party so waiving. No waiver by any party shall operate or be construed as a waiver in respect of any failure, breach or default not expressly identified by such written waiver, whether of a similar or different character, and whether occurring before or after that waiver. No failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, remedy, power or privilege arising from this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, remedy, power or privilege hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, power or privilege.
12.10 Governing Law. This Agreement and the Transaction Documents shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal Laws of the State of New York without reference to such state’s or any other jurisdiction’s principles of conflicts of law.
12.11 Forum Selection; Consent to Jurisdiction; Waiver of Jury Trial.
(a) Any Action against Buyer, the Group Companies, or the Shareholders arising out of, or with respect to, this Agreement or any Governmental Order entered by any court in respect thereof shall be brought exclusively in the state or federal courts located in the State of New York (the “Designated Courts”), and such parties accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the Designated Courts for the purpose of any such Action. Each of Buyer, the Company, and the Shareholders agrees that service of any process, summons, notice or document by U.S. registered mail addressed to such party in accordance with the addresses set forth in Section 12.2 shall be effective service of process for any Action brought against such party in any such court. Buyer hereby designates the individual listed in Section 12.2 to whom notice may be given on behalf of Buyer as its true and lawful agent upon whom may be served any lawful process in any Action instituted by or on behalf of the Company (before the Closing) or a Shareholder. The Shareholders and the Company (before the Closing) hereby designate the Person listed in Section 12.2 to whom notice may be given on behalf of the Company as their true and lawful agent upon whom may be served any lawful process in any Action instituted by or on behalf of Buyer.
(b) In addition, each of Buyer, the Company and the Shareholders hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by Law, any objection which it/he may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any Action arising out of or relating to this Agreement in any Designated Court or any Governmental Order entered by any of the Designated Courts and hereby further irrevocably waives any claim that any Action brought in the Designated Courts has been brought in an inconvenient forum.
12.12 Specific Performance. The parties agree that irreparable damage would occur if any provision of this Agreement were not performed in accordance with the terms hereof and that the parties shall be entitled to specific performance of the terms hereof, in addition to any other remedy to which they are entitled at law or in equity.
12.13 Counterparts; Effectiveness. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts (including counterparts by email, facsimile, portable document format (pdf) or any electronic signature complying with the U.S. federal ESIGN Act of 2000 (including DocuSign)), each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall together constitute one and the same instrument. This Agreement shall become effective when each party shall have received a counterpart hereof signed by all of the other parties. Until and unless each party has received a counterpart hereof signed by the other Parties, this Agreement shall have no effect and no party shall have any right or obligation hereunder (whether by virtue of any other oral or written agreement or other communication).

 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has duly executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date first above written.
By: Name: Andrew FoxTitle: Chief Executive Officer
By: Name: Patrick ManeyTitle: Chairman & Authorized Person

In this Annex, and in the Agreement and the other Appendices and Schedules thereto, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned below and the terms listed in the chart below shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Section set forth opposite to such term (unless otherwise specified, section references in this Annex are to Sections of this Agreement):
Accounting Expert                                                                                                
Accounting Principles                                                                                                
Accounting Referee                                                                                                
Acquisition Proposal                                                                                                
Base Purchase Price                                                                                                
Basket  .
Benefit Plan                                                                                                
Buyer Indemnitees                                                                                                
Cap  ..
Charge Enterprises  .
Charge SEC Documents   .
Closing Company Transaction Expenses                                                                                                
Closing Date                                                                                                
Closing Statement                                                                                                
Closing Working Capital  .
Company Intellectual Property                                                                                                
Company IP Agreements                                                                                                
Company IP Registrations                                                                                                
Company Transaction Expenses                                                                                                
Confidential Information                                                                                                
Current Assets  .
Current Liabilities 
Data Handling                                                                                                
Designated Courts                                                                                                
Direct Claim                                                                                                
Effective Time                                                                                                
Employment Agreements                                                                                                
Environmental Claim                                                                                                
Environmental Law                                                                                                
Environmental Notice                                                                                                
Environmental Permit                                                                                                
ERISA Affiliate                                                                                                
Estimated Closing Balance Sheet                                                                                                
Estimated Closing Company Transaction Expenses
Estimated Closing Statement  .
Estimated Closing Working Capital  ..
Financial Statements                                                                                                
Fundamental Cap                                                                                                
Fundamental Representations                                                                                                
General Survival Period                                                                                                
Group Company COBRA Payments
Group Company Confidential Information 
Group Company Encumbrances                                                                                                
Hazardous Materials                                                                                                
Holdback Stock  ..
Indemnified Person                                                                                                
Indemnifying Person                                                                                                
Indemnity Holdback Pledge Agreement 
Insurance Policies                                                                                                
Intellectual Property                                                                                                
Interim Balance Sheet                                                                                                
Interim Balance Sheet Date                                                                                                
Interim Financial Statements                                                                                                
Leased Real Property                                                                                                
LTI Holder Release & Termination Agreement                                                                                                
Mahoney  ...
Maney  ..
Material Contracts                                                                                                
Material Customers                                                                                                
Material Suppliers                                                                                                
Net Adjustment Amount                                                                                                
Net Estimated Adjustment Amount                                                                                                
Neutral Accounting Firm                                                                                                
Non-Disclosure Agreement                                                                                                
Notice of Disagreement                                                                                                
Outside Date                                                                                                
Personal Property                                                                                                
Post-Closing Claims                                                                                                
Post-Closing Tax Period                                                                                                
PPP Escrow                                                                                                
PPP Escrow Agreement                                                                                                
PPP Lender                                                                                                
Pre-Closing Reorganization 
Pre-Closing Tax Period  .
Preferred Stock  ..
Present Fair Salable Value                                                                                                
Procedural Notice 5000-20057  ..
Promised Individual                                                                                                
Promised Individual Agreements                                                                                                
Promised Individual Closing Consideration Payments
Promised Individual Release & Termination Agreement
Purchase Price                                                                                                
Qualified Benefit Plan                                                                                                
Related Party Transactions and Relationships                                                                                                
Released Claims                                                                                                
Released Parties                                                                                                
Resolution Period                                                                                                
Restricted Territory                                                                                                
Review Period                                                                                                
Section 280G Payments                                                                                                
Section 280G Shareholder Approval  .
Sensitive Data                                                                                                
Shareholder Indemnitees                                                                                                
Specified Policies                                                                                                
Straddle Period                                                                                                
Target NWC Amount                                                                                                
Tax Claim                                                                                                
Third Party Claim                                                                                                
WARN Act                                                                                                
Year-End Balance Sheet                                                                                                
Year-End Balance Sheet Date                                                                                                
Year-End Financial Statements                                                                                                

Action” means any governmental, judicial, administrative or adversarial proceeding (public or private), any action, complaint, claim, lawsuit, legal proceeding, whistleblower complaint, litigation, arbitration or mediation, any hearing, investigation (internal or otherwise), audit, probe or inquiry by any Governmental Authority or any other dispute, including any adversarial proceeding arising out of this Agreement.
Affiliate” means, with respect to any Person, any other Person who, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such Person. The term “control” (including, with correlative meanings, the terms “under common control with” and “controlled by”), as used in the preceding sentence, means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a Person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise.
Business” means the business presently conducted by the Group Companies, including the installation, engineering and carrying out of material procurement services with respect to telecommunications construction in the central office and customer premise environments.
Business Day” means any day except Saturday, Sunday or any other day on which commercial banks located in the State of New York are authorized or required by Law to be closed for business.
Charge Enterprises Trading Price” means as of any applicable date or time, the closing sale price of one share of Charge Enterprises common stock as reported on the applicable public securities exchange on which Charge Enterprises is listed, including, without limitation, any exchange maintained by the OTC Markets Group (e.g., OTCQB, OTCQX or OTCPink), on the date that is one (1) trading day immediately preceding the applicable date or time (as adjusted as appropriate to reflect any stock splits, stock dividends, combinations, reorganizations, reclassifications or similar events).
Closing Purchase Price” shall mean (i) the Base Purchase Price plus (ii) the Net Estimated Adjustment Amount.
Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
Contracts” means all contracts, purchase orders, leases, deeds, mortgages, licenses, instruments, notes, undertakings, indentures, joint ventures and all other similar agreements, commitments and arrangements, whether written or oral to which any Group Company is a party or by which any of its assets or properties are bound.
Disclosure Schedule” means that certain document identified as the Disclosure Schedule, dated as of the date hereof (as the same may be modified from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof), delivered by the Company and the Shareholders to Buyer in connection with this Agreement. Each Section in the Disclosure Schedule shall be deemed to qualify any other Section of this Agreement solely to the extent the relevance of the information disclosed in such Section in the Disclosure Schedule to such other Section is readily and reasonably apparent on its face.
Encumbrance” means any charge, claim, pledge, lien (statutory or other), option, security interest, mortgage, easement, encroachment, right of way, right of first refusal, or similar restriction of any kind, including any restriction on use, voting, transfer, receipt of income or exercise of any other attribute of ownership. For purposes of this Agreement, a Person will be deemed to own a property or asset subject to an Encumbrance if it holds such property or asset subject to the interest of a vendor or a lessor under any conditional sale agreement, capital lease, or other title retention agreement (or any financing lease having substantially the same economic effect as any of the foregoing) relating to such property or asset.
Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Excluded Entity” means TAG Solutions, LLC, a New York limited liability company and TAG Corporate, LLC, a New York limited liability company.
Family” means, with respect to a particular individual, (a) the individual, (b) the individual’s spouse and former spouse(s), (c) any other natural person who is related to the individual or the individual’s spouse within the second degree, and (d) any other natural person who resides with such individual.
GAAP” means United States generally accepted accounting principles in effect from time to time.
General Data Protection Regulation” means the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (together with laws implementing or supplementing the same, in each case as amended and superseded from time to time).
Governing Documents” means with respect to any Person: (a) if a corporation, the articles or certificate of incorporation and the bylaws; (b) if a general partnership, the partnership agreement and any statement of partnership; (c) if a limited partnership, the limited partnership agreement and the certificate of limited partnership; (d) if a limited liability company, the articles of organization and operating agreement; (e) if a trust, the instrument governing the trust, (f) if another type of Person, any other charter or similar document adopted or filed in connection with the creation, formation or organization of the Person; (g) all equity holders’ agreements, voting agreements, voting trust agreements, joint venture agreements, registration rights agreements or other similar agreements or documents relating to the organization, management or operation of any Person or relating to the rights, duties and obligations of the equity holders of any Person; and (h) any amendment or supplement to any of the foregoing.
Governmental Authority” means any federal, state, local or foreign government or political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of such government or political subdivision, or any self-regulated organization or other non-governmental regulatory authority or quasi-governmental authority (to the extent that the rules, regulations or orders of such organization or authority have the force of Law), or any arbitrator, court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction.
Governmental Order” means any order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree, stipulation, determination or award entered by or with any Governmental Authority.
Group Companies” means, collectively, the Company and ANS Advanced Network Services, LLC, a New York limited liability company.
Indebtedness” means the following obligations: (a) all indebtedness or other obligations of the Group Companies for borrowed money, whether current, short-term or long-term, secured or unsecured, including all overdrafts and negative cash balances; (b) all indebtedness of the Group Companies for the deferred purchase price for purchases of property or services with respect to which any Group Company is liable, contingently or otherwise, as obligor or otherwise (whether earn-outs, indemnity payments, non-compete payments, consulting payments, retention bonuses, severance payments or other similar payments, or otherwise) except any trade payable incurred in the Ordinary Course of Business that is treated (in its entirety) as a current account payable under GAAP; (c) all lease obligations of the Group Companies under leases that have been or should be capitalized in accordance with GAAP; (d) the aggregate face amount of all outstanding letters of credit issued on behalf of the Group Companies; (e) all obligations secured by an Encumbrance upon any assets or properties of the Group Companies; (f) all outstanding or held checks, money orders or similar instruments of the Group Companies as of the Closing; (g) any other Liabilities, contingent or otherwise, that, in accordance with GAAP, should be classified upon the balance sheet of the Group Companies as indebtedness; and (h) all indebtedness referred to in clauses (a) through (g) above of any Person other than a Group Company that is guaranteed by any Group Company; and (i) accrued and unpaid interest on, and prepayment premiums, penalties or similar contractual charges arising as a result of the discharge of, any such foregoing obligation.
Inventory” means materials purchased by any Group Company for use with respect to ongoing business requirements of a Group Company associated with any contract, purchase order, or similar document or arrangement that have not been utilized or deployed and are accounted for as cost of sales in the general ledger.
Key Employee” means Paul Fettuccia.
Knowledge of the Company” or “Company’s Knowledge” or any other similar knowledge qualification, means the knowledge of any of the following persons: Patrick Maney and Paul Fettuccia. Any such person shall be deemed to have “knowledge” of a particular fact or other matter if such person (a) is actually aware of such fact or other matter or (b) would reasonably be expected to discover or otherwise become aware of such fact or other matter in the course of conducting a comprehensive investigation concerning the existence of such fact or other matter, including by making due inquiry of the applicable personnel who report directly to that listed individual.
Knowledge of the Shareholder” or “Shareholder’s Knowledge” or any other similar knowledge qualification, means the knowledge of any of the Shareholders. Any such person shall be deemed to have “knowledge” of a particular fact or other matter if such person (a) is actually aware of such fact or other matter or (b) would reasonably be expected to discover or otherwise become aware of such fact or other matter in the course of conducting a comprehensive investigation concerning the existence of such fact or other matter, including by making due inquiry of the applicable personnel who report directly to that listed individual.
Law” means (a) any federal, state, local, municipal, foreign, international, multinational or other administrative law, constitution, common law principle, ordinance, code, statute, judgment, injunction, decree, order, rule, statute or governmental regulation, (b) any binding judicial or administrative interpretation of any of the foregoing, (c) the terms and conditions of any agreement relating to any Group Company with a Governmental Authority, (d) the terms and conditions of any certification relating to any Group Company to any Governmental Authority, (e) any governmental requirements or restrictions of any kind, or any rule, regulation or order promulgated thereunder, (f) any rules, regulations, orders, decrees, consents, or judgments of any regulatory agency, stock exchange or similar self-regulatory organization, court or other Person, or (g) any applicable governmental requirements associated with any Permits.
Liability” means, with respect to any Person, any liability or obligation of such Person of any kind, character or description, whether known or unknown, absolute or contingent, secured or unsecured, joint or several, due or to become due, vested or unvested, executory or otherwise and whether or not the same is required to be accrued on the financial statements of such Person.
Losses” mean any and all claims, damages, judgements, Liabilities, losses, penalties, settlement payments, arbitration awards, taxes and costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’, consultants’ and experts’ fees and expenses and other reasonable costs of defending, investigating or settling claims or enforcing rights to indemnification hereunder) and the cost of pursuing any insurance providers in each case whether or not arising out of Third Party Claims.
Material Adverse Effect” means any development, event, occurrence, fact, condition or change that is, or could reasonably be expected to become, individually or in the aggregate, materially adverse to (a) the business, results of operations, condition (financial or otherwise), assets or prospects of the Group Companies, taken as a whole, or (b) the ability of the Shareholders or the Company to consummate the Transactions on a timely basis; provided, however, that “Material Adverse Effect” shall not include any event, occurrence, fact, condition or change, directly or indirectly, arising out of or attributable to: (i) general economic or political conditions; (ii) conditions generally affecting the industries in which the Group Companies operate; (iii) any changes in financial or securities markets in general; or (iv) acts of war (whether or not declared), armed hostilities or terrorism, or the escalation or worsening thereof; provided further, however, that any event, occurrence, fact, condition or change referred to in clauses (i) through (iv) immediately above shall be taken into account in determining whether a Material Adverse Effect has occurred or could reasonably be expected to occur to the extent that such event, occurrence, fact, condition or change has a disproportionate effect on the Group Companies compared to other participants in the industries in which the Group Companies operate.
Ordinary Course of Business” of a Person means an action taken by such Person if that action (a) is consistent in nature, scope and magnitude with the past practices of such Person and is taken in the ordinary course of the normal, day-to-day operations of such Person; (b) does not require authorization by the board of directors or shareholders of such Person (or by any Person or group of Persons exercising similar authority) and does not require any other separate or special authorization of any nature; and/or (c) is similar in nature, scope and magnitude to actions customarily taken, without any separate or special authorization, in the ordinary course of the normal, day-to-day operations of other Persons that are in the same line of business as such Person. No violation of Law or Contracts shall be deemed in the Ordinary Course of Business.
Permits” means all permits, certificates, licenses, approvals, governmental notifications, franchises, certificates, approvals, exemptions, classifications, registrations and other similar authorizations (and applications therefor) from Governmental Authorities.
Permitted Encumbrances” means (a) liens for Taxes not yet due and payable or being contested in good faith by appropriate procedures and for which there are adequate accruals or reserves on the Interim Balance Sheet; (b) mechanics, carriers’, workmen’s, repairmen’s or other like liens arising or incurred in the Ordinary Course of Business and that are not delinquent and which are not, individually or in the aggregate, material to the business of the Group Companies; (c) easements, rights of way, zoning ordinances and other similar encumbrances affecting real property which are not, individually or in the aggregate, material to the business of the Group Companies; and (d) other Encumbrances existing as of the date of this Agreement which the Parties have agreed shall be paid off and released in connection with Closing.
Person” means an individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, Governmental Authority, unincorporated organization, trust, association or other entity.
PPP Loan” means the following loans received by the Group Companies pursuant to the Paycheck Protection Program established under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act: (a) that certain loan incurred by ANS Advanced Network Services, LLC in the principal amount of $2,023,900.00, as evidenced by that certain Promissory Note – Term Payments, Fixed Rate, dated April 13, 2020, by and between ANS Advanced Network Services, LLC, as borrower, and The Bank of Greene County, as lender and (b) that certain loan incurred by Nextridge, Inc. in the principal amount of $92,700.00, as evidenced by that certain Promissory Note -Term Payments, Fixed Rate, dated April 13, 2020, by and between Nextridge, Inc., as borrower, and The Bank of Greene County, as lender.
Related Person” means (a) with respect to an entity, (i) any Affiliate of such entity, (ii) each Person that serves as a director, officer, partner, member, manager, executor, or trustee (or in a similar capacity) of such entity, (iii) any Person with respect to which such entity serves as a general partner or a trustee (or in a similar capacity), and (iv) any Person that would be a Related Person of any individual described in clause (i) or (ii) pursuant to clause (b) of this definition or (b) with respect to an individual, (i) each other member of such individual’s Family, and (ii) any entity with respect to which such individual or one or more members of such individual’s Family serves as a director, officer, partner, member, manager, executor, or trustee (or in a similar capacity).
Representative” means, with respect to any Person, any and all directors, officers, employees, consultants, financial advisors, counsel, accountants and other agents of such Person.
SEC” means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
Securities Act” means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
Subsidiary” means, with respect to any Person, any other Person (a) the accounts of which would be consolidated with and into those of the applicable Person in such Person’s consolidated financial statements if such statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP as of such date, (b) if a corporation, a majority of the total voting power of shares of capital stock entitled (without regard to the occurrence of any contingency) to vote in the election of directors, managers or trustees thereof is at the time owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by that Person or one or more of the other Subsidiaries of that Person or a combination thereof, or (c) if a limited liability company, partnership, association or other business entity (other than a corporation), a majority of membership, partnership or other similar ownership interest thereof is at the time owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by that Person or one or more other Subsidiaries of that Person or a combination thereof and, for this purpose, a Person or Persons owns a majority ownership interest in such a business entity (other than a corporation) if such Person or Persons shall be allocated a majority of such business entity’s gains or losses or shall be or control any managing director or general partner of such business entity (other than a corporation).
Tax Return” means any return, declaration, report, claim for refund, information return or similar statement or other similar document relating to Taxes, including any schedule or attachment thereto, and including any amendment thereof.
Taxes” means all federal, state, local, foreign and other income, gross receipts, sales, use, production, ad valorem, transfer, franchise, registration, profits, license, lease, service, service use, withholding, payroll, employment, unemployment, estimated, excise, severance, environmental, stamp, occupation, premium, property (real or personal), real property gains, windfall profits, customs, duties or other similar taxes, fees, assessments or charges of any kind whatsoever, together with any interest, additions or penalties with respect thereto and any interest in respect of such additions or penalties.
Transaction Documents” means, with respect to a party, all agreements, certificates and other instruments to be delivered by such party in connection with this Agreement.
Transactions” means the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the Transaction Documents, including but not limited to the Pre-Closing Reorganization.

[See attached]
Annex B
        The undersigned, Andrew Fox, does hereby certify that:
                1. He is the chief executive officer of Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Corporation”).
                2. The Corporation is authorized to issue 10,000,000 shares of preferred stock, 1,000,000 of which have been issued prior to the date hereof.
                3. The following resolutions were duly adopted by the board of directors of the Corporation (the “Board of Directors”):
        WHEREAS, the certificate of incorporation of the Corporation provides for a class of its authorized stock known as preferred stock, consisting of 10,000,000 shares, par value $0.0001 per share, issuable from time to time in one or more series;
        WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is authorized to fix the dividend rights, dividend rate, voting rights, conversion rights, rights and terms of redemption and liquidation preferences of any wholly unissued series of preferred stock and the number of shares constituting any series and the designation thereof, of any of them; and
        WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors, pursuant to its authority as aforesaid, to fix the rights, preferences, restrictions and other matters relating to a series of the preferred stock, which shall consist of up to [*] shares of the preferred stock which the Corporation has the authority to issue, as follows:
        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors does hereby provide for the issuance of a series of preferred stock for cash or exchange of other securities, rights or property and does hereby fix and determine the rights, preferences, restrictions and other matters relating to such series of preferred stock as follows:
Annex B
Section 1.     Definitions. For the purposes hereof, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Affiliate” means any Person that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by or is under common control with a Person, as such terms are used in and construed under Rule 405 of the Securities Act.
Alternate Consideration” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7(b).
Business Day” means any day except any Saturday, any Sunday, any day which is a federal legal holiday in the United States or any day on which banking institutions in the State of New York are authorized or required by law or other governmental action to close.
Change of Control Transaction” means the occurrence after the date hereof of any of (a) an acquisition after the date hereof by an individual or legal entity or “group” (as described in Rule 13d-5(b)(1) promulgated under the Exchange Act) of effective control (whether through legal or beneficial ownership of capital stock of the Corporation, by contract or otherwise) of in excess of 33% of the voting securities of the Corporation (other than by means of conversion or exercise of Preferred Stock and the Securities issued together with the Preferred Stock), (b) the Corporation merges into or consolidates with any other Person, or any Person merges into or consolidates with the Corporation and, after giving effect to such transaction, the stockholders of the Corporation immediately prior to such transaction own less than 66% of the aggregate voting power of the Corporation or the successor entity of such transaction, (c) the Corporation sells or transfers all or substantially all of its assets to another Person and the stockholders of the Corporation immediately prior to such transaction own less than 66% of the aggregate voting power of the acquiring entity immediately after the transaction, (d) a replacement at one time or within a one year period of more than one-half of the members of the Board of Directors which is not approved by a majority of those individuals who are members of the Board of Directors on the Original Issue Date (or by those individuals who are serving as members of the Board of Directors on any date whose nomination to the Board of Directors was approved by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors who are members on the Original Issue Date), or (e) the execution by the Corporation of an agreement to which the Corporation is a party or by which it is bound, providing for any of the events set forth in clauses (a) through (d) above.
Commission” means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
Common Stock” means the Corporation’s common stock, par value $0.0001 per share, and stock of any other class of securities into which such securities may hereafter be reclassified or changed.
Common Stock Equivalents” means any securities of the Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries which would entitle the holder thereof to acquire at any time Common Stock, including, without limitation, any debt, preferred stock, rights, options, warrants or other instrument that is at any time convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for, or otherwise entitles the holder thereof to receive, Common Stock.
Conversion Date” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6(a).
Conversion Price” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6(b).
Conversion Shares” means, collectively, the shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the shares of Preferred Stock in accordance with the terms hereof.
Dividend Payment Date” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3(a).
Dividend Period” means a period of time from and including the preceding Dividend Payment Date (other than the initial Dividend Period, which shall commence on and include the Original Issue Date), to but excluding the next Dividend Payment Date for such Dividend Period.
DGCL” means the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, as in effect from time to time after the Original Issue Date.
Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
Fundamental Transaction” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7(b).
GAAP” means United States generally accepted accounting principles.
Holder” shall have the meaning given such term in Section 2.
Holding Period Expiration Date” shall have the meaning given to such term in Section 6(a).
Junior Securities” means the Common Stock and all other Common Stock Equivalents of the Corporation other than those securities which are explicitly senior or pari passu to the Preferred Stock in dividend rights or liquidation preference.
Lien” means a lien, charge, security interest, encumbrance, right of first refusal, preemptive right or other restriction.
Liquidation” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.
Mandatory Redemption” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8(b).
Mandatory Redemption Date” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8(b).
New York Courts” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9(d).
Notice of Conversion” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6(a).
Optional Redemption” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8(a).
Optional Redemption Date” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8(a).
Optional Redemption Notice” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8(a).
Original Issue Date” means the date of the first issuance of any shares of the Preferred Stock regardless of the number of transfers of any particular shares of Preferred Stock and regardless of the number of certificates which may be issued to evidence such Preferred Stock.
Parity Securities” means any class or series of capital stock established after the Original Issue Date with terms expressly providing that such class or series ranks on a parity with the Preferred Stock as to dividend rights and liquidation preference.
Person” means an individual or corporation, partnership, trust, incorporated or unincorporated association, joint venture, limited liability company, joint stock company, government (or an agency or subdivision thereof) or other entity of any kind.
Preferred Stock” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.
Redemption” means an Optional Redemption pursuant to Section 8(a) or a Mandatory Redemption pursuant to Section 8(b).
Redemption Amount” means, for each share of Preferred Stock, the sum of (a) 100% of the Stated Value then outstanding, (b) accrued but unpaid dividends and (c) other amounts due in respect of the Preferred Stock.
Redemption Date” means an Optional Redemption Date or a Mandatory Redemption Date.
Redemption Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8(d).
Securities Act” means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
Share Delivery Date” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6(c).
Stated Value” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.
Subsidiary” means, with respect to any Person, any other Person (a) the accounts of which would be consolidated with and into those of the applicable Person in such Person’s consolidated financial statements if such statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP as of such date, (b) if a corporation, a majority of the total voting power of shares of capital stock entitled (without regard to the occurrence of any contingency) to vote in the election of directors, managers or trustees thereof is at the time owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by that Person or one or more of the other Subsidiaries of that Person or a combination thereof, or (c) if a limited liability company, partnership, association or other business entity (other than a corporation), a majority of membership, partnership or other similar ownership interest thereof is at the time owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by that Person or one or more other Subsidiaries of that Person or a combination thereof and, for this purpose, a Person or Persons owns a majority ownership interest in such a business entity (other than a corporation) if such Person or Persons shall be allocated a majority of such business entity’s gains or losses or shall be or control any managing director or general partner of such business entity (other than a corporation).
Successor Entity” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7(b).
Trading Day” means a day on which the principal Trading Market is open for business.
Trading Market” means any of the following markets or exchanges on which the Common Stock is listed or quoted for trading on the date in question: the NYSE MKT, the Nasdaq Capital Market, the Nasdaq Global Market, the Nasdaq Global Select Market, the New York Stock Exchange, OTCQB, OTCQX or OTCPink (or any successors to any of the foregoing).
Transaction Documents” means all agreements, certificates and other instruments (including this Certificate of Designation) to be delivered in connection with that certain Stock Purchase Agreement, dated May 7, 2021, by and among Charge Infrastructure, Inc., Patrick Maney, Shaun Mahoney and Nextridge, Inc.
Transfer Agent” means Manhattan Transfer Registrar Co., the current transfer agent of the Corporation and any successor transfer agent of the Corporation.
Section 2.      Designation, Amount and Par Value. The series of preferred stock shall be designated as its Series B Convertible Preferred Stock (the “Preferred Stock”) and the number of shares so designated shall be up to [*] (which shall not be subject to increase without the written consent of all of the holders of the Preferred Stock (each, a “Holder” and collectively, the “Holders”)). Each share of Preferred Stock shall have a par value of $0.0001 per share and a stated value equal to $[*] (the “Stated Value”).
Section 3.          Dividends.
Dividends in Cash or in Kind. Holders shall be entitled to receive, and the Corporation shall pay, cumulative dividends at the rate per share (as a percentage of the Stated Value per share) of 4% per annum, payable quarterly on January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1, beginning on the first such date after the Original Issue Date and on each Conversion Date (with respect only to Preferred Stock being converted) (each such date, a “Dividend Payment Date”) (if any Dividend Payment Date is not a Trading Day, the applicable payment shall be due on the next succeeding Trading Day) in cash, or at the Corporation’s option, in duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable shares of Common Stock as set forth in this Section 3(a), or a combination thereof (the dollar amount to be paid in shares of Common Stock, the “Dividend Share Amount”). The Holders shall have the same rights and remedies with respect to the delivery of any such shares as if such shares were being issued pursuant to Section 6. Not later than 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on each Dividend Payment Date, the Corporation shall make the applicable payment to the Holders (i) by wire transfer of immediately available funds to the accounts designated by the Holders, for any portion of such dividend to be paid in cash, or (ii) by delivery of shares of Common Stock for any portion of such dividend to be paid in shares of Common Stock.
Corporation’s Ability to Pay Dividends in Cash or Kind. If at any time the Corporation has the right to pay dividends in cash or shares of Common Stock, the Corporation must provide the Holders with at least 5 Trading Days’ notice of its election to pay a regularly scheduled dividend in shares of Common Stock (the Corporation may indicate in such notice that the election contained in such notice shall continue for later periods until revised by a subsequent notice).
Dividend Calculations. Dividends on the Preferred Stock shall be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year, consisting of twelve 30 calendar day periods, and shall accrue daily commencing on the Original Issue Date, and shall be deemed to accrue from such date whether or not earned or declared and whether or not there are profits, surplus or other funds of the Corporation legally available for the payment of dividends. Dividends on the Preferred Stock shall accumulate in each Dividend Period from and including the preceding Dividend Payment Date (other than the initial dividend on the Preferred Stock, which shall commence on and include the Original Issue Date), to but excluding the next Dividend Payment Date. Payment of dividends in shares of Common Stock shall otherwise occur pursuant to Section 6(c)(i) herein and, solely for purposes of the payment of dividends in shares, the Dividend Payment Date shall be deemed the Conversion Date. Except as otherwise provided herein, if at any time the Corporation pays dividends partially in cash and partially in shares, then such payment shall be distributed ratably among the Holders based upon the number of shares of Preferred Stock held by each Holder on such Dividend Payment Date.
Section 4.          Voting Rights. Each Holder shall be entitled to the whole number of votes equal to the number of shares of Common Stock into which such Holder’s Preferred Stock would be convertible on the record date for the vote or consent of stockholders, and shall otherwise have voting rights and powers equal to the voting rights and powers of holders of the Common Stock. To the extent that under the DGCL the vote of the holders of the Preferred Stock, voting separately as a class or series, as applicable, is required to authorize a given action of the Corporation, the affirmative vote or consent of the holders of a majority of the shares of the outstanding Preferred Stock, shall constitute the approval of such action by both the class or the series, as applicable (except as otherwise may be required under the DGCL). To the extent that under the DGCL holders of the Preferred Stock are entitled to vote on a matter with holders of shares of Common Stock, voting together as one class, each share of Preferred Stock shall entitle the holder thereof to cast that number of votes per share as is equal to the number of shares of Common Stock into which it is then convertible using the record date for determining the stockholders of the Corporation eligible to vote on such matters as the date as of which the Conversion Rate is calculated. Holders of the Preferred Stock shall be entitled to written notice of all stockholder meetings or written consents (and copies of proxy materials and other information sent to stockholders) with respect to which they would be entitled by vote, which notice would be provided pursuant to the Corporation’s Bylaws and the DGCL. As long as any shares of Preferred Stock are outstanding, the Corporation shall not, without the affirmative vote of the Holders of all the then outstanding shares of the Preferred Stock, (a) alter or change adversely the powers, preferences or rights given to the Preferred Stock or alter or amend this Certificate of Designation, (b) amend its articles of incorporation or other charter documents in any manner that materially adversely affects any rights of the Holder, or (c) enter into any agreement with respect to any of the foregoing.
Section 5.         Liquidation. Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary (a “Liquidation”), the Holders shall be entitled to receive out of the assets, whether capital or surplus, of the Corporation, subject to the preferences as to dividends, distributions and payments upon the liquidation, dissolution and winding up of the Corporation of the Company’s Series A Preferred Stock which is senior to and outstanding on the date hereof, an amount equal to the Stated Value, plus any accrued and unpaid dividends thereon and any other fees then due and owing thereon under this Certificate of Designation, for each share of Preferred Stock before any distribution or payment shall be made to the holders of any Junior Securities, and if the assets of the Corporation shall be insufficient to pay in full such amounts, then the entire assets to be distributed to the Holders shall be ratably distributed among the Holders in accordance with the respective amounts that would be payable on such shares if all amounts payable thereon were paid in full, subject to the rights of the Company’s Series A Preferred Stock then outstanding. A Fundamental Transaction or Change of Control Transaction shall not be deemed a Liquidation.
Section 6.        Conversion.
Conversions at Option of Holder. Each share of Preferred Stock shall be convertible, at any time and from time to time beginning on the date on which all applicable holding periods or other similar restrictions on the transfer of the Preferred Stock by the Holders expire pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act or any other applicable law or regulation (the “Holding Period Expiration Date”) and until the Mandatory Redemption Date (defined below), at the option of the Holder thereof, into that number of shares of Common Stock determined by dividing the Stated Value of such share of Preferred Stock by the Conversion Price. Holders shall effect conversions by providing the Corporation with the form of conversion notice attached hereto as Annex A (a “Notice of Conversion”). Each Notice of Conversion shall specify the number of shares of Preferred Stock to be converted, the number of shares of Preferred Stock owned prior to the conversion at issue, the number of shares of Preferred Stock owned subsequent to the conversion at issue and the date on which such conversion is to be effected, which date may not be prior to the date the applicable Holder delivers by facsimile such Notice of Conversion to the Corporation (such date, the “Conversion Date”). If no Conversion Date is specified in a Notice of Conversion, the Conversion Date shall be the date that such Notice of Conversion to the Corporation is deemed delivered hereunder. No ink-original Notice of Conversion shall be required, nor shall any medallion guarantee (or other type of guarantee or notarization) of any Notice of Conversion form be required. The calculations and entries set forth in the Notice of Conversion shall control in the absence of manifest or mathematical error. To effect conversions of shares of Preferred Stock, a Holder shall not be required to surrender the certificate(s) representing the shares of Preferred Stock to the Corporation unless all of the shares of Preferred Stock represented thereby are so converted, in which case such Holder shall deliver the certificate representing such shares of Preferred Stock promptly following the Conversion Date at issue. Shares of Preferred Stock converted into Common Stock or redeemed in accordance with the terms hereof shall be canceled and shall not be reissued.
Conversion Price. The conversion price for the Preferred Stock shall equal $_________1, subject to adjustment herein (the “Conversion Price”).
Mechanics of Conversion
Delivery of Conversion Shares Upon Conversion. Not later than five (5) Trading Days after each Conversion Date (the “Share Delivery Date”), the Corporation shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the converting Holder (A) the number of Conversion Shares being acquired upon the conversion of the Preferred Stock and (B) a bank check in the amount of accrued and unpaid dividends (if the Corporation has elected or is required to pay accrued dividends in cash).
Failure to Deliver Conversion Shares. If, in the case of any Notice of Conversion, such Conversion Shares are not delivered to or as directed by the applicable Holder by the Share Delivery Date, the Holder shall be entitled to elect by written notice to the Corporation at any time on or before its receipt of such Conversion Shares, to rescind such Conversion, in which event the Corporation shall promptly return to the Holder any original Preferred Stock certificate delivered to the Corporation and the Holder shall promptly return to the Corporation the Conversion Shares issued to such Holder pursuant to the rescinded Conversion Notice.
Obligation Absolute. The Corporation’s obligation to issue and deliver the Conversion Shares upon conversion of Preferred Stock in accordance with the terms hereof are absolute and unconditional, irrespective of any action or inaction by a Holder to enforce the same, any waiver or consent with respect to any provision hereof, the recovery of any judgment against any Person or any action to enforce the same, or any setoff, counterclaim, recoupment, limitation or termination, or any breach or alleged breach by such Holder or any other Person of any obligation to the Corporation or any violation or alleged violation of law by such Holder or any other person, and irrespective of any other circumstance which might otherwise limit such obligation of the Corporation to such Holder in connection with the issuance of such Conversion Shares; provided, however, that such delivery shall not operate as a waiver by the Corporation of any such action that the Corporation may have against such Holder.
Intentionally Omitted.
Reservation of Shares Issuable Upon Conversion. The Corporation covenants that it will at all times reserve and keep available out of its authorized and unissued shares of Common Stock for the sole purpose of issuance upon conversion of the Preferred Stock and payment of dividends on the Preferred Stock, each as herein provided, free from preemptive rights or any other actual contingent purchase rights of Persons other than the Holder (and the other holders of the Preferred Stock), not less than such aggregate number of shares of the Common Stock as shall be issuable (taking into account the adjustments and restrictions of Section 7) upon the conversion of the then outstanding shares of Preferred Stock. The Corporation covenants that all shares of Common Stock that shall be so issuable shall, upon issue, be duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, free and clear of all Liens and other encumbrances.
Fractional Shares. No fractional shares or scrip representing fractional shares shall be issued upon the conversion of the Preferred Stock. As to any fraction of a share which the Holder would otherwise be entitled to receive upon such conversion, the Corporation shall at its election, either pay a cash adjustment in respect of such final fraction in an amount equal to such fraction multiplied by the Conversion Price or round up to the next whole share.
Transfer Taxes and Expenses. The issuance of Conversion Shares on conversion of this Preferred Stock shall be made without charge to any Holder for any documentary stamp or similar taxes that may be payable in respect of the issue or delivery of such Conversion Shares, provided that the Corporation shall not be required to pay any tax that may be payable in respect of any transfer involved in the issuance and delivery of any such Conversion Shares upon conversion in a name other than that of the Holders of such shares of Preferred Stock and the Corporation shall not be required to issue or deliver such Conversion Shares unless or until the Person or Persons requesting the issuance thereof shall have paid to the Corporation the amount of such tax or shall have established to the satisfaction of the Corporation that such tax has been paid. The Corporation shall pay all Transfer Agent fees required for same-day processing of any Notice of Conversion and all fees to the Depository Trust Company (or another established clearing corporation performing similar functions) required for same-day electronic delivery of the Conversion Shares.
Status as a Shareholder. Upon each Conversion Date, (A) the shares of Preferred Stock being converted shall be deemed converted into shares of Common Stock and (B) the Holder’s rights as a holder of such converted Preferred Stock shall cease and terminate, excepting only the right to receive such shares of Common Stock and to any remedies provided herein or otherwise available at law or in equity to such Holder because of a failure of the Corporation to comply with the terms of this Certificate of Designation.
Section 7.      Certain Adjustments.
Stock Dividends and Stock Splits. If the Corporation, at any time while this Preferred Stock is outstanding: (i) pays a stock dividend or otherwise makes a distribution or distributions payable in shares of Common Stock on shares of Common Stock or any other Common Stock Equivalents (which, for avoidance of doubt, shall not include any shares of Common Stock issued by the Corporation upon conversion of, or payment of a dividend on, this Preferred Stock), (ii) subdivides outstanding shares of Common Stock into a larger number of shares, (iii) combines (including by way of a reverse stock split) outstanding shares of Common Stock into a smaller number of shares, or (iv) issues, in the event of a reclassification of shares of the Common Stock, any shares of capital stock of the Corporation, then the Conversion Price shall be multiplied by a fraction of which the numerator shall be the number of shares of Common Stock (excluding any treasury shares of the Corporation) outstanding immediately before such event, and of which the denominator shall be the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding immediately after such event. Any adjustment made pursuant to this Section 7(a) shall become effective immediately after the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to receive such dividend or distribution and shall become effective immediately after the effective date in the case of a subdivision, combination or re-classification.
Fundamental Transaction. If, at any time while this Preferred Stock is outstanding, (i) the Corporation, directly or indirectly, in one or more related transactions effects any merger or consolidation of the Corporation with or into another Person, (ii) the Corporation, directly or indirectly, effects any sale, lease, license, assignment, transfer, conveyance or other disposition of all or substantially all of its assets in one or a series of related transactions, (iii) any, direct or indirect, purchase offer, tender offer or exchange offer (whether by the Corporation or another Person) is completed pursuant to which holders of Common Stock are permitted to sell, tender or exchange their shares for other securities, cash or property and has been accepted by the holders of 50% or more of the outstanding Common Stock, (iv) the Corporation, directly or indirectly, in one or more related transactions effects any reclassification, reorganization or recapitalization of the Common Stock or any compulsory share exchange pursuant to which the Common Stock is effectively converted into or exchanged for other securities, cash or property, or (v) the Corporation, directly or indirectly, in one or more related transactions consummates a stock or share purchase agreement or other business combination (including, without limitation, a reorganization, recapitalization, spin-off or scheme of arrangement) with another Person whereby such other Person acquires more than 50% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock (not including any shares of Common Stock held by the other Person or other Persons making or party to, or associated or affiliated with the other Persons making or party to, such stock or share purchase agreement or other business combination) (each a “Fundamental Transaction”), then, upon any subsequent conversion of this Preferred Stock, the Holder shall have the right to receive, for each Conversion Share that would have been issuable upon such conversion immediately prior to the occurrence of such Fundamental Transaction, the number of shares of Common Stock of the successor or acquiring corporation or of the Corporation, if it is the surviving corporation, and any additional consideration (the “Alternate Consideration”) receivable as a result of such Fundamental Transaction by a holder of the number of shares of Common Stock for which this Preferred Stock is convertible immediately prior to such Fundamental Transaction. To the extent necessary to effectuate the foregoing provisions, any successor to the Corporation or surviving entity in such Fundamental Transaction shall file a new Certificate of Designation with the same terms and conditions and issue to the Holders new preferred stock consistent with the foregoing provisions and evidencing the Holders’ right to convert such preferred stock into Alternate Consideration. The Corporation shall cause any successor entity in a Fundamental Transaction in which the Corporation is not the survivor (the “Successor Entity”) to assume in writing all of the obligations of the Corporation under this Certificate of Designation in accordance with the provisions of this Section pursuant to written agreements in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Holder and approved by the Holder (without unreasonable delay) prior to such Fundamental Transaction and shall, at the option of the holder of this Preferred Stock, deliver to the Holder in exchange for this Preferred Stock a security of the Successor Entity evidenced by a written instrument substantially similar in form and substance to this Preferred Stock which is convertible for a corresponding number of shares of capital stock of such Successor Entity (or its parent entity) equivalent to the shares of Common Stock acquirable and receivable upon conversion of this Preferred Stock (without regard to any limitations on the conversion of this Preferred Stock) prior to such Fundamental Transaction. Upon the occurrence of any such Fundamental Transaction, the Successor Entity shall succeed to, and be substituted for (so that from and after the date of such Fundamental Transaction, the provisions of this Certificate of Designation and the other Transaction Documents referring to the “Corporation” shall refer instead to the Successor Entity), and may exercise every right and power of the Corporation and shall assume all of the obligations of the Corporation under this Certificate of Designation with the same effect as if such Successor Entity had been named as the Corporation herein.
Calculations. All calculations under this Section 7 shall be made to the nearest cent or the nearest 1/100th of a share, as the case may be. For purposes of this Section 7, the number of shares of Common Stock deemed to be issued and outstanding as of a given date shall be the sum of the number of shares of Common Stock (excluding any treasury shares of the Corporation) issued and outstanding.
Notice to the Holders.
Adjustment to Conversion Price. Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted pursuant to any provision of this Section 7, the Corporation shall promptly deliver to each Holder by facsimile or email a notice setting forth the Conversion Price after such adjustment and setting forth a brief statement of the facts requiring such adjustment.
Section 8.         Redemption.
Redemption at Option of Holder. At any time on or after the first anniversary of the Original Issue Date and until the Mandatory Redemption Date, any Holder may elect to have all or any portion of such Holder’s shares of Preferred Stock redeemed by the Corporation, for an amount in cash equal to the Redemption Amount (an “Optional Redemption”). Any Optional Redemption shall occur not more than ninety (90) days (the “Optional Redemption Date”) following receipt by the Corporation of a written notice from any Holder, stating that the Holder is electing an Optional Redemption of such Holder’s shares of Preferred Stock and providing the aggregate number of such Holder’s shares of Preferred Stock to be redeemed (an “Optional Redemption Notice”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Holder shall not send an additional Optional Redemption Notice to the Corporation until at least ninety (90) days has elapsed since the Optional Redemption Date relating to the prior Optional Redemption Notice sent by such Holder.
Mandatory Redemption. On the one hundred and eightieth (180th) day following the Holding Period Expiration Date (the “Mandatory Redemption Date”), the Corporation shall redeem all of the then outstanding shares of Preferred Stock, for an amount in cash equal to the Redemption Amount (such redemption, the “Mandatory Redemption”).
Redemption Procedure. The payment of cash pursuant to a Redemption shall be made by 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on the applicable Redemption Date by wire transfer of immediately available funds to the accounts designated by the Holders. The Corporation covenants and agrees that it will honor all Conversion Notices tendered up until the Redemption Date. Following a Redemption Date, unless the Company defaults in providing funds sufficient for the Redemption as provided in this Section 8, all dividends on such shares of Preferred Stock shall cease to accumulate and all rights of Holders with respect to such shares of Preferred Stock shall cease, except the right to receive the Redemption Amount and to any remedies provided herein or otherwise available at law or in equity to such Holder because of a failure of the Corporation to comply with the terms of this Certificate of Designation, and such shares of Preferred Stock shall not be deemed to be outstanding for any purpose whatsoever.
Default. In the event that any portion of the Redemption Amount has not been paid by the Corporation on the applicable Redemption Date (a “Redemption Default”), interest on such amounts outstanding shall accrue thereon until such amount is paid in full at a rate equal to 14% per annum. In the event of a Redemption Default and until such Redemption Default has been cured by payment of all amounts outstanding, the Corporation shall not, without the affirmative consent of the Holders of all the then outstanding shares of the Preferred Stock, declare or pay dividends or distributions on any Junior Securities or Parity Securities (other than a dividend or distribution payable solely in Junior Securities or Parity Securities). Nothing contained in this Certificate of Designation shall be deemed to limit any rights, powers or remedies of the Holders permitted by law.
Redemption of Other Securities. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Certificate of Designation, in the event of a Redemption Default and until such Redemption Default has been cured by payment of all amounts outstanding, the Corporation may not, without the affirmative consent of the Holders of all the then outstanding shares of the Preferred Stock, repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire, (1) any Parity Securities, except pursuant to (i) a purchase or exchange offer made on the same terms to all Holders of Preferred Stock and Parity Securities, (ii) an exchange for or conversion or reclassification into other Parity Securities or Junior Securities or (iii) use of proceeds of a substantially contemporaneous sale of Parity Securities or Junior Securities, or (2) any Common Stock and any other Junior Securities, except pursuant to an exchange for or conversion or reclassification into other Junior Securities or with proceeds of a substantially contemporaneous sale of Junior Securities.
Section 9.           Miscellaneous.
Notices. Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries to be provided by the Holders hereunder including, without limitation, any Notice of Conversion, shall be in writing and delivered personally, by facsimile or electronic mail, or sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier service, addressed to the Corporation, at the address set forth below, or such other facsimile number or address as the Corporation may specify for such purposes by notice to the Holders delivered in accordance with this Section. Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries to be provided by the Corporation hereunder shall be in writing and delivered personally, by facsimile or electronic mail, or sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier service addressed to each Holder at the facsimile number or address of such Holder appearing on the books of the Corporation, or if no such facsimile number or address appears on the books of the Corporation, at the principal place of business of such Holder. Any notice or other communication or deliveries hereunder shall be deemed given and effective on the earliest of (i) the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via electronic mail or facsimile prior to 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on any date, (ii) the next Trading Day after the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via electronic mail or facsimile on a day that is not a Trading Day or later than 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on any Trading Day, (iii) the second Trading Day following the date of mailing, if sent by U.S. nationally recognized overnight courier service, or (iv) upon actual receipt by the party to whom such notice is required to be given.
Address for notices to Corporation:
Charge Enterprises, Inc.
Absolute Obligation. Except as expressly provided herein, no provision of this Certificate of Designation shall alter or impair the obligation of the Corporation, which is absolute and unconditional, to pay liquidated damages, accrued dividends, accrued interest and redemption amounts, as applicable, on the shares of Preferred Stock at the time, place, and rate, and in the amounts and coin or currency, herein prescribed.
Lost or Mutilated Preferred Stock Certificate. If a Holder’s Preferred Stock certificate shall be mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, the Corporation shall execute and deliver, in exchange and substitution for and upon cancellation of a mutilated certificate, or in lieu of or in substitution for a lost, stolen or destroyed certificate, a new certificate for the shares of Preferred Stock so mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, but only upon receipt of evidence of such loss, theft or destruction of such certificate, and of the ownership hereof reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation.
Governing Law. All questions concerning the construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of this Certificate of Designation shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Delaware, without regard to the principles of conflict of laws thereof. Each party agrees that all legal proceedings concerning the interpretation, enforcement and defense of the transactions contemplated by any of the Transaction Documents (whether brought against a party hereto or its respective Affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders, employees or agents) shall be commenced in the state and federal courts sitting in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan (the “New York Courts”). Each party hereto hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New York Courts for the adjudication of any dispute hereunder or in connection herewith or with any transaction contemplated hereby or discussed herein (including with respect to the enforcement of any of the Transaction Documents), and hereby irrevocably waives, and agrees not to assert in any suit, action or proceeding, any claim that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of such New York Courts, or such New York Courts are improper or inconvenient venue for such proceeding. Each party hereby irrevocably waives personal service of process and consents to process being served in any such suit, action or proceeding by mailing a copy thereof via registered or certified mail or overnight delivery (with evidence of delivery) to such party at the address in effect for notices to it under this Certificate of Designation and agrees that such service shall constitute good and sufficient service of process and notice thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any other manner permitted by applicable law. Each party hereto hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all right to trial by jury in any legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Certificate of Designation or the transactions contemplated hereby. If any party shall commence an action or proceeding to enforce any provisions of this Certificate of Designation, then the prevailing party in such action or proceeding shall be reimbursed by the other party for its attorneys’ fees and other costs and expenses incurred in the investigation, preparation and prosecution of such action or proceeding.
Waiver. Any waiver by the Corporation or a Holder of a breach of any provision of this Certificate of Designation shall not operate as or be construed to be a waiver of any other breach of such provision or of any breach of any other provision of this Certificate of Designation or a waiver by any other Holders. The failure of the Corporation or a Holder to insist upon strict adherence to any term of this Certificate of Designation on one or more occasions shall not be considered a waiver or deprive that party (or any other Holder) of the right thereafter to insist upon strict adherence to that term or any other term of this Certificate of Designation on any other occasion. Any waiver by the Corporation or a Holder must be in writing.
Severability. If any provision of this Certificate of Designation is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the balance of this Certificate of Designation shall remain in effect, and if any provision is inapplicable to any Person or circumstance, it shall nevertheless remain applicable to all other Persons and circumstances. If it shall be found that any interest or other amount deemed interest due hereunder violates the applicable law governing usury, the applicable rate of interest due hereunder shall automatically be lowered to equal the maximum rate of interest permitted under applicable law.
Next Business Day. Whenever any payment or other obligation hereunder shall be due on a day other than a Business Day, such payment shall be made on the next succeeding Business Day.
Headings. The headings contained herein are for convenience only, do not constitute a part of this Certificate of Designation and shall not be deemed to limit or affect any of the provisions hereof.
Status of Converted or Redeemed Preferred Stock. If any shares of Preferred Stock shall be converted, redeemed or reacquired by the Corporation, such shares shall resume the status of authorized but unissued shares of preferred stock and shall no longer be designated as Series B Convertible Preferred Stock.
1 Note to Draft: Conversion Price will be the market price of the common shares on the date of Closing.
Annex B
RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Chairman, the president or any vice-president, and the secretary or any assistant secretary, of the Corporation be and they hereby are authorized and directed to prepare and file this Certificate of Designation of Preferences, Rights and Limitations in accordance with the foregoing resolution and the provisions of Delaware law.
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Certificate this ___ day of ________ 2021.
Annex B
(To be Executed by the Registered Holder in order to Convert Shares of Preferred Stock)
The undersigned hereby elects to convert the number of shares of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock indicated below into shares of common stock, par value $0.0001 per share (the “Common Stock”), of Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Corporation”), according to the conditions hereof, as of the date written below. If shares of Common Stock are to be issued in the name of a Person other than the undersigned, the undersigned will pay all transfer taxes payable with respect thereto and is delivering herewith such certificates and opinions as may be required by the Corporation. No fee will be charged to the Holders for any conversion, except for any such transfer taxes.
Conversion calculations:
Date to Effect Conversion: _____________________________________________
Number of shares of Preferred Stock owned prior to Conversion: _______________
Number of shares of Preferred Stock to be Converted: ________________________
Stated Value of shares of Preferred Stock to be Converted: ____________________
Number of shares of Common Stock to be Issued: ___________________________
Applicable Conversion Price:____________________________________________
Number of shares of Preferred Stock subsequent to Conversion: ________________
Address for Delivery: ______________________
DWAC Instructions:
Broker no: _________
Account no: ___________

Annex B
 Exhibit 3.5
 Exhibit 3.7
  Exhibit 4.6
Original Issue Date: May 19, 2021
Original Principal Amount: $_________
Purchase Price: $_________
THIS ORIGINAL ISSUE DISCOUNT SENIOR SECURED NON-CONVERTIBLE PROMISSORY NOTE is a duly authorized and validly issued debt obligation of Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (which was formerly known as Transworld Holdings, Inc., and prior to that as GoIP Global, Inc., a Colorado corporation) (the “Company” or the “Borrower”), having its principal place of business at 125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor, New York, New York 10017, designated as its Original Issue Discount Senior Secured Non-convertible Promissory Note due November 19, 2022 (the “Note”).
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the Company promises to pay to ___________ or its registered assigns (the “Holder”), or shall have paid pursuant to the terms hereunder, 107.5% of the principal sum (or $_________ as of the Original Issue Date) and any other sums due hereunder on November 19, 2022 (the “Maturity Date”), or such earlier date as this Note is required or permitted to be repaid as provided hereunder, and to pay interest to the Holder on the then outstanding principal amount of this Note in accordance with the provisions hereof. This Note is subject to the following additional provisions:
Section 1.                                Definitions. For the purposes hereof, in addition to the terms defined elsewhere in this Note, (a) capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Purchase Agreement and (b) the following terms shall have the following meanings:
“Bankruptcy Event” means any of the following events: (a) the Company commences a case or other proceeding under any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, adjustment of debt, relief of debtors, dissolution, insolvency or liquidation or similar law of any jurisdiction relating to the Company, (b) there is commenced against the Company any such case or proceeding that is not dismissed within 60 days after commencement, (c) the Company is adjudicated insolvent or bankrupt or any order of relief or other order approving any such case or proceeding is entered, (d) the Company suffers any appointment of any custodian or the like for it or any substantial part of its property that is not discharged or stayed within 60 calendar days after such appointment, (e) the Company makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, (f) the Company calls a meeting of its creditors with a view to arranging a composition, adjustment or restructuring of its debts or (g) the Company, by any act or failure to act, expressly indicates its consent to, approval of or acquiescence in any of the foregoing or takes any corporate or other action for the purpose of effecting any of the foregoing.
Business Day” means any day except any Saturday, any Sunday, any day which is a federal legal holiday in the United States or any day on which the New York Federal Reserve Bank is closed.
Buy-In” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4(c)(v).
Change of Control Transaction” means the occurrence after the date hereof of any of the following: (a) an acquisition after the date hereof by an individual or legal entity or “group” (as described in Rule 13d-5(b)(1) promulgated under the Exchange Act) of effective control (whether through legal or beneficial ownership of capital stock of the Company, by contract or otherwise) of in excess of fifty percent (50%) of the voting securities of the Company, (b) the Company merges into or consolidates with any other Person, or any Person merges into or consolidates with the Company and, after giving effect to such transaction, the stockholders of the Company immediately prior to such transaction own less than fifty-one percent (51%) of the aggregate voting power of the Company or the successor entity of such transaction, (c) the Company sells or transfers all or substantially all of its assets to another Person and the stockholders of the Company immediately prior to such transaction own less than fifty-one percent (51%) of the aggregate voting power of the acquiring entity immediately after the transaction, (d) a replacement at one time or within a three year period of more than one-half of the members of the Board of Directors which is not approved by a majority of those individuals who are members of the Board of Directors on the Original Issue Date (or by those individuals who are serving as members of the Board of Directors on any date whose nomination to the Board of Directors was approved by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors who are members on the date hereof), or (e) the execution by the Company of an agreement to which the Company is a party or by which it is bound, providing for any of the events set forth in clauses (a) through (d) above.
Distribution” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5(c).
Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6(a).
Late Fees” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(d).
Mandatory Default Amount” means the payment of 100% of the outstanding principal amount of this Note and accrued and unpaid interest hereon, in addition to the payment in cash of all other amounts, costs, expenses and liquidated damages due in respect of this Note.
New York Courts” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8(d).
Note Register” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(c).
Original Issue Date” means the date of the first issuance of the Note, as set forth on the first page hereof, regardless of any transfers of any Note and regardless of the number of instruments which may be issued to evidence such Note.
Purchase Agreement” means the Securities Purchase Agreement, dated as of May 19, 2021 among the Company and the original Holder, as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time in accordance with its terms.
Purchase Rights” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5(c).
Section 2.                                Interest, Prepayment, Redemption and Put Provisions.
a) Payment of Interest in Cash. The Company shall pay interest to the Holder on the aggregate outstanding principal amount of this Note at the rate of seven and a half percent (7.5%) per annum, payable monthly, beginning on the first day of the first month after the Original Issue Date, on each Optional Redemption Date (as to that principal amount then being redeemed) and on the Maturity Date (each such date, an “Interest Payment Date”) (if any Interest Payment Date is not a Business Day, then the applicable payment shall be due on the next succeeding Business Day), in cash. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Company shall pay interest to the Holder on the aggregate outstanding principal amount of this Note at the rate of twenty percent (20%) per annum.
b) Interest Calculations. Interest shall be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year, consisting of twelve 30 calendar day periods, and shall accrue daily commencing on the Original Issue Date until payment in full of the outstanding principal, together with all accrued and unpaid interest, liquidated damages and other amounts which may become due hereunder, has been made. Interest hereunder will be paid to the Person in whose name this Note is registered on the records of the Company regarding registration and transfers of this Note (the “Note Register”).
c) All overdue accrued and unpaid interest to be paid hereunder shall incur a late fee at an interest rate equal to the lesser of 20% per annum (the “Late Fees”) which shall accrue daily from the date such interest is due hereunder through and including the date of actual payment in full.
Section 3.                      Registration of Transfers and Exchanges.
a) Different Denominations. This Note is exchangeable for an equal aggregate principal amount of Notes of different authorized denominations, as requested by the Holder surrendering the same. No service charge will be payable for such registration of transfer or exchange.
b) Investment Representations. This Note has been issued subject to certain investment representations of the original Holder set forth in the Purchase Agreement and may be transferred or exchanged only in compliance with the Purchase Agreement and applicable federal and state securities laws and regulations.
c) Reliance on Note Register. Prior to due presentment for transfer to the Company of this Note, the Company and any agent of the Company may treat the Person in whose name this Note is duly registered on the Note Register as the owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment as herein provided and for all other purposes, whether or not this Note is overdue, and neither the Company nor any such agent shall be affected by notice to the contrary. The Company shall update the Note Register to reflect permitted transferees and assignees of the Note.
Section 4.                      Intentionally Omitted.
Section 5.                      Intentionally Omitted.
Section 6.                      Events of Default.
a) Event of Default” means, wherever used herein, any of the following events (whatever the reason for such event and whether such event shall be voluntary or involuntary or effected by operation of law or pursuant to any judgment, decree or order of any court, or any order, rule or regulation of any administrative or governmental body):
i. any default in the payment of (A) the principal amount of the Note or (B) interest, liquidated damages and other amounts owing to the Holder on the Note, as and when the same shall become due and payable (whether on a Maturity Date or by acceleration or otherwise) which default, solely in the case of an interest payment or other default under clause (B) above, is not cured within five (5) Trading days;
ii. the Company shall fail to observe or perform any other covenant or agreement contained in the Note ;
iii. a breach, default, event of default or the failure observe or perform any covenant or agreement (subject to any grace or cure period provided in the applicable agreement, document or instrument) shall occur under (A) any of the Transaction Documents or (B) any other material agreement, lease, document or instrument to which the Company or any Subsidiary is obligated (and not covered by clause (v) below);
iv. the Company experiences a Material Adverse Effect;
v. any Person shall breach any agreement delivered to the initial Holder pursuant to Section 2.2 of the Purchase Agreement;
vi. any representation or warranty made in this Note, any other Transaction Documents, any written statement pursuant hereto or thereto or any other report, financial statement or certificate made or delivered to the Holder or any other Holder shall be untrue or incorrect in any material respect (or, to the extent such representation or warranty is qualified by materiality or Material Adverse Effect, in any respect) as of the date when made or deemed made;
vii. the Company or any Subsidiary shall default on any of its obligations under any mortgage, credit agreement or other facility, indenture agreement, factoring agreement or other instrument under which there may be issued, or by which there may be secured or evidenced, any indebtedness for borrowed money or money due under any long term leasing or factoring arrangement that (a) involves an obligation greater than $100,000, whether such indebtedness now exists or shall hereafter be created, and (b) results in such indebtedness becoming or being declared due and payable prior to the date on which it would otherwise become due and payable;
viii. the Company or any Significant Subsidiary (as such term is defined in Rule 1-02(w) of Regulation S-X) shall be subject to a Bankruptcy Event;
ix. (A) the Common Stock shall not be eligible for listing or quotation for trading, or has been suspended from listing or quotation, on its Principal Market and shall not resume listing or quotation for trading thereon or on any other Trading Market (other than OTC Pink) within three (3) Trading Days, (B) the transfer of shares of Common Stock through the Depository Trust Company System is no longer available or “chilled”, or (C) the Company’s failure to comply with any rules or regulations of its Principal Market;
x. the Company shall be a party to any Change of Control Transaction or shall agree to sell or dispose of all or in excess of fifty percent (50%) of its assets in one transaction or a series of related transactions (whether or not such sale would constitute a Change of Control Transaction);
xi. intentionally omitted;
xii. the Company fails to be in compliance with Rule 144(c)(1) (or Rule 144(i)(2), if applicable);
xiii. the occurrence of any levy upon or seizure or attachment of, or any uninsured loss of or damage to, any property of the Borrower or any Subsidiary having an aggregate fair value or repair cost (as the case may be) in excess of $100,000 individually or in the aggregate, and any such levy, seizure or attachment shall not be set aside, bonded or discharged within forty-five (45) days after the date thereof;
xiv. any monetary judgment, writ or similar final process shall be entered or filed against the Company, any Subsidiary or any of their respective property or other assets for more than $100,000, and such judgment, writ or similar final process shall remain unvacated, unbonded or unstayed for a period of forty-five (45) calendar days;
xv. prior to the payment in full and satisfaction of the owed under this Note, any security interest and Lien purported to be created by any Transaction Document shall cease to be in full force and effect, or shall cease to give the Holders, the Liens, rights, powers and privileges purported to be created and granted under such Transaction Documents (including a perfected first priority security interest in and Lien on all of the Collateral thereunder (except as otherwise expressly provided in such Transaction Document)) in favor of the Holders, or shall be asserted by the Company or any Affiliate(s) not to be a valid, perfected, first priority (except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement or any such Transaction Document) security interest in or Lien on the Collateral covered thereby;
xvi. the Company shall enter into any transaction or arrangement structured in accordance with, based upon, or related or pursuant to, in whole or in part, Section 3(a)(l0) of the Securities Act;
xvii. the Company shall enter into a Variable Rate Transaction;
xviii. any attempt by the Borrower or its officers, directors, and/or affiliates to transmit, convey, disclose, or any actual transmittal, conveyance, or disclosure by the Borrower or its officers, directors, and/or affiliates of, material non-public information concerning the Borrower, to the Holder or its successors and assigns, which is not immediately cured by Borrower’s public disclosure of such information on that same date; or
xix. the Initial Registration Statement (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement) shall not have been declared effective by the Commission on or prior six months anniversary of the Original Issue Date (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement);
b) Remedies Upon Event of Default. If any Event of Default occurs, at the Holder’s election (i) the outstanding principal amount of this Note, plus accrued but unpaid interest, liquidated damages and other amounts owing in respect thereof through the date of acceleration, shall become immediately due and payable in cash pursuant to clause (ii) of the definition of Mandatory Default Amount, or (ii) the outstanding principal amount of this Note, and, if elected by the Holder, all accrued and unpaid interest hereon, shall be paid to the Holder in cash. Commencing on the occurrence of any Event of Default and for as long an Event of Default is not cured, the interest rate on this Note as set forth in Section 2 above shall accrue at a rate equal to 20% per annum. Upon the payment in full of the Mandatory Default Amount, the Holder shall promptly surrender this Note to or as directed by the Company. In connection with such acceleration described herein, the Holder need not provide, and the Company hereby waives, any presentment, demand, protest or other notice of any kind, and the Holder may immediately and without expiration of any grace period enforce any and all of its rights and remedies hereunder and all other remedies available to it under applicable law. Such acceleration may be rescinded and annulled by Holder at any time prior to payment hereunder and the Holder shall have all rights as a holder of the Note until such time, if any, as the Holder receives full payment pursuant to this Section 6(b). No such rescission or annulment shall affect any subsequent Event of Default or impair any right consequent thereon. No such rescission or annulment shall affect any subsequent Event of Default or impair any right consequent thereon. The Borrower shall pay the Holder hereof costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys’ fees.
Section 7                      Negative Covenants. As long as any portion of this Note remains outstanding, unless the Holder shall have otherwise given prior written consent, the Company shall not, and shall not permit any of its subsidiaries (whether or not a Subsidiary on the Original Issue Date) to, directly or indirectly:
a) except for Permitted Indebtedness, enter into, create, incur, assume, guarantee or suffer to exist any indebtedness for borrowed money of any kind, including, but not limited to, a guarantee, on or with respect to any of its property or assets now owned or hereafter acquired or any interest therein or any income or profits therefrom;
b) except for Permitted Liens, enter into, create, incur, assume or suffer to exist any Liens of any kind, on or with respect to any of its property or assets now owned or hereafter acquired or any interest therein or any income or profits therefrom;
c) amend its charter documents, including, without limitation, its certificate of incorporation and bylaws, in any manner that materially and adversely affects any rights of the Holder;
d) except for Permitted Indebtedness, repay, repurchase or offer to repay, repurchase or otherwise acquire more than a de minimis number of shares of its Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents other than as to (i) the Conversion Shares as permitted or required under the Transaction Documents and (ii) repurchases of Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents of departing officers and directors of the Company, provided that such repurchases shall not exceed an aggregate of $100,000 for all officers and directors during the term of this Note;
e) repay, repurchase or offer to repay, repurchase or otherwise acquire any Indebtedness, other than the Liabilities, and other than regularly scheduled principal and interest payments of Permitted Indebtedness as such terms are in effect as of the Original Issue Date, provided that such payments shall not be permitted if, at such time, or after giving effect to such payment, any Event of Default exist or occur; provided that neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries shall make any cash payment in respect of the Indebtedness issued pursuant to the Additional Note Financing or the Subsequent Financing, until the full and final payment in cash of the Liabilities;
f) pay cash dividends or distributions on any equity securities of the Company;
g) enter into any transaction with any Affiliate of the Company which would be required to be disclosed in any public filing with the Commission, unless such transaction is made on an arm’s-length basis and expressly approved by a majority of the disinterested directors of the Company (even if less than a quorum otherwise required for board approval);
h) sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any significant portion of its assets or acquire any assets or business on or after the Original Issue Date other than as contemplated by the NextRidge Acquisition Agreement;
i) make or suffer to exist any Investments using any proceeds from the Holder or any of its Affiliates (including without limitation, loans and advances to, and other Investments in, Subsidiaries), or commitments therefor, or to become or remain a partner in any partnership or joint venture, except for: (i) Investments in cash and cash equivalents; and (ii) Investments in Subsidiaries that have guaranteed the Liabilities and joined the Security Agreement as a debtor pursuant to Section 4.24(b) of the Purchase Agreement;
j) pay any compensation that may be due and payable and/or accrued, whether in cash, in kind or any combination thereof, to its executive officers;
k) use any proceeds from the Holder or any of its Affiliates to pay any liquidated damages, penalties, fees or other amounts that may be due and payable under the Note;
l) file any registration statement with respect to any securities other than Registrable Securities (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement) or any other securities which the Company has granted registration rights on or prior to the date hereof and disclosed in the Purchase Agreement after the date hereof, or otherwise cause such securities to become registered with the SEC or under any state securities laws; and
m) enter into any agreement with respect to any of the foregoing.
Section 8.                                Miscellaneous.
a) Notices. Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries to be provided by the Holder hereunder shall be in writing and delivered personally, by facsimile, electronic mail or sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier service, addressed to the Company, at the facsimile number, email address or mailing address set forth on its signature page hereto, or such other facsimile number, electronic mail or address as the Company may specify for such purposes by notice to the Holder delivered in accordance with this Section 8(a). Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries to be provided by the Company hereunder shall be in writing and delivered personally, by electronic mail, by facsimile, or sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier service addressed to the Holder at the email address, facsimile number or address of the Holder appearing on the books of the Company, or if no such email address or facsimile number or address appears on the books of the Company, at the principal place of business of such Holder, as set forth in the Purchase Agreement, or such other facsimile number, electronic mail or address as the Holder may specify for such purposes by notice to the Company delivered in accordance with this Section 8(a). Any notice or other communication or deliveries hereunder shall be deemed given and effective on the earliest of (i) the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via electronic mail or facsimile prior to 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on any Trading Day, (ii) the next Trading Day after the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via electronic mail or facsimile on a day that is not a Trading Day or later than 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on any Trading Day, (iii) the second Trading Day following the date of mailing, if sent by U.S. nationally recognized overnight courier service or (iv) upon actual receipt by the party to whom such notice is required to be given.
b) Absolute Obligation. Except as expressly provided herein, no provision of this Note shall alter or impair the obligation of the Company, which is absolute and unconditional, to pay the principal of, liquidated damages and accrued interest, as applicable, on this Note at the time, place, and rate, and in the coin or currency, herein prescribed. This Note is a direct debt obligation of the Company. This Note ranks pari passu with all other Notes now or hereafter issued under the terms set forth herein.
c) Lost or Mutilated Note. If this Note shall be mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, the Company shall execute and deliver, in exchange and substitution for and upon cancellation of a mutilated Note, or in lieu of or in substitution for a lost, stolen or destroyed Note, a new Note for the principal amount of this Note so mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, but only upon receipt of evidence of such loss, theft or destruction of such Note, and of the ownership hereof, reasonably satisfactory to the Company.
d) Governing Law. All questions concerning the construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of this Note shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of New York, without regard to the principles of conflict of laws thereof. Each party agrees that all legal proceedings concerning the interpretation, enforcement and defense of the transactions contemplated by any of the Transaction Documents (whether brought against a party hereto or its respective Affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders, employees or agents) shall be commenced in the state and federal courts sitting in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan (the “New York Courts”). Each party hereto hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New York Courts for the adjudication of any dispute hereunder or in connection herewith or with any transaction contemplated hereby or discussed herein (including with respect to the enforcement of any of the Transaction Documents), and hereby irrevocably waives, and agrees not to assert in any suit, action or proceeding, any claim that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of such New York Courts, or such New York Courts are improper or inconvenient venue for such proceeding. Each party hereby irrevocably waives personal service of process and consents to process being served in any such suit, action or proceeding by mailing a copy thereof via registered or certified mail or overnight delivery (with evidence of delivery) to such party at the address in effect for notices to it under this Note and agrees that such service shall constitute good and sufficient service of process and notice thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any other manner permitted by applicable law. Each party hereto hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all right to trial by jury in any legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Note or the transactions contemplated hereby. If any party shall commence an action or proceeding to enforce any provisions of this Note, then the prevailing party in such action or proceeding shall be reimbursed by the other party for its attorneys' fees and other costs and expenses incurred in the investigation, preparation and prosecution of such action or proceeding.
e) Waiver. Any waiver by the Company or the Holder of a breach of any provision of this Note shall not operate as or be construed to be a waiver of any other breach of such provision or of any breach of any other provision of this Note. The failure of the Company or the Holder to insist upon strict adherence to any term of this Note on one or more occasions shall not be considered a waiver or deprive that party of the right thereafter to insist upon strict adherence to that term or any other term of this Note on any other occasion. Any waiver by the Company or the Holder must be in writing.
f) Severability. If any provision of this Note is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the balance of this Note shall remain in effect, and if any provision is inapplicable to any Person or circumstance, it shall nevertheless remain applicable to all other Persons and circumstances. If it shall be found that any interest or other amount deemed interest due hereunder violates the applicable law governing usury, the applicable rate of interest due hereunder shall automatically be lowered to equal the maximum rate of interest permitted under applicable law. The Company covenants (to the extent that it may lawfully do so) that it shall not at any time insist upon, plead, or in any manner whatsoever claim or take the benefit or advantage of, any stay, extension or usury law or other law which would prohibit or forgive the Company from paying all or any portion of the principal of or interest on this Note as contemplated herein, wherever enacted, now or at any time hereafter in force, or which may affect the covenants or the performance of this Note, and the Company (to the extent it may lawfully do so) hereby expressly waives all benefits or advantage of any such law, and covenants that it will not, by resort to any such law, hinder, delay or impede the execution of any power herein granted to the Holder, but will suffer and permit the execution of every such as though no such law has been enacted.
g) Remedies, Characterizations, Other Obligations, Breaches and Injunctive Relief.  The remedies provided in this Note shall be cumulative and in addition to all other remedies available under this Note and any of the other Transaction Documents at law or in equity (including a decree of specific performance and/or other injunctive relief), and nothing herein shall limit the Holder’s right to pursue actual and consequential damages for any failure by the Company to comply with the terms of this Note.  The Company covenants to the Holder that there shall be no characterization concerning this instrument other than as expressly provided herein. Amounts set forth or provided for herein with respect to payments, and the like (and the computation thereof) shall be the amounts to be received by the Holder and shall not, except as expressly provided herein, be subject to any other obligation of the Company (or the performance thereof). The Company acknowledges that a breach by it of its obligations hereunder will cause irreparable harm to the Holder and that the remedy at law for any such breach may be inadequate. The Company therefore agrees that, in the event of any such breach or threatened breach, the Holder shall be entitled, in addition to all other available remedies, to an injunction restraining any such breach or any such threatened breach, without the necessity of showing economic loss and without any bond or other security being required. The Company shall provide all information and documentation to the Holder that is requested by the Holder to enable the Holder to confirm the Company’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Note.
h) Next Business Day. Whenever any payment or other obligation hereunder shall be due on a day other than a Business Day, such payment shall be made on the next succeeding Business Day.
i) Headings. The headings contained herein are for convenience only, do not constitute a part of this Note and shall not be deemed to limit or affect any of the provisions hereof.
j) Secured Obligation. The obligations of the Company under this Note are secured by all assets of the Company and each Subsidiary pursuant to the Security Agreement, dated as of May 19, 2021 between the Company, the Subsidiaries of the Company and the Secured Parties (as defined therein).
(Signature Pages Follow)

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Note to be duly executed by a duly authorized officer as of the date first above indicated.
     Name: Andrew Fox
     Title: CEO
Mailing Address for Notices:
125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Email Address for delivery of Notices: a@charge.us
Facsimile No. for delivery of Notices:

  Exhibit 4.7
Original Issue Date: May 19, 2021
Original Principal Amount: $________
Purchase Price: $_________
DUE MAY 19, 2024
THIS ORIGINAL ISSUE DISCOUNT SENIOR SECURED CONVERTIBLE PROMISSORY NOTE is a duly authorized and validly issued debt obligation of Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (which was formerly known as Transworld Holdings, Inc., and prior to that as GoIP Global, Inc., a Colorado corporation) (the “Company” or the “Borrower”), having its principal place of business at 125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor, New York, New York 10017, designated as its Original Issue Discount Senior Secured Convertible Promissory Note due May 19, 2024 (the “Note”).
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the Company promises to pay to _______________ or its registered assigns (the “Holder”), or shall have paid pursuant to the terms hereunder, the principal sum of $_______ and any other sums due hereunder on May 19, 2024 (the “Maturity Date”), or such earlier date as this Note is required or permitted to be repaid as provided hereunder, and to pay interest to the Holder on the aggregate unconverted and then outstanding principal amount of this Note in accordance with the provisions hereof. This Note is subject to the following additional provisions:
Section 1.                                Definitions. For the purposes hereof, in addition to the terms defined elsewhere in this Note, (a) capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Purchase Agreement and (b) the following terms shall have the following meanings:
“Bankruptcy Event” means any of the following events: (a) the Company commences a case or other proceeding under any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, adjustment of debt, relief of debtors, dissolution, insolvency or liquidation or similar law of any jurisdiction relating to the Company, (b) there is commenced against the Company any such case or proceeding that is not dismissed within 60 days after commencement, (c) the Company is adjudicated insolvent or bankrupt or any order of relief or other order approving any such case or proceeding is entered, (d) the Company suffers any appointment of any custodian or the like for it or any substantial part of its property that is not discharged or stayed within 60 calendar days after such appointment, (e) the Company makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, (f) the Company calls a meeting of its creditors with a view to arranging a composition, adjustment or restructuring of its debts or (g) the Company, by any act or failure to act, expressly indicates its consent to, approval of or acquiescence in any of the foregoing or takes any corporate or other action for the purpose of effecting any of the foregoing.
Beneficial Ownership Limitation” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4(d).
Business Day” means any day except any Saturday, any Sunday, any day which is a federal legal holiday in the United States or any day on which the New York Federal Reserve Bank is closed.
Buy-In” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4(c)(v).
Change of Control Transaction” means the occurrence after the date hereof of any of the following: (a) an acquisition after the date hereof by an individual or legal entity or “group” (as described in Rule 13d-5(b)(1) promulgated under the Exchange Act) of effective control (whether through legal or beneficial ownership of capital stock of the Company, by contract or otherwise) of in excess of fifty percent (50%) of the voting securities of the Company (other than by means of conversion or exercise of the Note), (b) the Company merges into or consolidates with any other Person, or any Person merges into or consolidates with the Company and, after giving effect to such transaction, the stockholders of the Company immediately prior to such transaction own less than fifty-one percent (51%) of the aggregate voting power of the Company or the successor entity of such transaction, (c) the Company sells or transfers all or substantially all of its assets to another Person and the stockholders of the Company immediately prior to such transaction own less than fifty-one percent (51%) of the aggregate voting power of the acquiring entity immediately after the transaction, (d) a replacement at one time or within a three year period of more than one-half of the members of the Board of Directors which is not approved by a majority of those individuals who are members of the Board of Directors on the Original Issue Date (or by those individuals who are serving as members of the Board of Directors on any date whose nomination to the Board of Directors was approved by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors who are members on the date hereof), or (e) the execution by the Company of an agreement to which the Company is a party or by which it is bound, providing for any of the events set forth in clauses (a) through (d) above.
 “Conversion Date” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4(a).
Conversion Price” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4(b).
Conversion Shares” means, collectively, the shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of this Note in accordance with the terms hereof.
Distribution” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5(c).
Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6(a).
Equity Conditions” means, during the period in question, (a) the Company shall have duly honored all conversions and redemptions scheduled to occur or occurring by virtue of one or more Notices of Conversion of the Holder, if any, (b) the Company shall have paid all liquidated damages and other amounts owing to the Holder in respect of this Note, (c) the Common Stock is trading on a Trading Market and all of the shares issuable pursuant to the Transaction Documents are listed or quoted for trading on such Trading Market (and the Company believes, in good faith, that trading of the Common Stock on a Trading Market will continue uninterrupted for the foreseeable future), (d) there is a sufficient number of authorized but unissued and otherwise unreserved shares of Common Stock for the issuance of all of the shares issuable pursuant to the Transaction Documents (including upon conversion of the outstanding principal amount of the Note), (e) there is no existing Event of Default or no existing event which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice, would constitute an Event of Default, (f) the issuance of the shares in question to the Holder would not violate the limitations set forth in Section 4(d) herein, (g) there has been no public announcement of a pending or proposed Fundamental Transaction or Change of Control Transaction that has not been consummated, and (h) the Holder is not in possession of any information provided by the Company that constitutes, or may constitute, material non-public information.
Late Fees” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(d).
Mandatory Default Amount” means either, at the Holder’s discretion (i) the conversion of the outstanding principal amount of this Note, and, at the Holder’s election, all accrued and unpaid interest hereon, converted at the Alternate Conversion Price, or (ii) the payment of 100% of the outstanding principal amount of this Note and accrued and unpaid interest hereon, in addition to, for both (i) and (ii) above, the payment in cash of all other amounts, costs, expenses and liquidated damages due in respect of this Note. In the event the Holder makes the election described in (i) above but does not elect to receive Conversion Shares in respect of all accrued and unpaid interest on the Note, all accrued and unpaid interest shall be paid to the Holder in cash no later than the date the Conversion Shares are required to be delivered to the Holder.
New York Courts” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8(d).
Note Register” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(c).
Notice of Conversion” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4(a).
 “Original Issue Date” means the date of the first issuance of the Note, as set forth on the first page hereof, regardless of any transfers of any Note and regardless of the number of instruments which may be issued to evidence such Note.
Purchase Agreement” means the Securities Purchase Agreement, dated as of May 19, 2021 among the Company and the original Holder, as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time in accordance with its terms.
Purchase Rights” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5(c).
Required Minimum” means, as of any date, the number of shares of Common Stock that equals the aggregate number of shares of Common Stock as shall be issuable (taking into account the adjustments of Section 5) upon the conversion of the then outstanding principal amount of this Note and payment of interest hereunder. The initial reserve shall be 1,999,971 shares of Common Stock.
Share Delivery Date” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4(c)(ii).
Section 2.                                Interest, Prepayment, Redemption and Put Provisions.
a) Payment of Interest in Cash. The Company shall pay interest to the Holder on the aggregate unconverted and then outstanding principal amount of this Note at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum, payable monthly, beginning on the first day of the first month after the Original Issue Date, on each Conversion Date (as to that principal amount then being converted), on each Optional Redemption Date (as to that principal amount then being redeemed) and on the Maturity Date (each such date, an “Interest Payment Date”) (if any Interest Payment Date is not a Business Day, then the applicable payment shall be due on the next succeeding Business Day), in cash. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Company shall pay interest to the Holder on the aggregate unconverted and then outstanding principal amount of this Note at the rate of twenty percent (20%) per annum.
b) Payment of Interest in Common Stock. At the Company’s option, interest may be paid to the Holder in the form of registered common stock equal to the Conversion Price then in effect.
c) Interest Calculations. Interest shall be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year, consisting of twelve 30 calendar day periods, and shall accrue daily commencing on the Original Issue Date until payment in full of the outstanding principal, together with all accrued and unpaid interest, liquidated damages and other amounts which may become due hereunder, has been made. Interest shall cease to accrue with respect to any principal amount converted, provided that, the Company actually delivers the Conversion Shares within the time period required by Section 4(c)(ii) herein. Interest hereunder will be paid to the Person in whose name this Note is registered on the records of the Company regarding registration and transfers of this Note (the “Note Register”).
d) All overdue accrued and unpaid interest to be paid hereunder shall incur a late fee at an interest rate equal to the lesser of 20% per annum (the “Late Fees”) which shall accrue daily from the date such interest is due hereunder through and including the date of actual payment in full.
Section 3.                      Registration of Transfers and Exchanges.
a) Different Denominations. This Note is exchangeable for an equal aggregate principal amount of Notes of different authorized denominations, as requested by the Holder surrendering the same. No service charge will be payable for such registration of transfer or exchange.
b) Investment Representations. This Note has been issued subject to certain investment representations of the original Holder set forth in the Purchase Agreement and may be transferred or exchanged only in compliance with the Purchase Agreement and applicable federal and state securities laws and regulations.
c) Reliance on Note Register. Prior to due presentment for transfer to the Company of this Note, the Company and any agent of the Company may treat the Person in whose name this Note is duly registered on the Note Register as the owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment as herein provided and for all other purposes, whether or not this Note is overdue, and neither the Company nor any such agent shall be affected by notice to the contrary. The Company shall update the Note Register to reflect permitted transferees and assignees of the Note.
Section 4.                      Conversion.
a) At any time after the Original Issue Date until this Note is no longer outstanding, this Note shall be convertible, in whole or in part, into shares of Common Stock at the option of the Holder, at any time and from time to time (subject to the conversion limitations set forth in Section 4(d) hereof). The Holder shall effect conversions by delivering to the Company a Notice of Conversion, the form of which is attached hereto as Annex A (each, a “Notice of Conversion”), specifying therein the principal amount of this Note, and amount of accrued and unpaid interest (if any), to be converted and the date on which such conversion shall be effected (such date, the “Conversion Date”). If no Conversion Date is specified in a Notice of Conversion, the Conversion Date shall be the date that such Notice of Conversion is deemed delivered hereunder. To effect conversions hereunder, the Holder shall not be required to physically surrender this Note to the Company unless the entire principal amount of this Note, plus all accrued and unpaid interest thereon, has been so converted. Conversions hereunder shall have the effect of lowering the outstanding principal amount of this Note in an amount equal to the applicable conversion. The Holder and the Company shall maintain records showing the principal amount(s) converted and the date of such conversion(s). The Company may deliver an objection to any Notice of Conversion within two Business Days of delivery of such Notice of Conversion, stating the basis of such objection and citing the relevant Section of the Note upon which such objection is based. In the event of any dispute or discrepancy, the Company and the Holder shall work to resolve such dispute or discrepancy to the mutual satisfaction of both parties. The Holder, and any assignee by acceptance of this Note, acknowledge and agree that, by reason of the provisions of this paragraph, following conversion of a portion of this Note, the unpaid and unconverted principal amount of this Note may be less than the amount stated on the face hereof.
b) Conversion Price. Except as expressly set forth herein, the conversion price in effect on any Conversion Date shall be equal to $3.00, subject to adjustment herein (the “Conversion Price”).
c) Mechanics of Conversion.
i. Conversion Shares Issuable Upon Conversion of Principal Amount. The number of Conversion Shares issuable upon a conversion hereunder shall be determined by the quotient obtained by dividing (x) the outstanding principal amount of this Note to be converted by (y) the Conversion Price.
ii. Delivery of Certificate Upon Conversion. Not later than three Trading Days after each Conversion Date (the “Share Delivery Date”), the Company shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Holder (A) a certificate or certificates representing the Conversion Shares representing the number of Conversion Shares being acquired upon the conversion of this Note and (B) a bank check in the amount of accrued and unpaid interest (unless the Holder has elected to receive Conversion Shares for the accrued and unpaid interest).
iii. Failure to Deliver Certificates. If, in the case of any Notice of Conversion, such certificate or certificates are not delivered to or as directed by the applicable Holder by the Share Delivery Date, the Holder shall be entitled to elect by written notice to the Company at any time on or before its receipt of such certificate or certificates, to rescind such Notice of Conversion, ab initio, in which event the Company shall promptly return to the Holder any original Note delivered to the Company and the Holder shall promptly return to the Company the Common Stock certificates issued to such Holder pursuant to the rescinded Notice of Conversion.
iv. Obligation Absolute; Partial Liquidated Damages. The Company’s obligations to issue and deliver the Conversion Shares upon conversion of this Note in accordance with the terms hereof are absolute and unconditional, irrespective of any action or inaction by the Holder to enforce the same, any waiver or consent with respect to any provision hereof, the recovery of any judgment against any Person or any action to enforce the same, or any setoff, counterclaim, recoupment, limitation or termination, or any breach or alleged breach by the Holder or any other Person of any obligation to the Company or any violation or alleged violation of law by the Holder or any other Person, and irrespective of any other circumstance which might otherwise limit such obligation of the Company to the Holder in connection with the issuance of such Conversion Shares; provided, however, that such delivery shall not operate as a waiver by the Company of any such action the Company may have against the Holder. If the Company fails for any reason to deliver to the Holder such certificate or certificates pursuant to Section 4(c)(ii) by the Share Delivery Date, the Company shall pay to the Holder, in cash, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, for each $1,000 of principal amount being converted $5 per Trading Day (increasing to $10 per Trading Day on the fifth (5th) Trading Day after such liquidated damages begin to accrue) for each Trading Day after such Share Delivery Date until such certificates are delivered or Holder rescinds such conversion. Nothing herein shall limit the Holder’s right to pursue actual damages or declare an Event of Default pursuant to Section 6 hereof for the Company’s failure to deliver Conversion Shares within the period specified herein and the Holder shall have the right to pursue all remedies available to it hereunder, at law or in equity including, without limitation, a decree of specific performance and/or injunctive relief. The exercise of any such rights shall not prohibit the Holder from seeking to enforce damages pursuant to any other Section hereof or under applicable law.
v. Compensation for Buy-In on Failure to Timely Deliver Certificates Upon Conversion. In addition to any other rights available to the Holder, if the Company fails for any reason to deliver to the Holder such certificate or certificates by the Share Delivery Date pursuant to Section 4(c)(ii), and if after such Share Delivery Date the Holder is required by its brokerage firm to purchase (in an open market transaction or otherwise), or the Holder’s brokerage firm otherwise purchases, shares of Common Stock to deliver in satisfaction of a sale by the Holder of the Conversion Shares which the Holder was entitled to receive upon the conversion relating to such Share Delivery Date (a “Buy-In”), then the Company shall (A) pay in cash to the Holder (in addition to any other remedies available to or elected by the Holder) the amount, if any, by which (x) the Holder’s total purchase price (including any brokerage commissions) for the Common Stock so purchased exceeds (y) the product of (1) the aggregate number of shares of Common Stock that the Holder was entitled to receive from the conversion at issue multiplied by (2) the actual sale price at which the sell order giving rise to such purchase obligation was executed (including any brokerage commissions) and (B) at the option of the Holder, either reissue (if surrendered) this Note in a principal amount equal to the principal amount of the attempted conversion (in which case such conversion shall be deemed rescinded) or deliver to the Holder the number of shares of Common Stock that would have been issued if the Company had timely complied with its delivery requirements under Section 4(c)(ii). For example, if the Holder purchases Common Stock having a total purchase price of $11,000 to cover a Buy-In with respect to an attempted conversion of this Note with respect to which the actual sale price of the Conversion Shares (including any brokerage commissions) giving rise to such purchase obligation was a total of $10,000 under clause (A) of the immediately preceding sentence, the Company shall be required to pay the Holder $1,000. The Holder shall provide the Company written notice indicating the amounts payable to the Holder in respect of the Buy-In and, upon request of the Company, evidence of the amount of such loss. Nothing herein shall limit a Holder’s right to pursue any other remedies available to it hereunder, at law or in equity including, without limitation, a decree of specific performance and/or injunctive relief with respect to the Company’s failure to timely deliver certificates representing shares of Common Stock upon conversion of this Note as required pursuant to the terms hereof.
vi. Reservation of Shares Issuable Upon Conversion. The Company covenants that it will at all times reserve and keep available out of its authorized and unissued shares of Common Stock a number of shares of Common Stock at least equal to 100% of the Required Minimum (to be adjusted monthly) for the sole purpose of issuance upon conversion of this Note and payment of interest on this Note, each as herein provided, free from preemptive rights or any other actual contingent purchase rights of Persons other than the Holder (and the other holders of the Note). The Company covenants that all shares of Common Stock that shall be so issuable shall, upon issue, be duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable.
vii. Fractional Shares. No fractional shares or scrip representing fractional shares shall be issued upon the conversion of this Note. As to any fraction of a share which the Holder would otherwise be entitled to purchase upon such conversion, the Company shall at its election, either pay a cash adjustment in respect of such final fraction in an amount equal to such fraction multiplied by the Conversion Price or round up to the next whole share.
viii. Transfer Taxes and Expenses. The issuance of certificates for shares of the Common Stock on conversion of this Note shall be made without charge to the Holder hereof for any documentary stamp or similar taxes that may be payable in respect of the issue or delivery of such certificates, provided that, the Company shall not be required to pay any tax that may be payable in respect of any transfer involved in the issuance and delivery of any such certificate upon conversion in a name other than that of the Holder of this Note so converted and the Company shall not be required to issue or deliver such certificates unless or until the Person or Persons requesting the issuance thereof shall have paid to the Company the amount of such tax or shall have established to the satisfaction of the Company that such tax has been paid. The Company shall pay all Transfer Agent fees required for same-day processing of any Notice of Conversion.
d) Holder’s Conversion Limitations. The Company shall not effect any conversion of this Note, and a Holder shall not have the right to convert any portion of this Note, to the extent that after giving effect to the conversion set forth on the applicable Notice of Conversion, the Holder (together with the Holder’s Affiliates, and any Persons acting as a group together with the Holder or any of the Holder’s Affiliates) (such Persons, “Attribution Parties”)) would beneficially own in excess of the Beneficial Ownership Limitation (as defined below).  For purposes of the foregoing sentence, the number of shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by the Holder and its Affiliates and Attribution Parties shall include the number of shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of this Note or any portion of this Note with respect to which such determination is being made, but shall exclude the number of shares of Common Stock which are issuable upon (i) conversion of the remaining, unconverted principal amount of this Note beneficially owned by the Holder or any of its Affiliates or Attribution Parties and (ii) exercise or conversion of the unexercised or unconverted portion of any other securities of the Company subject to a limitation on conversion or exercise analogous to the limitation contained herein beneficially owned by the Holder or any of its Affiliates or Attribution Parties.  Except as set forth in the preceding sentence, for purposes of this Section 4(d), beneficial ownership shall be calculated in accordance with Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. To the extent that the limitation contained in this Section 4(d) applies, the determination of whether this Note is convertible (in relation to other securities owned by the Holder together with any Affiliates and Attribution Parties) and the portion of principal amount (and accrued but unpaid interest) of this Note that is convertible shall be in the sole discretion of the Holder, and the submission of a Notice of Conversion shall be deemed to be the Holder’s determination of whether this Note may be converted (in relation to other securities owned by the Holder together with any Affiliates) and the portion of principal amount of this Note (and, if applicable, accrued and unpaid interest) that is convertible, in each case subject to the Beneficial Ownership Limitation. To ensure compliance with this restriction, the Holder will be deemed to represent to the Company each time it delivers a Notice of Conversion that such Notice of Conversion has not violated the restrictions set forth in this paragraph and the Company shall have no obligation to verify or confirm the accuracy of such determination. In addition, a determination as to any group status as contemplated above shall be determined in accordance with Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. For purposes of this Section 4(d), in determining the number of outstanding shares of Common Stock, the Holder may rely on the number of outstanding shares of Common Stock as stated in the most recent of the following: (i) the Company’s most recent periodic or annual report filed with the Commission, as the case may be, (ii) a more recent public announcement by the Company, or (iii) a more recent written notice delivered by the Company or the Company’s transfer agent to the Holder setting forth the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding.  Upon the written or oral request of the Holder, the Company shall within one Trading Day confirm orally and in writing to the Holder the number of shares of Common Stock then outstanding.  In any case, the number of outstanding shares of Common Stock shall be determined after giving effect to the conversion or exercise of securities of the Company, including this Note, by the Holder or its Affiliates or Attribution Parties since the date as of which such number of outstanding shares of Common Stock was reported. The “Beneficial Ownership Limitation” shall be 9.99% of the number of shares of the Common Stock outstanding immediately after giving effect to the issuance of shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of this Note held by the Holder. The Holder may increase or decrease the Beneficial Ownership Limitation provisions of this Section 4(d), provided that the Beneficial Ownership Limitation in no event exceeds 9.99% of the number of shares of the Common Stock outstanding immediately after giving effect to the issuance of shares of Common Stock upon conversion of this Note held by the Holder and the Beneficial Ownership Limitation provisions of this Section 4(d) shall continue to apply. Any increase in the Beneficial Ownership Limitation will not be effective until the 61st day after such notice is delivered to the Company. The Beneficial Ownership Limitation provisions of this paragraph shall be construed and implemented in a manner otherwise than in strict conformity with the terms of this Section 4(d) to correct this paragraph (or any portion hereof) which may be defective or inconsistent with the intended Beneficial Ownership Limitation contained herein or to make changes or supplements necessary or desirable to properly give effect to such limitation. The limitations contained in this paragraph shall apply to a successor holder of this Note.
Section 5.                                Certain Adjustments.
a) Stock Dividends and Stock Splits. If the Company, at any time while this Note is outstanding: (i) pays a stock dividend or otherwise makes a distribution or distributions payable in shares of Common Stock on shares of Common Stock or any Common Stock Equivalents (which, for avoidance of doubt, shall not include any shares of Common Stock issued by the Company upon conversion of, or payment of interest on, the Note), (ii) subdivides outstanding shares of Common Stock into a larger number of shares, (iii) combines (including by way of a reverse stock split) outstanding shares of Common Stock into a smaller number of shares or (iv) issues, in the event of a reclassification of shares of the Common Stock, any shares of capital stock of the Company, then the Conversion Price shall be multiplied by a fraction of which the numerator shall be the number of shares of Common Stock (excluding any treasury shares of the Company) outstanding immediately before such event, and of which the denominator shall be the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding immediately after such event. Any adjustment made pursuant to this Section shall become effective immediately after the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to receive such dividend or distribution and shall become effective immediately after the effective date in the case of a subdivision, combination or re-classification.
b) Subsequent Equity Sales. If, at any time while this Note is outstanding, the Company or any Subsidiary, as applicable, sells or grants any option to purchase or sells or grants any right to reprice, or otherwise disposes of or issues (or announces any sale, grant or any option to purchase or other disposition), any Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents entitling any Person to acquire shares of Common Stock at an effective price per share that is lower than the then Conversion Price (such lower price, the “Base Conversion Price” and such issuances, collectively, a “Dilutive Issuance”) (if the holder of the Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents so issued shall at any time, whether by operation of purchase price adjustments, reset provisions, floating conversion, exercise or exchange prices or otherwise, or due to warrants, options or rights per share which are issued in connection with such issuance, be entitled to receive shares of Common Stock at an effective price per share that is lower than the Conversion Price, such issuance shall be deemed to have occurred for less than the Conversion Price on such date of the Dilutive Issuance), then the Conversion Price shall be reduced to equal the Base Conversion Price. Such adjustment shall be made whenever such Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents are issued. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no adjustment will be made under this Section 5(b) in respect of an Exempt Issuance. For the avoidance of doubt, if the Company engages in an at-the-market offering, the Company shall be deemed to have issued Common Stock at the lowest sale price at which the Common Stock was sold in such offering. If the Company enters into a Variable Rate Transaction, despite the prohibition set forth in the Purchase Agreement, the Company shall be deemed to have issued Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents at the lowest possible conversion price, exercise price or exchange rate (or other price) at which such securities may be converted into or exchangeable or exercised for. The Company shall notify the Holder in writing, no later than 1 Business Day following the issuance of any Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents subject to this Section 5(b), indicating therein the applicable issuance price, or applicable reset price, exchange price, conversion price and other pricing terms (such notice, the “Dilutive Issuance Notice”). For purposes of clarification, whether or not the Company provides a Dilutive Issuance Notice pursuant to this Section 5(b), upon the occurrence of any Dilutive Issuance, the Holder is entitled to receive a number of Conversion Shares based upon the Base Conversion Price (as adjusted in accordance with Section 5)(a)) on or after the date of such Dilutive Issuance, regardless of whether the Holder accurately refers to the Base Conversion Price in the Notice of Conversion.
c) Subsequent Rights Offerings. In addition to any adjustments pursuant to Section 5(a) and Section 5(b) above, if at any time the Company grants, issues or sells any Common Stock Equivalents or rights to purchase stock, warrants, securities or other property pro rata to the record holders of any class of shares of Common Stock (the “Purchase Rights”), then the Holder will be entitled to acquire, upon the terms applicable to such Purchase Rights, the aggregate Purchase Rights which the Holder could have acquired if the Holder had held the number of shares of Common Stock acquirable upon complete conversion of this Note (without regard to any limitations on exercise hereof, including without limitation, the Beneficial Ownership Limitation) immediately before the date on which a record is taken for the grant, issuance or sale of such Purchase Rights, or, if no such record is taken, the date as of which the record holders of shares of Common Stock are to be determined for the grant, issue or sale of such Purchase Rights (provided, however, to the extent that the Holder’s right to participate in any such Purchase Right would result in the Holder exceeding the Beneficial Ownership Limitation, then the Holder shall not be entitled to participate in such Purchase Right to such extent (or beneficial ownership of such shares of Common Stock as a result of such Purchase Right to such extent) and such Purchase Right to such extent shall be held in abeyance for the Holder until such time, if ever, as its right thereto would not result in the Holder exceeding the Beneficial Ownership Limitation).
d) Pro Rata Distributions. During such time as this Note is outstanding, if the Company shall declare or make any dividend or other distribution of its assets (or rights to acquire its assets) to holders of shares of Common Stock, by way of return of capital or otherwise (including, without limitation, any distribution of cash, stock or other securities, property or options by way of a dividend, spin off, reclassification, corporate rearrangement, scheme of arrangement or other similar transaction) (a “Distribution”), at any time after the issuance of this Note, then, in each such case, the Holder shall be entitled to participate in such Distribution to the same extent that the Holder would have participated therein if the Holder had held the number of shares of Common Stock acquirable upon complete exercise of this Note (without regard to any limitations on exercise hereof, including without limitation, the Beneficial Ownership Limitation) immediately before the date of which a record is taken for such Distribution, or, if no such record is taken, the date as of which the record holders of shares of Common Stock are to be determined for the participation in such Distribution (provided, however, to the extent that the Holder's right to participate in any such Distribution would result in the Holder exceeding the Beneficial Ownership Limitation, then the Holder shall not be entitled to participate in such Distribution to such extent (or in the beneficial ownership of any shares of Common Stock as a result of such Distribution to such extent) and the portion of such Distribution shall be held in abeyance for the benefit of the Holder until such time, if ever, as its right thereto would not result in the Holder exceeding the Beneficial Ownership Limitation).
e) Fundamental Transaction. If, at any time while this Note is outstanding, (i) the Company effects any merger or consolidation of the Company with or into another Person, (ii) the Company effects any sale of all or substantially all of its assets in one transaction or a series of related transactions, (iii) any tender offer or exchange offer (whether by the Company or another Person) is completed pursuant to which holders of Common Stock are permitted to tender or exchange their shares for other securities, cash or property, or (iv) the Company effects any reclassification of the Common Stock or any compulsory share exchange pursuant to which the Common Stock is effectively converted into or exchanged for other securities, cash or property (in any such case, a “Fundamental Transaction”), then, upon any subsequent conversion of this Note, the Holder shall have the right to receive, for each Conversion Share that would have been issuable upon such conversion immediately prior to the occurrence of such Fundamental Transaction, the same kind and amount of securities, cash or property as it would have been entitled to receive upon the occurrence of such Fundamental Transaction if it had been, immediately prior to such Fundamental Transaction, the holder of 1 share of Common Stock (the “Alternate Consideration”). For purposes of any such conversion, the determination of the Conversion Price shall be appropriately adjusted to apply to such Alternate Consideration based on the amount of Alternate Consideration issuable in respect of 1 share of Common Stock in such Fundamental Transaction, and the Company shall apportion the Conversion Price among the Alternate Consideration in a reasonable manner reflecting the relative value of any different components of the Alternate Consideration. If holders of Common Stock are given any choice as to the securities, cash or property to be received in a Fundamental Transaction, then the Holder shall be given the same choice as to the Alternate Consideration it receives upon any conversion of this Note following such Fundamental Transaction. To the extent necessary to effectuate the foregoing provisions, any successor to the Company or surviving entity in such Fundamental Transaction shall issue to the Holder a new Note consistent with the foregoing provisions and evidencing the Holder’s right to convert such Note into Alternate Consideration. The terms of any agreement pursuant to which a Fundamental Transaction is effected shall include terms requiring any such successor or surviving entity to comply with the provisions of this Section 5(e) and insuring that this Note (or any such replacement security) will be similarly adjusted upon any subsequent transaction analogous to a Fundamental Transaction. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this Section shall not apply to the acquisitions contemplated by the Nextridge Acquisition Agreement.
f) Calculations. All calculations under this Section 5 shall be made to the nearest cent or the nearest 1/100th of a share, as the case may be. For purposes of this Section 5, the number of shares of Common Stock deemed to be issued and outstanding as of a given date shall be the sum of the number of shares of Common Stock (excluding any treasury shares of the Company) issued and outstanding.
g) Notice to the Holder.
i. Adjustment to Conversion Price. Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted pursuant to any provision of this Section 5, the Company shall promptly deliver to each Holder a notice setting forth the Conversion Price after such adjustment and setting forth a brief statement of the facts requiring such adjustment.
ii. Notice to Allow Conversion by Holder. If (A) the Company shall declare a dividend (or any other distribution in whatever form) on the Common Stock, (B) the Company shall declare a special nonrecurring cash dividend on or a redemption of the Common Stock, (C) the Company shall authorize the granting to all holders of the Common Stock of rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase any shares of capital stock of any class or of any rights, (D) the approval of any stockholders of the Company shall be required in connection with any reclassification of the Common Stock, any consolidation or merger to which the Company is a party, any sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or any compulsory share exchange whereby the Common Stock is converted into other securities, cash or property or (E) the Company shall authorize the voluntary or involuntary dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the affairs of the Company, then, in each case, the Company shall cause to be filed at each office or agency maintained for the purpose of conversion of this Note, and shall cause to be delivered to the Holder at its last address as it shall appear upon the Note Register, at least twenty (20) calendar days prior to the applicable record or effective date hereinafter specified (or such shorter period as is reasonably possible, but not less than ten (10) calendar days, if twenty (20) calendar days is not reasonably possible), a notice stating (x) the date on which a record is to be taken for the purpose of such dividend, distribution, redemption, rights or warrants, or if a record is not to be taken, the date as of which the holders of the Common Stock of record to be entitled to such dividend, distributions, redemption, rights or warrants are to be determined or (y) the date on which such reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer or share exchange is expected to become effective or close, or the date on which the voluntary or involuntary dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the affairs of the Company was authorized, and the date as of which it is expected that holders of the Common Stock of record shall be entitled to exchange their shares of the Common Stock for securities, cash or other property deliverable upon any such reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer, share exchange, or voluntary or involuntary dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the affairs of the Company, provided that the failure to deliver such notice or any defect therein or in the delivery thereof shall not affect the validity of the corporate action required to be specified in such notice. To the extent that any notice provided hereunder constitutes, or contains, material, non-public information regarding the Company or any of the Subsidiaries, the Company shall simultaneously file such notice with the Commission pursuant to a Current Report on Form 8-K or if it is not subject to the reporting requirements of the Commission, a press release. The Holder shall remain entitled to convert this Note during the 20-day period commencing on the date of such notice through the effective date of the event triggering such notice except as may otherwise be expressly set forth herein.
Section 6.                                Events of Default.
a) Event of Default” means, wherever used herein, any of the following events (whatever the reason for such event and whether such event shall be voluntary or involuntary or effected by operation of law or pursuant to any judgment, decree or order of any court, or any order, rule or regulation of any administrative or governmental body):
i. any default in the payment of (A) the principal amount of the Note or (B) interest, liquidated damages and other amounts owing to the Holder on the Note, as and when the same shall become due and payable (whether on a Conversion Date or the Maturity Date or by acceleration or otherwise) which default, solely in the case of an interest payment or other default under clause (B) above, is not cured within five (5) Trading days;
ii. the Company shall fail to observe or perform any other covenant or agreement contained in the Note (other than a breach by the Company of its obligations to deliver shares of Common Stock to the Holder upon conversion, which breach is addressed in clause (xi) below) which failure is not cured, if possible to cure, within the earlier to occur of (A) five (5) Trading Days after notice of such failure sent by the Holder to the Company and (B) ten (10) Trading Days after the Company has become or should have become aware of such failure;
iii. a breach, default, event of default or the failure observe or perform any covenant or agreement (subject to any grace or cure period provided in the applicable agreement, document or instrument) shall occur under (A) any of the Transaction Documents or (B) any other material agreement, lease, document or instrument to which the Company or any Subsidiary is obligated (and not covered by clause (v) below);
iv. the Company experiences a Material Adverse Effect;
v. any Person shall breach any agreement delivered to the initial Holder pursuant to Section 2.2 of the Purchase Agreement;
vi. any representation or warranty made in this Note, any other Transaction Documents, any written statement pursuant hereto or thereto or any other report, financial statement or certificate made or delivered to the Holder or any other Holder shall be untrue or incorrect in any material respect (or, to the extent such representation or warranty is qualified by materiality or Material Adverse Effect, in any respect) as of the date when made or deemed made;
vii. the Company or any Subsidiary shall default on any of its obligations under any mortgage, credit agreement or other facility, indenture agreement, factoring agreement or other instrument under which there may be issued, or by which there may be secured or evidenced, any indebtedness for borrowed money or money due under any long term leasing or factoring arrangement that (a) involves an obligation greater than $100,000, whether such indebtedness now exists or shall hereafter be created, and (b) results in such indebtedness becoming or being declared due and payable prior to the date on which it would otherwise become due and payable;
viii. the Company or any Significant Subsidiary (as such term is defined in Rule 1-02(w) of Regulation S-X) shall be subject to a Bankruptcy Event;
ix. (A) the Common Stock shall not be eligible for listing or quotation for trading, or has been suspended from listing or quotation, on its Principal Market and shall not resume listing or quotation for trading thereon or on any other Trading Market (other than OTC Pink) within three (3) Trading Days, (B) the transfer of shares of Common Stock through the Depository Trust Company System is no longer available or “chilled”, or (C) the Company’s failure to comply with any rules or regulations of its Principal Market;
x. the Company shall be a party to any Change of Control Transaction or shall agree to sell or dispose of all or in excess of fifty percent (50%) of its assets in one transaction or a series of related transactions (whether or not such sale would constitute a Change of Control Transaction);
xi. the Company shall fail for any reason to deliver certificates to the Holder prior to the fifth Trading Day after a Conversion Date or the Company shall provide at any time notice to the Holder, including by way of public announcement, of the Company’s intention to not honor requests for conversions of the Note in accordance with the terms hereof;
xii. the Company fails to be in compliance with Rule 144(c)(1) (or Rule 144(i)(2), if applicable);
xiii. the occurrence of any levy upon or seizure or attachment of, or any uninsured loss of or damage to, any property of the Borrower or any Subsidiary having an aggregate fair value or repair cost (as the case may be) in excess of $100,000 individually or in the aggregate, and any such levy, seizure or attachment shall not be set aside, bonded or discharged within forty-five (45) days after the date thereof;
xiv. any monetary judgment, writ or similar final process shall be entered or filed against the Company, any Subsidiary or any of their respective property or other assets for more than $100,000, and such judgment, writ or similar final process shall remain unvacated, unbonded or unstayed for a period of forty-five (45) calendar days;
xv. prior to the payment in full and satisfaction of the owed under this Note, any security interest and Lien purported to be created by any Transaction Document shall cease to be in full force and effect, or shall cease to give the Holders, the Liens, rights, powers and privileges purported to be created and granted under such Transaction Documents (including a perfected first priority security interest in and Lien on all of the Collateral thereunder (except as otherwise expressly provided in such Transaction Document)) in favor of the Holders, or shall be asserted by the Company or any Affiliate(s) not to be a valid, perfected, first priority (except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement or any such Transaction Document) security interest in or Lien on the Collateral covered thereby;
xvi. the Company shall enter into any transaction or arrangement structured in accordance with, based upon, or related or pursuant to, in whole or in part, Section 3(a)(l0) of the Securities Act;
xvii. the Company shall enter into a Variable Rate Transaction;
xviii. any attempt by the Borrower or its officers, directors, and/or affiliates to transmit, convey, disclose, or any actual transmittal, conveyance, or disclosure by the Borrower or its officers, directors, and/or affiliates of, material non-public information concerning the Borrower, to the Holder or its successors and assigns, which is not immediately cured by Borrower’s public disclosure of such information on that same date; or
xix. the Initial Registration Statement (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement) shall not have been declared effective by the Commission on or prior to the six month anniversary of the Original Issue Date;
b) Remedies Upon Event of Default. If any Event of Default occurs, at the Holder’s election (i) the outstanding principal amount of this Note, plus accrued but unpaid interest, liquidated damages and other amounts owing in respect thereof through the date of acceleration, shall become immediately due and payable in cash pursuant to clause (ii) of the definition of Mandatory Default Amount, or (ii) the outstanding principal amount of this Note, and, if elected by the Holder, all accrued and unpaid interest hereon, shall be converted into share of Common Stock at the Alternate Conversion Price pursuant to clause (i) of the definition of Mandatory Default Amount. In the event the Holder makes the election described in clause (ii) of this Section above, but does not elect to receive Conversion Shares in respect of all accrued and unpaid interest on the Note, all accrued and unpaid interest shall be paid to the Holder in cash no later than the date the Conversion Shares are required to be delivered to the Holder. Commencing on the occurrence of any Event of Default and for as long an Event of Default is not cured, the interest rate on this Note as set forth in Section 2 above shall accrue at a rate equal to 20% per annum. Upon the payment in full of the Mandatory Default Amount, the Holder shall promptly surrender this Note to or as directed by the Company. In connection with such acceleration described herein, the Holder need not provide, and the Company hereby waives, any presentment, demand, protest or other notice of any kind, and the Holder may immediately and without expiration of any grace period enforce any and all of its rights and remedies hereunder and all other remedies available to it under applicable law. Such acceleration may be rescinded and annulled by Holder at any time prior to payment hereunder and the Holder shall have all rights as a holder of the Note until such time, if any, as the Holder receives full payment pursuant to this Section 6(b). No such rescission or annulment shall affect any subsequent Event of Default or impair any right consequent thereon. No such rescission or annulment shall affect any subsequent Event of Default or impair any right consequent thereon; and in addition to any other rights and remedies available to the Holder in an Event of Default, the Conversion Price in effect on any Conversion Date shall be equal to the Alternate Conversion Price, subject to adjustment herein, without any notice or any action taken by the Holder. The Borrower shall pay the Holder hereof costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys’ fees.
Section 7                      Negative Covenants. As long as any portion of this Note remains outstanding, unless the Holder shall have otherwise given prior written consent, the Company shall not, and shall not permit any of its subsidiaries (whether or not a Subsidiary on the Original Issue Date) to, directly or indirectly:
a) except for Permitted Indebtedness, enter into, create, incur, assume, guarantee or suffer to exist any indebtedness for borrowed money of any kind, including, but not limited to, a guarantee, on or with respect to any of its property or assets now owned or hereafter acquired or any interest therein or any income or profits therefrom;
b) except for Permitted Liens, enter into, create, incur, assume or suffer to exist any Liens of any kind, on or with respect to any of its property or assets now owned or hereafter acquired or any interest therein or any income or profits therefrom;
c) amend its charter documents, including, without limitation, its certificate of incorporation and bylaws, in any manner that materially and adversely affects any rights of the Holder;
d) except for Permitted Indebtedness, repay, repurchase or offer to repay, repurchase or otherwise acquire more than a de minimis number of shares of its Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents other than as to (i) the Conversion Shares as permitted or required under the Transaction Documents and (ii) repurchases of Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents of departing officers and directors of the Company, provided that such repurchases shall not exceed an aggregate of $100,000 for all officers and directors during the term of this Note;
e) repay, repurchase or offer to repay, repurchase or otherwise acquire any Indebtedness, other than the Liabilities, and other than regularly scheduled principal and interest payments of Permitted Indebtedness as such terms are in effect as of the Original Issue Date, provided that such payments shall not be permitted if, at such time, or after giving effect to such payment, any Event of Default exist or occur; provided that neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries shall make any cash payment in respect of the Indebtedness issued pursuant to the Additional Note Financing or the Subsequent Financing, until the full and final payment in cash of the Liabilities;
f) pay cash dividends or distributions on any equity securities of the Company;
g) enter into any transaction with any Affiliate of the Company which would be required to be disclosed in any public filing with the Commission, unless such transaction is made on an arm’s-length basis and expressly approved by a majority of the disinterested directors of the Company (even if less than a quorum otherwise required for board approval);
h) sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any significant portion of its assets or acquire any assets or business on or after the Original Issue Date other than as contemplated by the NextRidge Acquisition Agreement;
i) make or suffer to exist any Investments using any proceeds from the Holder or any of its Affiliates (including without limitation, loans and advances to, and other Investments in, Subsidiaries), or commitments therefor, or to become or remain a partner in any partnership or joint venture, except for: (i) Investments in cash and cash equivalents; and (ii) Investments in Subsidiaries that have guaranteed the Liabilities and joined the Security Agreement as a debtor pursuant to Section 4.24(b) of the Purchase Agreement;
j) pay any compensation that may be due and payable and/or accrued, whether in cash, in kind or any combination thereof, to its executive officers;
k) use any proceeds from the Holder or any of its Affiliates to pay any liquidated damages, penalties, fees or other amounts that may be due and payable under the Note;
l) file any registration statement with respect to any securities other than Registrable Securities (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement) or any other securities which the Company has granted registration rights on or prior to the date hereof and disclosed in the Purchase Agreement after the date hereof, or otherwise cause such securities to become registered with the SEC or under any state securities laws; and
m) enter into any agreement with respect to any of the foregoing.
Section 8.                                Miscellaneous.
a) Notices. Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries to be provided by the Holder hereunder, including, without limitation, any Notice of Conversion, shall be in writing and delivered personally, by facsimile, electronic mail or sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier service, addressed to the Company, at the facsimile number, email address or mailing address set forth on its signature page hereto, or such other facsimile number, electronic mail or address as the Company may specify for such purposes by notice to the Holder delivered in accordance with this Section 8(a). Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries to be provided by the Company hereunder shall be in writing and delivered personally, by electronic mail, by facsimile, or sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier service addressed to the Holder at the email address, facsimile number or address of the Holder appearing on the books of the Company, or if no such email address or facsimile number or address appears on the books of the Company, at the principal place of business of such Holder, as set forth in the Purchase Agreement, or such other facsimile number, electronic mail or address as the Holder may specify for such purposes by notice to the Company delivered in accordance with this Section 8(a). Any notice or other communication or deliveries hereunder shall be deemed given and effective on the earliest of (i) the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via electronic mail or facsimile prior to 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on any Trading Day, (ii) the next Trading Day after the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via electronic mail or facsimile on a day that is not a Trading Day or later than 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on any Trading Day, (iii) the second Trading Day following the date of mailing, if sent by U.S. nationally recognized overnight courier service or (iv) upon actual receipt by the party to whom such notice is required to be given.
b) Absolute Obligation. Except as expressly provided herein, no provision of this Note shall alter or impair the obligation of the Company, which is absolute and unconditional, to pay the principal of, liquidated damages and accrued interest, as applicable, on this Note at the time, place, and rate, and in the coin or currency, herein prescribed. This Note is a direct debt obligation of the Company. This Note ranks pari passu with all other Notes now or hereafter issued under the terms set forth herein.
c) Lost or Mutilated Note. If this Note shall be mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, the Company shall execute and deliver, in exchange and substitution for and upon cancellation of a mutilated Note, or in lieu of or in substitution for a lost, stolen or destroyed Note, a new Note for the principal amount of this Note so mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, but only upon receipt of evidence of such loss, theft or destruction of such Note, and of the ownership hereof, reasonably satisfactory to the Company.
d) Governing Law. All questions concerning the construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of this Note shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of New York, without regard to the principles of conflict of laws thereof. Each party agrees that all legal proceedings concerning the interpretation, enforcement and defense of the transactions contemplated by any of the Transaction Documents (whether brought against a party hereto or its respective Affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders, employees or agents) shall be commenced in the state and federal courts sitting in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan (the “New York Courts”). Each party hereto hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New York Courts for the adjudication of any dispute hereunder or in connection herewith or with any transaction contemplated hereby or discussed herein (including with respect to the enforcement of any of the Transaction Documents), and hereby irrevocably waives, and agrees not to assert in any suit, action or proceeding, any claim that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of such New York Courts, or such New York Courts are improper or inconvenient venue for such proceeding. Each party hereby irrevocably waives personal service of process and consents to process being served in any such suit, action or proceeding by mailing a copy thereof via registered or certified mail or overnight delivery (with evidence of delivery) to such party at the address in effect for notices to it under this Note and agrees that such service shall constitute good and sufficient service of process and notice thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any other manner permitted by applicable law. Each party hereto hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all right to trial by jury in any legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Note or the transactions contemplated hereby. If any party shall commence an action or proceeding to enforce any provisions of this Note, then the prevailing party in such action or proceeding shall be reimbursed by the other party for its attorneys' fees and other costs and expenses incurred in the investigation, preparation and prosecution of such action or proceeding.
e) Waiver. Any waiver by the Company or the Holder of a breach of any provision of this Note shall not operate as or be construed to be a waiver of any other breach of such provision or of any breach of any other provision of this Note. The failure of the Company or the Holder to insist upon strict adherence to any term of this Note on one or more occasions shall not be considered a waiver or deprive that party of the right thereafter to insist upon strict adherence to that term or any other term of this Note on any other occasion. Any waiver by the Company or the Holder must be in writing.
f) Severability. If any provision of this Note is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the balance of this Note shall remain in effect, and if any provision is inapplicable to any Person or circumstance, it shall nevertheless remain applicable to all other Persons and circumstances. If it shall be found that any interest or other amount deemed interest due hereunder violates the applicable law governing usury, the applicable rate of interest due hereunder shall automatically be lowered to equal the maximum rate of interest permitted under applicable law. The Company covenants (to the extent that it may lawfully do so) that it shall not at any time insist upon, plead, or in any manner whatsoever claim or take the benefit or advantage of, any stay, extension or usury law or other law which would prohibit or forgive the Company from paying all or any portion of the principal of or interest on this Note as contemplated herein, wherever enacted, now or at any time hereafter in force, or which may affect the covenants or the performance of this Note, and the Company (to the extent it may lawfully do so) hereby expressly waives all benefits or advantage of any such law, and covenants that it will not, by resort to any such law, hinder, delay or impede the execution of any power herein granted to the Holder, but will suffer and permit the execution of every such as though no such law has been enacted.
g) Remedies, Characterizations, Other Obligations, Breaches and Injunctive Relief.  The remedies provided in this Note shall be cumulative and in addition to all other remedies available under this Note and any of the other Transaction Documents at law or in equity (including a decree of specific performance and/or other injunctive relief), and nothing herein shall limit the Holder’s right to pursue actual and consequential damages for any failure by the Company to comply with the terms of this Note.  The Company covenants to the Holder that there shall be no characterization concerning this instrument other than as expressly provided herein. Amounts set forth or provided for herein with respect to payments, conversion and the like (and the computation thereof) shall be the amounts to be received by the Holder and shall not, except as expressly provided herein, be subject to any other obligation of the Company (or the performance thereof). The Company acknowledges that a breach by it of its obligations hereunder will cause irreparable harm to the Holder and that the remedy at law for any such breach may be inadequate. The Company therefore agrees that, in the event of any such breach or threatened breach, the Holder shall be entitled, in addition to all other available remedies, to an injunction restraining any such breach or any such threatened breach, without the necessity of showing economic loss and without any bond or other security being required. The Company shall provide all information and documentation to the Holder that is requested by the Holder to enable the Holder to confirm the Company’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Note.
h) Next Business Day. Whenever any payment or other obligation hereunder shall be due on a day other than a Business Day, such payment shall be made on the next succeeding Business Day.
i) Headings. The headings contained herein are for convenience only, do not constitute a part of this Note and shall not be deemed to limit or affect any of the provisions hereof.
j) Secured Obligation. The obligations of the Company under this Note are secured by all assets of the Company and each Subsidiary pursuant to the Security Agreement, dated as of May 19, 2021 between the Company, the Subsidiaries of the Company and the Secured Parties (as defined therein).
(Signature Pages Follow)

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Note to be duly executed by a duly authorized officer as of the date first above indicated.
     Name: Andrew Fox
     Title: CEO
Mailing Address for Notices:
125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor
New York, New York 10017
Email Address for delivery of Notices: a@charge.us
Facsimile No. for delivery of Notices:

The undersigned hereby elects to convert principal (and, if applicable, accrued and unpaid interest) under the Original Issue Discount Senior Secured Convertible Promissory Note due May 19, 2024 of Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), into shares of common stock (the “Common Stock”), of the Company according to the conditions hereof, as of the date written below. If shares of Common Stock are to be issued in the name of a person other than the undersigned, the undersigned will pay all transfer taxes payable with respect thereto and is delivering herewith such certificates and opinions as reasonably requested by the Company in accordance therewith. No fee will be charged to the holder for any conversion, except for such transfer taxes, if any.
By the delivery of this Notice of Conversion the undersigned represents and warrants to the Company that its ownership of the Common Stock does not exceed the amounts specified under Section 4(d) of this Note, as determined in accordance with such Section.
The undersigned agrees to comply with the prospectus delivery requirements under the applicable securities laws in connection with any transfer of the aforesaid shares of Common Stock.
Conversion Information
Date to Effect Conversion:                                                                
Outstanding Principal Before Conversion:                                                                                     
Outstanding Interest Before Conversion:                                                                                     
Principal Amount of Note to be Converted:                                                                                                
Interest Amount of Note to be Converted:                                                                                     
Conversion Price Calculations:
Total Shares of Common Stock to be Issued:
Outstanding Principal After Conversion:                                                                                     
Outstanding Interest After Conversion:                                                                                                
DWAC Instructions
Account Name:
Physical Delivery
Issue to:
Entity Name:                                
Signatory Name:                                           

Schedule 1
This Original Issue Discount Senior Secured Convertible Promissory Note due on May 19, 2024 in the original principal amount of $666,656.92 is issued by Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation. This Conversion Schedule reflects conversions made under Section 4 of the above referenced Note.
Date of Conversion
(or for first entry, Original Issue Date)
Amount of Conversion
Aggregate Principal Amount Remaining Subsequent to Conversion
(or original Principal Amount)
Company Attest

  Exhibit 4.8
Warrant Shares: ________
 Initial Exercise Date:May 19, 2021
THIS COMMON STOCK PURCHASE WARRANT (the “Warrant”) certifies that, for value received, _______________ or its assigns (the “Holder”) is entitled, upon the terms and subject to the limitations on exercise and the conditions hereinafter set forth, at any time on or after May 19, 2021 (the “Initial Exercise Date”) and on or prior to the close of business at 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on May 19, 2024 (the “Termination Date) but not thereafter, to subscribe for and purchase from Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (which was formerly known as Transworld Holdings, Inc., and prior to that as GoIP Global, Inc., a Colorado corporation) (the “Company”), up to ______ shares (as subject to adjustment hereunder, the “Warrant Shares”) of Common Stock. The purchase price of one share of Common Stock under this Warrant shall be equal to the Exercise Price, as defined in Section 2(b).
Section 1.                                Definitions. Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in that certain Securities Purchase Agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”), dated May 19, 2021, among the Company and the purchasers signatory thereto.
Section 2.                                Exercise.
a) Exercise of Warrant. Exercise of the purchase rights represented by this Warrant may be made, in whole or in part, at any time or times on or after the Initial Exercise Date and on or before the Termination Date by delivery to the Company of a duly executed facsimile copy or PDF copy submitted by electronic (or e-mail attachment) of the Notice of Exercise in the form annexed hereto (“Notice of Exercise”). Within the earlier of (i) two (2) Trading Days and (ii) the number of Trading Days comprising the Standard Settlement Period (as defined in Section 2(d)(i) herein) following the date of exercise as aforesaid, the Holder shall deliver the aggregate Exercise Price for the shares specified in the applicable Notice of Exercise by wire transfer or cashier’s check drawn on a United States bank unless the Cashless Exercise procedure specified in Section 2(c) below is specified in the applicable Notice of Exercise. No ink-original Notice of Exercise shall be required, nor shall any medallion guarantee (or other type of guarantee or notarization) of any Notice of Exercise form be required. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Holder shall not be required to physically surrender this Warrant to the Company until the Holder has purchased all of the Warrant Shares available hereunder and the Warrant has been exercised in full, in which case, the Holder shall surrender this Warrant to the Company for cancellation within two (2) Trading Days of the date the final Notice of Exercise is delivered to the Company. Partial exercises of this Warrant resulting in purchases of a portion of the total number of Warrant Shares available hereunder shall have the effect of lowering the outstanding number of Warrant Shares purchasable hereunder in an amount equal to the applicable number of Warrant Shares purchased. The Holder and the Company shall maintain records showing the number of Warrant Shares purchased and the date of such purchases. The Company shall deliver any objection to any Notice of Exercise within one (1) Business Days of receipt of such notice. The Holder and any assignee, by acceptance of this Warrant, acknowledge and agree that, by reason of the provisions of this paragraph, following the purchase of a portion of the Warrant Shares hereunder, the number of Warrant Shares available for purchase hereunder at any given time may be less than the amount stated on the face hereof.
b) Exercise Price. The exercise price per share of the Common Stock under this Warrant shall be $4.00, subject to adjustment hereunder (the “Exercise Price”).
c) Cashless Exercise. If at any time after the six-month anniversary of the Closing Date, there is no effective registration statement registering, or no current prospectus available for, the resale of the Warrant Shares by the Holder, then by delivering an Exercise Notice and in lieu of making payment of the aggregate Exercise Price in cash or wire transfer, the Holder may elect instead to receive upon such exercise the “Net Number” of shares of Common Stock determined according to the following formula (the “Cashless Exercise”):
Net Number = (A x B) – (A x C)
For purposes of the foregoing formula:
A = the total number of Warrant Shares with respect to which this Warrant is then being exercised.
B = the Closing Bid Price of the Common Stock on the date of exercise of the Warrant.
C = the Warrant Exercise Price then in effect for the applicable Warrant Shares at the time of such exercise.
Bid Price” means, for any date, the price determined by the first of the following clauses that applies: (a) if the Common Stock is then listed or quoted on a Trading Market, the bid price of the Common Stock for the time in question (or the nearest preceding date) on the Trading Market on which the Common Stock is then listed or quoted as reported by Bloomberg L.P. (based on a Trading Day from 9:30 a.m. (New York City time) to 4:02 p.m. (New York City time)), or (b)  in all other cases, the fair market value of a share of Common Stock as determined by an independent appraiser selected in good faith by the Purchasers of a majority in interest of the Securities then outstanding and reasonably acceptable to the Company, the fees and expenses of which shall be paid by the Company.
Mechanics of Exercise.
i. Delivery of Warrant Shares Upon Exercise. Subject to the requirements of applicable law, the Company shall cause the Warrant Shares purchased hereunder to be transmitted by the Transfer Agent to the Holder by crediting the account of the Holder’s or its designee’s balance account with The Depository Trust Company through its Deposit or Withdrawal at Custodian system (“DWAC”) if the Company is then a participant in such system and either (A) there is an effective registration statement permitting the issuance of the Warrant Shares to or resale of the Warrant Shares by the Holder or (B) the Warrant Shares are eligible for resale by the Holder pursuant to Rule 144 (assuming Cashless Exercise of the Warrants), and otherwise by physical delivery of a certificate, registered in the Company’s share register in the name of the Holder or its designee, for the number of Warrant Shares to which the Holder is entitled pursuant to such exercise to the address specified by the Holder in the Notice of Exercise by the date that is the earlier of (i) the earlier of (A) three (3) Trading Days after the delivery to the Company of the Notice of Exercise and (B) one (1) Trading Day after delivery of the aggregate Exercise Price to the Company and (ii) the number of Trading Days comprising the Standard Settlement Period after the delivery to the Company of the Notice of Exercise (such date, the “Warrant Share Delivery Date”). Upon delivery of the Notice of Exercise, the Holder shall be deemed for all corporate purposes to have become the holder of record of the Warrant Shares with respect to which this Warrant has been exercised, irrespective of the date of delivery of the Warrant Shares, provided that payment of the aggregate Exercise Price (other than in the case of a Cashless Exercise) is received within the earlier of (i) three (3) Trading Days and (ii) the number of Trading Days comprising the Standard Settlement Period following delivery of the Notice of Exercise. If the Company fails for any reason to deliver to the Holder the Warrant Shares subject to a Notice of Exercise by the Warrant Share Delivery Date, the Company shall pay to the Holder, in cash, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, for each $1,000 of Warrant Shares subject to such exercise (based on the VWAP of the Common Stock on the date of the applicable Notice of Exercise), $10 per Trading Day (increasing to $20 per Trading Day on the fifth Trading Day after such liquidated damages begin to accrue) for each Trading Day after the first Business Day after the Warrant Share Delivery Date until such Warrant Shares are delivered or Holder rescinds such exercise. The Company agrees to maintain a transfer agent that is a participant in the FAST program so long as this Warrant remains outstanding and exercisable. As used herein, “Standard Settlement Period” means the standard settlement period, expressed in a number of Trading Days, on the Company’s primary Trading Market with respect to the Common Stock as in effect on the date of delivery of the Notice of Exercise.
ii. Delivery of New Warrants Upon Exercise. If this Warrant shall have been exercised in part, the Company shall, at the request of a Holder and upon surrender of this Warrant certificate, at the time of delivery of the Warrant Shares, deliver to the Holder a new Warrant evidencing the rights of the Holder to purchase the unpurchased Warrant Shares called for by this Warrant, which new Warrant shall in all other respects be identical with this Warrant.
iii. Rescission Rights. If the Company fails to cause the Transfer Agent to transmit to the Holder the Warrant Shares pursuant to Section 2(d)(i) by the Warrant Share Delivery Date, then the Holder will have the right to rescind such exercise.
iv. Compensation for Buy-In on Failure to Timely Deliver Warrant Shares Upon Exercise. In addition to any other rights available to the Holder, if the Company fails to cause the Transfer Agent to transmit to the Holder the Warrant Shares in accordance with the provisions of Section 2(d)(i) above pursuant to an exercise on or before the Warrant Share Delivery Date, and if after such date the Holder is required by its broker to purchase (in an open market transaction or otherwise) or the Holder’s brokerage firm otherwise purchases, shares of Common Stock to deliver in satisfaction of a sale by the Holder of the Warrant Shares which the Holder anticipated receiving upon such exercise (a “Buy-In”), then the Company shall (A) pay in cash to the Holder the amount, if any, by which (x) the Holder’s total purchase price (including brokerage commissions, if any) for the shares of Common Stock so purchased exceeds (y) the amount obtained by multiplying (1) the number of Warrant Shares that the Company was required to deliver to the Holder in connection with the exercise at issue times (2) the price at which the sell order giving rise to such purchase obligation was executed, and (B) at the option of the Holder, either reinstate the portion of the Warrant and equivalent number of Warrant Shares for which such exercise was not honored (in which case such exercise shall be deemed rescinded) or deliver to the Holder the number of shares of Common Stock that would have been issued had the Company timely complied with its exercise and delivery obligations hereunder. For example, if the Holder purchases Common Stock having a total purchase price of $11,000 to cover a Buy-In with respect to an attempted exercise of shares of Common Stock with an aggregate sale price giving rise to such purchase obligation of $10,000, under clause (A) of the immediately preceding sentence the Company shall be required to pay the Holder $1,000. The Holder shall provide the Company written notice indicating the amounts payable to the Holder in respect of the Buy-In and, upon request of the Company, evidence of the amount of such loss. Nothing herein shall limit a Holder’s right to pursue any other remedies available to it hereunder, at law or in equity including, without limitation, a decree of specific performance and/or injunctive relief with respect to the Company’s failure to timely deliver shares of Common Stock upon exercise of the Warrant as required pursuant to the terms hereof.
v. No Fractional Shares or Scrip. No fractional shares or scrip representing fractional shares shall be issued upon the exercise of this Warrant. As to any fraction of a share which the Holder would otherwise be entitled to purchase upon such exercise, the Company shall, at its election, either pay a cash adjustment in respect of such final fraction in an amount equal to such fraction multiplied by the Exercise Price or round up to the next whole share.
vi. Charges, Taxes and Expenses. Issuance of Warrant Shares shall be made without charge to the Holder for any issue or transfer tax or other incidental expense in respect of the issuance of such Warrant Shares, all of which taxes and expenses shall be paid by the Company, and such Warrant Shares shall be issued in the name of the Holder or in such name or names as may be directed by the Holder; provided, however, that in the event that Warrant Shares are to be issued in a name other than the name of the Holder, this Warrant when surrendered for exercise shall be accompanied by the Assignment Form attached hereto duly executed by the Holder and the Company may require, as a condition thereto, the payment of a sum sufficient to reimburse it for any transfer tax incidental thereto. The Company shall pay all Transfer Agent fees required for same-day processing of any Notice of Exercise and all fees to the Depository Trust Company (or another established clearing corporation performing similar functions) required for same-day electronic delivery of the Warrant Shares.
vii. Closing of Books. The Company will not close its stockholder books or records in any manner which prevents the timely exercise of this Warrant, pursuant to the terms hereof.
e)           Holder’s Exercise Limitations. The Company shall not effect any exercise of this Warrant, and a Holder shall not have the right to exercise any portion of this Warrant, pursuant to Section 2 or otherwise, to the extent that after giving effect to such issuance after exercise as set forth on the applicable Notice of Exercise, the Holder (together with the Holder’s Affiliates, and any other Persons acting as a group together with the Holder or any of the Holder’s Affiliates (such Persons, “Attribution Parties”)), would beneficially own in excess of the Beneficial Ownership Limitation (as defined below).  For purposes of the foregoing sentence, the number of shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by the Holder and its Affiliates and Attribution Parties shall include the number of shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of this Warrant with respect to which such determination is being made, but shall exclude the number of shares of Common Stock which would be issuable upon (i) exercise of the remaining, nonexercised portion of this Warrant beneficially owned by the Holder or any of its Affiliates or Attribution Parties and (ii) exercise or conversion of the unexercised or nonconverted portion of any other securities of the Company (including, without limitation, any other Common Stock Equivalents) subject to a limitation on conversion or exercise analogous to the limitation contained herein beneficially owned by the Holder or any of its Affiliates or Attribution Parties.  Except as set forth in the preceding sentence, for purposes of this Section 2(e), beneficial ownership shall be calculated in accordance with Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, it being acknowledged by the Holder that the Company is not representing to the Holder that such calculation is in compliance with Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act and the Holder is solely responsible for any schedules required to be filed in accordance therewith. To the extent that the limitation contained in this Section 2(e) applies, the determination of whether this Warrant is exercisable (in relation to other securities owned by the Holder together with any Affiliates and Attribution Parties) and of which portion of this Warrant is exercisable shall be in the sole discretion of the Holder, and the submission of a Notice of Exercise shall be deemed to be the Holder’s determination of whether this Warrant is exercisable (in relation to other securities owned by the Holder together with any Affiliates and Attribution Parties) and of which portion of this Warrant is exercisable, in each case subject to the Beneficial Ownership Limitation, and the Company shall have no obligation to verify or confirm the accuracy of such determination. In addition, a determination as to any group status as contemplated above shall be determined in accordance with Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. For purposes of this Section 2(e), in determining the number of outstanding shares of Common Stock, a Holder may rely on the number of outstanding shares of Common Stock as reflected in (A) the Company’s most recent periodic or annual report filed with the Commission, as the case may be, (B) a more recent public announcement by the Company or (C) a more recent written notice by the Company or the Transfer Agent setting forth the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding.  Upon the written or oral request of a Holder, the Company shall within two Trading Days confirm orally and in writing to the Holder the number of shares of Common Stock then outstanding.  In any case, the number of outstanding shares of Common Stock shall be determined after giving effect to the conversion or exercise of securities of the Company, including this Warrant, by the Holder or its Affiliates or Attribution Parties since the date as of which such number of outstanding shares of Common Stock was reported. The “Beneficial Ownership Limitation” shall be 9.99% of the number of shares of the Common Stock outstanding immediately after giving effect to the issuance of shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of this Warrant. The Holder, upon notice to the Company, may increase or decrease the Beneficial Ownership Limitation provisions of this Section 2(e), provided that the Beneficial Ownership Limitation in no event exceeds 9.99% of the number of shares of the Common Stock outstanding immediately after giving effect to the issuance of shares of Common Stock upon exercise of this Warrant held by the Holder and the provisions of this Section 2(e) shall continue to apply. Any increase in the Beneficial Ownership Limitation will not be effective until the 61st day after such notice is delivered to the Company. The provisions of this paragraph shall be construed and implemented in a manner otherwise than in strict conformity with the terms of this Section 2(e) to correct this paragraph (or any portion hereof) which may be defective or inconsistent with the intended Beneficial Ownership Limitation herein contained or to make changes or supplements necessary or desirable to properly give effect to such limitation. The limitations contained in this paragraph shall apply to a successor holder of this Warrant.
Section 3.                                Certain Adjustments.
a) Stock Dividends and Splits. If the Company, at any time while this Warrant is outstanding: (i) pays a stock dividend or otherwise makes a distribution or distributions on shares of its Common Stock or any other equity or equity equivalent securities payable in shares of Common Stock (which, for avoidance of doubt, shall not include any shares of Common Stock issued by the Company upon exercise of this Warrant), (ii) subdivides outstanding shares of Common Stock into a larger number of shares, (iii) combines (including by way of reverse stock split) outstanding shares of Common Stock into a smaller number of shares or (iv) issues by reclassification of shares of the Common Stock any shares of capital stock of the Company, then in each case the Exercise Price shall be multiplied by a fraction of which the numerator shall be the number of shares of Common Stock (excluding treasury shares, if any) outstanding immediately before such event and of which the denominator shall be the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding immediately after such event, and the number of shares issuable upon exercise of this Warrant shall be proportionately adjusted such that the aggregate Exercise Price of this Warrant shall remain unchanged. Any adjustment made pursuant to this Section 3(a) shall become effective immediately after the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to receive such dividend or distribution and shall become effective immediately after the effective date in the case of a subdivision, combination or re-classification.
b) Intentionally Omitted.
c) Subsequent Rights Offerings. In addition to any adjustments pursuant to Section 3(a) above, if at any time the Company grants, issues or sells any Common Stock Equivalents or rights to purchase stock, warrants, securities or other property pro rata to the record holders of any class of shares of Common Stock (the “Purchase Rights”), then the Holder will be entitled to acquire, upon the terms applicable to such Purchase Rights, the aggregate Purchase Rights which the Holder could have acquired if the Holder had held the number of shares of Common Stock acquirable upon complete exercise of this Warrant (without regard to any limitations on exercise hereof, including without limitation, the Beneficial Ownership Limitation) immediately before the date on which a record is taken for the grant, issuance or sale of such Purchase Rights, or, if no such record is taken, the date as of which the record holders of shares of Common Stock are to be determined for the grant, issue or sale of such Purchase Rights (provided, however, to the extent that the Holder’s right to participate in any such Purchase Right would result in the Holder exceeding the Beneficial Ownership Limitation, then the Holder shall not be entitled to participate in such Purchase Right to such extent (or beneficial ownership of such shares of Common Stock as a result of such Purchase Right to such extent) and such Purchase Right to such extent shall be held in abeyance for the Holder until such time, if ever, as its right thereto would not result in the Holder exceeding the Beneficial Ownership Limitation).
d) Pro Rata Distributions. During such time as this Warrant is outstanding, if the Company shall declare or make any dividend or other distribution of its assets (or rights to acquire its assets) to holders of shares of Common Stock, by way of return of capital or otherwise (including, without limitation, any distribution of cash, stock or other securities, property or options by way of a dividend, spin off, reclassification, corporate rearrangement, scheme of arrangement or other similar transaction) (a “Distribution”), at any time after the issuance of this Warrant, then, in each such case, the Holder shall be entitled to participate in such Distribution to the same extent that the Holder would have participated therein if the Holder had held the number of shares of Common Stock acquirable upon complete exercise of this Warrant (without regard to any limitations on exercise hereof, including without limitation, the Beneficial Ownership Limitation) immediately before the date of which a record is taken for such Distribution, or, if no such record is taken, the date as of which the record holders of shares of Common Stock are to be determined for the participation in such Distribution (provided, however, to the extent that the Holder's right to participate in any such Distribution would result in the Holder exceeding the Beneficial Ownership Limitation, then the Holder shall not be entitled to participate in such Distribution to such extent (or in the beneficial ownership of any shares of Common Stock as a result of such Distribution to such extent) and the portion of such Distribution shall be held in abeyance for the benefit of the Holder until such time, if ever, as its right thereto would not result in the Holder exceeding the Beneficial Ownership Limitation).
e) Fundamental Transaction. If, at any time while this Warrant is outstanding, (i) the Company, directly or indirectly, in one or more related transactions effects any merger or consolidation of the Company with or into another Person, (ii) the Company, directly or indirectly, effects any sale, lease, license, assignment, transfer, conveyance or other disposition of all or substantially all of its assets in one or a series of related transactions, (iii) any, direct or indirect, purchase offer, tender offer or exchange offer (whether by the Company or another Person) is completed pursuant to which holders of Common Stock are permitted to sell, tender or exchange their shares for other securities, cash or property and has been accepted by the holders of 50% or more of the outstanding Common Stock, (iv) the Company, directly or indirectly, in one or more related transactions effects any reclassification, reorganization or recapitalization of the Common Stock or any compulsory share exchange pursuant to which the Common Stock is effectively converted into or exchanged for other securities, cash or property, or (v) the Company, directly or indirectly, in one or more related transactions consummates a stock or share purchase agreement or other business combination (including, without limitation, a reorganization, recapitalization, spin-off or scheme of arrangement) with another Person or group of Persons whereby such other Person or group acquires more than 50% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock (not including any shares of Common Stock held by the other Person or other Persons making or party to, or associated or affiliated with the other Persons making or party to, such stock or share purchase agreement or other business combination) (each a “Fundamental Transaction”), then, upon any subsequent exercise of this Warrant, the Holder shall have the right to receive, for each Warrant Share that would have been issuable upon such exercise immediately prior to the occurrence of such Fundamental Transaction, at the option of the Holder (without regard to any limitation in Section 2(e) on the exercise of this Warrant), the number of shares of Common Stock of the successor or acquiring corporation or of the Company, if it is the surviving corporation, and any additional consideration (the “Alternate Consideration”) receivable as a result of such Fundamental Transaction by a holder of the number of shares of Common Stock for which this Warrant is exercisable immediately prior to such Fundamental Transaction (without regard to any limitation in Section 2(e) on the exercise of this Warrant). For purposes of any such exercise, the determination of the Exercise Price shall be appropriately adjusted to apply to such Alternate Consideration based on the amount of Alternate Consideration issuable in respect of one share of Common Stock in such Fundamental Transaction, and the Company shall apportion the Exercise Price among the Alternate Consideration in a reasonable manner reflecting the relative value of any different components of the Alternate Consideration. If holders of Common Stock are given any choice as to the securities, cash or property to be received in a Fundamental Transaction, then the Holder shall be given the same choice as to the Alternate Consideration it receives upon any exercise of this Warrant following such Fundamental Transaction. The Company shall cause any successor entity in a Fundamental Transaction in which the Company is not the survivor (the “Successor Entity”) to assume in writing all of the obligations of the Company under this Warrant and the other Transaction Documents in accordance with the provisions of this Section 3(e) pursuant to written agreements in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Holder and approved by the Holder (not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) prior to such Fundamental Transaction and shall, at the option of the Holder, deliver to the Holder in exchange for this Warrant a security of the Successor Entity evidenced by a written instrument substantially similar in form and substance to this Warrant which is exercisable for a corresponding number of shares of capital stock of such Successor Entity (or its parent entity) equivalent to the shares of Common Stock acquirable and receivable upon exercise of this Warrant (without regard to any limitations on the exercise of this Warrant) prior to such Fundamental Transaction, and with an exercise price which applies the exercise price hereunder to such shares of capital stock (but taking into account the relative value of the shares of Common Stock pursuant to such Fundamental Transaction and the value of such shares of capital stock, such number of shares of capital stock and such exercise price being for the purpose of protecting the economic value of this Warrant immediately prior to the consummation of such Fundamental Transaction), and which is reasonably satisfactory in form and substance to the Holder. Upon the occurrence of any such Fundamental Transaction, the Successor Entity shall succeed to, and be substituted for (so that from and after the date of such Fundamental Transaction, the provisions of this Warrant and the other Transaction Documents referring to the “Company” shall refer instead to the Successor Entity), and may exercise every right and power of the Company and shall assume all of the obligations of the Company under this Warrant and the other Transaction Documents with the same effect as if such Successor Entity had been named as the Company herein. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this Section shall not apply to the acquisition contemplated by the Nextridge Acquisition Agreement.
f) Calculations. All calculations under this Section 3 shall be made to the nearest cent or the nearest 1/100th of a share, as the case may be. For purposes of this Section 3, the number of shares of Common Stock deemed to be issued and outstanding as of a given date shall be the sum of the number of shares of Common Stock (excluding treasury shares, if any) issued and outstanding.
g) Notice to Holder.
i. Adjustment to Exercise Price. Whenever the Exercise Price is adjusted pursuant to any provision of this Section 3, the Company shall promptly deliver to the Holder by facsimile or email a notice setting forth the Exercise Price after such adjustment and any resulting adjustment to the number of Warrant Shares and setting forth a brief statement of the facts requiring such adjustment.
ii. Notice to Allow Exercise by Holder. If (A) the Company shall declare a dividend (or any other distribution in whatever form) on the Common Stock, (B) the Company shall declare a special nonrecurring cash dividend on or a redemption of the Common Stock, (C) the Company shall authorize the granting to all holders of the Common Stock rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase any shares of capital stock of any class or of any rights, (D) the approval of any stockholders of the Company shall be required in connection with any reclassification of the Common Stock, any consolidation or merger to which the Company is a party, any sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or any compulsory share exchange whereby the Common Stock is converted into other securities, cash or property, or (E) the Company shall authorize the voluntary or involuntary dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the affairs of the Company, then, in each case, the Company shall cause to be delivered by facsimile or email to the Holder at its last facsimile number or email address as it shall appear upon the Warrant Register of the Company, at least 20 calendar days prior to the applicable record or effective date hereinafter specified, a notice stating (x) the date on which a record is to be taken for the purpose of such dividend, distribution, redemption, rights or warrants, or if a record is not to be taken, the date as of which the holders of the Common Stock of record to be entitled to such dividend, distributions, redemption, rights or warrants are to be determined or (y) the date on which such reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer or share exchange is expected to become effective or close, and the date as of which it is expected that holders of the Common Stock of record shall be entitled to exchange their shares of the Common Stock for securities, cash or other property deliverable upon such reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer or share exchange; provided that the failure to deliver such notice or any defect therein or in the delivery thereof shall not affect the validity of the corporate action required to be specified in such notice. To the extent that any notice provided in this Warrant constitutes, or contains, material, non-public information regarding the Company or any of the Subsidiaries, the Company shall simultaneously publicly disseminate such notice. The Holder shall remain entitled to exercise this Warrant during the period commencing on the date of such notice to the effective date of the event triggering such notice except as may otherwise be expressly set forth herein.
Section 4.                                Transfer of Warrant.
a) Transferability. Subject to compliance with any applicable securities laws and the conditions set forth in Section 4(d) hereof and to the provisions of Section 4.1 of the Purchase Agreement, this Warrant and all rights hereunder (including, without limitation, any registration rights) are transferable, in whole or in part, upon surrender of this Warrant at the principal office of the Company or its designated agent, together with a written assignment of this Warrant substantially in the form attached hereto duly executed by the Holder or its agent or attorney and funds sufficient to pay any transfer taxes payable upon the making of such transfer. Upon such surrender and, if required, such payment, the Company shall execute and deliver a new Warrant or Warrants in the name of the assignee or assignees, as applicable, and in the denomination or denominations specified in such instrument of assignment, and shall issue to the assignor a new Warrant evidencing the portion of this Warrant not so assigned, and this Warrant shall promptly be cancelled. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Holder shall not be required to physically surrender this Warrant to the Company unless the Holder has assigned this Warrant in full, in which case, the Holder shall surrender this Warrant to the Company within three (3) Trading Days of the date the Holder delivers an assignment form to the Company assigning this Warrant full. The Warrant, if properly assigned in accordance herewith, may be exercised by a new holder for the purchase of Warrant Shares without having a new Warrant issued.
b) New Warrants. This Warrant may be divided or combined with other Warrants upon presentation hereof at the aforesaid office of the Company, together with a written notice specifying the names and denominations in which new Warrants are to be issued, signed by the Holder or its agent or attorney. Subject to compliance with Section 4(a), as to any transfer which may be involved in such division or combination, the Company shall execute and deliver a new Warrant or Warrants in exchange for the Warrant or Warrants to be divided or combined in accordance with such notice. All Warrants issued on transfers or exchanges shall be dated the original Issue Date and shall be identical with this Warrant except as to the number of Warrant Shares issuable pursuant thereto.
c) Warrant Register. The Company shall register this Warrant, upon records to be maintained by the Company for that purpose (the “Warrant Register”), in the name of the record Holder hereof from time to time. The Company may deem and treat the registered Holder of this Warrant as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of any exercise hereof or any distribution to the Holder, and for all other purposes, absent actual notice to the contrary.
d) Transfer Restrictions. If, at the time of the surrender of this Warrant in connection with any transfer of this Warrant, the transfer of this Warrant shall not be either (i) registered pursuant to an effective registration statement under the Securities Act and under applicable state securities or blue sky laws or (ii) eligible for resale pursuant to Rule 144, the Company may require, as a condition of allowing such transfer, that the Holder or transferee of this Warrant, as the case may be, comply with the provisions of the Purchase Agreement.
e) Representation by the Holder. The Holder, by the acceptance hereof, represents and warrants that it is acquiring this Warrant and, upon any exercise hereof, will acquire the Warrant Shares issuable upon such exercise, for its own account and not with a view to or for distributing or reselling such Warrant Shares or any part thereof in violation of the Securities Act or any applicable state securities law, except pursuant to sales registered or exempted under the Securities Act.
Section 5.                                Miscellaneous.
a) No Rights as Stockholder Until Exercise. This Warrant does not entitle the Holder to any voting rights, dividends or other rights as a stockholder of the Company prior to the exercise hereof as set forth in Section 2(d)(i), except as expressly set forth in Section 3.
b) Loss, Theft, Destruction or Mutilation of Warrant. The Company covenants that upon receipt by the Company of evidence reasonably satisfactory to it of the loss, theft, destruction or mutilation of this Warrant or any stock certificate relating to the Warrant Shares, and in case of loss, theft or destruction, of indemnity and/or security reasonably satisfactory to it (which, in the case of the Warrant, shall not include the posting of any bond), and upon surrender and cancellation of such Warrant or stock certificate, if mutilated, the Company will make and deliver a new Warrant or stock certificate of like tenor and dated as of such cancellation, in lieu of such Warrant or stock certificate.
c) Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays, etc. If the last or appointed day for the taking of any action or the expiration of any right required or granted herein shall not be a Business Day, then, such action may be taken or such right may be exercised on the next succeeding Business Day.
d) Authorized Shares.
The Company covenants that during the period the Warrant is outstanding, it will reserve from its authorized and unissued Common Stock a sufficient number of shares to provide for the issuance of the Warrant Shares upon the exercise of any purchase rights under this Warrant. The Company further covenants that its issuance of this Warrant shall constitute full authority to its officers who are charged with the duty of issuing the necessary Warrant Shares upon the exercise of the purchase rights under this Warrant. The Company will take all such reasonable action as may be necessary to assure that such Warrant Shares may be issued as provided herein without violation of any applicable law or regulation, or of any requirements of the Trading Market upon which the Common Stock may be listed. The Company covenants that all Warrant Shares which may be issued upon the exercise of the purchase rights represented by this Warrant will, upon exercise of the purchase rights represented by this Warrant and payment for such Warrant Shares in accordance herewith, be duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable and free from all taxes, liens and charges created by the Company in respect of the issue thereof (other than taxes in respect of any transfer occurring contemporaneously with such issue).
Except and to the extent as waived or consented to by the Holder, the Company shall not by any action, including, without limitation, amending its certificate of incorporation or through any reorganization, transfer of assets, consolidation, merger, dissolution, issue or sale of securities or any other voluntary action, avoid or seek to avoid the observance or performance of any of the terms of this Warrant, but will at all times in good faith assist in the carrying out of all such terms and in the taking of all such actions as may be necessary or appropriate to protect the rights of Holder as set forth in this Warrant against impairment. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company will (i) not increase the par value of any Warrant Shares above the amount payable therefor upon such exercise immediately prior to such increase in par value, (ii) take all such action as may be necessary or appropriate in order that the Company may validly and legally issue fully paid and nonassessable Warrant Shares upon the exercise of this Warrant and (iii) use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain all such authorizations, exemptions or consents from any public regulatory body having jurisdiction thereof, as may be, necessary to enable the Company to perform its obligations under this Warrant.
Before taking any action which would result in an adjustment in the number of Warrant Shares for which this Warrant is exercisable or in the Exercise Price, the Company shall obtain all such authorizations or exemptions thereof, or consents thereto, as may be necessary from any public regulatory body or bodies having jurisdiction thereof.
e) Jurisdiction. All questions concerning the construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of this Warrant shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Purchase Agreement.
f) Restrictions. The Holder acknowledges that the Warrant Shares acquired upon the exercise of this Warrant, if not registered and the Holder does not utilize Cashless Exercise, will have restrictions upon resale imposed by state and federal securities laws.
g) Nonwaiver and Expenses. No course of dealing or any delay or failure to exercise any right hereunder on the part of Holder shall operate as a waiver of such right or otherwise prejudice the Holder’s rights, powers or remedies. Without limiting any other provision of this Warrant or the Purchase Agreement, if the Company willfully and knowingly fails to comply with any provision of this Warrant, which results in any material damages to the Holder, the Company shall pay to the Holder such amounts as shall be sufficient to cover any costs and expenses including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees, including those of appellate proceedings, incurred by the Holder in collecting any amounts due pursuant hereto or in otherwise enforcing any of its rights, powers or remedies hereunder.
h) Notices. Any notice, request or other document required or permitted to be given or delivered to the Holder by the Company shall be delivered in accordance with the notice provisions of the Purchase Agreement.
i) Limitation of Liability. No provision hereof, in the absence of any affirmative action by the Holder to exercise this Warrant to purchase Warrant Shares, and no enumeration herein of the rights or privileges of the Holder, shall give rise to any liability of the Holder for the purchase price of any Common Stock or as a stockholder of the Company, whether such liability is asserted by the Company or by creditors of the Company.
j) Remedies. The Holder, in addition to being entitled to exercise all rights granted by law, including recovery of damages, will be entitled to specific performance of its rights under this Warrant. The Company agrees that monetary damages would not be adequate compensation for any loss incurred by reason of a breach by it of the provisions of this Warrant and hereby agrees to waive and not to assert the defense in any action for specific performance that a remedy at law would be adequate.
k) Successors and Assigns. Subject to applicable securities laws, this Warrant and the rights and obligations evidenced hereby shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and permitted assigns of the Company and the successors and permitted assigns of Holder. The provisions of this Warrant are intended to be for the benefit of any Holder from time to time of this Warrant and shall be enforceable by the Holder or holder of Warrant Shares.
l) Amendment. This Warrant may be modified or amended or the provisions hereof waived with the written consent of the Company and the Holder.
m) Severability. Wherever possible, each provision of this Warrant shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Warrant shall be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provisions or the remaining provisions of this Warrant.
n) Headings. The headings used in this Warrant are for the convenience of reference only and shall not, for any purpose, be deemed a part of this Warrant.
(Signature Page Follows)

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Warrant to be executed by its officer thereunto duly authorized as of the date first above indicated.

(1) The undersigned hereby elects to purchase ________ Warrant Shares of the Company pursuant to the terms of the attached Warrant (only if exercised in full), and tenders herewith payment of the exercise price in full, together with all applicable transfer taxes, if any.
(2) Payment shall take the form of lawful money of the United States; .
(3) Please issue said Warrant Shares in the name of the undersigned or in such other name as is specified below:
The Warrant Shares shall be delivered to the following DWAC Account Number:
(4) Accredited Investor. The undersigned is an “accredited investor” as defined in Regulation D promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
Name of Investing Entity: ________________________________________________________________________
Signature of Authorized Signatory of Investing Entity: _________________________________________________
Name of Authorized Signatory: ___________________________________________________________________
Title of Authorized Signatory: ____________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________

 (To assign the foregoing Warrant, execute this form and supply required information. Do not use this form to purchase shares.)
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the foregoing Warrant and all rights evidenced thereby are hereby assigned to
(Please Print)
Phone Number:
Email Address:
(Please Print)
Dated: _______________ __, ______
Holder’s Signature:                                                                 
Holder’s Address:                                                                 

Exhibit 5.1
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, New York 10112-0015
212.653.8700 main
212.653.8701 fax
June 11, 2021
Charge Enterprises, Inc.
125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Re: Registration Statement on Form S-1
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We have acted as counsel to Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), in connection with the issuance of this opinion that relates to a Registration Statement on Form S-1 (the “Registration Statement”) filed by the Company with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”). The Registration Statement covers the resale, by the selling stockholders listed therein, from time to time pursuant to Rule 415 under the Securities Act as set forth in the Registration Statement, of 42,357,784 shares (the “Shares”) of the Company’s common stock, par value $0.0001 per share (the “Common Stock”), which consist of (i) up to 27,555,556 shares of Common Stock that may be issuable upon conversion of an outstanding senior secured convertible promissory note (the “Notes”). (ii) up to 7,600,000 shares of Common Stock that may be issuable upon exercise of certain outstanding warrants (the “Warrants”), and (iii) 7,202,228 shares of Common Stock (the “Commitment Shares”). The Shares issued or issuable by the Company to the selling stockholders were sold in two separate private placement transactions that were completed on May 8, 2020 and November 3, 2020.  The shares of Common Stock issuable upon the conversion of the Notes are referred to herein as the “Conversion Shares.” The shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of the Warrants are referred to herein as the “Warrant Shares.”
This opinion letter is being delivered in accordance with the requirements of Item 601(b)(5)(i) of Regulation S-K under the Securities Act, and no opinion is expressed herein as to any matter pertaining to the contents of the Registration Statement or related prospectus.
In connection with the issuance of this opinion letter, we have examined originals or copies, certified or otherwise identified to our satisfaction, of such records of the Company and such agreements, certificates and receipts of public officials, certificates of officers or other representatives of the Company and others, and such other documents as we have deemed necessary or appropriate as a basis for the opinions stated below. As to any facts relevant to the opinions stated herein that we did not independently establish or verify, we have relied upon statements and representations of officers and other representatives of the Company and of public officials.
In our examination, we have assumed (a) the genuineness of all signatures, including endorsements, (b) the legal capacity and competency of all natural persons, (c) the authenticity of all documents submitted to us as originals, (d) the conformity to original documents of all documents submitted to us as facsimile, electronic, certified or photostatic copies, and the authenticity of the originals of such copies; and (e) the accuracy, completeness and authenticity of certificates of public officials.
Based upon the foregoing and subject to the qualifications and assumptions stated herein, we are of the opinion that:
1. The Notes and the Warrants constitute valid and legally binding obligations of the Company enforceable against the Company in accordance with their terms.
2. The Conversion Shares have been duly authorized by all requisite corporate action on the part of the Company under the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”) and, when issued upon the conversion of the Note pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth therein, will be validly issued, fully paid, and non-assessable.
3. The Warrants Shares have been duly authorized by all requisite corporate action on the part of the Company under the DGCL and, when the Warrant Shares are delivered and paid for in accordance with the terms of the Warrants and when evidence of the issuance thereof is duly recorded in the Company’s books and records, the Warrant Shares will be validly issued, fully paid, and non-assessable.
4. The Commitment Shares have been duly authorized and are validly issued, fully paid, and non-assessable.
Our opinion set forth in paragraph 1 above is subject to (i) the effects of bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent conveyance, reorganization, moratorium and other similar laws relating to or affecting creditors’ rights generally, (ii) general equitable principles (whether considered in a proceeding in equity or at law) and (iii) an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.
Our opinion is expressly limited to the matters set forth above, and we render no opinion, whether by implication or otherwise, as to any other matters relating to the Company, the Notes, the Warrants, the Conversion Shares, the Warrant Shares or any other agreements or transactions that may be related thereto or contemplated thereby. We are expressing no opinion as to any obligations that parties other than the Company may have under or in respect of the Conversion Shares, the Warrant Shares, or as to the effect that their performance of such obligations may have upon any of the matters referred to above. No opinion may be implied or inferred beyond the opinion expressly stated above.
The opinion we render herein is limited to those matters governed by the State of New York and the DGCL as of the date hereof and we disclaim any obligation to revise or supplement the opinion rendered herein should the above-referenced laws be changed by legislative or regulatory action, judicial decision, or otherwise. We express no opinion as to whether, or the extent to which, the laws of any particular jurisdiction apply to the subject matter hereof. We express no opinion as to matters governed by any laws other than the State of of New York or the DGCL.
This opinion letter is rendered as of the date first written above, and we disclaim any obligation to advise you of facts, circumstances, events, or developments that hereafter may be brought to our attention or that may alter, affect, or modify the opinion expressed herein.
We hereby consent to the filing of this opinion as an exhibit to the Registration Statement. We also hereby consent to the reference to our firm under the heading “Legal Matters” in the Registration Statement. In giving this consent, we do not thereby admit that we are within the category of persons whose consent is required under Section 7 of the Securities Act or the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities Act. It is understood that this opinion is to be used only in connection with the offer and sale of the Shares being registered while the Registration Statement is effective under the Securities Act.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP

  Exhibit 10.19
THIS SECURITIES PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made as of May 19, 2021, by and among Charge Enterprises Inc., a Delaware corporation (which was formerly known as Transworld Holdings, Inc., and prior to that as GoIP Global, Inc., a Colorado corporation) (and together with all of its current and future, direct and/or indirect, wholly owned and/or partially owned Subsidiaries, collectively, the “Company”), and the Purchaser identified on the signature pages hereto (including its successors and assigns, the “Purchaser”).
A.           The Company and the Purchaser are executing and delivering this Agreement in reliance upon the exemption from securities registration afforded by Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act (as defined below), and/or Rule 506(b) of Regulation D (“Regulation D”) as promulgated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Act.
B.           The Purchaser, wishes to purchase, and the Company wishes to sell at closing, upon the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement, the Securities (as defined herein), all in the amounts and for the price set forth on Schedule 1 hereto.
C.           The Company wishes to borrow from the Purchaser cash, all upon the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth.
D.           The Company has agreed to secure performance of its obligations under this Agreement and by pledging to the Purchaser (a) 100% of the shares in NextRidge (as defined below) and a first ranking pledge over all of NextRidge’s existing and future assets; and (b) 100% of the shares in PTGI (as defined below) and a first-lien on PTGI.
NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants contained in this Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the Company and the Purchaser hereby agrees as follows:
1.1 Defined Terms. In addition to terms defined elsewhere in this Agreement or in any supplement, amendment or exhibit hereto, when used herein, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(a)  “Affiliate” means any Person that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by or is under common control with a Person, as such terms are used in and construed under Rule 405 of the Securities Act, including, among others, executive officers, directors, large stockholders, subsidiaries, parent entities and sister companies.
(b) Business Day means any day except any Saturday, any Sunday, any day which is a federal legal holiday in the United States or any day on which banking institutions in the State of New York are authorized or required by law or other governmental action to close.
(c) Closing Date” means the Trading Day on which all of the Transaction Documents have been executed and delivered by the applicable parties thereto, and all conditions precedent to the parties’ obligations hereunder have been satisfied or waived, including (i) the Purchaser’s obligations to pay the Purchase Price, and (ii) the Company’s obligations to deliver the Securities.
(d) Collateral” shall have the meaning ascribed to such term as set forth in the Security Agreement.
(e)  Common Stock” means (i) the Company’s common stock, par value $0.0001 per share, and (ii) any capital stock into which such common stock shall have been changed or any share capital resulting from a reclassification of such common stock.
(f) Common Stock Equivalents” means any securities of the Company or the Subsidiaries which would entitle the holder thereof to acquire at any time Common Stock, including, without limitation, any debt, preferred stock, rights, options, warrants or other instrument that is at any time convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for, or otherwise entitles the holder thereof to receive, Common Stock.
(g) Contingent Obligation” means, as to any Person, any direct or indirect liability, contingent or otherwise, of that Person with respect to any indebtedness, lease, dividend or other obligation of another Person if the primary purpose or intent of the Person incurring such liability, or the primary effect thereof, is to provide assurance to the obligee of such liability that such liability will be paid or discharged, or that any agreements relating thereto will be complied with, or that the holders of such liability will be protected (in whole or in part) against loss with respect thereto.
(h)  “Conversion Date” has the meaning set forth in the Convertible Note.
(i) Conversion Shares” means all shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of any portion of the Convertible Note (including, at the Purchaser’s election pursuant to the conditions set forth in the Convertible Note, accrued and unpaid interest thereon), but solely to the extent and subject to any conditions set forth in the Convertible Note.
(j) Convertible Note” means all of the Original Issue Discount Senior Secured Convertible Promissory Notes due on the third anniversary of the Closing Date that are owned by the Purchaser, which, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, shall be purchased from the Company pursuant to this Agreement, and any and all Convertible Note(s) issued in exchange, transfer or replacement of the Convertible Note(s); the form of the Convertible Note is annexed hereto as Exhibit A.
(k) COVID-19” means SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19, and any evolutions thereof or any other epidemics, pandemics or disease outbreaks.
(l) COVID-19 Action” means an inaction or action by the Company, including the establishment of any policy, procedure or protocol, in response to COVID-19 or any COVID-19 Measures (i) that is consistent with the past practice of the Company in response to COVID-19 prior to the date of this Agreement (but only to the extent in compliance with applicable Law), or (ii) that would, given the totality of the circumstances under which the Company acted or did not act, be unreasonable for Purchaser to withhold, condition or delay consent with respect to such action or inaction (whether or not Purchaser has a consent right with respect thereto).
(m) COVID-19 Measures” means any quarantine, “shelter in place,” “stay at home,” workforce reduction, social distancing, shut down, closure, sequester or any other Law, Governmental Order, Action, directive, guidelines or recommendations by any Governmental Authority in connection with or in response to COVID-19, including, but not limited to, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
(n) Dollar(s)” and “$” means lawful money of the United States.
(o) Effective Date” means the date that the initial Registration Statement filed by the Company pursuant to the Registration Rights Agreement is first declared effective by the Commission.
(p) Event of Default” shall have the meaning set forth in the Notes and the Warrant.
(q) Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
(r) Exempt Issuance” means the issuance of (a) shares of Common Stock or options to employees, officers, consultants, advisors or directors of the Company in consideration of services to the Company pursuant to any stock or option plan duly adopted for such purpose by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors or a majority of the members of a committee of directors established for such purpose, (b) securities upon the exercise or exchange of or conversion of any Securities issued hereunder and/or other securities exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding on the date of this Agreement, provided that such securities have not been amended since the date of this Agreement to increase the number of such securities or to decrease the exercise, exchange or conversion price of such securities, (c) Permitted Indebtedness incurred in accordance with Section 1.1(ee) hereunder or (d) any securities issued to shareholders of NextRidge in accordance with the terms of the NextRidge Acquisition Agreement.
(s) GAAP” means generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America as in effect from time to time.
(t) Indebtedness” means, with respect to any Person at any date, without duplication, (a) all indebtedness of such Person for borrowed money, (b) all obligations of such Person for the deferred purchase price of property or services (but excluding trade payables incurred in the ordinary course of business), (c) all obligations of such Person evidenced by notes, bonds, debentures or other similar instruments, (d) all indebtedness created or arising under any conditional sale or other title retention agreement with respect to property acquired by such Person (even though the rights and remedies of the seller or the Purchaser under such agreement in the event of default are limited to repossession or sale of such property), (e) all capital lease obligations of such Person, (f) all obligations of such Person, contingent or otherwise, as an account party or applicant under acceptance, letter of credit, surety bond or similar facilities, (g) all obligations of such Person, contingent or otherwise, to purchase, redeem, retire or otherwise acquire for value any capital stock of such Person, (h) all obligations for any earn-out consideration, (i) the liquidation value of preferred capital stock of such Person, (j) all guarantee obligations of such Person in respect of obligations of the kind referred to in clauses (a) through (i) above, (k) all obligations of the kind referred to in clauses (a) through (i) above secured by (or for which the holder of such obligation has an existing right, contingent or otherwise, to be secured by) any lien on property (including, without limitation, accounts and contract rights) owned by such Person, whether or not such Person has assumed or become liable for the payment of such obligation and all obligations of such Person in respect of hedge agreements; and (l) all Contingent Obligations in respect to indebtedness or obligations of any Person of the kind referred to in clauses (a)-(k) above. The Indebtedness of any Person shall include, without duplication, the Indebtedness of any other entity (including any partnership in which such Person is a general partner) to the extent such Person is liable therefor as a result of such Person’s ownership interest in or other relationship with such entity, except to the extent the terms of such Indebtedness expressly provide that such Person is not liable therefor.
(u) Investment” means any investment (including, without limitation, any loan or advance) in or to any Person, whether payment therefor is made in cash or capital stock or other equity interests or otherwise, and whether such Investment is by acquisition of capital stock or other equity interests or Indebtedness, or by loan, advance, transfer of property out of the ordinary course of business, capital contribution, equity or profit sharing interest, extension of credit on terms other than those normal in the ordinary course of business or otherwise.
(v)  “Liens” or “liens” means a lien, mortgage, charge pledge, security interest, encumbrance, right of first refusal, preemptive right or other restriction, or other clouds on title.
(w) Liabilities” means all direct or indirect liabilities, Indebtedness and obligations of any kind of Company to the Purchaser, howsoever created, arising or evidenced, whether now existing or hereafter arising (including those acquired by assignment), absolute or contingent, due or to become due, primary or secondary, joint or several, whether existing or arising through discount, overdraft, purchase, direct loan, participation, operation of law, or otherwise, including, but not limited to, pursuant to the Notes, this Agreement and/or any of the other Transaction Documents, all accrued but unpaid interest on the Notes, the principal, any letter of credit, any standby letter of credit, and/or outside attorneys’ and paralegals’ fees or charges relating to the preparation of the Transaction Documents and the enforcement of the Purchaser’s rights, remedies and powers under this Agreement, the Notes and/or the other Transaction Documents.
(x) Material Adverse Effect” means a material adverse effect on (a) the business, assets, property, operations, or condition (financial or otherwise) of the Company, (b) the validity or enforceability of this Agreement or any of the other Transaction Documents, (c) the rights or remedies of the Purchaser hereunder or thereunder, or (d) the ability of the Company to perform its obligations under any Transaction Document. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, nothing herein shall prevent the Company from taking or failing to take any COVID-19 Actions and (x) no such COVID-19 Actions shall be deemed to violate or breach this Agreement in any way or be deemed a Material Adverse Effect, (y) all such COVID-19 Actions shall be deemed to constitute an action taken in the ordinary course of business and (z) no such COVID-19 Actions shall serve as a basis for Purchaser to terminate this Agreement or assert that any of the conditions to the applicable Closing contained herein have not been satisfied.
(y) May 2020 Financing” means the Company’s financing which closed on May 8, 2020 involving the sale and issuance of senior secured notes in an aggregate principal amount of $3,000,000, warrants for the purchase of an aggregate of 7,600,000 shares of Common Stock and 7.5 shares of series G convertible preferred stock to Affiliates of the Purchaser for an aggregate purchase price of $2,700,000.
(z) NextRidge” means NextRidge Inc., a New York corporation.
(aa) NextRidge Acquisition Agreement” means that certain Stock Acquisition Agreement, dated May 7, 2021, by and among the Company, NextRidge and the shareholders of NextRidge.
(bb) Non-convertible Note” means all of the Original Issue Discount Senior Secured Non-convertible Promissory Notes due on the third anniversary of the Closing Date that are owned by the Purchaser, which, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, shall be purchased from the Company pursuant to this Agreement, and any and all Non-convertible Note(s) issued in exchange, transfer or replacement of the Non-convertible Note(s); the form of the Non-convertible Note is annexed hereto as Exhibit B.
(cc) Notes” means all of the Convertible Notes and Non-convertible Notes together.
(dd) November 2020 Financing” means the Company’s financing which closed on November 3, 2020 involving the sale and issuance of senior secured notes in an aggregate principal amount of $3,888,889, for an aggregate purchase price of $3,500,000.
(ee)  “Permitted Indebtedness” means (a) the indebtedness evidenced by the Notes, (b) any indebtedness of the Company outstanding as of the date of this Agreement, (c) lease obligations and purchase money indebtedness incurred in connection with the acquisition of capital assets and lease obligations with respect to newly acquired or leased assets in the ordinary course of business, (d) any indebtedness issued by the Company to any SBA-approved lender or SBA-approved financial institution and (e) any indebtedness issued by NextRidge or its subsidiaries either (i) upon consummation of the transactions contemplated by the NextRidge Acquisition Agreement, on or after the date hereof, provided such indebtedness is non-recourse to the Company and its Subsidiaries (other than NextRidge) or (ii) as existing lines of credit with Pioneer Bank for factoring arrangements that do not exceed $4,000,000 for any given month.
(ff) Permitted Lien” means the individual and collective reference to the following: (a) Liens for taxes, assessments and other governmental charges or levies not yet due or Liens for taxes, assessments and other governmental charges or levies being contested in good faith and by appropriate proceedings for which adequate reserves (in the good faith judgment of the management of the Company) have been established in accordance with GAAP; (b) Liens imposed by law which were incurred in the ordinary course of the Company’s business, such as carriers’, warehousemen’s and mechanics’ Liens, statutory landlords’ Liens, and other similar Liens arising in the ordinary course of the Company’s business, and which (x) do not individually or in the aggregate materially detract from the value of such property or assets or materially impair the use thereof in the operation of the business of the Company and its consolidated Subsidiaries or (y) are being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings, which proceedings have the effect of preventing for the foreseeable future the forfeiture or sale of the property or asset subject to such Lien; (c) Liens incurred in connection with Permitted Indebtedness thereunder; (d) pledges and deposits made in the ordinary course of business in compliance with workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance and other social security laws or regulations; (e) Deposits to secure the performance of bids, trade contracts, leases, statutory obligations, surety and appeal bonds, performance bonds and other obligations of a like nature, in each case in the ordinary course of business; (f) any Liens in favor of the Purchaser; and (g) Liens securing Indebtedness of the type described in clause (e) of the definition of Permitted Indebtedness, provided such Liens do not extend to any Collateral.
(gg) Person” means any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, trust, unincorporated organization, association, corporation, institution, entity, party or government (whether national, federal, state, county, city, municipal or otherwise including, without limitation, any instrumentality, division, agency, body or department thereof).
(hh)  Principal Market” means the principal Trading Market on which the Common Stock is listed or quoted for trading on the date in question.
(ii) Proceeding” means an action, claim, suit, investigation or proceeding (including, without limitation, an informal investigation or partial proceeding, such as a deposition), whether commenced or threatened.
(jj) PTGI” means PTGI International Carrier Services Inc., a Delaware corporation.
(kk) Purchase Price” shall have the meaning as set forth on Schedule 1 next to the heading “Purchase Price,” in United States Dollars.
(ll) Registration Rights Agreement” means the Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of the Closing Date, by and between the Company and the Purchaser as hereinafter amended and/or supplemented altogether with all exhibits, schedules and annexes to such Registration Rights Agreement, which Registration Rights Agreement is annexed hereto as Exhibit E.
(mm)  “Registration Statement” means a registration statement meeting the requirements set forth in the Registration Rights Agreement and covering the resale of the Conversion Shares issuable upon conversion of the Convertible Note and the Warrant Shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrant as provided for in the Registration Rights Agreement.
(nn)  SEC” or “Commission” means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
(oo) Securities” means the Convertible Note and the Warrants purchased pursuant to this Agreement and all Underlying Shares and any securities of the Company issued to the Purchaser in replacement, substitution and/or in connection with any exchange, conversion, exercise and/or any other transaction involving all or any of such securities of the Company.
(pp) Securities Act” means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
(qq) Security Agreement” means the Amended and Restated Security Agreement, dated on or about the date hereof, by and among the Company, the Subsidiaries of the Company, and the Purchaser as hereinafter amended and/or supplemented altogether with all exhibits, schedules and annexes to such Security Agreement, pursuant to which the Notes are secured by the Collateral, which security interest in the Collateral shall be perfected by the Purchaser’s UCC-1, filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, to the extent perfectable by the filing of a UCC-1 Financing Statement and such other documents and instruments related thereto, which Security Agreement is annexed hereto as Exhibit D.
(rr) Senior Secured Loan” means a loan with a face value of $11,032,609 from the Purchaser to the Company with an original issue discount of 8%, a fee of $150,000 payable to the Purchaser, and a tenor of 18 months from the Closing Date, as set forth on Schedule 2 hereto.
(ss) Short Sales” means all “short sales” as defined in Rule 200 of Regulation SHO under the Exchange Act (but shall not be deemed to include the location and/or reservation of borrowable shares of Common Stock).
(tt) SMRH” means Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP, with offices located at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, 39th Floor, New York, New York 10112. Subsidiary” means, with respect to any Person, a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other entity of which shares of stock or other ownership interests having ordinary voting power (other than stock or such other ownership interests having such power only by reason of the happening of a contingency) to elect a majority of the board of directors or other managers of such corporation, partnership or other entity are at the time owned, or the management of which is otherwise controlled, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, or both, by such Person. All of the Company’s Subsidiaries are set forth on Schedule 3.1(a) hereto.
(uu) Subsidiary Guaranty Agreement means each Guaranty Agreement, substantially in the form of annexed hereto as Exhibit F, between a Subsidiary and the Purchaser, as amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.
(vv) Trading Day” means a day on which the principal Trading Market is open for trading.
(ww) Trading Market” means any of the following markets or exchanges on which the Common Stock is listed or quoted for trading on the date in question: the NYSE MKT, the Nasdaq Capital Market, the Nasdaq Global Market, the Nasdaq Global Select Market, the New York Stock Exchange, any market or quotation service of the OTC Markets Group or the OTC Bulletin Board (or any successors to any of the foregoing).
(xx) Transaction Documents” means, collectively, this Agreement, the Notes, the Warrants, the Registration Rights Agreement, the Security Agreement, each Subsidiary Guaranty Agreement, and all financing statements (or comparable documents now or hereafter filed in accordance with the UCC or other comparable or similar laws, rules or regulations) in favor of the Purchaser as secured parties perfecting all Liens the Purchaser have on the Collateral (which security interests and Liens of the Purchaser shall be senior to all Indebtedness of the Company), any control agreement or similar agreement, and such other documents, instruments, certificates, supplements, amendments, exhibits and schedules required and/or attached pursuant to this Agreement and/or any of the above documents, and/or any other document and/or instrument related to the above agreements, documents and/or instruments, and the transactions hereunder and/or thereunder and/or any other agreement, documents or instruments required or contemplated hereunder or thereunder, whether now existing or at any time hereafter arising.
(yy) Transfer Agent” means Manhattan Transfer Registrar Co. the current transfer agent of the Company, with a mailing address of 38B Sheep Pasture Road, Port Jefferson, NY 11777 and a phone number of 631-928-7655, and any successor transfer agent of the Company.
(zz) UCC” means the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect from time to time in the State of New York; provided, however, that, in the event that, by reason of mandatory provisions of law, any or all of the attachment, perfection, priority, or remedies with respect to the Purchaser’s Liens on any Collateral is governed by the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted and in effect in a jurisdiction other than the State of New York, the term “UCC” shall mean the Uniform Commercial code as enacted and in effect in such other jurisdiction solely for purposes of the provisions thereof relating to such attachment, perfection, priority, or remedies.
(aa) Underlying Shares” means all Conversion Shares and Warrant Shares.
(bb) VWAP” means, for any date, the price determined by the first of the following clauses that applies: (a) if the Common Stock is then listed or quoted on a Trading Market, the daily volume weighted average price of the Common Stock for such date (or the nearest preceding date) on the Trading Market on which the Common Stock is then listed or quoted as reported by Bloomberg L.P. (based on a Trading Day from 9:30 a.m. (New York City time) to 4:02 p.m. (New York City time)), (b)  if OTCQB or OTCQX is not a Trading Market, the volume weighted average price of the Common Stock for such date (or the nearest preceding date) on OTCQB or OTCQX as applicable, (c) if the Common Stock is not then listed or quoted for trading on OTCQB or OTCQX and if prices for the Common Stock are then reported in the “Pink Sheets” published by OTC Markets, Inc. (or a similar organization or agency succeeding to its functions of reporting prices), the most recent bid price per share of the Common Stock so reported, or (d) in all other cases, the fair market value of a share of Common Stock as determined by an independent appraiser selected in good faith by the Purchaser of a majority in interest of the Securities then outstanding and reasonably acceptable to the Company, the fees and expenses of which shall be paid by the Company.
(cc) Warrants” means, the Common Stock purchase warrants delivered to the Purchasers at the Closing in accordance with Section 2.2(a) hereof, which Warrants shall be exercisable immediately at an exercise price of $4.00 per share of Common Stock and have a term of exercise equal to three (3) years from the issuance date in the form of Exhibit C attached hereto.
(dd) Warrant Shares” means the shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants.
1.2 Other Definitional Provisions.
(a) Use of Defined Terms. Unless otherwise specified therein, all terms defined in this Agreement shall have the defined meanings when used in the other Transaction Documents or any certificate or other document made or delivered pursuant hereto or thereto.
(b) Accounting Terms. As used herein and in the other Transaction Documents, and any certificate or other document made or delivered pursuant hereto or thereto, accounting terms relating to the Company not defined in Section 1.1 and accounting terms partly defined in Section 1.1, to the extent not defined, shall have the respective meanings given to them under GAAP (provided that all terms of an accounting or financial nature used herein shall be construed, and all computations of amounts referred to herein shall be made without giving effect to (i) any election under Accounting Standards Codification 825-10-25 (previously referred to as Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 159) (or any other Accounting Standards Codification or Financial Accounting Standard having a similar result or effect) to value any Indebtedness or other liabilities of the Company at “fair value”, as defined therein, and (ii) any treatment of Indebtedness in respect of convertible debt instruments under Accounting Standards Codification 470-20 (or any other Accounting Standards Codification or Financial Accounting Standard having a similar result or effect) to value any such Indebtedness in a reduced or bifurcated manner as described therein, and such Indebtedness shall at all times be valued at the full stated principal amount thereof).
(c) Construction. The words “hereof”, “herein” and “hereunder” and words of similar import when used in this Agreement shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of this Agreement, and section, schedule and exhibit references are to this Agreement unless otherwise specified. The meanings given to terms defined herein shall be equally applicable to both the singular and plural forms of such terms.
(d) UCC Terms. Terms used in this Agreement that are defined in the UCC shall, unless the context indicates otherwise or are otherwise defined in this Agreement, have the meanings provided for by the UCC.
2.1 Closing.
(a)            On the Closing Date, time being of the essence, subject to the occurrence of other conditions set forth in Section 2.3 and upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein, the Company agrees to sell, and the Purchaser agrees to purchase, the Securities in such amounts as indicated on Schedule 1 hereto. The Purchaser shall deliver to the Company, via wire transfer, immediately available funds equal to the Purchase Price, and the Company shall deliver to the Purchaser the Convertible Note and the Warrant on the Closing Date, and the Company and the Purchaser shall deliver the other items set forth in Section 2.2 deliverable at the Closing. Upon satisfaction of the covenants and conditions set forth in Sections 2.2 and 2.3, the Closing shall occur at the offices of SMRH or such other location as the parties shall mutually agree.
(b)           On the Closing Date, time being of the essence, subject to the occurrence of the other conditions set forth in Section 2.3 and upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein, the Purchaser shall provide to the Company the Senior Secured Loan in consideration for the Non-convertible Note in such amount as indicated on Schedule 2 hereto. The Purchaser shall deliver to the Company, via wire transfer, immediately available funds equal to the Senior Secured Loan on the Closing Date, and the Company shall deliver to the Purchaser the Non-convertible Note on the Closing Date, and the Company and the Purchaser shall deliver the other items set forth in Section 2.2 deliverable at the Closing Upon satisfaction of the covenants and conditions set forth in Sections 2.2 and 2.3, the Closing shall occur at the offices of SMRH or such other location as the parties shall mutually agree.
2.2 Deliveries.
(a) On or prior to the Closing Date, the Company shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Purchaser the following:
(i)           this Agreement duly executed by the Company;
(ii)           a Security Agreement providing the Purchaser with a lien on all of the assets of the Company, duly executed by the Company;
(iii)           a Convertible Note registered in the name of the Purchaser with such principal amount as set forth on Schedule 1;
(iv)           a Non-convertible Note registered in the name of the Purchaser with such principal amount as set forth on Schedule 2;
(v)           a Warrant registered in the name of the Purchaser to purchase up to 1,870,000 shares of Common Stock, equal to 100% of the face value of the Convertible Note, with an exercise price equal to $4.00 per share of Common Stock, subject to adjustment therein;
(vi)           the Registration Rights Agreement duly executed by the Company;
(vii)           a certificate, in the form acceptable to the Purchaser and its counsel, executed by the secretary of the Company dated as of the Closing Date, as to (i) the resolutions as adopted by the Company’s board of directors relating to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement in a form acceptable to the Purchaser, (ii) Certificate of Incorporation or other similar organizational document of the Company, and (iii) the Bylaws or other similar organizational document of the Company, each as in effect at the Closing;
(viii)         a certificate for each Subsidiary of the Company, in the form acceptable to the Purchaser and its counsel, executed by the secretary of such Subsidiary dated as of the Closing Date, as to (i) the resolutions as adopted by the Subsidiary’s board of directors or other governing body relating to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement in a form acceptable to the Purchaser, (ii) Certificate of Incorporation or other similar organizational document of such Subsidiary, and (iii) the Bylaws or other similar organizational document of such Subsidiary, each as in effect at the Closing;
(ix)           a certificate, duly executed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, dated as of the Closing Date, confirming compliance with Section 2.3(a)(i) and (ii) below and as to such other matters as may be reasonably requested by the Purchaser and its counsel in the form acceptable to the Purchaser;
(x)           certificates evidencing the good standing of the Company and each Company Subsidiary in such entity’s jurisdiction of incorporation issued by the Secretary of State (or comparable office) of such jurisdiction of formation as of a date within five (5) days of the Closing Date;
(xi)           an opinion of counsel to the Company, in such form as reasonably acceptable to the Purchaser;
(xii)           a Subsidiary Guaranty Agreement for each Subsidiary of the Company; and
(xiii)          such other documents, instruments, opinions or certificates relating to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement as the Purchaser or its counsel may reasonably request.
(b)           On or prior to the Closing, the Purchaser shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Company the following:
(i)           this Agreement duly executed by the Purchaser;
(ii)          the Purchase Price subject to the closing by wire transfer;
(iii)         the Security Agreement duly executed by the Purchaser; and
(iv)         the Registration Rights Agreement duly executed by thePurchaser.
2.3 Conditions to Purchase the Securities. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Purchaser will at the Closing purchase from the Company the Securities in the amounts and for the Purchase Price as set forth on Schedule 1, provided the following:
(a) The obligations of the Company hereunder in connection with the Closing are subject to the following conditions being met:
(i)           the accuracy in all material respects (or, to the extent representations or warranties are qualified by materiality or Material Adverse Effect, in all respects) when made and on the date of the Closing of the representations and warranties of the Purchaser contained herein (unless as of a specific date therein in which case they shall be accurate as of such date);
(ii)           all obligations, covenants and agreements of the Purchaser required to be performed at or prior to the date of the Closing shall have been performed;
(iii)           the delivery by the Purchaser of the items set forth in Section 2.2(b) of this Agreement;
(iv)           there shall have been no Material Adverse Effect with respect to the Company since the date hereof; and
(v)           no statute, rule, regulation, executive order, decree, ruling or injunction shall have been enacted, entered, promulgated or endorsed by any court or other federal, state, local or other governmental authority of competent jurisdiction that prohibits the consummation of any of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents.
(b)           The obligations of the Purchaser hereunder in connection with the Closing are subject to the following conditions being met:
(i)           the accuracy in all material respects (or, to the extent representations or warranties are qualified by materiality or Material Adverse Effect, in all respects) when made and on the date of the Closing of the representations and warranties of the Company contained herein (unless as of a specific date therein in which case they shall be accurate as of such date);
(ii)           all obligations, covenants and agreements of the Company required to be performed at or prior to the Closing shall have been performed in all material respects;
(iii)           the delivery by the Company of the items set forth in Section 2.2(a) of this Agreement;
(iv)           there shall have been no Material Adverse Effect with respect to the Company since the date hereof;
(v)           the Company shall have obtained all governmental, regulatory and third party consents and approvals, if any, necessary for the entry into the Transaction Documents and the sale of the Securities; and
(vi)           no statute, rule, regulation, executive order, decree, ruling or injunction shall have been enacted, entered, promulgated or endorsed by any court or other federal, state, local or other governmental authority of competent jurisdiction that prohibits the consummation of any of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents.
2.4 Purchase Price and Payment of the Purchase Price for the Securities. The Purchase Price for the Securities to be purchased by the Purchaser at the Closing shall be as set forth on Schedule 1 and shall be paid at the Closing (less all of the Purchaser’s Expenses (as defined below)) by the Purchaser by wire transfer of immediately available funds to the Company in accordance with the Company’s written wiring instructions, against delivery of the Securities.
3.1 Representation and Warranties of the Company. Except as set forth in the Disclosure Schedules, which Disclosure Schedules shall be deemed a part hereof and shall qualify any representation or otherwise made herein to the extent of the disclosure contained in the corresponding section of the Disclosure Schedules (but in no event shall qualify any indemnity obligation of the Company hereunder), the Company (which for purposes of this Section 3.1 means the Company and all of its Subsidiaries) represents and warrants to the Purchaser that on the Closing Date (unless as of a specific date set forth below):
(a) Subsidiaries. All of the direct and indirect subsidiaries of the Company and the locations thereof are set forth on Schedule 3.1(a). The Company owns, directly or indirectly, all of the capital stock or other equity interests of each Subsidiary free and clear of any Liens, and all of the issued and outstanding shares of capital stock or other interests of each Subsidiary are validly issued and are fully paid, non-assessable and free of preemptive and similar rights to subscribe for or purchase securities. Schedule 3.1(a) sets forth, as of the Closing Date, the jurisdiction of organization and the location of the Company’s and its subsidiaries’ executive offices and other places of business.
(b) Organization, Etc. The Company and each of the Subsidiaries is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the state of their respective organization and are duly qualified and in good standing or has applied for qualification as a foreign corporation authorized to do business in each jurisdiction where, because of the nature of its activities or properties, such qualification is required except where the failure to be so qualified would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.
(c) Authorization: No Conflict. The execution, delivery and performance of the Transaction Documents and the transactions contemplated thereby by the Company, including, but not limited to, the sale and issuance of the Securities for the Purchase Price, the reservation for issuance of the Underlying Shares required to be reserved pursuant to the terms of the Convertible Note and the Warrant, and the issuance of the Underlying Shares from which the Convertible Note is convertible and the Warrant is exercisable (i) are within the Company’s corporate powers, (ii) have been duly authorized by all necessary action by or on behalf of the Company (and/or its stockholders to the extent required by law), (iii) have received all necessary and/or required governmental, regulatory and other approvals and consents (if any shall be required), (iv) do not and shall not contravene or conflict in any material respect with any provision of, or require any consents under (1) any law, rule, regulation or ordinance, (2) the Company’s organizational documents; and/or (3) any agreement, credit facility, debt or other instrument (evidencing a Company or Subsidiary debt or otherwise) or other understanding to which the Company or any Subsidiary is a party or by which any property or asset of the Company or any Subsidiary is bound or affected, and (v) other than the Liens granted to the Purchaser pursuant to the Transaction Documents, do not result in, or require, the creation or imposition of any Lien and/or encumbrance on any of the Company’s properties or revenues pursuant to any law, rule, regulation or ordinance or otherwise.
(d) Validity and Binding Nature. The Transaction Documents to which the Company is a party are the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Company, enforceable against the Company in accordance with their respective terms, except as enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization and other similar laws of general application affecting the rights and remedies of creditors and by general equitable principles (whether enforcement is sought by proceedings in equity or at law).
(e) Title to Assets. The Company and the Subsidiaries have good and marketable title in fee simple to all real property owned by them and good and marketable title in all personal property owned by them that is material to the business of the Company and the Subsidiaries, in each case free and clear of all Liens, except for (i) Liens as do not materially affect the value of such property and do not materially interfere with the use made and proposed to be made of such property by the Company and the Subsidiaries, (ii) Liens for the payment of federal, state or other taxes, for which appropriate reserves have been made therefor in accordance with GAAP and the payment of which is not delinquent, and (iii) Permitted Liens. Any real property and facilities held under lease by the Company and the Subsidiaries are held by them under valid, subsisting and enforceable leases with which the Company and the Subsidiaries are in compliance.
(f) Compliance. Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary: (i) is in default under or in violation of (and no event has occurred that has not been waived that, with notice or lapse of time or both, would result in a default by the Company or any Subsidiary under), nor has the Company or any Subsidiary received notice of a claim that it is in default under or that it is in violation of, any indenture, loan or credit agreement or any other agreement or instrument to which it is a party or by which it or any of its properties is bound (whether or not such default or violation has been waived), (ii) is in violation of any judgment, decree or order of any court, arbitrator or other governmental authority or (iii) is or has been in violation of any statute, rule, ordinance or regulation of any governmental authority, including without limitation all foreign, federal, state and local laws relating to securities, corporate law, taxes, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, product quality and safety and employment and labor matters, except in each case as could not have or reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect.
(g) Taxes. Except for matters that would not, individually or in the aggregate, have or reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect, the Company and its Subsidiaries each (i) has made or filed all United States federal, state and local income and all foreign income and franchise tax returns, reports and declarations required by any jurisdiction to which it is subject, (ii) has paid all taxes and other governmental assessments and charges that are material in amount, shown or determined to be due on such returns, reports and declarations and (iii) has set aside on its books provision reasonably adequate for the payment of all material taxes for periods subsequent to the periods to which such returns, reports or declarations apply. There are no unpaid taxes in any material amount claimed to be due by the taxing authority of any jurisdiction, and the officers of the Company or of any Subsidiary know of no basis for any such claim.
(h) Licenses and Permits. The Company possesses all certificates, authorizations, consents, approvals, orders, licenses and permits issued by the appropriate federal, state or foreign regulatory authorities (collectively, the Permits), necessary to conduct its business as now conducted. All of such Permits are valid and in full force and effect. There is no pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened action, suit, proceeding or investigation that individually or in the aggregate would reasonably be expected to lead to the revocation, modification, termination, suspension or any other impairment of the rights of the holder of any such Permit.
(i) Investment Company. The Company is not (i) an “investment company” or a company “controlled”, whether directly or indirectly, by an “investment company”, within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended; or (ii) engaged principally, or as one of its important activities, in the business of extending credit for the purpose of purchasing or carrying margin stock (within the meaning of Regulation U of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System).
(j) Absence of Defaults and Conflicts. The Company is not (i) in violation of its charter, by-laws or similar incorporation or organizational documents or (ii) in violation or default in the performance or observance of any material obligation, agreement, covenant or condition contained in any contract, indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, loan or credit agreement, note, lease or other agreement or instrument to which the Company is a party or by which it may be bound, or to which any of the property or assets of the Company is subject (collectively, Agreements and Instruments). The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated in this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents, and compliance by the Company with its obligations under this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents, do not and will not, whether with or without the giving of notice or passage of time or both, (w) conflict with or result in a breach of any of the terms and provisions of, or constitute a default or Repayment Event (as defined below) under, (x) result in the creation or imposition of any lien, charge or encumbrance (other than Permitted Liens) upon any property or assets of the Company pursuant to, the Agreements and Instruments, (y) result in any violation of the provisions of the charter, by-laws or similar organizational documents of the Company, or (z) result in any applicable law, statute, rule, regulation, judgment, order, writ or decree of any government, government instrumentality or court, domestic or foreign, having jurisdiction over the Company or any of its assets, properties or operations, except in the case of this clause (z) for such conflicts, violations, breaches or defaults which would not reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect on the Company. As used herein, a Repayment Event means any event or condition which gives the holder of any note, debenture or other evidence of indebtedness that is material to the operations or financial results of the Company (or any person acting on such holder’s behalf) the right to require the repurchase, redemption or repayment of all or a portion of such indebtedness by the Company.
(k) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Neither the Company nor, to the Company’s knowledge, any of its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents or other person acting on behalf of the Company is aware of or has taken any action, directly or indirectly, that would result in a material violation by such person of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder (the FCPA), including, without limitation, making use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce corruptly in furtherance of an offer, payment, promise to pay or authorization of the payment of money, or other property, gift, promise to give, or authorization of the giving of anything of value to any “foreign official” (as such term is defined in the FCPA) or any foreign political party or official thereof or any candidate for foreign political office, in contravention of the FCPA and the Company and, to the Company’s knowledge, its affiliates have conducted their businesses in material compliance with the FCPA and have instituted and maintain policies and procedures designed to ensure, and which are reasonably expected to continue to ensure, continued compliance therewith.
(l) Rule 506(d) Bad Actor Disqualification Representations and Covenants.
(i) No Disqualification Events. Neither the Company, nor any of its predecessors, affiliates, any manager, executive officer, other officer of the Company participating in the offering, any beneficial owner (as that term is defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act) of 20% or more of the Company’s outstanding voting equity securities, calculated on the basis of voting power, nor any promoter (as that term is defined in Rule 405 under the Securities Act) connected with the Company in any capacity as of the date of this Agreement and on the Closing Date (each, a “Company Covered Person” and, together, “Company Covered Persons”) is subject to any of the “Bad Actor” disqualifications described in Rule 506(d)(1)(i) to (viii) under the Securities Act (a “Disqualification Event”), except for a Disqualification Event covered by Rule 506(d)(2) or (d)(3). The Company has exercised reasonable care to determine (A) the identity of each person that is a Company Covered Person; and (B) whether any Company Covered Person is subject to a Disqualification Event. The Company has complied with its disclosure obligations under Rule 506(e) as set forth on Schedule 3.1(l).
(ii) Other Covered Persons. The Company is not aware of any person (other than any Company Covered Person) who has been or will be paid (directly or indirectly) remuneration in connection with the purchase and sale of the Notes and the Warrant who is subject to a Disqualification Event (each, an “Other Covered Person”).
(iii) Reasonable Notification Procedures. With respect to each Company Covered Person, the Company has established procedures reasonably designed to ensure that the Company receives notice from each such Company Covered Person of (A) any Disqualification Event relating to that Company Covered Person, and (B) any event that would, with the passage of time, become a Disqualification Event relating to that Company Covered Person; in each case occurring up to and including the Closing Date.
(iv) Notice of Disqualification Events. The Company will notify the Purchaser immediately in writing upon becoming aware of (A) any Disqualification Event relating to any Company Covered Person and (B) any event that would, with the passage of time, become a Disqualification Event relating to any Company Covered Person and/or Other Covered Person.
(m) Accuracy of Information, etc. No statement or information contained in this Agreement, any other Transaction Document or any other document, certificate or statement furnished to the Purchaser by or on behalf of the Company in writing for use in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and/or the other Transaction Documents contained, as of the date such statement, information, document or certificate was made or furnished, as the case may be, any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material fact necessary to make the statements contained herein or therein, taken as a whole, not materially misleading. There is no fact known to the Company that would reasonably be expected to materially affect the Company that has not been expressly disclosed herein, in the other Transaction Documents, or in any other documents, certificates and written statements furnished to the Purchaser for use in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby and by the other Transaction Documents.
(n) Solvency. Based on the consolidated financial condition of the Company as of the Closing Date, after giving effect to the receipt by the Company of the proceeds from the sale of the Securities hereunder: (i) the fair saleable value of the Company’s assets exceeds the amount that will be required to be paid on or in respect of the Company’s existing debts and other liabilities (including known contingent liabilities) as they mature, (ii) the Company’s assets do not constitute unreasonably small capital to carry on its business as now conducted and as proposed to be conducted including its capital needs taking into account the particular capital requirements of the business conducted by the Company, consolidated and projected capital requirements and capital availability thereof, and (iii) the current cash flow of the Company, together with the proceeds the Company would receive, were it to liquidate all of its assets, after taking into account all anticipated uses of the cash, would be sufficient to pay all amounts on or in respect of its liabilities when such amounts are required to be paid. The Company does not intend to incur debts beyond its ability to pay such debts as they mature (taking into account the timing and amounts of cash to be payable on or in respect of its debt). The Company has no knowledge of any facts or circumstances which lead it to believe that it will file for reorganization or liquidation under the bankruptcy or reorganization laws of any jurisdiction within one year from the Closing Date. Schedule 3.1(n) sets forth as of the date hereof all outstanding secured and unsecured Indebtedness of the Company or any Subsidiary, or for which the Company or any Subsidiary has commitments. Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary is in default with respect to any Indebtedness.
(o) Transactions With Affiliates and Employees. Except as set forth on the financial statements included in Schedule 3.1(x), none of the officers or directors of the Company or any Subsidiary and, to the knowledge of the Company, none of the employees of the Company or any Subsidiary is presently a party to any transaction with the Company or any Subsidiary (other than for services as employees, officers and directors), including any contract, agreement or other arrangement providing for the furnishing of services to or by, providing for rental of real or personal property to or from providing for the borrowing of money from or lending of money to, or otherwise requiring payments to or from any officer, director or such employee or, to the knowledge of the Company, any entity in which any officer, director, or any such employee has a substantial interest or is an officer, director, trustee, stockholder, member or partner, in each case in excess of $120,000 other than for: (i) payment of salary or consulting fees for services rendered, (ii) reimbursement for expenses incurred on behalf of the Company and (iii) other employee benefits, including stock option agreements under any stock option plan of the Company.
(p) Intellectual Property. The Company has, or has rights to use, all patents, patent applications, trademarks, trademark applications, service marks, trade names, trade secrets, inventions, copyrights, licenses and other intellectual property rights and similar rights as described on Schedule 3.1(p) that are material to the conduct of its business (collectively, the “Intellectual Property Rights”). The Company has not received a notice (written or otherwise) that any material Intellectual Property Right has expired, terminated or been abandoned, or is expected to expire or terminate or be abandoned. The Company has not received, since the Balance Sheet Date, a written notice of a claim or otherwise has any knowledge that the Intellectual Property Rights violate or infringe upon the rights of any Person, except as would not have or reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. To the knowledge of the Company, all such Intellectual Property Rights are enforceable and there is no existing infringement by another Person of any of the Intellectual Property Rights. The Company has taken commercially reasonable security measures to protect the secrecy, confidentiality and value of all of its intellectual property.
(q) USA Patriot Act. The Company is in compliance, in all material respects, with (i) the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, and each of the foreign assets control regulations of the United States Treasury Department (31 C.F.R., Subtitle B, Chapter V, as amended) and any other enabling legislation or executive order relating thereto, and (ii) the USA Patriot Act (Title III of Pub. L. 107-56, signed into law on October 26, 2001) (the “Act”). No part of the proceeds of the Notes or Warrant will be used, directly or indirectly, for any payments to any governmental official or employee, political party, official of a political party, candidate for political office, or anyone else acting in an official capacity, in order to obtain, retain or direct business or obtain any improper advantage, in violation of the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended.
(r) Office of Foreign Assets Control. Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary nor, to the Company’s knowledge, any director, officer, agent, joint venture employee or affiliate of the Company or any Subsidiary is currently, or in the past 5 years, has been subject to any U.S. sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Treasury Department (“OFAC”).
(s) Filings, Consents and Approvals. The Company is not required to obtain any consent, waiver, authorization or order of, give any notice to, or make any filing or registration with, any court or other federal, state, local or other governmental authority or other Person in connection with the execution, delivery and performance by the Company of the Transaction Documents, other than: (i) the filings required pursuant to the Registration Rights Agreement and the declaration of effectiveness by the SEC of the Registration Statement, (ii) the notice and/or application(s) to each applicable Trading Market for the issuance and sale of the Securities and the listing of the Conversion Shares and Warrant Shares for trading thereon in the time and manner required thereby, and (iii) the filing of Form D with the Commission and such filings as are required to be made under applicable state securities laws (collectively, the “Required Approvals”).
(t) Authorization; Enforcement. All corporate action on the part of the Company, its officers, directors and stockholders necessary for the authorization, execution and delivery of the Transaction Documents and the performance of all obligations of the Company under the Transaction Documents and have been taken on or prior to the date hereof. Each of the Transaction Documents has been duly executed by the Company and, when delivered in accordance with the terms hereof and thereof, will constitute the valid and binding obligation of the Company enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms, except: (i) as limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other laws of general application affecting enforcement of creditors’ rights generally, (ii) as limited by general equitable principles regardless of whether such enforcement is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law, (iii) as limited by laws relating to the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief or other equitable remedies and (iv) insofar as indemnification and contribution provisions may be limited by applicable law.
(u) Valid Issuance of Securities. The Convertible Note and Warrant have been duly authorized and, when issued and paid for in accordance with this Agreement, will be duly and validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, free and clear of all Liens and all restrictions on transfer other than those expressly imposed by the federal securities laws and vest in the Purchaser full and sole title and power to the Convertible Note and Warrant purchased hereby by the Purchaser, free and clear of all Liens, and restrictions on transfer other than those imposed by the federal securities laws. All Conversion Shares, when issued pursuant to conversion of the Convertible Note, and all Warrant Shares, when issued pursuant to exercise of the Warrants, when issued pursuant to this Agreement, will be duly and validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, will be free and clear of all Liens and vest in the holder full and sole title and power to such securities. The Company has reserved from its duly authorized unissued Common Stock, the Required Minimum (as defined in the Convertible Note), which Required Minimum shall be continuously determined by the Company to ensure that the Required Minimum is in reserve with the Transfer Agent at all times.
(v) Offering. The offer and sale of the Convertible Note and the Warrant, when issued pursuant to this Agreement, as contemplated by this Agreement, are exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act, and the qualification or registration requirements of state securities laws or other applicable blue sky laws. Neither the Company nor any authorized agent acting on its behalf will take any action hereafter that would cause the loss of such exemptions.
(w) Capitalization and Voting Rights. The capitalization of the Company is as set forth on Schedule 3.1(w), which Schedule 3.1(w) shall also include the number of shares of Common Stock owned beneficially, and of record, by Affiliates of the Company as of the date hereof. The authorized capital stock of the Company and all securities of the Company issued and outstanding are set forth on Schedule 3.1(w) as of the dates reflected therein. All of the outstanding shares of Common Stock and other securities of the Company have been duly authorized and validly issued, and are fully paid and nonassessable. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(w), no Person has any right of first refusal, preemptive right, right of participation, or any similar right to participate in the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(w), there are no agreements or arrangements under which the Company is obligated to register the sale of any of the Company’s securities under the Securities Act. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(w), no shares of Common Stock and/or other securities of the Company are entitled to preemptive rights and there are no outstanding debt securities and no contracts, commitments, understandings, or arrangements by which the Company is or may become bound to issue additional shares of the capital stock and/or other securities of the Company or options, warrants, scrip, rights to subscribe to, calls or commitments of any character whatsoever relating to, or securities or rights convertible into or exchangeable for, any shares of capital stock of the Company other than those issued or granted in the ordinary course of business pursuant to the Company’s equity incentive and/or compensatory plans or arrangements. Except for customary transfer restrictions contained in agreements entered into by the Company to sell restricted securities and/or as set forth on Schedule 3.1(w), the Company is not a party to, and it has no knowledge of, any agreement restricting the voting or transfer of any shares of the capital stock and/or other securities of the Company. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(w), the offer and sale of all capital stock, convertible or exchangeable securities, rights, warrants, options and/or any other securities of the Company, when any such securities of the Company were issued, complied in all material respects with all applicable federal and state securities laws, and no current and/or prior holder of any securities of the Company has any right of rescission or damages or any “put” or similar right with respect thereto. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(w), there are no securities or instruments of the Company containing anti-dilution or similar provisions that will be triggered by the issuance and/or sale of the Securities and/or the consummation of the transactions described herein or in any of the other Transaction Documents.
(x) Shell Company Status; Financial Statements. The Company has been an issuer subject to Rule 144(i) under the Securities Act. The unaudited financial statements of the Company as of June 30, 2020 is included in Schedule 3.1(x) hereto. The financial statements of the Company included on Schedule 3.1(x) have been prepared in accordance with GAAP, except as may be otherwise specified in such financial statements or the notes thereto and except that unaudited financial statements may not contain all footnotes required by GAAP, and fairly present in all material respects the financial position of the Company and its consolidated Subsidiaries as of and for the dates thereof and the results of operations and cash flows for the periods then ended, subject to normal, immaterial, year-end audit adjustments. For purposes of this Section 3.1, June 30, 2020 is referred to as the “Balance Sheet Date”.
(y) Material Changes; Undisclosed Events, Liabilities or Developments. Since the Balance Sheet Date: (i) there has been no event, occurrence or development that has had or that could reasonably be expected to be materially adverse to the Company, (ii) the Company has not incurred any liabilities (contingent or otherwise) other than (A) trade payables and accrued expenses incurred in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and (B) liabilities not required to be reflected in the Company’s financial statements pursuant to GAAP or disclosed in filings made with the Commission (if the Company is an issuer required to file periodic reports under the Exchange Act), (iii) the Company has not altered its method of accounting, (iv) the Company has not declared or made any dividend or distribution of cash or other property to its stockholders or purchased, redeemed or made any agreements to purchase or redeem any shares of its capital stock and (v) the Company has not issued any equity securities to any officer, director or Affiliate, except pursuant to existing Company stock option plans. Except for the issuance of the Securities contemplated by this Agreement or as set forth on Schedule 3.1(y), no event, liability, fact, circumstance, occurrence or development has occurred or exists or is reasonably expected to occur or exist with respect to the Company or its Subsidiaries or their respective businesses, properties, operations, assets or financial condition, that would be required to be disclosed by the Company under applicable securities laws at the time this representation is made or deemed made that has not been publicly disclosed at least 1 Trading Day prior to the date that this representation is made.
(z) Litigation. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(z), there is no action, suit, inquiry, notice of violation, proceeding or investigation pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened against or affecting the Company, any Subsidiary or any of their respective properties before or by any court, arbitrator, governmental or administrative agency or regulatory authority (federal, state, county, local or foreign) (collectively, an “Action”) which (i) adversely affects or challenges the legality, validity or enforceability of any of the Transaction Documents or the Securities or (ii) could, if there were an unfavorable decision, have or reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect. Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary, nor any director or officer thereof, is or has been the subject of any Action involving a claim of violation of or liability under federal or state securities laws or a claim of breach of fiduciary duty. There has not been, and to the knowledge of the Company, there is not pending or contemplated, any investigation by the Commission involving the Company or any current or former director or officer of the Company. The Commission has not issued any stop order or other order suspending the effectiveness of any registration statement filed by the Company or any Subsidiary under the Exchange Act or the Securities Act.
(aa) Disclosure. Except with respect to the material terms and conditions of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents, the Company confirms that neither it nor any other Person acting on its behalf has provided any Purchaser or its respective agents or counsel with any information that constitutes material, non-public information. The Company understands that the Purchaser may rely on the Transaction Documents, the information included therein, including, but not limited to, the foregoing representation in purchasing the Securities. All of the disclosure furnished by or on behalf of the Company to the Purchaser in the Transaction Documents regarding, among other matters relating to the Company, its business and the transactions contemplated in the Transaction Documents, is true and correct in all material respects as of the date made and does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary in order to make the statements made therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. The Company acknowledges and agrees that the Purchaser does not make nor has made any representations or warranties with respect to the transactions contemplated in the Transaction Documents other than those specifically set forth in Section 3.2 hereof.
(bb) No Integrated Offering. Assuming the accuracy of the representations and warranties set forth in Section 3.2, neither the Company, nor any of its affiliates, nor any Person acting on its or their behalf has, directly or indirectly, made any offers or sales of any security or solicited any offers to buy any security, under circumstances that would cause the issuance and/or sale of the Securities to be integrated with prior offerings of securities by the Company for purposes of (i) the Securities Act that would require the registration of any such Securities and/or any other securities of the Company under the Securities Act, or that would invalidate the exemptions from registration relied upon by the Company, or (ii) any stockholder-approval provisions of any Trading Market on which any of the securities of the Company are listed, eligible for quotation and/or designated.
(cc) Insurance. The Company is insured by insurers of recognized financial responsibility against such losses and risks and in such amounts as are prudent and customary in the business in which it is engaged; the Company has not been refused any coverage sought or applied for; and the Company does not have any reason to believe that it will not be able to renew its existing insurance coverage as and when such coverage expires or to obtain similar coverage from similar insurers as may be necessary to continue its business.
(dd) Regulation M Compliance. The Company has not, and to its knowledge no one acting on its behalf has, (i) taken, directly or indirectly, any action designed to cause or to result in the stabilization or manipulation of the price of any security of the Company to facilitate the sale or resale of any of the Securities, (ii) sold, bid for, purchased, or paid any compensation for soliciting purchases of, any of the Securities, or (iii) paid or agreed to pay to any Person any compensation for soliciting another to purchase any other securities of the Company.
(ee) Registration Rights. Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(ee), no Person has any right to cause the Company to effect the registration under the Securities Act of any securities of the Company or any Subsidiaries. The Company shall not effectuate any
(ff) Labor Relations. No labor dispute exists or, to the knowledge of the Company, is imminent with respect to any of the employees of the Company, which could reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect. None of the Company’s or its Subsidiaries’ employees is a member of a union that relates to such employee’s relationship with the Company or such Subsidiary, and neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries is a party to a collective bargaining agreement, and the Company and its Subsidiaries believe that their relationships with their employees are good. To the knowledge of the Company, no executive officer of the Company or any Subsidiary, is, or is now expected to be, in violation of any material term of any employment contract, confidentiality, disclosure or proprietary information agreement or non-competition agreement, or any other contract or agreement or any restrictive covenant in favor of any third party, and the continued employment of each such executive officer does not subject the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to any liability with respect to any of the foregoing matters. The Company and its Subsidiaries are in compliance with all U.S. federal, state, local and foreign laws and regulations relating to employment and employment practices, terms and conditions of employment and wages and hours, except where the failure to be in compliance could not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.
(gg) Dilutive Effect. The Company understands and acknowledges that the number of Underlying Shares issuable upon conversion of the Convertible Note and exercise of the Warrant, pursuant to the terms thereof, will increase in certain circumstances. The Company further acknowledges that its obligations to issue Underlying Shares pursuant to the terms of the Convertible Note and Warrant in accordance with this Agreement, the Convertible Note and Warrant is absolute and unconditional regardless of the dilutive effect that any such issuances may have on the percentage ownership interests of other stockholders of the Company.
(hh) Application of Takeover Protections; Rights Agreement.  The Company and its board of directors have taken all necessary action, if any, in order to render inapplicable any control share acquisition, business combination, poison pill (including any distribution under a rights agreement) or other similar anti-takeover provisions under the Company’s certificate of incorporation, as amended, or the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation that are or could become applicable to the Purchaser as a result of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and/or the other Transaction Documents, including, without limitation, the Company’s issuance of the Securities and the Purchaser’s ownership of the Securities. The Company has not adopted a stockholder rights plan or similar arrangement relating to accumulations of beneficial ownership of Common Stock or a change in control of the Company.
(ii) Manipulation of Price. The Company has not, and to its knowledge no one acting on its behalf has, (i) taken, directly or indirectly, any action designed to cause or to result, or that could reasonably be expected to cause or result, in the stabilization or manipulation of the price of any security of the Company to facilitate the sale or resale of any of the Securities, (ii) sold, bid for, purchased, or paid any compensation for soliciting purchases of, any of the Securities, or (iii) paid or agreed to pay to any person any compensation for soliciting another to purchase any other securities of the Company.
(jj) DTC Eligible. The Common Stock is DTC eligible and DTC has not placed a “freeze” or a “chill” on the Common Stock and the Company has no reason to believe that DTC has any intention to make the Common Stock not DTC eligible, or place a “freeze” or “chill” on the Common Stock. No federal or state regulatory authority has indicated that it will prohibit the listing of the Company’s securities based upon its prior business in the cannabis or cannabis-related markets nor will the Purchaser be prohibited from depositing, clearing or settling the Securities, including through the DTC or otherwise, on account of the Company’s prior business in the cannabis or cannabis-related markets.
(kk) Listing and Maintenance Requirements. The Company has not, in the 12 months preceding the date hereof, received notice from any Trading Market on which the Common Stock is or has been listed or quoted to the effect that the Company is not in compliance with the listing or maintenance requirements of such Trading Market. The Common Stock is eligible for quotation on the Principal Market and the Company has no reason to believe that the Principal Market has any intention of delisting or no longer quoting the Common Stock from the Principal Market. The issuance and sale of the Securities hereunder does not contravene the rules and regulations of the Trading Market. All Underlying Shares have been approved, if so required, for listing or quotation on the Trading Market, subject only to notice of issuance.
(ll) No General Solicitation.  Neither the Company, nor any of its affiliates, nor, to the knowledge of the Company, any Person acting on its behalf, has engaged in any form of general solicitation or general advertising (within the meaning of Regulation D) in connection with the offer or sale of the Securities. 
(mm) Acknowledgment Regarding the Purchaser’s Purchase of Securities.  The Company acknowledges and agrees that the Purchaser is acting solely in the capacity of an arm’s length purchaser with respect to the other Transaction Documents and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby and that the Purchaser is not (i) an officer or director of the Company, (ii) an Affiliate of the Company or (iii) to the knowledge of the Company, a “beneficial owner” of more than 10% of the shares of Common Stock (as defined for purposes of Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act).  The Company further acknowledges that the Purchaser is not acting as a financial advisor or fiduciary of the Company (or in any similar capacity) with respect to the Transaction Documents and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, and any advice given by the Purchaser or any of its representatives or agents in connection with the Transaction Documents and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby is merely incidental to the Purchaser’s purchase of the Securities.  The Company further represents to the Purchaser that the Company’s decision to enter into the Transaction Documents has been based solely on the independent evaluation by the Company and its representatives.
(nn) Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements.  There is no transaction, arrangement, or other relationship between the Company and an unconsolidated or other off-balance sheet entity that is required to be disclosed by the Company in its Exchange Act filings and is not so disclosed.
(oo) Certain Fees. No brokerage or finder’s fees or commissions are or will be payable by the Company or any Subsidiaries to any broker, financial advisor or consultant, finder, placement agent, investment banker, bank or other Person with respect to the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents. The Purchaser shall have no obligation with respect to any fees or with respect to any claims made by or on behalf of other Persons for fees of a type contemplated in this Section that may be due in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents.
(pp) Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption; Sanctions.
(i) Neither the Company nor, any of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates or any director or officer of any of them is an individual or entity currently, or has not in the past 5 years been, subject to any Sanctions or is on any Sanctions List.
(ii) Each of the Company, any of its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and, to the knowledge of the Company, agents and any other person or entity acting on behalf of the Company, has complied with the Money Laundering, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Laws, in each case as applicable to them, and no action, suit or proceeding by or before any court or any arbitrator or any governmental agency, authority or body involving the Company and any of its Subsidiaries or their respective directors or officers and, to the knowledge of the Company, the employees, agents, or representatives of each of them, is pending or threatened with respect to Money Laundering, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Laws.
(iii) Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries nor their respective directors or officers, nor, to the knowledge of the Company, the employees or agents of any of them has:
used any corporate funds (nor will it use any proceeds from the Notes and Warrants) for any unlawful contribution, gift, entertainment or unlawful expense relating to political activity;
taken any action in furtherance of an unlawful offer, payment, promise to pay, or authorization or approval of the payment or giving of money, property, gifts or (anything else of value, directly or indirectly, to any “government official” (including any officer or employee of a government or government owned or controlled entity or of a public international organization, or any person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of any of the foregoing, or any political party or party official or candidate for public office) or made any other bribe, rebate, payoff, influence payment or kickback intended to improperly influence official action or secure an improper advantage;
nor will it use any proceeds from the Notes and Warrants in furtherance of any such unlawful payment or violation of Sanctions or Money Laundering, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Laws.
(iv) The Company and each Subsidiary will promote and ensure compliance with Money Laundering, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Laws in all jurisdictions where they operate and with the representations and warranties contained herein.
(v) As used in this Section 3.1(pp):
 “Money Laundering, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Laws” means money laundering and anti- corruption statutes of all jurisdictions (including, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, the OECD Convention on Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, and any similar national or local law or regulation in the United Kingdom or elsewhere where the Company and each other Subsidiary conducts business), the rules and regulations thereunder and any related or similar rules, regulations or guidelines, issued, administered or enforced by any governmental agency or any such jurisdiction.
Sanctions” means any laws or regulations or restrictive measures relating to economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by a Sanctions Authority.
 “Sanctions Authority” means (i) the United Nations Security Council; (ii) the United States government; (iii) the European Union; (iv) the United Kingdom government; (v) the respective governmental institutions and agencies of any of the foregoing, including without limitation, OFAC, the United States Department of State and Department of Commerce, and Her Majesty's Treasury; and (vi) any other governmental institution or agency with responsibility for imposing, administering or enforcing Sanctions with jurisdiction over the Company or any of its subsidiaries (together, “Sanctions Authorities”).
 “Sanctions List” means the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List maintained by OFAC, the Denied Persons List maintained by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets maintained by Her Majesty's Treasury, or any other list issued or maintained by any Sanctions Authority of persons subject to Sanctions (including investment or related restrictions), each as amended, supplemented or substituted from time to time.
(qq) Environmental Laws. The Company and its Subsidiaries, to the best of the Company’s knowledge, (i) are in compliance with all federal, state, local and foreign laws relating to pollution or protection of human health or the environment (including ambient air, surface water, groundwater, land surface or subsurface strata), including laws relating to emissions, discharges, releases or threatened releases of chemicals, pollutants, contaminants, or toxic or hazardous substances or wastes (collectively, “Hazardous Materials”) into the environment, or otherwise relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage, disposal, transport or handling of Hazardous Materials, as well as all authorizations, codes, decrees, demands, or demand letters, injunctions, judgments, licenses, notices or notice letters, orders, permits, plans or regulations, issued, entered, promulgated or approved thereunder (“Environmental Laws”); (ii) have received all permits, licenses or other approvals required of them under applicable Environmental Laws to conduct their respective businesses; and (iii) are in compliance with all terms and conditions of any such permit, license or approval where in each clause (i), (ii) and (iii), the failure to so comply could be reasonably expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect.
(rr) Seniority. As of the Closing Date, (i) all Indebtedness, other than the Notes and the indebtedness issued to Affiliates of the Purchaser in the May 2020 Financing and November 2020 Financing, are subordinated to the Notes and the indebtedness issued to Affiliates of the Purchaser in the May 2020 Financing and the November 2020 Financing, and (ii) no Indebtedness or other claim against the Company is senior to or pari passu with the Notes or indebtedness issued to Affiliates of the Purchaser in the May 2020 Financing and November 2020 Financing in right of payment (except that the Notes and the indebtedness issued to Affiliates of the Purchaser in the May 2020 Financing and November 2020 Financing are pari passu with each other), whether with respect to interest or upon liquidation or dissolution, or otherwise, other than indebtedness secured by purchase money security interests (which is senior only as to underlying assets covered thereby) and capital lease obligations (which is senior only as to the property covered thereby).
3.2 Representation and Warranties of the Purchaser. The Purchaser, severally and not jointly, hereby represents and warrants as of the date hereof and as of the Closing Date to the Company as follows:
(a) Organization; Authority. The Purchaser is either an individual or an entity duly incorporated or formed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation or formation with full right, corporate, partnership, limited liability company or similar power and authority to enter into and to consummate the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents and otherwise to carry out its obligations hereunder and thereunder. The execution and delivery of the Transaction Documents and performance by the Purchaser of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate, partnership, limited liability company or similar action, as applicable, on the part of the Purchaser. Each Transaction Document to which it is a party has been duly executed by the Purchaser, and when delivered by the Purchaser in accordance with the terms hereof, will constitute the valid and legally binding obligation of the Purchaser, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except: (i) as limited by general equitable principles and applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other laws of general application affecting enforcement of creditors’ rights generally, (ii) as limited by laws relating to the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief or other equitable remedies and (iii) insofar as indemnification and contribution provisions may be limited by applicable law.
(b)  Own Account. The Purchaser understands that the Securities are “restricted securities” and have not been registered under the Securities Act or any applicable state securities law and is acquiring the Securities as principal for its own account and not with a view to or for distributing or reselling such Securities or any part thereof in violation of the Securities Act or any applicable state securities law, has no present intention of distributing any of such Securities in violation of the Securities Act or any applicable state securities law and has no direct or indirect arrangement or understandings with any other persons to distribute or regarding the distribution of such Securities in violation of the Securities Act or any applicable state securities law (this representation and warranty not limiting the Purchaser’s right to sell the Securities pursuant to an effective registration statement or otherwise in compliance with applicable federal and state securities laws). The Purchaser is acquiring the Securities hereunder in the ordinary course of its business.
(c) Purchaser Status. At the time the Purchaser was offered the Securities, it was, and as of the date hereof it is an “accredited investor” as defined in Rule 501(a) under the Securities Act.
(d) Experience of Purchaser. The Purchaser, either alone or together with its representatives, has such knowledge, sophistication and experience in business and financial matters so as to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the prospective investment in the Securities, and has so evaluated the merits and risks of such investment. The Purchaser is able to bear the economic risk of an investment in the Securities and, at the present time, is able to afford a complete loss of such investment.
(e)  General Solicitation. The Purchaser is not, to the Purchaser’s knowledge, purchasing the Securities as a result of any advertisement, article, notice or other communication regarding the Securities published in any newspaper, magazine or similar media or broadcast over television or radio or presented at any seminar or any other general solicitation or general advertisement.
(f) Access to Information. The Purchaser acknowledges that it has had the opportunity to review the Transaction Documents (including all exhibits and schedules thereto) and has been afforded (i) the opportunity to ask such questions as it has deemed necessary of, and to receive answers from, representatives of the Company concerning the terms and conditions of the offering of the Securities and the merits and risks of investing in the Securities; (ii) access to information about the Company and its financial condition, results of operations, business, properties, management and prospects sufficient to enable it to evaluate its investment; and (iii) the opportunity to obtain such additional information that the Company possesses or can acquire without unreasonable effort or expense that is necessary to make an informed investment decision with respect to the investment. 
(g) Certain Transactions and Confidentiality. The Purchaser has not directly or indirectly, nor has any Person acting on behalf of or pursuant to any understanding with the Purchaser, executed any purchases or sales, including Short Sales, of the securities of the Company during the period commencing as of the time that the Purchaser first received a term sheet (written or oral) from the Company or any other Person representing the Company setting forth the material terms of the transactions contemplated hereunder and ending immediately prior to the execution hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Purchaser is a multi-managed investment vehicle, whereby separate portfolio managers manage separate portions of the Purchaser’s assets and the portfolio managers have no direct knowledge of the investment decisions made by the portfolio managers managing other portions of the Purchaser’s assets, the representation set forth above shall only apply with respect to the portion of assets managed by the portfolio manager that made the investment decision to purchase the Securities covered by this Agreement. Other than to other Persons party to this Agreement or to the Purchaser's representatives, including, without limitation, its officers, directors, partners, legal and other advisors, employees, agents and Affiliates, the Purchaser has maintained the confidentiality of all disclosures made to it in connection with this transaction (including the existence and terms of this transaction).
The Company acknowledges and agrees that the representations contained in this Section 3.2 shall not modify, amend or affect such Purchaser’s right to rely on the Company’s representations and warranties contained in this Agreement or any representations and warranties contained in any other Transaction Document or any other document or instrument executed and/or delivered in connection with this Agreement or the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereby.
4.1 Transfer Restrictions.
(a) The Securities may only be disposed of in compliance with state and federal securities laws. In connection with any transfer of Securities other than pursuant to an effective registration statement or Rule 144, to the Company or to an Affiliate of the Purchaser or in connection with a pledge as contemplated in Section 4.1(b), the Company may require the transferor thereof to provide to the Company an opinion of counsel selected by the transferor and reasonably acceptable to the Company, the form and substance of which opinion shall be reasonably satisfactory to the Company, to the effect that such transfer does not require registration of such transferred Securities under the Securities Act. As a condition of transfer, any such transferee shall agree in writing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and shall have the rights and obligations of the Purchaser under this Agreement.
(b) The Purchaser agrees to the imprinting, so long as is required by this Section 4.1, of a legend on any of the Securities in the following form:
 The Company acknowledges and agrees that the Purchaser may from time to time pledge pursuant to a bona fide margin agreement with a registered broker-dealer or grant a security interest in some or all of the Securities to a financial institution that is an “accredited investor” as defined in Rule 501(a) under the Securities Act and who agrees to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement and, if required under the terms of such arrangement, the Purchaser may transfer pledged or secured Securities to the pledgees or secured parties. Such a pledge or transfer would not be subject to approval of the Company and no legal opinion of legal counsel of the pledgee, secured party or pledgor shall be required in connection therewith. Further, no notice shall be required of such pledge. At the Purchaser’s expense, the Company will execute and deliver such reasonable documentation as a pledgee or secured party of Securities may reasonably request in connection with a pledge or transfer of the Securities, including, if the Securities are then registered for resale on a registration statement, the preparation and filing of any required prospectus supplement under Rule 424(b)(3) under the Securities Act or other applicable provision of the Securities Act to appropriately amend the list of selling stockholders thereunder.
(c) Certificates evidencing the Underlying Shares shall not contain any legend (including the legend set forth in Section 4.1(b) hereof): (i) when they have been sold while a registration statement (including the Registration Statement) covering the resale of such security is effective under the Securities Act, (ii) following any sale of such Underlying Shares pursuant to Rule 144, (iii) if such Underlying Shares are eligible for sale under Rule 144 and a sale or transfer will be taking place prior to the Company’s next periodic report becomes due under the Exchange Act or (iv) if such legend is not required under applicable requirements of the Securities Act (including judicial interpretations and pronouncements issued by the staff of the Commission). The Company shall cause its counsel to issue a legal opinion to the Transfer Agent promptly after the Effective Date or at such time as such legend is no longer required under this Section 4.1(c) if required by the Transfer Agent to effect the removal of the legend hereunder, or if requested by the Purchaser. If any portion of the Convertible Note is converted at a time when there is an effective registration statement to cover any sale of the Underlying Shares, or if such Underlying Shares have been sold under Rule 144 and the Company is then in compliance with the current public information required under Rule 144, or if the Underlying Shares may be sold under Rule 144 without the requirement for the Company to be in compliance with the current public information required under Rule 144 as to such Underlying Shares and without volume or manner-of-sale restrictions provided the conditions of Rule 144(i)(2) have been satisfied and a sale of such shares will be taking place prior to the Company’s next annual or quarterly report becoming due under its reporting obligations under the Exchange Act or if such legend is not otherwise required under applicable requirements of the Securities Act (including judicial interpretations and pronouncements issued by the staff of the Commission) then such Underlying Shares shall be issued free of all legends. The Company agrees that following the Effective Date or at such time as such legend is no longer required under this Section 4.1(c), it will, no later than the earlier of (i) three (3) Trading Days and (ii) the number of Trading Days comprising the Standard Settlement Period (as defined below) following the delivery by the Purchaser to the Company or the Transfer Agent of certificate(s) representing the Underlying Shares, as applicable, issued with a restrictive legend (such date, the “Legend Removal Date”), deliver or cause to be delivered to the Purchaser a certificate representing such shares that is free from all restrictive and other legends. The Company may not make any notation on its records or give instructions to the Transfer Agent that enlarge the restrictions on transfer set forth in this Section 4. Certificates for Underlying Shares subject to legend removal hereunder shall be transmitted by the Transfer Agent to the Purchaser by crediting the account of the Purchaser’s prime broker with the Depository Trust Company System as directed by the Purchaser. As used herein, “Standard Settlement Period” means the standard settlement period, expressed in a number of Trading Days, on the Company’s primary Trading Market with respect to the Common Stock as in effect on the date of delivery of a certificate representing the Underlying Shares, as applicable, issued with a restrictive legend.
(d) In addition to the Purchaser’s other available remedies, the Company shall pay to the Purchaser, in cash, the greater of (i) as partial liquidated damages and not as a penalty, for each $1,000 of Underlying Shares (based on the VWAP of the Common Stock on the date such Securities are submitted to the Transfer Agent) delivered for removal of the restrictive legend and subject to Section 4.1(c), $5 per Trading Day (increasing to $10 per Trading Day five (5) Trading Days after such damages have begun to accrue) for each Trading Day after the Legend Removal Date until such certificate is delivered without a legend and (ii) if the Company fails to (x) issue and deliver (or cause to be delivered) to the Purchaser by the Legend Removal Date a certificate representing the Securities so delivered to the Company by the Purchaser that is free from all restrictive and other legends or (y) if after the Legend Removal Date the Purchaser purchases (in an open market transaction or otherwise) shares of Common Stock to deliver in satisfaction of a sale by the Purchaser of all or any portion of the number of shares of Common Stock, or a sale of a number of shares of Common Stock equal to all or any portion of the number of shares of Common Stock that the Purchaser anticipated receiving from the Company without any restrictive legend, then, an amount equal to the excess of the Purchaser’s total purchase price (including brokerage commissions and other out-of-pocket expenses, if any) for the shares of Common Stock so purchased (including brokerage commissions and other out-of-pocket expenses, if any) (the “Buy-In Price”) over the product of (A) such number of Conversion Shares, as applicable, that the Company was required to deliver to the Purchaser by the Legend Removal Date multiplied by (B) the lowest closing sale price of the Common Stock on any Trading Day during the period commencing on the date of the delivery by the Purchaser to the Company of the applicable Underlying Shares and ending on the date of such delivery and payment under this clause (ii).
4.2 Furnishing of Information. Beginning on the Closing Date, the Company shall use commercially reasonable efforts to comply with the Pink Basic Disclosure Guidelines which set forth the disclosure obligations that make up the “Alternative Reporting Standard” for OTC Pink companies as such obligations are published by the OTC Markets Group, Inc. In addition, the Company shall file a Registration Statement on Form 8-A as soon as practicable, but in no event no later than five (5) Trading Days, after the effective date of first registration statement filed by the Company that is declared effective by the SEC which registers securities held by the Purchaser or any of its Affiliates. If after the date hereof the Company becomes subject to the rules and regulations of the Exchange Act and as long as the Purchaser owns Securities, the Company covenants to timely file (or obtain extensions in respect thereof and file within the applicable grace period) all reports required to be filed by the Company after the date hereof pursuant to the Exchange Act. As long as the Purchaser owns Securities, if the Company is not required to file reports pursuant to the Exchange Act, it will prepare and furnish to the Purchaser and make publicly available in accordance with Rule 144(c) such information as is required for the Purchaser to sell the Securities, including without limitation, under Rule 144. In addition, the Company shall file with Commission current “Form 10 information”, as defined in Rule 144(i)(3), as soon as practicable after the date the Company becomes subject to the rules and regulations of the Exchange Act, reflecting its status as an entity that is no longer an issuer described in Rule 144(i)(1)(i). The Company further covenants that it will take such further action as any holder of Securities may reasonably request, to the extent required from time to time to enable such Person to sell such Securities without registration under the Securities Act, including without limitation, within the requirements of the exemption provided by Rule 144.
4.3 Integration. The Company shall not sell, offer for sale or solicit offers to buy or otherwise negotiate in respect of any security (as defined in Section 2 of the Securities Act) that would be integrated with the offer or sale of the Securities in a manner that would require the registration under the Securities Act of the sale of the Securities or that would be integrated with the offer or sale of the Securities for purposes of the rules and regulations of any Trading Market such that it would require shareholder approval prior to the closing of such other transaction unless shareholder approval is obtained before the closing of such subsequent transaction.
4.4 Securities Laws Disclosure; Publicity. The Company shall by 9:00am on the 2nd Trading Day after the date of this Agreement, issue a press release disclosing the material terms of the transactions contemplated hereby, which press release shall have been approved by the Purchaser prior to its release (which approval shall not unreasonably be withheld or delayed). From and after the issuance of such press release, the Company represents to the Purchaser that it shall have publicly disclosed all material, non-public information delivered to the Purchaser by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, or any of their respective officers, directors, employees or agents in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents. In addition, effective upon the issuance of such press release, the Company acknowledges and agrees that any and all confidentiality or similar obligations under any agreement, whether written or oral, between the Company, any of its Subsidiaries or any of their respective officers, directors, agents, employees or Affiliates on the one hand, and the Purchaser or any of its Affiliates on the other hand, shall terminate. The Company and the Purchaser shall consult with each other in issuing any other press releases with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby, and neither the Company nor the Purchaser shall issue any such press release nor otherwise make any such public statement without the prior consent of the Company, with respect to any press release of the Purchaser, or without the prior consent of the Purchaser, with respect to any press release of the Company, which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld or delayed, except if such disclosure is required by law, in which case the disclosing party shall promptly provide the other party with prior notice of such public statement or communication. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company shall not, without the prior written consent of the Purchaser, (a) use the name of the Purchaser, “Arena Investors LP,” “Arena Management Company LLC,” “Arena Finance Company LLC,” “Arena” or any other derivative thereof (each, a “Trade Name”) in any press releases or other public disclosures (including in any filing with the Commission or any regulatory agency or Trading Market), offering documents, sales materials, brochures or similar publicity or promotional materials, or for promotional purposes, whether orally or in writing, except (x) as required by federal securities law and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder in connection with the filing of final Transaction Documents, any disclosure required pursuant to any reports required to be filed by the Company pursuant to the Exchange Act after the date hereof or the Registration Statement with the Commission, (y) to the extent such disclosure is required by law or Trading Market regulations, including the “Alternative Reporting Standard” required by OTC Markets, in which case the Company shall provide the Purchaser with prior notice of such disclosure permitted under this clause (y), or (z) as required under Delaware General Corporation Law or (b) represent that an investment in the Company or any product or any service provided by the Company has been approved or endorsed by the Purchaser. Following any such written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, the Company shall provide the Purchaser with a copy of such written or other materials using the Trade Name if requested by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall be deemed to have provided prior written consent of the disclosure of the Purchaser’s name to other stockholders and investors in the Company, and to potential investors in the Company (that to the extent such information has not already been publicly disclosed, have been informed of the confidential nature thereof) that in the course of their due diligence require disclosure of the identity of the existing investors in the Company.
4.5 Shareholder Rights Plan. No claim will be made or enforced by the Company or, with the consent of the Company, any other Person, that the Purchaser is an “Acquiring Person” under any control share acquisition, business combination, poison pill (including any distribution under a rights agreement) or similar anti-takeover plan or arrangement in effect or hereafter adopted by the Company, or that the Purchaser could be deemed to trigger the provisions of any such plan or arrangement, by virtue of receiving Securities under the Transaction Documents.
4.6 Non-Public Information.    Except with respect to the material terms and conditions of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents, which shall be disclosed pursuant to Section 4.4, the Company covenants and agrees that neither it, nor any other Person acting on its behalf will provide the Purchaser or its agents or counsel with any information that constitutes, or the Company reasonably believes constitutes, material non-public information, unless prior thereto the Purchaser shall have consented to the receipt of such information and agreed with the Company to keep such information confidential. The Company understands and confirms that the Purchaser shall be relying on the foregoing covenant in effecting transactions in securities of the Company. To the extent that the Company delivers any material, non-public information to the Purchaser without the Purchaser’s consent, the Company hereby covenants and agrees that the Purchaser shall not have any duty of confidentiality to the Company, any of its Subsidiaries, or any of their respective officers, directors, agents, employees or Affiliates, or a duty to the Company, any of its Subsidiaries or any of their respective officers, directors, agents, employees or Affiliates not to trade on the basis of, such material, non-public information, provided that the Purchaser shall remain subject to applicable law. To the extent that any notice provided pursuant to any Transaction Document constitutes, or contains, material, non-public information regarding the Company or any Subsidiaries, the Company shall simultaneously file such notice with the Commission pursuant to a Current Report on Form 8-K or if not subject to the reporting requirements under the Commission, file a press release. The Company understands and confirms that the Purchaser shall be relying on the foregoing covenant in effecting transactions in securities of the Company.
4.7 Use of Proceeds. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth on Schedule 4.7 attached hereto, the Company shall use the net proceeds from the sale of the Securities hereunder for working capital purposes and shall not use such proceeds: (a) for the satisfaction of any portion of the Company’s debt (other than payment of trade payables in the ordinary course of the Company’s business and prior practices), (b) for the redemption of any Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents, (c) for the settlement of any outstanding litigation or (d) in violation of FCPA, OFAC regulations or Money Laundering, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Laws. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Transaction Documents or otherwise, neither the Company nor its Subsidiaries may use any portion of the Purchase Price or any other proceeds from the Purchaser or any of its Affiliates (including the proceeds from the sale of the senior secured notes issued to Affiliates of the Purchaser in the May 2020 Financing and November 2020 Financing) to pay any liquidated damages, penalties, fees or other amounts due and payable to the Purchaser or its Affiliates under the Transaction Documents, the transaction documents relating to the May 2020 Financing, November 2020 Financing or otherwise without the express advance written consent of the Purchaser.
4.8 Indemnification of Purchaser.    Subject to the provisions of this Section 4.8, the Company will indemnify and hold the Purchaser and its respective directors, officers, shareholders, members, partners, employees and agents (and any other Persons with a functionally equivalent role of a Person holding such titles notwithstanding a lack of such title or any other title), each Person who controls the Purchaser (within the meaning of Section 15 of the Securities Act and Section 20 of the Exchange Act), and the directors, officers, shareholders, agents, members, partners or employees (and any other Persons with a functionally equivalent role of a Person holding such titles notwithstanding a lack of such title or any other title) of such controlling persons (each, a “Purchaser Party”) harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, obligations, claims, contingencies, damages, costs and expenses, as incurred, arising out of or relating to (i) any untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in any registration statement filed by the Company, any prospectus or any form of prospectus or in any amendment or supplement thereto or in any preliminary prospectus, or arising out of or relating to any omission or alleged omission of a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein (in the case of any prospectus or supplement thereto, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made) not misleading, except to the extent, but only to the extent, that such untrue statements or omissions are based solely upon information regarding such Purchaser Party furnished in writing to the Company by such Purchaser Party expressly for use therein, or (ii) any violation or alleged violation by the Company of the Securities Act, the Exchange Act or any state securities law, or any rule or regulation thereunder in connection therewith. If any action shall be brought against any Purchaser Party in respect of which indemnity may be sought pursuant to this Agreement, such Purchaser Party shall promptly notify the Company in writing, and the Company shall have the right to assume the defense thereof with counsel of its own choosing reasonably acceptable to the Purchaser Party. Any Purchaser Party shall have the right to employ separate counsel in any such action and participate in the defense thereof, but the fees and expenses of such counsel shall be at the expense of such Purchaser Party except to the extent that (x) the employment thereof has been specifically authorized by the Company in writing, (y) the Company has failed after a reasonable period of time to assume such defense and to employ counsel or (z) in such action there is, in the reasonable opinion of counsel, a material conflict on any material issue between the position of the Company and the position of such Purchaser Party, in which case the Company shall be responsible for the reasonable fees and expenses of no more than one such separate counsel. The Company will not be liable to any Purchaser Party under this Agreement (1) for any settlement by a Purchaser Party effected without the Company’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; or (2) to the extent, but only to the extent that a loss, claim, damage or liability is attributable to any Purchaser Party’s breach of any of the representations, warranties, covenants or agreements made by such Purchaser Party in this Agreement or in the other Transaction Documents. The indemnification required by this Section 4.8 shall be made by periodic payments of the amount thereof during the course of the investigation or defense, as and when bills are received or are incurred. The indemnity agreements contained herein shall be in addition to any cause of action or similar right of any Purchaser Party against the Company or others and any liabilities the Company may be subject to pursuant to law.
4.9 Reservation of Common Stock. As of the date hereof, the Company has reserved and the Company shall continue to reserve and keep available at all times, free of preemptive rights, a sufficient number of shares of Common Stock equal to the Required Minimum (as defined in the Convertible Note) for the purpose of enabling the Company to issue the Underlying Shares and any other shares that may be issuable pursuant to the Convertible Note and Warrant. If, on any date, the number of authorized but unissued (and otherwise unreserved) shares of Common Stock is less than the Required Minimum on such date, then the Board of Directors shall use commercially reasonable efforts to amend the Company’s certificate or articles of incorporation to increase the number of authorized but unissued shares of Common Stock to at least the Required Minimum at such time, as soon as possible and in any event not later than the 75th day after such date
4.10 Listing of Common Stock. The Company hereby agrees to use reasonable best efforts to maintain the listing or quotation of the Common Stock on the Trading Market on which it is currently listed, and concurrently with the Closing, the Company shall apply to list or quote all of the Underlying Shares on such Trading Market and promptly secure the listing of all of the Underlying Shares on such Trading Market. The Company further agrees, if the Company applies to have the Common Stock traded on any other Trading Market (including in accordance with Section 4.23), it will then include in such application all of the Underlying Shares, and will take such other action as is necessary to cause all of the Underlying Shares to be listed or quoted on such other Trading Market as promptly as possible. The Company will then take all action reasonably necessary to continue the listing and trading of its Common Stock on such Trading Market and will comply in all respects with the Company’s reporting, filing and other obligations under the bylaws or rules of the Trading Market. The Company agrees to maintain the eligibility of the Common Stock for electronic transfer through the Depository Trust Company or another established clearing corporation, including, without limitation, by timely payment of fees to the Depository Trust Company or such other established clearing corporation in connection with such electronic transfer.
4.11 Certain Transactions and Confidentiality. The Purchaser covenants that neither it nor any Affiliate acting on its behalf or pursuant to any understanding with it will execute any purchases or sales, including Short Sales of any of the Company’s securities during the period commencing with the execution of this Agreement and ending at such time that the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are first publicly announced pursuant to the initial press release as described in Section 4.4.  The Purchaser covenants that until such time as the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are publicly disclosed by the Company pursuant to the initial press release as described in Section 4.4, such Purchaser will maintain the confidentiality of the existence and terms of this transaction and the information included in the Disclosure Schedules. Notwithstanding the foregoing and notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, the Company expressly acknowledges and agrees that (i) no Purchaser makes any representation, warranty or covenant hereby that it will not engage in effecting transactions in any securities of the Company after the time that the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are first publicly announced, (ii) no Purchaser shall be restricted or prohibited from effecting any transactions in any securities of the Company in accordance with applicable securities laws from and after the time that the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are first publicly announced pursuant to the initial press release as described in Section 4.4, (iii) the Purchaser has not been asked by the Company to agree, nor has the Purchaser agreed, to desist from purchasing or selling Securities which have been issued under the terms of this Agreement, the Convertible Note or any other Transaction Document, or “derivative” securities based on securities issued by the Company or to hold the Securities for any specified term, (iv)  the Purchaser shall not be deemed to have any affiliation with or control over any arm’s length counter-party in any “derivative” transaction, (v) the Purchaser may engage in hedging activities, other than Short Sales at various times during the period that the Securities are outstanding,  and (vi) no Purchaser shall have any duty of confidentiality or duty not to trade in the securities of the Company to the Company or its Subsidiaries after the issuance of the initial press release.  Except as contemplated above, Company acknowledges that such aforementioned hedging activities do not constitute a breach of any of the Transaction Documents.
4.12 Conversion Procedures. The form of Notice of Conversion in the Convertible Note sets forth the totality of the procedures required of the Purchaser in order to convert the Convertible Note. No additional legal opinion, other information or instructions shall be required of the Purchaser to convert the Convertible Note. Without limiting the preceding sentences, no ink-original Notice of Conversion shall be required, nor shall any medallion guarantee (or other type of guarantee or notarization) of any Notice of Conversion form be required in order to covert the Convertible Note. The Company shall honor conversions of the Convertible Note and shall deliver the Underlying Shares in accordance with the terms, conditions and time periods set forth in the Transaction Documents.
4.13 Form D; Blue Sky Filings. The Company agrees to timely file a Form D with respect to the Securities with the Commission as required under Regulation D, and with the applicable securities regulators in the states in which the Securities were sold, and to provide copies thereof, promptly upon request of the Purchaser. The Company shall take such further action as the Company shall reasonably determine is necessary in order to obtain an exemption for, or to qualify the Securities for, sale to the Purchaser at the Closing under applicable securities or “Blue Sky” laws of the states of the United States, and shall provide evidence of such actions promptly upon request of the Purchaser.
4.14 Maintenance of Property. So long as the Notes and Warrant remain outstanding, the Company shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to keep all of its property, which is necessary or useful to the conduct of its business, in good working order and condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted.
4.15 Preservation of Corporate Existence. So long as the Notes and Warrant remain outstanding, the Company shall preserve and maintain its corporate existence, rights, privileges and franchises in the jurisdiction of its incorporation, and qualify and remain qualified, as a foreign corporation in each jurisdiction in which such qualification is necessary in view of its business or operations and where the failure to qualify or remain qualified would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.
4.16 DTC Program. At all times that the Securities are outstanding, the Company will employ as the transfer agent for the Common Stock and Conversion Shares a participant in the Depository Trust Company Automated Securities Transfer Program and cause the Common Stock to be transferable pursuant to such program.
4.17 Subsequent Equity Sales. From the date hereof until such time as the Purchaser no longer holds the Convertible Note and the Warrant, the Company shall be prohibited from effecting or entering into an agreement to effect any issuance by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries of Common Stock or Common Stock Equivalents (or a combination of units thereof) involving a Variable Rate Transaction. “Variable Rate Transaction” means a transaction which is not Permitted Indebtedness and in which the Company (i) issues or sells any debt or equity securities that are convertible into, exchangeable or exercisable for, or include the right to receive additional shares of Common Stock either (A) at a conversion price, exercise price or exchange rate or other price that is based upon and/or varies with the trading prices of or quotations for the shares of Common Stock at any time after the initial issuance of such debt or equity securities, or (B) with a conversion, exercise or exchange price that is subject to being reset at some future date after the initial issuance of such debt or equity security or upon the occurrence of specified or contingent events directly or indirectly related to the business of the Company or the market for the Common Stock or (ii) enters into, or effects a transaction under, any agreement, including, but not limited to, an equity line of credit, whereby the Company may issue securities at a future determined price. The foregoing restrictions shall not include any agreement for an at-the-market offering. The Purchaser shall be entitled to obtain injunctive relief against the Company to preclude any such issuance, which remedy shall be in addition to any right to collect damages. From the date hereof until ninety (90) days after the effectiveness of the Registration Statement, the Company shall be prohibited from effecting any registration statement, or amendment or supplement thereto, with the Commission, other than a prospectus filed with the Commission pursuant to Rule 424(b) in connection with the Registration Statement.
4.18 Transfer Agent Instructions. The Company shall issue irrevocable instructions to the Transfer Agent in a form acceptable to the Purchaser (the “Irrevocable Transfer Agent Instructions”) to issue certificates or credit shares via DWAC or otherwise to the applicable balance accounts at The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”), registered in the name of the Purchaser or its respective nominee(s), for the Underlying Shares in such amounts as specified from time to time by the Purchaser to the Company upon conversion of the Convertible Note or exercise of the Warrant. The Company represents and warrants that no instruction other than the Irrevocable Transfer Agent Instructions referred to in this Section will be given by the Company to its Transfer Agent with respect to the Securities, and that the Securities shall otherwise be freely transferable on the books and records of the Company, as applicable, to the extent provided in this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents. In the event that such sale, assignment or transfer involves Conversion Shares sold, assigned or transferred pursuant to an effective registration statement or in compliance with Rule 144, the transfer agent shall issue such shares to such Buyer, assignee or transferee (as the case may be) without any restrictive legend in accordance with Section 4.1. The Company acknowledges that a breach by it of its obligations hereunder will cause irreparable harm to Purchaser. Accordingly, the Company acknowledges that the remedy at law for a breach of its obligations under this Section will be inadequate and agrees, in the event of a breach or threatened breach by the Company of the provisions of this Section, that Purchaser shall be entitled, in addition to all other available remedies, to an order and/or injunction restraining any breach and requiring immediate issuance and transfer, without the necessity of showing economic loss and without any bond or other security being required. The Company shall cause its counsel to issue the legal opinion referred to in the Irrevocable Transfer Agent Instructions to the Company’s transfer agent from and after the Applicable Date. Any fees (with respect to the transfer agent, counsel to the Company or otherwise) associated with the issuance of such opinion or the removal of any legends on any of the Securities shall be borne by the Company. “Applicable Date” means the first date on which all of the Underlying Shares are eligible to be resold by the Purchaser pursuant to Rule 144 or an effective registration statement is in effect.
4.19 Public Information. At any time during the period commencing from the six (6) month anniversary of the Closing Date and ending at such time that all of the Securities, may be sold without the requirement for the Company to be in compliance with Rule 144(c)(1) and otherwise without restriction or limitation pursuant to Rule 144, if the Company shall fail for any reason to satisfy the current public information requirement under Rule 144(c) (a “Public Information Failure”) then, in addition to the Purchaser’s other available remedies, the Company shall pay to the Purchaser, in cash, as partial liquidated damages and not as a penalty, by reason of any such delay in or reduction of its ability to sell the Securities, an amount in cash equal to two percent (2.0%) of the aggregate Purchase Price of the Purchaser’s Securities on the day of a Public Information Failure and on every thirtieth (30th) day (pro rated for periods totaling less than thirty days) thereafter until the earlier of (a) the date such Public Information Failure is cured and (b) such time that such public information is no longer required for the Purchaser to transfer the Underlying Shares pursuant to Rule 144. The payments to which the Purchaser shall be entitled pursuant to this Section 4.19 are referred to herein as “Public Information Failure Payments.” Public Information Failure Payments shall be paid on the earlier of (i) the last day of the calendar month during which such Public Information Failure Payments are incurred and (ii) the third (3rd) Business Day after the event or failure giving rise to the Public Information Failure Payments is cured. If an Event (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement) is occurring at the time of a Public Information Failure, and the Company is (x) then obligated to pay, and (y) timely pays the Purchaser partial liquidated damages under Section 2(d) of the Registration Rights Agreement for the period occurring simultaneous with the applicable Public Information Failure (such payments, the “Simultaneous Registration Rights Partial Liquidated Damages”) and (z) has timely paid the Purchaser all previously accrued partial liquidated damages under Section 2(d) of the Registration Rights Agreement, the Company may deduct the amounts paid in connection with such Simultaneous Registration Rights Partial Liquidated Damages from such Public Information Failure Payments due for such simultaneous Public Information Failure. In the event the Company fails to make Public Information Failure Payments in a timely manner, such Public Information Failure Payments shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per month (prorated for partial months) until paid in full. Nothing herein shall limit such Purchaser’s right to pursue actual damages for the Public Information Failure, and the Purchaser shall have the right to pursue all remedies available to it at law or in equity including, without limitation, a decree of specific performance and/or injunctive relief.
4.20 Exercise Procedures. The form of Notice of Exercise included in the Warrants sets forth the totality of the procedures required of the Purchaser in order to exercise the Warrants. No additional legal opinion, other information or instructions shall be required of the Purchasers to exercise their Warrants. Without limiting the preceding sentences, no ink-original Notice of Exercise shall be required, nor shall any medallion guarantee (or other type of guarantee or notarization) of any Notice of Exercise form be required in order to exercise the Warrants. The Company shall honor exercises of the Warrants and shall deliver Warrant Shares in accordance with the terms, conditions and time periods set forth in the Transaction Documents.
4.21 Litigation. For as long as the Notes and Warrants are outstanding, the Company shall promptly, to the extent not prohibited by law, give the Purchaser notice in writing of any Action before or by any court, arbitrator, governmental or administrative agency or regulatory authority (federal, state, county, local or foreign) affecting the Company, any Subsidiary, any director and/or officer including but not limited to, any Action involving a claim of violation of or liability under federal or state securities laws, a claim of breach of fiduciary duty or any investigation by a governmental or administrative agency or regulatory authority (federal, state county, local or foreign). Any such information provided to the Purchaser shall comply with the requirements of Section 4.6 above.
4.22 Access to Records. The Company shall provide the Purchaser and/or any of its duly authorized representatives, attorneys or accountants access to any and all bank records at the premises of the Company where such records are kept, such access being afforded without charge, but only during normal business hours. Any such information provided to the Purchaser shall comply with the requirements of Section 4.6 above.
4.23 OTC Markets; National Securities Exchange.  
(a) As soon as reasonably practicable after the Closing, the Company shall use its reasonable best efforts to meet the eligibility requirements for listing its shares of Common Stock on the OTCQB or OTCQX and upon meeting such requirements, the Company shall promptly take all necessary and appropriate actions to quote its shares of Common Stock on such over-the-counter market.
(b) As soon as reasonably practicable after the Company meets the qualitative and quantitative listing standards for listing on a national securities exchange, the Company shall use reasonable best efforts to take all necessary and appropriate actions to list its shares of Common Stock for trading on such national securities exchange.
4.24 Post-Closing Actions. The Company shall and shall cause each of its relevant Subsidiaries to execute and deliver the documents and complete the tasks set forth in this Section as soon as reasonably practicable and in each case no later than the time limit specified in this Section or such longer time as the Purchaser may agree in its sole discretion:
(a) Any Person acquired by the Company, or that otherwise becomes a Subsidiary of the Company, on or after the date of this Agreement shall enter into a Subsidiary Guaranty Agreement and be joined to the Security Agreement as a debtor not later than one (1) calendar day after the consummation of such acquisition by the Company or the date the Person otherwise becomes a Subsidiary of the Company; and
(b) The Company shall consummate the acquisition of NextRidge contemplated by the NextRidge Acquisition Agreement within fourteen (14) calendar days following the Closing Date. If the acquisition of NextRidge is not consummated within the time limit specified herein, it will constitute an Event of Default.
4.25 Future Financings. Except for Permitted Indebtedness and for so long as Liabilities are outstanding, neither the Company, nor any of its Subsidiaries, shall enter into, create, incur, assume, guarantee or suffer to exist any Indebtedness. Despite the foregoing prohibition and for so long as Liabilities are outstanding, if at any time the Company or any of its Subsidiaries issues or incurs any Indebtedness other than Permitted Indebtedness, in addition to the Purchaser’s other available remedies, the Company shall pay to the Purchaser, in cash, as partial liquidated damages and not as a penalty, on each date of any such issuance or incurrence of Indebtedness, $30,000. Any such Indebtedness shall be expressly subordinated to the Notes and the convertible promissory notes issued to Affiliates of the Purchaser in the May 2020 Financing, and the holders of such Indebtedness shall not be granted any registration rights, nor shall the Company register, or cause to be registered, with the SEC or any state securities commission the notes or other debt instruments representing such Indebtedness or any equity securities issuable in connection with such Indebtedness. In addition, all entry into future Permitted Indebtedness shall be subject to a subordination and intercreditor agreements in form satisfactory to the Purchaser, with the exception of the existing lines of credit with Pioneer Bank for factoring arrangements that do not exceed $4,000,000 for any given month..12
5.1 Fees and Expenses. Except as expressly set forth below and in the Transaction Documents to the contrary, each party shall pay the reasonable, documented fees and expenses of its advisers, counsel, accountants and other experts, if any, and all other expenses incurred by such party incident to the negotiation, preparation, execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. The Company shall pay all Transfer Agent fees (including, without limitation, any fees required for same-day processing of any instruction letter delivered by the Company and any exercise notice delivered by the Purchaser), stamp taxes and other taxes and duties levied in connection with the delivery of any Securities to the Purchaser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company agrees to pay all direct and indirect costs and expenses of the Purchaser related to the negotiation, due diligence, preparation, closing, and all other items regarding or related to this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents and all of the transactions contemplated herein and/or therein, including, but not limited to, the legal fees and expenses of the Purchaser’s legal counsel (collectively, the “Purchaser’s Expenses”), all of which will be deducted and paid on Closing Date.
5.2 Entire Agreement. The Transaction Documents, together with the exhibits and schedules thereto, contain the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, oral or written, with respect to such matters, which the parties acknowledge have been merged into such documents, exhibits and schedules.
5.3 Notices. Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries required or permitted to be provided hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given and effective on the earliest of: (a) the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via facsimile or email attachment at the facsimile number or email address as set forth on the signature pages attached hereto at or prior to 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on a Business Day, (b) the next Business Day after the date of transmission, if such notice or communication is delivered via facsimile or email attachment at the facsimile number or email address as set forth on the signature pages attached hereto on a day that is not a Business Day or later than 5:30 p.m. (New York City time) on any Business Day, (c) the second (2nd) Business Day following the date of mailing, if sent by U.S. nationally recognized overnight courier service or (d) upon actual receipt by the party to whom such notice is required to be given. The address for such notices and communications shall be as set forth on the signature pages attached hereto.
5.4 Amendments; Waivers. No provision of this Agreement may be waived, modified, supplemented or amended except in a written instrument signed, in the case of an amendment, by the Company and the Purchaser or, in the case of a waiver, by the party against whom enforcement of any such waived provision is sought. No waiver of any default with respect to any provision, condition or requirement of this Agreement shall be deemed to be a continuing waiver in the future or a waiver of any subsequent default or a waiver of any other provision, condition or requirement hereof, nor shall any delay or omission of any party to exercise any right hereunder in any manner impair the exercise of any such right. Any amendment effected in accordance with accordance with this Section 5.4 shall be binding upon the Purchaser and holder of Securities and the Company.
5.5 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and permitted assigns. The Company may not assign this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the Purchaser then holding the outstanding Notes and Warrant (other than by merger). Purchaser may assign any or all of its rights under this Agreement to any Person to whom Purchaser assigns or transfers any Securities in compliance with the Transaction Documents, provided that such transferee agrees in writing to be bound, with respect to the transferred Securities, by the provisions of the Transaction Documents that apply to the “Purchaser,” and provided further that (i) such transferee is an “accredited investor” within the meaning of Rule 501 under the Securities Act and (ii) such transferee is not a direct competitor of the Company or any Subsidiary.
5.6 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is intended for the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns and is not for the benefit of, nor may any provision hereof be enforced by, any other Person.
5.7 Governing Law; Exclusive Jurisdiction. All questions concerning the construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of the Transaction Documents shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of New York, without regard to the principles of conflicts of law thereof. Each party agrees that all legal Proceedings concerning the interpretations, enforcement and defense of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and any other Transaction Documents (whether brought against a party hereto or its respective affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders, partners, members, employees or agents) shall be commenced exclusively in the state and federal courts sitting in the City of New York. Each party hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts sitting in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan for the adjudication of any dispute hereunder or in connection herewith or with any transaction contemplated hereby or discussed herein (including with respect to the enforcement of any of the Transaction Documents), and hereby irrevocably waives, and agrees not to assert in any Action or Proceeding, any claim that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of any such court, that such Action or Proceeding is improper or is an inconvenient venue for such Proceeding. Each party hereby irrevocably waives personal service of process and consents to process being served in any such Action or Proceeding by mailing a copy thereof via registered or certified mail or overnight delivery (with evidence of delivery) to such party at the address in effect for notices to it under this Agreement and agrees that such service shall constitute good and sufficient service of process and notice thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any other manner permitted by law. If any party shall commence an Action or Proceeding to enforce any provisions of the Transaction Documents, then, in addition to the obligations of the Company elsewhere in this Agreement, the prevailing party in such Action or Proceeding shall be reimbursed by the non-prevailing party for its reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs and expenses incurred with the investigation, preparation and prosecution of such Action or Proceeding.
5.8 Survival. The representations and warranties contained herein shall survive the Closing and the delivery of the Securities at Closing.
5.9 Execution. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, all of which when taken together shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by each party and delivered to each other party, it being understood that the parties need not sign the same counterpart. In the event that any signature is delivered by facsimile transmission or by e-mail delivery of a “.pdf” format data file, such signature shall create a valid and binding obligation of the party executing (or on whose behalf such signature is executed) with the same force and effect as if such facsimile or “.pdf” signature page were an original thereof.
5.10 Severability. If any term, provision, covenant or restriction of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms, provisions, covenants and restrictions set forth herein shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated, as long as the essential terms and conditions of the Notes and Warrant for each party remain valid, binding, and enforceable. The parties shall use their commercially reasonable efforts to find and employ an alternative means to achieve the same or substantially the same result as that contemplated by such term, provision, covenant or restriction.
5.11 Rescission and Withdrawal Right. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in (and without limiting any similar provisions of) any of the other Transaction Documents, whenever the Purchaser exercises a right, election, demand or option under a Transaction Document and the Company does not timely perform its related obligations within the periods therein provided, then the Purchaser may rescind or withdraw, in its sole discretion from time to time upon written notice to the Company, any relevant notice, demand or election in whole or in part without prejudice to its future actions and rights; provided, however, that, in the case of a rescission of a conversion of the Convertible Note or of an exercise of the Warrant, the Purchaser shall be required to return any shares of Common Stock subject to any such rescinded conversion or exercise notice concurrently with the return to the Purchaser of the aggregate exercise price paid to the Company for such shares.
5.12 Replacement of Securities. If any certificate or instrument evidencing any Securities is mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, the Company shall issue or cause to be issued in exchange and substitution for and upon cancellation thereof (in the case of mutilation), or in lieu of and substitution therefor, a new certificate or instrument, but only upon receipt of evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Company of such loss, theft or destruction. The applicant for a new certificate or instrument under such circumstances shall also pay any reasonable third-party costs (including customary indemnity) associated with the issuance of such replacement Securities.
5.13 Remedies. In addition to being entitled to exercise all rights provided herein or granted by law, including recovery of damages, each of the Purchaser and the Company will be entitled to specific performance under the Transaction Documents. The parties agree that monetary damages may not be adequate compensation for any loss incurred by reason of any breach of obligations contained in the Transaction Documents and hereby agree to waive and not to assert in any Action for specific performance of any such obligation the defense that a remedy at law would be adequate.
5.14 Payment Set Aside. To the extent that the Company makes a payment or payments to the Purchaser pursuant to any Transaction Document or the Purchaser enforces or exercises its rights thereunder, and such payment or payments or the proceeds of such enforcement or exercise or any part thereof are subsequently invalidated, declared to be fraudulent or preferential, set aside, recovered from, disgorged by or are required to be refunded, repaid or otherwise restored to the Company, a trustee, receiver or any other Person under any law (including, without limitation, any bankruptcy law, state or federal law, common law or equitable cause of action), then to the extent of any such restoration the obligation or part thereof originally intended to be satisfied shall be revived and continued in full force and effect as if such payment had not been made or such enforcement or setoff had not occurred.
5.15 Usury. To the extent it may lawfully do so, the Company hereby agrees not to insist upon or plead or in any manner whatsoever claim, and will resist any and all efforts to be compelled to take the benefit or advantage of, usury laws wherever enacted, now or at any time hereafter in force, in connection with any Action or Proceeding that may be brought by the Purchaser in order to enforce any right or remedy under any Transaction Document. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in any Transaction Document, it is expressly agreed and provided that the total liability of the Company under the Transaction Documents for payments in the nature of interest shall not exceed the maximum lawful rate authorized under applicable law (the “Maximum Rate”), and, without limiting the foregoing, in no event shall any rate of interest or default interest, or both of them, when aggregated with any other sums in the nature of interest that the Company may be obligated to pay under the Transaction Documents exceed such Maximum Rate. It is agreed that if the maximum contract rate of interest allowed by law and applicable to the Transaction Documents is increased or decreased by statute or any official governmental action subsequent to the date hereof, the new maximum contract rate of interest allowed by law will be the Maximum Rate applicable to the Transaction Documents from the effective date thereof forward, unless such application is precluded by applicable law. If under any circumstances whatsoever, interest in excess of the Maximum Rate is paid by the Company to the Purchaser with respect to indebtedness evidenced by the Transaction Documents, such excess shall be applied by the Purchaser to the unpaid principal balance of any such indebtedness or be refunded to the Company, the manner of handling such excess to be at the Purchaser’s election.
5.16 Liquidated Damages. The Company’s obligations to pay any partial liquidated damages or other amounts owing under the Transaction Documents is a continuing obligation of the Company and shall not terminate until all unpaid partial liquidated damages and other amounts have been paid notwithstanding the fact that the instrument or security pursuant to which such partial liquidated damages or other amounts are due and payable shall have been canceled.
5.17 Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays, etc. If the last or appointed day for the taking of any action or the expiration of any right required or granted herein shall not be a Business Day, then such action may be taken or such right may be exercised on the next succeeding Business Day.
5.18 Construction. The parties agree that each of them and/or their respective counsel have reviewed and had an opportunity to revise the Transaction Documents and, therefore, the normal rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be employed in the interpretation of the Transaction Documents or any amendments thereto.
(Signature Pages Follow)


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Securities Purchase Agreement to be duly executed by their respective authorized signatories as of the date first indicated above.
Address for Notice:
125 Park Avenue, 25th Floor
New York, NY 10017
 Name: Andrew Fox
 Title: Chief Executive Officer
With a copy to (which shall not constitute notice):
Email: a@charge.us
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
30 Rockefeller Plaza, 39th Floor
New York, NY 10112
Attn: Richard A. Friedman and Stephen A. Cohen
Email: rafriedman@sheppardmullin.com, scohen@sheppardmullin.com


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Securities Purchase Agreement to be duly executed by their respective authorized signatories as of the date first indicated above.
Name of Purchaser: __________________________________
Signature of Authorized Signatory of Purchaser: __________________________________
Name of Authorized Signatory: __________________________________
Title of Authorized Signatory: __________________________________
Email Address of Authorized Signatory: __________________________________
Facsimile Number of Authorized Signatory: __________________________________
Address for Notice to Purchaser:
Address for Delivery of Securities to Purchaser (if not same as address for notice):
FEIN Number: __________________________________


Form of Convertible Note


Form of Non-convertible Note


Form of Warrant


Form of Amended and Restated Security Agreement


Form of Registration Rights Agreement
Form of Subsidiary Guaranty Agreement


Schedule 1
Purchase Price; Securities Purchased
Tranche 1
Name ofPurchaser
Purchase Price
Aggregate Principal Amount of Convertible Notes being
Number of Warrants
to be Issued
[ ]
[ ]
$[ ]
[ ]
Schedule 2
Senior Secured Loan
Tranche 2
Name ofPurchaser
Purchase Price
Aggregate Principal Amount of Non-convertible Notes being
[ ]
[ ]
$[ ]


  Exhibit 10.20
This Registration Rights Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of May 19, 2021, between Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (which was formerly known as Transworld Holdings, Inc. and GoIP Global, Inc., a Colorado corporation) (the “Company”), and the purchaser signatory hereto (the “Purchaser”).
               This Agreement is made pursuant to the Securities Purchase Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between the Company and the Purchaser (the “Purchase Agreement”).
               The Company and the Purchaser hereby agrees as follows:
               Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein that are defined in the Purchase Agreement shall have the meanings given such terms in the Purchase Agreement. As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
            “Advice” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6(d).
Effectiveness Period” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(a).
Event” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(d).
Event Date” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(d).
Filing Date” means, (a) with respect to the Initial Registration Statement required hereunder, the 90th calendar day following the date hereof, and (b) with respect to any additional Registration Statements which may be required pursuant to Section 2(c) or Section 3(c), the earliest practical date on which the Company is permitted by SEC Guidance to file such additional Registration Statement related to the Registrable Securities.
 “Holder” or “Holders” means the holder or holders, as the case may be, from time to time of Registrable Securities. The initial Holder is the Purchaser.
Indemnified Party” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5(c).
Indemnifying Party” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5(c).
Initial Registration Statement” means the initial Registration Statement filed pursuant to this Agreement.
Losses” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5(a).
Plan of Distribution” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2(a).
Prospectus” means the prospectus included in a Registration Statement (including, without limitation, a prospectus that includes any information previously omitted from a prospectus filed as part of an effective registration statement in reliance upon Rule 430A promulgated by the Commission pursuant to the Securities Act), as amended or supplemented by any prospectus supplement, with respect to the terms of the offering of any portion of the Registrable Securities covered by a Registration Statement, and all other amendments and supplements to the Prospectus, including post-effective amendments, and all material incorporated by reference or deemed to be incorporated by reference in such Prospectus.
Registrable Securities” means, as of any date of determination, (a) all Conversion Shares issuable upon conversion of the Convertible Note (assuming on such date the Convertible Note is converted in full without regard to any conversion limitations therein), (b) the Warrant Shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrant (assuming on such date the Warrant is exercised in full without regard to any exercise limitations therein), (c) any additional shares of Common Stock issuable in connection with any anti-dilution provisions in the Convertible Note and Warrant (without giving effect to any limitations on conversion and exercise set forth in the Convertible Note and Warrant, respectively) and (d) any securities issued or then issuable upon any stock split, dividend or other distribution, recapitalization or similar event with respect to the foregoing; provided, however, that any such Registrable Securities shall cease to be Registrable Securities (and the Company shall not be required to maintain the effectiveness of any, or file another, Registration Statement hereunder with respect thereto) for so long as (i) a Registration Statement with respect to the sale of such Registrable Securities is declared effective by the Commission under the Securities Act and such Registrable Securities have been disposed of by the Holder in accordance with such effective Registration Statement, (ii) such Registrable Securities have been previously sold in accordance with Rule 144, or (iii) such securities become eligible for resale without volume or manner-of-sale restrictions and without current public information pursuant to Rule 144, and the conditions of Rule 144(i)(2) have been met, as set forth in a written opinion letter to such effect, addressed, delivered and acceptable to the Transfer Agent and the affected Holders (assuming that such securities and any securities issuable upon exercise, conversion or exchange of which, or as a dividend upon which, such securities were issued or are issuable, were at no time held by any Affiliate of the Company, as reasonably determined by the Company, upon the advice of counsel to the Company.
Registration Statement” means any registration statement required to be filed hereunder pursuant to Section 2(a) and any additional registration statements contemplated by Section 2(c) or Section 3(c), including (in each case) the Prospectus, amendments and supplements to any such registration statement or Prospectus, including pre- and post-effective amendments, all exhibits thereto, and all material incorporated by reference or deemed to be incorporated by reference in any such registration statement.
 “Rule 415” means Rule 415 promulgated by the Commission pursuant to the Securities Act, as such Rule may be amended or interpreted from time to time, or any similar rule or regulation hereafter adopted by the Commission having substantially the same purpose and effect as such Rule.
Rule 424” means Rule 424 promulgated by the Commission pursuant to the Securities Act, as such Rule may be amended or interpreted from time to time, or any similar rule or regulation hereafter adopted by the Commission having substantially the same purpose and effect as such Rule.
Selling Stockholder Questionnaire” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3(a).
SEC Guidance” means (i) any publicly-available written or oral guidance of the Commission staff, or any comments, requirements or requests of the Commission staff and (ii) the Securities Act.
Shelf Registration.
(a) On or prior to each Filing Date, the Company shall prepare and file with the Commission a Registration Statement covering the resale of all of the Registrable Securities that are not then registered on an effective Registration Statement for an offering to be made on a continuous basis pursuant to Rule 415. Each Registration Statement filed hereunder shall be on Form S-1 or such other form available to register for resale the Registrable Securities as a secondary offering and shall contain (unless otherwise directed by at least 85% in interest of the Holders) substantially the “Plan of Distribution” attached hereto as Annex A and substantially the “Selling Stockholder” section attached hereto as Annex B; provided, however, that no Holder shall be required to be named as an “underwriter” without such Holder’s express prior written consent. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Company shall use its best efforts to cause a Registration Statement filed under this Agreement (including, without limitation, under Section 3(c)) to be declared effective under the Securities Act as promptly as possible after the filing thereof (in any case within six (6) months of the Closing Date), and shall use its best efforts to keep such Registration Statement continuously effective under the Securities Act until the date that all Registrable Securities covered by such Registration Statement (i) have been sold, thereunder or pursuant to Rule 144, or (ii) may be sold without volume or manner-of-sale restrictions pursuant to Rule 144 and without the requirement for the Company to be in compliance with the current public information requirement under Rule 144, and the conditions of Rule 144(i)(2) have been met, as determined by the counsel to the Company pursuant to a written opinion letter to such effect, addressed and acceptable to the Transfer Agent and the affected Holders (the “Effectiveness Period”). The Company shall telephonically request effectiveness of a Registration Statement as of 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on a Trading Day. The Company shall immediately notify the Holders via facsimile or by e-mail of the effectiveness of a Registration Statement by the next Trading Day that the Company telephonically confirms effectiveness with the Commission, which shall be the date requested for effectiveness of such Registration Statement. The Company shall, by 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time on the Trading Day five (5) days after the effective date of such Registration Statement, file a final Prospectus with the Commission as required by Rule 424. Failure to so notify the Holder within two (2) Trading Days of such notification of effectiveness or failure to file a final Prospectus as foresaid shall be deemed an Event under Section 2(d).
(b)  Notwithstanding the registration obligations set forth in Section 2(a), if the Commission informs the Company that all of the Registrable Securities cannot, as a result of the application of Rule 415, be registered for resale as a secondary offering on a single registration statement, the Company agrees to promptly inform each of the Holders thereof and use its reasonable best efforts to file amendments to the Initial Registration Statement as required by the Commission, covering the maximum number of Registrable Securities permitted to be registered by the Commission, on Form S-1 or such other form available to register for resale the Registrable Securities as a secondary offering, subject to the provisions of Section 2(d) with respect to the payment of liquidated damages; provided, however, that prior to filing such amendment, the Company shall be obligated to use diligent efforts to advocate with the Commission for the registration of all of the Registrable Securities in accordance with the SEC Guidance, including without limitation, Compliance and Disclosure Interpretation 612.09.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement and subject to the payment of liquidated damages pursuant to Section 2(d), if the Commission or any SEC Guidance sets forth a limitation on the number of Registrable Securities permitted to be registered on a particular Registration Statement as a secondary offering (and notwithstanding that the Company used diligent efforts to advocate with the Commission for the registration of all or a greater portion of Registrable Securities), unless otherwise directed in writing by a Holder as to its Registrable Securities, the number of Registrable Securities to be registered on such Registration Statement will be reduced as follows:
First, the Company shall reduce or eliminate any securities to be included other than Registrable Securities;
Second, the Company shall reduce Registrable Securities represented by Conversion Shares; and
Third, the Company shall reduce Registrable Securities represented by Commitment Shares.
In the event of a cutback hereunder, the Company shall give the Holder at least five (5) Trading Days prior written notice along with the calculations as to such Holder’s allotment. In the event the Company amends the Initial Registration Statement in accordance with the foregoing, the Company will use its best efforts to file with the Commission, as promptly as allowed by Commission or SEC Guidance provided to the Company or to registrants of securities in general, one or more registration statements on Form S-1 or such other form available to register for resale those Registrable Securities that were not registered for resale on the Initial Registration Statement, as amended.
(d) If: (i) the Initial Registration Statement is not filed on or prior to its Filing Date (if the Company files the Initial Registration Statement without affording the Holders the opportunity to review and comment on the same as required by Section 3(a) herein, the Company shall be deemed to have not satisfied this clause (i)), or (ii) the Company fails to file with the Commission a request for acceleration of a Registration Statement in accordance with Rule 461 promulgated by the Commission pursuant to the Securities Act, within five Trading Days of the date that the Company is notified (orally or in writing, whichever is earlier) by the Commission that such Registration Statement will not be “reviewed” or will not be subject to further review, or (iii) the Initial Registration Statement is not declared effective within six (6) months of the Closing Date, or (iv) after the effective date of a Registration Statement, such Registration Statement ceases for any reason to remain continuously effective as to all Registrable Securities included in such Registration Statement, or the Holders are otherwise not permitted to utilize the Prospectus therein to resell such Registrable Securities, for more than ten (10) consecutive calendar days or more than an aggregate of fifteen (15) calendar days (which need not be consecutive calendar days) during any 12-month period or (v) the Company shall fail for any reason to satisfy the current public information requirement under Rule 144 or the requirements of Rule 144(i)(2) as to the applicable Registrable Securities (any such failure or breach being referred to as an “Event”, and for purposes of clauses (i), (iii) and (v), the date on which such Event occurs, and for purpose of clause (ii) the date on which such five (5) Trading Day period is exceeded, and for purpose of clause (iv) the date on which such ten (10) or fifteen (15) calendar day period, as applicable, is exceeded being referred to as “Event Date”), then, in addition to any other rights the Holders may have hereunder or under applicable law, on each such Event Date and on each monthly anniversary of each such Event Date (if the applicable Event shall not have been cured by such date) until the applicable Event is cured, the Company shall pay to the Holders an amount in cash, as partial liquidated damages and not as a penalty, their pro rata portion of $75,000, on the Event Date and on every thirtieth (30th) day (pro rated for periods totaling less than thirty days) thereafter. The foregoing liquidated damages shall not apply if the Registrable Securities may be sold without volume or manner-of-sale restrictions pursuant to Rule 144 at the time the Event occurs, provided that the Company shall also be in compliance with the requirements of Rule 144(i)(2) and the current public information requirement under Rule 144 to the extent required. If the Company fails to pay any partial liquidated damages pursuant to this Section in full within seven days after the date payable, the Company will pay interest thereon at a rate of 18% per annum (or such lesser maximum amount that is permitted to be paid by applicable law) to the Holder, accruing daily from the date such partial liquidated damages are due until such amounts, plus all such interest thereon, are paid in full. The partial liquidated damages pursuant to the terms hereof shall apply on a daily pro rata basis for any portion of a month prior to the cure of an Event.
(e) [Reserved]
(f) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in no event shall the Company be permitted to name any Holder or affiliate of a Holder as any Underwriter without the prior written consent of such Holder.
Registration Procedures.
               In connection with the Company’s registration obligations hereunder, the Company shall:
(a) Not less than five (5) Trading Days prior to the filing of each Registration Statement and not less than one (1) Trading Day prior to the filing of any related Prospectus or any amendment or supplement thereto (including any document that would be incorporated or deemed to be incorporated therein by reference), the Company shall (i) furnish to each Holder copies of all such documents proposed to be filed, which documents (other than those incorporated or deemed to be incorporated by reference) will be subject to the review of such Holders, and (ii) cause its officers and directors, counsel and independent registered public accountants to respond to such inquiries as shall be necessary, in the reasonable opinion of respective counsel to each Holder, to conduct a reasonable investigation within the meaning of the Securities Act. The Company shall not file a Registration Statement or any such Prospectus or any amendments or supplements thereto to which the Holders of a majority of the Registrable Securities shall reasonably object in good faith, provided that, the Company is notified of such objection in writing no later than five (5) Trading Days after the Holders have been so furnished copies of a Registration Statement or one (1) Trading Day after the Holders have been so furnished copies of any related Prospectus or amendments or supplements thereto. Each Holder agrees to furnish to the Company a completed questionnaire in the form attached to this Agreement as Annex B (a “Selling Stockholder Questionnaire”) on a date that is not less than two (2) Trading Days prior to the Filing Date or by the end of the fourth (4th) Trading Day following the date on which such Holder receives draft materials in accordance with this Section.
(b) (i) Prepare and file with the Commission such amendments, including post-effective amendments, to a Registration Statement and the Prospectus used in connection therewith as may be necessary to keep a Registration Statement continuously effective as to the applicable Registrable Securities for the Effectiveness Period and prepare and file with the Commission such additional Registration Statements in order to register for resale under the Securities Act all of the Registrable Securities, (ii) cause the related Prospectus to be amended or supplemented by any required Prospectus supplement (subject to the terms of this Agreement), and, as so supplemented or amended, to be filed pursuant to Rule 424, (iii) respond as promptly as reasonably possible to any comments received from the Commission with respect to a Registration Statement or any amendment thereto and provide as promptly as reasonably possible to the Holders true and complete copies of all correspondence from and to the Commission relating to a Registration Statement (provided that, the Company shall excise any information contained therein which would constitute material non-public information regarding the Company or any of its Subsidiaries), and (iv) comply in all material respects with the applicable provisions of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act with respect to the disposition of all Registrable Securities covered by a Registration Statement during the applicable period in accordance (subject to the terms of this Agreement) with the intended methods of disposition by the Holders thereof set forth in such Registration Statement as so amended or in such Prospectus as so supplemented.
(c) If during the Effectiveness Period, the number of Registrable Securities at any time exceeds 100% of the number of shares of Common Stock constituting Registrable Securities then registered in a Registration Statement, then the Company shall file, as soon as reasonably practicable, an additional Registration Statement covering the resale by the Holders of not less than the number of such Registrable Securities.
(d) Notify the Holders of Registrable Securities to be sold (which notice shall, pursuant to clauses (iii) through (vi) hereof, be accompanied by an instruction to suspend the use of the Prospectus until the requisite changes have been made) as promptly as reasonably possible (and, in the case of (i)(A) below, not less than one (1) Trading Day prior to such filing) and (if requested by any such Person) confirm such notice in writing no later than one (1) Trading Day following the day (i)(A) when a Prospectus or any Prospectus supplement or post-effective amendment to a Registration Statement is proposed to be filed, (B) when the Commission notifies the Company whether there will be a “review” of such Registration Statement and whenever the Commission comments in writing on such Registration Statement, and (C) with respect to a Registration Statement or any post-effective amendment, when the same has become effective, (ii) of any request by the Commission or any other federal or state governmental authority for amendments or supplements to a Registration Statement or Prospectus or for additional information, (iii) of the issuance by the Commission or any other federal or state governmental authority of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of a Registration Statement covering any or all of the Registrable Securities or the initiation of any Proceedings for that purpose, (iv) of the receipt by the Company of any notification with respect to the suspension of the qualification or exemption from qualification of any of the Registrable Securities for sale in any jurisdiction, or the initiation or threatening of any Proceeding for such purpose, (v) of the occurrence of any event or passage of time that makes the financial statements included in a Registration Statement ineligible for inclusion therein or any statement made in a Registration Statement or Prospectus or any document incorporated or deemed to be incorporated therein by reference untrue in any material respect or that requires any revisions to a Registration Statement, Prospectus or other documents so that, in the case of a Registration Statement or the Prospectus, as the case may be, it will not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, and (vi) of the occurrence or existence of any pending corporate development with respect to the Company that the Company believes may be material and that, in the determination of the Company, makes it not in the best interest of the Company to allow continued availability of a Registration Statement or Prospectus, provided, however, in no event shall any such notice contain any information which would constitute material, non-public information regarding the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.
(e) Use its best efforts to avoid the issuance of, or, if issued, obtain the withdrawal of (i) any order stopping or suspending the effectiveness of a Registration Statement, or (ii) any suspension of the qualification (or exemption from qualification) of any of the Registrable Securities for sale in any jurisdiction, at the earliest practicable moment.
(f) Furnish to each Holder, without charge, at least one conformed copy of each such Registration Statement and each amendment thereto, including financial statements and schedules, all documents incorporated or deemed to be incorporated therein by reference to the extent requested by such Person, and all exhibits to the extent requested by such Person (including those previously furnished or incorporated by reference) promptly after the filing of such documents with the Commission; provided, that any such item which is available on the EDGAR system (or successor thereto) need not be furnished in physical form.
(g) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Company hereby consents to the use of such Prospectus and each amendment or supplement thereto by each of the selling Holders in connection with the offering and sale of the Registrable Securities covered by such Prospectus and any amendment or supplement thereto, except after the giving of any notice pursuant to Section 3(d).
(h)  Prior to any resale of Registrable Securities by a Holder, or from time to time as requested by the Holder, use its reasonable best efforts to register or qualify or cooperate with the selling Holders in connection with the registration or qualification (or exemption from the Registration or qualification) of such Registrable Securities for the resale by the Holder under the securities or Blue Sky laws of such jurisdictions within the United States as any Holder reasonably requests in writing, to keep each registration or qualification (or exemption therefrom) effective during the Effectiveness Period and to do any and all other acts or things reasonably necessary to enable the disposition in such jurisdictions of the Registrable Securities covered by each Registration Statement, provided that the Company shall not be required to qualify generally to do business in any jurisdiction where it is not then so qualified, subject the Company to any material tax in any such jurisdiction where it is not then so subject or file a general consent to service of process in any such jurisdiction.
(i) If requested by a Holder, cooperate with such Holder to facilitate the timely preparation and delivery of certificates representing Registrable Securities to be delivered to a transferee pursuant to a Registration Statement, which certificates shall be free, to the extent permitted by the Purchase Agreement, of all restrictive legends, and to enable such Registrable Securities to be in such denominations and registered in such names as any such Holder may request.
(j) Upon the occurrence of any event contemplated by Section 3(d), as promptly as reasonably possible under the circumstances taking into account the Company’s good faith assessment of any adverse consequences to the Company and its shareholders of the premature disclosure of such event, prepare a supplement or amendment, including a post-effective amendment, to a Registration Statement or a supplement to the related Prospectus or any document incorporated or deemed to be incorporated therein by reference, and file any other required document so that, as thereafter delivered, neither a Registration Statement nor such Prospectus will contain an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. If the Company notifies the Holders in accordance with clauses (iii) through (vi) of Section 3(d) above to suspend the use of any Prospectus until the requisite changes to such Prospectus have been made, then the Holders shall suspend use of such Prospectus. The Company will use its best efforts to ensure that the use of the Prospectus may be resumed as promptly as is practicable. The Company shall be entitled to exercise its right under this Section 3(j) to suspend the availability of a Registration Statement and Prospectus, subject to the payment of partial liquidated damages otherwise required pursuant to Section 2(d), for a period not to exceed 60 calendar days (which need not be consecutive days) in any 12-month period.
(k) Otherwise use reasonable best efforts to comply with all applicable rules and regulations of the Commission under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, including, without limitation, Rule 172 under the Securities Act, file any final Prospectus, including any supplement or amendment thereof, with the Commission pursuant to Rule 424 under the Securities Act, promptly inform the Holders in writing if, at any time during the Effectiveness Period, the Company does not satisfy the conditions specified in Rule 172 and, as a result thereof, the Holders are required to deliver a Prospectus in connection with any disposition of Registrable Securities and take such other actions as may be reasonably necessary to facilitate the registration of the Registrable Securities hereunder.
(l) Intentionally Omitted.
(m) The Company may require each selling Holder to furnish to the Company a certified statement as to the number of shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by such Holder and, if required by the Commission, the natural persons thereof that have voting and dispositive control over the shares. During any periods that the Company is unable to meet its obligations hereunder with respect to the registration of the Registrable Securities solely because any Holder fails to furnish such information within three Trading Days of the Company’s request, any liquidated damages that are accruing at such time as to such Holder only shall be tolled and any Event that may otherwise occur solely because of such delay shall be suspended as to such Holder only, until such information is delivered to the Company.
4.              Registration Expenses. All fees and expenses incident to the performance of or compliance with, this Agreement by the Company shall be borne by the Company whether or not any Registrable Securities are sold pursuant to a Registration Statement. The fees and expenses referred to in the foregoing sentence shall include, without limitation, (i) all registration and filing fees (including, without limitation, fees and expenses of the Company’s counsel and independent registered public accountants) (A) with respect to filings made with the Commission, (B) with respect to filings required to be made with any Trading Market on which the Common Stock is then listed for trading, and (C) in compliance with applicable state securities or Blue Sky laws reasonably agreed to by the Company in writing (including, without limitation, fees and disbursements of counsel for the Company in connection with Blue Sky qualifications or exemptions of the Registrable Securities), (ii) printing expenses (including, without limitation, expenses of printing certificates for Registrable Securities), (iii) messenger, telephone and delivery expenses, (iv) fees and disbursements of counsel for the Company, (v) Securities Act liability insurance, if the Company so desires such insurance, (vi) fees and expenses of all other Persons retained by the Company in connection with the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and (vii) reasonable and reasonably-documented fees and disbursements, not to exceed $10,000 in the aggregate, of one counsel for the Purchaser. In addition, the Company shall be responsible for all of its internal expenses incurred in connection with the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (including, without limitation, all salaries and expenses of its officers and employees performing legal or accounting duties), the expense of any annual audit and the fees and expenses incurred in connection with the listing of the Registrable Securities on any securities exchange as required hereunder. In no event shall the Company be responsible for any broker or similar commissions of any Holder or, except to the extent provided for in the Transaction Documents, any legal fees or other costs of the Holders.
(a) Indemnification by the Company. The Company shall, notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement, indemnify and hold harmless each Holder, the officers, directors, members, partners, agents, and employees (and any other Persons with a functionally equivalent role of a Person holding such titles, notwithstanding a lack of such title or any other title) of each of them, each Person who controls any such Holder (within the meaning of Section 15 of the Securities Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act) and the officers, directors, members, shareholders, partners, agents and employees (and any other Persons with a functionally equivalent role of a Person holding such titles, notwithstanding a lack of such title or any other title) of each such controlling Person, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees) and expenses (collectively, “Losses”), as incurred, arising out of or relating to (1) any untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in a Registration Statement, any Prospectus or any form of prospectus or in any amendment or supplement thereto or in any preliminary prospectus, or arising out of or relating to any omission or alleged omission of a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein (in the case of any Prospectus or supplement thereto, in light of the circumstances under which they were made) not misleading or (2) any violation or alleged violation by the Company of the Securities Act, the Exchange Act or any state securities law, or any rule or regulation thereunder, in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, except to the extent, but only to the extent, that (i) such untrue statements or omissions are based solely upon information regarding such Holder furnished in writing to the Company by such Holder expressly for use therein, or to the extent that such information relates to such Holder or such Holder’s proposed method of distribution of Registrable Securities and was reviewed and expressly approved in writing by such Holder expressly for use in a Registration Statement, such Prospectus or in any amendment or supplement thereto (it being understood that the Holder has approved Annex A hereto for this purpose) or (ii) in the case of an occurrence of an event of the type specified in Section 3(d)(iii)-(vi), the use by such Holder of an outdated, defective or otherwise unavailable Prospectus after the Company has notified such Holder in writing that the Prospectus is outdated, defective or otherwise unavailable for use by such Holder and prior to the receipt by such Holder of the Advice contemplated in Section 6(d). The Company shall notify the Holders promptly of the institution, threat or assertion of any Proceeding arising from or in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement of which the Company is aware. Such indemnity shall remain in full force and effect regardless of any investigation made by or on behalf of such indemnified person and shall survive the transfer of any Registrable Securities by any of the Holders in accordance with Section 6(h).
(b) Indemnification by Holders. Each Holder shall, severally and not jointly, indemnify and hold harmless the Company, its directors, officers, agents and employees, each Person who controls the Company (within the meaning of Section 15 of the Securities Act and Section 20 of the Exchange Act), and the directors, officers, agents or employees of such controlling Persons, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, from and against all Losses, as incurred, to the extent arising out of or based solely upon: any untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in any Registration Statement, any Prospectus, or in any amendment or supplement thereto or in any preliminary prospectus, or arising out of or relating to any omission or alleged omission of a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein (in the case of any Prospectus or supplement thereto, in light of the circumstances under which they were made) not misleading (i) to the extent, but only to the extent, that such untrue statement or omission is contained in any information so furnished in writing by such Holder to the Company expressly for inclusion in such Registration Statement or such Prospectus or (ii) to the extent, but only to the extent, that such information relates to such Holder’s information provided in the Selling Stockholder Questionnaire or the proposed method of distribution of Registrable Securities and was reviewed and expressly approved in writing by such Holder expressly for use in a Registration Statement (it being understood that the Holder has approved Annex A hereto for this purpose), such Prospectus or in any amendment or supplement thereto. In no event shall the liability of a selling Holder be greater in amount than the dollar amount of the proceeds (net of all expenses paid by such Holder in connection with any claim relating to this Section 5 and the amount of any damages such Holder has otherwise been required to pay by reason of such untrue statement or omission) received by such Holder upon the sale of the Registrable Securities included in the Registration Statement giving rise to such indemnification obligation.
(c) Conduct of Indemnification Proceedings. If any Proceeding shall be brought or asserted against any Person entitled to indemnity hereunder (an “Indemnified Party”), such Indemnified Party shall promptly notify the Person from whom indemnity is sought (the “Indemnifying Party”) in writing, and the Indemnifying Party shall have the right to assume the defense thereof, including the employment of counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party and the payment of all fees and expenses incurred in connection with defense thereof, provided that the failure of any Indemnified Party to give such notice shall not relieve the Indemnifying Party of its obligations or liabilities pursuant to this Agreement, except (and only) to the extent that it shall be finally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction (which determination is not subject to appeal or further review) that such failure shall have materially and adversely prejudiced the Indemnifying Party.
               An Indemnified Party shall have the right to employ separate counsel in any such Proceeding and to participate in the defense thereof, but the fees and expenses of such counsel shall be at the expense of such Indemnified Party or Parties unless: (1) the Indemnifying Party has agreed in writing to pay such fees and expenses, (2) the Indemnifying Party shall have failed promptly to assume the defense of such Proceeding and to employ counsel reasonably satisfactory to such Indemnified Party in any such Proceeding, or (3) the named parties to any such Proceeding (including any impleaded parties) include both such Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party, and counsel to the Indemnified Party shall reasonably believe that a material conflict of interest is likely to exist if the same counsel were to represent such Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party (in which case, if such Indemnified Party notifies the Indemnifying Party in writing that it elects to employ separate counsel at the expense of the Indemnifying Party, the Indemnifying Party shall not have the right to assume the defense thereof and the reasonable fees and expenses of no more than one separate counsel shall be at the expense of the Indemnifying Party). The Indemnifying Party shall not be liable for any settlement of any such Proceeding effected without its written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. No Indemnifying Party shall, without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party, effect any settlement of any pending Proceeding in respect of which any Indemnified Party is a party, unless such settlement includes an unconditional release of such Indemnified Party from all liability on claims that are the subject matter of such Proceeding.
               Subject to the terms of this Agreement, all reasonable fees and expenses of the Indemnified Party (including reasonable fees and expenses to the extent incurred in connection with investigating or preparing to defend such Proceeding in a manner not inconsistent with this Section) shall be paid to the Indemnified Party, as incurred, within ten Trading Days of written notice thereof to the Indemnifying Party, provided that the Indemnified Party shall promptly reimburse the Indemnifying Party for that portion of such fees and expenses applicable to such actions for which such Indemnified Party is finally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction (which determination is not subject to appeal or further review) not to be entitled to indemnification hereunder.
(d) Contribution. If the indemnification under Section 5(a) or 5(b) is unavailable to an Indemnified Party or insufficient to hold an Indemnified Party harmless for any Losses, then each Indemnifying Party shall contribute to the amount paid or payable by such Indemnified Party, in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of the Indemnifying Party and Indemnified Party in connection with the actions, statements or omissions that resulted in such Losses as well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of such Indemnifying Party and Indemnified Party shall be determined by reference to, among other things, whether any action in question, including any untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact or omission or alleged omission of a material fact, has been taken or made by, or relates to information supplied by, such Indemnifying Party or Indemnified Party, and the parties’ relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent such action, statement or omission. The amount paid or payable by a party as a result of any Losses shall be deemed to include, subject to the limitations set forth in this Agreement, any reasonable attorneys’ or other fees or expenses incurred by such party in connection with any Proceeding to the extent such party would have been indemnified for such fees or expenses if the indemnification provided for in this Section was available to such party in accordance with its terms.
               The parties hereto agree that it would not be just and equitable if contribution pursuant to this Section 5(d) were determined by pro rata allocation or by any other method of allocation that does not take into account the equitable considerations referred to in the immediately preceding paragraph. In no event shall the contribution obligation of a Holder of Registrable Securities be greater in amount than the dollar amount of the proceeds (net of all expenses paid by such Holder in connection with any claim relating to this Section 5 and the amount of any damages such Holder has otherwise been required to pay by reason of such untrue or alleged untrue statement or omission or alleged omission) received by it upon the sale of the Registrable Securities giving rise to such contribution obligation.
The indemnity and contribution agreements contained in this Section are in addition to any liability that the Indemnifying Parties may have to the Indemnified Parties.
(a) Remedies. In the event of a breach by the Company or by a Holder of any of their respective obligations under this Agreement, each Holder or the Company, as the case may be, in addition to being entitled to exercise all rights granted by law and under this Agreement, including recovery of damages, shall be entitled to specific performance of its rights under this Agreement. Each of the Company and each Holder agrees that monetary damages would not provide adequate compensation for any losses incurred by reason of a breach by it of any of the provisions of this Agreement and hereby further agrees that, in the event of any action for specific performance in respect of such breach, it shall not assert or shall waive the defense that a remedy at law would be adequate.
(b) No Piggyback on Registrations; Prohibition on Filing Other Registration Statements. Neither the Company nor any of its security holders (other than the Holders in such capacity pursuant hereto) may include securities of the Company in any Registration Statements other than the Registrable Securities or any securities held by Affiliates of the Holders. The Company shall not file any other registration statements until at least six months after all Registrable Securities are registered pursuant to a Registration Statement that is declared effective by the Commission, provided that this Section 6(b) shall not prohibit the Company from filing amendments to registration statements filed prior to the date of this Agreement.
(c) [Reserved]
(d) Discontinued Disposition. By its acquisition of Registrable Securities, each Holder agrees that, upon receipt of a notice from the Company of the occurrence of any event of the kind described in Section 3(d)(iii) through (vi), such Holder will forthwith discontinue disposition of such Registrable Securities under a Registration Statement until it is advised in writing (the “Advice”) by the Company that the use of the applicable Prospectus (as it may have been supplemented or amended) may be resumed. The Company will use its best efforts to ensure that the use of the Prospectus may be resumed as promptly as is practicable. The Company agrees and acknowledges that any periods during which the Holder is required to discontinue the disposition of the Registrable Securities hereunder shall be subject to the provisions of Section 2(d).
(e) Piggy-Back Registrations. If, at any time during the Effectiveness Period, there is not an effective Registration Statement covering all of the Registrable Securities and the Company shall determine to prepare and file with the Commission a registration statement relating to an offering for its own account or the account of others under the Securities Act of any of its equity securities, other than on Form S-4 or Form S-8 (each as promulgated under the Securities Act) or their then equivalents relating to equity securities to be issued solely in connection with any acquisition of any entity or business or equity securities issuable in connection with the Company’s stock option or other employee benefit plans, then the Company shall deliver to each Holder a written notice of such determination and, if within fifteen days after the date of the delivery of such notice, any such Holder shall so request in writing, the Company shall include in such registration statement all or any part of such Registrable Securities such Holder requests to be registered; provided, however, that the Company shall not be required to register any Registrable Securities pursuant to this Section 6(e) that are eligible for resale pursuant to Rule 144 (without volume restrictions or current public information requirements) promulgated by the Commission pursuant to the Securities Act or that are the subject of a then effective Registration Statement that is available for resales or other dispositions by such Holder.
(f) Amendments and Waivers. The provisions of this Agreement, including the provisions of this sentence, may not be amended, modified or supplemented, and waivers or consents to departures from the provisions hereof may not be given, unless the same shall be in writing and signed by the Company and the Holders of 50.1% or more of the then outstanding Registrable Securities (for purposes of clarification, this includes any Registrable Securities issuable upon exercise or conversion of any Security), provided that, if any amendment, modification or waiver disproportionately and adversely impacts a Holder (or group of Holders), the consent of such disproportionately impacted Holder (or group of Holders) shall be required. If a Registration Statement does not register all of the Registrable Securities pursuant to a waiver or amendment done in compliance with the previous sentence, then the number of Registrable Securities to be registered for each Holder shall be reduced pro rata among all Holders and each Holder shall have the right to designate which of its Registrable Securities shall be omitted from such Registration Statement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a waiver or consent to depart from the provisions hereof with respect to a matter that relates exclusively to the rights of a Holder or some Holders and that does not directly or indirectly affect the rights of other Holders may be given only by such Holder or Holders of all of the Registrable Securities to which such waiver or consent relates; provided, however, that the provisions of this sentence may not be amended, modified, or supplemented except in accordance with the provisions of the first sentence of this Section 6(f). No consideration shall be offered or paid to any Person to amend or consent to a waiver or modification of any provision of this Agreement unless the same consideration also is offered to all of the parties to this Agreement.
(g) Notices. Any and all notices or other communications or deliveries required or permitted to be provided hereunder shall be delivered as set forth in the Purchase Agreement.
(h) Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and permitted assigns of each of the parties and shall inure to the benefit of each Holder. The Company may not assign (except by merger) its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of all of the Holders of the then outstanding Registrable Securities. Each Holder may assign their respective rights hereunder in the manner and to the Persons as permitted under Section 5.5 of the Purchase Agreement.
(i) No Inconsistent Agreements. Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has entered, as of the date hereof, nor shall the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, on or after the date of this Agreement, enter into any agreement with respect to its securities, that would have the effect of impairing the rights granted to the Holders in this Agreement or otherwise conflicts with the provisions hereof. Except as set forth on Schedule 6(i), neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has previously entered into any agreement granting any registration rights with respect to any of its securities to any Person that have not been satisfied in full.
(j) Execution and Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, all of which when taken together shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when counterparts have been signed by each party and delivered to the other party, it being understood that both parties need not sign the same counterpart. In the event that any signature is delivered by facsimile transmission or by e-mail delivery of a “.pdf” format data file, such signature shall create a valid and binding obligation of the party executing (or on whose behalf such signature is executed) with the same force and effect as if such facsimile or “.pdf” signature page were an original thereof.
(k) Governing Law. All questions concerning the construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of this Agreement shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Purchase Agreement.
(l) Cumulative Remedies. The remedies provided herein are cumulative and not exclusive of any other remedies provided by law.
(m) Severability. If any term, provision, covenant or restriction of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms, provisions, covenants and restrictions set forth herein shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated, and the parties hereto shall use their commercially reasonable efforts to find and employ an alternative means to achieve the same or substantially the same result as that contemplated by such term, provision, covenant or restriction. It is hereby stipulated and declared to be the intention of the parties that they would have executed the remaining terms, provisions, covenants and restrictions without including any of such that may be hereafter declared invalid, illegal, void or unenforceable.
(n) Headings. The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only, do not constitute a part of the Agreement and shall not be deemed to limit or affect any of the provisions hereof.
(Signature Pages Follow)

               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Registration Rights Agreement as of the date first written above.

Name of Purchaser: __________________________
Signature of Authorized Signatory of Purchaser: __________________________
Name of Authorized Signatory: __________________________
Title of Authorized Signatory: __________________________

Annex A
Plan of Distribution
Each Selling Stockholder (the “Selling Shareholders”) of the securities and any of their pledgees, assignees and successors-in-interest may, from time to time, sell any or all of their securities covered hereby on the principal Trading Market or any other stock exchange, market or trading facility on which the securities are traded or in private transactions. These sales may be at fixed or negotiated prices. A Selling Stockholder may use any one or more of the following methods when selling securities:
ordinary brokerage transactions and transactions in which the broker-dealer solicits purchasers;
block trades in which the broker-dealer will attempt to sell the securities as agent but may position and resell a portion of the block as principal to facilitate the transaction;
purchases by a broker-dealer as principal and resale by the broker-dealer for its account;
an exchange distribution in accordance with the rules of the applicable exchange;
privately negotiated transactions;
settlement of short sales;
in transactions through broker-dealers that agree with the Selling Shareholders to sell a specified number of such securities at a stipulated price per security;
through the writing or settlement of options or other hedging transactions, whether through an options exchange or otherwise;
a combination of any such methods of sale; or
any other method permitted pursuant to applicable law.
The Selling Shareholders may also sell securities under Rule 144 or any other exemption from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), if available, rather than under this prospectus.
Broker-dealers engaged by the Selling Shareholders may arrange for other brokers-dealers to participate in sales. Broker-dealers may receive commissions or discounts from the Selling Shareholders (or, if any broker-dealer acts as agent for the purchaser of securities, from the purchaser) in amounts to be negotiated, but, except as set forth in a supplement to this Prospectus, in the case of an agency transaction not in excess of a customary brokerage commission in compliance with FINRA Rule 2440; and in the case of a principal transaction a markup or markdown in compliance with FINRA IM-2440.
In connection with the sale of the securities or interests therein, the Selling Shareholders may enter into hedging transactions with broker-dealers or other financial institutions, which may in turn engage in short sales of the securities in the course of hedging the positions they assume. The Selling Shareholders may also sell securities short and deliver these securities to close out their short positions, or loan or pledge the securities to broker-dealers that in turn may sell these securities. The Selling Shareholders may also enter into option or other transactions with broker-dealers or other financial institutions or create one or more derivative securities which require the delivery to such broker-dealer or other financial institution of securities offered by this prospectus, which securities such broker-dealer or other financial institution may resell pursuant to this prospectus (as supplemented or amended to reflect such transaction).
The Selling Shareholders and any broker-dealers or agents that are involved in selling the securities may be deemed to be “underwriters” within the meaning of the Securities Act in connection with such sales. In such event, any commissions received by such broker-dealers or agents and any profit on the resale of the securities purchased by them may be deemed to be underwriting commissions or discounts under the Securities Act. Each Selling Stockholder has informed the Company that it does not have any written or oral agreement or understanding, directly or indirectly, with any person to distribute the securities.
The Company is required to pay certain fees and expenses incurred by the Company incident to the registration of the securities. The Company has agreed to indemnify the Selling Shareholders against certain losses, claims, damages and liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act.
We agreed to keep this prospectus effective until the earlier of (i) the date on which the securities may be resold by the Selling Shareholders without registration and without regard to any volume or manner-of-sale limitations by reason of Rule 144, without the requirement for the Company to be in compliance with the current public information under Rule 144 under the Securities Act or any other rule of similar effect or (ii) all of the securities have been sold pursuant to this prospectus or Rule 144 under the Securities Act or any other rule of similar effect. The resale securities will be sold only through registered or licensed brokers or dealers if required under applicable state securities laws. In addition, in certain states, the resale securities covered hereby may not be sold unless they have been registered or qualified for sale in the applicable state or an exemption from the registration or qualification requirement is available and is complied with.
Under applicable rules and regulations under the Exchange Act, any person engaged in the distribution of the resale securities may not simultaneously engage in market making activities with respect to the common stock for the applicable restricted period, as defined in Regulation M, prior to the commencement of the distribution. In addition, the Selling Shareholders will be subject to applicable provisions of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, including Regulation M, which may limit the timing of purchases and sales of the common stock by the Selling Shareholders or any other person. We will make copies of this prospectus available to the Selling Shareholders and have informed them of the need to deliver a copy of this prospectus to each purchaser at or prior to the time of the sale (including by compliance with Rule 172 under the Securities Act).

Annex B
The common stock being offered by the selling shareholders are those previously issued to the selling shareholders, and those issuable to the selling shareholders, upon conversion of the notes. For additional information regarding the issuances of the notes, see "Private Placement" above. We are registering the shares of common stock in order to permit the selling shareholders to offer the shares for resale from time to time. Except for the ownership of the notes and the shares of common stock, the selling shareholders have not had any material relationship with us within the past three years.
The table below lists the selling shareholders and other information regarding the beneficial ownership of the shares of common stock by each of the selling shareholders. The second column lists the number of shares of common stock beneficially owned by each selling shareholder, based on its ownership of the shares of common stock, notes and warrants, as of ________, 2021, assuming conversion of the notes and exercise of warrants held by the selling shareholders on that date, without regard to any limitations on exercises.
The third column lists the shares of common stock being offered by this prospectus by the selling shareholders.
In accordance with the terms of a registration rights agreement with the selling shareholders, this prospectus generally covers the resale of the sum of (i) the number of shares of common stock issued to the selling shareholders as commitment shares, and (ii) the maximum number of shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the notes, determined as if the outstanding notes were exercised in full as of the trading day immediately preceding the date this registration statement was initially filed with the SEC, subject to adjustment as provided in the registration right agreement, without regard to any limitations on the conversion of the notes. The fourth column assumes the sale of all of the shares offered by the selling shareholders pursuant to this prospectus.
Under the terms of the notes, a selling shareholder may not exercise the notes and/or exercise the warrants to the extent such exercise would cause such selling shareholder, together with its affiliates and attribution parties, to beneficially own a number of shares of common stock which would exceed 9.99% of our then outstanding common stock following such conversion, excluding for purposes of such determination shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the notes which have not been converted. The number of shares in the second column does not reflect this limitation. The selling shareholders may sell all, some or none of their shares in this offering. See "Plan of Distribution."
Name of Selling Shareholder
Number of shares of Common Stock Owned Prior to Offering
Maximum Number of shares of Common Stock to be Sold Pursuant to this Prospectus
Number of shares of Common Stock Owned After Offering

Annex C
Selling Stockholder Notice and Questionnaire
The undersigned beneficial owner of common stock (the “Registrable Securities”) of Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), understands that the Company has filed or intends to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) a registration statement (the “Registration Statement”) for the registration and resale under Rule 415 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), of the Registrable Securities, in accordance with the terms of the Registration Rights Agreement (the “Registration Rights Agreement”) to which this document is annexed. A copy of the Registration Rights Agreement is available from the Company upon request at the address set forth below. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Registration Rights Agreement.
Certain legal consequences arise from being named as a selling stockholder in the Registration Statement and the related prospectus. Accordingly, holders and beneficial owners of Registrable Securities are advised to consult their own securities law counsel regarding the consequences of being named or not being named as a selling stockholder in the Registration Statement and the related prospectus.
The undersigned beneficial owner (the “Selling Stockholder”) of Registrable Securities hereby elects to include the Registrable Securities owned by it in the Registration Statement.

The undersigned hereby provides the following information to the Company and represents and warrants that such information is accurate:
1. Name.
Full Legal Name of Selling Stockholder
Full Legal Name of Registered Holder (if not the same as (a) above) through which Registrable Securities are held:
Full Legal Name of Natural Control Person (which means a natural person who directly or indirectly alone or with others has power to vote or dispose of the securities covered by this Questionnaire):
2. Address for Notices to Selling Stockholder:
Contact Person: 
3. Broker-Dealer Status:
Are you a broker-dealer?
Yes ☐                      
No ☐
If “yes” to Section 3(a), did you receive your Registrable Securities as compensation for investment banking services to the Company?
Yes ☐                      
No ☐
If “no” to Section 3(b), the Commission’s staff has indicated that you should be identified as an underwriter in the Registration Statement.
Are you an affiliate of a broker-dealer?
Yes ☐                      
No ☐
If you are an affiliate of a broker-dealer, do you certify that you purchased the Registrable Securities in the ordinary course of business, and at the time of the purchase of the Registrable Securities to be resold, you had no agreements or understandings, directly or indirectly, with any person to distribute the Registrable Securities?
Yes ☐                      
No ☐
If “no” to Section 3(d), the Commission’s staff has indicated that you should be identified as an underwriter in the Registration Statement.
4. Beneficial Ownership of Securities of the Company Owned by the Selling Stockholder.
Except as set forth below in this Item 4, the undersigned is not the beneficial or registered owner of any securities of the Company other than the securities issuable pursuant to the Purchase Agreement.
Type and Amount of other securities beneficially owned by the Selling Stockholder:
5. Relationships with the Company:
Except as set forth below, neither the undersigned nor any of its affiliates, officers, directors or principal equity holders (owners of 5% of more of the equity securities of the undersigned) has held any position or office or has had any other material relationship with the Company (or its predecessors or affiliates) during the past three years.
State any exceptions here:
The undersigned agrees to promptly notify the Company of any material inaccuracies or changes in the information provided herein that may occur subsequent to the date hereof at any time while the Registration Statement remains effective; provided, that the undersigned shall not be required to notify the Company of any changes to the number of securities held or owned by the undersigned or its affiliates.
The undersigned represents and warrants to the Company that it is familiar with and understands Regulation M under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and agrees to abide by the provisions of Regulation M during any time Regulation M applies to the undersigned via the Registrable Securities. By signing below, the undersigned consents to the disclosure of the information contained herein in its answers to Items 1 through 5 and the inclusion of such information in the Registration Statement and the related prospectus and any amendments or supplements thereto. The undersigned understands that such information will be relied upon by the Company in connection with the preparation or amendment of the Registration Statement and the related prospectus and any amendments or supplements thereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, by authority duly given, has caused this Selling Stockholder Notice and Questionnaire to be executed and delivered either in person or by its duly authorized agent.
Beneficial Owner:                                           
Schedule 6(i)
[ ]

  Exhibit 10.21
This AMENDED AND RESTATED SECURITY AGREEMENT, dated as of May 19, 2021 (this “Agreement”), is among Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (formerly known as Transworld Holdings, Inc. and GoIP Global, Inc., a Colorado corporation) (the “Company”), the Subsidiaries of the Company set forth on the signature pages hereto (such subsidiaries, the “Subsidiaries” and, together with the Company, the “Debtors”) and the holders of the Notes (as defined herein) signatory hereto, their endorsees, transferees and assigns (collectively, the “Secured Parties”).
W I T N E S S E T H:
WHEREAS, the Company has issued to the Secured Parties the following promissory notes: (a) the Company’s Original Issue Discount Senior Secured Convertible Promissory Notes issued on May 8, 2020 and due twenty-four (24) months following their issuance, in the aggregate principal amount of $3,000,000.00 (the “May 2020 Notes”), (b) the Company’s Original Issue Discount Senior Secured Convertible Promissory Notes issued on November 3, 2020 and due thirty-six (36) months following their issuance, in the aggregate principal amount of $3,888,889.00 (the “November 2020 Notes”) and (c) the Company’s Original Issue Discount Senior Secured Convertible Promissory Notes and Original Issue Discount Senior Secured Non-convertible Promissory Notes issued as of the date hereof and due thirty-six (36) months and eighteen (18) months, respectively, following their issuance, in the aggregate principal amount of $5,610,000.00 and $11,032,609.00, respectively (the “May 2021 Notes” and, together with the May 2020 Notes and November 2020 Notes, the “Notes”);
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Securities Purchase Agreement dated as of May 8, 2020 (as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time in accordance with its terms, the “May 2020 Purchase Agreement”), the Secured Parties have severally agreed to extend the loans to the Company evidenced by the May 2020 Notes;
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Securities Purchase Agreement dated as of November 3, 2020 (as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time in accordance with its terms, the “November 2020 Purchase Agreement”), the Secured Parties have severally agreed to extend the loans to the Company evidenced by the November 2020 Notes;
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Securities Purchase Agreement dated as of the date hereof (as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time in accordance with its terms, the “May 2021 Purchase Agreement” and together with the May 2020 Purchase Agreement and November 2020 Purchase Agreement, the “Purchase Agreements” and each individually a “Purchase Agreement”), the Secured Parties have severally agreed to extend the loans to the Company evidenced by the May 2021 Notes;
WHEREAS, in order to induce the Secured Parties to extend the loans evidenced by the May 2020 Notes and the November 2020 Notes, each Debtor agreed to execute and deliver to the Secured Parties that certain Security Agreement dated as of May 8, 2020, as amended and restated on November 3, 2020 (the “Existing Security Agreement”);
WHEREAS, in order to induce the Secured Parties to extend the loans evidenced by the May 2021 Notes, the Secured Parties and each Debtor have agreed to amend and restate the Existing Security Agreement and each Debtor has agreed to grant the Secured Parties, pari passu with each other Secured Party and through the Agent (as defined in Section 18 hereof), a security interest in certain property of such Debtor to secure the prompt payment, performance and discharge in full of all of the Company’s obligations under the Notes;
WHEREAS, the Secured Parties have agreed to subordinate the first-lien on the shares of the Company’s existing Subsidiary, PTGI International Carrier Services Inc. (“PTGI”) which were pledged to the Secured Parties, subject to an intercreditor and subordination agreement in such form satisfactory to the Secured Parties; and
WHEREAS, each Debtor party to the Existing Security Agreement wishes to affirm its obligations under the terms of the Existing Security Agreement and wishes to amend and restate the terms of the Existing Security Agreement pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
1.      Certain Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth in this Section 1.  Terms used but not otherwise defined in this Agreement that are defined in Article 9 of the UCC (such as “account”, “chattel paper”, “commercial tort claim”, “deposit account”, “document”, “equipment”, “fixtures”, “general intangibles”, “goods”, “instruments”, “inventory”, “investment property”, “letter-of-credit rights”, “proceeds” and “supporting obligations”) shall have the respective meanings given such terms in Article 9 of the UCC. In addition to the terms defined elsewhere in this Agreement, capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Purchase Agreement.
(a)                 “Collateral” means the collateral in which the Secured Parties are granted a security interest by this Agreement and which shall comprise all the assets of the Debtors, including, without limitation, the following personal property of the Debtors, whether presently owned or existing or hereafter acquired or coming into existence, wherever situated, and all additions and accessions thereto and all substitutions and replacements thereof, and all proceeds, products and accounts thereof, including, without limitation, all proceeds from the sale or transfer of the Collateral and of insurance covering the same and of any tort claims in connection therewith, and all dividends, interest, cash, notes, securities, equity interest or other property at any time and from time to time acquired, receivable or otherwise distributed in respect of, or in exchange for, any or all of the Pledged Securities (as defined below):
(i)           All goods, including, without limitation, (A) all machinery, equipment, computers, motor vehicles, trucks, tanks, boats, ships, appliances, furniture, special and general tools, fixtures, test and quality control devices and other equipment of every kind and nature and wherever situated, together with all documents of title and documents representing the same, all additions and accessions thereto, replacements therefor, all parts therefor, and all substitutes for any of the foregoing and all other items used and useful in connection with any Debtor’s businesses and all improvements thereto; and (B) all inventory;
(ii)           All contract rights and other general intangibles, including, without limitation, all partnership interests, membership interests, stock or other securities, rights under any of the Organizational Documents, agreements related to the Pledged Securities, licenses, distribution and other agreements, computer software (whether “off-the-shelf”, licensed from any third party or developed by any Debtor), computer software development rights, leases, franchises, customer lists, quality control procedures, grants and rights, goodwill, Intellectual Property and income tax refunds;
(iii)           All accounts, together with all instruments, all documents of title representing any of the foregoing, all rights in any merchandising, goods, equipment, motor vehicles and trucks which any of the same may represent, and all right, title, security and guaranties with respect to each account, including any right of stoppage in transit;
(iv)           All documents, letter-of-credit rights, instruments and chattel paper;
(v)           All commercial tort claims;
(vi)           All deposit accounts and all cash (whether or not deposited in such deposit accounts);
(vii)           All investment property;
(viii)         All supporting obligations;
(ix)           All files, records, books of account, business papers, and computer programs; and
(x)           the products and proceeds of all of the foregoing Collateral set forth in clauses (i)-(ix) above.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the “Collateral” shall include all investment property and general intangibles respecting ownership and/or other equity interests in each Subsidiary, including, without limitation, the shares of capital stock and the other equity interests listed on Schedule G hereto (as the same may be modified from time to time pursuant to the terms hereof), and any other shares of capital stock and/or other equity interests of any other direct or indirect subsidiary of any Debtor obtained in the future, and, in each case, all certificates representing such shares and/or equity interests and, in each case, all rights, options, warrants, stock, other securities and/or equity interests that may hereafter be received, receivable or distributed in respect of, or exchanged for, any of the foregoing and all rights arising under or in connection with the Pledged Securities, including, but not limited to, all dividends, interest and cash.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall be deemed to constitute an assignment of any asset which, in the event of an assignment, becomes void by operation of applicable law or the assignment of which is otherwise prohibited by applicable law (in each case to the extent that such applicable law is not overridden by Sections 9-406, 9-407 and/or 9-408 of the UCC or other similar applicable law); providedhowever, that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, this Agreement shall create a valid security interest in such asset and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, this Agreement shall create a valid security interest in the proceeds of such asset.
(b)                 “Intellectual Property” means the collective reference to all rights, priorities and privileges relating to intellectual property, whether arising under United States, multinational or foreign laws or otherwise, including, without limitation, (i) all copyrights arising under the laws of the United States, any other country or any political subdivision thereof, whether registered or unregistered and whether published or unpublished, all registrations and recordings thereof, and all applications in connection therewith, including, without limitation, all registrations, recordings and applications in the United States Copyright Office, (ii) all letters patent of the United States, any other country or any political subdivision thereof, all reissues and extensions thereof, and all applications for letters patent of the United States or any other country and all divisions, continuations and continuations-in-part thereof, (iii) all trademarks, trade names, corporate names, company names, business names, fictitious business names, trade dress, service marks, logos, domain names and other source or business identifiers, and all goodwill associated therewith, now existing or hereafter adopted or acquired, all registrations and recordings thereof, and all applications in connection therewith, whether in the United States Patent and Trademark Office or in any similar office or agency of the United States, any State thereof or any other country or any political subdivision thereof, or otherwise, and all common law rights related thereto, (iv) all trade secrets arising under the laws of the United States, any other country or any political subdivision thereof, (v) all rights to obtain any reissues, renewals or extensions of the foregoing, (vi) all licenses for any of the foregoing, and (vii) all causes of action for infringement of the foregoing.
(c)                 “Necessary Endorsement” means undated stock powers endorsed in blank or other proper instruments of assignment duly executed and such other instruments or documents as the Agent (as that term is defined below) may reasonably request.
(d)                 “Obligations” means all of the liabilities and obligations (primary, secondary, direct, contingent, sole, joint or several) due or to become due, or that are now or may be hereafter contracted or acquired, or owing to, of any Debtor to the Secured Parties under this Agreement, the Notes and any other instruments, agreements or other documents executed and/or delivered in connection herewith or therewith, in each case, whether now or hereafter existing, voluntary or involuntary, direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, whether or not jointly owed with others, and whether or not from time to time decreased or extinguished and later increased, created or incurred, and all or any portion of such obligations or liabilities that are paid, to the extent all or any part of such payment is avoided or recovered directly or indirectly from any of the Secured Parties as a preference, fraudulent transfer or otherwise as such obligations may be amended, supplemented, converted, extended or modified from time to time.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the term “Obligations” shall include, without limitation: (i) principal of, and interest on the Notes and the loans extended pursuant thereto; (ii) any and all other fees, indemnities, costs, obligations and liabilities of the Debtors from time to time under or in connection with this Agreement, the Notes and any other instruments, agreements or other documents executed and/or delivered in connection herewith or therewith; and (iii) all amounts (including but not limited to post-petition interest) in respect of the foregoing that would be payable but for the fact that the obligations to pay such amounts are unenforceable or not allowable due to the existence of a bankruptcy, reorganization or similar proceeding involving any Debtor.
(f)       “Organizational Documents” means, with respect to any Debtor, the documents by which such Debtor was organized (such as articles of incorporation, certificate of incorporation, certificate of limited partnership or articles of organization, and including, without limitation, any certificates of designation for preferred stock or other forms of preferred equity) and which relate to the internal governance of such Debtor (such as bylaws, a partnership agreement or an operating, limited liability or members agreement).
(g)                 “Pledged Securities” shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 4(g).
(h)                 “Purchase Agreement” shall have the meaning given to such term in the preamble.
2.      Reaffirmation and Grant of Security Interest in Collateral. Each Debtor party to the Existing Security Agreement reaffirms the security interest granted under the terms and conditions of the Existing Security Agreement and agrees that such security interest remains in full force and effect and is hereby ratified, reaffirmed and confirmed. Each Debtor party to the Existing Security Agreement acknowledges and agrees with the Secured Parties that the Existing Security Agreement is amended, restated, and superseded in its entirety pursuant to the terms hereof. Furthermore, as an inducement for the Secured Parties to extend the loans as evidenced by the Notes and to secure the complete and timely payment, performance and discharge in full, as the case may be, of all of the Obligations, each Debtor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably pledges, grants and hypothecates to the Secured Parties a perfected, first priority security interest in and to, a lien upon and a right of set-off against all of their respective right, title and interest of whatsoever kind and nature in and to, the Collateral (a “Security Interest” and, collectively, the “Security Interests”).
3.      Delivery of Certain Collateral.  Contemporaneously or prior to the execution of this Agreement, each Debtor shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Agent (a) any and all certificates and other instruments representing or evidencing the Pledged Securities (if any), and (b) any and all certificates and other instruments or documents representing any of the other Collateral, in each case, together with all Necessary Endorsements.  The Debtors are, contemporaneously with the execution hereof, delivering to Agent, or have previously delivered to Agent, a true and correct copy of each Organizational Document governing any of the Pledged Securities. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, prior to any Event of Default, the Company shall have the right vote any Pledged Securities and receive dividends therefrom.
4.      Representations, Warranties, Covenants and Agreements of the Debtors. Except as set forth under the corresponding Section of the disclosure schedules delivered to the Secured Parties concurrently herewith (the “Disclosure Schedules”), which Disclosure Schedules shall be deemed a part hereof, each Debtor represents and warrants to, and covenants and agrees with, the Secured Parties as follows:
(a)                 The Debtors have no place of business or offices where their respective books of account and records are kept (other than temporarily at the offices of its attorneys or accountants) or places where Collateral is stored or located, except as set forth on Schedule A attached hereto.  Except as specifically set forth on Schedule A, each Debtor is the record owner of the real property where such Collateral is located, and there exist no mortgages or other liens on any such real property except for Permitted Liens as set forth on Schedule A.  Except as disclosed on Schedule A, none of such Collateral is in the possession of any consignee, bailee, warehouseman, agent or processor.
(b)                 Except for Permitted Liens and as set forth on Schedule B attached hereto, the Debtors are the sole owners of the Collateral, free and clear of any liens, security interests, encumbrances, rights or claims, and are fully authorized to grant the Security Interests.  Except as set forth on Schedule C attached hereto, there is not on file in any governmental or regulatory authority, agency or recording office an effective financing statement, security agreement, license or transfer or any notice of any of the foregoing (other than those that will be filed in favor of the Secured Parties pursuant to this Agreement) covering or affecting any of the Collateral.   Except as set forth on Schedule C attached hereto and except pursuant to this Agreement, as long as this Agreement shall be in effect, the Debtors shall not execute and shall not knowingly permit to be on file in any such office or agency any other financing statement or other document or instrument (except to the extent filed or recorded in favor of the Secured Parties pursuant to the terms of this Agreement).
(c)                 No written claim has been received that any Collateral or any Debtor’s use of any Collateral violates the rights of any third party. There has been no adverse decision to any Debtor’s claim of ownership rights in or exclusive rights to use the Collateral in any jurisdiction or to any Debtor’s right to keep and maintain such Collateral in full force and effect, and there is no proceeding involving said rights pending or, to the best knowledge of any Debtor, threatened before any court, judicial body, administrative or regulatory agency, arbitrator or other governmental authority.
(d)                 Each Debtor shall at all times maintain its books of account and records relating to the Collateral at its principal place of business and its Collateral at the locations set forth on Schedule A attached hereto and may not relocate such books of account and records or tangible Collateral unless it delivers to the Secured Parties at least thirty (30) days prior to such relocation (i) written notice of such relocation and the new location thereof (which must be within the United States) and (ii) evidence that appropriate financing statements under the UCC and other necessary documents have been filed and recorded and other steps have been taken to perfect the Security Interests to create in favor of the Secured Parties a valid, perfected and continuing perfected first priority lien in the Collateral (to the extent such Collateral can be perfected by the filing of a UCC financing statement).
(e)                 This Agreement creates in favor of the Secured Parties a valid first priority security interest in the Collateral, subject only to Permitted Liens, securing the payment and performance of the Obligations. Upon making the filings described in the immediately following paragraph, all security interests created hereunder in any Collateral which may be perfected by filing UCC financing statements shall have been duly perfected. Except for (i) the recordation of the Intellectual Property Security Agreement (as defined in Section 4(dd) hereof) with respect to copyrights and copyright applications referred to in paragraph (z) in the United States Copyright Office, (ii) the recordation of the Intellectual Property Security Agreement (as defined in Section 4(dd) hereof) with respect to patents and trademarks of the Debtors referred to in paragraph (bb) in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and (iii) the delivery of the certificates and other instruments provided in Section 3, no action is necessary to create, perfect or protect the security interests created hereunder. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, except for the foregoing, no consent of any third parties and no authorization, approval or other action by, and no notice to or filing with, any governmental authority or regulatory body is required for (x) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, (y) the creation or perfection of the Security Interests created hereunder in the Collateral (to the extent such Collateral can be perfected by the filing of a UCC financing statement) or (z) the enforcement of the rights of the Agent and the Secured Parties hereunder.
(f)       Each Debtor hereby authorizes the Agent to file one or more financing statements under the UCC, with respect to the Security Interests, with the proper filing and recording agencies in any jurisdiction deemed proper by it.
(g)                 The capital stock and other equity interests listed on Schedule G hereto (including all uncertificated equity interests consisting of capital stock of any corporation as well as partnership or limited liability company interests of any other entity) (the “Pledged Securities”) represent all of the capital stock and other equity interests of the Debtors, and represent all capital stock and other equity interests owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company.  All of the Pledged Securities are validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, and the Company is the legal and beneficial owner of the Pledged Securities, free and clear of any lien, security interest or other encumbrance except for the security interests created by this Agreement and other Permitted Liens.
(h)                 Except for Permitted Liens, each Debtor shall at all times maintain the liens and Security Interests provided for hereunder as valid and perfected, first priority (to the extent that such liens and Security Interests can be perfected by the filing of a UCC financing statement) liens and security interests in the Collateral in favor of the Secured Parties until this Agreement and the Security Interest hereunder shall be terminated pursuant to Section 14 hereof.  Each Debtor hereby agrees to defend the same against the claims of any and all persons and entities. Each Debtor shall safeguard and protect all Collateral for the account of the Secured Parties.  At the request of the Agent, each Debtor will deliver to the Agent on behalf of the Secured Parties at any time or from time to time one or more financing statements pursuant to the UCC in form reasonably satisfactory to the Agent and will pay the cost of filing the same in all public offices wherever filing is, or is deemed by the Agent to be, necessary or desirable to effect the rights and obligations provided for herein. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each Debtor shall pay all fees, taxes and other amounts necessary to maintain the Collateral and the Security Interests hereunder, and each Debtor shall obtain and furnish to the Agent from time to time, upon demand, such releases and/or subordinations of claims and liens which may be required to maintain the priority of the Security Interests hereunder. In addition to the foregoing, each Debtor shall promptly execute and deliver to the Agent such further deeds, mortgages, assignments, security agreements, financing statements or other instruments, documents, certificates and assurances and take such further action as the Agent may from time to time request and may in its sole discretion deem necessary to perfect, protect or enforce the Secured Parties’ security interest in the Collateral, including, without limitation, if applicable, the execution and delivery of a separate security agreement with respect to each Debtor’s Intellectual Property (“Intellectual Property Security Agreement”) in which the Secured Parties have been granted a security interest hereunder, substantially in a form reasonably acceptable to the Agent, which Intellectual Property Security Agreement, other than as stated therein, shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions hereof.
(i)       No Debtor will transfer, pledge, hypothecate, encumber, license, sell or otherwise dispose of any of the Collateral (except for Permitted Liens or non-exclusive licenses granted by a Debtor in its ordinary course of business, sales of inventory by a Debtor in its ordinary course of business and the replacement of worn-out or obsolete equipment by a Debtor in its ordinary course of business) without the prior written consent of the Secured Party.
(j)       Each Debtor shall keep and preserve its equipment, inventory and other tangible Collateral in good condition, repair and order (other than ordinary use wear and tear) and shall not operate or locate any such Collateral (or cause to be operated or located) in any area excluded from insurance coverage.
(k)                 Each Debtor shall maintain with financially sound and reputable insurers, insurance with respect to the Collateral, including Collateral hereafter acquired, against loss or damage of the kinds and in the amounts customarily insured against by entities of established reputation having similar properties similarly situated and in such amounts as are customarily carried under similar circumstances by other such entities and otherwise as is prudent for entities engaged in similar businesses but in any event sufficient to cover the full replacement cost thereof. Each Debtor shall cause each insurance policy issued in connection herewith to provide, and the insurer issuing such policy to certify to the Agent, that (a) the Agent will be named as lender loss payee and additional insured under each such insurance policy; (b) if such insurance be proposed to be cancelled or materially changed for any reason whatsoever, such insurer will promptly notify the Agent and such cancellation or change shall not be effective as to the Agent for at least thirty (30) days after receipt by the Agent of such notice, unless the effect of such change is to extend or increase coverage under the policy; and (c) the Agent will have the right (but no obligation) at its election to remedy any default in the payment of premiums within thirty (30) days of notice from the insurer of such default. If no Event of Default (as defined in the Notes) exists and if the proceeds arising out of any claim.   Loss payments received by any Debtor after an Event of Default occurs and is continuing or in excess of $100,000 for any occurrence or series of related occurrences, upon approval by Agent, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed, denied or conditioned, loss payments in each instance will be applied by the applicable Debtor to the repair and/or replacement of property with respect to which the loss was incurred to the extent reasonably feasible, and any loss payments or the balance thereof remaining, to the extent not so applied, shall be paid to the Agent on behalf of the Secured Parties.
(l)       Each Debtor shall, within ten (10) days of obtaining knowledge thereof, advise the Secured Parties, in sufficient detail, of any material adverse change in the Collateral, and of the occurrence of any event that would have a material adverse effect on the value of the Collateral or on the Secured Parties’ security interest, through the Agent, therein.
(m)                 Upon reasonable prior notice (so long as no Event of Default has occurred or continuing, which in either such event, no prior notice is required), each Debtor shall permit the Agent and its representatives and agents to inspect the Collateral during normal business hours and to make copies of records pertaining to the Collateral as may be reasonably requested by the Agent from time to time.
(n)                 Each Debtor shall promptly notify the Secured Parties in sufficient detail upon becoming aware of any attachment, garnishment, execution or other legal process levied against any material portion of the Collateral and of any other information received by such Debtor that may materially affect the value of the Collateral, the Security Interest or the rights and remedies of the Secured Parties hereunder.
(o)                 All information heretofore, herein or hereafter supplied to the Secured Parties by or on behalf of any Debtor with respect to the Collateral is accurate and complete in all material respects as of the date furnished.
(p)                 The Debtors shall at all times preserve and keep in full force and effect their respective valid existence and good standing and any rights and franchises material to its business. No Debtor will change its name, type of organization, jurisdiction of organization, organizational identification number (if it has one), legal or corporate structure, or identity, or add any new fictitious name unless it provides at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the Secured Parties of such change and, at the time of such written notification, such Debtor provides any financing statements or fixture filings necessary to perfect and continue the perfection of the Security Interests granted and evidenced by this Agreement.
(q)                 Except in the ordinary course of business, no Debtor may consign any of its inventory or sell any of its inventory on bill-and-hold, sale-or-return, sale-on-approval, or other conditional terms of sale without the consent of the Agent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed, denied, or conditioned.
(r)       No Debtor may relocate its chief executive office to a new location without providing thirty (30) days’ prior written notification thereof to the Secured Parties and so long as, at the time of such written notification, such Debtor provides any financing statements or fixture filings necessary to perfect and continue the perfection of the Security Interests granted and evidenced by this Agreement.
(s)                 Each Debtor was organized and remains organized solely under the laws of the state set forth next to such Debtor’s name in Schedule D attached hereto, which Schedule D sets forth each Debtor’s organizational identification number or, if any Debtor does not have one, states that one does not exist.
(t)       (i) The actual name of each Debtor is the name set forth in Schedule D attached hereto; (ii) no Debtor has any trade names except as set forth on Schedule E attached hereto; (iii) no Debtor has used any name other than that stated in the preamble hereto or as set forth on Schedule E for the preceding five (5) years; and (iv) no entity has merged into any Debtor or been acquired by any Debtor within the past five years except as set forth on Schedule E.
(u)                 Each Debtor, in its capacity as issuer, hereby agrees to comply with any and all orders and instructions of Agent regarding the Pledged Securities consistent with the terms of this Agreement without the further consent of any Debtor as contemplated by Section 8-106 (or any successor section) of the UCC.  Further, each Debtor agrees that it shall not enter into a similar agreement (or one that would confer “control” within the meaning of Article 8 of the UCC) with any other person or entity.
(v)                 Each Debtor shall cause each subsidiary of such Debtor to immediately become a party hereto (an “Additional Debtor”), by executing and delivering an Additional Debtor Joinder in substantially the form of Annex A attached hereto and comply with the provisions hereof applicable to the Debtors.  Concurrently therewith, the Additional Debtor shall deliver replacement schedules for, or supplements to all other Disclosure Schedules to (or referred to in) this Agreement, as applicable, which replacement schedules shall supersede, or supplements shall modify, the Disclosure Schedules then in effect.  The Additional Debtor shall also deliver such authorizing resolutions, good standing certificates, incumbency certificates, organizational documents, financing statements and other information and documentation as the Agent may reasonably request.  Upon delivery of the foregoing to the Agent, the Additional Debtor shall be and become a party to this Agreement with the same rights and obligations as the Debtors, for all purposes hereof as fully and to the same extent as if it were an original signatory hereto and shall be deemed to have made the representations, warranties and covenants set forth herein as of the date of execution and delivery of such Additional Debtor Joinder, and all references herein to the “Debtors” shall be deemed to include each Additional Debtor.
(w)                 Each Debtor shall vote the Pledged Securities to comply with the covenants and agreements set forth herein and in the Notes.
(x)                 Each Debtor shall register the pledge of the applicable Pledged Securities on the books of such Debtor.  Each Debtor shall notify each issuer of Pledged Securities to register the pledge of the applicable Pledged Securities in the name of the Secured Parties on the books of such issuer.  Further, except with respect to certificated securities delivered to the Agent, the applicable Debtor shall deliver to Agent an acknowledgement of pledge (which, where appropriate, shall comply with the requirements of the relevant UCC with respect to perfection by registration) signed by the issuer of the applicable Pledged Securities, which acknowledgement shall confirm that: (a) it has registered the pledge on its books and records; and (b) at any time directed by Agent during the continuation of an Event of Default, such issuer will transfer the record ownership of such Pledged Securities into the name of any designee of Agent, will take such steps as may be necessary to effect the transfer, and will comply with all other instructions of Agent regarding such Pledged Securities without the further consent of the applicable Debtor.
(y)                 In the event that, upon an occurrence of an Event of Default, Agent shall sell all or any of the Pledged Securities to another party or parties (herein called the “Transferee”) or shall purchase or retain all or any of the Pledged Securities, each Debtor shall, to the extent applicable: (i) deliver to Agent or the Transferee, as the case may be, the articles of incorporation, bylaws, minute books, stock certificate books, corporate seals, deeds, leases, indentures, agreements, evidences of indebtedness, books of account, financial records and all other Organizational Documents and records of the Debtors and their direct and indirect subsidiaries (but not including any items subject to the attorney-client privilege related to this Agreement or any of the transactions hereunder); (ii) use its best efforts to obtain resignations of the persons then serving as officers and directors of the Debtors and their direct and indirect subsidiaries, if so requested; and (iii) use its best efforts to obtain any approvals that are required by any governmental or regulatory body in order to permit the sale of the Pledged Securities to the Transferee or the purchase or retention of the Pledged Securities by Agent and allow the Transferee or Agent to continue the business of the Debtors and their direct and indirect subsidiaries.
(z)          Without limiting the generality of the other obligations of the Debtors hereunder, each Debtor shall promptly (i) cause to be registered at the United States Copyright Office all of its material copyrights, (ii) following an Event of Default, upon the written request of the Agent, cause the security interest contemplated hereby with respect to all Intellectual Property registered at the United States Copyright Office or United States Patent and Trademark Office to be duly recorded at the applicable office, and (iii) give the Agent notice whenever it acquires (whether absolutely or by license) or creates any additional material Intellectual Property.
(aa)                 Each Debtor will from time to time, at the joint and several expense of the Debtors, promptly execute and deliver all such further instruments and documents, and take all such further action as may be necessary or desirable, or as the Agent may reasonably request, in order to perfect (to the extent such security interest can be perfected by the filing of a UCC financing statement) and protect any security interest granted or purported to be granted hereby or to enable the Secured Parties to exercise and enforce their rights and remedies hereunder and with respect to any Collateral or to otherwise carry out the purposes of this Agreement.
(bb)                 Schedule F attached hereto lists all of the patents, patent applications, trademarks, trademark applications, registered copyrights, and domain names owned by any of the Debtors as of the date hereof.  Schedule F lists all material licenses in favor of any Debtor for the use of any patents, trademarks, copyrights and domain names as of the date hereof.  All material patents and trademarks of the Debtors have been duly recorded at the United States Patent and Trademark Office and all material copyrights of the Debtors have been duly recorded at the United States Copyright Office.
(cc) Each Debtor shall promptly execute and deliver to the Agent such further deeds, mortgages, assignments, security agreements, financing statements or other instruments, documents, certificates and assurances and take such further action as the Agent may from time to time request and may in its sole discretion deem necessary to perfect, protect or enforce the Secured Parties’ security interest in the Collateral.
(dd)                 Each Debtor will not transfer, pledge, hypothecate, encumber, license, sell or otherwise dispose of any of the Collateral (except for non-exclusive licenses granted by a Debtor in its ordinary course of business and sales of inventory by a Debtor in its ordinary course of business) without the prior written consent of the Agent.
5.      Effect of Pledge on Certain Rights.  If any of the Collateral subject to this Agreement consists of nonvoting equity or ownership interests (regardless of class, designation, preference or rights) that may be converted into voting equity or ownership interests upon the occurrence of certain events (including, without limitation, upon the transfer of all or any of the other stock or assets of the issuer), it is agreed by Debtors that the pledge of such equity or ownership interests pursuant to this Agreement or the enforcement of any of Agent’s rights hereunder shall not be deemed to be the type of event which would trigger such conversion rights notwithstanding any provisions in the Organizational Documents or agreements to which any Debtor is subject or to which any Debtor is party.
6.      Defaults. The following events shall be “Events of Default”:
(a)                 The occurrence of an Event of Default (as defined in the Notes) under the Notes;
(b)                 Any representation or warranty of any Debtor in this Agreement shall prove to have been incorrect in any material respect when made;
(c)                 The failure by any Debtor to observe or perform any of its obligations hereunder for fifteen (15) days after delivery to such Debtor of notice of such failure by or on behalf of a Secured Party unless such default is capable of cure but cannot be cured within such time frame and such Debtor is using best efforts to cure same in a timely fashion; or
(d)                 If any material provision of this Agreement shall at any time for any reason be declared to be null and void, or the validity or enforceability thereof shall be contested by any Debtor, or a proceeding shall be commenced by any Debtor, or by any governmental authority having jurisdiction over any Debtor, seeking to establish the invalidity or unenforceability thereof, or any Debtor shall deny that any Debtor has any liability or obligation purported to be created under this Agreement.
7.      Duty to Hold in Trust.
(a)                 Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of any Event of Default, each Debtor shall upon receipt of any revenue, income, dividend, interest or other sums subject to the Security Interests, whether payable pursuant to the Notes or otherwise, or of any check, draft, note, trade acceptance or other instrument evidencing an obligation to pay any such sum, hold the same in trust for the Secured Parties and shall forthwith endorse and transfer any such sums or instruments, or both, to the Agent, pro-rata in proportion to their respective then-currently outstanding principal amount of Notes for application to the satisfaction of the Obligations (and if any Notes is not outstanding, pro-rata in proportion to the initial purchases of the remaining Notes).
(b)                 If any Debtor shall become entitled to receive or shall receive any material securities or other property (including, without limitation, shares of Pledged Securities or instruments representing Pledged Securities acquired after the date hereof, or any options, warrants, rights or other similar property or certificates representing a dividend, or any distribution in connection with any recapitalization, reclassification or increase or reduction of capital, or issued in connection with any reorganization of such Debtor or any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries) in respect of the Pledged Securities (whether as an addition to, in substitution of, or in exchange for, such Pledged Securities or otherwise), such Debtor agrees to (i) accept the same as the agent of the Secured Parties; (ii) hold the same in trust on behalf of and for the benefit of the Secured Parties; and (iii) to deliver any and all certificates or instruments evidencing the same to Agent on or before the close of business on the fifth (5th) business day following the receipt thereof by such Debtor, in the exact form received together with the Necessary Endorsements, to be held by Agent subject to the terms of this Agreement as Collateral.
8.      Rights and Remedies Upon Default.
(a)                 Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of any Event of Default, the Secured Parties, acting through the Agent, shall have the right to exercise all of the remedies conferred hereunder and under the Notes, and the Secured Parties shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured party under the UCC.  Without limitation, the Agent, for the benefit of the Secured Parties, shall have the following rights and powers:
(i)       The Agent shall have the right to take possession of the Collateral and, for that purpose, enter, with the aid and assistance of any person, any premises where the Collateral, or any part thereof, is or may be placed and remove the same, and each Debtor shall assemble the Collateral and make it available to the Agent at places which the Agent shall reasonably select, whether at such Debtor’s premises or elsewhere, and make available to the Agent, without rent, all of such Debtor’s respective premises and facilities for the purpose of the Agent taking possession of, removing or putting the Collateral in saleable or disposable form.
(ii)           Upon written notice to the Debtors by Agent, all rights of each Debtor to exercise the voting and other consensual rights which it would otherwise be entitled to exercise and all rights of each Debtor to receive the dividends and interest which it would otherwise be authorized to receive and retain, shall cease.  Upon such written notice, Agent shall have the right to receive, for the benefit of the Secured Parties, any interest, cash dividends or other payments on the Collateral and, at the option of Agent, to exercise in such Agent’s discretion all voting rights pertaining thereto.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Agent shall have the right (but not the obligation) to exercise all rights with respect to the Collateral as it were the sole and absolute owner thereof, including, without limitation, to vote and/or to exchange, at its sole discretion, any or all of the Collateral in connection with a merger, reorganization, consolidation, recapitalization or other readjustment concerning or involving the Collateral or any Debtor or any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries.
(iii)           The Agent shall have the right to operate the business of each Debtor using the Collateral and shall have the right to assign, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of and deliver all or any part of the Collateral, at public or private sale or otherwise, either with or without special conditions or stipulations, for cash or on credit or for future delivery, in such parcel or parcels and at such time or times and at such place or places, and upon such terms and conditions as the Agent may deem commercially reasonable, all without (except as shall be required by applicable statute and cannot be waived) advertisement or demand upon or notice to any Debtor or right of redemption of a Debtor, which are hereby expressly waived.  Upon each such sale, lease, assignment or other transfer of Collateral, the Agent, for the benefit of the Secured Parties, may, unless prohibited by applicable law which cannot be waived, purchase all or any part of the Collateral being sold, free from and discharged of all trusts, claims, right of redemption and equities of any Debtor, which are hereby waived and released.
(iv)           The Agent shall have the right (but not the obligation) to notify any account debtors and any obligors under instruments or accounts to make payments directly to the Agent, on behalf of the Secured Parties, and to enforce the Debtors’ rights against such account debtors and obligors.
(v)           The Agent, for the benefit of the Secured Parties, may (but is not obligated to) direct any financial intermediary or any other person or entity holding any investment property to transfer the same to the Agent, on behalf of the Secured Parties, or its designee.
(vi)           The Agent may (but is not obligated to) transfer any or all Intellectual Property registered in the name of any Debtor at the United States Patent and Trademark Office and/or Copyright Office into the name of the Secured Parties or any designee or any purchaser of any Collateral.
(b)                 The Agent shall comply with any applicable law in connection with a disposition of Collateral and such compliance will not be considered adversely to affect the commercial reasonableness of any sale of the Collateral.  The Agent may sell the Collateral without giving any warranties and may specifically disclaim such warranties.  If the Agent sells any of the Collateral on credit, the Debtors will only be credited with payments actually made by the purchaser.  In addition, each Debtor waives (except as shall be required by applicable statute and cannot be waived) any and all rights that it may have to a judicial hearing in advance of the enforcement of any of the Agent’s rights and remedies hereunder, including, without limitation, its right following an Event of Default to take immediate possession of the Collateral and to exercise its rights and remedies with respect thereto.
(c)                 For the purpose of enabling the Agent to further exercise rights and remedies under this Section 8 or elsewhere provided by agreement or applicable law, each Debtor hereby grants to the Agent, for the benefit of the Agent and the Secured Parties, an irrevocable, nonexclusive license (exercisable without payment of royalty or other compensation to such Debtor) to use, license or sublicense following an Event of Default, any Intellectual Property now owned or hereafter acquired by such Debtor, and wherever the same may be located, and including in such license access to all media in which any of the licensed items may be recorded or stored and to all computer software and programs used for the compilation or printout thereof.
9.      Applications of Proceeds. Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of any Event of Default, the proceeds of any sale, lease or other disposition by the Agent of the Collateral hereunder or from payments made to the Agent on account of any insurance policy insuring any portion of the Collateral shall be applied first, to the expenses of retaking, holding, storing, processing and preparing for sale, selling, and the like (including, without limitation, any taxes, fees and other costs incurred in connection therewith) of the Collateral, to the reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred by the Agent in enforcing the Secured Parties’ rights hereunder and in connection with collecting, storing and disposing of the Collateral, and then to satisfaction of the Obligations pro rata among the Secured Parties (based on then-outstanding principal amounts of Notes at the time of any such determination), and to the payment of any other amounts required by applicable law, after which the Secured Parties shall pay to the applicable Debtor any surplus proceeds. If, upon the sale, license or other disposition of all of the Collateral, the proceeds thereof are insufficient to pay all amounts to which the Secured Parties are legally entitled, the Debtors will be liable for the deficiency, together with interest thereon, at the rate of 18% per annum or the lesser amount permitted by applicable law (the “Default Rate”), and the reasonable fees of any attorneys employed by the Secured Parties to collect such deficiency.  To the extent permitted by applicable law, each Debtor waives all claims, damages and demands against the Secured Parties arising out of the repossession, removal, retention or sale of the Collateral, unless due solely to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Secured Parties as determined by a final judgment (not subject to further appeal) of a court of competent jurisdiction.
10.           Securities Law Provision.  Each Debtor recognizes that Agent may be limited in its ability to effect a sale to the public of all or part of the Pledged Securities by reason of certain prohibitions in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or other federal or state securities laws (collectively, the “Securities Laws”), and may be compelled to resort to one or more sales to a restricted group of purchasers who may be required to agree to acquire the Pledged Securities for their own account, for investment and not with a view to the distribution or resale thereof.  Each Debtor agrees that sales so made may be at prices and on terms less favorable than if the Pledged Securities were sold to the public, and that Agent has no obligation to delay the sale of any Pledged Securities for the period of time necessary to register the Pledged Securities for sale to the public under the Securities Laws.  Each Debtor shall cooperate with Agent in its attempt to satisfy any requirements under the Securities Laws (including, without limitation, registration thereunder if requested by Agent) applicable to the sale of the Pledged Securities by Agent.
11.           Costs and Expenses. Each Debtor agrees to pay all reasonable out-of-pocket fees, costs and expenses incurred in connection with any filing required hereunder, including without limitation, any financing statements pursuant to the UCC, continuation statements, partial releases and/or termination statements related thereto or any expenses of any searches reasonably required by the Agent.  The Debtors shall also pay all other claims and charges which in the reasonable opinion of the Agent is reasonably likely to prejudice, imperil or otherwise affect the Collateral or the Security Interests therein.  The Debtors will also, upon demand, pay to the Agent the amount of any and all reasonable expenses, including the reasonable fees and expenses of its counsel and of any experts and agents, which the Agent, for the benefit of the Secured Parties, may incur in connection with the creation, perfection, protection, satisfaction, foreclosure, collection or enforcement of the Security Interest and the preparation, administration, continuance, amendment or enforcement of this Agreement and pay to the Agent the amount of any and all reasonable expenses, including the reasonable fees and expenses of its counsel and of any experts and agents, which the Agent, for the benefit of the Secured Parties, and the Secured Parties may incur in connection with (i) the enforcement of this Agreement, (ii) the custody or preservation of, or the sale of, collection from, or other realization upon, any of the Collateral, or (iii) the exercise or enforcement of any of the rights of the Secured Parties under the Notes.
12.           Responsibility for Collateral. The Debtors assume all liabilities and responsibility in connection with all Collateral, and the Obligations shall in no way be affected or diminished by reason of the loss, destruction, damage or theft of any of the Collateral or its unavailability for any reason.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing and except as required by applicable law, (a) neither the Agent nor any Secured Party (i) has any duty (either before or after an Event of Default) to collect any amounts in respect of the Collateral or to preserve any rights relating to the Collateral, or (ii) has any obligation to clean-up or otherwise prepare the Collateral for sale, and (b) each Debtor shall remain obligated and liable under each contract or agreement included in the Collateral to be observed or performed by such Debtor thereunder.  Neither the Agent nor any Secured Party shall have any obligation or liability under any such contract or agreement by reason of or arising out of this Agreement or the receipt by the Agent or any Secured Party of any payment relating to any of the Collateral, nor shall the Agent or any Secured Party be obligated in any manner to perform any of the obligations of any Debtor under or pursuant to any such contract or agreement, to make inquiry as to the nature or sufficiency of any payment received by the Agent or any Secured Party in respect of the Collateral or as to the sufficiency of any performance by any party under any such contract or agreement, to present or file any claim, to take any action to enforce any performance or to collect the payment of any amounts which may have been assigned to the Agent or to which the Agent or any Secured Party may be entitled at any time or times.
13.           Security Interests Absolute. All rights of the Secured Parties and all obligations of each Debtor hereunder, shall be absolute and unconditional, irrespective of: (a) any lack of validity or enforceability of this Agreement, the Notes or any agreement entered into in connection with the foregoing, or any portion hereof or thereof, against any other Debtor or Guarantor; (b) any change in the time, manner or place of payment or performance of, or in any other term of, all or any of the Obligations, or any other amendment or waiver of or any consent to any departure from the Notes or any other agreement entered into in connection with the foregoing; (c) any exchange, release or nonperfection of any of the Collateral, or any release or amendment or waiver of or consent to departure from any other collateral for, or any guarantee, or any other security, for all or any of the Obligations; (d) any action by the Secured Parties to obtain, adjust, settle and cancel in its sole discretion any insurance claims or matters made or arising in connection with the Collateral; or (e) any other circumstance which might otherwise constitute any legal or equitable defense available to a Debtor, or a discharge of all or any part of the Security Interests granted hereby.  Until the Obligations shall have been paid and performed in full (other than contingent obligations for which no claim has been made), the rights of the Secured Parties shall continue even if the Obligations are barred for any reason, including, without limitation, the running of the statute of limitations.  Each Debtor expressly waives presentment, protest, notice of protest, demand, notice of nonpayment and demand for performance. In the event that at any time any transfer of any Collateral or any payment received by the Secured Parties hereunder shall be deemed by final order of a court of competent jurisdiction to have been a voidable preference or fraudulent conveyance under the bankruptcy or insolvency laws of the United States, or shall be deemed to be otherwise due to any party other than the Secured Parties, then, in any such event, each Debtor’s obligations hereunder shall survive cancellation of this Agreement, and shall not be discharged or satisfied by any prior payment thereof and/or cancellation of this Agreement, but shall remain a valid and binding obligation enforceable in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof.  Each Debtor waives all right to require the Secured Parties to proceed against any other person or entity or to apply any Collateral which the Secured Parties may hold at any time, or to marshal assets, or to pursue any other remedy. Each Debtor waives any defense arising by reason of the application of the statute of limitations to any obligation secured hereby.
14.           Term of Agreement. This Agreement and the Security Interests shall terminate on the date on which all payments under the Notes have been indefeasibly paid in full and all other Obligations (other than contingent obligations for which no claim has been made) have been paid or discharged; provided, however, that all indemnities of the Debtors contained in this Agreement (including, without limitation, Annex B hereto) shall survive and remain operative and in full force and effect regardless of the termination of this Agreement.
15.           Power of Attorney; Further Assurances.
(a)                 Each Debtor authorizes the Agent, and does hereby make, constitute and appoint the Agent and its officers, agents, successors or assigns with full power of substitution, as such Debtor’s true and lawful attorney-in-fact, with power, in the name of the Agent or such Debtor, to, after the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default, (i) endorse any note, checks, drafts, money orders or other instruments of payment (including payments payable under or in respect of any policy of insurance) in respect of the Collateral that may come into possession of the Agent; (ii) to sign and endorse any financing statement pursuant to the UCC or any invoice, freight or express bill, bill of lading, storage or warehouse receipts, drafts against debtors, assignments, verifications and notices in connection with accounts, and other documents relating to the Collateral; (iii) to pay or discharge taxes, liens, security interests or other encumbrances at any time levied or placed on or threatened against the Collateral; (iv) to demand, collect, receipt for, compromise, settle and sue for monies due in respect of the Collateral; (v) to transfer any Intellectual Property or provide licenses respecting any Intellectual Property; and (vi) generally, at the option of the Agent, and at the expense of the Debtors, at any time, or from time to time, to execute and deliver any and all documents and instruments and to do all acts and things which the Agent deems necessary to protect, preserve and realize upon the Collateral and the Security Interests granted therein in order to effect the intent of this Agreement and the Notes all as fully and effectually as the Debtors might or could do; and each Debtor hereby ratifies all that said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.  This power of attorney is coupled with an interest and shall be irrevocable for the term of this Agreement and thereafter as long as any of the Obligations shall be outstanding.  The designation set forth herein shall be deemed to amend and supersede any inconsistent provision in the Organizational Documents or other documents or agreements to which any Debtor is subject or to which any Debtor is a party.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, after the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default, each Secured Party is specifically authorized to execute and file any applications for or instruments of transfer and assignment of any patents, trademarks, copyrights or other Intellectual Property with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the United States Copyright Office.
(b)                 Each Debtor hereby irrevocably appoints the Agent as such Debtor’s attorney-in-fact, with full authority in the place and instead of such Debtor and in the name of such Debtor, from time to time in the Agent’s discretion, to take any action and to execute any instrument which the Agent may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, including the filing, in its sole discretion, of one or more financing or continuation statements and amendments thereto, relative to any of the Collateral without the signature of such Debtor where permitted by law, which financing statements may (but need not) describe the Collateral as “all assets” or “all personal property” or words of like import, and ratifies all such actions taken by the Agent.  This power of attorney is coupled with an interest and shall be irrevocable for the term of this Agreement and thereafter as long as any of the Obligations shall be outstanding.
16.             Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be subject to the notice provision of the Purchase Agreement.
17.           Other Security. To the extent that the Obligations are now or hereafter secured by property other than the Collateral or by the guarantee, endorsement or property of any other person, firm, corporation or other entity, then the Agent shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to pursue, relinquish, subordinate, modify or take any other action with respect thereto, without in any way modifying or affecting any of the Secured Parties’ rights and remedies hereunder.
18.           Appointment of Agent.  If and as applicable, the Secured Parties hereby appoint Arena Investors LP to act as their agent (“Agent”) for purposes of exercising any and all rights and remedies of the Secured Parties hereunder. Such appointment shall continue until revoked in writing by the Secured Parties, at which time the Secured Parties shall appoint a new Agent. The Agent shall have the rights, responsibilities and immunities set forth in Annex B hereto.
19.           Miscellaneous.
(a)                 No course of dealing between the Debtors and the Secured Parties, nor any failure to exercise, nor any delay in exercising, on the part of the Secured Parties, any right, power or privilege hereunder or under the Notes shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege hereunder or thereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.
(b)                 All of the rights and remedies of the Secured Parties with respect to the Collateral, whether established hereby or by the Notes or by any other agreements, instruments or documents or by law shall be cumulative and may be exercised singly or concurrently.
(c)                 This Agreement, together with the exhibits and schedules hereto, contains the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, oral or written, with respect to such matters, which the parties acknowledge have been merged into this Agreement and the exhibits and schedules hereto. No provision of this Agreement may be waived, modified, supplemented or amended except in a written instrument signed, in the case of an amendment, by the Debtors and the Secured Party, or, in the case of a waiver, by the party against whom enforcement of any such waived provision is sought.
(d)                 If any term, provision, covenant or restriction of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms, provisions, covenants and restrictions set forth herein shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated, and the parties hereto shall use their commercially reasonable efforts to find and employ an alternative means to achieve the same or substantially the same result as that contemplated by such term, provision, covenant or restriction. It is hereby stipulated and declared to be the intention of the parties that they would have executed the remaining terms, provisions, covenants and restrictions without including any of such that may be hereafter declared invalid, illegal, void or unenforceable.
(e)                 No waiver of any default with respect to any provision, condition or requirement of this Agreement shall be deemed to be a continuing waiver in the future or a waiver of any subsequent default or a waiver of any other provision, condition or requirement hereof, nor shall any delay or omission of any party to exercise any right hereunder in any manner impair the exercise of any such right.
(f)       This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and permitted assigns.  The Company and the Subsidiaries may not assign this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the Agent (other than by merger).  Any Secured Party may assign any or all of its rights under this Agreement to any Person (as defined in the Purchase Agreement) to whom such Secured Party assigns or transfers any Obligations, provided such transferee agrees in writing to be bound, with respect to the transferred Obligations, by the provisions of this Agreement that apply to the “Secured Parties.”
(g)                 Each party shall take such further action and execute and deliver such further documents as may be necessary or appropriate in order to carry out the provisions and purposes of this Agreement.
(h)                 Except to the extent mandatorily governed by the jurisdiction or situs where the Collateral is located, all questions concerning the construction, validity, enforcement and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the internal laws of the State of New York, without regard to the principles of conflicts of law thereof.  Except to the extent mandatorily governed by the jurisdiction or situs where the Collateral is located, each Debtor agrees that all proceedings concerning the interpretations, enforcement and defense of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the Notes (whether brought against a party hereto or its respective affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders, partners, members, employees or agents) shall be commenced exclusively in the state and federal courts sitting in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan.  Except to the extent mandatorily governed by the jurisdiction or situs where the Collateral is located, each Debtor hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts sitting in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan for the adjudication of any dispute hereunder or in connection herewith or with any transaction contemplated hereby or discussed herein, and hereby irrevocably waives, and agrees not to assert in any proceeding, any claim that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of any such court, that such proceeding is improper.   Each party hereto hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all right to trial by jury in any legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.
(i)       This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same Agreement. In the event that any signature is delivered by facsimile transmission, such signature shall create a valid binding obligation of the party executing (or on whose behalf such signature is executed) the same with the same force and effect as if such facsimile signature were the original thereof.
(j)       All Debtors shall jointly and severally be liable for the obligations of each Debtor to the Secured Parties hereunder.
(k)                 Each Debtor agrees to indemnify, pay and hold harmless the Agent and the Secured Parties and their respective assignees and affiliates and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, consultants, auditors, and attorneys of any of them (collectively, “Indemnitees”) from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits, claims, costs, expenses and disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever (including the reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel for such Indemnitees in connection with any investigative, administrative or judicial proceeding commenced or threatened, whether or not such Purchaser Indemnitee shall be designated a party thereto) imposed on, incurred by or asserted against such Indemnitee in any way related to or arising from or alleged to arise from this Agreement or the Collateral, except any such losses, claims, liabilities, damages, penalties, suits, costs and expenses which result from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitee as determined by a final, nonappealable decision of a court of competent jurisdiction; provided that the Debtors shall not be obligated to indemnify the Indemnitees, or have any liability, in excess of the aggregate Purchase Price (as defined in the Purchase Agreement).  This indemnification provision is in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other indemnification provision in the Notes, the Purchase Agreement or any other agreement, instrument or other document executed or delivered in connection herewith or therewith.
(l)       Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to subject Agent or any Secured Party to liability as a partner in any Debtor or any if its direct or indirect subsidiaries that is a partnership or as a member in any Debtor or any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries that is a limited liability company, nor shall Agent or any Secured Party be deemed to have assumed any obligations under any partnership agreement or limited liability company agreement, as applicable, of any such Debtor or any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries or otherwise, unless and until any such Secured Party exercises its right to be substituted for such Debtor as a partner or member, as applicable, pursuant hereto.
(m)                 To the extent that the grant of the security interest in the Collateral and the enforcement of the terms hereof require the consent, approval or action of any partner or member, as applicable, of any Debtor or any direct or indirect subsidiary of any Debtor or compliance with any provisions of any of the Organizational Documents, the Debtors hereby represent that all such consents and approvals have been obtained.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amended and Restated Security Agreement to be duly executed on the day and year first above written.

 Lawrence Cutler
 Authorized Signatory
 Lawrence Cutler
 Authorized Signatory
 Lawrence Cutler
 Authorized Signatory
 Lawrence Cutler
 Authorized Signatory
 Lawrence Cutler
 Authorized Signatory

Amended and Restated Security Agreement dated as of May __, 2021 made by Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (formerly known as Transworld Holdings, Inc. and GoIP Global, Inc., a Colorado corporation) and its subsidiaries party thereto from time to time, as Debtors to and in favor of the Secured Parties identified therein (the “Security Agreement”).
Reference is made to the Security Agreement as defined above; capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings given to such terms in, or by reference in, the Security Agreement.
The undersigned hereby agrees that, upon delivery of this Additional Debtor Joinder to the Secured Parties referred to above, the undersigned shall (a) be an Additional Debtor under the Security Agreement, (b) have all the rights and obligations of the Debtors under the Security Agreement as fully and to the same extent as if the undersigned was an original signatory thereto and (c) be deemed to have made the representations and warranties set forth therein as of the date of execution and delivery of this Additional Debtor Joinder.  WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, THE UNDERSIGNED SPECIFICALLY GRANTS TO THE SECURED PARTIES A SECURITY INTEREST IN THE COLLATERAL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE SECURITY AGREEMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES TO THE WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL PROVISIONS SET FORTH THEREIN.
Attached hereto are supplemental and/or replacement Disclosure Schedules to the Security Agreement, as applicable.
An executed copy of this Joinder shall be delivered to the Secured Parties, and the Secured Parties may rely on the matters set forth herein on or after the date hereof.  This Joinder shall not be modified, amended or terminated without the prior written consent of the Secured Parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this Joinder to be executed in the name and on behalf of the undersigned.
[Name of Additional Debtor]

1.           Appointment.  The Secured Parties (all capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the respective meanings provided in the Security Agreement to which this Annex B is attached (the “Agreement”)), by their acceptance of the benefits of the Agreement, hereby designate Arena Investors LP (“Agent”) as the Agent to act as specified herein and in the Agreement.  Each Secured Party shall be deemed irrevocably to authorize the Agent to take such action on its behalf under the provisions of the Agreement and any other Transaction Document (as such term is defined in the Purchase Agreement) and to exercise such powers and to perform such duties hereunder and thereunder as are specifically delegated to or required of the Agent by the terms hereof and thereof and such other powers as are reasonably incidental thereto.  The Agent may perform any of its duties hereunder by or through its agents or employees.
2.           Nature of Duties.  The Agent shall have no duties or responsibilities except those expressly set forth in the Agreement.  Neither the Agent nor any of its partners, members, shareholders, officers, directors, employees or agents shall be liable for any action taken or omitted by it as such under the Agreement or hereunder or in connection herewith or therewith, be responsible for the consequence of any oversight or error of judgment or answerable for any loss, unless caused solely by its or their gross negligence or willful misconduct as determined by a final judgment (not subject to further appeal) of a court of competent jurisdiction.  The duties of the Agent shall be mechanical and administrative in nature; the Agent shall not have by reason of the Agreement or any other Transaction Document a fiduciary relationship in respect of any Debtor or any Secured Party; and nothing in the Agreement or any other Transaction Document (as defined in the Purchase Agreement), expressed or implied, is intended to or shall be so construed as to impose upon the Agent any obligations in respect of the Agreement or any other Transaction Document except as expressly set forth herein and therein.
3.           Lack of Reliance on the Agent.  Independently and without reliance upon the Agent, each Secured Party, to the extent it deems appropriate, has made and shall continue to make (i) its own independent investigation of the financial condition and affairs of the Company and its subsidiaries in connection with such Secured Party’s investment in the Debtors, the creation and continuance of the Obligations, the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents, and the taking or not taking of any action in connection therewith, and (ii) its own appraisal of the creditworthiness of the Company and its subsidiaries, and of the value of the Collateral from time to time, and the Agent shall have no duty or responsibility, either initially or on a continuing basis, to provide any Secured Party with any credit, market or other information with respect thereto, whether coming into its possession before any Obligations are incurred or at any time or times thereafter.  The Agent shall not be responsible to the Debtors or any Secured Party for any recitals, statements, information, representations or warranties herein or in any document, certificate or other writing delivered in connection herewith, or for the execution, effectiveness, genuineness, validity, enforceability, perfection, collectability, priority or sufficiency of the Agreement or any other Transaction Document, or for the financial condition of the Debtors or the value of any of the Collateral, or be required to make any inquiry concerning either the performance or observance of any of the terms, provisions or conditions of the Agreement or any other Transaction Document, or the financial condition of the Debtors, or the value of any of the Collateral, or the existence or possible existence of any default or Event of Default under the Agreement, the Notes or any of the other Transaction Documents.
4.      Certain Rights of the Agent.  The Agent shall have the right to take any action with respect to the Collateral, on behalf of all of the Secured Parties.  To the extent practical, the Agent shall request instructions from the Secured Parties with respect to any material act or action (including failure to act) in connection with the Agreement or any other Transaction Document, and shall be entitled to act or refrain from acting in accordance with the instructions of the Secured Party; if such instructions are not provided despite the Agent’s request therefor, the Agent shall be entitled to refrain from such act or taking such action, and if such action is taken, shall be entitled to appropriate indemnification from the Secured Parties in respect of actions to be taken by the Agent; and the Agent shall not incur liability to any person or entity by reason of so refraining.  Without limiting the foregoing, (a) no Secured Party shall have any right of action whatsoever against the Agent as a result of the Agent acting or refraining from acting hereunder in accordance with the terms of the Agreement or any other Transaction Document, and the Debtors shall have no right to question or challenge the authority of, or the instructions given to, the Agent pursuant to the foregoing and (b) the Agent shall not be required to take any action that the Agent believes (i) could reasonably be expected to expose it to personal liability or (ii) is contrary to this Agreement, the Transaction Documents or applicable law.
5.      Reliance.  The Agent shall be entitled to rely, and shall be fully protected in relying, upon any writing, resolution, notice, statement, certificate, telex, teletype or facsimile message, cablegram, radiogram, order or other document or telephone message signed, sent or made by the proper person or entity, and, with respect to all legal matters pertaining to the Agreement and the other Transaction Documents and its duties thereunder, upon advice of counsel selected by it and upon all other matters pertaining to this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents and its duties thereunder, upon advice of other experts selected by it.  Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, the Agent shall have no obligation whatsoever to any Secured Party to assure that the Collateral exists or is owned by the Debtors or is cared for, protected or insured or that the liens granted pursuant to the Agreement have been properly or sufficiently or lawfully created, perfected, or enforced or are entitled to any particular priority.
6.      Indemnification.  To the extent that the Agent is not reimbursed and indemnified by the Debtors, the Secured Parties will jointly and severally reimburse and indemnify the Agent, in proportion to their initially purchased respective principal amounts of Notes, from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits, costs, expenses or disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever which may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Agent in performing its duties hereunder or under the Agreement or any other Transaction Document, or in any way relating to or arising out of the Agreement or any other Transaction Document except for those determined by a final judgment (not subject to further appeal) of a court of competent jurisdiction to have resulted solely from the Agent’s own gross negligence or willful misconduct.  Prior to taking any action hereunder as Agent, the Agent may require each Secured Party to deposit with it sufficient sums as it determines in good faith is necessary to protect the Agent for costs and expenses associated with taking such action.
7.      Resignation by the Agent.
(a)                 The Agent may resign from the performance of all its functions and duties under the Agreement and the other Transaction Documents at any time by giving 30 days’ prior written notice (as provided in the Agreement) to the Debtors and the Secured Parties.  Such resignation shall take effect upon the appointment of a successor Agent pursuant to clauses (b) and (c) below.
(b)                 Upon any such notice of resignation, the Secured Parties shall appoint a successor Agent hereunder.
(c)                 If a successor Agent shall not have been so appointed within said thirty (30)-day period, the Agent shall then appoint a successor Agent who shall serve as Agent until such time, if any, as the Secured Parties appoint a successor Agent as provided above.  If a successor Agent has not been appointed within such thirty (30)-day period, the Agent may petition any court of competent jurisdiction or may interplead the Debtors and the Secured Parties in a proceeding for the appointment of a successor Agent, and all fees, including, but not limited to, extraordinary fees associated with the filing of interpleader and expenses associated therewith, shall be payable by the Debtors on demand.
8.      Rights with respect to Collateral.  Each Secured Party agrees with all other Secured Parties and the Agent (i) that it shall not, and shall not attempt to, exercise any rights with respect to its security interest in the Collateral, whether pursuant to any other agreement or otherwise (other than pursuant to this Agreement), or take or institute any action against the Agent or any of the other Secured Parties in respect of the Collateral or its rights hereunder (other than any such action arising from the breach of this Agreement) and (ii) that such Secured Party has no other rights with respect to the Collateral other than as set forth in this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents.  Upon the acceptance of any appointment as Agent hereunder by a successor Agent, such successor Agent shall thereupon succeed to and become vested with all the rights, powers, privileges and duties of the retiring Agent and the retiring Agent shall be discharged from its duties and obligations under the Agreement.  After any retiring Agent’s resignation or removal hereunder as Agent, the provisions of the Agreement including this Annex B shall inure to its benefit as to any actions taken or omitted to be taken by it while it was Agent.

  Exhibit 10.22
THIS GUARANTY AGREEMENT (this “Guaranty”) is entered into as of May 19, 2021 by and among each of the parties identified as a Guarantor on the signature pages hereto (each, a “Guarantor”, and collectively, the “Guarantors”), in favor of the purchasers signatory to the Securities Purchase Agreements (as defined below) (together with their respective successors and assigns, including, any future holder of the Notes (as defined below), the “Holders”). Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Securities Purchase Agreements (as defined below).
WHEREAS, pursuant to a Securities Purchase Agreement, dated as of May 8, 2020 (as amended and in effect from time to time, including any replacement agreement therefor, the “May 2020 Securities Purchase Agreement”), among Charge Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (formerly known as Transworld Holdings, Inc. and GoIP Global, Inc., a Colorado corporation) (the “Company”) and the Holders, the Holders have extended credit to the Company as evidenced by certain Senior Secured Convertible Notes in the aggregate principal amount of $3,000,000.00 issued by the Company to the Holders (together with any notes issued in exchange therefor or replacement thereof or any additional investment made by the Holders and as the same may be amended, supplemented, restated or otherwise modified from time to time, the “May 2020 Senior Notes”);
WHEREAS, pursuant to a Securities Purchase Agreement, dated as of November 3, 2020 (as amended and in effect from time to time, including any replacement agreement therefor, the “November 2020 Securities Purchase Agreement”) among the Company and the Holders, the Holders have extended credit to the Company as evidenced by certain Senior Secured Convertible Notes in the aggregate principal amount of $3,888,889.00 issued by the Company to the Holders (together with any notes issued in exchange therefor or replacement thereof or any additional investment made by the Holders and as the same may be amended, supplemented, restated or otherwise modified from time to time, the “November 2020 Senior Notes”);
WHEREAS, pursuant to a Securities Purchase Agreement, dated as of the date hereof (as amended and in effect from time to time, including any replacement agreement therefor, the “May 2021 Securities Purchase Agreement” and together with the May 2020 Securities Purchase Agreement and the November 2020 Securities Purchase Agreement, the “Securities Purchase Agreements”), among the Company and the Holders, the Holders have extended credit to the Company as evidenced by certain Senior Secured Convertible Notes in the aggregate principal amount of $5,610,000 and certain Senior Secured Non-convertible Notes in the aggregate principal amount of $11,032,609.00 issued by the Company to the Holders (together with any notes issued in exchange therefor or replacement thereof or any additional investment made by the Holders and as the same may be amended, supplemented, restated or otherwise modified from time to time, the “May 2021 Senior Notes” and together with the May 2020 Senior Notes and the November 2020 Senior Notes, the “Senior Notes”); and
WHEREAS, each Guarantor will derive substantial direct and indirect benefit from the provision of the loans evidenced by the Notes.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1.           The Guaranty. Each Guarantor hereby guarantees, as a co-obligor and not merely as surety, to the Holders, the prompt payment of all Liabilities (including without limitation principal, premium if any, and interest (including all interest that accrues after the commencement of any proceeding under Applicable Insolvency Laws of the Company or any Guarantor (the Company and each Guarantor collectively referred to herein as the “Note Parties” and each individually, a “Note Party”) at the rate provided in the respective Transaction Document, whether or not a claim for post-petition interest is allowed in such proceeding under Applicable Insolvency Laws) on the Notes, and all obligations which, but for the automatic stay under 11 U.S.C. Section 362 (or similar successor statute), would become due), whenever arising, in full when due (whether at stated maturity, as a mandatory prepayment, by acceleration or otherwise in accordance with any Transaction Document) strictly in accordance with the terms thereof (hereinafter, collectively, the “Guaranteed Obligations”). Each Guarantor hereby further agrees that if any of the Guaranteed Obligations are not paid in full when due (whether at stated maturity, as a mandatory prepayment, by acceleration or otherwise in accordance with any Transaction Document), such Guarantor will promptly pay the same, without any demand or notice whatsoever, and that in the case of any extension of time of payment or renewal of any of the Guaranteed Obligations, the same will be promptly paid in full when due (whether at extended maturity, as a mandatory prepayment, by acceleration or otherwise in accordance with any Transaction Document) in accordance with the terms of such extension or renewal. This Guaranty is a guaranty of payment and not of collection. This Guaranty is a continuing guaranty and shall apply to all Guaranteed Obligations whenever arising.
2.           Joint and Several Liability.
(a)           Each of the Guarantors is accepting joint and several liability hereunder in consideration of the financial accommodations to be provided by the Holders under the Transaction Documents, for the mutual benefit, directly and indirectly, of each of the Note Parties and other Guarantors (if any) and in consideration of the undertakings of each of the Guarantors to accept joint and several liability for the obligations of each of the Note Parties.
(b)           Each of the Guarantors jointly and severally hereby irrevocably and unconditionally accepts, not merely as a surety but also as a co-obligor, joint and several liability with the other Guarantors with respect to the payment and performance of all of the Guaranteed Obligations, it being the intention of the parties hereto that all the Guaranteed Obligations shall be the joint and several obligations of the Guarantors without preferences or distinction among them.
(c)           If and to the extent that any of the Note Parties or Guarantors shall fail to make any payment with respect to any of the Guaranteed Obligations as and when due or to perform any of the Guaranteed Obligations in accordance with the terms thereof, then in each such event, the other Guarantors will make such payment with respect to, or perform, such Guaranteed Obligation.
3.           Obligations Unconditional. The obligations of each of the Guarantors under Section 1 hereof are absolute and unconditional, irrespective of the value, genuineness, validity, regularity or enforceability of any of the Transaction Documents, or any other agreement or instrument referred to therein, or any substitution, release or exchange of any other guaranty of or security for any of the Guaranteed Obligations, and, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, irrespective of any other circumstance whatsoever which might otherwise constitute a legal or equitable discharge or defense of a surety or guarantor other than payment in full of the Guaranteed Obligations (other than contingent indemnification obligations to the extent no claim giving rise thereto has been asserted) and termination of the Purchase Agreements in accordance with their terms, it being the intent of this Section 3 that the obligations of each Guarantor hereunder shall be absolute and unconditional under any and all circumstances. Each Guarantor agrees that it shall have no right of subrogation, indemnity, reimbursement or contribution against any Note Party for amounts paid under this Guaranty until the Guaranteed Obligations are paid in full (other than contingent indemnification obligations to the extent no claim giving rise thereto has been asserted) and the Purchase Agreements have terminated in accordance with its terms. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it is agreed that, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the occurrence of any one or more of the following shall not alter or impair the liability of any Guarantor hereunder which shall remain absolute and unconditional as described above:
(a)           at any time or from time to time, without notice to any Guarantor, the time for any performance of or compliance with any of the Guaranteed Obligations shall be extended, or such performance or compliance shall be waived;
(b)           any of the acts mentioned in any of the provisions of any of the Purchase Agreements, the Transaction Documents, or any other agreement or instrument referred to in the Purchase Agreements or the Transaction Documents shall be done or omitted;
(c)           the maturity of any of the Guaranteed Obligations shall be accelerated, or any of the Guaranteed Obligations shall be modified, supplemented or amended in any respect, or any right under any of the Purchase Agreements, the Transaction Documents, or any other agreement or instrument referred to in the Purchase Agreements or the Transaction Documents shall be waived or any other guarantee of any of the Guaranteed Obligations or any security therefor shall be released or exchanged in whole or in part or otherwise dealt with, in each case, in accordance with the Transaction Documents; or
(d)           any of the Guaranteed Obligations shall be determined to be void or voidable (including, without limitation, for the benefit of any creditor of any Guarantor) or shall be subordinated to the claims of any Person (including, without limitation, any creditor of any Guarantor).
4.           Reinstatement. The obligations of each Guarantor under this Guaranty shall be automatically reinstated if and to the extent that for any reason any payment by or on behalf of any Person in respect of the Guaranteed Obligations is rescinded or must be otherwise restored by any holder of any of the Guaranteed Obligations, whether as a result of any proceedings in bankruptcy or reorganization or otherwise, and each Guarantor agrees that it will indemnify each Holder on demand for all reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable fees and out-of-pocket expenses of counsel) incurred by any Holder in connection with such rescission or restoration, including any such costs and expenses incurred in defending against any claim alleging that such payment constituted a preference, fraudulent transfer or similar payment under any bankruptcy, insolvency or similar law.
5.           Certain Additional Waivers. With respect to its obligations hereunder, each Guarantor hereby expressly waives diligence, presentment, demand of payment, protest and all notices whatsoever, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and any requirement that any Holder exhaust any right, power or remedy or proceed against any Person under any of the Purchase Agreements, the Transaction Documents or any other agreement or instrument referred to in the Purchase Agreements or the Transaction Documents, or against any other Person under any other guarantee of, or security for, any of the Guaranteed Obligations.
6.           Remedies. Each Guarantor agrees that, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, as between such Guarantor and the Holders, the Guaranteed Obligations may be declared to be forthwith due and payable for purposes of Section 1 hereof notwithstanding any stay, injunction or other prohibition preventing such declaration (or preventing the Guaranteed Obligations from becoming automatically due and payable) as against any other Person and that, in the event of such declaration (or the Guaranteed Obligations being deemed to have become automatically due and payable), the Guaranteed Obligations (whether or not due and payable by any other Person) shall forthwith become due and payable by the Guarantors for purposes of said Section 1.
7.           Limitation on Guaranteed Obligations. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained herein or in any other of the Transaction Documents, the obligations of each Guarantor hereunder shall be limited to an aggregate amount equal to the largest amount that would not render its obligations hereunder subject to avoidance under applicable law (whether federal or state and including, without limitation, 11 U.S.C. Section 548 (or similar successor statute)), after taking into account, among other things, such Guarantor’s right of contribution and indemnification from each other Guarantor under applicable law.
The Guarantors hereby agree, as among themselves, that if any Guarantor shall become an Excess Funding Company (as defined below), each other Guarantor shall, on demand of such Excess Funding Company (but subject to the next sentence hereof and to subsection (B) below), pay to such Excess Funding Company an amount equal to such Guarantor’s Pro Rata Share (as defined below and determined, for this purpose, without reference to the properties, assets, liabilities and debts of such Excess Funding Company) of such Excess Funding Company’s Excess Payment (as defined below). The payment obligation of any Guarantor to any Excess Funding Company under this Section 7 shall be subordinate and subject in right of payment to the prior payment in full of the Guaranteed Obligations of such Guarantor under the other provisions of this Guaranty, and such Excess Funding Company shall not exercise any right or remedy with respect to such excess until payment and satisfaction in full of all of such Guaranteed Obligations. For purposes hereof, (i) “Excess Funding Company” means, in respect of any Guaranteed Obligations arising under the other provisions of this Guaranty (hereafter, the “Joint Obligations”), a Guarantor that has paid an amount in excess of its Pro Rata Share of the Joint Obligations; (ii) “Excess Payment” means, in respect of any Joint Obligations, the amount paid by an Excess Funding Company in excess of its Pro Rata Share of such Joint Obligations; and (iii) “Pro Rata Share”, for the purposes of this Section 7, means, for any Guarantor, the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of (A) the amount by which the aggregate present fair salable value of all of its assets and properties exceeds the amount of all debts and liabilities of such Guarantor (including contingent, subordinated, unmatured, and unliquidated liabilities, but excluding the obligations of such Guarantor hereunder) to (B) the amount by which the aggregate present fair salable value of all assets and other properties of such Guarantor and all of the other Note Parties exceeds the amount of all of the debts and liabilities (including contingent, subordinated, unmatured, and unliquidated liabilities, but excluding the obligations of such Guarantor and the other Note Parties hereunder) of such Guarantor and all of the other Note Parties, all as of the Closing Date (if any Guarantor becomes a party hereto subsequent to the Closing Date, then for the purposes of this Section 7 such subsequent Guarantor shall be deemed to have been a Guarantor as of the Closing Date and the information pertaining to, and only pertaining to, such Guarantor as of the date such Guarantor became a Guarantor shall be deemed true as of the Closing Date).
8.           Representations.
(a)           Each Guarantor hereby represents and warrants that it is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation or incorporation and in each other jurisdiction in which the failure to be so qualified could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.
(b)           Each Guarantor further represents and warrants that it has the power and authority to enter into this Guaranty and to perform its obligations and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and has by proper action duly authorized the execution and delivery of this Guaranty.
(c)           Each Guarantor further represents and warrants that this Guaranty constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of such Guarantor enforceable in accordance with its terms, subject to bankruptcy laws and other similar laws of general application affecting rights of creditors and subject to the application of the rules of equity, including those respecting the availability of specific performance.
(d)           Each Guarantor further represents and warrants that it has knowledge of the other Note Parties’ financial condition and affairs and represents and agrees that it will keep so informed while this Guaranty is in force. Each Guarantor agrees that no Holder will have any obligation to investigate the financial condition or affairs of the other Note Parties for the benefit of such Guarantor nor to advise such Guarantor of any fact respecting, or any change in, the financial condition or affairs of the other Note Parties which might come to the knowledge of the Holders at any time, whether or not any Holder knows or believes or has reason to know or believe that any such fact or change is unknown to such Guarantor or might (or does) materially increase the risk of such Guarantor as a guarantor or might (or would) affect the willingness of such Guarantor to continue as a guarantor with respect to the Guaranteed Obligations.
9.           Incorporated Provisions. Each Guarantor acknowledges, agrees to, and agrees to perform, as applicable, all of the representations, warranties, covenants, waivers and other provisions pertaining to it as a Guarantor or Subsidiary contained in any Transaction Document.
10.           Amendment. This Guaranty may be amended or modified only in a writing executed by the parties hereto.
11.           Termination. This Guaranty shall terminate automatically upon the indefeasible payment in full in cash of the Guaranteed Obligations. Upon the sale, transfer, conveyance or other disposition of all of the equity interests of any Guarantor in a transaction permitted pursuant to the Transaction Documents (other than to a Note Party) and the application of the proceeds thereof as provided in the Transaction Documents, such Guarantor shall cease to be a “Guarantor” for purposes of the Transaction Documents and shall be released from its obligations hereunder.
12.           Counterparts. This Guaranty may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which where so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. It shall not be necessary in making proof of this Guaranty to produce or account for more than one such counterpart. Facsimile or electronic transmissions of any executed original document and/or retransmission of any executed facsimile or electronic transmission shall be deemed to be the same as the delivery of an executed original. At the request of any party hereto, the other parties hereto shall confirm such transmissions by executing duplicate original documents and delivering the same to the requesting party or parties.
13.           Headings. The headings of the sections and subsections hereof are provided for convenience only and shall not in any way affect the meaning, construction or interpretation of any provision of this Guaranty.
15.           Entirety. This Guaranty represents the entire agreement of the parties hereto and thereto, and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, oral or written, if any, including any commitment letters or correspondence relating to the transactions contemplated herein.
16.           Holder Assigns. This Guaranty is intended for and shall inure to the benefit of each and every person who shall from time to time be or become the owner or holder of (or participant in) any of the Guaranteed Obligations, and each and every reference herein to a “Holder” shall include and refer to each and every successor or assignee of a Holder, as applicable, at any time holding or owning any part of or interest (or participation) in any part of the Guaranteed Obligations. Each Holder shall be entitled to rely upon and be the third party beneficiary of the provisions of this Guaranty and shall be entitled to enforce the terms and provisions hereof to the same extent as if such Holder were directly party hereto. This Guaranty shall be transferable and negotiable by such Persons only with the same force and effect, and to the same extent, that the Guaranteed Obligations are transferable and negotiable, it being understood and stipulated that upon assignment or transfer by any Holder of any of the Guaranteed Obligations the legal holder or owner of said Guaranteed Obligations (or a part thereof or interest therein thus transferred or assigned by a Holder) shall (except as otherwise stipulated by a Holder in its assignment) have and may exercise all of the rights granted to the Holders under this Guaranty to the extent of that part of or interest in the Guaranteed Obligations thus assigned or transferred to said person. Each Guarantor expressly waives notice of transfer or assignment of the Guaranteed Obligations, or any part thereof, or of the rights of the Holders hereunder. Failure to give notice will not affect the liabilities of any Guarantor hereunder.
[Signature Page Follows]

Each of the parties hereto has caused a counterpart of this Guaranty to be duly executed and delivered as of the date first above written.
[Signature Page to Guaranty Agreement (Transworld)]
Accepted and agreed to as of the date first above written.
 Lawrence Cutler
 Authorized Signatory
 Lawrence Cutler
 Authorized Signatory
 Lawrence Cutler
 Authorized Signatory
 Lawrence Cutler
 Authorized Signatory
 Lawrence Cutler
 Authorized Signatory
[Signature Page to Guaranty Agreement (Transworld)]
Exhibit 23.1
We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in this Registration Statement on Form S-1 of GoIP Global, Inc. of our report dated June 4, 2020, relating to the audited balance sheets of GoIP Global, Inc. as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, and the related statements of operations, changes in stockholders’ deficit and cash flows, and the related notes for the years then ended.
/s/ Accell Audit & Compliance, P.A.
Tampa, Florida
June 11, 2021
Exhibit 23.2
Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
We consent to the incorporation by reference in this Registration Statement on Form S-1 of Charge Enterprises, Inc of our report dated May 7, 2021, relating to our audit of the consolidated financial statements for Charge Enterprises Inc. and subsidiaries as of and for the years ended December 31, 2020.
We also consent to the reference to our Firm under the caption “Experts” in the Prospectus, which is part of this Registration Statement.
/s/Seligson & Giannattasio, LLP
Seligson & Giannattasio, LLP
White Plains, New York
June 11, 2021
Exhibit 23.3
We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in this Registration Statement on Form S-1 of Get Charged Inc, Inc. of our report dated July 27, 2020 (except for note 9 as to which the date is May 11, 2021), relating to the audited balance sheets of Get Charged Inc., as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, and the related statements of operations, changes in stockholders’ deficit and cash flows, and the related notes for the years then ended.
/s/ K.K. Mehta CPA Associates PLLC
Bishok  Dhungana (Brian), CPA, MSA
June 11, 2021
Exhibit 23.4
Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
We consent to the incorporation by reference in this Registration Statement on Form S-1 of Charge Enterprises, Inc of our report dated February 3, 2021, except for note 10 as to which the date is June 3, 2021, relating to our audit of the consolidated financial statements for PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc and subsidiaries as of and for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018. Our report included an explanatory paragraph expressing substantial doubt about the ability of PTGI International Carrier Services, Inc. to continue as a going concern.
We also consent to the reference to our Firm under the caption “Experts” in the Prospectus, which is part of this Registration Statement.
/s/Seligson & Giannattasio, LLP
Seligson & Giannattasio, LLP
White Plains, New York
June 11, 2021